CATALOGUE OF THE NEW-YORK STATE LIBRARY: 1861. GENERAL LIBRARY: FIRST SUPPLEMENT. I. TITLES. II. INDEX OF SUBJECTS. ALBANY: 011ARLES VAN BENTHUYSEN. 1861. PREFATORY NOTICE. In 1855 a complete catalogue of the New York State Library was published. - The Trustees of the Library, though authorized by law to publish at this time a like catalogue, have deemed it proper to issue supplements instead of full catalogues, until the library has attained such a magnitude as to warrant the embodiment of the whole into a single work. They now present the first supplement to the catalogue of the General Library. Those of the Law Library, and of the manuscripts, engravings, coins, medals, etc., are in course of preparation, and will follow in due time. These supplements will be properly distributed, and together with the catalogue of 1855 will form really one work, exhibiting the present condition of the Library, and opening its treasures to all who wish to explore them. This volume contains the titles of works added since the publication of the catalogue of 1855, with such titles of that catalogue as it has been thought best to modify. The whole number of volumes in the Library at that date was 43,634; of which 13,623 were in the Law Library, and 30,011 in the General Library. The aggregate number now on the shelves is 59,167, being an increase, since the last publication, of 15,533 volumes; of which 11,774 are additions to the General Library, and 3,759 to the Law Library. Among the additions are twelve thousand pamphlets and two thousand almanacs, which have been bound in six hundred volumes. The pamphlets are about one-half British, and the other half American. The titles of all of them are recorded in their alphabetical places in the Catalogue. The names of iv PREFATORY NOTICE. the real or supposed authors of six hundred of such books and pamphlets, as were published anonymously, have been ascertained from the best sources, and are appended to the titles, with cross-references. The most noticeable of all the additions is the immense series, amounting already to nearly seven hundred volumes, containing 30,000 Specifications and Drawings of the British Patents, from the commencement to the present time. This magnificent publication of the British Government surpasses, in extent and expense, any single undertaking of the press since the invention of printing, and its value, both for the History of Invention and for Inventors, is inestimable. The number of complete sets is very limited: the State Library was highly favored therefore in the gift of a copy from the British Commissioners of Patents, which was obtained on the personal representations of Mr. Pruyn, chairman of this committee. From the King of Denmark, has been received, through the kind offices of Col. De RIasloff, the Charge d' affaires of Denmark to this country, the splendid work of Dr. C. R. Lepsius, on the Monumental Antiquities of Egypt and Ethiopia, in twelve volumes imperial folio; and from the King of Prussia, the complete works of Frederick II, in fifteen volumes quarto. The present catalogue is constructed on the same general principles with that of 1855, with some new features to render it more useful; the Explanations preceding the first page will show for the most part what the improvements are. The labor of its preparation has been performed by Mr. Homes, one of the assistant librarians, with occasional aid from the other officers of the Library. The Trustees bear cheerful testimony to the ability and zeal with which the work has been executed. JOHN V. L. PRUYN, JOHN N. CAMPBELL, GULIAN C. VERPLANCK, JOHN LORIMER GRAHAM, ROBERT G. RANKIN, J. CARSON BREVOORT, Committee on the Library. December 1861. TRUSTEES OF THE STATE LIBRARY. THE REGENTS.OF THE UNIVERSITY OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK, EX OFFICIO. GERRIT Y. LANSING, LL.D, Chancellor. JOHN V. L. PRUYN, LL.D. G. C. VERPLANCK, LL.D., Vice Chanc'r. REV. SAMUEL LUCKEY, D.D. EDWIN D. MORGAN, Governor. ROBERT G. RANKIN. ROBERT CAMPBELL, Lieut. Governor. REV. J. N. CAMPBELL, D.D. D. HI. F. JONES, Secretary of State. ERASTUS C. BENEDICT. -..- -- Superintendent of GEORGE W. CLINTON. Public Instruction. REv. ISAAC PARKS, D.D. ERASTUS CORNING. LORENZO BURROWS. PROSPER M. WETMORE. ROBERT S. HALE. JOHN LORIMER GRAHAM. ELIAS W. LEAVENWORTH. GIDEON HAWLEY, LL.D. J. CARSON BREVOORT. JAMES S. WADSWORTH. MR. PRUYN, MR. VERPLANCK, REV. DR. CAMPBELL, MR. GRAHAM, MR. BREVOORT, iMR. RANKIN. S. B. WOOLWORTH, LL.D., Secretary of the Trustees, and of the Library Committlee. ALFRED B. STREET, Librarian. IHENRY A. IOMES, ) JOHN H. HICKCOX, ~ assistant Librarians. S. G. W. BENJAMIN, THE LAWS AND REGULATIONS RELATIVE TO THE NEW-YOtRK STATE LIBRARY. IO EXTRACTS FROM THlE LAWS OF THE STATE, R:ELATIVE TO THE LIBRARY. SECTION 1*. The Regents of the University of the State of New-York are hereby constituted, and shall continue, the Trustees of the State Library. Laws of 1844: Chap. 255, sgec. 1. ~ 2. The trustees hereby appointed shall have power from time to time to appoint a librarian to superintend and take care of said library, and to prescribe such rules and regulations for the -government of the library as they shall think proper, and to remove -the librarian fat any time when they shall deem it expedient; but for the purpose of removing or appointing a librarian, twelve of the said trustees shall be required to form a quorum. Same chapter, sec. 3. ~ 3. The assistant librarian and messenger shall be appointed, by the trus-,tees of the library. Laws of 1848: Chap. 262, sec. 2. For Second Assistant, see Laws of 1855, chap. 538, sec 1; and chap. 539, sec. 1; for Third Assistan't, see Laws of 1858, chap, 333, sec. 1. ~ 4. The State Library shall be kept open every day in the year, Sundays excepted, during such hours in each day as the trustees of the said library may direct. Laws of 1844: Chap. 255, sec. 5. ~ 5. The librarian shall be constant in his personal attendance upon the library during the hours it shall be directed to be kept open, and shall perform such other duties as may be imposed by law or by the rules and regulations which may be prescribed by the said trustees. Same chapter, sec.- 6. ~ 6. The acting trustees will from time to time give directions to the librarian in relation to the proper and safekeeping of the books, maps, charts, and other property belonginig to the said library; and may, by way of amercement for every violation or neglect of duty, suspend or deduct from his salary or emolument any part thereof, not exceeding half of -it in any'one year. Laws of:1840::Chap. 381, sec. 3. ~ 7. The trustees of the State Library may from time to time sell or exchange duplicate or imperfect books belonging to the library, not necessary for the use thereof. Laws of 1845: Chap. 85, see. 3. ~ The sections are, for convenience, numbered without reference to their original numbers. viii LAWS AND REGULATIONS ~ 8. It shall be the duty of the trustees of the State Library annually to report to the legislature the manner in which the moneys by them received during the year preceding have been expended; together with a true and perfect catalogue of all the books, maps and charts which have been added~to the library since the/date! of the last preceding annual report; and whether any, and, if so, what books, maps and charts have been lost; and, also, at the end of every five years, to report in like manner a full and perfect catalogue of all the books, maps and charts then remaining in the library. Laws of 1844: Chap. 255, see. 7. ~ 9. It shall be the duty of the trustees to provide, in their regulations, that any member of the senate or assembly, during the session of the legislature, or during the sitting of the court for the correction of errors*, or of the senate only, shall be permitted, under proper restrictions, forfeitures and penalties, to take to his boarding-house or private room any book belonging to the library, except such books as the trustees shall determine are necessary always to be kept in the library as books of reference; but no member of the legislature shall be permitted to take or detain from the library more than two volumes at at any one time. R. S. Part 1, chapter 8, title 8, sec. 6. ~ 10. Before the President of the senate, or the Speaker of the assembly, shall grant to any member a certificate of the time of his attendance, he shall be satisfied that such member has returned all books taken out of the library by him, and has settled all accounts for fines for injuring such books or otherwise. - Same title, sec. 7. ~ 11. It shall also be the duty of the trustees to provide in their regulations -that no book, map, or other publication shall be at any time taken out of the library by any other person than a member of the legislature, for any purpose whatever. Same title, see 8. ~ 12. The heads of the several departments, and the trustees of the State Library, shall have the. same right to take books from the library, as is now enjoyed by members of the legislature. Laws of 1845: Chap. 85, sec. 1. ~ 13. The judges of the court of appeals, and the justices of the supreme court, shall be allowed to take books from the library under the same regulations as the members of the legislature. Laws of 1848: Chap. 262, sec. 3. Concurrent Resolution of the Senate ana Assembly, April 9, 1856. (Laws of 1856, p. 364.) Resolved, That the Trustees of-the State Library be authorized and required to close the said library for the period of fifteen days in each year, to wit, from the fifth to the twentieth day of August, for the purpose of cleaning and dusting the books of the said library, and for making such internal arrangements as the trustees may think proper. II. RULES AND REGULATIONS FOR THE GOVERNMENT OF THE LIBRARY, PRESCRIBED BY THE TRUSTEES. 1. The Library shall be open to the public daily as required by law (Sundays and fifteen days from the fifth to the twentieth of August excepted), from the hour of nine in the morning till five in the afternoon; and during the sessions of the Legislature, till six in the afternoon, except on Saturdays, when it will be closed at five. While the Court of Appeals, or any general term of the Supreme Court, is in session at the Capitol during the recess of the Legislature, the Law Library will be open till eight o'clock in the afternoon, except on Saturdays as aforesaid. * This Court was abolished under the State Constitution of 1846. OF THE LIBRARY. ix 2. It shall be the duty of the Librarian and the Assistant Librarians, carefully to preserve the books, maps, charts, engravings, manuscripts, medals, furniture, and other property belonging to the Library. They will be severally held accountable for the full value of every article missing from their respective departments, and for every injtiry except from: ordinary use, unless it can be shown that some other person is responsible for such loss or injury: the amount of such loss or injury to be deducted from the salary of such officer, pursuant to section 3 of chapter 381 of the Laws of 1840. 3. Whenever the Library is open, the Librarian and Assistant Librarians shall be in attendance: they shall preserve order, and exclude, if necessary, any disorderly person: they shall prevent smoking, loud talking, and all noise inappropriate to the quietness of a place of. study. 4. Any person who wishes to obtain any book for perusal in the General Library, will be furnished at the desk of the Librarian in attendance, with a card, on which he will inscribe from. the Catalogue the title of the book desired, and his own name. The book thfis received must not be taken from the library hall: on returning it to the Librarian's desk, the card will be given up; otherwise the party will remain responsible for the book. The Librarians will exercise a proper discrimination as to the delivery of such books as they may judge liable to be injured. Manuscripts, rare and valuable books and plates are excluded from this rule: they will be shown only on special application to the Librarian in charge, and under such regulations as the circumstances of each case may, in his judgment, require. 5. In compliance with the provisions of the statute above set forth, any member of the Senate or Assembly, during the session of the legislature or of the Senate only, is permitted, under the restrictions, forfeitures and penalties hereinafter mentioned, to take to his boarding-house or private room any book belonging to the Library, except such as are herein determined to be necessary always to be kept in the library as books of reference. The Judges of the Court of appeals, the Justices of the supreme court, the Heads of the several departments,, and the Trustees of the Library, have, by statute, the same right to take books from the. Library, and under the same regulations as the members of the Legislature. No book, map, manuscript, or other article belonging to the Library, shall be at any time taken out of the library by any other person, for any purpose whatever. The restrictions and terms above referred to are contained in the next three rules. 6. No book can be taken from the Library, until its title, and the name of the person taking it, have been registered by the Librarian. A card must also be given for it, in the manner required by the fourth rule. 7. No person can take or detain from the Library more than two volumes at any one time, or for a longer period than two weeks. 8. If, on reasonable notice from the Librarian or either of the Assistant Librarians that the time for which any book or books taken or detained has expired, any person shall omit to return to the Library any such book or books for more; than three days after such notice shall have been given; or if any book, map, chart, engra~ving,, medal, or other article belonging to the Library be lost or destroyed, or so far injured as to be equivalent, in the judgment of the Librarian or Assistant Librarian in charge, to a total loss for the purposes ofr the Library; the person by whom such loss, destructionr or injury' has been occasioned, or who shall fail to make such return, shall be charged the full value of the book or article so lost, destroyed, injured or not returned; and in case of the loss of a book, or its not being returned, if it belong to a set of two or more volumes, he shall be charged the value of the whole set, or as much as it may cost to perfect it, at the election of the Library Committee. For any injury not amounting to destruction to any book, map, chart, engraving, medal or other article as aforesaid, the person causing the same shall pay a sum sufficient to compensate for such injury. This rule shall be of general application. [ SUPPL. ] B :-x LAWS AND REGULATIONS. 9. The Trustees hereby declare, agreeably to the provisions of the Revised Statutes, that the following books are always to be kept in the Library as books of reference, to wit: All the books in the Law Library; and, in the General Library, all dictionaries, encyclopaedias, registers, directories, newspapers, maps and engravings, and books which are valuable for their rarity or antiquity. 10. Books of reference referred to in the preceding article, cannot be taken from the Library; except that during the sessions of the Legislature or of the Courts, any member thereof may take to any room in the Capitol any such book, on leaving a card for the same as required by the fourth rule, after being duly registered. The book must be returned on the same day on which it is taken. 11. No books belonging to the Law Library can be taken to the General Library for perusal; nor are books, maps, engravings, or any other article belonging to the General Library, to be taken to the Law Library for perusal or examination. 12. For the better preservation from injury of the more costly collections of engravings, and the rare works and maps belonging to the Library, neither the Librarian nor the Assistant Librarians shall exhibit them to any person other than those authorized to take books from the Library, except on a written request from a member of the Joint Library Committee of the Senate and Assembly, the Speaker of the Assembly, or one of the Trustees of the Library or the Secretary. 13. Three days before the day fixed for the adjournment of any session of the Legislature, or of the Senate only, the Librarian shall address a note to each member of the Legislature or of the Senate, as the case may be, having any book belonging to the Library, requesting the return thereof within twentyfour hours. 14. After the expiration of the said twenty-four hours, the Librarian shall immediately make out a list of the members of each house who have omitted to return any books belonging to the Library, specifying the volumes retained by each; and a list of those against whom any charges for any injury to or loss of books exist, stating the amount of them; which list' shall be alphabetically arranged according to the names of the respective members, and shall be certified to be correct. To the President of the Senate, the Librarian shall forthwith deliver the list relating to that body; and, the list containing the names of the members of the Assembly, he shall forthwith deliver to the Speaker; and upon each list shall be written a copy of the section of the Revised Statutes in regard to this matter above set forth. 15. Twenty days before the opening of any annual session of the Legislature,'the Librarian shall report in writing to the Trustees the title of every book, map, chart, print, engraving, or other article missing from the Library since the catalogue of the previous year was made out, or, if no such catalogue has been made, then since the date of the said Librarian's last annual report to the trustees; together with the name or names of the persons who appear, from the entries of the Librarian, to have borrowed or detained the same, to the end that such list may be submitted to the Legislature by the Trustees. 16. All penalties imposed under any of these rules may be remitted by the Library Committee, either wholly, or on such terms as they may deem proper. CATALOGUE. EXPLANATIONS. THE titles of books will be found under the name of the author, state, society, convention, etc., publishing them, the names being arranged alphabetically. State Documents being in the Law Library, reports to governments by individuals are occasionally excepted from the rule.-Surnames of foreign authors preceded by De, La, Les, Du, or Des. are entered under those prefixes.-Anonymous books, are inserted in the same alphabetical order with the names of authors, under the first word of the title page not an article or a preposition. Anonymous biographies are placed under the name of the individual treated of.-Periodicals are recorded under their specific names, or those of the society publishing them. Town and state directories, etc., are under the name of the town or state. Subject-Index.-In the Index following the catalogue, the subjects of the books are arranged alphabetically, and abbreviated titles of all the books and pamphlets placed under the subject. Topics, which from their nature are already indexed by the heading in the catalogue, are not usually repeated in the Index. The Catalogues, Dictionaries, Encyclopmdias, Newspapers, Periodicals, Society Transactions, etc., recorded in the catalogue, are grouped together under those names in the Index. Cross-references to cognate subjects, and from the popular to the. scientific name, and vice versa, are constantly made. ABBREVIATIONS: Italics in the body of a title are additions by the editor; as are also the names of authors of anonymous publications when in similar type...... indicate omissions made in the title. Omissions in titles of discourses and reports are indicated merely by commas. [ ] Brackets enclosing a heading indicate that the edition of which the title follows was published anonymously. Brackets enclosing titles indicate that the volume was collected and its title prepared in the Library. Brackets enclosing a cross-reference indicate, that the reference made is to an anonymous book. t An obelisk after a heading indicates that the same heading or name may be found in the Catalogue of 1855. FO, 80, 120, etc., refer to the apparent size of a volume, and not to the absolute folding of the sheets. v. Volume or volumes. p. follows numbers, representing the number of pages of which a work or a volume is composed. Alm., Cat., Pam., indicate the collections of volumes of Almanacs, Catalogues and Pamphlets. W. C., Warden Collection; B. C., Bleecker Collection. CATALOGUE OF THE NEW-YORK STATE LIBRARY. GENERAL LIBRARY: FIRST SUPPLEMENT, 1855-1860. A B C (The), or Alphabetical Railway Guide: showing at a glance how and when you can go from London...and return...and a new map of the railways and telegraphs of Great Britain. Feb. 1854. London, 130 p. 12~.- For 1853. Pamn. v. 230. A., M. See Letter to R. Peel on the Church. 1832. A., P. See Strictures on Count Dal Pozzo's Italians. 1834. AALST, Gerardus van. De Parabel van de zaajer... Predikatien. Amsterdam, 1748. 180. Geestlyke inengelstoffen. Amsterdam, 1754. 2 v. in 1. 180. ABBOTt (Abiel), D.D. Letters written in the interior of Cuba, between the mountains of Arcana to the East, and Cusco, to the West.... 1823. Boston, 1829. 80. ABBOT, George, Archbp. A Briefe description of the whole world.... Written by the Right Reverend.. George, late Archbishop of Canterburie. London, 1635. 355 p. 18~. ABBOTT, C. M. Tolls on railroads: Speech, N.Y. Assem. Albany, 1858. 80. Pam. v. 546. ABBOTT (Henry), M.D. Catalogue of a Collection of Egyptian Antiquities, the property of: now exhibiting at the Stuyvesant Institute. New-York, 1853. 72 p. 80. Pam. v. 227, 489. ABBOTTt, Jacob. The importance of sympathy between the Mother and the Child: An address delivered before the N.Y. Maternal Association. 12 p. 120. Pam. v. 491. ABBOTTt, John S. C. Napoleon at St.Helena; or interesting anecdotes and remarkable conversations of the Emperor during the five and a half years of his captivity, collected from the memorials of Las Casas, O'Meara, Montholon, Antommarchi, and others. With illustrations...New-York, Harper & Brothers, 1855. 80. - History of King Philip, Sovereign Chief of the Wampanoags; including the early history of the settlers of New-England. With engravings. New-York, Harper & Brothers, 1857. 410 p. 120. SUPPL..] 1 2 GENERAL LIBRARY. ABDY, John C. Sermon, Death of Mr. J. Meymott: Lu. xii, 37, 38. London, 1820. 8~. Pam. v. 382. ABERNETHY, Rev. John. Sermon, Religious obedience: Rom. xiv, 19; at Belfast. London, 1820. 80. Pam. v. 367. ABIEZER. A Letter in reply to some remarks on " Soul, spirit and mind".... London, 1845. 45 p. 120. Pam. v. 306. ABINGTON BAPTIST ASSOCIATION: Minutes, 1811, 15, 17, 20, 26, 27, 28, 29. Printed at Bethany, Dundaff, Wilkesbarre, etc. Pamn. v. 466. AiOAB, David. A short... Introduction to Christianity... Published first at Venice in Arabic and Italian... Translated into English-by D. Aboab, lately converted from Judaism...London, 1750. 30 p. 80. Pam. v. 321. ABOUT, Edmond. The Roman Question. Trans. by Mrs. A. T. Wood. Ed. with an Introd. by E. N. Kirk, D.D. Boston, 1859. 308 p. 120. ABRABANEL, Solomon, Pseud. The Complaint of the Children of Israel; representing their grievances under the penal laws...4th ed. Satire on the dissenters. London, 1736. 39 p. S~. Pain. v. 321. ABREGW DE L'HISTOIRE ANCIENNE... A l'usage des eleves de l'Ecole militaire. Bruxelles, 1825. 189 p. 18~.- Abre6g de la Fable, a l'usage de l'Ecole militaire. Par le Pere Jouvency. Bruxelles, 1821. 119 p. 180. Pami. v. 625. ABRtGE DE L'HISTOIRE DE LA PATRIE, par demandes et par r6ponses. Traduit du Hollandois. Amsterdam, 1759. 208 p. 180. ABULFED2E ANNALES MIIUSLEMICI, arabice et latine. Opera et studiis I. I. Reiskii...nunc primum edidit I. G. C. Adler. Hafnioe, 17891792. 4 v. 4~. ACADEMIA ELECT. SCIEN. ET EL. LITT. THIEODORO-PALATINA. See Codex, etc. ACADEMIA LUGDUNO-BATAVA. Museum Anatomicum Academipe Lugduno-Batavse, descriptum ab Edwardo Sandifort. Vol. I, II, III, IV. Lugduni-Batavorum, apud S. et J. Luchtmans, Academise typographos, 1793 - 1827. 4 v. imp. fol. ACADEMIA SPECULUM; the history and mystery of Mr. Sparewater. London, Palmer, 1830. 64 p. 80. Pam. v. 314. ACADEMICIAN (The), periodical. Containing the elements of scholastic science and the outlines of philosophic education, predicated on the analysis of the human mind, and exhibiting the improved methods of instruction. By Albert Picket...and John W. Picket.... New-York, Vol. I, Feb. 7, 1818 - Jan. 29, 1820. 1 v. roy. 8~. ACADftMIE DE L'INDUSTRIE. Exposition... Catalogue des produits admis... Paris, 1836. 114 p. 180. Pam. v. 615. ACADEIIE DES SCIENCES, France. See Institut de France. ACADAMMIE ( Nationale) IMPERIALE DES SCIENCES, BELLES-LETTRES ET ARTS de Lyon: Classe des sciences. Nouvelle s6rie. Tome I - IV. Lyon, 1851 - 56. 6 v. 80. ACADMIEIEt ROYALE DES SCIENCES, DES LETTiES ET DES BEAUXARTS de Belgique: Annuaire, 1853, 1854. Bruxelles. 2 v. 12~..t. Me16m1oires. Toime 27, 30. Bruxelles, 1853, 57. 2 v. 4~-. FIRST SUPPLEMENT. 3 ACADV:~MIEt ROYALE DES SCIENCES, DES LETTRES ET DES BEAUX ARTS de Belgique ~ Memoires couronnes. Tome 27, 28. Bruxelles, 1855, 56. 2 v. 4~. -. Bulletins. Vol. 19, part 3; vol. 20, parts 1, 2, 3; v. 21, p. 1; v. 22, p. 2; v. 23, p. 1, 2. 1852 - 56. 8 v.-Annexe aux Bulletins, 1853 - 54. 1 v. - 9 v. 80. ACADEMYY. See Institut; Kaiserliche; Koninklijke, etc. ACADEMYt OF NATURAL SCIENCES of Philadelphia. Act of incorporation and by-laws; azcd lmembers. Philadelphia, 1857. 38 p. 80. Proceedings. Vol. 7, 8, 9, 10: 1854 to 1858. Philadelphia 1856 - 59. 4 v. 8~. Journal. Vol. III, 2d series. Philadelphia, 1855 - 58. 381 p. 40, and plates. ----- Catalogue of Hulman Crania, in the collection of the Academy; based upon the third edition of Dr. Morton's "Catalogue of Sculls," &c. By. J. Aitken Meigs, M.D., Librarian... - Philadelphia, 1857. 112 p. 8~. ACCOUNT of Carolina, by S. Wilson, 1682. See Carroll's Hist. Coll. AccOUNT (An) of all the manors, messuages, lands, tenements, and hereditaments in the different counties of England and Wales, held by lease from the Crown... with the names of the lessees... To which is added an Appendix never before printed, containing an abstract... of the land revenue of the Crown in Queen Mary's time, with a compendium of the whole revenues and profits of the Crown in the reign of Queen Elizabeth. As also a Calendar to the surveys of the estates of King Charles the lt, his Queen and the Prince of Wales.... London, 1787. 89 p. ob. fol. ACCOUNT (An) of memorials presented to Congress... praying that mails may not be transported, nor post-offices kept open on the Sabbath. Boston, 1829. 32 p. 8~. Pam. v. 490. ACCOUNT (An) of several late voyages and discoveries: I, Sir John Narborough's voyage to the South Sea; II, Captain Tasnan's...; III, Captain Wood's...; IV, F. Marten's voyage to Spitzbergen and Greenland... To which are added a large introduction and supplement, containing short abstracts of other voyages into those parts. Illustrated with exact charts and curious figures. The second edition. London, 1724. xxxvi, 191, 224 p. 1 v. 8~. ACCOUNT (An) of the growth of Deism in England.... By Rev. William Stephens. London, 1696. 32 p. 4~. Pam. v. 358. ACCOUNT of the misfortunes of the Dauphin. See Normandie, Duke of. ACCOUNT (An) shewing the progress of the Colony of Georgia in America, from its first establishment: Signed, Benj. Ma]crtyn, By order, d4c. London, printed in the year 1741. 71 p. fo. Also in Georgia Hist. Soc. Coill., v. 2; and Force's Tracts, v. 1. ACHILLES TATIUS: Clitopho and Leucippe. See Heliodorus. ACKLAND, G. T. Sermon, Univ. of Camb.: Rom. i, 29. Camub. 1829. 8~. Pam. v. 377. ACKLAND, T. D. Oratio numismnate annuo Peeliano dignata, et in Schole IHlarroviensis auditiorio recitata..1826...London, 1826. 80. Pain. v. 395. 4 GENERAL LIBRARY. ADAM, Alexander. Adam's Latin Grammar, with numerous additions and improvements...By C. D. Cleveland, A.M. Prof.... N.Y. Ist ed. Philadelphia, 1886. 340 p. 12~. --- -Another copy. Stereotype ed. Phil'a, 1837. 320 p. 120. ADAM, Rev. Thomas. Missionary's farewell sermon: 2 Cor. xiii, 11. Is. of Trinidad. London, 1823. 80. Pam. v. 377. The Missionary's appeal to the religious public... the mission in the island of Trinidad... London, 1824. 80. Pam. v. 384. ADAMS COUNTY AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY. Report.. 2d Fair.... Quincy (Illinois), 1855. 42 p. 18~. Pam. v. 614. ADAMSt, Amos. Songs of Victory directed by human compassion and qualified with christian benevolence; in a sermon delivered at Roxbury, October 25, 1759, on the general thanksgiving for the success of His Majesty's arms, more particularly in the reduction of Quebec... by Amos Adams, A.M. Pastor...Roxbury. ~ Boston, Edes & Gill, 1759. 29 p. 8~. A concise historical view of the perils... which have attended the planting... of New-England...With reflections... In two discourses, preached at Roxbury on the general fast, April 6, 1769... by Amos Adams, A.M. Pastor of the first church in Roxbury *. Boston, Kneeland & Adams, 1769. 66 p. 80. - - Another copy: imperfect. p. 9 - 64. Pam. v. 288. ADAMS, Charles F. Texas and the Massachusetts resolutions. Boston, 1844. 54 p. 80. Pam. v. 526. --- Address at Quincy. See Massachusetts Conv. ADAMS, Edwin G. An historical discourse: 100th Anniversary.... of the First Congregational church in Templeton, Mass....Boston, 1857. 175 p. 8~. ADAMS, George. Directories. See Massachusetts; Boston;. Salem, etc. ADAMS, Rev. G. E. Sermon... Machias, June 23, 1841, before the Maine Missionary Society...Portland, 1841. 8~. Pam. v. 267. ADAMSt, Miss Hannah. Letters on the Gospels. Cambridge, Mass. 1824. 18~. A View of Religions, in two parts. Part I. Containing an alphabetical compendium of the various religious denominations.... from the beginning of the Christian era.... Part II. Containing a brief account of the different schemes of religion now embraced.... The second edition... ** Boston, J. W. Folsom (1790?). 80. The History of the Jews from the destruction of Jerusalem to the nineteenth century. Boston, 1812. 2 v. 12~. ADAMS (John), D.D. Sermon, H. of Commons, Nov. 5, 1696: Dan. iii, 28. Lond. 4~. Pam. v. 361. ---- Sermon before Eton Coll. graduates, Dec. 8, 1702: Matt. xxv, 30. London, 40~. Pam. v. 361. Sermon, Mar. 19, 1707: John vi, 67, 68. London, 1709. 8~. Pam. v. 363. Sermon before Lord Mayor, Nov. 22, 1709: Ps. v, 1. London, 8~. Pam. v. 364. FIRST SUPPLEMENT. 5 ADAMS (John), D.D. Sermon, Consecration of Bp. of Asaph, June 6, 1708: Jer. iii, 15. London, 8S. Pam. v. 364. ADAMSt, John. The Works of John Adams, Second President of the United States; with a Life of the author, Notes and Illustrations, by his grandson Charles Francis Adams. Vol. I; Vol. IX. Boston, 1856. 2 v. 80 2 copies. ADAMS, Rev. John. Epistle (poetical) to Rev. E. Turell, on the death of Mrs. Turell, 1735. 6 p. See Colman ( B.), Two sermons. ADAMSt, John Q. An Oration pronounced July 4th, 1793, at the request of the inhabitants of the town of Boston... -*~ Boston, 1793. 16 p. 80. Address, Massachusetts Charitable Fire Society..2d ed. Boston, 1802. 8~. Pami. v. 514. -- Report of the Committee appointed to inquire into the facts relating to the conduct of John Smith, a senator of the United States from the State of Ohio, as an alleged associate of Aaron Burr. Sen. Doc. Washington, 1808. 8~. Argument...S. C. of U. S. in the case of...Cinque and others, Africans, captured in the Schooner Amistad... New-York, 1841. 135 p. 80. Pamn. v. 462. Lives of celebrated statesmen, by John Quincy Adams, LL.D.; with a sketch of the author, by the Rev. Charles W. Upham. NewYork, W. H. Graham, 1846. 105 p. $O. - Sketch of the Life of. New-York, Sickels, 1828. 16 p. 80. Pam. v. 471. ADAMSt (Nehemiah), D.D. Sermon preached to the Essex-street congregation, Boston, March 21, 1841. Boston, 1841. 80. Pam. v. 80. A Letter to Rev. Ezra S. Gannett of Boston, occasioned by his Tract on Atonement. 3d ed. Boston, 1841. 12~. Pam. v. 262. Injuries done to Christ A Sermon... Acts xxvi, 8. Boston, 1841. 120. Pam. v. 559. The Life of John Eliot; with an account of the early missionary efforts among the Indians of New-England. Boston..1847. 18". A Sermon...Utica (New-York), Sept. 11, 1855...Am. Board of Comm. for For. Miss....46th Ann. Meeting.... Boston, 1855. 8~. Pain. v. 288. ADAIMS, Thomas F. Typographia; or the Printer's Instructor: A Brief Sketch of the origin, rise and progress of the typographic art, with practical directions for conducting every department in an office, hints to authors, publishers, etc. 3d ed. Philadelphia, 1845. 282 p. 12~. ADAMS (William), D.D. Funeral Address on E. Mason, 1851. See Cox, S. H. A Sermon.... Cincinnati (Ohio), Oct. 4, 1853... Am. Board of Comm. for For. Miss....44th Ann. Meeting. Boston, 1854. 80. Pam. v. 288. - Man the minister of God: Sermon, For. Miss. Soc. of New-York and Brooklyn. And 28th Report. New-York, 1855. 80. Pam. v. 525. 6 GENERAL LIBRARY. ADAMS (William), D.D. Madison Square Church: Letters, Jan. 1, 1858, 1859. 12, 16 p. 120. Pam. v. 495. ADAMSON, John. Bibliotheca Lusitana; or Catalogue of books and tracts, relating to the history, literature and poetry of Portugal; forming part of the library of.... Newcastle-on-Tyne.. Hodgson, 1836. 6fasciculi, 115 p. 12~. ADAMisoN (John), M.D. The cause and cure of Asiatic or Malignant cholera. London, 1851. 40 p. 80. Pain. v. 405. ADDERLEY (C. B.), M.P. Statement of.the present Cape of Good Hope case. London, 1851. 36 p. 8~. Pani. v. 434. Punishment is not education: A Review of a charge on the subject of tickets of leave, by D. M. Hill. London, 1856. 30 p. 80~. Pam. v. 403. ADDINGTON, Henry. Speech: Comm. of ways and means, Dec. 10, 1802. London, 1803. 8~. Pam. v. 440. ADDISONt, Joseph. Works.'Vol. 5, 6. London, Bohn, 1856. 2 v. 12~. Cato, a tragedy. Glasgow, 1761. 120.- The Drummer, or the Haunted House, a comedy. London, 1751. 120. Pam. v. 621. ADDRESS (An) from the Clergy of New-York and New-Jersey to the Episcopalians in Virginia, occasioned by some late transactions in that colony relative to an American episcopate. >'~ By Myles Cooper, D.D.? New-York, Gaine, 1771. 58 p. 80. ADDRESS from the Committee appointed at Mrs. Vandewater's, on the 13th day of September 1784, to the People of the State of NewYork. New-York, Shepard Kollock, 1784. 16 p. 80. ADDRESS of a part of the democratic delegation in Congress, from the State of New-York, to their constituents. Washington, 1854. 8'. Pain. v. 197. ADDRESS of the Committee appointed by a public meeting, held at Faneuil Hall, Sept. 24, 1846, for the purpose of considering the recent case of kidnapping from our soil, and of taking measures to prevent the recurrence of smilar outrages; with an appendix. Boston, 1846. 8, 42 p. 80. Pam. v. 237. AmDDEss of the Committee of the City of New-York, acting under the authority of the General Committee of Correspondence of the State of New-York, in support of the nomination of the lHon. De Witt Clinton to the presidency of the United States at the ensuing election. New-York, 1812. 80. Pain. v. 259. ADDRESS of the Convention to the Legislature of the State of NewYork, on the subject of the Great State Road, held at Newburgh, Oct. 19, 1825 (1826). New-York, 1827. 20 p. Pai. v. 281. ADDRESS (The) of the People of Great Britain, to the Inhabitants of America. By Sir John.Dairyomple? London, 1775. 60 p. 80. ADDRESS of the Protestants of Ireland, to the People of England. 1829. 1 p. f. Pam. v. 1104. ADDRESs of the State Convention of Delegates.... on the subject of the approaching presidential election. Albany, 1828. 80. Pam. v. 197. FIRST SUPPLEMENT. 7 ADDRESS (An) of the twelve United Colonies of North America, by their representatives in Congress, to the People of Ireland. Philadelphia, Bradford, 1775. 10 p. 8o. ADDRESS (An) to H. R. H. the Prince of Wales, on... imprisonment for debt...with sketches taken from real life. London, 1783. 44 p. 18~. Pam. v. 617. ADDRESS (An) to Lord Teignmouth, Pres. of the B. & F. Bible Society... By a Country Clergyman. Thomas Sikes. London,' 1805. 8~. Pamn. v. 383. ADDRESS (An) to Protestant dissenters, on the origin and influence of the regium donunm. 1774. London (1792). 120. Pam. v. 320. ADDRESS (An) to the Bishops, upon the subject of a late letter from one of their lordships...with the letter prefixed. By John Disney, D.D. London, 1790. 80. Pam. v. 323. ADDRESS (An) to the Citizens of New-York, on the claims of Columbia College and the New University to their patronage. New-York, 1830. 10 p. 80. Pam. v. 249. ADDRESS to the Citizens of Norfolk county, exposing the absurdity of the present war, and the benefits of peace.... By a Republican of Norfolk, and a friend to peace, liberty and commerce. 12 p. 80. Pam. v. 259. ADDRESS to the Fair Daughters of the United States, calling on them for their advice and interest in the present important crisis. NewYork,. 1811. 14 p. 8~. Pam. v. 199. ADDRESS to the Independent Electors of the State of New-York, on the present state of public affairs, and on the ensuing general election. Albany, Websters & Skinner (1810). 14 p. 80. Pain. v. 197. ADDRESS (An) to the Inhabitants of Fakenham and its vicinity. Fakenham, Eng. 1825. 8~. Pam. v. 314. ADDRESS (An) to the Inhabitants of Pennsylvania, by those freemen of... Philadelphia who are now confined... by virtue of a general warrant... Signed J. Pemberton et al. Philadelphia, R. Bell, 1777. 52 p. 80. ADDRESS (An) to the Inhabitants of the British settlements in America, upon slave-keeping. 2d ed. To which are added, Observations, etc. By a Pennsylvanian. Berj. Rush, M.D. Phil'aj 1773. 29 p. 12% ADDRESS (An) to the Inhabitants of the two great cities of London and Westminster, in relation to a pastoral letter...of the Bishop of London..on infidelity. London, 1729. 76 p. S0. Pam. v. 318. Also, See Gibson, E. ADDRESS (An) to the King.... shewing the various causes of the late and present distresses of trade... with the... cure.... Greenwich, 1822. 30 p. 8~. Pam. v. 425. ADDLESS (An) to the majority of the House of Commons. Lond. 1784. 26 p. 80. Pain. v. 411. ADDRESS (An) to- the Ministers and Congregations of the Presbyterian and Independent persuasions in the U. S. of America. By a member of the Episcopal church. B p. S. Seabury.x* Printed in the year 1790. 55 p. 12'. 8 GENERAL LIBRARY. ADDRESS to the People of Great Britain, explanatory of our commercial relations with the Empire of China....By a Visitor to China. London, 1836. 127 p. 80. Pam. v. 415. ADDRESS to the People of Great Britain, on the propriety of abstaining from West-India sugar and rum. 8th ed. London and New-York, 1792. 120. Pam. v. 103. ADDRESS (An) to the People of Scotland, on the necessity of an immediate ajplication to Parliament for a Scots' militia. Edinb. 1792. 8~. Pani. v. 411. ADDRESS (An) to the People of the American States who choose electors... To which is added a short sketch of the biography of Gen. George Clinton, and several essays. Washington city, 1808. 54 p. 80. ADDRESS to the People of the United States (of members of Congress -who opposed the passage of the bill to organize the Territories of Nebraska and Kansas). June 1854. 4 p. 8~. Pam. v. 561. ADDRESS (An) to the Soldiery of Great Britain (1795?). 4 p. 80. Pam. v. 448. ADDRESS to the Voters of the Fifth Cong. District of Maryland.. Also, a Reply to the Hon. Isaac M'Kim, Rep. in the Cong. U.S. from that district. Baltimore, 1834. 31 p. 8. Pamin. v. 197. ADELPHI THEOLOGICAL SOCIETY: Regulations. Edinburgh, 1807. 80. ADIRONDACK IRON AND STEEL COMPANY Circular. New-York, 1854. 47 p. 80. Plans. Pam. v..205, 520. ADMONITION (An) to the Younger Clergy; shewing the expediency of, 1, Propriety; 2, Temperance; 3, Assiduity; 4, Candor. London, 1764. 56 p. 8". Pam. v. 338. ADORNO, J. N. Melographie; ou Nouvelle notation musicale: Par Juan-Nepomuceno Adorno. Paris, 1855. 39 p. and plate in 4~. ADVENTURES of Lilly Dawson; or the Smugglers of the Mill. NewYork, 1852. 118 p. 8~. Pam. v. 496. ADVERTISEMENTS of trades, inventions, institutions, etc. Pam. v. 16, 1014. ADVICE to a Son at the University, design'd for holy orders. By a Clergyman. Rev. T. Curteis. London, 1725. 91 p. 80. Pain. v. 338. ADVICE from a Bishop; in a series of letters to a young clergyman. Lo London, 1759. 112 p. 120. Pam. v. 300. ADVICE to a young student, 1760. See [ Waterland, D.]. ADVICE to the Confuter of.Bellarmin, with some considerations upon the antiquity of the Church of England. London, 1687. 12 p. sm. 4~. Pain. v. 355. 2EGLES. The Letters of _Egies, addressed to the Hon. J. C. Spencer, Chairman of the Bank Committee.... Originally published in the Fed. Gaz.... Baltimore, 1819. 64 p. 8~. Pain. v. 463. 2ELIANUS. /Eliani varia Historia, Heraclidis Pontici et Nicolai Damasceni quve supersunt. Lipsire, C. Tauchnitii, 1829. 18'. FIRST SUPPLEMENT. 9,ZENEAS SILYIUS PICCOLOMINI, Pius II. Pii II. Pontificis maximi Historia rervm vbiqve gestarvm, cvm locorvm descriptione non finita. Asia minor incipit. In finne.... Venetiis dedita: per Johannem de colonia sociumq. eius Johannem Manthen Gherretzem anno millesimo cccclxxvii. 105 leaves fP. With, ---- Abbreviatio Pii Pont. Max. svpra Decades Blondi ab inclinatione imperii vsqve ad tempora Johannis vicesimi tercii Pont. Max. libri xx. 1481. 155 leaves. In 1 v. fO. ZEoLvs; or the Constitutional Politician. With the [Remarks of a Briton on the trial of the Irish chairmen... In a letter to S. Urban, esq. London, Bladon, 1770. 183 p. 8~. Pam. v. 451. AESCHYLUSt. 2Eschyli Septem contra Thebas, ad fidem manuscriptorum emendavit, notas et glossarium adjecit C. J. Blomfield... Ed. secunda...Cantabrigise, 1817. With, IEschyli Persie, em. C. J. Blomfield. Ed. secunda. Cantabrigiae, 1818. And, ZEschyli Prometheus vinctus...em. C. J. Blomfield...Ed. quinta. Londini, 1829. In 1 v. 80. - Eschyli Agamemnon: ad fidem manuscriptorum emendavit, notas et glossarium adjecit C. J. Blomfield... Ed. secunda. Cantabrigise, 1822. With, }/Eschyli Choephoreo... em. C. J. Blomfield.. Cantabrigise, 1824. In 1 v. 8~. AFFO', P. Ireneo. Vita di Vespasiano Gonzaga, Duca di Sabionetta... Con gli Annali Ebreo-tipografici di Sabionetta, del signore dottore Giambernardo De-Rossi.... Parma..1780. 168 p. 40. AFLECK'S ( T.) Southern Rural Almanac. Washington, Adams county, Miss. 1854. Alm. v. 35. AFRICANt Institution. Sixteenth Report of the Directors..May1822. With an account of the proceedings at the annual meeting, and an appendix. London, 1822. 8~. A Review of the Colonial slave registration acts, in a report... Feb, 22, 1820. 139 p. 80. Pam. v. 435. AFRICAN (The) TRADE, the great pillar and support of the British plantation trade in America: shewing.. what the Royal African Company have a natural right to hope for this session of Parliament, from their country...against the French... In a letter to the Right Honourable * a.... London, 1745. 44 p. 4~. AGASSIZt, Louis. Contributions to the Natural History of the United States of America.... Boston, 1857. 2 v. gr. 4~. Contents First Monograph, in three parts: I, Essay on Classification; II, NorthAmerican Testudinata; III, Embryology of the Turtle, with 34 plates. --- Bibliographia Zoologiae. Vol. 3. See Ray Soc. publications. An Introduction to the study of natural history, in a series of lectures.... Also, A biographical notice.... New-York, Tribune buildings, 1847. 58 p. 80. Geographical Distribution of Animals. From the Christian Examiner, Boston, March 1850. 80. Pam. v. 255. AGRICOLA. Letters on free trade, addressed to the public. London (1845?). 39 p. 8~. Pam. v. 424. AGRICULTURE, Commerce and Manufactures. Boston, Nov. 11, 1826. 22 p. 80. Pam. v. 290. [ SUPPL.] 2 10 GENERAL LIBRARY. AGRICULTURAL ALMANACK: Phil'a Soc. for the Prom. of Agr. 1819,'20,'21,'23,'25,'26. Aim. v. 35. AGRICULTURAL ASSOCIATION. The Origin and Proceedings of the Agricultural associations in Great Britain, in which their claims to protection against foreign produce, duty free, are... set forth.... London, 1819. 46 p. 8~. Pam. v. 430. AGRICULTURIST'S GUIDE and ALMANAC for 1851. N. Y. J. G. Reed. 101 p. 12~. Alm. v. 15, 29. AGUTTER, William. Sermon.. after reading the letter of the Abp. of Canterbury, &c., recommending a reduction in the consumption of wheat: John vi, 12. London, 1796. 80. Pam. v. 379. AIKEN, Rev. Silas. Sermon, Death of Hon. Samuel Hubbard: Heb. xi, 4. With appendix. Boston, 1848. 80. Pam. v. 554. AIKINt, John. A View of the life, travels and philanthropic labors of the late John Howard, esquire, LL.D., F.R.S. By John Aikin, M.D. """. Philadelphia, 1794. With Ode inscribed to John Howard by William Hayley, esquire. Philadelphia, 1794. 196 p. 180. - The Calendar of Nature.. for.. young persons. 2d ed. London, 1785. 18~. Pam. v. 605. AIKMAN, James. The History of Scotland, from the earliest period to the present time. With numerous engravings. Glasgow, Edinburgh, London, 1856. 6 v. 80.- Continued to 1851. AISLABIE, John. Speech of the Hon. J. Aislabie, esquire, upon his defence made in the H. of Lords, against the bill for raising money upon the estates of the South-Sea directors.... London, 1721. 4~. - Second Speech, July 24. London, 1721. 40. Pam. v. 253. - The Case of the Rt. Hon. J. Aislabie. London (1721). 42 p. 4~. Pam. v. 253. Mr. Aislabie's Two Speeches considered, with his Tryal at large in both Houses of Parliament; wherein the learned speeches for and against him, in the several debates, are faithfully inserted. To which are added, Remarks upon a scandalous libel, called a Vindication of the honour and justice of Parliament. By W- S —. esquire. London, 1721. 24 p. 4~. Pam. v. 254. AITKIN, W. B. Remarks, N.Y. Assembly, on the proposition to impose a mill-and-an-half tax for the support of Government, 1854. Pain. v. 206. AITON, William Townsend. Hortus Kewensis; or a Catalogue of the Plants cultivated in the Royal Botanic Garden at Kew. By the late William Aiton. 2d ed. London, 1810, 13. 5 v. 80. AKENSIDE, Mark. Poetical Works. With memoir and critical dissertation by G. Gilfillan. Edinburgh, 1857. 8~. AKEItS, E.. Catalogue of London, 1820. P. I. II. 236 p. Cat. v. 94. AKINS, Thomas Beamish. Prize Essay on the history of the settlement of Halifax, at the Mechanics' Institute, on 18th April 1839. HIalifax, N.S. 1847. 62 p. 180. See Nova-Scotia, Record Commission. FIRST SUPPLEMENT. 11 ALABAMA. Second Biennial Report on the Geology of: by M. Tuomey. Ed... by J. W. Mallet. Montgomery, 1858. 292 p. 80. Reports of the Inspectors of the Alabama Penitentiary, to the General Assembly, at its third biennial session in the city of Montgomery, 1851. Montgomery, 1851. 80. Pam. v. 162. ALABAMA, FLORIDA AND GEORGIA RAILROAD COMPANY. Report of Comm. on naval affairs: U.S. H. of R. Feb. 18, 1845. Cong. Doct. 15 p. 80, & map. Pam. v. 544. ALABAMA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Transactions at the Annual Meeting in the city of Tuscaloosa, July 9 & 10, 1855. Tuscaloosa... 1855. 65 p. 8o. ALARDIN, Kasparus. De Geluksaligheyd van de wegh der rechtveerdige.. Predicatien. Amsterdam, 1738. 18~. ALARM (An) to the Legislature of N. York, 1775. See [ Wilkins, I.]. Cat. 1855. ALBANY. Report of the Alms-house Committee, on the subject of a reorganization of that institution...Albany, 1853. 8~. Pam. v. 509. -- Fire Department: Charter.. Rules. Albany, 1850. 180. Pam. v. 624. Northern Railroad. Report of Special Committee in the matter of the application of the N. R.R. Company for relief, made in the Common Council, Feb. 23, 1854. Albany, 1854. Pam. v. 256. Schools: Report of the Board of Commissioners.... July 12, 1852. Pam. v. 277. Report of the Board...1854.- Report of the Board of Education, 1858. Pam. v. 552.- Report of the Board of Education...1857. Pam. v. 277. - - --- The Public Schools in Albany inadequate to meet the wants of the public; and the necessity of reform. (From -Albany Morning Express.) Albany, 1855. 8~. Pam. v. 277. - Water: Reports of the Water Commissioners, 1857, 58, 59. With Reports of Superintendent. 8~. Pam. v. 236. ALBANYt ACADEMY. Annual Catalogues, 1851, 52, 54, 57, 58. Pam. v. 456. ALBANYt AND RENSSELAER HORTICULTURAL SOCIETY. Second Report.. for 1848. Albany, 1849. 80. Pam. v. 505. ALBANY AND SCHENECTADY RAILROAD COMPANY. Report for 1848. 80.- Report to July 31, 1850. 8~. Pam. v. 146. ALBANY AND SUSQUEHANNA RAILROAD. Some Considerations respecting the proposed construction of the Albany and Susquehanna railroad, Jan. 1852. Albany, 1852. 19 p. 8~. Pam. v. 147.-Address to the Citizens of Albany, May 1852. 24 p. 80. Pain. v. 544. ALBANY AND SUSQUEHANNA RAILROAD COMPANY. Address by the Directors.... together with the law authorising town subscriptions. April, 1856. Albany, 1856. 80. Pami. v. 256. - -The the Stockholders and Memorialists. Albany, 1854, 12 p. Pam. v. 544. 12 GENERAL LIBRARY. ---- A. & S. R.R., its probable cost and revenue.... by C. Wentz, C. engineer.... Albany, 1853. 18 p. 80. Pam. v. 281.- The same, with Report at last meeting.. Albany, 1859. 24 p. 80. Pam. v. 544. ALBANYt AND WEST-STOCKBRIDGE RAILROAD COMPANY. Report of the Superintendent.. July 9, 1836. 80. Pam. v. 146.-Report, 1840 - 41. Albany, 1842. 45 p. 80. Pam. v. 544. ALBANY APPRENTICES' LIBRARY. Catalogue: Albany, I822. 33 p. Pami. v. 470. ALBANYt ARGUS. Daily. Albany, 1855. 2 v. fo. See Atlas & Argus. ALBANY Art Exhibition of Paintings and Marbles... 1858. 4~. Pam. v. 1014. ALBANYt ATLAS Extra, Oct. 1849. The Syracuse Convention; its spurious organization... 16 p. 8~. Pam. v. 527. ALBANY AXE COMPANY.. 1846, 51. 120. Pam. v. 618. ALBANY BENEVOLENT ASSOCIATION of Segar-makers. Albany, 1858. 180. Pam. v. 627. ALBANYt CITY MISSIONARY SOCIETY. 6th, 15th Report, 1849, 58. Albany. 120. Pam. v. 524.-13th Report, 1856. 120. Pam. v. 263. ALBANY CITY TRACT [and Missionary] SOCIETY. 18th Ann. Report, 1853. Albany, 1854. Pam. v. 263.- 19th, 21st, 22d, 23d Report. Albany, 1855 - 59. 80. Pam. v. 524. ALBANYt COUNTY AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY, for 1856...Albany, Sept. 23 - 25, 1856. Pam. v. 266. ALBANY COUNTY and TROY Business Directory; containing the Census for 1850 of New-York State... By Whitney & Bliss. Albany, 1852. 120. ALBANY COUNTY BIBLE SOCIETY. 35th, 45th, 46th, 47th Reports: 1846, 56, 57, 58. Albany. Pam. v. 468. ALBANYt COUNTY PENITENTIARY. Reports, 5th, 1853; 6th, 1854. Albany, 1854, 55. In 1 v. 80.- 7th Report, 1856. Pam. v. 228, 245. - 9th Report, 1858. Pam. v. 538. ALBANY DAILY STATESMAN, from March 21, 1856, to Dec. 31, 1857. 2 ALBANY DEMOCRATIC REFORMER: Vol. 1, No. 4; January 8, 1844. Wrongs and Rights of Ireland depicted by.... W. H. Seward... S. Stevens... Pres. Van Buren... Lt. Gov. Dickinson. Albany. 30 p. 80. Pam. v. 526. ALBANYt DIRECTORIES. The Annual Register and Albany Directory for the year 1815, containing an alphabetical list of residents within the city. Collected and arranged by J. Fry. Albany..Jan. 13, 1815. 88 p. 120. - For 1817: Packard & Van Benthuysen.- For 1820: Coll. by B. Pearce, Albany, E. & E. Hosford.- For 1822, 1823 Klinck's. Albany, E. & E. Hosford. 4 v. 120. ----- Hoffman's Albany Directory. Continued for 1842 - 43. Albany, 1842. 12~. ----- Munsell's Albany Directory and City Register for 1856. Albany, 1856. 120. FIRST SUPPLEMENT. 13 ALBANYt DIRECTORIES. Compiled and published by George Adams: July 1, 1857, 1858, 1859. Adams, Sampson & Co. Albany. 3 v. 8S. ALBANYt EVENING ATLAS: Feb. 19, 185.5 - Feb. 16, 1856. Albany. 2 v. fo. ALBANYt EVENING JOURNAL: Daily. From Nov. 1854 to Dec. 1859. Albany. 10 v. fP. ALBANYt FEMALE ACADEMY. Circular and Catalogue, 1839, 50, 51, 52, 54, 58, 59.- Report of 31st, 34th, 36th, 38th, 40th, 41st, 42d, 43d, 45th, 46th Ann. Examination: 1844 - 59.- Alumnmo Exercises, 1844, 53, 54.- Stray Sunbeams, being selections from the "Planetarium," a weekly paper conducted by the young ladies: 1844.- Miss Doolittle's Essay, 1835. Albany. In 1 v. 80. Exercises of the Alumne...July 17, 1845. Albany, 1845. Pain. v. 277. ALBANY GUARDIAN SOCIETY and Home for the Friendless. Reports for 1841, 52, 53. Albany, 1854.-For 1854, 55. Albany, 1856. 120. Pain. v. 535. ALBANY GYMNASIUM. Annual Report, 1858. 24 p. 80. Pam. v. 501. ALBANYt HOSPITAL. By-laws, etc. Albany, 185I. 80. Pam. v. 506. ---- Treasurer's Reports for the years 1852, 53, 54, 55. Albany, 1856. 80. Pam. v. 246. ALBANY JOURNAL OF NEUROLOGY. Devoted to physiology, phrenology, medicine, and the philosophy of mesmerism. Conducted by an association of physicians. W. A. Hamilton. Vol. 1, No. 1: July, 1843. Albany, 1843. 80. Pam. v. 271. ALBANYt LIBRARY. Catalogue. Albany, 1821. 75 p. 120. ALBANY LITERARY GAZETTE. November 19, 1831: No. 6. 4~. Pam. v. 1104. ALBANYt MEDICAL COLLEGE. Catalogue, 1833, 35, 50, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57. 80. Pam. v. 517. - For 1827. Pam. v. 155. - For 1853. Pam. v. 246. ALBANY MIETHODIST EPISCOPAL SUNDAY SCHOOL UNION: Report. Albany, 1856. 120. Pam. v. 519. ALBANY MORNING EXPRESS: Daily. Munsell & Co. Vol. 7, April 1, 1854, to Vol. 8, Nov. 13, 1855. 1 v. Po. ALBANY Ratification Meeting..The united democracy for regular nominations. Speeches of D. A. Ogden and J. Van Buren: Sept. 27, 1853. 16 p. 80. Pam. v. 527. ALBANYt RURAL CEMETERY ASSOCIATION. Its Rules.. with an appendix. Albany, 1846. 64 p. 120. Pam. v. 478. ALBANY SCOTCH LIGHT INFANTRY. Constitution, 1851. 180. Palln. v. 627. ALBANY STATE REGISTER (daily). Vol. 7, Jan. 4, 1854, No. 555, to Vol. 9, Aug. 17, 1856. Albany. 4 v. fo. ALBANY YOUNG LADIES' INSTITUTE. Misses Sker'itt's. Catalogue, 1855, 57. Pam. v. 460. ALBANY YOUNG MEN'S CHRISTIAN ASSOCIATION. Constitution, 1857. - st Annual Report... Albany, 1858. 80. Pam. v. 224. 14 GENERAL LIBRARY. ALBERTHOMA, Robert. The Principles of the Christian Religion, as taught in the Reformed Protestant Dutch churches. Collected from the Holy Scriptures by... R. Alberthoma... Trans. from the Dutch by E. Westerlo, Minister at Albany. Printed in Albany, 1789. 84 p. 120. ALBERTINUS, }Egidius. Historische Relation, was sich inn etlichen jaren hero, im Konigreich Japon... zugetragen. Zum andern, von dem Standt...der gantzen Ost Indien... Drittens, kurtze beschreibung des Landts Guinea und Serra Lioa.... Muinchen, 1609. 360 p. 40 ALBRO, John A. The Life of Rev. Thomas Shepard. Boston, Mass. Sab. School Society, 1847. 324 p. 18o. ALBUM DU CANADIEN. Choix de morceaux litteraires, historiques, scientifiques et artistiques. Quebec, 1849. 73 p. 8~. Contains BoucHER ( P.), Histoire de la Nouvelle.France, 1663. ALCIATUS, And. Andreae Alciati v. c., Emblemata cum Claudii Minois I. c. Commentariis ad postremam auctoris editionem auctis et recognitis. - Ex Officina Plantiniana Raphelengii, 1608. 218, 698 p. 120. ALCOCK, T. St.Leger. Observations on the Poor relief bill for Ireland, and its bearing on...emigration.. awd the Brit. N.Amer. Colonies. London, 1847. 30 p. Pam. v. 434. ALDEN, Ebenezer, M.D. Early History of the medical profession in the county of Norfolk, Mass. With an Address delivered before the Norfolk Dist. Med. Society..Boston, 1853. 80. Pam. v. 89. ALDINE ( The) MAGAZINE of Biography, Bibliography, Criticism and the Arts. Vol. 1, No. 1, Dec. 1838 - June 1839. By W. West. London. 1 v. 80~. ALDINUS, Tobias. Exactissima Descriptio rariorum quarundum plantarum, quve continentur Romae in Horto Farnesiano: Tobia Aldino Cesenate auctore, illust. et rev. principis et card. Odoard Farnesii medio chimico, et ejusdem horti praofecto. Roma.. 1625. 101 p. f~. ALEMBERTt, J. Le Rond d'. Melanges de litterature, d'histoire, et de philosophie. Nouvelle,edition, corrig6e et augment6e tres considerablement par l'auteur. Tome I, II, III. Amsterdam, 1760. 3 v. 18~. ALEXANDER (Archibald), D.D. Suggestions in Vindication of Sunday schools.... and the enlargement of the plan of instruction. 1829. 32 p. 80. Pam. v. 289. ALEXANDER (Caleb), A.Mi. A Grammatical System of the Grecian language. Worcester ( Mass.), 1796. 120. ALEXANDRE, C. Dictionnaire Franqais-grec, compose sur le plan des meilleurs dictionnaires frangais-latins.... Par MM. Alexandre.. Planche.. et Defauconpret. Paris, Hachette, 1856. 1014 p. 80. Dictionnaire Grec-francais, compose sur un nouveau plan, ou sont r6unis et coordonn6s les travaux de Henri Estienne, de Schneider, de Passow..Par C. Alexandre, Inspecteur gne6rale de l'instruction publique.. Paris, Hachette, 1857. 1632 p. 8-. ALEXANDIIA (Va.) BOARDING SCHOOL. Catalogue, 1853. Pamn. v. 458. FIRST SUPPLEMENT. 15 ALFIERI, V. L'America Libera: Odi di Vittorio Alfieri da Asti."* Dalla tip. di Kehl, 1784. 44 p.- La Virtu Sconosciuta, Dialogo di V. Alfieri. Dalla tip. di Kehl, 1786. 59 p. 80. ALFORD, Henry. See Bible, Greek; New Testament. Sermon, 1845. See Practical Sermons. ALFRED UNIVERSITY and ALFRED ACADEMY. Catalogue, 1859. NewYork, 1859. 80. Pam. v. 479. ALGEMEENEt KONST- EN LETTER-BODE, voor meer- en min-geoffenden. Behelzende Berigten nit de geleerde waereld, van alle landen.... XI deel. 1793. No. 262 - 287: July 5 - Dec. 27. Haarlem. 1 v. 4). ALGEMEENE VADERLANDSCHE LETTER-OEFENINGEN, waarin de boeken en schriften, die dagelyks in ons Vaderland en elders uitkomen, vordeelkundig tevens en vrymoedig verhandeld worden. Vyfde deel. No. 14, No. 8. Amsterdam, 1783. 80. Pam. v. 107. ALGERt, William Rounseville. The Genius and Posture of America: An Oration, July 4, 1857; with preface and appendix. Boston, 1857. 60 p. 80. Pam. v. 532. ---- An American Voice on the late war in the East. Boston, 1856. 47 p. 80. Pain. v. 521. Inferences from the pestilence and the fast. A Discourse. Roxbury, Mass.: 1 Cor. xii, 6. Boston, 1849. 80. Pam. v. 558. Lessons for Mankind, from the life and death of Humboldt. A Discourse... Cambridge, 1859. 26 p. 120. Pam. v. 494. ALISONt, Sir Archibald. History of Europe, from the fall of Napoleon in MDcCCXV, to the accession of Louis Napoleon in MDCCCLII..... Vol. v, vi, vii. Edinburgh and London...1856 - 58. 3 v. 80. ALISON, W. P. Letter to Sir John M'Neil, on Highland destitution, and the adequacy...of emigration as a remedy. Edinburgh, 1851. 62 p. 80. Pam. v. 403. ALLAN (Thomas), C.E. Ship's Compasses. 10 p. 80. Pam. v. 402. ALLEGHANY RAILROAD and COAL COMPANY. Second Report: Charter, by-laws, reports, certificates and remarks. July, 1855. Philadelphia, 1855. 80. Pam. v. 281. ALLEGHENY COLLEGE. Catalogue of the officers and students. Meadville, Pa., 1846. 80. Pam. v. 247. ALLEGHENY VALLEY RAILROAD. 2d, 3d Report. Pittsburgh, Pa., 1855, 56. 80~. Pam. v. 544. ALLEN'S Patent Improved Mowing Machine, and Combined Mower and Reaper. New-York, 1855. 80. Pain. v. 230. ALLEN, C. Speech, H. of R. on the Mexican indemnity bill, Jan. 23. Washington, 1852. 80. Pam. v. 486. ALLEN, Rev. David 0. India Ancient and Modern: Geographical, historical, political, social and religious; with a particular account of the state and prospects of christianity. Boston...1856. 80. ALLEN, E. G. jCatalogue of Boks for sale on North America. London, 1856. 26 p. S8. Also Cat. v. 87. - Old Books relating to America.... prior to 1800.... for sale. London, 1858, 9.-...Since 1800..1858, 9. In 1 v. 12). 16 GENERAL LIBRARY. ALLENt, Gen. Ethan. Report of the Committee under the Act providing for the erection of a monument over the grave of Ethan Allen. Sen. Doc. Montpelier, Vt. 7 p. Pam. v. 502. ALLEN, Rev. Ethan. Maryland Toleration; or Sketches of the early history of Maryland, to the year 1650. Baltimore, 1855. 64 p. 80. Historical Notices of St.Ann's parish in Ann-Arundel county, Maryland, extending from 1549 to 1857.... Baltimore, 1857. 131,p. 120. ALLEN, Rev. George. Resistance to Slavery every man's duty: A Report on American slavery, read to the Worcester Central Association... Boston, 1847. 40 p. 80. Pam. v. 562. [ —-] See Andover fuss. 1855. Cat. 1855. ALLEN, Dr. J. A New Method of constructing artificial dentures... New-York, 1854. Pam. v. 246. ALLEN, Rev. James MI. Apostolic Confirmation; or Reasons for discarding episcopal confirmation... Richmond, 1858. 76 p. 80. Pam. v. 543. ALLEN, John. Associations against the established church indefensible. A Sermon: Is. viii, 9, 10. Oxford, 1773. 80. Pam. v. 373. ALLEN, Lewis F. Address, N.Y.S. Agric. Society. Albany, 1849. 80. Pam. v. 461. ALLENt, Thomas. The History and Antiquities of London, Westminster, Southwark, and parts adjacent. Continued to the present time, by Thomas Wright.... London, 1837, 39. 5 vol. 80. ALLEN, Thomas. Plain Directions for the prevention and treatment of cholera. Oxford, 1848. 40 p. 8o. Pam. v. 405. ALLENt, Rev. Thomas. An Historical Sketch of the County of Berkshire and Town of Pittsfield..Boston, 1808. 14 p. 80. Pam. v. 502. ALLEN, T. G. Memoir of the Rev. Benjamin Allen, late Rector of St. Paul's Church, Philadelphia: By his brother..To which is added, Funeral sermon, by..G. T. Bedell..Philadelphia, 1832. 547 p. 120. ALLENt (William), D.D. Sermon: Installation of John W. Allen as Pastor of the..Trinitarian Church in Wayland, 1841: I Cor. i, 23, 24. Boston, 1842. 80. Pain. v. 556. Report on Popery...,. Gen. Assoc. of Massachusetts. Boston, 1844. 28 p. 80. Pam. v. 548. An Historical Discourse, delivered in Dorchester, Jan. 2, 1848, on occasion or the Fortieth Anniversary of the Gathering of the Second Church... Boston, 1848. 80. Pain. v. 233. An Address delivered at Northampton ( Mass.).. Oct. 29, 1854, in commemoration of the close of the second century since the settlement of the town..Northampton..1855. 56 p. 80. The American Biographical Dictionary; containing an Account of the lives, characters and writings of the most eminent persons deceased in North America froin its first settlement.... 3d edition. Boston, 1857. 905 p. 80. ALLEN ( William H.), LL.D., Pres. Girard College. Eulogy on.... Daniel Webster, pronounced at the request of the Select and Coinmon Councils of the City of Philadelphia, Jan. 18, 1853. Philadelphia, 1853. 8. Pain. v. 204. FIRST SUPPLEMENT. 17 ALLESTREE, Charles. Sermon, Oxford, July 26, 1685, Thanksgiving, Defeat of Rebels in Monmouth's rebellion: Jud. v, 31. Oxford. 4". Pam. v. 361. ALLESTREE (R.), D.D. Forty Sermons, whereof twenty-one are now first published, the greatest part preach'd before the King and on solemn occasions. By Richard Allestree, D.D.... To these is prefixt an account of the author's life. London, 1684. 254, 307 p. 1 v. f'. ALLGEMEINE DEUTSCHE REAL - ENCYKLOPADIE fur die Gebildeten Stande: Conversations-Lexikon. Neunte originalauflage. In funfzehn banden. Leipzig, 1843 - 1848. 15 v. 80. ALLGEMEINE SCHWEIZERISCHE GESELLSCHAFT fiir die Gesammten Naturwissenschaften. 33 v. 120 & 80. Contents: Eroff'nungsrede der Jahresversammlung. St.Galien, 1819. 48 p. 18~. Verhandlungen (Actes): 1823, Aarau; 1824, Schaffhausen; 1825, Soluthurn; 1826, Thur; 1827, Zurich. Actes: Lausanne, 1828, 1829. Verhandlungen: 1830, St.Gallen. Actes: 1832, Genuve. Atti: 1833, Lugano. Verhandlungen: 1834, Luzern; 1835, Aarau; 1836, Soluthurn. Actes: Neuchatel, 1837. Verhandlungen: Basel, 1838; 1839, Bern. Actes: 1840, Fribourg. Verhandlungen: 1841, Zurich; Altdorf, 1842. Actes: 1843, Lausanne; Verhandlungen: 1844, Chur. Actes: 1845, Geneve. Verhandlungen: 1846, Winterthur; 1847, Schaffhausen; 1848, Soluthurn; 1849, Frauenfeld; 1850, Aarau; 1851, Glarus. Actes-: 1852, Sion; 1853, Porrentruy. Verhandlungen: 1854, St.Gallen. Actes: 1855, Chaux-de-Fonds. The papers are in German, French and Italian, and the titlepages vary as above. ALLGEMEINEt SCHWEIZERISCHE GESELLSCHAFT fur die Gesammten Wissenschaften. Nouveaux Memoires: Band xiv, xv, xvi. Neue Denkschriften. Zurich, 1855, 57, 58. 3 v. 4~. See Societe Helvetique. Cat. 1855. ALLGEMEINE ZEITUNG fiir die Deutschen Land- und Forstwirthe. (Moritz Beyer's.) Unter vielseitiger Mitwirking herausgegeben von Dr. Theod. Kerndt. Dreissigster jahrgang. Leipzig, 1853. 4~. ALLIANCE EVANG1LIQUE. Bulletin du Monde Chretien: Echo de 1'Alliance... 3me ann6e: Jan., F6v., Mars, 1850. 80. Pam. v. 495. ALLIANCE WEEKLY NEWS. The True Position of the controversy regarding Mr. Gough's dead letter: Aug. 8, 15, 1857.- The Final Word of the Alliance as regards the Gough controversy: Sept. 19, 1857. 8 p. fP. Pam. v. 1104. ALLING, Jeremiah. A Register of the Weather...for the last twentyfive years ending March 31, 1810... New-Haven, 1810. 80 p. 80. ALLMIAN, George James. A Monograph of the Fresh-water Polyzoa; including all the known species, both British and foreign. London, 1856. See Ray Society. [ SUPPL.] 3 18 GENERAL LIBRARY. ALLPORT, J. "The Sect everywhere spoken against": A Sermon, Jer. ix, 3, in answer to a sermon, under the above motto, in defence of Tractarianism. London, 1842. 80. Pam. v. 378. ALLSTON, R. F. W. Report on the Free School System in South Carolina. Charleston, S.C., 1847. 26 p. 80. Pam. v. 217. ALLYN, Avery. A Ritual of Freemasonry, illustrated by numerous engravings. To which is added the Phi Beta Kappa, the Orange and Odd Fellows Societies...New-York, Gowans, 1854. 300 p. 120. MLMANAC of the Amer. Temper. Union. New-York, 1851. 120. Aim. v. 15, 26. ALMANACH AmMRICAIN, ASIATIQUE et AFRICAIN; o? Etat physique, politique, ecclesiastique et militaire de l'Asie, l'Afrique et de I'Amerique.... Tome I - vII. Edited by De la Roche-Tlilhac. Paris, 1783 - 87. 7 v. 180. ALMANACH ASTROLOGIQUE, Astronomique, Physique, Satirique... 1855. Paris. 192 p. 150. Alm. v. 53. ALMANACH CHANTANT: Choix de Chansons...1855. Paris. 64 p. 120. Aim. v. 51. ALMANACH COMIQUE..pour 1855...illustrs par MM. Cham et Maurisset. Paris. 192 p. 120. Aim. v. 53. ALMANACH DE FRANCE Publie par la Societe nationale. 1855. 160 p. 120. Alm. v. 51. ALMANACH DE GOTHA: Annuaire diplomatique et statistique pour l'annee 1856, 57, 58, 59, 60. 94 - 98me annee. Gotha. 5 v. 180. ALMANACHt DE L'ALGiRIE, 1855: Guide du colon. Paris. 192 p. 180. Aim. v. 54. ALMANACH DE L'ILLUSTRATION, 1855. Paris. 4~. Alm. v. 47. ALMANACH DE LA LITTEIRATURE, DU THtATRE.....1855. Paris. 4~. Aim. v. 47. ALMANACH DE NAPOLEON, illustre de gravures... 1855. Paris. 120 p. Aim. v. 51. ALMANACH DES DAMES ET DES DEMOISELLES pour 1855. Paris. 61 p. 180. Aim. v. 51. ALMANACH DES JEUX DE SOCIETY, 1855. Paris. 92 p. 180. Alm. v. 51. ALMANACH DES MtNAGERES ET DES GASTRONOMES..1855. Paris. 180. Alm. v. 47. ALMANACH DROLATIQUE..1855. Paris. 158 p. 180. Aim. v. 53. ALMANACH DU COMMERCE de Paris, des Deipartemens de la France, et des principales villes du monde. Par J. De la Tynna. XXIe annee, 1818. Paris. 120. ALMANACH DU CULTIVATEUR: Par les R6dacteurs de la Maison ru4 stique de la 19e siecle. 1855. Paris. 192 p. 18o. Aim. v. 52., ALMANACH DU JARDINIER: Par les Redacteurs de la Maison rustique de la 19e siecle. 1855. Paris. 192 p. 180. Aim. v. 52. ALMANACH DU MAGASIN PITTORESQUE, 1855. Paris. 4~. Aim. v. 47. ALMANACH DU MARIN et de la France maritime, pour 1855. Paris. Ailm. v. 51. FIRST SUPPLEMENT. 19 ALMANACTI ENCYCLOPIDIQUE recreatif et populaire, pour 1855. Paris. 208 p. Aim. v. 51. ALMANACHI FRAN9AIS DES ETATS-UNIS 4 - 6a'e annee. New-York, 1851, 52, 53. 120. Alm. v. 31. ALMANACH IMPEIRIAL pour 1855: Par E. Marco St.Hilaire. Paris. Alm. v. 54. ALMANACH LUNATIQUE, 1855. Paris. 40. Aim. v. 47. ALMANACH MUSICAL pour 1855. Paris. 4~. Alm. v. 47. ALMANACH POUR RIRE, 1855.... illustre par Cham. Paris. 4~. Alm. v. 47. ALMANACH PROPHlTIQUE... pour 1850. Paris. 1'0s p. i$S. Aim. v. 53. ALMANACH ROYAL (Imperial), pour l'annee 1738, 43, 50, 53, 54, 56 - 88, 91, 1806, 08, 13, 22, 30, 34, 54. Paris. 47 v. 80. ALMANACK (The) oF THE FINE ARTS for...1852. Edited by R. W. Buss. London, 1852. 187 p. 120. ALMANACS. A Collection in 55 v. 4~, 120 & 180. General Contents Vol. 1- 12: British Almanacs, 1679 - 1778, embracing, besides those referred to in the Catalogue, Merlini Anglici Ephem. Lilly, 1679; Nuncius Ccelestis, Coley, 1679; Yea and Nay, 1679, for Quakers; Fly, 1679;*Swallow, 1679, Camb.; Kalendarium Astrologicum, 1679 Dove, Camb. 1696, 1705; Pond, Camb. 1696, 1705; Mercurius Angllcanus, Parker, 1696; Salmon, 1696; Ephemeris absoluta, D. Woodward, 1696; Protestant Almanack, 1696; Ouranologia, T. Cole, 1705; Katoptron ouranion, J. Pepper, 1705; London Almanack, W. S. 1696, 1705; Great Britain's Diary or Union Almanack, 1715, 26; Celestial Journal, Sparrow, 1726; British Telescope, 1726, 29, 32. Vol. 13 - 16, 27, 28, 29, 34, 55: Miscellaneous. Vol. 19: New-England. Vol. 20 - 26, 33, 37: New-York, Albany and New-York city. Vol. 25, 30, 53: Comic. Vol. 35, 49, 52: Agricultural. Vol. 32, 36, 50: Ecclesiastical. Vol. 43, 44, 45, 46: German-American. Vol. 31, 47, 51, 52, 53, 54: French. Vol. 49, 50, 54: British. Vol. 38, 39, 40 Medical advertisement almanacs ( Good Samaritan, Harrison, Moffatt, Bristol, Sloan, Buckhout, Brant, Sands, Ayer, Christie, S. S. Fitch, D. Jayne, Herrick, Reed, Austin & Co., Guysott, Park, Fetridge, Wright, &c. 1845 - 57). ALMANACS, without titlepage. Albany, 1816, Alm. v. 13; Albany, 1801, 1803, v. 16; New-York, 1826, v. 22; Baltimore, 1841, v. 18. ALMELOOVEEN, Theod. Jansson van. Inventa Nov-antiqua: Id est, Brevis enarratio ortus et progressus artis medicae. Subjicitur ejusdem rerum inventarum Onomasticon....Amstelaedami, 1684. 249 p.With, Opuscula, sive antiquitatum e sacris profanarum specimen. Conjectanea, veterum poetarum fragmenta, et plagiariorum syllabus. Amstel. 1686. 200 p. In 1 v. 120. ALMONt, J. A New Catalogue of books and pamphlets printed for J. Almon, 1760 - 70. London. 16 p. 80~. [ ] See History of the Minority, 1762 - 65; Letter concerning Libels, 1764; Wilkes' Memoirs; New Foundling Hospital for wit, 1768; Asylum for fugitive pieces; Enquiry into the Conduct of Pitt, 1766. 20- GENERAL LIBRARY. ALNANDER, Joh. Joannis 0. Alnandri Historiola Artis Typographicoe in Svecia. Publica et solenni exercitatione.... Upsaliae, anno 1722...proposita.... Rostochi & Lipsira, 1725. 105 p. 120. ALPHABET et premier livre de lecture: autorise par le Conseil de l'instruction publique. Paris. Hachette. 12~. ALPHABETS ORIENTAUX, Anciens (et Modernes). From the Encyclopedie Methodique. 23 plates. 1 v. 4~. ALPHABETS. Soc. de propaganda fide editions. In 1 v. 12~. Contents.: Alphabetum Graecum, cum Oratione dominicale... Romoe, 1771. 15 p. Alph. Armenum... Romae, 1784. 32 p. Alph. Arabicum... Romae, 1797. 15 p. Alph. Persicum... Rornme, 1783. 24 p. Alph. Syro-Chaldaeum... Romae, 17 97. 30 p. Alph. Hcbraicum... Romme, 1797. 30 p.' Alph. Barmanorum seu Avensis...Ed. alt. emend. Romae, 1787. xvi, 64 p. Alph. Barmanum seu Bomanum Regni Avae... Romme, 1776. xliv, 51 p. Alphabeta Indica; id est Granthamicum seu Samscrudamico-Malabaricum, Indostanum sive Vanarense, Nagaricum vulgare, et Talinganicum. Ex P. Paulin. Romae, 1791. 24 p. Alph. Grandonico-Malabaricum sive Samscrudonicum. Romse, 1772. 100 p. and tables. Alph. Bramhanicum seu Indostanum, Universitatis Kasi. Romeo, 1771. xx, 152 p. Alph. Tangutanum sive Tibetanum. Romae, 1773. xvi, 138 p. Alph. Cophtum sive IEgyptiacum. 10 p. Alph. }Ethiopicum sive Gheez et Amharicum... Romse, 1789. 32 p. ALPINI, P. Prosperi Alpini.. de proesagienda vita et morte vegrotantium libri septem... cum praef. H. Boerhaave... Ed. altera... supplevit.... D. Gaubius. Lugd. Batav. 1733. 4~. ALSOPt, Richard. The Enchanted Lake of the Fairy Morgana. Trans. See Berni, F. Also, Echo. Cat. 1855. ALSTON, P. W. Christian Soberness, Conversion, and the Witness of the Spirit. Three parochial sermons, preached in Calvary Church, Memphis. Memphis, Tenn. 1845. 8~. Pam. v. 213. ALSTON, W. J. Speech, U.S. H. of R. Ap. 18, 1850, on the President's -Message, transmitting Constitution of California. 8~. Pam. v. 193. [ALTHAM, Arthur.] A Vindication of the Church of England from the foul aspersion of schism and the Church of Rome. Part I, ii. Lond. 1687. 38, 40 p. 4~. Pam. v. 355. ALTHAM (Roger), D.D. Sermon, Anniv. Sons of the Clergy, Nov. 26, 1706. Gal. vi, 10. London. 4~. Pam.v. 1010. ----- Sermon, Election of Lord Mayor, Sept. 29, 1702. Amos v, 24. London. 40. Pam. v. 362. ALVA, F. A. Duke of. Het Leven van Ferdinand Alva rez de Toledo, Hertog van Alba. Behelsende desselfs afkomst, geboorte........ maar nu eerst uyt de secrete papieren van syn Huys, die tot noch toe bewaart syn geweest, door een voornaam Auteur in't ligt gegeven. Tweede deel. T'Amsterdam, 1730..18~. FIRST SUPPLEMENT. 21 ALVAREZ, F. Noticia del Establecimiento y Poblacion de las Colonias Inglesas en la America Septentrional.... Spcada de varios autores por Don Francisco Alvarez, natural dal Principado de Asturias. Madrid.. 1778. 196 p. 8~. AMlERICA; or an Exact Description of the West Indies, more especially of those provinces which are under the dominion of the King of Spain. Faithfully represented by N. N. Gent. Lond. 1655. xiv, 484 p. 180. AMERICA AND THE AMERICANS ***. By a Citizen of the World. London, 1833. 430 p. 8~. AMERICA'S APPEAL to the Impartial World. Wherein the rights of the Americans... are stated and considered. And, the opposition... vindicated.*** Hartford, E. Watson, 1775. 72 p. 8~. AMERICA VINDICATED from the high charge of ingratitude and rebellion; with a plan of legislation proposed to the consideration of both houses, for establishing a firm and solid foundation for a just constitutional union between, Great Britain and her colonies. By a friend to both countries.*** Devizes, 1774. 48 p. 8~. AMERICANt ACADEMY OF ARTS AND SCIENCES. Report of a committee.. on ventilators and chimney-tops.... Camb. 1848. 24 p. 8~. Pamn. v. 501. AMERICANt ACADEMY OF FINE ARTS. Catalogue of Paintings and Sculpture. The Fourteenth Exhibition. N.York, 1828. Pam. v 255. AMERICAN ACADEMY OF MUSIc. Charter and Prospectus of the Opera House, or American Academy of Music. Phil'a, 1852. Pam. v. 230. AMERICAN AGRICULTURIST'S ALMANAC. N.York, A. B. Allen, 1844. Alm. v. 41; for 1845, Alm. v. 26. AMERICAN ALMANAC. New-Brunswick, Nl.J. 1801. 120. Alm. v. 13. AMERICAN ALMANAC. N. Ames. Litchfield, Conn, 1791. 120. Alm. v. 19. AMERICANt ALMANAC for 1856 - 60. Boston. 5 v. 12~. AMERICAN (The) AND BRITISH CHRONICLE Of War and Politics; being an accurate and comprehensive register of the most memorable occurrences in the last ten years of His Majesty's reign: in which will be found above eighteen hundred interesting events, during the late war between Great Britain and America, France, Spain and Holland, from May 10, 1773, to July 16, 1783.... (E. I. S.) London. 120 p. 8~. AMERICANt AND FOREIGN ANTI-SLAVERY SOCIETY. Address to the Anti-Slavery Christians of the United States. New-York, 1852. Constitution, etc. Pain. v. 242.- Proceedings, May 10, 1854. N.Y. Pam. v. 462. Annual Reports, 1849, 50, 51, 52. New-York, I v. 8~. AMERICANt AND FOREIGN BIBLE SOCIETY. 4th, 11th, 13th, 14th, 18th Annual Reports: New-York, 1841, 48, 50, 51, 55.- Periodical Paper, Oct. 1848. Pam. v. 469. AMERICAN AND FOREIGN CHRISTIAN UNION. 1st, 4th, 8th Report: New-York, 1850, 53, 57, 8~. Pain. v. 548.- 5th Report: N. York, 1854. Pam. v. 232. 22 GENERAL LIBRARY. AMERICAN AND FOREIGN JOURNAL OF PATHOLOGY. Prospectus.. Edited by L. M. Lawson, M.D. Cincinnati, 1849. 8~. Pam. v. 235. AMERICAN AND FOREIGN SABBATH UNION. 1St, 3d Annual Report: 1844, 46. Boston, 1844, 46. 12~. Pam. v. 490. AMERICAN (The) ANGLER'S GUIDE, or Complete Fisher's Manual for the United States; containing the opinions and practices of experienced anglers of both hemispheres.... 4th edition.... with the addition of a second part...of instructive information. New-York, 1857. 332 p. 8~. AMERICAN ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. Proceedings.. April 27, 1853 - Feb. 10, 1859. Boston, Worcester. Collected in 1 v. 8~. Transactions. Vol. 3. 1857. 8~. AMERICAN ANTI-SLAVERY ALMANAC. Boston, 1837, 39. 120. Alm. v. 34. AMERICAN ANTI-SLAVERY SOCIETY. First Annual Report, with the Speeches delivered at the Anniversary Meeting. New-York, 1834. 8~. Pam. v. 228. Constitution, etc. New-York, 1838. Pam. v. 462. Letter to Louis Kossuth, concerning Freedom and Slavery in the United States.. Boston, 1852. 112 p. Pam. v. 462. See Quarterly Anti-Slavery Magazine. AMERICANt ART UNION. Transactions of the Apollo Association... for.1843.- Transactions of the Amer. Art Union for 1844, 45.Bulletin No. 16, 1848. Supplement, Dec. 21, 1849. New-York. In 1 v. 8~. ----- Catalogue of' auction, Dec. 1852. New-York. 4~. Pam. v. 1015. AMERICAN ASSOCIATION FOR THE ADVANCEMENT OF EDUCATION. Proceedings: 1st session, Cleveland, 0. 1851; 2d, Newark, N.J. 1852; 3d, Pittsburgh, Pa. 1853; 4th, Washington, 1854; 5th, New-York, 1855. Printed, Philadelphia, 1852; Newark, 1854; Hartford, 1855, 6. 5 v. 8~. A)MERICANt ASSOCIATION FOR THE ADVANCEMENT OF SCIENCE. Proceedings: Seventh meeting, Cleveland, Ohio, July 1853; Eighth meeting, Washington, D.C., May 1854; Ninth meeting, Providence, R.I. 1855; Tenth meeting, Albany, Aug. 1856; Eleventh meeting, Montreal, August 1857; Twelfth meeting, Baltimore, May 1858. Cambridge, Mass. 1853 - 58. 6 v. 8~. Communication from the Governor, transmitting a memorial of the Committee of, on the subject of a geographical survey of the State. Feb. 28. Leg. Doc. Albany, 1852. 24 p. 8~. Pam. v. 500. AMERICAN ASSOCIATION in London. 14 Cockspur-st., Charing Cross. Circular, 1859 - 60. Portf. AMERICANt ASYLUM at Hartford, for the education of the deaf and dumb. Thirty-fourth and Thirty-ninth Annual Reports. Hartford, 1850, 55. 8~. Pam. v. 218.- 38th, 41st, 42d Report. Hartford, 1854, 57, 58. 8~. Pam. v. 593.- 40th Report. Pam. v. 235. AMERICAN BAPTIST HOME MISSION SOCIETY. 16th, 24th Report: 1848, 56. New-York. 8~. Pam. v. 263. FIRST SUPPLEMENT. 23 AMERICAN BAPTIST MARINERS' SOCIETY. Address, 1857. New-York. 8~. Pain. v. 549. AMERICAN BAPTIST MISSIONARY UNION. Report of Committee on proposed amendment to the constitution, 1845. Pam. v. 465.- 36th, 39th, 42d Annual Reports. Boston, 1850, 53, 56. Pain. v. 465.40th Report. Boston, 1854. 8~. Pam. v. 232. AMERICAN BETHEL SOCIETY. Appeal, 1838. Buffalo. 12~. — st, 2d, 3d, 7th, 9th, 10th, 11th, 12th, 17th Report. Buffalo, 1838 - 53. 8~. Pam. v. 549. AMERICANt BIBLE SOCIETY. 38th, 39th, 40th, 41st, 42d, 43d Annual Report. New-York, 1854 - 59. 2 v. 8~. In the early volume are the following papers: Proceedings of a meeting of the citizens of New-York... at the request of the... A.B.S.; with the Speeches of G. Griffin and P. A. Jay. NewYork, 1816. 16 p. 8~. Constitution... Address to the People of the U.S. N.York, 1816. 20 p. 8~. An Appeal to the Christians of America in behalf of: By a lay member of the Convention. By Peter A. Jay. New-York, 1816. 8 p. 8~. Address of the Board of Managers... on the subject of supplying all the destitute families in the U.S. with the Bible... N.York, 1829. 16 p. 8~. Address at the Celebration of the 40th, 41st Anniversary. N.York, 1856, 57. 8~. Testimony of distinguished laymen to the value of the S. Scriptures.... New-York, 1857. 64 p. 8~. regard to a general supply of the U.S. with the S.Scriptures. New-York, 1857. 15 p.8~. Report on the history and recent collation of the English version of the Bible: Presented by the Committee on versions, to the Board of Managers... May 1, 1851. N.York, 1852. 80. Pam. v. 219. Catalogue of Books contained in the Library.... embracing editions of the Scriptures in various languages, and other biblical and miscellaneous works' Am. Bib. Sec. N.York, 1855. 120 p. 8~. ----- Testimony of distinguished laymen to the value of the Holy Scriptures, particularly in their bearing on civil and social life. N. York, 1855. 64 p. 8~.5 Pam. v. 219. AMERICANt BIBLE UNION. 3d Annual Report.... Anniversary addresses, Oct. 1852. New-York, 1852. Pam. v. 469. Report of Committee on the proposed amendment to the Constitution... 1848. 20 p. 8~. Pam. v. 469. ----- The Bible Question decided in a correspondence between the A.B.U. and Rev. W. R. Williams.... New-York, 1852. 51 p. 8~. Pam. v. 469. ----- Specimen of the Gospel of Matthew. New-York, 1855. 40 p. 8~. Pam. v. 469. ---- Specimen of a Revision of the English Scriptures... Specimen of the Book of Job... By T. J. Conant. New-York, 1855. iv, 12, 12, 6 p. 40. Pam. v. 1016. AMERICANt BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS FOR FOREIGN MISSIONS. Missionary Herald. ]Ilonthly. V. 51 - 55. 1855 - 59. Boston. 5 v. 8~. 24 GENERAL LIBRARY. AMERICAN BOARD OR COrMISSIONERS FOR FOREIGN MISSIONS. Reports presented at the 44th, 45th, 46th, 47th, 48th, 49th Annual Meetings, 1853 - 58. Boston. 2 v. 80. With these are bound: Letter from the Missionaries at Constantinople, in reply to charges by Rev. Horatio Southgate. Boston, 1814. 44 p. 80. An Examination of Charges against the American missionaries at the Sandwich islands, as alleged in the Voyage of the Ship Blonde and in the London Quarterly Review. Cambridge, Mass. 1827. 67 p. 8~. The American Missionaries at the Sandwich Islands, not open to the charges brought against them by the Roman Catholics. By Joseph Tracy. 1841. 19 p. 8. Report of the Committee on anti-slavery memorials, Sept. 1845.. Boston, 1845. 32 p.80. Report to the Prudential Committee, of a visit to the missions in the Levant, by R. Anderson... Boston, 1844. 54 p. 8~. Maps of the Missions, 1847, 49. 8~. Missionary Paper. No. I, II, IV. 1825. — Missionary Paper. New series. No. 1, 2, 10, 11, 13 - 21. 1838 - 44. — Missionary Tracts. No. 1 - 12. 1850 - 53.- Missionary Packet Morning Star, 1857.The Divine instrumentality for the world's conversion: A special report of the Prud. Comm.... 1854. Boston, 1856. 20 p.- Special Report of the Prud. Comm. on the control to be exercised over missionaries and mission churches, 1848. 44 p.- Statement of reasons in favor of larger contributions... 24 p. Boston. In 1 v. 12~. ---- Report of Mr. Wood's Visit to the Choctaw and Cherokee missions. Boston, 1855. 8~. Pam. v. 263. Reports and Letters connected with special meetings of the Mahratta and Tamil 1855. Also Reports of the Syrian mission, and of a conference at Constantinople. For private use of the Committee. 1856. 1 v. 8~. Contains the Reports of 4 missions, printed at Bombay, Madras and Calcutta, and also in Boston; with Reports of the Secretaries and of the Special Committee, 1850. Report of the Deputation to the India Missions, made to the A.B.C.F.M. at a special meeting held in Albany, N.Y., March 4, 1856. Boston, 1856. 8~. Pam. v. 219. Phrase-book, or Idiomatic Exercises in English and Tamil.... 3d edition... Jaffna, Amer. Miss. Press, 1848. 348 p. 18~. See Choctaw; Marathi Grammar; English and Dacotah Vocabulary; Byington, C.; Wright, A. AMiERICANt CALENDAR, or United States Register for 1794. Philadelphia: London reprinted, 1794. 187 p. 12~. AMERICAN CHEMiICAL INSTITUTE. Manual of the Active Principles of indigenous and foreign medical plants, as prepared at the American Chemical Institute, New-York. 25 p. 180. Pam. v. 196. AMERICAN CHESTERFIELD; or Way to wealth, honour and distinction: Being Selections from the Letters of Lord Chesterfield.... and... other eminent authors on the subject of politeness. With alterations and additions suited to the youth of the United States. By a Member of the Philadelphia Bar. *' Philadelphia... 1827. 18~. FIRST SUPPLEMENT. 25 AMERICAN (Daily) CITIZEN. Vol. 1, No. 1: June 13, 1842, to June 22, 1844. Albany, Stone & Henly. In 3 v. fP. AMERICAN COLONIZATION SOCIETY. See American Society for colonizing, etc. AMERICAN COMMERCIAL ALMANAC. Prall, Lewis & Co. New-York, 1852. 94 p. Alm. v. 31. AMERICANt -CONGREGATIONAL YEAR-BOOK for 1855. Vol. v. NewYork, 1858. 167 p. 8~. AMERICAN CULTIVATOR ALMANAC. Troy, N.Y. 1849. 120. Aim. v. 26. AMERICAN DOCTRINAL TRACT SOCIETY. No. 30: Mode of Baptism. Boston. 120. Pam. v. 466. AMERICANt EDUCATION SOCIETY. 18th, 33d, 38th, 40th, 42d Report. Boston, 1834, 49, 54, 56, 58. 80. Pam. v. 293.- Also 38th Report. Pain. v. 277. - Articles on: From the Biblical Repertory. Philadelphia, 1829. 103 p. 80. Pam. v. 293. AMERICAN EDUCATIONAL YEAR-BOOK Feb. 1858. Boston. 252 p. 120. AMERICANt EPHEMERIS AND NAUTICAL ALMANAC for the year 1856,'57,'58,'59,'60. Published by authority of the Secretary of the Navy. Washington, 1853 - 58. 6 v. 8~. AMERICAN EXHIBITION of British Art. Oil pictures and water colours. N. Y. 1857. 31 p. 40~. Pam. v. 1015. AMERICANt (The) FARMER; containing original essays and selections on rural economy and internal improvements... John S. Skinner, editor. Vol. 4: March 29, 1822 - March 21, 1823; Vol. 8: March 25, 1826 - March 16, 1827. Baltimore. 2 v. 4~. AMERICAN FARMER'S ALMANAC. Phil'a, 1845. 12~. Alm. v. 46. AMERICAN FEMALE GUARDIAN SOCIETY, and Home of the Friendless. Reports, 15th, 17th, 20th, 21st. New-York, 1849, 51, 54, 55. Pam. v. 226.- 15th Report. Pamin. v. 232. AMERICAN FREE PRODUCE ASSOCIATION. 4th Report. Philadelphia, 1843. 120. Pam. v. 627. AMERICANt GEOGRAPHICAL AND STATISTICAL SOCIETY. Charter, etc. 1852.- Statement of the object and organization, etc. 1857.- Report of the joint special committees of the Chamber of Commerce; and A. G. and S. S. on the extension of the decimal system to weights measures... 1857. 22 p.- Annual Report for 1857. 51 p.- Addresses, and Papers read before the Society by E. K. Kane, A. S. Hewitt, H. P. Tappan, H. C. Carey, I. I. Stevens, S. Mowry and J. Jay, 1853 - 59.- Catalogue of the Library, 1857. New-York. In 1 v. 8~.-Also, Statement of the objects, etc. 1856. Pam. v. 255. - A Paper. See Perry, M. C. AMERICAN GUANO COMPANY. Report. Brooklyn, N. Y. 1857. 50 p 8~. Pam. v. 298. AMERICANt HOME MISSIONARY SOCIETY. 23d - 33d Annual Report. New-York, 1849 - 59. With the Christian Public... with...the Constitution. New-York, 1826. In 2 v. 8~. Also 30th Report. Pam. v. 263. [SUPPL.] 4 26 GENERAL LIBRARY. --- The Home Missionary. V. 27, 28, 29: May 1854 - April 1857. New-York. 3 v. 8~. ---- Sermons at anniversaries of. See Bushnell, H., 1847; Kirk, E. N., 1848; Barnes, A., 1849; Hickok, L. P., 185.3; Storrs, R. S., 1855; Sturtevant, J. M., 1857; Shaw, J. B., 1858; Dwight, W. T., 1859. A —--- Our Country, its capabilities, its perils, and its hope.... NewYork, 1842. 60 p. 12~. Pam. v. 630.- Our Country, N. 2: A Plea for home missions. New-York, 1858. 144 p. 120. Also Pam. v. 630. AMERICAN INDEPENDENCE, the interest and glory of Great Britain... London, 1774. See [Cartwright, John], Cat. 1855. AMERICANt INSTITUTE. Reports and Addresses. See Burges ( T.), 1830; Lynch ( J.), 1829; Mason ( C.), 1840; Jackson ( C. T.), 1851. Pam. v. 518. List of Premiumso 22d, 29th Fair: 1849, 57. Pam. v. 518....- List of Premiums awarded, 1855. 34 p. 8~. Pam. v. 255. Journal. Vol. 1, No. 3. New-York, 1850. Pam. v. 518. Report of the Special whom was submitted the " Minutes of Evidence" on British import duties. 11 p. 80. Pam. v. 518. - Horticultural Report of the 22d Annual P. B. Mead. New-York, 1850. 25 p. 80. Pam. v. 505..-... Catalogue, containing a correct list of all the articles exhibiting at the 24th fair. New-York, 1851. 8~. Pam. v. 255. Address to the Public, on the occasion of the late disastrous conflagration of the Crystal Palace, Nov. 4, 1858. 8 p. 80. Pam. v. 518. AMERICAN INSTITUTE OP HOMCEOPATHY. Proceedings... for 1855, Buffalo, N.Y. Pittsburgh, Pa. 1855. 92 p. 80. Pam. v. 271. - Transactions for 1859: 15th annual session, at Boston. Albany, 1859. 215 p. 8~. AMERICAN INSTRUCTORS of the Deaf and Dumb. Proceedings of the 4th convention.. Staunton, Va. 1856. Richmond, 1857. 236 p. 80. Pam. v. 473. AMERICAN IRON MOUNTAIN COMPANY. Act of the General Assembly of the State of Missouri, incorporating the: Together with the estimates of the value of the Iron Mountain property. New-York, 1843. 80. Pam. v. 205. AMERICAN JOURNAL OF EDUCATION. Edited by Henry Barnard, LL.D. Vol. I - v: Aug. 1855 - Dec. 1858. Hartford, Ct. 5 v. 8~. AMERICAN JOURNAL OF EDUCATION, AND COLLEGE REVIEW. Editors, Absalom Peters, D.D.; Henry Barnard, LL,D. No. I, Aug. 1855 - No. VI, June 1856. [ H. Barnard cooperated only in the two first numbers.]- Vol. II. Ed. by A. Peters, S. S. Randall, A. Wilder. July - Dec. 1856. New-York. - Vol. III. Jan. - April 1857. New-York. 3 v. 8~. AMXERICANt JOURNAL OF INSANITY. Edited by the medical officers of the New-York State Lunatic Asylum. Vol. 12 - 15: May 1855 - April 1859. Utica. 4 v. 8~0. FIRST'SUPPLEMENT. 27 AMERICAN JOURNAL OF PHARMACY. Vol. 4, 1832; vol. 6, 1834; vol. 8, 1836 - vol. 24, 1852; vol. 26, 1854 - vol. 28, 1856; vol. 30, 31, 1858, 59. Philadelphia. 24 v. 8~. The series, to vol. 6, was called " Journal of the Philadelphia College of Pharmacy," and embraces the first of the three series. AMERICANt JOURNAL OF SCIENCE AND ARTS. Conducted by B. Silliman, etc. 2d series: Vol. 20 - 27, Nov. 1835 - May 1859. NewHaven. 8 v. 8~. AMERICANt JOURNAL OF THE MEDICAL SCIENCES. NO.'I, Nov. 1827, to No. 52, Aug. 1840. 26 v.- New series, edited by Isaac Hayes, M.D.: Vol. 1, Jan. 1841, to vol. 38, Jul. & Oct. 1859. 38 v. Philadelphia. 64 v. 8~. AMERICANt LAND COMPANY. Catalogue of lands of... at auction, June 1844. New-York, 1843. 124 p. 8~. Pam. v. 520. AMERiICANt MEDICAL ASSOCIATION, instituted 1847. -Transactions. Vol. 8, 9, 10, 11. Philadelphia, 1855, 56, 57, 58. 4 v. 8~. - Reception of.... at Independence Hall, Philadelphia, May 2, 1855. 80. Pam. v. 196. --- See also National Medical Convention, 1846. AMERICANt MISSIONARY ASSOCIATION. Proceedings of the Convention of Bible Missions, Syracuse, Feb. 1846.- Proceedings of the Second convention, Sep. 1846.- A.M.S. 3d, 4th, 6th, 7th, 8th, 9th, 10th, 11th, 12th Annual Reports. New-York. 1849 - 58. In 4 v. 80. - 10th Report, 1856. Pam. v. 525. AMERICAN MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE (and TRUST) COMPANY. NewHaven, Ct. 1850, 55, 58. 120. Pam. v. 618. AMERICAN NATIONAL PREACHER. See National Preacher. AMERICAN NEW CHURCH ASSOCIATION. The Swedenborgian: No. 1, Jan. 1858. New-York. 120. Pam. v. 540. AMERICAN NOTES AND QUERIES. W. Brotherhead, editor. Vol. 1, No. 1 - 4, Jan. - Apr. 1857. Philadelphia. 160 p. 8~. Pam. v. 533. AMERICAN PARTY of New-York. Address. Troy, Feb. 24, 25, 1857. 16 p. 80. Pam. v. 537. AM3ERICAN PEACE SOCIETY. Petition in behalf of stipulated arbitration.. to the Senate of the U.S. 1853. 4 p. 8~. -Pam. v. 509. - No. 1: Appeal to American Christians... By Pacificus. NewYork, 1830. 28 p. 80. Pam. v. 509. AMERICANt PHARMACEUTICAL ASSOCIATION. Proceedings, 4th Annual meeting. -New-York, 1855. 40 p. 8~. Pam. v. 515. - Proceedings. 6th, 7th Annual meetings: Philadelphia, 1857, 58. 178, 488 p. 2 v. 8~. AMERICANt PHILOSOPHICAL SOCIETY; held at Philadelphia, for promoting useful knowledge. Proceedings.: Vol. 6, Jan. 1854 - Dec. 1858. Philadelphia, 1859. 80. ----- Memorial.... praying a repeal of the existing duty on books imported. Cong. Doc. Washington, 1822. 7 p. 8~. Pam. v. 470. AMERICAN PHRENOLOGICAL JOURNAL. Jan. 1858. New-York. Pamn v. 1016. 28 GENERAL LIBRARY. AMERICAN POLYTECHNIC JOURNAL. A New Monthly Periodical, devoted to science, mechanic arts, and agriculture. Conducted by Prof. Charles G. Page, M,D., late Chief Examiner of patents; J. J. Greenough, M.E....; C. L. Fleischmann, C.E..... Vol. 1, Jan. 1853.- Vol. 2, Dec. 1853; vol. 3: Title Greenough's Amer. Pol. Jour. etc. Conducted by J. J. Greenough...Prof. C. G. Page. Jan. - Jun. 1854; Vol. 4, Jul. - Dec. 1854. New-York. 4 v. 80. AMERICAN POMOLOGICAL CONGRESS. Report, 2 - 5 October 1850, in Cincinnati... Columbus, 1851. 79 p. 8~. Pam. v. 505. AMERICAN PRESBYTERIAN ALMANAC. Presb. Pub. Comm. Philadelphia, 1855. Alm. v. 36. AMERICAN PROTESTANT ALMANAC. N.York, 1846. 120. Aim. v. 14, 36. AMERICANt PROTESTANT SOCIETY. 4th Report. New-York, 1848. 8~. Pam. v. 548. AMERICAN PUBLISHERS' CIRCULAR and LITERARY GAZETTE. Vol. 1 - 5. New-York, 1855 - 59. 5 v. 4~. AMERICAN QUARTERLY CHURCH REVIEW. Continuation of Church Review. Vol. 10, Apr. 1858 - Mar. 1859. New-Haven. I v. 8~. AMERICAN QUARTERLY OBSERVER. Ed. by Bela B. Edwards. Vol. 1, Jul. 1833 - vol. 3, Oct. 1834. Boston. 2 v. 80. AMERICAN ( The) QUERIST; or, Some Questions proposed relative to the present disputes between Great Britain and her American colonies. By a North-American. By Myles Cooper, D.D. Boston: Reprinted by Mills & Hicks, 1774. 32 p. 8~. AMERICANt RAILROAD JOURNAL. H. V. Poor, editor. Vol. 27 - 32. New-York, 1854 - 59. 6 v. 4~. AMERICAN RAILWAY GUIDE, 1851. New-York, C. Dinsmore. sm. 4~. Aug. 1853. 18~. 2 v. AMERICAN REPUBLICAN PARTY, New-York. Address of the General Executive Committee... of the city of New-York....New-York, 1845. 15 p. 8~. Pam. v. 527. -- See Crisis, 1844. AMERICAN SCHOOL OF MINES. Paper No. 4: Outline of Plan. 4 p. 80. Pam. v. 551. AMERICAN SEAMEN'S FRIEND SOCIETY. The Seamen's Cause; em: bracing the history... By J. P. Warren, Sec. New-York, 1858. 55 p. 8~. Pam. v. 549. AMERICAN SLAVERY. English Opinion of " Uncle Tom's Cabin." From the London Times, Sep. 3. 8 p. 8~. Pam. v. 269. AMERICANt SOCIETY for Colonizing the Free People of Colour of the United States. 7th, 9th, 37th Report. Washington, 1824, 26, 54.With. A Sketch of the origin and progress of.... By a Friend to the Cause. Hartford, 1833. 24 p.-Also, Report of the Naval Committee to House of Representatives, Aug. 1850, in favor.. of mail steamers to the western coast of Africa.... with an appendix added by the American Colonization Society. Washington, 1850. 79 p. In 1 v. 8~. ----- African Repository and Colonial Journal. Vol. 26 - 34, 1850 - 58. Washington. 9 v. 8~. FIRST SUPPLEMENT. 29 AMERICAN SOCIETY for Educating Pious Youth for the Gospel Ministry. Appeal... Boston, 1816. 20 p. 8~. Pam. v. 293. AMERICAN SOCIETY for Meliorating the Condition of the Jews. 2d Annual Report: Princeton, N.J. 1824.- 21st, 23d, 24th Report: New-York, 1844, 46, 47.- With, Amer. Soc. for Evangelizing the Jews: New-York, 1817; and Female Soc. for... the Jews, 1818. In 1 v. 8~. The Jewish Chronicle, published under the direction of the.... and edited by John Lillie.... ***. Vol. I, II, III, IV. New-York, 1845 - 47. 2 vol. 80.- Also, Vol. 3, No. 7, 1847; vol. 10, No. 9, 1854. Pam. -v. 269. AMERICAN SOCIETY for Promoting the Civilization and General Improvement of the Indian tribes in the United States..lst Report.. in Washington. New-Haven, 1824. 74 p. 80. Pam. v. 508. AMERICAN STATESMAN'S CALENDAR and REGISTER for 1813. NewYork, D. Longworth. 12~. Alm. v. 55. AMERICANt SUNDAY SCHOOL UNION. 10th, 15th, 18th, 20th, 23d, 24th, 26th, 27th, 30th, 31st, 32d, 33d (abstract), 34th Annual Report. Philadelphia, 1834, 39, 42, 44, 47, 48, 50, 51, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58. In 1 v. 8~. ----- Catalogue of Books and other publications of:January 1858. Philadelphia. 120. Pam. v. 602. Popular Sketch of the rise and progress of Sunday schools in the United States. Philadelphia. 48 p. 120. Pam. v. 173, 251. ---- Tracts. No. 21, 22, 25. Phil'a. 8, 16, 12 p. 12~. Pam. v. 289. AMERICANt TEMPERANCE SOCIETY. 3d Report, Dec. 1829. Andover, Mass. 8~. Pam. v. 291.- 4th - 8th Reports, 1831 - 35. See Am. Temp. Union. AMERICANt TEMPERANCE UNION. Reports. New-York, 1839, 45, 47, 51, 53, 54. 8~. Pam. v. 291. a — Permanent Temperance Documents. 3 v. 8~. Vol. 1: 4th - 8th Ann. Reports of Am. Temp. Society, 1831 - 35. Vol. 2: 1st - 8th Ann. Reports of Am. Temp. Union, 1837 - 44. Vol. 3: 9th - 16th Ann. Reports, 1845 - 52; and pamphlets. - Journal. V. 12 - 15, 1848 - 50, New-York, 1 v.; V. 15 - 18, 1851 - 54, N.York, 1 v.; V. 19 - 21, 1855 - 57, 1 v. [ From July 1857, united with the Prohibitionist; joint title]. Youth's Temperance Advocate. Vol. 9, 10, 11: 1848 - 50. New-York. In 3 v. 4~. --- Letters from Prof. Stuart,. L. M. Sargent, Gen. Cocke, and J. Edwards, D.D., on the Maine liquor law. See Permanent Temp. Documents, v. 3.' AMERICANt TRACT SOCIETY (Boston). 10th, 27th, 44th Report: Andover, 1824. Boston, 1841, 58. 8. — Brief History of.... and its relations with the Am. Tract Society, N.York. Boston, 1857. 120. Pam. v. 297. Letters to the Members...and to those of the National Society in New-York. By the Secretary. Seth Bliss.... Boston, 1858. 112 p. 80. Pam. v. 297. 30 GENERAL LIBRARY. AMERICANt TRACT SOCIETY (New- York). General View of Colportage. 8~. Pam. v. 297. Report of the Special Committee appointed at the Annual meeting..May 7, 1857, to inquire into and review the proceedings of the Society's Exec. Committee. 8~. Pam. v. 297. Descriptive and Alphabetical lists of the tracts and volumes. 48 p. 12. Pain. v. 602. See Christian, Christlicher, and Illustrated Almanacs. AMERICAN TRANSPORTATION COiMPANY. Articles, etc. Buffalo, 1855. 32 p. 8~. Pam. v. 529. AMERICAN TUTOR'S ASSISTANT Revised; or a Compendious System of Practical arithmetic.... To which is added a Course of bookkeeping by single entry. Philadelphia, 1813. 180, 32 p. 12~. AMERICANt UNITARIAN ASSOCIATION. 28th Report, with the addresses at the Anniversary, May 24, 1853. Boston, 120. Pam. v. 219. Quarterly Journal. V. I - IV, Boston, 1854 - 57. 4 v. 12~.V. I, No. 2, Jan. 1854. Pam. v. 198. Tracts. Various numbers from No. 55 to No. 259. Boston, 1832 - 49. Bound in 2 v. 120. Also three in Pam. v. 219, with list of tracts. AMERICAN VIEWS. T. Nelson & Sons: London, Edinburgh and NewYork. 2 v. with text. 180. Contents: Vol. 1, No.l: Capitol at Washington. 2: Tomb of Washington. 3: Hudson R. from West Point. 4: Caldwell, Lake George, 5: New-York Bay. 6: The Narrows, Lake George. 7: Natural Bridge, Va. 8: Falls of Niagara. Vol. 2, No.1: Two lakes, Catskill. 2: Susquehannah river. 3: Trenton falls. 4: Outlet of Niagara river. 5: Narrows at Fort Hamilton. 6: Baltimore. 7: Palisades, Hudsonr's R. 8: Boston and Bunkerhill. AMERICAN WATER-CURE ALMANAC, 1858. Fowler & Wells, N.York. 12~. Alm. v. 34. AMEIRICAN WIDOWS' RELIEF ASSOCIATION. lst Report. New-York, 1855. 8~. Pam. v. 226. AMERICAN WOMAN'S EDUCATIONAL ASSOCIATION. ist Report, 1853. Pam. v. 277.- 2d, 3d, 4th Report, New-York, 1854 - 56. 8~. Pam. v. 226. AMERICANS ( The) ROUSED, in a Cure for the Spleen...a conversation on the times over a friendly tankard and pipe.... By Sir Roger de Coverley. New-England: New-York, reprinted by James Rivington (1774). 32 p. 8~. AMERICANISCHER HAUS- UND WIRTHSCI-IAFTS-CALENDER. Philadelphia, 1793, 95. 4~. Aim. v. 44. AMERICANISCHER STADT UND LAND KALENDER. Philadelphia, 1789, 92. 4~. Alm. v. 44.-...1810, 11, 12, 15, 18, 27, 29. Alm. v. 45.1830, 31, 33, 38. 4. Alim. v. 46. AMIERICANISCI-TEUTSCHE HAUSFREUND und BALTIMORE CALENDER, 1832. 4~. Alm. v. 46. FIRST SUPPLEMENT. 31 AMES (Joseph), F.R.S. Typographical Antiquities; being an Historical Account of printing in England, with some memoirs of our ancient printers and a register of the books printed by them, from the year MCCCCLXXI to the year Mmc; with an appendix concerning printing in Scotland and Ireland, to the same time..London, Faden, 1749. 598 p. and index. 4~. Edition enlarged of the same. See Herbert, W.; Dibdin, T. F. [AMES, Julius R.]. Liberty: Extracts on Slavery.'New-York,1837. Cat. 1855. AMES, Nathaniel. Astronomical Diary, or an Almanac for 1737 - 49, 58, 60, 61, 63, 64, 65, Boston, Mass.; 1765, 66, reprinted NewLondon, Ct. by T. Greene; 1767, Boston; 1771, Hartford; 1771, unknown place; 1772, reprinted New-Haven, by T. & S. Green. In 1 v. 120. AMHERSTt COLLEGE, Mass. Catalogue (Triennial) of Graduates, 1831, 39, 42, 45, 48, 51, 57.- Catalogue of the Students, 1836, 44, 51, 52, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58. Amherst. 8o. - Catalogue. 1824, 33, 45. Pam. v. 155.-For 1843, Pam. v. 157; for 1854, Pam. v. 212; for 1856, Pam. v. 247. [AM.HuRST, Nicholas], Editor. See Craftsman, periodical. AMI (L') -DE L'ENFANCE: Journal des Salles d'asile, publie sous les auspices de la Commission Superieure des Salles d'asile...Ire - VIe annee, 1835 - 40. 6 v. ( V. I, II, III, par M. Cochin et M. Battelle.) - IIme Serie, Ire, IIme annde, 1846, 47. 2 v.- IIIme Serie, I, II, IIIme ann6e, Oct. 1854 - Sep. 1857. 3 v. Paris. 11 v. bound in V. 8~. AMMON, Dr. F. A. On the Treatment of Squinting: A Letter to Prof. Dieffenbach. New-York, 1841. 8~. Pam. v. 210. AMORETTI, Antonmaria. Lettere sull'anno natalizio d'Aldo Pio Manuzio, ed alcune stampe Manuziane. Diretta al Sig. Abate Gaetano Marini, primo custode della Biblioteca Vaticana.... In Roma, 1804. 25 p. 80. AMORY, Rev. Thomas. Sermon, Death of S. Chandler, D.D., 1766: Heb. xi, 13.... and a Catalogue of his works. London. 8~. Pam. v. 381. [ ]. A Dialogue on Devotion, after the manner of Xenophon, in which the... advantages of it are considered. London, 1733. 88 p. 8~. Pam. v. 336. [AMORY, Thomas]. The Life of John Buncle, Esq.; containing various observations and reflections made in several parts of the world, and many extraordinary relations. Vol. I, II. London, 1766. 2 v. 8~. AMORY, Thomas C. Life of James Sullivan, with selections from his writings. Boston, 1859. 2 v. 8~. AMPLE INSTRUCTIONS for the Barometer and Thermometer.... the Sympiesometer and Oil-barometer... To which is added... various atmospherical phenomena... New-York, G. Leone, 1841. 39 p. 8~. Pam. v. 551. AMSTERDAM. Catalogus van de Bibliotheek der Stad Amsterdam. Eerste, Tweede, gedeelte. Amsterdam, 1856, 57. 8~. AMSTERDAM ACADEMY OF SCIENCES. See Koninklijke Akad. etc. 32 GENERAL LIBRARY. AMSTERDAM Gazette. Avec Privilege de nos Seigneurs les ltats de Hollande et de West-Frise. 3 Jan. 1744 - 67, 69. 25 v. sm. 4~. Printed by le S. J. P. Tronchin du Breuil. AMYRALDUS, Moses. A Discourse concerning the divine dreams mention'd in Scripture, together with the marks and characters by which they might be distinguished from vain delusions. In a letter to Monsieur Gaches, by Moses Amyraldus. Trans. out of the French, by Ja. Lowde... London, 1676. 134 p. 180. ANACR.EONt. Anacreontis Teii Carmina... Notasque cum nova interpretatione literali adjecit W. Baxter. Subjiciuntur etiam duo vetustissimme Poetrime Sapphus elegantissima odaria.... et Theocriti Anacreonticum in mortuum Adonin. London, 1695. 131 p. 12~. ANALECTABIBLION; OU Extraits critiques de divers livres rares, oublies ou peu connus, tires du cabinet du Marquis D. R*** ( Du Roure). Tome premier, second. Paris, 1836, 37. 2 v. in 1, 8~. First published in the Bulletin du Bibliophile, Techener. ANALOGY ef Sacred History and Prophecy; with.... modern times.... A Discourse written in Ireland during the late rebellion there, 1798. London, 1800. 80. Pam. v. 310. ANALYSIS of the Evidence before the select committees upon the slave trade. By a Barrister. London, 1850. 121 p. 8~. Pam. v. 438. ANALYTICAL SANITARY COMMISSION. Records of the results of microscopical and chemical analysis of the solids and fluids consumed by all classes of the public. No. I: Coffee and its adulterations. From the Lancet, 1851. 23 p. 8~. Pam. v. 404. ANCIENT AND MODERN LIBERTY stated and compared. By John, Lord Hervey. London, 1734. 67 p. 8~. Pam. v. 418. ANCIENT HISTORY Of the Hebrews vindicated; or Remarks on part of the third volume of the Moral Philosopher of T. Morgan. By Theophanes Cantabrigiensis. Bp. Samuel Squire. Cambridge, 1741. 100 p. 8~. See Chandler's Vindication, Cat. 1855. ANDERSON, Arthur. National Defence: Our best and cheapest militia an auxiliary steam navy. Speech, H. of Commons, March 30, 1852. London. 8~. Pam. v. 406. ANDERSON, James, A.M. The Constitutions of the Free - Masons; containing the history, charges, regulations, etc. of that most ancient and right-worshipful fraternity. For the use of the lodges. London, 1723: New-York, fac simile, 1855. 108 p. 4~. ANDERSON (James), LL.D. The Interest of Great Britain with regard to her American Colonies, considered. To which is added an Appendix, containing the outlines of a plan for a general pacification. London, 1782. 136 p. and appendix 36 p, I v. 8~. ANDERSON ( M. B.), University of Rochester. The End and Means of a liberal education.- An Inaugural Address. Rochester, 1854. 8~. Pam. v. 100, 215. ANDERSONt (RufUS), D.D. Sermon: Ordination of Mr. Edward Webb as a missionary, Ware, Mass. Oct. 23, 1845. Boston, 1845. 8~. Pam. v. 267. ANDOVER, Mass. -Auditor's Report of receipts and expenditures.... Andover, 1856. Pam. v. 476. FIRST SUPPLEMENT. 33 ANDR+t, Maj. John. The Cow Chace; an ileroick Poem, in three cantos. Written at New-York, 1780, by the late Major Andre, with explanatory notes by the editor. are London, Fielding, 1781. 32 p. 4Q. ANDRES DE S. NICOLAS, P. Fr. Imagen de N. S. de Copacavana; portento del nuevo mundo, y a conocido en Europa. Al real, y supremo Consejo de las Indias, por El P. Fr. Andres de S. Nicolas, Agustino Descalqo de la Congregacion de Espaiha. Plieg. 40. Aio 1663... In Madrid, por Andrea Garcia de la Iglesia. xviii, 296 p. 4. ANDRESEN, A. Luther Revived; or a Short Account of John Ronge, the bold reformer of the Catholic church in Germany. London, 1845. 36 p. 80. Pam. v. 390. ANDREWS & BOYLE. An Earnest Appeal in behalf of human life, health and happiness. New-York, 1846. 8. Pam. v. 271. ANDREWS, Charles. - Speech, U.S. IH. of R.: On Sympathy to L. Kossuth, 1852. 7 p. 80. Pam. v. 487. ANDREWS, C. C. Reflections on the operation of the present system of education. Boston, 1853. 29 p. 8~. Pam. v. 491. ANDREWS, Ed. Sermon, Death of W. Townshend: Ps. xxxvii, 37. London, 1840.- Funeral orations (for C. Beuthin, 7'. Burn, 4c.). London, 1837.- Funeral oration, interment of B. Jacob. London, 1829. 8~. Pam. v. 380. ANDREWS (J. W.), Pres. Marietta College. Webster's Dictionaries. From the Marietta ( O.) Intelligencer, Apr. 1 - 8, 1856. Springfield, Mass. 1856. 80. Pam. v. 227. ANDREWS, Joel W. The Barometer. Albany. 12 p. 80. Pam. v. 222. ANDREWS, Robert C. A Letter to Hon. Robert Peel, on the prevention of the re-establishment in Ireland of popery and priestcraft. London, 1828. 20 p. 80. Pain. v. 342. ANDREWS, Stephen Pearl. The Science of Society. No. 1: The true constitution of government in the sovereignty of the individual, as the finaldevelopment of protestantism, democracy and socialism. 2d edition.- No. 2: Cost the limit of price; a scientific measure of honesty in trade, as one of the fundamental principles in the solution of the social problem. New-York, 1852. 70, 214 p. 12~. ANDREWS, T. Vindication of the Church of England; intended as a refutation of the arguments advanced by Mr. Towgood... London, 1799. 39 p. 8~. Pam. v. 323. ANDREWS, W. Almanacks. See News from the Stars, 1679 - 72. ANDREWSta, Rev. William W. A Sermon on withdrawing from the Congregational ministry. Preached in Kent, Conn., May 20, 1849. With statement of reasons.... 2d edition, with an introductory preface. New-York, 1851. 8~. Pain. v. 288. The True Constitution of the Church, and its restoration. Read to the North Association of Litchfield county, Ct., Sept. 28, 1853. New-York, 1854. 61 p. 80. Pain. v. 104. The Work of the Church in America, especially in the West. An Address, Marietta ( O.), July 28, 1855. New-York, 1856. 8~. Pam. v. 262. [ SUPPL.] 5 34 GENERAL LIBRARY. ANDREWS, Rev. W. W. [- ]. See also Apostolic Church, 1858. ANDROS, R. S. S. The United States Customs Guide... with a table of duties payable... Boston, 1859. 316 p. 12~. ANDROS, Rev. Thomas. An Essay, in which the doctrine of a positive divine efficiency exciting the will of man to sin... is candidly discussed.... Boston, 1820. 132 p. 12~. ANDRY, M. L'Orthopedie; ou L'Art de prevenir et corriger, dans les enfans, les difformites du corps.... Avec figures. Tome premier. A Bruxelles... 1743. 18~. ANECDOTES of Books and Authors. London, 1836. 18~. ANECDOTES of the American Indians, illustrating their eccentricities of character. By the Author of "Evenings in Boston".... etc. NewYork... 1844. 180~. ANGELUS BRITANNICUS, J. Tanner, Ephenz. London, 1679, 1696, 1705, 1715. Aim. v. 1 - 4. ANGLIEVIEL DE LA BEAUMELLE, L. Vie de Maupertuis...Ouvrage posthume. Suivi de lettres inedites de Fr6deric le Grand et de Maupertuis... Paris, 1856. 80~. ANGLO-AMIERICANt MAGAZINE. July - Dec. 1855: Vol. 7. Toronto. 1 v. 8~. ANGLO-CHINESE COLLEGE. The Tenth Report, for the year 1834. Malacca, 1834. 8~. Pam. v. 103. ANGLO-CHINESE (The) KALENDAR... for..1839.. of the Chinese cycle -era 4476, or the 36th year of the 75th cycle of sixty, being the xixth year of the reign of Taou-IKwang. Canton, China, 1839. 55, xx, 45 p. 8~. ANGOULeSE, Duchesse D'. Relation du Voyage de Louis xvI et de sa Famille aT Varennes. Par Mme la Duchesse d'Angouleme. Avec des Notes historiques et biographiques. Londres, 1824. 36 p. With, Relation d'un Voyage a Bruxelles et a Coblentz (1791), par Sa Majeste tres chr6tienne Louis XVIII... 2e eddition. Londres, 1823. 129 p. And, Memoires partictliers sur la captivite de la famille royale a la Tour du Temple. Par Madame la Duchesse d'Angouleme. Avec des notes historiques et biographiques. Londres, 1824. 130 p. 1 v. 8~. Forms part of, MeInoires pour servir a l'lHistoire des xvIIIme et xIxme Siecles, en vingt-cinq volumes. Londres, Colburn, 1834. ANNALEN DER K. STERNWARTE lbey Miinchen. See Bavaria. ANNALES DE LA TEMPERANCE. Sous le Patronage du Conseil Central de l'Association Diocesaine de Ville-Marie. Montreal, 1854. 80 p. 8~. Pam. v. 291. ANNALES D'HYGIkNE PUBLIQUE ET DE MIDECINE LE~GALE, par MM. Adelon, Andral, Boudin; Brierre de Boismont, etc. Vol. 1 - 50. Paris, 1829 - 53. 50 v.- Second series: Vol. 1 - 10, 1854 - 58. 10. v. 60 v. 8~. ANNALESt DES PONTS ET CIHAUSStES. Meimoires et Documents.... concernant l'actninistration des ponts et chaussees. 30e serie. Tome VII - XV. Paris, 1853 - 55. 9 v. 8~. FIRST SUPPLEMENT. 35) ANNALS AND MAGAZINE OF NATURAL HISTORY; including Zoology, Botany and Geology. Being a Continuation of the "Annals," combined with Loudon and Charlesworth's Magazine of Natural History. Cont. by P. J. Selby, C. C. Babington, J. E. Gray and A. Henfrey. Vol. I, II. 3d series. Jan. - Dec. London, 1855. 2 v. 8~. ANNALS OF SCIENCE; being a Record of the inventions and improvements in applied science, including the Transactions of the American Association for the Advancement of Science. Conducted by Hamilton L. Smith, A.M. Continued, without titlepage. Vol. 2: Jan. - May, 5 nos. 1854. Cleveland, O. 1 v. 8~. ANNALS OF THE KINGDOM OF IRELAND, by the Four Masters, from the earliest period to the year 1616. Edited from mss. in the Library of the Royal Irish Academy and of Trinity College, Dublin, with a translation and copious notes. By John O'Donovan, LL.D.... * ~ Second edition. Dublin, 1856. 7 v. 80~. ANNE, Queen of England. Speeches in Parliament, 1701 - 12. 48 p. 8~. TNo title. Pain. v. 416. [ANNETT, Peter]. See Resurrection of Jesus. 1743. ANNEXATION OF TEXAS. Opinions of Messrs. Clay, Polk, Benton and Van Buren. 1844. 16 p. 8~. Pam. v. 486. ANNONCES DE BIBLIOGRAPHIE MODERNE; ou Catalogue raisonn6 et analytique des livres nouveaux. Tome I, II. Paris, chez Lavilette, 1790. 2 v. 8~. ANNUAIRE DE L'INSTRUCTION PUBLIQUE pour..1854, 57, 58. Redige par J. Delalain. Paris. 3 v. 12~. ANNUAIREt DES DEUX- MONDES. Vol. VI, 30 Oct. 1856; V. VII, 20 Oct. 1857; V. vIII, 20 Oct. 1858. Fromn Ojice of the Revue des Deux Mondes. Paris. 3 v. 8~. ANNUAIRE publie par les R6dacteurs de l'Horticulteur frangais. Petit Almanach du jardinier potager, 1855. Par MM. Bossin et F. H6rincq. Paris. 180 p.- Petit Almanach du jardinier fleuriste, 1855. Paris. 180 p. Alm. v. 52. ANNUALt' OF SCIENTIFIC DISCOVERY... Ed. by D. A. Wells, for 1856, 57, 58, 59. Boston. 4 v. 12~. ANNUALt REGISTER. Vol. 96 - 100, 1854 - 58. London, 1855 - 59. 5 v. 8~. ANNUAL REGISTER of Indian Affairs within the Indian Territory. No. 4. Published by Isaac M'Coy...Shawanoe.... Washington, 1838. 95 p. 80. Pain. v. 508. ANOTHER LETTER to Mr. Almon, in matter of libel; with a postscript upon contempt of court and attachment. 2d edition, improved. WT4ith postscript. By R. Grenville, Earl Temple? London, Almon, 1771. 158, xl p. 80. Pol. Tr. v. 1, and Letter concerning libels. ANSELIN, M. Catalogue des Livres militaires et autres. Paris, 1833, 35. 120. Pain. v. 102. Cat. v. 1. ANSPACH, Rev. F. R. Discourse, July 4, 1852, on the Death of Henry Clay. Hagerstown, 1852. 80. Pam. v. 268. A Discourse on Systematic Benevolence, pronounced before the Ev. Lutheran Synod of Maryland, Oct. 16, 1852. And an Address to the Laity of the Ev. Lutheran Church. Hagerstown, 1853. 8~. Pam. v. 104. i36 GENERAL LIBRARY. ANSTEDt, David T. Geology, Mineralogy and Crystallography. See Orr's Circle. ANSWER (The) of the Friend in the West, to a Letter from a Gentleman in the East, entitled, The present state of the colony of Connecticut considered.. New-Haven..1755. 18 p. sin. 40~. ANSWER of the Whig Members of the Legislature of Massachusetts, constituting a majority of both branches, to the Address of His Ex. Marcus Morton; delivered in the Convention of both Houses, Jan. 1840. Boston, 1840. 36 p. 3~. Pam. v. 198, 259. ANSWER to a Discourse, etc. See [Sherlock, William]. ANSWER to a late Pamphlet intituled The judgment and doctrine of the clergy of the Church of England concerning one special branch of the King's prerogative, viz. in dispensing with the penal laws.... In a letter to a friend. London, Chiswell, 1687. 39 p. 40~. Pam. v. 408. ANSWER (An) to a late printed paper, given about by some of the Church of Rome. In a letter....2d ed. Lond. 1686. 18 p. 40~. Pam. v. 356. ANSWER to Alexander Hamilton's Letter, concerning the public conduct and character of John Adams, esq., President of the United States. By a Citizen of New-York. New-York, 1800. 80. Pam. v. 259. ANSWER to a pamphlet call'd The Conduct of the Ministry impartially examined.... By Dr. Shebbeare. London, 1756. 100 p. 80. Pam. v. 135. ANSWER to a Pamphlet entituled, Considerations. 1774. See [ Randolph, T.]. ANSWER (An) to a Sermon preached at Lambeth the 17 of April Anno D. 1608, by George Downame, Doctour of Divinitie, and intitvled A Sermon defendinge the honorable function of bishops; wherein, All his reasons...are answered... By Sherewood? Imprinted anno 1609., 59, 166 p. sin. 4~. Pam. v. 600. ANSWER (An) to Dr. Sherlock's Preservative against Popery, showing that Protestantism cannot be defended... By L. Sabran? London, 1688. 8 p. 4~. Pam. v. 357. ANSWER to some papers lately printed...1686. See [Stillingfleet,'E.]. ANSWER to the Address, 1688. See [ Williams, J.]. ANSWER (An) to the Bishop of Oxford's Reasons for abrogating the test imposed on all members of parliament, An. 1678... By W. Lloyd, D.D. London, 1686. 46 p. 4~. Pam. v. 357. ANSWER (An) to the Character and Conduct of R[obert] W[alpole], esq.; with an exact account of his popularity. London, 1717. 40 p. 8~. Pam. v. 418. ANSWER (An) to the late King James's Declaration to all his pretended subjects in the Kingdom of England. Dated at Dublin Castle, May 8, 1689.... By James WeZwood. London, 1689. 31 p. 4~. Pam. v. 408. ANSWER (An) to the Letter to Dr. Waterland, in relation to the point of circumcision.... By Moses Marcus. London, 1731. 32 p. 8~. Pam. v. 353. FIRST SUPPLEMENT. 37 ANSWER (An) to the Observations on the papers relative to the rupture with Spain. London, Hinkxman, 1762. 35 p. 80. Pam. v. 422. ANSWER (An) to WVar in disguise; or, Remarks upon the new doctrine of England, concerning neutral trade. By Gouverneur Mlorris. N. York, 1806. 76 p. 8~. Pam. v. 13. ANTHONt (Henry), D.D. A Sermon giving historical notices of St. Mark's Church in the Bowery, N.Y.... New-York, 1845. 58 p. 8~. Sermon, Death of Hon. Morris S. Miller, Trinity Church, Utica, Nov. 21, 1824. Utica, 1850. 8~. Pam. v. 268. ANTHONY, C. H. The Sanctions of Law; an Essay. Y.M.C. Association. ( From Albany Evening Transcript, 1857.) Pain. v. 269. ANTICIPATION of the Speeches intended to be spoken in the House of Commons... upon the motion of Aid. Newnham, relative to the affairs of the Prince of Wales. Lond. 1787. 110 p. 80. Pain. v. 411. ANTICIPATION; containing the Substance of His M.... y's most gracious Speech to both H...s of P...l...t.... together with a full and authentic account of'the debate which will take place...5th edition. By RicA. Tickell. London, 1778. 74 p. 8~. Pam. v. 410. ANTI-DRACO; or Reasons for abolishing the punishment of death in cases of forgery. By a Barrister.... London, 1830. 49 p. 8~. Paim. v. 403. ANTIGUA: Weekly Register. Vol. 28, 30: 1842, 44. Antigua, W.L. 1 v. f. ANTI-LANCET (The). Explanatory of the Doctrines and Practice of the Chronothermal System of Medicine, and Advocate of female medical education. A monthly medical journa. journal. 1, No. 1, April 1853. W. Turner et al. editors. Providence, R.I. 80. Pamn. v. 196. ANTIMASONIC ALMANAC. E. Giddins, Rochester, N.Y. 1829. Alln. 14, 33; 1830, Aim. v. 33. ANTI-MASONIC REVIEW and MONTTLY MAGAZINE. Vol. 1, No. 6, May 1829. H. D. Ward, Ed. New-York. 8. Pamin. v. 550. ANTIMASONIC REPUBLICAN STATE CONVENTION, N.Y. Proceedings, at Utica, June 21, 1832. 8~. Pain. v. 211. - ANTI-MASONIC STATE CONVENTIONS of Massachusetts. Proceedings, Dec. 30, 31, 1829; Jan. 1, 1830. Boston, 1830. 32 p. 8~. A Brief Report of the Debates.... Boston, 1830. 48 p. 8~. No. 4: 4th Anti-Masonic State Convention.... Sept. 11 - 13, 1833. Boston, 1833. 48 p. 80. Pam. v. 550.- For 1831 and 1833, Pamin. v. 211. ANTIOCH COLLEGE, Yellow-Springs, Ohio. Catalogue, 1853, 54, 55. Cincinnati, 1855, 56.- Circular, 1853. 80. Pam. v. 480. ANTIQUITftSt MEXICAINES. Paris, Treuttel et Wiirtz. Prospectus. fP. Pam. v. 1104. ANTISELLt, Thomas. The Manufacture of photogenic or hydro-carbon oils, from coal and other bituminous substances... New-York, 1859. 144 p. 80. ANTI-SLAVERY REPORTER. NO. 69, Oct. 20,1830. London. 8~. Pam. v. 462. 38 GENERAL LIBRARY. ANTI-SLAVERY SOCIETY. The Progress of colonial reform.... since May 15, 1823... with respect to negro slavery. London, 1826. 49 p. 80. Pan. v. 437. Address... approaching termination of colonial slavery. London, 1834. Pam. v. 438. ANTONIO FOSCARINI: An Historical Drama. London, 1836. 107 p. 8~. Pamn. v. 396. ANTONIO, Nicolas. Bibliotheca iHispana Vetus; sive Hispani Scriptores qui ab Octaviani Augusti mvo ad annum Christi mID floruerunt. Auctore D. Nicolao Antonio Hispalensi, I. C.... Curante Francisco Perezio Bayerio....Reg. Bib. Pal. Mat. Proefectd, qui et prologum et auctoris vitce epitomen, & notulas adjecit. Tomus primus, complectens milliarium smeculum; tomus secundus, ab anno IM ad MD. Matriti, 1788. xxviii, 556, 8; xxii, 467 p. In 2 v. fo. ANTONIO, Nicolas. Bibliotheca Hispana Nova; sive Hispanorum Scriptorum qui ab anno MD ad M1DCLXXXIV floruere notitia. Auctore D. Nicolao Antonio Hispalensi I. C.... Nune primum prodit, recognita emendata aucta ab ipso auctore. Tomus primus, -secundus. Matriti, 1783, 88. xxiii, 830, 680 p. 2 v. fo. APELACION al Pueblo Colombiano, y a los demas pueblos de America. Bogota, 1827. 50 p. 80. W. C. 632. APOLLONIlUS DY.SCOLUS. Apollonii Dyscoli, Alexandrini, Grammatici, Historive Commentitise Liber. Ioannes Meursius recensuit, Syntagma de ejus nominis Scriptoribus, & C oimmentarium addidit. Lugd. Batav. Elzerir, 1620. sm. 40.- With, M3eursi Denarius Pythagoricus, 1631. APOLILONIUS, of Alexandria. Apollonii Sophiste Lexicon Grmecun Iliadis et Odysseme. Primus ex codice manuscripto Sangermanensi in lucem vindicavit.... atque animadversionibus perpetuis illustravit, & versionem latinam adjecit Johannes Baptista Casparus d'Ansse de Villoison... Cum prolegomenis, indicibus.... Accedit praeter multa, huec usque inedita, Philemonis Grammatici fragmenta, Tertii Iliadis libri prosaica metaphrasis groeca.... Lutetire Parisiorum, 1773. 2 v. fv. APOLLONIUS RuODIUS. Apollonii Rhodii Argonauticorum libri quatuor. Grcece cum versione Lat. Scholiis Grr. commentario indicibus edidit Christianus Daniel Beckius. Volumen primum. Lipsime, 1797. 80. APOLOGETICAL VINDICATION of the Church of England; 1687. See [Hickes, George]. APOLOGY (An) for the Church of England in the Canadas. Kingston, Can. 1826. 22 p. 8~. Pamn. v. 490. APOLOGY (Xn) for the Clergy of the Church of England, touching their claims of spiritual powers... London, 1734. 36 p. 80. Pam. v. 322. APOLOGY (An) for the Conduct of the present administration as to foreign affairs generally, but particularly with regard to France.... In a letter...London, 1744. 54 p. 8~. Pam. v. 446. APOLOGY (An) for the Liturgy and Clergy of the Church of England, in answer to a pamphlet entitled Hints, &c. By Bishop S. Horsley... London, 1796. 95 p. 8~. Pam. v. 323. FIRST SUPPLEMENT. 39 APOSTOLIC CHURCH. To all who profess the faith of Christ, and have been baptized. Ending: From the Churches gathered under Apostles in the United States and Canada. April, 1858. 15 p. 80. Pani. v. 490. APOSTOLICAL CONFORMITY stated and asserted. London, printed in the year 1703. vi, 24 p. 4~. Pam. v. 358. APPEAL (An) from the Greek committee to the British public, 1822. 80. Pam. v. 392. APPEAL (An) in Behalf of Church government; addressed to the prelates and clergy.... By a Member of the Church. London, 1840. 147 p. 8~. Pai. v. 327. APPEAL (An) to common reason and candor, in behalf of a Review: Submitted to... members of the Church of England.... By Rev. John Jones. London, 1750. 154 p. $o. Pamn. v. 323. APPEAL (An) to Heaven and Earth against the Christian Epicureans, who have betrayed their king and country..... By Socrates Christianus (Edward Stephens). London, 1691. 6, 12 p. 40. Pain. v. 357. APPEAL (An) to liquor makers, liquor venders, and liquor drinkers... Columbus, 0. 1850. 16 p. 8~. Pamn. v. 292. APPEAL (An) to philosophers, philanthropists and legislators. Printed for the author, 1-857. 8 p. 8~. Pain. v. 513. APPEAL (An) to reason and justice, in behalf of the British which the present important contest with the revolted colonies is impartially considered.... London, 1778. 176 p. 80. Pain. v. 451. APPEAL (An) to the Christian public, on the evil and imipolicy of the Church engaging in merchandise.... and evil working of charity publication societies. Philadelphia, 1849. 24 p. 8~. Pam. v. 295. APPEAL (An) to the Landholders, concerning the... general benefit of an excise upon tobacco and wine. London, 1733. 32 p. 8~. Pamn. v. 425. APPEAL (An) to the Members of the United Churches. Philadelphia, 1826. 24 p. 8~. Pain. v. 490. APPEAL to the People; being a Review of the late correspondence and documnents relating to the rejection of the British Minister, including an Examination of the "Arrangement" of April last. By William Coleman, Ed. N.Y. Ev. Post. New-York, 1810. 120 p. 8~. Pam. v. 197. APPEAL to the Whig National Convention, in favor of the nomination of Daniel Webster to the Presidency. By a Whig fromn the start. New-York, 1848. 80. Pani. v. 197. APPELIUS, Joh. C. Vervolg van aanmerkingen over't regt gebruik van't Evangelie. Groningen, 1762. clxxii, 474 p. 8~0 APPENDIX to a Letter to Dr. Shebbeare, 1775. See [ Baillie, Hugh]. APPENDIX (An) to the Impartial Statement of the controversy respecting the decision of the late Commnittee of Canvassers. New-York, 1792. 22 p. 8~. Pain. v. 259. 40 GENERAL LIBRARY. APPLETONt (D.) & Co. Appleton's Cyclopmdia of Biography; embracing a series of original memoirs of the most distinguished persons of all times, written for the work by Sir A. Alison, 4-c. 4-c. American edition, edited by Francis L. Hawks, D.D. LL.D. With numerous illustrations. New-York, 1856. 8~. Appleton's Illustrated Handbook of American Travel: A full and reliable Guide by railway; steamboat and stage, to the cities, towns, waterfalls, the United States and the British Provinces. By T. Addison Richards. With careful maps....** New-York, 1857. 413 p. 12~. Appleton's Railway and Steam-navigation Guide, for the United States and the Canadas... Accompanied by a complete guide to the principal hotels.... By G. F. Thomas, Travelling Agent. N.York, Jul. 1856, Nov. 1856, Dec. 1856, Apr. 1857, Oct. 1857, Aug. 1858. 6 v. sin. 4~. Railroad Companion, 1848. See Wiliams, W. -- -- Appleton's Library Manual.... New-York, 1852. 80. Appleton's New Catalogue of American and English Books... with a complete index. New-York.1857. With... List of new works.... 1856; and Descriptive Catalogue of school, academic, *and collegiate text-books... 1856, &c. in 1 v. 8~. & Company's Own Publications, 1859. New-York. 234 p. 12~. APPLETON (Jesse), D.D. Sermon, at the Annual Election, Mass. May 25: Is. xxxiii, 6. Boston, 1814. 80. Pam. v. 557. Addresses.. delivered at the annual commencements from 1806 to 1818; with a sketch of his character. Brunswick, AMe. 1820. 8~. APPLETONt, Nathan. Correspondence between: and John G. Palfrey, intended as a supplement to Mr. Palfrey's pamphlet on the Slave power. Boston, 1846. 20 p. 80~. Pam. v. 562. - Memoir of the Hon. Abbott Lawrence, prepared for the Mass. Hist. Society. Boston, 1856. 21 p. 8~. Paiu. v. 494. APPLETONt (Nathaniel), D.D. A Discourse occasioned by the.. death of Rev. Edward Wigglesworth, D.D., Prof. of Divinity in Harvard College. Boston, N.E. 1765. 8~. Sermon, Roxbury, Nov. 9, 1750: Ordination of Rev. Oliver Peabody jr. Acts xvii, 2, 3. Boston, N.E., Draper, 1751. 36 p. 8~. APPLICATION of Barruel's Memoirs of Jacobinism to the secret societies of Ireland and Great Britain. By the Translator..R. Clifford. London, 1798. xxii, 50 p. 8~. Pam. v. 337. APPRENTICES' LIBRARY COMPANY, Philadelphia. Charter and ByLaws. Philadelphia, 1856. —Annual Report of the Managers, 1856, 57, 58. Philadelphia, Pam. v. 275.- Report for 1855, Paml. v. 205. APROSIO (Angelico) DA VENTIMIGLIA. Bibliotheca Aprosiana, liber rarissimus, et a nonnullis inter anekdotous numeratus, jam ex lingua italica in latinam conversus. Proemisit prsefationem notasque nonnullas addidit Joh. Chr. Wolfius.... Hamburgi, 1734. 248 p. and index, 12~. APSLEY HOUSE: its pictures and statuary.. London. 25 p. 180. Pain. v. 489. FIRST SUPPLEMENT. 41 APTHORP, Rev. East. The Character and Example of a Christian woman. A Discourse at Christ Church, Cambridge, on the death of Mrs. Anne Wheelwright: By East Apthorp, M.A., Missionary at Cambridge.@@@ Boston, Green & Russell, 1764. 32 p. 4~. Letters on the Prevalence of Christianity before its civil establishment; with Observations on a late history of the decline of the Roman Empire. By East Apthorp, M.A., Vicar of Croydon.*'* London, 1778. xxvi, 391 p. 8~. ARABIC and ENGLISH Grammatical and Familiar -Dialogues, chiefly intended for the use of students in the English language. Malta, 1840. 188 p. 8~. ARAGot, Frangois. (Euvres completes. Paris, 1854 - 59. 12 v. 8~. Contents: V. I. Notices Biographiques. Histoire de ma jeunesse. Fresnel; Volta; T. Young; J. Fourier; Watt; Carnot. V. n. Notices Biographiques. J. J.Ampere; Caritat de Condorcet; Bailly; G. Monge; Poisson. V. III. Notices Biographiques. Gay-Lussac; Malus; Biographies des principaux astronomes; Moliere; Discours funeraires. V. Iv. Notices Scientifiques, T. I: Le Tonnerre; Electro-magnetisme; Magnetisme terrestre; Aurores boreales. V. v. Notices Scientifiques, T. 2: Notice historique des machines a vapeur; Explosions des machines a vapeur; Les chemins de fer; Sur les chaux; Navigation. V. vI. Notices Scientifiques, T. 3: Les phares; Les fortifications; Les puits fores.. Sur divers etablissements publics... V. vii. Notices Scientifiques, T. 4: Scintillation; Constitution physique du soleil et des etoiles; Eclipses; Polarisation; Daguerreotype; Action de la lumiere. V. viii. Notices Scientifiques, T. 5: Prediction du temps; L'influence de la lune; Sur le rayonnement de la chaleur; De la formation de la glace; Etat thermomettrique du globe terrestre. V. ix. Instructions: Rapports et notices sur les questions a resoudre pendant les voyages scientifiques. V. x. Memoires Scientifiques, T. 1. V. xi. M6moires Scientifiques, T. 2: Vitesse de son; MIesure de la m6ridienne; Forme et constitution des planetes; Pouvoirs refringents. V. xii. Melanges: Lettres a M. de Humboldt; Sur les hygrometres; Les vents; La pression atmospherique;. La pluie; La grele.. etc. etc. t. Astronomie populaire. (Euvre posthume. Tome iii, iv. Paris, 1856. 2 v. 80~. ARCANA; or the Principles of the late Petitioners to Parliament, for relief in the matter of subscription. In vII letters. By Rev. Robert Robinson. Cambridge, 1774. 110 p. 80. Pam. v. 319. ARCHiEOLOGICAL INSTITUTE of Great Britain and Ireland. Memoirs illustrative of the history and antiquities of Wiltshire and the city of Salisbury... communicated... July, 1849. London, 1851. 314 p. and plates. 8~. ARCH.EOLOGICAL (The) JOURNAL. See British Archseol. Association. ARcHIvES ISRAELITES. Recueil mensuel.... S. Cahen. XIV annee. Paris. 8~. Pam. v. 523. [SUPPL.] 6 42:GEN-ERAL LIBRARY. ARCTIC ( The) REGIONS; being an Account of the American Expedition in search of Sir John Franklin, under the patronage of H. Grinnell. Buffalo, N.Y. 365 - 369 p. 120. Pam. v. 500. ARCTIC REWARDS, and their claimants. London, 1856. 31 p. 80. Pam. v. 500. ARE THE INNOVATIOQNS now introduced into the Church of England insignificant? London, 1840. 8~. Pam. v. 331. ARE THE WEST-INDIA COLONIES to be preserved? A few plain facts... signed T. H. London, 1840. 16 p. 80. Pam. v. 438. ARGELATI, P. Philippi Argelati Bibliotheca Scriptorum Mediolanensiium; sen acta et elogia virorum onnigena eruditione illustrium, qui in metropoli insubrise, oppidisque circumjacentibuLs orti sunt... Prolmmittitur c. 1. Jos. Ant. Saxii... Historia Typographica Mediolanensis...cum indicibus... Tom. I, II. MIediolani, 1745. In 4 v. f~. ARGENTINE REPUBLIC. Constitucion de la Republica Argentina, salncionada por el Congreso General constituyente el 24 de Diciembre de 1826. Y el Manifiesto, etc. Buenos-Ayres, 1826. 55 p. 8~. W. C. 632. ARGOLUS, A. Andrea3 Argoli... De diebvs criticis et egrorum decvbitv libri dvo... Patavii, 1651. 383 p. sm. 4~. ARGUMIENT (The) a priori concerning the Existence and Perfections of God.... stated and considered. London, 1737. xv, 56 p. 8~. Pam. v. 444. ARGUaIENT... on a standing army, 1697. See [ Moyle, WI.]. ARGUTMENT (An) to prove the Unity and Perfections of God a priori' By Rev. Moses Lowman. London, 1735. 32 p. 8~. Pam. v. 444. ARGUMENTS for and against Catholic emancipation. London, 1813. 92 p. 8~. Pam. v. 344. ARGUS ( The). Vol. 1, Nov. 20, 1797. Putney, Vt. See Mass. Spy, Cat. 1855. ARIOSTOt, L. The Orlando Furioso. Translated into English verse.. with Notes by W. S. Rose... Vol. I. London, Bohn, 1858. 1 v. 120~. ARISTOPHANESt. Plutus: Comndie d'Aristophane, avec des Notes en franoais par A. J. Ducasau... Paris, Hachette, 1851. 131 p.. 120. The Comedies of Aristophanes, translated into familiar blank verse, with notes, preliminary observations on each play, etc. By C. A. Wheelwright, M.A. To which is added, A Dissertation on the Old Greek Comedy, from the German of Wachsmuth. Oxford, 1827. 2 v. 8~. ARISTOTLEt. Liber Predicabilium Porphirii; Liber Predicamentorum Aristotelis; Liber sex Principiorum Porretani; Liber i peri Hermenias Aristotelis.... etc. Col. Venetiis p. Baptistas de Tortis, Mcccclxxxiiii, Die xxvii Januarii. 164 p. f. With [Libri octo Physicorum; Libri tres de ccelo et mundo; Libri duo de generatione et corruptione; Libri quatuor metheorum; Libri tires de anima; Liber de plantis; Liber de morte et vita; Liber duodecim metaphysices]. Col. Explicit Opera' Aristotelis de naturali philosophia impressa Venetiis.... Anno Domini millesimo-cccc-lxxxii, pridie Nonas Aprilis. And Averois de substantia orbis. 712 p. fo. In 1 v. FIRST SUPPLEMENT. 43 -- Sumlma Philosophise Mo'alis,- qciuam aethicen dicunt Aristotelis peripateticorum principis ad Nichomacum. Col.: Finis hujus Summe AEthicorum Liptzik, per Jacobum Tanner Herbipolensem summa diligentia, labore non modico impresse. Anno redemptoris nostre 1504, sedecima Novembris. 47 p. f0. See Wellendarffer, V..- -..Histoire des Animaux d'Aristote, avec la traduction franSoise par MI. Camus. Paris, 1783. 4~. - Notes sur l'lEistoire des Animaux d'Aristote. Par M. Camus. Paris, 1783. 40~. ARKI ANSAS. First Report of a Geological Reconnoissance of the northern counties... By D. D. Owen. Little-Rock, 1858. 256 p. 8~. ARLINGTON, Henry Bennet, Earl of. Lettres du Comte d'Arlington au Chev. Temple, contenant une relation exacte des Trait6z de I'Eveque de Munster, de Brdcla, d'Aix la Chapelle.. Frowm the English. Utrecht, 1701. 2 v. 12~. ARMISTEAD, Wilson. A Tribute for the Negro; being a Vindication of the moral, intellectual and religious capabilities of the coloured portion of mankind. Manchester, Eng. 1848. xxxv, 564 p. 8~. [ARMlROYDt, George]. A Connected View of the whole internal na. vigation of the United States, natural and artificial; present and prospective. With maps. 1st edition. Philadelphia, 1826. 192 p. 8~. W. C. 507. ARMSTRONG, George. Sermon on occasion of the late storm: Matt. viii, 26; at Bristol. London, 1839. 8o. Pam. v. 378. ARMSTRONG (George D.), D.D. The Summer of the Pestilence: A History of the ravages of yellow fever in Norfolk, Virginia, A.D. 1855. Second edition. Philadelphia....1856. 180. [ARMSTRONGt, Dr. John]. The Art of Preserving Health: A Poem. London, 1744. 134 p. 4~. Pam. v 1012. ARMSTRONG, Rev. John. A Further Appeal for the formation of church penitentiaries. London, 1851. 24 p. 8~. Pam. v. 403. ARMSTRONG, Kosciusko. Examination of Thomas L. M'Kenney's Reply to the review of his narrative. New-York, 1847. 8~. Pam. v. 194. ARMSTRONGt, _Rev. Lebbeus. The Temperance Reformation; its history... to the... law of Maine, 1851.... and the influence of the promulgation of that law on-the political interest of the State of NewYork, 1852.... New-York, 1853. 408p. 12~. ARMSTRONG ( P.). The Jawbone of an Ass examined; being a Dialogue between Mr. Sneerhim Speakplain and Mir. Surface Shallowbrain, on the merits of a late publication by A. H., called "General Censure, or Sampson-with. a jawbone in his hand." N.York, 1811; 8~. Pam. v. 197. ARIMY LIsT, British. See Great Britain. ARNOLD, J. L. Poems: By the late Josias Lyndon Arnold, esq., of St.Johnsbury (Vermont), formerly of Providence.... Providence, 1797. 134 p. 12~ imp. ARNOLDt, Samuel G. History of the State of Rhode-Island and Providenee Plantations. Vol. I,: 1636- 1700. New-York, 1859. 8~. 44 GENERAL LIBRARY. ARNOLDt (Thomas), D.D. Two Sermons on the interpretation of prophecy. Oxford, 1839. 77 p. 8~. Pam. v. 310. ARNOLD, Wmin. H. The Profanation of the Pulpit briefly displayed; being a Stricture upon the conduct of licentious clergymen.... London, 1828. 54 p. 8S. Pam. v. 339. ARNOT, Hugo. A Collection and Abridgment of celebrated criminal trials in Scotland, from A.D. 1536 to 1784. With historical and critical remarks.-** Edinburgh.. 1785. 40~. ARRIANUSt. Arriani Nicomediensis Expeditionis Alexandri libri septem et Historia Indica, ex Bonav. Vulcanii interp. latina... Opera J. Gronovii. Lugd. Bat. 1704. fo. ART (L') IATRIQUE: Pomme en quatre chants. Ouvrage posthume de M. L. H. B. L. J. By Bourdelii le jeune.... Amiens, 1776. 93 p. 120. Pam. v. 612. ARTt JOURNAL. New Series. Vol. I, II, II, Iv, IV,: 1855, 56, 57, 58, 59. London. 5 v. 40. ART JOURNAL ADVERTISER. March, 1849 - Dec. 1850. London. 4~. Pam. v. 1015. ART (The) OF RESTORING; or, The Piety and Probity of Gen. Monk in bringing about the last Restoration, evidenced from his own authentic letters... London, 1714. 48 p. 8~. Pam. v. 442. ART TREASURES Of the United Kingdom. Catalogue of the Art Treasures of the United Kingdom: Collected at Manchester in 1857. Paintings, Portraits, and Ornamental art. London. 232 p. 12~. ART UNION Of London. Report.. 1843. 8~. Pam. v. 400. ART UNION of Philadelphia. Transactions for the year 1848 and 1849. Philadelphia.. 1848, 49. 64, 71 p. in 1 v. 8~. Circular, June 1852. 4~. Pam. v. 1015. ARTHUR. La Mort d'Arthure: The History of King Arthur and of the Knights of the Round Table. Compiled by Sir T. Mallory. Ed... by T. Wright.. London, J. R. Smith, 1858. 3 v. 18~. ARTHUR, Rev. William. The Church in the Catacombs: A Lecture.. 1849. London. 80. Pam. v. 395. ARTHURt, William. The Successful Merchant: Sketches of the Life of Mr. Samuel Budgett, late of Kingswood Hill. 22d thousand. New-York, 1857. 411 p. 18~. An Etymological Dictionary of family and christian* names; with an Essay on their derivation and import. N.York, 1857. 12~. ARTHUS (Gothard), Dantiscanus. Historia Indie Orientalis ex variis auctoribus collecta... qua regionum et insularum situs et commoditas, etc. describuntur. Col. Agrip. 1608. xx, 616 p. 18~. ARTICLES of a Joint Stock Association, or limited partnership, accompanied with an exposition of its principles.. New-York, 1836. 6, 11 p. 8~. Pam. v. 498. ARTIGNY, Abbe' Antoine G. Nouveaux M6moires d'histoire, de critique et de litterature. Tome I - vII. Paris, 1749 - 56. 7 v. 12~. ARUNDEL, John. Sermon, Thanksgiving day: Ps. cxxvi, 3. London, 1814. 8~. Pam. v. 375. FIRST SUPPLEMENT. 45 ARWIDSSONt, A. I. F6rteckning 5fver Kongl. Bibliothekets i Stockholm Islandska Handskrifter. Utgifven af Adolf Iwar Arwidsson. Stockholm.. 1848. 199 p. 80~. ASArM BAPTIST ASSOCIATION. Report of the Asam Mission, at the close of the year 1851; with the Minutes of the First meeting of the.. association. Sibsagor, Asam, 1852. 80. Pam. v. 219. ASGILL, John. An Abstract of the Public Funds granted and con-' tinued to the Crown since 1 W. & M., and still existing...With an Essay for the more speedy redemption of the perpetual funds.... London, 1715. 28 p. 40. Pain. v. 408. ASH, St.George, Bp. Sermon, 1715. See Society Prop. the Gospel. Sermon, Soc. for Ref. of Manners: Ps. xciv, 16. London, 1717. 8~. Pain. v. 366. ASHBURTON DINNER. Cuttings from several of the New-York newspapers relating to the Dinner to Lord Ashburton, Sept. 1, 1842. 4~. ASHDOWNE, William. Two Letters to the Bishop of Landaff.... on the operation of the Holy Spirit.... Canterbury, 1788. 80. Pam. v. 302. ASHER (A.) & Co. List of Curious and Rare Books. Berlin, 1844. Cat. v. 35.- Catalogue of books for sale, IS42: Cat. v. 34; 1848, Cat. v. 30; 1854, Cat. v. 75, 86. Catalogue of Library for sale. See Schumacher. ASHER, G. M. Bibliographical and Historial Essay on the Dutch books and pamphlets relating to New-Netherland and to the Dutch WestIndia Company, as also on the maps, charts, etc. of New-Netherland, accompanied by an historical map of the country.... Amst. 1854 - 55. 5 numbers, 40. Work not completed. ASHLAR (The). A. Weston, editor. Vol 1, No. 2, Oct. 1855. Detroit. Pam. v. 264.- Vol. 3, No. 1, Sept. 1857. Chicago and Detroit. 8~. Pam. v. 550. ASHLEY, Lord. See Cooper, Ant. Earl of Shaftesbury. ASHLEYt, J The Second Part of Memoirs and Considerations concerning the trade and revenues of the British Colonies in America.... London, 1743. xii, 127 p. 80. ASHMOLE, Elias. Catalogue of his iss. See Black, W. H. ASHMUN, G. Speech, U.S. H. of R.: Reply to C. J. Ingersoll's attack on D). Webster, 1846. 16 p. 8~. Pani. v. 487. ----- Speech, H. of R., on the Mexican War. Washington, 1847. 16 p. 80. Pam. v. 486. ASHTON'S ( D. R.) INSTITUTE for Young Ladies. Philadelphia, 1858. 80. Pamn. v. 460. ASIATIC CHOLERA: Its symptoms, remedies and preventives. NewYork, 1848. 64 p. 8~0. Pam. v. 271. ASKEW (Anthony), M.D. Bibliotheca Askeviana' Quorum auctio fiet... 13 Feb. 1775. 149 p. 80. WTVith prices. ASLIN, Robert. A Treatise on Divine Wisdom exemplified. London, Palmer, 1834. 16 p. 18~. Pam. v. 310. 46 GENERAL LIBRARY. ASPLANDt, Rev.. Robert. Sermon, Unitarian Soc. for Christ. Knowledge. London, 1815. 80. Pam. v. 316. The Unitarian's Creed: From Mr. Aspland's Plea... London, 1827. 8~. Pam. v. 317. ASSALINI, P. Observations on the Disease called the Plague; on the Dysentery, the Ophthalmy of Egypt.... with some Remarks on the Yellow Fever of Cadiz.... Trans. from the French by Adam Neal:e. To which is added, A Letter concerning the Seasoning:, or yellow fever of the West Indies: [By George Pinckard.... New-York, 1806. 12~. ASSHETON (William)), D.D. Sermons, Sons of the Clergy, 1699: Ec. is, 10. London, 1700. 8~. Pan. v. 3S3. [ —— ]. See Discourse on profane swearing, 1698. ASSIENTO que- se tomo con Antonio Fernandez Delbas, sobre la: renta y prouision general dcle esclauos negros para. las Indias,; ano de, mil y seiscientos y quinze. Madrid? 20 p. fV. ASSOCIATE SYNOD. A. Warning against Popery..Sept. 2, 1778. Edinburgh, 1799. 74 p. 80. Pain. v. 344. ASSOCIATED BANKS Of Massachusetts. 6th Annual Report... for the suppressions of counterfeiting. Boston, 1859. 40 p. 8~. Pam. v.463. - Association of Banks for the suppression of counterfeiting. A Report upon: the subject of: bank notes, May 1854. Boston., 1854. 8~. Pam. v. 252. AsSOCIATION for improving: the condition of the poor. First. Report of a: committee on the sanitary condition of the laboring classes of the city of: New-York... New-York, 1853. 32 p. 120. Pami. v. 501. ASSOCIATION for promoting the relief of destitution in the metropolis. -7th, 8th Report: 1850, 51. London, 1851, 52. 79, 82. p. 80. Pam. v. 472. ASSOCIATION for the benefit of colored orphans. 17th Report, N.York, 1853. 120. Pain. v. 225.- 18th Report, N.York, 1854. 120. Pa-m. v. 627. AssOcIATION for the exhibition of the industry of all nations. Statement.... in regard to the organization.... New-York,. 1853. 56 p. 8~. PamL. v. 518. Official awards of juries. N.York, 1853. 98 p. 8~. Pam. v. 518. AssoCIATION for the improvement of the poor.. 1st Report. Albany, 1846. 80. Pami. v. 535. ASSOCIATIONt for the relief of aged indigent females: Incorporated April 1849; organized, Oct. 1849. Boston, 1853. Pain. v. 243. ASSOCIATION for the relief of respectable aged indigent females. 30th Report. New-York, 1843. 120. Pain. v. 627.- 42d, 44th Report. New-York, 1855, 57. Pam. v. 226. ASSOCIATION of Lake Underwriters. Proceedings of the Board of marine inspectors of.... Buffalo, 1856. 12~. Pam. v. 529. Assoc.IATION of the Franklin Medal. Scholars.. Boston, 1858:. Pam. v. 277. FIRST SUPPLEMENT. 47 ASSOCIATION of the Girls' Industrial School. 1st Report. New-York, 1854. 120. Pain. v. 250. AST, Frederick. Beleuchtung der Epikureischen Ethik. 1831. 20 p. See K6nig. Baier. Ak. Reden, v. 5. ASTIER, F. Systeme nmetrique et legal des poids et mesures. 3e edition. Paris, Delalain, 1857. 168 p. 18~. ASTORt LIBRARY. Catalogue or Alphabetical Index of the Astor Library. In two parts: Part I, Authors and Books, A - L. NewYork, 18157, 58. 2 v. 80. List of Periodicals and Transactions of Societies taken in at the Astor Library, 1855. 24 p. 8~. Annual Report of the Trustees to the Legislature, Jan. 1857, 58. Albany, 1857, 58. Pam. v. 275. ASTRONOMICAL DIA~RY: S. Ellsworth, Hartford, T. Green, 1767; E. Watson, 1772; 1772, N. Low, Boston, 1772; N. Strong, Hartford, 1792,'93,'941, 1803. Aim. v. 19. See also Ames, N. ASTRONOMICALt (The) JOURNAL: Edited by B. A. Gould jr. Vol, 4, July 1854 - Oct. 1856. Cambridge, Iass.- Vol. 5, to Dec. 1858. Albany, 1N. Y. 1859. 2 v. 4~. ASYLE DES AVEUGLES de Lausanne. Rapports.... Annres 1850, 51, 52, 53. Lausanne, 1851 - 54. Pain. v. 218. ASYLUAI (An) for Fugitive Pieces in prose and verse, not in any other collection; with several pieces never before published. A new edition, including many pieces not in the former edition, and several never before printed. Ed. by f. A7lmzon. Lond. 1785 - 98, Debrett. 4 v. 120. ASYL.uMt for the relief of persons deprived of the use of their reason. 21st Report. Philadelphia, 1838. 80. Pain. v. 201.- 38th Report, 1856. Pam. v. 235. ATHANASIUS, S. Sancti Patris nostri Athanasii Archiepiscopi Alexandriae Opera que reperiuntur omnia. Editio nova, juxta Parisinam anni 1626; adornata. Quam hmc editio aliis hactenus vulgatis locupletior sit, epistola ad lectorem indicabit. C(umi indicibus necessariis.:** (ColoniT.. 1686. 2 v. f Gr. and Lat. ATHENIEUM3 Club. Constitution No. 108 Fifth Avenue,. N.Y. 1859. Pain. v. 627. ATHIENUXIuIt JOURNAL Or LITERATURE, for 1855, 56, 57, 58. London. In 5 v. 40. ATHENmUMi Of Philadelphia. Annual Report of the- Directors. Philadelphia, 1856. 8~. Pain. v. 275. ATHENAGORAS. ]De mortuorumn resurrectione. See Philo Judreus. ATKINS, M.R. R. Address, Philo-Franklin Lit.. Soc. of Allegheny College, Pa. Buffalo, 1857. 80. Pain. v. 514. ATKINSON, S. The effects of the new system of free trade upon our shipping, colonies and Hon. W. Huskisson. London, 1827. 63 p. 80.-A second lIetter, &c. London, 1827. 51 p. 50. Pam. v. 424. 48 GENERAL LIBRARY. ATKINSON, Thomas W. Oriental and Western Siberia: A Narrative of seven years explorations in Siberia, Mongolia, the Kirghis Steppes, Chinese Tartary, and part of Central Asia;. with a map. London, 1858. 611 p. 8~. ATKINSON, Rev. W. Christopher. A Historical and Statistical Account of New-Brnnswick, B.N.A., with advice to emigrants...3d edition. X Edinburgh, 1844. xvi, 284 p. 18~. ATKYNS, Richard. The Original and Growth of Printing in England: Collected out of history, and the records of this kingdome. Wherein is also demonstrated that printing appertaineth to the prerogative royal, and is a flower of the Crown of England. By Richard Atkyns, esq..... London, printed by John Streater, for the author, 1664. viii, 24 p.40. I Ms. copy. ATLANTIC AND PACIFIC RAILROAD COMPANY. Circular to the Stockholders. New-York, 1855. 80. Pam. v. 208. ATLANTIC (The) MONTHLY: A Magazine of literature, art and politics.- V. I, II, III. Boston, Nov. 1857 - Dec. 1859. 3 v. 8~. ATLANTIC TELEGRAPH CABLE. Celebration, Sept. 1, 1858. Albany, Weed, Parsons & Co. 8 p. 80. Pain. v. 529. ATLANTIC TELEGRAPH COMPANY. Letters of C. W. Field, 0. H. Berryman, M.F. Maury, and H. J. Rogers: 1856, 57. 5 p. 80. Pam. v. 529. ATLANTIS: Eine Monatschrift...von C. Essellen. Oct. 1857. Buffalo, N.Y. 8~. Pam. v. 523. ATLAS AND ARGUS. Daily. Albany. From commencement of new series, Feb. 18, 1856, to Dec. 1859. 8 v. f~. ATLAS OURANIOS. Ephem. R. White, London, 1750, 51, 59, 78. Alm. v. 7 - 12. ATLAS OURANIOS: White's Celestial Atlas, or Ephemeris, 1852. By W. S. B. Woolhouse, London. 60 p. 8~. Alm. v. 49. ATLEE, Samuel Y. The Religion of the Sun: A Posthumous Poem, of Thomas Paine, with a preface by the proprietor. Published for the booksellers. Philadelphia, 1826. 29 p. 120. ATOCHA, Alexander J. Memorial to the Sen. and H. of R. of the U.S, Aimerica, 1852. 21 p. 8~. Pam. v 488. ATTACH: (The) IN MADRID; or Sketches of the Court of Isabella II. Translated from the German. New-York, Appleton, 1856. 120~. ATTEMPT (An) to shew, that by a law of reflection existing in nature, every one is the performer of acts similar to those he attributes to others; that self-preservation is destruction, etc. London, E. Palmer, 1836. 40 p. 8~. Pam. v. 399. ATTEMPT (An) to strip negro emancipation of its difficulties as well as its terrors.... by shewing.... both the duty and interest of the planter... London, 1824. 48 p. 80. Pam. 436. ATTERBURY, Francis, Bp. Sermon, May 29, 1692: Ps. 1, 14. London. - Sermon, May 19, 1701, Restoration of Charles II: Ez. xxxvii, 3. London.- Sermon, Nov. 5, 1704: Mat. vii, 12. London. 40. Pam. v. 361. FIRST SUPPLEMENT. 49 Sermon, Nov. 5, 1704, before Her Majesty: 3iatt. vii, 12.Sermon, Funeral of Mr. T. -Bennet: 1 Cor. xv, 19. London, 1706. - Sermon, Election of Lord Mayor: Job xxix, 14. London, 1706. - Support -under afflictions, a sermon: Job xxii, 21. London, 1708. - Sermon before the Lord Mayor: Lu. x, 32. Apr. 26, 1709. Lond. - Sermon, Sons of the Clergy: Rom. xi, 16. 1709. London - Concio ad Clerum Lond.: RoMr. xiii, 1. London, 1709. Pam. v. 379. [ — ]. See Voice of the People, 1710. Cat. 1855. ATTERBURY, Lewis. Sermon, Thanksgiving for Marlborough's success: Aug. 23, 1705: 1 Sam. xii, 23, 24. London. 4~. Pam. v. 362. ATTICA and ALLEGANY VALLEY RAILROAD. An Exhibit... to Sept. 1, 1853. Buffalo, 1853. 8~. Pain. v. 544. ATTLEBORO', Mass. 10th Report of School Committee, 1855 - 56. Providence, 1856. 8~. Pam. v. 552. AUBIN PORTABLE G-AS-WORKS COMPANY. Reply to the Letter of Prof. Torrey, of New-York. Albany, 1856. 80. Pam. v. 255. AUCHER-ELOY, M. Relations de Voyages en Orient de 1830 a 1838. Revues et annotees par M. le Comte Jaubert...accompagnees d'une carte geographique.... Premiere partie, Seconde partie. Paris, 1843. 2 v. 8~. AUCHIERt, Pere Pascal. Dictionnaire Frangais-Armenien-Turc. Venise.. 1840. 8~. A Brief Account of the Mechitaristican Society, founded on the Island of St.Lazaro. Venice, 1825. 27 p 80. Pam. v. 395. [AUCIKLAND, W. Eden, Lord]. See Some Remarks.. on the war, etc. 1795. Speech, H. of Peers, April 11, 1799: Union between Great Britain and Ireland. London, 1799. 8~. Pam. v. 440. AUDET, E. D'. Aux...Syndics... de Geneve. Sonnet. 1 p. f~. Pam. v. 1104. AUDIFRET, M. le Malirquis d'. Le Budget. Paris, 1841. 243 p. 8~. AUERt, Alois. Die Entdeckung des Naturselbstdruckes; oder die Erfindung von ganzen herbarien, stoffen, spitzen, stickereien, und iiberhaupt allen originalien und copien, wenn sie auch noch so zarte erhabenheiten und vertiefungen an sich haben durch das original selbst auf einfache und schnelle weise Druckformen herzustellcn, womit man sowohl weiss auf gefirbtem grunde drucken und pragen, als auch mit den natiirlichen farben auf weissem papiere abdriicke, dem originale identisch gleich, gewinnen kann, ohne dass man einer zeichnung oder gravure auf die bisher iibliche weise durch menschenhande bedarf.... Von Alois Auer.... Zur allgemeinen beniitzung frei gegeben... Wien, 1854. 75 p. 40. With illustrations. - Album der k.k. Hof- und Staats-Druckerei in Wien: Naturselbstdruck; Moose; Geatzte steine; Versteinerungen; Spitzen und Stoffe; Verschiedenes. 1853. imp. f3. 69 plates. AUGUSTINUSt, St. Abp. Les Confessions de S. Augustin. Traduction nouvelle.... 40 6dition. Paris, J. B. Coignard, 1688. 8~. AURATUS, Joannes. Aurati Poematia.... Parisiis, 1586. With.... Epigrammatumr Lib. I, Par. 1586; and Eclogarum lib. ii. Paris. 392, 218, 80 p. 12~. [SUPPrL.] 7 50 GENERAL LIBRARY. AURIvILLIUS, P. F. Catalogus Bibliot. Upsaliensis. See Upsal. AUSTIN, Robert F. Buchananism not Democracy: Speech, New-York Assembly, Feb. 9, 1858. 6 p. 8~-. Pam. v. 530. AUSTIN, William. Letters from London; written during the years 1802 and 1803.`* Boston, 1804. 312 p. 8~. AUSTRIAt. GEOLOGY. Jahrbuch der k.k. Geologischen Reichsanstalt. W. Haidinger, editor. V. I - VI. 1850 - 52, 54 - 56. Wien. 6 v. 40. - ~ LIBRARIES. Katalog der Bibliothek des K.K. Hof-MineralienCabinetes in Wien. Zusammengestellt von Paul Partsch, Custos.. Wien, aus der k.k. Hof- und Staatsdruckerei, 1851. 233 p. 4~. Imperial Library. See IKrafft, A. Printing Establishment: A Brief Survey of the objects of gra-phic art, exhibited by the Imperial and Government printing establishment at Vienna, at the London Exhibition, 1851. London. 16 p. 80. Pam. v. 470. AUTEURS (Les) GRECS, expliqu6s d'apres une methode nouvelle par deux traductions fralicaises.... Par une Socie6t de professeurs et d'hellenistes... Paris, L. Hachette et Cie, 1845 - 48. 11 v. bound in 7. 120. Contents: HOMER: L'Iliade, cxplique...par C. Leprevost. 1845 - 54. DEImOSTHENES: Harangue sur les prevarications de l'ambassade.... Par M. Slievenart. 1848. PINDAR: Les Olympiques... Par M. Sommer. 1847. PLUTARCH: Vie de Pompee... Par M. Druon. 1845. SOPHOCLEs: Les Trachiniennes. Par MM. Eenloew et Bellaguet. 1846. XENOPHON: Les Entretiens memorables de Socrate.... Par M. Sommer. 1844. AUTEURS (Les) LATINS, expliqu6s d'apres une methode nouvelle, par deux traductions francaises, l'une litterale et juxtalineaire, pr6sentant le mot a mot francais en'regard des mots latins correspondants.; l'autre correcte et preced6e du texte latin, avec des sommair-es; et des notes. Par une Societie de professeurs et de latinistes. Paris,-:IL'." Hachette: et Cie, 1846 - 58. 11 v. bound in 5. 120. Contents: HORACE:'Odes et Epodes. Par M. Sommer et A. Desportes. Tome I, TI: 1846, 47.- Satires, 1857. By the same.- Epitres, 1840. Par E. Taillefert.- L'Art Poetique: Par E. Taillefert, 1858. VIRGIL: L'Eneide, expliqu6e par M. Sommer; traduit par A. Desportes. 1846 - 57. SALLUST: Jugurtha, Catilina.. Par M. Croiset. 1850. AUTHENTIC ACCOUNT of the Proceedings held at New-York in 1765.. London, 1767. See Account, Cat. 1855. AUTHENTIC ACCOUNT of... the Young Chevalier. 1749. See Account, Cat. 1855. AUTHENTIC PAPERS from America; submitted to the dispassionate consideration of the public. [ Petition of Congress, 1774, etc.] London, Becket, 1775. 33 p. 80. FIRST SUPPLEMENT. 51 AUTHENTIC PIECES respecting the Proceedings in both Houses of Parliament, and in the county meeting at York; or a Plan for restraining the enormous power of the Crown, and retrenching the public expenditure. London, 1780. 18 p. 8~. Pam. v. 254. AUTHORITY ( The) of the Church in matters of religion. London, 1718. 36 p. 8~. Pam. v. 340. AUXILIARY BIBLE SOCIETY of Constantinople. 2d Report. Constantinople, 1856. 56 p. 8". Pam. v. 467. AUXILIARY BIBLE SOCIETY of the Counties of Montgomery, Fulton and Hamilton. 23d, 24th, 25th, 26th Reports: 1840 - 43. Amsterdam, Johnstown, N. Y. 80. Pam. v. 468. AUXILIARY FOREIGN MISSION SOCIETY of Boston and vicinity. Proceedings, Anniversary 15th, 16th. Boston, 1826, 27. 8~. Pam. v. 525. AUXILIARY FOREIGN MYIISSIONARY SOCIETY of the County of Norfolk. Addresses, Ann. meeting. Boston, 1831. 24 p. 120. Pam. v. 525. AVECILLA, Pablo Alonzo de la. Diario de la Guerra.... desde el cuartel general del.... Marq. de Rodil. Num. 2, 5. Madrid, 1836 180. Pam. v. 628. AVERROES. [ Aboo el Velid Mohammed, Ibn Roshd.] De Substantia orbis. See Aristotle. AVERY, (Rev. David ), Wrentham, Mlass. Two Sermons on the nature and evil of professors of religion not bridling the tongue. Boston, 1791. 8~. Pam. v. 111. AWBREY ( T.), D.D. Sermon, H. of Commons, Restoration of Charles II: Is. xxviii, 29. London, 1715. 80. Pamn. v. 366. AYERST, Rev. Wm. Sermon, before H.M. Plenipotentiary at Utrecht, for Peace: Ps. cxxii, 6 - 9.- London, 1712. 80. Pam. v. 366. AYL1IER, William. A Recantation Sermon against the errors of popery, particularly transubstantiation, Oxford, Sept. 20, 1713: 2 Pet. ii, 1. Oxford. Pam. v. 265. AYLOFFE, Sir J. Paintings described. See Society of Antiquaries. AYRE, Joseph. A Letter to the... RIt. Coll. of Physicians, in relation to the evidence cited in their late report on the treatment of epidenmic cholera. London, 1854. 71 p. 8". Pamin. v. 405. AZARA, N. J. De. Bibliotheca Excellentissimni DD. Nicolai Josephi De Azara, ordine alphabetico descripta ab H. P. D Francisco Iturri et D. Salvatore Ferran. Aestimata a Mariano de Romanis... 1806. Romee. 334 p. 8~. AZYR, Vicq D'. Observations sur les moyens que l'on pent employer pour preserver les anilnaux sains de la contagion..Bordeaux, 1774. 108 p. 120. Pam. v. 611. B. B, E. See Origine of Atheism. B3-, F —. See Causes of the present distractions. London, 1774.. B., L. W. Palmer Exhumed: A few words on the trial.... By L. B., M.A. Camb. London, 1856. 43 p. 8., Pam. v. 393. 52. GENERAL LIBRARY. B., MI. See Controversy between M. B and Quero. 1818. BAADER, Joseph R. von. -Ueber die Vortheile einer verbesserten Banart von Eisenbahnen und Wagen, 1826. 72 p. See K6nig. Baier. Ak. Reden, v. 4. BABB, Rev. J. The Reviewer iReviewed; or an Examination of the Remlarks of the Christian Observer on Cottle's Strictures on the Plymouth Antinomians. Lynn-Regis, 1824. 73 p. 8~. Pam. v. 304. BABCOCK, George R. Remarks on the Roman Catholic Church property bill, N.Y. Sen. 1853. Albany. 12 p. 80. Pam. v. 530. BACHEt, Alexander D. Coast Survey Reports. See United States. Reports on the Progress of the Work of constructing standard weights and measures, 1845, 48. Cong. Doe. 8~. Pam. v. 205. Notes on the Gulf Stream, with charts. With additional remarks by G. W. Blunt. 1854. 8~. Pain. v. 103. Tide Tables for the principal Seaports of the United States. N. York, E. & G. IW. Blunt, 1855. 15 p. 80. Pam. v. 222. Tide Tables for the Use of Navigators, prepared from the Coast Survey observations. 1857. Pam. v. 272. Report upon the Sailing Directions for the Port of New-York and its approaches... Cambridge, 1856. 31 p. 8~. Pam. v. 529. - Report relative to the New-York Harbor Coast Survey, Dec. 28, 1857. N.Y. Sen. Doc. 1858. 12 p. and 2 charts. 8~. Pam.. v. 529. BACHELIER, M. Catalogue des Livres de Fonds. Paris, 1830. 91 p. 8~. Cat. v. 1; Catalogue 1845, Cat. v. 23; Catalogues 1848, Cat. v. 30; Catalogues 1853, Cat. v. 68. B3ACHER, G. F. Lettre de M. Bacher a M. Bouvart. Seconde Lettre. Sur l'hydropsie. Ex. du Journ. de Medecine.... Jan. Fev. 1782. Paris. 112 p. 120. Pam. v. 613. BACHMAN, Rev. Dr. The Design and Duties of the Christian Ministry: General Synod of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in the United States, May 13, 1848, at'New-York. Baltimore, 1848. 12~. Pam. v. 104. BACHMAN, Jobh. IHenr. Zwilf Uhrkunden zur Erlauterung der Geschichte der Gefangennehinung Philipp des Grosmiithigen Landgrafen zu liessen... Mannheim, 1768. viii, 95 p. 120. Pam. v. 609. BACKER, Augustin et Alois De. Bibliotheque des Ecrivains de la Compagnie de Jesus, ou Notices bibliographiques, 10 De tous les ouvrages publi6s par les membres.. 2~ Des apologies... suscitees a leur sujet. Premiere, Deuxieme s6rie. Li6ge, 1853. 54. 2 v. imp. 8~. BACKHOUSE, James. Sermon, 2 Cor. iv, 5: Consecration of P. Yonge, Bp. of Bristol, June 29, 1758. Cambridge,'1758. 40. Pam. v. 1007. BACKUS, Charles. Sermon, Longmeadow, Fast, Ap. 17. Springfield, Mass. 1788. 8~. Pam. v. 453. BACKIuS,t Rev. Isaac. The Substance of an address to an assembly in Bridgewater, March 10, 1779, previous to the administration of baptism...Providence. 8 p. 8~. Painam. v. 559. Policy as well as Honesty forbids the use of secular force in religious affairs... Boston, 1779, 26 p. 80. Pam. v. 559. FIRST SUPPLEMENT. 53 ----- Church History of New-England, from 1620 to 1804... With a memoir... Philadelphia, Baptist Tract Dep. 1839. 250 p. 180. BAcIUS (Rev. J. S.), Auburn. Backus and Kenyon on Secret Societies.... Albany, 1850. 44 p. 120. Pam. v. 550. BACOFFE, Joseph. Thesis medica.... [An plethora menstrui propluvii sit causa.] 1759, Versuntione. 20 p. 120. Pain. v. 612. BACONt, Ezekiel. Vacant Hours. A Sequel to " Recreations of a Sick Room." Utica, 1845. 18~. BACONt, Lord Francis. Bacon's Essays: with Annotations by Richard' Whately, D.D.... From the 2d London ed., revised. NewYork, 1857. 536 p. 8~. ---- The History, natural and experimental, of life and death, and of the prolongation of life. New-York. 77 p. 80. Pam. v. 516. BACON, Henry. A Review [of a Memoir of Rev. James M. Cook.] Philadelphia, (1851?). 36 p. 120. Pam. v. 488. BAcoNt (Leonard), D.D. Christian Unity. A Sermon, Foreign Evangelical Society.. New-York, 1845. 80. Pain. v. 495. - Slavery discussed in Occasional Essays, from 1833 to 1846. Now-York... 1846. 12~. ---- Christianity in History: A Discourse before the Alumni of Yale College, at their Annual Meeting, Aug. 16, 1848. New-Haven, 1848. 8~. Pam. v. 237. The Growth of the Kingdom of Heaven. A Discourse, Cong. Board of Publication. Boston, 1858. 8~. Pain. v. 485. [ —— ] See Review of pamphlets on slavery, 1833. BACON, Oliver N. A History of Natick, from its first settlement in 1851 to the present time; with notices of the first white families. And also, an account of the Centennial celebration, Oct. 16, 1851; Rev. Mr. Hunt's address at the consecration of Dell Park cemetery...Boston, 1856. 8~. BACON, Thomas. Four Sermons upon the great and indispensable duty of all Christian masters and mistresses to bring up their negro slaves in the knowledge and fear of God. Preached at the parish church of St. Peter in Talbot County, in the Province of Maryland..... London, 1750. 142 p. 18~. BACON, Thomas S. A Catalogue of the Library of... by auction... March 14, 1736 - 7. London. 516 p. 80, with the prices. BADDER, F. M. Was hat die Stiftung der Akademie zur Aufklarung des Vaterlandes beygetragen? 1783. 30 p. See Bay. Ac. Mem. v. 3. BADEN. Beitrdge zur Statistik der inneren Verwaltung des Grossherzogthums Baden. Herausgegeben von dem Ministerium des Innern. Carlsruhe, 1855. 4~. Contents: Die Gemeinden des Grossherzogthums Baden, deren Bestandtheile und Bcvolkerun~g. 239 p. Zweites hIeft. Bewegung der Bev6lkerung... in den Jahren 1852 bis mit 1855, und Inedicinische statistik, 1856. 185 p. Drittes Heft. Forst und Gemeindeforstverwaltung, 1856. 23 p. Viertes Ieft. Die Volkszahlung vom Dezember 1855. 1856. 86 p. Fiinftes Heft. Die Auswanderung in den Jahrern 1840 bis mit 1855, 57. 39p. Inl1v. 4L 54 GENERAL LIBRARY. BADEN. Landwirthschaftliches Centralblatt, herausgegeben von der Grossherzoglich Badischen Centralstelle fair die Landwirthschaft. 7er Jahrgang. Karlsruhe, 1859. 80.. Landwirthschftliches Correspondenzblatt fir das Grossherzogthum Ba-den, herausgegeben von der Centralstelle fur die Landwirthschaft. Karlsruhe, 1859. 8~. BADGER, George Percy. Description of Malta and Gozo. Malta... 1838. 18~. BADNALL, Richard. Letters to the Lords and Commons on the present commercial and agricultural condition of Great Britain. London, 1830. 191 p. 80. Pam. v. 430. BAGSHAw, Henry. A Sermon preached in Madrid July 4, 1666.... Death of Sir R. Fanshaw: Heb. xii, 2. London, 1667. 8~. Pam. v. 381. BAGSHAW, John.... Of the Harwich railway and pier, with an Appendix. London, 1850. 42 p. 8~. Pam. v. 428. BAGSTER, C. B. The Catalogue and Specimen Book of Oxford and Polyglott Bibles, works in theology.... and miscellaneous literature: published by... and C. S. Marshall... 1838, etc. 8~. See also, Cat. v. 46. BAILEY (John WT.) & Sons. Catalogue of fruit trees.. Plattsburgh Nurseries, 1859. 23 p. 8~. Pam. v. 505. BAILEY ( M. J.), M.D. Report on the practical operation of the law relating to the importation of adulterated and spurious drugs and medicines. New-York, 1849. 8". Pam. v. 210. BAILEY, Rev. Samuel W. Discourse on the True Principle of life, growth and strength to the Church, as related to the evanigelization of cities. New-York, 1856. 8~. Pain. v. 80. BAILEY, Thomas. Records of Longevity; with an Introductory Discourse on vital statistics. London, 1837. 399 p. 12~. BAILLET, Adrien. Jugemlens des Savans, sur les principaux ouvrages des auteurs. Revus, corrig6s & augment6s par M. De La Monnoye. Tome I - vII. Paris, 1722, with alt 8th vol., Anti-Baillet. Paris, 1730. 8 v. 4~. Contents: VOL. 1. Vie de Baillet; Jugemens sur les livres en gene'ral; Notes de Mr. De La MAonnoye; Jugemens sur les principaux imprinieurs. VOL. 2. Juemnens sur les critiques.... les bibliothecaires.... sur les principaux gramnlairiens. VOL. 3. Jugemens des principaux traducteurs; Jugemens sur les poetes; Liste des Poetes tant Grecs que Latins. VOL. 4. Jugemens sur les Poetes latins depuis les guerres puniques; Jugemens sur les Poetes modernes. VOL. 5. Suite des Poetes modernes: Auteurs qui ont traite de l'art poetique. VOL. 6. Enfans celebres par leurs etudes; Auteurs deguises, et la liste. VOL. 7. Les Satires personelles; Table generale des Anti; Table generale. VOL. 8. Anti-Baillet, ou Critique du livre de Mr. Baillet par Mr. MA6nage; Observations de Mr. De La Monnoye; R6flexiolis sur les jugemnens, par AI. le P. Tellier. ~FIRST SUPPLEMENT. 55 BAILLET, Adrien. Auteurs deguisez, sous des noms. 6trangers; empruntez, supposez, feints't plaisir, chiffrez, renversez, retournez, ou changez d'une langue en une autre. A Paris..1690. 615 p. 18~. BAILLIE (Hugh), LL.D. A Letter to Dr. Shebear, containing a refutation of his arguments concerning the Boston and Quebec acts of parliament: and his aspersions upon the memory of King William, and the Protestant Dissenters...London, 1775. 54 p. 8~. [ —— ]. An Appendix to a Letter to Dr. Shebbeare. To which are added, Some Observations on a pamphlet, entitled Taxation no Tyranny...By a Doctor of laws. London, 1775. 8 p. 8~. BAILLIfRE, J. B. Catalogues de Livres de Midecine et d'HIistoire naturelle: Librairie Scientifique, Paris, 1834, 102 p., and, 1844, Cat. v. 1; 1836, Cat. v. 59; Histoire naturelle, 1842, Cat. v. 60; 1847, Cat. v. 30; Medecine, 1848 - 49, Cat. v. 39; 1853, Cat. v. 68; Livres scientifiques, New-York, 1853, Cat. v. 50; 1856, Cat. v. 86. --- jLivres d'Histoire Naturelle. A Paris, Juin 1855. 122 p. 8~.'BAILY (Francis), F.R.S. Journal of a Tour in unsettled parts of North America in 1796 and 1797.... With a memoir.... London, 1856. xii, 439 p. 8~. ----- Memoir relative to the Annular Eclipse of the Sun which will happen Sept. 7, 1820. London, 1818. 32 p. and plate. 8~. Pam. v. 402. ----- Address, Royal Astron. Society, 1833, on presenting honorary medal to Prof. Airy. 247 - 256 p. 40~. Pam. v. 1014. BAINES, C. J. Sermon before the Lord Mayor, June 19, 1808 Mat. xxii, 41 - 43. London. 40. Pain. v. 8. BAINESt, Ed. A Letter to R. Cobden.... on the new government measure of education. London, 1853. 8 p.- Strictures on the new government measure of education. London, 1853. 32 p. 8~. Pam. v. 388. BAINES, Bp. Peter A. Faith, Hope and Charity: A Sermon, Cath. Chapel, Bradford, York. London, 1825. 80. Pam. v. 377, 378. BAIRDt (Robert), D.D. Memoir of Anna Jane Linnard; with An Introduction by the Hon. Theodore Frelinghuysen, and a Letter from the Rev. William Neill, D.D..*** Second edition. Philadelphia, 1837. 180. Religion in the United States of America; or an Account of the origin, progress, relations to the State, and present condition of the Evangelical churches in the United States. With Notices of the unevangelical denominations.. Glasgow and Edinburgh... 1844. 8~. - State and Prospects of Religion in America; being a report... Evang. Alliance, Paris. London, 1855. 91 p. 8o. Pain. v. 495. BAIRD, Samuel J. The Socinian Apostasy, or the English Presbyterian Churches: A Discourse, Presb. Hist. Society, 1856. Philadelphia, 1857. 34 p. S8. Pain. v. 536. BAIRDt, Spencer F. Mammals, South America. See U. S. N. Astr. Expl. Expedition. 56 GENERAL LIBRARY. BAIRDt, W. A Cyclopaedia of the Natural Sciences. London.. 1858. 613 p. 8~. BAKE- PAN (A) for the Dough-Faces. By One of Them. Leonard Marsh, M.D.?.... Burlington (Vt.), 1854. 64 p. 8~. Pain. v. 197. BAKER, George. The History and Antiquities of the County of Northampton.**@ London, 1822 - 41. 2 v. f~. BAIKER, Henry. Het Microscoop gemakkelyk gemakt; of Besehryving van de beste en nieuwste microscoopen... Als mede een Berigt van de Verbaazende Ontdekkingeu, gedaan met de Vergrootglazen.... Vercierd met koperen plaaten. Naar den tweeden druk nit het Engelsch... Amsterdam.. 1744. 8~. BAKER, Henry F. Improvement in Steam-boiler furnaces. Boston, Mass. Patented 30th May 1846. 8~. Pam. v. 205. BAKER, James L. Exports and Inmports as showing the relative advancemnent of every nation in wealth, strength and independence.. 1-hiladelphia, 1859. 30 p. 8~. Pam. v. 498. BAKER (William), D.D. Sermon, H. of Commons, January 30, 1726. Martyrdom of Charles I: Jude v, 11. London. 4~. Pain. v. 362. BAIKIER, G. Bijdragen tot den tegenwoordigen staat van het animalsch magnetismus in ons vaderland. Door G. B., H. Wolthers en P. Hendriksz. Eerste, Tweede, Stuk. Groningen, 1814, 18. 172, 270 p. 80. Pam. v. 523. BALANCEI ( The) and COLUMBIAN REPOSITORY. Vol. 6: 1807. Hudson, N.Y. Pub. by Harry Croswell. 1 v. 40.- Balance ( The) and New-York- State Journal. Vol. II: 1810. Feary & Croswell, Albany. 1 v. f.- 2 v. BALBIRNIE (John), M.D. The Philosophy of the Water-Cure. First Am. edition. New-York, 1853. 144 p. 12~. [BALCH, Thomas]. Letters and Papers relating chiefly to the provincial history of Pennsylvania, -with some notices of the writers. Privately printed. Philadelphia, 1855. 312, cxxxviii p. 12~. BALDWIN, Harvey. Address, 1854. See Soldiers of war, 1812. and Stephen. Remonstrance against... abolishing or regulating tolls on vessels passing through the lock and canal at Baldwinsville. Albany, March 23, 1836. 31 p. 8~. Pam. v. 477. BALDWIN, Rev. N. B. Discourse on Henry Clay and Daniel Webster, delivered by request, in the Bethesda Baptist Church, New-York, Nov. 25, 1852. New-York, 1853. 8~. Pami. v. 80. BALDWIN ( R. S.), of Conn. Speech, U.S. Senate, Mar. 27, Apr. 3, 1850, on the Admission of California. 8~. Pain. v. 193. BALDWIN, Rev.-Theron. Historical Address, delivered in Monticello, Illinois... New-York, 1855. 80. Pam. v. 237. BALDWIN, W. J. An Appeal to Common Sense and Religion on the Catholic question... London, 1823. 167 p. 8~. Pain. v. 345. BALGUY, Rev. John. An Essay on Redemption; with Introduction by T. Bcalguy... 2d ed. Lond. 1785. xviii, 107 p. 8~. Pain. v. 299. [ ]. See Letter to a Deist; Divine Rectitude. 1730, 31. FIRST SUPPLEMENT. 57 BALL'S Patent Indestructible Water-pipe. New-York, 1853. 8~. Pam. v. 272. BALLANTINE, William. A Treatise on the Elder's office... the necessity of a presbytery in every church.... Edinburgh, 1807. 141 p. 12~. Pam. v. 622. BALLINGALL, Sir George. Remarks on Schools of Instruction for military and naval surgeons, in a letter... Edinburgh, 1843.- On Schools of naval and military surgery. Edinburgh, 1844. 8~. Pam. v. 406. BALLOU'S Pictorial Drawing-room Companion. Vol. 8-17, 1855-59. M. M. Ballou, Boston. 10 v. fP. See also Gleason's. BALTIMOREt, Frederick, Lord. Indenture of Agreement, 4th July 1760, between Lord Baltimore, and Thomas and Richard Penn, esquires; settling the limits and boundaries of Maryland, Pennsylvania, and the three lower counties of Newcastle, Kent and Sussex, on Delaware. Philadelphia, printed by Kite and Wallon, 1851. 31 p. fo. BALTIMOREt. EDUCATION. Annual Report of the Commissioners of Public schools. Baltimore, 1851. Pam. v. 277.- 23d Report. Baltimore, 1852. Pam. v. 217. House OF REFUGE. Fifth Annual Report of the Managers, made to.the Legislature of Maryland. Baltimore, 1856. 8~. Pam. v. 228. INSANE. Report of the Commissioners authorized to build a hospital for insane persons. Baltimore, 1853. 8~. Pam. v. 166. POoR. Rules of Order for the Government of the Board of Trustees; By-laws.... in the Almshouse of Baltimore city and county. Baltimore, 1848. 8~. Pam. v. 218. BALTIMORE ( The) COLLECTION of Sacred MIusick, selected under the direction of a Committee of' the Associate Ref. Presb. Church of Baltimore.... Baltimore, 1819. viii, 95 p. ob. 8~. BALTIMORE DIRECTORIES. For 1799.. By John Mullin. 141 p. — For 1804....By James Robinson. 192 p. 2 v. 120~. Baltimore Address Directory.. to which is prefixed a statistical article. By W. G. Lyford. Baltimore, 1836. 142 p. 12~. - Matchett's Baltimore Director, 1833. 1 v. ob. 4. — 1837 -38, 1 v. 120.- To June 1852, 1 v. 12~.- 1847 - 48, 1849 - 50, maps, 2 v. 8". —1857, 1 v. 40. — 1853 - 54, 1 v. 4~.- For 1855- 56, edited by John W. Woods, Adm'r. I v. 80. 8 v. Baltimore Advertiser and Business Circular for 1850 Wm. H. Lyford, publisher. 1 v.- Baltimore Wholesale Business ~Directory...1852. W. H. Fagan, publisher. 2d ed. 1 v. 2 v. 8~. - Baltimore Business Directory... for 1853. 1 v. 18~. BALTIMOREt & OHIO RAILROAD COMPANY. 10th - 20th Annual Reports, Baltimore, 1836 - 46, Pam. v. 281; 22d - 26th, 29th reports, 1847 - 55, Pam. v. 282.- 30th report, Baltimore, 1856. 115 p. 8~. Pam. v. 544. Address of Mr. M'Lane, President, to the Stockholders..April 5, 1847.... Baltimore, 1847. Pam. v. 284. [ SUPPL.] 8 58 GENERAL LIBRARY. BALTIMORE & OHIO RAILROAD COMPANY: Report and Documents submitted by the Corimittee appointed to confer with the Authorities of the City of Wheeling, respecting the late Law of Virginia, granting the right of way to:.... Baltimore, 1847. 80. Pam. v. 282. Address of T. Swan, President, to the Directors, on.... an early completion of their road to the Ohio river.... Baltimore, 1849.- Address.... in relation to the act of the Gen. Assembly of Virginia, of March 21, 1850. Baltimore, 1850. 8~. Pam. v. 285. ---- Papers relative to the Recent Contracts for motive power and the Reports.... on the relative advantages of the Winant's camel engine and the ten-wheel engine.... Baltimore, 1857. 8~. Pam. v. 282. BALTIMORE and SUSQUEHANNAH RAILROAD. Report and Proceedings in relation to: Aug. 3, 1827.- Report of president and directors, 1835.- 15th - 17th, 19th - 28th reports, 1825 - 54. Baltimore. 8~. Pain. v. 281. BALTIMORE COLLEGE OF DENTAL SURGERY. 16th Annual Announcement, 1855. 80. Pam. v. 196, 517. BALTIMORE LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY. Baltimore, 1831. 8~. Pam. v. 511. BALTIMOREt MOBS, 1812. See Maryland. BANCALt, A. P. Manuel Pratique de la Lithotritie; ou Lettres a un jeune midecin sur le broiement de la pierre dans la vessie.... suivi d'un Rapport.... en faveur de son nouvel instrument pour l'op6ration de la cataracte... Paris, 1829. 333 p. and plates. 8~. BANCROFTt, George. History of the United States, from the Discovery of the American continent. Vol. vII (1774, 1775). Boston, 1858. 1 v. 8o. - Address at Hartford, before the Delegates to the Democratic Convention of Young Men of Connecticut, Feb. 18, 1840. 80. Pam. v. 237. BANCROFT, Rev. T. Christian Zeal and Civil Obedience earnestly recommended to the friends of piety.... 2d ed. Bolton, Eng. 1800. 70 p. 80. Pam. v. 338. BANGE, J. J. Het Boek der Natuur opengeslagen voor alle vereeders van God en Godsdienst.... Te Groningen.. 1839. 18~. BANGOR, Me. Report of School Committee. Bangor, 1854. 120. Pam. v. 552. BANGS, BROTHER & CO. Catalogues of Book Auction Sales. NewYork, 1852, Cat. v. 49; 1853, Cat. v. 61, 84; 1854, Cat. v. 63, 8-1; 1854 - 55, Cat. v. 72; 1855, Cat. v. 76, 79; 1856, Cat. v. 80, 84, 92; 1857, Cat. v. 91. Catalogue of Oil Paintings.... at auction, June 9 - 11 (since 1850). 29 p. 80. Prices. Pam. v. 499. BANGS, MERWIN & CO. Catalogue of Autograph Letters, etc.... at auction... Dec. 13, 1858. 104 p. 40~. Pam. v. 1015. BANIM, John. Damon and Pythias: A Play. Edited by E. Sargent. New-York. 60 p. 120. Pain. v. 621, FIRST SUPPLEMENT. 59 BANK CONVENTION, N.Y. Report of the Delegates of the Banks of the City of New-York. New-York, 1837. 80. Pam. v. 252. BANK OF ENGLAND. Account of Bills of Exchange, 1796. Parl. paper. Feb. 14, 1797. 1 p. f0. Pain. v. 1103. BANKt OF MARYLAND. Correspondence relating to the Affairs of the Bank of Maryland. Baltimore, 1834. 51 p. 80. Pain. v. 463. Extracts from ihe Correspondence.... of the Trustees of the Bank of Maryland, published by J. B. Morris and R. W. Gill, two of the trustees.... Baltimore, 1835. 65 p. 8~. Pam. v. 463. BANK OF TENNESSEE. Report, Oct. 1855. Nashville. 8~. Pam. v. 464. BANK OF THE INTERIOR, Albany. Articles of Association, 1857. Pam. v. 463. BANKt OF THE UNITED STATES. An Act to incorporate the Subscribers to the Bank of the United States. Philadelphia, 1816. 180. 56 p. With, Proceedings of the Stockholders... 28th Oct. 1816 and 6th Jan. 17. Published by order of the stockholders. Philadelphia, 1817. 12 p. And, Rules and Regulations for the government of... Philadelphia, 1817. 18~. 16 p. In 1 v. 18~. ---- Assignment of 7th June 1841; Auditor's Report.. 1848; Distribution, May 18522 Philadelphia, 1852. Pam. v. 463. BALTIMORE BRANCH. An Exhibit of the losses sustained at the Office of discount and deposit, Baltimore.... To which is added a Report of the conspiracy cases.... Baltimore, 1823. 28, xix, 280, 128 p. 8. BANKER'S ALMANAC for 1851. J. Smith Homzans. Boston. 89 p. 8~. Alm. v. 41. BANKERS't MAGAZINE and STATISTICAL REGISTER. Ed. by J. Smith Homans. Volume the 12th, or Vol. 7th, New series, July 1857 - June 1858.- Vol. 13, or v. 8, new series, to June 1859. New-York. 2 v. 80. BANKS ( N. P.), jr. Speech, U.S. H. of R., on Army officers in national armories, 1854. 16 p. 80. Pain. v. 487. Questions propounded to the Candidates for Speaker, and their responses: U.S. H. of R., Jan. 21, 1856. 8 p. 8~. Pam. v. 537. BANNARDi, Rev. MWilliam. Moral Aspect and Destitution of the City of New-York: A Discourse at the opening of the Presbytery of New-York, Oct. 13, 1851. New-York, 1851. 8~. Pam. v. 238, 270. BANNISTER, Rev. Henry. Sermon, preached before the Madison County N.Y. Bible Society, Cazenovia, Jan. 28, 1845. 80. New-York, 1845. Pam. v. 270. [ BANNISTER, John W.]. See Sketches.. for settling Canada, 1822. BANNORRIS, Amanda. The Female Land Pirate... Cincinnati, 1847 32 p. 8,O BANVARD'S Painting off the Holy Land: Description. N. York, 1852. 4~. Pam. v. 1015. BAPTISMAL BONDS renewed: Being some Meditations upon Ps. 1, 5. By O[liver] H[eywood], Minister of the Gospel. London, 1687. 328 p. 12. 60 GENERAL LIBRARY. BAPTIST ALMANAC. (Amer.) Bapt. Pub. Society, Philadelphia, 1846,'48, Alm. v. 48; 1851, Aim, v. 15; 1852,'54,'58,'59, Aim. v. 36; 1854, Alm. v. 32. BAPTIST CHURCHES. General Association of the Baptists of Missouri. Minutes of the 19th Annual meeting, 1858. St.Louis. Pam. v. 465. BAPTISTt EDUCATION SOCIETY of the State of New-York. 39th Annual Meeting, with reports, 1856. Hamilton, 1856. Pam. v. 277.40th Anniversary, 1857. Utica, N.Y. 1857; 41st Anniversary, 1858. Hamilton, N.Y.'1858. Pam. v. 465. BAPTIST GENERAL CONVENTION. Baptist Missionary Magazine, Vol. 25, 26. Boston, 1845, 46. 2 v. 8~. BAPTIST M'IISSIONARY CONVENTION of the State of New-York. 3Minutes, 11th, 12th, 13th, Rome, 1832: Utica, 1833, 34. 8~. Pam. v. 465.- 45th Annual Report, Brooklyn, 1852. Albany, 1852. Pam. v. 232. BAPTIST MISSIONARY SOCIETY. Brief View of the Baptist Missions and translations.... at Serampore. London, 1815. 8~. Pam. v. 314. - BARBADOES. A Report of a Comm. of the Council of.... the actual condition of the slaves in this island, with a view to refute certain,calumnies... London, 1824. 127 p. 8~. Pam. v. 436. [BARBAULDt, Anna L.]. See Sins of the Government, 1793. Remarks on Mr. Wakefield's Enquiry into the expediency and propriety of public or social worship. 3d edition. London, 1792. 76 p. 8~. Pam. v. 302. BARBIaDIENNE (F.) et Cie..... Bronzes d'Art: Collection des chefsd'oeuvre de la statuaire.... Prices. Paris. 36 p. 8~. Pam. v. 499. BARBERt, John W. Views in New-Haven and its vicinity, with a particular description to each view. Drawn and engraved by.... New-Haven, 1825. 11 p. and 6 plates. 18~. BARBER, Joseph. Sermon, Death of Rev. N. Trotman: Heb. xiii, 7. Address at the interment, by T. Towle... London, 1793. -8~. Pam. v. 381. BARBICAN SUNDAY SCHOOL: Rules. Lond. 1836. 120. Pam. v. 289. BARBIER, Antoine A. Dictionnaire des Ouvrages anonymes et pseudonymes composes, traduits ou publies. en franiais et en latin, avec les noms des auteurs, traducteurs et 6diteurs.; accompagn6 de notes historiques et critiques... 2e 6dition augment6e. Paris, 1822 - 27. 4 v. 8~. BARBIER, Stephen. An Expedient to pay the Publick Debts, with a Letter to the King.... London, 1719. Fr., Eng. 4. Lat. 24 p. 80~ Pam. v. 408. BARBOSA-MACHADo, Diego. Summario da Bibliotheca Luzitana. Tomo 1 - 3.- With Bibliotheca Luzitana Escolhida. 1 v. Lisboa, 1786, 87. 4 v. 18~. An Abridgement from Barbosa-Machado's Catalogue, in 4 v. fO, prepared by B. J. De Souza Farinha. BARBOUR, B. J. Address.. Literary Societies of the Virginia Military Institute at Lexington, 4th July 1854.:.'.- Richmond, 1854. 32 p. 8~. Pam. v. 532. FIRST SUPPLEMENT. 61 BARCLAY (J. T.), M.D. The City of the Great King; or Jerusalem as it was, as it is, and as it is to be... Philadelphia, 1858. xxii, 627 p. 8o. BARCLAYt, Robert. The Anarchy of the Ranters, and other Libertines: the Hierarchy of the Romanists, and other pretended churches, equally refused and refuted, in a twofold apology for the church and people of God, called, in derision, Quakers. Wherein, etc.... Wilmington, Del. 1783. 111 p. 80. BARCLAY, Sidney. Personal Recollections of the American Revolution. A private journal, prepared from authentic domestic records... Ed. by. New-York, 1859. 251 p. 180~. BARDI, L.... Galleria Pitti illustrata...Firenze, 1838. 80. Pam. v. 499. BARDIN'S Dictionnaire de l'Arm6e de Terre. Paris, 1844. Prospectus, etc. 8~. Pain. v. 102. BARDONNET DES MARTELS, Dr. Zo6technie: Traite des maniements, des epreuves, et des moyens de contention et de gouverne qu'on emploie sur les especes domestiques chevaline, bovine, ovine et porcine.... Paris, 1854. 463 p. 12~. BARENTSZ (Zibrant), Waterdrincker. Journael..van de voooraemste gheschiedenissen ter zee, onder het beleyt vanden cloeckmoedigen Zee-helt Marten H. Tromp...'t zedert den Ap. 29, 1639 tot den 28 Oct....1639. C. van der Pas. 18 p. & 2 maps. sm. 4~. BARFORD, William. Oratio in funere..G. George, Oct. 7, 1756. Cantabrigie, 1756. 40. Pam. v. 362. BARGtS, Abbe J. J. L. M6moire sur le Sarcophage et l'inscription fun6raire d'Eschmounazar, roi de Sidon. Paris, 1856. 41 p. 4~. BARKER (B. Fordyce), M.D. Remarks on Puerperal Fever. From the American Med. Monthly for Nov. 1857. New-York, 1857. 8~. Pam. v. 271. BARKER, Charles. Sermon, 1 Cor. iii, 10: Consecration of C. Moss, Feb. 1, 1807, at Lambeth. London. 40. Pain. v. 1009. BARKER, John. Sermon: Death of Benj. Grosvenor, D.D. Ps. xxiii, 4. 1758. London. 8~. Pain. v. 381. BARLOWt, Joel. The Hasty-Pudding: a Poem, in three cantos. Written at Chambery, in Savoy, January 1793, by Joel Barlow...With a Memoir on maize, or Indian corn, compiled by D. J. Browne.... New-York, 1847. 56 p. 120. Also Pam. v. 620. ----- Advice to the Privileged Orders, in the several States of Europe, resulting from the necessity and propriety of a general revolution in the principle of government. Part I. London: Repr. New-York, 1792. 118 p. 8o. Paim. v. 220. -— *- Letters from Paris to the Citizens of the U.S. of A. on... Commercial intercourse with England & France. Lond. 1800. 116 p. 8~. BARLOW, Rev. John. On Man's power over himself to prevent or control insanity. Communicated to the members at the Royal Institution of Great Britain.... May 26, 1843. London, 1843. 68 p. 180~. BARNARDt, Daniel D. Oration... Albany, 4th July, 1835. Albany, 1835. 51 p. 80. Pam. v. 532. 62 GENERAL LIBRARY. BARNARD, Daniel D.: Speech, U.S.H. of R., on the Tariff, May 14, 1844.- Speech on the destruction of the Caroline, Aug. 31, 1841. Pam. v. 193. ---- Political Aspects and Prospects in Europe ~ A Lecture, Young Men's Association, Albany, Jan. 31, 1854. Albany, 1854. 80. Pam. v. 100. Letter to J. A. Hamilton, Albany, July 14, 1856. See Hunt, W. Letter to E. Brooks, 1857. See Trinity Church Pamn. v. 4. BARNARD, Sir F. A. Bibliothecm Regime Catalogus. See George III. BARNARD, George. The Theory and Practice of Landscape Painting in water colors: Illustrated by a series of twenty-four designs.... London, 1855. 176 p. 4~. BARNARDt (Henry), LL.ID. Legal Provision respecting the education and employment of children in factories, &c..... Education and Labor,... and its connection with insanity and crime. Hartford, 1842. 52, 32 p. 8~. Pam. v. 229. National Education in Europe: being an Account of the organization, administration, instruction and statistics of public institutions of different grades in the principal States. 2cl ed. New-York, 1854. 8o. - School Architecture; or Contributions to the improvement of school-houses in the United States. Fifth ed. New-York, 1854. 8~. Biographical Sketch of Ezekiel Cheever, with Notes on the free schools and early school-books of N.England. ( Reprinted....from Am. Jour. of Education, 1856). Hartford, Conn. 8~. List of Books on Education. See Barnard's School Arch. See Rhode-Island - Public Schools, 1845. BARNARD, Sir John. A Defence of several proposals for raising of 3,000,000 for the service of the government for 1746....With a postscript.. on public credit. London, 1746. 77 p. Pam. v.427. BARNARDt, Rev. John. Two Discourses addressed to Young Persons. To which is added: A Sermon occasioned by the Earthquake.... Boston, 1727. 95 p. 120. BARNARDt, Maj. J. G. The Dangers and Defences of New-York.... New-York, 1859. 62 p. 8~. Pain. v. 521. BARNARDt (Thomas), D.D. Salem. Sermon delivered before the Congregational Ministers of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, at their Annual Convention in Boston, May 30, 1793. Boston, 1793. 8~. Pamn. v. 105. A.Sermon delivered on the day of National Thanksgiving, Feb. 19, 1795. Salem, 1795. 80. Pam. v. 105. - Sermon delivered on the day of Annual Thanksgiving, Dec. 15, 1796. Salem, 1796. 80. Pam. v. 105. A Sermon, delivered at Salem, on March 31, 1796, the day of general fasting. Salem, 1796. 80. Pam. v. 105. -- A Sermon preached before the Salem Female Charitable Society, Salem, 1803. 8~. Pam. v. 105. FIRST SUPPLEMENT. 63 BARNE (Miles), D.D. Two Sermons, University of Cambridge, Christ's Kingdom. Cambridge, 1682. 4'. Pam. v. 360. Sermon, University of Cambridge, Thanksgiving, Sept. 9, 1683. Cambridge. 8~. Pain. v. 360. BARNES, Albert. The Supremacy of the Laws.... A Sermon: Rom. xiii, 1 - 7. From National Preacher. N.York, 1838. 80. Pam. v. 557. The Position of the Evangelical Party in the Episcopal Church. 4th edition. Philadelphia, 1844. 72 p. 18~0.- Reply to a Review of the Tract on The Position, etc. contained in the Episcopal Recorder.... Philadelphia, 1844. 143 p. 180. Pam. v. 622. An Inquiry into the Scriptural Views of Slavery. Philadelphia, 1846. 384 p. 12~. Sermon, American Home Missionary Society. New-York, 1849. 8~. Pain. v. 238, 267, 524. - The Facts of the Case of the Rev. Albert Barnes fairly stated, addressed to the ministers, elders and people of the Presb. Churches.... By members of the Presbytery and Synod of Philadelphia. Philadelphia, 1836. 20 p. 8~. Pam. v. 536. BARNESt, William. A Philological Grammar, grounded upon English and formed from a comparison of more than sixty languages. London, 1854. 12~. BARNETT, John. Systems and Singing Masters: An analytical comment upon the Wilhelm System....with remarks...upon Hullah's Manual.... London, 1842. 60 p. 8~. Pam. v. 460. BARNEY, Win. B. Par of Weights...of foreign commercial countries, and those of the United States.... Baltimore, 1829. 64 p. 8~. BARNEY, Wnm. C. The Ocean Monopoly and Commercial Suicide. To... Congress.... New-York, 1855. 16 p. 80. Pam. v. 529. BARONIUS, R obertus. Disputatio theologica: de vero discrimine peccati mortalis & venialis...Londini, 1658. 18~. See Baronius, Cat. 1855. BARRAND, Benj. The Entrance and Abolition of Death: A poem. London, 1827. 12 p. 120. Pam. v. 397. BARRAU, Th. H. L6gislation de l'instruction publique, contenant les lois...en vigueur...Paris, 1853. 555 p. 8~. Conseils sur l']ducation dans la famille et au college. Paris, Hachette, 1852. 8~. Conseils aux Ouvriers ou explication sur leurs devoirs, sur leurs droits,..sur l'hygiene qui leur convient..2ce ed. Paris, Hachette, 1855. 372 p. 120. ----- Direction morale pour les instituteurs. 5nie Ed. Paris, 1855. 120. Nouvelles Lois sur l'Enseignement... Paris, 1857. 18~. Des Devoirs des Enfants envers leurs parents... Nouv. edition. Paris, Hachette, 1~57. 10e p. 18~. ---- lDu Role de la Famille dans l'6ducation, ou Theorie de l'dducation publique et priv6e... Paris, 1857. 374 p. 8~. Livre de Morale pratique... destine h la lecture courante. Paris, Hachette, 1828. 472 p. 120~. 64 GENERAL LIBRARY. BARRET John. The Evil and Remedy of Scandal: A Practical Discourse on Ps. cxix, 145. London, 1711. 8~. Pam. v. 365. BARRETT, 3ir. Speeches of Mr. Barrett and Mr. Burge, at a general meeting of planters...interested in the W.I. colonies. Lond. 1833. 114 p. 8S. Pain. v. 438. BARRETT, J. T. Library of.... for sale. London, 1851. Cat. v. 46. [ BARRINGTON, J. Shute, Lord ]. See Interest of England, 1703. [- ]. A Letter from a Layman.... to the.. Bishop of. 2d edition. With a Postscript, shewing how far the bill to prevent the growth of schism, 4c... London, 1714. 36 p. 8~. Pam. v. 358. BARRINGTON, Bp. Shute. Sermon, 1775. See Soc. Prop. Gospel. - The Grounds on which the Church of England separated from the Church of Rome reconsidered.... London, 1809. 46 p. Pam. v. 344. BARRISTER (The); or Strictures on the Education proper for the Bar. Most of these papers appeared occasionally in the World, during the year 1791. Some others are now added,- with an introduction by the author. Dublin.. 1792. 12~. BARROIS, J. Bibliotheque Protypographique; ou Librairies des fils du Roi Jean, Charles V, Jean de Berri, Philippe de Bourgogne, et les siens. De l'imprimerie de Crapelet. A Paris, 1830. 346 p. 40~. BARROS, Giovanni di. L'Asia del S. Giovanni di Barros... de' fatti de' Portoghesi nello scoprimento & conquista de' mari & terre di Oriente. Nella quale.... si ha piena cognitione di tutte le Citta', Monti & Fiumi delle Parti orientali, con la descrittione de' Paesi... Nuouamente di lingua Portoghese tradotta dal S. Alfonso Ulloa... In Venetia.. 1562. 401 p. smin. 4~ With, Dell' Asia,. La Seconda Deca.... Nella quale seguendo la materia della prima deca si trattano de le guerre fatte da' Portoghese co i Principi orientali.. Trad...dal S. A. Ulloa...Venetia..1562. 465 p. In 1 v. sm. 4~. BARROWt, Isaac. The Doctrine of the Sacraments. Philadelphia, 1829. 120. Pain. v. 295. BARROWt (John), F.R.S. Some Account of the Public Life, and a Selection from the unpublished writings of the Earl of Macartney.... London, 1807. 2 v. 4~. BARROws, Rev. WV. Shall we legislate? Alcohol and the Commonwealth... Boston, 1851. 42 p. 8~. Pain. v. 292. BARRY, James. The Works of James Barry, esq., historical painter;... containing his Correspondence from France and Italy, with Mr. Burke; His Lectures on painting, delivered at the Royal Academy; Observations on different works of art in Italy and France; Critical Remarks on the principal paintings of the Orleans gallery; Essay on the subject of Pandora.... His Inquiry into the causes, which have obstructed the progress of the fine arts in England.... To which is prefixed some account of the life and writings of the author. ~London, 1809. 2 v. 8~. BARRY, John. The Philadelphia Spelling-book, arranged upon a plan entirely new.... 8th edition. Philadelphia..1814. 18~. FIRST SUPPLEMENT. 65 BARRYt, John Stetson. The History of Massachusetts. Vol. II, The Provincial Period; Vol. III, The Commonwealth Period. Boston, 1856, 57. 2 v. 8~. BARTH, Henry. Travels and Discoveries in North and Central Africa; being a Journal of an Expedition undertaken under the auspices of H.B.M.'s Government, in the years 1849 - 55... London, 1857, 58. 5 v. 8~. BARTHE, J. G. Le Canada reconquis par la France...Suivi de Pieces justificatives... Paris, Ledoyen..1855. 8~. BARTHOLOMEW, Rev. Andrew. A Dissertation on the qualifications necessary to a lawful profession, and enjoying special ordinances; and also, On the Atonement of Jesus Christ. Hartford (1769). 47 p. 120. Pam. v. 603. BARTHROP, William. Last Will and Testament of:.. of Kinderhook, N.Y. Albany, 1852. 15 p. 8~. Pam. v. 492. BARTLETT and WELFORD'S Catalogue of Books for sale. New-York, 1841, 154 pp. L.L.; 1844, 3 parts, Cat. v. 5; 1846, Cat. v. 16; 1847, Cat. v. 20. BARTLETT (Elisha), M.D. A Discourse on the Times, Character and Writings of Hippocrates. New-York, 1852. 8~. Pam. v. 271. BARTLETT, Rev. John. Preaching Christ in Love: A Discourse, Second Congregational Church and Society in Marblehead, Feb. 27, 1825. Salem, 1825. 80. Pam. v. 105. BARTLETT, John. A Collection of familiar quotations, with complete indices of authors and subjects. 3d edition, with supplement. Cambridge, 1858. 446 p. 18~. BARTLETTt, John R. A Dictionary of Americanisms: A Glossary of words and phrases usually regarded as peculiar to the U.S....2d ed...enlarged. Boston, 1859. xxxii, 524 p. 8~. BARTLETT, Joseph. Aphorisms on Men, Manners, Principles and Things.* By Joseph Bartlett... Portsmouth. For the Author, 1810. 148 p.- With, Physiognomy, a Poem: By Joseph Bartlett. Portsmouth, 1810. 19 p. In 1 v. 18~. BARTLETT, MW. H. Walks about the City and Environs of Jerusalem. London, A. Hall, Virtue & Co. roy. 8~. -BARTLEY (James Avis), Orange Co. Va. Lays of Ancient Virginia, and other poems. Richmond, 1855. 18~. BARTOLt, Cyrus A. The Cure: A Sermon, Fast Day. Jer. viii, 22. Boston, 1851. 80. Pam. v. 558. The Voice of Twenty Years: A Discourse. Gen. xxxi, 38. Boston, 1857. 80. Pam. v. 558. BARTOLII, Padre Daniello. History of the Life and Institute of St. Ignatius De Loyola, founder of the Society of Jesus... Translated by the Author of Life in Mexico. Vol. I, Ii. New-York, 1855. 2 v. 12~. BARTOLOCCI, Jul. Bibliotheca Magna Rabbinica, de Scriptoribus & Scriptis Hebraicis, ordine alphabetico Hebraic6 & Latin- digestis. Pars prima, secunda tertia, quarta.... Post eius obitum absoluta, [ SUPPL,] 9 66 GENERAL LIBRARY. aucta & in lucem edita a D. Carolo Joseph Imbonato Mediolanensi. Praeter indices.... huic quadripartito operi accedit Tomus alter, nempS, Bibliotheca Latino-Hebraica, sive de Scriptoribus Latinis, qui... contra Judaeos, vel de re Hebraica utcumque scripsere.... Loco coronidis, Adventus Messia'a Judmorumn blasphemiis ac bhreticorum calumniis...vindicatus... una cum Chronotaxi totius Sacrae Scripturie. Opera et studio ejusdem D. Caroli Joseph Imbonati. Romme, 1775 - 93, 94. 5 v. f~. BARTON (David), Missouri. Speech, U.S. Sen., Upon the power of the President to remove Federal officers. Washington, 1830. 28 p. Pam. v. 487. BARTONt ( Edward H.), M.D. Report to the Louisiana State Medical Society, on the meteorology, vital statistics and hygiene of the State of Louisiana. With an Appendix, showing the experience of Life Insurance Companies in Louisiana...Also, the Experience of the London Life Insurance Companies, &c. By W. G. Heartt, Actuary...New-Orleans, 1851. 65 p. 8~. & tables. Pam. v 89. An Address before Louisiana State Medical Society, by the late President of the Society, &c. &c. (On retiring from the Chair.) New-Orleans, 1852? 1( p. 80. Pam. v. 89. The Cause and Prevention of Yellow Fever at New-Orleans and other cities in America..* 3d edition; with the addition of upwards of seventy pages of "Prefatory Remarks," and a Supplement. New-York, 1857. 8~. BARTON (Rev. J. Graeff), A.M. An Outline of the General Principles of Grammar. With a brief exposition of the chief idiomatic peculiarities of the English language. New-York, 1855. 180. BARTON (Rev. Philip), LL.D. Sermon, Fast, before House of Commons: 2 Chron. xx, 3 Jan. 9, 1739. London, 40~. Pam. v. 1006. Sermon, Consecration of 2T. Hayter, 1749: 1 Cow. xiv, 12. Oxford, 1750. 4~. Pam. v. 1006. -- Sermon, Consecration of St. George's Chapel: Lu. vii, 5. Oxford, 1755. 8~. Pam. v. 370. -- Firmitas prophetici sermonis, Concio...coram Acad. Oxon.... Oxonii, 1757. 8~. Pain. v. 371. BARTONt, William P. C. A Treatise containing a Plan for...Marine Hospitals in the United States; together with...the Medical department of the navy. Philadelphia, 1814. xxvi, 244 p. 8~. BASAN, Pierre Franqois. Dictionnaire des Graveurs anciens et modernes depuis l'origine de la gravure; avec une notice des principales estampes qu'ils ont gravees. Suivi des catalogues des CEuvres de Jacques Jordans et de Corneille Visscher. Par F. Basan, graveur...Paris..1767 3 v. 18~. - The Same: Seconde edition, mise par ordre alphabetique, considerablement augmentde et orn6e de cinquante estampes par diffSrentes artistes c6l1bres.... Paris, 1789. 2 v. 12~. BASIL, St. The Catholic Faith: a Sermon by St. Basil: Translated from the Greek. To which is added a brief refutation of Popery from the writings of the fathers. By H. S. Boyd, esq. London, 1825. 70 p. 80. Pam. v. 307. FIRST SUPPLEMENT. 67 BASIRE (Isaac), D.D. The Correspondence of Isaac Basire, D.D., Archdeacon of Northumberland and Prebendary of Durham, in the reigns of Charles I and Charles II, with a memoir of his life. By W. H. Darnell, B.D. London, 1831. 394 p. 8.BASKETT, John. A, Previous View of the Case between John Baskett, esq., one of His Majesty's Printers, Plaintiff, and Henry Parson, stationer, defendant. Edinburgh: Printed by James Watson, one of His Majesty's Printers, 1720. 35 p. and Appendix. 3 p. 40~. BASNAGE DE BEAUVAL, Jacques. Annales des Provinces-Unies depuis les n6gociations pour la paix de Munster...La Haye, 1719. 842 p. fo. Dissertation Historique sur les Duels et les Ordres de chevalerie. Amsterdam, 1720. See Histoire des Ordre n militaires. BASSET, N. Annuaire de l'Agriculteur Piraticien. Almanach de la ferme pour 1855. Paris. 108 p. 12~. Alm. v. 52. BATAAFSCHE MAATSCHAPPIJ. See Maatschappij: Tot nut, etc. BATCHELDER (John P.), lM.D. Second edition of "An Advertisement," by C. B. Coventry, M.D., Prof. of Mat. Med. and Phar. in the Berkshire Med. Institution; with a " Candid Exposition of Facts," by J. P. Batchelder, M.D., late Professor of Surveying in the same. Utica, 1829. 8~. Pam. v. 89. BATE, James. Infidelity Scourged: or Christianity Vindicated. I, fromm the scandalous aspersions of Mr. Thomas Chubb.... II, from..a late book: Christianity not founded on argument... London, 1746. 248 p. 8o. Pam. v. 333. Human Learning highly useful to... True Religion. A Sermon, Canterbury School, Sept. 13, 1753: Prov. ii, 3, 4, 5. London. 4~. Pam. v. 1007. BATE, Rev. Julius. The Use and Intent of Prophecy, and the History of the Fall, cleared from the objections in Dr. C. Middleton's Examination, &c...London, 1750. 118 p. 8~. Pain. v. 3.50. BATELIER (Jakob), Pred. Remon. Gemeynte. Korte end Bondighe Verklaringh van de drie getuygen, de geest, het water en het bloet. Hoorn, 1672. 96 p. 180. Pam. v. 634. BATES, Isaac. Sermon: 2 Cor. v, 4. London, 1708. 80. Pam. v. 364. BATESt (Isaac C.), Mass. Speech, U.S. Senate, in Defence of the Protective System. Washington, 1844. 8~. Pam. v. 290. BATES, Joseph. A Vindication of the Seventh Day Sabbath...with a further History of God's Peculiar People, from 1847 to 1848. NewBedford, Mllass. 1848. 116 p. 80. Pam. v. 262. BATES (Joshua), jr. The Model Teacher. A Lecture on Dr. Thomas Arnold...delivered before the American Institute of Instruction, at Troy, N.Y., Aug. 1852. Boston, 1853. 120. Pam. v. 100. BATH, Eng. Hunt's, late Gye's Original Bath Directory, to March 1824.... 121 p. 8~..Pam. v. 489. BATHURSTt (Henry), Bp. Norwich. Memoir. 4 p. 4~. Pam. v. 1004. BATTELf, Andries. De Gedenkwaardige Voyagie van Andries Battel van Leigh in Essex, na Brasilien, en desselfs wonderlijke avon 68 GENERAL LIBRARY. tuuren, zijnde gevangen gebragt van de Portugijsen na Angola.... A~ 1589 en vervolgens. Door hem selfs in het Engels beschreven...Leyden, Vander Aa, 1706. 46 p. & register. 120~. BATTELLE, A11. Premieres Leqons sur les Animaux domestiques.... Paris, 1855.- Premieres LeSons sur les animaux sauvages... Paris, Hachette, 1857. In 1 v. 18~. BAUDOIN (Mime Agathe). Reveries sur les Bords du Cher: Poesies par. Paris, 1841. 8~. BAUDRY's Catalogues of Books, 1845, 47, 49. Paris. Cat. v. 1, 22, 30. BAUER, J. S. Bibliotheca Librorum Rariorum Universalis; oder vollstiindiges Verzeichniss rarer Biicher, aus den besten Schriftstellern, mit fieiss zusammen getragen, und aus eigener vieljahrigen Erfahrung vermehret, von Johann Jacob Bauer, Arg. Buchh'indler in Ntirnberg. Theil I - 4, A - Z, 1770 - 72, 4 v.- Supplementband, 1, 2, A - Z, 1774, 2 v. —Dritter Supplementband, A - Z, 1791, 1 v. Niirnberg. 7 v. 12~. B3AUERN (Des), und Handwerksmannes Calender. Philadelphia, 1834. 40~. Alm. v. 46. BAVARIAt. Verzeichniss der Wissenschaftlichen Sammlungen des Staates....Fr. Thiersch Gen. Conserrator. 1848. 7 p. 4~. See Koen. Baier. Ak. Reden, v. 5. - LIBRARY. Catalogus Cod. Manuscriptorum Bibliot. Regiae Monacensis. Tomus vii: Cod. Gallicos, Hisp., Ital., Angl., Suec., Dan., Slav., Esth., Hungaricos complectens. Monachii, 1858. 420 p. 80.Persian MSS. See Frank, O. ROYAL OBSERVATORY. Astronomische Beobachtungen angestellt auf der k. Sternwarte zu Bogenhausen, von.. J. Soldner. Vol. 1 - 5, 1820 - 27.-Observationes Astronomice..a J. Lamnont. Vol. 6, seu n. ser. V. 1-15. Monachii, 1841 - 47. 15 parts in 3 v. 4~. Annalen der Koniglichen Sternwarte bei Miinchen, auf bffentliche kosten herausgegeben von Dr. J. Lainont... (xvi) I Band -(xxiii) IX Band. iTihnchen, 1854 - 57. 9 v. 80~. Beobachtungen des Meteorologischen Observatoriums auf dem Hohenpeissenberg von 1792 - 1850, auf 6ffentliche kosten..I. Suppleinentband zu den Annalen der Mftnchener Sternwarte. See Kbniglich Bayerische Akademie der Wissenschaften. BAVARIAN AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY. Haus-Landwirthschafts-Kalender des landwirthschaftlichen Vereinis fur Bayern... 1855, 56, 57, 58. Mtunchen. 4 v. 4~. BAXTER, Andrew. An Inquiry into the Nature of the Human Soul; wherein the the immateriality of the soul is. evinced from the principles of reason and philosophy. 3d edition. London, 1745. 2 v. 8~. BAXTERt, Richard. A Defence of the Principles of Love, which are necessary to the unity and concord of Christians.... By Richard Baxter, one of the mourners for a self-dividing and self-afflicting land.""* London, 1671. 183 p. 18~. Catholic Communion doubly defended by Dr. Owen's vindication and RBichard Baxter... with a parallel of the case of using a faulty translation of Scripture, and a faulty liturgy.'** London, 1684 iv, 40 p. 4~. Pam. v. 356. FIRST SUPPLEMENT. 69 BAXTER (W. E.), Esq. M.P. America and the Americans. London, G. Routledge & Co. New-York, 1855. 180. BAYARDt ( James A.), of Del. Speech, U.S. Senate, Feb. 1809, on the Embargo act. Pam. v. 206. BAYARD, Rev. L. P. Memorial of the Rev. Lewis P. Bayard, D.D.; containing a memoir.... Rt. Rev. Dr. Onderdonk.. Ed. by J. W. Brown... New-York, 1841. 272 p. 12~. BAYARD, Samuel J. A Short History of the Life and Services of Gen. William Henry Harrison. 20 p. 8~. Pam. v. 222. [ BAYARD, William]. See Comments on the Nebraska bill. BAYER, A. De. La Cath6drale de Strasbourg en xI planches lithographiques, d'apres les dessins d'Auguste de Bayer.. Paris. f0. BAYFIELD, Lake Superior, Wisconsin. The Early History of. Philadelphia, May 1858. 14 p. 8~. Pain. v. 565. BAYLE-MOUILLARD, 11. Eloge de Joseph-Marie Baron de Gebrando. Paris, 1846. 96 p. 80~. Pam. v. 238. BAYLY, Anselm. The Antiquity, Evidence and Certainty of Christianity canvassed on Dr. Middleton's examination of the.. Bishop.of London's Discourse on...prophecy.*** London, 1751. xxxvii, 66 p. 80. Pam. v. 350. BAYLY, T. H. Slavery in the Territories: Speech, U.S. H. of R., May 16, 1848. 15 p. 80. Pam. v. 561. BAYNE, W. M. Description of Bayne's Gigantic Panorama of a voyage to Europe, comprising Views of Boston.... Philadelphia, 1849. 46 p. 8~. Pain. v. 489. BAYNES, Paul. The Diocesans Tryall; wherein all the sinnews of D. Dovvnam's defence [of bishops] are brought unto three heads, and orderly dissolved. By M. Paul Baynes. Imprinted 1621. xii, 90 p. sm. 4~. Pam. v. 600. BAZLEY, Thom1as. A Lecture upon Cotton as an element of industry... London, 1852. 70 p. 120. Pam. v. 498. BEACH, WY.... Rise... of the N.Y. Medical Institution and Reformed Med. Soc. of the U.S. New-York, 1830. 49 p. 120. Pam. v. 614. BEAKLEY (Jacob), M.D. Valedictory Address.... Homoeopathic Medical College of Pennsylvania, March 1, 1854. Philadelphia, 1854. 8~. Paim. v. 286. BEAR, John. De Primsevorum Patriumn Auctoritate: Concio coram Acad. Oxon. Oxonii, 1748. 80. Pam. v. 370. BEARCROFT (P.), D.D. Sermon, 1745. See Soc. Prop. the Gospel. BEARDSLEE, G. WT. Rejection... of the Letters Patent to B. Langdon... Planing mzachine. Albany, 1852. 39 p. 80. Pam. v. 298. BEARDSLEY, Rev. E. E. An Historical Address.... Trinity College, Hartford, July 30, 1851: On occasion of the 25th Ann. Comm. of the Institution. Hartford, 1851. 8S. Pam. v. 241. BEARDSLEYt, Samuel. Opinion.... and Letter from Hon. William L. Marcy, on the Canal bill. 8". Albany, 1851. Pain. v. 223. 70 GENERAL LIBRARY. BEARZI, J. B. De. Catalogue Bibliotheque de feu M. l'Abb6 Jean Baptiste Chevalier de Bearzi.... dont la vente aura lieu 31 Mai 1855. Paris, 1855. 1re partie, 222 p.; 2de partie, 192 p. In 1 v. 80. BEASLEYt ( Frederick), D.D., Trenton, N.J. A Vindication of the fundamental principles of truth and order in the Church of Christ, from the allegations of the Rev. William E. Channing, D.D. Trenton (N.J.), 1830. 144 p. 80 Pam. v. 200. BEATSON, John. Sermon: Fast, Feb. 27, 1778; Duty of members of civil society:.Jer. xxix, 7. Hull, Eng. Pam. v. 373. A Sermon, occasioned by that branch of British commerce which extends to the human species: Lu. x, 29. 1789. Hull, Elng. 64 p. 8~. Pain. v. 435. BEATTIEt, James. The Poetical Works of Beattie, Blair and Falconer. With lives, critical observations and explanatory notes, by the Rev. George. Gilfillan. Edinburgh, 1854. 8~. [ BEAUCHAMP, Viscount]. See Letter to the First Belfast Company of Volunteers. Cat. 1855. BEAUCLERK, Topham. A Catalogue of the Library of T. B. of. 30,000 volumes.... Auction, April 9, 1781. London, xiv, 231, 137 p. In 1 v. 80. BEAUFOYt (Cnl. Mark), F.R.S. Nautical and Hydraulic Experiments, with numerous scientific miscellanies.*** In three volumes, with plates. Vol. I, London, printed at the private press of Henry Beaufoy, F.R.S. Published May 1834. cxix, 688 p. 40~. BEAULIEU, Luke. Sermon before the Lord Mayor, Dec. 27, 1685: Jude v, 3. London. 4~. Pam. v. 361. BEAUTMARCHAIS, Emelie Eug6nie. The Daughter of Pierre Augustin de Beaumarchais, to the Hon. the members of the S. and H. of R. of the United States. Paris, Oct. 20, 1822. 4 p. 4~. Pain. v. 488. Report of the Committee on Claims, on the Petition of E. E. Bea/umarchais, March 10, 1806. Cong. Doc. 113 p. 8~. Pam. v. 488. BEAUMARCHAISt, P. A. Caron De. Notice sur Beaumarcchais.- Le Barbier de S6ville.. Combdie. Paris. 80. 52, 353 - 525 p. imp. 8~. Pam. v. 523. BEAUMELLE. Vie de Maupertuis. See Anglieviel de la Beaumelle, L. BEAUMONTt and FLETCHER. The Chances: A Comedy.. from the Manager's book at the Theatre Royal, Covent Garden. London. 12~. Pam. v. 396. BEAUMONT+, Gustave De. Marie; ou l'Esclavage aux Etats-Unis: Tableaux des Mceurs am6ricains. 4e edition. Paris, 1840. 12~. BEAUMONT, J. A. B. Travels in Buenos-Ayres and the adjacent Provinces of the Rio de la Plata; with Observations intended for the use of persons who contemplate emigrating to that country...... London.. 1828. 8~. BEAUMONT ( William), M.D., Asst. Surg. U.S. A. Rights and Disabilities of Brevet rank, 1825. 14 p. 8'.-With a Circular, from the same, dated Fort Niagara, N.Y., May 8, 1826. 10 p. 120. Pain. v. 234. FIRST SUPPLEMENT. 71 ----- Experiments and Observations on the gastric juice, and the physiology of digestion... Plattsburgh [ N.Y.], 1833. 8~. BEAUVAIS ( J. B. C. M. de), Bishop. Oraison funebre de..Louis XV, Roi de France.....Saint Denis, 27 Juillet 1774. Paris, 1774. 81 p. 12~. Pam. v. 612. BEAIUVAIS, Servant. Manuel Classiqueile Philosophie. Paris, 1832. 8~. BECKt ( Theodric R.), M.D. Statistics of Med. Coll. in U.S. 1839. 8~. Pam. v. 517. 2d copy. Biographical Notices of Dr. T. Romeyn Beck. Reprinted from the Amer. Jour. of Insanity, Oct. 1855. Utica, 1555. 8~. Pam. v. 237. BECKER, Abraham. Address, Worcester, N.Y.... on the occasion of the Burial of Capt. Leslie Chase, U.S.A.... And a R. F. Queal. Albany, 1852. 23 p. 8~. Paim. v. 494. BECKER (A. C.), M.D. Allopathy, Hahnemannism, and Rational Homceopathy. Compiled from the German of Dr. Griesselich. NewYork, 1848. 24 p. 8~. Pam. v. 271. BECKFORDt, William. The Valuable Library of Books of Fonthill Abbey: A Catalogue of.... (20,000 volumes)... also of the books of prints, galleries of art.... which will be sold by auction, Sept., Oct. 1823. London. 391 p. 80~. BECKWOURTH, James P. Life. See Bonner, T. D. BfCLARD (P. A.), d'Angers. Elements d'Anatomie gen6rale: Description de tous les tissus ou systemes organiques qui composent le corps humain. 3e edition.... Paris, 1852. 676 p. 8~. BECMANUS, Joh. Christ. Historia Orbis Terrarum, geographica et civilis, de variis negotiis nostri potiss. et superioris seculi aliisve rebus selectioribus. Editio tertia correctior. Franefurti ad Oderam. Lipsi -.. 1685. 4~. BEDDOES ( Thomas), M.1T. Essay on some of the Disorders commonly called nervous. Part II, containing Observations on insanity; Essay tenth in V. 3 of Hygeia. London, 1801 - 02. 95 p. 80. Pain. v. 404. BEDFORD, Rev. W. K. R. The Blazon of Episcopacy. London, 1858. 144 p. 61 plates. 8~. BEECHERt, Catharine E. An Essay on the Education of female teachers... New-York, 1835. 22 p. 8~. Pam. v. 491. See Hartford Female Seminary, Prospectus. BEECHER, Charles. The Bible a Sufficient Creed: Two Discourses.. at.. dedication. Providence, R.I. 1854. 8~. Pam. v. 558. BEECHERt, (Edward), D.D. Narrative of Riots at Alton; in connection with the death of Rev. Elijah P. Lovejoy. Alton.. 1838. 159 p. 12~. The Papal Conspiracy Exposed... Boston, 1855. 12~. BEECHIERt, Henry Ward. Industry and Idleness, with causes of dishonesty; to which are appended, Six Warnings. With an Introduction, by Rev. I-I. B. Taylor, of Evans, Erie county, N.Y. Philadelphia, 1850. 107 p. 18~. Paia. v. 215. - Defence of Kansas. Washington, 1856. 8 p. 8~. Pam. v. 560. 72 GENERAL LIBRARY. BEECHER, Henry Ward: Addresses on Mental Culture for women, by H. W. B. and J. T. Brady. ( Pulpit and Rostrum, No. 2.) N.York, 1859. Pam. v. 226. Life Thoughts, gathered from the extemporaneous discourses of.... Boston, 1858. 299 p. 12~. BEECHERt (Lyman), D.D. The Design, Rights and Duties of local churches: A Sermon, Installation of the Rev. Elias Cornelius, Tabernacle Church, Salem, July 21, 1819. Andover, 1819. 8~. Pam. v. 105. Six Sermons on the nature, occasions, signs, evils, and remedy of intemperance. Boston, 1827. 107 p. 120. Pam. v. 629. * —- The Bible a Code of Laws: A Sermon, Park-street Church, 1817, Ordination of S. E. Dwight, and of E. P. Swift, etc. as missionaries to the heathen. Andover, 1827. 43 p. 80.- Pam. v. 556. [ ]. See Rights of Congregational Churches. BEECIEYt, F. W. The Zoology of Capt. Beechey's the Pacific and Behring's the years 1825 - 28..... London, 1839. 179 p. 50 plates. 4~. BEELDSNIJDER, Yonkheer G. J. Verbond en Smeekschriften der Nederlandsch Edelen (1567), van den hoog wel geb. Heer Baron M. D'Yvoy van Mijdrecht. Vermeerderd met eenige aanteekeningen en verrijkt met bijna alle de facsimiles.... 86 p. and plates. 8~. BEELS, Leonard.'S Menschen Uittersten, overdacht en aangedrongen tot betragtinge van Godtzaligheidt. Amsterdam, 1748. 4~. ---- Jubel-preek, by ene uitbreiding van Asafs betuiginge. Amsterdam, 1749. 4~. BEERS'S (A.) ALMANAC, Hartford, 1798. Allllim. v. 19.- Beers's Calendar, or Southwick's Almanack, Albany, 1813, 14, 15, 17 (imp.): Alm. v. 21; 1813, 15: Aim, v. 23;.... or Hosford's Almanack, 1818, 19, 20, 22, 23, 24: Alm. v. 21; 1821, Aimn. v. 23; 1823, 24, Alm. v. 33; 1825, Aim. v. 22, 33. BEESON, John. A Plea for the Indians; with facts and features of the late war in Oregon. New-York, 1857. 143 p. 12~. Pam. v. 508. BEKKER, E. See Wolff, E. Bekker. BEKNOPTE EN ZAKELYKE BESCHRYVING der voornaamste Engelsche Volk-plantingen in Noord-Amerika; neffens Aanmerkingen over den oorsprong en voortgang der tegenwoordige geschillen, en des oorlogs, tusschen Groot-Brittanie en deszelfs kolonisten. Tweede stuk. Te Amsterdam.. 1776. 8~. BELCHERt, Sir E. The Last of the Arctic Voyages; being a Narrative of the Expedition in H.M.S. Assistance, under the command of Capt. Sir Edward Belcher, C.B., in search of Sir John Franklin, during the years 1852 - 54. With Notes on the natural history.... London, 1855. Admiralty edition. 2 v. 80. BELCHER'S ( H. C.) FARMER'S ALMANACK for 1846. Aim. v. 28.For 1852, 55, 56, 59. Halifax, Nova-Scotia. 4 v. 120. BELDEN, L. W. An Account of Jane C. Ryder, the Springfield somnambulist; the substance of which was delivered as a lecture before the Springfield Lyceum, Jan. 22, 1834. Springfield, 1834. 18~. FIRST SUPPLEMENT. 73 BELDING'S NORTHWESTERN REVIEW, devoted to agriculture, commerce.... and general statistics. Ed. by H. H. Belding: ~monthly. Vol. I, Nov. 1857; Jan., Feb., Apr. 1858. Keokuk, Iowa. 80. Pam. v. 533. EELEZE, G. Nouveau Cours d'Enseignement 616mentaire, mise i la portee des enfans, avec questionnaires. Paris, J. Delalain, 1855 - 59. In 22 v. 18~. Contents: La Cosmographie. 1856. La Mythologie. 5e ed. 1859. La G-ographie. 9me edition. 1858. Li'istoire Naturelle. 19e Cd. 1857. Petite G. ographie pour le premier age. La Physique et la Chimie. 4e cd. 1858. 1857. Petite ranltilaire frangaise. 5e ed. 1855. Petite Ilistoire sainte, pour le premier Granim'aire Frangaise. 8e dl. 1856. age. 1858. Syllablire et premieres lectures. 4e cd. L'Histoire Sainte. 18me Mdition. 1858. 1857. L Histoire Ancienne. 19e Cdition. 1858. Exercices de memoire et de style. 17e ed. L Histoire Romaine. 12e edition. 1858. 1858. L Histoire du Moyen age. 5e d. 1856. Petite Arithmetique. 2e (d. 1.57. L Histoire Moderne. 5e *d. 1858. Livroe de lectlre courante des devoirs des Petite Histoire de France, pour le pre- enfints. 3e 4d. 1856. mier age. 5e ed. 1856. Petit Dictionnaire de la langue frangaise. L'Histoire de France. 19e id. 1858. 1857. L'Histoire d'Angleterre. 1856. BELGIUMt. ]Manuel, renfermant la Constitution de la Belgique, les Reglements de la Chanmbre des Representants et du Senat; les Lois clectorales, provinciale et communale; celles sur l'instruction sup;rieure et sur l'instruction primaire... Bruxelles, 1848. 592 p.14ith, Manuel i l'usage des meinbres de la Chambre des Representants. 301 p. In 1 v. 18~. -- -—: AGRICULTURE. Ecoles d'Agriculture: Rapport adress86 a M. le Ministre de l'Int6rieur, sur la situation des 6coles pendant l'annbee scolaire 1850 - 51. Bruxelles, 1851. 135 p. and plates. f'.: CHURCHES. Extrait du Rapport decennal sur la situation administrative du royaunme (1841 - 50).- Cultes. 44 p. gr. 4~. Statistique des Libgralites au profit des etablissemen ts religieux et charitables, pendant les annles 1831'a 1849. 11 p. 4~. ----: COLONY de Santo-Toinas. Enquete de MI. Blondeel van Cuelebrouk.... depose sur le Bureau de la Chambre des Representants, le 10 Juin 1846. Bruxelles, 1816.-With, Suite de i'Enqufte de MI. Blondeel. 25 Nov. 1846. 240 p., & maps, 136 p. in 1 v. f.: EDUCATION, PRITIARY. Etat de l'Instruction primaire en Belgique, 1830 - 40: Rapport d6cennal present6 aux Chambres l6gislatives le 28 Jan. 1842.... Pr6c6d6 d'un Expose de la legislation anterieure h 1830, et suivi du texte des lois.... de 1814 a 1840. Bruxelles, 1840. 279 p. f~. Session de 1814.- Compte rendu par le Minstre de l'Instruction publique.- Compte d6finitif des depense3 de l'exercice, 1842. Paris, 1844. 108 p. gr. 4~. Rapport Triennal sur la Situation de l'Instruction primaire en Belgique, et sur l'execution de la loi organique du 23 Sep. 1843; prbsent6 aux Chambres legislatives par MI. le Min. de l'Int. 20 Nov. 1846. Preminire p6riode triennale, 1843, 44, 45: Premiere partie, Texte du rapport; Seconde partie, Tableaux statistiques et pi6ces justificatives. Bruxelles, 1846. 319, 587 p. f'.-Wkrith, Deuxienme rapport triennal, 1846, 47, 48: Ie- 3'-e0 partie. Bruxelles cxc, cclxxii, 111 p. Pf. In 2 v. f~. [SUPPL.1 10 74 CGENERAL LIBRARY. BELGIUM: EDUCATION, INTERMEDIATE. Etat de l'Instruction moyenne en Belgique, 1842 - 48: Rapport presente aux Chambres.. 20 Juin 1849... Bruxelles, 1849. 591 p. f., UNIVERSITY. Etat de l'Education superieure en Belgique: Rapport presente aux Chambres... 6 Avril 1843.... Preced6 d'un Expose de la legislation ant6rieure a 1830, et suivie du texte des lois... Bruxelles, 1843. 1259 p. f~.: HEALTH. Recueil des LGis, Arretes, et Instructions relatifs au service sanitaire des portes de Mer Belgique. Bruxelles, 1839. 106 p. 8o. HIUMANE INSTITUTIONS. Ministere de la Justice: Colonies agricoles, Ecoles rurales. et Ecoles de r6forme pour les indigents, les mendiants et les vagabonds, et specialement pour les enfants des deux sexes, en Suisse, en Allelnagne, en France, ei Angleterre, dans les Pays-Bas et en Belgique. Rapport adress6e Mi. Tesch, Ministre de la justice, par E. Ducpetiaux..Bruxelles, 1851. xx, 208 p. gr. 4~. - (Extrait du Rapport decennal sur la Situation administratif du Royaume, 1831 - 50.) Bienfaisance de la Belgique: R6sum6 statistique, par M. E. Ducpetiaux.. Bruxelles, 1852. 80 p. f~.: INSURANCE. MIin. des Finances: Documents sur le systaeme des assurances par l'Etat. Tome II. Bruxelles, 1849. 276 p. f~. -: MUTUAL AID SOCIETIES. Ministere de l'Iuntrieur': Societ6s de Secours mutuels, Loi du 3 Avril 1851.- Arrete royal du 12 Mai 1851.-Rapport de la commission..1851. Bruxelles, 1851. 28 p. 8~.: NAVIGATION, internal. Canal de Roubaix et de l'Espierre: Notice sur l'instruction dont ce canal a ete l'objet en France, suivi 1~ du Rapport fait au Conseil g6naral de D6partement du Nord, en 1834; 20 du M6moire en 1835, par M. A. F. Honnorez...; 30 Enqu6te ta Lille en 1836; 40... Navigation..sur Dunkerque, et de la navigation des canaux fran~aises. ( Pieces servant du complement au N~ 5, Session 1838, 39.) 75 p. f. La Navigation de la Belgique vers Paris: Etudes faites pour effectuer en Belgique la jonction des Bassins de la Meuse et de. l'Escaut, par un canal de Mons'a la Sambre. Rapport present6 aux Chambres legislatives, le 24 Fe'vrier 1840, par MI. le Ministre des travaux publics. Avec une carte. Bruxelles, 1840. 330 p. f'. Des Voies navigables en Belgique: Considerations historiques, suivies des propositions diverses ayant pour objet l'amelioration et l'extension de la navigation. Ouvrage redig6 par ordre du Departement des travaux publics. Bruxelles..1842. 497 p. f~. Me'moire sur le Projet de diminuer les inondations de l'Escaut, de la Lys et de la Durme, par l'etablissement de portes de flot au Pont de Termonde sur l'Escaut, et par la construction d'un barrage avec portes de flot a Ilamme sur la Durme. Par M. HTolters. Bruxelles, 1844. fP. _:~ PRISONS. Ministere de Justice: Adm. des prisons. Memoire a l'appui du projet de loi sur les prisons, prCsent ha la Chambre des Representants de Belgique... 3 Dec. 1844. Avec une appendice et trois plans de prisons cellulaires. Bruxelles, 1845. 316, ccxvi p. 8~. Extrait du Rapport dkcennal sur la Situation adininistrative du Rovaume (1841 - 50): Statistique des Prisons de la Belgique, par M. E. Ducp6tiaux... Bruxelles, 1852. 44 p. gr. 4~. FIRST SUPPLEMENT. 75 -: RAILROADS. Chemins de Fer: Compte-rendu des operations de l'exercice, 1841 - 51. Bruxelles, 1845 - 52. Bound in 8 v. f-. De l'Influence des Tarifs sur les mouvements et les recettes de voyageurs: Parallle entre- les r6sultats obtenus par l'application des tarifs divers au transport des voyageurs sur les chemins de fer de l'Etat, par H. GC. Desart.... Bruxelles, 1848. 85 p. f~.: ROADS. Min. de l'Interieur. Inspection des chemins vicinaux: Flandre occidentale; Flandre orientate. Rapport pr6sente.... par M. A. Vergote... Bruxelles, 1848. 55 p. 80~.:- STATISTICS. Ministere de l'Int6rieur: Tableau statistique'a l'appui du projet d'organisation d'un service m6dical rural. Bruxelles, 1849. 235 p. fi. BELnISLE, B. W. History of Independence Hall..cmbracing biographies of the immortal signers of the Declaration of Independence... Philadelphia, 1859. 396 p. 120~. BELK'NAP, Daniel. The Middlesex Collection of Sacred Harmony.... Boston; printed typographically for the author, by Isaiah Thomas... 1802. 112 p. ob. 80. BELL (Andrew), D.D. An Analysis of the Experiment in Education made at Egmore, near Madras.... 3d edition. London, 1807. xii, 115 p. - With, Mutual tuition and moral discipline; or Manual of instructions for conducting schools...7th edition...London, 1823. viii, 134 p. In 1 v. 8~. System of Education. See Porteus, B. BELL, Jacob... Editor. See Pharmaceutical Journal. BELL'S (J.) NEW PANTHEON; or Historical Dictionary of the Gods, Demigods, Heroes, and fabulous personages of antiquity: also, of the images and idols adored in the Pagan world; together with their temples, priests, altars, oracles, fasts, festivals, games, &c. London, 1700. 2 v. in 1. 4~. BELLt (John), M.D. Philadelphia. On the Influence of Medicine: An Oration delivered before the Philadelphia Medical Society, Feb. 9, 1828. Philadelphia, 1828. 80. Pam. v. 246. The Mineral and Thermal Springs of the:United States and Canada. Philadelphia, 1855. 18".,, — iReport on the Importance and Economy of Sanitary Measures to cities. City Doct. New-York, 1860. 243 p. 8~- The same. See National Quar. Conyv. BELL, John, of Tennessee. Suppressed Report of Hon. John Bell ( H. Rep.), 1846, in relation to difficulties between the Eastern and Western Cherokees. Pam. v. 193. Speech, U.S. Senate, on Non-Intervention, April 13, 1852. - Speech, Upon our Relations with Great Britain, Feb. 26, 1856. Washington, 1856. Pam. v. 193, 487. Nebraska and Kansas. Speech, U.S. Senate, Mar. 3, 1851, 16 p.: On the Nebraska and Kansas Bill, May'24, 25, 1854. 24 p. 8'. On the Admission of Kansas under the Lecomnptcn Constitution, March 18, 1858. 32 p, 80. Pam. v. 561. 76 GENERAL LIBRARY. BELL, John, of Tennessee: Speech, Mass Meeting of the American Party, Knoxville, Tenn., Sept. 22, 1855. 8'. Pam. v. 537. Speech, U.S. Senate, On the Acquisition of Cuba. 1858. 16 p. Panm. v. 487. BELL'S ( J. G.) CATALOGUE of Autograph Letters, Portraits, &c. London, 1853. 73 p. Paia. v. 470.- Cat. of Books, MSS. and Prints relating to L. Bewick's works. 1850. Cat. v. 46. BELLt, Thomas. A History of the British Stalk-eyed Crustacea.... Illustrated by 174 wood engravings. London, 1853. 8~. BELLAMY, George Anne. Memoirs of..with all her public and private connections.... London, 1785. 12~. BELLAMYt ( Joseph), D.D. The Wisdom of God in the Permission of Sin vindicated; in answer to a pamphlet entitled An Attempt, &c. 1759. 12'. imp. Pain. v. 603. A Second Dialogue, between a Minister and his Parishioner, concerning the half-way covenant. Hartford, Conn. 1769. 15 p. 12~. Pam. v. 603. BELLAMY, P. La Vache Br6tonne; utile au riche, providence du pauvre. Rennes, 1857. 182 p. 18~. BELLEFONTAINE and INDIANA RAILROAD COMPANY. Fifth Annual Report, Jan. 11, 1855. Cleveland, Ohio, 1855. 80. Pain. v. 208. Exhibit of the Affairs, July, 1851. New-York, 1851. 8~. Pam. v. 256. BELLEFONTAINE RAILROAD LINE. Third Joint Annual Report.... for 1858. Cleveland, 0. 1859. 80. Pam. v. 544. BELLEISLE, Duke of. The Duke De Belleisle's Letters to Marechal de Contades, found....after the battle of Minden. London, 1759. 106 p. 80. Pam. v. 447. BELLINGER, Henry. Substantie eener Predicatie, uitgesproken in. New-York, den 22 Mei, 1856... - Uit het Engelsch... Albany, 1857. 15 p. 8~. Pam. v. 523. BELLINI, Sig. La Sonnambula: An Opera, in three acts, from the most approved acting copy. Philadelphia, New-York and Boston. 18~. Pam. v. 616. BELLOT (Lieut.), Joseph Rene. Memoirs of.... With his Journal of a Voyage in the Polar Seas in search of Sir John Franklin. London, 1855. 2 v. 12~. BELLOWSt (Henry W.), D.D. A Sermon: Ordination of Mr. Frederick N. Knapp, Brookline, Mass., on Wednesday, October 6, 1847. Boston, 1847. 8~. Pam. v. 111, 288. Discourse..Death of Jonathan Goodhue..New-York, 1848. 80~. Pam. v. 554. Memorial of William Ware. A Sermon... Feb. 29, 1852. NewYork, 1852. 120. Pam. v. 555. Historical Sketch of Col. Benjamin Bellows, founder of Walpole: An Address on occasion of. the gathering of his descendants to the consecration of his monument, at Walpole, N.H., Oct. 11, 1854.... New-York, 1855. 125 pI 8~, FIRST SUPPLEMENT. 77 Address. See United States Inebriate Asylum. BELMONT ( The) COLLECTION: Exhibition. New-York, 1857. 4~. Pam. v. 1015. BELOEt, Rev. William. Anecdotes of Literature and Scarce Books... London, 1807 - 12. 6 v. 8~. BELOIT COLLEGE, and BELOIT SEMINARY. Catalogue of the Officers and Students, 1849 - 50. Beloit, Wis. Pam. v. 156. — For 1850. Beloit, 1851. Pam. v. 480. BELSHAMt, Rev. Thomas. [Writings of.] 1 v. 8~.. Contents: The Right and Duty of Unitarian Christians to form separate societies for Religious Worship, a sermon.. at Birmingham. London, 1802. Sermon: Death of Rev. T. Lindsey... and Memoir. London, 1808. 72 p, Letters... to the Bp. of London in Vindication of the Unitarians... 2d edition. London, 1815. 87p. A Letter to the Unitarian Christians in South Wales. Occasioned by the animadversions of the Bp. of St. David's...London, 1816. xii, 132 p. A Plea for Infant Baptism... London, 1817. 121 p. History of the Creation in the Book of Genesis, a Sermon. London, 1821. On the Character and Writings of Rev. T. Belsham. From the Monthly Repository, 1830. London, 1830. 92 p. BELSHAM, W.. J. Chronology of the Reigns of George III and IV, including every important fact.... with a general chronology from the earliest periods. London, 1828. 240. BELTZ, Geo. Fred. Memorials of the most noble Order of the Garter...biographical notices of the knights in the reigns of Edward III and Richard II...London, 1841. ccxxiv, 439 p. 8~. BELVILLE, John Henry. A Manual of the Barometer: containing an explanation of the construction and method of using the mercurial barometer, with appropriate tables.... Also, a description of the aneroid barometer. Second edition. London, 1849. 53 p. 12~. BEMANt ( N. S. S.), D.D. On Intemperance (1829?). 120. Pam. v. 629. Letters to Rev. John Hughes, D.D.... in Review of his Sermon preached in St. Patrick's Cathedral, June 29, 1851. Troy, 1851. 78 p. 80. Pam. v. 548. — a-.EpiscopacyExclusive: or two series of letters; being a review of Dr. Coit's sermon and pamphlet...Troy, 1856. 162 p. 8~. Pam. v. 295. Antagonisms in the Moral and Political World; a Discourse: Zech. iii, 1. Troy, N.Y. 1855. 80. Pam. v. 557. BEMENTt, C. N. The American Poulterer's Companion: a Practical Treatise on the breeding, rearing and general management of various species of domestic poultry. Illustrated with portraits of fowls.... A new edition, enlarged and improved..with 120 illustrations. N. York, 1856. sm. 4~. BEMMELEN, A. Van. Nagelatene Leerredenen over de Geschiedenis van Abraham: door A. Van Beinmelen..Predikalnt... Amsterdam, 1843. 8~. BENDER'S FARMERS' Albany Almanac: By B. Taylor, 1853, Alin, v. 21. 78 GENERAL LIBRARY. BENEDICTt, Erastus C. Address, NY. State Normal School. Albany, 1858. 80. Pam. v. 491. BENEDICT, Frank L. The Shadow-worshipper, and other poems. N. York, 1857. 197 p. 12~. BENEDICT ( Thomas) FAMILY. A Genealogy.... taken from a Ms. kept by James Benedict of Ridgefield, Conn. Albany, N.Y. With ills. notes. 4 p. fV. BENEVOLENTt FRATERNITY OF CHURCHES: 12th, 24th Ann. Report. Boston, 1846, 58. 8.' Pam. v. 524. See also, Channing, W. E. BENEVOLENT SOCIETIES of Boston. Report of the Committee of Delegates from... Boston, 1834. 32 p. 12~. Pam. v. 509. BENEZETt, Anthony. A Caution and Warning to Great Britain and her Colonies, in a short representation of the calamitous state of enslaved negroes in the British dominions. Collected from various authors... Philadelphia, 1766. 35 p. With, Extract of a Sermon of the Bishop of Gloucester, 1766. 4 p. In I v. 12~. The Plainness and Innocent Simplicity of the Christian Religion, with its salutary effects, compared to the...effects of war... *i Collected by.... Philadelphia, 1782. With, A Letter from Elizabeth Webb to Anthony William Brehm, with his answer [1712]. Philadelphia, 1781.- Short Observations on slavery.... By A. Benezet. 12 p.- Notes on the Slave trade, &c. 8 p.- Remarks on the nature and bad effects of Spirituous liquors. 12 p.- A short account of the people called Quakers.... 2d edition. Philadelphia. 36 p.- Serious Reflections. 4 p. In 1 v. 18~. A Short Account of the People called Quakers; their...settlement in America...2d edition. Philadelphia. (1780?) 36 p. 12~. BENGA (The) Primer...and a Catechism. With the English. NewLondon, Pa. 1855. 64 p. 180~. BENJAMIN (J. P.), of Louisiana. Speech, U.S. Senate, on the Kansas question, May 2, 1856. 28 p. 8~. Pam. v. 561. BENJA3MINt, Park. Poetry: A Satire....New-York, 1842. 40 p. 8~. BENNETT, Francis. Sale Catalogue of his Library, 1733. See Montague, R. BENNETT (Fred. D.), F.R.G.S. Narrative of a Whaling Voyage round the Globe, from the year 1833 to 1836; comprising Sketches of Polynesia, California, the Indian Archipelago, etc. With an account of southern whales, the sperm whale-fishery.... London, 1840. 2 v. 8~. BENNETT, G. J. The Pedestrian's Guide through North Wales: A Tour performed in 1837. With twenty etchings. By A. Clint. London, 1838. 8~. BENNET, Henry. Letters. See Arlington, Earl of. BENNETT ( Henry), of N.Y. Speech, H. of R., on the Admission of California. Washington, 1850. 16 p. Pain. v. 486. Speech, U.S. H. of R., Onthe Public Lands. Washington, 1852. Pam. v. 487. BENNETT, James. Sermon: London Association for Extending the Gospel in the Metropolis: Jon. iii, 2. Rotherham, 1815. Pam. v. 376. FIRST SUPPLEMENT. 79 BENNETT, John. Advantages of Sunday Schools. A Discourse': Mat. xxv, 40. Manchester, Eng. Oct. 2, 1785. 4~. Pam. v. 1008. BENNETT, Rev. Joseph. Sermon, delivered at Woburn, Mass. Jan, 4, 1846.... 25th Anniversary of the Author's Ordination. Boston, 1846. 80. Pam. v. 267. BENNETT, Philip. Two Sermons: Peace, Assize and Thanksgiving: Ps. lxxxv, 10; 2 Thess. iii, 16. Cambridge, Eng. 1749. S8. Pam. v. 370. BENNETT, Titus. A New System of Practical Arithmetic..for the use of schools....7th edition. Philadelphia, 1818. 204 p. 120. For Key, see M'Kenney, F. BENNETT, Win. J. E. Distinctive Errors of Romanism. Sermon: Acts xix, 32 - 34. London, 1842. Pam. v. 328. A Pastoral Letter to his Parishioners. London, 1846. Pam. v. 328. A Reply to a Statement of Facts made by Mr. A. Chirol.... 2d edition. London, 1847. Pam. v. 328. The Church, the Crown and the State... 2 Sermons... 4th ed. London, 1850. Pam. v. 328. A First Letter to...Lord John Russell, on the present persecution of a portion of the English church. With a Sermon: Luke xxi, 17 — 19. London, 1850. Pam. v. 328. Resignation of the Rev. W. J. E. Bennett. Correspondence.... London, 1850. Pam. v. 328. BENSONt, Rev. Christopher. Contending for the Faith; a Sermon: Jude iii. London, 1822. 8~. Pam. v. 377. ----- Sermon: 1 Sam. ii, 24 - 25. Corp. of Trinity House, May 22, 1826. London. 4~. Pam. v. 1009. [BENSONt, Egbert]. See Vindication of Captors of Andre. 1817. BENSON (George), D.D. [ Essays of:] in 1 v. 8~. Contents: The End and Design of Prayer...In a Letter. London, 1731. 36 p. Two Letters to a Friend; the first concerning...Prayer....The second, the Doctrine of Predestination. 2d edition. London, 1737. 90 p. Second Thoughts concerning the Sufferings and Death of Christ. London, 1748. 36 p. A Summary View of the Evidence of Christ's Resurrection. London, 1754. 50 p. BENSON, Joseph. A Vindication of the People called Methodists.... London, 1800. 42 p. 8o. Pam. v. 314. BENSON, Bp. Martin. Sermon, H. of Lords, Jan. 30, 1738: Ps. lxxviii, 5 - 8. 4th edition. London, 1805. 8~. Pam. v. 368, 375. ----- Sermon, Soc. Prop. the Gospel, Feb. 15, 1840. London. 4~. Pam. v. 362. [BENSON, William]. See Letter to Sir Jacob Banks, 1711. BENT'St MONTHLY LITERARY ADVERTISER: Aug. 1846, July - Aug. 1848, Oct. 1849, Nov. 1852, March 1853. Cat. v. 1.- June 11, Sept. 10. London, 1854. 40. Pam. v. 1015. 80 GENERAL LIBRARY. BENTHAMI (Edward), D.D. An Introduction to Moral Philosophy. $~~ Oxford, 1746. 117 p.- Reflexions upon the study of divinity.... Heads of a course of lectures... 2d edition. Oxford, 1774. 68 p. Pam. v. 399. - - Sermon, H. of Commons, Jan. 30, 1750. Martyrdom of Charles I 1 Tim. ii, 1, 2. London. 4~.'Pam. v. 362. - De Vita et Moribus de Johannis Burtoni, S.T.P. Etonensis. R. Lowth... Oxonii, 1771. 34 p. Pam. v. 390. [ —- ]. See Tumultibus (De) Americanis, 1776. Cat. 1855. BENTHAMt, Jeremy. Jeremy Bentham to his Fellow-citizens of France, on houses of peers and senates. Lond. 1830. 45 p. 8~. Pain. v. 414. Opinions on the Usury laws. 48 p. 8~. Pam. v. 290. Jeremy Bentham and the Usury law. From the N.York Express. Albany, 1827. 32 p. 8~. Pam. v. 290. BENTLEYt ( Richard ), D.D. [Writings of, collected.] 40 & 80. In 1 v. Contents: Folly of Atheism First Boyle's Lecture. 2d edition. London, 1692.Matter and Motion cannot think, Acts xvii, 7: Second Boyle's Lect. 1692.- Confutation of Atheism: 7th and 8th Boyle's Lect. Acts xiv, 15. London, 1693. Sermon upon Popery, Univ. of Cambridge: 2 Cor. ii, 17. Camb. 1715. Sermon before King George, Feb. 3, 1717: ~Rom. xiv, 7. London. Remarks upon a late Discourse of Free-thinking, in a Letter to N. N. By Phileleutherus Lipsiensis. 7th edition. London, 1737. Anon. [BENTLEY ( Richard), the younger.] See Considerations on public affairs, 1796. [ ~ ]. See Few cursory remarks upon...parties, 1803. BENTLEY (William), A.M. Sermon, Massachusetts general election: Deut. xxxiii, 3. Boston, 1807. 80. Pam. v. 557. A Funeral Discourse... Death of Maj. Gen. John Fiske, who died Sept. 28, 1797... Salem, 1797, 8~. Pam. v. 214. BENTON, Nathaniel S. A History of Herkimer County, including the Upper Mohawk valley, from the earliest period to the present time; with a Brief Notice of the Iroquois Indians, the early German tribes, the Palatine immigrations.... the Patentees of Burnetsfield in the year 1725. Albany..1856. 8~. BENTONt ( Thomas H.), of Missouri. Remarks, U.S. Senate, On the annual expenditures, May 17, 1840. Pam. v. 487. Admission of California: Speech, U.S. Senate, April 8, 1850, on the Compromise resolutions of Mr. Bell of Tennessee, &c. Pam. v. 193. Speech, U.S. Senate, on the adjudication of land titles, and sale of gold mines in New-Mexico and California, Jan. 15, 1849. Pam. v. 486. The Mexican Treaty: Speech, H. of R., on the bill to appropriate ten millions. Washington, 1854. 14 p. Pam. v. 486. Thirty Years' View.. Vol. II. New-York, 1856. 8~. FIRST SUPPLEMENT. 81 Historical and Legal Examination of that part of the Decision of the Supreme Court of the United States in the Dred Scot Ca:se, which declares the unconstitutionality of the Missouri Compromise Act... with an appendix.. By the Author of the " Thirty Years' View." New-York, 1858. 193 p. 8~. BERARD ( P, of.), Westpoint. Library sold, New-York, 1848. Cat. v. 4. BERG ( Joseph F.), D.D. Farewell Words to the First German Reformed Church, Race-street, Philadelphia. Phil'a, 1852. 80. Pam. v. 267. See Moravian Church. BERG- UND IBTTENXMANNER. Bericht iiber die erste Allgemeine Versammlung von Berg- und Hliittenminlnern zu Wien, 1858. Wien, 1859. 80. BERGEVI, Mohammed Ben Pir Ali el. See Tassy, Garcin de. BERGH, Hendrik. De Gezegende Nagedagtenis van een waardig regent en vader des Vader lands, den onstervlyken ritter en nmenschenvriend...J. Derk Baron van der Capellen... Amsterdam, 1784. 33 p. 8~. Pam. v. 568. BERGOMAS, J. P. Novissime Historiarum Omnium Repercussiones: Noviter a reverendissimo patre Jacobo Philippo Bergomense ordinis Heremiterus edite; que Supplemnentum Supplimenti Cronicacuuml nuncupantur. Incipiendo ab exordio mundi usque in annum salutis M.cccccvI. Cum gratia et privilegio. Colophon. Explicit..Venetiis impressum opere et impensa Georgii de Rusconibus... M.D.VI.... Index and 449 leaves. fP. BERINGTONt, Rev. Joseph. The History of the Reign of Henry the Second, and of Richard and John his sons; with the Events of the period, from 1154 to 1216: In which the character of Thomas A Becket is vindicated from the attacks of George, Lord Lyttelton. ~ Birmingham, 1790. xxxvi, 673 p. and index. 4~. BERKIENHOUT ( John), M.D. Biographia Literaria; or a Biographical History of Literature: Containing the Lives of English, Scotch and Irish authors, from the dawn of letters in these kingdoms, to the present time... Vol. I: From the beginning of the fifth, to the end of the sixteenth century. London, Dodsley, 1777. 1 v. 4~. BERKELEYt (George), Bp. The Theory of Vision; or Visual Language, shewing the immediate presence and providence of a deity.. London, 1733. 64 p. 8~. Pam. v. 236. [ —— ]. See:Gaudentio di Lucca's Memoirs. Sermon, 1732. See Soc. Prop. the Gospel. A Letter to Sir John James, on the Roman Catholic controversy, for the first time extracted from the imperfect remains of the Bishop's tIss., and edited by the Rev. J. 8. M. Anderson. London, 1850. 80. imperfect. Pam. v. 348. BERKELEY (George), Dean. The English Revolution Vindicated..A. Discourse: Ps. xxi, 1, 2. Accession to the Throne, Oct. 25, 1789. London. 4~. Pain. v. 1008. A Caution against Socinianism... A Discourse... Canterbury, Good Friday, 1787. Pain. v. 302. SUPPLrr 11 82 GENERAL LIBRARY. BERKELEY, Hon. G. F. iA Pamphlet in Defence of the game laws... and on their effects upon the morals of the poor. London, 1845. 78 p. 80. Pam. v. 403. BERKELEY DIVINITY SCHOOL, Middletown, Conn. Catalogue, 1856. 8~. Pam. v 294. BERKSHIRE BAPTIST ASSOCIATION, Mass. 30th Anniversary at Egremont, 1857... North-Adams, 1857. Paul. v. 466. BERKSHIRE BAPTIST ASSOCIATION ( N.Y.). Minutes, 1826: Cortland village, 1826; for 1827: Homer,_ 1827; for 1828: Owego, 1828. Pam. v. 466. BERKSHIRE MEDICAL INSTITUTION. Catalogue, 18-, 34, 36 (and Graduates from 1823), 37, 40. Pittsfield, Mass. 80. Pam. v. 517.For 1838, Pain. v. 156.- 32d Annual Commencement...Pittsfield, 1854. Pam. v. 196. BERLINt: ROYAL LIBRARY. Verzeichniss von Incunabeln, Aldinen, Etiennes, Elzeviren und andern werthvollen werken.. welche in der K. Bibliothek... verkauft werden sollen. Berlin, 1851. 126 p. Cat. v. 48. BERNAL, Ralph. Catalogue of the Collection of works of art formed by, 1855. See Bohn, H. G. BERNARDt, Auguste. De l'Origine et des Debuts de l'Imprimerie en Europe. Paris, a l'mprimerie imp6riale, 1853. 313, 452 p. 2 v. 8~. BERNARD, David. Tekel: Materialism, Annihilation and Universalism weighed in the balance, and found wanting. Jamestown, N.Y. 1853. 54 p. 80. Pam. v. 558. [ BERNARD, Francis]. See Causes of present distractions, 1774. BERNAYS (A.), Prof. of German. An Introductory Lecture, King's College, London, 1831. 8~. Pam. v. 395. BERNIt, Francesco. The Enchanted Lake of the Fairy Morgana: From the Orlando Inamorato of F. Berni, by R Alsop. N.York, 1806. vii, 67 p. 8~. BERRIANt ( William), D.D. Recollections of Departed Friends. 2d edition. New-York, 1850. 219 p. 12~. - Facts against Fancy. See Trinity Ch. Pam. v. 3. BERRIEN ( John M'P.), of Georgia. Speech, on the subject of slavery in the territories, U.S. Senate, Feb. 11 & 12, 1850. Pam. v. 193. BERRIMAN. Rev. William. Sermon, Univ. of Oxford: liatt. vii, 6. Oxford, 1722. 80. Painm. v. 367. Sermon, Society for Protestant Schools in Ireland, 1742: Lam. iii, 27. London. 4~. Pam. v. 1010. BERRUYER ( Pere Isaac J.). Histoire du Peuple de Dieu...Tiree des seuls livres saints...7"m edition. Paris, 1738. 7 v. in 8. 4~. BERRY (L. W.), D.D. Address. See Iowa WVesleyan University. BERRY, William. The History of the Island of Guernsey... to the year 1814...with particulars of the neighboring islands of Alderney, Serk and Jersey; compiled from the valuable collections of the late Henry Budd, esq..... Illustrated..... London.... 1815. 4~. FIRPST SUPPLEMENT. 83 BERTHET, Elie. La Garde-Chasse. 1 v.- Les Chauffeurs. 1 v. NewYork, Semaine Litt6raire, 1853, 1857. In I v. 8~. BERTRAND-QUINQUET, LI. Traite de l'Imprimerie*** Paris, an vIi. 280 p. and plates. 40. BERZELIUS, J. J. The Analysis of Inorganic Bodies... Translated from. the French edition, by J. O. Rees. London, 1833. 164 p. 18~. The Use of the Blowpipe in chemistry and mineralogy... Translated from the 4th enlarged and corrected edition, by J. D. Whitney. Boston, 1845. 237 p. 120. BESCHIRYVING DER STADT DELFT.... Door verscheide liefhebbers en kenners der Nederlandsche Oudheden. Delft, R. Boitet, 1729. 804 p. fi. BESPLAS, J. G. De. An Essay on the Eloquence of the pulpit. Translated by Miles Martindale. London, 1790? xiv, 228 p. 18~. Pam. v. 605. BESSON, F. D. Thesis nMedica... [ An ex partium corporis aequilibrio pendeat sanitas?J 1759. Vesuntione. 6 p. 12~. Pam. v. 612. [BEST, ienry]. Personal and Literary Memorials:by the Author of "Four Years in France."... ** London, 1829. 8~. BEST, Hon. 4 Rev. Samuel. Case of the Deans and Chapters considered in answer to the Rev. W. L. Bowles. London, 1837. 48 p. 8~. Pam. v. 327. BEST (The) ANSWER ever was made; and to which no Answer ever will be made (not to be behind Mr. Hoadley in assurance), in answer to his bill of complaint exhibited against the Lord Bishop of Exeter, &c.: By C. Leslie. London, 1709. 28 p. 8~. Pam. v. 349. BESTE, J. Richard. The Wabash; or Adventures of an English gentleman's family in the interior of America.**+ London, 1855. 2 v. 120 BETHUNEt (George W.), D.D. The Prospects of Art in the U.S. An Address before the Artists' Fund Society of Philadelphia.... Philadelphia, 1840. 8~. Pam. v. 204. Services at the Funeral of the Rev. Jacob Brodhead, D.D..... with Resolutions of the General Synod of the R. P. D. Church.... and a Discourse on the occasion of the decease. New-York, 1855. 8~. Pain. v. 214. Sermon, American Board of Comm. for For. Miss. Forty-seventh Annual Meeting. Boston, 1856. 80. Pam. v. 80. BETHUNE, J. E. D. Specimens of Swedish and German Poetry.... Part I: Poems of Esaias Tegner. Part ii: Schiller's Maid of Orleans. London, 1848. xiii, 167, xxiii, 222 p. 1 v. 8~. BETTELHEIM (B. J.), M.D. of Lewchew. Letter from.... giving an Account of his labors during the last three years. Canton...1850. 69 p. 80 BETTY, Joseph. The Ministry and Church Government; a Sermon: Gal. i, 1. 2d edition. Oxford, 1729. 8~. Pain. v. 379. BEUSCHER, Lieut. W. F. Handleiding voor Onderofficieren tot de kennis.... der artillerie. Erste, Tweede, Derde Stukje, 1836 - 34. 247, 436, 168 p., with plates. In 1 v. 120. 84 GENERAL LIBRARY. BEVAN, Rev. William. The Operation of the Apprenticeship System in the British colonies.. 1838. London. 61 p. 80. Pamn. v. 438. BEVERIDGE, Bp. William. Sermon, of the Common Prayer, Nov. 27, 1681. London, 1682. 4~. Pam. v. 360. Sermon: Martyrdom of Charles I; preached about thirty years since: 1 Pet. ii, 13. London, 1710. 8~.5 Sermon, Oct. 12, 1690: Col. i, 12. 8~. Pam. v. 363. - Good Friday to be kept by all Christians: Zech. xii, 10. London, 1709.- A Sermon..of the Common Prayer: 1 Cor. xiv, 16. Nov. 27, 1681. 12th edition. London, 1708.- Sermon; Deliverance from the late invasion, and the victory near Audenard. Aug. 19, 1708. London.- Sermon, Jan. 30, 1706; Martyrdom of Charles I: Acts xxii, 20. London, 1708. Pain. v.379. -- _Sermon, 1709. See Soc. Prop. the Gospel. BEVERLEY, R. M. A Letter to H. G. the Abp. of York, on the present corrupt state of the Church of England. 7th edition. Beverley, 1831. 39 p. 8~. Pam. v. 326. The Heresy of a Human Priesthood, traced in letters on the present state of the visible church of Christ.. 2d edition, enlarged. London, 1839. 147 p. 8~. Pam. v. 455. BEVILL, Rich. Sermon: Mark. xv, 15, 16. Published by his son-inlaw, B. Isaac. London, 1837. 8O. Pamn. v. 378. BEWIcKt, Thomas and John. A Descriptive and Critical Catalogue of works illustrated by... with an Appendix of their miscellaneous engravings; brief sketches of their lives, and notices of the pupils of Thomas Bewick. London, J. D. Bell, 1851. 77. p. roy. 8~. BEYER, A. M. Augusti Beyeri Memorive Historico-criticme librorum rariorum. Accedunt Evangeli cosmopolitani Notre ad J.... B. Menckenii De Charlataneria Eruditorum Declamationes... Dresdwe et Lipsire, 1734. 304 p. 18~. BEZOTJTt, Et. First Principles of the Differential and Integral Calculus, or the doctrine of fluxions... Taken chiefly from... Cambridge, N.E. 1824. 195 p. 8~. BIBAUDt, Maximilien. Opuscules: I, Systeme politique des Jcsuites au Paraguay; II, Droit des gens; II, La GLologie; Iv, Le Code Napol6on. Montreal, 1857. 70 p. 120. Pam. v. 608. BIBLEt: The Original texts, Hebrew and Greek, being placed first in order, the Texts of the Bible, and parts thereof in all other languages, follow in the alphabetical order of the language. BIBLE: HEBREW. Biblia Hebraica, ex aliquod manvscriptis et compluribus impressis codicibus... recensita... Accedunt... brevisque adnotationes...Studio Jo. Heinr. Micheblis... Hahla, 1720. roy. o~. ---- EBREW and DUTCH. De Vijf Boeken van Mozes, met Aanteekening der Geboden naar Maimonides, benevens de Haphtaroth, naar ritum der Ned. en Port. Israeliten en de orde der SabbathGebeden en Piutim: Met eene getrouwe, naar de verklaarders der H. S. voor Israeliten bewerkte, zoo veel mogelijk woordelijke Nederduitsche vertaling.... Door G. I. Polak; en de Nederduitsche vertaling...door M. S. Polak.X..Amsterdam..1841 -43. 9 v. 80. FIRST SUPPLEMENT. 85: HEBREW and HEBREW-SPANISH. [ The Books of the Old Testament, with the Hebrew-Spanish (rabbinic character) in parallel columns: Trans. by W. G. Schauffler, Missionary at Constantinople. Printed at Vienna, 1840.] 2 v. gr. 4~.: HEBREW -SPANISH. The New Testament. Athina (Athens), 1844. 12~.: GREEK. Psalterium Graece et Latine, in studiosoru-n gratiam diligentissime exeusum. Basilere per Nicolaum Brylingerum, anno MDXLVI. 240~. Psalmorum liber:'ENETIHEIN, HIapa'Avrovtwp ir Ilve0Z, aLXt' (1616). 32~. ----- EO(IA OAOMQ2NOE: Sapientia Salomonis. [In Greek, Armenian and Latin.] Venice, 1827. 249 p. 24~. - - -—. Trjq Icaitrg dtaOqrclrf arrawva. Novum Jesu Christi. D. N. Testamentum. Ex Officina Plantiniana. Apud Christ.Raphelengium, 1601. 240. Novum Testamentum Grwece. Textum.... recensuit.... D. Jo. Jac. Griesbach..Editio nova. Londini, 1818. 2 v. 8~. -'H Katvry AtaO7ryc7. Novum Testamentum Groece, ex recensione Jo. Jac. Griesbachii, cum selecta lectionum varietate. Tomus primus, secundus. Lipsira, G. J. Goschen, 1805. Cantabrigive, Nov. Anglorum, 1809. 615 p. 80. The Greek Testament; with a critically revised text, a digest of various readings, marginal references to verbal and idiomatic usage, prolegomena, and a critical and exegetical commentary.... By Henry Alford, B.D. In 4 vol. V. I, The Gospels. N. York, 1859. 1 v. 80. R(p. Codex Vaticanus.... Novum Testamentum Grece, ex antiquissimo Codice Vaticano ed. Angelus Maius, S. R. E. Card. Ad fidem ed. Rom. accuratius impressum. New-York, D. Appleton & Co. 1859. 8~. ----- - --- See also Greek (Modern): also Greek-Turkish, in Greek characters; Albanian, in Greek characters.: ALBANIAN. [ The New Testament in Modern Greek and Skipetar (or Albanian).] Epistasia Gregoriou, Archepiskopou tes Euboias. Corfu.. 1827. 8~.: ARABIC. [ London, 1844. Printed by W. Watts, after the edition of Rome of 1671.] 1 v. 8~. --: ARMENIAN. [ Psalms in Ancient Armenian.] Venice, 1842. 18~. [Wisdom of Solomon, in Armenian.] See Bible, Greek. [ The New Testament, in Modern Armenian.] Press of W. Griffith, Smyrna, 1852. 24~. [ New Testament: Armenian (ancient), and Ararat Armenian.] 2d edition. Constantinople, 1850. 269 p. 8". See also Turkish in Armenian letters. --: ARRAWACK. The Acts of the Apostles, translated into the Arrawack tongue, by the Rev. Theodore Shultz, in 1802. N.York, Am. Bib. Society, 1850. 18~. 86 GENERAL LIBRARY. BIIBLE:: BENGA. New Testament, Matthew. Sango iam: Ya Matiu e 16ndekidi. New-York, 1858. 12~.: BRETON. Testament Nevez hon aoutrou Jezuz-Krist. Troet e Brezounek, gant I.F.M.M.A. Le Gonidee. E Angoulern, 1827. 12~....-: BULGARIAN. New Testament. Hilarion's translation (?). Smyrna, 1850. 8~. ---- CHINESE. New Testament. [ Printed in China], in 4 v. 80~. [ New Testament. For the Am. and For. Bible Society, by J. Goddard.] Macao, 1853. 8~. ---- CHOCTAw. The Books of Joshua, Judges and Ruth, translated into the Choctaw language... New-York, Am. Bib. Soc. 1852. 120. The New Testament... Choctaw language... New-York, Am. Bib. Soc. 1848. 12~. ---—: DANISH. Bibelen eller den Hellige Skrift, indeholdende det Sanmle og Nye Testamentes Canoniske Boger. New-York, Am. Bib. Sel. 1858. 120. - Nor Herres...Jesu Christi Nye Testamente. Christiania, 1844. Paa det Brit. og Udeul. Bibels'elstabs Bekostning,... 12~.: DUTCH. Biblia; dat is De Gantsche H. Schrifture, vervattende alle de Canonycke Boecken des Ouden en des Nieuwen Testaments. Door last der Hoogh Mog. Heeren Staten- Generael van de Vereenighde Nederlanden, en volgens het Besluyt van de Synode Nationael gehouden tot Dordrecht inde jaren 1618 ende 1619.... Met ni-iuwe bygevoeghde verklaringen op de duystere plaetsen, aanteeekeningen vande gelyck luydende texten.... Dordrecht..1741. f~.- lvith, De Boecken genaemt Aprocyphe. Dordrecht, 1744. - De Eerste Profeten; bevattende de Boeken Josua, de Regteren, Samuel en de Koningen. Op nieuw en het Nederduitsch vertaald, door S. I. Mulder... 20 druk, met kerkelijke goedkeuring. Amsterdam, 5601 - 1841. 18~. Het Nieuwe Testament...Gedrukt bij het Amer. Bijbelgenootschap. WTrith the English... Nieuw-York, 1856. 120~. See also under Hebrew. -: ENGLISH. The Bible. Translated according to the Ebrew and Greeke, and conferred with the best translations in divers languages. With most profitable annotations upon all the hard places, and other things of great importance, as may appear in the Epistle to the Reader; and also a most profitable concordance for the ready finding out anything in the same contained. Imprinted at London by Robert Barker, Printer to the Kings-Most Excellent Maiestie, 1608. Curi Privilegio. 40~. The Holy Bible....with marginal notes and- references.. New-York, printed and sold by Collins, Perkins & Co. 1807. 2d edition. 40~. The Holy Bible.... Philadelphia, printed by Matthew Carey, 1810. 120. B. C. The Holy Bible....with notes... from the most eminent writers of the United Church- of England and Ireland.. arranged FIRST SUPPLEMENT. 87 by the late Rev. G. D'Oyly..and Rev. Richard Mant... Under the direction of the Soc. for Prop. Christ. Knowledge..(1817). London, 1856. 3 v. 8~. The Holy Bible...New-York, Am. Bib. Soc. 1856. f. The IIoly Bible.. N.Y., Am. Bib. Soc. 1857. roy. 8~. The Holy Bible.. N.Y., Am. Bib. Soc. 1858. 12~. The Holy Bible.. N.Y., Am. Bib. Soc. 1857. 8~. The Holy Bible.. N.Y., Am. Bib. Soc. 1858. 18~. - - The Holy Bible.. N.Y., Am. Bib. Soc. 1858. Dia. 24~. - The Book of Psalms: For the Blind. New-York, Am. Bib. Society, 1850. 4~. Book of Job. See American Bible Union. - The New Testament...By W. Tyndale, the martyr; the original edition, 1526.... with a memoir of his life and writings: To which are annexed the essential variations of Coverdale's, T. Matthew's, Cranmer's, the Genevan, and the Bishop's Bibles.... By J. P. Dabney. Andover, Mass. 1837. 8~. The New Testament...and Psalms. N.Y., Am. Bib. Soc. 1857. imp 8~. ---- ---- The New Testament..N.Y., Am. Bib. Soc. 1858. 12~. ----- The New Testament..N.Y., Am. Bib. Soc. 32~. ---- aThe N-ew Testament..N.Y., Am. Bib. Soc. 1858. 24~. The New Testament, translated from the original Leicester Ambrose Sawyer. Boston, 1858. 12~. -: Es:EKIMO. [ The Gospels of Matthew, Mark and Luke, in the Eskimo language. Printed by the Brit. and For. Bib.Society, 1813.] 416 p. 18~.: FRENCH. La Sainte Bible (No title). Le Nouveau Testament, ou la Nouvelle Alliance de Notre Seigneur Jesus Christ. A Amsterdam, chez Pierre Mortier & Pierre Brunel, 1712.- With Les Pseaumes de David (and musical notes); Les Formes des Pribres eccl6siastiques, et La Confession de Foi des Eglises r6formees du Pals-Bas. 1 v. 4~. La Sainte Bible; contenant l'Ancien et le Nouveau Testament, traduite sur la Vulgate par Le Maistre de Sacy. Imprim6e d'apres le texte de l'6dition publiee'a Paris en 1759.... A Paris, 1822. 8o. — ~- -- La Sainte Bible...revue sur les originaux par D. Martin N.. New-York, Soc. Bib. Amer. 1856. 120. Le Nouveau Testament.... d'apres la version revue par J. F. Ostervald. With the English. N.Y., Am. Bib. Soc. 1854. 12~. -: GAELIC. Tiomnadh Nuadh ar Tighearna agus ar Slanuighir Josa Criosd. Eadar-theangaichte o'n ghreugais chum Gaelic Albannaich. Edinburgh, Printed for the British and For. Bible Society 1813. 120~. See also Irish. 88 GENERAL LIBRARY. BIBILE: GERMAN. Biblia, mit der Auslegung: Das ist, Die gantze Heilige Schrift.... des.. M. Lutheri. Mit... Er klarung.... D. L. Osiandri.... In die Hoch. deutsche sprache hiebevor gebracht.... durch D. Fortern... Luneberg, 1650. f~. - - ---- Die Bibel, oder die ganze Heilige Schrift...nach Dr. M. Luthers Uebersetzung.... Mit D. Pauli Tossani hiebevor ausgegangenen glossen und auslegungen (1659). Edited by J. J. Uirich, of Zurich. Basel, 1728. f~. - Die Bibel.. nach der Deutschen Uebersetzung D. Martin Luthers. Gedrukt auf kosten der Amerikanischen und Auslandischen Bibel Gesellschaft... Frankfurt a. M. 1838. 8~. Der Psalter.... verdeutschet von D. M. Luther.... Die zweyte auflage. Germantaun, Pa., Villmeyer, 1790. 180.: GREBO. First Book of Moses, called Genesis, translated into the Grebo tongue, by the Rev. John Payne... New-York, Am. Bib. Society, 1850. 18~. The Acts of the Apostles. Trans..... by the Rev. John Payne... New-York, Am. Bib. Society, 1851. 18~. ---: GREEK, MODERN. T/ IHaXaiag AtaO:tyrq'a7ravra: Em T-ov Ej3patlov aqy7ervov eLW KOLtVV EZu2nv'crqv dta4eiov eTerapqaGOev-ra.'Ev Aovdpa... Brit. and For. Bib. Society, 1840. 8~.'H KAINH AIAOHKH... eTra0qaaOetaa ehi -zr- 7raatag EWg TwV KaOoftYLovfLevlrv ERrWvtTicv &daOearov: Ata Aaravyg i1]y Ev Atepucrl Iepoypa/tuIcg Erapetag. Nea-Top... 1842. 120~. - --- MODERN and ANCIENT.'H Katvq A/taOqir.... ToTr' Trt To Oetov apXTV7rov cat q1 aVTO F'ea(waOpaatg etS icoLvzpIv 6aecrov... Ev Aovdpa.... La7ravr 1rqg ev Bperavvia ac 7Trapl Ai;tLoyevactv'E-ratpecta T79q Iepag Bt/32ov. 1830. 8~. - -- ^See also Albanian; and Greek, ancient. H: AWAIAN. - New Testament.. Ke Kauoha Hou. Oahu, na na Misionari i Pai, 1835. 12~. - --- New Testament. Ke kauoha hou a ko kakou haku e ola'i a Jesu Kristo... IHawaian and English in parallel columns. NuYoka, Am. Bib. Society, 1857. 8~. ---- ~ HUNGARIAN. Szent Biblia azaz; istennek o6 s uj Testamentomaban foglaltatott eg6sz Szent Iras. Maygar nyelvre fordittatott K6Xroli Gaspar, Altal. Kiszegen, (1840?). 80~. - IRISH. New Testament. Tiomna-Nuadh... Ris an tathair is onoruighthe a ndia II. O Domhnuill. London, Brit. & For. Bib. Soc. 1824. 12~. - - --- [ The New Testament in the Irish language and character. London, Trans. by H. O Domhnuill.].... For the Brit. & For. Bib. Society, 1844. 12". See also Bible, Gaelic. - ITALIAN. I1 Nuovo Testamento.... Trad. da G. Diodati. Per Rambo e Com. AiJ. BiEb. Society, 1856. 18~.: MALAY. Vetus Testamentum Malaice.... Edit. Jo. Willmet. Htarlemi, 1822, 24. 2 v. 8~. - --- Novum Testamentum lMalaice... Harlemi, 1820. 1 v. 80. FIRST SUPPLEMENT. 89 - MARATHI. The New Testament..translated from the original Greek into Marathi. Printed for the Ahmednugger Mission:American Mission Press, Bombay, 1851. 80o..-..: MOHAWK. The Gospel of our Lord..according to St.Matthew. Translated into the Mohawk language by H. A. Hill, and corrected by J. A. Wilkes jr. Grand River, U.C. New-York,: Y. M. Bible Society of New-York, Auxiliary to the Bible Soc. of the Methodist Episcopal Church. 1836. 120. With, in the same volume and by the same translator mostly, the remainder of the books of the New Testament except Mark and Luke; each with full titlepage generally. William H-less assisted on some of the books. ----- MPONGWE. The Gospel according to St.John, translated into the Mpongwe language, by Missionaries of the A.B.C.F.M. Gaboon, West-Africa. New-York, Am. Bib. Society, 1852. 12~. --: OJIBWA. Iu Otoshki-kikindiuin au tebeniminung gaie bemajiiniing Jesus Christ, ima Ojibue inueuining Giizhitong. Testament. New-York, Am. Bib. Society, 1856. 12~.: PERSIAN. [Old and New Testament. Translated into Persian, from the Hebrew, by Rev. William Glen, D.D., with the aid of Fadhil Khan of Hamadan, etc., by order of the United Associate Synod of Scotland.] V. 1 - 5. Edinburgh, 1845, 46. In 3 v. 8~. The N. T. is at the expense of the Brit. & For. Bib. Society, and is the fifth edition of II. Martyn's translation. [Psalms.] Kitab Zebour Daoud Peighamber...Brit. & For. Bib. Society. London, 1830. 180. -: POLISH. Norvy pana naszego Jezusa Chrystusa Testament przez X Jakuba Wuyka, Societatis Jesu na Polski Jezyk Przelozony. Ra Pozwoleniem Zwierzchnosci Przeorukowany. W Lipska, Tauchnica, 1832. 12~. ----: PORTUGUESE. A Biblia Sagrada... Trad...pelo Padre Joao Ferreira A. D'Almreida.... Nova-York, Soc. Am. da Biblia, 1857. 120. - --- Novo Testamento de Jesu Christo, traduzido em Portuguez segundo a vulgata. Por Antonio Pereira de Figueiredo. Londres 1818. 12~. O Novo Testamento.... Nova-York, Soc. Am. da Biblia, 1858. 18~. ---: ROUMANI. [ New Testament in the Language of Moldavia and Wallachia. Smyrna.] 1847. 80~. ----- RUSSIAN. New Testament. Leipsic, 1850. 12~. --: SPANISH. La Biblia Sagrada.... Nueva-York. Am. Bib. Soc. 1856. ---- El Nuevo Testamento...The New Testament..Parallel columns of English and Spanish. Nueva-York, Am. Bib. Society, 1856. 120. El Nuevo Testamento.. Nueva-York. Am. Bib. Society. 1857. 18~. See also under Hebrew. [ SUPPL.] 12 90 GENERAL LIBRARY. BIBLE: *-:- SWEDISH. Samla Testamentet. Nya Testamentet med staend3 stilar. Pa foranstaltande af Swenska Bibel-Sillskapet..Stockholm, Rumstedt, 1845. 80. - Nya Testament; need stiende stilar. Pa foranstaltande af Swenska Bibel Sillskapet. Stockholm, 1846. 120. - SYRIAC. Codex Syriaco-hexaplaris Ambrosiano Mediolanensis. Editus et latine versus a Matth. Norberg: Jeremiah; Ezekiel. Londini Gothorum, 1787.- Tom I. 502 p. 4~. - Novumn Testamentumn Syriacum, Peschito dictum. Londini, Bagster. See Lee, Samuel. [ The New Testament in the Syro-Chaldaic language, spoken by the Nestorians of Persia and Turkey. Printed by the American missionaries at Oroomiah,] Persia, 1855. 8~. ----: TAMIL. The Holy Bible, containing the Old and New Testaments, in Tamnil....Under the' auspices of the British and Foreign Bible Society. Madras, Amer. Miss. Press, 1850. 1 v. 8~. - - The Gospel according to St.Luke, in Tamil and English. Christian Knowledge Society's Press for Madras Bib. Society, 1845. 12. ----: TURKISH. [ The Old Testament in Turkish, with Greek letters. Printed at Athens, Greece, 1840.] 1032 p. 8". -[ The Old and New Testament in Turkish, with Armenian letters: A Version revised from the Hebrew, by Rev. W. Goodell, at Constantinople.] Smyrna, Turkey, 1841 - 43. 3 v. 12~. ------ WALLACHIAN. See Roumani.: WELSH. Y Bibl cyssegr-lan, sef yr hen Destament a'r Newydd. Bibl Gymdeithas Amer., Caerefrog Newydd, 1858. 120. Testament Newydd ein harglwydd a'n hiachawdr Jesu Christ*"" Caer Grawnt.... Tros Gymdeithas Biblau Saesoneg ac Ieithoedd Eraill. Cum, Pr'ivilegio. 1846. 12". BIBLE ( The) oF NATURE, and Substance of Virtue. Condensed from the Scriptures of eminent cosmians, pantheists, and eminent physiphilanthropists of various ages and climes."*.... Prepared by Jualius B. Ames? Albany, Ster. by C. Van Benthuysen, 1842. 1042 p. 18e. Part I contains extracts from ancient and modern philosophers, 202 p.; Part ii, the writings of John Stewart, with life, prefaces, etc. 25, 8, 126, 122, 74, 54 p.; Part rmI, extracts from modern writers in prose and poetry on the same thenles, 479 p. BIBLE SOCIETY of Massachusetts. Report, 1815; Report, 45th anniversary. Boston, 1854. 8~. Paim. v. 468. BIBLE SOCIETY of Montgomery County, N.Y.- First Report. Amsterdam, 1857. 8~. Pam. v. 468. BIBLE SOCIETY of the District of Columbia. First Report, 1816. 8~. Pam. v. 468. BIBLE-UNION REPORTER. Vol. 5, Nos. 3 & 4, April and June 1855. Am. Bible Union, New-York. 8". Pam. v. 231. BIBLIANDER, Theod. Machumetis. See Mohammed. FIRST SUPPLEMENT. 91 BIBLICALt REPERTORY and PRINCETON REVIEW. Vol. 26 - 29, 1854 - 57. Philadelphia. 4 v. 8~. BIBLICAL (The) STUDENT'S ASSISTANT; containing references to works on doctrinal and practical theology, with occasional notes;-together with an index to four thousand texts of sermons by emiinent divines. By Clericus. Edinburgh, 1844. 122 p. 80. BIBLIOGRAFIA ITALIANA;- ossia Elenco generale delle Opere d'ogni specie e d'ogni lingua stamilpate in Italia, e delle Italiane pubblicate all'estero. Anno v, VI. Mtilano, 1839, 40. 2 v. 8~. BIBLIOGRAPHIA POETICA. English. See Ritson, J. BIBLIOGRAPHICAL (The) AND RETROSPECTIVE MISCELLANY; containing notices of, and extracts from curious and useful books in all languages; abstracts from valuable manuscripts... By Mr. Poole. London, J. Wilson, 1830. 160 p. 12~. BIBLIOGRAPHICAL ME3IORANDA, 1816. See [Fry, J.]. BIBLIOGRAPHIEt DE LA FRANCE; OU Journal GeOn6rale de l'imprimerie et de la librairie. Ann6e 1820-40. Paris. 21 v. — II S6rie, T. I, II. 1857 - 58. Paris..2 v. 8~. 23 v. 80. Each volume contains a Supplement: Tableau bibliographique....divise par table alphab6tique des ouvrages, des auteurs, et table systeimnatique. BIBLIOLOGUE ('Le) DE LA BELGIQUE et du.Nord de la France. Journal de bibliologie, d'histoire litt6raire, d'imprimerie et de librairie, publiee avec la cocperation de plusieurs bibliographes et hommes de lettres, par Fred. Hennebert... e* Tome I. Tournai, 1839. 248 p. 8~ BIBLIOTHECA GR2ECA ET LATINA... quas usui meo paravi Periergus Deltophilus. Count de Rericzky. Berolini, 1784. 100, 160, 8, 29, 64, 60, 23 p. 8~. BIBLIOTIHECAt SACRA AND THEOLOGICAL REVIEW. Vol. 12 - 16: 1855 - 59. Conducted by E. A. Park, S. H.'laylor, etc. Andover, Mass. 5 v. 8~. BIBLIOTHECA SPLENDIDISSIMIA. Cat. of.... Library consigned from the Continent...will be sold by auction by Leiglh & Sotheby, May 1816. Prince Talleyrand's. London. 198 p. 8~. BIBLIOTHEQUE (La) CANADIENNE; OU Miscellanees historiques, scientifiques et litt6raires. Tome 8, No. 1, Dec. M. Bibaud, Ed. Montreal, 1828. 80. Pam. v. 266. BIBLIOTHRQUE d'un Homme de gout. See [ Chaudon, Louis MI.]. BIBAO1 rcauovtevqr ETTEPIIH. IlepopdXovaa avhXoyv t'I T -Sv vetW-'rpwv itca''i }6v(pov iw -reptc6v L eG3bv,!' rrpoaOthv rlv v' TL'UEL icai rtveov t(wqtaivcxv -rpaydJiro)v eki [tXof %f0Lwavltcbv icai evpoTrailcov.... etc. Galata (Constantinople), Turkey, 1830. 259 p. sin. 4~. BICHENOt, J. A Glance at the History of Christianity, and of English nonconformity. 2d ed. Newbury, Lng. 1798. 18 p. 8S. Pam. v. 323. - The Signs of the Times; or the Overthrow of the papal tyranny in France, the prelude of destruction to popery and despotism, but of peace to mankind. Albany (1800?). 70 p. 120. Pain. v. 231. BICKERSTAFF'S BOSTON AlIANACK. Boston, J. Fleeming, 1768. Aim. v. 16,- For 1772; for 1791,'92: E. Russell. Alm. v. 19. 92 GENERAL LIBRARY. BICKERSTETH, Rev. Ed. The Divine Warning to the Church. Sermon, Prot. Assoc.: Rev. xvi; with notes. London, 1842. The National Fast of 1847. London. 12 p.-A Discourse on justification by faith: Romr. iii, 28. London, 1827. Pam. v. 378. BICKNELL'S CALENDAR. Otsego, Morrisville, N.Y. 1832. 120. Alm. v. 37. BIDDLE, C. J. Washington and Andre. [A paper read before the Hist. Society of Pennsylvania, May 11, 1857; with slips from the "City Item"]. Philadelphia. May 30, 31, 1857. Bound in I v. 8~. BIDDLE ( John B.), MW.D. Address, Med. Department of Pennsylvania College; with a list of the graduates. Phil'a, 1856. Pam. v. 286. BIERMAN, Joh. Heilige Keurstoffe..kerkredenen. Utrecht, 1714. 18~. BIGELOW, Andrew. Sermon, at the Annual election,, on Wednesday, Jan. 6, 1836. Boston, 1836. 80. Pam. v. 270. BIGELOW, Asahel. Sermon, Aux. Educ. Society of Norfolk county, Weymouth, June 12, 1833. Boston, 1833. 80. Pam. v. 288. BIGELOWt (Jacob), M.D. A History of the Cemetery of Mt. Auburn. Boston, 1860. 263 p. 12~. [BIGELowt, John]. See Constitutional Reform. Cat. 1855. - Memoir of the Life and Public Services of Jolhn Charles Fremont; including an account of his explorations.... selections from his.... correspondence; his defence before the court martial.... New-York, 1856. 120. BIGELOW, J. P. Mayor's Address. See Boston. BIGELOWt, Timothy. Oration... City of Boston, July 4, 1853...with the Fanueil Hall. Boston, 1853. 80 p. 8~. Pam. v. 109, 532. Address, Opening of Williams Hall. Boston, 1853. 80. Pam. v 514. BIGOT, R. P. Jacques. Relation de ce qui s'est pass6e de plus remarquable dans la Mission Abnaquise de Sainct Joseph de Sillery et.. de Sainct Franlois de Sales, l'ann6e 1684, 85...A Manate ( N.Y), de la Presse Cramoisy de Jean-Marie Shea, 1857, 58. 61, 21: p. 2 v. 12~. Copie d'une Lettre escrite par le Pere Jacques Bigot de la Compagnie de JBsus, l'an 1684; pour accompagner un collier pourcelaine.... Manate, J. M. Shea, 1858. 9 p. 12~. BIGOT, V. Relation de ce qui s'est passe de plus remarquable dans la Mission des Abnaquis' l'Acadie, l'annee 1701. Par le Pare Vincent Bigot, de la Comnpagnie de Jesus. A Manate, de la Presse Cramoisy de Jean Marie Shea, 1858. 34 p. 12~. BIJDRAGEN tot de Kennis der Nederlandsche en Vreemde Kolonien, bijzonder betrekkelijk de vrijlating der slaven, 1844. N~ 1 - 6. Utrecht, 1844. 8~. [BILLINGSLEY, J.]. See Brief Discourse of schism, 1714. BINDLEY, J. Catalogue of Library of.... Auction. London, 1818. Pai't, II, IV. 71, 96, 62 p. Cat. v. 94. Parices. FIRST SUPPLEMENT. 93 BINGA-IAt, Caleb. An Astronomical and Geographical Catechism for the use of children...11th edition. Boston, 1810. 36 p. 18~. Pam. v. 605. The American Preceptor; being a new selection of lessons for reading and speaking...228 p. 12~. Imperfect. BINGHAAM'S (J. F.) CLASSICAL GYMNASIUM. N.York, 1834. Pam. v. 456. BINGHAM, Win. Will and Codicils of.. Philadelphia, June 16, 1856. 40 p. 80. Pam. v. 492. BINGLEYt, Rev. William. Travels in North America from modern writers, with remarks and observations.... for the use of young persons. London, 1821. 12~. BINGNER, A. Literatur fiber das Grossherzogthum Baden in allen seinen staatlichen beziehungen, von ca. 1750 - 54.... Karlsruhe... 1854. 115 p. 8~. BINNEYt, Horace. Correspondence and Remarks in regard to Bishop Doane's signature of the name of H. I3inney as a subscriber to the new church edifice in Burlington. Philadelphia, 1849. 87 p. 80. Pain. v. 504. ----- An Inquiry into the formation of Washington's Farewell Address. Philadelphia, 1859. 250 p. 8~. [ ]. The Leaders of the Old Bar of Philadelphia. Signed, H. B. Philadelphia, 1859. 120 p. 8~. BINNEY, Tho. Calamity Improved, a Sermon: Job i, 20 - 22. 1839. London. 80. Pam. v. 378. [ —]. See John Search's Last Words, 1839. BIOGRAPHICAL (The) MAGAZINE; or Complete Historical Library. A work replete with instruction and entertainment...By a Society of gentlemen. Volume I. London...1776. 4~. BIOREN'S TOWN and COUNTRY ALMANAC. Philadelphia, 1820. Alm. v. 13. BIRCH, Peter. Sermon, H. of Commons, Jan. 30, 1694: 2 Sam. i, 21. London. 40. Pam. v. 361. BIRCHf (Thomas), D.D. The Court and Times of Charles the First, containing a series of historical and confidential letters.... Transcribed from the originals in the British Museum... London; 1848 - 49. 2 v. 80. The Wisdom and Goodness of God. from the... Constitution of Man. A Sermon, before College of Physicians, Sept. 18, 1749: Ps. cxxxix, 14. London. 4~. Pam. v. 1006. Remarks upon the Life of..Dr. John Tillotson....3d edition, with additions. London, 1755. 112 p. 80. Pam. v. 390. BIRDI ( Golding), M.D. Lectures on the Influence of Researches in organic chemiistry on therapeutics, especially in relation to the depuration of the blood. From London Med. Gaz. London, 1848. 44 p. 80. Pam. v. 402. Catalogue of Library of....Auction. London, 1856. 42 p. 8~. Cat. v. 94. 94 GENERAL LIBRARY. BIRD, Isaac. Genealogical Sketch of the Bird Family, having its origin in Hartford, Conn. Hartford, 1855. 24 p. 8". BISBEE, Rev. John H. Sermon, before Leg. of Massachusetts, at the Annual election.... Boston, 1847. 80. Paim. v. 328. BIscIONI, Antonio M. Bibliotheevm Medico Laurentianc Catalogus.. Tomus primus, Codices orientales complectens; Tomus secundus, Codices griecos complectens. Florentice, 1752. liv, 199, 77 p. and indices decenm. 2 v. in1. fP. The Oriental AISS. described are principally in Hebrew and Syriac, with 28 fac sitniles. BISHOPt, Abraham. Connecticut Republicanism: An Oration on the extent and power of political delusion...New-Haven, Sept. 1800. Albany, 1801. 68, xii p. 8~. Pam. v. 526. BISHOP, George. New-England Judged, by the Spirit of the Lord. In two parts. First, containing a brief relation of the sufferings of the people called Quakers in the year 1660.... Second part: Being a farther relation..-.fromn Anno 1660 to -Anno 165... Formerly published by George Bishop (1661)...With an Appendix.. _ London, 1703.- Wilh, An Appendix to the book, entituled, New-England judg'd: being certain writings of those persons which were there executed. Written by them in the time of their imprisonment in the bloody town of Boston. London, 1702. Signed, J. W. —And, Truth and Innocency defended against Falsehood and answer to Cotton Mather (a priest of Boston)..... Ry John Whiting.... London, 1702. 498, 212 p. & index. In 1 v. 120. BISHOP, Winm. S. Speech, On.... Church Tenures, N.Y. Senate, 1855. Rochester, 12 p. Pam. v. 206, 530. BIsHoPt WHIITE PRAYER BooxI SOCIETY. Address, Philadelphia, 1834.- 12th, 13th Report. Philadelphia, 1845, 46. 80. Pain. v. 542. BISSE, Bp. Philip. Sermon, Anniv. of Sons of the Clergy, Dec. 2, 1708 N: Veh. xiii, 13, 14. London. 4~. Pam. v. 1010. Sermon, H. of Commons, March 15, 1710, Fast for Peace Is. lxii, 6, 7. London. 4". Pain. v. 362. Sermon, H. of Peers, May 29, 1711: Thanksgiving for end to the great rebellion: Zech. viii, 10, 11. London, 1711. 80. Pam. v. 379. BISSE ( Tho.), D.D. Sermon, Visitation, Hereford: 1 Tinm. vi, 3, 4. London, 1716.- Assize Sermon: 2 Chron. xix, 6. Oxford, 1711. - Sermon, Trinity Sunday, Oxford, Episcopacy: Heb. v, 4. London, 1708.- Sermon, Sons of the Clergy: is. li, 1, 2. London, 1716. Pain. v. 366. BISSELL ( W. H.), of Illinois. Speech, U.S. H. of R., The Slave Question, Feb. 21, 1850. 8". Pam. v. 486. BISSET, Rev. William. The Modern Fanatick; with a large and true account of the life, actions, endowments, &c. of the fanmous Dr. Sa...l. (Sacheverell). London, 1710. 63 p. 80. Pain. v. 340. BITTINGER, Rev. J. B. A Plea for Humanity. A Sermon.... Prov. xxii, 28. Cleveland, 0. 1854. 8". Panm. v. 560. FIRST SUPPLEMENT. 95 BIZOT, M. Histoire MStallique de la republique de Hollande...Tome 27e. Nouv. ed. augfnentde de 140 mindailles. Amst. 1688. 8~. BLACK ( John), D.D. A Sermon on National Righteousness and Sin; On Daellaing: Prov. xiv, 34. Pittsburgh, Pa., 1827. 26 p. 18~. Pamin. v. 559. BLACK, Jeremiah S. Eulogy on the Life and Character of Gen. Andrew Bedford, Pa. Chambersburg, 1845. 8". Pam. v. 268. BLACK, William H... A Descriptive, Analytical and Critical Catalogue of the manuscripts bequeathed unto the University of Oxford by Elias Ashmole, esq., M.D., F.R.S., Windsor Herald. Also, of some additional MSS. contributed by Kingsley, Lhuyd, Borlase, and others. Oxford, 1845. 1522 columns. 4". BLACK BOOK. New Parliament: An Appendix to the Black Book; comprising a list, an analysis of the new H. of Commons....of the "Dead Weight " and public expenditure. 3d edition. Lon., 1826. 46 p. 80. Pam. v. 414. BLACK GOWNS and RED COATS; or Oxford in 1834: A Satire.... London, 1834. Part I. Part II. Part III. The Discipline and Morale. 3d edition. London, 1834. 24, 30, 40 p. 8~. Pam. v. 397. BLACK JOKE ALMANAC, 1844. N.Y. Alm. v. 39. BLACK RIVER BAPTIST ASSOCIATION, N.Y. Minutes, 1820 to 1825, 1829, 1832 to 1851, 1853, 1854. Printed, Adains, Louisville. Sacket's Harbor, etc. In 1 v. 8~. Minutes of 51st Anniversary, Belleville, 1859.- Watertown, 1859. 80. Pam. v. 466. BLACKALL, Bp. Ofspring. [Sermons collected] in 1 v. 80. Contents: Sermon, 11. of Commons, Jan. 30, 1699: St. John, ix, 3. London, 1708. St. Paul and -St. James reconciled: Univ. of Cambridge, June 30, 1700. London, 1709. Sufficiency of a standing revelation in general; and of a scripture revelation in particular... eight sermons... Boyle Lectures, 1700. London, 1709. 175 p...Of Festivals. A Sermon, Christmas, 1704: Is. v, 11, 12. 2d edition. London, 1707. The Subject's duty, Sermon, 1705: Accession to the throne. London, 1709. Sermon before the Queen, Nov. 17,1706: Matt. v, 3. 3d edition. London. Way of trying Prophets: Sermon at St. James, Nov. 9, 1705. London. Children bearing the iniquities of their fathers. Sermon, II. of Peers, Jan. 31, 1708. London, 1708. Divine Institution of Magistracy..Sermon, March 8, 1708. Accession to the throne: Rnom. xfii, 4. London, 1708. The Lord Bishop of Exeter's Answer to Mr. Hoadley's Letter. London, 1709. 31 p. Also, in Pain. v. 349. BLACKBORROW, Peter. The Longitude not found; or Answer to a Treatise written, by Henry Bond, senior... wherein is proved that the longitude is not, nor cannot be found by the magnetical inclinatory needle. London, 1678. 78 p. sin. 4~. 96 GENERAL LIBRARY. BLACKBURN ( Lancelot), )D.D. Sermon, Dec. 26, 1708: Matt. v, 1012. London. Pain. v. 364. Sermon, H. of Commons, Martyrdom of Charles I: Is. 1, 10, 11. London, 1716. 80. Pam. v. 366. [BLACIKBURNEt, Rev. Francis]. See Hollis, T., Memoirs. Cat. 1855. BLACKIE, W. G. The Imperial Gazetteer: A General Dictionary of geography, physical, political, statistical, and descriptive....With 700 illustrations. Vol. 2. Edinburgh..1855. 8~. BLACKMORE, Sir Richard. Just Prejudices against the Arian hypothesis... And, Articles of Faith depend upon inferences, or are left to consequences. London, 1721. 87 p. 8~. Pam. v. 340. Modern Arians Unmask'd: Idolatry fix'd upon them; their criminal manner of subscribing to articles of faith...London, 1721. 84 p. 8~. Pam. v. 340. BLACKWATER (The) CHRONICLE: A Narrative of an Expedition into the land of Canaan, in Randolph County, Virginia, a country flowing with wild five adventurous the summer of 1851. By " the Clerke of Oxenforde."....Redfield, New-York, 1853. 120. BLACKWELL (-Elizabeth), M.D. Address on the Medical Education of women..New-York, 1856. Pam. v. 226. BLACKWELL, J. Kenyon. Explosions in Coal Mines, their causes and the means available for their prevention or control...London, 1853. 32 p. 8~. Pam. v. 402. BLACKWOOD, William. A Catalogue of a valuable collection of books, in various languages, for the year 1812, now on sale...Edinburgh. 380 p. 80. I4rich prices.- Catalogue of 1844. Cat. v. 6. BLACKWOOD v. CARLYLE. A Vindication. By a Carlylian. (England, 1850). 44 p. Pam. v. 395. BLACKWOOD'St EDINBURGH MAGAZINE. Vol. 77 - 85, 1856 to June 1859. Edinburgh. 9 v. 8~. BLAGDENt ( Geo. W.), D.D. Sermon, Ordination of James H. Means..Dorchester, Mass.: 2 Cor. iv, 13. Charge, R. S. Storrs, D.D. Boston, 1848. 80. Pam. v. 556. BLAIKIE, Francis. On Husbanding of Farm-yard manure and other rural subjects. 2d edition. London, 1818. 27 p. 80. Pam. v. 430. BLAIN, Rev. Jacob. Death not Life; or the theological hell and endless misery disproved.... With, A Review of Dr. E. Beecher's Conflict of Ages. 4th edition. Buffalo, 1854. viii, 117, 34 p. 12~. Pam. v. 630. BLAIR'S CHRONOLOGICAL TABLES, revised and enlarged; comprehending the chronology and history of the world, from the earliest times to the Russian Treaty of Peace, April 1856. By J. Willoughby Rosse. London, Bohn, 1856. 12~. BLAIRt, Rev. David. The Universal Preceptor; being a General Grammar of arts, sciences and useful knowledge..4th Am. edition. Philadelphia...1822. 18~. A Grammar of natural and experimental philosophy...20th ed. Hartford, 1824. 214 p. 180. FIRST SUPPLEMENT. 97 BLAIR ( Francis P.) jr. Letter to the Republican Association of Washington, D.C., Dec. 10, 1855. 8". Pam. v. 537. -- Speech, H. of R., Jan. 14, 1858: On the acquisition of free territory in Central and South America, to be colonized with free blacks. Washington, 1858. 31 p. 8S. Pam. v. 486. The Destiny of the races of this continent: An Address, Mere. Lib. Assoc. of Boston. Washington, D.C. 1859. 80. Pam. v. 514. BLAIRt, Robert. Poetical Works. See Beattie, J. BLAKE'S (Dr.) CALENDAR OF HEALTH. N.Y. 1850. 12~. Alm. v. 28. BLAKE (Andrew), M.D. A Practical Essay on the disease generally known under the denomination of delirium tremens.. Washington, 1834. 24 p 80. Pam. v. 210. BLAKE ( Edward), D.D. Religion's temporal promises: Sermon, Mat. vi, 33. Oxford, 1756. 80. Pam. v. 371. BLAKE ( James), M.D. Introductory Lecture, Med. Department of the Saint Louis University. St.Louis, 1848. 8~. Pam. v. 271. BLAKE, John H. Observations on illuminating gas. Boston, 1849. 36 p. 120. Pam. v. 205. BLAKEt, John L. A Biographical Dictionary;. comprising a summary account of the lives of the most distinguished persons of all ages, nations and professions, including more than two thousand articles of American biography... *** 13th ei,larged edition. Philadelphia, 1856. 1366 p; roy. 8"~. BLAKE, Very Rev. Michael. A Sermon on the Solemn Fast of Lent: i Cor. ix, 26, 27. Dublin (1810?). 8~. Pam. v. 376. BLAKE, Mortimer. A Centurial History of the Mendon Association of Congregational ministers, with the centennial addresses delivered at Franklin ( Mass.), Nov. 19, 1851; and biographical sketches of the members and licentiates. Boston, 1853. 348 p. 12~. BLAKE, Samuel. Blake Faimily: A Genealogical History of William Blake of Dorchester, and his descendants, comprising all the descendants of Samuel and Patience ( White) Blake; with an appendix, containing wills, etc... *' Boston, 1857. 140 p. 80. BLAKE, William P. Description of the Fossils and Shells collected in California by W. P. Rlake. Washington, 1855. Cong. Doc. 34 p. 8~. BLAI(ESLEY, Joseph W. Thoughts on the Recommendations of the Ecclesiastical Commission, particularly in-reference to their probable influence on the state of the universities.. London, 1837. 37 p. 8~. Pamin. v. 386. BLAKSLEE, Solomon. Address, East-Haddam Branch of the Massachusetts Peace Society, Dec. 30, 1819. Middletown, Conn. 1820. 8~. See Friend of Peace, v. 2. BLANCt, Charles. See Rembrandt, Engravings. Le Trfsor de la Curiosit6 tire des Catalogues de la vente des tableaux, dessins, estampes, livres, marbres, bronzes.... et autres objets d'alrt.... Paris, 1857, 58. 2 v. 8$. BLANCHARD, J. P. The Future Life: An Examination of its conditions from the New Testament. Boston, 1858. 8'. Pam. v. 288. [SUPPL,] 13 98 GENERAL LIBRARY. BLANCHE, Alfred. Dictionnaire Gen6ral d'Administration..contenan' la definition de tous les mots de la langue administrative... Paris, 1857. 1627 p.- Supplement, 1857. 495 p. 2 v. 8~. BLANCKEN, J. H. Bildnisse BeriAhmter Kiinstler, Buchhandler, Buchdriicker, und anderer maLnner welche sich sowohl in als auserhalb Teutschland verdient gemacht. Erster theil.- Nirnberg, 1725. 50 portraits. 1 v. f0. BLANDFORD, John W. Spencer-Churchill, Marquis of. The Management of Episcopal and Capitular property: Speech, H. of Commons, 1853. London. 80. Pam. v. 330. BLANE, Si?' Gilbert. Elements of Medical Logick, or philosophical principles of the practice of physicek.... 3d edition, with large additions.*** London, 1825. 331 p. 8~. BLATCHFORDt (Samuel), D.D. Sermon... Lansingburgh and Waterford, April 13, 1815; being the day of national thanksgiving.... Albany, 1815. 8~. Pam. v. 288. The Sanctification of the Sabbath: A Sermon, Waterford, N.Y. 1826. Pam. v. 267. BLATCHFORDt ( T. W.), -M.D. [A Collection.] In 1 v. 8~. Contents: An Inaugural Disse.ltation on feigned diseases. New-York, 1817. 76 p. Observations on equivocal generation, prepared as evidence in a suit for slander. Albany, 1844. 14 p. Two Addresses before the Medical Society of the State of New-York, 1848. 28 p. I-omoeopathy illustrated: An Address, Rensselaer County Med. Society, Albany, 1851. 76 p. Cases of Hydrophobia. [ Boston Med. and Surg. Journal, 1854.] 8 p. Hydrophobia; its origin and development, as influeiiced by climate, season.... [ Am. Med. Association.] Philadelphia, 1856. 104 p. Report on rest and the abolition'of pain in the treatment of disease (N.Y. S. Med. Society). Albany, 1856. 20 p. Eulogy on Samuel M'Clellan, M.D. Albany, 1857. BLAUFUS, Jakob W. Vermischte Beytrdge zur Erweiterung der Kentniss seltener und merkwurdiger bucher... Jena..1753. 388 p. 12~. BLAZE DE BURY, Bar'oness. Memoir of the Princess Palatine, Princess of Bohemia; including her correspondence with the great men of her day, and Memoirs of the Court of Holland under the princes of Holland. London, 1853. 400 p. 12~. BLESSINGTONt, Marguerite Power, Countess of. A Journal of Conversations with Lord Byron; with a sketch of the life of the author. Boston, 1859. 120. BLEULAND, J. J. Bleuland Otium Academicum; continens Descriptionem speciminum nonnullarum partium corporis humani et animalium subtilioris anatomie ope in physiologicum usum prmparatum, aliarumque, quibus morborum organicorum natura illustratur. Trajecti ad Rhenum, 1828. 40~. BLIGut, William. A Voyage to the South Sea, undertaken by command of His Majesty, for the purpose of conveying the bread-fruit tree to the West Indies, in His Majesty's ship the Bounty, commanded by Lieut. William Bligh; including an account of the mutiny on board FIRST SUPPLEMENT. 9 ) the said ship, and the subsequent voyage of part of the crew, in tbL ship's boat, from Tofoa, one of the Friendly islands, to Timor,. Dutch settlement in the East Indies. The whole illustrated with charts, etc...Admiralty edition. London, 1792. 4~. BLIss, Rev. Anthony. Observations on Mr. Chubb's Discourse conccrning reason... London (1735?). 78 p. 80. Pam. v. 333. BLISS, Henry. Oration, Colebrook, Conn.: On the National thanks; giving (1815). 16 p. 8~. Pam. v. 526. BLISS, Rev. Seth.. See American Tract Society, Boston. BLODGET, Lorin. Climate of the Summer of 1853, in its relations to the agricultural institutions of the United States. Smithsonian I. stitution, Washington, 1853. 26 p. 8~. Pam. v. 272, 551. Climatology of the United States, and of the temperate latitudes of the North-American continent... with isothermal and rain charts.... Philadelphia, 1857. 536 p. 80. ----- Reports and Charts, meteorological. See U.S. A. Met. Register. See Philadelphia Board of Trade, report. BLOMER (Ralph), DD. Sermon, March 10, 1710: Accession to tho throne: Tit. iii, 1. London. 80~. Pam. v. 365. Sermon, Inthronement of Archbishop: Acts ix, 15, 16. London, 1716. 8~. Pam. v. 366. BLOMFIELD, Bp. Charles J. The Peculiar Claims which the Society for promoting christian knowledge has upon the liberality of churchmen: A Sermon, Aylesbury. London, 1815. 80~. Pam. v. 472. A Reference to Jewish Tradition necessary to an interpreter cf the New Testament: A Sermon.... Cambridge, 1817. 80. Pam. v. 313. Charge to the Clergy of Chester, 1825. Lond. 4~. Pam. v. 1009. Sermon, Soc. Prop. the Gospel, Feb. 15, 1827: Iatlt. xxiv, 14. London. 8~. Pam. v. 384. ---- A Manual of Family Prayers. 10th edition. London, 1829. 82 p. 120. Pam. v. 308. A Letter to C. Butler.. in vindication of English protestants.. 3d edition, to which is added a postscript..London, 1825. 35 p. 8"'. Pam. v. 344. BLOMFIELD, Rev. E. A General View of the World, geographical, historical and philosophical, on a plan entirely new. Bungay, Eng. 1807. 2 v. 4~. BLOMFIELD, E. V. Greek Grammar. See Matthise, A. BLONDEAU, Ill. M6moire sur l'Organisation de l'Enseignement du droit en Holland, et sur les garanties d'instruction juridique exigde dans ce pays, des aspirantes a certaines fonctions.... Paris, 184(. 208 p. 80. BLOOD, Henry Ames. The History of Temple, N. H.*** Boston, 186:. 352 p. 8. BLUME, Friedrich. Iter Italicum. Von D. Friedrich Blume.. Berlin und Stettin, Halle,, 1824, 27, 30, 36, 4 v, 18", Contents: 100 GENERAL LIB'RARY. VOL. I Archive, Bibliotheken und Inschriften in den Sardinischen und (Esterreichischen Provinzen. VOL. II: Archive, Bibliotheken und Inschriftenin Parma, Modena, Massa, Lucca, Toscaiia, dem Kirchenstaat und S. Marino. VOL. III: Archive, Bibliotheken und Inschriften in der Stadt Rom. VOL. IV: Konigreich Neapel; nebst Nachtrigen und -Registern zu alien vier bLinden, und zur Bibliotheca Librorurn MSS. Itallca. Bibliotheca Librorum Manuscriptorumn Italica.. In Supplementum Itineris Italici congessit... Gottingse, 1834. 272 p. 12'. BLUMHOF, -J. G.. L. Bibliotheca Ferri; seu Collectio librorum scriptorumque de ferro tractantium, systematice completa. Brunsvigse, 1803. 271 p. 8~. BLUNT, E. & G. W. Sailing Directions for the West Coast of North America, from Bodega to Cape San Lucas. New-York, E. & G. W. Blunt, 1849. 80~. Pam. v. 274. BLUNTt, Edmund M. The American Coast Pilot; containing the courses and distances... from Passammaquoddy through the Gulph of Florida... By Capt. Lawrence Furlong. Corrected and improved by the most experienced pilots in the United States.... 7th edition. New-York (1812). 311 p., and appendix of laws, 63 p. 8~. BLUNT, Rev. J.4J. An Introduction to a Course of Lectures on the early fathers... Cambridge, 1840. 51 p. 8~. Pam. v. 306. BLYTI-IE, Stephen C. An Apology for the Conversion of Stephen C. Blythe to the faith of the.... Roman church.... Montreal, 1815. 55 p. Pam. v. 482. ----- Translation. See Edgeworth de Firmont, H. E. BOADEN, James. Memoirs of Mrs. Siddons, interspersed with anecdotes of authors and actors. London, 1827. 2 v. 80. BOARD OF NATIONAL POPULAR EDUCATION. 1st, 5th, 7th, 8th, 10th Ann. Report of the General Agent: Cincinnati, 1848; Cleveland, 1852; Hartford,. 1854, 55, 57. Pam. v. 279.- 1st Report also in Pam. v. 250. 2d, 3d, 4th, 8th, 9th, 10th Ann. Report: Cleveland, Hartford, 1849 - 57. 8~. Pam. v. 491.- 6th Report, Cleveland, 1853. Pain. v. 217. BOARDMANt ( Henry A.), D.D. Address, 1853. See Merchant's Fund. Discourse on the Life and Character of Daniel Webster. Philadelphia, 1852. 80. Pam. v. 268. A Quarter-century Discourse...10th Presbyterian church, Philadelphia. Philadelphia, 1858. 106 p. 120. ----- Not " This or that," but " This and that.". The Union principle, though undenominational, not anti-denominational. Phil'a, 1858. 16 p. 8~. Pam. v. 289. BOBIERRE, Adolphe. Considerations theoriques et pratiques sur l'action des en-rais. Paris, 1854. 63 p. 8~. Pain. v. 233. BOCCACCIO, Giovanni. Decamerone di Messer Giovanni Boccaccio.*$* Edilion of Ugo Foscolo. Londra, Pickering, 1825. 3 v. 80. FIRST SUPPLEMENT. 101 BocK, C. P. Lettres a Monsieur L. Bethmann sur un manuscrit de la Bibliotheique de Bourgogne, intitul6: Liber Guidonis.*~* With, NIrotice of an Elegy by A. Van Hasselt. Bruxelles, 1850. 183 p. 18~. BODDY ( William B.), Surg. Diet and Cholera; showing the vital importance of wholesome diet.... London, 1848. 40 p. 8~. Pam. v. 405. BODONI, G. Manuale Tipographico de Cavaliere Giambattista Bodoni. Volume prilmo, secondo. Parma, presso la vedova, 1818. lxxii p., 267, 297 leaves, roy. 80. BOECLER, J. H. Oratio de Typographie.... 1640. See Schmidt, J. BOEIMER, G. R1..... Bibliotheca Scriptorum Historito naturalis, ceconomise, aliarumque artiunn ac scientiarum ad illam pertinentium realis systematica. Lipsie, 1785 - 89. 5 parts bound in 8 v. 8".Contents: PARS I, Vol. I, Sec. 1: Litterarii, Commendatores; 2, Descriptores, Ichnographi, Systematici, Physici; 3, Biblici et Critici; 4, Microscopici; 5, Muscographi; 6, Topographici. PARS I, Vol. II, Sec. 7: Medici; 8, Pharmaceutici; 9, Chymici; 10, Dietetici; 11, (Economici; 12, Technologici. PARS II, Zoologi: Vol. I, Sec. 1, Universales; 2, Particulares: De Mammalibus, Mastologi, etc. PARS II, Vol. II: De avibus, amphibiis, piscibus, insectis, vermibus, etc. PARS III, Phytologi: Vol. 1, Universales,: (Econormici, agri- prati- sylvihorticultura, stercoratio, etc. PARS III, Vol. 2, Speciales: Monographi; Appendix de Pice. PARS IV, Mineralogi: Vol. 1, Universales, ut Pars II. PARS IV, Vol. 2, Particulares; Vol. 3, Misccllanei. PARS v, Hydrologi: See. 1, Litterarii et Ilistorici; 2, Aqua; 3, Ros; 4, Fontes; 5, Mare et Flumina; 6, Ballnee; 7, Therram et Acidulse. BOELES ( P.) junior. Het Tweehonderd-vijftig jarig bestaan der Hervormde Gemeente te Noorddijk; gevierd op den gedenkdag der Hervoorming, 2 Nov. 1845.... Leerrede met aanteekeningen, bij — lagen en eene plaat. Groningen..1846. 104 p. 8~. BOERHAAVE, Marcus. Noodige Vernederinge des Menschen..Gestelt tegen de Pelagiaensche Weder-dooperen... Amsterdam, 1661.-Byvoegsel..Tegen allerley gewelt der Mennoniten..Amsterdam, 1660. 699, 272 p. 8~ BOGART, David S. A Discourse: 1 Cor. xv, 33, at Hempstead Harbor, Queens County, Long-Island, 6th April, 1814... New-York, 1814. 80. Pam. v. 288. BOGATZKY, C. H. V. A Golden Treasury for the Children of God... New-York, 299 Broadway, 1797. ob. 18~. BOGUE (David), and BENNETT, James. History of Dissenters from the Revolution in 1688 to..1808. London, 1808 -- 12. 4 v. 8~. BOGUE, David. Sermon, Rel. Tract Soc. Ps- xliii, 3. London, 1800. 8~. Pain. v. 375. BoHNt, Henry G. A Guide to the Knowledge of Pottery, Porcelain, and other objects of vertu u; comprising an illustrated catalogue of the Bernal collection of works of art, with the prices...Essay on pottery and porcelain, and an engraved list of marks and monograms. London, 1857. 120. 102 GENERAL LIBRARY. BOHN, Henry G.: The Question of Unreciprocated Foreign Copy-right in Great Britain: A Report of the speeches and proceedings at a public meeting.... Sir E. B. Lytton in the chair; with notes by H. G. Bohn. London, 1851. viii, 68 p. 8~. Pam. v. 313. A Polyglott of Foreign Proverbs; with English translations. London, 1857. 12~. Catalogue of 1856. Cat. v. 83; 1843, etc. Cat. v. 6, 21, 71, 89. BOHN, James. Catalogue of Books of: Auction, Ap. 20, 1855. London. 58 p. 80. Cat. v. 94. BOHN, John. A Catalogue...of books printed by the family of Aldus Manutius, from 1494 to 1597... on sale by...with price. London, 22 p. 80. BOIIUN, E. The Diary and Autobiography of Edmund Bohun, esq... Licenser of the press in the reign of William and MIary, and subsequently Chief Justice of South-Carolina; with an introductory memoir, notes and illustrations by S. Wilton Rix...**X Privately printed at Beecles ( Eng.), by Read Crisp, 1853. xxxiv, 148 p. 4~. BOIES, Patrick. Oration..Blandford, Mass., 4th July 1814..Springfield. 18 p. 8~. Pam. v. 532. BOILEAU, Abbe Jacques. Historia Flagellantium. See De Lolme's Paraphrase, etc. BOILEAUt-DESPREAUX, N. C(Euvres Poetiques de Boileau Despreaux, avec une notice biographique et litt6raire et des notes par E. Geruzez. Paris, 1857. 319 p. 12~. [ Bois, Rev. L. E.] See Sarrasin, M., Notes biographiques; Sillery, Chev., Biographie. BOISSEREE, Sulpiz. Denkmale der Baukunst vom 7ten bis zum 13ten Jahrhundert am Nieder-Rhein.... Zweite mit Zusatzen versehene ausgabe. Miinchen, 1844. Text 28 p. & 72 plates. f~. BOITET, Amedie. Mise en Valeur des terres pauvres par le pin maritime...suivi d'un appendice sur les taupes, les marais des landes et des vignes de Cap-Breton. 2 e6dition. Paris, 1857. 244 p. 80. Boiu~it, Rev. Hermann. A Discourse on the State of the German Population in the United States..New-York, 1836. 8~. Pam. v. 267. BoLHUIS, Lambertus Van. Beknopte Nederduitsche Spraakkunst, opgesteld door.. in het jaar 1792... Uitgegeven door de Maatschappij Tot nut van't Algemeen. Te Leyden....1793. 12~. BOLIVAR, Simon. Proyecto de Constitucion para la Republica de Bolivia, y discurso del Libertador. Buenos-Aires, 1826. 17, 32 p. 80. W. C. 632. BOLLES, Rev. James A. The Episcopal Church Defended: Claims of Methodist Episcopacy...Letters addressed to Rev. A. Steele, with his replies...Batavia, N.Y. 1843. 198 p. 12~. Pam. v. 543. Preaching the Kingdom of God: Discourse, Diocese of Western N.Y. New-York, 1847. 8~. Pam. v. 559. Pastoral Letter to Trinity Church. Cleveland, 0. 1855. 15 p. 8~. Pain. v. 543. FIRST SUPPLEMENT. 103 BOLLEY (P. A.). & PIAUL, Benj. H. Manual of Technical Analysis: a Guide for the testing and valuation of the various natural and artificial substances employed in the arts and in domestic economy.... London, Bohn, 1857. 120~. BOLOGNA ACADEMY. See Istituto Nazionale Italiano. BOMBAY TRACT and BOOK SOCIETY. Honesty; Catechism; Poor Sarah [ 3 Tracts in Marhthi language]. 1853, 54. 18~. Pam. v. 609. First Book for Children [ Tract in Gujarati language]. 180~. Pam. v. 609. BOMIHOFF, D. A New Dictionary of the English and Dutch language. Part I, English and Dutch; Part II, Dutch d English. Nijmegen, 1851. 1256, 1055 p. 2 v. 18~. BON HARBOR. An Account of Bon Harbor, in the State of Kentucky... possessing extensive coal mines...London, 1849. 39 p. 80. Pain. v. 520. BON (Le) JARDINIER ALMANACK pour l'annee 1856. Contenant les principes generaux de culture; l'indication, mois par mois, des travaux a faire dans les jardins, etc.... Par Vilmorin, Decaisne, Neumann et Pepin... Naudin. Paris. 1564 p. 12~. BONAPARTE (Louis), Ex-King of Holland. Historical Documents and Reflections on the Government of Holland... " London, 1820. 3 v. 8~. BONAPARTEt, Louis Napoleon. -jiuvres de Louis-Napol6on Bonaparte, publiees par M. Charles-Edward Temblaire. Paris, Librairie Napoleonienne...1848. 3 v. 8~. -iuvres de Napoleon III, Tome I - IV. Paris....1854 - 56. 4 v. 8o. BONAPARTEt, Lucien. Charlemagne; ou l'Eglise d6livr6e. Poeme 6pique, en vingt-quatre chants. Par Lucien Bonaparte...Tome I, II. Londres, 1814. 392, 419 p. 2 v. 4". Reponse de Lucien Bonaparte, Prince de Canino, aux M6mnoires du G6n6ral Lamarque. Londres, 1835. 83 p. 80. Pain. v. 393. BONAPARTEt, Napoleon. The Confidential Correspondence of Napoleon Bonaparte with his brother Joseph, sometine King of Spain. Selected and translated, with explanatory notes from the " Manmoires du Roi Joseph." Vol. I, II. London, 1855. 2 v. 8". BONAR, Rev. Andrew A. 3Memoir of the late Rev. Robert M. M'Cheyne. From 17th Edinburgh edition. New-York, 1847. 8". BOND (Senators), FULLER, COFFIN and BOKEE. " The Spirit of the Age"; its tendencies to a change that is not reform. Speeches State Senate. Albany, 1849. 39 p. 8~. Pamn. v. 539. BOND, George P. An Account of Donati's Comet of 1858..Ex. from the Math. Monthly; with two...plates and 21 cuts. Cambridge, 1858. 4'. BOND ( Henry), M.D. Family Memorials.- Genealogies of the families and descendants of the early settlers of Watertown, Massachusetts, including Waltham and Weston; to which is appended the early history of the town. With illustrations, maps and notes. Vol. I, Genealogies; Vol. II, Additions, corrections and early history. Boston, 1855. 2 v. in 1. 8~. 104 GENERAL LIBRARY. BOND, Rev. William. Sermon, St. George's Church, Montreal, on behalf of the Ladies' Benevolent Institution. Montreal, 1854. 8~. Pain. v. 104. BbND (WiVn. K.), of Ohio. Speech, U.S. H. of R., Upon...abuses in the public expenditures. 1838. 16 p. Pam. v. 487. - Speech, U.S. H. of R., on the Treasury Note Bill, March 18, 1840. 80. Pain. v. 193. BONFIELD, Thomas. Truth Vindicated...of the Preexistence of the Human Soul of the Lord Jesus Christ. London, 1835. 48 p. 8~. Pam. v. 305. BONIFACE, A. M6morial poetique de l'enfance...13e 6dition. Paris, 1858. 18~. Une Lecture par jour: Mosaique litteraire, morale, religieuse.... Hiver, Printemrps, Ete, Automne. 2 6edition. Paris, 1851, 52. 4 v. 12~. BONNER, T. D. The Life and Adventures of James P. Beckwourth, mountaineer, scout and pioneer, and Chief of the Crow nation of Indians; with illustrations. Written from his own dictation..NewYork, 1856. 12~. BONNET, G. Voorbereidzelen tot verklaaring...van Salomons Prediker. 2l druk. Utrecht, 1792. cxxviii, 479 p. 8~. BONNETt, Abbd J. E. Trlableau des Etats Unis de l'Amerique au commencement du XIXe sidcle....Paris, 1816. 175 p. 8~. BONOMI, Joseph. Niniveh and its Palaces. The discoveries of Botta & Layard applied to the elucidation of Holy Writ...3d edition. London, Bohn, 1857.12~. BONSAL and NILES' CITIZEN and FARnIER's ALMANAC. Wilmington, Del. 1803. Alm. v. 17.-..Town & CountryAhlmanac. Baltimore, 1803. Alim. v. 17. BONSALL, John O. Essay on the Attribute of Knowledge in God, considered on the grounds of both reason and revelation. Dublin, 1830. 17 p. 180. Painam. v. 339. BOOGERT, John. Verhandeling over de Veiligheid van een Burgerstaat. Erste deel. Te Delft. 1762. 8~. BooK (The) OF FAMILY CRESTS.. Accompanied by..4000 engravings illustrative...a dictionary of mottos; an essay on the origin of arms....7th edition. By J. P. Elven. London, 1854. 2 v. 12~. Boox (The) OF MORMRION. Translated by Joseph Smith jr. Reprinted from the third American edition, carefully revised by the translator. New-York. xix, 380 p. 12~. BOONE, Daniel. The Adventures of Daniel Boone, the Kentucky Rifleman. By the Author of Uncle Philip's Conversations. NewYork, 1844. 174 p. 18'. BOOTH ( J. C.), and FABER, W. L. Elements of Chemistry. See Regnault, M. V. BOOTH, Mary-D. History of the City of New-York... 100 engravings. New-York, 1859. 846 p. 80. BOOTH (W. H.), esq. Catalogue of Library of...Auction. London, 1837. 74. p. Cat. v. 94. FIRST SUPPLEMENT. 105 BOOTH (Francis), M.D. Memoir of the Life and MIedical Opinions cf John Armstrong, M.D.... To which is added an inquiry into the facts connected with those forms of fever attributed to Malaria or Marsh Effluvium. Vol. I, II. London, 1853. 2 v. 8~. BoPP, F. A Comparative Grammar of the Sanskrit, Zend, Greek, Latin, Lithuanian, Gothic, German, and Sclavonian languages.... Translated from the German, by E. B. Eastwick..2d edition. Lon — don, 1856. 3 v. 8". BORDEAJXt: CHAMBER OF CoM3IERCE. Chambre de Commerce de Bordeaux: Extraits des Proc-s-verbaux, Lettres et Mdmoires de. IIe S6rie, Ir - VIe vol. Bordeaux, V150 - 57. 6 v. S8. Catalogue des Livres composant la Bibliotheque; avec Supplement. Bordeaux, 1852. 731 p. 80. Projet de Docks i Bordeaux: MiLnoire presentS... par Eugene Flachat...Paris, 1855. 83 p. 4~0 BORDEN (Gail) jr. Letter of, to Dr. Ashbel Smith, setting forth an important invention, termed Meat Biscuit; and the Reply of Dr. Smith thereto.... Galveston, Texas, 1850. 8'. Pam. v. 103, 271. BORDENAVE, Toussaint. Essai sur la Physiologie, ou Physique du corps humain....Troisieme edition. A Paris, 1778. 2 v. in 1. 180. BORROMiBo, A. M. Catalogo de' Novellieri Italiani posseduti dal fi Conte Anton-Maria Borromeo, gentiluomo padovano. Edizione terza, con aggiunte. Sold by auction. Londra, 1817. 77 p. 8~. Bos, Lambertus. Lamberti Bos....Ellipses Grxcm; sive de Vocibus quvo in sermone greco supprimuntur. Christ. Schbttgenii v. c. observationibus. Clariss. Bernholdii et suas adjecit et pra3-Itus est M. J. Frider. Leisnerus. Sept. edit. priori longe emendatior. Lugduni Bat. 1750. 18~. L. Bos Ellipses Groecre, ex ed. G. I. Schaeffer. Appendicis loco subjiciuntur B. Weiske pleonasmi linguse groecse. Neenon G. Hermanni Diss. de ellipsi et pleonasmo in greca lingua. Oxonii, 1813. 8". Eunuchus Palliatus: An Excursus to ~~ 15, 16, 17 of Part iv of the Greek Antiquities of Lambert Bos. Printed for the use of the actors of the Eunuchus.... at Westminster in 1839. 23 p. 8'". Pam. v. 395. BOSANQUET, Charles. Letter.... on the causes of the... depreciation of West-India property. 2d ed. London, 1807. 8". Pain. v. 435. BOSCH, Bernardus. Leerredenen. Atnsterdam, 1786. 8~. BoscH, T. v. Cogitationes theol. crit. et mor. de Magis ab Oriente. Of Gedachten over de Wysen uyt het Oosten. Dordrecht, 1695. 158 p. 18~. Pam. v. 634. Boscos EL (The) TRACTS, relating to the escape of Charles the Second after the battle of Worcester.... Ed. by J. Hughes.... 2d edition. Edinburgh and London, 1857. 399 p. 8'. BOSSANGEt, Hector. Catalogue des Livres fran ais, italiens, espagnols, portugais, etc. qui se trouvent chez Bossange, Barthes et Lowell.. Part I, 1830; Part II, Supplement, 1836. London, Schulze, 1836. 1 - 472, 473 - 595 p. in 1 v. 80. [SUPPL.1 14 106 GENERAL LIBRARY. BOSSANGE, Hector: Cinquikeme Suppl. au Catalogue g(n6ral. Paris, Juillet 1853. 80. et Fils. Ma Bibliotheque Franqaise. Paris, 1855. 120. BOSSCHAt, Herman. Geschiedenis der Staats-Omwenteling in Nederland, voorgevallen in het jaar achtienhonderd dertien. Met portretten. Eerste deel, Tweede stuk; Tweede deel, Vierde stuk. Te Amsterdam, 1817. In 2 v. 80. BOSSUETt, Bishop J. B. Diseours sur l'Histoire universelle. Accompagnes de... notes... par E. Lefranc. Paris, Delalain, 1855. 12~. A Pastoral Letter from the Lord Bishop of Meaux, to the new catholics of his diocess.. With reflections upon the pretended persecution. Trans... London, 1686. 37 p. 4~. Pam. v. 356. BoSTONt. The Votes and Proceedings of the freeholders. and other inhabitants.... in town meeting assembled... Boston, Edes & Gill (1772). 43 p. 8o. CITY DOCUMENTS, 1852, 53, 54, 55. In 1 v. 8~. Contents: Public Schools, Superintendent's Report, 1853; Report of Examlinations, Primary Schools, 1854; Charity School, 1853; Receipts and Expenditures, 1850, 51; Inspectors of Prisons, 1853, 54; RevisedrCity Chiarter, 1854; Rules and Orders of City Council, 1855; New Lunat:c Hospital, 1853; Ilouses of Tndustry, 1854; Erection of New Jail, 1851; Auditor's Estimates, 1850, 51; Accounts of J. C. Dunn, 1852; Report on Boston HIarbor, 1852.: CENSUS. Report of the joint special committee on the census of Boston, May, 1855...with analytical and sanitary observations by Josiah Curtis, M.D. Boston, 1856. 104 p. 8". Pain. v. 564.: EDUCATION. The Report of the annual examination of the public schools...1848. Boston, 1848. 66 p. 80. Pam. v. 552. - - Annual Report of the school committee, together with the annual report of the superintendent of public schools, for 1855, 56. Boston, 1856, 57. Pam. v. 249. — For 1857. Boston, 1858. Pam. v. 277. Rules of the school committee, and regulations of public schools. Boston, 1856, 57. Pam. v. 277. Report of the special committee on the communication of Rev. Charles F. Barnard. 1857. 12 p. Pam. v. 491. Report of committee on school sections. Nov. 7, 1849. Pam. v. 249. ----- - --- Reports and other documents relating to the ventilation of school-houses... Boston, 1848. 43 p. 80. IPam. v. 501. - -- Organization of the grammar schools of the city of Boston. 1850. Boston, 1850. Paim. v. 249. — __- See also Boston: City Documents. -: FIRE DEPARTMIENT. 18th Ann. Report, 1855. 70 p. Pain. v. 236.: HEALTH. Doe't No. 39. Report on cholera. Nov. 2, 1848. Pam. v. 89. An Ordinance concerning the public health, 1859. 7 p. Pam. v. 501. FIRST SUPPLEMENT. 107 Quarterly Report of the city ph:ysician, Jan. 1859. Executioln of Magee. 20 p. Pain. v.501. - HOUSES OF INDUSTRY and REFORMATION. Annual Report. April, 1851. Boston, 1851. Pam. v. 162. - - Report of the Board of Directors for public institutions, 1858. City Doct. NO 14. 31 p. Pain. v. 535. - INSANE. Report of the Boardof Visitors of the Boston Lunatic Hospital, containing a statement of the condition of that institution....for 1855. Boston, 1856. 80. Pam. v. 243.: July 4. The 82d Anniversary of American Independence: being a full report of the events of the day in the City of Boston, together with the revised orations of R. Choate and J. S. Hlolmes.. July 5, 1858. Boston, Boston Courier. 127 p. 8~. Pam. v. 532. -: LIBRARY. Proceedings on the occasion of laying the cornerstone of the Public Library of the City of Boston, 17th September, 1855. Boston, 1855. 72 p. 8". Proceedings at the dedication of the building'for the Public Library of the City of Boston. Jan. 1, 1858. Boston, 1858. 194 p. 8o. Report of the Trustees of the Public Library, July 1852. Pain. v. 169.- 2d Report, Nov. 2, 1854. Pain. v. 209.- 4th, 5th Report, 1856, 57. Pam. v. 375, 470. Catalogue of the Public Library of the City of Boston. Boston..1854. 180 p. 8~. Index to the Catalogue of a portion of the Public Library of the City of Boston, arranged in the lower hall. Boston, 1858. 204 p. roy. 80..-...: MAYOR'S ADDRESSES. Inaugural of J. P. Bigelow, Jan. 6, 1851. Boston. 80.~ Pams. v 522. Inaugural_of F. W. Lincoln jr., Jan. 4, 1858. Boston, 8~. Pam. v. 522. ---: MUNICIPAI, REGISTER. Containing the city charter and rules and orders of the city council, and a list of the officers of the City of Boston, for the year 1856, 57, 58, 59. Boston, 1856 - 59. 4 v. 8'. ----: PAVEMENTS. Annual Report of the superintendent of streets, 1856. 23 p. 8~. Pain. v. 493. ---: POLICE. Report of the Chief of Police for the quarter ending June 30, 1856. Pam. v. 245.: PRISONS. Reports of the Inspectors of Prisons in the County of Suffolk, on the Jail, Boston Lunatic IIospital, House of Correction, House of Reformation, Rainsford's Island Hospital, and House of Industry ( City Doe. No 58), 1856. Pam. v. 245. — For 1857. See Pain. v. 538. See also Boston, Houses of Industry. Rules and Regulations of the House of Correction, 1854. Pam. v. 245.: STATISTICS. Report by the City Registrar of the births, marriages and deaths, in the City of Eoston, for 1853, 55, 56. Boston, 1854, 56, 57. Paul. v. 20.- For 18o7. Boston, 18,8..Pau. v.. 56.. 108 GENERAL LIBRARY. BOSTON: -: TAXATION. List of persons, co-partnerships and corporations who were taxed $25 and upwards.... 1840.... City Doct. Boston, 1841. 117 p. 8". Pain. v. 564. ---: ATER. Report of the consulting physicians of the City of Boston in relation to the action of Cochituate water upon mineral substances...Boston, 1848. 8". Panl. v. 233. BOSTONt ALMANAC, N I - III, for.1836, 37, 38: by S. N. Dickinson; for 1852 - 58. Boston. 10 v. 18~. BOSTONI and LOWELL RAILROAD. Report, for the year ending Nov. 30, 1851. Boston, 1851. Pam. v. 147.- Report, Nov. 30, 1854. Boston, 1855. 8~. Pam. v. 208. BOSTON and MAINE RAILROAD. Report, at Annual Meeting, at Exeter, N.H., Sept. 10, 1851. Boston, 1851. 80. PaiL. v. 208. BoSTONt and PROVIDENCE RAILROAD. Report of a committee of citizens of Dedham relative to the advance of fares upon..Dedham, 1856. Pam. v. 283. BOSTONt and WORCESTER RAILROAD. Report of the Directors, Boston-1832. Pam. v. 282.- Report, June 4, 1838. Boston. 80.- Report of a committee...on the reduce the rates of, 1840. 8".- Reports, 14th, 17th, 24th, 29th. Boston, 1846, 49, 54, 59. 8~. Pam. v. 544.- 28th Rep. 1857. Boston, 1858. Pam. v. 282. BOSTON ASSOCIATION HOME MISSIONARY SOCIETY. Report. Boston, 1850. 12 p. 80. Pam. v. 524. BOSTON BOARD OF TRADE. Second Annual Report.... Jan. 1856. Boston, 1856. 172 p. — Fourth Report, by Lorenzo Sabine, Secretary. Boston, 1858. 240, 16 p. 2 v. 8. BOSTON ( The) CHRONICLE, for the year 1768. With many supplements and extraordinary papers. Vol. I. Boston Mein & F:leming. 4o. BOSTONt CITY MISSIONARY SOCIETY. Annual Report. Boston, 1853. Pamn. v. 263.- Report, 1856, 57. Boston, 1857, 58. Pam. v. 524. BOSTON COMMON. Boston, 1842. 63 p. 12~. BOSTONt DIRECTORIES. Directory, 1789. 63 p. 18~. Reprint. -- Stimpson's, 1841, 43. 2 v. 120. - Adams' Boston Directory for 1847 - 48, 52, 50 -51, 54. 4 v. 8~. --- Complete Business Directory of Boston for the year 1857. Commercial edition. Vol. I. Damrell & Moore. 8"0 BOSTON DISPENSARY..60th Report. Boston, 1856. 12~. Pam. v. 627. - 62d Report. Boston, 1858. 8~. Pam. v. 506. BOSTON EVENING PosT-Weekly. Printed by T. & J. Fleet, Boston. 1767 - 68, July 13 - July 11, 1768, 1 v.; 1788 - 89, July 18 - July 17, 1769, 1 v.; 1769 - 70, July 24 - July 23, 1770, 1 v.; 1770 - 71, July 30 - July 15, 1771, 1 v.; 1771 - 72, July 22 - July 13, 1772, 1 v.; 1772 - 73, July 20 - July 19, 1773, 1 v.; 1773, July 26 - Dec. 27 ( wanting Nov. 1 & Dec. 13), 1 v.; 1774, Jan. 3 - Dec. 26, 1 v.; 1775, Jan. 2 - Ap. 10, 1 v. 9 v. fP. FIRST SUPPLEMENT. 109 BOSTON GAZETTE AND COUNTRY JOURNAL. Printeled by Edes & Gill. Wlr7ekly. - 1758, Jan. 2 - Dec. 18 (I)ec. 25 wanting), No 144 - 194, 1 v.; 1759, Jan. 1 - Dec. 31, No 196 - 248, 1 v.; 1762, Jan. 4 - May 24, N~ 353 - 373. ~W[ith Boston News Letter, May - Dec. 1762, in I v. 3 v. f'. - BOSTON GAZETTE, April 10, 1755. See Boston Eve. Post, 1775. BOSTON LADIES' ASSOCIATION FOR EVANGELIZING THE WEST. Second Annual Report, 1844. Boston, 1844. Pam. v. 198. BOSTON LYCEUM. 3d Report. Boston, 1832. 120. Pain. v. 627. BOSTONt (The) MEDICAL AND SURGICAL JOURNAL. Edited by J. V. C. Smith, M.D. Vol. 24 - 39, 1836 - 44. Boston. 16 v. 8~. BOSTON NEWS -LETTER AND NEW-ENGLAND CHRONICLE.-Wi Veekly. Printed by J. Draper. 1762, May 27 - Dec. 30, No 3022 - 3080 (3050). See Boston Gazette. BOSTON (Bowen's) NEWS-LETTER AND CITY RECORD. Vol. I. Jan. - June, 1826. Jerome V. Smith, M.D. Editor. Boston. 1 v. 80. BOSTON PORT SOCIETY. 28th Report..Boston, 1858. 8~. Pam. v. 549. BOSTON PROVIDENT ASSOCIATION. Directory, 1858 - 59.- 5th Report. Boston, 1856. 8~. Pain. v. 535. BOSTON RURAL CEMETERY. Address to the Citizens of Boston and vicinity on the subject of a Rural Cemetery. Boston, 1850. 80. Pain..v. 237. BOSTONt SEAMAN FRIEND'S SOCIETY. 6th, 9th, 28th Report. Boston, 1834, 37, 56. 8~. Pam. v. 549. BOSTONt SOCIETY FOR AIDING DISCHARGED CONVICTS. Constitution and By-Laws. Boston, 1847.- 1st Annual Report. Pam. v. 162.- 2d Report. Boston, 1848. Pam. v. 160.- 4th Report, 1850. Pam. v. 162.- Report, 1857. Pain. v. 509. BOSTON SOCIETY FOR MEDICAL IMPROVEMIENT. Constitution and By-Laws; with a list of members. Boston, 1853. Pam. v. 196. BOSTONt SOCIETY FOR THE PREVENTION OF PAUPERISMI. Twentieth Annual Report, Oct. 1855. Boston, 1855. 80. Pam. v. 243. BOSTONt"SOCIETY OF NATURAL HISTORY: Boston Journal of Natural History; containing papers and communications read to..1850 - 57... Vol. VI. Boston, 1857. 8~. -t: Proceedings. Vol. v, 1854 - 56; Vol. VI, 1856 - 59. Boston, 2 v. 8~. BOSTON STOCK AND EXCHANGE BOARD. Constitution and By-Laws. Passed Aug. 26, 1844. Boston, 1844. Pain. v. 252. BOSTON YOUNG MEN'S CHRISTIAN ASSOCIATION. Constitution.... Boston, 1852.- First, Sixth, Seventh Annual Report, 1853, 57, 58. Boston. Pain. v. 224. BOSTWICK, Rev. David. A Sermon preached at Philadelphia, before the Rev. Synod of New-York, May 25, 1758.... Philadelphia and London, 1759. 8. Pam. v. 80. A Fair and Rational Vindication of the right of infants to the ordinance of baptism.... Discourses from Acts ii, 39.... NewBrunswick, 1790. 63 p. Pain. v. 466. 110 GENERAL LIBRARY. BOSWELLt, James. The Decision of the Court of Session, upon the question of literary property, in the case of John Hinton of London, bookseller, pursuer, against Alexander Donaldson and John Wood...and James Meurose..Edinburgh, 1774. 37 p. See Burrow (J.). BOTFIELD, Beriah. Notes on the Cathedral Libraries of England. London, 1849. 528 p. 8~ BOTHAM, P. E. Bates. First Book of Arithmetic.... Itartford, 1835. 98 p. sm. 4~. BOTTMAN, lI. Cours d'Anatomie, a l'usage des artistes... A Paris.... 1788. 18~. BOTTS, John M. Letters on the Nebraska question. Washington, 1853. 16 p. 80. Pam. v. 527. BOUCARD, M. Notions sur les Arts et Metiers... A l'usage des salles d'asyle...Paris, 1848.- Notions industrielles.... contenant l'explication des images, etc. Paris, Hachette, 1848. In 1 v. 18". L BouCHERt, Rev. Jonathan]. Proposals for a Bank in the County of Cumberland, 1792. See Eden's State of the poor, v. 3. Cat. 1655. Catalogue of his library.... auction, Feb. 1806 - May 1809. London. 3 parts: 220, 85, 27 p. in 1 v. 80. BOucHER, Ph. L'Homme en face de la Bible; ou Droits respectifs de la Bible sur l'homme, et de l'Holmme sur la Bible. Paris, 1841. 12~. BOUCiER, Pierre. Histoire VYritable et Naturelle des Mocurs et des productions du pays de la Nouvelle France, vulgairement dite le Canada. 1663. See Album du Canadien. BOUCHER DE LA RICHARDERIE, G. Bibliotheque Universelle des Voyages; ou Notice complete et raisonnbe de tons les voyages anciens et modernes dans les differentes parties du mlonde, publies tant en langue frafigaise qu'en langues 6trangires... avec des extraits.. et des jugemens motiv6s sur les relations anciennes qui ont le plus de c6l6brit6. Paris, 1808. 6 v. 8~. BOUCHIER, Rev. Barton. Eveling Lodge: A Narrative.... London, 1847. 94 p. 120. Pam. v. 619. BOUCHOT, Auguste. Histoire du Portugal et de ses colonies. ( Duruy, Hist. Univ.) Paris, Haclette, 1854. 12~. BoUHOuRS, P'ier Dominique. The Art of Criticism; or the Method of making a right judgment upon subjects of wit anA learning. Trans..... London, 1705. 8~. BOUILLAUD, J. Essai sur la Philosophie m6dicale, et sur les g6neralit6s de la clinique medicale, prec6d6 d'un resum6 philosophique des principaux progres de'la nmddecine.... Bruxelles, 1836. 502 p. 18~. BOUILLETt, M. N. Dictionnaire Universel des Sciences, des Lettres et des Arts... 3ine edition. Paris, Hachette, 1857. 1750 p. roy. 8~. - Dictionnaire Universel d'Histoire et de G6ographic.... Edition quatorziemne. Paris, Hachette et Cie, 1858. 1924, 140 p. roy. 80~. BOULAY-PATY, Evariste. Odes. Paris, W. Cocquebert...1844. 8~. BOULTER (Hugh), D.D. Sermon, Anniv. of Charity Schools, 1722. London. See Soc. Pro. Chr. Knowledge. FIRST SUPPLEMENT. 111 BOU-MAN, Dion. De WVerkzaamheden van Gods gunstgenoten... voorgestelt in 16 oeffeningen.. Dordrecht, 1728. 180. BOURDON, Isid. Notions d'Hygiene pratique. Paris, 1844. See Cours complet. BOURCOGNE, Ducs de. Inventoire des Manuscrits de l'Ancienne Bibliothque royale des Ducs de Bourgogne, publi6 par ordrc du Min. de l'interieur et des affaires 6trangeres. No 1 - 18000. Bruxelles et Leipzig, 1840. J. iMarchal, Conservateur des vzanuscrits. xix, 360 p. gr. 4~. BOURIAUD, Ferdinandi Traite Pratique d'Administration d'partementale et eommunale, ou Manuel de l'administrateur.... Paris, 1845. 587 p. 8~ BOURNE, B. F. The Captive in Patagonia; or Life among the giants.... Boston, 1853. 233 p. 12~. BOURNE ( Robert ), esq. A Christian Miniature of John Savery, esq. of Bristol. London (1830?). 22 p. 120. Pam. v. 390. BOURNE, W. Oland. The Sale of a Distillery: A Pencilling of the present age. New-York, 1845. 16 p. 81. Pam. v. 534. BOUTON, Nathan. See Virgil, Cortland county, N.Y. Cat. 1855. BOUTONt, Nathaniel. The History of Concord, from its first grant in 1725, to the organization of the city government in 1853; with a History of the Ancient Penacooks.... *** Concord, N.H. 1856. 8.' BOUTOURLIN, Comle D. Catalogue de la Bibliotheque de. By C.L.LC. Audin. Florence, 1831. 8'. Contents: Divisions du Catalogue: Manuscrits, 25 p.; Editions du xv siecle, 155 p.; C.ollection Aldine, 18 p.; Collection Bodonienne, 13 p.; Classiques Italiens, 74 p.; Miscellaneous, 26, 42, 49, 54 p. BOUTWELL, George S. Address, Hillsborough Agricultural and Mechanical-Society, Sept. 30, 1852. Boston, 1853. Pain. v. 286. BOWDENt ( John), D.D. A Second Letter from.. Rector of St.Paul's Church, Norwalk, to the Rev. Dr. Stiles.... In which the Rtev. Dr. Chauncy's Complete View of particularlyconsidered, etc. New-Haven, T. & S. Green, 1789. 108 p. 80. Pam. v. 202. [ ]. See Two a Churchman, 1807. [ 1]. See Observations by a Protestant, 1816. Cat. 1855. BOWDITCH, N. Ingersoll. An Argument for a Catholic Church on the jail lands. Boston, 1853. 18 p. 80. Pam. v. 548. Suffolk Surnames.**'* lot published. Boston, 1857. 108 p. 80~. Suffolk Surnames.*** 2d ed. enlarged. Boston, 1858. 383 p. 8~. BOWDITCi LIBRARY. Report of the Proprietors. Boston, 1841. 16 p. 8". Pam. v. 470. BOWIDLEn (Charles), esq. Observations on the supposed Abolition of the Sabbath. London, 1833. 23 p. 12". Pam. v. 490. [ BOWDLER, John]. See Reform or Ruin, 1797. BOWDLER ( Thomas), esq. Letters written in Holland in the months of September and October, 1787. To which is added a Collection of letters, and other papers relating to the-journey of the Princess of Orange, on the 28th of June 1787. London, 1788. 192, 100 p. 8~. 112 GENERAL LIBRARY. BowDoIN, James. A Philosophical Discourse, addressed to the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, assembled at the meeting-house in Brattle-street in Boston, on the eighth of November 1780, after the inauguration of the President into office. Boston, 1780. 35 p. 8~. With a portrait. BOWDOIN COLLEGE, Brunswick, Me. Catalogus Collegii. T'rienzial, 1837, 1849. Catalogue, 1853. Pam. v. 481. BOWDOIN-STREET CHURCH, Boston. Articles of Faith.... Boston, 1833. 40 p. 120. Pam. v. 485. BOWENt, A. See Naval Monument. Cat. 1855. BOWENt, Eli. The Pictorial Sketch-book of Pennsylvania; or its scenery, internal improvements, resources and agriculture.... Ill. with over 200 engravings.... 8th ed. Philadelphia..1854. 8", BOWEN, Erancis. Life of James Otis. See Sparks' Am. Biography, v. 12.- Life of Baron Steuben. See Sparks' Am. Biog. v. 9.- Life of W. Phipps. See Sparks' Am. Biog. v. 7. BOWEN, John. New Poor Law.-The Bridgwater case. Is killing in an union workhouse criminal?.... Lond. 1839. 89 p. 80. Pam. v. 429. BOWEN, Rev. John. A Review of " Why are you a Lutheran? " by B. Kurtz, D.D. By Rev. John Bowen and Rev. S. Hildebrand of the Baltimore Conference. Staunton, Va. 1848. 50 p. 8". Pam. v. 490. BOWEN ( Nathaniel ), D.D., Bp. of S.C. The Interest and Authority of the Church, and the privilege and duty of its members, as to thinos in religion, indifferent in themselves: A Sermon, preached at the opening of the General Convention of the Protestant Episcopal Church in the UJ.S. of America, in St.Peter's Church, Phil'a, Nov. 7, 1826. Philadelphia, 1826. 80. Pam. v. 105. A.ddress, Commencement of the General Theological Seminary of the Prot. Episc. Church in the U.S., 1836. N.York, 1836. 8~.'Pam. v. 204. BOWEN, Truman A. Bowen's Self-multiplier: A short and easy process of making out assessments of taxes, apportionments of money.... Albany, 1855. 16 p. 8`. Pam. v. 290. BowERt, Archibald. Six Letters from A —d B-r to Father Sheldon, Provincial of the Jesuits in England; illustrated with several remarkable facts tending to ascertain.... the true character of the writer. Appendix.. Life of F. Bruys. London, 1746. 99 p. 8~. Pam. v. 343. BowLEs, John. A Dispassionate Inquiry into the best means of national safety. London, 1806. 115 p. 8". Pam. v. 413. Reasons for the Establishment of provident institutions, called Savings' Banks.... London, 1817. 45 p. 8'. Pain. v. 535. BowLEs, W. C. Thoughts on National Defence. By Rear Ad. Bowles. 2d edition. London, 1852. xv, 80 p. 80. Pam. v. 406. BowLESt, William L. The Poetical Works of:.... With memoir; critical dissertation and explanatory notes, by the Rev. G. Gilfillan. Edinburgh, 1855. 2 v. 80. BOWmIAN, William. A Defence of our Saviour's miracle of cursing the fig-tree. In answer to Mr. Woolston.... London, 1721. x, 30 p. 8'. Panm. v. 309. FIRST SUPPLEMENT. 113 BOWRINGt, Sir John. The Decimal Systemn in numbers, coins and accounts, especially with reference to the decimalisation of the currency and accountancy of the United Kingdom. Illustrated with 120 engravings of coins, ancient and modern. London, 1854. 245 p. 12~. BoWYER (George), esc. The Cardinal Archbishop of Westmlinster, and the new hierarchy: By authority. London, 1850.- The Roman ]Documents relating to the new hierarchy; with an argument. Lond. 1851. 60 p.- Observations on the Arguments of Dr. Twiss respecting the new Roman Catholic hierarchy. London, 1851. 44 p. 80. Psm. v. 348. [ BOWYER (W;), & NICHoLs, J 3. The Origin of Printing. In two Essays I. The substance of' Dr. Middleton's dissertation on the origin of printing in England: II. Mr. Meerman's account of the invention of the art at HIaarlem, and its progress to Mentz. With occasional remarks, and an appendix. The second edition with improvements. London, 1776. With Supplement to the Origin of Printing. 1781. Correspondence of Dr. Duacarel and Mr. 1-eerman. in 1 v. 300 p 8~. BoxoronN,;iM. Z. Miarci Zverii Boxhornii de typographicae artis inventione & inventoribus dissertatio [ QuLa B. Mallincrotii, V. Cl. rationes quibus cam Mogountinis, non Harlemensibus, deberi contendit potissimum1 refelluntur]. Lugd. Batav. 1640. 51 p. 4. — See also Wolf. Mon. Typ. for other extracts. BoYD's ( Mr. Benj.) Evidence before the select coimm. of the Legisl. Council of New-South Wales, with the report of the committee on the revival of transportation. London, 1847. 80. Pam. v. 434. BOYD, Hugh S. Refutation of Popery. See Basil, St. BOYD ( Linn), of Kentucky. Biographical Sketch of.. By a Virginian. Washington, 1852. 16 p. 8~. Pain. v. 197, 494. BOYD, William H. New-York City Tax-Book, being a list of persons, corporations and co-partnerships, resident and non-resident, who were taxed according to the Assessor's books, 1856, 57. New-York, 1857. 12~. ---: DIRECTORIES. See Norwich, Rome, Schenectady, Kingston, Newport, Pawtucket, Paterson, Rondout. - PICTORIAL DIRECTORY OF OBROADWAY....1859. N.York. 8~. BoYER, Paul. Veritable Relation de tout cc qui s'est fLit et passe an voyage que Monsieur de Bretigny fit a l'Amirique occidentale.... Le tout faitsur-les lieux., X'aris,'1654. xxvi, 46a3 p. 18~. BOYLE, P. - MIuseul Britannicunm; or a Display in thirty-two plates, in antiquities and natural curiosities, in that noble and magnificent cabinet, the British Museum, after the original designs from nature, by John and Andrew Van Rymsdyk.. London, 1791. xvii, 8 8p. f0. BOYSE, Rev. William. Writings of..Part I, II, III. New-York, 1839. p. 245 - 420 p, 18~.- Pami. v. 501. BRACEt, Charles L. Address upon the Industrial School movement., New-York, 1857. 8~. Pain. v. 509. See Children's Aid Society Reports, [ SuPPL.] 15 114 GENERAL LIBRARY. BRACKENRIDGECt, Henry M. Journal of a Voyage up the River Missouri; performed in 1811. By HI. b. Brackeidcge. 2cd edition, enlarged. Baltilmore, 1816. 246 p. 18~. ---- Early Discoveries by Spaniards in New-Mexico; containing an account of the castles of Cibola, and the present appearance of their ruins... Pittsburgh, Pa. 1857. 48 p. 8~. History of the AWestern Insurrection in western Pennsylvania, commonly called the Whiskey Insurrection, 1794. Pittsburgh, 1859. xiv, 336 p. 8". [ BnRACKENIDGEt, "Hugnh H.] A Poem on Divine REevelation; being an exercise delivered at the public commencement at Nassau-Hall, Sept. 28, 1774. By the same person who...Sept. 25, 11 71,'delivered a simall poem on the Rising Glory of America. Philadelphia, R. Aitken, 1774. 22 p. 8o. [ ]. The Death of General Montgoomery in storming the City of Quebec: A Tragedy, with an ode in honor of the Pennsylvania militia...By the author of a dramatic piece on the Battle of Bunker's Ilill. To which are added elegiac pieces.... *" Norwich, printed by J. Trumbull....1777. 68 p. 120. Modern Chivalry, containing the Adventures of a Captain,'and Teague O'Regan, his servant. By HI. H. BrackenriCdge."'* Vol. 1. Philadelphia and Richmond, 1808.- Part II, Vol. Philadelphia and Richmond, 1807. 210, 178 p. 1 v. — Part II, Vol. II. Philadelphia and Richmond, 1807. 163 p. 1 v. In 2 v. 18~. Modern Chivalry... o Vol. I, II. Wilmington, 1815. 276 p. 2 v. in 1. 120. - Modern Chivalry... With the last corrections and additions of the author.a*"' Pittsburgh, Pa. 1819. 357, 366J p. 2 v. 12~. BRACIKENRIDGEC, WT D. Living plants and seeds friom Chili. See U. S. N. Astr. Expl. Exped. BRADBURY, Rev. Thomas. The lawfulness of resisting tyrants argued firom. the history of David, and in defence of the revolution. A Sermnon, Nov. 5, 1713. With soime renmarks on Mr. L. Milbourn's.. Sermon. 4th edition. London, 1714. 8o. Pam. v. 365, 356. Sermon, Non-resistance without Priestcraft: Rnom. xiii, 2. London, 1715. 35 p.- The Divine right of the Revolution, in two ser1mons, Nov. 1707 and 1708: 1 Chron. xii. 23.- The establishment of the kingdom in the head of Solomon, applied to the revolution and the reign of King George. A Sermon: 1 Kings, ii, 46. Nov. 5, 1716, London. Pamn. v. 366. BRADFORDt (Alden), LL.D. Memoir of the Life and Writings of Rev. Jonathan Mayhew, D.D., pastor of the West Church and Society, Boston, from June 1774, to July 1766. By...... Boston, C. C. Little & Co. 1838. 8~. BRADFORD ( George WT.), M1c.D. Historical and Biographical Address, Cortland County Medical Society....HoIoer, _N.Y. 1858. 27 p. 8~. Pam. v. 471, 516. BRADFORD, Bpi. Samnuel. [ A Collection] in 1 v. 8~. Contents: Consecration Sermon, Feb. 8, 1708: Eph. iv, 11 - 13. London. Sermon, London Charity Schools: Gcts iv, 32. London, 1709. FIRST SUPPLEMIENT. 115 Sermon, before the Lord Mayor, Jan. 30, 1711: Prov. iv, 25 - 27. London. Sermon, Purity and Peace *: Jtlms iii, 17. Londonl, 1710. Sermon, English and Christian liberty, Nov. 5, 1713: Gal.v, 1. London. Sermon, Christian Religion the occasion not the cause of division, Jan. 22, 1716. London. Sermon, II. of Lords, Jan. 30, 1719: Hkatt. xii, 25. London. BRADFORD (Samuel D.), LL.D. Works of... "- Boston, 1838. 427 p. 8. - Letters to Hon. W. MI. Meredith...on the injurious effects of protective and prohibitory duties....Boston, 1850. 36 p. 8$. Panm. v. 290. BRADFORDt, Tlhomas G. A Comprehensive Atlas, geographical, historical and commercial. Boston (1835). 172 p. text and maps combined. 4~. BRADFORD ACADEMY, lMass. Catalogue, 1845. Pam. v. 460. ]BRADFORD ACADEMIY, N.H. Catalogue, Nov. 1839. Haverhill, NewHampshire, 1839. Pain. v. 212. BRADFORD CLUB. Series of Publications. Contents: No. 1. Papers concerning' the attack on Hatfield ancd Deerfield by a party of l(lians from Canada, Sept. 19, 1677. With an introdaction by F. _B. filotgh. New-York, 1859. 82 p. 8. No. 2. The Croakers, by Joseph Rodmnan Drake and Fitz*-Green IIalleck. First complete edition. New-York, 1860. viii, 191 p. 80: BRADLEY, Eliza. An Authentic Narrative of the shipwreck and sufferings of Mrs. Eliza Bradley, the wife of Capt. James Bradley of Liverpool, master of the ship Sally, which was wrecked on the coast of Barbary in June 1818.. Written by herself..Boston, 1821. 18". BRADLEY, MXI-rs. E. R. Elementary Tables and Lessons in the Siamese language. Bangkok, A.B.C.F.M. Press, 1845. 20 p. 8". Pain. v. 513. I3RADSHAW'St MONTHLY RAILWAY and Steam Navigation Guide for Great Britain, Ireland.... Aug. 1847. —.. Continental Guide.... Aug. 1847; For May 18;,3; For June 1857. London. 4 v. sin. 4~. BRADSTREET, Anne. Several Poems compiled with great variety of wit and learning, full of delight...By a gentlewoman of New-England. The second edition, corrected by the author, and enlarged by an addition of several other poems found amongst her papers after her death. Boston, prinited by John Foster, 1678. xiv, 254 p. 18'. Last pages wanting. BRADSTREET, Gen. John. An Impartial Account of Lieut. Col. Bradstreet's Expedition to Fort Frontenac...By a volunteer on the expedition. London, 1759. 60 p. 8'. - -l:'Papers and Letters, 1763, 64. See Munsell's Historical Series, NO 4. BRADY, H. A. Catalogue of -the Collection of Boo)ks of.... to be sold Nov. 1851, New-York. 126 p. Cat. v. 76. BRADY, James T. On MIental Culture for Women. See Beecher, H.W. BRADY, John Henry. A Critical and Analytical Dissertation on the nnames of persons."**i London, 1822, 56 p. 18". 116 GENERAL LIBRARY. BRADY (Nicholas), D.D. Sermon, Union with Scotland, May 1, 1707: John x, 16. London. 80. Pain. v. 364. BRADY (Nicholas), & TATE, N. A New Version of the Psalms of David.... Boston, N.E. J. Boyles,.1770.- Appendix....Hymns, taken chiefly from Dr. Watts....Boston, 1771. 12~. Last leaves wanting. BRAGGE, J. Sermon, Gloucester, August 7, 1681: 1 Tim. i, 19. 4~. Pam. v. 360. BRAINARD ( Daniel), MI.D. Me'moire sur le Traitement des fractures non rnunies, et des difformitds des os..avec 19 figures. Paris, 1854. 72 p. so. BRAINARD, John G. C. Fugitive Tales, N~ i: Fort Braddock Letters. Washington, D.C. 1830. 97 p. I8~. - The Poems of John G. C. Brainard. A new and authentic collection, with an original memoir of his life. Hartford, 1847. liv, 221 p. 18o. BRAINERD (C. B.), MiD. System of treating presbyopia.. myopia.. cataract..etc... New-York, 1854. 48 p. 80. Pam. v. 515. ----- An Experimental Statement of some few out of 5000 cases of diseases of the eye, ear, and certain affections....treated.. by dry cupping. Buffalo, 1855. Pam. v. 271. BRAINERD, Priof. Jehu. Origin of the quartz pebbles of the sandstone conglomerate, and the formation of the stratified sandrocks: June 28, 1853. Cleveland, O. 1854. 16 p. 80. Pam. v. 272. --- Introductory Address, 5th Session, Western College of Homomopathic Medicine. Cleveland, 0. 1855. 8~. Pam. v. 515. BRAITTIWAITEt, W. The Retrospect of Medicine. Vol. 31 - 37, 1855 - 58. London. 7 v. 12~. BRAKE, Charles. Enoch; his character, prophecies and translation. London, 1839. 66 p.- Election, a Sermon: _Rom. ix, 11. London, 1839. 8~. Pam. v. 378. BRAMIAN (D. E. E.), of Matagorda..... Information about Texas. Carefully prepared. Philadelphia, 1857. 192 p. 120~. BRAMAN, Rev. Milton P. Obstacles to the Success of the Gospel: A Sermon, Dedication of the new meeting-house, North-Danvers, Nov. 1839. Salem, 1840. 8~. Pam.. v. 105. - Discourse delivered before the Legislature of Massachusetts, on the annual election, Jan. 1, 1845. Boston, 1845. 8". Pam. v. 80. BRAMSTON (William), D.D. Sermon, Feb. 13, 1814: 1 Tim. ii, 1, 2. 2d edition. London, 1715. 8~. Pam. v. 366. BRAMWELL, William. A Short Account of the Life and Death of Ann Cutler. Meth; Tract Society, N~ 133. N.York. 50 p. Pamn. v. 471. BRANCA, Carlo. Catalogo della Libreria di:... preceduto da brevi cenni bibliografici *~. Catalogo de' libri... vendibili. Milano, 1844. cii, 264 p. 8~. BRAND, Rev. John. A Letter to the..Bishops.... containing a counter representation to the statements.... from the Philanthropic Society, relating to their intended chapel... London, 1806. 66 p. 8~. Pain. v. 389. FIRST SUPPLEMENT. 117 BRANDEt, William T. An Introductory Discourse, London Institution, May 5, 1819. London; 38 p. 8. Pain. v. 402. BRANDON PAINTS. A Descriptivo Catalogue of Brandon Paints, for brick, iron, wood, and roof painting; with a few recommendations, etc. Brandon, Vt. 1855. 8~. Pam. v. 255. BRANDRETH, Benjamin. This Pamphlet comprises the method of curing disease with Drandreth's pills.. 48 p. 8o.- A natural law concerning health... explained. New-York, 32 p. 8~.- Vegetable universal pills. 4 p. 80~. Pam. v. 515. BRANDT, Gerard. The History of the Reformation, and other ecclesiastical transactions in and about the Low Countries, from the beginning of the eighth century, down to the famous Synod of Dort inclusive; in which.... the divisions between the Protestants and Papists, the Arminians and Calvinists, are... fully represented... From the Low Dutch. London, 1720. 3 v' fP. -. Brandt's Historie van de Rechtspleging gehouden in den jaaren 1618 en 1619, omrtrent de drie gewangene heeren M'r Johan van Oldenbarnevelt, Mr Rombout Hoogerbeets, Mr Hugo de Groot. De derde druk, met aanteekeningen vermeerdert. Te Rotterdam, 1721. 28, 332, 4 p. in 1 v. 40. BRANDT, H. Van. Taktiek der drie Wapens, infifanterie, etc. Breda, 1847. 40 p. 12~. BRANTFORD and BUFFALO RAILROAD COMIPANY: Exhibit. N.York, 1852. 8~. Pain. v. 544. BRARD, C. P. Dictionnaire Usuel de Chimie, de physique et d'histoire naturelle... Paris, 1855. A - M. 320 p. 8~. BRASYLS SCHUYT-PRAETIEN, gehouden tusschen een officier, een domine, en een coopman, noopende den Staet van Brasyl: Mede hoe de officieren en soldaten tegenwordich aldaer ghetracteert werden, en hoe men placht te leven ten tyde doen de Portogysen noch onder * het onverdraeghlijck Jock der Hollanderen saten. Oit door een onpartydich toe-hoorder gheannoteert. Ghedruckt in dce oWest-Indische Kamer by. Maerten, Daer het gelt soo lustich klinckt alsser zijn Aep-staertem. Anno 1649. 23 p. sm. 4~. BRATTLEBORO' HYDROPATHIC ESTABLISHMENT. A Description of: W.. ith a Report of 563 cases treated there during the years 1845, 6 and 7...Brattleboro', 1848. Pain. v. 210. —Also...View of 392 cases treated in 1848. Brattleboro', 1849. 8~. Pam. v. 269. BRAUN, Placidus. Notitia Historico-litteraria de Libris ab artis typographica inventione usque ad annum MCCCCLXXVIIII impressis: in Bibliotheca liberi, ac Imperialis Monasterii ad SS. Udalricum et Afram augustm extantibus.- Pars secunda: Notitia.... ab anno MicccLXXX usque ad annum MD impressis.... Aug. Vindel, 1788. 208, 333 p. 11 engr. fac-similes of early alphabets used in printing. In 1 v. 40. BRAY ( Thomas), D.D. The Acts of Dr. Bray's Visitation, held at Annapolis in 1M5aryland, May 23, 24, 25, Anno 1700. London, 1700. 17 p.- Several Circular Letters to the Clergy of Maryland, subsequent to their late visitation.. London, 1701; including A Course of Catechising; The Layman's Library; Prospectus.... for proinoting the collection of psalms.... 21, 4 p. In 1 v. fP. See also Hawks' Contributions. 118 GENERAL LIBRARY. BRAY (Thomas), D.D.: Bibliotheca Parochialis, &c.; or a Scheme of such theological and other heads, as seem requisite to be perused or occasionally consuilted by the reverend clergy: Together with the books which may be profitably read on each of those points, in order to promote the forming and erecting libraries of three degrees, viz. General, decanal or lending and parochial libraries throughout Her Majesty's dominions, both at home and abroad. Vol. I. The second edition, with large additions. London, 1707. 68, 412 p. 80~. [ ]. See Papal Usurpation. London, 1712. BRAY ( Thomas), D.D., of Exeter -College. The Evidence of Prophecy.A Sermon: 2 Pet. i, 19. Oxford, 1761. 80. Pam. v. 371. BRAYLEY, E. W. An Enquiry into the Genuineness of Prynne's "Defence of Stage Plays;" together with a reprint of said tract, and also of Prynne's "Vindication." London, 1825. 16 p. Panm. v. 470. - A Topographical History of Surrey... The geological section by Gideon Mantell; the illustrative department under the superintendence of T. Allou.m London, 1850. 5 v. 4o. - The History of the Ancient Palace and late Hlouses of Parlia-ment at Westminster... By E. W. B. and J. Britton. London, 1836. 289 - 476 p. 8". Pam. v. 401. I[~ See Neale's Westminster Abbey. See Russell Institution Catalogue, London. BRAZERt (Rev. John), D.D., Salem. Discourse, 4th April 1829, at the interment of Edward Augustus Holyoke, M.D., LL.D. Salem, 1829. 80~. Painm. v. 214. The Duty and Privilege of an active benevolence. Address, Seamen's Widow and Orphan Association, 1835. Salem, Mass. 1836. 80. Plam. v. 105. Lessons of the Past. A Sermon on the anniversary of his ordination, North Society in Salem, Mass. Salem, 1837. 8'. Pam. v. 105. A Discourse, Aug. 30, 1843, the Sunday succeeding the death of Hon. Benjamin Pickman. Salem, 1843. S~. Pam. v. 214. A Discourse on the Life and Character of the late Hon. Leverett Saltonstall, May 18, 1845. Salem, 1845. 8~. Pain. v. 100, 214. BRECK ( Joseph), & Co. Catalogue of superb double dahlias. Boston, 1845. 8S. Pam. v. 266. BRECKINRIDGE ( John C.), Kentucky. Gen. Butler - Democratic Review - Judge Douglas. Speech, U.S. H. of R., Mar. 4, 1852. Pam. v. 487. - Speech, U.S. H. of R., Nebraska and Kansas, March 23, 1854. 8 p. 8..Pain. v. 561. BRECKINRIDGE (William L.), & HUMPHREY, Edward P., D.D. Theological Seminaries in the West. Louisville, 1850. 42 p. 8'). Pam. v. 277. BREEDEN, Henry. Plain Things for those that need them, or a Call to holiness and usefulness; and a Discourse on perfect love, by John Miles. Albany, 1846. 64 p. 8~. Pam. v. 262. FIRST SUPPLEMENT. 119 BREEDENt RAEDT aende Vereenichde Nederlandsche Provintien. By Comnelis Melyn, 1650. Tans. in~z English. See Vertooch. BREESE ( Sidney), of N.Y. Speech on the MIexican question and the Ten Regiment bill, H. of R. Washington, 1848. 80. Pam. v. 486. BR-IGEAUT, L. 1. Manuels Roret. Nouveau Manuel conmplet de l'Imprimeui- lithographe..N... Nouvelle 6dition tres augmentee, par I[. MI. Jules Desportes.... Paris, Roret, 1850. 401 p. 18~. BREGGEN ( F. Vail der), Corn. Zn., M.D. Geneeskundige Bijdragen van gemengden inhoud. Eerste gedeelte. Amsterdam, 18412. 96 p. 8". Pam. v. 269. BREISLAK, Scipione. Descrizione geologica della Provincia di Milano.... Milano, 1822. xlix, 260 p. 80. Osservazioni, etc. 1838. Postumo. See Lomb. Yen. Inst. v. 5. B3REEN. Tabellarische Uebersicht des Bremischen Handels im Jahre 1853, 54, 55, 56. Zusammengestellt durch die Behblrde fur die handelsstatistik. Bremen, 1854, 57. 8 v. 4~. BRENNAN, P. An Answer to Mr. Finnegan's pamphlet, intitled A True and Concise Account of thle principal errors of popery. By Patrick Brennan, schoolmnaster. Printed for the author, 1788. 20 p. 18". Pam. v. 482. BRENT, John Carroll. Letters on the National Institute, Smithsonian Legacy, The Fine Arts, and other matters connected with the interests of the District of Columbia. Washington, 1844. 90 p. S~. Pam. v. 272. BRENTON ( Edward Pelham), Capt. R. NRT. The Naval History of Great Britain, from the year 1783 to 1836.....Improved edition....with portraits, plans, etc. London, 1837. 640, 628 p. 2 v. 8'. Observations on the Training and Education of children in Great Britain A Letter to Sir James Grahaim on impressllent; and a Translation from the French of MJ. Ducp6tiaux's work on mendicity. With an appendix. London, 1834. xliii, 119 p. 80. Pamn. v. 277. BRENTON, Sir J. MIemoir of Vice-Admiral Sir Jableel Brenton.... Re-edited by his son.7"" London, 1855. 12~. BRENTON, James J. Voices from the Press: a Collection of sketches, essays and poems by practical printers. Edited by....New-York, 1850. 312 p. 8~. BRERAt, Val. Luigi. Miemorie Medico-cliniche per servire d'interpretazione ai Prospetti clinici del Cavaliere V. L. B... Padova, 1816. 207 p. 8o. Pain. v, 515. BRERETON, John. A Brief and True Pelation of the discovery of the north part of Virginia...London, 1602. See_Mass. Hist. Soc. Collections, S. 3, v. 8. BRETT, Tho. Serimon, May 29, 1713, Thanksgiving for... End to thle great rebellion: John v, 14. London. 80. Pam. v. 365. BREUGELT, J. J. van. Korte en Gemalkkelijke wijze om de Maleische taal...Haarlem, 1823. 81 p. 12~. BREWER, MrI. Grand Moving Mirror..comprising the Mamremoth cave of Kentucky, the Falls of Niagara.... London. 16 p. 120. Pam.; v. 489. 120 GENERAL LIBRARY. BREWER, Sanuel. Sermon, Death of Rev. T. Hitchin: Ps. xlviii, 14.... his interment, in the burial ground at Bunhill, by T. Towle, B.D. 1774. London. 8. Pam. v. 381. BREWER, Stephen. Proceedings of the Trial of..before the Presbyterian Church of Cortland village, March 1859. Cortland, N.Y. 1859. 24 p. 8~. Pam. v. 536. BREWERTON, G. Douglas. The War in IKansas. A Rough Trip to the border, among new homes and a strange people'... * New-York, 1856. 120. BREWERTON, John. Report of Capt. Brewerton, connected with the improvement of the Hudson River navigation, Dec. 26, 1838. Albany, 1839. 24 p. 8~. Pamn. v. 493. BREWSTER, Charles W. Rambles about Portsmouth. Sketches of persons, localities and incidents of two centuries... Portsmouth, 1859. 376 p. 80. BREWSTERt Sir David. Description of the Kaleidoscope, 1818. 12~. Plates. Pain. v. 618. BREWSTER, James. A Letter to the Editor of the Quarterly Review.. on the Rev. Dr. Keith's Evide-ice of Prophecy. Edinburgh, 1836. 68 p. 8~. Pain. v. 310. BRICKNELL, Rev. XW. Simcoe. Grievance of Church rates: A Letter to Philip Pusey, esq., M. P... with an appendix. London, 1837. 72 p. 8". Pam. v. 327. - Resignation and Lay-commiunion Prof. Keble's View... of the Tractarians.... with reference to the approaching vacancy in the Poetry professorship. London, 1841. 36 p. 8~'. Pam. v. 331. BRICKWOOD, John. A Plan for redeeming the new four per cent.... Lond-on, 1830. 48 p.- Further remarks on the superiority of the new five per cent stock. London, 1830. 15 p. 80. Pain. v. 427. BRIDAL (The) oF VAUMOND: a Metrical Romance.~'> N.York, 1817. 186 p. 180. BRIDE ( The) OF ABYDos, a Tragedy... By TV. O. London, 1818. 87 p. 8O. No title. Pain. v. 396. BRIDGE, Rev. B. A Brief Narrative of a Visit to the Valleys of Piedmont, inhabited by the Vaudois, the descendants of the Waldenses...London, 1825. 20 p. 80. Pain. v. 393. BRIDGE (Rev. B.), F.R.S. A Treatise on1 the construction, properties and analogies of the three conic sections. From 2d London edition, with additions.... [by F. A. P. Barnard]. New-Haven, 1831. 132 p. 8. BRIDGES, Rev. George Wilson.' The Annals of Jamlaica.... Volume the first. London, Murray, 1827. 8~, BRII:,)GTANt, Thomas. The Pilgrims of Boston and their descendants; with an introduction by Hon. Edward Everett, LL.D. Also, inscriptions from the monuments in the Granary burial ground, Tremontstreet... ~~ New-York... 1856. 80~. BRIDGWATER BAPTIST AssocIATION, Pennsylvania. Minutes. Montrose, 1827. Pam. v. 466. FIRST SUPPLEMENT. 121 BRIEF (A) ACCOUNT of the Causes that have retarded the progress of the Colony of Georgia, in America; attested upon oath. Being a proper contrast to A State of the Province of Georgia... London, 17143. 101 p. -8. Also in Georgia Hist. Soc. Collection, v. 2. BRIEF (A) ACCOUNT of the Jesuits.... tending to establish the danger. of the reviving of that order..London, 1815. 56 p. 80. Pain. v. 344. BRIEF (A) ACCOUNT of the New Sect of Latitude men. Signed S. P. Oxford, 1662. Repr. 15 p. 8~. Pam. v. 322. BRIEF (A) DEFENCE of the Church's belief concerning the answer to Mr. Whiston..London, 1710. 23 p. 8~. Pam. v. 332. BRIEF (A) DISCOURSE of Schism: By a Protestant. By J. Billingsley. London, 1714. 22 p. Pam. v. 340. BRIEF (A) ENQUIRY into leagues and alliances made betwixt princes and nations. 161 - 175 p. 8~. Pam. v. 409. BRIEF (A) EXAMINATION of the Plan and Conduct of the Northern Expedition in America in 1777, and of the surrender of the army under the command of Lieutenant General Burgoyne. Lond. 1779. VWith Bzugoyne's Letter of Oct. 20, 1777, to Lord G. Germaine. 52p. 8o. BRIEF (A) HISTORY of the Succession, collected out of the records and the most authentick historians... London (1683?), 19 p. f0. Pam. v. 1103. BRIEF (A) JUSTIFICATION of the Prince of Orange's descent into England, and of the kingdoms late recourse to arms; with a modest disquisition of what may become the wisdoml and justice of the ensuinz convention in their disposal of the crown. London, 1689. 40 p. 80. Pam. v. 408. BRIEF REFLECTIONS on Sir Richard Steele's large dedication to the Pope... By D. P. M. A. a country curate. London, 1715. 32 p. 80, Pain. v. 343. BRIEF REFLEXIONS on the Correspondence between Lord Grenville and MI. Otto, in Aug. & Sept. 1800. Lond. 1800. 43 p. 8~. Pam. v. 221. BRIEF RELATION of the State of New-England..London, 1689. See Force's Tracts, v. 4; Mass. Hist. Soc. Collections, S. 2, v. 9; Relation. Cat. 1855. BRIEF REMARKS on the Slave Registry bill..,London, 1816. 68 p. 8~. Pam. v. 435. BRIEF REVIEW of....New-England, 1774. See Review. Cat. 1855. BRIEF (A) SKIETCH of various attempts which have been made to diffuse a knowledge of the Holy Scriptures through the medium of the Irish language.~** Dublin, 1818. 143, 16 p. 80. Pam. v. 395. BRIEF STATE of,.. Pennsylvania.. By William Smith, D.D., 1755. See State. Cat. 1855. BRIEF (A) STATE of the Inland or Home Trade of England; and of the oppression it suffers,... from the invasion of hawkers, pedlars,.. London, 1730. 70 p, 80. Pain. v. 445. BRIEF (A) STATEMENT of the Bradford Church-rate case. Lona. 1849, 8~. Paln. v. 328. [SUPPL.] 16 122 GENERAL LIBRARY. BRIEFE (A) TREATISE of Oathes exacted by ordinaries and ecclesiasticall judges, to answere generallie to all such articles or interrogatories as pleaseth them to propound.... 56 p. 80, last leaves wanting. Pam. v. 600. BRIEF (A) TREATISE on the Police of the City of New-York. By a Citizen. By Charles Christian. N.York, 1812. 33 p. 80. Pam. v. 199. BRIEF van de Weleerwaarde Classis van Amsterdam, aan de Weleerwaarde Vergaderinge van Predikanten en Ouderlingen der Herformde Kerken in de Provincien van Nieuw-York en Nieuw-Jersey. Nieuw-York Gedrukt by John Holt...1772. iii, 5 p. 80. -BRIEF VIEW of the Policy and Resources of the United States... By Robert Hare, Ml-D. Philadelphia, 1810. 133 p. 8~. Pam. v. 1. B. C. BRIEVEN VAN CANDIDUS, beti'effende den sehryver en inhoud van zeker geschrift, getiteld: Politiek Vertoog over her waar Systhema van de Stad Amsterdam...: benevens consideratien over den tegenwoordigen Oorlog, en't voorgevallene in de jaaren 1777 - 80.... ~ ~ Amsterdam, 1782, 83. 3 v. 8~. BRIGGS, C. F.. The Story of the Telegraph, and a history of the great Atlantic cable...and biographical sketches of the principal persons connected with the great work. By Charles F. Briggs and Augustus Maverick...New-York, 1858. 12". BRIGGS, Rev. George W. A Discourse, Autumnal Unitarian Convention, Salem, Mass. Oct. 20, 1847. Boston, 1847. 80. Pam. v. 105. BRIGHT (Edward), of Malden. The True Portraiture of... London. Newsp. v. 16. BRIGHT, John M. Speech..against Know-nothingism, at Flat Creek, Bedford Co. Nashville, Tenn. 1855, 32 p. 8". Pam. v. 527. BRIGHT, Jonathan B. The Brights of Suffolk, England; represented in America by the descendants of Henry Bright jr., who came to New-England in 1630 and settled in Watertown, Mass, Boston,!1858. xvii, 345 p. 8. BRIGHTON, Mass. 16th Report of school committee, 1853, 54. Cambridge, 1854. 8". Pam. v. 552. BRIND, George. The Philosophy of Vegetation.... with prescribed Rules for Practice on a variety of soils..With original poetry. Albany, 1857. 39 p. 80. Pam. v. 255. BRINE, John. An Antidote against a spreading antinomian principle. New edition. London, 1827. 40 p. 8~. Pam. v. 305. BRINK, A. Over den lsten Brief von den Apos, Joannes. Amsterdam, 1806. 8~. BRINK, R. A. ten. Een Christen... en een Gelovige...En een levensbeschrijvinge... door C. Moltzer. Utrecet, 1784, 5. 2 v. in 1. 8~. BRINInKMAN, Corn. Beknopte Opheldering van eenige plaatsen nit het Nieuwe Testament..Dordrecht, Utrecht, 1776 - 85. 5 parts in 2 v. 8".- See also Ferr6, H. BRINLEY, Francis. Life of W. T. Porter. N.York, 1869. 273 p. 12~. BRINTON, Daniel G. Notes on the Floridian Peninsula; its literary history, indian tribes and antiquities. Phil'a, 1859. 202 p. 12~. FIRST SUPPLEMENT. 123 BRISBANE, William H1. Slaveholding examined in the light of the Holy Bible. New-York (1847) 18'. BRISSOTt DE WARVILLE, J. P. The Commerce of America with Europe, particularly with France and Great Britain, comparatively stated and explained: Shewin g the importance of the American revolution to the interests of France, and pointing out the actual situation of the United States of North America in retard to trade, manufactures and population. By J. P. Brissot de Warville and Etienne Claviare. Translated from the last French edition, revised by Brissot, and called the second volume of his View of America. With the Life of Brissot, and an appendix, by the translator. NewYork, 1795. Portrait. xxxv, 228 p. 120~. BRISTOL (Eng.) TOTAL-ABSTINENCE SOCIETY. Address.... Bristol, 1838. 80. Pain. v. 291. BRISTOW, Rev. T. S. Nonconformity recommended: A Discourse on the persecutions to which dissenting christians are exposed..Liverpool, 1817. 8~. Pain. v. 320. BRITISHt ALMANAC. AND COMPANION, for 1854 - 59. Lond. 6 v. 12~. — For 1833. Aim. v. 27. BRITISH AMERICAN LEAGUE. Minutes of the Proceedings of a Convention of the... held at Kingston (Canada West), 25th - 31st of July 1849. Kington, 1848. 8~. Pain. v. 260. BRITISH and FOREIGN ANTI-SLAVERY SOCIETY. 4th, 5th, 6th Annual Reports. London, 1843, 44, 45. In 1 v. 8~0 BRITISHt AND FOREIGN BIBLE SOCIETY. Reports, 3d, 1807; 6th, 1810, to the 16th, 1820. 5 v.- 5th, 1809; 22d, 1826; 26th to the 34th, 1830 - 38; 53d, 1857. 3 v. London. 8 v. 80~. Catalogue of the Library. London, 1857. 329 p. 8~. The Speech of Thomas Lister, esq.... Auxiliary British and Foreign Bible Society for the County of Stafford. Stafford, 1812. 8~. Pamn. v. 219. BRITISH (The) AND FOREIGN MEDICAL REVIEW, or Quarterly Journal of Practical Medicine and Surgery. Edited by John Forbes...and John Conolly. Vol. 1 - 18. London, 1836 - 44. 18 v. 8~. BRITISIHt AND FOREIGN MEDICO-CHIRURGICAL REVIEW or Quarterly Journal of Practical Medicine and Surgery. Vol. 14 - 23. July 1854 - April 1859. London. 10 v. 8~. BRITISH AND FOREIGN SCHOOL SOCIETY. Report, July 2, 1818; with an appendix. London, 1818. 80. Pam. v. 216. BRITISH AND FOREIGN TEMPERANCE ADVOCATE AND HERALD. A monthly periodical. Vol. I, II. Jan. 1834 - June 1835. London. I v. 120. BRITISH AND FOREIGN TEMPERANCE SOCIETY. 2d An. meeting, 1832. London. 44 p. 120. Pain. v. 630. BRITISH ARCHAEOLOGICAL ASSOCIATION. Journal. March, 1844. London. 8~. Pain. v. 401. BRITISIt ASSOCIATION FOR THE ADVANCEMENT OF SCIENCE. Report of the 25th Glasgow, 1855. London, 1856.- 27th Meeting, Dublin, 1857. London, 1858. 2 v. 80. 124 GENERAL LIBRARY. BRITISH (The) CRITIC, a New Review...Vol. I, 1793 - Vol. 42, 1813. London, 42 v.-New series, 1814-18. London, 9 v.- General index. Vol. I- xx, 1804; Vol. xxI - XLII, 1815. In 1 v. 52 v. 80. BRITISH ( The) MAGAZINE, and Monthly Register of Religious and Ecclesiastical information, parochial history, and documents respecting the state of the poor, progress of education, &c. Vol. IXVIII. London, 1832 - 40. 18 v. 80~. BRITISHt MUSEUM. A Catalogue of the duplicate books, coins and medals.... which will be sold by auction.... March 6, 1788.Catalogue of duplicates...sold...1818.- Catalogue of duplicates..sold..1832. London. 171, 115, 98 p. In 1 v. 80. — With prices for 1788. A List of the Books of reference in the reading-room of the British Iuseum. London, 1859. xxxi, 413 p. 8~. Synopsis of the Contents, 49th edition. London, 1846. 178 p. - New reading-room and libraries, 1857. 16 p. — A Guide to the drawings and prints exhibited to the public... 1856. 32 p. London. In 1 v. 120. - List of the Brit. Museum publications. London. 8 p.- Prices of casts from ancient marbles, bronzes, etc. in the British Museum. London. 13 p. Pam. v. 470. Catalogus Biblioth. Regi.s. See George III. BRITISH POETS. Cabinet Edition of the British Poets... London, Bohn, 1851. 4 v. 12~0. Contents VOL. 1: -Milton, Cowper, Akenside, Goldsmith, Thomson, Falconer, Collins, Gray and Somerville. VOL. 2: II.K.White, Burns, Beattie, Gray, Shenstone, Butler'sHudibras and Byron's select works. VOL. 3 I:. More, Pope, Waatts, ITayley, Mason, Prior, Grahame, Logan. VOL. 4: Dr yden, Lyttleton, Hammond, Charlotte Smith, Richardson, Bloomfield, Gifford, Canning. BRITISH SOCIETY for promoting the religious principles of the Reformation. Tracts, N~s 1, 7 - 15, 17 - 21, 23. In 1 v. 180~. Short Tracts, Ns 4, 8 - 11, 13, 15, 25.- Three Letters to Rev. Mr. Martyn, Priest of Walsall, etc. etc. In 1 v. 180~. BRITISH SPIRITS. Comments upon the Evidence affecting the spirit trade, given before the Comm. of the H. of Commons, upon sugar and coffee planting. By a Scotchman. London, 1848. 82 p. 8~. Pam. v. 415. BRITISH UNION SOCIETY [established to procure equal rights]. Constitution. London, 1797. 11 p. 120. Pam. v. 617. BRITISH WEST INDIA COLONIES. An Abstract of the... statutes for the protection and government of slaves. London, 1830. 43 p. 8". Pam. v. 437. BRITTAN, S. B. A Discourse on War..Albany, 1847. 8~. Pam. v. 288. BRITTON, John. Westminster Palace. See Brayley, E. W. BROAD ( The) GAUGE the bane of the Great Western Railway company...By ~ s. d. 3d edition. London, 1846. 57 p. 8~. Pam. v. 428. FIRST SUPPLEMENT. 125 BROAD-STREET BAPTIST CHURCH, Philadelphia. Report of the Board of Trustees, Jan. 30, 1854. Philadelphia, 1854. 80. Pam. v. 231. BROADBENT, William. Sermon, Unitarian Chapel, London: Rom. i, 16. London, 1816. 80. Pam. v. 316. BROADLEY, Thomas. An Essay on the internal evidence of the religion of Moses... Cambridge, 1805. 68 p. 8'. Pam. v. 335. BROADSHEETS of Trades, Museums, etc. See Newsp. v. 16. BROADSIDE (A) into Parker and the Politicians. No 1, 2. 1858. Albany. See Newsp. v. 16. BROADWAY JOURNAL. — Period. Vol. 1, N~ 1, Jan. 4, 1845, to Vol. 2, N~ 24, Dec. 27, 1845: C. F. Briggs, E. A. Poe, H. C. Watson, Editors. New-York City. 2 v. in 1. 40~. Wants N~ 8 in v. 1, and others in v. 2. BROADWAY RAILWAY ASSOCIATION. Petition and Remonstrance of J. Sharp.... (1854?). 43 p. 8~.- Facts which were presented by citizens of N.Y....relative to... 4 p. 80. Pam. v. 544. BRocI, Rev. William. A Biographical Sketch of Sir Henry Havelock, K.C.B. New-York, 1858. 180. BROCKETT ( J. T.), esq. Catalogue of Library of:... auction. Lond. 1828. P. III. Pai. v. 94. BROCKPORT COLLEGIATE INSTITUTE, N.Y. Catalogue, 1853. Buffalo, 1854. 8~. Pam. v. 212. BRODBELT, Rev. George C. Original Essays on miscellaneous subjects in religion. London, 1796. xvi, 119 p. 8~. Pani. v. 338. BRODHEADt, John Romeyn. History of the State of New-York, 1609 - 64. 2d edition. New-York, 1859. 801 p. 8~. Addresses of John Romeyn Brodhead, esq., and.... Governor Horatio Seymour, delivered before the Clinton Hall Association and Mercantile Library Association... in commnemoration of the removal of the library to Astor Place. New-York, 1854. 80. Pam. v. 100. BRODIE ( B. C.), V.P.R.S. Pathological and Surgical Observations on the diseases of the joints. Washington, 1834. 80. Pam. v. 210. imp. BROECKE, Pieter van den. Korte Historiael ende Journaelsche Aen-.teyckeninghe, van al'tgheen merickwaerdick vQorgevallen is in de langhduerighe reysen, soo nae Cabo Verde, Angola... Oost Indien... Haerlem,63x, 1634. x 163 p. ob. 80. BROGRAVE, Robert. Sermon, Hampton Court, May 12, 1689: AMalt. v, 69. London. 4~. Pami. v. 361. BROMWELL, William J. History of Immigration to the United States, exhibiting the number.... of passengers arriving.... from Sep. 30, 1819, to Dec. 31, 1855. Compiled entirely from official data. With...progress...of immigration...prior to 1819; and an appendix, containing the naturalization and passenger laws.. Redfield, NewYork, 1856. 80~. BR,6NDSTED, P. O. A Brief Description of thirty-two Ancient Greek painted vases, lately Vulci in the Roman territory, by Mr. Campanari.. London, 1832. 104 p. 80. Pam. v. 401. BRONT_, Charlotte. Jane Eyre: An Autobiography. Edited by Currer Bell. New-York, 1857. 12~. 126 GENERAL LIBRARY. BRONTE, Charlotte: --- Shirley: A Tale. By Currer Bell. New-York, 1850. 8~. BROOK, Benjamin. The Lives of the Puritans; containing a Biographical Account of those divines who distinguished themselves in the cause of religious liberty from the reformation under Queen Elizabeth, to the act of uniformity in 1662. London, 1813. 3 v. 8~. BROOKE, Edward. Bibliotheca Legum Anglive. Part II. See Worrall, J. BROOKEt, Sir James. A Vindication of his character and proceedings, in J. Hume, esq. London, 1853. 64 p. Pam. v. 434. BROOKES (R.), M.D. The General Gazetteer, or Compendious Geographical Dictionary.... containing a description of....the known world..... remarkable places,.. as also the sieges undergone, and the battles fought near them.., *~ 5th edition. London, 1782. 80. BROOKLINEt, Mass. By-laws, 1847. Boston, 1855.- List of Taxes assessed for.... 1855,-57. -Boston, 1856, 58. 31, 35 p. 80.- Treasurer's Report of receipts and expenditures, 1856, 58. Boston. 8~. Pam. v. 476. Report of the School Committee. Boston, 1846, 56, 58. 8~. Pam. v. 552. BROOKLINE ( MASS.) GAS-LIGHT COMPANY: Rules. Boston, 1853. 12~. Pain. v. 618. BROOKL1YN, N.Y. the Legislature... against...Act in relation to local assessments, 1858. 12 p. 8~. Pam. v. 530.: WATER. Water Loan Proposals, New-York, Aug. 11, 1857; Report of Water Committee,etc. 1856; Debate in Common Council on the Water question, Jan. 21, 1853. 80. Pam. v. 236. BROOKLYN ATHENAEUM and READING Room. Second Annual Report, Jan. 9, 1855. 8&'. Pam. v. 209. BROOKLYN Atlantic-street Railroad assessment: In the matter of... Assembly bill, N~ 177. 1:58. 12 p. 8'. Pam. v. 544. BROOKLYN CITYi and KINGS COUNTY RECORD: A Budget of general information; with a mnap of the city. Published by W. H. Smith, 1855. 12S. BROOKLYN CITY HOSPITAL, and the Address of J. C. Hutchinson, M.D.... Brooklyn, 1859. 39 p. 80. Pam. v. 506. BROOKLYN COLLEGIATE and POLYTECHNIC INSTITUTE. Cat. 1858. Pam. v. 456. BROOKLYN DIRECTORIES. Smith's Brooklyn Directory for the year ending May 1, 1856.... Brooklyn, W. HI Smith, compiler, 1855. 8~. For 1857 - 8. Compiled by J. Lain; to May 1, 1858. Brooklyn. 80. BROOKLYN HEIGHTS SEMINARY. Catalogue, 1854, 55, 56. Pam. v. 247, 459. BROOKLYN YOUNG MEN'S CHRISTIAN ASSOCIATION. Fourth, Fifth Report. Brooklyn, 1858, 1859. 8". Pam. v. 224. BRooKTst, Charles. History of the Town of Medford, Middlesex county, Massachusetts, from its first settlement in 1630, to the present time, 1855. Boston, 1855. 8~. FIRST SUPPLEMENT. 127 A Statement of Facts from each Denomination in New-England, respecting minister's salaries..Boston, 1854. 24 p. 8~. Pam. v. 564. BROOKSt, Erastus. Speech, at Hartford, Connecticut, July 8, 1856. 8~. Pam. v. 537. Speech on the Church Property bill, N.Y. Senate, 1855. 11 p.Speech, on the Lemmon Case, Secret Societies, etc., N.Y. Senate, Feb. 7, 8, 13, 1855. 15 p. 80. Pam. v. 193, 530. ----- Speech, N.Y. Senate, Apr. 6, 1857. See Trin. Church Pam. v. 4. BROOKS ( James),. of N.Y. Reciprocity discussed: Trade with England and her colonies. Speech, U.S. H. of R. 1850. Washington. Pam. v. 487. Speech, U.S. H. of R., May 17, 1850, on Claim of Heirs of G. Galphin.- Speech.... Jan. 4, 1853, Cuban affairs: Reply to Mr. Polk. Pam. v. 193, 487. Speech, H. of R., on the Deficiency bill, 1852. Paml. v. 193, 487. ----:Report upon Coinage and Seigniorage, U.S. H. of R. Washington, 1852. 8t. Pam. v. 199. ---- ]Defence of Pres. Fillmore.... at Cincinnati, May 30, 1856. 80. Pam. v. 537. BROOKSt, James G. The Rivals of Este, and other poems. By James G. Brooks and Mary E. Brooks. New-York, 1829. 260 p. 120. BROOKS, J. W. Report. See Michigan Central Railroad. [BROOKs, 7Maria]. See Judith, a poem. 1820. BROOKS, Mary E. Poems. See Brooks, James G. BROOKS, Nathan C. First Lessons in Latin.... as an Introduction to Ross' Latin Grammar..Baltimore. 2d edition. Philadelphia, 1846. 234 p. 18~. A Complete History of the Mexican War; its causes, conduct and consequences; comprising an account of the various military and naval operations... to the Treaty of Peace....Illustrated... Philadelphia, 1849. 80~. BROOKS, W. A. Proposed Asylum harbour and Naval station at Redcar on the Coast of Yorkshire.... to be called Port William.... London, 1834. 54 p. 80. Pam. v. 426. BRooM, Jacob. Address, Castle Garden, Feb. 22, 1854, before the Orcler of United Americans..N. York, 1854. 19 p. 8". Pam. v. 532. BROTHERHOOD OE THE PROTESTANT EPISCOPAL CHURCH. Journal of the Proceedings of a Convention of the Mutual Benefit Societies or Brotherhoods of the P.E.C. of the U.S..... New-York, 1l53.Journal of the Proceedings of the General Convention.... N.York, 1854. 80. Pam. v. 542. Proceedings of Brotherhoods: Albany, New-York, Philadelphia, 1853 - 56. 120. Pam. v. 622. BROTHERSt, Richard, A Revealed Knowledge of the prophecies and times (particularly the present time), the present war, and the prophecy now fulfilling the year of the world 5913.- Book the First: Wrote under the direction of the Lord God, and published by his sacred command... containing... the Restoration of the Hebrews 128 GENERAL LIBRARY. to Jerusalem by the year 1798...- Book the Second: Containing...... the sudden and perpetual fall of the Turkish, German and Russian empires... Albany, 1796. 211 p. — ith, Testimony of the Authenticity of the N. B. Halhed. Albany, 1796. 41 p.; and, A Calculation of the Commencement of the N. B. Halhed, &e. &c. 27 p. In 1 v. 18~. ----- A Revealed Knowledge of the prophecies and times...Book the Second.... London, 1794. 93 p. 8'. Pam. v. 310. BROUGHABIt, Henry, Lord. A Letter to Sir S. Romilly....upon the abuse of charities. 2d ed. London, 1818. 67 p. 8". Pam. v. 429. Inaugural Discourse....Rector of Univ. of Glasgow. Glasgow, 1825. 80. Pam. v. 452. ---- Opinion of: on Negro slavery. London, 1830. 23 p. 8~. Pam. v. 437. - Speech, H. of Lords, Oct. 7, 1831: Second reading of the Reform bill. London. 8". Pam. v. 439. Letter to Mr. Bulwer, 1834. See Bulwer, Sir E. Reply to Lord John Russell's Letter to the Electors of Stroud, on the principles of the reform act. 4th ed. London, 1839. 36 p. 8~. Pam. v. 416. BROUGHTON, John. Sermon before H. iM., Sept. 29, 1706: Ec. viii, 11. London. 8-'. Pam. v. 363. BROUGHITON, Thomas. Christianity distinct from the religion of nature, in answer to...Christianity as old as the creation. Part I, II, III. London, 1732. 50, 39, 52 p. 8o. Pam. v. 332. BROUGHTON, WVm G. A Letter to a Friend, touching the question " Who was the author of EIKQ2N BAEIAJIKH." London, 1826. 92 p. 8~. Pam. v. 395. BRoUSSAISt, F. J. V. IIistoire des Phlegmasies on inflammations chroniques.... Paris, 1808. 2 v. 8~. BROUWER, Petrus. De XXVyte Psalm, etc. in Leerredenen. Dordrecht, 1769. 632 p. 8~. - Leerredenen over Paulus Brieven aan Timotheus. Dordrecht, 1775. 78. 2 v. 80. BROWN'S PATENT FUMIGATOR. Remarks on fumigating horticultural and agricultural crops. London, 1851. 12 p. Pamn. v. 430. BROWN (Albert G.), of Mississippi. Speech, U.S. Sen., on the Slavery question, Dec. 22, 1856. 30 p. 8o. Pam. v. 561. [ BROWNt, Charles B.]. See Address'to the Government of the U.S. on the Cession of Louisiana, 1803. Cat. 1855. BROWNt, David Paul. The Forum; or Forty Years full practice at the Philadelphia bar.'" Philadelphia, 1856. 2 v. 8~. BROWNt, Rev. Isaac V. Biography of the Rev. Robert Finley, D.D., of Baskiung-Ridge, N.J. 2d edition, enlarged.... of the American Colonization Society. With an appendix. Philadelphia, 1857. 336 p. 12. ----- A Historical Vindication of the Abrogation of the plan of union by the Presbyterian Church in the United States of America. Philadelphia, 1855. 325 p. 8~. FIRST SUPPLEMENT. 129 BROWN, Jacob. War of 1812: Two letters. Newsp. slips. Pam. v. 502. BROWNt, James. A Lecture on Education: Mechanics' and Manufacturers' Association, Oswego, July 12, 1841. 80. Pam. v. 216. BROWN, James B. Views of Canada and the Colonists, embracing the experience of an eight years' residence:..Second edition..enlarged. Edinburgh...1851. 180. [BROWNt, Rev. John, D.D., Vicar of Newcastle]. A Letter to the Rev. Dr. Lowth, occasioned by his late letter to of the Divine Legation....Newcastle-upon-Tyne, 1766. 44 p. 80. Pam. v. 352. Sermon, Consecration: Externals in Religion: John iv, 23. London, 1753. 8~. Pam. v. 370. Sermon, Insurrection at Hexham: 1 Cor. xii, 24, 25. London, 1761. 80. Pam. v. 371. BROWN (John), Prof. Associate Synod. A Compendious History of the British Churches in England, Scotland, Ireland and America; with an introductory sketch of the history of the Waldenses, and an historical account of the secession.... and life of the author, by the Rev. Tho. Brown. Edinburgh, 1823. 2 v. 8~, BROWN, J. H. Hobart. Sermon preached at the Burial of Thomas Powell, esq. Newburgh, N. Y. 1856. 36 p. 80,~. Pain, v, 494. [ BROWN, Rev. John W.]. Michael Agonistes; or the Contest of the Spirits: A song of the Church Catholic.-*" New-York, 1843. 95 p. 120. Pam. v. 620. BROWN, R. An Argument in Defence of the Principle of the Navigation laws..,a Speech.,.Bishopwearinouth, 1847. 32 p. 80. Pain. v. 426. BROWNt, Samuel R. An Authentic History of the' Second War for independence.... Auburn, 1815p 228, 96, 264, 129 p. 2 v. 120. L BROWNt, Tho., M.D.]. See Paradise of Coquettes, a Poem. BROWNt, Capt. Tho. The Taxidermist's Manual..15th edition. London, 1859. 150 p. 18~. BROWN, Thomas N: Labor and Triumph: The life and times of Hugh Miller.*** London, 1858. 320 p, 180, BROWN (Win.), F.R.S.E. An Address to Students.,. at the first of a series of meetings conducted by the Medical Missionary Society. Edinburgh, 1854. 18~. Pam. v. 405. BROWN, William A. The Harp of Nature: A Book of Poems.... Utica, 1846. 110 p, 180. Pain, v. 616. BROWN, Win. H. Memoir of the late Hon. Daniel P. Cook, read before the Chicago Hist. Society... Chicago, 1857. 80. Pam. v. 494. BROWN, W. S. Treatise on the Human Teeth..,Albany, 1847. 16 p. 8~. Pam. v. 271, 516. BROWNt UNIVERSITY. Catalogue, 1840, 47.- Laws, 1851. Pam. v. 481.- Catalogue, 1842, 43. Providence, 1842. 80. Pam. v. 157. Report to the Corporation...on changes in the system of collegiate education.. Providence, R.I. 1850. 76 p. Pam. v. 481. [ SUPPL] 17 130 GENERAL LIBRARY. BROWN UNIVERSITY: - Report of the Committee of the Corporation....appointed to raise a fund of 125,000 dollars. Providence, 1851. 16 p. Paim. v. 481. BROwNEt, D. J. Memoir on Maize. See Barlow, Joel: Hasty Pudding. BROWN-E, Geo. M. Remarks, Massachusetts Legislature, 1857, on the Kansas Resolves. 8 p. 8~. Pain. v. 561. BROWNE (Joseph), M.D. Proceedings of the Corporation of N.York, on supplying the city with pure and wholesome water; with a Memoir of J. Browne, M.D. on the same subject. New-York, 1799. 29 p, 8~. Pam. v. 199. BROWNELL, Charles De W~olf. The Indian Paces of North and South America; comprising an account of the principal aboriginal races.. With colored... illustrations. Boston....1854. 8". BROWNELLt ( Bp. Thomas C.), D.D. LL.D. Christian Zeal: A Sermon, General Convention of the Prot. Epis. Church in the U.S. of America, Philadelphia, August 12, 1829. N.York, 1829. 8~. Pam. v. 288. BROWNING, Elizabeth Barrett. Aurora Leigh. New-York, 1857. 120. The Poems...A new edition. New-York, 1858. 2 v. 12~. BROWNING, Robert. Men and Women. Boston, 1856. 18~. BRowNLOW, W. G. Ought American Slavery to be perpetuated? A Debate between Rev. WV. G. Brownlow and Rev. A. Prynne, held at Philadelphia, 1858. 305 p. 12~. BaOWNSON'St (O. A.) QUARTERLY. REVIEW. Third Series. V. III, Jan. - Oct. 1855. Boston.- New Series. V. I - IV, 1856 - 59. NewYork. 5 v. 8~. The Rich against the Poor: The laboring classes..From Boston Quar. Rev. New-York (1840). 23 p. 80. Pam. v. 513. BRUCE, George. See New-York and Erie Railroad Co. BRUCEt ( James), F.R.S. Travels to Discover the Source of the Nile, in the years 1768, 69, 70, 71, 72 and 73. 2d edition... To which is prefixed a Life of the Author...Edinburgh, 1805. 7 v. 8~, and vol. 8, containing the plates and maps. 8 v. 8~. BRUcE, Wm. D. An Account of the present deplorable state of the ecclesiastical courts of record... London, 1854. 49 p. 80. Pani. v. 416. BRUHL, F. L., Graaf Von. De Burgemeester, tooneelspel, gevolgd naar het Hoogduitsch van den IHeer Graaf Von Bruhl, Gouverneur van...den Kroonprins van Pruissen. Te Amsteldam, 1789. 180~. BRUIN, Claas. Het Leven van den Apostel Paulus in dichtmaat... Te Amsteldam, 1734. 271lp. 18~. BRUMOY, Pierre. The Greek Theatre of Father Brumoy. Translated by Mrs. Charlotte Lennox... London..1759. 3 v. 4~. BRUN, M. Manuel Pratique et A-brdg6 de la typographie francaisc.., Paris, 1825. 232 p. 180. FIRST SUPPLEMENT. 131 Kurzes Practisches Handbuch der Buchdruckerkunst in Frankreich. Mit Zusditzen... begleitet von W. Hasper. Carlsruhe und Baden, 1828. 252 p. 8~. BRUNCIc, 11r. le Profj CCatalogue Bibliothecque de feu..dont la vente aura lieu 21 Mars 1853...Paris..1853. 171 p. 8~. BRUNE, G~e. G. M. A. M6moires Historiques sur la Campagne du G6n6ral en chef Brune en Batavie, du 5 Fruetidor An 7, au 9 Frimaire Al 8: RI6diges par un Officier de son Etat-najor. A Paris, An IX (1800 - 1). 115 p. 8~. BRUNET, Claude. Le Progres de la MeSdecine, contenaunt un recueil de tout ce qui s'observe de singulier par rapport a sa theorie & et' sa pratique; avee un jugement sur toutes sortes d'ouvrages de physiq~ue....Pour l'Ann6e 1697...A Paris,...1698. 18~. BRUNETt, Jacques Ch. Recherches Bibliographiques et Critiques sur les 6ditions originales des cinq livres du Roman satirique de Rabelais: et sur les diffrfences de texte qui se font remarquer dans le premier livre du Pantagruel et dans le Gargantua... et le texte original des grandes et inestimables Croniques de Gargantua..Paris.. 1852. 144, 58 p. in 1 v. 80. BRUNINGS, P. F. De Krijgsstand en de Krijgsman...IKampen, 1857. 138 p. 180. BRUNSIKILL, Stephen. Thoughts on the Divinity and Sonship of Jesus Christ...Liverpool (1815). 40 p. 8~. Pam. v. 304. BRUNSON, Alfred. Communication.... relative to his Travels in the Northwestern wilderness of Wisconsin. Leg. Doct. Dec. 19, 1843. 12 p. 8~. Pam. v. 500. Prairie du Chien: Its present position and future prospects... Milwaukee, 1857. 12 p. 12~. BRuNswIcK, Germany. Aufnahmekarte: Detail-Programm fur die XX Versamnmlung Deutscher Land- und Forstwirthe..iihrer durch die Stadt Braunschweig, 1858. 18~. BnuNswclu (The): A Poem. In three cantos.~** London, 1829. 108 p. 8S. Pam. v. 397. BRUNSWICK and FLORIDA RAILROAD CO., Ga. Report of the President... Proceedings... Ann. Meeting, May 3, 1855. To which are added the Rep. of the Secretary of the Navy, on Brunswick Harbor, and the charter. New-York, 1855. 8~. Pam. v. 256. [BRUYs, Francois]. See Histoire des Papes. 1732. BuY, Joh. Theodore, and J. I. De. [A Collection of Voyages and Travels: Alerica, 13 parts, by T. De Bry, and the East Indies, 12 parts...In Latin]. Bound in 5 large vol. fP and 5 small vol. f~. 10 v. Contents VOL. I: Historia Americe...continens in xIII dist. partibus... deser..... Indie occid... Accessit elenchus.. et index. Francof., M. Meriani, 1634. Part 1: Hariot's Account of Virginia. Francof. 1590. " Part 2: Le Moyne's Account of Florida. Franc. 1591. VOL. II, Part 3: Stadius' and Lerius' Brazil. Franc. 1592. " Part 4: Benzoni's Discovery of the New World. Franc. 1594. 132 GENERAL LIBRARY. BRY, Joh. Theodore, and J. I. De: VOL. III.Part 5: Benzoni's Cruelties of the Spanish. Franc. 1595. " Part 6: Benzoni's Spanish in Peru. Franc. 1596. " Part 7: Ulric Faber's (Schmidel) South-America. 1599. " Part 8: Drake's, Cavendish's and Raleigh's Voyages. 1599. VOL. IV. Part 9: General Description of the New World; S. De Weert's and 0. Van Noort's Voyages to the Straits of Magellan. Franc. 1602. " Part 10: Amerigo Vespucius' Voyages of 1497 - 1499; Hamor's Account of Virginia; J. Smith's Voyage. Oppenheim, 1619. VOL. V. Part 11: Schouten's, Spilberg's & LeMaire's Voyages. Opp. 1619. " Part 12: Herrera's Description of the New World; Paralipomena, extracted from Acosta. Franc. 1624. " Part 13: Description of New-England, Virginia, Brazil, etc.; I-Iermite's Voyages, etc. Franc., Merian, 1634. VOL. VI. Part 1: Lopez's Account of Congo; Braun's Western Africa. Franc. 1598; App. 1625. " Part 2: Linschot's Voyages to Africa. Franc. 1599. VOL.VII.Part 3: Linschot's Voyages continued; Voyages of the Dutch in the East Indies; of De Veer. Franc. 1601. " Part 4: Linschot's Voyages concluded; Dutch Voyages of 1598, 1599, abridged. Franc. 1601. VoL.vIII. Part 5: Dutch Voyages of 1598, 99, in full. Franc. 1601. " Part 6 Gothard Arthus of Dantzick, Description of Guinea. Franc. 1604. " Part 7: Spilberg's Voyage of 1601, 04; G. Balbi's Voyage, 1579, by Aleppo to Goa and Pegu. Franc. 1606. VOL. IX. Part 8: Voyages of J. Neck, Herm. de Bree, C. Nicolas, C. De Veen, S. de Hagen. Franc. 1607. c" Part 9: P. W. Verhoeven's Voyage; Malay and Malagass dialogues. Franc. 1612, 13. cc Part 10 H. Hudson's Northern Voyage; Abridgment of Linschot; Quiros on the South Seas; Extracts from Herberstein. Franc. 1613. VOL. x. Part 11: Vespucius's Third Voyage; Covert's Voyage, 1607, 08; Description of Spitzbergen. Oppenh. 1619. " Part 12: Gothofried's Compilation of Voyages. 1628. Historia Americc2, Pars II. Brevis Narratio eorum quie in Florida Amnericm provincia Gallis acciderunt, secunda in illaim Navigatione Duce Renato de Laudonniere classis prmefecto: anno 1564..... Auctore Jacobo le Moyne..... Francoforti, 1591.- Indorum Floridam provinciam inhabitantium eicones..(42). Franc. 1591.Libellus sive Epistola supplicatoria.- De quarta Gallorum in Floridam Navigationem svb Govrgvesio, Anno 1567.- Parergon. In 1 v.f~. II Pars Indioe Orientalis in qua Johan Hugonis Lintscotani Navigatio in Orientem, item regna... accurate proponuntur.... Addita sunt passim.D. Paludani annotationes: item icones artificiose in are facta per Joh. Theod. & Joh. Isr. de Bry..Francfordii, ex Officina Wolfgangi Richteri, sMDxcIx.- Writh, Indie Orientalis Pars Octava: Navigationes quinque, Primam a J. Neccio, 1603..; 20 a J. Hermanno De Bree, 1602 - 04; 30 a C. Nicolai..; 40'a C. de Vena; 5~ sub S. de Hagen.... Locorum, Regum... victoriarum FIRST SUPPLEMENT. 133 item a Lusitanis reportatarum, et Araboinve, Tidorisque expugnationis commemoratione addita,.auctore M. Gotardo Arthus Dantiscano. Omnia elegantissimis in aes incisis iconibus illustrata... per Joannem Theod. et Joan. Isr. de Br.y...Francoforti, Anno MDCVII. L Same as Part 8, v. ix above.] Bound in 1 v. fV. Plates wanting. BRYAN, Hugh. Living Christianity Delineated, in the diaries and letters of....Mr. Hugh Bryan and Mrs. Mary Hutson, both of SouthCarolina... London, 1760. 171 p. 12~. BRYAN, Matthew. Sermon. St.Paul's Triumph in his Sufferings for Christ...London, 1692. 4~. Pam. v. 362. BRYAN, Michael. A Biographical and Critical Dictionary of Painters and Engravers...with the ciphers, monograms, and marks used by each engraver, by Michael Bryan. A new edition.... comprising above one thousand additional George Stanley. London, 1849. 938 p. 8~. BRYAN GALLERY or CHRISTIAN ART.... Catalogue. N.York, 1832. 8~. Pam. v. 499. BRYANT, LUSK & STRATTON'S MERCANTILE COLLEGES. Circular and Catalogue, 1854, 57, 59. Cleveland, O., Buffalo, etc. 8~. Pam. v. 458. BRYANTt, William Cullen. Letters of a Traveller in Spain. Second series. New-York, 1859. 12~. BRYDGES, Henry. Sermon, Martyrdom of Charles 1, 1708: Acts vii, 60. London. 8~. Pain. v. 364. BRYDGESt, Sir Samuel Egerton. The British Bibliographer, by Sir Egerton Brydges, K. J. (and Joseph Haslewood). London, 1710 - 14. 4 v. 8~. Restituta; or Titles, Extracts and Characters of old books in English literature revived. By Sir Egerton Brydges, Bart. K.J. M.P. London, 1814 - 16. 4 v. 8~. BRYSON (Alex.), M.D. The Infectious Origin and Propagation of Cholera. London, 1851. 47 p. 8~. Pam. v. 405. BUCHAN'S (Dr.) HUNGARIAN BALSAM OF LIFE. Boston. 80~. Pam. v. 271. BUCHIANANt ( Claudius), D.D. The Star in the East..from a Sermon..for the benefit of the Soc. for Missions to Africa and the East.. Danbury (Conn.), 1810. Repr, 32 p. Pam. v. 453. BUCHANANt (James), President. His Doctrines and Policy, as exhibited by himself and his friends.- Oration by:.. July 4, 1815, at Lancaster.- Ostend Manifesto, etc. 16 p. 8~. Pam. v. 537. BUCHANAN, W. Memoirs on Painting, with a Chronological History of the importation of pictures, by the great masters, into England since the French Revolution.*** Vol. I, II. London, 1824. 2 v. 8~. BUCHERSCHATZ DER DEUTSCHEN NATIONAL-LITTERATUR des xvI und xvII jahrhunderts. Systematisch geordnetes Verzeichniss einer reichhaltigen Sammlung Deutscher Biicher, aus dem zeitraume vom xv bis um die mitte des xvIII jahrhunderts... By Prof. K. Heyse. Berlin, 1854. 186 p. 8~. 134 GENERAL LIBRARY. BUCHNER (Ludwig Andreas) jun. Ueber den Antheil der Pharmacie an der entwickung der chemie, 1849. 20 p. 40. See Konig. Baier. Ak. Reden. v. 5. Buc'Hoz, Pierre J. Manuel de Mb6deeine pratique, royale et bourgeoise; ou Pharmacopee, tir6e des trois regnes, appliqu6e aux maladies des habitans des villes.... A Paris, 1771. 18~. Manuel Alimentaire des Plantes, tant indigenes qu'exotiques, qui peuvent servir de nourriture.... A Paris, 1771. 18~. Manuel Usuel et Economique des Plantes, contenant leurs propri6t6s pour les usages economiques.... A Paris, 1782. 18~. BUCKINGHAMt and CHANDOS, Duke of. Memoirs of the Court of England during the Regency, 1811 - 1820: From original family documents. Vol. I, II. London, 1856. 2 v. 8~. BuCKINGHAMIi t, James Silk. Travels in Mesopotamia: Including a Journey from Aleppo to Bagdad, by the route of Beer, Orfah, Diarbekr, Mardin and Mousul; with Researches on the ruins of Niniveh, Babylon and other ancient cities. London, 1827. 2 v. 8~. National Evils and Practical Remedies; with the plan of a model town.... ** London. 80. Slanders of " Punch." 3d edition...An Address to the Public, on the slanderous articles of certain writers in "Punch," against the Brit. and For. Inst. and its resident director. London (1846). 32 p. 8~. Pam. v. 395. BUCKINGHAlMt, Joseph T. Personal 3Memoirs and Recollections of editorial life. Boston, 1852. 2 v. 12~. BUCKLAND, Francis T. Curiosities of Natural History. 2d edition. London, 1858. 180. BUCKLANDt, William. Sermon: 1 Chron. xvi, 29: Westminster Abbey...reopening...with notes. London, 1848. 8~. Pam. v. 378. BUCKLE, Henry T. History of Civilization in. England. Vol. I. Second edition. London, 1858. 80. BUCKLER (Benjamin). D.D. Religion and Learning, a Sermon: Eph. ii, 21. Oxford, 1759. 8~. Pain. v. 371. BUCIKLEY, J. W. Thanksgiving Sermon: Ps. lxvi, 8; with thanksgiving meditations. London, 1849. 8~. Pami. v. 378. BUCKLEY, Mrs. Maria L. Amanda Willson; or the Vicissitudes of life. New-York, 1856. 40 p. 80~. Pain. v. 496. B ucQUET, Paul. Tableau de la Situation morale et materielle en France des jeunes detenus et des jeunes libe6rs, et Recherches statistiques sur les Colonies agricoles, les Etablissements correctionnels et les Soci6tes de jeunes d6tenus. Paris, 1853. 78 p. 4~. BUDDING1H, D. Jaerboekje voor Hooger, Middelbaar en Lager Onderwijs, mede ten nutte van het Onderwijzers-genootschap. 4e jaargang. Gravenhalge, 1846. 174, 108 p. 12~. - De Kerk, School en Wetenschap in de Vereenigde Staten van Noord-Alrlerika. Utrecht, 1851, 53. 3 v. in 1. 8~. BUDGET ( The). Inscribed to the man who thinks himself minister.' * London, Almon, 1764. 23 p. 4~. Pain. v. 1011. FIRST SUPPLEMENT. 135 BUDIIC, P. A. Vorbereitungsstudien fiir den angehenden Bibliothekar. Wien..1834. 56 p. 8~. BUDINGTON, Rev. Win. I. The History of the First Church, Charlestown, in nine lectures, with notes. Boston, 1845. 258 p. 8~. BUELL (Samuel), D.D. An Account of the late Success of the Gospel in the Province of New-York, North-America; contained in letters from the Rev. Messrs. Buell, Hazard and Prime. Coventry, 1765. 16 p. 8. Sermon, Death of Rev. Charles J. Smith, at Easthampton, L.I. 1770: Ez. x, 10 - 13. New-London, T. Green. viii, 42 p. 8~. imp. Pain. v. 554. BUFFALOt. Revised Charter. Buffalo, 1853. 63 p. Pam. v. 474. By-laws and Ordinances. Buffalo, 1855. 77 p. Pam. v. 474.: EDUCATION. 3d - 10th, 14th, 18th, 20th - 22d Ann. Reports of the Superintendent of Comm. Schools, 1840 - 59. Buffalo. Pam. v. 174, 474.: FIRE MIARSHAL'S 1St Report, for 1858. Buffalo, 1859. Pam. v. 236.: Report of the Harbor Committee, in relation to an increase of harbor facilities... Buffalo, 1847. 54 p. Pam. v. 475. --: HEALTH. Board of Health: Sanitary reports.... for 1854. Buffalo, 1855. 57 p. Pain. v. 501.: HOSPITAL. Report of the Select Committee... of the Marine Hospital lot. Buffalo, 1836. Pam. v. 474.: International Bridge, Report of the Committee of the Common Council upon. Buffalo; 1858. 25 p. 8~. Pam. v. 493..-: Message of the Mayor [ T. T.Lockwood ], 1859. 8~. Pain. v. 474. * —: Annual Statement.. of receipts and expenditures for 1854, 55. Buffalo, 1855, 56. 51, 97 p. Pam. v. 225, 474. ~-: Waterworks Company. Buffalo, 1853. Pam. v. 236. BUFFALO. [Letter from a Consul]. New-York, May 8, 1857. 9 p. 12~. Pami. v. 513. BUFFALO and MISSISSIPPI RAILROAD COMIPANY, and Elkhart and Michigan R.R. Company. Acts of incorporation. Springfield, 1849. 80. Pam. v. 544. BUFFALOt and NEW-YORK CITY RAILROAD CIIARTER, etc. Buffalo, 1851. 8~. Pam. v. 544. BUFFALO and NIAGARA-FALLS RAILROAD. Report. New-York, 1845. 80. Pam. v. 544. BUFFALO and PITTSBURGH RAILROAD COMPANY: Charter, etc. Buffalo, 1853. 80.- Appeal. Buffalo, Jan. 30, 1854. 12~.- Reports of E. R. Blackwell, C. E., with maps. May 1854. Buffalo. 8S. Pam. v. 544. BUFFALO ASSOCIATION FOR THE RELIEF OF THE PooR. Address, by G. W. Hosmer, 1852.- Address, Constitution, 1853. 120. Panm. v. 535. 136 GENERAL LIBRARY. BUFFALO BOARD OF TRADE. Fifth Annual Statement of the trade and commerce of Buffalo for the year 1856.- Sixth Statement... for 1857. By John J. Henderson, Sec'y. Buffalo, 1857, 58. 30, 52 p. 80. Pam. v. 475. BUFFALO COMMERCIAL- ADVERTISER. Annual Review of the Trade and Commerce of Buffalo,..for 1856.- Twentieth, Twenty-first Annual Statement for 1857, 58. Buffalo, 1857, 58, 59. 30, 40, 44 p. 8~. Pam. v. 475. - The Manufactories of Buffalo in 1859. Buffalo, E. R. Jewett, 1859. 46 p. Painm. v. 475. BUFFALO, CORNING and NEW-YORK RAILROAD COMPANY. Statemnent. N.Y. 1852. 8~. Pain. v. 544. BUFFALO DAILY REPURLIC. Annual Review of the trade, commerce and manufactures of Buffalo for 1854. By David Wentworth. Buffalo, 1855. 44 p. 8~. Pam. v. 475. BUFFALOt DIRECTORIES. A Directory for the Village of Buffalo, containing the names and residence of the heads of families and householders in said village on the first of Jan, 1828. To which is added a sketch of the history of the village from 1801 to 1828. Buffalo, Pub. by L. P. Crary, 1828. 55 p, 18~. - The Commercial Advertiser Directory for the City of Buffalo. Buffalo, Thomas & Lathrops, 1855, 56, 57, 58. 4 v. 8~. BUFFALO FEMALE ACADEMY. Circular and Catalogue, 1852, 53, 56, 57, 58. Pam. v. 459.- Proceedings ist Annual Commencement, July 1852. Buffalo. Pam. v. 217. BUFFALO GAS LIGHT COMIPANY. Rules and Regulations for the introduction of gas.. Buffalo, 1848; Buffalo, 1852:- Revised, 1855. Buffalo, 1855. Pam. v. 474. BUFFALO- GENERAL HOSPITAL. Articles of Association, 1855. Buffalo, 1856.- Dedicatory exercises.. Buffalo, 1858. 8~. Pam. v. 506. BUFFALO HORTICULTURAL SOCIETY. Constitution, Exhibition, 1845. Address by Hon. G. W. Clinton. Buffalo, 1846. Pam. v. 198.- Report, 1847; Sixth report for 1852. Buffalo, 1848, 52. 8~. Pain. v. 505. BUFFALO JUVENILE. ASYLUM. Act to incorporate,. Buffalo, 1856. 8~. Pam. v. 535. BUFFALO ORPHAN ASYLUMS. Report, 1843, 53 - 4, 54 - 5. Buffalo, 8~. Pam. v. 535. BUFFALO PRESBYTERY. Alleged Relations of the American Board of C. F. Missions to slavery examined. By a Committee of Presbytery. Buffalo, 1845. 32 p. 12~. Pam. v. 626. BUFFALo TRUST COMPANY. Charter and By-laws,,,.Buffalo, 1852. 8~. Pami. v. 474. BUFFALO, WARREN and ST.LoUIs RAILROAD, Preliminary Report,.. Buffalo, 1854. Map. 8~. Pam. v. 544. BUFFON (Georges Louis Leclerc, Comnte de), and L. J. Md. DAUBENTON... Histoire naturelle, g6nerale et particuliere, avec la Description du Cabinet du Roi. Paris, 1750 - 83. 23 v.- S..ppliments to vol. 1 - 6. 6 v.-29 v. 40. Contents: FIRST SUPPLEMENT. 137 Theorie de la Terre. V. 1, 2, and Supp. v. 1, 2 & 5 (1774, 75, 78). Descriptions anatomiques, par Daubenton; IIistoire de l'Homme. 1750. V. 3. Description du Cabinet du Roi: Quadrupedes. 1753 - 67. V. 4 - 15 Suppl6ments, 1777, 82. V. 4 & 6. IIistoire naturelle des Oiseaux, 1770 - 81. V, 16 - 23 (v. 1 - 8). The Natural History of Oviparous Quadrupeds and Serpents. Arranged and published from the papers and collections of the Count de Buffon, by the Count De La Cepede.... In four volumes.... Translated by Robert Kerr... Edinburgh, 1802. 4 v. 8~. BuGG, G. Farewell Sermon, Lutterworth, Dec. 30, 1818: Dismissal from his curacy: 1 Pet. iv, 19. London, 1819. 8~. Pam. v. 377. BUILDERS' ASSOCIATION. Statement of the Master Builders of the metropolis...on the subject of the Trades' Unions. London, 1834. 16 p. 80. Pam. v. 429. BUILDING SOCIETY Of the District of Dalhousie: Prospectus. Bytown, Canada. 1848. 8 p. 8~. Pam. v. 520. BuIs, J. See Maatschappij,'Tot nut, etc. [BULGARIAN PRIMERa; and, CATECHISM in the Sclavonian]. 42 p. With, Tract on Temperance in Bulgarian. Smyrna. 120~. BULKELEY ( Benjamin), D.D. Sermon, Insufficiency of reason: Josh. v, 13. Oxford, 1731. 8~. Pam. v. 368. BULKELEY, Gershom. The People's Right to election or alteration of government in Connecticut argued... Philadelphia, 1689. See Con. Hist. Soc. Collections, v. 1. BULKLEY, Charles. Sermon, Death of James Foster, D.D.: John v, 35. London, 1753. 8~. Pam. v. 381. Observations upon Natural Religion and Christianity, candidly proposed in a review of the discourses lately published by the Bishop of London. London, 1757. 96 p. 80. Pan. v. 337. BULLETIN DU BIBLIOPHILE, publie par J, Techener; avec Notes de MM....Brunet, Chalon, Delmotte, Duplessis.., Et Notices bibliographiques, philologiques et litteraires, par Ch.Nodier (et P. Paris). 1834- 35, 1i" serie, 1 v.; 1836 - 37, 2me erie, 1 v.; 1838 - 39, 3re s6rie, 1 v.; 1840 - 41, 4me s6rie, 1 v.; 1842, 5me s6rie, 1 v.; 1843, 44, 6me serie, 1 v.; 1845, 46, 7me serie, 1 v.; 1847, 48, 8"e serie, 1 v.- 10ol serie, 1852. Paris, 1834 - 48, 52. Bound in 12 v. 8~. BULLIONSt (Peter), D.D. The Principles of Latin Grammar.... for the use of colleges and academies. New-York..1843. 12~. Greek Grammar, No title page. 12~. Progressive Exercises in analysis and parsing. N.Y. 1852. 180~. BULLOCKS, Rev. Thomas. [WTritings collected] in 1 v. 80. Contents The reasoning of Christ and his apostles vindicated; in two parts: I. Being a defence of the argument from miracles...H:.. from answer to.... the scheme of literal prophecy. London, 17280 288 p. Jesus Christ the Prophet whom Moses foretold; a Sermon at Norwich, London, 1724. The Gospel a reinforcement of the law of nature; a Sermon.... with a preface.... in answer to....Christianity as old as Creation. London, 1730. xxxv, 24 p. [SUPPL.] 18 138 GENERAL LIBRARY. BULLOCKt (W.) jun. IDescription of the Panorama of the superb City of Mexico, and the surrounding scenery. Painted... by R. Burford, esq. Mexico, 1830. 8~. Pam. v. 103. BULMER, Agnes. Memoirs of Mrs. Elizabeth Mortimer, with selections from her correspondence... * New-York..1836. 287 p. 18~. Reprint. BULIMER, John. A Concise Statement of the nature, design, qualifications for membership and proper government of a christian church... of the Independent denomination. Haverfordwest, 1813. 27 p. 80. Pam. v. 303. BULTEEL, Ht. B. A Reply to Dr. Burton's remarks upon a sermon... Oxford, 1831. 56 p. 80. Pami. v. 305. BULWER LYTTONt, Sir Edward. Letter to a Late Cabinet Minister on the present crisis..To which is added a Letter from Lord Brougham to Mr. Bulwer." * 9th edition. London, 1834. 108 p. Pam. v. 415. -- ~ International Copyright: Speech, 1851. See Bohn, H. Extracts from.. Confessions and Observations of a water patient, in a letter to the New Monthly Magazine. To which is appended a description of the Orange Mountain water-cure, Essex Co. N.J. 80. Pam. v. 266. BULWERt, Sir H. L. Speech...on the occasion of the fate....of the anniversary of H. Majesty's birthday. Constantinople, 1859. 23 p. 8~. Pam. v. 522. BUMPSTEAD'S (Mr. J. F.) Defence of his school-books, in reply to Mr. S. S. Greene. Boston, 1845. 8 p. 8~. Pam. v. 513. BUNAU, Comte Henri. Catalogus Bibliothecae Bunavianae. Tomus I, Auctores antiquos sacros et profanos... Tomus II, Historiam universalem.... denique antiquitatum et rei numismatice scriptores exhibens. Ed. by Joh. M. Francke. Vol. I, Pars I; Vol. II. Lipsiae, 1750, 53. 1000, 638 p. and index to v. 2. 2 v. 40~ BUNDEL van Godgeleerde Oudheid, Geschied- en Letterkundige O effeningen over uitgelezene stoffen.... door verscheidene geleerde mannen opgesteld. 2d edition. Amsterdam, 1757 - 63. 12 v. i80. V. 9 wanting. BUNGAYt, George W. Pen and Ink Portraits of Senators, Assemblymen, and State Officers of the State of New-York...Albany, 1857. 84 p. 8. BUNKLEY, Josephine M. Miss Bunkley's Book. The Testimony of an escaped novice from the Sisterhood of St.Joseph, Emmetsburg, Maryland...New-York..1855. 120. BUNSEN, Christian Charles Josias. Outlines of the Philosophy of Universal History, applied to language and religion. London, 1854. 2v. 8~. BUNYAN TABLEAUX. A Descriptive Catalogue of. Albany, 1855. 36 p. 18~. Pam. v. 489. BURCHi, Thomas. The Free Grace of God displayed in the salvation of men: Being two essays....London... Boston, reprinted, 1757 76 p. 12~. Pam. v. 603. FIRST SUPPLEMENT. 139 BURCHARD, Charles. A Statement of Facts in relation to the-case of Rev. Jacob Knapp... New-York, 1846. 45 p. Pam. v. 488. BURDELL, John. Tobacco: Its Use and Abuse. Ill. with engravings... New-York, 1848. 29 p. 120. Alm. v. 28. BURDERt, Rev. George. The Welch Indians; or, A Collection of papers respecting a people whose ancestors emigrated from Wales to America, in the year 1170, with Prince Madoc.... London, 1797. 35 p. 8o. BURDER, Rev. George. A Letter to J. Stonard, Chairman of the Highway Society, on the annual toast. London, 1810. 8 p. 12~. Pam. v. 627. BURDER, Henry F. The Reformation Commemorated, A Discourse: 2 Thes. ii, 8; Dec. 28, 1817. London, 1818. 8~. Pam. v. 376. BuRDIcI, Rev. C. F. The Scholar for the Times: An Address, Bakersfield North Academy Lyceum, Nov. 16, 1853. Burlington, Vt. 1854. 8~. Pam. v. 100. BUREt, G. F. de. Bibliographie Instructive; ou Traite de la Connaissance des Livres rares et singuliers. Contenant un Catalogue raisonn6 de la plus grande partie de ces livres precieux qui ont paru successivement dans la republique des lettres... A Paris, 1763-69. 9 v. 8~. Contents: VOL. I, Theologie; Vol. ii, Jurisprudence, Sciences et Arts; Vol. iii, Iv, Belles-Lettres; Vol. v, vI, vii, Ilistoire, Table des auteurs; Vol. viii, ix, Le Supplement, ou le Catalogue des livres du Cabinet du feu M. Gaignat. With prices. Catalogues. See Gouttard, M.; Perrot, M. BURE, J. J. et M. J. de, freres. Catalogue des Livres faisant partie du fonds de librairie de... Vente a Paris...1834. 200 p. 8~. Cat. v. 2. Catalogue edited, 1817. See M'Carthy-Reagh. BUREAU DES LONGITUDES. Annuaire pour l'An 1826 - 1853, 1857. PubliB par le Bureau des Longitudes.... Paris, 1824 - 1852, 54. 29 v. 18~. BURFORDt, Robert. Description of a View of Rome, ancient and modern; Panorama, New-York. Painted by....New-York, 1840. 8~. Pam. v. 103. Panorama of Mexico. See Bullock, W. BURGE, W. Jamaica. Speech of...against the make temporary provision for the government of Jamaica. London, 1839. 89 p. 8~. Pain. v. 438.- Another speech. See Barrett. BURGES, Bartholomew. A Series of Indostan Letters by Barw Burges, containing a striking account of the manners and customs of the Gentoo Nations.... with other polemical East India Tracts....N. York, printed and published for the author by W. Ross [1790]. 18~. BURGES, Rev. George. An Address to the Rt. Rev. E. Stanley. London, 1838. 86 p. 8~. Pam. v. 327. BURGESt ( Tristam), of Rn.. Address, American Institute, New-York, 1830. 80. Pam. v. 518. Speech, U.S. H. of R., on S. Houston's assault of W. Stanberry, May 1832. 80~. Pam. v. 193. 140 GENERAL LIBRARY. BURGES, Tristani: The Valley of Alvarado, or the Spy of Tenntessee: A Legend of Mexico. A poem. Providence, R.I., 1847. 25 p. 8~. BURGESS ( Bp. George), D.D. A Sermon, Oct. 28, 1853, at the Consecration of the Rev. W. Ingraham Kip, D.D., as Missionary Bishop of California. Albany, 1853. Pam. v. 202, 288. A Charge Delivered to the Clergy of the Diocese of Maine, at the annual convention..Portland, 1853. Augusta, iYile. 1853. Pam. v. 203. BURGESS, Rich. National Education; a Sermon: 2 John, viii. Loudon, 1839. 8~. Pain. v. 378. BURGESS, Bp. Thomas. [Writings collected ] in 1 v. 80. Contents: Sermon, Son's of the Clergy, Durham, 1802: 1 Tim. vi, 17, 18. Christ, and not Peter, the Rock...St.Paul founder of the Church in Britain. A Letter....Carmarthen, 1812. 69 p. A Second Letter....on the independence of the ancient British church... Carmarthen, 1812. 57 p. First Seven Epochs of the Ancient British Church: A Sermon, July 1812. London, 1813. A Short Catechism on the duty of conforming to the Established Church. 6th edition. 1814. English Reformation and Papal Schism.... in a letter.... on Mr. Wix's Plan of Union.... London, 1819. xxviii, 63 p. BURGH, William. A Scriptural Confutation of the Arguments against the one Godhead of the Father, Son and Holy Ghost, produced by the Rev. Mr. Lindsey. 2d edition. York, 1775. 245 p. 8~. Pam. v. 311. BURGOYNEt, Gen. Sir John. The Substance of General Burgoyne's Speeches on Mr. Vyner's motion, on the 26th of May 1778; and upon Mr. Hartley's motion on the 28th of May 1778. With an appendix containing General Washington's letter to Burgoyne, &c. London, Almon, 1778. 48 p. 8~. BURKEt, ZEdanus. Considerations upon the Cincinnati, 1784. Trans. See Mirabeau, H. G. R. Cat. 1855. BURKEt, Edmund. Works. Vol. 5, 6. London, Bohn, 1855, 56. 2 v. 12. [ —— ]. An Account of the European Settlements in America. In six parts...Vol. II. London, 1757. 1 v. 8~. Speech.... on American Taxation, April 19, 1774. 2d edition. London, 1775. 96 p. 8~. Speech, H. of Commons, Feb. 11, 1780, for the better security of the independence of Parliament, &c. 4th edition. London, 1780. 8~. Pam. v. 440. A Representation to His Majesty, moved in the H. of Commons by E. Burke.... 1784. With a preface and notes. A new edition. London, 1785. 81 p. 8~. Pam. v. 432. [- ]. An Appeal from the New to the Old Whigs, in consequence of some late discussions in Parliament relative to the Reflections on the French Revolution. London, 1791. 143 p. Pam. v. 220.- 3d edition. 1791. Pamin. v. 411. FIRST SUPPLEMENT. 141 Two Letters on the Conduct of our Domestic Parties with regard to French politicks [to the Duke of Bedford, 1793, and to -, esq., 1795]; including observations on the conduct of the minority in the session of 1793... [ With a preface by the editor.] London, 1797. lxxii, 127 p. 80. Pam. v. 416. Sir H. Langrishe...on the subject of the Roman Catholics of Ireland... London, 1792. 88 p. Pam. v. 348. [-]. See Great Brit. Parl. Pap., East India. 9th & 11th Reports. BURKcE, Sir (John) Bernard. The Book of Orders of Knighthood and decorations of honor of all nations, comprising an historical account of each order, military, naval and civil, from the earliest to the present time. With lists of the knights and companions of each British order....London, Hurst & Blackett, 1858. 411 p. and 100 plates.. - BURKEt, J., and Sir ( John) BERNARD. The Royal Families of England, Scotland and Wales, with their descendants, families and subjects...~ London..1848. 2 v. roy. 8?. BURKE ( William), M-ff.D. The Virginia Mineral Springs, with remarks on their use...2d edition, enlarged.*@" Richmond, Va. 1853. 12~. BURKITT, Rev. Wm. The Poor Man's Help and Young Man's Guide. Albany, 1804. 204 p. 120. Repr. * BURLINGAIME, Anson. Address upon the Life and Character of Washington...Detroit, 1843. 25 p. 180. Pam. v. 491. BURN, Maj. Gen. Andrew. Resurrection of the Two Witnesses, exhibited in the formation and great success of the B. & F. Bib. Society. London, 1812. imnp. Pam. v. 383. BURNt, Jacob Henry. A Descriptive Catalogue of the London Traders, Tavern and Coffee-house tokens, current in the seventeenth century; presented to the Corporation Library by Henry B. H. Beaufoy. 2d edition. 1855. 8~. BURNABYt (Andrew), D.D. Sermon at Greenwich, Thanksgiving, July 29, 1784: Ps. xxxiv, 14. London. 4~. Pam. v. 1008. BURNAP, G. W. Life of L. Calvert. See Sparks' Am. Biogs v. 19. BURNETt, Bishop Gilbert. [A Collection' of Sermons of,] in 1 v. 4~. Contents The Royal Martyr lamented, Jan. 30, 1675. London. 2d edition. Tihe Dutifiul Subject: Rom. xiii, 5. London, 1674. Sermon, Jan. 30, 168 1: Zach. viii, 19. London. Fast-day Sermon, Dec. 22, 1680: Rev. iii, 2, 3. London, 1681. Exhortation to Peace, Sept. 29, 1681: Iatt. xii, 25. London. Sermon, Nov. 5, 1684': Ps. xxii, 21. London. Sermon before Prince of Orange, Dec.23, 1688. London, 1689. Sermon, Thanksgiving, Jan. 31, 1688: Ps. cxliv, 15. Coronation Sermon, April 11, 1689: 2 Sam. xxiii, 3, 4. Sermon, Westminster Abbey, Nov. 5, 1689: Mtlic. vi, 5. Fast-day Sermon, Mar. 12, 1690: Lu. xix, 41, 42. Lent Sermon, Mar. 11, 1694: 1 Cor. i, 23. Sermon, Funeral of Archbishop Tillotson: 2 Tim. iv, 7. London, 1694. 142 GENERAL LIBRARY. BURNET, Bishop Gilbert: Sermon, Christmas day, before the King. 1696. Sermon, Salisbury, June 27, 1706: Thanks for victories. Sermon before the Queen, Thanksgiving, Dec. 31, 1706. Sermon, Salisbury, May 29, 1710: Matt. xxii, 21. London. Two Sermons, Nov. 5, Nov. 7, 1710: Treason and Thanksgiving days. London. Sermon before the King, Oct. 31, 1714: Ps. x, 10, 11. Speech, H. of Lords, on the first article of the Impeachment of Dr. Sacheverell. London, 1710. An Answer to Mr. Law's Letter to the Bishop of Bangor, in a Letter to Mr. Law. London, 1717. 48 p. BURNET (Thomas), D.D. The Judgment of Dr. Thomas Burnet.... concerning the Trinity and.. of S. Clarke... concerning... Christ. With a preface concerning Mr. Locke, Sir I. Newton and Mr. Wollaston. London, 1732. xx, 43 p. 8~. Pam. v. 312. BURNETT ( Thomas), LL.D. The Sacred Theory of the Earth, in which are set forth the wisdom of God..until the destruction of the world by fire...London, 1816. 716 p. & plates. 40~. BURNETT, Sir Win. A Treatise on Chloride of Lime, its economic and sanitary relations...Lowell, Mass. 1851. 12 p. 8~. Pam. v. 235. BURNEY, Charles Parr. Sermon, Consecration of E. Legge, March 24, 1816. London. 4~. Pam. v. 1009. BURNLEY, Win. I. Opinions on Slavery and Emancipation in 1823.. with additional observations applicable to Hon. E. G. Stanley's plan for the extinction of slavery. London, 1833. lv, 44 p. 8~. Pain. v. 438. BURNOUF, E. Catalogue des Livres imprimes et manuscrits, composant la bibliotheque de feu..Vente, 5 Dec. 1854. Paris. 358 p. 8~. BURNUP, Henry. The Carriage Tax. A Letter....London, 1851. 8~. Pain. v. 425. [BURR, Rev. Aaron]. See Supreme Deity of Christ, 1757: BuRR, David H. Guide to Burr's Map of New-York..for 1834. NewYork, J. H. Colton. With map. 180~. BURR, S. J. The Life and Times of William Henry Harrison.*** 8th edition. New-York...1840. 18~. BURR SEMIINARY, Manchester, Vt. Catalogue, 1851, 56. Cat. v. 458. [BURRIEL, P. A.M.]. De la California. See Venegas, MI. BURRITT (Elijah H.), A.M. Atlas designed to illustrate the geography of the heavens; comprising...maps.. (8). New-York (Hartford, 1835). 4~. BURROUGH, E. A Declaration of the sad and great persecution and martyrdom of the people of God, called Quakers, in New-England, for the worshipping of God.... Also, some considerations presented -to the King, which is in answer to a petition.... subscribed by J. Endicot...`* London (1660). 32 p. sm. 4~. BURROUGH ( Rev. Henry), LL.D. Lectures on the Church Catechism, confirmation, and the nature and obligation of religious vows...2d edition. Cambridge, 1793. 172 p. 8~. Pam. v. 301. FIRST SUPPLEMENT. 143 BURROUGHSt, Stephen. Memoirs of Stephen Burroughs, by himself. ~ Copyright secured. Printed at Hanover, New-Hampshire, 1798. 296 p. 8~. BURROW, James. The Question Concerning Literary Property, determined by the Court of Queen's Bench on 20th April 1769, in the cause between Andrew Millar and Robert Taylor; with the separate opinions of the judges, and the reasons given by each in support of his opinion. Lond. 1773. 127 p. With, Boswell's (James) Report on literary property, 1774. In 1 v. 4~. BURROWES, Thomas H. Pennsylvania School Architecture. A Manual of directions and plans.... Published by authority. Harrisburg, 1855. 8~. BURSCOUGH (WIm.), D.D. Sermon, H. of Commons, Restoration of Charles II. London, 1716. 8~. Pam. v. 366. BURT, Win. A. Report on Lake Superior, 1846. See Houghton, J. BURTHOGGE, Richard. Christianity a Revealed Mystery:... Reflections on Born. viii, 28 - 30.... With Discourse concerning perseverance in grace.... 2d edition. London, 1755. 82 p. 8~. Pam. v. 300. BURTIS, Arthur. Sermon,.. Funeral of Mrs. Rebecca Vandervoort, at Tonawanda. Buffalo, 1848. 8~. Pam. v. 554. BURTON (Edward), D.D. Thoughts upon the Demand for Church reform. Oxford, 1831. 41 p.- Sequel...with observations upon the plan proposed by Lord Henley...London, 1832. 76 p. 8~. Pam. v. 326. - Remarks upon a Sermon of H. B. Bulteel's. Oxford, 1831. 80~. Pam. v. 305. BURTON, tHenry. The Law and the Gospel Reconciled; or the Evangelical faith, and the Moral law, how they stand together in the state of grace. A Treatise.... in Answer to a Letter written by an Antinomian...London...printed by I. N. for Michael Sparkes.... 1831. 64 p. sm. 4~. wanting last leaves. Pam. v. 600. BURTON (John), D.D. [ A Collection] in 1 v. 80. Contents: Sermon, Univ. of Oxford, Fast day: Jer. ix, 23, 24. Oxford, 1744. Sermon, Thanksgiving, Suppression of the Rebellion: 1 Sam. xii, 7. Oxford, 1746. Epistola ad Edw. Bentham.. Londini, 1750. De Fundamentalibus, Dissertatio theologica, sive Concio ad clerum. Oxonii, 1756. 78 p. Samuel triplici nomine laudatus.... Conciones duse: 1 Reg. xii, 2, 3. Oxonii, 1759. 114 p. University Politicks, or the Study of a gentleman, christian, scholar, set forth in three sermons: 1 Thess. iv, 11. Oxford, 1770. 99 p. Two Sermons, Univ. of Oxford, Fast-day, 1757 & 62: Is. xxii, 12 - 14; Is. lviii, 5, 6. Oxford, 1762. Papists and Pharisees compared; or the Papists the corrupters of christianity: Miatt. xv, 1 - 6. London, 1766. xii, 64 p. Joh. Burton ad amicum epistola; sive Commentariolus Thomse Seeker.... memorime sacer. Oxonii, 1768. 144 GENERAL LIBRARY. BURTON (John), D.D.: Heli:. Concio.. coram artium baccalaureis determinantibus.. Feb. 10, 1725. Oxoniae. 4~: Pain. v. 1009.- Hophni & Phineas... gradu S. T. B., Jul. 19, 1729. Oxonie. Pain. v. 1009. BURITONt, Richard. The English Heroe; or Sir Francis Drake reviewed: Being a full account of the dangerous voyages, admirable adventures, notable discoveries.... of that valiant and renowned commander... By R. B. London, Printed for Nath. Crouch...1687. 206 p. 24o. BURTON, Richard. The History of the House of Orange...together with the history of William and this time, 1693..A new edition. Westminster, 1814. 144 p. 4~. BURTON (Richard F.), Lieut. Bombay Army. Personal Narrative of a Pilgrimage to El-Medinah and Meccah.... With introduction by Bayard Taylor.'* With map and two illustrations. First Am. edition. New-York, Putnam, 1856. 12~. BURTON, William E. The Cyclopaedia of Wit and Humor; containing choice and characteristic selections from the writings of the most eminent humorists of America, Ireland, Scotland and England. I1lustrated... " New-York, 1858. 2 v. roy. 80. [ BURY,. I.]. ModUles de Mienuisirie, choisis parmi ce que Paris offre de plus nouveau....accompagn6s de details...suivis d'un....traitB d'escaliers. Paris, Bance, 1855. 73 plates. f~. ---- Modeles de Marbrerie d'usage et de dicor....Paris, Bance. 16 p. 72 plates. f'. BURY (Eng.).;Dispensary: State of. Bury, 1790. 12~. Pam. v. 614. BUSCHINGt, A.F. Voorwaarde en Aflevering van den Bijbel der Natuur.... Amsterdam, 1784. See Scheuchzer, J. J. BusEY, Samuel C. Immigration: its Evils and Consequences.* NewYork L1856]. 120~. BusIut, Rev. Geo. Address....Celebration of the First Centenary of the Church of the' New Jerusalem.... New-York, 1857. 39 p. 80. Pam. v. 540. BUSHNANt ( J. S.), ML.D. The IMoral and Sanitary Aspects of the new central cattle market... of London... London, 1851. 44 p. 80. Pam. v. 404. BUSHNELL, Charles I. An Arrangement of Tradesmen's cards, political tokens; also, election medals, medallets, etc., current in the U. States of America for the last 60 years... With engravings..NewYork, 1858. x, 119 p. 8~. BUSHNELLt, (Horace), D.D. God in Christ: Three Discourses, delivered at New-Haven, Cambridge, and Andover; with a preliminary dissertation on language. 3d edition. Hartford, 1852. 356 p. 12~. Nature and the Supernatural, as together constituting the one system of God. New-York, 1858. 528 p. 8~. Barbarism the First Danger: A Discourse for Home Missions New-York, 1847. 8(~. Pam. v. 80, 524. FIRST SUPPLEMENT. 145 Common Schools: A Discourse on the Modifications demanded by the Roman Catholics...Fast, March 25, 1853. Hartford, 1853. 80. Pam. v. 215. A Commemorative Discourse ( Twentieth Anniversary) delivered in the North Church of Hartford, May 22, 1853. Hartford, 1853. 80. Pam. v. 267. BUSING, Joh. C. Salomons Wyze Lessen....xii Leerredenen... Amsterdam, 1764. 180. BUSSING, Mr. Kort Begrip, voor eenvouwige Oranjevrienden. Gouda (1795). 22 p. Pam. v. 108. BUSTAMENTE, Carlos Maria. Cuadro Historico de Revolucion de la Am6rica Mexicana, comenzada en quince de Septiembre de mil ochocientos diez por el ciudano M. Hidalgo y Costilla. Primera epoca; Segunda epoca.... Mexico, 1823, 24. 2 v. sim. 4~. BUSTIN, W. R. A Militia: its Relation to the Regular Army..London, 1847. 36 p. 8~. Pam. v. 406. BUTIN, James. A Compendious Treatise, containing a Proposal to preserve the noblest of vegetables, and the most useful to mankind, the wheat, from the smoth... By James Butin, farmer in the settlement of Casinovia, N.Y. Amsterdam, Printed by H. Van Munster, 1803. 8 p. 8~. BUTLER (Andrew P.), of S.C. Speech, U.S. Senate: Surrender of fugitive slaves. Washington, 1850. 80. Pam. v. 486. BUTLERf (Charles), esq. An Address to the Protestants of Great Britain and Ireland... 2d ed. London, 1813. 23 p. 8~. Pam. v. 344. BUTLER (James), Duke of Ormonde, 1712. See Ormonde. BUTLER, Rt. Rev. John. Sermon, Anniv. Sons of the Clergy, May 9, 1754: 1 Cor. ix, 11. London. 4~. Pam. v. 1010. Sermon, H. of Commons, Fast day, Feb. 17, 1758: Luke xix, 41. London. 40~. Pam. v. 1007. Sermon on the Liturgy.-. London, 1763. 4~. Pam. v. 1007. BUTLERt, Joseph, Bp. Sermon, 1739. See Soc. Prop. the Gospel. - Sermon, Yearly Meeting of....Charity schools, 1745. London. See Soc. Pro. Chr. Knowledge. [-]. See Inquiry concerning faith, 1744; also, Clarke, Samuel, Letters to. BUTLER, Joseph H. Wild Flowers of Poesy: Being a Collection of poems, with an Introduction by A. Potter, D.D. Troy, N.Y. 1843. 108 p. 120. Pam. v. 620. BUTLER (Lilly), D.D. Sermon, Nov. 1710: 1 Samuel xii, 23, 24. London. Pam. v. 365. BUTLERt, Samuel. Hudibras... with Various Notes, selected principally from Grey and Nash. Edited by H. G. Bohn. London, Bohn, 1859. 120. BUTLER, Thomas. A Faint Ray of Glorious Liberty.... under the charter of the gospel. London, 1819. 170 p. 8~. Pam. v. 303. [SUPPL,] 19 146 GENERAL LIBRARY. BUTLER, William Allen. Two Milliois: A Poem. New-York, 1858. 93 p. 18. BUTLER, (W. 0.), Kentucky. Speech, U.S. IH. of R., on the Fine of Gen. Jackson, Jan. 11, 1843. 80. Pam. v. 206. BUTSCHj F. Catalog der Antiquarisch-Buchhandlung von. Augsburg, 1856. 200 p. 8~. BUTSON, Bp. Christopher. Sermon, Association..for discountenancing vice, etc.: Rom. xiv, 19. Dublin, 1807.. Pam. v. 375. BUTTERFIELD, Carlos. United States and Mexican Mail Steamship line, and Statistics of Mexico; with a map. New-York, 1860. 109, 159 p. 8.0 BUTTERFIELD, Consul W. Lessons in Punctuation....Albany, 1846. 18~. Pam. v. 605. BUTTERWORTH, Catalogue of Law-books, etc. Lond. 1854. Cat. v. 93. BUURT, Adriaan. Beschouwende Godgeleerdheid. Amsterdam, 1776 -78. 6 parts in 3 v. 8~. BUXTONt, Sir Thomas F. Severity of Punishment: Speech, H. of Commons, May 21, 1821. 70 p. 8~. Pam. v. 403. BYBELSCHE KEURSTOFFEN bestaende in ses uitgeleeze Leerredenen... Door Een voornaam Godsgeleerde der Hervormde Kerke. Gravenhage (1720?). 164 p. 18~. Pam. v. 632. BYERS ( William N.) & John H. KELLOM. A Hand-book to the Goldfields of Nebraska and Kansas... Chicago, 1859. 113 p. 120. BYFIELDt, Nath. An Account of the late Revolution in New-England.... London, 1689. See Force's Tracts, v. 4. BYFIELD, Nich. Gulde Regelen. Translated. See Crucius, I. BYINGTON, Rev. Cyrus. Holisso Anumpa Tosholi: An English and Choctaw Definer, for the Choctaw academies and schools. N.York, 1852. 252 p. 180. BYLER, Henr. C.van. Heilige Mengelstoffen... Groningen, 1730. 572 p. 18~. BYNG, John. A Letter to a Member of' Parliament in the country, from his Friend in London, relative- to the case of Admiral Byng.. London, 1756. 31 p. 80. Panm. v. 391. BYRNE, John F. Four Letters on the Corn laws.... London (1851). 24 p. 80. Pam. v. 424. BYRONt, G. G. N. Lord. Manfred, a dramatic poem: By Lord Byron. London, Murray, 1817. Pam. v. 396. BYRONt, John. A Voyage round the World, in his Majesty's ship the Dolphin, commanded by the Honorable Commodore Byron..By an Officer on board the said ship. 2d edition. London, 1767. 186 p. 8~. BYTEMEISTER, A. J. Commentarius Historicus de Augustse Domus Brunsvigio-Luneburgensis meritis in rem literariam, e documentis editis atque ineditis conscriptus: Auctore Henrico Jo. Bytemeister.... Helmzstadii, 1730. 194 p. 40~ FElIRST SUPPLEMENT. 147 C. C., E. H. The Chaplet; a Collection of poems. Edited by Rev. H. D. Moore. Philadelphia, 1846. 120. C., M.;B. Remarks on New-York Banking, and the recent disaster or crisis.... New-York, 1858. 33 p. 8~. Pam. v. 464. C., R. See Clavel, Robert. CABELJAU, Petrus. De oude Catholijcke Waerheyt der Geref. Kercke, gestelt teghen het nieuw gheloof des Pausdoms.... Leyden, 1650. 779 p. 180. CABELL ( J. L.), M.D. The Testimony of Modern Science to the unity of mankind..With an introductory notice by James W. Alexander, D.D. New-York, 1859. xi, 144 p. 120. CABELL, N. F. Early History of Agriculture in Virginia. Washington. 41 p. 8~. Pam. v. 461. CABELLERO, R. D. See Diosdado (R.) Caballero. CABRERA, P. F. Huehuetlapallan. See Rio, A. del. CADWALADER, Gen. John. A Reply to Gen. Joseph Reed's Remarks on a late publication in the Independent Gazetteer... Philadelphia, 1783. See Smith, H. W. [ CAFFIAUX, M1.]. See Defenses du Beau Sexe, 1753. CAGNOLA: (Fondazione Scientifica.) Atti.... dalla sua istituzione in poi. Vol. I. Milano, 1856. 8~. CAIIAGNET, L. Alph. The Celestial Telegraph; or, Secrets of thelife to come, revealed through the means of eight ecstatic somnambulists. 2d Am. edition. New-York, 1857. Vol. I, ii. 180, 230 p. in 1 v. 120. [ CAHOONEt, Sarah S.]. Sketches of Newport and its vicinity; with Notices respecting the history, settlement and geography of RhodeIsland. Illustrated with engravings. New-York, Taylor, 1842. 120. -.Same as, Visit to Grandpa, 1840. CAILLII:, Rene. Travels through Central Africa to Timbuctoo; and across the Great Desert, performed in the years 1824 - 28. Trans. London, 1830. 2 v. 8~. CAIRD, Rev. John. Religion in Common Life. A Sermon Rom. xii, 11, before the Queen, 1856. New-York. 25 p. 180. Pam. v. 623. CALA:MaY, Benjamin. A Discourse about a scrupulous conscience Lu. xi, 41. London, 1683. Pam. v. 360. Sermon, before the Lord Mayor, Sept. 2, 1684: Fast for the dreadful fire in the year 1666. London, 1685. Pam. v. 360. CALAMYt (Edmund], D.D. [Sermons, etc.], in 1 v. 8~. Contents: Divine Mercy exalted....a Sermon: Rom. ix, 16. London, 1702. Comfort and Counsel to Protestant dissenters.... in two sermons Isa. lxvi, 5. London, 1712. Funeral Sermon for Mr. J. Mottershed.. London, 1729. A. Letter to Mr. Archdeacon Echard, upon occasion of his Histfory of England.... London, 1718. 124 p. 148 GENERAL LIBRARY. CALCAR, Elise van. De Zoon van den Klepperman; eene Vertelling. Kampen, 1854. 2 v. in 1. 80. CALDICOTT (Thomas Ford), D.D. Hannah Corcoran; an Authentic Narrative of her conversion from Romanism, her abduction from Charlestown....Boston, 1853. 18~. CALDWELLt (Charles), M.D. Thoughts on the Original Unity of the Human Race. Second edition, with additions. Cincinnati, 1852. 12~. Autobiography; with a preface, notes, and an appendix: By Harriet W. Warner. Philadelphia, 1855. 8~. CALDWELL, James. Valuable Land for sale. Albany, 1799. 1 p. fo. Pam. v. 1104. CALHOUNt (John C.), of S.C. Speeches, U.S. Sen., of Messrs. Calhoun, Webster and Poindexter, March 25, 1833, on the Revenue Collection Bill. 8~. Pamn. v. 206. -- Speech, U.S. Sen. Jan. 13, 1834, on Removal of the Deposits. 8~. Pam. v. 193. Speech, U.S. Sen., on.... Assumption of the debts of the States. Washington, 1840. 14 p. 80. Pam. v. 487. Speech, U.S. Sen., on the Treaty of Washington, 1842. 8 p. 8~. Pam. v. 487. Speech, U.S. Sen., on the Bill making Appropriation of 10,000,000 dollars to bring the existing war with Mexico to a..conclusion. Washington, 1847. 8~. Pam. v. 486. --- Speech, U.S. Sen., on his Resolutions in reference to the War with Mexico. Washington,;1848. 80. Pam. v. 486. Speech, U.S. Sen., on the Oregon Bill, 1848. 16 p. 8~0. Pam. v. 487. Speeches of Hon. J. C. Calhoun and D. Webster on the subject of Slavery, U.S. Senate, March 1850. New-York, 1850. 32 p. 8~. Pam. v. 193, 486. Obituary Addresses, delivered on occasion of the death of.... U.S. Sen., April 1, 1850; with the Funeral Sermon of the Rev. C. M. Butler. Washington, 1850. 39 p. 8~. Pam. v. 494. CALHOUN, J. S. Life and Confession of Mary Jane Gordon, who was tried...for the murder of Jane Anderson. Augusta, Me. 1847. 32 p. Pam. v. 471. CALIFORNIAf: Education. Fifth Ann. Rep. of the \Superintendent of Public Instruction. Sacramento, 1856. 8~. Pam. v. 249. CALIFORNIA GOLD REGIONS, with a full account of their mineral resources...New-York, F. M. Pratt. 48 p. 80. Pam. v. 500. CALIFORNIA STATE AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY. Transactions during 1858. Sacramento, 1859. 373 p. 8~. CALIFORNIA: State Register and Year-book of Facts for 1859. 2d year. San Francisco. 420 p. 12~. CALLIAT, Victor. Paral6lle des Maisons de Paris construites depuis 1830 jusqu'a nos jours: Dessine et publie par. 211e edition. Paris, 1857. 126 plates. fo. FIRST SUPPLEMENT. 149 CALLIMACHIUSt. Callimachi quae supersunt, recensuit et cum notarum delectu edidit C. J. Blomfield...London, 1815. 8~. Hymnes de Callimaque, traduites en vers franqais avec le texte grec en regard et des notes, etc. Par M. Alfred de Wailly. Paris...1842. 80. CALM (A) Statement of the Catholic Question....By a clergyman.... London, 1826. 35 p. 8~. Pam. v. 346. CALTHROP, S. R. A Lecture on Physical Development, and its relations to mental and spiritual improvement.... Am. Inst. of Instr. Boston, 1859. 36 p. 120. Pam. v. 491. CALUMNIES of the Record Newspaper refuted, in several letters addressed to the publisher of the Comprehensive Bible, by a Clergyman of the Church of England. London, 1832. 24 p. 80. Pam. v. 488. CALVERT (Frederick), Lord Baltimore. Coelestes et Inferi, Auctore D. Friderico Calvert de Baltimore. Venetiis, 1771, apud Antoniumr Graziosi, superiorum permissu. xii, 64 p.- WFith Gaudia poetica. Composed in Latin, English and French, in the year 1769. lxviii p. In 1 v. sin. 4~. CALVERT, Thomas. The Rich and Poor.... Two Sermons, H. M.'s Chapel, Whitehall, April 16 & 23, 1820: Prov. xxii, 2. Cambridge. 4~. Pam. v. 1009. CALVINt, John. The Institution of Christian Religion, written in Latin by M. John Calvin, and translated into English according to the author's last Thomas Norton..At London, Printed by HI. Middleton, for W. Norton. Anno Dom. 1587. sinm. 4~. Christ the End of the Law: Being the preface to the Geneva Bible of 1550. By John Calvin.*** Now first rendered into English, by Thomas Weedon, esq. London, Legg, 1850. 46 p. 4~....- Letters of... Compiled from the original manuscripts, and edited, with historical notes, by Dr. Jules Bonnet. Vol. I. Trans..... by David Constable. Edinburgh, 1855. 1 v. 8~. CAMBRAI, Bibliotheque de. See L e Glay, A. CAMBRIDGE, Rev. George O. Two Charges to the Clergy in the Archdeaconry of Middlesex, 1837 and 1838. London, 1839. 8~. Pam. v. 455. CAMBRIDGE ESSAYS: Contributed by members of the University. 1855. London, Parker. 80. Contents: Moliere. By C. K. Watson, M.A. The English Language in America. By C. A. Bristed, B.A. Modern Geography. By F. Galton, M.A. Limitations to severity in war. By Charles Buxton,`M.P. M.A. On the transmutation of matter. By G. D. Liveing. M.A. The Relations of Novels to life. By Fitzjames Stephen, B.A. Prospects of the British Navy. By R. E. Hughes, M.A. Tennyson's Poems. By G. Brimley, M.A. General education and Classical studies. By W. G. Clark, M.A. 150 GENERAL LIBRARY. CAMBRIDGE, Eng. A Concise and Accurate Description of the University, town and country of Cambridge. Camb. (1790). 148 p. 120~. CAMB3RIDGEt UNIVERSITY, Eng. The History and Antiquities of the University of Cambridge. In two parts. Part 2 by R. Parker. London..1721. x, 270 p. 80. Poll on the Election of High Steward, 1840. 51 p.- Poll fork~the election of two representatives in Parliament, 1831. 51 p. Pam. v. 386. Prolusiones Academica, 1827. Pam. v. 386. CAMBRIDGE (Eng.) AUXILIARY BIBLE SOCIETY. A Report of the formation of..Dr. Marsh's Address to the Senate; Mr. Vansittart's Reply, &c. Ed. by Rev. William Farish, B.D. Cambridge, 1812. 80 p. 8~. Pam. v. 232. CAMBRIDGE CAM]DEN SOCIETY. Report, 1842, 43. 8~. Pam. v. 401. CAMBRIDGE (N.Y.) WASHINGTON ACADEMY. Catalogue, 1856, 57, 58. Troy. Pam. v. 456. CAMDENt, William.....Britannia, sive Florentissimorum Regnorum Angliae, Scotae, Hibernise, et Insularum adjacentiumn ex intima antiquitate descriptio. In Epitomen contracta a Regnero Vitellio Zirizoeo...Amsterdam..1617. 18~. CAMDENt and AMBOY RAILROAD. Accounts and Papers relating to the late... accident at Burlington, N.J.... and the correspondence between B. F. Stockton and C. Van Rensselaer, D.D. Philadelphia, 1855. Pam. v. 283. See New-Jersey: Canals. CAMDEN SOCIETY. Proceedings, May 31, 1838 - May 3, 1858. London. 40. -: Publications. London, 1838 - 58. 73 numbers bound in 31 v. sin. 4~. Arranged in classes. Contents: 1. Restoration of Edward IV. J. Bruce ed. Hist. D. 2. King John; Bishop Bayle. J. P. Collier ed. Poe. C. 3. Poem on the death of Richard II. T. Wright ed. Hi. C. 4. Plumpton Correspondence. T. Stapleton ed. Let. A 5. Anecdotes and Traditions. W. J. Thorns ed. Misc. P. 6. Political Songs of England. T. Wright ed. Po. B. 7. Hayward's Annals of Elizabeth. J. Bruce ed. Hi. F. 8. Ecclesiastical Documents. J. Hunter ed. Eccl. C. 9. Norden's Description of Essex, 1594. Sir H. Ellis ed. Mi. N. 10. Warkworth's Chronicle of the Reign of Edward IV. J. O. Halliwell ed. Hi. D. 11. Kemp's Nine Daies Wonder. A. Dyce ed. Mfi. P. 12. The Egerton Papers. J. P. Collier ed. Fano. A. 13. Chronica Jocelini de Brakelonda. J. G. Rokewode ed. Hi. B. 14. Irish Narratives of 1641 & 1690. T. C. Croker ed. Hi. F. 15. Rishanger's Chronicle of the Barons' wars. J. 0. Halliwell ed. hIi B. 16. Walter Mapes' Latin Poems. T. Wright ed. Po. A. 17. Nicander Nucius's Travels. J. A. Cramer ed. Mi. M. 18. Three Metrical Romances. J. Robson ed. Po. C. FIRST SUPPLEMENT. 151 19. Dr. Dee's Private Diary. J.O. Halliwell ed. Bio. B. 20. Wycliffe's Apology for the Lollards. J. H. Todd ed. Ec. B. 21. Rutland Papers.. Times of Henry VII & VIII. W. Jerdan ed. Fa./1. 22. Diary of Bishop Cartwright. J. Hunter ed. Bio. C. 23. Letters of Literary Men, 16th 18th centuries. Sir HI. Ellis ed. Le D. 24. Proceedings against Alice Kyteler for sorcery. A. Way ed. Tom. 1. Mi. P. 25. Promptorium Parvulorum, Galfrido: Vol. 1. A. Way ed. 26. Letters.. Suppression of the Monasteries. T. Wright ed. Ec. C. 27. R. Dudley, E. of Leycester, Correspondence. J. Bruce ed. Le. B. 28. Croniques de London. G. J. Aungier ed. Hi. C. 29. Polydore Vergil's English History.... Sfr H. Ellis ed. 30. The Thornton Romances. J. 0O. Ilalliwell ed. Po. C. 31. Verney's Notes of the Long Parliament. J. Bruce ed. Fca. B. 32. Sir J. Bramstone's Autobiography. T. W. Brainmston ed. Bio. D. 33. Earl of Perth's Correspondence. W. Jerdan ed. Le. C. 34. De Antiquis Legibus liber. T. Stapleton ed. Hi. A. 35. Chronicle of Calais. J. G. Nichols ed. Hi. E. 36. Polydore Vergil's English History: T. 1. Sir H. Ellis ed. 37. Italian Relation of England, 1500. C. A. Sneyd ed. Mi. M. 38. Church of Middleham. W. Atthill ed. Ec. C. 39. The Camden Miscellany: Vol. 1. Mi. A. 40. Life of Lord Grey of Wilton. Sir P. de M. G. Egerton ed. Bio. A. 41. Walter Yonge's Diary. G. Roberts ed. Bio. B. 42. Henry Machyn's Diary. J. G. Nichols ed. Bio. A. 43. Visitation of Huntingdonshire. Sir H. Ellis ed. Mi. N. 44. Obituary of R. Smith. Sirf H. Ellis ed. Bio. C. 45. Twysden on the Government of England. J. M. Kemble ed. Mi. M. 46. Letters of Elizabeth and James VI. J. Bruce ed. Le. A. 47. Chronicon Petroburgense. T. Stapleton ed. Hi. B. 48. Chronicle of Queens Jane and Mary. J. G. Nichols ed. Hi. E. 49. Bury Wills and Inventories. S. Tymnes ed. Mi. N. 50. W. Mapes de Nugis curialium. T. Wright ed. Po. A. 51. Sir R. Guylford's Pilgrimage to the Holy Land. Sir H. Ellis ed. Mli.P. 52. Secret Services of Charles II & James II. J. Y. Akerman ed. Hi. F. 53. Chronicle of the Grey Friars of London. J. G. Nichols ed. Hi. E. 54. Promptorium Parvulorum: Vol. 2. 55. Camden Miscellany: Vol. 2. Mi. AS. 56. Verney Family Papers to 1639. J. Bruce ed. Fa. B. 57. The Ancren Riwle....of monastic life, 1250. J. Morton ed. Ec. A. 58. Lady Brilliania Iarley's Letters. T. L. Lewis ed. Le. C. 59. R. de Swinfield's Roll of Household expenses, 1293. J. Webb ed. Mi. 0. 60. Grants.. during Edward Vth's reign. J. G. Nichols ed. Hi. D. 61. Camden Miscellany: Vol. 3. Mi. A. 62. R. de Swinfield's Roll,'etc.; Abstract, Glossary, etc. J. Webb ed. Mi. O. 63. Charles I: Letters to Queen Henrietta Maria. J. Bruce ed. Le. C. 152 GENERAL LIBRARY. CAMDEN SOCIETY Publications: 64. An English Chronicle...before 1741, etc. J. S.Davis ed. Hi. C. 65. The Knights Hospitallers in England, 1338. L. B. Larking ed. Introduction by J. M. Kemble. Ec. B. 66. J. Rouss's Diary, 1625 - 42. Mary A. E. Green ed. Bio. B. 67. Trevelyan Papers prior to 1558. J. P. Collier ed. 68. Journal of Rev. R. Davies, LL.D. 1688 - 90. R. Caulfield ed. Bio. C. 69. The Domesday of St.Paul's, 1222. W. H. Hale ed. Ec. A. 70. Liber famelicus of Sir James Whitelocke. J. Bruce ed. Fa. A. 71. Savile ( H.) and Marquess of Halifax's Correspondence. W. ID. Cooper ed. Le. D.. 72. Romance of Blonde of Oxford Ind Jehan of Dammartin, by Phil. de Rheimes. Le Roux de Lincy ed. Po. B. 73. The Camden Miscellany: Vol. 4. CAMERON'S proposed...Steamers between Panama and Australia. J. Whitman, Sec. 30 p. 8~. Pam. v. 529. CAMFIELD, Rev. B. Sermon, Providence in Snows and Frosts: Ps. cxlvii, 15 - 18. London, 1684. 4~. Pam. v. 360. CAMILLUS. Pseud. See Enquiry...Montreal, 1810. CAMMELL (C.), & CO. Improved Railroad springs, wrought iron wheels and axles, steel, and files.. Sheffield. New-York, 1857. 5 plates. 4~. CAMOENSt, Luis De. The Lusiad; or the Discovery of India. An Epic Poem. Trans. by W. J. Mickle.** 3d edition. London, 1798. 2 v. 8~. CAMP CHARLOTTE. A Tale of 1774. Bya Member of the Bar. Philadelphia, 1844. 39 p. 8~. Pam. v. 497. CAMPAGNOL, A. Choix gradue de themes latins... Classe de huitieme. Paris, iachette, 1853. 8~. CAMPANIUSt (T.), Holmiensis. Description of New-Sweden in America. See Hist. Soc. of Pa. Coll. v. 3. CAMPBELL, Allan. Report of a Direct Route for the Eastern Termination of the Erie canal. City Doct. Allbany, 1836. 8~. Pam. v. 223. CAMPBELL, Rev. Augustus. The Rights of the English Clergy asserted, and the probable amount of their incomes estimated...2d ed. Liverpool, 1823. 46 p. 80. Pam. v. 325. CAMPBELLt, Charles. History of the Colony and Ancient Dominion of Virginia. Philadelphia, 1860. 765 p. 8~. CAMPBELL, Diana A. G. Further Statement of the Rules, Constitution and working of the society called the Sisters of Mercy,... London, 1852. 36 p. 8~. Pam. v. 331. CAMPBELLt (George), D.D. Sermon, Soc. in Scotland for Prop. Chr. Knowl.: 1 Cor. i, 25. Edinburgh, 1777. 80. Pam. v. 373. Nature, Extent and Importance of the duty of allegiance: Fast Sermon....on account of the rebellion in America, Dec. 12, 1776. 2d edition. Aberdeen, 1778. 80. Pam. v. 373. FIRST SUPPLEMENT. 153 CAMIPBTELL, Lt. Col. James. A British Army, as it was, —is,-and ought to be; illustrated by examples during the Peninsular War, with observations upon India, tile United States, Canada, the 1Boundary line....London, 1810. 337 p. 8'. CAMPBELLt ( John N.), D.D. Papal Rome identified with the great apostacy..Substance of three'discourses..Albany, 1838. 105 p. 18'. CAMPBELL, Jno. P. See Nashville Directory, 1853. CAMIPBELL ( Lewis D.), of Ohio. Speech on Southern Aggression, H. of R., Feb. 19, 1850. Washington. 8'. Pamni. v. 46. ---- Speech, U.S. H. of R., Supremacy of the Constitution and laws. Washington, 1856. 8 p. 8'. Pam. v. 561. CA3IPBELL, Mvs. Lilias. Memoirs of...from the years 1674 to 1692. Albany (1820?). 126 p. 8'. Reprint. CAMPBELL P. Travels in the Interior inhabited parts of N.America..1791, 92. Edinburgh, 1793. x, 388 p. 8". CAMIPBELLt, William W. A Memoir of Mrs. Judith S. Grant, late missionary to Persia. New-York, 1814. x, 200 p. 12". - Oration, Feb. 22, 1852, at the Celebration of the Birth-day of G. Washington, by the Order of United Americans. New-York, 1852. p. 18. 8~. See'Republic (The), v. 4. CAIMPDEN, C. G. Noel, Viscount. The British Chaplaincy in Madeira....London, 1817. 26 p. 8". Pain. v. 328. CAMPEt, Joh. H. Histoire de la Decouverte de 1'Amerique..pr6ce6de d'une notice biographique par M. Larenaudiere. Paris, Delalain, 1851. 2 v. 12~0. - Volleedig Leerstelsel van Opvoeding, ontworpen door eenige beronllde geleerden in Duitschland. Te Amsterdam, 1785, 1786. 2 v. 1 8. CAMIPER, Petrus. Lessen over de thans zweevende Veesterfte openlyk gehouden. Leeuwarden, 1769. xviii, 111 p. 8'. Pam. v. 196. A1IAMPILLO ( Joseph del) Y CosIo. Nuevo Sistema de Gobierno eco — nomico para la America: Con los males y daflos que le causa el que hoy tiene, de los que participa copiosamlente Espa-aa; y remedios universales para que la primera tenga considerables ventajas, y la segunda mayores intereses. _MTadrid, 1789. 32, 297 p. 18~. CAMPION, Ab. Sermon, Aug. 11, 1700: Col. i, 12. London. 4~. Panm. v. 351. CAnrst, Armand Gaston. Histoire et Proc6des du polytypage et de la ster6otype. Paris, Brumaire an x (1802). 135 p. 8"). Biblioth?'que choisie des Livres de droit, qu'il est le plus utile d'acqu6rir et de connaitre. 4ll1e 6dition..augment6e..par-M. Dupin.... Paris, 1819. 691 p. 4". - Nctes. See Avistotle, Hist. des animaux. CAMUSAT, Denys Fran;ois. Histoire critique des Journaux Par M. C'5'-. A Amsterdam, 1734. 2 v. in 1. 18'. CANADAt: AGRICULTURE. An Act to amend and consolidate the laws relating to the organizatitn of Agricultural Societies in Lower Canada. Parl. Paper. Toronto, 1857. 4~. Pam. v. 567. [ SUPPL.] 20 154 GENERAL LIBRARY. CANADA, AGRICTULTURE: Joiun'al and Transactions of the Board of Agriculture of Upper Canada. Vol. 1, 2. Toronto, 1856, 58.;With Hind's Essay on Insects injurious to Wheat crops. 70 p. in 2 v. 8". Rapport du Comlllit.e Sp6cial sur le Rapport de la Soci6ete d'Agriculture du Bas-Canada, et sur celui de la bociete d'Agriculture du Comote de IBeauharnois. Quebec, 1851. 8". Pain. v. 255.: CENSUS. Census of the Canadas, 1851, 52: Agricultural produce, mills, manufactories, houses, schools, public Luildings, places of worship, &c. Vol. II...Quebec, 1855. 48, 475 p. 8". (Upper) CLERGY. Report of a School Committee of the Leg. Council.upon the provision made by law for the support of a Protestant clergy in that Province. Toronto, 1835. 86 p. 80. Pans. v. 503. C: IVIL LiST. PRponse a une Adresse pour les noms des personnes nouimdes'a des charges depuis le 28 Mlars, 1855...T.oronto, Mai, 1857. 24 p.40. Pam. v. 567. - EDUCATION. Report of the Superintendent (P. J. O.Chauveau) of Education for Lower Canada for 1850, 51. QueLec, 1852. 49 p. - Reports...fcr 1855, 56, 57. Toronto, 1856, 57, 58. 4 v. 8'. -- - Rapport du Surintendant de l'iEducation, pour le BasCanada. Pour 1853, 54, 55. Quebec, 1854, 55. Toronto, 1856. 3 v. 8~. Annual Report of Common Schools in UpFer Canada for the years 1845, 46, by the chief superintendent of schools. Montreal, 1817. f". Annual Report of the normal, model, grammar, and common schools..for 1850, 54, 55, 56, 57. Quebec, Toronto, 1851 - 58. 5 v. 80. Rapport Annuel, etc. pour.....1854. Quebec, 1855. 8~. 3Being the above in French. Rapport Special sur les mesures qui out 6t6 adoptees pour l'etablissenient d'une I'cole Normlale; et pour mettre en vigueur dans son ensemble l'acte des Ecoles Commnunes, avec un appendice. Par le Surintendant des Ecoles du Haut-Canada. Montreal, 1847. 8~. Pam. v. 249. A:n Act Supplementary to the Common School Act for Upper Canada... Toronto, 1853. 80. Pami. v. 190. General Provisions of the Law, and Rules and Regulations for the establisliing and maintaining of public school libraries in Upper Canada... Toronto, 1854. Palm. v. 209. The Laws relating to Common Schools in Upper Canada. Toronto, 1855. — The same, for Grammar and Common Schools. 1855. Pam. v. 249. Progress of the Common School System of Upper Canada. By I. George Hodgins, M.A. Dep. Supt. E'dlu'cr.ationl. Toronto, 1856. 1 sheet. Pain. v. z20. EmIIGRATION. Rapport du Comite Spdeial nomallb pour s'enqubrir des causes de l'Demigration du Canada aux Itats-Unis d'Ame6q rique ou ailleurs. Toronto (1.857?). 149 p. roy. 8~. FIRST SUPPLEMENT. 155 ---: EXPOSITION of 1855. Extraits du Rapport sur 1'Exposition de Paris relativement aux produits du Canada. Leg. Dact. TorontO, 1857. 26 p. 4''. Pam. v. 567.: FISHERI.ES. Return to an Address from the Leg. Assem. for copies of reports...of P. Fortin.... charged with the protection of the fisheries in the Gulf of St. Lawrence....1856. Toronto, 1857. 36 p. 4". Pam. v. 567. _-_-~: GEOLOGICAL SURVEYS. RPeport of Progress for the years 1853, 54, 55, 56.- Report for 1857, by Sir T.. E. Logan. Toronto, 1857. 491, 240 p. and plates. 2 v. 8'. R- eturn to an Address of the Legislative Assembly for a copy of the Report of Count de Rottermunnd, of his exploration of Lakes. Superior and Hturon, 1856. 8'. Paml. v. 255. First Report. Second Rapport sur l'Exploration des Laes Sup6rieur et Huron. Par le Comte de Rottermund. Toronto, 1857. 8"'. Paml. v. 255. Plans of Various Lakes and Rivers between Lake Huron'-and the River Ottawa, to accompany the geological reports for 1853, 54, 55, 56. 22 plans. Toronto, 1857. gr. 4". Report on. the Exploration of the Court:.y between Lake Superior and the Red River settlement. By G. Gliadinan, H. Y.Hind, etc. Toronto, 1858. 425 p. and maps. 8'. ---: S.e Hudson's Bay Company. Reports on, 1857.: LIBRARY. Catalogue of the Library of Parliament: General Library. Printed by order of the Legislature. Toronto, 1857. 107-4 p. 80. Catalogue de la Biblioth'que du Parlement ( Vol. II). Ouvrages relatif., S l'Am1riqne: ~Brochures et mnanuscrits; Indle: des auteurs et des matires. Toronto, 1858. 1075 - 1893 p. 8'.: LNnDS. Report, of th2 Commissioner of Crown Lands of Canada for the year 185....Joseph Cauchon, Corer. Toronto, 1857. And appendix. 89, 3C0 p. 8'. Report made to the Crown Lands Department, by A. P. Salter, P.L.S., upon the country bordering upon the north shore of Lake Huron. Toronto, April 3, 185I. 12 p. 4'. Pam. v. 567. R- eturn to an Address relating to Ordnance lands lying within the City of Toronto, June 20, 1857. 24 p. 4". PamL. v. 567. Report of W. Shanly, esq., on the Ottawa survey... Leg. Doct. Toronto, 1858. 56 p. 4'. Pain. v. 567.: MILITIA. An Act to amend, and reduce into one act, the mlilitia laws...Toronto, 1838. 8~. Paim. v. 521.: NORTaWEST TERRITORY. Reports of Progress, together with a general and preliminary report on the Assiniboine and Saskatchewan exploring expedition.... By H. Y. Hind.... Toronto, 1'59. 201 p., maps and plates. 4~. - Report on the Exploration of the Country between Lake Superior and the ReJ River settlement, and between the latter place and the Assiniboine and Saskatchewan. By S. J. iDawson. Toronto, 1859. 45 p. and maps. 4~. 156 GENERAL LIBRARY.o CANADA:: PARLIAMENT. Various Bills and Journals. 1852. f'. Pain. vo 1105. --- (Upper): POLITICAL STATE. A Despatch from..Lord Glenelg... containining H. M.'s Answer to the separate addresses...from the Leg. Council.. On the governmzent of the p-rorince. Toronto, 1836. 36 p. 80. Pam. v. 503. Report of a Select Committee of the H. of Assembly, on the political state of the Provinces of Upper and Lower Canada... 1838. 65, 16 p. 8". Pam. v. 503. Report frtom the Select Committee of the Leg. Council, on the state of the province (1838). 91, 60 p. 8'. Pam. v. 503. - essages from..the Governor-General, on the subject of the re-union of the Provinces of Upper and Lower Canada.... Toronto, 1839. 18 p. 8~. Pam. v. 503.: POST OFFICE. Rapport Annuel du Iaitre-Gn6aral des Postes. Annie expiree le 31 Mars 1855. Leg. Doct. Toronto, 1855. S". Annual Report of the Postmalster-General1...1856. Toronto, 1857. 205 p. 8'. Paim. v. 567.: PRISONS. Rapport Annuel des Inspecteurs du P6nitencier Provincial pour l'annee 1855. Toronto..1856. 76 p. 80. ---: iPUBLIC WORKS. Report of the Commissioners of Pub. WVorks for the year ending Dec. 31st, 1855..Toronto..1856. 114 p. roy. 80. Reports...for 1851, 56, 58. Quebec, Toronto, 1852, 57, 59. 91, 93, 114 p. roy. 80. PaIn. v. 567. ---—: RAILROADS. Project for the Construction of a Railroad to the Pacific, through British territories; with Report of the Comm. of the Leg... therleupon...Aug. 3U, 1851. And A. McDonell. Toronto, 1852. 36 p. 12"). Pam. v. 147, 148.: ROADS. Premier et Second Rapports du Comite Sp6cial nonmmni pour s'enquerir du fonctionnement de lacte des municipalites et des chemins du Bas-Canada, de 1855. Toronto, 1857. 247 p.4~. Pam. v. 567.:SEAMEN. Return to an Address to the Governor-General of 29th March 1857, for copies of papers relative to desertion of seamen at Quebec. Toronto, 30 p. 4~. Pam. v. 567. ~ —- (Upper): Synopsis of the New Municipal Bill.... Second reading, 1858. 164 p. fo. Pain. v. 1103. CANADA (Lower) AGRICULTURAL ASSOCIATION. Prize List, 1858. Montreal. Pam. v. 461. CANADA (Upper) BAPTIST ASSOCIATION. Minutes, 1822. Niagara, 1822. Pam. v. 466. CANADA (Upper) BIBLE SOCIETY. 1St Report, 1841. Toronto, 1811. 80. Pam. v. 467. CANADAf DIRECTORY for 1857, 58, containing names of professional and business men..throughout the province; alphabetical directories of banks...clergy... officers of customs...newspapers, ( tc... to Nov. 1857. Montreal. 1166 (to 1544 advertisements) p..roy. 8~. FIRST SUPPLEMENT. 157 CANADA (The) EDUCATIONAL DIRECTORY AND CALENDAR for 1857, 58; containing an account of the schools, colleges and universities...Ed. by Thomas Ilodgins.*** Toro-to, 1857. 144 p. 8~. CANADA EDUCATION AND HOME MISSIONARY SOCIETY. Report. MIontreal, 1836. 8". Pamn. v. 294. CANADA (Le) ET L'EXPOSITION UNIVERSELLE DE 1855... Parl. Doct. By J. C. TachD. Toronto...1856. 8"1. CANADA (Upper) RELIGIOUS TRACT AND BOOK SOCIETY. 7th Report. Toronto, 1839. 8~. Paul. v. 297. CANADIAN ALMANAC. Maclear & Co.'s (late Scobie's) Canadian Almanac and Repository of Useful Knowledge for the year 1855.... Toronto. 88 p. 8~. CANAIIANt JOURNAL OF INDUSTRY, SCIENCE AND ART: Conducted by the editing committee of the Canadian Institute. New Series. Vol. I, II, III. Toronto...1856, 57, 58. 3 v. roy. 8). CANADIAN JOURNAL OF HOMICEOPATHIY, AO1. I, N~ 7. Hamilton, 1856. 8'. Pam. v. 515. CANADIAN (The) TOURIST. AccompanieB by a map....Montreal... 185 6. 18. CANADIAN (Upper) TRAVELLING MISSION FUND. Letters from J. Stewart, etc. 1843. 8". Pam. v. 384. CANAJOHARIE & CATSKILL RAILROAD COMPANY. Report of Examinations.... for a railroad... By Lieut. John Pickell... Catskill, 1831. Pam. v. 285. CANANDAIGUA ACADEMY. Catalogue, 1858, 59. Pam. v. 456. CANARY ( The) BIRD FANCIER ( Improved ): Containing a variety of useful information. Seventh Am. edition. N.York, 1842. 72 p. 18'. Pam. v. 616; CANDID EXAMINATION of the mutual claims, 1775. See [Galloway, J.]. CANDID (A) ENQUIRY into the present Ruined State of the French Monarchy; with Remaarks on the late despotick reduction of the interest of the National Debt of France**@. London, Almon, 1770. 115 p. 8"'. Pol. Tr. v. 5. CANDID HINTS'concerning the Protestant Episcopal Church. N.York, 1858. 18 p. 120. Pain. v. 543. CANDID THOUGHTS; or an Enquiry into the causes of national discontents and misfortunes since the commencement of the present reign. London, 1781. 73 p. 8'. Pam. v. 410. CANDIDUS. See Brieven van, 1782 - 83. CANDOR. See Letter concerning libels, 1764; Another Letter to MIr. Almon, 1771; Letter of Candor to Public Advertiser; Enquiry concerning libels, 1764; Principles of the late changes, 1765. CANNINGt, George. Speech, H. of Commons, Nov. 24, 1819: Opening of the Session. London, 1820. Pain. v. 439. Speech, on the Silk trade, 1826. See Williams, J. - Speech, H. of Commons, Feb. 15, 1825, on... suppression of unlawful associations in Ireland. London. 62p 8. 80. Paml v. 439. 158': - GENERAL LIBRARY. C2ANNING, George: Speech., to his Constituents at Liverpool, March 18, 1820. Pam. v. 439. [ —]. See M3]icrocosm, The. CANTEE B-URY COLONISTS. Brief Information about the Canterbury settlement, New-Zealand. London, 1850. 8'. Paimn. v. 434. CANTILLON, Philip. Vermakelykheden van Brabant, en deszelfs onderhoorige Landen; vervattende eene historische, ehronologische, geographische en genealogische beschryving.... Verzierd met 200 fraaije konstplaaten.... Uit het Fransch.... e Amsteldam, 1770. 2 v. in 1. 8~. CANTON CDiMPANY of Baltimore: Report, 1850. Baltimore. 21 p. 8~. Pain. v.520. CAPE OF GOOD HOPE Government and Legislature considered. Chiefly froz. the Cape lMonitor. London, 1851. xi, 303 p. 8'. Pamn. v. 434-. CAPEL, Joseph A. Unitarian Britain's Prospect of becoming popish and atheistical... The permanent establishment of religious liberty....London, 1828. 76 p. 8'. Pan. v. 320. [ CAPENt, N.]. See Inquiry into the nature of music. See Cat:. 1855. CAPGRAVE, John. Johannis Capgrave Liber de Illustribus Henricis. Edited by the Rev. F. C. C. ineston.... under the direction of the - Master of the Rolls. London, 1858. lvix, 319 p. 8~, - The Book of the Illustrious Henries. Trans. from the Latin, by the Rev. F. C. Hingeston. London, 1858. xxii, 285 p. ~8'. - The Chronicle of Engla.nd. Edited by the Rev. F. C. Hingeston....under the direction of the Master of the Rolls. London, 1858. xxx, 482 p. 8". CAPITALIST (The); or, Fortune's Frolics: A Romance.... N.York, 1846. 47 p. 80. Pam. v. 496. CAPPER, Henry. Where to emigrate, and how; being Information respecting... Australia, New-Zealand and Port Natal.....London, 1850. 32 p. 80. Pain. v. 454. CAPPONI, A. G. Catalogo della Libreria Capponi.... con annotazioni.... By Monsig. D. Georgi. In Roma..1747. 476 p. 4". CAPPONI, Gino. Catalogo dei Manoscritti posseduti dal Marchese Gino Capponi. By Carlo JVfilanesi. Firenze, 1845. 268 p. 80. CAPRONt ( Eliab W.) and II. D. BARRON. Singular Revelations: Explanation and History of the mysterious comnmunion with spirits, comprehending the rise and progress of the nysterious noises in Western New-York... 2d edition..enlarged...Auburn, N.Y. 1850. 84 p. roy. 8". Pam. v. 563. C(AACCIOLI, Louis Antoine de. Beschryving van het Leven en Gevoelens van Pans Clemens XIV (Ganganelli). Uit het Fransch... Te Rotterdaml..1778. 8~. CAREW, Bampfylde Moore. An Apology for the Life of: commonly called the King of the Beggars.... A particular account of the origin... of the Gypsies.... and a parallel between Mr....Carew and Mr. Thomas Jones...9th edition."*" By 2'. Price. London, 1775. 347 p. 12~. FIRST SUPPLEMENT. 159 - --- The Surprising Adventures of B. Ali. C., King of the Beggars.. London (1813). 28' p. 120.'CAREY'S FRANKLIN ALMANACK. Philadelphia, 1803. 120. Alm. v.17. CAREY ( Eustace) and WV. YATES. Vindication of the Calcutta Baptist missionaries; in answer to....J. Marshman... London, 1828. 104 p. 8. Pain. v. 314. CAREY, Henry. The Honest Yorkshireman: A ballad farce. London. 8~. Pamn. v. 396. CAREYI, Henry C. Principles of Social Science. Philadelphia, 1858, 59. 3 v. 8. ----- The Slave Trade, domestic and foreign; why it exists, and how it may be extinguished. Philadelphia, 1853. 426 p. 12". - Money: A Lecture...New-York, 1857. 28 p. See Am..Geogr. Society. ----- Letters to the President, on the foreign and cdomestic policy of the Union, and its effects, as exhibited in the condition of the people and the state. Philadelphia, 1858. 171 p. 80. - and J. LEA. The Geography, History and Statistics of America and the West Indies; exhibiting a correct account of the the year 1822... With additions relative to the new States of South America, &c.... London.... 1823. 8'. CAREYt, Matthew. [A Collection] in 1 v. 8. 3 Contents: Letters to Mr. Adain Seybert....on the...nBank of the United States. 2d edition, enla.rrg4d. Philadelphia, 1811. 80 p. Address, Philadelphia Society for promoting agriculture.... Philadelphia, 1824. 66 p. Twenty-one Golden Rules to depress agriculture, imp2de the progress of allanufactures, paralize comlmere.. y B a Pennsyllvanian. Philadclphia, 1824. 56 p. Anon. A Warning Voice to the cotton and tobacco-planters, farmers and merchanlts... By a Pennsylvanian. Philadelphia, 1824. xx, 76 j. Alnon. Fifty-one Substantial Reasons agalinst any miodification whatever of the existing tariff.... By a Pennsyl vanian... Philtadelphia, 18'24. xvi, 27 p. Al,on;. Essays tendi]ig to prove the ruinous effiects of the policy of the U; States.... By a Citizen of Philadelphia. Philadelphia, 1826.. 34 p. Anon. Cursory Views of the liberal and restrictive systems of political economy.... By a Citizan of Philadelphia. 2d edition. Philadelphlia, 1826. 3J p. Anon. Letters onl the Colonization Society... 31 edition, enlarged. Philadelphia, 1832. 24 p.- Also in Pam. v. 462. [-]. See Examination of the pretensions of New-England. 1814. Cat. 1855. Brief View of the System of Internal Improvement of the State of Pennsylvania'~..... Pub. by order of the Soc. for the Promi. of Internal Improvement. Philadelphia, 1831. 36 p. 80. Collectanea: Displaying the rise and progress of the tariff system of the U.S.... Philadelphia, 1833. 25 p. 8". Pam. v. 197. [ — ] St.MTary's Church. S6e Harold, W. V. 160 GENERAL LIBRA.RY. CAREY, Matthew: Fhilosophy of Common Sense: Containing practical rules for the promotion of domestic happiness; rules for the conduct of husbands anJ wives....Improved edition.*" Philadelphia, 1838. 212 p. 18". CAREY, William. Critical Description of the Procession of Chaucer's Pilgrills...painted by T. Stothard. London, 1808. 77 p. 18'. Pain. v. 400. CARICATURE (La) FRANAITSE: N~ 3, Avril 1836. Pam. v. 1016. CAURLETTI, Francesco. Ragionamenti di:..sopra le cose da lui Yvedute ne'suoi i-iaggi, si dell'Indie occidentali, e orientali, come d'altri paesi...Firenze, 1701. lxxxviii, 166, 396 p. 18". CARLISLE, George Howard, Earl of. A Letter Earl Fitzwilliaml, in reply to his Lordship's two letters. London, 1795. 8~. Pam. v. 344. CARLISLEt, G. W. F. Howard, Earl of. Diary in Turkish and Greek Waters...Edited by C. C. Felton. Boston, 1855. 12'. CARLISLE, N. Catalogue. See Society of Antiq. London. CARLISLE, Rev. William. Letters on Church Reform. London, 1844. 47 p. 8". Pain. v. 327. CARLTONt, Robert. Pseud. See Hall, B. R. CARLYLE, Prof. Joseph D. Specimens of Arabian Poetry, from the earliest tilme to the extinction of the Khaliphat, with soime account of the authors. Cambridge, 1796. 4". CARLYLEt, Thomas. History of Frederick II of Prussia, called Frederick the Great. In four vols. Vol. I, II. London, 1858. 2 v. 8'. CARNE, Robert H. A Defence and Explanation of the Sinlessness... of the humanity of the Son of God. London, 1829. 42 p. 8'. Pam. v. 304. Review of the Discussion on the Orioination of the Manhood of the Son of God, occasioned by statements of E. Irving.... London. 18321. 109 p. Pami. v. 305. CAROLINA: or A Description, etc....By T. A. (Ash). London, 1682. See Carroll's Hist. Coll. CAROLINE, Qzeen of Great Britain. An Essay towards the character of her late Majesty Caroline, Queen Consort, &c. By Dr. Alured Clarke. London, 1738. 46 p. 8". Pamn. v. 419. CAROLINEt ALMANACI AND AMERICAN FREEMAN'S CHRONICLE for 18410. Rochester, N. Y. Mackenzie's Gazette Office. 120 p. 12'. CARPENTERS' COMIPANY. Reminiscences of Carpenters' Hall.. Philadelphia,...from the ancient minutes.. Philadelphia, 1858. 41 p. 8;'. CARPENTER (D.), of N.Y. Speech, U.S H. of R., May 10, 1854, on the Nebraska and Kansas bill. 8'. Pam. v. 206. CARPENTERt, Laent. Supplement to the first edition of the HIarmony of the four Gospels. 1838. 18 p. 80. Pam. v. 313. CARPENTERt, William 13. The Microscope and its Revelations.. With an appendix containing'the applications of the microscope to clinical medicine, etc. by F'. G. Smith..I...Illust. by 434 engravings on wood. Philadelphia, 1856. 8~. FIRST SUPPLEMENT. 161 Mechanical Philosophy, Horology and Astronomy. New edition. London, Bohn, 1857. 12~. Zoology; being a Systematic Account of..the animal kingdom as well as of the chief forms of fossil remains...New W. S. Dallas. London, Bohn, 1857. 2 v. 120. Vegetable Physiology and Systematic Botany.... Edited by E. Lankester. London, Bohn, 1858. 12. ---- Animal Physiology... New edition; partly re-written. London, Bohn, 1859. 12~. CARPZOVIUS, F. B. Bibliotheca Carpzoviana, sive Catalogus Librorum quos..collegit...auctionis lege...cedet. Lipsice, 1700. Pars prior, 486 p.; Pars posterior, 536 p. in 1 v. 12~. CARRt (Prof. Ezra S.), M.D. An Inaugural Address....before the Board of Regents of the State University, Jan. 16, 1856. Madison, Wis. 80~. Pan. v. 286. An Address, Wisconsin Pioneers' Association, June 17, 1857. With the proceedings at the festival. Newsp. slips. Pam. v. 504. CARR, George. Sermon, Victory at Culloden: Eccl. vii, 14. Edinburgh, 1746. 80. Pam. v. 369. CARR, Rev. Spencer. A Brief Sketch of La Crosse, Wisconsin...La Crosse, 1854. 28 p. 12~. [ CARR, Rev. William]. See Dialect of Craven. Cat. 1855. CARRAUD, Z. Maurice, ou le Travail; livre de lecture courante a l'usage des ecoles primaires. Paris, 1858. 224 p. 120. La Petite Jeanne, ou le Devoir; livre de lecture courante..... Paris, Hachette, 1858. 234 p. 12~. CARRELt, Armand. History of the Counter-Revolution in England, for the reestablishment of Popery, under Charles II and James II.... With, History of the Reign of James II, by the Right Hon. C. J. Fox. Awid, Memoir of the reign of James II, by John Lord Viscount Lonsdale. London, Bohn, 1857. 120. CARRERA, Pietro. A Treatise on the Game of Chess... To which are added the art of playing without seeing the board, and an account of the most celebrated chess-players of his time. Trans. from the Italian, with additional notes and remarks, by W. Lewis..London, 1822. 300 p. 8~. CARRILLO (J.), y PEREZ. Pensil Americano Florido en el rigor del invierno, la Imnagen de Maria Santissima de Guadalupe, aparecida en la corte de la Septentrional Am6rica Mexico, en donde escribia esta Historia Don Ignacio Carrillo y Perez.... Ano de 1793. En Mexico..1797. 132 p. sm. 4~. CARROLL, Anna Ella. The Star of the West; or National men and National measures... ** 3d edition, revised...New-York, Miller, Orton & Co., 1857. 561 p. 12. CARROLL ( C. H.), of N.Y. Speech, U.S. H. of R., Feb. 22, 1847, on the Mexican War. 80. Pam. v. 193. [ CARROLL, Abp. John]. An Address to the Roman Catholics of the United States of America: By a Catholic Clergyman. Annapolis, F. Green; and Worcester, Eng. Reprint, 1785. 120 p. 8~. [SUPPLo] 21 162 GENERAL, LIBRARY. CARROLL COLLEGE. Catalogue, 1855. Waukesha, Wis. 8~. Pam. v. 480. CARRUTHERS, Robert. The Life of Alexander Pope; including extracts from his correspondence. 2d edition. London, Bohn, 1857. 120. CARSON, Alexander. The Truth of the Gospel demonstrated from the character of God manifested in the atonement: A Letter to Mr. Richard Carlile-. Edinburgh, 1820. 32 p. 80. Pam. v. 304. CARTAS ESPANOLAS 6 LA REVISTA SEMANAL. Set. 27. Madrid, 1832. 80. Pam. v. 513. CARTE, Thomas. The Life of James, Duke of Ormond; containing an account of' the most remarkable affairs of his time, and particularly of Ireland under his government; with an appendix and a collection of letters, serving to verify the most material facts in the said history. A new edition, carefully compared with the original MSS. Oxford, 1851. 6 v. 80. CARTER, James. A Lecture on the Primitive State of Man.... London, 183;6. 8~. Pam. v. 395. CARTER (Nicholas):, D.D. Sermon, Of Creeds: Matt. xxiii, 8 - 10. 2d edition. London, 1752. 8~. Pam. v. 370. CARTER (R1.) & BROTHERS, Catalogue. New-York, 1858. 120. Pam. v. 602. CARTER, D'.- Richard. Valuable Vegetable Medical Prescriptions for the cure of all nervous: and putrid disorders......Frankfort (Ken.), 1813. 187 p. 12~. CARTULAIRES DE FRANCE. Cartulaire de l'Abbaye de Saint Victor de Marseille, publi6 par M-. Guerard:. T.I, II. Paris, 1857. See France, Doc. ined. CARTWRIGHT (Thomas), D.D. Sermon, at Assizes, York, 1676: Jud. xvii, 6. 4~. Pami. v. 35:9. Sermon at Ri"pon, Feb. 6, 1686: 1 Ki. viii:, 66.; Accession to the throne. London. 40. Pam;. v. 361. CArYt, Thomas GC. Memoir of Thomas Handasyd, Perkins; containing extracts fr om; his: diaries and: letters. Boston, 1856. 304 p. 8~. ~ —-- Speech, on the use of the credit of the State for the Hoosac tunnel, in the Sen. of Massachusetts, May 18, 1853..... Boston, 1853. 8~. Pam. v. 237. CASE (,The) and: CLAIM of the American: loyalists impartially stated and considered. Printed by order of: their agents. London, 1783. 38 p. 8~. CASE (The) AS IT IS; or a Reply to Dr. Pusey's Letter, etc. 1842. 80 p. 80. Pam. v. 331. CASE of Abraham and Melchisedek. See [ Sherlock, T.]. CASE (The) of compelling men to the Holy Sacrament of the Lord's Supper considered; and authority vindicated in it,.. London, 1684. iv, 52 p. 40~. Pam. v. 356. CASE ( The) of Dissenters as affected by the late Bill proposed in Parliament, for preventing occasional conformity... London, 1703. 31 p. 40. Pam. v. 358, FIRST SUPPLEMENT. 1:6'3 CASE (The) of Dr. Rundle's Promotion to the See of Glocester con9idered; or, Some Remarks on a late pamphlet, entituled, Reasons alleged against Dr. Rundle's promotion, etc.... By a Clergyman... London, 1734. 32 p. 8~. Pam. v. 341. CASE ( The) of Dunkirk faithfully stated, and impartially considered By a Mem. of the H. of Commons. London, 1730. 32 p. 8~. Pam. v. 445. CASE (The) fairly stated; in a Dialogue between Moderation and Constitution. London, 1702. 4~. Pam. v. 358. CASE (The) of Protestant Dissenters in Carolina; shewing how a law to prevent occasional conformity there, has ended in'the total subversion of the constitution in church and state..... **. London, printed in the year 1706. 42 p.4~.- With Appendix, The First Charter, Constitutions, &c. 14 numbers, 67 pages additional. CASE (The) of the Church of England. From Fraser's Magazine, Feb. 1834. Revised... London. 80. Pam. v. 326. CASE ('The) of the Dissenters, in a Letter addressed to the Lord Chancellor. London, 1833. *64 p. 8~. Pam. v. 320. CASE ( The) of the Importation of Bar Iron, from our own C;olonies of North America; humbly recommended to the consideration of the present Parliament, by the Iron-manufacturers of Great B:ritain. London, 1756. 29 p. 8~. CASLO, Anthony. Life of; or, a Bonaparte Soldier, Eight years in the armies of France, Spain, England and the United States. Detroit, 1856:. 76 p. 80. CAsst (Lewis), of Michigan. Speech, U.S. Senate, March 1, 1847, on the Wilmot Proviso. 80. Pamin. v. 193. * — Speech, U.S. Sen.: War with Mexico, Jan. 3, 1848. Pam. v. 486. - Remarks, U.S. Senate, on the Dissolution of the Union and the Constitution of California, Feb. 1850. Pam. v. 486. Address, Kalamazoo Co. Agr. Society, 1850. Pam. v. 237, 461. Diplomatic Relations with Austria: Speech, U.S. Senate, 1850. Pam. v. 487. Speech, U.S. Senate, on the River and Harbor appropriation bills. Washington, 1856. 21 p. Pam. v. 487. Life of:.. To which is appended... History of Maj. Gcn. W. O. Butler... Philadelphia, 1848. 210 p. 12~. Biography of L. C., including a Voice from a Friend. N.York, 1843. 36 p. 80. Pam. v. 471. Life of: See [ Schoolcraft, H. R.]. Cat. 1855. CASSAGNAC, A. De. See Granier De Cassagnac. CASSAN, Rey-?. S.H. Considerations against the Repeal of the corporation and test acts...2d ed. London, 1828. 91 p. 80. Pam. v. 346. CASSELL'S ILLUSTRATED ALMANACK for 1859. London. 4~. CASSELL, John. Cassell's Natural History: The Feathered Tribes. London, 1854. 632 p. 4~. 164 GENERAL LIBRARY. CASSIN, John. Illustrations of the Birds of California, Texas and British and Russian America; intended to comprise all the species of North-America, except Mexico, not figured by former American authors, and to serve as a supplement to the octavo edition of Audubon's Birds of America. By John Cassin..and Henry L. Stephens. Philadelphia, 1856. 298 p. 8~. The Same. Specimen number. N~ 1. 1852. 28 p. 8~. Birds of Chili. See U.S. Naval Astr. Expl. Expedition. [CASTEL DE ST. PIERRE, Ch. Iren.]. See Discourse of the Danger, 1728. CAsus CONSCIENTIE, Anno 1732 mense Januarii - Anno 1749. 480 p. 120. Imperfect. [CASTLEMAIN, Lord]. Apology in behalf of Papists. See Lloyd, W. CASWELL, Rev. J. Counterfeit Money: Siamese Tract. Bangkok, 1849. 240. Pam. v. 609. CATALOGI LIBRORUM MANUSCRIPTORUM Anglie et Hibernihe in unum collecti, cum indice alphabetico. Oxonire, 1697. 2 v. in I fo. CATALOGUE (A) of the Damages for which the English demand reparation from the United-Netherlands; as also a list of damages, actions and pretenses for which those of the United-Netherlands demand reparation and satisfaction from the English; together with the answer of the English...London, 1664. iv, 75 p. sm. 4~. Pam. v. 253. CATALOGUESt. A Collection of sale, &c. catalogues of books. 21 v. 8~. Contents: VOL. 79, 84, 85, 92, American; Vol. 77, 78, 82, 83, 87, 88, English; Vol. 94, 95, 96, London auctions; Vol. 80, 81, 89, 90, from Reviews, English and American; Vol. 86, 91, 97, French, German, &c.; Vol. 93, Law. CATALOGUS LIBRORUM RARISSIMORUM, Bibliotheccs Jos. Smith, ab artis typographicae inventoribus, aliisque ejusdem artis principibus, ante annum Millesimum quingentesimum excusorum. Omniurn optime conservatorum. Colophon. Pretiossissima haec librorum collectio, cujusvis magni principis bibliotheca dignissima, constat voluminibus CCXLVIII. 2d edition. Venice, J. B. Pasquali, 1738. 70 p. sm. 4~. CATAWISSA, WILLIAMSPORT and ERuIE RAILROAD. N.York, 1853. 8~, and map. Pam. v. 571. CATHOLIC ALMANAC for 1834, 35, 37, 38, 39, 45, 46. Baltimore, F. Lucas. 8 v. 120. — See also Metropolitan. CATHOLIC EMANCIPATION calmly considered. London, 1825. 22 p. 8~. Pam. v. 345. CATHOLIC (The) PULPIT, with the Approbation of his Lordship the Rt. Rev. Dr. Wiseman; Vol. I. Ed. by E. Robillard, esq....No.'s 1, 3, 12, 15, 16, 19, 21, 22, 24, 25. London, 1849. 8~. Pam. v. 380. CATHOLIC (The) STATE WAGON. London, 1829. 16 p. 8~. Pam. v. 345. CATHOLIC (The) WORK of the Protestant Episcopal Church in America: A contribution to the cause of the memorial. By a Presbyter. Rev. Edward Washburn? New-York, 1855. 24 p. 80~ Pam. v. 262. FIRST SUPPLEMENT. 165 CATLINt, George. Catalogue of Catlin's Indian Gallery of portraits, landscapes, manners and customs, costumes, &c. &c....New-York, 1837. 36 p. 12~. Pam. v. 227. CATLOWt, Agnes. The Conchologist's Nomenclator: A Catalogue of all the recent species of shells included under the sub-kingdom' Mollusca.'.. Assisted by Lovell Reeve...London, 1845. 80. CATOR, Rev. Charles. Letter IV: The Necessity of a National Church. London, 1835.- Letter V: Ireland... The Necessity, &c. London, 1835. 8~. Pam. v. 327. Sermon, Our Father: Lu. xi, 2, before the Lord Mayor. London, 1839.- Sermon, This is my Body: 1 Cor. xi, 24, before the Lord Mayor. 2d edition. London, 1839. 8~. Pam. v. 378. CATSt, Jacob. Dichterlijke Werken. Amsterdam, 1720. 180. imp. CATTARAUGUS BAPTIST ASSOCIATION. Minutes, 1847. Angelica, 1847. Pam. v. 466. CATTERMOLE, George. See Evenings at Haddon Hall. CATTO, Rev. William T. A Semi-Centenary Discourse, First African Presbyterian Church, Philadelphia, May 4, 1857.... Notice of Rev. J. Gloucester...Appendix: Sketches of all the colored churches in Philadelphia. Phil'a, 1857. 111 p. 8~. CATULLUSt. Catvllvs; Tibvllus; Propertivs. Venetiis in aedibvs Aldi mense Ianvario MDII. 18~. CAUDLE'S (Mrs.) LECTURES. From Punch. See [Jerrold, D.] CAULFIELD, James. Calcographiana: The Print-seller's Chronicle and collectors' guide to the knowledge and value of engraved British portraits. London, 1814. 163 p. 8~. The High Court of Justice; comprising memoirs of the principal persons who sat in judgment on King Charles the First, and signed his death warrant.. Illustrated with their portraits...London... 1820. 112 p. roy. 8~. CAUSA DEI CONTRA NOVATORES; or God ever present with, God ever propitious to his people. In answer to.. Dr. Hughes... Mr. Wilson. London, 1747. 81 p. 80. Pam. v. 341. CAUSES (The) of the Present Distractions in America explained: in two letters to a merchant in London. By F~ B —. Sir Francis Bernard? Printed in the year 1774. 16 p. 8~. CAUSSIN DE PERCEVAL, A. P. See Vassif Effendi, Guerre des Turcs. CAV~t, Mm7e M. E. Cours de Dessin sans maitre... 3-e sderie. Paris. 42 - 60 pl. f. [CAVE (William), D.D.]. A Discourse concerning the Unity of the Catholic Church maintained in the Church of England. London, 1684. 57 p. 80. Pam. v. 356. CAVENDISHt, Tho. Journalen van drie Voyajien, te weten: 1, Van Mr. Thomas Candish.... 1586 - 1588; 2, Van der Heer Frasoys Draeck, ende Heer Jan den jare 1593...Nassausche Vloot; 3, Ofte Beschryvinge van de voyagie.... van den Adm. Jaques L'Heremite, inde jaren 1623 - 26... Amstelredam, Wachter, 1643. 100 p. 4~. 166' GENERAL LIBRARY. CAYUGA BAPTIST ASSOCIATION. Minutes, 1817, 1820, 1825. Auburn. Pam. v. 466. CECIL, Rev. Richard. True Patriot; a Sermon before Military Association: 1 Sam. xvii, 29. London, 1798. 8~. Pam. v. 374. Sermon, Soc. for Missions to Africa and the East: Is. xl, 3... Also, the Report... London, 1803. 80~. Pam. v. 384. - A Friendly Visit to the House of Mourning. London, 1820. 60 p. 180. Pam. v. 339. CEDAR VALLEY TIMES. Ap. 29, 1858: Cedar Rapids, Iowa. Newsp. v. 16. CENTENARY COLLEGE OF LOUISIANA. Catalogue, 1847. Clinton, 1848. 8~. Pam. v.481. CENTRAL ASSOCIATION in aid of Soldiers' wives and families. 1st Anniversary, 1855. London. 39 p. 80. Pam. v. 472. CENTRAL MILITARY TRACT RAILROAD COMPANY....Report, June 1856. Chicaao. 80. Pam. v. 283. CENTURY CLUB. Twelfth-Night at the Century Club, January 6, 1858. By G. C. Verplanck? New-York, 1858. 93 p. sm. 4~. CESPEDES, Andres Garcia de. Regimiento de Navegacion mando haser el Rei nuestro senor. Por orden de su conseijo real de las Indias a Andres Garcia de Cespedes, su cosmografo maior, siendo Presidente e nel dicho conseijo, el Conde de Lemos. Madrid, 1606. x, 184 leaves. f~. C(ZAN, M. De. Manuel Anti-syphilitique; ou Essai sur les Maladies ven6riennes.... A Londres, et se trouve a Paris, 1774. 18~. - Manuel Anti-syphilitique... A Gbneve..1789. 18~. CHALCOGRAPHIMANIA; or, the Portrait-collector and Print-seller's Chronicle, with infatuations of every description: A humorous poem. By Satiricus Sculptor, esq.*** By William H. Ireland and T. Coram. London, 1814. 212 p. 80. CHALKLEY, Thomas. A Collection of the Works of: Vol. I, The Journal (the second edition; Vol. II, containing epistles and other writings. Philadelphia, printed and sold by James Chattin, in Church Alley, 1754. viii, 325, 244 p. in 1 v. 18~. CHALLONER ('Richard), D.D. The Touchstone of the New Religion; or Sixty Assertions of Protestants tried by their own Rule of Scripture alone....Also, The True Principles of a Catholic..1780. 10th edition. London, 1823. 36 p. 180. Pamin. v. 345. CHALIMERSt (Thomas), D.D. Sermon at Glasgow, the day of the Funeral of H.R.H. the Princess Charlotte of Wales: Isaiah xxvi, 9. Edinburgh, 1817. 44 p. 80. Pam. v. 554. - The Importance of Civil Government to Society.... Glasgow, 1820. Pain. v. 288. Speech.... Gen. Assem. Church of Scotland, explanatory of the St.Johns Parish, for the extinction of its compulsory pauperism. With an appendix. Glasgow, 1822. 97 p. 8~. Pain. v.535. - The Effect of Man's Wrath in the agitation of religious controversies: A Sermon, Sept. 23, 1827. Glasgow, 1827. 8~. Pam. v. 288. FIRST SUPPLEMENT. 167 The Efficacy of Prayer: A Sermon, Fast on account of the cholera. Boston, 1832. 120. Pam. v. 559. ----- Remarks on the Right Exercise; of Church patronage. Glasgow. 54 p. 8~. Pam. v. 295. On the Evangelical Alliance;; its design, its difficulties, its proceedings, and its prospects..... Edinburgh, 1846. 68 p. 8~. Pam. v. 495. CHAMBERS, E. Cyclopaedia; or An Universal Dictionary of Arts and Sciences.... With the Supplement and modern improvements. By Abraham Rees, D.D. London, 1784 - 86. 4 v. text, 1 v. index and plates. 5 v. fP. CHAMBERS, George. A Tribute to the Principles, virtues, habits and public usefulness of the Irish and Scotch early settlers of Pennsylvania: By a Descendant. Chambersburg, Pa. 1856. iv, 171 p. 8~. CH-AMBERS, Sir Robert. Catalogue of the Sanskrit Manuscripts collected during his residence in India..... With a brief memoir by Lady Chambers. London, 1838. 35 p., and lithographed letters of. Wilkins, Colebrooke, Rosen, &c. in I v. fo. CHAMBERS't ( R. & W.) EDINBURGHr JOURNAL. New Series, V. 4-10. Edinburgh, Jul. 1855 - Dec. 1858. 7 v. roy. 8~. CHAMBERS, Talbot W. The Noon Prayer-meeting of the North Dutch Church, Fulton-street, New-York... New-York, 1858. 308 p. 120. A Discourse, in the Reformed Dutch Church of Redminster, N. J., July 9, 1852, at the Funeral of Rev. George Schenck. N.York, 1852. 80. Pam. v. 268. CHAMBERS,, Sir William. A Dissertation on Oriental Gardening.... London,, 1772. 163 p. 4~. CHAMP>RRE DE COMMERCrnc de Bordeaux. See Bordeaux. CHAMEROVZOW, L. A. Borneo Facts versus Borneo Fallacies-: An Inquiry into the alleged piracies of the Dyaks.... Lon'don (1850). 64 pD. 8~. Pamin. v. 434.a [CHAMISSO, Adelbert Von]. Peter Sehlemihl: From the German of Lamotte Fouque.; With plates by George Cruikshank. ** Boston.. 1824. 12~. CHAMPIGNYt, Chev. De. Etat Present de la Louisiane, avec toutes les particularitRes de cette province d'Am6rique....A La iaye, 1776. 147 p. 8~. CHAMPION, J. Reflections on the....:Parties; on the National debt, and the necessity and expediency of suppressing the American rebellion. 2d edition. London, 1746 (1776). 64 p. 8~. CHAMPNES, Charles. Signs of the Times: A Sermon, Rom. xiv, 19. London, 1831, 80. Pai. v. 377. CHANDLER, Charles F. Miscellaneous Chemical Researches: Inaug. Diss. Univ. of Gottingen. Albany, 1857. 52 p. 8~. Pam. v. 551. CHANDLER, (E.), Bishop. Sermon, 1719. See Soc. Prop. the Gospel. C2HANDLER, Elizabeth M. The Poetical Works of: With a: Memoir of her life and character, by Benjamin Lundy***. Philadelphia, 1836.4 180 p.-With, Essays, philanthropic and moral, by E. M. C.; principally relating to the abolition of slavery in America *'. Phil'a, 1835. 120 p. 12~. 168 GENERAL LIBRARY. CHANDLER, George. A Sermon, Downton Friendly Society: Prov. xviii, 24. Salisbury, Eng. 1811. 80. Pam. v. 376. CHANDLER (Richard), D.D. The Life of William Waynflete, Bishop of Winchester, Lord High Chancellor of England in the Reign of Henry VI, and Founder of Magdalen College, Oxford: Collected from records, registers, manuscripts, and other authentic evidences. London, 1811. 428 p. 80. CHANDLERt (Samuel), D.D. [A Collection of Writings of], in 1 v. 8~. Contents: Vindication of.... the Bishop of London, in his Second Pastoral Letter, against the misrepresentations of W. Berriman, D.D... London, 1734. 44 p.... Duty of Good Men under the...invasion: A Sermon, Is. viii, 12-14. London, 1745. The Case of Subscription to explanatory articles of faith... With, Speech of Rev. J. A. Turretin, previous to the abolition of all subscriptions at Geneva....London, 1748. 182 p. A Letter to Rev. S. Chandler, occasioned by his late discourse, The case of subscription, etc. London, 1740. 40 p. With part of G. Harvest's Letter on the same. The Incurableness of Superstition.... Two Discourses, Accession to the throne: Micah iv, 5. London, 1749. Sermlon, On two shocks of an earthquake, March 11, 1750: Job ix, 5, 6. London, 1750. Sermon, Death of Rev. M. Lowman at Clapham. London, 1752. Sermon, Death of George II 1 I Chron. xxix, 28. London, 1760. t-. Sermon, Society for relieving the widows and orphans of Prot. dissenting ministers, March 1, 1748: 2 Cor. ix, 12. With a paraphrase of 2 Cor. 8th & 9th chapters. Lond. 1749. 4~. Pam. v. 1006. CHANDLERt (Thomas B.), D.D. An Appeal to the Public, in behalf of the Church of England in America: By Thomas Bradbury Chandler, D.D., Rector of St.John's Church, Elizabethtown, N.J..:* New-York, 1767. xii, 127 p. 8~. [ -]. An Appendix to the American edition of the-Life of Archbishop Seeker; containing His Grace's Letter to the Rev. Mr. Macclanechan, on the irregularity of his conduct; with an introductory narrative. N.York, Gaine, 1774. See Porteus' Review. Cat. 1855. ---- A Free Examination of the Critical Commentary on Archbishop Seeker's Letter to Mr. Walpole; to which is added, by way of appendix, a copy of Bishop Sherlock's memorial. New-York, Gaine, 1774. xii, 122 p. See Porteus's Seeker. [ ]. See What think ye of the Congress now? 1775. Cat. 1855. CHANNING (Walter), M.D., Harv. Prof. A Treatise on Etherization.... Opinions of the Press. 1849. 80. Pam. v. 235. CHANNINGt, William E. Sermon, April 12, 1807: Religious Society in Federal-street, Boston. 5th edition. 1822. Pam. v. 80. Sermon, Public Fast, April 5, 1810. Boston, 1810. 8o. Pam. v. 270. A Sermon, Ordination of the Rev. John E. Abbot, Salem, April 20, 1815. Salem, 1815. 120. Pam. v. 105. FIRST SUPPLEMENT. 169 ~[-]. See Observations on theological education, 1816. --- The Ministry for the Poor: A Discourse, Benev. Fraternity of Churches. Boston, 1835. 80. Pam. v. 524. Letter on Creeds, &c. [ To the Christian Palladium, Boston, Jan. 11, 1837.] 2d edition. London, 1839. 20 p. 120. Pam. v. 306. Not in- his " Works." - Self-Culture: An Address.... 1838. Boston, 1839. 57 p. 12~. Pam. v. 606. Address, Mercantile Library Company of Philadelphia. Phil'a, 1841. 8~. Pam. v. 241, 512. An Address, Lenox,'lst Aug. 1842, the Anniversary of Emancipation in the British West Indies. Lenox, Mass. 1842. 8~. Pam. v. 241. CHANNING (William F.), M.D. The American Fire Alarm Telegraph: A Lecture. Boston, 1855. 80. Pam. v. 272. CHAPIN, A. B. An English Spelling Book...New-Haven, 1841. 12~. CHAPIN (E. H.), D.D. Might and Right: An Oration, Erosophian Adelphi of Waterville College. Boston, 1846. 40 p. 80. Pam. v. 514. Universalism — What it is not, and what it is. Sermon: John i, 46. Hudson, N.Y. 8 p. 80~ Pam. v. 558. A Discourse on Shameful Life: John viii, 10, 11. New-York, 1859. 120. Pain. v. 558. A Discourse on the Evils of Gaming: Prov. xxviii, 19, 20. N. York, 1859. 12~. Pam. v. 558. CHAPIN, John R. The Historical Picture Gallery; or Scenes and Incidents in American History..With 125 illustrations, by the author. Vol. v. Boston, D. Bigelow & Co. 1856. Copyright; J. M. Emerson 4. Co. 1 v. 4~. CHAPMAN'S Catalogues of new and old books. Lond. 1842 - 56. Cat. v. 6, 12, 19, 45, 51, 90, and vol. in 40~. CHAPMAN, Eunice. An Account of the People called Shakers; in the Case of Eunice Chapman and her children.... Written by herself. Albany, 1817. 16 p. 120~. Pain. v. 195. [CHAPMAN ( John), D.D.]. See Remarks on Letter to Dr. Waterland; Phlegon examined, 1734; Remarks on Languages, 1731. Charge to the Clergy, at Sudbury, May 12, 1746. London. 40~. Pam. v. 1009. ----- Sermon, Yearly Meeting of... Charity Schools, 1752. London. See Soc. Pro. Chr. Knowledge. CHAPMAN, S. Hand Book of Wisconsin. 2d edition. Milwaukee, 1855. 115 p. 18~. CHAPMAN (Tho.), D.D. An Essay on the Roman Senate.*** Cambridge, 1750. 398 p. 8~. CHAPPUZEAU, kil. A Monsieur Du Pr: Sonnet, 1680. Geneve. fo Pain. v. 1104. [ SUPPL.] 22 1170 GENERAL LIBRARY. CHARACTER, Object, and Effects of Trades' Unions.... London, 1834. 140 p. 80. Pam. v. 429. CA-IRACTERS: Containing an Impartial Review of the public conduct and abilities of the most eminent persons in the Parliament...London, Bew, 1777. 152 p. 8~. W. C. 429. CHARDON DE LA ROCHETTE, S. Melanges de Critique et de Philologie...Paris, 1812. 3 v. 8~. CHARGE (The) of a Tory Plot maintain'd in a Dialogue between the Observator, Her'aclitus and an inferior clergyman at the Towzer tavern; wherein the first discourse is vindicated.... By the same author. -London, 1682. 32 p. 40~. Pain. v. 407. CHARITY FOUNDATION Of the Prot. Epis. Church in...Buffalo... Buffalo, 1858. 16 p. 120. Pain. v. 535. CHARITY HOSPITAL of Philadelphia. 1st Report. Phil'a, 1858. 8~. Pam. v. 506. CHARITY SCHOOLS of London, Westminster, England and Ireland, 1706 - 73: Sermons before and Accounts of. See Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge. CHARITY (A) Newcastle-upon-Tyne, 1722...By the Rector of Rothbury. Newcastle. 80. Pam. v. 367. CHARKE, Mrs. Charlotte. A Narrative of the Life of:...(youngest daughter of C. Cibber, esq.). Written by herself. Lond. 1755. 18~. CHARLES I. Letters. See Camden Society Publications. Bibliotheca Regia, or the Royal Library: Containing a Collection of such of the papers of his late Majesty King Charls, the second Monarch of Great Britain, as have escaped the wrack and ruines of these times. Not extent in the Reliquise Carolinse or the exact collection of E. Husbands...London, 1659. 58 prelim., 380, 205 - 602 p. 12. CHARLES V. Correspondence of the Emperor Charles V, and his ambassadors at the Courts of England and France... With a connecting narrative...together with the Emperor's Itinerary, 1519 - 51. Ed. by William Bradlford. London, 1850. 80. CHARLES LOUIS, DuIC de Normandie. Pretender. See Normandie. CHARLESTON, S. C. Report of the Board of Commissioners of Free Schools. Charleston, 1859. 31 p. 80. Pam. v. 552. CHARLESTON COLLEGE., Catalogue, 1830. 80. Charleston, S.C. Pam. v. 481. CHARLESTON INFANT SCHOOL SOCIETY. Charleston, S.C. 1829. 120. Pam. v. 605. CHARLESTOWNt, Mass. Auditor's Annual Statement of the Receipts and Expenses..... Feb. 28, 1851; together with a list of persons assessed, etc. Boston, 1851. 8S. Pam. v. 192. Municipal Register, 1852. 8~. CH:ARLESTOWN DIRECTORY. Fletcher's...Charlestown..1848. 18~. CHARLESTO-WN (Mass.) FEMALE SEMtINARY, Writing Association, 1847. Pam. v. 460. FIRST SUPPLEMENT. 171 CHARnLEVOIXt, P. Fr. X. De. Histoire et Description Generale du l'examien de tous les auteurs qui ont ecrit sur le menme sujet. Avec les Fastes Chronologiques de la Decouverte du Nouveau Monde... Paris, 1736. 9 v. 12~. CHARLTON, Edwin A. New-Hampshire as it is. In three parts.... 3d edition, revised; with an appendix. Claremont, 1856. 592, 4 p. 8~. CHARMIER, C.M. Praelectio Oratoria Inaug..De humani corporis irritabilitate, 1759. Vesuntione. 28 p. 120. Pain. v. 612. CHARPENTIER, D. De la Nature et du Traitement de la maladie dite hydrocdphale-aigu6 ( Meningo-cephalite des enfans). Paris, 1829. 370 p. 8~. CHARRAS, Lt. Col. Histoire de la Campagne de 1815: Waterloo. 3e edition. DWith, Atlas special compose de cinq plans et cartes dessines expressement pour cet ouvrage par Vandermaelen. 2d edition. Bruxelles, 1858. In 2 v. 120. CHARTER-HOUSE SCHOOL. Poems Recited in... London, 1827. 41 p. Pain. v. 397. CHARTERt ( The) OAK. Its History - its Fall, Aug. 21, 1856. Hartford, 1856. 12 p. 120. Pain. v. 610. CHARTERS (The) of the following Provinces of North America, viz.Virginia, Maryland, Connecticut, Rhode-Island, Pennsylvania, Massachusetts Bay and Georgia. To which is prefixed a faithful narrative of the proceedings of the N.A. Colonies in consequence of the Stamp Act. London, W. Owen, J. Almon, 1760. 18, 56 p. 4~. CHASE, Rev. B. C. An Address delivered at Camden, Maine, Sept. 11, 1855, at the expiration. of half a century from the organization of the First Congregational Church in that town....Boston, 1855. 28 p. 80. CHASE ( Carlton), D.D., Bp. The Sermon at the Consecration of Jonathan M. Wainwright, D.D., to the Episcopate....New-York, 1852. 80. Pam. v. 202. CHASE (Salmnon P.), of Ohio. Speech, U.S. Sen., March 26, 1850, on Mr. Clay's Compromise Resolutions. 80. Pam. v. 193. CHASLESt, P. Cours de Geometrie Superieure. Academie de Paris, 1847. 43 p. 4~. Pam. v. 1014. CHASSE AUX BIBLIOGRAPHES. See [Rive, J. J.]. CHASSINAT, R. Etudes sur la Mortalite dans les Bagnes. See France: Prisons. CHATEAUBRIANDt ( F. A.), Le Vicomte de. De la censure que l'on vient d'etablir en vertu de l'article 4 de la loi du 17 Mars 1822. Paris, 1824. 42 p. 120. Pam. v. 513. Les Natchez: Roman Indien.... Paris.. 1827. 3 v. 18~. CHATEL (Ferdinand Fr.), Eveque. Catechisme i l'usage de l'Eglise Catholique Frangaise. Paris, 1833. 132 p. 80. Pam. v. 528, CHATELAIN, Anatole. Atlas ChronologiqLue des Chemins de fer de France.... ]aris, 1855: Exposition universelle. 8 maps. ob. fP. CHATFIELD, Rev. Rob. An Appeal to the British Public, in the cause of the persecuted Greeks... Lond. 1822. 21 p.- A further appeal, etc. London, 1823. 134 p. 80. Pam. v. 392. 172 GENERAL LIBRARY. CHATTOt, W~illiam A. Facts and Speculations on the origin and history of playing cards. London, 1848. 343 p. 8~. ---- Art of Wood-engraving. See Jackson, J. [ CHAUDON, Abbe Louis M.]. Bibliotheque d'un Homme de Gofut; ou Avis sur le choix des meilleurs livres 6erits en notre langue.... jusqu'en 1772. Par L. M. D. V.... * Avignon, 1772. 2 v. 180. ---- et F. A. DELANDINE. Dictionnaire Universel, historique, critique et bibliographique; ou Histoire abr6g6e et impartiale des hommes de toutes les nations qui se sont rendus c6lebres.. enrichie des notes et additions des Abbes Brotier et Mercier de St.Leger. D'apres la huitieme edition publiee, par....augmentee de 16,000 articles environ *.. * Ornue de 1200 portraits. L. Prudhomme,'diteur. Paris, 1810 - 12. 20 v. 80. CHAUJMONOT, Pierre J. M. La Vie du R.P. Pierre Joseph Marie Chaumonot, de la Compagnie' de Jesus, Missionnaire dans la Nonvelle France; ecrite par lui-meme, par ordre de son Superieur, l'an 1688. Nouvelle-York, Isle de Manate, a la Presse Cramoissy de Jean Marie Shea, 1853. 108 p. 12~. Suite de la Vie du R.P. Pierre Joseph Marie Chaumonot de la Compagnie de Jesus, par un Pere de la meme compagnie....Nouvelle York....1858. 66 p. 12o. CHAUNCYt (Charles), D.D. The Out-pouring of the Holy Ghost: A Sermon... May 13, 1742. Boston, T. Fleet, 1742. 8~. The Validity of Presbyterian Ordination asserted and maintained: A Discourse delivered at the Anniversary Dudleian Lecture at Harvard College in New-England, May 12, 1762. With an appendix.... Boston, New-England, 1762. 118 p. 0~. " Breaking of Bread," in remembrance of the dying love of Christ, a gospel institution: Five sermons... Boston, Munroe & Francis, 1816. 12~. CHAUNCY, W. B. Catalogue of Collection of- Paintings of; at auction. New-York, 1858. 80. Pam. v. 499. CHAVY DE MONGERBET, M. Nouvelles Observations theoriques et pratiques sur la goutte. Paris, 1774. 141 p. 12~. Pam. v. 613. CHEAP REPOSITORY TRACTS. By Miss Hannah More. Philadelphia, 1800. Repr. In 7 v. 180. C]HEETHAMt, J. Remarks on the "1Merchants' Bank," respectfully submitted to the Legislature of the State of New-York. N.York, 1804. 8~. Pam. v. 197. CHEEVERt ( George B.), D.D. The Fire and Hammer of God's Word against the sin of slavery: A Speech... Am. Abol. Society. NewYork, 1858. 80. Pam. v. 557, 560. The Guilt of Slavery and the Crime of slaveholding, demonstrated from the Hebrew and Greek scriptures. Boston, 1860. 472 p. 120. CHEEVER, Samuel. Address, New-York Agricultural Society, Albany, Feb. 15, 1856. Albany, 1856. 8'. Pam. v. 215, 286. CHELSEA COURIER: Nov. 30, 1796. Norwich, Conn. See Mass. Spy. CHE/MIUNG BAPTIST ASSOCIATION': Minutes, 1824, 30. Meansville, Milton, Pa. 8~. Pam. v. 466. FIRST SUPPLEMENT. 173 CHENANGO BAPTIST ASSOCIATION, N.Y.:. Minutes, 1833, 37, 42, 43., 8~. Pam. v. 466. CHENANGO FREE DEMOCRAT: Vol. 2, NO 1, Jan. 5, 1850 - April 6, 1850. Norwich, N.Y. Newspapers, v. 14. CHENEDOLLe, Ch. de. Bibliographie Douaisienne. See N.>ve, E. Napoleon le Grand et l'Almanach de Gotha; ou Notice litt6raire et bibliographique sur la double 6dition de cet alhnanach pour 1808 (45me annee). Bruxelles, 1849. 16 p. 8~. CHENEY, T. C. Reminiscences of Syracuse. Compiled by P. B. John-.. son, from personal recollections of the author.... Syracuse, 1857. 32 p. 80. CHERBONNEAU, A. Histoire du Chems-eddine et Nour-eddine; extraite des Mille-et-une Nuits, ponctuee i la maniere francaise, et accompagnee de l'analyse grammaticale..Paris, Hachette, 1852. 69 p.12~. - es Fourberies de Delilah: Conte extrait des Mille-et-une nuits...en Arabe, accompagne de l'analyse... Paris, 1856. 57 p. 120. CHERRY-VALLEY (N.Y.) FEMALE ACADEMY: Catalogue, 1854, 59. 8~. Pam. v. 459. CHhlRUEL, A. Dictionnaire Historique des Institutions, moeurs et coutumes de la France. Ire, 2de partie (Duruy, Hist. universelle). Paris, 1855. 2 v. 12~. CHESAPEAKE and DELAWARE CANAL COMPANY. 34th, 36th Report. Philadelphia, 1853, 55. 80. Pam. v. 223, 258. CHESBROUGH, E. S. Chicago Sewerage: Report of the results of examinations made in relation to sewerage in several European cities, in the winter of 1856 — 57.... Chicago, Ill. 1858. 95: p. and plates. 8~. Pain. v. 501. CHESHIRE, Edward. The Results of the Census of Great Britain in 1851... London, 1851. 56 p. Pam. v. 416. CHESHIRE RAILROAD COMPANY. 2d Report.... Keene, N.H. 1847. 80. Pam. v. 151. CHESNEYt, Lt. Col. F. R. Observations on the Reconstruction of the Royal regiment of artillery.. London, 1849. 52 p. 80. Pam. v. 406. CHESS (The) MONTHLY: NO 1, Jan. 1857. N.York. 80. Pam. v. 533. CHESTER ( Albert T.), D.D. Funeral Sermoni, Jan. 2, 1853 Death of Nathaniel Rogers. Buffalo, N.Y. 1853. 8~. Pam. v. 555. CHESTER, Anson G. Poem, Delta Phi Society, April 12, 1855. NewYork, 1855. 80. Pain. v. 242. CHESTERFIELDt, P. D. Stanhope, Earl qf. Miscellaneous Works.... consisting of letters to his friends, never before printed, and various other articles: To which are prefixed Memoirs of his life.... By M. Maty, M.D. 2d edition.... with.... sixteen characters of great personages, and letters written by the same noble Earl. London, 1779. 4 v. 8~. [ ]. See Case of the Hanover Forces, 1743. Cat. 1855.- Vindication of the Case, 1743; Farther Vindication, 1743. 174 GENERAL LIBRARY. CHEVALIER, Claude. Dissertation Physico-medicale sur les causes de plusieurs maladies dangereuses, et sur les propriet6s d'une liqueur purgative et vulneraire qui est une pharmacopee presque universelle.... A Paris...1758. 18~. CHEVALIERt, Michel. L'Isthme de Panama: Examen historique et geographique.... suivi d'un aperqu de l'Isthme de Suez. Paris, 1844. 174 p. 8~. Remarks on the Production of the precious metals, and on the Depreciation of gold. London, 1823. xi, 117 p. 80. Pam. v. 498. CHEVALLIER, Paulus. Tweede Briev aan... F. Adolf van der Marck...Groningen, 1772. 108 p. 8~. Pam. v. 109. CHEVES, Mrs. E. W. F. Sketches in Prose and Verse. Baltimore, 1849. 264 p. 12~. CH.EVREAU-LE-MERCIER, Mme. Premieres Lemons de 1'Hlistoire sainte.... Ire, IIe partie. Paris, 1853, 56.- Premieres Le;ons sur l'Histoire de N.S. J6sus-Christ. Paris, 1855. 3 v. in 1. 18~. CHIcAGot, Ill.: EDUCATION. 3d, 4th Annual Report of the Superintendent of the public schools.... for 1856, 57. Chicago, 1856, 58. Pam. v. 249, 278. Sewerage. See Chesbrough, E. S. Water Commissioners' 15th Ann. Report, 1859. Paml. v. 236. CHICAGO and ROCK-ISLAND RAILROAD COMPANY. Report.... Dec. 22, 1851; with a copy of the charter. N.York, 1852. 80. Pam. v. 256. CHICAGO BOARD OF TRADE. First Annual Statement of the trade and commerce of Chicago for...1859. By S. Catlin, Supt. Chicago, 1859. 55 p. 8~. Pam. v. 475.- Second annual statement. Chicago, 1860. 104 p. 8~. CHICAGO, BURLINGTON and QUINCY RAILROAD COMPANY. Reports, 1855, 57. Chicago. 8~. Pam. v. 283.- Report. Chicago, 1859. 8~. Pain. v. 571. CHICAGO CHARITABLE EYE and EAR INFIRMARY. 1st Report. Chicago, 1859. 8~. Pam. v. 506. CHIICAGOt CONVENTION, 1847. The Commerce and Navigation of the Valley of the Mississippi, and also that appertaining to the City of St.Louis: Report prepared by authority of the Delegates fronm the City of St.Louis.... St.Louis. 80. Pam. v. 199. CHICAGO'DAILY DEMOCRATIC PRESS: In 1 v. 8~. Contents: Chicago; her commerce and railroads for 1852. Chicago, 1852. 29 p. Railroads, history and commerce of Chicago. 2d edition. Chicago, 1854. 80 p.- 1st edition, 72 p. Pam. v. 475. Annual Review of the commerce, manufactures, public and private improvements of Chicago for 1854. Chicago, 1855. 72 p. Fourth, Fifth Review, etc. for 1855, 56. Chicago, 1855, 57. 94, 80 p.Fifth Review. Pam. v. 475. ---- Seventh Review of commerce, etc. for 1858. Chicago, 1859. 52 p. 80. Pam. v. 475. CHICAGO DAIALY DEMOCRATIC PRESS and TRIBUNE COMPANY. Spermens of Printing types, 1859. 8~. Pam. v. 298. FIRST SUPPLEMENT. 175 CHICAGO DIRECTORIES. City Directory (Udall & Hopkins) for 1852 and 53. Chicago, 1852. 1 v. 12~. City Directory, 1855 - 56... Fourth annual edition, with a map of the city. E. H. Hall, compiler. 205 p. 8~. WHith Northern Counties Gazetteer, and Directory for 1855-56. Chicago, 1855. 150 p. 8~. CHICAGO LAND COMPANY. List of Lots in Sheffield's, Wight's and Ellston's additions to Chicago. for sale at auction by.... Oct. 16, 1855. 64 p. 8~. Pam. v. 475. CHICAGO ( The) RECORD: A Journal devoted to the church, to literature and to the arts. Vol. I, April 1857 - Vol. II, March 1859. Chicago, Ill. 2 v. 4~. CHIAGO', SAINT-PAUL and FOND-DU-LAC R.R. CO. 1st Ann. Report...New-York, 1852.- First mortgage, convertible bonds. N.York, 1855. Pain. v. 256.- 2d Report, N.York, 1857.- Documents relating to land-grant extension, N.York, 1857. Pam. v. 283. CHICOPEE, Mass...... By-laws; Annual reports of the selectmen, overseers of the poor, etc. March 1, 1851. Springfield, 1851. 46 p. 8~. Pam. v. 476. CHILD, David L. An the Abolitionists. Albany (1844?). 24 p. 80. Pam. v. 560. CHILDt. Mrs. Lydia M. The Coronal: A Collection of miscellaneous pieces. Boston, 1832. 180. CHILDE, Mafj. John. New-England's Jonas cast up at London.... London, 1647. See Force's Tracts, v. 4; Mass. Hist. Soc. Collections, S. 2, v. 4. CHILDREN'S AID SOCIETY. 1st - 5th Report, C. L. Brace, Sec. NewYork, 1854-58. 8~. Pam. v. 509.- 1st, 2d, 3d Report. Pam. v.243. Second Ann. Rep. of the Hudson River Industrial School Association, organized as a branch of:...March 18, 1856. New-York, 1856. Pain. v. 250. CHILDREN'S FRIEND SOCIETY. The Industrial School. 1st and 2d Reports. Albany, 1858. 12~. Pamn. v. 509. CHILLINGWORTHt[, William. The Religion of Protestants, a safe way to salvation. London, Bohn, 1854. 12~. CHINESEt COLLECTION. Ten Thousand Things on China and the Chinese... as illustrated by the Chinese Collection, 539 Broadway. N. York, 1850. 204 p. 8~. Pam. v. 489. CHINESEt REPOSITORY. Vol. 17, 18. Canton, China, 1848, 49. 2 v. 8~. --- ~Vol. 9, N. 2, 1840. Pam. v. 103. CHIPMAN, Nathaniel. Sketches of the Principles of Government.... Rutland, Vt. 1793. 292 p. 12~. CHIPMAN, R. Manning. The History of Harwinton, Conn. Hartford, 1860. 152 p. 8'. CHIPMANt, Samuel. The Temperance Lecturer: Being facts gathered from a personal examination of all the jails in the State of NewYork.. Albany, 1845. 72 p. 8~0. Pam. v. 292. CHOATEt, Rufus. Speech, Nov. 26, 1850. See Constitutional Meeting, 1:76 GENERAL LIBRARY. CHOATE, Rufus: Application of Robert Codman and others, for a Railroad between South Dedham and Boston...Speech of...before a Legislative Committee, Boston, March 26, 1850.... Boston, 1850. 40 p. 8~. Pam. v. 148. - A Discourse, Dartmouth College.... commemorative of Daniel Webster. Boston, 1853. 100 p. 80. Pam. v. 494. -- Oration, July 4, 1858. See Boston. CHOcTAw. Chahta uba isht taloa holisso, or Choctaw Hymn-book. 4th edition, revised and enlarged. A.B.C.F.M. New-York, 1851. 248 p. 18. CHoIX GRADUP de 50 sortes d'Ecritures, pour exercer a la lecture des manuscrits. Paris, L. Hachette et Cie, 1851. 128 p. 8~. CIHOULESt (John O.) & SMITH, Tho. The Origin and History of Missions; -a Record of..labors...of the various missionaries who have been sent forth by Protestant societies to evangelize the Heathen.. 9th edition. New-York, 1851. 2 v. in 1. 4~. CHRIST, Johann Friderich. Dictionnaire des Monogrammes, chiffres, lettres initiales, logogryphes, rebus, &c. sons lesquels les plus celebres Peintres, Graveurs et Dessinateurs ont dessine leurs Noms. Trad. de l' augmentS...Paris, 1750. 374 p., with index and plates. 8~...Abhandlungen iiber die Litteratur und Kunstwerke vornemlich des Alterthums: Durchgesehen und mit anmerkungen begleitet von Johan Karl-Zeune. Leipzig, 1776. 372 p. 8~. CHRIST CHURCH HOSPITAL. Proceedings.... laying of the corner Belmont, including the addresses of A. Potter, D. D., and B. Dorr, D.D. Philadelphia, 1856. 8~. Pam. v. 506. CHRIST CHURCH, New-Brighton. Documents Relating to the Case of...New-York, 1856. 33 p. 8~0. Pam. v. 200. CHRIST'S COLLEGE, Brecon. Its past history and present capabilities. London, 1853. 48 p. 8~. Pam. v. 386. CHRIST'S HOLY GOSPEL VINDICATED.....Report of the proceedings before the Vice-Chancellor in the matter of Lady Hewley's charity. 2d edition. London, 1834. 8~. Pam. v. 317. CHRIST PROTESTANT EPISCOPAL CHURCH, in the City of New-York..... Report of Coin. of Vestry, 1845. New-York, 1845. 8~. Pam. v. 200. CHRIST THE CHRISTIAN'S LIFE: In a Sermon on John xiv, 19.... Burlington, N.J., J. Collins, 1773. 29 p. 120. Pam. v. 559. CHRISTERN, F. W. Catalogue of Books published in Germany. See Hinrichs — Bulletins of Foreign Literature. N.York, 1844. Cat. v. 91, 97.- See also Garrigue & Christern. [ CHRISTIAN, Charles]. See Brief Treatise on the N.Y. Police, 1812. CHRISTIAN ( The) ALLIANCE. Its Constitution...and Addresses. N. York, 1843. 16 p. 8~. Pam. v. 495. CHRISTIAN ALMANAC. Lincoln & Edmands, for Am. Tr. Soc. Boston, 1826, 28. Ailm. v. 36.- N.York, 1831. Aim. v. 33.- Utica, N.Y. 1832, 33, 34. Aim. v. 36. FIRST SUPPLEMENT. 177 CHRISTIAN ALMANACK. Rel. Tr. Soc., 1852, 54. London. Aln. v. 50. CHRISTIANt ExAMJINER and RELIGIOUS MISCELLANY. Vol. 50 - 55 ( 4th series, vol. 15 - 21). Jan. 1851 - May 1854.- V. 65, 66, 1858, 59. Boston. 8 v. So. CHRISTIAN EXCEPTIONS to the Plain Account of the nature and end of the sacrament of the Lord's Supper.... By Charles Wheatly. London, 1736. xvi, 53 p. 80. Pam. v. 349. CHRISTIANt INTELLIGENCER. - Weekly. V. 26, 27, 28, 29. 1855 - 58. New-York City. In 2 v. fo. CI-RISTIAN LIBERTY ASSERTED and the scripture-doctrine of the Trinity vindicated, against... Dr. Waterland... London, 1734. 136 p. 8~. Pain. v. 353. CHRISTIAN (The) TEMPLE and its Representative Priesthood...from the original model set forth in the Holy Scriptures..By Philopolis. London, 1849. 54 p. 80. Pam. v. 328. CHRISTIANISSIMUS CHRISTIANANDUS, 1678. See [Needham, M.]. CHRISTIANITY AND DEISM stated: By a Clergyman.*** Lond., 1753. 156 p. 8~. Pamn. v. 334. CHRISTIANITY and FREE-THINKING, in three discourses.... Delivered publicly in Skinner's Hall... Edinburgh, 1727. 196 p. 80. Pam. v. 336. CHRISTLICHER VOLKS KALENDER Am. Tr. Gesellschaft, New-York, 1852. Alm. v. 32. CHRISTaASt, Rev. Henry. Capital Punishments unsanctioned by the Gospel, and unnecessary in a Christian State: A Letter... London, 1846. 22 p. 80. Pam. v. 403. CHRISTOPHER, R. L. The New-York Business-man's Companion. N. York, 1849. 96 p. 12~. [CHRISTY, ]D.]. See Cotton is King. Cat. 1855. CHRISTY (G.) and WOOD'S Melodies. New-York (1854). 180. [ CHRISTYN, J. B.]. See Jurisprudentia heroica... Belgarum, 1668. CHRONICLES and MEMORIALS of Great Britain. See Great Britain, Rolls Publications. CHRONICON MONASTERII de Abingdon: Edited by the Rev. Joseph Stevenson...under the direction of the Master of the Rolls. Vol. I. London, 1858. xxxii, 495 p. 8~. CHRONICON NORIMBERGENSE. Begins, Registrum hujus operis libri cronicarum figuris et imaginibus ab initio mundi. Col. Hune librum Dominus Anthoniius Koberger Nuremberge impressit... 1493. Ed. by Hartmann Schedel. fP. CHRONOLOGICAL TABLES of Ancient History, synchronistically and ethnographically arranged.. Oxford, 1835. 44 p.- With the same, of Modern History, from the overthrow of the Roman Empire, to the present time....Oxford, 1839, 40. 86 p. In 1 v. f0. CHRONYKE VAN VLAENDEREN; vervattende, haere vindinge, naem, etc.... als ook, eene generaele beschryvinge van g'heel haer bestreek, steden, etc.... Beginnende van t'jaer....621 tot't eynde des jaers [SUPPL.] 23 g78 GENERAL LIBRARY. 1725....... Door N{icholas] D[espars]? en F. R. Eerste, Derde deel (Two parts). Tot'Brugge, Andreas Wydts (1736). Vol. 11 wzanting. In 3 v. f~. CHRYSOSTOMt, J. Tov'Ev ayiTag Hapqro 17tVo Iv a-povvov yo Xpvao6a-r-oitoi5 T7rotvrlma eig - rv 7rpbc raXarar Elritaro v Q- rov A7ro-'ro0ov HIavov. Ev Me/Lerm, 1833. viii, 138 p. 8~. ----- Sermon on Church extension. See Wordsworth, C. CHUBB, Thomas. [Writings of, collected ] in 1 v. 8~. Contents: Two Enquiries: One of them concerning Property, in which is considered Liberty of conscience; and the other concerning Sin...London, 1717. 75 p. The Supremacy of the Father vindicated; or Observations on Mr.Clagett's book entitl'd Arianism anatomis'd.. London, 1718. 58 p. Several Enquiries, concerning, I, Justification; ii, The Son of God; III, &c. London, 1718. 238 p. Some Observations... occasion'd by the opposition made to Dr. Rundle's election to the See of Gloucester... Jnd, I, An Answer to, Mr. Stone's Second Remarks on the case of Abraham... ii, A Discourse on sincerity... II, A Supplemnent... Duration of punishment... London, 1735. xiii, 114 p. Two Letters, containing, I, An Enquiry concerning Church discipline.... in a Letter to.. Dr. Stebbing; II, An Enquiry concerning covenants... in a Letter to Dr. Waterland.....Aznd A Defence of Protestantism. London, 1736. 122 p. CHURCHIt, Rev. Phareellus. Sermon, Monroe Baptist Association at Ogden, N.Y. July 2, 1845. Rochester, 1845. 8~. Pam. v. 267. CHuRCHt, Thomas. The Entertaining History of King Philip's War, which began in the month of June 1675; as also of Expeditions more lately made against the common enemy and Indian rebels, in. the eastern parts of New-England. With some account of the divine providence towards Col. Benjamin Church, by Thomas Church, esq., his son. The second edition. Boston, printed. 1716; Newport, Rhode Island, reprinted and sold by Solomon Southwick, in Queen-street, 1772. 199 p. 8~. and portrait. CHURcHt ALMANAC. Prot. Episc. Society, N.Y. 1841, 43, 46. Aim. v. 14; 1850, Alm. v. 36; 1851, Allu. v. 15. CHURCH (The) AND THE SWORD; or a Dialogue between a minister and a non-professor. Glen's-Falls, N.Y. 1847. 28 p. 120. Pam. v. 640. CHURCH CHARITY FOUNDATION. 2d Report. Brooklyn, N.Y. 1854. 120. Pain. v. 232. CHURCH EXTENSION in the Diocese of London. Remarks on the present state of the Metropolis Churches fund: By a Layman.... With a plan. London, 1853. 8~. Pam. v. 330. CHURCH (The) HER OWN ENEMY. Letters to a Friend, on the late Attack of the Archdeacon of Bath upon the Church Missionary Society. 2d edition. London, 1818. 8~. Pam. v. 32-1. " CHURCH (The) " IN JEOPARDY; Or the Triumph of Truth.... By another Layman. London, 1841. 8~. Pain. v. 306. CHIURCHI METHODIST SOCIETY: General Principles of; Constitution. London, 1826. 80. Pain. v. 314. FIRST SUPPLEMENT. 179 CHURCH MISSIONARY SOCIETY. Proceedings... Oct. 28, 1817: Departure of missionaries. Sermon'z by J. W. Cunningham; Address by C. Simeon. London, 1817.- Tracts. Pam. v. 384. Proceedings, 1844 - 45. 8~. Missionary Register, Jan. 1818- July 1818. London. 8~. CHURCH OF ENGLAND. The Book of Common Prayer: Fac simile reprints. W. Pickering, London, 1844. 8 v. f~. Contents: VOL. 1: Printed by Whitchurch, 1549. First Book of EdWard VI. VOL. 2: Printed by Whitchurch, 1552. Second Book of Edward VI. VOL. 3: First Book of Queen Elizabeth. Printed by Grafton, 1559. VOL. 4 ~ King James, Anno 1604. Hampton Court Book. VoL. 5: As printed at Edinburgh, 1637. Bishop Laud's. VOL. 6: As revised and settled at the Savoy Conference, Anno 1662: 14 Charles II. Reprinted from the sealed book in the Tower of London. VoL. 7: According to the Use of the Church of England. Victoria, 1844. VOL. 8: The Order for the Administration of the Holy Communion, and occasional offices, according to the Use of the Church of England. Book of Common Prayer. See Eccl. Hist. Society. Liturgia Britannica, seu Liber Precum communium juxta Usumn Ecolesie Britannice.... Londini, S. Bagster, 1834. 24~. La Liturgie, ou Formulaire des Prieres publiques selon l'usage de l'Eglise Anglicane. Nouv. edition...Londres, chez L. Nourise et P. Elmsley. 18~. The Book of Common Frayei'.... together with a Collection of occasional prayers.... Formerly collected and translated into the Mohawk language, under the direction of the missionaries of the Society for the Propagation of the Gospel in Foreign parts, to the Mohawk Indians. A new edition; to which is added the Gospel according to St.Mark, translated into the Mohawk language by Capt. Joseph Brant, an Indian of the Mohawk nation. London, 1787. 506 p. 80. Throughout in English and c 1 ohawk. Constitutions and Canons ecclesiastical... agreed upon with the King's Majesties license, in their Synod begun at London, A.Dom. 1603. 4~. Pam. v. 365. A Declaration of the Sense of the Archbishops and Bishops, now in and about London, upon the occasion of their attendance in Parliament, concerning the irregular and scandalous proceedings of certain clergy-men at the Execution of Sir John Freind and Sir W. Parkins. Printed for J. Everingham... 1696. 14 p. 40. Certain Sermons or Homilies appointed to be read in churches in the time of the late Queen Elizabeth... Oxford, 1832. 80. A Short and Easy Catechism for the use of young persons of the Church of England. Compiled from authentic sources. Lond. 1843. 240. -~: EXETER. Acts of the Diocesan Synod held in the Cathedral Church of Exeter, by Henry Phillpotts, Lord Bishop of Exeter, on June 25, 26, 27, 1851. By authority. First Am. from 2d Lond. ed. New-York, 1852. 8~. Pain. v. 231. 180 GENERAL LIBRARY. CHURCH (The) OF ENGLAND its own Witness: An Argument to prove the Identity of the C. of E. with the Ancient British and Apostolic church....By Britannicus. 2d ed. London, 1835. 36 p. 8S. Pain. v. 326. CHURCH (A) OF ENGLAND-MAN'S Answer to the Arguments and Petition of Protestant dissenters against the test. Oxford, 1790. 31 p. 80. Pam. v. 323. CHURCH (The) OF ENGLAND vindicated in requiring subscriptions from the clergy to the 39 Articles of religion... By Joseph Clarke. London, 1739. 136 p. 80. Pamn. v. 322. CHURCHt OF SCOTLAND. The Psalms of David in metre, according to the version used in the Church of Scotland. Salem, N.Y. 1815. 180. A Report of the Proceedings recently adopted by the General Assembly of the Scottish Church, in relation to the catholic claims. By J. J. Dillon...Edinburgh, 1813. 50 p. 80. Pain. v. 548. Memorial... to Sir R. Peel, adopted by a meeting of ministers of the Church of Scotland. 17 - 24 Nov. 1842. 16 p. 80. Pam. v. 415. General Assembly, Sermons before. See Leechman, W.; Fordyce, J. CHURCH OF THE PURITANS. A Narrative of some recent occurrences in; with documents....New-York. 1857. 49 p. 8~. Pam. v. 484. Proceedings of a Council of Congregational Churches, relative to the privileges of the members of the church...New-York, 1859. 92 p. 8~. Pam. v. 484. CHURCH ORGANIZATION. A Letter to.. Lord Ashley: By Amicus. London, 1850. 47 p. 8~. Pam. v. 329. CHURCHt PASTORAL AID SOCIETY. An Address to the Churches of the town and county of Derby, in behalf of:.... By a Layman. Derby, 1843. 16 p. 80. Pam. v. 475. CHURCH PSALMODY: A Collection of Psalms and Hymns, adapted to public worship. Ed. by Lowell Mason and David Greene. Boston, 1833. 576 p. 18~. CHURCH QUESTIONS. A Letter to a Friend. London, 1855. 43 p.-8~. Pam. v. 330. CHURCHt REVIEW. Vol. 8, 9, 10: 1855 - Jan. 1858. New-Haven, Conn. 3 v. 8~... For continuation, see Am. Quar. Ch. Review. CHURCH (The) REVIEWED; in a Letter to its supporters and opponents, by Pacificator. London, 1835. 37 p. 8~. Pam. v. 326. CHURCHILL'S GUIDE through the Albany Rural Cemetery...Albany, 1857. 68 p. 120. Pam. v. 478. CHURCHILL, Rev. Castle. The Midnight Cry. Syracuse, 1858. 96 p. 12~. Pam. v. 540. CHURCHILL, Charles. The Poetical Works of: With memoir, critical dissertation and explanatory notes, by the Rev. G. Gilfillan. Edinburgh, 1855. 8~. CHURCHILL, Col. Charles H. Mount Lebanon, a ten years' residence from 1842 to 1852, describing the manners, customs and religion of its inhabitants; with a full and correct account of the Druse religion... London... 1853. 3 v. 80. FIRST SUPPLEMENT. 181 CHURCHMAN'S ALMANACK. Soc. Pro. Chr. Knowl., 1851, 52. Lond. Aim.1 v. 50. CIBBERI-, Colley. A Letter from Mr. Cibber to Mr. Pope, inquiring into the motives that might induce be so frequently fond of Mr. Cibber's name."** 2d ed. London, 1842. 66 p.- Another occasional letter from ~Mr. Cibber to Mr. Pope... With an explanatory address to the Rev. Mr. W. W -n.... London, 1744. 56 p. Pam. v. 394. CICERot, M. T. M. Tullii Ciceronis Orationum Pars II. A Coelio Secundo Curione...Lugduni...1612. 180~. Ie Natura DeCorum. Imnperfect. With, De Divinatione, Lib II.. Antverpise...Joannis Loci, Anno 3MDXLVI. In I v. 18~. M. T. Ciceronis ad Quintumrfratrem Dialogi tres De Oratore... notas adjecit V. Betoland. Parisiis, L. Hachette, 1845. 281 p. 12~. ----- Cicero on Oratory and Orators, with his Letters to Quintus and Brutus. Translated or edited by J. S. Watson. London, Bohn, 1855. 120. CINCINNATI. City Infirmary. 4th Report. Cincinnati, 1856. 76 p. 8O. Pain. v. 506. ----: EDUCATION. 4th, 5th, 7th, 9th - 20th, 22d - 26th Annual Report of the Superintendent of Common Schools. Cincinnati, 1833, 34, 36, 38 - 49, 52 - 55.- Report of:.....on the organization of Grammar schools. In 2 v. 8o. 26th Report, 1855. Pam. v. 217.- 27th Report, 1856. 8~. Pam. v. 249. R: FIRE DEPARTMENT. Chief Engineer's 1st, 3d Reports. Cincinnati, 1854, 56. 8~. Pam. v. 236. ---: TOWNSHIP. Annual Report of the Trustees. [Commercial lHospital and Lunatic Asylum]. Leg. Doct. Columbus, 1851. 8o. Pam. v. 506. CINCINNATI and CHICAGO RAILROAD. Report... Oct. 1854. Cincinnati. 8~. and map. Pain. v. 571. CINCINNATI CHAMBER OF COMMERCE. Reply of.... to the inquiries made..on the subject of the improvement of the Falls of the Ohio River. Cincinnati, 1853. 80. Pam. v. 255. Annual Statement of the Trade and Commerce of... for 1855-6. Cincinnati, 1856. 32 p. 80. Pam. v. 565. CINCINNATI COLLEGE, Medical Department. Catalogue, 1838. Cincinnati, 1838. Painm. v. 517. CINCINNATIt DIRECTORIES. Williams' Cincinnati Directory and Business Advertiser for 1851-2. 3d annual issue. Cincinniati..8~. - Williams' Cincinnati Directory, City Guide and Business Mirror; or Cincinnati in 1856. Illustrated. 80. CINCINNATI (The), WILMINGTON and ZANESVILLE RAILROAD, and certain County and City Bonds in Ohio, issued in payment of its stock. New-York, 1852. 80. Pam. v. 151, 256. CINCINNATUS ACADEMY, Cortland Co., N.Y. Catalogue, 1857. Norwich. Pam. v. 456. 182 GENERAL LIBRARY. CIRCULAR (A) LETTER to the Practitioners of Physic and Surgery in the State of New-York, from the the city..NewYork, 1829. 22 p. 80. Pam. v. 516. CIRBIED, J. C. De. Translator. See Sehahnazar, on Persia. CITIZENS' and FARRIERS' ALMANAC. Baltifiore, Hanzsche, 1855, 56. 8~. Aim. v. 46. CITY ADVERTISER...Dec. 1852. Vol.-l, N~ 1. Montreal. 120. Pam. v. 266. CIVIL ( The) WAR in Portugal, and the siege of Oporto: By a British offieer of Hussars, who served in the Portuguese army during the Peninsular War.*"" London, 1836. 285 p. 120. CLAASSEN, Johannes. De Gevaarlyke uit en inwendige gestelheid van het Vaderland, met de middelen ter reddinge.... In twee kerkelyke redevoeringen..1785. Amsteldam. 102 p. 80. Pam. v. 568. [ CLAGETT, Nicholas]. A Perswasive to an ingenuous tryal of opinions in religion. London, 1685. 57 p. 40. Pain. v. 355. [ CLAGETT ( Win.), D.D.]. The Difference of the Case, between the separation of Protestants from the Church of Rome, and the separation of Dissenters from the Church of England. London, 1686. 66 p. 4~. Pam. v. 356. [ -]. A Paraphrase with Notes, ancl a Preface upon the 6th Chapter of John.... of Transubstantiation....London, 1686. xxvi, 52 p. 4~. Pam. v. 356. CLAIBORNE, J. P. IH. Life and Times of Gen. Sam. Dale, the Mississippi Partisan. New-York, 1860. 120. CLAIM (The) of the Incorporated Church Building Society to more liberal support... London, 1853. 8~. Pam. v. 330. CLAIMS (The) of the Catholic Church to be regarded as the true a series of letters addressed to...Rev. Thomas Sherborne... London, 1816. 56 p. 80. Pain. v. 344. CLAIM1 (The) of the Colonies to an exemption from internal taxes imposed by authority of Parliament, examined: in a Letter from a gentleman in London to his friend in America. By Willianm Knox. London, 1765. 46 p. 8~. CLAIMS ( The) of the Established Church, considered as an apostolical institution...London, 1815.'128 p. 80~. Pam. v. 324. CLAIMS ( The) of the Roman Catholics considered with reference to the safety of the established church and the rights of religious toleration. London, 1812. 176 p. 8~. Pam. v. 344. CLAPt, IRoer. Memoirs of Capt. Roger. Clap, relating some of God's remarkable providences to him, in bringing him into New-England...Boston, in New-England, Printed by B. Green,, 1731.- A Short Account of the author and his family. Signed, James Blake jun. 34, 10 p. 120. CLAPt, Thomas. An Essay on the Nature and Foundation of moral virtue and obligation....New-Haven, B. Mecom, 1765. 67 p. 8~. CLAPP, Otis. A Letter...on the present condition and future growth of Boston. Boston, 1853. 16 p. 80. Pain. v. 565. FIRST SUPPLEMENT. 183 CLAPP, Rev. Theodore. A Discourse, First Congregational Church: Lu. xv, 7, 10. New-Orleans:, La. 8~. Pari. v. 563. Autobiographical Sketches and Recollections, during a thirtyfive years' residence in New-Orleans. Boston, 1857. 419 p. 8~. CLARACt, Le Conte De. Manuel de l'Histoire de l'Art chez les Anciens.- Avant-propos.- Description des Mus6es de Sculpture antique et moderne du Louvre. Premiere partie.- Catalogue Chronologique des artistes, ecrivains et personnes c61lbres, gen alogie des Ptolemee, les families romaines. Deuxieme partie. — Catalogue des artistes de l'Antiquite, jusqu'a la fin du VIe siecle de notre ere... Troisieme partie. Paris, 1847, 49. 3 v. 18~. CLARE, Marie J. The Trial.**.... Albany, 1851. 70 p. 120. Pam. v. 619. CLARENCE, William Henry, Dake of. Speech, IH. of Lords, Feb. 23, 1829, on Catholic Emancipation. 80. Pain. v. 439. CLARIGNY, Cucheval. Histoire de la Presse en Angleterre et aux Etats Unis. Paris, 1857. 551 p. 120~. CLARISSE, Theod. A. Nagelaaten Leerredenen over Paulus brief aan de Kolossensen.... Utrecht, 1784 - 92. 5 v. in 3. 80~. De Weg der Zaligheid....Leerredenen. 3e druk. Amsterdam, 1788. 80. [ CLARK, Rev. Clinton]. See First Congreg. Church, Ridgefield. CLARK ( D. W.), D.D. Life and Times of Rev. Elijah Hedding, D.D., late Senior Bishop of the Methodist Episcopal Church... With an introduction by Rev. Bishop E. S. Janes. New-York, 1855. 8~. CLARK, F. Y. Dental Monitor.. Albany, 1856. 120. Pam. v. 516. CLARK, George D. Proposals for the Formation of a West India free labdr company...London, 1833. 55 p. 8~. Pam. v. 438. CLARK, George F. A History of the Town of Norton, Bristol County, Mass.... Boston, 1857.7** 550 p. 12~. CLARKt ( Henry G.), M.D. Draft of a Sanitary Code for cities, 1859. See National Quarantine Convention. CLARK, Hiram C. History of Chenango County, containing the divisions of the county, and sketches of the towns; Indian tribes and titles; Gov. Clinton's purchase of the twenty townships... Norwich, N.Y. 1850. 80. CLARK (John), M.D. Upon the Extraordinary Prevalence of Syphilitic disease in the East...Read before Roy. Med. and Chirur. Soc. London. 44 p. 8o. Pam. v. 405. CLARK, John C. Speech, U.S. House of Rep., Washington, 1839. 15 p. Paml. v. 487. CLARKt, Joshua V. H.. Hiawatha: A Legend of the Onondaga; its true source. A Letter... [ Slips from the Daily Journal, Syracuse, Jan. 12, 1856]. In 1 v. 4~. CLARK, Lot. Speech, 1V.Y. Assem., on the Internal Improvements of the State of New-York, 1846. 12 p. 8~. Pam. v: 477. CLARK ( N. L.) & Co. History of the Peruvian Syrup...New-York 1854. 35 p. 120. Pam. v. 235. 184 GENERAL LIBRARY. CLARK, Revz. Orin. The Character and Principles of the Prot. Epis. Church vindicated; in a Letter addressed to the Rev. W. Bacon, in reply to charges contained in his sermon, entitled "Regeneration, the New Birth." Geneva, 1818. 32 p. 80. Pam. v. 200. CLARK (Peter), Pastor of the Church in Saleim Village. The Scriptural-grounds of the Baptism of Christian infants, and the mode of' administration by affusion or sprinkling, briefly asserted and defended in a letter...against Mr. Walton's exceptions, in a second letter...Boston, N.E. 1735. xxxiv, 138 p. 8~. CLARK, Rev. Rufus W. Discourse Delivered before the Societyfor the Prevention of Pauperism, Jan. 8, 1854. 80. Pain. v. 80. CLARK, S. Sermon, Daventry, Dec. 7, 1755, on Earthquake at Lisbon. London, 1756. 8~. Pain. v. 455. CLARK, Rev. Samuel A. The Episcopal Church in the American Colonies.- The History of St.John's Church, Elizabethtown, NewJersey, from the year 1703 to the present time, compiled from original documents.. Philadelphia, 1857. 203 p. 120. CLARK, Strong. An Address, Investigating Society... (Lyme, Jefferson County, N.Y.). 10 p. 18~. Pami. v. 514. CLARKt, Bishop Thomas M. Modern Infidelity: A Price Lecture, Trinity Church, Boston, Mar. 15, 1848.....Boston, 1848. 8S. Pam. v. 288. CLARKEt (Adam), LL.D. A Bibliographical Dictionary; containing a Chronological Account of.... books in all departments of literature. With biographical anecdotes.... and the price of each article.... Including the whole. of the fourth edition of Dr. Harwood's View of the Classics, with innumerable additions.. Liverpool and London, 1802 - 04. 6 v. 12~. The Bibliographical Miscellany; or Supplement to the Bibliographical Dictionary.....London. 1806. 2 v. 12~. A Letter to a Preacher, on his entrance into the work of the ministry.... To which is added a Discourse.. 1 Cor. xiv, 3. 3d ed. London, 1812. 82 p. Pam. v. 339. The Doctrine of Salvation by faith proved... Acts xvi, 30. London, 1816. 8~. Pain. v. 376. --- AA Dissertation on the Use and Abuse'of tobacco..... Humbly addressed to all the tobacco-consumers....New-York, 1829. 34 p. 120. Rep. Paml. v. 629. CLARKE, Alured. Sermon, Jan. 25, 1725.... Gal. vi, 10: St.Paul's School. London, 1726. 4~. Pam. v. 1005. Sermon, before House of Commons, Jan. 31, 1731: Ps. lxxviii, 8. 2d edition. London. 4~. Pam. v. 1006. [ —]. See Caroline, Queen, Life of. 1738. CLARKEt (Charles E.), of N.Y. Speech, H. of R., on the Boundary between Texas & New-Mexico. Washington, 1850. 80. Painm. v. 486. Speech, H. of R., on the Admission of California. Washington, 1850. 8o. Pam. v. 486. CLARKE, G. Wallingford. The Dreams of Pindus: Poems. Phil'a, 1829. 115 p. 18~. FIRST SUPPLEMENT. 185 CLARKE, Rev. John. Ill Newes from New-England. London, 165a. Mass. Hist. Soc. Collections, S. 4, v. 2. CLARIKE (John), Lieut. R.N. An Impartial and Authentic Narrative of the Battle fought on the 17th June 1775, between H.B.M.'s troops and the American brovincial army, on Bunker's hill... 2d edition, with extracts from three letters...London, I775. 36 p. 8~. CLARKE ( John H.), of R.I. Speech, U.S. Senate, on Intervention, 1852. Pam. v. 487. CLARKE, J. M. Philosophy the Handmaid of Religion: An Address, Hobart Free College, Geneva, N.Y. New-Haven, Conn. 1858. 8~. Pam. v. 495. CLARKE, James Stanier. Sermon, Anniv. Sons of the Clergy, 1810: 1 Ki. i, 32, 34. London, 1811. 4~. Pam. v. 1010. CLARKE (Joseph), M.A. A Full and Particular Reply to Mr. Chandler's Case of subscription.... in defence of a book, intitled, The Church of England vindicated.... London, 1749. 197 p. 8~. Pam. v. 299. - ]. See Church of England vindicated. CLARKE, M'Donald. Afara, II. New-York, 1843. I2 p. 120. Pain. v. 620. CLARKE, Rev. Samuel. A True and Faithful Account of the four chiefest Plantations of the English in America; to wit, of Virginia, New-England, Bermudas, Barbados.... Collected by. Lond. 1670. 85 p. f. CLARKEEt ( Samuel), D.D. [Sermons of], in 1 v. 8~. Contents: Universal Love, Sermon before the Queen, Dec. 30, 1705: 1 John iv, 21. Sermon, Accession to the throne, Mar. 8, 1710: 2 Chron. xxxi, 21. Lond. Sermon, Funeral of Dame Mary Cooke, Oct. 11, 1709. London. Sermon, II. of Commons, Nov. 22, 1709: Victory of Duke of Marlborough. London. Sermon, Westminster, Nov. 7, 1710: Ps. cxlv; Thanksgiving for successes of the campaign. London, 1710. A Discourse concerning the connexion of the prophecies in the Old Test..... From 6th edition of a Demonstration, etc.- With, A Letter concerning the argument a priori. 2d edition. London, 1725. 63 p. ----- Several Letters to the Rev. Dr. Clarke, from a gentleman in Gloucestershire ( Rev. Joseph Butler, D.D.), relating to the first volume of the sermons preached at Mr. Boyle's lecture; with the Dr.'s answers thereunto. London, 1716. 42 p. 8~. Pam. v. 336. [ ]. See Observations on Dr. Waterland...1724. CLARKE, William. Repertorium Bibliographicum; or Some Account of the most celebrated British libraries. Lound. 1819. xlviii, 673 p. 8~. CLARKE, WV. B. Signs of the Times: Two Sermons, National Society, Lu. xii, 54 - 57; 2 Cor. viii, 24. London, 1838. 8~. Pam. v. 380. CLARY, Timothy Farrar...A Discourse occasioned by the Centennial Anniversary of Hon. Timothy Farrar, LL.D.: Hollis, N.H., July 11, 1847. Andover, 1847. 8~. Pam. v. 288. [ SuPPL.] 24 186 GENERAL LIBRARY. CLASSIC TALES... London, Bohn, 1853. 12~. Contents: Johnson's Rasselas; Cottin's Exiles of Siberia; St.Pierre's Paul and Virginia; Indian Cottage; Swift's Gulliver's Travels; Sterne's Sentimental Journey; Goethe's Sorrows of Werther; Theodosius and Constantia; Walpole's Castle of Otranto. CLASSICAL (The) COLLECTOR'S VADE MECUTIM: Being an Iritroduction to the knowledge of the best editions of the Greek and Roman Classics, and of the Scriptures. London, 1822. 163 p. 24~. CLAUDIANUSt, C. Opera qure exstant omnia, ad membranarum veterum fidemn castigata: Cum notis integris M. A. Delrii, S. Claverii et T. Dempsteri; auctioribus Nicolai Heinsii, et ineditis Petri Burmanni. Accedit Sylloge variantium lectionum..... Subjungitur Lactantii Elegia de Phoenice vulgo Claudiano adseripta: Cum curis secundis Nicolai Heinsii, adnotationibus Petri Burmanni secundi. Amstelaedami.. 1760. 4~. CLAVEL, M. Almanach-manuel de la Sante.... Suivi d'un Traite des maladies de l'ame...1854. Paris. 191 p. 120. Alm. v. 53. [ CLAVELLt, Robert ]. His Majesties Propriety and Dominion on the British Seas asserted: Together with a True Account of the Netherlanders insupportable insolencies and injuries they have committed.... as also their prodigious and horrid cruelties in the East and West Indies, and other places. To which is added an exact Mapp, containing the Isles of Great Brittain and Ireland.... By B. C. London, 1665. 176 p. 18~. The General Catalogue of Books printed in England since the dreadful fire of London MDCLXVI, to the end of Trinity term IDCLXXX: Together with the texts of single sermons; plays acted at both theaters; and an abstract of the general bills of mortality since 1660.... And a catalogue of school books. To which is now added a Catalogue of Latin books printed in foreign parts, and in England, since the year 1670....London, 1680, 81. 99, 19, 91 p. In 2 v. f~. CLAVIGEROt, Fr. S. Storia antica del Messico, cavata da' migliori Storici Spagnuoli... In Cesena, 1780, 81. 4 v. 40. CLAXTON, Christopher. Colonial Crisis: First Letter to R. F. Buxton. London, 1831. 44 p. 8~. Pain. v. 437. CLAYt, Cassius I. A Letter of (M7arch 20, 1844)...with a Review of of it by Gerrit Smith. Utica, 1844. 12 p. 12". Pam. v. 626. CLAYt, Henry. Speech, U.S. Senate, Feb. 2, 3, 6, 1832, in defence of the American system of tarsiff, against the British colonial system; with an appendix of documents. Washington, 1832. 8~0. Pam. v. 237. Speech, U.S. Senate, On the subject of abolition petitions, 1839. Boston, 1839. 42 p. 120. Pam. v. 526. Speech, U.S. Senate, Feb. 19, 1838, On the Bank of the U.S. and a Treasury bank. 80. Pamin. v. 193. - Rearks, U.S. Senate, Jan. 29, 1850, on introducing his propositions to compromise on the slavery question. Washington. Pam. v. 486.- Same. Revised edition..32 p. Painm. v. 486. The Ashland Text-book; being a Compendium of Mr. Clay's, Speeches....Boston, 1844. 72 p. 12~. Pam. v. 527. FIRST SUPPLEMENT. 187 ---- Correspondence; Life. See Colton, C., editor. CLAY (John), B.D. Plates shewing degrees of criminality in English counties. See Preston H. of Correction. CLAY, Sir William. Remarks on the Water supply of London. 2d ed. London, 1849. 108 p. 80. Pam. v. 404. CLAYTON, Rev. John. Letter to the Royal Society, May 12, 1688, Of Virginia. See Force's Tracts, v. 3; also, Miscellanea Curiosa. CLAYTONt ( John M.), of Del. Speech, Delaware Mass Whig Convention, June 15, 1844. Albany. 15 p. 80. Pam. v. 526. Speech, U.S. Senate, in Defence of Z. Taylor, 1848. 16 p. Pam. v. 487. Speech, U.S$ Senate, on...Nebraska and Kansas..the Missouri Compromise: Mar. 1, 2, 1854. 22 p. 80. Pam. v. 561. Obituary Addresses on the occasion of the death of: in the Sen. and H. of Rep. of the United States. Washington, 1857. 22 p. 8~. Pam. v. 494. CLAYTONt, Bishop Robert. [Writings collected ] in 1 v. 80. Contents: A Dissertation on Prophecy.... together with an Explanation of the Revelation... London, 1749. xxviii, 168 p. An Essay on Spirit, wherein the Doctrine of the Trinity is considered... London, 1751. lxiv, 152 p. Anon. The Genuine Sequel to the Essay on Spirit...Dublin: London repr. 1752. xx, 85 p. Anon. A Vindication of the IHistories of the 0. T., in answer to....Lord Bolingbroke..Dublin: London repr. (1752). 140 p. Speech, H. of Lords in Ireland, for omitting the Nicene and Athanasian creeds...Feb. 2, 1756. London, 1757. CLEAVELAND (Elisha L.), D.D. Sermon. See National Preacher, 1852. -.... Sermon, 25th Anniversary of the author's ministry.... NewHaven, 1858. 80. Paim. v. 295. CLEAVELAND, Henry W. Village and Farm Cottages: The Require-. ments of American village homes considered and suggested....By H. IW. C., W. and S. D. Backus. New-York, 1856. 80. CLEAVELAND, Nehemiah. An Address delivered at Topsfield, in Massachusetts, Aug. 28, 1850, the 200th anniversary of the incorporation of the towna~~. New-York, 1851. 74, xxxix p. 8~. CLEAVENGER, William S., Principal of the Locust-street Grammar School: Defence, addressed to the citizens of the Eighth Ward... Philadelphia, 1857. 8~. Pam. v. 278. CLEAVER (William), A.M. Sermon, Time of our Saviour's Coming: Gal, iv, 4. 1743. Oxford. Pam. v. 369. CLEAVER (William), Bp. Utility of Creeds: a Sermon: 2 Timothy i, 13; Nov. 16, 1800. Oxford, 1801. Pam. v. 375. A List of Books recommended to the Younger Clergy..... 2d edition, enlarged. To which is added the learned Mr. Dodwell's Catalogue of the Christian writers and genuine works that are extant of the first three centuries, together with an extract from his second letter of advice, etc. London, 1792. 115 p. 8~. 188 GENERAL LIBRARY. CLEGHORN, James. On the Depressed State of Agriculture: Prize, Essay of the Highland Soc. of Scotland, 1822. Edinburgh, 1822. 140 p. 8~. Pam. v. 430. CLEMENS (Jeremiah), of Ala. Remarks of Messrs. Clemens, Butler and Jefferson Davis, on the Vermont Resolutions relating to slavery. Delivered in Senate U.S., Jan. 10, 1850. Pam. v. 193..- Speech, U.S. Sen., on L. Kossuth, 1851. 8~. Pam. v. 487. Speech, U.S. Sen., on Colonization in North America. Washington, 1853. 8 p. 8~. Pam. v. 487. CLEMENT XIV, Pope. See Ganganelli, L., Lettere. CLEMENT, David. Bibliotheque Curieuse, Historique et Critique; ou Catalogue raisonne de livres difficiles a trouver. Tome I - ix.To HI-Hes. Gottingen, I-Iv; Hannover, v, VI; Leipzig, VIIIX, 1750 - 1760. 9 V. 4~. CLERGY ORPHAN SOCIETY. An Account of:..London, 1820.- The same. London, 1846-. 80. Pam. v. 385. CLERGiYMAN'S MINOR ALMANACK..for 1811, 14..Boston, Lincoln & Edmands. No's 3 and 6. See Thomas' Alm. v. 2. CLERICUSt. Rejoinder of " Clericus" on Dancing. (Albany, 1848.) 48 p. 8~. Pam. v. 296. CLERK'S (The) MAGAZINE; containing Forms of Writings...Albany, C. R. & G. Webster, 1803. 12~. CLERKE, John. Sermon, Rochester, May 29, 1684, Accession to the Throne: 1 Cor. x, 10. London. 40~. Pam. v. 360. CLESSEN, Wilhelm. Drittes Jubel-Fest der Buchdruckerkunst..... Sammt einer Vorrede Hrn. M. Georg Cunrad Niegers... Gotha... 1740. 208 p. 12~. CLEVELAND, Charles. 14th Annual Report.... as City Missionary. Boston, 1847. 16 p. 8~. Pam. v. 524. CLEVELANDt, Charles D. Editor. See Adam, Latin Grammar. CLEVELAND ( Chauncey F.), of Conn. Speech, U.S. H. of R., on the Homestead bill, 1852. Pam. v. 487. CLEVELAND ( Mrs. E. H.), M.D. Introd. Lecture, Female Medical College of Pennsylvania. Philadelphia, 1858. $,o. Pam. v. 517. CLEVELAND, Ohio. Report of the Board of Education, 1853-4, 1854-5. Cleveland, 1854, 55, 56. 80. Pam. v. 552.- Rep. for 1855-6, Cleveland, 1856. 80~. Pam. v. 248. CLEVELAND and ST.LouIS RAILROAD. Facts and Statements Lebanon, Indiana, to Paris, Illinois...With a map. Cleveland, Aug. 1854. 8. Pam. v. 256. CLEVELAND, COLUMBUS and CINCINNATI RAILROAD. Report upon the Preliminary, surveys': By C. Williams, C.E. Cleveland, 1846. 72 p. 8~, and plans. Pam. v. 571. Exhibits of the condition and prospects of. N.York, 1849. 8~. Pam. v. 146. ---- 1st, 3d, 5th, 6th Annual Report: 1852, 54, 55, 56. Cleveland, 1852 - 57. Pam. v. 282. FIRST SUPPLEMENT. 189 CLEVELAND (Ohio) FEMALE SEMINARY. Plan and Proposals..under the direction of the Rev. E. N. Sawtell, A.M.... Boston,-1850. 8~. Pam. v. 278. CLEVELAND LIBRARY ASSOCIATION. Catalogue. Cleveland, Ohio, 1849. 60 p. 8~. Pamn. v. 470. CLEVELAND MINING COMPANY. Articles of Association. Cleveland, 0., 1846. 8~. Pamn. v. 520. CLEVELAND, PAINSVILLE and ASHTABULA R. R. COMPANY. Ohio Section: Report on the preliminary surveys, by F. Harbach, chief engineer. March 28, 1850. Cleveland, 1850. 8~. Pam. v. 146. [CLIFFORD, Robert]. See Application of Barruel's Memoirs.. CLIFTON SPRINGS Water-cure. Addresses and Sermon at the dedication. Geneva, 1857. 8~. Pam. v. 515. CLIMAX (The) of Protection and Free Trade capped by annexation. Montreal, 1847? 18 p. 120. Pam. v. 503. CLING3IAN ( Thomas L.), of N.C. Speech, H. of R., On the political aspect of the slave question, Dec. 22, 1847. 8~. Pam. v. 486....- Speech, U.S. H. of R.: Nebraska and Kansas, April 4, 1854. 8 p. 8~. Pam. v. 561. - Address, Political Prospects of the Country, to.... 8th Congr. district of N.Carolina. Washington, 1856. 16 p, 80. Pam. v. 527. CLINTON, C. A. A Winter from Home. New-York, 1852. 60 p. 18~. CLINTONt, De Witt. A Discourse delivered before the American Academy of the Arts...New-York, 1816. 30 p. 80. Pam. v. 499. Address, Presbyterian Education Society, May 13, 1824. Newspaper slips. Pam. v. 294. Letters of Gov. Clinton and Col. L. Baldwin, improved as evidence.... for the extension of the Hampshire and Hampden canal.. Boston, 1828. 22 p. Plans. Pam. v. 477. CLINTONt, George, Gov. Revolutionary Relics, or Clinton Correspondence; comprising the celebrated papers found in Andre's boots.... Published originally in the New-York Herald. N.York.,Herald building, 1842. 16 p. 80. CLINTON, George W. Address, June 22, Domestic Hort. Society of the western parts of New-York. Canandaigua, 1830. 8~. Pam. v. 505. - An Address, 23d Term of the Normal School of the State of New-York, July 1856. Albany, 1856. 8~. Pam. v. 241. Oration, N.Y. Alpha of the Phi Beta Kappa, 1857. Schenectady, 1858. 8~. Pam. v. 514. CLINTON, Henry Fynes. An Epitome of the civil and literary chronology of Greece, from the earliest accounts to the death of Augustus. Oxford, 1851. 468 p. 8~. CLINTON, Isaac. Household Baptism; from various sources vindicated.... Lowville, N. Y. 1838. 200 p. 12~. CLINTON CEMETERY, Clinton, N.Y. Addresses delivered at the Dedication....together with the rules... Utica, 1857. 46 p. 8~. Painm. v. 478. 190 GENERAL LIBRARY. CLINTON COUNTY COAL COMPANY of Pennsylvania: Report. NewYork, 1855. 80. Pam. v. 520. CLINTON LINE RAILROAD COMPANY. First Annual Report, with the Report of the chief engineer. Hudson, Ohio, 1854. 80. Pam. v. 149. CLISSOLD, Rev. Stephen. The Ancient and Scriptural Doctrine that national piety is the source of national prosperity...-. ]From a sermon...Aug. 12, 1827. London, 1828. 50 p. 80. Pam. v. 305. CLIVE, Robert, Lord. Speech, H. of Commons, Mar. 30, 1772....on the East India Company. London. 61 p. 40. Pam. v. 1011. CLODIUS and CICERO; with other examples and reasonings in defence of just measures against faction and obloquy, suited to the present conjuncture. London, 1727. 32 p. 8~. Pam. v. 409. CLOSE, Francis. Farewell Sermon and Introductory Sermon: 2 Cor. iv, 7; 2 Cor. iv, 5. 1826, London. 80. Pam. v. 377. CLOSE (Rev. John), A.M., Waterford. A Discourse on federal and relative holiness...the sure foundation of infant baptism. Lansingburgh,:1803. 12~. Pam. v. 104. CLOWESt, Rev. J. Pure Evangelical Religion restored; or Charity, faith, and good works united. New-York, 1855. 126 p. 120, repr. Pain. v. 495. CLowEst, Rev. Timothy. Sermon.... to the associated instructors of youth in. Albany: I Cor. xiii, 8. Albany, 1816. 8~. Pam. v. 559. CLUVERIUS, Philippus. Batavische Out-Heeden, met de Verhandeling over de drie uytloopen van den Rhyn. Uyt het Latyn vertaalt. De tweede druk, vermeerdert, met,.. eenige landtkaarten. Door Jakob L5ve. Te Amsterdam..1719. 2 v. 18~. COACHMAKERS' ASSOCIATION. Taxes on carriages. London. 8 p. 8~. Pam. v. 425. COAL (The) TRADE. London (1830). 21 p. 8~. Pain. v. 414. COALITIONt (La) ET LA FRANCE***. BYy NV. A. Comte de Salvandy. Londres Re6imprime a Philadelphie, 1817. 160 p. 8~. Pam. v. 522. COAST ( The) SURVEY. Reply to the Official Defence of its cost, abuses and power. [ N.York Times: signed B. B.] 1858. 36 p. 80. Pant. v. 488. COBB (Howell), of Georgia. War with Mexico: Speech, U.S. H. of R., Feb. 2, 1848. 80. Pam. v. 486. COBB, Joseph B. Leisure Labors; or, Miscellanies, historical, literary and political. New-York, 1858. 408 p. 12~. COBBt, Lyman. Cobb's Explanatory Arithmetick, Number two; containing the compound rules.... To which is annexed, A Practical System of Book-keeping. Elmira, N.Y. 1834. 216 p. 18~. [COBBETTt, William]. A Prospect from the Congress Gallery during the Session begun DIec. 7, 1795.. By Peter Porcupine. Philadelphia, 1796. 68 p. 80. [ ]-. A Bone to Gnaw for the Democrats; or Observations on a pamphlet, entitled " The Political Progress of Britain." 2d edition. Philadelphia..1795. J e' FIRST SUPPLEMENT. 191 [ —]. Observations on the Emigration of Dr. Priestley, and on the several addresses delivered to him on his arrival at New-York, with additions; containing many curious and interesting facts on the subject, not known here when the first edition was published. Together with a comprehensive story of a farmer's bull. The third edition."" Philadelphia, 1795, 88 p. 80. [-J]. Porcupine Political Censor for November 1796; containing Observations on.... the late French Minister Adet. Philadelphia, 1796. 78 p. 8~. [ --— ]. The Republican Judge; or the American Liberty of the Press, as exhibited, explained, and exposed in the base and partial prosecution of William Cobbett for a pretended libel against the King of Spain and his Embassador, before the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania. With an Address to the People of England. By Peter Porcupine. London, 1798. v, 96 p. 8~. ---- The Pride of Britannia Humbled; or the Queen of the Ocean unqueen'd, " by the American Cock-boats".... illustrated and demonstrated by four letters addressed to Lord Liverpool on the late American war: Including a number of his other most important letters...To which is added, A Glimpse of the American victories. Philadelphia, 1815. 120~. - A History of the Reformation in England and Ireland, in a series of letters. Philadelphia, 1825. 12~. A Treatise on Cobbett's Corn; containing Instructions for cultivating and propagating the plant, and for harvesting and preserving the crop, and also an account of the several uses to which the produce is applied.... London, 1828. 11 chap. 120. ----- The Emigrant's Guide, in ten Letters addressed to the Taxpayers of England; containing Information of every kind, necessary to persons who are about to emigrate....A new edition. London, 1830. 12~. COBBOLD, John S. An Essay, tending to shew in what sense Jesus Christ hath brought life and immortality to light through the Gospel. Ipswich, Eng. 1793. 45 p. Pam. v. 302. COCCEIus, Johannes..... Opera Omnia theologica, exegetica, didactica, polemica, philologica, LXX circiter tractatibus, post prsefationerm enumeratis, absoluta -.... Editio secunda.... Francofurti ad'IoCenum, 1689. 8 v. f... Opera Anekdota theologica et philologica... Amstelodami, 1706. 2 v. fV. God-geleerdheid verdedigt en opengelegt....'t samen-gestelt door F. van Leenhof. Amsterdam, 1684. 18~. CocciII, Antonio. Lettera. critica sopra un manoscritto in cera. Firenze, 1746. 84 p.- With, Del Vitto Pitagorico, per uso della medicina... In Firenze, 1743. 84 p. in 1 v. in 4~. * Diarium Itineris Philippi III regis francorum, 1301. C(ccIus ( (M. Antonius) SABELLICUS. duos digesta tomos. Rapsodiie Historieso Enneadum xI...Access. libri decem exemplorumn.... Basilese, 1538. 2 v. f~. 192 GENERAL LIBRARY. COCLHET, M. l'Abb4. La Normandie Souterraine; ou Notice sur des Cimetieres Romains et des Cimetieres Francs explores en Normandie. Rouen, Paris, 1854. 80. [ COCIET, J.]. See Metaphysique (La), 1753. COCHIN, J. D. M. Manuel des Salles d'asile..5mne edition. Paris, 1857. 9 plates, 249 p. 80. COCHRAN, John. A Second Catalogue of Manuscripts..on Theology, English, Scottish, Irish, and foreign history... from the twelfth to the eighteenth selling... London..1837. 204 p. 8~. COCHRANE, Alex. Baillie. Who are the Liberals? London, 1852. 24 8". Pam. v. 416. COCHRANE, John. Speech, Young Men's Democratic Union Club, April 9, 1856. New-York. 8 p. 8~. Pam. v. 537. Speech, U.S. H. of R., on the Homestead bill, 1859. 16 p. Pam. v. 487. COCK, Micajah R. The American Poultry Book. New-York, 1843. 179 p. 18o. COCK, S. Case of the London Dock Company. London, 1825. 92 p. 80. Pam. v. 426. COCKBIURN, Henry. Memorials of his Time. New-York, 1856. 12~. COCKBURNt, John. The Unfortunate Englishman; or a Faithful Narrative of the distresses and adventures of John Cockburn, Thomas Rounce, etc., who were taken (1730) by a Spanish guarda costa.... at Porto Cavallo: Containing a Journey over land from the Gulf of Honduras to the Great South Sea....A new edition...London, 1810. 116 p. 12~. COCKE, William A. The Constitutional History of the United States, from the adoption of the Articles of Confederation, to the close of Jackson's administration: Vol. I. Philadelphia, 1858. 8~. COCKMAN (Thomas), D.D.: Two Sermons, Salvation by Christ alone: Acts iv, 12, at Oxford. London, 1731. 8~. Pam. v. 368. CODAIAN (John), D.D. Review of the Past:- A Sermon, 37th Anniv. of the author's ordination. Boston, 1846. 80. Pam. v. 504. CoE, Rev. Jonas. Letters, 1800. See M'Donald, J. CEUR, L'Abbe. Funeral Sermon on the Death of the Archbishop of Paris, 1849. See Catholic Pulpit, N~ 1. COFFINt, Robert S. Oriental Harp: Poems of the Boston Bard.*t* Providence, R.I. 1826. 172 p. 8~. [COGAN (Thomas), lM.D.]. See Letters to Wilberforce, on hereditary depravity. COGGESHALLt, George. History of the American Privateers and Letters-of-marque during our war with England in the years 1812,'13 and'14.... New-York, 1856. 80. COGGESHALL, Wr. T. The Newspaper Record, containing a complete list of newspapers and periodicals in the U.S., Canadas and GreatBritain...Philadelphia, 1856. 194 p. 80. FIRST SUPPLEMHENT. 193 COGGESHALL, William T. The Protective Policy in Literature A: Discourse on the social and moral advantages of the cultivation of local literature... Columbus, 0. 1859. 80. Pam. v. 514. COGSWELLt (VWilliam), D.D. Sermon, Auxil. Educ. Soc. of Norfolk Co., Me)way, June 14, 1826. Boston, 1826.0.0~ Pam. v. 288. CorOES DISTRICT SCHOOL LIBRARY. Catalogue. Cohoes, N.Y. 1857. 29 p. Pam. v. 470. COIN CATALOGUES, 2 V. 80. Contents VOL 1. Borrell's Greek and Roman coins, Lond. 1848; yield's English coins and medals, Lond. 1848; Hoare's Ancient and British, Lond. 1850; E. W. Martin's, Greek, Roman, etc. Lond. 1853; Mons. Rollin, Greek and: Roman, Lond. 1853; J. Sabatier, Greek and Roman, Lond. 1853; Dr. Shepherd and E. Wilson, Greek, Roman and English, Lond. 1849; II. Hase, Misc. 1830; Lady Warburton's:, 1845; T. Walker's, English, 1845; Misc. Sotheby, 1840, 1842, 1843, 1850, 1851; Misc. A well known baronet, 1850; A. W. Pugin's, 1853. VOL. 2. Lincoln & Co. Lond. 1850? 1856; G. R. Smith, esq. 1848; Rev. James Mockler, Anglo-saxon, Irish, etc.; G. P. Harding's miniatures, etc.; Sothbby & Co. 1834; Christie & Manson, 1847; Sotheby & Co. 1845; J. N. Hughes, antiquities and coins, 1848. CoITt (Thomas W.), D.D. Sameness of Words no hindrance to devotion: A Sermon. Troy, N. Y. 1855. 23 p. 120. Pam. v. 543. ~- Exclusiveness: Lecture for Christmas Eve..1855. Troy, N.Y. 185,6. 80. Pam. v. 80. The Same. 2d edition. Writh notes. Troy, N.Y. 1856. 72 p. 80~. Pam. v. 558. COKE, Hon. Henry J. Vienna in 1848....With illustrations by Weld Taylor, esq. London, 1849. 72 p. 12~. COKEt, Thomas. The substance of a Sermon, preached at Baltimore.. before the General Conference of the Meth. Episc. Ch., 27th Dec. 1784, at the ordination of Rev. Francis Asbury.... London, 1785. 22 p. 12~. A Journal of the Rev. Dr. Coke's Fourth Tour on the Continent of America ( N III). London, 1792. 32 p. 120. COLBURN (Warren), A.M. Arithmetic upon the Inductive Method of Instruction: Being a sequel to intellectual arithmetic...'Boston, 1841. 245 p. 12~. COLBURNt, Zerah. Railway Economy. Prospectus. 80. Pam. v. 546. COLBY, S. A Sermon: A Call to the Sacrament: Mat. xi, 28. London, 1709. 8~. Pain. v. 364. COLDENt, Cadwallader. An Explication of the First Causes of active matter, and of the cause of gravitation. New-York, 1745, and London; reprinted, 1746. 75 p. 8~. [ —— ]. Conduct of Cadwallader Colden, esq., Lieutenant-Governor of New-York, relating to the judges' commissions, appeals to the King, and the Stamp duty. Printed in the year 1767. New -York. 56 p. 8~. COLDENt, Cadwallader D. Vindication of the Steamboat Right granted to the State of N.Y. Albany, 1818. 177 p. 80. Pamn. v. 227. [ SuPPL.] 25 194 GENERAL LIBRARY. COLE, John.. A Biographical and Descriptive Tour from Scarborough to the Library of a Philobiblist, in it's neighbourhoodcl'$... Scarborough, Eng. 1824. 92 p. 120~. COLE, Rev. Tllomas. Discourses on Luxury, Infidelity and Enthusiasm. London, 1761. 196 p. 18~. Pain. v. 372. COLEt, Thomas. Exhibition of the Paintings of the late: New-York, 1848. 20 p. 8o.- Catalogue of Pictures by:..Rooms of the Nat. Acad. of Design. 4 p. 80. Paim. v. 499. The Voyage of Life...Engraved by J. Smillie. N. York, 1856. roy. S8. COLEIRE, Richard. Sermon...Thanksgiving...for the suppression of the late-unnatural rebellion. London, 1716. 40~. Pam. v. 1005. COLEMANt, Lyman. The Apostolical and Primitive Church, popular in its governmient and simple in its worship..... With an introductory essay,.by Dr. A. Neander. 2d edition. Boston, 1844. 12~. [ COLEMrANt,; Williaml]. See Appeal to the People, 1810; Remarks and criticisms on... J. Q. Adams, 1808. COLERIDGEt, Hartley. Biographia Borealis; or Lives of Distinguished Northerns;"~. London, 1833. 732 p. s COLERIDGE, Rev. James D. A Few Words of Instruction to his Parishioners, on an error in doctrine: Moral life with sufferigt, certas2i of a, recompense. Exeter, Eng. 1834. 80. Pan1. v. 339.- Why are you not a Communicant?.... 2d edition. Launceston (1831). 24 p. 80. Pam. v. 339.- Sermon on Matthew ii, 2. See Practical Sernmons. COLERIDGEt, Samuel Taylor. Hints towards the formation of a more comprehensive theory of life..Ed. by Seth B. Watson, M.D. Philadelphia, 1848. 94 p. 80. COLES (Abraham), AM.D. Critique on Nott & Gliddon's Ethnological Works; with some remarks on an article by W. S. Forwood, MI.D., entitled "' The Negro -a distinct Species," published in the Mledical and Surgical Reporter, iMay1857. Burlington, N.J., 1857. 8~. Paln. v. 266. CoLESt, Benjamin U. A Memoir on the subject of Wheat and Flour of the State of New-York. Read...N.Y. Agr. Soc. Feb. 17, 1820....New-York, 1820. 46 p. 8~. CoLEs, Edward. History of the Ordlinance of 1787.... Read before Hist. Soc. of Pennsylvania, June 9, 1856..1856. 33 p. 80. COLFAX (Schuyler), of Indiana. Speech, U.S. H. of R., The " Laws " of Kansas, June 21, 1856. New-York. 16 p. 8~. Pam. v. 537, 531. CoLHOurN, S. Ahl Essay on Suspended Animation. Philadelphia.... 1823. 120. COLLAMInERt (Jacob), of Vt. Speech, H. of R., Feb. 1, on the 3Mexican YAarp Washington, 1848. Paim. v. 486. Speech, US, Sen., on the President's Message, 1856. 16 p. Pam. v. 487...-... Speech, U.S. Sen., on Affairs in Kansas, Ap. 3, 4, 1856. Washington. 29 p. 80. Pam. v. 561. FIRS.T SUPPLEMENT. 195 COLLECTION of Interesting and Important Reports and Papers on the navigation and trade of Great-Britain, Ireland, and the British Colonies in the W.I. and America'**. Pvinted by order of the Soc. of Shipowners of G.B. London, 1807. xxviii, 154, ccxcvii p. 8~. COLLECTIONt (A) LETTERS ON FREEMASONRY, in Chronolog-ical order. By J. C. Spencer, R. Bush/, H. Tcate, 4.- E. Eveerett. Boston, 1849. 103 p. 80~. Pam. v. 211. COLLECTION (A) OF MEMORIALS concerning divers deceased ministers and others of the people called Quakers in Pennsylvania, N.Jersey, and parts adjacent, from nearly the first settlement thereof to the year 1787...'.' Philadelphia, 1788. 439 p. 80. COLLECTION OF PAPERS that have been published, at different times, relating to the Proceedings of His Majesty's Commissioners, &c. c..... to treat... of quieting the disorders... New-York, Rlivington, 1778. 55 p.- Proposed appendix...By a well-wisher to the prosperity both of G.B. and N.America. 8p. 1 v. 80. CQLLECTION (A) OF TESTIMIONIES in favor of Religious Liberty in the case of Dissenters, Catholics and Jews: By a Christian politician. London, 1790. 119, xx p. 8". Paim. v. 320. COLLECTION OF THE SUPPLIES, and Ways and MBeans, from the Revolution to the present time. By a member of Parliament. London, 1763. 183 p. 120. Pam. v. 617. COLLEGE OF NEW-JERSEY. Catalopgue of the Officers and Students for 1840, 41, 42, 43, 44, 49, 50. Princeton. Pamz. v. 156.- Triennial Cat. 1848; Ann. Cat. 1845, 51; American Whig Society of the College, Cat. 1845. 63 p. Princeton. 8~. Pam. v. 481.- Cliosophic Society, Cat. 1840. 80. Pam. v. 156. COLLEGEt OF PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS in the City of New-York. Catalogue, 1829, 37, 54, 55. New-York. 8. Piam. v. 196, 517. COLLEGEt OF PIYSICIANS AND SURGEONS of the Western District of the State of New-York, in Fairfield..Circular and Cattalogue, 1827, 1829, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39. Albany, Little-Falls, Utica. S~. Pain. v. 517. COLLEGE OF THE- HOLY CROSS, Worcester, M3ass. Catalogue, 1855. 8. Pam~. v.. 482. COLLESt, Christopher. PToposals for the Speedy Settlement of the waste and unappropriated lands on the western frontiers of NewYork, and for the improvement of the inland navigation between Albany and Oswego. New-York, London, 1785. 14 p. 8~. COLLIER, J. P., Editor. See Percy Society: Camden Society Publications. COLLIERt, Rev. Jeremy. God not the Origin of Evil: Being an additional sermon, ckc. London, 1726. 8~. Pam. v. 367. COLLIER, Samuel. Sermon at St.Paul's: Accession of H. TMajesty, June 11, 1743. London. 4~. Pain. v. 1006. [ COLLINS, Anthony]. A Discourse of Free Thinking, occasion'd by the rise and growth of a sect call'd Free-thinkers*"'. Lond. 1713. 178 p. 8~. Pain. v. 336. [ -1]. See Discourse on Ridicule; also, Vindication of the Divine Attributes. 1710. 1;96'GENERL LIBRARY. COLLINS, Arthur. The Peerage of England; cntaining a genealogical and historical account of all the Peers of England, now existing, either by tenure, summons or creations; their:de scentS and collateral lines....and many valiuable memoirs never before printed...Collected from records, old wills...3d edition..enlarged. London.. 1756. 6 v. 8~. COLLINS, Rachel. Now or Never: or Serious Advice to Dissenters in general. London, 1733. 36 p. 80. Pam. v. 318. CoLLINS, William. oietical Works. See Goldsmith, O. COLLINSON, John.:Sermon: 2 Pet. i, 5. Stockton, Eing. 1839. 8~. Pam. v. 378. COLMAN, Benjamin, D.D. The Government and Improvement of Mirth, according to the laws of Christianity, in three sermons.... More especially designed for... the young gentlemen of Boston. By Benj. Colman. Boston, in N.England, B. Green, 1707. x, 170 p. 18~. - A Humble Discourse of the Incomprehensibleness of God; in four sermons, with an epistle to the reader,:by E. Pemberton. Boston, 1714. xii, 109 p. 18~. Title and:2ip. wanting. - Two Sermons on the Death of Mrs. Jane Colman and of Mrs.:Jane Turell.. With memoirs of the life and death of...Mrs. Jane Turell...Boston, N.E. Printed in the year 1735. iv, vi, 129 p. 8~. Title wanting. COLMANt, Henry. A Discouirse on the Proper Character of Religious Instructions; Dec. 7, 1824. Salem, 1825. 8~. Pam. v. 105. _- A Sermon: Installation of the Rev. J. Flint, Salem....Boston, 1821. 8~. Pam. v. 105. Agricultural Reports, 1838-41. See Massachusetts. COLMAN, W. A. Catalogue of his Library, sold, N.York, 1850. 216 p. Wfrith, Catalogue of engravings, etc. sold. 30 p. Cat. v. 33.; B.,.- TT..-, C..;.:,;:.e COLOMB DE BATINES, P. Bibliografia Dantesca; ossia Catalogo delle edizioni, traduzioni, codici manoscritti e comenti della Divina Commedia, e delle opere minbrli di Dante; seguito dalla serie de' biografi di lui: Compilata dal Signore Visconte Colomb de Batines. Traduzione Italiana fatta sul manoscritto francese dell'autore. Tomo primo, Parte prima, Parte seconda. Prato, Tipografia Aldina, 1845, 46.- In 1 v. 80. COLONIAL HERALD AND PRINCE EDWARD ISLAND ADVERTISER. Vol. 1, N~ 1, Aug. 5, 1837.- Vol. 3, Dec. 25, 1840. Charlottetown. 3 v.f~. COLONIAL (The) LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY OF SCOTLAND. Pam. v. 239. COLONIAL (The) MAGAZINE; Vol. 1, No 3; Nov. 1827. Plattsburgh, N.Y. 1827. 80. Pam.. 264. COLONIAL MISSIONARY SOCIETY in connection with the Congregational union of England and Wales: Third Report, 1839; Fourth, 1840-; Fifth, 1 841; Ni, 845. naon. 8~. am. v. 384. COLONIZATIONf SOCIETY of the City of New-York. 7th Report, N.Y. 1S39. 80. Pam. v. 462. FIRST SUPPLEMENT. 1197 COLORED (The) HoIME; 10th, lth, 15th, 16th Reports o6f (the Society for the Support of:..). New-York, 1850-56. 180. Pam. v. 227.Report of the Physician. N.Y. 1854. Pam. v. 225. COLORED PEOPLE. Proceedings of the State Convention of Colored people held at Albany 22 - 24 July 1851. Albany, 1851. 36 p. 8Q. Pam. v. 560. COLQUHOUN, J. C. Ireland: The Policy of Reducing the Established Church, and paying the Roman Catholic priests. Glas. Prot. Association. Glasgow, 1836. 68 p. Pam. v. 342. COLQUvHOUNt, P. A New and Appropriate System of Education for the labouring people:..according to the plan...admitted into the Free School, N~ 19 Orchard-street, Westminster....London, 1806. 93 p. 8~. Pamn. v. 387. COLSON, Felix. De l'Etat Present et de l'Avenir des PrincipaUtes de M1oldavie et de Valachie. Suivi des Traites de la Turquie avec les Puissances Europeennes. Et d'une carte... Paris, 1839. 8~. COLT (Samuel). Patent Fire Arms Manufacturing Company. U.S. Mag. Mar. 1857. 221 - 249 p. 8~. Pam. v. 298. -* [ Report of D. E. Twiggs and W. S. Harney on the Repeating Rifle]. 1838. 18~. Pam. v. 618. COLTMAN, Rev. J. Speeches of Rev. J. Coltman Rev. J. Scott, and Rev. J. King, at a meeting of Clergy, East-Riding, Jan. 16, 1834. London. 44 p. 80. Pam. v. 326. COLTONt (Rev. Calvin), LL.D. The Rights of Labor. N.York, 1846. 96 p. 8.0 Lecture on the Railroad'to the Pacific: Delivered August 12, 1850, at the Smithsonian Institute, Washington. New-York, 1850. 8~. Pam. v. 2.83. The'Private Correspondence' of Henry' Clay Edited by Calvin Colton...New-York, 1855. 8~. The Last Seven Years of the Life of Henry Clay... New-York.1856. 8~. [ -1]. See Crisis of the Country, 1840; also, Junius Tracts, 1843-44. COLTONt, J. H. The Western Tourist and Emigrants' Guide. N.York, 1850. 89 p. 18~. COLUMBIA, District of. Register of the Militia of: together with the Militia Laws of the U.States... By Brooke Williams. Washington, 1831. 44 p. 12~. Pam. v. 234. COLUMBIAf COLLEGE. Annual Catalogue of the officers and students. Published by the Senior Class, 1856? 80. Pam. v. 247.- For 1856 - 7, with graduates since 1850. 8~. ---- Addresses of the newly appointed Professors of Columbia College; with an Introductory Address by William Betts, LL.D., Feb. 1858. New-York, 1858. 201 p. 8~. Inaugural Addresses of:T. W. DW wight and of G. P. Marsh. N. York, 1859. 8~.: ALUMNI ASSOCIATION. Address by T. Sedgwick, and Poem by John MaclMullen. -New-York, 1858. 8~. Pam. v. 514. 198 GENERAL LIBRARY. COLUMBIA'S NAVAL TRIUMPHS A PoenZ.*** New-York, 1813. 132 p. 240. COLUMBIAN ALMANACK.. Wilmington, Del. 1803. Aim. v. 17.- For 1842, Philadelphia..Alm. v. 43. (COLUMBIAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY of Philadelphia. Memoirs: Vol. I. Philadelphia, 1813. 8~0. ith Vanuxem, Essay. Philadelphia, 1827. 80. In 1 v. 8~. COLUMBIAN CHRONICLE: Feb. 23, 1816, Phil'a. f. Newsp. v. 15. COLUMBIAN GAZETTE: Vol. 11, N. 561, Dec. 14, 1813; V. 12, N. 624, Feb. 28, 1815. Utica, N.Y. See Newsp. v. 15. COLUMBIAN MERCURY and CANAAN REPOSITORY of Rural Knowledge: Vol. 1, N~ 5 - 8, July 9 - 30, 1794. Canaan, N.Y. fP. Newsp. v. 15. COLUMBIANt PHENIX and BOSTON REVIEW... with many interesting particulars in history and biography. Vol. I, for 1800, Jan.- July. Boston, Ed. by J. Hawkins and D. Tillotson. 1 v. 80. Frontispiece wanting. COLUMBIAN SONGSTER, or Jovial Companion:... Choice Songs.... of which nearly fifty are American productions.... Greenleaf's press, New-York, 1797. 232 p. 18~. COLUMBIAN STAR: Vol. 2, Oct. 1823, N~ 40 to Vol; 5, Dec. 9, 1826. Ed. by James D. Knowles, Baron Stow, etc., under the patronage of the General Convention of the Baptist denomination in the United States. Washington city. In 2 v. f~. COLUMBUSt AND HIS TIMES**". From the London Religious Tract Society's edition. Albany, E. H. Pease, 1844. 186 p. 18~. COLUMIBUSt, Ferdinand. Historie del S. D. Fernando Colonmbo; nelle quali s' ha particolare & vera relatione della vita, & de' fatti dell' Ammiraglio D. Christoforo Colombo, suo padre: Et dello scoprimento, ch' egli fece dell' Indie occidentali, dette Mondo Nuovo... Di lingua spagnuola tradotte nell' Italiana dal S. Alfonso Ulloa. In Venetia, 1571. xxxviii, 494 p. 18~. COLUMBus INSURANCE COMPANY, Ohio. Instructions.... for agents. Columbus, 1845; Rochester, N.Y. 1847. Pam. v. 239. COLWELL, Stephen. The Ways and Means of payment: A full analysis of the credit system...Philadelphia, 1859. 644 p. 8~. Co1B, George. Sermon, Decease of Rev. R. Hawker, D.D.: 2 Sam. iii, 38. London, 1827. 8~. Pam. v. 382. COMBEI, Andrew. The Principles of Physiology, applied to the preservation of health, and to the improvement of physical and mental education. From 7th Edinburgh edition. New-York..1841. 18~. COMBEt, George. Testimonials in behalf of: as a candidate for the chair of logic in'the University of Edinburgh. Edinburgh, 1836. 79 p. S8. Pam. v. 399. [COMBER (Thomas), D.D.]. See Plausible Arguments, 1686. COIBES ( W.), Esq. Catalogue of Library of:.... auction, London, 1837. 50 p. 8~. Cat. v. 94. COMING (The) CONFLICT. A Letter to the Bishop of Exeter, occasioned by his pastoral letter...Lond. 1851. 34 p. 8~. Pam. v. 331. FIRST SUPPLEMENT. 199 COMING (The) STRUGGLE among the Nations of the Earth; or the Political Events of the next fifteen years... Author's American ed. New-York, 1853. 40 p. 80. Pam. v. 540. COMLY, John. Comly's Reader and Book of Knowledge, with exercises of spelling and reading.... Philadelphia, 1849. 12~. COMMENTS on the Nebraska bill, with Views on slavery in contrast with freedom. Respectfully addressed to the Free States, Sby one acquainted with Southern institutions. By William Bayard, esq.? Albany, 1854. 58 p. 8~. Pam. v. 560. COMMERCIAL ADVERTISER: NOV. 27, 1816. N.York. Newsp. v. 15. COMIMERCIAL BANK of New-Orleans: Act to incorporate. N.Orleans, 1833. 80. Pam. v. 464. COMMERCIAL (The) CONDUCT of the United States of America considered, and the true interest thereof attempted to be shown, by a Citizen of New-York. New-York, S. & J. Loudon, 1786. 21 p. 8~. Pam. v. 259. COMaERELL, Abbe De. Bericht wcgens de Aankweeking en het gebruik van den Schaarcheid of Mangel-Wortel, &c...... Uit het fransch vertaald....Amsterdam, 1789. 80 p. 80. Pam. v. 205. COMIDINES]-, Philip De. Memoirs of: To which is added the Scandalous Chronicle, or Secret History of Louis XI. By Jean de Troyes. Vol. 2. London, Bohn, 1856. 12~. COMMON (The) ALMANAC. For'1823, 25, 26, 30, 32 - 36, 39 - 42, 45 - 55. Watertown, N.Y. 1 v. 120~. COMPARATIVE (The) Importance of our Acquisitions from France in America. Writh Remarks on a pamphlet, intitled An Examination of the commercial principles of the late negotiation in 1761. London, 1762. 59 p. 8~. CO.MPARISON (A) between the doctrines taught by the Clergy of the Church of England and the doctrines taught by Whitefield, Seagrave, and others...London, 1741. 28 p. 8~. COMIPENDIOUS (A) History of the Late War, 1811-15. Boston, 1815. 8~. COMPLAINT (A) to the - of -—, against a pamphlet entitled, A Speech intended to have been spoken on the bill for altering the charter~ of the Colony of MIassachusetts Bay* ". London, White, 1775. 40 p. 80. COIMPLEAT (A) List of all the Members who voted for and against the bill for repealing the Septennial Act... with the speeches of...two. London, 1734. 19, 12 p. 8~. Pam. v. 418. COMPLEAT (A) View of the present Politicks of Great-Britain: In a Letter from a Gernman nobleman... Translated from the French... London, 1743. 66 p. 8~. Pam. v. 442. COMIPLETE (A) and Accurate Account of the very important debate in the HI. of Commons...July 9, 1782, in which the cause of Mr. Fox's resignation and the great question of American Independence came under consideration...2d edition. London,-1782. 61 p. 8~. COMPLETE LISTS of the new House of Commons, ~4c. 1835. 16 p. 8~. Pam. v. 414. COMPONIMENTI LIRICI de' piui illustri Poeti d'Italia, scelti da T. J. Mathias*~". Lond. 1802. xxxv, 280, 329, 347 p. & indices. 3 v. 18~. 200 GENERAL LIBRARY. COMPRESSED (A) View of the Points to be discussed in treating with the U.S. of America, A.D. 1814...2 maps. London, 1814. 39 p. 8~. Pam. v. 129. CoMRIE, Alexander. Verhandeling van eenige Eigenschappen des Zaligmakenden Geloofs.... Door A. C. Scoto-Britannicus.... Leiden, 1744. With, Het A. B. C. des Geloofs... Leiden, 1751. 2 v. in 1. 4~. COMSTOCK, Andrew. The Phonetic Minstrel: Consisting of Original Songs, in Comstock's perfect alphabet...Philadelphia, 1847. 16 p. 80. Pam. v. 534. CONANT, Mrs. H. C. The Earnest Man: A Sketch of the Character and Labors of Adoniram Judson, first missionary to Burmah. Boston, 1856. 120. CONANT, Marshall. 1836.-' The Year Book: an Astronomical and Philosophical Annual: In three parts... Boston, 1836. 12~. CONANT, T. J. Defence of the Hebrew Grammar of Gesenius against Prof. Stuart's translation. New-York, 1847. 8~. Pam. v. 269. CONANT, William C. Narratives of Remarkable Conversions and Revival Incidents; account of...the great awakening of 1857, 58...With an introduction, by Henry Ward Beecher**. New-York, 1858. 444 p. 12~. CONCILIATORY ADDRESS to the People of Great-Britain and of the Colonies on the present important crisis. London, Wilkie, 1775. 56 p. 80. CONCISE ACCOUNT....Eluction of Gen. Lewis. N.Y. 1807. See Account. Cat. 1855. CONCISE (A) and Faithful Narrative of the various steps which led to the unhappy division which hath taken place among the members of the Associate Body in the United States... By a ruling Elder.... Philadelphia, 1789. 88 p. 80. Pam. v. 68. CONCISE EXAMINATIONS of certain Supernaturalisms of the Bible, as commonly understood: By Christianus. NO I, Jan.; N~ II, May. New-York, 1856. 70 p. 12~. Pam. v. 528. CONCISE (A) Historical Account of the British Colonies in N.America, comprehending their rise, progress and modern state; particularly of the Massachusetts Bay (the seat of the present civil war), together with the other Provinces of New-England... London, Bew, 1775. 196 p., and table. 8~. CONCISE (A) History of Tithes, with an inquiry how far a forced maintenance for the ministers of religion is warranted...London, 1819. 8~. Pam. v. 320. CONCISE NARRATIVE of the Seminole Campaign. See Narrative. Cat. 1855. CONCLIN'S NEW RIVER GUIDE, or A Gazetteer of all the towns on the western waters... Cincinnati, 0. 1848. 128 p. 8~. ----- Same Title. Cincinnati, 1852. 128 p. 8~. CONCORDt, Mass. Education: Annual Report of the School Committee, April 2, 1849. Pam. v. 192, 249.- For 1851-2, 1853. 8~. Pain. v. 552.- For 1854. Concord. 80. Pam. v. 190. FIRST SUPPLEMENT. 201 Reports of the Selectmen, Overseers of the Poor, Library committee, etc. for 1853-4. Pam. v. 192.- For 1854, 55, 56. Concord, 1855 - 57. Pam. v. 476. CoNCORD RAILOAD CORPORATION. 13th Rep. 1854. Concord,N.H. 8~. Pam. v. 571. CONDERt, Rev. Josiah. Wages or the Whip: An Essay on the comparative cost and productiveness of free and slave labour. London, 1833. 91 p. 80. Pam. v. 438. CONDILLAC, E. B. de. Traite des Systemes, oi l'on en demele les inconvenients et les avantages.. Amsterdam, 1771. 448 p. 12~. CONDITt, Rev. J. B. Education at the West, in its Claims on the Church ~ A Discourse, Soc. Pro. Coll. Educ. at the West. N.York, 1849. 80. Pam. v. 491. CONDITION (The) of the Slave not preferable to that of the British peasant...London, 1833. 16 p. 80. Pam. v. 437. [CONDORCETt, J. A. N. C.]. See Schwartz, J., L'Esclavage. CONDUCT Of C. Colden, 1767. See [ Colden, C.]. CONDUCT ( The) of Queen Elizabeth, towards the neighbouring nations; and particularly of Spain, compared with that of James I..... By Palkeophilus Anglicanus. London, 1729. 62 p.-80. Pam. v. 443. CONDUCT (The) of the Late Administration Examined. With an appendix, containing original and authentic documents ( July 1765 to March 1766)*'*. By Richard Grenville,. Earl Temple? London, Almon, 1767. 160, liv, p. 80. CONDUCT (-The) of the Opposition and the tendency of modern'd and examin'd. By John, Lord Hervey. Lond., 1734. 62 p. 80. Pami. v. 418. CONE, Spencer Houghton. Some Account of the Life of:.. a Baptist preacher in America. New-York, 1856. 12~. CONEY, Tho. Honesty and Plain Dealing an usual bar to honour and preferment: A Sermon, Oxford, July 9, 1710: Numbers xxiv, 11. London. 8~. Pam. v. 365. CONFERENCE (A) betwixt a Papist and a Jew, or A Letter from a merchant in London to his correspondent in Amsterdam. Lond. 1678. 34 p.- Conference betwixt a Protestant and a Jew, or A Second Letter, &c. By Rev. Rich. Mayo, or. John Jacob. Lond. 1678. 41 p. 40. Pam. v. 354. CONFERENCE ON CHRISTIAN UNION. Narrative of the Proceedings, Liverpool, Oct. 1845. London, 1846. 80 p. 8~.- Pam. v. 495. CONGER ( Harmon S.), of N.Y. Remarks, U.S. H. of R., on the Payment of the Galphin claim. Washington, 1850. 8 p. 8~. Pam. v. 487. CONGREGATIONAL ALMANAC...OBoston, 1846. 120. Alm. v. 32. CONGREGATIONAL BOARD OF PUBLICATION. 25th, 26th, 27th, 29th Annual Reports. Boston, 1854, 55, 56, 58. 18~. Pam. v. 485. CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH, Hanover, N.H. See Dartmouth College. CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH in St.Charles, Illinois. Manual for the Communicants. Chicago, 1854. 15 p. Pain. v. 484. [ SUPPL.] 26 202 GENERAL LIBRARY. CONGREGATIONALt CHURCHES. Proceedings of the General Convention of Congregational Ministers and Delegates in the United States, held at Albany, N.Y., on the 5th, 6th, 7th and 8th of Oct. 1852, together with the sermon preached on the occasion, by Rev. Joel Hawes, D.D. New-York, 1852. Pam. v. 219, 231.- List of Members. Pam. v. 484. ----: CONNECTICUT. Minutes of the Convention of Delegates from the Synod of New-York and Philadelphia, and from the Associations of Connecticut, held annually froni 1766 to 1775inclusive. Hartford, 1843. 68 p. 8~. Pam. v. 485. Proceedings of the General Association of Connecticut.. June 1831, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 43, in 1 vol.; 1844, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, in 1 vol. Hartford, or New-Haven. 2 v. 8~. Proceedings of the General Association, June 1821, 1824. Hartford. Pain. v. 104.- For 1855, 57, 58. New-Haven. 8~. Pam. v. 483. - --- General Association. See Miss. Society of Connecticut, 1795 - 1822. An Address of the General Association.... to the Cong. Churches.. of the State.....on gospel discipline. Litchfield, 1808. 8~. Pam. v. 483. See New-Haven County Association, 1769.....: TIOWA. Minutes of the General Association, June 1855; with the Constitution. Boston. 8~. Pamn. v. 198. a: MAINE. Minutes of the General Conference of Mlaine, 1856. Bangor, 1856.- 1857. Portland, 1857.- 1858. Bangor, 1858. 8~. Pam. v. 483. ----: MASSACHUSETTSt. The Results of three Synods held by the elders and messengers of the churches of Massachusetts Province, New-England. Containing: I, The Platform...1648; II, Propositions...of Baptism, 1662; III, The Necessity of the Reformation... 1679***... Boston, 1725. 118 p. WVith A Confession of Faith owned and consented unto by the elders and messengers of the churches assembled at Boston in New-England, May 12, 1680, being the second session of that Synod***. Boston, 1725. 49 p. In 1 v. 180. The Necessity of Reformation, with the expedients subservient thereunto, asserted..agreed upon by the elders and messengers of the churches assembled in the Synod at Boston in New-England, Sept. 10, 1679. Boston, Printed by John -Foster, in the year 1679. 15 p. sin. 4~. Report on Congregationalism, including a Manual of Church Discipline, together with the Cambridge Platform adopted in 1648, and the Confession of Faith adopted in 1680. Boston.... 1846. 128 p. 12~. - Minutes of the General Association for the years 1839 - 43, 1845 -49. Boston. In 1 v. 8~.- Minutes, 1844, 50, 51, 52, Boston.- Rules, 1831. 120. Pam. v. 483. Report of the Committee on Slavery, to the Convention of Congregational Ministers of Mass. May 30, 1849. Boston, 1849. 92 p. 8~. Pam. v. 560. FIRST SUPPLEMENT. 203 ---: MICHIGAN. Minutes of the General Association, 1847, 1858. Detroit, Adrian. 80. Pam. v. 483. ----: NEW-HAMPSHIRE. Minutes of the General Association, 1843. Concord. 80. Pam. v. 483. -: NEW-YORI. Minutes of the General Association of N.York, 1837, New-York; 1838, Whitesboro; 1841, Utica; 1852, Canandaigua; 1856, Albany; 1857, Rochester; 1858, Rochester. 8~. Pam. v. 483. - ---- Report of the Committee..on the relation of the American Board... A.H. Miss. Soc., Am. Tract Soc., etc. to the subject of slavery, 1855. 12 p. 8~. Pam. v. 483. --: RHODE-ISLAND. Minutes of the Evangelical Association of Rhode-Island, 1851. Pawtucket, 1851. 8~. Pam. v. 483. ---: -VERMONT. Minutes of the General Convention of Congr. Ministers and Churches, 1842. Windsor, 1842. 80. Paim..v; 483. CONGREGATIONAL LIBRARY ASSOCIATION. First, Second, Fifth Annual Report. Boston, 1854, 55, 58. 8~. Pain. v. 209, 275,485. CONGREGATIONAL QUARTERLY. Vol. I: Conducted under the sanction of the Congr. Library Association and the American Congregational Union...Boston, 1859. 8~. CONGREGATIONAL UNION OF ENGLAND AND WALES. Minutes of the Fourth, Fifth, Sixth, Seventh, Ninth, Fifteenth Annual Assembly, 1834, 35, 36, 37, 39, 45. London. 80. Pam. v. 485. Primary Address of the Annual Assembly. London, May 15, 1834. 12 p. 180.- Declaration of the Faith, Church order and discipline. London, 1833. 12 p. 18~.- Fourth Address of the Annual Assembly. London, 1837. 12 p. 18~. Pain. v. 485. The Faith, Church Order and Discipline of the Congregational or Independent Dissenters, 1833, London. 8~. Pam. v. 320. CONGRR:S DE PARIS. Affaires Etrangeres.- Congres de Paris. Paris, Imprimerie Royale. Avril, 1856. 152 p. 40~. CONGR:S INTERNATIONAL des Re'formes Douanieres, reuni a Bruxelles, 22 - 25 Sept. 1856. Bruxelles, 1857. xx, 363 p. 8~. CONGRESSIONALt DIRECTORY — iSt, 2d Sessions, 33d Congress, 1854, 55. 2 v. in 1. 12~. CONGREVE, Win. The Mourning Bride: A Tragedy, as it is acted....London, 1777. 120. Pam. v. 396. CONINGESBY, Rev. G. Sermon, the Trinity: Born. i, 22. Oxford, 1723. 8~. Pami. v. 367. CONK.LING, F. A. Remarks, N.Y. Assemn., Feb. 1854, on the Bill for the promotion of medical science. Albany, 1854. 8~. Pam. v. 210. CONNECTICUTt: COLONY. The Public Records of: May 1678 - June 1689; with notes and an appendix... Transcribed and J. H. Trumbull. Hartford, 1859. 538 p. 8~. Their Majesties Colony of Connecticut in New-England, Vindicated, from the abuses of a pamphlet, licensed and printed at New-York, 1694, intituled, Some Seasonable Considerations for the Good People of Connecticut. By an Answer thereunto. Signed J. A. 4- W. P. Boston, in New-England. Printed by Bartholomew Green, A.D. 1694. 43 p. sin. 40. Also, in Conn. Hist. Soec. Coll. v. 1. 204 GENERAL LIBRARY. CONNECTICUT. See Congregational Churches. --—: BOUNDARY. Report of the Commissioners on the Western Boundary Line between Connecticut and New-York, to the General Assembly, May Session, 1857. Hartford. Pam. v. 269. ---: EDUCATION. Report of the Commissioner of the School Fund to the Legislature of the State, May 1850. New-Haven, 1850. Pam. v. 216.- The same, May 1853. 80. Pamn. v. 173.- The same, May 1858. 80. Pam. v. 278. ---- Ann. Report of the Superintendent of Common Schools, May 1851, May 1853, May 1856. Hartford, New-Haven. 8~. Pam. v. 229.- The same, May 1858. 54, 183 p. 8~. Pam. v. 278. --—: ~HUMANE INSTITUTIONS. Reports of the Commissioner for the Indigent Blind, Deaf and Dumb, and Insane Poor, to the General Assembly, May Session, 1851. Hartford, 1851. 80. Pam. v. 218. ---—: IDIOCY. Report of the Commissioners on Idiocy, to the General Assembly of Connecticut, May Session, 1856. New-Haven, 1856. 8. Pam. v. 235. i ——: INSANE. See Retreat for the Insane. --- ~: PRISONS. Report of the Committee... to inspect the condition of New-Gate Prison, May 1826. New-Haven, 1826. 8~. Pam. v. 191. --- ----- Report of the Directors and Wardens,of the State Prison. Hartford, 1829. The same, May 1832. 8~. Pam. v. 191.: REFORM SCHOOL. Report of the Trustees....Hartford, 1853. Pam. v. 191. — The same': 6th Rep., for 1858. 62 p. 80. Pam. v. 507. - STATISTICS. Report of the Secretary of State relating to the registration and returns of births, marriages and deaths, for the year ending Aug. 7th, 1848. Hartford, 1849.- The same for year ending 1849, 51, 52. 80. Pam. v. 240. CONNECTICUTt ALMANACK. Hartford, Hannah Watson, 1778, 79. 12~ Alm. v. 19. CONNECTICUT ASSOCIATION. Festival of: at the Revere House, Boston, Jan. 14,1857...Boston, 1857. 80. Pam. v. 253. CONNECTICUT COMMON SCHOOL JOURNAL and ANNALS OF EDUCATION. Published monthly under the direction of the Conn. State Teachers' Association. Editors, H. Barnard, &c. Vol. 9, 10 (Vol.-l, 2, New Series), 1854, 55. Hartford..New-Britain. 2 v. 8O.- Vol. 5, N~ 4, 1851. Pam. v. 229. CONNECTICUT HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Collections, Vol. I. Hartford, 1860. 8~. CONNECTICUT JOURNAL. Jan. 20,1780, No 664. New-Haven, T. Green. See Newspapers, v. 15. CONNECTICUT, MASSACHUSETTS, N.YORK and VERMONT ALMANACK. N. Strong, Litchfield, Conn. 1795, 98. Alm. v. 19. CONNECTICUT MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY. Hartford, 1849. 12~. Pam. v. 618. CONNECTICUT POCKET ALMANAC K: A. Beers, Hartford, 1803. 12~. Almo. v. 17. FIRST SUPPLEMENT. 205 CONNECTICUT (Annual) REGISTER and UNITED-STATES CALENDAR... from 1785 to 1857 inclusive. Astron. calculations by N. Daboll, J. H. Gallup, etc. New-London or Hartford. Pub. by T. or Samuel Green (or Brown). 70 v. 180. Wants 1787,1788. CONNECTICUT REGISTER. Register of Civil, Judicial, Military, and other officers in Connecticut, and United-States Record, for..1827, 28, 29. N~ 1, 2, 3...Hartford, Norton & Rusell. 3 v. 180. CONNECTICUT RIVER CONVENTION. Journal of the Convention holden at Windsor, Vermont, Sept. 29th and 30th, 1830, for the..improvement of the navigation of:.... Windsor, Vt. 1830. 19 p. 8~. Pam. v. 230. CONNECTICUTt STATE AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY. Transactions for 1854, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59. Hartford, 1855 - 60. 6 v. 8~. CONNECTICUTt STATE MEDICAL SOCIETY. Proceedings, 60th Annual Convention...May 1852. Hartford, 1852. Pam. v. 89.- Proceed- ings 63d Convention, 1855, and the Dissertation of S. J. Hubbard. Hartford, 1855. 80. Pam. v. 246. CONNECTICUT TEMPERANCE SOCIETY. Report, 3d Anniversary. Middletown, Conn. 1832. 8~. Pamn. v. 291. CONNELLY, Rev. Pierce. Reasons for Abjuring Allegiance to the See of Rome: A Letter to the Earl of Shrewsbury. 1st Ami. edition. Philadelphia, 1852. 38 p. 80. Paim. v. 548. CONOLLY (John), IMV.D. A Lecture on the Advantages of Popular Education....Northampton, Eng. 1836. 8~. Pam. v. 387. CONOLLYt (John), M.D. An Inquiry Concerning the Indications of Inisanity, with suggestions for the better protection and care of the insane. London...1830. 80. CONRADt, T. A. Fossil Shells from the Andes. See U.S.N. Astr. Expl. Expedition. CONSCIENTIOUS NONCONFORMITY..Defended: or A Vindication of the..principles and worship of the English Protestant dissenters. London, 1737. 8~. Pam. v. 319. CONSIDERATIONS against continuing the Great Canal west of the Seneca ~ Addressed to the members-elect of the Legislature of the State of New-York, by Peter Ploughshare. Utica, 1819. 29 p. 8~. Pam. v. 223. CONSIDERATIONS of Present Use, concerning the danger resulting from the change of our church-government. Lond., 1682. 20 p. 4~. Pam. v. 354. CONSIDERATIONS on a Comprehension or Union of Protestants by reconciling and uniting the more moderate dissenters to the Church of England...London, 1748. 41 p. 8~. Pain. v. 330. CONSIDERATIONS on Certain Political Transactions of the Province of South Carolina: Containing a view of the Colony legislatures (under the description of that of Carolina in particular). With observations showing their resemblance to the British model**@. London, 1774. 83 p. 8. CONSIDERATIONS ou the Approaching Dissolution of Parliament: Addressed to the elective body of the people; with some account of the existing parties..London, Walter, 1790. 8~. Painm v. 221. 206 GENERAL LIBRARY. CONSIDERATIONS on the Bank of the U.States, 1832. See [ Young, S.]. Cat. 1855. CONSIDERATIONS on the Eastern Diocese. By a Presbyter of the Diocese of Massachusetts. Boston, 1837. 80. Pam. v. 200. CONSIDERATIONS on the Dependencies of Great Britain; with observations on a pamphlet entitled, The Present State of the Nation. London, Almon, 1769. 92 p. 80.- Also, Pol. Tr. v. 7. CONSIDERATIONS on the Explications of the Doctrine of the Trinity. Occasioned by four sermons preached by..the Abp. of Canterbury, &c...In a letter to H. H. Printed in the year 1694. 68 p. 40. Pam. v. 358. CONSIDERATIONS on the Importance of Canada, and the Bay and River of St.Lawrence, and of the American fisheries dependant on the islands of Cape Breton, St.John's, New-Foundland, and the seas adjacent: Addressed to the Right Hon. William Pitt. London, 1759. 23 p. 8~. CONSIDERATIONS on the Late Act for Prohibiting all Commercial Intercourse with the rebellious colonies; or the weakness of America exposed. Edinburgh, 1776. 19 p. 8~. CONSIDERATIONS on the Legality of General Warrants... London, W. Nicoll, 1765. 48 p. 8~. Pam. v. 450. CONSIDERATIONSf on the Propriety of Imposing Taxes in the British Colonies.... By Daniel Dulaney. North-America.. New-York, Holt, 1765. 55 p. 8~. CONSIDERATIONS on the Propriety of requiring a subscription to articles of faith. 2d edition. By Bp. Edmund Law? London, 1774. 62 p. 8~. Pam. v. 319. CONSIDERATIONS on the Propriety of the Bank of England resuming its payments in specie...London, 1800. 110 p. 80. Pam. v. 427. CONSIDERATIONS on the Provisional Treaty with America, and the preliminary articles of peace with France and Spain. Lond., Cadell, 1783. 164 p. 8~. The same title. The second edition, corrected. London, 1783. 94 p. 8. CONSIDERATIONS on the Times. London, Almon, 1769. 40 p. 8~. Pol. Tr.v. 5. CONSIDERATIONS on the Trade'and Finances of this kingdom, and on the measures of administration with respect to those great national objects since the conclusion of the peace. By Tho. Wghately. Lond., 1766. 119 p. 40. Pam. v. 1011. CONSIDERATIONS Relating to the laying any additional duty on sugar from the British plantations... ~. London, 1747. 31 p. 180. CONSIDIRATIONS sur l'Admission des Navires neutres aux Colonies Frangoises de l'Amnerique en terns de guerre*~. 1779. 82 p. 18~. CONSIDERATIONS upon the American Enquiry**. By Robert Dallas, jr. London, 1779. 55 p. 80. CONSIDERATIONS upon the Choice of a Speaker of the House of Commons in the approaching session. Printed in the year 1698. 8 p. 4~. Pain. v. 408. FIRST SUPPLEMENT. 207 CONSIDERATIONS upon the Present State of our Affairs, at home and abroad: In a letter to a member of Parliament from a friend in the country. 2d edition. By George, Lord Lyttelton. London, 1739. 69 p. 8~. CONSIDERATIONS upon the State of Public Affairs at the beginning of the year 1796. 4th edition. By Richard Bentley. Lound., J. Owen, 1796. 97 p. 8~. Pam. v. 412. CONSOLATORY (A) LETTER to a Noble Lord***. 2d edition. London, 1760. 44 p. 8~. Pam. v. 522. CONSTANTIN, L. A. Manuels-Roret: Bibliotheconomie, ou Nouveau Manuel complet pour l'arrangement, la conservation et l'administration des bibliothBques. Par L. A. Constantin (Hesse). Paris..... 1841. 266 p. 18~. CONSTANTIUS, Patriarch. Constantiniade, ou Description de Constantinople ancienne et moderne. Composee par un Philologue et Ar-,; cheologue. Traduite du Grec par M. R. Constantinople.....1846. 218 p. 8~. CONSTITUTIONAL ASSEMBLIES of the Clergy the proper and only effectual security of the established church. By a Presbyter...London, 1829. 55 p. 8~. Pam. v. 325. CONSTITUTIONAL MEETING at Fanueil Hall. Proceedings, Nov. 26, 1850. Boston, 1850. 46 p. 80. Pam. v. 197, 527. CONSTITUTIONAL REFORM. Reviewof A. B. Johnson's llanual. From Utica Daily Gazette. Utica, N.Y. 1846. 7 p. 8~. Pam. v. 530. CONSTITUTIONAL (The) RIGHT of the Legislature of Great-Britain to tax the British Colonies in America, impartially stated+**. Lound., Ridley, 1768. 60 p. 8~. CONTINUATION of the State of New-England: Being a farther account of the Indian War. Lound., 1676. See Drake's Old Indian Chron. CONTROVERSY (The) between Great-Britain and her Colonies reviewed. 1769. 207, lv, p. See [Knox, W.]. Cat.1855. CONTROVERSY ( The) between M. B. and Qunero, which appeared in the Alexandria newspapers in the year 1817, on some points of Roman Catholicism... and appendix..By a Protestant. Alexandria, 1818. 236 p. 8~. CONVERSATION (A) between Dominie and Patrick; or the Bible vs. the Papacy. By Rev. T. R. Rawson? Albany, 1860. 120 p. 12~. CONVERSATION on Latent Heat. By Jacob Perkins. Lond., 1830. No title page. 24 p. 80.' Painm. v. 402. CONVERSATION with a Churchman upon Religious Matters....By the Rector of Trinity Church in the county of -—. By R. Washbon. Albany, 1858. 44 p. 120. Pam. v. 622. CONVICT TREATMENT, and National Defences.. By W.H. K. London, 1847. vii, 79 p. 8~. Pam. v. 403. CONWAY, F. W. Catalogue of the Library of, sold. New-York, May 1854. 224 p. S~. Cat. v. 66. CONWAY, M. D. East and West: An Inaugural Discourse..1st Congregational Church: BoRn. xiii, 13. Cincinnati, O. 1859. 8~. Pam. v. 558. 208 GENERAL LIBRARY. CONYBEARE, Bp. John. [Sermons collected in 1 v. 80.]. Contents: Of Miracles, Sermon, Univ. of Oxford: H3b. ii, 4. London, 1722. Mysteries of Christian Religion, at Univ. of Oxford: 1 Cor. xiii, 12. London, 1723. Case of Subscription to Articles of Religion, Oxford, 1725: 1 Tim. vi, 3, 4. London, 1732. 3d edition. Penal Sanctions of Laws: Assize Sermon: Ez. vii, 26. 2d edition. London, 1728. Scripture Difficulties: 2 Pet. iii, 16. Oxford, 1733. Sermon, HI. of Commons, True Patriotism; Thanksgiving, Ap. 25, 1749. London. Sermon, H. of Lords, Accession to the throne: Ps. lxxxviii, 72. Oxford, 1751. Sermon, Bristol, Sons of the Clergy: James i, 27. Oxford, 1752. Sermon, Soc. in Dublin for Prot. Working Schools, May 8,1751. London, 1752. With Proceedings. CONYBEARE, John Josias. Illustrations of Anglo-Saxon Poetry.... W. D. Conybeare. London, 1826. xcvi, 288 p. 4~. CONYBEARE, W. J. Essays, Ecclesiastical and Social. Reprinted with additions, from the Edinburgh Review. London, 1855. 8~. COOK, Flavius J. llome-Sketches of Essex County -First number. Ticonderoga...Keeseville, N.Y. 1858. 140 p. 8~. CooK, Geo. H. On a Subsidence of the Land on the Sea-coast of NewJersey and Long-Island. (From Am. Jour. of Science, Nov. 1857). 8~. Pam. v. 272. COOKE, Rev. Alexander. Worke, SMore Worke, and a little more worke for a masse-priest. Reviewed and augmented by the author. With an epistle of an unknown priest... With the author's answer thereunto... London, W. Jones, 1628. viii, 152 p. sm. 4~. COOKE'S (G. A.) TOPOGRAPHICAL LIBRARY, or British Traveller's Pocket Companion. Cambridge. Cumberland. Kent. Oxfordshire. By G. A. Cooke. London. 4 v. 18~. [ COOKE, HEesiod ]. See Liberty, the Support of Truth, 1732. COOKE ( Prof. Josiah P.), jr. Elements of Chemical Physics. Boston, 1860. xii, 739 p. 8~. COOKE (Parsons), D.D., Lynn. Mloral Machinery Simplified: A Discourse, delivered at Andover, Mass., July 4, 1839. Andover, 1839. 8~. Pam. v. 105, 288. Causes of Decline of doctrinal preaching: A Sermon..Pastoral Association of Mass. Boston, 1841. 8~. Pam. v. 288. COOKE, Rev. Samuel. The Funeral Sermons, preached.... New-York...following the death of Miss Jay oil the 13th Nov., and of her Sister, Mrs. Banyer, on the 21st of the same month. To which is prefixed a short biographical memoir. New-York, 1857. 8~. Pam. v. 80. COOKtE, Rev. William. Liberty, Moral and Religious: A Sermon, University of Cambridge, Feb. 27, 1780: 1 Pet. ii, 16. Cambridge. 40~. Pam. v. 1008. FIRST SUPPLEMENT. 209 COOKEf (William), esq. Memoirs of Samuel Foote, esq., with a collection of his genuine bon-mots.. and three of his dramatic pieces, not published in his works. New-York, 1806. 2 v. 120. Reprint. COOKESLEY, Rev. W. G. A Letter to the Abp. of Dublin on the nature.. of Miss Sellon's establishment at Plymouth called the Sisters of Mercy.....With the Abp's reply, and a postscript. London, 1853. 68 p. 8~. Pam. v. 331. COOL (A) REPLY to a Calm Address lately published by Mr. John Wesley**. By T.S. London,1775. 33 p. 12~. COOL THOUGHTS, on the Consequences to Great-Britain of American Independence; on the expence of Great-Britain in the settlement and defence of the American Colonies; on the value and importance of the American Colonies and the West-Indies to the British Empire. By Joseph Galloway. London, 1780. 70 p. 8~. COOL THOUGHTS on the Present Situation of our Public Affairs: In a Letter to a friend in the country. By B. Franklin. Philadelphia, 1764. 22 p. 85. COOLEYt, James E. Speech, before the Democracy of Syracuse..... New-York, 1853. 40 p.- Parties and Partizans in New-York.... Speech, N.Y. Sen., June 2, 1853. Pam. v. 530. Review of the Administration of Gen. Pierce.... Speech, at a meeting of the democracy, Patchogue, L.I. N.York, 1854. 22 p. 86. Paim. v. 197, 527. COOLEY (Timothy M.), D.D. Sketches of the Life and Character of the Rev. Samuel Haynes, A.M., for many years pastor of a church in Rutland, Vt....With some introductory remarks by William B. Sprague, D.D.... New-York, 1837. 345 p. 120. COOLIDGE (A. J.), and MANSFIELD, J. B. A History and Description of New-England... Vol. I: Maine, Now-Hampshire and Vermont. Boston, 1859. xxv, 1023 p. 80~. COOPER'S.. Gas Regulator and Governor. Philadelphia. 80. Pam. v. 298. COOPERt, Rev. Mr. History of South-America... London, 1789. 168 p. 18~. COOPER, Allen. The Gradual Development of the..character of Christ in the prophets, a proof of their inspiration. Lond., 1825. 72 p. 8~0 Pamn. v. 305. [ COOPERt (Anthony A.), First Earl of Shaftesbury]. See Two Seasonable Discourses, 1675; Letter from a person of quality, 1675; No Protestant Plot, 1681. [- ]. Two Speeches made in the House of Peers: The one Nov.20, 1675; the other in Nov. 1678. By a Protestant Peer of the Realm of England. Hague, Printed 1680. 15 p. 4~. Pam. v. 407. [ COOPER] (Anthony A.), Third Earl of Shaftesburyt. Sensus Communis: An Essay on the freedom of wit and humor. In a letter to a friend***. London, 1709. 120 p. 8~. Pamn. v. 394. - Letters from the...Earl of Shaftesbury to R. Molesworth, esq....with two letters written by the late Sir John Cropley. To which is prefixed a large introduction by the editor. London, 1721. xxiv, 58 p. 80. Pam. v. 394. [ SUPPL.] 27 210 GENERAL LIBRARY. COOPER, Anthony (Ashley), Seventh Earl of Shaftesbury. Employnment of children in calico print-works: Speech, H. of Com., Feb. 18, 1845. London. 80. Pam1. v. 429. CooPERt, B. Bransby. A Letter to a Clergyman on the peculiar tenets of the present day. 2d edition. Lond., 1824. 94 p. 8~. Pain. v. 304. COOPER, C. Campbell. Identities:of Light and Heat, of caloric and electricity... Philadelphia, 1848. 96 p. 8~. COOPER, Charles H. and Thompson. Athenm Cantabrigienses. Vol. I, 1500 - 1585. Cambridge, 1858. 80. COOPER'S (Dr. E.) UNIVERSAL MAGNETIC BALM. Who shall decide, etc. Rochester, N.Y. 1858. 24 p. 120. Pain. v. 516. COOPER, Jane. Some Account of the Life and Death of:.. London, (1768?). i2~. Painm. v. 601. [CooPERt (Myles), D.D.]. See American Querist, 1774; also, Address from the Clergy of New-York, 1771. COOPER, Rev. Thomas. Facts Illustrative of the condition of the negro slaves in Jamaica... London, 1824. 64 p. 8~. Pain. v. 436. COOPER, Samuel. A Sermon preached Ap. 9, 1760, at the ordination of Rev. Mr. Joseph Jackson, to in Brookline. Boston, New-England, 1760. 46 p. 80~. COOPERSTOWN SEMINARY. Circular, 1859. Pam. v. 456. COOTE, Gen. Sir E. A Plain Statement of Facts relative to Sir Eyre Coote:.. London, 1816. 58 p. 80. Pam. v. 406. COPERNICUS, N. Nicolai Copernici Torinensis de Revolutionibus orbiuln coelestium Libri vi....Norimbergoe apud Joh. Petreium, A11110nno MDXLIII. fP. COPLESTONt (Edward), D.D. Sermon, Chester, Nov. 5, 1826 John xvi, 2. London. 4~. Pam. v.1009. [ —]. Education at Oxford. See Reply, 1810. Sermon, 1833. See Soc. Prop. the Gospel. COPLEY, J. S. See Lyndhurst, Lord. COPPINGER, John B. The History of the Usury Laws, and a stricture thereon... New-York, 1849. 19 p. 8o. Pam. v. 290. COPWAYt, George. Organization of a New Indian Territory east of the Missouri River: Arguments and reasons submitted to the..... the 31st Cong. of the U.S. By the Indian Chief, Kah-Ge-Ga-GahBouh, or George Copway. New-York..1850. 32 p. 8~. CORAY, A. Greek Criticisms. See Chardon, Melanges de Critique. CORDERIust, M. Maturini Corderii Colloquiorum Centuria una, cui accedunt Erasmi Roterodami formulm et colloquia familiariora pleraque... Interpretatione (In Dutch) usum juventutis scholasticre. Amsteliedaini, 1743. 12~. CORDNERa, Rev. John. The Vision of the Pilgrim Fathers: An Oration...N.E. Soc. of 3Montreal, Dec. 1856. Montreal, 1857. 54 p. 8~. Pain. v. 504. CORIPPUS, Flav. Cresconius. Johannidos sev de Bellis Libycis Libri vii. Editi ex Cod. Mediolanensi Mvsei Trivvltii opera et studio P. Mazzvcchelli... Mediolani, 1820. lxxii, 445 p. 40. FIRST SUPPLEMENT. 211 [ CORKER, Rev. James]. See Roman Catholic Principles, 1680. CORLESS,;Rev. George. Reply to the, Review of a Pamphlet entitled Declaration of the Catholic Rev. G. Townsend.. London, 1827. 146 p. 8~. Pam. v. 346. CORNAROt, Luigi. Guide to a Long Life. See Weems's M~entor. CORNELIUS, E. Sermon on the Doctrine of the Trinity. Salem, 1826. 8~. Pam. v. 270. CORNELL, Stephen. The Traders Ready Reckoner. H....udson, N. Y. 1819. 186 p. 12~. CORNEY, Bolton. Curiosities of Literature, by I. D'Israeli, esq...... illustrated by Bolton Corney, esq., honorary professor of criticism in the Republique des Lettres....Second edition, revised and acuminated. To which are added, Ideas on Controversy. Loud., 1838. 256 p. 120. CORNING AND GOEWEY, HOLLOW-WARE FOUNDRY. Albany, 1859. 8~. Pam. v. 298. CORNWALLIS, Sir Charles. The Life and Character of Henry Frederic, Prince of Wales...(1641), with... other...testimonies. Lond., 1738. 60 p. 80. Pam. v. 419. CORNWALLISt, Charles, Marquis. Correspondence of: Ed., with notes, by C. Ross, esq. London, 1859. 3 v. 80..CORONATION (The) Not an Unnecessary Service; or the Regalia of the coronation ceremony explained....London, 1838. 24 p. 120. Pam. v. 489. CORONATION (The); or, Albion's Loyal Triumph: a Poem on..... George the Fourth...July 19, 1821. 25 p. 80. Pain. v. 397. CORREARD, J. Livres Militaires.... Catalogue. Paris, 1844. 8~. Pam. v. 102. CoRRECTOR (The) or Independent American. New-York, 1815. 45 p. 8~. Pamn. v. 199. CORRESPONDENCE, ADDRESSES, &C. connected with the subscriptions of various Indian Tribes in Upper Canada, in aid of the funds for the re-construction of Brock's Monument on Queenston Heights. Toronto...1841. 8~. CORRESPONDENCE (The) and Documents relating to the proposals for five millions of five per cent stock of the United States.... Philadelphia, 1822. 20 p. 8~. Pam. v. 498. CORRESPONDENCE between a Roman Catholic priest and a Protestant layman... To which is subjoined an address....and appendix...on the subject of the idolatry of the Church of Rome. Dublin, 1821. 111 p. 80. Pam. v. 345. CORTAMIBERT, E. Legons de Geographie. Paris, 1856. 38 p. roy. 8~. See Cours Complet. CORTESt, Hernan. -Iistoria de Mejico, escrita por su esclarecido conquistador Hernan Cortes: aumentada con otros documentos y notos, por D. Francisco Antonio Lorenzana, antiquo arzobispo de Mejico. Revisada....por D. Manuel Del Mar. Neuva-York, 1828. 110, vi, 614 p. 80. 212 GENERAL LIBRARY. CORTLAND ACADEMY. Catalogue, 1847, 50, 58. Homer, New-York, 8~. Pam. v. 456. —, — The Cortland Academy Jubilee, celebrated at Homer,N.NYork, July 7 and 8, 1846. Syracuse, 1846. 94 p. 8~. CORTLANDVILLE ACADEMPY Catalogue, 1856. Homer, New -York, 80. Pain. v. 456. CoRWIN, E. B. Catalogue of:...Books, Tracts, Autographs, MSS., Engravings, Paintings, of...sold at auction, by Bangs & Brother, Nov. 10, 1856. N.York. 263 p. 80. With prices at the sale in MS. CORWIN, Edward T. A Manual of the Ref. Prot. Dutch Church in North-America. New-York, 1859. sm. 4~. CORWIN (Thomas), of Ohio. Speech, U.S. Sen., on the Mexican War, Feb. 11, 1854. 80~. Pam. v. 486. CoRYt, I. P. The Ancient Fragments; containing what remains of the Writings of Sanchoniatho, Berosus, Abydenus, Megasthenes and Manetho. Also the Hermetic Creed, the Old Chronicle, the Laterculus of Eratosthenes, the Tyrian Annals, the Oracles of Zoroaster, and the Periplus of Hanno. Greek text and Eng. trans. London, Pickering, 1828. xxviii, 129 p. 8~. C OSMOPOLITAN ART (and Literary) ASSOCIATION. Illustrated Catalogue, 1854. 32 p. 8~. Cat. v. 72. — Catalogue for 1856. Pam. v. 266.- Illust. Catalogue, 1855-6. Pam. v. 499. See also Diisseldorf Gallery, I857. COSTE, M. Pisciculture, 1850. See France, Pisciculture. - Voyage d'Exploration sur le Littoral de la France et de l'Italie. Rapport.... sur les industries de Comacchio, du lac Fusaro, de Marennes, et de l'anse de l'Aiguillon... Paris, Impr. Imp6r, 1855. xxxii, 184 p. & maps. gr. 40~. COSTER, Joh. Bibliotheca Costerana; sive Catalogus... librorum... quorum auctio habebitur...3 Oct. 1718. Delphis. 110 p. 180. "With prices. COSTERUS, Florentius. Nederlandts Vloek en Zege en desselfs re-unie. Den 5en druk... Hoorn, 1693. 18~. COTES, Digby. Sermon, Oxford, Dec. 27, 1713: Ps.sxxxvii, 4. Oxford. 8~. Pam. v. 365. [ COTES, Humphrey]. See Enquiry into the Conduct of. Pitt, 1766; also Historyuof the late minority, 1766. COTHRENt, W. See Woodbury, Conn., 2d Centennial celebration, CoTsFORD, Ed. Letters to the..East India Company, on the appointment of a successor to Lord Macartney... London, 1784. 54 p. 8~ Pam. v. 432. COTTEN (-Edward R.), of N.C. Life of the Hon. Edward Macon, of North-Carolina....his public life; his private life....Baltimore.. 1840. 272 p. 12~. COTTIN, Sophie R. Exiles of Siberia. See Classic Tales. COTTING (B. E.), M.D. Statistics of Consumption in Roxbury, Mass....With an appendix. Boston, 1854. 8~. Pam. v. 210. FIRST SUPPLEMENT. 213 COTTLEt, Joseph. Strictures on the Plymouth Antinomians. London, 1823. 111 p. 80. Pam., v. 304. COTTON, Rev. Henry. A Typographical Gazetteer attempted by:.... 2d edition, enlarged. Oxford, 1831. 80. xviii, 393 p. 8~. Editions of the Bible and parts thereof in English from MIWv to mIDCCcv.. 2d edition. Oxford, 1852. xxx, 420 p. 8~. COTTON: (J. B.) Des Houssayes. Des'Devoirs et des Qualites du Bibliothecaire: Discours prononc8 dans l'assemblee generale de Sorbonne, le 23 Decembre 1780... Traduiti du Latin en Franqois, avec une preface et quelques notes. Paris, Techener, 1839. ii, 6 p. 80~. [ COTTONt, John]. See New-England: Abstract of the Lawes, 1641. A Treatise of theCovenant of Grace, as it is dispensed to the elect seed...By the eminently holy and judicious man of God, Mr. John Cotton, teacher of the church at Boston in N.E. The third edition...London, 1671. xvi, 223 p. 180....- The Powring ovt of the Seven Vials; or An Exposition of the 16 Chapter of the Revelation..Preached in sundry sermons at Boston in N.England, by...John Cotton, B.B. of Divinity, and teacher to the church there. London, Printed for R. S....1642. sin. 4~0 COTTONt, Sir Robert. Cottoni Posthuma: Divers choice pieces of that renowned antiquary, Sir Robert Cotton, Knight and Baronet. Preserved from the injury of time, and exposed to public light. for the benefit of posterity. By J. I-owel, esq. -Loud...1679. 353 p. 12~. COULING, Nicholas. The Saints perfect in this life, or never...1647. London, 1817. 20 p.- A Word to the London ministers....1648. London, 1817. 16 p. 8~. Pam. v. 307. COULVIfE-GRAVIER, M. Recherches sur les mreetores et sur les lois qui les regissent. Paris, 1859.'372 p. and plates. 8~. COUNT THE COST: An Address to the people of Connecticut..on the proposition for a new Constitution. By Jonathan Steadfast. Hartford, 1804. 23 p. 8~. Pam. v. 526. COUNTRYt (The) GENTLEMAN. A Journal for the farm, the garden and the fire-side...Luther Tucker & Son, & J. J. Thomas, editors. Vol. 13. Albany, 1859. sm. fo. COUNTRY (The) without a Government; or Plain Questions upon the unhappy state of the present administration. London, 1830. 21 p. 8~. Pam. v. 414. COUNTRYBIEN! The City of Syracuse, etc.: Political Poetry. London, J. Hatcharid. fP. Newspapers v. 16. [ COURCY, H. )e]. See Larioche-Heron, C. De. The Catholic Church in the United States: a Sketch of its ecclesiastical history... Trans. and enlarged by J. G. Shea... N.York...1856. 120. COURRIER DE CONSTANTINOPLE, 1847 - 1855. With, La Presse d'Orient, 26 Fevrier 1855 - 31 Decembre 1855, Constantinople. And, L'Impartial, Smyrne, 1852 - 1855. Imperfect files. In 1 v. fP. CoURRIERt DES ETATS UNS -Daily, 1856 to Ap. 1859. New-York. 7 v.f~. 214 GENERAL LIBRARY. COURRIER DES ETATS-UNIS: Supplement. Assemblee Nationale. Journal, 30 Mai 1848 - 20 Juin 1849. New-York. 1 v. fo. See Semaine Literaire. CouRs COMPLET D'EDUCATION Pour les filles. Publie en trois parties.. Paris, L. Hachette et Cie. 1844 - 57. 17 v. 8~. Contents: I. Education ele6mentaire: Premiers conseils aux meres, par M. Thery. 1 v. Education 616mentaird (de quatre ans a dix ans): Cours complet. 1 v. II. Legons d'Histoire, par MM. Herbet, Geruzez, Bouchitte et Barberet. Tome I, Ii. 2 v. Conseils aux meres, par M. A. Thery. 1 v. Exercices de mnemoire et de lecture, par A. Th6ry et C. Dezobry. 1 v. Notions de physique et de chimie...De la musique: Par MM. Sonnet, Delafosse et Quicherat. I v. Legons de grammaire francaise, par M. Sardou. I v. Legons de g6ographie, par E. Cortambert. 1 v. Legons d'arithmetique, par H. Sonnet. 1 v. III. Conseils aux jeunes personnes, par A. Th6ry. I v. Notions de philosophie, de droit et d'hygiene pratique: Par MM. Thery, Griin et Bordon. 1 v. Cours de litt6rature generale, par A. Thery. P. i, ii. 1 v. Revue de l'histoire universelle, par Prevost-Paradol. 1 v. Cours superieur de grammaire, par B. Jullien. P. I, II. COURSE (A) of Morning and Evening Prayers for the use of families. Chester, Eng. 1834. 39 p. 18~. Pam. v. 308. COURT AND CITY REGISTER, for 1751, 52, 57, 59, 64, 65. London, J. Rivington. 6 v. 18~. NOTE -Each volume contains Rider's Merlin for the year. For 1786, 99, See Watson's Almanack. COURT CALENDAR for 1747. London, J. Watson. See Rider's Merlin, 1747. COURTOIs-G9RARD, Mi. Cours 618mentaire de culture maraichere. 37e edition. Paris, 1856. 188 p. 18~. COURTOT, R. P. Francois. La Vie du Bienheurenx Pere Franuois Solano, religieux de l'ordre de St.Fran)ois, Patron du Perou, coinposee sur les muemoires presentez au S..Siege pour sa Beatification, et le recit du martyre d'onze religieux...a Gorkom... l'an 1572.... Paris, 1677. xx, 158 p. 180. CousINt, Victor. Cours de Philosophie... Introduction a l'Histoire de la Philosophie. Paris, 1828. 1 v. 8~. Nouveaux Fragniens Philosophiques pour servir l'ahistoire de la philosophie ancienne. Paris, 1828. iv, 408 p. 8~. Cours de l'Histoire de la Philosophie.... Histoire de la Philosophie du XVIIIe siecle. Paris, 1829. 2 v. 8~. - Cours de Pliilosophie professes b la Faculte des Lettres pendant l'annee 1818, par M. V. Cousin, sur le fondement des idees absolues du Vrai, du Beau et du Bien; publi6...par Mn. A. Garnier.. Paris, 1836. 1 v. 8~. Cours d'-listoire de la Philosophie Morale au dix- huitienme siecle, profess8'a la Faculte des Lettres en 1819 et 1820. Introduction publiee par M. E. Vacherot...Paris, 1841. 1 v. 180. FIRST SUPPLEMENT. 215 ---- Cours d' Histoire de la Philosophiec Morale au dix- huitieime siecle, profess6e la Faculte des Lettres en 1819 et 1820. Premiere Partie: Ecole Sensualiste, publiee par ~M. E. Vacherot. Seconde Partie: Ecole Ecossaise, publide par MM. Danton et Vacherot. Paris, 1839, 40. 2 v. 8~. Cours d' Histoire de la Philosophie Moderne.....pendant les annees 1816 et 1817...Paris, 1841. 1 v. 8~. COUSSEMAKER, E. De. Notice sur les Collections Musicales de la Bibliotheque de Cambrai et des autres villes du De]partement du Nord. Paris...1843. 180 p., and 40 p. music. 8~. COWELL, Joe. Thirty Years passed among the Players in England and America...The theatrical life of Joe Cowell, comedian, written by himself. New-York, 1844. 103 p. 8~. Repr. COWLEY, Abraham. Select WTorks of:.. with a preface and notes by the Editor. 3d edition*"'~. London, 1777. 2 v. 120~. Cox (Christopher C.), M.D. Oration on the Life, Character and Services of Tristam Thomas, M.D., delivered in Easton, Maryland... Baltimore, 1847. 80. Pam. v. 80. Coxt ( Samuel H.), D.D. A Discourse, Death of the late Rev. Erskine Mason, D.D...To which is prefixed: the Funeral Address, by Rev. William Adams, D.D. New-York, 1851. 8~. Pam. v. 80. [Cox, Rev. Thomas]. See Magna Britannia, 1738. [CoxEt, Arthur Cleveland]. St.Jonathan, the Lay of a Scald.***.. New-York, 1]835. 103 p. 12~. [ J. Athanasion. Second edition, with notes and corrections. Also, Miscellaneous Poems... New-York, 1842. xii, 187 p 12~. [ --— ]. Saul, a Mystery...By A. C. C. New-York, 1845. 297 p. 12~. CoxEt, William. Account of the Prisons and Hospitals in Russia, Sweden and Denmark...London, 1781. 55 p. 8~. Pam. v. 403. CRABBEt, George. The Village: a Poem. Lond., 1783. 38 p. 40~. Pam. v. 1012. CRADOCK, John. Insufficiency of the Principal Christianity: a Sermon, Univ. of Cambridge, June 3, 1739: 1 Cor. i, 23, 24. 4~. Pam. v. 1006. Sermon, II. of Commons, Jan. 30, 1752: Martyrdom of Charles I. London. 40. Pam. v. 1007. Sermon, Fast-Day, Feb. 6, 1756. Lond., 1756. 4~. Pam. v. 1007. CRADOCK ( Zach.), D.D. Sermon, before the King, Feb. 10, 1678: Eccl. ix, 2. 2d edition. Lond,. 40~. Pam. v. 359.- 8~. Pam. v. 379. CRAFTSMAN (The) EXTRAORDINARY: Containing an Answer to the Defence of the Enquiry;..&c.....By John Trot, yeoman. Pub. by C. D'Anvers-, esq. By H. St. John, Lord Bolingbroke? London, 1729. 56 p. 8~. Pam. v. 443. CRAFTSMAN (The) EXTRAORDINARY: Being Remarks on a late pamphlet intitled, Observations on the conduct of Great-Britain. Pub. by C. D'Anvers. By W. Pulteney? London, 1729. 28 p. 8~. 216 GENERAL LIBRARY. CRAIGt, Neville B. Exposure of a Few of the many misstatements in H. M. Brackenridge's History of the Whiskey Insurrection. Pittsburgh, 1859. vi, 79 p. 180~. CRAIG, Rev. Robert. A Treatise on the Trinity. Dublin, 1828. 152 p. 8". Pain. v. 311. CRAM, Capt. T. J. Memoir showing how to bring the lead, copper, silver and gold of Arizona into the marts of the world..Troy, N.Y. 1858. 9 p. 8~. Pam. v. 565. CRAMER, John A. De Lydende Emmanuel. Vertaalt door J. H. Hering. Dordrecht, 1773 - 75. 5 v. in 2. 8~. CRANDALL (Rev. A. L.), West Troy. A Brief Explanation -of the Book of Revelations....Troy, N.Y. 1841. 106 p. 18~. Painm. v. 631. CRANDALL, Daniel. The Columbian Spelling Book..... Cooperstown, 1N.Y. 1831. -166 p. 18~. CRAPELET, G. A. Des Progres de l'Imprimerie en France et en Italie au XVIe siecle, et de son influence sur la litt6rature...Paris, 1836. 52 p. 8~. ---- Robert Estienne, imprimeur royal, et le Roi Franqois ier. Nouvelles Recherches sur l'etat des lettres et de l'imprimerie au XVIe siecle; avec sept planches... A Paris, 1839. 68 p.- Witlh, De la Profession d'imprimeur....A Paris..1840. 130 p. in 1 v. 8~. Des Brevets d'Imprimeur... suivi du Tableau generale des imprimeries de toute la France, en 1704, 1739, 1810, 1830 et 1840. Paris, 1840. 92 p. 8~. Etudes pratiques et litteraires sur la Typographie..... Tome premier. A Paris, 1837. 408 p. 8~. - Translation. See.Dibdin, T. F.: Tour in France. CRASHAW, Richard. Complete Works bf: Edited by W. B. Turnbull. London, J. R. Smith, 1858. 18~. CRAVEN. Recreations in Shooting; with some account of the game of the British islands. By Craven. By Capt. Carleton. New edition, with...embellishments. London, Bohn, 1859. 12~. CRAVEN, William; Sermons (5) on the Evidence of a future state of rewards and punishments: Gal. vi, 9. Cambridge, Eng. 1775. 96 p.- Sermons (8). Same title, new and enlarged edition. Cambridge, 1783. 144 p. 8~. Pam. v. 373. CRAWFORD, Mabel S. Life in Tuscany. New-York, 1859. 12~. CRAYON (The): A Journal devoted to the graphic arts, and the literature related to them. V. I, II, Jan. - Dec. 1855; V. III, 1856; V. IV, 1857. New-York. 4 v. 4~. CREASY, E. S. The Fifteen Decisive Battles of the World: From Marathon to Waterloo. 8th edition. London, 1858. 8~. CREEDs of the Christian Church. From Ch. of Eng. Magazine. Broadsheet. Newsp. v. 16. [ CREIGHTON, Rev. James). The Reciprocal Duty of the ministers of Christ, and of the people....By a Presbyter.. 1 Thess. v, 12, 13. London, 1790.- The Christian Soldier: A Sermon, addressed to the Volunteers of Ireland (1780). Dublin, 1791. —A Caution against false prophets: Matt. vii, 15, 16. Dublin, 1791. Pain. v. 374. FIRST SUPPLEMENT. 217 ---- An Inquiry into the Origin of true religion.... wherein it is attempted to prove that the knowledge..., originated in the East diffused....chiefly through the medium of the ancient Jews. London, 1803. 51 p. 80. Pam. v. 321. CRELLE, A. D., et A. L. BUSCH. Catalogue des Livres scientfiques, cartes et autographes composant les bibliotheques de.... aux prix marques chez A. Asher et Cie. Berlin, 1856. 139 p. 8~. Cat. v. 86. CRESCENT ALMANAC. Crescent, N.Y. 1853. 120. Altim. v. 37. CRESPIN, Jean. Galerie Chretienne, ou Abr6g6 de l'histoire des vrais t6moins de la verite de l'Evangile...Avec une introduction et des notes par C. Boniface et E. Petit-pierre. Paris, 1837. 2 v. 8~. CRESSET (E.), Bp. Sermon, 1753. See Soc. Prop. the Gospel. CRESSEY ( E. H.), D.D. The Position and Safeguards of the Church: A Sermon...St.John's Chureh, lM1aury County, Tenn. New-York, 1851. 8~. Pam. v. 202, 213. CREVENNA, P. A. Catalogue Raisonne de la Collection de Livres de: Amsterdam, 1776. 6 v. in 3. 40. Contents: VOL. i. Theologie.- Vol. ii. Jurisprudence, Philosophic, Histoire naturelle, et Arts.- Vol. iii. Belles-Lettres: Ire partie.-Vol. iv. Belles-Lettres: IIde partie.- Vol. v. Histoire. — Vol. vi. Additions et tables. CREWE, Sir George. An Exhortation to a diligent attention upon the Lord's Supper.... Derby, 1844. 8~0. Pam. v. 339. CREWrE, Rev. Henry R. A Letter to Viscount Fielding on his late conversion to the Church of Rome..London, 1850. 45 p. 80. Pain. v. 348. CRISFIELD (J. W.), Maryland. Speech, U.S. H. of R., on..excluding slavery from the territories, June 22, 1848. 16 p. 80. Pam. v. 561. CRISIS (The)! An Appeal to our Countrymen, on the subject of Foreign Influence in the -United States! Issued under the influence of the General Exec. Comm. of the Amer. Repub. Party of the City and Co. of New-York. New-York, 1844. 80 p. 8~. Pam. v. 234. CRISIS (The): or Essays on the Usurpations of the Federal government. By Brutus. Charleston, 1827. 166 p. 80. Pam. v. 194. CnRISI ( The) of the Country. By Junius. The Credit System and the No Credit System, &c. By Calvin Colton. 2d ed. N.York. 16 p. 8S. Pam. v. 103. CRITICAL (A) and Historical Account of all the celebrated libraries in foreign countries. W... With general reflections upon the choice of books.. **. By a Gentleman of the Temple. Lond., 1739. 206 p. 180. CRITICAL CO0{MMENTARY on Abp. Secker's Letter, 1770. See [F. Blackburne]. Cat. 1855. CRITICAL INQUIRY into the Opinions...on a future state, 1747. See [ Towne, J.]. CRITICAL NOTES on some passages of Scripture....restoring them to their original reading or true sense. By Nicholas Mann. London, 1747. 145 p. 80. Pain. v. 313. CRITICAL REMARKS on the Bp. of London's late charge. London, 1850(?). 8~0. Pam. v. 330. [ SPPL.] 28 218 GENERAL LIBRARY. CRITICAL (The) REVIEW: or Annals of Literature. By a Society of gentlemen. Vol. I - Lxx *@. London, 1756 - 1790. The same. A NewArrangement. -Vol. I - xxIv@@@. Lond., I791 - 1798. 94 v. 80. Vol. 22 of 1st Series, wanting. CRITTENDEN'S PHILADELPHIA COMMERCIAL COLLEGE. Catalogue, * 1857. 80. Pam. v. 458. CRITTENDEN (John J.), Kentucky. Speech, U.S. Sen., on the Oregon question, 1846. 16 p. 8~. Pam. v. 487. ---- Speech, U.S. Senate, on the Admission of the State of Kansas, Mar. 17, 1858. 16 p. 8~. Pam. v. 561. CROCOKETTt (David), of Tennessee. An Account of Col. Crockett's tour to the north and down east..Written by himself. Philadelphia, 1835. Portrait. 234 p. 120. CROCKETT'S (Davy) ALMANACK, 1845. Alm. v. 25.- Crbckett Almanack, Turner & Fisher. Philadelphia, 1849,'54. 12~. Alm. v. 30. [CROaT, Herbert]. See Naked Truth, 1675. [ CROFT, Rev. Sir Herbert]. See Abbey of Kilkhampton. Cat. 1855. CROkERa, T. C., Editor. See Camden Society: Percy Society. CROLY, Rev. David 0. An Essay, Religious and'Political, on ecclesiastical finance, as regards the Roman Catholic Church in Ireland... Cork, 1834. 96 p. 8~. Pam. v. 342. An Address to the Lower Orders of the Roman Catholics of Ireland... With..two letters on the union of the two churches.... one by Dr. Doyle... Cork, 1835. 36 p. 8~. Pam. v. 342. CROLYt, Rev. George. Protestantism the Polar Star of England. [Extract]. London. 12 p. 12~0. Pain. v. 347. CROMWELLt, Oliver. Literse. See Milton, John. CROOCKEWIT, J. H3[. Specimen Chemicum de conjunctionibus chemicis metallorum, quod.... pro gradu doctoratus...... in Acad. RhenoTrajectina.. submittit:.. 24 Junii 1848. In Dutch. Amsterdam, 1848. 127 p. 8~. CROS, S. Ch. Henri. Theorie de l'Hlomme Intellectuel et Moral. Paris, 1836. 2 v. in 1. 8~. CROSBY, N. Annual Obituary Notices of eminent persons who have died in the United States. For 1857. Boston, 1858. 432 p. 8~. CROSAIAN ( C. P.). Descriptive Catalogue of garden seeds...Rochester, N.Y. 80. Pam.. v. 222. CRoss, Andrew B. The Trial of Antichrist, otherwise the Ian of Sin, for high treason against the Son of God.... With an introductory essay. Baltimore, 1838. 80. Pam. v. 104. CROSWELL, Rev. William. Church of the Advent: A Letter to the Bishop of Massachusetts, occasioned by his late Letter to the Clergy. Boston, 1845. 80. Pain. v. 203. (CROWEt, Eyre E. The Greek and the Turk; or Powers and Prospects in the Levant. London, 1853. 341 p. 12~. CROWE, Henry. Zoophilos; or Considerations on the moral treatment of inferior animals.,.2d edition. Bath, Eng. 1822. vii, 131 p. 180~. FIRST SUPPLEMENT. 219 [ CROXALL, Samuel]. See Royal Sin: a Sermon, 1738. Sermon, before House of Commons, Jan. 30, 1729 Prov. xxv, 5. London, 1730. 40. Pam. v. 1006. CRUCIUS, Joan. Den Bekeerden Onesiinus..Haerlem, 1649. — With, Byfield (N.), Gulde Regelen van een heyligh leven.... erduytscht...Amsterdam, 1656. In 1 v. 18~. CUvsIus, Martinus. Turco-Grecime Libri oeto... quibus Graecorum status sub Imperio Turco... describitur.... Gr. et Lat. Basilieve, (1584). 557 p. fo. CSINK, J. A Complete Practical Grammar of the Hungarian languLage..... and vocabularies. To which is added a Historical Sketch of Hungarian literature. London, 1853. 319, 160 p. 1 v. 12~. C)UBERo SEBASTIAN, P. Peregrinacion que ha hecho de la mayor parte del mundo, Don Pedro Cubero Sebastian, Pred. Apost. del Asia... Con el Viage por tierra, desde Espania, hasta las Indias orientales. Segunda impression. En Zaragoza, 1688. xvi, 288 p. 4~. CUBI (.Mariano) Y SOLER. A New Spanish Grammar, adapted to every class of learners. 2d edition. Baltimore, 1825. 464 p. 12~. CUDWORTt1 (Ralph), D.D. The Intellectual System of the Universe: The First Part; wherein all the reason and philosophy of Atheism is confuted.... With a Discourse concerning the true notion of the Lord's Supper, and two Sermons on 1 John ii, 3, 4, and 1 Cor. xv, 57. The seeond edition... and account of the life...of the author, by Thomas Birch, M.A....London, 1743. 899 p., contents, & 90 p. 2 v.40. CULLOMI (William), Tennessee. Speech, U.S. H. of R., on the Kansas and Nebraska bill, Apr. 11, 1854. 13 p. 80. Pam. v. 561. CULMANN, F. J. On the Manufacture of military projectiles. Trans. from the French, by A. Mordecai. 27 p. 80. Pamn. v. 102. CULTE (Le) DES THwOPHILANTIIROPES, OU adorateurs de Die-L et amis des hommes; contenant leur manuel.. hymnes...pour toutes leurs fbtes. N~ II, III, Iv. Basle, 1798. 88, 72, 90 p. 180. Pam. v. 608. CULTIVATOR ( The). See Illustrated Annual Register. CULTIVATOR'S ALMANAC anid Cabinet of Agricultural Knowledge for 1840. By William Buckminster. Boston. 124 p. Alm. v. 35.- For 1841. 124 p. 12~. Alm. v. 29. CULTIVATOR ALMANACIC. L. Tucker, Cincinnati, 1845; Albany, 1846,'47. 120. Aim. v. 48. CULVER'S Patent Registers and Ventilators. Albany, 1856. 80. Pam. v. 298. CUMBERLAND, George. An Essay on the Utility of collecting the best works of the ancient engravers of the Italian school; accompanied by a critical catalogue. London, 1827. 540 p. 40~. CUMBERLANDt, Ricliard. Memoirs of: written by himself.... With illustrative notes by Henry Flanders.... Philadelphia, 1856. 80. CUMBERLAND, William Augustus, Duke of. Historical Memoirs of: Military and Political History of Great Britain, during that period. London.1767. 80~. 220 GENERAL LIBRARY. CUMBERLAND COAL AND IRON COMPANY. Report to the Stockholders, July 21, 1852. New-York, 1852. 8~. Pain. v. 223. CUMBERLAND COAL DISTRICT. N.York, 17 July 1852. 8 p. 80. Plan. Pam. v. 520. CUMBERLAND MUTUAL INSURANCE ASSOCIATION. Articles..Albany, 1854. 12~. Pam. v. 511. CUMMING, Rev. John. Discourse to a Society of young men: Jude 3. 2d edition. London, 1719. 8~. Pam. v. 367. [ ]. See Remarks on Bentley's Sermon, 1716. CUIVMING (John),D.D. Notes on the Cardinal's Manifesto. London, 1850. 32 p. 80. Pam. v. 348. The Second Coming of Christ...9th Lecture, Leicester, July 5, 1853. London. 80~. Pam. v. 540. - Romish Worship: A Lecture. See Brit. Soc. Reformation, N~ 21. CUMPSTON, Edward H. A Discourse: Death of W.-H. Harrison, late President of the United States, at Eastville, Northampton county, Virginia. Norfolk, 1841. 8~. Pam. v. 104. CUNABELL'S NOVA-SCOTIA ALMANAC.... Halifax, N.S., 1859. 108 p. Alm. v. 34. CUNMIEUS, P. Petri Cunami JC. Orationes argumenti varii: Ejusdemque alia Latina opuscula, Satyra Menippea, Juliani Cmesares, & Responsum in Caussa Postlininii, cum quibusdam epistolis. C. Cellarius Notas & Observationes adjecit. Accedunt Augusti Buchneri (Economiam in quinque priores orationes, & Adolfi Vorstii aliorumque laudationes funebres. Lipsia...1735. 18~. CUNDALL, Joseph. On Ornamental Art, applied to ancient and modern bookbinding. Nov. 1847. London, 1848. 16 p. 13 plates. 4~. CUNNINGHAMt, Rev. John William. Church of England Missions. London, 1814. 8~. Pam. v. 384. Sermon on Church establishments: Ps. cxxxii, 3, 5. London, 1828. 80. Pam. v. 377. CUNNINGHAM, Rev. T. M. Address, St.Louis Young Men's Christian Association, Nov. 1853. St.Louis, 1853. 8~. Pam. v. 241. CUPER, G. Gisberti Cuperi Observationum libri tres, nummis elegantissimis illustratis. Trajecti ad Rhenum, Elzevir, 1670. 18~. CUPID'S MAGAZINE...Songs (24). London. 8 p. 8~. Pam. v. 534. CURATES' APPEAL to.... the British legislature.... on the peculiar hardships of their situation... Lond. 1819. 177 p. 80. Pam. v. 325. CURRIE, Gilbert E. See United States Insurance Almanac, 1856. [CURRIEt, James]. See Wilson, Jasper: Letter commercial and political, to W. Pitt, 1-793. CURRIE. (William), M.D. An Historical Account of the climates and diseases of the United States of America. Philadelphia..1792. 8~. CURSES (The) and CAUSES of War, pointed out; and the approaching cessation of both determined. Spitalfields, R. Hawes, for the Mor. and Polit. Society, 1795. 4 p. 8~. Pam. v. 448. FIRST SUPPLEMENT. 221 [ CURTEIS, Rev. T.]. See Advice to a Son. London, 1725. CURTEIS, Rev. T. A Letter....on the principle and operation of the new poor law. With an appendix. London, 1842. 46 p. 8~. Pam. v. 429. CURTrENIUS, Petrus. Oratio Inauguralis.... Amsterdam, 1754.- Intreede en afscheid te Gouda.... Amsterdam, 1755...... Intreede te Amsterdam... 1755. 60, 186, 59 p. 40~. - De Zwaarste Plaatzen der beide brieven van Paulus, aan die van Corinthen, opgehelderd. Tweede deel. Amsterdam, 1769. 4~. Der Epheseren geluk... in viii Kerkredenen. Amst., 1770. 40~. - Leerredenen over den Heidelbergschen Catechismus... Leyden, 1790 - 92. 4 v. 8~. CURTIS (A.), Prof. Botan. Med. Coll. of Ohio. Lectures on Medical Science. See Whitlaw, C. [ CURTIS, B. R.]. Debts of the States. (From N.A. Review). NewYork, 1844. 48 p. 80. Pam. v. 498. Speech, Nov. 26, 1850. See Constitutional Meeting. CURTISt, George Ticknor. Letters of Phocion. See Massachusetts C onstitution. Two Letters to the Editor of the New-Bedford Mercury. Boston, 1854. 8~. Pam. v. 197. History of the Origin, formation and adoption of the Constitution of the United States...Vol. II. New-York, 1858. 80. Letter from: to the Whig State Central Committee. Boston, 1856. 16 p. 8~. Pam. v. 537. Speech, Whig Meeting, Boston. See Winthrop, R. C. [CURTISt, Geo. W.]. The Potiphar Papers. Reprint from Putnam's Monthly. New-York, 1853. 120. CURTIS, Rev. J. A Topographical History of the County of Leicester...being the first of a series of the counties of England and Wales.... Ashby-de-la-Zouch... 1831. 80. CURTIS (Josiah), M.D. Sanitary Observations, 1856. See Boston, Census. CURTIUS, Hendrik H. D. Nagelatene Leerredenen van.. - Voorafgaat: Jets over H. H. Donker Curtius door Pieter Vander Willigen. Te Arnhem..1840. 8~. CURTIUSt (Q.) Rufus. De Rebus Alexandri Regis Macedonvm; cvm supplementis.. Jo. Freinshemii; Editio nova... studio J. H. Rapp. Argentorati, 1670. 40. CURTOIS, John. Sermon, Lincoln, July 29, 1683: Job xxxiv, 29. London. 40~. Pam. v. 360. CUSHING, Abel. Historical Letters on the first charter of Massachusetts Government. Boston, 1839. 204 p. 18~. [ CUSHING, Caroline]. See Letters Descriptive of France.... Spain, 1832. 222 GENERAL LIBRARY. CUSHING, Jacob. Discourse..)Death of the Rev. Mr. Joseph Jackson, late Pastor of the Church in Brookline...July 25, 1796. Boston, 1797. 80. Pam. v. 214. CUSHING, Samuel B. Report...respecting the Harbor of Van Buren, on Lake Erie..N.York, 1836. -8 p. 8~., and 2 charts. Pam. v. 529. CUSHMAN, Henry Wyles. A Historical and Biographical Genealogy.. the descendants of Robert Cushman, the Puritan, from the year 1617 to 1855. Boston..1855. 80. CUsHUMANt, Robert. The Proceedings at the Cushman celebration at Plymouth, Aug. 15, 1855, in commemoration of the embarkation of the Plymouth Pilgrims from Southampton, England; together with an account of the services at the grave of Elder Thomas Cushman, Aug. 16,1855. By _N. B. Shurtleff, M.D. Boston, 1855. 76 p. 8~. CUSTIS, Geo. Washington P. Recollections and Private Memoirs of Washington, by his adopted son...with a me moir of the author, by his daughter; and illustrative and explanatory notes by B. J. Lossing. New-York, 1860. 8~. [ CUTLER, Jervase]. See Top. Description of Ohio, 1818. Cat. 1855. CUTTER, Calvin. A Treatise on Anatomy, Physiology and Hygiene.. Boston, 1850. 12~. CUTTING ( Francis B.), of N.Y. "Hards" and "Softs": Reply, U.S. H. of R., 1854. 8~. Pam. v. 487. CUTTING, Sewall S. A Discourse on the application of the epithet Evangelical....Southbridge, Massachusetts, 1843. 80. Pam. v. 288. CUYLER (Cornelius E.), D.D. The Law of God with respect tomurder: A Sermon...Philadelphia, 1842. 35 p. 120. Pam. v. 539. CUYLER, Rev. Theodore S. A Discourse for City Missions... May 28, 1854. New-York, 1854. 8~.' Pam. v. 80. CYDER: a Poem, 1708. See [ Philips, J.]. CYPRESS RIVER MINING COMPANY. Articles of Agreement. NewYork, 1846. 8~. Pam. v. 520. CYRILLUS ALEXANDRINUS. Divi Cyrilli Archiepiscopi Alexandrini, Opera in tres partita tomos..Basilee, 1528. 3 v.fV. D. D., A. A Brief Account of the gracious dealings of God with a poor, sinful, unworthy creature...By A. D. London, J. Hart, 1743. 12~. Pam. v. 601. *D., M.'Letter to the Rev. T. shew that he is under the same influence as the Rev. E. Irving. By M. D. London, 1734. 20 p. 80. Pam. v. 305. A Letter to the Gifted Persons; with extracts of letters to the Rev. E. Irving. By M. D. London, 1834. 22 p. 8~. Pam. v. 305. D., P. Sermon, Doncaster, Thanksgiving, Union of Scotland: EPs. cvii, 43. London. 40~. Pam. v. 362. D....y, J... By the Way of a Scripture Interpretation. Theism: ~a Prophecy; or Prophetical dissertation: predicting and declaring FIRST SUPPLEMENT. 223 the coming of the expected Messiah..... Part I. Consisting of an Astro-Theological unfolding, etc..By J.. D.....y. Philadelphia, Printed for the author, 1763. 1, 282 p. 8~. DABLONt, R.P. Claude. Relation de ce qui s'est passe de plus remarquable aux missions des Peres de la Compagnie de Jesus en la Nouvelle France les annees 16-73 a 1679.....Nouvelle-York, J. M. Shea, 1860. xiii, 290 p. 8~. DABNEY, J. P., Editor. Tyndale's New Test. See Bible. DABNEY, Richard. Poems, original and translated**. Second edition. Philadelphia..1815. 180. DABOLL, Nathan. Daboll's Schoolmaster's Assistant.... Arithmetic adapted to the United States.... With the addition of the practical Samuel Green...Albany, 1825. 18?. Daboll's Schoolmaster's Assistant. being a plain, practical system of arithmetic...Farmers and Mechanics best method of book keeping..By Samuel Green (N.York, 1826). Baltimore, 1827. 120. DAGGETTt, David. Argument, Gen..Assem. of Conn., Oct. 1804, in the case of certain justices of the peace. New-Haven, 1804. 30 p. 8~. An Eulogium.. of H. E., Roger Griswold, late Governor of Conn...New-Haven, 1812. 24 p. 8~. Pam. v. 494. DAGGETT (O. E.), D.D. Sermon, Congregational Church, Canandaigua, funeral of Walter Hubbell, March 28, 1848. Canandaigua, ~1848. 80. Pam. v. 268. DAGUERREIANt JOURNAL. Vol1S. v, VI, VII. See Humphrey's Journal. DAGVERHAAL DER HANDELINGEN vande Nationaale Vergadering representeerende het volk van Nederland. Uitgegeeven door Swart en Comp. Eerste, derde, vierde, zesde, zevende, agtste deelen. 7 Maarte 1796 - 28 Feb. 1798. Haage, 1796 - 98. 6 v. 4~. DAHLGREEN, Lieut. J. A. Boat Armaments. See United States, Navy. DAILYt ADVERTISER, Political, Historical and Commercial. Vol. 3, Jan. 11, 18, 24, 29, 1787. New-York, F. Childs.- V. 12, June 10, 1797. Newsp. v. 15. DAILY DEMOCRATIC PRESS, 1853 - 57. See Chicago, Illinois. DAKIN, Samn. D., and others. Memorial of the Proprietors of the improved stone dry dock formed by the combination of the sectional floating dock, basin and rail-ways..... to Congress. Washington, 1846. 39 p. 80. Pam. v. 529. DALE, Rev. Thomas. The Outlaw of Taurus: a Poem. To which are added, Scenes from Sophocles. Lond., 1820. 120 p. 8~. Pam. v. 397. Sermon, Sons of the Clergy: I Cor. iii, 9. Appendix. London, 1848. 8~. Pam. v. 385. DALE, WVilliam A. Tweed. The Teacher and Pupil's assistant in grammar and pronunciation...Albany, 1820. 108 p. 18~. DALHUSIUS, J. H. The Salvation of Protestants asserted and defended, in opposition to the..... eternal damnation pronounced against them.. Trans. London, 1689. xviii, 64 p 8~. Pam. v. 357. DALLAS, George M. Eulogy on the Life and Character of the late President, J. K. Polk... Philadelphia, 1849, 28 p. 8~. Pam. v. 494. 224 GENERAL LIBRARY. [DALLAS (Robert), jr.]. See Considerations upon the Am. inquiry, 1779. DALLAS, W. S. Zoology. See Orr's Circle, Vol. 2, 3. DALLAWAYt (J.), esq. Catalogue of Library London, 1841. 62 p. 8~. Cat. v. 94. DALLERANGE, Lef6vre. Livres..composant- la Bibliotheque de:..vente, Dec. 15. Paris, 1851. 200 p. 8~. DALRYMPLEt, Alex. An Account of the Loss of the Grosvenor Indiaman...4th Aug. 1782....New edition. London, 1785. 58 p. 8~. Pam. v. 432. DALRYMPLE (Gilbert), D.D., Pseud. A Letter from Edinburgh to Dr. Sherlock... defending the whole of the Bp. of Bangor's doctrine... with a word or two relating to Mr. Toland. 2d edition. London, 1718. 48 p. 8~. Pam. v. 351. [DALRYMPLEt, Sir John]. See Address of the People of Great Britain to... America, 1775. DALTON ( Rev. John), D.D. Two Sermons, before Univ. of Oxford, Sept. and Oct. 1745: Prov. ix, 1. Oxford, 1745. 4~. Pam. v. 1008. - Two Poetical Epistles: The first to a young nobleman from his preceptor... The second to... the Countess of Hartford... London, 1745. 32 p. 40. Pam. v. 1012. DAM, BERNARDUS TEN. Intre-predikatie in de gemeinte van Rotterdam... Neh. ii, 20. Rotterdam, 1734. 30 p. 40. Pam. v. 569. DAMPIERt, William. A Voyage to New-Holland, &c. in the year 1699, wherein are described the Canary Islands...the winds on the Brasilian coast... the Cape of Good Hope...Vol. III. London, 1703. xxiv, 162 p, and index. 8~. A Contintlation of a Voyage to New-Holland, &c. in the year 1699, wherein are described the islands Timor, Rotee and Anabao...Java, Batavia... (Vol. III, Part ii). London, 1709. xvi, 198, and indexes. 8~. DANA, Charles A. The Household Book of Poetry: Collected and edited by Charles A. Dana. New-York, 1858. 790 p. roy. 8~. Editor. See New American Cyclopedia. DANAt (Daniel), D.D. Sermon, Death of Mrs. Harriet Putnam: John xiv, 2, 3. Portsmouth, N.H. 1832. 8~. Pamn. v. 554. ---- Sermon, delivered at the Annual Election, on Wednesday, Jan. 4, 1837. Boston, 1837. 80. Pam. v. 270. ----- Sermon, Presbytery of Londonderry.. Bedford, N.H.: Matthew ix, 15. Newburyport, Mass. 1851. 80. Pam.v. 559. DANA (Daniel), jr. Bibliotheca Probata. Catalogue of Books..... under the heads of bibles; prayerbooks, commentaries, devotional library, family library, parish library.... To which is appended a list for the library of a parish minister..2d edition. Prep. by J. F. Schroeder. New-York, Dana, 1857. xxxi, 234 p. 12~. DANA, David D. The Fireman: the Fire Departments of the United States, with a full account of all large fires........Boston, 1858. 367 p. 12o. FIRST SUPPLEMENT. 225 DANAt, James D. On Certain Laws of cohesive attraction (From Am. Jour. of Science, Nov. 1847). 80. Pam. v.272. DANA (Joseph), D.D., Ipswich. Integrity Explained and Recommended: a Salem, at an Association Lecture, Sept. 1307. Salem, 1808. 80. Pam. v. 105. DANA, Joseph. Liber Primus....Latin Exercises....Newburyport, 1815. 120. DANCER, D. Anecdotes of a Miser. 7 p. 4~. Pam. v. 1016. DANE, J. A Declaration of remarkable providences in the course of my life. By John Dane of Ipswich, 1682. To which is added a pedigree.... [ From N.E.H. and G. Register]. Boston, 1854. 16 p. 8~. Pam. v. 492. DANE BAPTIST AssocIATION. Minutes at Medina, Dane County, Wis., 1856. Madison, 1856. 8~. Pam. v. 466. DANIEL, Edward. An Appeal to the Landed, Manufacturing...interests... exhorting them to insist upon the immediate redemption of the public debt. London, 1833. 8~. Pam. v. 427. DANIELL, E. Catalogue..of engraved portraits...on sale. London, 1850. I2 p. 80. Pam. v. 499. Fine Art Circular. Catalogue..of his stock appertaining to the fine arts.. on sale. London, Aug. 1850. 40. Pam. v. 1015. DANIELL, Rev. Mortlock. What is Baptism. a Sermon. Lond., 1838. 8~. Pain. v. 314. -- Revelation the sole basis of Christian discipline. Lond., 1838. vii, 62 p. 80. Pam. v. 306. DANSON, J. T. Agriculture in Cheshire: Five Letters on farming agreements. Birkenhead, 1855. 48 p. 8~. Pam. v. 430. DANTEt, Alighieri. Le Monde Dantesque ou les Papes au Moyen age: Grande clef historique de La Divina Commedia et de son 6poque. La Monarchie Universelle et la langue vulgaire, trad. pour la premibre fois. Par S6b. Rheal. T. 6me et dernier des ceuvres compl6tes. Paris, 1856. 8~. D'ANVERS, Caleb. See Craftsman Extraordinary, 1729; Some farther remarks, 1729; Proper reply, 1731. -- An Argument against Excises, in several essays lately published in the Craftsman.. London, 1733. 76 p. 80. Pain. v. 130. D'ANVERIAN HISTORY of the Affairs of Europe for..1731. With the present state of Gibraltar.... also of Dunkirk; with curious plans of both places. London, 1732. 94 p. 8~. Pam. v. 445. DANVERS, Massachusetts. Accounts, 1846, 47, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58.- School Committee's Report, 1839, 40, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 49, 50, 51, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, etc., including South Danvers.- Assessed taxes, 1852, official. In 1 v. 8~. Annual Report of the School Committee..1855. Boston, 1855. - Rules and Regulations, April 1855. Boston, 1855. 80. Pam. v. 192. DA-OLMI, M. Pr6cis Historico-physique d'hygiene navale, suivi d'un recueil analytique des meilleurs 6crits publies sur.... le scorbut, le tetanus, le chol6ra-morbus et la fiBvre jaune. Paris,1828. 8~. [SUPPL.] 29 226 GENERAL LIBRARY. DARLING, James. Cyclopaedia Bibliographica: a Library Manual of theological and general literature, and guide to books for authors, preachers, students and literary men: Analytical, bibliographical and biographical. Authors, alphabetical. London....1845. 3328 columns roy. 8~. - Same Title. Subjects: Holy Scriptures. London, J. Darling..1859. 1907 columns roy. 80. ---- Catalogue of a Clerical Library for sale, 1845. Cat. v. 9. DARNELL, Elias. A Journal containing an...account of the... Kentucky volunteers and regulars, commanded by General Winchester in the year 1812-13....Philadelphia, 1854. 99 p. 18~. DARROWt, David. See Youngs, Benj. S. Testimony of the Shakers. DARROW, Pierce. The Artillerist; comprising the drill without arms, and exercises and movements of the light and horse artillery...2d edition. Hartford, 1821. 156 p. 120. DARTMOUTH COLLEGE, Hanover, N. H. [ Collection]. 1 v. 8~0. Contents Catalogues of the Students, 1842,48, 49, 53, 54, 57, 58~- Catalogue ( Triennial) of Graduates, 1858. A True and Concise Narrative of the origin and progress of the church difficulties in the vicinity of:.... The same being the origin of Pres. Wheelock's disaffection... By B. Dewey, S'c., a Comm. of the Congr. Church. Hanover, 1815. 68 p. An Answer.. by J. Dunham. Hanover, 1816. 94 p. A Report on a Memorial of the Alurmni.... at Boston, to the Trustees, on scholarships and prizes. Boston, 1858. 54 p. Catalogue of the Society of Social Friends from 1783 to 1826. Boston, 1826. 38 p. Triennial Catalogue, Bostoniae, 1840.- Ann. Catalogue, 1841-2. Boston, 1841. Pam. v. 155. — Cat. for 1839, 40, 49. Pam. v. 157.Cat. for 1856. 8~. Pam. v. 247. See New-Hampshire Medical Institution. DARTNELL, Geo. A Proposed Plan for a railroad clearing house. Buffalo, 1858. 31 p. 8~. Pam. v. 546. DARWINt, Charles. A Monograph on the Sub-class Cirripedia, with figures of all the species.....The Lepadidwe or pedunculated cirripedes. See Ray Society....- On the Origin of Species by means of natural selection, or the preservation of favoured races in the struggle for life. New-York, 1860. 132 p. 12~. DARWINt (Erasmus), M.D., F.R.S. The Botanic Garden: a Poem.. Part I, The Economy of vegetation; Part II, The Loves of the plants. With philosophical notes. 3d edition. Lond., 1795. 2 v. 4~. The Temple of Nature; or The Origin of Society: a Poem, with philosophical notes. London, 1803. 1 v. 4~. DAUBENYt, Rev. Cha. A Letter to Miss H. More, on..her.." Strictures on Female Education." With...a Discourse on Genesis xv,, 6. London, 1799. 8~. Pam. v. 387. FIRST SUPPLEMENT. 227 DAUMAS, Eugene. Le Grand Desert, ou Itineraire d'une grande Caravane du Sahara au Pays des Negres (Royaume de Haoussa). Par.. et Ausone de Chancel..***. Paris, 1848. 443 p. 8~. [DAVENANTt, Cha.]. See Tom Double....Picture of a Whig, 1702. Cat. 1855. DAVENPORT, Rev. James R. The Lord our Helper: a Sermon..Sixth - Anniversary of Grace Church, Albany.... Albany, 1852. 120. Pam. v. 213. [DAVENPORT, John S.]. The Permanency of the Apostolic Offiee, as distinct from that of bishops, with reasons for believing that it is now revived in the church. By a Presbyter of the Prot. Episcopal Church. New-York, 1853. 8~. Pam. v. 104. - Letter to the Rt. Rev. William H. Delancey, D.D., showing cause why sentence of deposition should not be pronounced against him. New-York, 1855. 8~o Pam. v. 202, 543. DAVID, J. L. Notice, on the Picture of the Coronation of Napoleon, by:.. 120. Pam. v. 103. DAVID, Jules. Mdethode pour etudier la langue grecque moderne.... Paris, 1821. 80. DAVIDS, Arthur L. Grammaire Turke: precede d'un discours..sur ia litterature des nations orientales.. Trad. de l'anglais..A Londres, 1836. 40. DAVIDSON, James. Bibliotheca Devoniensis: a Catalogue of the printed books relating to the county of Devon. Exeter, 1852. 226 p. 4~. DAVIES, Rev. Roger. An Explanation of the Principles of the Christian short discourses on the church-catechism... London, 1726. 136 p. 80. Pam. v. 338. DAVIES-, Rev. Samuel. A Sermon delivered at Nassau Hall, Jan. 14, 1761, on the death of..George II...To which is prefixed, A brief account of the life, character and death of the author. By David Bostwick..New-York. Boston, R. Draper, 1761. xii, 32 p. 8~. DAVIES, Thomas. Prize Essay on the evils which are produced by late hours of business... With a preface by B. W. Noel. London, 1843. viii, 39 p. 8~. Pam. v. 429. IDAVILAt, Enrico C. Dell'Istoria delle Guerre civili di Francia. Milano, 1825. 6 v. 8~. DAVILA, Gil Gonzalez. Teatro Eclesiastico de la primitiva Iglesia de las Indias Occidentales, vidas de sus arzobisops, obispos, y cosas memorables de sus sedes. Al..rey Don Filipe Quarto de la EspaFias y Nuevo Mundo dedicasele.... el Maestro Gil Gonzalez Davila. Tomo prinmero.- The same, en lo que pertenece al reyno del Pirv....Tomo segundo. Madrid, 1649, 1655. 14 p. prelim., 308, 7;16 prelim., 238 p. 2 v. fO. DAVIS, Alex. S. A Loud Call to the Citizens of the Nation..Investitigation of the present temperance question. Hanover, Pa. 1842. 104 p. 8~. Pam. v. 292. The Traveler's legal guide and business man's directory... Rochester, N.Y. 1855. 84 p. 12~. 228 GENERAL LIBRARY. DAVIS, Andrew Jackson. The Principles of Nature, her divine revelations, and a voice to mankind. By and through A. J. Davis, the "Poughkeepsie Seer" and "Clairvoyant." In three parts....5th edition. New-York, 1850. xxvi, 786 p. 8~. The Philosophy of Spiritual Intercourse: Being an explanation of modern mysteries. New-York, 1851. 176 p. 8~. ----- The Approaching Crisis: Being a review of Dr. Bushnell's recent lectures on supernaturalism. New-York..1852. 80. The Penetralia: Being harmonial answers to important questions.. ~. 3d edition. Boston, 1857. 328 p. 8~. DAVISt (Emerson), D.D., Westfield, Mass. Church Extension: Two Sermons. Westfield, 1856. 8~. Pam. v. 80. DAVIS (Garrit), of Ky. Speech on the Mexican War, U.S. H. of R., Dec. 1846. 8~. Pam. v. 486. DAVIS, George Lynn-Lachlan. The Day-Star of American Freedom; or the birth and early growth of toleration in the Province of Maryland, with a sketch of the colonization upon the Chesapeake and its tributaries... New-York, 1855. 12~. DAVIS, George R. Annual Address, Rensselaer County Agricultural Society, Sept. 24, 1852. Also, an address delivered to the Society, January 25, 1853, by Richard J. Knowlson; and other transactions. Troy, 1853. 23 p. 80. Pam. v. 286. DAVIS ( George T.), of Mass. Speech, U.S. H. of Rep., Jan. 1852, on the Mexican indemnity bill. 8~. Pam. v. 486. DAVISt (Henry), D.D. An Inaugural Oration,-delivered February 21, 1810, Middlebury College. Boston, 1810. 8~. Pam. v. 100. Sermon Delivered to the Candidates for the Baccalaureate in Middlebury College, August 12, 1810. Middlebury, Vt. 1810. 8~. Pam. v. 104. DAVIS, Henry Edwards. An Examination of the fifteenth and sixteenth chapters of Mr. Gibbon's History.... *. London, 1787. iv, 284 p. 8~. DAVIS, Hewitt. Farming Essays: Second series. London, 1850. 90 p. 8~. Pam. v. 430. DAVIS (Jefferson), of Mississippi. Speech, U.S. Sen., Jan. 10, 1850, on slavery. See Clemens, J. -- e Speech, U.S. Sen., Feb. 19, 1849, on the Coast Survey. 8~. Pam. v. 193. DAVIS, Rev. John.:Sermon, Society of Unitarian Christians: Luke vi, 36. London, 1804. 8~. Pam. v. 316. ---- English Grammar. See Murray, L. DAVISt (John), of Mass. Speech, U.S. Sen., on the Compromise Bill. Washington, 1850. 8~. Pam. v. 486. [DAVIst, Matthew L.]. See Marcus and Philo-Cato, Letters, 1810. DAVIS, Miss Phebe B. Two Years and Three Months in the N.York Lunatic Asylum at Utica... formerly of Barnard,...Vt. Syracuse, 1855. 87 p. 120. FIRST SUPPLEMENT. 229 DAVIs, Rev. Sheldon. Shekomeko; or the Moravians in Dutchess Co. Poughkeepsie, N. Y. 1858. 29 p. 8~. [DAVIS, Mrs. S. M.]. See Sidney, Sir P., Life, 1859. DAVIS, W. B. Southern Book. —Origin of the Constitution. Incorporation of the General Government by the States, as National Public Agents in Trust, with no sovereignty.... History of the Puritans. Origin and cause of trouble between the North and South... Legal mode of redress...Wilmington, N.C. Dee. 1854. 184 p. 8~. ---- Supplement to Southern Book. Wilmington, N.C. 1856. 185 - 298 p. 8~. DAVISON, John. Sermon, Lent Assizes, Oxford, March 6, 1817: Rom. xiii, 3, 4. London. 40.- Sermon, Deptford, Corp. of Trinity House, June 2, 1817: Rom. xii, 11. London. 4~. Pam. v. 1009. DAVISSON, John. A Vindication of the Protestant ministers mission: Being a sermon at Taunton...2d edition. London, 1720. 96 p. 8~, - A Defence of the Protestant ministers mission: a Reply to Mr. Holland's considerations. London, 1721. 144 p. 80. Pam. v. 343. DAVYt, Sir Humphrey. Six Discourses delivered before the Royal Society at their anniversary meetings, on the award of the Royal and Copley medals...London, 1827. 4~. DAVYt (John), M.D., F.R.S. The West-Indies before and since slave emancipation.... Observations collected during a three year's residence.. London, 1854. 8~. DAVYs, Bp. George. On the Principal Officers of the Church; On the Catechism of the Church of England; Of Baptism in the Church of England. See Soc. Pro. Chr. Knowledge. DAWES (IHenry L.), of Mass. Speech, U.S. H. of R., the Lecompton Constitution, Mar. 8, 1858. Washington. 8 p. 80. Pam. v. 561. DAWES, Rufus, The Valley of the Nashaway; and other poems. Boston, 1830. 96 p. 12~. DAWES, Abp. Sir William. [ Sermons] in 1 v. 80. Contents: Sermon, before the Queen: Phil. i, 27. London, 1704. Plots of the Romanists: a Sermon, Nov. 5, 1705: Ps. cxxix, 1-4. Lond. Almsgiving: Sermon, St.Giles' Charity Schools, 1706. London. Times of War, Times for...repentance: Fast Sermon. 2d ed. Lond. 1807 Sermons (12) preached upon several occasions before King William and Queen Anne. London, 1709. 208 p. Sermon before Lord Mayor...and Gov. of the Hospitals, April 25, 1709: Lu. xiv, 12, 14. London, 1709. Sermon, Relief of widows and orphans of clergymen: Acts xx, 35. London, 1709. Sermon before Parliament, Jan. 30, 1710. London, 1711. Sermon before Parliament, Mar. 8, 1711, Accession to the throne: Psalm xxi, 4. London, 1712. Sermon, London Charity Schools, May 28, 1713: Eph. vi, 4. London. ----- Sermon before the King, Nov. 5, 1686: Job v, 12. London. 4~. Pam. v. 361. 230 GENERAL LIBRARY. DAWSON, Henry B. Gleanings from the Harvest-field of American History....Part vI.-Maj. Gen. Israel Putnam. A correspondence on this subject with the editor of the " Hartford Daily Post," by " Selah " of that city, and H. B. D. Morrisania..for private circulation, 1860. 169 p. roy. 8.' DAWSON, John William. Contributions towards the, Improvement of Agriculture in Nova-Scotia; with practical hints on the management and improvement of live stock..Halifax, N.S. 1856. 280 p. 8~. Acadian Geology: an Account- of the geological structure and mineral resources of the neighbouring provinces of British-America. Edinburgh..1855. 12~. DAY'S BANK NOTE LIST AND COUNTERFEIT DETECTOR. Sept. 8, 1848. New-York. 8~. Pam. v. 464. DAY, Geo. G. Defeat of the Anti-corn-law league in Huntingdonshire. Speech of:..on that occasion... 8th edition. London, 1843. 39, 4 p. 80. Pam. v. 424. DAY (Jeremiah), LL.D. An Introduction to Algebra. 2d ed. NewHaven, 1820. 8~. - Sermon.. Ordination of the Rev. Leverett NorthIHaven, Oct. 30th, 1833. New-Haven, 1833. 8~. Pam. v. 270. DAY, S. Mills. Pencilings of Light and Shade. Schenectady, 1850. 70 p, 120. DAYt, Thomas. Refiedtions upon the Present State of England, and the independence of America. 3d edition. Lound., 1783. 129 p. 8~. DAYTON (William L.), of N.J. Speech, U.S. Sen., on the Compromise Bill. Jan. 1850. 8S. Pam. v. 486. DAYTON AND CINCINNATI (Short Line) RAILROAD. 2d Report. Cincinnati, 1854. 8~. Pam. v. 571. DAYTON AND MICHIGAN RAILROAD COMPANY. First Exhibit....of the condition and prospects of:.. New-York, 1852. 8~. Pam: v. 283. DAZILLE, Jean Barth. Observations generales sur les maladies des climats chauds...Paris, 1785. 256 p. 8~. DEALTPY, ReVl. William. A Letter addressed to the Rev. Dr. Wordsworth, in reply to his " Reasons for declining to become subscriber to the B. & F. Bib. Soc. London, 1810. 34 p. Pain. v. 383. ---- A Review of Mr. Norris's attack upon the B. & F. Bib. Soc.... London, 1815. xxviii, 145 p. 8~. Pam. v. 383. - jDiscourse, Church Miss. Society: 2 Cor. v, 14. London, 1813. Pam. v. 380. -- Conduct of Christians to Rulers: a Sermon: Tit. iii, 1, 2, at Clapham. London, 1819. 8~. Pam. v. 376. DEALTRY, William. Money, its history, evils and remedy. Albany, 1858. 36 p. 80. Pam. v. 290. DEANt, Amos; The True Method of studying and teaching history: a Paper read before the Am. Assoc. for the Adv. of Education..... Albany, 1857. 8~. Pam. v. 278. DEAN (Gilbert), of N.Y. Speech, U.S. H. of R., on the Public Expenditures..WVith...Letter of Hon. J. Shields.. Washington, 1852. 15 p. 8~. Pam. v.487. FIRST SUPPLEMENT. 231 DEANEt, Samuel. The New-England Farmer; or Georgical Dictionary, containing a compendious account of the ways and methods in which the most important art of husbandry, in all its various branches, is or may be practised to the greatest advantage in this country..... Worcester, Mass., I. Thomas, 1790. 8~. DEARBORN, W. L. Description of a Railroad Route from St.Louis to San Francisco, in Letter to P. P. F. Degrand..... 1849. Boston, 1850. 16 p. 8~. Pam. v. 151. DEATH OF GENERAL MONTGOMERY. See [ Brackenridge, HI. H.]. DEATH (The) WARRANT of Negro Slavery throughout the British dominions. London, 1829. 38 p. 8~. Pam. v. 437. DEBATE (The) in the House of Commons on Wednesday Feb. 27, 1771, on.....the Nullum Tempus Act. London, Alinon, 1771. 74 p. 8~. Pol. Tr. v. 6. DEBATE in the House of Commons, Mar. 2, 1790, on the motion of Mr. Fox for a repeal of the Corporation and Test acts. London, 1790. 58 p. 80. Pam. v. 319. [DE BEAULIEU, Rev. Luke]. A Discourse shewing that Protestants are on the safer side...London, 1687. 43 p. 8~. Pam. v. 355. DE Bow'st (J. D. B.) REVIEW, and Industrial Resources and Statistics. Vol. 19 - 27, June 1855 - Dec. 1859. New-Orleans and Washington City. 9 v. 8~. DEBRETT'S BARONETAGE OF ENGLAND, revised, corrected and continued, by Geo. William Collen, esq. London, 1840. 8~. DE BURE. See Bure, De. DE BURY, Bp. Richard. Philobiblon: a Treatise on the love of books:.....Written in MCCCXLIV, and translated from. the first edition, M1CCCCLXXIII, with some collations. By John B. Inglis. London, Rodd, 1832. 151 p. 12~. DECIMAL ASSOCIATION. Debate on the decimal coinage question in the H. of Commons, Jan. 12, 1855. With remarks....Lond., 1855. 37 p. 8~. Pam. v. 427. DECKER, C. von. De Kleine Oorlog in den geest der nieuwe krijgsvoering... vertaald door L. Baron Boecop. Gravenhage, 1834. 8~. DECLARATION of the Persecution in New-England. See Burrough, E. DE COETLOGON, Rev. Charles E. [Collection of Writings of:]. 1 v. 8~. Contents: Sermon, to the Memory of Sir Sidney S. Smythe...London, 1778. The Scripture Doctrine of grace explained: Sermon on Conversion of St. Paul. London, 1780. The Excellency of the Sacred Writings: purchase bibles to distribute among the navy and army. London, 1780. A/non. George the Third; or Faint sketches for a true portrait...2d ed. London, 1820. xi, 142 p. Universal Benevolence.... a sermon, London. School of Instruction and Industry. London, 1820. xxxii, 48 p.-Account of the School, 1820. 35 p. DEDrHAMIt, Mass. Annual Report of the School Committee, April 2, 1855. Dedham, 1855. 8~. Pam. v. 248. 232 GENERAL LIBRARY. DEDHAM PULPIT; or Sermons by the Pastors of the First Church in Dedham, in the 17th and 18th centuries. Ed. by E. Burgess, DD. Boston, 1840. 517 p. 8~. DEENSCRE SPRAAKKUNST, gevolgd door eenige spreekwijzen, lees- en vertaaloefeningen. Amsterdam, 1854. 18~. DEEP RIVER MINING and TRANSPORTATION COMPANY, N.C. Charter. Albany, 1851. 8~. Pam. v. 571. DEERING, W. A Brief Account..of the office for...coalwhippers of the Port of London. London. 1851. 47 p. 80. Pam. v. 429. DEFENCE (The) of our military seaports. By a retired military officer. London, 1852. 24 p. 8~. Pam. v. 406. DEFENCE (A) of Religious Liberty, in a series of letters....By the Author of " Letters on Prejudice."..... London, 1825. 156 p. 8~. Pam. v. 346. DEFENCE (A) of some Proceedings lately depending in Parliament, to render more effectual...the Nullum Tempus act. With an appendix...concerning...the Duke of Portland... and Sir James Lowther. London, Almon, 1771. 52 p. 8~. Pol. Tr. v. 6. DEFENCE of the Character of Thomas Jefferson, against a Writer in the N.Y. Review and Quar. Church Journal. By a Virginian. NewYork, 1838. 8~. Pam. v. 195. DEFENCE of the Convention of the Prot. Epis. Church in the State of Massachusetts, against certain editorial statements of the Paper, called " The Banner of the Church." Boston, 1832. 8~. Pam. v. 200. DEFENCE of the Enquiry, 1729. See Enquiry, 1727. DEFENCE of the Minority in the H. of Commons, on the question relating to general warrants. By Charles Townshend...And a Defence of the Majority..... by Charles Lloyd. 6th edition. Dublin, 1765. 37 p. 8~. Pam. v. 450. DEFENCE (A) of the Resolutions and Address of the American Congress, in reply to Taxation and Tyranny. By the Author of Regulus. To which are added, General Remarks on the leading principles of that work, as published in the London Evening Post of the 2d and 4th of May... London (1775). 96 p. 8~. DEFENCE (A) of the Right Hon. the Earl of Shelburne, from the reproaches of his numerous enemies... 4th edition. By D. O'Bryen. London, 1782. 96 p. 8~. Pam. v. 411. DEFENCE of the Rights of the Christ. Church, 1707. See [ Tindal, M.]. DEFENCE (A) of the Scripture History... in answer to Mr. Woolston's Discourse on our Saviour's miracles.... By H. Stebbing. London, 1730. 68 p. 8~. Pam. v. 309. DEFENCE (A) of the Society of the Sons of the Clergy, of our church establishment and of divine revelation, in consequence of the late attacks... by W. Burdon, esq....By a late steward.... Newcastle, 1812. xxi, 149 p. 8~. Pam. v. 385. DFrENSES DU BEAU SEXE; OU Memoires historiqucs, philosophiques et critiques, pour servir d'apologie aux femmes. By M. Cafiaux. Amsterdam, 1753. 2 v. in 1. 18~. FIRST SUPPLEMENT. 233 [ DE FoEt, Daniel]. See Faction display'd, a poem, 1707. Cat. 1855. [ —-]. The Parallel; or Persecution of Protestants the shortest way to prevent the growth of popery in Ireland. London, 1704. vi, 26 p. fV. Pam. v. 1016. DiE FOREST, John W. History of the Indians of Connecticut, from the earliest known period, to 1850. Published with the sanction of the Conn. Hist. Society.* * Hartford...1853. 80. DEGRAND, P. P. F. An Address.... on the advantages of low fares, and low rates of freight..Boston, 1840. 39 p. 8%. Pam. V. 204, 546. DEJEAN, fM. Ouvrage touchant les hernies ou descentes...A Paris.. 1762. 180. DEKKEN, Agatha. Gedicht. See Bosch, M., Cat. 1855; also Wolff, E.B. DE KROYFTt, S. Helen. Letter to President Fillmore's lady. [ NewOrleans Delta, 1852]. 4 p. 8~. Pam. v. 473. DELAFONDt, O. Typhus de l'Espece Bovine: Ext. du Jour. d'Agric. pratique, 1856. Paris, 1856. 8~. DELAFOSSE, Prof. Notions d'Histoire naturelle. Paris, 1846. 80. See Cours Complet. DELAGENEVRItRE, M. Methode de guerir les hernies... Paris, 1766. 132 p. 12~.- Description d'un nouveau bandage propre aux descentes.. Paris, 1768. 42 p. 12~. Pam. v. 613. DELALAIN, A. Catalogue General: Livres Classiques et d'Education. Paris, 1832. 64 p. 80. Cat. v. 1.- Catalogue de Livres Classiques. Paris, 1858. 112 p. 8~ DELAMARRE, Il. Dock Modele de la Vie a bon march6. Paris. 80~. Pam:. v. 233. DELAMOTTE, Philip H. The Practice of Photography. A Manual for students and amateurs. Third- edition revised. London, Low, Son & Co., 1856. 12. DE LANCEYt (Williaml H.), D.D., Bp. Farewell Letter.... to the Vestry and Congregation of St.Peter's Church, May 2d, 1839. Philadelphia. 1839. 80. Pam. v. 203. ----- The Faithful Bishop. Sermon, Consecration of...Manton Eastburn...Assistant Bishop of Massachusetts, Boston, Dec. 29, 1842: Rev. ii, 10. Boston, 1843. 64 p. 8~. Pam. v. 556. - Episcopal Address...Aug. 19, 1846. Utica, W. N.Y., 1846. 40 p. 8~.-A- Charge to the Clergy...Aug. 15, 1855... On the avenues of infidelity.. Geneva, N.Y., 1855. 80. Pam. v. 543. -- A Charge to the Clergy of the Diocese of Western New-York, delivered Aug. 15, 1849... On religious training, being the Second Charge. Geneva, 1849. 80. Pam. v. 203. the Convention of the D'iocese of Western N.Y., of the mission to England..... the Third Jubilee of the Soc. for the Prop. of the Gospel. Utica, 1852. 8~. Pam. v. 203. ----- Public Examination at Albany, for the Colleges of the State. 7 p. 8~. Pam. v. 479. rSUPPL.] 30 234 GENERAL LIBRARY. DELANDINE, Ant. Fr. Manuscrits de la Bibliotheque de Lyon..... Precedees 1~ D'une Histoire des anciennes bibliotheques de Lyon..2~0 D'un Essai historique sur les manuscrits en general....avec une Bibliographie sp6ciale des catalogues qui les ont decrits. Paris et a Lyon, 1812. 3 v. 8~. _- - Mmeloires bibliographiques et litteraires. Paris, Lyon, 1817. 488 p. 8~. Contains, the Libraries of Lyons; Essay on Manuscripts; Manuscriptiana; and a History of Printing, with A Special Bibliography of works on printing, etc. - Bibliotheque de Lyon. Catalogue des Livres qu'elle renferme dans la classe des belles-lettres, avec des remarques litteraires et bibliographiques sur les ouvrages du xvme siecle...pr6ce6d6 d'une Histoire de l'Imprimerie....son 6tablissement en France... Paris, 1818(?). 2 v. 80~. DELANO, Christopher. Descriptive Narrative of the wonderful natural petrifaction of a man ( C. Delano ). into stone, as perfect as when alive. Philadelphia, 1854. 8~. Pam. v. 260. DELANY, Patrick. Sermon, Society for Protestant Schools in Ireland, 1744: John xiii, 24. London, 1744. 4~. Pam. v. 1010. DELAPALME, _/I. Premier Livre de l'enfance, ou Exercices de lecture.. Paris, Hachette, 1857. 180 p. 180. Premier Livre de l'adolescence, ou Exercices de lecture..Paris, Hachette, 1857. 144 p. 18~. DE LA PILLONIEtRE, Francis. An Answer to the Rev. Dr. Snape's accusation... containing an account of his behaviour and sufferings amongst the Jesuits... An appendix of letters from Jesuits..With a preface by the Bishop of Bangor. London, 1717. xxi, 72, 23 p. 80. Pamn. v. 351. A Reply to Dr. Snape's vindication of a passage in his second letter to the Bishop of Bangor, relating to Mr. Pilloniere... With a Letter to Dr. Snape, by the Lord Bishop-of Bangor. London, 1718. lvi, 124 p. 80. Pam. v. 351. DELAPLAINE'St ( J.) Prospectus of National Panzographia, for the reception of the portraits of distinguished Americans. Philadelphia, 1818. 16 p. 8~. Pam. v. 199. DELAUNE, William. Sermon, H. of Commons, Jan. 30, 1702; Martyrdom of Charles I: Matt. xxvii, 25. London. 40~. Pamn. v. 362. Sermon before the Lord Mayor, February 22, 1713: Ps. li, 5. London. 8~. Pam. v. 365. DELAVANt, Edward C. Speech at a meeting of the friends of Mr. Fillmore, Ballston, Aug. 9, 1856. 30~. Pam. v. 537. Trust Deed of a Cabinet of Shells to Union College, Schenectady, N.Y. July 27, 1855. 7 p. 8~0 Pam. v. 492. Letter to Gov. King, of N.Y.: An Appeal for co-operation in the Temperance reform. Albany, 1857. 24 p. 80.- Adulterations of liquors: Am. Temp. Repository. New-York. 12 p. 12. — Letter to the Bishops of the Episcopal Church, on the adulteration of liquors, etc. Albany, 1859. 36 p. 8~. Pam. v. 292. FIRST SUPPLEMENT. 235 DELAVIGNE, Casimir. Les Combdiens: Comedie. Paris, 1834. 8~. Pam. v. 534. DELAWARE ACADEMY. Catalogue, 1858. Delhi, N.Y. 1859. 80. Pam. v. 456. DELAWAREt & HUDSON CANAL COMPANY. New-York. 1 v. 80. Contents Analysis of Memorial, etc. 1829. — Reports of the Directors, from 1831 to 1858.- Memorial to Legislature, 1852. Wanting, Report 1834. DELAWARE and RARITAN CANAL COMPANY. First Report, 1831.Reports for 1856, 57, 58. See New-Jersey. DELAWARE COUNTY INSTITUTE OF SCIENCE. Report, Fourth Annual Exhibition. Chester, Pa. 1849. 8~. Pam. v. 272. DELAYS DANGEROUS: No to-morrow for the repeal of the Test and Corporation acts.... London, 1739. 8~. Pam. v. 319. DELBAS, A. F. See Assiento que se tomb con..... DELEAU (Dr.) Jeune. Traite du CathetBrisme de la trompe d'eustache, et de l'emploi de l'air atmospherique dans les maladies de l'oreille moyenne.** Paris, 1838. xxxiii, 424 p. and plates. 8~. DELEPIERRE, Octave. Histoire litteraire des fous. London, Triibner & Co., 1860. 184 p. 12~. DELESCHAMPS, Pierre. Des Mordans, des Vernis et des Planches, dans l'art du graveur; ou Traite complet de la gravure.... Paris, 1836. 284 p. and plates. 8~. DELIGHTS (The) OF RANELAGH..Songs (23). London. 8 p. 80. Pam. v. 534. DELIUS, Edward. Statistical Almanack for the year 1844. Bremen. 240 p. 18~. 11 portraits. DELL, Rev. William. The Doctrine of Baptisms, reduced from its ancient and modern corruptions..... 5th edition. London..Philadelphia, reprinted by B. Franklin & D. Hall, 1759. 43 p. 8~. [ DE LOLME, John Louis]. The History of the Flagellants, or the Advantages of Discipline; being a Paraphrase and- Commentary on the Historia Flagellantium of the Abbe Boileau, Doctor of the Sorbonne.... By Somebody who is not a Doctor of the Sorbonne.*** London, 1777. 340 p. 4~. Observations upon the late National Embarrassments, and the proceedings in parliament relative to the same. London, 1789. 81 p. 80. Pam. v. 411. DELPRAT, J. C. De Wet op de Convoijen en Licenten voor het koningrijk der Nederlanden van 3 Oct. 1816.....Rotterdam..1817. 180. DEMAREST (Rev. David D.), of Hudson. The Manly, Independent Thinker: An Address, Alumni Association of Rutgers College, July 24, 1855. New-York, 1855. 80. Pam. v. 215. History and Characteristics of the Reformed Protestant Dutch Church. New-York, 1856. 12~. DEMILT DISPENSATORY in the City of New-York. 5th Annual Report, &c. 1856. Pam. v. 243.- 6th Report, N.Y. 1857. 8~. Pam. v. 506. 236- GENERAL LIBRARY. DEMOCRATIC ANTIMASONIC STATE CONVENTION, Harrisburg, Penn., Feb. 22, 1832. Proceedings. 8~. Pam. v. 194. DEMOCRATIC ASSOCIATION Of Washington, D.C. Address. Washington, 1844. 11 p. 80. Pam. v. 527. DEMOCRATIC GENERAL COMMITTEE Of the State of New-Hampshire: Nomination of Gen,. Houston, Oct. 11. Concordb N.H. 1854. 11 p. 8~. Pam. v. 197. DEMOCRATIC MEETINQ in the Park, New-York City, Sept. 26, 1853. New-York. 16 p. 80. Pam. v. 527. DEMOCRATIC NATIONAL CONVENTION at Baltimore, June 1852. Proceedings. Washington, D.C. 1852. 44 p. 8~0. — The same: another report. 78 p. 80. Pam. v. 194, 527. DEMOCRATIC REPUBLICAN STATE CONVENTION, Syracuse, July 24, 1856. Proceedings, Address. Albany, 1856. 16 p. 8~. Pam. v. 537. DEMOCRATIC REPUBLICANS opposed to the Sub-treasury and special deposit schemes... Proceedings at a meeting, New-York City, Jan. 2, 1838. 80. Paim. v. 194. DEMOCRATICt REVIEW. Vol. 40, 41, 42: July 1857 - Dec. 1858. N. York. 3 v. 80.- See also United States Democratic Review. DEMOCRATIC STATE CONVENTION, Connecticut. Address of the State Convention, Middletown, Jan. 28, 1835, to the Democrats of Connecticut...New-Haven. 16 p. 8". Pam. v. 526. DEMOCRATIC STATE CONVENTION, Utica, June 22, 1848. Address, with Mr. Van Buren's letter. 16 p. 80. Pam. v. 527. DEMOCRATIC STATE CONVENTION at Rome, August 1849. Address. Albany, 1849. 24 p. 80. Pam. v. 527. DEMOCRATIC STATE CONVENTION, Syracuse, Jan. 10, 11, 1856. Proceedings and Address. Albany, 1856. 31 p. 80. Pam. v. 259, 537. DEMOKRATISCH-REPUBLIKANISCHE STAATS-CONVENTION, Syracuse, 24 Juli, 1856. 8 p. 8~. Pam. v. 537. DEMOGEOT, J. Histoire de la Litterature Franqaise depuis ses origines jusqu'a nos jours: (Duruy, Hist. Univ.). Paris, Hachette, 1857. 678 p. 12o. DE MoRGaNt, Augustus. Notices of English Mathematical and Astronomical writers... to 1600. See Brit. Alm. 1837.- References for the History of the Mathematical Sciences. See British Alm. 1843.- On the difficulty of correct description of books. See Brit. Alm. 1853. DEMOPHILUS. See Genuine Principles of the Constitution, 1776. DEMOSTHENESt. Demosthenis quse supersunt...Ed. Joannes Jacobus Reiske. Ed. correctior curante Godofredo Henrico Schamfero. Tom. I, II. London, 1822.- Apparatus criticus et exegeticus ad Demosthenem Vinc. Obsopcei, Hier. Wolfii, Io. Taylori, et Io. Jac. Reiskii annotationes tenens..Ed. G. H. Schafer. Tom. I - v. Lond., 1824 - 27.- Demosthenis quse supersunt Opera. Latine vertit Hieronymus Wolfius. Ed..... G.H. Schafer. Tomus Tertius. London, 1826.Indices Operum Demosthenis confecit J. J. Reiske. Ed. G. H. Schaefero. London, 1823. 1 v. 9 v. 80. FIRST SUPPLEMENT. 237 - The Orations of Demosthenes against the Law of Leptines, Midias, Androtion and Arist6crates. Trans., with notes, &c. by C. R. Kennedy. London, Bohn, 1856. 12~. ----- Discours de Demosthene sur la Couronne...Notes en Frangais par E. Sommer. Paris, Hachette, 1854. 171 p. 120. DENHAM, Sir John. Coopers-Hill: a Poem. London, 1709. 16 p. 4~. Pam. v. 397. DENHAM, John E. Sermon, on the Death of George III: Neh. x'iii, 26. 1820, London. 8~. Pam. v. 382. DENINAt, Carlo. Delle Rivoluzioni d'Italia...con guinte e correzioni inedite dell' autore. Vol. I -. Firenze, 1820. 5 v. in 3. 8~. DENIO (H.) and O'CONNOR, C. Opinions as to the -Constitutionality of transferring funds of depositors in Savings bank to the State... New-York, 1853. 8. Pam. v. 464. DENIS, Michael. Die Merkwiirdigkeiten der k. k. garellischen dffentl. Bibliothek am Theresiano. Wien, 1780. 760 p., index & 21 plates. 4~. - Wiens Buchdruckergeschichte bis MDLX... Wien, 1782. 694 p. and indexes. 4~. Supplement to Annales Typographici. See Maittaire, M. DENNE (J.), D.D. Sermon, 1731. See Soc. Prop. the Gospel. DENNESTON, E. A Scheme for advancing and improving the ancient and noble revenue of excise upon beer, ale, and other branches... Discovering also the frauds...of -the brewers... London, 1713. 40 p. 4~. Pam. v. 408. DE PEYSTERt, J. Watts. The History of the Life of Leonard Torstenson....Generalissimo of the Swedish armies subsequent to the death of Gustavus Adolphus***. 25th July, 1855...Poughkeepsie, N.Y. 284 p. 8o. The Dutch in the North Pole and the Dutch in Maine: a Paper read before the New-York Historical Society....New-York, 1857. 8~. Pam. v. 253. The History of Carausius, the Dutch Augustus, and Emperor of Britain, Zeeland, Dutch Flanders, Armorica and the seas; the great first Hollandish admiral, and the first sailor king of England. With which is interwoven an...account of the Menapii....Poughkeepsie, 1858. xxvi, 335 p. 8~. DEPONSt, F. Travels in South-America during the years 1801, 1802, 1803 and 1804; containing a description of the C(aptain-Generalship of Caraccas... Trans. from the French. London, 1807. 2 v. 8~. DE QUINCEYt, Thomas. Writings. Vol. 20,21: Memorials and other papers...In two vol. Boston, 1856. 2 v. 180. DERBYt, E. Haskett. Tw6 Months Abroad; or A Aug. and Sept. 1843. By a Railroad Director of Massachusetts. Boston, 1844. 64 p. 8~. Pam. v. 199. The Catholic: Letters addressed by a Jurist to a young kinsman proposing to join the Church of Rome. Boston, 1856. 12~. [ DERBY, Lieut. Geo. H.]. See Phoenix, J., Phcenixiana. 238 GENERAL LIBRARY. DERECOURT, Henry. Colonial and International Postage...Information on postal affairs...London, 1854. 62 p. 80. Pam. v. 425. DERHAM (William), D.D. Astro-Theology; or a Demonstration of the Being and Attributes of God, from a survey of the heavens... 8th edition. London, 1741. lvi, 246 p. 8~. DERMOUT, I. J. Funeral Memory of H. M. Fred. Louiza Wilhelmina, Queen of the Netherlands: Ronm. ii, 29. Trans. by J. Marshall. The Hague, 1837. 80. Pam. v. 380. DESCEMET, Dr. Lettre.... a M. Roux, sur les methodes de traiter la goutte sereine...Juillet 1773. 10 p. 120. Pam. v. 612. DESCXAMPS, ]mile. Etudes francaises et etrangeres. 3e edition. Paris, 1829. 80. DE SCHWEINITZ, Rev. E. Sermon. See Moravian Church. DESCRIPTION exacte de tout ce qui s'est passe dans les guerres entre le Roy d'Angleterre, le Roy de France, les Estats des Provinces Unies du Pays Bas, et l'Evesque de Munster. Commengant de l'an 1664 - 1667. Avec une introduction prelinminaire, contenant l'exile et la restitution du present Roi d'Angleterre, etc. Amsterdam, 1668. 243 p. sm. 40~. DESCRIPTION (The) of a Parliament in no instance similar to the present.*** London, Almon, 1769. 32 p. 80. Pol. Tr. v. 5. DESCRIPTION (A) of Georgia, by a Gentleman who has resided there upwards of seven years...London, 1741. See Force's Tracts, v. 2. DESCRIPTION (A) of the Province of South Carolina, drawn up at Charles Town, in Sept. 1731. By Mr. Purry. See Force's Tr. v. 2. DESCRIPTION of the Windward Passage and Gulf of Florida....Proposals for the better securing of the British and from the W. I. London, J. Applebee, 1739. 28 p. 4~. DESHAYES, G. P. Description des Coquilles caracteristiques des terrains. Paris, 1831. 8~. DESILVER'St DEUTSCRER ILLUSTRIRTER CALENDER, 1850. Phil'a. 4~. Aim. v. 42. See also United States Almanac. DE[S] MOINE[S] NAVIGATION & RAILROAD COMPANY. First Annual Report, Aug. 1855. Albany, 1855. 80. Pam. v. 256. DESPATCHES of the British Generals, during the Campaign on the Sutlej....the Treaty of peace, etc...London, 1846. 62 p. 8~. Pam. v. 393. DESPAZE, Joseph. The Five Men; or a Review of the proceedings and principles of the Executive Directory in France, together with the Lives of its present members (Letourneur, Rewbell, Lepaux, Barras and Carnot)...London, 1797. vii, 136 p. 8~. Pam. v. 448. DESPERRIPRES, M. Poissonnier. Trait6 des Fi6vres de l'Isle de St. Domingue; avec un Memoire sur les avantages qu'il y aurait a changer la nourriture des gens de mer. Paris, 1780. 311 p. 8~. DESPREZ, Hippolyte. Les Peuples de l'Autriche et de la Turquie. Histoire contemporaine des Illyriens, des Maygars, des Roumains, et des Polonais. Paris, 1850. 2 v. 8~. FIRST SUPPLEMENT. 239 DESSAIX, C. J. E. Thesis Medica: An Medicina ceteris scientiis sit antiquior, nobilior et utilior? 1758. Vesuntione. 20 p. 120. Pam. v. 612. Thesis Medica.... De Digestione. 1758. Vesuntione. 9 p. 12~. Pam. v. 612. DESSAULLES, L. A. Six Lectures sur l'Annexion du Canada aux Etats Unis. Montreal, 1851. 199 p. 120. Pam. v. 503. DE SAUSSURE, Henry William. An Oration, 4 July 1826. Columbia, S.C. 1826. 30 p. 120. Pam. v. 532. DESULTORY REFLECTIONS on' the new political aspects of affairs in the U.S. America since...the commencement of 1799. Parts 1, 2. N. York, 1800. 8~. Pain. v. 2. B. C. DEUTSCHE BILDER KALENDER, 1851. Baltimore. 4~. Alm. v. 42. DE VEATJX COLLEGE. Annual Report to the Legislature, Feb. 10, 1858. Assem. Doc.- Proceedings at the opening.... at Suspension Bridge, 1857; together with the Will of the founder. Buffalo, 1857. 35 p. 8~. Pam. v. 479. DEVENTER, Netherlands. Verslag van Burgemeester en Wethouders aan den raad der gemeente Deventer, omtrent den toestand dier gemeente in, 1851, 52, 53, 54. Deventer, 1851 - 55.- With, Ontwerp van den staat van begrooting van inkomsten en uitgaven van:. 1854.- And, Gemeenteblad van Deventer, N~ 1 - 53, 1852 - 57. In 1 v. 8~. DEVOL (Rev. Charles), M.D. Anti-Universalism, in four lectures... Sandy-Hill, N.Y. 1843. 8~. Pam. v. 267. ---- Revealed Religion Philosophical: a Thanksgiving- Lecture... Albany, Nov. 24, 1853. With, The Biography of a Drop of Water. Albany, 1853. 24 p. 8~. Pam. v. 267. Multum in Parvo: Captivity of the human race...running. history of earth and time... Albany, 1857. 23 p. 8~. 540. DEVON, Eng. The Case of the County of Devon, with. respect to the consequences of the new excise duty on cyder and perry... By Benjamin Heath. London, 1763. 32 p. 4o. Pam. v. 1011. DEVON MEETING, Jan. 16, 1829. [ Catholic Emancipation.] 32 p. 8~. Pam. v. 414. DEWEY ( B.) et al. A True and Concise Narrative of....difficulties. See Dartmouth College, 1815. DEWEY, D. M. History of the strange sounds or rappings heard in Rochester and Western New-York....Rochester, 1850. 79 p. 12~. Pam. v. 563. DEWEYt (Orville), D.D. The Claims of Puritanism. A Sermon, Annual Election....Mass.: Ps. lxxiii, 2, 3. Boston, 1826. 8~. Pain. v. 557. e —-- The Laws of Human progress and Modern reforms: A Lecture, Mere. Lib. Assoc. N.York. New-York, 1852. 8~. Pam. v. 241. DEWEY, William. Suggestions, urging the construction of a railroad from Rome to Watertown and Cape Vincent. (From Black River Journal.) Watertown, N.Y. 1844. 8o. Pam. v. 148. 240 GENERAL LIBRARY. DEWEY, William: Remarks, N.Y. Assembly, March 1854, on the Bill for the suppression of intemperance. 80. Pam. v. 234. DEWHIRST, Rev. E. Discourse..... on the subject of the late Papal encroachment, Zion Chapel. Jersey, Eng. 1850. 80. Pam. v. 347. DE WITTt, Cornelius & Johan. Histoire de la Vie et de la Mort des deux illustres freres:... Enrichie de plusieurs meimoires.. Utrecht, 1709. 2 v. 18~. DEWITT ( Thomas), D.D. A Discourse delivered in the North Reformed Dutch Church...Aug. 1856. New-York...1857. 100 p, 8~. DEXTER ( G.) and NELLEGAR. Catalogue of Philosophical apparatus. Albany, 1842. 8~. Pam. v. 551.- For 1856. 152 p. 8~. Pam. v. 298. DEXTER, Samuel. Reminiscences of Samuel Dexter, originally written for the Boston Evening Transcript. By Sigma, i. e. L. M. Sargent. Boston, 1857. 96 p. 18~. DIALOGUE (A) at Oxford, between a Tutor and a gentleman formerly his pupil, concerning government. London, 1681. 21 p. 40~. Pam. v. 407. DIALOGUE (A) between the Devil and a Socinian divine. Edinburgh, 1791. 32 p. 8~. Pam. v. 316. DIALOGUE concerning Slavery, 1776. See [ Hopkins, S.]. DIALOGUE (A) exhibiting some of the principles and practical consequences of modern infidelity. Preface by R. S. Storrs. Sag-Harbor, 1806. 24 p. 12~. v.Pam. v. 528. DIALOGUE on Devotion, 1733. See [ Amory, T.]. DIARY of the Siege of Londonderry: Life of William III. London, 1702. 142 p. 12~. Pam. v. 233. DIBDINt ( Thomas Frognall), D.D., LL.D., F.R.S.A. See Director. [ --— ] Bibliography; a Poem, in six books. Book I. Signed T.F.D. London, 1812. 24 p. 8~. No titlepage. The Bibliomania, or Book-Madness; containing some account of the history, symptoms and cure of this fatal disease. In an epistle addressed to Richard Heber, esq. London, 1809. 88 p. 8~. Bibliotheca Spenceriana; or a Descriptive Catalogue of the books printed in the fifteenth century, and of many valuable first editions in the library of George John, Earl Spencer, K.G. &c.&c.&c. London, 1814, 15. 4 v. 8~. - Edes Althorpianse; or an Account of the mansion, books and pictures at Althorp, the residence of George John, Earl Spencer. To which is added a Supplement to the Bibliotheca Spenceriana...... London, 1822. 2 v. 8~. A Descriptive Catalogue of the books printed in the fifteenth century, lately forming part of the library of the Duke di Cassano Cerra, and now the property of George John, Earl Spencer; with a general index of authors and editions contained in the present volume, and in the Bibliotheca Spenceriana and LEdes Althorpianve. London, 1823. 1 v. 8~. This and the two preceding titles embrace the Bibliotheca Spenceriana complete. FIR;ST SUPPLEMENT. 241 The Bibliographical Decameron; or Ten Days pleasant discourse upon illuminated manuscripts, and subjects connected with early engraving, typography and bibliography. London, 1817. 411, 537, 546 p. 3 v. 80. A Bibliographical, Antiquarian and Picturesque Tour in France and Germany. Second edition.** London, 1829. 3 v. 8~. ----- Voyage Bibliographique, archeologique et pittoresque en France. Tome I, II: Trad....avec des Notes, par Theod. Licquet....Tome II, II: Trad. par G. A. Crapelet. Paris, 1825. 4 v. 8~. A Bibliographical, Antiquarian and Picturesque Tour in the Northern Counties of England, and in Scotland. London, 1838. xxxvi, 1090 p. in 2 v. 8~. - Sermon, on the Demise of H.R.H. Augustus Frederick, Duke of Sussex. London, 1843. 15 p. 80. Pam. v.470. DICKt (Thomas), D.D. Scientific Tracts, May 1, 1835: General View of the science of astronomy. 24 p. 120. Pam. v. 233. [DICKENSt, Charles]. Memoirs of Joseph Grimaldi. Edited by "Boz". Philadelphia, 1838. 2 v. 12~. DICKIE, George. Typical Forms and Special Ends in Creation. See M'Cosh, J. DICKINSON, Rev. Austin:. Appeal to American Youth on temperance. 120. Pam. v. 629. DICKINsoNt, Daniel S. Speech, N.Y. Senate, on the repeal, with certain limitations, the title of the Revised Statutes, "Of the interest of money". New-York. 30 p. 80. Pam. v. 270. *.- Address to the People of Ireland, 1844. See Albany Democratic Reformer. Speech, U.S. Senate, on the Oregon question. Washington, 1846. 14 p. 80. Pam. v. 487. Acquisition of Territory: Speech, U.S. Senate, Jan. 12, 1848. 7 p. 8~. Pam. v. 486. Sectional Agitation: Speech, U.S. Senate, Jan. 17, 1850, on Mr. Clemens's resolutions. 8 p. 80. Pam. v. 486. ---- ^An Address... Law Department of Hamilton College, July 21, 1858. Utica, 1858. 8~. Pam. v. 286. DICKINSON, Rev. Jonathan. Familiar Letters to a Gentleman, upon a variety of seasonable and important subjects in religion...Boston, Rogers & Fowlc,'I745. 120. imperfect. DICKINSON, Rev. Moses. A Sermon preached at the General Election, Conn., May 8, 1755: 1 Tim. ii, 1, 2. New-London, S. Green, 1755.~ 58 p. 180. Pam. v. 603. Letter, Norwalk, Conn. 1751. See Hobart, N. DICKINSON, Rodolphus. A Geographical and Statistical View of Massachusetts proper. Greenfield, Denio & Phelps, 1813. 80 p. 8~. DICKINSON, William. The Unconstitutional afid Illegal Proceedings of the Pharmaceutical Society. London. 80. Pam. v. 246. [SUPPL.] 31 242 GENERAL LIBRARY. DICKINSON COLLEGE, Pa. Register for 1846-7. Carlisle, Pa. Pam. v. 157.- Catalogue, 1850. Carlisle, 1851. 80. Pam. v. 481. DICKINSON SEMINARY. Tenth Catalogue, 1857. Elmira, N.Y. 1858. Cat. v. 456. DICKSON (John), of N.Y. Speech, U.S. H. of R., May 19, 1834, on the Memorial of 3000 electors of Ontario county, N.Y. 8~. Pam. v. 193. DICKSON (William S.), D.D. A Narrative of the Confinement and Exile of William Steele Dickson, D.D., formerly minister of the Presbyterian congregation of Ballyhalbert and Portaferry in the county of Down, and now of Keady in the county of Armagh.... Dublin, 1812. 371, 118 p. 80. DICTIONARY (A New Pocket) of the English and Danish languages. First Part: English-Danish. Second Part: Danish-English. Leipsic, Tauchnitz (1855). 180. DICTIONARY (A New Pocket) of the English and Dutch languages. English-Dutch; Dutch-English. Leipsic, Tauchnitz (1855). 180. DICTIONARY (A New Pocket) of the English and Russian, and of the Russian and English languages. Leipsic, Tauchnitz (1855). 180~. DICTIONARY (A New Pocket) of the English and Swedish languages. - Andra Delen: Svensk-Engelsk. Leipsic, Tauchnitz (1855). 18~. DICTIONNAIRE DES SCIENCES PHILOSOPHIQUES. Par une Societe de professeurs et de savants sous la direction de M. Ad. Franck. Paris, L. Hachette et Cie, 1844 - 52. 6 v. 8~. DICTIONNAIRE FRANgAIS-ALLEAND-A-ANGLAIS.... a 1' usage des trois fiations. Seconde edition. Leipzig, Brockhaus, I836. Three titlepages. 281, 571, 365 p., in 1 v. sm. 4~. DICTIONNAIRE UNIVERSEL FRANgOIS ET LATIN [vulgairement appelle de Trsvoux]; contenant la signification et la definition tant des mots de l'une et de l'autre description de toutes les choses naturelles et artificielles-... avec des remarques d'erudition et dc critique. Nouvelle ( 3rd) 6dition corrigee..... A Nancy, P. Antoine, 1740. With supplement, Dictionarium Universale LatinoGallicum, Universali Dictionario Gallico-Latino relativum ac plane conciliatum. Nanceii, 1741. 6 v. fo. DIETRICHSENt & HANNAY'S ROYAL ALMANACK, London. 1842, 44, 52, in I v. 80~. DIFFERENCE OF THE CASE, etc. 1686. See [ Clagett, William]. DIFFICULTIES...of the Study of the SS. See [ Hare, Fr.]. DIGESTION (De la) et des Maladies de l'estomac, suivant le systeme de la trituration et du broyement...By -- Hecquet. A Paris..... 1712. 18o. DILEMMAS (The) of a Churchman. London, 1838. 64 p. 8~. No title. Pam. V. 327. DILKE, C. Wentworth. Catalogue of a Collection of Works on or having reference to the exhibition of 1851, in the possession of C Wentworth Dilke. 1855. 116 p. 8~. FIRST SUPPLEMENT. 243 DILLAWAY, C. K. A History of the Grammar School; or " The free schoole of 1645 in Roxburie," with biographical sketches..Boston, 1860. 202 p. 12~. DILLAYE, Stephen D. Letter to the Hon. H. Cobb..New-York, 1858. 16 p. 8~.- Second Letter to the Hon. H. Cobb. N.York, July 28, 1858. 44 p. 8~. Pam. v. 488. DILLON, J. J. Catholic Claims. See Church of Scotland, 1813. DILLON, Wentworth. See Roscommon, Earl of. DILWORTH, Thomas. The Schoolmaster's Assistant: Being a Compendium of Arithmetic... To which is prefixed an essay on the education of youth...New-York, 1802. Imperfect. 194 p. 12~. ---- Dilworth's Calculator. See Stoddard, William. DIMSDALE, Hon. Baron Thomas. Thoughts on General and Partial Inoculation; containing a translation of two the Russian language... Also, outlines of two plans for the general inoculation of the poor...London, 1776. 70 p. 8~. Panm. v. 246. DINSMORE'S ( C.) AMERICAN RAILWAY GUIDE..for the United States. Ed. by R. S. Fisher... New-York, 1852. 18~. DIONYSIUS ( Saint), the Areopagite. Opera Dionysii, veteris et noue translationis, etiam nouissime ipitis Marsilii Ficini cum commentariis Hugonis, Alberti, Thome, Ambrosii oratoris, Linconiensis et Vercellensis. Coleo.... Impressorum Argentine Anno Dni 1502 finitorum in die Vitalis Martyris. fe.- With St.Ignatius's & Polycarp's Epistles in Latin. DIOSDADO (Raymundus), Caballero. De Prima Typographis Hispanicv se tate specimen. Romse, 1793. 134 p. 40~. DIPPLE'S HANDBOOKS. NO 9. The Pig and Poultry keeper's manual. London, 1848. 16 p. 8~. Pam. v. 430. DIRECTOR (The): A Weekly Literary Journal; containing: I, Essays...II, Bibliographiana. By T. F. Dibdin... III, Royal Institution, analyses of the lectures....Iv, British Gallery, description of the principal pictures. N~ 1, Jan. 24- N~ 24, July 4. Lond.,W. Savage, 1807. 2 v. 8~. DIscOURSE... of a New Separation, 1689. See [Stillingileet, E.]. DISCOURsE.. Adoration of the Host, 1685. See [Payne, W.]. DISCOURSE of Communion in one kind, 1687. See [Payne, W.]. DISco URSE.. of the Church of Rome, 1685. See [Stanley, W.]. DISCOURSE (A) about the charge of novelty upon the Reformed Chureh of England, made by the Papists. By G. Hascard, D.D. London, 1685. 34 p. 40. Pam. v. 356. DIscoURSE (A) against profane swearing and cursing.. By W. Assheton, D.D.? Dublin, 1698. 4~. Pam. v. 358. DISCOURSE against purgatory. Also, Discourse against transubstantiation, 1684. See [Tillotson, J.]. DISCOURSE concerning...service, 1685. See [Williams, J.]. ~DIscOURSE (A) concerning a guide in matters of faith, with respect especially to the Romish pretence... By Ab'p..T. Tenison. London, 1683. 43 p. 40. Pam. v. 354. 244 GENERAL LIBRARY. DISCORasE concerning a judge of controversies. See [Sherlock, W.]. DIscouvsE (A) concerning auricular confession.... By John Goodman. London, 1648 (1684?). 56 p. 4~. Pam. v. 354. DISCOuRSE (A) concerning invocation of Saints. London, 1684. 72 p. Pam. v. 356-. Part II, The Texts examined, &c. 233 - 275 p. 40~. By Sam. Freeman, D.D. Imperfect. Pam. v. 357. DIscorpsE (A) concerning Ridicule and Irony in writing, in a letter to the Rev. N. Marshall. By A. Collins. Loud., 1729. 77 p. 8~. Pam. v. 894. DISCOURSE concerning the nature of idolatry. See [Wake, W.]. DIscoURsE concerning the object of religious worship. See [Sherlock, W.], DIscoURSE (A) concerning the priesthood of Jesus Christ, in which then date and order...are distinctly considered. With a preface in vindication of the author of the Ep. to the Hebrews...London, 1747. xxii, 144 p. 8~. Pam. v. 341. DiscousRsE (A) concerning virtue and religion; occasion'd by some late writings. London, 1732. 35 p. 80. Pam. v. 332. DISCOURSE (A) of the danger of governing by one minister.. or of a RPolysynody. By C. I. Castel de St.Pierre. Done into English. London, 1728. xvi, 144 p. 80. Pam. v. DISCOURSE (A) on Providence: Being an essay to prove.... the divine original of the Christian dispensation. Loud., 1747. 46 p. 8~. Pam. v. 333. DISCOURSE (A) on the preparation, preservation, and restoration of malt liquors... By P. C. J. P. London, 1733. 94 p. 12~. DISNEY (John), D.D. Remarks on the Bishop of Lincoln's charge, 1812. Bath, 1812. 55 p. Pam. v. 303. [ — ]. See Address to the Bishops, 1790. -- Sermon, Unitarian Chapel, London: Heb. x, 25. London, 1792. 8~. Pam. v. 316. DISNEY, T. Correspondence between Thomas Disney, esq., and Gen. Lord Hill. London, 1838. 12 p. 80. Pam. v. 416. DISPASSIONATE INQUIRY into Mr. Madison's reasons for declaring war, by a New-England Farmer. By John Lowell. Boston, 1812. 80. Pam. v. 3, 38. B. C. DISPUTATION (A) concerning church-members and their children, in answer to xxi questions; wherein the state of such children when adult, together with their duty towards the church, and the churches duty towards them is discussed, by an Assembly of Divines meeting at Boston in New-England, June 4, 1657. Now published by a Lover of Truth. London, 1659. viii, 31 p. sm. 4~. DISPUTE (The) A:DJUSTED, about the proper time of applying for a repeal of the Corporation and Test acts; by shewing that no time is proper. London, 1732. 18 p. 8~. Pam. v. 318. DISRAELIt, B. The Crisis examined. London, 1834. 31 p. 80. Pam. v. 416. FIRST SUPPLEMENT. 245 D'ISRAELIt, Isaac. Quarrels of Authors; or Some Memoirs for our literary history, including specimens of controversy, to the Reign of Elizabeth....*** New-York..1814. 2 v. in 1. 12~.....- The Genius of Judaism. Second edition. London, 1833. 120. DISSENT (A) from the Church of England, fully justified....being the dissenting gentleman's three letters and postscript in answer to Mr. John White...4th edition. By Rev. Michaiah Towgood. Boston, 1768. 324 p. 180. See also Dissenting, etc. DISSENTERS: TO the Queen. The Humble Supplication of certain of Her Majesty's faithful and peaceable subjects, called Dissenters... 2d edition. London, 1714. 80. Pam. v. 318. ---- Statement of the Case of the Protestant dissenters under the corporation and test acts. Pub. for the United Committee. London, 1827. 16 p. 8~. Pam. v. 320. DISSENTERS (The) APOLOGY; or their principles and conduct justified from the... censures... by the Editor of Dr. Warren's sermons... London, 1739. 48 p. 80. Pam. v. 319. DISSENTERS (The) Claim of right to a capacity for civil offices. By Charles Owen, D.D. London, 1717. 39 p. Pam. v. 318. DISSENTING (The) GENTLEMAN'S ANSWER to the Reverend Mr. John White's Three Letters [1745]; in which a separation from the establishment is fully justified....Two Letters, by Rev. Michaiah Towgood. The fourth edition. New-York, Parker, 1748. 64 p. 40. See also Dissent, etc. DISSERTATION against pronouncing... the accents. 1755. See [Gally, H.]. DISSERTATION (A) in Answer to a Blasphemous Letter concerning the Fall of man and the Coming of Christ. London, 1723. 143 p. 8~. Pam. v. 332. DISSERTATION (A) on the Demoniacs in the Gospels. London, 1775. 63 p. 80. Pam. v. 301. DISSERTATION (A) on the Millennium. London, 1772. 45 p. 80. Pam. v. 310. DISSERTATION (A) on the Political Union and Constitution of the thirteen United States of -North America. By a Citizen of Philadelphia; i. e. P. ~Webster. Phil'a, T. Bradford, 1783. 47 p. 80, DISSERTATION (A) upon the Account supposed to have been given of Jesus Christ by Josephus...By Nathaniel Forster. Oxford, 1749. 65 p. 8~. Pam. v. 335. DISSERTATIONS on the Grand Dispute between Great Britain and America. (London, 1774.) 10 p. 12~. DIssuASIVE (A) from entering into Holy Orders, in a letter to a young gentleman. London, 1732. 57 p. 8~. Pam. v. 336. DISTURBANCES (On the) in South America. London, 1830. 63 p. 8~. W. C. 632. DISTURNELL'St United States National Register. New-York, 1852. 12~. Alm. v. 31. 246 GENERAL LIBRARY. DISTURNELIL'S American and European Railway and Steamship Guide.... New-York, 1851. 12~. - Railroad, Steamboat and Telegraph Book; being a Guide through the United States and Canada.. Jan. 1851; Aug. 1853. New-York. 2 v. 180~.-...R.R. & Steamship Guide, March 1856; March 1858. New-York. 2 v. sm. 40. 4 v. ---- New-York State Register for. 1858... With, The National Register. New-York, 1858. 394 p. 12~. DISUNION CONVENTION. Proceedings of the State Disunion Convention, held at Worcester, Massachusetts, Jan. 55, 1857. Boston, 1857. 60, 19 p. 80. Pam. v. 560. DIVEN, Alexander S. Speech, N.Y. Senate, on the Kansas resolutions, Jan. 12, 1858. 15 p. 8~. Pam. v. 561. DIVINE RECTITUDE; or a Brief Inquiry concerning the Moral Perfections of the Deity...** By Rev. John Balguy. London,:1730. 62 p. 8~. Pam. v. 299. DIxt, Dorothy L. Remarks on Prisons and Prison discipline in the United States. 2d ed., from 1st Boston edition.*** Philadelphia, 1845. 108 p. 8~. Memorial soliciting a State Hospital for the insane.... to the Legislature of Pennsylvania. Phil'a, 1845. 52 p. 8~. Pam. v. 510. Memorial, praying a grant of land for the relief and support of the indigent curable and incurable insane, in the United States. Sen. Document, June 27, 1848. 8~. Pam. v. 165. DIxt ( John A.), of N.Y. [A Collection of his Speeches in the United States Senate]. Washington. In 1 v. 80. Contents: On, the Warehouse bill: June 19, 1846. Remarks on the Warehouse bill: July 9, 1846. 23 p. On Indemnity for French spoliations prior to 1800: 1846. 16 p. On the Oregon joint occupancy question: Feb. 18, 19, 1846. 22 p. On a Territorial Government for Oregon: June 26, 1846. 14 p. And in Pam. v. 193. On the Three-million bill: Mar. 1, 1847. 15 p. On the.... sending a Minister to the Papal States: 1848. 7 p. On the War with Mexico: 1848. 15 p. On the Bill to appoint a Lieutenant-General: 1847. 7 p. On the bill to establish Governments in the territories: i848. 14 p.. And in Pam. v. 193. In favor of reciprocal trade with Canada: 1849. 14 p. In relation to territories acquired from Mexico: 1849. 14 p. Grand Mass Meeting of the Democracy, New-York, Mar. 4, 1857: Speech of J. A. D., chairman. Address delivered before the Alpha Phi Delta and Euglossian Societies of Geneva College. Albany, 1839. 80. Pam. v. 204. Communication to Select Committee of N.Y. Senate, 1857. See Trinity Church Pam. v. 4. Speech. See Mississippi an-l Missouri R.R.C., 1856. DIXON, B. Homer'. Surnames. For private distribution. Boston, 1857. xxxi, 86 p. 8~. FIRST SUPPLEMENT. 247 DIxoNt (James), of Conn. Speech, U.S. H. of R., January 2, 1858: Texas and Mexico. Washington, 1848. 32 p. Pam. v. 486. ---- Speech, U.S. H. of R., Jan. 24,1848, on reference of the President's Message. Pam. v. 206. Speech, U.S. Senate, Feb. 9, 1858, on Kansas affairs. 15 p. 8~. Pam. v. 561. DIXON, Joshua. Scriptural Examinations on the Church Catechism.. Revised by G. A. Smith. Philadelphia, 1845. 180~. DJPAMAL-EDDIN MOHAMMED, connu sous le nom d'Ebn-Malec. Alfiyya, ou la Quintessence de la Grammaire Arabe. Publie en original, avec un Commentaire par le Bon Silvestre de Sacy. Paris, 1833. 80~. Do NOT BE DUPED! A Letter of Counsel to the laboring classes, on the No Popery movement. Signed, An English Priest. Newcastle, Eng., 1850. 20 p. 120. Pam. v. 347. Do STATES, like individuals, tend inevitably, after a period of maturity, to dissolution? London (1830?). 39 p. 8~. Pam. v. 415. D)ANEt ( George W.), D.D., LL.D., Bishop. Two Sermons: Dom. & For. Miss. Society, 1830.-With, Sermon, Consecration of Rt. Rev. J. Kemper. Burlington, N.J. 1835. See Prot. Epis. Ch. Board of Missions. Sermon, Commemoration of William White, D.D., Bishop. TWith appendix. Burlington, 1836. 8~. Pam. v. 554. ---- Episcopal Address to the Annual Convention of the Diocese of New-Jersey, May 30, 1838. Burlington, 1838. 8~. Pam. v. 203. The Glorious Things of the City of God: The First Sermon in St.Mary's Church, Burlington, after a brief pilgrimage to the Ch. of England. Burlington, 1842. 80. Pam. v. 213. America and Great Britain: The Address, at Burlington College, on the seventy-second anniversary of American Independence, July 4, 1848. Burlington, 1848. 8~. Pam. v. 286. The Ends and Objects of Burlington College: An Address introductory to a Course of Lectures. 3d edition. Burlington, 1848. 80. Pain. v. 286. The Gospel in the Church, triumphant everywhere: The Jubilee Sermon, in St.Mary's Church, Burlington, N.J., on Sunday, 22d June 1851. Philadelphia, 1851. 80. Pam. v. 288. A the Clergy and Laity of his diocese. Philadelphia, 1852. 12 p. 8~. Pam. v. 543. The Argument of the Bishop in reply to the paper read before the Court of Bishops, Oct. 1852....Newark, N.J., 1852.: 16 p. 8~. Pam. v. 543. The Church Aggressive: The Triennial Sermon before the Associated Alumni of the General Theological Seminary. New-York, 1853. 80. Pam. v. 213. Organizations dangerous to Free Institutions: The Address at Burlington College, July 4, 1855. Phil'a, 1855. 80. Pam. v. 286. DoBBst, A. See Letter from a Russian officer. 248 GENERAL LIBRARY. DOCEN, B. J. Ueber die Ursachen der Feortdauer die Lateinischen Sprache seit dem Untergange des Abendlandischen Romer-Reichs.1815. 35 p. See Koenig. Baier. Ak. Reden, v. 4. DOCTRINAL TRACT AND BOOK SOCIETY. 22d Report. Boston, 1851. 120. Pam. v. 627. — 24th Report. Boston, 1853. Pam. v. 297. DOCTRINE OF DIVORCE. Signed, Agonistes. Albany, Feb. 7, 1857. 37 p. 8~. Pam. v. 226, 528. DOCTRINE (The) of a Trinity and the incarnation of God examined upon the principles of reason and common sense.......By Edward Evanson. London, 1772. 188 p. 80. Pam. v. 31. DOCTRINE (The) of the Trinity as it stands deduced by the light of reason...Also, a Postscript. on the writings of Justin Martyr and Irenseus. London, 1768. 139 p. 80. Pam. v. 312. DOCTRINES Of the Church of Rome, 1686. See [ Stillingfleet, E.]. DOCUMENTS relating to the conveyance of land, &c. on Long-Island. New-York, Bell & Gould, 1850. 24 p. 80. Pam. v. 492. DODD, Philip. Sermons before the Lord Mayor, Feb. 25, 1807, Fastday: 1 Macc. iii, 18-22. London. 40; May 31, 1807: Matt. v, 33-37. London. 40; Sept. 29, 1807 ~,Phil. iv, 8. Lond. 40. Pam. v. 1009. DODDRIDGEt (Philip), D.D. The Miscellaneous Works. With an introductory essay by the Rev. T. Morell..London, 1830. roy. 8~. [Writings of:] in 1 v. 80. Contents:.. Of Persecution, a Sermon: Luke ix, 55, 56. London, 1736... Of neglecting the souls of men; a Sermon at Kettering, 1741: Prov. xxiv, 11, 12. London, 1742. The Perspicuity and Solidity of those Evidences of Christianity to which the generality of its professors among us may attain.... in a Letter to the Author of "Christianity not founded on argument". London, 1808. 62 p.- A Second Letter...London, 1743. 60 p.- A Third Letter...London, 1743. 72 p. Christian Candour and Unanimity.... urged, in a Sermon preached at a meeting of ministers: Phil. ii, 1, 2. London, 1750. The Restoration of Family Worship recommended, in two discourses.... With, An Address to his parishioners, by J. Brewster.... London, 1804. 40 p. Some Remarkable Passages in the Life of the Hon. Col. James Gardiner. With a sermon occasioned by his death. 3d edition. Boston, 1748. 157 p. 120. Title wanting. A Plain and Serious Address to the master of a family....Reprinted in Danbury, Conn. 1791. 120. Pam. v. 603. DODDRIDGE (P.), of Virginia. Speech, U.S. H. of R.: Case of S. Houston charged with contempt of the House, May 9, 1832. S~. Pam. v. 193. DODGE (Augustus C.), of Iowa. Speech, U.S. Sen., on Nebraska and Kansas, Feb. 25, 1854. 15 p. 80. Pam. v. 561. [DODSLEYt, Robert]. See CEconomy of Human Life, 1751. DODSON, Rev. Joseph. Moderation and Charity: Sermon, Dissenting Ministers: 2 Tim. ii, 24. London, 1720. 80. Pam. v. 367. FIRST SUPPLEMENT.:249 DODSWORTH, William. Romanism successfully opposed only on Catholic principles: a sermon: Phil. i, 10. 2d ed. Lond., 1839. 8~. Pam. v. 380. DODWELL (William), D.D. A Free Answer to Dr. Middleton's Inquiry into the miraculous powers of the primitive church. In a letter... London, 1749. 142 p. 80. Pam. v. 350. Sermon: Assizes, Human laws: Rom. xiii, 3. Oxford, 1750. 8~. Pam. v. 370. Catalogue of Early Christian Writers. See Cleaver, W. DCELLINGER, Ignaz. Von den Fortschritten, welche die Physiologie seit Haller gemacht hat, 1824. 24 p.- Bericht von dem neuerbauten anatomischen Theater der K. Akademie. Miinchen, 1826. 16 p. 3 plates.' See Keen. Baier. Ak. Reden. v. 4. Die Baukunst und ihre Bedeutung im Staate, erlautert durch die Naturkunde, 1833. 24 p. See Kaen. Baier. Ak. Reden, v. 5. D(EVEREN, PM. Prof. Van. Observations Physico-medicales sur les Vers, qui se forment dans les intestins..Ou l'on traite particulierement du Taenia... A Lyon..1764. 18~. DoISY, M. Essai de Bibliologie Militaire..*. Paris, 1824. 124 p. 80. See Nodier, C., Mblanges. DOLET, Etienne. Vie d'fR. Dolet, Imprimeur a Lyon dans le seizieme siecle, avec une notice des libraires et imprimeurs auteurs... By J. F. Nee de la Rochelle. Paris, 1779. viii, 205 p. 120. DOLMAN'S Catalogues. Rom. Cath. Lit. London. Cat. v. 15, 17, 19. DOLPHIN ( The) or Grand Junction nuisance: proving that 7000 families in Westminster.. are supplied with water in a state offensive.. London, 1827. 104 p. 8~. Pam. v. 404. DONATUS, Aelius. Donati editio minor, cum Remigii gramatici optimi et vetustissimi expositione lucida et fertile dudum edita sed per paucis cognita. Iam in florentissimo Coloniensi studio denuo reperta. Colophon. Impressum Liptzk per me Melchior-Lotter.-n. d. about 1494. 39 leaves. 4~. [DoNCKt, A. Van Der]. See Vertoogh van Nieu-Nederland. -- Description of the New-Netherlands, 1656. Trans. See N.Y. Hist. Soc. Coll. S. 2. v. 1. [] —— ]. Remonstrance of New-Netherland, and the occurrences there. Addressed to the High and Mighty Lords States-General of the United Netherlands, on the 28th July 1649. With Secretary Van Tienhoven's Answer. Translated from a copy of the original Dutch MS. By E. B. O'Callaghan, M.D. Albany, Weed, Parsons & Company, 1856. 40~. DONELSON, A. J. Life of. See Fillmore, M. DONNANT, D. F. Statistical Account of the United States of America... Trans. from the French by W. Playfair, with an addition on the trade to America.'.Illustrated by a Divided Circle...London, 1805. 72 p. 8o. DONNELLY (Ignatius), esq. Minnesota: Address, Broadway House, New-York, 1857. 15 p. 8~. Pam. v. 500. [ SUPPL.] 32 250 GENERAL LIBRARY. DOOLITTLE (James R.), Wisconsin. Speech, U.S. Senate, on. the Lecompton Constitution, Mar. 4, 8,1858. 16 p. 8~. Pam. v. 561. DORANt, Dr. John. The History of Court Fools. London, 1858. 12~. DORAT, Jean. Poematia, 1586. See Auratus, J. DORaHESTERt, Mass. Annual Reports of the School Committee for, 1845, 47, 48, 50, 51, 52, 55. Boston. Pam. v. 192.- For 1857. Boston. 80. Pam. v. 552.- Regulations, 1854. Pam. v. 192. 13th, 16th, 17th Report of Receipts and Expenditures.... the finances of the town. Boston, 1851, 54, 55. Pam. v. 192.- 18th Report of Receipts, &c. Boston, 1856. 48 p. 8o. Pam. v. 476. The Taxable Valuation of the polls and real estates... and tax for 1850. Boston, 1850.:119 p. 8~. Pam. v. 476.- The same, for 1855. Boston, 1855. 80. Pam. v. 225. Ru- les..:and Regulations of the Board of Health. Dorchester, 1855.. Pam. v. 192. DORCHESTERt ANTIQUAR IAN AND HISTORICAL SOCIETY. History of the town of Dorchester, Mass. By a committee of:.. Boston, 1859. xii, 672 p. 80. DORt. By a Stroller in Europe***. New-York..1857. 120. DORE, Rev. James. Sermons on Baptism. 2d edition. London, Palmer, -1829. 48 p. 80. - Pam. v. 314. DoRRt (Benjamin), D.D. Notes of Travel in Egypt, the Holy Land, Turkey and Greece. Philadelphia...1856. 120. -- An Historical Account of Christ Church, Philadelphia, 1695 - 1841. Philadelphia, 1859. 430 p. 120. DoRR (James A.), esq. Justice to the South! An Address, Oct. 8, 1856. New-York. 12 p. 80. Pam. v. 241, 560. DORRINGTON, Theoph. Sermon, Univ. of Oxford, Ap. 8, 1711: Matt. iv, 10. Oxford, 1712. 80. Pam. v. 365. DORTSMA, Paulus. Het Aanweesen en bestaan der Naam-Remonstranten...Gravenhaage..1772. xxiv, 92 p, 80~. Pam. v. 109. DOUBOURG, Rev. J. Huen. Life of the Cardinal De Cheverus, Archbishop of Bordeaux. Translated from the French by Robert M. Walsh. Philadelphia, 1839. 12~. DOUBTS concerning the Roman Infallibility. By Dr. Maurice..Lond., 1688. 39 p. 40. Pam. v. 1004. DoUCE, F. Catalogue -of the printed books and manuscripts bequeathed the Bodleian Library. Oxford, 1840. 311, 90 p. in 1 v. f~. DOUGLASt, Sir Howard. Speech..on Lord Ingestre's motion for... trial of Mr. Warner's alleged discoveries. London, 1846. 58 p. 8~. Pam. v. 416. DOUGLAS (James), of Cavers. Popery and Infidelity. Edinburgh, 1852. 59 p. 12~. DOUGLAS (John). Bp. Select Works of:...with a biographical memoir. By his lordship's nephew, the Rev. W. Macdonald. Salisbury, 1820. 579 p. gr. 4~. FIRST SUPPLEMENT. 251 DOUGLAS, R. K. Brief Considerations on the income tax and tariff reform..'. Birmingham, 1842. 32, iv p. 80. 8Pam. v. 425. DOUGLASt ( Stephen A.), of Illinois. [ A Collection of his Speeches in the U.S. Senate, &c.] in 1 v. 8~. Contents: Speech in Chicago, on the measures of adjustment, Oct. 23, 1850. 16 p. In Reply to Senators Clayton and Butler, on the Clayton-Bulwer Treaty on Central America...Mar. 10, 17, 1853. 39 p. On the Monroe doctrine: Feb. 14, 1853. 16 p. On the Nebraska territory: Jan. 30, 1854. 15 p. On Nebraska and Kansas: Mar. 3, 1854. 30 p. ( Also in Pam. v. 206.) On the President's Message; Kanhas -Lecompton Convention: December 9, 1857. 15 p. Against the Admission of Kansas under the Lecompton Constitution: Mar. 22, 1858. 30 p. On the Pacific Railroad bill:~ Apr. 17, 1858.;. Report: The Committee on Territories... relative to the affairs of Kansas. Sen. Document Mar. 12, 1856. See U. States, Kansas. ----- Constitution of Kansas. Minority Report, in the Senate of the United States (1858). 24 p. 80. Pam. v. 561. DOUGLAS, William. Sermon, Anniv. Sons of the Clergy, 1811: James i, 27. London, 1811.4~. Pam. v. 1010. DOUGLASS ( D. B.), LL.D. Further statement of facts and circumstances connected with the removal of the author from the presidency of Kenyon College. Albany, 1845. 8~. Pam. v. 269. DovE ( Henry), D.D. Sermon, House of Commons, Nov. 5, 1680': Ps. hiv, 9, 10. London, 1680. 40. Pam. v. 359. Sermon, before the Lord Mayor: Tit. iii, 1. London, 1682. 4~. Pam. v. 360. DOVEt, Prof. H. W. Meteorological Reports, 1848 - 57. See Prussia. DOVE, John. A Creed founded on truth and common sense, with some strictures on the origin of our ideas... With... an appendix to the Rev. Dr. Foster. London, 1750. xvi, 140p. 80~. Pam. v. 337. Dow, Rev. Daniel. New-Haven Theology,. alias Taylorism, alias Neology; in its own language, with notes appended. Thompson, Conn. 1834. 56 p. 80. Pamn. v. 295. Dow (Joseph), A.M. An Historical Address, delivered at Hampton, New-Hampshire, on the 25th of Dec. 1838, in commemoration of the settlement of that town... Concord..1839. 44 p. 8~. Dow (Moses), A.M. A' Sermon preached at- Beverly, Aug. 20, 1812, the day of the National Fast, on account of War with Great Britain...Salem, 1813. 80. Pam. v. 105. DOWLER (Bennet), M.D. History of the gigantic headed boy of Georgia...New-Orleans, 1857. 8 p. 8~. Pam. v. 516. DOWNES (Henry), Bp. The Excellence of public charity; a Sermon: Ps. cxii, 9, 10, Univ. of Oxford, 1697. London. 4~. Pam. v. 1005. -- Sermon, Assizes, Jul. 13,1708: 1 Tim. i, 8. Lond. Pam. v. 364. DOWNES, Rev. John. Methodism examined and exposed.... a Discourse: Acts xx, 28-30. London, 1759. 106 p. 80. Pam. v.. 314. 252 GENERAL LIBRARY. DOWNFALL (The) of Despotism...showing...the invasion of Britain and the reign of liberty in the New World. London, Nisbet, 1853. 32 p. 80. Pam. v. 310. DOWNINGt, A. J. A Treatise on the Theory and Practice of Landscape Gardening, adapted to North America.... with Remarks on rural architecture. 6th edition, with a H. W. Sargent. New-York, 1859. 576 p. 8~. DOWNING, Sir George. A Discourse.... vindicating his Royal Master from the insolences of a scandalous libel printed under the title of [An Extract out of the Register of the States Gencral of the United Provinces, upon the Memorial of Sir George Downing, Envoy, &c.].... London, 1672. 171 p. 180. DOWNING, Rev. Joshua W. Remains of:... With a brief memoir.~** Ed. by Elijah H. Downing...New-York, 1842. 329 p. 120. DOWSE INSTITUTE. Organization of the Dowse Institute.. Cambridge, 1858. 9 p. 8~. Portrait. Pam. v. 513. DOYLE, John. Catalogue..,. of books.... for sale. New-York, 1848. 240 p. 8~. Cat. v. 31, 79. Also, B. C.- 1850, Cat. v. 44. D'OYLY, Rev. George. Two Discourses...on the Doctrine of a particular providence and on modern Unitarianism. Cambridge, 1811. 86 p. 8~. Pam. v. 398. Letters to... Sir W. Drummond, relating to his observations on parts of the Old Testament.. London, 1812. 72 p. 8~. Pam. v. 335. The Life of William Sancroft, Archbishop of Canterbury.... With.... Fur Pramdestinatus, Modern. Policies, and Three Sermons. Also a Life of the learned Henry Wharton, and Two Letters of Dr. Sanderson...London, 1821. 2 v. 8~. -Sermon, Anniv. Sons of the Clergy, 1823: Lu. x, 7. —Appendix. London, 1824. 4~. Pam. v. 1010. DozXt, R. P. A. Scriptorum Arabum loci de Abbadidis, nunc primum editi a: V. I, II. Lugd. Bat. 1846, 52. xii, 431, 289 p. 4~. DRAKEt, Benjamin. The Life and Adventures of Black Hawk; with Sketches of Keokuk, the Sac and Fox Indians, and the late Black Hawk War. 7th edition, improved. Cincinnati, 1850. 12~. --- and E.D. MANSFIELD. Cincinnati in 1826. Cincinnati, 1827. 100 p. 120. DRAKEt, Sir Francis. Logbook, 1595 - 96. See Kunstmann, F. Sir Francis Drake revived. Who is or may be a pattern to stirre up all heroicke and active spirits.... Being a summary and true relation of foure severall voyages made by the said Sir Francis Drake to the West Indies.... Collected out of the notes of the said Sir Francis Drake; Master Philip Nichols, Master Francis Fletcher, preachers, and the notes of divers other gentlemen.. London, 1653. vi, 87 p.- With, The World encompassed by Sir Francis Drake. Offered now at last to publique view, both for the honour of the actor, etc.... Collected out of the notes of Master Francis Fletcher, preacher in this employment....Printed at London, 1652. 108 p.And, A Summarie and True Discourse of Sir Francis Drake's West Indian voyage. Accompanied with Christopher Carleill, Martin Frobisher, Francis Knollis, and many other captains and gentlemen....London, 1652. 60 p. In 1 v. sinm. 4~. FIRST SUPPLEMENT. 253 DRAKE, J. Rodman. The Culprit Fay. See Willis, N. P., Rococo. DRAKE, Morgan L. Lake Superior Railroad: Letter to the Hon. Lewis Cass. Pontiac, Mich. 1853. 27 p. 8~. Pam. v. 571. DRAKE, Rev. Samuel. Concio ad Clerum: 7 Jul. 1724. Cantab. Eng. 40. Pam. v. 1005. DRAKEt, Samuel G. Address, New-England Historical and Genealogical Society, Jan. 10, 1858. Boston, 1858. 8~. Pam. v. 286. DRAPER'S (Miss.) SEMINARY, Hartford, Conn. Catalogue, 1842. 8~. Pam. v. 460. DRAPERt (John W.), M.D. Introductory Lecture to a Course of chemistry and natural philosophy. Hampden Sidney College. Richmond, Va. 1836. 8~. Pam. v. 89. The Indebtedness of the City of New-York to its University: An Address to the Alumni..... at their Twenty-first Anniversary. New-York, 1853. 80. Pam. v. 100. Petition of the Med. Faculty of the Univ. of the City of N.Y., to the Sen. and Assem. of N.Y., for the legalization of anatomy. Also, a Lecture, entitled An Appeal to the People of the State of N.Y., to legalize the dissection of the dead. New-York, 1853. 80. Pam. v. 89, 210. DRAPER, Lyman C. Madison.... Wisconsin: its growth, progress, condition... Madison, 1857. 48 p. 80. Pam. v. 565. DRAPER (W. H.) and Hon. R. E. CARON. Correspondence between:.and between R. E. Caron and L. H. Lafontaine and A.N. Morin.. Montreal, 1846. 36 p..8. Pam. v. 503. DREAM (The) that had a great deal of truth in it; or a Few Hints to churchgoers. By E. M. London, 1847. 24 p. 120. Pam. v. 339. DREUILLETTEt, Pere G. Journal: Trans. by J. G. Shea. See N.York Hist. Soc. Collections, S. 2, v. 3. DREW, Benjamin. A North Side View of Slavery.- The Refugee, or the Narrative of fugitive slaves in Canada, related by themselves; with an Account of the history and condition of the colored population of Upper Canada. Boston..1856. 120. [DREW, Capt. Edward]. See Letter to a young officer, 1778. DREWt, S. Life, Character, and Literary Labours of Samuel Drew, A.M., by.his eldest son. New-York, 1835. Repr. 363 p. 120. DREYSS, Ch. Chronologie Universelle; suivie de la Liste des grands etats anciens et modernes.... 2me edition. ( Duruy, Histoire univ.) Paris, 1858. 12~. DRIESSEN, Ant. Evangelische -Zedekunde.... Utrecht, 1717. 180.....Predicatien.. Amsterdam, 1731. 4~. DRUMMOND, Bp. Robert. Sermon, Yearly Meeting schools, 1753. London. See Soc. Pro. Chr. Knowledge. - Sermon, H. of Lords, Fast day, February 16, 1759. London.Sermon, Coronation of George III and Queen Charlotte, Sept. 22, 1761. London, 1761. 40~. Pam. v. 1007. DRUMMOND, William. Poetical Works. Edited by W. B. Turnbull. London, J. R. Smith, 1856. 1]8~. 254 GENERAL LIBRARY. DRUMMOND (The) SCHISM examined and exposed. By a Layman of the church. Edinburgh, 1842. 32 p. 80. Pam. v. 306. [DRYDENt, John]. The Medall: A Satyre against sedition..By the Authour of Absalom and Achitophel.*** London, 1682. xii, 20 p. 4~. Pam. v. 1012. [)DUANE,. James]. See New-York: Colony, State of the Right, 1773. Cat. 1855. DUANEt (William), Lt. Col. U;S.A. A Military Dictionary; or Explanation of the several: systems of discipline of different kinds of troops.. comprising the Pocket Gunner.... Philadelphia..1810.8~. [ —— ] See Two Americas, 1824. Cat. 1855. DUANE, William. Canada and the Continental Congress, delivered before the Hist. Soc. of Pennsylvania....Philadelphia, 1850. 20 p, 8~0. Pam. v. 504. DUBLINt (The) ALMANAC and General Register of Ireland for.-.1837...Dublin. 712 p. 80~ DUBLIN, N.H. The History of Dublin, N.H.; containing the Address by C. Mason, and the Proceedings of the Centennial Celebration, June 17, 1852; with a register of families. By Levi W. Leonard. Boston, 1855. 433 p. 8~. DUBLIN NAVAL and MILITARY BIBLE SOCIETY. Report,, 5th Anniversary, 1824. Dublin, 1824. 80. Pam. v. 467. DUBLINt REVIEW. Vol. 39 - 45: July 1855 - Dec. 1858. London. 7 v. 8~. DUBLIN SOCIETY'S Weekly Observations. Vol. I. Dublin, 1739. 347 p. 18~. DUBLINt UNIVERSITY MAGAZINE. Vol. 45 - 53 Jan. 1855 - June 1859. London and Dublin. 9 v. 80. Du Bosc, Pierre. Leerredenen over den Brief van den H. Paulus aan de Efezeren.. Utrecht, 1775 - 86. 3 v. 8~. DUBUFE, C. M. Exhibition of Paintings at the Academy of Fine Arts. By Dubufe, Whichelo and Giraud. New-York. 80. Pam. v. 499. DUBUQUE and PACIFIC RAILROAD. Report given by G. A. Mix.... of the exploration of the proposed route. Dubuque, 1855. 8 p. 8~. Pam. v. 571. DUCANGE, Victor. Calas, Drame..1819. Paris, 1834. 80. Pam. v. 534. DUcPrTIAUXft, Ed. On Mlendicity: A translation, 1834. See Brenton, E. P. Colonies agricoles, etc. pour les indigents. See Belgium. See Belgium: Humane institutions, 1850 - 52; Prisons. DUDEVANTt, Amantine L. A. D. (GeorgesSand). Lucrezia Floriani. kLBruxelles, 1840. 180. M- ont-Reveche, 1853. 1 v.-Adriani, 1854. 1 v. By Georges Sand. New-York, Semaine Litteraire. In l v. 8~. DUDLEY, Rev. John. Sermon, delivered at Quebec village, Thanksgiving day, Nov. 27, 1845. -Woodstock, Vt. 1845. 8~. Pam. v. 80. FIRST SUPPLEMENT. 255 DUDLEY, J. G. Cotton: A Paperon the growth, trade and manufacture of cotton. Prepared at the request of the New-York Historical Society...New-York, 1853. 96 p. 8~. Pam. v. 272. DUDLEY OBSERVATORY. Inauguration of the Dudley Observatory, at Albany, Aug. 28, 1856. With Poem by Alfred B. Street. Albany, 1856. 139 p. 8~. Also in Pam. v. 255. - [A Collection] in 2 v. 8~0. Contents: VOL. 1. Dudley Observatory: Meeting of Board of Underwriters, &c., Chamber of Commerce, New-York city, 1856. 10 p. 8~. -- Inauguration of the Dudley Observatory. 2d edition. Albany, 1858. 100 p. Speeches of J. N. Wilder and T. W. Olcott, June 1858, before' the Trustees; with the Resolutions of the Board. Albany, 1858. 28 p. Who withholds co-operation? Correspondence between the officers of the Board of Trustees... and the Director... Albany, N.Y. 1858. 53 p. An Address to the Citizens of Albany and the donors and friends of the Dudley Observatory, on the recent proceedings of the Trustees; from the committee of citizens appointed at a public meeting held in Albany, 13 July 1858. Albany. 32 p. Defence of Dr. Gould, by the Scientific Council of the Dudley Observatory. Albany, 1858. 91 p. - The same. 2d edition. 91 p.- The same. 3d edition. 93 p. ---- The Dudley Observatory and the Scientific Council: Statement of the Trustees. Albany, 1858. 173 p. VOL.2. Specimens of the garblings of letters by the majority of the Trustees of the Dudley Observatory. Signed, B. A. Gould jr. Albany, 1858. 19 p. - Reply to the "Statement of the Trustees" of the Dudley Observatory. By Benjamin A. Gould jr. Albany, 1859. 366 p. --- A Letter to the Majority of the Trustees of the Dudley Observatory. Signed, Observer. 1858. 14 p. --- A Key to the " Trustees' Statement": Letters to the Majority of the Trustees of the Dudley Observatory... By G. H1. Thacher. 1858. 126 p. - Nebular Hypothesis; or General Theory of the Dudley Observatory in the abstract. Signed, Herschel. Albany, 1858. 12 p. -- — The Coast Survey: By One who has examined the public documents. From the New-York Times. 18 p. The Coast Survey: Reply to the Official Defence of its cost, abusss and power. Prom the N. Y. Times. Signed, B. B. 1858. 36 p. [A Collection of 250 cuttings from newspapers respecting matters in controversy, 1857, 58]. In 1 v. 8~. DUERt, John. An Introductory Lecture on... our party divisions and the prevalence of party spirit: Mere. Library Association, Feb. 2, 1841. New-York., 1841. 80. Pam. v. 241. DUER (William), of N.Y. Speech, U.S. H. of R., on the Origin of the War with Mexico. Washington, 1848. 14 p.- Remarks, U.S. H. of R., on the Prohibition of slavery in the newly acquired territories. Washington, 1848. 15 p. Pam. v. 486. Speech, U.S. H. of R., April 10, 1850: The Territorial question of California.- Speech, Aug. 6, 1850: Texas and New-Mexico.... Pam. v. 193. 256 GENERAL LIBRARY. Du FAIL, Noel. Discours d'aucuns propos rustiques, facecieux, et de singuliere recreation; ou les Ruses et finesses de Ragot, Capitaine des Gueux, &c. Par Leon Ladulfi (Noel Du Fail), Seigneur de la Herissaye, Gentilhomme Breton. Paris, 1732. 18~. DuIM, Fredrik. Zedige Aanmerkingen op de Leer-reden, en Aanspraake van den eerwaarden H. Pieter Smith, Leeraar der doopsgezinde gemeente...1738. Amsterdam. 48 p. 18%. Pam. v. 633. [DULANEY, Daniel]. See Considerations on...taxing, 1765. N.York. Also in Cat. 1855. Du LIGNON, Abraham. Deborah Moderne, ou la Hollande consolee: Sermon.... par A. du L., Pasteur de l'Eglise Walonne du Tournai. Amsterdam, 1752. 56 p. 80. Pam. v. 109. DUMAINE, J. Librairie Militaire, Catalogue. Paris, 1846. 80. Pam. v. 102.- 1848, Cat. v. 32. DUMASt (Alexandre) Davy de la Pailleterie. Vingt Ans apres, ou Les Trois Mousquetaires sous Mazarin. New-York, Semaine Litteraire, 1846. 8~. Le Comte de Monte-Christo. New-York, Sem. Litt. 1846. 80. ---- Les Trois Mousquetaires. New-York, Sem. Litt. 1846. 8~. Les Qnarante-cinq. New-York, Sem. Litt. 1847. 8~. Le Vicomte de Bragelonne (Suite des Trois Mousquetaires et de Vingt Ans apres). New-York, Sem. Litt. 1847. 8~. -- Dieu Dispose. New-York, Sem. Litt. 1851. 8~. Les Mbmoires d'un Medecin. V. 1. — ]pisode des Meinoires d'un Medecin: Collier de la reine.- Ange Pitou: Troisieme episode. V. 2.- 4e Episode des Memoires d'un Medecin: La Comtesse de Charny. V. 3. New-York, Sem. Litt. 1846, 49, 53. 3 v. 80. Maitre Adam le Calabrais. New-York, Sem. Litt. 1853. 80. M6moires d'A. Dumas. New-York, Sem. Litt. 2 v. in 1. 80~. Le Mois: Resume Mensuel, historique et politique de tous les evenements jour par jour, heure par heure...Revolution de 1848.. N~ 1, Mars 1848 - N~ 12, Nov. 30, 1848. Paris. roy. 8~. [DUMBAR, G.]. Overyssel. See Hedendaagsche Staat, Cat. 1855. Du MONTIER, Madame. Lettres de Madame du Montier a la Marquise de * * * sa fille....A Lyon, 1756. 406 p. 18~. DUMOULIN (M.), M.D. Nouveau Traite du rhumatisme et des vapeurs...Seconde edition. A Paris...1710. 18~. Du MOULIN (Peter), D.D. A Replie to a person of honour: His pretended Answer to the Vindication of the Protestant religion in the point of obedience to soveraigns, and to the book of papal tyranny. -London, 1675. 47 p. 4~. Pam. v. 354. DUNCANt (Henry), D.D. Presbyter's Letters on the West India question...London, 1830. 139 p. 80. Pam. v. 437. DuNCAN, J. Bookseller's Catalogue, 1740. See Montagu, R. DUNCOMBE, Rev. Edward. A Letter to the Hierarchy of the Church of England. London, 1834. 100 p. 80. Pam. v. 326. FIRST SUPPLEMENT. 257 The Present a Religious Crisis: Church reform..... London, 1835. 76 p. 8~. Pamr. v. 327. DUN:I)EE WATT INSTITUTION. 17th Report. Dundee, 1841. 23 p. 12~. Pam. v. 472. DDUNGLISONt ( Robley), M.D. Medical Lexicon: A Dictionary of Medical Science, containing a concise account of the various subjects and terms, with the French and other synonymes; notices of climate, and of celebrated mineral waters, formiil....6th edition.... Philadelplhia..1846. 8~. Charge to the Graduates of Jefferson Medical College of Philadelphia, delivered March 15, 1847; with a List of the graduates. Philadelphia, 1847. 8~. Pam. v. 246. DUNIHAM, Josiah. An Answer to the "Vindication of the Trustees of Dartmouth College"..Hanover, 1816. 95 p. 8~. Se a-lso Dartmouth College. Dup..DUNIGAN'S American Catholic Almanac and List of the Clergy, 1858, 1859. New-York. 2 v. 180. Six-cent Catholic Almanac. New-York, 1859. 12~. Alm. v. 36. DUNKINt (Christopher), M.A. Address at the Bar of the As-sembly of Canada, March 1853, on behalf of certain proprietors of seigniories in Lower Canada... Quebec, 1853. 8~. Pam. v. 204. DUNKIRK. A Most Humble Queen of Great' Britain. London, 1713. Vf. Pain v. 1103. DUNKIRK or DovER; or the Queen's honour, the Nation's safety, the Liberties of Europe, and the Peace of the world all at stake till that fort and port be totally demolish'd by the French. By John Toland. London, 1713. 40 p. Pam. v. 442. DUNLAP, Andrew. An Oration, delivered at Salem, on Monday, July 5, 1819... Celebration of American Indepeidence. Salem, 1819. 80. Pam. v. 215. DUNLAP, S. F. Vestiges of the Spirit-History of Man.** New-York, 1858. 404 p. 8~. -DUNLAV-t, John. The Nature and Character of the True Church of Christ, proved by plain evidences: Extracts frorm.... New-York, 1847. 93 p. 120. Pami. v. 276, 540. DUNN, Field. Sermon, Society for the reformation of manners, April1, 1703: Hos. vi, 1. London. 80. Pam. v. 363. DUNN, Thomas. Equality of Rich and Poor; a Sermon preached in the Prison of Philadelphia, Dec. 12, 1793.... Thanksgiving on the ceasing of the late epidemical fever. Phil'a, 1793. 8~. Pam. v. 454. DUNSHEE, Henry W. Iistory of the School of the Ref. Protestant Dutch Church in the city of New-York, from 1633 to the present time. With an Introduction by Rev. Thomas De Witt, D.D. NewYork, 1853. 120 p. 120. DUNSTER, S. Sermon Prov. xix, 8. Londoni, 1708. 80. Pam. v. 364. DUNTONt, John. The Life and Errors of John Dunton, citizen of London T...o which are added, Dunton's Conversation in Ireland; Selections from his other genuine works...2d ed. London, 1818. 2 v. 80, [ SUrPL.] 33 258 GENERAL LIBRARY. DUNTON, John: [ ] Religio Bibliopole: The Religion of a Bookseller. After the manner of the Religio Medici, by the late ingenious and learned Sir Thomas Browne, M.D.*** By J. Dunton and B. Bridgwater. London, Corbett (1720?). 84 p. 8~. --- Chronologia Sacra, Critica Sacra: Historical Account of the choicest books printed in June 1692. London. 4~. Pam. v. 1015. Du PARC D'AVAUGOUR, Le Comte. La France rendue florissante par la Guayane. Paris, 1852. x, 48 p. 8~. Pam. v. 230. Du PIN, L. Ellies. Bibliotheque Universelle des Historiens; contenant leurs vies, l'abrege, la chronologie, la g6ographie, et la critique de leurs histoires... Avec des tables chronologiques et geographiques. Amsterdam, 1708. 383 p. 4~. DUPONCEAUt, Peter Stephen. Mh6moire sur le Systeme grammatical des langues de quelques nations indiennes de l'Am6rique du Nord: Ouvrage qui,'a la Seance publique annuelle de l'Institut R. de France le 2 Mai 1835, a remporte le prix fond6 par M. le Comte de Volney. Paris, 1838. xvi, 464 p. 8~. Correspondence with J. Heckewelder, on the Languages of the American Indians. 1816. See Am. Phil. Society, Lit. Com. Transactions, v. 1. On American Silk. See Homergue, J. D'. DUPONT, Emilien. Essai sur les Insectes et les maladies qui affectent le b16. Montreal, 1857. 38 p. S~. Pam. v. 272. DUPONT, Paul. M6moire sur la Litho-typographie..... Paris, 1S39. 22 p., with 8 p. of specimens, and Mmzoire'a M. Villemain, Min. de l'Instruction. In 1 v. 40.. Histoire de l'Imprimerie. Paris..1854. 523, 612 p. 2 v. 120~. DUPPAt (R.) and QUATREMagRE DE QUINCY. ~ The Life and Works of Michael Angelo and Raphael. Illustrated with 15.....engravings. London, Bohn, 1856. 13~. Dupuis, Ch. Fr. Abrege de l'Origine de tous les cultes. Paris, 1821. 2 v. 180. — Planches. 40~. 3 v. DuPuY, Martinus. Dissertatio de Febre quotidiana, tertiana, et duplici tertiana intermittente..Avenione, 1747. 26, 20 p. 120. Pam. v.612. DURAN, R. P. _Relation des insignes progrez de la Religion chrestienne, faits au Paraquai, province de l'Amerique meridionale, et dans les vastes regions de Guair & d'Vruaig. Nouvellement decouuertes par les Peres de la Compagnie de Jesus, es annees 1626 & 1627. Envoyee au R. P. MIvtio Vitelesci.... par le R, P. Nicolas Dvran, Pro.uincial.... et trad. de latin en francais,...Paris, Cramoisy... 1638. xx, 163 p. 12~. DURFEE, Rev. Calvin. A History of Williams College. Boston, 1860. 432 p. 80, DuRHAMt, J. G. Lanlbton, Lord. Speech at the Newcastle dinner, Nov. 19, 1834. 8~. Pam. v. 439. DURHAM, James G. The Outworks of Christianity, or the " Iunition of Rocks ".. Cambridge, England, 1805. 64 p. 8~, Pam. v. 335. FIRST SUPPLEMENT. 259 DURHAM, William. Sermon, Artillery Company, Aug. 30, 1670: 1 Cor. xvi, 13. London. 4~. Pam. v. 359. Du ROURE, Marquis. See Analectabiblion. DURRItE, D. Steele. Genealogical History. See Steele, John and G. DuRUY, Victor. Histoire Grecque. Paris. 2me ed. Hachette, 1856.. 780 p. 120. Histoire Romaine jusqu'a l'invasion des barbares. 3me edition. Paris, Hachette, 1855. 586 p. 12~. - Histoire Sainte d'apres la Bible. 2me edition. Paris, Hachette, 1856. 456 p. 12~. Histoire de France..Nouv. ed. illustree..( Duruy, Hist. univ.). Paris, 1858. 2 v. 12~. Histoire Universelle. Paris, L. Hachette et Cie, 1852 - 58. See Bouchot, Portugal; Fleury, L'Angleterre; Sedillot, Histoire des Arabes; Geffroy, Les Scandinaves; Maury, La Terre et l'Homme; Zeller, L'Italie; Demogeot, Litterature Franqaise; Pierron, Litterature Romaine; Cheruel, Dictionnaire....des Institutions de la France. DUSSEAU, J. L. Vergelijkend mikroskopisch onderzoek van het beenweefsel en van verbeenigen in zachte deelen. (K. Nederl. Instit. 3e reeks, 3e deel). Amst. 1850. 136 p. & plates. 4~. DUSSELDORF ACADEMY OF FINE ARTS. Catalogue of Paintings and Drawings, by artists of. N.York, 1849. Pam. v. 222.- Catalogues, 1850,'55.- Catalogue, New-York, Cosmopolitan Art Association, 1857. 47 p. 8~. Pam. v. 255, 499. DUTCH FAITH; being an enquiry founded on facts, into the probability of the success of the British campaign..London, 1745. 56 p. 80. Pam. v. 446. DUTCH (The) REASONER. A Letter from the Hague, on the E. of Chesterfield's embassy and success, and the Emperor's death...from the French. London. 1745. 56 p. 8~. Pam. v. 446. DUTCHESS COUNTY FARMERS' ALMANAC. Poughkeepie, 1827. SeeStoddard's Dutchess and Ulster.. Poughkeepsie, 1844, 48.- Alm. v. 37. 120. DUTENSt, L. Histoire de ce qnii s'est passe pour l'etablissement d'uneregence en Angleterre en 1788 et 1789. 3me edition. A Londres, 1791. 155 p. 8~. Pam. v. 391. DUTHILLEUL, H. R. See Neve, E., Bibliog. Douaisienne. Catalogue descriptif et raisonne des Manuscrits de la Bibliotheque de Douai...suivi d'une Notice sur les Manuscrits de cette Bibliotheique, relatifs a la l6gislation et a la jurisprudence, par M. le Conseiller Tailliar. Douai, 1846. 548, 135 p. 8~. DUTHILLEUL, R. H. Galerie Douaisienne, ou Biographie des Hommes remarquables de la ville de Douai. Douai, 1844. 409 p. 8~. DUVAL, Jules. Biographies Aveyronnaises: Raymond Gayrard, graveur et statuaire..Paris, 1859. 167p. 80.- See also France: Algeria. DUVILLARD (E. E.) du Leman. Analyse et Tableaux de l'Infiuence de la Petite Verole sur la mortalite a chaque age, et de celle qu'un preservatif tel que la vaccine peut avoir sur la population et la longevite... A Paris, 1806. 40~. 260 GENERAL LIBRARY. DUYCKINCK, E. A. and G. L. Cyclopaedia of American Literature; embracing personal and critical notices of authors, and selections from their writings...New-York..1855. 2 v. roy. 80. DUYKERIUS, J. Korte verhandeling der algemeyne kerkelyke geschiedenissen..lte deel. Amst. 1686. 18~. DuYSEt, Prudens Van. Verhandeling over den Nederlandsche Versbouw. Bekroond in den Jare 1851....Tweede deel. Gravenhage, 1854. 260 p. 8~. DWIGHTt, Francis. Biographical Sketch of: [From Barnard's Am. Jour. of Ed.] 1858.- 12 p. 8~0. Pam. v. 494. DWIGHT ( Harrison G. O.), D.D. On Armenia. See Smith, E. Christianity revived in the East; or a Narrative of the work of God among the Armenians of Turkey. New-York, 1850. 12~. DWIGHT, Nathaniel. A short but comprehensive System of Elizabethtown, N. J., 1801. 128 p. 12~. Same title. 5th Albany edition, 1812. 1 v. 12~.- Also, 6th edition. NewYork, 1813. 213 p. 1 v. 120. DWIGHTt, Theodore. An Oration, Society of Cincinnati..of Connecticut, Hartford, 4th of July, 1792. Hartford, 1792. 80. Pamn. v. 241. - An Oration, Hartford, Conn..July 4,1798. Hartford, 1798. 8~. DWIGHT, Theodore W. An introductory lecture, Law Class of Columbia College, Nov. 1, 1858. New-York, 1859. 55 p. Pam. v. 514. See also Columbia College. DWIGHTt (Timothy), D.D., LL.D. Greenfield Hill, a poem, in seven parts. New-York, printed by Child & Swaine, 1794.. 183 p. Wiith, The Triumph of Infidelity, a poem. Printed in the World, 1788. 40 p. Andl, A Discourse on the genuineness and authenticity of the New Testament, delivered at New-Haven, Sept. 10, 1792, at the annual lecture appointed by ithe General Association of Connecticut... NewYork, 1894. 78 p. in 1 v. 8~. Sermon, Boston, Sept. 16, 1813, Am. Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions. Second edition. Boston, 1813. 8. Pain. v. 267. Sermon, on the Final Interview. Reprinted Albany, 1840. 80. Pamn. v. 288. DWIGHT (W. T.), D.D. Discourse, Am. Home Missionary Society. New-York, 1859. 8~. Pam. v. 524. DWINELLE (W. H.), M.D. A Treatise on the use of A. J. Watts' crystal gold. Utica, 1855. 32. p. 8~. Pam. v. 196. DWYER, George. Popery unmasked at the recent elections in Ireland. By a Clergyman of the established Church. London ( 1852 ). 83 p. 80. Pam. v. 342. DIYCE, A. Editor. See Camden Society: Percy Society. DYE, John S. Dye's Bank Note Plate Delineator: A spurious and altered bill detector, giving printed descriptions of the genuine notes of every denomination of all the banks doing business throughout'the United States and British North America.....Ne.w-York, 1855. 287 p. fo. FIRST SUPPLEMENT. 261 DYER, Rev. David. Discourse occasioned by the Death of Rev. John Codman, D.D... Delivered, Dorchester, Jsan. 2, 1848 Boston, 1848. 8~. Pain. v. 268. DYERRt (George), B.A. [ Miscellanies of:] In 1 v. 80. Contents: The Complaints of the Poor people of England.... 2d edition..enlarged. London, 1793. 120 p. An Address to the People of Great Britain, on the doctrine of libels, and the office of juror more particularly in cases of libel. London, 1799. 120 p. Four Letters on the English Constitution....London, 1812. xii, 136 p. An Address to the Subscribers to the Privileges of the Univ. of Cambridge. London, 1823. 21 p. DYER, S. Songs and Ballads. New-York, 1857. 298 p. 12~. DYER (The) and COLOUR-,MAKER.'S COMPrANION; containing upwards of two hundred receipts... Philadelphia, 1850. 18~. E_. EACHARD (John), D.D. Works, viz: I, The grounds and occasions of the contempt, of the clergy and religion enquired into, in a letter to R. L.;. II, Observations on an, answer to the enquiry, in a second letter to the same; III, Mr. Hobb's State of Nature considered.... To which are added Five Letters, &c. 11th edition. London, 1705. 111, 151, 113 p.-With, A Letter to his old dear friend R. L. from T:. B. 76,p. In 1 v. 120. EARDLEY, Sir C. E. Christianity in Turkey: Correspondence of the Governments of Christendom, relating to executions in Turkey for apostacy from Islamism. With a letter from:...London, 1855. 48 p. 8~. Pam. v. 393. EA RL, George Windsor. The. Native Races of the Indian Archipelago: Papuans. With five colored plates and two maps.*'** London.... 1853. 120. Contributions to the Physical Geography of Southeastern Asia and Australia. With a map.. London, 1853. 48 p. 0. Pam. v.402. EARLE, Jabez. Sermon, January 1, 1719: 2 Cor. v, 14. London. 8~. Pani. v. 367. EARLE, Thomas. A Treatise on Railroads and internal communications... With original suggestions and remarks. Philadelphia, 1830. 120 p. 8o. EAST and WEST INDIA SUGAR-; or a Refutation of the claims of West India colonists to a protecting duty on East India sugar. By Z. MIacaulay. London, 1823. 128 p. 80., Pam. v. 433. EASTBURN, Bp. Manton. The Gospel: A Sermon, Rochester, N.Y., Consecration of Henry W. Lee, D.D..... as Bishop.....of Iowa. Rochester, 1854. 8~. Pam. v. 556. EASTERN DISPENSARY of the City of New-York. Twentieth Annual Report, for 1853. New-York, 1854. Pam. v. 246. EASTERN NEW-BRUNSWICK BAPTIST ASSOCIATION. Minutes, 1856. St.John, N:B. 1856. 80. Pam. v. 446. 262 GENERAL LIBRARY. EASTERN RAILROAD COMPANY. Argument of Charles G. Loring, esq., on behalf of, before the railroad committee of the Massachusetts legislature. Boston, 1845. Pam. v. 146. —22d Ann. Report. Boston, 1857. Pam. v. 283. EAST INDIA COMPANY. Original Papers relative to the rights and pretensions of the Nabob of Arcot and the Rajah of Tanjore.... London, 1785. 83 p. 8~. Pam. v. 432. Proceedings at a General Court of Proprietors of East India stock, Nov. 7, 1783, relative to the Hon. W. Hastings.... London, Debrett, 1783. viii, 108 p. 8~. Pam. v. 431. ----- Catalogue of the Library of the Hon. E.I.C. London, 1845. 325 p. — With, A Supplement....London, 1851. 237 p. in 2 v. 8~. Debates at the General Court of Proprietors of East India stock, Mar. 19, 21, 1823, on the East India sugar trade [ Asiat. Journal ]. London, 48 p. 8~. Pam. v. 433. EAST INDIA COMPANY'S Maritime Service. The Spirit of the Press, and of the proprietors of India stock..relative to the compensation to be granted to. London, 1834. 88 p. Pam. v. 433. EAST INDIA REGISTER and DIRECTORY, (later title) and Army List for 1835 - 54; containing Complete Lists of the Company's servants....List of. the Europeans....Rules and Regulations of the civil, military and medical funds.... From the official returns.... London, 1835 - 54. 37 v. 12~0 EASTMAN, Jacob W. The Bible excellent: A Sermon, Jer. xxiii, 29. Mount Moriah and Good Samaritan Lodges, Reading, Mass....... Albany, 1823. 8~. Pam. v. 559. EAST-PEMBROKE SEMINARY: Circular, 1859. Buffalo, N.Y. Pam. v. 456. EASTON, John. Narrative of King Philip's War, 1675, 76. See Munsell's Historical Series, N~ 1. EAST-RIVER INDUSTRIAL SCHOOL in Fortieth-street. N.York, 1855. Pam. v. 250.- 2d Report, 1856. 12~. Pam. v. 509. EATON, F. B. History of Candia, once known as Charmingfare; with Notices of some of the early families. Manchester, N.H. 151 p. 8~. EATON, Rev. Horace. The Early History-of Palmyra, N. York: A Thanksgiving sermon, Nov. 26, 1857. Rochester, 1858. 26 p. 8~. EATON (Peter), D.D. A Discourse: Dedication of the new house of worship at West-Boxford, November 1843. Andover, 1844. 8". Pam. v. 105. EBERT, Fred. A. A General Bibliographical Dictionary: From the German...A to Z. Oxford, 1837. 4 v. in 2 v. 8~. ECCLESIA EST IN REPUBLICA. By Catholicus Verus. Bristol, Eng. 1828. 8 p. 80. Pam. v. 346. ECCLESIASTICAL ALMANACK, 1842. London, J. Leslie. 120. Alm. v. 50. ECCLESIASTICAL DIGNITIES, Ecclesiastical grievances, if not speedily reformed; with Observations on Sir W. Scott's Residence bill.... (1795?). 8~. Pam. v. 323. FIRST SUPPLEMENT. 263 ECCLESIASTICAL HISTORY SOCIETY. The Book of Common Prayer: Printed from the manuscript originally annexed to Stat. 17 & 18 Car. II, c. 6 (Ir.), and now preserved in the Rolls' Office, Dublin. By A. J. Stephens...London, 1849, 50. 3 v. 8~. ECCLESIASTICAL LEGISLATION. Three Letters...on church property, episcopacy, cathedrals and the clergy. By Clericus Anglicanus. London, 1836. 72 p. 80. Pam. v. 327. ECHO (L') DU'MONDE SAVANT: Revue encyclopedique.... Sous la direction de M. le Vicomte A. de la Valette. 2' se6rie, 8 annee, T. 3, Jan. - Juin 1841. Paris. gr. 40~. ECHT EN OMSTANDIG VERHAAL der gewigstigste Gebeurtenissen, in Eiland Walcheren, gedurende de Blokkade der Engelschen...1813...1814. Middelburg. 38 p. 80. Pam. v. 108. ECKHARTSHAUSEN; Karl von. Rede von dem Einflusse der sch6nen wissenschaften auf die rechtsgelehrsamkeit. 1781. 24 p.- Rede von der wirkung der religion auf die wissenschaften..1782. 16 p.- Rede von den quellen der verbrechen, und der miglichkeit selben vorzubeugen. 17S3.- Ueber die litterarische intolerant unsers jahrhunderts. 1785. 26 p. See Kcen. Baier. Ak. Reden, v. 3. ECLAIRCISSEMENTS sur les Affaires de Basle, presentes aux citoyens du Canton de Vaud. Par un Citoyen de Basle. Basle, 1833. 51 p. 8~. ECLECTICt MAGAZINE OF FOREIGN LITERATURE. W. H. Bidwell, editor. Vol. 35-47. May, 1855 - Aug. 1859. New-York. 13 v. 80~. ECLECTIC MEDICAL COLLEGE OF PENNSYLVANIA. Fifth Annual Announcement. Philadelphia, 1855. 8~. Pam. v. 517. ECLECTIC MEDICAL INSTITUTE OF CINCINNATI. Twelfth Annual Announcement. Cincinnati, 1856. 80. Pam. v. 517. ECLECTIC REVIEW, 1840, July-December. N.S. v. 8. London. 8. ECLIPSE. An authentic history of the celebrated horse, American Eclipse. New-York, 1823. 37 p. Pam. v. 261. ECOLE (L') DE L'HOMME, OU Parallele des Portraits du Siecle, et des Tableaux de l'Ecriture Sainte. Ouvrage morale, critique, et anecdotique. PremiSre, seconde, troisieme partie. By M. Genard. Paris, 1752, in 1 vol. 18~. EDDY. (A. I).), D.D. Discourse, Society for the Promotion of Coll. and Theol. education at the West. 1854. New-York. 80. Pam. v. 524. [EDDY, Zechariah]. See Review of the Berkeley case, 1828. EDEN (Robert), D.D. The Harmony of Benevolence: a Sermon. Meeting of three choirs, Sept. 10, 1755. Worcester. London. 40~. Pam. v. 1007. EDENt, William. See Auckland, Lord. EDGEWORTH ( Henry Essex), Abbe de Firmont. A Narrative of remarkable occurrences connected with the death of Louis XVI..Trans., by S. C. Blyth. Montreal, 1812. 36 p. 8~. Pam. v. 504. EDINBURGH BIBLE SOCIETY. Fifth Report, 1814; Sixth, 1815; Fifteenth, 1824. Edinburgh. 8~. Pain. v. 383. 264 GENERAL LIBRARY. EDINBURGH (The) MEDICAL AND SURGICAL JOURNAL; exhibiting a concise view of the latest and most important discoveries in medicine, pharmacy and surgery' Vol. 1 - 56. 1805 - 42. Vol. 82. 1855. Edinburgh. 57 v. 8~. EDINBURGH MEDICAL JOURNAL, combining the Monthly Journal of Medicine, and the Edinburgh Medical and Surgical Journal. Vol. i, July 1855, to V. IV, June 1859. Edinburgh. 4 v. 8~. EDINBURGHt NEW PHILOSOPHICAL JOURNAL. Editors, Tho. Anderson, Sir W. Jardine, John H. Balfour, H. D. Rogers. New series. Vol. I, Jan. 1855, to V. IX, April 1859. Edinburgh. 9 v. 8~. EDINBURGuH REVIEW: Vol. 102 - 109, July 1855 to Ap. 1859. Edinburgh. 8 v. 8. A Rejoinder to the Bp. oflExeter's Reply to: By the Edinburgh Reviewer. London, 1852. 40 p. 8~0 Pam. v. 331. EDINBURGH SELECT SUBSCRIPTION LIBRARY. Catalogue of the books. Edinburgh, 1842. 580 p. 8~. EDINBURGHt UNIVERSITY. Catalogus Librorum, ad remi medicam spectantium, in Bibliotheca Academia3 Edinburgenm, secundum auctorum niomina dispositus. Editio altera. Edinburgi, 1798. 408 p. -With, Nomina eorum qui gradum medicine doetoris... usque ad annum 1799 adepti sunt. 36 p. And Appendix prima ad editionem alteram- Cat. Lib. 1805. 42 p. And Catalogus eorum qui gradum M. D. ab 1798 ad 1806 adepti sunt. 80. A Catalogue of the Graduates in the faculties of arts, divinity and law...since its foundation. Edinburgh, 1858. 80. EDINBURGH UNIVERSITY CALENDAR for Session 1859-60. Edinburgh, 1859. 180. EDMOND (Charles) CHOIEtKI. Voyage dans les Mers du Nord, a bord de la Corvette La Reine Hortense.... Paris, 1857. vi, 632, 146 p. roy. 8. EDMONDS, Francis W. Defence of F.. F i., late Cashier of the Mechanics' Bank...New-York, 1855. 55 p. 8~. Pam. v. 464. imp. EDMONDSt, Johln W. Report of J. W. E., U.S. Comm'r on the claims of creditors of the Potawatamie Indians of the Wabash.. N.York, 1837. 95 p. 8~. Pam. v. 508. Judge Edmonds's Reply to Bishop Hopkins; on Spiritualism. N. York, Nov. 28, 1855. 15 p. 12~. Pam. v. 563. - Uncertainty of Spiritual Intercourse: Sept. 27, 1856. N.York. 12 p. 12~. Pam. v. 563. Certainty of Spiritual Intercourse: New-York, Dec. 14, 1856. 14 - 28 p. 120. Pam. v. 563. - See The Sacred Circle: New-York, 1855. EDWARD, King of England. Lives of Edward the Confessor...... Edited by Henry Richard Suard, M.A...under the direction of the Master of the Rolls. London, 1858. xlv, 448 p. 8~. EDWARD, Arthur M. Life Beneath the Waters; or the Aquarium in America....New-York:, 1858. 168 p. 12~. FIRST SUPPLEMENT. 265 EDWARDSt, Rev. Bela B. Memoir of the Rev. Elias Cornelius. Boston, 1833. 12. [ -- ]. Editor. See American Quarterly Observer. EDWARDSt, Edward. Memoirs of Libraries; including a handbook of library economy...London, 1859. 2 v. 8~, EDWARDS (Geo.), esq., M.D. The True Original Scheme of human economy applied to the completion of the different interests, and preservation of the British Empire; or Heads, proposing the establishment of the third, the British Dispensation..Newcastle-uponTyne, 1808. xlii, 136 p. 80. Pain. v. 413. EDWARDS (Henry), LL.D. The Colonization of Palestine. London, 1846. 16 p. 8~. Pam. v. 434. EDWARDSt, H. Milne. Rapport sur l'empoisonnement des rivieres: Adresse a MI. le Ministre de l'Agr. et du Commerce...Paris. 8~. Pam. v. 233. et P. Vavasseur. Manuel de Matiere Mddicale, ou description abregee des m6edicamens..4me edition. Bruxelles, 1831. 526 p. 18~. EDWARDS ( John), D.D. Sermon, The Eternal and Intrinsic Reasons of good and evil: Ps. cxix, 142. Cambridge, July 2, 1699. Camb. Eng. 4~. Pam. v. 361. EDWARDS (Jonathan), D.D. A Preservative against Socinianism, 1st pasrt. Oxon. 1693. xii, 71 p. 4~. Pam. v. 1005. [ —— ]. The Exposition given by my Lord Bp. of Sarum of the 2d article of our religion examined. London, 1792. 96 p. 40~ Pam. v. 358. EDWARDSt ( Jonathan), the elder. A Faithful Narrative of the surprizing work of God in the conversion of many hundred souls in Northampton and the neighbouring towns...And published with a large preface by Dr. Watts and Dr. Guyse. With a preface by Joseph Sewall and others. London; reprinted Boston, N.E. 1738. viii, vi, 79 p. 12~., title wanting. --—. Thoughts on the Revival of Religion in New-England in 1740. Boston, 1742. 18~. Wants title, and two leaves at the end. - Sermon, Funeral of Rev. D. Brainerd..who died at Northampton.-Boston, Rogers & Fowle, 1747. 8~. Pam. v. 453. The Justice of God in the damnation of sinners: a Discourse delivered at Northampton at the time of the late wonderful revival there: Rore. iii, 19. Boston, 1773. 8~. Leaf wanting. Pam. v. 453. The Justice of God, etc... a Sermon; to which is added a farewell sermon...June 22, 1750. Northampton (1800?). 18~. EDWARDSt (Justin), D.D. Address, Laying the Corner Stone of the West Meetinghouse in Andover. Andover, 1826. 8~. Pam. v. 556. EDWARDS, Rev. Peter. Candid Reasons for renouncing the principles of Anti-psedobaptism. Windsor, Vt. 1802. 8~. Repr. Pam. v. 466. [EDWARDSt, Thomas]. See Free and Candid Thoughts, 1761. EELLS (Rev. James), jun. A Sermon, Death of Mrs. Olive D. Smith, preached at Penn-Yan. New-York, 1854. 8~. Pam. v. 80. [ SUPPL.] 34 266 GENERAL LIBRARY. EGERTON PAPERS. See Camden Society Pub. EGERTON'S THEATRICAL REMEMBRANCER, containing a complete list of all the dramatic performances in the English the end of the year 1787. To which are added Notitia Dramatica: being a chronological account of events relative to the English Stage. London, T. 4. J. Egerton, 1788. 354 p. With, Catalogue of old quarto plays.... selling, 1790, at the prices printed.. 22 p. In 1 v. 12~. EIcHHORNF, Johann G. Geschichte der Litteratur von ihrem Anfang bis auf die neuesten zeiten. Gottingen, 1805 - 12. 5 v. 8~. Contents: VOL. I. Alte Litteratur: A. Uebersicht im allgemeinen. B. Uebersicht der alten litteratur im einzelnen, und nach vl1kern. I, Hebraer; II, Griechen; III, Romer; Iv, Christliche Litteratur; v, Mittlere Litteratur, Armenier, Syrier, Araber, etc. Abendlander. VOL. II. Parts 1 & 2. Neue Litteratur: Europa; Uebersicht nach laindern ( Italy, Spain, Portugal, France). VOL. III. Part 1. England, Schottland, Ireland, Deutschland. Part 2. Ddnemark, Schweden, Die Niederlande, Osmanen. -- A Chapter from Eichhorn, in which the phrases "the Word" and the Holy Spirit, in John....are be equivalent. London, 1834.:24 po. 8~. Paim. v. 313. EIGENBAAT ( De): A Poem. Te Bekomen in Nederland bij all& Patriotsche Boekverkoopers. 31 p. 8~. Pam. v. 110. EIGHTS, James. A Report on the Geological, Mineralogical and other resources of the Hiatt Tract of Land.. county of Surry, N.C.... Greensborough, N.C. 1855. 8~.-' The Same. Worth Tract, Surry county, N.C. 1855. 80. Pam. v. 255. EINEM, J o. Justus von. Succincta Introductio in Bibliothecam Graecam et Latinam ecclesiasticani, qua prsecipui scriptores..a seculo post N. C. I. usque ad xvIII breviter recensentur.... Magdeburgi, 1738.'With Dissertatiuncula, de Aquis supra-celestibus, qume e loco illo controverso Gen. i, 7, non probari sed refutari queunt et debent. 1738. Magdeburgi. 211, 15 p. 12~. ELDER, William. Biography of Elisha Kent Kane. Philadelphia, 1858. 417 p. 8~. ELECTOHS ( To the) of Westminster, Eng., 1819. 11 p. 80. Pa1m. v. 414. ELGERSMA, Franciscus. Carduus Benedietus, ofte zeegen der verdrukkinge... Leeuwarden, 1683. 18~. -- Zeedige verhandelinge van de hooge verborgentheyt der I. Drieeenigheyt...Leeuwarden, 1684. 180. Een bundelken van heylige meditatien..Leeuwarden, 1696. 18~. -De Herder Israels.... Ps. 23. Ie deel. Leeuwarden, 1664. 18~. ELGIN (The) MARBLES, from the Temple of Minerva at Athens: on 61 plates, selected from Stuart's and Revett's Antiquities of Athens. -To which are added, The Report from the select committee of -the House of Commons...London, 1816. gr. 4~. ELIJAa'S MANTLE; being Verses occasioned by the Death of.... W. Pitt...With a prefatory address. 5th edition. London, 1807. 19 p. 8~. Pam,. v. 397. FIRST SUPPLEMENT. 267 ELIOT FAMILY. Genealogy: Originally compiled by W. H. Eliot jr..Enlarged by W. S. Porter. New-Haven, Conn. 1854. 154 p. 8~. ELIOT (Andrew), A.M. Sermon....Funeral of Rev. John Webb.... died April 16, 1750. Boston. 80~. Pam. v. 554. A Sermon, May 29, 1765; being the anniversary for the election of His Majesty's Council for the province. Boston, 1765. Pam. v. 288. ELIOTt, John. The Christian Commonwealth...London (1661?). See Mass. Hist. Soc. Collections, S. 3, v. 9. Indian Grammar begun.... Cambridge, 1666. See Mass. Hist. Soc. Collections, S. 2, v. 9. The Day-breaking..with the Indians in New-England. London, 1647.- Tears of Repentance; or a further Narrative of the progress of the gospel among the Indians in New-England... London, 1653. A late and further manifestation of the progress of the gospel.. London, 1655. See Mass. Hist. Soc. Collections, S. 3, v. 4. ELIOTt, John. A Sermon, Annual Thanksgiving, November 20, 1794. Boston, 1794. 12~. Pam. v. 111. ELIOTt, Samuel. Manual of United States History, from 1492 to 1850 Boston..1856. 120. ELIOTt (William G.) jr., St.Louis, Mo. The Unity:of God.- Our Lord Jesus Christ.- The Holy Spirit.- Retribution. [ Tracts, No 287, 288, 290, 295 of the Amer. Unitarian Association. 12~. Pam. v. 219. ELIZABETI-It, Queen-of England. A Declaration of the cavses mooving the'Queene of England to give aide to the defence of the people afflicted and oppressed in the Lowe Countries. Imprinted at London by Christopher Barker.....20 p.- With, An Addition to the Declaration, tovching the slavnders published of her Majestie. 1585. 4 p. sm. 4~. ELLETf (Charles) jr. Report and Plan for a wire suspension bridge, proposed to be constructed across the Mississippi river at St.Louis. Philadelphia..1840. 59 p. 4~. --- Report on a Railway suspension bridge across the Connecticut river at Middletown. Philadelphia, 1848. 80~. Pam. v. 283. ELLINGER, Anselm. Von den bisherigen Versuchen fiber langere voraussicht der witterung. 1815. 40 p. See Kon. Baler. Ak. Red. v. 4. ELLIOT, H. M. Bibliographical Index to the Historians of Muhammedan India.'By H. M. Elliot, esq., Foreign Secretary to the Government of India. In four volumes. Vol. I, General Histories. * * * Calcutta..1849. 394 p.- With, Muntekhibat ez Tewarikhi Hind. Extracts from Histories of Hindostan, forming part of Vol. 4. Calcutta, 1848. 94 p. In 1 v. 8~. ELLIOTt, Jonathan. Historical Researches of the ten miles square, forming the District of Columbia; with a Picture of Washington....Washington, 1830. 554 p. 180. ELLIOTSON, John. Human Physiology: With which is incorporated much of the elementary part of the Institutiones Physiologicae of J. T. Blumenbach.... 5th edition. London, 1840. 1194 p. 8~. 268 GENERAL LIBRARY. ELLIOTSON, John: The Harveian Oration, Roy. Coll. of Physicians, London, 1846. With an English version and notes. London. 70 p. 8~. Pam. v. 405. ELLIOTT & NYE. See Virginia State Directory. ELLIOTT, A. B. Northwestern Manual and Traveler's Directory. Troy, N.Y. 1858. 56 p. 18~. Pam. v. 610. ELLIOTT, Charles W. The New-England History, from the discovery of the continent by the Northmen, A.D. 986, to the period when the Colonies declared their independence, A.D. 1776. New-York, 1857. 2 v. 8~. ELLIOTT, E. B.- On the Law of Human mortality that appears to obtain in Massachusetts....From Proc. of Am. Assoc. for Adv. of Science. 1857. 51 - 82 p. 80. Pam. v. 564. Vital Statistics. From Proc. of Am. Assoc. for Adv. of Science. 49 - 101 p. 8~. Pam. v. 246. ELLIOTTi, Comm. Jesse D. Speech, Hagerstown, 3Md., Nov. 4, 1843. His Life. Philadelphia, 1844. 55, 82 p. 8~. Pam. v. 521. ELLIOTT SOCIETY OF NATURAL HISTORY of Charlestown, S.C. Proceedings: Vol. I, Nov. 1853 - Dec. 1858. Charlestown, 1859. 8~. ELLISt, Charles M. Hints for Relief, by a general law to protect and promote amicable arrangements.... betwixt debtor and creditor. Boston, 1857. 60 p. 120. Pam. v. 290. ELLISt, George E. Sermon, Installation of Rev. Horatio Stebbins... Portland, Me., 1855. Charge, A. P. Peabody, D.D. Right hand of fellowship, J.H. Allen. Portland, Me. 1855. 64 p. 8~. Pam. v. 556. ----- Sunday School instruction: An Address. at Salem, 1856. Worcester, 1857. 12~. Pam. v. 289. ELLISt, Sir Henry. Catalogue. See Soc. of Antiquaries, London. ELLIS, John. The Ellis Correspondence: Letters written during the years 1686, 87, 88, and addressed to:.. comprising many particulars of the Revolution.... Edited... with the Hon. G. A. Ellis. London, 1829. 2 v. 8~. ELLIS, Philip. The First Sermon preached before their Majesties at Windsor, Oct. 1685: Matt. xxii, 37. London. 40~. Pam. v. 360. ELLISt, Rev. William. Three Visits to Madagascar during the years 1853, 54, 56...New-York, 1859. 80. Repr. ELLIS, Sir W. C. A Treatise on the nature, symptoms, causes, and treatment of insanity, with practical observations on lunatic asylums... London, 1838. 8~. ELLISON, H. J. The Church of England, the bulwark of the reformation-: A Speech...Derby, Nov. 1850. London. 80. Pam. v. 329. ELLWANGER & BARRY. Descriptive Catalogue of ornamental trees, shrubs, roses, etc. for sale at Rochester, N.Y. 1850, 51, 54, 55. 8~. Pam. v. 222.- For 1857. Cat. v. 505. ELLYS, Anthony. Sermon, H. of Commons, Jan. 30, 1749: Martyrdom of Charles I. Matt. xxii, 21. London. 4". Pam. v. 362. FIRST SUPPLEMENT. 269 ELMIHAnI, Thomas of. Historia Monasterii S. Augustini Cantuariensis, by Thomas of Elmham... Ed. by Charles Hardwick... under the direction of the Master of the Rolls. Lond. 1858. xxxvii, 541 p. 8~. ELMIRA FEMALE COLLEGE, Chemung County, N.Y. 1st Catalogue, 1855.- Addresses on inauguration of the first president. 8~. Pam. v. 247.-. Catalogue for 1857. 8~. Pam. v. 459. ELMSLEY, Peter. Scholia. See Sophocles. ELOUT, C. P. J. Malay Dictionary and Grammar. See Marsden, W. ELRINGCTON ( Charles PR.), D.D. Remarks upon the reply of J. K. L. ( Dr. Doyle?), to the charge of the Abp. of Dublin. Dublin, 1827. 104 p. 8~. Pam. v. 346. ELSEMIORE, Moses. An Impartial Account of the Life of the R-ev. John N. Mafftt, with a narrative of the difficulties attending his first marriage...New-York (1848). 31 p. 8~. Pam. v. 471. ELSNERUS, Gisbertus M. Paulus brief aan de Romeinen...verklaard. Eerste deel. Utrecht, 1763. 4~. ELSYNGE, Henry. Great Britain. See Remonstrance, 1612. ELTINGE, Wilhelmus. A Peacemaker; or An Essay on the Atonement of Jesus Christ. New-Jersey, 1823. 21 p. 80. Pam. v. 295. ELTON'S COMIC ALL-MY-NACK for 1840. N.York, 1840, 44, 46. Alm. v. 25.- For 1850, 51: Elton's California Comic, 1850. Alm. v. 30; Elton's Funny Almanack, 1846. 12~. Alm. v. 43. The Ball of Yarn, or Queer, quaint and quizzical stories..NewYork (1850). 98 p. 12~. Pam. v. 619. ELTONt (Romeo), D.D. Life of Roger Williams***. Lond. 1852. 120. ELUCIDATIONS of Dr. Hampden's theological statements. Oxford, 1836. 47 p. 8~. Pam. v. 330. ELWALL C. The Triumph of Truth, or Trial of Mr. E. Elwall...for...publishing a book in defence of...the Unity of God (1726). St. Ives, 1788. 8~. Pam. v. 315. ELWYN (Alfred L.), MlI.D. Glossary of supposed Americanisms..Philadelphia, 1859. 122 p. 12~. ELY, Alfred B. American Liberty; its sources, its dangers, and the means of its preservation: An New-York, before the Order of United Americans, on the 22d Feb. 1850...N.Y. 1850. 8~. Pam. v. 237. - A Eulogy on the Life and Character of Zachary Taylor, late President of the United States...Newton, Massachusetts, Aug. 13, 1850. Boston, 1850. 80. Pam. v. 238. [ ELYt (Ezra S.), D.D.]. See Journal of...Preacher to the...Almshouse, 1812. 1st series. ELY, Zebulon. The Death of Moses the servant of the Lord: a Sermon preached at the funeral solemnity of H. E. Jonathan Trumbull, esq., LL.D., late Governor of Connecticut..With Appendix. Hartford, 1786. 28 p. 8~. The Wisdom and Duty of Magistrates: Sermon, General Election. Hartford, 1804. 8~. Pam. v. 557. 270 GENERAL LIBRARYI EMANUEL, Christian. Janus on Sion, or Past and to come. London, printed in the year 1816. 139 p. 8~. Pam. v. 337. EMDRE, S. van. Bybels Huis Boek...Utrecht, 1786. 396 p. 8~. Katechismus der heilige Godgeleerdheid....Utrecht, 1787, 90. 2 v. in 1. 8~. EMIERSON'S MAGAZINE AND PUTNAM'S MONTHLY. New-York. V. x, July - Dec. 1858. See Putnam's Monthly. EMERSON, Benjamin D. The National Spelling Book and Pronouncing Tutor...170th edition. Boston [18287]. 12~. EMERSON (Brown), D.D., Salem. Essential Difference between the Righteous and the Wicked: A Sermon, January 14, 1810. Salem, 1810. 80. Pam. v. 105. Discourse, October 1, 1811, Salem Female Charitable Society. Salem, 1811. 8~. Pam. v. 105. The Equity of God's Dealings with Nations: A Sermon..Day of Massachusetts; occasioned by the declaration of war against Great Britain...Salem, 1812. 8~. Pam. v. 105. Excellence of the Bible: A Sermon, Bible Society of Salem and vicinity, June 9, 1819...Salem, 1819. 120. Pam. v. 105. - Importance of Right Views of Christ: A Sermon, Beverly, Dec. 22, 1822....Salem, 1823. 8~. Pam. v. 105. A Sermon, South Church, Salem, on the thirty-eighth anniversary of his ordination. Salem, 1843. 80. Pam. v. 105. EMERSON, E. Memoirs of the Conversion and Happy death of Mrs. Eleanor Emerson. New-York, 1817. 49 p. 8~. Pam. v. 471. EMERSON (G.), M.D. An Address.... on the Completion of a Monument erected to the memory of Thomas Godfrey, June 1843. Philadelphia, 1843. 8~. Pain. v. 241. EtIERSONt, Ralph Waldo. Essays: lst Series. Boston...1841. 120. The Method of Nature: Oration...Waterville College, Maine, Boston, 1841. 8~. Pam. v. 514. EMERY BROTHERS, Circular of: Albany Agricultural Works. Albany, 1856. Pam. v. 266. EMERY, Rev. Sam. Hopkins. The Ministry of Taunton, with incidental notices of other professions..With an introductory notice by Hon. Francis Baylies. Boston, 1853. 2 v. 12~. EMIGRANT AID COMPANY. Organization, objects and plan of operations of:..also, a Description of Kansas. 2d edition..Boston, 1854. 24 p. 80. Pam. v. 103, 565. EMLYN, Thomas. -A Full Inquiry into the original authority of...... 1 John v, 7..2d edition. London, 1719. 36 p. 8~.- An Answer to Mr. Martyn's critical dissertation on 1 John v, 7.- London, 1719. 44 p. 8~. Pam. v. 313. EMMrnY, M. Catalogue des Manuscrits et Documents relatifs a l'histoire de la Province de Lorraine et des Trois-]Eveches:....manuscrits autographes de Paul Ferry sur l'Ecriture -Sainlte...provenant de la bibliothbque de feun..vente, 22 Oct. 1849. Metz..1849. 153 p. 8~. With prices. FIRST SUPPLEMENT. 271 EMMETT, J. Filmer. Belshazzar's Feast, or the modern Babylon: A Poem...London, 1836. 36 p. 8~. Pam. v, 397. [ —]. Some Plain and honest scriptural truths..'of the word Bishop...London, Palmer, 1836. 22 p. 12~. Pam. v. 306. EMMONSt, Ebenezer. Geological Report of the midland counties of North-Carolina. Illustrated with engravings. New-York..1856. 8~. Report of the Geological Survey: Agriculture of the eastern counties, together with descriptions of the fossils of the marl beds. Raleigh, 1858. 314 p. 8~. EMMONS, Lieut. George F. See United States Navy, history. EMMONS, Henry. Sermon, Death of Charles M. Jenkins, delivered in the Unitarian church, Vernon, N.Y..With a biographical sketch by A. J. Upson. Albany, 1857. 57 p. 8~. Pam. v. 555. EMMONSt (Nathaniel), D.D. Discourse, Annual Fast in Massachusetts, 1801: 2 Kings xvii, 21. Salem, 1802. 8~. Pam. v. 559. EMORY COLLEGE, Oxford, Ga. Catalogue, 1857. Atlanta, 1858. 8~. Pam. v. 481. EMPIRE ALMANAC: G. R. Perkins, Rochester, N.Y. 1847. 120. Alm. v. 37. EMPIRE (The) or REASON: An Allegory, addressed to the Dialectic Society, at the Military Academy, West Point, N.York. Newburgh, 1829. 24 p. 120. Pam. v. 103. EMPIRE STATE MUTUAL HEALTH ASSOCIATION at West Galway, N.Y. By-laws... Albany, 1850. 12~. Pam. v. 501. EMPORIUM R. E. & M. COMPANY. See Smith, J. F. EMPSON, Charles. Narratives of South America... collected during a four year's residence in tropical regions. London, 1836. 322 p. 8~. ENCYCLOPYDIAt BRITANNICA: Vol. VIII - XVI; Dia - Orn. 1855 - 1858. London. 9 v. 4~. ENDICOTT, Charles M. Account of Leslie's Retreat at the North Bridge, in Salem, on Sunday, Feb. 26, 1775. (From the Proceedings of the Essex Institute.) Salem, 1856. Pam. v. 1:95. ENGELMANN, G. Traite (theorique et pratique) de lithographie.... Edited by A. Penot. Mulhouse, 1841(?). 467 p. 4~, and 50 plates..ENGELMANN, Wilhelm. Bibliotheca Geographica: Verzeichniss der seit der mitte des vorigen jahrhunderts bis zu ende des jahres 1856 in Deutschland erschienenen werke iiber geographie und reisen.... Leipzig, 1858. 2 v. 8~. Bibliotheca Philologica, oder Alphabetisehes Verzeichniss derjenigen grammatiken...und anderer werke, welche zum studiuml der griechischen und lateinischen sprache gehbren, und vom jahre 1750 zumr theil auch friiher, bis zur mitte des jahres 1852 in Deutschland erschienen sind. Dritte...auflage. Leipzig, 1853. 236 p. 8~. - Bibliothek der Neueren Sprachen; oder Verzeichniss der in Deutschland besonders vom jahre 1800 an erschienen en grammatiken..und anderer werke, welche das studium der lebenden europai'schen sprachen betreffen... Leipzig, 1842. 320 p. 8~. 272 GENERAL LIBRARY. ENGLAND, Thomas R. A Short Memoir of an antique medal bearing.... the head of Christ and.... a curious Hebrew inscription lately Ireland...London, 1819. 58 p. S8. Pam. v. 401. ENGLAND AND THE EXHIBITION OF 1851, tested by the Word of God: by an observer of the times. London. 11 p. 120. Pam. v. 339. ENGLAND'S APPEAL from the Private Cabal at White-hall to the Great Council of the nation, the Lords and Commons in Parliament. By a true lover of his country, i. e. Sir John Trevor? Anno 1673. 52 p. 4~. Pam. v. 407. ENGLAND'S HELICON, or the Muses Harmony.... London, 1614. See Brydges' Brit. Bibliog. v. 2. ENGLEFIELD, Henry C. A Letter to the Author of the review of the case of the Protestant dissenters....London, 1790. 66 p. 8~. Pam. v. 319. ENGLES, William M. A Caution against prevailing errors. Philadelphia, Presb. Tract Soc. 1837. 12~. Pam. v. 631. ENGLISH, Ebenezer. A Tale and a Creed, or Reasons for warnings (with an appendix). Edinburgh, 1850. 81, 46 p. 80. Pam. v. 306. ENGLISH ( W. H.), of Indiana. Speech, U.S. House of R., on the Nebraska and Kansas bill, May 9, 1854. 11 p. 8~. Pam. v. 561. ENGLISH AND DAKOTA VOCABULARY: By a member of the Dakota mission.....[ Published by the Am. Board of C. for F. Missions]. New-York, 1852. 120 p. 8~. ENGLISH AND TAMIL DICTIONARY; containing all the more important words in Dr. Webster's Dictionary of the English language. 2d edition...Jaffna (Ceylon), 1852. 970 p. 8~. ENGLISH APOLLO (formerly Apollo Anglicanus): R. Saunders, London, 1679, 96, 1705, 15, 26, 29, 32, 50, 51, 59, 72, 78. 12~. Alm. v. 1 - 12. ENGLISH (An) BALLAD in answer to Mr. Despreaux's Pindarique Ode on the taking of Namure***. By gIatthew Prior. London, 1695. 7 p. f~. Pam. v. 1103. ENGLISH (The) BASTILE; or Scenes in a British prison-house. Boston. 40 po 80. Pam. v. 496. ENGLISH GRAMMAR. Leading Principles of English grammar in Persian and English. Calcutta, 1838. 18~. ENGLISH HISTORICAL SOCIETY: Publications. London, 1838 - 1856. 29 v. 80. Contents' Adamus Murimuthensis, Chronica sui temporis, 1303 - 46, cum continuatione 1380. Recensuit T. Hog. Beda, Historia Eccl. Gentis Anglorum. Ed. J. Stevenson. Beda, Opera Historica minora. Recen. J. Stevenson. Florentius Wigorniensis, Chronicon... ad 1141. Ed. B. Thorpe. 2 v. Gildas, Opus de Excidio Britanniwe. Ed. J. Stevenson. Henrici Quinti Gesta cum Chronica Neustrise. Illustravit B. Williams. Kemble, J. M. Codex Diplomaticus AEvi Saxonici. 6 v. Nennius: Historia Britonuin. Recen. J. Stevenson. Wanting. Ricardus Divisiensis: Chron. de Rebus gestis Ricardi I. Cura. J. StevenSOl, FIRST SUPPLEMENT. 273 Richart Deux: Chronicque de la Traison et Mort de...Par B. Williams. Rogeri de Wendover Chronica. Ed. H..O. Coxe. 4 v. — With Appendix, 1 v.- 5 v. Stephen: Gesta Stephani, Regis Anglorum et Ducis Normannorum...... Recen. R. C. Sewell. Trivetus (F. Nicholaus), De Ordine Fratrum prsedicatorum, Annales Sex Regum Anglise, etc. 1136 - 1307. Recen. T. Hog. Walter de Heiningburgh.... Chronicon de Gestis Regum Anglise. Recen. H. C. Hamilton. 2 v. Willelmi Malmesbiriensis Monachi, Gesta Regum Anglorum. Recen. T. D. Hardy. 2 v. Willelmus Parvus, de Newburgh: Historia Rerum Anglicarum. Recen. H. C. Hamilton. 1856. 2 v. ENGLISH (The) UNIVERSITIES, in the North American Review: An Essay, by a LL.B. of Harvard College, some time commoner of Magdalen Hall, Oxford. By Wm. A-. Rich. Albany, 1854. 34 p. 80. Pan. v. 278. ENGLISHMIAN'S ALMANACIK, 1833. London. 72 p.- Englishman's and Family Almanack, 1852. London. 72 p. 12~. Aim. v. 49. ENGLISHMAN (T-he) DECEIVED: A Political piece; wherein some very important secrets of state are briefly recited...London; reprinted New-York, Holt, 1768. 40 p. 8~. ENQUIRERI, The. Vol. 1, N0 1, Extra- The Pathology of Drunkenness...with drawings of the drunkard's T. Sewall.N~ 2, Correspondence on the Communion: E. C. D elavan, &c.- N 4, Dr. Nott's ten lectures. Albany, 1841 - 46. 40. ENQUIRER (The) FOR TRUTH: A periodical publication, April 1827 to April 1828. Canton, Ohio. 8~. ENQUIRY (An) after New Lights, Innovators and Enthusiasts, &c. In a Letter to the Rev. Thomas Jones... occasioned by his sermon... By William Mason? London, 1755. 11 p. 40. See [ Clune, A.]. Cat. 1855. ENQUIRY (An) into the Causes of the decay of the dissenting interest. London, 1730. 44 p. 8~. Pam. v. 318. ENQUIRY (An) into the Conduct of a late Right Honourable Commoner, W. Pitt (1766). By H. Cotes, assisted by R. Grenville. 72 p. 8~. Pol. Tr. v. 4. ENQUIRY (An) into the Conduct of the Ministry, and the reasonableness of the present discontents. London, 1734. 30 p. 8~.: Pam. v. 418. ENQUIRY (An) into the Doctrine lately propagated concerning libels, warrants, and the seizure of papers.....In a letter to Mr. Almon, from the father of Candor. By R. Grenville? Dublin, 1765. 99 p. 8~. Pam. v. 450. See Letter concerning libels.; ENQUIRY (An) into the Evidence of the Christian religion. By Mrs. John Newcome. Cambridge, 1728. 143 p.' 8~. Pam. v. 332. ENQUIRY (An) into the Evils of general suffrage and frequent elections in Lower Canada. By Camillus.. Montreal, 1810. 32 p. 8~. Pam. v. 503. ENQUIRY (An) into the Measures of submission to the supream tauthority (1700?). 8 p. 4~. Pam, v. 358. [SUPPL.] 35 274 GENERAL LIBRARY. ENQUIRY (An) into the Merit of assassination; with a view to the character of Caesar.... By Aaron Hill. London, 1738. viii, 99 p. 8~. Pam. v. 419. ENQUIRY (An) into the Nature, defects and abuses of the British Constitution; with Strictures on the present administration. London, 1792. 80. Pam. v. 221. ENQUIRY (An) into the Reasons for abrogating the test imposed on all members of parliament offered by Sa. Oxon. (1688). 8 p. 4~. Pam. v. 358. ENQUIRY (An) into the Reasons of the conduct of Great Britain with relation to the present state of affairs in Europe. London, 1727. By B. Hoadley. 112 p.- A Defence of the Enquiry..&c., occasioned by the the Craftsman, Jan. 4, 1728-9. By B. Hoadley. London, 1729. 40 p. 8~. Pam. v. 409, 443. ENQUIRY (An) into the Studies and Discipline adopted in the English universities, as preparatory to holy orders in the established church...By a Graduate. London, 1824. 55 p. 80. Pam. v. 325, 386. ENS, Joh. Letterkundige en Stigtelyke Aanmerkingen over Iesaias xi, xii. Leyden, 1764. 662 p. 18~. ENTHUSIASM of Methodists, &c. See [ Lavington, Bishop George]. EPAMINONDASt, Pseud. Answer to a Clandestine Address to the Electors of the State of New-York, signed by Robert Troup and others. By Epaminondas. 16 p. 8~. Pam. v. 197. EPHEMERIS: Job Gadbury. London, 1679, 96; 1705, 15, 26, 29, 32, 50, 51, 59. 180. Alm. v. I - 12. EPIPHANII ( D.) Episcopi Constantine Cypri contra octoaginta haereses Opus: Panarium, sive Arcvla avt Capsvla Medica appellatum; continens libros tres,..,Iano Cornario... interprete. Item... liber Ancoratus.... liber Anacephaleosis... libellus de mensuris ac ponderibus.... Basilese, 1543. fo. EPISCOPACY examined in its exclusive claims, doctrines and usages. By Chor Episcopus, i. e. Bev. M. Gallagher. Utica, 1849. 104 p. 120. Pam. v. 622. EPISCOPAL MISSIONARY ASSOCIATION for the West. Report..1856. Phil'a, 1856. 41 p. 8~. Pamn. v. 542.- See also Prot. Episcopal. EPP, F. X. Ueber den so genannten Hehrrauch welcher im jahre 1783 nicht nur in Baiern, sondern ganz Europa erschienen. 1787. 31 p. See Kon. Baier. Ak. Reden, v. 3. EPPS (John), M.D. Epilepsy, a case of twenty years standing cured. London, 1834. 20 p. 8~. Pain. v. 405. RPOQUES D E LDEGLI5E Dr LYON: Fragment de l'lIistoire de l'Eglise de Jesus Christ.*** A Lyon..1827. 8~. ERASMUSt, Desiderius.... Colloquia Familiaria nonnulla.... With a literal translation. By Mr. John Clarke, of Hull. A new edition... by James Ross, Prof. of the Latin and Greek languages in the city of Philadelphia. Philadelphia, 1810. 166 p. 12~. Colloquia Selecta...... with English translation by J. Clarke. Glocester, 1782. 18~. Colloquia. See Corderius, M. FIRST SUPPLEMENT. 275 ----- Paraphrasis Des. Erasmi Rot. in Evangelium Ioannis. Lugduni apud Seb. Gryphium, 1542. 180. ERICSSON, John. Report of the Comm. on Naval Affairs on the petition of: U.S. Sen. Doct. 1848. 3 p. 80. Pam. v. 529. ERIEt COUNTY, N.Y.: Board of Supervisors. Correspondence relative to...establishing a workhouse...Buffalo, 1846. 26 p. Pam. v. 535. - -- --—: Proceedings, Oct. 6, 1852; Oct. 4,1853. Buffalo, 1852, 54. 59, 79 p. 8~. Pam. v. 530. ERIE COUNTY PENITENTIARY. 9th Report, 1856. Buffalo, 1857. 8~. Pam. v. 538. ERLANGEN UNIVERSITY. Hlandschriften-Katalog. See Irmischer, J. C.'ERNULPHUS, Bp. of Rochester. Anathema, Latin and English. 1 p. Pam. v. 1004. ERONDELLE, P. Trans. Nova Francia. See Lescarbot. Cat. 1855. ERSCH, Joh. S. Bibliographisches Handbuch der Philologischen Literatur der Deutschen von der mitte des achtzehnten jahrhunderts bis auf die neueste zeit.. In systematischer ordnung bearbeitet...von Dr. C. A. Geissler. -Dritte auflage. Leipzig, 1845. 1029 col. 8~. ERSKINEt, Rev. Ebenezer. The Assurance of Faith opened and applied; being the substance of six discourses. With a recommendatory preface on Dr. Bellamy's theology. 3d edition. London, printed; Boston, N.E., Z. Fowle, 1759. 128 p. 8~. ERSKINEt (Thomas), Lord. A Letter to the Earl of Liverpool, on the subject of the Greeks.....2d edition. London, 1822. 40 p. 80. Pam. v. 392. ERSKINE COLLEGE, Due West, Abbeville District, S.C. Catalogue, 1849. Charleston, 1849. 8~. Pam. v. 481. ERTHEILER, Moritz. Lecture on the Study of the German Language, N.Y. Merec. Lib. Association, Dec. 13, 1845. New-York, 1846. 8~. Pamn. v. 278. ERWIN COUNTY, N. Y. Statistics of the proposed county, 1856. 13 p. 80. Pam. v. 530. ESCHMANN, J.: Editor. See Switzerland, Ergebnisse, etc. ESPAGNE, Johan d'. Alle de Wercken van..uit het Frans. Utrecht, 1678. 2 v. in 1. 118~. ESPARA DIVIDIDA. See Spain. ESPINALT (Bernardo), y Garcia. Atlante Espafiol, 6 descripcion general geografica, cronologica, e historica de Espafia....Madrid, 1778 - 87. 13 v. 180. Contents: VOL. I, Murcia; II, III, Arragon y Mallorca; Iv - VII, Catalufia; vI - x, Valeneia; xi, xII, Cordoba; xi, xIII, Jaen. ESPYt, James P. See United States: Meteorology. ESQUIROL, E. Des Maladies Mentales, considerees sous les rapports medical, hygienique et m6dico-16gal.. Accompagn6es de 27 planches gravees. Paris, 1838. 2 v. 80. ESSAI sur la Bibliotheque du Roi. See [Le Prince]. 276 GENERAL LIBRARY. ESSAY (An), in Vindication of the Continental Colonies of America, from a censure of Mr. Adam Smith, in his theory of moral sentiments. With some reflections on slavery in general: By an American**. London, 1764. 46 p. 8~. ESSAY (An) on Church Reform. London, 1851. 88 p. 80. Pam. v. 329. ESSAY (An) on Establishments in Religion. With remarks on the confessional." By J. Rotheram. Newcastle-upon-Tyne, 1767, 148 p. 8~. Pam. v. 301. ESsAY (An) on Flogging in th'e Navy..suggesting substitutes. [ From Democ. Review. v. 25.] N.York, 1849. 56 p. 8~. Pam. v. 199, 529. ESSAY (A Seventh) on Free Trade and Finance... By a Citizen of Philadelphia. By P. Webster. Philadelphia, 1785. 38 p. 80. ESSAY:(An) on Religion: Demonstrating that God's being and existing as a trinity in unity are self-evident... 2d ed. with additions. London, 1737. x, 147 p. 8~. Pam. v.444. First edition had for title: "Essay on Free Thinking," &c. ESSAY (An) on Spirit, 1751. See [Clayton, R.]. ESSAY (An) on the Freedom of the Will in God and in creatures.By Isaac Watts, D.D. London, 1732. 106 p. 98, Pam. v. 308. ESSAY (An) on the Merchandise of Slaves and Souls of Men: Revelations xviii, 13. With an'application thereof to the Church of Rome. By a Gentleman... Printed at Boston in New-England. Reprinted London, 1732. 6, 27 p. 8~. ESSAY (An) on the Origin, Character and Views of the Protestant dissenters. Oxford, 1790. 29 p. 80. Pam. v. 319. ESSAY: (An) on the Public debts of this kingdom.... the progress of the sinking fund described.... In a letter.... 3d edition. By Sir Nathanael Gould. London, 1726. 120 p. 8~. Pam. v. 417. ESSAY (An) on the Sinking fund...and the right of the public to that fund asserted and maintained. 2d edition. London, 1737. 85 p. 8~. Pam. v. 427. ESSAY- (An) towards a demonstration of the Scripture Trinity. By Philanthropus Londinensis. 2d edition. London, 1738. 172 p. 80. Pam. v. 312. ESSAY (An) upon Taxes, calculated for the present juncture of affairs in England. London, 1693. By Sir R. Temple or G. Saville. 26 p. 4~. Pam. v. 408. ESSAYs upon the making of saltpetre and gunpowder. Published by order of the Coin. of Safety of the Colony of New-York. London, 1776. 39 p. 8~. ESSAYS on Truth and Knowledge, relating chiefly to the definition of truth and to the definition and division of knowledge.... Printed, but not published.... G. H., i. e. Gideon Hawley, LL.D. Albany, 1856. 229 p. 8. ESSENCE (The) or MALONE. London, 1800. See [Hardinge, G.]. ESSEX AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY. Transactions [with the Annual addresses], 1818-1855, v. 1- 5. Salem, Massachusetts, 5 v. 8~. Wanting in v. 1, addresses of 1828 and'34. FIRST SUPPLEMENT. 277 EssEX BAPTIST ASSOCIATION, N.Y. Minutes, 1815. 80. Pam. v. 466. ESSEX COMPANY, Lawrence, 1Tiass. Report, May 25, 1852. Boston, 1852. Pam. v. 266. ESSEX INSTITUTE. Proceedings, v. I, 1848 to 1856. Salem, Massachusetts, 1856. 8~. Historical Collections, v. I. Salem, 1859. 5 nos. sm. 40~. EssEx (The) JUNTO AND THE BRITISH SPY; or Treason Detected [Documents from J. Henry]. Printed at Salem, 1812. 35 p. 80. Pam. v. 526. ESSEX SOUTH CONFERENCE. Report of Com. on Foreign Missions. Salem, Mass. 1845. 12 p. 120. Pam. v. 525. ESTABLISHMENT (The) vindicated against the advocates for licentiousness. London, 1730. 47 p. Pamn. v. 322. ESTHER INSTITUTE. Catalogue for the 1st, 2d and 3d years, ending June 29, 1855. Columbus (Ohio), 1855. Pam. v. 212. ESTIENNE, C. Souvenirs et Impressions, ou Lettres a Lady * *, publiSes par C. Estienne. Paris, 1855. 18~. ESTIENNE, Henri. Thesaurus Grecaw Lingure ab H. Stephano constructus. Editio nova auctior et emendatior, v. I-vII.- V. VIII, Cyrilli, Philoxeni, aliorumque veterum glossaria, Latino-Graeca et Graeco-Latina, a C. Labbaeo collecta. Londini, in adibus Valpianis...1816- 25. 80.f~. ESTWICK, Samson. Concio habita in StiAlphegi Ecclesia, Ap. 28, i724.... coram venerabili conventu....Eph. v, 16. Londini. 40~. Pam. v. 362. ETAT DE M~DECINE, Chirurgie et Pharmacie, en Europe (et principalement en France), pour l'annee 1776, 1777. Paris, P. Fr. Didot, 1776, 1777.. 2 v. 12~. ETAT MILITAIRE DE LA GRANDE BRtTAGNE, pour..1774. 15miie ed. Paris. 76 p. 18~. ETAT PHYSIQUE... de l'Asie, l'Afrique et de l'Amerique. See Almanach Americain. ETAT POLITIQUE actuel de l'Angleterre, ou Lettres sur les Scrits publics de la nation angloise.. By E. J. Genet. Paris, 1757 - 59. 10 v. 180. ETATS-UNIS (Les) et l'Angleterre, ou Souvenirs et reflexions d'un citoyen americain. Essais traduits sur le manuscrit de l'auteur X'. War of 1812. By William Lee. Bordeaux, Dec. 1814. 349 p. 8~. EUCLID. Enunciations and Corollaries of the Propositions of the six first books of Euclid, together with the 11th. London, 1823. 36 p. Pam. v. 402. EUDOXIA, Consort of Peter the Great. See History, Cat. 1855. EURIPIDESt. ETPIIIIAOT TA 2QZOMENA: Euripidis.quoe extant omnia...Recensuit...S. Musgrave, M.D. Accedunt Scholia greeca in septem priores tragoedias ex optimis et locupletissimis editionibus recusa. Oxonii, 1778. 4 v. 40~. Euripidis Tragoediae priores quatuor. Edidit Ricardus Porson, A.M...... Recensuit suasque notulas subjecit Jacobus Scholefield, A.M.... Editio secunda. Cantabrigim, 1829. 543 p. $~. 278 GENERAL LIBRARY. EURIPIDES: - Notm Philologiem et Grammaticae in Euripidis Tragoedias: E variis virorum doctorum commentariis maxima ex parte selectas, et textui Matthiaeano accommodatse. By G. T. Londini, 1828. 2 v. 80. ----- The.Tragedies of Euripides translated. By R. Potter. In two volumes. London, 1781, 83. 2 v. 4~. EUROPEAN AND NORTH AMERICAN RAILWAY. Plan for shortening the time of passage between New-York and London.. Convention at Portland, Maine, and the charter. Portland, 1850. 155 p. 8~. Pam. v. 285. EUSEBIUS, Pseud. The Actual State of clerical education examined in a letter to..Lord Liverpool. By Eusebius. Lond. 1826. 35 p. 8~. Pam. v. 386. EUSTAPHIWVE, A. Strictures on "the Correspondence respecting Russia." See Tchuykevitch, Col. EVANGELICAL ALMANACK. Albany, 1823. 120. AIm. v. 23. EVANGELICAL CHURCH of Bolton, Lancaster, Sterling, and Stow: Confession of faith. Lancaster, Mass. 1830. 16 p. 80. Pam. v. 484. EVANGELICALt LUTHERAN CHURCH. Catechism for the use of..... Churches. Albany, 1855. 38 p.180. Pam. v. 604. Constitution of the Parent Education Soicety. Gettysburg, Pa. 1835. 120. Pam. v. 278. Triennial Report of the Executive Committee of the Foreign Missionary Society of:..1853.- Biennial Report, 1855.- Biennial Report, 1857. Albany, 1853, 55, 57. 80. Pam. v. 198,232,490. EVANGELICAL LUTHERAN CHURCH of St.John. Address of the Managers of the Miss. Tract and Book Society of: Philadelphia, 1851. 40 p. 12~. Pam. v. 490. EVANGELICALt LUTHERAN MINISTERIUM of the State of New-York (and adjacent States and countries). Extracts from the Minutes: 33d Session, 1828; 34th, 1829; 41st Synod, 1836; 42d, 1837; 43d, 1838; 44th, 1839; 45th, 1840; 47th, 1842; 48th, 1843; 49th, 1-844; 51st, 1846; 53d, 1848 - to the 60th, 1855. Printed at Johnstown, Cooperstown, Baltimore, Albany. In 1 v. 8~. Constitution. 3d edition. Albany, 1856. 12~.- Minutes of the 63d Synod, New-York city, 1858. Albany, 1858. 48 p. 80. Pam. v. 490. EVANGELICAL ( The) MAGAZINE and MISSIONARY CHRONICLE, 1816 - 1817, Vol. 24, 25; 1820 - 22, Vol. 28 - 30. 5 vol.- New Series, 1831 - 1850, Vol. 1 -28. London. 33 v. 80. EVANGELICALt REVIEW; C. P. Krauth, W. M. Reynolds and M. L. Stoever, Editors. Vol. 7 - 10, July 1855 - April 1859. Gettysburg, Pennsylvania. 4 v. 8~. EVANS, Mr-. Catalogue of Library of a nobleman, and of the late Bp. of of, by...London, 1825. 44 p. Cat. v. 94.Of an illustrious foreign personage, 1831. 52 p.- Catalogue of a consignment from Spain. 1839, 8~. Cat. v. 96. [ EVANSt, Caleb]. Letter to the Rev. Mr. John Wesley, occasioned by his Calm Address to the American Colonies [Signed Americanusl. FIRST SUPPLEMENT. 279 London, 1775. 24p. 12~.- The same. See Letter to J. Wesley. Pam. v. 118. A Letter to the Rev. Mr. John Wesley, occasioned by his Calm Address to the -American Colonies ***. New edition..... London, 1775. viii, 24 p. 12~. British Constitutional Liberty: A Sermon, Nov. 5, 1775: Gal. v, 13. Bristol. Pam. v. 373. Political Sophistry detected, or-Brief Remarks on the Rev. Mr. Fletcher's late Tract entitled " American Patriotism"....Bristol, Eng. 1776. 36 p. 12~. EVANSt, Estwick. Essay on State Rights. (First of a series).... Washington, 1844. 40 p. 80. Pam. v. 194. EVANS (F. W.), New-Lebanon, N.Y.- A short Treatise on the Second appearing of Christ...Boston, 1853. 24 p. 120. Pam. v. 540. Shakers: Compendium of the origin... of the United Society of Believers in Christ's Second appearing. With biographies of Ann Lee, etc. New-York, 1859. x, 104 p. 180. EVANSt (George), of Maine. Speech, U.S.H. of R., on Appropriations for fortifications. Washington, 1836. 24 p. 8~. Pam. v. 487. - Speech, U.S.H. of R., upon..the Northeastern Boundary. Washington, 1838. 36 p. 8~. Pamn. v.487. Speech, U.S. Sen., upon the Resolutions of Mr. Clay...and the necessity of augmented duties upon imports....Washington, 1842. 44 p, 8~. Pam. v. 290. - The Tariff of 1842 vindicated: Speech, U.S. Sen., in reply to Mr. McDuffie. Washington, 1844. 40 p. 80. Pam. v. 290. EVANS, Hugh. Sermon, Death of Dr. Thomas: Zech. i, 5. Bristol, Eng. ( 1773).- Sermon, Bristol Education Society, 1773: 2 Cor. iii, 6. Bristol. Pam. v. 373. EVANS, Israel. A Discourse delivered in New-York before a brigade of Continental troops.....StGeorge's Chapel...Dec. 11, 1783, the day...of public thanksgiving for...Peace. By the Rev. I. Evans, A.M., Chaplain...Pub. by J. Holt. 8~. EVANS, James C. Letter to...Lord Lyndhurst...on the proposed alteration of the law of charitable trust, contained in the Dissenters' Chapel-bill. London, 1844. 8~. Pam. v. 320. EVANS (John), M.A. Sermon, before Lord Mayor, Oct. 22, 1682: Phil. iv, 5. London. 4~. Pam. v. 360. EVANSt (John), D.D. Sermon, May 19, 1706, Victory in Brabant, May 12: Ps. xxi, 3. London. 8~. Pam. v. 379. A Second Letter to Mr. Cumming concerning the regard which ought to be had to Scripture-consequences: in defence of the former. London, 1722. With An appendix in relation to a passage of Sir Isaac Newton's. 136, 14 p. 8~. Pam. v. 341. EVANS (Rev. John), LL.D. The Christianity of the New Testament impregnable: An Address occasioned by the trial of Mr. R. Carlile for the republication of Paine's Age of Reason..2d edition. Lond. 1819. 8~. Pam. v. 376. 280 GENERAL LIBRARY. EVANSt (Rev. John), A.M. Memoirs of the Life and Writings of the Rev. William Richards, LL.D., who died at Lynn, Sept. 10, 1810.. with some account of the Rev. Roger Williams... e. Chiswick.. 1819. 12~. EVANSt, Lewis. Geog., Hist., Philos., and Mechanical Essays. N~ II, containing, a letter representing the impropriety of sending forces to Virginia; the importance of taking Fort Frontenac....with an answer to so much thereof as concerns the Lewis Evans. Philadelphia..1756. 42 p. 4~. EVANS, Nathaniel. Poems on several occasions, with some other compositions. By Nathaniel Evans, A.M., late Missionary..for Gloucester county, N.J.... Philadelphia, printed by John Dunlap, 1772. xxviii, 160, 24 p. 8~. EVANSt, Oliver. Oliver Evans to his Counsel, who are engaged in defence of his patent rights for the improvements he has invented; containing a short account of two out of eighty of his inventions.. 56 p. 8~. Pam. v. 198. EVANSON, Edward. Three Discourses...Lond. 1773. 8. Pam. v. 373. [ -]. See Doctrine of a Trinity, 1772. EVANSON, Rev. W. A. Historical Summary of Facts attending the conversion of H. H. the Prince of Salm-Salm from the Roman Catholic religion...London, 1827. viii, 63 p. 80. Pam. v. 346. EVELEIGH, John. Sermon: Plurality of Persons in the Godhead proved..: Zech. ii, 8-11. Oxford, 1796. 80. Pam. v. 313. EVENING POST, Extra. History of the Canal Policy of the State of New-York, in review of a letter written by S. B. Ruggles to some citizens of Rochester (1849). 16 p. 80. Pam. v. 477. EVENINGS AT HADDON HALL: A series of romantic tales of the olden time. With illustrations by George Cattermole. London, Bohn, (1853). 12o. EVERARD, E. The Depositions and Examination of Mr. Edmund Everard... concerning the horrid popish plot against the life of his sacred Majesty..Lond., D. Newman, 1679. ii, 16 p. f~. Pam. v. 1103. EVEREST, Rev. Robert. A Journey through the United States and part of Canada. London, 1855. 8~. EVERETTt, Alexander H. Poems by:..Boston, 1845. 105 p. 120. EVERETTt, Edward. An' Address.... Funeral of Rev. John Abbot, Pastor of the First Church of Christ in Boston. Boston, 1814. 80. Pam. v. 214. Address, American Colonization Society,Washington, 1853. Pam. v. 462. -- Correspondence on Cuba, 1853. See United States, Cuba. The Discovery and Colonization of America, and immigration to the United States: a Lecture, N.Y. Hist. Soc....Boston, 1853. 8~. Pam. v. 204, 492. ----- Stability and Progress: Remarks made on the Fourth of July 1853, in Faneuil Hall. Boston, 1853. 80. Pam. v. 286. Speech, U.S. Sen., on the Nebraska and Kansas territorial bill, Feb. 8, 1854. Washington, 1854. 14 p. 8~. Pam. v. 561. FIRST SUPPLEMENT. 281 - Address, New-York State Agricultural Society, at Buffalo, Oct. 9, 1857. Albany, 1857. 80. Pam. v. 286. ---- Speeches, July 4, 1858. See Boston. ---- Life of George Washington. New-York, 1860. 348 p. 120. - The Mount Vernon Papers. New-York, 1860. 491 p. 12~. EVERGREENt (The), or MONTHLY CHURCH MAGAZINE..Ed. by William H. Onderdonk. Vol. Ix, x, 1852, 53. New-York. 2 v. 80. EVIDENCE Demonstrating the Falsehoods of William L. Stone concerning the Hotel Dieu Nunnery of Montreal. N.Y. 1837. 31 p. 120. Pam. v. 504. EVIDENCE ( The) for our Saviour's resurrection considered.. By Henry Grove. London, 1730. 72 p. 80. Pam. v. 309. EVIDENCE that the Relation of Josephus concerning Herod's having new built the temple at Jerusalem is either false or misinterpreted. 2d edition. Oxford, 1788. 107 p. 80~ Pam. v. 321. EVIDENCE (The) of the Resurrection cleared from the exceptions of a late pamphlet.... of T. Morgan. By Bp. C. Moss. London, 1744. 164 p. 8~. Pam. v. 309. EVILS of the Policy pursued towards the Church; in four a country pastor. London, 1849. 43 p. 80. Pam. v. 328. EVLIYA, Effendi. Narrative of Travels in Europe, Asia and Africa, in the seventeenth century, by Evliya Efendi. Translated from the Turkish by the Ritter Joseph Von Hammer..London, Orien. Trans. Fund, 1834. xviii, 186 p. 4~. EWBANKt, Thomas. Life in Brazil; or, A Journal of a Visit to the Land of the Cocoa and the Palm. With an appendix containing illustrations of ancient South-American arts... With over 1000 illustrations. New-York..1856. 8~. Indian Remains in South-America. See U.S. N. Astr. Expl. Expedition. Paddles of Steamers:.. ( From the Jour. of Franklin Ins.). 80. Pam. v. 272. EWELL (Thomas), M.D. of Va. Plain Discourses on the laws or properties of matter, containing the elements or principles of modern chemistry... New-York, 1806. 469 p. 8~. Statement of Improvements in the theory and practice of the science of medicine***. Philadelphia, 1819. 168 p. 8~. EWER, F. C. The Eventful Nights of August 20th and 21st: A Spiritualistic revelation. See Pioneer, 1855. Pam. v. 563. EWING, Andrew. An Oration delivered on the occasion of the inauguration of the bust of... Gen. A. Jackson, in... Memphis...Nashville, 1859. 8~. Pam. v. 502. EWING, Edward H. Oration on the Life and Services of Daniel Webster, Nashville, 1852. 8~. Pam. v. 214. EWING (Thomas), of Ohio. Speech, U.S. Senate, on removals from office. Washington, 1851. 30 p. 80. Pam. v. 487. [ SUPPL.] 36 282 GENERAL LIBRARY. EXACT (An) and Authentic Narrative of the events which took place in Baltimore on the 27th and 28th of July last..To which is added a narrative of Mr. John Thomson... Sept. 1, 1812. 71 p. 18~. EXAMINATION (An) of a Letter published under the name of L-t G —1 B —h (Bligh), and addressed to the Hon. W: m P —— t, esq. London, Hooper, 1758. 75 p. 80. Pam. v. 447. EXAMINATION (An) of Dr. Tyler's Vindication of his "Strictures " on the Christian Spectator. By Evangelus Pacificus, i. e. Rev. Hubbard Winslow. Boston, 1830. 56 p. 80. Pam. v. 295. EXAMINATION (An) of the Conduct of the Executive of the United States towards the French Republic.. By a Citizen of Pennsylvania. Philadelphia, 1797. 72 p. 80. Pam v. 19. EXAMINATION of the Doctrine declared and the Powers claimed by the Rt. Rev. Bishop Ives, in a pastoral letter to the clergy and laity of his diocese. By a Lay Member of the Prot. Epis. Church of North Carolina. Philadelphia, 1849. 8~. Palm. v. 200. EXAMINATION of the Indian Question. From the Globe of March 31, 1832. 8~. Pain. v. 195. EXAMINATION (An) of the late Proceedings in Congress, respecting the official conduct of the Secretary of the Treasury. Printed within the United States [ March, 1793]. 28 p. 8~. Pam. v. 197. EXAMINATION of the Legality of the General Orders which confer assimilated rank on offieors of the civil branch of the United States Navy. By a Surgeon. Philadelphia, 1848. 80. Pam. v. 102.,EXAMINATION (An) of the new Tariff proposed by the Hon. H. Baldwin...By One of the People. New-York, 1821. 268. p. 8~. EXAMINATION of the Opinion contained in the Report of the Onondaga Commissioners, on the military grants of the 17th Feb. 1800, to his Excellency the Governor; and by him transmitted to the Hon. the Legislature, with a view to its refutation. Byv a Wlestern Citizen. Albany, 1800. 24 p. 8~. Pam. v. 195. EXAMINATION (An) of the Principles, and an Enquiry into the conduct' of the two B'**'s....4th edition. By John Perceval, 2d Earl of Egmont. London, 1749. 79. p. 8~. Pam. v. 133, 409. EXAMINATION (An) of the Principles and boasted disinterestedness of a late right honorable gentleman, W. Pitt, in a letter from an old man of business to a noble lord ***. By Charles Lloyd. London, 1766. 34 p. 8~. Pol. Tr. v.:4 EXAMINATION (An) of the Scheme of Church power, laid down in the Codex juris ecclesiastici anglicani. By Sir Michael Foster. London, 1736. 8~. Pam. v. 322. EXAMINER (The), or New-York Recorder and Baptist Register, v. I, June 28, 1855 - June 19, 1856. (Bound with New-York Baptist Register). Vol. I, No. 1, June 26, 1856 - vol. III, No. 50, June 3, 1858 in 1 v. f. EXCELLENCE (The) of the Holy Scriptures... By Rev. Joseph Hughes. London, 1803. 24 p. 40. Pam. v. 1004. EXEMPLA MINORA;Or rnew English examples to be rendered into Latin...First Am....edition... New-Haven, 1821. 227 p. 18~. FIRST SUPPLEMENT. 283 EXETER HALL Exhibition of paintings illustrative of sacred history, by ancient masters, 1832. 80. Pam. v.400. EXHIBITION (An) of some of the dishonorable means used to bring into contempt the peculiar principles of the Associate Church. By the publisher of the Religious Monitor, i. e. Chauncey Webster. Albany, 1835. 70 p. 80. Pam. v. 536. EXHIBITION (An) of Wolves in Sheep's clothing; or Hypocrisy Unmasked. By a Jeffersonian Republican. Albany, 1836. 16 p. 8~. Pam. v. 197. EXHIBITION (The) of 1861. Why it should be...London, 1859. 12 p. 8~. Pam. v. 499. EXHIBITIONt of the Industry of all nations. Circular, February 1850. London. 8 p. 80. Pam. v. 518. Catalogue of Works on. See Dilke, C. W. EXHIBITION OF INDUSTRY, New-York, 1853. Official Catalogue of the pictures contributed..1st edition, N.York, 1853. 120~. Pam. v. 499. EXPERIENCE PREFERABLE TO THEORY. An Answer to Dr. Price's Observations on the nature of civil liberty, and the justice and policy of the war with America. By Gov. Thomas Hutchinson? London, T. Payne, 1776. 102 p. 80. EXPLANATION (An) and History of. the Book of Common Prayer. To which are added the articles of religion, as established by... the Pro. Epis. Ch. of the U.S. Philadelphia, 1834. 144 p. 180. EXPLANATION (An) of some Facts of the Apocalypse of St.John. London, 1851. 7 p. 80. Pam. v. 310. EXPOSITION des trois Etats du pais et Comte6 de Flandres, sgavoir: du clerg6, de la noblesse, et des communes. By P. dieZaman. 1711. 344 p. 8~. EXPOSITION (An) of some of the Evils arising from the Auction system (N.Y. 1822?). 16 p. 8~. Pam. v. 522. EXPOSITION of the Case of the Assistant-Surgeons of the Royal Navy...3d edition. London, 1850. 39 p. 8~. Pam. v. 406. EXPOSITION Of the Causes of.. the late war...1815. See [Dallas, A. J.]. Cat. 1855. EXPOSITION (An) of the Orthodox System of civil rights and church power as delivered in the writings of Dr. Stebbing..By a Layman. London, 1849. 86 p. 80. Pain. v. 322. EXPOSITION UNIVERSELLE de 1855. Paris. Atlas descriptif...ob. f~. Catalogue officiel publib par ordre de la commission imperiale. Deunxieime edition. Paris. 8~. ---- Commission Imperiale. [Decrees, Regulations et Instructions. 8. — 2~o Systeme de classification. 80.- 3~. Liste des membres composant le jury mixte international. 8~.- 40~. Various sheets and pamphlets published by the " Commission."] Bound in 1 v. f~. Explication des Ouvrages de Peinrture, Sculpture, Gravure, Lithographie, et Architecture des artistes vivants Strangers et franVais, exposes au Palais des Beaux-Arts, Avenue Montaigne, le 15 Mai 1855. Paris, 1855. 18~. 284 GENERAL LIBRARY. EXPOSITION UNIVERSELLE: Catalogue de la Collection envoyee du Canada.... Paris, 1855. 112 p. 18o. ----- Catalogues des Pays. [Catalogues of the different countries having articles on exhibition at Paris, 1855]. 80. Catalogue de Livres Originaux, publi6s dans le dernier temps en Hollande, et exposes a Paris en 1855, au;om des divers editeurs, par- la Societe pour les interets de le Librairie Neerlandaise, a Amsterdam. 78 p. 8~. [A Collection of Manufacturers' and other cards, as distributed at the building during the exhibition of 1855]. Bound in 1 v. 8~. [A Collection of the Catalogues and "Notices " from individual exhibitors at Paris, 1855]. In 1 v. 4~. Rapports du Jury Mixte International, publi6s sous la direction de S. A. I. le Prince Napoleon, PrBsident de la Commission Imperiale. Paris, 1856. lxxvi, 1575 p. roy. 8~. ----- Rapports du Jury International: Recompenses. 4~. Extrait des Rapports du Jury de la XXYVI classe.- Calligraphie, Gravure, Cartes a jouer, reliure et registres. Rapporteur, M. R. Merlin. Gravure des cylindres pour impression sur 6toffes. Rapporteur, M. Barbet de Rouen. Paris, Impr. Imper. 1856. 224 p. 180. Recueil! des Pieces et Documents ofticiels concernant l'Exposition Universelle de 1855, mis en ordre et publies par M. E. Panis...e Editeur des Catalogues officiels... Paris..264 p. 4~. Rapport...presente6 I'Empereur...Paris, 1857. 511 p. 4. See Vignon, Beaux-Arts. See Portugal. EXTRACTS from the Album at Streatham; or Ministerial amusements. To which are added the Bulse..and Jekyl, an eclogue***. London, 1788. 59 p. 8~. Pam. v. 397. EXTRAORDINARY ( The) CLAIMS of the Clergy repugnant to reason and a Stebbing. London, 1735. 51 p. 8~. Pam. v. 322. EXTRAORDINARY PERFORMANCES of the great Siam elephant, at the Adelphi Theatre. London. 8 p. 120. Pam. v. 489. EYLERT, Dr. R. F. Verzeichniss der... Nachgelassenen Bibliothek.. Auction..1854, Berlin. 8~. Cat. v. 97. EYRE, Robert. Sermon, H. of Commons, Jan. 30, 1708 Joel iii, 19. London. 8~. Pam. v. 364. 2 editions. EYSENGREIN, G. Catalogus testium veritatis locupletissimus,.pmnium orthodoxso matris ecclesiae doctorum, extantium et non extantium, publicatorum et in bibliothecis latentium, qui adulterina ecclesise dogmata, impuram, impudentem et impiam hzeresum vaniloquentiam, in hunc vsque diem firmissimis demonstrationum rationibus impugnarunt, variaque scriptorum monumenta reliquerunt, seriem complectens. Gvilielmo Eysengrein de Nemeto Spirensi authore... Dilingae..1565. 422 p. sm. 4~. EYSINGA, P. P. Roorda Van. Maleisch-en Nederduitsch Woordenboek....Batavia... 1825. 8~. WTith, Uittreksels uit Maleische Geschiedenissen tot oefening..Malay 4. Dutch. 44 p. In 1 v. 8~. FIRST SUPPLEMENT. 285 EYTON, Rev. John. The Lord Jesus Christ's Sermon on the Mount. With a course of questions and answers....Baltimore, 1808. Repr. 40 p. 180. Pam. v. 238. F. F. J. See Address to the King, 1822. IF. T. H. M. See Mengelpoezij, 1778. FABER, B. Basilii Fabri, Sorani, Thesaurus Eruditionis scholasticre. Jam olim post aliorum operas per A. Buchnerum recensitus.. Novam hanc edit...(-C. Cellarius...locupletavit. Lipsise, 1696. f~. FABER, F. W. Sermon. See Catholic Pulpit, N~ 12. -FABERt (George S.), D.D. Thoughts on the Calvinistic and Arminian controversy. London, 1804. 46 p. 8~. Pam. v. 303. ----- Remarks on the Effusion of the -fifth apocalyptic vial..London, 1815. 76 p. 80. Pam. v. 310. - A Practical Treatise on the ordinary operations of the Holy Spirit. Baltimore, 1824. 12~. Rome and the Bible..London, 1845. 120. Soc. Pro. Chr. Knowl. Pain. v. 347. FABIAN, R. Trick for Trick: A comedy.. Glasgow, 1761. 120. Pam. v. 621. FABRE, Louis. Catalogue de la Bibliotheque a Orleans See Prousteau, W. FABRICIOUS; or Letters to the people of Great Britain, on the absurdity and mischiefs of defensive operations only in the American war, and on the causes of the failure in the southern operations. By J. Galloway. London, 1782. 111 p. 8~. FABRICIUSt, Franciscus. Leer-rede: 2 Chron. v, 11, 14... Gorinchem, 1736. 57 p. 40. Pam. v. 569. FABRICIUS, J. A. Bibliotheca Latina; sive Notitia auctorum veterum latinorum quorumcunque scripta ad nos pervenerunt... Obiter suppleta ingens lacuna aliquot paginarum in Scholiis Eustathii ad Dionysium Periegetem...... Adjecta preeterea ad calcem Procli Philosophi Platonici Vita, a Marino Neapolitano Grsece Scripta... Londini, 1703. 320, 25, 95!p. 8~. FACTION DETECTED, by the evidence of facts. Containing an impartial view of parties at home and affairs abroad ***. 2d edition. By John Perceval, Earl of Egmont. Lond. 1743. 175 p. 80. Pam. v. 124.The same, 3d edition, 1743. 178 p. 80. Pam. v. 409. — 5th edition, 1743. Pam. v. 132. FACTS addressed to the Landholders, Stockholders, Merchants, Farmers, Manufacturers, Tradesmen, Proprietors of every description, and generally to all the subjects of Great Britain and Ireland ***. 5th edition. By J. Horne Tooke. London..1780. 117 p. 8~. FACTS AND CONSIDERATIONS for the Democracy of the Empire State. New-York, 1852. 16 p. 80. Pam. v. 259. FACTS AND DOCUMENTS connected with the late insurrection in Jamaica...London, 1832. 24 p. 80. Pam. v. 437. 286 GENERAL LIBRARY. FACTS involved in the Rhode Island Controversy; with some views upon the rights of both parties. Boston, 1842. 80. Pam. v. 197. FACTS FOR THE LABORING MAN. By a Laboring Man. "Narragansett " (Herald of the Times), Newport, R.I., 1840. 102 p. 80. Pam. v. 198. FACTS FOR THE PEOPLE, G. Bailey, Ed. Pub. monthly, Washingt6n, D.C. Vol. I, No. 1 - No. 12, May 1, 1855 - Ap. 1, 1856. 192 p. 8~. FACTS FOR THE REPEALERS. From Dublin Eve. Post, 1834. 24 p. 8~. Pam. v. 423. FAGE, R. A Description of the whole world... Very delightful to be read in so small a volume...London..1658. 70 p. 18~. FAGEL, Baron Gaspar. Letters on the Prince of Orange's opinions on liberty of conscience. See William III. FAIRBANKS, George R. The History and Antiquities of the City of St.Augustine, Florida, founded A.D. 1565...... New-York, 1858. 200 p. 80. FAIRCHILD, Prof. J. H-. The Joint Education of the sexes: A report.. Ohio Teachers Assoc. Oberlin, 1852. 46 p. 180. Pam. v. 605. FAIRCHILDf, Rev. Joy H. Iniquity Unfolded: An Account of the treatment of Mr. Fairchild by the deacons in South Boston, and others. Written by himself. Exeter, N.H. 1844. 84 p. 8~. Pam. v. 266. -- Truth Revealed: Statement aid Review of the whole case of the Rev. Joy H. Fairchild.. By a member of the Suffolk Bar. With an appendix...Boston, 1845. 8~. Pam. v. 231. FAIRFIELD SEMINARY, Herkimer county, N.Y.: Catalogue, 1858. Albany. 8~. Pam. v. 456. FAIRFIELDt, Sumner L. Poems, by.. *. N.York, 1823. 188 p. 24~. ----- Abaddon, the Spirit of Destruction, and other poems. N.York, 1830. 159 p. 8~. The Poems and Prose Writings of:.. In two volumes. Vol. 1. Philadelphia, 1841. viii, 400 p. 8~. FAIRHOLT, F. W., Editor. See Camden Society; Percy Society. ----- The Home of Shakspeare illustrated and described...33 engravings. New-York, 1848. 64 p. 120. FAIRMAN, Capt. W. Blennerhassett. A Series of Letters with editorial remarks on the existing difficulties between England and America. London, Valpy, 1813. 68 p. 8~. FALCONER, Richard. The Voyages, dangerous adventures, and imminent escapes of Capt. Richard Falconer: Containing the laws, customs and manners of the Indians of America....with the voyages and adventures of Thomas Randal of Cork, pilot..5th edition. To which is added, A Great deliverance at sea, by W. Johnson, D.D... London, 1764. vi, 222, 36 p. 12~. FALCONERt, William. Poetical Works. See Beattie, J. FALCONER (William), M.D. Observations on some of the articles of diet and regimen usually recommended to valetudinarians. London, 1778. 63 p. 180. Pam. v. 614. FIRST SUPPLEMENT. 287 FALKENSTEIN, Karl. Geschichte der Buchdruckerkunst i3n ihrer Entstehung und Ausbildung...Ein Denkmal zur vierten Sacular-Feier der Erfindung der Typographie. Leipzig, 1840. 406 p. With Typenschau von Orientalischen schriften, satz, druck und papier von der Koniglichen Buchdruckerei in Paris. 18 p. in 1 v. 4~. FALKLAND, Lucius Cary, Earl of. A Speech made to the House of Commons concerning Episcopasie. By the Lord Viscount Faulkland. London, printed for T. Walkely, 1641. 16p. 8~. Pam. v. 427. FALL, Robert.'Observations on the Report of the Commissioners of the HI. of Com.... of the British fishery. London, 1786. 103 p. 80. Pam. v. 426. FALL RIVER, Mass. Report of School Committee, 1844 - 5, 48 - 9. Fall River, 1845, 49. 8~. Pam. v.-552. FALL ('The) or MAN AND HIS REDEMPTION. A Sermon meditated in blank verse....and....poems. By G. M. Bath, Eng. (1840?). 216 p. 12~. FALLACIES OF THE BROKEN GAUGE. Mr. Lushington's arguments.. refuted.. London, 1846. 40 p. 80. Pam. v. 428. FALLACY DETECTED, by the evidence of facts; or considerations on.. a compulsory reduction of the interest of the public debt... Printed..1790. Philadelphia, 44 p. 80. FALLEY SEMINARY, Fulton, N.Y. Catalogue, 1849, 57, 59. 8~. Pam. v. 456, FALSE (The) ACCUSERS ACCUSED; or the Undeceived Englishman... In a Letter to the pretended Patriots...By a Member of the H. of Commons. London, 1741. 54 p. 80. Pam. v. 420. FALSE HONOUR: A Poem ***. London, 1844. 19 p. 80. Pam. v. 397 FALSE RELIGION worse than no religion. An enquiry concerning superstition...London, 1730. 62 p. 8~. Pam. v. 336. FAMILY (The) DENTAL JOURNAL. Ed. by Dr. D. C. Estes. Vol. I, No. 4, 5. Albany, 1854. 80. Pam. v. 246. FAMIILY LITUIRGY; selected from the Book of Common Prayer, for the use of members of the Prot. Epis. Church in the U.S. of America,...New-York, 1847. 24 p. 18~. Pam. v. 616. FANCOURT, Chas. St. John. The History of Yucatan from its discovery to the close of the 17th century. With a map. Lond. 1854. 340 p. 8~. FANNINGt, Edmund. Voyages to the South Seas, Indian and Pacific Oceans, China Sea, Northwest Coast, Feejee Islands, South Shetlands, &c. &c.; with an account of the new discoveries made in the Southern Hemisphere between the years 1830 - 37. Also the origin, authorization and progress of the first American National South Sea Exploring Expedition...2d edition. New-York, 1838. 120. FARGO, F. F. A...History of the Assassination of James King of Win... and the execution of J. P. Casey and C. Cora by the Vigilance Committee. San Francisco, Cal. 24 p. 8~. Pam. v. 504. FAR-INA, J. M. Precis..sur l'Eau de Cologne. Paris, 1830, 36 p. 120. Pam. v. 614. FARLEY (E. W.), of Maine. Speech, U.S.H. of R., May 10, 1854, on Kansas and Nebraska. 80. Pam. v. 206. 288 GENERAL LIBRARY. FARMER, C. M. The Fairy of the Stream, and other poems...Richmond, Va. 1847. 167 p. 12~. FARMER (Henry T.), M.D. Imagination; the Maniac's Dream, and other poems. New-York, 1819. 163 p. 18~. FARMERt, Hugh. An Inquiry into the nature and design of Christ's temptation in the wilderness. 2d edition. With An appendix.... London, 1765. 160 p. 80. Pam. v. 300. FARMER (Richard), D.D. A Catalogue of the.. Library of..including all the Old Chronicles, the most rare and copious assemblage of Old English Poetry...a great variety of' old May 7, 1798. 379 p. 8~. With prices. FARMER (The) REFUTrED; or A more impartial and comprehensive view of the dispute between Great Britain and the Colonies, intended as a further vindication of the Congress: In answer to a letter from a A. W. Farmer, intitled, A View of the Controversy....*. By Alex. Hamilton. New-York, Rivington, 1775. iv, 78 p. 80. FARMER'S ALMANAC: J. Sharp, Baltimore, 1822. Alm. v. 18; for 1849, Eagelmann, Baltimore. Aim. v.46; for 1850, Philadelphia, King & Baird. 12~. Aim. v. 22; Farmers' and Mechanics', Baltimore, 1832. 120. Alm. v. 14. FARMER'S ( Old) ALMANAC R. B. Thomas, Boston, 1821, 35. Aim. v. 23; 1840, 41, 45, 46. Aim. v. 24; 1836, 45, 51. 120. Altm. v. 34. FARMER'S ALMANACK: Boston, 1803. Aim. v. 19; Beers, Kingston, N.Y. 1805. Alm. v. 13, 16; Poughkeepsie, N.Y. 1817. Alm. v. 23; Peekskill, 1830. Alm. v. 14; Stillwater, Saratoga Co. 1846. 12~. Alm. v. 37.: T. Spafford, N.York, 1829. Alm. v. 33;..for the middle States.. 1831. Aim. v. 14; 1834, J. Doyle, N.Y.; 1843, H. & S. Raynor. Aim. v. 37; 1844, Greeley & McElrath. Aim. v. 48; 1856, S. Raynor. 120. Alm. v. 34.: For New-England: A. Maynard. Boston, 1851. Aim. v. 28; Springfield, 1853. 120. Aim. v. 28, 34. ----: 1844, by C. W. Johnson & W. Shaw. London. 204 p. 120. Aim' v. 49. FARMER'S CALENDAR, or N.Y. and Vt. Almanack: A. Beers. Troy, 1805, 06, 07, 08, 09. Imp. 120. Aim. v. 20. FARMER'S CALENDAR, or Utica Almanack for the Western District of N.York for..1808,'09,'10,'11,'12,'14,'15-'28,'30,'44. Utica. In 1 v. 120. From 1828 called Williams' Calendar. FARMER'S CALENDAR, or Northern Almanac. Pulaski, N.Y. 1845;. Northern Almanac, 1846. 120. Alm. v. 37. FARMER'S CALENDAR, Baltimore Cushing & Bailey, 1854. 12~. Alm. v. 46. FARMER'S CIRONICLE: Vol. 1, Oct. 7, 21, 1793; Vol. 4, June 27, 1796..Danbury, Conn. fo. See Newsp. v. 15. FARMER'S DIARY, or Catskill Almanack, 1824. 12~. Aim. v. 22. FARMER'S FAMILY ALMANAC: D. Young, New-York. R. B. Collins, 1852. 120. Alm. v. 28. FIRST SUPPLEMENT. 289 FARMERs' FIRE INSURANCE and LOAN COMPANY. Report and Opinions respecting the powers and duration of: New-York, 1836. 8~. Pam. v. 511. FARMER's (The) JOURNAL: Vol. 3. Mar. 4, 1793. Danbury, Conn. fP. See Newsp. v. 15. FARMER'S (The) JOURNAL and Transactions of the Canada Board of Agriculture: Vol. 5, 1857-8. Montreal. 8~. FARMER'S, MECHANIC'S AND GENTLEMAN'S ALMANACK: N. Wild, Chesterfield, N.H. 1825. 120. Alm. v. 23. FARMER'S MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY, Montpelier, Vt. 2d Report, 1852. 8~. Pam. v. 239. FARMING ( To the) LABOURERS of Great Britain and Ireland. London, 1837. 8 p. 80. Pam. v. 423. FARNHAM, Luther. A Glance at private libraries. Boston, 1855. 79 p. 8~. FARRAND, William P. Course of Latin Studies; or Classical selections with notes..3d edition; with notes..Philadelphia, 1817. 12~. FARRAR, Isaac. A Sermon on the great flood in the North of England, Nov. 16, 1771: Ps. xciii, 4. Newcastle, 1772. 8~. Pam. v. 372. FARTHER VINDICATION Of the " Case of the Hanover Troops," etc. By the Earl of Chesterfield. London, 1743. 88 p. 80. Pam. v. 132. FASHIONAB]LE (The) TOUR in 1825. An Excursion to the Springs, Niagara, Quebec and Boston. Saratoga Springs, 1825. 18~.- For a translation, See Tournee a la mode. Cat. 1855. FATAL (The) INDIFFERENCE; or..History of Mrs. Matilda Markham. London (1800?). 24 p. 120. Pain. v. 619. FATHER ABRAHAiM'S ALMANACK. Philadelphia, 1803. 120. Aim. v. 17. FATHER HUTCHINS REVIVED. Almanac, N.Y. 1791. 12~. Alm. v. 20. FATHER TAMMAINY'S ALMANAC. Philadelphia, 1798. 12~. Aim. v. 13. FAUDEL, Henry. A few words on the Jewish Disabilities, addressed to Sir R. H. Inglis...London, 1848. 8~. Pam. v. 321. FAULTS in the Fault-finder; or a specimen of errors in the pamphlet entitled Faults on both Sides. London, 1710. 24 p. 80. Paim. v. 442. FAULTS on both Sides; or an Essay upon the original cause, progress and mischievous consequences of the factions in this nation..2d ed. London, 1710. 56 p. 8~. Pam. v. 125. FAURIELt, C. C. History of Provencal poetry. Trans. with occasional notes, etc., by G. J. Adler. New-York, 1860. xl, 496 p. 8~. FAUSETT, Godfrey. Jewish History vindicated from the unscriptural view of it in Ailman's History of the Jews: In a Sermon.. Oxford, 1830. 46 p. S8. Pam. v. 321. FAUTES a corriger dans La Gazette de Sante de J. J. Gardane. Ciotat, en Provence (1776?). 72 p. 120. Pam. v. 612. FAXTON, Theod. S. Address N.Y. State Agricultural Society. Albany, 1857. 80~. Pam. v. 461. [SUPPL.] 37 290 GENERAL LIBRARY. FAY'S (J. A.) Boarding School, Elizabethtown, N.J. 1849. 12~. Pam. v. 605. FAYt (Warren), D.D. Sermon, Ordination of R. Anderson.... J. Brewer, E. Smith, C. Stone and J. Stow. Boston, 1826. 80. Pam. v. 525. FAYETTE IN PRISON; or Misfortunes of the Great: A modern tragedy. By a Gentleman of Massachusetts. Worcester, Mass., printed for the author, 1802. 32 p. 80. Last leaf wanting. FEATHERSTONHAUGHt, George W. Observations upon the Treaty of Washington, signed Aug. 9, 1842; with the treaty annexed, together with a map...London, 1843. 80. FEATLEY, iDaniel. Philip's Memento Mori; or the Passing Bell: A Sermon preached in Mercer's chapel, at the funeral of Mr. Bennet, merchant: Deut. xxxii, 29. London, 1708. 8~. Pam. v. 381. FEDERAL GALAXY, V. 1, Aug. 21, 1797. Brattleboro', Vt. See Mass. Spy. Cat. 1855. FEDERAL GAZETTE and BALTIMIORE DAILY ADVERTISER, from v. 28, Jan. 1, 1808, to v. 39, June 30, 1813. Baltimore, John Hewes. 7 v.f~. FEE, Rev. John G. An Anti-Slavery Manual; or the Wrongs of American Slavery.... 2d edition. N.Y. 1851. 178 p.- Non-fellowship with slaveholders the duty of christians. N.Y. 1855. 68 p.- The sinfulness of slaveholding...N.Y. 1851. 36 p. In 1 v. 12~. FELIX, Rachel. Memoirs of Rachel: By Madame De B-. N.York, 1858. Repr. 376 p. 120~. FELL, Bp. John. Sermon, House of Peers, Fast Iayj Dec. 22, 1680: ]Ifatt. xii, 25. Oxford. 4~. Pam. v. 359. FELLOWES, Robert. The Anti-Calvinist, or two plain discourses on redemption and faith: I John ii, 2..2d edition. London, 1801. 8~. Pam. v. 302. FELLOWS, John. Grace Triumphant: A Poem. In nine dialogues... Sunderland, Eng. 1820. 90 p. 120. Pam. v. 397. FELLTHAMt, Owen. Resolves divine, moral, political. With several new additions both in prose and verse...London, 1709. 8~. FELTt, Joseph B. Memorials of William Smith Shaw. Boston, 1852. 346 p. 12. The Ecclesiastical History of New-England; comprising not only religious, but also moral and other relations...Vol. I. Boston, Congr. Lib. Ass. and by the Congr. Board of Pub., 1855. 8~. FELTONt, C.C., Editor. See Carlisle, Earl of. Diary in Turkish and Greek waters. FELTON, John Brooks. The Horse-shoe: A Poem, spoken before the Phi Beta Kappa Society in Cambridge, July 19, 1849. Cambridge, 1849. 12~. Oration, 4th Anniv. of the College of California.... San Francisco, 1858. 8~. Pamn. v. 514. FELTON, S. On the Portraits of English Authors on Gardening, with biographical notices*. Second edition, with considerable additions, London, 1830. xxxvii, 221 p. 8~. FIRST SUPPLEMENT. 291 FEMALE EMIGRATION FUND: First Report of the Committee, March 1851. London. 86 p. 80. Pam. v. 434. FEMALE MEDICAL COLLEGE of Pennsylvania. See Cleveland (E.H.); Preston, A. FEMALE MEDICAL EDUCATION SOCIETY, and the New-England Female Medical College: 4th Report. Boston, 1853. Pam. v. 246.- 5th Report. Boston, 1854. Pain. v. 226.- 6th Report. Boston, 1855. 8a. Pain. v. 196, 516. See also New-England F. M. Coll. FEMALE SOCIETY of Boston and vicinity for the promotion of christianity amongst the Jews: 1st, 2d Reports. Boston, 1818, 19. 12~. See Amer. Soc. for meliorating, etc. FENELONt, F. De S. de la Motte. Morceaux Choisis..avec notes par P. Allan. Paris, Delalain, 1857. 18~. Fables..avec notes..par L. Fremont. Paris, Delalain, 1857. 18~. FENNER, David. A Word for the Soldier, or An answer to falsehood: Part I. London, 1825. 38 p. 80.- Reply to a letter written by Dr. Butler. London, 1825. 22 p. 8~. Pam. v. 304. FENNER, E. D. Southern Medical Reports....on the medical topography, meteorology, and prevalent diseases, in the following States: Louisiana, Alabama, Mississippi, North-Carolina, South-Carolina, Georgia, Florida, Arkansas, Tennessee, Texas. To be published annually..$@* Vol. I. 1849. New-Orleans..1850. 8~. FENTON (R. E.), of N.Y. Speech, U.S. H. of R., on Democratic tests and the Nebraska bill, Feb. 15, 1854. Washington. 8 p. 80. Pam. v. 561. FERCHL, F.M. Uebersicht der einzig BestehendenVollstandigen Incunabelnsammlung der lithographic, und der iibrigen Senefelder'schen erfindungen als metallographie, papyrographie, papierstereotypen und oelgemaldedruck (ohne presse).... Mit vielen abbildungen.... Miinchen, 1856. 91 p. 8~. FERGUSON, Rev. J. B. Relation of Pastor and People: Statement of belief on Unitarianism, Universalism and Spiritualism. Nashville, 1854. 23 p. 8~. Pam. v. 563. History of the Relation of the Pastor of the " Christian Church of Nashville:...Aug. 19, 1855. Nashville, 1855. 8~. Pam. v. 213 Spirit Communion: An immovable fact in the internal consciousness and external history of man: Being an address....Nashville, Tenn. 1855.'20 p. 8S. Pam. v. 563. ----- Divine Illumination: Discourses on the ministry of angels; the idea of endless wrong an abomination, etc. Nashville, 1855. 96 p. 8~. Pam. v. 563. Address and Correspondence delivered Dec. 30, 1855, in the "Christian Church." Nashville, Tenn. 1856. 16 p. 8~. Pam. v. 563 FERGUSONt, James. The Illustrated Handbook of Architecture; being a concise and popular account of the different styles of architecture. 850 illustrations on wood. London, 1855. 2 v. 8~. FERBIENTATION (The) OF EUROPE: Why we have no hopes for France; why we have much hope for Italy and Germany..4th edition. From the " Economist." London (1848). 21 p. 80. Pam. v. 415. 292 GENERAL LIBRARY. FERNALD, Woodbury M. Eternity of Heaven and Hell...or a renunciation of the error of Universalism. 33 p. 8".- Judah and Simeon; or Love with its truth.... a sermon, New-Jerusalem church, Nov. 1857.. Boston, 1858. 8~. Pain. v. 540. FERRAWIIO, Giuseppe. Statistica delle Morti improvvise, e particolarmente delle morti per apoplessia nella citta...dall' 1750 al 1834.. 1834. 238 p. See Lombard Institute. Storia dell' Architettura Milanese. See Lomb. Inst. v. 1. FERRE, Hermannus. Verhandeling van der Heidelbergschen Catechismus... Door H. F. en C. Brinkman. Utrecht, 1783 - 86. 4 v. 8~.;FERRERS, Rev. E. Catalogue of Library Lond. 1826. 8~. Cat. v. 96., FERRIS, Mrs. B. G. The Mormons at Home; with some incidents of travel from Missouri to California, 1852 - 53.... New-York.... 1856. 12o. FERRIS (Isaac), D.D. A Sermon, American Sunday School Union, May 19, 1834. Philadelphia, 1834. 8~. Pamn. v. 267. - Domestic Christian Education: A Sermon, Eph. vi, 4. Albany, 1835. 80. Pam. v. 288, 559. Ecclesiastical Characteristics... of the Ref. Prot. Dutch Church... Sermon. New-York, 1848. 43 p. 12'. Pam. v. 547. - Thy Kingdom Come: A Discourse, Boston, September 12, 1848, before the A.B.C.F.M., Ann. Meeting. Boston, 1848. 8. Pam. v. 288. - Address, Law Department of the University of the City of NewYork, 1858. 8. Pam. v. 514. FERRIS, Jacob. The States and Territories of the Great West; including Ohio, Indiana, Missouri, Michigan, Wisconsin, Iowa, Minesota, Kansas and Nebraska; their geography, history. institutions.%.New-York and Auburn...1856. 12~. FERTEL, Martin Dominique. La Science Pratique de l'Imprimerie... Le tout repr6sent6 avec des figures en bois et en taille-douce. A Saint Omer, M. D. Fertel, 1723. 292 p. and index. 40~. FESSENDEN, C. P. The Second Advent of our Lord and Saviour. Philadelphia, 1843. 16 p. 80. Paln. v. 534. FESSENDEN, G. NI. The History of Warren, R.I.... with..Notices of Massasoit and his family. Providence, 1845. 125 p. See Tustin, J.P. [rFESSENDENt, Thomas Green]. Democracy Unveiled. By Christopher Caustic***. 2d edition. Boston, 1805. viii, 220 p. 12~. Original Poems....Philadelphia, 1806. xii, 203 p. 12~. The Ladies Monitor. In verse. Bellow's Falls, Vt. 1818. 180 p. 120. FESSENDEN ( U. P.), of Maine. Speech, U.S-. Senate, March 3, 1854, against the repeal of the Missouri prohibition.. and Nebraska and Kansas. 8~. Pam. v. 206. FESS-MAIER, J. G. Ueber das Entstehen und Aufbliihen des Olberteutschen Staidtebundes, und dessen bekiimpfung und vernichtung durch Friederich von Landshut..1819. 54 p. See IKln. Baier. Ak. Reden, v. 4-. FIRST SUPPLEMENT. 293 FEUERBACIHt, Anselmz von. Caspar Hauser: An Account of an individual kept in a dungeon.... to about the age of seventeen... Trans. from the German. 2d edition. Boston, 1833. 168 p. 18~. FEUERLEIN, Joh. C.... Supellex Libraria, sen Catalogus librorum ex omni scientiarum genere selectiorum... justisque instructus pretiis. Prostat Svobaci..1768. 640 p. and index.- 8~. FWVAL, Paul. Le Champ de Bataille. 1 v.- Madame Gil Blas...1 v. New-York, Semaine Litteraire, 1854, 57. In I v. 8~. FEyRET DE FONTENELLE, C. M. Editor of Biblioth. Hist. de la France. See Lelong, J. FEW (A) CURSORY REMARKS upon the state of parties, during the administration of..IH. Addington. By a near observer. Rich.Bentley? London, 1803. 81 p. 80. Pain. v. 413. FEW (A) REMARKS..Of the atonement made by our Saviour..London, 1835. 24 p. 8~. Pam. v. 305. FEW (A) REMARKS upon the subject of a railroad to the Pacific: By a member of the Philadelphia bar. Philadelphia, 1853. 13 p. 80. Pam. v. 149. FEW (A) WEEKS in Paris, during the residence of the allied sovereigns in that metropolis. First American edition.... Boston.... 1814. 168 p. 12o. FEW (A) WIORDS of Obvious Truth, or the authenticity of a part of the baptismal commission... By a Unitarian believer... London, 1829. 37 p. 8~. Pam. v. 317. FEW (A) WORDS to the Friends of the Poor concerning an Address..... Preface. London, 1803. 12 p. 8~. Pam. v. 429. FICHET, M. Notice sur les Travaux de 3M. Fichet, Serrurier-mecanicien...Paris, 1855. 23 p. 8~. Pam. v.233. FIDDES, Richard. Sermon, The Proofs and Influence of a future judgment: Acts xxiv, 25. York (1707). 4~. Pam. v. 362. FIEBIG, Ott). Catalogus diss. theologicarum. See Weigel, T. O. FIELD'S LIBRARY REPORTER: Wilbraham, Mass. 1856. 80. Cat. v. 80. FIELDt (David D.), D.D. The Genealogy of the Brainerd family, in the United States, with numerous sketches of individuals. N.York, 1857. vii, 303 p. 8~. FIELD (James) vs. C. Field, New-York. See Shotwell, T. L. FIELD, Levi A. An Historical Sketch of the First Congregational Church in Marlborough, Mass.. Worcester, 1859. 82, 52 p. 12~. FIELD, Maunsell B. The Indians. Trans. See Manypenny, G. W. [FIELDINGt, Henry]. Don Quixote in England: A Farce (1733)... Edinburgh, 1760. 120. Pamn. v. 621. Pasquin: A Dramatick Satire on the times. Being the rehearsal of two plays, viz.: a comedy called the - Election, and a tragedy call'd the Life and Death of Common Sense....London, 1736. 120. Pam. v. 396. FIELDING, Sir John. A Plan for preventing robberies within twenty miles of London... London, 1755. 25 p. 8~. Pam. v. 403. 294 GENERAL LIBRARY. FIELDING, T. H. The Art of Engraving, with the various modes of operation... Illustrated with ten specimens of the different styles of engraving. London, 1844. 112 p. 8~. The Theory and Practice of Painting in oil and water colours, for landscape and portraits.... and a manual of lithography. Illustrated with...plates. 5th edition. London, 1852. 236 p. 8~. FIFTY YEARS RECOLLECTIONS of an Old Bookseller..2d edition; first series. To which is added some additional sketches of the life of Capt. Grose, including his rules for drawing caricatures... London, 1837.- With, at the 94th page, a second title: Three hundred and fifty years retrospection of an old bookseller....~ ~. By W. West. Cork, 1835. 200 p. 8~. FIGGINS, V. & J. Specimen of Book and Newspaper Types, from the foundry of: London, 1838. 130 leaves. 4~. FILLMIORE, Millard, President. Speech, on the Revenue Bill, U.S. H. of R., July 24, 1841. 16 p. 8~. Pain. v. 498. ---- Speeches at New-York, Newburgh, Albany, Rochester, Buffalo, &c....June 1856. 24 p. 8~. Pam. v. 537. Biography of Millard Fillmore. Buffalo, Thomas & Lathrops, 1856. xv, 215 p. 120. Life of:....New-York: R. MI. De Witt (1856). 32 p. 8~. Pam. v. 471. See also, Taylor, Z. - Great Fillmore Meeting, July 24, 1856. Also, a message from President Fillmore, Aug. 6, 1850. New-York, 1856. 24 p. 8~. Pam. v. 537. FINANCES ( The) and Trade of the United Kingdom at the beginning of the year 1852. 4th ed. London, 1852. 60 p. 80. Pam. v. 427. FINCH, Robert Pool. The Denunciation of Christ against Jerusalem...Sermon, December 13, 1776, General Fast: Matt. xxiii, 37, 38. London, 1777. 4~. Pam. v. 1008. FINCH, Thomas. Sermon, Jubilee of accession to the throne: Prov. xxv, 5. Hull, 1809. 80. Pam. v. 375. FINK, Joseph von. Ueber den Einfluss jener Conf6derationen en Teutschland..... Minchen, 1822. 52 p. 4~. See Kon. Baier. Ak. Reden, v. 4. Ueber die Politischen Unterhandlungen des Churfiirsten Johann Wilhelm von der Pfalz zur Befreyung der Christenheit in Armenien vom Joche der Unglaubigen, von 1698 bis 1705. 1829. 30 p. 4~. See Kin. Baier. Ak. Reden, v. 4. FINLEY, Rev. James B. History of the Wyandott Mission at Upper Sandusky, Ohio, under the direction of the Methodist Episcopal Church. Cincinnati, 1840. 432 p. 12~. ---- Sketches of Western Methodism; biographical, historical and miscellaneous: Illustrative of pioneer life. Edited by W. P. Strickland, D].D. Cincinnati, Meth. Book Concern, 1856. 12~. FINNEY, Rev. Charles G. Sermon, Amos iii, 3: Presbyterian Church, Troy, March 4, 1827. Troy, N.Y. 1827. 80. Pam. v. 288..-.... Reply to Mr. Duffield's " Warning against error." Oberlin, O. 1848. 47 p. 8~. Pam. v.'295. FIRST SUPPLEMENT. 295 FIRE ENGINE COMPANIES, 1839 - 58. Pam. v. 624. FIRE MARSHAL ALMANAC.....for 1859. Brooklyn, N.Y. 180. Pam. v. 624. FIRMICuS, J. Jvlii Firmici Materni junioris Siculi V. C. ad Mavortiuml Lollianum Astronomicon libri viii, per N. Prvcknervm Astrologum nuper ab innumeris mendis uindicati... Basilese, 1551. 244, 227 p. f~. FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH, Albany: Sabbath School, Constitution. Albany. 120. Pam. v. 289. FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH in the City of New-York. Proceedings in relation to the slanderous charge against their pastor, W. Parkinson....May 1829. 12 p. 80. Pam. v. 466. FIRST CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH, Albany. Articles of Faith.... Albany, 1853. Pam. v. 484. FIRST CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH, Hartford. Catalogue of the Sabbath School Teachers' library. Hartford, 1851. 32 p. 12~. Pam. v. 470. FIRST CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH in Ridgefield, Connecticut. A Concise History of.... By Rev. C. Clark. Norwalk, 1843. 32 p. 18~. Pam. v. 484. FIRST Congregational CHURCH, Middleborough, Mass. Mr. Putnam's Century-and-half- Discourses: An historical account, and a catalogue of members. Boston, 1854. 124 p. 8~. FIRST CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH, Salem, Mass. Correspondence between the First Church and the Tabernacle Church in Salem; in which the duties of churches are discussed, and the rights of conscience vindicated. Salem, 1832. 176 p. 8~., Pam. v. 262. FIRST LETTER to the People of England. See Letter to, &c. 1756. FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH, Albany. To the Members of the: Signed, A. Milfarch and others. March 11, 1847. 47 p.- To the members, etc. Mar. 29, 1847. 18 p.- Minutes of a meeting, March 24, 1846. 6 p. Pamt. v. 536.- See also M'Naughton, J.; and Presbyterian; Cat. 1855. FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH, Buffalo. A Brief Summary of, Christian doctrine.. adopted by: A historical sketch of.. Buffalo, 1838. 48 p. 120. — Enlarged edition. Buffalo, 1852. 120. Pam. v. 536. FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH of Hudson: Manual. Hudson, N.Y. 1852. 120. Pam. v. 536. FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH and SOCIETY in Utica: State and condition of.... with a brief review of certain late proceedings.... Utica, 1844. 32 p. 8~. Pam. v. 536. FIRTH, William. A Letter to H. Bathurst, Bishop of Norwich, on.. the benefits likely to accrue..... by the repeal of all the disabling statutes against Roman catholics and Protestant dissenters...... London, 1813. 113 p. 8~. Pam. v. 344. FISCHER, Gotthelf. Beschreibung einiger Typographischen Seltenheiten, nebst Beytragen zur erfindungsgeschichte der buchdruckerkunst. Erste - sechste lieferung....Mainz, 1800 - 04. 86, 132, 184, 140, 168, 500 p. With illustrative plates. In 1 v. 8~. 296 GENERAL LIBRARY. FISCHER, Philipp. Von dem Geiste der Beobachtung in natiirlichen dingen. 1782. 35 p. See Kon. Baier. Ak. Reden, v. 3. FIISHt, Hamilton.... Reasons for supporting Fremont: A Letter, Sept. 12: 1856. See Marsh, E. Pam. v. 537. FISH, Henry. Jesuitism traced in the Movements of the Oxford tractarians. London, 1842. 64 p. 80. Pam. v. 331. FISH, Rev. Joseph. The Examiner Examined: Remarks on a piece wrote by Mr. Isaac Backus of Middleborough; printed in 1768. New-London, T. Green, 1771. 127 p. 8~. FISH (Rev. HW. H.), Cortland, N.Y. Orthodoxy versus Spiritualism and Liberalism. Hopedale Press, 1857. 22 p. 8S. Pam. v. 563. FISHBOUGH, William. The Macrocosm and Microcosm; or the universe without and the Universe within...Part I, The Macrocosm; or the universe without. N.York, Fowler & Wells, 1856. 259 p. 12~. FISHER'S Comic Almanac, New-York, 1841,'44,'45,'46. Alm. v. 25; for 1854. 120. Aim v. 30. FISHER'S Illustrations of Constantinople and its environs. 2d Title. Constantinople and the Scenery of the seven churches of Asia Minor illustrated, in a series of T. Allom, with an hist. Rev. R. Walsh. 1st, 2d series. London (1839). 1 v. 40. FISHER'S Improved Housekeeper's Almanac. Baltimore, 1850. 12~ Alm. v 46. FISHER, Elwood. Lecture on the North and the South.. Young Men's Mere. Lib. Assoc. of Cincinnati, O., Jan. 16, 1849. Richmond, Va. 1849. 8~. Pam. v. 228. FISHER (John I).), M.D. Description of the. distinct, confluent and inoculated Smallpox, Varioloid disease, Cow-pox and Chicken-pox; illustrated by thirteen plates. 2d edition, Boston, 1834. 73 p. 4~. FISHER, Rev. Samuel. Two Sermons delivered at Morristown, N.J.; to which is annexed an Address to the Presbyterian congregation in that place. Morristown, 1814. 8~. FISHERt (Samuel W.), D.D. Sermon, Death of Miss Mary S. Dwight, Teacher Albany Female Academy..Albany, 1845. 8~. Pam. v. 554. - Presbytery: A Sermon, Synod of Cincinnati... at Oxford, Ohio, 1850. Cincinnati, 1850. 60 p. 8~. Pam. v. 536. ---- Discourse, occasioned by the Death of Jacob Burnet, LL.D. Cincinnati, 1853. 8~. Pam. v.268. Inaugural Address, 1858. See Hamilton College. FISHER, Thomas. Collections, historical, genealogical and topographical, for Bedfordshire. Etched and engraved on 114 copper plates, from the original drawings by (or under the direction of): London, 1812 - 1836. 40~. FIsHER, William. A Sermon, Distress in Ireland Matt. xxv, 34- 36. London, 1847. 8~. Pam. v. 378. FISK (Elisha), of Wrentham. A Sermon, Norfolk Auxil. Soc. for the Education of pious Youth for the Gospel Ministry, June 9, 1819. Dedham, 1819. 8~. Pam. v. 288. FIRST SUPPLEMENT. 297 FISK- (Richmond), jr. Address, Hudson Literary Soec. Hudson, N.Y. 1859. 80. Pam. v. 514. FISK (Wilbur), D.D. A Discourse on predestination and election... at Greenwich, Mass...2d edition. Brookfield, 1831. 32 p. 80. Pam. v. 559. FITCH, A. Memorial of, in behalf of Fitch Brothers & Co..... navy agents at Marseilles, Feb. 5, 1845. Cong. Doe. 36 p. 80. Pam. v. 488. FITClt (Asa), M.D. First Report on the noxious, beneficial and other insects of the State of New-York, made to the State Agricultural Society... Albany, 1855. 170 p. 8~.- First and second Reports... 1856. 8~.; third, fourth and fifth Reports, Albany, 1859. 172, 67. 74 p. and index. 80. 3 v. FITCH, Ebenezer. Discourse addressed to the Candidates for the Baccalaureate in Williams College, 1799. Pittsfield, MS. 34 p. 120. Pam. v. 559. FITCH, George W. Outlines of Physical Geography, illustrated by six maps and numerous engravings ***. 2d ed. New-York... 1855. 12~. FITCH, John. The Original steamboat supported;- or a reply to Mr. J. Rumsey's pamphlet. Philadelphia, 1788. See Doc. Hist. of N.Y. v. 2. FITCH, S. S. Guide to Invalids. New-York. 74 p. 120. Pam. v. 614. FITCHBURGt RAILROAD. Annual Report, 1849. Charlestown. Pam. v. 256. — For 1852. Pam. v. 147.- For 1853. Pam. v. 148.- For 1856, 1857. Pam. v. 256, 383.- For 1859, 17th report, Boston. Pam. v. 571. FITNESS (The) of repealing the Septennial Act at this juncture considered... London, 1740. 30, 32 p. 8~. Pam. v. 420. FITZ GERALD, John. An appeal to pious and devoted Clergymen, concerning the canon law and canonical obedience...London, 1851. 80 p. 8~. Pam. v. 329. FITZGIBBON (John), Earl of Clare. Speech, H. of Lords of Ireland, Feb. 19, 1798 [ Irish affairs]. With... original papers..2d edition. Dublin, 17,98. 87, xi p. 80. Pam. v. 423. FITZ-JAMES, Zillah.... An Autobiographical Narrative. Little-Rock, Arkansas, 1855. 32 p. 80. Pam. v. 496. FITZPATRICK, N. Diss. med. inaug., De angina pectoris..Acad. Edinb.... 1830. 8~. Pam. v. 405. FITZWILLIAM, Earl. First, Second, and Third Addresses to the Landowners of England, on the Corn laws. London, 1839. 60 p. 8~. Pam. v. 424. FITZ-WILLIAM, John. Sermon at Cotenham, Sept. 9, 1683: Thanksgiving on the Conspiracy, Prov. xxiv, 21, 22. London. 4~. Pam. v. 360. FIVE LETTERS addressed to the Yeomanry of the United States; containing some observations on the dangerous scheme of Governor I)uer and Mr. Secretary Hamilton, to establish national manufactories. By a Farmer, i. e. Dr. Laughan. Philadelphia, 1792. 28 p. 80, Pam. v. 220. [SUPPL.] 38 298 - GENERAL LIBRARY. FIvrE LETTERS, viz: I, Some conjectures concerning an eternal creation; II, Eternal fitness...; III...Duties we owe to God...; Iv, God not the first institutor of sacrifices...; v... London, 1737. 67 p. 8~. Pamn. v. 444. FIVE-POINTS HOUSE OF INDUSTRY.....Incorporation, By-laws and Addresses. New-York, 1854. 8~. Pam. v. 509. — 2d Report. NewYork, 1856. 80. Pam. v. 243. FIVE SERMONS, on the following subjects, viz: Folly.. of an atheistical inclination; God's government..; Dignities..of human nature..; Proofs of a future state. London, 1788. 100 p. 8". Pam. v. 368. FLACHAT, E. Docks. See Bordeaux Chamber of Commerce. [FLAGG, A. C.]. See Internal Improvements in New-York. Circular to the Stockholders-of the Chicago and Rock-Island Railroad Company, Dec. 1, 1857. N.York, 1857. 8~. Pam. v. 283. FLEEMING'S REGISTER for New-England and Nova-Scotia.. for 1772. Boston. 97 p. 18~. FLEET'St (Pocket) ALMANACK and REGISTER for 1786, 87, 90, 91, 92, 93, 94, 95, 96, 97, -98, 99, 1800, for Massachusetts. Boston, T. & J. Fleet. In 12 v. 18~. FLEETWOODt, Bishop William. [Sermons, etc.], in 1 v. 4~. Contents: Sermon, HI. of Commons, Nov. 5, 1691: John xvi, 2, 3. London. Sermon, before the Queen, Feb. 12, 1693: Ez. xxxiii, 31. London. Sermon against Clipping: Gen. xxiii, 16. London, 1694. Sermon before Lord Mayor, Jan. 30, 1699. London. Sermon, Aug. 4, 1700: Ps. cxlvi, 3, 4, 5. London, 1700. Sermon before the King, Nov. 5, 1700: Hiat. xxiii, 15. London. Thanksgiving Sermon, Sept. 7. London, 1704. Sermon before the Queen, Aug. 19, 1708: Ez. xxxvi, 32. London. Sermon, HI. of Lords, Jan 30, 1710: 2 ICings viii, 13. London. 13th Chapter of the Romans vindicated.. Written by a Curate of Salop.. London, 1710. 22 p. /non. Sermon, June 7, 1716: Thanksgiving, Suppression of the rebellion. 6th -edition. London, 1716. Two Sermons, the one before the King, Lent, 1717....the other...on the justice of paying debts: 2 Ki. iv, 7. London. Sermon, Aug. 19, 1708: Victory near Audenard, Ez. xxxvi, 22. London. 8~. Pam. v. 364. Sermon, 1711. See Soc. Prop. the Gospel. FLEMING, Rev. Robert. The Fulfilling of Scripture complete: in three parts...Together with some memoirs...5th ed. London, 1776. fP. FLEMING (W.), D.D. The Scripture Gazetteer..Nos 1-8. Edinburgh, 1837. 2 v. 8~. NOS 9-12 wanting. FLEMING, Wilmington. The Destroying Angel, a fragment; The Captive's Boy, and other poems. Lond. 1825. 27 p. 8~. Pain. v. 397. FLETCHER, Andrew. The Political Works of. London, 1737. 8~. FLETCHERt (John), Vicar of Madeley, Salop....A Particular Account of the sudden stoppage of the River Severn, &c., on Thursday FIRST SUPPLEMENT. 299 morning, May 27, 1773; and the substance of a sermon preached the next day, on the ruins. 2d ed. Bristol, 1774. 18~. Pam. v. 105. - American Patriotism farther confronted with reason, scriptiure, and the constitution; being Observations on the dangerous politicks taught by the Rev. Mr. Evans and the Rev. Mr. Price. With a Scripture plea for the revolted colonies. Shrewsbury, 1776. 130 p. 12~. Pam. v. 103. FLEURYt, Abbe Cl. Moeurs des Chretiens. Paris, 1754. 18~. FLEURY, J. A. Histoire de l'Angleterre, comprenant celle de l'lEcosse, de l'Irlande et des Possessions anglaises.... (Duruy, Hist. Univ.). Paris, 1852. 2 v. 12~. FLEURY, Lame. History of the Discovery of America, written expressly for children. From the French. London..1849. 142 p. 12~. See Smith, E. FLINN, Andrew. A Sermon... Dedication of the Second Presbyterian Church, Charleston, S.C. 1811. 80. Pamin. v. 288. FLINT}I (James), D.D., Salem, Mass. Sermons by. Boston, 1852. 12~. The Vanity and Unsatisfactory Nature of earthly possessions, pursuits and pleasures: A Discourse. Salem, 1844. 8~. Pam. v. 105. Two Discourses, delivered on taking leave of the Old Church, Dec. 28, 1845. Salem, 1846. 80. Pam. v. 105. - A Discourse delivered at the Dedication of the New Church, Jan. 1, 1846. Salem, 1846. 80~. Pam. v. 105. - A Disaourse, North Church in Salem...after the decease of the Rev. John Brazer, D.D., late pastor..Salem, 1846. 8~. Pam. v. 214. --- A Sermon, on occasion of the Death of President Taylor, July 10, 1850; and of the Death of the Hon. Nathaniel Silsbee, July 14, 1850. Salem. 1850. 80. Pam. v. 214. FLINT, Micah P. The Hunter, and other poems. Boston, 1826. 147 p. 12~. FLINT (Thomas), of Salem, Mass. A Genealogical Register of the descendants of..By John Flint and John H. Stone. Andover, 1860. 150 p. 8~. FLORENCE. Galerie de Florence. [ Thirty-six plates of engravings of paintings, of ancient engraved stones, etc.], dessin6 par J. B. Wicar, grav6 par Marais, Triere, Langlois. Paris, 1790. f~. Without titlepage. FLORENTIUS. Chronicon. See English Historical Society. FLORIANt, Jean P. Claris de. Precis Historique sur les Maures d'Espagne ( Introduction to Gonzalve de Cordoue). 195 p. 180. ILOURENS, P. On Human Longevity, and the amount of life upon the globe...Translated from the French 2d edition, by Charles Martel. London..1855. 120. FLOWER, Benjamin. National Sins considered in two letters to the Rev. Thomas Robinson.... To which are added a Letter from Rev. R. Hall.... and Reflections on war, by Rev. W. Law. Camnbridge, 1796. 108 p. 8~. Pain. v. 333. 300 GENERAL LIBRARY. FLOWER OF THE JACOBINS; containing Biographical Sketches of the characters at present at the head of affairs in France.....3d edition. London, 1793. 84 p. 8~. Pam. v. 454. FLOYDt ( John G.), of N.York. Speech, H. of R., on the Slavery and Compromise questions. Washington, 1852. 14 p. 8'. Pam. v. 486, 561. FLtGEL, Felix. Die Englische Philologie in Nordamerika: Aus Gersdorfs Repert. 1852. Leipzig. 20 p. 80. Pam. v. 513. FLURL, Mathias. Ueber die Gebirgsformationen in den dermaligen Churpfalzbaier. Staaten, 1805. 83 p. 8~. See Keen. Baier. Akad. Reden, v. 3. FODERn, F. E. Traite du D61ire, applique a la medecine,' la morale et a la legislation...Paris, 1817. 2 v. 8~. FOGELBERG. L'(Euvre de Fogelberg. Public par C. Leconte. Paris, 1856. 45 p. & 39 plates, fP. FOLARDt, J. C. de. See Polybius...avec un commentaire, 1727. FOLKESt, Martin. A Table of English gold coins... London Society of Antiquaries, 1736. 84 p. 4~. Pam. v. 1015. - Catalogue of the...Library of... which will be sold...Feb. 2, 1756. London. 156 p. 80 FOLSoMi'S MERCANTILE COLLEGE, Cleveland, Ohio. Catalogue and Circular, 1855. 80. Pam. v. 458. FoLsoMt, George. A Catalogue of Original Documents in the English archives, relating to the early history of the State of Maine. NewYork, 1858. iv, 137 p. roy. 8~. FOLsoM (Nath.) and John TRUAIR. A Dissertation on the Second Coming.. of. Christ. Cazenovia, N.Y. 92 p. 12~. Pam. v. 540. FOLTZ ( J. M.), M.D. The Endemic Influence of evil government illustrated in a view of the climate, topography, and diseases of the Island of Minorca.... [ From N.Y. Jour. of Medicine]. New-York, 1843. 65 p. 8~. FONDA (Sebastian F.), M.D. Analysis of Sharon Waters, Schoharie county; also of Avon, Richfield, and Bedford mineral waters. With directions for invalids. New-York..1854. 96 p. 12~. FONTAINE, Rev. James. Memoirs of a Huguenot Family: Translated and compiled from the original autobiography of; and other family Ann Maury... New-York, 1853. 512 p. 12~. FONTANA, Felix. Treatise on the Venom of the Viper; on the American poisons.. To which are annexed, Observations on the primitive structure of the animal body...and a description of a new canal of the eye. With ten descriptive plates. From the French.... by J. Skinner... London, 1787. 2 v. 8~. FONTANINIt, G. Biblioteca dell' Eloquenza Italiana..... con le Annotazioni del Signor Apostolo Zeno.... Venezia, 1753. 494, 515 p. 2 v. 4~. FOOTE, Henry G. Oration, July 4, 1856, at Ogdensburgh, N.Y. Ogdensburgh, 1856. 80. Pam. v. 241. FOOTE, H. S. Speech, U.S. Senate, 1851, on the Resolution reaffirming the compromise reasures. 24 p. 8~. Pam. v. 486. FIRST SUPPLEMENT. 301 FOOTE (John) jr. The Medical Pocket-book for 1837, 1840. London. In 1 v. 180~. FOOTE, John J. Chenango Canal Extension: Speech... in N.Y. Senate, March 11, 1859. 6 p. Pain. v. 477. FOOTE, Thomas M. National Characteristics: An Address, Literary Societies of Hamilton College, July 24, 1848. Buffalo, 1848. 80~. Pam. v. 204, 286. - Death of: From Buffalo Comm. Adv. slips. 8~. Pam. v. 494. FOOTEt (William Henry), D.D. Sketches of Virginia, historical and biographical... Second series. Philadelphia, 1855. 80. FORBES (Abner) and J. W. GREENE. The Rich Men of Massachusetts; containing a Statement of the reputed wealth of about fifteen hundred persons, with brief sketches..Boston, WI. V. Spencer, 1851. 8~. FORBES, Buxton. A Correspondence, etc. between..and James Knight. London, 1807. 29 p. 8~. Pam. v. 495. [FORBESt, Duncan]. See Letter to a Bishop, 1732; also, Some thoughts concerning religion, 1735. FORBES, Hugh. Manual for the PatrioticVolunteer on active service in regular and irregular war; being the art and science of obtaining and maintaining liberty and independence. 2d edition****. NewYork..1855. 2 v. 18~. FORBESt, James D. Address to the Brit. Assoc. for the Adv. of Scieirce, Fourth Meeting,. Edinburgh, 1834. 8'). Pam. v. 402. FORBES (John Murray), D.D. Self-Discipline: A Sermon before the Associate Alumni of the Gen. Theol. Sein. of the Prot. Ep. Church in the U. States. New-York, 1847. 80. Pam. v. 202. FORBESt, R. B. The Voyage of the Jamestown on her errand of mercy to Ireland. Boston, 1847. 27, cliv p. 8~. Anll Appeal to Merchants and Ship owners, on the subject of seamen: A Lecture...Boston, 1854. 8~. I am. v. 286. FORBY, Rev. Robert. A Letter to the... Bp. of Norwich, on some passages in the reports of two speeches said to have been addressed by his Lordship.... to the Church Miss. Asso., and to the Aux. Bible Soc. London, 1815. 96 p. 80. Pam. v. 383. FORCEt, Peter. Supplement to Grinnell Land. Read... Nat. Institute, July 1853. Washington. 52 p. 8~. Pam. v. 500. Record of Auroral Phenomena observed in the higher northern latitudes. From Smithsonian Contr. 1856. 118 p. 40. FORD, Capt. D. Journal of an Expedition, suppressing the Whiskey Rebellion. From New-Jerey Hist. Coll. v. viii. 8~0. Pam. v. 502. FORD, George. Funeral Sermon of Rev. Sam. Brewer, B. D.: Acts ii, 24. London, 1796. 8~. Pam. v. 382. The Times, a Sermon: Matthew xvi, 3, Stepney meeting, 1803. London. 80. Pam. v. 375. FORD ( Henry A.), MID. Observations on the Fevers of the west coast of Africa. New-York, 1856. 48 p. 12~. 302 GENERAL LIBRARY. FORDYCE (James), D.D. Unlawful Pleasure, a Sermon: PRov. vii, 7. Gen. Assem., London, 1760. 80. Pam. v. 371. FOREIGNt EVANGELICAL SOCIETY: 2d, 3d, 6th Report. New-York, 1841, 42, 45. 8~. Pam. v. 548.- See Bacon, L. FOREST HILLS CEMETERY, Roxbury, Mass.: Reports, 1850 - 56. 80. See Roxbury City Docts.- Reports, 1855, 57. Pam. v. 478. FOREST LAWN CEMETERY ASSOCIATION, Buffalo, New-York, 1856. 92 p. 80. Pam. v. 478. FORM (The) or PRAYER and Ceremonies used at the consecration of a church. Durham, 1845. 24 p. Pam. v. 308. FORM (A) OF PRAYER -for morning and evening, fitted for the use of christians of any denomination.... London, 1751. 88 p. 8~. Pam. v. 308. FORMAN, Charles. A Letter to...Sir R. Walpole concerning the election of a king of Poland...the views of the House of Austria and the interest of Great Britain. London, 1733. 43 p. Pam. v. 418. FORMAN, J. G. The Fugitive Slave Law: A Discourse..West Bridgewater, Mass.: Deut. xxiii, 15, 16; Is. xvi, 3, 4. Boston, 1850. 8~. Pam. v. 557. FORMANt, Joshua. On Banks, 1829. Imp. 80. Pam. v. 199. FORMS used at the Consecration of churches and burial grounds in the diocese of London. London, 1850. 15 p. 80. Pam. v. 308. FORMS OF PRAYER by her Majesty's special command to be used, 1830; Nov. 15, 1849; Ap. 26, 1854. 40. Pam. v. 308. FORREST (Robert), of Stamford, Del. Co. N.Y. A Sermon, Northern Missionary Society, Lansingburgh, Sept. 6, 1815. Albany, 1815. 80. Pam. v. 80. [ FORRESTER, Alfred H.]. See- Comic English Grammar. Cat. 1855. FORRESTER, Jos. J. A Word or Two on Port Wine.... shewing how and why it is adulterated, and affording some means of detecting its adulterations.... Together with "Strictures" by T. Whittaker the younger. London, 1848. 79 p. 80. Panm. v. 402. FORRYt (Samuel), M.D. On the Position of Man in the state of organic creation, &c. New-York, 1844. 80. Pani. v. 272. FORSTER, Nathaniel. Sermon, Popery destructive of the Evidence of Christianity: Mark vii, 13. Nov. 5, 1846, Oxford. 8~. Pam. v. 369. [- ]. See Dissertation on the Account of Christ.... by Josephus, 1749; Refiections on government of Egypt, 1743. FORSTERt, Thomas. Researches about Atmospheric Phmenomena..3d edition, corrected.. With a series of engravings..To which is added the Calendar of Nature. London, 1823. 444 p. 8~. FORSTER, W. E. William Penn and Thomas B. Macaulay: Being brief observations on the charges made in Mr. M.'s History of England against the character of W. Penn. Revised for the Am. ed. by the author. Philadelphia, 1850. 48 p. 8~. Pam. v. 566. FORSYTHt (John), D.D. Presbyterianism since the Reformation: Discourse, Presb. Hist. Society, 1858. Philadelphia, 1858. 20 p. 8~ Pain. v. 536. FIRST SUPPLEMENT. 303 An Address, delivered before the Peithessophian and Philoclean Societies of Rutgers College...New-York, 1848. 8. Pam. v. 237. FORT FILLMORE SILVER MINING COMPANY, New-Mexico: A Mlemoir upon Stephenson's silver mine...By J. T. Sprague... Albany, 1858. 40 p. 8~. Pam. v. 520. FORT-PLAIN SEMINARY and FEMALE COLLEGIATE INSTITUTE, Montgomery county, New-York. Cat. 1858. 8~. Pam. v. 459. FORTIA D'URBAN, Le Marquis. Nouveau Sisteme de Bibliographie alfabetique, seconde edition, pr6c6dde par des considerations sur l'ortographe franqaise. Divisee en trois parties..Paris, Fev. 1822. 68, 82, xxvi, 330 p. 12~. FORTUNATUS (Fr.) A. D. Bonaventura.. Commentarioruin de Alcobacensi Mstorum Bibliotheca libri tres....Conimbricse, 1827. 632, 7 p. and index. 40~. FORTUNEt, Robert. A Residence among the Chinese: inland, on the coast, and at sea...With suggestions on the present war. London, 1857. 8'). FosDnrc (David), jr. Scriptural Temperance: A Sermon, Hollis-st. Meeting House, Boston, on Thanksgiving Day. Boston, 1846. 8~. Pam. v. 238. Sect is Sin...A Sermon, Dedication of a new meeting-house... South-Groton...With an appendix. Boston, 1855. 48 p. 120. Pam. v. 558. FOSGATE (Blanchard), 11I.D. Sleep Psychologically considered with reference to sensation and memory-**. New-York, 1850. 120. Foss (A. T.), and E.'Mathews. Facts for Baptist Churches, Utica, 1850. 408 p. 12~. FOSTER, B. F. Education Reform: A Review of Wyse on the Necessity of a National System of Education... N.York, 1837. 108 p. 8~. Pam. v. 216. Prospectus of the Commercial Academy, 183 Broadway, NewYork, 1837. 8~. Pam. v. 216. FOSTER, Charles J. The University of London a parliamentary constituency. London, 1851. 8~. Pam. v. 386. FOSTER (Daniel), Concord, Mass. Our Nation's Sins and the Christian's Duty: A Discourse, April 10, 1851. Boston, 1851. 80. Pam. v. 105. FOSTERt, James. [ Essays, etc.], in 1 v. 8~. Contents: An Answer to Dr. Stebbing's Letter on the subject of heresy: In a letter to the doctor. London, 1735. 72 p. All Answer to Dr. Stebbing's Second Letter...London, 1736. 84 p. An Answer to Dr. Stebbing's True State of the Controversy with Mr. Foster... London, 1737. 47 p. -An Account of the Behaviour of the late Earl of Kilmarnock, after his sentence and on the day of his execution. With an appendix. London, 1746. 51 p. FOSTERi, John. Fosteriana, consisting of thoughts, reflections and criticisms of:..Selected from periodical papers not hitherto published in a collective form, and edited by H. G. Bohn. London, 1858. 120. 304 GENERAL LIBRARY. FOSTER, John: Critical Essays contributed to the Eclectic Review...Ed. by J. E. Ryland, M.A. London, 1856. 2 v. 12~. FOSTER (John), D.D., Brighton, Mass. A Sermon, Boston, Nov. 1817; Society for Propagating the Gospel among the Indians and others in North America. Cambridge, 1817. 80. Pam. v. 288. FOSTER, John L. Speech, H. of Commons... May 9, 1817,....on the petition of the Roman Catholics of Ireland. Loend. 1817. 80. Pam. v. 423. FOSTER, J. T. Introduction to the Study of Geology, together with a key to Foster's geological chart. Albany..1850. 18~. [ FOSTER, Sir Michael]. See Examination of... Church power, 1736. FOSTER, Richard. Sermon at the Nssizes, Rochester, Mar. 18, 1684: Prov. xvii, 26. London. 40. Pam. v. 360. FOSTER, William C. Poetry on different subjects, written under the signature of Timothy Spectacles*'*.... Salem, N.Y. 1805. 120. FOTHERGILL, Rev. George. [ Sermons, collected ] in 1 v. 8~. Contents: Importance of Religion to civil societies. Assizes at Oxford, 1735. 3d edition. Oxford, 1745. Excesses in the Pursuit of Liberty, Jan. 31, 1737. 2d edition. Oxford, 1744. Unsuccessfulness of Repeated Fasts: Is. Iviii, 3. Oxford, 1745. Thanksgiving Sermon, Oxford, Oct. 9, 1746: Suppression of rebellion. Publick Worship, Sermon, Oxford Assizes, March 8, 1753. Improvement of Divine Judgments: Fast on occasion of earthquakes. Oxford, 1756. Sermon, Univ. of Oxford, June 19, 1757: John ix, 4. Oxford. Sermon, Fast on War with France: Is. xlii, 24. Oxford, 1758. Love of our Country, Sermon, IH. of Lords, Restoration of Charles II, May 29, 1758. Oxford. FOTHERGILL, John. An Account of the Life and Travels in the work of the ministry of: To which are added divers epistles...London, Philadelphia; reprinted 1754. 280 p. 18~. FOTHERGILL, Thomas. Religion and Learning..a sermon: Dan. xii, 10. Oxford, 1762. 8~. Pam. v. 372. FOULKE, William Parker. Discourse in Commemoration of the founding of the Acad. of Nat. Sci. of Phil'a....Philadelphia, 1854. 8~. Pam. v. 100. Remarks on the Penal System of Pennsylvania, particularly with reference to county prisons. Philadelphia, 1855. 8~. Pam. v. 191. - Hugh Miller's Testimony of the Rocks. Philadelphia, 1857. 19 p. 8~. Pam. v. 269. FOUNTAYNE, John. Sermon, Fast, Feb. 6: Isaiah xxvi, 4, 5. York, 1756. 80. Pam. v. 371. FoUR CONFERENCES, &c. Oxford, 1688. See [ Woodhead, A.]. FOUR LETTERS to the... Chancellor of the a lay catholic of the Church of England. London, 1825. 19 p. 8~. Pam. v. 345. FIRST SUPPLEMENT. 305 FOURNIER, Fr. Ign. Nouveau Dictionnaire portatif de Bibliographie, contenant plus de vingt trois mille articles de livres rares..Precede d'un precis sur les biblioth'ques et sur la bibliographie..2e 6dition. Revue et...augmentee* O. Paris, 1809. 566, 48 p. 80. FOURNIER, Henri. Traite de la Typographiec *. Paris, 1825. xlii, 315 p. 8~. - Traite de la Typographic. 2me 6dition, corrigee et augment6e. Tours, 1854. 408 p. 120. FOURNIERt, Pierre Simon. Dissertation sur l'Origine et les Progres de l'art de graver en bois, pour eclaircir quelques traits de l'histoire de l'imprimerie, et prouver que Guttemburg n'en est pas l'inventeur...A Paris, 1758. 95 p. 180~. FOURTH (A) LETTER to the People of England***. London, Cooper, 1756. 43 p. 8S. Pam. v. 421. See Letter, &c. 1756 (IV ), of which it is a counterfeit title. FOURTH PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH, Albany. Confession....1858. 18~. Pam. v. 604. FOURTH WARD INDUSTRIAL SCHOOL FOR GIRLS: 1st, 2d, 3d Report. New-York, 1854, 55, 56. Pam. v. 250. FOWLEt, William Bentley. Common School Grammar: Part II.... Boston, 1842. 108 p. 12~. FOWLER (Edward), D.D. Bp. Discourse of Offences, Gloucester, Aug. 19, and Sept. 2, 1683: ]Matt. xviii, 7. London. 40~. Pam. v. 360. [ —— ]. A Vindication of an undertaking of certain gentlemen, in order to the suppressing of debauchery and profaneness. London, 1692. 16 p. 40~. Pam.- v. 357.. FOWLER'St ( L. N.) ILLUSTRATED PHRENOLOGICAL ALMANAC NewYork, 1852. 12~. See Williamsburgh; also, Phrenological almanacs. FOWLER, O. S. A Home for All; or a new, cheap, convenient and superior mode of building. New-York, 1848. 96 p. 8~. Temperance Founded on Phrenology and Physiology...4th edition. New-York, 1852. 32 p. 80. Pam. v. 292. Tight Lacing, or the Evils of compressing the organs of life... New-York. 16 p. 8~. Pain. v. 292. FOWLER (P. Il.), D.D. Social -Dancing as an amusement for professing christians. A Discourse: Eccl. iii, 4. Utica, 1859. 32 p. 80. Pain. v. 558. FOWLER, Samuel P. Salem Witchcraft; comprising, More wonders of the invisible R. Calef; and Wonders, etc. by C. Mather..with notes by:..Salem, Mass. 1861. 450 p. 120. FOWLERt, Prof. William C. English Grammar.- The English language in its elements and forms; with a history of its origin and development... Revised and enlarged. New-York, 1855. 8~. ---- iMemorials of the Chaunceys, including President Chauneey, his ancestors and descendants. Boston, 1858. 304 p. 8~, FOWNESt, George. Rudimentary Chemistry for the use of beginners, Barbados, 1848. 67 p, 12~. [ SUPPL.1 39 306 GENER:AL LIBRARY. FOX and WISCONSIN IMPRiOVEMENT COMPANY. Report, Dec. 1856. New-York, 1857. 17, xxiv p. 40. Pam. v. 1014. Foxt, Charles J. Speech, H. of Commons: Negotiations for Peace with the French Republic. London, 1800. 8~. Pam. v. 440. Speech, Reform in Parliament. See Pitt, W. Speech, Repeal of the Test acts, 1790. 8e. Pam. v. 319. --—, Plaintiff, against J. H. Tooke, Defendant: Proceedings, Westminster, April 30, 1792. No title. 85 p. 8~. Pamin. v. 411. Fox (Rev. Francis), Reading, England. A Present to accompany the Prayer-book..Albany Prayer-book Society. Altered. Albany, 1819. 36 p. 120. Pam. v. 543. Fox (George) and John BURNYEAT. A New-England Fire-brand quenched. Being an Answer to a slanderous book, entituled, G. Fox digged out of his baurrows... by Roger Williams....In two parts. As also an Answer to R. W.'s Appendix... Letters of W. Coddington of Rode-Island... London, 1678, 79. xxviii, 233, 255 p. sm. 4~. Fox, Thomas B. Need of the Sanctuary in th-eCity: A Sermon, Dedication of the Indiana-street Congr. Church. Boston, 1847. 80. Pam. v. 238. Foxt, W. J. The Duties of Christians towards Deists: A Sermon preached, at the Unitarian Chapel...Oct. 24, 1819, on occasion of the recent prosecution of MIr. Carlile...London, 1819. xv, 48 p. 8~. Pam. v. 337. - A Discourse on occasion of the Death of Rajah Rammohun Roy. London, 1833. 56 p. Pain. v. 380. - The Church Establishment inconsistent with the spirit of Christianity...A Discourse, 1834. London. Pam.'v. 330. The Educational Clauses in the Bill now before the H. of Commons, " for regulating the employment of children and young persons in factories"... London, 1843. 8~. Pam. v. 388. FoxCRoFTt, Thomas.. Sermons: The Day of a godly man's death better than the day of his birth.... Two Sermons, showing how to begin and end the year.... To which is added a Discourse on Jer. xviii, 20. Boston, Printed by B. Green, 1T722. 196 p.120. First title wanting. FoxIus, S. Sebastiani Foxii Morsilii Hispalensis, De naturae philosophia; seu De Platonis et Aristotelis consensione libri v. Editio nova, prioribus multo correctior. Additus est ejusdem Libellus ad finem de studii philosophici ratione. Lugd. Batav. 1622. 553 p. 18~. FRAEHaN, M. Indications Bibliographiques, relatives pour la plupart a la Litterature historico-geographiqiue des Arabes, des Persans, et des Turcs... St.P6tersbourg,.Acad. Imp. des Sci., 1845. 87 p. 8~. FRAGMENTS Of the History of Bawlfredonia; containing'an Account of the discovery and settlement of that great southern continent.. By Herman Thwackius. Trans. from the original Bawlfredonian MS...By a Citizen of America. Printed for the American booksellers, Baltimore? 1819. 164 p. 8~. FRAMINGHAM, Mass. Reports of the Treasurer for the years 1854-55. Framingham, 1855. 8~. Pam. v. 192. FIRST SUPPLEMENT. 307 FRAMPTON, Matthew. Sermon, Univ. of Oxford, July 9, 1769: 2 Pet. iii, 18. Oxford, 1769. 40~. Pam. v. 1007. FRANCE, C. J. Thesis Medica: [De diversis vinorum qualitatibus]. 1758. Vesuntione. 21 p. 120. Pam. v. 612. FRANCE: Collectiont de Documents Inedits, etc. Continued. Paris. 18 v. 40. Contents: (9). Recueil des Lettres missives de Henri IV, pub. par Berger de Xivrey. -T. 6, 7. 1853, 58. (13). Papiers d'6tat du Cardinal de Granville. Red. par Weiss. T. 9. 1852. (17). Memoires militaires relatifs a la succession d'Espagne sous Louis XIV: Rediges sous...Gen. De Vault..(Pelet). T. 9, 10. 1855, 59. (30). Recueil des monuments.... du Tiers-Etat: Redige par A. Thierry. T. 3. 1856. (31). Correspondance..sous Louis XIV: Redige par Depping. T. 4. 1855. (35). Cartulaire de 1'Abbaye de Saint Victor de Marseille: Pub.par M. Guerard. T. 1, 2. 1857. (36). Histoire de la Guerre de Navarre en 1276, 77, par G. Anelier de Toulouse: Pub. par F. Michel. 1856. (37). Negociations diplomatiques de la France avec la Toscane Doe. recueillis par G. Canestrini, et pub. par A. Desjardins. T. 1. 1859. (38). Memoires de Claude Haton, contenant le recit des 6v6nements accomplis de 1553 a 1582: Pub. par F. Bourquelot. T. 1, 2. 1857. (39). Cartulaire de l'Abbaye de Beaulieu (en Limousin): Pub. par M. Deloche. Paris,, 1859. (40). Lettres, Instructions diplomatiques, et Papiers d'Stat du Cardinal Richlieu: Recueillis par M. Avenel. T. 1, 2, 3. 1853, 56, 58. TROISIeME SeRIE: Archeologie. (2). Architecture monastique: Par A. Lenoir. IIe et IIIe partie. 1 v. 1856. FRANCEt: AGRICULTURE. Concours d'Animaux de Boucherie en 1853, 1854, 1855, a Bordeaux, Nimes, Lyon, Lille, Nantes et Poissy: Compte rendu des operations des concours...... Paris, 1.854 - 56. 3 v. roy. 8~. Concours RBgionaux: d'Animaux reproducteurs, d'instruments, machines, ustensiles ou appareils de l,'industrie agricole.... Tenus a Agen, etc. etc. Et Concours general.... 1853, 54, 55, 56. Paris. 4 v. 8~. - Bulletin du Ministere de l'Agriculture et du Commerce: 4me annee 1843 - 12mn anne 1851. Paris. 9 v. roy. 80. -- ----- Compte Rendu de l'execution du, decret du 3 Octobre 1848, relatif & l'enseignement lprofessionnel de l'agriculture. Paris. 1850. 673 p. 4~. - - French Universal Agricultural Prize Exhibition to be opened, Paris, June 1857. Washington, 1857. 58 p. 80~. French Universal Exposition of procreative animals and agricultural implemnents.... for 1856 and 57. Washington, 1856. 39 p. 8S. Pam. v. 461.: ALGERIA. Tableau de la Situation des Etablissements fran9ais dans l'Algerie, 1852-54. Premiere, Seconde partie. Paris.... 1855. 2 v. fo. Catalogue Explicatif et Raisonne de l'Exposition permanente des produits de l'Algerie ( Rue de Grenelle de St.Germain, 308 GENERAL LIBRARY. FRANCEr (continued) 107); suivi du Catalogue methodique des produits algeriens l'Exposition de Paris en 1855 [ By M. Jules Duval ]. Paris, 1855 207 p. 8~. ----: BATHS. Bains et Lavoirs publics.- Commission instituec par ordre de M. le President de la Republique. — Ministere de l'agriculture et du commerce, 1850 [ Paris]. 40. H7ith 15 plates. ----: BRIDGES and ROADS. Ecole (Imperiale) des Pouts et Chaussees: Catalogue des ouvrages anglais et am6ricains de la bibliotheque....Paris, 1856. 87 p. 8~. --- ~- Ecole Imperiale: Collection de dessins distribues aux 6elves.'re - 4me, lOme, lime series. Paris. fo. ----- ----- See Annales des Ponts et Chauss6es.: CENSUS. Denombrement quinquennal de la Population de l'Empire, 1856. Paris, 1857. 4~. ----- CHAMBRE DES DsPUTES. Plan figuratif, 1830. Tabular. Newsp. v. 16. -: CONSTITUTION de la Republique Franqaise, adoptee par l'Assemblee Nationale, le 4 Nov. 1848. French and English. 45 p. 120. Pamn. v. 608.: EDUCATION. Code Universitaire. See Rendu, M. ----- ----- Programme d'Enseignement pour les Ecoles normales primaires...1851. Paris. 24 p. 120. Pam. v. 625. - Rglement et Programme des examens pour le brevet de capacit6 d'enseignement primaire. Paris, 1857..12~. Pam. v. 625. - --- --- Plan d'Etudes et Programmes d'enseignement des lyc6es...1852. Paris. 120. - Reiglement sur l'Enseignement des sciences appliqu6es. Paris, 1854. 35 p. 18~. Pam. v. 625. - Rglement et Programmes du Baccalaureat es sciences. Paris, 1857. 36 p.-.....du Baccalaur6at es lettres. Paris, 1857. 21 p. 120. Pam. v. 625. See Images a l'usages des salles d'asile. - - - Ministere de l'Instruction publique et des cultes [A collection of blank certificates, forms of returns, etc. etc., for schools and colleges]. In 1 v. fV. -- -- Ecole Imperiale Speciale de Dessin, de math6matiques, d'architecture, et de sculpture d'ornement...Distribution des prix, 30 Aoft 1857. Paris. 16 p. 8~. Pam. v. 499. ----... ]Dessins Colories pour l'Enseignement de la mecanique: 30 planches. Composes sous la direction de Mr le General Morin... -t par les soins de Mr Tresca, Sous-directeur du Conservatoire des arts et metiers. Ouvrage publie par ordre de Mr de Ministre de l'instruction publique. Paris (1857?). Atlas f~. l Modeles de Dessins et de Lavis compos6s.... pour l'enseignement dans les lycees... Par ordre du Ministre de l'instruction publique. Paris, L. IHachette et Cie. Ornement, 10 planches; Geometrie, 6; Lever de plans, 6; Topographic, 8; Lavis de machines, 6, etc. FIRST SUPPLEMENT. 309 FRANCE (continuedcl): - FINANCES. Rapport presente a Son Excellence le Ministre Secretaire d'etat des finances, par le Commissaire royale du cadastre, 1819(?). Paris. 272 p. 4~. ---: IIYGI~NE VWITIRINAIRE. See Recueil de Meamoires. ----: INFANTICIDE. Rapport a M. le Ministre Secretaire d'dtat de l'interieur, concernant les infanticides et les mort-nes, dans leur relation avec la question des enfants trouves: Par M. Remacle. Paris, 1845. 86 p. 4~.: LIBRARY. Bibliotheque Imperiale: Departement des imprimes. Catalogue de l'Histoire de France. Tome I - VI. Under the direction of J. Taschereau. Publie par ordre de l'Empereur. Paris, 1853 - 59. 6 v. 4~. Contents: VOL. 1. Preliminaires: Traites generaux; Geographie de la France; Hist. generale; Collections; Histoire par epoques; Ethnographie; Generalites de la r.evolution; IIistoire par regnes. VOL. 2. HIistoire par regnes: Bourbons, suite. VOL. 3. Republique franqaise; Empire; Premieire restauration; Cent jours; Seconde restauration; Gouvernement de juillet. VOL. 4. Seconde Republique; Second Empire; Journaux et Publications periodiques ou semi-periodiques; Societes historiques ou arch6ologiques; Annuaires. VOL. 5. IIistoire religieuse de France. VOL. 6. Histoire constitutionnelle. ---: LIGHTHOUSES. Miinist're de l'Agriculture, du Commerce, et des Travaux publics: Description sommaire des phares et fanaux allumdes sur les Cotes de France au Aouft 1855. Paris, 1855. 129 p. 8.-.-.: MAPS. Catalogue des Cartes, plans, vues de cotes, memoires, instructions nautiques, etc., qui composent l'llydrographie franqaise. Paris, 1847. 220 p. 8~.: MusEuMls. Notice des Tableaux exposes dans la Galerie du Musee. Paris, 1814. 152 p. 120. Pam. v. 615. M: ILITARY SCHOOL. Programmes des Connaissances exigees....pour l'admission a l'Ecole.... militaire de Saint Cyr en 1858. Paris. 34 p. 120. Pam. v. 625. ~-: )MUTUAL AID SOCIETIES. Rapport a 1'Empereur sur la situation des Societes de secours mutuels..Par la Commission superieure d'encouragenment et de surveillance des: Annee 1853, 1854.. Paris..1854, 55. 2 v.4~. ---: NAVY. A Translation of the French King's Ordinance relating to the enrolling of sea-officers, sailors and seafaring people. 15th Ap. 1689. -London, 1740. 30 p. 80. Pam. v. 420..-.- Etablissement des Invalides de la Marine: Expose preparatoire. Ministere de la Marine et des Colonies. Paris, 1831. 8~. Pam. v. 235. -: PATENTS. Description des Machines et Procedes pour lesquels des brevets d'invention ont 6te pris sous le regime de la Loi du 5 Juillet 1844. Publiee par les ordres de M. le Ministre de l'Agriculture, du Commerce et des Travaux publics. Tomes I - 33.Table generale des vingt premieres annees. I v. Paris, 1850 - 59. 33 v. 4~. 310 GENERAL LIBRARY. FRANCE (continued): Catalogue des Brevets d'Invention pris du 9 Octobre 1844 - au 131 )Decembre 1854. Paris, 1846 - 1855. 10 v. 8~. --—: PISCICULTURE. Commission de Pisciculture: Travaux et Rapports....Rapport de M. Milne-Edwards, et de M.: Coste. (Paris, 1850). 32 p. 8~. Pam. v..233....-: POLYTECHNIC SCHOOL. Programmes des Connaissances exigees et instruiction ministbrielle pour l'admission -a l'ecole....en 1858. Paris. 36 p. 120. Pam. v. 625.: POST-OFFICE. Postes Imperiales: Etat. gneral.....suivi de la Carte..1806. Paris, 1805. 186 p..80. --: PRISONS. Opinions exprimees par les Conseils genbraux des departements dans leur session de 1838, sur la r6forme du regime des prisons. Paris, 1838. 183 p. 4~. Prbfecture de:Police.- Rapports k M. le Ministre de l'Interieur au sujet des modifications introduites dans le regime du Penitencier des jeunes la Seine, aujourd'hui Maison Centrale d'Education correctionnelle, pendant les annees 1838 - 1843. G. Delessert, PrJfet. Paris, 1844. 67 p. 4~.......- Statistique des Bagnes:Annbe 1851; Annbe 1852. Paris, 1853, 1854. 37, 37 p. in I v. 80~. - Rapport a sa Majeste l'Empereur, sur l'Administration des Etablissements penitentiaires par S. E. le Ministre de l'Interieur.- Statistique de ces etablissenments. Annee 1852. Paris, 1854. -With Statistique des Prisons et des Etablissements pbnitentiaires pour l'annee 1853. Rapport..par M. Louis Perrot, Inspecteur: general..Paris, 1855. In 1 v. 80...... -- ~Etudes sur la Mortalite dans les RBagnes et dans les Maisons centrales de force et de correction, depuis 1-822 jusqu'a 1837 inclusivement...par M. Raoul-Chassinat. Paris, 1844. 139 p., 4~.: PROVISIONS. Assemblee Nationale. — Enquete legislative sur la production et la consommation de la viande de boucherie, ordonne par les resolutions des 13 et 21 Janvier 1851.- Rapport fait au nom de la Commission par M. V. Lanjuinais.... Paris, 1851. 63, cxlv p.- Documents recueillis par la Commission d'enquete. Tome premier. Paris, 1851. 418 p. In 2 v. gr. 4~. R: AILROADS. Enquete sur les moyens d'assurer la regularitd et la suirete de l'exploitation sur les chemins de fer.... Paris, 1858. clvi, 453 p. f~. SAVINGS INSTITUTIONS. Rapport..;sur les Caisses d'E]pargneAnnee 1851, Annee 1854. Paris, 1854, 55. 2 v. 4~.: SLAVERY. Expos's des Motifs: Rapports et dbbats des Chambres Legislatives concernant les lois des 18 et 19 Juillet 1845, relatives au regime.des Esclaves, a l'introduction de cultivateurs europeens, et a la formation d'etablissements agricoles dans les colonies franpaises. Paris, 1845. 1024 p. 80. Ministere de la Marine et des Colonies. — Questions relatives a l'abolition de l'esclavage. — Instructions adressees a MM. les Gouverneurs des colonies. ( Circulaire du 18 Juillet 1840.) Avis des Conseils coloniaux.- Delibbrations et avis des Conseils speciaux. Paris, 1843. 7 parts in 1 v. fVo FIRST SUPPLEMENT. 311 FRANCE (continued): ---: TAPESTRY. Notice sur l'Origine et les Travaux de Ia manufacture royale des tapisseries des Gobelins et de la Savonnerie, prece'dee du Catalogue...Paris, 1847. 42 p. 120. Pam. v. 607. --: WAR DEPARTMENT. Rapport a 1'Empereur par le...Ministre de la Guerre ( Vaillant) sur l'ensemble des dispositions administratives auxquelles a donn6 lieu la guerre d'Orient. Paris, 1856. 58 p. 8~. Pam. v. 521. FRANcIs, Benj. The Conflagration: a Poem on the last day, in four parts...2d edition. Bristol, Eng. 1786. 47 p. 8~. Pam. v. 397. FRANCIS, Fred. J. The Fine Arts of Greece during the age of Pericles: A Lecture. London, 1839. 46 p. 8~. Pam. v.400. FRANCISt (John W.), M.D. New-York during the last half century: A Discourse in commemoration of the 53d anniversary of the N.Y. Historical Society....New-York, 1857. 232 p. With Proceedings, Nov. 3, 1857. 27 p. In 1 v. 8~. FRANCISt, SZr P. Catalogue of Library of:..Auction. Lound. 1838. 8~. Cat. v. 96. FRANCK, Ad. See Dictionnaire des Sciences Philosophiques. FRANCKIE, Joh. Mich. Catalogue. See Bunavius, H. FRANCKEAN EVANGELIC LUTHERAN SYNOD. Journal of the Sixteenth, Nineteenth Ann. Session, 1853, 1856. Albany, 1853, 56. 8~. Pam. v. 490. FRANCKEN,:iEgidius. Stellige God-geleertheyd, dat is de Waarheden van de Hervormde Leer. 6e druk. Rotterdam, 1757. 3 v. 180. -- Heilig Gebruik des Orgels, vertoont in een leer-reden..Met een toegift.. over het verborgen manna en de witte keursteen. Dordregt, 1743. 80. FRANCKLIN (Thomas), D.D. Sermon in Cornhill after the fire: Ec. vii, 34. London, 1748. 4~. Pam. v. 362. Sermon, Fast Day, 17 Feb. 1758:- Jonah iii, 7, 8. London. 40~. Pam. v. 1007. [ —]. See Letter to a Bishop on lectureships, 1768. FRANK ( Othmar), Pr-of. Ueber die Morgenlandischen HIandschriften der K. Hof-und Central Bibliothek in Miinchen, Bemerkungen. Miinchen, 1814.-Ueber die Persischen Handschriften...82, ii p. 12~. FRANKFORT LITERARY SOCIETY: 1st Anniversary, Ilion, New-York, 1857. 24 p. 80. Pam. v. 513. FRANKLINt, Benjamin. The Complete Works in philosophy, politics and morals of the first collected and arranged. With memoirs of his early life, written by himself..Lond. 1806. 3 v. 8~. Memoirs of the Life and Writings of:..written by himself to a late period, and continued to the time of his death, by his grandson William Temple Franklin. Now first published fronm the original MSS., comprising the private correspondence and public negotiations of Dr. Franklin, and a selection from his political, philosophical and miseellaneous works. London, 1818. 3 v. 4~. [ ]. See Appeal to justice of Great Britain. Cat. 1855. 312 GENERAIL LIBRARY. FRANKLIN, Benjamin: [-]. See Interest of Great Britain. 2d edition. London, 1761. [ ]. See Cool Thoughts on the present situation. Phil'a, 1764. r-.Letters to Benjamin Franklin from his family and friends, 17511790.. New-York, 1859. 8~. FRANKLIN, William. The Building Associations of Connecticut and other States examined. With a review of the New-York and Massachusetts systems..To which is added, for the management of such institutions, a model plan..New-Haven, Conn. 1856. 40~. FRANKLIN ALMANAC: J. Ward, 1839,'41,'42. Philadelphia. 12~. Alm. v. 43.,FRANKLIN BAPTIST ASSOCIATION, Delaware County, N.Y. Minutes, 1815, 16, 26, 26. 8~. Pam. v. 466. FRANKLIN COUNTY AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY: Transactions. 8th Annual Report, 1857. Greenfield, Mass. 1858. 8~. FRANKLIN COUNTY GRAMMAR SCHOOL: Catalogue.... 1840, 1841. St.Albans, 1840, 41. 80. Pam. v. 212. FRANKLINt INSTITUTE of the State of Pennsylvania, for the promotion of the mechanic arts. Journal. 3d series: Vol. 30, July 1855 - Vol. 36, Dec. 1858. Philadelphia. 7 v. 80. ----- Report on the 25th Exhibition of American manufactures, 1856. Philadelphia, 1857. 8~. Pam. v. 255.- Report of the 26th Exhibition, 1857. Philadelphia, 1858. 1 v. 8~. Report of the Committee of the F. I...... on the explosions of steam-boilers..Part II, containing the Report of the subcommittee..... of the strength of materials employed in the construction of steam-boilers. Philadelphia, 1837. 254 p. 8~. Extr. Proceedings, June 18, 1857: Discussion on joints of railways... Pam. v. 272. FRANKLIN'S LEGACY; or the New-York & Vermont Almanack. Troy, 1802, 04. 120. Alm. v. 20. FRANSCINI (Stefano), Ticinese. Nuova Statistica della Svizzera. Lugano, 1847. 2 v. —Samne title. Tavole statistiche per servire di supplimento. Lugaino, 1851. 1 v. 3 v. 8~. FRASER'St MAGAZINE for Town and Country. Vol. 52 - 59, July 1855 - June 1859. London. 8 v. 80. FRASER, Charles. Reminiscences of Charleston, S.C..... Charleston, 1854. 118 p. 8~. FRASER, Rev. Peter. support of schools: Ex. ii, 9, 10. London, 1816. 80. Pam. v. 376. FRASER, William. The Constitutional Nature of the Convocations of the Church of England....London, 1852. 31 p. 8~. Pain. v. 330. FRATELLI, C. Christiani Fratelli onpartydige mllinnelyke Missive aan een goed vriend, wegens de Vereenigingh der twee Protestantsche Religien, namentlijek van de Evangelische Luytersche en de Evangelische gereformeerde. 1725. 16 p. 4~. Pam. v. 109. FRPlDfIRICAt SOPHIIA WILIIELMINA, of Prussia. Memoires de:.... Mlargrave de Bareith, Scour de Frederic le Grand. Ecrits de sa main....Brunswick, Paris et Londres, 1812. 2 v. 80. FIRST SUPPLEMENT. 313 FREDERICKt II, of Prussia. (Euvres de Freddric le Grand. T. vI - xv. Berlin, 1847 - 50. 10 v. 4~. Contents: VOL. 1 - 6. (Euvres Historiques: (I), M6moires de Brandenbourg; (2, 3), Histoire de mon temps; (4, ), Histoire de la guerre de sept ans; (6), Mmrnoires historiques, 1763 - 75. VOL. 7. Melanges historiques. VOL. 8, 9. (Euvres philosophiques. VOL. 10 -14. Poesies: (10, 11), (Euvres poetiques; (12, 13), Poesies posthumnes; (14), Poesies eparses. VOL. 15. Melanges litteraires. FREDERICKt, Caesar...Agtien-Jarige Reys na en door Indien, anno 1563 en verfolgens. Seer naauwkeurig door hem selfs beschreven. Nu aldereerst uyt het Engelsch vertaald. Te Leyden, Pieter Van Der Aa, 1706. 58 p. 12~. ]FREDONIA ACADEMY, Chautauque County, N.Y. Catalogue, 1857, 58. 8~. Pam. v. 456. FREE (John), D.D.' False Prophets, or...Methodists detected at the bar of Scripture..a Sermon: 1 John iv, 1, at Oxford. With a preface..and an appendix..London, 1758. xviii, 40 p. 8~. Pam. v. 371. FREE, M. The Life and Confession of Mickey Free.... Coloma, Cal. 1855. 16 p. 8~. Pain. v. 471. FREE (A) ADIRESS to Protestant Dissenters as such; particularly to Unitarian christians (1772). By J. Priestley. Reprint. Newcastle, Eng. 1815. 50 p. 8~. Pam. v. 316. FREE AND APPOSITE Observations on one very evident and indecent cause of the present rapid decline of clerical credit and character, in a letter to the...Bp. of Chester. London, 1782. 89 p. 8~. Panm. v. 323. FREE (A) AND CALM Consideration of the unhappy misunderstandings and debates.. between..Great Britain and these American colonies. By Rev. Benj. Pr'escott of Danvers. Salem, Mass. 1774. 52 p. 8~. FREE AND CANDID Thoughts on the doctrine of predestination. By T. E., i. e. Thomas Edwards... London, 1761. 25 p. 8~. Pam. v. 300. FREE (The) AND IMPARTIAL EXAMINER: Being a candid enquiry... with regard both to domestick and foreign affairs...London, 1745. vii, 52 p. 8'. Pam. v. 446. FREE (A) APPEAL to the People of Great Britain, on the conduct of the present administration, since: the thirtieth of July 1766. London, 1767. 45 p. 8~. Pol. Tr. v. 4. FREE (A) CONFERENCE concerning the late election of an Emperor; or a Political Enquiry into the original cause of the present troubles of Germany. London, 1745. 19 p. 8~0. Pam. v. 446. FREE-MASONRY in reply to Anti-Masonry, in the Am. Quar. Review for Mar. 1830. Boston,:1830. 40 p. 12~. Pam. v. 550. FREE MASONS: Grand Lodges-Proceedings, in 1 v. 8~. Contents: Grand Lodge of Alabama: Proceedings of the Annual Communication... Dec. 1853. Montgomery, 1853. 162, 26, 21 p. M. W. G. L. of. Connecticut: Proceedings... at'the Annual Communication, New-Haven, May 10, 1854. New-Haven, 1854. 51, 111 p. [SUPPL.] 4Q 314 GENERAL LIBRARY. FREE MASONS: M.:W. G. L. of Georgia: Proceedings at the Annual' Communication for the year 5853. Macon, 1853. 183 p. Grand Lodge of Kentucky: Proceedings, Grand Ann. Comm. Lexington, Aug. 28, 1854. Frankfort, 1854. 240 p.Grand Lodge of F. and A. Masons of Maryland: Proceedings, Nov. 21-23, 1853...Baltimore, 1853. 90 p. G. R. A. Chapter of Missouri: Proceedings at the Ann. Comm. at St.Louis, May 23, 1855. St. Louis, 1855. 53 p. M. W. G. L. of New-Hampshire: Proceedings at the Ann. Comm. June 7, 8, 5853. Concord. 47 p. Grand Lodge of New-Jersey: Proceedings at the Ann. Comm. at Trenton Jan. 11, 5854. Trenton. 175- 224 p. Grand Lodge of Ancient York Masons of North-Carolina. A. L. 5854. Raleigh, 1855. 118 p. M. W. Grand Lodge of F. and A. Masons of the State of Rhode Island: Proceedings from June 1852 to June 1855. Providence, 1856. 58 p. M. W. Grand Lodge of Vermont: Proceedings at Ann. Comm. A. L. 5854. Burlington, 1854. 83 p. - - -- New-York. Grand Lodge of the State Constitutions of the Ancient and Hon. Lodge of Free aud Accepted Masons...N. York. Printed by Francis Childs, 1789. 76 p. 8~. Pam. v. 260....- -The Constitutions of the Ancient and Honorable Fraternity of Free and Accepted Masons: Containing all the particular ordinances and regulations of the Grand Lodge of the State of NewYork. New-York, 1820. Pam. v. 211. Master's Lodge, Albany. Members. 1857. 18~. Pam. v. 624. FREEt SCHOOL SOCIETY OF NEW-YORK: An Account of:.....NewYork, 1814. 72 p.'8. Pam. v. 552. List of Members... New-York, 1822. 120. Pam. v. 605. FREE-THINKING Rightly Stated: Wherein a discourse (falsely so call'd) is fully consider'd. London, 1713. 131 p. 8~. Pam. v. 332. FREE TRADE IN CORN the real interest of the landlord...By a Cumberland landowner. (1828). 2d edition. Lend. 1835. 88 p. 8~. Pam. v. 424. FREE-WVILL BAPTIST FOREIGN MISSION SOCIETY: 22d Report. Dover, N.H. 1855. —.. Hoe Mission Society: 21st Report. Dover, N.H. 1855.-.. Education Society: 16th Report. Dover, N.H. 1855. 12~. Pam. v. 604. FREE WTILL B~APTIST REGISTER for 1847 - 1859. D)over, N.H. 13 v. 18~ FREEDOM OF ELECTIONS to Parliament a fundamental law and liberty of the English subject... London, 1690. 30 p. 4~. Pam. v. 408. FREEHOLD INSTITUTE, Moonmouth County, N,J. Catalogue, 1857. 8~. Pam. v. 458. FREEMAN, Samuel. Sermon before the Lord Mayor, Oct, 8, 1682.: Ps. xxxiv, 12- 14. London. 4~. Pam. v. 360.. FREEMAN, Rev. Z. Manual of American colleges and theological seminaries, giving statistical statements... Rochester, N.York, 1856. 72 p. 8o FIRST SUPPLEMENT. 315 FRvEmnAN'S CHRONICLE, or The American Advertiser: Vol. 1. April 12, 1774. Hartford, B. Webster. See Newsp. v. I5.?FREEMIAN'S (The) ORACLE, or New-Hampshire Advertiser: Vol. 3. Jan. 10, 1789. Exeter. fo. See Newsp. v. 15. FREESTON, J. A Serious Inquiry into the nature and effects of modern Socinianism..3d edition. Coventry, Eng. 1813. 55 p. Pam. v. 303. FREIN, HIenricus de. Het Spelen met dcle Kaart den Christ enen ongeoorlooft..Predicatie Col. iii, 17. Amsterdam, 1720. 68 p. 18~. Paim. v. 634. FREIND, ill. Emmenologie, o6u Trait6 de l'Evacuation ordinaire aux femmes... par M. Devaux.... With Re6fexions critiques sur l'emm6nologie par M. Le Tellier. A Paris..1730. 344, 94 p. 18~. FREIND, Robert. Sermon, before House of Commons, Jan. 30, 1710, Martyrdom of Charles I:' Jer. iii, 25. London. 4". Pam. v. 362. FREINSHEMIFuS, Jo. Commentarii. See Curtius (Q.) Rufus. FRELINGHUYSEN, Frederick T. Address before the Literary Societies of Rutger's College. Newark, N.J. 1853. 8~. Pam. v. 100. FRELINGHUYSENt, Theodore. An Address delivered before the Philoclean and Peithessophian Societies of Rutgers College. NewBrunswick, N.J. 1831. 8~. Pam. v. 100. Inaugural Address, 1850. See Rutgers College. FRtMONTt, John Charles. Notes of Travel in California... From! the Official Reports of Col. Fremont and Maj. Emory. New-York, Appleton, 1849. 83 p. 80. - Life, Explorations and Services: With illustrations'**. Boston, 1856. 120. Life of: New-York, Greeley & M'Elrath, 1856. 32 p.- Report of the Comm. on military affairs, to which was referred the memorial of J. C. F., praying an investigation of the claims of citizens of California....for... supplies furnished by them.for the use of the U.S. Sen. Doc. 1848. 83 p.- Message from the President, communicating the proceedings of the court-martial in the trial of Lieut. Col. Fremont. Sen. Doc. 1848. 447 p. In I v. 8~. The Life of Fremont. Published by Levison I& Haney, NewYork (1856). 17 p. 24~. Pam. v. 601. - Das Leben des Obersten Fremont. New-York, Greeley; & Mac Elrath, 1856. 32 p. 8~. Pam. v. 537. Election Pamphlets. J. C. Fremont's Record, 1856. 16 p.Fremont's Romanism established. 16 p.- Fremont a Protestant! 8 p.- Col. Fremont's Religion. 10 p.- Col. Fremont not a Roman Catholic. 4 p.- Fremont only 17 working days in the U.S. Senate. 15 p.- Kein Slaven territorium, 1856. 16 p.- Character vindicated by' J. Buchanan.. etc. 8~. Pam. v. 537. FREMONT & DAYTON CENTRAL CLUB of tile City of' New-York. Republican Bulletin, N~ 8, 1856. 4 p. 80.'Pam. v. 537. FRENCH'S VILLAGE, in Bath. Building Lots-at auction. Albany;, 1857. 8~. Pam. v. 520. 316 GENERAL LIBRARY. FRENCHt, Benjamin F. History of the Rise and Progress of the iron trade of the United States from 1621 to 1857....New-York, 1858. xvi, 179 p. Po. FRENCH, Daniel. A Letter to..Lord Gifford..on his reported exaltation to the high office of Lord Chancellor...London, 1824. 52 p. 8~. Pam. v. 345. FRENCH, Ebenezer. Oration... July 4, 1805, before the young democratic republicans of..Boston. 1805. 23 p. 8~. Pam. v. 532. FRENCH, J. H. Gazetteer of the State of New-York, embracing a. Comprehensive View of the geography, geology, and general history of the State, and a complete history of every county... town.... Syracuse, N. Y. 1860. 739 p. roy. 80~. FRENCH, Jonathan. Sermon, Funeral of Mrs. HIarriot Putnam: Col. iii, 4. Portsmouth, N.H. 1832. 8~. Pam. v. 554. FRENCH (The) PRETENDER unmasked; or An Appeal to the common sense of Britons. By an Enemy to hypocrisy... **.-. London, 1815. 130 p. 8~. Pain. v. 392. FRENCH PROTESTANTS. Les Chretiens Protestants de France a tous leurs freires des Etats-unis d'Amerique.... 1 Juin 1857. Paris. 17 p. f0. Pam. v. 1104. FRENCH SCHOOL OF ARTISTS. First Exhibition of Paintings, 1857. New-York. 16 p. 40~. Pam. v. 1015. FRENDt, William. An Address to the Members of the Church of England, and to Protestant Trinitarians in general...2d ed. London, 1788. 8~. Pam. v. 315. A Second Address to the Inhabitants of Cambridge.. exhorting them to turn from the false worship of three persons...... St. Ives, 1789. 80~. Pam. v. 315. ---- I~Mr. Coulthurst's Blunders exposed. 1789. 47 p. 8~. Pam. v. 313. Peace and Union recommended to the associated bodies of republicans and anti-republicans. St.Ives, Eng. 1793. 49 p. 8~. Pam. v. 416. Animadversions on the.... Theology by Rev. G. Pretyman.... London, 1800. 152 p. 80. Pam. v. 308. FRtRE, Edouard. De l'Imprimerie et de la Librairie a Rouen, dans les XVe et XVIe siecles; et de Martin Morin, ce'lbre imprimeur rouennais. Rouen, 1843. 68 p. sm. 4~. FREYBERG, Max. Freyherrn v. Rede tiber den Historischen Gang der Bayerischen Landes-gesetzgebung bis auf die zeiten Maximilian I. 1834. 56 p. 4~. See Keen. Baier. Ak. Reden, v. 5. FREYTAG, Fried. G. Adparatus Literarius; ubi libri partim antiqui partim rari recensentur. Lipsioe, 1752, 53. 1466 p. in 2 v. 120. FRIEND (The). Periodical. Honolulu, Sandwzich islands. Jan.- Oct. 1848. 1 v. 4~. FRIEND (The): A Periodical work, devoted to religion, literature and useful miscellany~*. First volume...July 1815, N~ 1 - June 1816, No 12. Albany. 1 v. 8~. FRIEND (The). An Essay to do good; or, Relief from the pressure: Addressed to...the wealthy classes of New-York. N.York, 1837. 16 p. 8~. Pam. v. 513. FIRST SUPPLEMENT. 317 FRIEND (The) OF PEACE. Serial. By Philo-pacificus. Noah Worcester. Boston, 1815 - 21. 2 v. 8~. Monument of a Beneficent Mission from Boston to St.John's... Appendix to Vol. i. By Philo-pacificus. IN. Worcester. Boston, 1818. 24 p. 8o. Pam. v. 509. FRIENDSt, or QUAKERS. A Summary of the History, doctrines and discipline of Friends; written at the desire of the meeting for sufferings..4th edition. London, 1791. 30 p. 80. Pam. v. 302. ----- A Summary, etc. [Another edition]. Dublin, 1845. 24 p. 12~. Pam. v. 566. The Testimony of the Society of Friends on the Continent of America: Prepared by the Gen. Committee. Philadelphia, 1830. 39 p. 80. Pam. v. 566. The Ancient Testimony of:..respecting some of their christian doctrines and practices, revived.....Philadelphia, 1843. 84 p. 12~. Pam. v. 566. - An Appeal for the Ancient doctrines of:.....: Pub. by Yearly Meeting, Philadelphia, 1847. Phil'a, 1847. 68 p. 8~. Pam. v. 566. *- An Epistle from the Yearly Meeting... Philadelphia, 15 - 20th of 4th month, 1833. 8 p. 80. Pam. v. 566. An Epistle of affectionate caution and counsel, addressed to its members by the Yearly Meeting of Friends... Philadelphia, 1853. 36 p. 8~. Pam. v. 566. A Declaration of the Yearly Meeting of Friends held in Philadelphia, respecting the proceedings of those who have lately separated from the society...Philadelphia, 1828. 32 p. 8~. Pam. v. 566. A Statement of the Efforts made by Friends, to effect an amicable settlement with the orthodox in relation to property belonging to the Monthly Meeting of New-York, 1833. 8 p; 80. Pam. v. 566. - Summary Statement of Facts, on affirmation, submitted to the Chancellor, in reply to the bill filed in the Court of Chanc.ery by the Orthodox against Friends in the city of New-York, 1834. 32 p. 80. Pam. v. 566. Decision of the Vice-Chancellor ( V. T. M'Coun), on the application of the Orthodox party to appoint a receiver. N.York, 1835. 8 p. 80. Pam. v. 566. A Defence of the Religious Society of Friends who constitute the Yearly -Meeting of Baltimore, against certain charges circulated by J. J. Gurney. Baltimore, 1839. 18.p. 80. Pam. v. 566....- 23d Report of Bible Association of. Philadelphia, 1852. 8~. Pam. v. 566. - INDIANS. Report of the Committee for the gradual civilization of the Indian nations...Philadelphia, 1838. 26 p. 80. Paim. v. 509. A Brief Account of the Proceedings of the Committee appointed in the year 1795 by the Yearly Meeting of Friends of Pennsylvania, New-Jersey, &c., for promoting the improvement and gradual civilization of the Indian nations. Philadelphia, printed: London, reprinted, ]806. With a Brief Account of the Baltimore. London, reprinted 1806. 50, 43 p. 12~. 318: GENERAL LIBRARY. FRIENDS, or QUJAKERS: NEW-JERSEY. An Appeal to the Legislative Council and General Assembly of New-Jersey, on behalf of the.... Friends.... Philadelphia, 1836. 72 p. 80. Pam. v. 566. --: NEW-YORKI. Memorials concerning Deceased Friends: Pub. by...the Yearly Meeting, 1846. New-York, 1846. 64 p. 12~. Pam. v. 566.: OHIO. A Declaration of Ohio Yearly Meetings, held at Mountpleasant and Shortereek.. 8 - 16t1l of 9th month, 1828. Ohio, printed: Philadelphia, reprinted 1829. 24 p. Pam. v. 566..-.: SLAVERY. An Epistle of Caution and Advice concerning the buying and keeping of slaves [ From our Yearly Meeting]. Philadelphia, 1754. 8 p. 180. Pam. v. 603. A View of the Present State of the African Slave Trade. Published by direction of a meeting representing the.... in Pennsylvania, New-Jersey, &c. Phil'a, 1824. 69 p. 8o. Pam. v. 566. ---- --— PFacts and Observations relative to the Participation of American citizens in the African slave trade. Pub. by...Friends in Pennsylvania, New-Jersey, &c. Phil'a, 1841. 36 p. 8S. Pam. v. 566. ----- An Address.... to the Citizens of the United States, on Slavery. Philadelphia, 1837. 15 p. 8~. Pam. v. 241, 566. An Appeal to the Professors of Christianity, in the Southern States and elsewhere, on the subject of slavery. By the... Friends of New-England. Providence, R.I. 1842. 24 p. 8~0. Pam. v. 566. - WAR. The Memorial and Petition of the Society of Friends or Quakers, to the Legislature of Virginia, on the subject of militia fines. Together with the Letter of Benjamin Bates on-the same. New-York, 1818. 18 p. 120.. Pain. v. 261. Considerations respecting the Lawfulness of War.... [ From the Yearly Meeting of New-York, 1848]. 16 p. 120. Pam. v. 509. FRIENDSt OF D)OMESTIC INDUSTRY. Memorial of the New-York Convention, to the Congress of the United States. Presented March 26, 1832. 18 - 39 p. 8S. Pam. v. 194, 290. FRIESCHt GENOOTSCHAP van Geschied-, Oudheid- en Taalkunde. De Vrije Fries. Mengelingen. VII deel, Nieuwe serie. Leeuwarden, 1856. 8. FRIEZE:, Jacob. A Concise History of the Efforts to obtain an extension of suffrage in Rhode-Island, from the year 1811 to 1843.... Providence, 1842. 171 p. 12~. The same, enlarged. 2d edition. Providence, 1842. 179 p. 120. FROBISHER t, Capt. M. A True Report of the Laste Voyage into the West and Northwest regions...By Dionyse Settle.. London, 1577. See Brydges Restit. v. 2. FRONTO, Cornelius. MI. Cornelii Frontonis Opera inedita; cum Epistulis item ineditis Antonini Pii, M. Aurelii, L. Veri, et Appiani: neenon aliorum veterum fragmentis. Invenit et commentario proevio notisque illustravit Angeltus Maius... Mediolani, 1815. cxii, 566 p. in 2 v. 80~. FIRST SUPPLEMENT. 319 FROST (A.) & Co.'s Descriptive Catalogue of roses, ornamental trees, etc. Rochester, 1854. Pain. v. 222. FRosTt, John. The Book of the Colonies; comprising a History of the Colonies composing the United Sftates.. until the commencement of the revolutionary war... New-York, 1846. 280 p. 12~. FRoTHINGHIAM ( Nathanliel L.), D.D. The Ruffian Released: A Sermon. Boston, 1836. 80~. Pam. v. 238. ----- Sermon, Ordination of Rev. O. B. Frothingham as Pastor of the North Church in Salem. Salem, 1847. 80. Pam. v. 288. Metrical Pieces, translated & original. Boston, 1855. 362 p. 18~. FROTHINGHAM, O. B. The Eternal Life.: A Discourse delivered in the North Church, Salem, April 15, 1855. Salem, 1855. 8~. Pam. v. 288. The Uses of the Sanctuary: A Sermon, Dedication of the Unitarian C1hurch, Jersey city, Sept. 19, 1855. New-York, 1855. 8~. Pam. v. 270, 556. A Sermon, Jersey city, June 1, 1856. New-York, 1856. 8. Pam. v. 270. FROUDE, James A. History of England from the fall of Wolsey to the death of Elizabeth...London, 1856-58. 4 v. o~. FRUYTIER, Jac. Salomons Raad aan de Jeugd.... Rotterdam, 1740. With, Toegift aan de christen jeugt. Rotterdam, 1738. 1 v. 180. FRYt, A. Directory, 1815. See Albany. FRY (Alfred A.), esq. A Lecture on the writings...and the character...of John Milton...London, 1838. 55 p. 80. Pamin. v. 395. FRY, Edmund. Pantographia; containing accurate copies of all the known alphabets in the world; which are added specimens of all well authenticated oral languages...London, 1799. 320 p. 8~. [ FRY, John]. Bibliographical Memoranda; in illustration of early English literature*+. Bristol, 1816. 404 p. 4~. FUcus, Joh. Nep. Ueber den Gegenseitigen Einfluss der Chemie und Mineralogie. 1824. 20 p. 40. See Koen. Baier. Ak. Reden. v. 4. FUGITIVE POLITICAL ESSAYS, which have appeared in the Public Advertiser..... 1769, 70, under the several names of Old Sly Boots, Hortensius..etc.. London, 1770. 212 p. 80~. Pam. v. 451. FULFORD (Francis), D.D. The Sermon at the Consecration of Horatio Potter, D.D. to the Episcopate..New-York, 1854. 80. Pam. v. 202. FULL (A) AND PARTICULAR ANSWER to all the calumnies, misrepresentations and falsehoods contained in a pamphlet called a Fourth Letter to the People of England. Lond. 1756. 61 p. 8~. Pam. v. 135, 421. FULL (A) ANSWER to a late View of the Internal evidence of the christian religion.... By the editor of Ben Mordecai's letter to Elisha Levi, i. e.'by Rev. HIenry Taylor. London, 1777. xxiii, 165 p. 8~. Pam. v. 337. FULL (A) EXPOSITION of a Pamphlet entitled Observations on the papers relative to the rupture with Spain..London, Williams, 1762. 47 p. 8~. Pam. v. 422. 320 GENERAL LIBRARY. FULLERt, Andrew. [ Writings collected] in 1 v. 80. Contemnts: Socinianism indefensible, on the ground of its moral tendency; containing a reply to...Dr. Toulmin and.. Mr. Kentish. London, 1797. 122 p. Sermon, Bedford Union: Num. xiv, 8. Clipstone, 1801. Letters to Mr. Vidler, on the Doctrine of universal salvation. Clipstone, 1802. 108.p. TheBackslider; or..of religious declension. 2d ed. Clipstone, 1802. 96 p. The Great Question answered. London, 1803. 36 p. 12~. The Nature and Importance of walking by faith.. Two sermons. To which is added, Persuasives to a general union in extraordinary prayer.. New edition. Edinburgh, 1821. 88 p. 12~. Expository Remarks on the discipline of the primitive churches. In the form of a circular letter, addressed to the Baptist churches, etc. 1799. Albany, 1823. 15 p. Pam. v. 466. The Practical Uses of Christian Baptism A Circular letter, etc. 102. Montpelier, Vt. 1814. Imp. Pam. v. 466. FULLER (Henry M.), of Penn. Speech, U.S. H. of R., National politics, May 10, 1856. 8~. Pam. v. 537. FULLER (Samuel), D.D. Two Sermons... in Trinity Church, Rensselaerville, N.Y.: Death of Rev. Samuel Fuller...By his son...Andover, Mass. 1843. 8~. Pam. v. 554. Education in the two Andovers' Address at the Dedication of the Punchard Free School, Sept. 1856. Andover, 1856. 8~. Pam. v. 241. FULTONt, Robert. A Treatise on the Improvement of Canal Navigation...with... designs for aqueducts and bridges of iron and wood. Ill. with 17 plates.... London, 1796. xvi, 143 p. 4~. FUNNELLt, W.. A Voyage round the World; containing an Account of Capt. Dampier's Expedition into the South Seas in the Ship St. George, in the years 1703 and 1704.... Together with the Author's Voyage from Amapalla on the west coast of Mexico to East India.with divers maps...By William Funnell, Mate to Capt. Dampier. Lonlon, 1707. Prelim. 13, 306 p. & index. 8~. FURMAN (Richard), D.D. A Sermon preached at the Baptist Church in Charleston, South-Carolina, on the 4th day of July 1802, before the State Society of Cincinnati, the American Revolution Society.. Charleston, 1800. 8~. Pain. v. 288. FURNESS, William RH. A Discourse, 1st Cong. Unit. Church, May 24, 1829: Occasioned by the recent emancipation of the Roman Catholics throughout the British Empire. Philadelphia, 1829. 8~. Pam. v. 288. The Genius ef Christianity. London, 1832. 120.- Pain. v. 305. - A Discourse, Jan. 19, 1840, in the 1st Unitarian Church: Occasioned by the loss of the Lexington. Philadelphia, 1840. 8~. Pam. v. 288. A Discourse...March 17, 1844, concerning the use of the Bible: in the public schools. Philadelphia, 1844. 8~. Pain. v. 288. -. —-- Discourses, First Cong. Unit. Church, Jan. 26, and Feb. 2, 1845. ( Printed, not published). Philadelphia, 1845. 8~. Pam. v. 288. FIRST SUPPLEMENT. 321 ----- Discourse, Decease of Jacob T. and Eli Griffith': Tob 36, 22. Philadelphia, 1854. 80. Pam. v. 555. FUIRNWALL, Thomas. Taxing made Easy; or the art of valuing and taxing incomes. London, 1850. 16 p. 8~. Pam. v. 425. FUR PR.XhDESTINATUS, 1642: By HE. Slatius. See Gepredestineerden, etc. And in Latin.. See Sancroft's Life. FORSTEN, P. Kunstrichtige Schreibart Allerhand Versalie oder Anfangs Buchstabe der Deutschen, Lateinischen und Italianischen Schriftern aus unterschiedlichen meistern der edlen schreibkunst zusammnen getragen. Niirnberg: Bey Paulus Fiursten Kunsthandlern daselbst (1605?). Preface. 16 p. 67 leaves. f'. FURPTHER CONSIDERATIONS on the Act to permit persons professing the Jewish religion, to be naturalized.. Signed, Philo-patrice. London, 1753. 100 p. S~. Pam. v. 321. FURTHER (A) DEFENCE OF PRIESTCRAFT' Being a practical improvement of the Shaver's sermon on the expulsion of six young gentlemen from the Univ. of Oxford for praying... By... the Shaver, i. e. J. lViacgowan. London, 1768. 44 p. 8~. t- am. v. 314. FURTHER EXAMINATION of our Present American Measures... Bath, 1775. By H. Robinson. 8~. Pam. v. 120, 131. FURTHER (A) VINDICATION Of the honour and privileges of the Commons of Great Britain...London, 1741. 55 p. 8~. Pam. v. 420. FUTURE PUNISHMENT, not Eternal Life in misery, but destruction. 12 p. 8O. Pam. v. 296. FYLER, George. the Electors of South-Shields, June 14, 1841. Newcastle-upon-Tyne. S8. Painm. v. 439. G. GABELENTZ, Dr. H. C. von der. Khirze Grammatik der Tscherokesischen Sprache. From Hoefers Zeitschrift, III, 3. 257 - 300 p. 8~. GABRIEL ( R. B.), D.D. Facts relating to the Rev. Dr. White's Bampton lectures. 2d edition. London (1790). 88 p. 80. Pam. v. 389. GAGE, M. An Extract taken from Dr. Rees's New Encyclopaedia on the article CYPHER;... lately invented by W. Blair, esq. A.M. To which is now first addcd a full discovery of the principle:..By M. Gage. Norwich, Eng. 1809. 25 p. 80. GAGE, Thomas. The History of Rowley, Mass., anciently including Bradford, Boxford and Georgetown.... With Address by.. Rev. J. Bradford. Boston, 1840. xx, 484 p. 12~. GAIGNAT, 1Ht. Catalogue of his Library. See Bure, De. GAILLARD, Abbe A. H. Recherches Administratives, statistiques et morales sur les enfans trouves, les enfans naturels et les orphelins en France; et dans plusieurs autres pays de l'Europe...... Paris, 1837. 8~. GAINESt, H. See New-York Pocket Almanac, 1761 - 95. GAIRDNER, Meredith. Essay on the Natural History, Origin, Composition and medicinal effects of mineral and thermal springs * * * Edinburgh, 1832. 120~. [ SUPPL.] 41 322 GENERAL LIBRARY. GALE, Rev. Amory. History of the town of Lee, iMass.: A Lecture...Lee, 1854. 48 p. 8?. GALE ( T.), MI.D. Electricity or Ethereal Fire, considered: 1st, Naturally, as the agent of animal and vegetable life; 2d, Astronomically, as the agent of gravitation and motion; 3d, Medically, or its artificial use in disease...Troy (N.Y.), 1802. 280 p. 18~. GALENA AND CHICAGO UNION RAILROAD: Report of R. P. Morgan: and Charter. Chicago, 1847. 8~. Pam. v. 571.4th, 9th Report. Chicago, 1851, 1856. Pam. v. 256. GALENA THEOILOGICAL SEMINARY - Charter. Galena, Ill. 1853. 8~. Pam. v. 294. GALES, Joseph. A Sketch of the personal character and qualities of Gen. Zachary Taylor. 1848. 8 p. 8S. Pam. v. 103. [ GALLAGHER, Rev. Mason]. See Episcopacy examined, 1849. - True Churchmansbip Vindicated; or the Protestant Episcopal Church not exclusive. Cincinnati, 0. 1851. 115 p. 120. And, Pamin. v. 203. G[ALLAGIER]t, W[im.].D. Selections from the Poetical Literature of the West**'. Cincinnati, 1841. 12~0 GALLARDO, Bartolone6 J. El Criticon, papel volante de literatura y bellas-artes. No 3, 5. Madrid, 1836. 64, 64 p. 18~. Pamin. v. 628. GALLATIN, James. An Address on the subject of the Usury laws': An answer to the Hon. J. Whipple...New- York, 1859. 21 p. 80. Pam. v. 290. GALLAUDETt, T. H. Scripture Biography: Vol. I, From Adam to Noah; Vol. II, History of Moses. Abridged and translated into the Choctaw language. Am. Tract Society, New-York. 2 v. 182. [GALLENGAI, A.]. See Mariotti, L. GALLISON, John. Address, -Mass. Peace Society, Dec. 25, i819. Cambridge, 1820. See Friend of Peace, 4-. 2. [ —. The Practice of Privateering, 1820. See Fr. of Peace, v. 2. [ GALLOWAYt, Joseph]. A Candid Examination of the Mutual Claims of Great Britain and the Colonies; with a plan of accommodation on constitutional principles. By the Author of Letters to a nobleman, on the conduct of the American war. New-York, Rivington, 1775; Republished, London, 1780. 116 p. 8~. [ —— ]. A Reply to the Observations of Lieut. Gen. Sir W. Howe, on a pamphlet entitled Letters to a Nobleman...To which is added an Appendix, containing I, II, III Letters, etc..... London, 1780. 149 p. 8. [ —— ]. See Fabricius, 1782; also, Letter to the Rt. Hon. Ld. Viscount H-e, 1779, Cat. 1855; and, Cool Thoughts on the consequences to Great Britain of American independence, 1780. GALLUPt ( Joseph A.), M.D. Outlines of the Institutes of Medicine; founded on the philosophy of the human economy in health.and disease. In three parts*@*. Boston, 1839. 2 v. 80. GALLY (IHenry), D.D. The Misery of Man: Two sermons, Job v, 7. 1722. London, 1723. 80. Pam. v. 379. FIRST SUPPLEMENT. 323 - Sermon, before House of Commonst: Accession of His Majesty, June 11, 1739. London, 1739. 40~. Pam. v. 1006. [ ]. A Dissertation against pronouncing the Greek language according to accents. 2d ed. London, 1755. 149 p. 80. Pam. v. 394. GALPHIN (The) CASE. The Danger of electing an incompetent man as president. 1852. 8 p. 8~. Pam. v. 527. GALPINE, John. Sermon before Societies for IReformation, June 28, 1703: Zech. iv, 6. London. 80. Pam. v. 363. GALVAO, Antonio. Tratado dos Descobrimentos antigos e modernos, feitos at6 era de 1550, coin os nomes particulares das pessoas que os figera5; e em que tempos, e as suas alturas e dos desvairados caminhos por onde a pimenta, e especiaria veyo do India as nossas partes; obra certo muy notavel, e copiosa. Composto pelo famoso Antonio Galva5.... Lisboa occidental, na Officina Ferreiriana, 1731. xvi, 100 p. 40. GALWAY ACADEMIY: Circular and Catalogue. By G. Miorgan. Schenectadra, N.Y. 1839. 8~. Pam. v. 456. GANCIA, M. Catalogue of Library of:.. Auction, London, 1856. 8~. Cat. v. 96. GAND, Michel Joseph De. Recherches Historiques et Critiques sur la vie et les editions de Thierry Martens ( Martinus, Martens),... Ouvrage revue, annote, et augmente de la Galerie des hommes d'Alost qui se sont distingues..... F. J. De Smet, Editeur. Alost, 1845. 246 p. 80. GANGANELLI, Lan., Clement XIV. Lettere ed altre opere...Firenze, 1823. 2 v. 18~. GANNETTt (Ezra S.), D.D. An Address, Boston Sunday School Society. Boston, 1831. 12~. Pam. v. 289. Unitarianism not a Negative System: discourse delivered at the dedication.. Ipswich, Oct. 23, 1833. Boston, 1833. Pam. v. 106.'GARANGULA, the Ongua-honwa Chief: A Tale of Indian life among the Mohawks and Onondagas two hundred years ago.. By a citizen of Milwaukee. Milwaukee, 1857. 160 p. 8~. [ G-ARAT, Dom. J.]. Eulogy. See Moreau, Gen. 1814. GARBETT, Rev. James. The University, the Church, and the New Testamnent, with remarks on Mr. Oakeley's and Mr. Gresley's pamphlets... London, 1845. 84 p. 8~. Pam. v. 328. GARCIN DE TASsY, l1. See Tassy. GARDANEI, J. J. Maniere sure et facile de traiter les tMaladies veneriennes... Paris, 1773. 104 p. 12~. Pam. v. 611. Avis au Peuple, sur les Asphyxies ou morts apparentes et subites..Paris, 1774. 114 p. 120. Plates. Pam. v. 611. - Le Secret des Suttons devoile ou l'inoculation mise'a la portde de tout le monde..A La Haye, 1774. 96 p. 12~0. Pamn. v. 611.- See also, Fautes a corriger. GARDENt, Alexander. Eulogy on Gen. Chas. Cotesworth Pineckney... Nov. 1, 1825. Charleston, 1825. 8~. 324 GENERAL LIBRARY. GARDEN, Alexander: Anecdotes of the American Revolution illustrative of the talents and virtues of the heroes and patriots of that period..Second series. Charleston, 1828. 240 p. 120. Imp. GARDENER, L., Pequot Warres. See Penhallow, Cincinnati ed. GARDENER'S ALMANACK..for 1852, London. 106 p. 120. Alim. v 49. GARDINERt (John S. J.), D.D. A Discourse... Trinity Church, July 23; 1812, on the day of Public Fast in Massachusetts, upon the declaration of war against Great Britain. Boston, 1812. 8". Panm. v. 111. Sermon,..before the Society of Donations and the Episc. Conv. Mass. Boston, 1813. 32 p. 8~. Pam. v. 543. GARDNERt, Charles K. A Dictionary of all the army of the United States since...1789...2d edition...and a Supplement. New-York, 1860. 640 p. 8~. GARDNER, Rev. Francis. A Discourse.. Dec. 27, 1812..The Son-day aifter the close of the 50th year of his ministry. Leominster ( Mass.), 1813. 80. Panm. v. 453. GARDNER (J. D.), esq. Catalogue of Library, London, 1854. 191 p. 80. Cat. v. 96. GARGON, Mattheus. Walchersche Arkadia, waar Verdere Heerlijkheden.... oudheden, veranderingen en hedendaagsche vermaaklijkheden van Walcheren.. opgehelderd zijn... Leyden, 1715, 17. 2 v. 18~. GARIBALDI, Gen. Giuseppe. The Life of Gen. Garibaldi: Written by himself... Translated by Theod. Dwight.. New-York. 1859. 12~. GARLICK (Theodatus), M.D. A Treatise on the Artificial Propagation of certain kinds of fish, with the description and habits of such kinds as are the most suitable for pisciculture...... Cleveland, O. 1857. 142 p. 8~. [GARNHAMI, Rev. R. E.]. See Sermon, Trin. Coll. Caiimbridge, 1794. GARRATT, Rev. Tho. An Appeal to Protestants, including a copy of the verses..." A Constitution is a Constitution,"... and a series of correspondence..between Rev. E. Stanley, c-c. Macclesfield (1829). 76 p. 8~. Pam. v. 346. GARRICK, David. The Private Correspondence of David Garrick with the most celebrated persons of his time.... And a new biographical memoir of Garrick. London, 1831, 32. 2 v. 4~. - A Catalogue of the Library, splendid books of prints, poetical and historical tracts of:.... which will be sold.... April 23, 1823. London. 90 p. 8~0. With prices and, Addenda. GARRIGUE (R.) and CHRISTERN: Monthly Bulletin of Literature, New-York, 1853-54, Cat. v. 67, 68; Bulletin of German Literature, 1854-55, Cat. v. 74, 91. — Catalogue, 1850. -Pam. v. 602.Catalogues of German books. See Hinrichs; also, Christern. GARRISON, William Lloyd. No Compromise with Slavery: An Address, New-York, Feb. 14, 1854. 180. Pam. v. 100. Speech. See Disunion Convention, 1857. FIRST SUPPLEMENT. 325 GARRNAUD, M.A. -tudes d'Architecture Chretienne: Ire, 2de livraison. Paris, 1857. fo. GARSIAS, Petrus. Petri Garsie Episcopi Vssellen- ad sanctissimum patrem et divinum Innocentium papa viii, in determinationes magistrales contra conclusiones apologales Joannis Pici Mirandulani concordia comitis: prcemium. In fine: Impressum Rome per Eucharium Silber alias Franck natione Alemanum....ICCCCLXXXIX.... 116 leaves. f~. GASKARTH, John. A Description of the Unregenerate..Sermon: Eph. ii, 1, Univ. of Cambridge, Eng. June 30,1700. 4~. Pam. v. 1005. GASIKELL, Mrs. E. C. The Life of Charlotte Bronte...N.York, 1857. 2 v. 12~. GASKELL, John. Sense and Sound, as they reciprocally form any sign of mind. Philadelphia, 1854. 32 p. 80. Pam. v. 272. GASKELL, P. The Manufacturing Population of England, its moral, social and physical conditions, and the changes which have arisen from the use of steam machinery; with an examination of infant labour*t*. London, 1833. 80. - Artisans and Machinery: The Moral and Physical condition of the manufacturing population considered with reference to mechanical substitutes for human labour..London, 1836. 18~. GASPARIN, Comzte Agenor De. A Treatise of Turning Tables, etc. Reviewed, U.S. Magazine. 8~. Pam. v. 563. GASSENDIt, Pietro. Institutio Astronomica juxta hypotheses tam veterum quam Copernici et Tychonis: dictata Parisiis a Petrb Gassendo, Regio Matheseos Professore. Accedunt ejusdem varii tractatus Astronomici..... Editio ultima paulo ante mortem authoris recognita, aucta et emendata. Hagme-Comitum, 1656. 40. [GASSETT, Henry]. See Catalogue of Books on Masonry. Cat. 1855. GASTRELL (Fran.), D.D., Bp. The Religious Education of poor children: A Sermon, London Charity Schools: Ps. cxlvii, 12, 13. London, 1707. Pam. v. 379, and Soc. for Pro. Christ. Knowledge. [- ]. See Moral Proof of Future State, 1728. GATES, William. Recollections of Life in Van Diemen's Land. Lockport, N. Y. 1850. 231 p. 18~. GAUCHEREL, L. Exemples de Decoration appliques'a l'architecture et a la peinture depuis l'antiquite jusqu'h nos jours, reunis par Leon Gaucherel.... Antiquite, 6poque romaine, epoque gothique, renaissance, art moderne. Premiere partie. Paris, 1857. 123 plates. f0. GAUDENTIO DI LUCCA, Sig.. The Memoirs of Sigr. Gaudentio di Lucca: taken from his confession and examination before the fathers of the Inquisition at Bologna in Italy; making a discovery of an unknown country in the midst of the vast deserts of Africa..Trans. from the Italian, by E. T. Gent. By Bp. Berkeley. London, 1737. xiii, 335 p. 8~. GAUDRY, Albert. Recherches Scientifiques en Orient: Entreprises par les ordres du gouvernement, 1853-54. Partie agricole. Paris, Impr. royale, 1855. vii, 446 p. and plates. 80~. 326 GENERAL LIBRARY. GAUss, Fried. Theory of the Motion of the Heavenly Bodies moving about the sun in conic sections: A translation of Gauss's " Theoriae Motus "; with an appendix, by Charles Henry Davis. Boston, 1857. 40. GAUSSEN, L. Theopneustie, ou Pleine Inspiration des Saintes Ecritures. Paris, 1840. xv, 464 p. 80~. GAVIN (Hector), M.D. Unhealthiness of London, and the necessity of remedial measures: Being a lecture.... London, 1847. 70 p. 8~. Pam. v. 404. GAWLER, Col. George. The Emancipation of the Jews indispensable for the maintenance of the Protestant profession of the Empire... London, 1847. 30 p. 80. Pam. v. 321. GAY, Rev. Ebenezer. Zechariah's Vision of Christ's martial glory..a sermon...Hon. Artillery Comp. June 3.e Boston, 1728. 8~. GAY, John. Trivia; or the Art of walking the streets of London. London (1795). 32 p. 8~. GAYTON, I. R. Memoria Philosophica; or History, chronology, geography, astronomy, poetry, prose, language, etc., treated on principles best adapted to retention in the memory...... Ill. with plates. London, 1826. 220 p. 8~. GAZETTEt MEDICALE DE PARIS, dirigee par le Dr. Jules Guerin. 29e annee, 3e serie, v. 14. Paris, 1859. 4.' GAZETTE OF THE UNITED STATES, Jan. 21, 1792. See Mass. Spy. -Nov. 14, 1794. Newsp. v. 15. GAZETTEER OF UPPER CANADA, 1813. See Smith, D. W. GEDANKEN VON DER KIN:DER-ZUCHT, nebst Vorschlagen zur Verbesserung einiger dabey'sehr gewohnlichen fehlcr. Wetzlar, 1770. 88 p. 120. Pam. v. 609. GEDDES, Hon. Geo. Address, Onondaga County Agricultural Society, 1854. NVewsp. slips. Pam. v. 461. GEE, Rev. Robert. The Enquiry "What is Truth?" answered from scripture and the articles of the Church of England, in a sermon... Feb. 16, 1817..Jersey, G.B. 4~. Pam. v. 1009. GEFFROY, A. Histoire des ]ttats Scandinaves, Su6de, Norvege, Danemark (Duruy, Hist. Univ.). Paris, 1851. 12~. GEIB, Dr. An Essay on Homoeopathy... designed principally for lay readers. Philadelphia, 1842. 23 p. 8~. Pam. v. 271. GEIJER, Eric Gustave. The History of the Swedes. Trans. from the Swedish, with an introduction and notes by J. H. Turner, esq., M.A....To the accession-of Charles the tenth. London (1845). 8~. GEISSLER, Chr. A. Bibliog. Handbuch der Philolog. Literathur. See Ersch, J. S. GELLt, Sir William. The Topography of Rome and its vicinity..... London, 1834. 2 v. 80, and maps, folded in 8~. - Pompeiana. The Topography, edifices and ornaments of Pompeii. By Sir W. Gell and John P. Gandy, Architect. Third edition. London, Bohn, 1852. 208 p., 76 plates. roy. 8~. FIRST SUPPLEMENT. 327 GENDT, Wilhelm van. Afscheids-predikatie:' Eph. vi, 10, 11....tot Harderwyk, 1738. Amsterdam. 56 p. 18~. Pam. v. 632. GENEES- NATUUR en iHuishoud- kundige Jaarboeken... Tweeden deels, vyfde stuk. Dordrecht en Amsterdam, 1780. 8~. Pam. v. 107. GENERAL ASSOCIATION of Baptists of Missouri. See Baptist Churches. GENERALt ASSOCIATIONS of Connecticut, MIassachusetts, etc. See Con-. gregational Churches. GENERAL OUTLINE of the United States..1825. See Outline. Cat. 1855. GENERAL THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY, N.Y. See Protestant Epis. Ch. GENERAL UNION for Promoting the Observance of the christian Sabbath: Address...New-York, 1828. 16 p. 8~. Pam. v. 490. GENERAL VIEW of the Political State of France, and of the government of Louis XVIII. With some remarks on the late declaration of the allied powers: In a letter addressed to a Friend. N.York, 1815. 96 p. 120. Pam. v. 616. GENESEE COLLEGE: Laws. Lima, New-York, 1856; Catalogue, 1855, 56. 80. Pam. v. 479. GENESEE CONSOCIATION, NV. Y. Constitution. 80. Pam. v. 483. GENESEEt (The) FARMER:' Vol. VIII, 1847; edited by Daniel Lee: Vol. IX, 1848; edited by D. Lee &; D. T. Moore: Vol. XIII, 1852; edited by D. Lee & J. Vick, jr. Rochester, N.Y. 3. v. roy. 80~. GENESEE MISSIONARY SOCIETY in the State of New-York. Constitution, with an address. Philadelphia, 1812. 12 p. 8~. Pam. v. 524. GENESEE. MUTUAL INSURANCE COMPANY: Circular, By-Laws, and Act of Incorporation. Rochester, 1849. Pam. v. 239. GENESEE RIVER. Memorial of the Owners of water of the Genesee River at Rochester to the Legislature. Rochester, 1853. 16 p. Pain. v. 477. GENESEE VALLEY CANAL. Report of a Survey made Sept. 1854, by D. Marsh and S. Cornell. Rochester, Jan. 1, 1855. 8~. Pam. v. 230; GENESEE WESLEYAN SEMINARY, Lima, -Livingston County, N.York. Catalogue, 1855, 56. 80. Pam. v. 456, 479. [ GENET, Edme Jac.]. See ]tat Politique de l'Angleterre, 1759. GENEVAt COLLEGE: Catalogue, 1838, 42. Geneva, N.York.- Proceedings of the House of Convocation, 1849. -Syracuse, 1849. Pam. v. 479.- Catalogue for 1840, 1844. 80. Pam. v. 212. -Medical Institution: Circular, 1838. Geneva. 8~. Pam. v. 517. GENEVA (N. Y.) FEMALE INSTITUTE: Catalogue, 1848. 80. Pam. v.459. GENEVA LYCEUM, N.Y. Catalogue, 1835; and Lecture by Rev. MI. P. Squier. 8~. Pam. v; 456. GENtVEt. Extraict du Liure de Conseil..du 7 Juil, 1662..Reglemens...concernant l'estat des Potiers d'estain. 1 p. f~. Pain. v. 1104. rPvvt7aa rov att7e0ov. See [ Sargent, L. M.]. 328 GENERAL LIBRARY. GENOA. Descrizione di Genova e del Genovesato. Genova, Tipografia Ferrando, 1846. 3 v. roy. 8~. GENOOTSCHAP, Dulces ante ommia MusT. Proeve van Oudheid-, Taalen Diehtkunde. Te Utrecht..1775. 80~. GENOUILLE, J. Dictionnaire Abreg6 d'Histoire...Paris, 1852. 18~. GENT, Thomas. The Life of Mr. Thomas Gent, printer, of York. Written by himself. London, Thorpe, 1832. 208 p. 8~. GENTLEMAN'S DIARY: Ephemeris. London, 1750, 51, 59, 72, 78. 18~. Alm. v. 7- 12. GENTLEMAN'St MAGAZINE: Vol. 42, July 1854-Vol. 45, June 1856.New series: Vol. 1, July 1856 - Vol. 5, Dec. 1858. London. 9 v. 8~. GENUINE ( The) PRINCIPLES of the Ancient Saxon, or English Constitution. Carefully collected from the best authorities (A. Ramsay); with some observations on their peculiar fitness for the United Colonies in general, and Pennsylvania in particular. By Demophilus... Philadelphia, Bell, 1776. 46 p. 8~. GEOFFROY SAINT-HILAIREt, I. Philosophie Anatomique: Des monstruosites humaines, ouvrage contenant une classification des monstres...Paris, 1822. 550 p. 8~. Rapport General sur... la domestication..des animaux utiles.. Paris, 1849. 51 p. 4~. Pam v. 1014. GEOGRAPHICAL AND CoMMERCIAL GAZETTE: A Monthly publication...Ed. by an Association: Pub.. by J. Disturnell. N.York, 1855. Jan..June. 1 v. fP. GEOGRAPHICALt SOCIETY, London. See Royal Geographical. GEOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF DUBLIN: Journal; Vol. III, IV, V, VI, 184455. Dublin. 4 v. 80~. GEOLOGICALf SOCIETY OF LONDON: Quarterly Journal; Vol. 11, 1855; Vol. 12, 1856; Vol. 13, 1857; Vol. 14, 1858. Lond. 4 v. 8~. GEOLOGISCHE REICHSANSTALT. See Austria. G:EOBMETRY no Friend to Infidelity; or A Defence of Sir Isaac Newton and the British mathematicians....By Philalethes Cantabrigiensis, i. e. James Jurin. London, 1734. 84 p. 80. Pam. v. 333. GEORGE II, of England. Letters in the Original, with translations, and messages that passed between the king, queen, prince and princess of Wales; on occasion of the birth of the young princess. London, 1737. 30 p. 80. Pam. v. 419. Another edition: 1737. 34 p. 8~. Pam. v. 445. GEORGE III. A Sketch of the Reign of George the third, from 1780 to the close of the year 1790. 2d edition. London, Debrett, 1791. 206 p. 80. Pain. v. 391. Declaration: On Negotiations for Peace with France. Dec. 27, 1796. London. 3 p. f~. Pam. v. 1103. Bibliotheca Regise Catalogus. Ed. by F. A. Barnard, Librarian, N. Carlisle and J. H. Gloaver. Londini. excudebant Gul. Bulmer et Gul. Nicol, 1820 - 1829. 5 v. With Catalogue of the maps, prints, drawings, etc. forming the geographical and topographical collection FIRST SUPPLEMENT. 329 attached to the library of his late Majesty King George the third, and presented by his Majesty King George the Fourth to the British 3Museum. Edited by Alexander Macpherson. London, printed by order of the trustees of the British Museum, by G. Woodfall..... 1829. 373 & liii.p. I v.- 6 v. fP. GEORGE IV, Pseud. A Letter from the King to his People, on the Queen. From 12th London edition. Philadelphia, 1821. 47 p. 80. Pam. v. 522. GEORGE (W.), D.D. Sermon, 1749. See Soc. Prop. the Gospel. GEORGE'S ALMANACKI: Newburyport? 1781. 120. Alm. v. 19. GEORGETOWNf COLLEGE, Dist. of Columbia. Catalogue, 1853. Georgetown, 1854. Pam. v. 157.- Catalogue, for 1854, 55. Georgetown, 1855, 56. Cat. v. 482. -. M A A. I. D. G. Theses defended during the scholastic year 1853-4, by the students of rational philosophy.. Georgetown, 1853. 80. Pam. v. 199. GEORGI, Theoph. Allgemeines Europaisches Bijcher-Lexicon, in welchem nach ordnung des Dictionarii die allermeisten autores oder gattungen von biuchern zu finden....noch vor dem anfange des xvI ~eculi bis 1739 inclusive...In Vier Theile abgetheilet. 1742. 4 v.FiInffter theil. In welehem die Franzssichen auctores und biUcher.. in alphabetischer ordnung zu finden. 1753. 1 v.- Erstes, Zweytcs, Drittes Supplement. 1750, 1755, 1758. 3 v.- Leipzig. 8 v. f. GEORGIAt. Message of Gov. IH. V. Johnson to the Legislature, Nov. 7, 1857. Milledgeville, 1857. 20 p. 80. Pam. v. 522. Catalogue of the State Library..Milledgeville, 1859. 144 p. 80. GEPREDESTINEERDEN (Den) DIEF, ofte een t' Samen-spreekinge, gehouden tusschen een predikant der Calvinus-gesindc, ende een dief, die gesentenieert was om te sterven. By H. Slatius. Gedruckt in't jaer 1732. TWiih, Antwoort op den Gepredestineerden of reuckeloosen dief, gemaeckt door een Lief-hebber der gereformeerde. Gedruckt in't jaer 1732. 180. GERARD, Prof. Alex. Influence of the Pastoral Office on the character A... Sermon: Tit. i, 7. Aberdeen, 1760.- Influence of Piety, a Sermon: Deut. vi, 24. Edinburgh, 1761. 8~. Pam. v. 371. GERARD, Capt. Alex. Account of Koonawur in the Himalaya, etc. etc. etc. Edited by G. Lloyd. London, 1841. 308, xxvi p. 8~. GERHARDTt, Charles. Traite de Chimie Organique. Tome Iv. Paris, 1856. 1 v. 8~. GERMAN EMPERORS. [Engravings and Descriptions of- Coins from.. Ferdinand I to Sigismund, 1848, in Latin]. 145 -156 p. sm. 40. Imp. GERMAN EVANGELICAL LUTHERAN MINISTERIUMI Of Pennsylvania. Verhandlungen der 100stel jaihrlichen versammllung, 1847. Reading, Pa. 1817. 80. Pam. v. 400. GERMAN EVANGELICAL LUTIIERAN ZION'S CHIURCH, ]Boston, MIass. Kirchenordnung. Albany, 1857. 11 p. 18~. Pam. v. 490. GERMAN REFORiMED CHURCII, in the U.S.A. Acts and Proceedings.. at Reading, Pa. 1841. Chambersburg, Penn. 1841. 84 p. 8:. Pami v. 490. [SUPPL.1 42 330 GENERAL LIBRARY. GERMANTOWN (Der alte) CALENDAR, 1854. Philadelphia. Alm. v. 42. For 1858. 40. Ahn. v. 46. GERRALD, Joseph. Gerrald: A Fragment; containing some account of the life of this devoted citizen, who was sent as a delega'te to the Brit. Conv. at Edinb. by the London Corresp. Society, for acting in which capacity he is now transported to Botany Bay for fourteen years. London, 1794. 24 p. 8~. Pam. v. 448. GERSTXCKERF, Frederick. Gersticker's Travels: Rio Janeiro; Buenos Ayres; ride through the Pampas; Winter journey across the Cordilleras; Chili; Valparaiso; California, and the Gold Fields. Trans. from the German. London...1854. 12~. GERSTNER, Clara von. Beschreibung einer Reise durch die Vereinigten Staaten von Nordamerica in den jahren 1838 bis 1840.. Leipzig.. 1842. 12o. GERUND, Friar. The History of the famous preacher Friar Gerund de Campazas, otherwise Gerund Zotes. By Father J. F. De l'Isla. Trans. from the Spanish, by —Nugent. London, 1772. 2 v. 8~. GESCI-IICHTE VON CHICAGO. From the Democratic Press, 1854. 80 p. 8o. GESENIUS, William. A Hebrew and English Lexicon of the Old Testament, including the Biblical Chaldee. Edward Robinson, D.D. A new edition...London..1844. 8~. Bibliotheca Geseniana....qui publica auctionis lege divendetur. Halae, 1843. 204 p. 8~0. Cat. v. 34. GEULINGS, Arnold. Ethica of Zeden-konst zynde een kennisse syns selvs.... Vertaalt door Ant. de Reus. Dordregt, 1697. 180. With, Desselvden Makers Wysgerig kootbondig vertoog over dese sinspreuk, wie eene alle deugden heeft. Dord. 1696. 591, 213 p. 18~. GEYSBEEK, P. G. Witsen. Verhandeling over het Puntdicht. Amsterdam, 1810. 70 p. 80. Pam. v. 230. GIANNINI, G. De la Nature des Fievres....des convulsions.... des immersions froides....Trad... par N. Heurteloup. Paris, 1808. 2 v 8~. GIANNONEt, Pietro. Histoire Civile du Royaume de Naples, trad.... avec de nouvelles notes,..par l'auteur..A La Haye, 1742. 4 v. 4~. Contents Tome 1, Sous les Romains, les Gots, les Grecs et les Lombards; 2, Sous les Princes Normands et de Savoie; 3, Sous les Rois Angevins et Aragonois; 4, Sous les Princes de la Maison d'Autriche. GIBBES', Robert W. Memoir of James De Veaux of Charleston, S.C... Columbia, 1846. 258 p. 8~. Documentary History of the American Revolution, consisting of letters and papers relating to the contest for liberty, chiefly in South Carolina..1764 -1776. 1 v.; 1776 - 1782. 1 v.; 1781 and 1782. 1 v. Columbia, S.C. 1853; New-York, 1855, 1857. 3 v. 8~. GIBBONt, Edward. History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire. Vol. 6, 7. London, Bohn, 1855. 2 v. 120~. GIBBONS, J. S. The Banks of New-York, their dealeos; the clearing house, and the panic of 1857.....30 illustrations. New-York, 1858. 399 p. 12. FIRST SUPPLEMENT. 331 GIBBONS, Thomas. Divine Conduct Vindicated..... Two discourses preached.... London, March 29, 1761, occasioned by the decease of the Rev. Samuel Davies, M.A... of....New-Jersey.... in which are contained some memoirs of Mr. Davies... ~. London, Field; -and sold by WT. Dunlap, Philadelphia, 1761. 31 p. 8~. GIBBS, James. Bibliotheca Radcliviana; or A short description of the Radcliffe Library at Oxford, on twenty-three copperplates,....with the explanation...London, 1747. 12 p. f~., and plates. GIBBS, John. Vaccination. Brighton, England, 1857. 4 p. 8~. Pam. v. 405. GIBBS, Wolcott. Researches on the Ammonia Cobalt Bases. See Smithson. Contr. v. 9. GIBRALTAR GARRISON LIBRARY: A Catalogue of the books....Established in the year 1793... Gibraltar, 1821. 332 p. 8~. GIBSON, Bp. Edmund. [Writings of: collected] in 1 v. 8~. Contents: Sermon, Charity Schools of London: Dan. xii, 3. London, 1716. Sermon, HI. of Peers, June 7, 1716: Thanksgiving on suppression of late rebellion. London. Sermon, Soc. Ref. of Manners, Jan. 6, 1723. With Account of: London. Bishop of London's Pastoral Letter.. occasioned by some late writings in favour of Infidelity. London, 1728. 54 p.....Second Pastoral Letter,...occasioned by some late writings, in which it is asserted, " That Reason is a sufficient judge....." 6th edition. London, 1730. 80 p.....Third Pastoral Letter.... occasioned by the suggestions of Infidels... London, 1731. 92 p. With, An Address to the inhabitants relation to a Pastoral Letter...of the Bp. of London, 1729. 76 p.- -nd, A Vindication of the.... Pastoral Letter: In answer to..An address; &c.... By an Inhabitant..London, 1729. 60 p. Sermon, Consecration of Bp. Nicholson, June 14, 1702: Thess. v, 11, 13. London. 4~. Pam. v. 361. --- ~~Family Devotion...with two forms of prayer. 4th edition. London, 1809. 60.p. 120. Pam. v. 308. The Great Work of our Redemption by Christ....6th Head of the Bp. of London's Pastoral Letter. With a preface.... London, 1735. 19 p. 8~. Pam. v. 444. GIBSON, Walter M. The Prison of Weltevreden; and a glance at the East Indian Archipelago...New-York..1855. 12~. Report of Committee on Foreign Affairs on the Memorial of W. M. Gibson, Aug. 2, 1856. Congress. Doct. 314 p. 8~. Pam. v. 488. GIBSONt (William), M.D. Lecture,.... embracing a short account of eminent Belgian surgeons, physicians, &c. &c. Phil'a, 1848. 8~. Pam. v. 271. GIDDINGE, Rev. George P. An Address, Palmyra, Missouri, June 29, 1855, at the commencement of St.Paul's College. Also, a brief account of St.Paul's College, &c. Quincey, Ill. 1855. 8~. Pam. v. 215. GIDDINGS ( Joshua R.), of Ohio. Speeches in Congress. Boston, 1853. 511 p. 120 332 GENERAL LIBRARY. GIDDINGS, Joshua R.: Speech, H. of R., 1852, onr the Compromise measures. 8 p. 8~. Pam. v. 486. The Conflict between Religious Truths and American Infidelity....Specch, U.S. H. of R., upon the issues... Freedom and Slavery, Feb. 26, 1858. 8~. Pam. v. 561. GIDNEY, Eleazer. A Treatise on...the Teeth. Utica, 1824. 18~. GIFFORD, Capt. James. The Remonstrance of a Unitarian addressed to the Bishop of St.David's. London, 1818. 96 p. 8~0. Pam. v. 316. GIFFORDt, William. The Baviad and M3eviad***. 8th edition. London, 1811. 191 p. 12~. GIGUET, M. Anecdotes Secretes sur la Revolution du 18 Fructidor: et nouveaux m6moires des deportes a la Guiane, ecrits par euxm6mes: contenant des Lettres du Gen. Murinais, etc..Me6moires de Barbe Marbois, &c. Faisant suite au journal du Gen. Ramel. 2 6ed. Paris, 1799. 215 p. 8~. GIoHo, John H. Geary and Kansas: Governor Geary's adlministra~tion in Kansas, with a complete history of the territory until June 1857...Philadelphia, 1857. 348 p. 12~. GILBERT'S CLERGYMAN'S ALMANACK, 1836, 38. Lond. 1.2~. Alim. v. 50. GILBERT, Bp. John. Sermon, H. of Lords, Jan. 30, 1742: Martyrdom of Charles I. London. sin. 4~. Pam. v. 189. Sermon, Soc. Prop. the Gospel, Feb. 17, 1743-4. London, 1744. 4~. Pam. v. 1006. GILDASt, De Excidio Britannise. See English Historical Society. GILDEMEISTER, Joannes. Bibliothecse Sanskritse, sive Recensus Librorum Sanskritorum hvcvsque typis vel lapide exscriptorum critici specimen. Bonnme ad Rhenum, 1847. 192 p. 8~. GILLETT, R. H. Before the Commissioner of Patents, in the matter of the application of C. Goodyear...Argument in behalf of U.S. Car Spring Co., Feb. 8, 1853. 17 p. 8~. Pam. v. 298. GILLETTE, M. le Dr. Salles d'Asile pour l'Enfance ~ Premieres lemons d'histoire naturelle. Arbres, Arbrisseaux, Plantes. Paris, 1839. 62 p. 8~. Pam. v. 278. GILLIESt (Rev. John), D.D. Memoirs of the Life of the Reverend George Whitefield..a**. New-York, Hodge & Shober, 1774. Repr. 312 p. 12o. GILLIES, R. P. Memoirs of a Literary Veteran, including Sketches and Anecdotes of the most distinguished literary characters from 1794 to 1849. London, 1851. 3 v. 12~. GILLISSt, Lieut. J. M. See U.S. Naval Astronomical Expedition to the Southern Hemisphere during the years 1849- 52. ----- Naval Observatory: Observations, 1848. See United States. GILLRAY, James. The Works of:..from the original plates, with the addition of many subjects not before collected. London. Printed Charles Whiting. fi. Key to Caricatures. See Wright & Evans. FIRST SUPPLEMENT. 333 GILMAN, Daniel C. A Historical Discourse, Norwich, Conn. Sept. 7, 1859, at the bi-centennial celebration. 2d edition, with additional notes. Boston, 1859. 128 p. 8.- For 1st edition, See Norwich Jubilee. ---- Scientific Schools in-Europe: Considered in reference to their prevalence, utility, scope and desirability in America. New-Haven, 1856. 80. Pam. v. 233. GILMANt, Samuel. A Sermon on the Introduction to the Gospel of St.John. [Charleston Unitarian Tract Society]. Charleston, S.C. 1825. 12~. Pam. v. 441. GILPINt, Henry D. Character of Franklin: Address, Franklin Institute, Dec. 1856. Philadelphia, 1857. 8~. Pam. v. 286. GINGUENIt, Pierre Louis. Histoire Litteraire d'Italie. Seconde edition, revue et corrigee...par M. Daunou. Paris, 1824. 9 v. 80~. GIRARDt, Charles. Reptiles and Fishes of Chile. See U.S. N. Astr. Expl. Expedition. GIRARD, J. B. A Defence of F. John Baptist Girard, Jesuit,.... of Toulon, against the accusation of Mary Catharine Cadiere: Part I. 2d edition. London, 1732. 40 p. 8~. Pam. v. 343. GIRARD BANK.' An Act to Incorporate..1832...and the act supplementary, 1836. Philadelphia, 1836. 8~. Pam. v. 464. GIRARDt COLLEGE FOR ORPHANS: 3d, 8th, 9th, 10th Ann. Reports, 1849, 55, 56, 57. Philadelphia, 1850, 56, 57, 58. 8~. Pam. v. 458. GIRARDIN, Emile de. Les 52,..XII. La Question de l'Avenir. Paris, 1849. 128 p. 180. Pam. v. 615. GIRARDIN (J.), et H. Lecoq. Elemens de Mineralogie appliquee aux sciences chimiques: Ouvrage base sur la methode de Berzelius.... suivi d'un Precis 616mentaire de Geognosie... Tomes I, II. Paris, 1826. 2 v. 8~. GIRARDIN, Saint Marc. Lectures on Dramatic Literature; or the employment of the passions in the drama.. First series. Trans. from the French by R. G.-Barnwell***. New-York, 1849. 245 p. 120. GISBORNE, Lionel. The Isthmus of Darien in 1852: Journal of the -expedition of inquiry for the junction of the Atlantic and Pacific oceans. With four maps. London, 1853. 238 p. 12~. GISBORNE, Rev. Thomas. Considerations on the Basis and the Means of the permanent security of the established church of England. London, 1829. 85 p. 8~. Pam. v. 325. GLADE, P. V. Du Progres Religieux. Paris, 1838. 3 v. 8~. GLADSTONEt, John. Facts Relating to Slavery in the West Indies and America...2d edition. London, 1830. 30 p. 80. Pam. v. 437. GLADSTONE, Rev. John E. Lectures in Defence of the Union of Church and State, by Rev.'s J. E. Gladstone.. C. W. Lohr.. E. Wilson...and H. S. M. Hubert...Norwich, Eng. 1847. 113 p. 8~. Pam. v. 328. GLADSTONE, J. H. Of Gun-cotton. 8~. Pam. v. 402. 334 GENERAL LIBRARY. GLADSTONE, Hon. W. E. [ Speeches of:.. &c.], in 1 v. 8~. Contents: Speech, H. of Commons.. Abolition of the Negro Apprenticeship, Mar. 30, 1838. London. Speech of the Chancellor of the Exchequer on the financial state and prospects of the country: H. of Commons, Ap. 18, 1853. London. Speech, Affairs of Greece and Foreign Policy. London, 1850. Two Letters to the E. of Aberdeen on the State prosecutions of the Neapolitan government. 13th edition. 1851. Our Colonies: An Address, Mechanics' Institute, Chester, Nov. 1855. London. [ GLANVIL, Joseph]. AOrOT OPHIKEIA: or, A Seasonable recommendation and defence of reason in the affairs of religion; against infidelity, scepticism and fanaticisms of all sorts: Rom. xii, 1. London, 1670. 36 p. 4~. Pam. v. 354. [ GLASEBROOK, James]. See Practice of Extemporary Preaching, 1794. GLASSE ( Samuel),' D.D. Sermon: 1 Pet. ii, 17. London, 1787. 8~. Pam. v. 373.- To the Poor.....a Sermon: Phil. iv, 11. London, 1795. 80~. Pam. v. 374. GLEANER (The) AND REGISTER OF THE TIMES: Vol. I. Nov. 2, Feb. 23, 1801. 8~. Pam. v. 103. GLEASON'St PICTORIAL. See Ballou's Pictorial. GLEASON'S WEEKLY LINE-OF-BATTLE SHIP: Vol. I. NOV. 1858 - Oct. 1859. Boston. fV. GLEASON, Benj. Oration...before the Republican Citizens of..Hingham... July 4, 1807...2d edition. Boston, 1807. 8~. Pam. v. 532. GLEIZtS, J. A. Selena, on la Famille Samaneenne***. Paris, 1838. 196 p. 8o. Thalysie, ou la Nouvelle Existence. Paris, 1840, 42. 3 v. 8~. GLEN'S FALLS ACADEMY, N.Y.: Catalogue, 1858. 8~. Pam. v. 456. GLENGALL, Earl of. The Irish Tutor; or New Lights: A Farce. New-York, 1847. 120. Pam. v. 621. GLOVER, Rev. F. R. A. Harbours of Refuge in the British Channel. London, 1846. 68 p. 8~. Pam. v. 426. GMELIN, Prof. Leopold. Hand-book of Chemistry....London, Cavendish Society, 1848- 1853. 8 v. 8~. Contents: VOL. I. Cohesion, adhesion, affinity, light, heat, and electricity. VOL. II. Non-metallic elements. VOL. III, IV, v, VI. Metals. VOL. VII. Organic Chemistry: Vol. 1, Generalities of organic chemistry; Organic compounds containing two atoms of carbon. VOL. VIII. Organic Chemistry: Vol. 2, Organic compounds containing two and four atoms of carbon. GOADBY, Henry. A Text-book of Vegetable and Animal Physiology: Designed for the use of schools...450 illustrations. N.York, 1858 xxxix, 313 p. 8~. GOADBY, Rev. John. Discourse, Education Society of the Saratoga Baipt. Ass'n, Ballston Spa, June 26, 1844. Schenectady, 1844. 8~ Pamn. v. 267. FIRST SUPPLEMENT. 335 GOBINEAU, Comte A. de. Essai sur l'Inegalite des Races Humaines. Paris, 1853 - 55. 4 v. 8~. The Moral and Intellectual Diversity of Races, with particular reference to their respective influence in the civil and political history of mankind. With...notes by H. I-Iotz; to which is added an appendix containing a summary of the latest scientific J. C. Nott, M.D. of Mobile. Philadelphia, 1856. 12~. GOUHENIUS, Joh. L. Bondeltje van Bibelstof...Leerredenen. Groningen, 1752. See Goltzius, D. GODDARD (Charles), D.D. Sermon, Anniversary of Sons of the Clergy, 1819,; Ps. xxxvii, 25.- Appendix. Lond. 1820. 40~. Pam. v. 1010. ----- Sermon, Christian Ediucation 2 Corinthians ix, 12- 15. London, 1834. 8~. Pam. v. 377. The Ordination Service...explained and defended.... With an appendix... London, 1846. 48 p. 80. Pam. v. 328. GODDARD, Williamni A. A Genealogy of the Descendants of Edward Goddard. Worcester, 1833. 96 p. 12~. GODDARD, William S. Sermon, Civil Liberty, Rom. xvi, 17: Nov. 7, 1819, Andover, Eng. 80. — Visitation Sermon, Aug. 8, 1811: 1 Cor. xi, 19. Winchester, 1811. 8~. Pain. v. 376. GOD-GELEERTHEID (De) EN DICIT-KIUNDEN DER OUDEN.....Door Philaletes Ortodoxus. Amsteldam..78 p. 80. Pam. v. 109. GODWIN, Catharine G. The Reproving Angel: A Vision — Poem. London, 1835. 27 p. 120. Pam. v. 397. GODWINt, Parke. The History of France-: Vol. I (Ancient Gaul). New-York, 1860. 8~. GODWINt, William. Memoirs of Mary Wollstonecraft Godwin, au-'thor of a " Vindication of the Rights of Woman." Philadelphia, James Carey, 1799. 158 p. 180. Essay on Sepulchres, or a Proposal for erecting some memorial of the illustrious dead in all ages, on the spot where their remains have been interred*@*. New-York...1809. 142 p. 18~. - Lives of Edward and John Phillips, nephews and pupils of Milton... With, Collections for the life of Milton by J. Aubrey....2, The life of Milton, by E. Phillips...London, 1815. 410 p. 40~. GOETHEt, J. W. von. Wilhelm Meister's Apprenticeship... Trans. by R. Dillon Boylan, esq. London, Bohn, 1855. 12~. GOIN, John W. An Apprentice System for the United States Merchant service. New-York, 1853. 14 p. 120. Pamin. v. 529. GOLD, S. J. Descriptive Notice of the Steam-heating Apparatus, patented by:..New-Haven, 1855. 80. Pam. v. 225. GOLDEN DREAMS AND LEADEN REALITIES: By Ralph Raven. With an introductory chapter, by Francis Fogie, sen., esq. N.York, Putnam, 1853. 12~. GOLDEN HILLS NEWS: June 3, 1854. In Chinese. San Francisco. Newsp. v. 16. GOLDING, Chr. A'Defence of the Conduct of the Warden of Winchester College...and written by himself. London, 1758. 51 p. 8~. Pams. v. 389. 336 GENERAL LIBRARY. GOLDSMID, Francis H. Reply to the Arguments advanced against the removal of the remaining disabilities of the Jews. London, 1848. 58 p. 8~. Pam. v. 321. GOLDSMITH, Edward. An Lion Chapel, Ramsgate, intended as a word of caution..Ramsgate, 1820. 52 p. 80. Pam. v. 339. [ GOLDSMITH, J.]. See Present State of the British Empire, 1768. GOLDSMITH, Rev. J. An Easy Grammar of Geography...A new edition, improved by a citizen of Philadelphia. Philadelphia, 1814. 211 p. 24o. GOLDSMITH, J. An Almanack, 1852. London. 240. Alm. v. 49. GOLDSMITHt, Oliver. An Abridgment of the History of England.... continued to the peace of Amiens, 1802. Repr.. Alexandria, D.C. 1816. 348 p. 12~. A History of the Earth and Animated Nature;.....embracing the new discoveries in natural history; together with a life of the author by W. Irving..Hull, Eng. 1854. 891, 29 p. 40~. - The Poetical Works of Goldsmith, Collins, and T. Warton. With Lives, critical dissertations and explanatory notes, by the Rev. G. Gilfillan. Edinburgh, 1856. 8~. GOLTZ, Hubertus. C. Ivlius Caesar, sive Historise imperatorvm Csesarvmqve Romanorvm ex antiqvis nvmismatibvs restitiutse liber primvs. Ace. C. I. Casaris vita et res gestse...... Brvgis, 1563. With 56 plates. fP. GOLTZIUS, Domin. Alder-laatste Dingen.... Predikatien. Workum, 1720. With, Stavern, Leerredenen; and, Gochenius, Leerredenen. In 1 v. 18~. GOMEZ, Madalene-Ang6lique Poisson De. La Belle Assemblee: Being a curious collection of some very remarkable events which happened to persons of the first quality in France.....4th edition. London, 1736. 4 v. 120. L'Entretien des Beaux Esprits: Being the sequel to La Belle Assemblee...Vol. I, II...London, 1734. 2 v. 12~. GONDRECOURT, A. De. Les Pretendans de Catherine: N.Y. 1853. 1 v.- Mademnoiselle De Cardonne. New-York. 1853. [Semaine Litteraire]. In 1 v. 8~. M6emoires d'un Vieux Garcon. 1855. 1 v.- Une Vraie femme1856. 1 v. New-York, Semaine Littbraire. In 1 v. 80. GoocH (Thomas), D.D. Sermon, Death of H. Compton, Bp. of London: 1 Tim. iii, 1. London, 1713.- Sermon, H. of Commons, Jan. 30, 1711, being the anniversary fast for the martyrdom of King Charles the first: Ps. ii, 3. London, 1712. Pam. v. 379. Sermon, H. of Lords, Jan. 9, 1739, Fast for Peace: 2 Chron. xx, 15. London. 4~. Pam. v. 362. GooDt (John Mason), M.D. Memoirs of the Life and Writings of the Reverend Alexander Geddes, LL.D.'e. London, 1803. 547 p. 8~. GOOD, Peter Peyto. Exercises designed to assist Young Persons to pronounce and spell correctly...Woodstock, Vt. 1830. 18~. GOOD NEws from New-England.... London, 1648. See Mass. Hist. Soc. Coil. S. 4. v..1. FIRST SUPPLEMENT. 337 GOODACREt, Robert. A Brief Explanation of the principal terms made use of in astronomy..... 4th edition. First Am. Richmond, 1824. 54 p. 12~. ~- - Outline of Eight Lectures on Astronomy...... Albany, 1825. 10 p. 180. Pam. v. 233. GOODE, Rev. William. Funeral Sermon of Rev. W. Romaine: I-eb. ii, 13. 2d edition. London, 1795. 8~. Pam. v. 382. GOODE, Rev. William. A Letter to the Bp. of Exeter, containing an examination of his letter to the Abp. of Canterbury..London, 1850. 107 p. 8~. Pam. v. 329. GOODELL, William. Views of American Constitutional law, in its bearing upon American slavery...2d edition, revised..Utica, N.Y. 1845. 163 p. 12~. Pam. v. 626. - The American Slave Code in theory and practice; its distinctive features, shown by its statutes, judicial decisions and illustrative facts. New-York, 1853. 431 p. 12~. GOODENOUGH, Edmund. Sermon, Anniv. Sons of the Clergy, 1830: Deut. xxxiii, 9. London. 4~. Pam. v. 1010. GOODENOUGH (Samuel), F.R.S. Sermon, House of Commons, Fast, Feb. 25, 1795: Ps. xvii, 13. London. 4~. Pam. v. 1008. GOODENOUGH, William. The English Gentleman's Library Manual; or a Guide to the formation of a library of select literature...London, 1827. 392 p. 8~. [GOODENOWt, S.]. Topog. Manual..of N.York, 1811. 34 p. 12~. Pam. v. 195. GOODLOE, Daniel R. The Southern Platform; or Manual of Southern sentiment on the subject of slavery. Boston, 1858. 80 p. 8~. Pam. v. 560. GOODMAN (Godfrey), D.D., Bp. The Court of King James the first...Now first published from the original MSS. By John S. Brewer...London, 1839. 2 v. 80. [ GOODMAN, John]. See Transubstantiation, &c. 1688. Also,...Discourse concerning auricular confession, 1684. GOODRICeHI, Rev. Charles A. History of the United States..Hartford, 1824. 400 p. 120. [ GOODRICH, Frank B,]. See Tri-colored Sketches in Paris. Cat. 1855. GOODRICHt, Samuel G. The Outcast,.and other Poems. Boston.... 1836. 120. - Recollections of a Lifetime, or Men and things I have seen.... New-York and Auburn...1856. 542, 563 p. 2 v. 12~. [ —]. Parley's First Book of History...Boston, 1851. sin. 4~. GOODWINt ( H. C.), of N.Y. Pioneer History; or Cortland county and the border wars of New-York...New-York, 1859. 456 p.l20. Speech, U.S. H. of R., on the Territorial policy, February 27, 1855. 8~. Pam. v. 561. GOODWIN, John. Cata-baptism; or New Baptism waxing old and ready to vanish: In two parts..By J. G., a minister of the Gospel. London, 1655. Prelim. xcvi, 406 p. sm. 4~. [ SUPPL.] 43 338 GENERAL LIBRARY. GOODWINt, Nathaniel. Descendants of Thomas Olcott, one of the first settlers of Hartford, Conn.... Hartford, 1845. 64 p. 80. ----- Genealogical Notes, or Contributions to the Family History of some of the first settlers of Connecticut and Massachusetts. Hartford, 1856. 80. GOODWIN, Philo A.- Biography of Andrew Jackson, President of the United States.. Hartford, 1852. 120. GOOKIN, Daniel. Historical Collections of the Indians of New-England, 1674. See Mass. Hist. Soc. Coll. S. 1. v. 1. [ —— ]. An Historical Account of the doings and sufferings of the christian Indians in New-England..1675 - 77. See Am. Ant. Soc. Trans. v. 2. GORDON (Alex.), C.E. The Fitness of Turnpike Roads and Highways for the most expeditious...internal communication..London, 1835. 34 p. 8~. Pam. v. 428. GORDON, Geo. C. The Holy Communion, a Sermon: Luke xxii, 19. London, 1850. 8~. Pam. v. 378. [ GORDON, Bp. James]. See Request to Roman Catholics, 1687. GORDON, Rev. James. A History of Ireland, from the earliest account to the accomplishment of the Union with Great Britain in 1801***. London, 1806. 2 v. 8~. GORDON, John. The Causes and Consequences of evil speaking against government: A Sermon, Univ. of Cambridge, King's accession, Oct. 25, 1771. Cambridge, 1771. 4~. Pam. v. 1007. GoRDONt, Pat. Geography Anatomiz'd; or the Geographical Grammar...13th edition. London, 1733. 8~. GORDON, Pryse L. Personal Memoirs; or Reminiscences of men and manners at home and abroad, during the last half century..London, Colburn & Bentley, 1830. 2 v. 8~. GORDON, Rev. R. A. Observations on Village-school Education, with suggestions for its improvement..... Oxford (1850?). 39 p. Pam. v. 388. GORDON (S.), of N.Y. Mexican War, Speech, U.S. H. of R., Dec. 24, 1846. Pam. v. 193. GORDONt, Thomas F. The War on the Bank of the United States; or, A review of the measures of the administration against that institution and the prosperity of the country***. Philadelphia, 1834. 8~. GORDON, William. Discourse, Dec. 15, 1774, Thanksgiving, Boston. 2d edition. See Thornton, J. W. GORiDON, William A. A Compilation of the Registers of the Army of the United States from 1815 to 1837 (inclusive). To which is appended a list of officers on whom brevets were conferred...(1812 - 1815). Washington, 1837. 601, 5 p. 80. GORE, George. Theory and Practice of Electro-deposition, including every known mode of depositing metals...London, 1856. 104 p. 8~. GORE, Montague. On the Dwellings of the Poor, and the means of improving them. 3d edition. With a Sermon by Rev. T. Beames. London, 1851. xx, 67 p. 8~. Pam. v. 429. FIRST SUPPLEMENT. 339 National Defences. London, 1852. 36 p. 80. Pam. v. 406. GORGES+, Fernando. Voyage, 1659. See Bry, De, Part II; Mass. Hist. Soc. Coll. S. 3, v. 6; Verscheyde Scheepstogten. GORHAM SEMINARY, Maine, Catalogue, 1847. Pam. v. 458. GORTON, Benjamin. A View of Spiritual or Antitypical Babylon, with its downfall exhibited, by a vision of Elisha Peck;..Interpreted and (N.Y.), 1808. 18~. GORTON, John. A Topographical Dictionary of Great Britain and Ireland... The Irish and Welch articles by G. N. Wright, M.A.... With 54 quarto maps...London..1833. 3 v. 8~. GORTONt, S. Simplicity's Defence, 1646. See Force's Tracts, v. 4. GOSLINGA, Sicco van. Memoires Relatif a la Guerre de succession de 1706 - 1709 et 1711...Publies par MM. U. A. Evertsz et G. H. M. Delprat, au nom de la Soc. Hist. d'archeologie et de linguistique de Frise. Leeuwarden, 1857. 174 p. 8~. GOSPEL (The) THE POWER OF GoD unto Salvation to every one that believeth: In two letters...Berea, 1845. 42 p. 12~. Pam. v. 623. GossEt, P. H. Life in its Lower, intermediate and higher forms; or Manifestations of the divine wisdom in the natural history of animals. New-York, 1857. 12~. GOTHAISCHERt GENEALOGISCHER HOF-KALENDER, nebst diplomatischstatistischem jahrbuche auf das jahr 1816 - 52. Gotha. 37 v. 24~.Continuation. See Almanach de Gotha. GOTHAM AND THE GOTHAMITES: A Medley. New-York, 1823. lvi, 94 p. 18o. GOTHER, Rev. John. A Papist Misrepresentated and Represented, or a two-fold character of popery..Selected from the original of 1683...25th edition. London, 1820. 106 p. 180. Pam. v. 344. G6TTINGISCHE GELEHRTE ANZEIGEN. Unter den Aufsicht der Kdnigl. Gesellschaft der Wissenschaften. 1854, 3 v.; 1855, 3 v.; 1856, 2 v.; 1857, 2 v.; 1858, 2 v. G6ttingen. 12 v. 120. GOUGH, H. T. A Monody appropriate to the memory of Tyrone Power, esq. London, 1841. 4~. Pam. v. 1012. GOUGH, John B. The Echo of Truth to the voice of slander; or John B. Gough's early history. By his foster-father, J. Pound. N.York, 1845. 20 p. 8~. Pam. v. 471. GOUIN, L. F. A New System of French and English pronunciation.. Montreal, 1859. 213 p. 12~. GOUJET, Abbe Claude Pierre. Bibliotheque Franqoise, ou Histoire de la litterature franqoise..Et oud l'on rapporte les jugemens des critiques sur les principaux ouvrages en chaque genre ecrits dans la mieme langue. La Haye, 8 v.; Paris, 10 v. 1740 -1756. 18 v. 18~. GOULDt, A. A. Shells of Chili. See U.S. N. Astr. Expl. Exped. [ - ]. See History of New-Ipswich, N.H. GOULDt (Benjamin Apthorp), jr. An American University: An Oration before the Connecticut Beta-of the Phi Beta Kappa Fraternity at Trinity College, Hartford, July 15, 1856. Hartford, 1856. 8~. Pam. v. 237. 340 GENERAL LIBRARY. GOULD~ ( Benjamin Apthorp), jr.: Specimens of the Garblings, &c. See Dudley Observatory. Reply to the Statement of the Trustees..Albany, 1859. 366 p. 8~. See Dudley Observatory. GOULD, Hannah F. Poems. Boston, 1841. 240 p. 16~. GOULD (John), F.R.S. A Monograph of the Odontophorina, or Partridges of America..Parts I, II, III. London, 1844, 46, 50. 3 v. f~. ----- A Monograph of the Trochilidea, or Humming-birds. Part Iv - xII. London, 1852-1856. 9 parts, gr. f0. ----- A Monograph of the Ramphastidae, or family of Toucans. London, 1854. Text and plates in 1 v. gr. f~. GOULDt, John S. A Report on Food and Diet..suited for almshouses, prisons and hospitals...New-York, 1852. 99 p. 8~. Pam. v. 539. GOULD'S (John W.) PRIVATE JOURNAL of a Voyage from N.York to Rio De Janeiro, together with a brief sketch of his life..For private circulation only... New-York, 1839. 207 p. 8~. GOULD, M. T. C. The Analytic Guide and Authentic Key to the Art of short-hand writing...being a compilation..Albany, 1823. 40 p. and plates. 180. [ GOULD, Sir Nat.] See Essay on the Publick Debts; 1726. GOULD, Vinson. Sermon, Westhampton, in time of sickness, 1802. Northampton, Mass. 1804. 8~. Pam. v. 559. GOUPIL & CO. Catalogue of the Publications of.... engravings, etc. AT. Y. 1854. 55 p. 40. Pam. v. 1015. GOURCYt, Count Conrad De. Voyage Agricole dans l'Interieur de la France...(Extrait des Annales de l'Agriculture frangaise, 1855). Paris..1855. 8~.. GOURLIE, John H. Address, Mercantile Library Association. NewYork, 1839. 8~. Pam. v. 512. - The Origin and History of " The Century." Club. 1856. NewYork, 1856. 31 p. 8~. Pam. v. 253. GOUTTARD, M1. Catalogue des Livres rares et precieux de: par G. De Bure, fils aine. Vente 5 Mars, 1781. Paris, 1780. 246 p. 8~. GOUVERNEUR. Pseud. Remarks on the Life Insurance Laws of NewYork...New-York, 1852. 12 p. 12~. Pam. v. 511. GOUVERNEUR WESLEYAN SEMINARY: Catalogue, 1842, 49, 59. Ogdensburgh, N.Y. 8~. Pam. v. 456. GOWANOS HOTEL AND WHARF COMPANY: Brooklyn, 1836. 8 p. and map. 8~. Pam. v. 298. GOWANS't (William) BIBLIOTHECA AMERICANA: No 1. See Denton's N.York, 1670. Cat. 1855.- N~ 2. See Wooley's Two Years' Journal in New-York, 1701. ---- A Catalogue of Books on Freemasonry and kindred subjects. New-York, 1858. 59 p. 8~. - Catalogues: 1846, Cat. v. 16; 1842-45, Cat. v. 8; 1849, 51, 52, Cat. v. 72, 85; 1855, Cat. v. 79. FIRST SUPPLEMENT. 341 GRAAH, W. A. Narrative of an Expedition to the East Coast of Greenland, sent by order of the King of Denmark, in search of the lost colonies, under the command of Captn W. A. Graah of the Danish R. Navy... Trans. from the Danish by the late G. Gordon Macdougall, for the Roy. Geog. Society, with the original Danish chart.... London..1837. 199 p. 8~. GRACEt CHURCH, Albany, 1851. 80. Pam. v. 543. GRACIENt, Baltazar. Le Heros, traduit de l'espagnol...avec des remarques. By J. De Courbeville. Paris, 1725. 368 p. 18~. GRnEVIUS, J. G. Lectiones Iesiodece, ut et notse J. Scaligeri et F' Guieti. Amsterdam, D. Elzevir, 1667. 193 p. See Hesiod. GRAGLIA, Joseph A. Albion Restituta; or a Plan for a periodical abolition of all taxes, raised by means of collectors.....3d edition. London, 1796. 87 p. 80. Pam. v. 448. GRAHAI, Sir J. Speech, H.- of Commons, Jan. 29, 1840, Want.of confidence in ministers. See Parl. Speeches. GRAHAM, James. The Life of General Daniel Morgan, of the Virginia line of the Army of the United States, with portions of his correspondence;....New-York...1856. 120. GRAHAM, Rev. John. Derriana: Consisting of a History of the siege of Londonderry and defence of Enniskillen in 1688 and 1689, with historical poetry and biographical notes..Toronto..1851. 8~. Repr. GRAHAMt, Lt. Col. J. D. Report of the Secretary, communicating a report from Lt. Col. Graham of the harbors in Wisconsin, Illinois, Indiana and Michigan. Sen. Doct. Washington, 1856. 479 p. 8~.With MS. corrections by Lt. Col. Graham. GRAHAM, John Lorimer. Appeal....from Decision of the Auditor of the Post-office Department, rejecting expenditure for fitting up the New Post-office buildings in Nassau-st. and Chatham-square. NewYork, 1846. 80. Pam. v. 194. GRAHAM, Robert. Letter to...William Pitt...on the Reform of the internal government of the royal burroughs of Scotland..With an appendix. London, 1788. 56 p. 8~. Pam. v. 411. GRAHAM, William S. Remains of:....with a memoir. Ed. by George Allen.. Philadelphia, 1849. 278 p. 12~. GRAHAME, James. Poetical Works. See White, H. K. GRAHAME, James. Who is to Blame? or Cursory Review of "American apology for:American accession to negro slavery"......*. London, 1842. 112 p. 8~. GRAMMAR (A) OF THE BAKELE LANGUAGE, with vocabularies, by the Missionaries of the A.B.C.F.M., Gaboon Station, Western Africa. By Rev. I. M. Preston and J. Best. New-York, 1854. 117 p. 80. GRAMMAR (A) OF THE ENGLISH LANGUAGE, for the use of Hebrews. London, 1840. 8~. GRAMMAR (A) OF THE MPONGWE LANGUAGE, with vocabularies: by the Missionaries of the A.B.C.F.M., Gaboon Mission, Western Africa. By Rev. J. L. IVilson, etc. New-York, 1847. 94 p. 8~. GRAND (The) AccUSER the greatest of all criminals: Part I. By Sir Robert Walpole? London, 1735. 80 p. 8~. Pam. v. 418. 342 GENERAL LIBRARY. GRAND (The) VIZIER Unmassked; or Remarks on the supposed claims of Mr. Canning to publie confidence. London, 1827. 65 p. 8~. Pam. v. 414. GRANGER (A. P.), of N.Y. State Sovereignty- Slavery: Remarks, U.S. H. of R.,:Feb. -17, 1859. 8~. Pam. v. 561. [ GRANGERt, Gideon]. See Address to the People.of N.E~ngland, 1808. Cat. 1855. - Mr. Granger's Reasons for voting against the grant of $11870,50 to Gov. Tompkins. Albany, 1820. 12 p. 80. Pam. v. 530. GRANGERt, James. A Biographical History of England from Egbert the Great to the Revolution...adapted to a methodical catalogue of engraved British heads..By the Rev. J. Granger. 4th edition, carefully revised and corrected. London, 1804. 4 v.- With, A biographical history of England Trom the revolution to the end of George I';s reign..By the Rev. Mark Noble..London, 1806. 3 v.- 7 v. 8~. GRANIER DE CASSAGNAC, A. Histoire de la Chute du Roi Louis-Philippe, de la r6publique de 1848, et du retablissement de l'empire (1847- 55). Paris, 1857. 2 v. 8~. GRANT, William H. Observations on the Western Trade, and its influence upon the growth and prosperity of the cities of New-York, Boston and Philadelphia, through the several competing lines of communication and the Hudson River Railroad.... Poughkeepsie, 1846. 80. Pam. v. 146. GRASSI, Alfio. Charte Turque, ou Organisation religieuse, civile et militaire de l'Empire Ottoman: suivie de quelques r6fiexions sur la guerre des Grecs contre les Turcs..-. Paris, 1825. 2 v. 8~. GRA SSI, P. Giovanni. Notizie sullo Stato presente della repubblica degli Stati Uniti dell'America settentrionale. Terza ed. accresciuta..Torino, 1822. 140 p. With Lettre de M. Laval. 24 p. In 1 v. 8~. GRATAMA, Seerpius. Opuscula Academica. Edidit S. G. Groningae, 1821. 362 p. 8~. GRATIANUS, P. Thomas. Anastasis Avgvstiniana, in qua Scriptores Ordinis Eremitarum S. Avgvstini qui abhinc seeculis aliquot vixerunt, una cum neotericis, in seriem digesti sunt..Antverpiee, 1613. i178 p. and appendix. 120. GRATTAN, Edward. The Printer's Companion: Being practical directions for filling the various situations in a printing office..directions for composing Greek and Hebrew. Philadelphia, 1846. 108 p. 18~. GRATTANt, Henry. Speech, -House of Commons of Ireland, Feb. 14, 1788, Debate on Tithes. Dublin. 8~. Pam. v. 423...-... Speech, Iouse of Commons, on the Catholic question. London, 1810. 8~. Pam. v. 348. GRATTAN, I. P. The Bottle: A Poem,.. suggested by the celebrated designs of:G. Cruikshank...New-York, 1848. 8 cuts; 8 p. 80. Pam. v. 534. GRAVENOR, B. Sermon, Thanksgiving, Nov. 7, 1710 Psalms ii, 11. London. 8~. Pam. v. 365. GRAVENER, Thomas. Leviathan Drawn Out; or a Description of Satan's devices..... and A sacred elegy on the death of Rev. W. J. Brooke..London, 1832. 40 p' 120. Pam..v. 397. FIRST SUPPLEMENT. 343 GRAVES, Richard. Sermon, Deliversance of Ireland from the French: Dan. iv, 25, 27. Bath, 1797. 80. Pam. v. 374. GRAVIER, Pere Jacques. Relation de ce qui s'est passe dans la mission de l'Immaculee Conception, au Pays des Ilinois, depuis le mois de Mars 1693, jusqu'en F6vrier 1694. Par le R. Pere Jacques Gravier, de la compagnie de Jesus. A Manate, De la Presse Cramoisy de Jean-Marie Shea, MDCCCLViI. Col. Achev. d'Imprimer a Albany, N.Y. par J. Munsell, ce 31 d'Aoust 1857. 65 p. sm. 4~. ----- Relation ou Journal du Voyage du 1. P. Jacques Gravier de la compagnie de J6sus en 1700, depuis le Pays des Illinois jusqu'a l'embouchure du Mississippi. Nouvelle-York, Isle de Manate, Presse Cramoisy de Jean-Marie Shea, 1859. 68 p. smi 4~. GRAY, A. B. Explanatory Report...of his proceedings while a member of the "United States and Mexican Boundary Commission," appointed to run and mark the boundary line under the treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo, 1853. Ex. Doct. 1855. 50 p. 8%0 and map. Pam. v. 227. GRAYt, Asa. Dried Plants from Chili. See U.S. N. Astr. Exploring Expedition. GRAY, David. Gray's Narrative of his services as spy, 1776 - 82. No date or place. 8 p. 8~. GRAYt, Francis C. Address, Mass. Charitable Fire Society. Boston, 1817. 8~. Pam. v. 514. GRAY, F. T. Extract from a Sermon...following the interment of the late Amos Lawrence. Boston, 1853. 16 p. 180. Pam. v. 555. GRAY, J. An Appeal to Protestants.... unscriptural opinions and practices in the Church of Rome. York, Eng. 1837. 47 p. 8~. Pam. v. 347. GRAY, John. A Treatise on Gunnery. London, 1731. xliii, 94 p. 8~. Pam. v. 452. GRAY, J. T. Immortality: Its real and alleged evidences;...2d edition with observations on future punishment. London, 1847. 70 p. 80. Pam. v. 306. GRAY (Robert), D.D. Sermon, Accession to the Throne: 1 Sam. xii, 14, 15. Sunderland, 1809. 80. Pam. v. 375. - Discourse, Assassination of Rt. Hon. S. Perceval: Eph. v, 23. Sunderland, 1812. Pamn. v. 382. — Two Sermons.... the second designed to have been preached Nov. 19, the day appointed for the funeral of H. R. H. the Princess Charlotte. London, 1817. 8~. Pam. v. 382. GRAYt, Thomas. The Correspondence of:.. Thomas Gray and William Mason, to which are added some letters addressed by Gray to the Rev. James Brown, D.D...With notes and illustrations by the Rev. John Mitford...London.. 1853. 80. Poetical Works. See Johnson, S. GRAY, W. Travels in Western Africa in the years 1818, 19, 20 and 21, from the River Gambia, through Woolli, Bondor, Galam, Kasson, Kaarta, and Foolidoo, to the River Niger. By Major W. Gray, and the late staff surgeon Dochard.. **. London, 1825. 413 p. 8~. 344 GENERAL LIBRARY. GRAY, William. An Historical Sketch of the Origin of English prose literature, and of its progress till the reign of James I....Oxford, 1835. 103 p. 8~. [ GRAY (W. Farley), of Va.]. See Letter to William H. Seward, 1841. GREAT (To the) AND LEARNED among christians: the humble petition of a number of poor,'loyal, unlearned christians. Together with plain Dr. Priestley. London, 1793. 76 p. 80. Pamn. v. 316. GREAT ( The) BASTARD, Protector of the little one. Done out of French...Printed at Cologne, 1689. 28 p. 4~. Pam. v. 408. GREATt BRITAIN. [PALIAMENTARY, STATE, COURT, and other Reports and papers published by authority; arranged by. subjects.] ----: ACCOUNTS,. The Report of the Commissioners for taking, examining and stating the public accounts of the kingdom. Printed in the year 1711. 36 p.- Second report, &c. London, 1712. 35 p. 8~. Pam. v. 409.: AMERICA, Correspondence relating to America, between G. Canning and D. Erskine, presented to Parliament in 1810. London, printed by A. Strahan..1811. 100 p. 8~. - ---- ~ Correspondence relative to the negotiation of the question of disputed right to the Oregon Territory, on the Northwest coast of America: subsequent to the treaty of Washington of Aug. 9, 1842. Presented...1846. London. 71 p. fo.: ARMY. The Report of the General Officers appointed by H. M.'s warrant of the first of Nov. 1757, to inquire into the causes of the failure of the late expedition to the coasts of France..London, 1758. 116 p. 8~. Pam. v. 391. -t: ARMY LIST-For the years 1828, 29, 33, 34, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 44, 45, 46, 47, 50-51, London. 16 v. 8~. -- -- For Feb. 1849; April, 1851. Lond. 180. Pam. v. 610.For Feb. 1850; Nov. 1859. London. 2 v. 18~. Steel's List of the Royal Army.... July 1811. London. 108 p. 18~. WTith List of the Royal Navy; August 1811. London. 90 p. 180.: AYLESBURY Election. The Humble Representation and Address of the right honourable the lords spiritual and temporal in parliament assembled, presented to Her Majesty, 14 March, 1704. And Her Majesties answer...London, 1704. 20 p. f. Pam. v. 1103. ----: BRITISH MUSEUM. Report of the Commissioners appointed to inquire into the Constitution and Government of the British Museum, with minutes of evidence....London, 1850. 823 p.- With, Index to report and minutes of evidence, 1850. 172 p. in 1 v. f~. Other.Reports on the British Museum are in the Law Library...-: CANADA (Upper). On.... a Judicial Decision respecting the Clergy Reserves. Colonial office, 16 May, 1839. f~. Pam. v. 1103. -- CEMET:EFRIES. Report on a General Scheme for extramural sepulture...London, 1850. 172 p. 8~. Pain. v. 478. FIRST SUPPLEMENT. 345 GREAT BRITAIN (continued): - etropolitan Interments.. Copies of the Minutes of the Board of Health relating to the Metropolitan Interments Act since Aug. 1850. Copies of correspondence...relative to the purchase of cemeteries... Mar. 24, 1852. xxv, 164 p. 80. Pam. v. 478. - ~ CENSUS. Census of Great Britain, 1851. Lond., Dublin, 1852, 1854. Bound in 9 v. fol. 4. 2 v. 80. Vol. 11, on Religion, wanting. Contents ~ VOL. I. Part I, Div. 1 - 6. Population Tables: Numbers of the inhabitants, England and Wales. VOL. II. Part I, Div. 7 - 11. The same continued, with Scotland. VOL. III. Part ii, Vol. 1. Population Tables continued: Ages, civil condition, occupations and birthplace; the blind, deaf and dumb, inmates of prisons, lunatic, sick. VOL. IV. - art Ii, Vol. 2. The same continued. VOL. V. The same: Report and Summary Tables. VOL. VI. Cellsus of Ireland: Part I, Area, population, and houses by townlands and electoral divisions. VOL. VII. The same continued. YOL. VIII. The same continued: Part ii, Returns of agricultural produce in 1851. VOL. IX. Ireland, continued: Report on the Status of Disease (deafand dumb, blind, lunatic, lame and decrepit, sick). VOL. X. Education, England and Wales; Religious worship and education for Scotland..-: CHURCH OF ENGLAND. List of the Lords who voted for or against the repeal of -the several acts made for the security of the Church of England, 1718. fo. Pam. v. 1103. -: COMMERnCE. An Account of the amount of bounties and drawbacks paid on the exportation of corn...from Scotland to Ireland, for 12 years. Aug. 1806. 3 p. fo. Pam. v. 1103. Engeland's Wereldhandel.- Verslag der Commissie van Onderzoek uit bet Engelsche Parlement, omtrent de werking der scheepvaart-wetten, op handel, scheepvaart en fabriekwezen. Uit het Engelsch vertaald, onder toezigt van den heer L. Van Vliet. Gravenhage, 1849 - 52. 5 v. 8~...-: CONFORMIITY. An Account of the Proceedings of.... Parliament assembled in relation to the bill.... for preventing occasional conformity. London, 1701. 48 p. 8~. Pam. v. 318. -: CjOUNTIES. Reports from Commissioners on proposed division of counties and boundaries of boroughs. Part I - VIII. London... 1832. With numerous maps in each volume. 8 v. fo. - Reports on the proposed divisions of the counties mentioned in schedule (F.) of the Reform Bill (England). Illustrated by plans. Connected with Boundary Reports. London, 1832. f~.: EAST-INDIA. House of Lords - An Authentic Account of the debates, Dec. 9, 15, 17, 1783, on the bill "For establishing certain the East-Indies." London, Debrett, 1783. 152 p. Pam. v. 431. [ SUPPL.] 44 346 GENERAL LIBRARY. GREAT BRITAIN (continued): Ninth Report from the Select Committee appointed to take into consideration the state of the administration of justice in Bengal, Bahar and Orissa. Lound., Debrett, 1785. 131 p.- Eleventh report, &c. &c. B-th by Edrn. Bur'ke. 108 p. 8~. Pam. v. 433.: EDUCATION...Correspondence..between the Committee of the Council of Education and the York and Ripon Diocesan Society for the education of the poor. Aug. 1846. 33 p. fP. Pam. v. 1103. The School in its Relation to the state, the church and the congregation: Being an explanation of the minutes of the committee of Council on Education in Aug. and Dec. 1846. London, 1847. 131 p. 8S. Pam. v. 388. -- -- Extracts from the Reports of H. M.'s inspectors of schools, intended chiefly for the use of the managers and teachers of such elementary schools as are not receiving government aid. London, 1852. 3i5 p. 120. - -: LGIN MARBLES. Report from the Select Committee on the Earl of Elgin's collection of sculptured marbles, &c. London, 1816. 77 p. f'. -: FINE ARTS. Department of Practical Art. Catalogue of the objects of ornamental art in the Museum. London, 1853. 64 p. 8~. Pam. v. 518. Second Report of the Commissioners on the Fine Arts, with appendix, Evidence. London, 1843. 72 p. fo. G: EOLOGICAL SURVEY. Annual Report of the Director-General, Sir WB. I. Murchison, of the Geo. Survey, the Museum of practical geology, and the School of science applied to mining and the arts. London, 1856. 20 p. 80. and maps. Pam. v. 272. Same title, for 1859. London. 24 p. 8~. & 4 maps. Pam. v. 551.: GEORGE III. Report from the Committee appointed to examine the physicians who have attended His Majesty during his illness... London, 1789. 132 p. 8~. Pam. v. 391. --: -T7 UDSON'S BAY CO. Report from the Select Committee on the Hudson's Bay Company...together with the... evidence. 31 July, 11 ig?. 1857. 547 p. fP.: IUNGARY. Correspondence relative to the Affairs of Hungary, 1847 - 49. London. 1850.- Correspondence respecting refugees from Hungar: within the Turkish dominions. London..1851. In 1 v. fo. ~: NSANE. Returns from each Lunatic District Asylum in Ireland. 18 July-1845. 34 p. f. Pam. v. 1103. Lunatic Asylums' (Scotland) Bill, as amended...1848. 38 p. D. Pam. v. 1103. Return to an Order of the Hon. The House of Commons, dated 2d June 1856, for " Copy of the Tenth Report of the Commissioners in lunacy to the Lord Chancellor " (Mr. Vernon Smith). June 5, 1856. 40 p. 8~. Pam. v. 243.: INTERNATIONAL EXCHANGE. Report from the Select Committee on Parliamentary papers. 1853. 6 p. fo. Pam. v. 1105. FIRST SUPPLEMENT. 347 GREAT BRITAIN (continued):: LODGING HOUSES. Return, H. of Lords, 1853....exhibiting the common lodging houses act.- The same H. of Commons, 1853. 30 p. 8~. Pam. v. 472.: MINT. An Account of the ascertain the loss in point of weight and in fineness on the shillings, etc. March 22, 1817. 1 p.fP. Pam. v. 1103.: MusEuMs. See South Kensington Museum.: NAVIGATION. Memoir on the Navigation of South-America, to accompany a chart of that station. Part 1, 2. London, Hydrog. Office of the Admiralty, 1825. 50, 117 p. 8~.: NAVY. By Authority. The Navy List, corrected from Jan. to March 1854. London, Murray, 1854. 2 v. 120~. For 1811. See G.B., Army List. --: NEWSPAPERS. Report from the Select Committee on Niewspaper Stamps; together with the proceedings of the committee, minutes of evidence, appendix and index. July 18, 1851. xliii, 659 p. 8~.: NEW-YORK Industrial Exhibition. (1), General Report of the British Commissioners. Presented to Parliament...1854. London, Harrison, 1854. 12 p.- (2), Special Report of Sir Charles Lyell, 103 p.- (3), Special Report of Mr. George Wallis. 169 p.- (4). -Special Report of Mr. Joseph Whitworth. 74 p.- (5). Special Report of Professor Wilson. 248 p. in 1 v. 8~.: OFFICIAL REGISTER. The Established State of the Public Offices..Lists of the..Privy council. [ H. M.'s household..Army.. Gov't of London, &c. &c.] London, 1728. 109 p. 8~. Pam. v. 417. The New State of the Court of Gre- Britain; containing correct and compleat lists of all the officcrs. and lists of the army and navy...London, 1742. 248 p. 180.: ORDERS in Council (1807 & 9). 1812, Minutes of Evidence taken beforc the Committee of the whole house, to whom it was referred, to consider of the several petitions which -have been presented to the house.... relating to the Orders in Council. AprilJune 1812. 683 p. f~.: PATENTS. [Publications -by the Commissioners uol Patents, from the Great Seal Patent Office]. London, 1853 - S. -.-. [Specifications by the Patentees of the patents granted them]. Contents: Specifications from March 2, 1617, to Sept. 1852 inclusive: Nos. 1 to 14, 359-in single numbers. 8~. Drawings for the sameunbound, in f~. Specifications from Oct. 1 to Dec. 31, 1852: Nos. 1 to 1211. Laundon, 1853. 20 v. roy. 8~. Drawings for the same. London, 1853. 20 v. fo. Specifications for 1853: Nos. 1 - 3045. 43 v. roy. 8~. Drawings for the same. London, 1854. 43 v. f~. Specifications for 1854: Nos. 1 - 2764. 37 v. roy. 8~. Drawings for the same. London, 1855. 37 v. f~. Specifications for 1855: Nos. 1 - 2958. 37 v. roy. 8~. Drawings for the same. London, 1856. 37 v. f~. Specifications for 1856: Nos. I - 3106. 37 v. roy. 80~. Drawings for the same. London, 1857. 37 v. P. 348 GENERAL LIBRARY. GREAT BRITAIN (continued): Specifications for 1857: Nos. 1 - 3200. 36 v. roy. 80. Drawings for the same. London, 1858. 36 v. fo. Specifications for 1858: Nos. 1 - 3007. 38 v. roy. 8~. Drawings for the same. London, 1859. 38 v. fo. Specifications for 1859: Nos. 1 - 2015. 24 v. roy. 8~. Drawings for the same. London, 1859-60. 24 v. fr. -- -,Titles of Patents of Invention chronologically arranged from March 2, 1617 to Oct. 1,1852.... By Bennet Wooderoft, Superintendent of Specifications, &c. London, 1854. 1554 p. in 2 v. roy. 8~. -- Chronological Index for each year from Oct. 1852 to 1858. London, 1855 - 59. 6 v. roy. 80. - Alphabetical Index of Patentees of Inventions from Mar. 2, 1617 to Oct. 1852. London, 1854. 647 p. roy. 8~. The same, for 1852-3,'54,'55,'56,'57,'58. 6 v. roy. 8~. Subject-matter Index ( made from titles only) of Patents of Invention from March 2, Oct. 1, 1852. Part I, A. to M; Part II, N. to W. London, 1857. 970 p. in 2 v. roy. 8~. The same, for Oct. 1852 to Dec. 1852, 53, 54, 55, 57, 58. London, 1853- 59. 6 v. roy. 8~.- Vol. for 1856 wanting. -- - Rcference Index of Patents of Invention, from March 2, 1617 (14 James I) to Oct. 1, 1852 (16 Victorise). TVith Index to Patent Cases. London, 1855. 681 p. roy. 80. - - - Appendix to Reference Index of Patents of Invention, containing abstracts from such of the early patents and signet bills as describe the nature of the invention, and which patents have no enrolled specifications. London, 1855. 91 p. roy. 8~. -.- & — Appendix to the Specifications of English Patents for reaping machines. London, 1853. 168 p., 22 plates, roy. 8~. - Abridgments of the Specifications relating to separate departments of invention. London, 1857 - 59. Collected as far as received in 9 v. 120. Contents' Steam Culture; Manure; Preservation of food; Drain tiles, and pipes. In 1 v. Marine Propulsion: Part I; Marine Propulsion (excluding sails): Parts ii. III; Aids to locomotion. In l v. Manufacture of paper, pasteboard, and papier mach6; Sewing and embroidering. In 1 v. Fire-arms and other weapons, ammunition and accoutrements; Watches, clocks, and other timekeepers. In I v. Manufacture of iron and steel: Part I, ii, iii. In 1 v. Bleaching, dyeing and printing calico and other fabrics, and yarns; including the manufacture of rollers, engraving, the preparation of drugs, and other processes, 1617-1857. London, 1859. Electricity and Magnetism, their generation and applications, 1766-1857. London, 1859. India Rubber and Gutta Percha; including air, fire and water proofing, 1627 -1857. London, 1859. Printing, including therein the production of copies on all kinds of materials (excepting felted and textile fabrics) by means of types, stereotype blocks, plates, stone, dies, stencil plates, paper-writings, electrochemicals, and light, 1617 - 1857. London, 1859. FIRST SUPPLEMENT. 349 GREAT BRITAIN (continued): -..- The Commissioners of Patents' Journal, 1854 - 59. London, 1854 - 60. 6 v. roy. 8~. ---- ---- Catalogue of the Library of the Great Seal Patent-office: Vol. I, titles; Vol. II, index. London, 1857, 58. 244, 417 p. 2 v. roy. 8~. [A Collection]. In 1 v. 8~. Patent Law Amendment Act, 1852. Abstract of Replies to the Secretary of State's Circular Despatch of July 11, 1856, calling for information as to the form of the application to be'made by persons.desirous of obtaining patent rights in the colonies, etc. London, 1857. 60 p. Copy of a Letter addressed by W. J. Curtis, esquire, to the Governors, &c. of the several British colonies requesting information as to the mode of obtaining patents for inventions in the colonies; and copies of the answers. London, 1857. -.-: POITCE. A Bill.... towards the support of the metropolitan police, 1848. fP.-_ A Bill for a borough police sustentation fund, 1848. fo. Pam. v. 1103. - -: POOR-LAWS. Instructions from the Central Board of Poorlaw commissioners to assistant commissioners. London. 62 p. 80. Pam. v. 429.' —-: PRISONS. 15th Report of the Inspectors...... IV, Scotland. London, 1850. 84 p. 80.- 16th Report of the Inspectors....I.I. I, Northern and Eastern District. Lond. 1851. 184 p. 8~. Pam. v. 538..-: A REMONSTRANCE of the state of the kingdom. Die Mercurii, 15 Decemb. 1641..H. Elsinge, Cler. Parl. D. Coin. London, printed for Joseph Hunscutt, 1641. 53 p. sm. 4~.: ROLLS' PUBLICATIONS. The Chronicles and Memorials of Great Britain and Ireland during the middle ages. Published by the authority of Her Majesty's treasury, under the direction of the Master of the Rolls. London, 185.7-59. 9 v. roy. 8~.- See Capgrave; Edward; Elmham; M3onumenta Franciscana; Netter, Fasciculi Zizaniorum; Chronicon Monasterii de Abingdon; Stewart's Chronicles of Scotland. -: SCHELDT. A Collection of Papers'relating to the expedition to the Scheldt...1810. London, 1811. 792 p. 8~.: SMITHFIELD Market removal bill: Select- Committee on: London, 1851. 112 p. 8~. Pam. v. 404.: SPAIN. Papers relative to the rupture with Spain, laid before the House..29 Jan. 1762...London, 1762. 71 p. 4~. Pam. v. 1011...- -.. Papers relative to the rupture with Spain. In French and English. Published by authority. Lond. Owen, 1762. 279 p. 8~. Pam. v. 422. -- --- Papers relative to the services rendered by the British Auxiliary Legion to Spain, or to the Spanish Army, 1836-7. London, 1838. 8 p. fo. Pam. v. 1105. -: STATISTICS. Registrar General's Annual Reports (10th, 11th, 12th, 13th) of births, marriages and deaths in England. London, 1849 - 52. f0. Pam. v. 1105. 350 GENERAL LIBRARY. GREAT BRITAIN (continued)-: --: STEAM. Plan for conducting voluntary examinations in steam; with instructions for carrying the same into effect: Committee of Privy Council for Trade. London, 1852. 7 p. 8~. Pam. v. 205.: TEA. Reduction of the Duty on Tea, as recommended by a committee of the H. of Commons, 1847. 32 p. 8~. Pam. v. 425.: TREATIES. The Definitive Treaty of...Peace...concluded at Aix-La-Chapelle on the 7 - 18th of Oct. 1748, between the Crowns of Great Britain and France, and the States-General. Boston, Mass. 1749. 22 p. 18~. Preliminary Articles of Peace between His Britannick Majesty, the most Christian King, and the Catholick King. Signed at Fontainebleau, the 3d day of November 1762. London, 1762. 80. Pam. v. 253. - See Great Britain: Turkey.: TRIALS. The Narrative and Reasons of the H. House of Commons concerning the tryal of the Lords in the Tower, delivered at a conference with the Lordsj May 26th, 1679. London, printed in the year 1679. 13 p. 8~. Pam. v. 407.: TURKEY. Eastern Papers. London, 1854. In 1 v. f~. Contents Part I, ii. Correspondence respecting the rights and privileges of the Latin and Greek Churches in Turkey. Presented to both Houses of Parliament,...1854. London. 400, 378 p. Part III. 8 p.- Part Iv. 8 p.- Part v.... Communications respecting Turkey, made to Her Majesty's Government by the Emperor of Russia; with the answers returned to them, January to April 1853. Presented...1854. 28 p. Part vI.... Memorandum by Count Nesselrode, June 1844. Presented... 1854. 6 p. Part v.....Protocol signed at Vienna, April 9, 1854...4 p. Part Ix....Protocol..Vienna, May 23, i854. 8 p. Part x.... Additional Article to the Treaty between Austria and Prussia, April 20, 1854. 6 p. Treaties ( Political and Territorial) between Russia and Turkey, 1774 - 1849. Presented 1854. 79 p. Conventions between Her Majesty and the Emperor of the French, April and May 1854. &c. &c. - WASTE LANDS. 1st Report of Select Committee of House of Commons..Improvement of the waste, uninclosed and unproductive lands of the kingdom. Dec. 23, 1795. London, 1796. Pam.: v. 412. GREAT BRITAIN'S right to tax the Colonies: Placed in the clearest light, by a Swiss***. London, 1774. 55 p. 8~. GREAT WESTERN ALMANAC, 1842. Philadelphia. 120. Pam. v. 43. GREAT WESTERN RAILROAD: Canada-West. Report upon the merits of.... By a Committee of its American friends. Boston, 1851. 8~. Pam. v. 146, 283. GREAT WESTERN RAILWAY of Canada-West. Report on.... to the president and directors. By Charles B. Stuart, chief engineer. Sept. 1847. 8~. Pam. v. 146. FIRST SUPPLEMENT. 351 GREAT WESTERN RAILWAY of Canada. Report, half year ending Jan. 31, 1856. Hamilton, C.W.- Report, half year ending July 31, 1857. London, 1857. 8~. Pam. v. 546. GREAT WESTERN RAILROAD COMPANY. Acts incorporating.... Act empowering municipal corporations to subscribe for stock... Hamilton, C.W. 1850. 8~. Pam. v. 146. GREAT WESTERN RAILROAD COMPANY of Illinois. Minutes of the meetings of creditors and bondholders, held Sept. 1st, 5th, and 19th, 1857;.-.. New-York, 1857. 80~. Pam. v. 283. GRgCE, Charles F. Facts and Observations respecting Canada, and the United States of America; affording a comparative view of the inducements to emigration presented in those countries... London... 1819. 8~. GREEK (The) ClHURcH identified by means of the English; and the Church of Scotland acquitted of the pseudo-prophetical character, &c.... By R. B. S. London, 1842. 19 p. 8~. Pam. v. 331. GREEK RELIEF COMMITTEE, Boston, Dec. 19, 1823: Address to their fellow-citizens. Signed, T. L. Winthrop, Chairman; E. Everett, Sec. 18 p. 8~. Pam. v. 504. GREELEYI, Horace. The Tariff as it is, compared with the substitute Gen. McKay..16 p. 80.- Protection and Free Trade. The question stated and considered. 16 p. 8~. Pam. v. 290. - Lecture on Alcoholic Liquors. See Lund, O. Editor. See Log-cabin, 1840. Newspaper. A History of the Struggle for Slavery Extension or Restriction in the United States, -from the Declaration of Independence to the present day...New-York, Dix, Edwards & Co. 1856. 8~. GREELEY, Robert F. The Crimes of Paris..New-York, 1849. 78 p. 8~. Pam. v. 496. GREEN, Andrew H. Address on his reelection as President of the Board of Education. Delivered Feb. 4, 1857. New-York, 1857. 8~. Panm. v. 241. GREENt (Ashbel), D.D. Sermon, Second Presbyterian Church in the City of Philadelphia, on the 19th Feb. 1795, being the day of general thanksgiving throughout the United- States. Philadelphia, 1795. Pam. v. 80. GREENSt, Duff and Benj. C. Memorial to the Congress.... praying repeal or modification of the Act 30th Jan. 1799, and of the " Alien and Sedition " laws. (18522). 14 p. 80. Pam. v. 527. GREENt (Jacob), M.D. Electro-Magnetisml: Being an arrangement of the principal facts hitherto discovered in that science. With plates of the apparatus... art. Philadelphia, 1827. 18~. GREEN (John), D.D., Bp. Sermon, Consecration of Dr. Keene, March 22, 1752: 1 Cor. iii, 9. Cambridge. Pam. v. 362. Sermon, 1H. of Commons, 16 Feb. 1759, Fast Day: Eccl. vii, 3. London, 1759. 40. Pam. v. 1007. -~- Sermon, Yearly Meeting of.... Charity Schools, 1773. London. See Soc. Pro. Chr. Knowledge. 352 GENERAL LIBRARY. GREEN (J. S.), of Miss. Speech, U.S. Sen., Kansas, Lecomptoii Constitution, March 23, 1858. 32 p. 8~. Pam. v. 561. GREEN, Matthew. The Spleen: An Epistle to Mr. Jackson....***. Boston, 1804. 31 p. 12~. Repr. Pam. v. 620. GREEN, Nelson W. See Smith, Mrs. Fifteen years among the Mormons. GREEN, Samuel. Arithmetic. See Daboll, N. GREEN, Bp. Thomas. Sermon, Sec. for Ref. of Manners, 1726: Eph. v, 11. London. 8~. Panm. v. 367. GREENt, Gen. Thomas J. the Speech of Gen. Sam Houston in the Senate, Aug. 1, 1854. Washington. 67 p. 8~. Pam. v. 527. GREEN, William H. Discourses at the Inauguration professor... at Princeton...By Rev. S. B. Jones...and W. H. Green. Philadelphia, 1857. 51 p. 8~. Pam. v. 294. GREEN ( William P.), R_.N. Fragments from Remarks of twenty-five years in every quarter of the globe on electricity, magnetism, seroliths...&c. 2 plates. London, 1833. v, vi, 24 p. 8~. Pam. v. 402. GREEN BAY AND LAKE SUPERIOR RAILROAD COMPANY. Articles of Association. Cleveland, 1851. 8~. Pam. v. 283. GREEN MOUNT CEMETERY: 2d General Report. Baltimore, 1848. 59 p. S~. Pain. v. 478. GREEN MOUNTAIN LIBERAL INSTITUTE, South-Woodstock, Vt. -Catalogue, 1856. 80~. Pain. v. 458. GREENE, I. G. I. Gleanings from the Blue Book, in favour of a better system than the present...of the laws relating to land. Chiswick, Eng. 1851. 16 p. 80. Pam. v. 416. GREENE, Samuel S. First Lessons in Grammar..Philadelphia (1848). 192 p. 12~. [GREENE, Samuel S.]. See Remarks on 7th Report of H. Mann. G[REENE], W[illiam] B. The Doctrine of Life..... Boston, 1843. 74 p. 18. The Doctrine of the Trinity... examined in the light of history and philosophy... West-Brookfield, 1847. 32 p. 8~. Pam. v. 295. - The Incarnation: A Letter to Rev. John Fiske, D.D. WestBrookfield, Mass. 1848. 52 p. 8~. Pam. v. 295. GREENE COUNTY AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY, Proceedings: Address of B. P. Johnson. Albany, 1837. 8~. Pam. v. 461. GREENFIELD, Rev. Edmund. [A Collection (35) of his publications]. London, 1825 - 49. 1 v. 8~. Contents in part: Letter to Mr. D. Fenner, 1825.- Treatise of the mystic womb, 1832.Epistle to Rev. J.Trons, 1842. — God-given whip..for Clarke & Knight, 1842.- Treatise of Christian union, 1842.- Antidote to idolatry, 1844. - The Rescue of MIr. J. Vinall, 1846. Spirit and Water baptisms, 1846. — Lamentations over Anabaptists, 1848. &c. GREENLEAF'S NEW-YORK, CONNECTICUT & NEW-JERSEY ALMIANACKI N.Y. 1797. Alm. v. 20; 1798, Brooklyn, T. Kirk, 1800,'01. Alm. v. 13, 20; 1802, Brooklyn. 120. Alm. v. 20. FIRST SUPPLEMENT. 353 GREENLEAF, Benj. A Concise System of gramatical pronunciation.. 4th edition. Haverhill, Mass. 1829. 12~. Pam. v. 605. GREENLEAF, Jeremiah. Grammar Simplified; or an ocular analysis of the English language. 10th edition. New.York, 1827. 50 p. 4~. GREENLEAFt, Jonathan. A Genealogy of the Greenleaf family. By J. Greenleaf of Brooklyn, N.Y...New-York, 1854. 116 p. 8~. [GREENLEAFt, Simon]. See Right of the Eastern Diocese, 1837. GREENWOODt (Francis W. P.), D.D. The Theology of the Cambridge Divinity School: A discourse, Society for the Pro. of Theol. Ed. in Harvard Univ. Jan. 3; 1830. Boston, 1830. 8~. Pam. v. 106. A History of King's Chapel, in Boston; the first Episcopal Church in New-England; comprising notices of the introduction of of Episcopacy into the Northern colonies. Boston, 1833. 18~. Sermon, Ordination of Samuel May jr.. Leicester, Mass. Worcester, Mass. 1834. 8~. Pam. v. 556. GREENWOOD, Isaac. A Philosophical Discourse concerning the mutability and changes of the material world...Harvard College..upon...the death of Thomas Ho:llis, esq...Boston, 1731. 24 p. 8~. GREENWOODt, James. An Essay towards a Practical English Grammar, describing the genius and nature of the English tongue... 5th edition. London, 1753. 18~. GREG, Robert IH. A Letter...on the pressure of the corn laws and sliding scale.... upon the manufacturing"interests.... 2d edition. London, 1842. 32 p. 80. Pam. v. 424. GREG, W. R. Prize Essay. See National Anti-corn Law League. GR(GOIREt, Henri, Bp. A Defence of Bartholomew Las-Casas... To which are added the Ruins of Port Royal in 1801..Trans. from the French by H. R. Yorke, esq. With a short sketch of his writings... London, 1802. 125 p. 18~. GREGORIUS, (S.), Nazianzenus. Divi Gregorii Theologi, Episcopi Nazianzeni opera.. omnia.. in Latinum conversa...Basileae, 1850. fP. Sermons de Saint Gregoire de Nazianze. Avec des notes. Paris, 1693. 8~. GREGORY XVI, Pope. Bull for the Abolition of the Slave Trade, and the words of Daniel O'Connell. N.York, 1856. 8 p. 80. Pam. v. 537. GEEGORY MIISOSARUIM. Pseud. A Preface to the B.... p of S. r. m's introduction to the third volume of the history of the reformation of the Church of England. By Jon. Swift. London, 1713. 56 p. 8$. Pam. v. 340. GREGORY, Rev. Henry. Sermon, 3d Ann. Convention of the Diocese of Western New-York, Buffalo, 1840. Utica, 1840. 8~. Pam. v. 543. Seventh Pastoral Letter.. Christian a discourse...Syracuse, N.Y. 1848. 16 p. 12. ~ Pam. v. 543. The Love of God's House: A Sermon, St.James' Church, Syracuse, November 20, 1853, by the Rector. Pam. v. 213. See also, St.James' Church. [ SUPPL.] 45 354 GENERAL LIBRARY. GREGORY (John), M.D. A Father's Legacy to his Daughter...... Boston, 1779. 48 p. 80. Repr. Pam. v. 266. GREGORY, John. Industrial Resources of Wisconsin. Milwaukee... 1855. 329 p. 18~. GREGORY, Oscar H. The Glory of God's House: A Sermon, dedication of Reformed Dutch Church, Farmerville, N.Y. Albany, 1857. 46 p. 120. Pam. v. 623. GREGORY ( Samuel), A.l1. Gregory's History of Mexico. Boston, F. Gleason, 1847. 100 p. 80. Pam. v. 502. Letter to Ladies, in favor of female physicians for their own sex. Boston, 1854. 48 p. 80. Pam. v. 196. GRENVILLEt, Rt. Hon. George. The Speech of a Right Honorable Gentleman on the motion for expelling Mr. Wilkes, Friday, February 3, 1769. 4th edition. London, Almon, 1769. 54 p. 80. Pol. Tr. v. 5. [i- ]. See Present State of the Nation, 1769. [ GRENVILLEt (Richard), Earl Temple]. See Candor, 1764, 65; Also, Conduct of the late administration, 1767; Letter to His Grace the Duke of Grafton, 1768; Principles of the late changes, 1765; Another letter to Mr. Almon, 1771; Enquiry into the conduct of Pitt, 1766. GRENVILLE, William Wyndham, Lord. Letter from, to the Earl of Fingal, on Catholic Emancipation. London, 1810. 16 p. — Vith, a new edition corrected. London, 1812. 16 p. Pam. v. 344. - On the French Republic, 1792. See Le Brun. Speech, H. of Lords, June 27, 1814, on the Revival of the Slave Trade. London, 1814. 80. Pam. v. 440. Speech, I. of Lords, Nov. 13, 1801, of the Convention with Russia. With copies of Treaties referred to. London, 1802. 145 p. 8~. Pam. v. 440. Speech, H. of Lords, Nov. 30, 1819..Distresses and discontents in the manufacturing districts. London, 1820. 80. Pam. v. 439. GRESLEY, William. A Short Treatise on the English Church. London, 1845. 106 p. 12~. Pam. v. 328. GRESWELLt, William Parr. Annals of Parisian Typography, containing an account of the earliest typographical establishments of Paris... London, 1818. 356 p. 8~. GREUVE, G. C. DIe. Volkslees of Onderwyzers Handboek. Uitg.. Maats. Tot nut van t'algemeen. Amsterdam, 1807-8. 4 parts in 1 v. 8~. GREY, Charles, 2d Earl. The Colonial Policy of Lord John Russell's administration. London, 1853. 2 v. 8~. GREY, Sir George. Speech, H. of Commons, March 29, 1838, on Abolition of negro apprenticeship. London, 1838. 80. Pam. v. 438. GREY, -ion. and Rev. John. What will the Capitular Commission do for the Diocese?: A Letter...London, 1853. 8~. Pam. v. 330. GREY (Richard), D.D. Sermon, County Infirmary, Northampton, 1744: Matthew xxv, 37 -40. With the subscribers and statutes. Northampton, Eng. 1744, 1743. 8~. Pam. v. 369. FIRST SUPPLEMENT. 355 GREY, W. H. Church Leases; or the subject of church leasehold property considered..3d edition. Lound. 1851. 106 p. 8~. Pam. v. 329. GREYTOWN. A Memorial to the Congress of the United States, on behalf of the sufferers from the bombardment and destruction of the U.S. Sloop-of-war Cyane, 13 July 1854...Jan. 1859. S. S. Wood, Commissioner. New-York. 40 p. 8~. Pam. v. 502. GRIBIUS, Petrus. Twee Redenvoeringen over Job xiv, 1, 2....op den 50 jarigen predikdienst.,. With appendix. Te Delft, 1731. 80 p. 8~. Pain. v. 569. GRIEVANCES (The) OF THE AMERICAN COLONIES candidly examined ~. Printed by authority, at Providence in Rhode-Island. London, Almon, 1766. 47 p. 8~. GRIFFIN, Augustus. Griffin's Journal.-First Settlers of Southold.. First Proprietors of Orient..&c. &c. Orient, L.I. 1857. 312 p. 12~. GRIFFINt (Edward D.), D.D. The Kingdom of Christ: a Missionary sermon, General Assem. Presb. Church, Philadelphia, May 23, 1805. Greenfield, Mass. 1808. 80. Pain. v. 525. Oration.... the Day of the Author's induction into the office of Bartlet Prof... Divinity College, Andover. Boston. 8~. -Pain. v. 100. - A Letter to the Rev. Ansel D. Eddy... on the narratives of the revivals of religion in the Presbytery of Geneva. Williamstown, Mass. 1832. 12 p. 80. Pam. v. 495. A Letter to a Friend, on the connection between the new doctrines and the new measures. Albany, 1833. 8 p. 80. Pam. v. 495. GRIFFIN, John. Decline of Religion, a sermon: Rev. iii, 2. 2d edition. London, 1812. 78 p. 8~. Pam. v. 375. GRIFFITH, A. F., Editor. See Longman's Bibliotheca Anglo-Poetica. GRIFFITH (Thomas), D.D. Reason in Religion, a sermon: Phil. ii, 13. Oxford, 1756.- Due Discharge of the ministerial office, a sermon: Hlatt. x, 16. Oxford, 1757.- Missapply'd Curiosity, a sermon: Acts xvii, 21. Oxford, 1760. 80. Pam. v. 371. Sermon, Act Sunday, 1773: Proverbs iv, 13. Oxford, 1773. 8~. Pam. v. 373. GRIFFITH, William. Posthumous Papers bequeathed to the Honorable the East-India Company, and printed by order of the government of Bengal. Arranged by John McLelland, F.L.S. Calcutta, 1847- 54. 11 v. VOL. I. Journals of Travels in Assam, Burma, Bootan, Affghanistan and the neighboring countries. By the late William Griffith, esq., F.L.S... 1847. 8~. VOL. II. Itinerary Notes of Plants collected in the Khasyah and Bootan mountains, 1837-38; in Affghanistan and neighbouring countries, 1839 to 1841... 1848. 1 v. 8~. Notulse ad Plantas Asiaticas': Part 1. Development of Organs in Phancerogamous Plants: Part 2. On the higher Cryptogamous Plants: Part 3. Monocotyledonous Plants: Part 4. Dicotyledonous Plants...1847, 49, 51, 54. 4 v. 8~. Icones Plantarum Asiaticarum: Part 1. Development of Organs of Phancerogamous Plants: Part 2. Of the higher Cryptogamous Plants: 3. Monocotyledonous Plants: Part 4. Dicotyledonous Plants. 18471849, 51, 54. 4 v. 4~. Palms of British East-India... Calcutta, 1850. 1 v. fo. 35:6 GENERAL LIBRARY. GRIGSBY, Hugh B. The Virginia Convention of 1776: A Discourse delivered before the Virginia Alpha of the Phi Beta Kappa Society, William and Mary College, Williamsburg... July 3, 1855... Richmond, Va. 1855. 206 p. 8~. GRILLON (L.) et Al. Normand. Projets-specimens pour servir a la construction des prisons departemlentales. Paris, 1854. 15 plates. gr. fo. GRI{MEs, J. Stanley. Outlines of Grimes' New System of Phrenology. Albany, 1840. 12 p. 120. Pam. v. 522. GRIMEs, W. C. Spark Arresters: Letters patent. Washington, 1855. Pam. v. 298. GRIMESTONt, Ed., Editor and Translator. See Mayerne, L. De, General history of Spain, 1612. GRI{MK1t, Angelina E. An Appeal to the Christian women of the South, on Slavlery. New-York, Am. Anti-slavery Society. 36 p. 8~. Pam. v. 560. GRIMK+t, Thomas S. Address, Charleston, S.C...respecting Sundayschools in the valley of the Mississippi. Phil'a, 1831. 15 p. 8~. Pam. v. 289. GRIMMt, Jacob. Deutsche Grammatik.... Erster theil; Zweiter ausgabe, 1822; Zweiter theil, 1826; Dritter theil, 1831; Vierter theil, 1837. Gottingen. 4 v. 8~.: und Wilhelm. Dentsches Worterbuch. Zweiter band. Biermorder - Dwatsch. Leipzig, 1860. roy. 8~. GRIMSHAWEt, Rev. T. S. The Wrongs of the Clergy of the Diocese of Peterborough... London, 1822. 44 p. 8~. Pam. v. 325. GRISCOM ( John H-.), M.D. The Sanitary Condition of the laboring population of New-York; with suggestions for its improvement: A Discourse...30th Dec. 1844,.. American Institute...N.York, 1845. 58 p. 8o. ---- Anniversary Discourse,... N.Y. Acad. of Medicine. New-York, 1855. 8~. Pam v. 100. Report upon Sewerage, Water supply and offal, 1859. See Nation:al Quarantine Convention. Memoir of John Griscom, LL.D., with an account of the N.Y. High School; Society for the Prevention of Pauperism; the House of Refuge; and other institutions. New-York, 1?59. 427 p. 8~. GRISSON, Dr. Wilhelm. Beitrhge zur Charakteristik der Vereinigten Staaten von Nord-Amerika. Hamburg..1844. 8~. GRIswoLD ('Chauncy D.), M.D. The Isthmus of Panama, and what I saw there. New-York..1852. 18~. GRISWOLDt, Rufus W. The Poets and Poetry of America. Philadelphia, 1860. 8~. -- Statement of the Relations of R. W. Griswold with Charlotte Myers (called Charlotte Griswold)...Philadelphia, 1856. 32 p. 8~. Pam. v. 488. [ —-]. The Cyclopaedia of American Literature. By E. A. Duyckinck and G. S. Duyckinck. A Review, by:...New-York, 1856. 32 p. 8~. Pam. v. 266. FIRST SUPPLEMENT. 357 GROEN, Corn. Een Kerkganger,... vier predikatien,.. Rotterdam, 1727. 180. GROOT ( Christiantus De), Stiffry. Exercitatio quinta ad Car. Fr. Hou, bigant prolegomena in scripturam sacram caput tertiur.,. Traj. ad Rhenum, 1767. 52 p. 4~. Pam. v. 1016. GROOT, Jacobus de. Verzameling van Leer-redenen. 2e druk. Utrecht, 1759. 18~. GROOT (P. Hofstede de), et L. G. PAREAU. Series Compendiorum Theologicorum.. Compendium encyclopmedipe theologi christiani... Ed. 3a. Groningse, 1851. 150 p. 8~. GROOT A. B. C. BOEK, zeer bekwaam door de Jeugd, om in de Oranje Societeiten geleerd te worden* *. Gravenhage....1795. 16 p. 8~. Pamn. v. 108. G-ROSE, Francis. Rules for Drawing Caricatures, etc. See Hogarth, W. GROSVENOR (Benj.), D.D. The Mourner, or the afflicted relieved (1783). 103 p. 18~. Pam. v. 615. GROSVENOR, Cyrus Pitt. Address before the Anti-slavery Society of Salem and the vicinity. Salem, 1834. Pam. v. 215. GROTEt, George. History of Greece: Vol. 12. With portrait, maps, and index. London..1856. 8~. GROTIUSt, Hugo. Two Tracts: Whether the Sacrament of the Lord's Supper may be administer'd where there are no pastors? 2. Whether it be necessary at all times to communicate with the symbols: See [Tindal, M.]. - Inleiding tot de Hollandsche Rechts-Geleertheyt. Tot Haerlem, 1649.- With, Van de Oudheydt der Batavische, nu Hollandsche iRepublique, Haerlem, 1641. 44 p.- And, H. Groti, Vrye Zeevaert, ofte Bewys van het Recht dat de Inghesetenen deser Vereenighde Nederlanden toekomt, over den Oost ende West Indische Koophandel.... Haerlem, 1641. 40 p. Also, Hogerbeet's, Brevis Introductio ad Praxin, 1641. In 1 v. sim. 4~. De Veritate Religionis Christiane..... cum notulis J. Clerici. Accesserunt ejusdem de eligenda inter christianos dissentientes sententia et contra indifferentism religionum Libri Duo. Hage,-Comitis, 1729. 18o. GRoTIuS, William and Hugo. See Vollenhoven, Editor of Broeders Gevangenisse. GROTON, Mass. Catalogue of the Groton Public Library.... Groton, 1855. 12~. Report of a Committee.... to consider the expediency of establishing a high school. Boston, 1856. 8~. Pam. v. 217. - Congregational Church. See Rights of, etc. [GROVE, Henary]. See Evidence for...resurrection, 1730. [GROVE, Bp. Robert]. See Perswasive to Communion..1683. GROVERf ( M.), of N.Y. Speech, H. of R., on the Wilmot Proviso. Washington, 1847. 8~. Pamn. v: 486. GRUEBER, Rev. C. S. A Plain Discourse on the one faith*l'*. London, 1850. 8~. Pam. v. 306. 358 GENERAL LIBRARY. GRtN, A. Notions de Droit g6neral et de Legislation frangaise. Paris, 1844. See Cours Complet. GRINBERGER, G. Von der Manichfaltigen Brauchbarkeit mathematischer kenntnisse..1784. 73 p. See Keen. Baier. Ak. Reden, v. 3. GRUNDY, John. The Stranger's-Guide to Hampton Court Palace and gardens. London, 1847. 76 p. 120. Pam. v. 610. GRYPHIIJUS, Christianus. Apparatus, sive Dissertatio isagogica de scriptoribus historiam seculi xvII illustrantibus. Lipsite, 1710. 599 p. and index. 18~. GUANAJUATO. Constitucion Politica del estado libre'de Guanajuato. Sancionada 14 Ab. 1826. Mexico, 1826. 82 p. 12~. W.C. 632. GUANO, its Origin, Properties and Uses. 2d edition. New-York, 1845. 92 p. 8~. Pam. v. 205, 272. GUARDIAN SOCIETY for the Preservation of public morals. 14th Report...For females: Asylum, Bethnal Green. London, 1840. Pam. v. 472. [ GUENEE, Abbe Ant.]. See Lettres de quelques Juifs. GUEiRIN-MENEVILLE, F. C. Recherches sur les Maladies des Vegetaux, et particuli'rement sur la maladie de la vigne. Extrait des numeros de Juin et Juillet de l'Agriculteur praticien. Paris..1854. 14 p.With Description du genre Hypoconcha, by the same. 11 p.- Recherches sur les vers-a-soie sauvages et domestiques. 2me et 3me articles. 16 and 15 p.- Observations theoriques et pratiques sur i'industrie de la soie, 1853. 15 p.- Observations pour servir a l'histoire naturelle de l'Hylesine piniperde, insecte destructeur des pins, 1852. 16 p.- Note sur une larve observee cet hiver, par M. Boitel, dans les tiges de seigle provenant de la Champagne. Suivie de quelques considerations sur les gen6rations multiples de beaucoup d'insectes....12 p. Moyen de preserver les bles des attaques de l'Alucite. 11 p., etc. In 1 v. 8~. GUERNSEY ( Counless of). Pseud. Death-bed Confessions of the late: to Lady Anne Hamilton.... 1st Am. edition. Philadelphia, 1822; 104 p. 120. Pam. v. 601. GUETTARD, M. Concerning making paper. 35 p. See Select Essays. GUIDE between Washington, Baltimore, Philadelphia, New-York and Montreal. New-York, Disturnell, 1846. 79 p. 180. GUIDE (A) TO HEAVEN, from the Word, or Good Counsel how to close savingly with Christ. 4th edition. Hartford, Conn. 1815. 71 p. 24~. Pam. v. 231. GUIDE to the New Gold region of Western Kansas and Nebraska, New-York, 1859. 32 p. 180. Pan. v. 610. GUIGNESt, Joseph De. Principes de Composition typographique, pour diriger un compositeur dans l'usage des caracteres orientaux de l'imprimerie. Paris, 1790. 34 p. f~. GUILANDINUS, M. Melchioris Gvilandini Papyrus, hoc est commentarius in tria C. Plinii maioris de Papyro capita. Accessit, Hieronymi Mercurialis Repugnantia, qua pro Galeno strenue pugnatur. Item Melchioris Gvilandini assertio sententise in Galenum a se pronunciatse***. Venetiis, 1572. 280 p. sm. 4~. FIRST SUPPLEMENT. 359 GUILD, Reuben A. The Librarian's. Manual; a Treatise on Bibliography, comprising a select and descriptive list of bibliographical works; to which are added sketches of public libraries. N.York, 1858. 304 p. sm. 40~. GUILHE, Henri-Charles. Etudes sur l'Histoire de Bordeaux, de l'Aquitaine et de la Guienne, depuis les Celtes jusqu'h la premiere revolition franqaise en 1789, formant une histoire complete...Bordeaux, 1835. 8~. GUILLEMIN, J. J. Histoire Ancienne. Paris, 1852. 557 p. 12~. GUILMIN, A. Cours complet d'Arithmetique a l'usage des lycees. 8e edition. Paris, 1858. 244, 92 p. 8~. Cours complet d'Algebre slementaire....5e edition. Paris, 1857 -1858. 206, 42 p. 8~. Cours de Geometrie elementair.e. 4e edition. Paris, 1857-8. 233, 82, 36 p. 8~. ---- Cours Elementaire de Trigonometrie rectiligne. Paris, 1856. 88 p. 8~. Lepons de Cosmographie. 3e 6dition. Paris, 1856. 308 p. 8~. Cours de Mathematiques appliquees, leve de plans, arpentage.. Paris, 1858. 232 p. 8~. GUINES, Comte De. Memorial of the.... French Ambassador at the Court of London against..his secretaries. ( London, 1776?). 48 p. 8~. Pam. v. 522. GuIzoTt, Francois P. G. Monk and Washington: Historical Sketches. London, 1851. 18~. History of the English Revolution of 1640, from the accession of Charles I to his death...Trans. by William Hazlitt....London, Bohn, 1856. 12~. The History of Civilization from the fall of the Roman Empire to the French Revolution.. Trans. by W. Hazlitt, esq..Vol. I - III. London, Bohn, 1856. 3 v. 120. GULICK (Luther H.), M.D. The Climate, Diseases, and Materia Medica of the Hawaiian Islands. New-York, 1855. 46 p. 80. Pam. v. 272. GUNNt (Alexander), D.D. Memoirs of the Rev. John H. Livingston, D.D.... A new edition...with new matter. New-York, Ref. Prot. Dutch Ch. Board of Pub. 1856. 405 pp. 12~. GUNNER, Rev. Tho. A Brief Account of...the conversion of T. Gunner. 2d edition. London, 1841. 68 p. 12~. Pam. v. 390. GURLEY, R., etc. Catalogues of Books on American History, sold by auction, New-York, 1849. Cat. v. 31.- Catalogues, 1846 -47, Cat. v. 16, 20, and B.C.; 1848, Cat. v. 25. See also Gowan's Catalogues. GURNEYt, Joseph John. Terms of Union: Remarks addressed to the members of the Brit. and F. Bible Soc. 2d edition. Norwich, 1832. 31 p. 80. Pam. v. 383. Substance of an Address on the right use and application of knowledge... Providence, R.I. 1833. 20 p. 8o. Pam. v. 518. 360 OGENERAL LIBRARY. GURNEY, Joseph John: Letter to a Clerical Friend on the accordance of geological discovery with natural and revealed religion. Norwich, 1836. 28 p. 18~. Pam. v. 402. Letter to Friends of the monthly meeting in Adrian, Mich, NewYork, 1839. 15 p. 80. Pam. v. 566. GuRowsKIt, Couent Adam'aG. De. America and Europe. New-York, 1857. 411 p. 12~. GusTavus VASSA. The Life of Olaudah Equiano, or Gustavus Vassa, the African. Written by himself..." *. 2 v. in 1. Boston, 1837. 294 p. 18o. GUTCI, J. W. G. Literary and Scientific Register and Almanack for 1845, 1847, 1848. London. 240, 251, 215 p. 18~. GUTENBEaRG, John. —First Master Printer; his acts, and most remarkable discourses, and his death. From the German, by C. W. London, Tribner, 1860. 141 p. 8~. GtMTIIE, J. M. Ueber den Astrios-Edelstein des Cajus Plinius Secundus, 1809. 76 p. See Koen. Baier. Ak. Reden, v. 4. GUTTERIDGE, Thomas. A Letter to H. Pepys, Bp. of Worcester, visitor of King Edward's school, and president of the General Hospital, Birmingham, on corruptions and abuses, and clerical delinquency in those institutions...Birmingham, 1846. 23 p. 8~. Pam. v. 328. GwIN ( Williaim M.), of Cal. Speech, U.S. Sen., Apr. 10, 1854, Railroad from the Mississippi to the Pacific. Washington, 1854.. 16 p. 80~. Pam. v. 546. GWYNNE, William. Sermon at Assizes, Horsham, August 11, 1780: Mark ix, 50. Lewes. 4~. Pam. v. 1008. GWtYNNE'S PATENT REACTION- PUlMP, and Gwynne's Pumping Engine...for the use of steamers, vessels, manufactories, &c. &c. N.York, 1855. 8~. Pam. v. 255. ccesful St to:the Mus. ondon I., G. An Unsuccessful Suit to the Muses. London 1829. 8 p. 8~. Pam. v. 1013. H., J. See Hall, Joseph. HAACK, Petrus. HeIt Leven van Paulus den Apostel....Amsterdam, 1797 - 1801. 6 parts in 3 v. 8~. HAAsf G. De. Verhandeling over de Toekomende Waereld. Amsterdam, 1798. 597 p. 8~. -- Over de Openbaaring van Johannes. Haarlem, 1804 - 07. 3 v. in 2. 80. HABERSHAM (A. W.), Lieut. U.S. N. The North Pacifie Surveying and Exploring Expedition; or, My last cruise- Where we went, and what we saw: Being an account of visits to the Malay and Loo-choo islands, the coasts of China, Formiosa, Japan, Kanmtschatka, Siberia, and the mouth of the Amoor River...Philadelphia... 1857. 8. HACHETTE (L.), et Ci e. Liste d'Ouvrages. MS. fP. Pam. v. 1104.Catalogues: Livres d'Enseignement. Paris, 1851, 54. Cat. v. 48, 75. FIRST SUPPLEMENT. 361 HACKE, William. A Collection of Original Voyages; containing:,I. Capt. Cowley's Voyage round the globe: II. Capt. Sharp's Journey over the Isthmus of Darien..: III. Capt. Wood's Voyage through the Streights of Magellan: IV. Mr. Robert's Adventures among the corsairs of the Levant. Illustrated with several maps and draughts.... London, 1699. xvi, 45, 100, 53 p. 8~. HACKNEY THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY, and Society for the Prop. of the Gospel. 40th Report. London, 1843. 40 p. 12~. Pam. v. 294. HADDOCK, Rev. C. B. Collegiate Education: An Address...Boston, 1848. 8~. Pain. v. 491. HADDOCK (Joseph), M.D. Psychology; or the Science of the Soul.. With an appendix containing notes of mesmeric and physical experience. With engravings of the nervous system. New-York, Fowlers & Wells, 1850. 112 p. 12~. HADLEY, Mass. Celebration of the 200th Anniversary -of the settlement of Hadley... June 8, 1859.. Address by..F. D. Huntington.. Poem by E. C. Porter...Northampton, 1859. 98 p. 80~. HADLEY FALLS CORPORATION. Report of the Committee of, appointed by the stockholders...Boston, 1854. 80. Pam. v. 298. HAEaGIooRT, G. Keten der Goddelyke Waarheden, die men geloven en betrachten moet om salig te worden, in haar natuurlyk verband kortlyk te same gesehakelt: Door Gerard Haeghoort, predikant te Second River..... Te Nieuw-York, Gedruckt by J. Peter Zenger, 1738. 36 p. 180~. HAENEL, Gustav. Catalogi Librorum Manuscriptorum, qui in Bibliothecis Gallire, Helvetime, Belgii, Britannive M., Hispanie, Lusitanine asservantur. Lipsire, 1830. 619 p. 4~. HAESEBROECK, P. Leerrede, uitgesproken door:...over Jes. xxxviii, 5. Nieuwdiep, 1848. 80. Pam. v. 238. HAGAR, D. B. Lecture on the Supervision of schools....Am. Inst. of Instruction. Boston, 1851. 120. Pam. v. 491. HAG EMEISTER, Julius De. Report on the Commerce of the Ports of New-Russia, Moldavia and Wallachia, made to the Russian government in T. F. Triebner. London, 1836. 12~. HAGENt, Petrus van der...Predicatien over den 32 Ps., Jes. 1, Heb. 12, etc. Amsterdam, 1737. 4. HAGER, Albert D. The Marbles of Vermont: An Address, Vermont Historical Society... Burlington, 1858. 80. Pam. v. 494. HAGUE, Thomas. A: Letter to H. R. H. the Duke of York, or an exposition of the circumstances which led to the late appointment of Sir Hew Dalyrmple.. London, 1808. 42 p. 8~. Pam. v. 389. HAGUEi (William), D.D. Discourse, Dedication of the Baptist Church in Bowdoin Square, Boston, Nov. 5, 1840. Boston, 1840. 8~. Pam. v. 267. Christianity and Slavery:A Review of Drs. Fuller and Wayland on domestic slavery. Boston, 1847.. 54 p. 18~. Pam. v. 626. The Life and Character of Adoniram Judson, late missionary to Burmah..A Discourse, Am. Bapt. Miss. Union...Boston, 1851. 80 Pali. v. 238. [ SUPPL.] 46 ~362 GENERAL LIBRARY. HAGUE (William), D.D.: ----- Discourse.... Albany, May 4, 1856, the Sabbath following the funeral obsequies of Mrs. Mary Crocker Greene. Albany, 1856. 8~. Pam. v. 268. True Friendship: A Discourse commemorative of the life and character of the Rev. John Overton Choules, D.D., 2d Bapt. Church, Newport, R.I. Feb. 24, 1856. New-York, 1856. 8~. Pam. v. 238. - Religion and Business: A Discourse commemorative of Isaac Newton, esq... New-York, 1859. 8~. Pam. v. 555. HAHN, Phil. M. Description of a Planetarium..which exhibits the.. revolutions of the universe..London, 1781. 32 p. & plate. 8S. Pain.. v. 402. HAHNE, Simon F. Oratio de Ortu, Incrementis ac fatis variis. Coenobii Bergensis....Franc. ad M., (1707). See Leuckfeld, J. G. HAIGHT (Benj. I.), D.D. A Letter to a Parishioner relative to the recent ordination of Mr. Arthur Gray. New-York, 1843. 22 p. 8~. Pam. v. 543. HAIN, Ludovicus. Repertorium Bibliographicum, in quo libri omnes ab arte typographica inventa usque ad annum MD. typis expressi, ordine alphabetico vel simpliciter enumerantur vel accuratius recensentur.... Stuttgartive, et Jul. Renouard, Lut. Paris., 1826- 1838. 596, 563, 558, 548 p. In 2 v. 8~. HIAKLUYTt, R. See Virginia richly valued. HAKLUYTt SOCIETY: Publications. 2 v. 8~. No. 18. A Collection of Documents on Spitzbergen and Greenland, comprising a translation from F. Marten's Voyage to Spitzbergen; a translation from Isaac De La Peyrere's Histoire du Groenland; and, God's power and providence in the preservation of eight men in Greenland, nine moneths and twelve days. Edited by Adam White, esq. of the British Museum. London, 1855. xvl, 288 p. 8~. No. 19. The Voyage of Sir Henry Middleton to Bantam and the Maluco Islands: Being the second voyage set forth by the Governor and company of merchants of London trading into the East-Indies. From the edition of 1606. Annotated and edited by Bolton Corney, esq..London, 1855. xi, 83, 52, viii p. 8~. HAKVOORD, B. De Vernieude Schole van Christus....Zwolle, 1722. 799 p. 18~. HALDANE, James A. The Doctrine....of self-examination, two discourses...Edinburgh, 1806. 80. Pam. v. 375. HALDANE, Robert. The Righteousness of God. Lond. 16 p. 80. Pam. v. 305. HALEf (Benjamin), D.D. Baccalaureate Address...Geneva College, Aug. 7, 1839. Geneva, 1839.- The same, for 1847. 80. Pam. v. 204. ---- The Sources and Means of Education: A Lecture.... Lyons, N.Y. Feb. 3, 1846. Geneva, 1846. 80. Pam. v. 204. HALEt, Edward E. Sermon, Massachusetts Annual Election, Jan. 5: Rom. xii, 6, 7, 8. Boston, 1859. 8~. Pam. v. 557. HALEt, Elisha. Description and General View of... horizontal waterwheel. Patented...Baltimore, 1820. 8 p. 8~. Pam. v. 298. FIRST SUPPLEMENT. 363 HALE, Enoch. Sermon, in Westhampton, Fast, 1804. Northampton, Mass. 1804. 80. Pam. v. 559. HALE ( John P.), of N. H. Speech, U.S. IH. of Rep., June 25, 1846, upon the slavery resolutions. 80. Pam. v. 237. Speech, U.S. Sen., 1850, on the Territorial question. 16 p. 80. Pam. v. 486. The Wrongs of Kansas: Speech, U.S. Sen., Feb. 1856. 16 p. 8~. Pam. v. 561. [ HALE, Nathan]. See American System. Cat. 1855. HALEt, Sarah J. Woman's Record; or Sketches of all distinguished women, from the beginning till A.D. 1850.-. *. Illustrated by 230 portraits engraved on wood by Lossing and Barritt. N.York, 1853. 904 p. roy. 8~. A Complete Dictionary of Poetical Quotations; comprising... passages in the Old British Poets; with.... from the best modern British and American Poets***. Philadelphia, 1855. 576 p. 8~. HALE, Rev. William Hale. Some Remarks on...a general registry of births, and legalizing the registration of dissenters' baptisms. Lond. 1834. 51 p. 80. Pam. v. 416. Sermon, Sons of the Clergy: 2 Tim. i, 16- 18. And, Report. London, 1841. 8~. Pam. v. 385. The Duties of the Deacons and Priests in the Church of England compared... London, 1850. 36 p. 8~. Pam. v. 329. HALESt, John.' A Discourse of the several dignities and corruptions of man's nature since the fall... London, 1720. xv, 152 p. 8~. Pam. v. 340. - Several Tracts.... 1, Concerning the Sacrament of the Lord's supper; 2, The Power of the keys and auricular confession; 3, Concerning schism. See [Tindal, M.]. HALES, John G. A Survey of Boston and its vicinity...with a short topographical sketch of the country. Boston, 1821. 156 p. 12~. HALESt, Stephen. Sermon, College of Physicians: Job x, 11, 12. London, 1751. 4~. Pam. v. 1007. HALES (William), D.D. Observations on Tithes, shewing the inconveniences of altering.... that antient manner of providing for the clergy of the Church of Ireland..To which is annexed a 2d edition of the Moderate Reformer...London, 1794. 73 p. 80~. Pam. v. 342. A Synopsis of the Signs of the Times, past, present and future....Dublin, 1817. 71 p. 8~. Pam. v. 310. HALFORD, Sir Henry. Essays and Orations read and delivered at the Royal College of Physicians; to which is added, An account of the opening of the tomb of King Charles I..2d ed. London, 1833. 12~. HALHED, Nat.B. Publications. See Brothers, Richard. Speech, House of Commons, Mar. 31, 1795, respecting the confinement of Mr. Brothers the prophet. Lond. 1795. 8~. Pam. v. 310. HALIBURTONt, Thomas C. The Attache; or Sam Slick in England.. * *. New revised edition. New-York, 1856. 12~o 364 GENERAL LIBRARY. HALIBURTON, T. C.: [ -]. Sam Slick's Wise Saws and Modern Instances; or what he said, did and invented***. Philadelphia.. 1853. 120. HALL. Directions for using the Arms known by the name of Hall's Rifle. Harper's Ferry, Va. 1825. 180. Pam. v. 234. HALL, Archibald. Grace and Holiness..two discourses: Rom. viii, 3; Gal. 2, 19. London, 1777. 100 p. 80. Pam. v. 373. HALLt, B. R. The New Purchase; or Early Years in the far west: By Robert Carlton, esq..~. 2d edition. 2 v. in 1. New-Albany, Ind. (1855). 471 p. 120. [ —— ]. See Carlton, R. New Purchase, 1843. Cat. 1855. HALLft, Benjamin F. The Early History of the Northwestern States, embracing New-York, Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, Michigan and Wisconsin, with their land-laws, etc. And an appendix containing the Constitutions of those States. Buffalo...1849. 8~. - The Republican Party and its Presidential Candidates; comprising an accurate history of the republican party in the United States from its origin in 1796 to its dissolution in 1832;.and of its reformation in 1856... with biographical sketches of Fremont and Dayton*@'. New-York and Auburn..1856. 12~. HAtLt, Benjamin H. History of Eastern Vermont, from its earliest settlement to the close'of the eighteenth century. With a biographical chapter and appendixes. New-York, 1858. 799 p. 80. A Collection of College- words and customs...enlarged edition. Cambridge, Mass. 1856. 508 p. 12~. HALL, Charles. The Gospel Credibility defended..a Sermon: Matt. xxviii, 20. Oxford, 1756. 8~. Pam. v. 371. HALL (Edward B.), D.D. A Discourse, Rhode-Island Hist. Soc., on the Life and Times of John Rowland, late President of the Society. Providence, 1855. 80. Pam. v. 100. HALLt (Edwin), D.D., Norwalk, Conn. Address before the Society of Inquiry, Theol. Inst. of Connecticut, East-Windsor Hill. New-York, 1852. 8~. Pam. v. 495. Colleges Essehtial to Home Missions: Discourse, Soc. for the Pro. of Coll. and Theol. Education at the west, Boston, 1852. NewYork, 1853. 8~. Pam. v. 104, 524. HAILt (Fred.), M.D. Letters from the East and the West. Washington City, 1840. 168 p. 8~. HALL, Geo. W. Observations on the Report from the Select Comm. of the H. of Commons... of the several petitions... complaining of the depressed state of agriculture.... 1822. London (1822). 38 p. 8~. Pam. v. 424. HALL, Gordon. Discourse, Edwards Church, Thanksgiving Day, Nov. 27, 1856 Rom. xii, 1. Northampton, MIass. 1857. 8~. Pam. v. 558. HALLt (James), A.M. See Iowa, Geological Survey. An Address, Soc. of Nat. Hist. of the Auburn Theol. Seminary, Aug. 15, 1843. Auburn, 1844. 8~. Pam. v. 100. HALL, James. Address to the Free People of color. Baltimore, 1858. 8~. Pam. v. 462. FIRST SUPPLEMENT. 365 HALL ( John), D.D. History of the Presbyterian church in Trenton, N.J...New-York, 1859. 453 p. 80. HIALL (Joseph), D.D., Bp. A Common Apologie of the Church of England, against the vniust challenges of the ouer-iust sect, commonly called Brownists..occasioned by a late pamphlet..By J. H. London, 1610. 145 p. and index. sin. 4~.....- Quo Vadis? ou Censure des Voyages, ainsi qu'ordinairement ils sont entrepris par les seigneurs et gentils-hommes..tiree de l'anglois de M. Joseph Hall.....par Theodore Jaquemot G. A Geneve.... 1628. 18~. HALLt, Nathaniel. An Address...First Church, Dorchester, April 7, 1842, Funeral of T. M. Harris, D.D. formerly pastor of that church. Boston, 1842. 80. Pam. v. 100. - "Do Justly": A Sermon preached at Dorchester, December 14, 1845. 80. Paul. v. 238. HALLt, Rev. Robert. An Apology for the Freedom of the Press, and for general liberty. To which are prefixed, Remarks on Bishop iorsley's sermon, preached on the 30th of January last. 2d edition. London, 1793. 8~. Pam. v. 221. - Thoughts on the Causes of Salvation and Damnation In a letter to a friend. 8 p. 80. Pam. v. 339. The Terms of Communion....Abridged, with additional notes. By an Observer...Albany, 1816. 64 p. 80. Pam. v. 465. HALL ( Robert B.), of Mass. Speech, Sen. of Mass., April 24, 1855, on the address for the removal of E. G. Loring from the office of judge of probate. Boston, 1855. 80. Pam. v. 206. Speech, U.S. H. of R., on the assault on Senator Sumner. Washington, 1856. 80. Pam. v. 487. HALLt, Samuel R. Lectures on School-keeping..4th edition. Boston. Albany, 1832. 100 p. 12~. Pam. v. 491. I-IALL, Mrs. S. C. Sketches of Irish Character... The fifth edition. London, 1855. 8~. HALL, Tho. H. Carmen Latinum. Cantab., 1819. 8~5. Pam. v. 386. HALL (Willard), of Del. A Plea for the Sabbath, addressed to the legal profession...Baltimore, 1845. 12 p. 80. Pam. v.490. HALL (Willard P.), of Missouri. Admission of California: Speech, U.S. H. of R., March 5, 1850. 8~. Pam. v. 193. HALL, William J. The Crucifixion, a Sermon: 1 Cor. i, 23. London, 1841. 90 p. 80. Pam. v. 306. HALL, William NI. Speech,...Railroad to the Pacific...July 7, Chicago, 1847. 8~. Pam. v. 546. HALL, W. W. Throat Ail, Bronchitis, Consumption..... to common readers. 6th edition. New-York, 1851. 40 p. 8~. Pam. v. 89, 515. HALLt, Willis. Speech, N.Y. Assem.....on the Governor's Message. Albany. 1843. 15 p. 8~. Pam. v. 530. HALLECKIt, Fitz-Greene. The Poetical Wolrks,..New edition. NewYork, 1858. 238 p. 120. 366 GENERAL LIBRARY. HALLECKt, Fitz-Greene: [ ]. Fannyy**. 2d edition. New-York, 1821. 8~. [-]. Alnwick Castle, with other poems. New-York, 1827. 64 p. 80~. HALLER, Albertus von. Disputationes ad Morborum historiam et curationem facientes. Quas collegit, edidit et recensuit Albertus Hallerus. Lausannae, 1757- 60. 7 v. 4~. VOL. I. Ad morbos capitis et colli; iI. Pectoris; iii, iv. Abdominis; v. Febres; vI. Ad morbos, qui corporis universitatem obsident; VII. Auxilia. - Bibliotheca Medicinme Practicae, qua scripta ad partemn medicinte practicam facientia a.rerum initiis ad A. 1775 recensentur. Tomus I ad annum MDXXXIII. Tomus II ab anno 1534 ad A. 1647. Bernme & Basilere, 1776, 77. 2 v. 4~. HALLETT, B. F. See Rhode-Island: Masonry. HIALLEVORD, J. Bibliotheca Curiosa, in qua plurimi rarissimi atque paucis cogniti scriptores, interq; eos antiquorum ecclesive doctorum preecipuorum, et classicorum auctorum fer6 omnium, vetas, officium, professio, obitus,-scripta, horumque optimoe ac novissimm editiones indicantur...Regimonti et Francofurti, 1676. 416 p. 4~. See also, Gesner, Bibliot. HALLIFAX (James), D.D. Sermon: Jeremiah xviii, 7, 8; Fast, Feb. 8, 1756: Earthquake at Lisbon. London. 4~. Pam. v. 1007. - Sermon, Yearly Meeting of.... Charity Schools, 1771. London. See Soc. Pro. Chr. Knowledge. HALLIFAX, Samuel. Three Sermons, Univ. of Camb., on abolishing subscription to the 39 articles. 2d edition. Camb. 1772. 4~. Pam. v. 362. LIALLIWELLt (James 0.), F.R.S. Descriptive Notices of Popular English Histories.... London, Percy Society, 1848. 96 p. 12~. Some Account of the Vernon Manuscript: A volume of early English Poetry preserved in the Bodleian Library. London, 1848. 15 p. 8~.- With, Some Account of the Popular Tracts formerly in the library of Capt. Cox, A.D. 1575... * $. London, 1849. 21 p. In 1 v. 8~. Early English Miscellanies in Prose and Verse: Selected from. an inedited manuscript of the fifteenth century. London, printed for the Warton Club, 1855. viii, 96 p. 120. A Dictionary of Archaic and Provincial words, obsolete phrases, proverbs and ancient customs, from the 14th century. 3d edition. London, 1855. 2 v. 8~. ----: Editor. See Percy Society; Camden Society. Merry Wives of Windsor. See Shakespeare Society. HALLO, J. L. J. Zestal Leerredenen...Uitgegeven ten Voordeele der Noodlijdenden te Neder-Hemert. Te Heusden, 1847. 128 p. 8~. HALLOWELL, B. Address, Agric. Society of Loudoun county, Virginia. Washington, 1853. 80. Pam. v. 461. HALSEY (Le Roy J.), D.D. The Literary Attractions of the Bible; or a plea for the word of God, considered as a classic..New-York, 1858. 441 p. 12~. FIRST SUPPLEMENT. 367 HAM-IAKER, I. A. Specimen Catalogi Codicum MSS. Orientalium Bibliothecoe Academine Lugduno-Batavive, in quo multos libros ineditos descripsit, auctorum vitas nunc primum vulgavit, latine vertit, et annotationibus illustravit Henricus Arentius Hamaker.... Lugd. Batav. 1820. 265 p. 4~. HAMBLETON (James P.), M.D. A Biographical Sketch of Henry A. Wise, with a history of the political campaign in Virginia in 1855. To which is added, A Review of the position of parties in the Union.. Richmond, Va. 1856. xxxvi, 509 p. 8~. HAMBURG. Eulogies on Senators, 1835 - 56. See Lehmann, Petersen, Redslob, Wurnm. HAMELSVELD, Isbrandus Van. Exercitatio Tertia ad Car. Fr. Houbigant..prolegomena in scriptural sacram.. Traj. ad Rhenum, 1763. 39 p. 4~. Pam. v. 1016. [ I-AMILTONt, Alexander]. See Farmer refuted, 1775. [ ]. See Phocion, Second Letter from. Cat. 1855. HAMILTONt (Frank Hastings), M.D., Vegetable Malaria one of the exciting causes of Asiatic cholera: Report on, Aug. 2, 1852. Also, the Report of the committee appointed by the association, &c. Buffalo, 1852. 8~. Pam. v. 271. Address to Graduates in Medicine, University of Buffalo. Buffalo, 1853. 8~. Panm. v. 516. Eulogy on the Life and Character of Theodric Rolomeyn Beck, M.D., LL.D., delivered before the Medical Society of the State of N.Y... Albany, 1856. 90 p. 8~. - Deformities after Fractures: Part III. From Trans. Am. Med. Society. Philadelphia, 1857. 217 p. 80. Pam. v. 516. HAMILTON, Rev. George. Tracts upon some Leading Errors of the Church of Rome..London, 1824. 100 p. 18~.,: Pam. v. 345. HAMILTON, Rev. Henry P. The Privy Council and the National Society..Church of England schools examined. Lond. 1850. 58 p. 8~. Pam. v. 388. HAMILTON (James), D.D. Memoir of Richard Williams, surgeon, Catechist to the Patagonian Missionary Society in Terra del Fuego. New-York, 1854. 120. Repr. HAMILTONt, John C. History of the Republic of the United States of America, as traced in the writings of Alexander Hamilton and of his contemporaries: Vol. I - vI. New-York, 1857-60. 6 v. 8~. HAMIL:TON, P. S. Nova-Scotia -considered as a field for emigration. Leg. Doct. London, 1858. 91 p. 8~. HAMILTON, Capt. Schuyler. The History of the National Flag of the U.S. of America. Philadelphia, 1853. 115 p. 120~. HAMILTON, Walter K. The Cathedral Commission: A Letter to the Dean of Salisbury...London, 1853. 36 p. 80. Pam. v. 330. HAMILTON, Prof. William. Sermon, Soc. in Scotland for Pro. Chris. Knowledge: Excellency of the. Christian Religion. Edinb. 1732. 8~. Pam. v. 368. 368 GENERAL LIBRARY. HAMILTON ( Sir William), F.R. S. Waarneemingen over de Vuurbergen in Italie, Sicilie en omstreeks den Rhyn. Als mede over de Aardbevingen, voorgevallen in Italie, 1783....'Met Aanmerkingen van den Heere Abt Giraud-Soulavie....en Fransch vertaald. Amsterdam, 1784. 8~. IIAMILTONt, Sir William. Lectures on Metaphysics..Ed. by Rev. 3H. L. Mansel,..and J. Veitch. Boston, 1859. 8~. Lectures on Logic...Ed. by Rev. IH. L. Mansel..and J. Veitch Boston, 1860. 8~. HAMILTON, Rev. William T. A Sermon, delivered in the Governmentstreet Church, Mobile. Mobile, 1838. 80. Pam. v. 270. HAMILTON COLLEGEt. [ Triennial Catalogue], Utica, 1855. 1 v. 8~. Annual Catalogues, 1842, 46, 57, 58. Clinton, N.Y. Triennial Catalogue, 1840, 1849, 1859, Utica. PamL. v. 479.- Catalogue, 1854. Pam. v. 157. Public Exercises at the Inauguration of Rev. S. W. Fisher as the 6th president....Utica, 1858. 62 p. Pam. v. 479. HAMILTON (N.Y.) FEMALE SEMINARY: Catalogue, 1858. 8~. Pam. v. 459. HAMMOND, James H. Address, South Carolina Institute..Fair, Nov. 1849. Charleston, S.C. 1849. 8~. Pam. v. 286. HAMMOND, John. Leah and Rachel, or the two fruitful sisters, Virginia and Mary-land...London, 1656. See Force's Tracts, v. 3. HAMPDENt ( R. D.), D.D., Bp. The Thirty-nine Articles of the Church of England...Lectures...before the University....London, 1842. 52 p. 80. Pam. v. 330. Inaugural Lecture, Univ. of Oxford. London, 1836. 80. Pam. v. 330. -- Christ the Way; A Sermon, University of Oxford: John xiv, 6. Baltimore, 1844. 20 p. 120. Pam. v. 559. Dr. Hampden's Theological Statements and the 39 Articles compared. By a resident member of convocation. By Dr. E. B. Pusey... Oxford, 1836. xlii, 62 p. 8~. Pam. v. 330. HAMPDEN COUNTY ASSOCIATION of Congregational Ministers, Mass. Sketches of the churches and pastors...And also an address by T. M. Cooley, D.D. Westfield, Mass. 1854. 144 p. 12~. IIAMPDEN SIDNEY COLLEGE, Prince Edward county, Va. Catalogue, 1851. Richmond. 8~. Pam. v. 481. HAMPSHIRE EDUCATION SOCIETY Report, Tenth Ann. Meet. Easthampton, Mass. Nov. 3, 1824. Northampton, 1824. 8~. Pam. v. 278. HAMPTON, James... Of the Fall of Man, in which the distinct agency of an evil spirit is asserted. London, 1750. 26 p. 80~. Pam. v. 299. HAMPTON ( Moses), of Pa. Speech, U.S. IH. of R., on Rivers and Harbors, and the-policy,of protection and free trade. Washington, 1848. 16 p.- Speech, U.S. House of R., on the Tariff question, Jan. 22, 1851. 8~. Pamn. v. 290. HAMPTON ACADEMY, N.H.: Catalogue, 1847. 80. Pam. v. 458. FIRST SUPPLEMENT. 369 HANAFORD, Jeremiah Lyford.- History of Princeton, Worcester Co. Mass., civil and ecclesiastical, from its first settlement in 1739 to April 1852. Worcester..1852. 204 p. 8~. HANCOCK. Pseud. A Letter to Hon. Samuel A. reply to his apology for voting for the fugitive slave bill. Boston, 1851. 57 p. 80 Pam. v. 560. HANCOCK (John), M.D. Plan for the Reconciliation of all interests in the emancipation of West India slaves. London, 1833. 16 p. 8". Pam. v. 437. --- Observations on the Climate, soil, and productions of British Guiana.... 2d edition. London, 1840. 92 p. 8~. Pam. v. 434. HANCOCK (Thomas), M.D. Address, Society for the promotion of permanent and universal peace. London, 1828. 8~. Pam. v. 215. HAND-BOOK OF AMERICAN LITERATURE, historical, biographical and critical. J. B. Lippincott & Co., Philadelphia; W. & R. Chambers, London and Edinburgh. 18~. HANDBOOK OF ANGLING; teaching fly-fishing, trolling,, bottom-fishing, and salmon-fishing... By Ephemera...3d edition...London, 1853. 312 p. 180. HANDBOOK OF GEOLOGY; being a concise and general view of the science...London, 1840. 59 p. 240. HANDLEY, Henry. A Letter to Earl Spencer... on the formation of a national agricultural institution. 2d edition. London, 1838. 36 p. 8". Pam. v. 430. HANNIGAN, Dennis. The Artisan of Lyons...New-York, 1846. 83 p. 8-. Pam. v. 496. HANOVER COLLEGE, Hanover, Indiana. Catalogue, 1849. Madison. 8~. Pam. v. 480. HANSARD, Luke. Biographical Memoir of: many years printer to the House of Commons. Not published. Printed by James and Luke G. Hansard & Sons, 1829. 83 p. 4~. HANSARDI, T. C. Typographia: An Historical Sketch of the origin and progress of the art of printing; with practical directions for conducting every department in an office, with a description of stereotype and lithography. Illustrated by engravings, biographical notices and portraits. London, 1825. 939 p. and index. roy. 8~. IHANSON, A. C.]. See Reflections, 1810. Cat. 1855. HARBAUGH, Rev. H. The Fathers of the German Reformed Church in Europe and America. Lancaster, Pa. 1857. 2 v. 12~. The Life of Rev. Michael Schlatter; with a full account of his travels and labors among the Germans in Pennsylvania, New-Jersey, Maryland and Virginia; including his services as chaplain in the French and Indian war, and in the war of the Revolution, 1-716 to 1790. Philadelphia, 1857. 375 p. 120. HARBOR AND RIVER CONVENTION, held at Chicago, July 5, 1847: Proceedings. Chicago, Ill. 1847. 79 p. 12~. Pam. v. 222, 475. - Memorial to the Congress of the United States, of the Executive Committee...Albany, 1848. 46 p. 8~. Pam. v. 475. [SUPPL.] 47 370. GENERAL LIBRARY. HARD CIDER AND LOG CABIN ALMANAC, for Harrison and Tyler. New-York, 1841. 120. Alm. v. 25. HARDEE, W. J. Rifle and Ipfantry Tactics. See United States: War Department. HARDING & LEPARD. Catalogue of, London, 1838. 78 p. 80. Cat. v. 94. [ HARDINGE, George]. The Essence of Malone, or the "Beauties" of that fascinating writer extracted from..." Some account of the life and writings of John Dryden!!" ~ ~ i. 2d edition. London, 1800. 142 p. 80~. Pam. v. 394. HARDWICH, T. Frederick. A Manual of Photographic Chemistry, including the practice of the, Collodion Process. 2d edition. London..1855. 180. HARDWICKE, Philip Yorke, Lord. Two Speeches of a late Lord Chancellor. Printed from an auithentic copy. London, Almon, 1770. 64 p. 8~. Pol. Tr. v. 2. HARDY (D.), jr. Poems...with a biographical sketch. N.York, 1858. 260 p. 180. HARDY ( R. W. H.), Lieut. R. N. Travels in the Interior of Mexico, in 1825, 1826, 1827 and 1828. London, 1829. 540 p. 8~. HARDY, Rev. Samuel. An Answer to Mr. Chubb's enquiry concerning redemption... the substance of nine sermons... Ipswich, Eng. 1744. xvi, 138 p;. 80. Pam. v. 341. HARDY, T. Priestcraft Exposed: a Voice from the tomb of..Thomas Hardy. 3d edition. London, 1838. 24 p. 8~. Pain. v. 306. HARE (Francis), D.D., Bp. Sermon Ps. lxxi, 17, 19; H. of C(ommons, Victories of Marlborough, Feb. 17, 1709. London. 8~. Pam. v. 364. Sermon before the Duke of Marlborough at Avenes. le See, Sept. 9, 1711, Thanksgiving for taking Bouchain:~ Josh. i, 9. London, 1711. 80. Pam. v..365. [- ]. The Difficulties and Discouragements which attend the study of the scriptures in the way of private judgment... 11th edition. With a letter by Rev. John Hales... on Schism. London, 1769. 53 p. 8~. Pam. v. 301. The same:.. 6th edition. R epr. Boston, 1749. 42 p. 1 O. Pam. v. 603. [-]. See New Defence of Bp. Hoaqdley, 1720. Concio ad Clerum: Tit. ii, 8; 12th Oct. 1722: London. 40. Pam. v. 1005. - Dean of Worcester's Sermon, Oct. 12, 1722, examined and compared..With an appendix. London, 1722. 22 p. 4~. Pam. v. 1004. Sermon, 1735. See Soc. Prop. the Gospel. [ HAREt (Robert), M.D.]. See Brief View of the United States, 1810. - - IDe la Conclusion a laquelle est arriv6 un Comite de l'Aead6mie des Sciences, qui pretend que les ouragans sont causes par la chaleur.... avec les objections aux opinions de Peltier et d'Espy. New-York, 1853. 30 p. 18~. Pam. v. 608. FIRST SUPPLEMENT. 371 - -....Experimental Investigation of the Spirit Manifestations, demonstrating the existence of spirits and their communion witi mortals....4th edition**". New-York, 1856. 462 p. 8~. HARGRAVE, Francis. A Catalogue of Manuscripts, formerly in the possession of:.... Now deposited in the British Museuim. London, 1818. 188 p.,4o. HARGROVE, William. History and Description of the Ancient City of York; comprising all the most interesting information, already published in Drake's Eboracum....York..1818. 2 v. 8~. HARIRI, Abou Mohammed el Kasim. Les S6ances de Hariri, publiees en Arabe, avee un commentaire choisi, par M3. le Baron Silvestre De Sacy. Paris, 1821, 22. xix, xxii, 660 p. fo. [HARISON, William I-I.]. An Exposure, &c. See Trinity Ch. Pamn. HARL ESS, G.... Brevior Notitia Litterature Grsacoe, imprimis scriptorum griecorum, ordini temporis adcommodata in usum studiosie juventutis. Lipsibe, 1812. 778 p. 120~. HARLEY (Robert), Earl of Oxford. Articles of Impeachment of high treason and misdnemeanours against Robert, Earl of Oxford and Earl Mortimer, July 9, 1715. With his Lordship's answer.... To which is added, A short state of the War" and the Peace. London, 1727. 165 p. 8:. Pam. v. 417. -- Catalogus Bibliothecep Harleianse, in locos communes distributius cuem indice auctorum. Lonldini, T. Osborne, 1743- 45. 5 v. 80. HARLEY, Sukey. A Short History of the Life and Character of:... London, 1851. 20 p. 12~. Pam. v. 601. HAROLD, Rev. W. V. Sermon preached in the Catholic Church of. St. Peter, Baltimore, Nov. 1, 1810, on occasion of the Consecration of the Rt. Rev. John Cheverus, Bishop of Boston. Baltimore, 1810. 80~. Pam. v. 441. - See Rejoinder to the reply of, 1822. HARPER'st NEW MONTHILY MAGAZINE: Vol. 12, June 185;5'- Vol. 19, Nov. 1859. New- York. 8 v. 8~. HARPERt, Robert G. An his constituents.. of the treaty..with Great Britain. Philadelphia, 1795. 35 p. 8~. HARPOCRATION. Valerii HIarpocration is de Vocibus Liber, cuni notis et observationibus J. Gronovii. Ac. Diatribe IH. Stephani ad locos Isocrateos. Lugd. Bat. 1696. 40~. HARRIS:, David. Real Facts stated...A Reply to.. J. Upton. Kingston, Eng. 1832. 51 p. 12~. Pam. v. 314. HARRIS (Elisha), M.D. Tobacco: The effects of its use as a luxury on the physical and' moral! nature of man. A prize essay. New-York(, 1853. 43 p. 12~. Pain. v. 222. Pestilential Diseases, and- the laws which govern their propagation. A Letter.., to the Quarantine Commissioners.. Albany, 1858. 23 p. 80. Pam. v. 271, 501. Ventilation. See Reid, D. B. HARRIst:, George. Thei True Theory; of Representa:tion ii a State... the extension of the suffrage. London, 1852. 33 p. 80~. Pami. v. 416. 372 GENERAL LIBRARY. iHARRISt (John), F.R.S. A New Short Treatise of Algebra... Together with a specimen of the nature and algorithm of fluxions. London,...1702. 18~. HARRIS ( J. H.), D.D. A Letter to Archdeacon Strahan, in reply to some passages in his " Letter to Dr. Chalmers; on the life and character of Bishop Hobart," respecting... the Bible Society. York, U. Canada, 1833. 23 p. 80. Pam. v. 467. *' HARRIS, Moses.' The Aurelian-: A Natural History of English moths and butterflies, together with the figures of their transformations.. and additional observations upon the habits of the species figured. By John O. Westwood, F.L.S.... London, Bohn, 1840. f~. HARRIS (Rev. Samuel), of Conway, Mass. Zaccheus; or the Scriptural plan of benevolence. Amer. Tr. Society, New-York. 87, 4 p. 18~. Pam. v. 616. Questions on Christian Experience...Newburyport, 1827. 24 p. 180~. Pam. v. 623. HARRISt (Thaddeus Mason), D.D., of Dorchester, Mass. A Sermon, preached at the Ordination of the Rev. John Pierce, Brookline, March 15, 1797. Boston, 1797. 8~. Pam. v. 111. ---- A Discourse... Religious Society of Young Men in Dorchester, on the termination of one hundred years from the time of its establishment. Charlestown, Mass. 1799. 80. Pam. v. 111. Memorials of the First Church in Dorchester, from its settlement in New-England, to the end of the second century; in two discourses, delivered July 4, 1830. Boston, 1830. 67 p. 8~. - Discourse, Society for Prop. the Gospel among the Indians and others in N.America, 6th Nov. 1823. With the Report..Cambridge, 1823. 8~. Pam. v. 441.- T. D. Harris (Cat. 1855) should be T. M. Harris. HARRIS (Rev. William), LL.D. A Practical View of Christian Baptism, parents.... Cambridge, Eng. 1816. 36 p. 120. Pam. v. 623. The Nature of Church Fellowship two sermons: Phil. i, 3 - 5. London, 1823. 68 p. 180. Pam. v. 623. A Persuasive to Communion with a Christian church....3d ed. London, 1823. 61 p. 180. Pam. v. 623. HARRIS (William), D.D. Memoir of the late: New-York. 7 p. 80. Pam. v. 471. HARRIS, William Tell. Remarks made during a Tour through the U. States of America, in the years 1817, 1818 and 1819...Liverpool.. 74 p. 8o. HARRIst, William Thaddeus. Notice of: From New-England Ilist. and Genealog. Register, 1855. 80. Pam. v. 80.- " Epitaphs from Cambridge" (Cat. 1855), under T. W. Harris, is by the same. HARRISt, Sir W. Snow. Rudimentary Electricity. London, 1848. 12~. - Found on board the British Barque Resolute at New-London. HARRISBURGH, PoRTSMOUTH, MOUNTJOY and LANCASTER Railroad Company. Report, Sept. 1853. Pam. v. 149.- Report, 1854. Pam. v. 208.- Report, 1855. Pam. v. 256. FIRST SUPPLEMENT. 373 HARRISON ALMANAC. New-York, Giffinig, 1841. 120. Aim. v. 14, 25. HARRISONt (William Henry), President. A Sketch of the Life and Public Services of:...New-York, 1836. 32 p. 8~. Pam. v. 254. The Life of:... and an accurate description of the Council at Vincennes with Tecumseh.... Philadelphia, Grigg & Eliot, 1840. 96 p. 8o. Outlines of the Life and public services, civil and military, of:... Washington, T. Allen, 1840. 21 p. 8~. Pam. v. 471. See Niles, W. H., Tippecanoe Text-book. HARROWBY, Earl of. Speech, H. of Lords, 1810, upon...granting.. ~100,000 for the relief the poorer clergy. London, 1811. 8~. Pain. v. 330. IHARSHAt, David A. The Principles of Hydropathy...Albany, 1852. viii, 52 p. 120. Pam. v. 515. HARSHMAN, Jacob. The Cause and Prevention of steam-boiler explosions: Part I, II. Dayton. Ohio. 61 p. 8~. Pam. v. 493. HART, Joseph. The Unreasonableness of Religion: Being remarks and animadversions on Mr. J.- Wesley's sermon on Rom. viii, 32... First printed 1741. London, 1816. 53 p. 8~. Pam. v. 308. HART, Levi. Sermon, Preston, Jan. 4, 1789.... on the Death of his Wife: Ez. xxiv, 15 - 18. New-London, 1789. 80. Pam. v. 554. HART, Rev. Richard. Ecclesiastical Records of England, Ireland and Scotland, from the fifth century till the reformation: Being an Epitome of British Councils, the Legatine and Provincial Constitutions, and other memorials of the olden time, with Prolegomena and Notes...2d edition. Cambridge..1856. 8~. HARTE, Walter. Sermon, Harmony of Reason and Religion: John xiv, 1, at Oxford. London, 1737. 8~. Pam. v. 368. HARTFORD, Conn. Geer's City Directory for 1851, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56; containing every kind of desirable information for citizens and strangers.... also, maps of all the railroad routes in Connecticut. Hartford, 1851 - 56. 6 v. 18~. HARTFORD AND SPRINGFIELD RAILROAD. Report of the Engineer upon the several definite locations:.. Acts of Incorporation., 1841. With map. 8~. Pamin. v. 283. HARTFORD ARGILLO MANUFACTURING COM~,PANY. Report, U.S. Sen., on the Memorial; July 31, 1848. Cong. Doct. 6 p. 80. Pam. v. 298. HARTFORD FEMALE SEMINARY. Prospectus: By Catharine E. Beecher, 1827. 9 p. 8~. Pam. v. 491.- Catalogue, 1828. 80. Pain. v.247. HARTFORD TRACT SOCIETY. Speeches of Judges Williams, Parsons and Ellsworth. Hartford, 1859. 26 p. 80. Pam. v. 297. HARTING, B. De Boderm onder Amsterdam, onderzocht en beschreven door: Met vier platen. [ Kon. Ned. Inst. 30 Reeks, 5e Deel ]. Amsterdam, 1852. 4~. HARTLEYt ( David), esq. An Address to the Committee of the County York, on the state of public affairs.... 2d edition. London, 1781. 63 p. 8~.- Also, Pain. v. 410. 374 GENERAL LIBRARY. HARTLEYt (David), esq.: [ -]. See Budget, The. London, Almon, 1764. HARTLEY, James. The Trial of the Two Opinions Tried; wherein the false reasonings of Mr. Johnson and his friend are detected, exposed and refuted in vindication of the divine decree relative to the sin and misery of mankind. London, 1767. 127 p. 80. Pam. v. 300. HARTLEY, Thomas. Sermon, Spiritual Worship: John iv, 23, at Northampton. London, 1747. 8~0. Pam. v. 370. HARTSHORNE, C. H. The. Book Rarities in the University of Cambridge. Illustrated by original letters, and notes, biographical, literary and antiquarian. London, 1829. 560 p. 8S. HARTWELL, J. Jesus on the Colt, exhibited in an allegorical discourse: by Jesse Hartwell, elder in the first baptized church of Christ in Sandisfield. Printed at Palmer, Mass. 36 p. 18~. Pam. v. 603. HARTWICKt SYNOD of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in the State of New-York: Minutes of the 25th, 26th Annual Session, 1855, 56. Albany, 1855, 56.- Constitution. Albany, 1858. 8S. Pam. v. 490. HARTWICK ( Theological and Classical) SEMINARY, Cooperstown, NI. Y. Catalogue, 1827. Pam. v. 456.- Catalogue, 1855. Albany, 1855. 8~. Pam. v. 294. HARTWIG, Dr. G. The Sea and its Living Wonders...From 4th German edition, and partly re-written.... With plates, by H. N. Humphreys. New-York (London?), 1861. 427 p. 8~. HARTZHEIM, Jos. Bibliotheca Coloniens s, in qua vita, et libri typovulgati et manuscripti recensuntur omnium Archidioeceseos Coloniensis.... indigenarum et incolarum scriptorum. Prremittitur chorographica descriptio omnium parochiarum.... Accedunt vitae pictorum, chalcographorum et typographorum... Colon. Aug. 1747. 368 p. indices, and appendix, 20 p. f~. HARVARDt UNIVERSITY, Cambridge, Mass. [ Collection lettered], Vol. 3.- 12. 10 v. Contents VOL. 3. Triennial Catalogue, 1854.- Annual Reports of the President: -28th, 1852-3; 29th, 1853-4.- Catalogue of the Institute of 1790. 1849.- Report of the Committee of Overseers on the theological department; 1841.- Treasurer's Statement, 1849. VOL. 4, 5, 6. Triennial Catalogues, 1794, 1800; 06, 09, 12, 15,. 18: 1 v.; 1821, 24, 27, 30, 33: 1 v.; 1836, 39, 42, 45, 48: 1 v. VOL. 7. Triennial Catalogues, 1854, 57. Cambridge. - Report upon the Constitutional rights and privileges of Harvard College, and upon the donations that have been made to it by this Commonwealth [ D.Webster for the Committee, Mass. Convention], 1821. 16 p. -- Remarks occasioned by the Publication of a pamphlet entitled Proceedings of the Overseers of H. U. relative to the late disturbances in that seminary. Boston, 1834. 36 p. Report on diminishing the cost of instruction in Harvard College; together with a minority report on the same subject, 1845. 32 p. Report on filling up vacancies in the clerical part of the permanent Board of Overseers of Harvard College. Boston, 1845. 10 p. A Memorial concerning the recent history and the constitutional rights and privileges of Harvard College. Presented by the President and Fellows to the Legislature. 3d edition. Cambridge, 1851. 56 p. - And in Pam. v. 247. FIRST SUPPLEMENT. - 375 Report on the rights and duties of the President and Fellows of Harvard College in relation to the Board of Overseers. Cambridge, 1856. 163 p. 31st Annual Report of the President.... for 1855-6.- Treasurer's Statement. Cambridge, 1857. 38, 40 p.. VOL. 8, 9, 10, 11. Catalogues. See Cat. of 1855.- For 1848, 54, see Pam. v. 247. VOL. 12. Catalogue of the Officers and Students for 1843, 44, 46, 47, 50, 57, 58. Cambridge.- Catalogue of the Lawrence Scientific School, 1850, 51.- Catalogue of the Law School, 1853, 54, 57 (1853 also in Pai. v. 157.- Catalogue of the Law School, from the establishment to the end of 1858. Cambridge, 1859. 136 p.- Catalogue of the officers and members of the Hasty-pudding Club.. Cambridge, I850. 68 p. Addresses at the Inauguration of Jared Sparks, LL.D., as President, June 20, 1849, Cambridge, 1849. 8~. Pam. v. 241. Addresses at the Inauguration of the Hon. Edward Everett, LL.D., as President, April 30, 1846. Boston, 1846. 80. Pam. v. 241. Report of the Committee of the Association of the Alumni.... on the state of the college library, 1857. Cambridge, 1858. 44 p. 8~. Pam. v. 470. MASSACHISETTS MEDICAL COLLEGE: Ann. Circular...History...Catalogue of graduates. Boston, 1846. 8~. Pam. v. 155, 517. - Annual Announcement, 1855 - 56, 1856 -57, 1859. Boston. 8~. Pam. v. 246, 517. IIARVEST, George. A Letter to Mr. Samuel Chandler: Being a defence of-the Church of England's requiring subscription to explanatory articles of faith..2d edition. London (1749). 8~. Pam. v. 455, and in Chandler's writings. HARVEY ( D. W.), Esq. [A Collection]. 8~. Pam. v. 389. Coztents: A Letter to the Burgesses of Colchester, containing a plain statement of the proceedings before the benchers of the Inner Temple, uponi his application to be called to the bar.... London, 1822. 68 p. Report of the Proceedings on the investigation.... 19thi-,Nov. - Dec. 13, 1833, upon the application of D. W. Harvey to be called to the bar. 2d edition. Chelmsford, 1834. 140 p. Speech.. at a meeting of his constituents....Nov. 27, 1832, in vindication of his conduct. Colchester. 20 p. A Letter.... to his conistituents.... of the treatment he has received from certain members of H. M.'s Government. Colchester, 1832. 15 p. HARWOODt, E. Biographia Classica:. Additions. See Clarke, A. HARWOOD, John Edmund. Poems. New-York, 1809. 107 p. 12~. HAsBROUCK, John W. -See Middletown (N.Y.) Directory. HASOALL, Rev. Daniel, Definitions of the Greek Bapto, Baptizo, Baptisma and Baptismos. Morris' Flats, I~. Y. 19 p. 180. Pam. v. 466. [HASCARD, G.]. See Discourse about Novelty in the Church of England, 1685. HASKETT, William J. A Letter to the Friends of Temperance in the State of New-York... Against prohibition. N.York, 1858. 12 p. 8. Pam. v. 292. 376 GENERAL LIBRARY. HASKIN, John B. Speech, U.S. H. of R., Admission of Kansas, March 10, 1858. 16 p. 80. Pam. v. 561. HASKINSt (Roswell W.), A.M. History and Progress of Phrenology. (Read before the Western Phrenological Society at Buffalo.) Buffalo, 1839. 217 p. 120. Astronomy for Schools; upon the basis of M. Arago's Lectures at the Royal Observatory of Paris...New-York, 1841. 324 p. 18~. - [A Collection of the Writings of.] In 1 v. 80. Contents: A Popular Essay upon comets. Buffalo, 1842. 24 p., New-England and the West. Reprinted from the Boston Atlas. Buffalo, 1843. 36 p., The Arts, Sciences and Civilization, anterior to Greece and Rome... Buffalo, 1844. 32 p.- Also in Pam. v. 272. An Exposition of a Book published by D.Appleton & Co., called Hazlitt's Translation of Guizot's IIistory of Civilization. Buffalo, 1846. 55 p. -Also in Pain. v. 195. Effects upon the Civilized World of a material increase in the quantity of the money metals. Buffalo, 1850. 8 p.- Also Pam. v. 74. Art and Artists. Buffalo, 1851. 70 p. Fourier's Hist. Eulogy on De Laplace, 1829. Translated by R. W. H. 14 p. Poisson's Memoir upon the Temperature of the solid parts of the globe, 1837. Translated by R. W. H. 57 - 72 p. HASLEWOOD (John), D.D. Sermon, Assizes at Kingston, March 13, 1707: 5 Samz. xv, 4. London. 80. Pam. v. 363. HASPER, W. Translation. See Brun, M. HASSELLS, C. S. Sermon, Opening of church: I Pet. ii, 4, 5. Cheadle, Eng. 1839. 8~. Pam. v. 378. HASSELT, A. van. Lettre. See Bock, C. P. HASSLERt, F. R. Elements of Analytic Trigonometry, plane and spherical. New-York, 1826. 8~. Elements of the Geometery of planes and solids. With 4 plates. Richmond'(Va.), 1828. 8~. HASSLER, Dr. Konrad D. Die Buchdrucker-Geschichte Ulm's, zum vierten Siicularfeier der Erfindung der Buchdruckerkunst....Uln, 1840. 156 p. 4~. HASTINGSt, Hiram P. An Essay on Constitutional Reform..N.York, 1846. 35 p. 80. Pam. v. 530. HASTINGS, Warren. East-India Company, Lucnow, Ap. 30. With a postscript, May 13, 1784. Lound., Debrett. 47 p. 8~.5 Pam. v. 432. HASWELL, Chas. H. Mensuration and Practical Geometry; containing tables of weights and measures, etc. New-York, 1858. 322 p. 12~. HIATCH (Israel T.), of N.Y. The Canal Contracts: Speech, N.Y. Assem. Jan. 19, 1852, on.. inquiry in the canal contract frauds. 8 p. 8~. Pamin. v. 477. - Maryland Contested Election Case: Speech, U.S. H. of Rep., 1858.- Speech, U.S. of Rep., on Inland Commerce, 1858 8~. Pam. v. 487. FIRST SUPPLEMENT. 377 - Speech, U.S. H. of R., on Admission of Kansas.... March 30, 1858. 8~. Pam. v. 561. HATON, Claude. Melmoires de Claude Haton, contenant le recit des evenements accomnplis de 1553 a 1552, principalement dans La Champagne et La Brie. Publies par M. Felix Bourquelot.. T. I, II. Paris, 1857. See France, Collection Doe. In'd. HAUBER, Eberhard D. Bibliotheca acta et scripta magica. GriUndliche Nachrichten und Urtheile von solchen Biichern und Handlungen welche die Macht des Teufels in leiblichen dingen betreffen..Erstes - Sechs und Dreyssigstes Stleck. Lemgo, 1739- 1745. In 3 v. 120. HAUTER, Chev. Fr. De. Coup-d'oeil Ge6ologique sur les mines de la monarchie autrichienne. Redige par..Fr. De Hauer et Fr. Foetterle. Trad. par le Comte Aug. Marschall. Vienne, 1855. 253 p. roy. 8~. HAiFF, Wilhelm. - The Jew Suss: a Tale of Stuttgard, in 1737. Trans. from the German of Hauff. By B. T. Philadelphia, 1845. 132 p. 180. Imp. Pam. v. 619. HAUPT, Herman. A Consideration of the Plans proposed for the improvement of the Ohio River. Philadelphia, 1855. 8~. Pam. v. 272. HAVEN, Rev. Jason. Eleven Sermons, 1758- 96. See Dedham Pulpit. HAVEN, Joseph. Discourse, American Education Society. Boston, 1856. 8~. Pamn. v. 293. HAVEN, Richard. The Genealogy of the Descendants of B. Haven of Lynn, being a republication of the first edition (1843), without alteration; with additional pages..By Josiah Adams. Boston, 1859. iv, vi, 54, 50 p.- J. C. Park's Address at a meeting of the descendants, at Framingham, Mass. Aug. 29, 1844..... and proceedings. Boston, 1844. 27 p. In I v. 8~. H.AVENt, Samuel F. Archeology of the United States; or Sketches, historical and bibliographical, of the progress of information and opinion respecting vestiges of antiquity in the U.States. 168 p. 8~. See Smithsonian Cont. to Knowledge, Vol. VIII, 1856. HAVEN ( S. G.), of N.Y. Remarks, U.S. of R., on Dunn's and Haven's bills on Kansas...Buffalo, 1856. 16 p. 8~. Pam. v. 561. HAVILAND (John), esq. Obituary Notice of:.. From the Journal of Prison Discipline': July 1852. Philadelphia. 80. Pam. v. 268. HAWAII. Report on the King's Personal Accounts, 1853 and 1854. Report E.: Enclosures. 105 - 200 p. 80. Panm. v. 503. HAWAIIAN (Royal) AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY. Transactions...... at its Fourth Annual Meeting, in June 1854. Vol. 2, N~ 1. Honolulu, H.I. Printed for the Society, Government press, 1854. 172 p. 8~. HAWAIIAN ISLANDS MISSIONS. The Duty of the present generation to evangelize the world. An Appeal from the: 2d edition. Buffalo, 1847. 75 p. 12~. Pam. v. 525. - ke kumu leomele no na himeni a me na halelu e hoolea aku ai i ke akua. Oahu; na na misionari, 1834. 56 p. With, Himeni Hawaii me na leomele oia ka lua o na hapa o ke kumu leomele. Oahu, na na misionari i pai. Hymns. 1834. 360 p. in 1 v. 8~. [ SUPPL.] 48 378 GENERAL LIBRARY. HAWAIIAN ISLANDS MISSIONS: Na Himeni kamalii; na mea e as ai a e hoolea aku ai na kamalii i ke akua. Hymns.- Honolulu: mea pai palapala a na misionari, 1837. 72 p. 8~. Ka ai o ka la...Buke 6. 1838. Daily Food. 143 p. 180. HAWAIIAN (The) SPECTATOR. Vol. 1, N~ 2. Conducted by an Association of Gentlemen, April 1838. Honolulu, Oahu, Sandwich islands. 104 p. 8~. Pam. v. 227. HAwEIs (T.), D.D. A Reply to the Animadversions of the Dean of Carlisle on the...H istory of the Church of Christ by:...London, 1801. 31 p. 8~. Pam. v. 302. [ HAWES, William P.] Sporting Scenes and Sundry Sketches; being the miscellaneous writings of J. Cypress jr. Edited by Frank Forester. New-York, 1842. 2 v. 12~. HAWKER (Robert), D.D. The Abba, Amen, and Corpus Christi Hymns, as sung in the Church of Christ... 2d ed. London, 1818. 16 p. 12~. Pam. v. 397. HAWKES, W. Sermon at Monton, Good Friday, 1809: Phil. iii, 8.Manchester, Eng. 8~. Pam. v. 375. HAWKINS, John. An Expostulatory Address to the Rev. Dr. Priestley; containing an apology for those who conscientiously subscribe... to the doctrines of the Trinity...London, 1788. 56 p. 8~. Pam. v. 315. HAWKINS, Joseph. A History of a Voyage to the Coast of Africa... and interesting particulars concerning the slave trade. 2d edition. Troy, N.Y. 1797. 180 p. 180. HAWKINS, William. Sermon, Jan. 30, 1752: Jer. xii, 1. Oxford. 8~. Pam. v. 370. HAWKINS, Rev. W. G. Life of John H. W. Hawkins: Compiled by his son. Boston, 1859. 433 p. 12~. HAWKSt ( F. L.), D.D., Editor. See Perry, M. C., Japan Expedition. HAWKSHAW, John. Reminiscences of South America: from Two and a half years' residence in Venezuela. London, 1838. 268 p. 12~. IHAWKSLEY, John. National Privileges, A sermon Ps. cxlvii, 20. London, 1819. 8~. Pam. v. 376. HAWLES, Sir John. A Reply to a sheet of paper, intituled, The Magistracy and Government of England vindicated; or a justification of the English method of procedure against criminals.....London, 1689. 36 p. fP. Pam. v. 1103. ----- The Englishman's Right: a Dialogue between a barrister at law and a juryman, plainly setting forth, 1, The antiquity; 2, the excellent use; 3, the oflice and just privileges of juries, by the law of England (1689). London, 1763. viii, 60 p. 8~. Pam. v. 410. HAWLEY ( Rev. Fletcher J.), A.M., of N.Y. "Let them Marry ": A Tract for the Tropics. A sermon, preached at St.John's Church, Santa-Cruz, West-Indies. London, 1856. 180. Pam. v. 270. --- Tean Years' Parochial TWork in the Tropics ~ a Sermon, SantaCruz, W.I. London, 1856. 180. Pam. v. 270, 504. [HAWLTEYt (Gideon), LL.D.]. See Essay on Truth, 1856. FIRST SUPPLEMENT. 379 HAWLEY, Jesse. An Essay om the Enlargement of the Erie Canal, with arguments in favor of retaining the present proposed size of seventy feet by seven..Lockport, N.Y. 1840. 8~. Pam. v. 223. HAWTHORNE ( G. S.), M.D. The True Pathological Nature of Cholera, and an infallible method of treating it. London, 1845. 64 p. 8~. Pam. v. 405. HAWTHORNEt, Nathaniel. The Marble Faun; or the Romance of Monte Beni. Boston, 1860. 2 v. 12~. [HAWTREY, Rev. Cha.]. See LETTER to the Earl of Stanhope, 1790. - Catalogue of Library.. Auction. London, 1854. Cat.-v. 65. HAY, Edward. History of the. Irish Insurrection of 1798, giving an authentic account of the various battles fought between the insurgents and the king's army...***. Boston [1854?]. 12~. HAY, E. W. A. A Letter to the Committee of the Essex and Colchester general hospital upon the recent discovery, at that place, of a beautiful monument of Roman sculpture representing the Theban Sphinx. Colchester, 1821. 68 p.- With, Review of the same from the Edinb. Lit. Gaz. 1823. 8~. Pam. v. 401. HAY, John Barras. Inaugural Addresses by Lords Rectors of the University of Glasgow; to which are prefixed an historical sketch and account of...the University. Glasgow, 1839. xc, 205 p. 8~. HAY, Thomas. Sermon, H. of Commons, Jan. 30, 1793, Martyrdom of Charles II.: Rorn. xiii, 5. London. 40. Pam. v. 1008. HAYDEN (F. V.), M.D. Notes Explanatory of...the geological structure... from the mouth of the Platte to Fort Benton..From Proc. Ac. Nat. Sc. Philadelphia, 1857. 80. Pam. v. 551. HAYDN, Joseph. Dictionary of Dates and Universal Reference...3d edition. London, 1845. 80. HAYDON, John. Knowledge of Christ, a Sermon: Phil. iii, 8. Bristol, Eng. 1772. 80. Pam. v. 373. HAYES, Isaac I., Surgeon of the Second Grinnell Expedition: An Arctic boat journey in the autumn of 1854. Boston, 1860. 12~. HAYES, Samuel. Duelling: a Poem..***. Cambridge, 1755. 21 p.40~. Pam. v. 1012. I-IAYLEYt, William. Poems and Plays. London, 1785. 6 v. 12~. - An Elegy on the Death of the Honorable Sir William Jones... **. London, 1795. 38 p. 4~. Pam. v. 1012. HAYM, N.F. Biblioteca Italiana, o sia Notizia de'Libri rari nella Lingua Italiana...Annessovi tutto il libro dell'Eloquenza Italiana di Monsig. Giusto Fontanini..In questa secunda sono posti li prezzi ad ognuno delli medesime, Venezia ed in Milano, 1741. 266 p. 4o. HAYNEt (Robert Y.), of S.C. Speech, U.S. Sen., on the Reduction of the Tariff, Jan. 9, 1832. Washington. 47 p. 8~. Pam. v. 290. HAYNES, D. C. The Baptist Denomination: Its history, doctrines and ordinances; its polity, persecution and martyrs.... With an introduction by John Dowling, D.D.***. New-York..1856. 12~. Y~~~~ 380 GENERAL LIBRARY. HAYNES, Thomas W. Baptist Cyclopaedia, or Dictionary of Baptist biography, bibliography, antiquities, history: Vol. I. A. -Fo. Charleston, S.C. 1848. 294, 29 p. 8~. HAYTER, Thomas. Sermon, H. of Commons, Accession of His Majesty, June 11, 1746. London. 40~. Pam. v. 1006. Sermon, H. of Lords, Jan. 30, 1749, Martyrdom of Charles I. London, 1750. 40. Pam. v. 1006. HAYWOOD, Mrs. Eliza. Translations, 1734. See Gomez, M. A. P. De. Cleomelia; or the Generous Mistress: Being the secret history of a lady lately arrived from Bengal... * " X. 2d edition. London, 1727. 104 p. 8~. HAYWOOD, John. The Natural and Aboriginal History of Tennessee, up to the first settlements therein..... Nashville, 1823. viii, 390, liv p. 8~. HAYWOOD, Rev. W. An Examination of Dr. Clarke's scripture doctrine of the Trinity...London, 1719. 115 p. 8~. Pam. v. 312. HAYWOODt (William H.), of N.C. Speech, U.S. Sen., on the Annexation of Texas. Washington, 1845. 13 p. Pam. v. 486. Speech, U.S. Sen., on the Oregon Question. Washington, 1846. 22 p. Pam. v. 487. HAZARD, B. Letters Addressed to the Hon. John Quincy Adams, in refutation of charges made by that gentleman against a committee of the Legislature of Rhode-Island, and against the Legislature itself. Providence, 1834. 46 p. 8~. Pam. v. 211. [HAZAiDt, Rowland G.]. See a Heteroscian. Cat. 1855. HAZLITTt, William. Criticisms and Dramatic Essays of the English stage. 2d edition..London, 1851. 12~. HEADLEYf, Joel T. The Life of George Washington. N.York, Scribner, 1856. 8~. - Letter to Rev. Mr. Hatfield, on J. C. Fremont. Albany, Oct. 1, 1856. Newsp. slips. 8~. Pam. v. 537. HEALD, C. W. A Manual of Phrenology. Albany, 1841. 8 p. 80. Pam. v. 522. HEALTH ALMANAC: By a Vegetable Eater. N.York, 1842. 120. Alm. v. 24. HEALTH AND TEMPERANCE ALMANAC. Philadelphia, Mielke, 1834. 120. Alm. v. 42. H-EARNE, J. A. Catalogues of Numismatical Books, London, 1843, 45, Cat. v. 6; 1847, Cat. v. 9; 1848, 50, Cat. v. 36; 1852, 53, Cat. v. 65. HEARNEt, Thomas. The Works of Thomas Hearne: Printed for Samuel Bagster in the Strand, 1810. 4 v. 8O.- Reprint commenced of the edition of Oxford, 1724-5. Contents: VOL. I, II. Robert of Gloucester's Chronicle, with Glossary, and a continuation from a MS. VOL. III, IV. Langtoft's Chronicle to the end of Edward I, with additions. [HEATH, Benj.]. See Devon, Eng.: Case of the County, -1763. FIRST SUPPLEMENT. 381 HEATHCOTE (Ralph), D.D. The Use of Reason asserted in matters of religion; or natural religion the foundation of revealed: Answer to Dr. Patten's Sermon. 2d edition, London, 1756. 104 p. 80. Pam. v. 300. ---- A Reply to a Piece intitled St. Peter's Christian Dr. Patten,.wherein the use of reason.. is. confirmedy*,. London, 1756. 179 p. 8~. Pam v. 300. HEATIHFIELD, Rich. Elements of a Plan for the liquidation of the public debt... London, 1820. 47 p. 8~. Pam. v. 427. HEBENSTREIT, W. Dictionarium Editionum tum selectarum tum optimarum auctorum classicorum et grecorLum et romanorum ad optimos bibliographorum libros collatum.... Vindobonve, 1828. 276 p. 12~. HEBERt, Reginald, Bp. Anniversary Sermon, Lu. vii, 22: St.Paul's, London, 1823.- Consecration Sermon, near Benares: Gen. xxviii, 16, 17. Calcutta, 1826. 8~. Pamin. v. 377. HEBER, Richard. Bibliotheca Heberiana. Catalogue of the Library of: Part 1 - Part 13.. auction, April 10, 1834 - Feb. 22, 1837. London. In 5 v. 8~. HEBREW YOUNG MEN'S LITERARY ASSOCIATION. Constitution and By-laws.. New-York, 1852. 18~. Pam. v. 275. HEBREWS. Order of Service at the Consecration of the Synagogue Roudafe Sholum, of Philadelphia.... 12 April 1843. Eng. 4. Heb. Philadelphia, 5603. 24 p. 120. Pam. v. 604. HECKER, Dr. J. F. C. See Litterarische Annalen, 1825 - 30. HECKEWELDERt, Rev. John. Account of...the Indian Nations, 1818. See Am. Phil. Society, Lit. Comm. Trans. v. 1. HECQUET, Philippe. La Medecine, la Chirurgie et la Pharmacie des pauvres... Paris, 1740. 2 v. 12~. HEDDING LITERARY INSTITUTE. Catalogue, 1854. Ashland, Greene county, N.Y. Albany, 1855. 8~. Pam. v. 212. HEDENDAAGSCHEt HISTORIE; of Tegenwoordige Staat der Vereenigde Nederlanden: IIde deel, Vervattende eene Beschryving der Generaliteits Landen, Staats Brabant, Staats Land von Overmaaze, Staats Vlanderen en Staats Opper-Gelderland, met den Staat der bezetting in de Barriere- Plaatzen enz....; IIIe deel, Gelderland; IV - VIII, Holland; IX, X, Zeeland. Amsterdam, 1750 - 1753. 9 v. 80. HEDGEt ( Fred. H.), D.D. Conscience and the State: A Discourse, Westminster Church, Providence: Acts xviii, 14, 15. 1851. Providence, R.L 8~. Pam. v. 557. [- ]. On the use of the word Evangelical: A Discourse by the Pastor of the Westminster Congregational Society. Providence, R.I. 1854. 8~. Pam. v. 295. Address, Funeral of Mrs. Hannah C. Stearns of Brookline, Mass. Boston, 1857. 8~. Pafn. v. 555. HEDGESt, H. P. History of the Excise law of the State of New-York.... An Address, New-York, 1853. See Am. Tcmp. Union. HEDGES; Phinehas. Strictures on the Elementa Medicines of Doctor Brown. Goshen, N.Y. 1795. 130 p. 18~. 382 GENERAL LIBRARY. HEERENt, A. H. L. Geschichte der Kunste und Wissenschaften.... Vierte abtheilung, Philologie: I, Geschichte des Studiums der griechischen und r6mischen litteratur seit dem wiederaufleben der wissenschaften.... Mit einer Anleitung welche die geschichte der werke der classiker im mittelalter enthalt. Gottingen, 1797. 2 v. 8~. HEGEL, G. W. F. Lectures on the Philosophy of History. Trans. from the 3d German edition, by J. Sibree. London, Bohn, 1857. 120. HEIDELBERG COLLEGE, Tiffin, Ohio. Catalogue, 1857. Sandusky, 1858. 8~. Pam. v. 480. HEIDLER, Carl Jos. Die Epidemische Cholera...... Leipzig, F. A. Brockhaus, 1848. — With, Die Schutzmittel gegen die cholera..... Prag, 1854. 173 p.- And also, Versuch einer neuen empirischen begriindung der cholera wissenschaft. Prag...1854. 10 p. 80. In 1 v. 80. HEIJNINGEN, H. van. De Onfeilbaarheid der Apostelen in de Verkondiging van he.t Evangele, betoogd door:... Utrecht..1845. 8~. HEIMAN, Adolphus. Concise Description of the Service of the First Tennessee Regiment of 1846-47, in Mexico. NVewsp. slips: Daily News, May 5, 1858. 8~. Pam. v. 502. HEINECCIUS, Joh. Mich. Antiquitatum Goslariensium et vicinarum regionumn lib. I - v, ab 918-1648.. Francofurti ad Mcenum (1700). 572 p. and index.- Numorum Goslariensium antiqui pariter ac recentioris mvi...Franc. ad M. 16 p.- Diss. de antiqvissimo regionis Goslariam ambientis statu, et Grodone inprimis Harzburgico...... Franc. ad M. 34 p.- Panegyris sacratissimo Imp. Josepho Pio... publico sermone celebrata. I705.- TWith, Leuchfeld, Rerum Germanicarum scriptores, in 1 v. fo. HEINEKEN, C. H. Idee Generale d'une Collection complette d'estampes; avec une dissertation sur l'origine de la gravure, et sur les premiers livres d'images. A Leipsic et Vienne, 1771. 520 p. and index. 80~. HEINSIUS, Daniel. Virgula Divina. See Satiroe duae. Sacrarum Exercitationum ad Novum Testamentum libri xx... Quibus Aristarchus Sacer.... indicesque accedunt. Lugd. Batav. 1639. f~. HEINSIUS, Wilhelm. Allgemeines Bicher-Lexikon; oder Vollstandiges Alphabetisches Verzeichniss aller von 1700 bis zu ende 1810 erschienenen biicher, welche in Deutschland und in den durch sprache und literatur damit verwandten landern gedruckt worden sind.... Vier bande..vermehrte auflage. A - Z. Leipzig, 1812-13.- Fiinfter band, von 1811 bis zu ende 1815 erschienenen bucher: A - Z. Leipzig, 1817.- Siebenter band, in zwei abtheilungen, welcher die von 1822 bis ende 1827 erschienenen biicher..enthalt; mit Vorrede von F. A. Ebert...... Herausgegeben von C. G. Kayser, Leipzig, 1829. 6 v. 4. — Continuation. See Kayser, C. G. HEINTZ, Philipp C. Pfalzgraf Stephan, erster Herzog von Pfalz-Zweybracken, 1823. 75 p.- Ueber die Anerkennung der Vorziige und Verdienste des Kaisers Ruprecht von der Pfalz, 1827. 28 p. 4~. See Keen. Baier. Ak., Reden, v. 4. HEINZEN, Karl. Six Letters to a Pious Man, introduced by an address to Bishop Hughes..... Trans. from the German. New-York, 1856. 31 p. 8~. Pam. v. 528. FIRST SUPPLEMENT. 383 HELIODORTS,- LONGUS AND ACHILLES TATIUS. Scriptores Erotici Graeci. —The Greek Romances of Helioclorus, Longus, and Achilles Tatius, comprising the Ethiopics, or Adventures of Theagenes and Chariclea; The Pastoral Amours of Daphnis and Chloe; and the Loves-of Clitophon and Leucippe.. Trans. from the Greek by the Rev. Rowland Smith...London, Bohn, 1855. 12~. HIELLENBROEK, Fred H. De Kruis Triomph van vorst Messias, ofte Verhandelingen... Amsterdam, 1764. 4~. HELLIER, Henry. Sermon, Univ. of Oxford, Dec. 4, 1687: The Obligation of Oaths. Oxford, 1688. 4~. Pam. v. 1005. HI-IELMERS, Jan F. Nagelaten Gedichten. Eerste deel. Haarlem, 1814. 202 p. 8~. Pam. v. 110. HELMst, Anthony Zachariah. Travels from Buenos-Ayres by Potosi to Lima. With an appendix containing correct descriptions of the Spanish possessions in South America....2d edition. London.... 1807. 18. HBLMJUTH, William S. Valedictory Address, Second Annual Commencement of the Homoeop. Med. Col. of Penn'a, March 2, 1850. Philadelphia, 1850. 8~. Pam. v. 204, 286. HELPER ( Hinton Rowan), of North Carolina. The Impending Crisis of the South; how to meet it. New-York, 1857. 420 p. 120. Compendium of the Impending Crisis of the South. New-York, 1859. 214 p. 120. [ HELPS, Arthur]. See Conquerors of the New World. Cat. 1855. The Spanish Conquest in America, and its relation to the history of slavery and to the government of colonies. London...1855, 57. 3 v. 8~. HELVICUS, Christophorus. Theatrum Historicum et Chronologicum.. ita digestum, ut universa temporum et historiarum series. quasi in speculo videri possit. Nunc continuatumrn.... a Joh. Balt. Schuppio... Ed. quarta. 1638. fo. HEMANSt, Felicia. The Poetical Works. Philadelphia, Anners. 4 v. in 2. 18~. HEMENWAY, Abby Maria. Poets and Poetry of Vermont* * ". Rutland, 1858. 400 p. 120. HEMMING, John. An Address to the Philosophical Class of the Maryle-Bone Lit. and Sci. Inst. London, 1835. 16 p. 8~. Pam. v. 395. HEMPHILLt ( Joseph), of Penn'a. Speech, U.S. H. of R., on the Missouri Question (1819). 27 p. 8~. Pain. v. 487. Speech, U.S. H. of R., on..a National Road from Buffalo, 1830. 23 p. 80. Pam. v. 487. HErMPSTEAD (L. I.) INSTITUTE: Circular. N.Y. 1857. 8~. Pam. v. 456. HENDLEY, W. Sermonrz, Exhortation to the Holy Communion: Rev. xix, 9. London, 1723. 8~. Pam. v. 367. HENDRICKSON, Cath. Review, Opinions, &c. of Dr. Charles A. Lee and others, of the testimony of Dr. Salisbury and Swinburne on the trial of J. Hendrickson jr.... N.York, 1855. 44 p. 8~. Pam. v. 488, 516. 384 GENERAL LIBRARY. HENKE, Adolph. Zeitschrift far die Staatsarzneikunde. 15eS Ergan. zungsheft ( Zumllen jahrgange gehorend). Erlangen,1831. 323 p. 80. HENLEY, Lord. A Plan of Church Reform...7th edition. containing the union of Dr. Burton's and Lord Henley's plans..London, 1832. 103 p. 80. Pam. v. 326. HENDERSONt, John J. Annual Statement of the Trade and Commerce of Buffalo, for 1853....Buffalo, 1854. 8~. Pam. v. 269. See also, Buffalo. HENNEBERT, F., Editor. See Bibliologue de la Belgique. HENNEPINt, Louis. New Discovery of a large country in America. See Amer. Ant. Soc., Trans. v. 1. HENRYt ( Caleb S.), D.D. The Gospel a Formal and Sacramental Religion: a Sermon, Church of the Advent, Boston...1845. Boston, 1846. 8~. Pain. v. 202, 441. Plain Reasons for the Great Republican Movement..remarks.. Geneva, N.Y. July 19, 1856. 2d edition. New-York, 1856. 20 p. 8~. Pam. v. 537. Considerations on some of the Elements and Conditions of social welfare and human progress: Being...discourses and other pieces. New-York, 1861. 415 p. 12~. HENRYt, James. Sketches of Moravian Life and Character...Philadelphia, 1859. 316 p. 12~. HENRYt (\James) jr., Actuary. Lecture, Mechanics' Institute, NewYork, Dec. 1, 1853: The Mechanics' Institute —Past, Present and Future. New-York, 1854. 80. -Pam. v. 100. HENRY, L. Praktische Anleitung zum Erdbau.-.Berlin, 1856. 322 p. 8~. Plates not received. HENRY, Matthew. A Scripture Catechism in the method of the Assemblies'.. 3d edition. London, 1714. 186 p. 18~. ---- Sermon on the Promises of God, 1710. Never before published. London, 1705. 80. Pam. v. 365. HENRY, P. Manuel des Maitres d'Etudes..ou Conseils sur l'education dans les lycees....2T' edition. Paris, Hachette, 1854. 210. 80. HERACLIDES, que supersunt. See _Elianus. HERALD ( The) oF THE NEW JERUSALEM: ~Weekly..Vol. 1, Oct. 19. Philadelphia, 1854. 12~. Pam. v. 540.. HERALDt (The Weekly): J. G. Bennett; Vol. 12, 1855. N.York. f~. HERAUD, John A. An Oration on the Death of S. T. Coleridge, esq., Russell Inst. 1834. London. 29 p. 8~. Pain. v. 380. HERBELOT, B. D'. Bibliotheque Orientale, ou Dictionnaire Universel; contenant ge6nralement tout ce qui regarde la connaissance des Peuples de l'Orient, leurs histoires et traditions..... de tous leurs livres ecrits en arabe, en persan, ou en turc...Paris..1697. fo. HERBERTt ( Edward, Lord), of Cherbury. The Life of:..written by himself; and continued to his death. London, 1826. xv, 360 p. 8~. HERBERTt, Henry William. Memoirs of Henry the Eighth of England; with the fortunes, fates and characters of his six wives.... New-York and Auburn..1855. 12~. FIRST SUPPLEMENT. 385 - Ringwood the Rover: A Tale of Florida...2d edition. Philadelphia, 1843. 55 p. 8~. Pam. v. 497. See [Hawes, W. P.], Sporting Scenes, 1841. HERBERT? William. Typographical Antiquities; or an historical account of the origin and progress of printing in Great Britain and Ireland. Begun by the late Joseph Ames.. Considerably augmented, by:.. London, 1785, 86, 90. 3 v. 40.- See also, Dibdin's edition. HERBET (ILM.), Geruzez, Bouchitte et Barberet. Legons d'Histoire: T. I, Histoire sainte, mythologie, histoire ancienne et moderne; T. II, L'Histoire du moyen age et l'histoire de France. Paris, 1849. 2 v. 8~. See Cours Complet. HERDERSCHEEt, Jacobus. Zestal Nagelaten Leerredenen. Hoorn... 1845. 138 p. 8~ HERFORD, Ed. Letter from the Coroner.... of Manchester upon the subject of... Coroner's inquests. Manchester, Eng. 1851. 24 p. 8". Pain. v. 403. HERKI~MER COUNTY AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY: Proceedings, 1857. Ilion, N. Y. 8~. Pam. v; 461. HERKIMER COUNTY MUTUAL INSURANCE COMPANY: Act of Incorporation and By-laws, 1836. Little-falls, 1839. Pam. v. 239.- Act of Incorporation, etc. Albany, 1851. 120. Pam. v. 511. HERKIMER MANUFACTURING AND HYDRAULIC COMPANY: Memorial, To the Legislature of N.Y. (1849?). 8 p. 8~. Pam. v. 298. HERKIMER MASS CONVENTION: Proceedings, Oct. 26, 1847. Speeches of Hon. D. Wilmot, C. C. Cambreleng, J. Van Buren, &c. 32 p. 8'. Pam. v. 530. HERKLOTS, J. A. Bouwstoffen voor eene Fauna van Nederland, onder medewerking van onderscheidene geleerden en beoefenaars der dierkunde. Eerste deel. Leiden, 1853. 8~. HERIMES. Centum Aphorismata. See Firmicus, J. HERMIT (The) OF ALEOVA; or the Shepherd Girl's Triumph. By Rob. Rapler***. Albany, 1857. 380-p. 120. HIERNE, Samuel. Domus Carthusiana; or An account of..the CharterHouse near London....with the life of.... T. Sutton, the founder. London, 1677. xliv, 287 p. 12~. HERODOTUSt. Herodoti Muse, sive Historiarum Libri IX. Ex ultima recensione J. Schweighaeuserii...Tomus I.- Annotationibus Wesselingii et Valckenserii aliorumque et suis. Tomus II.- Lexicon Herodoteum...Tomus III. Londini, 1830. 3 v. 8~. HERON, Robert. Pseud. Letters of Literature:. By John Pinkerton. London, 1785. 515 p. 8~. HERR, Rudolph. The Jeweler's Hand-book, containing thirty practical methods for galvanizing, electro-plating and coloring with gold, silver and copper...Albany, 1855. 108 p. 12~. HERRICK, Jed. A Genealogical Register of the name and family of Herrick, from the settlement of Henerie Herrick, Salem, Mass., 1629 to 1846...Bangor, Me. 1846. 69 p. 8~. [SUPPL.] 49 386. GENERAL L IBRARY. HERRICK, Robert. The Poetical Works of Robert Herrick, Vol. I, II. London, Pickering, 1825. 2 v. 12~. HERRING (Tho.), Abp. Sermon, 1738. See Society Prop. the Gospel. ----- Sermon, York, Sept. 22, 1745, Rebellion in Scotland: Eccl. viii, 2. York, 1745. 80. Pain. v. 369. Sermon, London Infirmary, March 31, 1747: Matt. vi, 19, 20. With th-e Rules, 4-c. London. 4~. Pam. v. 1006. HIERSEY, Harvey. Claims of Tufts College on its first students: Oration, Mathetican Society of.... With a poem by H. A. Dearborn. Boston, 1856. 80. Pain. v. 514. HERVEY, Rev. James. Remarks on Lord Bolingbroke's Letters on the study and use of history; so far as they relate to the history of the Old Testament...London, 1752. 79 p. 8S. Pam. v. 334. A Treatise on the Religious Education of Daughters. Boston, Fowle & Draper, 1762. Repr.. 120. [HERVErYt, John, Lord]. See Ancient and Modern History, 1734; Conduct of opposition, 1734; Miscellaneous thoughts, 1742; Letter to Caleb D'Anvers, 1731 ( Cat. 1855); Letter to the Craftsman, 1733. IlESIOD. Hesiodi Ascraei quse extant. Ex recen. J. G. Graevii...Acc. note..J. Scaligeri... Amstel., D. Elzevir, 1667. With J. G. Graevii Lectiones Hesiodeae. 2 v. in 1. 120. CALLIMJACHUS and THEOGNIS. The Works of Hesiod, Callimachus and Theognis. Literally translated into English prose with copious notes, by the Rev. J. Banks, M.A. To which are appended the metrical translations of Elton, Tytler & Frere. London, Bohn, 1856. 12~. HESKETH, Henry. Sermon, Royal Chapel, July 26, 1685, Thanksgiving for Victory. London. 40~. Pam. v: 360. HESLOP, Rev. Luke. Observations on the Statute of 31 George II, ch. 29, concerning the assize of bread. London, 1799. 32 p. 40. Pam. v. 1011. HESSE. See Landwirthschaftlich Verein. HESsICHE GEWERBVEREIN.. AusfiUhrlicher Bericht, 1842, 43. 1 v. 40~. - Monatsblatt, 1847, 48. 2 v.- Gewerbeblatt..1849 - 1859. 9 v. 8~. -Darmstadt. 12 v. HEURTELOUP, Baron. Lithotripsie: L'Art de broyer les pierres dans la vessie humaine..[Memoire...]. Paris, 1858. 56 p. 8~. HIEWES, Robert. Rules and Regulations for the sword exercise of the cavalry. 2d Am. edition. Albany, 1812. 120. HEWETTt, D. A Gazetteer of the New-England States. New-York, 1829. 84 p. 12~. HEWITT, Abram S. On the Statistics and Geography of the production of iron: a Paper read before the Am. Geog. and Stat. Soc.... N.York, 1856. 39 p. 8~., and diagrams. See also, Amer. Geog. Soc. HEWITT, John H. Miscellaneous Poems. Baltimore, 1838. 235 p. 12. HEWITT, T. A Key to Walkingame's Tutor's Assistant; contaifning the solutions of the questions. London, 1801. 240 p. 12~. FIRST SUPPLEMENT. 387 HEY (Rich.), LL.D. A Dissertation on Suicide...Cambridge, Eng. 1785. 89 p. 80. Pam. v. 399. IHEYFELDER, J. F. Ueber Resectionen und Amputationen.. [ Kaiserl. Leop. Carol. Academie der Naturforscher.].... Breslau.... 1854. 269 p. 4o. HEYLIN, John. Sermon; Soc. Reformation of Manners, Jan. 8, 1728 Rom. xiii, 14; and 34th Report. London. 40. Pam. v. 362. [HEYLIN: (Peter), D.D.]. See Treleinie, P. I., on Tithes, 1648. HEYMIENBERG, Casp. van. Moses en Aaron, ofte Pligten van Overheden en leeraren. Kampen, 1710. 18~. HEYNE, C. G. Opuscula Academica, collecta, et animadversiones locupletata. Gottingre, 1785 - 88. 3 v. 8o. HEYSE, Prof. K. See Biicherschatz der Deutschen National-Litteratur. [ HEYWOOD, Rev. Oliver]. See Baptismal Bonds, 1687. HIBBERT, George. A Catalogue of the Library of:... which will be sold at auction, March 16, c4-c. 1829. London. 488 p. 8~. With the prices in pa}rt. HIBERNIAN BIBLE SOCIETY: 18th Report, 1824. Dublin, 1824. 80. Pam. v. 467. HIBERNIAN CHURCH MISSIONARY SOCIETY: Ninth Report, 1823; Tenth, 1824. Dublin. 8~. Paim. v. 384. HIBERNIAN MISSIONARY SOCIETY; Aux. to the Lond. Miss. Soc.: 5th Report. Dublin, 1823. 72 p. 80. Pam. v. 472. HIBERNIAN SOCIETY for aiding the translation of the Holy Scriptures into foreign languages: First Report of the committee, 1823; 2d Report, 1824. Dublin, 1823, 24. 47, 30 p. 8~. Pam. v. 467. HIBERNICUS. Practical Views and Suggestions on the present condition and improvement of Ireland. Dublin, 1823. 173 p. S~. Pam. v. 423. HIBERNO-CELTIC SOCIETY: Transactions for 1820, Vol. I, Part I; containing a chronological account of nearly four hundred Irish writers, commencing with the earliest account of Irish history, and carried down to...1750... By Edward O'Reilly... Dublin, 1820. ccxxxiii p. 40~. HICKES ( George), D.D. [Sermons of, collected ]. In 1 v. 4~. Contents: Peculium Dei, a discourse about the Jews: Rom. ix, 4, 5. London, 1681. Enthusiasm Exorcised; Sermon, Oxford, July 11, 1680: 1 Cor. xii, 4. 2d edition. London, 1681. Persecution; Sermon, Contribution for French Protestants: 2 Oor. iv, 9. London, 1681. Of God's Glory; Sermon at Yorkshire feast. London, 1682. Sermon, Passive Obedience, before the Lord Mayor, Jan:. 30,1682: Acts xvii, 7. London. A Discourse of the Soveraign Power, Nov. 28, 1682, Artillery Company: Rom. xiii, 4. London. An Apologetical Vindication of the Church of England; in answer to those who reproach her with the English heresies and schisms, or suspect her not to be a Catholic church upon their account. London, 1687-. 96 p. Anon. 388 GENERAL LIBRARY. -IICKES (George), D.D. ----- A New Catechism with Dr. Hickes' thirty-nine Articles. 2d edition. London, 1710. x, 28 p. 80. Pain. v. 340. [ ]. See Historical Collections, 1674. HICKMAN ( Charles), D.D. Sermon, H. of Commons, Oct. 19, 1690; Thanksgiving for preservation of His Majesty: Is. lx, 10. Lond. 4~. Pam. v. 361. Sermon before the Queen, Oct. 2, 1692 Dent. xxx, 15. London, 1692. 4~. Pam. v. 1005. HICKMAN, N. The Citizen Soldiers at North Point and Fort McHenry, Sept. 12, 13, 1814...Baltimore, N. Hickman, 1858? 96 p. 120. HICKOK (Laurens P.), D.D. Sermon preached at Litchfield, Conn. at the funeral of Col. Benjamin Tallmadge, March 12, 1835. NewYork, 1835. 8~. Pam. v. 80. Discourse, American HTome Missionary Society, 1853. N.York, 1853. 8~. Pam. v. 104, 524. Sermon, Death of Leonard E. Lathrop,D.D., preached at Sharon, Conn. New-York, 1857. 8~. Pam. v. 555. ---- Rational Cosmology; or the eternal principles and the necessary laws of the universe. New-York, 1858. 397 p. 8~. HICKCOX, John H. An Historical Account of American Coinage.... With (5) plates. Albany, 1858. viii, 151 p. sinm. 4. HICKS, Tho. Thomas Crawford; his career, character and works: A.Eulogy; read before the Century Club in New-York...New-York, 1858. 52 p. 8~. Pam. v. 494. HIER beghynt een Schoone Boeck, eni is gheheten Die vertroestinghe der ghelatenre menschen. Ea vander verclaringhe der consciencien. En is inhouden de xxvii capittelen.. [Ending-]. Eni gheprent T'antwerpen binnen die camerpoorte, int huys va Delft. Bi mi Henrij ceckert van Homberh....Int iaer os heere MCCCCc. en x den xxvi dach van Februario. 240. HIGBYt (Amos)- jr. An Exposition. Lowville, N.Y. 7 p.- A superficial dissection.... of a discourse.... on the Godhead of Christ, by T. Salmon, 1843. 4 p. 120. Pam. v. 495. An Expose, in two parts; I... Of the Holy Bible; II... Fall of the great mammoth cistern. Martinsburgh, N.Y. 1859. 208 p. 180~ HIGDEN, William. Sermon: Lu. xxiii, 28, Martyrdom of Charles I. London, 1711. 80. Pam. v. 365. HIGGINS, Francis. Sermon, Dublin, Aug. 28, 1705, Victories of Marlborough: 1 Chronicles xvi, 34 - 36. London. 8~.- Sermon, Royal Chapel, Feb. 26, 1707: Rev. iii, 2, 3. London. 8~0. Pain. v. 363. HIGGINS, James. Agricultural Reports, 1853, 58. See Maryland. I-IGGINSON, John. Testimony to the Order of the Gospel in N.E. See Wise, J. HIGGINSONt, Thomas W. Woman and her Wishes: An Essay..Boston, 1853. 26 p. 8~. Pam. v. 226. The Unitarian Autumnal Convention, a Sermon: Matt. v, 32. Boston, 1853. 8~. Pam. v. 558. FIRST SUPPLEMENT. 389 Scripture Idolatry: A Discourse. Worcester, 1854. 16 p. 12~. Pani. v. 558. A Ride Through Kansas: Anti-slavery Tracts, N~20, 1856. 24 p. 120. Pam. v. 626. HIGH, Spencer. An Appeal from Spencer High to the British public of all classes.... on the constitutional civil laws of Great Britain. London (1847.). 15 p. 80. Pam. v. 415. HIGHBURY SOCIETY, Report on the Rise and Progress of...London, 1808. 19 p. 12~. Pam. v. 627. IIIGH-CIHURCH Theory of Baptism. Philadelphia, 1853. 36 p. 8~. Pam. v. 203. HIGHLAND AND AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY OF SCOTLAND: Transactions, July 1855 - Mar. 1857; July 1857 - Mar. 1859. New series. Edinburgh, 1857, 59. 2 v. 8~. HIGHLAND COUNTY, N.Y.- Proposed. Remonstrance, 1856. 15 p.Statistics, etc. Newburgh, 1858. 16 p. 80. Pamn. v. 233, 530. HIGEILANDt SOCIETY OF SCOTLAND: Report of the Committee of the Highland Society of Scotland, appointed to inquire into the nature and authenticity of the poems of Ossian: Drawn up according to the directions of the committee by Henry Mackenzie, esq. With a copious appendix. Edinburgh, 1805. 155, 344 p. 8~. HIGH LIFE IN NEW-YORK'By Jonathan Slick, esq...Part I. NewYork, 1844. 48 p. 80. Paim. v. 496. HIGH SCHOOL for Mathematics and Engineering, 19 Charles-street. Preliminary Prospectus. London, 1840. 24 p. 80. Pam. v. 388. HIGHI- SCHOOL SOCIETY OF NEW -YORK: 4th Report. New-York, 1828. 8~. Pam. v. 552. [HILDRETH, James]. See Dragoon Campaigns, 1836. Cat. 1855. HILDRETHt, Richard. Atrocious Judges: Lives of judges infamous as tools of tyrants, and instruments of oppression. Compiled from the judicial biographies of John, Lord Campbell; with an appendix containing the case of Passmore Williamson. Edited with an introduction and notes. New-York and Auburn, 1856. 12~. HILDYARD, Rev. James. Sermon, Metropolis Churches Fund Matt. vi, 34. London, 1844. 80~; Pam. v. 378. Further Consideration of the University Systlem of Education.. London, 1845. 29 p. 8~. Pam. v. 386. HILDYARD, Rev. William. A Letter to Rev. A. T. Carr, respecting a sermon preached by Beverley. London, 1843. 8~. Pam. v. 330. HILL & DEMIAREST'S Patent Apparatus for lighting railroad cars..... Chicago, 1857. 80. -Pam. v. 298. [ HILL, Aaron]. On Assassination. See Enquiry, 1738. HILL, George. The Ruins of Athens; Titania's Banquet, a Mask; and other poems. Boston, 1839. 160 p. 80. HILL, George Canning. Daniel Boone, the Pioneer of Kentucky: A biography. New-York, 1860. 262 p. 18~. 390 GENERAL LIBRARY. HILL, John B. History of the Town of Mason, N.H., from the first grant in 1649 to 1858. Boston, 1858. 324 p. With, Memoir of the Rev. Eb. Hill.. and his discourse on the history of the town. Boston, 1858. 113 p. 8~. HILL, L. L. A Treatise. on Heliochromy; or the production of pictures by means of light, in natural colors. Embracing...the Hillotype... WrTith autobiography. New-York, 1856. xii, 175 p. 8~. HILL, Nicholas. Memoir of Nicholas Hill, a member of the bar of New-York... a Committee of the Bar of the city of New-York, 1859. 60 p. 8~. HILL, Sir Richard. An Apology for Brotherly Love and for the doctrines of the Church of England, in a series of letters to Rev. C. Daubeny... With A sermon by Bp. Babington. London, 1798. 212, 42, 10 p.- And, Logica Wesleiensis; or the Farrago double distilled. With an heroic poem in praise of Mr. John Wesley. London, 1773. 63 p. In 1 v. 8~. HILL, Rowland. A Serious Investigation of the nature and effects of parochial assessments being charged on places of religious worship protected by the act of toleration..London (1811). 76 p. 80. Pam. v. 320. HILL (T.), esq. Catalogue of Library of.. Auction. London, 1811. 158 p. 80. Cat. v. 96. HILLt, Rev. Thomas. Liberal Education': Address, Phi Beta Kappa Society, Harvard College, July 22, 1858. Cambridge, 1858. 8~. Pam. v. 286. HILL, U. C. New-York Sacred Music Society's Collection of church music...3d edition. New-York, 1843. ob. 8~. HILLARDt, George S. A Discourse..New-England Society in the City of New-York, Dec. 22, 1851. New-York, 1852. 8~. Pam. v. 241. [ ]. See Webster, D., Memorial of. Cat. 1855. A Memorial of James Brown; with Obituary notices..Boston, privately printed, 1856. 138 p. 8~. Letters of Silas Standfast. See Massachusetts, Constitution. HILLARY, Sir Aug. W. A Letter to... Lord J. Russell..of the relation between landlord and tenant in Ireland..... London (1849). 55 p. 80. Pam. v. 423. HILLARYt, Sir William. An Appeal... on... forming a national institution for the preservation of lives and property from shipwreck. London, 1823. 25 p. 80. Pam. v. 429. HIILLENIUS, Iesaias. Eenige welche Christus wordt voorgestelt, als de eenige Toevlugt, etc. 2e druk. Leeuwarden, 1755. 180. HILLEREAU, Abp. J. M., Vic. Apost. of Constantinople. Mandement.. pour le Careme de l'annde 1847. 8~. Constantinople, 1847. 8~. Pam. v. 266. HIILLOUSEt, James A. Dramas, Discourses, and other pieces. Boston, 1839. 296, 249. 2 v. 18~. HILLIARDt ( Henry W.), of Ala. Speech, U.S. H. of R., Jan. 6, 1846, on the Oregon Question. Washington. 80. Pam. v. 206. FIRST SUPPLEMENT. 391 HILLIARD, Samuel. Sermon, before the Lord Mayor, Oct. 9, 1709: Lu. xvi, 29. London. 80. Pam. v. 364. HILTON, Comm. William. Relation of a Discovery lately made on the coast of Florida.. London, 1664. See Force's Tracts;' v. 4. HINCKS, T. D. the inhabitants of Cork...occasion'd by the circulation of Mr. Paine's Age of Reason....Cork, 1796. viii, 112 p. 8~. Pain. v. 335. HIND, H. Y. Essay on the Insects and Diseases injurious to wheat crops..Prize Essay. Toronto, 1857. 139 p. 8~. See also, Canada: Agriculture. tHIND, Rev. Tho. Divinity of Christ, a Sermon, July 7, 1717: John i, 14. Oxford. 8~. Pam. v. 366. HINDLMARCH, W. M. Observations on the Defects of the Patent laws of this country...London, 1851. 57 p. 8~. Pam. v. 416. HINDUSTANI ALPHABET: Bioadsheet. Newsp. v. 16. HINGESTON, Francis Charles, Editor. See Capgrave, John. HINMAN, E. A Family Record of the Descendants of Sergt. Edward Hinman, who first appeared at Stratford, Conn. about 1630..1856. 803 - 884 p. See Hinman, R. R. HINMANt, Royal R. A Catalogue of the names of the early puritan settlers of the Colony of Connecticut...collected from records... Hartford, 1852 - 56. 884 p. 80. Published only five numbers as far as "Danielson," with a sixth numnber on the E. IIinman family added. HINRICHS, J. C. Verzeichniss der Biicher, Landkarten, etc. welche von Jan. bis Dec. 1832 - 37, 39, 40, 41, 45, 46, 53, 54, 55, neu erschienen oder neu aufgelegt worden sind, mit angabe der bogenzahl...einem anhange bibliographischer notizen.. zu finden in der J. C. Hinrichs'schen Buchhandlung in Leipzig. Bound in 15 v. 120. HINT ( The); or a Free, Thought or two offered to the consideration of all those... who have.. overcome the fear of an oath, or a curse.. By a Gregorian (1737). 32 p. 80. Pam. v. 444. HINTON, James. A Vindication of the Dissenters in reply to Dr. Latham's sermon.....4th edition. London (1792). 8~. Pam. v. 320. HINTONt, John H. The Case of the Manchester Educationists: A Review of the evidence taken before a committee of the HI. of Commons.. London, 1852. 116 p. 8~.- A Few Plain Words on the two education bills now before the country.... London, 1852. 15 p. 8~. Pain. v. 388. H[INTS AND SUGGESTIONS on a revision of the liturgy..By Philecclesia. London (1850). 20 p. 80. Pamn. v. 308. HINTS for the carrying into execution the acts for the better ordering of the militia forces in England. London, 1759. 21 p. 80. Pain. v.447. HINTS on the Solution of the Eastern Question: By one who has resided in the Levant. London, 1853. 46 p. 8O. Pain. v. 393. HINTS TO PROTESTANTS against the present encroachments of the jesuits. Not by Ignatius... London, 1826. 39 p. 8~. Pan. v. 344. 392 GENERAL LIBRARY.HINTS TO THE PUBLIC and the Legislature on the nature and effect of evangelical preaching: By a Barrister; Part Iv. By James Sedgwick. London, 1810. 159 p. 80~. Pam. v. 314. HIPPOCRATESt.'I7Tropa-rovS ecal aX.uov ta-rpov TraXalov XeLtbava. Hippocratis et aliorum medicorum veterum reliquise.... Edidit Fr. Zach. Ermerius. V. I. Traj. ad Rhenum, 1859. cxxxiv, 739 p. 4~. HIscox (Edward T.), D.D. The Baptist Church Directory..N. York, 1859. 287 p. 1S~ HISPANIE BIBLIOTHECA, seu De Academiis ac Bibliothecis. Item elogia et nomenclator clarorum Iispanise Scriptorum qui Latine disciplinas omnes illustrarunt, Tomis III distincta.... By Andreas Schott. Francofurti, 1608. 649 p. & index. 4~. HISTOIRE ABRiG1:E des Provinces-Unies des PaYs Bas; oui l'on voit leurs celui de leurs Compagnies... Enrichie d'un grand nombre de figures. Amsterdam, 1701. 110 p. f~. HISTOIRE DES ORDRES MILITAIRES OU des Chevaliers, des Milices seculieres et regulieres de l'un et de l'autre sexe.. Tir6e de l'Abbe Giustiniani, etc.... Et un Traite historiquo de Mr. Basnage sur les duels. Amsterdam, 1720, 21. 4 v. 12~. HISTOIRE DES PAPES depuis St. Pierre jusqu'a Benoit XIII inclusivement. By Fr. Bruys. A La Haye, 1732 - 34. 5 v. 4~. HISTORIxE ROMANCE Scriptores Latini veteres qui extant omnes. Regum,. consulum, csesarumn res gestas ab urbe condita continentes... Ebroduni, 1621. 915, 707 p. & index. In I v. f0. Contents: ToM. I. Tit. Livius, Messala Corvinus, L. Florus, Velleius Paterculus, Sex. Aurelius Victor, Sex. Rufus, Eutropius, Paulus Diaconus, Aur. Cassiodorus, Jornandes, Julius Csesar, Sallustius. ToM. II. Suetonius, C. Tacitus, Elius, Julius Capitolinus, Vulcatius Gallicanus, AElius Lampridius, Trebellius Pollio, Flavius Vopiscus, Ammianus Marcellinus, Justinus.- Pomponius Lsetus, Joan. Baptista Egnatius, Andreas Alciatus, P. Victor: De origine urbis Romae libellus. HISTORIC (The) GALLERY of Portraits and Paintings; or Biographical review; containing a brief account of the lives of the most celebrated men. and graphic imitations of'the finest specimens of the arts...London, Vernon, Hood & Sharpe, 1807 - 11. 7 v. 8~. HISTORICAL ACCOUNT of..... South Carolina and Georgia. By A.. Hewatt. See Carroll's Hist. Coll.: and Hewatt, A. -Cat. 1859. HISTORICAL AND PHILOSOPHICAL SOCIETY, 1839. See Ohio. Cat. 1855. HISTORICAL (A) COLLECTION: Containing ingenious answers.... in ancient history.. Glasgow, 1784. 8 p. 12. Pam. v. 601. HISTORICAL COLLECTIONS out of several grave protestant historians (Heylin, etc.), concerning the changes of religion, and the strange confusions following from them: in the reigns of King Henry the Eighth, Edward the Sixth, Queen Mary and Elizabeth~. *By Dr. G. Hickes or Geo. Touchet. Printed in the year 1674. London, 560 p. 120. HISTORICAL DOCUMENTS froml the Old Dominion: No. I, The Orderly Book of that portion of the American army stationed at or near Williamnsburg, Va. under the command of Gen. Andrew Lewis, fromt March 18th, 1776 to Aug. 28th, 1776... Notes... by C. Campbell. Richmond, Va. 1860. xi, 100 p. sm. 40~. FIRST SUPPLEMENT. 393 HISTORICAL (An) ESSAY concerning the origin and progress of different arts and sciences..for young students..London, 1749. 56 p. 8~. Pam. v. 253. HISTORICAL (The) MAGOAZINE, and notes and queries concerning the antiquities, history and biography of America: Vol. I, II, III. NewYork, 1857, 58, 59. 3 v. sin. 40~. HIISTORICAL (An) MEMORIAL of the Negotiation of France and England from 26 March 1761, to 20th Sept...Trans. from the French original; published by authority. London, 1761. 64 p. 4~. Pam. v. 1011. HISTORICAL PRINTS. See Society of Antiquaries, London. HISTORICAL (An) SKETCH of the College of New-Jersey..Philadelphia, 1859. 66 p. 8~. HISTORICALt SOCIETY OF PENNSYLVANIA Publications. Philadel, phia, 1855- 60. 3 v. 8~. Contents: VOL 5. Braddock's Expedition, by W. Sargent. VOL. 6. Contributions to American History.- Account of Soc. of Cincinnati; Insurrection in Pennsylvania, 1794; Wampum belt of treaty of 1682; French neutrals in Pennsylvania; C. J. Biddle's Case of Maj. Andre. VOL. 7. Record of the Court at Upland, 1676 - 1681; Military Journal kept by Maj. E. Denny, 1781 - 95. Annual Addresses. See Pettit, T. M'C., 1828; Tyson, Job R., 1831; Duane, W., 1850. HISTORIE VAN DE SATISFACTIE, waar mede de Stad Goes en het eiland.van Zuid-Beveland, zich begeeven hebben onder het stadhouderschap van Prins Willem van.Orange in het jaar 1577..Te Goes, 17,77. 8~. HISTORISCH- Verhaal van het gepasseerde te Leyden..1785. Leyden.. 1786. 112 p. 80. Pamn. v. 108. HISTORY (The) OF INK; including its etymology, chemistry and bibliography. New-York, T. Davids (1860). 72 p., and plates. 12~. HISTORY of the Campaign on the Sutlej, and the war in the Punjaub.. 2d edition. London, 1846. 72 p. 80. Pam. v. 393. HISTORY (The) of the City and County of Norwich: From the earliest accounts to the present time. Norwichj Eng. 1768. 648 p. 8~. HISTORY (The) OF THE GARRET, &C. &C. Translated from the hieroglyphics of the society: By a member of the Order of the BlueString. Gotham...143 p. 180. Pain. v. 615. HISTORY of the Issues of Paper Money in the American Colonies, anterior to the revolution, explanatory of the historical chart of the paper money of that period. St. Louis, Mo. 1851. 20 p. 8~. HISTORY (The) of the (late) Minority; during the years 1762, 1763, 1764 and 1765: Exhibiting the conduct, principles and views of -that party. The fourth impression. By John Alrnon and H. Cotes. London, 1765. Repr. 1766. 332 p. 80. PoL. Tr. v. 3. HISTORY (The) of the Test Act. London, 1732; Oxford repr. 1790..31 p. 8~. Pam. v. 318. [ SPPL.1 50 394 GENERAL LIBRARY. HISTORY OF THE WAR IN BOSNIA during the years 1737-8 and-39. Trans. from the Turkish by C. Fraser.... London, Oriental Trans. Fund. 1830. 87 p. 80~. HITCHCOCIC, Rev. Calvin. A Sermon, Sharon, June 11, 1828, Norfolk Co. Educ. Soc. Boston, 1828. 80. Pamn. v. 441. A Discourse, Ancient and iHonorable Artillery Company, June 7, 1841; 203d Anniversary. Boston, 1841. 8~. Pam. v. 441. HITcHcocKt (Edward), D.D., LL.D. An Essay on Alcoholic and Narcotic substances as articles of common use. Addressed particularly to students. Amherst..1830. 48 p. 12~. Pam. v. 629. ----- Outline of the Geology of the Globe, and of the United States in particular; with two geological maps, and sketches of characteristic American fossils. 2d edition. Boston, 1854. 136 p. 8~. Illustrations of Surface Geology. See Smithson Contr. v. 9. - Geological Surveys; Ichnology. See Massachusetts; Vermont. - Anniversary Address, Mount Holyoke Female Seminary, South Hadley, Mass. 1842. Amherst, 1843. 8~. Pam. v. 286. The Highest Use of Learning: Address, Inauguration to the Presidency of Amherst College. Amherst, 1845. 8~. Pam. v. 241. Address.. Porter Rhetorical Society of the Theol. Sem., Andover, Mass. Aug. 31, 1852. Andover, 1853. 8~. Pain. v. 237. Discourse, Second Presbyterian Church, Albany, Aug. 24,1856. Albany, 1856. 8~. Pam. v. 94. iHadley, Mass. at the Funeral of Mirs. Mary Ann Woodbridge. Amherst, 1858. 80. Pam. v. 555. HITCHCOCK (Enos), D.D. A Discourse on the Dignity and Excellence of the human character illustrated in the life of Gen. G. Washington.. Providence, R.I. 1800. 8~. HITCHCOCK (Ethan Allen), Gen. U.S.A. Remarks upon Alchymists, and the supposed object of their, pursuit; showing that the Philosopher's stone is a mere symbol.... By an officer of the U.S. Army. Carlisle, Penn. 1855. 40 p. 80.' Pam. v. 210. e[-]. Remarks upon Alchemy and -the Alchemists, indicating a method of discovering the true nature of Hermetic Philosophy.... Boston, 1857. xv, 304 p. 12~. [I-]. See Obfuscationibus (De), on Mesmerism; etc. 1845. HITCHCOCK (Roswell D.), D.D. Address. See U.S. Inebriate Asylum. HITCHCOCK, Thomas. Connection between Faith, Virtue and Knowledge, a Sermon: 2 Pet. i, 5; 1761. Oxford. 80. Pam. v. 371. IHIVE (The). NVewspaper-Northampton, Mass.: N~ 2, Vol. I, Jan. 10, 1804, to N~ 52, Dec. 21,1804. 416 p. 1 v. 40~. HOADLY, Bp. Benj. [ Writings of: collected.] In I v. 8~. Contents: Sermon before the Lord Mayor, Sept. 29, 1705: Rom. xiii, 1. Lond. 1708....Unhappiness of absolute monarchy. A Sermon at Assizes, March 22, 1708: 1 Sam. viii, 9. London. Some Considerations humbly offered to the Rt. Rev. the Lord Bishop of Exeter... London, 1709. 16 p. FIRST SUPPLEMENT. 395 Sermon, Assizes, July 26, 1708: Acts xxii, 25. London....Of Public Spirit. A Sermon, Soc.of Ancient Britons, March 1, 1716: Phil. ii, 4. London, 1717.. Present Delusion of many Protestants..a Sermon: 2 Thess. ii, 11. Lond. 1715. Sermon before the King, May 29, 1716, on the Restoration Ps. cxxvi, 3. 2d edition. London, 1716....Kingdom of Christ, a Sermon before the King, Mar. 31, 1717. London. A Humble Reply to the..Bishop of Exeter's Answer...Lond. 1709. 72 p. A Preservative against the principles and practices of the nonjurors both in church and state... London, 1716. 102 p. An Answer to a Calumny cast upon the Bishop of Bangor by the Rev. Dr. Sherlock, on... the Corporation and Test acts. London, 1718. 24 p. An Answer to Rev. Dr. Snape's Letter to the Bishop of Bangor. London, 1717. 51 p. An Answer to a late Book written by Dr..Sherlock..." The condition and exampleof our Saviour vindicated, etc." London, 1718. 116 p. Bishop Hoadly's Refutation of Bishop Sherlock's Arguments against a repeal of the corporation and test acts. London, 1787. vii, 78 p. - A Farther Defence of the Plain Account of the nature.... of the Lord's Supper, in answer to the Remarker's 2d letter. London, 1735. 44 p. 80. Pam. v. 349. Sermon, iMarch 8, 1705, Accession to the Throne: Ps. xcv, 2. London. 4~. Pamn. v. 362. A Dialogue between Bishop Hoadly and Bishop Sherlock on the corporation and test acts. London, 1790. 46 p. 80. Pam. v. 319. [ —]. See Enquiry into the Reasons of the conduct of Great Britain, 1727; and, Defence of the enquiry, 1728. Letter to Dr. Snape, 1717. See De La Pilloniere. HOADLY, C. J. Records of Connecticut. See New-Haven Colony. IIoADLY (John), D:D., Bp. of Armagh. Sermon, Assizes, Salisbury, MIar. 9, 1707: Phil. iv, 15. London. 80. Pam. v. 363. --- Sermon, Assizes, July 18, 1708 Dan. iv, 37. London. 8~. Pam. v. 364. -- Sermon, H. of Commons, Jan. 30: 1718: 1 Cor. x, 11. Lond. 8~. Pam. v. 366. HOAR, Samuel. Address, Fitchburg. See Massachusetts Constitution. HOARD'S PATENT GAS REGULATOR: Description of:..1856. 8~. Pam. v. 222, 227. HOARE, Prince. Memoirs of Granville Sharp, esq.; composed from his own manuscripts..With observations on Mr. Sharpe's biblical criticisms, by the Bishop of St. David's@'-. London, 1820. xxxii, 524, xxxiii p. 40. HOARE, Sir R. C. A Classical Tour Through Italy and Sicily...districts which have not been described by Mr. Eustace....2d edition. London, 1819. 2 v. 80. HOBART, Aaron. An Historical Sketch of Abington, Plymouth Co. Mass. With an appendix. Boston, 1839. 176 p. 8~. 396 GENERAL LIBRARY. HOBARTt (John Henry), D.D., Bp. A Pastoral Letter to the Laity of the Prot. Episcojpal Church in the State of New-York, on the subject of bible and common prayer book societies. New-York, 1815. 8~. Pam. v. 200. [ - ]. See Reply to an "Answer to Bp. Hobart," etc. 1815. Address, Aux. N.Y. Bible Soc. N.York, 1816. 80. Pam. v. 204. ----- A Sermon, Consecration of Trinity Church, New-Haven, on the 21st day of Feb. A.D. 1816. New-Haven, 1816. 80. Pam. v. 202. HOBART, Rev. Noah. A Second Address to the Members of the Episcopal separation in New-England..To which is added& a letter from Mr. Moses Dickinson...Boston, 1751. 174 p. 8~. HOBART FREE COLLEGE, Geneva, N.Y.: Register for 1851, 54. Pam. v. 212.- Catalogue for 1856. 80. Pam. v. 247. See also, Geneva College. Journal of Proceedings of the House of Convocation at Geneva, 1852. 8~. Pam. v. 231. HOBBY, William. Exposition of a part of the frauds, corruptions and improprieties committed in the pay department of the army of the United States, since the year 1816. 2d edition. Washington, 1830. 32 p. 80. Pam. v. 102. HOBHOUSE, Benj. A Reply to the Rev. F. Randolph's Letter to the Rev. Dr. Priestley..Trowbridge, Eng. 1792. 233 p. 8~. Pam. v. 315. HOBSON, Capt. Paul. A Garden enclosed and Wisdom justified of her children.. First printed in 1647. London, Huntington, 1817. 81 p. 8~. Pam. v. 307. HoCn-DEuTCSlE (Der) AMERICANISCHE CALENDER, 1739, 40, 42, 43, 44, 51, 53, 55, 63, 65, 66, 67, 69, 72, 73, 75. Germantown, Penn. 1 v.- 1776, 77, 78, 94, 96, 97, 1801, 04, 06, 09, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, Germantown. 1815, Philadelphia. 1 v.- 1816, 17, 18, 19. Phil'a.1820, 21, 22, 23-33. Germantaun. 1 v. 3 v. 4~. HODGE (Charles), D.D. A Brief Account of the last hours of Albert B. Dod, Nov. 20, 1845. Princeton, N.J. 17 p. 8~. Pam. v. 494. HODGES, Almon D. Genealogical Record of the Hodges Family in New-England, containing the names of over 1500 persons from 1633 to 1853...Boston..1853. 71 p. 80. HODGINS, J. George. Memorandum of the establish a system of meteorological observations through Upper Canada. 1 sheet, with a map. 8~. HODGINS, Thomas. See Canada Educational Directory. HODGKINSON, John. A Narrative of his Connection with the Old American, Company, from the fifth September 1792, to the thirtyfirst of March, 1797. New-York, 1797. 29 p. 8. HOFFMANt, Charles Fenno. Love's Calendar, Lays of the Hudson, and other poems. New-York, 1858. 221 p. 24~. IIOFFMANt, David. Emigration to the United States, upon a new and practical plan. London, 1851. 52 p. 8~. Pam. v. 492. FIRST SUPPLEM:ENT. 397 HOFFMAN (Fred.), M.D. A Treatise of the Extraordinary virtues and effects of asses milk, in the cure of various diseases.... From the Latin. London, 1754. viii, 50 p. 8o. Pam. v. 449. HOFFMAN, Joan. D. De Typographiis, earumque initiis et incrementis in Regno Polonise et Magno Ducatu Lithuaniive..,.Dantisci, 1740. 71 p. 4. HOFFMANt, Murray. Notes upon the Penal Law of the Protestant Episcopal Church. With a draft of a general canon. New-York, 1853. 103, viii p. 8~. Pam. v. 203. [- ]. Letter to the Clergy, 1850. HOFLAND, T. C. The British Angler's Manual..New edition, revised and enlarged by E. Jesse...Loindon, Bohn, 1848. 12~. HOFSTEDE, Petrus. Voorbeeld der Prinselyke Waarheden, voor eenvouwigen, die zich bereiden tot de belydenisse des Orange Geloofs, meest voor het gemeen opgesteld.... Rotterdam (1795). 20 p. 8~. Pam. v. 108. See God-geleertheidl en Dicht-kunden der Ouden. [HOGAN, John]. See St.Louis, Thoughts about, 1854. HOGAN, J. Sheridan. Canada: An Essay; to which was awarded the first prize by the Paris Exhibition Committee of Canada***. Montreal...1855. 110 p. 8o. HOGARTHt, William. The Analysis of Beauty: Written with a view of fixing the fluctuating ideas of taste. London (1843). With, Rules for drawing caricatures; with an essay on comic painting. By F. Grose... London, Bagster. In 1 v. 8~. HOGENDORP, D. Van. Staat- en Handelkundige Beschouwing van het Koloniaal Systhema in Frankrijk..... Uit het Fransch vertaald. Amsterdam..1817. 174 p. 8~. HOGERBEETS, Rombout...Korte Inleydinghe tot de Practijcke, voor de Hoven van Justitie in Hollandt... Haerleml (1641). 23 p. sm. 4~. See Grotius, H., Inleiding. HOGG, Jabez. The Microscope: Its history, construction and application....Illustrated with upwards of 500 engravings. 3d edition. London, 1858. 607 p. 12~. HOLBEIN, John. The Dances of Death, through the various stages of human life... 46 copper plates....Etched by D. Deuchar. London, 1803. snm. 4~. [HOLBERGt, Ludvig]. Nicolai Klimii iter Subterraneum, novam telluris theoriam ac historiam quintse monarchise adhuc nobis incognitie exhibens, e bibliothecab. Abelini. Hafnise & Lipsiae, 1766. 12~. - See also, Onderaardsche, etc. Dutch translation. Cat. 1855. ---- ~De Maskerade, blyspel, onder de zinspreuk: kunst wordt door yver aangekweekt. Rotterdam..1777. 88 p. 8~. Pam. v. 107. HOLBROOK'S UNITED STATES RAILROAD GUIDE; and Steamboat Journal. May 1850, No 4. New-York. 128 p. 24~. HOLCOMBE, William. Sermon Prov. xiv, 34, Fast Day; Mar. 9, 1796. London. 4~. Pam. v. 1008. 398 GENERAL LIBRARY. HOLCROFTt, Tho. A Narrative of Facts relative to a prosecution for high treason... and the defence the author had prepared.. London, 1795. 136, 79 p. 80. Pam. v. 412. The Road to Ruin A comedy..92 p. 24~. Pam. v. 396. HOLDEN, Richard. The Improvement of Navigation a great cause of knowledge; a Sermon: Dan. xii, 4; June 7, 1680. London. 4~. Pain. v. 1005. HOLDSWORTH, Winch. Sermon, Locke against the resurrection of the same body examined: John v, 28, 29. Oxford, 1720. 8~. Pam. v. 367. HOLLANDt, Henry Richard Fox, Lord. Some Account of the life and writings of Lope Felix De Vega Carpio. London..1806. 80. [ ] See Inquiry into the state, &c.1806. Letter to the Rev. Dr. Shuttleworth, Warden of New College, Oxford. London, 1827. 33 p. 80. Pam. v. 346. HOLLAND, John. Memoirs of the Life and Ministry of the Rev. John Summerfield..4th edition. New-York, 1830.. 360 p. 12~. HOLLANDt, Josiah G. The Bay-Path: A Tale of New-England colonial life..New-York, 1857. 418 p. 12~. Bitter-sweet: A Poem. New-York, 1859. 120. HOLLAND. See Neitherlands; Nederlandsche, HOLLAND PURCHASE Baptist Association: Minutes, 1821. Batavia, N.Y. 8~. Pam. v. 466. HOLLANDSCHE MAATSCHIAPPIJ VAN LANDBOUW. Mededeelingen en berigten van het hoofdbestuur en van de afdeelingen der; 9e Jaargang, 1856. Rotterdam. 343 p. 120. HOLLERIUS, Jac...De Morbis internis libri ii. A. Valetii..& L. Dvreti illustrati... Parisiis, 1571. 12~. HOLLEYt, Myron. History of the Erection of the Monument on the grave of M. H. With address of Gerrit Smith. Uticaj 1844. 20 p. 120. Pam. v. 504. HOLLINGWORTH, John B. Heads of Lectures in Divinity, delivered in the Univ. of Cambridge. 3d edition. Camb. 1835. 108 p. 80. Pam. v. 305. HOLLIS (John), esq. Sober and Serious Reasons for Scepticism, as it concerns revealed religion. In a letter to a friend. London, 1796. 37 p. 8~. Pam. v. 337. HOLLIS-STREET SOCIETYt. Proceedings of an Ecclesiastical Council, in the case of the proprietors of Hollis-street Meeting House and the Rev. J. Pierpont, their pastor. Prepared by... S. H. Lothrop... Boston, 1841. 385 p. 8~. - Correspondence between the Committee and the Rev. J. Pierpont, which terminated in his resignation, May 10, 1845. Boston. 16 p. 80. Pam. v. 111. their Unitarian brethren, with the documents, relating to a recent call of a minister, by that Society. Boston, 1846. 80. Pain. v. 111. FIRST SUPPLEMENT. 399 HOLLISTER (H.), M.D. Contributions to the History of Lackawanna Valley. New-York, 1857. 328 p. 120. HOLLMAN, Ant.'G. Animadversiones ad Cap. iii et xiii Epist. Pauli I ad Corint. Lipsire, 1819. 46 p. 12~. Pam. v. 295. HOLMES (Arthur), of Cortland. Parties and their principles: a Manual of political intelligence, exhibiting the origin, growth and character of national parties...New-York, 1859. 394 p. 12~. - Speech, N.Y. Assem., on the Constitution and personal liberty, Mar. 9, 1859. 80. Pam. v. 561. HOLMES (A. F.), M.D. Valedictory Address to the Graduates in Medicine of McGill College. Montreal, 1854. 8~. Pam. v. 89. HOLMESt, Edward. A Letter to the proprietors of stock in the Southsea Company. Lond., 1853. 14 p. 80. Pam. v. 427. HOLMES, Francis S. The Horse not originally imported into America from the East. To the Editors of the Charleston Mercury 1858 ). 16 p. 80. Paim. v. 272. HOLMESt, Rev. John. Historical Sketches of the Missions of the United Brethren...2d improved ed. London,.1827. 2 v. 80. HOLMES, John S. Oration, July 4, 1858. See Boston. HOLMES, William R. Sketches on the shores of the Caspian, descriptive and pictorial. Lond., 1845. 80. HOLMIA LITERATA. Ed. R. Von der Hardt. Holmise, apud Theodorum Gotthardum Volgnau, Anno MDCCI. 98 p. sin. 40~. HOLT, Edwin. Discourse, Re-opening and Dedication of the North Church in Portsmouth, N.H. 1838. 8~. Pam. v. 270. HOLTHAUS, P. D. Wanderings of a Journeyman Tailor through Europe and to the East...1824. New-York (1844 ). 97 p. 80% HIOLTON, Pr'of. Isaac F. New-Granada: Twenty months in the Andes. With maps and illustrations. New-York... 1857. 8~. HOLTROP, Joh. Guil. Catalogus Librorum Saeculo XV~ impressorum, quotquot in- Bibliotheca Regia HIagana asservantur. Hag-e, 1856. 591 p. 80. HOLWELL, J. Z. Interesting historical events relative to the Provinces of Bengal and the Empire of Hindostan. With a seasonable hint and perswasive to the Hon. the Court of the Directors of the East India Company. As also the Mythology...of the Gentoos...Parts I, II, III. London, 1766. 2 v. 8~. HOLYOKE (E. A.), M.D., LL.D. Memoir of:... Prepared in compliance with a vote of the Essex South District Medical Society... Boston, 1829. 80 p. 80. HOMANSt, J. Smith. A Cyclopsedia of Commerce and commercial navigation: edited by J. Smith Hiomans..and by J. Smith Homans Jr...New-York, Harpers, 1858. 2007 p. 8~. HoMIANS ( J. Smith), jr. An Historical and Statistical Account of the foreign commerce of the United States... including a review of the progress of American commerce..New-York..1857. 8~. See Banker's Magazine; Merchants' and Bankers' Register. 400 GENERAL LIBRARY. HIOME, Francis. The Principles of Agriculture and Vegetation...3d edition. Dublin, 1759. 103 p. 8~. Pam. v. 421. HOME MISSIONARY SOCIETY, London 4: -th Report. London, 1823. 81 p. 8~. Pam. v. 472. The Home Missionary Magazine; or Record of the transactions of the Home Missionary Society, Jan.-Dec. 1820. London, 1821. 8~. HOME MISSIONARY SOCIETY of the city and county of Philadelphia: 13th Report, 1848. Philadelphia, 1849. 80. Pam. v. 524. HOMEt, SCHOOL and-CHuRcH; or the Presbyterian Education Repository. Ed. by Rev. C(. Van Rensselaer. V. 5, 6, 7, 8, 9; 1855 - 59. Philadelphia. 5 v. 80. HOMERt. OMHPOT AIIANTA, h. e. Homeri Opera omnia, ex recensione et cuem notis Samuelis Clarkii, S. T. P. Accessit varietas lectionum MS. Lips. et Edd. veterum, cura Jo. Avgvsti Ernesti qui et suas notas adjecit"*. Lipsioe, 1759- 1764. 5 v. 8~. The same. Glasguse, 1814. 5 v. 80. O- 0L1pov IJLta.'IH -ryg av-rqg rroXvlrX-vocog avayvwatg. Ed. lo. Lonicerus. Argent., apud Vuolf. Cephal. M.D.XLII. 280 leaves. 18~...Homeri Ilias ad veteris codicis Veneti fidem recensita. Scholia in earn antiquissima ex eodem codice aliisque nunc primum edidit.. J. B. C. d'Ansse de Villoison, 1788. Venetiis. fo. Hormeri Ilias. (um brevi annotatione cur. C. G. Heyne. Ace. Scholia minora. Oxonii, 1834. 2 v. 8~. ---- HIomeri Odyssea. Cum Scholiis veteribus. Ace. Batrachomyomachia, Hymni Fragmenta. Oxonii, 1837. 2 v. 8~. O- 0tpov FLtXLa. Omerou Filias littera digamma restituta, ad metri leges redegit, et notatione brevi illustravit T. S. Brandreth. London, Pickering, 1841. 2 v. 8~. Odyssee d'Homere. Texte grec.... Notes en fran~ais par E. Sommer. Paris, Hachette, 1856. 556 p. 120. HOMER (Rev. William Bradford), of South Berwick, Me. Writings of:. With an introductory essay and a memoir by E. A. Park, Prof. Andover Theol. Sem. 2d edition. Boston, 1849, lix. 395 p. 8~.!HOMEwRGUE, Jean D'. Report of the Comm. on Agriculture, with essays on American silk, by J. D'Homnergue and P. S. Duponceau. Cong. Doct. Washington, 1830. 88 p. 8~. Pam. v. 461. HOMEs, William. Dedication Sermon..Union Presbyterian Church of St.Louis, 1854. St.Louis, Mo. 38 p. 8~. Pam. v. 556. Inaugural the opening of the Mercantile Library Hall of St. Louis, Mo. Oct. 17, 1854. St.Louis, 1855. 47 p. 8~. Pam. v. 209. HOmI(EOPATHIC MEDICAL COLLEGE of Pennsylvania: 2d, 8th, 10th Annual Announcement. Philadelphia, 1849, 55, 57. 80~. Pam. v. 515. 7th Announcement, 1854. Pam. v. 246. HOM(EOPATHIC MEDICAL SOCIETY Of the State of New-York: Proceedings, Albany, 1851.- Ann. Add. Acad. of Med. of the State of N.Y., by F. Vanderburgh. N.York, 1851.- Proceedings Homceop. FIRST SUPPLEMENT. 401 Medical Soc. 1852-53, 1853-54.- Address, by A. S. Ball, 1854.Proceedings, 1855. In 1 v. 80. See also, Proceedings, 1851 - 55. Pam. v. 271, 515. HOM(EOPATHIC OPERATIC PHARMACY. London, James Leath. 15 p. 120. Pam. v. 515. HONE, Philip. Inventory of Paintings, Statuary, Medals, &c. of:... at auction. New-York, 1852. 26 p. 8~. Pam. v. 499. HONERT, Joan. vanden. De Natuur en Gesteldheid van Christus koningryk.... vyf predicatien: Against Stinstra. Leideh, 1742. 235, 483 p. 180~. HONEST (The) ELECTOR'S PROPOSAL for rendering the votes of all constituents, throughout the kingdom, free and independent. By C. VW.***. London, Almon, 1767. 41 p. 80. Pol. Tr. v. 4. IHONEST (An) SCHEME for improving the trade and credit of the nation... and for paying the public debt. London, 1729. 72 p. 8~. Pam. v.417. HIooD, George. A HIistory of Mlusic in New-England; with biographical sketches of reformers and psalmists. Boston..1846. 120. HooD, Thomas. The Poetical Works of:... Boston..1856. 4 v. 18~. Whims and Waifs....Now first collected. New-York, Derby & Jackson, 1860. 479 p. 12~. - Memorials of: his daughter, with a preface and notes by his son...Boston, 1860. 2 v. 18~. HOOFTt, Pieter Corn...Brieven; nieuwe, vermeerderde, en naar den oorspronkelijken text herziene uitgave; met toelichting, aanteekeningen en bijlagen. 1600 - 40. Leiden, 1855. 3 v. 18~. HOOGEVEEN, HIenricus. Doctrina Particularum Lingue Grsece. E typographeo Dameano, 1769. 2 v. 4~. Doctrina Particularum Lingueo Grsecme. In epitomen redegit Christianus Godofr. Schiitz. Glasgua...1813. 80~. HOOGEVEEN, Jan.....Redevoering over de laatste herstelde Vreede...Delft, 1802. 23 p. 8~. Panm. v. 109. HOOGVLIET, Marinus. Specimen e Litteris orientalibus, exhibens diversorum scriptorum locos de Regia Aphtasidarum familia et de Ibn-Abduno poeta, ex MSS. codicibus Bibliot. Leidensis editos, Latine redditos et annotatione illustratos.....Lugd-Batav., 1839. 164 p. 4;.0 HoOK (Walter F.), D.D. The Gospel.....the Basis of Education, a Sermon: Mark xvi, 15, 16. London, 1839. — Sin of...Lukewarmness, a Sermon: Rev. iii, 16. London, 1844.- Rural Deanery of Leeds, Report, Sept. 1, 1851. Pamn v. 328. Reasons for contributing towards the support of an English Bishop at Jerusalem. London, 1842.- A Letter to his parishioners on the use of the Athanasian creed....5th ed. Oxford (1838). 8~. Pam. v. 328. HIOOKERt (Edward W.), D.D. Memoir of Mrs. Sarah L. H. Smith, late of the American Mission in Syria...3d ed. New-York, Am., Tr. Soc. 12~. [ SurL.] 51 C402 GENERAL LIBRARY. HOOKER (H. E.), & Co. Catalogue of the Rochester Commercial nurseries. Rochester, N. Y., 1856. 52 p. 80. Pam. v. 505. HOOKERt, Thomas. The Saints Dignitie and Dutie, together with the danger of ignorance and hardnesse. Delivered in severall sermons, by that reverend divine Thomas Hooker, late preacher in New-England. London, 1651. viii, 252 p. sin. 40~. HOOPER (George), D.D., Bp. Sermon before the King, November 5, 1681: Uatt. xxii, 21. London, 1682. 4~. Pam. v. 360. Sermon, 1H. of Commons, Ap. 4, 1701. Fast-day: Phil. iii, 20. London. O~. Pam. v. 361. Sermon before Parliament, July 7, 1713, Thanksgiving for Peace. London. 80. Pam. v. 365. HOPE, G. Prize Essay. See National Anti-Corn Law League. HOPE, John. Letters on certain proceedings in Parliament, during the sessions of the years 1769 and 1770..... ".. London, Almon, 1772. 79 p. 8~. Pol. Tr. v. 6. HOPKINS, A. T. The American Patriot. A Discourse, Thanksgiving: Ps. exxii, 4. Buffalo, 1843. 8~. Pam. v. 557. HOPKINS, Henry. Exercises in Orthography and Composition...... London, 1837. 18~. HOPKINS, Johns. Discourse, Sept. 29, 1771:- Neh. iv, 23. Oxford, 1771. 8~. Pam. v. 313. HOPKINSt (John Henry), D.D., Bp. Reply to the Letter of Rev. Dr. Seabury, Editor of the Churchman...on Tract No. 90. NewYork, 1846. 16 p. 8~. Pam. v. 200, 543. HOPKINSt ( Mark), D.D., President of Williams College. A Sermon, Am. Board of Comm. for For. Miss., Brooklyn, N.Y., Sept. 1845. Boston, 1845. 8~. Pain. v. 270. Discourse, commemorative of Amos Lawrence..... in Williams College...Boston,, 1853. 8~. Pam. v. 555. - The Central Principle. An oration, New-England Society of New-York, Dec. 22, 1853. New-York, 1854. 80. Pamu. v. 241. Sermon, Second Presbyterian Church, Albany, Aug. 24, 1856. Albany, 1856. 80. Pam. v. 94. HOPKINS (Rev. Samuel), of West-Springfield, Mass. Historical Memoirs, relating to the Housatunnuk Indians; or an account of the methods used and pains taken for the propagation of the gospel among that heathenish-tribe, and the success thereof, under the ministry of-the late Reverend Mr. John Sergeant..... "". Boston, 1753. 182 p. sin. 40. [HOPKINS (Samuel),. DA.D], of Newport, R.I. A Dialogue concerning the Slavery of the Africans, shewing it to be the duty and interest of the American states to emancipate all their African slaves... To which is prefixed, the Institution of the Society in New-York for promoting the manumission of slaves... Norwich, Conn., J. P. Spooner, 1776. New-York, rep. for R. Hodge, 1785'. 72 p. 12~. HOPKINS, Samuel. The Puritans: or the Church, Court, and Parliament of England, during the reigns of Edward VI and Queen Elizabeth. In 3 v. V. i, II. Boston, 1859. 2 v. 82 ~ FIRST SUPPLEMENT. 403 HOPKINS ( Samuel M.), esq. An Oration, Washington Benevolent Society, in the city of New-York, at Zion Church, on the 22d Feb. 1809. New-York, 1809. 8~. Pam. v. 237. HOPKINS, Rev. Samuel MiY. Protestantism in the Middle of the Nineteenth Century: Inaugural Address, Auburn Theol. Sem. Auburn, 1849. 80. Pain. v. 286. HOPKINS ACADEMY, Hadley, Mass.: Catalogue, 1849. 8~0. Pam. v. 458. HORACEt. Q. Horatii Flacci Opera, cum variis lectionibus, notis variorum et indice locupletissimo. Ed. Carolus Combe,. Londini, Browne, 1792. 2 v. 4~. Q. Horatius Flaccus. Nouvelle edition, publiee avec des arguments et des notes en fran(ais, et prec6dee d'un precis sur les metres employes par Horace, par E. Sommer. Paris, Hachette, 1855. 422 p. 12~. Horace's Art of Poetry. Made English by the Right Honorable the Earl of Roscommon. London, 1684. 32 p. 40~. Pam. v. 1013. HORAMAYR, Joseph F. von. Herzog Luitpold. Gedichtnissrede, 1831. xxxv, 107 p. 40. See Keen. Baier. Ak., Reden, v. 5. [HORNEt, George], D.D., Bishop. The Theology and Philosophy of Cicero's Somnium Scipionis explained: Or a brief attempt to demonstrate that the Newtonian system is perfectly agreeable to the notions of the wisest ancients..London, 1751. 55 p. 8~. Pam. v. 399. An Apology for certain Gentlemen in the University of Oxford aspersed in a late anonymous pamphlet.....Oxford, 1756. 66 p. 80. Pam. v. 300. Sermon, the late Earthquakes and the Fast: Rev. xi, 13, 14. 1756, Oxford. 8~. Pam. v. 370. Christ....very God, a Sermon-:. Rom. x, 13. Oxford, 1775.. 8~. Pam. v. 373. The Character of true Wisdom. A..- A Sermon, King's School Anniv., Canterbury, Aug. 28,1784. Oxford. 40~. Pam. v. 1008. Charge to the Clergy. Norwich, 1791.40. Pani. v. 1009. HORNE, Thomas. Sermon, Whitehall, Feb. 8, 1685, Sunday after death of Charles II: 1 Thess. v, 19. London. 40. Pam..v. 360. HORNEt ( Thomas H.), D.D. A Manual of Biblical Bibliography:.. the-principal editions and versions of the Holy Scriptures, together with notices of the principal philologers, critics and interpreters of the bible...London, 1839. 8~. HORSFORDt, Prof. E. N. Report on the phrenological classification of J. S. Grimes. Albany, 1840. 44 p. 120. 2 copies. Pam. v. 522. - Value of different kinds of Vegetable Food, based upon the amount of Nitrogen. 365 - 397 p. 8~. Pam. v. 210. [ HORSLEYt, Bp. Samuel]. A Review of the Case of the Protestant Dissenters, with reference to the Corporation and Test acts....2d edition. London, 1790. xxii, 64 p. 80. Pamin. v. 319. Charge to his Clergy, 1790. London. 120. Pam. v. 323. In 4~. Pain. v. 1009. [ --— ] See Apology for the Liturgy, 1790. 404 GENERAL LIBRARY. [ HORSLEYt, Bp. Samuel]: ---- Sermon before-Parliament, Jan. 30, 1793, Martyrdom of Charles I Rom. xiii, 1. With an Appendix concerning the political principles of Calvin. London. 39 p. 4~. Pam. v. 362. HORSMAN, E. Speech, H. of Commons, 1847, on the Bishopric of Manchester Bill. London, 1847. 8~. Pam. v. 330. HORST, Georg C. Zauber-Bibliothek; oder von Zauberei, Theurgie und Mantik, Zauberern, Hexen und Hexenprocessen, Dadmonen, Gespenstern und Geisterer-scheinungen. Zur Bef6rderung einer reingeschichtlichen, von aberglauben und unglauben freien beurtheilung dieser gegenstdnde.......... Mit Abbildungen. Mainz, 1821- 26. 6v. 8o. HORTICULTURIST (The). Conducted by P. Barry... J. Jay Smith. New series. Vol. 5. Jan. 1855 - Vol. 6, Dec. 1856. Philadelphia, 2 v. roy. 8~. HORTON, R. G. The Life and Public Services of James Buchanan, late Minister to England...... including the most important of his State Papers...New-York, 1856. 12~. HORTON, Hon. R. W. First Letter to the freeholders of the county of New-York, on negro slavery..... London, 1830. 112 p. 80. Pam. v.437. HOSFORD'S CALENDER. Albany, 1826, 27. 12~. Alm. v. 13, 21, 33. HOSKINS, Nathan. A History of the State of Vergennes, Vt. 1831. 316 p. 12~. HOSMER, H. P. Kate Klayton, the Indian Captive of Cherry Valley...Rochester, N.Y. 1855. 90 p. 12~. HOSPITAL of the Protestant Episcopal Church in Philadelphia: Report, 1858. Philadelphia. 35 p. 0~. Pam. v. 506. HOUBIGANT, Car. Fr. Proleg. in Script. Sacram. See Smits, J.; Haas, P.; Hamelsveld, I. van; Rynink, J. H.; Groot, C. De. HouQvt ( Franklin B.), M.D. The New-York Civil List from 1777 to 1857. Albany, 1857. 12~. - Historical andcl Comparative Statistics of the population of Canada. Montreal, Oct. 1857. Newsp. slips. 8~. Pam. v. 564. -- Results of the New-York State Census of 1855, and the comparative growth of the City and State at different periods: Read before Am. Geog. and Statist. Soc. July 2, 1857. Ex. from N. Y. Tribune, July 3. In 8~. -- Superintendent. See New-York, Census, 1855. *~- Essay on the Climate of the State of N.York. From' State Agri. Soc. Trans. Albany, 1857. 80. Pam. v. 272. - Proclamations for Thanksgiving, issued by the Continental Congress, Pres't Washington, by the National and State governments on the peace of 1815, and by the Governors of New-York, since the introduction of the custom; with those of the governors of the several States in 1858. With an historical introduction and notes. Albany, Munsell & Rowland, 1858. xvii, 183 p. 4~. A History of Lewis County...New-York... Albany, 1860. iv, 819 p. 8o. FIRST SUPPLEMENT. 405 - Editor. See Easton's Philip's War, 1675; Diary of siege of Detroit: in Munsell's Historical series; Papers on Deerfield and Hatfield; Nantucket Papers; New-York: Regent's Reports: Indian Antiquities. HOuGH't, Horatio G. Diving; or An attempt to describe...a method of supplying the diver with air under water..I- artford, Conn. 1813. 7 p. 8~. Pam. v. 493. HOUGH, Bp. John. Sermon, before Parliament, April 4, 1701; Fastday: Ps. cxxvii, 1. London. 4~. Pam. v. 361. Sermon, before Parliament, Thanksgiving day, Nov. 22, 1709: Ps. xxi, 23. London. 80. Pam. v. 379. HOUGHTON (J.) jr., and BPISTOL,. T. W. Reports of William A. Burt and Bela Hubbard, esqs., on the geography, topography and geology of the U.S. surveys of the mineral region of Lake Superior for 1845...And a correct map of the mineral region..also, a chart of Lake Superior...Detroit..1846. 109 p. 18~. HIOUSEHOLDt WORDS: A Weekly Journal — Conducted by Charles Dickens. Vol. XIii, Jan. 19, 1856 -July 12,1856. Lond. 1 v. roy. 8. HOUSEKEEPER'S ALMANAC, New-York: Nafis & Cornish, 1845. 12~. Alm. v. 25. HousEs OF REFUGE AND.SCHOOLS OF REFORM: Proceedings of the first convention of managers and superintendents of:.. in the U.S. of America. New-York, 1857. 147 p. 8~. Pam. v. 507. HOUSSAYEt, Arsene. Histoire de l'Art en France, recueil raisonn6 et annotr... Premiere serie. Paris. 8~. HoUSTONt, Sam. Speech, U.S. Senate, on the Bill for the Relief of Yucatan. Washington, 1848. 14 p.- Speech, U.S. Senate, on the Resolution reaffirming the compromise measures, 1851. 8 p. 80. Pam. v. 486. ----- Nebraska Bill — Indian tribes: Speech, U.S. Sen. Washington, 1854. 15 p. 8~. Pam. v. 508. Letter... to Gen. Santa Anna. Washington, 1852. 8 p. 8~. Pam. v. 527. his reasons for supporting Mr. Fillmore. Washington, July 21, 1856. 4 p. 8~. Pam. v. 537. Life of:.. Washington, J. T. Towers. 15 p. 8~. Pam. v. 471. HOUTE, Willem van. Heilige Roemens-lust van een gelovigen in den Messias...verklaring van Ps. 146. Leyden, 1736. 18~. Howt ( Tho. Y.), D.D. Address, Auxiliary N.Y. Bible and Common Prayer-book Society..N.York, 1817. xii, 52 p. 8~. Pam. v. 542. How I came to be Governor of the Island of Cacona:...By the Hon. Francis Thistleton, late Governor of the Island of Cacona.**. Montreal, 1852. 220 p. 8". HOWARD, Bezaleel. Sermon, Ordination of Allen Pratt...Westmorland, Oct. 6, 1790. Keene, N.H. 8~. Pam. v.453. HIOWARD, G. W. F. See Carlisle, Earl of. 406 GENERAL LIBRARY. HOWARD, Henry. Historical References in support of the remarks on the erroneous opinions entertained respecting the Catholic religion, and to prove that its principles are not adverse to civil liberty. Carlisle, Eng. 1827. 94 p. 8~. Pam. v. 346. HOWARDt, Luke. A Cycle of Eighteen Years in the seasons of Britain, 1824 to 1841; compared with others before made for a like period (ending with 1823), in the vicinity of London. With 5 plates. Lond. 1842. 22 p. 8~. HOWARD, Sanford. Grasses and Herbage Plants Prize Essay (N.Y. St. Agr. Soc.). 8~. Pam. v. 272. HOWARD, Simeon. Massachusetts Election Sermon, May 31, 1780, Boston. See Thornton, J. W. HOWARD FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY, Lowell, Mass.: Charter and By-laws, Jan. 1855, Lowell. 89. Pam. v. 239. HOWE, Joseph. The Speeches and Public Letters of the Hon. Joseph Howe. Ed. by William Annand, M.P.P. Boston, 1858. 2 v. 8~. Speech.... on the importance and value to Great Britain of her North American Colonies...London....1851. 28 p. 8~. — And in Pam. v. 215. Speech on Inter-colonial Railroads and Halifax, N.S. May, 1851. Halifax, 1851. 8~. Pam. v. 571. HOWEt (Samuel G.), ]I.D, Letter to..Connm'rs of Mass. for the State Reform School for girls. Boston, 1854. 8~. Pam. v. 207. HOWEL, Laurence. The History of the Pontificate from its supposed beginning to the end Qf the Council of Trent, anno domini 1563... 2d edition. London, 1716. 8~. HOWELLt, James. See Cotton's ( Sir R.) Posthuma, 1679. [HOWELL, T. B.]. Observations on Dr. Sturges' Pamphlet, 1802. [ HOWELL, William]. Sermon, Peace and Unity recommended, before Univ. of Oxford...By the author of..the Common Prayer-book the *best companion. Oxford, 1712. 8~. Pam. v. 365. Sermon, Univ. of Oxford, May 13, 1711, on the Trinity 1 John v, 7. By the author, 4-c. London. 8~. Pain. v. 365. HOWITTt, WV. Translation. See Holthaus, P. D., Wanderings. HOWLEY, Abp. William. Sermon: Lu. xxii, 25, 26, Consecration of Dr. Huntingford, June 27, 1802. London, 4~. Pam. v. 1008. HoYO, Doct. D. Joseph del. Relacion completa, y exacta del Avto publico de Fe, que se celebro en esta ciudad deLima, a 20 de Diziembre de 1694..con el preludio panegirico de Catholicos progressos...Lima, 1695. 44, 62 leaves, sm. 4~. HoYOIS, IH. J. Mus~e Bibliographique; Collection d'ouvrages imprimes et manuscrits, dont le moindre prix est de 1000 francs. Mons, 1837. xxiv, 192 p. 80. HOYT, Comfort. Memoirs of Dolly E. Hoyt, a member of the Union Missionary family...Arkansas... Osage nation...Danbury, Conn. 1828. 107 p. 18". FIRST SUPPLEMENT. 407 HOYT, David W. A Genealogical History of John Hoyt of Salisbury, and David Hoyt of Deerfield ( Mass.), and their descendants; with some account of the earlier Connecticut Hoyts, and an appendix containing the family record of William Barnes of Salisbury, a list of the first settlers of Salisbury and Amesbury, &c. Boston, 1857. 144 p. 80 HUBBARD, Austin O. Elements of English Grammar... designed for schools...Baltimore, 1827. 220 p. 12~. HUBBARD, H. Sermon, Charity for relief of Clergymen's widows. Ipswich, July 19, 1750: 2 Kings iv, 1. Cambridge. 40~. Pam. v. 1007. HUBBARDt (Henry), of N.H. Revolutionary War pensions: Speech, U. S. H. of R., Feb. 29, 1832. Pam. v. 193. HUBBARD (Stephen J.), _M.D. Registration the Basis of sanitary reform. 1855. See Conn. State Med. Soc. HUBBARDt, William. Testimony to the order of the Gospel. See WATise, J. HUBBELL, G.B. State Prison Discipline. Remarks N.Y. Assembly, March, 1859. Albany, -1859. 22 p. 8~. Pam. v. 539. HUBBELL, W. W. Remarks on the subject of his Patent Fire-arms, and his Explosive destructive concussion shell. Philadelphia, 1844. 8~. Pam. v. 102. HtiBNER, Otto. Statistical survey of nations. Leipsic, 1852. Tabular. Newspaper, v. 16. Die Banken. Leipzig, 1853. 476 p. 80. Die Banken. Leipzig, 1854. 128 p. 8~. HUCHING'S IMPROVED ALMANAC, New-York: J. G. Totten, 1833. 12~. Alm. v. 37. HUDIBRASTICK (The) BREWER; or A preposterous union between malt and meter: A Satyr upon the supposed author of the Republican procession..London, 1714. 36 p. 12~. [HUDSON, Rev. Charles]. A Word, &c. See Trinity Ch. Pam. v. 4. HUDSON ( Hon. Charles), of Mass. Incompetency of Witnesses on ac-count of religious belief, 1838. See Massachusetts. - Speech, U.S. IT. of Rep., relating to the Mexican War, Dec. 16, 1846. 8 p.- Speech, on the Constitutional Power of Congress over the territories. Washington, 1848. 16 p. 8~. Pam. v. 486. Address to the Citizens of 5th Congressional district of Mass. on retiring from the office of representative..... Washington, 1849. 14 p. 80. Pamn. v. 527. Address. See Westminster, Mass. 1857. HUDSON, C. F. Debt and Grace, as related to the doctrine of a future life. 2d edition. Boston, 1858. viii, 472 p. 12~. HUDSON, N. Y. Directory..for 1851- 52, by Parmenter & Antwerp.For 1852 - 53, by W. B. Stoddard. Hudson, 2 v. 18~. HUDSON'S BAY COMPANY. Extent and Value of the possessory rights of the Hudson's Bay Company in Oregon, south of forty-ninth degree. Legal opinions, 1848, 9. 51 p. 8~. 408 GENERAL LIBRARY. HUDSON'S BAY COMPANY: Return to an Address of the Leg. Assem. requiring copies of any Charters, Leases or other Documents under which the...Company claim title...Canada Leg. Doct. April 1857. Toronto. 75 p. 4~. Pam. v. 567. First Report of Select Committee to...receive information as to the rights of:.. June 8, 1857. Canada Leg. Doct. 24 p. 4~. Pam. v. 567. HUDSON FEMALE SEMINARY, N.Y. Catalogue, 1857. 8~. Pain. v. 459. HUDSON FIRST REFORMED DUTCH CHURCH. Manual, 1854. 15 p. 12~ Pam. v. 547. HuDsoN (The) Illustrated with Pen and Pencil,- comprising sketches... together with the route to Niagara Falls..... New-York. T. W. Striong, 1852. 32 p. 4o. HUDSONt RIVER BAPTIST ASSOCIATION. Minutes, 1821. Hudson, N. Y. Pam. v. 466.- Minutes, New-York, June 20, 21, 22, 23, 1848. New-York, 1848. 8~. Pam. v. 219. HUDSON RIVER BAPTIST ASSOCIATION, North: Minutes at Hudson, 1857. 8~. Pam. v. 466. HUDSON RIVER INSTITUTE AND CLAVERACK ACADEMY. Catalogue, 1857. Pam. v. 456. HUDSON RIVER RAILROAD COMPANY: Rules, in addition to the Printed Regulations. New-York, 1851.- 2d Ann. Report, 1849. Pam v. 146. HUETt, Bp. Pierre D. A View of the Dutch Trade in all the States, Empires and kingdoms of the world, showing its first rise and amazing progress..From the French..2d edition. London..1722. 232 p. 12~. HUGHES, David. Visitation Sermon: Acts xx, 28. Oxford, 1809. 80. Pam. v. 375. HUGHESt ( George W.), Lt. Col. U.S. Eng. Memoir Descriptive of the march of a division of the United States army under the command of Gen. J. E. Wool, from San Antonio de Bexar in Texas to Saltillo in Mexico. Cong. Doct. 1846. 67 p. and plates. 8~. Letter in Answer to the Hon. J. M. Clayton, Sec. of State, on Intermarine Communication. Washington, 1850. 80. Pam. v. 103. HUGHES, J., Editor. See Boscobel Tracts. HUGHES (James), of Indiana. Speech, in favor of the Kansas Policy of the administration, at a democratic meeting, N.Y. Washington, 1858. 15 p. 80. Pam. v. 561. I-IHUGHESt, Abp. John. Reflections and Suggestions in regard to what is called the Catholic Press in the United States. New-York, 1856. 34 p. 8~. Pam. v. 266. HUGHES, John T. California:.. From Sir G. Simpson's Journey... And An Account of the Revolution in California and Conquest.... 1846 - 7. Cincinnati, 1848. 105 p. 120~. HUGHES, Joseph. Zeal, a Sermon, Soc. in Scotland for Prop. (Chr. Knowl.: Gal. iv, 18. 2d edition. London, 1802. 8~0. Pam. v. 375. [ —— ] See Excellence of the Scriptures, 1803. FIRST SUPPLEMENT. 409 ----- Sermon, Death of Rev. John Owen, Sec. B. and F. Bib. Soc. 2d edition. London, 1822. Pam. v. 382. HUGHES (Ob.), D.D. Fast Sermon. 2d edition. Ps.: lxxxi, 13, 14. London, 1744. 8~. Pam. v. 369. HUGHES, Richard. A the Trustees of the General Infirmary of the Co. of Stafford; with a letter to Mr. John Ward, one of the surgeons. Birmingham, 1787. 14 p. 8~. Pam. v. 218. [ HUGHIES, Thomas]. School-clays at Rugby. By an Old Boy. 5th ed. Boston, 1858. 120. HUGHESt, Rev. T. S. [A collection]. In l v. 8~. Contents: An Address to the People of England in the cause of the Greeks...London, 1822. 44 p. Considerations upon the Greek revolution..London, 1823. 28 p. A Defence of the Apostle St.Paul against the accusation of G. Smith, esq. in a recent publication entitled "Not Paul, but Jesus." Part I. Cambridge, 1823. v, 120 p. An Examination of St.Paul's doctrine respecting the divinity of Christ, in which are noticed some of Mr. Belsham's arguments. Cambridge, 1828. vii, 77.p. Belshazzar's Feast: A Seatonian prize poem, with notes..Cambridge, 1818. 53 p. 8~. Pam. v. 397. HIUGHESt, William. The Flower Garden and compleat Vineyard. In two parts: The first showing how flowers are to be ordered...The second, An excellent way for the planting of vines.... and how to advance our English wines. 3d edition, improved. London...1683. 47, 103 p. In 1 v.180~. HluGot, Victor. Songs of Twilight. Trans... by G. W. M. Reynolds.. Paris, 1836. 128 p. 8~. Pam. v. 398. IHULK (Adamus van der), Goesanus. Troost-rijcke leere...der rechtveerdigen. Utrecht, 1666. 18~. Pam. v. 634. HULL, Yorkshire, Lincolnshire, and Northern and Middle Counties Almanack..1852. Hull. 12~. Alm. v. 49. HULL, I. Minutes of the Proceedings of the Court of Inquiry into the official conduct of Capt. Isaac Hull, as commandant of the U.S. Navy-yard at Charlestown... convened..Aug. 12, 1822. Off. Doct. Washington City, 1822. 80~. HULL, Joseph. A Guide to the English Language; containing the powers of the English alphabet; an extensive vocabulary, with the signification of each word... Utica, 1818. 167 p. 18~. HULL, William. Ecclesiastical Establishments not inconsistent with christianity...London, 1834. vii, 67 p. 8~. Pam. v. 320. HULLAH, John. Wilhelm's Method of teaching singing, adapted to English use...In three books. London; 100 p. 8~. Pam. v. 400. - A Selection of Pieces sung at...the upper schools instructed on Wilhelm's method...London. 8~. Pam. v. 400. HI-ILSEMANNt, Chev. J. G. Correspondence between Mr. Hiilsemann, Austrian Charge d'Affaires, and Mr. Webster, Sec. of State of the U.S. Washington, 1851. 8~. Pam. v. 213. [ SUPPL.] 52 410 GENERAL LIBRARY. HuLsHOF F Allard. Kerkelyke Redenvoeringen. Amsterdam, 1795, 6. 4 parts in 2 v. 80. HULSIUS, Paulus. Geleerde Verklaringe der meeste heilige Liederen in het 0. en N. Testament begrepen. Rotterdam, 1726. 1056 p. 4~. I-IULTON, Rev. F. C. Copy of Correspondence between, and T. Clegg, on the case of Westhoughton C4apelry. Manchester, Eng., 1851. 28 p. 8S. Pam. v. 330. HIUVIAN NATURE. A philosophical exposition of the divine institution of reward and punishment... London, 1844. 91 p. 12~. HIUMBOLDTt, Alex. von. Vue des Cordilleres, et Monumens des Peuples indigmnes de l'Amerique. Paris, 1810. Introd. xvi p. (dated, 1813), 350 p. and 69 plates. In 1 v. gr. f0. Researches concerning the Institutions and Monuments of the ancient inhabitants of America, with descriptions and views of some of the most striking scenes in the Cordilleras. Translated by Helen Maria Williams. London, 1814. 2v. 8~. - Voyage de umboldt et Bonpland. Deuxi'me partie.- Recueil d'Observations de Zoologie et d'Anatomie comparee, faites dans l'Ocean Atlantique, dans l'interieur du Nouveau Continent et dans la Mer du Sud pendant les annees 1799, 1800, 1801, 1802 et 1803. Paris, 1811. 368, 64 p. and plates in 1 v. 40~. ---.Voyage de Humboldt et Bonpland. Troisieme partie. Essai politique sur le Royaumre de la Nouvelle Espagne;.... Avec un atlas physique et g6ographique, fonde sur des observations astronomiques, des mesures trigonomnetriques et des nivellemens barometriques. Tome premier, deuxieme. Paris, 1811. xcii, 905 p. in 2 v. 40, and atlas fol. ----- The Island of Cuba:.. Trans. from the Spanish, with notes and a preliminary essay by J. S. Thrasher. New-York..1856. 12~. -- osmos...Vierter band. Stuttgart, 1858. 1 v. 8~. - Kosmos: A Sketch of a physical description of the universe.. E. C. Otte and WV. S. Dallas..... v. 5. London, Bohn, 1858. 12~. Letters of.... to Varnhagen von Ense, from 1827 to 1858.... Trans. from 2d Germ. edition by F. Kapp. New-York, 1860. 12~. The Life, Travels and Books of:.... With an introduction by Bayard Taylor. Compiled by R. H. Stoddard. New-York, 1859. xvii, 482 p. 12~. HUMBOLDT, G. Pseud. Poems and letters to Don Brown, by Gay Humboldt alias Burr Lington, D.L.L. By Gay H. Naramore. Albany, 1857. 252 p. 18~. HIUMBOLDTt, Bn. Wilhelm von. The Sphere and Duties of Government, J. Coulthard jun. London, 1854. 203 p. 12~. HUME ( Rev.A.), LL.D. The Learned Societies and Printing Clubs of the United Kingdom; being an account of their respective origin, history, objects and constitution:..... their published works and transactions...With a the present time, by A. J. Evans. London, 1853. xxxii, 294, 72 p. 12~. FIRST SUPPLEMENT. 411 HUMEt, Joseph. Speech, H. of Commons, July 25, 1822: On the National debt; and the operation of the sinking fund. 8~. Pamn. v. 439. HIUMEt (Rev. J. W.). Principles of Odd Fellowship. Address, R. W. G. Lodge of Tennessee, I. 0. O.F. Nashville, 1848. 80. Pam. v. 286. HUMPHIrEY (Edward P.), D.D. Sermon, Board of For. Miss. of Presb. Church, before Gen. Assembly. New-York, 1857. 8o. Pam. v. 270, 525. HUBIPHnREYt (Heman), D.D. Address, Collegiate Institution, Amherst, Ms.; on occasion of his Inauguration....October 15, 1823. Boston, 1823. 80~. Pam. v. 286. Parallel between Intemperance and the Slave-trade. (1828?) New-York. 120. Pam. v. 629. The Kingdom of Christ: A Sermon..... Annual Conv. of the Congr. Ministers of Mass., in Boston, May 29, 1830. Boston, 1830. 80. Pam. v. 441. Valedictory Address, Amherst College.... Amherst, 1845. 8~. Pam. v. 286. A Tribute to the Memory of Rev. Nathan W. Fiske, late Prof. of Intell. and Moral Phil. in Amherst College. Amherst, 1848. $~. Pam. v. 238. - The Life and Labors of the Rev. T. H. Gallaudet, LL.D... NewYork, 1857. 440 p. 12~. HUMPIHREY'S ( S. D.) JOURNAL of the Daguerreotype and Photographic - arts, and the sciences and arts pertaining to heliography: Vol. 5, 6, 7; Ap. 1853 to Ap. 15, 1856. New-York. In 2 v. 8~.- Vol. IIV. See Dagueriian Journal. Cat. 1855. H[UMPIREYst, Col. David. Discours en Vers, adresse aux officiers et aux soldats des diffdrentes armrees americaines.. Engl. with French translation by le Marq. de Ch....Paris, 1786. 8o. A Poem, on the Happiness of America; addressed to the citizens of the United States. London, printed 1786. Portsmouth, N.H. 1790. 45 p. 8~. HUNtPHREYS (F.), M.D. The Materia Medica: An Address, Central New-York Homeopathic Society, at Syracuse, June 3d, 1851..... Utica, 1851. 80. Pain. v. 286. HUMI-PHREYSt, Henry Noel. The Illuminated Books of the Middle Ages: An Account of the development and progress of the art of illumination, as a distinct branch of pictorial ornamentation, from the ivth to the xviith centuries. Illustrated by a series of examples of the size of the originals, selected from the most beautiful Mss. of the various periods, executed on stone, and printed in colours, by Owen Jones. London, Longman, etc. 1849. Text and plates, gr.f~. The Art of Illumination and Missal-painting: A Guide to modern illuminators, illustrated by a series of specimens. London, Bohn, 1849. 64 p. 180~. -- -The Origin and Progress of the Art of Writing: A connected narrative of the development of the art in Egypt, China, Mexico, etc..and its subsequent progress to the present day. Illustrated by a number of specimens of the writings of all ages... London, 1853. 176 p. 40 412 GENERAL LIBRARY. HU3MPHIEYS, Henry Noel: Ocean and River Gardens: A History of the marine and fresh water aquaria, with the best methods for their establishment and preservation. With 20 plates.... Part I, Ocean Gardens; Part II, River Gardens. London, 1857. 112, 108 p. sin. 4 Butterfly Vivarium; or Insect Home: Being an account of a new method of observing the curious metamorphoses of... insects. Illustrated with coloured engravings. London, 1858. 288 p. sm. 40. HUMPHIREYS, T. Sermon, Authority of the N. T. prov'd: 1 Thess. iv, 8. Oxford, 1712. 8~. Pamn. v. 365. HUNGARIAN EXILE, 1855. See S., P. HUNGERFORD (Orville), of N.Y. Speech, U.S. H. of R., on....Reducing the duty on imports. Washington, 1846. 8~. Pam. v. 290. HUNT'S FAMILY ALMANAC for 1847. Phil'a. 12~. Alm. v. 42, 46. IIUNT'St MERCHANT'S MAGAZINE: Vos1. 33 - 40; July 1855 - June 1859. New-York. 8 v. 8~. HUNTt, Freeman. Lives of American Merchants..Vol.-I. New-York, 1856. 8. HUNT ( Hiram P.), of N.Y. Speech, U.S. H. of Rep., Jan. 23, 1840, on Abolition petitions and papers. Washington. 8~. Pam. v. 206. HUNT (Jeremiah), D.D. Sermon, Society for Ref. of Manners: Dent. xxxii, 29. London, 1716. 8~. Pam. v. 366. Sermon, Mutual Love: John iii, 11. London, 1728. 8~0. Pam. v. 367. -- Sermon, Penance and Pilgrimage: Mark vi, 125 London, 1735. Pam. v. 368. HUNTt, Leigh. A Book for a corner; or Selections in prose and verse, from authors the best suited to that mode of enjoyment. With comments... London, Bohn. 2 v. in 1. 12~. HUNT ( T. G.), of La. Speech, U.S. H. of Rep., on the Nebraska and Kansas territories, Mar. 23, 1854. 8~. Pam. v. 561. HUNT, T. Sterry. Geology of Canada, 1855. See Logan, W. E. HUNTt (Washington), of N.Y. Remarks, U.S. H. of R., on... Representatives... elected by. general ticket, 1844. -8. Pam. v. 487. Speech, U.S. H. of Rep., on the Naturalization Laws, 1845. 8~. Pam. v. 487. - Letters to the' People from W. Hunt, D. D. Barnard, and Sam Houston, July 1856. 16 p. 8~. Pam. v. 537. HUNT'i, William. Leaves from the American Biographical Sketch-book. Mrs. Emma Willard's life. Albany, 1848. p. 224 - 231. 8~. Pam. v. 471. HUNT, William. Speech, U.S. H. of R., on the Tariff, June 24, 1846. 15 p. 8~. Pam. v. 290. HUNTER, H. Letter to the Churches.. Brotherly Love. Leicester, Eng. 7 p. 8~. Pam. v. 296. HUNTER, Rev. John. The Calvinism of the Church of England..... London, 1841. 35 p. 120. Pam. v. 327. FIRST SUPPLEMENT. 413 HUNTERt, John D. Pseud. MIemoirs of a Captivity among the Indians of North-America. To which is added, some account..of the territory west of the Mississippi. London, 1823. 8~. Repr. HUNTER, Joseph. A Tribute to the Memory of Rev. John Simpson.. a sermon, 1813. Bath, Eng. 80. Pam. v. 382. HUNTERt (Robert M. T.), of Va. Speech, U.S. Senate, on the French Spoliation bill. Washington, 1851. 8o. Pain. v. 487. ----- Speech, U.S. Sen., on Nebraska and Kansas, February 24, 1854. Washington. 15 p. 80. Pam. v. 561. Speech, U.S. Sen., on the Resolutions of the Massachusetts legislature concerning the assault on Mr. Sumner, June 24, 1856. Washington. 12 p. 80. Pam. v. 537. HUNTERt, William. Annual Address...Rhode Island Society for the encouragement of domestic industry, October 1824. Providence, 1826. 8~. Pam. v. 241. HUNTER (William S.), jr. Hunter's Ottawa Scenery, in the vicinity of Ottawa City, Canada. Lith. J. HI. [Bufford, Boston. Ottawa City, Canada West, 1855. 19 p., 14 plates. 1 v. 4~. ---- Eastern Townships' Scenery, Canada East. Montreal, 1860. 36 p. and plates. 40~. HUNTERIAN ORATION (Feb. 1851) that would have been delivered by a member of the college.... From London Med. Ex. 8 p. 8~. Pam. v.405. EHUNTINGDONt, Countess of. Rules and Articles.. in the.. college of: London, 1792. 15 p. 8~. See Backus' Discourse. HUNTINGFORD, Bp. Geo. I. [ Writings collected ]. In I v. 8~. Contents: Thoughts on the Trinity. London, 1804. xii, 116 p. The Petition of the English Roman Catholics considered; in a charge.... London, 1810. vi, 58 p. A Protestant Letter, addressed to...Lord Somers. London, 1813. 179 p. HUNTINGTON, Miss. Sea-Spray: A Long-Island village. By Martha Wickham. New-York, 1857. 461 p. 12~. HUNTINGTONt, D. Catalogue of Paintings by: Exhibiting, Art Union Buildings. New-York, 1850. 80. Pam. v. 103. HUNTINGTONt ( E. A.), D.D. Discourse on the Death of Thomas H. Cushman. Albany, 1841. 80. Pam. v. 268. The Strife for Supremacy in the Church. A Sermon, Synod of Albany. Albany, 1852. 80. Pam. v. 559. HUNTINGTONt (Fred. D.), D.D. Permanent Realities of Religion and the present religious interest. A Sermon: Is. lv, 6, 7. Boston, 1858. 48 p. 8~. Pam. v. 558. Address, 1859. See Hadley Celebration. [ HUNTINGTON (Joseph), D.D.] See Plea...Council at Stockbridge, 1780. HUNTLEY, Lydia. Poems. See Sigourney, L. H. 414 GENERAL LIBRARY. H'UPFAUER, Paul. DruckstUeke aus dem XV Jahrhunderte, welche sich in der Bibliothek des regulirten Chorstiftes Beuerberg befinden M...3it 23 holzschnitten. Augsburg, 1794. 384 p. 12~. HURD, John C. Topics of Jurisprudence connected with conditions of freedom and bondage... New-York, 1856. 113 p. S~. IHURDi, Bp. Richard. Sermon: Ps. cxix, 59; H-. of Lords, Fast, Dec. 13, 1776. London, 1777. 4~. Pam. v. 1008. [ —-— ]. Remarks on Mr. D. Hume's Essay on the Natural History of Religion: addressed to Rev. Dr. Warburton. New edition. London, 1777. 103 p. 8~. Pam. v. 334. HURDIS, Rev. James. - Reflections upon the Commencement of a NewYear. London, 1793. 20 p. 8~. Pam. v. 374. HURST, J. F. Why Americans love Shakspeare? An Address... Catskill, N.Y., 1856. 80. Pain. v. 513. HusiJIssoN't, William. Two Speeches, H. of Commons, March 21, 25, 1825, respecting the colonial policy and foreign commerce of the country. London... Pam. v.-439. Speech, H. of Commons, May 7, 1827, Shipping interest..With an appendix of returns. London. 93 p. Pam. v. 439. Speech on the Silk Trade, 1826. See Williams, John. Select Speeches. See Walsh, R. HUSTED & KROEHL. remove..." Hell-Gate".... presented to the Legis. of N.Y., Jan. 1855. 3 p. 8~. Pam. v. 529. [HUTCHESON, A.]. See Speech, House of Commons, 1722. HUTCHINGS, Tho. Sermon, Death of Rev. A. Austin, Pastor of Baptist church: Rev. xiv, 13. 1816, London. 80. Pai. v. 382. HUTCHINGS' (Revived) ALMANAC. Young, N.York, J. Montgomery, 1825. Alm. v. 20; 1829, Alm. v. 14.- Hutchings' Alm. 1834. N.Y. J. Doyle.- Hutchings' improved, Elton, 1838.- Hutchings' improved, N.Y. Turner & Fisher. 1838,'39, Aim. v. 37. HUTCHINS' IMPROVED: Being an Almanack...for 1767, 69 -72, 74, 77, 88, 93, 94, 95, 96. New-York. 1777 also reprinted Newark, N. J. I v.- For 1801, 1802, 04, 07, 08, 09, 13, 16, 18, 19, 21, 22. New-York. 1 v.-2 v. 120.- The three last are entitled, Ming's Hutchins'. HUTCHINS' IMPROVED (Family) ALMANAC, N.Y. C. Brown, 1830; 1833, 34, 35, 41, 43, 50, Raynor, N.Y.; 1843, Poinier & Snell, Alm. v. 37:- For 1844,'45,'46,'47,'51,'53,'55, Raynor. Aim. v. 26. HUTCHINS' NEW-YORK, VERMONT, MASSACHUSETTS AND CONNECTICUT ALMANACK. Troy, 1803. 12~. Alm. v. 20. HUTCHINS' REVIVED ALMANAC. New-York, Smith & Forman, 1812, 13, 15, 16, 17. 120. Aim. v. 20. HUTCHINSON (Francis), D.D. An Historical Essay concerning Witchcraft.. and also two Sermons; one in proof of the Christian Religion: the other concerning the good and evil angels...London, 1718. xx, 270 p. 8o. FIRST SUPPLEMENT. 415 [ IUTHINSONt, Gov. Thomas]. See Experience preferable to theory, 1776. [-].: See Strictures upon...Congress, 1776. HItTTEN, Ulric Von. Pseud. An Epistle congratulatory to the Rt. Rev. the Bishops of the Episcopal Court at Camden, N~.J. From Ulric von Hutten. 1853. 74 p. 80. Pam. v. 203. HUTTON-, JOS. Christ our Teacher by Divine appointment, a Sermon: Joh. xiii, 13. London, 1841. 8~. Pam. v. 378. HUTTON, Bp. Matthew. Sermon, 1746. See Soc. for Prop, Gospel. ----- Sermon. Yearly meeting of the Charity Schools, 1744. London. See Soc. Pro. Chr. Knowledge. HUTTONt (Williamn), F.A.S.S. The Life of: including a particular account of the riots at Birmingham in 1791.... Written by himself, and published by his daughter, Catherine Hutton. London, 1816. ~400 p. 8o. HUXLEY, Tho. H. The Oceanic Hydrozoa; a'description of the Calycophoridoa and Physophoridwe....London, 1859. See Ray Society. HUEYGENSf, Constantin. Koren-Bloemen. Nederlandsche Gediebhten.. Tweede druck, vermeerdert tot xxvII boecken. I, 11 deel. t' Amstelredam, 1672. 2 v. 40~. HYATT, Cha. Sermon, Execution of William Corder: Num. xxxii, 23. 1828. London, 8~. Pam. v. 380. HYDE, James F. C. The Chinese Sugar-Cane; its History, mode of culture, manufacture of the sugar, etc., with reports of its success in different parts of the United States..-.Boston, 1857.' 106 p. 12~. HYDE (John ), jr. Alornmonism: its leaders and designs. By John Hyde jr., formerly a Mormon elder and resident of Salt Lake City. New-York, 1857. 335 p. 12~. HYDEt, Thomas. Catalogue of Bodleian Library. See Oxford lJniv. HYDE,'William. An Address delivered at the Opening of the New Town-Hall, Ware, Mass., March 31, 1847. Containing sketches of the early history of that town...Brookfield, Mass., 1847. 56 p. 8~. HYMN (A) TO THE POPE. Proving that Saint Peter never was at Rome...London, 1735. 23 p. 80.' Pam. v. 444. HYMNS for the Sick-room. New-York, A. D.F. Randolph, 1860. 12~. [HYMNS IN ARAENo-TURKISH I. Ilahiler, etc. Constantinople, 1850. 80 p. 18o. HYPOCRITE (The); or Sketches of American Society, from a residence of forty years. By Aesop*'*. New-York, T. Fox, 1844. 120 p. 80. I. IBBETSON (James), D.D. Sermon, Anniv. Sons of the Clergy, 1758: Gal. vi, 10. London. 40~. Pamn. v. 1010. A Plea for the Subscription of the Clergy to the 39 Artidles of religion. 3d edition. London, 1768. 48 p.- The samee 5th edition, with large additions. 1772. London. 8~. Pam. v. 323. 416 GENERAL LIBRARY. IBBET$ON (Richard), D.D. Sermon, Divinity of Christ:-1 Tim. iii, 16. Oxford, 1712. 80. Pain. v. 365. IBBOT (Benj.), D.D. Sermon, before Lord Mayor: 1 Tim. ii, 1, 2. Accession to the Throne. London, 1714. 8S.Pam. v. 366. ---- -Sermon, at St. James, Accession to the Throne: 2 Chron. ii, 11. London, 1715. 80. Pam. v. 366. IDIE d'une Collection d'Estampes. See Heineken, C. HI. IDENTITY (The) OF JUNIUS. 1816. See [ Taylor, John]. IGNATIUS (St.), Epistolm. See Dionysius. IGNATIUS Vartabedi. Untorinagoutiun kordznagan: Practical Perspective in Armenian. Venedig, 1814. 128 p. 80. Plates wanting. IGNOTUS. Letters. See Popery, 1817. ILLESCAS, Gonqalo de. Historia: Pontifical y Catholica, en la qual se contienen las vidas y hechos notables de todos los Summos Pontifices Romanos.... Con mas una breve recapitulacion de la Cosas de Espaina..dende Ealarico primo, hasta Don Philippe Segundo, nuestro senor. Compuesta y ordenada por el Doctor Gon~alo de Illescas... Por el mismo author en muchos lugares afiadida en la qninta impression... Prima e Segunda Parte, 1306 - 1572. Barcelona, 1589. 2 v.- Tercera Parte, 1572 - 1592, por Luys de LBavia, 1609. 1 v. - Quarta Parte...por F. Marco de Guadalajara y Xabierr, 1592 - 1605. En Caragvga, 1612. 1 v. 4 v. sin. fo. ILLINOISt. Geological Survey: Abstract of a Report on Illinois J. G. Norwood. With three plates. Chicago, 1858. 98 p. 8~. Also in Pam. v. 551. ILLINOIS AND MICHIGAN CANAL: reply to certain charges which were preferred by Mr. Charles Oakley... at a meeting of subscribers to the loan of $1,600000.W...ashington, 1847. 80~. Pam. v.223. ILLINOIS ASYLUAI for the Education of Deaf and Dumb. Second Biennial Report, for 1847, 48. Jan. 31, 1849. Springfield, 1849. 8~. Pam. v. -167. ILLINOIS BAPTIST PASTORAL UNION: 12th Ann. meeting; and Baptist Gen. Association of Illinois, 13th Annual meeting. Minutes, 1857. Chicago. 8~. Pam. v. 465. ILLINOIS CENTRAL RAILROAD COMPANY: Documents relating to the organization of.. New-York, 1851. 146 p. 40, and map. Report to the a committee..on the progress and condition of the work..New-York, 1853. 80. Pam. v. 283. ---- ~Report. New-York, 1856. 58 p., and map. 40. Pam. v. 1014. Sectional Maps, showing 2,500,000 acres farm and wood lands, etc. Chicago, Ill. 1855. 80. Pain. v. 283.. Offers for sale over 2,000,000 acres selected farming and wood lands. New-York, 1856. 8~. o Pam. v. 256, 520.. Offers for sale over 1,500,000 acres selected farming and wood lands, etc...Boston, 1857. 80 p. 80. Pamn. v. 283, 520. ILLINOIS COLLEGE. Catalogue, 1836. Jacksonville, 1837. 8~. Pam. v. 480. FIRST SUPPLEMENT. 417 ILLINOIS DIRECTORY. M3ontague's Illinois and Missouri State Directory for 1854-5...also a register of the officers...homestead and exemption laws...St.Louis Directory. St.Louis, 1854. 504 p. 8~. ILLINOIS STATE AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY: Transactions... with the Proceedings of the County societies and kindred associations. Vol. I, 1853 -54; Vol. II, 1856 - 57. Springfield, Ill., 1855, 57. 2 v. 80. ILLINOIS VOLUNTEERS. Official Register of the Officers of the Illinois Volunteers, 1846. Alton (Ill.), 1846. 8~. Pam. v. 102. ILLUSTRATED AGRICULTURIST'S ALMANAC: G. W. Marshall, N.York. J. G. Reed. 1852. 120. Alm. v. 26. ILLUSTRATED ANNUAL REGISTER of Rural Affairs and Cultivator Almanac for 1855. J. J. Thomas, Albany, N.Y. 144 p. 8~.- For 1855, 56, 57. 128 p. each. 8~. Alm. v. 35. ILLUSTRATED FAMILY CHRISTIAN ALMANAC: Am. Tr. Soc., N.Y., 1848,'49,'51,'52,'53,'54,'55. Alm. v. 32. — For 1851. Alm. v. 15. ILLUSTRATEDt LONDON ALMANACK 1856,'57,'58,'59,'60. London...5 v. 40. ILLUSTRATEDt LONDON NEWS Vol. 27, July 1855.- Vol. 35, Dec. 1859. London. 9 v. fo. ILLUSTRATED NEWS OF THE WORLD: Weekly. 1858, 59. London. 4 v. fo. ILLUSTRATIONS OF BAPTISMAL FONTS. With an Introduction by F. A. Paley. By T. C. London, 1844. 125 plates. 8~. ILLUSTRIRTE CALENDER 1854. Philadephia. 120. Alm. v. 42. ILLUSTRIRTER DEUTSCI-I-AMERIKANISCHER VOLKSKALENDER.. NewYork, Wester1mann, 1851. 40. Aim. v. 15. IMAGES A L'USAGE DES SALLES D'ASILE: iistoire Sainte. Three series. Recits moraux. Notions industrielles. Culture et emploi du ble.- Arbres, arbustes, plantes.- Arts. et metiers.- Aninzaux domestiques.- Animaux sauvages. Paris, L. Hachette et Cie. 10 series of plates. 1 v. f~. Explications. See Boucard, B3attelle, Chevreau. IMIHOF, MIAXIMUS. Ueber das Schiessen gegen heranziehende donner und hagel gewitter. 1811. 24 p. See Keen. Baier. Ak. Reden, v. 4. IMMENSt, PETRUS. De Zaligheidt der dooden...Lyk-reede over.... Fred. van Houten, 1711.....Derde druk. Appendices. Dordrecht, 1727. 108 p. 18~. Pam. v. 633. IMPARTIAL and correct History of the War of 1812. New edition. NewYork, 1816. 120. IMPARTIAL (,An) Enquiry into the Legal Constitution of the College of Physicians, in London. London, 1753. 108 p. 8~. Pain. v. 210. IMPARTIAL Enquiry into the state and utility of the Province of Georgia. By Benj. Martyn. London, 1741. 104 p. 120.- Also in Georgia Hist. Soc. Coll. v. 1. IIMPARTIAL (An) Examination and full confutation of the argument brought by Mr. Woolston's pretended Rabbi.... against the truth of our Saviour's resurrection...2d edition. London, 1730. 23 p. 8. Pam. v. 332. [ SUPPL.] 53 418 GENERAL LIBRARY. IMPARTIAL History of the war in America to the end of 1779. London, 1780. 80. W. C. 32. IMPARTIAL History of the war in America between Great Britain and the United States. 2d edition. Boston, 1783. 2 v. 80. WY. C. 33. IMPARTIAL (L'): Journal de Smyrne: 7 Mai 1852.- Dec. 13, 1855. Imperfect files. See Courrier'de Constantinople. IMPARTIAL (An) Narrative of the last expedition to the. coast of France. By an eye-witness. London, 1758. 21 p. 8~. Pain. v. 447. IMPARTIAL (An) Narrative of the reduction of Belleisle... written by an oficer employed on the expedition. London, 1761. 48 p. 80. IMPARTIAL Observations to be considered on by the king, his ministers and the people of Great Britain. London, 1763. 27 p. 40~. IMPARTIAL Remarks upon the preface of Dr. Warburton, wherein that author has taken some uncommon liberties with the character of the Rev. Dr. Taylor...By J. Taylor. London, 1758. 45 p. 8~. Pam. v. 352. IMPARTIAL (An) Statement of the controversy respecting the decision of the late Committee of Canvassers. Containing the opinions of E. Randolph, esq., Attorney-Gen. of the U.S., and several other eminent characters. New-York, T. Greenleaf, 1792. 8~. Pam. v. 220. IMPORTANCE of the Study of Anatomy. From the Westminster Review, with some additional remarks. Boston, 1825. 80. Pam. v. 271. IMPORTANT (The) Question concerning invasions, a sea-war, raising the militia and paying subsidies for foreign troops fairly....stated.... London, 1755. 64 p; 80. P~am. v. 410. IMPORTANT Questions of state, law, justice and prudence, both civil and religious, upon the late revolutions and present state of these nations. By Socrates Christianus. By Edward Stephens. London, 1689. 14 p. 40. Pam. v. 408. INCONVENIENCES (The) of Toleration, or an answer to a late book, intituied, A proposition made to the king... By T. Tomkins. London, 1667. 38 p. 8~. Pam. v. 354. INCORPORATED SOCIETY in Dublin for promoting English Protestant (working) schools in Ireland. [Accounts of Proceedings, and Sermons before, in London, from 1735 to 1773 in part.] Pam. v. 368, 1010.- For 1751. See Conybeare. INDEPENDENTt CHRONICLE AND THE UNIVERSAL ADVERTISER: V. 26. Dec. 22, 25, 29, 1794. Boston. Newsp. v. 15. INDEPENDENT GAZETTEER AND AGRICULTURAL REPOSITORY: Sept. 24, 1791; Oct. 1, 1791; May 24, June 14, Oct. 25, Nov. 14, Dec. 22, 1794. Philadelphia. See Newsp. v. 15. INIJEPENDENT ORDER OF ODD FELLOWS: Digest of the laws of:.. Philadelphia, 1848. 100 p.l16. -: Grand Lodge of the United States - Adjourned session, Sept. 1850, Cincinnati. 429 - 578 p. 8o.- Annual Communication, Baltimore, -Sept. 1854. 2203 -2380 p. 80.- Constitution..adopted Sept. 1851. 25 p; 8~. Pam. v. 550.: COLUMBIA. R.W.G. Lodge of the District of Columbia: Proceedings, Dec. 23, 1853. 215 -262 p. 8~. Pam. v. 550. FIRST SUPPLEMENT. 419 --: ILLINOIS. Constitution and By-laws of the Grand Lodge of the U.S..... of Illinois... of subordinate lodges... Springfield, 111. 1847. 31 p. 80. Pain. v. 550.: MARYLAND., Independence Lodge, NO 77: General laws. Baltimore, 1853. 180. Pam. v. 624.: NEw-YoRIK. Constitution.... of the R.W.G. Encampment of Patriarchs..of the State of N.York, 1848. 64 p. 180. Pamn. v. 624. New-York Encampment of Patriarchs, N~ 1: Constitution. Albany, 1852. 180. Pam. v. 624.: 3 v. 8~. Contents: VOL. 1, 2. R.W. Grand Lodge of New-York: Proceedings at its annual sessions, New-York City. Annual Reports of subordinate lodges.... 1840 -47. VOL. 3. Proceedings of the same: May, August, Oct. 1847.- R.W. Grand Lodge of Northern N.York An-nual Communication at Utica, Aug. 1850. 192 p.- Annual Communication at Rochester, 1851. N.York, 1851. 221 p.- Annual Communication at Albany, Aug. 1854. Syracuse, 1854. 28 p. 3 R.W. Grand Lodge of Southern New-York: Proceedings, Annual Session of August, and regular stated session of Oct. and Dec. 1853. New-York City. 83 p. Albany City Degree Lodge, N~ 11: Constitution. Albany, 1842. 18~. Pam. v. 624. Evening Star Encampment, N~ 32: Constitution. Albany, 1855. 12~. Pam. v. 624. Hope Lodge, N~ 3: Constitution. Albany, 1844. 180~. Pam. v. 624.: NORTHERN NEW-YORK. Annual Communication of the Right Worthy Grand Lodge of:.. Albany, Aug. 1854. Syracuse, 1854. 8~. Pam. v. 199. See also V. 3 above. Grenville Lodge, N~ 363: Constitution. Schenectady, 1857. 180. Pam. v. 624. Richmondville Lodge, NO 446: Constitution...Albany, 1853. 18~. Pam. v. 624. --- V: ERMONT. R.W.G. Lodge of Vermont: Proceedings, August 10, 11, 1853; Rutland. 48 p. 8~. Pam. v. 103, 550.- Proceedings, Aug. 8, 9, 1855, at Brandon. Rutland, 1855. 8~. Pam. v. 211. INDEPENDENT ORDER OF RECIABITES, Schonegtada Tent, N~ 304: By-laws. Albany, 1853. 18~. Pam. v. 624. INDIA. Original Minutes of the Gov. Gen. and Council of Fort William, in Bengal, on the appointment...of Sir E. Impey to be judge...London, 1781. vi, 24 p. 8~. Pam. v. 431. INDIA AND AUSTRALIA MAIL STEAM-PACKET COMPANY: Charter. 8~0 Pam. v. 434. INDIAN (The) ADVOCATE: Vol. 1, NO 3. Louisville, Ky.. 1846. Pub. by the Am. Indian Mission Association. 8~. Pam. v. 508. INDIANt BOARD, in the City of New-York, for the emigration, preservation and improvement of the aborigines of America. July 22, 1829. New-York, 1829. 8~. Pam. v. 254. 420 GENERAL LIBRARY. INDIAN RESERVATION SULPHUR SPRINGS, near Buffalo, N.Y. With an account of its analysis. Buffalo, 1848. 30 p. 18~. Pam. v. 210.Also, Buffalo, 1859. 19 p. 8~. Pam. v. 515. INDIAN TERRITORIES: Notes for the new act of parliament for India. Windsor, 1852. 12 p. 8~. Pan. v. 433. INDIANAt: AGRICULTURE. Transactions of the State Board, 1851, 52, 53. Indianapolis, 1852 - 54. 3 v.- Fifth Report of the State Board...for 1856. Indianapolis, 1858. 1 v. 4 v. 80~.: BLIND. 8th Report of the Indiana Institute for the education of the blind. Indianapolis, 1854. 8~. Pam. v. 218.: DEAF AND DUMB. 10th Report of the.. Indiana Institute for educating the deaf and dumb. Indianapolis, 1853. 80. Pam. v. 218.: EDUCATION. 3d Ann. Report of the Superintendent of Public Instruction.... Jan. 1855. Indianapolis, 1855. Pam. v. 190.- 5th Report, Jan. 1857. 190 p. 8~. Pam. v. 277. IN:SANE. AnnualReports of the..Indiana Hospital for Insane. Nov. 1854. Indianapolis, 1854. Pam. v. 218. LIBRARY. Catalogue of:.. for 1859. Indianapolis. 8~. ~ MESSAGE of Gov. J. A. Wright, delivered before the General Assembly, Jan. 9, 1857. Indianapolis. 26 p. 8~. Pam. v. 522. INDIANA STATE TEACHERS' ASSOCIATION: Minutes of the First Annual session. Indianapolis, Dec. 25, 1854. 1855. 80. Pam. v. 190. INDULGENCE NOT JUSTIFIED: Being a continuation of the discourse of toleration, in answer to the argument of a late book entitled, A Peace offering, &c. By R. Perrizchief. London, 1668. 40. Pam. v. 354. INDUSTRIAL SCHOOL OF ROCHiESTER: 1st Report. Rochester, N.Y. 1858. 80. Pam. v. 509. INFANT SCHOOL SOCIETY. Boston, 1829. 120~. Pam. v. 605. INFANTRY EXERCISE. [A Collection of ninety-three plates, in French, illustrating infantry exercises; without date, name of engraver, or place]. 1 v. f~. INGERSOLLt (Joseph R.), of Pa. Speech on the Judiciary, delivered in the Convention of Pennsylvania, Nov. 1, 1837. Pam. v. 193. Speech, U.S. H. of R., July 2, 1846, against the proposed Tariff. Washington. 8~. Pam. v. 206. INGHAM COLLEGIATE INSTITUTE, Le Roy, Genesee Co., N.Y.: Catalogue, 1852.- Ingham University: Annual synopsis. Rochester, 1857. 8~. Pam. v. 479. INGLEFIELD, J. N. Capt. Inglefield's Narrative concerning the loss of H. M.'s ship the Centaur...A new edition. London, 1783. 39 p. 8~. Pam. v. 391. INGRAHAM, Edward D. A Sketch of the Events which preceded the capture of Washington, by the British, on the twenty-fourth of Aug. 1814"*. Philadelphia..1849. 8~. Catalogue of the Library of:... sold March 20, 1855, Phil'a. 184 p.- Supplement of autographs and engravings. 47 p. Cat. v. 72, 92. FIRST SUPPLEMENT. 421 INGRAHAMt, Joseph W. Letters to Sunday Scholars on the Geography of the TN.T....New-York, P.E.S.S. Union. 180. Catalogue of Library of:. Sold, Boston, 1848. Cat. v. 25. INHABITANTS OF MOROCCO...By a well known authoress. New-York, Sun office, 1843. 54 p. 80. Pam. v. 500. INdAN, Henry. Catalogue of works by the late:.... with a biographical sketch...New-York, 1846. 20 p. 8~. Pam. v. 499. INNES, John. Letter to the Lord Glenelg...on negro apprenticeship. London, 1838. 29 p. 8~. Pam. v. 438. INNOCENCY of Error vindicated, 1715. See [ Sykes, A. A.] INQUIRY (An) concerning Faith **. By Bp. Joseph Butler. London, 1744. 107 p. 8~. Pam. v. 338. INQUIRY (An) into the legal mode of suppressing riots, with a constitutional plan for future defence. By Sir. lilliam Jones. London, 1780. 35 p. 8~. Pam. v. 410. INQUIRY (An) into the nature of sin, as exhibited in Dr. Dwight's theology. A letter to a friend by Clericus. By N. W. Taylor, D.D. New-Haven, 1829. 43 p. 8~. Pam. v. 295. INQUIRY- (An) into the. past and present relations of France and the United States of America. London...1811. 87 p. 8~. INQUIRY (An) into the state of the nation, at the commencement of the present administration. 3d edition. By H. R. Fox, Lord Holland? London, 1806. 219, xviii p. 8~. Pam. v. 413. INSOLVENT (The) REGISTER. Vol. 1, No 1 -15. N.York, 1811, 12. 4~. INSTITUTt (Impdriale) DE FRANCE: ACADIMIE DES SCIENCES. Comptes rendus hebdomadaires des S6ances de l'Ac. des Sciences. T. 39. Juil. 1854.- T. 47, Dec. 1858. Paris, 1854 - 58. 9 v. 40. See also Acad6mie des Sciences. Cat. 1855. Memoires. Tome 23, 1853; Tome 24, 1854; Tome 27, ire partie, 1856. Paris. 3 v. 4~. - Menioires presentes par divers savants a l'Acad6mie. Nouvelle Collection: Sciences Mathematiques et Physiques. Tome 12-15. Paris, 1854-58. 4 v. 4~. - Academie des Sciences Morales et Politiques. Memoires, Tome I - IX (2,T serie). Paris, 1837 -1855. 9 v. 4~. -. M6moires. Tome I, II: Savants Etrangers. Paris, 1841, 1847. 2 v. 4~. Rapport et Discussions de toutes les Classes de l'Institut de France, sur les ouvrages admis au Concours pour les Prix decennaux. Paris, 1810. viii, 151, 158, 250, 64 p. in I v. 4~. INSTRUCTIONS by the Commissioners of His Majesty's Customs in America to.. who is appointed.... of the Customs at the Port America. (1768). 40 p. 80~. INSTRUCTIONS FOR CONFESSION AND COMMUNION. Printed in the year 1730. London? 155 p. 24~. 422 GENERAL LIBRARY. INSURANCE (The) GUIDE: containing a series of calculations; shewing, on inspection the rate per cent. to divide an average loss... &c. To which are added concise tables of discounts...London, 1811. 8". INTERCEPTED LETTERS. Letters intercepted on board the Admiral Aplin, captured by the French; and the Moniteur... London, 1804. 107 p. 8o. Pam. v. 392. INTEREST (The) OF ENGLAND consider'd in respect to Protestants dissenting from the establish'd church...By J. Shute, Lord Barrington? London, 1703..75 p. 40. Pam. v. 358. INTEREST of Great Britain steadily pursued, etc. 1743. See [ Walpole H.], Cat. 1855. INTEREST (The) of Scotland in three essays: I, The true original and indifferency of church government; II, The union of Scotland and England into one monarchy; III, The present state of Scotland... By 14illiam Seton. London, 1702. vi, 114 p. 80. Pam. v. 409. INTEREST (The) of the merchants and manufacturers of Great Britain, in the present contest with the colonies, stated and considered. London, Cadell, 1774. 50 p. 8~. INTERNAL IMPROVEMENTS IN THE STATE OF NEW-YORK. From Hunt's Merchants' Mag. By A. C. Flagg. 34 p. 8~. Pam. v. 544. INTERNATIONAL ART-UNION JOURNAL. Vol. I. Nov. 1849. N. York. Goupil, Vibert & Co. 8~. Pam. v. 499. INTERNATIONAL BRIDGE COMPANY. Memorial to the Legislature of N.Y. 1858. fo. Newsp. v. 16. INVENTION ( L'), Journal Mensuel de la proprietS industrielle, litt6raire, artistique et commerciale. Par Ch. Desnos- Gardissal...9me - 12me annee, 1854- 57. Paris. 4 v. 8~. IN VINO VERITAS; or, A Conference betwixt Chip the Cooper, and Dash the Drawer (being both boozy), disclosing some secrets in the wine-brewing trade. Useful for all sorts of people, to save their money and preserve their health. London..1698. 35 p. 18~. IowAt: CENSUS. The Census Returns of the different counties for 1856, 1859. Iowa City, 1857; Des Moines, 1859. 2 v. 8~..- -: EDUCATION. Report of the Commissioners of Revision of the school laws, under the act of the General Assem., July 14, 1856. 8~. Pam. v. 250. ----: GEOLOGICAL SURVEY. Report of the Geological Survey of the State...1856 - 57. By James Hall; J. D. Whitney...Vol. I; Part I, Geology-; Part II, Paleontology. Albany, 1858. 2 v. roy. 8~. PENITENTIARY. Report of the Warden... to the Legislature, Nov. 30, 1856. 8~. Pam. v. 245. IOWA. A Description of Central Iowa, with especial reference to Polk county and Des Moines, the State capital..... Des Moines, 1858. 32 p. 12~. Pam. v. 565. IOWA LAND COMPANY: Brief Circular relating to the counties of Clinton, Cedar and Linn.. Chicago, Ill. 1858. 18 p. 8~. Pam. v. 565. IOWA STATE AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY: 15th Report, 1858. Des Moines, 1859. 8o. FIRST SUPPLEMENT. 423 IOWA STATE UNIVERSITY: First Circular. Sept. 1, 1855.- Circular, 1856.- Catalogue, 1856. Iowa City, 1857. 8~. Pam. v. 480. IOWA WESLEYAN UNIVERSITY: Address delivered upon the installation of Rev. Lucien W. Berry, D.D., as president. Mount Pleasant, 1856. 80. Pam. v. 286. IPSWICH (MI ass.) SEMINARY for female teachers: Catalogue, 1839. 8~. Pam. v. 460. IRELAND, Edmond S. Reflections on the Political state of the church, 1837. London. 102 p. —With, A transcript. By the writer of political disquisitions. 1837. London. 15 p. 8~. Pam. v. 342. [IRELAND, William H.]. See Chalcographimania, 1814. IRELAND: Its Ecclesiastical state considered, with reference to its political troubles. By one of the Priesthood. London, 1844. 8~. Paim. v. 342. IRELAND: Its Landlords; its poor-law; and its system of national education. By an English clergyman. Dublin, 1851. 47 p. 8~. Pam. v. 423. IRIARTE, J. Regire Bibliothecse Matritensis Codices Grseci MSS., Joannes Iriarte, ejusdem custos..excussit, recensuit, notis, indicibus, anecdotis pluribus evulgatis illustravit..Vol I. Matriti, 1769. xviii, 579 p. fo. IRIS (The), OR MASONS', MECHANICS AND LADIES MAGAZINE: Vol. I, NO 2, 3. Nov. 1827; Jan. 1828. New-York. 80. Pam. v. 550. IRISH CHURCH: Book of Common Prayer. See Ecclesiastical Hist. Society. IRISH CHURCHMIAN'S ALMANAC, 1854. Belfast. 118 p. 120.' Alm. v. 50. IRISH EVANGELICAL SOCIETY 9th, 11th, 12th Ann. Report. Dublin, 1824; Lonidon, 1825, 1826. 80. Pam. v. 472. IRISH POOR-LAWS: Past, present and future. London, 1849. 59 p. 8~. Pam. v. 423. IRMAISCHER, Johann Conrad. Hand-Schriften-Katalog der k6niglichen Universitats-bibliothek zu Erlangen..M it zwei tafeln schrift-proben...Frankfurt'a M. und Erlangen, 1852. 8~. IRON MOUNTAIN RAILROAD COMPANY: Exhibit of the conditions and prospects of:.. March, 1855. Rochester, 1855. Pam. v. 208.- Annual Report, 1855. Rochester, 1856.- Memorial of the directors.. to the legislature of Michigan. Rochester, N.Y. 1857. Pam. v. 283. IRON RESOURCES of Michigan, and general statistics of Iron: Showing the rise and progress of its manufactures, in the.different countries in the world. Detroit, 1856. 24 p. 8S. Pam. v. 273. IRONSIDE, Nestor. Pseud. An original Canto of Spencer, design'd as part of his Fairy Queen, but never printed. Now made publick by Nestor Ironside, esq...:" ~ 5th edition. London, 1714. 30 p. 4~. Pam. v. 1013. [IRVINGt, John T.]. Harry Iarson: or, the Benevolent Bachelor.. New-York, 1853. 12~. IRVINGt, Washington. Life of George Washington. Vol. III, IV, v. New-York, 1856, 57, 59. 3 v. 8~. 424 GENERAL LIBRARY. IRVING, Washington: The Life of George Washington. Illustrated edition. New-York, 1857. 5 v. 8~. IRVINGIANA: a Memorial of Washington Irving. New-York, C. B. Richardson, 1860. lxiv p. 40. Is THE DIOCESE of New-York vacant? (1850). 58 p. 8~. Pam. v. 203. ISAAC, Benj. A Sermon on the new moon: Gal. ii, 16. 1844. Lond....120. Pam. v. 378. See also Bevill, R. ISEGHEM, A. F. Van. Biographie de Thierry Martens d'Alost, premier imprimeur de la Belgique, suivie de la Bibliographie de ses editions....Malines, Alost, 1852. 354 p. 8'. ISHATI, Z. Sermon, Anniv., Sons of the Clergy, Dee. 3, 1696: Lu. x, 37. London, 1697. 4~. Pain. v. 1010. ISIDORUS. Isidorianse Collationes quibus S. Isidori Pelvsiotse epistolae omnes...circiter bis mille locis supplentur et emendantur. [By Petrus Possinus]. Ronise, 1670. 368 p. 120~. ISOCRATES. Isocratis Opera quve extant omnia, ad optimorum exemplorum fidem emendavit...W. Lange. tIalis Sax., 1803. 8~. [ISLA, Fr. Joseph]. History of Friar Gerund. See Gerund. ISLINGTON PROPRIETARY SCHOOL. Names of the scholars...and Examination papers. 1834, 1835. London. 12~. Pam. v. 387. ISTITUTO NAZIONALE ITALIANO. Memorie. Classe di fisica et matematica. Toino I, II, Parte la, 2a. 1806 - 10.- Classi di scienze morali; politiche; ec. di letteratura; belle arti-; ec. T. I, Parte 1", 2%. 1809-13. Bologna. 6 v. in 5. 4~. See also Lombard Institute. ISTITUTO TECNICO TOSCANO. Commissione...per essere inviati all' Esposizione Universale di Parigi. 19 p. 80. Pam. v. 518. ITALIA (L') DEL POPOLO. Losanna, 1849, 50. [Several numbers of this periodical, edited by G. Mazzini.] 8~. Pam. v. 264. ITALIAN SCIENTIFIC ASSOCIATION, 1846. Atti della ottava riunione degli Scienzati Italiani, tenuta in Genoya dal xiv al xxix Settembre MDCCCXLVI. Genova,. Tipografia Ferrando, 1847. 1004 p. 4~. ITHACA AND OSWEGO RAILROAD COMAPANY. Prospects of, 1832. Pain. v. 146.- Report, 1833. 8~. Pam. v. 208. IVERNOIS, F. D'. A Cursory View of the Assignats, and remaining sources of French finance (Sept. 6, 1795), drawn from the debates of the Convention. From the French. London, 1795. 80 p. 8-. Pam. v. 427. IVESt.( t. Re,. E. Sillman), D.D., LL.D. The Struggle of Sense against Faith: The sermon at the opening of the Triennial Convention of the Prot. Epis. Ch. in the U.S. of A.... Oct. 2, 1844. Philadelphia, 1844. 8~. Pamn. v. 106. IVISON & PHINNEY'S QUARTERLY EDUCATIONAL NEWS: New-York, Aug. 1858. 8~. Pam. v. 1015. FIRST SUPPLEMENT, 425 J. J., A. See Out of the Road Visit to Bp. of Exeter, 1709, J., S. History of Poland. See Jones, S. JAARBOEKJEt: Staatkundig en Staathuishoudkundig Jaarboekje voor 1852, 54, 55, 56.- Alphabetisch Register op de eerste serie, jaargang I- v, 1849 - 1853. 1 v. Amsterdam. 5 v. 12~. JAAR]3OEKJEt VOOR DEN BOEKHANDEL, 1840, 1841. Gravenhage, 1841, 42. 2 v. 18~. JABLONOVIUS, Joseph A. Bibliotheca Jablonoviana. Accedunt passim scholia qune ingeniorum merita operumnque rei librarie proestantiora rarioraque declarant. Edidit Frid. Sig. Witzleben. Lipsire, 1755. Vol. I, 360 p.; Vol. II, 196 p. 1 v. 4~. JACKS, James. Jehovah the Defence.... a Sermon: Is. liv, 17. Plymouth, Eng. 1823. 8~. Pam. v. 377. ---- IHints to those who write against... Anti-nomianism..upon the system of theology taught by the Rev. Dr. Hawker..London, 1825. 75 p. 120. Pam. v. 304. JAcIsoNt (Andrew), President. Report of Comm. on the Judiciary, on refunding the fine heretofore imposed on Gen. Jackson. H. of B. Doct. Jan. 31, 1843. 53 p. 8~. Pain. v. 502. Impartial and True History of the life and services of Maj. Gen. -A. J. 36 p. 120. Pain. v. 471. Addresses on the Presentation of the Sword of:.. to the Congress..Feb. 26,1855. Washington. 40 p. 8~. Pam. v. 204, 241, 502. JACKSONt (Charles T.), M.D. 24th Anniversary Address, American Institute. New-York, 1851. 8~. Pam. v. 518. Report on the Albert Coal Mine, New-Brunswick, 1851. 48 p. 8~. Pam. v. 272. JACKSON, Francis. A History of the early settlement of Newton, county of Middlesex, Mass., from 1639 to 1800. With a genealogical register of its inhabitants prior to 1800. Boston, 1854. 120. [JAcKSON, Hall]. See Observations..on...sore throat, 1786. JACKSON ( Henry), Pastor of the Baptist church, Newport. An Account of the churches in Rhode Island.. Providence, 1854. 134 p. 8~. JACKSON, -ev. John. [ Writings]. In 1 v. 8~. Contents: Remarks on a book intitled, Christianity as old as Creation.... London, 1731. 67 p. Anon.- The same. 2d ed. Cambridge, 1732. 104p. 80~. Pam. v. 455. A Plea for Humane a letter to.. the Bp. of London. 2d edition. London, 1730. 67 p. Anon. A Dissertation on matter and spirit, with some remarks on.... Baxter's Enquiry..London, 1735. viii, 56 p. A Narrative of the case of:.. being refus'd the Dr. Coney, minister of Bath. London, 1736. 22 p. Remarks on Dr. Middleton's free enquiry into the- miraculous powers.... in the christian church..London, 1749. iv, 59 p. Also, in Pam. v. 262. [ SPPL.] 64 426 GENERAL LIBRARY. JACKSON, Rev. John: An Address to Deists; being a proof of revealed answer to a moral philosopher. 2d edition. London, 1762. xvi, 174 p. A Letter to... occasioned by his remarks on Dr. Middleton's free enquiry....London, 1749. 60 p. JACKSON, Joseph H. A Narrative of the adventures and experience of Joseph H. Jackson, in Nauvoo, disclosing the depths of Mormon villany. Warsaw, Illinois, August 1844. 32 p. 8~. JACKSON, Rev. Laurence. A Letter to a young lady, concerning the principles and conduct of the Christian life. London, 1756. 66 p. 8~. Pam. v. 338. JACKSONt (Samuel), M.D. On the Fundamental Laws of the organic molecular actions of the Animal Organism, identical with those of rational mechanics: An Introductory Lecture. Philadelphia, 1856. 8~. Pam. v. 272. JACKSON (Samuel C.), D.D. Sermon..... at the Annual Election, Mass., on Saturday, Jan. 7, 1843. Boston, 1843. 8~. Pam. v.441. JACKSON, Thomas. The Life of the Rev. Robert Newton, D.D. * * ~ * New-York, Carlton & Phillips, 1855. 120~. JACKSON, W. The duty of Christian pastors to support themselves..-. addressed to Mr. J. Bennett,.....on his sermon..... Ap. 25, 1821. With brief observations on N~ 25 of Mr. Innes' Sketches of Human Nature. Manchester, Eng. (1821).- 79 p. 8~. Pam. v. 339. JACKSON, Warren H. R. An Address to.....the H. of Commons on the landlord and tenant question in Ireland. Cork, 1848. 37 p. 8~. Pam. v. 423. JACKSON, Rev. William. The Constitutions of the several independent States of America:.... To which is now added the Declaration of rights, the Non-importation agreement; and the Petition of Congress to the King, delivered by Mr. Penn. With an Appendix, containing the Treaties between His Most Christian Majesty and the U.S. of A.; the Provisional treaty with America; and...Treaty concluded between their High Mightinesses the States General, and the U.S. of A....London, Stockdale, 1783. 473 p. 8~. JACKSON, Malj. William. Eulogium on the character of General Washington...pronounced before the Penn'a Soc. of Cincinnati, 22 Feb. 1800, at the German Reformed Church, Phila..Philadelphia, 1800. 8~. See also Washington's Monuments, a 2d copy, and title varied. JACKSON (William), Newton, Mass. A Lecture on Railroads... Jan. 12, 1829. Boston, 1829. 32 p. 80. Pam. v. 546. JACKSON, Z. Shakspeare's Genius Justified: being restorations and illustrations of seven hundred passages in Shakspeare's plays:... London, 1819. 470 p. 8~. JACKSON DEMOCRATIC ASSOCIATION. Proceedings at the Banquet, Jan. 8, 1852. Washington. 20 p. 8~. Pam. v. 527. JACOB, Hildebrand. Bedlam, a poem..London, 1723. 16 p. 40~. Pam. v. 1012. JACOB, John. The Jew turned Christian; or the Corner-stone, wherein is an assertion of Christ being the true Messiah. London, 1679. 8~. Pam. v. 321. FIRST SUPPLEMENT. 427 [ —— ] See Conference betwixt a Papist and Jew, 1678. JACOB DE ST. CHARLES, P. Louis. Bibliographia Parisina; hoc est, Catalogus omnium librorum Parisiis annis 1643 et 1644 inclusive excussorum. Parisiis, 1645. 108 p.- The same title, anno 1645. Parisiis, 1646. 52 p.- Bibliographia Gallica universalis..... annis - 1643, 1644, 1645...Parisiis, 1646. 28. p.- The same title, anno 1646. Parisiis, 1647. 64 p. in 1 v. 4~. JACOB, Paul L. Catalogue des livres et des manuscrits, la plupart relatifs a l'histoire de France, composant la bibliotheque du bibliophile Jacob ( P. Lacroix), laquella sera vendue....24 Fev. 1840. Paris, 1839. 352 p. 80. With the prices in MS. See also Lacroix, P. Editor of Catalogue. See Soleinne, ll. De. JAcoBs, Frederic. Latin Reader, chiefly from the fourth German edition of F. Jacobs and F. W. Doring. 2d edition. Ed. by Geo. Bancroft. Boston, 1827. 148 p. 12~. The Latin Reader, by F. J. and F. W. Ddring. With notes and illustrations.... by John D. Ogilby. Part second. 2d N.Y. edition. New-York, 1830. 127 p. 12~. JACQUET, M. Nouvelles Observations sur la preparation de l'antimoine. Paris, 1765. 24 p.- Same title, revised edition, 1767. 19 p. 12~. Pam. v. 612. JAECK, H. Ji Vollstindige Beschreibung der 6fEentlichen bibliothek zu Bamberg... Mit nachrichten iiber bambergsche gelehrte.... und besonders iiber die aus ihnen erginzte 6ffentliche bibliothek vom xvii jahrhundert bis auf unsere zeit. Erster, Zweiter, Dritter theil. Niirnberg, 1831 - 1835. 3 parts in 1 v. 8~. JAEGERt, B. The Life of North American Insects, by:.. Assisted by H. C. Preston, M.D....New-York, 1859. 319 p. 120~. JAGGER, TREADWELL & PERRY: List of Stoves made by. Albany, 1852. With cuts. 8~. JAHRBUCH DER GESAMMTEN STAATS-ARZNEIKUNDE: Herausgegeben von Dr. C. F. L. L Wildberg.....Sechster, Siebenter band. Leipzig, 1840. 1 v. 8~. JAMAICAt. Addresses and Memorials to his Majesty from the H. of Assembly..1821 -26. 2d edition. 39 p. 8~. Pam. v. 437. Copies of Acts passed by the Legislature of Jamaica for.... houses of correction-; of the Resolutions of the meeting of the planters...and of the Memorial of the Association of Jamaica Propietors. June, 1839. G.B., Parl. Papers. 28 p. f0. Pamn. v. 1103. JAMES II, of England. Directions concerning preachers. Lond., Mar. 1685. 14 p. 8~. Pam. v. 356. The late King James's Manifesto answered paragraph by paragraph; wherein the weakness of his reasons is plainly demonstrated. Text and notes. London, 1697. 63 p. 8~. Pam. v. 408. See also, Letter, 1692. JAMESt, Edwin, Editor. See Tanner, J.: Narrative of Captivity. JAMES, Horace. Sermon, American Education Soc. Boston, 1854. 8~. Pam.- v. 277, 293. 428 G:ENERAL LIBRARY. JAMESt, J.A. Ministerial Duties * A Pastoral Charge to Rev. T. James...Birmingham, 1816. 8~. Pam. v. 376. JAMVES ( John H.), late Pres. Mad River and Erie Railroad:- Communication to the Gen. Assema. of Ohio. Sen. Doct. March 1, 1843. 8~. Pam. v. 571. JAMES, Rev. Maurice. Letters.... elating to what is called evangelical christianity, and also to the catholic or universal relief bill... London, 1829. 64 p. 8'. Pam. v. 347. JAMESt, Thomas. Catalogue. See Oxford University. JAMES MURRAY'S ROYAL ASYLUM for Lunatics, near Perth: 30th Report. Perth, 1857. 50 p. 8~. Pam. v. 510. JAMESONt, Anna. Sacred and Legendary Art. 3d edition. London, 1857. 2 v. 8o. Legends of the Monastic Orders, as represented in the fine arts, forming the second series, etc. 2d edition..London, 1852. 1 v. 80~. Legends of the Madonna, as represented in the fine arts, forming the third series, etc. 2d edition..London, 1857. 1 v. 8~. JA3M ESTOWN ( N.Y.) ACADEMY' Catalogue, 1857, 58. Pam. v. 456. [ JAMIIESONi (John), D.D.]. See Socinianism Unmasked. Edinb. 1790. JANE (William), D.D. Sermon, H. of Commons, Fast day, April 11, 1679 Hos. vii, 9. London. 4~. Pam. v. 359. -- Sermon, House of Commons, Nov. 26, 1691, Thanksgiving: Ps. xcvi, 10. London. 4~. Pam. v. 361. JANES, Walter. The Harmonic Minstrelsy; containing a new collection of sacred music...Dedham, Mass. 1807. 103 p. ob. 8~. JANESVILLE (Wis.). First Annual Report of the Board of School Commissioners. Janesville, 1857. 8~. Pam. v. 278. JANEWAYt ( Jacob J.), D.D. A Discourse, Gen. Assema. of the Presbyterian Church, 1819. New-Brunswick, 1836. 8~. Pam. v. 441. JANSEN, Henri. Essai sur l'origine de la gravure en bois et en l'origine des cartes a jouer et des cartes geographiques; suivi de recherches sur l'origine du papier.... sur la calligraphic;... Avec xx planches. Paris, Schoell, 1808. 2 v. 8~. JANSSONIUS, Joh. H. Het enerlei en verscheidene op den wegh naar den hemel...Leerredenen...2e druk. Groningen, 1760. 18~. JAQUES, John. The History of Junius and his works; and a review of the controversy respecting the identity of Junius...Lond., 1843. 406 p. 12. JARDIN (Le) DE L'ENFANCE. Almanach des enfants. Nouveau recueil de compliments et de modeles de lettres.....Par Hilaire le Gai. Paris, 1855. 188 p. 120. Alm. v.. 54. JARDINE, A. Practical Geometry. See Orr's Circle. JARDINE, L. J. A Letter from Pennsylvania to a friend in England, containing valuable information with respect to America. Bath, Eng. 1795. 31 p. 80~ JARVES, Deming. Reminiscences of Glass-making. Boston, 1854. 8~0. FIRST SUPPLEMENT. 429 JARVIS, Col. George. Letter from Greece, 1825. See Miller, J. P. JARVESt, James Jackson. Parisian Sights and French principles seen through American spectacles. Second series. New-York, 1855. 80. Italian Sights and Papal Principles seen through American spectacles...New-York, 1856. 12~. Art Studies: the " Old Masters" of Italy; Painting...copperplate illustrations. New-York, 1861. xx, 504 p. 80. JARVIS, Russell. Facts and arguments against the election of General Cass, respectfully addressed to the Whigs and Democrats of all the Free States. By an Anti-Abolitionist. New-York, 1848. 8~. Pam. v. 259. JARVISt (Samuel F.), D.D. A Narrative of Events connected with the acceptance and resignation of the rectorship of St. Paul's church, Boston. 1825. 108 p. 8~. Pam. v. 502....- - Sermon, Christian Unity, Board of Missions. New-York, 1837. 50 p. 8~. See Prot. Epis. Ch., Board of Missions. Catalogue of the Collection of paintings of:.... auction, NewYork, 1851. 46 p. 8~. Pam. v. 499. Catalogue of the Library of: sold Nov. 1851. Ed. by J. Sabin. N.Y. 219 p. 8~. Cat. v. 49. JARVIS, William C. The Republican; or a series of Essays on the Principles and Policy of Free States. Having a particular reference to the United States of America and the individual states***. Pittsfield...(Mass.), 1820. 12~. JAUBERT, M. le Conzte. See Aucher-Eloy, Relations de Voyages en Orient. JAYt, Gov. John. The Charge delivered by the Hon. J. Jay, C. J. of the State of N.Y., to the Grand Jury, at the Supreme Court, held in Kingston, Ulster co., Sept. 9, 1777. Kingston, J. Holt (1777). 12 p. 120. JAY, John. A. Statistical View of American Agriculture, its home resources and foreign markets...An Address...New-York, 1859. 81 p. 8~. See Amer. Geog. and Stat. Society. [ ] See Review of a pamphlet by J. C. Spencer, 1845. [JAY, Peter A.]. See American Bib. Soc. Appeal, 1816. JAYt, William. [A Collection]. 1 v. 8~. Contents: A Reproof of the American Church by Bp..... S. Wilberforce. With an introduction by an American Churchman. N.Y., 1846. 59 p. Anon. Letter on the Reasons assigned by the American Tract Society for its silence in regard to American Slavery. 1853. 90 p. 12~. 2 editions.- Also in Pam. v. 231. 16 p. 8~. Indian Missions: to Lewis Tappan, 1853. Examination of the Mosaic laws of servitude. New-York, 1854. 56 p.Also in Pam. v. 560. A Letter to the Rt. Rev. L. S. Ives... occasioned by his late Address to the Convention of North Carolina. 3d edition. New-York, 1848. 32 p. Address to the Inhabitants of New-Mexico and California on...the social and political evils of slavery. New-York, 1849. 56 p. 12~. 430 GENERAL LIBRARY. JAY, William: Hon. Theo. Frelinghuysen. New-York, 1844. 8 p. Letter to the Hon. William Nelson, M. C., on Mr. Clay's compromise.... New-York, 1850. 22 p. 12~. Letter to Hon. William Nelson, M. C., on Mr. Webster's speech. N.York, 1850. 12 p. 12~. A Letter to the Comm. chosen by the Am. Tract Soc. to inquire into the proceedings of its Exec. Comm. in relation to Slavery. 1857. 38 p. - Miscellaneous Writings on Slavery. Boston, 1853. 670 p. 12~. - Letter to W. Berrian. 1856. See Trinity Church. JEBB, Rev. John. A Short Account of Theological lectures now reading at Cambridge. To which is added a new harmony of the gospels. Cambridge, 1770. 42 p. 4~. Pam. v. 1004. Remarks upon the present mode of education in the University of Cambridge...4th edition. Cambridge, 1774. 58 p. Pam. v. 386. A Short State of the reasons for a late resignation.. Cambridge, Eng. 1775. 8~. Pam. v. 315. The Excellency of the Spirit of Benevolence, a Sermon Acts xx, 35. 1772. Cambridge. Rep., London, 1780. 80. Pam. v. 379. JEBB (John), M.D., F.R.S. Letters addressed to the Volunteers of Ireland, on the subject of a parliamentary reform. London, 1784. 16 p. 8~. Pam. v. 259. JEBBt (John), D.D., Bp. Early religious training, a Sermon: Prov. xxii, 6. Dublin, May 5. London, 1822. 8.- Pam. v. 379. Speech, HI. of Peers, June 10, 1824, on the Irish Tithe composition amendment bill. London. 115 p. 8~. Pam. v. 342. JEFFERSON, Jacob. Sermon, Blessing of peace, Thanksgiving, May 5, 1763: Prov. xvi, 7. Oxford, 1763. 80. Pam v. 372. JEFFERSONt (Thomas), President. Notes on the State of Virginia. With an Appendix. Ninth Am. ed. Boston...1802. 18~. A Manual of Parliamentary Practice, composed originally for the use of the Senate of the United States....Philadelphia, 1834. 191 p. 180. Report on the Memorial of T. J. Randolph, on the purchase and publication of the manuscripts of Jefferson. Cong. Doct. 1847. 8~. Pam. v. 470. JEFFERSON COLLEGE, Canonsburg, Pa.: Catalogue, 1850. Triennial and Annual. 8~. Pam. v. 481. JEFFERSON COUNTY INSTITUTE: Catalogue, 1849, 58. Watertown, N. Y. 80. Pam. v. 456. JEFFERSON COUNTY MUTUAL INSURANCE COMPANY.: By-laws. Watertown, IN. Y. 1836. 80. Pam. v. 511. JEFFERSON COUNTY REFORMED MEDICAL SoCIETY:. Constitution. Adams, N.Y. 1853. Pain. v. 516. JEFFERSON MIEDICA.L COLLEGE of Philadelphia: Annual Announcement of Lectures, Session 1836-37, and Catalogue of the students and graduates, for the session, 1835-36, 41-42, 43, 44, 45, 50, 51. Pam. v. 156.- For 1847, See Dunglison's Address. FIRST SUPPLEMENT. 431 - Catalogue, 1839-40, 51-52. — Annual Announcement, 1855-6, 1857-8.- Catalogue of all graduates. Phil'a, 1856. 8~. Pam. v. 517. JEPFERYSt, Nathaniel. A Review of the Conduct of H.R.lH. the Prince of Wales in his various transactions with Mr. Jeffrys, during a period of more than twenty years; containing a detail of many circumstances relative to their R.H. the Prince and Princess of Wales, Mrs. Fitzherbert, &c. London (1806). 70 p. 8~. Pam. v. 392. JEFFERYSI, Thomas. A Description of the Maritime parts of France, containing a particular account of all the fortified towns, forts... illustrated with charts...and plans... London, 1761. 10, 505 p. 84 plates. In 2 v. ob. fV. The West India Atlas; or A Compendious Description of the West Indies. Illustrated with forty correct maps and charts...Together with an historical account of the several countries and islands. London, Sayer & Bennett, 1780. f0. fEFFREYS, Keturah. The Widowed Missionary's Journal; containing some account of Madagascar; and also...of the Rev. J. Jeffreys.. Southampton, Eng. 1827. 216 p. 18~. JEPFRIEs (John), M1.D. Address, Suffolk District Medical Society, April 27, 1850. Boston, 1850. 80. Pam. v. 89. JEKYLL (Thomas), D.D. Sermon, True Religion makes the best loyalty Prov. xxiv, 41. April 21, 1682. London. 40~. Pam. v. 360. JELF (Rich. W.), D.D. Suggestions respecting the neglect of the Hebrew language as a qualification for holy orders....London, 1832. 53 p. 8~. Pam. v. 395. Sermon, Sons of the Clergy 1 Corinth. ix, 3 - 6; and Report. London, 1845. 8~. Pam. v. 385. JEN(N)INGS, John. Sermon: Psalms cxxxii, 17, 18; Accession to the Throne, Mar. 8, 1710. London, 1711. 80. Pam v. 364. The Case of King Charles before the Regicides at Westminster, parallel to St.Paul's before Felix, in a sermon': Acts xxiv, 16; Jan. 30, 1710. London, 1711. 8~. Pamin. v. 364. JENISON, Thomas, Abp. Sermon, Funeral of Queen Mary, March 5, 1695: Eccl. vii, 14. London. 4~. Pam. v. 361. JEN[N]ISON, William. A Lash for a Lyar "; or a Word of warning to all christians to take heed of- Thomas Tillam, who is now discovered by his preaching and his printing to be a common slanderer.... by William Jennison. London, printed by E. Cotes for John Clark...1658. 78 p. sm. 40. Pam. v. 600. JENKIN, Rev. Tho. An Impartial Examination of the Free enquiry.. in a letter to Dr. Middleton. Camb. 1750. 116 p. 80. Pam. v. 350. JENKINS, John. Al Discourse...on behalf of the Northern Home for friendless children. Philadelphia, 1857. 80. Pam. v. 441. JENKINSt (Timothy), of N.Y. Speech, U.S. H. of Rep., on Contested Election from New-Jersey. Washington, 1846. 8~. Paw. v. 487. Speech, U.S. H. of Rep., on the Mexican Treaty, Feb. 17, 1849. Washington. 16 p. 8~. Pam. v. 486.: - Speech, U.S. House of R., against giving way the public lands. 1852. 8~. Pam. v. 487. 432 GENERAL LIBRARY. JENKINSON, Anthony. Reys van Anthony Jenkinson, op Ordre van de Engelse, Moscovise Maat-schappy, om een weg door Tartarie naar Catay te Ontdekken, in het jaar 1558. Aanwijsende sijn koers van Astracan door de Caspische Zee.... Door den Reysiger selfs beschreven: Eertjds in het Frans overgeset door den Heer Thevenot.... Nu alderdeerst in het Nederduits....Te Leyden, Vander Aa, 1707. 30 p. 12~. JENKINSON, R. B. See Liverpool, Earl of. JENKS, Richard. Sermon, before the Lord Mayor, June 15, 1707: Rom. vi, 23. London. 80. Pam. v. 364. JENKSt ( William), D.D. Address, New-England lHistoric-Genealogical Society, Mar. 1st, 1852. Boston, 1852. 8~. Pam. v. 286. JENNINGSt, David. Sermon, Death of Rev. Daniel Neal...with some brief memoirs of his life...London, 1743. 42 p. 8~. Pam. v. 381. JEPHSON, Alex. The Certainty and Importance of a future judgment... and everlasting retributions. Three discourses...London, 1742. 64 p. 80. Pam. v. 369. JERDANt, William. The Autobiography of: Vol. 4. Lond. 1853. 12~. JERIDeI HAVADIS. [ Courier of iNews: Weekly journal at Constantinople, from 1264 A.H. (1848) to 1272 A.H. (1854). Edited in the Turkish language by Alfred Churchill ]. Imperfect files. 1 v. fo. JERRAM, Cha. Sermon, Death of John Mason Good, MI.D.: 2 Tim. i, 12. London, 1827. 8~. Pam. v. 382. [ JERROLD, Douglas]. Mrs. Caudle's Curtain Lectures: By "Punch," with illustrations. New-York, 1851. 12~. Pam. v. 227. JERVIS, Rev. K. P. Modern Art and its lessons. A Sermon: Job. xxxviii, 35. Canandaigua, N.Y. 1858. 8~. Pam. v. 558. JERVIS, Tho. Sermon, Death of J. Disney, D.D.: Prov. x, 7. Lond. 1817. 8~. Pam. v. 382. JESSE, Capt. The Life of George Brummell, esq., commonly called Beau Brummell...Philadelphia, 1844. 2 v. in 1. 164 p. 8~. JESSEt, Edward. Anecdotes of Dogs...with... engravings. London, Bohn, 1858. 120. JEssEt, John H. Memoirs of the Pretenders and their adherents. New edition... London, Bohn, 1858. 12~. JESSUP, William. Address, New-York State Agricultural Society, at the Fair, Watertown, Oct. 3, 1856. Albany, 1856. 8~. Pam. v. 241. JEW ( The); A Tale. New-York, Harper & Br. 1844. 173 p. 8~. Pam. v.497. JEWETTt, Charles C. Smithsonian Report: On the construction of catalogues of libraries, and their publication by means of separate, stereotyped titles; with rules and examples. 2d edit. Washington, 1853. 96 p. With, Catalogue of the Library of Congress. Chapter T, Ancient History, complete to Jan. 1854: Being a specimen of the plan of the Smithsonian I-nstitution. Washington, 1854. 77 p. in 1 v. 8~. JEWISH ADMIISSION INTO PARLIAMIENT considered in an address to the English people. Signed, A Christian. London, 1849. 12 p. 120. Pam. v. 321. FIRST SUPPLEMENT. 433 JEWISH CHRONICLE. See American Society for meliorating the condition of the Jews. JEWITT, John R. A Narrative of the adventures and sufferings of John R. Jewitt, only survivor of the crew of the ship Boston, during a captivity of nearly three years among the savages of Nootka Sound...~~. Ed. by R. Alsop. Middletown ( Conn.), 1815. 204 p. 120. JOANNES ( F.) A S. GEMINIANO. Summa de Exemplis et Rerum similitudinibus locupletissima. Verbi Dei concionatoribus, cunctisque literarum studiosis maximo usui futura....cura a M. Aegidio Gravatio Rocchensi Eremitano... castigata et aucta... Antverpise.... 1597. 120. JOCKEYt (The) CLUB; or A Sketch of the Manners of the Age***. By Charles Pigot. The second edition. London, 1792. 8~. JOHN'S ALIVE; or the Bride of a Ghost. By the author of " Major Jones' Courtship." Baltimore, 1846. 50 p. 80. Pam. v. 496. JOHN SEARCH'S LAST WORDS; with a Letter addressed to the..Bishop of London. By Rev. T. Binney? Lond. 1839. 36 p. 8~. Pam. v. 306. JOHNS, Rev. H. V. D. Sermon. See Johns,-Rev. J. JOHNS (J.), D.D. A Valedictory Discourse...Christ Church, Baltimore, Oct. 3, 1842. Baltimore. 24 p.- With, The Protestant Episcopal pastor teaching the people... By H. V. D. Johns. 2d edition. Baltimore' ( ). 29 p. in 1 v. 8~. jOHNSONI, A. B. The Meaning of Words: Analysed into words and unverbal things; and unverbal things classified into intellections, sensations and emotions...New-York... 1854. 256 p. 120. - The Physiology of the Senses; or how and what we see, hear, taste, feel and smell...New-York...1856. 214 p. 12~. A Guide to the right understanding of our American Union; or Political, economical and literary miscellanies: Dedicated to the young men of America...New-York, 1857. 407 p. 12~. An Encyclopedia of Instruction; or Apologues and Breviats on man and manners....New-York, 1857. 409 p. 120. JOHNSON, B. R. Remarks, N.Y. Assem. on.." An Act for the trial of certain offenders," Feb. 28, 1859. 4 p. 8~. Pam. v: 530. JOHNSON (C. B.), M.D. Letters from North America. To which are added, the Constitutions of the United States, and of Pennsylvania; and extracts from the laws respecting aliens and naturalized citizens. A new edition. Philadelphia, 1821. xii, 185 p. 18~. [JOHNSON, Edward]. History of New-England... (Wonder-working providence of Zion's Saviour.) 1654. See Mass. tist. Society Coll. S. 2, v. 2, 3, 4, 7, 8. JOHNSON, Evan M. "The Communion of Saints ": A Discourse, St. Michael's Church, Brooklyn, N.Y. Brooklyn, 1848. 80. Pam. v. 202. JOHNSON, F. G. Key to...Philosophical Chart, designed for the use of schools.. New-York, 1855. 60 p. 120......- The Private Medical Companion..5th edition. New-York, 1855. 160 p. 180. [SUPPL.] 55 434 GENERAL LIBRARY. JOHNSON, F. H. Every Man his own Guide at Niagara-Falls..Buffalo (1852). 144 p. 18~. JOHNSONt, George W. A History of English Gardening, chronological, literary and critical'~". London, 1829. 445 p. 80~. JOHNSON, Henry. An Introduction to Logography; or the Art of arranging and composing for printing with words intire, their radices and terminations, instead of single letters. By His Majesty's royal letters patent. London, 1783. 65 p. 8~. JOHNSON, H. V. The War with Mexico: Speech, U.S. Senate, 1848. 16 p. 8~. Pam. v. 486. JOHNSON (James), M.D. The Influence of Tropical climates on European constitutions; being a treatise on the principal diseases incidental to Europeans in the East and West-Indies, Mediterranean and coast of Africa...... Fromn 3d London edition. Philadelphia, 1824. 2 v. 12~. De Invloed der Keerkrings-Luchtstreken op Europesehe Gestellen....Met een aanhangsel over de cholera morbus, vermeerderd, door J. M. Daum... Amsterdam, 1824, 26. 2 v. 8~.: Editor. See Medico-Chirurgical Review. JOHNSON, John. Typographia, or the Printer's Instructor; including an account of the origin of printing, with biographical notices of the printers of England... ~**. London, 1824. 2 v. 18~. JOHNSON, Lorenzo D. Chaplains of the General Government, with objections to their employment considered. Also, a list of all the chaplains to Congress, in the army and in the navy....New-York, 1856. 82 p. 12~. JOHNSON (Reverdy), of M'd. Speech, U.S. Sen., Ap. 10, 13, 1848, on extent of Executive power. 16 p. 8~. Pam. v. 193.: and JOHN GLENN. Reply to a Pamphlet entitled, "A Brief exposition of matters relating to the Bank of Maryland."...Balti-more, 1854. 54 p. 8~. Pam. v. 463.- A Final Reply to the libels of E. Poulteney, late Pres. of the Bank of Maryland..Baltimore, 1835. 137, 26 p. 8~. Pam. v. 463. JOHNSONt, Col. Richard M. A Biographical Sketch of:.. By a Kentuckian. New-York..1843. 46 p. 8~. JOHNSON, Robert. Relations of the Most Famous kingdoms and common-weales thorough the world...Translated into English and- enlarged, with an addition of the estates of Venice, Saxony, Geneua, Hungary, and the East-Indies, in any language never before imprinted. London, 1611. sin. 4~. JOHNSON, Rev. Samuel. Sermon, before Lord Mayor, Palm Sunday, 1679: Matt. xv, 14. London, 1684. 4~. Pam. v. 359. --- ^ An Argument proving that the abrogation of King James by the people of England from the legal throne, 5c. was according to the Constitution of the English government. London, 1692. 62 p. 40~. Pam. v. 408. JOHNSONt (Samuel), LL.D. The Works of:.. A new A. Murphy, esq. Vol. xIII, xIv, forming the first, second volume of debates in parliament. London, 1811. 2 v. 8~. FIRST SUPPLEMENT. 435 ----- Sermons on different subjects, attributed to:.. and left for publication by J. Taylor, LL.D...... Pub. by the Rev. Samuel Hayes, A.M. 5th edition. London, 1812. 8~. The Poetical Works of Johnson, Parnell, Gray, and Smollett. With memoirs, critical dissertations and explanatory notes, by the Rev. George Gilfillan. Edinburgh, 1855. 8~. JOHNSON, Mrs. S. C. A Few Scriptural Thoughts on reading the Rev. J.'M'Neale's Anti-scriptural ballads. Lond. 1843. 12 p. 12~. Pam. v. 331. JOHNSON (Samuel Roosevelt), D.D. A Memorial Discourse on the life, character and services of General Jeremiah Johnson, of Brooklyn, the first president of the St.Nicholas Society of Nassau Island, Oct. 20, 1853. Brooklyn, 1. Y. 1854. 34 p. 8-. JOHNSON, Rev Tho. Sermon, the Insufficiency of the Law of Nature: 2 Cor. iii, 5. Camnibridge, Eng. 1731. 8~. Pam. v. 368. JOHNSON, Tho. A Letter to Mr. Chandler, in vindication of a passage in the Bishop of London's second pastoral letter. Cambridge, 1734. 55 p. 8~. Pam. v. 341. JOHNSON, T. B. The Shooter's Companion; or a Description of pointers and setters...the fowling-piece fully considered... 3d edition. London, 1830. 336 p. 12~. JOHNSONt, Walter R. Steam Boilers. See Franklin Institute. ----- Lecture on the Mechanical Industry and the inventive genius of America, before the Maryland Institute..1849. Baltimore. 80. Pam. v. 518. Comparison of Experiments on American and foreign building stones.. rom Am. Jour. of Sc. New-Haven, 1850. 80. Pam. v. 493. jOHNSTONt (Alexander Keith), F.R.S. Historical Notice of the.progress of the ordnance survey in Scotland. Edinburgh Roy. Soc. Proc. 1851. 80. Pamn. v. 102. JOHNSTON (George), M.D.... Terra Lindisfarnensis: The Natural History of the Eastern borders. Vol. I, The Botany. London, Van Voorst, 1853. 80. JOhNSTONt (John), Seneca Co.N.Y. Experiments in Draining. Addressed to the Ex. Corn. N.Y. State Agr. Soc. 80. Pam. v. 205. JOHNSTON, Samuel B. Letters written during a residence of three years in Chili..'. Erie ( Pa.), 1816. 205 p. 12~0. JOHNSTON, W. D. An Order for Family Prayer on the plan of a liturgy. Gravesend, 1844. 24 p. 80. Pam. v. 308. JOHNSTOWN (N.Y.) ACADEMY: Catalogue, 1855. 8~. Pam. v. 456. JOHONNOT, James. Country School-houses; containing elevations, plans and specifications.... and a treatise on school-house architecture; with numerous (70) designs, by S. E. Hewes. N.York, 1859. 220 p. 8o. JOLI, Guy. Memoirs of G. J., Private See. to Card. de Retz, C. Joli, and the Dutchess of Nemours. Trans.. by E. Taylor. London, 1775. 3 v. 120. 436 GENERAL LIBRARY. JOLIET. Progress, Resources and prospects of the city of Joliet, Will county, Ill. Joliet, 1856. 80. Pam. v. 565. JONCKBLOET (W. J. A.) en A. W. KRooN. Letter en Geschiedkundige aanteekeningen -op de Rymkronyk van Jan van Heelu, betreffende den Slag van Woeringen, in bet jaar 1288, Nagelaten door wijlen Mr. Hendryk van Wyn, in leven Archivarius des Rijks..-'S Gravenhage...1840. 4~. JONESt, A. D. The American Portrait Gallery, containing correct portraits and brief notices of the principal actors in American History... New-York, J. M. Emerson & Co. 1855. 40~. JONES (Anson), Ex-Pres. of Texas. Letters relating to the History of annexation...Galveston, 1848. 30 p. 120. Pam. v. 194. JONES, Gen. Calvin. A Description of Wier's Cave in Augusta county, Va. Albany, 1815. 8 p. 8~. JONES, David. Farewell-Sermon: Gal. iv, 16. Lombard-street, Lond. 1692. 4~. Pam. v. 361. JONES, E. Review of Facts and Observations..on the properties and productions of the sugar-maple tree..London, 1832. 72 p. 80. Pam. v. 402. JONES, Electa F. Stockbridge, Past and Present; or Records of an old mission station. Springfield, Mass. 1854. 275 p. 12~. JONES, Rev. Gibbon. Farewell Sermon: 2 Cor. xiii, 11. Ipswich, Eng. 1741. 8~. Pam. v. 369. JONES, Henry. Animal Magnetism repudiated as sorcery: Not a science. With an appendix of magnetic phenomena, by " William H. Beecher, D.D." New-York, 1846. 24 p. 8~. Pam. v. 199. JOdNES, J. An Impartial Narrative of the most important engagements which took place between his Majesty's forces and the rebels during the Irish rebellion, 1798.... 1st Am. edition. Cambridge (N.Y.). 237 p. 12~. JONES, James A. Traditions of the North American Indians; being a second and revised edition of " Tales of an Indian Chief." London, 1830. 3 v. 12~. JONES, Rev. Jeremiah. A New Method of settling the Canonical authority of the New-Testament. To which is subjoined a vindication of the former part of St. Matthew's Gospel, from Mr. Whiston's charge of dislocations... Oxford, 1798. 3 v. 80. [JONES, Rev. John]. See Appeal to common Reason, 1750; also, Letter to a friend, 1755. JONES (John), M.D., New-York. Plain Concise Practical Remarks on the treatment of wounds and fractures: to which is added an Appendix on camp and military hospitals.... Philadelphia...1776. 114 p. 8. JONES, Rev. John A. Joseph Corrected; a defensive reply to "Jazer vindicated by Joseph Irons"...Brentford, Eng. 1834. 36 p. 120.Welcome discoveries. A first letter to Mr. W. H. Colyer....By "Andrew" of Mitchell St. Brentford, 1835. 16 p. 12~. Pam. v. 305. JONES; John G. An Oration on the late Gen. Washington....2d edition. London, 1825. 20 p. 8~. FIRST SUPPLEMENT. 437 JONES, Rev. Lot. Memoir of Mrs. Sarah Louisa Taylor:..."** NewYork. 1838. 324 p. 12~. JONES, Philip. The Constitution of man...Popular phrenology tried by the word of God...London, 1845. 23 p. 12~.- Pain. v. 399. JONES, R. D. Address, N. Y. State Teachers' Association, at Utica, Aug. 1, 1855. Albany, 1855. 8~. Pam. v. 286. JONES, Samuel W. Memoir of the Hon. James Duane, Judge of the District court of the United States for New-York. [Schenectady, 1852]. 51 p. 8~. [ JONES, Stephen]. The History of Poland, from its origin as a nation to the commencement of the year 1795. To which is prefixed an accurate account of the geography and government...London, 1795. 500 p. 8o. JONES, Thomas. Sermon, Soc. Pro. Rel. Knowl. among the Poor: 2 Cor. v, 14. London, 1761. 8~. Pam. v. 371. JONES, Rev. William. Sermon, The Man of Sin: Luke xii, 56. Feb. 2, 1794. London. 8~. Pam. v. 302. The Catholic doctrine of a Trinity proved....7th edition. London, 1795. 134 p. 8~. Pam. v. 311. [JONES, Sir William]. See Just and modest vindication. 1681. [JONESt, Sir William]: 100 years interval. See Inquiry...on riots, 1780. JONESt, W. Alfred. Characters and Criticisms... New-York....1857. 2 v. 12~. JONESVILLE ACADEMY, Saratoga co., N.Y. Catalogue, 1858, 59. 8~. Pam. v. 456. JONGEt, J. C. De. Levens-Beschrijving van Johan en Cornelis Evertsen, Luitenant-Admiralen van Zeeland.... Met Platen.... Gravenhage...1820. 8~. JORDAN, G. W. An Examination of the Principles of the Slave Registry Bill, and of the means of emancipation proposed by the authors of the bill. London, 1816. 147 p. 8~. Pam. v. 435. JORDENS, Karl H. Lexikon Deutscher Dichter und Prosaisten. I-V. band. Supplement, VIer band. Leipzig, 1806 - 1811. 6 v. 8~. [JORTINt, John]. Discourses concerning the Truth of the Christian religion. London, 1746. 8~. [ ] See Lusus poetici. JOSSELYNt, John. An- Account of two Voyages to New-England..2d edition. London, 1675.- Chronological Observations of America. London, 1674. See Mass. Hist. Soc. Coll. S. 3, v. 3. JOUBERT, F. E. Manuel de l'Amateur d'Estampes, faisant suite au Manuel du libraire...Le tout pr6ce6d d'un Essai sur le genie.... d'un coup d'oeil general sur l'etat de la gravure.....aris, 1821. 3 v. 80. JOURDAIN, Charles. Le Budget de l'Instruction publique, et des etablissements scientifiques et litteraires....jusqu'a nos jours. Paris, 1857. 340 p. 80. 438 GENERAL LIBRARY. JOURNAL DE CONSTANTINOPLE: Echo de l'Orient. 6 Nov. 1846 - Mai 12, 1856. Constantinople. I v. fo. Imperfect files. JOURNAL DE LA GUERRE DU MICIssIPPI contre les Chicachas, en 1739 et finie en 1740, le'er d'Avril. Par un officier de l'armee de MI. De Nouaille. Nouvelle-York, J. M. Shea, 1859. 92 p. sin. 40~. JOURNAL DE L'EXP:DITION sur le Fleuve la flotte et de l'armee anglaises...jusqu'a la reddition de Quebec, en 1759. Ex. du N.Y. Mercury, 31 Dee. 1759. Quebec, 1855. 16 p. 8~. JOURNAL DE L'INSTRUCTION PUBLIQUE. Redige par l'Hon. P. J. O. Chauveau, Surintendant de l'instruction publique du Bas-Canada, etc. Premier, second, troisieme volume, 1857, 58, 59. Montreal, 3 v. 4~. JOURNAL DU CULTIVATEUR, et Procedes du Bureau d'Agriculture du Bas-Canada. Vol. 3. Mai 1855 -Avril 1856. Montreal. 1 v. 4~. JOURNALt OF AGRICULTURE. New Series. July 1853 - March 1858. Edinburgh. 4 v. 8~. JOURNAL (A) of a Young man of Massachusetts, late a surgeon on board an American privateer, who was captured at sea by the British, in May 1813, and was Dartmoor prison..Written by himself.~*~ By Benj. Waterhouse? Boston, 1816. 228 p. 12~. JOURNALt OF DESIGN ADVERTISER. London, 1849, 1850, 1851. In 1 v. 8~. JOURNAL OF EDUCATION for Lower Canada. Vol. I, II, III. 1857, 58, 59. Montreal. 3 v. 4~. JOURNAL (The) oF PSYCHOLOGICAL MEDICINE and Mental Pathology. Edited by Forbes Winslow, M.D., D.C.L. Vol. X, XI. London, 1857, 58. 2 v. 8~. JOURNAL (A) of the Campaign on the coast of France, 1758. London, 1758. 102 p. 8~, and 2 plans. Pam. v. 447. JOURNAL of the Proceedings of a Convention, composed of delegates from the thirteen original United States, held in Independence Hall...July 5, 6, 1852, for the purpose of considering the propriety of erecting one or more monuments in Independence Square, Philadelphia, in commemoration of the Declaration of Independence, July 4, 1776, &c. Philadelphia, 1853. 46 p. 80. Pam. v. 195. JOURNAL OF THE STATED PREACHER to the Hospital and Almshouse in the city of New-York, for the year of our Lord 1811'**. 1st Series. By Ezra G. Ely, D.D. New-York, 1812. 298 p. 12~. JOURSANVAULT, lM. le Baron De. Catalogue analytique des Archives de: manuscrits.... au nombre de plus de quatre-vingt mille, concernant l'histoire generale de France - l'histoire particuliere des provinces, etc...Paris, Techener, 1838. 2 v. 8~. JOUVENCY, Pere. See Abreg6 de la Fable, 1821. JOWETTt, Rev. William. Christian Researches in Syria and the Holy Land in 1823 and 1824...With....Journal of Mr. J. Greaves on a visit to the Regency of Tunis. Boston, 1826. 364 p. 12~. Repr. JOYAND, C. S. Thesis Medica. [ An hydropis cura diureticis sit absolvenda? ]...1772. Vesuntione. 14 p. 12~. Par. v. 612. FIRST SUPPLEMENT. 439 JOYAND, P. C. Thesis Medica: An diversi hominum mores, a dive1tsis pendeant temperamentis? 1765. Vesuntione. 16 p. 12~. Pam. v. 612. JOYCEt, Jeremiah. Courage and Union in a time of national danger. A Sermon, Unitarian Chapel, London: Nun.. vi, 11. London, 1803. 8~. Pain. v. 316. See Martinet, Catechism of Nature. JUDDt, lRev. Sylvester. The Birthright church; a Discourse: Ps. ciii, 17, 18. Augusta, Me., 1854. 80. Pam. v. 558. [-] Margaret: a Tale of the real and the ideal, blight and bloom; including sketches of a place not before described, called Mons Christi...Revised edition. Boston, 1857. 2 v. 12~. Life and Character of the Rev. Sylvester Juddt. Ed. by Arethusa Hall. Boston, 1857. 531 p. 12~. JUDD, Sylvester. Thomas Judd and his descendants. By Sylvester Judd, of Northampton, Miass. Northampton, 1856. 112 p. 8~. JUDGMENT (The) and Doctrine of the Clergy of the Church of England concerning.... the King's prerogative, viz: in dispencing with the penall laws..In a letter...1687. London. 46 p. 4~. Pam. v.408. JUDITH, Esther, and other poems. By a lover of the fine arts. By Maria Broolks. Boston, 1820. 112 p. 18~. [JUDSON, Edward Z. C.]. The Mysteries and Miseries of New-York...By Ned Buntline. New-York, 1848. 116 p. 80. Pam. v. 496. JUIcE (The) OF THl GRAPE; or Wine preferable to water. A Treatise wherein wine is shewn to be the great preserver of health...-By a fellow of the college, i. e. Peter Shaw, F.R.S. London, 1724. xii, 56 p. 8o. JULIANt, Rev. Antonio. Trasforimazione dell' America, o sia Trionfo della S. Chiesa su la rovina della Monarchia del demonio in America dopo la conquista fattane da' monarchi delle Spagne..Roma, 1790. 286 p. 12~ JULIAN & GREGORIAN YEAR, 1700. See [Wills, John]. JULIAND, J. Historical Reminiscences of the early settlement of the town of Greene, N. Y. Prepared for French's Encyc. Newspaper slips. 1858. In 1 v. 80~. JULIUS, Dr.N. H., Editor. See Magazin der Ausl. Lit. der gesamm. Heilkunde. Catalogus Bibliothecse per XL annos.... in Europa et America arte medica, de cura pauperum, disciplina carcerum, satistica... etc. Berolini pub. auctionis... Oct. 1850. 182 p. 1~. JULIUS OBSEQUENS. See Obsequens. JULLIEN, B. Cours Raisonen de Langue Fran9aise. Paris, L. Hachette et Cie, 1851-1856, amounting to 23 v. 12~. Contents: PREMIER DEGRE.. Questions et Exercices sur la grammaire franqaise de L'Homond, a l'usage des 61eves. 2. Questions..avec les reponses, les corriges a l'usage des maitres. 3. Elements de la grammaire franqaise de L'Homond revus. 4. Petit Trait6 des participes franQais...a l'usage des 618ves. 440 GENERAL LIBRARY. JULLIEN, B.: 5. Petit Traite; des participes franqais.. A. l'usage des maitres. DEuxISeME DEGR6.. 1.. Traite de grammaire frangaise. 368'p. 2. Questions et Exercices sur la grammaire, a l'usages des 6leves. 135 p. 3. Questions et Exercices sur la grammaire, A l'usages des maitres. 200, -255 p. 4. Traite Complet d'analyse grammaticale, a l'usage des maitres. 135 p. 5. Petit TraitS d'analyse grammaticale, a l'usage des 6leves. 46 p. 6. Traite Complet d'analyse logique, al'usage des maitres. 114 p. 7. Petit Traite d'analyse logique,?a l'usage des eleves. 47 p. TROISISME DEGRS. 1. Petit Traite de rhetorique et de litterature. 304 p. 2. Questions et Exercices sur le petit traite de rhetorique et de litterature, a l'usage des 1leves..205 p. 3. Questions et Exercices sur le petit traite de rhetorique et de litterature, al'usage des maitres. 398 p. 4. Petit Traite des figures et des formes de style. 196 p. 5. Questions et Exercices sur le petit traite des figures et des formes de style a l'usage des 6leves. 96 p. 6. Questions -et Exercices sur le petit traite des figures et des formes de style, a l'usage des maitres. 492 p. OUVRAGES COMPLMENTAIRES. 1. Vocabulaire grammatical de la langue franQaise. 186 p. 2. Explication des principales difficultes de l'enseignement et de la grammaire. 3. Le langage vicieux corrige. 159 p. 4. Manuel de la.conjugaison des verbes franqais. 93 p. 5, Nouvelles dictees d'orthographe. 228 p. Manuel des Examens des 8coles primaires..2me edition. Paris, Hachette, 1851. 18~. Cours Superieur de Grammaire. See Cours complet. JUNGHUGH, Fr. Catalog der Geologische Sammlung. von Java..geordnet im Reichs-museum fur Naturgeschichte zu Leiden. Gravenhage, 1854. 137 p. 8~. JUNIUSt. The Whig, 1779. See Biog. Anecdotes by Almon. JUNIUS TRACTS, N~ i - IX, March, 1843 - June 1844. By Calvin Colton. New-York, Greeley & McElrath. 144 p. 8~. Panm. v. 526. Nos. 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, also in Pam. v. 197. No. I, The Test; II, The Currency; III, The Tariff; IV, I. Clay; v, Political Abolition; vI, Democracy; VII, Labor and Capital; vIII, The Public lands;. xi, Annexation of Texas. JUNKINt (G.), D.D. Inaugural Address. See Lafayette College. JURA POPULI ANGLICANI; or the Subject's right of petitioning set forth. Occasioned by the case of the Kentish petitioners....~'~. London, 1701; reprinted 1772. 112 p. 8'. Pol. Tr. v. 2. [ JURIN, James]. See Geometry no friend tp infidelity, 1734. JURISPRUDENTIA iHEROICA, sive de Jure Belgarum circa nobilitatem et insignia demonstrato in comm. ad edictum....14 Dec. 1616. Pars prima. Pars secunda. By J. B. Christyn. Bruxellis, 1668. 586, 174 p. With, Corollarium, of coats of arms. 68 p. in 2 v. f~. FIRST SUPPLEMENT. 441 JUSSIEU, Adrien De. The Elements of Botany. Trans. with....additions by J. H. Wilson. London, Bohn (1858). 12". JUST (A) AND MODEST Vindication of the proceedings of the two last parliaments. By John, Lord Somers. 1681. 48 p. 4~. Pam. v. 407. JUSTICE (The) AND NECESSITY of Taxing the American colonies, demonstrated; together with a vindication of the authority of parliament. London, 1766. 36 p. 8~. JUSTICE (The) AND POLICY of the late act of parliament for making more effectual provision for the government of the province of Quebec, asserted and proved... By William Knox. London, 1774. 90 p. 8~. JUSTICE TO THE CHURCH of England (1845?). 10 p. 80. Pam. v. 326. JUSTIFICATION (A) of the Present War against the United Netherlands. Ill. with sculptures...In answer to... Considerations upon the present state of the United Netherlands. By an English Man, i. e. Henry Stubbes. London, 1672. 80p. 4~. Pam. v. 407. JUVENALISt. D. Junii Juvenaiis Aquinatis Satira: ex recensione H. C. Henninii..... A. Persii Flacci Satirarumn liber: ex recensione I. Casauboni. Glasguse, 1750. 18~. - D. Junii Juvenalis Aquinatis Satirse XVI...illustrate..a Ge. A. Ruperti. Quibus adjectse sint A. Persii Flacci Satira3 ex recensione et cuml notis G. L. Koenig. Glasguse, 1825. 2 v. 8~. - D. J. Juvenalis and A. Persius Flaccus translated and illustrated, as well with sculpture as notes. By Barten Holyday, D.D....Oxford, 1673. fo. JUVENCUS PRESBITER immensam evangelice legis maiestatem heroicis versibus concludens. Deventer, 1490? 64 leaves. smin. 4~. JUYNBOLL, Theod. G. J. Commentarii in Historiam Gentse Samaritanse. Lugd. Bat. 1846. xii, 169 p. 4~. K. K., W. HI. See Convict Treatment. London, 1847. KAAS, Petrus. Exercitatio Philologica in Car. Fr. Houbigant... prolegomena in scripturam sacram... Traj. ad Rhenum, 1762. 39 p. 4~. Pamn. v. 1016. KAISERLICHE AKADEMIE DER WISSENSCHAFTEN. Sitzungsberichte. Philosophisch-histotische classe. Band xxIv - XXVIII. 1857-58. Wien. 5 v. 80. ---- ~Sitzungsberichte. Mathematisch Naturwissenschaftliche classe. Band xxv - xxxII. Juli 1857 - Oct. 1858. Wien. 8 v. 8~. Almanach, Achter jahrgang, 1858. Wien. 180, 250 p. 120. KAISERLICH- K6NIGLICHE GEOGRAPHISCHE GESSELLSCHAFT. Mittheilungen. III Jahrgang, 1859. 3 und 4 heft. Wien. In 1 v. roy. 8~. KAISERLICH-K. GEOLOGISCHE REICHSANSTALT. Jahrbuch, 1857, 58, 59; vIII, Ix, x, jahrgang. Wien. 3 v. roy. 80. KANEt (Elisha K.), M.D. Artic Explorations: the Second Grinnell Expedition in search of Sir John Franklin, 1853,'54,'55...Ill. by upwards of 300 engravings.. Philadelphia, 1856. 2 v. 8~. [ SUPPL.] 56 442 GENERAL LIBRARY. KANE (Elisha K.), M.D.: Access to an open Polar Sea in connection with the search after Sir J. Franklin. New-York, 1853. 24 p. See Am. Geog. Society. KANE (John I. and Mary), and H. L. SToRRS. The Kindred Dead... Albany, 1852. 21 p. 8~0. Pam. v. 213. KANSAS. Memorial of the Senators and Representatives, and the Constitution of the State of Kansas: Also the majority and minority reports of the Comm. on Territories on the said Constitution. H. of B. Doct. Washington, 1856. 59 p. 8". Paim. v. 561. The Border Ruffian Code in Kansas. Extracts. Constitution, chapter 151, slaves, etc. N.York, 1856. 15 p. 8S. Pam. v. 537, 560. KANSAS CITY, Mo. Central Pacific Railway route. Memorial to the Congress...Kansas....1858. 16 p. 80. Pam. v. 546.- Railroads... centering at Kansas city, etc. 80. Pam. v. 257. KANSAS AID SOCIETIES. Report of the Proceedings of a Convention of delegates: Cleveland, O., June 1856; and Buffalo, N.Y., July 1856. 21 p. 8~. Pam. v. 227, 560. KANSAS AND THE CONSTITUTION. By " Cecil." Fronm Phil'a XnorthAmerican. Boston, 1856. 16 p. 80am. v. 560. KANSAS HERALD OF FREEDOiM. Vol. 1, N~ 2, Jan. 6, 1855, to Vol. 2, N~ 6, March 15, 1856. Lawrence, G. W. Brown & Co. 1 v. fP. KANSAS STATE RIGHTS. An Appeal to the Democracy of the South. By a Southern State Rights Democrat. Washington, 1857. 39 p. 80. Pain. v. 560. KANSAS (The) STRUGGLE of 1856, in Congress, and in the Presidential campaign; with suggestions for the future. New-York, Am. Abolition Society, 1859. 80 p. 8~. Pam. v. 259. KAPP, Friedrich. The Life of Frederick William Von Steuben, Maj. Gen. in the Revolutionary army. With an introduction by George Bancroft. New-York, 1859. 8~. KATTERNS, Rev. Daniel. Liberty of Conscience. A Lecture... Hackney, 1846. On Herbert's Picture of the Declaration of the Independents in the Westminster Assembly. London. 23 p. 240. Cat. v. 17. KAYE,- Bp. John. Concio ad Clerum Prov. Cantuariensis: 1 Cor. i, 10. Feb. 18, 1819. Cantab. 40. Pam. v. 1009. - Oratiuncula Cantabrigie in comitiis habita iv Non. Julii 1819, 1820. 80. -Pam. v. 386. ----- Sermon. Charity schools': Mlark ix, 37. 1822. Lond. 8~. Pam. v. 376. Charge, at Visitation, 1828. Cambridge. 8~. Pam. v. 377. Charge to the Clergy...1831. London. 80. Pam. v. 380. KEARY, Rev. William. The Comments of the early Fathers of the Church on Scripture, opposed to the modern interpretations of Rome...London, 1830. 56 p. 8~. Pam. v. 347. KEATEt (George), esq. Poetical Works. Vol. I. London, 1787. 235 p. 18~. KEATS, John. The Poetical Works of With a life. Boston...1854. Pro FIRST SUPPLEMENT. 443 KEEFER, Thos. C. Philosophie des chemins de fer. 4me edition. Montr6al, 1853. 53 p. 80. Pain. v. 283. KEEP, Rev. John. Congregationalism and church-action: with the principles of Christian union. New-York, 1845. 143 p. 18~. KEITH, Sir George Mouat. A Voyage to South-America and the Cape of Good Hope, in H. M.'s brig Protector. London, 1819. xxx, 117 p. 40. KEITH, P. Trapier. Sermon, Death of Rev. Thos. J. Young. Charleston,- S.C. 1852. 8~. Paim. v. 555. KEITH (Tho.), esq. Memoir. London, 1824? 4 p. 8. Pam. v. 390. KEITT, L. M. Politics of the Country. Speech, U.S. H. of R., April 7, 1856. 7 p. 80. Pamin. v. 537. KELLEY'S (Dr.) New System of Medicine: Treatment of Disease upon plain and rational Principles. N.York, 1848. 24 p. 8~. Pam. v. 271. KELLOGG, Allyn S. Genealogical Memoir. See White, J. KELLYt, Walter K. History of Russia.....Vol. II. London, Bohn, 1855. 1 v. 12~. KELLY, William. Address, N.Y. State Agric. Soc., Albany, Feb. 15, 1855. Albany, 1855. 80. Pam. v. 286. KELROY, a Novel. By a Lady of Pennsylvania. Philadelphia, 1812. 301 p. 12. KEMBLEt (Frances Ann) BUTLER. Francis the First, a tragedy.... New-York, 1832. 63 p. 80. Repr. Pam. v. 534. KEMBLE, J. M. Codex Diplom. Evi- Saxonici. See English Histori. cal Society. KE1MP, Edward. How to lay out a Garden: Intended as a general guide in choosing, forming or improving an estate..... New York, 1858. Repr. 403 p. 12~ KEMPERti, Joan. Melchior. Verhandelingen, Redevoeringen en Staatkundige geschriften... Verzameld door Jhr. J. de Bosch Kemper. Amsterdam, 1835, 36. 3 v. 8~. KEMPER COLLEGE: Catalogue of the Medical Students, 1842, 43. St.Louis, Io. 1843. 80. Pain. v. 212. KENDALL, Edmund H. A Sermon on the Primitive State of the christian church... and.... of the papal hierarchy. 3d edition. Boston, 1854. 120. Pam. v. 558. KENDALL, J. P. Report of the Discussion at Brunswick, Rensselaer county, N.Y....between Rev. J. P. Kendall and C. F. Le F6vre... And Letter by H.J. Grew. Troy, 1834. 16 p. 8~. Pam. v. 295. KENNEBEC LOCoKS & CANALS COMPANY: Report of Colonel William Boardman, Engineer, Nov. 1, 1837. Augusta, 1837. 80. Pam. v. 223. [KENNEDY, Archibald]. See Serious Considerations on.... the Northern colonies, 1754. KENNEDY ( Benj.), D.D. A Letter to- the.... Bp. of Lichfield, Visitor of Shrewsbury school, on public school discipline in general...upon the religious education of the schools**... 2d edition. Shrewsbury, 1842. 49 p. 8~. Pam. v. 388. 444 GENERAL LIBRARY. KENNEDYt (Duncan), D.D. A Clergyman's Idea of a model physician: Address, Albany Med. Coill. Albany, 1858. 8~. Pam. v. 516. KENNEDY, Rev. Hugh. Sermon, Synod of Merse, Human reason: 1 Cor. i, 22, 23. Dublin, 1736. 8~. Pam. v. 368. A Short Account of the rise and continuing progress of a remarkable work of grace in the United Netherlands.....London, 1752. 33 p. 8O. Pam. v. 449. KENNEDY, Thomas. Songs of Love and Liberty*'@. Washington City, 1817. 98 p. 12%. KENNETt (Basil), D.D. - Twenty Sermons preached on several occasions to a society of British merchants in foreign parts..2d edition. London, 1727. 8~. KENNETTt, Bp. White. Sermon, Jan. 31, 1704, Martyrdom of Charles I: Jer. xliv, 23. London. 8~. Pam. v. 363. Sermon, Jan. 30, 1706, Murder of Charles I Genesis xlii, 21. London. 40~. Pam. v. 362.- 12~. Pam. v. 363. Sermon, Charity Schools, 1706 Ps. cxliv, 12. See Soc. Pro. Chr. Knowledge. Sermon, Thanksgiving for Victory at Blaregnies: Lu. xvii, 17, 18. London, 1709. 80. Pam. v. 364. Sermon, H. of Lords, Jan. 30, 1719 Mark xiv, 19. London, 1720. 8~. Pam. v. 367. [ —— ]. See Snape (Dr.) instructed in... convocations, 1718. KENNICOTT (Benj.), D.D. Christian Fortitude, a Sermon: Rom. viii, 35, 37. 2d edition. Oxford, 1757. 8~. Pam. v. 371. Sermon, Immanuel: Is. vii, 13 - 16... With notes on Ps. xlviii and xlix, and on.... Reflections of the Bp. of Gloucester. Oxford, 1765. 104 p. 8~. Pam. v. 372. KENRICKt, John. Obstacles to the Diffusion of Unitarianism.....a Sermon. London, 1827. 8~. Pam. v. 317. KENTt, James. Address, Phi Beta Kappa Societyj Sept. 13, 1831. New-Haven, 1831. 8~. Pam. v. 215. A Course of Reading, drawn up by.... For the use of the members of the Mere. Lib. Association."* New-York...1840. 18~. Proceedings of the Bar of New-York, on the occasion of the death of: Decem. 14, 1847. New-York, 1847. 80. Pam. v. 204. KENT, John. The Fall and Restoration of Zion...A poem..London, 1828. 23 p. 12~. Pam. v. 398. KENTUCKY. Eastern Lunatic Asylum (Lexington). Reports, 1854-5, 56-7. Frankfort, 1856, 57. 80. Pam. v. 510. --— ~ Report of the Geological Survey of Kentucky, made during the years 1854 and 1855, by D. D. Owen, assisted by R. Peter....and S. Lyon. Frankfort, Ky. 1856. 416 p. roy. 8~. Report of the Superintendent of Pub. Instruction, 1855. Frankfort, 1856. 8~. Pam. v. 229. KENTUCKY FARMER'S ALMANACK. Lexington, 1846. 120. Alm. v. 28. FIRST SUPPLEMENT. 445 KENTUCKY STATE AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY. 1st Report, 1856 and 57; 2d Report, 1858 and 59. Frankfort, 1857, 1860. 2 v. 80~.... Awards, 1857; Address of L. W. Powell. Frankfort, 1857. 8~. Pam. v. 461. KENTUCKY STATE COLONIZATION SOCIETY. Report, 1855. 16 p. 8~. Pam. v. 228: KENYON, Rev. H. B. Reply on Secret Societies. See Backus, J. S. KENYONt COLLEGE: Theological Seminary. Catalogue, 1850. Gambier. Pam. v. 212.- For 1842, 56. Pam. v.294.- For 1855. Pam. v. 247. KEOKUK CITY DIRECTORY, for 1856-7....Historical and Statistical matter written by Orion Clemens. Keokuk, Iowa, 1856. 48 p. 8~. KERCIIEVALt, Samuel. A History of the Valley of Virginia. Second edition: revised and extended by the author. Woodstock, Va. 1850. 347 p. 80. KERKHISTORISCH ARCHIEF, verzameld door N. C. Kist en W. Moll... Eerste deel. Amsterdam, 1857. p. 345 - 506. 8~. Pam. v. 547. Contains Rev. J. Michaelius' Letter, dated New-York, 1628. KERKLYKE LEERREDENEN; gehouden in Braband en Fransch Vlaanderen, zedert 1788 en 1789. Signed G. V.- Duinkerken, 1789.Tweede stuk...1790. 61, 81 p. 8~. Pam. v. 568. KERRt, Robert. Memoirs of the Life, Writings and Correspondence of William Smellie, F.R.S....late printer in Edinburgh...Edinburgh, 1811. 2 v. 80~. KERRICK, Rev. Thomas. Catalogue of Roman Coins, collected by:.. and presented... to the Society of Antiquaries of London. Printed for the Society...1852. viii, 84 p. 8~. KERSLAKEt, T. Books from Library of Sir G. O. Paul and J. Tyrrell, esq., for sale. Bristol, 1828. 80. Cat. v. 97.- Second-hand Books for sale, Bristol, Eng. 1847. 128 p. Cat. v. 21; 1848, Cat. v. 26; 1853, Cat. v. 65. KERVIN (Ph.) DE VOLKAERSBEKE. Les Bibliophiles flamands: Leur histoire et leurs travaux***. Gand, 1853. 32 p. roy. 8~. KETCHUMt, Hiram. Eulogy on the late Daniel Webster, Yale College, Jan. 18, 1853. New-Haven, 1853. 8~. Pam. v. 214. Speech at New-Haven, 1856, on Fillmore and Fremont. 15 p. 80. Pam. v. 537. KETT, Henry. Elements of General Knowledge, introductory to useful books in the principal branches of literature and science; with lists of the most approved authors. Oxford, 1803. 2 v. 8~. KEY (Francis S.). Poems of the late:..... Author of the " Star Spangled Banner." With an introductory letter by Chief Justice Taney. New-York...1857. 180. KEY (A) to the Science of Electrical Psychology... By a Professor of the Science. 1849. 16 p. 8~. Pam. v. 522. KEYS, Emerson IW. Educational System of New-York: An Address, N.Y. State Teachers' Association, Lockport, Aug. 5, 1858. Albany, 1858. 8~. Pam. v. 286. 446 GENERAL LIBRARY. KEYS (The) of the Protestant establishment; or the Question answered, "Why do the Laws of England exclude a Papist from the Throne?" London, 1813. 28 p. 8~ Pam. v. 344. KHALDOUN, Ebn. Prolegomenes d'Ebn-Khaldoun. Texte Arabe, publie d'apres les manuscrits de la Bibl. Imperiale, par M. Quatremere. Tome Premier. Ie, IIe, IIIe partie. Paris, 1858. In 3 v. 40. KHALIL, Sidi. Pr'cis de Jurisprudence Musulmane, suivant le Rite MaleSkite. Pub. par les soins de la Soc. Asiatique. In Arabic. Paris, 1855. iv, 234 p. 8~. KIDDERt (D. P.) and J. C. FLETCHER. Brazil and the Brazilians, portrayed in historical and descriptive sketches. Illustrated by 150 engravings. Philadelphia, 1857. 630 p. 80. KIDGELL, John. Discourse, Fast, 1756: Is. xxvi, 20. 4th edition. London. 80. Pam. v. 371. KIDSON, A.S. A Memorial of...Jesus Christ; containing a treatise on the preexistence of the human spirit.....New-Brentford, Eng. 1843. 50 p. 8". Pam. v. 306. KIEHL, William. Die Liebe und das Leben. Haag, 1831. 184 p. 80. KILBO1TRNt, John. The Ohio Gazetteer...8th edition. Columbus, O. 1826. 231 p. 12~. KILBOURNEt, Payne K. A Biographical History of the County of Litchlfield, Connecticut; comprising biographical sketches of distinguished natives and residents of the county..... New-York, 1851. 413 p. 8o. Sketches and Chronicles of the town of Litchfield, Conn. Hartford, 1859. 264 p.-80. KILGOUR (Alex.), M.D. Mechanics' Institutions; what they are, and how they may be made.....,. nore useful. London, 1853. 30 p. 8~. Pam.- v. 518. KILMARNOCK, WV. Boyd, Earl of. Memoirs of the Lives and Families of the Lords Kilmarnock, Cromertie and Balmerino. To which are added...the behaviour of the Lords Kilmarnock and Balmerino, at the time of their execution. 3d edition. London, 1746. 62 p. roy. 8~0. Pam. v. 390. KIMEDONCIVS, Jacobus. De Redemtione generis humani libri tres... Accessit... De divina prsedestinatione...Heidelbergse, 1592. 747 p. and ind. 180. KINDERHOOK ACADEMY, Circular 1856. New-York. 80. Pam. v. 456. KINGt (Daniel P.), of Mass. -The California Question and the ordinance of'87: Speech, U.S. H. of R., 1850. 8 p. 8~. Pam. v. 486. KING, (Edward) esq. Remarks on the Signs of the Times. London, 1798. 40 p. 8~. Pam. v. 1004. KING, George. IHolyhead Harbour. Reply to Letter addressed by C. W. Williams... London, 1847. 19 p. 80. Pam. v. 426. KING, Henry, Bp. Sermon, H. M.'s Birth day, May 26, 1661: Ez. xxi, 27. London, repr., 1713. 8~. Pam. v. 363. KING (.James G.), of N.J. Speech, U.S. H. of Repr., on the Branch Mints. 1851. Pam. v. 487. FIRST SUPPLEMENT. 447 KINGt (John A.), of N.Y. Speech, U.S. H. of R., on the Admission of California. Washington, 1850. 15 p. 80. Pain. v. 486. KINGt (Preston), of N.Y. Remarks on the Compromise Measures, U. S. H. of R. Washington, 1852. 8 p. 80. Pam. v. 486. KING- (Walker), D.D.. Two Sermons, Gray's Inn Chapel, Fast day, Ap. 19, 1793: Luke xiii, 5. London. 4~. Pam. v. 1008. KING (~Walter), A.M., of Norwich, Conn. Sermon, Ordination of the Rev. Daniel Hall, Sag-Harbor ( L.I.), Sept. 21, 1797.... Norwich (Conn.), 1798. 80. Pam. v. 94. KINGt (William), D.D., Abp. An Answer to the Considerations which obliged Peter embrace what he calls the Catholic religion. London, 1687. 104 p. 40. Pamn. v. 355. Sermnon: RoMn. viii, 29, 30, Divine Predestination, Dublin, May 15, 1709. 4th edition. London, 1729. 80. Pam. v. 365. KINGt (William), LL.D. The Original Works, in verse and prose, of:.. now first collected into three volumes; with historical notes, and memoirs of the author. London, 1776. 3 v. 12~. KINGt, William R. Life of. See Pierce, F. KING, W. W. The Doctrine of Immortality; its practical influence: A Sermon. Chicago, Ill. 1859. 12~. Pain. v. 558. KING'S CHAPEL, Boston. Liturgy Collected for the use of the church at:.. By James F~reeman, D.D. 2d edition. Boston, 1811. 8~. IKING'S COLLEGE, London. System of Instruction in King's College, London. 80. Pam. v. 156. KING'S COUNTY, N.Y., Board of Supervisors Report of the Comm. on Accounts of the superintendents of the poor. Brooklyn, 1856, 5.7. Ann. Report of the sup'ts of the poor. Brooklyn, 1857. 61 p. 8~. Pam. v. 535. KINGDOM (William), jr. America and the British Colonies: An abstract of all the most useful information relative to... and the Cape of Good-Hope, New South Wales and Van Diemen's Island. Exhibiting, at one view, the comparative advantages and disadvantages each country offers for emigration... London, 1820. 359 p. 8~. KINGSBURY, Harmon. Law and Government: The origin, nature, extent and necessity of divine and human government, and of religious liberty. New-York, 1849. 236 p. 12~. KINGSCOTE, Henry. A Letter to the Abp. of Canterbury, on the present wants of the church. London, 1846. 32 p. 8~. Pain. v. 328. KINGSLEYt, Rev. Charles. Alton Locke, tailor and poet: An autobiography. New-York...1850. 120....- Poems by:.. Boston, 1856. 180. Two Years Ago. Boston, 1857. 540 p. 120~. - Westward Ho - The voyages and adventures of Sir Amyas Leigh, the reign of her most glorious majesty Queen Elizabeth...4th Amz. edition. Boston, 1857..12~. [ KINOSLEYt, J..]. Review. See Webster, Noah. KINGSTON, William H. G. Western Wanderings; or a Pleasure tour in the Canadas..London, 1856. 2 v. 12~. 448 GENERAL LIBRARY. KINGSTON AND RONDOUT DIRECTORY; containing the names of the residents of Kingston, Rondout, Wiltwyck, and North-Haven.. Also, an historical sketch of the town of Kingston, 1857:~ W. H. Boyd,' directory publisher, N.York. 180. Also, for 1858. Kingston. 2 v. 120~. KINNE (Aaron), A.M. A New Year's Gift presented especially to the young people in the first Society of Groton, Jan. 1,-1788...NewLondon, 1788. 16 p. 8~. KINZIE, Mrs. John H. Wau-bun: The "Early Day." in the Northwest....New-York, 1856. 8~. KIP (Lawrence), Lieut. U.S.A. Army Life on the Pacific: A Journal of the expedition against the northern N.York, 1859. 144 p. 12~. KIPPIst (Andrew), D.D. [Sermons, &c.] in 1 v. 8~. Contents: Sermon, Charity School Prov. xix, 2. London, 1756. Sermon, Sept. 20, 1761, Coronation of George' III Ps. xxi, 3. London, 1761. Sermon, Acad. Inst. of Prot. Dissenters Prov. xxii, 6. London, 1786. Sermon, Society for commemorating the glorious Revolution, Nov. 4, 1788. London, 1788. Vindication of the Prot. Diss. with regard to their late application to parliament. 2d edition. London, 1773. 123 p. See Considerations on the Prov. Treaty with America, 1783. KIRCHIOFF, Albrecht. Beitriige zur Geschichte des Deutsche-n Buchhandels. Erstes bandchen. Notizen iiber einige Buchhandler des xv uud xvI jahrhunderts. Leipzig, 1851. 152 p. 12~. KIRKf (Edward Norris), D.D. Sermon, American Home Miss. Society, N.York and Brooklyn, May 1848. N.York, 1848. 8~. Pam. v. 267. KIRKLANDt, AMrs. C. M. Memoirs of Washington..With illustrations. New-York..1857. 12~. KIRKLANDt (John T.), D.D. A Sermon, Mass. Soc. for Suppr. of Intemperance, May 27, 1814. Boston, 1814. 8~. Pam. v. 104. A Discourse, Massachusetts Annual Election: Ps. cvi, 45. Boston, 1816. 8~. Pam. v. 557. KIST, Ewaldus. De Hoofd-inhoud van de Zedenleer des Christendoms. Dordrecht, 1800. 2 v. in 1. 8~. - Leerredenen over verschillende Onderworpen..Dordrecht, 1811. 2 v. in 1. 8~. KITCHEL, 11. D. An Appeal to the People for the Suppression of the liquor traffic ~ A Prize Essay. New-York, 1850. 48 p. 12~. Pamn. v. 630. KITE, Charles. Essays and Observations, physiological and medical, on the submersion of animals, and on the resin of the Acoroides resinifera or Yellow resin from Botany Bay. To which are added Select History of diseases, with remarks. London...1795. 8~. KITTREDGE, Rev. Charles B. Sermon, Funeral of Mrs. Caroline A. Hunt; Westboro', March 13, 1846. Boston, 1846. 80. Pam. v. 80. KITTREDGEt (Jonathan), M.D. An Address on the Effects of ardent spirits, Lyme, N.H., Jan. 8, 1827. New-York, 1828. 24 p. 120~. Pam. v. 630. FIRST SUPPLEMENT. 449 - An-Address, Temperance So. of Bath, N.H., July 4, 1828. Also, an Address, Am. Temp. Soc., Boston, Jan. 28, 1829. Boston, 1829. 120. Pam. v. 629. KLAPROTHt, Julius. Abhandlung iiber die Sprache und Schrift der Uiguren. 68 p.f~. See Klaproth, Verzeichniss der Chin. und Mandsc. bticher, etc. Cat. 1855. - Catalogue des Livres imprimes, des manuscrits, et des ouvrages chinois, tartares, japonais, etc., composant la bibliotheique de. Sale at auction, Mar. 1840. Paris, 1840. Deuxieme partie. 308, xii, 80 p. 80. KLEIN, Jac. Theod. Tentamen Methodi Ostracologicae, sive dispositio naturalis cochlidum et concharum in suas classes, genera et species, iconibus..illustrata. Accedit lucubratiuncula... turn commentariolum in locum Plinii....De Concharum differentiis....Lugd. Bat. 1753. 4o. KLEIN, Pierre. Notice sur les Fourneaux economiques..Paris, 1856. 31 p. 8~. Pam. v. 298. KLENCKE, Prof. Lives of the Brothers Humboldt, Alexander and William. Trans. and arranged from the Germ. of Klencke & Schlesier. By J. Bauer. London, 1852. 12~. KLOSS, Dr. Catalogue of the Library of Dr. Kloss, of Frankfort, M., Professor, including many original and unpublished manuscripts, and printed books with MS. annotations, by Philip Melancthon; which will be sold by auction, May 7.....London, 1835. 343 p. 8~. With six engraved fac-similes. KNAGGS, Thomas. Sermon: Heb. xii, 5, 6. London (1708). 8~. Pam. V. 364. KNAPP, Frederic N. Discourse, Funeral of John Pierce, D.D., Senior pastor, Brookline, Mass. Boston, 1849. With a Biographical sketch of Dr. Pierce, 1849. 60 p. 12~. Pam. v. 214, 555. KNAPP ( M. L.), M.D., Prof. Iowa Univ. Discovery of the Cause, cure and prevention of epidemic cholera. Cincinnati, 1855. 8~. Pam. v. 246. KNICKERBOCKERt (The), or New-York Monthly Magazine. Vol. 46, July 1855 - Vol. 23, June 1859. New-York. 8 v. 8~. KNIGGE, Baron Adolphe Fra. Fri. Practical Philosophy of Social Life; or the Art of conversing with men: after the German of Baron Knigge. By (H.) P. Will, Minister of the Reformed German Congregation in the Savoy. First American edition. Lansingburgh, N. Y. 1805. xxxii, 368 p. 8~. KNIGHT & PERRY. A Synopsis of the Coniferous Plants grown in Great the Exotic Nursery, King's Road, Chelsea, London. 64, 4 p. 8~. KNIGHT, Mrs. Helen C. Life of James Montgomery... **. Boston, 1857. 416 p. 120. Repr. KNIGHT, Henry C. Poems...2d edition. Boston, 1821. 2 v. 18~. KNIGHT (James), D.D. Sermon, Anniv. of Charity Schools. 1720. London. See Soc. Prom. Chr. Knowledge. [ SPPL.] 57 450 GENERAL LIBRARY. KNIGHT, Titus. Faith of the Saints, a Sermon Jude iii. MeetingHouse, Hull, 1768. Leeds. 80. Pam. v. 372. KNOEPFEL, W. H. An Account of Knoepfel's Schoharie Cave, Schoharie county, N.Y. Ill. with engravings. N.York, 1853. 8~. Pam. v. 253. KNOOP, Johann Hermann. Pomologia, dat is Beschryvingen en Afbeeldingen van de beste zoorten van appels en peeren, wellre in Neder en Hoog-duitschland, Frankryk, Engeland en elders geagt zyn, en tot dien einde gecultiveert worden. 1 v.- Fructologia, of Beschryving der vrugtbomen en frugten...1 v. Dendrologia, of Beschryving der Plantagie-gewassen. 1 v. Leeuwarden (1758). In 1 v. f~. KNOWLES PATENT LINEN FIBRE COMPANY. New-York, 1855. 19 p. 8~. Pam. v. 298. KNOWLESt, James J. The Hunchback. Ed. by E. Sargent. New-York, 1846. 120. Pam. v. 621. KNOWLSON, R. J. Agricultural Address, 1853. See Davis, G. R. KNOW-NOTHING ALMANAC. T. W. Strong, N.York. 1855. 120. Alm. v. 30. KNOW-NOTHING (The) ALMANAC and True American's Manual for 1856. Ed. by W. S. Tisdale. New-York. 68 p. 120. KNOXt (Vicesimus), D.D. A Narrative of Transactions relative to a sermon, preached..... Aug. 18, 1793, with short extracts from the sermon. London, 1793. xlii, 132 p. 8~. Pam. v. 392. [ --— ] See Spirit of Despotism. Cat. 1855. [KNOXt, William]. See Justice..of late Act for... Quebec. 1774; Also, Claim of the Colonies, 1765; and, Present state of the nation, 1769. KNOX, W. E. Sermon, Dedication of the Chapel of the N.Y. Lunatic Asylum. Utica, N.Y. 1858. 8~. Pam. v. 510, 556. KNOX MUTUAL INSURANCE ASSOCIATION. Articles, etc. Albany, 1858. 120~. Pam. v. 511. KNOXIANA. Pub. by the Knoxiana Publication Society of Knox College. Galesburg, Ill. Vol. I, II, III (3 Nos.). 1851-1853. In 1 v. 8~. ]OBELL, Franz Von. Instructions for the Discrimination of minerals bysimple chemical experiments. From the German, by R. C. Campbell. Glasgow, 1841. xii, 51 p. 80. Pam. v. 255. KOBERGER, A. See Chronicon Norimbergense. KoCH, Albert. Description of the Missourium theristocaulodon (Koch), or Missouri Leviathan...Fifth edition. Dublin, 1843. 28 p. 80. Pam. v. 273. KOCH-STERNFELDt, J. E. Ritter von. Die Teutschen, insbesondere die bayerischen und 6sterreichischen salzwerke; zunachst im mittelalters; als anlagen und burgschaften des cultus, der cultur, des KSnigs- Adel- und Biirgerthums, und der grossen masse..Mit betrachtungen fiber das europaische salzregale.... Miinchen, 1836. xl, 132, 388 p. 80. KOCK, Paul De. Madeleine***. Paris, 1842. 388 p. 120~ FIRST SUPPLEMENT. 451 KOEEILER, Joh. D. Hochverdiente und aus Bewahrten Urkunden wohlbeglaubte Ehren-Rettung Johann Guttenbergs- eingebohrnen biirgers in Mayntz, aus den alten Rheinlaindischen Adelichen Geschlechte derer von Sorgenloch, genannt Gansefleisch, wegen der ersten erfindung der nie gnug gepriesenen Buchdrucker-kunst in der Stadt Mayntz, zur unverganglichen ehren der Teutschen Nation..Leipzig, 1741. 108 p. 4~. KOEHLER, K. F. Catalog... Bibliot. Ilungarica. Leipzig, 1851. Cat, v. 48. KOELLIKER, Albert. Observations on the Poison of the Upas antiar. [ From Proc. Royal Soc., Dec. 17, 1857]. 4 p. 8~. Pam. v. 551. KOENEN, H. J. Voorlezingen over de Geschiedenis der Nijverheid in Nederland. Haarlem, 1856. 199 p. 8~. KOENIG, Geor. Matt. Bibliotheca Vetus et Nova, in qua... scriptorum, theologorum, JCtorum, medicorum, philosophorum, historicorum, geographorum, &c. &c., patria, aetas, nomina libri saepius etiam eruditorum de iis elogia testimonia et judicia,...usq: 1678 ordine alphabetico digesta.. exhibentur. Altdorfi, 1678. 888 p. fP. KOENIGLICH BAIJERISCHE AKADEMIE DER WISSENSCHAFTEN: Jahres Bericht... zur Feyer des 67sten Stiftstungstages, 1826. Von Fr. de Paula von Schrank. Muinchen.- Jahres Bericht. Erster...vom.. 1827, bis Sept. 1829; Zweiter, vom 1 Oct. 1829, bis 27 Marz 1831; Dritter, vorm 28 Marz 1831, bis 28 Marz 1833. In 1 v. 4~. Monumenta Saecularia: zur Feier ihre hundertjahrigen bestehens am 28 Maerz, 1859. Miinchen, 1859. 4~. Contents I Classe. 1. G. M. Thomas F. Petrarcse Aretini carmina incognita. 136 p. -- 2. L Spengel: Dexippi Philosophi Platonici in Aristotelis categorias dubitationes et solutiones. 95 p. 3. M. J. Muller: Philosophie und Theologie von Averroes. Ji Jrabic. 131 p. II Classe. L. Seidel: Untersuchungen iiber die Lichtstarke der Planeten Venus, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn. 102 p. III Classe. Th'. L. Fr. Tafel: Theodosii Meliteni Chronographia. In Greek. xiv, 238 p. ----- Fr. Kunstmann: Die Entdeckung Amerikas nach den Iltesten quellen geschichtlich dargestellt. See also Kunstmann, F. Abhandlungen der Historischen Classe: Vol. 7. Erste abtheilung, 1853. 40~. - Mathematisch-physicalische Classe: Erster, Zweyter, Dritter, Vierter, Bericht iiber die Arbeiten der; September 1807 - 1811. In 1 v.4~. ---- Abhandlungen der Mathem.- Phys.-Classe Vol. 7. Erste abtheilung, 1853. 4~. Abhandlungen der Philos.- Philol.-Classe: Vol. 7. 1st part, 1853. 4~. - Gelehrte Anzeigen: Vol. 38 - 46; January 1854 - June 1858. Miinchen. 9 v. 4~. Anzeige an das Publicum von den Gegenstdinden der Witterungslehre, und von den art und weise die witterung zu beobachten, 1781. See Reden, v. 3. 452 GENERAL LIBRARY. KOENIGLICH BAIJERISCIHE AKADEMIE DER WISSENSCHAFTEN: Ausserordentliche Sitzung...zur Erinnerung....des Herrn L. von Westenrieder. Manchen, 1828. 8 p. See Reden, v. 4. Geschaftsordnung, 1829. Miinchen. See Reden, v. 5. Liste der in der Deutschen Flora enthaltenen gefasspflanzen.... MiInchen, 1849. 114 p. 8~. Oeffentliche Sitzung...aml Aug. - 28 Nov. 1854. 22, 34 p. See Reden, v. 5. Commentarius Diplomatico-criticus super duplex privilegium austriacum Friderici I et II imperatorum, utrumque brevius et longius...Monachii, 1831. 76 p. 4~. See Reden, v. 5. Almanach:.. embracing, Verzeichniss der schriften der ordentlichen und ausserordentlichen frequentirenden mitglieder....1855. Miinchen. 262 p. 180. ---- [Collection of Miscellaneous papers, Discourses, etc. lettered: Vols. 3, 4, 5. Contents referred to under the names of the authors]. Miinchen, 1781 - 1857. 3 v. 4~. See Stichauer, Rbmischer Denkmaeler. KOENIGLICHE GESELLSCHAFT DER WISSENSCHAFTEN. See Goettingische. KOHLt, J. G. Ireland, Dublin, the Shannon, Limerick, Cork and the Kilkenny races, the Round towers, the lakes of Killarney, the county of Wicklow, O'Connell and the Repeal Association; Belfast and the Giant's causeway. New-York, 1844. Repr. 115 p. 8~. KOK, Jacobus. Vaderlandsch Woordenboek: Tweede druk, AA - Z. Amsterdam, 1785-1796. With Byvoegsels, 1797, 1799. Met kaarten, plaaten en pourtraitten. 35 and 2 v.: 37 v. 8~. KOLLI, Baron De. Memoirs of:... relative to his Secret Mission in 1810, for liberating Ferdinand VII King of Spain, from captivity at Valencay. Written by himself. To which are added, Memoirs of the Queen of Etruria, written by herself. London...1823. 80. KONGELIGE NORDISKE OLDSKRIFT-SELKSKAB: Societe Royale des Antiquaires du Nord.....Seance, 30 Jan. 1836. 12 p. 8~. Pam. v. 513. - Annaler for Nordisk Oldkyndighed. 1836- 38. Kj6benhavn. 2 v. 8~. KONING, Cornelis De. De Voorvaderlijke Levenswijze en gewoonten hier te Lande, vande vroegste tijden af, tot aan het einde der zestiende eeuw. Haarlem...1810. 8~. KONING, Martinus. Den Isten Zendbrief des Ap. Pauli aan die van Korinthus, geopend...Dordrecht, 1702. 4~. KONINKLIJK NEDERLANDSOH METEOROLOGISCH INSTITUUT. Meteorologische Waarnemingen in Nederland, en afwijkingen van temperatuur en barometerstand op andere plaatsen in Europa. Utrecht, 1854. 199 p. ob. 4~. KONINKLIJK ZOOLOGISCI GENOOTSCIIAP Natura Artis Magistra: Jaarboekje, 1852-57. 6 v. 18~. FIRST SUPPLEMENT. 453 KONINKLIJKEt AKADEMIE VAN WETENSCHAPPEN, gevestigd te Amsterdam. Koninklijk besluit tot vorming der Akademie van Wetenschappen.- Organiek Reglement der Akademie.- Memorie van toelichting, ingediend door de staats-commissie.- Personele Staat der Akademie op 28 Ap. 1855.- Lijst der binhen -en buitenlandsche akademien, waarmede de Akademie in verbinding is..Amsterdam, 1755. 27 p. 4~. ---- Verhandelingen: 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 deel. Amst. 1855 -58. 5 v. 4~. Verslagen en Mededeelingen: IIe deel, Jaargang 1854; IIIe deel, Jaargang 1855. Amsterdam, 1855, 55. 2 v. 8~. -- Verslagen en Mededeelingen... Afdeeling Letterkunde: Ie, IV deel. Amsterdam, 1856, 58. 2 v. 80. -- Verslagen en Mededeelingen.... Afdeeling Natuurkunde: IVe deel, Jaargang 1856. Amsterdam, 1856. 8~. Jaarboek:... April 1857 - Ap. 1858. Amsterdam. 80. Catalogus der Boekerij...Eerste aflevering. Amsterdam, 1855. 83 p. 80. Catalogus...I deel, Ie stuk; IIIe gedeelte. Amsterdam, 1858. 341 p. —Vierde gedeelte: Handschriften. Amsterdam, 1858. 3 v. 8~. See Nederlandsche Instituut. Cat. 1855. KONINRLIJKE ALMANAK voor den jare 1808. Amsterdam. 658 p. 8~. KooL, J. A. Apergu Historique au sujet de la Societe pour secourir les noyes, instituee a Amsterdam....Trad. du hollandais. Amsterdam, 1855. With, SupplSment, proclamations, affiches, annonces, etc. 150, 293 p. 8~. KOOLHAAS, Wilhelm. Dissertationes Grammatico-sacrse quibus analogia temporum et modorum hebrsese linguse investigatur....Amstel. 1748. 234 p. 8~. KooPs (Matthias), esq. Historical Account of the Substances which have been used to describe events, and to convey ideas from the earliest date to the invention of paper. 2d edition. London, 1801. 273 p. 8~. KoPPIus, Franciscus. Specimen Theologicum, continens Vitas ac Gesta Abbatum Adwerdensium.. 27 Sept. 1850. Groningse. 66 p. 8~. KORANt (Al.). L'Alcoran de Mahomet, traduit de l'arabe, par A. Du Ryer... avec... des observations... de M. G. Sale... et un discours Mr. Porter. Amsterdam, 1775. 2 v. 12~. KbRNERt, Charles Theodore. The Lyre and Sword. With a life of the author, and extracts from his letters. Trans. from the German by W. B. Chorley. London..1834. 18~. KORTEBRANT, Jacob. Lof der Drukkunste, door L. J. Koster, te Haerlent uitgevonden, omtrent bet jaer 1440. Op haer derde eeuwgetyde, met aenmerkingen. Delft, 1740. 73 p. 4~. KoscIusKo, Gen. Thaddeus. Manoeuvres of Artillei'y by:... Trans. with notes and descriptive plates, by Jonathan Williams..N.York, 1808. 77 p. 8~. KossuTHt, Louis. The Future of Nations:... A Lecture, Broadway Tabernacle, N.Y. June 21, 1852. New-York, 1852. 80. Pam. v. 215. 454 GENERAL LIBRARY. KOSSUT1H, Louis: - Select Speeches of Kossuth, condensed and abridged, with Kossuth's express sanction, by Francis W. Newman. New-York..... 1854. 120. KoSSUTi AND THE HUNGARIAN WAR.....with notices of the leading chiefs...Philadelphia, 1851. 288 p.'12~. KOSTICA, S. The Life of Saint Stanislaus Kostka, of the'Society of Jesus, patron of-novices. Trans. from the Italian. 1st Am. edition. Baltimore, 1847. 144 p. 18~. KRAFFT, Albertus. Catalogus Codicum Manuscriptorum Bibliothece Palatinre Vindobonensis: Pars 2, Codices Hebraici. Digesserunt Albertus Krafft et Simeon Deutsch. Vindobonae, 1847. 190 p. 40~. IKRAFFT, J. Ch. Choix des plus jolies Maisons de Paris et de ses environs, edifices et monuments publics. Nouvelle edition....leves.... par J. Ch. Krafft et Thiollet, architectes. Ouvrage compose de 158 planches, avec texte explicatif, et termine par 60 planches representant des portes cocheres et portes d'entr6e... Paris, 1849. gr. f~. KRAFT, M. Philologos Germanise.. Oct. 1855..nostram in urbem congregatos... excipiunt Joannei Hamburgensis prof. et magistri. Inest brevis historia Joannei iHamburgensis. Hamburgi, 1855. 39 p. 80~. Pam. v. 513. KRAPF, Rev. Dr. J. Lewis. Travels, Researches, and Missionary labors, during an eighteen years' residence in Eastern Africa.....With an E. J. Ravenstein. Boston, 1860. 8~. KRAUSE, Albert. Die Theorie und die Praxis der Geburtshiilfe. Mit Abbildungen in. stahl und holz. Berlin..1853. 2 v. 8~. KRAUTH,. Rev. C. P. Address, Inauguration as President of Pennsylvania College, Gettysburg. Gettysburg, 1834. 8~. Pam. v. 286. KIREBSt (John M.), D.D. The American Citizen: A Discourse on.. the surrender of fugitive slaves: Deut. iv, 7, 8. New-York, 1851. 40 p. 8~. Pam. v. 267, 557. KREIL, Karl. Einfluss des Mondes auf die Magnetische declination.. (Aus dem III bande der Denkschriften.. der k. Akademie der Wissenschaften..). Wien, 1852. 47 p. gr. 4~. ---- Einfluss des Mondes auf die Horizontale componente der magnetischen erdkraft... (Aus dem v bande der Denkschriften... der k. Akad. der Wissensch). Wien, 1853. 58 p.- With, Magnetisch und geographisch ortsbestimmungen an den Kiusten des Adriatischen Golfes im jahre 1854. 46 p.- And, Resultate aus den magnetischen beobachtungen zu Prag, von Karl Kreil. Wien, 1855. 44 p., with plates. I-n 1 v. 4~. - Anleitung zu den Magnetischen Beobachtungen...2e vermehrte auflage. Wien, 1858. 216 p. 8~. Anleitung zu den Meteorologischen Beobachtungen in der Oesterreichischen Monarchie, von Carl Kreil..Wien, 1856. 52 p.- With, Uber die bestimmung der seehohe aus dem beobachteten luftdrucke. Von Karl Kreil. 20 p. Wien,' 1856. With tables. 8~. KREMER, Chr. Jacob. Akademische Beitraige zur Giilch- und Bergischen Geschichte: I -III Band. Mannheim, 1769 - 81. 3 v. 40~. FIRST SUPPLEMENT. 455 Geschichte des Rheinisehen Franziens unter den Merovingischen und Karolingischen Koenigen bis in das jahr 843..Herausgegeben von And. Lamey. Mannheim, 1778. x, 418 p. 4~. KRETSINGER, George W. Address, Calliopean Society of Fairfield Academy...Utica, N.Y. 1855. 80. Pam. v. 514. KROHN, B. N. Catalogus Bibliothecae, praestantissimorum, qui ad theologiam, philologiam et historiam spectant, librorum....Divendentur d. V Mens Sept. 1796. Hamburgi. 217 p. 120~. KRUIJTBoscR, D. J. Practisch Rekenboek ten dienste der lagere scholen. Erste, Tweede, Derde stuk. Kampen, 1852 -1855. In I v. 18~. KRUMMACHER, F. A. The Parables of:.. Translated from 7th German edition. London, Bohn, 1858. 12~. KUGLERt, Franz. Hand-book of Painting: The Italian schools..Ed. with notes by Sir C. L. Eastlake. 3d ed...100 illustrations. London, 1855. 2 v. 8~. Geschichte der illustrationen..Stuttgart, 18561859. 3 v. S~. KUMPEL, J. W. Vaderlandsche Gedenkstukken. Leyd., 1783. 284 p. 80. KUNSTIANNt, Friedrich. Die Entdeckung Amerikas: Nach den iltesten quellen geschichtlich dargestellt..... mit einem atlas alter bis her ungedruckter karten. [Monumenta smecularia. Herausgegeben von der K. Bayer. Ak. der Wissensch. zur Feier ihres hundertjahrigen bestehens am 28 Mars 1859: III Classe]. Miinchen, 1859. 151 p. 40, and atlas eleph. fP. See also Koen. Baier. Ak. KURTZ, Rev. B. Sermon, Chambersburg, Penn., 14th of August, 1831, upon taking charge of the Evangelical Lutheran congregation.... 10 p. 80. Pam. v. 267. KUYPERs, Gerardus. De Christen Patriot treurende over de beginzelen van eenen burger oorlog in zijn vaderland. In eene leerreden over Jer. viii, 18-22. 2de druk, 1786. Groningen. 39 p. 80. Pam. v. 568. L. LAATSTE REPUBLIKAINSOCIE RAADGEVINGEN, aan de burgers en ingezetenen van Nederland, en byzonder der drie overheerde Provintien Gelderland, Utrecht, en Overyssel. In Holland, 1786. 29 p. 8~. Pam. v. 108. LA BARBINAIS, L. G. De. Nouveau Voyage autour. du Monde..... Enriehi de plusieurs plans...avec une description de l'empire de la Chine. A Paris, 1728, 29. 3 v. 18~. LABBE, Charles. Glossaria. See Estienne, H., Thesaurus Ling. Graecae. LABBE, Philippe. Bibliotheca Bibliothecarum curis secundis auctior. Accedit Bibliotheca Nummaria... cum mantissa antiquariae supellectilis ex annulis, sigillis, gemmis..similibusque, Romance prvesertim antiquitatis monimentis collecta. Editio secunda..Rothomagi, 1672. 398 p. 12~. [ —] —. Bibliotheca Nummaria..Londini, 1675. See Selden, J. LABORDEt, Conrzte Leon de. D6buts de l'Imprimerie - Mayence et a Bamberg; ou, Description des lettres d'indulgence du Pape Nicolas V, pro Regno Cypri, imprimees en 1454....Paris, Techener, 1840. 31 p. gr. 40, and fac-similes. 456 GENERAL LIBRARY. LABORDE, Comte Leon de: R- De l'Organisation des Bibliotheques dans Paris..... Premiere, deuxiSme lettre' La bibliotheque royale, Fevrier, Mars, 1845.Huitieme lettre: Etude sur la construction des bibliotheques, Avril 1845. Paris. 24, 56, 52 p. in 2 v. roy. 8~, with plates. LA BoRDE, M. History of the South-Carolina College. Columbia, S.C, 1859. 463 p. 8~. LABORER ( The). Newspaper: Vol. 1, N~ 2, July 27, 1852 to N~ 32, Feb. 24, 1853. Gouverneur, N.Y., M. Mitchell & Ira D. Brown. See Newspapers, v. 14. LABRETONNItRE, Em. Notice Necrologique sur M. A. L. A. FromentCoste, Com. du 8e Bat. des Chasseurs d'Orleans, &c. 2e ed. Paris, 1846. 34 p. 80. Pam. v. 230. LACH, Abr. Het Raatzel-gezigte van Iesaias de Proph. Cap. vi. Amsterdam, 1739. 4~. LACHINE CANAL. Report on the Proposed Works, and extension of: through the city of Montreal. By G. F. Cockburn, esq., Civil Engineer. June, 1854. Montreal, 1854. 8~. Pamn. v. 223. R- apport sur les Cassins, etc. The same in French. 1854. 80. Pam. v.477. LACHLAND, Maj. R. A Retrospective Glance at the progressive state of the Natural History Society of Montreal. Montreal, 1852. 8~. Pam. v. 242. A Paper and Resolutions in advocacy of the establishment of a uniform system of meteorological observations... Cincinnati, Ohio, 1859. 14 p. 8~. Pam. v. 551. LACKAWANNA & LANESBORO' RAILROAD: Extracts from the Report on the survey by J. C. Trautwine....Philadelphia, 1856. 8~. Pam. v. 285. LACKINGTONt, J. Memoirs of the first forty-five years of the life of James Lackington, bookseller. Written by himself.. From the latest edition. London, 1830. 347 p. and index. 12~. LA CONDAMINEt, C. M. de. Lettre a Madame` sur l'6meute populaire excitee en la ville de Cuenca au Perou, 29 Aout, 1739. Contre les academiciens des sciences, envoyes pour la mesure de la terre. 1746. 108 p. 8~. W. C. 247. LACORDAIRE, Pe're Jean B. H. Conferences: On the necessity of an instruction church, etc. See Catholic Pulpit, No. 1, etc. LACRETELLEt, Charles. Histoire de France pendant le Dix-huitieme siecle...6mb ed. Paris, 1844. 6 v. 8~. - Histoire de France depuis la Restauration..2me edition. Paris, 1844. 4 v. 8~. LA CROIX, M. De. Abstract on the Mechanism of the motions of floating bodies...Trans. from the French, and published by Admiral C. Knowles...London, 1775. 53 p. 4~. LA CROIX, A. Pherotde de. Algemeene Weereld-Beschryving.... In de hoogduitsche tael overgebraght.... door... H. Dicellus.... Vermeerderd door S. de Vries.....T'Amsterdam, 1705. 3 v. 4~. With maps and plates. FIRST SUPPLEMENT. 457 LA CROIX, Marq. J. Fr. de. Abrege chronologique de l'lHistoire ottonlane. Paris, 1768. 697, 787. 2 v. 12~. LA CROSSE AND MILWAUKEE RAIL R. CO. 3d, 5th Ann. Report, 1855, 57. Milwaukee. 16, 115 p. Pam. v. 284, 571.- 4th Report, 1856. Pam. v. 256.- A Compilation of the several acts of the Legislature of Wisconsin affecting the.... Co. &c. By M. M. Strong. Milwaukee, 1856. Two editions, 105, 107 p. Pam. v. 284.- State of the affairs of: July 23. New-York, 1857. Pam. v. 284. LACY, J. Peter's Visitation: a Lecture on Civil and Religious Liberty, delivered at the Oratory...London. 32 p. 80. Pam. v. 299.LADD, William. An Essay on a Congress of Nations, for the adjustment of international disputes...London, 1840. 32 p. 8~. Repr. Pam. v. 509. LADIES' BENEVOLENT SOCIETY. 21St Report, 1854. Montreal. 8~. Pan. v. 509. LADIES' COLLEGIATE INSTITUTE, Worcester, Mass., 1856. 8~. Pam. v. 460. LADIES DEPOSITORY...for supplying'work. 19th Report, 1852, NewYork. 80. Pam. v. 226. LADIES DIARY, or WOVMAN'S ALMANACK. London, 1715, 26, 29, 32, 50, 51, 59, 72, 78. 18~. Alm. v. 4-12. LADIES MOUNT VERNON ASSOCIATION of the Union. An Appeal for the purchase and future preservation of the home and grave of Washington. By lIrs. P. A. Cunningham. Charleston, 1857. 8 p. 8". Pam. v. 502. LADIES't SOCIETY for the Promotion of-Education at the West. History of the formation, etc. Boston, 1846.- 1st Report, 1847. Pam. v. 198.- 4th Report, 1850. Pam. v. 226. LADVOCATt, Abbe Jean B. Dictionnaire Historique et bibliographique portatif, contenant l'histoire des patriarches..des historiens, poetes, orateurs...avec leurs principaux ouvrages and leurs omeilleures editions: Nouvelle edition. Tome I - III. Paris, 1777. 3 v. With the corrections to Jan. 1778 and 1779, and Supplement au Dictionnaire. Paris, 1789. 1 v.- 4 v. 12~. LADY ( To A) on Education. Newport, Isle of Wight, 1791. 22 p. 18~. Pam v. 387. LADY'S (The) EVENING COrPANION...Songs (18). London. 8 p. 8~. PaTn. v. 534. LAFAYE, Benj. - Dictionnaire des Synonymes de la langue franqaise... Paris, L. Hachette et Cie, 1858. roy. 8~. LA FAYE, M. De. Catalogue complet des Republiques imprimees en Hollande in-16. Avec des remarques... Wlilh Appendice contenant les Traites imprimes par les Elzevirs...Paris, 1842. 48 p. 24~. LA FAYETTE, La Comtesse de. Medmoires de Hollande, histoire particuliere en forme de roman. Quatridme edition, revue sur l'Sdition originale par J. P. A. Parison. Et publiee avec des notes par A. To Barbier...Paris, Techener, 1856. xx, 351 p. 18~. [ SPPL.] 58 45-8 GENERAL LIBRARY. LAFAYETTE COLLEGE, Easton, Pa. Inaugural Charge.... and Inaugural Address of Rev. G. Junkin, D.D.. May 1, 1834, Pam. v. 287. —Catalogue, 1841. Easton, 1812. Pam. v. 156.- Cat. 1854. Pam. v. 212. LA FONTAINEt, J. De. Fables...precetdees d'une notice biographique et litteraire, et accompagntes de notes par E. Geruzez. Paris, Hachette, 1857. 12~. LAGEMANS, E. G. Auswahl von Predigten der berlihmtesten hollandischen kanzelredner. Haag, 1844. 218 p. 8~. LA GIRONItRE, Paul P. Dr. Twenty Years in the Philippines. Trans. from the French...New-York, 1854. 372 p. 120. LAINGi, S. Observations on. Mr. Strutt's amended railway regulation bill...Westminster, 1847, 32 p. 80. Pam. v. 428. The Heimskringla; or Chronicle of the Kings of Norway. Trans. See Sturleson, S. LAIRE, Fr. Xav. Specimen historicum Typographiae romance XV seculi. Ronme, 1778. 308 p...S. sin. 4 Index Librorum ab inventa typographia ad annum 1500; chronologice dispositus, cum notis historiam typographico-litterariam illustrantibus...I, II pars. Senonis, 1791. 2 v. 80. LAKE (Edward), D.D. Sermon, Anniv. Sons of the Clergy, Dee. 7, 1693: Heb. xiii, 7. London, 1694. 4~. Pam. v. 1010. Sermon of Hell Torments: Rev. xxi, 8, before the Lord Mayor, in Lent, Feb. 28, 1703.- London. 4~. Pam. v. 361 - and 8~. Pain. v. 363. LAKE ERIE AND MAD-RIVER RAILROAD COMIPANY. Charter.- Re. port of the U.S. Civil Engineer employed in the survey of the route. Springfield, 1833. 80. Pain. v. 146. LAKE INSURANCE. Proceedings of a Convention of Lake Underwrit ers, Buffalo, Jan. 8, 1856. Buffalo. 60 p. 8~. Pam.' v. 511. LAKE ONTARIO AND HUDSON RIVER RAILROAD....Statement, Ap. 1857. Newi-York. 4~. With map. Pam. v. 1014. LAKE SUPERIOR COPPER aCOMPANY. 2d Report...with Dr. Jackson's statement...Boston, 1845. 19 p. 8. Pain. v. 520. LAKE SUPERIOR IRON. COMPANY. Exhibit. March, 1853. Rochester, N.Y. 1853. 32. 80. Pam. v. 520. LA MADELAINE, Stephen De. ThBories completes du Chant..Ouvrage approuve par l'Institut de France, et par le Conservatoire de Musique. Paris 1854(?). 80~. LATIARQUE (Jules De) et Gustave DUGAT. Des Colonies Agricoles 6tablies en France; en faveur des jeunes detenus, enfans trouves, pauvres, orphelins et abandonnes: Precis historique et statistique. Paris...1850. 147 p. 80~. LA MIARTELIERE, Peter De. The Argument of:.... for the Rector and University of Paris..against the Jesuits. Trans... and printed at Londcn, 1612. London, 1689. xvi, 71 p. 4~. Pam. v. 357. LAMAAiRTINEt, Alph. de Prat de. Histoire des Girondins. T..i - VIII.:New-York, Semaine Litteraire, 1847. In 2 v, 8~. FIRST SUPPLEMENT. 459 Les Confidences.- Raphael.- Nouvelles confidences. N.York, Semaine Litt6raire, 1849. 256, 88 p. 8~. Cours familier de litterature. Un entretien par mois. 12 Nos. Paris, 1856. In 2 v. 80. LAnMBE, Rev. Ch. Sermon, the Present Rebellion, October 16, 1715: Prov. xxiv, 21. London. 80. Pani. v. 366. LAMBE, J. Sermon, before the Queen, Jan. 24, 1691: Tit. ii, 10. London. 4~. Pam. v. 361. LAMBERT, George. Sermon, at Kingston, Thanksgiving: Ps. xxi, 1. Hull, Eng. 8~. 1789.- Sermon, Fast, Kingston 2 CAron. xx, 11. Hull, 1795. 8~. Pam. v. 374. Two Sermons, Death of Mrs. H. Gill: Romn. xiv, 8. 1784. York, Eng. 8~. Pami. v. 381. LAMBERT, Ralph. Sermon preach'd to the Protestants of Ireland now residing in London, Oct. 23, 1708, in commemoration of..the... the Irish papists: s. lix, 7, 8. London. 80. Pam. v. 364. LA3BETH LIBRARY: Catalogue. See Maitland, S. R. LAMIBINET, Pierre. Recherches Historiques, Litteraires et critiques sur l'origine de l'Imprimerie, particulibrement sur ses premiers 6tablissements au XVe si.cle dans la Belgique. Bruxelles, 1798. 80~. LAMIBREICHSTEN't, N. C. Discovery and History of the New Netherlands, 1818. N.Y. Hist. Soc. Coll. S. 2, v. 1. LAMIBTON, J. G. See Diurham, Earl of. LA MXONNOYE, B. de. Editor. See Baillet, A., Jugemens des savans. LAMONT, Dr. J. Magnetische Ortsbestimmungen ausgefiihrt an verschiedenen puncten des Kdnigreichs Bayern, und an einigen auswMrrtigen stationen...I, II theil-...38 tafeln. Midnchen, 1854, 56. 2 v. 8'. - Magnetische Karten von Deutschland und Bayern, nach den neuen Baverischen und Oesterreichischen messungen,unter beniitzung einiger filterer bestimmungen. Miinchen, 1854. 6 maps. 16 p. text f~. Untersuchungen iiber die Richtung und Stairke des Erdmagnetismus an verschiedenen puncten des Suidwestlichen Europa...1858. 198, cxv p.- With the same.. in Nord-Deutschland, Belgien, Holland, Danemark in sommer des jahres 1858...1859. Miunchen. 92, xlvi p. In I v. 40~. - Ueber das Magnetische Observatorium der k. Sternwarte bei Miinchen, 1840. 56 p. See Koen. Baier. Ak., Reden, v. 5. Annalen der k. Sternwarte: Beobaclhtungen. See Bavaria, Royal Observatory. LAMIPE, Fred A. Twaalf HIeilige Oeffeningen over Ps. xlv, vertaalt.. Dordrecht, 1720. 2 v. 18~. - - De Gestalte der Bruyd Christi..Predikatien..vertaalt door J. Le Long. Amsterdam, 1719. 18~. -- Elf Betrachtingen van het sterven en den doodt- des menschen.. vertaalt...Amsterdam, 1731. 18~. 460 GENERAL LIBRARY. LAMPE, Fred A.: ----- Melk der Waarheit volgens aanleydinge Heidelbergschen catechismus..2e druk. Vertaald...Amsterdam, 1725. 416 p. 180~. LAMPLUGH ( Thomas), Bp. Sermon, H. of Peers, Nov. 5, 1678: Luke ix, 55, 56. London. 4. Pain. v. 359. LANCASTERt, Joseph. Improvements in Education as it respects the industrious classes of the community; account of the institution... Borough-road, Southwark...From the 3d London edition. To which is prefixed a sketch of the New-York free school. New-York, 1807. 12~. -- A Short Account of the rise and progress of the Lancasterian system of education. Baltimore, 1821. xv, 34 p. 8~. LANCASTER, William. Sermon, H. of Commons, Jan. 30, 1697: Lain. v, 16. London. 40~. Pam. v. 361. LANCET ( The): A Journal of British and Foreign medicine, physiology, surgery, chemistry. Ed. by Tho. Wakley, Surgeon: Vol. 1 - 8, 1823 - Sept. 29, 1827. 8 v.- Vol. 1 - 29, 1827 -'42. 29 v.- Vols. from 1855 to 1859. 2 v. a year. 9 v. London. 80, and roy. 80. 46 v. LANDED (The) INTEREST considered..By a Yeoman of Kent. London, 1733. 36 p. 8~. Pam. v. 442. LANDSCAPE (A), Sketched in- New-Harmpshire: By Salisbury Craggs. To which are added, Lines to a democratic young lady and her reply. Boston, 1821. 24 p. 8~. Pam. v. 534. LANDSEERt, John. Lectures on the Art of Engraving, delivered at the Royal Institution of Great Britain. London, 1807. 341 p. 8~. LANDSEER, Thomas. Ten Etchings illustrative of the Devil's Walk, of Coleridge and Southey. London, 1831. 4~. LANDWIRTTSCHAFTLICHI VEREIN DES GROSSHERZOGTHU3IS HESSEN: Zeitschrift:...... Herausgegeben von....Dr. C. (J. Zeller. 27er, 29Cr jahrgang, 1857, 59. Darmstadt. 2 v. 8~. LANDWIRTHSCHAFTLICII VEREIN FeJR BAYERN. See Bavarian. LANE, S. Sermon, Death of Rev. Rob. Hawker, D.D.: 2 Sam. iii, 38, 1827, Hull, Eng. 8~. Pam. v. 382. LANEt, Rev. S. E. Temperance a Christian Duty; Abstinence a matter of christian liberty....2d edition. Albany, 1857. 34 p. 8~. Pam. v. 292. LANG"( John D.), and Samuel TAYLOR jr. Report of a Visit to some of the tribes of Indians, located west of the Mississippi River. NewYork, 1843. 34 p. 8~. LANG, K. H. von. Bruchstiick einer Baierischen Handelsgeschichte.. 1253-94. Minchen, 1814. 24 p. See Koen. Baier. Ak., Reden, v. 4. LANG (R.), esq. Catalogue of Library of:.. Auction, London, 1828. 120 p. 8~. Cat. v. 96. LANGBAINE, Gerard. The Lives and Characters of the English dramatic poets; with an account of all the plays. Printed to the year 1698. London. 182 p. 12~. LANGDON (Samuel), D.D. Massachusetts Election Sermon, May 31, 1775, Watertown. See Thornton, J. W. FIRST SUPPLEMENT. 461 Discourse on the Unity of the Church....Portsmouth, Oct. 12, 1791. Exeter, N.H. 1792- 8~. Pam. v. 270. LANGDON, Thomas. The Obligations of Christians to support a conversation becoming the Gospel: A Sermon, preached...dissenters in Hull, 1795: Phil. i, 27. Hull, Eng. 80. Pam. v. 374. LANGE, Daniel De. Korte Verhandeling en Verklaaring van de gemeenebests bestiering, en leevenswys der Oude Batavieren, van het ampt en de bediening der Graaven, der zelver waardigheid, oorspronk, en betekenis...In's Gravenhaage,..1730. 8~. [LANGHORNEt, Rev. John]. Letters on the Eloquence of the Pulpit. London, 1765. 57 p. 8~. Pamn. v. 394. [ LANGLANDE, Robert]. See Piers Ploughman's Vision..LANGLkS, L. M. Translation. See Timour, Institutes. Catalogue des Livres imprimes et Manuscrits composant la bibliotheque de:... Vente 24 Mars 1825...Paris, 1825. 558 p. 80. LANGLOIS, E. H. *Essai sur la Calligraphie des Manuscrits du moyenage, et sur les ornements des premiers livres d'heures imprimes... Rouen..1841. 180 p. 8~. With 18 engraved fac-simil6s. LANGLOIS, Victor. Numismatique des Nomes d'Egypte sous l'administration romaine. Paris, 1852. 72 p., 4 pl. 4~. LANGTOFT, Peter. Chronicle from the Death of Cadwalader to end of Edward I. See Hearne's Works. LANMANt, Charles. Dictionary of the United States Congress, containing biographical sketches of its members..... With an appendix.. U.S. Civil List. Philadelphia, 1859. 535, 159 p. 8~. LANSDOWNE, William, Marquis of. A Catalogue of the entire Library of:.. which will be sold by auction, Jan. 6, 1806. 244 p. 8~. With prices at the sale. LANZIt, Luigi. La Real Galleria di Firenze, accresciuta e riordinata per comando di S. A. R. l'Arciduca Granduca di Toscana. Operetta estratta dal Tom. 47 del Giornale Pisano. Firenze, 1782. 214 p. 18~. Pam. v. 607. LA PERELLE, C. Jube de. Guide des Salles d'Asile..-.Avec plusieurs plans. 2m' edition. Paris, 1853. 8~. LA POIX DE FRahIMNVILLE, Chev. De. Voyage to the North Pole in the frigate the Syrene; including...notice relative to the island of Iceland... London, printed for Sir R. Phillips & Co. 1819. 8-. See M'Keevor, T., Cat. 1855. LAPPENBERG, Dr. J. M. A History of England under the AngloSaxon kings. B. Thorpe, with additions..London, 1845. 2 v. 8~. LARDNER'St (D.) MUSEUM: Vol. vII. London, 1855. 1 v. 12~. [LARDNERt, N.]. A Letter writ in the year 1730, concerning the question of the Logos... To which are now added two postscripts.. London, 1759. xii, 218 p. 8~. Pam. v. 315. LA ROCHEFOUCAULD, FranC ois, Duzc de. Reflexions ou Sentences et Maximes morales. Cinquieme edition, augment~e de plus de cent nouvelles maximes. Paris..1678. 18~. LAROCHE-HJRON (C. De), i. e. H. De Courcy. Les Servantes de Dieu en Canada. Essai sur l'Histoire des Communautes religieuses de femmes de la province. Edition....preparee pour le Canada. Montreal..1855..159 p. 80. See also Courcy. LA ROCHE-TLHIACt, M. De. See Almaniach Americain, 1783 - 87. LA ROQUETTE, M. De. Notice Biographique sur l'Amiral Sir John Franklin. Soc. de Geog. Paris (1857?). 67 p., maps, and autogr. letters. 40. [LARPENT, Sir G.]. See Protection to W. I. Sugar, 1823. LA SALLEt, R. C. de. Relation du Voyage entrepris par feu M. Robert Cavelier, Sieur de La Salle pour decouvrir dans le golfe du Mexique l'embouchure du flieuve de Missisipy. Par son frere M. Cavelier, pr'tre de St.Sulpice, l'un des compagnons de ce voyage, 1685 - 87. A IManate, de la presse Cramoisy de Jean-Marie Shea, 1858. snm. 4~. LA SARTHE, France. Notice par.Ordre alphabetique de tons les hommes nes dans le departement de La Sarthe, qui se sont distingues dans les sciences et dans les arts, 1806. 205 - 255. p. 120. Pam. v. 608. LAS CASASt, Bp. Bartolome de. Brevissima Relacion de la Destrvycion de las Indias; colegida por el Obispo don Fray Bartolome de las Casas, 6 Casaus, de la orden de Santo Domingo. Anio 1552. [ Impresso en Seuilla en casa de Sebastian Trugillo]. 214 leaves. sm. 4~. Coi,tents 1, Argumento, Prologo, Brevissima Relacion; 2, Treynta Proposiciones; 3, Disputa; 4, Tratado sobre la materia de los Indios; 5, Los Remedios. Il Supplice Schiauo Indiano di Monsig. reverendiss. D. Bartolomeo dalle Case 6 Casaus...Tradotto in Italiano per opera di Marco Ginammni....In Venetia, 1636. 118 p. sm. 40~. Spanish and Italian. W. C. 191. LAS CASAst, M. J. Emm. D. Memoirs of:.. communicated by himself.... giving a faithful account of the voyage of Napoleon to St.Hlelena...2d edition. London, 1818. xii, 228 p. 8~. LA SERNA SANTANDER, Ch. Ant. Dictionnaire bibliographique choisi du Quinzieme siecle; ou description par ordre alphabetique des editions les plus rares et les plus recherchees du quinzieme siecle, precede d'un essai historique sur l'origine de l'imprimerie..Premibre, seconde, troisieSnie partie. Bruxelles, 1805 - 07. 3 v. 8~. M- Imoire IHistorique sur la Bibliotlh'que dite de Bourgogne, pr6sentement bibliotheque publique de Bruxelles:.. Bruxelles, 1809. 216 p. 8o. LAS MARISMAS, MUarquis De. Catalogue des Tableaux... dans la galerie de:.. Paris, 1841. xx, 142 p. 120. Pain. v. 607. LAST ( The) C OMMAND; or the Duty of christians to the unevangelized world. Boston? 12 p. 12~. Pam. v. 525. LATE (The) APOLOGY in behalf of the Papists, by Lord Castlenzmain. Reprinted and answered in behalf of the royalists. By Bishop W. Lloyd. London, 1667. 46 p. 4~. Pam. v. 354. [ LATERRIa RRE, Pierre De Salles]. See Political; and Hist. account of Lower Canada, 1830. Cat. 1856. FIRST SUPPLEMENT. 463LATHAMI, Rev. John. A Short View of the difficulties and discouragements attending those who enter into holy orders. London, 1736. 58 p. 8~. Pam. v. 322. LATHAMt ( R. G.), IM.D., F.R.S. Report on the Present State and recent progress of ethnographical philology.... From the Report of the Brit. Assoc. for the Adv. of Science, for 1847. London, 1848. 8~. Pam. v. 273. The Germania of Tacitus, with ethnological dissertations and notes. London, 1851. cxxviii, 180, clxx p. 8~. The Native Races of the Russian empire.. With a large coloured map...London..1854. 120. - Varieties of the Human Race. See Orr's Circle: Organic Nature, Vol. I. LATHAM ( T. B.), esq. A Reply to the Observations of a layman..on the Rev. W. Hinck's sermon. Cork, 1817. 64 p. 80. Pam. v. 303. LATHOM, Paul. God Manifest in His Works; a Sermon, Salisbury, June 29, 1677: Ron. i, 20. London. 4~. Pam. v. 359. LATFROPt (John), D.D. Discourse, Massachusetts Charitable Fire Society, 1796 1 Tim. vi, 19. Boston, 1796. 80. Pam. v. 559. Discourse, Death of Mrs. Elizabeth Lathrop. By her consort.. Boston, 1809. 8~. Pam. v. 554. LATHROPt, John H. Address, Wisconsin Agric. Society, Milwaukee, 1851. 8~. Pam. v. 461. LATHROPt (Joseph), D.D. Damnable Heresies defined and described in a Sermon, North-Wilbraham, Ordination of Rev. Thaddeus Osgood: 1 Pet. ii, 1. Brookfield, Mass., 1821. 8~. Pam. v. 441, 556, 559. LATIMER, Hugh. Frvtefvll Sermons preached by the Right Reuerend Father and constant martyr of Jesus Christ, M. Hugh Latymner, newly imprinted, with others-not heretofore set forth in print..... 1578. At London, Printed by John Daye..,215 leaves sin. 4~. LATIN TUTOR, or an Introduction to the making of Latin.....Accommodated to Adam's Grammar and Smith's New-Hampshire Latin Grammar...Boston, 1819. 280 p. 12. LA TOUCHE, M. De. See Art de parler frangois. Cat. 1855. LAUDERDALE, Earl of. A Letter on the Corn Laws. London, 1814. 89 p. 8). Pam. v. 424. LATUDONNIJREt, M. See Verscheyde Scheeps-Togten. [LAUGHAN, Dr.]. See Five Letters...Philadelphia, 1792. LAUGHTON (George), D.D. Two Sermons at the-Assize, -Huntingdon, iar. 11 and July 22, 1798. Cambridge. 4~. Pam. v. 1008. LAUGHTON, Richard. Sermon before the King: Rom. vi, 23. Oct. 6, 1717. Cambridge. 4~. Pam. v. 1005. LAURENCE, Abp. Rich. Charge to the Clergy.. of Cashel, 1822. Dublin, 1823. 8'. [Pam. v. 380. LAURESHAI. Codex Principis olim Laureshamensis abbatim diplomaticus, ex revo maxime Carolingico diu multumque desideratus. Edidit recensuit et prsefata est Academia Elect. 8cient. et Elegant. Lit. Theodoro-Palatina. Mannhemii, 1768-70. 3 v. 4. 464 GENERAL LIBRARY. LAURIE, Rev. Thomas. Dr. Grant and the Mountain Nestorians..... with portrait, map...Boston, 1853. xii, 418 p. 12~. LAVAL, M. Lettre de M. Laval, ci-devant Ministre a Conde-sur-Noireau (1822). 24 p. See Grassi, G. LAVEAUX, J. Ch. Dictionnaire raisonne des Difficultes grammaticales et litteraires de la langue frangaise...Revue...par C. M. Laveaux. 301e edition. Paris, Hachette, 1857? 731 p. roy. 8~. LAVINGTON, Bp. George. Nature and use of a Type, two Sermons on Good Fryday and Easter-Sunday, 1724: 1 Cor. v, 7. With a preface...London, 1724. xxiii, 45 p. 80. Pam. v. 379. — *- Sermon, Oct. 13, 1745, the Rebellion: Deut. xxix, 9. London. 8~. Pam. v. 369. - Sermon, Fast, 1756 Ps. xlvi, 8. 2d ed. London. Pam. v. 371. [ —] The Enthusiasm of Methodists and Papists compared. First part. London, 1749. 82 p. 80. Pain. v. 262. [ —] See Moravians compared...London, 1755. LAW, Andrew. Harmonic Companion and Guide to Social Worship, being a choice selection of tunes. Philadelphia (1807). 120 p. ob. 8~. LAW, Rev. Edward. A Defence of the Divinity of our blessed Saviour, in answer to....Mr. T. C. Holland....Preston, Eng. 1816. 119 p. 8~. Pam. v. 311. [LAW, Bp. Edmond]. See Considerations on...subser. to articles of faith, 1774. LAW, George. Reasons for repudiating Fillmore and Donelson. NewYork, 1856. 8 p. 80. Pam. v. 537. - A Sketch of Events in the Life of George Law, published in advance of his biography... New-York.'..1855. 96 p. 18~. LAW, Geo. Ienry. Sermon before Parliament, July 7, 1814. Thanksgiving: 3Mark xii, 11. London, 1814. 40~. Pam. v. 1009. LAW, Samuel A. Stamford, Delaware co., July 3, 1858. Albany, 1858. 80. Pamin. v. 532. LAWt, William. Instruction for Ministers and People; or an Extract from Mr. Law's Serious Answer to Dr. Trapp's Four Sermons on the sin, folly and danger of being righteous over-much; and some animadversions upon his reply. Philadelphia, 1796. 91 p. 120. Pam. v. 104. LAW (The), CONSTITUTION and Reform of Convocation. London, 1852. 32 p. 80. Pam. v. 329. LAWFORD (E.), esq. Catalogue of Library London, 1855. 8S. Cat. v. 96. LAWRENCEt, Abbot. Correspondence with the Hon. Daniel Webster, on cheap ocean postage. 1851. 80. Pam. v. 266. [ LAWRENCE, Amos A.], of Boston. The Condition and Prospects of American cotton manufactures, in 1849-50.... From Hunt's Magazine. 8:'. Pain. v. 273. LAWRENCEt, Rev. A. B. See Texas in 1840. LAWRENCE, E. A. Speech, N.Y. Assembly, New-York city railroads. 1859. 4 p. 8~. Pain. v. 530. FIRST SUPPLEMENT. 465 LAWRENCE, J. The Genealogy of the family of John Lawrence....of Watertown and Groton, Mass. Boston, 1857. 191 p. 8~. LAWRENCE, Myron. Address, with other Proceedings of a Meeting of Vermonters, held in Boston, on behalf of Middlebury College. Boston, 1851. 80. Pain. v. 242. LAWRENCE, Rev. Robert F. The New-Hampshire Churches, comprising histories of the Congregational and Presbyterian churches in the State, with notices of other denominations.... Claremont, 1856. 624 p. 80. LAWRENCE (Sidney), of N.Y. Slavery in the Territories. Speech, U. S. H. of R., 1848. 16 p. 80. Pam. v. 486. LAWRENCE, William. Lectures on Comparative anatomy, physiology, zoology and the natural history of man. 9th edition. Lond., Bohn, 1848. 12~. LAWRENCEt, W. B. Visitation and Search; or an Historical Sketch of the British claim to exercise a maritime police over the vessels of all nations...Boston, 1858. 218 p. 80. LAWRENCE,.Mass. Sanitary Survey of the town....By the Chairman of the Commissioners..... of the State.... Boston, 1850. 23 p. 8~. Pam. v. 501. LAWRENCEt ACADEMY, Groton, Mass. The Jubilee of: at Groton, Mass., July 12, 1854. With Catalogue.....from its incorporation. New-York. 76, 108 p. 8~. - atalogue for 1853, 1854. Pam. v. 212. — For 1855. Pain. v. 217.- For 1853 to 1859. Pam. v.458. LAWRENCE MACHINE SHOP. Report. Boston, 1857. 8~. Pam. v. 298. LAWRENCE UNIVERSITY, Appleton, Wis. 7th Catalogue, 1856. Oshkosh. 8~. Pam. v. 247, 480. Catalogue of the Library. Menasha, 1859. 48 p. 80. Pamn. v. 470. LAwsoNt, John. Allerneuste Beschreibung der Provinz Carolina in West-Indiern: saint einen Reise-Journal von mehr als tausend meilen unter allerhand Indianischen Nationen. Aus dem Englischen ilbersetzet durch M. Viseher. Hamburg, 1712. xiv, 368 p. 18~. LAWSONt (Thomas), M.D. Statistical Report on the Sickness and Mortality in the Army of the United States, Gompiled from the records of the Surgeon Generals...from Jan. 1819 to Jan. 1839. Prepared under the direction of:....Washington, 1840. 8~. LAWTON, John. The Power of Faith exemplified in the extraordinary case of Ashnah Lawton, who was remarkably healed....1821. 3d edition. Hamilton, N.Y. 1851. 21 p. 12~. Pamn. v. 601. LAWYER (The).... a Tale. Charlestown, Ms. 1829. See [Watterston, G.] Cat. 1855. LAY OF THIE SCOTTISH FIDDLE. See [Paulding, J. K.]. LAYAAMON'S BRUT, or Chronicle of Britain: a Poetical semi-Saxon paraphrase of the Brut of Wace. Now first published from the Cottonian Manuscripts in the British Museum; accompanied by a literal translation, notes, and a grammatical glossary. By Sir Frederic Madden, K.H....London, Pub. for the Soc. of Antiquaries, of Lose don, 1847. 2 v. 80. [ SUPPL.] 59 463 GENERAL LIBRARY. LAYMAN'S (The) LETTER to a Friend in the Country, concerning the doctrine advanced in a book, entituled, Heaven open to all men, &c. London (1752?). 71 p. 8". Pam v. 300. LAY-NONCONFORMITY JUSTIFIED, in a dialogue..7th edition. By-Rev. John NVorman. London, 1728. 44 p. 8". Pam. v. 318. LAYS OF THE EMIGRANTS, as sung. by the second party for Kansas, on their departure from [Boston, Tuesday, Aug. 29th, 1854. 12~. Pam. v. 103. LEAt (Isaac), LL..D. Observations on the Genus Unio, together with descriptions -of new species in the family Unionidoe... With plates. Vol. VI, Part I, fI. (Acad. Nat. Sciences of Philadelphia.) Plates. Philadelphia, 1857, 8. 40. [,Papers from the Proceedings of the Acad. of Nat. Sciences of Philadelphia]. Rectification of Mr. T. A. Conrad's "Synopsis of the Family of Naiades of North America." Feb. 1853. Philadelphia, 1854. Pam. v. 205. Rectification of a new Mollusk from the Red Sandstone, near Pottsville, Pa., May 12, 1855. Pain. v. 205. On the New Red Sandstone formation of Pennsylvania: Description of a new genus of Naiades; Description' of a newN species of Triquetra; New fresh-water shells from California, and twenty-five new species of exotic Uniones. Philadelphia, 1856. Pam. v. 233. Extracts from May 13, Sept. 23, Nov. 4, Dec. 16, 1856, and Feb. 3, 17, Mar. 10, 24, Ap. 7, 1857. Pam. v. 2173. Papers on Fossils (11), June 1857-December 1858. Philadelphia, 1859. 26'p. 8~. Pain. v. 551. [LEACOCK, John]. See Fall of British Tyranny, 1776. Cat. 1855. LEARNED, William F. The Duty of Americans to preserve civil and religious liberty: an Oration, Newburgh, July 4, 1855. Newburgh. 8~. Pamn. v 532. LEARNED (A) COMMENT upon Dr. Hare's excellent Sermon, preacl'd before the D. of Marlborough on the surrender of Bouchain. By an Enemy to Peace. London, 1711. 16 p. 8~. Pam. v. 340. LEASK., Wr. The Philosophy of the Early Closing movement, a Lee-s ture. London, 1849. 8S. Pam, v. 429. LEAVarT'S OLD FARMIER'S AL-IANACK, Boston; 1854. 142. Alm. v. 28. LE!XVITTt, Rlev. Joshua. The Great Duellist Clay. (1844). 16 p. 8". -an. v. 527. LEBANON SPRINGS RAILROAD. Prospectus. New-York, 1852. 80~. Pam. v. 148. LE BAs, Cha, Webb. Sermon, Islington Dispensary Deut. xv, 11. London, 1824. 8~0, Pam. v. 377. Sermon, Anniv. Sons of the Clergy, 1829: Johin xvi, 23. London. 4~. Pam. v. 1010. LMBER, C. Catalogue des Livres imprimes, manuscrits, estampes, dessins et cartes a jouer, composant la bibliotheque de IM. C. L'ber: avec des notes. Paris, 1839. 3 v. 8~. LE BLANC, Abbe Jean Bern, Lettres d'un Franyois de Londres. Amsterdai, 1751. -3 v. 18, FIRST SUPPLETMENT. 467 LE BLANC, V. Les Voyages fameux dv Sievr Vincent Le Blanc 3Marseillois... Pedigez... par P. Bergeron... et nouvellement.... par le Sr Covlon. A Troyes...1658. 202, 147, 109 p. 4~. LE BRUrN, AT. The Memorial of M. Le Brun, Sec. for For. Aff. to the French Republic, on the situation of affairs between Great Britain and France...with...Lord Grenville's answer. London (1792). 14 p. 80. am. v.; 411. LE BRUN, Th. Livre de Lecture courante..... la portee des enfants de 8 a 12 ans.... Paris, Hachette, 1857. 4 v. 18~. LECHFORD, Thomas. Plain Dealing; or Newes from New-England.. London, 1642. See Mass. Hist. Soc. Collections, S. 3, v. 3. LECHI, Luigi. Della Tipografia Bresciana nel secolo decimo-quinto.. Brescia, 1854. 128. p, 8 pl. 40. LE CLERCt, Jean. Free and Important Disquisitions concerning the inspiration of the HIoly Scriptures... From the French....London, 1754. 90 p. 80. Pam. v. 333. LE COURAYER, Rev. Pierre Francois. A Defence of the Validity of the English Ordinations, and of the succession of bishops in the Church of England.. Trans.... by Dan. Williams... L'. London, 1725. 408 p. 80. LECTURE (A) on the Extreme Folly and danger of servants going on errands before they are sent. By a layman. London, Palmer, 1842o 12 p. 8~. Pam. v. 306. LECTURES on the Evidences of Christianity, delivered in Philadelphia by clergymen of the Prot. Epicm. Church...1853-4. With an introductory essay by A. Potter...Philadelphia, 1855. 8~. LECTURES- to Sabbath School Teachers on mental cultivatioi. By J. S. Stone and H. Winslow. 1838. Boston, 1839. 115 p. 180. Pam. v. 605. LECTURES to the Labouring Classes and their Employers in the county of Sussex..... Lect. I. 2d edition. London, 1831. 23 p. 120. Pam. v. 429. LEEt, Bp. Alfred. A Sermon, Convention of the Diocese of Delaware, May 31st, 1848. Wilmington, Del. 1848. 8~. Paim. v. 411. A Few Words in vindication of the action of the Court of Bishops convened at Camden, N.J., Sept. 1853. Philadelphia, 1854. 22 p. 8~0. Paim. v. 543. LEE ( Andrew), D.D. A Half-Century Sermon, preached at Hanover, the North Society in Lisbon, Oct. 25, 1818. Windham, Conn. 1819. 20 p. 8. Pam. v. 504. [ LEE, Arthur]. See Appeal to justice of G. Britain, 1775. Cat. 1855. LEE Boo. The History of Prince Lee Boo. To which is added, the Life of Paul Cuffee, a man of colour; also some account of John Sackhouse, the Esquimaux. Dublin, 1822. 180 p. 24~. LEE, Rev. Charles. Tractarian Teaching contrasted with the doctrine of the church on baptism A Sermon. Leicester, Eng.. 1853. 8~. Pam. v. 330. [LEEt, Maj. Gern. Charles]. See Strictures on a Pamphlet, 1775. Cat. 1855. 468 GENERAL; LIBRARY. LEEr (Charles Alfred), AM.D. Address to the Graduates of Geneva Medical College, Jan. 26, 1847. New-York, 1847. 80. Pam. v. 204. ~-.Review of Hendrickson's trial. See Hendrickson, C. LEE, Chauncey. The Government of God, the true source and standard of human government. A Sermon, General Election, Conn.,'May 13, 1813: Ml-att. vi, 13. Hartford, 1813. 56 p. 8~. Pain. v. 557. LEE, Daniel. Treatise. See Peruvian Guano Trade. LEE (Edwin), esq. Animal Magnetism and Homoeopathy... London, 1835. 40 p.- Hospital Elections and medical reform.. London, 1848. 32 p. 8S. Pam. v. 405. - Hydropathy and Homcaopathy impartially appreciated. 1st Am. edition. New-York, 1848. 94 p. 120. Pam. v. 515. LEE, F. A. Speech on the Aims....of the existing political parties, Cooperstown, N.Y. 1856. 16 p. 80. Pam. v. 537. LEE, Henry. An Exposition of Evidence in support of the memorial to Congress,'' setting forth the evils of the existing tariff of duties," etc.. Boston, 1832. 80. [LEE, _SMr$s. H. F.]. See Toussaint, P., Memoir of. LEE, Bp. J. P. Sermon, 1853. See Society for Prop. the Gospel. Correspondence between the Bishop of Manchester, Revs. J. MI. Rodwell, J. Irvine, and J. R. Alsop. Manchester, 1849. 142 p. 8o. Paim. v. 328. LEE, Rev. Luther. Sermon, preached at the Ordination of the Rev. Miss Antoinette Brown, at South-Butler, WVayne county, N.Y., Sept. 15, 1853. Syracuse, 1853. 8~. Pam. v. 267. LEE (Samuel), S.T.B. Prolegomena in Biblia Sacra Polyglotta Bagsteriana... et Novumn Testamentaum Syriacum, Peschito dictum. Londini, Bagster. 75, 284 p. 40~. LEE, William. Ancient and Modern History of Lewes and Brighthelmston, in which are compressed the most interesting events of the county at large under the Regnian, Roman, Saxon and Norman settlements. Lewes, 1795. 8~. [ LEE, William, U.S. Consul, Bordeaux]. See Etats Unis et l'Angleterre, 1814. LEECH, D. D. T. List of the Post-offices, 1855.- Post-office Directory, 1856. See United States: Post-office. LEECIIMAN, Prof. William. Sermon, Duty of a Minister 1 Tim. iv, 16, at Glasgow, 1744. 80. Pam. v. 369. - Wisdom of God in Revelation, a Sermon at Gen. Assem.: 1 Cor. i, 21, Edinburgh, 1758. 8~. Pam. v. 371. Sermon, Soc. in Scotland for Prop. Chr. Knowl. 1767, Excellency of christianity: 2 Tim. i, 7. Edinburgh, 1768. 8S. Pam. v. 372. LEEKEI (Robert), D.D. Sermon, Univ. of Cambridge, Dec. 26, 1727: Acts vii, 37. London, 1728. 87 p. 8~. Pam. v. 367.. ~-'Peace with God and with one another, etc.: A Sermon, 4 Feb. 1740, General fast. Norwich, Eng. sm. 40. Pam. v. 189. LEEs;, Fred. R. Prize Essay. See United Kingdom Alliance. FIRST SUPPLEMENT. 469 LEEUW, Isaak De. Het Geloof in deszelfs aard en vrtgt verklaard... in eenige Leerredenen. 5e druk. Rotterdam, 1781. 8~.LEEUWAARDEN, N. S. Van. De Godvreezende Zeeman, ofte de nieuwe Christelyke Zeevaart... De Voorrede.... is opgesteld van H. S. van Alphen...Den vyfden druk. Amsteldam..1725. 754 p. 180. De Bevestigde Christen, aangespoort, etc.... Gravenhage, 1756. 779 p. 18~. See also Verloren Zondaar. Cat. 1855. LEEUWEN, Joannes Van. Lycidas Ecloga et Musae invocatio: Carmina...Amstelodami, 1856. 20 p. 8~. Pam. v. 261. Octavix Querela: Carmen..Die 9 Martii, 1857. Amstelodami, 1857. 14 p. 80. Pamin. v. 534. LE FEvRE, C. F. Discussion, 1834. See Kendall, J. P. LEFFINGWELL, CLARK & CO. Southern Missouri, its resources..together with the Essay of G. C. Swallow. Springfield, Ohio, 1858. 16 p. 8~. Pain. v. 565. LEFRANC, Emile. Nouveau Manuel des aspirants au baccalaureat es lettres...306 edition. Paris, Delalain, 1857. 1332 p. 120~. LEFROY, Sergeant. Speech, 2d Meeting of Brunswick Constitutional Club of Ireland... Dublin, 1829. 8~. Pam.v. 342. LEFROY, Capt. J. H. On the Probable Number of the native Indian population of British America. From the Pro. of the Canadian Institute. Toronto (1853?). 19 p. 120. Pain. v. 508. LEGACY (A) TO THE WORLD; or Essays to promote practical christianity. By a civil magistrate, i. e. Hammond L'Estrange? London, 1762. 72 p. 80. Pain. v. 338. LE GALLOIS, Pierre. Traitte des plus belles Bibliotheques de l'Europe. Des premiers livres qui ont ete faits. De l'invention de l'imprimerie.De plusieurs livres qui ont ete perdus and recouvrez par les soins des sqavans... Amsterdam..1697. 240 p. 180~. [ LEGGETTt, William]. See Leisure Hours at Sea. LEG-, Peter. Ombrological Almanac: An Essay on Anemology and ombrology...with a weather almanac for 1847. London. 120. Alm. v. 49. LE GLAY, A. Me'moire sur lesg Bibliotheques publiques et les principales bibliotheques particulieres du Departement du Nord... *. A Lille, 1841. 496 p. 8~. Catalogue descriptif et raisonne des Manuscrits de la bibliothe- que de Canlbrai. Cambrai, 1831. 256 p. 8~. Catalogue descriptif des Manuscrits de la bibliotheque de Lille ~. Lille, 1848. 443 p. 80~. LE GRICE, Charles V. Sermon Matt. xiii, 18. Penzance (1812?). 98 p. 8~. Pam. v. 379. Revivalism, a Sermon: Eph. v, 9, 10. 1814. Penzance. 80. Pam. v. 375. LEHIGHt COAL AND NAVIGATION CO. Report of the Board, May 3, 1853. Phila., 1853. Pam. v. 223.- Report, May 56, 1856. Pam. v. 258,- Reports, 1867, 1869. Pamn v, 520. 470 GENERAL LIBRARY'. LEHMANN, Christ. Memoriam.....'C. Danielis Benecke, mag. nuper Consulis civ. Hamburgensis...Hamburgi, 1853. f.- Pain. v. 1102. LEHMANN, J. G. C. Ansichten und Baurisse der neuen Gebaiide fur Hamburg's bffentliche Bildungs-anstalten.... und der Stadtbibliothek, herausgegeben von den Bibliothekaren J. G. C. Lehmnann und C. Petersen...Hamburg, 1840. iv,.122 p. 9 plates. 4~. LEIFCHILD, J. Sermon, Decease of T. Wiklon, esq., Treas. Highbury Coll.: Neh. xiii, 14. London, 1843. 8~. Pam. v. 380. LEIGHI, C. C. The Maine Law. Remarks, N.Y. Assem., on the.... suppression of intemperance...1854. Albany. 8 p. 80. Pam. v. 292. United States Senatorial question. Speeches, Assem., N.Y., by C. C. L. and 12 exposition of the oaths...of the Knownothings. Feb. 1855. Albany. 62 p. and separate edition of Mr. L.'s speech. 8~. Pam. v. 206, 530. LEISURE HOURS AT SEA: being a few Micellaneous Poems. By a Midshipman of the United States' Navy, i. e. W. Leggett. New-York, 1825. 148 p. 12~. LELAND, John. Commentarii de Scriptoribus Britannicis...nunc primus edidit Antonius Hall.-..Tomus I, II. Oxonii, 1709. In l v. 8~. LELANDt (John), D.D. Remarks on a late pamphlet, entitled Christianity not founded on argument. In a letter to a fiiend...London, 1744. 84 p. 8~. Pam. v. 335. ----- Reflections on the late Lord Bolingbroke's Letters on the study and use of history, especially so far as they relate to Christianity., 2d edition. London, 1753. 167 p. 80. Pam. v. 334. Preparatory to the General Fast. Reflections on the present state of things in these nations (1750).....Republished. London, 1803. 19 p. 12~. Pam. v. 338. LELAND MAGAZINE, or a Genealogical Record of Henry Leland and his descendants..... from.1653 to 1850. By Sherman Leland. Boston, 1850. viii, 279 p. 8~. LELONG, Jacques. Bibliotheque Historique de la France; contenant le catalogue des ouvrages imprimes et manuscrits, qui traitent de l'histoire de ce royaunae, ouqui y ont rapport; avec des notes critiques et historiques: par feu Jacques Lelong...Nouv. ed.... augmentie par M. Fevret de Fontenette.... et MM. Camuns HUrissant, Barbeau de la Bruyere, etc. Paris, 1768-78. 5 v. fP. LEMANS (NM.) en J. I. MULDER. lEebreeuwsch-Nederduitsch Hand- woordenboek.. Te Amsterdam, 1831. 80~. LEMARE, P. A. Cours de Lecture.....7me edition. Paris, Hachette. 88 p. 80. LEMOINE, Henry. Typographical Antiquities. History, origin and progress of the Art of Printing, from its invention in Germany.... and from its introduction into England... History of the Walpolean press..origin of the use of paper..concluding with the adjudication of literary property...extracted from the best authorities. London, 1797. 148 p. 12~. LEMON, Rev. Geo. W. English Etymology; or a derivative dictionary of the English language: in two alphabets..... London, 1783. 1 v, 40 FIRST SUPPLEMENT. 471 LEMOUTON, Jean K. Frantzia Grammatik, uj es konnyen megfoghat6 tanitasmod szerent... kulonos az 6ntanitasra Magyarok' es Nemetek szmnzmra. Irta Lemouton K. Janos. Pesth, 1833. 8~. LEMOYNEt DE MORGUES, J. See Verscheyde Scheeps-Togten. LEMi1PE, A. J. L. Kort Begrip der Wetenschappen en Kunsten. Amsterdam, 1850, 52. 3 v. 80. LJENG, Bp. John. Sermon, Accession to the Throne, March 8, 1706: jiatt. xxii, 21. London. 8~. Pamn. v. 363. Sermon, 1727. See Society for Prop. the Gospel. LENGLETt DUFRESNOY, M. Me'thode pour etudier l'histoire...Avec un catalogue des principaux historiens, et des remarques critiques sur'la bont6 de leurs ouvrages, et sur le choix des meilleurcs editions; augmente par J. B. Meneke....A Lipsic, 1714. 580, 446 p. ~and indexes. 18~. —,- A New Method of studying history, geography and chronology. With a Catalogue of the chief historians of all nations, the best editions of their works, and the characters of them. Written originally in French..... To which is added, a Dissertation by Count Scipio Maffei of Verona, concerning the use of inscriptions and medals by way of parallel. By Richard Rawlinson, LL.D. London, 1730. 368, 550 p. and indexes. 2 v. 8~. LENNEP, David J. Van. Carmina Juvenilia. Amst. 1790. xl, 90 p.Rusticatio Manpadica. Accedunt carmina varii argumenti. Lugd. Bat. 1796. viii, 111 p. In 1 v. 120~. Catalogue de la Bibliothecque de Litterature grecque et latine, saints peres, linguistique. Vente, Amst. 1855. 208 p. 8S. Cat. v. 75. LENNEP, Io. )Daniel A. Etymologium Linguse Grosem, sive observationes ad singulas verborum nominumque stirpes secundum ordinemn lexici compilati olim a Joanne Scapula. Editionern curavit...Everardus Scheidius, cujus prsemissa sunt quoque prolegomena de lingua latina. Pars prior, posterior. Trajecti ad R. 1790. xc, 1311 p. 2 v. 8~. LENOIRt, Albert. Architecture Monastique: IIe et IIe partie. Paris, 1856. See France; Collection Doec. Ineid. [LENOX, James], Editor. See Syllacius, N., Columbus' Voyage. LENOX ACADEMY, Mass.: Catalogue, Jan. 1828, Pam. v. 212.- Cat. 1852. 8~. Pam. v. 458. LENTZE, Von. Die im Bau begriffenen Bricken fiber die Weichsel bei Dirschau, und iiber die Nogat bei Marienberg,..19 Tafeln. Berlin, 1855. gr. fo. LEOMINSTER, Mass. Annual Rep. of the School Committee for 1853-4. Boston, 1854. 8~. Pam. v. 192. [LEONARD, Daniel]. See Origin of the American contest, 1775, by Massachusettensis; also, Novanglus and Massachusettensis. Cat. 1855. LEONARD (Rev. Joshua), Cazenovia, N.Y. The Relation of Children of christian professors to the church. Considered in four sermons. Utica, 1808. 86 p. 8~. Pamn. v. 111. - Twenty-seven Questions on the Trinity: Addressed to Rev. J, Richards, D.D. Repr. 16 p. 8~. Pam. v. 111. 472 GENERAL LIBRARY. [ LEONARD, Levi W.]. See History of Dublin, N. H. LEONARD, Seth. The American Grammar....3d edition. New-York, 18.9. 144 p. 12~. LEONARDUS DE UTINO. Sermones aurei de Sanctis Fratris Leonardi de Utino, sacre theologie doctoris ordinis predicatorum. 1473. Colonic, Ulric Zell. 26 prelim. 443 leaves. f. LEOPOLD I, of Germany. The Emperor's Answer to the French King's manifesto. Translated from the Latin. London, 1688. 18-p. 80~. Pam. v. 408. [ LE PLUCHE, Abbe.] See Spectacle de la Nature. [ LE PRINCE (N. T.) l'aine]. Essai Historique sur la Bibliothbque du Roi. Paris, Belin, 1782. 24~. LEPSIUSt, Dr. Carl R. Denkmaeler aus Aegypten und Aethiopien nach den Zeichnungen der von seiner Majestdt dem Koenige von Preussen Friederich Wilhelm IV, nach diesen Liindern gesendeten und in den jahren 1842 - 1845 ausgefhhrten wissenschaftlichen expedition, auf Befehl seiner Majestdt herausgegeben und erl-;utert von C. R. Lepsius. Berlin. 12 v. fo. Contents: VOL. 1, 2. Erste Abtheilung: Topographic und Architectur. Blatt 1- 145. VOL. 3, 4. Zweite Abtheilung- Delnkmaeler des alten Reichs. Blatt 1153. VOL. 5, 6, 7, 8. Dritte Abtheilung: Denkmaeler des neuen Reichs. Blatt 1-304. VOL. 9. Vierte Abtheilung: Denkmaeler aus der zeit der Griechischen und Roemischen Herrschaft. Blatt 1 - 90. VOL. 10. Fiinfte Abtheilung: Aethiopische Denkmaeler. Blatt 1 - 75. VOL. 11, 12. Sechste Abtheilung: Inschriften mit ausschluss der hieroglyphischen. Blatt 1 -69, M.roe, Philce, Sinai. Blatt 70- 127. Demotische, Griechische,,end Lateinische Inschriften: Papyrus Hierat. Das Allgemeine Linguistische Alphabet. Grundsdtze der Uebertragung fremder schriftsysteme und bisher noch ungeschriebener sprachen in europaische buchstaben. Berlin, 1855. 64 p. 8~. LE QUESNE, Charles. A Constitutional History of Jersey...London...1856. 80. LEROUGE, M. Catalogue de Livres imprimes et manuscrits.... Vente...a Paris, 1833. 289 p. 8~. Cat. v. 2. LEROW, Geo. L. The Politician's Manual, containing...the duties of all the state, county and town officers...2d edition. Poughkeepsie, N.Y. 1840. 18'. LE RoY, Daniel. De God-vruchtige Debora's dood en begravinge, vertoond, en toegepast op die.... vorstinne Maria Stuart....koninginne van Engeland.... In een predikatie:.. Gen. xxxv, 8...tot Niemwegen. Am st. 1695. 48 p. 40. Pam. v. 569. - De Vier laatste uit-einden der menschen. 2ell druk. Rotterdam, 1736. 797 p. 18~. LE SAGEt, Alain Ren6. Le Diable boiteux. T. 1. London, 1785. 24~. ---- Asmodeus, the Devil on Two Sticks:.... Designs by Tony Johannot. London, 1850 (?). o~. FIRST SUPPLEMENT. 473 The Adventures of Robert Chevalier, call'd De Beauchene, captain of a privateer in New-France....London, 1745. 2 v. 18~. LESLEY, J. P. Manual of Coal and its Topography, illustrated by original drawings, chiefly of facts in the geology of the Appalachian region of the U.S.A. Philadelphia,.1856. 120. [ LESLIE (Charles), D.D.]. Deism Refuted; or the Truth of Christianity demonstrated by infallible proofs from four a letter to a friend. With....Dialogue betwixt a Christian and a Deist. London, 1755. 108 p. 120. Pam. v. 334. [ —-1] See Best Answer ever was made. 1709. LESLIE, Charles R. Autobiographical Recollections. By the late.... Ed. with a preparatory Tom Taylor, esq. Boston, 1860. 120. LESLIE, Miss E. Amelia; or a Young Lady's Vicissitudes...Philadelphia, 1848. 86 p. 8~. Pam. v. 497. LESLTE, J. Catalogue of English and Foreign Theology..-the entire stock of Mr. J. Cochran, and purchases from the library of R. Southey...on sale. London, 1844. 302 p. 8~. Cat. v. 3, 19. LESSERN, Fried. C. Typographia Jvbilans; das ist; Kurtzgefasste Historie der Buchdruckerey...Bey dem dritten Jubel-Fest derselben.. Leipzig, 1740. 412 p. and index. 12~. LESSING, Gotthold E. Lessing's Fabeln..suivies de 25 fables choisies dans Hagedorn...Pfeffel. Texte allemand.... Notes explicatives par L. Boutteville. Paris, Hachette, 1857. 88 p. 12~. LESTER'S ILLUSTRATIONS OF LONDON. 1816. Inper. 80. Pam. v. 392. LESTOCK, Rich. Vice-Adm-l's L —st —k's account of the late engagement near Toulon, between H. M.'s fleet and the fleets of France and Spain..With notes. London, 1745. 40, viii p. 80. Pam. v. 391. L'EsTRANGE ( Hamon), Kt. Americans no Iewes, or Improbabilitiesv that the Americans are of that race....**. London, 1652. 80 p. sm. 40. [L'ESTRANGE, Hammond]. See Legacy to the World, 1762. L'ESTRANGEt, Sir Roger. Considerations and Proposals in order to the regulation of the Press: together with diverse instances of treasonous and seditious pamphlets, proving the necessity thereof..London, printed by A. C. June 3d, MDCLXIII. xvi, 33 p. sm. 4~. LETAMENDI, Agustin de. Mi Opinion sobre la Educacion de las mujeres...Madrid, 1833. xvi, 56 p. 18~. Pami. v. 628. LE TELLIER, Michel. Reflexions sur les Jugemens des Savans. Vol. 8. See Baillet, A. LETRONNE, A. J. Catalogue des livres composant la bibliotheque de La vente, 29 Mai 1849. Paris, J. F. Delion. 398 p. 80. LETTER on Diocesan Courts. Signed A. B. London, 1843. 15 p. 8~. Pan. v. 327. LETTER (A) Addressed to the Rt. Hon. Lord Viscount Castlereagh, on the subject of the proposed alterations in the poor laws.... London, 1818. 43 p. 80. Pam. v. 429. [ SUPPL.] 60 474 GENERAL LIBRARY. LETTER (A) concerning Libels, Warrants, and the Seizure of papers; with a view to some late proceedings, and the defence of them by the majority. The second edition, much improved..London, Almon, 1764. 100 p. —Wtith (2), A Postscript to the letter on libels, warrants, &c. in answer to a postscript in the defence of the majority; and another pamphlet, entitled Considerations on the legality of general warrants. Lond. 1764.. 24 p.- (3), Additions to the second edition, 16 p.- (4), Another Letter to Mr. Almon in matter of libel. All by R. Grenville, Earl Temple? 1770. 198 p. In 1 v. 8~. The same: first title. 4th edition. London; Repr. Dublin, (1764). 98 p. 8~. Pam. v. 450, The Same. 7th edition, corrected. Lond. 1771. 164 p. 8~. Pol. Tr. v. 1. The Same. 1st edition. See Enquiry into the doctrine, &c. 1765. LETTER (A) from a Blacksmith to the Ministers and elders of the church of Scotland, in which the manner of public worship in that church is considered..(1758); a new edition, 4.c. Lond. 1791. xxiv, 68 p. 8~. Pam. v. 302. The Same. Canandaigua, N.Y. 1826. 76 p. 180. Pain. v. 616. LETTER from a Congregationalist to a friend, on the subject of joining the new Episcopalian church. Boston, 1820. 32 p. 80. Pamn. v. 295. LETTER (A) from a Gentleman in Edinburgh, to his friend in London, concerning literary property. Printed in the year 1769. 20 p. 8~. Pam. v. 266. LETTER (A) from a Gentleman in Scotland to his friend in New-England, containing an account of Mr. Whitefield's reception and conduct in Scotland. Boston, T. Fleet, 1743. 16 p. 8~. LETTER (A) from a Gentleman in the city to one in the country; concerning the bill for disabling the Duke of York to inherit the imperial crown of this realm. Lond., printed in the year 1680. 21 p. 8~. Pam. v. 407. LETTER (A) from a Gentleman in the Country to Sir R W —-. London, 1729. 27 p. 8~. Pam. v. 443. LETTER (A) from a Gentleman in Worcestershire, to a member of parliament in London. London, 1727. 27 p. 8~. Pam. v. 409. LETTER from a Layman, 1714. See [ Barrington, Lord]. LETTER (A) from a Member of Parliament for a borough in the West.. concerning the excise bill....London, 1733. 32 p. 8~. Pam. v. 418, 425. LETTER (A) from a Member of Parliament, in town, to a noble lord in the country, in regard to the last expedition to the coast of France. London, 1758. 29 p. 80. Pam. v. 447. LETTER (A) from a Member of Parliament, to his friend in the country, concerning the sum of 115000...of the civil list. To which is added, A collection of pictures by the best hands. London, 1729. 24, 3 p. 8~. Pam. v. 443. LETTER (A) from a Member Parliament, to his friend in the country, upon the settle 1000001 per annum on H.R.H. the Prince of Wales...London, Haines (1736). 60 p. 8~. Pam. v. 409, 445. FIRST SUPPLEMENT. 475 LETTER (A second) from a Merchant in Amsterdam, to his correspondent in London. Nov. 21, 1718 O.S. 1 p. f'. Pain. v. 1103. LETTER (A) from a Merchant in London, to his nephew in North America, relative to the present posture of affairs in the Colonies...* * By Josiah Tucker. London, 1766. 55 p. 8~. LETTER (A) friom a Merchant.... in which the case of the British and Irish manufacture of linnen... is fairly stated.... London, 1738. 84 p. 8~. Pam. v. 424. LETTER (A) from an Author to a Member of Parliament, concerning literary property. By Bp. William Warburton. London, 1747. 23 p. 8~. Pam. v. 513. LETTER (A) from a Parliament-man to his friend, concerning the proceedings of the H. of Commons this last sessions, begun the 13th of Oct. 1675. Signed T. E. By A. A. Cooper, Earl of Shaftesbury. Printed in the year 1675. 7 p. 80. Pam. v. 407. LETTER (A) from a Person of quality, to his friend in the country. By A. A. Cooper or J. Locke. Printed in the year 1675. 32 p. 4~. Pam. v. 407. LETTER (A) from a Russian Sea-officer to a person of distinction at the court of St.Petersburgh, containing his remarks upon Mr. De l'Isle's chart and memoir relative to the new discoveries northward and eastward from Kamtschatka. Together with some observations on that letter, by Arthur Dobbs, Governor of North-Carolina. To which is added Mr. De l'Isle's explanatory memoir on his chart published at Paris... London, 1754. 83 p. 8~. LETTER from Candor to the Public Advertiser. By R. Gretnville? 3d edition. London, Almon, 1770. Pol. Tr. v. 1. The Same. 4th ed. Rep. Dublin, 1765. 48 p, 8~. Pam. v. 450. LETTER (A) from Hanover, shewing the true cause of the present broils of Germany and confusions of Europe... and the disinclination of the Dutch to declare war against France...From the..High Dutch. London, 1744. 32 p. 8~. Pam. v. 446. LETTER (A) on Toleration and the Establishment.... to S. Perceval. London, 1808. 52 p. 8~. Pam. v. 324. LETTER (A) Respectfully addressed to His Grace the Lord Abp. of Canterbury, on the necessity of an immediate alteration in the doctrines and discipline of the Church of England.... By a Clergyman.... London, 1835. 28 p. 80. Pam. v. 327. LETTER to a Bishop, concerning Lectureships, by F. T., i. e. Thomas FranckZin. London, 1768. 48 p. 8~. Pam. v. 126. LETTER to a Bishop, concerning some important discoveries (of Hutchinson) in philosophy and theology. First printed 1732. 3d edition. - Some thoughts concerning religion natural and revealed..tending to shew that Christianity is, indeed very near, as old as the creation. First printed 1735. 4th edition. Both by Dzuncan Forbes. London, 1747. 47, 132 p. 12~. Pam. v. 332. LETTER to a Bishop... of Subscription. 1772. See [ Sturges, J.]. LESTER to a Clergyman..... concerning the votes of the Bishops..... upon the bill against occasional conformity. London, 1704. 32 p. 8~. Pam. v. 358. 476- GENERAL LIBRARY. LETTER to a Deist, concerning the beauty and excellency of moral virtue...By a Country Clergyman, i. e. John Balguy.... 2d edition.... London, 1730. 38 p. 8~. Pam. v. 299. ----- A Second Letter to a Deist, concerning a late book entitled, Christianity as old as the Creation: more particularly that chapter which relates to Dr. Clarke. By the author of the former. London, 1731. 72 p. 8~. Pam. v. 299. LETTER (A) to a Dissenting Clergyman of the Church of England concerning the oath of allegiance...London, 1690. 34 p. 40. Pain. v. 1011. LETTER to a Friend, &c. iNo title: on the Rule of faith (1700?). London. 31 p. 40. Pam. v. 358. LETTER to a Friend, concerning a French invasion to restore the late King James to his throne, and what may be expected from him should he be successful in it. London, 1692. 30 p.- A Second Letter to a friend, concerning the French invasion, in which the Declaration.... is entirely and exactly published....2d edition. By William Sherlock, D.D. London, 1692. 32 p. 40. Pam. v. 408. LETTER (A) to a Friend in the country, upon the news of the town. By Rev. John Jones. London (1755). 8~. Pam. v. 410. LETTER (A) to a Friend, on the duty of Great Britain to disseminate Christianity in India. London, 1812. 15 p. 8~. Pam. v. 433. LETTER (A) to a Member of Parliament, concerning the present state of affairs at home and abroad...London, 1740. 60 p. 80. Pam. v. 420. LETTER (A) to a Member of Parliament, in favour of the bill for uniting Protestants. London, 1689. 8 p. 4~. Pam. v. 408. LETTER (A) to a Member of Parliament in the North, containing Remarks on the Craftsman.... By Fred. Gasp. Pless. London (1729). 30 p. 8~. Pain. v. 443. LETTER (A) to a Noble Lord, about his dispersing abroad Mr. Hoadly's remarks upon the Bp. of Exeter's Sermon, &c...... London, 1709. 15 p. 8~. Pam. v. 349. LETTER (A) to a Person of Quality, occasion'd by the news of the ensuing Parliament. Signed R. S. (1688?). 8 p. 4~. Pam. v. 408. LETTER (A) to a Protestant Dissenter, in answer to the question, " Shall the Dissenters join with the Roman Catholics, in their petitions to Parliament, for what is called, Catholic emancipation"..4th edition. London, 1812. 29 p. 8~. Pam. v. 320. LETTER to a Representative, being a Review of " The Memorial of the Western Railroad Corporation, relating to the application of the Troy and Greenfield Railroad for a State loan"...Boston, (1854?). 16 p. 8~. Pamn. v. 208. LETTER (A) to a Young:O)fficer, written in the year 1776. By an officer of the British army. By Capt. Edward Drew. New-York. Rivington, 1778. 24 p. 4~. LETTER (A) to B. Cleeve, concerning his calculations on taxes. By John Massie. London, 1757. 49 p. 80. Pam. v. 425. LETTER (A) to Caleb D'Anvers, esq., occasioned by the depredations: committed by the Spaniards in the: West Indies. London, 1729. 32 p. 80, Pam. v. 443. FrRST SUPPLEMENT. 4:77 LETTER to Earl Stanhope, on the subject- of the Test. By Rev. C. S. Hawtrey? Oxford, 1789. 45 p. 80. Pam. v. 319. LETTER (A) to G. Cheyne, MI.D., F.R.S., shewing the danger of laying down general rules...for preserving and restoring health. London, (1724). 72 p. 80. Pam. v. 404. LETTER to George Sil'vertop, esq., on his Speech, Newcastle-upon-Tyne. Signed, Clericus Anglicanus. 1826. 34 p. 80. Pam. v. 346. LETTER to Henry Brougham,, esq., upon his Durham speech, and the three articles in the last Edinburgh Review-, upon the subject of the Clergy. By Rev. Thomas Rennell. London, 1823. 104 p. 8~. Pam. v. 325. LETTER (A) to His E —-— y L-t G B —— h ( Bligh). London (1758). 20 p. 80. Pam. v. 447. LETTER to His Excellency William H. Seward, Governor of the State of New-York, touching the surrender of certain fugitives from justice. By' W. Farley Gray? New-York, 1841. 100 p. 8~. Pam. v. 194. LETTER (A) to His Grace the Duke of Grafton, on the present situa-, tion of public affairs***. By R. Grenville, Earl Temple. London, Almon (1768). 30 p. 80. Pol. Tr. v. 4. LETTER (A). to His Grace the D of N- e, on the duty he owes himself, his king, his country and his God, at this important moment. London, 1757. 47 p. 8~. Pam. v. 410. LETTER to J. A. Haldane, esq., on his Sermon upon the late fires, the musical festival, &c. By a Layman. Edinburgh, 1825. 95 p. 8~. Pam. v. 304. LETTER (A) to R. B. Gabriel, D.D., in answer to facts relating to the Rev. Dr. White's Bampton lectures. London, 1789. 50 p. 89. Pam. v. 394. LETTER (A) to Samuel Johnson, LL.D..... London, Almon, 1770. 54 p. 8~. Pol. Tr. v. 5. LETTER (A) to Sir J[acob] B[anks], by birth a Swede..concerning the late Minehead doctrine which was establish'd by a certain free parliament of Sweden, to the utter enslaving of that kingdom. By William Benson. London, 1711. 40 p. 8~. Pam. v. 409. LETTER (A) to Sir John Wrottesley, Bart.., being an.answer to his letter addressed to the inhabitants.of the county of Stafford. By a Magistrate of the county of Stafford. Lichfield, 1811. 23 p. 8~. Pam. v. 221. LETTER (A) to Sir Thomas Osborn, one of H. M.'s Privy council, upon the reading of a book, The present interest of England stated. By G. ViCilies, Duke of Buckingham. London, 1672. 19 p. 4~. Pam. v. 407. LETTER (A) to the Author of " Hints to the Clergy of the Established Church." By a Kentish' Clergyman. Canterbury, 1814. 80. Pam. v. 324. LETTER (A) to the Author of the Vindication of the Proceedings of the ecclesiastical commissioners, concerning the legality of that court. By Philonomus Angl. Printed' Eleutheropolis (1685?) 19 p. 40. Pam. v. 356. 478 GENERAL LIBRARY. LETTER (A) to the Bishops of the Ch. of England, on the necessity of liturgical adjustment arising from the principles and practice of the school of tractarian theology. London, 1843. 32 p. 80. Pam. v. 308. LETTER (A) to the Clergy and Laity of the Protestant Episcopal church in the diocese of New-York, on the question " Who shall be our Provisional Bishop?' By Pacificator. By IVI. Hoffman? N.York, 1850. 11 p. 8~. Pam. v. 203. LETTER (A) to the Clergy of the Church of England, on occasion of the commitment of the...Bp. of Rochester to the tower of London. By Bp.-Z. Pearce. London, 1722. 20 p. 8~. Pam. v. 358. LETTER (A) to the Common Council of London, on their late very extraordinary address to His Majesty. 2d ed. London, 1765. 42 p. 80. Pam. v. 254. LETTER (A) to the Craftsman, on the Game of Chess...By John, Lord Hervey. London, 1733. 8~. Imper. Pam. v. 418. LETTER (A) to t&le Craftsmen, upon the change of affairs in Europe by the war that is begun against the Emperor. Signed, A. B. London, 1734. 64 p. 80. Pam. v. 418. LETTER (A) to the Deputies of the Protestant Dissenting congregations...on..the repeal of the corporation and test acts. London (1787). 35 p. 180. Pam. v. 319. LETTER (A) to the Earl of Bute. By J. Almon? London, Almon, 1771. 67 p. 8~. Pol. Tr. v. 6. LETTER (A) to the Earl of Shelburne, on..Mr. Sec. Townshend's letter to.... the East India Company. London, Debrett, 1783. 20 p. 80. Pam. v. 431. LETTER (A) to the Examiner, suggesting proper heads for vindicating his masters. By H. St.John, Lord Bolingbroke? London, 1714. 31 p. 8~. Pam. v. 442. LETTER (A) to the Honorable Edmund Burke, on the subject of his late charges against the Governor General of Bengal. London, Johnson, 1783. 77 p. 8~. Pam. v. 431. LETTER (A) to the Independent Whig, occasion'd by his Considerations of the importance of Gibraltar to the British Empire. London, 1720. 36 p. 80. Pam. v. 445. LETTER (A) to the Lord Bishop of London, on occasion of his lordship's late letter to the clergy and people..... By a Citizen of London. London, 1750. 23 p. 8~. Pam. v. 299. LETTER (A) to the Lord Chancellor, on the abolition of slavery. By a West-Indian. London, 1833. 16 p. 8~. Pam. v. 437. LETTER to the Members of the Associated Reformed church, illustrating the acts of Synod concerning a synodical fund. N.York, 1798. 24 p. 80. Pam. v. 68. LETTER (A) to the Members of the I. Parliament, referring to the evidence of.... Jamaica, and shewing the injurious...tendency of the proposed slave registry bill. London, 1816. 24 p. 8~. Pam. v. 435. LETTER (A) to the People of England, on the present situation and conduct of national affairs: Letter I. 3d edition. London, 1756. FIRST SUPPLEMENT. 479 56 p.- A second letter.... on Foreign subsidies, subsidiary armies..3d edition. London, 1756. 56 p.- A third letter...on Liberty, taxes, and the application of publick money. 3d edition. London, 1756. 64 p.- A fourth letter....on the conduct of the M rs in alliances.... since the first differences on the Ohio.... 2d edition. London, 1756. 111 p.- A sixth letter. on the Progress of national ruin. London, 1757. 121 p. 80. All by Dr. John Shebbeare. Pam. v. 421.- For first (4th ed.), second, third, fourth letters, see also Pam. v. 135. LETTER (A) to the Proprietors of the Canal from Trent to the Mersey (London, March 19, 1785). 20 p. 8~. Pam. v. 221. LETTER to the Rev. Dr. Sherlock, one of the committee of convocation...concerning the Bp. of Bangor's Preservative and Sermon... By A. A. Sykes. London, 1717. 27 p. 8~. Pam. v. 340. LETTER (A) to the Rev. Dr. Waterland, occasion'd by his late writings in defence of the Athanasian hypothesis. By Philan. Oxon. London, 1722. 27 p. 8~. Pam. v. 353. LETTER to the Rev. Dr. Waterland, 1731. [ See Middleton, C.] LETTER (A) to the Rev. Dr. Waterland, occasioned by some passages in his late treatise.... of the Holy Trinity.... Signed, M. T. London, 1734. 43 p. 80. Pam. v. 353. LETTER (A) to the Rev. Francis Atterbury: occasion'd by the doctrine lately deliver'd by him in a funeral sermon on 1 Cor. xv, 19...London, 1706. 45 p. 8~. Pam. v. 340. LETTER (A) to the Rev. John N. Campbell, D.D., suggesting some reasons for the publication of his late Lectures against the Prot. Episc. Church. Signed A Churchman. Albany, 1844. 8 p. 8~. Pam. v. 536. LETTER to the Rev. Mr. Sam. Chandler, 1748. See Chandler's Writ* ings. LETTER to the Rev. Samuel Miller, D.D.... on the charges against Uni tarians, contained in his late Ordination sermon in Baltimore. Bal] timore, 1821. 24 p. 18~. LETTER (A) to the Rev. Mr. W. Warburton, occasioned by some passages in his book intituled, The divine Legation, &c. By Philip C. Webb, esq. London, 1742. 16 p. 80. Pam. v. 352. LETTER to the Rt. Hon. C. Grant, from an Irish layman of the established church, on the subject of a the Lord Bishop of Killaloe...Dublin, 1820. 67 p. 8~. Pam. v. 348. LETTER (A) to the Rt. lIon. Ch***s T******d, esq. London, 1763. 24 p. 8~. Pam. v. 254. LETTER (A) to the Right Hon. Lord J. Russell, on the misgovernment of Ireland.... By a Friend to British connexion. London, 1847. 43 p. 8e. Pam. v. 423. LETTER (A) to the Right Hon. Lord Nugent...upon a bill for the regulation of labourers' wages... By a parochial vestryman. London, 1830. 28 p. 8~. Pam. v. 429. LETTER (A) to the Rt. Hon. Sir" C. Wood.. on the assessed taxes; with suggestions for a general revision of the duties. By an officer of the tax department, i. e. Charles Senior. London, 1850. 42, 8 p. 8~. Pam. v. 425. 480 GENERAL LIBRARY. LETTER (A) to the lRt. Ilon. Sir G. Grey...on Medical registration and the present condition of the medical corporations. 2d edition...By Emeritus. London, 1852. 38 p. 8~. Pam. v. 405. LETTER (A) to the Right Honourable Sir Joseph Banks....containing strictures on his letter to the National Institute of France. London, 1802. 14 p. 8~. Pam. v. 395. LETTER (A) to the Right Hon. Robert Peel, on the subject of the London University. By Christianus. London, 1828. 39 p. 8~. Pam. v. 386. LETTER to the Rt. Hon. Sir R. Peel, on the present condition and prospects of the established church. By M. A. London, 11832. 104 p. 80. Pam. v. 326. LATTER (A) to the Right Hon. the Earl of Buckinghamshire...on the suhject of an open trade to India. Signed Fabius. London, 1813. 91 p. 8~. Pam. v. 433. LETTER to the Rt. Rev. A. vindication of the principle of Christian Union for the propagation of the Gospel. Signed Katholikos. Philadelphia, 1850. 70 p. 8~. Pam. v. 495. LETTER (A) to the Right Reverend Dr. Warburton, Bp. of Gloucester. London, 1760. 60 p. 8~. Pam. v. 352. LETTER to the Society for Pro. Chr. Knowl., occasioned by two recent publications respecting the Brit. and F. Bib. Soc. London, 1805. 48 p. 80. Pam. v. 383. LETTER (A) to the Trustees of Columbia College, from a Citizen. NewYork, 1856. 16 p. 8~. Pam. v. 278. LETTER (A) to the Whigs, occasion'd by the letter to the Tories...2d edition. London, 1748. 40 p.- A second and third letter to the Whigs. By the author of the first. London, 1748. 8~, imper. Pam. v. 409. LETTER (A) to Viscount Milton, M. P. By one of his constituents. London, 1827. 56 p. 8~. Pain. v. 346. LETTER (A) to W. W. Whitmore, pointing out some of the erroneous statements contained in a pamphlet by J. Marryatt..By the author of.. "East and West India. sugar." i. e. Zach. Macaulay. London, 1823. 38 p. 8~. Pam. v. 436. LETTERS addressed to C. Strong, esq.... showing war to be inconsistent with the laws of Christ.-..2d edition. By Rev. Samuel Whelpley. Philadelphia, 1817. vii, 127 p. 8~. LETTERS addressed to Martin Van Buren, esq., Sec. of State: Correcting many important errors in a biography of that gentleman. By Corrector. New-York, 1830. 15 p. 8~. Pam. v. 194. LETTERS concerning the General Health; with notes and considerable additions to the numbers, as they lately appeared in the N.Y. Gazette. By Dr. X. Romayne. New-York, 1805. 52 p. 80. Pam. v. 89. LETTERS concerning the present state of the French nation. Containing a comprehensive view of its political state..... fine arts and artists, theatre, literature and writers. With a complete comparison between France and Great Britain...Dublin, 1769. 463 p. 8~. FIRST SUPPLEMENT. 481 LETTERS descriptive of public monuments, scenery, and manners in France and Spain...Vol. I, France; Vol. II, Spain. By Mrs. Caroline Cushing. Newburyport, Mass. 1832. 2 v. 12~. LETTERS Descriptive of the Virginia Springs; the roads leading thereto, and the doings thereat...Edited by Peregrine Prolix...2d edition, containing eight more letters. By P. H. Nicklin. Philadelphia.... 1837. 18~. LETTERS from the North of Italy. See Rose, W. R. LETTERS of Philopatris to Dr. Phillimore, on Lord Grey's bill for abrogating the declarations against transubstantiation and popery..... London, 1819. 26 p. 8~. Pam. v. 344. LETTERS Of VERUS, addressed to the Native American. By C. llI. de Yr-,jo. Philadelphia, B. F. Bache, 1797. 75 p. 8~. LETTERS on Church Matters. By D. C. L. Reprinted from the Morning Chronicle. NOS I, v, vI ( Vol. III), VII, VIII, IX. By A. J. B. Hope? London, 1851, 52. 47, 208 - 470 p. 8~. Pam. v. 329.- N0~ 2, 3, 4 wanting. LETTERS on Eloquence, 1765. See [Langhorne, J.] LETTERS on the comparative merits of the Pennsylvania and New-York systems of penitentiary discipline. By a Massachusetts man. Boston, 1836. 48 p. 8~. Pam. v. 164. LETTERS to a Friend, on Ecclesiastical councils, discipline and fellowship; comprizing a history of the late dissentions in North Yarmouth (Maine). Portland, 1824. 80 p. 8~. Pani. v. 484. LETTERS to a Friend, on the establishment of the Popish hierarchy in England. Edinburgh, 1850. 40 p. 120. Pam. v. 347. LETTERS to a Member of the present parliament, upon the extraordinary and unprecedented transactions of the House of Commons. London, 1784. 57 p. 80. Pam. v. 431. LETTERS to a Member of the. Society of Friends. By a Clergyman of the church of England: N~ I, On the principles of Quakerism. London (1840?). 63 p. 120. Pain. v. 566. LETTERS to a Protestant Dissenter, relative to the claims of the Roman catholics, both as they affect a Protestant government, 4c.. I, II. London, 1813. 40 p. 8~. Pam. v. 344. LETTERS to the Laity of the Protestant Episcopal church. By a Protestant Episcopalian. Philadelphia, 1843. 34 p. 80. 543. LETTERS to William Wilberforce, esq., on the doctrine of hereditary depravity. By a Layman, i. e. Thomas Cogan, M.D. 2d edition. London, 1806. 127 p. 8~. Pam. v. 303. LETTERS upon the Annexation of Texas, addressed to J. Q. Adams... in the Boston Atlas....signature of Lisle. Boston, 1845. 47 p. 8~. Pam. v. 526. LETTRE'a M. Le Monnier, de l'Academie des Sciences...sur la culture du cafe. A Amsterdam..1773. 18~. LETTRES de quelques Juifs Portugais et Allemands, a M. De Voltaire.. By Abbe A. Guenee. A Lisbonne, 1769. 8~. [ SuPPL.] 61 482 GENERAL LIBRARY. LEUCKFELD, Joh. Geor. IRerum Germanicarum tres selecti scriptores, imprimis de vitis et factis Caroli Magni, imperatoris, neenon Witikindi Magni, regis saxonii.. Access.. G. Budei, Thanatologia... item capitulatio Osnaburgenis...Franc. ad na. 1707. 272, 20, 32 p. and index.- With, Hahn ( S. F.), Oratio. In fo. See HIeineccius, J. N. LEUCIHTENBERG, Le Prince Eugene, Duc de. Catalogue des Tableaux de la galerie de: Munich, 1841. 59 p. 180. Pam. v. 607. LLEUNCLAVIUS, Joannes. Annales Sultanorum Othma.nidarum, a turcis sua lingua scripti..G;ermanice translati. I. L.....Latine redditos.. auxit ad annum 1588. Francofurdi, 1588. viii, 519 p. 40~. LEUTZE, Emanuel. Exhibition of Leutze's... Picture of Washington crossing the Delaware..New-York, 1852. 8~. Pam. v. 499. LEVASSEURt, A. Lafayette in America in 1824 and 1825... Philadelphia, 1829. 2 v. 12~. LEVER, Charles. Novels. With illustrations by Phiz. London, 1852 - 56. 15 v. 8~. Contents: Charles O'Malley, the Irish Dragoon, by Harry Lorrequer. 2 v. The Daltons; or Three Roads in Life, 1852. 2 v. The Confessions of Harry Lorrequer. 1 v. Jack Hinton, the Guardsman. With Portrait of the author. 1 v. The O'Donoghue, a tale of Ireland fifty years ago. 1 v. Roland Cashel, 1854. 2 v. Tom Burke of "Ours." Dublin. 2 v. The Martins of Cro' Martin, 1856. 1 v. The Knight of Gwynne: A Tale of the time of the Union, 1853. 2 v. The Dodd Family abroad, 1854. 1 v. LEVERETT FAMILY. A Memoir, biographical and genealogical, of Sir John Leverett, Kn't, Governor of Massachusetts, 1673 - 79; of Hon. John Leverett, F.R.S.....and of the family generally. By Rev. C. E. Leverett. Boston, 1856. 8~. LE VERRIER DE LA CONTERIE, M. L'Rcole de la Chasse aux chiens courans...Precedde d'une bibliotheque historique and critique des thereuticographes. Premiere, seconde partie. Rouen, 1763. 2 v. 8~. LEVETTt, Christopher. A Voyage into New-England...London, 1628. See Mass. Hist. Soc. Collections, S. 3, v. 8. LEVI, David. A Defence of the Old Testament, in a series of letters addressed to Thomas Paine.... Philadelphia, 1798. 207 p. 18~. LEVRAT, Dr. Nouvelle Mdethode pour prevenir et guerir la goutte, le rhumatisme, la sciatique, la migraine, l'hypochondrie, le spleen, etc. 2e edition. Bruxelles, 1850. 8~. Pam. v. 89. LEVY ( Uriah P.), Capt. U.S. N. the Congress,..complaining of the action of the board of. naval officers....New-York, 1855. 30 p. 8~. Pam. v. 266, 521. LEWES, George Henry. The Life and Works of Goethe; with sketches of his age and contemporaries, from published and unpublished sources...In 2 v.@**. Boston..1856. 2 v. 12~.The Biographical History of Philosophy, from its origin in Greece down to the present day*-*. New-York, 1857. xxxiv, 801 p. 8~. FIRST SUPPLEMENT. 483 LEWIS, Gem. A. Orderly Book, 1776. See Historical Documents. LEWIS, Enoch. A Dissertation on Oaths. Philadelphia, 1838. 100 p. 120. LEWIS, Henry C. The Lyre of love and Harp of sorrow. Philadelphia, 1815. 108 p. 24~. LEWISt (Isaac), D.D. Sermon, West-Greenwich, Conn., Installation of Rev. Isaac Lewis, A.M. New-York, 1819. 8~. Pam. v. 556. LEWIS, John. The Life of Mayster Wyllyam Caxton, of the Weald of Kent; the first printer in England. In which is given an account of the rise and progress of the art of prynting in England, during his time, till 1493, Collected by John Lewis, Minister of Mergate in Kent. London, 1737. xxii, 157 p. 8~, LEWIS, Samuel. A Topographical Dictionary of England, comprising the several counties, boroughs..and the islands of Guernsey, Jersey and Man. With historical and statistical descriptions: Vol. I, II, III, IV, 1831.- With a supplementary volume, comprising a representative history of England, with plans describing the electoral divisions...and the former and present boundaries of the cities and boroughs. Vol. v. 1838. London. 5 v. 43. LEWISt, Prof. Tayler. Nature, Progress, Ideas: A Discourse on Naturalism....Before the N.Y. Alpha of the Phi Beta Kappa Society. Union College, 1849. Schenectady, 1850. 56 p. 8~. Pam. v. 528. The Bible and Science; or the World-Problemi ****. Schenectady...1856. 12~. LEWIS, Tho. Sermon, Death of H. R. H. the Princess Charlotte: Gen. xviii, 25. London, 1817. With Brief notices of her life. 41 p. 8~. Pam. v. 382. LEWIS, W. G. Sermon, Death of Mrs. Toulmin: Ps. xii, 2; 1829, London. 8~. Pamn. v. 380. LEWIS (W. H.), D.D., Brooklyn, N.Y. Considerations addressed to the Laity of the Prot. Epis. Ch., with thoughts on the daily service. New-York, 1853. 80. Pam. v. 203. LEWIS COUNTY AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY. Exhibition, at Turin, 1858. Lowville, 1N.Y. Pam. v. 461. LEYDEKKER, Melchior: De Verborgentheid des geloofs......2e druk. Amsterdam, 1729. 4~ LEYDENt ACADEMY. See Academia Lugduno-Batava. LEYDEN UNIVERSITY. Catalogus Liblrorum. tam impressorum quam Manuscriptorum Bibliothecee Publicoe Universitatis Lugduno - Batavme. Lugd. apud Bat., sumptibus Petri Vander Aa, 1716. With Supplementum....ab anno 1716 usque ad annum 1741. Lugd. Bat. 1741. 500, 34 p. and index. f~. LEYDT, Johannes. Ware Vryheyt tot Vrede. Nieuw-Brunswyk, den 12 Augustus 1760. 72 p. 120~. Title and last pages wanting. L'HOIONDt, C. F. Ele6mens de la Grammaire Franqaise......Paris, 1827. 84 p. 120. Pam. v. 625. Grammaire Franqaise de L'Homond traduite en Arabe.... avec le texte...Par M. Soliman al. Harairi. Paris, Duprat, 1857. 12~. 484 GENERAL LIBRARY. LIBER GUIDONIS. See Bock, C. P. LIBERATOR (The). Vol. 23: Mar. 4, 18, 25; Ap. 8, 15, 29; May 6, 13, 27; June 3, 24, 1853. W. L. Garrison, Ed. Boston. f~. Newsp. v. 16., LIBERIAN COLONIZATION:... By an Abolitionist and Colonizationist. New-York, 1857. 31 p. 12~. Pam. v. 462. LIBERTY NORMAL INSTITUTE, Sullivan co., N.Y. 80. Pam. v. 456. LIBERTY (The) of the Human Will; or Salvation attainable by all within the sound of the Gospel... By the author of Simple Truth.. London, Buckland (1790?). 69 p. 80. Pam.. v. 301. LIBERTY, the support of Truth...A Letter to the Abp. of Canterbury, concerning persecution for religion and freedom of debate. By Hesiod Cooke. London, 1732. 56 p. 8~. Pain. v. 318. LIBRARYt COMPANY of Philadelphia. Catalogue of the Books belonging to the Library. Vol. III, containing the Titles added from 1835 to 1856; together with an alphabetical index to the whole. Philadelphia, 1856. 80. Importation of Books for the Library Company of Philadelphia, Jan. 1849 to Sep. 1853. Pam. v. 170.- From 1854 to 1855. Pam. v. 209.- List of books added to Oct. 1856, Ap. 1857, Sept. 1857, June 1858. Pam. v. 276.- Books added Jan. 1859. Pam. v. 470. LIBRARY OF FICTION, NO.II. London, Chapman and Hall. 12~. Pain. v. 497. LIBRARY (The) REPORTER and Book-Buyer's Guide: a quarterly record....Jan. 1854, No. 1. Boston, 1854. 8~. Pam. v. 170. [ LIBRI, Guglielmo]. Catalogue de la Bibliotheque de M. L**i*, dont la vente se fera le Lundi 28 Juin 1847. Paris, 1847.- With prices in MS. Catalogue of the Collection of.....splendid manuscripts chiefly vellum....formed by G. Libri..... which will be sold by auction by Messrs. Sotheby & Wilkinson, 29th March 1859... London. xxxix, 260 p. roy. 8~, with 37 plates of fac similes. LICHTENBERGER, Prof. Johannes Fridericus. Initia Typographica. Argentorati, 1811. 260 p. 4~. ---- HIistoire de l'Invention de l'Imprimerie, pour servir de defense a la ville de Strasbourg contre les pretentions de Harlem. Avec une Preface de M. J. G. Schweighaeuser....Accompagnee d' un portrait de Gutenberg et de huit planches....Strasbourg, 1825. 100 p. 8~. LIDDELL, Daniel. The Practicability of improving the condition of the working classes.. Newcastle-upon-Tyne, 1836. 12 p.- Suggestions relative to the best means for diffusing knowledge among the miners in the'N. of England. 1836. 8 p. 8~. Pamn. v. 429. LIDDELL, H. T. Speech, H. of Commons, 1840, Ecclesiastical duties and revenues bill...Durham. 8~. Pam. v. 330. LIDDELL, Rob. Sermon, Durham Assize: Ps. lviii, 10. Lond. 1835. 8~. Pam. v. 377. LIDDON, John. Dissenters in England defended, a Sermon: Acts xxvi, 1, 2. London, 1793. 80. Pam. v. 374. FIRST SUPPLEMENT. 485 LIEBERt, O. M. Translator. See Woehler, F., Analytical Chemist's Assistant. LIEBIGt, Bv?. Justus von. Researches on the Motion of the juices in the animal body, and the effect of evaporation in plants; together with the... potato disease.... Ed.... by William Gregory. Philadelphia, 1850. 10, 47 p. 8~. Pamn. v. 551. Letters on Modern Agriculture. Ed. by J. Blyth, M.D. NewYork, 1859. xxvi, 233 p. 120~. LIFE (The) AND TIMEs OF SAM, written by himself i. Claremont, N.H. 1855. 32 p. 8~. Pam. v. 534. LIFE INSURANCE, its nature, origin and progress: a plain exposition of the principles of life insurance... Compiled from the best authorities. New-York, C. B. Norton, 1852. 99 p. 12~. LIGHTFOOT, J. Joannis Lightfootii... Opera Omnia....Roterodami, R. Leers, 1686, 7. 2 v. fV. LIGHTFOOT, Robert. Sermon, Visitation at Bedford, April 22, 1707: Acts xx, 28. London. 8~. Pam. v. 364. LILLE, France. Exposition du Proces des Ordres du clerge et de la noblesse des etats de la province de Lille, contre les baillifs, etc... de la meme province. Lille, 1757. 113 p. 4~. Catalogue de la Bibliotheique de laville..theologie. Lille, 1859. ccxcii, 728 p. 8~. The Preface is an "Essai historique et critique sur l'invention de l'imprimerie," by Ch. Pacille, the Librarian. LILLO, George. The London Merchant; or the History of George Barnwell...12th edition. Glasgow, 1761. 120. Pam. v. 621.'LILLY'S (J.) Catalogues; including books for sale, printed for the Abbotsford, Bannatyne, Maitland and Roxburghe clubs, at Strawberry hill, Lee Priory press, early typography, and from W. Upcott's library. London, 1848, 49. Cat. v. 32, etc., LILLY, John. The Dramatic Works of:.. (the Euphuist). With notes and some account of his life and writings, by F. W. Fairholt..... London, J. R. Smith, 1858. 2 v. 18~. LILLY, William. An Introduction to Astrology; with a Grammar of Zadkiel. London, Bohln, 1852. 12~. LILY, William. A Short Introduction of Grammar, generally to be attain the knowledge of the latine tongue..Oxford, 1673. Wmith, Brevissima Institutio seu ratio grammatices cognoscenda.... quam solam regia majestas in omnibus scholis docendam praecipit. Oxonii, 1672. In 1 v. 18~. Short Introduction of Grammar to the Latin.. With Lilly's rules construed: whereunto are added Tho. Robinson's heteroclites, the Latin syntaxis...London, 1760. 180. Imperfect. LIMAGNE, E. De. Manuel du Service sanitaire: Recueil des r6glements et instructions sur la Police sanitaire en France et en Algerie. 2e edition. Paris, 1858. 119 p. 18~. LINCOLN (Abraham), of Ill. Speech, U. S. H. of R., on the Civil and Diplomatic appropriation bill, June 20, 1848. 8~. Pam. v. 193. 486 GENERAL LIBRARY. LINCOLN (Fred. W.), jr. Inaugural Address, 1858. See Boston. [LINCOLN, Enoch]. The Village: a Poem; with an appendix. Portland, Me. 1816. 180 p. 18~. LINCOLN (W. S.) & SON. Catalogue of Coins and Medals.....offered for sale by: London, 1856. 60 p. 12~. LINCOLN'S INN. A Catalogue of the printed books. To which is prefixed a short account of the manuscripts. London, 1835. 215 p. 8~. LIND, M'lleJenny. Programme of Grand Concert, N.Y. Pam. v. 266. [ LIND, John]. See Remarks on the principal acts of the 13th Parliament. LIND UNIVERSITY, at Chicago; Medical Department Ist Ann. Announcement. Chicago, 1859. 80. Pam. v. 517. LINDEN, Jean Antonides van der. Life of. Pain. v. 1016. LINDSAYt, Lord A. W. C. A Brief Analysis of the doctrine and argument in the case of Gorham v. the Bp. of Exeter.... London, 1850. 56 p. 80. Pam. v. 330. - Letters on Egypt, Edom and the Holy Land. 5th ed. London, Bohn, 1858. 12~. LINDSEYt (Theophilus). [Writings of ]: in 1 v. 80. Contents: A Farewell Address to the parishioners of Catterick. London, 1774. 23 p. A Liturgy on the universal principles of religion and morality, with psalms. London, 1776. xii, 121 p. Anon. Vindicise Priestleiane: An address to the students of Oxford and Cambridge; occasioned by a letter to Dr. Priestley, from....Dr. Horne.. London, 1788. xx, 343 p. On Prayer, a Sermon: Phil. iv, 6. London, 1793. LINDSLEY, Aaron L. National Righteousness and National Sin..discourse, South-Salem, N.Y.: Prov. xiii, 34. N.York, 1857. 8~. Pam. v. 557. LINDSLEY, J. Berrien. On Medical Colleges... Lecture, Med. department, Univ. of Nashville. Nashville, 1858. 8~. Pain. v. 516. LINGUARUIM ORIENTALIUM, 1636. See Vitray, A. LINGUET, S. N. IH. Political and Philosophical Speculations on the distinguishing characteristics of the present century..with occasional reflections on the probable effects of American independence...... London, 1778. 152 p. 180. Trans.from Annales Politiques, Civiles et Litteraires du 18me siecle. LINN (E. A.), and N. SARGENT. The Life and Public Services of Dr. Lewis F. Linn, for ten years a senator of the United States from the State of Missouri. New-York, 1857. 441 p. 8~. LINNt; John Blair. The Powers of Genius: A Poem in three parts....2d edition. Philadelphia, 1802. 191 p. 18~. LINNt, William. The Life of Thomas Jefferson...Mobile, Alabama, 1835. 12o. LINNEANt SOCIETY of London. Transactions: Vol. 20, including part 1, 1846; part 2, 1847; part 3, 1851. 1 v. 4~. FIRST SUPPLEMENT. 487 LINSLEY, Rev. Joel H. Lectures on the Relations and duties of the middle-aged. Hartford, 1828. 180 p. 120. LINTON, Charles. The Healing of the Nation's. With an introduction and appendix by Nathaniel P. Tallmadge.....**. 4th edition. NewYork, 1858. 537 p. 8~ LINWOOD, Rev. William. A Lexicon to Aeschylus.... London, 1847. 380 p. 8o. LIPOWSKY, Anton Johann. Von dem Niitzen der Geschichte, und Kenntniss der Geschichtschreiber, 28 Merz 1775. MiInchen. See Koen. Baier. Ak. Reden, v. 3. LIPPERT, J. T. Catalogue d'une Collection preicieuse de plus offrant k Halle le 16 Avril 1846, par:.. 402 p. 8~. Cat. v. 14. [L'IsLA, Father J. F. De]. See Gerund, Friar. LISLE, E. Du Suicide: Statistique, m6decine, histoire et legislation.. Paris, 1856. 488 p. 80. LISLE, H. M. Oration, February 22, 1800, on Washington. Boston, 1800. 8o. Pam. v. 47. LISLE (Samuel), Bp. Sermon, House of Lords, Dec. 18, 1745, Fast day: Rev. ii, 5. London. 4~ Pam. v. 1006. LIST, Frederick. National System of Political Economy. Trans. from the German by G. A. Matile; including the notes of the French translation by Henri Richelot..With a preliminary essay and notes, by Stephen Colwell. Philadelphia, 1856. lxxxiv, 497 p. 80. LISTE COHRNOLOGIQUE des EvequLes et des Pretres tant seculiers que reguliers, employes au service de l'eglise du Canada depuis l'etablissement de ce pays, et aussi la liste des eveques des autres possessions britanniques de l'Amerique du Nord. Revue au Secretariat de l'Eveche de Quebec. Quebec, 1834. 52 p. 8~. LIsTER, Thomas. Opposition Dangerous. Lond. 1798. 39 p. 8~. Pam. v. 221. Speech, Auxiliary British and For. Bible Society, April 8, 1812. Stafford. 23 p. 80. Pam v. 219. LITCHFIELD, Francis. Sermon, Distressed Peasantry in Ireland: 1 Kings xvii, 12. 1822. London. 80. Pam. v. 376. LITERARISCHE ANNALEN DER GESAMMTEN HEILKUNDE. In Verbindung mit mehreren Gelehrten. Herausgegeben von Dr. J. F. C. Hecker...1- 16 Band. Berlin und Landsberg a. d. W. 1825 -1830. 16 v. 8~. LITERARISCHE VEREIN in Niirnberg. Jahres-Bericht des Literarischen Vereins in Nitrnberg, 1841-2, 43. From 1844 called, Album des Lit. etc. Nuirnberg, 1843 -48, 50 -53, 55 - 59. 14,v. 80. LITERARYt AND PHILOSOPHICAL SOCIETY, New-York. Charter, Laws and Regulations; with a list of the officers and members. New-York, 1818. 8~. Pam. v. 195. LITERARY (The) BLUE BOOK, or Kalendar of Literature, Science and Art. For 1830. London. 200 p. 180. LITERARYt GAZETTE, 1852, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57. 5 v.- Vol. 1, 2. New series. July 3, 1858-June 1859. London. 7 v. 4~. 488 GENERAL LIBRARY. LITERARY (The) UNION: a Journal of progress in literature and education, religion and politics, science and agriculture.... J. M3. Winchell, James Johonnot, editors. Vol. 1. Syracuse, April 7, 1849 - Dec. 29, 1849. 4~ - New series, Vol. 1. 1850. Monthly. Jan.-July. 8~.- 2 v. LITTELL'S LIVING AGE. Conducted by E. Littell. Weekly. Vol. 23. Oct. 1849 to Vol. 61, June 1859. Boston. 39 v. 8". LITTELL, William. Political Transactions in and concerning Kentucky, from the first settlement thereof until it became an independent State..Frankfort, 1806. vi, 81, 66 p. 8~. LITTLE, John A. The Autobiography of a New Churchman; or Incidents and observations connected with the life of John A. Little. Philadelphia, 1952. 258 p. 12~. LITTLE (John P.), MI.D. Rlichmond, the Capital of Virginia -: its history. From South. Lit. Mess. enlarged. Richmond, 1851. 102 p. 80. LITTLE FALLS. An Act reincorporating the village of Little Falls by the name of Rockton. Rockton, 1850. 22 p.- The same as amended. Little-Falls, 1855. 24 p. 8~. Pam. v. 530. LITTLE FALLS (N.Y.) ACADEMY. Catalogue 1845. Pam. v. 456; 1858. Pam. v. 457. LITTLE SCHUYLKILL NAVIGATION RAILROAD AND COAL COMPANY. Report, Jan. 11, 1858. Philadelphia, 1858. 8~. Pam. v. 284. LITTLER, John. Visitation Sermon: 2 Tim. ii, 2. 1847. Battle, Eng. 8~.- Sermon, National Schools: Is. xxxii, 8. 1848. Battle. 8~. Pam. v. 378. LITURGY and other )ivine offices of the Church. Apostolic. London, Bosworth & Harrison, 1856. 603 p. 120. LIVERPOOL (R. B. Jenkinson), Earl of. Speech, H. of Lords, Feb. 26, 1822, on the agricultural distress of the country. London. 8~. Pam. v. 439. -- Speech, H. of Lords, May 26, 1820, on the Foreign trade of the country. London. 8~. Pam. v. 439. LIVERPOOL MUSICAL FESTIVAL. Sept., Oct. 1823; Oct. 1827; Sept. 1829; Oct. 1830; Oct. 1833; Oct. 1836. 80. Pam. v. 400. LIVES (The) and CHARACTERS of the English dramatic poets: with an account of all the plays. Printed to the year 1698. See Langbaine. LIVES (The) of (68) Eminent and Remarkable characters born or long resident in the counties of Essex, Suffolk and Norfolk. Embellished with 68 portraits. London. Longman, etc., 1820. 8~. LIVES of the English Saints. Ed. by J. H. Newman. London, 1844, 45. In 5 v. 18~. Contents: Vol. 1. The Cistercian Saints: St.Stephen (Harding), 187 p.; St.Augustine of Canterbury, 266 p.- Vol. 2. Familyof St.Richard, King, 112 p.; Hermit Saints, 152 p.; St.Wulstan, Bp. 65, x p.-Vol. 3. Saints Paulinus, Edwin, Ethelburga, Oswald, Oswin, Ebba, Adamnan, Bega, 187 p.; St.Gilbert, 133 p; St.Wilfrid, 209 p.- Vol. 4. St.German, Bp. 308 p.; Stephen Langton, ibp. 129 p.- Vol. 5. St.Aelred, 146 p.; St.Ninian, Bp. 148 p.; St.Edmund, Abp. 91 p.; St.Richard, Bp. 120 p.; St.Waltheof, St.Robert, 54 p. FIRST SUPPLEMENT, 480 LIVESEY, J. Temperance Lecture, based on the teetotal principle; including an exposure of,..malt liquor.. Preston, Eng. 1836. 35 p. 8~. Pam. v. 292. LIVINGSTONt, John. American Portrait Gallery. Part vi, v. 3; contaming portraits of men now living....New-York, 1854. 8~. Pam. v. 253. [LIVINGSTON, Philip]. See Other Side of the question. New-York, 1774. Cat. 1855. [ LIVINGSTONt, Gov. William]. Review of the Military operations, 1757. Cat. 1855. LIVINGSTONE (David), LL.D., D.C.L. Missionary Travels and Researches in South Africa, including a Sketch of sixteen years residence in the interior of Africa, and a journey from the Cape of Goo' Hope to Loanda on the west coast; thence across the continent-down the river Zambesi, to the Eastern Ocean....London, 1857. 8~. 47 illustrations. LIVIUSt, Titus. T. Livii Patavini'Historiarum ab urbe c ondita decadis primse, Liber primus - Liber xLv. —L.Flori Epitome. No titlepage. Francofurti, 1628? 600 p. fo. Titi Livii Patavini Historiarum ab urbe condita libri qui s;upersunt, cum omnium epitomis ac deperditorum fragmentis..accurante Thoma Ruddimano... Edinburgi, 1752. 4 v. 180. Titi Livii Patavini Historiarum ab urbe condita libri qui supersunt omnes, ex recensione Arn. Drakenborchii. Accedunt Note integrae ex editionibus J. B.L. Cr;evierii. Cum indice locupletissimo. Oxonii, 1825. 4 v. 8~. LIVRES (Les) Classiques de l'Empire de la Chine, recueillis par le Pere Noel: Precedes d'Observations sur l'origine, la nature et les effets de la philosophie morale et politique dans cet empire, par 1'Abbe PFluquet. Paris, 1784-86. 7 v. 24'. [LLOYD, Charles]. See Defence of the Majority, 1765;' Examination of the principles of Pitt, 1766; True History, 1766. LLOYD, J. A. Papers relating to Proposals for establishing,Colleges of arts and manufactures... London, 1851, 40 p. 8~. Pam. v. 388. LLOYD, James T. Lloyd's Steamboat Directory, and disasters on the Western waters.... a complete list of steamboats and all other vessels now afloat on the western rivers and lakes....list of plantations on the Mississippi river...Cincinnati... 1856. 325 p. 80.' LLOYD, Robert L. Sermon, Nov. 5, 1712, Discovery of the Powdertraitors: Is. viii, 10. London. 8~. Pam. v. 365. LLOYD (William), D.D., Bp. Sermon before the King, Nov. 24, 1678: Acts ii, 42. London. 40~. Pam. v. 359. Sermon at the Funeral of Sir Edmund-Bury Godfrey, Oct. 31, 1678. London. 40. Pam. v. 359. [ -] See Late Apology for Papists, 1667: Also Seasonable discourse, 1673; and Answer to Bp. of Oxford, 1688. LLOYD'S ( W. A.) S.T.EAMBOAT AND RAILROAD GUIDE: New-York, 1859. 196 p. 8~. [ SUPPL.].62 490 GENERAL LIBRARY. LOBATTO, R. Verzameling van Vraagstukken, ter oefening in de toepassing der gronden van de statika en de hydrostatica. Amsterdam, 1857. 364p.8~. LOBSTEIN (J. F. Daniel ), MLD. A Treatise upon the Semeiology of the eye; for the use of physicians; and of the countenance, for criminal jurisprudence. New-York..1830. 80. [LOCKEt, John]. A Vindication of the Reasonableness of Christianity, &c. from Mr. Edwards's reflections. London, 1695. 8~. Pam. v. 340. [ —] See Letter from a person of quality, 1675. LOCKE, John J. Sketches of the History of the town of Camden, Maine.:.Hallowell, Me. 1859. 269 p. 8~. LOCKE, N. C. Discourse, Death of Mrs. Margaretta Willoughby..... Brooklyn.. New-York, 1849. 48 p. 8o. Pam. v. 554. LOCKHARTt, John G. Ancient Spanish Ballads; historical and romantic. Trans. by:.. A new revised edition... Boston..1856. 18~. LOCKIER, Francis. Sermon, H. of Commons, Jan. 31, 1725: Martyrdom of Charles I. London, 1726. 4~. Pain. v. 1006. LOCKPORT, N.Y.: The Complete Directory.... 1859 - 60... By A. L. Jones, 1859. 12~. LOCKPORT AND NIAGARA FALLS RAILROAD COMPANY: Report of Charles B. Stuart, Chief Engineer, January 1, 1846. Rochester. o~. Pam. v. 284. LOCKPORT (N.Y.) UNION SCHOOL: Catalogue, 1858. Pamin. v. 457; 1859, Pam. v. 456. LODI MANUFACTURING COMPANY: Farmers' Almanac. Poudrette 4 Tafeu. New-York, 1857. 12~. Alm. v. 39. LOEWE, L. A Dictionary of the Circassian language, in two parts: English, Circassian; Turkish, and Circassian, English, Turkish... London..1854. 177 p. See Philolog. Soc. Proceedings, v. 6. [ LOEWENTHAL, Rev. I.]. See Revolt of the Seapoys, 1858. LOFFT, Capel. Remarks on the Letter of the Rt. Hon. E. Burke, concerning the revolution in France, and on the. proceedings in certain societies in London relative to that event.... " 4 W. London, 1790. 100 p. 80. Pam. v. 411. LOG (The) CABIN: H. Greeley & Co. New-York and Albany. Vol. 1, N0 1, May 2, 1840 - N~ 25, Oct. 17, 1840. Newspapers, v. 14. LOGAN, James. Notes of a Journey through Canada, the United States of America, and the West-Indies. Edinburgh, 1838. 259 p. 120. LOGANt, Sir William E. Report of the Board of Engineers, as well as that of W. E. Logan, esq...upon the survey of Lake St.Peter, Oct. 1850. Montreal, 1850. 8~. Pam. v. 274. Esquisse GeCologique du Canada, pour servir a l'intelligence de la Carte geologique et de la Collection des mineraux economiques envoy es a l'exposition universelle de Paris, 1855. Par W. E. Logan... et T. Sterry Hunt..Paris, 1855. 100 p. 12~. LOGGIN, Robert. The Case...stated, representing great relatipn to the duty on pepper and tobacco..offer'd to..parliament assembled. London (1718?). 4 p. fP. Pam. v. 1103. FIRST SUPPLEMENT. 491 LOGHEM, H. Van. Krispyn, testateur en gelegateerde, of de erfgenaam door list: Blyspel. Amsteldam, 1725. 72 p. 180. Pam. v. 633. AOrOT OPHIKEIA. See [Glanvil, Joseph]. LOKMAN. Fables de Lokman, texte arabe....suivi d'un Dictionnaire...par M. Cherbonneau. Paris, Hachette, 1847. 92 p. 12~. LOMBARD INSTITUTE. Memorie dell' Imp. Reg. Istituto del Regno Lombardo-Veneto: Vol. I; II, II, IV, V, Parte la, 1812- 35. Milano, 1819 - 38. 5 v. 40. Memorie dell' I. R. Istituto Lombardo di scienze, lettere ed arti: Vol. I, II, Iv, v, vi. Milano, 1848- 1856. 5 v. 4~. - Istituto di Sci., Lett, ed Arti del Regno Lomb. Ven.: Papers of G. Vismara, 1825; G. Ferrario, 1834; N. M. Sormani, 1834; ID. Nava and G. F. Selmi, 185'7; G. Merlini, 1842; and F. Restelli, 1845. In 2 v. 80. - See Cagnola, Fondazione Scientifica; Piola, G. LOMiEIERUS, Joannes. Johannis Lomeieri, Ecclesiastae Zutphaniensis, de bibliothecis liber singularis. Editio secunda, priori multo auctior. Ultrajecti, 1680. 414 p. and index. 180~. LOMtNIE, L. de. Beaumarchais and his Times: Sketches of French society in the eighteenth century, from unpublished documents.... London, 1856. 4 v. 120. LOMMIUs (Jodocus) BURANUS. De Curandis Febris continuis, liber in quatuor divisus sectiones...(1562). Roterodami, 1720. xx, 138 p. 12~. Pam. v. 609. LONDONt. Catalogue of the Library of the Corporation, instit. 1824. 1859. 658 p. 8~. Regent-Square Church: General report of the proceedings of the local board of health for the parochial district of:....1854.Square church, St.Pancras, 1854. London. 80. Pam. v. 404. LONDONt. The Picture of London for 1815; being a correct guide to all the and near London. With a collection of appropriate tables..16th edition. London..180. LONDON AND SOUTHWESTERN RAILWAY COMIPANY: Letter by the Chairman..London, 1846. 76 p. 8~. Pam. v. 428. LONDON ANTI-SLAVERY SOCIETY: Punishments inflicted under the apprenticeship system. Extract from.... a report. London, 1838.Negro Apprenticeship in the British colonies. London, 1838. 32 p. - Food and other maintenance and allowances under the apprenticeship system: Extract...London, 1838. 34 p. 80.- Reasons for temporarily suspending the constitution of Jamaica. London, 1839. 16 p. 80. Pam. v. 438. LONDON DIOCESAN CHURCi BUILDING SOCIETY: 2d Report. London, 1856. 39 p. 8~. Pam. v.472. LONDON DIRECTORIES. Robson's London Directory, Street key, Classification of trades, and Royal court guide and peerage... for 1841. 1916, 258 p. 8~. LONDONt, EDINBURGH and DUBLIN Philosophical Magazine and Journal of Science: 4th series. Vol.10, July 1855 - Vol. 17, Junoe 1859. London. 8 v. 8~. LONDON FE:MALE DORMiTORY, 1852. London. 4 p. 8~. Pam. v. 403. LONDON INSTITUTION: A Catalogue of the Library of:.. Vol. I, The General Library.- -Vol. II, Tracts and Pamphlets.- Vol. III, The General Library; Additions and revisions; The Index of authors; The Index of subjects. 1835 - 1843. lxviii, 669, xxxiii, 648 & index; xcvi, 667 p. 3 v. 8~. LONDONt LIBRARY: Catalogue. Vol. III, 1856. 64 p. 8~. LONDON MAGAZINE: Vol. I — X, 1820 - 1824.- New series, Vol. I - x, 1825- March 1828. Third series, Vol. I, III, April 1828- June 1829, with journal of facts, Jan. - June 1829. London, Baldwin, Cradock & Joy, etc. 23 v. 8~. LONDON MEDICAL GAzETTrE; being a Weekly Journal of medicine and the collateral sciences: Vol. 9, 10, Oct. 8, 1831, 32; Vol. 17, 1835, to Vol. 48, 1851. London. 34 v. 8~. Called also "London Medical Gazette, or Journal of Practical Medicine," from the commencement of the new series, May 2, 1845, v. 36. LONDON MISSIONARY SOCIETY: The Missionary Society commonly called the L.M.S. Report to the 13th, 16th, 20th, 22d, 31st, 35th, 37th general meeting. London, 1807-1831. 1 v.- Report to the 39th, 40th, 47th, 48th, 51st general meeting, 1833 -45. 1 v.- Report to the 54th, 56th, 57th general meeting, 1848 - 51.- Missionary Magazine and Chronicle, June, July, Aug., Sept., Oct. 1852; April, Dec. 1853; Jan., Dec. 1855; Feb. 1856. 1 v.- 3 v. 8~. LONDON SOCIETY...... for instructing in the Protestant religion, and annually clothing 100 poor children.... London, 1807. 23 p. 12~. Pam. v. 472. LONDON SOCIETY for promoting Christianity amongst the Jews: 8th Report, 1816; with Dr. Wilson's sermon. London. 80. Pam. v. 321. LONDON SUNDAY SCiO'oL UNION: The first part of the spelling-book.. Albany, 1821. 24 p. 120. Pam. v. 289. LONDONDoNERRYt, Robert Stewart, Earl of. Speech, H. of Commons, February 15, 1822, on the Agricultural distress of the country. London. 8~. Pam. v. 439. LONGt, Charles E. The Albuera Medal. Not published. London (1838). 20 p. 8~. Pam. v. 393. LONG (Clement), D.D. An Address, Inauguration of the Author, as Auburn, June 15, 1853. Auburn, 1853. 8~. Pam. v.'286. LONG, Henry C. Report.. on the... prospects of.. Cairo, Ill. N.York, 1850. 25 p. 8~. Pam. v. 103. LONGt, Lt. Col..S. H. Narrative of the Proceedings of the Board of engineers of the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad Company.... By Lt. Col. S. H. Long and Capt. W. G. McNeill. of the late board: Part II, in continuation of the narrative...To which is appended a brief review of the location of the road..... by William Gibbs McNeill. Baltimore, 1830. 189, 95, 190 - 352, 53 p. 1 v. 8~. LONGDON MANOR. A Copy of a Decree from the Court of chancery, concerning the right of the copyhold land, in the manor of Longdon. 14 p. 80. Pam. v. 221. FIRST SUPPLEMENT. 493 LONGFELLOWt, Henry W. The Courtship of Miles Standish, and other poems. Boston, 1858. 120~ LONGINUSt, D. Dionysii Longini De Sublimitate, greece et latine... subsidiis instruxit Beniamin Weiske...Lipsie, 1809. 702 p. 8~. LONG-ISLAND BIBLE SOCIETY: 4th Report, 1819. 8. Pam. v. 198.42d Report, 1857. 8~. Pam. v.468. LONG-ISLAND FISH, GUANO & OIL WORKS, at Southold. Williamsburgh, 1858. 120. Pam. v. 298. LONG-ISLAND RAILROAD COMPANY: Report.....Brooklyn, 1845. 8~. Pam. v. 571. LONGLEY, Bp.C. T. Sermon, Episcopal Jews Chapel: Rom. xi, 12. London, 1841. 80. Pam. v. 321. LONGMAN & CO.t Bibliotheca Anglo-Poetica; or, a Descriptive Catalogue of a rare and rich collection of early English poetry; in the possession of:.... Illustrated by occasional extracts and remarks, critical and biographical. Edited by 5A. F. Griffith. London, 1815. 481 p. 8~. On the Publication of School-books by government at the public expense..A correspondence, 4.c. London, Longman & Co., and John Murray, 1851. 14 p. 80. Pam. v. 388. A Catalogue of... Old books.... London, 1816. 605 p. 80; Cat. v. 6; 1843-4-5, Cat. v. 12; 1845, 228 p. Cat. v. 9; Prospectus of a series of encyclopeedias, 1845, Cat. v. 6; Old books, 1846, 232 p. Cat. v. 15; 1847, Cat. v. 26; 1848, 1 v. 264 p. 80; 1853, Cat. v. 65. Catalogue of London Periodicals, Newspapers, Law reports, and Transactions of various societies for 1849. Cat. 4~. v. 1. LONGUS. Daphnis & Chloe. See Heliodorus. LONGWORTHt, D. See New-York Directories; also, American Calendar, 1813. LONSDALE, John, Lord. Memoir of the Reign of James II. See Carrel, A. LONSDALE, Rev. John. Sermon, Festival, Sons of the Clergy, 1838: 1 Thes. xii, 13. London, 1838. 40~. Pam. v. 1010. Loo, J. Van. Leerredenen. Utrecht, 1784, 5. 2 v. in 1. 80. LOOK BEFORE YOU LEAP; or Caution recommended in deciding on the claims of the Roman-catholics. By Anti-Romanus. London, 1825. 39 p. 8~. Pam. v. 345. LOOMIs't CALENDAR, or New-York and Vermont Almanack. Albany, 1835. 120. Alm.-v. 21. -LOOSJES, Vincent. Gedenkschriften wegenshet vierde Eeuwgetijde van de uitvindung der boekdrukkunst door Lourens Janszoon Koster, van stadswege gevierd te Haarlem, den 10 en 11 Julij 1823. Met platen. Haarlem, 1834. 462 p. 80~. LOPES, Joao Baptista Da Silva. Memoria sobre a Reforma dos pezos e medidas en Portugal segundo o systema metrico-decimal..Lisboa, 1849. 152 p. With appendix, Documentos illustrativos. 71 p. 8~. LOPEZ, G. The Life of George Lopez, a hermit in America..... (1562 - 96). New-York, 1841. 123 p. 18~. Repr. 494 GENERAL LIBRARY. LORAIN (MM.) et LAMOTTE. Manuel de l'Enseignement primaire. 5me edition, compl6te... par E. Rendu. Paris, 1858. 12~. LORD, Daniel. Address, New-York Young Men's Christian Association. New-York, 1852. 80. Pam. v. 242. LoRDt, Eleazar. Memorial. See New-York and Erie Railroad Co. LoRDt (John C.), D.D. "The Higher Law" in its application to the fugitive slave bill. A sermon on the duties, &c. Thanksgiving day: _Matt. xxii, 17, 21. Buffalo, 1851. 8~. Pam. v. 213, 267,557. Human Government and Laws based upon the Divine law and government: A discourse, Law Students' Association of the city of Buffalo, Feb. 1, 1852. Buffalo, 1852. 80. Pam. v. 202. Oration.. Buffalo..July 5, 1858. 80. P am. v. 532. LORD, Joseph L. & Henry C. A Defence of Dr. C. T. Jackson's claims to the discovery of etherization.....Boston, 1848. 37 p. 8~. Pam. v. 515. LORD (Nathan), D.D. Discourse Commemorative of Abiel Chandler, founder of the Chandler school at Dartmouth College. Boston, 1852. 80. Pam. v. 214. LORD, Otis P. Speech, Faneuil Hall, Boston, Oct. 8, 1856: Fremont's principles exposed. On Speaker Banks and A. Burlingame. 8~. Pam. v.537. LORD, W. W. Andre.: A Tragedy in five acts. New-York, 1856. 120~. [ LORREDANO, Giovanni F.]. -Histoire des Rois de Chypre, de la Maison de Lusignan, et les diff6rentes guerres qu'ils ont eu contre les Sarrazins et les Genois. Trad. de H. Giblet... Paris, 1732. 2 v. 12~. LORENZANA, F. A. Historia de Mejico. See Cortes, H. LORT, Michael. Sermon, Univ. of Cambridge, June 22, 1760, Accession to the throne: Psalms cxxxiii, 1. Cambridge, 1760. 4~. Pam. v. 1007. A Short Commentary on the Lord's Prayer..... London, 1790. 32 p. 8~. Pam. v. 308. Loss or H.M.S. FAIRY: Nautical Mag., Feb. 1841. London. 16 p. 8~. Pam v. 393. LOSSINGt, Benson J. Mount Vernon and its associations, historical, biographical and pictorial...New-York, 1859. 376 p. 8~. The Life and Times of Philip Schuyler Vol. 1, (1860). NewYork. xvi, 504 p. 80.: Editor. See Custis's Washington. LossIus, Kaspar F. Gumal en Lina, eene Geschiedenis tot nut en vermak der -jeugd....Uit het Hoogduitsch... Amsteldam, 1809, 10. 3 v. in 1. 18~. LOTHROPt ( Samuel K.), D.D. -Sermon.. Jan. 19, 1840, on the destruction-of the Lexington by fire, January 13th. Boston, 1840. 8~. Pam. v. 94. Sermon.... after the Interment of William Lawrence, esq..... Boston, 1848. 8~. Pam. v. 554. FIRST SUPPLEMENT. 495 Memoir of William Lawrence. Written for the American Journal of Education. Boston, privately printed, 1856. 33 p. 80. Sermon, Death of Hon. Daniel Webster: Gen. xlviii, 21. Boston, 1852. 20 p. 80. Pam. v. 555. Moral Power of Character: A Sermon....after the Funeral of Amos Lawrence. Boston, 1853. 80. Pam. v. 555. Address, Opening of the rooms of the American Unitarian Association, March 9, 1854. Boston, 1854. 80. Pam. v. 219. Sermon, at the Annual Election, Mass. Wednesday, January 3, 1855. Boston, 1855. 8~. Pam. v. 441. Louis XIV of France. The French King's Memorial to the Emperor of Germany. French and English. London, 1688. 32 p. 8~. Pam. v. 408. The French King's Memorial to the Pope. French and English. London, 1688. 29 p. 8~. Pam. v. 408. Louis XVI of France. The Trial at large of Louis XVI, late king of France; containing.... a narrative.... communicated in a series of letters by a member of the late National Assembly.. London (1793). 128 p. 8~. Pam. v. 454. Louist XVIII. Voyage. See Angouledme, Duchesse d'. Louis PHILIPPE, King. Catalogue de Livres provenant des Bibliotheques du feu roi Louis Philippe, vente 8 Mars 1852..... Bibliothbques du Palais Royal et de Neuilly: Ire, IIde partie. Paris, 1852. 2 v. 80. LOUISIANA. Report of the Superintendent of Public Education for 1853. New-Orleans, 1854. 8~. Pam. v. 190. The New Free Banking hill. 8~. Pam. v. 463. LOUVAIN UNIVERSITY. Philosophia Moralis, seu Tractatus de Ethica in scholis philosophise Lovanii dictatus.... Lovanii, 1820. 84 p. 80. Paim. 120. v. 15. LovEJoYt, Rev. J. C. Speech, before the Comm. of the Leg. of Mass. on....the repeal of the.liquor law, 1853. Boston. 22 p. 120. Pain. v. 630. [LOVELL, J.]. See Papists Protesting, &c. 1686; And, Reflections upon the Answer, 1686. LOVERIDGE'S (Mrs.) SCHOOL, 1858: Annual Examination, Albany. Pam. v. 278.- For 1859, Pam. v. 459. Lowt, David. Observations on the Present state of landed property...Edinburgh, 1823. 126 p. 8~. Pam. v. 425. Lowt (Sampson), SON & Co. The American Catalogue of Books; or English guide to American literature, giving the full title of original works published in the United States since the year 1800. With especial reference to works of interest to Great Britain. London, 1856. 190 p. 8~. Lowt, Sampson. Index to the British Catalogue of books published during the years 1837 to 1857 inclusive. London, 1858. 341, xxx, xlviii p. 8~. Appendix A. Learned Societies, Printing clubs, and other literary associations, with a full and comprehensive list of their publications.-Appendix B. Collections, Libraries, Series, &c. 496 GENERAL LIBRARY. Low, Samuel. Poems by:... N.York, 1800. 147, 168 p. 2 v. 12~. [LowE, Solomon]. See Vindication of Mankind, 1717. LOWELLt (Charles), D.D. Sermon, Ordination of Rev. R. M. Hodges, Bridgewater. Boston, 1821. 8~. Pam. v. 270. - Memoir of John Pierce, D.D. (From Mass. Hist. Soc. Collections, S. 4, v. 1). 20 p. 80. Pam. v. 111. [LOWELLt, John]. See Analysis of.... Correspondence, 1809: Cat. 1855; Dispassionate Inquiry, 1812; Perpetual War, 1812, Cat. 1855; Diplomatic Policy of Mr. Madison, Cat. 1'855; Appeal to the people on a war, 1811; Road to Peace, 1813, Cat. 1855; Rights of Congregational parishes, Boston, 1827; Peace without dishonor, Boston, 1807; (Ten) Hints... dismission of Mr. Jackson, 1809, Cat. 1855. LOWELL, Sam. Peace, Thanksgiving Sermon: Psalms cxlvii, 12 - 14. 1802, Bristol, Eng. 80. Pam. v. 375. LOWELLt, Mass.: 23d, 28th, 31st Report of School Committee. Lowell, 1849, 54, 57. 80. Pam. v. 552. Bill of Mortality for.....1856, 57. Lowell, 1857, 58. 8~. Pam. v. 564. LOWELL (Mass.) HAND-BOOK for the Visiter to Lowell. Lowell, Bixby, 1848. 46 p. 18~. LOWELL, Mass. Statistics of Lowell Manufactures, Jan. 1854. 8~. Pam. 192.- For 1855, Pam. v. 269. LOwERt, Mark Antony. A Dictionary of the Family names of the United Kingdom; endeavoured by:... London, J. R. Smith, 1860. xxxix, 443 p. roy. 8~. [ LOWMAN+t, Rev. Moses]. See Argument... London, 1735. LOWNDES, Rev. Isaac. Ae$ucov f A c yyuc icat rPpaucucyg yuotaai.. English-Modern Greek Lexikon.*** Corfu, 1827. 570 p. 80. A Modern Greek and English Lexicon, to which is prefixed an epitome of modern greek grammar... *. Corfu, Ionian Islands, 1837. 8~. - Aelucbv'Edpaikco-NeoeXj~vuc0bv A-ct IIacatag AtaOB&,cj1C.... Ev MekC-T, 1842. 987 p. 80~. LOWNDESt, William T. The Bibliographer's Manual of English literature... New edition.. enlarged by H. G. Bohn: Part I - v, A - Lyt. London, Bohn, 1857- 60. 5 v. 120. LOWRIE, Walter. Memoirs of the Rev. Walter M. Lowrie, missiotiary to China. Edited by his father. New-York, 1850. 80. The Expenditures required by Foreign missions. N.York, 1851. 4 p. 8~. Pam. v.525. LOWTHI (Robert), D.D., Bp. Lectures on the Sacred Poetry of the Hebrews... With notes by (J. E. Stowe. Andover, 1829. 80. An Answer to an Anonymous Letter to Dr. Lowth, concerning the late election of a warden of Winchester College. London, 1759. 68 p. 8~. Pam. v. 389. FIRST SUPPLEMENT. 497 [ ]. A Letter to of the Divine Legation.....with an appendix, containing a former literary correspondence..3d edition. London, 1766. 136 p. 8~. Pam. v. 352. Sermon, House of Lords, Jan. 30, 1767, Martyrdom of Charles I: Prov. xxiv, 21. London, 1767. 40~. Pam. v. 1007. Visitation Sermon, Durham, July 27, 1758: Matt. vi, 10. 2d edition. London, 1767. 8~. Pam. v. 379. Sermon, Soc. for Protestant Schools in Ireland, 1773: omnz. xii, 11. London, 1773. 40. Pam. v. 1010. Sermon, St.James Palace, Ash-wednesday, 1779: Luke xiii, 1, 2, 3. London. 4~. Pam. v. 1008. LOWTHfER, Gorges. Brief Observations on the Present State -of the Waldenses, and upon their actual sufferings.. London, 1821. 52 p. 8~. Pam. v. 393. LOWVILLE ACADEMY Semi-centennial Anniversary, celebrated at Lowville, N.Y. July 21, 22, 1858..... Lowville, 1859. With portraits. 133 p. 8~. LOYAL NATIONAL REPEAL ASSOCIATION: First General Report of the trade and commerce committee, Mar. 31, 1845. Dublin. 25 p. 8~. Pam. v. 423. Report... of having the enquiries connected with Irish railway legislation transacted in Dublin, 1845. 80. Pam. v. 428. LOYOLA COLLEGE, Baltimore: Catalogue, 1855. 8~. Pam. v. 482. LuCAs (Frede'rick), esq. Reasons for becoming a Roman catholic; addressed to the Society of Friends. London, 1839. 111 p. 8~. Pam. v. 347. LUCAS ( Richard ), D.D. Sermon before their Majesties, Dec. 31, 1693: Job xi, 7. London. 4~. Pam. v. 361. - ~ The Influence of Conversation.....a Sermon: Prov. xiii, 20. London, 1708. 8~. Pam. v. 379. LUCAS, Thomas. Sermon, Distinctions among Protestants: Gal. iii, 28. London, 1730. 8~. Pam. v. 368. LUCE, L. Essai d'une Nouvelle Typographie, ornee de vignettes, fleurons...inventes, dessines et execut6s par L. Luce, Graveur du Roi, pour son imprimerie royale...1740 - 70. Paris, 1771. 4~. LUCIANUSt. Choix des Dialogues des Morts de Lucien.... Avec des notes en frangais...par E. Pessonneaux..Paris, L. Hachette et Cie, 1857. 143 p. 12. LUCKOMBE, Philip. A Concise History of the origin and progress of printing; with practical instructions to the trade in general...... London, 1770. 506 p. 8~. LUCRETIUSt. T. Lucretii Carl De rerum natura libros sex.... cum animad. R. Bentleii non ante vulgatis, aliorum subinde miscuit G. Wakefield. London, 1796-7. 3 v. 4~. LUDEWIGt, Hermann E. The Literature of American Aboriginal languages. With additions and corrections byProf. William W. Turner. Edited by Nicolas Triibner. London, 1858. xxiv, 258 p. 80.- Forms NO I of Triibner's Bibliotheca Glottica. [ SUPPL.] 63 498 GENERAL LIBRARY. LUDEWIG, IHermann E.: Catalogue of the Library of:.. New-York (1858). 84 p. 12~. LUDOLPHIUSt DE SAXONIA. Vita Jesu Christi dfie ac saluatoris nostri, ex euagelio et approbatis ab ecclesia catholica doetoribus sedule collecta per.... Col. Parrhisiis in regione sorbonica, sub sole aureo reimpressa a...Udalrico gering et magistro Beretholdo Rembolt... LUDOVICUS VIVES (J.). Opera. See Vives (J. L.) Valentinus. LUDVIGH, Samuel. Kossuth, oder der Fall von Ungarn: Historisches Drama... Baltimore, Md. 1853. 114 p. 120. Pam. v. 534. LUND, O. The Order of the Sons of Temperance; its origin — its history...Alcoholic H. Greeley. Syracuse, N.Y. 1850. 48 p. 12~. Pam. v. 292. LUNDY'S LANE. An Account of the Battle of Lundy's Lane, fought in 1814...Drummondville, 1853. 13 p. 12~. Pam. v. 502. LUNT, George. Oration, Newburyport Artillery Company...July 4th, 1836. 1836. 80. Pam. v. 215. LUPTON (William), D.D. Future Punishment, a Sermon: Matt. xxv, 46; Nov. 24, 1706. Oxford, 1708. 80. Pam. v. 363, 379. - - The Necessity of Positive duty, or Actual goodness: A sermon, Charity schools. of London, 1718. See Soc. Pro. Chr. Knowledge. Sermon, Univ. of Oxford, Ap. 2, 1711: Matt. xxii, 31, 32; The Resurrection. Oxford, 1711. 8. Pam. v. 363. LUSHINGTON, Henry. The Broad and the Narrow gauge...Westminster, 1846. 64 p. 8~0. Pam. v. 428. LUSHINGTONt, Rt. Hon. S. R. The Life and Services of G-eneral Lord Harris, G. C. B., during his campaigns in America, the West-Indies, and India... **. London, 1840. 551 p. 80. LvsUS POETICI. Editio tertia, emendatior. By John Jortin, D.D. Londini, Bowyer, 1748. 56 p. 40. Pam. v. 1012. LUTHERt, Martin. The Apostolical Succession a Satanic invention... Together with John Knox's judgment on the true nature of christian worship, both public and private. London, 1842. 52 p. 8~. Panm. v. 307. Von den Schlusseln, Mart.Luther, Wittemberg, 1530: A treatise upon the keys of the kingdom of heaven. Trans. by Rev. C. Smyth....London, 1846. 68 p, 8~. Pam. v. 307. The Table Talk of:.. Trans. and ed. by W. Hazlitt, which is added the Life of Martin Luther, by A. Chalmers, with additions from Michelet and Audin. Lond. Bohn, 1857. 390 p. 12~. -... Les Propos de Table de Martin Luther, revus sur les editions originales, et traduits pour la premiere fois en frangais par Gustave Brunet. Paris..1844. 12~. ----- Luther in England..originally written in reply to that first and famous defender of the (Romish) faith, and supreme head of the Church of England, King Henry the Fourth. Ed. by a late Fellow of Oriel College. London, 1841. 69 p. 80. Pam. v. 307. LUTHERAN ALMANAC, 1852,'55. Baltimore. Alm. v. 43.- 1855. 120. Alm. v. 46, FIRST SUPPLEMENT. 499 LUTHERISCHE (Der) CALENDER, Allentown, Pa. 1857. 12~. Aln. v. 46. LUXMORE, John. Concio apud Synodum Cantuariensem, Dec. 6, 1806: Rom. xi, 32. London, 1807. 4~. Paum. v. 1009. LYCEUMt OF NATURAL HISTORY of New-York: Annals. Vol. 6. NewYork, 1858. 8~. * — Report upon an Individual of the Bushman tribe of Hottentots...By the Committee...New-York, 1848. 8~. Pam. v. 273. LYFORD, W. G. Western Address Directory (Pittsburgh, Pa.; Wheeling, Va.; Zanesville; O.; Portsmouth, Dayton, Cincinnati, O.; Madison, Ind.; Louisville, Ken.; St.Louis, Mo.), together with historical... sketches: for 1837...Baltimore, 1837. 468 p. 12~. LYMAN (Joseph), D.D., of Hatfield. The two Qlive Trees..a Sermon: Zech. iv, 11-14...the day preceding the choice of electors in Massachusetts. Also..a Thanksgiving sermon Phil. iv, 4. North! pton, Mass. 1804. 8~. Pam. v. 559. Sermon, at Charlestown: Is. lxi, 1- 3. Boston, 1811. 80. Pam. v. 559. LYMAN, William. The Happy Nation; Sermon, Anniversary election: Jer. xxxi, 23. Hartford, 1806. 8~. Pam. v. 557. LYNCHt, James. Address, American Institute, 1829.. With report on the fair..New-York, 1829. 31 p. 8~. Pam. v. 518. LYNCH, Jasper. Correspondence between:.. and Mr. Samuel B. Griswold: A plain statement to the public. Utica, Jan. 31, 1824. 8~. Pam. v. 102. LYNCH, John. Sermon, Soc. for Prop. of the Gospel, Feb. 20, 1735, 6. London, 1736. 40. Pam. v. 1006. LYNCHt (Lieut. W. F.), U.S.N. Official Report of the United States' exploring expedition to explore the Dead Sea and the River Jordan. Pub. at the Nat. Observatory. Exec. Doct. Baltimore, 1852. 235 p. and 16 plates of fossils. 1 v. 4~. LYND, Prof. James. The First. Book of Etymology.., of the English language. For beginners. Revised ed. Philadelphia..1856. 120. LYND, Rev. S. W. Memoir of the Rev. William Staughton, D.D..... Boston, 1834. 309 p. 12~. LYNDHURST, J. S. Copley, Lord. Speech, H. of Lords, Aug. 18, 1836: Summary of the Session. London. 80. Pam. v. 439. LYNE, Francis. Tribunals of Commerce: A letter to the bankers of London... London, 1854. 47 p. 8~. Pam. v. 416. LYNFORD, Thomas. Sermon, Easter-day, Primitive Christianity: Acts ii, 42. London, 1709. 8~. Pam. v. 365. LYONt (Caleb), of N.Y. Speech, U.S. H. of R., March 30, 1854, on the necessity of an increase of the Navy. Pam. v. 206, 487, 521. LYON, France. Catalogue des Livres doubles de la bibliotheque de la ville...vente... Lyon, 1831. 492 p. 8~..LYONS, Mr. The Infallibility of Human judgment, its dignity and excellency; being a new art of reasoning.... With the supplement, answering all objections..Also a Dissertation on liberty and necessity. 4th edition.- By Mr. Lyons. London, 1724. 252 p. 18~. 500 GENERAL LIBRARY. LYONS, Israel. A Hebrew Grammar, selected chiefly from those of Mr. I. Lyons...and R. Grey, D.D...3Od edition. Cambridge, Mass. 1812. 47 p. 80. LYONS, James. Sermon, The Dissemination of Unitarian principles recommended: Gal. vi, 9. London, 1808. 8~. Pam. v. 316. LYSIAs. Lysioe-quae extant omnia.... interpretatione latina, Taylori Lectionibus Lysiacis, annotationibus variorum.... illustravit G. S. Dobson...Londini, 1828. 2 v. 8~. LYST DER GENERAALE COLLECTE, gedaan in de provintie van Holland en West-Friesland, ten behoeve van de verdrevene Piemontoisen,....t'Amsterdam (1731). 44 p. 8~. Pam. v. 107. LYTTELTONt, George, Lord. The History of the Life of King Henry the Second, and of the age in which he lived, in five books. To which is prefixed, A History of the revolutions of England, from the ~-~~death of Edward the Conqueror to the birth of Henry the Second. London, 1767. 4 v. 4~. [ ] Observations on the Conversion and Apostleship of St.Paul: in a Letter to Gilbert West, esq. London, 1747. 110 p. 8~. Pam. v. 333. M. M., G. See Fall of Man: Poems, 1840. MAATSCHAPPIJ: Tot nut der Israelieten in Nederland. Tijdschrift. Deel I, II. Amst. 1849 - 53. 2 v. 80.- Deel iii, No 1, 4e verslag. 1852- 53, 1854. 92 p. 2 copies. Pam. v.230. MAATSCdAPPIJt: Tot nut van't Algemeen. [Publications by:... ]. Contents: Schets van den Braaven Man in't gemeen burgerlijk leven. Te Amsteldam, 1790. With, Woord op de Vraag, Wie ist de Braave Man, etc. Door Johannes Wigeri; and Tweede Andwoord....door Dirk Boing, and Derde 1 v. 8~. Zedenkundig Leesboek in den vorm van geschiedenissen. Ten dienste der schoolen. Uitgegeven door: Leyden.... 1804. 136 p.80. This and the four following are in Pam. v. 570. De Voor- en Nadeelen der middelen ter opwekking van den naijver overwogen.... Door II. W. C. A. Visser. Uitgegeven door: Amsteldam, 1806. 142 p. 8~. Handleiding voor Schoolleeraars ten platten lande. Door Bernard Overberg. Uitgegeven door: Eerste stukje. Leyden, 1808. 160 p. 8~. Levensgeschiedenis van eenen Christen: Door J. S. Swaan. Uitgegeven door: Amsteldam, 1807. 80 p.80. Natuurkundig Schoolboek. Door J. Buis. Uitgegeven door: 2de stukje; met platen. Leyden, 1812. 340 p. 8~. See Greuve, Uilkens, Zedekunde. MABEY, Dr. Jerorme A. What is Homoeopathy?..A lecture.. Albany, 1858. 31 p. 8~. Pam. v. 515. MABLYt, Abbe' G. B. De. Collection complete des (Euvres de. Paris... 1794-95. 15 v. 8~. Contents FIRST SUPPLEMENT. 501 VoL. 1 - 3. Observations sur l'Histoire de France. " 4. Observations sur l'Histoire des Grecs et Romains. 5. Principes des negociations. " 6, 7. Droit Public de l'Europe. " 8. Gouvernement de Pologne; Des Etats Unis de l'Aemrique. " 9. De la Legislation, ou Principes des lois. " 10. Entretiens de Phocion, et les Principes de morale. " 11. Doutes sur l'ordre naturel des sociftes politiques, et des devoirs du citoyen. " 12. De l'Etude de l'histoire, et de la maniere de l'Scrire. "13. De la Pologne en 1776; Le Banquet des politiques, etc..... De la Superstition.... Notre gloire ou nos r6ves.....'" 14. L'Oracle d'Apollon, des talens et du beau. " 15. Du Developpement, des progres et des bornes de la raison; Le Compte rendu; La Retraite de M. Necker; Du Cours et de la marche des passions dans la societ6. McARTHUR (A.) & Co. Stove Manufacturers, 1856. Albany. 8~. MAc ARTHUR, Charles L. An Address, St.John's Day, Dec. 27, 1853: Dedication of the new Masonic Hall....Troy, N.Y. 1854. 8~0. Pam. v. 287. MACARTNEY, George, Earl of. Unpublished Writings. See Barrow, J. MACAULAYt, Catharine. Observations on a Pamphlet, entitled, Thoughts on the Cause of the present discontents. Third edition, corrected. London, 1770. 80. Pam. v. 254. MACAULAYt, Thomas Babington, Lord. The History of England, from the accession of James the Second: Vol. III, IV. London.,.1855. 2 v. 8. Pompeii: A Poem.... at the Cambridge Commencement, July 1819. Cambridge. 8~. Pam. v. 398. [ MACAULAY, Zachary]. See East and West-India sugar, 1823; also, Letter to W. W. Whitmore in answer to J. Marryatt. MCCALLAt, W. L. Review of Dr. Boardman's Address against Kossuth: A Lecture..Philadelphia, 1852. 31 p. 8~. Pam. v. 504. MCCARTHY, Father. On the Devotion to the Blessed Virgin. See Catholic Pulpit, N~ 3. MACCARTHY-REAGH, M. Catalogue de Livres rares et precieux, d'6ditions du XV0 de manuscrits....provenant de la vente de:.. Paris, De Bure fils, 1817. 58 p. 8~. MCCARTY, Rev. John. The Marriage in Cana: A Sermon in Christ Church, Dec. 24, 1843. Oswego, N.Y. 1844. 8~. Pam. v. 559. MCCLELLAND (Rob.), of Mich. Speech, H. of Rep. of IJ.S., on Appropriations for harbors and rivers, 1846. 80. Pam. v. 487. M'CLINTOCK ( Sir Francis L.), Capt. R.N. The Voyage of the "Fox" in the Arctic Seas: A Narrative of the discovery of the fate of Sir John Franklin. Boston, 1860. 120. MCCLINTOCK ( J. M.), D.D. See Milburn, W. H., The Rifle, etc. 502 GENERAL LIBRARY. MCCLUREt (David), A.M. Sermon, East-Windsor, Conn., at the Interment of the Hon. Erastus Wolcott.... Hartford, 1794. 8~. Pam. v. 80. M'Cr, URE (Sir Robert Le MB.), R.N. The North-west Passage. Capt. McClure's despatches from H. M.'s discovery ship "Investigator" off Point Warren and Cape Bathurst. Lond. 1853, 4. 5 p. & map. 80. Paim. v. 393. Discovery of North-west Passage. See Osborn, S. MCCORD, John S. Meteorological Observations. See Natural Hist. Society. M'Cosn (James), LL.D. Typical Forms and special ends in creation. by:.. and George Dickie, M.D. New-York, 1856. 539 p. 80. Repr. McCosKRY (S. A.), Bp. Sermon, 1852. See Soc. Prop. of Gospel. McCoYt, Amasa. - uneral Oration on the Death of Daniel Webster, delivered at a commemoration in the Presbyterian church, Ballston Spa, N.Y...November 8, 1852. Boston, 1853. 29 p. 8~.- 3d edition, Boston, 1856. 39 p. 8~. Pam. v. 494. M'Coyt, Isaac. See Annual Register of Indian Affairs, 1838. MCCREERY, John. The Press: A Poem. Published as a specimen of typography. Liverpool, 1803. vii, 29, 20 p. With..Part the second, London, printed by J. McCreery, 1827. viii, 80 p. 1 v. 4~. M'CRIEt (Thomas), D.D. The Works of:... A new edition; edited by his son, T. M'Crie, D.D., LL.D. Edinburgh and London, 1855. 4 v. 12~. Contents: VOL. 1. Life of John Knox.- V. 2, Life of Andrew Melville.- V. 3, Reformation in Italy; Reformation in Spain.- V. 4, Sermons. M'CULLA, Rev.V. A Rod for Scorpions; an edged tool for fools; and information for children: Being a summary account of the Brushmaker's rambles; or the hedge-hog routed. London, 1806. 47 p. 80. Pain. v. 303. Truth Defended; in a letter of address to the learned counsellor Garrow upon a trial..July 4, 1806. London, 1806. 34 p. 8~. Pam. v. 303. M'CULLOCHt, J. M. Prefixes and Affixes of the English grammar... Extracted from:'. Edinburgh. 120. Pam. v. 226, 615. [ M'CIuLLocHt, J. R.]. See Observations on Sea-borne coal, 1830. MCCULLOIt, R. S. Reports from the Secretary of the Treasury of scientific investigations in relation to sugar and hydrometers Prof. R. S. McCulloh. Sen. Doct. Washington, 1848. 653 p. 8~. M'DoNALDt, Rev. John. Letters by:.. addressed, " To the friends of religion"; criminating the Presbytery of Albany..with answers by Jonas Coe. Albany, 1810. 51 p. 8~. MCDONALD (John), of Ohio. Biographical Sketches of General Nathaniel Massie, General Duncan McArthur, Capt. William Wells, and General Simon Kenton, who were early settlers in the western country. Dayton, 0. 1852. 12~. M'DONNELL, Alex. The West-India Legislatures vindicated from the E charge of having resisted....the amelioration of slavery. London, 1826. 104 p. 8~. Pam. v. 437. FIRST SUPPLEMENT. 503 - An Address to the members of both houses of parliament, on the West-India question. London, 1830. 108 p. 80. Pam. v. 437. A Letter to T. F. Buxton, respecting the decrease of slaves in the BritishWest-India colonies. Lond. 1833. 80 p. 8~. Pam. v. 437. MAC DONNELL, Eneas. [Writings collected]. 80. Pam. v. 342. Contents Speech, at Mayo, July 16, 1826, wherein the ancient fame of Ireland, and her liberal contributions...are in part illustrated..Leeds, 1828. The Roman Catholic Oath considered.. London, 1835. 42 p. Great Britain and Ireland. London, 1826. 8 p. Practical Views of the principles and conduct of the Catholic clergy and laity of Ireland.. By E. M., Agent for the Catholics of Ireland. London, 1827. 18 p. Social and Political Principles of the Roman Catholic prelates of Ireland, fairly stated..London, 1829. 21 p. Letters on Securities. London, 1829. 46 p. Mc DeUFIEt -(George), of S.C. Speech, U.S. H. of R. May 28, 1832, on Duties on Imports. 8".- Remarks, U.S. HI. of R. Ap. 3, 4, 1834, on the Public Deposits. 8". Pam. v. 193. MACEDON ACADEMY: Catalogue, 1851. Rochester, N.York. 8~0. Pam. v. 457. MICELLIGOTT, James N. The American Debater; being a plain exposition of the principles and practice of public debate... 3d ed. New-York, 1855. 12~. "Analysis" Analyzed; or Ten points of difference between IC; Elligott's Analytical manual and Towns' Analysis. N.Y.1847. 8~. Pain. v. 250. -MCELROY, Thomas.' Review of the Water Commissioners' Report for 1856. Albany, 1857. 8~. Pam. v. 236. MACFARLAN (D.), D.D. The Revivals of the Eighteenth Century, particularly at Cambuslang. With'three Sermons by Rev. George Whitefield...London & Edinburgh, 1852. 12~. 3McGEE, Thomas D'Arcy. A History of the Irish settlers in North America, from the earliest period to the census of 1850. 5th edition. Boston, 1852. 12~. [MACGOWAN, Rev. John]. Priestcraft Defended: A Sermon, occasioned by the expulsion of six young gentlemen from the University of Oxford for praying.. By their humble servant, The Shaver (1768). Supposed to be written by the late Dr. Franklin....19th edition... Reprinted Litchfield, Conn. (1785?). 30 p. 120. Pam. v. 603. See also Further defence. ---- The Same. A new ed. Plymouth, Eng. 1824. 40 p. 1.20. Pain. v. 314. MACGREGOR, Rob. S. A Plan for raising a defensive force; remodelled from the disembodied militia, &c. Edinburgh, 1849. 14 p. 8". Pam. v. 406. MCGUFFEY, William H. Eclectic Educational Series, McGuffey's newly revised Eclectic Fourth Reader..New-York..1849. 12"~ 504 GENERAL LIBRARY. McGuFFEY, William II.: A Description of the Eclectic Educational series... New-York. 48 p. 8~. Pam. v. 491. MACHADO, D. Bibliotheca Luzitana. See Barbosa (D.) Machado. McHARG, Charles. Life of Prince Talleyrand, with extracts from his speeches and writings. New-York, 1857. 12~. M'IIENRY, James. Waltham: An American revolutionary tale..... New-York, 1823. 70 p. 18~. M'ILvAINEt ( Charles P.), Bp. Sermon, Domestic and For. Missionary Society. Philadelphia, 1835. See Prot. Episcopal Church, Board of Missions. -- The Argument for the Apostolical succession.....Albany, 1843. 16 p. 12~. Pam. v. 543. - Letter to the Editor of the Banner. Philadelphia, October 5, 1852. 8~. Pam. v. 200. M'ILVAINE, Rev. J. H. A Discourse upon the Power of Voluntary attention: Rochester Atheneum and Mechanics' Association... Rochester, 1849. 8~. Pam. v. 287. A Discourse on Modern Divination. Rochester, 1855. 80. Pam. v. 213. MCILvAINE, William. A New Plan of a perpetual civil calendar.... Burlington, N.J. 1846. 4~. Pam. v. 1016. M'INTYREt, Archibald. Letter to...D. D. Tompkins, late Governor of N.Y. Albany, 1819. 112, xl p. 8~. M'JILTON, Rev. J. N. Funeral Discourse in Memorial of Robert C. Morse..Masonic Hall..Baltimore, 1849. 120. Pam. v. 554. _MAcKI, Eb. Address, Tompkins Co. (N.Y.) Agric. Society. Ithaca, 1844. 8~. Pam. v. 461. M'KAEG, John. An Apology for the Baptist church at Bingley..... Bingley, Eng. 1828. 80. Pam. v. 314. MACKAYt (Charles), LL.D. Life and Liberty in America; or Sketches of a tour in the United States and Canada in 1857-8....New-York, 1859. 413 p. 12~. MACKAYt, R. W. S. Directory. See Quebec. MCKEAN AND ELK Land and Improvement Company: 1st Report. Philadelphia, 1856. 35 p. & maps. 1 v. 8~.- Act of Incorporation, report. Philadelphia, 1856. 39 p. 80. Plan.- 2d Report. Philadelphia, 1858. 8~. Map. Pam. v. 520. McKEEN ( Joseph), of Beverly. A Sermon, Public Fast, Massachusetts, Ap. 11, 1793. Salem, 1793. 80. Pam. v. 106. MACKELLAR, Thomas. Tam's Fortnight Ramble, and other poems... Philadelphia, 1847. 12~. M'KENDREE COLLEGE, Lebanon, Ill.: 7th Triennial Catalogue, 1858. St.Louis, 1858.- Annual Catalogue, 1858. Pam. v. 480. M'KENNEY, Frederic. A Complete Key to the new system of practical arithmetic (compiled by Titus Bennett),. Phil'a, 1811. 202 p. 12~. FIRST SUPPLEMENT. 605 MACKENZIEt, Alex. Slidell. Case of the Somer's Mutiny: Defence of.. Commander of the U.S. brig Somers, before the court-martial held at the Navy-yard, Brooklyn. R.York, 1843. 32 p. 8~. Pam. v. 195. MACKENZIE, E. An Historical, Topographical and descriptive view of the United States of America, and of Upper and Lower Canada. With....the present state of Mexico and South America...NewCastle-upon-Tyne.. (1819)? 8~. MACKENZIEt, Sir G. S. Documents laid before.... Lord Glenelg.... relative to the convicts sent to New South Wales. Ap. 1836. xviii, 52 p. 8~. Pam. v. 399. MACKENZIEt, Henry. Report on the Poems of Ossian. See Highland Soc. of Scotland. MACKENZIEt, R. S., Editor. See Noctes Ambrosianw; also Maginn, W. MACKEY (Albert G.), M.D. The Principles of Masonic Law: A Treatise on the constitutional laws, usages and landmarks of freemasonry... **. New-York, 1855. 372 p. 12~. MACKEY, Rev. James L. A Grammar of the Benga language. N.York, 1855. 60 p. 12~. MACKLIN, Charles. Memoirs of.... Comedian, with the dramatic characters, manners, anecdotes, &c. of the age in which he!ived... *. London, 1804. 444 p. 8~. MCLANE (R. M.), of Md. Speech, U.S. H. of Rep., Feb. 27, 1850, on the Admission of California. 8~. Pam. v. 193. MACLEAN, John. Sermon, College of New-Jersey, Dearth of Prof. Dod. Princeton, 1846. 8~. Pam'. v. 554. McLELLAN, Capt. Geo. B. Report of the Secretary of War, communieating the report of:.. one of the officers sent to the seat of war in Europe, in 1855 and 1856. Sen. Doct. Washington, 1857. 360 p. 4~. MACLELLAN, R. E. B. The Testimony of Jesus to the exclusive deity..of the father: Acts xx, 35.:London, 1843. 8~. Pam. v. 317. MAC LEODt, Donald. Biography of Hon. Fernando Wood, Mayor of the City of New-York...New-York..1856. 120. M'LEop (John Niel), D.D. The World Revolutionized by the true religion and its ministry; Sermon, ordination of Mr. T. W. J. Wylie: Acts xvii, 6. Philadelphia, 1843. 8~. Pain. v. 556. MACLOUGHLIN (David), M.D. Result of an Incuiry into the invariable existence of a premonitory diarrhoea in cholera.. London, 1854. 61 p. 8~. Pam. v.405. MAC MASTER, Rev. E. D. Impending Judgments averted by repen-. tence; a Sermon, Oxford, Ohio, Fast day: Jer. xviii, 1- 10, 17. Cincinnati, 1849. 8~. Pam. v. 557. M'MASTERt, Gilbert. Thoughts on the Union of the Church. Cincinnati, 1846. 51 p. 80. Pam. v. 495. McMASTER, Guy H. History of the Settlement of Steuben county, N.Y., including notices of the old pioneer settlers and their adventures. Bath, 1853. 120. MAtC MULLEN, John. Poem, 1858. See Columbia.Coll. Alumni Association. [ SUPPL.] 64 506 GENERAL LIBRARY. fC"MURRAY (William), D.D. Sermon, Death of Col. Henry Rutgers, preached..Feb. 28, 1830. New-York, 1830. 80. Pam. v. 268. Sermon,.. Philadelphia, Sept. 18, 1833, before the Am. Board of Comm. for For. Miss. Boston, 1833. 80. Pam. v. 267. MeMURRAY, William. Democratic Policy in regard to the canals and their completion: Speech in N.Y. Assembly, Jan. 30, Feb. 1, 1843. Speech on same subject, in Senate, March 26, 28, 1853. 27 p. Pam. v. 477. MCNAUGHTONI' (James), M.D. Vindication: To the Congregation of the First Presbyterian church, Albany..Ap. 12, 1847. 20 p.- Commentary on the Epistle of the two elders: To the congregation, etc. Albany, Ap. 26, 1847. 7 p. 8~. Pam. v. 536. M' NEILE, Rev. Hugh. The State in Danger; a Letter to.... Lord J. Russell. 2d edition. London (1846). 60 p. 8~. Pani. v. 347. Satanic Agency and Mesmerism A Sermon. [ The Pulpit, V. 1, N~ 1]. New-York. 16 p. 8~. Pam. v. 213. MACON AND WESTERN RAILROAD COMPANY: Second Annual Report. Macon, 1848. 8~. Pam. v. 151. MACPHERSONt, James. See Ossian, Poems. MACQUEENt, James. Statistics of Agriculture, manufactures and commerce... Edinburgh, 1850. 40 p. 8~. Pam. v. 430. MACQUER, Pierre J. Elements of the Theory and Practice of chymistry. Trans. from the French. 3d edition. London..1775. 2 v. 8~. MACRAE, Archibald. The Andes & Pampas. See U.S. Naval Astr. Esx. Expedition. MACREADY, Mrs. Memoir of:.. N.York, 1855. 75 p. 80. Pam. v. 471. Opinions of the American press. Albany, 1855. 36 p. 12~. Pam. v. 513. McREE, Griffith J. Life and Correspondence of James Iredell, one of the associate justices of the Supreme Court of the United States***. Vol. I. New-York, 1857. 570 p. 8~. M'SHERRY (Richard), M.D., U.S.N. El Puchero; or, A Mixed Dish from Mexico, embracing General Scott's campaign...Philadelphia,...1850. 12~. MCSPARRAN, Rev. James. America Dissected....Dublin, 1752. See Updike's Narragansett church. Cat. 1855. M'VICKIARt (John), D.D. A Domestic Narrative of the Life of Samuel Bard, 1M.D., LL.D. New-York-, 1822. 244 p. 8~. i — A Biographical MIemoir"of Rev. Edmund D. Griffin. New-York, 1832. 117 p. 12~. The Professional Years of John Henry Hobart, D.D.; being a Sequel to his early years. New-York, Prot. Epis. Press, 1836. 500 p. 18~. - Sermon, Jubilee of Soc. for Prop. the Gospel, 1851. See Prot. Epis. Ch. New-York. * - - A Christian Memorial of two sisters, Mrs.Banyer and Miss Jay. New-York, 1858. 134 p. 18~. FIRST SUPPLEMENT. 507 MAc WHoRTER' Alexander. Yahveh Christ, or the Memorial name. With introductory letter by Nathaniel W. Taylor, D.D.... Boston, 1857. 180. MADAN, Rev. Martin. A Scriptural Comment upon the 39 Articles of the Church of England...London, 1772. 83 p. 80. Pam. v. 323. MADDENt, R. R. The Life and Times of Robert Emmet.... With numerous notes and additions.... Also a Memoir of Thomas Addis Emmet.... New-York, 1857. 328 p. 12~. MADDOX (Isaac), D.D., Bp. Sermon, 1744. See Soc. Prop. Gospel. Sermon, London Infirmary, March 25, 1743. 3d edition. With An Account of the Infirmary. London, 1743. 4~. Pam. v. 1006. Sermon, Charity, Ap. 16, 1753 Ps. xxvii, 12. London, 1753. 40. Pam. v. 1007. MADINIER, MI. Paul. Projet d'une Expedition frangaise dans l'Afrique centrale. Paris, 1856. 14 p. 8~. Pam. v. 273. Description des Iles au -nord du Japon. lre partie: Les Isles Kouriles. From Nouv. Annales de la Marine. Aout 1856. Paris. 32 p. 8~. Pam. v. 500. MADISONt (James), President. Report, H. of Repr., in relation to the purchase and publication of the Madison papers. [Cong. Doct.] Dec. 23, 1847. Pam. v. 470. MADISON, Wis. Charter of the city.... Madison. 1856. 8~, and map. Pam. v. 565. - 2d and 3d Ann. Report of the Board of Education...for 1856, 57. Madison. 80. Pam. v. 279. W. N. Seymour's Madison Directory and Business Advertiser. First annual edition. Madison, 1855. 192 p. and map. 12~. MADISON AND DANE COUNTY, Wis. Statistics, 1853. 16 p. 8~. Pam. v. 192. MADISON AND INDIANAPOLIS RAILROAD COMPANY. Ninth Annual Report, Jan. 1852. Madison, 1851. 8~. Pam. v. 148. MADISON BAPTIST ASSOCIATION, N.Y. Minutes, 1810, 1812 to 1832. With annual circular letter or address. Printed Cazenovia, Ha-a milton, Utica, etc. In 1 v. 8~. MADISON COUNTY, N.Y. To the Electors of the County of Madison. Signed, "A Number of Citizens," July 26, 1820. 80. Pam. v. 234. MADISON-SQUARE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH: Young Men's Association. Constitution, etc. New-York, 1859. 12~. Pam. v. 224. MADISON UNIVERSITY: Catalogue, 1857. Hamilton, 1858. 8~. Pam. v. 479. MAERLANTt, Jacob van. Rymbybel..met voorrede, varianten van Hss., aenteekeningen en glossarium.... uitgegeven door J. David, Pr. Tweede, Derde deel. Brussel, 1859. 2 v. roy. 8~. MAFFEI, Conte Scipio. A the...Countess A. F. C. Tering of Seefeld; being a comparison of the use of inscriptions and medals. See Lenglet-Dufresnoy. 508 G-GENERAL LIBRARY. MAFFITtj Rev. John Newland. Oration, May 1832... over the grave of Philip Embury, the earliest minister in the American Methodist Church. New-York, 1832. 80. Pam. v. 268. MAGAZIN der Auslandischen Literatut der gesammten heilkunde und arbeiten des Aerztlichen Vereins zu Hamburg. Herausgegeben von Dr. C. H. Gerson und Dr. N. H. Julius. Jul. & Aug. 1825; Jan. & Feb., Mar. & Ap. 1830; Jan. & Feb. 1831; Jan. & Feb. 1834. 5 NoB 8~. Hambuig. Painm. v. 265. MAGAZIN ffir die Staatsarzneikunde. BegrUndet von den Bezirks- und Gerichts-Aerzten des Konigreiehcs Sachsen, herausgegeben von Dr. F. J. Siebenhaar und Dr. R. J. A. Martini... IIIr band; 1s, 2s heft. Leipzig, 1844. 434 p. 8~. Pam. v. 264. MAGAZINEt OF HORTICULTURE, Botany, and all useful discoveries and improvements in rural affairs.* Edited by C. M. Hovey. Vol. 22 - 24, 1856 - 58. Boston, 1856. 3 v. 8~. MAGAZINEf OF NATURAL HISTORY. New Series;. See Annals, 1858. MAGEE (William), Abp. his... visitation, 1826. Dublin, 1827. Pami. v. 342. MAGIE (David), D.D. Our true encouragement: Sermon, Am. Board of Comm. for For. Miss. Boston, 1847. 8~. Pamin. v. 525. Sermon, Death of Gen. Z. Taylor, Pres.: Mlicah vi, 9. NewYork, 1850. 8~. Pam. v. 555. MAGILL, Rev. D. The C(laims of the Jews on a Christian sta'te: A lecture. London, 1851. 29 p. 12~. Pam. v. 321. MAG;INN1, William-. The Sh-akespeare Papers of: Annotated by Dr. Shelton Mackenzie... ( Miscellaneous Writings, Vol. III). N.York, 1856. 12~. The Fraserian Papers of: Annotated, with a Life of the author, by R. Shelton Mackenzie... (Misc. Writings, Vol. v). New-York, 1:857. 12. XMAGISTRATE'S (The) MONITOR; or, Several Considerations and Observations upon the act against seditious conventicles.... London, printed for Richard Janeway, 1682. 16 p. 4~. Pam. v. 407. MAGNA BRITANNIA antiqua et nova; or, A New, exact and comprehensive survey of the ancient and present state of Great Britain... With many accounts... communicated by several judicious hands. Edited;by:Rev. Th/omas Cox. London, 1738. 6 v. 4.- Reprint of edition of 1720. MAGNIN, J. S.!Overzigt der Kerkelijke Geschi:edenis van Drenthe... Groningen, 1855. With, Bijlagen. 352, 168 p. 8~. MAGNY, M. le Mis De. Nouveau Traite historique et archeologique de:la vraie et parfaite science des armoires..Prenmiere, Seconde partie. Paris, 1856. cviii, 401 p. 2 v. 40, 53 plates.-To the word Cicogne. MAHAN, A. Spiritualism; or, A Discussion of the cause and effect of the phenomena attributed to the spirits of departed human beings. By Pres. A. Mahan.... Prof. Rehn, J. Tiffany and others at Cleveland...Cle~veland. 0. 1855. 56 p. 4~, Pam. v. 563. MAHTAN (M.), D.D.;The Healing of the nations: A Sermon, Thanksgiving day: Rev. xxii, 2. Albany, 1855. 8~. Pam. v. 94, 558. FIRST SUPPLEMENT. 509 MAH1ONt, Lord P. HI. ( Earl Stanhope). The Rise of our Indian eempire... Ex. from his History of England. London, 1858. 12~. See also Stanhope, Earl.' MAILLARD, Mary. A True Relation of the wonderful cure of M. M....26th Nov. 1693...Repr. London, 1787. 48 p. 120. Pam. v. 601. MAILLEFERT'S (M.) Plan of blasting rocks under water. New-York Municipal Gazette Extra, 1850. 40~. Pam. v. 1014. MAIMBOURG,t Louis. Histoire du Pontificat de Saint Leon le Grand. A Paris, 1687. 4~. MAINEt. Address of Gov. Hamlin to the Legislature, Jan. 8, 1857. Augusta. 22 p. 8~. Pam. v. 522.: AGRICULTUiRE. Transactions of the Agricultural Societies. for 1850, 51, 52. E. Holmes, Sec. of the Board of Agriculture. Augusta, 1853. 862 p.- Transactions.... 1853. Augusta, 1884. 421 p. 2 V. 8~. — Circular, Third exhibition. Augusta, 1857. 88 p. 18". Pam. v. 614..-: LIBRARY. Catalogue of:.. 1856. Augusta, 1856. 8~.: RAILROADS. Plan for Shortening the Time of passage between N.York and London. Printed by order.. Portland, 1850. 24 p. 8~. Pam. v. 205. MAINEt HISTORICAL SOCIETY: Collections. Vol. IV, v, vI. Portland, 1856, 57, 59. 3 v. 8~. MAINE ( The) LAW in the Balance; or An Inquiry into the theory and working capacities of that measure..Portland, Me. (1855). 56 p. 8~. Pain. v. 292. MAINWARING, Rev. John. The Nature and Offices of pity and courtesy. Two discourses, Univ. of Cambridge: 1 Pet. iii, 8. London, 1759.The nature of compliances, civil and religious, considered in a sermon: Rom. xiv, 22. Cambridge, 1764..- Difference of condition consider'd with respect to learning and morals, a sermon: Phil. iv, 12; Univ. of Cambridge. London, 1765. — A sermon: Rom. xii, 19, Lent Assizes, Cambridge, 1766. London, 1766. 40~ Pam v. 1007. Reflections on the Inequality of Religious dispensations; a Sermon: Acts x, 34, 35, Univ. of arnmbridge, Mar. 21, 1773. Cambridge. 4~. Pam. v. 1008. MAITLAND, John. Observations on the Impolicy of permitting the exportation of British wool...London, 1-818. 60 p. 8~. Pam. v. 424. MAITLAND, R. T. Descriptio Systematica Aninmalium Belgii septentrionalis...Pars I. Lugd. Batav. 1851. 234 p. 8~. MAITLAND, Rev.S. R. The Dark Ages; a Series of essays, intended to illustrate the state of religion and literature in the ninth, tenth, eleventh and twelfth centuries....3d edition. London, 1853. xxiii, 520 p. 8~. An Index of such English Books, printed before the year MDC.:as are now in the Archiepiscoopal library at Lambeth.... London, 1845. 120 p. 8. Notes on the Contributions of the Rev. G. Townsend, M.A., to the new edition of Fox's Martyrology: Part I, On the memoir of Fox ascribed to his son. London, 1841. 31 p. 8~. Pam. v. 393. 610 GENERAL LIBRARY. MAITTAIREt, Michael. Historia Typographorum, aliquot Parisiensium vitas et libros complectens***. Londini, Bowyer, 1717. 160, 160 p. in 1 v. 8~. Contents Tomus I. Vitre Colinoei, Vascosani, Morellii, Turnebi, Bene-Nati, Mhorelli. — T. ii. Librorum excusorum.catalogus. ----- Annales Typographici, ab artis inventse origine ad annum MiDCLXIV. Hague, 1719- 1741. 5 v. With, Supplementum, adornavit Michael Denis. Pars I, II. Viennae, 1789. 1 v.- 6 v. 40~. MAJANSIUS, Gregorius. Specimen Bibliothecae Hispano-majansianse; sive, Idea novi catalogi critici operum scriptorum hispanorum.... Ex museo D. Clementis. Hannoverve, 1753. sm. 4~. Epistole de Chartin Origine. See Meerman, G. MAJOR, Car. Bibliotheca ex omni Facultate librorum quos reliquit.. Auctio...27 Ap. 1767... Pars r, II. Mechlinie. 658 p. & index. In 1 v. 8~. With prices and purchasers in MS. MAKEMIE, Rev. Fran. A Narrative of... imprisonment of two Presbyterian ministers.. City of New-York. London, 1707. See Force's Tracts, v. 4. MALASPINA DI SANNAZARO, March. Catalogo di una Raccolta di -Stampe Antiche, compilato dallo stesso possessore:. Vol. I - v. Milano, 1824. 5 v. 8~. MALBERG, A. Die Literatur des Bau- und Ingenieur-wesens der letzten 30 jahre, oder Verzeichniss der vornehmlichsten werke.... welche die genannten facher betreffen. Berlin...1852. 211 p. 8~. MALCOLMSON ( John Grant), M.D. A Practical Essay on the history and treatment of Beriberi. Madras....1835. 8o.- With, Observations on some forms of rheumatism prevailing in India. Madras, 1835. 343, 98 p. in 1 v. 8~. MALIN, W. G. Some Account of the Pennsylvania Hospital...Philadelphia, 1832. 32 p. 8~. MALLINKROT, Bernardus A. De Ortu ac progressu artis typographicae.. Colonize Agrippinm... 1640. 127 p. sin. 4~. MALONE, Edward. Catalogue of early English Poetry and other miscellaneous works illustrating the British drama, collected by: and now preserved in the Bodleian Library. Oxford, 1836. 52 p. fo. MALPIGRI, Marcel. Discours Anatomiques sur la structure des visc6res, seavoir du foye, du cerveau....Mis en franqois....A Paris... 1683. 18~. MALTA ISLAND.' Muir's 3Malta Almanack and Directory for the year of our Lord 1850, comprising a guide to Malta and Gozo. Malta... 124 p. 18~. MALTBY (Edward), D.D. Sermon, University of Cambridge, June 29, 1806: John ix, 4. Cambridge. 4~. Pam. v. 1008. Sermon, the day appointed for the funeral of H. R. H. the Princess Charlotte: Eccl. xii, 7, 8. London, 1817. 80. Pam. v. 382. MALTBY, John. Sermon, Maine Missionary Society. Augusta, 1859. With annual report. 8~. Pam. v. 483. FIRST SUPPLEMENT. 511 MALTE-BRUNt, C. System of Geography....With additions and corrections by James G. Percival.- Part 1. Boston, 1828. 12 p. 40. Pam. v. 1016. MALTHUSt, Rev. T. R. The Grounds of an Opinion on the policy of restricting the importation of foreign corn....London, 1815. 48 p. 8~. Pam. v. 424. MANCHESTER, Elias. The Principles upon which the Temperance reform is based, examined and defended... Auburn, N.Y. 1854. 31 p. 8~. Pam. v. 292. MANCHESTERt: FREE LIBRARIES. Catalogue of the Ancoats and Ardwich Branch Lending departments. Manchester, 1857. 94 p. 8~. IMANCHESTER AND LAWRENCE RAILROAD. Report of the Investigating Committee of the stockholders..... Jan. 7, 1851. Great Falls, N.H., 1851. 80. Pam. v. 256.. MANCHESTER AND SALFORD BANK for Savings, and Government Annuity Society. 27th Report, Jan. 3, 1845. 8~. Pam. v. 252. MANCUR, John H. No. 5, Tales of the Revolution: Everard Norton. New-York, 1844. 257-317 p. 8~. Pam. v. 497. MANDERSON (James), Capt. R. N. Twelve Letters addressed to.... S. Perceval.....of the present magnitude of the British navy, the Royal establishments for its equipment and reception.....London, 1812. viii, 150 p. 8~. Pam. v. 406. MANDEVILLE, G. H. Discourse at the Funeral of Col. Benj. R. Hoagland: 2 Tim. i, 10. Flushing, L.I. 1858. 8.' Pam. v. 555. MANDEVILLEt (Henry), D.D. Reflections on the Goodness of God, to a nation three score and ten years old: A Sermon, Fourth Presbyterian Church, Albany...Albany, 1853. 80. Pam. v. 441. MANGER, Sebald G. Redenvoering over het Leven van Christus als leeraar in eenen God-geleerden.. Gravenhage, 1736. 34 p. 4~. Pam. v. 569. MANGEY, Thomas. Sermon, Martyrdom of Charles I: Isiah lvii, 1. London, 1720. 8~. Pam. v. 367. MANHATTAN GASLIGHT COMPANY. Report of the Special Committee relative to:.. City Doc't. Mar. 11, 1857. New-York, 1857. 171 p. 80. Pam. v. 260, 531. MANHATTAN OIL COMPANY. Mason's Sperm. New-York, 1855. Pam. v. 260. MANHATTAN (The) SOUVENIR and New-York Sketch Book, for 1850. C. TV. Haven, Editor. New-York, 1850. 88 p. 18%. MANIAC (The) BEAUTY. New-York (1845?). 66 p. 80. Pam. v. 496. MANILIUS, Marcus. M. Manilii Astronomicon: Interpretatione et notis ac figuris illustravit Michael usum Delphini. Accesserunt P.D.Huetii animadversiones...... et Scaligeri Notas. Parisiis, 1679. 448 p., prefaces, index, etc. 40~. Poetve Astronomicn lib. See Firmicus, J. MANLEY (D. S.) & BROTHER. Catalogue of Fruit and Ornamental trees...for sale. Buffalo, N.Y. 1853. 36 p. 8~. Pam. v. 505. 512 GENERAL LIBRARY. MANLEYt, Mrs. De la Riviere. Secret Memoirs and Manners of several persons of quality, of both sexes, from the New Atalantis, an' island in the Mediterranean. Written originally in Italian. 2d ed. London, 1709. 2 v. 8~. MANLY, John G. A Pulpit Estimate of Wellington: Jer. ix, 23, 24. London, 1852. 8~. Pam. v. 380. MANNt (Horace), of Mass. Speech, U.S. H. of Rep., on Slavery in the territories and...a dissolution of the Union, Feb. 15, 1850. Boston, 1850. 35 p. 8~. Pam. v. 193, 561. Speech, U.S. H. of Rep., Legislation on Slavery in the territories (1850?). 80. Imp. Pam. v. 561. Speech, U.S. H. of Rep., August 17, 1852, on the Institution of Slavery. Boston. 1852. 22 p. 8~. Pam. v. 206. -- New Dangers to Freedom, and new duties for its defenders: A letter by:..... to his constituents. Boston, 1850. 32 p. 8~. Pam. v. 560...-.. Slaveholding Guarantees of the Constitution: Debate with W. Phillips, 1853. See Liberator. MANN, Isaac. Charge, Ordination of T. D. Reynolds. Lond. 1830. 8~. Pam. v. 377. MANN, Joshua. Two Sermons, Death of Mr. Basil O. Woodd: Ps. ci, 1. 1811, London. Pam. v. 382. MANN, Karl C. v. Kaiser Ludwig IV genannt der Baier und'Maximilian I Kurfarst von Baiern. Eine historische paralelle, 1806. 74 p See Koen. Baier. Ak. Reden, v. 3. [MANNE, Nicholas]. See Critical Notes, 1747. MANNERT, Kr. Geographie Ancienne des Etats Barbaresques d'apres l'Allemand de Mannert, par AM. L. Marcus et Duesberg; avec des additions et des notes... Paris, 1842. 803 p. 80~. MANNINGHAi3V (Thomas), Bp. Sermon, on Afflictions, before. Lord Mayor, Dec. 7, 1679: Ps. cxix, 67. London, 1680. 4~. Pam. v. 359. Sermon, Feb. 17, 1709, Thanksgiving for success: EccZ. vii, 14, London. 80. Pam. v.364. - Sermon, July 11, 1708, Victory near Audenarde: Ps. xlvi, 10, 11. London. 8~. Pam. v. 364. MIANNY'S COMBINED Reaping and Mowing machine, with ( W.A.) Wood's improvement. Albany, 1857. 41 p. 8~. Pam. v. 233, 298. MANSFIELDt, Edward D. Exposition of the natural position of Mackinaw City and the.. surrounding country. Cincinnati, 1857. 48 p. 80, and map. Pam. v. 565. MANTELLt, G. A. The Wonders of Geology; or A familiar exposition, etc. 7th edition, by T. R. Jones. London, Bohn, 1857. 2 v. 12~. MANUAL (A) of Rerecotions on the facts of revelation... Oxford, 1801. 54 p. 80. Pam. v. 302. MANUEL GENERAL de l'Instruction Publique i 1re serie, Journal 01ciel, T. 1 - 14, Nov. 1832 - Dec. 1840, 14 v.; 2e s6rie, L'Instituteur, Manuel, etc., -T. 1- 9, Jan. 1841 - Dec. 1849. 9 v.; 36 sdrie, FIRST SUPPLEMENT. 513 Manuel, etc., Journal hebdomadaire des Instituteurs, Jan. 1850 - Dec. 1857. Paris, L. Hachette. 23 v. 8~ & 8 v. 40.- Vol. 18, 1844, wanting. MANUFACTURERS AND TRADERS' BANK: By-laws. Buffalo, 1857. 120. Pam. v. 464. MANUTIUSt (P. A.), Filius. De Veterum Notarum explanatione, quse in antiquis monumentis occurrunt. Venetiis, 1566. 167 p. 12~. See Manutius, Orthographia ratio. Cat. 1855. MANVILL, Mrs. Elias F. Lucinda; or the Mountain mourner: Being authentic facts in a series of letters from Mrs. Manvill to her sister in Pennsylvania. 3d edition. Albany, Munsell, 1852. 168 p. 12~.Also see, Lucinda. Cat. 1855. MANYPENNY, George W. Les Hommes Rouges de l'Amerique du Nord. Rapport a M. le Ministre de l'Interieur des Etats Unis, par M. le Chef du bureau des affaires indiennes. Trad. parMaunsell B. Field. Paris, 1855. 80. MAPPA, A. G. Epreuves de Caracteres...dans la fonderie de feu MM. Voskens et Clerk, presentement de A. -. Mappa. Rotterdam (178.0?). See Specimens. Cat. 1855. MAPPE (A) OF ROME, 1619. See [Taylor, T.] MAQUET, M. La Belle Gabrielle. 1 v.- La Maison du Baigneur. 1 v. [Semaine Litteraire],:New-York, 1854, 56. In 1 v. 8~. [MARANA, John Paul]. See Turkish Spy. MARATHI GRAMMAR. Grammar of the Marathi language. Published by the American Mission. Bombay, 1854. viii, 183 p. 8~. MARATHI HYMN BOOK. Sacred Songs. Published by the American Mission, A.B.C.F.M. Bombay. 336 p. 12~. MARATHI TRACTS. [A Collection of Seven Tracts in the Marathi language]. Am. Miss. Press. A.B.C.F.hM. Bombay, 1841 -44. 1 v. 12~. MARBLE ( The) WoRi'KER'S MANUAL... Trans. from the French, by M. L. Booth. With an Appendix concerning American marbles. NewYord...1856. 18~. MARC, C. C. II. La Vaccine soumise aux simples lumieres de la raison..2me edition...Paris...1836. 118 p. 18~. - De la Folie, consider6e dans ses rapports avec les questions medico-judiciaires... ~. Paris, 1840. 2 v. 8~. MARCHt (Alden), M.D. Address, Medical Society of the State of New-York....Albany, Feb. 4, 1857. 8~. Pam. v. 287. [MARCOt, C. W.]. Sketches and Adventures in Madeira, Portugal and the Andalusias of Spain. New-York...1856. 120. MARCH, IDaniel. Yankee Land and the Yankee, a Poem. Hartford, 1840. 33 p. 12~. [ MARCH, Rev. John]. See Sermon, Martyrdom of Charles I, 1677. MARCHAND, Prosper. IHistoire de l'Origine et des premiers progres de l'imprimerie. A La Haye, 1740. With Supplement..Edition revue et augmentee ~ avec un Memoire sur l'epoque certaine du commencement de l'annee a Mayence, durant le XVe siecle. By the Abbe Mercier. Paris, 1775. xii, 118, 151, viii, 221 p. in 1 v. 4~. [ SUPPL.] 65 5X14 GENERAL LIBRARY. MARCHIMONTt, Earl of. Catalogue of library of:. e auction, London, 1830. 8~. Cat. v. 96. MARCUS. Letters of Marcus and Philo-Cato, addressed to De Witt Clinton, esq., Mayor of the City of New-York. A new edition, containing one letter of Marcus, and several numbers of Philo-Cato, never published before. By Matthew L. Davis. 1810. iv, 86 p. 8~. Pam. v. 197. MARCUS, Louis. Histoire des Wandales......... jusqu'a. la destruction de leur empire en Afrique. Accompagnee de recherches sur le commerce que les Etats Barbaresques firent avec l'etranger dans les six premieres. siecles de l'ere chretienne$'$$". Paris,, 1836. 80. ~ —-: ET DUESBERG. Geographie ancienne des ]Etats Barbaresques. See Mannert. [ MARCUs, Moses]. See Answer to Dr. Waterland on Circumcision, 1731.t MARCUSt, Rev. Moses. A Letter to the parishioners of St. Sepulchre, Northampton, respecting the a testimonial to the bishop.. London, 1822. 35 p. 8%. Pam. v. 389. MARCYt( Randolph B.), Capt. U.S.A. The Prairie Traveler: A handbook for overland expeditions. With inaps...NewYork,, 1859. 340 p. 12~. MARGARET, Queen of Navarre. The Heptameron of Margaret Queen of Navarre. Trans. from the French. With a. memoir of the Author by W. K. Kelly. London, Bohn, 1855. 120. MARGARET ~ a Tale. See, [Judd, S.], MARICA, Marquez de. Novas reflexoes, maximas e pensamentos..Rio de Janeiro, 1844. 133 p. 12~. MARINER, William. An Account of the Natives of the Tonga Islands, in the South Pacific Ocean. With an original grammar and vocabulary of their language. Compiled and arranged from the extensive communications of W. Mariner...By John Martin, M.D.'*. 2d edition, with additions. London, 1818. 2 v. 80. MARINER'S FAMILY INDUSTRIAL SOCIETY Of the Port of New-York. 7th, 9th, lth, 12th Report. New-York, 1851-56. 8-. Pam. v. 549. MARINIt, Cav. J. B. The Suspicion of Herod, being the first book of the Murder: of the Innocents. Trans. from the Italian by R. Crashaw (1646). Kensington, Eng. 1834. 34 p. 120. Pam. v. 398. MARIOTTIt, L., Pseud. A Historical Memoir of Frh Dolcino and his times; being an account of a general struggle for ecclesiastical reform, and of an anti-heretical crusade in Italy, in the early part of the fourteenth century... By A. Gallenga. London, 1853. 12~. MARKHAM, William, Bp. Sermon, H. of Lords, Jan. 31, 1774, Martyrdom of Charles I: Is. iii, 3. London. 4~. Pam. v. 1008. MARKLAND, Abraham. Sermon, White-Hall Chapel, Oct. 29, 1682: Luke xix, 41, 42. London. 40. Pam.. v. 360. MARKLAND, J. H. A Letter to... the Earl of Aberdeen.... Pres. of Soc. of Antiq., on the:expediency of attaching a museum of antiquities to that institution. London, 1828. 19 p. 8~. Pam. v. 40'1. FIRST SUPPLEMENT. 515 MARKLIN, Gab. Catalogus Disputationum in Academiis Scanndinnavi et Finlandioe Lidenianus.... Upsalise, 1820. In 3 v. 8~. MAiLETTE, P. Manuel de l'Agent-voyer; ou Traite de I'art de faire des chemins, et de les reparer...Macon, 1842. 292 p. & plates. 12~. MARMONTELI, J. F. Poetique Frangoise. Paris, 1763. 2 v. 80. MARRACCI, Luigi. Alcorani Prodromus ad Refutationem in quo Mahumetis vita ac res gesta ex probatissimis apud Arabes scriptoribus collecta referuntur... In quatuor partes divisus...Patavii, 1697.With, Refutatio Alcorani, in qua...Mahumetus ipse gladio jugulatur, embracing the text of the Koran...Patavii, 1698. In 1 v. f0. MARRIAGE, Joseph. Letters on the distressed state of the agricultural labourers.. Chelmsford, Eng. 1830. 16 p. 80. Pam. v. 424. MARRYATt, Joseph. [Miscellanies of:.. ] in 1 v. 8~. Contents: An Examination of the Report of the Berbice commissioners, and an answer to the letters of J. Stephen respecting the crown estates in the WestIndies...London, 1817. 122 p. More Thoughts still on the state of the West-India coloniesj and....the African institution. London, 1818. 147 p. Speech, H. of Commons, June 5, 1820, upon.. alteration in the duties of timber. London. Speech, H. of Commons, July 25, 1822.....on the state of the Island of Trinidad. London, 1823. 115 p. A Reply to the arguments contained in various publications recommending an equalization of the duties on East and West-India sugar. London, 1823. 111 p. On Protection to West-India sugar. 2d edition; enlarged, and containing an answer to a pamphlet entitled, "A Reply," &c. by J.Marryat. Lonldon, 1823. 159 p. MARRYATTt, Captain Frederick, [ Novels]. N.York, 1856, 7. 10 v. 120. Contents: VOL. (1), Jacob Faithful, or the Adventures of a Waterman; (2), Peter Simple; (3), The Phantom Ship; (4), Newton Foster, or the Merchant Service; (5), Mr. Midshipman Esay; (6), The Poacher; (7), Japhet in Search of a Father; (8), Snarleyyow; (9), Percival Keene; (10), Masterman Ready, or the Wreck of the Pacific. London. MARSAND, Antonio. Biblioteca Petrarchesca, formata, posseduta, descritta, ed illustrata dal:.. Milano, 1826. 281 p. 4~. MARSDENt, William. Grammaire de la Langue Malaie (1812)... Trad. par C. J. Elout. Dutch 4 French. Harlem, 1824. xcv, 344 p. 4~. Dictionnaire Malai, Hollandais et Franqais, par C. P. J. Elout. Trad. du Dict. Malai et Anglais de Mr. W. Marsden. Harlem, 1825. xxiii, 604 p. 4~. Bibliotheca Marsdeniana philologica et orientalis: A catalogue of books and manuscripts, collected with a view to the general comparison of languages, and to the study of Oriental literature, by:.. London, 1827. 309 p. 40~. MARSH (Ephraim), Pres. of Convention which nominated Fillmore... Letter, Sept. 10, 1856. 80~. Pam. v. 537. MARSHIt, George P. A Compendious Grammar of the Old-Northern or Icelandic language; compiled and translated from the grammars of Rask. Burlington, Vt. 1838. xii, 163 p. 120. ,516 GENERAL LIBRARY. MARSH, George P.: Human Knowledge: A Discourse, Mass. Alpha of the Phi Beta Kappa Society, at Cambridge, Aug. 25, 1847.....Boston, 1847. 8-. Pam. v. 287. The Camel, his organization, habits, and uses, considered with reference to his introduction into the United States. Boston..1856. 224 p. 120. Report made under the authority of the Legislature of Vermont, on the artificial propagation of fish. Burlington, 1857. 52, 64 p. 8~.Pam. v. 273. Railroad Commissioners report. See Vermont. -- Inaugural Address: An Apology for the study of English, 1858. See Columbia College....- Lectures on the English language. N.York, 1860. viii, 697 p. 8~. MARSH, Bp. Herbert. [Writings collected]. 1 v. 8~.' Contents: A Course of Lectures.....of the several branches of divinity: Part I, II. 2d edition, 1810, 11; Part vi, 1822, Cambridge. 116, 148, 95 p. Letter to....the Critical Review on the subject of religious toleration.... Cambridge, 1810. 37, 8 p. The National religion the foundation of national education; a Sermon: Prov. xxii, 6. 3d edition. London, 1811. An Inquiry into the consequence of neglecting to give the Prayer-book with the Bible....relative to the B. & For. Bible Soc. 4th edition. London, 1812. 51 p. Letter to Hon. N. Vansittart; being an answer to his second letter on the B. & F. Bible Society. London, 1812. 54 p. A Reply to the Strictures of the Rev.I. Milner, D.D., on the'Prayer-book and Bible Society. Cambridge, 1813. 142, 29 p. A Letter to Rev. C. Simeon, in answer to his pretended congratulatory address...and in vindication of...baptism... Cambridge, 1813. 39 p. Speech, H. of Lords, June 7, 1822, on...his Examination questions; with notes. London, 1822. 60 p. A&&dress. See Cambridge Aux. Bible Society. MARSH, James. The Remains of Rev. James Marsh, D.D., late president, and professor of moral and intellectual philosophy, in the University of Vermont; with a memoir of his life. By John Torrey. Boston..1843. 8~. MARSH, Rev. John. Putnam and the Wolf; or the Monster destroyed. An address, 1829, Windham county temperance society. Hartford, 1830. 120. Pam. v. 629. ---- Discourse on the Extent and Evils of the Sunday liquor traffic in cities...New-York, 1848. 8~. See Am. Temp. Union. A Half-Century Tribute to the cause of temperance: An address. New-York, 1851. 32 p. 8~. Pam. v. 292. The Napoleon of Temperance: Sketches of the life and character of the Hon. Neal Dow.. With a portrait.... and, The Maine law. New-York, 1852. 24 p. 80. Pam. v. 292, 471. MARSH, Joseph. The Age to Come, or Glorious restitution of all things.... Rochester, N.Y. 1851. 128 p. 12~. Pam. v. 631. FIRST SUPPLEMENT. 517 [MARSH, Leonard, M.D.]. See Bake-Pan, 1854; also, Apocatastasis. Cat. 1855. M[ARSH, Rev. Samuel. Uncle Nathan; or, Strict agreement with God in his word. Montpelier, Vt. 1854. 218 p. 180. Pam. v. 631. MARSH, Rev. W. A Few Plain Thoughts on prophecy; particularly as it relates to the latter days..2d edition. Colchester, Eng. 140 p. 80. Pam. v. 310. MARSH, William. England and other Poems; New-York, 1839. 120~. MARSHAL (Nath.), D.D. Sermon, Anniv. of Charity Schools, 1721, London. See Soc. Pro. Chr. Knowledge. MARSHALL, Messrs. Description of Messrs. Marshall's grand historical peristrephic panorama of the Battle of Genappe, St.Helena, and Bonaparte... London. 28 p. 8~. Pam. v. 489. Description of Marshall's..Panorama of the..battles of Ligny, les Quatres Bras, and Waterloo. Leicester. 24 p. 8~. Pam. v. 489. Description of Marshall's..Panoramas of the battle of Trafalgar, and the ceremony of crossing the line. Norwich, Eng. 32 p. 8~. Pam. v. 489... Description of Messrs. Marshall's grand marine peristrephic panorama of the bombardment of Algiers...17th edition. London, 1823. 32 p. 80~. Pam. v.489. MARSHALL, G. Trial of Rev. George Marshall....for fornication... Allegheny county, Oct. 1843. Philadelphia, 1843. 35 p. 80. Pam. v. 536. MARSHALL ( Humphrey), of Ky. Speech, U.S. HI. of Rep., on the Deficiency bill, 1853. 80. Pam. v. 487. - Speech, U.S. i-I. of R., on American Progress — Judge Douglas. 1852. 8~. Pam. v. 487. MARSHALLt, John. A History of the Colonies planted by the English on the continent of North America... Philadelphia..1824. 8~. MARSHALL, Walter. The Gospel Mystery of sanctification opened... with a recommendatory letter by the Rev. Mr. Hervey. Edinburgh, 1769. 18~. Imper. Pam. v. 238. MARSHMAN (Joshua), D.D. Advantages of Christianity in promoting the.... prosperity of British government in India. 1813. 8 p. 8~. Pam. v. 433. MARSON, John. The Personality of the Holy Ghost. 2d ed. London, 1807. 8~. Pam. v. 316. [ MARTPNE, Frere Edmond]. See Voyage Litteraire, 1717. MARTENS, F. Voyage to Spitzbergen. See Hakluyt Society. MARTIALISt (M. Valerii) Epigrammatum libri xv, cum variorum doct. vir. commentariis....cum indice....I. Langii.....Lut. Paris, 1617. xii, 647, index, 82, 44, 123 p. fo. MARTIN MAR-PRELATE. See Puritan Discipline Tracts. MARTIN, David. A Critical Dissertation upon 1 John v, 7....against the objections of Mr. Simon and the modern Arians. Trans. London, 1719. 110 p. 80. Pam. v. 313. 518 GENERAL LIBRARY. MARTIN ( Fred. S.), of N.Y. Speech, U.S. H. of Rep.-, on the Public lands. Washington, 1852. 80. Pam. v. 487. MARTIN, Henry. Twenty Reasons for not being in debt. Lond. 8 p. 12~. Pam. v. 429. MARTIN, Rev. John. Discourse, Rom. x, 3, wherein the cause and consequence of not submitting to the righteousness of God are considered. London, 1771. 8~. Pam. v. 372. MARTIN, John. Account of the Tonga Islands. See Mariner, W. MARTIN, Joseph G. Martin's 21 years in the Boston stock market, or fluctuations therein from Jan. 1835 to Jan. 1856....Boston, 1856. 80 p. 8~. Pam. v.498. MARTIN, Matthew. Letter to..Lord Pelham on the state of mendicity in the metropolis. London (1803). 30 p. 8~. Pam. v. 429. MARTINt, Robert Montgomery. The British Colonial Library, comprising a popular and authentic description of all the colonies of the British Empire. London, Bohn, 1844. 10 v. 18~. Contents: VOL. 1. Upper and Lower Canada. VOL. 2. Austral-Asia; comprising New-South Wales, Van Diemen's Island, Swan River, South Australia. 1839. VOL. 3. Southern Africa; comprising the Cape of Good Hope, Mauritius, Seychelles, &c. 1843. VOL.4. The West-Indies; comprising Jamaica, Honduras, Trinidad, Tobago, Grenada, The Bahamas, and the Virgin Isles, v. 1. 1836. VOL. 5. West Indies; comprising British Guiana, Barbadoes, St.Vincent's, St.Lucia, Dominica, Montserrat, Antigua, &c. VOL.6. Nova Scotia, Cape Breton, the Sable Islands, New-Brunswick, Prince Edward Island, the Bermudas, New-Foundland, &c. 1737. VOL. 7. British Possessions in the Mediterranean; comprising Gibraltar, Malta, Gozo, and the Ionian Islands. 1837. VOL. 8, 9. Possessions of the East-India Company. 1837. VOL. 10. British Possessiohs in the Indian and Atlantic oceans, comprising Ceylon, Penang, Malacca, Sincapore, the Falkland islands, St.Helena, Ascension, Sierra Leone, the Gambia, Cape Coast Castle, &c. 1837. -- British Possessions... connected with England by the India and Australia Mail Steam-packet Co.... London, 1847. 58 p. 80. Pam. v.434. The Sugar Question in relation to free trade and protection. London, 1848. 21 p. 8~. Pam. v. 438. Railways —Past, present and prospective..2d edition. London, 1849. 82 p. 8~. Pam. v. 428. MARTIN, Thomas. Remarks occasioned by Lord Brougham's Paley's Natural Theology illustrated. London, 1836. 45 p. 80. Pam. v. 337. MARTINEA-Ut, Harriet. The Factory Controversy: a warning against meddling legislation.. Manchester, 1855. 50 p. 80. Pam. v. 429. MARTINETt, J. F. The Catechism of Nature; for the use of children.. From the Dutch...Enlarged by Rev. J. Joyce. 11th edition. London, 1818. 96 p. 180. Pam. v. 402. FIRST SUPPLEMENT. 519 MARTINI, C. D. A. Ueber die Einfiihrung der Christlichen Religion als Staatsreligion im Romischen Reiche durch den Kaiser Constantin. 1813. 48 p. See Koen. Baier. -Ak. Reden, v. 4. MARTINIUS, Mathias. Lexicon Philologicum prsecipue etymologicum, in quo latinse et a.latinis auct.oribus usurpatme turnm purse turnm barbara voces ex originibus declarantur, comparatione linguarum.... Bremae, 1623. fo. MARTINUS, Johannes.. Geestelycke Hert-sterckinge...xv praedicatien. Groningen, 1647. 180. MARTIUSt, Dr. C. Fr. Ph. v. Wegweiser fiir die Besucher des K. Botanischen Gartens in Miinchen..Minchen, 1852. 169 p. & plan. 12~. [MARTYNI, Benj.]. See Impartial Inquiry,j1741; Account showing... Colony of Georgia. 1741. MARTYRS to the Revolution in the British prison ships in the Wallabout Bay. New-York, 1855. 64 p. 8~. [MARtVELL, Andrew]. See Smirke (Mr.) on the Divine in mode, 1676-.. MARVIN, Dan. Utility of the Legal profession. Address..Law School of the Univ. of Albany, 1857. Albany, 1857. 8~. Pam. v., 5i14. MARYLANDt: AGRICULTURE. Third Report of J. Higgins,. Baltimore, 1853. 80. Pam. v. 273.- Sixth Report of J. Higgins... Annapolis, 1858. 96, xxii p. 8~. Pam v. 461. B-: ALTIMORE. Report of the Committee of grievances and Courts of justice of the House of Delegates of Maryland, on the subject of the recent, mobs and riots in the city of B:altimore; together with the depositions taken before the Committee. Annapolis, J. Green, 1813. 8~.: EDUCATION. Documents accompanying the Governor's Message of the 9th-Dec. 1822, respecting the proceedings of several States, upon the subject of appropriating public lands for the support of schools. Annapolis, 1823. 80. Pam. v. 279. -----: PENITENTIARY. Rules and Regulations. Baltimore, 1847. 8~. — Enlarged edition. Baltimore, 1853. 30 p. 80. Pam. v. 538. -----: POTOMAC RIVER. Report of the Commissioners appointed to survey the River Potomac. Annapolis, 1822. 80. Pam. v. 273. MARYLAND ACADEMY OF SCIENCE AND LITERATURE: Transactions. Vol. 1. Baltimore...1837. 190 p. 8~. MARYLANDt HOSPITAL for the Insane. Report of the Board of Visitors of: for the year 1852. Baltimore. 8~. Pam. v. 201. MARYLAND INSTITUTE for the Promotion of the mechanic arts. Charter, Constitution, 4c. Baltimore, 1854. 80. Pam. v. 275. Reports of the Board of Managers and Treasurer, 4th to the 11th. Baltimore, 1852-59. In 3 v. 80. Book of the Exhibition: 3d, 6th, 8th, 10th, 1850-57. Baltimore. 2 v. 8o.- 10th and llth Exhibitions, 1857, 59. See in, Reports. MARYLAND REGISTER, for 1860-61: A Legal, Political and Business manual by James Wingate, containing the State: and county officers...Baltimore, 1860. 12~. 520 GENERAL LIBRARY. MARYLAND STATE COLONIZATION SOCIETY, 3d Report.. Baltimore,. 1835.- Sixth Ann. meeting. Baltimore, 1838. 80. Pam. v. 462. MASON, Charles. Discourse, St.Peter's Church, Salem.. on the Death of the Rt. Rev. Alexander V. Griswold, D.D., Bishop of the Eastern Diocese, &c.... Salem, 1843. 80. Pam. v. 214. MASON, Prof. Cyrus. Oration, 13th Anniversary, American Institute. New-York, 1840. 8~. Pam. v. 518. MASON, Rev. D. H. An Essay on human depravity: to which is added a list of Old-school errors.....Philadelphia, 1846. 48 p. 80. Pam. v. 295. MASON (Erskine), D.D. Subject and Spirit of the Ministry: A Sermon, Synod of New-York, Newburgh, Oct. 16th, 1838. New-York, 1838. 8~. Pam. v. 94. Sermon, Signs of the Times, For. Miss. Soc. of N.Y. and Brooklyn. And Report. New-York, 1850. 8~. Pam. v. 525. MASON, George C. The Application of Art to manufactures.- With 150 illustrations. New-York, 1858. 344 p. 12~. MASON, G. H. Life with the Zulus of Natal, South Africa. By G. H. Mason of Sidney, Sussex College, Cambridge, and Pieter Maritzberg, Natal. London, 1855. 12~. MASONt, Rev. John. Self Knowledge: a Treatise shewing the nature and benefit of that important science, and the way to attain it..... (1745). Philadelphia...1801. 18~. Sermon, Fast, Duty in public danger: Ps. xlvi, 10. London, 1756.- Letter to a Friend upon his entrance on the ministerial office. London, 1753. Pam. v. 370. MASONt (John M.), D.D. Brief Outline of the mode of instruction pursued by: in the Theological Seminary lately under his care... By a Student of said Seminary. New-York, 1828. 8~. Pam. v. 279. MASON, Lowell. See Church Psalmody. The Modern Psalmist, a collection of church music.... Boston, 1839. ob. 8~. MASON, Susanna. Selections from the Letters and Manuscripts of.... with a brief memoir...Philadelphia, 1836. 312 p. 12". MASONt, William. Elegies. 2d edition. London, 1763. 22 p. 40. Pamin. v. 1012.- With MS. notes. MASON, William. Spiritual Treasury. In 2 v. No. 1. N.York, 1831. Portrait. 8~. Pam. v. 471. MASONIC MIRROR and MECHANICS' INTELLIGENCER. Weekly. Vol. 1, N~ 13, 1825, to Vol. 2, Dec. 23, 1826. Boston. 2 v. fo & 40. MASSACHUSETTSt: COLONY. See Plymouth Colony, Records. Extracts from the late Provincial Congress held at Cambridge in the months of Oct., Nov. and Dec. 1774. Also.... Feb. A.D. 1775. Boston, Edes & Gill, 1775. 14 p. 12~. --: AGRICULTURE. First, Second, Third, and Fourth Reports on the Agriculture of Massachusetts. By Henry Colman, Commissioner for the Agricultural Survey of the State. Legis. Docts. Boston, 1838, 39, 40, 41. 4 v. 84. Contents: FIRST SUPPLEMENT. 521 1st Report, County of Essex; 2d Report, County of Berkshire; 3d Report, On wheat and silk; 4th and last, Counties of Franklin and Middlesex. 3'd Ann. Report of the Sec. of the Board.... Boston, 1856. 149, xxxviii p.- 4th Report, 1857. 323, xxviii, 471 p. — 5th Report... with, Abstracts of the returns of the Agric. Society, 1857. Boston, 1858. 278, li, 367 p.- 3 v. 8~. --: ANATOMY. Report of the Select Committee of the House of Representatives of Massachusetts, on so much of the Governor's the June session, 1830, as relates to legalizing the study of anatomy. New-Haven, 1833. Pam. v. 271. --: BANKS. Annual Report of the Bank Commissioners, December 1856. Boston, 1856. Pam. v. 252.- The same, Dec. 1855; Sept. 18, 1857. Boston, 1856, 57. 8~. Pam. v. 464.. - -- Abstract, exhibiting the condition of the Banks...Aug. Ephraim M. Wright, Sec. Boston, 1855.- The same for 1855, 1856. 8S. Pam. v. 252. *-: (CAPE COD-HARBOR. Report of the Committee on. Boston, 1857. 26 p. 8~. Pam. v. 273, 529.: CENSUS. Abstract of.... to.... June 1855. With remarks on the same...Boston, 1857. xiii, 252 p. 8~. -: CONSTITUTION. Constitution......of 1853. Off. copy. Boston, 1853. 46 p. 80. Pamn. v. 527. The Constitutional Propositions adopted by the Convention of 1853.... and submitted to the people for their ratification. With an Address.-. Boston, 1853. 50 p. 80. Pam. v. 527.....- Discussions on the Constitution proposed to the people of Massachusetts by the Convention of 1853. Boston, 1854. 306 p. 80. Unofficial Letters or Addresses by Curtis, Hillard, Hoar, Morton, Adams and Palfrey.: EDUCATION. Fourth Ann. Rep. of the Board of Education, together with the Fourth Annual Report of the Secretary of the Board. Boston, 1811. 8~. Pam. v. 250.- 17th, 18th, 19th, 20th Reports. 1854-57. In 2 v. 8o. - --- -: Abstract of School Returns, 1832. 8~. Pam. v. 279..:. A Statement of the apportionment of the School Fund. 1838. Leg. Doct. 31 p. 80. Pam. v. 553..-..: - State Normal School for female teachers. Salem, 1858. Pam. v. 279....: Course of Training, &c., at the State Normal School, West-Newton; being the substance of the last two Reports of the Principal, July 1851. 8~. Pam. v. 190. ~ —: — Report of Committee on petitions of Tufts College, Wesleyan Academy and... Harvard University...and on the Museum of Natural History. Sen. Doct. March 7, 1859. 8~. Pam. v. 551. ----: ELECTIONS. Reports of Contested Elections, in the H. of R....for 1815. Dedham, 1816. 14 p. 8~. Pam. v. 526. -.: EMBARGO. Address to the People of Massachusetts. Adopted by the Legislature, March, 1809. 24 p. 8~. Pam. v. 197. [ SPPL.] 66 522. GENERAL LIBRARY. MASSACHIUSETTS (continued):: EMIGRATION. Report of the Commissioners of Alien passengers and foreign paupers, Jan. 1852.... 20 p. 8~. Pam. v. 492. --: FISH PROPAGATIbN. Report of Commissioners...concerning the artificial propagation of fish..Boston, 1857. 80. Pam. v. 275. FOREIGN RELATIONS. Important Report of a joint committee. on the subject of the foreign relations of the United States. NewYork, 1810. 16-p. 8S. Pam. v. 526. -: GEOLOGICAL SURVEY. Report of E. Hitchcock. Leg. Doe. 1853. 44 p. 8~. Pam. v. 551. ~: - ~Ichnology of New-England A Report on the sandstone of-the Connecticut valley, especially its fossil footmarks... By Ed. Hitchcock. Boston, 1858. 220 p., 60 plates. 4~.: HOSPITAL, at Rainsford Island. Third Ann. Rep. of the Inspectors, Jan. 27, 1857. 80. Pam. v. 243. - D: IDIOTIC AND FEEBLE-MINDED YOUTH. Constitution and ByLaws of the School. Boston, 1851. 8$. Pam. v. 166. Third and Final Report on the Experimental school for teaching and training idiotic children: also, the of the trustees of the Massachusetts school for:.... Cambridge, 1852. 8~. Pam. v. 218.- Fifth Report, 1853. Pam. v. 218.- Report, Ap. 12, 1856. Pam. v. 235. a —: INDIANS. tReport on the Memorials of the Seneca Indians.. Boston, 1840. 28 p. 8~0. Pam. v. 508. —: INDUSTRIAL SCHOOL FOR GIRLS. Proceedings at the Inauguration.. with addresses by H. B. Rogers, G. S. Boutwell, etc. Boston, 1856.- 2d Report..Lancaster. Boston, 1857. 8~0. Pam. v. 509. -: INSANE. Report on Insanity and Idiocy in Massachusetts, by the Commission on lunacy... Boston, 1855. Pain. v. 201. By-Laws established by the Trustees of the State Lunatic Hospital, in Worcester, 1848. Boston, 1848. Pam. v. 201.- 17th Annual Report, 1849. Pain. v. 165.- 21st, 22d Report, 1853, 54. Boston, 1854, 55. Pam. v. 201.- 24th Report, Dec. 1856. Boston, 1857. Pam. v. 243. - - Report of the Trustees of the State Lunatic Hospital, at Northampton, Decem. 24, 1856. Pain. v. 243. By-Laws of the State Lunatic Hospital, at Taunton, Mass, Taunton, 1854. — 1st Report of the Trustees, Nov. 30, 1854. Pam. v. 201.- 4th Report of Trustees, 1854. Pam. v. 510. -'-: INSURANCE. Returns and Statements of Foreign Insurance Companies, 1854. Boston, 1855. 51, xv p. 8~. Pam. v. 511.-2d Ann. Report, Dec. 1856. Boston, 1857. Pam. v. 239. -: LIBRARY. Annual Reports of the Librarian to the Legislature, Jan. 1852, 53, 54. Pam. v. 170.- Reports, Jan. 1855, 56, 57. Pain. v. 275. -: — Catalogue...Boston, 1858. 338 p. 8~.:E. G. LORING. Report of Joint Standing Committee on Fede ral relations.... on the case of Edward G. Loring in the A. Burns affair.. House Doct. 1855. 38 p. 80. Pam. v. 560. FIRST SUPPLEMENT. 523 --: MILITIA. Adjutant-General's Report, Dec. 31, 1854. Boston, 1855. 55 p. 8~. Pam. v. 521. ~-': PERSONAL LIBERTY BILL. Report of Joint Standing Committee on Federal relations, on..trial by jury and the writ of habeas corpus...Senate Doct. Ap.25, 1855. 21 p. 8~. Pam. v. 560. - --: PooR. Report of the Commissioners appointed..... Feb. 29, 1832, on the subject of the pauper system of Mass. Boston, 1833. 97 p. 80. Pam. v. 535. Returns relating to the Poor..Nov. 1, 1852. 20 p. Pam. v. 535..- -. Abstract of the Returns of the Overseers of the Poor... Nov. 1, 1850, 51, 56. Pam. v. 243. First, Second, Fourth, Report of the Inspectors of the State Alms-house at Bridgewater, 1854, 55, 57. Boston, 1855, 56, 57. Pam. v. 535.- Third Report, 1856. Boston, 1857. Pam. v. 243. --: By-Laws for the Government of the State Alms-houses, together with the statute laws establishing the same. Lowell, 1854. Pam. v.218. - - FiFirst Report of the Inspectors of the State Alms-house, at Monson, for the year ending Dec. 31, 1854. Boston, 1855. Pam. v. 218, 535.- Third Report, Dec. 1856. Boston, 1857. Pam. v. 243. - Fourth Report, Oct. 1857. Boston, 1857. Pam. v. 535. First Report of the Inspectors of the State Alms-house, at Tewksbury, Dec. 1854. Boston, 1855. Pamn. v. 218, 535.- Third Report, Dec.1856. Boston, 1856. Pam. v. 243. ---: PRISONS. Abstract of Returns of the Keepers of jails and Overseers of the houses of correction for the year ending Nov. 1, 1850, 1851, 1852. By the Sec. of State. Boston, 1850, 51, 53. 8~. Pam. v. 162. — The same for 1848, 1851, 1854, 1856. Pam. v. 245.- The same for the year ending Nov. 1, 1853. Boston, 1854. Pam. v. 191. Annual Report of the Attorney-General, of crimes, Feb. 1855. Boston, 1855. 48 p. 8~. Pam. v. 538. Abstract of Returns of Criminal Cases tried before justices of the peace and police courts throughout the Commonwealth, for the year ending Dec. 1855. Prepared by Francis Dewitt, Secretary of State. Boston, 1856. Pam. v. 245.- The same, Dec.1856, Sept. 1857. Boston, 1856, 57. Pam. v. 538. Laws... of the Massachusetts State Prison... Oct. 1829. Charleston, 1830. 112 p. 8o. Pam. v. 538. The Joint Standing Committee on inquire what change is necessary, if any, in the discipline at the State H. of R. May 16, 1857. 26 p. 80. Pam. v. 538. Annual Report of the Board of Inspectors of the Massachusetts State prison, Sept. 30, 1851, together with the Annual reports of the officers of the institution. Boston, 1852. Pam. v. 162.The same for Oct. 1, 1853, 1854, 1856. Boston, 1854, 55, 57. Pam. v. 245.- The same for Oct. 1, 1856, 1857. 8~. Pam. v. 538. --: RAILROADS. Report of the Board of Directors of internal improvements, on the practicability and expediency of a railroad from Boston to the Hudson river, and from Boston to Providence... ith plans and profiles. Boston, 1829. 8~. Pam. v.147. 524 GENERAL LIBRARY. MASSACHUSETTS, RAILROADS (continued): - ---- Report of Joint Special Comimittee.... on the Petition of the Troy & Greenfield Railroad Co., for a loan of the State credit to aid in the constructing of the Hoosac tunnel. April 13, 1853.- Reports on the samze, Ap. 12, 1856, & Ap. 9, 22, 1857. Pam. v. 257. Annual Reports of the Railroad Corporations in the State of Massachusetts for 1856. To which is added an Abstract of said returns... Boston, 1856. 8~. Pam. v. 256. -:REFORM SCHOOLS. Documents relating to the Massachusetts State Reform school, Jan. 1850. Sen. Doe. N~ 12. Pam. v. 159. Tenth Annual Report of the Trustees of the State Reform school at Westborough, together with the Annual Reports of the officers of the institution. Boston, 1854. Pam. v. 207.- 8th Report, Boston, 1855. Pam. v. 507.- 9th Report, Boston, 1856. Pam. v. 218.- 10th Report, Boston, 1857. Pam. v. 243.- 11th Report, 1857. Pam. v. 507. Report of the Commissioners appointed to consider the subject of Reform schools for girls. Transmitted to the Legislature by message of the Governor, March 5th, 1851. Pam. v. 162.- Report of the Commissioners; Plans. Boston, 1855. 66 p. 8~. Pam. v. 507. -- ~: SHERIFFS. Returns of the Sheriffs for the year ending 1859. 8~. Pam. v. 538. -: SOUTH-CAROLINA. Report, Resolves concerning the treatment of Samuel Hoar by South-Carolina; Declaration. Sen. Doct. 1845. 53 p. 80. Pam. v. 560. -: STATISTICS. Report of the Joint Special Committee....expediency of modifying the laws relating to the registration of births, marriages and deaths. Boston, 1849. 8~. Pam. v. 240. 12th, 13th, 14th Report....relating to the Registry and returns of births, marriages and deaths..year ending Dec. 31, 1853, I854, 1855. Boston, 1854, 55, 56. Pam. v. 240.- 12th Report, Pam. v. 564.- 12th, 13th Report. 2 v. 8~. - Statistical Information relating to certain branches of industry in Massachusetts, for the year ending June 1, 1855. Boston..1856. 8o. a —: TAXATION. Report of the make a valuation of the polls and property of the commonwealth.... Boston, 1850. 48 p. 8~. Pam. v. 565.: TEMPERANCE. Reports and Bills relating to spirituous liquors, March 6, 1839. 46 p. 80. Pam. v. 292. Report of Senate Committee on Petition.... for a law to suppress the traffic in intoxicating drinks. Feb. 14, 1852. 22 p. 8~. Pam. v. 292. - Report, H. of Rep., Relating to the....use of spirituous...liquors in the State House..March 2,1853..8~. Pam. v. 292. - - Report, 1H. of R., Amendments to Act of 1852, concerning the manufacture and sale of spirituous liquors. April 14, 1853. 80. Pam. v. 292. FIRST SUPPLEMENT. 525 An Act concerning the manufacture and sale of spirituous.liquors, May 22, 1852. 18~.- Pam. v. 630. Same Title, 1855. 8~. Pam. v. 292. - Report of the Joint Special Committee, to whom was recommitted the report and bill relating to the suppression of the evils of intemperance... Sen. Doc. Feb. 15, 1855. Pam. v. 234. --—: THANKSGIVING PROCLAMATION, J. Brooks, Gov. 1817. Newspapers, v. 16. --: TRIGONOMETRICAL SuRVEY. Report on, 1833. 8~. Pam. v. 205. ----: VIRGINIA. Message of the Governor, on State Resolutions returned from Virginia. March 14,.1844. 8 p. 80. Pam. v. 560. - WITNESSES. Report relating to the incompetency of witnesses on account of religious belief. C. Hudson, Chairman of Committee. Sen. Doct. Jan. 30, 1838. 58 p. 80. Pam. v. 528. MASSACHUSETTS COLLEGE OF PHARMACY. Constitution and By-laws. With a list of the members. Boston, 1851. 18~. Pam. v.. 89. MASSACHUSETTSt COLONIZATION SOCIETY. 6th, 14th Report, 1847, 1855. Boston. 80. Pam. v. 462. MASSACHUSETTSt GENERAL HOSPITAL. By-Laws, Rules and Regulation, acts and resolves. Boston, 1856. 80. Pam. v. 246. Report of the Board of Trustees..Jan. 1851, 54. Boston, 1851, 54. Pam. v. 210.'Report, Jan. 1854, 1855, 1856, 1857, 1858. Boston. 8~. Pam. v. 506.- Report, 1857. Pam. v. 243. MASSACHUSETTSt HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Proceedings. 1855-58; 185860. Selected from the records. Boston, 1859, 60. 2 v. 8~. Collections. 4th Series, Vol. III: William Bradford's History of Plymouth Plantation. Boston, 1856.- Vol. Iv. Miscellaneous. "Boston, 1858. 2 v. 80~. Catalogue of the Library. Bosion, 1859, 60. 732, 651 p. 2 v. 80. The Dowse Library. Proceedings....relating to the donations from Thomas Dowse, with the Eulogy of E. Everett. Boston: 1859. 80 p. 80. Report of the Proceedings at the annual meeting...With a Description of the Dowse Library. Boston Courier Press, 1859. 8 p. 8~. Pam. v. 254, 504. - respect to the Memory of WV. H. Prescott, Feb. 1, 1859. Boston, 1859. 80. MASSACHUSETTSt HORTICULTURAL SOCIETY. Constitution, etc. Boston, 18"29. 80. Pain. v. 505. Transactions: 1, Bye-Laws, etc.; 2, H. A. S. Dearborn, Address, Sept. 1829; 3, Zebedee Cook jr., Address, Sept. 1830. With notice of the Anniversaries. In 1 v. 8~. MASSACHUSETTS MEDICAL COLLEGE. See Harvard University. MASSACHUSETTSt M1EDICAL SOCIETY. Fellows of, 1787-1854, alphabetically arranged. Boston, 1855. 8~. Pam. v. 89, 210. MASSACHUSETTS [Home ] MISSIONARY SOCIETY. 31st, 37th, 43d, 46th, 51st Report. Boston, 1830-50. 8~. Pam. v. 524. 526 GENERAL LIBRARY. MASSACHUSETTS, NEW-HAMPSHIRE, RHODE-ISLAND, CONNECTICUT & VERMONT ALMANACK. I. Bickerstaffe. Boston, 1794. 120. Alm. v. 19. MASSACHUSETTS PEACE SOCIETY. Constitution.- 3d Report. Boston, 1816. 12 p. 80. Pam. v. 509. MASSACHUSETTSt REGISTER and United States Calendar for 1801. Boston. J. West, Manning and Loring. 1 v. 18~. — Massachusetts Register or Record book of valuable information, for 1834, 1841. 2 v. 18~.- Massachusetts Register: a State record, 1852, 1854, 1855, 1858. Nos. 86, 88, 89, 92...Boston. 4 v. 8~.- 7 v. MASSACHUSETTS SABBATH SCHOOL SOCIETY. First, Fifth, Seventh, Eighth, Ninth, Tenth, Twelfth, Thirteenth, Fifteenth, Sixteenth, Twentieth Annual Report, 1833-1852. Boston. 8~. Pam. v. 289. — 22d Report, 1854. Pam. v. 198. Plans and Objects....Addresses by Rev. J. P. Langworthy and C. T. Russell, esq...1848. 12~. Pam. v. 289. MASSACHUSETTS SOCIETY for promoting Agriculture. Papers on Agriculture. Boston, 1803. 95 p. 8~. Pam. v. 505. MASSACHUSETTS SOCIETY for promoting Christian Knowledge: Constitution. Charlestown, 1803. 16 p. 8~.- Report, 1832. Boston. 12 p. 8$. Pam. v. 524. MASSACHUSETTS SOCIETY for the Suppression of intemperance. 14th, 21st Report. Boston, 1827, 34. 120. Pam. v. 291.. MIIASSACHUSETTSt (Thomas's) SPY. Vol. 14, Feb. 24, 1785; Vol. 19, Mar. 11, 25, Ap. 1, 7, 15, 29, M]ay 20, June 10, Oct. 14, 21, 1790. See Massachusetts Spy. Cat. 1855.- Nov. 17, 1802. Newsp. v. 15. MASSACHIUSETTS TEMPERANCE SOCIETY. NO. 2. Making Money by selling rum. 1834.- No. 5. Plain Facts addressed to the inhabitants of Boston, on the city expenses.... 1834. Boston. 8, 28 p. 120. Pam. v. 630. [MASSIE, John]. See Letter to B. Cleeve on...taxes. 1757. MASSEYt, William. A History of England during the reign of George the Third. Vol. II, 1770-1780. London, 1858. 8~. MASSON, Joannes. C. Plinii Junioris Vita ordine chronologico... Amstelodami, 1709. 18~. MASSON-FoUR, P. A. Salles d'asile pour l'enfance. Premieres legons d'histoire naturelle...Culture et emploi du ble. Paris, 1836. 56 p. 8~. Pain. v. 278. MATERNAL (The) PHYSICIAN: A Treatise on the nature and manage-. ment of infants.. By an American Matron. New-York..Isaac Riley, 1811. 294 p. 12~. MATHETMATICAL ( The) MONTHLY. Edited by J. D. Kunkle...Vol. I, Oct. 1858 - Sept. 1859. Cambridge, Mass. 4~. MATHERt (Cotton), D.D., F.R.S. The Life and Death of the Reverend Mr. John Eliot, who was the first preacher of the Gospel to the Indians in America.... **. 3d ed. carefully corrected. London, Printed for John Dunton...1694. 168 p. 18~. FIRST SUPPLEMENT. 527 [-]- Psalteriumn Americanum. The Book of Psalms, in a translation exactly conformed to the original; but all in blank verse, fitted unto the tunes commonly used in our churches.. Whereto are added some other portions of the Sacred Scripture, to enrich the Cantonal. Boston: in N.E.... 1718. 120. - Wonders of the Invisible World; being an Account of several witches lately executed in New-England......1693. Repr. See Fowler, S. P. India Christiana, delivered unto the Commissioners for the Propagation of the Gospel among the' American Indians....Boston, B. Green, 1721. iv, 94 p. 18~. MATHER, Increase. Remarkable Providences illustrative of the earlier days of American colonization..... With introd. preface by George Offor. London, J. R. Smith, 1856. 18~. - Elijah's Mantle. A faithful testimony to New-England, containing: I, The great end and interest of New-England, by....Mr. J. Mitchel... 1662; II', The Cause of Mr. J. Higginson.... 1663; III, New-England's true W. Stoughton.... iv, The Testimony finished by Dr. I. Mather...Boston, N. Co(verly, 1774. 31 p. 8~. - Repr. from 1722. With extract from Mr. Norton. Life and Death of...Mr. Richard Mather....Cadmbridge, N.E. 1670. See Dorchester Ant. Soc. Coll. [ — ] See Revolution in N.E. justified, 1690. IMATHER, J. C. Speech, N.Y. Sen. on Repeal of the Metropolitan Police Law. Albany, 1858. 14 p.- Speech, on the Bill authorizing the N.Y. Prot. Epis. Public School to sell a part of their lands. Albany, 1859. 9 p. Pam. v. 530. MATHERt, Samuel. An Apology for the liberties of the churches of New-England. To which is prefixed a discourse concerning congregational churches. By Samuel Mather, M.A., Pastor...Boston, N. E. 12. Boston, Fleet, 1738. 216 p. 8~. MATHERt, W. W. Artesian Well, Columbus. See Ohio. MATHEWS (A. I.) & Co. Hints on various subjects connected with our business... Buffalo... 1856. 120. MATHEWSt (J. M.), D.D. Fifty Years in New-York: a semi-centennial discourse preached in the South Dutch Church. New-York, 1858. 48 p. 8S. Pam. v. 504. [M3ATHIASt, T. J.]. The Pursuits of Literature, a satirical poem in four dialogues with notes ~*'**. 13th edition. With the citations translated. London, 1805. 8~. See Componimenti lirici do' Poeti d'Italia. Canzoni Toscane di: (4). Londra, 1808. 4~. Pam. v. 1016. - Catalogue of Library of:.... auction, London, 1820. 89 p. 8~. Cat. v. 96. MATHIESON (Alexander), D.D. Discourse delivered on board the transport ship Java, off the ist Battalion of the 71st Highland Light Infantry.. Montreal, 1843. S~. Pam. v, 270. 528 GENERAL LIBRARY. MATHIESON (Alexander): ----- The Moral and Religious influences of autumn. A Sermon..... Saint'Andrew's Church, Montreal, 1849. Montreal, 1850. Pam. v. 270. - Sermon, Death of Hugh Brodie, esq.: Acts ii, 24. Montreal, 18m5. 8~. Pami. v. 555. MATSON, John. A Free Trade Farmer's speech on protection, May 8, 1850. London. 16 p. 8~. Pam. v. 425. MATTESON (O. B.), of N.Y. Speech, U.S. E. of R., on the cheap postage bill. Washington, 1851. 15 p. 80. Pam. v. 522. MATTHEWS, Rev. Lyman. Memoir of the Life and character of Ebenezer Porter, D.D., late Pres. of the Theol. Sem. Andover. Boston, 1837. 120. MATIHI.E, A. A copious Greek Grammar...Trans. from the'German by E. V. Blomfield... 2d edition. Cambridge, 1820. 2 v. 8~. MATTISON, Rev. H. Sermon, Death of Rev. Squire Chase, late Missionary to Africa, preached.....Watertown, N.Y. 1843. 8~. Pam. v. 554. - Spirit Rapping unveiled! An Expose.... of certain alleged communications from the spirit woirld...New-York, 1853. 192 p. 12~. MATURINt, Rev. Charles R. Bertram; or the Castle of St.Aldobrand: a Tragedy. 2d edition. London, 1816. 8~0. Pam. v. 396. Five Sermons, on the Errors of the Roman Catholic Church.... Dnblin, 1824. 163 p..8. Pam. v. 345. MATURIN (G.) and Capt. J. CATES. Catalogue of Libraries of.... auction, London, 1841. 70 p. 80. Cat. v. 95. M-iTZNER, Eduard. Altfranzdsische Lieder, berichtigt und erliutert mit bezugname auf die Provenzalische, Altitalienische und Mittelhochdeutsche Liederdichtung, nebst einemAltfranzbsischen Glossar. Berlin, 1853. 384 p. 8~. iMAUDUITt, Israel. A Short View of the History of the Colony of Massachusetts Bay.... 3d edition. -To which is now added the original charter..London, 1774. 93 p. 8~. [ - ]. See Howe (W.), Remarks upon Gen. Howe's account, 1778; Observations on the conduct of Sir W. Howe, 1779. Cat. 1855. MAULE, Bp. Henry. God's Goodness visible in our deliverance from Popery... a sermon at Dublin, Oct. 23, 1733: Ps. cxxiv, 5. With, Account of the massacres, 1641. London, 1735. 80. Pam. v. 368. MAUNDRELL', Henry. Sermon, before Levant Company, December 15, 1695. London, 1696. 4~. Pam. v. 361. MAUlRER, Georg Ludwig. Ueber die Bayrischen Stadte und ihre Verfassung unter der Romischen und Frankischen Herrschaft, 1829. 27 p. See Koen. Baier. Ak. Reden, v. 4. MAURICE (Henry), D.D. Sermon before the King, Jan. 30, 1681: Is. xxxvii, 3. London. 40. Pam. v. 360. [-]. See Doubts concerning Roman infallibility, 1688. FIRST SUPPLEMENT. 529 MAURICE, Rev. Peter. The True Causes of the contempt of christian ministers, a Sermon... Tit. ii, 15, Oxford. With a preface in vindication of it against the censure..London, 1729.- 8. Pam. v. 368. Popery in Oxford. Oxford, 1833. 23 p. 80~. Pamn. v. 331. The Popery of Oxford confronted, disavowed and repudiated... Appendix I, Popery in Oxford. 2d edition; Appendix II, A Sermon ( Tit. ii, 15)...with a preface; Appendix III. London, 1837. xiv, 88, 72 p. 8~. Pam. v. 331. L MAURICEt, Thomas]. An Elegiac and Historical poem, sacred to the memory and virtues of Sir William Jones. London, 1795. 44 p. 4~. Pam. v. 1012. The Crisis, or the British muse to the British minister and nation.. London, 1798. 32 p. 40. Pam. v. 1012. The Crisis of Britain... addressed to the Rlt. Hon. William Pitt...1798, and now republished.... London, 1803. 40~. Pam. v. 1012. Elegiac Lines sacred to the Memory of Thomas Hope, esq. Lond. 1811. 6 p. 4~. Pam. v. 1012. M.AURY, L. F. Alfred. La Terre et l'Hommce, ou Aperqu historique do geologie, de geographie et d'ethnologie generales-... ( Duruy Hist. Univ.). Paris, 1857. 601 p. 12~. - Rapport fait le 16 Dec. 1859, a la 2e Assem. gen. ann. de la Soc. de Geographie, sur ses travaux et sur les progrds des sciences geographiques pendant 1859.. Paris, 1860. 8~. MAURYt, Lieut. M. F. Astronomical Observations made during the year 1848, at the U.S. N(aval) Observatory, Washington, under the direction of:... Vol. Iv. Washington..1856. 4~. ---- lMaury's Wind and Current charts; Gales in the Atlantic. Observatory, Washington, May 1857. Plates. Jan. to Dec. 1 v. 4~. The Physical Geography of the Sea... An entirely new edition, with addenda. New-York..1857. xxiv, 360 p. & maps. 8~. MiAVOR, William. A General Collection of Voyages and travels, from the discovery of America to the commencement of the nineteenth century. 2d edition? London, 1810. 28 v. 18~. MAWSON, Mathias. - Sermon, Soc. Prop. Gospel, Anniversary, 1742, 3. London, 1743. 4~. Pam. v. 1006. MAXCYt (Jonathan), D.D. A Discourse, South-Carolina College, July 4th, A.D. 1819. 2d edition. Columbia, S.C. 1819. 8~. Pam. v. 441. MAXIMUS. Ma~qtov Tvptov Aoyot. Maxinmi Tyrii dissertationes: ex interp. D. Heinsii. Recen. et not. illustravit J. Davisius. Cantabrigise, 1703. 8'. MAXWELL, William. A Memoir of Rev. John H. Rice, D.D., Prof... Union Theol. Sem. Va. Philadelphia, 1835. 12~. MIAY, A. A Practical Grammar of the Swedish language, with reading and writing exercises... 2d edition. Stockholm. 120. MAY, Rev. Samuel J. Speech, Convention of citizens of Onondaga co., Syracuse, Oct. 14th, 1851, Called to consider the principles of- thl American Government, and the Fugitive slave law, &c. 8~. Pam v. 193. [ SPPL.] 67 530 GENERAL LIBRARY. MAY, Rev. Samuel J.: * —-- The Revival of Education. An Address, Normal Association, Bridgewater, Mass. Syracuse, 1855. 8~. Pam. v. 215, 491. The Second Revolution. The Maine Law. An Oration, Dryden, Tompkins co., July 4, 1855. Syracuse, IN.Y. 20 p. 80. Pam. v. 532. - Liberty or Slavery the only question: Oration, July 4, Jamestown, N.Y. Syracuse, 1856. 18~. Pam. v. 626. MAY, Thomas. The History of the Parliament of England, which began Nov. 3, 1640...Oxford, 1854. 8~. MAY, Thomas E. facilitate the dispatch of public business in Parliament...London, 1849. 36 p. 80. Pam. v. 415. MAYERt, Brantz. Mexico, Aztec, Spanish and Republican:... to the present time: with a view of the ancient Aztec empire and civilization:.... Hartford, Conn. 1853. 2 v. 8~. --- - Mexico as it was and as it is.. 3d edition. Baltimore, 1846. xv, 74 p. 8~. Mexican Archaeology. See Smithson. Contr. v. 9. MAYER (P. F.), D.D. Sermon of the..first Pastor of the Evan. Luth. church of St.John..... October 5, 1856; the fiftieth anniversary of his pastoral charge. Philadelphia, 1856. 8~. Pam. v. 267. MAYERNE-TU:RQUETt, Louis De. The General Historie of Spaine, containing all the memorable things that have past in the Realmes of Castille, Leon, Nauarre, Arragon, Portugall, Granado, &c... unto the year 1583. Trans. into English, and continued unto these times by Ed. Grimestone, esq. London..Anno Dom. 1612. f. MAYHEW (Jonathan), D.D. Seven Sermons at a Lecture in Boston. Boston, 1749. 157 p. 40~. A Discourse concerning unlimited submission and non-resistance to the higher powers, with some reflections on the resistance made to Charles I...Boston, 1750. See Thornton, J. W. Sermons upon the followings subjects, viz. On hearing the word, etc.... Boston, 1755. 510 p. 1 v. 8~. - Practical Discourses delivered on occasion of the earthquakes in November 1755..... 13 sermons. Boston, 1760. 377 p. — With, Two Sermons preached in Boston, N.E., on the Lord's day, November 23, 1755; occasioned by the earthquakes...70, 5 p. Boston, 1755. In 1 v. 8~. Remarks on an anonymous tract, entitled An Answer to Dr. M[ayhew's Observations on..the Society for the Propagation of the Gospel in foreign parts...being a second defence....Boston, 1764. 87 p. 8. MAYNE, William E. The Field and the Factory: A Poem in two cantos. With notes...London, 1849. ix, 30 p. 8~. Pam. v. 398. MAYO, Rev. A. D. [Addresses and Discourses collected] in 1 v. 8~. Contents Sermon on Daniel Webster, Gloucester, Massachusetts, 1852. Pedantry and Power: An Address, State Normal School, Albany, 1856. also Paim. v. 237. FIRST SUPPLEMENT. 531 The Death Penalty: A Sermon, Cleveland, 0. 1855.The Gold Dollar: A Discourse, Albany, 1857. Theology in America: A Sermon, Albany, 1857. The Capitol; or the Higher law: A Lecture, Albany, 1858. The Loss of the Central America: A Discourse, Albany, Sept. 20, 1858. Newsp. slips. Man and his Modern inventions: A Discourse, Albany, 1858. The Revival of Religion: A Discourse, 1858. The American Cemetery: An Address, Dedication of Greenhill Cemetery, Amsterdam, N.Y. 1858. Also Pam. v. 478. Tracts for the Times... No. 1, Liberal Christianity; No. 3, Liberal Christianity a practical religion; No. 6, What is infidelity?; No. 11, The Great Reformation of the nineteenth century, 1859.- Vol. II, No. 3, A Religious experience, 1860. The Personal Liberty bill: An Address to the Legislature, Albany, 1859. Christianity and Sectarianism: An Address, Liberal Christian Convention, Cairo, N.Y. Also the- Proceedings. Albany, 1859. Herod, John and Jesus; or American slavery and its Christian cure: A Sermon, 1860. Letter to the Yearly Meeting of Progressive Friends, Longwood, Chester county, Pa. 1857. [MAYO, Rev. lR.]. See Conference betwixt Papist, etc. 1678. MAYOt (Robert), M.D. The Affidavit of Andrew Jackson, taken by the defendants in the suit of Robert Mayo vs. Blair & Rives, for a libel, analysed and refuted. Third edition, with supplementary notes:. Washington City, 1840. 80 p. 8~. Pam. v. 194. MIAYOR, Cha. Revival of the Church, Ordination Sermon: Matt. x, 6. London, 1842. 8~. Pam. v. 378. MAZUJRE, P. A. Legons Instructives et morales sur l'industrie. Paris, Delalain, 1848. 18~. MAZUY, A. Types et Caraete'res anciens d'apres des documents peints ou enrits. Dessins par Th. Fragonard et Dufey. Texte par M. A. Mazuy. Paris, 1841. 86 p. & 20 plates. 1 v. 4~. [ MAZZINI], G.] See Italia del Popolo, Periodical. MEACHAM (J.), of Vt. Speech, U.S. H. of R., Feb. 15,1854, against the Nebraska and Kansas territorial bill. 80. Pam. v. 206. MEADt (Richard), M/i.D. Bibliotheca Meadiana; sive Catalogus librorum.. qui prostabunt venales sub hasta..18 Nov. 1754.. Londini, 242 p. 8o. With prices in MS. MEADE, Bp. William. Rightly dividing the Word of truth: A Charge to the clergy. Richmond, Va. 1848. 80 p. 8~. Pam. v. 543. Old Churches, Ministers and Families of Virginia: By Bishop Meade. In two vol. Philadelphia, 1857. 2 v. 8~. [MEADS, O.]. See What ought the Diocese to do. MIEADVILLEt TIHELOGICAL SCHOOL. A Report, by the Rev. Rufus P. Stebbins, to the Executive Committee of the American Unitarian Association. Boston, 1845. 16 p. 120.- Pam. v. 279.- Annual Catalogue, 1851-2, 1852-3. Meadville, Pa. Pam-. v. 212.- Catalogue, 1857, 58. Meadville, 1858, 58. 8~. Pam. v. 294. 532 GENERAL LIBRARY. MEANS, Rev. James H. Duties of Parents in aid of the teacher: A Lecture.. Boston, 1852. 12". Pam. v. 605. MECATTI, G. M. Racconto Storico-filosofico del Yesuvio, e particolarilente di quanto 6 occorso in quest' ultima eruziono principiato il di 25 ottobre 1751......In Napoli, 1752. 411 p. 4~. MECHANICS' AND TRADERS' BANK of New-Orleans: Act to incorporate. New-Orleans, 1833. 8~. Pam. v. 464. MECHANICS' BANK of the City of New-York: Statement... January 1843. Pain. v. 464. MECHANICS' INSTITUTE of Montreal: Report, 5th Nov. 1855. Montreal, 1855. 8~. Pam. v. 260. MECHANICS' MAGAZINE: Vol. 60, Jan. 7, 1854 - Vol. 69, Dec. 1858. 10 v. 8.- New series, Vol. 1, Jan. - June 1859. 40~. London. 11 v. 3MECHANICS' MUTUAL PROTECTION: Proceedings of the Grand Convention of M.M.P. of the U.S.A., at the annual session held in the City of Buffalo, Jan. 20 - 24, 1847. 8~. Pain. v. 260. MECHANICS' MUTUAL PROTECTION of Southern New:York: Proceedings of the Annual Convention of the M.M.P. of S.N.Y., held at Syracuse, Aug. 13, 14 & 15, 1850. N.York, 1850. 80. Pam. v. 230. MECHI, I. J. A Second paper on British agriculture, with an account of his own operations at Tiptree Hall farm...1851. London. 44 p. 8~. Panm. v. 430. MECHI, J. J. Liquid Manure. See Stickhardt. MEDECIN (Le) DES HOMMES, depuis la puberte jusqu'a l'extreme vieillesse ~** By J. Goulin and A. Jourdain. A Paris...1772. 18~. MEDECINE EXPERIMENTALE, on Rtesultat de nouvelles observations pratiques et anatomiques ~** By M. Thierry. A Paris..1755. 180. MEDICAL AND PHYSICAL SOCIETY of Bombay. Transactions. Vol. I. Bombay, Printed at the American Mission Press, 1838. 8~. MIEDICALt ASSOCIATION of Southern Central New-York. Transactions, Ithaca, June 1853; Homer, June 1854; Elmira, 1855; 1 v. Binghamton, 1856; Oswego, 1857. 1 v. 2 v. 8~. MEDICAL' COLLEGE of Louisiana. Annual Circular...1838 and 1839. 8~. Pam. v. 156. MEDICAL CONVENTION of Virginia. Proceedings, Dec. 1846. With Address of Dr. William A. Patterson. Richmond, 1846. 80. Pam. v. 89. MEDICAL DELEGATES. Proceedings of a Convention Northampton, Mass., June 20, 1827. Boston, 1827. 80. Pam. v. 196, 271. MEDICAL INSTITUTE of Louisville, Ky. Catalogue, Sessions 1839-40, 1841-42. Louisville. 8~. Pam. v. 156. MEDICAL (A) MAN'S Plea for a winter garden in the Crystal Palace. London, 1851. 16 p. 8~. Pam. v. 404. MEDICAL SCHOOL of Maine. See Bowdoin College. MEDICALt SOCIETY of the State of New-York. Laws and By-Laws, with the Rules of order, medical ethics, &c. Albany, 1857. 8~. Pain. v. 246. FIRST SUPPLEMENT. 533 Transactions for the years 1855, 56, 57. 1 v. (Vol. 10).- Transactions for the year 1858. 655 p. 1 v. Albany. 2 v. 8~. Semi-Centennial Anniversary, February 4, 1857. Albany, 1857. Pam. v. 246. MEDICALt SOCIETY of the State of Pennsylvania. Proceedings of the Convention, held in- Lancaster, April 1848, and Constitution.... Lancaster, 1848. 8~. Pam. v. 196. MEDICAL (The) TIMIES. A Journal of English and Foreign Medicine, and Miscellany of medical affairs: Vol. 1, October 1839 - Vol. 21, June 29, 1850. London. 21 v. in 13.40. - AND GAZETTE. A Journal of Medical Science, Literature, Criticism and News. New series: Vol. 1, July 1850 - Vol. 39, July 1859. London. 18 v. 4~. - The Pharmaceutical Repertory; containing the Improvements in chemistry, pharmacy and materia medica: Vol. 1, June 1844 - Jan. 1846. Pharmaceutical Numbers. 1 v. 4~. The Medical Times Pharmaceutical numbers. New series: No. 1, Feb. 1846. — Vol. 2, No. 8, Sept. 1846, 1 v.; No. 57, Vol. 3, Oct. 2, 1847; No. 69, Vol. 3, Dec. 25, 1847, 1 v. Lettered, Vol. 2, 3. 2 v. 4. MErDICEO-LAJRENTINIAN LIBRARY. MSS., etc. See Biscioni, A. M. MEDICO-CHIRURGICAL (The) REVIEW, and Journal of Practical Medicine ( Formerly of "Medical Science")....Conducted by associated physicians, and surgeons and superintended by James Johnson...(Analytical series), 1820 to 1841. London. 39 v. 8~. MIIDINGt, Henri-. L'Acad6mie Imperiale Leopoldino-Carolina des Naturalistes....d'apres les documents officiels....&c. &c.- Par H. L. Me6ding, D.M. 2 6edit:on. Paris, 1854. 32 p. 80. Pam. v. 222. Bibliotheque du Paris M6dical. Enseignement et Bibliographie de la iMedecine....(Extrait et continuation jusqu'a l'ann6e 1851 du IIe tome de Paris Medical...). Paris...1855. 18~. MEDINA ACADEMY. 1Burroughsian Lyceum: Constitution. Buffalo, 1853. 8~. Pam. v. 513. MEDRANO, S. F. de. Breve Descripcion del Mundo, y sus partes, 5 guia geographica, y hydrographica....Por el Capitan D. Sebastian Fernandez de Medrano, Maestro de los estados de Flandes. En Brusselas..1686. 18~. MEECH, L. W. On the Relative Intensity of the heat and light of the sun, &c. See Smithson. Contr. v. 9. MEEK, F. B. Descriptions of New Species and Genera of Fossils, collected by Dr. F. V. Hayden, in Nebraska territory....By F. B. M. and F. V. H. [-From Proc. Ac. Nat. Sci. of Philadelphia]. Phil'a, 1857. 34 p. 8~. Pam. v. 551. MEEKER, C. H. Translator. See Rausse, Graeffenberg Water Cure. MEERMAN, Gerard. Conspectus Originum Typographicarum, a Meermanno proxime in lucem edendarum. In usum amicorum typis descriptus, 1761. 88 p.- With...Admonitio de Chartas nostratis, seu linewe origine. Jan. 1762. 8 p.- And, Meerman et Doctorum virorum ad eum epistolve atque observationes de chartee vulgaris seu 534. GENERALw LIBRARY. MEERMAN, Gerard: lineve origine. Edidit ac praefatione instruxit J. Van Vaasen. HagaeCorn. 1767. 229 p. and index. In 1 v. 80. Origines Typographicae. Tomus prior; Tomus alter "". HiagaCorn. 1765. 260, 312 p. In 1 v. 4~. ---- Uitvinding der Boekdrukkunst,.i... met ene voorreden en aantekeningen van Henrik Gockinga. Hierachter is gevoegt ene Lyst der Boeken, in de Nederlanden gedrukt voor't jaar MD. Opgestelt door Jakob Visser. Amsteldam, 1767. xvi, 118: 67 p. 4~. Invention of Printing. See Bowyer, W. MEERMANN, Joannes. Bibliotheca Meermanniana; sive Catalogus Librorum imnpressorum et Codclicu mannscriptorum, quos..collegerunt.. G. et J. Meermann... quorum publica fiet auctio die 8 sqq. J unii 1824. Hagse-Com. Vol. I, II, III, Iv; and Prix des livres. In 2 v. 80. MEGAPOLENSIS, Joh. Korte Ontwerp van de lMahakuase Indianen. Amst. 1651. Trans. in N.Y. Hist. Soc. Collections, S. 2, v. 3. MEGGOTT (Richard), D.D. Sermon, St.Paul's Church: Prov. xix, 2. London, 1676. 4~. Pam. v. 1005. Sermon, Lent, March 16, 1683: Eccl. iii, 21. London. 4~.- Pamin v. 360. MIEIJER, Dr. Moritz....Gronden der Krijgskundige Scheikunde voor de kadetten der artillerie.... Naar het Hoogduitsch. Breda, 1840. 138 p. 120. MEINERS, Christopher. HIistoire de l'Origine, des progres et de la decadence des sciences dans la Grece. Trad. de l'allemand....par J. Ch. Laveaux. Paris, An vii (1798). 5 v. 8~. MEINERS, Eduard. Jesus der Uitverkorenen Geneesmeester. Amsteldam ( 1725?). 62 p. 180. Pain. v. 633. MEIssAs, A. Questionnaire sur la Carte de la France.....6me edition. Paris, 1858. 36 p. 180. Pam. v. 625. MEJAN, Count. See Berlin, Verzeichniss von Incunabeln, etc. MELA, P. Pomponii Melse libri tres de situ orbis, cum Obs. I. Vossii..Ed. sec. With I. Vossii..Appendix. Franekers, 1700. 419, 70 p. and ind. 18~. MELCY, Adrien de. Nouveau Recueil de compliments, lettres....proverbes, etc. pour fetes..Paris, Delalain, 1856. 18~. MEAHI- EHMEPIA: Poems. Oxford, printed for the author, 1783. 36 p. 40~. Pam. v. 1013. MELIORA: A Quarterly Review of social science in its ethical, economical, political and ameliorative aspects. London, 1859. 8~. MELISH1', John. The Traveller's Directory through the United States...Philadelphia, 1815. 100 p. 120. With a map. - The Traveller's Directory through the United States; containing a description of all the principal roads.... A Census...New-York, 1825. 120. — WTith, A Statistical View of the United States, containing a geographical description..New-York, 1825. 39 p. 120. In I v. 12~. FIRST SUPPLEMENT. 535 MELTON, E. Eduward Meltons, Engelsch Edelmans, Zeldzaame en gedenkwaardige Zee- en Land-Reizen; door Egypten, West Indien, Perzien, Turkyen, Oost Indien, en d'aangrenzende gewesten..166077. Vertaald.... en met....Figuuren versierd. Amsterdam, 1681. 495 p. 4o. MELVILL, Henry. The Prayer of Habakkuk: A Sermon.- The danger of uninterrupted prosperity: A Sermon.- Christian Resemblance to Christ: A Sermon, March - December 1853. London...Serial. 8~. Pam. v. 558..MELVILLE, Herbert S. Narrow gauge speedier than broad gauge railways, as well as cheaper. London, 1846. 15 p. 8o. Pam. v. 428. MELVILLE, J. The MIaster of Langford; or, the Treacherous Guest.. New-York, 1846. 100 p. 80. Pan. v. 496. MELVIN, James. A Journal of the Expedition to Quebec in the year 1775, under the command of Col. Benedict Arnold.....New-York, 1857. 30 p. 8~. [ MELYN, C.]. Breeden Raedt. See Vertoogh, etc. MELZI, Gaetano. Bibliografia dei Romanzi e Poemi cavallereschi italiani. Seconda edizione, corretta ed accresciuta. Milano, 1838. 380 p.8~. MEMOIR on the Reconnaissance of rivers, for the use of' " L'Ecole d'application du Corps Royal d'Etat-Major. Second edition. Paris, 1837. Trans. by Liexit. M. R. Palmer, U.S. Corps of Top. Engineers. Philadelphia, 1843. 31 p. 8~. Pam. v. 205. MeMOIRES pour servir a l'histoire des dix-huitieme et dix-neuvieme siecles. En 25 vol. 1834.- Relation du Voyage de Louis XVI et de sa famille a Varennes, par Mme la Duchesse d'Angoulemle; avec des notes historiques et biographiques. With, Relation'du... Voyage de Louis XVI. See Angoulime, D'. MEMOIRS of Distinguished Americans. Illustrated ~with portraits on steel. New-York, Casilear, Nov. 1853. 48 p. 8'. Pam. v. 254. MEMORANDA on Irish Matters, by obscure men of good intention***. Part I, The rules of Irish promotion.. Dublin, 1844. 85 p. 80. Pam. v. 1011. MEMORIA sobre as Colonias de Portugal, d'Africa, 1814. See Saldanha da Gama, A. De. MEMORIAL and Remonstrance of the public creditors, who are citizens of the Commonwealth of the Senate and H. of R. of the U.S.A. in Congress..(1790?). 2S p. 12. Pain. v. 498. MEMORIAL (A) and Representation, of a numerous meeting of merchants, traders and citizens of the City of New-York, to the Hon. the Legislature of the State of New-York, on the Merchants' Bank, 1804. Albany, C. R. & G. Webster. 8 p. 8~. Pam. v. 197. IEMOARIAL of the Manufacturers of salt in Kanawha county, Virginia, praying for a restoration of the duty on salt: Addressed to the Senate and House of Rep. of U.S. Kanawha C.H., Va. 1830. 8~. Pam. v. 205. MEMORIAL of the State of England. See [ Toland, J.]. 536 GENERAL LIBRARY. MEMORIAL of the Subscribers... Philadelphia, mechanics employed in the manufacture of Congress (1830?). 8 p. 40. Pam. v. 1014. MEMORIAL PAPERS.- The Memorial; with Circular and Questions of the Episcopal Commission; Report of the Commission; Contributions of the Commissioners; and Communications from Episcopal and Non-Episcopal Divines. With an Introduction by Rt. Rev. A. Potter, D.D., one of the Commissioners. Philadelphia.... 1857. 444 p. 12~. MEMORIAL (A) to the Legislature of New-York, upon the effects of the passage of the trade of the western states through the Welland and Oswego canals.... [ Signed F. Whittlesey et al.]. Rochester, 1845. 24 p. 8~. Pam.. 477. MEMORIAL (A) to the Legislature of the State of New-York upon the present state of the canals; the necessity of their enlargement.... Jan. 24, 1857. 15 p. 8~. Pam. v. 258, 477. -IMEMPHIS MEDICAL COLLEGE. Announcement and Circular, 1855-56..and Catalogue, 1854-55. Memphis, Tenn. 1855. 8~. Pam. v. 196. MtNAGE, Gilles. Anti-Baillet; ou Critique du Livre de Mr. Baillet, intitule, Jugemens des Savans. See Baillet, A. IENCKE, Jean Burckhard. De'Charlataneria eruditorum declamationes duae. Lipsie, 1715. 160 p. 18~. - De la Charlatanerie des Savans; avec des Remarques critiques de differens anteurs. Trad. en franqais. La Haye, 1721. 242 p. and index. 180.....- Notse de Charlataneria,-etc. See Beyer, A. - Editor of Methode pour'tudier l'histoire; avec Catalogue des historiens. See Lenglet Du Fresnoy.'MENDELSZOONt, Moses. Brief van M. M. aen der I-eer Diaken Lavater te Zurich....Uit het Hoogduitsch. Utrecht, 1770. 21 p. 80. Pam. v. 10.9. MENDHAMI, Rev. Joseph. Memoirs of the Council of Trent, principally derived from manuscripts and unpublished records......London, 1834. 8~. M~NEVILLE. See Guerin-Meneville, F. E. MENGELPOEZIJ, door T. Hi. M. F. ter spreuke voerende; Studium te'mpusque musis. Met plaaten. Utrecht, 1778. 112 p. 80. Pam. v. 110. MENGEN, F. A. Festgabe fiir die Mitglieder der XX Versamnilung deutscher land- und forstwirthe..... Die Landwirthschaft und das Forstwesen im Herzogthume Braunschweig. Braunschweig, 1858. ccxl, 275 p. 80. MENNO, Simon. Menno's Departure from Popery... Bapt. Gen. Tract Society, Philadelphia. 12 p. 120. Pam. v. 548. MENTAL IMPROVEMENT for a young lady, on her entrance into the world; addressed to a favorite niece. London, 1793. xx, 132 p. 18~. Pam. v. 606. MENTEL, Jacob.... De Vera Typographie origine parvmnesis, ad... D. Bernardum a Malinkrot... Parisiis, 1650. 119 p. 4~. FIRST SUPPLEMENT. 537 MENURET, J. J. Nouveau Traite du Pouls...". A Amsterdam... 1768. 180. MERCANTILE LIBRARY & MECHANICS' INSTITUTE: Catalogue. Pittsburgh, Pa. 1858. 120. Pam. v. 602. MERCANTILEt LIBRARY ASSOCIATION of Boston: A Catalogue of books of...Boston, 1850. 135 p. and Supp. 24 p. 1 v. 80. -.-. 35th Annual Report. Boston, 1855. Pam. v. 209.- 36th, 37th Ann. Report. Boston, 1856, 57. 80. Pam. v. 275. MERCANTILE LIBRARY ASSOCIATION of the City of Brooklyn': 1st Report. Brooklyn, 1859. 8~. Pamin. v. 512. MERCANTILEt LIBRARY ASSOCIATION of Montreal: Sixth Annual Report. Montreal, 1846. 8~. Pam. v. 209. MERCANTILE LIBRARY ASSOCIATION of New-Orleans First Report. New-Orleans, 1858. 8~. Pam. v. 512. MERCANTILEt LIBRARY ASSOCIATION of the City of New-York: Constitution, By-laws and Regulations..New-York, 1856. Pain. v. 275. --- 26th, 30th, 38th Reports. New-York, 1847, 51, 59. 80. 2d Bulletin, Feb. 1859. 4 p. 8~. Pam. v. 512.- 20th, 34th Reports, 1841, 1855. Pam. v. 209.- 35th, 36th, 37th Reports. New-York, 1856, 57, 58. Pam. v. 275. --- Catalogue of the Books belonging to: To which are prefixed the Constitution... New-York, 1828. 12~. First Supplement to the Catalogue, Jan. 1852. New-York, 1852. 8~. Pam. v. 170. Catalogue of Books:... With a Supplement to August 1, 1856. Ed. by S. Hastings Grant, Librariah. New-York, 1856. 8~. ----- Addresses before: 1854, with reports. See Brodhead, J. R., and Seymour, H. Pam. v. 100, 241., —- Appeal to the Merchants of New-York. List of the stockholders of the Clinton Hall Association. New-York, 1855. 8~. Pam. v. 275. Address to the Board of Direction, Sept. 1858. 8~. Pam. v. 275. MERCANTILEt LIBRARY ASSOCIATION of St.Louis: 9th Report, Jan. 9, 1855. St.Louis, 1855. Pain. v. 209.- 12th Report, St.Louis, Mo., 1858. Pam. v. 275.- 11th, 13th Report, 1857, 1859. 8~. Pam. v. 512...- 4th Report of the Board of Directors of the Mercantile Library Hall Company, Jan. 1855. Pam. v. 209.- 7th Annual Report, 1858. 8~. Pam. v. 275. MERCANTILE LIBRARY ASSOCIATION of San Francisco: 4th, 6th Report. San Francisco, Cal. 1857, 59. 80. Pam. v. 512.- Report, 1858. 80. Pain. v. 275. MERCANTILE LIBRARY COMPANY of Philadelphia: A Catalogue.... Published April 1850. Philadelphia...1850. With a Catalogue of books added...since April 1850. Philadelphia...1856. 8~. --- An Historical Sketch of: Philadelphia, 1850.- 17th - 21st, 23d - 35th, 37th Annual Reports. Philadelphia, 1840 - 60. In 1 v. 8o.- 36th Report, 1859. Pamin. v. 512. [ SUPPL.] 68 538 GENERAL LIBRARY. MERCEIN, T.F. Randolph. The Masses: Saved, with the Sabbathschool- without it, lost. A Discourse:, Dec. 17, 1854, Superintenddent's Association of the Southern Division of the N. Y. S. S. Union. 12 p. 8~. Pam. v. 441. MERCEY, F. B. De. Etudes sur les Beaux-arts depuis leur origine jusqu'a nos jours. Paris, 1855. 3 v. 8~. ToME 3. Histoire de la gravure en medailles en France. La sculpture monumentale en Province. Exposition universelle.... MERCHANT (Tho.), esq. Peace and Trade, War and Taxes; or, The irreparable damage of our trade in case of a war. London, 1729. 32 p. 8~. Pam. v. 443. ME:RCHANTSt AND BANKERS' ALMANAC for 1856.-.....Register for 1857, 58, 59, 60.-...... Almanac for 1861. Edited by J. Smith Homans (jr.). New-York..6 v. 8~. MERCHANTS' AND CLERKS' LIBRARY ASSOCIATION of the City of NewYork: Charter & Constitution. Founded, 1853. N.York, 1854.Second Report, Nov. 25, 1856. New-York, 1857. 8~. Pam. v. 275. MERCHANTS' AND MANUFACTURERS' MAGAZINE, Vol. 1, N 1I. Boston, 1856. 80. Pam. v. 260. MERCHANTS' AND MECHANICS' MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY of New-York, 1853. 120. Painm. v. 618. MERCHANTS' BANK of Albany: Articles of Association. Pam. v. 464. MERCHANTS' BANK of N.Y. City. A Memorial and Representation, from the Committee of:.. To the..Assembly of the State of NewYork. To which is added, a Letter from a gentleman at Washington, 1804. Albany. 80. Pam. v.-197. MERCHANTS' FUND: Anniversary of:.. with the report..and the address of H. A. Boardman, D.D. Philadelphia, 1855. Pam. v. 105, 286.- Second Anniversary..... Report and the Address of W. B. Stevens, D.D. Philadelphia, 1856.- Third Anniversary..with the _Report and the Addresses of W. B. Reed, I. Hazlehurst, and Bishop Potter. Philadelphia, 1857. 80. Pam. v. 287. MERCHANTS (To the) of Chicago, and Railroad Managers of the Northwest on the St.Nicholas Comnpact. Pittsburgh, Ap. 27, 1859. 16 p. 80. Pam. v. 546. MERCIER, Edouard. De l'Influence du Bien-etre matsriel sur la moralite des peuples modernes. Ouvrage qui a partage le prix propose sur cette question par l'Academie des sciences morales et politiques ~. Paris..1854. 8~. ---- Petit Manuel de Morale et d'Economie politique, a l'usage de tous..Paris, 1858. 125 p. 24~. MERCIER DE ST. LEGER, Abbe Barthelemi. Supplement a l'Histoire de l'imprimerie. See Marchand, P. MERCURE DE FRANCE. Dedi6 au Roi: Monthly. Paris, 1756 - 1767. 187 v. 12. — Sept. 1757, Juil. v. 2, 1759, and Mars 1761, wanting. MERCURIALIS, Hieronymus. Repugnantia. See Guilandinus. MtRE ( La) GIGOGNE: Almanach des enfants, 1855. Paris. 61 p. 12~. Alm. v. 51. FIRST SUPPLEMENT. 539 MEREWETHER, Rev. F. Thoughts on the Present State of popular opinion in matters of religion in England; addressed especially to the national clergy. London, 1824. 84 p. 8~. Pam. v. 325. MEREWETHER, Sergeant. Speech, at the bar of the H. of Commons, Ap. 23, 1839, against the bill making temporary provision for the government of Jamaica. London, 1839. 8~. Pam. v. 438. MERG der Akademische en andere Verhandelingen. Period. TheoZ.: V. 5, Feb., Maart, Juny; V. 6, Jul., Aug., Sept., Nov., Dec. 1738; V. 7, May, Juny 1739. Amsterdam. Bound in 2 v. 180. MERIVALEt, Charles. History of the Romans under the empire: Vol. III - vI. London, 1856 - 58. 4 v. 8~. MERLINI, Giovanni. Sulla Costruzione dei tetti degli edifici, 1842. 98 p. See Lombard Institute. MERLIN'S ANGLICUS JUNIOR, W. Lilly. -H. Coley, London, 1679, 1696, 1705, 15, 26, 29, 32, 50, 51,-59. Alm. v. 1-12. MERLINUS LIBERATUS: J. Partridge, London, 1696, 1705, 15, 26, 32, 50, 51, 59, 72, 78. Aim. v. 3- 12.- Merlinus Liberatus: An Almanack for 1827-1837. Etiam mortuus loquitur: By J. Partridge. London. 1 v. 12~. MERRILL, Eliphalet and Phinehas. A Gazetteer of the State of Exeter, 1817. 231 p. 8~. MERRILL, Thomas A. Sermon, Vermont Anniversary Election, Oct. 9, 1806. Middlebury, 1806. 12~. Pam. v. 106. MERRITT (J. King), M.D. Report on the Region of Mineral de Veraguas and its gold mines. New-Tork, 1854. 33 p. 8~. Pam. v. 255. MERRY, Andrew. Pseud. The Last Dying Words of the Eighteenth century: A Pindarick Ode, giving a humourous and chronological detail of all the remarkable events, fashions, characters, etc. in that period.... London, 1800,. 50 p. 8~. Pam. v. 398. MERRYWEATHER, F. Somner. Bibliomania in the Middle Ages; or Sketches of book-worms collectors bible students - scribes and illuminators, from the Anglo-Saxon and Norman periods, to the introduction of printing into England; with anecdotes....London, 1849. 218 p. 18~. MERTENS, F. I. Verzeichniss der Hinterlassenen Biicher-sammlung des:.... hauptsachlich botanischen, naturhistorischen und schdnwissenschaftlichen inhalts...welche... Sept. 1.833... verkauft werden soil. Bremen, Heyse, 1833. 232 p. 12~. IMaRY, J. Le Dernier Fantome. 1 v.- Une Histoire de famille. 1 v. - Les Damn6s de Java. 1 v. [ Semaine Litteraire], N.York, 1854, 55. In1 v. 8~. MESANGE, P. de. La Vie, les Avantures et le Voyage de Groenland du rev. pere cordelier Pierre de Mesange... By Tyssot de Patot. Amsterdam, 1720. 2 v. in 1. 18~.- Fiction. MESHULLAM! or Tidings from Jerusalem. From the journal of a believer lately returned from the Holy Land. Philadelphia, 1850. 100 p. 120. MESSENGER (The celebrated imported horse). Performances.... April 1807. New-York. 1 sheet. Pam. v. 261. 540 GENERAL LIBRARY. MESSER, Benj. The Christian Remembrancer. the last sermons preached by:.. 2 Pet. i, 13. London, 1773. 8~. Pamin. v. 373. MESZLENYI, Susanne Kossuth. Memorial of:.. Boston, 1856. 64 p. 120. Pam. v. 615. MUTAPHYISQUE (La), qui contient l'ontologie, la theologie naturelle et la pneumatologie... By J. Cochet. Paris, 1753. 12~. METCALF (J. W.), M.D. Homceopathy and its Requirements of the Physician: Address, HIomoeopathic Med. Soc. of the State of N.Y. New-York, 1852. 8~. Pam. v. 210, 287. METCALFt, Samuel L. A Collection of some of the most interesting narratives of Indian Warfare in the West, containing an account of the adventures of Colonel D. Boone... To which is added an account of the Expeditions of Gen'ls Harmer, Scott, Wilkinson, St.Clair, and Wayne... Lexington, Ky. 1821. 8~. - New Theory of Terrestial Magnetism (Read before N.York Lyceum of Nat. Hist.). New-York, 1833. 158 p. 8~. METEOROLOGICAL ALMANAC, 1852. London. By R. J. IDonovan. 12~. Aim. v. 49. METHODISM displayed and Enthusiasm detected..6th edition. London (1770?). 32 p. 8~. Pam. v. 314. METHODIST ALMANAC, 1846. Alm. v. 36; 1847, 52, N.Y. D. Young. Aim. v. 32; 1851, Alm. v. 15; 1852. 12~. Alm. v. 32, 36. METHODIST CONFERENCE. Annual Report of the State of the home and abroad...London, 1813. 8. Pam. v. 314. METHODISTt EPISCOPAL CHURCH. Minutes taken at the several Conferences...for the year 1794. Phil'a, 1794. 22 p. 120. Pam. v. 519. - Minutes of the Annual Conferences: Vol. 1, 1773 - 1828; Vol. 2, 1829 - 1839; Vol. 3, 1839 - 1845; Vol. 4, 1846 - 1851; Vol. 5, 1852 - 1855. New-York, 1840, 56. 5 v. 8~. Michigan Annual Conference.....Minutes, 19th Session. AnnArbor, 1854. 48 p. 8~. Pam. v. 519. - Minutes of the New-England Conference.....held in the Lynn Common Church, Ap. 28, 1847. -Boston, 1847. 8~. Pam. v. 231. C —-: MISSIONARY SOCIETY. 22d, 26th, 32d, 34th, 38th, 39th Report, 1841, 45, 51, 54, 57, 58. New-York. 1 v. 80.- 33d Report, 1852. Pam. v. 232.: - Ann. Report of the Missionary Society, within the bounds of the Philadelphia Conference......Philadelphia, 1848. 8~. Pam. v. 263.: ---- New-York Ladies' Home Missionary Society. Twelfth Annual Report. New-York, 1856. 8~. Pam. v. 263.:-: SUNDAY-SCHOOL UNION. Annual Report, 1853, 54, 55, 57, 58. New-York. 8~. Pam. v. 519. ---: TRACT SOCIETY. 1st-4th Annual Report, 1854, 55, 56, 57. New-York. 8~. Pam. v. 519. METHODISTt QUARTERLY REVIEW: Fourth Series, Vol. 8-11 (Vol. 38 - 41). 1856 - 1859. New-York. 4 v. 8~. FIRST SUPPLEMENT. 541 METROPOLIS PURE SOFT SPRING WATER COMPANY: Prospectus; Address. London. 8~. Pam. v. 404. METROPOLITANt (The) CATHOLIC ALMANAC and Laity's Directory, for the year of our Lord 1845, 1846, 1847, 1856, 1857, 1859. Baltimore. 6 v. 180 & 12~.- See also Catholic Aim. METROPOLITAN EARLY CLOSING ASSOCIATION. Medical Staff... Regulations. London. 8~. Pam. v. 405. METROPOLITAN FIRE AND MARINE INSURANCE COMPANY of Boston. Report on: by the Commissioners of Insurance, Jan. 1,-1856. Leg. Doter. Boston, 1856. 8~. Pam. v. 239. METROPOLITAN SCHOOL OF SCIENCE applied to Mining and the Arts. 7th Session, 1857 - 58: Prospectus. London, 1857. 8~. Pam. v. 273. MEURSINGE, A. Editor. See Soyouti, De Interpretibus Korani. MEURSIUS, Joannes... Denarius Pythagoricus; sive De numerorum, usque ad denarium, qualitate, ac nominibus, secundum Pythagoricos. Lugd. Bat. 1631. 112 p. and index. 40. See Apollonius. MEUSEL, Johann Georg. Bibliotheca IHistorica: Instructa a B. Burcardo G. Struvio, aucta a B. Chr. G. Budero, nunc vero a Joanne Georgio Meuselio, ita digesta, amplificata et emendata, ut paene novum opus videri potest. Lipsia, 1782 - 1804. 11 v. 8~. Das Gelehrte Teutschland, oder L6xicon der jetzt lebenden teutschen schriftsteller. Angefangen von G. C. Hamberger.... Fiinfte durchaus vermehrte ausgabe. Lemgo, 1796-1806. 12 v. in 6.With, Das Gelehrte Teutschland in neunzehnten jahrhundert, nebst supplenlenten zur fiinften ausgabe desjenigen im achtzehnten: Von J. G. Meusel. Vol. 13 - 17.- Aus Meusel's Nachlasse, herausgegeben von J. S. Ersch. Vol. 18.- Bearbeitet von J. W. S. Lindner, und herausgegeben von J. S. Ersch. Vol. 19 -21. Yon J. W. S. Lindner. Vol. 22, 23.- Lemgo, 1808 - 1834. 11 v. in 6. In 12 v. 18~. MEWE, William. Sermon, H. of Commons, Fast day,'Nov. 29, 1643: Is. xlii, 24, 25. London. 4~. Pam. v. 359. MEXICAN (The) WAR. Review of the Annual Message of the Congress, Dec. 7, 1847. Washington (1848). 32 p. 8~. Pam. v. 259, 486. MEXICOt. Analysis of the Memorial presented by the Secretary of the Treasury to the first Constitutional Congress of the United Mexican States: Being the substance of a report... Trans. from the official copy..London, 1825. 96 p. 8~. W. C. 632. Causas que se han seguido y terminado contra los comprendidos en la conspiracion Ilamada del Padre Arenas... Tomo primero. Mexico, 1828. 117 p. 120. W. C. 632. MEXICO IN 1842. See [Folsom, C. J.]. Cat. 1855. MEYER, Edward. Ministerial Perplexities and Solaces: Convocation Sermon.... Delaware and Chester Convocation, in the Diocese of Penn'a.. Philadelphia, 1853. 8". Pam. v. 104. MEYER, F. Het Geloof en de Gehoorzamheid van Abraham...Amst. 1757. 18~. MEYER, Jonas Dani6l. Verhandelingen in Geleerde Genootschappen. Erste, Tweede en Laatste bundel..Gravenhage..1844, 46. 2 v. 8~. 542 GENERAL LIBRARY. MEZGER, G. C. Augsburg's ilteste Druckdenkmale und Formschneiderarbeiten, welche in der Vereinigten Konigl. Kreis- und Stadtbibliothek daselbst aufbewahrt werden. Nebst einer kurzen geschichte des biicherdruckes und buchhandels in Augsburg..-... Miit 37 abdriicken...Augsburg, 1840. 80 p. 40~. MIALL, Edward. The Suffrage; or Reconciliation between the middle and labouring classes. London, 1848. 24 p. 12~. Pam. v. 522. MIIAMI UNIVERSITY: Catalogue, 1849. Cincinnati, 1850. 8~. Pam. v. 480. MICRHALIUS, Rev. Jonas. Eerste Predikant der Nederduitsche Hervormde gemeente op Manhattans of Nieuw-Amsterdam, het latere New-York, in Noord Amerika. Medegedeeld door Mr. J. T. Bodel Nijenhuis. An article in the Kerkhistorisch Archief, T. I. p. 365. Amsteldam, 1857. Pam. v. 547. This is a letter dated from New-York in 1628, and is translated by I-Ion. H. C. Murphy. See N.Y. Col. Documents, v. 2, 1859. MICHAUD, Jos. F. The History of the Crusades. Trans. by W. Robson. New-York, 1853. 3 v. 12~. MICHAUX, F. Andrew. Oaks of the United States and of Canada; sold at Philadelphia, London, Paris. 2 p. text, 26 plates, folded as 8~. MICHELt, Francisque. Etudes de Philologie compar6e sur l'argot, et sur les idiomes analogues parl6s en Europe et en Asie. D6veloppement d'un M6moire couronn6 par l'Institut de France. Paris, 1856. lv, 516 p. 8~. M3ICLELETt, J. Historical View of the French Revolution. Trans. by C. Cocks.. London, Bohn, 1848. 12~. -- L'Amour. Quatribme edition. Paris, 1859. 464 p. 12~. ----- La Femme. 2e edition. Paris, 1860. 12~. MICHELL, E. W. Sermon, for the Prayer-book & Hom.'Soc.: 2 Tim. i, 13. 1848. Derby. 80. Pam. v. 378. MIGHIGANt. Revised Constitution... Lansing, 1850. 8~. Pam. v. 522. - Governor's Inaugural Message, 1859. 8~. Pam. v. 522. AGRICULTURE. State Agricultural Society. Trans. for 1857. v. 9. Lansing, 1859. 80. Agricultural College of the State: Circular. Lansing, 1857. 58 p.'Pam v. 461.: CANALS AND RAILROADS. Report of the Finance Committee on the public works, 1846. 21 p. 8~. Pam.'v. 522. -: EDUCATION. School Funds and School Laws of Michigan; with notes and forms. To which are added Elements of School architecture, etc., with lists of text-books...and library books. Lansing, 1859. 448 p. 8. ---- ---- Report of the Superintendent of Public Instruction, Dec. 1839. 80. Pam. v. 216.- Reports of the same for 1855, 56 and 57, including.... University of Michigan, etc. Lansing, 1858. 629 p. 85. State Normal School, Teachers' Institute, Teachers' Association.. Catalogue. Detroit, 1853. 8~. Pam. v. 457. FIRST SUPPLEMENT. 543: GEOLOGICAL SURVEY. Ann. Report, by D. Houghton, Jan. 25, 1842. 8~. Pam. v. 551. - LIBRARY. Catalogue. Lansing, 1855. 42 p. 8~. Catalogue for 1859. Lansing. 63 p. 8~. Pam. v. 470. - -: To Emigrants; John Almy, State Agent, 1845. New-York. 7 p. 120. Pam. v. 565. MICHIGAN CENTRAL RAILROAD: Report upon the Merits of:... By J. W. Brooks. With the Charter. N.York, 1846. 24, 31, 8~. Pam. v.208. -: ~ist, 2d, 3d Report, June 1847, 48, 49. Pam. v. 146.- 4th Report...June 1850. Boston, 1850. 8~. Pam. v. 151.- Report, June 1857, Boston. Pam. v. 571. MICHIGANt SOUTHERN RAILROAD: Circular Statement of the condition and prospects of:.. 1849. New-York, 1849. 8~. Pam. v. 284. MICHIGAN SOUTHERN and NORTHERN INDIANA RAILROAD COMPANY: The Charter and Laws of-the States of Ohio, Indiana, Michigan and Illinois relating to:.. New-York, 1855. 8~. MICKLES, Lovel G. The Snag Nullifier..for preventing steam vessels from sinking.. New-York, 1843. 20 p. 8~. Pam. v. 529. MICROCOSM (The), a Periodical work by George Griffin of the College of Eton. The Second edition, inscribed to the Rev. Dr. Davies.... Windsor, C. Knight, 1788. 1 v. 8~. MIDDELAER (De), of Bydragen ter bevordering van Tael, Onderwys en Geschiedenis. Eerste, Tweede, Derde jaergang, 1840 - 1843. Te Leuwen. 3 v. 8~. MIDDLEBURY ACADEMY, Wyoming, Wyoming connty, N.Y. Catalogue, 1858. 8~. Pam. v. 457. MIDDLEBURYt COLLEGE, Vermont. Catalogus (Triennial), 1844. Medioburie, 1844. Pam. v. 481.- Catalogus (Triennial), 1856. Pam. v. 247. Annual Catalogue, 1828. Pam. v. 481.- For 1832, 1835, Middlebury. 80. Pam. v. 157. MIDDLESEX MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY: Circular, By-laws, and Act of incorporation... Concord, Mass. 1848. 8~. Pam. v. 239. MIDDLETONt, Capt. Christopher. A Vindication of the conduct of:.. on board...the answer to.. A. Dobbs...To which is annexed an account of the... cold in Hudson's Bay. London, 1743. 206, 48 p. 8~. See also Dobbs, A. Cat. 1855. MIDDLETONt ( Conyers), D.D. [ Writings of:.. ] in 1 v. 8~. Contents: A Full and Impartial Account of all the late proceedings in the University of Cambridge against Dr. Bentley... London, 1719. 44 p. Anon. A Letter to Dr. Waterland, containing some Remarks on his Vindication of Scripture. London, 1731. 67 p. Anon. A Defence of the Letter to Dr. Waterland against....the Author of the Reply. London, 1732. 94 p. _Anon. Some Remarks on a Reply to the Defence of the letter to Dr. Waterland.. London, 1732. 80 p. Aznon. Remarks on two pamphlets lately published against Dr. Middleton's Introductory discourse...London, 1748. xl, 148 p. Anon. An Examination of the Lord Bishop of London's ( Sherlock ) Discourses concerning the use and intent of prophecy...London, 17T0. 193 p. 544 GENERAL LIBRARY. MIDDLETON (Conyers), D.D.: - Dissertation on the Origin of Printing. See Bowyer, W. MIDDLETON, Sir H. Voyage, 1606. See Hakluyt Society, NO 19. MIDDLETON ( John), D.D. Sermon, Anniversary of the Restoration of Charles II, May 29, 1730. London. 4~. Pam. v. 1006. MIDDLETON (Par.), D.D. The Case of Abraham's being commanded by God Almighty to offer up his son Isaac in sacrifice. London, 1740. 70 p. 80. Pam. v. 333. MIDDLETON (Rev. S.), B.D. Pompeii A Didactic Poem. To which are annexed poems on the Niobe and the Temple of Theseus. Lond. (1835). 70 p. 8~. Pam. v. 398. MIDDLETON ( Thomas F.), Bp. A Letter from the..Bp. of Calcutta.. to the Rev. A. Hamilton, Sec. Soc. Prop. the Gosp. London, 1819. 8~. Pam. v. 384. MIDDLETON, William Henry. The History of My Friend; shewing how he was deprived of his military commission... because a great man thought my friend called him a Nincompoop..New-York, 1816. 27 p. 8~. Pam. v. 526. MIDDLETOWN, N. Y.,- DIRECTORY for 1857 - 8, with various historical sketches.. by John W. Hasbrouck. Middletown, N.York, 1857. 110 (161) p. 12~. MIDLAND CATHOLIC ASSOCIATION: Report of Proceedings..Ap. 18, 1826, at Birmingham. London. 23 p. 8~. Pam. v. 346. MIDSUMMER's (A) DAY-DREAM: Libellous; or a Little Book of the Vision of Shawmut. By Admonish Crime (Anagrammatically). Libell. I. Boston and New-York, 1847. By Rev. James C. Richmond? 24 p. 8~. Pam. v. 227. MIEL, L'Abbe'. The Pope and the Primitive Church. London, 1851. 40 p. 8~. Pam. v. 348. MIGNETt, F. A. History of the French Revolution, from 1789 to 1814.. London, Bohn, 1856. 12~. MIJDRECHT, D'Yvoy van. Verbond en Smeekschriften der Nederlandsche Edelen. See Beeldsnyder, Y. G. J. MILBOURN'S (M. M.) AGRICULTURAL ALMANAC, 1852. London. 12~. Ahn. v. 49. MILBOURNE, Rev. Luke. Sermon, The People not the original of civil power, Jan. 30, 1707. London. 8~.- Sermon, Execrable Murder of Charles I, Jan. 30, 1708: Isaiah xiv, 20, 21. London. 8~.- Sermon, Measure of resistance to the higher powers, Jan. 30, 1710: Rom. xiii, 2. London. S8. Pam. v. 363. Sermon, Fast, Jan. 31, 1709, Murder of Charles I: Acts xxv, 10. London. 8~. Pam. v. 363, 364. [ —-— ] See Tom of Bedlam's Answer. MILBURN Rev. William Henry. The Rifle, Axe and Saddle-bags, and other lectures. Introduction by Rev. J. McClintock, D.D. Portrait of the author on steel. New-York, Derby & Jackson..1857. 12~. The Pioneers, Preachers and People of the Mississippi valley. New-York, 1860. 12G. FIRST SUPPLEMENT. 545 MILES (E.) and Lieut. L. An Epitome, Historical and Statistical, descriptive of the Royal naval service of England.... 14 coloured illustrations of the flags, pendants, ensigns...Lond. 1841. 184 p. 80. MILES, Rev. Henry A. Sermon..following the funeral of Hon. Luther Lawrence... Lowell, Mass. 1839. 8~. Pam. v. 554. Lowell, As it was and as it is***. Lowell..1845. 18~. MILES, John. Review of Bishop Hughes's Sermon on the decline of Protestantism: A Lecture. Albany, 1851. 80. Pam. v. 262.- See also Breeden, Henry. MILITARY (The) ACADEMY, at West Point, Unmasked; or Corruption and military despotism exposed. By Americanus. Washington, 1830. 28 p. 8~. Pam. v. 234. MILITARY ASSOCIATION of the State of New-York: Proceedings of the State Military Convention held at Syracuse, January 11, 1853, and Constitution and By-laws of the M. A. of the State of N.Y.; with a List of members....also, An Address. Syracuse... 1853.Proceedings, Albany, 1854; New-York City, 1855;\Buffalo, 1856; Rochester, June 1856; Newburgh, June 1857; Albany, Jan. 1858; Albany, Jan. 1859. In 2 v. 80. MILITARY (The) COMPANION: Being a System of Company discipline; founded on the regulations of Baron Steuben.....2d edition. Newburyport, 1808. 47 p. 12~. MILITARY (The) Defence of the United Kingdom easily and effectually secured against the whole world..By an Old Officer. London, 1852. 8 p. 8~. Pain. v. 406. MILITARY ( The) Journals of two Private Soldiers (L. Lyon and S. Haws), 1758 -1775, with numerous illustrative notes. To which is added a supplement, containing official papers on the skirmishes at Lexington and Concord. Ed. by Abraham Tomlinson. Poughkeepsie, 1855. 128 p. 8~. MILIZIAt, Francesco. The Lives of Celebrated Architects, ancient and modern. Translated from the Italian by Mrs. Edward Cresy. With Notes and additional lives. London, 1826. 2 v. 8~. MILLAN'S UNIVERSAL REGISTER of Court and City officers, army and navy, 4/c. for 1753, 54, 55, 56, 58, 63, London. 6 v. 1i8~.- Each vol. contains "Rider's Merlin " for the year. MILLE (Les) ET UNE FAVEURS, Contes de Cour, tires de l'ancien Gaulois, par la Reine de Navarre: Tome 1- 5. By; C. Chev. de JMouhy. A Londres, aux depens de la Compagnie, 1783. 5 v. 180. MILLEDOLERt (Philip), D.D. Sermon, Albany....Gen. Synod of the Reformed Dutch church: Rom. xiv, 19. New-York, 1823. 8~. Pam. v. 547. Dissertation on Incestuous Marriage..New-York, 1843. 46 p. 8~. Pam. v. 547. MILLENIAL INSTITUTIONS; being a Comment on the fortieth chapter of the Prophet Ezekiel. New-York, 1833. lix, 161 p. Plate. 80.And in Pam. v. 540. MILLER, Andrew. New States and their real characters in 1818. 32 p. 80. Pam. v. 500. [SUPPL.] 69 546 GENERAL LIBRARY. MILLER, Ferdinand H. The Oral Grammar or Ready Grammarian. 4th edition. Dansville, N.Y. 1845. 128 p. sm. 4~. MILLERt (George), D.D. The Policy of the Roman Catholic church discussed, in a letter to the Rt. Hon. W. C. Plunket. London, 1826. 55 p. 80. Pam. v. 346. MILLER, George B. The Dansville Grammar of Englishl...Dansville, N.Y. 1842. 70 p. 12~. MILLERt, Hugh. The Testimony of the Rocks; or Geology in its bearings on the two theologies, natural and revealed..With Memorials of the death and character of the author. *'* Boston, 1857. 502 p. 120. MILLER, Rev. J. A Letter to...Lord Tenterden... on the proposed limitation of legal memory connected with the claims of the church. London, 1831. 54 p. 8~. Pam. v. 326. A. Letter..on the origin and nature of church property, and the connexion of tithes with.... agricultural distress....London, 1831. 83 p. 8~. Pam. v. 425. MILLER (J. P.) and George JARvIS. Letters from Greece, 1824, 25. 20 p. 8~. Pam. v. 504. MILLER, Rev. James P. Biographical Sketches and Sermons of some of the first ministers of the Associate Church in America. To which is prefixed a historical introduction, containing an account of the rise and progress of the Associate Church... Albany...1839. 8~. MILLER, Rev. John C. Lecture, Brighton, Eng., on the priestly despotism of Rome..Nov. 11, 1851. Brighton. 30 p. 120. Pam. v. 348. MILLER'S (Joe) COMPLETE JEST BOOK; being a Collection of the most excellent bon-mots, brilliant jests, and striking anecdotes in the English language. By John Mlottley. London, 1847. 500 p. 18~. MILLER, Rev. L. Merrill. Separation front Rome, a christian duty: A Gouverneur, Jan. 16, 1856. Ogdensburgh, N.Y. 1856. 80. Pam. v. 238. MILLER, Rutgers B. Letter, 1855. See Trinity Church Pam. v. 3. [ —— ] In Ejectment, 1858. See Trinity Church pamphlets. [ —] Nebular Hypothesis. See Dudley Observatory. MILLERt (Samuel), D.D. A Letter to the Editor of the Unitarian Miscellany, in reply to an attack... on a late ordination sermon delivered in Baltimore....Baltimore, 1821. viii, 34 p. 80. Pam. v. 295. - Sermon, on the burning of the Theatre at Richmond, 1812. See Witherspoon, J. Introductory Lecture, Theol. Seminary, Princeton, N.J., July 3, 1829. Andover, Mass. 1830. 8~. Pam. v. 294. - Presbyterianism the truly primitive and apostolical constitution of the church....Philadelphia Presb. Tract Soc. No. 1, 1837. 98 p. 120. Pam. v. 622. MILLER, Samuel. Suggestions for a general equalization of the land tax, and the abolition of the income and real property taxes and the malt duty. London, 1848. 34 p. 8~. Pam. v. 425. ~FIRST SUPPLEMENT. 547 MILLER, Stephen F. The Bench and Bar of Georgia: Memoirs and sketches. With an appendix containing a court roll, from 1790 to 1857, etc. Philadelphia, 1858. 2 v. 8~. MILLER, Tlomas. History of the Anglo-Saxons: from the earliest period to the Norman conquest....3d edition. Ill. with engravings. London, Bohn, 1856. 12~. MILLER (W.) & CO. Specimen of Printing Types, by William Miller & Co., Letter Founders to His Majesty for Scotland. Oliver & Boyd, 1834. 101 leaves. 4~. MILLER, William. Evidence from Scripture and History of the second coming of Christ, about the year 1843...Boston, 1840. 300 p. 18~. MILLERt, William Allen. Elements of Chemistry, theoretical and practical: Part II, Inorganic Chemistry. London, J. WV. Parker, 1856. 1164 p. 1 v. 8~. [MILLIGAN, Dr.]. See Short Description of...South Carolina, 1770. MILLS, Rev. Henry A Full Answer to Mr. Pilloniere's Reply to Dr. Snape, and to the Bp. of Bangor's. preface.... With A Letter to his lordship by Dr. Snape. London, 1718. 46, 74 p. 80. Pam. v. 351. MILLSt, Robert. Guide to the Capitol of the United States, embracing every information useful to the visiter, whether on business or pleasure. Washington, 1834. 18~. Memorial, submitting a new plan of roadway to the Pacific. Con. Doct. 1846. 27 p. 8~, and map. Pam. v. 546. Memorial... respecting a new route to the Pacific Ocean. Cong. Doct. 7 p. 8~, map. Pam. v. 545. MILMAN, Rev. R. The Life of Torquato Tasso. Loud. 1850. 2 v. 12~. MILNER (Isaac), D.D. Animadversions on Dr. Haweis' Impartial and Succinct History of the Church of Christ...being the preface to the 2d edition of Vol. I of...I. Milner's History....Cambridge, 1800. 43 p. 8~. Pam. v. 392. MILNER, Rev. Joseph. Some Remarkable Passages in the Life of Mr. William Howard, who died.... 1784. 3d edition. Edinburgh, 1802. 53 p. 8~. Pam. v. 390. MILNER, William. Sermon, Feb. 8, 1708, Consec. of Bp. of Chester: 1 Cor. vi, 3. London. 8~. Pam'. v. 364. MILNESt, Rich. M. A Speech on the Ballot, H. of Commons, June 18, 1839. London. 80. Pam. v. 439. MILNOR (James), D.D. Oration on Masonry....R. W. Grand Lodge of Pennsylvania, June 24, 1811. See Portfolio, 1811. MILTONt, John. Litere Pseudo-senatus Anglicani, Cromwellii, reliquorumque perduellium nomine ac jussu conscriptse a Joanne Miltono. Impressse anno 1676. 18~. Poems upon several occasions, English, Italian and Latin, with translations by John Milton... With Thomas Warton.. 2d edition. With...additions. London, 1791. xlvi, 608 p. 8~. MILTON, Mass. Auditor's 18th, 19th Report of receipts and expenditures, Feb. 1855, 1856. Boston, 1855, 56. 34, 33 p. 8~. Pam. v. 476. 548 GENERAL LIBRARY. 3IILWAUKEEt, Wis. Third Inaugural Address of James B. Cross, Mayor...Milwaukee, 1857. 80. Pain. v. 286. MILWAUKEE AND BELOIT RAJLROAD CO. Statement of the President..Charter...Bonds...Milwaukee, 1857. 65 p. 8~, and'map. Pam. v.571. MILWAUKEE AND HORICON RAILROAD COMPANY. Exhibit, &c., N.Y. 1856. Pam. v. 256. MILWAUKEE AND MISSISSIPPI RAILROAD CO. Exhibits of, June 1852, 1855, 1856, 1857. New-York. Pam. v.256.- Report, Jan. 1853, Milwaukee; Report (5th), 1854. Pam. v. 151.- 7th Report, 1855. Milwaukee, 1856. 63 p. 8~. Pam. v. 571. MILWAUKEE BOARD OF TRADE. Annual Report of the commerce, manufactures, public improvements of Milwaukee, for 1855, 1856.. Milwaukee, 1855, 56...8~ and map. Pam. v. 565. MILWAUKEE DIRECTORIES: City Directory and Business Advertiser, containing local and general statistics..J. M. Van Slyck, publisher. 1856-7. Map wanting. Milwaukee, 1856. 468 p. 12~. Erving, Burdick & Co.'s City Directory, 1857 & 1858.' 8~. MILWAUKEE FEMALE COLLEGE, Wisconsin: Catalogue, 1856. 80. Pam. v. 460. MINEt HILL AND SCIUYLKILL HAVEN RAILROAD COMPANY: Report. Philadelphia, 1856. 8~. Pam. v. 571. MiINERVAt (The): A weekly literary periodical. New-York. Vol. 1, Sat. Ap. 6, 1822, to Vol. 2, Ap. 3, 1824. Ed. by James G. Brooks. Bound in 3 v. gr. 4~. MINERVA LIBRARY: Catalogue of:.. 45 Ranelagh-street, Liverpool..T. Troughton. Ulverston. 289 p. 12~. MINET & FECTOR., A Full and Correct Report of the great commercial cause of Minet & Fector vs. Gibson &'Johnson; decided in the House of Lords on the 14th February1791. Dublin, 1791. 118 p. 8~. Pam. v. 220. MING'S HUTCHINS' IMPROVED ALMANAC, New-York, 1822. 120. Alm. v. 13. Also see Hutchins. MINING (The) MAGAZINE, devoted to mines, mining operations, metallurgy, &c. Ed. by William J. Tenney, New-York. Vol. I to IX, June 1853- June 1858.- Mining and Statistic Magazine.... Ed. by T. McElrath. Vol. 10, 11. Jan.- Oct. 1858. N.Y. 8~.- Mining Magazine and Journal of Geology, etc. Ed. by WV. P. Blake, New-York. Vol. 12 (New series, V. 1), Nov. 1859-July 1860. 12 v. 8~. MINISTRY ( The) and Government of Great Britain vindicated, in answer to a book entituled, An enquiry into the conduct, 4c. London, 1734. 44 p. 8~. Pam. v. 418. MINNESOTAt TERRITORY: Report of the Committee on Schools of the Council, accompanied by the Report of the Sup't of common schools. St.Paul, 1852. 8~. Pam. v. 190. MINNESOTAt HISTORICAL SOCIETY: Annals, 1856...Prepared by E. D. Neill, Sec. (2d Title). Materials for the future history of Minnesota; being a Report of the Minn. Hist. Soc. to the Leg. Assembly. Saint-Paul, 1856. —Address, 6th Anniversary, by H. H. Sibley, 1856. 141, 17 p. 8~. FIRST SUPPLEMENT. 549 MINOT (George), esq. A Memorial of:.. Boston, 1858. 8 p. 8~. Pam. v. 494. MINTURN (Robert B.), jr. From New-York to Delhi, by way of Rio Janeiro, Australia and China. New-York, 1858. 120. MIRKHIIOND. History of the Early Kings of Persia, from Kaiomars, the first of the Peshdadian dynasty, to the conquest of Iran by Alexander the Great. Trans. from the original Persian of Mirkhond, entitled the Rauzat-us-safa. With notes and illustrations, by David Shea. Oriental Trans. Fund, London, 1832. 441 p. 8~. MISCELLANEOUS THOUGHTS on the present posture both of our foreign and domestic affairs. By John, Lord lFervey. London, Roberts, 1742. 80 p. 80. Pam. v. 442, 446. MISREPRESENTATIONS CORRECTED: Review of Dr. Cleaveland's Anniversary Sermon. By N. Porter jr. From New-Englander. 8 p.Review of Dr. Cleaveland's Reply to the New-Englander, Feb. 1859. By N. Porter jr. 164 - 191 p. 8~. Pam. v. 295. MISSING (The) WHALERS; their present condition and the means... for relieving them..Glasgow, 1836. 19 p. 8~. Pam. v. 393. MISSION SCHOOLS. Shall they be abolished or sustained? (From the Presb. Quar. Review for Dec. 1855). 43 p. 8~. Pam. v. 279. MISSIONARY REGISTER. See Church Missionary Society. MISSIONARY SOCIETY OF CONNECTICUT [Collection]. In 1 v. 8~. Contents A Continuation of the Narrative of the missions to the new settlements, according to the appointment of the General Association of the State....New-Haven,.1795. 23 p. The Constitution...with an Address... and a Narrative. Hartford, 1800. 27 p. Sermon.. before the Board.. Ordination of J. Bushnell, by Cyprian Strong. Hartford, 1800. Second Address... and Narrative. Hartford, 1801. An Act to incorporate the Trustees.... with a Narrative. Hartford, 1803. 24 p. A Narrative on the subject of missions. Hartford, 1804, 06, 08. A Missionary Address from the Trustees...and a Narrative...Hartford, 1813. 23 p. 23d Annual Narrative of Missions... Hartford., 1822. 23 p. MISSISSIPPI AND MISSOURI RAILROAD COMPANY. Speech of John A. Dix, president, at Iowa city...on the completion of the road to the latter point, Jun. 3, 1856. New-York, 1856. Pam. v. 283. MISSOURI: GEOLOGICAL SURVEY. The First and Second Ann. Reports of the Geological Survey of Missouri, by G. C. Swallow, State Geologist. Jefferson city, 1855. 8~. — ~-: INSANE. State Lunatic Asylumn: Report. Jefferson city, 1859. 8~. Pam. v. 510.: RAILROADS. Report of the Board of Public works and State Engineer, upon the condition of, the various railroad companies... Jefferson city, 1857. 80. Pam. v. 256.- For 1859. 144 p. 8~., Pam. v. 545. 550 GENERAL LIBRARY. MIssoURI DIRECTORY.. See Illinois. MIssoURI MEDICAL AND SURGICAL JOURNAL: Edited by T. Barbour, M.D. No 6 of Vol. II, Oct. 1846. St.Louis. 8~. Pam. v. 196. MITCHEL, M. History of the County of Fond-du-Lac, Wisconsin... Fond-du-Lac, 1854. 96 p. 12~. ---- Geogr. and Statistical History of the County of Winnebago.. with 12 illustrations...General Views of the State of Wisconsin.. By M. Mitchel & J. H. Osborn. Oshkosh, 1856. 120 p. 12~. MITCHELt (Ormsby McKnight), LL.D. Address, Dedication of the Astronomical Observatory of Hamilton College, Jul. 16, 1856. Utica, N.Y. 1856. 8~. Pam. v. 242. MITCHELL, Charles. The Newspaper Press Directory; containing full particulars relative to each journal published in the United Kingdom and the British isles...3d edition...London (1851). 534 p. 18~. MITCHELL, D. M. A Discourse on Christian Baptism. Waldoboro', Maine, 1839. 8~. Pam. v. 267. [ MITCHELL, John]. See Present State of North America, 1767. [ MITcHELLt, Rev. John]. See Reminiscences of.. Yale College, 1847. MITCHELLt ( J. K.), M.D. Indecision: A Tale of the Far West; and other poems. Philadelphia...1839. 180. MITCHELL, Moses. Five Sermons. Cardiff, Eng. 1848. 72 p. 8~. Pam. v. 378. MITCHELLt, ( S. A.), and HINMAN. The Stage, Steamboat and Canal routes in the United States, with the population of each State.... Philadelphia..1834. 96 p. 240~. MITCHELL, Walter. Inorganic Nature. See Orr's Circle: Geology, etc. MITFORD, Rev. John, Editor. See Gray, Thomas: Correspondence. MITROVICI, George. The Claims of the Maltese; founded upon the principles of justice. London, 1835. 24 p. 80. Pam. v. 434. MITTELBERGER, Gottlieb. Reise nach Pennsylvanien im jahr 1750; und Ruckreise nach Teutschland....1754. Frankfurth, 1756. 120 p. 12~ MNEMOSYNEt: Tijdschrift voor Classieke Litteratuur... 3ad, 4de, 5de, 6de deel. Lugd. Bat. 1853 - 57. 4 v. 8~. M6BIUS, Theod. Catalogus -Librorum Islandicorum et Norvegicorum, setatis media editorum versorum illustratorumn. Skaildatal; sive Poetarum recensus Edde Upsaliensis. Lipsiea..1856. xiii, 208 p. 8". MODERN PLEAS for Schism and Infidelity review'd. First part. By Joseph Smith, D.D.? London, 1715. 62 p. 8~. Pam. v. 318. MODERN POLICIES, taken from Miachiavel, Borgia, and other choice authors, by an eyewitnesse. By Abp. W. Sancroft. Loud. 1652.180~. ---- The same. Reprinted with appendix. Lond. 1817. 8~. Pam. v. 307. MODEST (A) ENQUIRY into the present state of foreign affairs...By a Lover of his country. London (1742). 71 p. 8~. Pam. v. 446. MOHAMMEDt. See Koran; also Maracci, L. ~FIRST SUPPLEMENT. 551 Machumetis Saracenorum principis, eiusque successorum vitse, doctrina ac ipse Alcoran.... cum... P. Melancthonis [et M. Lutheri] praemonitione..Studio Theod. Bibliandri. Tiguri, 1550. 3 v. in 1 fP. MOHAWKt AND HUDSON RAILROAD COMIPANY: Act to incorporate, etc. 1826, 28. New-York, 1830. 20 p. 8~. Pain. v. 545.- Report.. by P. Fleming, C. E. New-York, 1829. 8~. Pam. v. 147, 284. MOHAWK VALLEY R.R. COMPANY: Articles of Association. N.York, 1850. 8~.- By-laws. New-York, 1851. 8~. Pam. v. 545. —Report of the Survey, May 1, 1851. 8~. Pamn. v. 284. MOLANUS, Joannes. Bibliotheca Materiarum quse, a quibus auctoribus, cum antiquis, turn recentioribus sint pertractatse...I, Catholicorum S. Scripturae interpretum, ordine biblicorum librorum; II, Scholasticoruin theologorum in Divi Thoma Aquinatii Summam. Col. Agr. 1618. 168 p. and index 4~. MOLENAAR, Simon. De Redelyke Onvervalste Melk getrokken uit de Catechismus...Amsteldam, 1725. xxx, 146 p. 18~. Pam. v. 633. MOLESWORTH, I. E. N. The Reformation not the establishment of a new religion: A Sermon, 1 Thess. v, 21. Canterbury, Eng. 1835. 8~. Pam. v. 377. MOLIRREt, J. B. P. Theatre Choisi...Paris, Delalain. 180. MIOLINI, L. Catalogo di una Scelta Collezione di libri che trovansi vendibili...presso:.. Firenze, 1853. 151 p. 80 MOLLER, Dr. Georg. Denkmiler der Deutschen Baukunst. Erster - Dritter theil. Leipzig und Darmstadt. 18 p., 72 pl.; 12 p., 19 pl.; 16 p., 60 pl. 3 v. fo. MOLLET, Jean Etienne. Memoire sur l'Utilite du Systeme d'emprisonnelment individuel et cellulaire et... dans le Royaume des PaysBas. Amsterdam, 1848. 51 p. 80. Pam. v. 539. MOLLOY, Bryan A. Analysis of the Report...of the H. of Commons, on the operation of the laws of mortmain, and the restriction of the power of making deeds and wills....Dublin, 1845. 195 - 244 p. 8~. Pam. v. 415. MOLLYNEUX, William. The Case of Ireland being bound by Acts of Parliainsnt, stated. London, Almon, 1770. xvvi, 132 p. 8~. Pol. Tr. v. 7. MOLYNEUX, J. W. H. What is a Christian?: A Sermon, Acts xxvi, 25. 2d edition. London, 1853. 80. Pam. v. 378. MOMmIERS ( Joh. M.), Hemmen. De Gedaante der Godsaligheyt.... Leerrede over 2 Tim. iii, 5.... En nog twee andere Leerredenen door vermaarde Godsgeleerden. Amsterdam (1720? ). 177 p. 18~. Pam. v. 632. MOMORO, Ant. Franc. Traite elementaire de l'Imprimerie, ou le Mlanuel de l'Imprimeur; avec 40 planches... Paris, 1793. 347 p. 8~. MIONARCIH FIRE & LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY, London. Established 1835: Office 40 State-street, Boston. 1852. 120. Pam. v. 239. MIONASTIER, Antoine. Histoire de l'Eglise Vaudoise depuis son origine, et des Vaudois du Piemont jusqu'h nos jours; avec une appendice contenant les principaux ecrits originaux de cette eglise.... Paris, Toulouse, 1847. 2 v. 8~. 552 GENERAL' LIBRARY. MONDIDIER, Count. Catalogue of the...Library of:... also a.... selection from the library of an...English collector.... with works relating to America... auction Dec. 15, 1851. London. 168 p. 8~. [ MONESTIER, Abbe Blaise]. La Vraie Philosophie: Par l'Abbe M+**. Edited by M. N\Teedham. Bruxelles, 1774. xxviii, 485 p. 8~. MONFALCONt, J. B. Le Nouveau Spon, ou Manuel du Bibliophile et de l'Archeologie Lyonnais. Lyon, 1856. xliv, 373 p. roy. 8~. MONITEUR (Le): Newsp. 1789- 1836, Paris. 58 v. f~. Contents: Gazette National ou le Mioniteur Universel, N~ 1, 5 Mai, 1789 to Dec. 1836. Lettered, Vol. 3- 56. VOL. 3 is preceded by an "Introduction Historique contenant un Abre6g des Anciens Etats-generaux, des Assembl6es des notables et des principaux evenemens qui ont amene la Revolution." Paris, 1795. 246 p. Tables. Vol. I, I, Revolution Francaise, ou Analyse complette et impartiale du AMoniteur, suivie d'une Table alphab6tique des personnes et des choses. 1789 -1799. Paris, 1801, 02. 4 v. in 2. Lettered, Vols. I, ii Tables du Moniteur Universel: Histoire du Consulat et de l'Empire. 17991814. 1 v. Moniteur Universel: Tables chronologiques et alphab6tiques. Ann6e 1815 - 1821. Paris. 1 v. MONITEUR (Le) Ottoman. 1re Annee, Constantinople, Samedi, 5 Nov. 1831 to Juin 18, 1836. First Official Turkish Newspaper: Ed. in French by M. Blacque. I v. fP. MONK (Bp. James Henry). [Writings collected] in 1 v. 80. Contents: Vindication of the Univ. of Camb. from the reflections of Sir J. E. Smith...2d edition. London, 1818. 95 p. Appendix to a Vindication... Camb. 1819. 55 p. Charge to the Clergy of Gloucester and Bristol... London, 1844. Correspondence between.. and H. Hallam. London, 1844. 15 p. Documents respecting the -estate of Horfield Manor. With a Preface by:.. London, 1851. xiii, 68 p. A Letter to Sir W. P. Wood, respecting the trust of Ilorfield Manor. Lond. 1852. 12 p. Sermon, Anniv. Sons of the Clergy, 1825 1 John iii, 17.- Appendix. London, 1826. 40. Pam. v.1010. ----- Sermon: Col. ii, 8-10, Univ. of Cambridge, July 5, 1835, Installation of Lord Camden. London, 1835. 4~. Pam. v. 1009. MONRO, Alexander. New-Brunswick; with a Brief Outline of NovaScotia and Prince Edward Island.... with statistics of the several counties... Halifax, N.S. 1855. &~. MONRO, Rev. Edward. A Few Words on the spirit in which men are meeting the present crisis in the church: A Letter...Oxford, 1850. 44 p. 80. Pam. v. 330. MONROE COAL AND IRON COBIPANY'S Estate in M'Kean county, Pa.: Report. Pottsville, 1856. 80. Pam. v. 520. MONROE COUNTY ( N. Y.) WORKHOUSE: First Report.... Oct. 1855. Rochester, 1856. 60 p. 8~. Pain. v. 507. MONROE COUNTY AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY: History.... Exhibition of 1857. Rochester. 80~. Pam. vo 461. FIRST SUPPLEMENT. 553 MONTAGU, R. Two Letters from Mr. Mlontagu to the Lord Treasurer, Jan. 11, 18, 1678...with the Lord Treasurer's Speech in the fHouse of Peers, upon an impeachment of high treason....London, 1679. 15 p. 4~. Pam. v. 407. MONTAGU, R. Catalogues of F. Bennett's library for sale 1733, and of two libraries, 1740. 30, 32, 62 p. TVith Bookseller's Catalogue of J. Duncan, 1740. London. 30 p. 1 v. 8s. MONTAIGLON, Anatole de. M6moires pour servir a l'lHistoire de I'Acad6mie Royale de Peinture et de Sculpture depuis 1648 jusqu'en 1664. A Paris, 1853. 2 v. 18~. MIONTCALM, L. J., Marquis De. Eloge Historique de: Extrait du "Mercure de France," de 1760. Quebec, 1855. 8~. Pam. v. 254. MONTECUCOLI, Principe Raymundo. Arte Universal de la Guerra... Trad. de Italiano en Espailol por B. Chafrion.....Barcelona, 1746. 56 p. 12~. Pam. v. 609. MONTESQUIEUt, Charles de Secondat de. Considerations sur les Causes de la grandeur des Romains et de leur ddcadence...Annotee par C. Aubert. Paris, Hachette, 1853. 205 p. 12~. MONTFAUCON, Bernard De. Bibliotheca Coisliniana olim Segueriana; sive Manuscriptorum omnium Grsecorum quro in ea continentur, accurata descriptio..aliaque multa annotantur, quse ad Palaeographiam Groecam pertinent. Accedunt Anecdota bene multa ex eadeni Bibliotheca desumta cum. interpretatione Latina..Parisiis, 1715, Prefaces and 810 p. fo. IMONTGAILLARDt, Comte De. State of France in May 1794. Translated from the original..... by J. L. Wilkinson. London, 1794. 64 p. 8~. Pam. v. 448. MONTGOMERY, Rev. H. Sermon, Brit. and For. Unit. Assoc'n Prov. iv, 7. London, 1843. 120. Pam. v. 317. MONTGOMERY, James. Steamin on canal and river. Archimedean Propeller Co.....J. Montgomery's patent screw and boiler. New-York, 1858. 17 p. 80. Pam. v. 477. -MONTIHLYf (The) JUBILEE, Published by an Association of the daugh, ters and sons of toil. Vol. 3, No. 11; Vol. 5, No. 3, Philadelphia, 1853, 55. 8~. Pam. v. 528. MONTICELLO ACADEMY, Sullivan co., N.Y. Catalogue, 1859. 8~. Pam. v. 459. MONTOT, M. Observations tr-s-importantes..sur l'Amidon de Sante, Paris, 1777. 16 p. 120. Pam. v. 612. MONTREALt: ROADS. Rapport de'l'Inspecteur des Chemins sur les ouvrages faits en 1854. Montreal, 1855. 40 p. 8~. Pam. v. 501.: WATER. Rapport sur tune Exploration preliminaire faite dans la vue de fournir de l'eau a la ville de Mon treal. Par T. C, Keefer. 1852. 29 p. 80. Pam. v. 236. Report of Water Committee, submitting the Reports of the engineers on the new water-works. Montreal, 1854. 92 p. Pam. v. 260. MONTREAL IN 1856: A Sketch prepared for the celebration of the opening of the Grand Trunk Railway of Canada. By a Sub-committee of the Celebration Committee. Montreal, 1856. 52 p. roy. 8~: [ SUPPL.] 70 554 GENERAL LIBlRARY. MONTREAL: -: STRANGER'S GUIDE through the city of Montreal, with engravings... Montreal, 1857. 40 p. 12~.: TRAVELLER'S GUIDE to Montreal and its vicinity...Montreal, 1857. 36 p. 18~. MONTRtAL ET BYTOWN. Prospectus du Chemin de fer de'Montreal et Bytown. Montreal, 1853. 80. Pam. v. 284. MONTREALt CITY DIRECTORY, 1845-6,1847-8, byRobert W. S. Mackay. 2 v. 12~. MONTREAL MEDICAL SCHOOL: Circulaire, Ecole de Medecine..Montreal, 1858. 8~. Pam.. 517. MONTREAL MINING COMPANY: Report of the Directors, 16th Feb. 1853. Montreal, 1853. Pam. v. 260. MONTREAL PROTESTANT ORPHAN ASYLUM: 34th Report, 1855. Miontreal, 1856. 12'. Pam. v. 509. MIONTREAL RIVER MINING COMPANY of Lake Superior: Articles of Association. New-York, 1846. 8~. Pam. v. 520. MONTYON, 3i. De. Prix de Vertu fondes par M. de Montyon: Discours prononce par M. de Noailles, 1851; par M. Vitet, 1852; par M. Viennet, 1853; par M. le Comte De Salvandy, 1854; par M. De Noailles, 1855. Academnie Francaise, Seances publiques; suivi d'uni livret contenant les recits des actions vertueuses qui ont obtenu. des m6dailles. Paris, 1851 - 55. In 1 v. 18~. MONUMENTA FRANCISCANA: Scilicet I, Thomas de Eccleston de adventu fratrum minorum in Anglia; II, Adae de Marisco epistolm; III, Begistrum fratrum minorumn Londonie. Edited by J. S. Brewer....under the direction of the Master of the Rolls. London, 1858. cxxxvii, 673 p. 8. IMOONENt, Arnold. Stefanus de Diaken. Predicatien. Deventer, 1696. 2 v. 18. MOORt, James. Tracts on the Cases, prepositions and syntax of the Greek language. By J. Moor..and James Tate...Richmond, Eng. 1830. xvi, 18 p. 8~. Pam. v. 395, MOORE'S AL3MANACK IMPROVED; 01r Wills's..1824. Chiswick, Eng.For 1852, London. 180. Alm. v. 54. MOORE, Rev. Charles. Sermon, on Sunday-schools, Rochester, June 1785: Matt. xi, 5. With an Appendix... an account of their establishment. Canterbury, Eng. 1785. 40. Pam. v. 1008. [MOORE+, Clement C.]. See Plain Statement to Proprietors, N.Y. 1816. MOORE, Cornelius. The Craftsman and Freemason's Guide..compiled... 8th edition. Cincinnati, 1854. 317 p. 18~. MQORE'S (D.D.T.) RURAL NEW-YORKER: An Agricultural and family newspaper..with engravings, conducted by D. D. T. Moore..V. Iv, 1853; V. VI, 1855; V. VII, 1856. Rochester, N.Y. 3 v. fO. MOORE, E. A Full Narrative of the mysterious disappearance of Miiss Emma Moore.... Rochester, 1855. 32 p. 8~. Pam. v. 227. MOORE, E.D. Life-Scenes from Mission Fields: A book of facts... arranged for popular use, by:.. With an Introduction by Rev. H. Winslow. NewYork, 1857. 358 p. 12,. FIRST -SUPPLEMENT. 555 MOOREt, Francis. A Voyage to Georgia, begun in the year 1735.... London, 1744. See Georgia Hist. Collections, v. 1. MOORE, Frank. Songs and Ballads of the American Revolution, with notes and illustrations. New-York..1856. 18'. American Eloquence: A Collection of Speeches and Addresses by the most eminent orators of America; with biographical sketches and illustrative notes. New-York, I857. 2 v. 8~. Diary of the American Revolution. From newspapers and original documents. New-York, 1860. 2 v. 80. MooRE, George H. Mr. Lee's Plan — March 29,1777: The Treason of Charles Lee, Major-General, second in command in the American army of the revolution....Read before N.Y. Hist. Soc. New-York, 1859. 115 p. & fac similes. 80. MooREt, Jacob Bailey. Lives of the Governors of New-Plymouth and Massachusetts Bay; from the landing of the Pilgrims at Plymouth in 1620, to the union of the two colonies in 1692. Boston..1851. 8~. MOORE, James. The Hitory of the Small-pox... ~*~. Lond. 1815. 8~. uWith, The History and practice of vaccination. By James Moore, London, 1817. In 1 v. 80~. MOORE (John), Bp. Sermon, 1713. See Society for Prop. the Gospel. Sermon, at St.James's, Ap. 16, 1696: Ps. 1, 15. London. 4~.Sermon, House of Lords, Jan. 31, 1697: I Tim. ii, 1, 2. London. 4~. Pam. v. 1005. MOORE, John. Propositions of Natural and Revealed religion..Lond. 1736. 192 p. 8~. Pam. v. 333. MOORE, John W. Complete Encyclopedia of Music, elementary, technical, historical, biographical, vocal and instrumental. Boston, 1854. roy. 8~. MooREt, Thomas. The Poetical Works of:... collected by himself. With a Memoir. Boston, Little, Brown & Co. 1856. 6 v. 18~. ~-. Notes from the Letters of:.... to his music publisher, James Power (the publication of which were suppressed in London), with an introductory letter from T. C. Croker...New-York (1854). xxxi, 176 p. 8o. Memoirs, Journal and Correspondence. Ed. by Lord John RLus. sell. Vol. 7, 8. London, 1856. 2 v. 80. MOORE, Rev. T. V. Warning Words to Young MIen: A Discourse, R.ichmond, Virginia, Feb. 29th, 1852. Richmond, 1852. 8~. Pam. v. 270. MOORSOM, Richard. A Letter to Lord John Russell, esq. on the abolition of church rates, the cost of parliamentary bishops...London, 1837. 20 p. 8~. Pam. v. 327. A Letter to the Earl of Mulgrave, on the currency and the monetary crisis...London (1847). 17 p. 8~. Pam. v. 427. MORAL (The) and Political Telegraphe or Brookfield (Mass.) Advertiser, Jan. 13, 1796. See Mass. Spy. Cat. 1855. MORAL (A) DEMONSTRATION of the Truth of the Christian Religion. 1660. Reprinted London, 1775. 80 p. 12~. Pam. v. 334. 556 GENERAL LIBRARY. MORAL (A) PROOF of the certainty of a future state. 2d edition. By Bp. F. Gastrell. London, 1728. 102,p. 80. Pam. v. 341. MORAVIAN CHURCH. The Fourth Centennial Anniversary of the Moravian Church:" Three Sermons... March 1, 1857,...Philadelphia, by the Rev. Edmund De Schweinitz, pastor; Rev. J. F. Berg, D.D....; Rev. R. Newton.... Phil'a, Morav. bookstore, 1857. 67 p. 18~. MORAVIAN HISTORICAL SOCIETY. -A Memorial of the Dedication of monuments erected by:.. to mark the sites of ancient missionary stations in New-York and Connecticut. Edited by W. C. Reichel. New-York, 1860. 185 p. 8~. MORAVIANS (The) compared and detected.... By Bp. G. Larington. London, 1755. xv, 180 p. 8~. Pam. v. 449. [MORDECAI, Samuel]. Richmond in By-gone Days; being Reminiscences of an old citizen***. Richmond, Va. 1856. 321 p. 18~. Virginia, especially Richmond in By-gone Days;.... Reminiscences and Last Words of an old citizen. 2d ed. Richmond, 1860. 359 p. 12o. [ MoREEt, Hannah]. See Cheap Repository Tracts. Remarks on the Speech of M. Dupont, made in the National Convention of France, on the subjects of religious and public education. 2d edition. London, 1793. 8~. Pam.'v. 387. Sacred Dramas, chiefly intended for young persons; the subjects taken from the Bible. 14th edition. London, 1805. 12~. MOREAU, G'n. Jean'Victor. Funeral Oration pronounced at St.Petersburg by Domin2ique.J. Garat, in honour of Moreau. Reprinted in N. York, with preface... by G. H. Neuville. New-York, 1814. 60 p. 8~. Pam. v. 494. MORELLt, J. D. The Catholic Church: A Sermon, Independent Chapel, Gosport, London, 1843. 80. Pain. v. 378. MORELLt, T. Lexicon Graeco-prosodiacum, auctore T. Morell, S.T.P. Olimn vulgatumr typis denuo mandavit....plurimis auxit; et grMecis vocibus latinam versionem subjecit Edv. Maltby, S.T.P. Pars prior; Pars altera. Cantabrigiae, 1815. 1148 p. 1 v. 4~. MORELLET (MM.) BARAT et BUSSIERE. Le Nivernois, Album historique et pittoresque, publie par: Tome premier; Tome second, with a volume of plates. Nevers.. 1838, 40. 3 v. 4~. MIOREWOOD & ROGERS' Patent galvanized tinned iron and plumbic zinc. New-York, 1853. 8~. Pam. v. 255. MORFITt, Campbell. Chemistry applied to the Manufacture of soap and candles: A thorough exposition of the principles and practice of the trade. Ill. with 117 engr. on wood. Philadelphia..1847. 80~. ---- The Arts of Tanning, Currying and Leather-dressing, theoretically and practically considered in all their details. Edited from the French of J. de Fontenelle and F. Mallepeyre, with numerous emendations and additions. Ill. by 200 wood engravings. Philadelphia.'. 1852. 8~. MORGAN, Arthur. Tables showing the total number of persons assured in the Equitable Society...the probabilities and expectations of the duration of human life..London, 1834. vii, 29 p. f~. Pam. v. 1104. FIRST SUPPLEMENT. 557 MORGAN ( Rev. Gilbert), A.M. Report on Public Instruction in Pennsylvania. Philadelphia,.1836. 24 p. 80. Pam. v. 216. MORGAN, J. The Manufacturer's Book of wages, and Work-people's Companion....Baltimore, 1825. 46 p. 8~. [ MORGAN, /Rev. John]. Dr. Tyng and others. See Trinity Ch. Pam. MORGANt, Lewis H. Laws of Descent of the Iroquois. 16 p. 80. Pam. v. 502.- The same. Rochester, N.Y. Jan. 1859. 12 p. 12~. Pam. v. 513. MORGAN (Thomas), M.D. A Letter to Sir Richard Blackmore, occasion'd by his book, intituled Modern Arians unmask'd. Lond. 1722. 91 p. 80. Pam. v. 336. The Grounds and Principles of Christian Communion consider'd, in a Letter to Rev. J. Cumming...London (1725?). 68 p. 80. Pamn. v. 336. A Defence of the Moral Philosopher against a pamphlet, intitled L. The Immorality of the moral philosopher. London, 1737. 67 p. 8~. Pam. v. 444. -- A Vindication of the Moral Philosopher, against the false accusations, insults and personal abuses, of Samuel Chandler.. London, 1741. 70 p. 8~. See Chandler, S.,Cat. 1855. MORGAN (William), F.R.S. Facts addressed to the serious attention of the People of Great Britain, respecting the expence of the war and the national debt. London, 1796. 45 p. 80. Pain. v. 448. MIORGANt, William. Illustrations of Masonry. By one of the fraternity.... 2d edition, with an account of the kidnapping of the author. New-York, 1826. 84 p. 12~. MORHOF, D. G. Polyhistor, in tres tomos, literarium...philosophicumn et practicum..divisos. Opus...illustratum a J. M11llero.. Lubecee, 1708. 3 v. in 2, 4. MORIN, Josephus. Tentamen Medicum, De Dolore..1761. Monspelii. 47 p. 120. Pam. v. 613. MORISON ( John), D.D. Two Sermons, upon Christ's reign, the nature assumed by Him, and modern gifts. 1833. London. 80. Pam. v. 377. -- The Christian Pastor visiting his flock.. Pittsburgh, Pa. 1834. rIoRLEY, Charles. Elements of Animal Magnetism; or Process and application for relieving human suffering. N.York, 1847. 24 p. 12~. Pam. v. 233. MORLEY (George), Bishop. Sermon, at the Coronation of Charles II, Westminster, 23 April 1661. London. 4~. Pam. v. 1005. MORNING AND EVENING PRAYERS for families and private persons.. 20th edition. London, Rivington, 1826. 12~. Pam. v. 308. MORRES, Robert. The Duty of Communion with the established church, and its claim to exclusive support demonstrated. Salisbury, Eng. (1817). 78 p. 81.- Supplement to the Essay..... 1818. 100 p. 8~. Pam. v. 324. MORRIS, Alexander. Prize Essay: Canada and her Resources. Montreal...1855. 156 p. 8~. 558 GENERAL LIBRARY. MORRIS, Caleb. The Servant of the Age: Discourse, Death of Rev. N. M. Hardy: Acts xiii, 36. London, 1843. 8i'. Pam. v. 380. MORRIS, Corbyn. Observations on the Past growth and Present state of London..London, 1751. 26 p. & tables. f~. MORRIst, Ed. J. Speech, U.S. H. of R., on the Revision of the Tariff, and in defence of the protective policy, February 2, 1859. 8~. Pam. v. 290. MIORRISt, F. O. A History of British Birds: Vol. IV, 1855; Vol. v, 1856. London. 2 v. 8~. [ MoaRRs, Gouverneur]. See Answer to War in Disguise, 1806; Notes on the U.S. of America, 1806; UNITED STATES: Observations on the American revolution, 1779. Cat. 1855. MORRIS, Isaac. A Narrative of:... and seven more of the crew belonging to the Wager... after they were left by Bulkeley and Cummins...London (1748?). 82 p. 8~. See Campbell, A. Cat. 1855. MonRIs, O. W. Remarks on the Quantity of Rain at different heights, New-York. Read Sept. 17, 1855. 4 p. 8~. Pam. v. 222. MoRRIS, Robert. Life of Robert Morris, the great financier; with an engraving. Philadelphia, Desilver, publisher. 8 p. 8~. MORRISON (Alexander), M.D. Outlines of Mental Diseases.... 2d edition, with 13 engravings. London, 1826. 8~. MORSE, A. Prize Essay. See National Anti-Corn law league. MORSE, Rev. Abner. A Genealogical Register of the inhabitants, and history of the towns of Sherborn and Holliston* "t. Boston, 1856. 340 p. 8~. - A Genealogical Register of the Descendants of several ancient Puritans. Vol. II, Brigham family. Boston, 1859. 100 p. 8~. MORSE, C. H. Priced Catalogue of Autographs..coins..old books... Canibridge, Mass. (1857). 23 p. 40~. Pam. v. 1015. MlORSE (Isaac E.), of Louisiana. Speech, U. S. IH. of R., in relation to California, Mar. 4, 1850. 80. Pam. v. 193. MORSE, Jason. Annals of the Church in Brimfield. By the Pastor... Springfield... 1856. 83 p. 80. MORSEt (Jedidiah), D.D. Charlestown, Death of Hon. Thomas Russell...Boston, 1796. 31lp. 8~. Pam. v. 554(?)...- Geography made easy:... Fifth edition. Boston, 1796. 432 p. 120, last pages wanting. ----- A Compendious History of New-England... By J. M. and Rev. E. Parish...London, 1808. 8~. Repr. ---- The American Gazetteer, exhibiting a full account of the. American Continent:.... J. Morse....3d edition revised...Appendix. Census of 1812. Boston, 1810. 1 v. 8~. MoRsEt, Samuel F. B. Letters from: relative to the Magnetic Telegraph. Dec. 12, 1844; Sept. 27, 1837. Cong. Doct. H. of R., Dec. 30, 1842. Pam. v. 551. See also Letter of Dec. 6, 1842j under, United States. FIRST SUPPLEMENT. 559 MIoRsEt, Sidney E. Letter on American Slavery. From the Edinburgh Witness. By An American. New-York, 1847. 8 p. 8~. Pam. v. 560. MORss, James. An Account of the origin, progress and present state of the Episcopal Church, in this town and vicinity, in a Sermon... Newburyport, Jan. 6, 1811. Newburyport, 1811. 80. Pam. v. 111. MORTIMER, Rev. G. F. W. The immediate abolition of slavery compatible with the safety and prosperity of the Colonies. A Letter..... Newcastle-upon-Tyne, 1833. 24 p. 8~. Pam. v. 438. MORTON, J. An Attempt to estimate the effects of protecting duties on the profits of agriculture. By J. M,....and Joshua Trimmer.... 6th edition. London, 1846. 92 p. 80. Pam. v. 424. MORTONt, John C. Cyclopaedia of Agriculture. Vol. II. 1855. roy. 8~. {MORTONt, M. Address, Taunton. See Massachusetts constitution. MORTON, Thomas. New English Canaan. London, 1632. See Force's Tracts, v. 2. MOSELEY, Ebenezer. An Oration, pronounced at Newburyport, July 4, 1808.... at the request of the Federal Republicans. 2d edition. 1808. 8~. Pam. v. 215. MOsELEYt (Henry), F.R. S. The Mechanical Principles of Engineering and Architecture.... st American from 2d London edition. With additions by D. H. Mahan, LL.D., U. S. Mil. Acad. With illustrations on wood. New-York...1856. 80. MIOSELEY ( J. O.), of Conn. Speech, U. S. H. of R., on the bill for enforcing the embargo. 1809. 10 p. 80. Pam. v. 487. MOSHEIJMt, J. L. Mengelwerk of Verzameling van verscheide nog onvertaalde stukken. Eerste stuk. Two Discourses: Ps. cxii, 1, 2, and Matt. vii, 15-23. Utrecht, 1780. 104 p. 80. Pam. v. 109. Moss (Charles), Bp. Sermon, Feb. 6, 1756, Fast on occasion of the earthquakes, &c. London. 40;. Pam. v. 362. [- ] See Evidence of the Resurrection. 1744. MFoss (Robert), i).D. Sermon, H. of Commons, Jan. 30, 1707 T Lan. v, 7. London. 80.- Sermon, before the Queen, Ap. 22, 1705: Ronm. xii, 21. London. 8~. Pam. v. 363. Sermon, Mlar 15, 1710, Fast: Ec. viii, 11. London. 80.- Sermon, Easter, 1708: Lu. xii, 21. London. 8o.- Sermon, May 27, 1708, Anniv. of Charity Sohools: Prov. xxii, 22. London. 80.Sermon, Oct. 5, 1708: 2 Cor. iv, 5. London. 8~. Pam. v. 364. MOSTYN, Capt. The Minutes of a Court-Martial, held on board H. M.'s ship the Lenox....inquiring into the conduct of the commanders of the Hampton Court and Dreadnought for not engaging..two French, men-of-war. 2d edition. London, 1745. 69 p. 8~. Pam. v. 391. MOTLEY, John Lothrop. The Rise of the Dutch Republic. A History. New-York...1856. 3 v. 80. History of the United Netherlands from the Death of William the Silent to the Synod of Dort, with a full view of the EnglishDutch struggle against Spain..,New-York, 1861. 2 v. 8~. MOTT, A. Biographical Sketches and Interesting Anecdotes of persons of color. To which is added a selection of pieces in poetry. N.York. (1839). 12~. 560 GENERAL LIBRARY.. MOTTE, Melish I. Simplicity in the Christian faith.... A Sermon: 1 John v, 1. Charleston, S.C. 1827. 23 p. 120. Pam. v. 559. The Religion of a Happy Child. A Sermon, Aug. 4, 1839. Boston, 1839. 80. Pam. v. 111. The Christian Patriot. A Sermon, Cambridge, 1840. 80. Pain. v. 111. MOTTERSHEAD, Joseph. Sermon, Ordination of J. Orton, Sept. 18, 1745: John iii, 2. Birmingham, 1745. 8~. Pam. v. 369. MOTTVILLE IRON WORKS, Westchester Co., N.Y. 120. Pam. v. 298. [ MouHYt, C. de Fieux, Chev. de]. See Mille et une faveurs, 1740. MOULE, Thomas. Bibliotheca Heraldica Magnse Britannive. An analytical catalogue of books of genealogy, heraldry, nobility, knighthood and ceremonies: with a list of provincial visitations, pedigrees, collections of arms, and other manuscripts. London, 1822. 668 p. 8~. MOULIN, E. Historische Kamper Kronijk. Kampen, 1839, 1849. 2 v. in 1. 118. MOUNTt AUBURN CEMETERY: Catalogue of the Proprietors, 1846, 1855...Plan of the grounds. Boston, 1846, 1855. In 1 v. 8~. MOUNTGOMRY, Sir R. A Discourse concerning... Carolina..London, 1717. See Force's Tracts, v. 1. MOUNT HOLYOKE FEMALE SEMINARY, South-Hadley, Mass. ~Catalogue, 1847. 8~.- Pam. v. 460. MOUNTMORRES, Lord. A Speech, 19th February 1789, in the House of Lords of Ireland, upon the address to H.R.H. the Prince of Wales. London, 1790. 8". Pam. v. 259. MOUNT ST.MARY'S COLLEGE: The Jubilee of:.. Emmittsburg, Md. New-York, 1859. 288 p. 12~. _MOUNTt ST.VINCENT'S HOSPITAL: First Annual Report of the Physician for 1843. Baltimore, 1843. 8~. Pam. v. 166. MOUNT-VERNON CEMETERY, Abington, Mass.: Rev. H. D. Walker's Address...Reports, Oct. 1853. Boston, 1853. Pam. v. 478. PM[OUNT-WASHINGTON COLLEGIATE INSTITUTE, New-York City: Catalogue, 1857. 8~. Pam. v. 457. MOURT, G. Relation or Journal of...Proceedings... at Plimouth... 1622. See Young's Chronicles, Cat. 1855; Mass. Hist. Soc. Coill., Series 1, v. 8; 2 Ser. v. 9: Purchas's Pilgrims. MOWRY, Sylvester.' The Geography and Resources of Arizona and Sonora: An Address, Feb. 3, 1859, New-York. Washington, 1859. 48 p. 8~. See American Geog. & Stat. Society. MOXON, Joseph. Mechanick Exercises; or the Doctrine of Handy Works: Applied to the art of smithing, joinery, carpentry and turning. By Joseph Moxon, member of the Royal Society....and hydrographer to the King's most excellent majesty. London, 16771678. N~ 1-14; 16 plates. 242 p. & index.- The samze title. Applied to the Art of Printing. The second volume. London, 1683. N~ 1- 24. 394 p., 33 plates. TYVith, at the conmmencement of Vol. I, -Mechanick Dyalling: teaching any draw a true sun-dial on any given plane. J. Moxon. 5th edition, London, 1703, 49 p. In 2 v. sm. 40o FIRST SUPPLEMENT. 561 L MoYLE, Walter]. An Argument, shewing that a Standing Army is inconsistent with a free government, and absolutely destructive to the constitution of the English monarchy..'*. London, printed in the year 1697. 30 p. 4~. Pani. v. 408. MUDGE, Zach. Sermon, Liberty: 1 Pet. ii, 16, at Exeter. London, 1731. 8~. Pain. v. 368. MUDIEt, Robert. A Popular Guide to the Observation of Nature; or Hints of inducement to the study of natural productions..N.York, 1833. 18~. MUHLENFELS, Liidwig Von. Introductory Lecture, Univ. of London, on the study of German. 2d ed. London, 1829. 8~. Pam. v. 513. MULDER, Dr. L. Leesboek over de Mestmakeru de wijze van bemnesting en vrucktbaar-making van den grond. Deventer, 1854. 137 p. 180~. MULDER, S. I. Orde voor de Feestdagen, naar den Ritus der Nederlandsch-Portugeesche Israeliten.. vertaald door. Amsterdam, 56031843. 8~. Chronologisch Handbo!kje, voor de Geschiedenis der Israeliten... Tweede druk. Amsterdam..1846. 96 p. 12~. Verspreide Letteryruchten... Leyden..1844. 8~. Bijbel voor de Israelitisch Jeugd....Eerste- Zeventiende stuk. Leyden...5603 (1843) - 5614 (1854). 17 v. 12~. Translation. See Bible. De Eerste Profeten. Leesboekje voor de Israelitische Jeugd.... Amsterdam, 5606 - 1846. 68 p. 18~. MULLALA, James. The Political History of Ireland, from the commencement of Lord Townsend's administration, to the departure of the Marquis of Buckingham; with observations on the trade and finance of the country. Dublin, 1793. 80. MUJLLALY, John. A Trip to Newfoundland; its scenery and fisheries; with an account of the laying of the submarine telegraph cable.., Illustrated with 30 engravings. New-York, 1855. 108 p. sin. 4~.....- The Laying of the Cable, or the Ocean Telegraph..1855..1857, and 1858..New-York, 1858. 329 p. 8~. MULLERt, Fred. Beschrijvende Catalogus van 7000 Portretten, van Nederlanders, en van Buitenlanders, tot Nederland in betrekking staande, afkomstig uit de collectien.. Amsterdam, 1853. xl, 408 p. 8~. Catalogus Diss. et Orat. theologicarum... in Academiis... Amst. 1853; Supp. juridicarum, 1855; Catalogus van boeken, plaatwerken en kaarten over de Nederlandsche Azie, Afrika en Amerika...Amsterdam, 1854, 103 p.; Catalogus van Regtsgeleerde Werken, 1855, 170 p.; Catalogus van nagenoeg alle werken en kleine stukken over Neerlands waterstaat.....Amst. 1855. 79 p. 8~. Cat v. 97. See Vereeniging ter Bevordering van de Belangen des Boekhandels. Catalogus. MULLER, Joachim F. Redevoering, uitgesproken in de Algem. Vergadering der Maatsch.,'tot nut van't algemeen. 8~. Pam. v. 109. [SUPPL,] 71 562 GENERAL LIBRARY. MULLER, John. A Treatise of Artillery:.. To which is prefixed, An Introduction, with a theory of powder applied to fire-arms; with.. corrections according to the 2d London edition. By John Muller.. Preceptor of engineering to the Duke of Gloucester. Philadelphia, 1779. 8~. MULLER, J. G. Geschichte der Amerikanischen Urreligion. Basel... 1855. 80. MULLIN, Jos. Speech, on Government for the Territory of California, U.S. H. of R., Washington, 1849. 14 p. 8~. Pam. v. 486. MULLINS, Edward. On the Magistracy of England, and the origin and expenditure of county rates....Abstract of Mr. Hume's bill.... to elect a council. London, 1836. 84 p. 8~. Pam. v. 427. MULocIK (Tho.), esq. Blasphemy not to be repressed or refuted, but by the truth as it is in Jesus. London, 1819. 49 p. 80. Pam. v. 376. The Glorious Liberty of the Children of God.. the doctrine..of the Holy Ghost.. London, 1841. 24 p. 80. Pam. v. 378. MULVANY, Geo. F. Thoughts and Facts concerning the fine arts in Ireland, and schools of design. Dublin, 1847. 60 p. 80. Pam. v. 400. MIuMFORD, ThOmas J. No Man cared for my Soul: A Discourse: Ps. cxlii, 5. Detroit, Mich. 1855. 12~. Pam. v. 558. Every Man shall bear his own burden: A Sermon: Gal. vi, 5. Boston, 1856. 8S. Pam. v. 558. MUNClt (Frederick), Warren Co. Miss. A Treatise on Religion and Christianity...Boston, 1847. 88 p. 120. Pam. v. 528. MuNCH (Guglielmus B.) and others. Primaria quvedam Documenta de origine typographiae, quorum illustratorum, partem primam sub proesidio C. G. Schwarzii... xII Nov. 1740 disquisitioni academicse. subjicit B. G. Munch..Partem alteram... ad disquirendum proponit Jo. G. Schaubert... Partem tertiam... disputandi causa proponit G. P. Negelein..Altorfii, 1740. 36, 56, 68 p. sm. 4~. MUNCHAUSEN, B'n. Gulliver Revived, containing singular travels... Also, An Account of a voyage into the moon. N.Y. 180-. 108 p. 180. MUNDY, George Charles. Our Antipodes; or Residence and Rambles in the Australasian colonies, with a Glimpse of the gold-fields.. 3d edition. London, 1855. 637 p. 8~. MUNICHt LIBRARY. See Bavaria. MUNNINGS, W. G. A Few Remarks upon a Sermon by P. A. Baines, D.D., 1835, Colchester. 80. Pam. v. 378. MUNRO ACADEMY, Elbridge,. Onondaga county, N.Y. Catalogue, 1854, 58. 80. Pam. v. 457. MUNSELL (Hez.) jr. A Manual of Practical English Grammar....e Albany, 1851. 66 p. I2~. Pam. v. 513. MUNSELLt, Joel. Munsell's Historical Series: Albany, 1857 -1860. 7 v. sin. 40. Contents No. 1. Wilson's Orderly Book: Expedition of the British and Provincial army under Gen. Amherst, against Ticonderoga and Crown Point, 1759. Ed. by E. B. O' Callaghan. 1857. xi, 220 p. No. 2. A Narrative of the Causes which led to Philip's Indian war of 1675 and 1676, by John Easton of Rhode-Island... With..notes by F. B. Hough. 1858. xxiii, 208 p. FIRST SUPPLEMENT. 563 No. 3. Wayne's Orderly Book of the Northern army at Ticonderoga and Mount Independence, from Oct. 1776, to Jan. 8, 1777; with Biogr. and Explanatory notes and an appendix. Ed. by J. Munsell. 1859. viii, 224 p. No. 4. Diary of the Siege of Detroit in the War with Pontiac. Also a Narrative of the principal events of the siege, by Maj. Robert Rogers... etc. Ed. with notes, by F. B. IIough. 1860. xxiii, 301 p. No. 5. Obstructions to the Navigation of Hudson's river; embracing the Minutes of the Secret Committee....1778.... By E. M. Ruttenber. 1860. vii, 210 p. No. 6. The Loyal Verses of Joseph Stansbury and Doctor Jonathan Odell; relating to the American Revolution. Now first edited by Winthrop Sargent, 1860. xxi, 199 p. No. 7. Orderly Book of Lieut. Gen. John Burgoyne, from his entry into the State of New-York, until his surrender at Saratoga, 16th Oct. 1777...Ed. by E. B. O'Callaghan... 1860. xxxiv, 221 p. A Chronology of Paper and Paper-making. For presentation only. Albany, J. Munsell, 1856. 58 p., & 3 specimens of printed paper. 8~. ---- A Chronology of Paper-making. Albany..1857. 110 p. 8~. The Every-day Book of History and Chronology; embracing the anniversaries of memorable persons and events, in every period and state of the world, from the creation to the present time. New-York, 1858. 537 p. 8~. - Annals of Albany: Vol. 7, 8, 9, 10, 1856 -59. Albany. 4 v. 120. 2 copies. Directory to the Trades in Albany for the years 1852, 53. Albany, 1852, 53. In 1 v. 12~. Specimen of Book and Job cuts belonging to the Steam printing press of: Albany, 1858. 74 leaves. 40~. Catalogue of a Bibliographical Library for sale... Albany, 1856. 38 p. 8~. Pam. v. 92. lMUNTING, Abrahamus. Waare Oeffening der Planten, waar in de rechte aart, natuire, en verborgene eigenschappen der boomen, heesteren, kruiden, ende bloemen door een veeljaarige onderzoekinge, zelfs gevonden:... Met 40 kopere platen. Leeuwarden..1672. 4~0 MUNTINGIHE, Herman. De Psalmen, uit het Heb. vertaald...Leyden, 1772; Korte Aanmerkingen. 246 p.- E'enige Taalkundige Aanmerkingen over de Psalmen. Leyden, 1792. 368 p. 3 v. in 2. 8~0. MiURATORIt, L. A-. Italicarum Rerumn Scriptores. Part of Vol. 10.De Italia Medii lEvi: Dissertatio Chorographica, pro usu Tabulse Italise Grseco-longobardico-francicse....... Isagoge ad geographiam universalem ejusdem sevi.... With, Map of Italy. 314 columns fo. MuncH, Jerom. Dangers within: Sermon, West. Unit. Soc.: 2 Tim. iv, 5. Bristol, Eng. 1838. 8~. Pam. v. 317. MUnICHISONt, Sir R. I. Address, Royal Geogr.-Society at Anniversary L.ondon, 1859. 132 p. 80~. Plam. v. 500. See also, Great Britain: Geol. Survey. MURDEN, Joseph R. The Art of Memory, reduced to a systematic arrangement, exemplified under the two leading principles, locality and association. With a specimen of a Mnemonic Dictionary. Embellished with engravings. New-York, 1818. 113, xxxvi p. 8~. 564 GENERtAL LIBRARY. MURET, P. Rites of Funeral ancient and modern.....translated into English by P. Lorrain. London, 1683. 308 p. 18~. MURIETA, Joaquin. The Life and Adventures of: the celebrated California bandit. By Yellow Bird. San Francisco, 1854. 91 p. 8~. MURPHYt, Arthur. The Life of David Garrick, esq. London, 1801. 2 v. 8~. MURPHYt, Henry C;. Speech, on Slavery in the Territories, U. S. H. of R. Washington, 1848. 8 p. 80. Pam. v. 486, 561. ---- Translation. See Vertoogh van Nieu Nederland, etc. 1650. Henry Hudson in Holland: An Inquiry into the origin and objects of the voyage which led to the discovery of the Hudson River. With biographical notes. The Hague, 1859. 72 p. 8~. MURPHY, William D. Biographical Sketches of the State Officers and the Members of the Legislature of.... New-York, in 1858. Albany, 1858. 246 p. 12~. Biographical Sketches of the State Officers and Members of the Legislature of... New-York in 1859. Albany, 1859. 257 p. 12~. MURR, C. T. De...Memorabilia Bibliothecarumn publicarum Norimbergensium et Universitatis Altdorfin ~: Pars I, cum viii tabulis mneis; Pars II, cum xiv tabulis oeneis; Pars III, cum ii tabulis veneis. Norimbergea, 1786-91. In72 v. 8~. MURRAY, HIon. Amelia M. Letters from the United States, Cuba-and Canada. London, 1856. 2 v. 12~. MURRAYt (Rev. James), of Newcastle. Sermons to Asses, to Doctors in Divinity, to Lords Spiritual and to Ministers of State. London, Hone, 1819. 1 v. 80. MURRAY, Rev. James. The Fast, a poem trans. from the prophet Isaiah. England (1795?). 24 p. 8~. Pam. v. 454. MURRAY (Sir James), M.D. Abstract of a popular Lecture on artificial respiration, Roy. Dublin Soc....1838. London. 23 p. 8~. 2 plates. Pam. v. 405. Observations on Fluid Magnesia, with papers read before the British and other Associations. London, 1840. 16 p. 8~. Pam. v. 235. MURRAY, Rev. James. A Letter... London City Mission, on the schismatical proceedings of that society.. London, 1847. 8~. Pam. v. 328. MURRAYt, Lindley. An Abridgment of the English Gramlnar..Utica, 1810. 107 p. 18~. ---- iEnglish Exercises adapted to Murray's English Gram. Bridgeport, Conn. 1815. 12~. ----- Carey's Stereotype edition.- English Grammar....with an Appendix...From the 23d English edition. Philadelphia...1815. 120~. - A New Abridgement of Murray's English Grammar.. By Stephen NW. Taylor...Watertown, N.Y. 1827. 137 p. 18~. ----- Murray's Abridgment of English Grammar...By Rev. J. Davis. Belfast, Ireland, 1830. 18~. English Grammar..New-London, 1847. 232 p. 12~. FIRST SUPPLEMENT. 565 Engelsche Spraakkunst door Lindley Murray... Zesde druk, nagezien en verbeterd door F. M. Cowan.... Zalt-Bommel, 1852. 242 p. 120. The Rules of English Syntax.- Extracted from the large Gram-mnar of: Albany, 1818...38 p. 18~. The English Reader, or pieces in prose and poetry selected.... Philadelphia, 1817. 263 p. 120. [MURRAYt (Nicholas), D. D.]. Letters to the Rt. Rev. John Hughes, R. C. Bishop of New-York. By Kirwan. New-York, 1848. 103 p. 18~. Pam. v. 623. [- -] Letters to the Rt. Rev. John Hughes, Roman Catholic Bishop of N.Y. Revised and enlarged. By Kirwan. New-York, 1855. 12~. American Principles on National Prosperity. A Thanksgiving Sermon, Elizabethtown, Nov. 23, 1854. New-York, 1854. 80. Pam. v. 104. MURRAY, Thomas. A Catechism of Political a popular form....Edinburgh, 1835. 72 p. 180. MURRAY, Rev. T. B. Jubilee Tract....An Account of the chief proceedings of the five original members of the Society for Pro. Chris. Knowl. London, 1849. 20 p. 180. Pam. v. 472. MusuEs. Mussi Grammatici de Herone et Leandro carmen. Cum scholiis grsecis nunc primum....editis ex recensione M.- Rover.... Lugd. Bat. 1737. 8~. MUSCULUS, Wolfgang. In- Genesim Mosis Commentarii......Basilems, per Sebastianuin Henriepetri. 1600. fo. In Davidis Psalterium Sacrosancturm Commentarii:... Accesserunt etiam de Juramento et Usura appendices duse. Basileos, 1618. fo. In Iesaiam Prophetam commentarii... Inserta est etiam, in Epistola dedicatoria, Historiavite3 atque mortis ejusdem Wolfgangi Musculi. Basiless...1623. fo. Commentarii in Matthseum evangelistam tribus tomis digesti. Basilese, 1611. With In Divi Ioannis Apostoli Evangelium..Commentarii in tres heptadas digesti...Basilese, 1618. In 1 v. fo. In Epistolam D. Apostoli Pauli ad Romanos, Commentarii... Basilese, 1600. With In Apostoli Pauli ambas Epistolas ad Corinthios Commentarii... Basilese, 1611. In 1 v. f~. In Epistolas Apostoli Pauli ad Galatas et Ephesios, Commentarii. Basileas ex officina Hervagiana... 1569.- With In Divi Pauli Epistolas ad Philippenses, Thessalonicenses ambas, et primam ad Timotheum, commentarii... Basilese, 1578. In I v. fo. MUSCUTT, Edward. The History of Church Lands in England, from A.D. 602 to A.D. 1850. London..1851. 8~. M1USiEt ROYAL DU LOUVRE. Notice des Tableaux exposes...Paris, 1834. 1 v. 180. Explication des Ouvrages.. des artistes vivans exposes... Paris, 1835. 1 v. 18~. Notice des Tableaux exposes dans la Galerie du Musee. Paris, 1814. Pam. v. 226. 566 GENERAL LIBRARY. MUSkEt ROYAL DU LUXEMBOURG. Explication des Ouvrages.. artistes vivans. Paris, 1831. 66 p. 120. MUSEUM HISTORICO-PIIILOLOGICO- THEOLOGICUM: Vol. I, II, Period. Ed. T. Hasaeus and N. Nonnen. Bremse, 1728, 29. 2 v. 18~. MUSGRAVE, C. Sermon, Sons of the Clergy, Lond. 1850. Pam. v. 385. MUSGRAVE (G. W.), D.D. Sermon, Death of Maj. James Owen Law. Baltimore, 1847. 32 p. 80. Pam. v. 494. MUSIIETT, William. Apostolical Succession and apostolical successors. London, 1848. 80. Pam. v. 330. MUSKOKEE HYMNS. Nakcokv Esyvhiketv, Collected and revised by Rev. R. MI1. Loughbridge and D. Winslett... 3d edition. New-York, 1859. 180~. MIUSSCHENBROEK, Petrus Van. Beginsels der Natuurkunde, beschreeven ten dienste der Landgenooten....waar by gevoegd is eene beschryving der nieuwe en onlangs uitgevonden luchtpompen, met haar gebruik tot veele proefnemingen door J. V. M. Tweede druk. Leyden, 1739. 2 v. in 1. 4~. MUSSEY, R. D. Anatomical Cabinet of:.. Catalogue. 20 p. 80. Pam. v. 516. MUSSINAN, Joseph Anton von. Denkrede auf Georg Carl von Sutner. 1837. 19 p. See Koen. Baier. Ak. Reden, v. 5. MUSTON (Alexis), D.D. The Israel of the Alps; a complete history of the Vaudois of Piedmont, and their colonies... Trans. by Rev. J. Montgomery.....With numerous illustrations. Glasgow....1857. 2 v. 8. MUTE'S ALMANAC. L. S. Backus, Canajoharie, N. Y. 1840. 120. Alm. v. 16. MUTTER, George. Sermon, Death of Rob. Hawker, D.D.: Mal. ii, 5, 6. London, 1827.- Funeral sermon... of Mrs. E. Williams: Rom. viii, 28. London, 1828. 80. Pam. v. 3882. MUTUAL BENEFIT SOC:IETIES or Brotherhoods of the Prot. Epis. Church. Convention Journal, June 1853, 54. New-York, 1853, 54. 32, 37 p. 8~. Pam. v. 542.?1UTUAL INSURANCE ASSOCIATION of Nassau, Schodack and Chatham. 2d report. Albany, 1858. 120. Pam. v. 511. MUTUALt LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY of New-York. The advantages of life insurance...New-York, 1853. Pam. v. 239.- Memorial... to the supervisors, for. relief from unjust taxation..New-York, 1854. Pam. v. 239.- Circular, Feb. 1855. 180. Pam. v. 618. Progress. N.York, 1845, 1846.- 4th, 7th Reports, 1847, 1850. -Life Insurance, what is it? 1850.- Pam. v. 511. -Report of the Board of Examiners appointed Ap. 15, 1846, to examine the affairs of: New-York, 1856. 64 p. 8~. Correspondence laid before the Board of Examiners, to examine the affairs of:.... New-York, 1856. 63 p. 80.- To the Ed. of the N.Y. Tribune. Signed J. Blunt. 4 p. Pam. v. 239, 511. Report exhibiting the experience of:.... for fifteen years, ending Feb. 1, 1858...New-York, Nov. 1859(8?). vi, 34 p. 40. FIRST SUPPLEMENT. 567 Muzzy, Ms. Harriet. Poems, moral and sentimental... Arranged by C. M. Thayer. New-York, 1821. ix, 196 p. 12~. MYSTERIES OF CALIFORNIA. Being an accurate Journal of one who has seen the Elephant. Syracuse, N.Y. 1850. 52 p. 8~. Pam. v. 500. N. NAAUKEURIGE.VERSAMELING der Gedenk-waardigste Reysen na Oost en West - Indien, 1558-1563. Leyden, Vander Aa, 1707. See Jenkinson, Frederiks and Verscheyde Scheeps-togten. NACH:WEISUNGS-BCREAU fir Auswanderer in Bremen. Erster - Sechster bericht iuber die wirksamkeit des: Bremen, 1852-57. In 1 v. 12~. NACK, James. The Legend of the Rocks, and other poems **. NewYork, 1827. 204 p. 16~. Earl Rupert, and other tales and poems. With a memoir of the author, by P. M. Wetmore. New-York, George Adlard, 1839. 12~. The Immortal; a Domestic Romance, and other poems. With a memoir of the author, by George P. Morris. New-York, 1850. vi, 172 p. 16~. NAGEL, Antonius. Notitise, Origines Domus Boicse, Seculis X et XI illustrantes....Monachii, 1804. lvi, 296 p. 12~. NAHUTYS, G. J. De Bedroefden, wegens het verlies hunner kinderen en nabestaanden door de kinderziekte....In twee leerredenen... 1776. Rotterdam, 1777. xvi, 117 p. 80. Pam. v. 568. Verhandelingen over..den Brief van Paulus aan de Philippensen. ste, 2de, 3de deel. Amsteldam, 1780 - 83. 559 p. 80. NAKATENUS, Wilhelmus. Coeleste Palmetum ad ubertatem et sacras delicias excultum... Mechlinise, 1854. 788 p. 180. NAKED (The) TRUTH; or the True State of the Primitive Church. By an humble moderator. By Bp. Herbert Croft. 1675. 66 p. 4~. Pam. v. 1004. NAMUR, P. Manuel du Bibliothecaire, accompagne de notes critiques, historiques et litteraires. Bruxelles, 1834. 368 p. 8~. Bibliographie Paleographico-diplomatico-bibliologique gen6rale; ou Repertoire systematique, indiquant: 1~ Tous les ouvrages relatifs a la paleographie, a la diplomatique, a l'histoire de l'imprimerie et de la librairie, a la bibliographie, aux bio-bibliographies et a l'histoire des bibliotheques; 2~ La notice des recueils pieriodiques, litteraires et critiques des differents pays... Liege, 1838. 2 v. 80. - Histoire des Bibliotheques publiques de la Belgique......Bruxelles, 1840, 41, 42. 3 v. 8~. NANNINGA, Jan Abrhhamns. Aanwijzing ter Verbetering van den scheepsbouw en der zeevaart.... lMet platen. Te Amst...1812. 80~. De Practicale Zeeman of goede raad aan scheepsbevelhebbers.. Emden, 1815. 8~. NANTUCKET. Papers Relating to the Island of Nantucket..Martha's Vineyard....Duke's County, while under the Colony of New-York. Franklin B. Hough..Albany, 1856. xviii, 163 p, & map. 40. 568 GENERAL LIBRARY. NAPIER1, Sir C. J. A Letter on the Defence of England, by corps of volunteers and militia...2d edition. London, 1852. 28 p. 8~. Pain. v. 406. NAPIER, Hon. William. Suggestions for the supply of the Metropolis from the soft water springs of the Surrey Lands....London, 1851. x, 113 p. 8~. Pam. v. 404. [NAPIONEt, G. F. Galeani]. Del Primo Scopritore del Continente del Nuovo Mondo, e dei pith antichi storici che ne scrissero. Ragionamento che serve di supplemento alle due lettere su la scoperta del nuovo mondo, pubblicate nel libro intitolato, Della patria di Cristoforo Colombo, stampato in Firenze nell'anno MDCccvIII. Firenze, 1809. xii, 117 p. 8~. NAPLES. Guide du Musde Royal Bourbon, par F. A. Naples, 1840. 88 p. 12~. Pam. v. 499. NAPOLEON III. See Bonaparte, L. N. NAPOLEON'S ORACULUM: N. Y. 57 P. 120. Imp. Pam. v. 618. [ NAiAMORE, Gay Ht.]. Poems. See Humboldt, G. NARESt, Robert. Charge to the Clergy, Stafford, on Sectaries, June 1812. London, 1813. 4~. Pain. v. 1009. NARRATIVE of all the Proceedings and Debates in both houses of parliament on East-India affairs, in the present session; and particularly on the bill of the Right Hon. W. Pitt..London, 1784. 581 p. 8~. NARRATIVE'of Campaigns. London, 1821. See [ Gleig, G. R.]. Cat. 1855. NARRATIVEt Of Certain Occurrences at the late special convention of the Diocese for election of P.rov. Bishop. Signed T. H. Taylor, etc. N.Y. 1851. -13 p. 8~. Pain. v. 542. NARRATIVE (A) of Five Youth from the Sandwich Islands, now receiving an education in this country..New-York, 1816. 44 p. 8~. Pam. v. 471. NARRATIVE of Occurrences in the Indian countries of North-Amlerica, since the connection of the..Earl of Selkirk with the Hudson's Bay Company...London, 1817. 152, 87 p. 8~. Pam. v. 129. NARRATIVE (A) of the Proceedings of H.M.'s fleet, under the command of Earl Howe, from the 2d of May to the 2d of June, 1794. London, Burton, 1796. 103 p. 4~. NARRATIVE (A) of the Proceedings of the Protestant Dissenters-of the three denominations; relating to the repeals of the corporation and test acts from 1731...London, 1734. 43 p. 80~ Pam. v. 318. NARRATIVE (A) of the Revolt and Insurrection of the French inhabitants in the Island of Grenada. By an Eye-witness. Edinburgh, 1795. 8~. NARRATIVE (A) of What Passed at Killala in the county of Mayo, and the parts adjacent, during the French invasion in the summer of 1798. By an Eye-witness. Dublin, London rep. 1800. 182 p.8~. Pamn. v. 392. NARVAEZ (Ramon M.), Ex-comandante gen. de la division...Al Congreso nacional y al publico. Madrid (1837). 44 p. 8~. Pam. v. 522. FIRST SUPPLEMENT. 569 NASH, Rev. Ansel. Memoir of Edward iDorr Griffin, D.DP., President of Williams College. From the Quar. Reg. N.York, 1842. 72 p. 18~. NASH, M. Ladies' and Gentlemen's Diary, or United States Almanac and Repository of Science..N~ 1, for 1820; N~ 2, for 1821; No~ 3, for 1822. New-York, 1819, 20, 22. xii, 72, xii, 96, 96 p. 12~. Alm. v. 29. NASH, T. Collections for the History of Worcestershire. Printed by John Nichols..London, -1781, 82. 2 v. fP. NASHVILLE, Tenn. Annual Report for the Muni:cipal' year, ending Sept. 31, 1854, of the Recorder.... of fire department, superintendent of water-works, and the school department. Nashville, 1855, 8~. Pam. vi 225. - 4th Report of the Public Schools. Nashville, 1858. 8~. Pam. v. 552. - CHAMBER Or COMMERCE.'Letters and Documents in relation to the location of the Railroad bridge across the Cumberland river. Nashville, 1856. 8~. Pam. v. 284. NASHVILLE (The), State of Tennessee, and General Directory:. Part I - III, containing...the principal commission, etc.; also Merchants of the city of Charleston, S.C., the cities of Savannah, Augusta; Macon, Atlanta and Rome, Ga. And.....a part of South Kentucky and, a part of North Alabama. Copy-right secured to Rev. Jno. P. Campbell... Vol. I. Nashville.. 1853. 8~. NASMITI, James. Editor of Catalogue. See Parker, M. NATIONAALE BRIEVEN..- Eerste stukje. Amsterdam, 1785. 120 p. 8e, Pam. v. 108. NATIONAL' ACADEMY OF DESIGN. Annual Exhibition of Paintings anid Sculpture: 5th, 8th - 10th, 12th - 33d Catalogue. New-York, 1830, 33- 35, 37 - 58. In 1 v. 8O.- 19th, 31st Annual Exhibitions, 1844, 56. Pam. v. 255. NATIONAL ANTI-CORN-LAW L EAGUE: Tracts. 8~. Pam, v. 424. The Constitutional Right to a revision of the land tax.. London, 1842. 57 p. Pain. v. 425. The Three Prize Essays on Agriculture and the corn-law.. Manchester, 1842. 8~. Pam. v. 424. NATIONAL ANTI-SLAVERY FESTIVAL: Report of the 24th:.. Boston, 1858. 32 p. 18~. Pamin. v. 560. NATIONAL ASSOCIATION for the Protection of: Industry and Capital throughout the British empire.- The Case of the Free-labour British colonies. London, 1852. 155 p. 8~. Pam. v.434. NATIONAL COMIC ALMANAC, 1852. Philadelphia. 12~. Alm. v. 43. NATIONAL CURRENCY REFORM ASSOCIATION, Tract No. 4. London. (1850)- Pain. v. 427. NATIONAL DEMOCRACY: State Convention. Proceedings, Syracuse, Aug. 23, 1855. New-York, 1855., 43 p. 8~. Pam. v. 530. NATIONAL DEMOCRATIC CONVENTION, held in Cincinnati June 2-6, 1856. Proceedings,. Cincinnati, 1856. 78 p, 8~. Pain. v, 537, [SUPPL.] 72 570 GENERAL LIBRARY. NATIONAL (A) EXCHANGE, in a series of essays addressed to Congress on the question of a fiscal agent......Philadelphia, 1842. 36 p. 8.0 Pam. v. 498. NATIONAL FREE SOIL CONVENTION, at Buffalo, N.Y., August 9, 10, 1848. O. Dyer's.....Report of the proceedings. Buffalo. 32 p. 8~. Pam. v. 527. NATIONALt INTELLIGENCER: Tri-weekly. Vol. 13, Oct. 1813 - Vol. 27, Dec. 1826. 13 v.; Vol. 28; June - Dec. 1827, 1 v.;' Vol. 29, Jan. - July, 1828, 1 v.; Vol. 30, Oct. 10, 1829 - Oct. 20, 1830, 1 v.- Daily. Vol. 21, Feb. 1, 1833- Vol. 22, May 26, 1834, 1 v.; Vol. 25, Dec. 6, 1837-Vol. 29, Dec. 1841, 4 v.; Vol. 31, March 2, 1843 -Vol. 34, Nov. 1846, 4 v. Tri-weekly. Vol. 49, Jan. - Dec. 1848, 1 v. Washington. 26 v.fP. NATIONALt LOAN FUND: Life Assurance Association, of Lond. Statement in regard to the claim of Mrs. Hetzell. Albany, 1850. 8~. Circular, New-York, 1853. Pam. v. 239. NATIONALt MAGAZINE: Monthly. James Floy, Editor. Vol. 7, July 1855 -Vol. 13, June 1858. New-York. 6 v. 8~. NATIONAL MEDICAL COLLEGE, Washington, D.C. Circular, Georgetown, 1850. 8~. Pam. v. 156. NATIONALt MEDICAL CONVENTION. Minutes of the Proceedings.... New-York, May 1846. New-York, 1846. 8~. Pam. v. 235. NATIONALt PHARMACEUTICAL CONVENTION. Proceedings, at Philadelphia, Oct. 6th, 1852. Philadelphia, 1852. 8~. Pam. v. 89. NATIONALt POLICE GAZETTE, Weekly. Vol. 10, Oct. 1854 -.Vol. 14, Sept. 1859. New-York. 3 v. fo. NATIONALt (The) PREACHER, or original monthly sermons from living ministers. Ed. by A. Dickinson. New-York. Vol. 1 - 3. 1826 - 29. In 1 v. 80~. No. 4. Vol. 26, Ap. 1852. Pam. v. 231. NATIONAL (On) PROPERTY, and-on the prospects. of the present administration and of their successors...2d edition. London, 1835. 132 p. 80~. Pam v. 415. NATIONAL QUARANTINE AND SANITARY CONVENTION. Minutes and proceedings of the Second, Philadelphia, May 13 -17, 1857. 60 p. 8~. Pam. v. 501.- Proceedings and debates of the third.... New-York City, Ap. 27-30, 1859. City Doct. New-York, 1859. 728 p. 1 v.- Proceedings and debates of the fourth..Boston, June 14-16, 1860. Boston, 288 p. 1 v.-2 v. 8~. NATIONAL REGENERATION, social, political and military, suggested by Prince De Joinville's " Essai sur les forces navales de la France." By a retired Military Officer. London, 1844. 36 p. 80. Pam. v. 406. NATIONAL REVIEW, Quarterly. Vol. 1, July 1855 - Vol. 8, April 1, 1859. London. 8 v. 8~. NATIONAL SOCIETY OF LITERATURE AND SCIENCE: Statement. NewYork, 1840. 8~. Pam. v. 513. NATIONAL TEMPERANCE CONVENTION (-Fourth). Proceedings, Saratoga Springs, Aug. 20, 1851. See Am. Temp. Union. NATIONAL TEMPERANCE SOCIETY, 1st Quarterly Report. New-York, 1850. 120. Pam. v. 630. FIRST SUPPLEMENT. 571 NATIONAL TEMPLE OF HONOR of the United States. Proceedings, 3d Ann. Session. Philadelphia, June 26, 1848. 28 p. 8~. Pam. v. 550. NATIONAL TYPOGRAPHICAL UNION. Proceedings of the third National Convention of Journeymen Printers. Cincinnati, O. 1852. 31 p. 8~. Pam. v. 298. NATURA ARTIS MAGISTRA. See Koninklijk Zoologisch Genootschap. NATURALt HISTORY SOCIETY of Montreal. Report of Meteorological observations made on the Island of St.Helen.... under.... direction of John S. McCord. Montreal, 1842. 80. Pam. v. 255. 29th Ann. Report. Montreal, 1857. 80. Pam. v. 551. NATURE (The) and Necessity of Catechising: by a Divine of the Church of England... Cambridge, 1746. 30 p. 8~. Pam. v. 322, 338. NATURE (The), Certainty and Evidence of true Christianity. In a Letter from a lady in New-England... Conn.? 1798. 23 p. 180. Pam. v. 603. NATURFORSCHENDE GESELLSCHAFT in Bern. Mittheilungen....aus dem jahre 1855. No. 331-359. Bern, 1855. 80. NAUTICALt (The) ALMANAC and Astronomical Ephemeris for the year 1812. London.... Tenth American impression.... Carefully revised by John Garnett. New-Brunswick, New-Jersey [1810]. 8~. NAUTICALt (The) ALMANAC and Astronomical Ephemeris for the year 1859, 60, 61. London, 1855, 56, 57. 3 v. 8~. NAVA, Davide. Sul Gaglio Vitellino. 1857. 98 p. See Lombard Institute. NAVAL AND MILITARY BIBLE SOCIETY: Report, 1824. London. 8~. Pam. v. 467. NAVAL CONSIDERATIONS upon the Letters of Lord Melville and Mr. Rose, relative to the construction of a naval arsenal at Northfleet....London, 1810. 41 p. 8~. Pam. v. 406. NAVY (British) LIST. Steel's Original and Correct List of the Royal Navy, and Hon. East-India Company's shipping. Continued monthly....Aug. 1, 1813. London; New-York republished. 90 p. 18~. See also for Aug. 1811, Army List (Steel), 1811. NAYLER, J. The Grand Impostor examined; or the Life, Tryal and examination of James Nayler, the seduced and seducing Quaker, with the manner of his riding into Bristol. London, 1656. sm. 4~. Imp. Pam. v. 600. NEALt, Daniel. Sermon, Society for the reformation of manners: Ps. xciv, 16. London, 1722. 8~. Pam. v. 367. NEAL, John. The Battle of Niagara. 2d edition, enlarged; with other poems. Baltimore, 1819. lxvii, 69 - 272 p. 18~. Errata; or the Works of Will. Adams: A Tale... New-York, 1823. 2 v. 12~. NEALE, Rev. John MI. See Songs and Ballads. NEALE, J. P. The History and Antiquities of Westminster Abbey and Henry the Seventh's Chapel; their tombs, ancient monuments and inscriptions. Also the most remarkable epitaphs and notices of 57;2 GENERAL LIBRARY. the persons interred; with memoirs of the abbots and deans...... Illustrated with (59) highly finished engravings by Le Keux, Woolnoth,. Byrne, Scott, &c., from drawings by J. P. Neale.... Text by E. W. Brayley. London, Willis & Sotheran, 1856. xviii, 112 p. and plates, 4~. NEANDERt, Aug. Lectures on the History of Christian Dogmas.... Ed. by J. L. Jacobi. Trans. by J. E. Ryland..'London, Bohn, 1858. 2 v. 120. NECESSITY of Reformation..1679. See Congfr. Churches, IMass. NECK OR NOTHING: In a Letter to the Rt. Hon. the Lord - -; being a Supplement to the Short History of the Parliament. Also the new Scheme (mentioned in the foresaid history) which the English and Scotch Jacobites have concerted for bringing in the Pretender.. Written by his Grace John, Duke of -. London, 1713. 60 p. 8~. Pam. v. 442. NEDERLANDSCHEt INSTITUUT. See Koninklijk Akademie. NEDERLAX.NDSC —ISRAELIETISSC JAARBOEIKJE, 1856 1,858-'59. Gravenhage. 2 v. 180. NEDERLANDSC-HE RIJKS-ARlCHIEp. Overzigt van het Nederlandsche Rijks-archief, uitgegeven op last van Z. Exc. den Minister van Binnenlandsche Zaken. Eerste stuk.. Gravenhage, 1854. 231, 43 p. 8~. N:ED:ERIANDSCI ZENDELING-GENOOTSCIAP: Berigten en Brieven... 1821. Rotterdam. N~ 1 - 12. 242 p. 8o. Pam. v. 568. [NtE DE LA ROCHELLE, Jean F.]. See Dolet, E., Vie de. [NEEDIIAMt, Marchamont]. Christianissimus Christianandus; or, Reason for the r6duction of France to a more Christian state in Europ. *'. London, 1678. 80 p. 4~. Pam. v. 407. ][ -] See'Pacquet of men of Shaftesbury, 1676. NEEDLE - WOMAN'S FRIEND SOCIETY of Albany: Report, 1851. 8~. Pam. v.226. NEFF ( Jacob F.), M.D. The Army and Navy of America; containing a View of the heroic adventures, the close of'the Florida war. Philadelphia (1845). 624 p. 8~. NEGBAUER'S CoMIC ALMANAC. San Francisco, Cal. 1855. 120. Aim. v. 30. NEGELEIN, Gust. P. De Orig. Typog. See Munch, G. B. NEGREIROS, A. T. de. Tratado de Operaq6es de Banco, ou Directorio de banquieros...Bahia, 1817. 155 p. 8~. NEGRO APPRENTICESHIP in the Colonies: A Review of the Report of the select committee of the H. of Commons.... London, 1837. 44 p. 8~. Pam. v. 438. NEGRO EMANCIPATION made easy; with Reflections on the African Institution and slave registry bill. By a British planter. London, 1816. 94 p. 80. Pam. v. 435. NEGRO SLAVERY; or a View oCf that state.... in the U.S. of America and in the colonies of the West-Indies, especially in Jamaica. Lond. 1823. 119 p. 8~. Pam. v. 436. FIRST SUPPLEMENT. 573 NEGRO SLAVERY. N~ II, Slavery in the United States. Signed T. E. London. 13 - 20 p. 80~. Pam. v. 437. NEiDHARD (Charles), M.D. An Answer to the Homoeopathic delusions of Dr. O. W. Holmes. Philadelphia, 1842. 8~. Pam. v. 271. NEILL (Rev. Henry), Detroit. A Letter to-the Editors of the American Presbyterian and Genesee Evangelist..Philadelphia, 1858. 21 p. 8~. lPam. v. 536. NE;ILL (Williali), D.D. *The Unity of the Spirit.... a discourse, 2d Presbytery of Philadelphia. Phiil'a, 1833. 80. Pam. v. 559. -. A Discourse, reviewing a ministry of fifty years...With an Appendix of anecdotes and reminiscences. Philadelphia, 1857. 63 p. 8~. Pani. v. 94, 504. NELL, William C. The'Colored Patriots of the American Revolution, with sketches of several distinguished colored persons... W..ith an introduction,' by H. B. Stowe. Boston, 1855. 396 p. 120. NELSON, Henry. Sermon, Aug. 19, 1707 Eph. iv, 2, 3. London. 80. Pam. v.-364. NELSON, Henry A. The Bible for the People: An Address, St.Louis Bible Society, 1857. St.Louis, 1857. 8~. Pam. v. 468. NEPOSt, Cornelius....ite Excellentium Imperatorum, cum notis selectis..Suas notas addidit Augustinus van Staveren. Lugd. Batav. 1773. 8~. - De Vita Excellentium Imperatorurn. Mit An merkungen von J. H. Bremi. Zuirich, 1812. 8~. NETHERLANDSt. Journal of the Representatives of the Republic, 1796 -98. See Dagverhaal..-: EDUCATION. Verslagen nopens den Staa:t der hooge, middelbare en lagere scholen in het Koningrijk der Nederlanden, gedaan aan de Staten-generaal, 1816 - 1840. 636 p.- Verslagen, 1841 - 1850. Gravenhage, 1842 - 1851. 2 v. 80~. GEOLOGY. Verhandelingen uitgegeven door de Commissie belast met het vervaardigen eener geologische beschrijving en kaart van Nederland. Haarlem, 1853, 54. 2 v. 4~, - INSANE. Gesehiedkundig Overzigt der Verbeteringen, in de laatste jaren daargesteld in de verpleging van krankzinnigen in Nederland... 1844, 1845 en 1846....door de Inspecteurs dier Gestichten,' C. J. Feith en J. L. C. Schroeder van der Kolk. Gravenhage, 1848.- With, Verslag over den Staat der Gestichten voor Krankzinnigen..over het jaar 1847, 1848..Gravenhage, 1849, 1850. And Verslag... over de jaren 1849 en 1850. Gravenhage, 1852. In 1 v. 80. - MILITARY ACADEMY. Krijgskundige Leer-cursus ten gebruike der Koninklijke Militaire Akademie.- Handleiding tot de kennis der artillerie voor de kadetten van alle wapenene. Breda, 1839. 12~. See also MIeijer, M. POOR. Verslag nopens den Staat van het armwezen, over 1840, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49; Ten Reports. Gravenhage, 1842 - 1851. Bound in 3 v. 8~..-.. PRIsoNS. Statistieke Tabellen van de Bevolking der Gevangennissen in Nederland, over 1845- 1849. In 1 v. ob. 8~. 574 GENERAL LIBRARY. NETHERLANDS:: REGISTER. Statistisch Jaarboekje voor het Koningrijk der Nederlanden. Eerste jaargang. Uitgegeven door het departement van Binnenlandsche Zaken. Gravenhage, 1851. 270 p. & tables. 12~. Notice des Tableaux du Musee royal a la Haye. 120. Pam. v. 499. NETTER, Thomas. Fasciculi Zizaniorum Magistri Johannis Wyc!lif cum tritico. Ascribed to Thomas Netter of Walden....Ed. by the Rev. Walter Waddington Shirley... Under the direction of the Master of the Rolls. London, 1858. lxxxviii, 553 p. 8~. NETTLE, Richard. The Salmon Fisheries of the St.Lawrence and its tributaries. Montreal, 1857. 144 p. 12~. NETTLETON, Rev. Asahel. Village Hymns for Social Worship; selected and original..2d edition. Hartford, 1824. 480 p. 18~. NEUE (Der) AMERICANISCHE LANDWIRTHSCHAFTS CALENDER: Reading, Pa. 1820,'24. 40~. Alm. v. 45. NEUE (Der) HOcH DEUTSCHE AMERICANISCHE CALENDER, Baltimore, S. Savr, 1802, 07. 40~. Alm. v. 44. NEUE ( Der) PENNSYLVANISCHE STADT UND LAND CALENDER: Allentown, 1823. 40~. Alm. v. 45. NEUE (Der) READINGER CALENDER, Reading, Pa. 1814,'17,'22. 40. Alm. v. 45; 1836, Alm. v. 46. NEUER GEMEINNUTZIGER PENNSYLVANISCHER CALENDER, Lancaster, 1835,'37,'39. 4~. Alm. v. 46. See also Lancast. Calend. NEUER HAUSSWIRTHSCHAFTS CALENDER, Reading, Pa. 1799. 120. Alm. v. 44. NiEUER LANCXSTERSCOHER CALENDER, Lancaster, Pa. 1796,'98,'99, 1800,'03,'05,'08. Alm. v. 44.-..1809: Lane. (Gemeinnutzig Landwirthschafts) Cal.: ~1815..Albrechts..1821: Gemeinniitzige, &c. 1825, 28. 40. Alm. v. 45. NiVE, EImile. Appendice a la Bibliographie Douaisienne de M. Duthillceul... ( Du Bulletin du Bibliophile Belge). Bruxelles, 1850.With, Nouvel Appendice.. par Ch. De Ch6nedoll...Bruxelles, 1851. 36 p. 8o. NEVILLE, Rev. Edmund. "Autumn Lessons"; or The Leaf an Emblem of Man: A Sermon....Phil'a, Nov. 23, 1845. Philadelphia, 1845. 8~. Pam. v. 441. NEVILLE, Robert. Sermon, before Univ. of Cambridge, Aug. 7, 1681, Human Learning: Prov. xix, 2. London. 40~. Sermon, Univ. of Cambridge, Decree of Election: Eph. i, 4. London, 1682. 4~. Pam. v. 360. NEVINt (John W.), D.D. The German Language: An Address... Goethean Literary Society of lMarshall College, August, 29, 1842. Chambersburg, Pa. 1842. 8~. Pam. v. 287. NEW AMERICAN CYCLOPAEDIA: A Popular Dictionary of General Knowledge. Edited by George Ripley and Charles A. Dana. Vol. I- x, A - Mac. New-York, 1858- 60. 10 v. 8~. NEW (A) and Accurate Account of the provinces of South-Carolina and Gbeorgia..By Gen. James Oglethorpe. London, 1733. See Georgia Hist. Collections, v. 1. FIRST SUPPLEMENT. 575 NEW AND FURTHER NARRATIVE of the state of New-England... London, 1676. See Drake's Old Indian Chronicles. NEW (The) BOND OP LOVE. Scraps from the writer's albums. NewYork, printed for the author, 1853. 110 p. 120. Pam. v. 606. NEW CHURCH: Articles of Faith of the New Church, signified by the New Jerusalem in the Revelation. 4 p. 80. Pam. v. 540. NEW CHURCH HERALD, Sept. 18, 1858. Columbus, O. Newsp. v. 16. NEW COLLECTION of Voyages, Discoveries and Travels..With maps.. and engravings. London, J. Knox, 1767. 7 v. 8~. NEW (A) DEFENCE of the Bp. of Bangor's, Dr. Hoadly's, Sermon on John xviii, 36, considered as it is the performance of a man of letters. By an impartial hand, i. e. Bp. Francis Hare. London, 1720. 66 p. 80. Pam. v. 340. NEW (The) DEMOCRATIC DOCTRINE. Slavery not to be confined to the negro race.... N.Y. 1856. 4 p.- The same in German. 4 p. 8.. Pam. v. 537. NEW (A) DESCRIPTION of Merryland; containing a topographical, geographical and natural history... 5th edition. Bath, Eng. 1741. 25 p. 80. Pam. v. 503. NEW (A) DICTIONARY OF QUOTATIONS, from the Greek, Latin and Modern languages, translated into English. From London edition. Philadelphia, 1859. 527 p. 80. NEW GENERAL COLLECTION of Voyages. See [Astley, T.]. NEW (A) HISTORY of Jamaica, from the earliest accounts, to the taking of Porto Bello by Vice-admiral Vernon. In thirteen letters,.. In which are briefly interspersed the characters of its governors,... 2d edition. London, 1740. 340 p. 80. NEW (The) LIFE of Virginea..being the second part of Noua Britannia. Signed R. L London, 1612. See Force's Tracts v. 1; Mass, Hist. Soc. Coll. S. 2, v. 8. NEW POPULAR RHYMES for Puseyite times. 2d edition. London, 1843. 12 p. 12~. Pam. v. 398. NEW (A) TEST of the Church of England's loyalty. By J. Tutchin? London, 1687. 8 p. 4~. Pam. v. 357. NEW (A) TREATISE on the Consumption, containing an attempt to investigate its real nature...By an Advocate for useful improvement. Newfield, Conn. 1796. 49 p. 8o. Pam. v. 516. NEW (A) VOYAGE to Georgia. By a Young Gentleman. Giving an account of his travels to South-Carolina aind part of North-Carolina.. And a Poem to James Oglethorpe...2d edition. London, 1737. 62 p. 8~. Also in Georgia Hist. Soc. Coll. v. 2. NEWARK ACADEMY, Delaware College, Cat. 1847. 8~. Pam. v. 458. NEWARK COLLEGE. Catalogue, Newark, Del. 1839-40. Philadelphia, 1840. 80. Pam. v. 157. NEWARK DIRECTORY. Boyd's Newark Business Directory, 1857. Newark, N.J. 166 p. 18~. NEWARK LIBRARY_ ASSOCIATION. Charter and By-Laws. Newark, N.J. 1856. Pam. v. 276. 576 GENERAL LIBRARY. NRwIARK LIBRARY ASSOCIATTON: Catalogue of the Library., Newark.....1857. 148 p. 80~ NEw-BEDFORD+t, Mfass. [Various Financial, Poor, School Library, &:c., Reports and Mayors' Addresses, of the; town, and city from 1831 to 1859]. New-Bedford. Bound in 3 v. 80. -- Report of School Committee, 1845 - 6. New-Bediford;, 1846. 8~. Pam. v. 552.: FREE, PUBLIC LIBRARY. Proceedings on the occasion of laying the corner-stone of the Library Edifice for the Free Public Library of the city of New-Bedford. Aug. 28, 1856. New-Bedford... 1856. 8~. -: - 2d, 3dc Report of the Trustees, 1853 -4, 1855. Pam. v. 209.- 4th, 5th Report, 1856, 57. Pam. v. 276. — 7th Report, NewBedford, 1859. 8~. Pam. v. 470. -..... Catalogue. New-Bedford, 1858. 355 p. 8~. NEW BRITISH & FOREIGN TEMPERANCE SOCIETY: Second Report. London, 1838. 80. Pam. v. 291. NEWBURGH ( N. Y.) POOR SYSTEM: Report of Committee, Dec. 1852. 8 p.- Fifth Ann. Report of the Comm'rs of the Alms-house: of... Newburgh..Nov. 1857. Newburgh, 1857. 8~. Pam. v. 53;5. NEWBUCRY SEMINARY, Vt. Catalogue, 1846. 8~. Pam. v. 458. NEWBURYPORT, Mass. The Annual Report of the School Committee, Nov. 30, 1853. Newburyport, 1853. 8~. Pam. v. 190. - Catalogue of the Public Library of the city of Newburyport, founded by HI-on. Josiah Little. Newburyport, 1857. 207 p. 80. 2d Annual Report of the Public library, 1857. Pam. v. 276. — 3d Ann. Report. Newburyport, 1858. Pam. v. 470.. NEWBURYPORT DIRECTORY; containing a new map... Jan,. 1851. By John E. Tilton. Newburyport...18~. NEWCASTLE and FRENCHTOWN TURNPIKE & RAILROAD COMPAN~Y: Report of the President, Dec. 31, 1849. Newcastle, Jan. 1850. 8~. Pam. v. 257. NEWCOME, John. Sermon, Prophecy: 2 Pet. i, 19., Cambridge, Eng. 1724. 80. Pam. v. 367. [NEwcoME, Mrs. John]j. See Enquiry on Evidences; of Christianity, 1728. NEWCOMEf (William), D.D. An Attempt towards an improved version, a metrical arrangement, and an explanation of the. Prophet Ezekiel. London, 1836. liv, 295 p. 8~. NEWELL'S Patent parautoptic bank lock. New-York (1849). 8~. Pam. v. 273, 298. NEWELL, Rev. Chester. History of the Revolution in Texas, particularly of the war of 1835 and'36; together with the latest accounts of the country...New-York, 1838. 215 p. 120. NEWELL, Rev. D. The Life of Rev. George Whitefield. New-York (1846). 218 p. 120, FIRST SUPPLEMENT. 577 NEWELL (W. XV.), D.D. The Glories of a Dawning Age: A Discourse, Liverpool, N.Y., Oct. 19, 1852, Ordination of Mr. B. Bell; with a Farewell address to missionaries for California. Syracuse, 1853. 8~. Pam. v. 111, 267, 441. NEW-ENGLAND: An Abstract of the Lawes of New-England as they are now established. By J. Cotton. London, 1641. See Force's Tracts, v. 3; Mass. Hist. Soc. Collections, S. 1, v. 5. NEW-ENGLAND ALMANACK. E. Freebetter, New-London, T. Green, 1780,'85,'86. 120. Aim. v. 19. NEW-ENGLAND COURANT: No. 80, Feb. 11, 1723. Boston, B. Franklin. Repr. 1856. See Newsp. v. 15. NEW - ENGLAND EMIGRANT AID SOCIETY. Information for Kanzas emigrants. By T. H. Webb, Sec. 12th edition...Boston, 1857. 100 p. 12~. Pam. v. 565. NEW-ENGLAND (The) FARMER; containing Essays original and selected, relating to agriculture and domestic economy.. By Thomas G. Fessenden. Vol. 1 - 13, Aug. 3, 1822 - July 3, 1835. Boston. 13 v. 40. New title to second series: The New-England Farmer and Gardener's Journal, etc. Vol. 13 is v. 4 of New series. NEW-ENGLAND FARMER'S ALMANAC. T. G. Fessenden. Boston, 1833, 34. 12~. Alm. v. 34. NEW-ENGLAND FARMER'S DIARY. T. Abell, Windsor, Vt. 1822,'39. 120. Alm. v. 23; 1842, Aim. v. 24. NEW-ENGLAND FEMALE MEDICAL COLLEGE: 8th Report. Boston, 1857. 24 p. 8~. Pam. v. 515. See also Female Med. Ed. Society. NEWt-ENGLAND HISTORIC-GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY, to the Members of the General Court of Massachusetts:... against...a change in its corporate name. Boston, 1858. 8~. Pam. -v. 276. NEWt-ENGLAND HISTORICAL AND GENEALOGICAL REGISTER. Vol. 10, 1856-Vol. 13, 1859. Boston. 4 v. 8~. NEW-ENGLAND JOURNAL OF MEDICINE AND SURGERY, and the collateral branches of science. Vol. 5.. Boston, 1816. 1 v. 8~. NEw-ENGLAND (The) MERCANTILE UNION DIRECTORY..showing the name.. of mercantile firms..professional men..literary institutions, courts, etc...For the year 1849. Pratt 4 Co. New-York, S. French, 1849. 8~. NEWt-ENGLAND MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY. Exposition of..Boston, 1845.- Report, 1847; 13th Report, 1856, Boston, 1857. 80. Pam. v. 511.- 7th Report, Dec. 2, 1850. Pam. v. 154.- 9th, 10th, 11th, 13th Report, 1852, 53, 54, 56.- Objects of, Boston, 1846, 1851. Pam. v. 239.- Circular, Boston, 1858. 12~. Pam-, v. 618. NEWt-ENGLAND PALLADIUM. Newsp. For 1812. Boston. 1 v. f~. NEW,-ENGLAND (The) PATRIOT. Boston, 1810. 148, 12 p.80. See [ Lowell, J.], Cat. 1855. NEW-ENGLAND'S PLANTATION, 1630. See [ Higginson, F.], Cat. 1855; Also in Young's Chronicles; Force's Tracts; Mass. Hist. Soc. Coil; [ SUPPL.] 73 578 GENERAL LIBRARY. NEW-ENGLAND SOCIETY in the city of New-York. Semi-centennial celebration, Dec. 1855 - Oration, O. W. Holmes; Poem, J. Pierpont. New-York, 1856. 116 p. 8~. Pam. v. 514. NEW-ENGLAND SPIRITUALISTS' ASSOCIATION. Constitution, etc. Boston, 1854. 80. Pam. v. 563. NEW-ENGLAND TRACT SOCIETY. 7th Report, 1821. Andover, Mass. 32 p. 120. Pam. v. 297. NEw-ENGLANDERt (The), Quar'terly. Vol. 14, 1856-Vol. 16, 1858. New-Haven, Conn. 3 v. 8~. NEW GRAEFENBERG WATER-CURE REPORTER. Devoted to the Hydropathic treatment of disease, &c. Henry Foster, M.D., Editor. Vol. 1, No. 1, for Jan. 1849. Utica, 1849. 8~. Pam. v. 210. NEw-GRANADA CANAL & STEAM NAVIGATION COMPANY. Remarks on the Canal or " Dique " of Carthagena....and its navigation by steam.....By a committee. JNew-York, 1855. 67 p. and maps. 8~. Pam. v. 477. NEWHALL, Isaac. Letters on Junius, addressed to John Pickering, esq., showing that the author...was Earl Temple. Boston, 1831. 276 p. 12~. NEWHALL, J. B. A Glimpse of Iowa in 1846, or the Emigrant's Guide and State Directory. With a description of the new purchase...and the new State Constitution. 2d edition. Burlington, Iowa, 1846. 12~. NEW't-HAMPS1IRE. Address of His Excellency the the General Court, June session, 1846. Concord, 1846. Pam. v. 237. - EDUCATION. Report of the Commissioner of Common Schools. Hanover, 1847. 94 p. 80. Pam. v. 553..: -- 13th, 14th Annual Report upon the Common Schools, the same being the 9th, 10th Report of Board of Education, June 1859, 60. Concord, 1859, 60. 2 v. 80~. ---:INSANE. Report made to the Legislature on the subject of the insane. Concord, 1838. 28 p.- Report of the Board of Visitors, etc, 1843, 44, 46-53, 55- 59. Concord. I v. 8~. — For 1849, in Pam. v. 165. -- -: LIBRARY. Catalogue of the State Library. Concord, 1857. 48 p. 8~. ----: PRISON. Reports of the Warden. Physician and Chaplain, 1849. Concord, 1849. 80. Pam. v. 159.- Report, Concord, 1854. 32 p. 80. Pam. v. 191, 538. NEW-HAMPSHIRE BIBLE SOCIETY. 37th, 38th Report. Concord, 1848, 49. 8~. Pam. v. 469. NEW-HAMPSHIRE FESTIVAL. Second Festival of the Sons of NewHampshire, celebrated in Boston, Nov. 2, 1853. Including... Obsequies commemorative of....D. Webster...Boston, 1854. 229 p. 8~. For the First, See Festival, Cat. 1855. NEw-HAMPSHIRE MEDICAL INSTITUTION. Ann. Circular, 1840. —58th Announcement, May 1854. 8~. Pam. v. 196.- 59th Announcement, 1855. Hanover, N.H. 8~. Pam. v. 517. NEW-HAMPSHIRE (Home) MISSIONARY SOCIETY. 47th Report. Concord, 1848. 8~. Pam. v. 524. FIRST SUPPLEMENT. 579 NEW-HAMPSHIRE REGISTER. Bound in 17 v. 180. Viz: United States Repository and New-Hampshire Register, 1801, Portsmouth; Curtis's Pocket Almanac and Register, 1801, Exeter; 1802, Walpole; 1807, Amherst; 1809, Amherst; Concord Pocket Almanack and Register, 1810, 11, 12, 13, Concord; New-Hampshire Register and United States Calendar,, 1814, 1815, Exeter; 1816, Concord; 1817, Exeter; 1818, 19, 21, 22, 23, 24, Concord; 1825 to 1838, by John Farmer, Concord-; 1838 to 1840, by Jacob B. Moore; 1841 to 1844, by Asa Fowler; 1845 to 1858, by G. Parker Lyon. NEW-HAMPSHIRE STATE AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY. Transactions, 1854. 1857, ed. by J. O. Adams, Concord, 1855, 58; for 1858, ed. by J. C. A. Wingate, Concord, 1859; for 1859, Manchester. 4 v. 8~. NEW-HAMPTON (N.H.) FEMALE SEMINARY, LIT. AND MISS. ASSOC'N, 1847, 8, 9. Report. 72 p. 8~. Pam. v. 460. NEW-HAVEN: COLONY. Records of the Colony and Plantation of New-Haven, from 1638 to 1649. 1 v.- Records of the Colony or Jurisdiction of New-Haven, from May 1653, to the Union. Together with the New-Haven Code of 1656. 1 v. — Transcribed and edited in accordance with a resolution of the Gen. Ass. of Conn. By Charles J. Hoadly, M.A., State Librarian. Hartford, 1857, 58. 2 v. 8~. NEw-HAVEN, Conn. Report of the Board of Visitors of the First School Society...New-Haven, 1854. 8~. Pam. v. 552. NEW-HAVEN COUNTY: CONGREGATIONAL CHURCHES. A Letter from the Association of the county of New-Haven, to the Rev. Elders in the Colonies of Rhode-Island and Massachusetts Bay who assisted in the ordination of the Rev. Mr. John Hubbard at Meriden, June 22, 1769. To which are annexed, Remarks... New-Haven, T. & S. Green. 24 p. 8~. NEWt-HAVEN COUNTY HORTICULTURAL SOCIETY. Transactions for 1847. New-Haven, 1847. 20 p. 8~. Pam. v. 505. NEW-HAVEN COUNTY MEDICAL SOCIETY. Report....on the expediency of repealing that section of the medical laws of this State which excludes irregular practitioners from...the collection of fees. NewHaven, 1837. 16 p. 8~. Pam. v. 516. NEw-HAVEN DIRECTORIES. Benham's City Directory, 1847-51. NewHaven. 4 v. 120. NEW-HAVEN YOUNG MEN'S INSTITUTE. Reports, New-Haven, 1858. 8~. Pam. v. 276.:NEWt-JERsEY. Address of a-Convention of Delegates of the People of New-Jersey...held by public appointment..Trenton, 4 July, 1812. Canandaigua, N. Y. 1812. 12 p. 80. Pam. v. 526. -~-: AGRICULTURE. Report of the State Agricultural Society of New-Jersey, for the years 1855 and 1856. Trenton, 1857. 147 p. in 1 v. 8~.- Report for 1857. Trenton, 1858. 106 p. 8C. Pam. v. 461. -: BANKS. Annual Statements of the Banks of the State, 1855,'56,'57. 8~. Pam. v. 252. -: CANALS. Report of the New-Jersey Commissioners upon the subject of a canal from the Delaware to the Raritan. Made Nov. 1824. Trenton, 1824. Pam. v. 258.- Report of the State Directors of the Delaware and Raritan Canal and Camden and Amboy Railroad Companies. Trenton, 1856, 57. Pam. v. 258.- Report for 1858. Pam. v. 283. 680 GENERAL LIBRARY. NEW-JERSEY: CANALS:: -:-See New-Jersey: Railroads. -: EDUCATION. Annual Report of the Trustees of the School Fund. Trenton, 1842. Paam. v. 173.- For 1846. 8~. Pam. v. 553.: -- Annual Report of the State Superintendent of Public Schools for 1848. Trenton, 1849. 80 p. Pam. v. 250.- Reports for 1855, 56. Trenton, 1856, 57. Pam. v. 553. -: ~ 1 st, 2d Reports concerning the State Normal School, for 1855, 1857. Trenton, 1856, 1857. Pam. v. 229, 250.- 4th Report, Trenton, 1859. Pam. v. 553.: Report of Commissioners to Codify the School Law. Trenton, 1856. 8~. Pam. v. 250.: GEOLOGICAL SURVEYS. Second Ann. Report for 1855. Trenton, 1856. 248 p.- With Report of the Committee of the General Assembly in relation to: Mar. 11, 1857. Trenton, 1857. 13 p. 1 v. - 3d Ann. Report..for 1856. By W. Kitchell. Trenton, 1857. 1 v. 2 v. 8~. -—: ~ — Geology of the County of Cape May, State of New-Jersey. Trenton, 1857. 208 p. and map. 80..-. ~: INSANE. Report of the Commissioners appointed to ascertain the number of lunatics and idiots in the State. Trenton, 1841. 8~. Pam. v. 166. ~ - Annual Report of the officers of the N. J. Lunatic Asylum, at Trenton, for the year 1849. Trenton, 1850. Pam. v. 165.Report for 1855. Trenton, 1856. Pam. v. 244.- Report for 1857. Trenton, 1858. Pam. v. 510. ----: PRISON. Statistics of the State Prison: from 1799 to 1845.. Trenton, 1846. 28 p.- Report of the Inspector...relative to a reduction of the expenses...Trenton, 1858.- Annual Report on the condition of..Trenton, 1858. 50 p. 80. Pam. v. 538.- Reports for 1856, 57. 8~. Pam. v. 245.: - Report of the Special Committee of the: House of Assembly, on prison discipline. Trenton, 1857. 8~. Pam. v. 245. -: QUARANTINE. Report of the Special Committee on Quarantine, relative to the memorial of the New-York Commissioners. - Trenton, 1858. 8 p. 8~. Pam. v. 501. -: RAILROADS. Annual Reports of Railroad and Canal Companies of the State for 1855. Trenton, 1856. Pam. v. 152, 257. For Camden and Amboy Railroad, See New-Jersey: Canals.: STATISTICS. Report of the Registry and return of births, marriages and deaths in the State for 1854, 55, 56. New-Brunswick, 1855. Trenton, 1856, 1857. 8~. Pam. v. 240. NEW-JERSEY COLONIZATION SOCIETY: Reporf, 1857. Newark. 8~. Pam. v. 462. NEW-JjERSEY CONGRESSIONAL ELECTION of October, 1838. Reprinted from Democratic Review, June 1839. 80. Pam. v. 197. FIRST SUPPLEMENT. 581 NEWt-JERSEY HISTORICAL SOCIETY: Collections. Vol. 4, 5. Newark, 1852, 1858. 2 v. 8~. Contents: VOL. 4. The Papers of Lewis Morris, Gov. of the Province of New-Jersey from 1738 to 1746. New-York, 1852.- V. 5. Analytical Index to the Colonial Documents of New-Jersey, in the State Paper offices of England, compiled by H. Stevens. Edited with notes by W.A. Whitehead. New-York, 1858.- Appendix of New-Jersey Bibliography. Proceedings. Vol. 7, 1853 -1855. Newark, 1855. 8~. NEW-JERSEY REGISTER for the year 1837. By J. C. Potts, Trenton, 1837. 12~. NEW-JERSEY STATE GAZETTE: Vol. 2, Jan. 15, 1794. See Mass. Spy. Cat. 1855. NEW-JERUSALEM CHURCH. The Liturgy of the New Church, signified by the New-Jerusalem in the Revelation....Also Rev. J. Proud. 4th edition. Baltimore, 1792. 342 p. 18~. [ NEWLAND, Rev. -]. See Sacrament of Responsibility, 1852. NEWLANDS, John. A Dream..... Albany Academy. Albany, 1835. 12 p. 180. Pam. v. 616. NEW-LONDON ACADEMY, Chester county, Pa. Catalogue, 1850. 8~. Pam. v. 458. NEW-LONDON BAPTIST ASSOCIATION: Minutes, 1820. 80. Pam. v. 466. NEW-LONDON, WILMANTIC AND SPRINGFIELD RAILROAD COMPANY: Engineer's Report and Charter. New-London, 1847. 8~. Pam. v. 151. NEWMAN (John Henry), D.D. The Office and Work of Universities. London, 1856. 384 p. 120. [ ]. See Lives of the Saints. A Letter Addressed to the Rev. R. W, explanation of NO 90 in the series called The Tracts for the Times. By the author, "J. H. N." 2d edition. Oxford, 1841. 31 p. 80. Pam. v. 331. A Letter to the.... Bp. of Oxford, on occasion of N~ 90 in the series called the The Tracts for the Times. Oxford, 1841. 47 p. 8~. Pam. v. 331. NEWMAN, Sylvanus C. Rehoboth in the Past: An Historical Oration, July 4, 1860.... Also, An Account of the proceedings in Seekonk (the ancient Rehoboth)....Pawtucket, R.I. 1860. 112 p. 8~. NE-W-ORLEANS, La. Statement of the Consolidated Debt of:.. NewOrleans, 1852. 17 p. Pam. v. 476. Communication of C. M. Waterman, Mayor, June 18, 1858. Pam. v. 476. -- Charter of the City, and other acts...1852. Pain. v. 476.: EDUCATION. Report of the Directors of the Public Schools of the first district...1858. New-Orleans, 1859. 41 p. 8~. Pam. v. 552. -: HEALTH. Annual Report of the Board of Health...for 1849. New-Orleans, 1850. 8~. Pam. v. 89.- Report of the Board....for New-Orleans and Lafayette for 1850. N.O. 1851. 68 p. 8~. Pam. v. 89, 501. - - Report of the Sanitary Commission of New-Orleans on the epidemic yellow-fever of 1853***. New-Orleans, 1854. 8~. 582 GENERAL LIBRARY. NEW-ORLEANS ACADEMY OF SCIENCES. Report of the Special Committee.... upon the subject of a geological and scientific survey of the State of Louisiana....New-Orleans, 1858. 8~. Pam. v. 273. NEW-ORLEANS AS IT IS: Its manners and customs, morals, fashionable life.... By a Resident. Printed for the Publisher, 1850. 79 p. 8~. Pam. v. 565. NEW-ORLEANS DIRECTORY: Cohen's-....for 1855. 1 v. 8~. With 27 portraits on steel; and biographies and directory of the planters of Louisiana and Mississippi. NEW-ORLEANS LYCEUM and LIBRARY SOCIETY, First District: Catalogue of the library. New-Orleans, 1858. 124 p. 8~. NEWPORT, R.I. CITY DIRECTOuY: Compiled by W. H. Boyd, 1858. Newport, R.I. 154 p. 120. NEWPORT MERCURY, or Weekly Advertiser: N~ 27, Dec. 19, 1758. Repr. See Newsp. v. 15. NEWS (Great, strange, remarkable) from the Stars. Ephem. W. Andrews, London, 1679, 96, 1705, 15, 26, 29, 32, 50, 51, 59, 72. See Alm. v. - 12. NEWSOME, Reid. Proposals for an Alteration in the law of church rates... London, 1851. 8~. Pam. v. 330. NEWSPAPER Stamp and Advertisement duties: A form of petition... London, 1836. 80. Pam. v. 425. NEWSPAPERSt, Miscellaneous. 3 v. f~, viz: VOL. 14. Log Cabin; St.Lawrence county papers; N.Y. Fam. Courier, etc. VOL. 15. American, 1740 - 1815. VOL. 16. Liberator, 1853; Prohibitionist, 1857;. Old Settler, 1856; Santa Fe Gazette, 1859; and broadsheets. Carriers' Addresses. Pam. v. 434; Newsp. v. 16. NEWTON, Rev. Benjamin. The Influence of the Improvements of life on the moral principle....A Sermon, Univ. of Cambridge, Jan. 30, 1758: 2 Tim. iii, 1, 2. Cambridge. 4~. Pam. v. 1007. NEWTONI, Sir Isaac: Two Letters of.... to Mr. Le Clerc.... I, A Dissertation upon 1 John v, 7; II, upon I Tim. iii, 16....London, 1754. 123 p. 80. Pam. v. 313. NEWTON (Richard), D.D. Sermon, Ministerial duty: 2 Tim. ii, 24; at Oxford. London, 1740. 8~. Pam. v. 369. ---- Proposals for printing Theophrastus.... Oxford, 1752. 80. Pam. v. 449. NEWTON, Rev. William. Sermon, Fast day, Dec. 16, 1720: Is. xxvi, 9. London, 1720. 8~. Pam. v. 367. An Essay against unnecessary curiosity in matters of religion. Apply'd to the Trinity. London (1725?). 38 p. 8~. Pam. v. 312. NEW-YORK: COLONYt. Documents relative to the Colonial History of the State of New-York, procured in Holland, England and France, by J. R. Brodhead, esq., Agent, under and by virtue of an act of the FIRST SUPPLEMENT. 583 Legislature: Edited by E. B. O'Callaghan. Albany, 1856 - 1858. 5 v. 40. 2 copies. Contents of the ten volumes: VQL. I. General Introduction, by J.- R. Bodhead; Transcripts of Documents in the Royal Archives at the Hague, and in the Stad-Huys of Amsterdam. Holland Documents: I- VII, 1603 - 1656.- Vol. II: vii - xvI, 1657 - 1678. VOL. III. Transcripts of Documents in the Queen's State Paper office; in the Office of the Privy Council: in the British Museum; and in the Library of the Archbishop of Canterbury. London Documents: I - vIII, 1614 - 1692.- Vol. IV: ix - xvI, 1693 - 1706. — Vol. V: xvII - xxIv, 1707 - 1733.- Vol. VI: xxv - xxxII, 1734 - 1755.- Vol. VII: XXXIII - XL, 1756 - 1767.- Vol. VIII: XLI - XLVII, 1768- 82. VoL. IX. Transcripts of Documents in the Archives of the "Ministere de la marine et des colonies;" of the "Ministere de la guerre," and in the "Bibliotheque du Roi" at Paris. Paris Documents I-vIII, 1631 - 1744. — Vol. X: Ix - xvI, 1745 - 1774. A quarto volume of indexes is in press., Names of persons for, whom marriage licenses were issued by the Secretary of the Province of New-York previous to 1784... Albany, 1860. ix, 480 p. 8~. An Address of the Convention of the Representatives of the State of New-York, to their constituents. Fishkill, printed by S. Loudon, 1776. 19 p. 8~. The Constitution of the State of New-York. Philadelphia, Styner & Cist, 1777. 32 p. 8~. Pam. v. 220. -- An Ordinance of the Convention of the State of NewYork, for organizing and establishing the government agreed-to by the said convention. Fishkill, Samuel Loudon, 1777. 12 p. 8~. Pam. v. 220. See Nantucket Papers. See Essays on Saltpetre, 1776. NEW-YORK STATEt: AGRICULTURE. Dedication of the New-York State Agricultural Rooms, Albany, Feb. 12, 1857. 91 p. 8~. Pam. v. 260. See New-York State Agricultural Society. -: BANKS. Report of the Committee on Banks and Insurance Companies.... Assembly, Feb. 13, 1829. Albany, 1829. 8~. Pam. v. 154. Annual Report of the Superintendent of the banking department.. Jan. 7, 1857. Albany. 206 p. 80. Pam. v. 464. ---: BRIDGE AT ALBANY. Report of the Committee... on the petitions for and the remonstrances against a bridge across the Hudson River at Albany. April 2, 1841. 15, 105 p. 80. Pam. v. 493. Report of the Minority of the Committee on...a bridge over the Hudson at Albany. April 16, 1841. 18 p. 8~. Pam. v. 493. Report of the Committee on roads and bridges, in relation to a bridge across the Hudson at Albany. Mar. 27, 1854. Sen. Doct. N~ 97.- Document submitted to the committee by the opponents of the bill in relation to a bridge, &c. Mar. 29, 1854. Senate Doct.N~ 98. Pam. v. 493. 584 GENERAL LIBRARY. NEW-YORK STATE (continued): --- Testimony taken before the Senate Committee in the matter of bridging the Hudson at Albany. In Sen. February 29, 1856. 303 p. 8~. Pam. v. 493. - Report of the Committee...relative to bridge across the Hudson River at Albany. Sen., March 7, 1856. 19 p. 8. Pain. v. 493. -: CANALS. Report of the Joint Committee of the Legislature, on the subject of the canals from Lake Erie to the Hudson River, and from Lake Champlain to the same. March 19, 1817. 24 p. 8~. Pam. v. 223. Annual Report of the Canal Commissioners, February 18, 1820; Report, Feb. 23, 1820; Report of the Committee on Canals, Mar. 14, 1820. 80. Pam. v. 223. Report of the Committee on Canals, on the subject of the sale of the surplus waters.... Albany, 1826. 88 p. 8~. Pam. v. 477. Trade and Tonnage Report of the Commissioners of the canal fund for 1843. Ap. 8, 1844. 80. Pam. v. 477. - - Report of the Auditor of the Canal Department, of claims for damages. Mar. 15, 1844. Assem. Doct. Pam. v. 477. ----- Canal established by the Canal Board, May 1843. Albany, 1843. 80. The same, May 1850. 157 p. relation to engineers and superintendents of canal repairs, 1847. 16 p. 80. Pam. v. 258. ---- Report of the Canal Commissioners, as to the supply of water between Tonawanda and Montezuma. Jan'y 29, 1850. With plans. 8~. Pam. v. 223. Report on..... supply of water from Lake Erie for the Western division of the enlarged Erie Canal. Rochester, 1854. 8~. Pam. v. 230. Extracts from the Reports of the Canal Commissioners and the State Engineers, and from the proceedings of the Legislature, relating to the State canals. Rochester, 1855. 74 p. 8~. Pam. v. 227. Report..relative to the construction of an aqueduct over the Hudson River near the Saratoga dam. Assem. Mar. 20, 1858. With map. 80. Pam. v. 223. -- -- Engravings of Plans, profiles and maps illustrating the standard models from which are built the important structures on the New-York canals, accompanying the annual report of the State Engineer and Surveyor on the canals for 1859. Albany, 1860. 18 plans. 8~. -: CAPITAL PUNISHIMENTS. Report of the Select Committee, J. S. Gould and others, on the abolition of capital punishment. Assembly Doct., Mar. 5, 1847. 121 p. 8~. Pam. v. 539.: CENSUS. Census of the State of New-York for 1855... Prepared from the original Franklin B. Hough. Albany, 1857. lxvi, 525 p. gr. 40~. -: CHARITABLE INSTITUTIONS. Report of Select Committee appointed to visit charitable institutions supported by the State, and all city and county poor and work-houses and jails. Jan. 9, 1857. Sen. Doct. 219 p. 8~. FIRST SUPPLEMENT. 585 --: CONNECTICUT. Report of the Commissioners appointed to ascertain the boundary line between the States of New-York and Connecticut. Leg. Doct., Ap. 10, 1857. 184 p. and 4 maps. 8~. 2 copies.,-.: CONSTITUTIONAL CONVENTION of 1846. Address of the members. 8 p. 80. Pam. v. 527.: DEBTS. The Ten Pound Act.... for the more speedy recovery of debts to the value of ten pounds..To which is added an appendix... Albany (1795?). 23 p. 8~. Pam. v. 530. -: EDUCATION. Code of Public Instruction of the State of NewYork. Albany...1856. 8~. Annual Reports of the Superintendent, 1839, 1840, Feb. 11 and Ap. 13; 1849, 1851, 1853, 1854. Albany. In 1 v. 8~. Also Annual Report, 1853. Pam. v. 172. -: - Annual Report of the Superintendent of Com. Schools, Jan. 15, 1846.- Report of Superintendent of Public Instruction, 1855, 56, 57, 58, 59. Albany. In 1 v. 8o.- Also Report, 1857. In 1 v. 8~ Circular of the Superintendent, J. C. Spencer...containing An Act...and Regulations for... Libraries.-Albany, 1839. 8~. Pam. v. 552. -: -. Report of the Secretary of State, J. C. Spencer, upon memorials from the City of New-York, respecting the distribution of the common school moneys in that city, April 26, 1841. Sen. Doct.Report.. respecting the schools of the Public School Society of New-York. Sen. Doct., May 5, 1841. Pamn. v. 216.: Report of Committee...on. a law changing the existing mode of apportioning the income of the Literature Fund. Assembly Doec., Ap. 19, 1841. 8~. Pam. v. 216. -: EMIGRATION. Annual Reports of the Commissioners of Emigration for 1849, 50, 53, 56, 57. Albany, 1850, 1851, 1854, 57, 58. Pam. v. 492. ---: IHEALTH. Report of the Select Committee appointed to investigate the health department of the city of New-York. Sen. Doct. By S. Ely jr. 210 p. 8~. Pam. v. 501.: IDIOTS. Account of the Ceremonies at the laying of the cornerstone of the New-York Asylum for Idiots at Syracuse, Sept. 8, 1854. Albany, 1854.- 3d Annual Report, Feb. 1, 1854. 8~. Pam. v. 218. -— ~: INSANE. 6th, 7th Annual Reports of the Managers of the State Lunatic Asylum, Feb. 1849, 1850. Albany. Pam. v. 165.- 11th, 12th Report, 1854, 1855. Pam. v. 201.- 14th Report, 1856. Pam. v. 244.- 16th Report, 1859. Pam. v. 510. - INSURANCE. First Annual Report of the Superintendant of the Insurance Department, W. Barnes. Mar. 1, 1860. 8~. ---: LIBRARY. See New-York: Regents of the University.: -. Catalogue of the Library of the Court of Appeals; W. H. Moseley, Librarian. Syracuse, 1858. 176 p. 8~. -... LOTTERY TICKETS. [ Three folio volumes of blank lottery tickets, as prepared by Yates & McIntyre, formed by the ternary combination of sixty numbers]. 3 v. fV. [ SUPPL.1 74 586 GENERAL LIBRARY. NEw-YoRK STATE (continued ): -: ANUAL of the Legislature for 1850 - 61. Albany. 6 v. 18~.: MANUALS. Clerk's Manual of Rules, Forms and Laws for the regulation of business in the Assembly of the State of New-York. By R. U. Sherman and W. Richardson. Albany, 1860.- A new ed. for 1861. Albany, 1860. 2 v. 18~. -- ~: MAPrs. Catalogue of Maps and Surveys in the offices -of the Secretary of State, State Engineer and Surveyor, and Comptroller, and the New-York State Library......By D. E. Mix....Albany, 1859. 375 p. 8. - MILITIA. General Order regulating the uniform.... Albany, 1842. 17 p. 80.- Regulations for the uniform...Albany, 1851. 12~. Pam. v. 521. ---: - Militia Law...Ap. 17, 1854. Albany. 132 p. 80.: --- General Regulations for the Military forces of the State of lNew-York, 1858. Weed, Parsons & Co., Albany. 352 p. 120. ~: - The Manual of Arms for... the percussion musket. Adj. Gen.'s office. Albany, 1858. 32 p. 12~. -:- Instructions for arms with percussion locks. May 11th, 1854. 12~. Pam. v. 521. Report of the Adjutant Gen., F. Townsend, to 1859. 8~. --: Memorial of the'Division Board of Officers of the First Division, asking for certain amendments to the laws..-.4 p. f0. Pam. v. 1104. - ~ Act to amend an act for the Organization of the First Division. Albany, 1819. 8~. Pam. v. 521. -: -.- By-Laws for the Regulation of the Officers of the 2d Reg't N.Y. S. Artillery. PIassed Feb. 26th, 1825. New-York, 1825. 80. Pam. v. 234. -: - Roster and Uniform Regulation of the Ulster Guard, 20th regiment infantry. Kingston, 1858. 120. Pam. v. 521. --: NEW-YORK CITY. Report of relation to the official conduct of the harbor masters of the City of New-York. Sen. Doct. 1857. 34 p. 8~. Pam. v. 529. -- --- Report of the Commissioners relative to encroachments in the harbor of New-York. Sen. Doct. 1857. With maps. 335 p. 8~. Pam. v. 529. -- - An Act to establish regulations for the port of New-York, with proposed amendments (1855?). 8 p. 8~. Pam. v. 529.: NORMAL SCHOOL. Reports of the Executive Committee, 18451850, 52- 59. Albany.- 1st Quinquennial Register. Albany, 1849. In1 v. 8~. -: PERSONAL LIBERTY. Report of Mr. Lamont in relation to the Personal Liberty bill. Sen. Doct. 1859. 18 p. 8~. Pam. v. 560. a —: POLICE. Report, in Senate, March 4, 1856, on Police matters in the city.-....and county of New-York, and county of Kings. 8~. Pam. v. 228. FIRST SUPPLEMIENT. 587 --: POOR. Annual Report.. returns of county superintendents of the poor. Albany, 1833. 8%. Pam. v. 207.- The same for Mar. 4, 1856. 50 p. 8~.: PRISONS. 4th Annual Report of the Inspectors.... Sen. Doct. Jan'y 22, 1852. 304 v. 80. Pam. v. 538.- 6th, 7th Reports, Jan'y 1854, 1855. PamL. v. 191. - Auburn State Prison. Annual Report of the Inspectors of:.. Jan. 8, 1833. 8~. Pam. v. 207..-. -.: - Western House of. Refuge for Juvenile Delinquents in the State of N.York: Ordinances and By-laws. Rochester, 1852. 8~. Pam. v. 191.- 4th, 5th Reports to the Legislature. Albany, 1853, 54. 8~. Pam. v. 507. --: QUARANTINE. Report of the Commissioners for the removal of the Quarantine station. Assenm. Feb. 12, 1858. 34 p. 80.- Report, Mar. 10, 1858. 92 p. 80. Pam. v. 501. In the Matter of the Commission for ascertaining and collecting the damages caused by the destruction of the marine hospitals, and other buildings and property at the Quarantine, StatenIsland... Proceedings...New-York, 1860. 307, xxxvii p. 8~. - RAILROADS. Annual Report of the Railroad Companies in the State for 1849. By H. C. Seymour, State Engineer and Surveyor. 8~. Pam. v. 152. Annual Report of the State Engineer and Surveyor, covering the returns of the railroads of New-York for 1851. Pam. v. 1848.- -For 1853. Pam. v. 149. — For 1854. Pam. v. 152. Annual Report of the Railroad Commissioners of the State of New-York, and of the tabulations and deductions from the reports of the Railroad corporations made to the board for the year ending Sept. 30, 1855. Part first.- Part second: Annual Report....and of the Railroad corporations....for the year ending Sept. 30, 1855. Albany, 1856: Vol. 1, lxix, 380 p. and 68 plates; Vol. 2, 890 p., 2 v. 8~.- Vol. 2, 850 p., also in Pam. v. 208. -.: - Report, of Committee on.... classification, tariff of prices...Assem. Doct. Mar. 30, 1859. 8 p. 8~. Pam. v. 545. -': - Codification of the Rules and Regulations for running trains on the' railroads of the State of New-York, with modifications suggested by the Board of Railroad Commissioners. Jan. 1856. Albany, 1856. 80. Pam. v. 284. -- -: IREGENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY. Minutes, 1853-1859. Albany, 1860. 8~. ~-.: -- Annual Reports, 69th, 70th, 71st, 72d, 73d. 1856-60. Albany. 5 v. 8~. -: -: NEW-YORK STATE LIBRARY. Catalogue of the General Library, 1855. Albany, 1856'. x, 987 p. 8~. Catalogue of the Law Library, 1855. Albany, 1856. x, 402 p. 80. Catalogue of the maps, manuscripts, engravings, coins, etc., and donations in 1856. Albany, 1857. 274 p. 8~. Catalogue of the Books on bibliography, typography and engraving in:- Albany, 1858. 143 p. 8~. 588 GENERAL LIBRARY. NEW-YORK STATE (continued): -..- (Vol. 7). Annual Reports of the Trustees, and Catalogues of donations. 1854-1857. In 1 v. 80.: —--- STATE CABINET of Natural History. Annual Reports of the Regents on the condition of... 7th - 11th, 1854 - 59. Albany. In 1 v. 8~. -Report of a Committee of the Regents of the University of the State of New-York, on the education of common school teachers...Albany, 1835. 8~. Pam. v. 216. -..: Report of the Select Committee to inquire into the practicability and expediency of establishing a University of active Instruction: Presented by Erastus C. Benedict, Chairman, April 21, 1857. 28 p. 80. Pam. v. 277. The Duties of the Regents of the University of the State of New-York. 1858. 7 p. 8~. Pam. v. 260. a-: SHAKERS. Report of the Select Committee on the subject of the Shakers. In Assem. Ap. 2, 1849. 13 p. 8~. Pam. v. 296.: STATISTICS. An Act respecting convictions in criminal courts, and to procure statistical information concerning convicts. Passed April 29, 1839; with a circular to district attornies....Forms.... Albany, I854. 80. Pam. v. 191. - --- Report of the Secretary of State, on the criminal statistics of the State. Senate, Mar. 4, 1856. 223 p. 80. Also, Pam. v. 228.: TAX SALES. Sales for Jan. 1826. Albany, 1825. 80. ~ Report of the Comptroller (A. C. Flagg), relative to the sale of lands for taxes...Apr. 21, 1835. Off. Doc. 715 p. 8~. - List of Lands to be sold for arrearages of taxes for the years 1852, 53, 54 & 55; also of certain lands...for 1840 - 44... commencing Nov. 10, 1859. Albany, 1859. 363 p. 8~. - -: TEMPERANCE. Reports of the majority and minority of the Select Committee on the sale of intoxicating liquors....Assembly, Jan. 16, 1855. 80. Pam. v. 292. ----- Report... on the Bill to repeal the act entitled "An Act to suppress intemperance, pauperism and crime." Assembly, Mar. 7, 1856. 80. Pam. v. 292.: VAN NESS.. Report of the Committee appointed to inquire into the official conduct of the Hon. William W. Van Ness. Apr. 5, 1820. 205, xxii p. 80. Pain. v. 223. NEW-YORK CITY: ALMS-HOUSE. Reports of the Governors of the Alms-house, 7th - 10th, 1855 - 58. 4 v. 8~. - --- Rules for the Government of:.... 6th Oct. 1800. NewYork, 1801. 80.- Pam. v. 244. Report of the Special Committee... relative to accounts with the Commissioners of Emigration, made on the 6th Mar. 1855. New-York, 1855. 80. Pam. v. 191...-.- Report of the Select Committee -(majority) of the Board of Governors. Dec. 29, 1857. 8~. Pam. v. 271. FIRST SUPPLEMENT. 589 - -- --- Majority and Minority Reports'of the Select Committee of the Board of ten governors.... on introducing homceopathy into Bellevue Hospital...Jan. 19, 1858. Brooklyn, N.Y. 28 p. 8~. Pam. v. 515. Report of the Resident Physician of the Colored Home, to the governors. Jan. 1854. 120. Pam. v. 225. -: CASTLE GARDEN. Report of the Special Committee of the Board of Councilmen of New-York city, on the use of Castle Garden as an emigrant depot. Doc. N~ 12. N.York, 1856. 80. Pam. v. 260. -: CENTRAL PARK. Report of the Special Committee on Parks, relative to laying out a new park...New-York, 1853. 8~. With map. Pam. v. 492. First Annual Report on the improvement of the Central Park, New-York, Jan. 1, 1857. Doc. N~ 5, Board of Aldermen. 192 p. 8~ and maps. Second Annual Report of the Board of Commissioners of the Central Park. N.York. 1859. 83 p. and maps. 80. Pam. v. 492.: EDUCATION. Annual Report of the Board of Education, Jan. 1852. 80. Pam. v. 172.- Reports, 13th, 1855; 14th, 1856. 2 v. 8~. Board of Education: Journal of Proceedings, 1854, 55, 56. New-York. 3 v. 8~. - Documents of the Board of Education, 1853, N~ 1 - 23; Report, Jan. 1, 1854, and appendix. 1 v.- Documents, 1854, N~ 1 - 48; Report, Decemb. 29, 1854, and appendix and plans of school. houses. 1 v.- Documents 1855, N~ 1 - 38; Report, Dec. 19, 1855, and appendix, with plates. New-York. 3 v. 80~. Report of the Committee of the Board of Education, on the annual apportionment; on the communications of the County Superintendent, relative to the use of the Bible in the public schools....New-York, 1844. 8 p. 40. Pam. v. 468. - - Report.... in relation to.... a free academy for females. New-York, 1849. 26 p. 8~. Pam. v. 552. - Report on Normal Schools. N.York,.1853. Pam. v. 174. - Fourth Annual Report of the Exec. Comm. on normal schools.. Jan. 1, 1857. Pam. v. 279. —. - Proceedings of the Board of School officers of the Seventh ward, in the enlargement... of Ward School N~ 2. New-York, 1855. 8~. Pam. v. 250. - - FREE ACADEMY: Board of Education. Catalogue of the Free Academy, 1851, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56.- Register, 9th - 11th, 1857 - 59.- Merit Rolls, July 1858, Feb. 1859.- 7th Ann. Report of the Faculty, July 20, 1858. New-York city. In 1 v. 8~. - -d - 10th Reports of the Board of Education.... of the operations and condition of the Free Academy, 1852 -.1858. Two 7th reports for July and December 1855. In 1 v. 8~. Examination Papers of the Free Academy, Febr. 1858. New-York, 1858. 80. Pam. v. 279. 590 GENERAL LIBRARY. NEW-YORK CITY (.continued): F- INANCES. Comptroller's Annual Statement of the funds, revenues and expenditures.... for 1849, 50; July 1, 1854 - June 30, 1855. New-York, 1850, 51, 55. 8~. Pam. v. 531. — Annual Statement for 1853. New-York, 1854. Pam. v. 225. Communication from the Comptroller, submitting estimates for tax levy for 1857. N.York, 1856. 152 p. 8~. Pam. v. 531...- -.. Communication from the relation to the Lowber judgment... with a.. map of the premises.... New-York, 1857. 30 p. 8~. Pam. v. 531. Communication of the Comptroller in relation to revision of ordinances; also, Contracts with Russ & Reid, and with William B. Reynolds, and claims for unpaid assessments and taxes. N.York, 1854. 80. Pam. v. 225. Communication from the Comptroller, in reply to a'resolution relative to the market property of the city. N.York, 1854. 8~. Pam. v. 225.,- Report of H. Franklin... from the committee appointed.... to examine the public accounts.... New-York, 1857. 80 p. 8~. Painm. v. 531. --.: FERRIES. Report of the Committee on ferries. Docum. N0 4. Board of Aldermen, Dec. 1, 1856. 24 p. 8~. Pam. v. 531..-:. FIRE DEPARTMIENT. Annual Report of Chief Engineer, Jan. 1, 1858. 138 p. 80. Pam. v. 236.- Ann. Report, June 1, 1860. NewYork, 1860. 1 v. 8~.: FREE ACADEMY. See N.Y. City, Education.: HAGUE-STREET CATASTROPHE; Report of the Special Committee appointed by the Common Council, relative to the catastrophe in HIague-street, Feb. 4, 1850... New-York, 1850. 116 p. 80. - H: HEALTh. City Inspector's Report for 1853. 264 p. 8~. Pam. v. 225..- --- Annual Report of the City Inspector, Decem. 31, 1859. New-York, 1860. 8~. ----- -- - Remonstrance- of the City Inspector, against the proposed bill entitled "An Act to improve the public health"....New-York, 1858. 24 p. 8~. Pam. v. 501. -: MAYOR. Communication from the Mayor, in relation to precautionary measures adopted by him to secure the public peace at the recent election in this city; with documents, etc.. N.York, 1839. 8~. Pam. v. 194. Address of the Mayor, Aldermen and Commonalty of the city of New-York, to the People of the State of New-York, on legislation, 1857. 8 p. 80. Pam. v. 531.: POLICE. Qufarterly Rep-orts of the General and Deputy Superintendents of the Metropolitan police: Ending Jan. 31, 1858.... Ending July 31, 1858. New-York, 1858. 48, 63 p. 80. Pam. v. 531.: TAYLOR, Z. Report of the Committee of arrangements of the Common Council, for the Funeral Obsequies in memory of General Zachary Taylor, late President of the U. States.; with an Oration by David Graham, esq. New-York, 1851. 117 p. 8~. FIRST SUPPLEMENT. 591 -- N: XrATER. Proceedings of the Corporation of New-York, on supplying the city with pure and wholesome water. With a Memoir by Joseph Browne, M.D.... New-York; 1799. 80. Pam. v. 199. Acts of the Legislature...and Ordinances..of the Common Council, with the Rules...of the Croton Aqueduct Board.... 1833 to 56. New-York, 1856. Reports of the Croton Aqueduct department, 1849 to 58. New-York, 1850 - 59. In 1 v. 8~. Petition of the Croton Aqueduct Department, on water for Singsing, to the Legislature. 1856, 57. Pain. v. 236. NEW-YORK: A Historical Sketch of the rise and progress of the metropolitan city of America. By a New-Yorker. With Illustrations. New-York, 1853. 339 p. 12~. --- The Stranger's Guide to the City of N.York for 1817. 306 p. 18~. Title-page wanting. NEW-YORK ACADEMY OF MEDICINE Transactions.. Instituted 1847. Vol. I? part.l. "New-York, 1851. 165 p. 80. NEw-YORi (State of) AGRICULTURAL ALMANACK: S. Southwick. Albany, 1821. Aim. v. 13... J. Buel, 1824, 26. 12~. Alm. v. 23. NEW-YORK ALMANACK, 1761, 70. See Gaines, H. NEW-YORK (The) ALMANAC and WEATHER-BOOIK for the year 1857.. containing...the thermometer for.. 1856. Prepared by E. Mleriamn. New-York, Mason Brothers, 1857. 226 p. 18~. NEW-YORK AND ALBANY RAILROAD COMPANY: Report of Joseph D. Allen, esq. to the commissioners.... Nov. 15, 1836. New-York, 1836. 80. Pam. v. 284. -- Statistical Facts.... showing the importance of this work to the city of New-York and the interior. N.York, 1838. 8~. Pam. v. 284. Report of E. F. Johnson, Chief Engineer....New-York, 1839: Opinions of C.- MTVean, J. Anthon and J. P. Hall, Dec. 1840; Opinion of D. B. Ogden, Nov. 1840. 8~. Pam. v.. 284. - Report of the Joint Special Committee on the communication from the Mayor, relative to:.. New-York, 1840. 8~. Pam. v. 208. - Sketch of the Remarks of the Pres. of the company, S. Stevens.. City Hall, N.Y. Nov. 1840. New-York. 80. Pam. v. 545. NEWt-YORK AND ERIE RAILROAD OCQMPANY: Reports, 1841, 44, 49, 50, 55 (2 copies), 57, N.York.- Report of the Comm. on railroads, on the petitions of.... he N.York & Erie Railroad Company, N.Y. Assem. Doct. 1838, 35 p.- A Memorial to the...New-York & Erie Railroad company, against changing the location of the road through the Canisteo valley.. Corning, 1849. 15 p.- The Impolicy and gross public wrong of transferring the terminus of the Erie railroad... from Hoboken..Albany, 1851. 24 p.- Eleazer Lord's Memorial to tfie Legislature. N.Y. Ap. 12, 1851. 15 p.- Geo; Bruce to the Stockholders... May 9, 1859. New-York. 16 p. In 1 v. 80. Report of the Committee on railroads, on a communication from the President of the N.Y.' & Erie Railroad Company, asking an investigation of the affairs of that company. N. Y. Assem. Doct. May 8, 1841. 80. Pam. v. 208. Report of the Directors,Nov. 1853. 2d edition. N.York, 1853. 8~. Pam. v. 151. 592 GENERAL LIBRARY. NEW-YORK AND FARMER'S ALMANACK: T. Spofford, N.York, 1830. 120. Alm. v. 23. NEW-YORK & GALWAY STEAMSHIP COMPANY: Steamers to Ireland. New-York, 1851. 10 p. 80. Pam. v. 529. NEw-YORK AND HARLEMI RAILROAD COMPANY: Resolutions of thef Board of Directors, New-York, June 19, 1810. 8~. Pam. v. 284. Memorial to the Mayor, Aldermen and Commonalty of the City of New-York. New-York, 1855. 8~. Pam. v. 257. - - Agreement with the City of N.York, Dec. 1831.- Remonstrance of the citizens, against running locomotives below 42d-street; Opinion of W. M. Evarts. New-York, 1858. 8~. Pam. v. 284. NEW-YORK AND HARTFORD RAILROAD COMPANY. Report..... upon the statistics of business, and of the engineer upon the survey...via Danbury. 11artforfd, 1845.' 8". Pam. v. 146. NErW-YORKf AND LAKE SUPERIOR MINING COMPANY: First Report, Albany, 1846.- Outlines of the geological structure of.... region belonging to:.... Albany, 1846.- Articles of Association...NewYork, 1846. 80. Pam. v. 520. NEw-YORK'AND NEW-JERSEY ALMANAC. D. Young, 1828. N.York, Totten. 12~. All. v. 20. NEW-YORK ASSOCIATION for the improvement of the condition of the poor: Address, Manual. New-York, 1844.- 8th, 10th, 13th Report, New-York, 1851, 53, 56. 12~, 80. Pam. v.' 535.- 12th Report, 1855. Pam. v. 244. NEW - YORK ASSOCIATION for the suppression of gambling: Second Report. New-York, 1852. 64 p. 80~. Pam. v. 539. NEW-YORK ASYLUM for Lying-in women: 31st Report. New-York, 1854. 20 p. 8S. Pam. v. 506. NEw-YORK BAPTIST ASSOCIATION: Minutes. Piscataway, N.J. 1820. 14 p. 80. Pam. v. 466. NEW-YORK BAPTIST REGISTER: Vol. 2, Jan. 13, 1826, to Vol. 10, Feb. 14, 1834, 5 v.; Vol. 13, NO 3, Mar. 4, 1836, to Vol. 14,. Feb. 9, 1838, 1 v...; Vol. 21, Feb. 1844 - Vol. 31, Jan. 18, 1855, 6 v..... Utica, N.Y.; including N.Y. Recorder and Register, 1855, and Examiner, 1855. In 12 v. fP. Published by the N.Y. Baptist State Convention. NEW-YORK BAPTIST UNION for Ministerial education: Sixth Annual Report... with Proceedings of Ann. meeting... Rochester, July 10, 1855; with'Statistical report of institutions of learning, Rochester, 1856. Pam. v. 232, 465.- 7th report, 1856. 8~. Pam. v. 465. NEW-YORKt BIBLE AND PRAYER-BOOK SOCIETY: 15th, 32d, 36th Report. New-York, 1830, 40, 44. 8~. Pam. v. 542. NEW-YORK BIBLE SOCIETY: 27th, 28th, 31st reports; 1850, 51, 54. New-York, 1851, 52, 55. 8~. Pam. v. 468.'NEW-YORK CENTRAL COLLEGE: Origin, Design and operation. 1856. 12 p. 8~. Pam. v. 247, 479. NEW-YORK CENTRAL HOMCOPATHIC DISPENSARY: Third Annual Report. New-York, 1857. 8~. Pam. v. 271. FIRST SUPPLEMENT. 5;93 NEW-YORKt CENTRAL RAILROAD COMPANY. 1 V. SO. Contents: 1. Consolidation Agreement. Albany, 1853.-' Also in Pam. v. 284. 2. Agreement with Buffalo and Niagara-Falls Companies. 1853. 3 - 8. Annual Reports, 1853 - 58.- Report of Sept. 1854, also in Pamin. v.151. 9. Report of Committee: Walworth, etc. 1855.- Also in Pam. v. 257. 10. Report of Committee: Swift, etc. 1855. 11. Report of Committee: Moore, etc. 1858. 12. Niagara Bridge and Canandaigua Railroad lease. 1858. 13. Agreement of the four lines. 1858. The Statutes of the State of New-York, specially relating to this company; and also the General Laws of said State, relative to railroads. Albany, 1860. 523 p. -8~. NEW-YORKt CHAMBER OF COMMERCE. Charter and By-laws, with a history... New-York, 1855. 160 p. 8~0 NEW-YORK CITY LIBRARY ASSOCIATION. N.York, 1859. 18'. Pam. v. 627. NEW-YORK CITY TAX-BOOK (Boyd's); being a List of persons, corporations and copartnerships, resident and non-resident, who were taxed according to the assessors' books, 1856 and'57. New-York, compiled by W. H. Boyd, 1857. 251 p. 12~. NEW-YORK CITY TEMPERANCE ALLIANCE Fifth Report, 1855. 8~. Pam. v. 291, 292. - New-York Alliance: Vol. 4, N~ 5, Jan. 10, 1856. C. J. Warren vs. R. B. Coleman. 8~. Pam. v. 292. NEW-YORK CITY TEMPERANCE SOCIETY: Address. New-York, 1848. 12~. Pam. v. 291. NEW-YORK CITY TRACT SOCIETY: 22d, 23d, 24th, 25th, 26th, 28th, 30th, 31st Report. New-York, 1849 - 56. 8~. Pam. v. 297.- 29th Report, Dec. 1855. Pam. v. 263. NEW-YORKt CIVIL LIST, 1857. See Hough, F. B. NEW-YORK CLEARING-HOUSE ASSOCIATION. Report on the subject of paying interest on current deposits., N.York, 1858. 8~. Pam. v. 463. NEW-YORK COLLEGE OF DENTAL SURGERY, Syracuse: Annual Announcement of. Syracuse, N.Y. 1851. 8~. Panm. v. 246. NEW-YORK COMIC ALMANAC. T. W. Strong, 1847. 120, Aim. v. 30. NEW-YORKt CONFERENCE SEMINARY, Charlotteville, Schoharie county, N.Y.-: Catalogue, 1850, 53, 54, 8~, Pam. v. 457. Wesleyan Literary Association of: Catalogue, 1854. 8~. Pamin, v. 457. NEW-YORK CONVENTION, 1832. See Friends of domestic industry, NEW-YORK DAILY TIMES, See New-York Times. NEW-YORK DAILY TRIBUNE. See New-York Tribune. NEW-YORK DEMOCRATIC ASSOCIATION of Washington: Address.., on the presidential question, 1856. 8~, Pam. -v 537, [ SVL.] 75 594 GENERAL LIBRARY. NEW-YORKt DIRECTORIES. Longworth's American Almanack, NewYork Register and City Directory: for 1799, 1800, 1809, 1822-23, 1829-30. 5 v. 120. Jones's New-York Mercantile and General Directory...1805-6. 420 p. 12~. New-York (Business) Directory for 1841-42. Alphabetical arrangement. 2d edition, 2d year. N.York, J. Doggett jr. 1841. 12~. ---- J. F. Trow's, H. Wilson, compiler For the year ending 1856, 1857, 58, 59, 60. New-York. 5 v. 8~. NEW-YORK DISPENSARY. Annual Report of the Board of Trustees, Jan. 1846, Jan. 1857. N.York. Pam. v. 246.- Report, Jan. 1858. 8~. Pam. v. 506. NEW-YORK EASTERN CHRISTIAN CONFERENCE: Address, 39th Ann. Session, by G. N. Kelton. Irvington, N.J. 1857.- Fortieth Annual Session, Minutes, 1858. Irvington, N.J. 1858. Pam. v. 490. NEW-YORK ECCLESIOLOGICAL SOCIETY. New-York Ecclesiologist, published by....Vol. I - v, 1848 - 53. Bi-monthly. New-York. 5 v.80. NEW-YORKt EVENING POST, Feb. 24, 1816. fP. Newsp. v. 15. NEw-YORKt EXHIBITION of the Industry of all nations, 1853. Prospectus and Programmes of the N.Y. Musical Congress, 1854. Pam. v. 260.- Catalogue of...the Picture gallery..New-York, 1853. 8~. Pam. v. 261. NEW-YORKt EYE INFIRMARY: 38th Report, 1858. 8~. Pam. v. 506. NEW-YORK FAMILY COURIER. Vol. 45, Feb. 8, 1851, to Vol. 46, Jan. 1852. N.York city, J. Watson Webb editor. f~. Newsp. v. 14. NEW-YORK FARMER'S ALMANAC. D. Young, New-York, 1821. 12~. Alm. v. 23. NEW-YORK FEMALE AUXILIARY BIBLE SOCIETY: 34th, 37th, 38th Report, 1850, 53, 54. New-York. 8~. Pam. v. 468. NEW-YORKt GAZETTE. NO 278, Feb. 23, 1730; No 785, Jan. 1, 1740. New-York, W. Bradford. 4~. Newsp. v. 15. NEW-YORKt HISTORICAL SOCIETY: Collections, Second series, Vol. III, Part I; Vol. IV. New-York, 1857, 59. 2 v. 8~.. Contents: VOL. III: I, De Vries, Voyages, 1634 - 44; ii, Megapolensis' Sketch of the Mohawk.Indians; III, The Jogues papers; Iv, Extract from Castell's Discoverie of America; v, Broad Advice to the United Netherland provinces; vI, Extract from Wagenaar's Beschryving van Amsterdam; vII, The Seven Articles from the Church of Leyden, 1617; vIIi, Negotiations between New-England and Canada, 1648 - 51; Ix, Proceedings of the First Assembly of Virginia, 1619. VOL. IV: Catalogue of the printed books in the library. New-York, 1859. 653 p. 8~. - Proceedings, 1857. See Francis, J. W. NEW-YORK HOM(EOPATHIC DISPENSARY ASSOCIATION. An Address from the Trustees. New-York, 1852. 80. Pam. v. 246. NEW-YORKt HOSPITAL. Charter of the Society, and the laws....and those of the Bloomingdale Asylum for the insane. New-York, 1856. 140 p. 8~. FIRST SUPPLEMENT. 595 Charter, &c. 140 p.- Report of the state of the New-York Hospital and Bloomingdale Asylum, for 1845, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 52, 53, 54, 58. New-York, 1846 -59. In 1 v. 80.- Also, Report, 1847, Pam. v. 166; for 1854, Pam. v. 201; for 1855, 1856, Pam. v. 244. ----- A Catalogue of the Books belonging to the Medical Library. New-York, 1845. 194 p. 8~. NEW-YORK HYDROPATHIC AND PHYSIOLOGICAL SCHOOL. Catalogue, 1854 - 55.- Address of Mrs. L. F. Fowler; Essay of Mrs. M. C. Vaughan. New-York, 1858. 48 p. 120. Pam. v. 76, 246. NEW-YORK IN SLICES: by an Experienced Carver; being the original Slices published in the New-York Tribune....enlargedl... N.York, 1849. 128 p. 8~. NEW-YORKt INSTITUTION FOR THE BLIND. An Account of:.. with a Brief Statement...of the institutions for the blind in this and other countries. To which is added, Biographical Notices of some of the most illustrious blind. New-York, 1833. 56 p. 8~. Pam. v. 218. Report, N.York, 1854. Pam. v. 218.- 20th Report, 1856, NewYork, 1856. Pam. v. 473. NEW-YORKt INSTITUTION FOR THE INSTRUCTION OF THE DEAF AND DUMB. Ceremonies on laying the Corner-stone.... at Washington Heights, N.Y. 1853. 34 p.- 35th - 40th Report, 1853 -58. N.York, 1854 - 59. In 1 v. 80. - 29th Report, 1843; 31st Rep. 1849. Albany, 1850. Pam, v. 167. NEW-YORK JOURNAL OF COMMERCE. Reprint-from... a series of... Editorials, showing deep abuses in the New-York city government..New-York, 1853. 54 p. 120. Pam v. 618. NEW-YORKt JOURNAL, or General Advertiser. NO 1672, Jan. 19,1775. New-York, J. Holt. fo. Newsp. v. 15. NEW-YORK JUVENILE ASYLUM. 3d, 6th, 7th Reports. New-York, 1855, 58, 59. 8~. Pam. v. 507.- 4th, 5th Reports, 1856, 57, NewYork. 8~. Pam. v. 244. NEW-YORK LAW INSTITUTE. Catalogue of the Library.... with a Chronological List of the contemporary English reporters from 1216 to the present time: Prepared by L. H. Sandford, July 1842. NewYork, 1843. 111 p. 8~. Cat. v. 5, and L. L. v. 1. NEW-YORKt LIFE INSURANCE AND TRUST COMPANY Rates, etc. New-York, 1830.- Report, 1841. Albany.- Act of incorporation, 1834. New-York, 1841.- Life Insurance, Agency. Buffalo, 1843.Report to the Board.,.. on mutual insurance. By William Bard. N.York, 1844. 31 p. 8~. Prospectus, 1846.- Report of the Committee.. for the purpose of examining.....the state of its affairs, 1847. Also, 1850. Pam. v. 511. ---- In Chancery.... Answer and Report, 1835. New-York, 1836. Pam. v. 239.- Also in 1839, 47, 48 and 50. 80. Pam. v. 511. NEW-YORK LIFE-SAVING BENEVOLENT ASSOCIATION: Transactions, 1856, 57. New-York, 1857, 58. 8~. Pam. v. 509. NEw-YORKt MAGDALEN FEMALE BENEVOLENT SOCIETY: 21st Report, 1854. Pam. v. 226.- 24th Report, New-York, 1857. 8~. Pam. v. 509. 5;90;6 GENERAL LIBIRARY. NEw-YORK MEDICAL COLLEGE (East 13th-street, N.Y.): Catalogue. New-York, 1852. Pam. v. 517.- For 1854-55. New-York, 1854. 8e. Pam. v. 196. NEw-YORKt MISSIONARY MAGAZINE, and Repository of Religious Intelligence. 1800. 321 - 400 p. 8~. NEw-YORK MUSICAL FUND: Constitution. N.York, 1830. 120. Pam. v. 615. NEW-YORK, NEWBURGfH AND SYRACUSE RAILROAD: Considerations...Feb. 1854. Syracuse. 24 p. 12~. Pam. v. 256, 545. NEW - YORKt NEWSPAPERS of 1855. [ Single copies of newspapers printed within the State of New-York during 1855, nearly complete.] 3 v. f~. Lettered: "N.Y. Periodicals of N.Y. Census 1855, Vol. 1, 2, 3." NEW-YORKt OBSERVER. Weekly. For 1855 - 59. New-York. 5 v. f. NEw-YORK OPHTHALMIC HOSPITAL: First Report, 1852. 8~. Pam. v. 506. NEW-YORK ORGAN PICTORIAL TEMPERANCE ALMANAC. New-York, 1852. 12~. Aim. v. 26. NEW-YORKt PACKET. N~ 661, Jan. 9, 161, 23, 30, 1787. New-York, Loudon. fo. Newsp. v. 15. NEW-YORK PASSENGER & BAGGAGE LINE: Memorial to the Mayor and Commonalty of the city. N.York, 1856. 34 p. 120. Pam. v. 522. NEW-YORKt PERIODICALS of 1855. [ Single copies of New-York periodicals, printed in the State during 1855.] 1 v. 40, and 7 v. 8~. Lettered: "N.Y. Periodicals of N.Y. Census 1855. Vol. 4 - 11." NEw-YORK POCKET ALMANACK for the year 1761, 1770. New-York, Gaine. In 1 v. 180.-Also, Gaine's Almanack, 1788, 1795. imp. 18~. Aim. v. 55. NEW-YORK PROTESTANT EPISCOPAL CITY MISSION SOCIETY: 12th Report. New York, 1843. 8~. Pam. v. 542. NEW-YORKt ('The) QUARTERLY: devoted to science, philosophy and literature, and the interests of our united country. Vol. IV. NewYork, 1855. 8~. NEw-YoRK RECORDER AND REGISTER. Vol. 32, Jan. - June 1855. Utica and New-York. See New-York Baptist Register. NEw-YORK REFORMER. Vol. 1, N~ 1, Aug. 27, 1850, to Aug. 21,1851. Watertown, N.Y. Ingalls, Burdick & Co. 1 v. fo. NEW-YORK SABBATH COMMITTEE: Documents, N~ 1- 12. N.York, 1858 - 60. In 1 v. 8~. NEW-YORKt SOCIETY LIBRARY: Annual Report. New-York, 1857. 8~. Pam. v. 276. NEW- YORK STATE AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE: Charter, etc. 1853. Albany. 8~0. Pam. v. 461. NEW-YORKt STATE AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY. Proceedings at organization. Albany, 1832. 43 p. 8~. Pam. v. 461. Journal: Vol. VI, VII, VIII, IX. Albany, May 1855 - Ap. 1859. 4 v. 80~. FIRST SUPPLEMENT. 597 - Transactions: Vol. xv, 1855; xv-, 1856; XVII, 1857; xviii, 1858. Albany...1856 - 59. 4 v. 8~. Directory: Fair at Elmira, 1855. 8~. Pam. v. 461. NEW-YORK STATE AUXILIARY CLAY MONUMENT ASSOCIATION: Address...New-York, 1853. 16 p. 8~. Pam. v. 502. NEW-YORK STATE COLONIZATION SOCIETY: 24th Report. N.York, 1856. 80. Pam. v. 462. NEW-YORK STATE INEBRIATE ASYLUM. A Letter from the. Corresponding Secretary to the Governor... King. New-York, 1858. 8~. - A the Governor, Morgan.. Decemb. 30, 1858. 80.Ceremonies, etc.... Binghamton, N.Y. New-York, 1859. 161 p. 8~. Pam. v. 291. NEW-YORK STATE MUTUAL INSURANCE COMPANY, Newark, Wayne county: Charter and By-laws. Rochester, 1850. Pam. v. 239. NEW-YORKt STATE SABBATH CONVENTION: Proceedings.. at Saratoga Springs, 1844. Albany, 1844. 36 p. 8~. Pam. v. 490. NEW-YORKt STATE TEACHERS' ASSOCIATION. New-York Teacher: Vol. 4, 5, 6, from Oct. 1854, to Sept. 1857; Vol. 8, Oct. 1858, to Sept. 1859. Albany. 4 v. 8~. NEW-YoRKt STATE TEMPERANCE SOCIETY: Sixth Annual Report; with Proceedings of the Anniversary, Rochester, June 16, 17, 1853. Albany, 1853. Pam. v. 234. -- Address... The Maine Law in New-York, April 10, 1855. 16 p. 8~. Pam. v. 291. - Six Reasons why the State of New-York should adopt the Maine liquor law. New-York, 1852. 80. Pam. v. 291. See Prohibitionist, Albany, 1855 - 57. NEW-YORKt STATESMAN: June 6, 1820. Newsp. v. 16. NEW-YORK SUN. The Letter-list advertising in New-York city.... M. S. Beach. New-York, 1858. 16 p. 120. Pam. v. 522. NEW-YORKt SUNDAY SCHOoL UNION: 34th Annual Report. NewYork, 1850. 8~. Pam. v. 289. NEW-YORK TIMES (daily): Vol. 1, Sept. 1851 - Mar. 27, 1860. NewYork. 16 v. fo. NEW-YORK (The) TRAVELLER... through the State. New-York, Disturnell, 1845. 48 p. 18~. NEW-YORKt TRIBUNE (daily): From May 1, 1852, to Dec. 31, 1859. New-York. 16 v. fo. NEW-YORK WEEKLY JOURNAL: N~ 372, Jan. 29, 1740. New-York, J. P. Zenger. 40. Newsp. v. 15. NEW - YORK YOUNG MEN'S ANTI-SLAVERY SOCIETY: Constitution. New-York, 1834. Pam. v. 462.- fellow-citizens, 1834. 80. Pam. v. 241. NEW-YORK YOUNG MEN'S CHRISTIAN ASSOCIATION: Constitution. New-York, 1852.- 2d, 3d, 4th, 5th Annual Report. N.York, 1854, 55, 56, 57. 8~. Pam., v. 224. NEW-YORKER VOLKS-KALENDER, 1850. 120. Alm. v. 42. 598 GENERAL LIBRARY. NIAGARA AND DETROIT RIVERS RAILROAD. Sundry Documents. Albany, 12 July, 1845. 80. Pam. v. 146, 545. NIAGARA FALLS HYDRAULIC COMPANY. Niagara Falls the great manufacturing village of the West.....Boston, 1853. 33 p. 8~, and map. Pam. v. 260. NIAGARA FALLS SUSPENSION AND... INTERNATIONAL BRIDGE COMPANIES. Final Report -of J. A. Roebling, C. E. Rochester, 1855. 47 p. 8~. Pam. v. 545. NICHOLt (J. P.), LL.D. Views of Astronomy. Seven Lectures, Mer. Lib. Assoc. of N.Y. New-York, 1848. 8~. Pam. v. 273. - A Cyclopaedia of the Physical Sciences, comprising acoustics, astronomy....&c. By:.... with the assistance of eminent scientific men...London and Glasgow, 1857. xii, 831 p. 8~. NICHOLAS, George. Letter from:.... to his friend in Virginia, justifying the conduct of the citizens of Kentucky.... Lexington, 1798. 42 p. 8~. NICHOLLS, Mrs. Louisa H. Poems. New-York, 1857. 120. NICHOLLS (William), D.D. Sermon, Oct. 31, 1708,: Death of Prince George of Denmark: Heb. xii, 7, 8. London. 8~. Pam. v. 364. NICHOLS, Andrew. Danvers: a Poem, written for the Centennial Celebration, June 16, 1852...Boston, 1852...40 p. 8~. Pam. v. 534. Danvers, before the Society in that town for suppressing intemperance..Ap. 27, 1819. Salem, 1819. 8~. Pam. v. 234. NICHOLS (Ichabod) 3d. An Oration, July 4, 1805, North MeetingHouse, Salem, Mass. Salem, 1805. 80. Pam. v. 215. NrcHoLst, John. A Select Collection of Poems, with notes biographical and historical. Vol. I - III. London.. 1780 -1782. 8 v. 18~....- Editor. See Tatler, The. NICHOLS, John and Nathan. The Trial of John and Nathan Nichols (father and son), for the wilful murder of Sarah Nichols.... Suffolk Lent Assizes, 1794. Bury St.Edmunds. 12 p. 4~. Pam. v. 1011, NICHOLSt, John Bowyer. Illustrations of the Literary History of the eighteenth century...Vol. 8. London, 1858. 1 v. 8~. NICHoLst, J. G., Editor. See Topographer and Genealogist. NICHOLS, Mary S. GOVE. Experience in the cure of acute and chronic diseases...New-York...1850. 108 p. 12~. NICHOLS, Thomas L. Journal in Jail, kept during a four month's imprisonment for libel, in the jail of Erie county. Buffalo, N. Y. 1840. 248 p. 120. Woman in all Ages and Nations.... from the earliest ages..... New-York, 1849. 237 p. 120. Pam. v. 606. NICHOLS ( Tho. L.), M.D. An Introduction to the Water-cure. NewYork (1850). 46 p. 12~. NICaOLSoN, James B. A Manual of the Art of Bookbinding...Also, the Art of marbling book-edges and paper... Phil'a..1856. 12~. NICHOLSONt, Peter. The Carpenter and Joiner's Assistant; containing Practical rules for making all kinds of joints, etc......4th edition. London, 1815. 82 p., 79 plates. 4~. FIRST SUPPLEMENT. 599 The Carpenter's New Guide; being a Complete Book of lines for carpentry and joinery, etc..... 8th edition, from 6th London.. Philadelphia,1.818. 117 p., 80 pl. 40. NICHOLSON, W. Christ the head: A Sermon, Soc. for Pro. Christian Knowledge, Winchester: Col. i, 18. 1840. 8~. Pam. v. 378. NICKLINt, Philip H. Remarks on Literary property... Philadelphia, 1838. 144 p. 18~. [ ] See Letters descriptive of the Virginia springs. NICOLASt, Sir Nicholas Harris. History of the Orders of Knighthood of the British Empire; of the Order of the Guelphs of Hanover; and of the medals, clasps and crosses, conferred for naval and military services. London, 1842. 4 v. 4~. NICOLAUS DAM1ASCENUS: Qua supersunt. See iElianus. NICOLAYt, N. de. Les Navigations, Peregrinations et Voyages, faicts en la Turquie par Nicolas de Nicolay... contenants plusieurs singularitez que l'autheur y a veu et observe....Avec soixante figures...En Anvers, 1577. 24 prelim., 305 p. & tables. sm. 4~. NICOL, J. Copy of Three Letters, the first written by Dr. J. Nicol at New-York.... the second, by a dissenting minister in England.... the third, from a minister at Boston..... giving an account of the progress... of the gospel in foreign parts... Edinburgh, 1740. 8 p. 12~. Pam. v. 262. NICOLET, H. Atlas de Physique et de Meteorologie agricoles.. Paris, 1855. 9 p., 13 plates, gr. fo. NICOLL, Henry. Address, Alumni Association, Columbia College.... New-York, 1843. 80. Pam. v. 514. NICOLL, S. W. A Summary View of the Report and evidence relative to the poor laws...with observations.. York, Eng. 1818. 111 p. 8~. Pam. v. 429. NICOLLS (Samuel), LL.D. Sermon, H. of Commons, Fast-day, Feb. 17, 1748: Ps. lvii, 1. London. 4~. Pain. v. 1006. Sermon, Soo. for Protestant Schools in Ireland, 1749: Is. lx, 22. London, 1749. 4~. Pam. v. 1010. -- Sermon, Yearly Meeting of... Charity schools, 1756. London, 1757. See Soc. Pro. Chr. Knowledge. NICOLSON (William), Bp. The English Historical Library: In three parts. Giving a short view and character of most of our historians, either in print or manuscript; with an account of our records, lawbooks, coins, and other matters serviceable to the undertakers of a general history of England. 2d edition, augmented. London, 1714. 272 p. fO. Sermon, before the Queen, March 8, 1707: Lev. xxv, 20, 21. London. 8~. Pam. v. 363. Sermons, Soc. for the Reformation of manners, Dec. 30, 1706: Jud. v, 8. London. 8~. Pam. v. 363. NIEUWENHUISt, Gt. Algemeen Woordenboek: Vol. 8, X - Z. Zutphen..1829. 8~. 600 GENERAL LIBRARY. NIEUWSBODEt (De). Orgaan der Nederlanders in Noord-Amerika. Newsp. weekly. J. Quintus, editor. Sheboygan, Wisconsin. 6%, 7de, 8de jaarg. Jan. 1855 to Dec. 1857. 2 v. gr. fe. NIGHTINGALE, Crawford. Discourse, Funeral of Caleb Groton, Mass. 1855. Boston. 8~. Pam. v. 555. NIEHILL, Rev. Daniel. Suggestions on the Revival of Ecclesiastical Assemblies in the Church of England. London, 1836. 07 p. 8~. Pam. v. 327. NIJHOFF (J. L.), of Gouda. Nageldaten Leerredenen... Arnhem... 1845. 80. [NILESt, Hezekiah]. Things as they are, or Federalism turned inside out! being a collection of extracts from federal papers, &c. and remarks upon them, originally written for and published in the Evening Post. By the Editor. Baltimore, printedgat the office of the Evening Post. By H. Niles (1809). 75 p. 8~. Agriculture of the United States, or an Essay concerning.... domestic manufactures, showing their inseparable connection with agriculture, &c. From Niles' Register, March 24, 1827, with additions....16 p. 8~. Pam. v. 205. NILES, Henry E. Discourse at the Funeral of Rev. Samuel N. Steele, Pastor of Spencertown..Valatie, N. Y. 1854. 80. Pam. v. 555. NILES, William Ogden. The Tippecanoe Text-book, compiled from Niles' Register and other authentic records.... Published by Duff Green.. Baltimore..1840. 8~. NIVEN, A. C. The Centennial Memorial of.....the 100th Anniversary of the Associate Reformed Presbyterian church of Little Britain, N.Y.... New-York, 1859. 251 p. 12~. NIXON, Bp. Francis R. The Cruise of the Beacon: A Narrative of a Visit to the islands in Bass's Straits. London, 1857. 114 p. 18~. No CHURCH WITHOUT A BISHOP - Copy-right secured, by E. P. Williams, Mass. 1845. 32 p. 80. Pam. v. 488. No PROTESTANT PLOT; or the present pretended conspiracy of protestants against the king and government, discovered to be a conspiracy of the papists against the king and his protestant subjects. By A. A. Cooper, Earl of Shaftesbury. London: Printed for R. Lett, 1681. 37 p. 40. Pam. v.407. The Third Part of No Protestant Plot; with Observations on the proceedings upon the bill of indictment against the E. of Shaftsbury; and a brief account of the case of the Earl of Argyle. Loend. Printed for Rich. Baldwin, 1682. vi, 150 p. 4~. Pam. v. 407. No SLUR, ELSE-SLUR: A Dancing Poem, or Satyr. By Nobody..**o. By Dr. Richmond? 2d edition. New-York, 1840. 12 p. 120. Pam. v. 620. NOAHt, Mordecai M. Travels in England, France, Spain and the Barbary States..1813 - 15. New-York, 1819. vi, 431, xlvii p.8~. NOBLEt, Rev. Mark. See Granger, Biographical Hist. of England. NOBLE ( Seth), Montgomery. Two Sermons at Westhampton, 1802: 2 Cor. i, 22. Northampton, Mass. 1804. 8~. Pam. v. 559. FIRST SUPPLEMENT. 601 NOCTES A1VrBROSIANAM. By the late John Wilson...William Maginn, J. G. Lockhart, J. Hogg, etc. With Memoirs and Notes by R. Shelton Mackenzie.. New-York, 1855. 5 v. 120. See also Wilson, J. NODIER, Charles..... Melanges tires d'une petite Bibliotheque, ou varietes litteraires et philosophiques:..Paris, 1829. 428 p.- With, Doisy, Bibliologie Militaire. In 1 v. 8~. Description Raisonnde d'une jolie collection de livres (Nouveaux Melanges tires d'une petite bibliotheque)...Preced6e d'une introduction par M. G. Duplessis, de la vie de M. Nodier, par M. Francis Wey..Paris, Techener, 1844. 492 p. With Indices and Releve des prix de vente. 28 p. In 1 v. 8~.....- Notices Bibliographiques, etc. Bulletin du Bibliophile. NOEL, Le Pere, Editor. See Livres Classiques de la Chine, 1784. NOLAN, Frederick. Vindication of a Review of the Bampton lectures for the year 1815. In favor of the doctrine of the Trinity. London, 1817. 87 p. 8~. Pam. v. 303. NOLLET, Abbe J. A. Recherches sur les Causes particulieres des ph6nomenes electriques, et sur les effets nuisibles ou avantageux qu'on peut en attendre...Nouvelle edition. A Paris, 1754. 18~. NOORDTt, Olivier van. Journael van de Wonderlijcke Vooyagie door de Straet Magalanes ende voorts den gantschen Kloot des Aerdtbodems om, gedaen met vier scheepen, onder bet beleydt van:...1598... Amsterdam (1602?). 48 p. sm. 40. NOPITSCII, Christ. C. Literatur der Sprichworter. Ein Handbuch fur literarhistoriker, bibliographen und bibliothekare.. Zweite ausgabe. Niirnberg, 1833. 284 p. 8~. NORBERG, Matt. Codex Syriaco-Hexaplaris. See Bible. [ NORBERT, Le Pere Pierre P.]. M6moires iistoriques surles Affaires des Jesuites avec le Saint Siege...Par M. l'Abbe C. P. Platel... A Lisbonne, 1766. 7 v. 8~. NORDIsIKE LITERATUR-SAMFUND. Nordiske Oldskrifter udgivne af det Nordiske Literatur-Samfund. N~ I - xII. Kjobenhavn, 1847-51. In 4 v. 12~. Contents: VOL.I: 1, Hrafnkel Freysgodes Saga; 2, Droplaugarsona Saga; 3, Hervarar Saga. VOL.II: 4, Bjarnar Saga Hitdcelakappa; 5, Vapnfirdinga Saga; 6, Sagan af Iordi hredu. VOL. III: 7, Lucidarius, en Folkebog fra Middeldaren; 8, Tvaer Stgur af Gisla Sfirssyni; 9, Kong Valdemar den andens Jyske Lov. VoL. IV: 10, Bandamanna Saga; 11, Gragas, Islsendernes Lovbog i Fristatens Tid; 12, Sjurdar kva3di. NoRFOLKt, MKass., AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY: Transactions for 1855, 1856, 1858. Boston. 3 v. 8~. NORFOLK (Mass.) DISTRICT MEDICAL SOCIETY: Lines read at a meeting of:.. September 26, 1855, by a member of the Suffolk Society. Boston. 8 p. 8~. Pam. v. 615. [NORMAN, Rev. John]. See Lay-Nonconformity. London, 1728. [SUPPL.] 76 ;602 GENERAL LIBRARY. NORMANBY, Mariquis of. The Temple of Death: A Poem by the:...A_ translation out of French. WTith an Ode in memory of her late Majesty Queen Mary. By a person of quality. Lond. 1709. 16 p. 8. Pam. v. 398. NORMAND (Ch.). Decorations interieures et exterieures pour maisons, edifices et monuments publics: Par Ch. Normand, Beauvallet, Raphael et Prud'hon...D'aprBs l'antique. Paris. 48 planches. gr. fo. NORMANDIE, Charles Louis, Duc de. Abridged Account of the Mis:fortunes of the Dauphin, followed by some documents in support of the facts related by the Prince. Trans. from the French, by the Hon. & Rev. C. G-. Perceval. London, 1838. 714 p. 8~. NORTH, Brownlow, Bp. Sermon, on Uniformity, for the Consecration of St.James's Church, Guernsey, August 6, S188: Cor. i, 10. London. 40. Pam. v. 1009. NORTH, Prof. Edward. The Uses of Music: An Address.... Utica Musical Academy, Feb. 5, 1858. With...a Historical Sketch of the Academy...Utica, 1858. 80. Pam. v. 287. NORTH (J.), esq. Catalogue of Library, London, 1819. P. I, II. 8~. Cat. v. 95. NORTH (Simeon), D.D. Diligence in Business: A Discourse, Hamilton College, before the Senior class...Utica, 1852. 8~. Pam. v. 514. NORTH —AMERICAN'S ALMANACK. S. Stearns, Boston, 1770, 77. 12~. Alm. v. 19. NORTH-AMERICAN CALENDER, or the Columbian... Wilmington, Del. 1829. 120. Alm. V. 29. NORTH-AMERICAN FISHERIES. Debate, U.S. Senate; 1852. 8~0. Pam. v. 529. NORTH-AMERICAN MUTUAL INSURANCE COMPANY, Brasher-falls, St. Lawrence county, N.Y.: Instructions to agents. 12~. Pam. v. 239. NORTH-AMERICANt REVIEW: Vol. 81, Jul. 1855 - Vol. 88, Ap. 1859. Boston. 8 v. 80. - NORTHAMPTON, Mlass. Annual Reports of the Selectmen.. Northampton, 1855, 56. 80. Paim. v. 476. NORTHt BRITISH REVIEW Vol. 24, Nov. 1855, to Vol. 30, May 1859. Edinburgh. 7 v. 80. NORTH (A) BRITON EXTRAORDINARY: Written by a young Scotsman, now a volunteer in the Corsican service***. Corte.. 1769. 85 p. 8~. Pamn. v. 410. NORTHt-CAROLINA. Geological Survey, 1856, 58. See Emmons, E. NORTH-CHELSEA, Is. School Committee's Report, 1851-52. 8~. Pam. v. 173. NORTHCOTEt, Rev. Thomas. Observations on the Natural and Civil Rights of mankind, the prerogatives of princes, and the powers of government, &c. London, 1781. 54 p. 8~. Pam. v. 261. NORTHERN DISPENSARY: 24th, 28th, 32d Reports. New-York, 1851, 55, 59. 8~. Pam. v. 506. NORTHERN HOME FOR FRIENDLESS CHILDREN: 2d Report, May 8, 1855. Philadelphia, 1855. Pam. v. 198.- 4th, 5th Reports, 1857, 58. 8~. Pam. v. 535. FIRST SUPPLEMENT. 603 NOaRTHERN INDIANA RAILROAD COMPANY: Circular Statement, Sept. 1851. N.York, 1851. 8~. Pam. v. 257.- Opinion of Judge Bronson. New-York, 1851. 8~. Pam. v. 545. NORTIIERNt LTNES OF RAILWAY: Proceedings.of the Convention... Boston, Dec. 1850, and Jan. 1851. Boston, 1851. 8~. Pam. v. 152. NORTHERN NEW-YORI(ER. Weekly. Vol. I, N~ 1, Ap. 26, 1849, to Vol. II, Aug. 28, 1850: W. M. Goodrich, W. Wilson, Nelson W. Bruett, editors & proprietors. Gouverneur. 1 v.f~. NORTHERN RAILROAD CORPORATION, AT.H.: 2d, 3d, 4th, 5th, 6th Reports. Boston or Concord, 1847 - 51. 8~. Pam. v. 147, 284. Report of the Committee of Investigation, to the stockholders, May 1850. Concord. 80. Pam. v. 147. NORTHERN RAILROAD ( OGDENSBURGtH TO ROUsE'S POINT), N.Y.: Report of Surveys and Estimates....By James Hayward. Boston, 1847. 80. Pam. v. 146.- Report of the Directors...June 3, 1850. Boston. 8~. -Pam. v. 147. Report of. the Examining Committee, on the management:.... July 30, 1851. Ogdensburgh, 1851. 80. Paim. v. 148. Report of the Directors... June 16, 1852. Boston, 1852; Pam. v. 257. —Report, July 26, 1854. Ogdensburgh. 80. Pam. v. 208. --- Report of the Trustees of the Second Mortgage Bond-holders, Jan. 17, 1857. Ogdensburgh, 1857. Pamn. v. 284. NORTHERN RAILWAY, Canada. Procedes du Comite Ge-nSral du Chemin de Fer du Nord. Quebec, 1852. 80. Pain. v. 285. NORTHERNt TRAVELLER; containing the routes to Niagara, Quebec, and the Springs..New-York, 1825. 213 p. 18~. NORTH-GRANVILLE (N.Y.) LADIES' SEMINARY: Report, 1857. Catalogue, 1859. 8~.'Pam. v. 459. NORTH-LONDON AND ISLINGTON AUXILIARY BIBLE SOCIETY: 12th Report. London, 1825. 80. Pam. v. 467. NORTH PEARL-STREET BAPTIST SABBATH SCHOOL LIBRARY. Albany, 1857. 18~. Pam. v. 627. NORTHI-PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD COMPANY.: Second, Third Annual Reports, Jan. 1855, 1856. Pam. v. 257.- Fourth Report, Jan. 1857. Philadelphia, 1857. 80. Pam. v. 284. NORTHWEST TRANSPORTATION AND LAND COMIPANY: Memoranda and Prospectus. Toronto, 1858. 12 p. 80. Pam. v. 492. NORTHWESTERN FRUIT-GROWERS' ASSOCIATION: Transactions, Second Ann. meeting...Chicago, Ill. 1852. 40 p. 8. Pam. v. 505. NORTH WOOD's WALTON CLUB: ~Utica, 1858. 16 p. 120. Pam. v. 618. NORTONt, Andrews. Discourse on the latest form of Infidelity..Association of the Alumni of the Cambridge Theol. School, July 19, 1839. With Notes. Cambridge, 1839. 8~. Pam. v. 94. - -- Remarks on a Pamphlet entitled " The latest form of Infidelity" examined. Cambridge, 1839. 72 p. 8~. Pam. v. 94. NORTON'St (C. B.) LITERARY ALMANAC for 1852: Accounts of American libraries.- Literary Register and Book-buyers' Almanac for 604 GENERAL LIBRARY. 1853.- Literary and Educational Register for 1854. New-York. In I v. 120.- Literary Almanac, 1852, in Alm. v. 31. Norton's Literary Register; or Annual Book-list for 1856: A catalogue of books, including new editions and reprints published in the United States during the year 1855...New-York, 1856. 8~. - Valuable Works relating to America (1857). N.York. 4 p. 4~. Pam. v. 1015. Catalogue of the largest and most valuable collection of autographs...Prices affixed.. New-York..1857. 16 p. 80. Norton's Literary Letter; comprising American papers of interest, N~ 1,, Oct. 1857; A catalogue of...books on America, N~ 2, 1858; Catalogue of... autographs, coins, medals, maps, etc, etc. relative to America. 46, 46 p. sm. 4~. NORTON, John N. The Duty and Privilege of building and adorning churches: A Sermon..... Neh. xiii, 14. Louisville, Ky. 1850. 8~. Pam. v. 556. NORVEL HASTINGS; or the Frigate in the Offing.. Philadelphia, 1850. 143 p. 12~. Pam. v. 497. NORWICH CITY DIRECTORY, 1857. Compiled by W. H. Boyd. Norwich, Conn. 157 p. 12~. NoRWICH JUBILEE. A Report of the Celebration at Norwich, Conn., of the 200th Anniversary of the settlement of the town....By John W. Stedman. Norwich, 1859. 304 p. 8~. NORWICH UNIVERSITY. Catalogue for, 1847-8. Norwich (N.H.), 1848. 8~' Pam. v. 157. NoRwooD', Col. A Voyage to Virginia, 1649. See Force's Tracts. v. 3. NORWOOD, J. G. Geological Survey, 1858. See Illinois. NORWOOD (Wesley C.), of Cokesbury, S.C. The Therapeutical powers and properties of Veratrum viride. 3d edition. New-York, 1852. 22 p. 12~. Pam. v. 515. NOTESt AND QUERIES, Weekly. A Medium of inter-communication for literary men, artists, antiquarians. Vol. 11, 12, 1855; Index to first 12 v.- New Series, Vol. 1, 1856, to Vol. 7, June 1859. 7 v. - London. 10 v. sm. 4~. NOTICE des Manuscrits de quelques Bibliotheques des Departements. Paris, Imprimerie Royale, 1842. 52 p. 4~. NOTICE of a Reply to the Review of a Memoir on the United States Artillery (1850?). 32 p. 8~. Pam. v. 102. NOTT, Benjamin. Constitutional Ethics, No. 2...Albany, 1857. 23 p. 8~. Pam. v. 560. NOTTI (Eliphalet), D.D., LL.D. A Discourse..Death of Gen. Alexander Hamilton, July 29, 1804. Albany, 1804. 8~. Pam. v. 202. Titlepage wanting. - Address to the Candidates for the Baccalaureate, Union College... Albany, 1811. 80~ Pam. v. 514. Lectures on Temperance.. With an Introd. by T. Lewis. Edited by A. McCoy. New-York, 1857. 341 p. 12~. FIRST SUPPLEMENT. 605 NOTTt (J. C.) and Geo. R. GLIDDON. Indigenous Races of the Earth; or New Chapters of Ethnological Inquiry, including Monographs of special departments of philology, iconography, cranioscopy, paleontology, pathology, archaeology, comparative geography and natural history: Contributed by Alfred Maury.... Francis Pulszky... and J. Aitken Meigs, M.D.,... (with Communications from Prof. Joseph Leidy, M.D., and Prof. L. Agassiz, LL.D.)....Philadelphia, 1857. xxii, 656 p. 8~. NOTT, Rev. Samuel. Sermon, General Election, May 11, 1809: Ps. cxliv, 11-15. Hartford, 1809. 8~. Pam. v. 557. NOTTt (Rev. Samuel) jr. An Appeal to the Temperate...... Albany, 1828. 120. Pam. v. 629. Discourse, Death of- Pres't Harrison, at Wareham, May 14.... Boston, 1841. 48 p. 12~. Pam. v. 554. Sixteen Years Preaching and Procedure, at, Wareham, Mass. With a reprint Boston, 1845, of the...result of Ex parte council.. Boston, 1845. 192 p. 80. Pam, -v. 484. - The " Preaching and Procedure" of Rev. S. Nott jr.... Boston, 1839. 24 p. 12~. Pam. v. 484. Slavery, and the Remedy...2d edition. Boston, 1856. 118 p. 8~. Pam. v. 462. NOTTINGIIAM (Daniel Finch, Earl of). The Answer of, to Mr. Whiston's letter to him concerning the eternity of the Son of God.... 2d edition. London, 1721. 163 p. 8~. Pam. v. 312. NOUVEAU RECUEIL de diff6rens Traitez de Medecine. A Paris...1744. 150 p. 18~. NOUVEAU Z ODIAQUE, r6duit a l'annee 1755. Paris, Impr. royale, 1755. xxii, 40 p.- With Table... de toutes les etoiles....suivant... M. Flamsteed. 31 p.'120. NOUVELLE GRAMMAIRE pour apprendre le Flamand, avec vocabulaire, dialogues, et lettres en Franpois et en Flamand....A Anvers, chez A. Grange. 12~. NOUVELLES DE LA R]PUBLIQUE DES LETTRES. Par Jaques Bernard. Juil. - Dec. 1700; Juil. - Dec. 1701; Juil. - Dec. 1702; Juil. - Dec. 1703; Jan.- Dec. 1706; Jan. - Dec. 1707; Juil. - Dec. 1708; Jan. - Dec. 1709; Jan. - Juin 1710. Amst. 12 v. 18~. NOVA-BRITANNIA: offering most excellent fruites by planting in Virginia. Signed R. I.....London, 1609. See Force's Tracts, v. 1. NOVA-SCOTIA: EDUCATION. The Report and statistical tables of the Sup't of Education...for 1857. Halifax. 33 p. 40. Pam. v. 1016.: RECORD COMMISSION. First, Second, Report of Thomas B. Akins, Commissioner of Public Records. Halifax, 1858, 1859. 4~. Pain. v. 1015.: RAILWAYS. Despatches...on the subject of the Halifax, Quebec and Portland Railroads. Halifax, 1851. 28 p. 80. Pam. v. 284. NOVA-SCOTIA RAILWAY. Railway Extension: Mr. Laurie's report as to extension of the railway from Truro to Pictou. Halifax, 1859. 40 p. 4~. Pam. v. 1014. 606 GENERAL - LIBRARY. NOWELL (Thomas),. D.D. Sermon, H. of Commons, Jan. 30, 1772: NVum. xvi, 3. London. 40. Pam. v. 1008. NOxoN, James. Speech, N.Y. Senate, March 26, 1857. See Trinity Church, Pam. v. 4. ------ Speech. N.Y. Senate, against the Repeal, of the Metropolitan police act. Albany, 1858. 18 p. 8~. Pain. v. 530. NoYEs, J. HI. -See Oneida Association. NOYES (Thomas), of N.eedham. Sermon, in Weymouth, Norfolk Aux. Soc. for the Educ. of Pious Youth for the Gospel Ministry, June 12, 1822. Dedham, 1822. 80. Pam. v. 441. * NOYES, William C. Address, Law Department of Hamilton College, July 16, 1856. Utica, 1856. 80. Pam. v. 242, 514. NUGENT'S NOVA-SCOTIA PEOPLE'S ALMANAC for...1856..Halifax.. 107 p. 12., NUG(ENT, Nicholas. The Case of: Lieut. 1st Reg. Foot Guards...On iir. N.'s application for a Court-martial on himself... Lonud. 1776. 106'p 8p. ~Pam. v. 221, 406. NUMIAN, Dr. A. Verhandeling over. den Veelkop-blaasworm der hersenen, Polycephalus ( Coenurus) cerebralis [ K. Ned. Instit.]. Amst. 1850. 9 plates, 77 p. 40. — With Ontaarding in vet of Steatosis buitengewone vergrooting der slaapspieren bij. een jonggeboren kalf. Amst. 1851. 12 p. 4~. NUREz t, Ignacio. An Account, historical, political, and statistical of the United Provinces of Rio De La Plata: With an Appendix concerning the usurpation of Monte Video by the Portuguese and Brazilian Governments. From the Spanish. London....1825. 80. NUTTt, David. A Catalogue of Theological books in foreign languages...On sale by: London...1857. 600 p.- Appendix, 1857. 601734 p. TVith Modern foreign books. 50 p. In 2 v. 8~. NYEf (G.) jr. Catalogue of Pictures of:...of the old on exhibition...New-York, 1858. 37 p. 80. Pam. v. 499. NYERuP, Erasmus. Spicilegiun Bibliographicum ex Bibliotheca Regia Ilavniensi, continens semicenturiaim monumentor. typograph. rarissimor. clar. Mich. Maittairio ignotorum....Havyni, 1784. 192 p. 18~. NYLOE, Jakobus. XII Predikaatsien..Groningen, 1702. 180. NYs, Charles. Les Archives d'Anvers, et l'inventaire de ce depot... Anvers, 1852. 43, xxvi p. 8~. O. OAKES, Capt. Henry. -An Authentic Narrative of the English who were taken prisoners on the reduction of Bendore by Tippoo Saib.. 1783 - 84....London, 1785. 124 p. 8S. Pam. v. 391. OAKLAND AND OTTAWA RAILROAD. Description...from Detroit to Grand Haven. Detroit, 1854. 80. Paml. v. 257. OAKLAND COLLEGE, Claiborne county, MIiss. Catalogue, 1852. NewOrleans, 1853. S8. Pam. v. 481. OAKLAND FEMALE SEMINARY, Hillsborough, Ohio. Catalogue, 1848. 8o. Pain. v. 460. FIRST SUPPLEMENT.:607 OAKWOOD CEMETERY, Syracuse, N.Y. Dedication, November 1859. [ Newsp. slips.] 8~. Pam. v. 478. OATHS Of the Roman Catholic Bishops and of the Jesuits. Derby, Eng. 4 p. 8~. Pam. v. 347. O BEIRNE, Bp. T. L. Charge, Visitation of 1796. Dublin: Reprinted London, 1797. 8~. Pam. v. 374.'OBERLIN, Jer. J. Essai d'Annales de la Vie de Jean Gutenberg, inventeur de la typographie. Strasbourg, 1801. 45 p. 8~. OBERLIN COLLEGIATE INSTITUTE, Ohio. Catalogue, 1846, 1849.Oberlin College: Catalogue, 1850, 51, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57.- Oberlin Students' Monthly: Vol. I, N~ 1, 2, Nov., Dec. 1858. Oberlin, 0..n I1 v. 80. Statement and Appeal, by T. B. Hudson, 1856. 1 p. f~. Pam. v. 1104.- Catalogue.. 1850-51. Pam. v..247.- Triennial Catalogue. Oberlin, 1854. Pam. v. 212. OBERLIN EVANGELIST. Extras, 1856: Progress of the College, by J. H. Fairchild.- A Sketch of the Anti-slavery history of Oberlin, by J. H. Fairchild. 40. Newsp. v. 16. OBF USCATIONIBUS (De); or a Glinimering Light on Mesmerism, drawn from documents known before Mesmer was born. In two letters to a friend. By U~, U.S. Army, i. e. E. AL. Hitchcock? New-York, 1845. 39 p. 8~. Pam. v. 222. OBJECTIONS TO THE BALLOT answered from the writings and.speeches of Mill, Grote, &c. London, 1837. 20 p. 8~. Pam. v. 415. OBJECTIONS to the Punishment of Death concisely stated. Lound. 1835. 8 p. 8~. Pam. v. 403. O'BRIEN ( J. T.), Bp. Charge, Dioceses of Ossory, Ferns' and Leighlin, 1842. Philadelphia, repr. 1842. 94 p. 8~. Pain. v. 455.'O'BRIEN, Rev. Paul. A Practical Grammar of the Irish Language. Dublin, 1809. 214 p. 8~. O'BRIEN, William S. Speech, on the Causes of discontent in Ireland, H. of Commons, July 4, 1843. Dublin, 1843. 51 p. 80. Pam. v. 423. [ O'BRIYEN, D.]. See Defence of Earl of Shelburne, 1782. OBSEQUENS, J. Julii Obsequentis qume supersunt ex Libro de Prodigiis; cuir Animadversionibus J. Schefferi, et Supplementis C. Lycosthenis. Cura. F. Oudendorpio. Lugd. Batav. 1720. 8S. OBSERVACIONES GENERALES sobre el Establecimiento de caminos de hierko en los Estados Unidos Mejicanos.... Nueva-York, 1833. 8~. Pamn. v. 284. OBSERVATIONS AND REMARKS on the putrid malignant sore throat, which has mortally raged for many years past. By.. Hall Jackson, M.D. Portsmouth, N.H. 1786. 28 p. 18~. Pamin. v. 614. OBSER VATIONS occasioned by the Letter of J. K. L. to HI. E. the Lord Lieutenant, professing to be a vindication of the religious and civil principles of the Roman catholics of Ireland. Dublin, 1823. 122 p. 8~. Pam. v. 345. OBSERVATIONS on Coin in general. With some proposals for regulating the value of coin in Ireland. By the author of the List of Absentees of Ireland. Dublin: Rep. London, 1730. 64 p. 8~. Pam. v. 401, 608 GENERAL LIBRARY. OBSERVATIONS on Dr. Sturges's Pamphlet respecting non-residence of the clergy, in a letter to Mr. Baron Maseres. By T. B. Howell, esq. London, 1802. 63 p. 80. Pam. v. 323. OBSERVATIONS on Dr. Waterland's Second Defense of his Queries. By the author of the reply.. S. Clarke, D.D. London, 1724. 137 p. 8~. Pam. v. 353. OBSERVATIONS on Matthew xxviii, 19, 20, and Mark xvi, 16, shewing that those passages are no authority for water-baptism....London, 1849. 16 p. 80. Pain. v. 313. OBSERVATIONS on Mr. Brougham's Bill "for better providing the means of education.." shewing its inadequacy..and the danger.. to..religious liberty..London, 1821. 30 p. 8~. Pam. v. 387. OBSERVATIONS on Mr. Street's Railway bill. Westminster, 1847. 56 p. 8~. Pam. v. 428. OBSERVATIONS on the Commerce of the American States, 1783. See [ Sheffield, John, Lord ]. Cat. 1855. OBSERVATIONS on the Conduct of Great Britain, with regard to the negociations and other transactions abroad. By Sir B. Walpole? London, 1729. 61 p. 8~. Pam. v. 443. OBSERVATIONS on the-Conduct of the Protestant Dissenters: No. 1. 3d edition. No. 2. London, 1790. 23, 17 p. 8~. Pam. v. 319. OBSERVATIONS on the Conduct of the Tories, the Whigs, and the Dissenters; with advice to the latter. London, 1739. 80. Pam. v. 318. OBSERVATIONS on the Duty on Sea-borne the port of London... By J. R. M'Culloch. London, 1830. 51 p. 80. Pam. v. 414. OBSERVATIONS on the Manufacture of a new rope, submitted to the Hon. Comm. for H. M.'s Navy, 1829. 28 p. 80. Pam. v. 402. OBSERVATIONS on the Proposed Duties on the exportation of coals... Ap. 1842. London. 41 p. 80. Pam. v. 415. OBSERVATIONS -on the Proposed Measure for the regulation of the corn trade...London, 1842. 15 p. 80. Pam. v. 424. OBSERVATIONS on the Proposition for increasing the means of theological education at the University of Cambridge. By W. E. Channing. Cambridge, Mass. 1816. 22 p. 80. Pam. v. 294. OBSERVATIONS on the State, Character and advancement of the Established Church in Ireland...Dublin, 1822. 82 p. 8~. Pam. v. 342. OBSERVATIONS on the Theological mystery, the Harmonial philosophy, and Spirit rappings; with an Appendix concerning Freemasonry. By the Author of Millennial Institutions and the Seventh Vial... Hartford, 1851. 188, 28 p. 8~. Pam. v. 219. OBSERVATIONS upon a Pamphlet, called An English Merchant's remarks upon.... a Memorial presented to the Chancery of Sweden, by the Resident of Great Britain. London, 1717. 67 p. 8~. Pam. v. 445. O'CALLAGHANf (E. B.), LL.D. Editor. See Munsell's Historical Series, N~ 1, 7. Translator. See Donck, A. Van der: Remonstrance of NewNetherland. FIRST SUPPLEMENT. 609 O'CALLAGHAN, Rev. Jeremiah. Usury, Funds and Banks: Also, forestalling, traffick and monopoly; likewise, pew-rent and grave-tax; together with burking and dissecting, as well as the gallican liberties, are all repugnant to the divine and ecclesiastical laws..Burlington, Vt. 1834. 380 p. 120. OCHOA, Eugenio de. Catalogo Razonado de los Manuscritos Espaholes existentes en la Biblioteca real de Paris; seguido de un Suplemento que contiene los de las otras tres bibliotecas publicas (Del Arsenal, de Santa Genoveva, y Mazarina). Paris, 1844. 703 p. 4~. O'CONNELLt, John. An Argument for Ireland...Printed by order of the Loyal Nat. Rep. Asso. of Ireland. Dublin, 1844. 391 p. 8~. The " Taxation Injustice." Extract from appendix of a report to the Repeal Association, on..... repeal of the legislative union. Dublin, 1843. 56 p. 8~. Pam. v. 423. ODD - FELLOWSHIP EXPOSED. Exposition of the signs, tokens, passwords and grips belonging to the Independent Order of Odd Fellows..By an expelled member. New-York, 1846. 16 p. 80. Pam. v. 211. ODERICO, Gasparo Luigi. Lettere Ligustiche; ossia Osservazioni critici sullo stato geographico della Liguria fino ai tempi di Ottone il Grande, con le Memorie storiche di Caffa, ed altri luoghi della Crimea.... Bassano, 1792. xxiv, 214 p., xvi plates. 8~. O'DONOVAN, John. Editor. See Annals of Ireland. O'DowD, James. Customs' administrators and Customs' reformers... Part I, II. London, 1851, 52. 220 p. 80. Pam. v. 427. O'DWYER, Charles. The Catholic Question of 1851 considered. Loud. 1851. 52 p. 8~. Pam. v. 348. (ECONOMY OF HUMAN LIFE. Trans. from an Indian manuscript..By R. Dodsley. 7th edition. London printed: Boston reprinted, Fowle, 1752. 40 p.- The second part. 47 p. 12~. ----- The same: Both parts. New-York, 1790. 84 p. 18~. OETTINGER, Ed, M. Bibliographie Biographique Universelle: Tome Ier, A - M, I - 27390; Tome IId, N - Z, 27391 - 45666. Bruxelles, 1854. 2192 columns in 2 v. roy. 8~. OFFICE-HOLDERS. Observations upon the duties and emoluments of certain public offices. New-York, 1822. 26 p. 8~. Pam. v. 498. OFFICIAL RECORD from the War Department, of the Proceedings of the Court-martial which tried, and the Orders of General Jackson for shooting the Six Militia-men.....showing that these American citizens were inhumanly and illegally massacred. Washington, 1828. 32 p. 80. Pam. v. 254. O'FLYNN, James. Extracts from a Pamphlet on the present state of the Irish poor. London, 1836. 15 p. 80. Pam. v. 423. OGDEN, Samuel. Two Sermons, Univ. of Cambridge, May 29, 1758, on the Restoration of Charles II, and June 22, on the Accession to' the Throne of George II. Cambridge, 1758. 40. Pam. v. 1007. OGDENSBURGH, N.Y. Act in Relation to Schools in: April 13, 1857. With the Rules and Regulations. Ogdensburgh, 1857. 8~. Pam. v. 279. [ SUPPL.] 77 610 GENERAL LIBRARY. OGDENSB'URGHE, CLAYTON AND ROME RAILROAD COMPANY: Articles of: Association. Rome, 1853. 80. Pam-. v. 149. Report of: the Chief-Engineer, and of the President and' Directors; and Letter of John B. Jervis, esq., C.E. Ap. 20, 1;854. Rome, 1854. 80. Pam. v. 151, 257. OGLE' (A. J.)', of Pa. Remarks, U. Si. H. of R., on the Civil arnd Diplomatic appropriation bills. 1840. 32 p. 80. Pam. v. 487. OGLE COUNTY, Illinois. Sketehes of thee History of: and the early settlement of the North-West. Written for the Polo Advertiser. Polo, 1859. 75- p. 8~. [ OGLETHORPE, Gen. James]. See New and Accurate account, 1733. OHIO+: AGRICUULTU-RE. Reports of the Boa-rd of Agriculture, Fifth to the Twelfth, 1850 -1857. Columbu-, 0. 1851-58. 8 v. 80. ~:- BEENEVOLENT INSTITUTIONS. 28th, 29th Reports. of the Board of Trustees for the Benevolent' Institutions, and of the officers of the Ohio Institution for... the Deaf and Dumbib...1854, 55. Columbus, 1855, 56. 8~. Pam. v. 509. --: BLIND. 14th Report of the Ohio Institution for the Eduetaion of the Blind, 1850. Columbus, 1851. 8~. Pam. v. 473.: CANALS. Public Documents concerning the Ohio canals which are to connect Lake Erie with the Ohio river, comprising a complete official history......[ Civil Engineer, No. I - 20]. Columbus, 1828. 403 p. 80. -a —: flth Report of Board of Public Works Jan. 10, 1848; 12th Report...1849. 80. Pam. v. 477. -. (JCAPITAL PUNISHMENT. Report of the Select Committee on the subject of capital punishment, by Mr. Ward' of Warren. In House, March 9, 1853. With- appendix. 68 p. 8~. -: i-DEAF AND DUMB. 16th, 24th Annual Reports, for 1842, 50. Columbus, 1843, 51. 80. Pam. v. 473. - EDtrCATION. Annual Report of the State Commissioner (H. H. Barney) of Common Schools for 1854. Columbus, 1855. 1213 p. 80.- 5th Report of Comm-issioner ( A. Smyth): for... 1858. Columbus, 1859.- 215 p. 8~. Pam. -v. 553.- 3d Annual Report, Aug. 31,i, 1856. Columbus, 1857. 8~. Pam. v. 251. -: INSANE. 11th, 13th Annual Report of the Directors.. of the Lunatic Asylum...for 1849, 51. Columbus, 1850, 51. Pam. v. 166.12th Report, for 1850. Pam. v. 510.: LIBRARY. 13th Annual Report of the State Library, 1858. With a Historical Sketch. Columbus, 0. 1859. 8'~. M: ILITIA. General Regulations for the Military forces of Ohio. Compiled by H. B. Carrington... Columbus, 1859. 294 p. 8~.: PRISONS. Special Report of the Warden (L. Dewey) of the Ohio Penitentiary, on Prisons and Prison discipline. Columbus, 1851...46 p.- Report of the Directors and Warden ( J. Ewinjg).. for 1856. Columbus, 1856. 64 p. 80. Pam. v. 539. -: STATE RIGHTS. The Joint Resolutions and Report to th;e Ohio Legislature, against Federal consolidation. Columbus, 1859. 50 p. 80. Pam. v. 527. FIRST:SUPPLEMENT. 611 ~: STATISTICS. First, Second Annual Report of:the Commissioner of Statistics, to the General Assembly of Ohio, for 1857, 1858. Columbus, 1858, 59. 96, 112 p. 2 v. 8~. -: WATER. Report on the State House Artesian Well, at Columbus, Ohio. iBy W. W. Mather. Columbus, 1859. Pam. v. 236. OHIO AND INDIANA RAILROAD COMPANY. 1st Report, Jan. 30,/1852. Pittsburgh, Pa. 8~. Pam. v. 545. OHIO AND MISSISSIPPI RAILROAD COMPANY. Report of the Comm. of the City Council of Cincinnati.... Cincinnati... 1855. 46 p. 8~. Pam. v.;545. OHIO DIRECTORY.'W. W. Reilly & Co.'s Ohio State Business Directory -:... for 1853-4. Cincinnati, 1853. xxxi, 424, 328 p. 1 v. 80. OHIO'EDITORIAL ASSOCIATION: Transactions...1856 and 1857. Columbus, 1857. 8~. Pam. v. 261. OHIO FEMALE COLLEGE, Hamilton county: Catalogue, 1858. 8~0 Pam. v. 460. OHIO MECHANICS' INSTITUTE: Charter, etc. Cincinnati, 1850. 12~. Pam. v.:518. OHIO STATE JOURNAL: Weekly. V. 36, Dec.,27, 1845, to V. 36, Mar. 7, 1846. Columbus.:Newsp. v. 14. O'KEEFFE, John.'Recollections of the Life of:.. written by himself. Philadelphia, 1827. 2 v.;in:1. 8. Repr. O'KELLY (Comte P.), D'Aghrim. Essai H-istorique sur l'Irlande, contenant l'origine de toutes les familles nobles de ce pays.;Bruxelles, 1837. 152 p. &8 tables. 8~. OKENt, Lorenz. Rede iiber das Zahlengesetz in den Wirbeln des _Menschen, 1828. 15 p. See Koen. Baier. Ak. Reden, v.~4. OKES, R. Epigrammata. Cantab. 1819. 8~. Pam. v. 386. OKIE (A. Howard), M.D. An Address delivered before the Rhode Island Homoeopathic Society. Providence, 1850. 8~. Pam. v. 287. iOL:AFSEN ( MMi.) et POVELSEN. See Voyage: en Islnde. OLCOTTt, Tho. W. Speech, 1858. See )Dudley Observatory. OLD (The) AND NEW INTEREST; or a Seqluel to the Oxfordshire conltest: Being a complete collection of all the-pieces in;prose and verse on either side of the question..London, 1753. 72-p.o;&. Pam. v.447.!OLJDt COLONYj tRAILROAD;:COMPANY: 10th, Report. Boston, 1:854.:8~.:Pam. v. 545. — Old Colony and Fall River:Railroad: Ist:Report.:Boston, 1855. 8~. -Pam. iv. 208. OLD ROUGH AND READY ALMANAC, Turner & Fisher. Philadelphia, 1849.120. 12~. A vm. 30. OLDt (The) SETTLER: Vol. 5, July, Aug., Sept., Oct. 1855; Feb., Mar. 1856: Monthly. Saratoga Springs. f~. Newsp. v.:16. OLD TRUTHS AND ESTABLISHED FACTS: Being an answer to a very new pamphlet indeed: on the slave trade. London (1793). 15 p. 80. iPam. v.,435. 612 GENERAL LIBRARY. OLDEN TIME IN NEW-YORK: By those who knew. New-York, 1833. 54 p. 12~. OLDFIELDf, T. H. B. A Complete History, Political and Personal of the Boroughs of Great Britain; together with the Cinque Ports. To which is now first added the History of the Original Constitution of Parliaments from the time of the ancient Britons to the present day, with a state of the representation, and an account of contested elections, &c. &c. A new edition corrected. London, 1794, 1797. 3 v. 8~. [ OLDISWORTH, William]. See Vindication of Bp. of Exeter, 1709. OLDS ( E. B.), of Ohio. Speech, U.S. H.-of R., on the Presidency.... 1852. 8~. Pam. v. 487. OLIPHANT, John, of Auburn, N.Y. Memoirs and Remains of:.. To which is added his Funeral Sermon by Rev. J. Hopkins**@. Auburn, 1835. 212 p. IS~. OLIPHANTt, Laurence. Minnesota and the Far West. Edinburgh, 1855. 8o. OLIVER (Andrew) jr. Essay on Comets, 1772. See Winthrop, J. OLIVER ( George), D.D. History of Freemasonry from the year 1829 to 1841. New-York, 1855. 125 p. 80. Repr. ---- The Symbol of Glory; shewing'the object and end of Freemasonry...**. New-York, 1855. 298 p. 8~. Repr. OLIVER, Henry K. Lecture on Teachers' Morals and Manners. Am. Inst. of Instr. Boston, 1851. 12~. Pam. v. 491. Address, Dedication of the School-house on Broad-st. in Salem, March 18, 1856... With.. Addresses from other gentlemen. Salem, 1856. 8~. Pam. v. 242. OLIVER, James E. Class Poem of 1849, Harvard....Not published. Cambridge. 12 p. 120. Pam. v. 620. OLIVER (M.), of Missouri. Speech, U.S. H. of R., Jan. 24, 1854, on Tonnage duties. 8~. Pam. v. 206. OLIVER, Peter. The Puritan Commonwealth: An Historical Review of the Puritan government in th v abrogation of the first charter... Boston, 1856. 8~. OLIVER, Stephen. A Welcome to Winter: Verses. Pam. v. 398. OLIVET, Joseph. Delectus Commentariorum in M. T. Ciceronis opera omnia, ad editionem Jo. Aug. Ernesti accommodatus. Londini, 1819. 3 v. 8~. OLLENDORFF, H. G. Clef des Themes du Maitre d'Espagnol.. d'apres le systeme d'Ollendorff. New-York, 1854. 105 p. 12~. With, Catalogue of Spanish books imported by R. Lockwood., New-York, 1854. 42 p. 120. OLLYFFE, Rev. George. The Madness of Disaffection and Treason against the present government. 2d edition. London, 1724. 352 p. 8~. - OLMSTEDt (Denison), LL.D. Oration on the Prog-essive State of the present age.... Conn. Alpha of the Phi Beta Kappa. New-Haven, 1827. 80. Pam. v. 514. A Compendium of Natural Philosophy: Adapted to the use of the general reader...New-Haven, 1847. 12~. FIRST SUPPLEMENT. 613 - Outlines of Lectures on the Atmosphere and its phenomena. N. York, 1838. 12 p.- Outlines of a Course of Lectures on Meteorology...New-Haven, 1850. 23 p.- Outlines of a Course of Lectures on Astronomy... New-Haven, 1850. 16 p. 80. Pam. v. 273. ------ Address on the Scientific Life and Labors of William C. Redfield...Am. Assoc. Adv. Science.... in Montreal.... New-Haven, 1857. 18 p. 18~. Pam. v. 494. OLMSTEDt, Frederick Law. Our Slave States. New-York, 1856, 60. 3 v. 12~. Viz: I. A Journey to the Seaboard Slave States, with remarks on their economy. 1856. II. A Journey through Texas; or, a Saddle-trip on the Southwestern frontier...1860. III. A Journey in the Back Country. 1860. OLYMPIA DOMATA. Ephem. T. Wing, Cambridge, 1696, 1715, 26, 29, 32, 50, 51, 59, 72, 78. Aim. v. 3 - 12. ONDERDONKt ( Benjamin T.), Bp. Sermon, Dom. & For. Miss. Society. New-York, 1829. See Prot. Episc. Church, Board of Missions. ONDERDONKt (.Henry U.), Bp. Narrative of the Consecration of:.. Philadelphia, 1827. 20 p.- The Decision of the Bishops who united in the consecration...on the reasons presented to them against the said act... Philadelphia, 1827. 16 p. 8~. Pam. v. 543. --- A the Funeral of the Rt. Rev. William White, D.D....July 20, 1836... Philadelphia, 1836. 8~. Pam. v. 214. - Thoughts on some sf the Objections to Christianity, and some of the causes of unbelief: An Address, Gen. Theol. Seminary of the Prot. Episc. Church, June 29, 1838. Phil'a, 1838. 80. Pam. v. 213. O'NEALL ( John Belton), LL.D. The Annals of Newberry, historical, biographical and anecdotical. Charleston, S.C. 1859. 413 p. 12~. Biographical Sketches of the Bench and Bar of South-Carolina...Charleston, S.C. 1859. 2 v. 8~. ONEIDA ASSOCIATION. A Book for Students of the Higher Law: Bible Communi~sm; a Compilation from the (4) annual reports and other publicati.ns.... a summary view of their religious and social theories. Brooklyn, N.Y. 1853. 128 p. 8~. Pam. v. 296. ONEIDA BAPTIST ASSOCIATION: Minutes. Peterborough, N.Y. 1821; Deerfield, N.Y. 1833. 8~. Pam. v. 466. ONEIDA COUNTY AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY. Award of Premiums... at the Annual Fair..Utica, Sept. 13th, 14th and 15th, 1853. Utica. 8~. Pam. v. 103. O'NEILL, Neal John. The Guide to Texas....with an Appendix containing...the Constitution of Mexico and of the States of Coahuila and Texas...Du: lin, 1834. 176 p. 8~. ONONDAGA ( IV.Y.) BAPTIST ASSOCIATION: Minutes, 1825. Onondaga, 1825. 8. Pami. v. 466. ONONDAGA COUNTY'AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY: Transactions, 1854. Syracuse, 1855. 8~. Pam. v. 461. ONONDAGA ( N. Y.) rEACHERS' INSTITUTE: Catalogue, 1851. Pam. v. 457.- Catalogi:e, 1852. Syracuse, 1852. 8~. Pam. v. 279. 614' GENERAL LIBRARY. ONTARIO FEMALE SEMINARY, Canandaigua, N. Y.: Catalogue, 1851. 8~. Pamin. v. 459. ONTARIO BAPTIST ASSOCIATION: Minutes, 1815. Canandaigua, 1815. 8~. Pam. v. 466. ONVERANDERLYKE (De) SANTHORSTSCHE GELOOFSBELYDENIS. In rym gebragt door eene Zuster der Santhorstsche. Gemeente: Ter Drukkerye van haare koninglijke Majesteit- Reden (1786?). 64 p. 8~. Pain. v. 110. OOSTERLAND, Abraham. Delfshaven van den Heere heirscharen wonderlyk gedekt en bewaert voor het gewelt van eenen brandenden vuurgloet, vertoont in eene kerkreden over Nahum i, 6, 7. Rotterdam, 1746. 50 p. 40. Pam. v. 569. OPALt (The). A Monthly Periodical of the State Lunatic Asylum: Vol. v, 1855 - Vol. 8, 1858. Utica, N.Y. 4 v. 8~. OPERATIONS (The) of the British and the Allied Arms, during the Campaigns of 1743 and 1744.....By an Eyewitness. London, 1744. 54 p. 80. Pam. v. 446. OPPEL, Michael. Die Ordnungen, Familien, und Gattungen der Reptilien, als Prodrom einter naturgeschichte derselben..Miinchen, 1811. 86 p. 40. ORANGE AND NASSAU, Prince of. Zaaklyke Inhoud van de Missive en Memorie door Z. H. den He Prince van Orange en Nassau, aan hun Hoogmogenden den 7 October 1782. Overgegeeven: In zig behelzende een omstandige opening van hoogstdeszelfs bestier Admirael Generaal Van de Unie. Rotterdam..1782. 52 p. 8~. Pam. v. 108. ORANGE COUNTY. A Few Facts and Reasons why Orange and Ulster counties should not be divided. Goshen, N.Y. 1859. 8 p 8~. Pam. v. 530. ORATION (An) Delivered at a National Council. By a Creek Indian. Boston (1755?). Pam. v. 603. ORATOR (The). Vol. 1, No. 1. Original and Selected. Edited by D. T. Stiles. Buffalo, 1856. 80. Pam. v. 227. ORATORES ATTICI ex recensione Immanuelis Bekker. Oxonii. 4 v. in 8. 8~. Contents: T. I, Antiphon, Andocides, Lysias; T. ii, Isocrates; T. III, Issous, Dinarchus, Lycurgus, 2Eschines, Demades. T. Iv, Demosthenes, Parts 1-4. ORDER OF UNITED AMERICANS: Constitution...and Laws of Archchancery; together with By-laws of Star-spangled Banner Chapter, No. 56. Albany, 1855. 18~. Pam. v. 624. ORDERLY BOOK. Williamsburg, Va. 1776. See Historical Doc'ts. O'REILLYt, Bernard. Greenland, the adjacent Seas, and the Northwest Passage to the Pacific ocean, illustrated in a Voyage to Davis's Strait during the summer of 1817. With.... drawings taken by the author...London, 1818. 293 p. 40~. O'REILLY, Edward. A Chronological Account of Irish Writers, and Descriptive Catalogue of such of their works as are still extant in verse or prose. See Hiberno-Celtic Soc. Transactions. FIRST SUPPLEMENT. 615 O'REILLY, Rev. J. ".The Grace of our Lord Jesus Christ manifested" in the Life and Death of the late Rev. Joseph O'Reilly, once a lRoman Catholic priest.. London, 1838. 32 p. 8~. Pam. v. 390. ORFILAt, P. A Practical Treatise on poisons and asphyxies.. of burns, and for the distinction of real from apparent death...... from the French, with J. G. Stevenson, M.D... Boston..1826. 12~. Practical Chemistry... Trans. by J. It. Coxe...Phil'a, 1818. 8~. ORIENTAL (The) the Chinese people. Vol. 1, July 1855. San Francisco. Newsp. v. 16. ORIENTAL TRANSLATION FUND: Publications. See Alfiyya, Grammaire Arabe, par S. de Sacy; Evliya Effendi's Travels in Europe, Asia and Africa; History of the War in Bosnia; Mirkhond, History of Kings of Persia; Tassy, Aventures de Kamrup, trans. from the Hindustani. Report of the Proceedings of the First general meeting. London, 1828. 29 p. 80. Pam. v. 395. ORIGIN of the American Contest with Great Britain.. By Massachusettensis, i. e. Daniel Leonard. New-York, Rivington, 1775. 86 p. 8~. Contains the eight first of the seventeen letters. ORIGINI, Provisions and Effect of the Safety Fund Law of the State of New-York. Albany, 1834. 15 p. 8~. Pam. v. 464. ORIGINE ( The) of Atheism in the Popish and Protestant Churches shown by Dorotheus Sicurus, 1684. Made English and a Preface added, by E. B., esq. London, 1684. xiv, 25 p. 4~. Pam. v. 356. ORLANDOS, Johannis. Report of the Evidence and reasons of the award between: and Andreas Luviottis, Greek deputies, of the one part, and Le Roy, Bayard & Co. and G. G. & S. Howland, of the other part. By the Arbitrators. New-York, 1826. 8~. Pam. v. 195. ORLEANS, Father William. The Travels of: a Jesuit, who being banished from France, etc. Also similar title in French. London. 31 p. 120. ORLOP. Greaf Orlofs Reizen en Lotgevallen. Nieuwe togten op mijn stoel: Van de Kaap de Goede Hope naar Madras. Door een Neefje van Klikspaan. Hellevoetsluis (1850). 8~. ORaMONDEt, James Butler, Duke of. The Conduct of His Grace the second Duke of Ormond, in the Campagne of 1712. London, 1715. 64 p. 4". Pam. v. 1011. ORMSBY, R. McKinley. A History of the Whig Party, or some of its main features... Boston, 1859. 377 p. 12~. ORPHAN ASYLUM SOCIETY...Fifty-first Report. New-York, 1857. 120. Pam. v. 535. ORPHANS' HOME OF INDUSTRY, near Iowa City. New-York, 1858. 120. Pam. v. 627. ORPHANS' HOME Of the Protestant Episcopal Church in New-York, 1853. New-York, 1854. 120. Pam. v. 535. ORPHAN WORKING SCHOOL in the City Road: Short Account of: Instituted in the year 1758.. London, 1845. 82 p. 8~. Pam. v. 385. 616 GENERAL LIBRARY. ORR'S CIRI{CLE OF THE SCIENCES: A Series of Treatises on the principles of science, with their application to practical pursuits. London, 1854, 5. 6 v. 12. Contents VOL. 1 - 3, Organic Nature; (2), Botany and invertebrated animals; (3), Vertebrated Animals; (4), Inorganic Bodies, by John Scoffern; (5), Mlathematical Sciences; (6), Geology, Mineralogy, Crystallography, severally by Ansted, Tennant and W. Mitchell. ORSINI, Fulvio. Familise Romaune ex Antiquis Numismatibus, etc. Romse, 1577. 403 p. & index, fo. No titlepage. ORTHODOX (The) PREACHER: Vol. 4, No 9, Sept. 1846. 80. Pam. v. 231. ORTIGUE, J. D'. Dictionnaire liturgique, historique et theorique de Plain-chant et de Musique d'Eglise au moyen age et dans le temps modernes. **'. Paris, 1854. roy. 8~. ORTON, Job. Sermon, Death of P. Doddridge, D.D.: 1 Cor. xv, 54. London, 1752. 8~. Pam. v. 381. OSANDER. Pseud. Miscellaneous Poems on moral and religious subjects. By Osander. New-York, 1812. 180 p. 18~. OSBORN, A. Field Notes of Geology. New-York, 1858. 82 p. 120~. OSBORN, Rev. Henry S. Palestine, Past and Present.. Philadelphia, 1859. 600 p. 8~. OSBORN, John T. The Food Question: Shewing the effects which steam power applied to agriculture would have on increasing the supply of food..London, 1847. 32 p. 8~. Pam. v. 430. OSBORN, Commander Sherard. Stray Leaves from an Arctic Journal; or Eighteen months in the Polar Regions, in search of Sir John Franklin's expedition in the years 1850-51.. Lond. 1852. 320 p. 12~. The Discovery of the Northwest Passage by H.M.S. " Investigator," Capt. R. M'Clure, 1850, 51, 52, 53, 54. Edited by:... from the logs and journals of Capt. M'Clure...London..1856. 8~. [OSBORNE, Laughton]. See Vision of Rubeta; also Sixty Years of.. J. Levis. Cat. 1855. OSBORNE (T.), Duke of Leeds. Speech on Impeachment, 1678. See Montagu, R. OSCANYAN ( Christoph.), of Constantinople. The Sultan and his people. New-York..1857. 12~. OSGOOD (Charles), M.D. The Causes, Treatment and Cure of fever and ague, and other diseases of bilious climates. 12th edition. N.York, 1848. 8~. Pam. v. 196. OsoooD, George. Address, in Danvers, before the Society in that town for suppressing intemperance and other vices.....April 25, 1820. Salem ( Mass.), 1820. 16 p. 8~. Pam. v. 234. Historical Sketch of School District Number thirteen, NorthDanvers; or, as it is known abroad, Danvers Plains:.... Salem, Mass. 1855. 32 p. 8~. OsGOODt (Samuel), D.D. The Broad Altar. A Sermon: Heb. xiii, 10. New-York, 1859. 12~. Pam. v. 558. FIRST SUPPLEMENT. 617 OSSIAN. Poems of Ossian, the Son of Fingal. Trans. by James Macpherson. A new edition..improved. Edinburgh, 1792. 457 p. 80. OSSOLIt, S. Margaret Fuller. At Home and Abroad, or Things and Thoughts in America and Europe.....Edited by her brother A. B. Fuller. Boston...1856. 120. OSWALDUS (Erasmus) SCHRECKENFUCHSIUS. Commentaria, in nouas theoricas planetarum Georgii Purbachii... Philippi insuper Imsseri...tabulis utilissimis adjectis.. Basileae (1556). 424, xxiii p. fP. OSWEGO CITY LIBRARY. Catalogue. Oswego, N.Y. 1857. 46 p. 180~. First Catalogue. Founded by Gerrit Smith, 1855. New-York, 1858. 103 p. 8~. OTnO, L. Valentinus. Editor. See Rheticus, G. J. OTIs, C. N. Specifications...for a State Arsenal...Buffalo, N.Y.... Buffalo, 1858. 80. Pam. v. 493. OTIst, Harrison Gray. Mr. Otis's Speech in Congress, on the Sedition Law, with remarks by the " Examiner" on this important subject. Boston (1818?). 35 p. 8~. Pam. v. 193. OTIS, Mrs. Harrison Gray. The Barclays of Boston. A novel. Boston, 1854. 12. OTSEGO BAPTIST ASSOCIATION: Minutes, 1796. Cooperstown, N.Y.; Minutes, Springfield, 1803. Utica, 1803. 8~. Pam. v. 466. OTSEGO HERALD: Vol. 2, Mar. 16, 1797. Cooperstown, N.Y. See Mass. Spy. Catalogue, 1855. OTT, James Cramer. A Crack in the Wall for you to take a Peep in if you please: There are some things in the House. Albany, 1846. 20 p. 80. Pam. v. 199. OTTE, Heinrich. Grundziige der kirklichen Kunst-Archaologie des deutschen mittelalters. Ein Auszug aus dem gr6sseren werke des Verfassers...Mit 118 holzschnitten. Leipzig, 1855. xii, 211 p. 80~. OTTO, Carl. Handbuch fiir angehende Wundarzte...V..ierter band. Anleitung zur Formularlehre, oder irtzlichen receptirkunst fur angehende wundarzte. Leipzig, 1843. 64 p. 8~. OTTO, Friedrich. The History of Russian Literature, with a Lexicon of Russian Authors... Trans. from the the late George Cox... Oxford, 1-839. 408 p. 8~. OTTO, Fr. Jul. A Manual of the detection of poisons by medico-chemical analysis. From the German, with notes and additions by William Elderhorst, M.D....New-York, 1857. 178 p. 120. OTTO, J. S. G. Taschenbuch fiir Kaufleute...Berlin, 1814. 120. OUBOTER, Barthol. Zaaklijke Verklaaring van eenige uitgezochte Schriftuurplaatsen... Amst. (1791). 2 v. in 1. 80. OUR POLITICAL OATHS. Edinburgh, I855. 30 p. 8. Pam. v. 348. OUSELEYt, Sir William. Catalogue of several hundred Manuscript works in various oriental languages, chiefly Persian, collected by London, 1831. viii, 24 p. 4~. OUT (An) of the Road Visit to the Lord Bishop of Exeter, or a better answer than the best answer ever was made, wherein not only Mr. Hoadly is reprimanded,.c...London, 1709. 15 p. 8.' Pam. v. 349. [SUPPL.] 78 618 GENERAL LIBRARY. OUTREIN, Johannes d'. Alpha Bet der Godzaligheit, over Psalm cxix. Amsterdam, 1701. 180. Afscheids Reeden...van Arnhem: 2 Thes. xi, 15 - 17.... Ende de intreeds-reden...te Dordregt, Ps. lxxi, 15, 16. With appendix. Amsterdam, 1703. 95 p. 40. Pam. v. 569. ---- De Ziels-opheffing van een Godvrugtig Bidder... tot Jehova... Dordrecht, 1714. 18~. Bibelseche Keur-stoffen...Amsterdam, 1702. 535 p. 18~. - Korte Schets der Godlyke Waarheden...Tiende druk..Amsterdam, 1700. 382 p. With, Eerste beginselen der goddelyke waarheden voor de kinderen... Amsterdam, 1696. In 1 v. 18~. Godvrugtige Ziels-betragting..Ps. xxiii. Dordrecht, 1721. 537 p. 18~. OVERBERG, Bern. See Maatschappij Tot nut, etc. 1808. OVERBURYt, Sir Thomas. Miscellaneous Works in prose and verse. Now first collected. Ed. with E. F. Rimbault. London, J. R. Smith, 1856. 18. OVERIJSSEL. Jaarboekje voor de Provincie Overijssel voor.. 1858, door J. v. Deventer. Zwolle, 1857. 18~. OVERSTRAATEN, A. van. De Verheerlykte Middelaar... verhandeling. Dordrecht, 1728. 18~. OvIDIUSf, (P.) NAso. P. Ovidii Nasonis Metamorphoses Argumentis breuioribus ex Luctatio grammatico collectis expositoe; una cum vivis singularum transformationum iconibus in wes incisis. Antverpie, ex Officina Plantiniana (1591). 362 p. 24~. Ovid's Metamorphosis englished, mythologiz'd, and represented in figures. An Essay to the Translation of Virgil's }Eneis. By G. S. i. e. George Sandys. London, 1640. 18, 303 p. & ind. f%. - Choix des Metamorphoses d'Ovide.. avec des notes en frangais par G. Lesage. Paris, L. Hachette et Cie, 1850. 175 p. 12~. OWEGO. Pioneer and Historical Festival, March, 1855. Slips from the "Southern Tier Times." In 1 v. 8~. OWEGo ACADEMY, Tioga co., N.Y. Catalogue. 1857. 8~. Pam. v. 457. OWEN'S New Book of England and Wales... since the alteration of the style...New edition. London, 1834. 148 p. 12G. OWEN ('Charles), D.D. Plain-dealing; or Separation without schism, and schism without separation.... London, 1715.....40 p. 80. Pam. v. 318. [ — ] See Dissenters claim, 1717..- An Essay towards a Natural History of Serpents: in two parts...with copper-plates...To which is added a third part, containing six dissertations..... 1, Upon the primeval serpent in Paradise. 2, The fiery serpents, &c. &c....London...1742. 4~. OWENt, David Dale. Chippewa Land District of Wisconsin and Iowa. See United States: Geological Survey. See Saline Coal Company, 1855; Kentucky, Geological Survey; Arkansas, Geol. Survey. FIRST SUPPLEMENT. 619 OWEN (iHenry), D.D. The Intent and Propriety of the Scripture miracles considered...London, 1755. 113 p. 8~. Pam. v. 309. Observations on the four Gospels..the times of their publication, and...manner of their composition. London, 1764. 115 p. 8~. Pam. v. 313. OWEN, James. A Plea for Scripture ordination....With a Preface by Rev. Daniel Williams. London, 1694. 183 p. 180. Title wanting. [ OWENt (John ), D.D.]. A Brief vindication of the non-conformists from the charge of Schisme.. answer to Dr. Stillingfleet. London, 1680. 56 p. 8~. Pam. v. 354. A Sermon,'entitled the Chamber of Imagery in the Church of Rome, laid open...London, 1682...London, 1825. 83 p. 8~. Pam. v. 376. OWENt, Rev. John. Righteous judgment. Sermon, Assize 1794: John vii, 24. Cambridge, 1794. 80. Pam. v. 374. Two Letters on the subject of the French Bible published by the Brit. and F. Bib. Soc.... London, 1822. 27 p. 80. Pam. v. 383. [ OWEN, Josiah]. See Remarks on two Charges (Smalbroke's), 1738. OWENt (Richard), F.R. S. Lecture on the Comparative Anatomy and Physiology of the Invertebrate Animals....2d edition....London, 1855. 8. Structure of the Skeleton and Teeth. See Orr's Circle: Organic Nature, Vol. I. Fossil Reptilia. See Palheontographical Society. OWEN'st (Robert) MILLENNIAL GAZETTE No. 11, Aug. 1857. Report of the Proceedings of the Congress of advanced minds of the world, 12 - 25th May. 149 p.- No. 16, June, 1858.....May meetings in London for 1858. London. 98 p. 8~. Pam. v. 528. OXENHAM, Rev. Thomas. Fruits of the Bedfordshire Union. A Letter to Rev. R. Whittingham... London, 1799. 61 p....Letter to Mr. A. Triggs.. observation upon his sermon. London, 1841. 16 p. 80. Pam. v. 305. Reubenism; or Letters to a Brother in Christ Jesus. London, 1834. 15 p. 8~.o A Letter to Mr. P. Laurence, being a'few remarks on his book falsely entitled " A True statement of Facts." London, 1835. 15 p. 8~. Pam. v. 305. OxFORD, Eng. The New Oxford Guide; or Companion through the University... A tour to the Seats of the nobility.. edition. Oxford (1790). 8~. OXFORD ACADEMY, Chenango co., N.Y. Catalogue, 1850, 51, 57. 8o. Pam. v. 457. The Oxford Academy Jubilee, held at Oxford, Chenango county, N.Y. August 1st and 2d, 1854..New-York...1856. 8~. OXFORD (The) COMMIssION and the Memorial for a "Delegacy." Three Letters to..... W.. Gladstone..... Oxford, 1852. 65 p. 8O. Pam. v. 386. 620 GENERAL LIBRARY. OXFORDt ESSAYS, contributed by members of the University, 1856, 57. London, Parker. 2 v. 8~. Contents: 1856. Comparative Mythology. By Max Muller, M.A. The Growth of laws and Usages of war. By Montagu Bernard, B.C.L. The Raphael drawings in the University galleries. By Geo. Butler, M.A. The Land system of Ireland. By W. O'Connor Morris, B A. National Education. By F. Temple, D.D. Carlovingian Romance. By R. J. King, M.A. Mr.Congreve's'Roman Empire of the West.' By Goldwin Smith, M.A. 1857. The Place of Homer in education and in history. By the Right Hon. W. E. Gladstone, M.A., M.P. Sicily. By M. E. Grant Duff, M.A., M.P. Schemes of Christian comprehension. By H. B. Wilson, B.D. Ancient Greece and Mediheval Italy. By E. A. Freeman, M.A. The Burnett Prizes. By Baden Powell, M.A., F.R.S. The Jews of Europe in the Middle ages. By J. H. Bridges, B.A. Montaigne's Essays. By the Rev. R. W. Church, M.A. Characteristics of Thucydides. By W. Y. Sellar, M.A. OXFORDt UNIVERSITY: Bodleian Library. Catalogus Universalis Librorum in Bibliotheca Bodleiana.. Auctore Thoma Iames... Oxonise, 1620. 539 p. and appendix. sin. 4~. - Catalogus Impressorurn Librorum Bibliothecae Bodlejan in Academia Oxoniensi. Cura et opera Thomme Hyde e Coll. Regine Oxon. protobibliothecarii. Oxonii, 1674. 480, 273 p. in 1 v. fV. Catalogus Librorum Manuscriptorum Bibliothecoe Bodleianae, 1697.- Catalogi MSS. Oxoniensium pars altera quve collegiorum et aularum codices veteres complectitur. See Catalogi MSS. Anglire. -- - The Authentic Copy of the Poll for a member to serve in the present Parliament...1829. 41 p. 8~. Pam. v. 386. Oxford Exercises in the Divinity School. 1838 - 44. 4~. Pam. v. 1004. P. P., D. See Brief Reflections, 1715. P., P. C. J. See Discourse on...malt liquors, 1733. PAAPE, Gerrit. De Aristocraat en de Burger. Rotterdam, 1785. 62 p. 8~. Pam. v. 108. PACIFIC RAILROAD of the State of Missouri. Documents exhibiting the organization....New-York, 1853. 75, 15 p. 8~. map. — 9th Report. St.Louis, 1859...34 p. 8~. Pam. v. 545. Statement relating to Southwest Branch, lands, bonds, etc. NewYork, 1857. 8~. Pam. v. 284. - Geological Report. See Swallow, G. C. PACIFICE (A) DISCOURSE of the causes and remedies of the differences about religion......By T. Smith, D.D. London, 1688. 34 p. 4~. Pam. v. 355. PACKARD, Alpheus S. History of the Bunker Hill Monument. Portland, 1853. 33 p. 8~. Pam. V. 502. PACKARD, Charles. A Discourse...Second Evang. Congr. Church, in Cambridgeport, Thanksgiving Day, Nov. 30, 1854.....Cambridge, 1854. 80. Pam. v. 202. FIRST SUPPLEMENT. 621 PACKARD, Frederick A. Memorandum lof a late Visit to some of the principal hospitals, prisons, etc. in France, Scotland and England...Philadelphia, 1840. 80. Pam. v. 164, 207. Letter from:.... to the Governor of Pennsylvania, in relation to public schools in England. Harrisburg, 1841. 8~. Pam. v. 216. Memorandum of a late Visit to the Auburn Penitentiary... Philadelphia, 1842. 8 p. 80. Pam. v. 164, 191, 539. [-] See Vindication of the separate system. PACKARD, Rev. Hezekiah. A Short Address, delivered before the sufferers by the late fire in Wiscasset and Alna, Maine, at their meeting, Jan. 18, 1824...8~. Pam. v. 106. PACKER COLLEGIATE INSTITUTE, Brooklyn, N.Y. Opening, 1854; Catalogue, 1857, 58. Pam. v. 459. PACQUET (A) of Advices and animadversions sent from London to the men of Shaftsbury... occasioned by a seditious phamphlet, A Letter from a person of quality. By lMarchamont Needham. Lond. 1676. 74 p. 4~. Pam. v. 354. PAEILE, Ch. L'Invention de l'imprimerie. See Lille. PAGE (Charles G.), M.D. Psychomancy: Spirit Rappings and Table Tippings exposed. New-York, 1853. 96 p. 12~. PAGE, J. W. Uncle Robin in his Cabin in Virginia, and Tom without one in Boston. 2d edition. Richmond, Va. 1853. 299 p. 12~. PAGE (Comm. Tho. J.), U.S.N. La Plata, the Argentine Confederation and Paraguay. Being a narrative of the exploration..., during 1853-56, under the orders of the U. S. Government....New-York, 1859. 632 p. 8~. PAGETt, John. An Inquiry into the Evidence relating to the charges brought by Lord Macaulay against William Penn. Edinburgh, 1858. 138 p. 120. PAINE, E. H. In Memoriam -Eliza Hale Paine entered into rest May 31, 1855...Albany. 75 p. 8~. PAINE, J. M. Strictures on the " Reply " of the Poor-law Commissioners...on the subject of labour rates....Farnham, Eng. (1834). 8~. Pam. v. 429. PAINEt (Martyn), M.D., LL.D. A Defence of the Medical profession...Address, Med. Commencement of the Univ. of N.Y. New-York, 1846. 8~. Pam. v. 516. A Review of Theoretical Geology...From the Prot. Epis. Quar. Review for April 1856. 121p. 8~. Pamin. v. 233. The Institutes of Medicine. 5th edition. New-York, 1860. 1109 p. 8H. PAINEt, Robert Treat. An Oration....Boston, July 17th, 1799. In commemoration of the dissolution of the Treaties and Consular Convention, between France and the United States of America. Boston, 1799. 80. Pam. v. 215. ---- An Eulogy on the Life of Gen. George Washington, Newburyport, Jan. 2, 1800. Newburyport, 1800. 8~. Pam. v. 214. 622 GENERAL LIBRARY. PAINEt, Thomas. The Writings of Thomas Paine, Secretary for Foreign Affairs to the Congress of the United States of America. Albany, 1792. 8~. [A Collection]. In 1 v. 8~. Contents: Public Good; being an Examination into the claim of Virginia to the vacant western territory....By the Author of Common Sense. Philadelphia, 1780. 38 p. 80.~ -Aon. The Rights of Man; being an Answer to Mr. Burke's Attack on the French Revolution. Part I. London, 1791. 162 p. 80~. Rights of Man. Part the second; combining principle and practice. Philadelphia, 1792. 120 p. 80. Remarques sur les Erreurs de l'Histoire philosophique et politique de Mr. G. T. Raynal....Trad....par A. M. Cerisier. Amst. 1783. 128 p. [ ] Common Sense; addressed to the Inhabitants of America...A new edition. To which is added an appendix, together with an address to the people called Quakers....Philadelphia (1776?). iv, 50 p. 80. Also in Pam. v. 454. Two copies. Common Sense: same title as above. London, 1792. 71 p. 8~. W. C. 706. Portrait. A Letter addressed to the Abbe Raynal, on the affairs of NorthAmerica...London, 1791. 66 p. 8~. W. C. 706. A Letter to the Earl of Shelburne, on his Speech July 10, 1782, respecting the acknowledgement of American Independence. Phil'a... London, repr. Stockdale, 1783. 28 p. 8~. The Same. London, 1791. 58 p. 80. W. C. 706.- Also, Dublin, 1791. Pam. v. 220. Two Letters to Lord Onslow..... and one to Mr. ienry Dundas.... on the subject of the late excellent proclamation...3d edition. London, 1792...36 p. 8~. W. C. 706. Letter, Addressed to the Addressers of the late Proclamation... London, 1792. 78 p. 8~. W. C. 706. Prospects on the War and paper currency of Great Britain.... 3d edition. London, 1793. viii, 68 p, 8~. W. C. 706. - The Age of Reason...Paris, Printed by Barrois. London, D. I. Eaton, 1794. 55 p. 8~. W. C. 706. Letters from T. P. to the Citizens of America, after an absence of fifteen years in Europe. To which are subjoined some letters between him and... Gen. Washington, etc....Also some original poetry of: London, 1804. 68 p. 8~. Speech in Convention, Paris, July 7, 1795. 80. Pam. v. 40. Religion of the Sun. A Poem. See Atlee, S. Y. The whole Proceedings on the Trial..for a Libel upon the Revolution and settlement of the crown...and upon the king....By J. Gurney. London, 1793. 196 p. 8~. Pam. v. 454. PAINE, W. See Payne, W. PAITONI, Jacopo Maria. Biblioteca degli Autori antichi greci e latini volgarizzati; che abraccia la notizia delle loro edizioni; nella quale si esamina particolarmente quanto ne hanno scritto i celebri Maffei, FIRST SUPPLEMENT. 623 Fontanini, Zeno ed Argellati. In fine si da notizia de Volgarrizzamenti della Bibbia, del Messale, e del Breviario.....Venezia, 1766 -1777. 5 v. in 2 v. 4~. PALACIO, D. G. de. On Guatemala. See Squier, E. G., editor. PAL2EONTOGRAPIICALt SOCIETY: Publications. Lond. 40~. Contents DARWINt, C. Monograph of the Fossil Balanidas and Verrucidse, 1854. DAVIDSONt, T. British Fossil Brachiopoda: Vol. i, A General Introduction, 1851-54; Vol. ii, Part ii, A Monograph of British Cretaceous Brachiopoda, 1854; Part III, A Monograph of British Oolitic and Liasic Brachiopoda, 1851. With appendix, 1854. EDWAnRDSt, F. E. Monograph of the Eocene Mollusca: Part ii, Pulrnonata, 1852; Part iii, Prosobranchiata, 1854; Part III, No. 2, Prosobranchiata (continuation), 1856. EDwARDst (IH. M.), and J. HAIME. Monograph of the British Fossil Corals: Part v, Corals from the Silurian formations, 1854. JONESt, T. R. Monograph of the Tertiary Entomostraca, 1856. MoRRIst ( J.), and J. Lycett. Monograph of the'Mollusca from the Great Oolite: Part III, Bivalves, 1854. OWENt, R. Monograph of the Fossil Reptilia of the Wealden formation: Part iI, Dinosauria, 1854; Part III, Megalosaurus bucklandi, 1856. SHARPE, D. Description of the Fossil remains of the Mollusca in the Chalk.: Cephalopoda, Part I, 1853; Part iI, 1854; Part III, 1856. WooDt, S. V. Crag Mollusca: Bivalves, Vol. ii; Continuation, p. 151 - 328. 1855. WRIGHT, Thomas. Monograph of the British Fossil Echinodermata of the Oolitic formations: Part I, Cidaridae, Hemicidaridoe and Diademadase, 1855. PALAO&PHILUS ANGLICANUS. See Conduct of Q. Elizabeth, 1729. PALERMO, Francesco. Classazione dei Libri a stampa dell' I. E. R. Palatina, in corrispondenza di un nuovo ordinamento dello scibile umano. Firenze, 1854. cxiv, 388 p. 8~. PALFREYt (John G.), D.D. A Sermon preached to the Church in Brattle-square, in two parts, July 18, 1824. Boston, 1825. 81 p. 8~. Pain. v. 485. The Worthy Student of Harvard College: A Sermon...March 23, 1834. Cambridge, 1834. 80. Pam. v. 441. - Elements of Chaldee, Syriac, Samaritan and Rabbinical grammar. Boston, 1835. 44p. 8~. ~-.A Plea for the Militia System: A Discourse, Ancient and Honorable Artillery Company, on its 197th anniversary, June 1, 1835.. Boston, 1835. 8~. Pam. v. 94. A Discourse, Barnstable, 3 Sept. 1839, 2d Centennial Anniv. of the settlement of Cape Cod. Boston, 1840. 71 p. 8~. Papers on the Slave Power, first published in the "Boston Whig." Boston (1846). 191 p. 80. Pam. v. 234, 562.- See also Appleton, N., Correspondence between, 1846. Speech, on the Poiitical Aspects of the Slave question, in the U.S. H. of R. Washington, 1848. 16 p. 80. Pam. v. 486. - History of New-England..Vol. I, II. Boston, 1858, 60. 2 v. 8~. -- Remarks. See Massadliusetts: Constitution. 624 GENERAL LIBRARY. PALGRAVEt, Sir Fr. The -History of Normandy and of England... Vol. II, The three first Dukes of Normandy.. London, 1857. 1 v. 8~. PALMER'S ROTARY, Hydraulic, Lifting and Forcing Pump.. Cincinnati, 0. 1858. 41 p. 8~. Pain. v. 298. PALMERt, Aaron Haight. Letter to the Hon. John M. Clayton, submitting a plan for opening.... American commerce in the East, etc. Washington, 1849. 80. Pam. v. 222. PALMER, John. The Catholique Planisphaer: Which Mr. Blagrave called the Mathematical five books...A treatise very usefull for marriners...London, 1658. 227 p. 40. PALMER, Joseph H. Key to Treatise on Book-keeping. New-York, 1853. 12~. Pam. v. 606. PALMERt (Ray), D.D. Hints on the Formation of Religious Opinions, addressed especially to young men and women of christian education, New-York, 1860. 324 p. 12~. ---- Sermon,: Foreign Evang. Soc. New-York, May 7, 1848. Albany, 1851. 8~. Pam. v. 441. - Two Discourses on our own Religious Affairs.. Albany, 1856. 8~. Pam. v. 94. Address on the Ministry of the Future, Congressional Library Association, Boston. Albany, 1857. 8~. Pam. v. 294, 295. PALMER, Samuel. A General History of Printing: From the first invention of it in the city of Mentz... By S. Palmer, printer. Three parts. London, 1733. 400 p.4~. PALMER, Rev. Samuel. Sermon, Death of Caleb Ashworth, D.D., Tutor of the Dissenting Acad..Lu. x, 2. London, 1775. 80. Pam, v. 381. Sermon, Death of S. Wilton, D.D.: 2 Timothy i, 12. London, 1778. 8~. Pam. v. 381. PALMER'S (V. B.) BUSINESS MEN'S ALMANAC, New-York, 1849,'50. Aim. 27.- 1851. 12~. Alm. v.- 15. PALMER, Rev. William. [Tracts of:..] in 1 v. 8~. Contents: Aids to Reflection on the seemingly double character of the Established Church, with'reference to.... a "Prot. Bishopric at Jerusalem."...' Oxford, 1841. 115 p. A Letter to N. Wiseman, D.D.....containing remarks on his letter to Mr. Newman. Oxford, 1841. 49 p. A Letter to a Protestant-catholic. Oxford, 1842. 54 p. A Narrative of events connected with the publication of the Tracts for'the Times. 2d edition. Oxford, 1843. xii, 115 p. PALMER, Lieut. W. R. Translation. See Memoir on the Reconnaissance of rivers. PALMERSTON, H. J. Temple, Visct. Speech, H. of Commons, Mar. 10, 1830, on Relation of England with Portugal. London. Pam. v. 439. Lord Palmerston on the Treaty of Washington. (From the London Morning Chronicle, 1842). U.S.A. 31 p. 8~. Pam. v. 197. PAMPHLETSt. A Miscellaneous Collection from Vol. 193 to Vol. 571 inclusive. 379 v. 8~. Contents under their respective authors or titles. FIRST SUPPLEMENT. 625 - A Collection from V. 600 to V. 634 inclusive. 35 v. 120. Contents under their respective authors or titles. --- A Collection from V. 1004 to V. 1016 inclusive. 13 v. 40~. Contents under their respective authors and titles. - A Collection from V. 1102 to V. 1105 inclusive. 4 v. f~. Contents under their respective authors and titles. PANAMA RAILROAD COMPANY: Report of Comm. on Naval Affairs, on Memorial of:.. Cong. Doct. 1849. 46 p. 8~. Pam. v. 546. Contract between the Republic of New-Granada and:.. (1850). New-York, 1856. 8~.- Pam. v. 284. - Communication of the Board of Directors to the stockholders; together with the Report of the Chief Engineer...and observations upon the levels of the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans. N.York, 1855. 8~. Pam. v. 257. PANCIROLUSt, Guido.....Rerum Memorabilium sive deperditarum, Pars prior. Commentariis illustrata, et locis prope innumeris postremum aucta, ab H. Salmuth... Francofurti... 1646.- And Nova Reperta sive Rerum Memorabilium recens inventarum et veteribus plane incognitarum.. liber secundus. 1 v. 4~. PANZER, Georg Wolfgang. Litterarische Nachricht von den allerdltesten gedruckten deutschen Bibeln aus dem fiinfzehenden jahrhundert, welche in der 6ffentlichen bibliotheck der reichstadt Niirnberg ausbewahret werden. Niirnberg, 1777. 136 p. 40. ----- Geschichte der Niirnbergischen ausgaben der Bibel von erfindung der buchdruckerkunst an bis auf unsere zeRen. Niurnberg, 1778. 219 p. 4. Ausfuhrliche Beschreibung der altesten Augspurgischen Ausgaben der Bibel, mit litterarischen anmerkungen. Niurnberg, 1780. 148 p. 4o. - Aelteste Buchdruckergeschichte Niirnbergs; oder Verzeichniss aller von erfindung der Buchdruckerkunst bis 1500 in Nurnberg gedruckten Biicher, mit litterarischen anmerkungen. Niirnberg, 1789. 183 p. 4~. Annales Typographici ab artis inventae origine ad annum MD, post Maittairii, Denisii, aliorumque doctissimorum virorum curas in ordinem redacti, emendati et aucti. Vol. I-.- Ab anno MnI ad annum MDXXXVI continuati. Vol. VI-XI. Norimbergae, 1793-1803. 11 v. 4~. PAPAL USURPATION AND TYRANNY. Tome I, Part I: Concerning the usurpations, wars and persecutions of the Popes, and Popish clergy Part II, Being Mr. Perrin's History of the old Waldenses and Albigenses...'Ed. by Tho. Bray, D.D. London, 1712. 1 v. fo. Part I contains Guicciardini's History of the Papacy; Bishop T.Barlow's Popery; Dr. Du Moulin senior's Historical Discourse of Papal usurpations, Supplement by his Son, and Vindication of the Sincerity of the Protestant religion, by the same, etc. PAPE- CARPENTIER, Marie. Enseignement pratique dans les Salles d'asile.. 2me edition. Paris, 1854. 8~. ---- Conseils sur la Direction des Salles d'asile... 3me edition. Paris, Hachette, 1856. 18~. [ SUPPL.] 79 626 GENERAL LIBRARY. PAPENDRECHT, Corn. P. H. van. Historia' Ecclesiee Ultrajectinve a tempore mnutatee religionis in Fcederato Belgio..Mechlinice, 1725. fo. PAPER (A) OF TOBACCO: Treating of the rise; progress, pleasures, and advantages of smoking....By Joseph Fume. 2d edition. London, 1839. 173 p. 18~. PAPERS concerning the Attack on Hatfield and Deerfield. See Bradford Book Club. PAPIST MISREPRESENTED, 1683. See [Gother, John]. PAPIST NOT MISREPRESENTED, 1686. See [ Sherlock, W.]. PAPISTS Protesting against Protestant-Popery.... a Vindication of the Papist misrepresented..By Mr. J. Lovell. London, 1686. 38 p. 4~. Pam. v. 355. PAPWORTH, John W. and Wyatt. Museums, Libraries and Picture Galleries, public and private; their establishment, formation, arrangement and architectural construction.... To which is appended the Public Libraries Act, 1850; and remarks on its adoption by mechanics and other scientific institutions: with illustrations.... London, 1853. 80 p. and plates. roy. 8~. PARADISE (The) of COQUETTES: A Poem, in nine parts. 2d Am. ed. JBy Tho. Brown, M.D. Philadelphia, 1817. 207 p. 180. Repr. PARADISE ('The) of DAINTY DEUICES... London, 1576. See Brydges Brit. Bibliog. v. 2. PARADISE (The) of FOOLS, or the wonderful adventures of Beelzebub Bubble; a satire on somebody, by Nathan, Nobody.... Baltimore, 1831. 88 p. 12~. Pamn. v. 620. PARALLEL (The), &c. 1704. See [De Foe, Daniel]. PARAPHRASE upon John VI...of Transubstantiation. See [Clagett, William]. PARCHAPPE, Max. Des Principes a suivre dans la fondation et la construction des asiles d'ali6nes. Paris, 1853. 320 p. and 4 plates. 80. Plans des Maisons centrales de force et de correction de l'Empire franqais, reunis et reduits a l'echelle d'un millilnitre, avec legendes et tableaux du cubage des habitations. Paris, Lith. G. Schlatter. 23 plans in 8~. PARDOEt, Miss J. The Beauties of the Bosphorus... From drawings by William H. Bartlett. London, Virtue, 1839. 80 plates. 165 p. 4~. PARE, A. Les (Euvres d'Ambroise Pare..... Avec les figures et portraicts, tant de l'anatomlie, que des instruments de chirurgie, et de plusieurs monstres..... Quatriesme 8dition. A Paris, chez Gabriel Buon, 1585. 1245 p., pref. and index. f0. PAREAU, L. G. Series Compendiorum Theologicorum.- Initia Institutionis Christiante moralis. Groningve, 1842. 406 p. 8~. et P. HOFSTEDE DE GROOT. Series Compendiorum Theologicorum. — Lineamenta theologive christianEe universoe....Ed. 3a. Groningve, 1848. 228 p. 80. ----- Encyc. Theol. Christianre, 1851. See Groot, P. H. de. PARET (MM.) ET LEGOUeZ. Choix gradue de Versions latines, avec des arguments et des notes....Classe de Rhetorique; Classe de seconde - de huitieme. Paris, Hachette, 1848 - 49. 8 parts in 1 v. 8~. FIRST SUPPLEMENT. 627 PARGUEZ, P. A. Thesis Medica...[ De inflammatione], 1758. Vesuntione. 27 p. 120. Pam. v. 612. PARIst, J. A. Pharmacologia..8th edition. London..1833.- Appendix, 1838. London. 1 v. 8~. PARIS DE MEYZIEU, M. Bibliotheca Elegantissima, Parisina: Catalogue de livres choisis provenant du cabinet d'un amateur..vente.. 28 Mars 1791. Londres, Edwards, 1790. 194 p. 80. With the prices. PARIS, Paulin. Les Manuscrits Franqois de la Bibliotheque du Roi, leur histoire et celle des textes allemands, anglois, hollandois, italiens, espagnols, de la meme collection. Paris, 1836 - 1848. 7 v. 8~. Notices Bibliographiques. See Bulletin du Bibliophile. PARIS (The) DIRECTORY AND VISITOR'S GUIDE...Versailles, the environs and..B...Brussels.... Paris, 55 Neuve St.Augustin, 1834. 293 p. 18~. PARKt (Edwards A.), D.D. A Discourse, Pastoral Assoc. of Cong. Ministers in Mass., May 28, 1844. Andover, 1844. 8~. Pam. v. 441, 485. The Theology of the Intellect and of the Feelings: A Discourse, Convention of the Congr. Ministers of Mass., Boston, May 30, 1850, Boston, 1850. 80. Pam. v. 238. Memoir by. See Homer, W. B. PARKER'S EPHEMERIS: London, 1726, 29, 32, 50, 51, 59, 72, 78, 12~. Alm. v. 5 -12. PARKER, Edw. Griffin. The Lesson of'76 to the Men of'56: An Oration, City of Boston....July 4, 1856. Boston, 1856. 8~. Pam. v. 242. -- Reminiscences of Rufus Choate, the great American advocate, New-York, 1860. 522 p. 8~. PARKER, Harrington. Remarks on the Case of " Epsilon v, Dr. Car, penter, F.R.S.," relating to the use of Alsopp's pale ale in indigestion. London, 1853. 16 p. 80. Pam. v. 404. PARKER, Henry W. The Story of a Soul: Read before the Psi Upsilon Convention, Hamilton College, July 22, 1851.... eNew-York, 1852. 80. Pam. v. 287. PARKER (Joel), LL.D., Judge. The True Issue and the Duty of the Whigs: An Address.. Cambridge, 1856. 92 p. 8~. Pam. v. 562. PARKERt (Joel), D.D. Farewell Discourse to the Free Presbyterian Churches: Chatham-street chapel, Oct. 27, 1833. N.York, 1834. 8~. Pam. v. 441. PARKER, Abp. Matthew. Catalogus Librorpm Manuscriptorum quos Collegio Corporis Christi et B. Mariae Virginis in Academia Cantabrigiensis legavit. Edidit Jacobus Nasmith,....Cantabrigime, 1777. 429 p. & index. 4~. PARKER, Rev. Nathan. Discourse, Death of the Rev. Joseph Buckminster, D.D., Pastor of the North Church, in Portsmouth; delivered June 19, 1812. Portsmouth, 1812. 8~. Pam. v. 214. PARKERt, Nathan H. The Iowa Hand-bQok for 1856. With a..Map? Boston, Jewett & Co. 1856. 120~ 628 GENERAL LIBRARY. PARKER, Nathan H.: * —-- The Minnesota Hand-book for 1856-7; with a new and accurate map...Boston, 1857. 12~. PARKER, Sir Peter. A Biographical Memoir of:.. killed..near Baltimore, 31 Aug. 1814...London, 1815. 111 p. 40. PARKER, Richard. See Cambridge University, History of, 1721. PARKER, Bp. Samuel. Reasons for abrogating the test imposed upon all members of parliament....London, 1688. 131 p. 40. Pam. v. 357. - See also Enquiry into the Reasons. PARKER, S. P. Sermon preached at St. Mary's Church, Castleton, Staten island.... New-York, 1853. 8~. Pam. v. 94. PARKERt, Theodore. Ten Sermons on Religion. 2d edition. Boston, 1855. 120. Additional Speeches, Addresses, and Occasional Sermons. Boston.1855. 2 v. 12~. -- Sermons of Theism, Atheism, and the Popular Theology. 2d ed. Boston..1856. 12~. - Sermon of the Perishing Classes in Boston; preached at the Melodeon, Aug. 30, 1846. Boston, 1846. 80. Pam. v. 238. *-. A Sermon of Merchants: Nov. 22, 1846. Boston, 1847. 80. Pam. v. 238. * — A Letter to the People of the United States, touching the matter of slavery. Boston, 1848. 120 p. 120. Pam. v. 626. - [A Collection of Sermons and Addresses, 1851 - 56] in 1 v. 8~. Contents 1. The State of the Nation, considered in a Sermon for Thanksgiving day. Nov. 28, 1850. Boston, 1851. 2. The Three Chief Safeguards of Society: July 6, 1851. Boston Melodeon. 3. The Law of God and the Statutes of Men: A Sermon, Music Hall, June 18, 1854. Boston. 4. A Sermon of Old Age: Jan. 29, 1854. Boston. 5. A Sermon of the Moral dangers incident to prosperity: Boston, Nov. 5, 1854. Boston, 1855. 6. A Sermon of the Consequences of an immoral principle and false idea of life: Nov. 26, 1854. Boston, 1855. 7. A Discourse of the Function of a Teacher of religion in these times... at ordination of M. G. Kimball, Barre....Mass., June 13, 1855. 8. A New Lesson for the Day: A Sermon, May 25, 1856. 9. The Great Battle between Slavery and Freedom, in Two Speeches: Am. Ant. Slav. Soc. N.Y., May 7, 1856. 10. Proceedings of the Pennsylvania Yearly Meeting of Progressive Friends, held at Longwood, near Kennett square, Chester county, 5 month, 1855. With two Discourses of T. Parker, (1) Of the Relations between the ecclesiastical institutions and the religious consciousness of the American people; (2) The Delights of Piety. Two Sermons, 28th Congregational Society...on entering a new place of worship: Acts xx, 27; 2 Tim. i, 12. 1852. Boston, 1853. 56 p. 8~. Pam. v. 556. ----- A Friendly Letter to the Exec. Comm. of the Amer. Unitarian Association, touching their new Unitarian creed. Boston, 1853.. 20 p. 8~. Pam. v. 495. FIRST SUPPLEMENT. 629 A Sermon of the Dangers which threaten the rights of man in America: Ps. cvi, 15. Boston, 1854. 56 p. 80. Pam. v. 557. The Present Aspect of Slavery in America, and the immediate duty of the North: A Speech.. Mass. Anti-slavery Conv., Jan. 29, Boston, 1858. 44 p. 80. Pam. v. 562. PARKER (William), D.D. Sermon, Miracles of the Early Ages and of the Church of Rome: Matt. xvi, 17, 18. Oxford, 1749.- The Expediency of Divine Interposition in the first ages, a Sermon: Matt. xvi, 17, 18. Oxford, 1749.- Mosaick History of the fall, a Sermon: 2 Cor. xi, 3. Oxford, 1750.- Sermon, Truth: John xviii, 38. Oxford, 1754.- Sermon, Academick education: Phil. iv, 8. Oxford, 1755. Pam. v. 370. ---- Predestination, two Discourses: Rom. viii, 30. Oxford, 1759. Pam. v. 371. PARKINSON+, James. Outlines of Oryctology: An Introduction to the -study of fossil organic remains; especially of those found in the British Strata:... London...1822. 8~. PARKINSON, Rev. William. A Selection of Hymns and Spiritual an appendix to Dr. Watts'..***. New-York, 1809. 428, 149 hymns. 180. PARKMANt (Francis) jr. Prairie and Rocky Mountain Life; or, The California and Oregon trail. 3d edition. New-York..1852. 12~. PARKMAN, S. Some Notices of the Character of Mrs. Sarah Parkman...who died July 21, 1835... Boston. 16 p. 8~. Pami. v. 494. PARLIAMENTARY DIRECTORY: Postal Directory. London, Kelly & Co. 1853. roy. 80. Pam. v. 489. PARLIAMENTARY (The) GAZETTEER OF IRELAND, adapted to the new poor-law, franchise and municipal arrangements, and compiled with a special reference to the lines of railroad and canal communication, as existing in 1844 - 45.. Dublin, London and Edinburgh, A. Fullarton, 1846. 3 v. roy. 8~. PARLIAMENTARY SPEECHES: Part I, Session 1840: No confidence in ministers. Speeches of Sir James Graham, Lord Stanley, and Sir Robert Peel...London. viii, 60 p. 80. Pam. v. 439. PARLIAMENTARY TALK; or the Objections to the late Irish church bill..By a disciple of Selden. London, 1835. 52 p. 80. Pam. v. 342. PARMENTIERt, A. A. Memoire sur les Avantages que la Province de Langu6doc peut retirer de ses grains....Avec figures. X Paris.... 1786. 4~. PARNELLt, Sir Henry.- Extracts of. a Treatise on Roads, by:..... Halifax, 1839. Off. Doct. x, 60 p. 8~. PARNELL, Thomas. Poetical Works. See Johnson, S. PARNELL, William.- Sermons, partly translated and partly imitated from Massillon and Bourdaloue, for the use of country schools in Ireland. London, 1816. 75 p. 80. Pam. v. 376. PAROCHIAL DUTIES practically illustrated. Henley-6n-Thames (1828). 40 p. 18~. Pam. v. 339. 630 GENERAL LIBRARY. PARRt (Samuel), D.D., LL.D. [ Miscellanies of:..] in 1 v. 80. Contents: A Sequel to the Printed Paper lately circulated in Warwickshire by the Rev. C. Curtis...a Birmingham rector. London, 1792. xii, 180 p. A Letter to the Rev. Dr. Milner, occasioned by....his book entitled "The End of Religious controversy. By the late Rev. S. Parr. London, 1825. 60p. Remarks on the Statement of Dr. Charles Combe. 1795. 94 p. Bibliotheca Parriana: A Catalogue of the Library of the late:.... Preface by John Dynes: Ed. by H. G. Bohn. London, 1827. 708 p. & index. 8~. PARRY, Charles H. The Parliaments-and Councils of England, chronologically arranged from the Reign of William I to...1688.... London, 1839. 8~. PARRY (Richard), D.D. A Defence of the Lord Bishop of London's interpretation of....I know that my Redeemer liveth, against the exceptions of the Bp. of Glocester... Northampton, 1760. 104 p. 8~. Pam. v. 352. PARRY, Rev. William. An Inquiry into the Nature and extent of the inspiration of the Apostles... London, 1797. 64 p. 80. Pam. v. 335. PARSONS & Co. Flushing, L.I., Catalogue of Fruit and Ornamental trees.. for sale. Flushing, 1845. 80. Pam. v. 261. PARSONS, B. A Discourse on Faith.. in Christ. New-York, 1851. 12~. Pam. v. 558. PARSONS, John. Sermon, H. of Commons, Fast day, Mar. 20, 1811: Jer. iv, 14. London. 4~. Pam. v. 1008. PARSONS, Robert. Sermon: Luke xv, 7; Funeral of John, Earl of Rochester, August 9, 1680. Oxford, 1680. 48 p. 40~. Pam. v. 359.Also, London, 1707. 8~. Pam. v. 381. PARSONS, Theophilus. Memoir of Theophilus Parsons, C.J. of the Sup. Jud. Court of Mass.... By his Son. Boston, 1859. 12~. PARSON'S GUIDE, or the Law of Tithes. See [ Sheppard, W.]. PARTICULAR (A) ACCOUNT of a Monstrous Sea-serpent....which has lately made its appearance in Gloucester Harbor, Cape Ann (Mass.)...Brattleboro', Vt. 1817. 80. Pam. v. 266. PARTONt, James. The Life and Times of Aaron Burr. N.York, 1858. 696 p. 12~. Life of Andrew Jackson. New-York, 1860. 3 v. 8~. PARTRIDGE, J. See Almanacs, 1715; Ecclesiologia, 1679; Mlerlinus Liberatus, 1827- 37. PARTRIDGE, S. Prudence, Sermon to Young Clergymen: 1 Tim. iv, 12, 16. London, 1805. 80. Pam. v. 375. PARTRIDGE, William.' On Practical Agriculture.. New-York, 1849. 42 p. 120. Pam. v. 614. PARTSCR, P. Geological Library. See Austria. PARTY (The) IN POWER, and the new Constitution. Signed A. [Albany, 1848?]. 8 p? 80. Pam. v. 530. FIRST SUPPLEMENT. 631 PARVIN (Theophilus), M.D. Address on the Life and Character of Andrew Wylie, D. D., Pres. of the State University... Indianapolis, 1858. 42 p. 8$. Pam. v. 555. PASCAL, Blaise. Les Provinciales, ou Lettres de Louis de Montaiteb. Avignon, 1823. 12~. Lettres Ecrites a un Provincial. Pr6c6d6es d'une notice.... par M. Villemain. Paris, 1829. 80. PASINUS, Josephus. Codices Manuscripti Bibliothecme Regii Taurinensis Athenvei, per linguas digesti.... Recensuerunt... J. Pasinus.... et F. Berta. Insertis parvis quibusdam Opusculis hactenus ineditis... Taurini, 1749. 2 v. fo. 508, 530 p. PASSEMANT, Cl. S. Description et Usage des Telescopes, Microscopes; ouvrages et inventions de Passemant...A Paris, 1737 (?). 18~. PATAGONIAN SOCIETY. A Brief Explanation of Circumstances relative to the...missionaries of Terra del Fuego....London (1852). 80. Pam. v. 384. PATERSONt, John. Investigation and Calculation of the results of a process of causation. [ From the Proceedings of Am. Assoc. for Advancement of Science, 10th meeting, Albany, 1856). 29 -49 p. 80. Pam. v. 551. PATERSON (N.J.) CITY DIRECTORY..1857. Compiled by W. H. Boyd. Paterson, N.J. 168 p. 120. PATHFINDER (The) RAILWAY GUIDE for the New-England States:... Nov. 1852...A. E. Newton, editor.- Feb. 1853. Bost6n, G. K. Snow. 2 v. 240. PATRICKt (Symon), Bp. Sermon, before the King, St.Stephen's day, 1675. London, 1676. 4~. Pam. v. 359. [ —] See Sermon, St.Peter's day, 1687. Sermon, before Prince of Orange, Jan. 20, 1688: Is. xi, 6. London, 1689. 40.- Sermon, before the Queen, Mar. 1, 1689: Cor. iii, 15. London. 4~. Pam. v. 361. PATRIOT (The). London, 1734. 32 p. 8~. Pam. v. 418. PATRIOT'S (The) CALENDAR for the year 1794, containing. the French calendar....Declaration of the rights of man...Musick and words of...the Marseilles, Ca-ira, 4/c. London. J. Bew. 120. Alm. v. 54. PATRIOT (The) PREACHERS of the American Revolution. With Biographical sketches. 1766-1783. New-York, 1860. 368 p. 120. PATTEN (Thomas), D.D. Sermon, The Christian apology: 1 Pet. iii, 15, 16. Oxford, 1755. 8~. Pam. v. 370. - The Gospel of Christ and the religion of nature, a Sermon: Col. ii, 2. Oxford, 1759. 80~. Pam. v. 371. PATTENGILL, Rev. J. S. The First Supper: A Sermon for the Communion. Walton, N.Y. 1857. 8~. Pam. v. 441. PATTERSON, A. W. History of the Backwoods; or the Region of the Ohio...Pittsburgh, 1843. 311 p. 8~. PATTERSON (Robert M.), M.D. Early History of the American Philosophical Society: A the Celebration of the Hundreth Anniversary..with the Introductory Address of the President...Philadelphia, 1843. 80. Pam. v. 204. 632 GENERAL LIBRARY. PATTERSON, Rev. R. W. A Sermon on Prayer for rulers, 2d Presb. Church: 1 Tim. ii, 1.-4. Chicago, 1856. 80. Pam. v. 94, 557. PATTISON, Granville Sharp. A Refutation of certain calumnies published in a pamphlet, entitled " Correspondence between: and Dr. N. Chapman." Baltimore, 1820. 80. Pam. v. 271. Final Reply to the numerous Slanders, circulated by N. C., M.D. 2d edition. Baltimore, 1821. 80. Pam.,v. 89. PATTON, J. H. The History of the United States of America, from the discovery of the Continent, to the close of the 1st Session of the 35th Congress. New-York, 1860. 8~. PATTON, Rev. William W. Thoughts for Christians, suggested by the case of Passmore Williamson: A Discourse, Fourth Cong. Church, Hartford, Conn. Oct. 1855. 80. Pam. v. 238. PAUL, Benj. H. Manual of Analysis. See Bolley, P. A. PAUL (Sir G. 0.) and J. TYRRELL, esq. Books including the Library of...Kerslake's Catalogue, July 12, 1828. 80. Cat. v. 97. [PAULDINGt, J. K.]. The Lay of the Scottish fiddle: a Tale of Havre de Grace. Supposed to be written by Walter Scott, esq. First American from the fourth Edinburgh ed. New-York, 1813. 262 p. 240. [-] Letters from the South; written during an Excursion in the summer of 1816. By the author of John Bull and Brother Jonathan ":". New-York, Eastburn, 1817. 2 v. 254, 260 p. 12~. The Backwoodsman, a poem. And Nature and Art. Philadel-'phia, 1818. 198 p. 12~. [-] Koningsmarke, or Old Times in the New World. New edition revised... New-York, 1836. 2 v. 120~. [ ] The Merry Tales of the Three Wise Men of Gotham...e. New-York, 1839. 236 p. 12~. PAULISON, Christian Z. A Development of Facts and circumstances justifying a union with the True Reformed Dutch Church. N.York, 1831. 48 p. 8~. Pam. v. 490. PAULL, James. A Refutation of the Calumnies of J. H. Tooke; including a complete exposure of the recent occurrences between Sir F. Burdett and Mr. Paull...Lonlon,.1807. 219 p. 80. Pam. v. 389. PAULINUS A S. BARTHOLOMAEO ( J. P. Werdin ). Musei Borgiani Velitris Codices manuscripti avenses, peguani, siamici, malabarici, indostani, animadversionibus historico-criticis castigati et illustrati. Accedunt monumenta inedita, et cosmogonia indico-thibetana. Romre..1793. 266 p. 40. PAULUS DE SANCTA MARIA. Incipit Dyalogus qui vocatur Scrutinium scripturarum, etc. Without place or date. Mayence, 1478? 216 leaves, f0. PAUSANIASt. Pausanihe Greciae Descriptio...Ed. stereotypa. Lipsiae, Tauchnitz, 1829. 3 v. 180. PAUW, Adrian. Catalogus omnium Librorum et Manuscriptorum Bibliothecae...Hagae Comn. 1654. 351 p. 4~. [PAVILLON (Nicolas), Bp. Les- Instructions du Rituel du Diocese d'Alet]. 2de edition. Paris, 1678. 725 p. 120. FIRST SUPPLEMENT. 633 PAWTUCKET & WOONSOCKET (1R.i.) DIRECTORY, 1857: Compiled by W. H. Boyd. New-York. 204 p. 18~. PAXTON (J. D.), D.D. An Appeal to the American Board of C. F. Missions, from the unjust and oppressive measures of the Secretary and Prudential Committee. N.Haven, 1848. 40 p. 8~. Pam. v. 525. PAYENt, A. Traite Complet de la distillation des principales substances qui peuvent fournir l'alcool...Paris, 1858. 352 p. and plates, 8~. PAYNE & Foss. Catalogue of Books in various languages, on sale.. London, 1848. 328 p. 8~. PAYNEt, George. Youth, A Sermon: Jer. iii, 4. Hull, Eng. 1809. 8~. Pam. v. 375. PAYNE (John), D.D., Bp. Grebo Kona ah te; or, a History of the Greboes. New-York, 1860. 98 p. 12~. [ PAYNE (William), D.D.]. A Discourse concerning the Adoration of the Host...London, 1685. 66 p. 40. Pam. v. 356. - A Discourse of the Communion in one kind, in answer to a treatise of the Bishop of Meaux's.....London, 1687. 138 p. 4~. Pam. v. 355. PAYNE (William E.), M.D. Address, American Institute of Homceopathy, Albany, June 7th, 1854. New-York, 1854. 8~0. Pam. v. 287. PAYSONt (Edward), D.D. The Oracles of God: A Sermon, Boston, Jan. 21, 1824; Marine Bible Society. Portland, Me. 1824. 8~. Pam. v. 111. Sinners wilful and perverse: Luke vii, 31 - 35. No 15, Doct. Tract Society. Boston. 12~. Pam. v. 623. PAYSON, Phillips. Massachusetts Election Sermon, May 27, 1778. Boston. See Thornton, J. W. PAYSON (Seth), Rindge, N.H. Sermon, Interment of Mrs. Sibyl Waters: Job xiv, 14. Boston, 1802. 80. Pamn. v. 554. PEABODYf (Andrew P.), D.D., Portsmouth, N.H. Sermon, Ordination of Mr. Richard Pike, Dorchester, Iass. Feb. 8, 1843. Boston, 1843. 8~. Pam. v. 94. - A Memorial of John W. Foster. Portsmouth, 1852. 400 p. 12~. Sermon, Installation of Rev. Charles Lowe, Salem, Mass. Sept. 27, 1855. Salem, 1855. 8~. Pam. v. 441. Conversation; its faults and its graces. Compiled by: [ Contains also F. Trench's Lecture, 1854; P. Gwynne's Word to the Wise, or Hints on the current improprieties of Expression, etc., and " Never too late to Learn."] New Edition, revised with additions. Boston.. 1856. 151 p. 12~. Sermon, Portland, Maine, Funeral of Rev. Ichabod Nichols, D.D. With appendix. Boston, 1859. 8~. Pamin. v. 555. PEABODY, Elizabeth P. Crimes of the House of Austria against mankind. Proved by extracts from the histories of Coxe, Schiller, Robinson, etc.; with Mrs. M. L. Putnam's History of the Constitution of Hungary, and its relations with Austria, published in May 1850, 2d edition. New-York...1852. 228 p. 120~ [ SPPrL.] 80 634 GENERAL LIBRARY. PEABODY, Elizabeth P.: -- (Chronological History of the United States. Arranged with plates on Bem's principle...New-York...1856. 12~. [PEABODY, Ephraim, D.D.]. See Slavery in the United States, 1851. PEABODY, G. An Account of the Proceedings at the Dinner given by Mr. George Peabody, to the Americans connected with the Great Exhibition at the London Coffee House, Ludgate Hill, on the 27th Oct. 1851. London...1851. 114. 80~. PEACE ALMANAC for 1845. New-York. 12~. Aim. v. 42. PEACE WITHOUT DISHONOR; WAR WITHOUT HOPE. Being a calm and dispassionate enquiry into the question of the Chesapeake, and the necessity and expediency of war. By a Yankee Farmer. By John Lowell. Boston, 1807. 43 p. 80. Pam. v. 38. PEAD, D....A Sermon upon the uniting England and Scotland: Eze. rxxvii, 22. London, 1707. 80. Pain. v. 379. Sermon, Parturiunt montes, Thanksgiving, Feb. 17, 1709: Ps. x, 2. London. 80. Pam. v. 364. PEALE'S (R.) COURT OF DEATH, and Biographical Sketch of the artist. 15 p. 8~. Pam. v. 499. PEARCE, Rev. Samuel. The Oppressive, Unjust..tendency of the corporation and test acts, exposed in a sermon: Ps. cxix, 161. 1790. 2d edition. London, 1827. 80. Pam. v. 374. PEARCE, Stewart. Annals of Luzerne County...from the first settlement at Wyoming, to 1860...Philadelphia, 1869. xii, 554 p. 8~. PEARCE (Zachary), D.D., Bp. Sermon, 1730. See Soc. for Prop. the Gospel. -- - Sermon, Yearly Meeting of the Charity Schools, 1735. London. See Soc. Pro. Chr. Knowledge. The Miracles of Jesus Vindicated... 5th edition. London, 1749. 86 p. Pam. v. 309. [ -i] See Letter to the Clergy, on Bishop of Rochester, 1722. Sermon, Westminster, March 14, 1760, Fast day: Ps. xx, 7. London. 4~. Pam. v. 1007....- See Reply to Letter to Waterland, 1732. PEARSE'S CELESTIAL DIARY: London, 1726, 29, 32, 50, 51, 59, 72. 12~. Alm. v. 5 - 12. PEARSON, Rev. George. The Doctrine of Tradition as maintained by the Church of England..a letter to Prof. Keble..Cambridge, 1837. 59 p. 8~. Pam. v. 331. PEARSONt, Rev. Hugh. Memoirs of the Life and Writings of the Rev. Claudius Buchanan, D.D...With notes relative to the present state of religion in India; and an introduction by Caspar Morris, M.D. Philadelphia, 1837. xliv, 424 p. 12~. PEARSON (H. N.), Dean of Salisbury. Sermon: Acts ii, 42, Prayerbook and Homily Society. London, 1832. 8~. Pam. v. 379. PEARSON, Bp. John. An Exposition of the Creed.... A new edition, by Rev. E. Burton..Oxford, 1833. 2 v. 80. FIRST SUPPLEMENT. 635 Twelve Sermons on various Points of faith and morals...Buck-4 ingham, 1803. 162 p. 80. Pam. v. 375. PEARSON ( John), esq. A Letter to the Freeholders, Manufacturers, and inhabitants of Staffordshire; with remarks on the subject of the late county meeting. Stafford, 1797. 8~. Pam. v. 221. PEASE, A. G. Sermon, Funeral of Harry S. Richards, esq., Norwich, Vt. Albany, 1853. 8~. Pam. v. 555. PECIEY, John. The Compleat Midwife's Practice enlarged.... From the experience of our English authors, viz. Sir T. Mayern, Dr. Chaminberlain, Mr. N. Culpeper..5th ed. Plates. London, 1698. 352. 12". PECK (George), D.D. Slavery and the Episcopacy; being an Examination of Dr. Bascom's Review..... in the case of Bishop Andrew. New-York, 1845. 139 p. 8~. -Pam. v. 519. Wyoming; its History, stirring incidents, and romantic adventures. With Illustrations. New-York, 1858. 432 p. 120. PECKI ( Rev. Prof. Henry E.), of Oberlin. A Sermon, American Missionary Association, Mass., Sept. 28, 1853. N.York, 1853. g8. Pam. v. 441. [PECK, Jedediah]. See Political Wars of Otsego. PECK, John. A Short Poem containing a descant on the universal plan.. And L. Haynes...Hamilton, 1817. 34 p. 18~. Pam. v. 620. 1PECK, Nath'l. Report of Messrs. Peck and Price...Delegates to visit British Guiana and the Island of Trinidad, for....colored people migrating to those places. Baltimore, 1840. Repr. London. 25 p. 8~. Pam. v. 434. PECKARD, Peter. Christian Oratory, a Sermon 1 Cor. i, 21. Huntingdon, Eng. 1770. 80. Pam. v. 372. PECKHAM (Rufus W.), of N.Y. Speech, U.S. H. of R., on the Kansas and Nebraska question, May 18, 1854. Washington, 1854. 80. Pam. v. 206, 561. PECLETt, E. Instruction sur l'Assainissement des 8coles primaires... Paris, 1846. 16 p. and 2 plates. 8~. Pam. v. 278. PEDO ALBINOVAN-US. Elegiae III, et Fragmenta cum interpretatione et notis J. Scaligeri, etc. Amstelodami, 1715. xlviii, 180 p. & index. 180. — Tlith, P. C. Severus, JEtna~. PEEL, E. Nienwe practische en gemakkelijke Leerwijze ter beoefening der engelsche taal...Utrecht, 1855, 6. 2 v. in 1. 12~. PEEL, Sir Robert. Speech, H. of Commons, May 9, 1817; on the Laws affecting the Roman Catholics. 3d edition. London, 1819. 80. Pam. v. 348....- The Peel Banquet Speeches of Sir R. Peel, Lord Stanley, and Sir J. Graham.. London, 1838.- Speech, at Merchant Tailors' Hall, May 11, 1835. Pam. v. 439. Speech, " No Confidence in Ministers," 1840. See Parliamentary Speeches.. Financial the House of Commons. With an appendix...the proposed new tariff. Edinburgh, 1842. 23 p, 8~. Pam. v. 290. 636 GENERAL LIBRARY. PEEL, Sir Robert: - Memoirs by the Right Honourable Sir Robert Peel...Published by the Trustees of his papers, Lord Mahon (now Earl Stanhope), and the Right Hon. Edward Cardwell, M.P.:' Part I, The Roman Catholic Question, 1828, 29; Part II, The New Government, 1834 - 35; Part III, Repeal of the Corn laws, 1845 - 6. London, 1857. 2 v. 12~. PEETt ( Harvey P.), LL.D. Address, at Raleigh, on the occasion of laying the corner stone of the North-Carolina Inst. for... the deaf and dumb, April 14, 1848. New-York, 1848. 80. Pam. v. 204. Report on the Legal Rights and responsibilities of the deaf and dumb, 1856. See American Instructors. PEGGE (Samuel), LL.D. Examination of the Enquiry into the meaning of the demoniacs in the New Testament. London, 1739. x, 86 p. 80. Pam. v. 313. PEIGNOT, ]tienne Gabriel. - Dictionnaire raisonne de Bibliologie, contenant: 10 L'Explication des principaux termes relatifs a la bibliographie, a l'art typographique, a la diplomatique, aux langues, aux archives, aux manuscrits, aux medailles, aux antiquites, etc.; 2~ Des notices historiques detailles sur les principales bibliotheques anciennes et modernes.... sur les plus celebres imprimeurs... sur les bibliographes...; 3.. Diff6rens systemes bibliographiques.. Paris, 1802. 2 v.- With Supplement....Paris, 1804. 1 v.- 3 v. 8~. Repertoire de Bibliographies sp6ciales, curieuses et instructives, contenant la Notice raisonn6e, 10 Des Ouvrages imprimes a petit nombre d'exemplaires; 2~ Des Livres dont on.a tire des exemplaires sur papier de couleur; 30 Des Livres dont le texte est grave; et 40 Des Livres qui ont paru sous le nom d'Ana. Paris, 1810. 285 p. 8~. - Repertoire Bibliographique Universel; contenant la Notice raisonnee des Bibliographies speciales publiees jusqu'a ce jour, et d'un grand nombre d'autres ouvrages de bibliographie..... Paris, 1812. 514 p. 8~. Recherches Historiques et Litterairessur les Danses des Morts, et sur l'origine des cartes a jouer..Dijon, Paris, 1826. lx, 368 p. 80. ----- Livres rares et curieux, provenant de la Bibliotheque de feu G. Peignot.. vente..8 mars. Paris, 1852. 535 p. 8~. PEIRCEt, Prof. Benjamin. Physical and Celestial Mechanics... Developed in four systems of analytic mechanics, celestial mechanics, potential physics, and analytic morphology.- A System of Analytic Mechanics. Boston, 1855. xxxiv, 496 p. 4~. PEIRSON (A. L.), M.D. Address on Temperance, Salem, Jan. 14, 1830. Boston, 1830. 8~. Pam. v. 234. PEIRSON, Rev. Tho. Bibliotheca Peirsoniana, or Catalogue raisonne...of the Library of.. collected in the United Netherlands...sold by auction. 1815. London. 219 p. 8~. PEL, C. M. H. Militair Regt. Kampen, 1856. 134 p. 120~. PELHAM, Bp. George. Sermon, Yearly Meeting of... Charity Schools, 1805. London. See Soc. Pro. Chr. Knowledge. PELLEWt (George), D.D. Sermon, Anniv. Sons of the Clergy, 1835: John xix, 26, 27. London. 40~. Pam. v. 1010. FIRST SUPPLEMENT. 637 PELLICER (J. A.) Y SAFORCADA. Ensayo de una Bibliotheca de traductores espafioles, donde se da Noticia de las traducciones que hay en Castellano de la Sagrada Escritura, santos padres, filosofos, historiadores, medicos, oradores, poetas, asi griegos como latinos; y de otros autores que han florecido antes de la invencion de la imprenta. Preceden varias noticias literarias para las vidas de otros escritores espafioles (Lupercio y Bartholome Leonardo y Argensola, y De Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra).... Madrid, 1778. xvi, 206, 175 p. In 1 v. 8~. PELLICOt (Siivio), da Saluzzo. Opere di.. Parigi, 1835. 2 v. 120. PELLING, Rev. Edward. The Good Old Way; or a Discourse...concerning the ancient way of the church, and the conformity of the Church of England thereunto...London, 1680. viii, 134 p. With, Sermon, Artillery Company, 1679. London.- Sermon, Westminster Abbey, Jan. 30, 1683. London, 1684. —Sermon, Sept. 9, 1683, Thanksgiving day,, deliverance from a fanatick conspiracy. London. - Westminster Abbey, July 26, 1685, Thanksgiving, Victory over the rebels. London. In 1 v. 4~. PELLING, John. Sermon, H. of Commons, Jan. 31, 1709, Martyrdom of Charles I: Ex. xx, 5. London. 8'. Pam. v. 364. PELLIZER, Jos. Em. A Statement. of Facts in the Case of J. M. Pellizer, a Spaniard, vs. Mr. MI. de Las Heras, for retention of his money. London, 1804. 22 p. 8~. Pam. v. 392. PELTON, C. Key to Pelton's Outline Maps. Phil'a, 1845. 176 p. 180. PEMAQUID. Papers Relating to Pemaquid and parts adjacent in the present State of Maine, known as Cornwall county, when under the Colony of New-York. Compiled from official records in the office of the Secretary of State at Albany, N.Y., by F. B. Hough. Albany.. 1856. 136 p. 8~. PEMBERTON, J. See Address to the Inhabitants of Pennsylvania, 1777. PENDERED, William. Sermon, Fast: er,xxix, 7, 1797. Halifax. 80. Pam. v. 374. PENGILLY, R. The Scripture Guide to Baptism...N 45. Baptist Gen. Tract Society. Philadelphia. 60 p. 12~. Pam. v. 623. PENHALLOWt, Samuel. The History of the Wars of New-England with the Eastern Indians...1703-1726. Cincinnati, O. Reprinted from the Boston edition of 1726, with a memoir, notes and an appendix, for William Dodge, by J. Harpel..1859. 130, 36 p. 40~. PENITENT FEMALE'S REFUGE 4th Report. Boston, 1823. 120. Pam. v. 509. PENNt, Granville. A Christian's Survey of all the primary events and periods of the world.. Alexandria, D.C. 1814. 144 p. 18~. PENNt, William. A Collection of the Works of William Penn. In two volumes. To which is prefixed a Journal of his life, with many original letters and papers not before published. London, 1726. 2 v. f~. A Brief Account of the Rise and Progress of the People called Quakers...Philadelphia, 1803. 95 p. 12~. PENN MEDICAL UNIVERSITY...Male and Female departments: Catalogue, 1857. 80. Pam. v. 517. 638 GENERAL LIBRARY. PENNINGTON (J. W. C.), D.D. The Reasonableness of the Abolition of slavery at the South, a legitimate inference from the success of British emancipation: An address.....1 st Aug. 1856. Hartford, 1856. 80. Pam. v. 242. PENNSYLVANIA: Pennsylvania Archives; S. Hazard. Vol. 11, Commencing 1786; Vol. 12, Commencing 1790. With an Appendix. Philadelphia, 1855, 56. 2 v. 8~. The Appendix also contains maps and descriptions of the early Pennsylvania forts. - Message of J. Pollock, Governor, to the Legislature, 1856, 57. 80. Pam. v. 522. --: BANKS. Debates and Proceedings of the General Assembly.. on the memorials praying a repeal or suspension of the law annulling the charter of the bank. M. Carey, editor. Philadelphia, 1786. 132 p. 80. ~-: -- Communication from the Auditor-General, transmitting the quarterly statements of the several banks and saving institutions..Harrisburg, 1848, 52. 8~. Pam. v. 464.....: Report of Messrs. Wright and Buckalew,..on the affairs of the Bank of Susquehanna County, 1850. 80. Pam. v. 463. --: CANALS. Annual Report of-the Board of Canal Comfaissioners, Nov. 30, 1854. 86 p. 8~. Pam. v. 477. - ~ EDUCATION. Manual for the Directors and Teachers of: common schools. Philadelphia, 1840. 120. --: - Eine Akte zur Vereinigung und Abinderung der unterschiedlichen akten betreffend ein Allgemeines Unterrichts-system durch Volks-schulen.... Harrisburg, 1836. 33 p. 80. Bericht des Oberaufsehers der Volks-schulen, 1858. 250, 184 p. 8~. Pam. v. 553. -: - The Common School Laws of Pennsylvania, and decisions of the superintendent... Harrisburg, 1855. 8~. Pam. v. 2510: 10th, 15th, 24th Reports of Superintendent of common schools, 1844, 1848, 57. Harrisburg. Pam.. v. 280.- 19th Report, 1852. Pam. v. 172.- 20th, 21st Report, 1853, 1854. Pam. v. 190. - 22d Report to June 1855. Pam. v. 217.,: - Report of the Superintendent for the year ending June 2, 1856, 1857, 1858, 60. Harrisburg..1857, 58, 59, 61. 4 v. 8~. -:' School Architecture. See Burrowes, T. H. -: FINANCES. Report of the Auditor-General on the finances... Nov. 30, 1852. Harrisburg, 1852. Pam. v. 192.- Report, Nov. 30, 1856. 80. Pam. v. 252.: GEOLOGICAL SURVEY. The Geology of Pennsylvania, a government survey. By Henry Darwin Rogers, State Geologist...Phil'a, 1858. xxvii, 586, 1045 p. & plates. 2 v. 4~. ----: - Geological Map of the State...To accompany the final report, 1858. 6 large sheets.. — ~: INSANE. Second Appeal to the People of Pennsylvania, on the subject of an asylum for the insane poor..Philadelphia, 1840. Pam. v. 166, 201. FIRST SUPPLEMENT. 639 --: --- Report of the Trustees and Superintendent of the State Lunatic Hospitalfor-1853. Harrisburg, 1853. Pain. v. 201.- Report 1855. Philadelphia, 1856....Pam. v. 235. See also Pennsylvania Hospital. -- ~ LIBRARY. Catalogue of the State Library...By W. De Witt. Harrisburg, 1859. 264, 440 p. 80. --: -Report of the State Librarian for 1854, 55. Pam. v. 209. Report for 1856, 1857. Pam. v. 276.- Report for 1858. Harrisburg, 1859. 80. Pam. v. 470. —: LOTTERIES. Report of the Committee on Vice and Immorality.Abolition of lotteries....Harrisburg, 1832. 80. Pain. v. 509. -: PooR. An Act for the Consolidation and amendment of the laws as far as they respect the poor of..Philadelphia.. Phil'a, 1814. 46 p. 8~. Pam. v. 535...-: PRISONS. 23d Report of the Board of Managers of the House of Refuge; with an appendix. Philadelphia, 1851. 80. Pam. v. 162.,: -: Eastern Penitentiary. Report of the Committee on Vice and Immorality, relative to the appointment of a moral instructor in the Eastern Penitentiary. Harrisburg, 1839. 80. Pam. v. 191. -: -: Eastern Penitentiary. 17th, 18th Annual Reports, 1846, 1847. Philadelphia. Pam. v. 162.- 4th, 25th Reports, 1832-33, 1854. Pam. v. 191.- 21st Report, Mar. 1850. Pam. v. 159.- 24th Report, Feb. 1853. Pam. v. 162.- 27th Report, March 1856. Pam. v. 228.- 26th, 28th, 29th Reports, 1855, 57, 58. Pam. v. 539.: - Report of the Western Penitentiary for 1856. Pittsburg, 1857. 8~. Pam. v. 539. PENNSYLVANIA ACADEMY OF THE FINE ARTS:Eighth Annual exhibition. Philadelphia, 1819. 80. Pam. v.230.- Catalogues. Phil'a, 1848, 1855. 80. Pam. v. 499. PENNSYLVANIA ALMANAC, A. Shoemaker. Philadelphia, 1803. Alm. v. 17; 1823. 120. Alm. v. 18. PENNSYLVANIA ANTI-MASONIC ALMANAC: Lancaster, 1830. 120. Aim. v. 26. PENNSYLVANIA BIBLE SOCIETY ~ 37th, 38th, 39th Reports, 1845, 46, 47. Philadelphia. 8~. Pam. v. 468. PENNSYLVANIA COAL COMPANY: Report, 1857. New-York. 8~0. Pam. v. 520. PENNSYLVANIA COLLEGE, Gettysburg, Pa.: Catalogue, 1848, 49, 50, 1851. Pam. v. 481. ---- ~Medical Department: Annual Announcement & Catalogue, 1840, 1844-5. Philadelphia. Pam. v. 156.- AnnualAnnouncement, 1853, 1856. Philadelphia. 80. Pam. v. 517. PENNSYLVANIA COLLEGE OF DENTAL SURGERY: 1st Ann. Annoumeement. Philadelphia, 1856. 16 p. 8~. Pam. v. 517. PENNSYLVANIA DIRECTORY: Ulman's Pennsylvania Business Directory. for the year 1844-5. By H. C. Ulman, 1854. Two maps. 352, 173 p. 8~. 640 GENERAL LIBRARY. PENNSYLVANIA HALL ASSOCIATION: History of Pennsylvania Hall, which was destroyed by a mob on the 17th of May 1836**. Philadelphia, 1838. 8~. PENNSYLVANIA HOSPITAL: State of the Accounts.... Philadelphia, 1846. 8~. Pam. v. 506. PENNSYLVANIAf HOSPITAL FOR THE INSANE Report, 1843. By T. S. Kirkbride, M.D. Philadelphia, 1844. 8~. Pam. v. 510.- Report for 1846, 1849. Philadelphia, 1847, 1850. Pam. v. 165. See also Pennsylvania: Insane. PENNSYLVANIAt INSTITUTION FOR THE DEAF AND DUMB: Report of the Select Committee to visit: Harrisburg, 1838. 5 p. Pam. v. 473. - Annual Reports....for 1853, 1854. Philadelphia. Pam. v.'218. - Report for 1855. Pam. v. 235. Report for 1856. Philadelphia, 1857. 80. Pam. v. 244.- Reports for 1857, 1858. Phil'a, 1858, 59. Pamn. v. 473. PENNSYLVANIAt INSTITUTION FOR THE INSTRUCTION OF THE BLIND. 7th, 20th Annual Report, 1840, 1853. Phil'a. 80. Pam. v. 218.24th Report, Feb. 2, 1857. Pam. v. 244.- 25th, 26th Report. Philadelphia, 1858, 1859. Pam. v. 473. PENNSYLVANIAt JOURNAL OF PRISON DISCIPLINE & PHILANTHROPY. Published quarterly, under the direction of the " Philadelphia Society for alleviating the miseries of public prisons," instituted 1787. Vol. x-XII, 1855- 57. Philadelphia. 3 v. 8~. PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD Co. 4th, 5th, 6th Annual Report, 1850, 51, 52. Philadelphia, 1851-53.- Address of the Comm. of Seven to the citizens..... Philadelphia, 1846. Pam. v. 285.- 5th Report. Pam. v. 147.- 6th Report, Feb. 7, 1853. Pam. v. 148.- 8th Report, 1855. Pam. v. 208.- 10th Report, 1857. Pam. v. 257.- 11th Report. Philadelphia, 1858. 110 p. 8~. Pamn. v. 545. PENNSYLVANIA SEAMAN'S FRIEND SOCIETY. Seventh Annual Report, and the Eighteenth Annual Report of the Female......Society. 8~. Pam. v. 198. PENNSYLVANIA SOCIETY OF THE CINCINNATI. Proceedings.. which is prefixed the general constitution...May 1784... Philadelphia, 1785. 88 p. 80. Pam. v. 454. PENNSYLVANIA STATE CONVENTION to promote common school education: Proceedings, January 16, 17, 1850. Harrisburg. 8~. Pam. v. 280. PENNSYLVANIA YEARLY MEETING OF PROGRESSIVE FRIENDS: Proceedings, at Longwood, 1856, 1857, 1859. New-York, 1856 -59. 8~. Pam. v. 296.- For 1855. See Parker, T. PENNSYLVANISCHER KALENDER. Ephrata, Pa. 1796. 40. Alm. v. 44. PgNOT, Dr. Institutions de Prevoyance. See Soc. Ind. de Mulhouse. PENROSE, Rev. Dr. Catalogue of...the Library in books illustrated with engravings.. which will be sold Jul. 2, 1851. London. 114 p. 8o. PENSON, P. Remarks on J. Matheson's... Discourse.... "Voluntary Churches, etc." London, 1829. 8~. Pam. v. 377. FIRST SUPPLEMENT. 641 PEOPLE'S ALMANAC: Boston, 1835, Aim. v. 14; 1836, Ailm. v. 25; 1837, Alm. v. 39; 1850, Philadelphia, Alm. v. 42; 1850, Baltimore, J. N. Lewis, Alm. v. 46; 1858, 59, J. Munsell, Albany, 12~, Alm. v. 21. PEOPLE'S (The) ANSWER to the Court pamphlet, entitled, A Short Review of the political state of Great Britain. London, 1787. 50 p. 80. Pam. v. 259. PEOPLE'S COLLEGE, Havana, N. Y.: Circular and Act of incorporation. Buffalo, 1853.- Public Exercises at the laying of the corner-stone. New-York, 1858. 56 p. 80. Pam. v. 479. PEOPLE'S FREE (Mustang) ALMANAC, N.Y. 1853. 12g. Aim. v. 33. PEPLIER, Heere Des. Nouvelle et Parfaite Grammaire royale fran9oise et hollandoise....In Dutch. Te Amsterdam, 1764. 626 p. 18~. PEPLOE, Bp. Samuel. Sermon, Anniversary of Charity schools, 1730, London. See Soc. Pro. Chr. Knowledge. PEQUA RAILROAD: Report...Philadelphia, 1849. 8~. Pam. v. 151. PERCEVAL, Hon. 4 Rev. A. P. A Letter to the Rev. T. Arnold.... 3d edition. London, 1842. 44 p. 8~. Pam. v. 306. -- A Letter to Lord Henley, respecting his publication on Church reform. London, 1832. 31 p. 8~. Pam. v. 326. PERCEVAL, C. G. Account of the Dauphin. Tr'ans. See Normandie, 1838. [PERCEVALt (John), 2d Earl of Egmont]. See Examination of the principles, etc. 1749; Faction detected, 1743. PERCEVAL, Spen. Copy of a Letter to the Rev. Dr. Mansell...on the subject of the Curate's bill. London. 39 p. 80. Pam. v. 323. [ PERCIVAL, J.]. A Narrative of the Treatment experienced by a gentleman during i state of mental derangement... Loud. 1838. 8~. PERCIVALt, James G. Clio: N III. New-York, 1827. 203 p. 12~. See Wisconsin, G eol. Survey, 1856; Malte-Brun, C., Geography, 1828. PERCY SOCIETY: Annual Reports, etc. 1841 - 52. London. 1 v. 120. Early English Poetry, Ballads, and popular literature of the Middle ages. Edited from original manuscripts and scarce publications. London, Percy Society, 1840 - 52. 30 v. 120. Contents VOL. 1. Old Ballads from early printed copies: J. P. Collier, ed. Songs & Ballads relative to the London apprentices: C. Mackay, ed. Historical Songs of Ireland: T. C. Croker, ed. Pain and Sorrow of evil marriage: J. P. Collier, ed. The King and a Poor Northern man: J. P. Collier, ed. VOL. 2. A Selection from the Minor poems of Lydgate: J. O. Halliwell, ed. Early Naval Ballads of England ~ J. 0. Halliwell, ed. A Search for money, by William Rowley: J. P. Collier, ed. The Mad pranks and Merry jests of Robin Goodfellow: J.P.Collier. VoL. 3. Political Ballads published in England during the Commonwealth: T. Wright, ed. Strange Histories, by T. Deloney: J. P. Collier, ed. A Marriage Triumph, by T. Heywood: J. P. Collier, ed. The History of Patient Grissel: J. P. Collier, ed. [ SUPPL.] 81 642 GENERAL LIBRARY. PERCY SOCIETY: VOL. 4. Specimens of Lyric Poetry, Temp. Edw. I: T. Wright, ed. The Boke of Curtasye: J. O. Halliwell, ed. Old Christmas Carols: T. Wright, ed. Nursery Rhymes of England: J. O. Halliwell, ed. VOL. 5. Kind-heart's Dream, by H. Chettle, 1592: E. F. Rimbault, ed. A Knight's Conjuring, by T. Dekker, 1607: E. F. Rimbault, ed. The Meeting of Gallants at an Ordinarie, 1604: J. O. LIalliwell, ed. The Two Angry Women of Abingdon, by H. Porter, 1599: A. Dyce. VOL. 6. Ancient Poetical Tracts of the 16th century: E. F. Rimbault, ed. Cock Lorell's Bote: E. F. Rimbault, ed. The Crown Garland of Golden roses, Part I: W. Chappell, ed. Follie's Anatomie, by H. Hutton, 1619: E. F. Rimbault, ed. Poems, by Sir Henry Wotton. VOL. 7. The Harmony of Birds: J. P. Collier, ed. A Paraphrase on the Seven Penitential Psalms: W. H. Black, ed. The Iarmony of the Church, by M. Drayton, 1591: A. Dyce, ed. Jack of Dover, 1604: T. Wright, ed. A Kerry Pastoral: T. C. Croker, ed. VOL. 8. A Selection of Latin Stories: T. Wright, ed. A Dialogue of Witches and Witchcraft, by G. Gifford: T. Wright. VOL. 9. The Four Knaves, by S. Rowland: E. F. Rimbault, ed. A Poem in Memory of W. Cdngreve, by J. Thomson: P. Cunningham, ed. The Pleasant Conceits of Old Hobson: J. O. Halliwell, ed. Maroccus extaticus; or Bankes' Bay Horse... 1597: E. F.Rimbault. Old Ballads; Frost of 1683-4: E. F. Rimbault, ed. VOL. 10. History of Lord Mayor's Pageants, by F. W. Fairholt. Part 2, Descriptions by the City poets: F. W. Fairholt, ed. VOL. 11. The Owl and the Nightingale: T. Wright, ed. 13 Psalms and Eccles. Chap. 1 of J. Croke; F. Bliss, ed. An Historiall Expostulation, by J. Hall: T. J. Pettigrew, ed. The Honestie of this Age, by B. Rich: P. Cunningham, ed. VOL. 12. History of Reynard the Fox, from Caxton's ed.: W. J. Thoms, ed. VOL. 13. The Keen of the South of Ireland: T. C. Croker, ed. Six Ballads...: J. Goodwin, ed. Lyrical Poems selected, 1589 - 1600: J. P. Collier, ed. VOL. 14. Poems of John Audelay: J. O. Halliwell, ed. St.Brandan, a Legend of the Sea: T. Wright, ed. The Romance of the Emperor Octavian: J. 0. Halliwell, ed. VOL. 15. Friar Bakon's Prophesie: J. O. Halliweli, ed. Poetical Miscellanies: J. O. Halliwell, ed. The Crown Garland of Golden roses, Part ii: W. Chappell, ed. VOL. 16. The Seven Sages: Ed. with an introductory essay by T. Wright. The Romance of Sir Tryamoure: J. O. Halliwell, ed. VOL. 17. Scottish Traditional Versions of ancient ballads: J. H. Dixon, ed. Ancient Poems, Ballads and Songs: J. H. Dixon, ed. VOL. 18. The Pastime of Pleasure, by S. Hawes. VOL. 19. The Civic Garland ( London Pageants): F. W. Fairholt, ed. Life and Martyrdom of T. Becket: W. H. Black, ed. VOL.20. Banfield's Affectionate Shepherd: J. O. Halliwell, ed.. Dialogue on Wit and Folly: F. W. Fairholt, ed. Proverbs and Popular Sayings: M. A. Denham, ed. Song of Lady Bessy: J. O. Halliwell, ed. VOL. 21. Popular Songs illustrative of the French Invasion of Ireland: T. C, Croker, ed. FIRST SUPPLEMENT. 643 VOL. 22. The Cytezen and Uplondyshman: F. W. Fairholt, ed. An Interlude of the Four Elements: J. 0. Halliwell, ed. Interlude of the Disobedient Child: J. O. Halliwell, ed. Autobiography of Mary Countess of Warwick: T. C. Croker, ed. Westward for Smelts: J. O. Halliwell, ed. VOL. 23. Songs and Carols of the 15th century: T. Wright, ed. Festive Songs of the 16th and 17th centuries: W. Sandys, ed. Popular English Histories: J. O. Halliwell, ed. VOL. 24, 25, 26. Chaucer's- Canterbury Tales, Vol. I, II, III: T. Wright, ed. VOL. 27. Beleeve as you list: T. C. Croker, ed. Satirical Songs and Poems on costume: F. W. Fairholt, ed. VoL. 28. An Anglo-Saxon Passion on St.George: C. Hardwick, ed. A Poem on the Times of Edward II: C. Hardwick, ed. Poems of W. de Shoreham: T. Wright, ed. The Triall of Treasure: J. O. Halliwell, ed. VOL. 29. Notices of Fugitive Tracts and Chapbooks; The Man in the Moone; The Use of Dice play; The Loyal Garland: the four edited by J. O. Halliwell. Poems and Songs on the Assassination of the Duke of Buckingham: F. W. Fairholt, ed. VOL. 30. The Garland of Good-will: J. H. Dixon, ed. Britannia's Pastorals; a third book: T. C. Croker, ed. John Bon and Mast Person; a dialogue: W. H. Black, ed. PEREIRA (Jonathan), M.D., F.R.S. A Treatise on Food and Diet.. Edited by C. A. Lee, M.D. New-York, 1843. 325 p. roy. 80. PEREZ, Cecilio. La Inoculacion del Entendimiento. Madrid, 1789. 55 p. 18~. Pam. v. 628. PERFECT (William), M.D. Select Cases in the different species of insanity, lunacy or madness, with the modes of practice... Rochester, Eng. 1787. 80. PERFECT (A) DESCRIPTION Of Virginia... London, 1649. See Force's Tracts, v. 2; Mass. Hist. Soc. Collections, S. 2, v. 9. PERIL ( The) of being zealously affected, but not well; or Reflections on Dr. Sacheverel's Sermon, Nov. 5, 1709. London, 1709. 24 p. 8~. Pam. v. 322. PERKINS (Bishop), of N.Y. Speech, U.S. H. of R., On the differences existing in the Democratic party in New-York. Washington, 1854. 8~. Pam. v. 487. PERKINS, Fred. Beecher. The Station and Duty of American teachers as citizens.. Address, Association of Alumni of Conn. State Normal School,..IHartford, 1858. 27 p.8~0. Pam. v. 491. PERKINSt ( George R.), LL.D. Lecciones de Aritmetica Elemental.. Por Jorge R. Perkins.... Trad. por H. Bartels. Nueva-York.... 1856. 18~. [PERKINS, Jacob]. See Conversation on latent heat. PERIKINS, Jonas. Sermon, Aux. Educ. Soc. of Norfolk Co. Stoughton, June 8, 1831. Boston, 1831? 8~. Pam. v. 441. PERKINS (Nathan), D.D. A Sermon, Interment of the Rev. Nathan Strong, D.D., Pastor of the First Presbyterian Church in Hartford, Conn..Hartford, 1817. 8~. Pam. v. 104. 644 GENERAL LIBRARY. PERKINSt INSTITUTION AND (Massachusetts) ASYLUM FOR THE BLIND: 19th Annual Report. Cambridge, 1851. 80. Pam. v. 218.- 25th, 26th, 27th Reports. Cambridge, 1857 - 59. 8~. Pam. v. 473. PERMANENCY OF THE APOSTOLIC OFFICE, 1853. See [Davenport, J.S.]. PERMANENT SABBATH DOCUMENTS: No. 1. By J. Edwards. Boston. 8~. Pami v. 490. PERRINt, C. J. Fables Amusantes: Avec une table...des mots et de leur signification en anglais... New-York, 1821. 180 p. 18~. PERRIN, Jean P. History of the Waldenses and Albigenses. See Papal Usurpation. PERRINt, John. Elements of French and English conversation.Philadelphia, 1839. 18~. PERRIN Du LAC, F. M. Voyage dans les Louisianes, et chez les nations sauvages du Missouri, par les Etats Unis, l'Ohio, et les provinces qui le bordent, en 1801, 2 et 3...Paris, 1805. 479 p. 8~. [PERRINCHIEF, R.]. See Indulgence not justified, 1668. PERROT, M. la Bibliothbque de:... La vente se fera.22 Jan. 1776. Lu et approuve ce 15 Dec. 1775, Debure, fis ain. Paris, 1776. 382 p. 8~. With the prices. PERROT, M. Esmeralda: A Grand Ballet. Trans. N.York, 1856. 8~. Pam. v. 266. PERRY, Rev. Gardner B. Address, Soc. for Promoting Temperance in Haverhill...Haverhill, Mass. 1828. 8~. Pam. v. 234. PERRY, James. Catalogue of the...Library of... early English poetry, literature and history.... auction, London, 1822. Parts I, II, III; 96, 47, 53 p. 1 v. 80. With some of the prices at the sale.- The same, with part IV. Cat. v. 95. PERRY (Rev. John), East Windsor...A Sermon, Death of Rev. Nathanael Hooker, Hartford...Hartford, 1770. 24 p. 4~. Pam. v. 1016. PERRY, Joseph. The Life and Miraculous Conversion from popery, etc. of.... From 2d ed. in 1727. London, 1819. 151 p. 120. Pam. v. 390. PERRY ( Commodore M. C.), U.S.N. Narrative of the Expedition of an American squadron to the China Seas and Japan, performed in the years 1852, 53 and 54, under the command of... Compiled from the original notes and journals of Comm. Perry and his F. L. Hawks, D.D). New-York, 1856. 624 p. roy. 8~. -- See also United States: Japan Expedition. 3 v. 4~. Enlargement of Geographical Science; The Bonin Islands: A Paper read before the Am. Geo. and Statis. Society, MIar.. 6, 1856. New-York, 1856. 31 p. 8~, Pam. v. 233. PERRY ACADEMY, Wyoming Co., N.Y.: Catalogue, 1856, 58. 80. Pam. v. 457. PERSIUSt (A.) FLACCUS. Satirea. See Juvenalis. PERSWASIVE TO AN INGENUOUS TRYAL..1685. See [Clagett, N.] PERSWASIVE (A) TO COMMUNION with the Church of England. 2d ed. By Bishop Rob. Grove. London, 1683. 43 p. 4~. Pam. v. 355. FIRST SUPPLEMENT. 645 PERSY ( N.), of Metz. Elementary Treatise on the forms of cannon, and various systems of artillery. Trans. for the use of the cadets of the U.S. Military Academy. Lithographed.. West Point, N.Y. 11832. 69 p. & 4 plates, f. PERTHES, Clement Theodore. Memoirs of Frederick Perthes; or Literary, religious, and political life in Germany from 1789 to 1843... Edinburgh, 1856. 2 v. 83. PERUVIAN GUANO TRADE: Statements and Documents in relation to...the importation of Peruvian Guano into the U.S.; together with a Treatise Daniel Lee, M.D. From F. Barreda 4 Br'other. Washington, 1854. 32 p. 8~. Pam. v. 205. PERVIGILIUM VENERIS, ex editione P. Pithoei.. Cum notis C. Salmasii et P. Scriverii. Accessit A. Rivini commentarius. Ausonii Cupido Cruci adfixus cum notis..Hagae, 1712. 8~. PETAVIUSt, Dionysius. The History of the World.... continued by others, to... 1659... together with a geographical description... London, 1659. fo. PETERS (Absalom), D.D. Discourse, Newark, N.J., Oct. 29, 1851... Society for the Pro. of Coll. and Theol. Educ. in the West. N.York, 1851. 8~. Pam. v. 267. PETERS (De Witt C.), M.D. The Life and Adventures of Kit Carson, the Nestor of the Rocky Mountains, from facts narrated by himself. With original illustrations. New-York, 1858. 534 p. 8~. PETERSBURG RAILROAD COMPANY: the Board of Public Works of Virginia, Sept. 3, 1846. Richmond, 1847. 8~. Pam. v. 257. PETERSENt, Christian. [Eulogiums]. Pam v. 1102. Viz: Memoriam... Joannis A. Heise.. nuper consulis civitatis Hamburgensis.. commendat. Hamburgi, 1835. 42 p. fo. Memoriam... Martini C. Sillem magnifici in civitate Hamburgensi consulis...commendat. Hamburgi, 1837. 86 p. fo. Memoriam Joan. G. Bausch.. civibus suis... commendat. Hamburgi, 1837. 24 p. f. Memoria.. Christ. N. Pehm11ller, Civ. Hamburgensis nuper senatoris, quam...civibus suis commendat. Hamburgi, 1847. 42 p. f0. Memoriam.... Augusti J. Rambach... publica auctoritate... commendat. Hamburgi, 1856. 40~. Geschichte der Hamburgischen Stadtbibliothek. Hamburg, 1838. xviii, 254 p. Plates. 8~. PETERSONt, Charles J. A History of the United States Navy, and biographical sketches of American naval heroes. Philadelphia, 1852. 8~. PETIT-RADEL, L. C. F. Recherches sur les Bibliotheques anciennes et modernes, jusqu'a la fondation de la Bibliotheque Mazarine.... Paris, 1819. 448 p. 8~. PETITS PONTES FRAN9AIS. See Poitevin, P. PETRARCA-F, Francesco. The Sonnets, Triumphs, and other poems of Petrarch. Now first completely translated into English verse by various hands. With a life of the, poet by T. Campbell....London, Bohn, 1859. 12~. 646 GENERAL LIBRARY. PETTER, John. Sermon preached before their Majesties K. William and Q. Mary's forces at Gant in Flanders..1694. London. 40. Pam. v. 1005. PETTIBONE'S CIRCULAR BULLET-MOULD: Recommendations from officers in the service of the U.S. Washington, 1840. 8~. Pam. v. 102. PETTIGREWt, Tho. J. Bibliotheca Sussexiana: A Descriptive Catalogue..of the manuscripts and printed books contained in the library of H.R.H. the Duke of Sussex...Kensington Palace..Yol. 1, part I, II; Vol. II. London, 1829, 39. ccxciv, 516, lv, 588 p. in 2 v. 4~. VOL. I: Part I, MSS. in Hebrew, Greek, Latin, French, etc.; Part ii, Printed Books: The Holy Scriptures, Polyglot, Greek, Latin. VOL. II. The Holy Scriptures, Modern versions. PETTITt, Thomas McKean. Annual Discourse, Historical Society of Pennsylvania, Nov. 19, 1828. Philadelphia, 1828. 80. Pam. v. 215. PETZHOLDT, Julius. Neuer Anzeiger fur Bibliographie und Rlibliothekwissenschaft, 1856. Heft 10. 8~. Dresden. Cat. v. PETZL, Joseph. Ueber den Gegenwartigen Zustand der mineralogischen sammlungen der K. Ak. der Wissenschaften.... 1814. 28 p. See Koen. Baier. Ak. Reden, v. 4. PFEFFEL, C. F. Nouvel Abrege Chronologique de l'Histoire et du Droit Public d'Allemagne. Paris..1776. 2 v. 4~. PFErIFERt, Ida. A Lady's Second Voyage round the World: From London to the Cape of Good Hope, Borneo, Java,-Sumatra, Celebes, Ceram, the Moluccas, etc; California, Panama, Peru, Ecuador, and the United States... London, 1855. 2 v. 12~. PFEIL, Adolph R. The Anglo-French Intervention in the River Platte....negociations of 1847, under....Lord Howden. London, 1847. 111 p. 8~. Pam. v. 393. PHAEDRUS, Augustus L. Fabularum 2Esopiarum libri quinque. Cum novo commentario P. Burmanni. Leidoe, 1727. — TVith Epistola critica... de Notis Bentleji in Phledrum....In 1 v. 4~.- See also Terentius. PHARMACEUTICAL JOURNAL, AND TRANSACTIONS of the Pharmaceutical Society. Vol. 1, 1841, 2 - Vol. 18, 1858, 59. Edited by Jacob Bell, F.L.T., M.R.I. London. 18 v. 8~. PHARMACEUTICAL REPERTORY; Pharmaceutical Numbers. See Medical Times. PHASES OF THE INTERIOR LIFE; or, a Story of the Heart. An Autobiography ***. Ithaca, N.Y. 1856. 192 p. 18~. PHELPS' HUNDRED CITIES and large towns of America...and maps of 14...New-York, 1853. 80 p. 80. Pam. v. 565. PHELPS, Rev. Amos A. Letters to Prof. Stowe and Dr. Bacon, on God's real method with great social wrongs, in which the Bible is vindicated... New-York, 1848. 168 p. 120. PHELPS (Ansel) jr. Speech, before the Joint Special Committee of the Legislature, on petition of the Troy and Greenfield Railroad, for State aid. April 6, 1853. Boston, 1853. 8~. Pam. v. 223. PHELPSt, Almira H. Lincoln. Natural Philosophy, for schools, families and private students...New edition. New-York... 1848. 8~. FIRST SUPPLEMENT. 647 PHELPS, (Austin), D.D. A Discourse preached in the Chapel of Andover Theol. Seminary, Sep. 4, 1853. Andover, 1854. 8~. Pam. v. 94. PHELPS, James A. The Shipper's Guide, containing a complete list of all railroad stations...Buffalo, 1859. 12 p. 120. Pam. v. 529. PHELPSt, Richard H. A History of Newgate, Conn., at Simsbury, now East Granby; its insurrections and massacres, the imprisonment of the tories in the revolution..Albany, Munsell, 1860. 151 p. sm. 4~. PHELPSf (Samuel S.), of Vt. Speech, on the Mexican war, U.S. Sen. 1848. 15 p. Pam. v. 486. PHELPS, William F. Desultory Thoughts on Educational Science. Address...Societies of the N. J. State Normal School....Jan. 15. Trenton, 1857. 29 p. 8~. Pam. v. 491. - Normal Schools: Their relations to the primary and higher institutions of learning. Trenton, 1857. 23 p. 8~. Pam. v. 251. [PRENICIAN INSCRIPTION disinterred at Sidon, 1855. Heb. and Phen. letters]. Pam. v. 1104. PHI BETA KAPPA SOCIETY. See Harvard, Yale, Union, Colleges. PHILADELPHIAt. First Annual Message of R. Vaux, Mayor, with accompanying documents. Jan. 8... Philadelphia, 1857. 110 p. Pam. v. 476. -: EDUCATION. Twenty-third Annual Report of the Controllers of the public schools.., composing the first school district of Pennsylvania. Philadelphia, 1841. Pam. v. 216.- 34th Report, 1852. Pam. v. 172.- 35th Report, 1853. Pam. v. 190.- 38th Report, Dec. 1856. Pam. v. 251.- 39th Report, Dec. 1857. Philadelphia, 1858. 8~. Pam. v. 279.: Report of the Committee of the Board of Comptrollers, to prepare an estimate of the expenses for 1852-53. Philadelphia, 1852. 8~. Pam. v. 172. - - An Account of laying the corner stone of the Roxborough High School, June 1846...Philadelphia. 80. Pam. v. 458. -- -: Central High School. Catalogue, 1849. 8~. Pam. v. 458. - FINANCES. Statement of the Expenditures of the City Commissioners for 1817, 1833. Phil'a, 1818, 1834. fP. Pam. v. 1104. ~: ]- First Quarterly Report of the City Commissioners for 1845. 31 p. 8~. Pam. v. 476. -- F-IRE DETECTIVE POLICE. 3d Quarterly Report. April 1858. 80~. Pam. v. 236.:-: KANE, E. K. Report of the Joint Committee appointed to receive the remains and conduct the obsequies of the late Elisha Kent Kane. Philadelphia, 1857. 94 p. 8~. ~-: PooR. Rules for the government of the Board of Guardians.. and for regulating...the alms-house, hospital and house of employment... Philadelphia....1835. 64 p.- With The Laws relating to the relief and employment of the Poor in the city of Philadelphia.. Philadelphia...1835. 72, x p. In 1 v. 8~. ---: PRISONS. Eighth Annual Report of the Inspectors of the Philadelphia County Prisons, Feb. 1855. Philadelphia, 1855. Pam. v. 191.- 11th Report, Feb. 1858. 47 p. 8~. Pam. v. 539. 648 GENERAL LIBRARY. PHILADELPHIA: PRISONS: ---: House of Correction. Report of Committee...on plan of organization and permanent operation....Philadelphia, 1854. 26 p. 8~. Pam. v. 507' -: - Twenty-second Anriual Report of the House of Refuge of Philadelphia; with an appendix. Philadelphia, 1850. 80. Pam. v. 159.- 26th, 27th Reports, 1854, 1855. Pam. v. 191.- 28th Report, 1856. Pam. v. 228.- 29th Report-, 1857. Pamn. v. 244.- 30th, 31st Report, Philadelphia, 1858, 1859. Pam. v. 507.: - Memorial of the Board of Managers of the House of Refuge, to the Select and Common Councils of the city of Philadelphia, 1854. 8~. Pam. v. 191.: — Contract for the erection of a new House of Refuge, for white juvenile delinquents. Philadelphia, 1852. 8~. Pam. v. 245. -: WATER. Report of the Watering Committee for 1815, 1830, 1831. f~. Pam. v. 1104. PHILADELPHIA AND READING RAILROAD Co. Report..Philadelphia, 1851. 8~. Pam. v. 545. PHILADELPHIA AND SUNBURY RAILROAD. Seven per cent Mortgage Loan. Philadelphia, 1852. 80. Pam. v. 147. PHILADELPHIA BIBLE SOCIETY. Communications relative to the progress of Bible Societies in the U.S. Philadelphia, 1813.- 27th Report, 1835. 8~. Pam. v. 468. PHILADELPHIA BOARD OF TRADE. 27th Annual LorinBlodget. Philadelphia, 1860. 8~. PHILADELPHIA COLLEGE OF DENTAL SURGERY. Fourth Annual Announcement. Philadelphia, 1855. 8~. Pam. v. 517. PHILADELPHIA COLLEGE OF MEDICINE. Announcement, 1854-5. Philadelphia, 1854. 80. Pam. v. 196. PHILADELPHIA COLLEGE OF PHARMACY. Charter....graduates.... announcement. Philadelphia, 1856. 28 p. 8~. Pam. v. 517. PHILADELPHIA DIRECTORIES. A. M'Elroy's Philadelphia Directory for 1837, 1842, 1845, 1852. 4 v. 8~. - Philadelphia Complete Directory for 1857. Pub. by William F. Bartlett & Co. 1 v. 8~. -- Boyd's Philadelphia City Business Directory, to which is added a co-partnership directory. 1858. 347 p. 18~. PHILADELPHIA GAS WORKS. 4th and 5th, 7th, 8th, 10th to 14th, 16th to 19th Reports. Philadelphia, 1840-1854. 1 v. 80.- 21st Report, 1856. 8~. Pam. v. 230. PHILADELPHIA HOME MISSIONARY SOCIETY. 9th Report, Philadelphia, 1849. 44 p. 80. Pam. v. 524. PHILADELPHIA LYING-IN CHARITY AND NURSE SOCIETY. Report. Philadelphia, 1854. 12~. Pam. v. 627. PHILADELPHIA ORPHAN SOCIETY. First Annual Report, January 2, 1816.- Philadelphia, 1816. Pain. v. 198.- 19th Report. Philadelphia, 1834. 80. Pam. v. 509. FIRST SUPPLEMENT. 649 PHILADELPHIA SOCIETY for the Alleviation of the Miseries of Public Prisons. Sketch of the principal transactions of:.. from its origin.... Philadelphia, 1859. 32 p. 8. — Fifth Report of W. J. Mullen, Prison Agent. Philadelphia, Jan. 1, 1859. 7 p. Pam. v. 539. See Pennsylvania Journal of Prison Discipline. PHILADELPHIAt SOCIETY for the Establishment and Support of Charity Schools. Reports, Jan. 1840, 1857, 1858, 1859. Philadelphia. 8~. Pam. v. 509.- Report, 1855. Pam. v. 198.- Report, 1856. Pam. v. 235. PHILADELPHIA SOCIETY for the Employment and Instruction of the Poor. 11th Report. Philadelphia, 1858. 8~. Pam. v. 535. PHILADELPHIA SOCIETY for the Promotion of National Industry. Addresses of: Philadelphia, M. Carey & Son, 1819. 280 p. 8~. Addresses of: 5th edition. TVith L. Beecher's Sermon, Means of National Prosperity. Philadelphia, 1820. 299 p. 12~. PHILADELPHIA TRADE SALE. 49th, September, 1857. Catalogue of books, stationery...etc. Thomas & Sons, auctioneers. 384 p. 8~. PHILADELPHIA, WILMINGTON AND BALTIMORE RAILROAD CO. 11th Report, Jan. 8, 1849. Philadelphia. Pam. v. 146.- 12th Report, 1850. Pam. v. 146, 257.- 13th Report, Jan. 1851. Pain. v. 146.20th Report, 1858. Pam. v. 285. PHILANAX MISOPAPPAS. See Charge, 1682; and Tory Plot, 1682. PHILANTHROPOS. A Series of Letters on public education, admonitory of the certain and inevitable consequences.. from the " lack of knowledge." London, 1841. 56 p. 8~. Pam. v. 388. PHILELEUTHERUS LIPSIENSIS. See Bentley, Richard. PHILIP ( A. P. W.), M.D., F.R.S. On the General Principles of Physiology. From the Qaar. Journal, NO 25. 58 p. 8~. Pam. v. 402. -- On the Influence of minute closes of mercury...... Washington, 1834. 8~, imper. Pam. v. 210. PHILIP, Robert. The Life and Opinions of the Rev. William Milne, D.D., Missionary to China; illustrated by biographical annals of Asiatic missions....Philadelphia, 1840. 435 p. 12~. PHILIPPARTt, John. Memoirs and Campaigns of Charles John (Bernadotte), Prince Royal of Sweden. Baltimore, 1815. 80. Repr. PHILIPS, G. Washington. Duties of Ministers and People: Sermon, Death of Rev. R. Maingy. Guernsey, G.B. 1827. 80. Pam. v. 377. [PHILIPS, John]. Cyder: A Poem, in two books. @** With the Splendid Shilling, Paradise Lost, and two songs. London, 1708. 48 p. 8~. Pam. v. 397. PHILIPS, John. An Authentic Journal of the late expedition under the command of Commodore Anson..By John Philips, Midshipman of the Centurion. London, 1744. 516. 8~. PHILLIPS, George. West India Question. The outline of a plan for the total.... abolition of slavery....London, 1833. 14 p. 8~, Pam. v. 438. [ SUPPL.] 82 650 GENERAL LIBRARY. PHILLIPSt, Sir Richard. Essays on the proximate mechanical causes of the general phenomena of the Universe. London, 1818. viii, 96 p. 120. Pam. v. 402. PHILLIPS, Richard. Concise Remarks on watchfulness and silence. 5th edition. Stockport, Eng. 12~. Pam. v. 623. PHILLIPS, Samuel. Guide to the Crystal Palace and Park. London, 1857. 197 p. 12~. PHILLIPS, Stephen C. Address, Franklin Lectures; at the Masonic Temple, Boston, Oct. 29, 1832. Boston, 1833. 8~. Pam. v. 287. PHILLIPS, Wendell. Speeches, before the Mass. Anti-Slavery Society, Jan. 1852. Boston. 8~. Pam. v. 462. Speech, Melodeon, Boston, Jan. 27, 1853. Printed for the Am. Anti-Slavery Soc. 32, 3 p. 80. Pam. v. 562. Slaveholding Guaranties of the Constitution. Debate with HI. Mann, 1853. See Liberator. Speech, at the Worcester Disunion Convention, Jan. 15, 1857. Boston. Am. Anti-Slavery Soc. 16 p. 8o. Pam. v. 560, 562. PHILLIPS, William.. The Conquest of Kansas, by Missouri and her allies. A history...until the close of July, 1856. Boston, 1856. 12~. PHILLIPS ACADEMY, Andover, Mass. Catalogue, 1844. Pam. v. 212. - Catalogue, 1849. 8~. Pam. v. 458. PHILLPOTTSt (H-enry), Bp. Sermon, 1838. See Society for Prop. the Gospel. - Letters to the Archbishop of Canterbury from *the Bishop of Exeter. New-York, 1850. 80 p. 80. Pam. v. 200. A Letter to the Clergy of the Diocese of Exeter, on certain statements of the Archdeacon of Middlesex, in the " Prefatory Epistle" to the second edition of his charge. New-York, 1852. 45 p. 80. Painm. v.203. A Pastoral Letter to the Clergy of the Diocese of Exeter, on the present state of the Church. N.York, 1852. 123 p. 8~. Pam. v. 200. A Letter to Miss Sellon....Superior of the Society of Sisters of Mercy... London, 1852. 20 p. 8. Pamin. v. 331. PHILO-CATO-AND MARCUS. Letters to De Witt Clinton. See [Davis, M. L.]. PHILOGRANTUS. A Letter to the.. Bp. of Bristol respecting an additional examination of students in the Univ. of Camb....By Philograntus. London, 1822. 63 p. 8~. Pam. v. 386. PHILOt JUDAmUS. Philonis Judaei Scriptoris..lucubrationes quotquot haberi potuerunt, Latina factre per S. Gelenium. His accessit,.... Athenagoras, De mortuorum AEneas Gazoeus De immortalitate animarum. Basle (1558). 2 v. 18~. PHILOLOGIAN SOCIETY: Constitution, Minutes. U.S. 1829-30. 19 p. 8~. Pani: v. 513. PHILOLOGICAL SOCIETY: Proceedings for 1842-1854. Vol. I -vI. London, 1854. With Appendix to Vol. vi; A Dictionary of the Circassian Dr. L. Loewe. 6 v. 8~. Transactions for 1856. London. 1 v. 8~. FIRST SUPPLEMENT. 651 Proposal for the Publication of a new English dictionary. Lond. 1859. 32 p. 8o. Pam. v. 513. PHILO-PACIFICUS. Solemn Review of the Custom of War. 5th ed. By N. Worcester. Cambridge, 1816. 8~. See Friend of Peace, v. 1. PHILOPATRIS. See Letters, 1819. PHILOPOLIS. See Christian Temple. PHILOPONUS, Honorius. Nova Typis Transacta Navigatio: Novi Orbis Indie occidentalis admodum reverendissimorum PP. ac FF. reverendissimi ac illustrissimi domini Dn. Bvellii Cataloni abbatis montis Serrati et in universam Americam sive novum orbem sacrae sedis aposfolice Romane'a Latere Legati, vicarij, ac patriarche: Sociorumq, monachorum ex ordine S. P. N. Benedicti ad supra dicti novi mundi barbaras gentes Christi S. Evangelium proedicandi gratia delegatorum sacerdotum per S. DD. Papam Alexandrum VI. Anno Christi 1492.. Nvnc primum e varijs scriptoribus in vnum collecta et (19) figuris ornata. Avthore venerando Fr. Don iHonorio Philopono, Ordinis S. Benedicti monacho, 1621. vi, 101 p. fo. PH-ILOSOPHIA MORALIs, seu Tractatus de Ethica in Scholis Philosophiae Lovanii dictatus. Lovanii, 1820. 84 p. 12~. Pam. v. 615. PRILO-THEODOSIUS; or A -new edition of Theodosius, with a new character of Mr. Burke....on the subject of the test and corporation acts.. By Dr. Withers. London, 1770..31 p. 8~. Pamn. v. 319.. See also Theodosius.. PHINNEY'S CALENDAR, OR W~ESTERN ALMANAC for 1816 - 19, 21, 23, 24, 26 - 32. 1 v.- For 1833-41, 43, 44, 50, 51, 53. Cooperstown, N.York (to 1844; then at) Buffalo, &c. 1 v.- 2 v. 12~.- For 1853. Alim. v. 16. PHIPPS, Sir Constantine. The Defence of Francis, late Lord Bishop of Rochester, at the Bar of the House of Lords....May 1723.... London, 1723. 20 p. fP. Pam. v. 1103. PHIPPS, Sir William. An Account of the Late Action of the NewEnglanders, under the command of Sir William Phips, against the French at Canada_..London, 1691. See Mass. Hist, Soc. Collections,'S. 2, v. 3. PHIPPS UNION FEMALE SEMINARY, Albion, Orleans county, N.York. Catalogue, 1858. 8~. Pam. v. 460. PHLEGON Examined Critically and Impartially: In answer to the late Dissertation and Defence of Dr. Sykes. To which is added, a postscript explaining a passage in Tertullian. Cambridge, 1734. 87 p. 8~. Pam. v. 336. PHCENIX, John. Pseud. Phoenixiana; or Sketches and Burlesques. By G. H. Derby. New-York, 1856. 274 p. 120~ PHOTIUS. M2TIOT rov rrarptapxov Ae8eov avvayToy). E Codice Galeano descripsit R. Porsonus. Cantab. 1822. 2 v. 8~. PHRENOLOGICAL ALMIANAC W. J. Spence, N.Y. 1840. Alm. v. 40.Phrenological....Almanac, L. N. Fowler. N.Y. 1842, 44, 45. Ahn. v. 24.- 1848, 49; Illustrated, 1851. Alm. v. 15.- 1852. 12~. Alm. v. 27. PHRENOLOGICAL (The) GUIDE, designed for students of their own characters. 29th edition. N.York, Fowlers & Wells, 1852. 54 p, 12~. 652 GENE RAL LIBRARY. PHYSIKALISCHI VEREIN ZU Frankfurt am Mein: Jahresbericht....fur 1851 - 1854. In 1 v' 80. PHYSO-MEDICAL AND SURGICAL JOURNAL: Edited and published by E. H. Stockwell, M.D. No. 10, v. 3, N. S. Cincinnati, 1851. 8~. Pam. v. 196. PIALES, J. J. Traite des Reparations et Reconstructions des Eglises, et autres bastimens dependans des benefices.... Paris, 1762,:61. 2 v. 12~. PICART, B. Ceremonies et Coutnumes Religieuses de tous les peuples du monde. Representees par des figures, dessinees et gravees par Bernard Picard, et autres habiles artistes... Nouvelle edition..Par une Societe de Gens de Lettres. Amsterdam, 1783. 3 v. With, Superstitions de tous les peuples du monde.... Suite des Ceremonies Religieuses. 1 v.; and Superstitions Orientales.... propre a servir de suite aux Ceredmonies Religieuses. Paris, 1785. 1 v. The text by J. F. Bernard. 5 v. f0. PICKARD, Ed. Sermon, Death of Rev. Tho. Newman: 2 Tim. i, 12; 1758. London, 1759. 8~. Pain. v. 381. PICKELL, John. A New Chapter in the early- Life of Washington, in connection with the narrative history of the Potomac Company.... New-York, 1856. 178 p. 8~. PICKELL JMINING COMPANY: 3d Report. Baltimore, 1856. 8~. Pam. v. 261. PICKERINGt, John. Oration, July 4, 1804, Salem, Mass. Salem, 1804. 80. Pam. v. 215. A Vocabulary; or Collection of words and phrases which have been supposed to be peculiar to the U.S. of America..Boston, 1816. 206 p. 8~. Notes on Edwards' Observations on the Language of the Muhhekaneew Indians. See Miass. Hist. Soc. Collections, S. 2, v. 10. Notes.. on Eliot's Indian Grammar..v. 9. ~- Catalogue of the Philological, Classical and Law Library of:.. auction, Sept. 1846. Boston. 159, 32 p. 8~. PICKERTNGt, Timothy. Addresses. See Essex Agric. Society, and Pam. v. 287. Letter from.... to his Ex. James Sullivan, Gov. of Mass., on the imminent danger of an unnecessary and ruinous war. Boston, 1808. 8o. Pain. v. 197. PICKET, Albert & John W., Editors. See Academician. N.Y. 1820. PICKETT, Rev. Aaron. The Final Answer; or Brief Statements...respecting...the South Church and Society, Reading, Mass...Boston, 1848. 71 p. 8~. Pam. v. 484. PICKMAN (Benja-min) jun. Oration, Feb. 22, 1797, Salem, Mass., Birth-day of George Washington. Salem, 1797. 8~. Pam. v. 215. PICOTt, Charles. Historical Narrations in French.....intended for reading, translation... Philadelphia, 1845. 252 p. 12~. PICTON ( Col. Tho.), late Gov. of Trinidad. A Letter addressed to the Rt. Hon. Lord Hobart...London, 1804. 106 p. 8~. Pain. v. 389. FIRST SUPPLEMENT. 653 PICTORIAL HISTORY OF THE RUSSIAN WAR, 1854-5-6. With Maps, Plans and wood engravings. W. & R. Chambers, Edinburgh and London, 1856. 584 p. roy. 8~. PICTURE (A) of the Times, in a Series of Letters addressed to the people of England. By a Lover of Peace. NOI-xxx. Weekly. 3d edition. London, 1795. 379 p. 80. Pam. v. 448. PICTURES OF THE TIIES; or a (Contrast between the effects of the true Democratic system, as displayed under Jefferson, Madison and Jackson in former times, and the effects of the aristocratic sub-treasury system, as displayed in Martin Van Buren's time. Philadelphia, 1840. 14 p. 8~. Pam. v. 259. PICUS MIRANDULA, J. Heptaplus Johannis Pici Mirandvle De septiformi sex diervm Geneseos enarratione ad Laurentivm nMedicem. B. Saluatus, Florentie, 1479? 57 leaves. fP. PIDGEON, William. Traditions of De-Coo-Dah, and antiquarian researches...of the...remains of the mound-builders of America.... 70 engravings... New-York, 1858. 334 p. 8$. PIERCE (Edward L.), of Chicago. Letter containing important statistics in regard to the foreign vote and the presidential election. Boston, 1857. 15 p. 8~0 Pain. v. 537. PIERCEt, Franklin. The Life of Gen. Franklin Pierce, the Granite Statesman; with a biographical sketch of W. R. King... By Hermitage. New-York, Cornish, Lamport & Co. 1852. 97 p. 8~. Paiu. v. 471. PIERCE, Rev. Isaac Bliss. A Discourse, Newport, Herkimer co., N.Y., Funeral of Mrs. Sarah Willoughby...Dec. 16, 1838. Albany, 1839. 8". Pai. v. 204. PIERCEt (John), D.D. Eulogy on George Washington, the Great and the Good, delivered, on the anniversary of his birth, at Brookline...Boston, 1800. 80. Pam. v. 214. A Discourse on a Christian Profession; delivered immediately before..... the celebration of the Lord's Supper. Cambridge, 1802. 80. Pam. v. 111. A Discourse delivered Nov. 9, 1817, the Lord's Day after the completion of a century from the gathering of the church in Brookline. Boston, 1818. 8~. Pam. v. 111. The Right of Private Judgment in Religion, vindicated against the claims of the Romish Church... Dudleian lecture, Univ. in Camibridge, Oct. 24, 1821. Cambridge, Mass. 1821. 8~. Pam. v. 111. Reminiscences of Forty Years, delivered March 19, 1837, the Lord's Day after the completion of forty years from his settlement in the ministry, in Brookline. Boston, 1837. 80. Pam. v. 111. - Address at the Funeral of the Hon. Tho. A. Davis.....Boston, 1845. 80. Pam. v. 494. ---- Requisites to our Country's Glory: A Discourse, Massachusetts annual election, Jan. 3, 1849. Boston, 1849. 62 p. 8~. Pain. v. 111. -Contains list of Massachusetts election sermons. PIERCE (Thomas), D.D. Sermon, before the King, Feb. 1, 1662.... against the novelties of Rome: Matthew xix, 8. London, 1663. 40 Pamn v. 359. 654 GENERAL LIBRARY. PIERCE COUNTY, Wis. General and Statistical description of: 1854. 8 p. 8~. Pam. v. 565, 1.92. PIERPONTt, Rev. John. Airs of Palestine, and other poems. Boston, 1840. 334 p. 18~. A Discourse, Anc. and Hon. Artillery Company of Massachusetts, 190th Anniversary, June 2, 1828. Boston, 1828. 80. Pam. v. 94. - ational Humiliation: A Sermon, Hollis-street church, FastDay morning, April 2, 1840. Boston, 1840. 8~. PamL v. 94. See Hollis-street Society, 1840, 41. PIERQUIN DE GEMBLOUX, M. Recherches historiques et bibliographiques sur le Tombeau de Narcisse, dediees au Docteur J. P. L. T. Bertrand...Paris, 1851. 94 p. 18~. PIERRON, Alexis. Histoire de la Litterature Romaine. 2me ed. (Duruy, Hist. Uniiv.). Paris, 1857. 12~. PIERS PLOUGHIMAN. The Vision and Creed of Piers Ploughman. By R. Langland. Edited....with a hist. introd., notes and a glossary, by T. Wright... London, J. R. Smith, 1856. 2 v. 18~. PIERS, Rev. Octavius. Transubstantiation not the Doctrine of the Church of England: A 2d letter to Rev. T. Butler. With an appendix clearly showing that the murders, etc.....London, 1836. 38 p. 8~. Pam. v. 348. An Affectionate Warning to the agricultural labourers in the parish of Preston-cumn-Sutton. Weymouth, 1838. 8 p. A few Hints respectfully addressed to landowners and farmers...London, 1838. 8 p. 80. Pam. v. 416. - Memorial of the Reformation. A Sermon, Oct. 4, 1835 Ps. xix, 7, 8. London. 8~. Pam. v. 339. - Confirmation proved to be of Apostolic o-rigin, and its true nature explained... London.- Vindication of Five Letters on Confirmation. London, 1841. 8~. Pam. v. 339. - A Letter of remonstrance to the Bp. of Salisbury, on confirmation. London, 1844. 80.Pam. v. 327. PIERSON (John), A.M. A Discourse on the nature and benefits of Christ's intercession in Heaven:..... Heb. ix, 24. WToodbridge in N. J. 1765. 23 p. 8~. Pam. v. 559. PIETERS, Charles. Annales de l'Imprimerie Elsevirienne; ou Histoire de la Famille des Elsevier, et de ses editions. Gand, 1851. 3 parts, 2 supplements, appendix. 420 p. 8~. PIETRASZEWSKI, Ignatius. Numi Mohammedani. Fasc. I, continens Numos Mamlukorunm dynastie, additis.....: Moavidarum, Charizmschachorum, Mervanidarum, Ortokidarum, Karakojunlu, Seldschukidarumn, Atabekorum, Fatimidarum, Aiyubidarum, Kulagidarum, et Regum Sicilise.....Accedunt xv tabulie. Berolins, 1843. xiv, 139 p. 4~. PIGGOTT, John. Sermon, Union and Peace recommended, April 17, 1704: Rom. xiv, 19. London. 80. Pam. v. 363. Sermon, Death of William III, Mar. 29, 1702 Ps. cxlvi, 3, 4. London. 80. Pam. v. 363. rPIGOTTt, Charles]. See Jockey Club, 1792. FIRST SUPPLEMENT. 655 PIKE, Rev. John. A Discourse, Congregational Church, Rowley, on the 8th anniversary of his settlement, Nov. 19, 1848. Newburyport, 1848. 80. Pam. v. 238. PIKE, Joseph. An Epistle to the-National.Meeting of Friends, in Dublin, concerning good order and discipline in the church. Wilmington, 1783. 24 p. 80. Repr. Pam. v. 262. PIKEt (Nicolas), A.M. Arithmetic. Worcester, J. Thomas, 1793. Imp. 120~. - A New and Complete System of Arithmetic... Corrected by E. Adams, A.M. Worcester, Mass., I. Thomas, 1797. 512 p. 8~.- Leaf wanting. A New and Complete System of Arithmetic... 7th ed, abridged by N. Lord. Boston, 1809. 12~. PIKE, Rev. Samuel. Philosophia Sacra; or the. Principles of natural philosophy, extracted from divine revelation...Edited by S. Kittle. Edinburgh, 1815. 88 p. 8~0. Pam. v. 303. PILGRIMI SOCIETY: Account of the Pilgrim Celebration at Plymouth, Aug. 1, 1853...Boston, 1853. 182 p. 8~. PILSBURY, Amos. Biographical Sketch of: and a Brief Account of the Albany Penitentiary. Albany, 1849. 24 p. 8~. Pam. v. 471. PINCKARDt, George. Trans. Yellow Fever. See Assalini, P. PINDARt. Pindari Carmina et Fragmenta; cum lectionis varietate et annotationibus. A Chr. Gottl. Heyne. Accedunt indices copiosissimi. Oxonii, 1807, 09. 3 v. 80. PINDAR, William. Sermon, Ps. cxxvii, 1: Published on the discovery of the late plot. London, 1679. 40. Pam. v. 1005. PINDARICS; or an Ode of Lamentation, addressed to Peter Pindar, esq., on his Nil admirari, or a Smile at a Bishop. *'* And a Disquisition concerning the crasis of Peter Pindar's blood. Bath, 1800. 39 p. 4~. Pam. v. 1013. PINE (The) LANDS and Lumber Trade of Michigan......By an Old Resident...Detroit, 1856. 15 p. 80. Pam. v. 565. PINE-STRIEET SOCIETY, Boston. A Church for the Masses in Boston, 1858. 120. Pam. v. 295. PINEL, Ph. Traite Medico-philosophique sur l'Alienation mentale. 2e edition... augmentde. Paris, 1809. 80. PINEL, Scipion. Physiologie de l'Homme alindB, appliqude a l'analyse de l'homme social...Paris, 1833. 438 p. 8~. PINELLI (M3affei), of Venice. Bibliotheca Pinelliana. Catalogue of the.....Library of: Comprehending..... Greek, Roman and Italian authors... MSS... Auction, March 2, 1789. With Appendix: for sale Feb. 2, 1790. London. 538 & 76 p. 8~. With prices. PINGRET, Edouard. Voyage de S. MI. Louis-Philippe Ier, Roi des Frangais, au Chateau de Windsor;:dedie' S. Ma. Victoria, Reine d'Angleterre. Paris, London..1846. fo. PINKERTONt, John. The Literary Correspondence of: Now first printed from the originals in the possession of Dawson Turner, esq....London, 1830. 2 v. 8~. [ —] Letters on Literature, 1785. See Heron, Robert. 656 GENERAL LIBRARY. PINKERTONt, Rev. Robert. Extracts of Letters from'...on his late Tour in Russia, Poland and Germany, to promote the object of the B. & F. Bible Society.... London, 1817. 8~. Pam. v. 383. PINKNEY, Edward C. -Poems. Baltimore, 1838. 72 p. 18~. PINNELL, Peter. Sermon, Anniversary of Restoration of Charles 11, May 29, 1748 Ps. lxxxiii, 18. London. 40. Pam. v. 1006. PINNEO, Bezaleel. Sermon, Dedication.... in North Milford. NewHaven, 1811. 8~0. Pam. v. 55G. PINNOCKt, William. Catechismi of Astronomy...London, 1829. 72 p. 18~. Pam. v. 605. - Catechism of Anatomy. London, 1826. 180. Pam. v. 605. ----- Catechism of Mineralogy...London, 1828. 18~. Pam. v. 233. PINONDEL DE LA BERTOCHE, M. L'Asphodele, sa culture et ses applications industrielles. Alcool. Papier. Carton. Paris, 1855. 72 p. 8~. Pam. v. 233. PINSENT, Joseph. Conversations on Political Economy..with remarks on our present distresses. London, 1821. 108 p. 8~. Pam. v. 414. PINTUS, F. Hector..In Prophetpe Ieremiie Lamentationes commentarii. OmCnia indicio et correctioni Sancte Romane Ecclesime Catholicm subiecta sunto. Colonial, 1581. 739-1039 p. & index. 12~. PIOLA, Gabrio. Sull'applicazione della meccanica analitica del Lagrange ai principali problemi..Milano, 1825. xxix, 252 p.- With, Elogio di Bonaventura Cavalieri.. Con note, postille matematiche. Milano, 1844. xxxi, 155 p. In l v. 4~. See also Lombard Inst. V. vI. PIONEER (The): California Monthly Magazine, Vol. 3, No. 5. May 1855. San Francisco. 80. Pam. v. 563. PIONEER MILLS MINE, Cabarrus county, North-Carolina: Report. Albany, 1856. 8~. Pam. v. 520. PIOUS REMAINS of a Young Gentleman lately deceased. Boston....R. Draper jr..1764. 12 p. 8~. Pam. v. 534. PIozzI, Hester Lynch. Observations and Reflections made in the course of a journey through France, Italy and Germany...London, 1789. 2 v. 8~. PIRATE'S ALMANAC: Philadelphia, Turner & Fisher, 1844. 120. Alm. v. 25. PISE (Charles C.), D.D. The Pleasures of Religion; and other poems. Philadelphia, 1833. 251 p. 18~. PITMAN, Isaac. A Manual of Phonography.... Phonetic short hand. 7th edition. London, 1845. 64 p. 18S. PITTt (William), Earl of Chatham. Plan offered by the Earl of Chatham to the House of Lords, entitled, A Provisional act for settling the troubles in -America.... which was rejected... London, Almon, 1775. 14 p.4~. Pam. v. 1016. A Faithful Abstract of Lord Chatham's Speech in Parliament.. April 7th, 1778, the day he was struck with the illness which terminated in his death.. London, 1778. 15 p. 40~. PITTt, Rt. Hon. William. Speech, House of Commons, Abolition of the slave trade, April 2, 1792. London. 32 p. 80. Pam. v. 435. FIRST SUPPLEMENT. 657 Speech, Feb. 17, 1792, Reduction of the Public Debt, and repeal of certain duties. London, 1792. 8S. Pam. v. 440. Speeches of William Pitt and C. J. Fox, on Mr. Grey's motion for a reform in parliament, May 7, 1793. Lond. 90 p. 8~. Pam. v. 440. Speech, 11. of Commons, Nov. 10, 1797, relative to the Negotiation for Peace. London. 8~. Pam. v. 440. - ~ Speech, H. of Commons, Jan'y 31, 1799, of an Union between Great Britain and Ireland. London. 8o. Pain. v. 440..- Speech, House of Commons, May 23, 1803, on the Debate on the War. London. 8~. Pam. v. 440. PITTSBURG, nMAYSVILLE AND CINCINNATI RAILROAD COMPANY: Exhibit of the affairs, geological reports, etc., Oct. 1854. Cincinnati, 1854. 80. Pam. v. 151. PITTSBURG INFIRMARY, under the care of the Institution of Protestant Deaconesses: 3d Report. Pittsburg, Pa. 1853. 23 p. 8~. Pam. v. 506. PITTSFIELD ACADEMY, N.H.: Catalogue, 1850. 80. 458. PIUS II, Pope. See }Eneas Silvius. PLACE, Conyers. Remarks on a Treatise entitled, A Plain Account of the nature.... of the Lord's Supper.... London, 1735. 134: p. 8~. Pam. v. 349. PLAIN (A) and Succinct Narrative of the Disturbances.. Gordon Riots. London, 1780. 58 p. 8~. Pam. v. 343. PLAINE (A) Description of the Barmudas...with the manner of their discouerie, anno 1609. Signed W. C. London, 1613. See Force's Tracts, v. 3. PLAIN (A) Discourse on the Truth of the Christian religion, considered from a connexion of probabilities. London, 1752. 32 p. 80. Pam. v. 333. PLAIN SERMONS: By Contributors to the " Tracts for the Times." First Series. London, Rivingtons, 1839. 52 p. 8~. Pam. v. 380. PLAIN (A) Statement, addressed to the proprietors of real estate in the city and county of New-York. By a landholder. Clement C. i2oore. New-York, 1818. 8~. Pam. v. 75, 199. PLAIN WORDS to Plain People, on the present dissensions in the church... London, 1842. 28 p. 120~. Pam. v. 347. PLAN for the Better Maintenance and more general residence of-the curates of the established church..London (1818?). 8~. Pam. v. 324. PLAN (A) for the Cobperation of Churchmen in promotion of certain church objects. London, 1848. 8~. Pam. v. 328. PLANS:AND PROPOSALS transmitted to the Committee on the -British fishery. By several hands. London, 1750. 109 p. 8~. Pam. v. 410. PLANTAGENETt, B. A Description of the Province of New-Albion, Lond. 1648. See Force's Tracts, v. 2. PLANTERS' BANK OF TENNESSEE: Statement, Oct. 13, 1855. 80~ Pam. v. 464. [ SUPPL.] 83 658 GENERAL LIBRARY. PLANTERS (The) PLEA; or the Grounds of plantations examined. By John White. London, 1630. See Young's Chronicles, Cat. 1855; Force's Tracts, v. 2. PLATEL, Abbe C. P. Des Jesuites. See [ Norbert, P. P.]. PLATINA,;Barthol. de Sacchi. In Vitas Pontificum ad Sixtunm IV Pontificemn maximum.. Col... Antonii Koburger Nurenberge impressus.. MI,CCCC,LXXXI. fo. PLATOt. Plato's Dialogue on the Immortality of the Soul. Trans. by L. Theobald. London, 1713. 72 p. 12~. ifo title. Pam. v. 399. Apologia Sokratous; or the Defence of Socrates. From the Dialogues of Plato. Trans.... by H. R. Slade... London, 1836. vii, 55 p. 8~. Pam. v. 399. PLATT, Rev. Dennis. The Foundations Examined; or Plain Scriptural reasons for refusing to become a Baptist. Skaneateles, N.York, 1838. 44 p. 12~. Pam. v. 465. PLATT, Thomas P. A Catalogue of the Ethiopic Biblical Manuscripts in the Royal Library of Paris, and in the Library of the British and For. Bib. Soc.; also, Some Account of those in the Vatican Library at Rome, with remarks and.extracts. To which are added specimens of versions of the New Testament into the modern languages of Abyssinia; and a grammatical analysis of a chapter in the Amharic dialect...London, 1823. 85 p. 4~. Facts Respecting certain Versions of Holy Scripture publishedby the Brit. & F.B. S.: In reply to..the Quart. Rev. London, 1827. 40 p. 8~. Pam. v. 383. PLATTSBURGH ACADEMY, N.Y.: Catalogue, 1848. 8~. Pam. v. 457. PLAUSIBLE (The) ARGU3MENTS of a Romish Priest from Scripture, answered by an English Protestant, T7hovzas Comber, D.D....1686. [A Dialogue, etc.]. London, 1735. 47 p. 12'. Pam. v. 623. PLAUSIBLE ( Te) ARGUMENTS of a Romish Priest from antiquity answered. By Thomas Comzber, D.D. London, 1735. 48 p. 12~. Pam. v. 623. PLAUTUSt T. MIACCIUS. M. Acci Plauti Comcedise superstites viginti, novissime recognitoe et emendatve. Editio accurata. Biponti..1778. 3 v. 80. Trinummus.... Notis Gallicis auxit Ren6-Pugin. Parisiis, 1829. 87 p. 120. Pain. v. 628. -- Captivi... Notis Gallicis.. Parisiis, 1830. 78 p. 120. Pam. v. 628. Comedies of Plautus, translated into familiar blank verse, by Bonnell Thornton and Richard Warner. 2d edition. London, 1769 - 1774. 5 v. 8~. PLAYFAIRt, William. Letter to.. Earl Fitzwilliam, occasioned by his two letters to the Earl of Carlisle. London, 1795. 24 p. 8~. Pam. v. 344. The Commercial and Political Atlas, representing by means of stained copper-plate charts (26), the progress of the commerce, revenues...of England during the..l1th century. 3d edition. London, 1801. xvi, 95 p., 26 charts, 8~. FIRST SUPPLEMENT. 659 PLEA BEFORE the Venerable Ecclesiastical Council at Stockbridge, in the cause of Mrs. Fish, delivered 6th & 7th Oct. 1779. By a gentleman from Connecticut, i. e. Rev. Joseph/ Huntingtozn. Norwich, J. Trumbull, 1780. 32 p. 4~. PLEA FOR HUMIANE REASON, 1730. See [ Jackson, John]. PLEA (A) for Truth and Candor, in three letters to the author of a pamphlet, intitled, Christian Catholicism defended..London, 1781. 56 p. 8~. Pam. v. 315. [ PLESS, Fred. G.]. See Letter to a Member of Parliament, 1729. PLEVIER, Joan. Paulus Brief aan de Galatereen.. Tweede deel. Utrecht, 1738. 4~. PLINIUSi, Caius. Caii Plinii Secundi Naturalis Historise, cum interp. et notis I. Hardvini; itemnque cum comm. et adnot...... Pintiani. Gelenii, Salmasii, Vossii, Gronovii..... recensuit I. G. F. Franzius, Lipsise, 1778 - 91. 10 v. 8~. Natural History: Vol. 2 - 6. London, Bohn, 1855-57. 5 v. 120. PLINIUSt CoECILIUS. C. Plinii Caecilii Secundi Epistolarum libri decem. Recen......E. Gierig. Lipsise, 1800, 02. 2 v. 8~. PLOTTERS (The) DooM; wherein, the wicked plots, plotters, and their confederates are detected and sentenced by the Holy Scriptures. In a late sermon upon the hellish plots, etc...Ps. xxxvii, 12. London, 1680. 36 p. 40~. Pam. v. 359. PLOUGHt (The), The LoOM and The ANVIL: Farmer and Mechanic. Vol. 8, July 1855 - Vol. 10, Dec. 1857. New-York, 3 v. 8~. PLOUGISHSARE, Peter. See Considerations on the Canal, 1819. PLOW BoY's ALMANAC for 1845.... 60 engravings. By A. Randall, Cincinnati, 0. 114 p. 120. Alm. v. 29. [PLUMIER, William]. See Address to the Clergy, 1814. Cat. 1855. PLUIMER (William) jr. Life of William Plumer, by his Son...Edited with a Sketch of the author's life, by A. P. Peabody. Boston, 1860. 543 p. 8o. PLUMMIEa (Mrs. C.), Franklin Co., N,Y. Narrative of the Captivity and Sufferings of: who, with Mrs. Caroline Harris, were, in the spring of 1855, with their families, taken prisoners by a party of Camanche Indians.....New-York, 1838. 23 p. 80. Pam. v. 261. PLUCIMER FARM SCHOOL. An Appeal to the Public... Salem, Mass. 1857. 80. Pam. v. 509. PLUJMM.ER HALL. See Salem Atheneum. PLUMPTON CORRESPONDENCE. See Camden Society Publications. PLUMTREE, Henry S. Visitation Sermon, Aug. 18, 1817: 1 Corp xi, 19. London. 8~. Pam. v. 376. PLUQUET, F. A. A. See Livres Classiques de la Chine, 1784. PLURALITIES (On the): A Third Letter to...the Bishop of Llandaff. By a Clergyman. London, 1833. 20 p. 80. Pam. v. 326. PLUTARCHUSt. Plutarchi Historiographi Greci liber, De Viris clarissimis. E greco sermone in latinum, diversis plurimorum interpretationibus virorum illustrium translatus, WHlitthout date or place: about 14 72 In 2 v. f0. 660 GENERAL LIBRARY. PLUTARCHUS: - Plutarchi Chberonensis Vitae parallelse, cum singulis aliquot, Greece et Latine...Recensuit A. Bryanus. Londini, 1724 -.29. 5 v. 4o.- With, - Plutarchi Apophthegmata regum et imperatorum; Apophthegmata laconica; Antiqua Lacedwemoniorum instituta; Apophthegmata Lacsenarum. Londini, apud G. Darres & Claud Dubosc, 1741. 1 v. 4~. De la Lecture des Po6tes par Plutarque. Texte grec, pulblie avee des sommaires et des notes en frangais, par M. C. Aubert. Paris, Hachette, 1856. 102 p. 120. PLYMOUTH COLONY. Records of the Colony of New-Plymouth. in New-England. Printed by order of the Legislature of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. Ed. by N. B. Shurtleff, M.D..... Boston, 1855 - 59. 10 v. in 8 v. 8~. Court Orders, Vol. I - vI, 1633-91 (Index in V. 6).- Vol. vIT, Judicial Acts, 1636- 92.- Vol. viii, Miscellaneous Records, 1633 - 89.- Vol. ix, x, Acts of the Commissioners of the United Colonies of NewEngland. V. I, Il. 1643 - 79. PLYMOUTH ( Conn.) CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH. Proceedings of an Ecclesiastical Council convened at Plymouth, Conn. New-Haven, 1856. 55 p. 8~. Pam. v. 484. PLYMOUTH CHURCH of Rochester, N.York: Manual, 1856. 26 p. 8~. Pam. v. 484. POCAHONTAS: A Historical Drama in five acts; with an introductory essay and notes. By a Citizen of the West. N.York, 1837. 240 p. 12". Pococxt, Lewis. A Chronological List of books and pamphlets, relative to the doctrine of chances and the rate of mortality, annuities, reversions, marine and fire insurances, and life-assurance. 2d ed. London, 1842. 47 p. 8~. POEt, Edgar A., Editor. See Broadway Journal, 1845. POELLNITZ, F.. H. HB. Essay on Agriculture. 3 Plates of ploughs. New-York, 1790. 80. Pam. v. 205. POEM3 on Divine Revelation, 1774. See [ Brackenridge, H. H.]. POESCHE (Theodore) and Charles GoEPP. The New Rome; or the United States of the World. New-York, 1853. 179 p. 120~. POETAI LATINI MINORES; sive Gratii Falisci Cynegeticon, nI. Aurelii Olympii Nemesiani Cynegeticon et ejusdem Eclog"e IV, T. Calpurnii Siculi Eclogie vII, Claudii Rutilii Numatiani Iter, Q. Serenius Samonicus De Medicina, Vindicianus sive Marcellus De Medicina, Q. Rhemnius Fannius Paliemon De ponderibus et mensuris, et Sulpicie Satyra. Cum integris doctorum virorum notis et quorundum excerptis, curante P. Burmanno. Leidoe, 1731. 2 v. 4~. POINDEXTER (George), of Miss. Speech in the U.S. Senate, on the Revenue Collection bill, 1833. See Calhoun, J. C. POINTER, John. Miscellanea in Usum Juventutis Academica; containing a Correction of several palpable mistakes made by some of our English historians and other authors. Oxford, 1718. 220 p. 120. PoIssON, M. On the Temperature of the Earth. See Haskins, R. W. FIRST SUPPLEMENT. 661 POITEvIN, Prosper. Petits Po'etes Franqais, depuis Malherbes jusqu'a nos jours; avec des Notes biographiques et litteraires sur chacun d'eux, par...Paris, Pantheon Litteraire, 1838, 39. 2 v. roy. 8~. POLAIr, G. I. and M. S. Pentateuch, with Haphtaroth in Hebrew and Dutch. See Bible. POLANEN, Rogier Gerard van. Brieven, betreffende het Bestuur der Kolonien, en bevattende eene beoordeling van een werkje, over dat onderwerp uitgegeven, getiteld, Java.... Amsterdam, 1816. 80...-. Notes of the Life and Character of: By Tr. C. Bryant and W. Ware. From Christian Register, Oct. 12, 1833. Printed Dec. 1847. 28 p. 80. Pam. v. 237. [POIJETICA, Pierre de]. A Sketch of the Internal Condition of the United States of America, and of their political relations with Europe. By a Russian. Trans. from the French, by an American; with notes. Baltimore, 1826. 163 p. 8~. POLICE INTELLIGENCE, Town Hall, Windsor, June 18th, before Public Opinion, esq.... 1 p. f0. Pam. v. 1104. POLICHINELLE. Almanach perp6tuel des petits enfnts. Paris, 1855. 18~. Alm. v. 51. POLITIANUS, Angelus. Opera, quee quidem extitere hactenus, omnia..Accessit Historia de Coniuratione Pactiana in Familiam Medicamn... Basilim, 1553. fo. POLITICAL (A) BALANCE, dedicated to those Citizens who would not sacrifice"25 dollars in 1828 and 1832, to preserve the Union. Philadelphia, 1832. 8~. Pam. v. POLITICAL ESSAYS: The Annexation of Texas, &c. Dated Williamsburg, Va. 1844. 38 p. 8~. Pam. v. 197. POLITICAL LETTERS, written in March and April 1784. By a late Member of Parliament. London, 1785. 81 p. 8~. Pam. v. 433. POLITICAL (The) NOMENCLATURE; or a Critical Definition of the various Parties in the State, who of late years have figured away amongst us...A poem...London, 1838. 19 p. 12~. Pam. v. 398. POLITICAL (The) WARS of Otsego; or Downfall of Jacobinism and Despotism: Being a Collection of pieces lately published in the Otsego Herald.... By the Author of the Plough-jogger, i. e. Jedediah Peck. Cooperstown, N. Y. 1796. 123 p. 8~. POLITICKS (The) and VIEWS of a certain party displayed. Printed in the year 1792. New-York? 36 p. 8~. Pam. v. 220. POLKrt, James K. Messrs. Polk, Wright, Clay and the tariff. 15 p. 8~. Pamn. v. 290. POLLIO (Trebellius): Flavius Vopiscus; Johannis Baptistwe Egnatii Veneti in eosdem annotationes; Sex. Avrelivs Victor; Pomponius Laetus; Joh. Baptista Egnatius De Principibus Romanorum. Parisiis, R. Stephani, 1544. 12~. POLLIUS, Magdalena. Stigtelyke Mengeldichten... Met een Voorreden van haren Egtgenoot R. B. Reen; and IV Kerkelyke redenvoeringen. Leeuwarden, 1745. 302, 146 p. 8~. POLLOCK, A. D. Africa and her Children, and: her prospect: A Discourse in behalf of African Colonization. Richmond, Ira. 1850. 8~. Pam. v. 228. 662' GENERAL LIBRARY. IPOLLOK, Robert. Pollok's Course of Time, with an introductory notice, analysis and index, by Prof. Nh. W. Fiske. Amherst, Mass. 1828. 180~ POLWHELE, Rev. R. An Essay on the Evidence from Scripture, that the soul, immediately after the death of the body, is not in a state of sleep...2d edition. London, 1819. 47 p. 8~. Pam. v. 303. POLYBIUSt. Histoire de Polybe, nouvellement traduit du Grec, par Dom Vincent Thuillier..... avec un commentaire ou un corps de science militaire; enrichi de notes critiques et historiques, oui toutes les grandes parties de la guerre...sont... representees en figures.. Par M. De Folard... Paris, 1727 - 30. 6 v. 40. POLYDOREt VERGIL'S English History. See Camden Society. POLYTECItNISCHE CENTRALIHALLE. Zeitschrift..... far Techniker, Kiinstler,..Von Dr. Kerndt. June - Dec. 1851; 1852; 1855; 1856. Leipzig. 4 v. 8~. POMFRET, Rev. John. Poems upon several occasions.... The twelfth edition, corrected. With..his life and writings. To which are added his remains. London, printed; N.York, reprinted by Hugh Gaine...1785. 98, 12 p. 18~. Poems... Remains, with.... his life.... Philadelphia, 1791. 18~. Imperfect. POMPONIUS LATUS, Julius. Romance Historiae. See Pollio. [ PONCELIN-DE LA ROCIE, J. Ch.]. See Almanach Americain, 17831787. PONDt (Enoch), D.D. The Lives of Increase Mather and Sir William Phipps..Boston, Mass. Sab. School Society, 1847. 286 p. 180. I[-]] See Review...Examination of Rand's Strictures, 1832. Cat. 1855. PONTANUS, Isaak. David's Bespiegeling van maan en sterren.. Ps. viii, 4- 7. Rotterdam, 1717. x, 60 p. 18~. Pam. v. 634. PONTE ( Lorenzo Da) DA CENEDA. Memorie in tre volumi. Scritte da esso. 2" edizione. Parte Ima. Nuova-Jorca. 1830.- Saggi Poetici di L. da P. Libera traduzione della Profezia di Dante di Lord Byron. II Parte. 3" edizione. 127, 132 p. 2 v. in 1. 18~. PONTET, M. Repertoire Historique des Chevaux de race pure en France,, publie avec l'autorisation de S. E. le Min. de l'Agriculture. Ire partie: Reproduction. Paris, 1856. xxiv, 288 p. 8~. PONTIUS. See Verscheyde Scheeps-Togten. POOL, S. P. Oudkerk. Adeka of de Nederlanders op Banda: Treurspel. Amsterdam, 1834. 61 p. 8~. Pam. v. 230. POOLE, Matthew. Synopsis Criticorum Aliorumque S. Scripturie Interpretum. Vol. i - Iv. Londini, 1669-1676 ( Vol. Iv in two parts). In 5 v. f~. A Seasonable Apology for Religion; being the subject of two sermons. London, 1673. 71 p. 4~. Pam. v. 359. Poon, Alfred. The Historical and Genealogical Researches, and recorder of passing events of MIerrimack valley....Vol. 1, Nos. 1, 2. April 1857; Jan. 1858. 300 p. 4~. FIRST SUPPLEMENT. 663 POORt RICHARD, 1733: An Almanack for...1733...By R. Saunders, Philom. Philadelphia.. B. Franklin, Reprint.- Poor Richard: An Almanack, 1741...Philadelphia, printed and sold by B. Franklin.. - Poor Richard improved... 1769. Philadelphia, B. Franklin. 18~. Alm. v. 16. - Poor Richard's Almanac for 1851, as written by B. Franklin for 1736 - 8.-...for 1852, as written.... for 1739 -41. N.York, J. Doggett, 1850, 51. 18~. Alm. v. 31. POOR RICHARD REVIVED, or the Albany Almanack. Albany, 1803. Alm. v. 17; 1809, Alm. v. 21; Poor Richard Revived. New-York, Burtus, 1827. 12~. Alm. v. 20. PooR ROBIN, Ephem. London, 1679, 96, 1705, 15, 26, 29, 32, 50, 51, 59, 72; Old Poor Robin, 1778. 180. Alm. v. 1- 12. PooR ROBIN'S ALMANACK: Philadelphia, 1792,'93,'94,'95, 1804,'12,'22,'24. 12~. Alm. v. 18. POOR WILL'S ALMANACK for...1772, 73, 80, 82, 83, 85-88, 90-92, 95, 97, 98, 1803, 1812, 13, 18, 27, 33, 38. Philadelphia, J. Crukshank to 1813. 1 v. 12~.- Also, 1803. Alm. v. 17. POOTt, Hubert Korneliszoon. Vervolg der Gedichten.... Hier is by gevoegt het leven des dichters. Deel III. Delf, 1735. 1 v. 4~. PoPEt, Alexander. Poetical Works. Ed. by R. Carruthers. In 2 v. Vol. I. London, Bohn, 1858. 1 v. 120. -- - The Dunciad, Variorum, with the Prolegomena of Scriblerus. London. Printed for A. Dod, 1729. 16, 124 p. W~. With frontispiece. Letters of the late Alexander Pope to a lady, never before published. London, 1769. 87 p. 80~. Pam. v. 394. - An Essay on MIan....&c. Brattleborough, Vt. 1819. 180. Pam. v. 1ll. POPE, L. Address on.... the Southwestern Railroad, Tenn. (1846?). 7 p. 8~. Pam. v. 545. POPE, (Dr. ralter), F.R.S. The Wish...The third edition... London, 1710. viii, 32 p. 8~. Pam. v. 103. POPERY a Snare and a Trap to Unwary Protestants. Derby, Eng. 4 p. 8~. Pamn. v. 347. POPERY ALWAYS THE SAME; exemplified in an authentick account of the persecution now carrying on against the Protestants in the south of France...London, 1746. 100 p. 8~. Pain. v, 343. POPERY AND PATRONAGE; or John the Jesuit. Addressed to his brother electors by Protestans. Lond. (1851). 12 p. 8~. Pain. v. 348. POPERY AND PROTESTANTISM, as they bear on the spiritual and temporal condition of man. Pub. by Estab. Ch. Society. N~ V. London, 1835. 36 p. 12~. Pam. v. 347. POPERY (The) oF PROTESTANTIS...From the North-of Scotland Gazette, Dec. 10, 1850. 1 p. f0. Pam. v. 1104. POPERY the Religion of Heathenism; being the Letters of Ignotus, published in " The Times"....1817. With additions,..,London, 1818. 105 p. 8~. Pam. v. 344. 664 GENERAL LIBRARY. POPISH (The) COLLEGE at Maynooth. By the author of " The Progress of Popery." London, 1839. 12 p. 8~. Pam. v. 342. POPIKIN (John Snelling), D.D. Two Discourses.. preceding a removal to Harvard University. Newburyport, 1816. 8~. Pam. v. 441. Popp, Juste. Les Trois Ages de l'Architecture Gothique, son origine, sa theorie, d6montr6s et representes par des exemples choisis a Ratisbonne... R6dig's par J. Popp... et T. Buleau... Trad. de l'allemand, et accompagne des 48 planches de l'edition originelle..Paris, 1841. gr. fo. POPULAR (A) EXPOSITION of the new Stamp Acts..... by Analysis. Glasgow, 1854. 48 p. 80. Pam. v. 425. POPULAR ToPIcs; or the grand question discussed...viz: the King's prerogative, the privileges of parliament, secret influence and a systemn of reform for the East-India Company. 2d edition. London, Debrett, 1784. 34 p. 80. Pam. v. 432. PORCUPINE'S GAZETTE:, Vol. 2, Feb. 12, 1798. Phil'a, W. Cobbett. fP.. Newsp. v. 15. PORPiYRIiUS. Liber Predicabilium. See Aristotle. PORTAGE CANAL AND MANUFACTURING COMPANY ~ Charter, Circular and other papers. New-York, 1837. 8~. Pam. v. 223. PORTAL, Dr. Antoine. Lettre de M. Portal... M. Petit, on his History of Anatomy. Amsterdam, 1771. 50 p. 120. Pam. v. 612. Rapport...sur les effets des vapeurs mephitiques dans le corps de l'homme.....3me d.....La cause de la mort des noyes. Paris, 1775. xvi, 92 p. 12~. Pam. v. 611. PORTER'S STONE DRESSING MACHINE. New-York, 1855. 8~.. Pam. v. 274. PORTER (Mr.), of P'a. Remarks in P'a. II. of R., on flogging in the navy, etc. Jan. 11, 1850. 2 p. 80. Pam. v. 193. PORTER, Charles T. Review of the Mexican War, embracing the causes... Auburn, N,Y. 1849. 220 p. 120. PORTERt (Ebenezer), D.D. Analysis of the Principles of Rhetorical delivery as applied in reading and speaking. 4th edition. Andover, 1831. xvi, 404 p. 12~. The Rhetorical Reader. 52d edition. Andover, Ms. 1839. 12~. Unity of Ministerial Influence. A Sermon, Boston, before the Pastoral Association of Mass.: 1 Cor. 3, 9. Andover, 1827. 8~. Pam. v. 559. -- The Presumption. of skeptical and careless: contemners of religion. A Sermon: 2 Pet. 3, 4. Andover, 1829. 8~. Pam. v. 559. PORTER (G.), of Missouri. Speech, U. S. H. of R., Ap. 1, 1852, on the Homestead bill. 80. Pam. v. 206. [PORTERt, Sir James]. Aanmerkingen over den Godsdienst, de Wetten, Reg6ring en Zeden der Turken. Iste, Tweede, stuk. Uit het Engelsche...Te Rotterdam, 1770. 1 v. 8~. PORTER, James Madison. Eulogium upon James Knox Polk, late Presidehat of the U. S. Easton, Penn., July 1849.e 8~. Pam. v. 268, FIRST SUPPLEMENT. 665 PORTER (John A.), M.D., Prof. Plan of an Agricultural School. 1856. 8~. Pam. v. 233, 251. - First Book of Chemistry and allied sciences...New-York, 1857. 202 p. 12o. PORTER, John K. Argument, in the Case of W. Landon. Albany, 1855. 52 p. 8~. Pam. v. 292.- Argument. See Trinity Ch. Pam. PORTER (Noah), D.D. Half-Century Discourse; on occasion of the Fiftieth anniversary of his Ordination as Pastor of the First Church in Farmington, Conn., delivered Nov. 12, 1856. Farmington, 1857. 8~. Pam. v. 254. PORTEnt ( Prof. Noah) jr. A Plea for Libraries: A Letter..... in behalf of the Soc. for the Pro. of Collegiate Education at the West. New-York, 1848. 32 p. 80. Pam. v. 470. See Misrepresentations of Dr. Cleaveland. PORTERt, Sir Robert K. A Narrative of the Campaign in Russia during the year 1812. Baltimore, 1814. 8~. PORTEUSt, Bp. Beilby. The Character of David..a discourse: 1 Sam. xiii, 14. 2d edition. 1761. Cambridge. 8~.- Charge to the Clergy, 1798, 1799. London, 1799. Pam. v. 379. - Two Sermons at St.James': 2 Timothy iii, 4, and: John iii, 19. London, 1762. 40. Pam. v. 1007. -- Sermon: Jer. iv, 14, II. of Lords, Jan. 30, 1778, Martyrdom of Charles I. London. 40.- Sermon: Jer..xviii, 11, House of Lords, Fast day, Feb. 10, 1779. 2d edition. London. 4~.- Sermon: Ps. xxvii, 16, Thanksgiving, Ap. 23, 1789. 40~. Pam. v. 1008. A Letter to the Governors... and Proprietors of plantations in the British West-India Islands; with Bell's system of education. London, 1808. 48 p. 8S. Pamin. v. 435. PORTLAND, Duke of. The Case of his Grace..respecting two leases.. to Sir J. Lowther.....London, 1768. 53 p.- With, An Answer to the Duke of Portland's Case, 1768. 38 p.- A Reply to a pamphlet entitled the Case of the Duke of Portland, 1768, 44 p.- And, A Defence of the administration from the charges, etc. London, 1768. 38 p. In 1 v. 80.- See for " The Case, &c.", Pam. v. 254 and Pol, Tr., v. 6. PORTLAND, Maine. Mayor's Report of the Financial concerns of the city, April 9, 1853. Portland, 1853. 8~. Pam. v. 192. Annual Reports of the several departments of the city government, 1857-8. Portland, 1858. 103 p. 8~. Pam. v. 476. - Annual Report of the Chief Engineer of the fire department, 1857-8. Portland, 1858.- Report of the Agent of the City, on the affairs of the Portland Gas Light Company, etc. 99 p. 8~.' Pam. v. 476. PORTLOCKt ( Col. J. E.), LL.D. Address, Anniv. Geological Society of London, 1857. Lond. 1857. 8~. Pain. v. 274.- Anniv. Address, London, 1858. 153 p. 8~. Pam. v. 551. PORTSMOUTH (The) ALMANAC, and Rockingham County Hand-book for...1856..By Alfred M. Hoyt..Portsmouth, N.H. 40 p, 180. Alm; v. 34. [SUrPPL.] 84 666 GENERAL LIBRARY. PORTSMOUTH (N.H.) CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH. Result of' the Ecclesiastical Council convened at Portsmouth, N.H., July 9, 1834. 16 p. 12~. Pam. v. 484. PORTSMOUTH ( Va.) RELIEF ASSOCIATION. Report of: to the Contributors of the fund for the relief of Portsmouth, during the prevalence of the yellow fever.... together with a sketch of the fever. Riehmond..1856. 364 p. 8~. PORTUGAL. Exposiqho Agricola, Lisboa, 1852. Relatorios dos Jurys que julgaram dos productos exhibidos. Lisboa, 1856. 97 p. 8~. Exposia'o Universal, 1855: Documentos Officiaes da Commissao Central Portuoueza para a Exposi'go Universal de 1855, e Systema de ClassifieagTo.......Traduzido do original francez. Lisboa, 1854. 128 p. 8~..- Reforma Postal: Decreto de 27 de Outubro de 1852...Lisboa, 1853. 80 p. and tables. 8~. POSITION (The) of the Church of Ireland, and the duty of Presbyterians.. at the present crisis. Belfast, 1835. 80 p. 80. Pam. v. 342. POSSINUS, Petsrus, Editor. See Isidorianve Collationes. POST, Elizabeth MI. Voor Eenzaamen. Gedichte. Amsteldam, 1789. 328 p. 80. PosTt VAN DEN NEDER-RHIJN. Brief van den Schrijver der Aanmerkingen..... behelzende derzelver consideratien op de Memorien van zijne iHoogheid; aan de Schrijvers van het gemelde Weekblad. (1783). 91 p. 8~. Pam. v. 108. - Informatien wegens de Plunderingen en Geweldenarijen van de mrilitie te Hattem.... Door de Schrijvers van het weekblad De Post van den Neder Rhiju. Utrecht, 1786. 23 p. 8~. Pam. v. 108. POSTAL REFORM. Proceedings of a Public Meeting, New-York, March 24, 1856.... 32 p. 8~. Pam. v. 522. POSTLETHWAITE, T. Discourse, Univ. of Cambridge: Is. vii, 14, 15, &c. Cambridge, 1781. 4~. Pam. v. 1008. POTOCKI, Comte Jean. Voyage dans les Steps d'Astrakan et du Caucase.... Accompagnes de notes et de tables par M. Klaproth.... 7 planches et 2 cartes. Paris, 1829. 2 v. 8~. POTSDAM and WATERTOWN RAILROAD: Report of the Surveys... E. H. Brodhead, C. E. Utica, 1852. 8~. Pam. v. 148, 285. PoTT, Rev. Joseph Holden. Charge to the Clergy,-St.Albans, June 5, 1800. London. 4~. Pam. v. 1009. Sermon, the Pattern of Christian prudence... Matthew ix, 14. London, 1800. 4~.- Concio ad Clerumn Prov. Cantuariensis: Hteb. xii, 22. London, 1803. 40. Pam. v. 1008. Considerations on the General Conditions of the Christian covenant...London, 1803. 110 p. 80. Pam. v. 303.. Sermon, Coronation of Queen Victoria: Josh. xxiv, 15. Exeter, 1838. 80. Pam. v. 380. Reflections on the Testimonies of St.Paul, with reference chiefly to the Holy Eucharist. London, 1845. 51 p. 8~. Pam. v. 331. FIRST SUPPLEMENT. 667 POTTERt (Alonzo), D.D., Bishop. Discourse, Schenectady, July 22, 1845; Fiftieth anniversary of..Union College. Schenectady, 1845. 8~. Pam. v. 202. Primary Address to the Convention... in the Diocese of Pennsylvania, May 20, 1846. Philadelphia, 1846. 8~. Pain. v. 204, 287. -Address, 64th Convention, 1848. 8~. Pam. v. 287.- Address for 1853, 14 p.; for 1854, 16 p. 80. Pamn. v. 203. A Discourse, Nov. 23, 1848; being the day of public thanksgiving. Philadelphia, 1848. 8~. Pain v. 213. -- The P'ioper Method, Matter and Object of ministerial study: A Charge...Philadelphia, 1850. 20 p. 8~. Pam. v. 543. The Drinking Usages of Society..A Lecture..1852, Pittsburgh. Boston, 1854. 12~. Pam. v- 630. *- - Discourses, Charges, Addresses, Pastoral letters, etc. etc. Philadelphia, 1858. 12~. - See Lectures on the Evidences of Christianity, 1855; Memorial Papers; Merchants' Fund Address. POTTER, C. E. The History of Manchester, formerly Derryfield, in New-Hampshire; including that of Amoskeag, or the Middle Merrimack valley....Manchester, 1856. 67, 768 p. 8~. POTTER, Dr. E. Short Dissertation on.... the teeth. 16 p. 120. Pam. v. 516. POTTER, E. R. Reports, 1854. See Rhode-Island: Education. POTTERt ( Elisha R.) jr. Early History of Narragansett, 1835. See Rhode-Island Hist. Soc. Collections, v. 3. POTTERt ( Horatio), D.D., Bishop. Intellectual Liberty; or Truth to be maintained by reason, not by physical power: A Discourse, St. Peter's Church, Albany, 26th Nov. 1837. Albany, 1837. 8~. Pam. v. 202. A Discourse on the Death of W. HI. Harrison, late President of the U.S., delivered before the two Houses of the Legislature of the State of New-York. Albany..1841. 48 p. 8~. - Remarks in favor of free churches..... Albany, 1845. 12 p. 8~. Pai. v. 543. -- Freewill Offerings with an holy worship: A Sermon, Consecration of St.James's Church, Syracuse, Nov. 15, 1853. See St.James's Church. Pam. v. 213. - Pastoral Letter to the Clergy and Laity of the Diocese of NewYork. New-York, 1854. 12~. Pam. v. 203. Address, Seventy-second Annual Convention of the Prot. Episc. Church in the Diocese of New-York, Sept. 1855. New-York, 1855, 8~. Pam. v. 237, 287. POTTERt, Abp. John. Sermon, H. of Lords, Aug. 1, 1715; being the day on which His Majesty began his happy reign Psalmzs xx, 5. London, 1715. 8~. Pam. v. 379. Charge to the Clergy, July 1719. London, 1720.- A Defence of the late Charge, 1719. London, 1720. 80 p. 8~. Pam. v. 340, 349. 668 GENERAL LIBRARY. POTTER, Abp. John: - Sermon, at Coronation of George II and Queen Caroline, Oct. 11, 1727. London. 40~ Pam. v. 1005. POTTER, John. The Authority of the Old and New Testament consider'd; Christianity cleared of the errors of modern systems.....To which is added, The Origin of religion and superstition. London, 1742. 104 p. 8~. Pam. v. 333. POTTER, Rev. John P. A Letter to J. Hughes, esq.... on the systems of education proposed by the popular parties....London, 1828. 63 p. 8~. Pam. v. 387. [POTTER, Lt. Woodbhurne]. The War in Florida; being an Exposition of its causes, and an accurate history of. the campaigns of Generals Clinch, Gaines and Scott. By a late Staff Officer. Baltimore..... 1836. 120. POTTS, Joseph C. See New-Jersey Register, 1837. POUGHIKEEPSIE ALMANAC, N.Y. i848. 12~. Alim. v. 37. POUGHKEEPSIE COLLEGIATE SCHOOL, N.Y. Cigrcular, 1856, 58. 8~. Pamn. v. 457. POUGHKEEPSIE FEMALE ACADEMY: Catalogue, 1857. 8~. Pam. v. 459 PoULSON, James. A Rejoinder to sundry letters obtained by Captain B n and G. W r....Jan. 20, 1792. Numbers 5, 6. Strood, Eng. 8, 8 p. 80. Pam. v. 389. POULTER, John. The Discoveries of John Poulter, alias Baxter, who was apprehended for robbing Dr. Hancock... and An exact account of the manner in which gamblers....impose upon people at fairs, etc. 8th edition. London, 1754. 44 p. 8~. Pam. v. 449. POULTNEY, Evan. An Appeal to the Creditors of the Bank of Maryland...Baltimore, 1835. 58 p. 8~. Pain. v. 463. POUND, Rev. William. A Letter in reply to papers issued by the Coin. of the Church Educ. Soc. in Jul. 1852 and Jan. 1853. London. 8 p. 80. Pam. v. 388. POUQUEVILLEt, F. C. H. L. Voyage de la Grece..Avec cartes, vues, et figures. 2e ed. Paris, 1826, 27. 6 v. 8~. [POvEYt, Charles]. The Torments after Death. Dedicated to the Protestant, Greek and Romish churches. With Articles to establish relief for indigent families. London, 1740. 38 p. 8~. Pam. v. 299. POVILLON-PIERARD,'E E-. F.X. l'ancienne Saint-Nicaise de Reims. 1822. 239-286 p. 120. Pam. v. 608. POWELLt, Rev. Baden. Reasons for not joining in a Declaration.... respecting the admission of dissenters into the University of Oxford. 1834. 3 p. f~. Pam. v. 1104. - Christianity without Judaism: A second series of Essays; including the substance of Sermons...London, 1857. xii, 263 p. 12%. POWVELL, M. C. A Statement of the Proceedings of the Presbyterian Church of Waterford, New-York, in the case of Mr. and Mis. C. M. Powell. Troy, N.Y. 1858. 24 p. 120. Pam. v. 536. POWERS, H. Statue of the Greek Slave. Boston, 1848. 30 p. 12~. Pam. v. 499. FIRST SUPPLEMENT. 669 POWERS, Rev. H. P. Oration, Ypsilante, Mich., July 4, 1850. 12 p. 8~. Pam. v. 532. POWNALLt, Gov. Thomas. The Right, Interest and Duty of Government, as concerned in the affairs of the East Indies.....1773. Now revised. London, Almon, 1781. viii, 39 p. 8~. Pam. v. 431. PowYS, Hon. and Rev. Littleton. An Appeal to the Clergy... on the subject of the Brit. and F. Bib. Soc. London, 1830. 55 p. 8~. Pam. v. 383. PRACTICAL SERMONS adapted to the course of the Christian year in the Common Prayer, by dignitaries and other clergymen of the United Church of England and Ireland. London, 1845. 8~. Pam. v. 339. PART I. Sermons by Bishop of St.Davids, Dean of Lichfield, Revs. J. D. Coleridge, R. Parkinson, J. Slade and H. Alford. PART vI. Sermons by Revs. G. E. Corrie, R. W. Jelf, H. Cotton, J. T. Barrett, G. Townsend, F. M. Knollis. PRACTICE OF PRIVATEERING considered: By J. Gallison; from N. A. Review. Cambridge, 1820. 8~. See Friend of Peace, v. 2. PRACTICE (The) of what is called Extempore Preaching recommended...By a Clergyman of the Church of England, i. e. Jzames Glasebrook? Warrington, 1794. 126 p. 8~. Pam. v. 302. PRADTt, Abbe Dominique De. Europe and America in 1821; with an Examination of the Plan laid before the Cortes of Spain, for the recognition of the Independence of South America. Trans. by J. D. Williams. London, 1822. 2 v. 80. PRAEDt, Winthrop M. Lillian. See Willis, N. P., Rococo. PRAET, Joseph B. B. Van. Catalogue des livres imprim6es sur velin de la Bibliotheque du Roi: Tome Ir, Theologie; T. IIme, Jurisprudence; T. III"', Sciences et Arts; T. IVmne, Belles Lettres; T. Vme, Histoire. SuppUlment et Tables. Paris, 1822. 5 v. in 4. 8. PRANCE, Miles. A True Narrative and Discovery of several remarkable passages relating to the horrible popish plot, as they fell within the knowledge of: London, D. Newman, 1679. viii, 40 p. fP. Pam. v. 1103. PRASLIN, C. L. H. T. Duc De Choiseul. A Complete History of the Praslin tragedy, carefully translated from the volume...printed by order of the French Court of Peers. London (1847). 12 p. 12~. Pam. v. 1011. PRAT, Daniel. An Answer to.'. Dr. Snape's Second Letter to the Bp. of Bangor; with...observations on..treatises against his Lordship..Dr. Sherlock's, Mr. Law's..London, 1717. 48 p. 8~. Pam. v. 351. PRATT, Rev. Enoch. A Comprehensive History, ecclesiastical and civil, of Eastham, Wellfleet and Orleans, county of Barnstable, Mass., from 1644 to 1844. Yarmouth, Mass. 1844. 180 p. 8~. PRATT, George W. An Account of the British Expedition above the Highlands of the Hudson River, and of the' events connected with the burning of Kingston, 1777. Read before the Ulster Hist. Society. Albany, 1861. 73 p. 40. PRATT, Zadock. Description of the Prattsville tannery. Nov. 27, 1847. 10 p. 8.; Pam. v. 530. 670 GENERAL LIBRARY. PRAY (Isaac G.) jr. Prose and Verse, from the Port-folio of an editor. Boston, 1836. 188 p. 120. PRItCEPTES DE SANTEt, OU Introduction au Dictionnaire de Sante, contenant les moyens de corriger les vices de son temperament..By A. L. B. Brechillet Jourdain. Paris...1772. 18~. PREFACE (The) examined.... to a Pamphlet, entitled, The Question concerning the depreciation of our W. Huskisson. London, 1810. 22 p. 8~. Pam. v.427. PRENTISSt, S. S. Speech, U.S. IT. of R., Jan. 17, 1838, on the Mississippi contested election. 80. Pain. v. 193. PRESBYTERIAN (The): Weekly. For 1854 to 1859. Phil'a. 3 v. f~. PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH, England. Two Papers of Proposals concerning the discipline and ceremonies of the Church of England; humbly presented to his Majesty, by the Reverend Ministers of the Presbyterian perswasion. London..1661. 26 p. sm. 40. Pam. v. 600. PRESBYTERIANt CHURCH Of the U.S. of America:. A Digest from the records....and from the records of the late Synod of N.York and Philadelphia, of their acts and proceedings....Philadelphia, 1820. 391 p. 12o. Acts iand Proceedings of the General Assembly...A.D. 1790. Philadelphia, 1791. 24 p. 80. Pam. v. 536. --: Baptism. Report of the Committee.... appointed to draught a plan for disciplining baptized children. New-York, 1812. 56 p. 80. Pam. v. 536. OLD SCHOOL. Minutes of the General Assembly; Vol. XII, XIIi, XIV, 1848 —56. Philadelphia. 3 v. 8~. - A: - Acts and Debates of the General Assembly. New-York, 1856. 80. Philadelphia, J. M. Wilson, Presb. Magazine, 1856. 8~. Church Extension:~ First, Second Annual Report of the Church Extension Committee..1856, 1857. St.Louis, 1856, 57. 8~. Pam. v. 536.- 1st Report. Pam. v. 262. Board of Education: Reports, 31st-36th, 1850-1855. Philadelphia, 1850 - 55. 8~. Fourth Annual Catalogue of the Theol. Seminary at Danville, Ky. 1856-57. Louisville, 1857. 8~. Pam. v. 247. -: Board of Domestic Missions: Reports, 48th - 53d, 1850 - 1855. Philadelphia, 1850 - 55. 8~. ---: _ _- 16th Report of the Board of Foreign Missions. New-York, 1853. 8S. Pam. v. 263. ___: ____ -- The Great Revolt in India; its effects upon the missions of the Presbyterian Board. By J. Leighton Wilson. NewYork, 1857. 23 p. 120. Pam. v. 536.: --- Board of Publication: Reports, 12th -17th, 1850 -1855. Philadelphia. 8~. An Address to the Ministers, Elders and members of the P. C. in the United States: On Dr. Barnes. Signed WT. WT. Phillips and others. New-York, 1836. 41 p. 8~. Pam. v.536. FIRST SUPPLEMENT. 671: NEW SCHOOL. Minutes of the General Assembly, A.D. 1852. New-York, 1852. 8~. Pam. v. 536. --: Synod of Albany: Minutes of the 50th Anniversary... Schaghticoke, Sept. 20, 1853. Albany, 1853. 29 p. 8~. Pam. v. 536. PRESBYTERIAN FAMILY ALMANAC. Presb. Board of Pub., Philadelphia. 1846, Aim. v. 48; 1851, Aim. v. 15; 1858, 12~. Aim. v. 36. PRESBYTERIAN HISTORICAL SOCIETY: 5th Ann. Report. Philadelphia, 1857. 8~. Pam. v. 536. PRESBYTERIANt (The) MAGAZINE: Ed. by C. Van Rensselaer. Vol. 5, 1855 - Vol. 8, 1858. Philadelphia. 4 v. 8~. PRESBYTERY (The) REPORTER: Vol. 3, NO. 10. Alton, Illinois, May 1856. 8~. Pam. v. 261. [PRESCOTT (Benjamin), of Danvers, Mass.]. See Free and Calm Considerations, 1774. PRESCOTT, George B. History, Theory and Practice of the electric telegraph. Boston, 1860. 468 p. 120. PRESCOTT,' I-Henry P. Tobacco and its adulterations; with illustrations (40) drawn and etched by: London, 1858. ix, 130 p. 8~. PRESCOTT (William), M.D. The Model Physician exemplified in an address...Med. Grad. Class of Dartmouth College, Nov. 5th, 1852. 8~. Pam. v. 89. - A Description of the Cacao tree, the Coco-nut tree, the Sea Coco tree, and the Coca Shrub. 8 p. 80. Pam. v. 205. PRESCOTTt, William H. Memoir of the Hon. Abbott Lawrence. Prepared for the National Portrait Gallery by: Printed for private distribution. 1856. 51 p. 4~. - History of the Reign of Philip the Second..v. 3. Boston, 1858. 8~. Additions to Life of Charles V. See Robertson, W. PRESENT (The) MEASURES proved to be the only means of securing the balance of power in Europe...London, 1743. 55 p. 8". Pam. v. 124. PRESENT (The) INTEREST of England stated. By a lover of his king and country. London, printed for D. B. 1671. 35 p. 40. Pam. v. 407. PRESENT POLITICAL STATE of the Province of Massachusetts Bay... By a Native of New-England, i. e. Daniel Leonard. N. Y. Rivington, 1775. 86 p. 8o.- Second title of " Origin of the American Contest;" which see. PRESENT (The) STATE of Great Britain and North America, with regard to agriculture, population, trade and manufactures.... The proper regulations for the colonies..By John Mitchell, MLF. D.,F.R.S. London, 1767. xvi, 363 p. 8~. PRESENT (The) STATE of New-England with respect to the Indian war. London, 1675. See Drake's Old Indian Chronicles. PRESENT (The) STATE of Nova-Scotia; with a Brief Account of Canada and the British islands of N. America. Edinburgh, 1787. 8~. PRESENT (The) STATE of our National Debt.... and the uses which a large national debt may be to a sole M[iniste]r. London, 1740. 25 p. 8~, and tables. Pam. v. 420. 672 GENERAL LIBRARY. PRESENT (The) STATE of Politicks in Europe...London, 1739. 69 p. 8~. Pam. v. 445. PRESENT (The) STATE of the British Empire in Europe, Asia, Africa and America; containing a Concise Account of our possessions in every part of the globe... By J. Goldsmith? London.-.1768. 486 p. 8o. PRESENT STATE of the Controversie, 1,687. See [ Wake, W.]. PRESENT ( The) STATE of the Nation; particularly with respect to its trade, finances, etc. etc. Addressed to the King and Both Houses of Parliament. By the Rt. Hon. George Grenville 4. William Knox. London, Almon, 1769. 107 p. 8~0, Pol. Tr. v. 7.- Appendix to the Present State of the Nation, containing a reply to the observations on that pamphlet. By Messrs. Grenville 4 Knox. London, Almon, 1769. 68 p. 8~. Pol. Tr.. v. 7. PRESENT (The) STATE of the Question, in regard to the division of the Diocese of New-York; with a summary of the reasons therefor. July 1838. 28 p. 8~. Pam. v. 203. PRESERVATIVE (A) against the Publications dispersed by the modern Socinians.... By a Country Clergyman. 6th edition. S oc. Pro. Chr. Knowledge, London, 1804. 28 p. 12~. Pam. v. 623. PRESIDENTIAL PLATFORMS for 1856. 8 p. 8~. Pam. v. 537, 560. PRESSE (La) D'ORIENT: Ire Annee, 26 Fev. 1855, to D6c. 31, 1855. Constantinople. Im7perfect file. See Courrier de Constantinople. PRESTON (Ann), M.D. Val. Address to the graduating class, Female Med. College of Pennsylvania. Phil'a, 1858. 8~. Pam. v. 517. PRESTON, Henry C. Inaugural Address, Rhode-Island Homoeopathic Society, Nov. 3, 1852. Providence, 1852. 8~. Pam. v. 287. PRESTON, Rev. I. M. See Grammar of Bakele Language. PRESTON (William), of Ky. Speech, U.S. H. of R., on Nebraska and Kansas. Washington, 1854. 14 p. 8~. Pam. v. 561. PRESTON, Eng. House of Correction: Calendar of all the prisoners in the House of Correction, 1819. W. Liddell, governor. Preston. 15 p. 4~. Pam. v. 1016. With MS. notes. -: Chaplain's (J. Clay) 27th Report. Preston, Eng. 1850. 56, 29 p. 80. Pam. v. 403. PRETTYMAN, Bp. George. See Tomline, Bp. George. PREVOST-PARADOL, M. Du Role de la Famille dans l'education.... Paris, Hachette, 1857. 123 p. 8~. - Revue de l'Histoire universelle. Paris, 1854. See Cours Complet. PRICE, Charles.... Account of the Arch-impostor Charles Price.... of forgeries on the Bank of England.....London, 1786. 64 p. 8~. Pamn. v. 390. PRICE, Eli K. Speech, on the Bill entitled "An Act relating.... to estates held for corporate, religious and charitable uses," in the Senate of Pennsylvania, March 21, 1855. 8~. Pam. v. 206. PRICE, James H. Miscellany in verse and prose. Albany, H. C. Southwick, 1813. 12~. FIRST SUPPLEMENT. 673 PRICEt (Richard), D.D. [Sermons and Essays; collected] in 1 v. 8~. Contents: Britain's Happiness...a Sermon, Thanksgiving, Nov. 29, 1759. London. Nature and Dignity of the human soul: A Sermon, Job xxxii, 8. London, 1766. Sermon, Fast, Feb. 10, 1779. London. 45 p. An Essay on the Population of England, from the Revolution... London, 1780. 82 p. The Evidence for a future period of improvement in the state of mankind.. a Discourse: Matt. vi, 10. London, 1787. With, New Academical Institution for Prot. Diss.: three reports. 1786, 7. A Discourse on the Love of our Country, Nov. 7, 1789: Soc. for Conm-memoration of the Revolution in G. Britain...London. 51 p. and appendix. PRIcE, Rev. Robert; Sermon, Anniv. Sons.of the Clergy, 1806: Gal. vi, 10. London, 1807. 40~. Pam. v. 1010. PRICE, Samuel. Charity Discourse, Jan. 1, 1726: Hebrews xiii, 16. London, 1726. 8~. Pain. v. 367. PRICHARDt, James Cowles. The Natural History of Man; comprising inquiries into the modifying influence of physical and moral agencies on the different tribes of the human family...4th edition, edited and enlarged by Edwin Norris.... 62 coloured plates on steel, and 100 engravings on wood. London, 1855. 2 v. 8e, with 6 ethnographical maps in f.- 3 v. PRIEST'S (The) TURF-CUTTING DAY: A Historical Romance. By T. C. MiL. New-York, 1841. 82 p. 12~. Pamn. v. 619. PRIESTCRAFT DEFENDED: A Sermon, 1768. See [ Macgowan, J.]; and, Further defence. PRIESTLEYt (Joseph), D.D. [A Collection]. 1 v. 80. Contents: A View of the Principles and Conduct of the Protestant dissenters, with respect to the civil and ecclesiastical constitution of England. 2d ed. London (1789). 91 p. A Familiar Introduction to the Study of Electricity. 2d edition. London, 1769. 5 plates. 85 p. A Free Address to Protestant Dissenters, on the subject of Church discipline...London, 1770. 138 p. The Importance and Extent of Free Inquiry in matters of religion: A Sermon..... To which are added.. Animadversions on... Mr. White's Sermons....on Mr. Howe's Discourse....Birmingham, 1785. 115 p. A Letter to Hon. W. Pitt..on the subjects of toleration and church establishments...London, 1787. 45 p. Defences of Unitarianism for the year 1787, containing Letters to the Rev. Dr. Geddes, to the Rev. Dr. Price, Part ii, and to the Candidates for orders...Birmingham, 1788. 144 p. The Conduct to be observed by Dissenters, in order to procure the repeal of the...test acts: A Sermon, 1789; Birmingham. Letters to..E. Burke, occasioned by his Reflections on the Revolution in France. Birmingham, 1791. xvi, 152 p. Unitarianism explained: A Discourse, Philadeiphia, 1796. London, 1833. General View of the Arguments for the Unity of God. London, 1827. 35 p. [ —-] See Free Address to Protestant dissenters as such. 1772...- -See Theological Repository. Catalogue, 1855, [SUPPL.] 85 674 GENERAL LIBRARY. PRIESTLEY (Joseph), D.D.: A General History of the Christian Church, from the fall of the Western Empire to the present time. Inthree (four) vols. Northumberland, Penn. 1802-3. 4 v. 8~. Copies of Original Letters recently written by persons in Paris to Dr. Priestley in America. Taken on board a neutral vessel. London, 1798. 36 p. 8~. PRIME, W. C. Coins, Medals and Seals, ancient and modern. Illustrated and described...New-York, 1861. 292 p. sin. 40. PRIAoi SCOPRITORE DEL NUOVO IIONDO. See [Napione, G. F. G.]. PRINCE ( Rev. John), D.D., LL.D. Discourse..National Fast, May 9, 1798; appointed by President Adams, on account of the difficulties subsisting between the United -States and France. 2d ed. Salem, 1798. 80. Pam. v. 106; Charity Recommended from the Social State of Man: A discourse, Salem Female Charitable Soc. Salem, 1806. So. Pam. v. 106. A Discourse, Bible Society of Salem and vicinity..Salem, 1816. 80. Pam. v. 106. Sermon.....Death of....Rlev. Thomas Barnard, D.D., who died Oct. 1, 1814...2d edition. Salem, 1814. 8~. Pam. v. 214. PRINCEt, Rev. Thomas. Civil Rulers raised up by God, to feed his people: A Sermon at the publick lecture in Boston, July 25, 1728. In the audience of His Excellency the Governor..Boston, in N.E., S. Gerrish, 1728. 24 p. 8~. Some Account of those English ministers who have successively presided over the work of gospelizing the Indians on Martha's Vineyard...1727. See Mayhew, E.- Cat. 1855. -- See New-England Psalm-book, 1773. Cat. 1855. PRINCE'S (W. R.) Annual Catalogues, 1842, 1845, of Fruit and Ornamental trees, Flushing ( L.I.). New-York, 1841-44. Pam. v. 261. - Catalogues...1855, 1856. Pam.. v. 222.- Catalogue of Bulbous flowers, etc. New-York, 1857. 12~. Palm; v. 505. PRINCETON (N1.J.) PREPARATORY ACADEMY C (atalogue, 1848. 8~. Pam. v. 458. PRINCIPLES ( The) of the Late Changes impartially examined; in a Letter from a Son of Candor to the Public Advertiser. 2d edition. By R. Grenville, Earl Temple? London, Almon, 1765. 89 p. 8~. See Pol. Tr. v. 2. PRINCIPLES ( The) of the Muggletonians asserted..... London, 1735. 50 p. 8~. Pam. v. 341. [ PRINGLE, E. J.]. See Slavery in the Southern States, 1852. PRINGLE (John), MV~.D., F.R.S. Observations on the Diseases of the Army, in camp and garrison...With an appendix..2d ed. London, 1753. 80 The same. 6th edition. London, 1768. S~. [PRIORt, MIatthew]. See English Ballad, 1675. PRISON DISCIPLINE. The Auburn and Pennsylvania Systems of prison discipline compared. (From the N.Y. Review for Jan. 1840). NewYork, 1839. 80. Pam. v. 164, 207. FIRST SUPPLEMENT. 675 PRISONt DISCIPLINE SOCIETY, Boston-: Reports, 21st - 29th ( Vol. 3), 1846 - 1854; with a Ieemzoir of Louis Dwight, Sec. Boston, 1855. 1 v. 80. PRIVATE EPISCOPAL INSTITUTE: A Family School, Troy, New-York. Catalogue. Troy, 1838. 8~. Pam. v. 212. PRIZE ESSAYS on a Congress of Nations, for the adjustment of international disputes..Am7. Peace Society, Boston, 1840. 706 p. 8~. PROBATIONARY ODES for the Laureatship; with a Preliminary discourse, by Sir John Hawkins, Knt. 7th ed. London, 1788. xliv, 131 p. 80. Pam. v. 452. See also Rolliad. PROCEEDIINGS of the Dissenters in Hull, on the introduction into parliament.... of a bill purporting to amend and explain the toleration act. Hull (1811). 80~. Pam. v. 320. PROCEEDINGS of the present Parliament justified by the Opinion of.. Hugo Grotius; with Considerations thereupon...By a lover of the peace of the country. London, 1689. 20 p. 4~. Pam. v. 408. P:ROCS VERBAL of the Ceremony of Installation of President of the New-York Historical Society, as it will be performed, Feb. 8, 1820. New-York, 1820. 18 p. 8~. Pam. v. 195. PROCIDA, Luigi. Calendrier Perpetuel d6monstratif. Bruxelles, 1836. 12~. Alm. v. 47. PROCTER, Adelaide A. Legends and Lyrics: A book of verses. NewYork, 1858. 12~. PROCTER, B. W. Dramatic Scenes; with other Poerms, now first printed. By Barry Cornwall..Boston, 1857. 368 p. 120. Repr. PROCTER (William) jr. Valedictory Charge to the Graduates of the Philadelphia College of Pharmacy.... Tith List of the graduates. ~Philadelphia, 1855. 8~. Pamn. v. 196. PROEVE VAN OUDHEID, etc. See Genootschap, Dulces, etc. 1775. PROGRESS ( The) OF.SOCIETY: A Poem. In three parts. New-York.. 1817. 63 p. 18~. PROGRESS (The) of the Pilgrim Good-Intent in Jacobinical times. London, Hatchard, 1801. viii, 190 p. 120. Pam. v. 617. The same. New-York, 1802. 12~. PROHIBITIONISTt (The). N.Y. State Temperance Society: Vol. 2, 1855; Vol. 3, 1856. In 1 v. f~.- Vol. 4, No. 1 - 6, Jan. - June 1857. Albany. Newsp. v. 16. PROJECT for the Advancement of Religion, 1709. See [ Swift, J.]. PROPER (A) REPLY to a late scurrilous libel; intitled Sedition and Defamation displayed. In a letter to the author. By Caleb D'Anvers, of Gray's Inn. By V. Pulteney. Lound. 1731. 36 p. 8~, Pam. v. 409. PROPERTIUSt, Sex. Aur. Aldus's ed. - ee Catullus. ---- Elegiarum Libri Iv; cuma Commentario perpetuo P. Bnrmanni secundi, et multis doctorum notis ineditis.. Traj. ad Rhen., 1780. 4~. PROPOSED (A) Memorial to the Congress of the United States, on privateering. By. Gallison. Boston, May 1819. 7 p. 8~. Pam. v. 509. .676 GENERAL LIBRARY. PROPOSED OCEANIC communication for uniting the Atlantic and Pacific oceans, via the rivers Atrato and San Juan, Province of Choco, NewGranada. 17 p. 80, & map. Pam. v. 258. PROSPECT (The) BEFORE US: Vol. I. Richmond, Va. 1800. 184 p. 80. See [ Callender, J. T.]. Cat. 1855. PROTECTION (On) to West-India Sugar: By Sir Geo rge Larpent. London, 1823. 71 p. 8~. Pam. v. 436. PROTESTANT ASSOCIATION: An Appeal from:... concerning....the late act of parliament in favour of the papists. New ed. London, 1780. 67 p. 80. Paim. v. 344. PROTESTANTt CHUtRCHTlMAN: From July 29, 1854, to May 31, 1856. New-York. I v. fo. PROTESTANT DISSENTERS' and General Life and Fire Assurance Company. London, 1839. 8~. Pam. v. 511. PROTESTANT (The) DISSENTER'S Answer to...... Dr. Priestley's Free Address on the subject of the Lord's supper... Letters...London, 1770. 133 p. 8~. Pam. v. 315. PROTESTANTt EPISCOPAL CHURCH OF THE U.STATES OF AMERICA': Canons, 1789 - 1841.... The Constitution.... Philadelphia, 1804. 51 p. 8~. Pam. v. 541. Proceedings and Debates of the General Convention. Philadelphia, Oct. 1844. Phil'a, Stavely & MeCalla, 1844. 100 p. 8~. The Book of Common Prayer, and administration of the sacraments; and other rites and ceremonies of the church.... Together with the Psalter...New-York, Stanford & Swords, 1855. 8~. The Record of the Proceedings of the Court of Bishops..Sept. 1853, for the trial of.... G. W. Doane, Bp. of N.J., upon a presentment made by the... Bishops of Va., Ohio, and Maine.-New-York, 1853. 44 p. 8~. Pam. v. 543.: GENERAL THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY: Catalogue of the Professors, Students..and Alumni, 1845-46. N.York. 8~0. Pam. v. 212. - Catalogue, 1846-7. Pam. v. 294. Catalogue, 1855-6. N.York, 1856. Pam. v. 247. Report of the Joint Committee of the House of Bishops, and of the House of clerical and lay deputies...on the Gen. Theol. Sem... Nov. 14, 1826. 11 p. 120. Pam. v. 294. Proceedings of the Board of Trustees, at their stated meeting..26th to the- 30th June. New-York, 1837. 8~. Pam. v. 203..:.. Report of the proposed Alterations in the Constitution of:... New-York, 1858. 24 p. 8~. Pam. v. 194.....: ~ Publication of the Associate Alumni... for 1857; being Sermon by A. Sinedes, D.D., and Essay by Rev. J. W. French. NewYork, 1857. 47 p. 120. Pam. v. 543.: MIssIoNs. Domestic and Foreign Missionary Society: Proceedings, Philadelphia, May 12, 1829; May 1831; Oct. 1832; Aug., Sept. 1835; With the reports.....Philadelphia, 1829, 31, 32, 35. 60, 44, 88, 84 p. 80. Pam. v. 541. ----: The Spirit of Missions: Monthly. Vol. 18, 19, 20, 21. 1853-1856. New-York. 4 v. 4~. FIRST SUPPLEMENT. 677PROTESTANT EPISCOPAL CH. (continued):: Address of the Committee of the Board of Missions... N.York, 1856. 15 p.- Another, Oct. 15, 1817. 8 p. 80. Pam. v. 542. *: -— Reception of the Delegates from the Soc. for the Prop. of the the Board of Missions....Oct. 6-10. N.York, 1853. 37 p. 8~. Pam. v. 542. --: SUNDAY SCHOOLS. General Protestant Epis. Sunday School Union: 1st, 10th Annual Report. New-York, 1827, 1836.- 8th Triennial Meeting at Cincinnati, Oct. 4, 1850. New-York, 1850. 8~. Pamn. v. 541. --: CALIFORNIA. - Journal of the Proceedings of the 2d adjourned meeting of the 2d Triennial convention.. May 1855..San Francisco, 1855. 35 p. 8~. Pam. v. 541.: CONNECTICUT. Journal of the Proceedings of the Annual Convention..June 6, 7, 1821. New-Haven, 1821. 32 p. 8~. Pam. v. 541..-..: MARYLAND. Journal of a Convention.... Baltimore, May 30, 31, June 1, 1832. Baltimore, 1832. 44 p. 80~. Pain. v. 541. Address of the Bishop, at the Seventy-second Annual Conv'ention...Baltimore, May 30th, 1855. 8~. Pam. v. 213. Clergy in Maryland...since 1783. See Allen, E., 1860. NEW-YORK. Constitution and Canons...New-York, 1812. 17 p.- Constitution and Canons.... New-York, 1851. 63 p. 8~. Pam. v. 541.- Constitution and Canons.. New-York, 1845. Pam. v. 203. Journals of Conventions, 57th to 59th, 1841 - 1843: I v. — 60th to 64th, 1844 - 48: 1 v.- 71st to 73d, 1854 - 56: 1 v. New-York. 3 v. 8~. Education and Missionary Society. 8th, 9th Report. NewYork, 1839, 40. 8~. Pam. v. 542. New-YorkProtestant Episcopal Missionary Society. 15th Report. New-York, 1831. 8~. Pain. v. 542. Response from the Diocese of New-York, to a Letter from IH. G. the Archbishop of Canterbury, inviting the Church of America to the celebration of the 3d Semi-centennial Jubilee of the Soc. Prop. Gospel... New-York, 1851... With The Sermon on the J. -McVickar. New-York, 1851.'xv, 38 p. 8~. Pam. v. 542. -: - MtIust Colored men be Members of the Convention? Report of Special Committee on St. Philip's Church, New-York, 1851. 8 p. 8~. Pam. v. 200. To the Clergy and Laity. Expenses of W. F.'Walker's trial. 1853. 8 p. $8. Pam. v. 543.: PENNSYLVANIA. Constitution, Canons...Philadelphia, 1829. 47 p. 8~. Pain. v. 542. -: --- Journal of the Proceedings of the 71st, 72d Convention, 1855, 1856. Philadelphia. 2 v. 80. — 58th Convention, 1842; 73d, 1857. Philadelphia, 1842, 57. 109, 183 p. 8~. Pam. v. 541. ~: ---- Diocesan Missionary Society. Proceedings, 1st Ann. meeting. Philadelphia, 1854. 37 p. 8~. Pam. v. 542. 678 GENERAL LIBRARY. PROTESTANT EPISCOPAL CH. (continued) ~ Society for the Advancement of Christianity in Pennsylvania. 20th, 21st, 23d, 37th Report. Philadelphia, 1832,- 33, 35, 49. 8~. Pam. v. 542. - -: SOUTH-CAROLINA. Journal of the Proceedings of the 50th Convention... Charleston, 1839. 52 p. 80. Pam. v. 541. Protestant Episcopal Society for the Advancement of Christianity in: 10th, 13th Report. Charleston, 1820. 80. Pam. v. 542. -- VERMONT. Constitution and Canons... as revised.... June 2, 1858. Burlington, 1858. — Journal of the Proceedings of 61st - 69th Annual Conventions..... Burlington, 1851-59. In 1 v. 80.- 65th (23d) Convention, 1855. Pam. v. 541. VIRGINIA. Catalogue of the officers, students and alumni of the Theological Seminary, 1843. Fairfax co., Va. 1844. 8~. Pam. v. 294. ---: WESTERN NEW-YoRK. Journal of the Proceedings of the 18th Annual Convention.....Binghampton, Aug. 1855. Utica, 1855. 148 p. 8~. Pam. v. 541. -::.Proposed Canons, reported by a Committee of the Convention. Utica, 1840. 8~. Pam. v. 203.: WISCONSIN. Journal of the Proceedings of the Bishop, Clergy and Laity... assembled in Primary convention... Milwaukee, June 24, 25...1847...New-York, 1847. 57 p. 80~. PROTESTANTt EPISCOPAL HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Proceedings of a Meeting; Draft of Constitution, and Address of Executive Committee, 1850. 80. Pam. v. 203. PROTESTANT EPISCOPAL SOCIETY for promoting Christian Knowledge in the Western district of the State of New-York: The Constitution. Canandaigua, 1820. Pam. v. 203. PROTESTANT EPISCOPAL SOCIETY for the Promotion of Evangelical Knowledge. Statement of the Distinctive Principles of: N.York, 1850. 48 p. 120. Pam. v. 616. Proceedings... 4th Annuhl meeting. New-York, 1851. 48 p. 8~. Pam. v. 542. An Apology: The P. E. S. for the P. of E. K.; its origin, constitution, tendencies and work...New-York, 1854. 44 p. 80. Pam. v. 542. --- Auxiliary Society in Western New-York: Constitution, 1848. 16 p.- Address, Rochester, 1848. 22 p. 8~. Pam. v. 542. PROTESTANT EPISCOPAL SUNDAY AND ADULT SCHOOL SOCIETY Of Philadelphia: Annual Report, 1826. Philadelphia, 1827. 24 p. 8~. Pam. v. 289.- Report, 1829-30. Phil'a, 1830. 8~. Pain. v. 542. PROTESTANT EPISCOPAL TRACT SOICIETY: 34th, 35th Report. NewYork, 1843, 44. 80. Pam. v. 542. PROTESTANT MEETING, Liverpool, Oct. 20, 1835: Authentic ReportLiverpool. 55 p. 80. Pam. v. 347. PROTESTANT'S (The) PLEA for a Socinian; justifying his doctrine from being opposite to scripture or church authority.. in five conferences. London, 1686. 45 p. 40~. Pam. v. 355. FIRST SUPPLEMENT. 679 PROTESTANT RESOLUTION OF FAITH. See [ Sherlock, William]. PROTESTANT'S (A) RESOL'UTION; shewing his Reasons why he will not be a Papist. 18th edition. Boston, D. Gookin, 1746. 44 p. 180. Pam. v. 603. PROTESTANT UNION. An Appeal to the Protestants of Great Britain and Ireland.... in Reply to a late Address by Charles Butler, esq. London, 1813. 95 p. 80. Pam. v. 344. PROTESTANTISM AND POPERY. A Few Plain Words addressed to the working classes. London, 1845. 120. Pam. v. 347. PROTESTANTS in the Church of Rome. By the Editor of the Northern Herald. 12 p. 120. Pam. v. 347. PROUSTEAU, Guillaume. Catalogue des Livres de la Bibliotheque Publique fondde par M. Prousteau....; comnposee en partie des livres et manuscrits de M. Henri de Valois... Nouvelle edition, avec des notes critiques et bibliographiques. Par D. Louis FPabre. Paris et Orleans, 1777. 402 p. 4~. PROUT, Ebenezer. -MIemoirs of the Life of the Rev. John Williams, Missionary to Polynesia. 1st Am. edition. New-York, 1843. 12~. PROVIDENCEt, R.I.: CENSUS. See Statistics. HE-: ALTHI-. 1st Report of the Superintendent of Health... Providence, 1857. 80. Pam. v. 501. - Statistics and Causes of Asiatic Cholera... in Providence..1854. Providence, 1855. City Document. 20 p. 8~. Pam. v. 501. - ----:Report on the Small-pox in the city of E. 1A. Snow, M.D. Providence, 1859. 23 p. 8~.~ Pam. v. 516.: REFORM SCHOOL: 7th Report. Providence, 1858. 8~. Pam. v. 507. - STATISTICS. Census.... taken in July 1855; with a brief account of the manufactures, trade, commerce and other statistics of the city.....By Edwin M. Snow, M.D. 2d edition. Enlarged. Providence, 1856. 82 p. 8~. ~: - - City Registsar's (E. I. Snow) lst- 4th Report on the births, marriages and deaths in the city...during 1855, 56, 57, 58. Providence, 1856, 57, 58, 59. 8~. Pam. v. 564. A List of persons assessed...for 1854... with of each. Providence, 1854. 103 p. 120. Pain. v. 564. PROVIDENCE ASSOCIATION OF M/ECHANICS AND MANUFACTURERS. Charter, etc...Address of John Howlands, 1825. Providence, 1857. 40 p. 8S. Pam. v. 518. PROVIDENCEt ATHENEUIA. 15th, 16th Reports. Providence, 1850, 51. 8~. Patm. v. 169.- 13th, 19th Reports. Providence, 1848, 54. 8. Pam. v. 512.- 20th Report, 1855. Pam. v. 209.- 21st, 22d, 23d Reports, 1856, 57, 58. S~. Providence, R.I. Pam. v. 276. PROVIDENT SOCIETY for the Employment of the Poor. 1st Report... Philadelphia, 1825. 8~. Pam. v. 509. PROVINCIAAL GENOOTSCHAP van Kunsten en Wetenschappen in NoordBraband. Catalogus der Bibliotheek van het:... Hertogenbosch, 1841. 104 p. 8~0 680 GENERAL LIBRARY.'PROVINCIAAL UTRECHITSCHI GENOOTSCIIAP van Kunsten en Wetenschappen. Aanteekeningen van het verhandelde in de sectievergaderingen; 1845 - 1855. Utrecht, 1846 - 55. In 2 v. 8~. PROVINCIAL AGRICULTURAL ASSOCIATIONS: Prize List... Kingston, Sept. 23-26, 1856. Open to all Canada. Toronto, 1856. 8~. Pam. v. 230. PROVINCIAL MEDICAL AND SURGICAL ASSOCIATION. Transactions.. Instituted 1832. Vol. 7, 8. London, 1839, 40.- New Series. Vol. 3. London, 1847. 3 v. 8~. PROVINCIAL WESLEYAN ALMANACIC for 1859. IHalifax, N.S. 89 p. 120. Aim. v. 34. PRUDENCE AND PATRIOTISM; or an Exposure of the arts, views and characters of the Catholic Directory. 2cl edition. Dublin, 1815. 41 p. 8~. Pain. v. 348. PRUSSIAt. Exposition of the Motives..... which have determined the King of lay an attachment upon the capital funds which HI. M. had promised to reimburse to the subjects of Great Britain in virtue of the peace treaties of Breslau and Dresden.... French and English. London (1752). xvi, 131 p. 8S. Pain. v. 410.. Tabellen und amtliche Nachrichten iiber den Preussischen Staat, lierausgegeben von dem Statistischen Bureau zu Berlin.- Ergebnisse der in den Jahren 1848 bis 1857 angestellten Beobachtungen des'Meteorologischen Instituts. Von H. W. Dove. Berlin, 1858. 179 p. f~. PRUYN, Mrs. John V. L. Memorials of:... Albany, 1859. 78 p. 4~. PRYNNE'S ALMANAC for 1841. Albany, E. HI. Pease. 12~. Aim. v. 24. PRYNNE, Rev. George R. An Address, St.Peter's Church, Plymouth, in consequence of..... a pamphlet written by the Rev. J. Spurrell. London, 1852. 28 p. 8~0. Pam. v. 331. PRYNNEt, William. A Declaration and Protestation against the illegal, detestable, oft condemned, new tax and extortion of excise in general: and for hops (a native incertain commodity) in particular. By William Prynne, of Swainswick, esq. London, 1654. 29 p. 4~. Pam. v. 407. PSALMANAZAR, George. Memoirs of eV,=-, commonly known by the name of George Psalmanazar, a reputed native of Formosa. Written by himself, in order to be published after his death. Containing an account of his education, etc. London, 1764. 364 p. 8~. PSALMS (The), HYMNS AND SPIRITUAL SONGS of the old and new Testament faithfully translated into English meeter for the use, edification and comfort of the saints in publick and private, especially in New-England "e'&~. 24th edition. Bay Psalm Book. Boston, S. Kneeland & T. Green, 1737. 346 p., with 12 p. of tunes engraved. 180. P[SEAUME, IRtienne]. Dictionnaire Bibliographique, ou Nouveau MIanuel du Libraire et de l'amateur de livres.... Precedde d'un Essai el6mentaire sur la bibliographie. Par 3MI. P. Paris, 1824. 2 v. 8~. PTOLEMEXUSt, C. Quadripartitum. See Firmicus, J. PUBLIC CHARACTERS of 1798-9 —1809-10. Edited by Alex. Stephens, esq. Vol. 1 - 10. London, 1799 - 1809. 10 v. 80. Vol. 1 a new ed FIRST SUPPLEMENT. 681 PUBLIC (On the) DEBT; with a Plan for its final extinction. London, 1830. 31 p. 80. Pain. v. 427. PUBLIC DISPENSARY in Bishop's Court.... for the relief of the sick poor. London, 1838. 31 p. 8~. Pam. v. 472. PUBLIC GOOD ALMIANACK for 1852. London, J. P. Edwards. 12~. Alm. v. 36. PUBLiCt SCHooL SOCIETY of New-York: 27th Report. New-York, 1.832. 12~. Pam. v. 552.- 30th Report. N. York, 1835. Pam. v. 280. PUBLIC (The) SCHrOOLs in Albany, inadequate to meet the wants of the public; and the necessity of reform. From Albany Morning Express. Albany, 1855. 45 p. 8~. Pam. v. 491. PuBLISIHIERs't CIRCULAR, and General Record of British and Foreign Literature: Vol. 18, 1855 - Vol. 22, 1859. London. 5 v. roy. 8~. PUGHI, H. Sermon, Sept. 17, 1710: Gal. iv, 18. London. 8~. Pam. v. 364. PUGIN, A. Welby. An Earnest Address on the establishment of the hierarchy...London, 1851. 32 p. 8~. Pain. v. 348. L PULTENEYt, W.]. See Proper reply, 1731; Craftsman extraordinary, 1729; Some considerations on national debt, 1729; Some farther remarks, 1729; Faction detected, 1743. PUNCHt AND LONDON CHARIVARI: TWeekly. Vol. 27, July 1854Vol. 35, June 1858. London. 9 v. 4~. Punch's Humourous Library.. Labours of Hercules... N.York, 1851. 56 p. 12~. Pam. v. 619., PURBACII, G. Novo Theoricm Planetarum. See Oswaldus, E. PURaHAs, Rev. Samuel. Purchas his Pilgrimnes. In five bookes... First, Second, Third, Fourth part. London, 1625. 4 v.- Purehas his Pilgrimage, or relations of the world and the religions.... Contayning a theologicall and geographicall historic of Asia, Africa and America... 4th edition.....Three whole treatises annexed, one of Russia... by Sr I. Horsey;..the Gulfe of W. Methold..; of the Saracenicall empire, translated out of Arabike by T.' Erpenius"'-'.~ London, 1626. 1 v.- 5 v. fo. Contents: VOL. I: Book 1, Early Voyages to remote parts of the known world; 2, Circumnavigation of the globe; 3, English Voyages along Africa and the East Indies; 4, English Voyages to Japan, China and the islands; 5, English East India voyages continued. VOL. I: Book 6, Discoveries, with other historical relations of Africa; 7, Inland regions of Africa, called Ethiopia; 8, Travels in Palestina, Arabia, Persia, &c.;. 9, Of Assyria, Armenia, India, Arabia, &c.; 10, Pr-eteritorum, or in the other books omitted. VOL. III' The Third part, Book 1, North and East parts of Asia; 2, China, Tartaria, Russia, &c.; 3, Polar regions of Asia, Europe and America; 4, Of Greenland, Northwest passage, Russian occurrents; 5, Voyages and Travels to and in the New World:of their pagan antiquities. VOL. IV: Book 6, English Voyages to the East, West and South parts of America; 7, Voyages to and about Southern America; 8, Land travels in Florida, Virginia, Voyages to the Azores; 9, English plantations in Virginia and Summer islands, 1606-24; 10, English plantations in New-England, Voyages to New-Scotland. Fleets set forth by Queen Elizabeth against the Spaniards. [ SUPPL.] 86 682 GENERAL LIBRARY. PuRCHAS, Rev. Samuel: (VOL. v): Book 1, Beginnings of the World and Religion in Asia, Babylonia, Assyria, Syria, Phoenicia and Palestilna; 2, Of the Hebrews; 3, Of the Arabs and Turks; 4, Of the Armenians, Tartars, Chinese, &c.; 5, Of the East Indies; 6,. Of Egypt, Barbary and Negroland; 7, Of -Ethiopia; 8, Of New-France, Virginia, Florida, New-Spaine, &c.; 9, Of Guiana, Brazil, Peru, &c.. PURGATORIAN SOCIETY, established with the Approbation of His Grace the Archbishop of New-York, 1855. 2 p. 8S. Pain. v. 548. PURITAN DISCIPLINE TRACTS. London, J. Petheram, 1843 -45. 4 v. 120. Rep-rints, with introductions and notes. Contents: 1. An Epistle to the terrible priests of the Convocation house: by Martin - Mar-Prelate, Gentleman, i. e. John Penry, 1588...16 p. 2. An Epitome of the first book of Dr. John Bridges' Defence of the Government of the Church of England in ecclesiastical matters. By Martin Mar-Prelate 64. p. 3. Pap with a Hatchet; being a Reply to Martin Mar-Prelate, 1589. 52 p. 4. Hay any Worke for Cooper; being a Reply to the " Admonition to the people of England,'" by Martin Mar-Prelate,'1590. 84 p. 5. See Discourse (A Brief) of the Troubles at Franikfort, 1575. By W. Whittingharm. xiv, ccxv p. Cat. 1855. PURPLE ( Samuel S.), M.D. Observations on sonle of the remedial properties of Simaba cerdon, and on its employment in intermittent fever. With Illustrations. New-York, 1854. 8~. Pail. v. 89. Statistics of Injuries of the Heart.. and their relations to forensic medicine. New-York, i1855. 80. Pamin. v. 89. PURSUITS OF LITERATURE. See [ Mathias, T. J.]. PURVIANCE ( Samuel A,), of Pa. Speech, U.S. H. of R., on the Tariff question, Jan. 20, 1859. 16 p. 8~. Pain. v. 290. PUSEYt ( E. B.), D.D.. Letters to, from A. T. Gilbert, W. G. Ward, &c. 1841. 4~. Pain. v. 1004. [ ] See -lHampden's ( Dr.) Theological Statements. PUSe:, Philip. The New Constitution..London, 1831. 52 p. o~. Pam. v. 415. PUSEYISM AND EPISCOPACY By a Republican Churchman. _N. York, 1845? 23 p. 80. Pam. v. 543. PUTNAM, A.WT. History of Middle Tennessee; or Life and Times of Gen. James Robertson. Nashville, Tenn. 1859. 668 p. 8~. PUTNAm,, C. S. The Forcep: Vol. 2, No. 1, 1857. Improvements in artificial dentistry, N.Y. 80. Pam. v. 271. PUTNAMt (George), D.D. Sermon, preached Sunday, March 6, 1836... Roxbury. Boston, 1836. 8o. Pam. v. 270.. A Sermon, Ordination of Rev. Frederic D. Huntington, as Pastor of the South Congregational church in Boston, Oct. 19, 1842. 2d edition. Boston, 1842. 8~. Pam. v. 94. ---- God and our Country: A Discourse.... First Congregational church, Roxbury, Fast day, April 8, 1847. Boston, 1847. 8~. -Pam. v. 94. An Address, Consecration of the Cemetery at Forest Hills, June 28, 1848..Roxbury, 1848. 8~. Pam. v. 478. FIRST SUPPLEMENT. 683 PUTNAM'St (G.P.) MONTTHLY MAGAZINE of American literature, science and art Vol. 7, Jan. 1.856 - Vol. 9, July 1857. New-York. 3 v. 8~. PUTNAMt, George P. Supplement to the World's Progress (1850 - 51), a dictionary of dates and statistics. New-York, 1852. 12~. PUTNAM ( Harvey), of N.Y. Speech, U.S. H. of Rep., on the Treaty with Mexico. Washington, 1849. 16 p. 8~. Panm. v. 486. PUTNAM, James 0. The MIissouri Compromise? Speech, N.Y. Senate, Feb. 3, 1854. 8~. Pain. v. 561. Speech, N.Y. Sen.,. on the Bill providing for the vesting of the title to church property in lay trustees....Albany, 1855. 40 p. 8~. Pam. v. 206, 530. Oration, July 4, 1856. Lockport, 1856. 80. Pain. v. 243, 532. -- rAinerican Principles: A Speech....Rochester, March 3, 1856. 14 p. 8~. Pam. v. 537. Speech, MTay 27, 1858. See Union Anti-Lecompton mass meeting. PUTNAM, Lewis H. A Review of..the Issues between the two sections of the country, with a favor of emigration to Liberia... Albany, 1859. 29 p. 8~. Pam. v. 462. PUTNAM, ri-s. M. L. listory of the Constitution of Hungary. See Peabody, E. P. PUTNA3M FnREE SCHOOI, Newbouryport, Mass. Catalogue, 1853. 8~ Pam. v,. 458. PUTTICK AND SIMPSON. Catalogue of a relating to America, East and West, May 24, 1854. 106 p. 8~. Cat. v. 95. PUTTRICH, L. Denkmale der Baukuust des Mittelalters in Sachsen.. Bearbeitet und herausgegeben von L. Puttrich.. unter Mitwirkung von G. W. Geyser dem jiingern...Vol. 1, 1st and 2d parts; Vol. 2, 1st and 2d parts. Leipzig, 1844-50. In 4 V. 40 Systenmatische Darstellung der Entwickelung der Baukunst in den Obersiichsischen Landern vom x bis xv jahrhundert. Schlusstext der " Denkmale, etc."...Mit 13 abbildungen u. 4 vignetten'.. Leipzig, 1852. 80 p. 4~. PYCROFT, Rev. James. The Student's Guide to a course of reading necessary f6r obtaining university honors. 2d edition. Oxford, 1842. 135 p. 12~. PYE,- Rev. Benjamin. Five Letters... in which.*... misrepresentations of the Popish writers (in a book intitled, " A Free examination of the common methods employed to prevent the growth of popery," are occasionally considered.. 2d edition, with a 6th letter. London, 1769. vi, 95 p. 80. Pam. v. 343. PYLE, Rev. Thomas. An Answer to Mr. Stebbing's Miscellaneous observations upon some passages in the Bishop of Bangor's Answer to the Representation... London, 1719. 54 p. 8". Pam. v. 349. PYNE (Smith), D.D. A Sermon delivered- Thanksgiving Day. Washington, D.C. 1846. 8~. Pam. v. 202. Sermon, Consecration of St.Alban's Church, D.C., May 24, 1855. Washington, 1855. 8~. Pam. v. 441. 684 GENERAL. LIBRARY. Q. Q., O. P. Sketches of the Character of the New-York press. By O. P. Q. New-York, 1844. 47 p. 80. Pam. v. 471. QUACKENBUSH (John V. P.), M.D. Address, Albany Medical College, Obstetrics. Albany, 1855. 8S. Pam. v. 287.- Address, A.M. C., Albany, 1857. 80. Pam. v. 516. QUAKERS. See Society of Friends. QUARANTINE CONVENTION, 1857 - 59. See National Quarantine. QUARTERLY ANTI-SLAVERY MAGAZINE. Edited by Elizur Wright jr. Vol. I, II, Oct. 1835 - July 1837. New-York, Amer. Anti-Slavery Society, 2 v. 8~. QUARTERLY CHRISTIAN SPECTATOR: conducted by an association of gentlemen. Vol. 8, 1836; Vol. 9, 1837; Vol. 10, 1839. N.Haven. 3 v. 8~. QUARTERLY (The) JOURNAL Of pure and applied mathematics. Edited by J. J. Sylvester...N. M. Ferries...G. G. Stokes...A. Cayley... M. Hermite. Vol. 1. London, 1857. 8~. QUARTERLYf REVIEW Vol. 96, Dec. 1854 - Vol. 105, April 1859. London. 10 v. 8~.- Vol. 100 is General Index. QUATRE1aVIfRE, Etienne. Editor. See Khaldoun, Ebn. Recherches critiques et historiques sur la langue et la litterature de l'Egypte. Paris, 1803. 307 p. 8~. QUEBEC. The Picture of Quebec. 2d edition. New-York...1830. 24~. - The New Guide to Quebec and its environs. With a map. Quebec, 1851. 76 p. 18~. QUEBEC DIRECTORIES. Mackay's Quebec Directory, 1850. Vol. 2.For Aug. 1852. Quebec....1850, 52. 2 v. 180. QUEBEC SCHOOL'OF MEDICINE,: Circular. Quebec, 1848. 80. Pain. v. 89. QUEEN'S COLLEGE: Birmingham, Eng. Description of, and Plan of Instruction, 1851-52. 8S. Pam. v. 156. QUEEN'S COLLEGE, Kingston. Catalogue of Books in the Library. Kingston, C.WT1. 1853. 29 p. 8~. QUEEN'S COUNTrY AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY: Premiums, 17th Exhibition, 1558. 8~. Pam. v. 461. QUIRARD, J. MI. La France Litteraire, ou Dictionnaire Bibliographique des savants, historiens et gens de lettres de la France, ainsi que des litterateurs strangers qui ont ecrit en fiangais, plus particulierement pendant les XVIIIe et XIXe siScles. Paris, 1827 - 1839. 10 v. 8'. ----- La Litt'rature Francaise contemporaine: XIXe siScle..Le tout accomnpaon de notes biographiques...Vol. I, par J. M. Querard.Vol. II, lIt, 1827 - 1844, par MM. Charles Louandre et Felix Bourquelot.- Vol. IV, 1827-1849; Continuation de la France litteraire, Dictionnaire bibliographique, etc. Par F. M. Alfred Maury. Paris, 1842, 1846, 1848, 1852. In 4 v. 8~.- Extends only to "Laz" in the alphabet. FIRST SUPPLEMENT. 685 QUERIES recommended to the authors of the Late Discourse of Freethinking. By a Christian. London, 1713. 31 p. 80. Pam. v. 332. [QuESNEL, Pasquier]. See Abreg6 de la'Morale...1689. Cat. 1855. QUESTION (The) as it stood in March 1798. By Sir Philip Francis. London. 24 p. 80. Pam. v. 413. QUESTION (The) truly stated and calmly considered, whether or no there be any just reasons for a new translation of the bible, or a review of our liturgy, articles and canons.. By a gentleman. London, 1751. xx, 59 p. 8s. Pam. v. 299. QUESTION (The) whether England can be otherwise than miserable under a popish king?...London, 1745. 8 p. 8~. Pam. v. 343. QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS concerning the two Religions, viz: that of the Church of England, and the other, of the Church of Rome. In French and English. London, 1723. 51 p. O~. Pam. v. 343. QUESTIONS AND EXPOSITIONS of Slavery, obtained from those who have experienced it. By the author (1856?). 13 p. 120. Pam. v. 562. QUESTIONS TO TRINITARIANS: From Christian Reformer. London. 4 p. 12~. Pamn. v. 317. QUETELETt, A. Lettres a S.A.R. le Due R6gnant de Saxe-Cobourg et Gotha, sur la Theorie des probabilit6s, appliquie aux sciences morales et politiques. Bruxelles..1846. 8~. Observations des Phenomnenes pe6riodiques pour 1854. Bruxelles, I v. 4~. Rapport sur l'Etat et les Travaux de l'Observatoire Royal, pendant l'annee 1856. Bruxelles, Dec. 1856. 8~. Pam. v. 274....- - Sur les Aurores Boreales, et sur l'inclination magn'tique a Bruxelles; Lettres de M. Hansteen.- Note sur la difference des longitudes de Bruxelles et de Greenwich. 8~, Pam. v. 222. [ ] M6teorologie, Magn6tisme terrestre, et Phenomenes periodiques naturels; ou R6sunme des Observations recueillies a l'Observatoire Royal de Bruxelles. 74 p. 24~. Pam. v. 222. Notice sur D. F. J. Arago, Associe de l'Acacd6mie de Belgique. Bruxelles, 1855. 45 p. 18". Pam. v. 608. Notice sur G. J. A. Baron de Siassart, Membre de l'Acacd6mie. Bruxelles, 1854. 66 p. 180. Pam. v. 608. QUETELET, Ernest. Note sur la Determination de la d6clinaison et de l'inclinaison magnetiqnes a Bruxelles en 1857. 5 p. 8~. Pam. v. 274. QUICHERAT, L. Thesaurus Poeticus Lingura Latinm; in quo universa vocabula a poetis latinis usurpata collegit, digessit, explicavit L. Quicherat, in Acad. Paris. aggregatus Prof. Paris, Hachette, 1857. 1338 p. 8. Dictionnaire Latin-franlais, redige sur un nouveau plan; ou sont coordonnes, revises et compl6tes les Travaux de Robert Estienne, de Gessner, de Scheller, de Forcellini et de Freund, et contenant plusde 1500 mots qu'on ne trouve dans aucun lexique puhlie jusqu'a ce jour. Par MAS. L. Quicherat et A. Daveluy....Paris, Hachette, 1858. 1292, 176 p. 80~. 68!6 GENERAL LIBRARY. QUI-ICERAT, L.: Dictionnaire Frannais-latin, compose sur le plan du Dictionnaire Latin-frannais, et tire des auteurs classiques latins pour la langue commune, des anuteurs speciaux pour la langue technique, des peres de l'6glise pour la langue sacree, et du Glossaire de Du Cange pour la langue du moyen age. Paris,' Hachette, 1858. 1683 p. 8~. Principes Raisonnes de la Musiqule. Paris, 1846. 80. See Cours Comnplet. [ QUINCYt, Josiah] senior. See Address of Members of H. of R. 1812. Cat. 1855. - --- Address, MIass. Peace Society, Dec. 25, 1820. Cambridge, 1821. See Friend of Peace, v. 2. - Speech.... before the Whig State Convention...Aug. 16, 1854, on the fugitive slave law. Boston, 1854. 8 p. 8~. PalY. v. 561. - Address illustrative of the Nature and Power of the Slave States, and the duties of the Free States. Quincy,'lass., June 5, 1856. Boston, 1856. 8~. Pain. v. 237. QUINCY (Josiah) jr. Address, N.Y. State Agric. Society, Utica, 1845. Albany, 1845. Pam. v. 461. Letter to the Shareholders of the Vermont Central Railroad... March 1852. Boston, 1852. 80. Pam. v. 257. QUINTILIANUSI, MI. Fabius. 3M. Fabii Quintiliani Institutionumn Oratoriarum libri duodecim. Ad usum scholarumn accommodati, recisis que minus necessaria visa sunt, et brevibus notis illustrati, a Carolo Rollin... Londini...1792. royv. 8~. Quintilian's Institutes of Oratory.... literally translated with notes, by Rev. J. S. Watson. London, Bohn, 1856. 2 v. 120~. QUINTUS, Smyrnoeus. Quinti Calabri Pr etermissoruln ab Homero libri xiv. Greece cuam versione latina... emend. L. Rhodonmanni.... curante J. C. De Pauw...Lugd. Bat. 1734. 871 p. 8~. QuRINIr, Angelo'...... Liber singularis de optimorum scriptorum editionibus qune Romme primuLm prodierunt post divinum. typographie -inventum, a Germanis opificibus (1467 - 1472) in eamrn urbem advectum:... Reeensuit... et diatribam praeliminarem de variis rebus, ad natales artis typographiee dilucidandos facientibus prmmisit Jo. G. Schelhornius. Lincldaugim', 1761. 266 p. and index, 40~. QUITMAN ( John A.), of Miss. Speech, U. S. H.. of R., on the powers of the Federal Government with regard to the territories, Dec. 18, 1856. WVashington, 1857. 8~. Pam. v. 561. QUIZzICAL (The) QuoRum....a new Ballad. London. Pam. v. 1013. R. R., Q. See Remarks on...D'Oyly. RABIQUEAU, Charles. Le Spectacle d euFeu 6leinentaire ou' Cours d'Electricite experimentale; ofu l'on trouve l'explication.... du feu dans son origine.... Paris, 1853. 296 p.- With, Lettre electrique sur la mort de M. Richmann. 14 p., with plates. In I v.-12~. RACHEL, M'lle. See Felix, Rachel. RACINEt, J. Theatre Choisi...Paris, Delalain. 18~. FIRST SUPPLEMENT. 687 Theatre Choisi de Racine....par lM. Geruzez. Paris, Hachette, 1847. 676 p. 12~. The Victim; or Achilles and Iphigenia in Aulis: A tragedy. Trans. by 7Mr. A. Boyer. London (1700?). 120. Pamin. v. 396. RACINE. Description of. See Wisconsin. RACINE COLLEGE, Iisconsin: Catalogue. Racine, 1856. 8~. Pam. v. 480. RADCLIFFE, E. Sermon, Fast, Dec. 13, 1776 Psalms lxxxix, 31, 32. London, 1776. 8~. Pam. v. 373, RAE (Robert) & Co. Shipping Commercial Law agency, Chicago, Ill. 1857. 12 p. 8~. Pam. v. 529. RAFFLESt, Sir T. S. Geschiedenis van Java. Vertaald, wat betreft de onderwerpen, welke voor Nederland en Indi6 wetenswaardig zijn, en voorzien van Aanteekeningen..door J. E. De Sturler.. Gravenhage en te Amsterdan..1836. 8~. RAFNt, Charles C. America Discovered in the Tenth Century..NewYork, 1838. 32 p. 8~. RAGONOT-GODEFROI, M. Almanach Perpetuel de Jardinage....855. Paris. 190 p. 18~. Aim. v. 52. RA'LUSEN, Reinhard. Hand-boek over den heiligen Doop en bet heilige Avondmaal..Altona, 1790. 8~. RAILROAD COMPANIES between New-York, Boston..and the Ohio and Mississippi rivers: Proceedings of a meeting of representatives.. at Cleveland, O., Nov. 1854. 8~. Pqm. v. 152, 546. RAILROAD (The): Considered in a Moral and Religious point of view. London, 1845. 18 p. 120. Pam. v. 339. iR.AILROADS: Statements and Reflections thereon; particularly...the proposed railroad.. between London and Brighton. London, 1836. 59 p. 80. Pam. -. 428. RAILWAY ECCENTRICS. Inconsistencies of men of genius exemplified in the practice and precept of J. K. Brunel, and in the theoretical opinions of C. A. Saunders.... By Vigil. London, 1846. 30 p. 8~. Pam. v. 428. RAINE, Rev. Matthew. A Catalogue of the Library of.... auction, Feb. 27, 1812. London. 92 p. 8~0. With prices and purchasers.Also in Cat. v. 95. RAINEY, Thomas. Ocean Steam Navigation and the Ocean Post.... New-York, 1858. 224 p. 8~. RAINSFORD ISLAND HOSPITAL 14th Ann. Report. City Doct. Boston, 1857. 80. Pam. v. 506. RAINY, Mr. On Landed and other Real property: A Concise report of Mr. Rainy's lecture..1851. London. 12 p. 80. Pain. v. 416. RALEIGHt, Sigr Walter. Works...Oxford, 1829. 8 v. 80. Contents: VOL. 1: Lives of the Author, by Oldys and Birch; Trial, Nov. 1603. VOL. 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7: History of the World. VOL. 8: Maxims of State; The Cabinet Council; The Prerogative of Parliaments...; Discourse of War...; Observations touching Trade..; Discovery of Guiana...; Treatise of the Soul...; Letters..; Poenms...etc.; Appendix.... 688 GENERAL LIBRARY. IALEIGTHt, Sir Walter: The Prerogative of Parliaments in England: Proued in a Dialogue (pro & contra) betweene a Counicellour of State and a Justice of Peace. Written by the worthy ( much lacked and lamented ) Sir Walter Raleigh Knight, deceased. Dedicated to the Kings MIajestie and to the House of Parliament now assembled. Preserued to be now happily (in these distracted Times) Published and Printed at Middleburge, 1628. viii, 66 p. 40. Last leaf wanting. Pam. v. 407. ----- Newes of Sr Walter Rauleigh: With the true description of Guiana...London, 1618. See Force's Tracts, v. 3. RALFE, James. The Battle of Navarin compared with other important naval events; justifying.... the conduct of Sir E. Codrington.... London (1829?). 44 p. 8~. Pam. v. 392. RALPH (James), of Philadelphia. The Case of Authors by profession or trade, stated; with regard to book-sellers, the stage and the public. London, 1762. 68 p. 8~. Pam. v. 513. RALPH (Jos.), MI.D. A Plain Treatise on Cholera....for....private individuals...New-York, 1849. 22 p. 8~. Pain. v. 516. RA.AMAZZINI, Bernardo.. Essai sur les Maladies des Artisans. Trad. du Latin de Ramazzini, avec des notes et des additions: par M. Foure croy...Paris...1777. 180. RAMIBLERS' (The) MAGAZINE. No. 4. New-York, Feb. 2, 1810. D. Longworth. 72 p. 18~. Pam. v. 617. RAMEAU, E. La France aux Colonies....Les Francais en Amdrique, Acadiens et Canadiens. Paris, 1859. 8~. RAMSAY, Andrew Michael. The Travels of Cyrus: To which is annexed a Discourse upon the theology and mythology of the Pagans.. Tranzs. from the French. Albany, 1814. 80~. RAMsAYt, David. An Oration.....July 4, 1794....Charleston, S.C. London, 1795. S0. Geschichte der Arerikanischen Revolution, aus den Acten des Congresses der Vereinigten Staaten... Aus dem Englischen. Berlin, 1794, 5. 4 v. 18~. RAMSAY, Revu E. B. Sermon, for Scot. Episc. Ch. Society: I Cor. xii, 26, 27. Edinburgh, 1839. 8~. Pam. v. 378. Reminiscences of Scottish life and character. Boston, 1861. 180. RAMZSAY, William. Religious Liberty...a Wigtownshire...Edinburgh, 1856. 12~. Pain v. 631. RANDt, Rev. Asa. The New Divinity tried; being an examination of a Sermon delivered by Rev. C. G. Finney, On making a new heart. Boston, 1832. 16 p. 8~. Pam. v. 295. RANDALLt (Henry S.), LL.D. The Life of Thomas Jefferson. NewYork, 1858. 3 v. 8~. RANDOLPHt, Edmund. A Vindication of Edmund Randolph, written by himself, and published in 1795. New edition, with a Preface, by P. V. Daniel jr. Richmond, Va. 1855. 82 p. 8~. RANDOLPH, Edmund. Address on the History of California. to 1849, delivered before the Society of California Pioneers... San Francisco, 72 p. S. FIRST SUPPLEMENT. 689 RANDOLPH (F.), D.D. A Few Observations on the present state of the nation: In a letter...Bath, Eng. 1808. 99 p. 8o. Pam. v. 413. RANDOLPH (Peter), An Emancipated Slave. Sketches of Slave life; or Illustrations of the " Peculiar Institution." Boston, 1855. 35 p. 12~. Pam. v. 626. RANDOLPH (Thomas), D. D. [ Sermons, etc.], in 1 v. 80. Contents:...Sufficiency of Reason...a Sermon: 2 Cor. iii, 5. Oxford, 1739. Certainty of a Future State: Sermon at Assizes, Eccl. xii, 4. Oxford, 1755. Christ the Lord of Glory: Sermon, Dec. 7, 1759: John xii, 41. Oxford, 1760. The Use of Reason...a Sermon, BRom. i, 20: March 7, 1762, Oxford. Witness of the Spirit, a Sermon: orom. viii, 16. Oxford, 1768....Justification by Faith: A Sermon, Romn. viii, 28. Oxford, 1768. The Reasonabless of requiring Subscription to the articles of religion... a Charge, 1771. Oxford. 31 p. An Answer to a pa.mphlet entitled Considerations on the propriety of requiring a subscription to articles of faith. Oxford, 1774. 52 p. Anon. Proof... of the Christian religion drawn from its....propagation.... Two Sermons: Acts v, 38, 39. Oxford, 1777. 75 p. RANKIN, R. G. The Economic Value of the semi-bitumlinous coal of the Cumberland coal basin... New-York, 1855. 80. Pain. v. 274. RANKIN (William) jr. Address before the Synod of New-Jersey, Scranton, Penn., Oct. 21, 1857. New-York, 1857. 8~. Pam. v. 287. RAINNEY, Darwin II. The Evangelical Church; or True Grounds for the union of the saints. Woodstock, Vt. 1840. 144 p. 8~. RANTOUL, Robert. Oration, Gloucester Mechanic Association, July 4, 1833. Salem, Mass. 1833. 8~. Pani. v. 215. Workingmen's Library, No. 2, Vol 1: An Address to the Workingmen of the U.States of America. By R. R. jr. Boston, 1833. 12~. Paim. v. 237. - Second Speech on the Coalition in Massachusetts, in the U.S. H. of R. 1852. 8~. Pamn. v. 487. RAOUL-ROCHETTE, David. Catalogue des Livres composant la Bibliotheque... de:... Vente 20 Mars. Paris, 1855. 389 p. 8~. RAPIER, George C. An Essay on the Polity of different species of governments; also on Education for the private gentlemen in England.... With An Epitome of the British Constitution. London, 1842. 57, 32 p. 120. Pam. v. 388. RASK t, Erasmus G. A Grammar of the Icelandic or Old Norse tongue. Trans. from the George W. Dasent, M. A. London, Frankfort o. M., 1843. 272. 8~. RAsK, R. K. Samlede tildels forhen utrykte Afhandlinger af R. K. Rask. Udgivne efter forfatterens dod af H. K. Rask. Fbrste-Tredie del. Med bidrag til forfatterens levnet af N. M. Petersen. Kt3benhavn, 1834, 35, 38. 3 v. 12~. RATHIBONE & KENNEDY. Circular: Stoves. Albany, 1855, 49 p. 8~. And, Pam. v. 298.- Rathbone & Co. 1857, 1858. 41, 56 p. 4~. Painam. v. 1014. [ SUPPL.] 87 690 GENERAL LIBRARY. RATHBUN, B. Plan of an Association of the Creditors of B. Rathbun. Buffalo, Nov. 1, 1836. 20 p. 80. Pam. v. 488. RATHERY, E. J. B. Histoire des Etats Gen6eraux de France..M6moire couronne... Paris, 1845. 470 p. 80. RATIONAL APPEAL to American Citizens... against the despotic legislation absolutely inhibiting the accustomed beverages of the people....New-York.... for the Exec. Comm. of Vigilance and Defence, 1852. 18 p. 40~. Pam. v. 1016. RAUCH, Frederick A. Psychology; or, a View of the human soul, including Anthropology; being.... Lectures.. New-York, 1840. 8~. RAUCOURT, M. A Manual of Lithography, or Memoir on the lithographical experiments made in Paris... Trans. from the French, by C. Hullmandel. London, 1820. 138 p. and plates, 80. RAUSSE, J. H. Miscellanies to the Graefenburg Water-cure... Trans. by C. H. Meeker, A.M., M.D.... New-York, 1848. 262 p. 12~. RAVENAUt DE LUSSAN, M]/. Journal du Voyage fait a la Mer du Sud, avec les Flibustiers en Amerique, en 1684 et annees suivantes to 1688. A Paris, 1690. 18~. RAVIGNAN, P're. Conference on Prayer. See Cath. Pulpit, N~ 12, etc. RAWLINS, Rev. John. A Dissertation upon heretical opinions.... shewing that there are no reasonable objections against the truth of christianity. Oxford, 1772. 101 p. 8". Pam. v. 33 1. RAWLINSON, Richard: Translator. See Lenglet-Dufresnoy. RAWSON, J. A Narrative of Mr. Joseph Rawson's Case....excluded from....the Congregational Church in Nottingham. London, 1737. 43 p. 8~. Pam. v. 419. RAY, T. M. Report on the Irish Coercion bill, the causes of discontent in Ireland, condition of the people, comparative criminality with England... Dublin, 1846. 27 p. 4.- Pam. v. 1104. RAY, William. Horrors of Slavery; or, The American Tars in Tripoli: Containing an Account of the loss and capture of the U.S. Frigate Philadelphia.... Gen. Eaton's Expedition.... nineteen months imprisonment and vassalage'among the Turks. With Poetry by the same. Troy, 1808. 298 p. 12~. - Poems on Various Subjects, religious, moral, sentimental and humorous. To which is added a Brief- Sketch of the author's life... Auburn, 1821. 255 p. 12~. Poems.... Same title. 2d edition. N.York, 1826. 252 p. 18~.Many omissions and additions. ]RAY' SOCIETY: Publications. London, 1851 - 59. 6 v. Contents: AGAssIz, L.: Bibliographia Zoologime. Vol. III, Gab - Myl. London, 1852. 1 v. 80~. ALDER and HANCOCK: Nudibranchiate Mollusca. Part vII. 1855. f0. ALLMAN'S Freshwater Polyzoa. 1856. f0. WILLIAMSON, W. C.: On the Recent Foraminifera of Great Britain. 1858. 109 p., 7 plates, f0. HUXLEY: The Oceanic HTydrozoa....1859. fo. DARwIN, C.: The Lepadidoe, or Pedunculated Cirripedes. 1851. 8~. FIRST SUPPLEMENT. 691 RAYMOND, Dominique. Traite des Maladies qu'il est dangereux de guerir. Nouv. ed. augmentee...par M. Giraftdy...Paris, 1808. 8~. RAYMOND, Miner. Sermon, Massachusetts Annual Election, Jan. 4 Ps. xxxiii, 12. Boston, 1854. 8~. Pam. v. 557. RAYMOND INSTITUTE, Carmel, Putnam county, New-York: Catalogue, 1857. 8~. Pam. v. 457. RAYNALt, Abbe G. T. F. Anecdotes Litteraires, ou Histoire de ce qui est arrive de plus singulier et de plus interessant aux Ecrivains FranSois....jusqu'a nos jours. Nouvelle edition augmentee. Paris, 1752. 3 v. 18~. A Philosophical and Political History of the settlements and trade of the Europeans in the East and West Indies.. Trans. from the J. Justamond, M.A. 3d ed. London, 1777- 5 v. 8~0. RAYNER, K. Speeches, on the Question of Texas;... and on....Improvement of harbors and rivers.. U.S. H. of R., Washington, 1845. 32 p. 80. Pam.. v. 486. RAYNOLDS, Rev. Peter. Sermon, Gen. Assem. of Colony of Conn. at Hartford, May 12, 1757. New-London, 1757. 80~. Pain. v. 453. RAYNSFORD, J...Some Account of the Lord's dealings with James Raynsford...London, 1837. 72 p. 12~. Pam. v. 390. READ ( Daniel), LL.D. An Address....Madison, Jan. 16, 1856.... upon occasion of his inauguration as Professor of mental philosophy, &c. in the University of Wisconsin. MIadison, 1856. 8~. Pamin. v. 287. READ, John. A Summary View of the spontaneous electricity of the earth and atmosphere.... To which is subjoined the AtmosphericoElectrical Journal, kept during two years, as presented to and published by the Royal Society of London...London, 1793. 160 p. 8~. READING, Rev. William. Sermon, Martyrdom of Charles I: i Sam. xxiv, 5, 6. London, 1715. 8~. Pam. v. 366. READING: CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH. The Result of an Ecclesiastical Council Convention at Reading,. Mass..Boston, 1847. 94 p. 8~. Pam. v. 484. REAL ( Tlie) ADVANTAGES which Ministers and People may enjoy, especially in the Colonies, by conforming to the Church of England; faithfully considered and impartially represented,-in a letter to a young gentleman. By Rev. Noah Welles, of Stamford, Conun. Printed in the year 1762. 47 p. 80. REAL (The) CHARACTER and Tendency of the proposed reform. London (18337). 36 p. 8~. Pam. v. 416. REASONABLENESS of assenting to the Mysteries of Christianity asserted and vindicated. With some remarks upon a book entitl'd An Essay concerning the use of reason in propositions, &c. In a letter to a friend. London, 1708. 81 p. 80, Pam. v, 332 REASONS against Conversion to the Church of Rome, in a letter to his guardian...London, 1726. 44 p. 80. Pam. v. 343. REASONS (The) alledged against Dr. Rundle's: promotion to the See of Glocester.. considered in a letter.,By a gentleman of the Temple. By A. A. Sykes, D.D. 2d edition, London, 1734. 29 p. 80. Pam. v. 341. 692 GENERAL. LIBRARY. REASONS AND PLANS for the encouragement of agriculture. No. III. London, 1836. 34-59 p. 8~. Pam. v. 430. REASONS for enabling Protestant Dissenters to bear public offices. Lond. 1717. 8~. Pam. v. 318. REASONS for extending the Public Wharfs in the Port of London...of rates for wharfage.... Case of the traders of London in relation to the wharfingers..(1705)..reprinted. London, 1758. Repr. 1779. 80, I'Pani. v. 413. REASONS for rejoicing at the Result of the late Election in the State of New-Yorl: At a meeting of the electors of Ontario county, held at Canandaigua, Nov. 21 (1837?). 8 p. 8~. Pam. v. 194. REASONS for the Neutrality of Great Britain, deduced from her exploits for the House of Austria. London, 1734. 27 p. 8~. Pam. v. 418. REASONS in favour of a Direct Line of Railroad from London to Manchester. London, 1846. 35 p. 80. Pam. v. 428. REASONS why a Protestant should not turn Papist....In a letter to a Romish priest. London, 1687. 32 p. 40. Pam. v. 355. REASONS why the Present System of Auctions ought to be abolished. New-York, 1828. 16 p. 80. Pam. v. 103. RECEPTE-CALENDER..1854. Philadelphia, King & Baird. Alm. v. 42; 1859. 40~ Alm. v. 46. RECIPROCAL DUTY of the Ministers of Christ, 1790. See [ Creighton, J.]. REcITS MIORAUX, a l'Usage des Salles d'Asile. Paris, L. Hachette, 1838. 64 p. 12~. Pam. v. 278, RECUEIL DE Mt~IMOIRES et Observations sur l'hygiene et la medecine veterinaires militaires. Rddige sous la surveillance de la Commission d Hygiene (hippique), et publie par ordre du la Guerre: T, I - IX. Paris, 1847 - 58. 9 v. 8~. RECUEIL DE PSAUMES et de Cantiques a quatre parties. Pour le culte publique et pour les devotions domestiques. Basle, 1815. 12~. RECUEIL DES REPRESENTATIONS, Protestations et Reclamations, faites a S. M. I. par les Representans et Etats des Provinces des Pays-Bas Autrichiens. Premier recueil.- Seconde partie du Ir recueil.- Second recueil. De l'Imprimerie des Nations, 1787. 256, 48, 236 p. 8~. RECUEIL D'OBSERVATIONS CURIEUSES, sur les mceurs....les arts et les sciences de diffSrens peuples de l'Asie, de l'Afrique et de l'Amerique...Paris..1749. 4 v. 18~. RECUEILS d'Ouvrages relatifs aux arts et metiers. Paris, Bance. See Bury, Normand, Soyer, REDDINGIUS, Gerard B. Ontworpen van Leerredenen over den Heidelbergschen Catechismus. Groningen, 1806, 7. 3 v. in 18~. REDFIELD, Mrs. Ann M. The Classification of the Chart of the animal kingdom. 12 p. 12'. Pain. v. 551. REDFIELD, John H. Genealogical History of the Redfield family in the U.S...Albany, 1860. viii, 337 p. 8~. FIRST SUPPLEMENT. 693 REDFIELDt, William C. [Collected papers], in 1 v. 80. Contents: 1. Olmsted's Address on the life and scientific labors of: with a list of his writings. 1857. 2. Sketch of the Geographical Route of a great railway....between the Atlantic States and the valley of the Mississippi. N.York, 1829, 30. 1st and 2d editions. Also in Pam. v. 152. 3. Facts...the New-York and Albany Railroad. Anon. 1832. 4. Report.....of the Explosion of the Steamboat New-England. NewHaven, 1833. 5. Letter....on the History... of Steamboat explosions. Revised edition. New-York, 1839. Cong. Doct. 6. Memorial.. on the Impolicy..of certain enactments.. relating to steamboats.'New-York, 1840. 7. Ice in the North Atlantic. 8. On the three several Hurricanes of the Atlantic, and their relation to the Northers of Mexico and Central America.... New-Haven, 1846. 118 p. 9. Letters to Comm. Perry, on Steam in the Naval service. [ Slips from N. York Journal of Commerce, 1841.] The remaining 20 papers are editions from the various scientific journals in which they were published. Cape Verde and Hatteras hurricane of Aug. - Sept. 1853. With a Hurricane Chart, and notices of various storms in the Atlantic and Pacific oceans north of the equator. ( From Am. Jour. of Science). New-Haven, 1854. 32 p. 8~. Pam. v. 233. REDPATH, James. The Public Life of Capt. John Brown....with an autobiography of his childhood and youth. Boston, 1860. 407 p. 12~. REDSLOB, G. M. Memoriam.. Da-idis Schliiter, in Civ. Itamburgensi nuper consulis.....commendat. IHamburgi, 1847. 34 p. f0. Pam. v. 1102. - lemoriam..Job. Hen. Bartels, Reipubliem Hamburgernsis nuper consulis... commendat.. Hamburgi, 1853. f~. Pam. v. 1102. REDWOOD LIBRARY AND ATHENAEUM. A Catalogue of the Books belonging to the Company of:....To which is prefixed a short account of the institution.. Providence..1843. 95 p.-With, Proposals for improving the same. Newport, 1856. 8 p. In I v. 8~. Catalogue..... Account of the Institution.... Boston, 1860. liii, 383 p. 8~. REEDt, Henry. Two Lectures on the History of the American Union. Philadelphia...1856. 68 p. 12~. Lectures on the British Poets. Philadelphia..1857. 2iv. 12~. REED, Isaac. Bibliotheca Reediana: A Catalogue of the... library of the late:.. auction... Nov. 2, 1807. London. 405 p. 8". REED, Rebecca T. Six Months in a Convent.... on Mount Benedict, Charlestown, Mass.... 1831-2.... Boston, 1835. 192 p. 18~. Review of the Lady Superior's Reply to " Six Months in a Convent;" being a Vindication of Miss Reed. Boston, 1835. 51 p. 8~. Pam. v. 548. REED, Sampson. Observations on the Growth of the Mind... Boston, 1838. 192 p. 12~. 69.4 (GENERAL LIBRARY. REED, Rev.- Sylvanus. Extracts from a Sermon, Church of the Holy Innocents, Albany, Feb. 1, 18.52... Albany, 1852. 12~. Pam. v. 441.. — Sermon, 9th Anniv. of Church of the Holy Innocents: Is. lxi, 1.. Albany, 1859. 80. Pam. v. 558. REED, Rev. Thomas. A Letter to Mr. J. Cottle, in which...the Doctrines..of Antinomianism are proved to be of no licentious tendency. London, 1824. 32 p. 8~. Pam. v. 304. The Ascension of Christ: A Poem. Lond. 1 sheet. Pam. v.1013. REEDt, Hon. William B.- Address. See Merchants' Fund. REEDER, Gov. A. HI. Letter on the approaching Pres. Election. NewYork, Sept. 18, 1856.- Speech at New-Haven: The Poor Whites of the South. 16 p. 8~. Pam. v. 537. REEN, Rev. R. B. Redenvoeringen, 1745. See Pollius, M. REES, Evan. Sketches of the Horrors of War..... From Labaume's Narrative of the Campaign in Russia in 1812...with some observations. London, 1818. 24 p. 8~. See Friend of Peace, v. 1. REES, O. Van. Geschiedenis der Nederlandsche Volkplantingen in Noord-Amerika, beschouwd uit het oogpunt der. koloniale politiek. Drie voorlezingen... Tiel, 1855. 162 p. 80. REESEt (David M.), M.D. Introd. Lecture, Castleton Med. College. Castleton, Vt. 1842. 80. Pam. v. 516. REESE (John J.), M.D. Valedictory Address to the Graduates of the Med. Department of Penn. College, March 4, 1854. Philadelphia, 1854. 80. Pam. v. 89. REEVE (Henry), M.D. An Essay on the Torpidity of Animals.. London...1809. 152 p. 8~. [REEVESt, John]. See Thoughts on the English Government, 1795. REFERENCE (A) to the History and Prophecy of the past, as an admonition.. for the... future. NVew- York, 1850.. 24 p. 80. Pam. v. 540. REFLECTIONS from Shakspeare's cliff: with a Glance at Calais cliff... London, 1851. 36 p. 120. Pam. v. 398. REFLECTIONS on Faith: in which it is shewn that no difference of religious opinion is any reasonable ground of disrespect among men, and especially among Christians. By Philanthropos. A new edition...And an appendix..on Mr. Burke's Animadversions on the Revolution Sermon of Dr. Price. Lond. 1790. 167, 28 p. 80. Pam. v. 337'. REFLECTIONS on the Case of Mr. Wilkes, and on the right of the people to elect their own representatives. To which is added the case of Mr. Walpole. London, 1768. 36 p. 80. Pol. Tr. v. 5. REFLECTIONS on the Letter to lDr. Waterland, and the defence of it. London, 1732. 34 p. 80. Pam. v. 353. REFLECTIONS on the Natural Foundation of the high antiquity of government, arts and sciences in Egypt. By N. Forster. Oxford, 1743. 22 p. 8~. Pam. v. 391. REFLECTIONS on the Policy and Necessity of encouraging the commerce of the citizens of the United States of America, and of granting them exclusive privileges of trade. Richmond; (Va.), printed;, New-York: reprinted by S. and J. Loudon...1786. 16 p. 80. Pam. v. 261. FIRST SUPPLEMENT. 695 REFLECTIONS on the Relation of the English Reformation, lately printed at Oxford. Part I, II. Amsterdam, printed for J. S. 1688. 96 p. 4~. Pam. v. 357. REFLECTIONS on the Rise and Progress of the American Rebellion. London, 1780. 96 p. 120. Pam. v. 103. REFLECTIONS upon a Letter concerning Enthusiasm, to My Lord - in another Letter to a Lord. London, 1709. 100 p. 80. Pam. v. 332. REFLECTIONS upon the Answer to the Papist mis-represented, &c., directed to the answerer. By Mr. J. Lovell. Lond. 1686. Pam. v. 355. REFLEXIONS upon a Pamphlet intituled An Account of the Growth of Deism in England....By Rich. Willis, D.D. London, 1696. 72 p. 4~. Pam. v. 358. REFORM OR RUIN: Take your choice-! In which the conduct of the King, the Parliament, the considered. 2d edition. By John Bowdier, M.D. London, 1797. 42 p. 80. Pam. v. 411. REFORMED PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH of Scotland. Historical part of the testimony of the Ref. Pres. Ch. of Scotland, containing a brief sketch of the contending of the witnesses, from the earliest period to the present time. Glasgow, 1842. 386 p. 12~. REFORMEDt PROTESTANT DUTCH CHURCH in North America. See Brief... van Amsterdam, 1772. Acts and Proceedings of the General Synod. Vol. 1, 1771-1812. New-York, 1859. 8~. The Psalms and Hymns, with the catechism, confession of faith and liturgy of: J. H. Livingston, D.D. New-York, 1822. ob. 80. - The Liturgy of: New-York, 1857. 96 p. 12~. - Missions. 19th, 20th, 21st Reports of the Board of Domestic Missions, 1851, 52, 53. New-York. 8~. Pam. v. 263. - Particular Synod of Albany: Minutes. Albany, 1840, 41, 42, 43, 49, 50, 55, 56, 57. 80. Pam. v. 547..- - Classis of Albany: Report of the Committee....on Ministerial support. Albany, 1854. 41 p. 8~. Pam. v. 547. - R. P. Dutch Church of Albany: Memorial to the Classis of Albany, on Rev. Mr. Bassett. 1804. 36 p. 80. Pam. v. 547. Classis of Hudson: Rules..Hudson, 1854. 18~. Pam. v. 604. Particular Synod of New-York: Minutes. New-York, 1840, 42. 8~. Pamn. v. 547. R]FORMED (The) Virginia Silkworm..... London, 1655. See Force's Tracts, v. 3. REFUTATION (A) by his Friends, of the calumnies against David Henshaw, in relation to the failure of the Commonwealth Bank, and the transfer of South-Boston lands to the United States. Boston, 1844. 60 p. 80. Pam. v. 194. REGENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY. See New-York State. REGISTRAR GENERAL OF ENGLAND. Reports on Births, etc. See Great Britain. 696 GENERAL LIBRARY. RIGISTRES des Baptesmes et Sepultures qui se sont faits au Fort Du Quesne- pendant les annees 1753, 54, 55 & 56. Nouvelle-York, J. M. Shea, 1859. iv, 51 p. 12~. REGNAULTt, M. V. Elements of Chemistry, for.. colleges...illustrated by nearly 700 woodcuts. Translated from the French by T. Forrest Betton...And edited with notes by James C. Booth...and William L. Faber. 3d edition, greatly improved... Philadelphia, 1856. 671, 804 p. 2 v. 8~. REICHEL, Rev. Levin T. A History of Nazareth Hall, from 1755 to 1855; and of the former reunions of its former pupils, in 1854 and 1855. Philadelphia, 1855. 162 p. 120. The Moravians in North-Carolina: An Authentic History. Salem, N.C. 1857. 206 p. 18~. REICHEL, William C. See Moravian Historical Society. A History of the Rise, Progress and present condition of the Bethlehem Female Seminary; with a Catalogue of its pupils, 1785 - 1858. Philadelphia, 1858. 468 p. 8~. REII)t (David B.), M.D., F.R.S.E. Ventilation in American Dwellings; with a series of diagrams presenting examples in different classes of habitations. With-...progress of improvement in ventilation, by Elisha Harris, M.D. New-York, 1858. xxxvii, 124 p. 8~. REIDt, John. Bibliotheca Scoto-Celtica; or an Account of all the books which have been printed in the Gaelic language.... Glasgow, 1832. lxxii, 178 p. 8~. REIDt, Mayne. Les Chasseurs des Chevelures ( The Scalp Hunters). I v.- Les Tirailleurs au Mexique ( Rifle Rangers). I v. Semaine Litteraire, New-York, 1854, 55. In 1 v. 80~. [ REIDt. Lieut. Col. William]. Note on the Winds; as influencing the tracks sailed by Bermuda vessels... Government House, Bermuda May 11, 1842. 4 p. 8~. Pam. v. 274. REIFF, Charles Philip. English-Russian Grammar...2d ed. Carlsruhe, Leipzig, 1853. 8~. REIGART, J. Franklin. The Life of Robert Fulton..... accompanied with copies of Mr. Fulton's original drawings and numerous plates...Philadelphia, 1856. 297 p. 8~. REIGERT ( J. Franklin), of Lancaster, Pa. A Treatise on the Cause o. Cholera. 1855. 15 p. 8o. Pam. v. 210. REIMANN, Jacob Friderich. Idea Systematis antiquitatis literarise generalioris et specialioris desiderati adhuc in republica eruditorum literaria..-. Hillesheim, 1718. 26, 616 p.- WTith Antiquitates Literarime ZEgyptiorum, by the same. 192 p. In 1 v. 18~. REINECCIUS, M. Christ. Manuale Biblicum, ex Concordantiis Grsecis adornatum, in quo voces grecse ocnnes in LXX interpr. Versione Bibliorum Grmeca et in Apocryphis Vet. Testam. nec non in textu originali Graeco N. T. occurrentes ordine alphabetico una cum significatibus latinis exhibentur...Lipsive, 1734. 220 p. 12~. REINWALD, Ch. Catalogue de la Librairie francaise pour 1858. Paris, et F. W. Christern, New-York. 288 p. 8~. FIRST SUPPLEMENT. 697 REIS-BoEK door de Vereenigde Nederlandsche Provincien... Amsterdam, 1689. 542 p. 18~. Last leaves wantinzg. [ REITZ, J. F.]. See Staat van't Russische Keizerryk. Cat. 1855. REJOINDER to the Reply of the Rev. Mr. Harold, to the Address to the R.R. the Catholic Bishop of Pennsylvania...and the Congregation of St.Mary's. By a Catholic Layman: Matthew Carey. Philadelphia, 1822. 44 p. S8. Pam. v. 482. RELAND, Adrian. Verhandeling van het Hanen gekraay, van Petrus binnen Jerusalem gehoort...Uit het Latijn vertaalt. Utrecht, 1718. 36 p. 180. Pam. v. 634. RELATION de ce qui s'est passe au Siege de Quxbec et de la Prise du Canada.... Aussi un Jugement impartial Campagne en Canada en 1759. 24 p. -See Siege of Quebec. RELATION de ce qui s'est passe, etc. 1642 - 45. -See Vimont. RELATION D'U9N VOYAGE du Pole Arctique au Pole Antarctique, par le centre du monde;... Avec figures. Amsterdam..1721. 18~. RELATIONS DES JESUITES, contenant ce qui s'est passe de plus remarquable dans les Missions des Peires de la Compagnie de Jdsus dans la Nouvelle-France. Ouvrage publie sous les auspices du Gouvernement Canadien. Vol. I, 1611, 1626, 1636 -41; Vol. II,. 1642-55; Vol. III, 1656-72, et table analytique. Qudbec, 1858. 3 v. roy. 8. RELIGIO BIBLIOPOLAM. See [Dunton, John]. RELIGION (The) of Papists and PresbJyterians truly stated, and the Union of English Protestants recommended...London, 1717. 52 p. 8~. Pam. v. 318. RELIGION (The) of the Church of England the surest establishment of the Royal Throne... London, 1673. 38 p. 4~. Pam. v. 354. RELIGIOUS CONDITION OF COLLEGES. Andover, 1857. 8 p. 80. Pam. v. 495. RELIGIOUS LIBERTY IN DANGER:A Vindication of the Whig party..By a Catholic layman. Phil'a, 1844? 16 p. 8~. Pam. v. 548. RELIGIOUSt TRACT SOC.IETY...49th, 55th Report; Abstract of 50th. 1848, 1854. London. 1 v. 8~. Broadsheets. Protestant Reformation.- Protestant truths and Papal errors.- Queen Mary's days. Newspapers, v. 16. RELLY, James and John. Christian 1Hymns and Poems, and Spiritual songs... Burlington, N.J. Reprinted by Isaac Collins, 1776. 12~. REMACLE, M. Les Infanticides et les Mort-nes. See France: Infanticide. REMARKS AND CRITICISMS on the Hon. John Quincy Adams' Letter to the Hon. Harrison Gray Otis. By William Coleman. Boston, 1808. 8~. Pam. v. 197. REM:ARKS of a " Tax-payer," on the Incorporation of the New;York and Erie Railroad Company. 8~. Pam. v. 146. 1REMARKS on a Book entitled Christianity as old as Creation (Tindal's). 1731, 1732. See [Jackson, J.]. [SUPPL.] 88 698 GENERAL LIBRARY. REMARKS on a Book lately published, entituled, a Plain Account... of the Lord's Supper....London, 1735. 51 p. — Trith the 2d edition. To which is added a preface.....London, 1735. x, 52 p.- And, A Second Letter... London, 1735. 60 p. 8~. Pam. v. 349. REMARKS on Additional Letters to the Rev. G. D' Vindex, Biblicus and Candidus. By Q. R. Lond. 1814. 31 p. 8~. Pam. v.335. REMARKS on a Letter to Dr. WVaterland, in relation to the natural account of languages. By Philob'ib. Cantab. By J. Chapman, D.D. Cambridge, 1731. 48 p. 8. Pam. v. 353. REMARKS on a Sir John Barnard, in which the proposals of that worthy patriot are vindicated...London, 1746. 28 p. 8~. Pam. v. 409. REMARKS on an Address to the.... Parliament....with respect to the West-India question.. London, 1826. 78 p. 80.- Pam. v. 436. REMiARKS on Dr. Bentley's Sermon upon Popery, preach'd before the Univ. of Cambridge, Nov. 5, 1715. By Rev. John Cunzming. London, 1716. 24 p. 8~. Pam v. 343. REMARKS on Dr. Warburton's Account of the sentiments of the early Jews concerning the Soul. London, 1757. 72 p. 80. Pam. v. 352. REMARKS on Dr. Warburton's Sermon concerning the nature and end of the Lord's Supper..... By a Country Clergyman. London, 1755. 23 p. 8~. Pam. v. 352. REMARKS on Dr. Waterland's Second Defense of some queries; being a brief consideration of his notion of the Trinity..... By Philalethes Cantab.... London, 1723. 79 p. 8~. Pamin. v. 353. REMARKS on Hume's Essay, &c. 1777. See [Hurd, R.]. REMARKS on some parts of Mr. Faber's Dissertation on the...period of' 1260 years. London, 1809. 48 p. 8~. Pam. v. 310. REMARKS on the Affairs and Trade of England and Ireland.....By a Hearty Well-wisher to the Protestant religion..... Signed W. H. London, 1691. iv, 75 p. 4~. Pam. v. 408. REMARKS on the Calumnies published in the Quar. Rev. on the English ship-builders. London, 1814. 44 p. 8~. Pam. v. 426. REMARKS on the Coal the port of London. Withadditions from the Edinburgh Review. London, 1830. 32 p. 8~. Pam. v. 414. REMARKS on the Colonization Society and the abolition of slavery..By a Citizen of New-England. Windsor, Vt. 1833. 47 p. 8~. Paim. v. 462. REIARKS on the Conveyance of the Folkestone and Boulogne. London, 1850. 28 p. 8~0. - am. v. 416. REMARKS on the Currency of the United States, and present state and future prospects of the country. By Publius. New-York, 1840. 59 p. 8~. Pam. v. 498. REMARKS on the Customs establishment, as at present constituted.... London, 1851. 23 p. 8~. Pam. v. 416. REMARIKS on the Existing State of the Laws in Massachusetts, respecting violations of the Christian Sabbath. Boston, 1816. 16 p. 8~. Pamn. v. 490, FIRST SUPPLEMENT. 699 R:EMARKS on the Horrible Oppressions, insolencies and unjustifiable partialities of the Commissioners of the Excise...London, 1706. 61 p. 40. Pam. v. 408. REMIARKS on the Petition for an Act incorporating the College of the Holy Cross. [Brownson's Quar. Review]. Boston, 1849. 27 p. 8~. Pam. v. 482.' RErMARKs on the Principal Acts of the 13th Parliament of Great Britain. By the Author of Letters concerning.... Poland, i. e. John Lind. Vol. I. Containina remarks on the acts relating to the Colonies. With a plan of reconciliation. London, T. Payne, 1775. xx', 500 p. 8o.- All published. REMARKS on the Protest of the Bishops against Dr. Hampden's appointment,.and Lord John Russell's reply. London, 1847. 80. Pam. v. 330. RE MARKS on the Seventh Annual Report of the Hon. Horace Mann, Sec. Mass. Board of Education. 31 Boston Schoolmasters. By S. S. Greene? Boston, 1844. 144 p. 8~. Pam. v. 175. REMARKS on two Charges deliver'd by the Bishop of L...d and C... y (Dr. Smalbroke), wherein the danger of the Church, from the progress of liberty and its independence upon civil government, are considered.....By Josiah Owen. London, 1738. 70 p. 80. Pam. v. 341, 444. REMARKS on two Particulars in a Refutation of Calvinism.. London, 1811. 67 p. 8~. Pam. v. 303. RE1,MARKS on Washington College, and on the " Considerations" suggested by its establishment. Hartford, Conn. 1825. 80. Pam. y. 222. REMARKS' upon " A Discourse delivered at the Installation of Rev. David Fosdick, as Pastor of the Hollis-street Church, B.oston, March 3, 1846. By George Putnam." Boston, 1846. 32 p. 8~. Pam. v. 94. RE.rARKS upon a late Discourse on Free Thinking. London, 1737. See [Bentley, Richard]. REMARKS upon a late Dissertation on the instituted form of baptism, which chiefly refer to _Mr. Watts's Dissertations.... London, 1726. 28 p. 8~. Pam. v. 341. REMARKS upon Alchemy, 1855, 57. See [ Hitchcock, Gen. E. A.]. REMARKS upon Bishop M'Coskry's Sermon, preached at the Jubilee, and certain other matters connected with the so-called representation from the American Church to that of England. By Veritas, NewYork, 1853. 32 p. 80. Pam. v. 219. REMARKS upon Doctor Clarke's Exposition of the Church Catechism. London, 1730. 95 p. 80. Pam. v. 349. REMARKS upon the "Papal Aggression,'" occasioned by the discourses of Rev. H. W. Lee.... in St.Luke's Church.... Rochester, 1851. 48 p. 120. Pam. v. 548. REMARKS upon the Usury Laws; by a New-York merchant. With an appendix from.... E. Everett, Prof. McVickar. New-York, E152. 20 p. 80. Pam. v. 290. REMER, Jul. Aug. Amerikanisches Archiv, herausgegeben von:... Braunschweig, 1777, 78. 3 v. 8~. Translations of English Pamphlets, etc. on the American revolution, by Price, Johnson, Lind, Burke, Tucker, &c. 700 GENERAL LIBRARY. REMINISCENCES Of Past and Present Times: For Fremont. N.York, J. Grosvenor, Agent, 1856. 48 p. 120. Pam. v. 537. REMINISCENCES of Scenes and Characters in College: By a Graduate of Yale, of the Class of 1821. Rev. John Mitchell. New-Haven, 1847. 229 p. 12~. REMINISCENCES of the City of New-York: Collected by the Writers, from Vdlentine's MAlanuals of 1V. Y. New-York, 1855. 350 p. 12~. REMONSTRANCE (A) addressed to H. Brougham, esq., MI.P., by one of the working clergy. London, 1823. 51 p. 8~. Pain. v. 325. REMONSTRANCE (A) addressed to the Clergy, shewing where the charge of Deism.....will necessarily terminate. London, 1731. 78 p. 8~. Pain. v. 336. REMONSTRANCE (Copy of ) against the Monopoly of the ships and piers of N.York by floating and dry docks (1857?). 10 p. 8~. Pam. v. 529. REMONSTRANCE against the proposed Pilot Law. N.York, 1857. 17 p. 80. Pam. v. 529. REMONSTRANCE (A) AND PROTESTATION of all the good Protestants of this kingdom, against deposing their lawful sovereign King James II, with reflections thereupon. London, 1689. 19 p. 4~. Pain. v. 408. REMONSTRANCE of the State, 1641. See G. Britain: Remonstrance. RENDU, Eugene. Code Universitaire, ou Lois, statuts et reglements de l'Universit6 royale de France. Mis en ordre' par:.. Paris, 1846. go. De l'Enseignement Obligatoire..Paris, Hachette, 1853. 72 p. 8~. RENDU, Victor. De la Maladie de la Vigne dans le midi de la France et le nord de l'Italie: Rapport..a M. le Min. de l'Interieur. Paris, 1853. 160 p. 8~. [RENNELL, J.]. See War with France, 1794. RENNELL, Rev. Thomas. Sermon, March 8, 1709, Accession to the Throne: 1 Tim. ii, 1, 3. London- 8~. Pam. v. 364. RENNELL ( Thomas), D.D. Of Gaminig, a Sermon: Heb. xii, 1. Lond. 1794. 66 p. 80. Pam. v. 374. [ RENNELL, Rev. Thomas]. See Letter to H. Broughaia on the Clergy, 1819. Sermon, Anniv. Sons of the Clergy, 1821; Jo.n xviii, 36.- Appendix. London, 1822. 4~. Pam. v. 1010. -- Proofs of Inspiration, or the grounds of distinction between the New Testament and the Apocryphal volume....London, 1822. ix, 164 p. 8~. Pam. v. 335. RENNIE, Sir John. The Theory,Formation, and Construction of British and foreign harbours. With 123 engravings....London, 1854. 2 v. gr. fo. RENOUARD, Antoine Augustin. Annales de l'Imprimerie des Aide, on histoire des trois Manuce et de leurs editions:.. 2de Ed. Paris, 1825. 426, 436, xl, 420 p. 3 v. in I. 8~. Catalogue... composant la Bibliotheque de feu:... Vente...20 Nov. Paris, 1854. xxxii, 433 p. 8~. RrENOUARD de Sainte Croix, C.L.F.F. Martinique. See Sainte Croix. Cat. 1855. FIRST SUPPLEMENT. 701 RENSSELAER COUNTY 1Board of Supervisors' Defence of themselves. Reviewed by one of their number, S. W. Tallmadge. Schodack, Feb. 26, 1856. 16 p. 8~.- Tax payers, attention! -1856. 2 editions. 8 p. 80. Pam. v. 530. RENSSELAERI POLYTECHNIC INSTITUTE Register of the Officers and students at the City of Troy. Aug. 1854. 8~. Pam. v. 212.- History of. Troy, 1855. 8~. Pam. v. 247.- Graduating exercises, 1857; Training School ( Troy Academy), 1857. Pain. v. 457. RENSSELAERYILLEt BAPTIZED ASSOCIATION: Minutes, 1815 1821. Catskill.- Rensselaerville Association: Minutes, 1857. Pam. v. 466. RENUCCINI, March. Catalogo della Libreria del fu:....Tip. di G. Mariani. Milan? 1850(?). 424-p. 8~. REPEAL (The) of the Act against occasional conformity consider'd. In a Letter.. Signed D. E. London, 1717. 30 p. 80. Pam. v. 318. REPERTORYt OF PATENT INVENTIONS A General Index to:... from 1815 to 1845 inclusive. London, 1846. 268 p. With, Index of all Patents granted in England from 1815 to 1845 inclusive, being an appendix.-..London, 1849. 463 p. In 1 v. 8~. REPLY to "An Answer to Bishop Hobart's Pastoral Letter on the subject of bible and common prayer-book societies. By an Episcopalian."..... By another Episcopalian. By Bishop John -11. Hobart. New-York, 1815. 33 p. 80. Pam. v. 200. REPLY to " Observations " of the Great Western Railway Company, on the Report of the Gauge Commissioners. London, 1846. 75 p. 8~. Pam. v. 428. REPLY (A) to the Answer made upon the three Royal papers. London, 1686. 56 p.40. Pam. v. 356. REPLY to the Calumnies of the Edinburgh Review against Oxford. Containing an account of studies... By E. Copleston, D.D. Oxford, 1810. 190 p. 80. Pam. v. 386. REPLY to the Letter of the Hon. Marcus Morton, late Governor of Massachusetts, on the Rhode-Island Question. By one of the RhodeIsland People. Providence, 1842. 80. Pam. v. 195. REPLY (A) to the Letter to Dr. Waterland, setting forth the many falshoods.... by which the letter-writer endeavours to weaken the authority of Moses..2d ed. By Z. Pearce. London, 1732. 55 p. 80~.Reply to the Defence of the Letter to Dr. Waterland. By the author of the Reply. London, 1732. 84 p. 80. Pam. v. 353. REPLY to the Observations of Joseph Marryat.... on the West-India Dock charter. London, 1'823. 107 p. 8~. Pam. v. 416. REPLY (A) to the Observations of Lt. Gen. Sir W. Howe, 1780. See [ Galloway, J.]. REPLY (A) to the Reasons of the Oxford Clergy against addressing. London, 1687. 20 p. 40. Pain. v. 357. REPLY to the Review of the Memoir on the U.S. Artillery. Feb. 1852. 32 p. 8~. Pam. v. 521. REPORT AND OBSERVATIONS on the Banks, and other incorporated institutions in the State of New-York. N.York, 1828. 40 p. 80. Pam. v. 464. 702 GENERAL LIBRARY. REPORT of the Delegates of the Banks of the City of New-York, to the Bank Convention, November 1837. N.York, 1837. 8 p. 80. Pam. v. 464..REPUBLICAN JOURNAL: Vol. 3, June 17, 1799. Danbury, Conn. fo. See Nemwsp. v. 15. REPUBLICAN MEETING, Albany: Proceedings of the Rlepublican meeting of the citizens of Albany and Colonie, at Jared Skinner's Long room, March 13, 1810. Albany, 1810. 80. Pam. v. 234. REPUBLICAN NATIONAL CONVENTION, Chicago, May 1860: Proceedings. 153 p. 80~. REPUBLICAN STATE COMMITTEE to the Electors of the State of NewYork: Address, 1857. 8~. Pam. v. 537. REPUBLICAN YOUNG MEN of the City of New-York: Address of the General Committee... recommending a State Convention to be held at Utica, on Tuesday, Aug. 12, 1828. 80. Pam. v. 197. ----: State Convention: Proceedings and Address, August 12, 1828. Utica, 1828. 80. Pam. v. 197, 526. REQUEST (A) to Roman Catholicks, to answer the queries upon these their following tenets..... By a moderate Son of the Church of England, i. e. J. Gordon? London, 1687. 43 p. 4~. Pam. v. 355. RE-REPRESENTATION ( The); or a Modest Search after the great plunderers of the Nation...London, 1711. 88 p. 8~. Pam. v. 442. RESIGNATION (The) Discussed. In which many of the false facts are a pamphlet intitled, An apology for a late resignation, etc. In a letter..London, 1748. 56 p. 80. Pam. v. 410. RESIGNATION NO PROOF: A Letter to Mr. Jebb, with occasional remarks on his Spirit of Protestantism. London, 1776. 67 p. 8~. Pam. v. 315. RESPECTFUL (A) ADDRESS to the most Reverend Archbishops..respecting the necessity of morning and afternoon service..By a Churchman. London, 1825. 32 p. 8". Pam. v. 325. RESPONSE (A) to Bishop Potter, in relation to the designs of the recent Episcopal Memorial papers. Phil'a, 1858. 16 p. 8~. Pam. v. 543. RESTELLI, Francesco. Dell' Influenza delle Assoc. indust. e commer. sulla prosperita pubblica.. 1845. See Lombard Institute. RESULT ( The) of the N.Y. State Election; its Causes and consequences. Albany Atlas, Dec. 1846. No. I - V. 22 p. 8~. Pam. v. 530. RESURRECTION (The) of Jesus considered, in answer to the Tryal of the Witnesses. By a moral philosopher, i. e. Mr. Peter Annett. London (1743?). 99 p. 8~. Pam. v. 309. RETREATf FOR TIHE INSANE at Hartford, Conn.: Third Report of the Directors, May 11, 1827. Hartford, 1827. 80.- 28th Report, April 1852. 80~. Pam. v. 166.- 30th Report, 1854. Pam. v. 201.- 31st Report, 1855. Pam. v. 218.- 32d Report, 1856. Pam. v. 235. RETROSPECTIVE (A) VIEW and Consideration of. India affairs, particularly.. of the Mharatta 1782. London, 1783. 108 p. 8~o Pam. v. 431. FIRST SUPPLEMENT. 703 RETZ, M. Precis d'Observations sur la Nature.....des Maladies epidemiques qui regnent tous les ans a Rochefort.... Avec des conseils....A Paris, 1784. 18~. REUME, Auguste de. Recherches Historiques, genealogiques et bibliographiques sur les Elsevier. Bruxelles, 1847. 119 p. 8'. Varietes Bibliographiques et Litteraires: I. Imprineurs Belges. Bruxelles, 1848. 204 p. roy. 8~. REUSS, Jeremias David. Alphabetical Register of all the authors actually living in Great Britain, Ireland, and in the United Provinces of North America; with a catalogue of their publications, from the year 1770 to the year 1790..- the year 1803. 2d ed. Berlin and Stettin, 1804. 589, 543 p. 2 v. 8~. REVELATIONS IN MASONRY (The third part), made by a late member of the Craft. In four parts: Try me, Prove me." New edition.. New-York, 1827. 71 p. 12~. Pam. v. 103. REVENUES (The) of the Church of England, not a burden upon the public. London, 1830. 104 p. 8~. Plam. v. 326. REVERENCE (On the) due to Holy Places. By the Author of Remarks on English Churches. London, 1845. 28 p. 12~. Pain. v. 339. REVICZKY, Count de. Library. See Bibliotheca Grseca, &c. REVIEW AND EXPOSITION of the Falsehoods and Misrepresentations of a pamphlet addressed to the Republicans of the County of Saratoga, signed "A Citizen;" printed by " Ulysses Doubleday." By an Elector. Ballston-Spa, March 1816. 80. Pam. v. 194. REVIEW of a Discourse by Nath. Thayer, D.D., entitled "Means by which Unitarian Christians may refute misrepresentations of their faith." By Timotheus...Lancaster, Mass. 12 p. 120. Pam. v. 631. REVIEW (A) of a Pamphlet by the Hon. John C. Spencer, entitled Report to the Vestry of St.Peter's Church, Albany, of the lay delegates appointed by them who attended the diocesan convention held at New-York, Sept. 23 - 30, 1845. By John Jay. New-York, 1846. 38 p. 8~. Pam. v. 200. REVIEWt of a Pamphlet on the Trust Deed of Hanover Church. By B. B. Wisner, D.D. Boston, 1828. 37 p. 8~. Pamin. v. 484. REVIEW of a Tract entitled " Secret Societies in Colleges..." By tW. A. Jackson. Union College, Nov. 21, 1850. 4 P. 8~. Pam. v. 550. REVIEW of Mr. Cushman's " Calm Review of the measures employed in the religious awakening in Boston in 1842." By Christophilos. Boston, 1846. 56 p. 80. Pam. v. 295. REVIEW of Pamphlets on Slavery and Colonization: First published in The Quarterly Christian Spectator for March 1833. By L. Bacon. New-Haven, 1833. 8~. Pam.,v. 228. REVIEW of Robinson's Observations on the System of Wesleyan Methodism. From the Christian Guardian, July 1824. 8~. Pam. v. 314. REVIEW (A) of some of the Arguments.. against Parliamentary interference in behalf of the negro slaves..London, 1823. 32 p. 80. Pam. v. 436. 704 GENERAL LIBRARY. REVIEW of the Berkley Case [ Ecclesiastical Council, Mass. 1828]. By Zach. Eddy. 28 p. 8~. Pam. v. 484. REVIEW of the Case of Dissenters, 1790. See [iHorsley, S.]. REVIEW (A) of the Constitution of Great Britain; being the substance of a Speech delivered in a numerous assembly on the following question: "Is the Petition of Mr. Horne Tooke a libel on the House of Commons?"..By a Friend to the People. London, 1791. 54 p. 8~. Pam. v. 259. REVIEW of the New-York Central Road's Official Expose of the causes which led to the termination of the St. Nicholas compact. April 11, 1859. 16 p. 8~. Pam. v. 546. REVIEW of the Report of the Deputation to India of the A. B. C. F. HIl. From Presb. Quar. Review. Phil'a, 1856. 54 p. 8~. Pam. v. 525. REVOLT OF THE SEPOYS. From the Princeton Review. With additional notes. By Rev. 1. Loewentha%. New-York, 1858. 31 p. 8~. Pain. ~. 504. REVOLUTION (William), esq. The Real Crisis; or the Necessity of giving immediate and powerful succour to the Emperor against France and her allies.... In a letter to....H. Pelham....London, 1735. 53 p. 80. Pam. v. 418. REVOLUTION (The) IN NEW-ENGLAND justified, and the people there vindicated from the aspersions cast upon them by Mr. John Palmer...By Increase Ilathzer, 1691. Boston. See Force's Tracts, v. 4. REVOLUTION (The) no Rebellion; or Serious Reflections offered to the. Rev. Mr. B. Hoadly...London, 1709. 16 p. 8~. Pam. v. 349. REVOLUTION (The); or Britain delivered: A poem. In twelve cantos. With notes historical and explanatory. Canto First. Edinburgh, 1791. 36 p. 4~. Pain. v. 1016. REVOLUTION-PRINCIPLES; being a full Defence of the Bishop of St. Asaph's preface to his four Sermons:.... London., 1713. vi, 36 p. 80. Pam. v. 340. REVOLUTIONARY RELICS. See Clinton, George. REVUE ANECDOTIQUE des excentricites contemporaines, paraissant tous les dix jours. 3e annee. 1857. 4-, 5e Vol. Paris. 2 v. 12~. REVUE BIBLIOGRAPHIQUE du Royaume des Pays Bas et de l'Etranger, ou Indicateur General de l'imprimerie et de la librairie. Ire- IX annee, 1822-1830. B3ruxelles. 9 v. 8~. REVUE DE LA NUmISMIATIQUE BELGE, publiee sous les auspices de la Societe Numismatique, par MM. R. Chalon, C. Piot et C. P. Serrure. Tome I - IV, Bruxelles, 1842-48. 4 v. 8~. REVUE de l'Instruction Publique (de la Litterature et.des sciences), en France et dans les pays Strangers. Recueil mensuel, Tome 1-17. Paris, Avril 1842 - Mars 1858. 16 v. 40~ REVUEt DES DEUX MONDES, bi-monthly, 1855, T. 2, 3, 4; 1856, T, 1-6; 1857, T. 7-12; 1858, T. 13-18; 1859, T. 19-22. Paris. 25 v. 8~. REYNAL, Dr. De. Essai de la Methode de guerir les fievres putrides,..Paris, 1763. xviii, 79 p. 120. Pam. v. 613. FIRST SUPPLEMENT. 705 REYNELL, Bp. Carew. Two Sermons at Bristol, 5th Nov. and 30th Jan. 1729. London, 1730. 4~. Pam. v. 1006. REYNOLDS, E. Winchester. The Sphere of the Gospel; or the Freedom of the Pulpit...being a Discourse..Universalist Church:LLu. ix, 6. Buffalo, 1856. 8~. Pam. v. 558. REYNOLDS, John. The Pioneer History of Illinois, containing the discovery in 1673, and the history of the country to the year 1818.... Belleville, Ill. 1852. 348 p. 12~. REYNOLDS, John H. Bridge at Albany. See Van Valkenburgh, R. B. REYNOLDSt, J. N. Correspondence between: and the Hon. Mahlon Dickerson... touching the South Sea Surveying and Exploring Expedition...1837, 38. ANew-York. 151 p. 8.. Pam. v. 195, 500. REYNOLDSt, Sir Joshua, The Works of: containing his Discourses, Idlers, a Journey to Flanders and Hdlland, and his Commentary on Du Fresnoy's AAt of Painting...Life...of the author, by Edmond Malone, esq....4th edition. London, 1809. 3 v. 8~. REYNOLDS, Bp. R. Sermon, 1728. See Society for Prop. the Gospel. RHERAL (Seb.) DE CESENA. Le Monde Dantesque. See Dante. RHEES, William J. An Account of the Smithsonian Institution. ]Washington, 1857. 54 p. 8~. Manual of Public Libraries, Institutions and Societies in the United States and British Provinces of North America. Philadelphia, 1859. xxviii, 687 p. 8~. RHENIUS, Rev. C. T. E. A Grammar of the Tamil language.,3d ed. Madras, Am. Miss. Press, 1853. xiv, 297 p. 8~. RHETICUS, George Joachim. Opvs Palatinvai de triangvlis a Georgio Joachirmo coeptum: L. Valentinvs Otho Principis Palatini consvmlnaYit. Neostadii, 1596. f". Contents Preliminary, 16 p.- 2~ De fabrica calnonis doctrinee triangulorum. 104 p. 3- DOe triangulis giobi, curn angulo recto. 140 p.- 4~ D tlriangulis globi sine angulo rccto, 341 p.- 5 McAltcoroscopium nuinerorumr primum. 121 p.- 50 Ma-gnus Canon doctriine triangulorum ad decades slcundorum scrupulorum, et ad partes 10 000 000C 000. 554 p.- 70'l'ertia series magni canonis...181 p. RHETT (R. B.), of S. C. Speech, U. S. H. of R., on the Relation of the States...towards the Territories, 1848. 8~. Pam. v. 487. RIIOD~E-ISLANDt COLONY. Records of the Colony of Rhode-Island: and Providence Plantations, in New-England. Printed by order of the Legislature. Transcribed and edited by John Russell Bartlett, Secretary of State Vol. I, 1636 to 1663; Vol. II, 1664 - 1667; Vol. IIi, 1.678 - 1706; Vol. Iv, 1707 - 1740; Vol. v, 1741 - 1756; Vol. vi, 1757- 1769. Providence, 1856 - 61. 6 v. roy. 80~. ----- ~ Charters and Legislative Documents illustrative of RhodeIsland History; showing that the people of Rhode-Island, from the foundation of the State.. exercised the rights of self-gQvernment. Providence, 1844. 70 p. 80. Pain. v. 195.: CENSUS of the Inhabitants...1774...Arranged by J. R. Bartg lett. Providence, 1858. 239 p, 8~. r XTTPP]T'1 89 706 GENERAL LIBRARY. RHODE-ISLAND (continued): --: EDUCATION. Report on the Condition and Improvement of the Public Schools of Rhode-Island...1845. By Henry Barnard..... Providence, 1S46.- Report for 1848, by H. Barnard. Providence, 1849. 2 v. 8~.- Providence Schools. Also in Pam. v. 229. -: - Report of the Commissioner of Public Schools....1853. Providence, 1853. Pam. v. 216.- Reports, Jan. 1854, Oct. 1854, by E. R. Potter, Commissioner. Pam. v. 190.- 11th, 12th Report, 1856, 1857. R. Allyn, Commissioner; Report on Truancy, 1856. Pamn. v. 280. ~ MASONRY. Legislative Investigation of Masonry; being a correct history of the examination, under civil oath, of more than fifty adhering and seceding masons...between Dec. 7, 1831, and Jan. 7, 1832. Reported by B. F. IHallet, George Turner and others. Boston, 1832. 87 p. 8~. Pam. v. 211.: STATISTICS. 4th, 5th Report.. Registry and Returns of births, marriages and deaths, in the State for 1856, 57. Edited by C. W. Parsons, IM.D. Providence, 1857, 58. 84, 96 p. 8~. Pam. v. 564. RHODE-ISLAND ANTI-MASONIC STATE CONVENTION. Proceedings, Sept. 14, 1831, Providence, 1831. 8~0 Pam. v. 211. RHODE-ISLAND HIOMIEOPATHIC SOCIETY: Constitution...Providence, 1850. 8~. Paim. v. 515. RHODES, J. R. Speech, N. Y. Assem. Feb. 1855. On...21 years residence before naturalization. 3 p. 8~, Pam. v. 530. RIBADENEIRA, Petrus. Catalogus Scriptorum Religionis Societatis Iesu: Secunda editio...locupletior. Antverpise, 1613. 381 p. 12~. See also, Alegambe. RIBAULTt, J. See Verscheyde Scheeps-Togten. RICARDOt, David. On Protectioh to Agriculture. London, 1822. 94 p. 8~. Pam. v. 424. RICCOBONI, Louis. Histoire du Theatre depuis la decadence de la Com6die Latine; avec un catalogue des tragedies et comedies Italiennes imprimnes depuis l'an 1500, jusqu'ia l'an 1660.... Paris, 1728. Prefaces & 391 p. 8~. RIcEt. J. H. MIemoir of James Brainerd Taylor. By John Holt Rice, D.D., and B. H. Rice. First ed. New-York, 1833. 330 p. 12~. RICE (N. L.), D.D. Campbellism, its rise, progress, character and influence. Philadelphia, Presb. B. of Publication. 40 p. 12~. Pam. v. 631. -- North-Western Theological Seminary, 1857. 29 p. 8~. Pam. v. 294. RICHI, Obadiah. Supplement to the Bibliotheca Americana nova: Part I. Additions and corrections, 1701 to 1800. Lond., Rich, 1841. 425 - 517 p. 8~ [ RICH, William A.]. See English Universities, 1854. RICHARD (A.) DU CANTAL. Dictionnaire raisonne d'agriculture et d'economie du betail, suivant les principes des sciences naturelles appliqu6es. T. I, A- H. Paris, 1855. 8~ FIRST SUPPLEMENT. 707 RICHARDS, George. An Essay on the characteristic differences between ancient and modern poetry, and the several causes from which they result. London, 1789. 26 p. 40~. Pam. v. 1013. RICHARDS, Rev. J. W. Sermon on Psalms lxxviii, 2-8: "The FlRitful Retrospect." Preached at the Trappe, Montgomery Co. Penn., May 2, 1843 Centenary Celebration. Pottstown, Penn. 1843. 8~. Pam. v. 267. RICHARDS, T. A. See Appleton.'s Illustrated... American Travel. RICHARDS, William. Reflections on French Atheism and on English Christianity...3d ed. Philadelphia, 1796. 32 p. 80. Pam. v. 454. RICHARDS, William C. Electron; or the Pranks of the modern Puck: A telegraphic epic for the times*. New-York, 1858. 84 p. 12~. RICHARDSON'S MUSICAUL EXCHANGE (1855?). Boston. 4~. Pam. v. 1015. RICHARDSON, Andrew. Sermons, Fast, the Rebellion, Dec. 8, 1745 2 Kings xi, 17. Edinburgh, 1746. 80. Pam. v. 369. RICHARDSON, E. J. Oration....Utica, N.Y., July 4, 1850....Utica, 1850. 80. Pam. v. 532. RICHARDSON, H. D. Domestic Fowl and Ornamental poultry... NewYork, 1852. 96 p. 12~. RICHARDSON, I. S. Atmospheric Telegraph: Great speed for letters, packages, etc. (1853). 80. Pam,. v. 255. RICHARDSON, Rev. James. The Athanasian Creed vindicated, with a prefatory letter to F. T4rranhanz.... York, 1822. 138 p. 8~. Pam. v. 304. RICHARDSON, John. Sermon, Decease of Tho. Porter': Eph. ii, 8. London, 1752. 8~. Pam. v. 381. RICHARDSON (J. W.), of Tenn. Speech, Tenn. H. of R., on the Bell Resolutions on Kansas, Feb. 8, 1858. 8~. Pam. v. 561. RICHARDSON, N. P. Manufacturer of Stoves and Hollow-ware, Port. land, Me. Albany. With cuts. 8~. RICHARDSON (William), D.D. Four Sermons, Revelation. London, 1730. 80. Pam. v. 368. RICHARDSON, Prof. William. Essays on Shakespeare's -Dramatic characters of Richard III, King Lear and Timon of Athens. To which are added an Essay on the faults of Shakespeare, and additional observations on...Hamlet. London, 1784. 170 p. 18~. RICHARDSON, William H. Journal of:.... a private soldier in Col. Doniphan's command in Mexico. Baltimore, 1847. 84 p. 12~. RICHLIEUt, A. J. du Plessis, Cardinal de. Lettres, Instructions diplomatiques et papiers d'etat du:.. See France: Collection de Doc. Indd. RICEHMOND, Edward. Sermon, Stoughton, -May 22, 1808: The last time of assembling in the Old Meeting-house....Boston, 1809. 8~. Pam. v. 111. Sermon, June 2, 1808, Dedlecation of the New Meeting-house in Stoughton. Boston, 1809. 8~. Pami. v. 111. RIcIIMONDt, James. Petition to Abolish Capital the Legislature of.... New-York. Col. Dated for Jan. 1844 at Livingston, Columbia county..82 p. 8~. Pam. v. 539. 708 GENERAL LIBRARY. RICHMOND, Rev. James C. The-Conspiracy against the late Bishop of New-York unravelled by one of the conspirators..New-York, 1845. 16 p. 80. Pam. v. 543. [ —] See No Slur, 1840; Midsummer's Day Dream, 1847. RICHMOND, John rW. Rhode-Island Repudiation; or The History of the Revolutionary debt of Rhode-Island....Providence, 1855. xvi, 208 p. 8o. RICHMOND (R. B.), M.D. Practical Remarks on the prevention of cholera, and removal of other troublesome states of the bowels.... London, 1849. 48 p. 8~. Pam. v. 405. RIcHMOND, Rev. Thomas. Sermon, Aux. Educ. Society of Norfolk co., West-Rloxbury, Aug. 7, 1849. Boston, 1849. 8". Pam. v. 441. RICIHIOND (Va.) DIRECTORIES. Ellyson's Richmond Directory..... 1845 - 46... Riehmond. 144 p. 180. --- NVW. L. MIontague's Richmond Directory.....for 1850-51, 1852. N~ One, Two. Richmond. 8" and 12~. 2 v. Richmond Directory and Business Advertiser for 1856.....Arranged by M. Ellyson. Richmond... 1856. 12~. RICHMOND in by-gone days, 1856. See [ Mordecai, S.]. RICHsoN, Rev. C. Pauper Education: its provisions and defects; with certain objections to its extension...2d edition. London, 1850. 71 p. 8~. Pain. v. 388. RICKARD ( T.) and H. ORCUTT. Class-book of Prose and Poetry..for parsing. Boston, 1856. 180. RICKARDS, R. India; or Facts submitted to illustrate the character and condition of the native inhabitants.....P.. I. London, 1828. 116 p. 8'. Pan, v. 433. RICKETSON, Daniel. The History of New-Bedford, Mass., including.. Dartmouth....XWestport and Fairhaven. New-Bedford, 1858. 412 p. 120. RICKETTS, Rev. Fred. Considerations on the Condition of the Soul in the intermediate state:.. London, 1831. 82 p. 8~. Pam. v. 305. RIDDERSCHAP VAN DE PROVINCIE ZUID-HOLLAND. Memorie betreffende de verdeeling van het fonds der:'S Gravenhage, 1851. 196 p. 8~. Panm. v. 230. RIDER'sI BRITISH MERLIN, for 1771, 1780, 1782. London. 3 v. 18.For 1751 -11765, See Court Register; Millan's Register; Merlinus, &c. RIDGLEYX (Thomas), D.D. A Body of Divinity, wherein the doctrines of the Christian religion are explained and defended; being the substance of several Lectures on the Assembly's larger catechism. London, 1731, 33. 2 v. fo. An Essay concerning Truth and Charity. In two parts: I, An enquiry concerning fundamental articles of faith...II, Some historical remarks on the behaviour of the Jews and Primitive Christians:... London, 1721. 96 p. 80. Pam. v. 341. - Sermon, Death of Rev. John Sladen: 1 Tim. i, 15. London, 1733. 8". Pam. v. 381. FIRST SUPPLEMENT. 709 RIDLEY ( Glocester), D.D. Sermon, at the Assizes, Thetford, March 23, 1753. London, 1753. 40. Pam. v. 1006. [RIDLEY, Rev. J.1. See Tales of the Genii. RIEDESELt, Frederica C. L., Baroness.- Die Berufs-Reise nach Ame. rica: Briefe der Generalin von Riedesel auf dieser reise, und wahrend ihres sechsjahrigen aufenthalts in America zur zeit des dortigen krieges in den jahren 1776 bis 1783 nach Deutschland geschrieben. Berlin, 1800. x, 352 p. 18~. RIGGS (Elias), D D. A Manual of the Chaldee language; containing a...Grammar... Chrestomathy..and a Vocabulary..Boston, 1832. viii, 180 p. 80. A Brief Grammar of the Modern Armenian language, as spoken in Constantinople and Asia Minor. Smyrna, 1847. 120. A Vocabulary of words used in Modern Armenian, but not found in the Ancient Armenian lexicons. Smyrna, 1847. 120. RIGHT ( The) Honorable Annuitant vindicated. With a word or two in favour of the other great man, in case of his resignation.. In a letter..London, 1761. 66 p. 80. Pain. v. 410. RIGHT (The) of British Subjects, to petition and apply to their representatives, asserted and vindicated: In a letter....London, 1733. 30 p. 80. Pamn. v. 409. RIGHT ( The) of the Protestant Dissenters to a compleat toleration, asserted...2d edition. London, 1789. 99 p. 8~. Pam. v. 319. RIGHT (The) of the Eastern Diocese to elect an assistant bishop. By Si'mon Greenleaf? Cambridge, 1837. 80. Pam. v. 200. RIGHTS (The) of British Subjects to elect their own representatives..... the necessity of the frequency of parliaments... London, 1740. 64 p. 8~. Pam. v. 420. RIGHTS (The) of Swine: An Address to the Poor. London, December 1795. 4 p. 80. Pam. v. 448. RIGHTS (The) of the Congregational Churches of Massachusetts: The result of an Ecclesiastical Council. Groton, Mass. By Lyman Beecher, D.D., 1826. Boston, 1827. 63 p. 8~. _Pain. v. 484. RIGHTS (The) of the Congregational Parishes of Massachusetts Review of...The Rights of the Congregational Churches of Mass.... From Christ. Examiner. By John Lowell. 2d edition. Boston, 1827. 36 p. 12~. Pami. v. 484. RIGOHTS of the Indians. [ Meeting and Memorial of the Convention in Boston, Jan. 21, 1830]. 16 p. 8~0. Pam. v. 508. RIGHTS ( The) of the Owners of hydraulic works at Waterloo. Waterloo, N.Y. 1855. 14 p. 8~. Pam. v. 227. RIGHTWAY, Lucius. Railways, Public ways, and Government ways. By Lucius Rightway. London, 1851. 11 p. 8~. Pam. v. 285, 428. RILAND, Rev. John. Two Letters..... relative to the Slave-cultured estates of the Soc. for the Prop. of the Gospel. London, 1828. 15 p. 8~. Pam. v. 437. The British Liturgy. — An Attempt towards an analysis, arrangement and compression of the Book of Common Prayer....... London, 1832. xxxv, 64 p, 8~. Pamn v. 308. 710 GOENERAL LIBRARY. RILEY, James. The Prophecies explained. Cincinnati, 1858, 59. 136 p. 8. Pam. v. 540. RIMBAULT (Edward F.), LL.D., Editor. See Camden Society; Percy Society; Overbury, Sir T. Bibliotheca Madrigaliana -A Bibliographical Account of the musical and poetical works published in England during the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries, under the titles of madrigals, ballets, ayres, canzonets, etc. etc. London, 1847. xvi, 88 p. 80~. RiMITUs, Henry, A Candid Narrative of the rise and progress of the Herrnhuters, commonly called Moravians.... 2d ed. London, 1753. 120 p. 80. Pam. v. 449. Riot, A. del. Huehuetlapallan, Amerika's grosse Urstadt in dem Konigreiche Guatimala: Neu entdeckt von Capit. Don Antonio del Rio, und als eine Phinicisch-Cananaische und Carthagische Pflanzstadt erwiesen von Dr. P. F. Cabrera in Neu-Guatim'ala.... Aus denm Englischen des II. Berthoud. London, 1822. Meiningen, 1823. 8~. Riot DE JANEIRO. Commercial Formalities of: By Maxwell, Wright & Co. Baltimore, 1830. 79 p. 120. Pam. v. 618. Pro-forma sales and invoices of imports and exports.... By J. Birckhead. Salem, 1838. 41 p. 120. Pam. v. 618. Almanak Administrativo mercantil e industrial do Rio Janeiro para...1844: i~ anno, 1843. 288 p. 18~. RIOLAN, Joannes. Ars Bene Medendi. Parisiis, 1601.- With, I. Riolani Prselectiones in libros physiologicos, et de abditis rerum causis.Acces. opuscula qubedam philosophica..Parisiis, 1602. In 1 v. 120. RIPLEYt (George), Editor. See New American Encyclopaedia. RIPPON, John. Sermon, Death of A. Gifford, D.D.: Is. xxxvii, 17. Address at his interment, by J. Ryland. With his life. Lond. 1784. 84 p. 8. Pam. v. 381. RIPSNORTER ComIIC ALMANAC, Elton, N.Y. 1847, 51. 120. Alm. v. 30. RISE (The) AND FALL of the late projected excise, impartially considered...London, 1733. 61 p. 8~. Pamn. v. 418, 425. RITCHIE, James J. Wisconsin and its Resources; with Lake Superior... 3d edition. Philadelphia, 1858. 318 p. 12~. [RITSON, Joseph]. Bibliographia Poetica: A Catalogue of English Poets of the twelfth, thirteenth, fourteenth, fifteenth, and sixteenth centurys, with a short account of their works.*** London, 1802. 407 p. 120. RITT, G. Nouvelle arithmetique des 6coles primaires..... Paris, Hachette, 1858. 308 p. 12~. RITTER, Abraham. History of the Moravian Church in Philadelphia from..1742... comprising notices, defensive of.. Count Zinzeindorff. Philadelphia, 1857. 8~. RIVE, Jean Joseph. -La Chasse aux bibliographes et antiquaires mraladvises, suivie de beaucoup de notes sur l'histoire de l'anciernne typographie. sur.. la bibliotheque que le Marquis de Mebjanes lui a- leguee.... Tome Ier, Part Iere; Tome II, Part Iere. A Londres (Aix), 1788, 89. iviii, 557, 112 p. With, Notice des ouvrages imprim6s et manuscrits de- l'Abbe Rive, 23 p. In 1 v. 8~. FIRST SUPPLEMENT. 711 RIVERS, David. Observations on the Political conduct of the Protestant Dissenters, including a retrospective view of their history.... London (1800). 42 p. 8~. Pam. v. 320. RIvERs, William James. A Sketch of the History of South-Carolina Xto the close of the Proprietary Government by the revolution of 1719. With an Appendix... Charleston..1856. 80~. RIVERSIDE CEMETERY, Gouverneur, St.Lawrence county, N.Y. Rules.. Consecratory exercises, June 28, 1858. Ogdensburgh, 1858. 84 p. 8~. Pam. v. 478. RIvEst, William C. Discourse before the Young Men's Christian Association of Richmond, on the Ethics of Christianity. Richmond, 1855. 80. Pam v. 94. ---- History of the Life and Times of James Madison: Vol. I. Boston, 1859 80. RIVINGTON'S ALMANACK, 1774, New-York. 120. Alm. v. 55. RIVINGTON, W. Church Extension in St.Pancras..from 1801 to 1851.. London, 1852. 80. Pain. v. 330. RIZER, Rev. P. Duty..... in reference to the Heathen: A Sermon, English Lutheran Church, Dayton, Ohio. Dayton, 1850. 8~. Pamn. v. 267. ROAF, John. Religious Liberty: Being a Letter to the editor of the " Palladium " upon the Thanksgiving proclamation of... Sir F. B. Head.. Toronto, 1838. 8 p. 8~. Pam,. v. 495. A Catechism on the Constitution and Government of christian churches. Toronto, 1839. 26 p. 12~. Pain. v. 490. RPOBACIK t (C. W.), Astrological Almanack, N.Y. 1850, 51, 52, 54. 8~. Alm. v. 40. ROBBINSt, Rev. Chandler. A History of the Second Church, or Old North, in Boston. To which is added a history of the New brick church. Boston, 1852. 320 p. 8~. ROBBINSt ('Rer. Thomas), East Windsor, Conn. Sermon preached at Enfield, at the Interment of the Rev. Nehemiah Prudden..I artford, 1816. 8~. Pam. v. 104. Sermon on the Death of the Rev. Elisha Cook, who was drowned at Manchester, July 11, 1823. Hartford, 1823. 8~. Pam. v. 104. ROBERT of Gloucester's Chronicle. See Hearne's Works. ROBERT, Henri. Les Mouvements des corps celestes, et les principaux phenomenes quien rbsultent.. Paris, 1852. 72 p. 18~. ROBERT, Dr. M. J. C. De la Vieillesse..A Paris, 1777. 18~. ROBERTON (John), M.D. A Treatise on Medical Police, and of diet, regimen, etc., in which the permanent and regularly recurring causes of disease in general, and those of Edinburgh and London in particular are described; with a general plan of medical police to obviate them..Edinburgh..1809. 2 v. 8~. ROBERTS, Rev. B. T. Defence of the Rev. B. T. R. before the Genesee Conference of the Meth. Ep. Church, Perry, N.Y....Buffalo, 1858. 77 p. 8~. Pam. v, 519. 712 GENERAL LIBRARY. ROBERTS, Fred. On the Development of Military offences in camp and quarters. Chatham, Eng. 1853. 36 p. 8~. Pam. v. 406. ROBERTS, Sam. Sermon, Love to our Country: Ps. cxxii, 6- 8; Dissenters at Salisbury. 3d edition. London, 1745. 80. Pam. v. 369. ROBERTS, William, Thoughts upon Creation, &c. **. London, 1782. 178 p. 12~. Pam. v. 302. ROBERTS, William. A Letter from:... Teacher of the Native Unitarian Cong. near Madras...London, 1822. 8~. Pam. v. 317. ROBERTS, W. P. The Haswell Colliery Explosion, 28 Sept. 1844: Narrative... Coroner's inquest, and plan... Newcastle-upon-Tyne. 72 p. 120. Pam. v. 393. ROBERTSON, Felix. An Essay on Chorea Sancti Viti..submitted UIniv. of Pennsylvania, 1805. Phil'a, 1805. (1.859). 11 p. 8~. Pam. v. 516. ROBERTSON, Rev. James. Religious Liberty, applied to the case of the old meeting-house, John-street, Wolverhampton....London, 1818. 63 p.8~0. Pam. v. 316. ROBERTSON, James. A Few Months in America; containing remarks on its industrial and commercial interests. Lond. (1855). 238 p. 12~. ROBERTSON, James. Wool Warehouse, 95 Pine-street, N.York, 1818. 12 p. 80. Pain. v. 298. ROBERTSON, J. P. and W. P. Letters on Paraguay; comprising an account of a four years' residence in that republic, under the government of the Dictator Francia...London, 1838. 2 v. 12~. ROBERTSONt (William), D.D. The History of the Reign of the "Inmperor Charles the Fifth:.. W;ith an account of the Emperor's Life after his abdication, by W. H. Prescott. Boston, 1857. 3 v. 8~. Sermon, Soc. in Scotland for Prop. Christ. Knowl. Jan. 5, 1755: Col. i, 26. 3d edition. Edinburgh, 1759. 80. Pam. v. 370. ROBINET-, M. Manuel de l'Educateur de Vers a soie. Paris, 1848. 8~. ROBINS, Rev. Sanderson. Some Reasons against the revival of Convocation. London, 1850. 36 p. 8~. Pam. v. 3"9. ROBINSON, Anthony. An Examination of a Sermon by R. Hall, entitled Modern Infidelity....with an appecndix....London, 1800. 61 p. 8~. Pam. v. 337. ROBINSONt (Edward), D.D., LL.D.: Translator. See Gesenius, Hebrew Lexicon. Later Biblical Researches in Palestine, and in the adjacent regions: A Journal of travels in the year 1852, by E. Robinson, E. Smith and others..Boston, 1856. 8~. Memoir of Rev. William Robinson, formerly pastor'...Southington, Conn., with some account of his ancestors in this country..... New-York, 1859.- 214 p. 8~. ROBINSON, F. J. Speech, in Committee of Ways and Means, Feb. 21, 1823, on the financial situation of the country. London. 8~. Pam. v.. 439. ROBINSON, F. P. Appendix [to Defence of his government of Tobago]. Paris, 1830. p. 129 - 160. 8~. Pam. v. 437. FIRST SUPPLEMENT. 713 ROBINSON, II. B. Memoirs of Lieutenant-General Sir Thomas Picton, G. C. B. &c., including his correspondence.-.London..1835. 2 v. 8~. ROBINSON, Rev. John. A Manvymission to a manvdvction. London, 1615. Mass. Hist. Soc. Coill. S. 4, v. 1. ROBINSON, Bp. John. Sermon, Charity Schools Matt. xix, 14. London, 1714. 80. Pam. v. 366. ROBINSON, Mark. Letter to R. M. Beverly, esq...on the present state of the Church of England...London, 1831. 54 p. 8~. Pain. v. 326. [ROBINSONt, Matt.]. See Considerations on the Measures; and Esamination of American measures. Cat. 1855. [ ROBINSON, Nicholas, M.D.]. See Treatise on..crust of bread, 1756. [ROB1NSONt, Rev. Robert]. See Areana, 1774. [ Sermons &c. collected ] in I v. 8~. Contents: A Plea for the Divinity of... Christ, in a pastoral letter to a congregation of Prot. dissenters at Cambridge. 3d ed. Camb., Eng. 1776. 111 p. Christianity a System of humanity: Charity School Sermon. Lond. 1779. Lecture on a becoming behaviour in religious assemblies. January 10, 1773, Cambridge, 1776. Christian Doctrine of Ceremonies: A Sermon, 1780. London, 1781. Kingdom of Christ not of this world: A Sermon, Bristol, Education Society, 1781. The General Doctrine of Toleration applied to the particular case of free communion. Cambridge, 178L. 50 p. Slavery inconsistent with the Spirit of Christianity A Sermon,.Luke x, 18. Cambridge, 1788. History and Mystery of Good Friday, 1777. Repr. Camb. 1797. iv, 33 p. ROBINSON, Sara T. L. Kansas; its interior and exterior life, including a fuillview of its settlement, political history, social life...Boston, 1856. 12~. ROBINSON (Thomas), D.D. Funeral Sermon....of R. Heber, Bishop of Calcutta: Lu. xii, 42-44. London, 1826. 52 p. 8~. Pain. v. 382. Sermon, Soc. Prop. of the Gospel at Madras: 2 Thess. iii, 1. London, 1827. 8~. Pam, v. 377. Rise and Progress of the Missions in Tinnevelly...two T. R. and Richard Clarke, esq. Lond., 1845. 123. Pamn. v. 384. ROBISONt (John), LL.D. Extracts from Professor Robisop's "Proofs of Conspiracy," &c. With brief Reflections...., Signed Cornelius. Boston, 1799. 30 p. 8~. Pam. v. 103. ROCHESTERt, N.Y.: 6th Ann. Report of the Superintendent of Public Schools, Sept. 1847. Pam. v. 174. — 11th, 12th Report, Mar. 1854, 1855. Pain. v. 217.- 13th, 14th Report, 1856, 1857. Rochester. 8~. Pam. v. 280.: HEALTIH. Report of the Board of Health, on Cholera, as it appeared in Rochester, N.York, in 1852. Rochester, 1852. 8~; Pam. v. 89.: WATER OwNERS. Memorial of the Inhabitants of Rochester, interested in the use of the waters of the Genesee, for hydraulic purposes, to the Legislature of N.Y. Rochester, 1846.- Memorial, 1852.- Memorial, 1853. Pamn. v. 223.. [ SUPPL,] 90 714 GENERAL LIBRARY. ROCHESTERt ATHENIEUM: Catalogue of the Library of the Rochester Athenamum and Mechanics' Association. Rochester, 1854. 107 p. 80. ROCHESTER DIRECTORY: Daily American Directory..for 1849 - 50.. and a map... Rochester, 1849. 8~. ROCHESTER INSURANCE COMPANY: Instructions, etc. for 1853. NewYork, 1853. Pam. v. 239. ROCHESTER OBSERVER: Vol. 1, No. 1. Jan. 27, to Dec. 29, 1827. - Newspaper. 1 v. fo. RoCHESTEIzt- THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY, the N.Y. Baptist Union: Catalogue, 1852, 56. Rochester. Pam. v. 479.- Cat. 1853, 54. Pam. v. 157.- Catalogue, 1855, 56. Rochester, 1855. Pam. v. 212. See also Univ. of Rochester. ROCHESTER YOUNG MIEN'S CHRISTIAN ASSOCIATION: Constitution. Rochester, 1855. Pam. v. 232. ROCK-BRIDGE AND BATH SPRINGS in Virginia: Analysis and description of alum waters from:.. Richmond, Va. 36 p. 120. Pam. v. 516. ROCK COUNTY, Wis. History of Rock County, and Transactions of the Rock County Agricultural Society and Mechanics' Institute. Edited and compiled by 0. Guernsey and J. F. Willard... Janesville, Wis. 1856. Part I, II. 350 p. 80. ROCKLAND COUNTY FEMALE INSTITUTE: Addresses of Hon. G. M. G. Leonard, Rev. B. Van Zandt, and Prof. H. Crosby, at the opening of:... at Nyack, N.Y. Aug. 1856. N.York, 1856. 80. Pam. v. 286. First Anniversary Address by Rev. A. B. Van Zandt, D.D..... and Catalogue. New-York, 1857. 35 p. 8. Pain. v. 491. RocK RIVER. A Description of the Rock River country in Northwestern Illinois and the town of Dixon.... [By Dana and Soul6]. Chicago, Ill. 8 p. 8~. Pam. v. 565. ROCIKWELL, Rev. Charles. Modern Crusades; or Holy Wars against ministers by their people: A Sermon, Sharon, Conn. June 20, 1851. Hartford, 1851. 8~. Pam. v. 238. ROCKWELL (John A.), of Conn. Comparison between the internal and foreign commerce of the United States..... Speech, U.S. H. of Rep. Washington, 1846. 20 p.- Speech, on the Oregon question, U.S. H. of R., 1846. 16 p. 80, Pam. v. 487. Speech, U.S. House of R., Mar. 1, 1848, on the Finances of the country. 80. Pam. v. 193. ROCKWELLt (Julius), of Mass. Speech, on the Government of the Territories, in the U.S. H. of R. Washington, 1848. 15 p. Pam. v. 486. ROCKWOOD, E. L. A Historical and Genealogical record of the descendants of Timothy Rockwood, born in Medway, July 5, 1727.. Boston, 1856. 146, vi p. 12~. ROCKY MOUNTAIN NEWS: Auraria, K. T. Vol. 1, No. 11. August 6, 1859. Newsp. v. 16. RODIL, laIarques De. Manifesto del: A la Nacion Espariola. Campaila de 21 de Sett. ta 13 de Nov. 1836, Lisboa, 1837. 110 p. 180. Pam. v. 628, FIRST SUPPLEMENT. 715 RoE, Rev. Peter. The Evil of Separation from the Church of England, considered in a series of letters, addressed chiefly to the Rev. Peter Roe. TWith Essays, etc. 2c1 edition. London, 1817. 233 p.8~0. Pam. v. 324.- Letters from T. Scott, D.D., Rev. G. Hamilton, W. Atthill, etc. ROGER, Charles. The Rise of Canada from barbarism to wealth and civilization: Vol. I. Quebec, 1856. 412 p. 80. -RoGERt of Wendover. Chronicon. See English Historical Society. ROGERS (Ebenezer P.), D.D. Sermon, April 30th, 1848, in Memory of Mrs. Aphra A. Ketchum. Augusta, Ga. 1848. 8~. Pam. v. 268. Daniel Webster: A Discourse, First Presbyterian Church in Augusta. Augusta, Ga. 1853. 80. Pam. v. 268. The Sovereignty of God in Calamity: A Discourse, North Dutch Church, Albany, Sept. 20, 1857...Loss of the Central America... Albany, 1857. 8~. Pam. v. 441. Hints to Christians on a journey: Presb. B. of Pub. No. 173. Philadelphia. 120. Pam. v. 296. The Dignity of Teaching: Address, Graduating Class of the Normal School, Jan. 28, 1857. Albany, 1857. 80. Pam. v. 242. A Historical Discourse on the Reformed Prot. Dutch Church of Albany...Nov. 26, 1857...New-York, 1858. 120 p. 8~. ROGERst, Henry. The Greyson Letters: Selections from the Correspondence of R. E. H. Greyson, esq..... Boston, 1857. 518 p. 12~. ROGERSt, Henry D. See Pennsylvania: Geological Survey, 1858. ROGERS (John), D.D. Sermon, Univ. of Oxford: 1 Cor. xi, 19. Oxford, 1721. 80. Paim. v. 367. A Persuasive to Conformity, address'd to the Quakers..London, 1747. 35 p. 80. Pam. v. 449. ROGERS, Rev. John, Sermon, Death of Rev. William Bentley..Three Letters from MIr. Bentley. London, 1751. 4~. Pam. v.'381. ROGERS, Rev. J. M. Sermon, Trinity Church, Easton, April 1841, on the Death of William Henry Harrison, late President of the United States. Easton, Penn. 1841. 8~. Pam. v. 214. ROGERSt, Robert. Second Journal. See 3Munsell's Hist. Series. ROGERS, Samuel. Recollections of the Table-Talk of: To which is added Porsoniana. New-York, 1856. 12~. [ RoGERs, Timothy]. See Roman Catharist, 1621. ROGERS, Rev. William M. Sermon occasioned by the Loss of the Harold and the Lexington, delivered at the Odeon, Jan. 26, 1840. 2d edition. Boston, 1840. 8. Pam. v. 94, 111. ROGERst, Capt. Woodes. A Cruising Voyage round the World: First to the South Sea, thence to the East-Indies, and homewards by the Cape of Good Hope. 1708-11....2d ed. London, 1726. xix, 428 p. -With, Appendix, 57 p., and Index. 8~. ROGNIAT, Joseph. An Abstract of the Baron de Rogniat's Considerations on the art of war; with Notes by S. Swett. Boston, 1817. 24 p. 85. Painm. v. 102. 716 GENERAL LIBRARY. ROLFE, Mr. The Speeches of Mr. Rolfe and Mr. Booth, in Attorney General vs. Shore.... London, 1835. 108 p. 80. Pam. v. 317. ROLLIADt. Criticisms on the Rolliad: Part 1st, 5th edition, 1787; Part 2d, 2d edition, 1790; with the Political Eclogues.- Probationary Odes...4th edition, 1785. London. 1 v. 80. See also Probationary Odes. ROLLS. Master of the Rolls: Publications.. See Great Britain. ROLTt, Richard. An Impartial Representation of the Conduct of the several Powers of Europe engaged in the late general war.. from....1739, to...1748. London, 1749, 50. 4 v. 80~. ROMAINEt, Benjamin. State Sovereignty, and a certain Dissolution of the Union... To the Hon. John C. Calhoun... New-York, 1832. 8~. Pam. v. 194. ROMAINE, Rev. William. The Whole Works of....comprising Discourses on the Law and Gospel...Triumph of Faith...107th Psalm...etc. London, Tegg, 1837. 1 v. 8'. Sermon, Jephthah's Vow: Jfud. xi, 30, 31; at Oxford. London, 1772. 80. Pam. v. 373. ROIMAN (The) CATHARIST; or the Papist is a Puritan, (London, 1621). By Timn. Rogers. 42 p. 40~. Pam. v. 354. ROMANt CATHOLIC CHURCH. Missale Romanum, ex Decreto Sacrosancti Concilii Tridentini restitutum.... Omnibus Missis aucta urbi et orbi hucusque concessis..... Parisiis, Sumpt. Soc. Bib. Cath.... 1852. 80. - Breviariumn Romanum, ex Decreto S. Concilii Tridentini... Cum officiis sanctorum novissime per summos pontifices usque ad hanc diem concessis, a sacra rituum congregatione juxta sancitas leges revisum, in quatuor anni tempora divisum. Pars autumnalis, hiemalis, verna, astiva. Mediolani, 1852. 4 v. 18~. -- Graduale Romanum, juxta ritu Sacrosanctm Ro-nanao Ecclesim, cum cantu Pauli V P'ont. Max. jussu reforniato. Editio emendata. Mechlinia, -1848. x, 470, ccxcvi p. 12~. ---- The Catechismnof the Council of Trent, published by command of Pope Pius the Fifth. Trans... byRev. J. Donovan...Maynooth. Baltimore. 413 p. 8~. Index Librorum Prohibitorum et Expurgatorum Illmi ac R.D.D. Bernardi de Sandoval et Roxas Card. et Archiep. Tolet. Hispaniarum Primatis... Generalis Inquisitoris...auctoritate et jussu editus. De Consilio Svpremi Senatus S. Generalis Inquisitionis iispaniarum. Juxta exemplar excusum Madriti...... anno 1612, 14. Auctus B. Turrett. prmfatione, et Hispanic. Decret. Latina versione..... Genevm, 1619. 880 p. 4~. - Index Librorum Prohibitorumn et Expurgandorum niovissimus: Pro Catholicis Hispaniarum Regnis Philippi IV, Regis Cathol. Ill. ac R.D.D. Antonii a. Sotomaior, Supremi prxesidis, et in Regnis Hispaniarum, Siciliae, et Indiarum gen. inquisitoris... jussu ac studiis...recognitus. De Consilio Supremi Senatus inquisitionis generalis. Juxta exemplar excusum. Madriti, ex Typog. Didaci Diaz... 667. 992 p. f. FIRST SUPPLEMENT. 717 Index Librorum Prohibitorurn usque ad diem 4 Junii Anni 1744, regnante Benedicto XIV P.O.M. Romoe, 1744. 639 p., and Appendix to 1745. 120. Index Librorum Prohibitorum juxta Exemplar Romanum jussu Sanctissimni Domini nostri, editum anno MDcccxxxV. Accesserunt suis locis nomina eorum qui usque ad hane dieni damnati fuere. Meehliniae, 1852. 419, 20 p. 12~.: CANADA. Kaiatonsera IonterennaienlakSa ne Teieiasontha Taiakos8ateten tsi iakori8iioston kahna8ake tiakoshon Tsiatak nihonon8entsiake onk8e on8e akoiatonsera. Tiohtiaki:.... John Lovell, 1852. 12~. [ Prayer-book in Iroquois, printed at MIontreal]. See Liste Chronologique du Clerge. - GREAT BRITAIN. Declaration of the Catholic Bishops.... London, 1826. 16 p. 8~. Pam. v. 346. - -: IRELAND. The Encyclical Letter of Pope Leo the XII..... with an English translation. WHith, Pastoral Instructions, by the R.C. Archbishops and Bishops to the clergy and laity. throughout Ireland. Dublin, 1824. 59 p. 80. Paim. v. 345. ROMAN CATHOLIC ORPHAN ASYLUMs. Biennial Report of Ladies'/Association attached to:' New-York, 1839. 18~. Pain. v. 627. ROMIAN CATHOLIC Principles in reference to God and the Country (1688). By Rev. Jas. Corker? London, 1788? ii, 12 p. 8~. Panm. v. 343. ROMAN CATHOLIC SOCIETY OF ST.JOSEPH for the educating and maintaining poor orphan children (1807) Report. Philadelphia, 1845. 8~. Pani. v. 482. ROMAN (The) PONTIFFS; or a Sketch of the Lives of the Supreme heads of the Roman Catholic Church...Trans....New-York, 1845. 40 p. 80. Pam. v. 548. [ROMAYNEt (Nich.), M.D.]. See Letters Concerning the General health, 1805. ROMBImSE, Antoine de. Itinerarii per diversa Gallice ac Italite loca memores notre; et reruin Romanarum curiosi ac religiosi indagatoris dies decem. Montibus, 1639. 352 p. 180. Latin verse. ROME, N.Y., DIRECTORY, 1857. Compiled by William H. Boyd. Rome, N.Y. 154 p. 18~. RoMIE ACADEMY, N.Y. Circular, 1857. 8~. Pain. v. 457. ROMEYNt (J. B.), D.D. Catalogue of the Library be sold... New-York, 1825. 54 p. 8~. ROMILLYt, Sir S. Observations on the Criminal Law of England, as it relates to capital punishments, and on the mode in which it is administered. 3d edition. London, 1813. 107 p. 8~. Pam. v. 403. RONDOUT DIRECTORY. See Kingston, N.Y. RoORBAc-It, Orville A. Supplement to the Bibliotheca Americana, a Catalogue of American publications (reprints and original works), from Oct. 1852 to May 1855. 1855. 220 p.- Addenda, May 1855 to Mar. 1858. New-York, 256 p. 2 v..8~. 718 GENERAL LIBRARY. ROORDA (Taco), Frisius. Abul Abbasi Amedis, Tulonidarum Primi, vita et res gesta. Ex Codicibus MSS. Bibliot. Lugd. Bat. editisque libris concinnavit et auctorum testinionia adjecit.....Lugd. Bat. 1825. 109 p.4~. ROORDA VAN EYSINGA. See Eysinga, Roorda Van. Roos, Magnus F. An Illustration of the present great and important occurrences by the prophetical word of God..... From the German. London, 1797. 136 p. 80. Pam. v. 310. ROOSEVELT, Clinton. The Mode of protecting domestic industry, consistently with the desires both of the North and the South, by operating on the currency. New-York, 1833. 48 p. 80~. Pam. v. 290: ROOT, James. The Horrors of Delirium tremens. New:York, 1844. 483 p. 8o. ROOTIIAAN, Very Rev. John. The Method of Meditation. New-York, J. G. Shea, 1858. vii, 89 p. 18~. ROPER, Sam. On the Superior Healthiness of the Hackney district. 2d edition. Hackney, Eng. 1842. 24 p. o~. Pam. v. 404. ROQUEFORT, J. B. B. Glossaire de la Langue Romaine....contenant l'dtymologie et la signification des mots usites daus les xi-xvi siecles. Paris, 1808. 2 v. 8~. Rosa ANGLICA Practica Medicine a capite ad pedes. By John Gaddesden.- Col. Emendatum per..Nicolaum Syllacium Siculum..apie, 1492. fP. IRoscoEt, William. The Life of Lorenzo De'Medici, called the Magnificent. Second edition corrected. London, 1796. xxviii, 320, 136 p. Vol. 1.- 312, 48, 112, 11 p. Vol. 2.-2 v. 4~. Considerations on the. Present War, and on. Peace with France. 3d edition. London, 1808. 135 p. 8~. Pam. v. 414. - Catalogue of..Library..sold Aug. 19. Liverpool, 1816.- Catalogue of..prints, books of prints, etc. Liverpool, 1816.- Catalogue of.... drawings and pictures of...sold. Liverpool, 1816. 208, 170, 156 p. 8. RLOSCOAiIAON, W. Dillon, Earl of. See Horace, Art of Poetry. RosEt, Sir G. H. A Letter on the Means and Importance of converting the slaves in the West-Indies to christianity. London, 1823. 87 p. 8~. Pain. v. 436. RosEt, Heinrich. A Practical Treatise of Chemical Analysis..Trans. from the French and from the 4th German ed. With A. Normandy: Vol. I, Qualitative; Vol. II, Quantitative. Lond. 1848, 49. 746, 857 p. 2 v. 0~. ROSE, Hugh J. Catalogue of the Library of:... auction. London (1840?). 66 p. 8~. ROSE, T. Westmorland, Cumberland, Durham, and Northumberland, illustrated. From original drawings by T. Allom, &c., with descriptions by T. Rose. London, Fisher, 1833. 4~. ROSE, William Stewart. Letters from the North of Italy. Addressed to Henry -Iallam, esq. London, Murray, 1819. 2 v. 8~. FIRST SUPPLEMENT. 719 ROSENBAUM, Julius. Additamenta ad Lud. Choulanti Bibliothecam mnedico-historicam. Halis Sax. 1842. 83 p. 8~. ROSENBERG, C. G. Jenny Lind: Her Life...N.York, 1850. 82 p. 8~. Portrait. Pam. v. 471. ROSIER, James. A True Relation of the most prosperous voyage.... by Capt. G. Wayrmouth, in the discovery of the land of Virginia... London, 1605. See Mass. Hist. Collections, S. 3, v. 5. Ross, James. Selecte e Veteri Testamento, queis nonnulle ex Apocryphis, sive libri i~lcertwe originis, et auctoritatis humanwe adduntur historite...Philadelphia, 1812. 156 p. 12~. Repr. RossE, J. Willoughby. An Index of Dates..alphabetically arranged; being a complete index to...Blair's Chron. tables, A- Z. London, Bohn, 1858, 9. 2 v. 12~. ROSSEEL, Joseph A. Funeral Discourse....of Allison R. Bowen.... Evans's Mills, Jefferson co., N.Y. Albany, 1852; 80. Pam. v. 555. RossI, Joh. Bern. De. De Hlebraicen Typographife origine ac primitiis, seu antiquis ac rarissimnis hebraicorunm librorum editionibus seculi xv disquisitio historica. Recudi curavit MI. G. F. Hufnagel. Erlangae, 1778. 141 p. 12~....- Annales Hebrseo-typographici ab an, MDI ad MDXL. Parmce, 1799. 64 p. and index. 40~. -- ~ Annali Ebreo-tipografici di Sabbionetta., See Affo, I. RossuAM, R. W. Van. Leerredenen door: Rotterdam, 1849. 157 p. 8~. ROST, P. A. Oration, Agric. and Mech. Association of Louisiana. Philadelphia, 1845. 80. Pam. v. 461. ROSTEN, Joh. Leon....Astronomisches - andbuch. Worinnen... was zur Ausiibung der unentbehrlichen astronomie erfodert wird..... Nuirnberg, 1726. xvi, 530 p. and plates. 4~. IROTH, Edward. Life of Napoleon III... Boston,..1856...12~. ROTH, Friedrich. Ueber Thucydides und Tacitus: Vergleichende Betrachtungen. 1812. 23 p.- Einige Bemerkungen uber die fortdauernde abhaingigkeit von der'classischen gelehrsamkeit. 1825. 16 p. 4~. See Koen. Baier. Ak. Reden, v. 4. Lobschrift auf Lorenz von Westenrieder, 1852. Miinchen. 40 p. 12~. See Koen. Baier. Ak. Reden, v. 5. In Natalem Acad. Reg. Monacensis Carmen. Monaci, 1833. 4 p. 12~. Pam. v. 609. ROTHERAIM, (Rev. John), of Barbados, The Force of the Argument for the Truth of Christianity drawn from a collective view of prophecy.. Occasion'd by Dr. Middleton's examination. 2d edition. Oxford, 1753. 121 p. 80. Pam. v. 350. A Sketch of the one great argument...for the truth'of Christianity.. Oxford, 1754. 68 p. 8~. Pam. v. 334. A Sermon on the Origin of faith: John iii, 37, 38; Oxford, 1761. London, 1761. 8o. Pam. v. 379. Sermon on the Wisdom of Providence in the administration of the world: Dan. ii, 20, 21, at Oxford. London, 1762. Pamn. v. 372. 720 GENERAL LIBRARY. ROTHERAM (Rev. John), A.M., Oxford. An Essay on Faith, and its connection with good works. London, 1766. 240 p. 80. Pain. v. 338. [ ] See Essay on Establishments, 1767. ROTTEN ( The) HOUSE OF COIMONS; being an exposition of the present state of the franchise....By the Working-men's Association. London (1835). 20 p. 8~. Pain. v. 4114. ROTTERDAM, Arnoldus. De Voortreffelykheid...van des IIeeren volk...Leerredenen. Anmsterda1m, 1751. -4~. ROUARD, E. Notice sur la Bibliotheque d'Aix, edite de Mejanes; preced6e d'un essai sur l'histoire litteraire de cette ville...Paris, Aix, 1831. 312 p. 8~. ROUND CHURCH. A Statement of particulars connected with the restoration of Round Church. By the Chairman, &c. Cambridge, Eng. 1845. 116 p. 80~. Pam. v. 401. ROUQIUETTE, Abbe Adrien. Wild Flowers, Sacred poetry. New-Orleans, 1848. 72 p. 12~. La Thebaide en Amerique, ou Apologie de la vie solitaire et contemplative. Nouvelle-Orleans, 1852. xii, 144 p. 8~. ROUQUETTE, D. Fleurs d'Amerique, Poesies nouvelles par Dominique Rouquette (de la Louisiane). Nouvelle-Orleans, 1856. 303 p. 80. ROUSSEAU, Abbe'. Secrets et Remedes eprouvez. Dont les preparations out ete faites au Louvre, de l'ordre du Roy...dition...augment~e des preservatifs et remebdes universels.... Ouvrage posthume.....A Paris...1718. 18~. ROUSSETt (Jean), De Missy. Recueil Historique d'actes, negociations, memoires et traitez depuis la Paix d'Utrecht jusqu'a celle d'Aix-laChapelle. Amsterdam, 1728 - 55. 21 tomes in 23 v. 180. Roux, Dr. Aug. Lettre a M. Raulin...sur sa r6ponse a deux articles de critique du Traite des Eaux minerales... 1775. Paris. 32p. 12~. Pam. v. 612. ROWLAND, Rev. James. Ruin and Restoration: Illustrated from the parable of the prodigal son... Albany, 1860. 149 p. 80~. ROWLES, Samuel. Thoughts on Divine Truth, in a series of letters to a friend. London, 1797. 73 p. 80. Pam. v. 339. ROWLETT's' TABLES of Discount-or Interest... First ed. Philadelphia, 1802. 200 p. 4~. ROXBURGHIE, John, Duke of. Catalogue of the Library of the late.. arranged by G. & W. Nicol,, 18th MIay 1812. With Supplement. London. 285, 20 p. 8~. With prices. ROXBURYt, Mass.: City Documents, 1846 - 58. In 1 v. 80. Contents: Municipal Register, 1848.- Auditor's 2d, 5th, 6th Report, 1833, 36, 37. - Committee on Accounts, 4th, 5th, 6th, 9th, 10th Report, 1850, 51, 52, 55, 56.- Act to establish the City..1846.- Report on City lands in the empty basin of Mill-dam corporation, 1847.- Report of Joint Special Committee to oppose... the annexation of Roxbury to Boston, 1852.- Report of the Overseers of the Poor, 1849. — Report....on a new City Hall, 1852.- Report..Stony Brook lands, 1853.- Address of S. Walker, mayor, 1853.- Inaugural Address of J. Ritchie, mayor, 1855.- Report.....of the births, marriages.and deaths for 1854.Address of W. Ellison to the Common Council..1855.- Report of the City Marshal for 1855.- Report on Roxbury Color and Chemical Company, 1856.- Valedictory Address of J. S. Sleeper, Mayor, 1858. FIRST SUPPLEMENT. 721 -: CEMETERIES. Report of Joint Standing Committee on burial grounds, 1847, 1856. 24, 7 p. S~. Pam. v. 478. --'EDUCATION. Ann. Report of the School Committee, 1843, 45. - eport of Examination of the grammar schools for 1847,-. of the primary schools for 1847.- Report of School Committee on the examination of the public schools, 1848, 49, 50, 51, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58. In I v. 8~.- For 1855, 56, 57, See Pam. 251, 280. - FINANCES: 10th Ann. Rep.....on receipts and expenditures, 1856. 80. -: FIRE DEPARTMENT: Mayor's Address to: June 11, 1856.- Report of Joint Standing Committee on:... 1851. 8~. Pam. v. 236.:-LIBRARY: Repor.t of the Committee on Public Instruction, on the establishment of a free public library. Roxbury, 1857. 80. Pam. v. 276.: MUNICIPAL REGISTER for 1851, 52, 53, 55, 56, 57. 6 V. 120 & 8~. ----: PARiKS. Report of the Joint Special Committee on Public squares...Roxbury, 1851. 20 p. 8~. Pam. v. 492. ROXBURY-t MINISTRY at large. Roxbury Missionary Fund: 1st, 3d, 6th, 10th Report by the City Missionary, James Ritchie. Roxbury, 1850, 52, 55, 59. 8~. Pam. v. 525.- Roxbury Missionary Fund, 1850. Pain. v. 263. ROXiB3URY (Vt.) VERD-ANTIQUE MARBLE COMPANY. Survey, Map. 1857. 16 p; 80. Pam. v. 298. RoY (Corn. Henur. a), MI.D. Catalogus Bibliothecse Medice. Auction. Amstelodami, 1830. 5 v. — Appendix, Vol. 6, 1834. 6 v. in 5 v. 8~. RoY, Lucien. Le Fabricien comptable: Systeme de comptabilite 1l'usage des fabriques paroissales... Paris, 1843. 360 p. 18~. ROYAARDS, Hermannus. De Waare Aart van Jesus koningrijk..... Utrecht, 1799. 168 p. 8~. Pam. v. 568. ROYALf ACADEMY OF ARTS. Exhibition of 1835. London. 62 p. 40. Pam. v. 1011.- Exhibition, 1857. 64 p. 4~. Pam. v. 1015. ROYAL AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE, Cirencester. 8~. Pam. v. 430. ROYAL AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY. See Agricultural. Cat. 1855. ROYAL ASIATIC SOCIETY. Catalogue of -the Library of..........Part, Printed books. London, 1830 (?). 75 p. 4~. ROYAL ASTRONOMICAL SOCIETY. Meridian Ephemeris of the sun and planets for 1835. London, 1835. 80. Pam. v. 402. ROYAL BLUE BOOK, Fashionable Directory and Parliamentary Guide... Jan. 1855. Pub. by B. W. Gardner, London. 18~. ROYAL GAZETTE. Vol. 7 -14, 1837-44. Charlotte-Town, Prince Edward Island. In 4 v. f~. ROYALt GEOGRAPHICAL SOCIETY Of London. Proceedings, Session 1858-59. London, 1859. 80.- See also Geographical. Cat. 1855. - Journal, Vol. 28. 1858. Ed. by Dr. Norton Shaw. London. 8~. ROYAL HUMANE SOCIETY. Case of Resuscitation by H. I. M. the Emperor of Russia. London, 1814. 15 p. 8~. Plate. Pam. v. 405. SUPRPL.] 91 722- GENERAL LIBRARY. ROYAL INSURANCE COMPANY, London....Almanac for 1852. Philadelphia Branch. 12~. Pam. v. 239. ROYALt KA.LENDAR for the year 1834. London. 1 v. 12~. R[OYA]L (The) REGISTER; with Annotations by another hand. London, Bew, 1788, 89. 3 v. in 1. 18~. ROYAL (The) SIN; or Adultery rebuk'd in a great King... 2 Sam. xii, 7. By J. T., D.D. i. e. S. Croxall, D.D. 3d edition. London, 1738. 80. Pam. v. 369. ROYALt SOCIETY of Edinburgh. Proceedings. Vol. 1, Dee. 1832May 1844; Vol. 2, 1844 - 1850; Vol. 3, Dec. 1850 - Aprii 1857. Edinburgh, 1845 -1857. 3 v. 80. - Transactions, Vol. 21. Edinburgh, 1857. 40 ROYALt SOCIETY of London. Proceedings....fiom Nov. 19, 1857 to Ap. 14, 1859. Vol. 9. London, 1859. 0~. -- Philosophical Transactions: Vol. 146, 147, 148; 1856, 57, 58. London, 1857 - 59. 3 v. 40~. [ROYALLt, Mrs. Anne]. Sketches of History, life and manners in the United States. By a Traveller. New-Haven, 1826. 392 p. 120. The Black Book; or a Continuation of Travels in the United States. In two volumes. Washington, 1828.- Vol. III, Washington, 1829. 3 v. 12~. MIrs. Royall's Pennsylvania, or Travels continued in the United States. Washington, 1829. 2 v. and appendix of 24 p. 2 v. 8~. Mrs. Royall's Southern Tour, or Second series of the Black book. Washington, 1830, 31.'3 v. 8~. RUDDER (William), D. D. [A Collection]. 1 v. 80. Contents: The True Light: A Poem. Hartford, 1850. 23 p. It is well A Sermon, Funeral of Grace Vinton, Brooklyn. New-York, 1852. 12g. The Christian Minister: A Sermon, St.Paul's Church. Albany, 1859. The Complete Physician: Address, Albany Med. College, 1860. Albany, 1861. The Educational Powers of our present national troubles: A Sermon, Jan. 13, 1861. Albany, 1861. RUFFINI, G. Doctor Antonio: A Tale of Italy....New-York,.1857. 12~. Repr. RTUFFNEP (Henry), D.D. Address to the People of West-Virginia; shewing that slavery is injurious to the public welfare, and that it may be gradually abolished, without detriment to the rights and interests of slaveholders. By a Slave-holder of West-Virginia. Lexington, Va. 1847. 40 p. 8o. Pam. v. 228. RUGGLES, David. An Antidote for a poisonous combination recently prepared by a " Citizen of New-York," alias Dr. Reese, entitled i' An Appeal to the Reason.... of American Christians".... NewYork, 1838. 32 p. 80. Pam. v. 562. IRUGGLESt, Samuel B. The Duty of Columbia College to the Community, and its right to exclude Unitarians from its professorships of physical science, considered by one of the trustees. New-York, 1854. 54 p. 80. Pain. v. 103, 251. FIRST SUPPLEMENT. 723 Memorial of the Canal Board and Canal Commissioners of the State of New-York, to the Congress of the United States, asking for the improvement of the lake harbors. Dec. 31,1858. 19 p. f~. Pam. v. 1104. RULmrUS, Henricus. Kerek-heyligingh. Amsterdam, 1760. 240. With, Somer's (B.) Predicatien. RUm-DRINKING (The) CHRISTIAN: A Short Sermon, 1828? 12~. Pam. v. 629. RUmrsEY, James. A Short Treatise on the application of steam.... to propel boats... Phil'a, 1788. See Documentary Hist. of N.Y. v. 2. RUNDELL, Samuel. Observations on the Commencement and Progress of vital religion in the soul.... 3d edition. Manchester, Eng. 1845. 51 p. 8~. Pam. v. 566. RUNDLE, Thomas. Sermon, Nov. 5, 1717: Acts x, 34, 35. London, 1718. 8~. Pam. v. 379. RUNKLE, J. D. Astronomical papers. See Smithsonian Contributions, v. 9.- Editor. See Mathematical Monthly. RUNNELLS, l'rs. E. B. A Journal of Facts, descriptive of scenes and incidents in Maryland, Pennsylvania and New-Jersey.....Philadelphia, 1839. 40 p. 120. Pam. v. 234. A Familiar Dialogue between two orphan children... relative to their obedience to parents.. and supr'eme love to God. Philadelphia, 1840. 120. Pain. v. 231. RURAL NEW-YORKEPR. See Moore7s Rural...o RURAL ( The) REPOSITORY [and Bower of Literature], devoted exclusively to polite literature... Vol. 1, NO 1, June 12, 1824 - Vol. 27, Oct. 4, 1851. Hudson, N.Y. V. 1-9, 8~; V. 10-27, 40.- 27 v. RURAL (The) VISITER: A Literary and Miscellaneous Gazette. ~ Vol. I. Burlington, N.J. 1810, July 30 - 1811, July 15. 1 v. 40. RUSHt ( Benjamin), Mli.D. An Oration delivered before the American Philosophical Society, held in Philadelphia on the 27th of February 1786; containing an Enquiry into the influence of physical causes upon the moral faculty.:Philadelphia, 1786. 40 p. 4~. [- ] See Address... on slave-keeping, 1773; also, Vindication... on slavery, 1773. Sixteen Introductory Lectures to Courses of lectures upon the Institutes and practice of medicine... Two Lectures upon the pleasures of the senses and of the mind., Philadelphia, 1811. 8~. An Inquiry into the Effects of ardent spirits upon the human body and mind...Eighth edition. Boston, 1823. 18~. Pain. v. 629. RusH, Jacob. Charges and Extracts of Charges, on moral and religious subjects...Philadelphia: Repr. New-York, 1804. 183 p. 18~. RUSHit, Richard. An Oration delivered by: July 4, 1812.... at the Capitol, Washington. 48 p. 8o. Pam. v. 532. -- Washington in Domestic life: From original letters and manuscripts. Philadelphia..1857. 85 p. 8~. 724 GENERAL LIBRARY. RUSKINt, John. Modern Painters: By a Graduate of Oxford..... Revised by the author; Parts I, II, III. 2 V.- Modern Painters; Part IV, Of Many things; Part v, Of Mountain beauty; Parts VI, Of Leaf beauty; vII, Of Cloud beauty; vIII, Ix, Of Ideas of relation. First Am. edition. 3 v. New-York, 1855 - 60. In 5 v. 12~. - On the Construction of sheep-folds. N.Y. 1851. 80. Pam. v. 222. The Seven Lamps of Architecture...With illustrations....NewYork, 1854. 186 p. 12~. -- The Elements of Drawing; in three Letters to beginners.. With illustrations... London, 1857.- 350 p. 12~. ---- The Political Economy of Art:.... Two lectures, Manchester, 1857. New-York, 1858. 125 p. 8~. RUSSELL, Rev. A. T. Remarks upon the Rev. Prof. Keble's Visitation sermon, entitled, Primitive tradition recognized in scripture. Cambridge, 1837. 40 p. 8-. Pam. v. 331. RUSSELL, George R. The Merchant: An Oration, Rhode-Island Alpha of the Phi Beta Kappa...Boston, 1849. 60 p. 8~. Pam. v. 514. RUSSELL (John), Duke of Bedford. Correspondence. See Bedford. Cat. 1855. RUSSELLt, Lord John. Letter to the Electors of Stroud, on the principles of the Reform act. 7th edition. London, 1839. 44 p. 8~. Pam. v. 415. RUSSELL (Patrick), M. D., F.R.S. A Treatise of the Plague; containing An Historical journal and medical account of the plague at Aleppo, in the years 1760, 1761 and 1762. Also, Remarks on quarantines, lazarettos, and the administration of police in times of pestilence... London, 1791. 583, clix p. & index. 4~. RUSSELLt,' William. On Associations of Teachers: An address, Dorchester, Mass. Boston, 1830. 16 p. 8~. Pam. v. 491. Prospectus: School of Practical Rhetoric and oratory.. Boston, 1844. 24 p. 8~. Pam. v. 513. RUSSELL INSTITUTION: A Catalogue of the Library of.... Classed and arranged by E. W. Brayley...London, 1835. 254 p.- Appendix to the Catalogue, London, 1837. 36 p. 2 v. 8~. RUSSIAt: IMPERIAL LIBRARY: Catalogue des Manuscrits et Xylographes Orientaux de la Bibliotheque Imperiale publique de St.P6tersbourg. St.P6tersbourg, 1852. xliv, 719 p. roy. 80. RUSSSCH —KAISERLICHE GESELLSCHAFT FUR DIE GESAMMTE MINERALOGIE, Ir Band, Isteabtheilung: IIte abtheilung. St.Petersburg, 1842. 2 v. 8o. --- Verhandlungen der'..... Jahrgang 1857- 58. St.Petersburg. 174 p. & plates. 8~0. RUTGERS, Prof. A. Historia Jemanme sub Hasano Pascha, quam e Codice Ms. Arabico Bibliot. Acad. Lugd.-Batavve edidit, atque annotatione- et indice geographico instruxit Antonius Rutgers.. Lugd. Bat. 1838. xii, 219 p. 4~. RUTGERSt COLLEGE, New-Brunswick, N.J.: Catalogue, 1834, 46, 55, 57. Pam. v. 481.- For 1833-4. Pam. v. 157.- For 1855-6. And General Catalogue, 1770- 1855. Pam. v. 212. FIRST SUPPLEMENT. 725 the Inauguration of the Hon. Theodore Frelinghuysen, as President. New-Brunswick, N.J. 1850; 8~. Pam. v. 286. --—,: NATURAL HISTORY SOCIETY, First Bulletin....Dec. 1857. 8~. Pam. v. 274. RUTGERSf FEMALE INSTITUTE, N.Y. City.: Catalogue, 1847, 57. 8~. Pam. v. 460.- 17th Annual Commencement...Resignation of Dr. Ferris....Annual Circular, 1856. Pam. v. 229.- 16th Commencement... Circular, 1855. Pam. v. 251. RUTGERS MEDICAL COLLEGE, Duane-street: Circular, 1827. NewYork. 8~. Pam. v. 517. RUTGERSIUS, J. Accurata Burdonum Fabulse confutatio. See Satirsa DUae. RUTHERFORTE (Thomas), D.D. Sermon, House of Commons, Jan. 30, 1746: Is. lviii, 1. London. 4)~. Two Sermons, Univ. of Cambridge, May 29, and June 11, 1747. London, 1747. 4~. Pamn. v. 1006.:-* Determinatio Qucestionis Theologicse post gradum doctoratus habita Cantabrigie....1746.- Charge to the Clergy, Essex, July 1753. Cambridge.- Concio ad Clerum: 1 Tim.iv, 13; habita Cantabrigise, 1765. 4~. Pam. v. 1009..-.. A Defence of the Lord Bishop of London's Discourses concerning.... prophecy, in a letter to Dr. Middleton. Cambridge, 1750. 194 p. 8~. Pam. v. 350. - A Defence of a Charge concerning subscriptions, in a letter to the author of the Confessional. Cambridge, Eng. 1767. 114 p. 8~. Pam. v. 301. RUTILIUS (P.) LUPuS...De Figuris sententiarum et elocutionis libri duo. Recensuit et annotationes adjecit David Rhunkenius. Accedunt Aquilse Romani et Julii Rufiniani de eodem argumento libri. Lugd. _Batav. 1768. 8~. RUTLAND AND BURLINGTON RAILROAD COMPANY. Reports of the Directors, Jan. 1848, 1849.- Incorporation, &c. Burlington, 1848, 49. Pam. v. 151.- Report, 1851. Pam. v. 148. RUTLAND AND WHTITEHALL RAILROAD: Second Annual Report. Rutland, Vt. 1852. 8~. Pam. v. 151. RUTLAND PAPERS. See Camden Society Publications. RUTTENBER, E.M. Obstructions of the Hudson. 1777-8. See Munsell's Hist. Series. RuYs, Johannes. De Beloofde Tegenwoordigheit...van G otvrezende leraren...Verklaert;...uit Jes. xxx, 20, 21. Delft, 1731. 76 p. 4~. Pam. v. 569. RYAN, Richard. Poems on Sacred subjects. To which are added several miscellaneous. London, 1824. 93 p. 12~. Pam. v. 398. RYDER, Henry. Sermon, Anniv. Sons of the Clergy, 1813: 2 Cor. ix, 9. London, 1814. 40~. Pam. v. 1010. RYE, Rev. George. Sermon, Supremacy of the Crown': Lu. xx, 25. Oxford, 1714. 8~. Pam. v. 366. RYERSONf, (E.), D.D. Dr. Ryerson's Letters in reply to the attacks of foreign ecelesiastics against the schools and municipalities of 726 GENERAL LIBRARY. Upper Canada, including the letters of Bishop Charbonnel, Mr. Bruyere and Bishop Pinsoneault. Toronto, 1857. 104 p. 8~. Pam. v. 251. - Dr. Ryerson's Letters in reply to the attacks of the Hon. G. Brown, * I. P. P...Ed. with notes and an appendix. Toronto, Canada, 1859. 110 p. 80. Pam. v. 488. RYLANDt (John), D.D. - Sermon, Baptist Assoc'n: John iii, 30. 1794. Bristol, Eng.- Sermon, Baptist Assoc'n: Matt. xxii, 40, 1798. Bristol. 80. Pam. v. 374. Sermon, Death of Sam. Pearce, D).D.:. John xiv, 8. Oration at the grave, by Rev. J. Brewer. 1799. Clipstone, Eng. Pam. v. 382. RYLANDt, J. E. Memoirs of John Kitto, D.D., F.S.A......compiled chiefly from his letters and journals....With a critical estimate of Dr. Kitto's life and writings, by Prof. Eadie...New-York...1856. 2 v. 120. RYNINK, James H. Exercitatio Philologica qualta ad Car. Fr. Houbigant prolegomena in Scripturam sacram...Traj. ad Rhenum, 1765. 43 p. 40. Pam. v. 1016. S.. S., P. The Hungarian Exile, and his adventures.....By P. S., late Captain in Hungary...Portland, Me. 1855. 192 p. 12~. S., T. See Cool Reply to...J. Wesley, 1775. S., W. See Aislabie, J.; also, Sheppard W. SABATIER, William. A Treatise on Poverty, its consequences, and the remedy. London, 1797. 335 p. 8~. SABBATH (The). Ends for which it was appointed....Albany. 64 p. 18~. Pain. v. 490. SABBATH DESECRATION: a National Tract. By a Layman. Buffalo, 1850. 22 p. 80. Pam. v. 490. SABELLICUS, M. A. C. See Coccius (M. A.) Sabellicus. SABINEt, Lorenzo. Address, N. E. Hist. Geneal. Society...Anniv. of the death of Maj. Gen. James Wolfe...Boston, 1859. 100 p. 8~. [SABRAN, L.]. See Answer to Dr. Sherlock, 1688. SACHEVERELL (Henry), D.D. The Nature, Obligation and measures of conscience. A Sermon at Assizes, Leicester, July 25, 1706: Acts xxiii, 1. London. 40~ Pam. v. 1005. [ Sermons collected ] in 1 v. 8S. Contents: The Political Union: a Discourse shewing the dependance. of the English monarchy on the Church of England in particular (1702). London, 1710. A Defence of H. M.'s title....and a justification of her....war. Sermon. Oxford, June 10, 1702, Fast Day. 2d edition. Lond6n, 1710. Prejudice and Partiality stated in a Sermon, Oxford Assizes: 1 Tim. v, 21. 2d edition. London, 1708. Presumptuous Sins, a Sermon, Sept. 4, 1707. Oxford. Communication of Sin, a Sermon, Derby Assizes, 1709. London. Perils of False Brethren, a Sermon, Nov. 5, 1709. London. FIRST SUPPLEMENT. 727 Speech;.upon his Impeachment at the Bar of the H. of Lords, Mar. 7, 1709. False Notions of Liberty...a Sermon, H. of Commons, May 29, 1713: 1 Pet. ii, 16. London......Praying for our Enemies, a Sermon, Palm Sunday Lie. xxiii, 34. London. Sermon, Sons of the Clergy, St.Paul's Cathedral, Dec. 10, 1713. London, 1714. SACIKt, Albert Von. Reize naar Surinamen, verblijf aldaar, en terugtogt over Noord-Amerika naar Europa..... Uit het Hoogduitsch. Derde deel. Te Haarlem...1821. 1 v. 8~. SACKET'St HARBOR AND SARATOGA RAILROAD. Report of A. F. Edwards, C. E.....Sept. 12, 1854. New-York, 1854. 8o.- Facts concerning the bonds and stock... New-York, 1854. 8~. Pam. v. 545. SAcKETT (William A.), of N.Y. Shall Slavery be extended? Speech, U. S. H. of R. 1850. 8 p. 8~. Pam. v. 486. SACRAMENT (The) of Responsibility; or Testimony of Scripture to the teaching of the Church, on Holy Baptism... Repr-int. By Rev. - lNewla id? New-York, 1852. 65 p. 123. Pam. v. 231. SACRED (The) CIRCLE: Periodical. Editors Judge Edmonds, Dr. Dexter, O. G. Warren. Vol. I. New-York, 1855. 89. SACYI (A. I.), Baron Silvestre de. Editor. See IIariri, Seances. ---- See Djemal-Eddin, Gramm. Arabe. SAFFELL, W. T. R. Records of the Revolutionary War; containing the military and financial correspondence of distinguished officers; names of the officers and privates.. To which is added the half-pay acts of the Continental Congress; the revolutionary pension laws;... New-York, 1858. 554 p. 12~. SAFFORD, J. M. Geological Survey. See Tennessee. SAGE (Russell), of N.Y. Speech, U.S. H. of R., on...the Outrages in Kansas, Aug. 6, 1856. Albany. 18 p. 8~. Pamn. v. 537, 561. SAIGEY, M. Problemes d'arithmstique et Exercices de calcul..Paris, 1857. 18~. Solutions raisonnees des Problemes d'arithmestique.-..Paris, 1857. 288 p. 18~. Les Poids et Mesures du systeme metrique. Paris, Hachette, 1856. 36 p. 18~. Pamin. v. 625. -- La Pratique des Poids et Mdsures du systeme metriqule..4e Ed. Paris, 1856. 18~. SAINT-ANDREW'S CHURCH, Montreal: An Act to incorporate...ontreal, 1849. 8S. Pam. v. 536.- Narrative of the proceedings of from... March 1835... Montreal, 1844. 8~. Pam. v. 261. SAINT-ANTHONY: Sketch of St.Anthony and Minneapolis, Minnesota territory. Minneapolis..1857. 32 p. 18~. SAINT-ARNAUD, L.A. De. Lettres du Marechal De Saint Arnaud. Tome I, II. A Paris...1855. 2 v. 8~. ST.AUGUSTINE CATHOLIC CHURCH, Florida: Report of the Committee...on the memorial of.. Mar. 21, 1848. Cong. Doct. 47 p. 8~. Pam. v. 548. 728- GENERAL LIBRARY. ST..CLAIR, Henry. The United States Criminal Calendar; or An Awful warning to the youth of America..Boston, 1833. 356 p. 12~. ST.CRoIx AND LAKE SUPERIOR RAILROAD: Report of the locating survey, by R. Patten, C.E. Madison, Wis. Feb. 6, 1856. 8o. Pam. v. 285. SAINTE-CROIX AVIS, 29 Aug. 1856.'Christiansted. Newspapers, v. 16. ST.FRANCIS XAVIER'S COLLEGE, City of New-York: List of Prizes. New-York, 1856.- Catalogue, 1856, 57, 58. Pam. v. 482. ST.GEORGE'S HARBOUR AND RAILWAY COMPANY: Report and Evidence.. on harbours of refuge and shipwrecks... London, 1836. 53 p. 8~. Pam. v.428. SAINT-HILAIREt. Des MIonstres. See Geoffroy St.Hilaire. SAINT-JAMES CHURCH, Syracuse, N.Y. Memorial of the Consecration of: Syracuse, 1854. 86 p. 120. Pam. v. 213. SAINT-JA'MES CHURCH, Westminster....Proceedings...relating to the rectorship... the Rev. G. T. Andrewes.. London, 1846. 8~. Pam. v. 328. ST.JOHNt, Bayle. The Subalpine Kingdom; or Experiences and studies in Savoy, Piedmont and Genoa. London, 1856. 2 v. 120. ST.JOHNt- (Henry), Lord Bolingbroke. Reflections concerning innate moral principles. Written in French, by the late Lord Bolingbroke Fr.... 4. Eng. London, 1752. 84 p. 8~. Pam. v. 399. [:-] See Letters on the Spirit of Patriotism: Cat. 1855; Letter to Examiner, 1714; Craftsman Extraordinary, 1729. The Articles against the late Lord B- ke, sent from London, March 16, relation to the...rebellion of the late Earl of Mar. As contained in the following letters between his Lordship's Secretary and Mr. M ay. London, 1735. 38 p. 8~. Pam. v. 445. ST.JOHN, Mrs. Horace. Audubon, the Naturalist of the New World: His adventures and discoveries...with additions... and engravings by J. W. Orr. New-York, Francis, 1856. 12~. ST.JOHN (Pawlet), D.D. Sermon, Christ's Presence with his Church; Visitation at Bedford: Matthew xxviii, 20. London, 1710. 8~.Sermon, before the Queen; Martyrdom of Charles I: Matt. xxii, 21. London, 1712. 8~. Pamn. v. 365. SAINT-JOHN, Peter. The Death of'Abel; an Historical or rather Conjectural Poem, relating many things which might probably take place both before and after that barbarous fratricide. By Peter St.John, of Norwalk in Connecticut. Danbury, Conn. 1793. 186 p. 180. ST.JOHN'S COLLEGE, Fordhan: Catalogue, 1849, 55, 58. New-York, 1850,i 56, 59. 80. Pam. v. 482. ST.JOSEPH AND HANNIBAL RAILROAD Communication from J. S. Green and WT. P. relation to.... Cong. Doct. June 19, 1848. 8~. Pamn. v. 545. ST.JOSEPH'S COLLEGE, Bardstown, Ky.: Ann. Commencement, 1854-5, 1855-6, 1856-7. Bardstown, 1855; Louisville, 1856, 57. 8~. Pam. v. 482. FIRST SUPPLEMENT. 729 SAINT- JUDE'S PROTESTANT EPISCOPAL FREE CHURCH: A Brief Statement of Facts as connected with an application.. to... Trinity Church, N.Y....for an appropriation.. N'ew-York, 1846. 28 p. 8~. Pam. v. 543. ST.LAWRENCE ACADEMY, Potsdam, N.Y.: Catalogues, 1857, 58. 8~. Pam. v. 457. SAINT-LAWRENCEt ADVERTISER: Vol. 1, No. 1 - 5; July 11 - Aug. 8, 1850. Gouverneur, N.York, Nelson W. Bruett. See Newspapers, v. 14. ST.LAWRENCE AND ATLANTIC RAILROAD: Report on the Gauge. By A. C. Morton, esq., C.E. Portland, 1847. 8". Paln. v. 148.- Proceedings of 7th Annual meeting....Montreal, 1852. Pam. v. 285. ST.LAWRENCE (N.Y) BAPTIST ASSOCIATION: Minutes of 28th Anniversary, 1841. 8". P'al. v. 466. ST.LAWRENCE COUNTY MiUZTUAL INSURANCE COMIPANY: By-Laws and Act of Incorporation. M... ay 24, 18-7, 49. Ogdensburgh, 1847, 49. 8~. Pamn. v. 239. SAINT-LAWRENCE FREE PRESS: Vol. 1, No 34, Mar. 17, 1853, to Feb. 23, 1854. I7perfect. Goaverneur, N.Y. Newspapers, v. 14. ST.LAWRENCE UNIVERSITY & UNIVERSALIST THEOLOGICAL SCHOOL: Act of Incorporation, etc. New-York, 1857. 180. Pam. v. 627. ST.LouIs, Mo.: Memorial..praying an appropriation for the improvement of the harbor of that city. Se-nate Doct. 1848. 6 p. 8'. Pam. v. 529. ST.LouIS. Annual RevieV: History of St.Louis, commercial statistics..for 1853. Missouri Republican, Jan. 10, 1854. St.Louis, 1854. 48 p. 8". Pam. v. 475. Thbughts about the City of St.Louis, her commerce.. [ Missouri ]Republican]. By J. H-1_ogan. St.Louis, 1854. 80 p. 80. Plates. Also in Pam. v.475. Annual Review of the Conommerce of St.Louis for the year 1854. [Miss. Republican]. St.Louis, 1855. 61 p. 8~. PamL. v. 475. ST.LouIS AGRICULTURAL and MECHANICAL ASSOCIATION: Premiums for 1857. 8~. Pam. v. 461. ST.LoUIs MERCANTILE LIBRARY ASSOCIATION. See Mercantile, etc. ST.LoUIS, TERRE HAUTE & BELLEFONTAINE RAILROAD LINE: 24~. Pam. V. 285. ST.LouIs UNIVERSITY: Catalogue, 1855, St.Louis, 1856. 80. Pam. v. 482. ST.LOUIs YOUNG MEN'S CHRISTIAN ASSOCIATION: 3d Report. St. Louis, 1856. 8~. Pam. v. 224. SAINT-LUKE'S HOIE FOR INDIGENT CHRISTIAN FEMALES: Report. New-York, 1852. 120. Pain, v. 535. ST.MARY'S CHURCH: Address of the Lay Trustees to the congregation... Philadelphia, 1822. 25 p. 80. Pain v. 482. SAINT-NICIOLAS HOTEL; Its plan and arrangements. N.York, 1856, 180. Pam. v. 610. SrPPL.j 92 730 GENERAL LIBRARY. ST.PAUL'S CATHEDRAL: A Popular Account of:.. London, 1837. 12~. Pam. v. 616. Historical Sketch of St.Paul's Cathedral; containing an account of the old and new churches. London. Sixth ed. 12~. Pam. v. 253. SAINT PAUL'S CHURCH HOME 1st Report, 1856. Albany, 1857. 120. Pam. v. 627. ST.PAUL'S COLLEGE. Studies and Discipline of: N.York, 1841. 12~. Pam. v. 157. SAINT PAUL MERCANTILE LIBRARY ASSOCIATION: Constitution, etc. Saint-Paul, Min. 1859. 8~. Pam. v. 512. ST.PAUL'S SCHOOL, founded for 153 boys, A.D. 1509, by John Colet, D.D. 1847, London.- Prolusiones literarite..1847. —Commemorative address, 1852. 8~. Pam. v. 385. ST.PETER'S CHURCH, Philadelphia. Report, U. S. H. of R., on the Memorial of the Rector, etc. Cong. Doct. 8~. Pam. v. 200. ST.PETRUS-VEREIN IN ALBANY: Statuten. Albany, 1856. 120. Pam. v. 627, ST.PIERREt, J. H. Bernardin de. I. E. Bepvaptdvov EatLrteppov HHOuca AtnijYlft-ra-rT pta - l-rotL l Ivdtslyc KaRvp/3, 1q Xasa -d ~ovpai-rI ucat Treppl1yraYl -ry 2l~eataSa.... Ev Ilaptatot9, awsce (1825). 125 p. 18~. Pam. v. 615. -- I. E. Bepvapdtvov ZaCttLteppov -a Icara IlavLov scat Btpytvtav. MesraqpaaOevra esr rov ra)2uulcov. Ev IlapaLtotL,,a)ocd (1824). 206 p. 18~. Pam. v. 615. SAINTE-PREUVE, B. Elements de Cosmographie. 3e edition. Paris, Hachette, 1857. 18~. ST.SIMON, Maximilien H. Marquis de. Histoire de la Guerre des Bataves et des Romains, d'apres Cesar, C. Tacite; avee les planches d'Otto V~enius....Amsterdam, 1770, xxxiv, 76 p., & 36 pl. f0. SAINT VALIERt ( J. B. de la Croix Chevrieres), Bp. of Quebec. Estat present de l'Eglise et de la Colonie franpaise dans la Nouvelle France. With Notice of his life. Quebec, 1856. Repr. ix, 102 p. 8~. SALDANHA DA GAMA, Antonio de. Memoria sobre as Colonias de Portugal, situados na Costa occidental d'Africa.... Precedida de um discurso preliminar... pelo antigo Ajudante d'ordens.. Pariz, 1839. 112 p. 8~. SALEMt, MaLss.: EDUCATION: Annual Report of the School Committee of:.... Feb. 1854. Salem, 1854. Pam. v. 190.- Report, Feb. 1856. Pam. v. 251.- Regulations for the superintendence. Salem, 1842.- Report for 1858. Pam. v..280. ---- - Catalogue of Members of the late English High School....from July 7, 1827 to.... Jan. 1857. With portraits. Salem, i1857. 60 p. 8~. Pam. v. 280. SALEMt ATHENaUM: Catalogue of the Library...Boston, 1858. xxii, 179 p. 8o. Proceedings upon the Dedication of Plummer Hall at Salem, Oct. 6, 1857; including Rev. Mr. Hoppin's address, and Judge White's memoir of the Plummer family. Salem, 1858. 97 p. 8~. FIRST SUPPLEMENT. 731 SALEM CITY MISSION. 2d, 3d, 4th Report, J. Ball, missionary. Salem, 1849, 50, 51. 8~. Pam. v. 525. SALEMt DIRECTORY, by George Adams..for 1851, 53, 55, 57. 4 v. 18~. SALEM GAZETTE, weekly and semi-weekly, from 1790 to 1815, inclusive. Vol. Iv-Vol. xxIX. Salem, Mass. 16 v. f~. SALFORDt BOROUGH ROYAL MUSEUM AND LIBRiARY. Sixth Annual Report of the..Committee, 1-854. Pam. v. 209.- 7th Report, 1855. 8~. Pam. v. 276. SALINE COAL AND MANUFACTURING COMPANY. Report..... with a Geological Report by Dr. D. D. Owen...Cincinnati, 1855. 91 p. 8~. Plans. Pam. v. 520. SALISBURY (The) GUIDE; comprising the history and antiquities of Old Sarum, and the...state of New-Sarumn....31st edition. SalisVury, 1830. 94 p. 12~. SALISBURY MANSION SCHOOL. Catalogue, 1855; with Prospectus of Herbert Hall, Highlands, Worcester, Mass. 8~. Pam. v. 247. SALL, Rev. Andrew. Sermon, Dublin, 1674; with a Declaration..and a Preface shewing the reasons for deserting the communion of the Roman Church...Dublin, 1840. 71 p. 80. Pain. v. 347. SALLUSTIUSt. C. Crispi Sallvstii de Conivratione Catilin2e. Eiusdem de Bello Iurgurthino. Orationes qumdam.. Venetiis, in vedibus Aldi et And. Soceri....1521. 142 leaves. 18~. Wants preface and 1 leaf. Salustii C. Crispi:quoe extant. Recognovit notisque criticis instruxit T. D. Gerlach. Basileae, 1823. 2 v. 4~. - — JC. Crispi Sallustii Catilina et Jugurtha, cum selectis fragmentis..Notes en franqais par P. Croiset. Paris, Hachette, 1857. 207 p. 12~ SALMAGUNDIt; or the Whim-whams and Opinions of Launcelot Langstaff, esq., and others. By William Irving, J. K. Paulding and W. Irving...With a preface and notes by E. A. Duyckinck. New-York, 1860. 12~. SALMON, Nicholas. Stemmata Latinitatis; or an Etymological Latin Dictionary, wherein the whole mechanism of the Latin tongue is methodically and conspicuously exhibited upon a plan entirely new... London, 1796. lxxiv, index, 457, 820 p. 2 v. 8~. SALMON, William. Botanologia: The English Herbal; or History of Plants...Adorned with exquisite icones...London....1710. f~. SALMON (The) and Sea Fisheries... proposed legislation, and the... Irish fisheries.- From Dublin Univ. Mag....Dublin, 1852. 46 p. 8~. Pam. v. 426. [SALVANDY, N. A., Comte De]. See Coalition (La) et la France. SAMENKOMST DER GELEERDEN in't Ryk der Dooden...Eerste stukje, Zynde een Samenspraak tusschen.... G. W. van Leibnitz en J. F. Buddeus.- Tweede stuk...tusschen.... J. F. Buddeus en Leibnitz. - Derde stuk..tusschen C. Thomasius en A. H. Francken. Uit het Hoogduitsch vertaalt. Amsterdam, 1739. 1 v. 18~. SAMMONS, S. Address, at the Opening of the American State Council, S;yracuse, Aug. 26, 1856. 80. Pam. v. 537. GENERAL LIBRARY. SAMPSONI, William. Memoirs of:.. including...a short sketch of the history of Ireland..and a few observations on..America. NewYork, 1807. 448 p. 8~. S. NATORIUM: First Report, 1843. London. 34 p. 80. Pam. v. 404. SANBORN, Solomon H. An Exposition of Official tyranny in the United States navy...New-York, 1841. 49 p. 80. Painm. v. 521. SANCHO, Ignatius. Letters of the late Ignatius Sancho, an African.. To wNhich are prefixed memoirs of his life. Lond. 1782. 2 v. in 1. 12~. SANCROFT, Abp. William. Sermon, Fast-day, Nov. 13, 1678: Ps. lvii, 1. In the Savoy, 1678. 40~. Pamin. v. 1005. [ - ] See Modern Policies, 1652. SANCTIUS, F. Franc. Sanctii Brocensis,...... Minerva, seu de Causis Lingure Latinre commentarius, cui inserta sunt, uncis inclusa, qu, addidit Gasp. Scioppius; et subjecte suis paginis Notre Jac. Peri-,zonii, que quarta hae editione quam plurimulm sunt aucte. Aniste-!ledami, 1714-. 864, 32 p. & ind. 12~. SANDt, Georges. See Dudevant, M'Ize. SAND-LAKE COLLEGIATE INSTITUTE, N.Y.: Catalogue, 1854, 56, 57. 8~. Pamn. v. 457. SANDERCOCIK, Edward. Sermon, Thanksgiving for peace, May 5, 1763: Ps. xlvi, 8, 9. York. 80. Pam. v. 372. SANDERS, Charles WV. Analysis of English words....for....schools. New-York, 1859. 240 p. 12". SANDERS, G. J. Hubert. The French Student's First book... on Ollendorff's new method. Philadelphia, 1848. 60 p. 12~.'SANDERSON, John P. Republican Landmarks: The Views and Opi-lions of American Statesmen on foreign immigration; being a C ollection of statistics of population, pauperism, crime, etc. Phil'a.. 1856. 367 p. 8~. SANDERSON, R. B. The Autobiography of an Obsolete Churchman; with some suggestions on further reformn..2d edition. London, 1840. 24 p. 8'. Pan. v. 327. The Stagnation of Trade, a subject of prophecy:.... also the Law of. Leprosy, as it reIates to the present state of the establishmnent in these kingdoms. London, 1842. 24 p. 8~. Pam. v. 331. SANDFORD,' Rev. P. P. Memoirs of Mr. Wesley's Missionairies to America. New-York, 1843. 390 p. 12~. SANDIFORT, E. Museumn Anatomicum. See Academia Lugd.-Batava. SANDILANDS, Rich. Sermon, Dedication: Gen. xxviii, 17. London, 1792. 8~. Pam. v. 374. [SANDS, Robert C.]. See Bridal'of Vaumond, 1817. SANDUSKY CITY MANUFACTURING COMPANY. Hydraulic cement. 8 p. 8~. Pam. v. 298. SANDWICIHt ISLANDS. See Hawaii. SANDYS, George. Translation. See Ovid. SANFORDt, David. Sermon to Young Men, Medway I Kizngs ii, 2. Boston, 1848. 80~ Pam. vo 559. FIRST SUPPLEMENT. 733 SANFORD, Mrs. L. A. C. Address, Ladies Hall in Riga Academy. Rochester, N.Y. 1852. 80. Pam. v. 491. SANFORD, Miles. Gods Punitive Justice: A Sermon, North-Adams, Mass.: Jer. xxviii, 16. Boston, 1855. 8. Pam. v. 558. SANFORD'S ( W.) Patent Challenge Portable Heaters. 1857. 16 p. 8~. Pam. v. 298. SAN FRANCISCO, Cal. Annual Report of the City Superintendent of Public Schools, Dec. 1855. San Francisco, 1855. 8S. Pam. v. 251. - Ordinance, providing for the establishment and regulation of the police force. 8~. Pain. v. 245. SAN FRANCISCO DIRECTORY for the year 1858. 391 p. 8~. SAN FRANCISCO HERALD, Sept. 20, 1859. fP. Newspapers, v. 19. SAN FRANCISCO RAILROAD: Proceedings of the Friends of a Railroad to San Francisco, Boston, April 19, 18a9. 5th ed. Boston, 1849. 80.. Pam. v. 146. SANGER ( William W.), M.D. The History of Prostitution; its extent, causes and effects throughout the world. (Being an official report to the Board of Alms-house Governors of the City of New-York).... New-York, 1858. 685 p. 8~. SANIS, L. Lecons de Gdographie Physique et politique. Paris, Delalain. 12~. SANITARY ASSOCIATION: MIemorandum...on the three MIetropolitan interment schemes... London, 1852. 19 p. — Memorandum..on the pending Metropolis water bills.... London, 1852. 26 p. 8~. Pam. v. 404. SANTA-CLARA COLLEGE, California,: Prospectus.... Catalogue. San Francisco, 1856. 80. Pain. v. 482. SANTA-FE W~EEKLY GAZETTE: Vol. 1, Jan. 16, Feb. 27, Oct. 2, Dec. 25; Vol. 2, Jan. 8, Feb. 5, 12, 19, Mar. 19, 1858, 59. Santa-Fe, New-Mexico. f'. Newsp. v. 16. SANTANDER, De La Serna. See La Serna Santander, 111. De. SANTANGELO, Orazio de Attellis. Statement of Facts relating to the claim of:,... on the Government of Mexico.,.... Washington, 1841. 163 p. 8~. Pam. v. 503. SANTO-TOMAS, Honduras. See Belgium: Colony. SARATOGA BAPTIST ASSOCIATION, N.York: Minutes, 1821. 81. Pam. v. 466. SARATOGA FEMALE SEMINARY, Temple Grove, Saratoga Springs: Catalogue, 1856. 8~. Pain. v. 460. SARAYNA, Torello...De Origine et Amplitudine Ciuitatis Veronae. Euisdem de viris illustribus... de monumentis antiquis... de interpretatione litteraruma antiquarum...Verone, 1540, Ex Officina A. Putelleti. f~. [SARDI, Alexander]. See Selden, De Nummis. SARDOu, M. Legons de Grammaire francaise, et exercices de style. Paris. 391 p. roy. 8~. See'Cours Complet. 734 GENERAL LIBRARY. SARGENTt, Epes. Arctic Adventure by Sea and Land, from the earliest date to the last expeditions in search of Sir John Franklin. Boston, 1857. 480 p. 120 SARGENTt, George B. Lecture on the "West"....Boston, Mass.... Davenport, Iowa, 1858. 80o Pam. v. 492. SARGENT, John O. A Lecture on the Late Improvements in the..arts of naval warfare. With a brief notice of Ericsson's Caloric engine. New-York & London, 1844. 8~. Pam. v. 274. SARGENT, John T. Theodore Parker, the Reform Pulpit, and the influences that oppose it: A sermon..: Gen. xix, 9. Boston, 1852. 8O. Pam. v. 558. SARGENTt, Lucius M. Hubert and Ellen. With other poems..Boston, 1813. 135. 8~. [ —— ] Extracts of Letters from L. M. S. to E. C. D.... Boston, 1835. 8 p. 8~. Pam. v.292. [ —-— ] See Dexter, S., Life of, by Sigma. Pvvnlgta -r'g Avr're0ov. Review of a Sermon on the " Danger of being overwise," 1835, by W. B. Sprague, D.D. Boston, 1842. 88 p. 180. Pam. v. 630. SARGENT, N. Life of Dr. Linn. See Linn, E. A. SARGENTt, Winthrop. The Life and Career of Major John Andre... Boston, 1861. xiv, 471 p. 12~. - - Stanbury's Verses. See Munsell's Hist. Series. SARRASIN (Michel), Medecin du Roi ta Quebec, etc.: Notes Biographiques sur ce Medecin..... By Rev. L. E. Bois. Quebec, 1856. 12 p. 8~. Pam. v. 254. SARRUT, G. Biographies, 1835 -41. See Saint Edme, B. Cat. 1855. SATIR2E DuE: Hercules tuam fidem, sive Munsterus Hypobolimseus. By Gaspar Scioppius. Et Virgula divina, cum brevibus annotatiunculis quibus nonnulla in rudiorum gratiam illustrantur. By Dan. Heinsius. Accessit his accurata Burdonum Fabulie Confutatio, quibus alia nonnulla hac editione accedunt.?By J. Rutgers. Lugduni Batavorum, Elzevir, 1617. 180~. SAULCY, F. De. See Souvenirs Numismatiques de 1848. SAVAGE, James. The Librarian; being an Account of scarce, valuable and useful English books, manuscript libraries, public records, etc. etc. Periodical. 18 Nos. London, W. Savage, 1808, 09. 3 v. 8~.. Memorabilia; or Recollections, historical, biographical and antiquarian. Taunton, Eng. 1820. 328 p. 8~. SAVAGEt, James. A Genealogical Dictionary of the first settlers of New-England, showing three generations of those who came before 1692... V. 1,2: A - J. Boston, 1860. 2 v. 8~. SAVAGE, John.'98 and'48: The Modern Revolutionary History and Literature of Ireland. New-York, 1856. 12~. SAVAGE, Rev. William. Sermon, Election of Lord Mayor, Sept. 29, 1707 ~ Prov. xxix, 2. London. 4~. Pam. v. 362, 364. SAVAGEt, William. Practical Hints on decorative printing; with illustrations engraVed on wood, and printed in colours at the type press. London, 1822 (1823). 119 p., index and 55 ill. p. 1 v. f. FIRST SUPPLEMENT. 735 SAVILE CORRESPONDENCE. See Camden Society Publications. SAWYER, Augustus and Esther. An Appeal by Husband and Wife to the People of Ohio (both sexes), on the question of capital punishment....Akron, O...1855. 29 p. 180.. Pam. v. 539. SAWYER, L. A. See Bible: English N. T. SAXIus, Jos. Ant. Historia Literario-typographica Mediolanensis, in qua de studiis literariis antiquis et novis in hac metropoli institutis... disseritur. Adjecta sunt appendix epistolarum, quse libris, tune ibidem editus, affixse legebantur; et Catalogus Codicum Mediolani impressorum ab anno MCDLXV ad annum MD. See Argelati, P. SAYP, Thomas. The Complete Writings of: on the Conchology of the United States. Edited by W. G. Binney. New-York, 1858. 252 p., 75 plates. 1 v. 8~. SAYous, A. Etudes Litteraires sur les Ecrivains franSais de la Reformation.... T. Ier, Farel, Calvin, Viret, Beze; T. IId, Hotman, R. et H. Estienne, La Noue, Mornay, D'Aubigne... Paris, Geneve, 1841. 2 v. 80. SCALIGER, Jos. Notse. See Pedo; Varro, M. T. SCAPIN, Carlo.. Catalogo di Libri..che si trovano vendibili appresso: Padova, 1839. 288, 77 p, 12~. SCAPULA, Joannes. Lexicon Grmco-latinum;....Additum auctarium dialectorum..... Accedunt Lexicon etymologicum.... et J. Meursii Glossarium contractum... Editio nova, in qua, nune primnum Vocabula et Appendice Askeviana secundum literarum seriem inseruntur. Glasgu...1816. 2 v. 4~. SCARLETT, P. Campbell. South America and the Pacific; comprising a Journey across the Pampas and the Andes from Buenos Ayres to Valparaiso, with Remarks upon the Isthmus. To which are annexed Plans and Statements for establishing steam navigation on the Pacific. London, 1838. 2 v. 12~. SCHACHT, Hermann. The Microscope, and its application to vegetable anatomy and physiology. Edited by F. Currey, M.A. 2d edition, enlarged...London..1855. 12~. - Entwickelungs-geschichte des Pflanzen-embryon.....N Niederl. Instit. Preisschrift. Mit 26 tafeln. Amsterdam, 1850. 234 p. 40~. SCIACHT, J. IH. De Noodzakelykheid van ene spoedige bekeering, etc. Amsterdam, 1762. 8~. SCIHADE, Louis. The Immigration into the United States of America...Washington, 1856. 15 p. 80. Pam. v. 492. SCIAEFFER ( C. F.), D.D. The Three Saxon Electors of the Era of the Reformation. [ From the Evan. Review]. 80. Pam. v. 471. SCtIAEFFEP ( C. W.), Germantown, Pa. Early History of the Lutheran Church in America, from the settlemenit of the Swedes on the Delaware, to the middle of the eighteenth century. Philadelphia, 1857. 1.43 p. 12o. SCHAFF (Philip), D.D. History of the Christian Church.... to the Reign of Constantine, A.D. 1 - 311. New-York, 1859. 8~. SCIHAFHiUTLt, Dr. Karl. Geognostische Untersuchungen des Siidbayerischen Alpengebirges. Als Anhang: Studien des K. Bayerischen 736 GENERAL LIBRARY. Bergmeisters Hailer iiber die lagerungsverhltnisse des gebirges und des salzgebildes bei Berchtesgaden: Erster beitrag. MTiinchen, 1851. xxxvi, 208 p. and 45 plates, in 1 v. 8~. SCHAGEN, Marten. Leerredenen. Utrecht, 1746. lxi, 628 p. 8~. SCHAHNAZAR, Mir Davoud Zadour Melik. Etat actuel de la Perse.. En Persan, et traduit en Armenien et en Franqois par J. Chahan de Cirbied. Paris, 1817. 360 p. 18~. SCHAICK ((Cs Van) DWINGELOO. Tweetal Leerredenen. Amsterdam, 1846. 8~. Pam. v. 238. SCHAUBERT, J. G. De Orig. Typog. See Munch, G. B. SCHEDEL, Hartmann. See Chronicon Norimbergense. SCHEIFELE, E. Die Schlacht bei Herrmannstadt in Siebenbiirgen amrr 11tel Marz 1849..... Von Eduard Scheifele und Ludwig LSw. St. Louis, Mo. 1852. 16 p. 180. Pam. v. 609. SCIELHORN, J. G. Diatriba. See Quirini, A. M. SCHELLER, I. J. G. A Copious Latin Grammar. Translated from the German, with alterations, notes and additions, by George Walker, M.A. London, 1825. 2 v. 8~. SCHELTEMIA, C. S. Adama van. Aanprijzing der Outhouding von Sterken Drank, in eene Leerrede over 1 Cor. ix, 25, en eenige dichtstukjes. Hoorn, 1848. 40 p. 8~. Pam. v. 238. SCHEMIE (A) for the better Relief and Employment of the Poor...By a member of Parliament. London, 1765. 31 p. 80. Pam. v. 429. SCHENCKI ( Robert C.), of Ohio. Speech, U.S. I. of R., on Internal Improvements, 1847. 80. Pain. v. 487. SCHENECTADYt: First Ann. Rep. of the Board of Education, Ap. 23, 1856. 8~. Pam. v. 251. SCHENECTADY AND TROY, Utica and Schenectady, Albany and Schenectady Railroad Companies: Award of the Commissioners. Troy, N.Y. 1847. 80. Pam. v. 152, 545. SCHENECTADY DIRECTORY AND CITY REGISTER for the years 1841-42. 46 p.- For 1857, by W. H. Boyd. Schen'y, 1856. 148 p. 2 v. 12~. SCHERBER, J. C. F. Beknopte Handleiding tot de Kennis der Hoogduitsch Taalregelen; of verzameling van opstellen..Vermeerderd.. door S. I. Mulder. Amsterdam, 1845. 18~. SCHETS VAN DEN BRAAVEN MAN. See Maatschappij, etc. SCHEUCcuZER, Joh. J. Bibliotheca Scriptorum HIistorire naturali omnium terrme regionum inservientium. Historim Naturalis Helvetie prodronins. Accessit celeberrimi viri Jacobi Le Long.... de Scriptoribus IIist. Nat. Gallir. Tiguri, 1716. 241 p. 18~. - Voorwaarde en Aflevering van den Bijbel der Natuur; ontworpen door.. J. J. Scheuchzer en M. S. G. Dont..In't Nedcerduitsch overgezet... door L. Meijer...Amsterdam, 1784. 8~. A Pr'ospectus. Pain. v, 107. SCnEULT, F. L. Recueil d'Architecture de'ssinee et mesur9e en Italie.ouvrage compose de 72 planches..grav6es a l'eau forte par IH. J. Picou Paris, rBanco aine, 1830. fo. FIRST SUPPLEM:ENT. 737 SCHEUTZ, George & Edward. Specimens of Tables, calculated, stereomouldedl, and printed by machinery. Lond. 1857. xviii, 50 p. roy. 8~. SCHILLER,t Friedrich von. Wilhelm Tell, Schauspiel.... avec.... des notes..per Th. Fix. Paris, Hachette, 1850. 235 p. 120~. --- Maria Stuart, ein Trauerspiel... PrcedeB d'une analyse litteraire de Madame de Stael, et publie avec des notes explicatives par Th. Fix. Paris, Hachette, 1851. 208 p. 12~. ----- Die Clocke.... Germ. and Engl. New-York, 1839. 24 p. 12~. Pam. v. 620. The Ghost-Seer; or Apparitionist. New-York, 1796. 18~. SCHINMEIER[, Johann A. Versuch einer Vollstandiger Geschichte der Schwedischen Bibel-Ueberstezungen und ausgaben, mit Anzeige und beurtheilung ihres werthes... Erstes, Zweites, Drittes stuk. Flensburg und Leipzig, 1777, 78. 68, 116, 204 p. in I v. 4~. SCILEGELt, Friedrich von. Ueber die Sprache und Weisheit der Indier...Heidelberg, 1808. 324 p. 12~....- Lectures on the History of Literature, ancient and modern.... London, Bohn, ]859. 12~. SCHLESIER, M. W. Von Humboldt's Life. See Klencke, P.of.. SCHLEUSNER, Joh. Frieder. Novun Lexicon Graeco-Latinum in Novum Testamenturnm... Recensuerunt J. Smith, J. Strauchon, et A. Dickinson...Ed. quarta..Edinburgi, 1814. 2 v. 8~. SCHMELLER, Johann Andreas. Milnchen unter der Vierherzog-Regierung, 1397-1403, nach einer gleichzeitigen Denkschrift des Burgermeisters Jorg Katzmair. 1833. 56 p. See Koen. Baier. Akad. Reden, v. 5. SCHMIDT, I. R. Beginselen der Statica, ten G-ebruike van de Kadetten der Koninklijke Artillerie- en Genieschool te Delft.... Eerste deel: Statica der vaste ligchamen. Gravenhage en te Amsterdam..1823. 8~. Beginselen der Dynamica...Te's Gravenhage en te Amsterdam, 1825. 8~. - Beginselen der Hoogere Meetkunst, bevattende de toepassing van de Stelkunst op bepaalde meetkunstige vraagstukken; verder de Theorie van de regte lijn en den cirkel... Tweede druk. Gravenhage en Amsterdam, 1826. 8~. SHilMIDT, Johannes. Gott zu Lob, Drey Christliche Danck-Predigten; wegen dero im jaher 1440, und also vor zweyhundert jahren, durch Gbttliche eingebung, in Strassburg erfundenen Hochwerthen thewren Buchtrucker-Kunst.... In volckreicher Versamlung zu Strassburg anno 1640, den 18, 25 Augusti und 1 September, gehalten, und, auf begehren, in truck gegeben, durch Johan. Schmidt. Anno M.DC.XLI. Gotha... 1740. TVith, Joannis Henrici Boecleri Oratio, anno qua de typographiae..disseritur. 127 p. In 1 v. 12~. SCHMITT, Ludwig von. Resultate der Rechts-pflege bei den verschiedenen gerichten der pfalz, wahrend des Stats-jahres 1857- 58..... am 3 Nov. 1858. Zweibriicken, 1858. 50 p. 12~. Pam. v. 609. SCHMITZ, I. P. Histoire des Derniers Prisonniers Frangais faits par Abd el Kader en 1845. Paris, 1852, 138 p, 8~0 [ SUPPL. ] 93 738 GENERAL LIBRARY. SCHNAASE, Dr. Carl. Geschichte der Bildenden Kiinste bei den Alten. 2 v.: —il Mittelalter. 3 v. Diisseldorf, 1843 - 56. 5 v. 8~. SCHNEIDER, Eliza C. A. Letters from Broosa, Asia Minor...With an Essay on..the heathen by Rev.B. Schneider, and an introduction by Rev. E. Heinr... Chamhersburg, Pa. 1846. xlvi, 211 p. 12~. SCHNURRER, Christ. F. De. Bibliotheca Arabica....Halve ad Salam, 1811. 529 p. 8~. SCHCELCHERt, Victor. The Life of Handel. N.York, 1857. 492 p. 120. SCHCELL, Max. S. Fred. Cours d'Histoire des Etats Europeens, depuis le Bouleversement de l'Empire Romain d'occident jusqu'en 1789. Tome I - XLVI (T. 46, in 2 parts); Part 2, Notice litteraire sur M. Schoell. Berlin, Paris, 1830 - 34. 47 v. 8~. Histoire Abregee de la Litterature Romaine..... Paris, 1815. 4 v. in 2 v. 8~. SCHOENEMANN, Carl P. C. Zur Vaterldndischen Miinzkunde von zwolften bis finfzehnten jahrhundert; oder Grundzilge der Brachteatenkunde und Beschreibung von beinahe ftinfhundert alten Braunschweigischen, Helmstedtschen, etc. Hohlpfennigen, etc.....Mit 325 abbildungen...Wolfenbiittcl, 1852. 92 p. 40. SCHOEPFLIN, Joh. D.... Vindicim Typographicre. WTrith Appendix, Documenta typographicarum originurn ex Argentinensibus tabulariis et bibliothecis nunc primum edita. Argentorati, 1760. 120 et 52 p. 4~. With seven engraved fac similes. SCHOHARIE ACADEMY, NY.: Catalogue, 185.7. 8~. Pam. v. 457. SCHOLEFIELD, Rev. Radcliffe. A Farewell Address from a tutor to his pupils...Stourbridge, Eng. 1814. 32 p. 120. Pam. v. 399. SCHOOL DAYS at Rugby. See [Hughes, T.]. SCHOOL for the Indigent Blind in St.George's Fields, Southwark..... London, June 1857. 109 p. 12~. Pam. v. 473. SCHOOLCRAFTt, Henry Rowe. Historical Considerations on the Siege and defence of Fort Stanwix in 1777. Read before the New-York Historical Society June 19th, 1845....New-York, Press of the Historical Society, 1846. 29 p. 8~....- Information respecting the History, condition and prospects of the Indian tribes. Part 5; Part 6. Philadelphia.... 1854, 1857. 2 v. 40. The Myth of Hiawatha, and other oral legends, mythologic and allegoric, of the North-American Indians. Phil'a...1856. 12~. [ —— ] See Helderbergia. Cat. 1855. SCHOONMAKERt ( Marius), of N.Y. Speeches, U.S. H. of R., on the Disposition of the public lands; On the Slave question. 1852. Pam. v. 486, 487. [SCHOTT, Andreas], Editor. See Hispanime Bibliotheca. SCHRANK, Franz de Paula von. Rede uiber die Urkunden der Vorwelt, 1827. Miinchen. 28 p. See Koen. Baier. Ak. Reden, v. 4. SCHROEDER (J.P F.), D.D. Bibliotheca Probata. See Dana (D.) jr. FIRST SUPPLEMENT. 739 SCHROEDER VAN DER KOLK, J. L. C. Waarnemingen over het Maaksel van de menschelijke placenta, en over haren bloeds-omloop. (Kon. Ned. Instit. 3e reeks, 4e deel). Amsterdam, 1851. 112 p. & plates. With, - Waarneming van eene Atrophie van het linker halfrond der hersenen, met gelijktijdige atrophie der regterzijde van het ligchaam. (Nederl. Instit. 3e reeks, 5e deel). Amst. 1852. 42 p. And, ---- Ontleedkundige over de Hersenen van den Chimpanse. Amst. 1849. 16 p. 40. In 1 v. 40~. SCHR6TER, JOh. Hieron. Selenotopographische Fragmente zur genauern kenntniss der mondfliche...und atmosphare, sammt den dazu gehorigen specialeharten und zeichnungen.. Mit 43 kupfertafeln. Helmstadt, 1791. 676 p. & plates.- 2 v. 4~. ---- Aphroditographische Fragmente, zur genauern kenntniss des Planeten Venus.. Mit 10 kupfertafeln. HIelmst6dt, 1796. In 2 v.40. SCHUBARTH, Dr. E. L. Repertorium der Technischen Literatur die jahre 1823 bis einschl. 1853 umfassend..Berlin, 1856. xxiv, 1050 p. 80.- Prospectus, Pam. v. 227. SCHULTZ, Car. Hen. De Entero - mesenteritide contagiosa. Biponti, 1830 grassata. Dissertatio inauguralis. MIonachii, 1831. 54 p. 8~. Pam. v. 210. SCHUMACHER, H. C. Catalogue des Livres et Cartes composant la bibliotheque de feu:... En vente chez A. Asher & Co. Berlin, 1855. 147 p. 80. SCHUTTE, Rutger. Heilige Jaarboeken....Amst. 1779 - 83. 3 v. 80. SCHUYLER, Rev. Montgomery. The Duty of Bearing one another's burdens: A Sermon, St.James' Church, Syracuse, Nov. 16, 1853, 12~. Pain. v. 213. ACHUYLER,'Philip.. Remarks on the Revenue of the State of N.York...Albany, 1796. 24 p. sm. 4~. SCHUYLER COUNTY: Affidavit of Facts..Site for the public buildings..Signed, J. Beach and 5 others. Albany, 1856. 16 p. 80~. Pam. v. 530.- Petitions.. Leg. Doct. Jan. 23, 1856. 18 p. 80. Pamn. v. 254. SCHUYLKILLt NAVIGATION COMPANY: Report, 1840. Philadelphia. 20 p. 80. Pam. v. 477.- Report, January 2, 1854. Pam. v. 223.Report, Jan. 4, 1856. Pam. v. 258. SCHWARTZ (Joachim). Pseud. Reflexions sur l'Esclavage des Negres..y J. A. I. C. Condorcet. Nouvelle edition. Neufchatel..1788. 86 p. 80. SCHWARZ, C. G. Primaria Documenta, 1840. See Munch, G. B. SCHWEIZERISCHE MILITAIRBIBLIOTHEKr Erstes bandchen. Allgemeine Mlilitair organisation. Gesetze itber die Rechtspflege der eidgenossischen truppen. Basel (1817?). 100, 148 p. 240. Pam. v. 609. ----- Reglement fur die eidgenossische Kriegsverwaltung. Basel, 1828. 155 p. 240. Pani. v. 628. SCIENCE (The) OF GEOLOGY: By XAO:. Second thousand. Glasgow, 1837. 78.p. 180. Pain. v. 233. SCIENTIFICt AMERICAN: The Advocate of Industry, and Journal of iScientific, Mechanical and other improvements - Weekly. Vol. 1, 740 GENERAL LIBRARY. N o. 26 - No. 52, Mar. 12, 1846- Sept. 10, 1846; Vol. 2 to Vol. 4, No. 29, April 1849; Vol.11, Sept. 1856 to Vol. 13, Sept.4, 1858. New-York. 5 v. 40 & f~. [SCIOPPIrs, Gaspar]. Hercules tuam fidem. See Satire duse. SCOBLE, John. Speech, Anti-Slavery Meeting, Exeter Hall, April 4, 1838, British Guiana. London, 1838. 35 p. 8~. Pam. v. 438. SCOFFERN, John. Elementary Chemistry of the imponderable agents and of inorganic bodies. See Orr's Circle. SCOT, George. The Model of the Government of the Province of East New-Jersey...Edinburgh, 1685. See New-Jersey Hist. Coll. v. 1. SCOTLAND. Some Papers of the Commissioners of Scotland, given in lately to the Houses of Parliament, concerning the propositions of peace. London, 1646. iv, 4, 26 p. 4~. Pan. v. 407. SCOTS CORPORATION. An Account of the.... Scots:Corporation in London, of the foundation of King Charles the 2d.. 1807. London. 47 p. 80.. Pam. v. 472. SCOTT, Alexander. Corrupt Parliaments: An Extract from A.S.'s Legacy to his Country, 1689. 4th edition. London, repr. 1795. 8~. Painm. v. 448. SCOTT, Dred. The Case of Dred Scott in the U.S. Supreme Court: The full Opinions of C. J. Taney and Justice Curtis, and abstracts of the opinions of the other judges.... New-York, 1857. 104 p. 8~. Imp. Pam. v. 560. Remarks on a Passage in the Opinion of Judge Daniel in Dred Scott's Case. By Pres. T. D. Woolsey. From New-Englander, Aug. 1857. 21 p. 8~. Pam. v. 562. SCOTT, Geo. G. Speech, N.Y. Sen., March 8, 1859, on the Case of W. G. Mandeville...the final vote Mar. 16...16 p. 8~. Pam. v. 530. SCOTT, Cot. J.W. -..Letter to Judge Nevis, Mr. Lupp and Mr. Wood, of New-Brunswick, on the constitutional organization of the Legislative Council of New-Jersey, Oct. 1841. Trenton, 1842. 30 p. 8~. Pam. v. 197. SCOTT, Rev. John. Destiny of Israel: A Discourse... including... the most decisive prophecies concerning their conversion and restoration. Hull, Eng. 1813. 8~. Pai. v. 321. ---- An Appendix to the Rev. J. Scott's Inquiry:into the effect of baptism. London, 1817. 74 p. 8~. Pam. v. 465. Reformation, not Subversion.....a Sermon, Beverley: Proverbs xxiv, 21. London, 1831, 8~. Pam. v. 326. The Life of the Rev. Thomas Scott, D.D., Rector of Aston Sanford, Bucks; including a Narrative drawn up by himself, and copious extracts from his letters. nMiddletown (Conn.), 1823. 12~. SCOTT, John. The House of Mourning: A Poem; with some smaller pieces. London, 1817. 75 p. 12~. Pam v. 398. SCOTT, John. Mr. Scott's Second Statement on Mr. Lockhart, 1821. 8 p. 80. Pam. v. 389. SCOTT, John. See Waring, J. Scott. SCOTT, Jonathan M. Blue Lights, or the Convention A Poem.... New-York, 1817. xi, 150 p. 18~. FIRST SUPPLEMENT. 7:41 ----- The Sorceress; or Salem Delivered: A Poem, in four cantos. New-York, 1817. 120 p. 18~. ScOTTt, Joseph. The New and Universal Gazetteer, or Modern Geographical Dictionary... and wherein upwards of. five hundred errours are corrected in the Encyclopsedia:Britannica, and in:Millar, Payne, Guthrie, Watson, Brooks, Walker,. Morse, &c...:Philadelphia, 1799, 1800. 4 v. 8~. A Geographical Dictionary of the United States of North America; containing a general description of each state.... Philadelphia, 1805. 8~. A Geographical Description of the States of Maryland and.]Delaware... With a List of the hundreds in each county. With two maps. Philadelphia... 1807. 18~. SCOTT, Moses Y. The Deaf and Dumb: A Poem. New-York, 1819. 8~. Pam. v. 199. Fatal Jest: A Tale; and other poems. N.York, 1819. 142 p.18~. SCOTT (Nehemiah) and Partners. A Proposal for advancing the revenue of excise, etc., humbly offered to the Hon. the House of Commons...London, 1705. 16 p. —A Proposal, &c. Same title. Loud. 1707. 11 p. 4~. Pam. v. 408. SCOTT (Rev. Samuel), of Oswego, N.Y. An Exposition of the Revelation, Ch. 4 - 22...4th edition. New-York, 1848. 18~. SCOTT (Thomas), D.D. The Articles of the Synod of Dort, and its rejection of errors; with the History of events which made way for that synod.... Translated from the Latin, with notes, remarks and references. Utica, N.Y. 1831. Reprint.- With, An Harmony of the Confessions of faith of the principal christian churches in Europe and America. Utica, 1831. Copyright. 304 p. 12~. Evil of Separation from the Church of England: Letters, 1817. See Roe, Peter. SCOTTt, Sir Walter. The Poetical Works...With Memoir and Critical dissertation by the. Rev. George Gilfillan. Edinburgh, 1857. 3 v. 80. Contents VoL. i. Lay of the Last Minstrel; Lady of the Lake. I- I. Marmion; Vision of Don Roderick. - II. Rokeby; Lord of the Isles. - Halidon Hill: A Dramatic Sketch from Scottish history. Edinburgh, 1822. 8~. Pam. v. 396. SCOTT, Sir William. Speech, H. of Commons, 1802: Non-residence of the Clergy. London. 80. Pam. v. 330. SCOTT, William. Lessons in Elocution; or a Selection of pieces in prose and verse...4th Hartford edition. Hartford, Conn. 382 p. 12~. SCOTTt, Lieut. Gen. Winfield. Letter to the Secretary of War; or, Review of the Controversy on a question-of rank, between Generals Scott and Gaines. New-York, 1827. 88 p. 80. Pam. v. 102. Report of the Committee on Military Affairs, on the Petition of Maj. Gen. Winfield Scott. Cong. Doct. January 27, 1829. 40 p. 80. Pam. v. 102. 742 GENERAL LIBRARY. SCOTT, Lieut. Gen. Winfield: ----- Gen. Scott's Correspondence with Hon. W. L. Marcy, Secretary of War under President Polk. 1848. 16 p. 8~. Pam. v. 259. SCOTT ( W. A.), D.D. Trade and Letters; their journeyings round the world: Three Discourses, delivered before the Mercantile Library Association of San Francisco... New-York..1856. 12~. SCOTTISH PROVIDENT INSTITUTION, Edinb. 1853. 12~. Pam. v. 511. [SCOTTOW, J.]. A Narrative of the Planting of. the Massachusetts Colony..Boston, 1694. See Mass. Hist. Soc. Collections, S. 4, v. 4. SdRaTON, Rev. Erastus. A Genealogical Register of the descendants of John Scranton of Guilford, Conn., who died in the year 1671. Hartford..1855. 8~. SCRA.TCHLEY, Arthur. Industrial Investment and Emigration; being a Treatise on Benefit building societies. London, 1851. Prospectus. 8~. Pain. v. 429. SCRIBBLEOMANIA; or the Printer's Devil's Polichronicon: A Sublime Poem. Edited by Anser Pen-Drag-On, esq. Lond. 1815. 341 p. 8~. SCRIBE, Eugene. Bertrand et Raton, ou l'Art de conspirer: Comedie en cinq actes, et en prose. Paris, 1834. 205 p. 8~. SCRIBNER (B. F.), New-Albany, Ia. Camp Life of a Volunteer-: A Campaign in Mexico...Philadelphia, 1847. 75 p. 80. SCRIPTURAL Revision of the Liturgy, a remedy for Anglican assumption and papal aggression: A Letter to Lord J. Russell. By a member of the Middle Temple. Lond. 1851. 194 p. 80. Pam. v. 329. SCRIPTURAL View of Politics. Addressed to serious-minded christians. On Adams and Jackson. 8 p. 8~. Pam. v. 197. SCRIPTURE (The) Account of a future state considered. London, 1754. 78 p. 8S. Pam. v. 299. SCRIPTURE (The) Doctrine of remission which sheweth that the death of Christ is no proper sacrifice...for sin...London, 1761. 95 p. 80~ Pam. v. 301. SCRIPTuREs (The) and the Arians compared...In two parts. London, 1722. 28 p. 80~. Pam. v. 315. SCRIVERIUS, Petrus. Batavia Illustrata; seu de Batavorum insula, Hollandia, Zelandia, Frisia, Territorio Traiectensi et Gelria: Scriptores varii notse melioris, nunc primum collecti, simulque editi. Ex Mustso Petri Scriverii. Lugd. Batav. 1609. 167 p. 4~. SCROPE, G. Poulett. Letters to...Lord J. Russell, on the expediency of enlarging the Irish poor law.....London, 1846. 91 p. 8~. Pam. v. 423. SCRUTATOR'S Letter on the dignified character and consoling influence of Unitarianism in a dying hour, displayed in the..... conduct of several eminent Unitarians..London, 1812. 25 p. 120. Pam. v. 316. SCURLOCK, Rev. David. Thoughts on the Influence of Religion in civil government....London, 1792. 63 p, 80~ Pam. v. 302. SEA ( The): Narratives of Adventure and Shipwreck, tales and sketches, illustrative of life on the ocean. Edinburgh, Chambers, 1840. 8~. FIRST SUPPLEMENT. 743 [SEABURYt, Bp. Samuel]. See Address to... Presbyterians, 1790; Congress convassed, 1775: Cat. 1855; View of the Controversy, 1775: Cat. 1855.- The two latter jointly with Dr. I. W/filkins. SEAGRAVE, Robert. The Principles of Liberty, or the right of mankind to judge for themselves in matters of faith....London, 1755. 40. 80. Pam. v. 319. SEAMAN'S (The) ALMANACK.... London, 1852: J. & W. Robins. 12~. Alm. v. 49. SEAMEN's AID SOCIETY...Boston: 7th Mrs. S. J. Hale. Boston, 1840. 8~. Pam. v. 549. SEAMEN'S FUND RETREAT: Act in relation to...Also the By-laws.. New-York, 1854. 80.- Annual Report, 1857. New-York, 1858. 80. Pam. v. 549. SEAMEN'S NAVIGATION COMPANY OF AMERICA: Prospectus..Philadelphia, 1854. 15 p. 8~. Pam. v. 549. SEARCH (The) after Claret, or a Visitation of the Vintners ~ A Poem in two cantos. London, 1691. 18 p.- With, A further search after claret, or a second visitation of the vintners: A Poem**+. London, 1691. 19 p. 40. Pam. v. 1013. SEARCHER (The); or an Inquiry after Truth. No. I - VI, Mar. - May 1817. Birmingham, Eng. 96 p. 8~. Pam. v. 414. SEARL (John), of Stoneham. A Funeral Sermon, Newburyport, Dec. 30, 1770..death of Mrs. Phebe Parsons, consort of Rev. J. Parsons. Boston, New-England, 1771. 80. Pam. v. 111. SEASONABLE (A) DISCOURSE, shewing the necessity of maintaining the establislied religion, in opposition to popery. 2d edition. By Bishop William Lloyd. London, 1673. 4~. Pam. v. 354. SEASONABLE EXPOSTULATIONS with the worthy citizens of London, upon their late instructions to their representatives.. London, 1742. 32 p. 80. Pam. v. 442. SEASONABLE (A) Letter to the Author of, Seasonable and Affecting considerations on the mutiny bill, articles of war, and use and abuse of a standing army... With, A short discourse addressed to the mayor and inhabitants of Shrewsbury. Lond. 1751. xii, 44 p. 8~. Pam. v. 409. SEA-SPRAY, by M. Wickham. See [ Huntington, Miss]. SEATON, Robert. A Companion to Seaton's Map of Palestine and Egypt. New-York. 154 p. 80. With map. 8~.-2 v. SEAVER, Ebenezer. Statement of Votes in Congress given by Hon. E. Seaver. Boston, 1812. 80. Pam. v. 259. SEAVERt, James E. Life of 3Mary Jemison: Deh-he-wa-mis. 4th ed. with geographical and explanatory notes. New-York & Auburn... 1856. 120. SECKERt, Abp. Thomas. Sermon: 1 Peter iv, 10, before the Lord Mayor, Easter, 1738. London.- Charge to the Clergy, 1738. Lond. — Sermon: Ps. cvi, 12, 13, House of Lords, Thanksgiving: Restitution of King Charles II. London, 1739.- Sermon: 2 Chron. xv, 2, Fast on War with Spain. London, 1741.- Sermon: 2 Sam. 744 GENERAL LIBRARY. x, 12, Oct. 6, 16, Present Rebellion in Scotland. London, 1745. — Sermon: Eccl. viii, 2, Sept. 22, Present Rebellion in Scotland. York, 1745. 40~. Pam. v. 189. - Sermon, Rebellion in Scotland: 2 Sam. x, 12. London, 1745.Sermon, Univ. of Oxford, Act Sunday, 1733: Deut. xxxii, 36, 47. London, 1734.- Charge to the Clergy, 1738. London, 1739. Pam. v. 380. - Sermon, 1741. See Society for Prop. the Gospel. Sermon, Yearly Meeting of the' Charity Schools, 1743. London, See Soc. Pro. Chr. Knowledge. Letter to Rev. Mr. Macclanechan, Philadelphia. See Porteus, B., Review. SECOND PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH of the City of Albany: Historical Sketch of the Sunday-school connected with:......Albany, 1857. 18 p. 8~. Pam. v. 289. SECOND THOUGHTS; or Observations upon Lord Abingdon's Thoughts on the letter of E. Burke, esq., to the sheriffs of Bristol....2d ed. London, Cadell, 1777. 74 p. 8~. SECRET HISTORY of the Perfidies, intrigues and corruptions of the Tyler dynasty, with the mysteries of Washington a series of letters...Washington & New-York, 1845. 64 p. 8~. Pam. v. 194. SECTARIANISM, the Bane of Religion and the church. London, Nisbet, 1846. 76 p. 120. Pam. v. 306. SECTIONAL FLOATING DRY DOCK: A Brief Sketch of the plan and advantages of:... for the use of the U.S. Navy. New-York, 1843. 27 p. 8~. Pam. v. 529. SEDGWICKt, Catharine M. Memoir of Joseph Curtis, a model man... **$. New-York, 1858. 200 p. 18~. [ SEDGWICK, James]. See Hints.. on evangelical preaching, 1810. SEDGWICK, Joseph. Fragments from a Minister's study. Brighton, Eng. 1826. 16 p. 8~. Pam. v. 339. SEDGWICKt, Theod. Address, 1858. See Columbia College, Alumni Association. SDDILLOT, L. A. Histoire des Arabes ( Duruy, Histoire Universelle). Paris, 1854. 12~. SEELEY, B. B. The Pope a Pretender: Substance of a Speech, Nov. 6, 1850. London. 8~. Pam. v. 348. SEELYE (S. T.), D.D. Sermon, commemorative of Mrs. Susan D. Aiken...of the Syrian Mission... Albany, 1852. 8~. Pam. v. 555. SEEMILLER, Sebastian. Bibliothecoe Academicse Ingolstadiensis Incunabula typographica, seu libri ante annum 1500 impressi circiter mille et quadrigenti...Ingoldstadii, 1788, 89. 192, 174, 196 p. and indices. 3 v. in 2 v. 4~. SEGAAR, Carolus. Twee Leerredenen tot afscheid en intrede in de gemeenten Godts te Groningen en te Utrecht....Utrecht, 1760. 61 p. 4~. Pam. v. 569. S&JGUIER, Jean Francois. Bibliotheca Botanica; sive Catalogus auctorum et librorum omnium qui de re:botanica, de medicamentis ex FIRST SUPPLEMENT. 745 vegetalibus paratis, de re rustica et de horticultura tractant. Accessit Bib. Botan. Jo. Arft. Bumaldi, seu potius Ovidii Montalbini, Bononiensis (1657). Hagee Corn. 1740. 450, 66 p. 4~. SEGURt, Comte Joseph A. Women; their condition and influence. Trans. 18 p. 12~. Pamn. v. 606. SEISS, Rev. J. A. The Arts of Design, especially as related to female education: An Address....Baltimore, 1857. 27 p. 80. Pam. v. 499. SEIZ, Jo. C. Annus Tertius Smecularis Inventse Artis Typographice; sive Brevis Historica Enarratio de inventione nobilissimne artis typographiecae....Harlemi (1743). xxviii, 248 p. & index. 8~. SELDENt, John. Titles of Honor.... 3d edition; with additions and amendments by the author. London, 1673. f0. SELDEN, John. Pseud. Johannis Seldeni Angli, Liber de Nummis; jn quo antiqua pecunia romana et- grweca metitur precio ejus, quse nune est in usu. By A. Sardi. Hinc accedit Elenchus auctorum, qui de antiquis numismatibus....scripserunt. By Philip Labbe. Londini, 1675. 19, 86 p. sm. 4~. SELECT ESSAYs; containing the Manner of raising and dressing flax and hemp.... An enquiry concerning the materials that may be used in making paper, by llf. Guettard... etc. Collected from the Dictionary of Arts and Sciences, and from various modern authors. Philadelphia, 1777. 159 p. 8~. SELECT PLAYS. Baltimore, Warner & ianna, 1802 - 1804. 6 v. 12~. Contents VOL. 1. Castle Spectre; Heir at Law; Stranger; Secrets worth knowing. - 2. Robbers; Fiesco; Cabal and Love. 3. Poor Gentleman; Folly as it flies; The Secret. - 4. The Gamester; Douglas; The Mourning Bride; The Orphan, or Unhappy Marriage. 5. The Wheel of Fortune; West Indian; Way to get married; Mountaineers. 6. Eifrida; Caractacus; Samson Agonistes; Edward and Eleonora. SELF - ENTERTAINMENT; or Day-thoughts B: eing a Collection of six months occasional reflections.. By Rev. Mr. Whately? Lond. 1751. 67 p. 8~. Pam. v. 394. SELKIRKt, Thomas, Earl of. Precis touchant la Colonie du Lord Selkirk, sur la Riviere Rouge; sa destruction en 1815 et 1816, et le massacre du Gouverneur Semple et de son parti. Avcc des Observations sur un ouvrage publie r6cemment, et intitule "A Narrative of Occurrences in the Indian countries," &c....De l'ouvrage anglais, publie6 Londres en 1817. Montreal, 1818. 234, lxxxvii p. 80~. Speech, H. of Lords, August 10, 1807': Militia transfer bill. 8~. Pam. v. 416. SELKIRK, Rev. Edward. Address, Laying the corner stone of Trinity Church...Albany, 1848. 8~. Pam. v. 204, 556. SELLON, Miss P. Lydia. Reply to a Tract by the Rev. J. Spurrell... containing Charges concerning the Society of the Sisters of Mercy of Devonport and Plymouth. By the Sulperior...London, 1852. 28 p. 8~. Pam. v. 331. [ SUPPL.] 94 746 GENERAL LIBRARY. SEMAINE LITT9RAIRE DU COURRIER DES ETATS UNIS. Recueil choisi de Romans, feuilletons, ouvrages historiques et dramatiques, en prose et en vers, des auteurs modernes les plus renommes. New-York, 1844 - 57. Bound in 25 v. 80. Not the complete series for the period. S&MINAIRE DE QUEBEC: Catalogue des Officiers et ilebves, 1848, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56. Qu6bec.-T-Vith, Universite-Laval, 1857, 59. In 1.v. 8~. SEMMESt, R. The Campaign of Gen'. Scott in the Valley of Mexico: By Lieut. Raphael Semmes, late Flag Lieutenant of the Home Squadron, and Aid-de-Camp of Maj. Gen. Worth.. Clincinnati.1852.120~. SENDTNER, Otto. Die Vegetations-verhalItnisse Siidbayerns, nach den grundsaitzen der pflanzengeographie.... Miinchen, 1856. 910 p. and plates. 8~. SENECA+, L. A. Lucii Annei Senece Cordubensis maximi latinorum magistri, et Institutoris honeste vite ad Lucillium epistolarum liber de vivendi. ratione.... Colophon... finit fauste impressus Liptzk per Jacobum. Thanner, Anno diii millesimo quingentesimo octavo... 39 leaves. f0. See Wellendarffer, V. SENECA COLLEGIATE INSTITUTE, Ovid, N. Y. Catalogue,'1858. 8~. Pam. v. 457. SENECAt INDIANS. Documents and Ocffiial Reports, illustrating the causes which led to the revolution in the government of the Seneca Indians in the year 1848, and to the recognition of their Representative Republican Constitution by the Authorities of the United States and of the State of New-York. Baltimore, 1857. 8~. Pam. v. 253. SENEFELDER, Alois. A Complete Course of Lithography; containing clear and explicit instructions....To which is prefixed a History of lithography... With a Preface by F. von Schlichtegroll.. Translated from the original German by A. S; London, 1819. xxix, 342 p. 40~ Uebersicht..1856. See Ferchl, F. M. [ SENIOR, Charles]. Letter to C. Wood, on the Taxes..1850. SENSE ( The) of the Nation, in regard to the late motion in parliament; in a Letter from a freeholder to His Honour. Lond. 1741. 28 p. 8'. Pam. v. 420. SENSUS COIIMUNIS, 1709. See [Cooper, A. A., Earl of Shaftesbury]. *SERGEANTt (John), LL.D. Eulogy on Charles Carroll of Carrolton, Dec. 31, 1832. Philadelphia, 1833. 80. Pam. v. 268. A Lecture, Mere. Library Comp. of Philadelphia, Nov. 9, 1839. Philadelphia, 1839. 8~. Paim. v. 242. SERIE DELL'EDIZIONI ALDINE per ordine cronologico ed alfabetico. Drawn up by Cardinal De Brienne, with the aid of Father Laire. Terza edizione, con emendazioni e giunte. Firenze, 1803. 84, 195 p. 12~. With prices. SERIOUS ADDRESS to.... Quakers. Philadelphia, 1778. See Address. Cat. 1855. SERIOUS ADDRESS to Unlearned Christians -oftrinitarian..sentiments. London, 1827. 20 p. 120. Pam. v. 317. FIRST SUPPLEMENT. 747 SERIOUS CONSIDERATIONS on the Election of President, 1800. See [ Linn, W.]. SERIous -CONSIDERATIONS on the Present State of the affairs of the Northern colonies. By Archibald Kennedy. New-York, printed for the author, 1754. 24 p. 80. SERIOUS (A) EXHORTATION to the Electors of Great Britain; wherein the importance of the approaching elections is.. proved... London, 1740. 60 p. 8~. Pam. v. 420. SERIOUS (A) INQUIRY into the Grand Question, whether a law to prevent the occasional conformity of dissenters would not be inconsistent with the act of toleration.. By Daniel Defoe. London, 1704. 28 p. 4~. Pamn. v. 1004. SERIOUS (A) INQUIRY into the use and importance of external religion, occasioned by some passages in...Bp. Butler's Charge.....London, 1752. 71 p. 8~. Pam. v. 299. SERLE, Ambrose. Christian Husbandry; or a Companion for the christian in his field and garden.... New ed. London, 1825. 140 p. 18~. Pam. v. 339. SERMON (A) Addressed to the Members of a village club, on their anniversary: Eccl. iv, 9, 10. By a Curate. Salisbury, Eng. 1837. 8~. Pam. v. 377. SERMON lately preached on 1 Cor. iii, 15, by a reverend divine of the Church of England. Printed in the year 1673. 8~. Pam. v. 363. SERMON (A) on the Fast-day, Jan. 16, 1712, against such as delight in war.- By a Divine of the Church of England: Psalms lxviii, 30. London. 80. Pam. v. 365. SERMON (A): 1 Cor. xv, 35, preach'd on Easter day 1755, at the parish church of St.Mary's... with a preface.. Dublin, 1757. 44 p. 8~. Pam. v. 371. SERMON (A) Preached in the Chapel of Trinity College, Cambridge, 1793... By Rev. R. E. Garnham. London, 1794. 8~. Pans v. 374. SERMON, Preached on the Anniversary-fast for the Martyrdom of King Charles I, at Court, in the last century, by Rev. John March... Jud; xix, 30 (1677). London, 1708. 80. Pam. v. 363. Same title: Tit. iii, 1. By Dr. South? London, 1710. 8~. Pam. v. 363. SERMON (A) preached upon St.Peter's day..By a Divine of the Church of England: Matt. xvi, 18. By Bp. S.Patrick. London, 1687. 4~, Pain. v. 360. SEROPYAN'S (C.) Patent Bank-notes, 1856, N.Y. Pam. v. 274. SERRURIER, Filips. Intree-reden en Gedachtenis-reden gehouden te Amsteldam..1763, 88... Amsteldam, 152 p. 8~. Panm. v. 568. SERVAIS, G. J. De. Catalogue des Livres de la BibliothBque de, Vente...3 Oct. 1808. Malines. 440 p. 8~. WVith prices. SERVOSS, Tho. L. Incidents of the Battle of New-Orleans. Read be? fore N.Y. Hist. Soc. May 11, 1858. Slips from N.Y. Journ. of Corn. Pam. v. 502. 748 GENERAL LIBRARY. SESSIONS, Alexander J. Afflictions Necessary: A Sermon, Crombiestreet Congregation, Salem, Mass. Salem, 1840. 80. Pam. v. 106. [SETON, William]. See Interest of Scotland, 1702. SEUFFERT, Georg Karl Leopold. Statistik des Getreide- und Viktualienhandels im kbnigreiche Bayern, mit Beriicksichtigung des Auslandes. Miinchen, 1857. 16, 496 p. 4~. SEVENTH (A) COLLECTION of Papers relating to the present juncture of affairs in England... London, 1689. 34 p. 4~. Pam. v. 408. SEVENTH-DAY BAPTIST GENERAL CONFERENCE An Address to the Baptist denomination of the United States, on the observance of the Sabbath. New-York, 1843. 24 p. 8~. Pam. v. 490. SEVERAL RESOLVES Prepared By the Commanding Junto To pass The House. London. Printed in the year 1659. 8 p. 8~. Pam. v. 600. SEVERANCE (Luther), of Maine. Speech on the Mexican War, I-I. of R. of the United States, 1847. 16 p. Pam. v. 486. SEVERN, William. A Vindication of the Unitarians, or Remarks on.. A Vindication of the Methodists, by J. Hill...Hull, 1806. 36 p. 8~. Pam. v. 316. Diversity of Sects.... a Sermon: 1 Cor. iii, 4, Presb. Chapel, Hull, 1809. 8~. Pam. v. 375. SEVERUS, P. Cornelius. }Etna, et quee supersunt fragmenta cum notis et interp. J. Scaligeri, etc. Accessit P. Bembi 2Etna. Amsteldam, 1715. 180. See Pedo. SEWALL, Jonathan M. Miscellaneous Poems, with several specimens from the author's manuscript version of the Poems of Ossian..... Portsmouth, VN.HI. 1801. 304 p. 18~. SEWALL, Joseph. The Orphan's Best Legacy; or God's parental care of bereaved children: A discourse occasion'd by the death of the Hon. Samuel Sewall, esq..By his Son, Joseph Sewall.. -$. Boston, Green, 1730. 34 p. 8~ SEWLLf; Rufus K. Ancient Dominions of Maine..Bath, Me. 1859. 366 p. 8~. SEWARD1, Anna. The Poetical Works...with extracts from her literary correspondence. Ed. by W. Scott, esq. Edinb. 1810. 3 v. 120~. Letters of Anna Seward, written between the years 1783 and 1807...Edinburgh..1811. 6 v. 12~. SEWARDt, William H. [ Speeches, &c., collected ]. 1 v. 80. Contents: Speech on taking the Chair of the Simultaneous Repeal Meeting at Albany, Jan. 3, 1844. See also Albany Democ. Reformer. - On Grants of lands to Hungarian exiles, U.S. Sen., W'ashington, 1850. And in Parn. v. 193. -California, Union and Freedom: U.S. Senate, Mar. 11, 1850. Two ed. -On the Compromise bill: U.S. Senate, July 2, 1850. - On the Claims... for indemnities for French spoliations: U.S. Senate, Jan. 21, 1851. - On Proposed Protest.....against armed intervention of Russia in the Hungarian revolution: U.S. Senate, March 9, 1852. - Duty on Railroad iron: U.S. Senate, Feb. 28, 1853. Agnd Pam. v. 193. FIRST SUPPLEMENT. 749 - At the Dedication of Capital University, Columbus, O.: Sept. 14, 1853. Auburn, N.Y. 1853. - On the -Abrogation of the Missouri Compromise, in the Kansas and- Nebraska bills: U.S. Senate, Feb. 17, 1854. - On the Bill to organize Kansas and Nebraska: U.S. Sen. May 25, 1854. - On the Tariff question, Mar. 1, 1855; Credit for duties on railroad iron, Feb. 22, 1855; On the Collins steamers, Feb. 27, 1855: U.S. Senate. - Usurpations of Slavery; Bill to protect officers of the U. States: U.S. Senate, Feb. 23, 1855. - Oration at Plymouth, Mass., December 21, 1855. Albany, 1856. A/nd Pam. v. 242. - On the Central-American question: U.S. Senate, Jan. 31, 1856. - The Relative Powers of the Senate and House of Representatives: U.S. Senate, Feb. 7, 1856. - For the Immediate Admission of Kansas: U.S. Senate, April 9, 1856. Two editions. - Remarks concerning Kansas and the Constitutional freedom of debate: U.S. Senate, June 16, 1856. - The Party of Freedom...of Slavery, and the Unnecessary party: At Auburn, Oct. 221, 1856. - On Immigrant voluntary free labor: At Owego, Nov. 3, 1856. - On the Claims of the Officers of the Revolutionary army: U.S. Senate, Jan. 5, 1857. - Remarks...... in Memory of T. J. Rusk, Senator from Texas: U.S. Senate, Jan. 19, 1858. - Freedom in Kansas, Closing Speech of:...U.S. Senate, Ap. 30, 1858. -Argument for a Drawbridge over the Hudson river at Albany, in the Circuit Court of the United States: New-York, Sept. 21, 1858. - The Irrepressible Conflict: Speech at Rochester, Oct. 25, 1858. - The Cuba Debate: Speech, U.S. Senate, Jan. 24, 1859. Oration, Antimasonic Celebration, at Syracuse, July 4, 1831.. Syracuse, 1831. 8~. Pam. v. 204..- Speech, N.Y. Sen.....Charter of United States Bank, 1832. 8~. Pam. v. 192. Speech, U.S. Senate, July 29, 1852, the Whale fishery. 8~. Pam. v. 193. - The True Basis of American Independence: Address, American Institute, New-York, Oct. 20, 1853. N.York, 1854. 8~. Pam. v. 204. Freedom in Kansas: Speech, U.S. Sen., Mar. 3, 1858, Washington. 15 p. 80. Pamn. v. 561. SEWELLt, William. A Declaration of Faith, published by the Society of Friends A.D. 1693. From Sewell's History. Philadelphia, 1835. 16 p. 8~. Pam. v. 566. SEYFFARTIH (G.), D.D. Summary of Recent Discoveries in biblical chronology, universal history and Egyptian archmology; with special reference to Dr. Abbott's Egyptian museum in N.York. Together with a translation of the first sacred book of the Egyptians. Newm York, 1857. 240 p. 12~. SEYMOUR, C. C. B. Self-made Men. New-York, 1858. 120, 750 GENERAL LIBRARY. SEYMOUR, Horatio. Address, Mercantile Library Association, N.York, 1854. See Brodh-ead, J. R. Pam. v. 100, 241. ---- Speech, at Springfield, Mass., July 4, 1856. 11 p. 8~. Pam. v. 537. A Lecture on the Topography and history of New-York. Utica, 1856. 41 p. 8~. Pam. v. 504. SEYMOURt, James. Report... relative to a Railroad between Albany and Goshen. N.Y. Assemr. Doct., March 14, 1842. 23 p. 80. Pam. v. 544. SEYMOUR, Rev. Rich. Reasons why every Member of the Church of England.....should subscribe to the Soc. Prop. Gospel. Lond. 1852. 8 p. 120. Pam. v. 384. SEYMOUR, W. D. How to employ Capital in Western Ireland...upon the manufacture of beet-sugar, flax and chicory... 2d ed. London, 1851. viii, 280 p. 8.' Pam. v. 430. SHADD, Mary A. A Plea for Emigration, or Notes of Canada West...for the information of coloured emigrants. Detroit, 1852. 44 p. 8~. Pam. v. 269. [ SHADWELLt, Tho.]. See Some Reflections upon....Duke of Guise, 1683. SHAFFER, Chauncey. Reasons for voting for Fremont: Letter, Saratoga Springs, Aug. 14, 1856. 8~. Pam. v. 537. [ SHAFTESBURYt, Earl of ]. See Letter from a Parliament man, 1675; also, Cooper, A. A. SHAKERS. Testimonies concerning the character and ministry of Mother Ann Lee, and the First witnesses of the Gospel of Christ's Second Appearing.. Albany, 1827. 178 p. 12~. Investigator; or a Defence of the Order, government and economy of the United Society called Shakers, against sundry charges and- legislative proceedings....By the Society of Believers. Pleasant Hill, Kentucky. Repr. New-York, 1846. 84, 19 p. 120~. - Review of Mary M. Dyer's publication, entitled a Portraiture of Shakerism....Concord, N. H. 1824. 70 p. 120, Pam. v. 296. ----- A Brief Exposition of the established principles and regulations...New-York, 1846. 36 p. 12~.- Also New-York, 1851. 30 p. 120~. Pam. v. 296. - Considerations in regard to the Application of the Shakers for certain privileges. Albany, 1839. 12 p. 8~. Pam. v. 296. ----- Testimony of Christ's Second Appearing. See Youngs, B. S. SHAKESHAFT, J. Faith and Works, James ii, 20: A Poem. London, 1824. 4 p. 8~. Pam. v. 398. SHAKESPEAREt, William. Mr. William Shakespear's Comedies, Histories, and Tragedies Published according to the true original copies. The third impression; and unto this impression is added Seven Playes, never before printed in folio, viz: Pericles Prince of Tyre; The London Prodigall; the History of Thomas L-d Cromwell; Sir John Oldcastle Lord Cobham; The Puritan Widow; A York-shire Tragedy; The Tragedy of Locrine. London, Printed for P. C. 1664. fo.- With Portrait. FIRST SUPPLEMENT. 751 The Complete Works; with a Memoir by A. Chalmers. London, Bohn, 1854. 12~. The Works of William Shakespeare: The Plays edited from the folio of 1623, with various readings from all the editions and all the commentators, notes, introductory remarks; a historical sketch of the text, an account of the rise and progress of the English drama, a memoir of the poet, and an essay upon his genius. By Richard Grant White. Vol. 2 - 8. Boston, 1857 - 59. 7 v. 8~. - Hamlet, and As you like it: A Specimen of a new edition of Shakespeare. By Mr. Caldecott. London; 1819. xv, 174, 135, 116, 41 p. 8~. The Poems of Shakespeare. WTith Dyce's Memoir. London, W. Pickering, 1842. 180. Shakspeare's Coriolanus.... Texte Anglais... et des notes grammaticales...par C. Fleming. Paris, Hachette, 1850. 375 p. 12~. SHAKESPEARE SOCIETY. The First Sketch of Shakespeare's Merry Wives of Windsor. Edited by J. O. Halliwell. London, 1842. 80~. SHaAIOKIN: Report of the Proceedings and Speeches at the Dedication of Coal estates of Judge Helfenstein, for the benefit of the poor; a free college and African colonization, at Shamokin, Northumberland county, Pa., Dec. 22, 1854. Philadelphia, 1855. 80. Pam. v. 251. SHARP (Daniel), D.D. Hints on Modern Evangelism.. A Discourse, 1842: Phil. ii, 2, 3. Boston, 1843. 80. Pam. v. 559. SHARPI, Granville. [ Writings: A Collection] in 1 v. 8~. Contents: Remarks on the Uses of the Defiriitive Article in the Greek text of the N.. Testament; containing many proofs of the divinity of Christ........ Durham, 1798. viii, 52 p. Answer to an Anonymous Letter ( Sept. 18, 1777) on predestination and free-will, with a postscript on eternal punishments. London, 1801. 53 p. An/on. - "The Child's First Book" improved, with a preface......London, 1801. xx, 21 p. 18~. notn. A Dissertation on the Supreme divine dignity of the Messiah.... London, 1806. 64 p. Jerusalem;..the Etymology of the word?.... London, 1808. 64 p. SHARP (William), D.D. Sermon, Univ. of Oxford: Romn. xiv, 16. Oxford, 1754.- Sermon, Accession to the Throne: Ps. lxxii, National prosperity, Oxford, 1755.- Sermon, Charity to the Poor: Mark x, 13, Oxford, 1755. Pamn. v. 370. SHARPE, D.: Fossil Mollusea. See Paleontographical Society. SHARPE (Gregory), D.D.'The Rise and Fall of the Holy City and Temple of Jerusalem; an argument in defence of christianity....a discourse:... Ps. xxix, 9. London, 1765. 65 p. 8s. Pam. v. 334. ----- The Want of Universality no objection to the Christian religion..a discourse...London, 1766. 63 p. 80. Pam. v. 334. - A Letter to the...Bishop of Oxford..containing Remarks upon.Mr. Merriek's annotations on the Psalms. London, 1769. 62 p. 8~. Pam. v. 334. 752 JGENERAL LIBRARY. SHARPE, Abp. John. [Sermons of], in 1 v. 40. Contents: Sermon, 2d Meeting in London of Gentlemen born in the County of York Ecc. iii, 10. London, 1680. Sermon at the Spittle, April 14, 1680: I Tim. xvi, 17 - 19. London. Sermon hefore the Lord Mayor: Ps. cxii, 4. London, 1680. A Discourse concerning Conscience: The First part, wherein an account is given of the nature... of it..; The Second part, concerning a doubting conscience. London, 1687, 88. 46, 74 p. Anon. Sermon, June 28th, at his leaving y0 parish: Phil. iv, 8. London, 1691. Sermon, H. of Lords, Nov. 5, 1691: Rom. x, 2. London. Sermon before the Queen, Easter 1692: Phil. iii, 10. London, 1709. Sermon, Lent 1694, Government of the thoughts: Prov. iv, 23. Sermon before the King, Perswasive to prayer: Luke xviii, 1; 1698. London, 1708. Sermon, H. of Lords, Jan. 30, 1700: Tit. iii, 1. London. Reasonableness of believing without seeing: A Sermon. London, 1700. Sermon, Coronation of Queen Anne: Is. xlix, 23. London, 1702. Exhortation to Repentance, a Sermon: Ileb'. ii, 3. London, 1703. Sermon before the Queen, Good Friday, 1703. London. Sermon before the Queen, Ashwednesday, Feb. 14, 1711: Matthew iii, 8. London, 1711. SHARPE, William. A Course of Sermons, Univ. of Cambridge, April 1816. Cambridge. 96 p. 80. Pam. v. 376. SHATTUCKt, Lemuel. Memorials of the Descendants of William Shattuck, the progenitor of the families in America that have borne his name... Boston...1855. 8~. SHAW, Henry. Specimens of Ancient Furniture....with descriptions by Sir S. R. Meyrick...London, 1836. 57 p. & 74 plates. 40~. SHAW (James B.), D.D. Discourse, American Home Missionary Society, Brooklyn, 1858. New-York, 1858. 8~. 2 copies. Pam. v. 525. [SHAW, Peter]. See Juice of the Grape, 1724. SHAW, Royal. A Cabinet of- Gems, carefully selected..Albany, 1845. 40 p. 8~. Pamn. v. 513. SHAW, William. To the Rt. Hon. the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and to the members of the House of Commons: Of needlewomen's wages. London, 1847. 40 p. 8~. Pam. v. 429. SHAWMUT MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY of Boston: Report of the Insurance Commissioners upon:.... Ap. 14, 1857. Mass. Leg. Doct. 8~0. Pam. v. 239. SHEAt, John Gilmary. A Bibliographical Account of Catholic bibles, testaments, and other portions of scripture from the Latin vulgate, and printed in the United States. N.York, Cramoisy Press, 1859. 48 p. 12o....- A French-Onondaga Dictionary, from a manuscript of the seventeenth century. [ Library of American Linguistics, I. New-York, Cramoisy Press, 1860. viii, 103 p. 80~. SHEAR, PACKARD & Co.: Manufacturers of stoves, 1856. Albany. With cuts. 8~. FIRST SUPPLEMENT. 753 SHEARD, Henry. A Brief Statement on the subject of assumed copyright...London, 1851. 16 p. 8~. Pam. v. 513. SIXHEBBEAREt (John), M.D. An Answer to the Queries contained in a letter to Dr. Shebbeare, printed in the Public Ledger, August 10; Together with animadversions on two T. Townshencl...and... Counsellor Lee...London (1775). 179 p. 80~. [-] See Letter to the People of England; Sebond-, Third-, Fourth-, Sixth —, 1756-7. [ —-— ] See Answer (An) to a Pamphlet, 1756. SHEBOYdANt NIEUWSBODE. See Nieuwsbode, 1855 -57. SHECUT, J. L. E. W. Shecut's Medical and Philosophical Essays; containing: 1st, Topographical, historical and other sketches of Charleston...2d, An Essay on the prevailing fever of 1817; 3d, Essay on contagions; 4th, Essay on... the electric fluid. The whole.. illustrative of the yellow fever of Charlestof... Charleston, 1819. 8~. SHEDDt, William G. T....Theological Studies: A Discourse... Literary Societies of the University of Vermont, August 5th, 1845. Burlington, 1845. 8~. Pam. v. 204...The Historic spirit: An Inaugural discourse, as Brown Prof. in Andover Theol. Seminary. Andover, 1854. 8~. Pam. v. 242. -:- - Congregationalism and Symbolism: A Discourse, Congregational Library Assoc., May 25, 1858. Andover, 1858. 80. Pam. v. 287. SHEIL, John B. Observations on the Salmon fisheries of Ulster, urging their claims to legislative protection. London, 1842. 71 p. 8~. Pam. v. 423. SHEKINAH (The): Edited by S. B. Brittan. Vol. I, II, IIi. New-York, 1853. 3 v. 80. With portraits. SHELDON'S BUSINESS...Directory... of New-York, Boston, Philadelphia, Baltimore, &c. &c. New-York, 1845. 8~. SHELDON, E. M. The Early History of Michigan, from the first settlement to 1815. —New-York....1856. 8~. SHELDON, James. An Oration delivered before the Citizens of Buffalo, July 5th, 1852. Buffalo...1852. 27 p. 8~. The Harvest Home: An Address at Evans. Buffalo, 1856. 80. Pamn. v. 461. SHELLEY, Percy Bysshe. The Poetical Works of: Ed. by Mrs. Shelley, with a Memoir. Boston, 1855. 3 v. 18~. SHENSTON, Thomas S. The Oxford Gazetteer; containing a Complete History of the County of Oxford, Canada, from its first settlement, together with a full abstract of each census..Hamilton, C, W. 1852. 216 p. 8~. SHEPARDt, Charles Upham. Manual of the Cultivation of the sugarcane, and the fabrication and refinement of sugar: Prepared under the direction of the Hon. Secretary of the Treasury, U. S...Ed. by B. Silliman. Cong. Doc. Washington, 1833. 122 p. 8~. Pam. v. 198. Treatise on Mineralogy: Second Part, consisting of descriptions of the species, and tables illustrative of their natural and chemical affinities. With 500 wood cuts. New-Haven...1835. 2 v. 120% SUPPL.] 95 754 GENERAL LIBRARY. SHEPARD, Rev. Daniel. Oration, Colchester Educational Association, July 4, 1843. 80. Pam. v. 242. SHEPARD (George), D.D. The Moral Discipline of giving: Sermon, Am. Board C. F. Missions, 1858. Boston, 1859. 120. Pam. v. 441, 525. SHEPARDt, Thomas. The Clear Sun-shine of the Gospel breaking forth upon the Indians in New-England.....London, 1648. See Mass. Hist. Soc. Coll., S. 3. v. 4. The Autobiography of Thomas Shepard, the celebrated Minister of Cambridge, N.E. With additional Nehemiah Adams. Boston, 1832. 129 p. 18~. SHEPHERD, Rev. Ed. J. A Third Letter to the Rev. S. R. Maitland.. on the genuineness of the writings ascribed to Cyprian... London, 1853 42 p.- A Fourth Letter on the same. Lond. 1853. 48 p. 8~. Pam. v. 395. SHEPHERD'S (,F.) PATENT SLATE GLOBES: New-Haven, 1858. 120. Pam. v. 618. SHEPHERD (John), and others. An Appeal to the Methodist Conference..for Mr. Mark Robinson, Lond. 1825. 24 p. 8~. Pam. v. 314. SHEPHERD (R.), D.D. Sermons on a Future State. Lound. (1795). 8~. Pam. v. 374. No False Alarm; or a Sequel to religious union, &c...London, 1808. 67 p. 80. Pam. v. 375. SHEPHERD, Rich. H. Sermon on Covetousness: Lu. xii, 15. 4th ed. London, 1822. 80. Pam. v. 376. SHEPPARD, J. H. A Practical Treatise on the use of Peruvian and Ichaboe African Guano.. To which is added, Valuable information on wheat culture, and the nature and modes of using gypsum as a manure. New-York, 1845. 60 p. 80. Pam. v. 274. S[HEPPARD], W[illiam]. The Parson's Guide, or the Law of Tithes. Wherein is shewed, who must pay tithes...and how a man may be discharged of payment thereof. Lond. 1654. 31 p. 40. Pam. v. 407. SHERBURNEt, John H`, Hist. of J. Adams' Administration. See Wood, John. SHERIDANt, R. B. The Critic, or a Tragedy rehearsed: A dramatic piece...London, 1781.. viii, 98 p. 120. SHERIDAN, Bp. William. Sermon, St.Paul's Confession of Faith: Acts xxiv, 14 - 16. Dublin, 1685. 40~. Pam. v. 361. SHERLOCK'S LETTER to Herttell, 1834. See [ Southwick, S.]. SHERLOCK (Thomas), D.D., Bp. A Sermon, May 21, 1719, Charityschools, London. See Soc. Pro. Chr. Knowledge. ---- [ Writings of: collected ] in 1 v. 8~. Contents: Sermon, Jan. 31, 1704: Prov. xxiv, 21. London, 1708. Sermon, Sons of the Clergy, Dec. 5, 1710. 2d edition. London. Sermon, H. of Commons, Mar. 8, 1714: Accession to the throne. London. Sermon, Temple Church, Nov. 20, 1715: Acts vii, 25. London. Sermon, House of Commons, June 7, 1716, Suppression of the Rebellion: - Psalm cxxii, 6. London. FIRST SUPPLEMENT. 755 An Answer to a Letter...relating to his sermon... Nov. 5, 1712...2d ed. London, 1718. 62 p. Some Considerations occasioned by a Postscript from.. Bp. of Bangor... 2d edition. London, 1717. 76 p. The Condition and Example of our Blessed Saviour vindicated, in Aniswer to the Bishop of Bangor. London, 1718. 63 p. The Bishop of Bangor's Defence of his assertion, viz: That the example of our Lord. etc... considered. London, 1718. 47 p. A Vindication of the Corporation and Test acts, in Answer to the Bishop of Bangor; and on oaths. London, 1718. xii, 116 p. An Answer to the Bishop of Bangor's late book... The Common Rights of subjects, etc... London, 1719. 65 p. Sermon, H. of Lords, Dec. 8,.1721: Fast-day for the Plague. Lond. 1721. The Tryal of the Witnesses of the Resurrection of Jesus. London, 1729. 110 p. Anon. The Case of Abraham and Melchizedeck, the History of Esau and Jacob, and the Story of Balaam... explained; and the mistakes of Mr. Chubb corrected... London, 1746. 72 p. Anon. An Appendix to the Second Dissertation annex'd to the Discourses on the use and intent of prophecy...London, 1749. 52 p. Preface on Religious sincerity. See Stebbing, H. -- --- Sermon, Society for Protestant Schools in Ireland, 1738: Deut. xxxii, 45, 46. London, 1738. 4~. Pam. v. 1010. - Sermon, H. of Lords: Mark iii, 24, Jan. 30, 1733, Martyrdom of Charles I. London, 1734. 4~. Pam. v. 1006. Sermon, Salisbury, Oct. 6, 1745, Rebellion in Scotland: Judges ii, 7. London, 1745. 4~. Pam. v. 1006. A- Letter from the Lord Bishop of London to the Clergy and People of London and Westminster, on occasion of the late earthquakes. London, 1750. 18 p. 4~. Pam. v. 1004, 1006. - Some Considerations.. relating to Ecclesiastical government.. in America, 1750. See Chandler's ( T. B.) Free Examination. [- ] See Enquiry into the Reasons of the conduct, 1727. SHERLOCKt (William), D.D. [ Writings of: collected ] in 1 v. 40, Contents Some Seasonable Reflections on the discovery of the late plot: A Sermon... London, 1683. Sermon, I. of Commons, May 29: Eccl. x, 17. London, 1685. Sermon, Funeral of B. Calamy: Matt. xxxiv, 45, 46. London, 1686. Discourse concerning the Object of Religious worship: Part I. London, 1685. 75 p. Anon. A Discourse concerning a Judge of Controversies in matters of religion.., London, 1686. xiv, 84 p. And Pam. v. 356. Anon. A Vindication of some Protestant principles of Church unity and Catholic communion...London, 1688. 128 p. A Discourse concerning the Nature, Unity and Communion of the Catholic church. London, 1688. 60 p. A Preservative against Popery: First part. London, 1688. 90 p. A Vindication of both parts of the Preservative against Popery; in answer to the cavils of L. Sabran, Jesuit. London, 1688. 111 p. 756 GENERAL LIBRARY. SHERLOCK (William), D.D.: The Case of the Allegiance due to Soveraign powers, stated.. 6th edition. London, 1691. xii, 66 p. Sermon, H. of Commons, Jan. 30, 1692: Psalm xc, 15. London. Sermon, Temple Church, -May 29, 1692: 1 Tim. ii, 1, 2. London. Usury, a Sermon: Luke vi, 35. London, 1692. Sermon: Funeral of R. Meggott, D.D. London, 1692. Sermon, Temple Church: Death of Queen.. London, 1694. Corrupting the Faith by philosophy, a Sermon, April 25: Coloss. ii, 8. London, 1697. Sermon before the Queen, Thanksgiving, Marlborough's Victory, Sept. 7, 1704. London. [ ] The Protestant Resolution of Faith; being an Answer to three questions. London, 1685. 37 p. 4~. Pam. v. 355.- The same, 1686. vi, 26 p. 4~. Pami. v. 356. [ ] A Papist not misrepresented by Protestants..being a reply.. London, 1686. 71 p. 4. Pam. v. 355. [ —] An Answer to a Discourse..being a Vindication. containing a particular examination of M. De Meaux... of Invocation of saints and the worship of images... London, 1686. 131 p. 4~. Pam. v. 355. [ —] See Letter to a Friend...French Invasion, 1692. SHERMAN (Henry), esq. Slavery in the United States of America; its National recognition and relations... A word to the north and south. Hartford, 18-58. 187 p. 18~. The Governmental History of the United States of America, from the earliest settlement to the adoption of the present federal constitution. In four parts. Hartford, 1860. xvi, 1006 p. 8~. SHERMAN ( Rev. Josiah), of Woburn, Goshen. Christ the Free Victim and Conqueror: A history of the war, in which- the Son of God engaged... 2 Sermons:- Rev, v, 9. Litchfield, Conn., T. Collier (1782?). 66 p. 8~. Pam. v. 554. SHERMAN, Richard U. The Clerk's Manual of rules, forms and laws for the regulation of business in the Assembly. Albany, 1857; Utica, 1857. 96 p. 18~.- See also New-York: Manuals. SHERRILLt (Hunting), M.D. An Essay on a Temperance method of treating epidemic cholera. New-York, 1849. 8~. Pam. v. 235. SHERWILL, Tho. Sermon, Queen Ann's Accession, March 8, 1709: Ec. x, 17. London. 80. Pam. v. 364. SHERWOOD, George W. Eulogy on...,William Wirt..before the William Wirt Society...Baltimore, 1830. 36 p. 8~. Pam. v. 494. SHERWOOD (Henry Hall), M.D. Manual for Magnetizing, with the vibrating magnetic machine, and for the magnetic or duodynamic treatment of diseases. With a brief synopsis of animal magnetism, homoeopathy and allopathy, with anatomical and other illustrations...14th ed. Revised by H. H. Sherwood's Successors. N.York, 1850. 375 p. 24~. SHERWOOD ( Rev. R.), Rector of St.James' Church. Preamble....of Reformed Dutch church, Hyde-park, with a note from:... Poughkeepsie, N. Y. (1839). 12 p. 120. Pam. v. 547. FIRST SUPPLEMENT. 757 SHIELDS, C. W. Funeral Eulogy at the Obsequies of Dr. E. K. Kane, Second Presbyterian church, Philadelphia..Phil'a, 1857. 34 p. 120. SHIELDS (James), of Illinois. Speech, U.S. Sen., Jan. 29, of Sympathy for the exiled Irish patriots. Washington, 1852. 80. Pam. v. 206. SHIERCLIFF, E. The Bristol and Hotwell Guide; containing an historical account of the... city..... a description of Clifton. 2d edition. Bristol, 1793. 12~. SHIPLEYt, Jonathan, Bp. Sermon, Society Prop. the Gospel, Feb. 19, 1773: Luke ii, 14. London. 40~. Pam. v. 1007. SHIPMAN (A. B.), M.D. Introductory Lecture to a Course on surgery, Indiana Medical College, La Porte, Indiana, 1848. 80. Pam. v. 196. SHIRLEYt, Walter A. Charge to the Clergy, 1844, Derby, Eng. 8~. Pam. v. 378. SHORE, S.: Iewley Charity. See Rolfe; Stock; Tottie; Unitarians. SHORT, W. The Waterguard of the Customs: the inhuman treatmnent of tidewaiters... and their uselessness.... Liverpool (1847?). 43 p. 8~. Pam. v. 415. SHORT, William P. Gesta Anglo-Americana, scilicet et Progymnasmata Novam Francia Pelasgica. Liber singularis. In Greek. Te Etonie. xii, 109 leaves, and appendix. 3 p. 8~. SHORT Account of...Virginia...1735. See Account: Cat. 1855. SHORT ADVICE to the Counties of New-York, 1774. See Advice: Cat. 1855. SHORT (A) ANSWER to his Grace the D. Buckingham's paper, concerning religion, toleration and liberty of conscience. London, 1685. 36 p. 4~. Pam. v. 356. SHORT (A) CATECHISM for instructing such as are disposed to enter into the great end and design of the Christian religion. London, 1738. 14 p. 8~. Pam. v. 338. SHORT CONSIDERATIONS upon some late extraordinary grants, and other particulars of a late patriot's conduct **- London, Almon, 1766. 31 p. 8~. Pol. Tr. v. 4. SHORT (A) DEFENCE of the Church and Clergy of England.... and the means of union considered. London, 1681. 91 p. 4~. Pam. v. 354. SHORT (A) DEFENCE of the Doctrine of Atonement for Sin by the death of Christ...Leeds, 1774. 100 p. 8~. Pam. v. 301. SHORT (A) DESCRIPTION of the Province of South Carolina...By Dr. Milligan. London, 1770. See Carroll's Hist. Coll. SHORT (A) HISTORY of a Ten years negotiation between a prime minister and a private gentleman. By Rev. M'r. Wattley? London, 1737. 58 p. 8~. Pam. v. 419. SHORT (A) HISTORY of Barbados from its first discovery and settlement, to the present time. London, 1768. 132 p. 18~. SHORT (A) HISTORY of the Opposition, 1779. See [ Macpherson, J.], Cat. 1855. SHORT (A) LETTER to IH. G. the Duke of Wellington...on the subject of " Securities" as connected with the removal of Catholic disabilities...)Dublin, 1829. 20 p. 8~. Pam. v. 347. 758 GENERAL LIBRARY. SHORT (A) LETTER to the Earl of Derby, on present prospects. London, 1852. 23 p. 80. Pamn. v. 416. SHORT (A) NARRATIVE of the Proceedings....for building a bridge at Westminster...London, 1738. 70 p. 8~. Pam. v. 419. SHORT (A) REVIEW of the Political state of Great Britain at the commencement of...1787. 5th edition. By Sir N. W. Wraxall. London, Debrett, 1787. 70 p. 8~. Pam. v. 259, 411.- Reprint. Phil'a, 48 p. 8. Pam. v. 30. SHORT (A) ROMAN HISTORY. Bristol, W. Pine, 1773. 155 p. 18~. Pain. v. 103. SHORT (A) SURVEIGH of the grand case of the present ministry, whether they may lawfully subscribe and declare as by the late Act of uniformity is required.....Printed in the year 1663. 47 p. 4~. Pam. v. 354. SHORT (A) VIEW of the conduct of the English clergy, so far as relates to civil affairs from the conquest to the revolution. By Sir Edmond Thomas? London, 1737. 99 p. 80. Pam. v. 322, 419. SHORT (A) VIEW of the state of affairs, with relation to Great Britain, for four years past... London, 1730. 36 p. 8~. Pam. v. 409. SHOTWELL, Thomas L. Decision of the Court of Chancery of the State of New-Jersey, in the case between T. L. S., complainant, and J. Hendrickson and S. Decow, defendants. Also J. Field vs. C. Field. Philadelphia, 1853. 100 p. 12~. Pam. v. 566. SHOVELLER (John), LL.D. Scholastic Education; or a Synopsis of the studies recommended to employ the time, and engage the attention of yout1t...and a notice of the authors....London, 1824. 178 p. and appendix. 8~. SHOWER, John. Winter Meditations, a Sermon: Ps. cxlvii, 15-18. London, 1709. 4~. Pam. v. 362. SHREVE, Henry M. relation to the removal of snags, sawyers, etc. from the great western rivers, by the use of his patented steam snag-boat. St.Louis, Mo. 1847.- Official Evidence in support of claim. 80. Pamn. v. 205. SHREWSBURY SCHOOL List and Prize Exercises. London, 1838. 55 p. 80. Paim. v. 387. SHRIGLEY, Nath. A True Relation of Virginia, and Maryland..1699, London. See Force's Tracts, v. 3. SHURTLEFFt, Nathaniel B. A Decimal System for the arrangement and administration of libraries. Boston, Privately printed, 1856. 40~. ---: Editor. See Cushman Celebration, 1855. SHURTLEFF, Prof. Roswell. A Sermon, at Dartmouth College, July 23, 1815. Pub. at the request of the Theological Society. 12~. Pam. v. 106. SHUTEt (J.), Lord Barringtonb See Barrington. SHUTTLEWORTH ( Philip N.), D.D. Sermon, Anniv. Sons of the Clergy, 1828: Matt. xxviii, 20.'London. 4~. Pam. v. 1010. SIAMESE TWINS. An Historical account of the Siamese Twin brothers. 2d edition. New-York, 1831. 16 p. 80' Pam. v. 199. FIRST SUPPLEMENT. 759 SIBTHORP, Rev. Richard Waldo. The Character of the Papacy.....a Discourse: 2 Thes. ii, 4: Aux. Ref. Soc. St. Giles. London, 1828. 80. Pam. v. 346. Some Answer to the Inquiry Why are you become a Catholic? In a letter to a friend. London, 1842. 51 p. 80. Pam. v. 347. SICKLER, Fred. C. L. Herculaneum Rolls: Correspondence relative to a proposition made by Dr. Sickler of Hildburghausen, upon the subject of their development. London, 1817. 27 p. 4~. Pam. v. 1011. SICKLES, Daniel E. Speech, N.Y. Sen., on the bill to prevent illegal voting in the city of New-York.....Albany, 1856. 15 p.- Speech, U. S. H. of R. on the neutrality laws...Jan. 6, 1858. Washington, 1858. 7 p. Pam. v. 530, 487. Argument, N.Y. Sen., April 1857. See Trinity Ch. Pam. v. 4. SIDNEYt, Algernon. See Vindication of the Measures, etc. Washington, 1803. SIDNEYt, Sir Philip. The Life and Times of Sir Philip Sidney. By Mrs. S. M. Davis. Boston, 1859. 281 p. 12~. SIDNEY, Samuel. Speed on Railways considered in a commercial point of view. London, 1847. 22 p. 8~. Pam. v. 428. The Three Colonies of Australia, New South Wales, Victoria, South Australia.. Auburn, 1854. 408 p. 12~. Reprinted. SItGE DE QUEBEC en 1759... Journal. Copie d'apres un manuscrit... d6pose a la Bibliotheque de Hartwell en Angleterre. Quebec, 1836. 41 p. 8.0 SIEGE ( The) OF QUEBEC and Conquest of Canada in 1759. By a Nun of the General Hospital of Quebec. To which is appended an account of the laying of the first stone of the Monument to Wolfe and Montcalm. Quebec (1847?). 28 p. With the same, in French, i. e. Relation de ce qui s'est pass6, etc. 24 p.: and, Jugement impartial sur les operations militaires de la campagne en Canada en 1759. 8 p. Also, Rt6fiexions sommaires sur le commerce..1760. 8 p. In 1 v. 8~. SIGHT SINGING. The Methods of Wilhelm, Hullali, Mainzer and others compared. From Westm. Rev., Jan. 1842. By T. P. Thompson. 8~. Pam. v. 400. SIGMA PHI FRATERNITY. Address and Poem delivered before the Associate Chapters:... at their general convention held in Williamstown, Mass. Aug. 16, 1853. Williamstown, 1854. 8~. Pam. v. 100. SIGOURNEY, Henry H. W. Genealogy of the Sigourney Family. Boston, 1857. 31 p. 8~. [ SIGOURNEY, Mrs. Lydia HUNTLEY]. Moral Pieces in prose and verse. By Lydia Huntley. Hartford, 1815. xii, 266 p. 12~. [ —] Traits of the Aborigines of America: A Poem. Cambridge, 1822. 285 p. 12~. - ] Sketch of Connecticut, forty years since. Hartford, 1824. 278 p. 12~. ---- Examples from the Eighteenth and Nineteenth centuries. First series. New-York, 1857..18~, 760 GENERAL LIBRARY. [ SIKES, Rev. T.]. See Address to L'd Teignmouth. on Bible Society. SILBERMANN, G. Album Typographique, publie a l'occasion de la quatrienme fete seculaire de l'invention de. l'imprimerie. Strasbourg, 24 Juin 1840. 36 p. gr. 4~. SILK-GROWER (The) and FARMER'S MANUAL: Vol. 1, July 1838 - June 1839, Philadelphia; with a Review of evidence before the select committee on the silk trade. From Westm. Review, Jan. 1833. In 1 v. 8~. SILL, John. Genealogy of the Descendants of John Sill, who settled in Cambridge, Mass. in 1637. Albany, 1859. 108 p. 120. SILLERY, N. B. De. Etudes et Recherches Biographiques surle Chevalier Noel Brulart De Sillery, Pretre commandeur, etc. de l'ordre de St. Jean de Jerusalem, fondateur de la Mission de Saint-Joseph, a Sillery, pres Quebec, etc. By Rev. L. E. Bois. Quebec, 1855. 28 p. 80. Pam. v. 254. SILLIG, P. IH. Die Shakespeare-Literatur bis mitte 1854..Ein bibliographischer versuch eingefiihrt von Dr. H. Ulrici....Leipzig, 1854. 103 p. 8~. SILLIMANf (Benjamin), LL.D. Elements of Chemistry, in the order of the lectures given in Yale College. New-Haven 1830, 31. 2 v. 8~. - -~Editor of Sugar Cane Manual, 1833. See Shepard, C. U. SILLIMANt (Benj.) jr. First Principles of Physics, or natural philosophy...Philadelphia, 1859. 720 p. 12~. SILVER, F. The Saints' Conformity to the Image of Zion....London (1830?). 54 p. 80. Pam. v. 455. Immanuel; being the Scripture testimony of the truth..London, 1833. 65 p. 80. Pam. v. 305. The Preeternity of our Lord Jesus Christ denied and opposed by human preexisterians. By a Minister of Christ's gospel. London, 1837. 105 p. 12~. Pam. v. 306. SILVESTREt, J. B. Alphabet AXlbum: Collection de soixante feuilles d'alphabets, histories et fieuronn6s. Tires des principales bibliotheques de l'Europe, ou composes par:... Paris, 1843. fo. SIMEON, Rev. Charles. Fresh Cautions to the Public, or a letter to.. Rev. E. Pearson.....2d edition. Cambridge, E'ng. 1810. 28 p. 8~. Pam. v. 330. ----- The Excellency of the Liturgy, in four discourses. and Answer to Dr. Marsh's Inquiry. Cambridge, Eng. 1812. 59, 111 p. 8~. Painm. v. 308. - Dr. Marsh's Fact; or a Congratulatory Address to the churchmembers of the Brit. & F. Bible Society. Cambridge, 1813. 30 p. 8~. Pam. v. 383. SIMISON, Boyd D. Correspondence between Himself and Lieut. J. E. Blake, 6th Reg. Infantry...Mobile, 1837. 4 p. 80. Pam. v. 102. SIMMONS (ID.) and Co.'s Axes and Edge-tools. Cohoes, N.Y. 1855. 21 p. 120. Pam. v. 298. SxIMONS (G. A.), of N.Y. Speech, U. S. H. of R., May 10, 1854, on the Kansas and Nebraska bill. Pam. v. 193. FIRST SUPPLEMENT. 761 SIMMONS (George F.), Albany. Six Sermons. Boston and Cambridge, 1856. 134 p. 18~. SIMMONS (James F.), of R.I. Speech, U. S. Sen., on the Resolutions of Mr. Clay on tariff, March 11, 1842. 8~. Pam. v. Speech,.U.S. Sen., Kansas: Lecompton Constitution. Washington,.1858. 80. Pam. v. 561. SIvIwast, F. W. Practical Observations on the asphaltic imastic, or cement of Seyssel...London, 1838. 30 p. 8". Pani. v. 402. SImMSt, Jeptha R. The Hudson.liver obstructions in the War of the Revolution. Slips from the Albany Argus, Septenber 1355, etc. In 1 v. 8". SImIst, William Gilinore. Early Lays... CharletAon, S.C. 1827. 108 p. 120. [ — ] Southern Passages and Pictures. By the Author of Atalantis &c. New-York, 1839. 18". The Yemassee: A Rolmlance of Carolina. 2d edition. New-York, 1835. 2 v. 12~. - [Revolutionary Tales]. New-York, Redfield,1S56, 7. 7 v. 120, viz The Partisan; a Romance of the Revolution. Mellichampe; a Legend of the Santee. Katharine Walton, or the Rebel of Dorchester. The Scout, or the Black Riders of Congaree. Woodcraft, or Hawks about the Dovecote.... The Forayers, or the Raid of the Dog-days. Eutaw; a Sequel to the Forayers. -- -- The History of South-Carolina... down to the present time. New edition. Rledfield, 1860. 12~. SI3IONDEt DE SISMONDI, J. C. L. Review of the Progress of Religious opinions. From the French. Boston, 1827. 8~. Pain. v. 104. S IMoNns, Th. C. History of South-Boston; formerly Dorchester Neck, now Ward XII of the City of Boston. Boston, 1857. 331 p. 12~. SIMPSON, Henry. The Lives of Eminent Philadelphians, now deceased...44 engravings. Philadelphia, 1859. 993 p. 8~. SIMIPSON, John. Civil Mandates for days of public worship, no argument against joining in it. Bath, Eng. 1793. 8'. Pain. v. 320. SIMs ( J. Marion), M.D. Silver Sutures in Surgery: The Anniversary Discourse before the N.Y. Acad. of Medicine...Nov. 1857... NewYork, 1855. 79 p. 8O. SIMSt, Richard. An Index to the Pedigrees and Arms contained in the Herald's Visitations, and other genealogical manuscripts in the British Museum. London, 1849. 330 p. 8~. -- A Manual for the Genealogist, topographer, antiquary and legal professor.; consisting of descriptions of public records, parochial and other registers, wills, county and family histories, heraldic collections in public libraries.. London, 1856. 527 p. 8~. [ SUPPL.1 96 762 GENERAL LIBRARY. SIMsoN- (Edward ), S.T.D. Chronicon Historiam Catholicam complectens ab exordio mundi.... ad annum a Christo nato LXXI..... Omnia... animadversionibus auxit Petrus Wesseling. Amstelodami, 1752. fo. SINCLAIRt, Sir John. Memoir... with an Account of his... exertions for social and agricultural improvement in Scotland. Edinburgh, Chambers, 1853. 32 p. 80. Pain. v. 390. SINCLAIR, Rev. John. Vindication of the Episcopal or Apostolical Succession. London, 1839. 117 p. 12~. Pam v. 306. Sermon, Sons of the Clergy. London, 1853. 8~. Pam. v. 385. SINGER ( J. HI.), D.D. Sermon, Church Miss. Society: Eze. xlvii, 8. 1829. London. 8'. Pamin v. 377. SINGER, Samuel W. Some Account of the Book printed at Oxford in aCCCCLXVIII, tinder the title of Exposicio Saneti Jeronimli in simbolo apostolorum. In which is examined its claim to be considered the first book printed in Es gland. London, 1812. 4t p. 8~. - The Text of Shakespeare, vindicated from the interpolations and corruptions advocated by J. P. Collier... London, Pickering, 1853. xx, 312 p. 8~. SINS.OF GOVERNMENT, Sins of the Nation; or a Discourse for the Fast appointed on Ap. 19, 1793. By a Volunteer, i. e. Anna L. Bar'bauld. 4th edition. London, 1793. 42 p. 8". Pam. v. 221. SISMONDIt, J. C. L. Simonde de. See Simonde. Six LETTERS from a very high Personage: The first four, on the nature of his character and government; and the last two, addressed to Miss Martineau and Dr. Malthus, on...the new poor laws. London, 1834. 67 p. 8~. Pam. v. 415. SIX MONTHS in Kansas: By a Lady. Boston..1856. 120. SIX-PENNY SAVINGS BANI. Act of Incorporation and By-laws. NewYork, 1853. Pain, v. 252. SKEGGC, Edward. Catalogue of the singularly curious.... Library of: Auction. London, 1842. 155 p. 8~. SKELTON, John. The Poetical Works.... according to the edition of the Rev. A. Dyce.. Boston, 1856. 3 v. 18~. [SKELTON, Rev. Philip]. Some Proposals for the Revival of Christianity. London, 1736. 31 p. 80. Pam. v. 349. [ —] See Vindication of Bishop of Winchester, 173-6.. SKERRETT, R. National Blessings, proper motives to national piety: A Sermon, before Lord Mayor, 7th June 1716, Thanksgiving day: Psalm cv, 45. London. 4~. Pam. v. 1005. SKERRIES LIGHT-HOUSE Compensation Case. Versified. England, 1842. 4 p. 12~. Pain. v. 620. SKETCH, by Old Hubert. London, Burks (1796?). 4 p. 8~. Pain. v. 448. SIKETCH (A) of French Politicks; deduced from history and modern facts..By a True Briton...London, 1735. 72 p. 8~. Pain. v. 418. SKETCH of the...U. S. America, 1826. See [ Poletica, P. del. SKETCHES in Madeira, &e. 1856. See [ March, C. W.]. FIRST SUPPLEMENT. 763 SKETCHES.., of the United States, 1826. See [ Royall, Anne]. SKETCHES of Newport, 1842. See [ Cahoone, S. S.]. SKETCHES of Plans for Settling in Upper Canada.....2d edition. By a Settler. John W. Bannister, esq. London, 1822. 53 p. 8~. Pam. v. 492. SKIERS (Edm.), M.D. A Sketch of a popular and a novel treatment for diarrhoea, dysentery, and English and Asiatic cholera..London, 1849. 91 p. 8~. Pam. v. 405. SKINNER ( H. B.), M.D. The American Book of Cookery; -containing more than 500 receipts..... Together with the Family Cleanser and Dyer, Boston, 1850. 110 p. 12~. Pain. v. 616. SKINNER ( Thomas II.), D.D. Education and Evangelism: A Discourse, Soc. for the Pro. of Coll. and Theol. Ed. at the West, Norwalk, Conn. Oct. 30, 1850. New-York, 1851. 8~. Painm. v. 238. ---- Love of Country: A Discourse, Thanksgiving Day, Dec. 12, 1850, Bleecker-street Church. New-York, 1851. 80. Pam. v. 94. SLADE, Henry R; The Defence of Socrates. See Plato. SLADE, J. Sermon: Gen. xix, 14. See Practical Sermons. SLADEt (William), of Vt. Speech, U. S. H. of R., on...the civil and diplomatic expenses of the government. 1839. 16 p. 80. Pamin. v. 487. SLARE, Frederick. Experiments and Observations upon Oriental and other Bezoar-stones, which prove them to be of no use in physick. Gascoin's powder, distinctly examined in its seven ingredients... To which is annexed a vindication of sugars against the charge of Dr. Willis... London, 1715. 8~. [ SLATIUS, H.]. See Gepredestineerden Dief. ( Fur predestinatus). SLAUGHTERt, Rev. P. The Virginian History of African Colonization. Richmond, 1855. 116 p. roy. 80. SLAVE (The) COLONIES of Great Britain; or a Picture of Negro slavery drawn by the Colonists themselves. London, 1825. 164 p. 8~. Pam. v. 436. SLAVERY in the Southern States. By a Carolinian. E. J. Pringle? Cambridge, 1852. 53 p. 120. Pam. v. 626. SLAVERYf in the United States. From the N. A. Review. By E. Pea. bodv, D.D. Boston, 1851. 8~. Pain. v. 462. SLEIDANUSt, Joannes. De Statu religionis et reipublicne Carolo Quinto Cresare commentarii. Editio nova, delineata a B. Io. Gottlob Boehmnio, adornata multisque annotationibus illustrata a C. C. Am Ende... Francofurti ad Mi. 1785, 6. 2 v. 8~. SLICHER, A. C. Weegschaal van het waare en schijn-vermaak: door jongvrouwe A. C. Slicher. Tweede druk. Amsterdam, 1786. 84'p. 80. Pain. v. 110. SLIEt, Rev. David. The Closet Cyclopoedia, or the moral and religious census of the world. Vol. I.' Rochester, N.Y. 1851. 48 p. 8~. Pam. v. 495. The Closet, or the morning and evening hour of prayer. Rochester, 1853. 32 p. 8~. Pam. v. 495. 764 GENERAL LIBRARY. SMALBROKE, Bp. Richard. Sermon, Universal judgment, Oxford, June 9, 1706: Johli v, 28, 29. London. 80. Pam. v. 363. - Sermon, 1733. See Society for the Prop. the Gospel. Charge to the Clergy of Lichfield...1735, 6. London, 1737. 62 p. 80. Pam. v.444. SMALL (Alvan E.), I.D. Address, Amer. Institute of Homnoeopathy at.... Albany, 1850. TWVith the proceedings. Boston, 1850. 99 p. 80. Pam. v. 515. Valedictory Address, Homoceopathic Med. Coll. of Penn., March 1, 1852. Philadelphia, 1852. Pam. v. 287. SMALL EY ( E.), D.D. The Worcester Pulpit; with notices historical and biographical. Boston, 1851. 561 p. 120. SMIALLFIELD, George. The Principles of English Punctuation...... London, 1838. 69 p. 18g. SMALRIDGE ( Geo.), Bp. I Sermons of:...], in 1 v. 4". Contents Sermon, EI of Commons, Jan. 30, 1702: Ge. xlix, 5. 6. London. Scrmon before th3 Quecn, Nov. 5, 1705: Abltt. x, 16. London, 1 708. Sermon before Lord Mayor, Ap. 6, 1708: Ib. xiii, 16. London, 1709. Sermon, Jan. 31, 1709: Jadges xix, 30. London. Sermon, Fast for Peace: Is. lviii, 3. London, 1712. Sermon, London, Charity Schools, June 1, 1710: Ex. ii, 9, 10. London. Sermon, 11. of Peers, Ta\.y 29, 1716, Restitution of Charles II. London. SMIART, Ch1ristopher. On the Immensity of the Suprem-e Bcing: A Poetical Essay...Calmbridge, 1751. 13 p. 40O Pam. v. 1013. SMART ( E. K.), of -Maine. Speech, T1.S. HI. of R., on Free Territorial governments in California and New-M-exico, 1849. 8 p. 8'. Pam. v. 486-. SMNEATONt, Jolhn.:Experimental Inquiry concerning the natural powers of windc and walter to turn mills and other nmachines depending on a circular motion; and an experimental examination of the quantity and proportion of mechanic power necessary to be employed in giving diffecrent degrees of velocity to heavy bodies from a state of rest.. London.. 1794. 110 p. 8~. [SMEDLEYt, Rev. E.]. See Sketchesfrom Venitian History. Cat. 1855. SMILES, Samuel. Brief Biographies. Boston, 1860. 517 p. 120. The Life of George Stephenson, railway engineer.... From 4th London edition. Boston, 1858. 486 p. 12'. SMIRKE (Mr.); or the Divine:in Mode, being certain annotations upon the animandversions of the Naked Truth; together with a short historical essay concerning general councils.... By Andreas RivetLus junior, i. e. Andrew IMarvell. 1676. 76 p. 40. Pam. v. 1004. SMITH & FORMAN'S NEW-YORK AND NEW-JERSEY ALMANAC. NewYork, 1808. 120. Alnm. v. 13. SMITH, Alexander. City Poems..Boston, 1857. 136 p. 180. Sri'Hu ( Asa D.), D.D. Discourse on the Life and Character of Rev. Charles Hall, D.D. New-York, 1854. 8~. Pam. v. 104, 268. FIRST SUPPLEMENT. 765 SMITI (Benjamin B.), D.D., Bp. Address....Commencement of the Gen. Theol. Sem. of the Prot. Episcopal Church. N.York, 1835. 8~. Pain. v. 204. SMITH, Buckingham. Coleccion de Varios Documentos para la Historia de la Florida y tierras adyacentes: Tomo I. Triibner y Co., Londres (1857). 208 p. fi. SMITH ( Caleb B.), of Indiana. Speech, U.S. H. of R., on the Mexican War. Washington, 1847. 16 p. 8~. Pam. v. 486. SMITI, Charles. The Gentleman's;Political and Commercial Pocket Almanac for 1801. New-York. 123 p. 180. SMITH, Charles Adam. A Discourse, Birth of Washington, before the National Guards of Easton, Pa., Feb. 22, 1852. Albany, 1852. -8~. Pam. v. 441. A Sermon, July 4, 1852, in Christ Church, Easton, Pa. Albany, 1852. 8". Pam. v. 441. SMITH, Delafield E. Destiny: A Poem..... Associate Chapters of the Delta Phi, June 29, 1846. New-York, 1846. 80. Pami. v. 237. SMITIH, D.W. A Gazetteer of the Province of Upper Canada. To which is added, An appendix describing the principal Lower Canada. New-York...Prior & Dunning, 1813. With, Plan of Quebec and Map of Upper Canada, by D. W. Smith. In v. 8~. SMITH, Rev. E. An Inquiry into Scriptural and ancient servitude, in which it is-shown that neither was chattel slavery....Mansfield, O. 1852. 251 p. 120. SMITH, Edward. Account of a Journey through Northeastern Texas, undertaken in 1849 for the purposes of emigration. Embodied in a Report...London...1849. 188 p.- With, Fleury, History of the Discovery of America. In 1 v. 12~. SM3ITH, Edward. The Theatre; its History and moral tendency: A paper read, &c. London, 1844. 42 p. 8~. Pam. v. 395. SMITH, Edward. Botany. See Orr's Circle: Organic Nature. Vol. 2. S.MITH, Eli. Researches of the Rev. E. Smith and Rev. H. G. O. Dwight in Armenia...with a Visit to the Nestorian and Chaldean christians... Boston, 1833. 2 v. 12~. SMITH, Elizabeth. Fragments in Prose and Verse:...... with some account of her life and character,. by HI. M. Bowdler ( Vol. 1).Mpemoirs of Frederick and Margaret Klopstock. Translated from the German (Vol. 2). London, 1810, 1811. viii, 274, xiv, 242 p. 2 v. 8~. SMaITH, MIrs. E. Oakes. Woman and her Needs. N.York, 1851. 120 p. 1.2~. Pain. v. 226. SMITHt, Fr. O. J.'A Letter to the Friends and Stockholders of the York and Cumberland Railroad..... Portland, Me. 1851. 48 p. 8~. Pam. v. 258. SMITH, George. A Dissertation on the general properties of eclipses; and particularly the ensuing eclipse of 1748...Lond. 1748. 19 p. 8~. Pain. v. 402. SMITH, G. C. Destruction of the Brunswick Theatre. 3d ed. London, 1828. 12 p.- Brunswick Theatre, or second part of observations, etc. London. 3d edition. 12 p. 120. Pam. v. 393. 766 GENERAL LIBRARY. SMITH, Geo. W. Oration, Fairfield, Herkimer county, N.York, July 4, 1856. Boonevill-. 8~. - Oration, Herkimer, July 4, 1859. 8~. Pamin. v. 532. SMITHt, Gerrit. Review of Letter, 1844. See Clay, C. M. Address, 1844. See Holley, Myron....- Land Auction: 750,000 acres in the State of N.York. Peterboro, 1846. 45 p. 80. Pam. v. 261, 520. - Abstract of the Argument on the fugitive slave law... on the trial of H. W. Allen, U. S. Deputy Marshal, for kidnapping. 1852. Syracuse. 32 p. 8~. Pam. v. 562. Speech on Discriminating Tolls, made in the Capitol at Albany, Mar. 25, 1857. Albany,~ 1857. 32 p. 8~. Pam. v. 530. Three Discourses on the Religion of Reason....New-York, 1859. 85 p. 8~. Pam. v. 528. SMITH, Haddon. Twelve Sermons...preached upon several occasions, by H. Smith..late chaplain of H.M.'s ship the Dreadn'ought. London, 1769. 208 p. 8~. Pamn. v. 372. SMITH, Henry. Oration at the Capitol, July 5, 1858. Albany, 1858. 8'. Pani. v. 532. SMITH ( Henry B.), D.D. Nature and Worth of the science of church history: Inaugural Address, Union Theol. Sem., New-York, Feb. 12, 1851. Andover, 1851. 80. Pain. v. 238. ----- The Inspiration of the Holy Scriptures ~A Sermon, Synod of New-York and New-Jersey, Newark, N.J. Oct. 17, 1855. N.York, 1855. 80. Pam. v. 238. SMrIT, Horace W. Nuts forfuture Historians to crack. Collected by:... containing the Cadwalader pamphlet, Valley Forge letters, etc. etc. Philadelphia, 1856. 90 p. 8~. SMITHI, Rev. J. Few. Pulpit Eloquence, as affected by dependence on divine influence: An Address.. Inauguration... in the Theol. Sem. at Auburn, June 21, 1848. Auburn, 1848. 8~. Pam. v. 287. SMITH, Rev. J. Hyatt. A Tract on the " Close Communion" of the Baptist. Enforcing the claim of the Baptist Church to an equality of liberality... Cleveland, 0. 1853. 14 p. 8~. Pam. v. 466. SMITH (J. Lawrence), M.D. [ Papers from Amer. Journal of Sci. and Arts, 1850- 53]. On Emery; Inverted microscope; Alkalies in minerals; Reexamination of Amer. minerals. 8~. Pam. v. 274. Minerals, South America. See U. S. N. Astr. Expl. Expeci. SMITH, J. M. H. The Great Work: A Sermon, State Convention of Universalists, Dura, Sumter county, Ga.: Neh. vi, 3. Newnan, Ga. 1858. 120. Pam. v. 558. SMITH, J. Spear. Memoir of the Baron De Kalb. Read, Maryland Hist. Soc. Baltimore, 1858. 36 p. 8~. Pam. v. 504. [SMITH, James]. The Mirror of Merit and Beauty: Fifty female sketches drawn from nature at Ballston. By a Friend to the Fair, I. S., M.D. New-York, 1808. 79 p. 18~. SMITHt ( Sir James Edward), M.D., F.R.S. Flora Britannica. Londini...1800. 2 v. 8~. -- The English Flora... 2d edition. London [1823 - 29]. 4 S. 80. FIRST SUPPLEMENT. 767 SMITH-t ( Jerome V. C.), M.D. Turkey and the Turks, or Travels in Turkey... With illustrations. Boston, F. Gleason.. 1852. 91 p. 8~. American Medical Almanac, 1841. Vol. III. Boston, 148 p. 18~.: Editor. See Boston Med. and Surg. Journal. SMITHt, Capt. John. The True Travels, Adventures and Observations of Captain John Smith in Europe, Asia, Africka and America:.. From the London edition of 1629.....54 p.- With The Generall Historie of Virginia, New-England and the Summer Isles..Divided into six bookes. By Capt. John Smith. From the London edition of 1627. Richmond, Va. 1819. 55-247, 282 p. In 2 v. 8~. A Description of New-England... London, 1616. See Force's Tracts, v. 2; Mass. Hist. Soc. Coll. S. 3, v. 6. New-England's Trials..2d edition. London, 1622. See Force's Tracts, v. 2. Advertisements for the unexperienced planters of New-England... London, 1631. See Mass. Hist. Soc. Coll. S. 3, v. 3. SIITH, John. The Printer's Grammar; wherein are exhibited, examined and explained, the superficies, gradation and properties of the different sorts and sizes of metal types...With directions to authors. London, 1755. 312 p. 8~. - The Printer's Grammar, containing a concise history of the origin of printing: also an examination of the superficies... of types... Chiefly collected from Smith's edition... With E. Fry's Specimen, 1764-87. London, 1787. 369 p. 8~. SMITH ( John), S.T.D. The New-Hampshire Latin Grammar....By John Smith, A.M., Professor of the learned languages at Dartmouth College. Published according to Act of Congress. Boston, 1802. 160 p. 120. A Grammar of the Greek Language... To which is subjoined an Appendix'~. Boston, 1809. 268 p. 12~. A Hebrew Grammar without points...Boston, 1810. 56 p. 8~. SMITH (John), of Arkansas. Pseud. From the Broome Republican. Fete extraordinary, M. Van Buren's last letter. "Washington," 1841. 11 p. 120. Pam. v. 527. SMITH (John), C.Ml1. Curiosities of Common Water; or the advantages thereof in preventing and curing many diseases... From 5th London edition, 1723. With additions by Joel Shew, M.D. New-York, 1853. 92 p. 12. SMITHt, John Cotton. An Oration, Sharon.....July 4, 1798. Litchfield, Conn. 8~. SMRITH, John F. Details of the Proposed Plans and improvements to be made by the Emporium R. E. and M. Company. Revised. Cincinnati, 1857. 16, 8 p. 8~. Pam. v. 565. SMITH, John Gordon. The Claims of Forensic Medicine: Introd. Lect. Univ. of London. London, 1829. 28 p. 8~. Pam. v. 516. SMIITIIt, John Jay. American Historical and Literary Curiosities; consisting of fac-similes of some plates, relating to Columbus, and original documents of the revolution.....with a variety of reliques, antiquities and autographs.....2d series.....New-York, 1860. 64 plates. 4~. 768 GENERAL LIBRARY. SMITH, John Jay: Letter to Horace Binney, esq., respecting the founder of the Philadelphia Contributionship for the insurance of houses from loss by fire. Philadelphia, 1852. 8~. Pam. v. 239. SAMITH' ( John Pye), D.D. On the Sacrifice of Christ, a discourse: Heb. ix, 14. With...notes. London, 1813. 91 p. 8~. Pam. v. 375. SMIITH, John R. Descriptive Book of the Tour of Europe, panorama. New-York, 1855. 8~. Pain. v. 261. SMITHt, John Russell. Bibliotheca Cantiana: A bibliographical account of what has been published on the history, topography, antiquities, customs and family history of the county of Kent. London, 1837. 360 p. 80. A Bibliographical Catalogue of English writers on angling and ichthyology. London, John Russell Smith, 1856. 47 p. 120. [SMITH (Joseph), D.D. See Modern Pleas for Schism, 1715. SMITrt, Joseph. History of Jefferson College, Penni.; including an account of the early "Log-cabin" schools, and the Canonsburg Academy, with biog. sketches..Pittsburgh, Pa. 1857. 433 p. 12~. SMITH, Rev. Marcus. An Epitome of Systematic Theology; embracing the definition-the explanation -the proofs, of all the doctrines of revelation..2d edition. Watertown, N.Y. 1837. 12~. SMITH, Mrs. Mary Ettie V. Fifteen Years Among the Mormons, being the narrative of Mrs. M. E. V. S.. a sister of one of the Mormon high priests..By Nelson W. Green. N.York, 1858. xvi, 388 p. 120. SMiITHt (Rev. Matthew Hale), esq. Reply to the Sequel of the Hon. Horace Mann; being a supplement to the bible, the rod, and religion in common schools. Boston, 18-17. ~. Pam. v. 231. S3MITH (Nathaniel) jr. Family Register of the Descendants of:-... by D. Smith jr. Utica, N.Y. 1849. 44 p. 120~. SMITH, Oliver. Oration at Johnson, July 4, 1826....Burlington, Vt. 1826. 8~. PanL. v. 532. SMITH, Oliver. Last Will and Testament of O. S., esq., late of Hatfield, Mass. 24 p. 8~. Pam. v. 492. SMITH, O. H. Early Indiana Trials; and Sketches: Reminiscences by:... Cincinnati, 1858. 640 p. 8~. SMITH, Richard. A Review of the Trade, Commerce and Manufactures of Cincinnati: For the commercial year ending Aug. 1850, as reported to the Chamber of Commerce... Cincinnati, 1850.- With, The same for 1851, 1852, 1853, by R. Smith.- For 1854, 1855, by William Smith. Cincinnati..In I v: 80. SMITHt, Roswell C. English Grammar on the productive system..2d edition. Philadelphia, 1837. 192 p. 12~. -- Geography on the Productive System for schools.... New-York, 1848. 18~. SMITHt, Rev. Samuel B. Decisive Confirmation of the awful disclosures of Maria Mionk....New-York, 1836. 31 p. 8~. Pam. v. 548. SMITHt, Samuel S. Sermons by Samuel Stanhope Smith, D.D., President of the College of New-Jersey.. Newark, N.J. 1799. 438 p. and subscribers' names. 8~. FIRST SUPPLEMENT. 769 SMITH, Sir Sidney. A Congratulatory Poem on the escape of:..... from France, and his happy arrival in England. Lond. 1798. 25 p. 4~. Pain. v. 1013. SMITHt (Sydney). Wit and Wisdom of the Rev. Sydney Smith; being selections from his writings... with a biographical memoir and notes by E. A. Duyckinck. New-York.. 1856. 12~. [SMITH (Thomas), D.D. See Pacifick Discourse, 1688. SMIITIt, Thomas P. Address, delivered before the Colored citizens of Boston, in opposition to the abolition of colored schools, Dec. 24, 1849. Boston, 1850. 8~. Pam. v. 242. SSMITH (Truman), of Conn. Speech, U.S. I. of Rep., on the Physical character of the Northern States of Mexico, 1848. 31 p. 80. Pam. v. 486. - Speech, U.S. Sen., on Removals and Appointments to office, 1850. 32 p. 80. Pam. v. 193, 487. SMITH, W.L. G. Fifty Years of Public Life: The life and times of Lewis Cass.. New-York, 1856. 8~. SIITHI (Whiteford), D.D. God the Refuge of his People A Sermon, Gen. Assem. of South-Carolina, Dec. 6, 1850; being a day of fasting...Columbia, S.C. 1850. 80. Pamn. v. 106. [ SMITHt (William), D.D.]. See Brief State of the Province of Pennsylvania, 1755. Cat. 1855. [ - ] See Bouquet's Expedition against Ohio Indians. Cat. 1855. SMITH, William. Poems on several occasions. Phil'a, 1786. 142 p. 18~. SMITHt (William), LL.D. Dictionary of Greek and Roman Biography and Mythology. Edited by:... Illustrated by numerous engravings on wood. London, 1849. 3 v. S~. SMITH, Tilliam. Trade of Cincinnati, 1854, 55. See Smith, Richard. SMITIu, William H.. Compiler. See Brooklyn Directory. [SMITH (William L.), of S.C.]. See Pretensions of Jefferson. Cat. 1855. SMITH, William R. The History of Wisconsin; in three parts; historical, documentary, and descriptive. Compiled by direction of the Legislature of the State, by W. R. S., President of the State Historical Society. Part I, Historical, Vol. I; Part II, Documentary, ol.. I. adison..1854. 2 v. 8~. SMITit (Worthington), St.Albans, Vt. Sermon.... Dedication of the Washington-street Church, Beverly, Mass. March 29, 1837. Salem, 1837. 8(). Pam. v. 106. SMITHSONIANt INSTITUTION. Annual Reports of the Board of Regents to Congress: 10th, 11th, 12th, 13th, for 1855, 56, 57, 58. Washington, 1856, 57, 58, 59. 4 v. 80. - Smithsonian Contributions to Knowledge: Contributions, Vol, 8, 9, 10, 11. Washington, 1856, 57, 58, 59. 4 v. 40. Contents [ SUPPL.] 97 770 GENERAL LIBRARY. RSMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION VOLUME VIII. APPENDIX. 1. Introduction. Runkle, J. D.: New Tables for determining 2. Haven, S. F.: Archseology of the United the values of the coefficients in the perStates. turbative functions of planetary motion 3. Olmsted, D.: Secular period of the Au- which depend upon the motion of the rora, borealis. mean distances. 4. Alvord, B.: Tangencies of circles, etc. - Asteroid Supplement to new tables. 5. Jones, J.: Researches, North-American Vertebrata. V/ VoLnJE X. 1. Introduction. APPENDIX. 2. Harvey, WB. H.: Marino Algse of North 1. Force, P.: Auroral phenomena. America. Part 3, Chlorospermee. 2. List of Publications of Learned Societies: 4. Kane, E. K.: Magnetical Observations France, Italy, Spain, Great Britain in the Arctic C. A. Schott. and Ireland. 5. Bowen, T. J.: Grammsr and Dictionary of the Yoruba language. 71, 136 p. VOLUME IX. VOLUMIE XI. 1. Introduction. 1. Introduction. 2. Meech, L. W.: On the relative intensity 2. Brewer, T. M.: N. American 03logy. of the heat and light of the Sun upon 3. Gilliss, J. M.-: Eclipse of 1858. different latitudes of the Earth. 4. Bache, A..: Girard College meteor. 3. hlitchcock, E.-: Illustrations of surface Observations. geology. 5. Iane, E. K.: Arctic meteorological obs. 4. Mayer, B.: Observations on Mexican 6. Le Conte, J. L.: Coleoptera of Kansas history and archseology. and Mexico. 5. Gibbs,( V.) & F. A. Genth: Researches 7. Sonntag, A.: Ter. magnetism in Mexico. on the ammonia cobalt bases. 8. Loomis, E.: Storms of 1836. Report of the Organization Committee.... Also the Will of the Testator, the Act accepting the bequest, and the Act organizing the institution. Washington, 1847. 8~. Pam. v. 199. -: REPORT. See Jewett, C. C.: On Catalogues, 1853, 54. SMITS, H. D. A. Nieuwe Theorie van den Dampkring. Batavia..1849.174 p. 8o. SMITS, Joannes. Specimen Observationum ad Car. Fr. Houbigant.... Prolegomena in Scripturam Sacram. Traj. ad Rhenum, 1761. 34 p. 40. Pam. v. 1016. S-MOLLETTI, Tobias. Poetical Works, See Johnson, S. SMiUCKE;R, Salmuel M. The Life of Dr. Elisha Kent Kane, and of other distinguished American explorers.. Frenzont, Ledyard, WTilkes and Perry... Philadelphia, 1858. 406 p: 12~. - The Public and Private History of Napoleon the Third.... with biographical notices of his most distinguished ministers, generals, relatives and favorites... Philadelphia, 1858. 404 p. 120~. SMYRNA, Turkey. Le Guide Smyrn6en; contenant une dclscription de Smyrne, ancienne et moderne, etc. Smyrne, 1840. 180. Pam. v, 253. SMYTEGELTt, Bern. Zes nitmuntende practieale Leer-redene.. Gravenhage, 1742. 180 SMaYTH, Macj. Robert C. Letter..on the subject of a British Colonial railway communication between the Atlantic and the Pacific, from..,Italifax to the mouth of Frazer's river in New-Caledonia. London, 1849. 68 p. 8S. Pam. v. 266. SMYTEIt (Thomas), D.D. Ecclesiastical Republicanism; or the Republicanism, liberality and catholicity of Presbytery, in contrast with Prelacy and Popery. Boston, 1843. xi, 323 p. 12~. ---- ~Denominational Education in parochial schools and religious colleges enforced., Columbia, S. C. 1849. 32 p. 80. Pam. v. 491. FIRST SUPPLEMENT. 771 SMYrrH, T. S. The Character and religious doctrines of Bishop Heber. London, 1831. 80. Pam. v. 377. SMsYTIt, William. Lectures on the History of the French Revolution... New edition, with the author's last corrections and an additional lecture. London... Bohn, 1855. 2 v. 12~. SMYTHI, Capt. W. H. Address to the Royal Geog. Soc. of London... 1850. 50 p. 8~. Pain. v. 402. SMYTHIES, William. Sermon, Lord Mlayor's election, Sept. 29, 1692: Prov. Xxix, 2. London. 4~. Pain. v. 361. SNAPE (Andrew),. D.D. Sermon, Univ. of Cambridge, Mar. 25, 1707: Commem. of Henry VI: Ps. cxii, 9. Cambridge. 4~. Pam. v. 362. Sermon, Martyrdom of Charles I: 1 Kings xxi, 9, 10. London, 1710.- Sermon, Thanksgiving, Restoration of Charles II: Psalms lxxvi, 10. London, 1717. 8~. Pam. v. 351. A Letter to the Bishop of Bangor ( Hoadly), occasion'd by his Lordship's sermon...Mar. 31, 1717. 15th edition. London, 1717.A second vindication of the former. London, 1717. 39, 69 p. 8~. Pain. v. 351. A Vindication of a passage in Dr. Snape's second letter to the Lord Bishop of Bangor, relating to Mir. Pilloniere. London, 1717. 80 p. 8~. Pam. v. 351....- Dr. Snape instructed in some matters especially relating to convocations and converts from popery... By Bp. 1W. IKcnnett. London, 1718. 96 p. 8~. Pam. v. 351.....- Letter to Dr. Hoadly, 1718. See Mills, H. SNELLEN (S. C.) VAN VOLLENHOVEN. Naamlijst van Nederlandsche schildvleugelige insekten. 80 p. 8~. imp. Pam. v. 523. SNELLING, G. H. BIemorial to the Legislature of Ilass., for a public park. 1859. Sen. Doct. 9 p. 8~. Pam. v. 501. SNELLING, Thomas. A View of the Silver Coin and Coinage of England... With (17) copper-plates....London, 1762.- A View of the Gold coin and coinage of England from Henry III..... With (7) copperplates. London, 1763. — A View of the Copper coin and coinage of England, including the leaden, etc....With (8) copper-plates. London, 1766. 55, 36, 46, 6 p. 4~. SNODGRASS (John), D.D. Sermon, Paisley Lond. Miss. Society: Is. lxvi, 18 - 20. Paisley, 1796. 8~. - Pam. v. 374. SNow (Edwin MI.), M.D. History of the Asiatic Cholera in Providence, 1857. 8 p. 8. Pam. v. 516. ----- See Providence (R.I.), Report on Health; on Asiatic Cholera;on Small-pox, 1859; Registration Reports. SNOW (W. W.), of N.Y. Speech, U. S. H. of R., on the public lands, and equalization of grants to the States. Washington, 1852. 15 p. 8~. Pamu. v. 206, 487. SNOWDEN (James Ross), Director, - etc. A Description of the Medals of Washington; of National and miscellaneous medals; and of other -objects of interest in the Museum of the Mint of the U. S. Ill. by 79 engravings... Philadelphia, 1861. 203 p, 4~. 772 GENERAL LIBRARY. SNOWDEN, James Ross: - A Description of ancient and modern coins in the cabinet collection at the Mint of the United States, Philadelphia, 1860. 412 p. and 27 pl. 8~. SOAMES, Henry. The Romish Reaction, and its present operation on the Church of England. London, 1843. 78 p. 8~. Pam. v. 331. SOCIEDADE PROIOTORIA DA INDUSTRIA NACTONAL: Exposiqho da Industria en 1849. Relatorio geral do jurado, relatorios especiaes, relaAo dos productos. Lisboa, 1850. 155 p. 8~. SOCIETA ANONIMA DELLA STRADA FERRATA DA FIRENZE A LIVoRNO: Consultazione a favore... della:.. contro. A. Valaperta..Firenze, 1841. 68 p. So. Pan. v. 546. SOC:IfTPt (Imperiale et) CENTRALE D'IHORTTCULTURE: Exposition universelle de 1855. Procies-verbaux des seances du jury....Paris, Avril 1857. 432 p. 80~. SOCI:TE D']ENCOURAGEMENT POUR L'INDUSTRIE NATIONALE: Programme des prix proposes....23 Mars 1842. Paris, 60 p. 4~. Panm. v. 1014. SOCIfTit DE GIOGRAPHIE.. Bulletin..redige par M. De la Roquette, M. V. A. Malte Brun, M. Cortambert, M. A. Maury, etc. successirely or jointly. 4M0e serie: Tome 3 -15. Paris, 1852- 58. 12 v. 8~. SOclTftIT DE L'HISTOIRE DU PROTESTANTISME FRANqATS: Bulletin.Documents Historiques inedits et originaux, XVIe, XVIIe et XVIIIe siciles... Paris.. Ire, 2de annee, 1853, 1854. 2 v. 8~. SOCItTE DE PANIFICATION. Paris. 16 p. 8~. Pam. v. 293. SOCIET2 DE SECOURS MUTUELS. See France. SOCIfTa' DE TEMPI;RANCE A MONTREAL. See Annales de la Temperance, 1854. SOcCItTE DES LTVRES RELIGIEUX i TOULOUSE: 14e Rapport. Toulouse, 1853. 8~. Pam. v. 297. SOCIETt EVANGELIQUE DE FRANCE: Assemblee Ge6nrale; 8me Anniversaire. Paris, 1841. Bound with Soc. Evan. de Genbve. SOCItT2 E]VANGtLIQUE DE GEN:VE: Assembl~e Generale; 2me, 3me, 6ine, 8me, 111e0, 12001, 13n10, 19111e, 21mm, 221e0 Anniversaire, 1833 -1853. Geneve. In 2 v. 8~. SOCIETIOt HELVETIQUE DES SCIENCES NATURELLES. See Allgemeine Schweizerische Gesellsehaft. SOCIfTE INDUSTRIELLEDE DE MLHOUSE: Bulletin, Tome 19-28. MIulhouse, 1845 - 1858. 10 v. 8~. Extrait des Bulletins: Des Institutions de Prevoyance fondees par les Industriels du Haut-Rhin en faveur de leurs ouvriers. Rapport presente au nom du Comite d'economie sociale, par M. le Dr. Penot. Mulhouse, 1855. 35 p. 8~. Pam. v. 230. SOCIETE MtaDICALE ALLEMANDE A PARIS: Traduction des Statuts... Paris, 1844. 8~. Pam. v. 210. SOCIftTIt PROTECTRICE DES ANIMAUX, 1854: Proceedings. Paris, 1854. 87 p. 1 v. 8~. Bulletin, Jan. - Mai, 1855. 1 v. 8~. 2 v. FIRST SUPPLEMENT. 773 SOCIITtE ZOT6LOGIQUE D'ACCLIMATATION: Bulletin de la Societe. Fondee le 10 Fevrier, 1854. Tome premier; Tome deuxi'me. Paris, 1854, 1855. 2 v. 8~. SOCIETY FOR EQUITABLE ASSURANCES on lives and survivorships.... A short account of:... London, 1775. 23 p. 8~. Pam. v. 410. SOCIETY for Improving the Dwellings of the working and poorer classes. See Gore, M. SOCIETY FOR PROMOTING CHRITSTIAN KNOWLEDGE, London. [Sermons before, and Reports], in 2 v. 4~. Contents: W. Kennett, 1706; F. Gastrell, 1707; *S. Bradford, 1709; e*G Sma]ridge, 1710; XWV. Dawes, 1713; J. Robinson, 1714; *W. Wake, 1715; *E. Gibson, 1716; *W. Lupton, 1718; T. Sherlock, 1719; J. Knight, 1720; N. Marshal, 1721; H. Boulter, 1722; T. Yalden, 1728; S. Peploe, 1730; Z. Pearce, 1735; J. Trapp, 1742; T. Seeker, 1743; M. Hutton, 1744; J. Butler, 1745; J. Chapman, 1752; R. Drummond, 1753; S. Nicolls, 1756; J. Hallifax, 1771; J. Green, 1773; G. Pelham, 1805; *C. R. Sumner, 1826. The earlier discourses are entitled before " The Charity Schools of London, etc." Those marked with (*) are to be found only under the authors' names. - [A Collection of 27 Tracts of:], in 1 v. 180. These Tracts are by Bp. Gastrell, W. B. Barter, W. IH. Hale, W. Wall, T. Wilson, T. G. Taylor, W. Beveridge, G. Davys (3), B. Woodd, Sir H. Oakeley, NW. B. Knight, S. C. Wilks, S. Patrick, R. Cecil, H. I. Bailey, S. Hobson, H. Stowell and others. An Extract of Several Letters relating to the great charity and usefulness of printing the N.T. and Psalter in the Arabick language; for the benefit of the poor christians in Palestine, Syria... London, 1725. 31 p. 120. Pam. v. 383. - ledictory Address of:... delivered by the Ld. Bp. of the Ld. Bp. of Calcutta..with his...reply. London, 1823. 8~. Pam. v. 384. SOCIETY for Promoting the due Observance of the Lord's-day. London, 1833. 31 p. 8~. Pam. v. 490. SOCIETY for Promoting the Gospel among Seamen in the port of NewYork: 38th Report, 1857. New-York. 80. Pam. v. 549. SOCIETY for Promoting Theological education in Harvard University: Constitution. Boston (1824). 17 p. 8~. Pam. v. 294. SOCIETY for Propagating the Gospel among the Indians and othersgin North-America: Reports of the select committee.... Cambridge, Mass. 1819, 1824. 28, 24 p. 8~. Pam. v. 508. SOCIETY for the Abolition of Slavery throughout the British dominions: Abstract of the Report of the Lords committees on the condition and treatment of the colonial slaves....with notes. London, 1833. 122 p. 80. Pam. v. 438. SOCIETY for the Diffusion of Spiritual Knowledge: Charter and Bylaws.. Address. New-York, 1854. 8~. Pam. v. 563. SOCIETYt for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge. London: Publications. See Catalogue of 1855.- Atlas; Biographical Dictionary; British Almanac; British Husbandry; Farmer's Series ( Youatt); Gallery of Portraits; Library of Useful Knowledge; Library of Entertaining Knowledge; Penny Cyclopedia; Penny Magazine; Quarterly Journal of Education; Schoolmaster (The). 7714 GENERAL LIBRARY. SOCIETIYt for the Encouragement of arts, manufactures and commerce-: A list of members. June 5, 1760. London. 12~. Premiums offered.....London, 1764. iv, 100 p. 80. — Premiums for the sessions, 1836-7, 1837-8. London, 1836. xvi p. 80. Pam. v. 518. Official Catalogue of the Educational Exhibition opened in St. Mlartin's Hall, July 4, 1 854. 2d ed. greatly enlarged.. Ed. by G. XW. Yapp. London, 1854. 190 p.- With Descriptive Catalogue of Highley's educational collections of specimens, apparatus....1854. In 1 v. 80. Catalogue of the 7th and 8th Exhibitions. of Inventions; being a Collection of articles recently invented, patented or registered, exhibited... April 1855, 1856. Lond. 1855, 1856. 52, 50 p. 2 v. 8~. See Society of Arts. SOCIETY for the Improvement of Prison Discipline: Description of the treadmill for the employment of prisoners. London, 1823. 7 plates. 56 p. 8~. Pam. v. 403. SOCIETY for the Mitigation and gradual abolition of slavery throughout the British dominions: The new slave laws of Jamaica and St. Cl('istopher's examined...London, 1828. 24 p. 8~. Pam. v. 437. SOCIETYt for the Prevention of Pauperism: Journal, Vol. 1, No. 2, 3. Boston, 1851. 80. Pam. v. 243.- No. 3, also in Pain. v. 228. SOCIETY for the Prevention of Pauperism in the City of New-York: 1st Ann.Report, Oct. 26, 1818. lW7ith, A Report on the subject of pauperism. New-York, 1818. 8~. Pam. v. 198. - Report on the Penitentiary System in the United States. NewYork, 1822. 8~. Pam. v. 207. SOCIETY for the Promotion of Collegiate and Theological Education at the West: 5th, 7th, 8th, 10th, 11th, 12th, 13th, 14th Reports. NewYork, 1848 - 1858. 8~. Pain. v. 293.- 8th, 10th, 12th. Pain. v. 232. -11th. Pam. v. 198. --- [ [Discourses before, or in behalf of.... See Haddock, C. B., 1848; Condit, J. B., 1849; Skinner, T. I-., 1850; Peters, A., 1851; Hall, E., 1852; Tuttle, J. F., 1853; Sturtevant, J. M., 1853; Eddy, A. D., 1854; Whiting, L., 1855; Storrs, R.S., jr., 1856. SOCIETYt for the Promotion of Permanent and Universal Peace: 16th Report. London, 1832. 70 p. 8~. Pain. v. 509. SOCIETYf FOR THIE PROPAGATION OF THE GOSPEL IN FOREIGN PARTS. [.Abstracts or Reports of Proceedings, with the Anniversary Sermons]. London, 1702 - 1859. In-36 v. 40 and 8~0. Viz *1702 Willis, R. 1732 Berkeley, G. 174:7 Thomas, J. *1707 Beveridge, W. 1733 Smalbrokle, R. 1749 George, W.'1708 Stanley, W. 1734 Maddox, I. 1750 Trevor, W. *1710 Trimnel, C. 1735 Hare, F. 1753 Cresset, E. 1711 Fleetwoodc, W. (2). *1736 Lynch, J. 1754 Drummond, It. 1713 Moore, J. 1738 Herring, T. 1755 Hayter, T. 1714 Stanhope, G. 1739 Butler, J. 1_756 Cornwallis, F. 1715 Ash, St.G. *1740 Benson, M. 1757 Keene, E. 1719 Chandler, E. 1741 Seeker, T. 1758 Johnson, J. *172t Waddington, E. *1742 Stebbing, 11. 1759 Ellis, A. 1727 Leng, J. *1743 Mawson, M. 1760 Ashburnhanm, W. 1728 Reynolds, R. *1744 Gilbert, J. 1761 Newcome, R. 1730 Pearce, Z. 1745 Bearcroft, P. 1762 Humse, J. 1731 Denne, J. 1746 HIutton, M. (2). 1763 Egerton, J. FIRST SUPPLEMENT. 775 1764 Terrick, R. 1797 Sutton, C. M. 1827 Bloomfield, C. J. (2) 1765 Yonge, P. 1798 Vernon, E. 1828 Jenkinson, J. B. 1766 Warburton, W. 1799 Madan, S. 1829 Sumner, C. It. 1767 Ewer, J. 1800 Courtenay, I. R. 1831 Percy, H. 1768 Green, J. 1801 Cornewall, F. 1832 Murray, G. 1769 Newton, T. 1802 Buckner, J. 1833 Copleston, E. 1770 Keppel, F. 1803 Randolpli, J. 1834 Sumner, J. B. 1771 Lowth, R. 1804 Maendlie, H. W. 1835 Bagot, R. 1772 Moss, C. 1806 Dampier, T. 1836 Monk, J. H. 1773 Shipley, J. 1807 Pelham, G. 1837 Maltby, E. 1774 Law, E. 1808 Burgess, T. 1838 Phillpotts, HI. 1775 Barrington, S. 1809 Fisher, J. 1839 Allen, J. 1776 Hincheliffe, J. 1810 Bathurst, H. 1840 Otter, WV. 1779 York, J. 1811 Luxmore, J. 1841 Longley, C. T. 1780 Thomas, J. 1812 Goodenoughli, S. 1842 Denison, E. 1781 Ilurd,. _ 1813 Mansel, W. L. 1843 Stanley, E. 1782 Moore, J. 1814 Sparke, B. E. 1844 Musgrave, T. 1784 Butler, J. 1815 Jackson, W. 1845 Davys, G. 1785 Ross, J. 1816 Law, G. 1H. 1846 Thirlwall, C. 1787 Warren, J. 1817 Howley, W. 1847 Pepys, H. 1788 Cornwallis, J. 1818 Parsons, J. 1848 Gilbert, A. T. 1789 IHallifax, S. 1819 Ryder, HI. 1849 Lonsdale, L. 1790 Bagot, L. 1820 Legge, E. 1850 Wilberforce, S. 1791 Smallwell, E. 1821 Marsh, H. 1851 Short, T. V. 1792 Prettyman, G. 1822 Van Mildert, W. (2). 1852 M'Coskry, S. A. 1793 Douglas, J. 1823 Kaye, J. 1853 Lee, J. P.1794 Cleaver, W. 1824 Carey, W.. 1854 VWhately, R. 1795 Horseley, H. 1825 Bethell, C. 1855 - 59 Reports only. 1.796 Beadon, R. R Heports wanting.- Dates conformedl to New Style. --- The Mission Field; a Monthly Record of the proceedings..... at home and abroad. Jan. Dec. 1856- 59. Vol. 1 - 4. Loud. 4 v. 12~. The Monthly Record of Church Mlissions... Vol. 1, 2, 4; 1852, 53, 55. 3 v. 180. Quarterly Papers: Nos. 87- 94, 1855; Nos. 95 - 98, 1856. 2 v. 80. — No. 99, Jan. 185.7; No. 103, Jan. 1858. 8'". Pam. v. 472. The Gospel Missionary for 1851, 52, 53, 55, 56, 57, 58; each 188 p. London. 7 v. sm. 4~. - Church in the Colonies. No. 31, Australia: Letter from the Bishop of Melbourne, 1854. London, 1855. 18~. Pamin. v. 616. -- ~Missions to the Heathen. No. 25, The Poomindie Mission: A Letter from the Bp. of Adelaide. London, 1853.- No. 26, Religious movement in China. London, 1853.- No. 34, The Delhi Mission.. in four letters from...J. S. J. London, 1858. 48 p.- No. 35, The Cawnpore Mission.'London, 1858. 71 p. 18~. Pam. v. 630. SOCIETYt for the Reformation of Juvenile Delinquents, New-York City. 1st Annual Report, 1825. Pam. v. 191.- 22d, 28th, 30th Report, 1847, 53, 58. Paun. v. 507.- 29th Report 1854. Pam. v. 191, 207. - 31st, 32d Report, 1856, 57. 80. Paw. v. 244. ---- MInemorial to the Legislature, Jan. 1, 1858, 6 p. 80. Pam. v. 507. SOCIETY for the Reformation of Manners, London. Sermons before and accounts of: - See Stillingfleet, E., 1700; Dann, F., 1703; Galpine, J., 1703; Nicolson, W., 1706; Hunt, J., 1716; Ash, G., 1717; Neal, D., June 1722; Wilcox, J., Dec. 1722; Gibson, E., 1723; Heylin, J., 1728. SOCIETY for the Relief of Half-Orphan and Destitute Children... 15th, 16th Report-. New-York, 1851, 52. 120. Pam. v. 535. SOCIETY for the Revival of Convocation. Appeal and Rules. London, 1851. 80.Pam. v. 329. 776 GENERAL LIBRARY. SOCIETY for the Special Study of Political Economy, the Philosophy of History and the Science of Government. Proposed by a Citizen of Boston. HZilliam Foster? Boston, 1857. 19 p. 8S. Pam. v. 290. SOCIETY for the Support of the Colored Home. 10th, 11th, 15th, 16th Reports. New-York, 1850, 51, 55, 56. 120. Pam. v. 627. SOCIETY for the Suppression of Vice and Immorality. Articles.. Newburyport, 1813. 22 p. 120. Pamn. v. 630. SOCIETY in Scotland for Propagating Christian Knowledge. Sermons and Accounts - See Hamilton, W., 1732; Robertson, W., 1754,; Leechman, W., 1767;' Campbell, G., 1777; Hughes, J., 1802; Townsend, J., 1812. SOCIETYt OF ANTIQUARIES, of London. Proceedings, Vol. 1, April 1843 - Ap. 1849-; Vol. 2, Ap. 1849 - Ap. 1853; Vol. 3, Ap. 1853 - June 1856. London. 3 v. 80. Archeo'logia. Vol. 32, 35, 36, 37. London, 1847, 1853, 1855, 1857. 4 v. 40.....- A Collection of Ordinances and Regulations for the government of the Royal Household, made in divers reigns, from King Edward III to King William and Queen Mary. Also receipts in ancient cookery. London, Society of Ant. by John Nichols, 1790. xxii, 39, 476 p. 4. A Catalogue of the printed books in the library... By Nicholas Carlisle. London, 1816. 260 p. With A Catalogue of Manuscripts in the Library.....By Henry Ellis, esg. London, 1816. 92 p. in v. 8~. -... Catalogue of Antiquities, Coins, Pictures and miscellaneous curiosities in the possession of... By A. Way, esq. London (1847). 56 p. 80. Pam. v. 401. [A Collection of Descriptions of Historical Paintings]. In l v. 40~. Contents Historical Description of an Ancient Picture in Windsor Castle, representing the interview between King Henry VIII and the French King Francis I, 1520. By Sir J. Ayloffe. Read 1770, 71. 47 p. Historical Description of an Ancient Painting at Cowdry in Sussex...... (Encampment of English forces at Portsmouth). By Sir J. Ayloffe. London, 1778. 20 p. HIistorical..... Account of Painting at Cowdry..... Procession.of King Edward VI. 20 p. Description of Paintings at Cowdry... I, March of King Henry VIII; II, English Forces at Marquison; III, Siege of Boulogne, 1544. 32 p. Description of an Ancient Picture in Windsor Castle, representing the embarcation of King Henry VIII at Dover, 1520..,.By J. Tophem. London, 1781. 42 p. See Stapleton, MIagni Rotuli Scaccarii Normannivm sub Regibus Anglim; Layamon's Brut, ed. by Madden; Conybeare, Illustrations of Anglo-Saxon Poetry, 1826; Kerrick, T., Catalogue of Coins. Collection of Ancient historical prints; Illustrations of English Cathedrals. See Catalogue of Engravings, MS. SOCIETY OF ANTIQUARIES of Newcastle-upon-Tyne: A Catalogue of the manuscripts, books, Roman and other antiquities, belonging to:... Newcastle, Hodgson, 1839. 95 p. 80~. FIRST SUPPLEMENT. 777 SOCIETYt of Arts and of the Institutions in Union: Journal, Vol. 37, Nov. 1854 - Nov. 1859. London. 5 v. roy. 80. SOCIETYt OF CINCINNATI. See Pennsylvania Society. SOCIETYt of Friends or Quakers. See Friends. SOCIETYt (Royal) of Northern Antiquaries. See Kongelige, etc. SOCIETY of Ship-owners of Great Britain. See Collection, 1807. SOCIETY OF TAMMANY: Address of the Society of Tammany, or Columbian Order, to its absent members, and the members of its several branches throughout the United States. New-York, 1819. 8~. Pam. v. 198. SOCIETY OF THE SONS OF THE CLEPGY. Reports of the Anniversary of the Festival of...for 1850, 1851, 1853, for assisting necessitous clergymen... their widows... their children... London, 1851 - 54. 8~. Pam. v. 385. Sermons before the Society; also, Reports. See Sprat, T., 1678; Lake, E., 1693; Whincop, T., 1695; Isham, Z., 1696; Stanhope, G, 1697; Assheton, W., 1699; Altham, R., 1706; Bisse, R., 1708; Atterbury, F., 1709; Sherlock, T., 1710; Sacheverell, H., 1714; Bisse, T., 1716; Trapp, J., 1720; Waterland, D., 1721; Yardley, E., 1741; Conybeare, J., 1752; Butler, J., 1754; Ibbetson, J., 1758; Price, B., 1806; Clarke, J. S., 1810; Douglas, W., 1811; Ryder, I1., 1813; Goddard, C., 1819; Rennell, J., 1821; D'Oyly, G., 1823; Monk, J. H., 1825; Shuttleworth, P. N., 1828; Lebas, C. W., 1829; Van Mildert, W., 1829 (Durham); Goodenough, E., 1830; Pellew, G., 1835; Lonsdale, J., 1838; Hale, W. H., 1841; Jelf, R.W., 1845; Ward, J. G., 1846; Dale, T., 1848; Musgrave, C., 1850; Vaughan, C. J., 1851; Sinclair, J., 1853. SOCINIANISM3 UNMASKED: In Four Letters to the lay-members of the Church of Scotland, occasioned by Dr. M'Gill's Practical Essay on the death of Jesus Christ... By a Friend of Truth, i. e. John Jamnieson, -D.D. 2d edition.... Edinburgh, 1790. 168 p. 80. Pam. v. 104. SOCRATES CHRISTIANUS. See [Stephens, Edward]. SOCRATESt SCHOLASTICUS: In hoc corpore continentur tripertite historic ex Socrate, Sozomeno et Theodorico in unfi collecte et nuper de greco in latinfi translate libri numero duodecim... Cassiodori senatoris.. Col... Per Johann6 Schiissler regie urbis Augustensis ciuem. Anno.. millesimo quadringetisimo septuagesimo secundo: circiter nonas februarias. 192 leaves. fo. SoDus ACADEMY, Wayne Co. N.Y.: Circular, 1859. 8~. Pam. v. 457. SOHNIUS, Georgius.,.Lykrede uit Jac. v, 11, Ter nagedagtenisse van P. Hermannus Verbeek. Rotterdam, 1737. 30 p. 4~. Pam. v. 569. SOLDIERS OF THE WAR OF 1812': Proceedings of the Convention:... of.... Syracuse, June 20, 21, 1854; with Addresses delivered b.y Gen. J. Nye and Hon. Harvey Baldwin. Syracuse, 1854. 8~. Pam. v. 103, 254. SOLDNER, J. See Bavaria: Royal Observatory. SOLEINNE, M. De. Bibliotheque Dramatique de Monsieur De Soleinne: Catalogue r6dige par P. L. Jacob (P. Lacroix), bibliophile. [Sold at public auction, commencing Jan. 8, 1844]. Paris, 1843 - 45. 322, 391, 368, 226, 255 p.; containing also Appendix to Vol. 3, 5. 5 v, in 2. 8~. With prices. [SUPPL.] 98 778 GENERAL LIBRARY. SOLEMN (A) APPEAL to the Citizens of Great Britain and Ireland, upon the present emergency. London, Stockdale, 1788. 92 p. 8~.: Pam. v. 411. SOLVTION (A) of Doctor Resolvtvs [ David Lindsay], his Resolutions for kneeling at the Sacrament. Edinb.? 1619. 55 p. sm. 40. Pam. v. 600. SOMAL, Placido Sukias, Abp. Quadro della Storia letteraria di Armenia... Venezia..1829. 8~. SOME ACCOUNT' of Durham College, Oxford, suppressed by Henry the eighth.Durham, 1840. 14 p. 8~. Pam. v. 386. SOME ACCOUNT of the Romnan history of Fabius Pictor; from a manuscript lately discovered in a letter from an English gentleman... London, 1749. 27 p. 80. Pam. v. 253. SOME CONSIDERATIONS on the Doctrine of the Trinity. London, 1721. 48 p. 8~. Pam. v. 312. SOME CONSIDERATIONS on the National Debts, the sinking fund, and the state of publick credit In a Letter. By W. Pulteney? M. Meryl? London, 1729. 99 p. 8~. Pam. v. 443. SOME CONSIDERATIONS on the present distressed state of the British West-India colonies.. particularly against the competition of EastIndia sugar. London, 1823. 63 p. 8~. Pam. v. 436. SOME CONSIDERATIONS on the present state of our West-India colonies...By a W. I. proprietor. London, 1830. 29 p. 8~. Pam. v.437. SOME FURTHIER REMARKS on a late Pamphlet intitled, Observations on the conduct of Great Britain.....In a Letter to the Craftsman.... With, A postscript in vindication of the'West-India merchants.... By C. D'Anvers, i. e. W. Pulteney? London, 1729. 38 p. 80. Pam. v. 443. SOME LINES in Verse about Shakers. Not published by authority of the society so called. New-York, 1846. 56 p. 80. Pam. v. 534. SOME OBSERVATIONS: I, On the Antiquity of the present United Brethren, called Moravians;. II, On some of the extracts of their general synods; III...London, 1751. 22 p. 80. Pam. v. 299. SOME OBSERVATIONS on damages done by the the five years past... London (1728). 22 p. 8~. Pam. v. 445. SOME OBSERVATIONS upon a paper intituled, The List:. That is, of those who voted for and against the excise-bill. London, 1733. 31 p. 8~. Pam. v. 409, 418. SOME REASONS for continuing the present Parliament. London, 1733. 40 p. 8~. Pam. v. 447. SOME REASONS that influenced the Governor to take, and the Councillors to administer the oath, required by...the Stamp Act....1766. Hartford, T. Green. 14 p. 8~. SOME REFLECTIONS upon his Highness the Prince of Orange's declaration. London, 1688. 12 p. 40~. Pam. v. 408. SOME REFLECTIONS upon the pretended parallel in the play called the Duke of Guise: In a Letter to a friend. By Tho. Shadwell. London, 1683. 25 p. 40~. Pam. v. 407. FIRST SUPPLEMENT. 779 SOME RElTARKS on the apparent circumstances of the war in the fourth week of Oct. 1795. By William Eden, Lord Auckland. London, 1795. 68 p. 8S. Pam. v. 412. SOME Seasonable and Important Queries earnestly recommended to the serious consideration of divines and lawyers, churchmene and dissenters. In a letter to Mr. Mist. London, 1719. 24 p. 8~. Pam. v. 318. SOME Seasonable Enquiries offered....for the establishment of the Reformed Churches.....Printed in the year 1723. Boston? 12 p. 18~. Pam. v. 603. SOME Thoughts concerning religion. 1735. See [Forbes, D.]. SOMER, Bern. De Roepinge Abrahams.. Predicatie. Amsterdam, 1673. With De algenoegzaamheid der genade.. Predicatie... Amsterdam, 1673. See Rulseus, H. [ SoMERst, John Lord ]. See Just and Modest vindication, 1681. ---'~The Security of Englishmen's Lives; or the trust, power'and duty of grand juries of England explained..1681..London, Almon, 1771. 103 p. 8~. Pol. Tr. v. 2. A Defence of the Constitution of Great Britain and Ireland.... against the... attempts of the friends of annual parliaments and universal suffrage. Bepr. Hereford, 1817. 95 p. 80. Pam. v. 414. SOMIERS MUTINY. Proceedings of the Court of Inquiry, appointed to inquire into the intended mutiny on board the U. S. Brig of War Somers...New-York, Tribune, 1843. 48 p. 8~. Pam. v. 195. SOMERVILLE, Mass. Annual Report of the School Committee, for 1855 - 6. Boston, 1856. 8~. Pam. v. 251. Statement of the Expenditures; also, the Taxes assessed for 1853. 8~. Pam. v. 192. SONGS AND BALLADS NOT by the Rev. John Ml. Neale, B.A, of Trinity College, Carmbridge. London, 1843. 16 p. 120. Pam. v. 398. SONNET, H. Lemons d'Arithmetique,. Paris, 1857. 200 p. roy. 8~. See Cours Complet. Notions de Physique et de Chimie. Paris.. See Cours Complet. SONS OF TEMPERANCE. Coeymans Division, No. 185: Constitution.. Albany, 1848. 32 p. 12~.- Kinderhook Division, No. 164. Kinderhook, 1851. 35 p. 18.- Mutual Alliance Division, No. 130: Constitution.. Albany, 1846. 18~. Pam. v. 630. SONS OF TEMPERANCE ALMANAC, Ballston Spa, N.Y. 1848. 12~. Alm. v. 26. SONS OF THE CLERGY. See Society of the Sons of the Clergy. SONTAG (Henrietta), Countess De Rossi. Life.....with interesting sketches by Scudo, Berlioz, Boerne, Adam, Aycard, J. De Margueritte, Puckler-Muskau and Gautier. New~YZork, 1852. 64 p. 8~. SONZENBACH, Dr. A. v. Darstellung der Handelsverhdltnisse zwischen der Schweiz und Frankreich wahrend des jahres 1840. Bern, 1842. ~155 p.- Withz, Darstellung der H1andelsverhAltnisse zwischen der Schweiz und Oesterreich wahrend der jahre 1840 und 1845.:Bern, 1847. 200 p. In 2 v. 4~0 780 GENERAL LIBRARY. SOPHocLEst. Sophoclis quee exstant omnia, cum veterum grammaticorum scholiis. Superstites Tragcedias VII.... versione et notis illustravit, deperditarum fragmenta collegit Rich. Franc. Phil. Brunck....Accedunt excerpta ex varietate lectionis quam continet editio C. G-. A. Erfurdt, Demetrii Triclinii scholia metrica et notre ineditke Caroli Burneii. Londini, 1819. 3 v. 8~. Sophoclis Tragoediwe Septem:.... cum annotatione tantum non integra'Brunckii et Schmeferi et aliorum selecta. Accedunt deperditarum tragcediarum fragmenta. Oxonii...1826. 2 v. 8~. ----- Scholia in Sophoclis tragoeclias septem. E Codice MS. Laurentiniano descripsit Petrus Elmsley S. T. P.... Oxonii, 1825. 1 v. 8~. SOPHOCLES, E. A. Greek Lessons..for beginners. Hartford, 1843. 18~. SORMANI, Napoleone M. Monografia sulle morti repentine....1834. 208 p. See Lombard Institute. SOTHEBY, Samuel Leigh. Observations upon the Handwriting of Philip Melancthon, illustrated with fac-similes....Also a few specimens of the autograph of Martin Luther, with explanatory remarks: London, 1839. Introd., 33 plates with explanatory text. f0. Principia Typographica: The Block Books, or Xylographic Delineations of Scripture History, issued in Holland, Flanders and Germany during the fifteenth century, exemplified and considered in connection with the origin of printing; to which is added an attempt to elucidate the character of the paper-marks of the period:... Vol. I, Holland and the Low Countries; Vol. II, Germany; Vol. III, Paper-marks. London, 1858. xvi, 200, 216, 192 p. 3 v. gr. 4~. - A Few Words by way of a the Crystal Palace Company...London, 1855. 24 p. 8~. Pam. v. 518. Catalogue of... town library of a, London, 1841.- Catalogue of collection of books..of a gentleman. auction, Jan. 17, 1855. London. 92 p. 8~. Cat. v. 95. SOTHEBY & CO. Catalogue of books and engravings.... of an eminent collector (Libri?), to be sold, London, 1850. 134 p. Cat. v. 38. See also Libri, M. SOULE, J. Science of Reproduction and Reproductive control. Cincinnati, 0. (1856). 72 p. 18~. SOULE (Pierre), of La. Speech, U.S. Sen., On the American fisheries, Aug. 12, 1852. 16 p. 8~. Pam. v. 529. Speech, U. S. Sen., On Non-intervention, 1852. 16 p. 80. Pam. v. 487. SOUNDINGS ON AND OFF;- or Tales of the Land and the Sea. NewYork, 1846. 47 p. 8~. Pam. v. 496. SOUPIRS (Les) D'EURIDICE aux Champs Elisees.... Par A. Sticotti. A La Haye..1770. 129 p. 8~. See Fermin, P.- W. C. 358. [SOUTH, Robert], D.D. Comprehension and Toleration considered in a Sermon: Gal. ii, 5. London, 1716. Pam. v. 366.- See also Sermon, Martyrdom of Charles I, 1710. SOUTH-AMERICA: A Letter on the present state of that country, addressed to James Monroe, President of the United States, by an American, Washington, 1817. London, 1818. 72 p. 8~. Pam. v. 129. FIRST SUPPLEMENT. 781 SOUTHARDt (Samuel L.), LL.D. Address, Alumni Assoc. of Nassau Hall... Sept. 26, 1832. Princeton, N.J. 1832. 8~. Pam. v. 287. Discourse on the Professional character and virtues of the late William Wirt. Washington, 1834. 8~. Pam. v. 204. SOUTHARD, Rev. Samuel L. The Virgin's Honor: A Sermon. Buffalo, 1855. 8~. Pam. v. 548. SOUTH-CAROLINAt. A Narrative of the Proceedings of the People of South-Carolina in the year 1719.. Lond. 1726. See Force's Tr. v. 2. SOUTH-CAROLINA COLLEGE: Catalogue..Jan. 1847. Columbia. Pam. v.- 156.- Catalogue, Jan. 1851. 8~. Pam. v. 157. SOUTH-CAROLINA (The) JOCKEY CLUB. Charleston, S.C. 1857. 211 p. 8~ SOUTH-CAROLINA MEDICAL COLLEGE: Catalogue, Session 1837-38. Charleston. 80. Pam. v. 156. SOUTHERN AID SOCIETY: 1st - 4th Report. New-York, 1854-57. 8~* Pam. v. 525.- 1st Report. Pam. v. 232. SOUTHERN BANK: Charter...followed by the General Free Banking Law. New-Orleans, 1853. 80. Pam. v. 252, 464. SOUTHERN BUSINESS DIRECTORY and Commercial Advertiser: Rev. John P. Campbell, editor, Nashville, Tenn. Charleston, 1854. 404, 172 p. 8~. SOUTHERN MEDICAL REFORMER AND REVIEW: Profs. J, T. Coxe & L. Bankston, editors. Vol. 4, No. 6, Aug. 1854. M acon, Georgia. 8~. Pam. v. 196. SOUTHERN METHODIST PULPIT: Ed. by C. F. Deems. Vol. 2, 1849-50. Richmond, Va. 8~. SOUTHERN PACIFIC RAILROAD, of Texas. Report of Col. A. B. Gray; Railroad Record extra. Cincinnati, 1855. 36 p. 4~. Pam. v. 1014.First Annual Report. New-York, 1856. 80. Pam. v. 257. SOUTHERNt QUARTERLY REVIEW: Vol. 12 (28), New Series, July, Oct. 1855; New Series, Vol.1, Ap., Aug. 1856. Charleston. 2 v. 8~. SOUTHERN RAILROAD COMPANY: Report of Comm.... of Vicksburg (1846?). 24 p. 80. Pam. v. 545. [ SOUTHEYt, Robert, LL.D.]. Wat Tyler: A Dramatic poem. London, 1817. 120. Pam. v. 396. Catalogue of the valuable Library of.... Auction, May 8, 1844. London. 208 p. 8~. With prices and purchasers in Ms. SOUTH-KENSINGTON MUSEUM. [Catalogues of its divisions]. London, 1860. In I v. 8~. Contents: Inventory...of the Museum of Ornamental art. 127 p. Catalogue of the pictures, drawings, etchings, etc. Sheepshanks gift. 103 p. Inventory of British water-colour paintings. 20 p. Catalogue of the Educational division. Books, Apparatus, etc. xx, 286 p. Guide to the Food collection. 103 p. Collection illustrating construction and building material. 1859. 111 p. Price List of Reproductions of works of art by means of photography... casting, etc. 42 p. 782 GENERAL LIBRARY. SOUTHWARK AUXILIARY BIBLE SOCIETY: 3d Report, 1815. London. 154 p. 8~. Pam. v. 467. SOUTHWELL, Rev. Robert. Poetical Works.... Now first completely edited, by W. B. Turnbull...London, J. R. Smith, 1856. 180~. SOUTHWESTERN BIBLE SOCIETY of New-Orleans: 7th Report, 1856. New-Orleans. 120. Pam. v. 604. ~SOUTIWICKt, Solomon. Two Letters, by:... Anti-caucus candidate for Senator for the Middle District, at the ensuing election. Albany, 1819. 16 p. 8~. Pam. v. 197. Oration on Free Masonry. Albany, 1829. 31 p. 120. Title wanting. Pam. v. 550. - - A Solemn Warning against Freemasonry, addressed to the young men of the United States..With an appendix..3d edition. Albany, 1829. 132 p. 12~. [ - ] A Layman's Apology for the appointment of Clerical Chaplains...letters to T. Herttell... By Sherlock. To which are added Notes and Illustrations by the author. Albany, 1834. xxxvii, 314 p. 12~. [ —— ] Sherlock's Letter extra, to Thomas Herttell, Member of the -House of Assembly for 1834. Albany, 1834. 24 p..80~. Pam. v. 528. SOUT HWORTH, Emma D. E. Nevitt. The Deserted Wife. New-York, 1850. 176 p. 8~. Pam. v. 497. SOUVENIRS NUMISMATIQUES de la Revolution de 1848. 1-20 Livraisons. By F. De Saulcy. Paris, 1853. 60 plates and text. 40. SOWERBY (George B.), jr. The Conchological Illustrations, by: London, 1841. Catalogues and 200 plates. 8~. - Popular History of the Aquarium of marine and fresh-water animals and plantso London, Reeve, 1857. sin. 4~. SOWERBY, John E. The Ferns of Great Britain, illustrated by:... The Descriptions, synonyms, etc. by C. Johnson, esq..... London, Sowerby, 1855. 8~. SOYER, L. Ch. Modeles d'orfdvrerie choisis aux expositions des produits de l'industrie franqaise. contenant plus de 200 objets d'usage...augmentee de 12 planches. Paris, Bance aine, 1839. f0. SOYOUTI, Jellaluddin Abd er Rahman Es. Specimen e letteris orientalibus, exhibens Sojutii librum de interpretibus Korani ( Tabakati El Moufessirin), ex MSS. Cod. Bibl. Leidensis editum et annotatione illustratum....proponit Albertus Meursinge....Lugd. Batav. 1839. 192, 43 p. 4~. Specimen e litteris orientalibus exhibens majorerm partem libri As-Sojutii De nominibus relativis, inscripti Lubb Ellubat, Arabice editam e duobus Codicibus MSS., cum annotatione critica; quod... proponit Petrus Johannes Veth.....Lugd. Bat. 1840. xx, 17 p.Pars Reliqua libri As-Sojutii De nominibus relativis..Lugd. Batav. 1842. 173 - 283 p.- Supplement. annotationis.. continens novorum codicum collationem et excerpta ex As Sam'anii libro Fil Ensab et Ibno'l-Athiri El lebab. Scripsit P. J. Veth. Lugd. Bat. 1851. iv, 220 p.- In 2 v. 4~. SPADEMAN, John. Sermon, Thanksgiving for victory in Brabant, &c. June 27, 1706: Jud. v, 13. London. 80. Pam. v. 363. FIRST SUPPLEMENT. 783 SPAFFORiDt, Horatio G. General Geography and Rudiments of useful knowledge, in nine sections...Hudson.. 1809. 120. SPAINt. See Assiento que se tomn con A. F. DELBAS. - Espafia dividida en provincias e intendencias, y subdividida en partidos, corregimientos, alcaldias mayores, gobiernos politicos y militares, asi realengos como de ordenes, abadengo y seiiorio. Obra formada por las relaciones originales de los respectivos intendentes del reyno....Madrid, Impr. real, 1789. 591, 816 p. 2 v. f0. Galerie du Musee du Roi. Explication des tableaux....Madrid (1830?). 235 p. 180. Pam. v. 607. SPALDING, Rev. Joshua. Sentiments concerning the coming and kingdom of Christ...Salem, 1796. 273 p. 12~. A Sermon..... Salem Female Charitable Society, Sept. 7, 1808. Salem, 1808. 80. Pam. v. 106. SPALDING (M. J.), D.D., Bp. Sketches of the early Catholic missions of Kentucky, from...1787 to...1826-7....Louisville (1844). xvi, 308 p. 120. - Sketches of the Life, Times and Character of the Rt. Rev. Benedict Joseph Flaget, First Bishop of Louisville. Louisville, Ky. 1852. 12o. The History of the Protestant Reformation in Germany and Switzerland; and in.... Europe. In a series of essays, reviewing -D'Aubign6, Menzel, Hallam.... and others. Louisville, Ky. 1860. 2 v. 8~. SPANI-EMIUS, Ezechiel.. Dissertatio de Praestantia et usu numismatumn antiqorum. Editio noua... Tomus primus. Londini, R. Smith, 1706.- Same title. Volumen alterum: In quod relatum est, quidquid pertinet ad illustrationem rerum romanorum. Opus posthumum...Ed..I. Verburgio. Anstelsedami, 1717. 2 v. fP. SPANHEMIUS, Fred. Introductio ad Geographiam sacram....cum per Romanum omne Imp. ante et post Constantinum M. tum per provincias barbaricas... ed. tertia. Ultrajecti, 1686. 18~. *- Versameling van Predikaatsien. Uit het Frans...Leiden, 1688. 656 p. 12~. SPARROW, Joseph. Ecclesiastical Reform: A Vindication of the Church of England and the clergy thereof...and three letters on..Catholie emancipation. London, 1833. 52 p. 8~. Pam. v. 326. SPAUVLDINGt (E. G.), of N.Y. Speech, U.S. H. of R., on Gen. Taylor's Plan for admitting California and New-Mexico, 1850. 16 p. Pam. v. 486. SPEAR, Mr...MIrs. Charles. Missionary Labors. Boston, 1859. 8 p. 80. Pam. v. 525. SPEAR, Rev. Samuel T. Sermon, Brooklyn, N.Y., on Thanksgivingday, -Dec. 12, 1844. New-York, 1845. 8~. Pam. v. 270. ---- The Law-abiding Conscience; with Remarks on the fugitiveslave question: A Sermon... Brooklyn, Dec. 12, 1850. New-York, 1850.- 8~. Pam. v. 213. 7:84 GENERAL LIBRARY. SPECIMEN (A) ofbNtaked Truth from a British sailor, a sincere wellwisher to the honour and prosperity of the present royal family and his country. London, 1746. 30 p. 80. Pam. v. 391. SPECIMENS of Arabian Poetry. See Carlyle, J. D. SPECTACLE DE LA NATURE; or Nature displayed: Being discourses on...natural history.... By the Abbe' Le Pluche. Trans. by Mr. S. Humphreys. London, 1740 -48. 7 v. 8~. SPECULUM COELESTE, J. Hartley, 1732.- Speculum anni. Epihem. T. Lane, 1732.- Speculum anni redivivuhi, H. Season. London, 1750,'51,'59,'72,'78. 12~. Alm. v. 7 - 12. SPEECH (A) made in the H. of Commons, Ap. 24, 1716, against the bill for repealing the Triennial act... By A. Hutcheson. Lond. 1722. 8~. Pam. v. 417. SPEED, J. J. A Letter from:... on the subject of resumption of the payment of the debts of Maryland. Baltimore, 1845. 11 p. 12~. Pam. v. 498. SPENCE, William. Britain Independent of Commerce; or Proofs deduced from an investigation into the true causes of the wealth of nations, that our riches, prosperity and power..... would not be affected even though our commerce were annihilated...4th edition. London, 1808. 96 p. 80. Pam. v. 413. SPENCER, Charles S. An Appeal for Freedom, made in the Assembly of N.Y., Mar. 7, 1859. Albany, 1859. 8~. Pam. v. 561. SPENCER, Bp. George T. A Letter to the.... Bp. of Bath and Wells. London, 1853. 51 p. 8~. Pam. v. 331. SPENCERf (Ichabod S.), D. D. Fugitive Slave law. The religious duty of obedience to law: A sermon: Tit. iii, 1. N.York, 1850. 80. Pam. v. 557. SPENCER, John. Hermas, or the Acarian Shepherds A Poem. Newcastle-upon-Tyne, 1772. 2 v. 80. SPENCERt, John C. Speech, N.Y. Sen., on..Private Banking..Albany, 1825. 80.- Speeches, N.Y. Assen.... against the.... repeal of the usury laws. Albany, 1833. 8~. Pam. v. 193. -- Correspondence between Hon. J. C. S. and a CommitteQ of the friends of the general administration, at Rochester, Oct. 19, 1842. New-York, 1842. 31 p. 8~. Pam. v. 194, 526. Argument in behalf of E. Nott. ~See Union College. SPENCER, Rev. Thomas. The Successful Application of the new poor law to the parish of Hinton charterhouse... London, 1836. 60 p.The Outcry against the new poor law; or, Who is the poor man's friend? London, 1841. 16 p. 8~. Pam. v. 429. The Pillars of the Church of England; or Are intemperance and ignorance, bigotry and infallibility, church rates and corn laws essential to the existence of the establishment? London, 1840. 12 p. 80~. Pam. v. 330. SPENCERt ( Thomas), M.D. An Essay on the Nature of the Epidemic usually called Asiatic cholera, etc....being the annual communication to the Medical Soc. of the State of New-York, Feb. 5, 1833... Albany, 1833. 131 p. 8~. FIRST SUPPLEMENT. 785 Address to the Graduates of the Medical Institution of Geneva College, Jan. 21, 1840. Geneva, N.Y. 1840. 80. Pam. v. 204. SPENCER, Rev. William H. A Discourse, Death of Gen. Zachary Taylor, President of the United States. Utica, 1850. 8~. Pam. v. 238. SPENCER, William R. The Year of Sorrow: A Poem. London, Bulmer. 22 p. 40.'Pam. v. 1013. SPENCERTOWN ACADEMY, Columbia county, N.Y.: Catalogue, 1857, 58. 8~. Pam. v. 457. SPENER, Phil. Jacopus. Tnsignium Theoria, seu Operis heraldici pars generalis.... Ed. sec. Francofurti ad M. 1717. 12, 368 p. & indices, & 23 plates. 1 v. fo. Historia Insignium Illustrium, seu Operis heraldici pars specialis. Continens delineationem insignium plerorumque regum, ducum.... et baronum in cultiori Europa...Ed. sec... Francofurti ad M. 1717. 36, 772 p., indices & 36 plates. -1 v. f~. SPENGEL, Leonhard. Ueber das Studlium der Rhetorik bei den Alten. 1842. 31 p. 4~. See Koen. Baier. Ak. Reden, v. 5. SPENGLERt, Dr.L. Etudes baln6ologiques sur les Thermes d'Ems.... Traduit de l'Allemand, par H. Kaula, D.M. Strasbourg, 1855. 80~. Pam. v. 222. SPENSER1, Edmund. Pseud. A Canto of the Fairy Queen. See Ironside, N. SPIKER, S. H. Reis door Engeland, Walles en Schotland, gedaan in het jaar 1816... Uit het Hoogduitsch. Amsterdam... 1818. 2 v. 80. SPINGLER INSTITUTE, New-York City: G. D. Abbott, 1848. 8o. Pam. v.460. SPIRIT (The) of British Missions: the Church Miss. Society. By a Clergyman. London, 1815. 187 p. 8S. Pam. v. 384. SPIRITt of Despotism. London, 1795. See [ Knox, V.]. Cat. 1855. SPIZELIUS, Theophilus. Infelix Literatus... sive de Vita et Moribus literatorum commonefactiones novse historico-theosophica.... atque eruditis culpa sua serumnosis, via ad verse beatitudinis portum.... ostenditur. Aug. Vindel. 1680. Vol. 1 - 4. 1136 p. & index. 4 v. 16~. Literatus Felicissimus, sacrae metanoese proselytus; sive de Conversione literatorumn commentarius... Accessit ejusdem pius literati hominis secessus, cum indicibus necessariis. Vol. 1, 2. 558 p.- Selecta Doctorum veterum, scriptorumque ecelesiasticorum, de vera sinceraque ad deum conversione monumenta et documenta, cum prsefationibus. Vol. 3, 4. 539 p. Aug. Vindel. 1685. 4 v. 160. SPoN, Jacob. Le Nouveau Spon. See Monfalcon, J. B. SPOONER, Lysander. A Defence for fugitive slaves, against the acts of Congress of Feb. 1793 and Sept. 18, 1850. Boston, 1850. 72 p. 8~. SPOONER, Shearjashuh A Biographical and Critical Dictionary of painters, engravers, sculptors and architects.... N.York, 1853. 1.131 p. roy. 8~. SPRAGUE I, Charles. Address, Mass. Society for the Suppression of Inw temperance. 2d edition. Boston, 1827. 12~. Pam. v. 629. [ SUJPPL.] 99 786 GENERAL LIBRARY. SPRAGUE, Charles: - Writings of Charles Sprague; now first collected. 2d ed. NewYork, 1843. 124, 58 p. 18~. SPRAGUE, Horace. Gloversville; -or the Model village: A poem. With An appendix, biographical and genealogical. Gloversville, N.Y. 1859. 132 p. 120. SPRAGUE, Joseph E. Address, Salem Charitable Mechanic Association, July 4, 1821. Salem, 1821. 8 Pam. v. 215. - Eulogy on John Adams and Thomas Jefferson, pronounced Aug. 10, 1826.- Salem, 1826. Pam. v. 214. SPRAGUEt, Maj. John T. Stephenson's Silver mine. See Fort Fillmore. SPRAGUE (William) jun. An Official Report, by:... one of the Committee of the House of Rep. of Rhode-Island, upon the subject of masonry. Providence, 1832. 8~. Pam. v. 211. SPRAGUEt (William B.), D.D. Annals of the American Pulpit; or commemorative notices of distinguished American clergymen of various denomlinations, from the early settlement of the country to the close of the year eighteen hundred and fifty-five. With Historical Introductions. New-York, 1857- 60. 6 v. 8~. VOL. I, IT, Congregationalists; iii, Iv, Presbyterians; v, Episcopalians; vI, Baptists. - [ Collected Sermons and Addresses: Vol. 2]. 8~. Contents: Sermon, Death of Rev. E. D. Allen.. Albany, 1843. And Pam. v. 238, 268. Sermon, On the Completion of the Atlantic Telegraph. Albany, 1858. Sermon, Death of Frederick J.-Barnardjr. Albany, 1856. Sermon at Funeral Solemnities of John Boardman. Albany, 1853. Sermon...... succeeding the Internment of John S. Boyd and Archibald Campbell. Albany, 1856. And Pam. v. 268. Sermon, Death of Daniel Campbell. Albany, 1851. With, Address of Dr. Palmer at the Funeral. 1851. Sermon... after the Funeral of Mrs. Harriet Chapin...Albany, 1854. Sermon, Death of Nathaniel Davis..Albany, 1857. And Pam. v. 80. Voice of the Rod: A Sermon, National Fast... Death of W. H. Harrison, President. Albany, 1841. Sermon, Installation of D. Kennedy, D.D....Troy. Albany, 1855. A/nd Pam. v. 270. Address, West-Springfield, Mass.: 100th Anniversary of the Ordination of J. Lathrop, D.D. Albany, 1856. Sermon, commemorative of Mrs. Christina Lee. Albany, 1854. And Pam. v. 80. Sermon, Death of John Ludlow, D.D., Prof. Theol. Sem. Reformed Dutch Church. Albany, 1857. znd Pam. v. 268. Sermon, Death of Archibald M'Intyre. Albany, 1857. Sermon, Death of Mrs. Alexander Marvin. Albany, 1858. Discourse, commemorative of Samuel Miller, D.D., Prof. Theol. Seminary, Princeton. Albany, 1850. Dr. Sprague's Reply to Prof. Stuart's Letter to him.... relative to his late sermon on the exclusion of wine from the Lorcd's Supper. Albany, 1835. 29 p. And Pam. v. 292. Discourse, Exec. Comm. of Board of Foreign Missions. New-York, 1852. FIRST SUPPLEMENT. 787 -- Sermon, Murray-street Church, New-York, Ap. 11, 1830. NewYork, 1830. 8~. Pam. v. 213. - A Discourse, July 19, 1846, Theological Society of Union College. Albany, 1846. 8~. Pam. v. 213. ------ Sermon.. Amer. Soc. for Meliorating the condition of the Jews, Pres. Ch. Mercer-street, New-York, May 9, 1847. New-York, 1847. 8%. Pam. v. 213. ----- Address, Literary Societies of the Wesleyan University, Middletown, Conn., July 31, 1848. Albany, 1848. 80. Pam. v. 213. Sermon, Johnstown, Nov. 3, 1854, Funeral of the Rev. Hugh Mair, D.D. Albany, 1854. 8~. Pam. v. 268. ----- Sermon, Second Presbyterian Congregation in Albany, Aug. 27, 1854, on the completion of a Quarter of a Century from the commencement of the Author's Ministry among them. Albany, 1854. 8~. Pam. v. 94. Sermon, June 21, 1854, Installation of the Rev. E. Smalley, D.D., in Troy. Troy, N.Y. 1854. 8~. Pam. v. 270. SPRANCKIIUYSENt, Dionysius. Trivmphe van vveghen de gheluckighe ende over-Rijcke Victorie...... van den IH. Gen. P. Pietersz. Heyn teghen de Silver-Vlote.. van Nova Hispania.. (1628). Tot Delf, 1629. x, 80 p. sm. 4~. SPRAT, Bp. Thomas. [A Collection], in 1 v. 4~. Contents Sermon, before the King, Dec. 24, 1676 Mark x, 15. London, 1677. Sermon, H. of Commons, Jan. 30, 1678 Character of Charles I: Matt. v, 10. London. Sermon, Sons of the Clergy 1 Tim. iv, 8. London, 1678. Sermon, before the King, Dec. 22, 1678: Gal. iv. 18. London. Sermon, before the Lord Mayor: Prov. xxi, 21. London, 1682. Sermon, Artill. Comp. London Luke xx, 36. London, 1682.- And, 8~, 1709. Pam. v. 455. A Relation of the late wicked contrivance of Ste.Blackhead and Robert Young, against the lives of several persons.... In two parts. Part I. In the Savoy, 1692. 75 p. Sermon, before the King, Good Friday: Matt. vii, 21. In the Savoy, 1694. A the Clergy of his diocese, 1695. In the Savoy, 1696. 68 p. SPRATT, G. Obstetric Tables: comprising graphic illustrations, with descriptions and practical remarks. 1st Am. edition. Philadelphia (1850). 4~. SPRINGt (Gardiner), D.D. A Tribute to the Memory of Jeremiah Evarts, esq., Sec. of the Am. Board of Comm. for For. Miss. NewYork, 1831. 80. Pam. v. 214. A Dissertation on the Rule of Faith...New-York, 1844. 104 p. 80. Pam. v. 296. Influence; a Quarter-Century Sermon, preached in behalf of the American Tract Society, New-York, May 5, 1850. New-York, Am. Tract Society, 1850. 80. Pamn. v. 441. - The, Old and New Church. Two discourses: The first..... May 25, 1856.... in Beekman-street; the last...Oct. 31, 1858, at the Dedication of the New Brick Church on Murray Hill: Ps. xlviii, 9 - 14; Lev. xix, 30. New-York, 1858, 64 p. 8~. Pam. v. 556. 788 GENERAL LIBRARY. SPRING (Gardiner), D.D.: Installation Services of Rev. William J. Hoge, as Assoc. Pastor....Sermon by Rev. Dr. Spring, Charge to the Rev. Dr. Krebs, Charge to the People by Rev. Dr. Potts. New-York, 1859. 46 p. 80. Pam. v. 556. SPRING, Rev. Samuel. Moral Disquisitions and Strictures on the Rev. David Tappan's Lectures to Philalethes. 2d edition. Exeter, N..H. 1815. 247 p. 18~. SPRINGER'S WEEKLY ORACLE: Vol. 3, May 1, 1799. New-London, Conn. See Mass. Spy. Cat. 1855. SPRUNERt, Karl Von. Historisch-Geographischer Hand-Atlas zur Geschichte der Staaten Europa's vom anfang des mittelalters bis auf die neueste zeit... Gotha, 1846. 73 maps. ob. f0. SPURGIN, Rev. John. A Voice of Warning to the Church, or the integrity of her articles vindicated..on the subject of baptismal regeneration. Norwich, Eng. 1843. 23 p. 12~. Pam. v. 327. SPURRELL, Rev. James. Miss Sellon and the Sisters of Mercy: An exposure of the constitution....of their Society....London, 1852. 41 p. 80. Pam. v. 331. SPY-GLASs (The). Edited by Fabricus Videns. Union College, July 1840. Schenectady. 32 p. 80. Pam. v. 199. SQUATTER SOVEREIGNTY: an Eye-opener for the People. By a Commoner. Chicago, Ill. 1858. 16 p. 8~. Pam. v. 562. SQUIERt, E. G. Honduras Interoceanic Railway. With maps of the line and ports; and.... Report of Admiral R. Fitzroy, R. N., the Charter...London, 1857. 100 p. 8~. Pam. v. 283. The States of Central Amnerica..and the Honduras Interoceanic Railway.....With.....maps and illustrations. New-York, 1858. 782 p. 80. [- ] See Waikna. By S. A. Bard. Pseud. Cat. 1855. Collection of Rare and Original Documents and relations, concerning the discovery and conquest of America. Chiefly from Spanish Archives. Pub. in the original, with notes, etc. New-York, 1860. sm. 40~. No. 1. Carta dirijida al Rey de Espafia, por el Licenciado Dr. Don. Diego Garcia de Palacio... 1576..... Being a description of....Provinces of Guatemala... 131 p. Monograph of Authors who have written on the languages of Central Alimerica, and collected vocabularies or composed works in the native dialects of that country. New-York, 1861. 70 p. sm. 40~. SQUIER, John Omer. The Emancipation of the Church, from..creeds...a Sermon 1 Cor. i, 10. London, 1833. 8~. Pam. v. 377. SQUIER ( Miles P.), D.D. The Problem Solved; or, Sin not of God. New-York, 1855. 254 p. 12~. Lecture: Classical Studies. See Geneva Lyceum. SQUINT (A) at a "Co-presbyter," in the N.Y. Evangelist of Nov. 10, 1838: and a Glance at the Minutes of the High School Synod.... Newburgh, Oct. 17, 1838. By Trio. V. N. D. et S. S. S. By N. S. Prime? New-York, 1840h 33 p. 120. Pam. v. 536. FIRST SUPPLEMENT. 789 SQUIRE (Bp. Samuel), D.D. Sermon, Univ. of Camb., July 2, 1749: Matt. xiii, 54. London. 40. Pam. v. 362. [ — ] See Ancient History of the Hebrews. 1741. STACKHIOUSE, Rev. Thomas. A New History of the Holy Bible, from the beginning of the World, to the establishment of Christianity... and a connection of profane history...The second edition, carefully revised. London, 1V42, 44. lxviii, 1650 p. and index. 2 v. f0. STADT- UND LAND-CALENDER, 1850,'52,'54. Philadelphia, Desilver. 4~. Alm. v. 43. See also Americanischer Stadt und Land, etc. STAFFORD, John. Sermon, Death of Eliz. Stafford: 2 Tim. i, 12. London, 1775. 80. Pam. v. 381. STAFFORD'S ( J. IR.) FAMILY RECEIPT BOOK..Account of...olive tar. New-York, 1857. 44 p. 80. Pam. v. 515. STAFFORD WESTERN EMIGRATION COMPANY: Constitution. Palmer, Mass. 1855. 11 p. 8~. Pam. v. 492. STAMM, Fried. Ludwig. Vorschul zum Upfila, oder Grammatik der Gothischen Sprache zur Selbstbelehrung. Mit.... Wirterbuche. Paderborn, 1851. 140 p. 8~. STANDARD LIBRARY CYCLOPEMDIA of political, constitutional, statistical and forensic knowledge....London, Bohn, 1853. 4 v. 120. STANDEN, Joseph. Sermon, Anniv. of the Powder Treason, 1709: John xvi, 2. London, 1710. 80. Pam. v. 364. Sermon, Anniv. of Ministers at Taunton, May 23, 1711: 2 Cor. iv, 5. London. 80. Pam. v. 365. STANDING (A) NAVY more economical and efficient than our present irregular force; with some remarks on naval titles, naval courtsmartial...London, 1851. vi, 109, vi p. 8~. Pam. v. 406. STANFORDt, Rev. John. A Catechism for the use of the schools in the Alms-house and the Penitentiary. New-York... 1819. 53 p. 120. STANHOPEt (George), D.D. Sermon, Anniv. Sons of the Clergy, Dec. 7, 1697: Tit. i, 6. London, 1698. 4~. Pam. v. 1010. I —-- Sermon, Thanksgiving for Successes, June 1706: Deut. xxxiii, 29. London.- Sermon, Nov. 3, 1706: Matt. xi, 28. London.Sermon, Nov. 6, 1709: Lu. xxiv, 25. London.- Sermon, Nov. 7, 1710, Thanksgiving for Successes: 2 Cor. i, 9 -11. London. Pam. v. 364. Sermon, 1714. See Society for Prop. the Gospel. STANHOPE, James, Earl. Constitution of the Roman Senate. See Vertot, R. STANHOPE (Michael), D.D. Sermon, Thanksgiving for victories at Audenarde, Aug. 19, 1708: Ps. xcviii, 1, 2. Lond. 80. Pam. v. 364. STANHOPE, P. D. See Chesterfield, Earl of. STANHOPE, Philip Dormer. Genuine Memoirs of Asiaticus....of the Nabob of Arcot.... anecdotes of several well-known characters and...death of Lord Pigot...2d ed. London, Debrett, 1785. 174 p. 8.. Pam. v. 432. 790 GENERAL LIBRARY. STANHOPEt (P. H.), 5th Earl. Address...Medico-botanical Society, Anniv., London, 1831. 8$. Pam. v. 405. — See also Mahon, Lord. STANIFORD, Daniel. Art of Reading.....llth edition. Boston, 1816. 240 p. 120. STANLEYt, Arthur Penrhyn. Sinai and Palestine in connection with'their history. With maps and plans. New-York..1857. 80~. STANLEY, E. J., Lord. Speech, H. of Lords, May 25, 1846, on Protection to industry. London. 80. Pam. v. 439. -- Speech, 1840, No Confidence in ministers. See Pari. Speeches. STANLEY, Bp. Ed. Sermon, on his Installation: 2 Cor. ii, 16. Norwich, Eng. 1837. 8~. Pam. v. 377. STANLEY+t, G. Dictionary of Painters and Engravers. See Bryan, M. STANLEY, G. W. Oration, Wallingford, Conz., Aug. 8, 1805, in Commemoration of the Independence of the U.S. of July 4. New-Haven, 1805. 22 p. 8~. Pam. v. 532. [STANLEY (William), D.D.]. A Discourse Concerning the devotions of the Church of Rome... with those of the Church of England... London, 1685. 87 p. 40~. Pam v. 356. Sermon, 1708. See Society for Prop. the Gospel. The Faith and Practice of a Churchman. London, 1688. Repr. Charleston, S. C. 1819. iv, 56 p. 120. Pam. v. 543. STANLEY, Hon. W. O. The Union of the Sees of St.Asaph and Bangor...London,1843. 8~. Pam. v. 327. STANLYt (Edward), of N.C. Speech, U.S. HT. of Rep., on the Galphin claim, 1850. 2d edition. Pam. v. 487. Speech, U.S. H. of R., Mar. 6, 1850, Exposing the causes of the slavery agitation. 8~. Pam. v. 193. -Vindication of the Rights of C. T. Jackson to the discovery of the anmesthetic effects of ether vapor, and disproving the claims of W. T. G. Morton...Report, U.S. H. of R., Aug. 28, 1852, by E. S. and Hon. A. Evans, of Maryland. 57 p. 80. Pam. v. 274. STANSBURY, Arthur J. Elementary Catechism on the Constitution of the U. States. For the use of schools. Boston, 1828. 78 p. 12~. STANSBURY, Joseph. Loyal Verses. See Munsell's Histor. Series. STANTON-STREET BAPTIST CHURCH, New-York City: A History of:.. New-York, 1860. 180. STAPLESt, William R. Annals of the Town of Providence, 1843. See Rhode-Island Hist. Coll. v. 5. History of the Criminal Law of Rhode-Island.- the grand jury... QOf. Doct. 1853, 29 p. 80. STAPLETON, Thomas. Magni Rotuli Scaccarii Normanniae sub regibus Angliea. Opera Thomme Stapleton. Londini, sumptibus Soc. Antiq. Londinensis, 1840. 2 v. 80~. STAR (The) SPANGLED BANNER; being a Collection of the best naval, martial, patriotic songs, etc...chiefly written during and in relation to the late war..2dBed. Wilmington, Del. 1817. 144 p. 180. FIRST SUPPLEMENT. 791 STARING, Dr. W. C. IT. [ Collection]. In 1 v. 80.. Contents: Aardkunde van Nederland: Eene Voorlezing...Zwolle, 1844. 80 p. De Aardkunde van Twenthe: Eene Voorlezing...Zwolle, 1845. 35 p. De Aardkunde van Salland en het land van Vollenhove:Eene Voorlezing..Zwolle, 1846. 63 p. IDe Nederlandsche Wateren: Eene Voorlezing. Arnhem, 1847. 40 p. Landhuishoudelijke Luchtkasteelen in Nederland: Voorlezing.... Zwolle, 1849. 26 p. STARK, Caleb. - Memoir and Official Correspondence of General John Stark, with notices of several older officers of the revolution. Also, a biography of Capt. Phinehas Stevens and Col. Robert Rogers.... Concord, N.H. 1860. 80. History of the Town of Dumbarton, Merrimack county, N.H... Concord, 1860. 272 p. 80. [STARK ( Caleb) jr.]. See Reminiscences of French War. Cat. 1855. STARKEY ACADEMY, Eddytown, Yates Co., N.Y.: Catalogue, 1855. 80~. Pam. v. 457. STARKWEATHER ( G. A.), of N.Y. Speech, U.S. House of Rep., on the Mexican Treaty, 1849. 16 p. 8~. Pam.: v 486. Speech, U.S. H. of R., on the Bill for the Relief of the heirs of John Paul Jones. Washington, 1848. 7 p. 8~. Pam. v. 487. STARLING, Elizabeth. Noble Deeds of Woman; or Examples of female courage and virtue. 5th edition. London, Bohn, 1858. 12~. STATE AND NATIONAL LAW SCHOOL, Ballston-Spa, N.Y.: Catalogue and Circular. Troy, 1852. 8~. Pam. v. 212. STATE (A) CHURCH inconsistent with the New Testament.* * ~ 7th ed. London, 1836. 26 p.180. Pain. v. 320. STATE k The) of France, in a clear account of the revenues of that kingdom.... Also, a general summary of its military and marine forces... London, 1760. 81 p. 4~. Pam. v. 1011. STATE (The) of Ireland, laid open to the view of his Majesty's subjects. London, printed, 1754. 72 p. 8~. Pam. v. 421. STATE (The) of the Established Church, in a series of letters to.... S. Perceval. 3d edition; with appendix of official documents. London, 1850. 151 p. 80. Pam. v. 324. STATE of the Question of Negro slavery in Jan. 1'830; respectfully submitted to H. M.'s government. London. 32 p. 80. Pam. v. 437. STATE (The) Preferable to the Church; or Reasons for making sale of the whole present property of the church in England and Ireland.. London, 1748. 62 p. 8~. Pam. v. 322. STATE RIGHTS AND FREE-TRADE ALMANAC: Charleston, S.C. 1833. 12~. Alm. v. 28. STATEMENT (A) of Facts, and a Few Suggestions in review of political action in Missouri, demonstrating the right of admission to the democratic national convention of the delegates.....whose names are appended hereto... 1856. 108 p. 8~. Pam. v. 259. 792 GENERAL LIBRARY. STATEMENT (A) of the Claims of the West-India colonies to a protecting duty against East-India sugar. London, 1823. 120 p. 80~. Pam. v. 436. STATEMENT of the Facts and Reasonings in support of the remonstrance against the consecration of the Rev. Henry U. Onderdonk, D.D... Philadelphia, 1827. 43 p. 80. Pam. v. 104. STATEMENT relative to the Fisheries in the River Tay. Edinb. 1824. 37 p. 80. Pam. v. 426. STATEMENTS illustrative of the position and prospects of Steam Navigation in 1840. 52 p. 80. Pam. v. 426. STATEN-ISLAND: Facts and Documents bearing upon the legal and moral questions connected with the recent destruction of the quarantine buildings. By the Exec. Comm. N.York, 1858. 90 p. 8~. Pam. v. 501. STATISTICAL' SOCIETY of London. Journal: Vol. 18, 1855; Vol. 19, 1856. London. 2 v. 8~. STATUTES Relating to the residence of the clergy and to the stipendiary curates...Oxford, 1814. 88 p. 80. Pam. v. 324. STAUDT, Joh. B. Dissertatio Inauguralis de jure facetiarum....1688. Jenae. 50 p. 40~. Pam. v. 1016. STAUNTON, Sir George T. Remarks on the British relations with China...London, 1836. 43 p. 8~. Pam. v. 415. STAYERN, Pet. a. Twee Leerredenen: Ez. xvii, 22- 24; Jac. v, 16. Groningen, 1749. See Goltzius, D. STEADY HABITS vindicated; or a serious remonstrance to the people of Connecticut, against changing their government.....Hartford, 1804. 20 p. 8~. Pamin. v. 526. STEARNSt (Jonathan F.), D.D. The Good Republican: A Discourse, Newark, N.J., on Thanksgiving Day, Dec. 12, 1850. New-York, 1850. 8~. Pam. v. 267. STEARNS (John), M.D. Philosophy of Mind, developing new sources of ideas, designating their distinctive classes...... New-York, 1840. 25 p. 80. Pain. v. 210. STEARNSt (Rev. John G.), Paris, N.Y. An Appendix to "An Inquiry into Free Masonry." In which is proved the true character of Morgan's "Illustrations...". Cazenovia, 1828. 54 p. 18~. Pam. v. 624. STEARNSt (William A.), D.D. Discourse on the Death of the P.resident Taylor. Cambridge, Mass. 1850. 8~. Pam. v. 214. A Sermon, Dedication of the House of the First Evang. Congr Church, Cambridgeport, June 30, 1852. Cambridge, 1853. 80. Pam. v. 202. Sermon, Cambridgeport, Dec. 10, 1854, on the last Sabbath of his Ministry at that place. Cambridge, 1855. 8~. Pamn. v. 202. STEBBING (Henry), D.D. [Writings of: collected] in 1 v. 8~. Contents: Remarks upon a Position of the...Bishop of Bangor, concerning religious sincerity... London, 1718. xiv, 28 p. Preface by T. Sherlock. Miscellaneous Observations.....upon scatter'd passages in the Bishop of Bangor's Answer to the Representation... London, 1718. xxiv, 63 p. FIRST SUPPLEMENT. 793 A Ratiohal Enquiry into the proper methods of supporting Christianity.. London, 1720. 126 p. An Appeal to the Word of God for the terms of Christian salvation.... With a preface...a reply to...the Bishop of Bangor..London, 1720. Ixiv, 197 p. A Discourse concerning the Use and advantages of the Gospel revelation.. London, 1730. 64 p. A Defence of Dr. Clarke's Evidences of Natural and Revealed religion. London, 1731. viii, 104 p. A Letter to Mr. ( J.) Foster, on the subject of heresy. Lond 1735. 35 p. A Second Letter to Mr. answer to his first. Lond. 1735. 84 p. A True State of the Controversy with Mr. Foster...London, 1736. 38 p. Caution against Religious delusion: A Sermon on the New Birth, occasioned by the pretensions of the Methodists: Gal. vi, 15. 6th edition. London, 1739. 22. The History of Abraham, in the plain and just meaning of it, justified, against Dr. Warburton....London, 1746. 106 p. [ —— ] See answer to Mr. Woolston. 1730. Sermon, 1742. See Society for Prop. the Gospel. STEBBINGt (Henry) jr., D.D. Sermon, Gray's Inn Chapel, Feb. 6, 1756: Jonah iii, 9, Fast Day. London, 1756. 4~. Pam. v. 1007. Preparatory Discourse to the Fast, Feb. 6, 1756, Earthquakes abroad: Lu. xiii, 3, 5. 2d edition. London, 1756. Pam. v. 371. STEBBINS, G. B. Facts and Opinions touching...the American Colonization Society..Preface by W. Jay. Boston, 1853. viii, 224 p. 12~. STEELt (John HI.), M.D. An Analysis of the Congress Spring...corrected by J. L. Perry, M.D. New-York, 1856. 35 p. 18~. STEEL, Rev. Richard. An Antidote against distractions (1667). NewYork, 1754. 128 p. 18~. Repr. STEELE'S ALBANY ALMANACK, Beers, 1825,'27,'28,'44. Aim. v. 21; 1841, 44. Aim. v. 24;- 1838. 12~. Alm. v. 33. STEELE, Rev. Allen. Letter, New-York, Sept. 8, 1856, on Mr. Fremont. 3 p. 8~. Pam. v. 537. - Methodist Episcopacy. See Bolles, J. A. STEELE, Rev. Ashbel. Chief of the Pilgrims; or the Life and time of William Brewster, ruling elder of the Pilgrim company that founded New-Plymouth, the parent colony of New-England, in 1620. Philadelphia, 1857. xxix, 416 p. 8~. STEELE, John & G. A Genealogical history of John & George Steele (settlers of Hartford, Conn.), 1635-6.....By D. Steele Durrie. Albany, N.Y., Munsell & Rowland, 1859. 145 p. roy. 8~. STEELE'St (O. G.) Western Guide Book....with an appendix....the routes to Oregon and California. Buffalo, 1849. 72 p. 18~. STEELEt, Sir Richard. The Importance of Dunkirk consider'd in defence of the Guardian of Aug. 7th. 4th edition, London, 1713. 40 p. 80. Pam. v. 442. [ SUPPL.] 100 791 GENERAL LIBRARY. STEELE, Sir Richard: - The Crisis; or a Discourse representing..the just causes of the late happy revolution..... with some seasonable remarks on the danger of a popish successor..... London, 1713. 37 p. 4~. Pam. v. 1004. Letter.. concerning the bill for preventing the growth of schism. London, 1714. 23 p. 4~. Pam. v. 1004. The Conscious Lovers,-a comedy...London, 1755. 12~. Pam. v. 621. See Tatler (The). STEELE ( Thomas), esq. Analytical Exposition of the absurdity and iniquity of the Oaths, when taken by Protestants or any other sects of Christians, that the sacrifice of the Mass, &c....are damnable... London, 1829. 79 p. 80. Pam. v. 347. STEENMEYER, Joannes. Leerredenen. Amsterdam, 1783.- Leerredenen. Utrecht, 1804. 2 v. in 1. 8~. STEIGENBERGER, Gerhoh. Literarisch-kritische Abhandlung iiber die zwo alleralteste gedruckte deutsche Bibeln, welche in der kurftirstl. Bibliothek in Mtinchen aufbewahrt werden... Miinchen, 1787. 63 p. 40. STEINMETZ, Andrew. History of the Jesuits...... and present state. London, 1848. 3 v. 8~. STENGEL, Stephan von. Philosophische Betrachtungen iiber die Alpen. 1786. 32 p. See Koen. Baier. Ak. Reden, v. 3. STENNETT, Joseph. Sermon, occasion'd by the Death of Mr. John Piggott, Minister of the Gospel, Mar. 29, 1713: lHeb. iv, 9. London. 80. Pam. v. 365. Sermon, Thanksgiving successes, Feb. 17, 1709: Gen. xiv, 1820. London. 8~. Pam. v. 364. STENNETT (Samuel), D.D. Sermon, Death of John Gill, D.D.: 2 Tim. iv, 7, 8; address at interment by B. Wallin. 2d edition. London, 1772.- Sermon occasioned by the death of George II: 1 Chron. xxix, 27, 28. London, 1760.- Sermon, Decease of Caleb Evans, D.D.: Heb. xiii, 8. London, 1792. 89. Pam. v. 381. STrENOGRAPHISCHE NACHRICHIITEN aus Lissa.: 6 Nos., Juli-Dec. 1856. 18~. Pam. v. 513. STEPHANINI, J. The Personal Narrative of:... a native of Arta in Greece, including accounts of the capture of Patras.....New-York, 1829. 132 p. 12~. STEPHEN, Sir George. The Royal Pardon vindicated, in reference to the claims of Mr, XW. H. Barber on the justice of the country. 5th edition. London, 1852. xxviii, 132 p. 8~. Pam. v. 389. STEPHENt, James. A Defence of the Bill for the registration of slaves. Letter I, II. London, 1816. 50, 218 p.- Speech, at An. meeting of African Institution, 1817. London. 56 p. 80. Pain. v. 435. [- ] See Dangers of the Country...1807. Cat. 1855. STEPHENS (Alexander H.), of Ga. Speech, U. S. HI. of R., on the rights of members to their seats..Washington, 1844. 12 p. 8'. Pam. v. 487. FIRST SUPPLEMENT. 795 - Speech, U. S. H. of R., on the Mexican war and taxation. 1848. 16 p. 8~. Pam. v. 486. - Speech, U. S. H. of R., Admissioni of Kansas under Topeka constitution. Washington, 1856. 80. Pain. v. 561. [STEPHENS, Edward]. Socrates Christianus, Pseud. See Appeal to heaven, 1691; also, Important questions of State, 1689. STEPHENSt, H. Thesaurus LinguLe Grmecse. See Etienne, I1. STEPHENS, Henry. Cholera: An analysis of its epidemic, endemic and contagious character.... 3d ed. London, 1854. 32 p. 80. Pam. v. 405. STEPHENS ( James Francis), F.L.S. Illustrations of British Entomology; or A synopsis of indigenous insects: Containing their generic and specific distinctions; with an account of their metamorphoses, times of appearance, localities, food and economy, as far as practicable.... Embellished with coloured figures of the rarer and more interesting species. Lond. 1828 - 46. 7 v. & supplement. In 12 v. 8~. STEPHIENS, Thomas. New System of broad and small sword exercise..... To which are added instructions in horsemanship. Illustrated by...engravings... Philadelphia, 1844. 116 p. 12~. STEPHENS (Rev. William), of Sutton. Sermon before the Lord Mayor, Jan. 30, 1694: Lam. v, 16. London.- Sermon... on Deliverance of his Majesty from assassination, Ap. 16, 1696: Col. iii, 15. London. - Sermon, House of Commons, Jan. 30, 1700: Tit. iii, 1. London. 4~. Pam. v. 361. [ — ] See Account of...Deism, 1696. Sermon, Sutton, Dec. 31, 1706: John viii, 32. London. 8~. Pam. v. 363. A Second Deliverance from popery and slavery: A sermon at Surrey, Sept. 19, 1744. London. 8~. Pam. v. 366. STEPHENS (Rev. William), of Plymouth. Sermon, of the Holy Ghost, Oxford: Acts v, 3, 4. Oxford, 1717. 80.' Sermon, Divinity of Christ, Oxford: Heb. i, 6. Oxford, 1722, 8~. Pam, v. 366. STEPHENTOWN BAPTIST ASSOCIATION, N.Y.: 26th Anniversary, 1857. Albany, 1857. 80~. Pam. v. 466. STERNBERG, Thomas. The Dialect and Folk-lore of Northamptonshire. London, 1851. xvi, 200 p. 18~. STEUBEN (N.Y.) TEACHERS' INSTITUTE: Catalogue, 1852. 8~. Pam. v. 457. STEVEN, Robert. Remarks on the present state of Ireland...improvement of the peasantry of that country..... and the schools of the London Hibernian Society. 2d edition. Lond. 1822. 72 p. 8~. Pam. v. 423. STEVENSt (Abel), LL.D. The History of the Religious movement of the eighteenth century, called Methodism.... New-York, 1858, 59. 2 v. 12~. STEVENS, Charles Emery. Anthony Burns: A History. Boston.... 1856. 120. STEVENSt, Henry. American Bibliographer. Vol. 1, No. 1, 2: Jan., Feb. 1854. London. 96 p. 8~. A to Cur. 796 GENERAL LIBRARY. STEVENS, Henry: Catalogue of my English Library, collected and described by Henry Stevens, G.M.B., S.F.A...... London, 1853. 108 p. 18~. -- ~Bibliotheca Americana: American Nuggetts; or a Descriptive account of my collection of rare books relating to America:...... London, Whittingham, 1858. 805 p. In 2 v. 180. 2934 full titles. - Catalogue of American Books in the Library of the British Museum. London, 1857. 628 p. in 2 v. 8~. STEVENSt (Isaac I.), U.S.A. Address on the Northwest...before the A. G. & S. S. at N.Y. Washington, 1858. 56 p. 8~. See American Geog. & Stat. Soc. STEVENS, John. A New Collection of Voyages...London, 1711. See Argensola, Lawson, Cieza, Mouette, Teixeira, Cauche. Cat. 1855. STEVENS, John. A Method of ascertaining the Latitude in the northern hemisphere by a single altitude of the polar star..Cambridge, Eng. 1800. 16 p. 8~. Pam. v. 402. STEVENS, Thaddeus. favor of the bill to establish a School of arts in the City of Philadelphia.... Harrisburg, Pa. 1838. 8~. Pam. v. 499. STEVENSt (W. B.), M.D., D.D. Address. See Merchants Fund. ---- A HIistory of IT. Phil'a, 1859. 8~. STEVENSON, T. G. Catalogues of Books...on sale. Edinburgh, 1852, 53.. 8. Cat. v. 97. STEVENSON, William. A Letter from Fort St.George, in the EastIndies, concerning the Protestant mission in, 1721. 12~. Pam. v. 384. STEWART (Andrew), of Pa. Speech, U.S. House of Rep., on the Tariff, 1824? Washington. 24 p. 80. Pain. v. 290. Speech, U.S. House of R., on...Protection of wool and woollen manufactures, Feb. 1, 1827. 16 p. 8~. Pam. v. 290. Speech, U.S. H. of R-..... relating to the Tariff, Dec. 9, 1845. 16 p. 80. Pam. v. 290. Speech, U.S. H. of R., in favor of Western improvements, 1844. 16 p.- Speech, U.S. H. of Rep., on the Presidential question. Washington, 1848. 16 p. 8~. Pam. v. 487.- Speech, in Defence of the Tariff and distribution, Mar. 13, 1844. Pamin. v. 193. -~ Speech, U.S. H. of Rep., in Review of the Free-trade doctrines contained in Mr. Walker's Ann. report on finances, Jan. 11, 1848. 8~. Pam. v. 290. STEWART, Hon. 4 Rev. Charles. The Presence of God in his holy house: A sermon, Dedication of St.Paul's Church; in the Seigniory of St. Armand, Lower Canada, on the 28th July, A.D. 1811. Montreal, -1811. 8~. Pam. v. 441. The Providence of God manifested in the events of the last year: A sermon preached Jan. 1, 1815, in St.Paul's Church, in the Seigniory of St.Armand. Montreal, 1815. 80. Pam. v. 270. Short View of the Present State of the eastern townships in the Province of Lower Canada, bordering on the line 45~....Montreal, 1815. 18 p. 8~. Pam. v. 266. FIRST SUPPLEMENT. 797 STEWARTt ( Rev. Charles S.), U.S.N. Brazil. and La Plata: The Persorial Record of a cruise... **. New-York..1856. 12~. STEWARTt, Dugald. Works. Vol. Ix. Edinburgh, 1856. 1 v. 8~. STEWART, James A. Powers of the Government: Speech, U.S. HI. of R., on African slavery. Washington, 1856. 24 p. 8~. Pam. v. 486. STEWART, Rev. John. Two Sermons on the Past, the Present and the Future state of the Jews: Is. li, 19, 20. Swaffham, Eng. 1826. 8~. Pain. v. 321. STEWART, John. The Moral State of Nations, or Travels over the most interesting parts of the globe to discover the source of moral motion. With The Revelation of Nature, Essay on Materialism and Philosophy of Nature. New-York, 1841. See Bible of Nature. The Moral or Intellectual last will and testament of John Stewart, the traveller, the only man of nature that ever appeared in the world. London, printed for the Author, 1810. 24~. STEWART (Leo.), M.D. Public Health. An Oration...London Med. Soc. London, 1844. 8~0, Pam. v. 404. STEWART, Richard. The English Case exactly set down by Hezekiah's reformation; in a court sermon at Paris:.... 2 Ki. xviii, 22. By -R. Steward. London, 1687. 4~. Pami. v. 361. STEWART, Robert. See Londonderry, Earl of. STEWART, William. The Buik of the Chroniclis of Scotland; or a Metrical version of the History of Hector Boece: Edited by William B. Turnbull...under the direction of the Master of the Rolls. Vol. I. London, 1858. xxix, 655 p. 8~. STICHANERt, Jos. von. Sammlung RImischer Denkmaler in Baiern. Herausgegeben von der k. Ak. der Wissench. zu Minchen. Erstes, Zweytes heft. Mit lithographischen abdriicken. Miunchen, 1808. 1 v. 4~ and f0. [STICOTTI, Antonio]. See Soupirs d'Euridice, 1770. STIEREN (Dr. Eduard), in Pennsylvania. Beitrag zur Kenntniss der Zibethmaus. 14 p. 8~. Pam. v. 205. STIERNMAN, A. A. Bibliotheca Suiogothica in qua, praemissa de philosophia gothorum, eorumque in literas meritis, dissertatione, reges. heroes, magnates, atque viri ab antiquissimis retro temporibus, sc. anno mundi MMACCCLXII eruditionis fama clari atque insignes, enumerantur..... Holmice, 1731. Tomus Secundus in quo exhibentur tempora.. Caroli Noni atque Gustavi Adolphi ab anno Christi 1600 usque ad annum 1632, et qui sub illis floruerunt. 876 p. and index. 4~. All that was published. STILESt (Ezra), D.D., LL.D. The United States elevated to glory and honor: A-Sermon Hartford, at the anniversary election, May 8th, 1783. 2d edition corrected. Worcester, Thomas, 1785. 172 p. 12~. Also see, Thornton, J.,W. STILES (Henry R.), M.D. The -History of Ancient Windsor, Conn., including East-Windsor, South-Windsor and Ellington, prior to 1768... and Windsor, Bloomfield and Windsor Locks to the present time. Also the genealogies.....prior to 1800. New-York, 1859. 922 p. 8~. 798 GENERAL LIBRARY. STILESt (Joseph C.), D.D. Speech on the Slavery Resolutions. Gen. Asseam. of the Pr'esbyterian Church in Detroit. New-York, 1850. 63 p. 8~. Pam. v. 562. STILLINCGELEET, Bp. Edward. [Sermons]. I v. 4~. Contents: Sermon before the King, Mar. 13, 1667: Prov. xiv, 9. London. Sermon, Nov. 5, 1673: Matt. vii, 15, 16. 3d edition. London. Sermon, Mar. 7, 1679: Matt. x, 16. London. Mischief of Separation, Sermon, May 2, 1680: Phil. iii, 16. London. Protestant Charity, Easter 1681: Gal. vi, 9. London. Of the Nature of Superstition, Mar. 31, 1682: Col. ii, 23. London. Sermon, Feb. 15, 1684: Job xxiii, 15. London. Ordination Sermon, Mar. 15, 1685: 1 Tim. v, 22. An Answer to some Papers lately printed, concerning the authority of the Catholic church...London, 1686. 72 p. Anon. Scripture and Tradition compared: A Sermon, Nov. 27, 1687: Col. ii, 6. London, 1688. A Discourse concerning the nature and grounds of the certainty of faith, in answer to J. S. his Catholick letters. London, 1688. Sermon, Feb. 22, 1689: 1 Pet. iv, 18. London. 116 p. Sermon, Mar. 23, 1690, before the King and Queen: Eccl. xi, 9. London. Reformation of Manners, Sermon at Whitehall: I Sam. ii, 30. 1700. Mysteries of the Christian Faith asserted and vindicated: A Sermon, Apr. 7, 1691: 1 Tim. i, 15. London. [ —] The Doctrines and Practices of the Church of Rome truly represented, in answer to...A Papist misrepresented. London, 1686. 124 p. 40. Paml. v. 356. [-] A Discourse concerning the unreasonableness of a new separation on account of the oaths. With an answer to the history of passive obedience so far as relates to them. London, 1689. 42 p. 4~. Paim. v. 408. STILLMANt (Samuel), D.D. Sermon, Boston, May 26, 1779; being the Anniversary for the Election of the Hon. Council. Boston, N.E. 1779. 8~. Pam.' v. 441. Thoughts on the French Revolution: A Sermon, Nov. 20, 1794, Thanksgiving: MIatt. xxiv, 6 - 8. Boston, 1795. 8~. Pam. v. 559. STILSAIIAN, John. Sermon, Leicester, Oct. 2, 1707: Heb. xiii, 17. London. 8~. Pam. v. 364. STIMSON, A. L. History of the Express companies, and the origin of American Railroads.. New-York, 1858. 40 p. 8~. STINCIHFIILD, Ephraim. Unitarianism Delineated; or a Description of and specific for, a religious the counties of York and Cumberland.....Iaine. By a Watchman. Boston, 1819. 16 p. 8~. Pam. v. 488. STINTON ( George), D.D., F.R.S. Sermon: 1 Ep. Pet. ii, 17; H. of Commons; Fast Day, Feb. 10, 1779. London. 4~. Pam. v. 1008. STIPENDIARY (A) Romish Priesthood, being a review of an Rev. D. O. Croly. ( From Dub. Univ. Mag.). Dublin, 1835. 31 p. 8~. Pamn. v. 342. FIRST SUPPLEMENT. 799 STIRLINGt, Earl of. Catalogue of library of:.... auction. London, 1839. 63 p. 80. Cat. v. 95. STOCK, J. S. Lady Hewley's Charities: Observations on the case... London, 1836. 80. Pam. v. 317. STOCKIIARDTt, Julius Adolph. Chemical Field Lectures: AFamiliar Exposition of the chemistry of agriculture, addressed to farmers... Trans. from the German. Edited with notes by A. Henfrey, F.R.S., F.L.S.... To which is added a paper on irrigating with liquid manure, by J. J. Mechi, esq. London..Bohn, 1855. 120. STOCKTON ( Robt. F.), of N.J. Letter of Commodore Stockton to D. 14ebster, on the slavery question. New-York, 1850. 23 p. 120. Pam. v. 626. ---- Speech, U.S. Sen., on Flogging in the navy. Washington, 1852. 16 p. 8~. Pam. v. 521, 193. Remarks, U.S. Sen., on the Compromise measures. Washington, 1852. 11 p. Pam. v. 486. A Sketch of the Life of:...; with Appendix.. with his Speeches in the Senate of the United States, and his political letters. NewYork, 1856. 80. STOCKTON, T. H. Circular: To the Bible-reading public. Philadelphia, 1858. 8~. Pam. v. 468. ~TODDARD'S DIARY, oR THE COLUMBIA ALMANACK: A. Beers, Hudson, N.Y. 1798, 1800,'01,'04,'16,'18,'19,'22,'23,'24,'25,'29,'31,'32,'33,'34,'36,'37. In 1 v. 120.- Also, 1797, 99, 1800, 04, 1805, Alm. v. 16; 1814, Alm. v. 23; 1809, Aim. v. 33; 1850, 51, Almn. v. 28. STODDARD, Anthony. A Genealogy of the Family of Anthony Stoddard, of Boston.@*@ Boston..1849. 23 p. 8~. STODDARD, David T. Narrative of the Late Revival among the Nestorians, read at Oroomiah, Persia... Boston, 1847. 28 p. 12~. Pam. v. 296. STODDARD, Prof. John F. The American Philosophical Arithmetic.. New-York, 1853. 12~. STODDARD, Solomon. Three Sermons lately preached at Boston... To which a fourth is added, to stir up young men and maidens to praise the name of the Lord. Boston in N.E., B. Green, 1717. 118 p. 180. STODDARD, William. The Federal Calculator, or American Schoolmaster's Assistant...of federal arithmetic.... Altered from Dilworth' D. Hawley. 4th ed..improved by:... Troy, 1815. 232 p. 12~. STOKES, George. Bible Society: Remarks upon the recent accusations against the committee of the British and Foreign Bible Society.... 2d edition. London, 1826. 48 p. 8~. Pam. v. 383. STOKES (Rev. J. O.), of Hunt's Hollow and Nunda, N.Y. A Vindication of the Archbishop of Canterbury; or, an Apology for the English church, in not tolerating the errors of Archdeacon Denison. New-York, 1855. 80. Pam. v. 219. STONARD (John), D.D. A Letter to the Bp. of Chester, occasioned by H. L.'s letter to the clergy of his diocese. Lound. 1829. 38 p. 80. Pam. v. 347. 800 GENERAL LIBRARY. STONE+, Edwin M. Seven Features of Christianity: A Sermon, Dedication of the Beverly, Feb. 1, 1838. Salem, 1838. 8. Pamn. v. 106...- -The Life and Recollections of John Howland, late President of the Rhode-Island Hist. Soc. Providence, 1857. 12~. STONE, Rev. James P. A History of Greenboro' and the Congregational church: A semi-centennial discourse, Nov. 24, 1854. Montpelier, Vt. 8~. STONEt (John S.), D.D. The Influence of the Bible on the intellectual powers, 1838. See Lectures. STONE, Richard. The Servants' True Friend, and general family receipt-book. London, 1836. 58 p. 180. Pam. v. 402. STONE, Rollin S. Manual...of the Congregational Church, Danbury, Conn. Albany, 1853. 24 p. 18~. Pam. v. 484. STONE (Rev. Timothy), Lebanon, Conn. The Nature and Evil of selfishness considered..... a Sermon: 2 Tim. iii, 2. Norwich, 1788. 32 p. 80. Pam. v. 559. STONE, Thomas T. Justification: A Sermon preached Dec. 13, 1846. Salem, 1847. 8~. Pam. v. 106. STONEt, William L. Remarks on the Report of:.... to the Board of Education of... New-York. N.Y. 1843. 12 p. 80. Pam. v. 552...-..Uncas and Miantonomoh: a Historical Discourse, delivered Norwicth, Conn. July 4, 1842, on the occasion of the erection of a monument to the memory of Uncas, the white man's friend, and first chief of the Mohegans. New-York, 1842. x, 209 p. 18~. STOPrORD, Rev. Edward. A. Letter to the Clergy of the Diocese of Raphoe, caused by two letters of Rev. R. J. M'Ghee. on the present situation of the church. Dublin, 1833. 49 p. 8~. Pam. v. 342. STORCH, A. Antiquariseher Katalog: Bohemica et Slavica ab a. 1731 - 1857...Prag, 1858. 132 p. 80. STORRS, Rev. George. An Inquiry: Are the souls of the wicked immortal? In six sermons. Albany, 1842. 64 p. 8~. Pam. v. 559. SToRRs, Rev. Henry L. Notice of: 1852. See Kane, J. I. STORRSt ( Henry R.), of N.Y. Substance of Whitesboro', July 4, 1828, for the purpose of nominating an elector of president. Utica, 1828. 23 p. 8~. Pam. v. 526, 197. --- Speech, U.S. H. of R., on the Bill for the removal of the Indians...Utica, 1830. 53 p. 8~. Pam. v. 508. SToRRS ( Richard S.), D.D., of Braintree, Mass. See Dialogue, 1806. - Iemoir of the Rev. Samuel Green, late Pastor of Union church. Boston, 1836. 12~. Discourse, Dorchester, Funeral of John Codman, D.D. 2d ed. Boston, 1848. 40 p. 8~. Pamn. v. 554, 238. Discourse, American Home Missionary Soc. N.York, 1855. 8~. Pam. v. 525. STORRS ( Richard S.) jr., D.D. The Obligation of Man to obey the civil law; its ground and extent: A Discourse.....Brooklyn, N.Y. New-York, 1850. 44 p. 8~. Pam. v. 557. FIRST SUPPLEMENT. 801 be used for Christ: A Discourse, Providence, R.I. before Soc. Pro. Coll1. Ed. at the West. New-York, 1856. 8~. Pam. v. 491. -- Graham Lectures: The Constitution of the human soul. Six lectures delivered at the Brooklyn Institute, Brooklyn, N.Y. NewYork..1857. 80~. STORYt, Joseph. Discourse, Essex Historical Society, Sept. 18, 1828, in commemoration of the first settlement of Salem. Boston, 1828. 8~. Pam. v. 215. ---- A Discourse upon the Life... of.'. John Marshall.. Boston, 1835. 74 p. 8". Pam. v. 494. STOUT, Peter F. Nicaragua; Past, Present and Future....Philadelphia, 1859. 372 p. 12~. STOW (Horatio J.), of Niagara co. Encroachments... of Slavery: Speech, N.Y. Sen. Jan. 29, 1858. 8~. PaLm. v. 561. STow, Timothy. A Sermon: National Responsibility, and the duty of the ministry in relation to politics. Rochester, 1846. 8~. Pam. v. 441. STOWEt ( Calvin E.), D.D. Report on Elementary public instruction in Europe..lllass. Leg. Doct. Repr. Boston, 1838. 68 p. 80. Pam. v. 490. STOWEt, Harriet Beecher. The Mayflower; or Sketches of scenes and characters among the descendants of the Pilgrims. New-York.... 1844..180. A Key to Uncle Tom's Cabin, presenting the original facts and documents upon which the story is founded... Boston, 1853. 262 p. roy. 8~.....- Dred; a Tale of the Great Dismal Swamp. Boston.....1856. 2 v. 120. The Minister's Wooing. New-York, 1859. 12~. STOWER, C. The Printer's Grammar; or Introduction to the art of printing: containing a concise history of the art.,.London, 1808.With Specimens of modern cut printing types from the founderies of Messrs. Fry & Steele, and Messrs. Caslon & Catherwood. 530 p. 8~. STRABOt. Geography. Vol. 2, 3. London, Bohn, 1857. 2 v. 120. STRACHAN, Rev. John. A Discourse on the character of King George the Third. Addressed to the inhabitants of British America. Montreal, 1810. 87 p. 8~. Pam. v. 503. STRACHEYt, W. For the Colony in Virginea Britannia: Lawes divine...London, 1612. See Force's Tracts,, v. 3. STRANG, Jesse. The Authentic Confession of: executed at Albany.. for the murder of J. Whipple..., New-York, 1827. 18~. Pam. v. 103. STRASBURG ACADEMY, Lancaster Co., Penn'a. Catalogue, 1847. 8~. Pam. v. 458. STRATFORD (N.), D.D. Sermon, before the King, Dec. 25, 1682: Bom. viii, 3. London. 4~. Pam. v. 359. STRATTON, R. B. Captivity of the Oatman girls, being an interesting narrative of life among the Apache and Mohave Indians.....New. York, 1858. 290 p. 120. [SUPPL.] 101 802 GENERAL LIBRARY. STRAUSS, Andreas. Opera Rariora quse latitant in Bibliotheca Canon. Reg. collegiatse ecclesise ad S. Joannem Baptistamn in IRebdorf. Collegit, notis illustravit et edidit...Eichstadii, 1790. 350 p. 4~. STREATFEILD, T. Sermon, Mar. 3, 1811 Lukie xxiv, 8, 9. London. 4~. Pani. v. 362. STREBER, Franz. Ueber die Gorgonen Fabel, oder Erkldrung eines Etrurisehen Bronce-Reliefs in der Glijptothek zu Miinchen, 1834. 34 p. 40. See IKoen. Baier. Ak. Reden, v. 5. Rede zunm Andenken an...Ignatz von Streber. 1843. 24 p. See Koen. Baier. Ak. Reden, v. 5. STREETt, Alfred B. Poem: Astronomy. See Dudley Observatory. The Battle of Saratoga, read before the N.Y. Hist. Soc. Slips from the Hist. Mag. 1858. In 1 v. 4~. The Council of Revision of the State of New-York; its history, a history of the courts with which its members were connected; biographical sketches- of its members; and its vetoes. Albany, 1859. 8o. - Woods and Waters; or The Saranacs and Racket...-New-York, 1860. 345 p. 12~. STREETER, Gilbert L. An Account of the Newspapers and other Periodicals published in Salem, from 1768 to 1856. Salem, 1856. 33 p. 8~. Pam. v. 233. STRETTELL, Amos. A Catalogue of the...library of:... old poetry, curious tracts..... which will be sold Feb. 29, 1820. London. 62 p. 8~. VWith prices and purchasers. STRICKER ( John), esq. A Sketch of the Life and Character of Marcus Tullius Cicero. Baltimore, 1835. 243 p. 120. STRICKLAND'S NORTIHWESTERN ALMANAC for 1858. Milwaukee, Wis. 12~. Alm. rv. 34. STRICKLANDt ( W. P.), D.D. History of the American Bible Society. With an introduction, by Rev. N. L. Rice, D.D., of Cincinnati. New-York....1856. 8''. - The Pioneer Bishop; or the Life and times of Francis Asbury... With an introduction by Nathan Bangs, D.D. New-York, 1858. 496 p. 12~. STRICKLAND, WV. P. Old Mackinaw; or the Fortress of the lakes and its surroundings. Philadelphia, 1860. 404 p. 12~. STRICTURESt & OBSERVATIONS upon the three Executive Departments of the Government of the United States: Calculated to show the necessity of some change therein... By Massachusettensis. United States of America, 1792. 32 p. 8~. Pam. v. 220. STRICTURES on a Pamphlet. Albany, 1801. See Tullius Americanus. STRICTURES on a Voyage to South America, as indited by the " Secretary to the ( late) Mission" to La Plata; including Observations on the capability of the Spani;,h Americans for civil liberty.... By a Friend of truth and sound policy. Baltimore..1820. 175 p. 8~. STRICTURES on Subjects chiefly relating to the established religion and the clergy, in two letters to his patron, from a Country Clergyman. London, 1807. 117 p. 8~. Pam. v. 323. FIRST SUPPLEMENT. 803 STRICTURES on the Landed and Commercial Interest of the U. States, for 1786. By Philxni. New-York, F. Childs. 20 p. 8'. Pam. v. 261. STRICTURES on the Prophecies of[ Richard Brothers and... N. B. Halhed, esq. By a Country Curate. Oxford, 1795. 35 p. 8~. Pam. v. 310. STRICTURES on the Publication of Count Dal Pozzo, " On the happiness \which the Italians might and ought to attain under the Austrian government".... By P- A-. Loend. 1834. 85 p. 80. Pall. v. 415. STRICTURES upon the Declaration of the Congress at Philadelphia; in a Letter to a Noble Lord. By Gov. Hutchinson? London, 1776. 32 p. 8~. STRINGFELLOW, Rev. Thornton. A Brief Examination of Scripture testimony on the institution of slavery. In an essay... 1841. Washington, 1850. 32 p. 8~. Pam. v. 562. Two Letters on Cases of Cure at Fauquier White Sulphur Springs; embracing also mineral waters in general. Washington, 1851. 80. Pam. v. 89. STRINGHAM, Joseph. Address to the Republican Club of Buffalo, 1856. 14 p. 80. Pam. v. 259, 537. STRONGt, Cyprian. Sermon, Ordination of J. Bushnell, as Missionary to the new settlements. Hartford, 1800. See Miss. Soc. of Conn. STRONG (Joseph), D.D. Sermon, Interment of Rev. Asahel Hooker.. of Norwich. Norwich, 1813. 8~. Pain. v. 554. STRONG'S (N.) ALMIANACK, Springfield, Mass. E. Gray, 1795, 97. 12~. Aim. v. 19. STRONGt (Nathan), D.D. Sermons on Various Subjects, doctrinal, experimental and practical. Hartford, 179S. 2 v. 8~. - Sermon, at the Execution of Richard Doane: Hos. vi, 6. Hartford, 17.97. 21 p. 8~. Pam. v. 554. A Discourse, Dec. 27, 1799.....Death of Gen. G. Washington. Hartford, 1800. 8~. STRONG ( Nath. T.), a Chief of the Seneca Tribe. Appeal to the Christian community on the condition and prospects of the New-York Indians...Buffalo, 1841. 63 p. 80. Pam. v. 508. STRONG'S (T:W.) ComIC ALMIANAC for 1855. New-York. 120. Alm. v. 30. STRUTT, Joseph. A Biographical Dictionary; containing an historical account of all the engravers, from the earliest period..... With the cyphers, monograms, and particular marks used by each master... To which is prefixed, An Essay on the rise and progress of the art of engraving.... London, 1785, 86. 366, 458 p. in 2 v. 4~. With 17 engravings, facsimiles. STRUVE, Burcardus G. Bibliotheca Philosophica in suas classes distributa. Editio tertia. Jense 1712.- IVith Jo. Henrici Ackeri Supplementa.... Jene (1714), and B. G. Struvii Bibliotheca juris selecta, secundum ordinem literarium disposita, atque ad singulas juris partes directa...Ed. quartae Jenua 1714. 203, 120, 730 p. and indices in 1 v. 18. 804 GENERAL LIBRARY. STRUVE (Christian Augustus),, M.D. A Practical Essay on the art of recovering suspended animation; together with a review of the most proper and effectual means to be adopted in cases of imminent danger. From the German. Albany...1803. 18~. STRYKER'St AMERICAN REGISTER AND MAGAZINE, 1851, Vol. VI. New-York (1853). 8~. STRYKER, Rev. Peter. A Historical Discourse, delivered at the last service held in the Rtef. Prot. Dutch Church, corner of Broome and Greene-sts. New-York, Ap. 15, 1860. New-York, 1860. 86 p. 12~. STUARTt, Charles B. Engineers' Report for supplying the City of Rochester with water from various Stuart & Marsh, New-York, 1853. 80. Pani. v. 274. Engineers' Report on the Niagara Ship Canal, made to the Commnissioners....of New-York, by C. B. S. & Edward W. Serrell.... New-York, 1854. 8~. Pam. v. 273. Circular to the Civil and Military Engineers of America. Buffalo, 1859. 8 p. 80. Pam. v. 493. Reports. See Great Western Railway, Canada; Lockport and Niagara Railroad. STUARTt, Isaac W. Life of Jonathan Trumbull sen., Gov. of Conn. 2d edition. Boston, 1859. 700 p. 80; [ STUART, J.]. See Observations on the Union of Canada. Cat. 1855. STUART, James. Correspondence between J. S. and the printer of the Beacon, Mr. Stevenson. London, 1821. 27 p. 8~. Pam. v. 389. STUART, James. The Antiquities of Athens and other monuments of Greece as measured and delineated by J. S. & N. Revett..71 plates. 3d edition...London, Bohn, 1858. 12~. See Elgin Marbles, 1816. STUART, Martinus. De Brief van Jakobus in Leerredenen. Vol. I, II. Amsterdam, 1804, 5. In 1 v. 8~. STUARTt, Moses. A Grammar of the Hebrew Language. 5th edition. Andover...1835. 89. A Hebrew Chrestonmathy, designed as the first volume of a Course of Hebrew study. 1829. Andover, Mass. 243 p.- Course of Hebrew study adapted to the use of beginners...Vol. II. Andover, 1830. 204 p. In 1 v. 80. Sermon...before the Administration of the Lord's Supper:... John x, 27, 28. New-Haven, 1810. 8~0. Pam. v. 25. ----- Sermon at the Ordination of the Rev. William G. Schauffler, as Missionary to the Jews...Nov. 14, 1831. Andover, 1831. 8~. Pam. v. 270. Scriptural View of the Wine Question, in a letter to the Rev. Dr. Nott...New-York, 1848. 64 p. 8~. Pam. v. 292. [-] See Webster ( Mr.) and the Andover Address, 1844. - Conscience and the Constitution, with Remarks on the recent Speech of Hon. Daniel Webster...on...slavery. Boston, 1850. 119 p. 80. Pam. v. 562. FIRST SUPPLEMENT. 805 STUART, William. Oration, Uranian Society, N.Y., Quarterly Meeting, Mar. 12, 1793. New-York, 1794. 8~. Pam. v. 454. STUBBES, Henry. A Censure upon certaine passages contained in the History of the Royal Society, as being destructive to the established religion...~*'. Oxford, 1670. 64 p. 4~. Pam. v. 354. [ —— ] See Justification of the War against Netherlands, 1672. STUBS, Philip. Sermon, before the Lord Mayor, Nov. 20, 1692: IfMatt. xxviii, 19. London, 1708. 80.- Sermon, May 14th, 1693 Heb. vi, 2. London, 1708. 8~. Pam. v. 363. Sermon at Thanksgiving, May 26, 1706, Greenwich.....on occasion of the glorious successes:... Is. lvii, 19. London. 4~. Pam. v. 1005. STUD-BooKt FRANQAIS, Relgistre des Chevaux de Pur Sang, importes ou nes en France, publie par ordre du Ministre d'Agriculture et du Commerce. Deu-xieme edition. Tome ler. Paris, 1851. 1 v.- Premier Supplement, 1851, 52, 53. Paris, 1854. 1 v. 576, lii, 299.p. In 2 v. 8~. STUKELEYt (William), F.R.S. National Judgments, the consequence of a national profanation of the Sabbath: A Sermon, H. of Commons, Jan. 30, 1742. London. sm. 40~. Pam. v. 189. STURGES (Rev. John), LL.D. [ Writings of], in 1 v. 8~. Contents: A Letter to a Bishop, occasioned by the late Petition to Parliament for relief in the matter of subscription. London, 1772. 58 p. ilnon. Considerations on the Present State of the Church establishment, in letters...London, 1779. 167 p. Short Remarks on a New Translation of a letter. Lond.- 1791. 37 p. Thoughts on the Residence of the Clergy... Winchester, 1802. 64 p. - eflections on the Principles and Institutions of Popery....occasioned by the Rev. John Milner's History of Winchester..... Winchester, 1799. 120 p. 40. Pam. v. 1004. STURLESONt, Snorro. The Heimskringla; or Chronicle of the Kings of Norway. Trans. from the Icelandic of:...; with a Preliminary dissertation, by S. Laing..London, 1844. 3 v. 80. STURM, C. C. Morning Communings with God....Trais. by W. Johnstone. 7th edition. London, Bohn, 1858. 12~. STURM, Leon C. Prodromus Architecturse Go]dmanniane... In German. Augsburg, 1714. With 75 plates, ob. gr. f~. STIURMY, D. Sermon, Death of H. R. H. the Prince, Oct. 31, 1708: Ps. cxlvi, 2. London. 8~. Pam. v. 364. STURTEVANT (J. M.), D.D. Address, Society for Pro. Ceoll. and Theol. Education at the West, in Boston. New-York, 1853. 28 p. 8~. Pam. v. 294. American Emigration: Discourse, Am. Home Miss. Soc. NewYork, 1857. 8~. Pam. v. 492. STYLESt, John. The Design of God in blessing us: A Sermon: Gen. xii, 2, for the Royal Lancasterian Inst. With an Appendix. London, 1812. 114 p. 8~. Pam. v. 387. 806 GENERAL LIBRARY. STYLES (T. L.), Z.S..S. An Alarm in Zion, and a Warning Voice to the congregation assembling at Union Chapel, Chelsea... London, 1828. 68 p.- A Second Alarm in Zion; the Golden Wedge discovered in God's house..London, 1833. xx, 224 p- A Dish of First Fruits... a supplementary addition to an Alarm in Zion... London, 1828. 24 p.- Truth. in answer to Truth....London, 1828. 8 p. 8~. Pam. v. 455. SUARD, J. B. A. Catalogue des Livres de la Bibliotheque de:.. vente... 7 Jan. 1818. Paris, 1817. 179 p. 80. SUBMISSIVE (A) ANSWER to Mr. Hoadly's I-Humble Reply to my Lord Bishop of Exeter. By a Student at Oxford. London, 1709. 16 p. 8~. Pam. v. 349. SUBSTANCE (The) of a Speech which ought. to have been spoken in a certain assembly upon the motion made by.... H. Grattan, May 25, 1808, on the petition from the Roman Catholics of Ireland.. With Supp. notes. 2d edition. London, 1810. 95 p. 8~. Pam. v. 423. SUCKLING, Sir John. Poems, &c. London, 1646. 49 p.- Letters to divers personages;..London, 1646. 119 p.- Aglaura..Lond. 1646. - The Goblins-: A comedy. London, 1646.- Brennoralt: A tragedy. London, 1646. In 1 v. 12~. SUDBURY, John. Sermon, before the King, May 7, 1676: 1 Tim. iii, 15. London, Savoy 4.4~ Pam. v. 359. SUEt, Eugene. Le Juif Errant: T. I, II. New-Yorkl Semaine Litteraire, 1844, 45. 1 v. 8~. -- Martin l'Enfant trouve, ou les Mm-eoires d'un Valet de chambre. New-York, Sem. Litt. 1846. 8~. -... Les Sept Peches capitaux: T. I, II. New-York, Sem. Litt. 1848. 8. - Fernand Duplessis, ou Memoires d'un Mari. New-York, Sem. Litt. 1851. 8~. Les Mysteres du Peuple, ou Histoire d'une Famille de prol6taires, a travers les ages. New-York, Sem. Litt. 1852. 8~. SUFFIELD, Conn. Proceedings at Suffield, Sept. 16, 1858, on the occasion of the 150th Anniversary of the decease of the Rev. B. Ruggles, first Pastor of the First Congr. Church. Springfield, Mass. 1859. 118. 8~. SUFFOLK AIANUFACTURING COMPANY: 25th Report. Boston, 1857. 8~. Pam. v. 298. SUFFOLK-ST. GALLERYa: Catalogue of the Prize cartoons. 8~. Pam. v. 400. SUGGESTIONS for the Defence of Great Britain, without increased expenditure. London, 1851. 31 p. 8~. Pam. v. 406. SUIDAS. Lexicon, Grace'. Col. Anno ab Incarnatione M,CCCC,LXXXXVIII die xv Nouembris, Impressum Mediolani impensa et dexteritate D. Demetrii Chalcondyli Ioannis Bissoli Benedicti Mangii Carpensium. f. First edition. SULLIVANt, John L. Practical Principles of Railways, proper for the Climate of the United States, and adapted to the use of the Winans railway carriage. Feb. 1830. 20 p. 80. Pam. v. 285. FIRST SUPPLEMENT. 807 SULLIVAN RAILROAD COMPANY: Third Annual Report. Claremont, N.H. 1849. 8~. Pani. v. 151. SULLYt, 1l. De Bethune, Duke of. Memoirs of the Duke of Sully, Prinie Minister to Henry the Great. Trans. fiom the French. A new edition, revised.. London, Bohn, 1856. 4 v. 12~. SULPICIUS SEVERUS. Pseud. A Letter to Nobody; on the Negligence and misconduct of ecclesiastical superiors, and particularly of a modern bishop. London, 1775. 69 p. 8~. Pam. v. 323. SUMMARY (A) VIEW of the Rights of British America, 1774. See [Jefferson, T.]. Cat. 1855. SUMMER'S ( The) AMUSEMENT.... Songs (30). London. 8 p. 80. Pam. v. 534. SUMNERt, Charles. Freedom National; Slavery Sectional: Speech, U.S. Senate, Aug. 26, Washington, 1852. 31 p. 8~. Pain. v. 486.5th edition, revised. Paln. v. 206. The Demands of Freedom: Speech, U.S. Senate, on... Fugitive slave bill, Feb. 23, 1855. 8~. Pamn. v. 561. The Crime against Kansas: Speech, U.S. Senate, May 19, 1856. New-York, 31 p. 8~. Pam. v. 537. Recent Speeches and Addresses. Boston..1856. 12~. Alleged Assault upon Senator Sumner. L. D. Campbell...made the following Report. House of Repr. Cong. Doct. 1856. 142 p. 8~. Pam. v. 486. SUMNER, Charles Pinckney. A Letter on Speculative Freemasonry.. Boston, 1829. 20 p. 8~. Pam. v. 550. SUMNER, Abp: C. R. Sermon, Charity Schools: Hos. iv, 6, 1826. Lond. 8S. Pam. v. 377. SUMNER, Robert. Concio ad Clerum habita Cantab. 11 April 1768: Acts xvii, 21. London, 1768. 8~. Pam. v. 372. SUMNERt, William H. A History of East-Boston; with Biographical sketches of its early proprietors, and an appendix. Boston, 1858. 801 p. 5. SUNDAY LEGISLATION: Proceedings of a Public meeting, in Buffalo, against closing the canal locks and stopping the mails on Sunday. Buffalo, 1858. 8 p. 8~. Pam. v. 490. SUNDAY SCHOOL SOCIETY: Plan of a Society established in London for the support and encouragement of Sunday-schools..1785. Broadsheet. Newspapers, v. 16. SUNDAYI SCHOOL SOCIETY: Circular and Report, 1854. Boston, 1855. 21 p. 12~. Pain. v. 289.- See also Gannett, E. S. S;UNDERLAND ( Byron), Chaplain. Discourse, 51st Regiment N.Y. S. M.: 2 Tim. vi, 7. Syracuse, 1852. 8~. Pamn. v. 557. SUrERVILLE, Daniel De. le16mens du Christianisme....'i l'usage des plus petits enfans. 5n1e ed. Amst. 1734. 45 p. 180. Pam. v. 109. SUPPRESSED FACTS; being Nobility unveiled, or the private pranks, villanies and amours of the British aristocracy...By a Naturalized citizen...New-York, 1843. 38 p. 8~. Pam. v. 504. 808 GENERAL LIBRARY. SUPREME (The) DEITY of our Lord Jesus Christ, maintained in a letter to the Dedicator of Mr. Emlyn's Inquiry..inscribed to the reverend the clergy of all denominations in New-England... By Rev. Aaron Burr. Boston, N.E., J. Draper, 1757. 92 p. 8~. SURREY, Henry Howard, Earl of. The Poetical Works of:... With a Memoir. Boston..1854. 18~. SURREY MISSION SOCIETY: 42d, 46th Report. London, 1839, 43. 8~. Pam. v. 472. SURTEmS, Rev. Scott F. Education for the People: A Letter, d4c. London, 1846. 58 p. 8~. Pam. v. 388. Church Abuses and Church Reform Four Letters...London, 1849. 42 p. 80. Pam. v. 328. SUSQUEHANNAt AND TIDE-WATER CANAL COMPANIES: Ann. Report....1846, 1852. Baltimore. 8~. Pam. v. 477. SUSQUEHANNA RAILROAD CO.: Report of the Committee composing the delegation, appointed by the citizens of Baltimore, to..convention, Sunbury, May 20th, 1851. Baltimore, 1852. 8~. Pam. v. 285. 1st Report and map. Harrisburgh, Pa. 1854. 33 p. 80. Pam. v. 545. SUssExt, Duke of. Speech, H. of Lords, Ap. 3, 1829, on the Catholic relief bill. London. 8~. Pam. v. 348. Bibliotheca Sussexiana: The extensive and valuable library of:.... Part I, Theology; Part II, Manuscripts; Part III, English, Scotch and Irish History....; Part IV, Classics, Foreign History, Antiquities...., Fine Arts; Part v, Poetry, the Drama...., Law, Bibliography; Part vI.... auction, July 1, 1844-Aug. 11, 1845. London. In 1 v. 8~. SUTHERLAND (Jacob), of N.Y. Speech, U. S. H. of Rep., against the Homestead bill. Washington, 1852. 21 p. Pam. v. 487, 193. SUTTON, Richard. The Arguments in favor of the International Submarine Telegraph, in the Senate of the U.S. Prepared by R. S., Reporter. Washington, 1857. 8~. Pam. v. 255. SVENSKA AKADEMIENS HANDLINGAR: Del. 15, 1832-34; Del. 16, 1836; Del. 17, 1837. 3 v. 8~. SVENSKA MYNT. [ Catalogue and Description of Swedish coins from 1250 to 1844]. 127 p. 8~. SVININE, Paul. Some Details concerning Gen. Moreau and his last moments...Baltimore, 1814. 151 p. 18~. Repr. SWAAN, Joh. S. See Maatschappij Tot nut, etc. SWAIM, William. Cures by his Panacea, 1829. 8~. Pam. v. 229. SWAIN, John H. The Objections of Mr. David Levi to the mission, conduct and doctrine of the Lord Jesus Christ examined..London, 1787. 76 p. 8~. Pam. v. 335. SWALLOW, G. C. Geological Report of the country along the line of the southwestern branch of the Pacific Railroad of the State of Missouri. To which is prefixed a Memoir,.St.Louis, 1859. 93 p. 8~. FIRST SUPPLEMENT. 809 SWAN, James G. The Northwest Coast; or Three Years' residence in Washington territory. With numierous illustrations. N.York, 1857. 435 p. 12. SWANwIcK, John. Poems on several occasions. Philadelphia, 1797. 197 p. 24.0 SWARTTE, Joh. Oude en Regtsinnige Waarheid in't stuk der Sabbathen...2de druk. Leiden, 1727. 697 p. 18'. SWEDENBORPGI, Eminr. The Memorabilia of Swedenborg; or Memorable relations of things seen and heard in heaven and hell. With an Introduction by Geo. Bush. Swedenborg Library, 1- 6. New-York, 1846. xvi, 96 p.- No. 50, Review of Dr. Pond on the facts and philosophy of Swedenborg. By W. B. Hayden. New-York, 1847. 23 p. - Swedenborg on Marriage and its relations..N.Y. 1853. 16 p. 80. Panm'. v. 540. SWEERT, Emanuel. Florilegium amplissimum et selectissimun.... [Catalogus libri primi florum radicibus bulbosis... Pars secunda.... de preeipuis plantis et floribus fibrosas radices habentibuis]... Amsterdam, 1620. Plates f0. SWEET, ReV. James B. Religious Liberty and the Church in chains. Being an obtain a restoration of corrective discipline in the English Church...London, 1847. 88 p. 8~. Pam. v. 328. SWEETSER (Seth), D.D. Ministerial Education. A Discourse, American Education Society. Boston, 1858. 8~. Pain. v. 293. SWETT (William Gray), of Lynn. Five Sermlons. Boston, 1843. 8~. Pain. v. 106. SSWIETEN, Ba/ron G. VAN. The Diseases incident to Armies, with the method of cure. To which are added the nature and trea;tment of gun-shot wounds. By John Ranby, esq..... Likewise, some brief directions to be observed by sea-surgeons in engagements. Also preventatives of the scurvy at sea. By William Northcote, surgeon. Published for the use of military and naval surgeons in America. Philadelphia, R. Bell, 1776. 164 p. 12~. SWIFT, E. P. A Memoir of the Rev. Joseph W. Barr, late M{issionary under the direction of the Western For. Miss. Soc.....*'e. Pitts: burgh, Pa. 1833. xxii, 291 p. 18~. [SWIFTI, Jon~athan]. A Project for the advancement of religion and the reformation of manners. By a Person of Quality. London, Hill, 1709. 24 p. 8~. Pam. v. 399. [ -] See Gregory Misosarum, Preface. 1713. Three Sermons: I, On Mutual Subjection; Ii, On Conscience; III, On the Trinity. London, 1744. 62 p. 8~. Pain. v. 369. Thoughts on Religion. Biroadsheet. Pam. v. 1004. SWIFT, Samuel. Statistical and Historical Account of the County of Addison, Vermont. Middlebury, 1859. 132 p. 8~. --- EHistory of the Town of Middlebury, in the County of Addison, Vt....and historical account of the county. }Middlebury, 1859. 132, 4414 p. 8~. SWINDEN, J. H. VAN. Theoremata Geometrica, quae annuo labore, in scholis privatis explicat, demnonstrat...Accedunt Problematuin geometricorum libri quinque. Amstelaedami... 1786. 8~. [SUPPL.] 102 810 GENERAL LIBRARY. SWITZERLAND. Ergebnisse der Trigonometrisehen Vermelsungen in der Schweiz. Nach befehl der hohen tagesatzung...bearbeitet.... von J. Eschmann. Zulrich, 1840. xvi, 239 p. 4~. SWORD'St POCKET ALMANACK AND ECCLESIASTICAL REGISTER. For 1816. 24~.- For 1827. Aim. v. 55.- For 1856, 57, 58, 59. 4 v. 24~. SYDALL, Elias. Sermon at a Consecration, June 30, 1706 1 Cor. iv, 1. London. 4~. Pamn. v. 1005. SYKES (Arthur Ashley), D.D. A Paraphrase and Notes upon the Epistle to the Hebrews....with some remarks on the late Lord Bolingbroke's treatment of St.Paul. Lond. 1755. 263 p. 4~. Pam. v. 1004. [-] See Letter-to Dr. Sherlock, 1717. [- ] See Reasons alleged against Dr. Rundle, 1734. - Dissertations, etc.]. 1 v. 80. Contents: The Innocency of Error asserted and vindicated.... In a letter to.... By Eugenius Philalethes. 2d ed. London, 1715. 31 p. _Anon.- The same. 3d edition, improved. London, 1729. 39 p. Anon. A Second Letter to.. Dr. Sherlock, being a Reply to his answer.. London (1715). 93 p. A Third Letter to Dr. Sherlock, being an Answer to his Considerations offered to the Bishop of Bangor. London, 1717. 111 p. An Humble Apology for St.Paul and the other apostles.....of their.... doxologies (1719). 2d edition. London, 1835. 23 p. A Dissertation on the Eclipse mentioned by Phlegon. London, 1732. 100 p. A Defence of the Dissertation on the Eclipse... Mr. Whiston's Observations particularly considered. London, 1733. viii, 77 p. An Enquiry how far Papists ought to be treated here as good subjects... (1746). London, 1763. 40 p. An Enquiry when the Resurrection of the body or flesh was first inserted in the public creeds.. London, 1757. 52 p. Two Questions previous to Dr. Middleton's Free Enquiry impartially considered...London, 1750. 129 p. Anon. SYKES, Sir Mark Masterman. Catalogue...of Coins and Medals.... of... sold by auction, March 8, 1824. London. 28 p. 8. 8~. With the prices. SYLLACIUS, N. Nicolaus Syllacius De Insulis Meridiani atque Indici maris nuper inventis. With a translation into English, by the Rev. John Mulligan, A.M. With introduction and bibliographical notice of Columbus's letters, by Jagmes Lenox. New-York, 1859. xviii, 106, lxiii p. 4~. Editor. See Rosa Anglica practica medicine, 1492. SYLVANUS. An Apology for the Little Book; or a few more thoughts about the law and gospel.... Cheltenham (1825?). 66 p. 8~. Paim. v. 305. SYIMONDS, Rev. A. R. Introduction to the Geography and History of India and of the countries adjacent.....2d edition. Madras, 1845. 407 p. 12o. SYNGE (Edward), D.D., Abp. A Defence of the Peaceable and Friendly Address to the Non-conformists against the answer...Dublin, 1698. 56 p. 8~. Pain. v. 358. FIRST SUPPLEMENT. 811 The Divine Authority of Church Government and Episcopacy stated and asserted.... a Sermon.... April 2, 1710: 1 Ti.m. v, 17. London. 8~. Pam. v. 364. Sermon, Thankfulness...for... Deliverances.. to the British and Protestants... in Ireland, Dublin, Oct. 23, 1711. London. 8~. Pam. v. 365. An Answer to all the excuses and pretences... for not coming to the Holy Communion. 40th edition. London, 1815. 48 p. 18~. Pam. v. 376. SYNOD OF NEW-YORKI AND PHILADELPHIA, 1766 —1775. See Congregational Churches, Connecticut. SYRACUSEI, N.Y. Regulations...of the Public Schools.... Syracuse, 1849. 8~. 11th Report...Syracuse, 1859. 8~. Pam. v. 552. SYRACUSE AND BINGHAMTON RAILROAD. Report of the Chief Engineer, July 9, 1852. Syracuse, 1852. Pam. v. 257.- 4th Report of Directors, 1856. 8~. Pam. v. 285. SYRACUSE AND ROCHESTER RAILROAD: Objection Answered (1849?). 3 p. 80. Pami. v. 546. SYRACUSE DIRECTORIES. Daily Journal City Register and Directory for 1851'-52...Syracuse, 1851. 198 p. 12~. Ormsby's City Directory for 1853-4. 12~. ---- Syracuse City Directory for W. H. Rainey ~ Daily Journal office. 84 p. 8~. For Willialr H. Boyd. New-York. 275 p. 12~. - Winsor's Syracuse City Directory for 1857-8. 120. SYRACUSE HomE ASSOCIATION: 5th Report. Syracuse, N.Y. 1857. 8~. Pam. v. 535. SYRACUSE MIECHANICS' ASSOCIATION: Circular....3d Annual Exhibition... Syracuse, 1857. 77 p. 1.20. Pam. v. 5t8. SYRUS, Publius. Sententire. See Terentius. SYSTEM ( The) and Practice of Congregational dissent unfavourable to religion. By a Layman. London, 1832. 24 p. 12~. Pam. v. 320. T. TAAL- EN DIGTICUNDIGE MENGELSTOFFEN: Eerste stukjen. Te Leyden, 1776. 121 p. 80. Pam. v. 107. TAALIBI, Abou Mansour Abd el Malek ibn-Mohammed ibn Ismael, at. Specimen e Litteris Orientalibus, exhibens Taalibii Syntagma dictorum brevium et acutorum, quod...ex Codice MS. Bibliot. Leidensis Arabice edidit, latine reddidit, et annotatione illustravit Josua Joh. Phil. Valeton..Lugd. Bat. 1844. 118, 68 p. 40. TABARAUD, M. Histoire Critique des projets formes depuis trois cents ans pour la reunion des communions chretiennes. Paris, 1824. 509 p. 80. TABBERNER, John L. The Past, the Present, and the Probable future supply of water to London...London, 1847. 50 p. 8~0. Pam. v. 404. 812 GENERAL LIBRARY. TrABERNACLE CHURCH in Salem, Mass.: Articles and Covenant, 1821. Salem. 120. Pam. v. 484. ---- Correspondence, 1832. See First Congregational Church; also Third Congreg. Church..TABOR, Azor. On Mr. Taber's Bill for the incorporation of Roman catholic bishops. Albany. 3 p. 80. Pam. v. 548. [TAcHEt, J. C.]. See Canada: Exposition, 1855. Notice Historiographique sur la Fete celebree a Quebec le 16 Juin 1859, jour du 200111e anniversaire de l'arrivee de Mtonseigneur'De Montmorency-Laval en Canada... Qu6bec, 1859. 73 p. 8~. Pam. v. 503. TAILLIAR, 211/. Manuscrits a Douai. See Duthilloeul, H. R. TAINTER, Dean W. A'History and Genealogy of the descendants of Joseph Taynter...Boston, 1859. viii, 100 p. 8o. TALBOT, Bp. William. Sermon before the Queen, Union of England and Scotland: Ps. cxxxiii. London, 1707. 80. Pam. v. 379. The Bishop of Oxford, his Speech in the House of Lords on the first article of the impeachment of Dr. H. Sacheverell. London, 1710. 16 p. 8~. Pam. v. 340. TALES OF THE GENII; or the Delightful Lessons of Horam the Son of Asmar. Trans. from the Persian, by Sir Charles Morell, i. e. Rev. J. Ridley......New Philo-Juvenis. London, Bohn, 1857. 120. TALLENTS, Rev. Francis. A Short HIistory of Schism.: For the promoting of Christian moderation....London, 1705. 128 p. 80. Pam. v. 318. TALLMADGE, Col. Benjamin. Memoir of: prepared by himself..NewYork, 1858. 70;p. 8~. TALLMADGE't (James), of N.Y. - Speech, U. S. H. of R., on Slavery', and Proceedings- of the Manumission Soeiety.. New-York, 181.9. 20 p. 8~. Pamr. v. 193. TALLMADGEt, N.P. See Linton, C.; Edmonds, J.5 W., Spiritualism. Cat. 1855. TANNERt, H. S. The American Traveller;. or Tourists' and Emigrants' Guide through the United States...9th edition, and map. N.York...1844. 144 p.18~. TAPPANt (David), D.D. Discourse, Andover, Mass.... at the funeral of His Honor Samuel Phillips....Feb. 15. Boston, 1802. 8~. Pam. v. 554. TAPPANt (Henry P.), D.D., LL.D. Discourse...his Inauguration as Chancellor of the University of Michigan. Detroit, 1852. 52 p. 8~. Pam. v. 514. ----- The Growth of Cities: A Discourse..New-York, 1855. 50 p. 8~. See American Geog. Society. --- CThe Progress of Educational Development: Discourse, Literary Societies of the University of Michigan. Ann-Arbor, 1855. Pam. v. 215.- Baccalaureate Address, June 27, 1855. 8~. Pam. v. 215. FIRST SUPPLEMENT. 813 - Public Education: An Address, in the Capitol, at Lansing, Jan. 28, 1857. Detroit, 1857. 80. Pam. v. 242. The University, its constitution, and its relations, political and religious: A Discourse, Christian Library Association. Ann-Arbor, 1858. 8~. Pam. v. 287. TAPPAN, Lewis. HIistory of the American Missionary Association... New-York, 1855. 54 p. 18~. Pam. v. 630. TAPPAN, M. W. Speech, U.S. HI. of R., Modern "Democracy," July 29, 1856. New-York. 15 p. 80~. Pam. v. 537. TARIFF QUESTION; or Protection and Free-trade considered....By a Mohawk valley farmer. Utica, 1852. 32 p. 8~0. Pam... 290. TARLIER, Jules. Notice Bibliographique sur les traduetions.....des Satires de Perse... Bruxelles, 1848. xxiii p. roy. 80. TARNATION STRANGE; or More Jonathans. London. 8~. Imp. Pam. v. 396. TASCHEREAU, J. Catalogue. See France: Bibliotheque Impbriale. TASSYt, J. IH. Garcin de. Mbmoire sur des Particularites de la Religion Musulmane dans l'Inde...Paris, 1831. 114 p. 8~. With, ---- Exposition de-la Foi BMusulmane, traduite du Turc de Mohammed Ben Pir Ali el Bergevi, avec des notes. Paris, 1822. 166 p. In 1 v. 8". TATE, James. Sermon, Cathedral,' March 20, 1825 Matt. vii, 12. York, 1825. 8~. Pam. v. 320. - Greek Language, 1830. See Moor, J. TATEM, Rev. H. Reply to the Summons of the R.I. Royal Arch Chapter, Providence, 1832. 8 p; 80. Pam. v. 211. TATHAM (Edward), D.D. Sermon: 1 John i, 1. London, 1792. 8~. Pam. v. 374. TATLER (The). The Lucubrations of Isaac Bickerstaff, esq. A new edition; with Notes. Ed. by Dr. Calder from Bp. Percy's notes. J. NVichols's press. London, 1786. 6 v. 12". TATORt, Henry H. Essays: Mental, social and moral. Albany, 1850. 114 p. 12~. Pam. v. 606. Hercules: A Poem, in four books. Albany, 1856. 55 p. 8~. Pam. v. 261. TAUOCHNITZ, K. Proben aus der Schriftgiesserei von Karl Tauchnitz in Leipzig, 1831. 82 p. 80. TAUNTON, Mass. Report of.... School Committee, 1851-2. Taunton, 1852. 80. Pam. v. 552. TAXATIO PAPALIS; being an Account of the tax-books of the united church and court of modern Rome;.....By Emancipatus. London, 1825. 63 p. 8~. Pam. v. 345. TAXATION ( On the) of the United Kingdom, comprising remarks on the tax upon income... London, 1842. 62 p. 8~. Pam. v. 425. TAYLERt, Rev. Charles B. Mlark Wilton, the 3erchant's Clerk. News York, 1848. 12~. 814 GENERAL LIBRARY. TAYLORt, Bayard. Travels in Greece and Russia, with an excursion to Crete. New-York, 1855. 12~. Poems of Home and Travel. Boston, 1855. 180~. Northern Travel; Summer and Winter pictures of Sweden, Denmark and Lapland. New-York, 1858. 436 p. 120~. At Home and Abroad: A Sketch-book of life, scenery and men. New-York, 1860. 12~. TAYLORt ( Benj. C.), D.D. Annals of the Classis of Bergen, of the Reformed Dutch church.... including the civil history of the ancient township of Bergen in New-Jersey... 3d edition. New-York, 1857. 479 p. 12o. TAYLOR, Charles W. The Goblet of Death....a domestic temperance drama. Albany, 1847. 120. Pamn v. 621. [TAYLOR, Rev. Henry]. See Full Answer..on the Christian religion, 1777. TAYLOR, Henry. Journal of a Tour from Montreal, through Berthier and.Sorel, to the eastern townships of Granby, Stanstead, Compton, Sherbrooke, Melbourne, &c. &c. to Port St.Francis. Quebec, 1840. 84 p. 12o. TAYLOR, Sir Herbert. A Memoir of the last seven months of the life of H.R.H. the Duke of York..London, 1827. 40 p. 8~. Pam. v. 390. TAYLOR ( Rev. H. B.), Evans, Erie Co., N.Y. An Address....on the worth of the soul... Philadelphia, 1856. 180. Pam. v. 623. TAYLOR, Le Baron I. J. S. Catalogue of the...Library of:... will be sold...June 1, 1853. London. 224 p. 8~. TAYLORt, Isaac. History of the Transmission of ancient books to modern times... including incidental remarks upon the relative strength of the evidence usually adduced in behalf of the holy scriptures..... London, 1859. 413 p. 12~. TAYLOR, James N. Sketch of the Geography, political economy, and statistics of France; from the original work.... by Peuchet.... Sonnini... Delalauze... Duval... Dumnuys.. Parmentier...eyeux.. Herbin....Washington, 1815. 406 p. 80~. TAYLORt, Janet. Lunar Tables ~ By which the true distance is obtained from the apparent altitudes...Likewise, a short treatise on the chronometer...3d edition. London (1836?). 20, 124 p. 8~. TAYLORt, Jeremy. Catholic Faith and Practice:..... formed upon the Catholic principles of the learned Dr. J. Taylor..London, 1765. 58 p. 8~. Pain. v. 343. TAYLOR (Rev. John), LL.D. Sermon: Num. xi, 20, School-feast, Aug. 22, 1749. Cambridge, 1749. 4~. Pam. v. 1006. ----- Sermon, H. of Commons, Fast Day, Feb. 11, 1757:' Judges xx, 23. London, 1757. 40. Pam. v. 1007. [ —] See Impartial Remarks upon...Dr. Warburton. 1758. TAYLOR (John), D.D., of Norwich. The Scripture doctrine of atonement examined... London, 1751. 137 p.- Advertisement of Hebrew Concordance. 18 p. 80. Pam. v. 299. FIRST SUPPLEMENT. 815 [TAYLOR, John]. The Identity of Junius, with a distinguished living character established. London, 1816. 366 p. 8~. The Identity of Junius with a distinguished living character established. Including the supplement, consisting of fac-similes of hand-writing and other illustrations F. First American from the second English edition. New-York...1818. vii, 300 p. 8~. TAYLOR (John), esq. Records of my Life. New-York, 1833. 461 p. 8~. TAYLOR (John J.), of N.Y. Speech, U. S. H. of IR., on the Kansas and Nebraska bill. Washington, 1854. 8~. Pam. v. 561. TAYLOR, Rev. John L. A Memoir of His Honor Samuel Phillips, LL.D. Boston, Cong. Board of Pub., 1856. 391 p. 8~. TAYLOR, John R. Correspondence on the.... widening..... Chancery Lane. London, 1850. 31 p. 80. Pam. v. 416. [TAYLOR (N. W.), D.D.]. See Inquiry into the Nature of Sin. 1829. TAYLOR, Stephen W. English Grammar. See Murray, L. [ TAYLOR (Thomas), of Reding ]. A Mappe of Rome: lively exhibiting her mercilesse meeknesse.... Preached in five sermons, on occasion of the Gunpowder Treason, by T. T., and now published by W[illiagn] I[emmnat], Minister., London....1619. 8, 100 p. sin. 4~. Pam. v. 600. TAYLORt, Thomas. A Brief Notice of Mr. Thomas Taylor, the celebrated Platonist, with a complete list of his published works. By J. J. Welsh, esq. London, 1831. 16 p. 80. Pam. v. 390. TAYLOR, Rev. William. Sermon, on the Festival of St.Patrick, the Apostle of Ireland; delivered in the Roman Catholic Cathedral, of New-York. New-York, 1819. 8~. Pam. v. 213. TAYLOR, Rev. William. Seven Years' Street Preaching in San Francisco, California; embracing incidents, triumphant death scenes, etc. Ed. by W. P. Strickland. New-York, 1856. 394 p. 12~. California Life illustrated..."-~. 16 engravings. New-York, 1858. 348 p. 12~. TAYLOR, William J. R. Sermon on the Life, Character.....of John Ludlow, D.D., LL.D....Preached Philadelphia, 1857. New-York. 49 p. 80. Pam. v. 555. TAYLORt, Zachary, President. Gen. Taylor's moral, intellectual and professional character as drawn by Crittenden, etc. Washington, J. & G. S. Gideon. 8 p. 80. Pam. v. 103, 471. ---- The Life of; and a History of the War in Mexico. New-York, WV. H. Graham, 1847. 64 p. 8. — A Sketch of the Life and public services of:... the people's candidate..Washington, J. T. Towers. 32 p. 8~.- Sketch of the Lives and public services of Gen. Z. T. and Millard Fillmore. 32 p. 8~. Pam. v. 471. ----- A Brief Review of the career, character and campaigns of Zachary Taylor. From the North Amer. and U.S. Gazette, Philadelphia. Washington. 16 p. 8~. Pam. v. 222. TCHUYKEVITIH, Col. Reflections on the War of 1812, with tables showing the numerical force of the enemy when he entered Russia, and the losses he sustained.... to the 1st January 1813....Trans. 816 GENERAL LIBRARY. from the Russian by Mr. Eustaphieve, with strictures on " The Correspondence respecting Russia." Boston... Munroe and Francis... 1813. 95 p. 8~ TEACHERS' INSTITUTE, Bethel, Vt. Catalogue, 1850. 80. Pam. v. 457. TECHENER, J. Considerations srieuses... sur la Bibliotheque Royale, suivies du seul plan possible pour en faire le Catalogue en trois ans. Paris, 1847. 15 p.- With De l'amelioration des anciennes bibliotheques en France...Paris. 8 p. In 1 v. 80. Editor. See Bulletin du Bibliophile. TEFFT (B. F.), D.D. Hungary and Kossuth, or an American exposition of the late Hungarian revolution. 3d edition. Philadelphia, 1852. 378 p. 12~. TEGENWOORDIGE STAAT DER NEDERLANDEN. See Hedend'aagsche, etc. TEpGt, Thomas. The Young Man's Book of Knowledge... containing a familiar view of the importance of religion, the works of nature, eloquence.....5th Am. edition. To which is added an Epitome of American History...New-York [1833]. 12~. Remarks on the Speech of Sergeant Talfourd on...the laws relating to copyright... London, 1837. 23 p. 80. Panm. v. 395. TEGNER, Esaias. Poems Translated. See Bethune, J. E. D. TEGOBORSKI, M. L. De. Commentaries on the Productive forces of Russia. London, 1857. xii, 528 p. 80~. TEISSIER, Antoine. Catalogus Auctorum qui librorum catalogos, indices, bibliothecas, virorum literariorum elogia, vitas, aut orationes funebres, scriptis consignarunt...cum P. Labbsei Bibliotheca Numrmaria... Colonioa Allobrogum, 1686. 539 p. and appendix. 40~. TEMOIN (Le) DE LA WTERITT: NO. 1, 2, Jan. Fev. 1850. Saintes, Charente Inf6rieure. 80. Pam. v. 533. TEMPERANCE ALMANAC, 1833. Albany, O. Steele. Alm. v. 26. — N.Y. State Temp. Soc., N.Y. 1834,'36,'38. Anm. v. 21.- 1836, and No. 7 - 12, 1841 - 45. Alm. v. 24, 26.- Greely & McElrath, New-York, 1844. 120. Alm. v. 26. TEMPLE, H. J. See Palmerston, Lord. [ TEMPLE, Sir R.]. See Essay upon Taxes, 1693. TEMPORAL (The) Government of the Pope's State. London, 1788. xii, 268 p. 8~. TEMPORARY HOM3E FOR THE DESTITUTE Report, 1852. Boston, 1853. -12. Pam. v. 509. TEN BROECK, Anthony. Letter to the Board of Managers of the General Protestant Epis. S.S. Union, occasioned by "The second letter of Bishop Meade." New-York, 1847. 30 p. 8~. Pam. v. 200. TENISON, T., Abp. Sermon, Funeral of Queen Mary, March 5, 1695. London, 1709. 8~. Pa'm. v. 363. [ ] Discourse concerning..,Faith, 1683. TENNANT, Prof. Inorganic Nature. See Orr's Circle: Geology, etc. TENNESSEEt: AGRICULTURE:Biennial Report of the State Agricultural Bureau, 1855-6. By E. G. Eastman, Secretary. Nashville... 1856. 8s. FIRST SUPPLEMENT. 817 - BLIND: 4th Biennial Report of the Tennessee Blind School. Nashville, 1851. 22 p. Pain. v. 473. -: DEAF AND DUIMB. Report of tlhe Board of Trustees of the Tennessee Deaf and Dunlb School, at Knoxville, October 1, 1853. Nashville, 1853. Pani. v. 218. ---: GEOL. SURVEY. A Geological Reconnoissance of the State of Tennessee; being the author's first biennial report.....Dec. 1855. By James M. Safford. Nashville, Tenn. 1856. 164 p. 8~.: -. 2d Biennial Report, Nov. 5, 1857, by J. 3I. Safford. Nashville, 1857. 11 p. 8~. Pain. v. 274. ~-: HISTORY. Report of the Select Committee of the Senate on the bill to provide for a complete history of the State..Nashville, 1851. 8 p. 80. Pam. v. 502.; INSANE. Second Biennial Report.....Tennessee Hospital for the Insane, Nov. 8, 1855. Nashville, 1855. 8~. Pam. v. 218. -: LIBRARY. Catalogue of the Tennessee State Library, October 1855, by R. J. Meigs. Nashville, 1855. 119 p. 8, -.-: PENITENTIARY. Report.... for the two years ending Sept. 30, 1857. Nashville, 1857. 48 p. 8~. Pamn. v. 539..-: RAILROADS. Report of R. G. Payne, Road Commissioner, on the condition of the railroads in Tennessee. Nashville, 1857. Pain. v.285. TENNESSEE STATE CAPITOL. Description of: Nashville, 1854. 24~. Pam. v. 610.- Verses on: 1 p. 40. Pam. v. 1016. TENNYSON, Alfred. Poems. Boston, 1842. 2 v. 12~. Ode on the Death of the Duke of Wellington. London, 1852. 16 p. 8'. Pain. v. 398. TEONGE, Henry. The Diary of Henry Teonge, Chaplain on board IH. Mi.'s ships Assistance, Bristol and Royal Oak, anno 1675 to 1679.. London, 1825. 327 p. 8~. TERENTIUSt. Publii Terentii Afri Comoadise. Phsdri Fabnule Esopise. Publii Syri et aliorum veterumn sententise. Ex recensione et cumn notis R. Bentleii. Cantabrigise, 1726. 40~. - The Comedies of Terence, translated into familiar blank verse. By George Colmnan. 2d edition. London, 1768. 2 v. 8~. TERsEt (J. F.) et J. B. -MONFALCON. Histoire Statistique et 3Morale des Enfans Trouves....Paris, Lyonf, 1837. 80.- With Nouvelles Considerations sur les Enfans trouvSs..... suivies des rapports sur l'histoire des enfants trouves, faits a l'Academ'ie des Sciences morales et politiques, par M. Benoiston de Chateauneuf, et a l'Acaddemie des Sciences, par M. Villemain. Lyon... 1838. In 1 v. 8~. TER1NAUX-COMIPANSI, H. Reoueil de Documents et Memoires origi: naux sur l'histoire des possessions espagnoles dans l'Amerique.... Publies sur les manuscrits anciens et inddits,..Paris, 1840. 297 p. 8~.- Lettered Vol. 21 of Series in Cat. 1855. TERRt FILIUS. Letter to J. Clarke. London, 1797. 4 p. 8~. Pam. v, 448. SUPPL. ] I08 818 GENERAL LIBRARY. TERRE-IIAUTE AND ALTON RAILROAD CO. Charter... mortgages, etc. New-York, 1855.- 2d Report, 1855. Pam. v. 257. TERRE-HAUTE AND RICHMOND RAILROAD COMPANY: Ninth Annual Report, Nov. 30, 1857. Terre-Haute, 1857. Pam. v. 285. TERRICK, Bp. Richard. Sermon, before Lord Mayor, Dec. 18, 1745, Fast Day: 1 Sam. xii, 3, 4. London. 4~. Pamn. v. 1006. Sermon, House of Commons, Feb. 6, 1756, Fast Day Jer. xviii, 7, 8. London. 4~. Pam. v. 1007. TERROT, Bp. C. H. Correspondence between...and the Church Miss. Society. London, 1844. 10 p. 80. Pam. v. 384. TERRY, Edwin C. Civil List of Columbia County, New-York...from... 1786....also... of the city of Hudson from 1785.....Hudson, 1858. 26 p. 8~. TERRY, Isaac. Sermon, Martyrdom of Charles I: Pror. xxiv, 21. Jan. 30, 1723. London. 8~. Pam. v. 367. TERTULLIANUS. Q. Septimii Florentis Tertulliani Carthaginiensis Presbyteri, Opera qume haectenus reperiri potuerunt ornnia..... Cum I. Pamelii... adnotationibus..Antverpive, 1584. 1278 p. f~. TESCHEMACHER, J. E. Essay on Guano, describing its properties.... New-York and Boston, 1845. 51 p. 8~. Pam. v. 233. TESTIMONY of Distinguished Laymen. See American Bible Society. TEXASt. Message of the Governor, E. M. Pease. Austin, 1857. 8~. Pam. v. 522. TEXAS: Sketches of Character; moral and political condition of the republic; the judiciary, etc. By Milam. Philadelphia, 1839. 18~.TEXAS in 1840; or the Emigrant's Guide to the new an Emigrant late of the United States- ~ $. With an Introduction by the Rev. A. B. Lawrence of New-Orleans. N.Y. 1840. 275 p. 12~. TEXAS ( The) ALMANAC for 1857, with statistics, historical and biographical sketches, etc. Galveston..1856. 160 p. 8~. TEXAS AND WESTERN RAILROAD: Railroad Record extra. Cincinnati, Nov. 1855. 4~. Pam. v. 1014. THACHERt (James), M.D. An Essay on Demonology, Ghosts and Apparitions, and popular superstitions. Also, an Account of the Witchcraft delusion at Salem in 1692. Boston, 1831. 231 p. 18~. THACHER, Rev, Moses. An Address, Anti-Masonic State Convention, -Augusta, Maine, July 4, 1832. Hallowell, 1832. 8~. Pam. v. 204. THACHERt (Peter), D.D. A Sermon....Dorchester, June 24, 1797, Ancient and Honorable Society of Free Masons. Boston, 1797. 8~. Pam. v. 111. THACKERAY, Capt. Three Lectures delivered at the Guildhall, Bath, on the practice of rifle-firing at various distances. London, 1853. 43 p. 8~. 8 drawings. Pam. v. 406. THACKERAYt, Rev. Francis. A Defence of the Clergy of the Church of England, stating their services, their rights, and their revenues frQom the earliest ages...London, 1822. 199 p. 8~. Pain. v. 325. FIRST SUPPLEMENT. 819 -THACKERAYt, W. M. The Irish Sketch-book: By iMr. M. A. Titmarsh. New-York (1843). 160 p. 8. Pam. v. 497. THACKRAH, C. Turner. The Effects of Arts, Trades, and Professions, and of civic states and habits of living, on-health and longevity... 2d edition, enlarged. London, 1832. 238 p. 8~. THAMES (The) TUNNEL: Report of Court of Directors and of EM. J. Brunel...June 11, 1828. 16 p. 80. Pam. v. 493. THAYER (Eli), of Mass. Fair Play: Speech, U.S.H. of R., on Slavery in the territories, Feb. 24, 1859. 8~. Pam. v. 561. THAYER ( Rev. Foster), Waterloo, N.Y. Preparation of Heart essential to Religion. Rochester, 1838. 12 p. 18~. Pam. v. 616. THAYER (1H.) & Co. Catalogue of Fluid Extracts. Cambridge, Mass. 24 p. 120. Pam. v. 516. THAYER-( Israel) jr., and two Brothers.. Brief Account of the Lives of; comprising a Narrative of their..execution..Buffalo, June 17, 1825, for the murder of John Love.. Watertown, N.Y. 1825. Pam. v. 261. THAYER (Nathaniel), D.D. Discourse, on the Anniversary Election, May 28, 1823. 80. Boston, 1823. Pam. v. 441. THAYER, William A. A Compendium of Geography... Utica, 1816. 83 P. 18~ THEIR MAJESTIES COLONY of Connecticut, in New-England, vipdicated...Boston, 1694. See Conn. Hist. Soc. Collections, v. 1. THEIR Present Majesties Government proved to be thoroughly settled, and that we may submit to it without asserting the principles of Mr. Hobbs.... Occasion'd by some late pamphlets against the Rev. Dr. Sherlock. London, 1691. 35 p. 49. Pam. v. 408. THELWALL, John. Fraternity and Unanimity to the Friends of Freedom: An Address (1795?). 80. Pam. v. 448. THEMISTIUS. Ta rov OeItIrtov Evopadovg arrav-ra... Omnia Themistii Opera, hoe est paraphrases et orationes. Alexandri Aphrodisiensis libri duo de anima, et de fato anus. Venetiis, Aldi, 1534. fO. THEMAIEN, Wilhelmus. Het Vervoolg van de Nuttige Zaamenspraaken.. van eenen heyls. leeraar met een...heylb. litmaat.. Groningen, 1764. 18~. Godts Eenig-gebooren Soon als de Schepper en Erfgenaam der Werelt... Kerk-reeden over Ps. 24. Dordrecht, 1764. 4~. THEODORETUSt. Beati Theodoreti, Cyrensis, episcopi, theologi vetustissimi opera, in duos tomos... Colonire Agrip. 1573. 791, 634 p. and indices. 1 v. fo. THEODoSIUS; or a Solemn Admonition to Protestant dissenters, on the proposed repeal of the test and corporation acts..... London, 1790. 68 p. 80. Pam. v. 319. See also Philo-Theodosius. THEOLOGICALt AND LITERARY JOURNAL. Quarterly. D. N. Lord, ed. Vol. 8, July 1855 - Vol. 11, April 1859. New-York. 4 v. 8~. TiHEOLOGICAI, INSTITUTE of Conneotiout: Report. Hartfordi 1839h 80% Pam, v. 294. 820 GENERAL LIBRARY. THEOLOGICAL MAGAZINE: For July and August 1795. Vol. 1, No. 1. New-York. 80 p. 8". Pam. v. 533. THEoLOGICALt SE'MINARY, Andover, iMass. Laws, 1827. 31 p. 8~.Catalogue, 1837, 39, 45, 47, 57. Andover. 80. Pam. v. 294. THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY, Princeton, N.J. Catalogue, 1835. S8. Painm. v. 294. THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY of the Presbyterian Church at Danville, Ky. 1856. Louisville, 1857. 8~. Pam. v. 294. THEOLOGY of Cicero's Somnium Scipionis. See [ Horne, G.]. THEORYt, Practice "and Architecture of Bridges. Supplement....Six parts in one volume.: First three ed. by G. H. Burnell; last three, by W. T. Clark. London, Weale, 1852-3. In 1 v. and plates. 8~. THERA1MOt, Jacobus de. Compendium pbieve Consolatio peccatorum nuncupatum, et apud nonnullos Belial vocitatum... Col. Explicit.. per Joh. Sqhu'ssle civem Aug. impressus anno dfii M.ccce.lxxii.... 115 leaves. fo. THEREMIN. The Awakening. Trans. 240. Pam. v. 623. THIRY, A. Conseils aux Meres, sur les moyens de diriger et d'instruire leurs filles...Paris, 1846. 387 p. roy. 8'. See Cours Complet. Conseils aux Jeunes Personnes, sur les moyens de completer leur education. 2e 6d. Paris, 1853. 450 p. roy. 80. See Cours Complet. Exercices de Memoire et de lecture, par MM. Thery et Dezobry. Paris, 1827. 389 p. 8~. See Cours Complet. Cours de Littdrature Generale: Ie partie, Cours d'histoire litteraire; IIe partie, Principes de litterature. Paris, 1847. See Cours Complet. Notions de Philosophie, de Droit et d'Hygiene pratique: Par Th6ry, Griun et Bourdon. Paris, 1844. 8~. THICKNESSEt, Philip. A Treatise on the Art of decyphering, and of writing in cypher; with an harmonic alphabet. London, 1772. 112 p. 12~. TEHIERRY, Augustin. Recueil des Monuments inedits de l'Histoire du Tiers-Etat: Ie serie.... T. IIIe, Les Pieces relatives a l'histoire municipale de la ville d'Amiens... Paris, 1856. See France, Collection Doc. ined. - The Formation and Progress of the Tiers-etat, or Third estate in France...Trans. by Rev. F. B. Wells..London, 1855. 2 v. 12~. History of the Conquest of Engl'and by the Normans, etc. William Hazlitt. Vol. 1. London, Bohn, 1856. 2 v. 120. THIERSt, L. Adolphe. Histoire du Consulat et de l'Empire. T. I -IX. New-York, Semaine Litteraire, 1845. In 3 v. 8~. History of the Consulate and the Empire of France under Napoleon...Vol. 12 - 15. London, 1856-57. 4 v. 8~..-.. The Mississippi Bubble': A Memoir of John Law... To which are added.. the Darien Expedition and the South Sea Scheme. Trans. and edited by F6 S. Fiske. New-York, 1859.- 338 p 120. FIRST SUPPLEMENT. -21 THIERSCH, Friedrich von. Vorlauflige Nachricht von dem in der K. Residenz zu Miinchen befindlichen Antiquariuin...1825. See Kon. Baier. Ak. Reden, v. 4. ---- Ueber Stiftung und Bestimmung der Akademie der Wissensehaften zu Munchen, 1849. 16 p.- Ueber die Pratiscehe Seite wissen-schaftlicher thitigkeit, 1850. 14 p.- Ueber die Wissenschaftliche Thatigkeit der K. Akadermie der Wissenschaften wbihrend der periode von 1848 bis 1851. 28 p. See K6n. Baier. Ak. Reden, v. 5. ---- Rede zur Vorfeyer des Hohen Geburtsfestes Sr. Majestat des Konigs Maximilian IT...1849. 7 p.; 1S52, 39 p.; 1853, 19 p. See Kon. Baier. Ak. Reden, v. 5. Ueber die Wissensehaftliche Seite der Praktischen Thitigkeit, nebst Biographischen Nachrichten iiber die Akademniker v. Reichenbach, v. Fraunhofer und v. Roth. 1852. 46 p. See Kbn. Baier. Ak. Reden, v. 5. Ueber die Neuesten Untersuchungen des Erechthums auf der Akropolis von Athen, 1853. 15 p.- Rede zur Vierundneunzigsten Stiftungsfeyer der K. Ak. der Wissenschaften, 1853. 24 p.- Ueber das AVerhldtniss der wissensehaften des geistes und der natur; mit Nachweisungen iiber die arbeiten der Akademie wahrend der drei letzten jahre, 1854. 32 p. See K6n. Baier. Ak. Reden, v. 5. ThIImrY DE MaNONVILLE, Nicholas Joseph. Traite de la Culture du Nopal et de l'education de la cochinelle dans les Colonies franqaises de l'Amerique; prce6de d'un Voyage a Cap Franqais...1786. cxliv, 439, 36 p. 8~. W.C. 899.- Same title. 2d ed. 1787. 2 v. 80. W.C. 908. Nine plates not in first edition, and other additions. THIJM, J. A. Alberdingh. Gedichten uit de Versehillende Tijdperken der Noord- en Zuid-Nederlandsche Literatnur, verzameld... door: Eerste bundel, xiie - xvi eeuw. Amsterdam, 1850.' xvi, 346 p. 18~. THINGS AS THEY ARE, or Federalism, etc. See [ Niles, H.]. THIRD AVENUE RAILROAD COMPANY, New-York: Report, Nov. 1856. New-York, 1856. 8~. Panl. v. 284. THIRD CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH, Salem. The Correspondence in relation to " the Third Church of 1735," with remarks upon the pamphlet published by the Tabernacle Church. Salem, 1847. 44 p. 8~. Pam. v. 262. THIRD (The) Hampden Agitation. London, 1847. 8~. Pam. v. 330. THTRLWALLt (Connop), D. D., Bishop. A Letter to the Archbishop of Canterbury, on the statements of Sir B. Hall with regard to the Collegiate church of Brecon. London, 1851. 27 p. 8~. Pam. v. 388. Sermon: Lu. xviii, 9. See Practical Sermons. THIRTEENTH (The) CIIAPTER to the Romans vindicated, 1710. See [ Fleetwood, W.]. THOM, James. Sculpture: Tam O'Shanter, SouterJohnny, the Landlord and Landlady...iNew-York, 1833. 32 p. 8~. Pam. v. 499. THIOMAS (C.A.), D.D., of Brandon. Serm-on, Gen. Assem. of the State of Vermont. -Montpelier, 1858. 8~. Pam. v. 557. [TiHOMAS, Sir Edniond ]. See- Short View of.. English Clergy, 1737. 822 GENERAL LIBRAL LIB RY. THo1rAS, F. W. John Randolph, of Roanoke, and other Sketches of characteir, including William Wirt. Together with Tales of real life. Philadelphia..1853. 120~. THOiMAst, Isaiah. Massachusetts, Connecticut, Rhode-Island, NewHampshire and-Venrmont Almanack, for 1796, 97, 98, 99, 1800, 01, by I. Thomas.- 1803, 04, I. Thomas jr. Worcester, Mass. I v.For 1805, 06, 07, 08, 09, 10, I. Thomas jr.- Town and Country Almanack, 1812, 13, 1. Thomas jr. Worcester, Mass. 1 v.- 1841,'46,'47,'48,'49 - 54, Robert B. Thomas, Boston. 1 v.-3 v. 12~.- See also Farmer's Almanack. TIIHOMAS John, Bp. Sermon, 1747. See Society for Prop. the Gospel. ---- Sermon: Is. xxvi, 9, H. of Lords, Feb. 6, 1756, Fast-day, on the Earthquake. 2d edition. London, 1756. — Sermon: Lt. viii, 24, Feb. 17, 1758, Fast-day. London. 4~. Pam. v. 1007. THOMAS (Joseph), M.D. The First Book of Etymology:....of the English language, for beginners; on the basis of "the First Book of Etymology," by James Lynd, AM. Philadelphia...1856. 12~. THOMiAs, Marcia A. Memorials of Marshfield, and Guide-book to its localities at Green Harbor~**. Boston, 1854. 108 p. 120. THOMIAS, Lieut. M. Report of Committee of Claims, on the petition of:... U.S. H. of R. Doc. 1846. 8~. Pamin. v. 102. THOMASSY, M. R. La Question du Sel aux Itats-Unis. New-Orleans, 1855. 8~. Pam. v. 205. THOMPSON & Co.'s and American Express Co.'s Office Directory for 1853...Buffalo, 1853. 83 p. 8~. Pam. v.489. THOMPSON'S CALENDAR, or the Chenango Almanac. Norwich, N,York, 1852. 120. Alm.: v. 37. [ THOMPSONt, Daniel P.]. See Locke Amsden. Cat. 1855. THOMPSON, George. Discussion on American Slavery between G. T.... and Rev. Robert J. Glasgow, Scotland... June 1836. 2d Am. edition. With notes by Mr. Garrison. Boston, 1836. 104 p. 8~. Pam. v. 562. THOMPSON, J. The Lost and Undone Son of perdition; or the Birth, life and character of Judas Iscariot..Newport..S. Southwick, 1771. 20 p. 12o. THOMPSON, Rev. James W. A Sermon, Female Charitable Society in Salem, June 24, 1832. Salem, 1832. 80. Pam. v. 106. THOMPSON ( John), of N.Y. The Admission of Kansas: Speech, U.S. H. of R. Washington, 1858. 8~. Pam. v. 561. THOmIPSONt ( Joseph' P.), D.D. The last Sabbath in the Broadway Tabernacle: A Historical discourse by the Pastor...... With an Account of the services on that day, April26, 1857. N.York, 1857. 51 p. 120. Memoir of Rev. David Tappan Stoddard, Missionary to the Nestorians. New-York, 1858. 12". THOMPSON (M. L.P.), D.D. The Great Promise: Sermon, Amer. Board of C. F, Missionsi Providence, 13oston, 1857. 8~% Pam,. v. 525 FIRST SUPPLEMENT. 823 ----- A Memorial Discourse, Death of Mrs. Abigail Hopkins. Buffalo, N. Y. 1858. 8~. Pam. v. 555. ----- Biographical Sketch by. See Tinker, R. THOMPSON, Richard. Sermon, on Monmouth's Rebellion, June 21, 1685, at Bristol: Tit. iii, 1. London. 4~. Pam. v. 1005. [ THOMPSON, T. P.]. See Sight-Singing, 1842. THOMIPSON, Rev. William. Memoirs of the Rev. Samuel Munson, and the Rev. Henry Lyman, late missionaries to the Indian Archipelago, with the journal of their exploring tour. N.York, 1839. 196 p. 12~. THOMPSON, William. Catalogue of Flower Seeds...for sale. Ipswich, Eng. (1857). 8~. Pam. v. 505. THOMSON'S MERCANTILE and Professional Directory for.... Delaware, Maryland, Virginia, North-Carolina and the District of Columbia.. for 1851-52. Baltimore. 317 p. 8~. THOMSONt, James. The Seasons..With Poems on several occasions.. Philadelphia.. 1777. 120. THOMISON, James. Letters on the Moral and Religious state of SouthAmerica, written during a residence of nearly seven years in BuenosAires, Chile, Peru, and Colombia. Lond., Nisbet, 1827. 296 p. 12". Address directed to the Citizens of the UJnited States of America, on behalf of the new nations lately subject to the Spanish government. New-York, 1830. 24 p. 120. Pam. v. 495. THoMSoN, John. An Enquiry concerning the Liberty and Licentiousness of the press, and the uncontroulable nature of the human mind... Addressed to the people of the United States. N.York,' 1801. 84 p. S8. Pam. v. 103. THO~MSON (Wm.), D.D. An Outline of the Necessary laws of thought: A treatise on pure and applied logic... From 4th London edition. Cambridge, lMass. 1859. 12~. TIHOMSON (William M.), D.D. The Land and The Book; or, Biblical illustrations...of the Holy Land. Maps, engravings, etc...N.York, 1859. 2 v. i20. THORBURNt, Grant. Sketches from the Note-book of Lawrie Todd.. 2d edition. New-York, 1847. 32 p. 8~. THORBURN & SON: Catalogue of...seeds, bulbous roots, etc., sold by:..New-York, 1822. Pam. v. 261. THORNTONt, John Wingate. Lives of Isaac Heath and John Bowles, elders of the church, and principal founders of the grammar school in Roxbury; and of John Eliot jr...Boston, 1850. 216 p. 12~. Ancient Pemaquid: An Historical review. Prepared at the request of the lMaine Historical Society for its collections. Portland, 1857. 178 p. 8~. ----- Peter Oliver's "Puritan Commonwealth" reviewed. 1857. Boston. 79 p. 8~. The First Records of Anglo-American colonization; their history. Boston, 1859. 12 p. 8~. The Pulpit of the American Revolution; or, the Political sermons of the period of 1776. With a Historical introduction, notes and illustrations. Boston, 1860. 537 p, 12~.' 824 GENERAL LIBRARY. THORNTON ( Rev. T. C.), Clinton, Miss. An Inquiry into the History of slavery; its Introduction into the United States; causes of its continuance; and remarks upon the abolition tracts of William E. Channing, D.D. Washington, 1841. 345 p. 12~. THORN WELL (J. H.), D.D. Rights and Duties of Masters: A Sermon, Dedication of a church, Charleston, S.C. for the benefit.....of the colored population. Charleston, S.C. 1850. 80. Pam. v. 267. THOROLD, Rev. J. Treatises on the Seventy Years captivity of the Jews...London, 1809. 68 p. 8~. Pam. v. 321. THoRowGooD, Thomas. Sermon, House of Commons, Fast-day, Dec. 25, 1.644: Phil. iv, 5. London, 1645. 40~. Pam. v. 359. THORP, SMITH & HANCH-ETT: Catalogue.. of fruits.. for sale... Syracuse nurseries; No. 3, Catalogue of Ornamental trees; No. 4, Catalogue of Dahlias... Syracuse, N.Y. 1858, 9. 80. Pam. v. 505. THORP ( Charles), D.D. Charge, Archdeaconry of Durham, 1836. Durham. 80. ~. Pam. v. 327. The Annual Address to the Naturalists' Field-club of Tyneside... Newcastle-upon-Tyne, 1853. 16 p. 80. Pam. v. 395. THoRP, George. Sermon, before Lord Mayor, Sept. 1677: Matt. vii, 12. London. 40. Pam. v..359. THORPE (Robert), LL.D. A Letter to W. Wilbe rforce.... containing remarks on the reports of the Sierra-Leone Co., and African Institution... London, 1815. 84 p. 80. Pam. v. 435. THORPEt, Thomas.. Supplement to a General Catalogue of books for 1843...from the libraries of Lord Kingsborough....Sir J. Littledale...G. Chalmers...J. offered. London, 198 p. 8~. Cat. v. 19, and Pam. v. 40. B. C.- Supplement to a Catalogue of Manuscripts..relating to America and the British colonies. London, 1843. 73 p. 8~. Cat. v. 40. B. C. Catalogue of Manuscripts... relating to various counties.. early music...on sale. London, 1851. 40 p. 8~. Cat. v. 47. THORPE, Willianm. Three Sermons: 1, On the Death of H.R.II. the Princess Charlotte; 2, For Schools of Quebec Chapel; 3, On leaving Bethesda Chapel, Dublin. London, 1818. 80. Pain. v. 382. THOTT, Othon. Catalogi Bibliothecse Thottianse:.Tomni quinti, Pars I, iI. Continens libros historicos, publica auctione distrahendos circa initium mensis Ap. 1791. HIavnise. 2 v. 8~. THout, Jac. Aug. de. Jac. Aug. Thuani Historiarum sui temporis. T. I- v (1543 - 1607). 1606 -20. Parisiis. 4 v. fV. THOUGHTS FOR THE AGE: No. 3, Review of Pres. Mahan's Modern mysteries explained. Boston, 1855. 21 p. 12~. Pam. v. 563. THOUGHTS on Non-residence and farming: In a Letter to the Bishop of St.Asaph...London, 1803. 29 p. 80. Pam. v. 413. THOUGHTS on the English Government: Addressed to the quiet, good sense of the people of England. In a series of letters: Letter the first... By John Reeves, esq. London, 1795. 80 p. 8~. Pam. v. 412. THOUGHTS on the Millennium..By a Gleaner. London, 1833. 46 p. 8~. Pam. v. 310, FIRST SUPPLEMENT. 825 THOUGHTS on the present Prices of Provisions....By an Independent gentleman. London, 1800. 87 p. S". Pain. v. 413. THIOUGHTS on the present state of the Liturgy of the Church of England. London, Seeley, 1836. 22 p. 80. Pam. v. 308. THOUGIITS on the Progress of Socinianism.. With a particular view to the writings of Dr. Priestley.....To which is added a letter to Dr. Price... London, 1787. 54 p. 80. Pam. v. 315. THREE LETTERS to a Member of Parliament. London, 1775. See Letters. Cat. 1855. THREE YEARS on the Kansas Border: By a Clergyman of the Episcopal Church. New-York and Auburn, 1856. 240 p. 120~. THRING, Henry. The Supremacy of Great Britain not inconsistent with self-government for the colonies..... London, 1851. 64 p. 8~. Pain. v. 434. -- Memorandum on the Merchant Shipping law consolidation bill: By H. T. and T. H. Farrer. London, 1854. 39 p. 8~. Pam. v. 426. THUCYDIDEst. Thvcydidis, Olori fil., De Bello Peloponnesiaco libri viii. Ad Editionem Car. Andr. Duckeri cum omnibus auctariis recusi: Accesserunt varie lectiones duorum codicuim animradversiones I. C. Gottleberi, A.-.... Ccepturn opus perfecit, suas notas adiecit... C. L. Bauerus..... Lipsire.. 1790. 1 v.- Editionem absolvit C. D. Beckius.Vol. secundum, Lib. vi - viii, auctaria prefationes indices. Lipsire, 1804. 1 v.- 2 v. 4~* Analysis, etc. See Wheeler, J. T. THUNBERGt, C. P. Voyages de..... au Japon, par le Cap de Bonne Esperance..etc... R.diges... par L. revus..par J. B.'Lainarck... Paris, 1796. 4 v. 8". THURLING, James B. Of Union to the Person of Christ: A Sermon, 1 Cor. vi, 17. London, 1828. 80. Pam. v. 377. The Things of Time contemplated in subordination to the arrangement of Eternal Wisdom..Lond. 1837. 48 p. 80. Pam. v. 339. THURSTON, George I. Pittsburgh as it is.... Pittsburgh, Pa. 1857. 204 p. 120. THURSTON, S. R. Speech, U.S. H. of R., On the Admission of California. Washington, 1852. 21 p. 80. Pam. v. 486. TIBULLUS, Albius. Carmina libri tres, cum Libro quarto Sulpicive et aliorum. Novis curis castigavit C. G. Heyne... Lipsire, 1798. 8o. See Catullus. [ TICKELL, Richard ]. See Anticipation, 1778. [ TICKNORt, George]. See Lafayette, Life of. Cat. 1855. TIDCOMBE, Jer. The Works of God, and his wonders in the deep: A Sermon occasion'd by the Death of Captain Digory IHearle, 1734. London. 8~. Pam. v. 381. TIFFANY'S.( Joel) MONTHLY: Devoted to the Investigation of the Science of Mind, in the physical, intellectual, moral and religious phases thereof... Vol. Iv. New-York, 1858. 80. [ SrrPPL.1 104 826 GENERAL LIBRARY. TIJDSCRRIFT voor Neerland's Indie. Derde jaargang, Eerste deel. Batavia, 1840. 12~. TILDEN & CO.: Catalogue of pure medicinal extracts. N.York, 1855. 32 p. 80. Pam. v. 516. TILL, William. An Essay on the Roman denarius and English silver penny..... To which is added a List of English and Scotch silver pennies.... a Brief Notice of...numismatic works. 3d ed. London, 1846. 230 p. 12~. TILLBURY, G. P. Breve Explicagao sobre a Grammatica..Portugueza..Rio de Janeiro, 1823. 49 p. 8~. ---- Arte Ingleza...Rio de Janeiro, 1827. viii, 48 p. 80. TILLETT, Francis. A New Key to the Exact Sciences:.... by which mathematical problems.. can be solved with accuracy..Winchester, Va. 1824. 64 p. 8~. Pam. v. 274, 551. TILLOTSONt, Abp. John. [Sermons]. 1 v. 40 and 8~0. Contents: Cripplegate about..1660: Matt. vii, 12. London, 1709. Happiness of a heavenly conversation: A Sermon, Phil. iii, 20; before Charles II. London, 1709. A Seasonable New-year's Gift against Popery: 1 Corinth. iii, 15; before Charles II. London, 1709. Sermon before the King, Feb. 26, 1675: Psalm cxix, 59. London, 1675. Sermon before the King, April 18, 1675: Psalm cxix, 60. Sermon, H. of Commons, Nov. 5, 1678: Luke ix, 55, 56. Sermon, First General York County Meeting in London, Decemb. 3, 1678. London, 1679. Sermon, April 4, 1679: 1 John iv, 1. The Protestant Religion vindicated from the charge of singularity and novelty: A Sermon, April 2, 1680: Josh. xxiv, 15. Funeral Sermon of B. Whichcot, D.D. 1683. London. Necessity of Knowledge of the HIoly Scripture....A Sermon: Matthew xxiii, 13. 1685. Sermon, Jan. 31, 1688: Thanksgiving. for the Prince of Orange... Ezra ix, 13, 14. London, 1689. Sermon before the Princess Anne of Denmark, Sept. 2, 1688: Matthew xxv, 12. London, 1709. Sermon before Queen Mary, March 8, 1689: Matt. v, 44. London, 1709. Sermon before the Queen, March 1690: Mlatt. xxv, 46. London, 1690. Sermon, Feb. 27, 1691: Acts xxiv, 16. London, 1709. Sermon, Sep. 16, 1691: Zech. vii, 5: London, 1691. Sermon, April 9, 1693, concerning the Sacrifice..of Christ: kleb. ix, 26. Sermon, Lent 1694, before the King: Titus iii, 2. London. [ ] A Discourse against Purgatory. London, 1685. 37 p. 4~. Pam. v. 356. [ ] A Discourse against Transubstantiation. London, 1684. 43 p. 4~. Pam. v. 356. TILLY (William), D.D. Sermon, Oxford, Nov. 5, 1705: Is. liv, 17. London. 8~. Pam. v. 363. ~ —- Sermon, Univ. of Oxford, Dec. 11, 1709: John iii, 19. London. 8~0, Pam. v. 364. FIRST SUPPLEMENT. 827 Sermon, Knowledge of the Resurrection: Phil. iii, 10, at Oxford, 1718. 8~. Pam. v. 367. TInBSt, John. The Year-book of Facts in science and art. 1856, 1859. London. 12~.- See also Arcana of Science. Cat. 1855. TIMBUCTOO: A Poem. London. 9 p. 8~. Pam. v. 398. TIMESt ( The): Daily. London, Oct. 1855 - June 1859. 15 v. fo. TIMES FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY. London, 1856. 80. Pam. -v. 511. TIMONI, Alexandre. Tableau Synoptique et pittoresque des litteratures les plus remarquables... P'*. Paris, 1853. 3 v. 120. TIMOuR. Institutes Political and Military, written originally in the Mogul language, by the great Timour ( Tanerlane)...Trans.... into English by Major Davy. The Original Persian....published with..Notes by Joseph White, B.D. Oxford, 1783. li, 408, lx p. 4~. - Instituts Politiques et Militaires de Tamerlan, proprement appelle Timour. Ecrits par lui meme en Mogol, et traduits en Frangois sur la version Persane. avec la vie de ce conqu6rant, des notes, etc....par L. Langles. Paris, 1787. 400 p. 8~. Histoire de Timur-Bec, connu sous le nomr du Grand Tamerlan..en forme de journal historique..Ecrite en Persan par Cherefeddin Ali...Trad. en Frangais par....Petis de la Croix....Paris, 1722. 4 v. 180. TIMPERLEY, C. II. Encyclopsedia of Literary and Typographical Anecdote':... With.... a history of all the newspapers, periodicals and almanacks published in this country...Second edition, to which are added, a continuation to the present time....London, Bohn, 1842. 998 p. 8o. The Printers' Manual...London, 1838. 116 p. roy. 8~. Songs of the Press and other poems relative to the art of printers and printing; also of authors, books, booksellers, bookbinders, editors, critics, newspapers, etc. Original and selected. With notes, biographical and literary. *** London, 1845. 208 p. 12~. [ TINDAL, Matthew]. A Defence of the Rights of the Christian church against a late Visitation W. Wotton. London, 1707. 55 p.- A second Defence of the Rights of the Christian church, occasion'd by two late indictments.... To which are added two tracts of H. also of Mr. John Hales....London, 1708. 55, 150 p. 8~. Pam. v. 340. TINKERt, Rev. Reuben. The Gospel Hope of our Nation: A Discourse, Thanksgiving, Westfield, N.Y.: Jer. ix, 23, 24. Buffalo, 1851. 8~. Pam. v. 557. ----- Sermon, before the Presbytery of Buffalo, Dec. 11, 1851. Buffalo, 1852. 8~. Pam. v. 267. TIOGA RAILROAD COMPANY: Exhibit'..with a map, 1852. 80. Pam. v. 285. TIRABOSCRI, Girolamo. Storia della Letteratura Italiana. Nuova edizione. Firenze, 1805 - 13. 9 v. in 10 v. 8~ TISSOT, Simon Andre. [De la Sant6 des Gens de Lettres. 2de 6d. augmentee. A Lausanne, 1769. 18~. 828 GENERAL LIBRARY. TISSOT, Simon Andre: Essai sur les maladies des gens du monde.... A Lausanne..~e 1770. 18~. Av — Ais au Peuple sur sa sant. N......Nouvelle edition originale, corrige and augmentee par l'auteur. A Paris, Didot, 1776. 2 v. in 1. 18~. ---- Essai sur les moyens de perfectionner les etudes de medecine... A Lausanne..1785. 180~. TITUS, James H. Address, Agri. Soc. of Franklin Co., N.Y. Oct. 6, 1853. New-York, 1853. 80. Pam. v. 204, 237. TOBACCO AND HEALTH ALMANAC for 1849: By John Burdell. NevWYork, Fowlers & Wells..12~. Alm. v. 28. TOCQUEVILLEt, Alexis De. The Old Regime and the Revolution... Trans. by John Bonner. New-York, 1856. 120~ To-DAY A Boston Literary Journal. Ed. by Charles Hale. Jan.July 1852. Boston. 8~. No. 12 wanting. TODD (John), D.D. The Student's aid in forming and strengthening the..... character and habits of the student. 2d ed. Northampton, Mass. 1835. 392 p. 12~. Sermon, Funeral of Leonard Pomeroy 2 Sam. iii, 38. Pittsfield, Mass. 1850. 8~. Pam. v. 555. TOLAND, John. Tetradymus: Containing, I, Hodegus, or the Pillar of cloud and fire..; II, Clidophorus, or of the Exoteric and esoteric philosophy..; inI, Hypatia..; Iv, Mangoneutes, being a defense of Nazarenus...London, 1720. xxii, 226 p. 8~. [ —-— ] The Memorial of the State of England, in vindication of the queen, the church, and the administration; designed to rectify the mutual mistakes of protestants, and to unite their affections in defence of our religion and. liberty. London, 1705. 104 p. 4~. Pain. v. 1011. [ ] See Dunkirk or Dover, 1713. [ -- De Prima Typographise inven. See Maittaire, prelim. TOLERATION ACT Explained: An answer to a legal argument on the toleration act....By a Barrister of the Temple. London, 1812. 8~. Pam. v. 320. TOLHAUSEN AND GARDISSAL: Technological Dictionary in the English, French and German languages..2d, 3d part. Paris, 1854, 55. 2 v. 18~. TOLL, Rev. Fred. A Defence of Dr. Middleton's Free Inquiry against M3r. Dodwell's Free Answer..London, 1749. 99 p. 8~. Pani. v. 350. TOLLAND COUNTY (Conn.) ASsOCIATION: Reply to Mr. Abbot's statement of proceedings in the. First Society in Coventry......Hartford, 1812. 48 p. 8. Pam. V. 484. TOM o? BEDLAM'S Answer to his brother Ben IHoadly, St.Peter's poor parson, near the Exchange of principles..***. By Rev. Luke Milbourne? London, 1709. 12 p. 8~. Pam. v. 349. TOM THUMB. An Account of:... who trotted 100 miles in 10 hours and 7 minutes. London. 8 p. 120. Pain. v. 489. [ ToMKINS, T.]. See Inconveniences of Toleration, 1667. FIRST SUPPLEMENT. 829 TONLINtEt, Bp. Sir George Prettyman. Sermon at St.Pauls, London, Thanksgiving, Dec. 19, 1797. London, 1798. 4o. Pam. v. 1008. Charge, Visitaiion, 1800, London. Pam. v. 375. Charge to the Clergy....July 1812. 2d edition. London, 1813. 41 p. Pam. v. 344. TOMLINSON, Abraham: Editor. See Military Journals, 1758 - 75. TOMININSONt, Charles. Cyclopedia of Useful Arts, mechanical and chemical, manufactures, mining and engineering. With an Introductory essay on the great exhibition of the works of industry of all nations, 1851. The whole illustrated by forty steel engravings and 2477 wood engravings. London, 1852. cel, 832, 1052 p. 2 v. roy. 8$. TOMLINSON, Rev. J. W. Pentachord.... Oxford, 1843. 32 p.- The Eleventh Hour, or Prophet's Cry to Christendom: A Poem of 1843. By Linus. Oxford, 1843. 24 p. 12~. Pam. v. 398. TOMPKINS, Gov. Daniel D. Letter to Archibald McIntyre, esq., Comptroller of the State of New-York. Oct. 1819. 64 p. 8~. Pam. v. 254. Report....on the final settlement of accounts of D. D. T. Mar. 16, 1820. N.Y. Leg. Doct. 35 p. 8~. Pain. v. 260, 488. TONAWANDA RAILROAD COMPANY Report. Rochester, N.Y. 1837. 8'. Pam. v. 546. TOOHEY, J. IT. NV. A Review of Rev. I. E. Dwinell's sermon against spiritualism:':** Boston, 1857. 48 p. 80. Pain. v. 563. TOOKEt, John tIorne. Two Pair of Portraits, presented to all the unbiassed electors of Great Britain, and especially to the electors of Westminster. London, 1788. 30 p. 8~. Pam. v. 411. Trial, 1792. See Fox, C. J. The Proceedings at large on the Trial of:... for High Treason...Nov. 1794...By J. H. Blanchard. London...1795. 2 v. 80~. [ — ] See Facts Addressed to Landholders on the American War. 1780. Catalogue of the Library of.. auction:..May 26, 1813. London. 43 p. 8". With prices, and purchasers. TooMBS ( Robert), of Ga. Speech, U. S. Sen., on Nebraska and Kansas. Washington, 1854. 8o. Pam. v. 561. TOPLADYt, Rev. Augustus M. Jesus Seen of Angels: 1 Timn. iii, 16; and God's mindfulness of man: Ps. viii, 4, considered in three discourses, 1770. 2d edition. London. Pam. v. 301.- The two first sermons. London, 1842. 8~. Pam. v. 378. Free Thoughts on the projected application to Parliament, for the abolition of ecclesiastical subscriptions. London, 1771. 36 p. 8~. Pam. v. 301. [-] See Old Fox tarr'd, 1775. Cat. 1855. TOPOGRAPHERt (The) AND GENEALOGIST, edited by J. G. Nichols. Vol. III. London, 1858. 8~. TOPOGRAPHICAL (The) STATISTICAL AND HISTORICAL GAZETTEEtR of Scotland. Edinburgh, A. Fullarton & Co. 1853. 2 v. 8~. 830 GENERAL LIBRARY. ToPPI, Nicolo. Biblioteca Napoletana, ed Apparato agli uominfi illustri in lettere di Napoli e del regno. Napoli, 1678. 400 p. & indexes. f. Titlepage wanzting. TORNBERGt, Car. J. Numi Cufici regii numophylacii Holmiensis, quos omnes in terra Suecise repertos.... Impen. Reg. Acad.....Upsalise, 1848. lxxxviii, 314 p. and 14 plates. 4~. TORONTO. The I-and-Book of Toronto; containing its climate, geology, natural history, educational institutions...etc. By a muember of the press. With a map. Toronto, Canada, 1858. 272 p. 12~. TORONTO ALMANAC AND ROYAL CALENDAR of Upper Canada for 1839. Toronto. 224, 88, 72, 80 p. 18~. TORONTO BIBLE SOCIETY. 11thReport, 1840. Toronto. 8~. Pam. v. 467. TORONTO DIRECT.ORY. Brown's Toronto City and Home District Directory, 1846-7....Together with a large amount of general infor — mation. Toronto, G. Brown, 1846. 18~. ToRREYt (John), M.D. A Compendium of the Flora of the Northern and Middle States...New-York, 1826. 403 p. 12~. TORREY, Rev. John. MIemoir by. See Marsh, James.. T6RRING ZU SEEFELD, Anton Graf.?. Der Verlurst eines weisen Mannes bey denm Hintritt des Freyherrn von Ickstadt. 17ten April 1777. See Koen. Baler. Ak. Reden, v. 3. TORRINGTON, Viscount. Speech, H. of Lords, Ap. 1, 1851: Affairs of Ceylon. With an Appendix..of evidence..8~. Pam. v. 433. TORY (A) PLOT; or the Discovery of a design carried on by our late Addressers and Abhorrers, to alter the constitution of the government and to betray the Protestant religion. By Philanax Misopappas. London, Janeway, 1682. 1st edition. 40 p.; 2d ed. 34 p. 4o.- The Tory Plot; the second part, or a farther discovery of a design to alter, etc... By Philanax Misopappas. Lond. 1682. 32 p. 40~. 2 copies. Pam. v. 407.- See also Charge, The. TOTTEN (B.J.), Lieut. U.S.N. Naval Text-Book: Letters to the Midshipmen of the United States Navy, on masting, rigging, and managing vessels of war. Also, a set of stationing tables; a naval gun exercise, and a marine dictionary. Boston, 1841. 430 p. 8~. TOTTENI, J. G. Report of Gen. J. G. Totten, Chief Engineer, on the subject of national defences. Cong. Doct. Washington, 1851. 108 p. 8~. Pam. v. 222. TOTTIE ( John), D.D. Sermon, Ridicule: 2 Pet. iii, 2, at Oxford, 1734. 3d ed.- Sermon, A View of Reason: Rom. vii, 23, 1735. London, 1736.- Sermon, Sensual pleasures: 2 Tim. iii, 4, at Oxford, 1747; - Charge relative to the Articles..1772. Oxford.- Two Charges, 1763, 1766.... against the sophistical arts of the Papists and the delusions of the Methodists. Oxford, 1766. 8~. Pam. v. 368. TOTTIE, Thomas W. A Plain Statement of the Trusts and recent administration of Lady Hewley's charities.... and an Appendix containing the Catechism of Mr. E. Bowles. London, 1834. 93 p. 8~. Pam. v.-317. [ TOUCHET, George]. See Historical Collections, 1674. FIRST SUPPLEMENT. 831 TOULMINt,. H..Life, Sentiments and Character of John Mort, in an address to the dissenters of Atherton..... London, 1793. 74 p. 8~. Pam. v. 390. TOULMIN ( Joshua), D.D. The Doctrine of the Scriptures concerning the Unity of God: A Sermon. London, 1802. 8~. Pam. v. 316. Popular Preaching recommended by the conduct of Christ as a teacher: A Sermon. London, 1807. 8~. Pam. v. 316. - A Free and Serious Address to the Christian laity, especially such as embracing Unitarian sentiments conform to Trinitarian worship.... Second edition, corrected. Birmingham, 1814. 111 p. 18~. TOURN1FORT, Joseph Pitton de. Traite de la Matiere Medicale, on l'histoire et l'usage des medicamens...Paris, 1717. 2 v. 12~. TOURSEL, Rev. M. J. Worship of Holy Relics. See Catholic Pulpit, No. 19. TOUSSAINT, P. Memoir of Pierre Toussaint, born a slave in St.Dormingo. By the author of " Three experimens of living," i. e. Mrs. II. F. Lee. Boston, 1854. 154 p. 18~. TowERt (David B.) and Benjamin F. TWEED...First Lessons in language; or Elements of English grammar.... New-York....1855. 125 p. 180. TowERt, James M. Outline History of the Utica and Binghampton Railway project...Utica, 1854. 63 p. 80. Pam. v. 546. TOWERS (Joseph), LL.D. Observations on Mr. Hume's History of England*'*. London, 1778. 151 p. 80. Pam. v. 393. An Oration delivered at the London Tavern, on the 4th Nov. 1788, on occasion of the Commemoration of the Revolution..Lond. 1788. 8~. Pam. v. 393. [ TowGoon, Rev. Micaiah]. See Dissenting Gentleman's Answer, 1748; Also, Dissent from the Church, 1768. The same enlarged. TOWLE, T. Funeral Addresses. See Barber, J., & Brewer, S. TOWNI, Salem. An Analysis of the derivative words in the English language... 30th edition. Rochester, N.Y. 1844. 164 p. 12~. [TOWNE, Rev. John]. On Dr. Lowth. See Wai'burton, William. [ —] Critical Inquiry into the Opinions of the ancient philosophers..concerning... a future state, 1747. See Warburton, William. TOWNELEY, John. Bibliotheca Towneleiana.- Catalogue of the.... Library of:... Auction, June 8, 1814.....London. 47, 67 p. 8~. With prices. TOWNLEY,'Robert. Christianity in the 19th Century: A Sermon, Charlestown, MUass. 1 Pet. iv, 2. Boston, 1852. 80. Pam. v. 558. TOWNSEND'S. ( F.) FURNACE and Machine Shop: Pattern list, 1857. Albany. With cuts. 80~. TOWNSEND (Rev. George), of Ramsgate. The King's Recovery, two Thanksgiving discourses: 1 Sam. xii, 24, 25. Canterbury, 1789. 78 p. — Thankfulnfiess, a Sermon, Nov. 5, 1792: 1 Sam. vii; 12. Canterbury. 8~. Pam. v. 374. 832 GENERAL LIBRARY. TOWNSEND (George), D.D. [A Collection] in 1 v. 8~. Contents: Supplementary Letter to Charles Butler, esq., in reply to his Vindication of the Roman Catholic Charch...London, 1826. 138 p. A Plan for abolishing Pluralities and Non-residence in the Church of England...In a Letter to Lord Henley... London, 1833. 98 p. The Doctrine of Atonement to be taught without reserve; or the Clergy warned againist.... "Tracts for the Times, No. 80: Ad Cleruin." - A Charge...London, 1838. 59 p. Funeral Sermon..of the Rev. Robert Gray..Sunderland, 1838. The Church of England the best accomplisher of the objects of the miraculous gifts...A Sermon: Eph. iv, 11, 12. Lond. 1839. xxiv, 39 p. Visitation Sermon: 1 Tim. vi, 20. London, 1839....Twofold Nature of Christ...A Sermon: John i, 1, 14. Durham, 1845. Sermon, Nov. 5, 1846: Jer. ix, 1, 4. Durham, 1846. Sermon.: 2 Sam. iii, 38, on the Death of Rt. Rev. W. Van Mildert, Durham, Feb. 28, 1836. Durham. 4~. Pami. v. 1009. - Sermon: 2 Chron. xxvi, 16 - 21. See Practical Sermons. TOWNSEND, Geo. Fyler. Against Purgatory, a Sermon: John iii, 36. London, 1838. 8~. Pamn. v. 377. The Church of England a better teacher of the Catholic faith.. or a reply to Mr. O'Connell...Durham, 1839. 80. Pam. v. 378. ----- The Wearing an Apron of Skin, a motive to Christian holiness; a sermon before the..lodges of Odd Fellows: Gen. iii, 7. Durham, 1840. 80. Pam. v. 378. TOWNSEND, Rev. John. Lord Nelson's Funeral improved in a discourse, Jan. 12, 1806: Acts viii, 2. London.- Funeral Sermon, for Mrs. M. Dunkin... with extracts from her diary..London, 1806. 99 p.Discourse, Death of Mrs. M. Hawkes. London, 1808.- Discourse, Death of Mr. T. Hawkes. London, 1810.- Sermon, Soc. in Scotland for Prop. Christian Knowledge, 1812. London. 67 p. In 1 v. 8~. TOWNSEND, John. Memorial of:...... with a Sermon by Rev. W. B. Sprague, D.D. Albany, 1854. 8~. Pamn. v. 80. TOWNSEND, John F. Relations between the Professions of-Law and Medicine. Albany, 1854. 8~. Pam. v. 204. TOWNSEND, Joseph. Some Account of the British Army, under the command of General Howe, and of the battle of Brandywine..... Sept. 11th, 1777...accompanied by a notice of the life of J. T..... Philadelphia, Press of the Historical Society of Pennsylvania, 1846. 33 p. 8~. [ TOWNSHEND, Charles]. See Defence of the 3Majority, 1765. TowsoN, N. A Sketch of the Life of General Nathan Towson, U.S. Army. Baltimore, 1852. 20 p. 8~. Pam. v. 494. Toy, John. On Drunkenness resulting from the use of ardent spirits. London, 1836. 29 p. 120. Pam. v. 403. TRACT (A) on Drunkenness. Pub. by the Prot. Society of Young Men for...tracts. New-York, 1811. 11 p. 120. Pam. v. 234. TRACTS FOR THE TIMES. [New Series] No. 10. Ought the "Queen and the Country" to submit tamely to be ridden "in a snaffle?"... By Anti-cant. London, 1852. 7 p. 12~. Pam. v. 416. FIRST SUPPLEMENT. 8~3 TRACTS FOR TT-E TIMES. No. I - 12. Ladies' Religious Publication Society. Albany, 1858- 59. 12~. TRACTS on Catholic unity, No. 7. By Members of the Church of England. 8 p. 8'. Pam. v. 317. TRACY, Rev. Joseph. Colonization and Missions. A historical examination of the state of society in Western Africa... 3d edition. Boston, 1845. 40 p. 8''. Pali. v. 462. [ —-] Sandwich Islands, 1841. See American Board. [TRACY, Uriah]. See Scipio, Reflections on Monroe's View. Cat. 1855. TRAGIC ALMIANAC, N.Y. T. WY. Strong, 1844. 120. Alm. v. 25. TRAITT ( Le) de Paris: Par un Ancien Diplomate. Paris, 1856. 59 p. 8". Pa1n. v. 522. TRANCHEPAIN ( La Rdv. Mere Marie) de St.Augustin. Relation du Voyage des premieres Ursulines a la Nouvelle Orlans et do leur etablissemient en cette ville..(17227- 33). Nouvelle- York, J. M. Shea, 1859. iv, 62 p. 12". TRANSUBgTANTIATION a peculiar Article of the Roman Catholic faith whieh was never own'd by the anltient church.....By J. Goodman. London, 1688. 48 p. 4'. Pain. v. 357. TRANSYLVANIA UNIVERSITY. Catalogue. Lexington, Ky., 1836. 8". Pam. v. 156. TRAPNELL (Rev. Joseph), jr. Report of the Trial of: before the Standing Comni. of the Dioc. of Maryland...Feb. 1847. Baltimore, 1847. 152 p. 8'. TRAPP (Joseph), D.D. [Sermons, 1708 - 391, in 1 v. S". Conteents' Of Confounding the Distinction between good and evil Isaiah v, 20. At Oxfo>rd Assizes, 1708. Oxford. Fast, Treaty of Peace: Psalms cxx, 5 - 7. 1712. London. Of the Church: John, xviii, 36. In Answer to the Bishop of Bangor..1717. Londolln. Sons of the Clergy: 2 Kings iv, 1, 2. 1720. London, 1721. At Oxford Assizes, 1739: Gal. iv, 18. London. Four Discourses, Of being righteous overniuch: Eccl. vii, 16. 3d edition. London, 1739. [ —] See Character of... Whigs, 1710. Cat. 1855. - Sermon, before the lMayor of London.... on.... fatst day for the execrable murder of King Charles I, Jan. 30, 1729. London. 4". Pall. v. 1005. TRAUTWiNEt, John C. Report. See Lackawanna Railroad. TRAVAIJX (Los) DE MArTS, on 1'Art de 1-L Guerre. By A. MazessonMIallet. Paris, 1684. Im.pefect. 12". TRAVFLLER S GUIDE: throu/h the Mildle and Northern States, andl the Pl-rovinces of C(anada. 5th elition. S.Lr toga Springls, NIV.. 1833. 448 p. 18". TREADWELI & PERRY. List of Stoves, 1851. Albany. fVTith cats. 8~. TKEATISE (A) concernino the Militia, in four sections. By C. S. Londq 1752. 68 p. 8". Pain. v, 406. [ SUPPL.J 105 834 GENERAL LIBRARY. TREATISE (A) of the Most Holy Trinity. London, 1748. 28 p. 8~. Pam. v. 312. TREATISE ON EXPATRIATION, 1814. See [ hIay, Geo.] Cat. 1855. TREATISE ON TAXES, 1679. See [ Petty, Sir W.] Cat. 1855. TREATISE (A) on the Virtues and Efficiency of a Crust of Bread eat early in a morning fasting... cures accomplished by the saliva.... By a Physician. 2Nich. Robinson. 1756. 7th edition. London, 1821. 58 p. 8~. Pam. v. 405. TREBELLIUS POLLIO. History. Se'e Pollio. TREGELLES, Samuel P. The Original language of St.Matthew's Gospel...London, 1850. 38 p. 8". Pam. v. 313. TRELAWNY, E. J. Recollections of the last days Of Shelley and Byron. *~*. Boston, 1858. 12~. TRELAWNY (Jonathan), Bp. Sermon: Josh. xxiii; 8,9, before the Queen, Thanksgiving, Nov. 12, 1702. London. 40. Pam. v. 1005. TRELEINIE, P. I. Pseud. The Undeceiving of the People in point of Tithes.. By Peter HIeylin, D.D. London, 1648. 4~. imp. Pam. v. 354. TREMLETT, Rev. F. W. Church of St.Botolph. A Letter to the Parish.written on the occasion of his resignation.. Boston, Mass. 1851. 18 p. 8~. Pam. v. 203. TREIMONT-STREET MEDICAL SCHOOL. Catalogue, etc. Boston, 1855. 31 p. 8'. Pam. v. 196, 517. TRENCH, Francis. Lecture on Conversation, 1854. See Peabody, A. P. TRENCH+, Rich. C. The Fitness of Holy Scripture for unfolding the -spiritual life of men: II, Christ the Desire of all nations...Being the Hulsean lectures for 1845 and 1846. Philadelphia, 1850. 120. TRENCHARD, John. An History of standing armies in Englandc..... (1698). With an incomparable preface upon government**. Lond. 1739. viii, 68 p. 8~. Pam. v. 416. TRENCKI, Frederick, Baron. The Life of: containing his adventures.....Trans. by T. Holcroft. 4 v. in 1. Philadelphia, 1789. 256, 68 p. 12~. The same, abridged. Albany, 1853. 8~. TRENTON ACADEMY. Catalogue, 1847-48. Trenton, N.J. 1848. Pam. v. 247. TRENTON CITY DIRECTORY...also an historical sketch...1857. Compiled by W. II. Boyd. Trenton, N.J. 221 p. 120~. TRESCOTt, William Henry. The Diplomatic History of the administrations of Washington and Adams, 1789- 1801. Boston, 1857. xii, 283 p. 8o. TREVELYAN PAPERS. See Camden Society Publications. [ TREVOR, Sir John]. See England's Appeal, 1673. TREVOR, Bp. W. Sermon, 1750. See Society for Prop. the Gospel. TRIAMOIRAI...the first addressed to the Roman Catholics of Ireland; The second, to the Prot. Clergy of Ireland; The third, to the King FIRST SUPPLEMENT. 835 and his Ministers, upon.....the religion of the Church of Rome. Dublin (1822). 118 p. 8". Panm. v. 342. TRIIVUNE ALMANAC AND POLITICAL REGISTER for 1856. (Formerly, " WVhig Alm2."). New-York. 80 p. 120. TRIBUTE TO IRISH AND SCOTCHI of Penna. See Chambers, G. TRIMNELL, Bp. Charles. Sermon, Norwich, Sept. 7, 1704: Thanksgiving for victories of Marlborough. Norwich, 1704. 40. Pam. v. 36'2. - Sermon, II. of Lords, Thanksgiving, Feb. 17, 1708: Ps. xx, 6. London. 8~. Pam. v. 364. - Sermon, 1710. See Society for Prop. the Gospel. ---- Sermon, before Parliament, M'lartyrdom of Charles I: Prov. xvii, 14. London, 1712. 8~. Paln. v. 365. TRINITARIAN AND UNITARIAN SYLLOGISMIS. Liverpool. 8 p. 8". Pam. v. 316. TRINITYt CHURCH. [A Collection of Pamphlets concerning:.... ]. Vol. 3, 4. 2 v. 8o. Contents: VOLUME 3. Charter, etc. New-Ycrk, 1836. 304p. Resolutions introduced in the Senate of New-York, by W. Clark, April 10, 1855. 3 p. f. Trinity Church Title: Report of the Commissioners of the Land-office... May 12, 1836.- Memorial of the Corporation..March 26, 1853. NewYork, 1855. 35 p. Communication of the Vestry... to the Senate... in reply to resolutions of...April 13, 1855. Sen. Doct. 1856. 58 p. Memorial of the Rector, etc..... to the Commissioners of the Land-Office, Jan. 7, 1856. 11 p. Letter and Authentic Documentary Evidence in relation to Trinity Church property... submitted to the Commissioners of the Land-office: By Rutger B. Miller... Albany, 1855. 86 p. and map. Trinity Church Title: An Exposure of Miller's Letter; with Documents, etc. addressed to the la.te Commissioners of the Land office. By William H. Harison. Albany, 1856. 46 p. Opinion of the Supreme Court in the Case of C. C. Kiersted vs. the People of the State, the Rector, &c. of Trinity Church and others: April 9. New-York, 1855. 32 p. Facts against Fancy; or a True and Just View of Trinity Church: By the Rev. William Berrian, D.D., the rector. New-York, 1855. 74 p.' The Rector Rectified;" in Reply to " Facts against Fancy," by Rev. W. Berrian: From the Protestant Churchman. JBy H. Adnthon, D.D.? New-York, 1856. 46 p. A Letter to Rev. W. Berrian, D.D., on the resources, present position, and duties of Trinity Church...By William Jay. New-York, 1856. 20 p. Trinity Church Case: Dr. Tyng and others against Trinity Church. By Presbyter, i. e. Rev. -John Morgan. New-York, 1856. 30 p. VOLUME 4. Report of the Select Committee to whonr was referred the Report of Trinity Reply to the Resolutions of the Senate, passed April 13, 1855.... Jan. 29, 1857. 27 p. The same; with Appendix. Sen. Doct. 125 p. Report of the Select Committe2-... to whom the Report made by them Jan. 29...was recommitted. Son. Doct. March 13, 1857. 133 p. 836 GENERAL LIBRARY. TRINITY CIURCH: Argument of John K. Porter, Counsel for the disfranchised corporators...before Sel. Commu. of Senate, March 2, 1857. Albany, i857. 61 p. Argument of the Counsel of Ti inity Church, be:ore the Senate Committee. Albany, 1857. 66 p. A Reply to the Report of the Select Committee.... By a Citizen of NewYork. New-York, Feb. 6, 1857. 20 p. To the Senators, etc.; being an Examination and Exposure of the Report of the Select Committee....By a IMember of the Prot. Episc. Church. I'eb. 12, 1857. 31 p Speech of J. Noxon, on the Trinity Church bill, Mar. 26, 1857, in Senate. Albany. 49 p. Speech of Mr. Wadsworth, in Senate, March 27, 1857. 24 p. Argument of Daniel E. Sickles, in the Senate, April 1857. Albany. 85 p. Speech of IIon. E. Brooks, in NV. Y. Senate, April 6, 1,57. 44 p. Debates on the Trinity Church bill, in the Senate, Albany, 1857. 98 p. Anneke Jans and Trinity Church: The title, l)arish rights and property of' Trinity Church, N.Y.; from the Appendix to Bishop Delancey's 20th Conventional Address....Utica, 1857. 23 p. Remonstrance and Protest of the Rector, etc. of Trinity Church, against thle...a..lteration of the Act of 1814 in relation to said corporation. Albany, 1857. 13 p. Sheep without a Shepherd; or the Rector's Cure of souls: A Contribution to the Trinity Church question. By one of the disfranchised. N.York, 1857. 41 p. A Letter fiom Hon. D D. Barnard. to E. Brooks, on the Proceedings against Trinity Church.... Albaly, 1857. 43 p. A Review of the Reports, Evidence and Arguments, as presented in the Case of Trinity Church to the Legislature..1857. 33 p. Communication from lion. J. A. Dix, to the Sel. Comm. of the Senate, on the Report on Trinity Church. New-York, 1857. 19 p. A Word f,,'r Trinity Church: From the American Church Monthly. By Rev. Charles Hudson. New-York, 1857. 28 p. In Ejectment: The People of the State of New-York vs. The Rector, &c. of Trinity Church. By R. B. M.iller? Jan. 1858. 9 p. TRINITY COLLEGE: Catalogue, 1845; Calendar, 1847. Hartford, Conzn. 8'. Pam. v. 481. TRIOMI:PHE DU NCUVEAU MONDE. See [Brun, J.]. Cat. 1855. TRIP (A) through the Lakes of America; embracing a full description of the St.Lawrence river.... New-York, J. Disturnell, 1857. Map. 384 p. 120. TRIPLET, Thomas. An Inaugural Dissertation on Apoplexy. Philadelphia, 1798. 30 p. 8". Pam. v. 235. TRITHEMIIUS, R. P. Joannes. Liber de Scriptoribus Ecclesiasticis. Basileam, 1494. f~. TROLLOPE, T. Adolphus. A Summer in Brittany. Edited by Frances Trollope...London, 1840. 2 v. 8".TROLLOPE, Rev. William. The Expedients to which the Gentile philosophers resorted in opposing the progress of the Gospel.... An Hulsean dissertation. London, 1822. 62 p. 8". k am. v. 335. Belgium since the Revolution of 1830...London, 1842. 12o. FIRST SUPPLEMENT. 837 TR6IMEL, Paul. Die Litteratur der Deutschen Mundarten.. Aus Petzholdt's Anzeiger. Halle, 1854. 37 p. 8". TRoss, E. XVIII'00 Catalogue d'Ouvrages de Travail et de livres rares...Paris, 1855. 158 p. 8~. TROT, John. Pseud. See [ St.John, H., Lord Bolingbroke]. TROTTER ( Thomas), AI.D. Suspiria Oceani; a Monody on the death of Richard Earl Howe, K. G... *. London, 1800. 23 p. 4~. Pam. v. 1012. TROW, John F. See New-York Directory, 1856 - 59. TROY, N.Y. Board of Education: Manual, 1853, 1858. Troy. 12~. Pam. v. 605. Resolutions adopted by the Common Council on a bridge at Albany; and Report (1857?). 11 p. Pam. v. 493. - Water Commissioners -: Annual Report of Committee, 1835.First Report, 1856. 8~. Pam. v. 236. TROY ALMANAC, 1846,'48,'54, 55,'56. 120. Alm. v. 34. TROY AND GREENFIELD RAILROAD COMPANY: The HIoosac Tunnel. A brief report of the hearing..before a Joint Special Committee of the Leg. of Mass. Boston, 1853. 79 p. 8~. Pain. v. 285. TRoYt CONFERENCE of the Methodist Episcopal Church: Minutes... Albany, 1845. 12~. Pam. v. 519.- Minutes, 22d Session, 1.854; 26th Session, 1858. 120. Pani. v. 604. TRoYt CONFERENCE ACADEMY, West Poultney, Vt.: Catalogue, 1851. 80. Pamn. v. 457. TRoY CONFERENCE MISSIONARY SOCIETY: 2d, 3d, 5th, 7th, 8th Report. Albany, 1852, 53, 55, 57, 58. 120. Pam. v. 604. TROY DIRECTORIES for the year 1840-41, 1-841-42, 43, 44, 45, 46 (Tuttle's), 48, 50 ( Prescott's), 51, 52, 53, 54,55, 56, 57, 58, 59. Troy, N.Y. 18 v. 18~ & 12~. The later volumes contain also West-Troy and Green-Island. TROY FEIMALE SEMINARY - Mr-S. I:Villard's: Catalogue, 1846, 48, 50, 52, 54. 8S. Pami. v. 460. TROY UNIVERSITY: Its Plan..New-York, 1857.- Annual Commencement for 1858. Troy, N.Y. 1858. 80. Pam. v. 479. TROY YOUNG MEN'S ASSOCIATION: Catalogue of the Library. Troy, 1859. 8~. TRaBNERt (N.) & Co. Trdibner's Bibliographical. Guide to American Literature: A Classed List of Books published in the United States of America during the last forty years. With bibliographical introduction.. London, 1859. cxlix, 554 p. 8~. Catalogue of Oriental Books. London, 1853.- S-uppl. No~, II, III: Books on languages, theology, bibliography, books on America, 1855. 8~. Cat. v. 78. Catalogue of New and Secondhand Books.... rich in books on languages, on bibliography, and on North and South America. London, 1857. 159 p. 80. See Nutt's Catalogue, 1857; Ludewig's Bibliotheca. 838 GENERAL LIBRARY. TRUE ACCOUNT of the most considerable occurrences that have happened in the warre between the English and the Indians in New-England. London, 1676. See Drake's Old Indian Chronicles. TRUE (A) and Imnpartial State of the Province of Pennsylvania..... being a full Answer to... "A Brief State" and a " Brief View".. Philadelphia, 1759. 173, 34 p. 80. Imp. TRUE (A) and Particular Relation of the dreadful earthquake.. at Lima..1746. Boston, B. Fowle. 8 p. 12~. Pain. v. 603. TRUE (A) DISCOVERY of the Proiectors of the Wine proiect, out of the vintners owne orders made at their common hall.... And hereby is also truly set forth the excessive gaines and great exactions of the vintners in the retayle of their wines, and their unwholsome mixtures thereof. Lond. printed for T. Walkley, 1641. 28 p. 4~. Pam. v.407. TRUE (A) HISTORY of a late short administration. By Charles Lloyd. Lolndon, Almon, 1766. 22 p. 80. Pol. Tr. v. 4. TRUE (A) NARRATIVE of the late design of the Papists to charge their horrid plot upon the Protestants, by endeavouring to corrupt Capt. Bury and Alderman Brooks of Dublin, and to take off the evidence of Mr. Oats and Mr. Bedlow... Depositions taken before.... Sir J. Williamson...and Sir W. Waller... London, 1679. 16 p. fO. Pam. v. 1103. TRUE Representation of..the Muggletonians, 1694. See [ Williams, J.]. TRUE (A) STATE Of the Proceedings in the Parliament of Great Britain and in the Province of Massachusetts-Bay, relative to the giving and granting the money of the people of that province and of all America, in the H. of Commons, in which they are not represented. London (1774). 24 p. fo. TRUEBA ( Don Telesforo de) Y CosIo. History of the Conquest of Peru by the Spaniards. (Constable's Miscellany, v. 2). Edinb. 1830. 18~. TRUMBULL- (Benj.), D.D. A Discourse delivered at the anniversary meeting of the town of New-Haven, April 12, 1773. New-Haven, 1773. 80. - A Funeral Discourse... Dec. 14, 1799, on the Death of Gen. G. Washington... New-Haven, 1800. 8S. Portrait. TRUMBULL, George. Pocket Typographia; a Brief Practical Guide to the art of printing. Albany, 1846. 95 p. 240~. TRIUMBULLt (John), LL.D. M'Fingal: An Epic Poem...With introduction and notes by Benson J. Lossing... New-York, 1860. 322 p. large raper 12~. TRUTH ascertained and Error confuted; or an Appeal, to all mankind, from the witness of God's works and creatures. London, 1736. 43 p. 8~. Pam. v. 444.- Introduction to, Essay on religion, etc. 1737. TRYPHIODORUS. The Destruction of Troy; being the Sequel of the Iliad.. from the Greek of Tryphiodorus; with notes. By J. Merrick...Oxford (1739). lxxxviii, 151 p. 80.- With Tryphiodori Ilii excidium, cum metrica Nicodemi Frischlini versione... et suas annotationes adjecit J. Merrick. Oxonii (1741). 112 p. In 1 v. 8~. TUCKER, Ephraim W. A History of Oregon; containing a condensed Account of the most important Voyages... on the Northwest coast of America... Buffalo, N. Y. 1844. 84 p. 12~. FIRST SUPPLEMENT. 839 TuciKEt, George. The History of the United States, from their Colonization, to the end of the Twenty-sixth Congress in 1841. Phil'a, 1856, 57. 4 v. 8~. TUCKER, Gideon J. A Letter from: Exposing and refuting the calumnies..of Daniel E. Sickles. N.York, 1858. 7 p. 8~. Pam. v. 488. TUCKERt (Dean Josiah), D.D. Four Tracts, together with Two Sermons on political and commercial subjects.... Glocester, 1774. 216, 35 p. 8s. TRACT I. A Solution... whether a poor country...can supplant the trade of a II. The Case of going to war for the sake of trade. III. Letter from a his Nephew in America. IV. The True Interest of Great Britain with regard to the Colonies. An Humble Address and Earnest Appeal to those respectable persons... who... are able to judge... whether a connexion with, or a separation from the continental colonies of America be most for the national advantage...Glocester, Eng. 1775. 93 p. 8~. Cui Bono? or, An Inquiry what benefits can arise either to the English or the Americans, the French, Spaniards or Dutch, from the greatest victories or successes in the present war..Letters addressed to M. Necker. Glocester, 1781. 141 p. 8~. - [ Writings of ], in 1 v. 8~. Contents: Alln Apology for the present Church of England as by law established.... 2d edition. Glocester, 1772. 80 p. Letters to the Rev. Dr. Kippis, occasioned by his Treatise... "A Vindication of the Protestant dissenting ministers"...Glocester, 1773. 135 p. A Brief Dispassionate View of the Difficulties attending the Trinitarian, Arian and Socinian systems... Glocester, 1774. 22 p. -Religious Intolerance no part of the general plan either of the Mosaic or Christian dispensation... Glocester, 1774 55 p. Reflections on the present matters in dispute between Great Britain and Ireland...Londou, 1785. 41 p. Union or Separation: Written some years since by the Rev. Dr. Tucker, and now first published in this tract upon the same subject by the Rev. Dr. Clarke...2d edition. London, 1799. 83 p. TUCIcERt, J. N.T. Pro Bono Publico: A Candid Appeal for free schools..Albany, 1850. 22 p. 8~. Pam. v. 553. TUCKERMANt, Henry T. The Optimist. New-York, 1850. 273 p. 12~. Sicily, a Pilgrimage. New-York, 1856. 12~. Biographical Essays. Essays biographical and critical; or studies of character@*. Boston, 1857. 475 p. 8~. The Character and Portraits of Washington. New-York, 1859. 12 plates, 104 p. 4~. TUCKERMANt, Joseph. A Letter respecting Santa Cruz as a winter residence for invalids...Boston, 1837. 27 p. 8~. Pam. v. 210. TUCKETT, Harvey G. Practical Remarks on.tlthe present state of life insurance in the United States...14th edition. Philadelphia, 1851. 67 p. 80. Pam. v. 511. [TUDORt, William]. See Gebel Teir, 1829. Cat. 1855. 840 GENERAL LIBRARY. TUDOT, F. Traite de Lithographie, ou description de tons les moyens de dessiner sur pierre...2t111e d. Paris, 18341. 222 p. 18~. TUFTS COLLEGE. Catalogue, 1856. Boston. 80. Pain. v.481. TULLIUS AMERICUS. Strictures on a Pamphlet entitled,' An examination of the President's reply to the New-Haven remonstrance," etc., signed Lucius Junius Brutus. With an Appendix..Bly Tullius Americus. Albany, 1801. 38 p. 8~. TUNIS (W. E.). Topographical and Pictorial Guide to Niagara. Containing also, a description of the route through Canada....Niagara Falls, AW. E. Tunis, 1855. 18~. New International.... Guide of the United States and Canadas. Niagara Falls, N.Y. 1859. 144 p. 180. Pam. v. 610. TUNSTALL (James), D.D. Sermon, H. of Commons, Restauration of Charles II, May 29, 1746. London, 1746. 40. Pain v. 1006. TUOmIEYt, M. Pleiocene Fossils of South-Caroliha, containing descriptions and figures of the Polyparia, Echinodermnata and Mollusca. By M. Tuomey...and F. S. Holmes....No. 1- 15. Charleston, 1855 - 57. 152 p. 30 plates.40~. TURGOTt, A. R. J. Reflections on the Formation and distribution of wealth...From the French. London, 1793. 122 p. 8~. Pani. v. 412. TURKEYt. Tanzimati Hairi6: Charte Constitutionelle. 8~. Pam. v. 227. - Manifeste de la Sublime Porte, 4 Oct. 1853. 2 p. f. Pam. v. 1104. TURKEY BRANCH of the Evangelical Alliance: First Annual Report, 1856. Constantinople, 1856. viii, 16 p. 80. Pam. v. 495. TURKISH MISSIONS AID SOCIETY: 1st Report. London, 1855; Annual Meeting, 1855. Panm. v. 472. TURKISH SPY: The Eight Volumes of Letters writ by a Turkish Spy, who lived five and' forty years undiscovered at Paris.. from the year 1637 to the year 1682......23d edition. By John Paul Aiarana. Dublin, 1736. 8 v. 18~. TURNBULL'S (Dr.) Operations on the Eye. New-York (1850). 16 p. S~. Pani. v. 515. TURNBULL (A.), M.D. Report of Facts narrating recoveries of the -the deaf and dumb in 1840,'41, and'48. London, 1849. vi, 65 p. 8~. Pam. v. 405. TURNBULL, George. A Philosophical Inquiry concerning the connexion between the miracles and the doctrines of Jesus Christ..3d edition. London, 1739. 98 p. 8~. Pam. v. 309. TURNBULL, John. A Voyage round the World in the years 1800,1801, 1802, 1803 and 1804; in which the author visited Madeira, the Brazils, Cape of Good-Hope, the English settlements of Botany. Bay and Norfolk Island...'d edition. London, 1813. 4~. TURNER'S COMIC ALMANAC, Philadelphia, 1841,'44 (dup.), 45. Aim. v. 25; 1849. 120. Almn. v. 30. TURNER'S IMPROVED HOUSE-KEEPER'S ALMANAC. Philadelphia, 1843. 120. Almi. v. 46. TURNER, Bryan. Testimonium Jesu... A Sermon, before Lord MIayor: Rev. xix, 10. London, 1681. 4". Pamu. v. 1005. FIRST SUPPLEMENT. 841 TURNERt, Dawson. Catalogue of the principal part of the Library of:... Auction, March..1853. London. 221 p. 80~. TURNER, Bp. Francis. Sermon, before their Majesties, Ap. 23, 1685: 1 Chron. xxix, 23. London. 40~. Pamn. v. 360. TURNER, J. Edward. See U.S. Inebriate Asylum; N.York Ineb. As. TURNER, J. M. W. The Turner Gallery; with a Catalogue of the Vernon collection of paintings and sculpture.... at Marlborough house. London, 18~. Pan. v. 489. TURNER, Samuel. The Bond family confuted..,a Sermon: Mifatthew xxiii, 27. London, 1842. 8~.- Sermon on Backsliding: Hos. iv, 4. Pamn. v. 378. TURNERat, Samuel H. Notes on the Epistle to the Romans..New-York, 1824. x, 120 p. 8~. TURNER, Wyllyam. The Huntyng and fyndyng out of the Romish fox.....written by W. Turner, Doctour of Physicke.....Basyl, 1543. Cambridge, rep. 1851. 41 p. 8~. Pam. v. 307. TURNERt (William), M.D. The Practice of taking blood in diseases, contrary to common sense. New-York, 1851. 116 p. 8~. Pain. v. 516. TURNEY, Rev. Edmund. Baptism in the Authority of the Command.. ~ New-York (1849). 20 p. 12~. Pam. v, 466. TURNING TOWARDS THE EAST IN PUBLUC WORSHIP: IS it Right, or Wrong? London, 1851. 24 p. 80. Parn, v, 329. TURPINt, Francois Henri. HIistoire de l'Alcoran, ofu l'on decouvre le systbme politique et religieux du faux prophete... Londres,. Paris...1775. 2 v. 18. TURRETTIN, Francis. The Tyranny of the Church of Rome.... with a preliminary dissertation...By T. Rankin. London, 1820. 96 p. 8~. Pam. v. 307. - Vier uytgeleesene Predicatien,..uit het Frans vertaalt. Amst., 1696. 220 p. 180. Pam. v. 634. TURRETIN, John Alphonsus. An University Oration concerning the different fates of the Christian religion.....Geneva, 11 May, 1708. Latin and English. London, 1709. 38 p. 40~. Pam. v. 1004, TUSCANY. Rapporto Generale della Pubblica Esposizione d ei prodotti naturali e industriali della Toscana, fatta in Firenze nel Novembre 1850, nell' I. E. R. Palazzo Della Crocetkta. Firenze, 1851. 195, 342 p. 1 v. in 2. roy. 80. - Rapporto...nell' 1854. Firenze. lxxxviii, 435 p. roy. 8~. TUSON, E. W. A. The British Merchant's, Shipowner's and Master Mariner's Practical Guide in all their consular transactions. Lound. 1858. 572 p. 8~. TUSSAID, Madame. Biographical and Descriptive Sketches of the distinguished characters which compose the....exhibitions of Mme Tussaud & Sons. London, 1849. 32 p. 8~. Pam. v. 489. TUSTIN, Rev. Josiah P. Historical Discourse, Dedication of the edifice of the Baptist church...Warren, R.I. Providence, 1845. 193 p.With Fessenden's History of Warren. In 1 v. 18~. [SUPPL.] 106 842 GENERAL LIBRARY. [TUTCHIN, J.]. See New Test of the Church of England, 1687. TUTHILL (Franklin), M.D. Registration of Births, deaths and marriages. From Trans. Med. Soc. N.Y. 1852. Albany, 1853. 25 p. 8~. Pam. v. 564. TUTTLEi, Rev. Joseph F. Address, Soc. for Pro. Coll. and Theol. Education at the West, Anniversary in Worcester, Mass. Oct. 26, 1853. New-York, 1854. 80. Pam. v. 237, 294. TWINING (Richard) jr. Observations Relative to the renewal of the East-India Company's charter. London, 1813. 36 p. 8~. Pam. v. 433. TWINSBURGH INSTITUTE: Catalogue, 1845 - 6. Cleveland, 0. 1846. 80. Pam. v. 212. TWISDEN, J. F. Planes, Spherical trigonometry, etc. See Orr's Circle. TwIss, T. S. The Indians in the Far West: Letter to Miss E. Willard, Sept. 20, 1856. Newsp. extract. 8 p. 8~. Two DISCOURSES on the Creation of all things. See [ Tyrwhitt, R.]. Two LETTERS to a very eminent and learned gentleman, attempting to subvert the doctrine of the Arians..... 3d edition. London, 1751. 87 p. 80. Pam. v. 315. Two LETTERS to the Editor of the Christian's Magazine. By a Churchmnan, i. e. John Bowden, D.D. N.York, 1807. 57 p. 8~. Pam. v. 200. Two LETTERS touching the Trinity and Incarnation..(1688?). 4~. Pam. v. 357. TWO-PENNY-WORTH of Truth for a Penny; or a True state of facts; with an apology for Tom Bull in a letter to Brother John. London, 1793. 16 p. 8~. Pam. v. 411. Two POEMS founded on texts of Scripture.;By a Lady. Newburyport, 1829. 16 p. 18~. Pam. v. 620. Two QUESTIONS previous to Dr. Middleton's Enquiry. See [ Sykes, A. A.I. Two SEASONABLE Discourses concerning this present parliament. By A. A. Cooper, Earl of Shaftesbury. Oxford, printed in the year 1675. 10 p. 4~. Pam. v. 407. Two SUPPLEMENTARY LETTERS (being the 5th and 6th of a series), on the circulating medium of the British Isles....signed Y. Z. Truro, Eng. (1819). 40 p. 8~. Pam. v. 427. Two TRACTS, shewing-that Americans, born before the Independence, are, by the laws of England, not aliens: First, A Discussion, d4c.; Second, A Reply, 4c. By a Barrister. London, 1814. 65, 34 p. 8~. Pam. v. 129. TYLER (Bennet), D.D. Letter to Dr. Bushnell, on Christian Nurture. East-Windsor Hill, 1847. 22 p. 8~. Pam. v. 231. Memoir of the Life and Character of Rev. Asahel Nettleton, D.D. Hartford, 1848. 12~. TYLER, Bp. John. Sermon, Parliament, Jan. 30, 1707: Eccl. viii, 14. London. 8~. Pam. v. 363. TYLERt (John), President. Lecture, Maryland Institute for the promotion of the mechanic arts...The prominent characters and incidents of our history from 1812 to 1836. Mar. 20, 1855. Baltimore, 1855, 23 p. 81~ Pam, v, 518. FIRST SUPPLEMENT. 843 TYLER, Samuel. The Progress of Philosophy: In the past and in the future***. Philadelphia, 1858. 232 p. 120. TYLER (Prof. William S.), D.D. Prayer for Colleges: A Premium Essay... New-York, 1855. 120. TYLL UILENSPIEGEL. See Leven van. Cat. 1855. TYNDALE, William. (1), The Supper of the Lord.- (2), The Practice of Prelates: Whether the King's Grace may be separated from his Queen, because she was his brother's wife.- (3), A Pathway into the Holy Scripture. Reprints. London. 8~. Pain. v. 307. Translation. See Bible: English. TYNDALL, John. The Glaciers of the Alps; being a Narrative of excursions and ascents...and an exposition of the physical principles to which they are related. Boston, 1861. 12~. TYNGt (Stephen H.), D.D. A Plea for Union: A Sermon, Special Convention of the Prot. Episc. Ch. in..Penn'a..Philadelphia, 1844. 8~. Pam. v. 495. The Child of Prayer: a Father's Memorial to the Rev. Dudley A. Tyng, A.M. New-York, 1858. 182 p. 24~. TYRCONNEL, Earl of. An Address to the People... on the Corn-laws. Richmond, Eng. 1840. 8~. Pam. v. 424. [TYRWHITT, Rob.]. Two Discourses, on the Creation of all things by Christ, and Resurrection..through Christ: 2 Cor. xv, 21. London, 1787, 1808, 1844. Pam. v. 373, 375, 378. TYSON, Edward. Orang-Outang, sive Homo sylvestris; or the Anatomy of a Pygmie, compared..And A Philological essay concerning the Pygmies....of the Ancients. London, 1699. x, 108, 58 p. and 8 plates. 4~. TYSONt (Job R.), LL.D. Annual Discourse, Hist, Soc. of Pennsylvania. Philadelphia, 1831. 8~. Pam. v. 504. - Discourse on the Surviving Remnant of the Indian race in the United States....before the Society for commemorating the landing of William Penn. Philadelphia, 1836. 8~. Pam. v. 287. - Discourse, First Anniv. of Girard College for Orphans. Philadelphia, 1849. 42 p. 8~. Pam. v. 215, 514. Letters on the Resources and Commerce of W. Peter; with Mr. Petei's Answer..Philadelphia, 1852. 8~. Pamn v. 269. Address, Pennsylvania Female College at Harrisburg, 1854. 8o. Pam. v. 460. Address, Montgoniery County Agricultural Society. Philadelphia, 1856. 8~. Pam. v. 242. [TYSSOT DE PATOT, S.]. See Mesange, P. De,, La Vie, etc. 1720. 844 GENERAL LIBRARY. U. UBICINI, A. Lettres sur la Turquie.....Premiere partie. Paris..... 1851. 18~. UDEMANS, Godefrid.'T Geestelyck Roer van't Coopmans Schip.... Dordrecht, 1655. 625 p. & indices. 4~. UEDEN, H. F. The New-England Theocracy: A History of the Congregationalists in New-England, to the revivals of 1740. With a Preface by the late Dr. Neander. Trans. from 2d Germ. edition by H. C. Conant...Boston, 1859. 303 p. 12~. UILKENS, Jacobus A. Beschrijving van de Merkwaardigste Voortbrengselen der Natuur.... Uitg. Maatsch: Tot nut van t' algemeen. Amst. 1805.- Technologisch Handboek.... Maatsch: Tot nut, etc. Amsterdam, 1809, 13. 2 parts. In I v. 8~. ULLMAN, Daniel. The Course of Empire: An Oration delivered before the Order of United Americans.....Feb. 22, 1856. New-York, 1856. 80. Pam. v. 532. ULSTER COUNTY GAZETTE: V. 2, Jan. 4, 1800. Kingston, N. Y. fo. Repr. See Newsp. v. 15. U[MPRRAVILLE, Angus. The Siege of Baltimore, and the Battle of La Tranche. Baltimore, 1817. xii, 144 p. 12~. UNCLE SAM'S LARGE ALMANAC, 1842, 50. Phil'a. 120. Alm. v. 42. UNCLEt TOM IN ENGLAND; or a Proof that Black's White An Echo to the American " Uncle Tom." New-York. 80. Pam. v. 199. UNDERHILL, John. Newes from America: Pequot War. London, 1638. See Mass. Hist. Soc. Collections, S. 3, v. 6. UNGARISCHE ( Die) Revolution 1848 und 1849. Aus den besten quellen zusammengestellt, Wien, 1850. 12~. Pam. v. 233. UNION ACADEMY of Philadelphia: Catalogue, 1855. 120. Pam. v. 458. UNION ANTI-LECOMPTON MASS MEETING of the Citizens of Erie Co., N.Y. May 27, 1858. Buffalo, 1858. 22 p. 8S. Pam. v. 537. UNION CANAL COMPANY Of Pennsylvania: Annual Report, Feb. 5, 1856. 8~. Pam. v. 258. UNIONt COLLEGE. [A Collectionl. 8~. Pam. v. 248. Contents: Report of Committee of Common Council of Schenectady, on the propriety of purchasing the Old Stone College. Feb. 21, 1855. 16 p. Trust Deed, from Eliphalet Nott and Wife, to the Trustees of Union College. 1854. 24, 48 p. Report of Investigating Committee, in relation to the Affairs of Union College. Jan. 3, 1854. NV. Y. Sen. Doc. 39 p. Appendix: Report of Silas Wright and W. James (Finance Committee), July 26, 1831. 48 p. Report of Select Committee of Trustees of Union College, in relation to the Controversy with Yates & M'Intyre. 1834. 559 sections. Argument of John C. Spencer, in Defence of Rev. Eliphalet Nott, D.D., President of Union College. Albany, 1853. 113, 111 p. FIRST SUPPLEMENT. 845 [A Collection]. Vol. 3. 1 v. 8~. Contents: An Abstract of the Laws. 16 p. Catalogue of Students, 1834, 41, 42, 43, 45, 46, 48, 56, 57 (1st & 3d term), 58 (3d term). Celebration of the 50th Anniversary of Dr. Nott's Presidency.. July 25, 1854. Schenectady. 122 p. Catalogue of Members of the'Sigma Phi. E. P. V. 1840. Philonmathean Society.. Catalogue, etc. Troy, 1850. A General Catalogue, from 1795 to 1854. Schenectady, 1854.Annual Catalogue, 1854, 56. 8~0. Pam. v. 248. Catalogue of the New-York Alpha of the Phi Beta Kappa: Union College, Schenectady, July 1852. 8~. Pamn. v. 248. Department of Civil Engineering: Director,. Prof. Gillespie. 1857. 8 p. So. Pam. v. 251. UNION COMMITTEE. Report of the "Union Cofnmittee," appointed by the Meeting of the Signers of the Memorial to Congress, held Feb. 11, 1834, at the Merchants' Exchange, N.Y. New-York, 1834;. 8~. Pamn. v. 205. UNION MEETING held at Castle Garden, Oct. 30, 1850: Proceedings. New-York, 1850. 62 p. 8~. Pan. v. 194, 527. UNION MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY. Boston, 1850. 120. Pam. v. 618. UNION SAFETY COMMITTEE. Selections from the Speeches and Writings of prominent men in the United States, on the subject of abolition and agitation.....New-York, 1851. 69 p. 8~. Pam. v. 562. UNION SCHOOLS. Report on the Establishment of one or more Union schools in Philadelphia, similar.... to the "Ragged Schools" of London. Philadelphia, 1847. 30 p. 8~. Pam. v. 172. UNION THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY in the City of New-York: Catalogue. New-York, 1845, 48. 8~. Pam. v. 294.- Catalogue, 1855. N.York, 1856. Pam. v. 248. UNITARIANt CONGREGATIONAL REGISTER: NO. 1 - 3, 1851-3, 5, 6. Boston. 1 v. 120. UNITARIAN FUND: Rules.- Second Report. London, 1806. 36 p. 12~. Pam. v. 316. UNITARIAN HOME MISSIONARY BOARD. Manchester, Eng. 1844. 4 p. 8~. Pam. v. 525. UNITARIANS DEFEATED. Substance of the Judgment of the ViceChancellor of England, in the Case of the...Trust-deeds of Dadme Sarah Hewley. London, 1834. 8~. Pam. v. 317, UNITEDt BRETHREN. The Text-book of the Protestant Church of the United Brethren, for the year 1855. Bethlehem, 1854. 125 p. 18s..UNITEDt FOREIGN MISSIONARY SOCIETY. American Missionary Register; embracing the Principal Transactions of the various institutions for the promulgation of christian knowledge, with the Proceedings at large of the United Foreign Missionary Society. By Z. Lewis...Vol. 2, 3, 4, 5, 6. New-York, 1822 - 25. In 3 v. 8~. 846 GENERAL LIBRARY. UNITED KINGDOM ALLIANCE. An Argument for the legislative prohibition of the liquor traffic. By Dr. F. R. Lees. Prize Essay. Lond. 1857. 320 p. —lith, One hundred Objections to a Maine law; being a Sequel to the Dr. Lees. 1857. 128 p. 12~. UNITED KINGDOmI TOTAL ABSTINENCE LIFE ASSOCIATION for mutual assurance on lives...London, 1840. 54 p. 120. Pam. v. 618. UNITEDt STATES: COLONIES: Extracts from the Votes and Proceedings of the American Continental Congress..Philadelphia, 5 Sept. 1774, containing the Bill of Rights, etc....Phil'a: Hartford, repr. 48 p. 80. And Pam. v. 453. An Ireland, 1775. See Address. -: ARY. Register of the Army- interleaved. Aug. 16, 1813. 168 p.- Register to Dec. 27, 1813. Phil'a, 1813.- Register to June 1, 1814. Philadelphia. 112 p. 3 v. 12~. --' Official Army Register for 1852, 53, 54, 55. Washington, Adj. Gen's Office Jan. 1, 1852, 53, 54, 55. 4 v. in 2. 12~. -:~ - Rules and Regulations for the field exercises and manoeuvres of Infantry... Pub. by the War department. New-York, 1815. 360 p. 8~.-:. - Same title. 2d edition (corrected). N.Y. 1815. 360 p. 8~. __: _ - Infantry Tactics; Explanation of the plates -with the plates (44). Washington, 1825. 80..-: - The Infantry Exercise of the U.States Army, abridged, for the use of the militia of' the United States. Third edition.... Poughkeepsie, 1819. 156 p. & plates. 12~. _: _ - The same. 4th edition. Po'keepsie, 1820. 120. Abstract of Infantry Tactics..for the use of the militia. Boston, 1830. 138 p. 120.': -- Rifle and Light Infantry Tactics...Prepared under the direction of the War department, by Brevet Lieutenant Col. W. J. Hardee...Philadelphia..1855. 2 v. 18~. -: - Cavalry Tactics: First part; Second part. Printed by order of the War department. Philadelphia, 1856. 2 v. 18~. -:. A System of Exercise and Instruction of field-artillery, including manoeuvres of light or horse-artillery. Off. Doct. Boston, 1829. 78 p. & plates. 120. --- Regulations for the Subsistence department of the army of the United States. Revised. Washington, 1847. 48 p. 120.:..- Statistical Report of the sickness and mortality in the army of the U.States, compiled from the records of the Surgeongeneral's office...from Jan. 1839 to Jan. 1855. Prepared under the direction of.... B. B. Gen. Thomas Lawson.... by R. H. Coolidge, M.D.... Senate Exec. Doct. Washington..1856. 4~. -... Message from the President U.S., transmitting Reports relative to rank in the army and navy, Jan. 21, 1851. H. Rep. Doct. 8~. Pam, v. 102. - ~ - - Memorial of Officers of the Army of the United' States, praying that the bill to abolish- brevet: rank may not; become a law. H. of R. Doc. 1832. 8~. Pam. v. FIRST SUPPLEMENT. 847 UNITED STATES (continued):.:.- See United States: War Department.: BANKS. Report of Committee..... to inspect the books of the Bank of the United States. Read Jan. 16, 1819. H. of Rep. Doct. 166 p., and 19 tables. 8S. Pamn. v. 463. -: ~ Report of Mr. McDuffie, IH. of R., Ap. 13, 1830, on the Bank of the United States. Cong. Doct. Pam. v. 463. -: CANALS. Message from the President in relation to the survey of a route for a canal between the Gulf of Mexico and the Atlantic Ocean. Made by M. Bernard and M. Poussin, Feb. 28, 1829. 52 p. Pam. v. 477.: CENTRAL AMERICA. Documents relative to Central American affairs and the enlistment question. H. of Rep. Doct. Washington, 1854. 485 p. & map. 8~. - COLT'S PISTOLS. Report of Mr. Shields, Jan. 30, 1851, on their adaptation to the service. 80. Pam. v. 274.: CONSTITUTIONS, 1783. See Jackson, W. ---: Constitution and Standing Rules of I. of R. Washington, 1820. 46 p. 120. Pam. v. 526. —: —..with the amendments thereto-.... and Rules of the House. Washington, 1822. 49 p. 120.: CENSUS. Return of the whole number of Persons within the several districts of the United States. Philadelphia, 1791. 56 p. 8~. Pam. v. 220....- - - Mortality Statistics of the Seventh Census of the U.S... 1850...By J. D. B. De Bow, Supt. Washington, 1855. 8~.: COASTt SURVEY. Reports of the Superintendent, A. D. Bache,...showing the progress..during 1855, 56, 57. Washington, 1856, 57, 58. 3 v. 4~. -: COLUMBIA RIVER. Message from the President, communicating the letter of Mr. Prevost and other documents relating to an establishment made at the mouth of Columbia River, Jan. 27. Washington, 1823. 45 p. 80. Pam. v. 500. -: COMMERCE. Report on the Commercial Relations of the United States with all foreign nations. Edmund Flagg, Superintendent... Vol. I, II, III, IV. Washington, 1856, 57. 4 v. 40~.: -. Memorial of Sundry Masters of American vessels lying in the port of Charleston, S.C. Cong. Doct. Washington, 1823. 8 p. 80. Pam., v. 562.: ---- Report from the Committee on Commerce (J. P. Kennedy). May 28, 1842. 63 p. 8~. Pam. v. 290. - -- ~ Letter from the Sec. of State, transmitting a statement.. of the privileges and restrictions of the commercial intercourse of the U.S. with all foreign nations. Cong. Doct. Mar. 31, 1842. Appendix, May 28, 1842. 595, 118. 8~.: -. Letter of the Sec. of State, transmitting a statement of the commercial relations..1858. Washington, 1859. 661 p. 40t 848 GENERAL LIBRARY. UNITED STATES (continued):: COTTON TRADE. Letter from the See. of State, transmitting a statement respecting the tariff duties.. applicable to American cotton. June 10, 1856. H. of R. Doct. 21 p. 8s. Pam. v. 498. - CUBA. Correspondence on the Proposed Tripartite Convention relative to Cuba. [ Message from the President, etc. Appendix, Letter of E. Everett]. Boston, Little, Brown & Co. 1853. 64 p. 8~. Paim. v. 195.: CUSTOMi DUTIES. Forms of keeping Accounts by collectors of the revenue, 1814, 15. fo, 40 & 8~ in I v... —-: Report of the Committee on Ways and Means, to whom was referred the subject of duties on imports, Feb. 28, 1849. 37 p. 8~. Pam. v. 290.: DEAF AND DUMB. Report, Ap. 18, 1848, H. of Rep., from the Comm. on Public lands, to whom was referred the bill to promote the education of the deaf and dumb. 16 p. 8~. Pam. v. 473.: EXPLORING EXPEDITION under Captain Wilkes. Philadelphia, 1854 - 58. 5 v. 40 and f~ Contents VoL. 8, No. 2. Mammalogy and Ornithology: by John Cassin. With a folio atlas. 1858. - 15. Botany, Part I, Phanerogamia: by Asa Gray, M.D. With a folio atlas of 100 plates. 1854. Atlas not received. - 20. Herpetology: under the superintendence of S. F. Baird. With a folio atlas. 1858. Atlas of Charts from the Surveys of the Expedition. Vol. 2. ----: FLORIDA. Documents Accompanying the Message of the President, Dec. 5, 1821. 70 p. 8~. Pam. v. 502. --:~ Message from the President, transmitting sundry papers relating to transactions in East and West-Florida, April 19, 1822. 46 p. Pam. v. 502. -: —' - Message from the President....relating to the Treaty with Spain for the cession of Florida....Feb. 2, 1824. 48 p. Pam. v. 502.: FOREIGN RELATIONS. Correspondence between the U.States of America and Great Britain. Pinkney and Canning. London, 1809. 32 p. 8~. Pam. v. 522.:-.. Correspondence between the Governments of the United States and Great Britain, relative to the enlistment of soldiers by the agents of the latter government, within the territory of the U.S. And the Message.... in compliance with a resolution of the 28th inst. calling for information relative to any proposition submitted to the United States government by that of Great Britain, to refer the difference between the two governments as to the construction of the Treaty of July 4, 1850, to arbitration. Washington, Feb. 27, 1856. 251 p. 8~. See also Pam. v. 259. ----: - Message from the President of the United States to Congress, communicating cessation of intercourse with the Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary of Great Britain, May 29, 1856. 80 p. 8~. Pam. v. 234, 254. -- ~: [FOUNDRIES. Report of the Secretary of War, on the subject of the bursting of cannon at Major Clarke's Foundry, in July 1833, and Aug. 1834. Sen. Doc. 1837. 8~. Pam. v. 102. FIRST SUPPLEMENT. 849 UNITED STATES (continued):: -- Report of Committee on the propriety of establishing a national foundry, March 3, 1835. H. Rep. Doc. 80. Pam. v. 102. - -: -- Letter from the Secretary of War, transmitting a system of national defence and the establishment of national foundries. H. Rep. Doe. May 15, 1840. 148 p. 8~. Pain. v. 102...-: GEOLOGICAL SURVEYS. Letter of the Secretaryof the Treasury, communicating a Report of a Geological Reconnaisance of the Chippewa land district of Wisconsin, and the northern part of Iowa. By David Dale Owen. Sen. Doct. Washington, 1848. So. - INDIANS. Annual Reports of the Commissioner of Indian Affairs, transmitted with the Message of the President, 1847-48.... 1848-49..1849-50...1850..Washington. In 1 v. 8~. - Report....whether the Seneca Indians have sustained losses through a late sub-agent of the United States. Senate Doct. 1848. 77 p. 8~. Pam. v. 508. -: --- Report of J. L. Orr, Chairman, etc., on the Bill defining the terms on which treaties shall hereafter be made with certain tribes of Indians. H. of R. 1854. 80. Pam. v. 508. --: INVESTIGATION COMMITTEES. Alleged Corrupt combination of members of Congress: Reports submitted by the Select Committee, 1857. H. of R. Doct. 279 p. 8~.: -- Covode Investigation: Report of the Select Committee. H. of R. Doct. June 1860. ( Lecompton Constitution; Philadelphia Navy-yard; Binding; Elections; Post-office Dep't]. 838 p. 8~. _ —:'JAPAN EXPEDITION. Narrative of the Expedition of an American squadron to the China Seas and Japan, performed in the years.1852, 1853 and 1854, under the command of Commodore M. C. Perry, U.S. Navy, by order of the government of the United States. Compiled from the original notes and journals of Comm. Perry and his officers, at his request and under his supervision. By Francis L. Hawks, D.D., IL.D. Pub. by order of the Congress of the United States. Washington, 1856 (57). 3 v. 40. --: KANSAS. Report, by Mr. Douglas, of the Committee on Territories, on Affairs in Kansas. wT;ith Ainority Report of J. Collamer. In Sen. Mar. 12, 1856. 61 p. 80. Pam. v. 561. -: ~- Report of the Special Committee appointed to investigate the troubles in Kansas; with the views of the minority of said committee. Washington..July 2, 1856. 132, 1206 p. 80..-. Report of the Congressional Committee, presented in H. of R. July 1, 1856. 30 p. 8~. Pam. v. 561.: LAND-OFFICE. communicating the Annual Report of the Commissioner of the general land-office, Dec: 13, 1847. [ With Surveys in Indiana, Northern Michigan, Iowa, Wisconsin, Arkansas, Tennessee, Louisiana, Alabama!, and map of Floridaj. 230 p. 8~. Pam. v. 500. -: LIBRARY. Catalogue of Historical books, 1854. See Jewett, C. C.: MANUFACTURES. A Digest of the Statistics of Manufactures, according to the returns of the Seventh -Census, 1859. Senate ])oct. 143 p. 80. - [ SUPPL.] 107 850 GENERAL LIBRARY. UNITED STATES (continued):.. —: MARITIME LAW. Message from the President..respecting the a Congress held at Paris, relative to neutral rights..Aug. 12, 1856. 18 p. 80. Pam. v. 259, 527. ----: MEDICINES. Report of Committee..subject of imported adulterated drums, medicines and chemical preparations. H. of R. Doct. June 2, 1848. 2:3 p. 8~. Pam. v. 516.: METEOROLOGY. Army Meteorological Register, for twelve years, from 184.3 to 1854 inclusive, compiled from observations the officers of the Medical Department of the Army, at the military posts of the U.States. Prepared under the direction of Br, Brig. Gen. Thomas Lawson, Surg. Gen. U.S.A. Compiled by Richard HI. Coolidge, Asst. Surg. Washington, 1855. 4~;...- 3Message of the President of the United States, communicating.... 4th Meteorological Report of Prof. J. P. Espy.... Washington, 1857. 240 p. 70 plates. 4". See also Espy. Cat. 1855. - MESSAGES OF PRESIDENTS. The Addresses and Messages of the Presidents of the United States from 1789 to 1839, together with the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution of the United States. With Portraits of the Presidents...New-York, 1839. 8~. M: EXICAN AFFAIRS. Message from the President, communicating a copy of the Treaty with the Mexican republic of Feb. 2, 1848, and of the correspondence. Sen. Doct. July 6, 1848. 74 p. 8~. Pain. v. 527. -: ~ Commission on Claims against Mexico under act'of Congrcss of March 3, 1849; Tveaty of 1848..Convention of 1839...Act of Congress of 1849...Rules and orders established....Washington, 1849. 40 p. 8". Pam. v. 527. -. - }Report of the Secretary of the Interior, communicating a Report ( May 1853) and Map of A. B. Gray, relative to the Mexican boundary, Feb. 8, 1855. 50 p. 8~. Pam. v. 227...-: MILITARY. Report of Committee of Ways and Means, March 21, 1836, on supplying the Arsenals with stores. H. Rep. Doe. Washington, 1836. 80. Pani. v. 102. -: Laid before the House, Feb. 27, 1836: Additional estimate for fortifications, armories and arsenals. H. of Rep. Doc. 8~. Pam. v. 102. See also U.S.: War department.: MILITARY ACADEMY, West Point: Letter from the Secretary of War, transmitting the information required by a resolution of the House of Representatives... March 15, 1830. Register, Statemernt of expenses, etc. Washington. 152 p. 8~. ~-: Register exhibiting the names and numbers of all the cadets...from its origin, etc... H. of R. Doct. 1835. 41 - 103 p. 8~. Pain. v.: 521. -- ~ Supplement to the Catalogue of the Library...N.York, 1860. 80 -: Report of the Commission..... of June 21, 1860, to examine into the.... course of instruction of the U.S.M-.A. at West Point. Cong. Doct. 1861. 350 p. 8~.: MINT. Message...transmitting Report...of the Mint....for 1855. [ With descriptive list of the dies of medals]. Sen. Doe. 47 p. 80. FIRST SUPPLEMENT. 851 UNITED STATES (continued): --: NAVAL. Report of the Naval Committee, H. Rep. Aug. 1850, in favor of the establishment of a line of mail steam-ships to the western coast of Africa, and thence, via the Mediterranean, to London; designed to promote the emigration of free persons of color from the United States to Liberia, &c. &c. With an Appendix added by the Colonization Society. Washington, 1850. 8". Pam. v. 103.:....- Princeton Steamn-ship: Report of the Committee on Naval Affairs, on the subject of large wrought-iron guns, May 15, 1844. H. Rep. Doe. Washington, 1844. 8~. Pam. v. 102. ---: NAVAL ACADEMY. Rules and Regulations for the government of the Naval Academy at Annapolis, Mdd...... Washington, 1850. 46 p. 80. -----: NAVAL ASTRONOMICAL OBSERVATIONS IN CHILI: Report from the Committee on Naval Affairs, of correspondence of Dr. C. L. Gerling, Lieut. J. M. Gilliss and others. H. of R. Doct. Ap. 13, 1848. 56 p. 80. Pam. v. 551.: NAVAL ASTRONOMICAL EXPEiDITION to the Southern Hemisphere, during the years 1849,'50,'51,'52. Lieut, J. M. Gilliss, Superintendent; Lieut. Archibald MacRae, Acting master; S. dL. Phelps, Captain's clerk; E.R. Smith, Assistant. Washington, 1855, 56. 6 v. 40. Contents VOL. I. Chile, its geography, etc.: by Lieut. J. AM. Gilliss, A.!I. VOL. nI. The Andes and Pampas, by Lieut. A. MacRae: Minerals, J. Lawrence Smith; Indian Remains, Thomas Ewbank; Mamtmals, Spencer F. Baird; Birds, John Cassin; Reptiles, Fishes and Crustacea, Charles Gir ard; Shells, A. A. Gould; Dried Plants, Asa Gray; Living Plants and Seeds. William D. Brackenridge; Fossil Mammals, Jeffries Wyman; Fossil Shells, i. A. Conrad. VOL. III. Observations to determine the Solar Parallax: by Lieut. J. M. Gilliss. VOL. VL. Magnetical and Meteorological Observations, under the direction of Lieut. J. M. Gilliss, LL.D. VOL. 4 & 5, not received. -: NAVAL OBSERVATORY. Astronomical Observations made du' ring the years 1849 and 1850..... By M. F. Maury, LL.D., U.S.N. Supt. Vol. 5. Washington, 1859. 467 p. 40.- For v. 4, See Maury, M. F., and Cat. 1855. N: AVIGATION. See United States: Commerce....-: NAVY. Register of the Commissioned and Warrant officers.. 1843, 1849, 1850, 1851, 1852. Washington. 5 v. 4~. -: - Rules, Regulations and Instructions for the Naval service of the United States, prepared by the Board of Navy commissioners.. Washington City, 1818. 75 p. & blank returns. 4[.: NAVY DEPARTMENT. Tle Navy of the United States, from the commencement, 1775 to 1853. With a Brief History of each vessel's service and fate, as appears upon record. Compiled by Lieut. George F. Emmons, U.S.N., from the most reliable sources, under the authority of the Navy Department. To which is added a list of private armed vessels, fitted out under the American flag previous to the Revolutionary war, with their services and fate; also a list of the revenue and coast survey vessels, and principal ocean steamers belonging to citizens of the United States in 1850. Washington, 1$53o 208 p. 4. 852 GENERAL LIBRARY. UNITED STATES (continued): -: -: DRY DOCKS. Letter of the Secretary of the Navy, transmitting a Report of officers and engineers, relative to the properties and advantages of a dry dock. Mar. 3, 1845. 8~. Pam. v. 205.: --- - Message from the President.. in relation to the construction of floating dry docks at Pensacola, Philadelphia and Kittery. H. of R. Doct. 1847. 152 p. 8~. Pamu. v. 529.: Report on the Thirty-two pounder of thirty-two hundred cwt., to Commodore Warrington, Chief of Bureau of ordnance and hydrography. By Lieut. John A. Dahlgreen, U.S.N... Washington, 1850. 107 p 12~. ---- -System of Boat Armament in the United States Navy: Reported to Comm. C. Morris, Chief of Bureau of ordnance and hydrography. By Lieut. J. A. charge of experimental department. Part second. Philadelphia, 1852. 122 p. 12~. ~ —: NORTHWEST BOUNDARY. Message from the President, transmitting the relation to claims set up by foreign governments to territory... north of the 42d degree..Ap. 17, 1822. Washington, 1822. 38 p. 80. Pam. v, 500.: PACIFIC RAILROAD. Reports of Explorations and Surveys to ascertain the most practicable route for a railroad from the Mississippi to the Pacific ocean: Made under the direction of the Secretary of War, in 1853-4, according to acts of Congress..Washington, 1855 - 59. 10 v. 40. Contents: VOL. 1. Sec. Davis's General Report; Humphrey's & Warren's Examinations of the routes; Jesup on Cost of transportation; Governor Stevens's Report on Northern route. VOL. 2. Beckwith's Report of Gunison's Exploration, 38th and 39th parallels; Beckwith's Report on 41st parallel; Lander's Report.. from Puget's Sound via South Pass; Pope's Report..32d parallel, Red River to Rio Grande; Parke's Report..Rio Grande to Pimas villages. VOL. 3. Whipple's Reports.. 35th parallel: Part I, Itinerary; II, Topography; III, Indian tribes; Iv, Geology. VOL.4. Continuation of Whipple's Reports: Part v, Botany; vi, Zoology. Appendices: Meteorology, etc. VOL. 5. Williamson's Report..Routes in 35-32d parallel: Part I,: Itinerary; In, Blake's. Geological Report of the same. Appendices. VOL. 6. Williamson's Report on Route from the Sacramento to Columbia river, by Abbot: Part ii, Geology, by Newberry; III, Botany, by the same; iv, Zoology. VOL. 7. Parke's Reports.Routes in California to:...35th & 32d parallels, and... between Rio Grande and the Pimas villages: Part II, Geology, by Antisell; III, Botany, by Torrey. Appendices... — Conclusion of the Official Review. VOL. 8. General Report upon the Zoology of the several routes: Mammals, by S. F. Baird. VOL. 9. The same...assisted by J. Cassin and G. N. Lawrence. VOL. 10. The same: Part ITI, Reptiles, by Baird; iv, Fishes, by C. Girard.- Zoological portions of reports of Beckwith, Whipple, Parke, Williamson and Abbot. -: PATENTS. Reports of the Commissioner of Patents: for 1855, Vol. I, ii, Arts and Manufactures; Vol. III, Agriculture. — For FIRST SUPPLEMENT. 853 UNITED STATES (continued): 1856, Vol. I, II, InI, Arts and Manufactures; Vol. Iv, Agriculture. -For 1857, Vol. I, II, II, Arts and Manufactures; IV, Agriculture. Washington, 1856 - 58. 11 v. 8~. -.: -m- (Guide to the Practice of the Patent Office. Washington, 1853. 32 p. 8s. Pam. v. 298.: POST-OFFICE. Table of...July 15, 1837. Washington, 1837. 1 v. 8~.: - Table of the Post Offices.....Jan. 1842. Washington, 1842. 240 p. 8~. -: - List of the Post Offices in the United States, with the names of the Postmasters on the first of July, 1855: also the principal regulations.... Compiled by D. D. T. Leech. Washington.... 1855. 8~. -: - Post Office Directory; or Business Man's Guide to the Post Offices in the United States... D. ID. T. Leech. New-York, Colton, 1856. 80. -: - Message from the President, communicating the correspondence between the U. S. Min. at London, and.. Brit. Government in relation to a postal arrangement..... Sen. Doct. 1848. 45 p. 8~. Pam. v. 522. -: - Minority Report...from the Committee....on the subject of reducing the rates of postage. Signed C. Durkee. 1850. 8 p. 8~. Pam. v. 522.: REGISTER OF OFFICERS. Message from the President..transmitting a roll of the persons having office or employment. Washington, 1802. 80.: - [ Register of Officers and Agents, Civil, Military and Naval, in the service of the United States on the thirteenth of Sept. 1828, 1833, 1851, 1855, 1857, 1859. Blue Book. Washington. 6 v. 120 and 8~. -:'SLAVERY. Proceedings of the United States Senate on the Fugitive Slave bill,-... imprisonment of free colored seamen...Aug. 19, 1850. 68 p. 8~. Pam. v. 486. --: SLAVE TRADE. Message from the President.... Report of the Attorney General, relative to the introduction of slaves into the United States, contrary to existing laws. Cong. Doct. Washington, 1822. 53 p. 8~. Pam. v. 562. ----: SMITH, J. As an alleged Associate of A. Burr: Report, 1808. See Adams, J. Q.; also Pam. v. 198. -: STEAM ENGINES. Letter from the Sec. of the Treasury, transmitting..... information in relation to steam engines (explosions). Dec. 13, 1838. Cong. Doct. 472 p. 8~. Pam. v. 493.: TAXATION. Acts of Congress (1815), relating to the direct tax, and the duty on furniture and watches. 56 p. 80. Pam. v. 205.: TELEGRAPHS. Report from the Comm. on Commerce, Dec. 30, 1842. H. of R. Doct. 13 p. Pam. v. 551.: TOBACCO TRADE. Message from the President...transmitting a Report..upon the subject of the tobacco trade between the United States and foreign countries. I. of R. Doct. May 29, 1840. 210 p. 80. Pam. v. 505. 854 GENERAL LIBRARY. UNITED STATES (continued) - Report from the Select Committee..Tobacco trade with Europe. HI. of R. July 25, 1848. 74 p. 80. Pam. v. 505. -- VAN BUREN, M.. Debate in the Senate U.S., 1832, on the Nomination of Mjartin Van Buren, to be Minister of the United States to Great Britain. In Secret session, Dec. 7, 1831. 55 p. 8~. Pam. v. 197. Thesame: Albany, 1832. 46 p. 80. Pam. v. 206. With variations. --—: WAR DEPARTMENT. Report of the Secretary of War, of a plan for the reduction of the Army of the United States, Dec. 12, 1820. 80. Parm. v. 102. - ~ Letter from the Secretary of War, with statement of the expenditures made at the National Armories, &c. Mlarch 15, 1832. IH. of Rep. Doc. 80. Pam. v. 102. ~ --- Letter from the Secretary of War, transmitting a survey of a route for a railroad from the Portage Summit of the Ohio canal, to the Hudson river. H. of Rep. Feb. 29, 1832. 80. Pam. v. 148, Reports of Experiments with small arms for the military service by officers of the Ordnance Department, U. S. Army. Washington....1856. 80. - Crimean War Report. See McLellan, G. B.'- Western'Harbors: Report. See Graham, Lt.Col.: ----- See United States: Army; Military; Navy.: WAREHOUSING SYSTEM. Report of the Secretary of the Treasury on the WVarehousing system, Feb. 28, 1849. Sen. Doct. 341 p. 8~ and maps. Pain. v. 498.: WEIGHTS & M/EASURES. Report of the Secretary of the Treasury, on the construction and distribution of weights and measures. Report of Progress, by ProJessor A. D. Bache. Senate. Ex. Doct. Washington, 1857. 218 p. & plates. 8~. UNITED STATES AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY 3d, 4th, 7th National Exhibitions: Premiums offered for 1855, 56, 59. 8". Pam. v. 461. UNITEDt STATES ALMANAC. G. Hutchins N.York, S. London, 1797; S. Kollock, Elizabethtown, N.J. 1799 Ahn. v. 13.- New-York, Collins, Keese & Co. 1840 Alm. v. 28.- Philadelphia, S. Smith, Desilver, 1827 ~ Aim. v. 14; 1828. 120. Alm. v. 29. UNITED STATES ALMANAC and Political Manual..1845. New-York, Disturnell. 120. Alm. v. 27. UNITEDt STATES ANTIMASONIC CONVENTION. Proceedings of the Second, at Baltimore, Sept. 1831: Journal and Reports, etc. Boston, 1832. 8~. Pam. v. 211. UNITED STATES BAPTIST ANNUAL REGISTER and Almanac (for 1832 and) 1833: By J. M. Allen..Philadelphia, 1833. xx, vi, 228 p. 8~. UNITED STATES COMIC ALMANAC. King & Baird, Philadelphia, 1851. 120. Aim. v. 30. UNITED STATES COMMERCIAL REGISTER; containing Sketches of the Lives of distinguished merchants, manufacturers and artisans... 2d edition. Pub, by G, Prior. Now-York, 1852, 151, eto. p, 12. FIRST SUPPLEMENT. 855 UNITEDt STATES DEMOCRATIC REVIEW (formerly U. States Review, iMonthly. New Series. Vol. 6, 7: Jan. - Dec. 1S56. Ed. by Spencer W. Cone. New-York. 2 v. 8~. Vol. 40 - 42. New-York, 1857-58. See, Democratic Review. UNITED STATES FARMERS' ALMANAC. New-York, D. Felt & Co. 1848,'50,'51. 12". Aim. v. 28. UNITED STATES GUANO COMPANY: Report. New-York, 1859. 40 p. 8~. Pam. v. 298. ~UNITED STATES HISTORICAL AND STATISTICAL INDEX..... to the present time, 1840. Entered by William H. Hadley. Broadsheet. Newsp. v. 6. UNITED STATES INEBRIATE ASYLUM. Addresses of IH. W. Bellows and R. D. Hitchcock, in behalf of:... Dr. Turner's Address to the Board... etc. New-York, 1855. 48 p. 80. Pam. v. 291. UNITED STATES INSURANCE ALMIANAC, for 1856. Ed. by G. E. Currie. New-York, 1856. 192 p. 8~. UNITED STATES KALENDAR, and Army and Navy Register, for 1813. New-York, Longworth, 1813. 126 p. 24~. UNITED STATES LIFE INSURANCE, ANNUITY AND TRUST COMPANY. Philadelphia, 1852. 180. Pam. v. 618. UNITEDt STATES MAGAZINE OF SCIENCE, Arts, Manufactures. Vol. 2, June 1855 - Vol. 3, Dec. 1856. New-York, J. M. Emerson. 2 v. 4~. UNITED STATES MUTUAL INSURANCE COMPANY, West-Potsdam, N.Y. By-laws, 4.c. Potsdam, 1851. Pam. v. 239. UNITED STATES NAVAL LYCEUM. General Directions for. preserving articles...of natural history... New-York, 1824. 8~. Pam. v. 551. - 1st Report. New-York, 1835. 8~. Pam. v. 549. UNITED STATES RAILROAD DIRECTORY for 1856: Compiled by B. Iomans...New-York.1856. 211 p. 8~. UNITED STATES REGISTER for 1795... Philadelphia, M. Carey, 1794. 2d number. 195 p. 18~.- Ist number, See American Calendar, 1794. UNITEDt STATES REVIEW. See United States Democratic Review. UNITED STATES Senatorial Question. Speeches, N.Y. Assembly, 1855. See Leigh, C. C. UNITY JOINT STOCK MUTUAL BANKING ASSOCIATION, London, 1856. 71 p. 12~. Pam. v. 252. UNIVERSAL ASYLUM AND COLUMBIAN MAGAZINE. Vol. 1, No. 1, Mar. 1790 - No. 4, June 1790. See Coluanb. Mag., v. 4. Cat. 1855; - Vol. 3, Jan. -June 1791. Philadelphia. In 1 v. 8~. UNIVERSAL (A) BTOGRAPHICAL DICTIONARY, containing the Lives of the most celebrated characters of every age and nation.. By Charles IN. Baldwin? Richmond, Va. 1826. 8~. UNIVERSAL PHONOGRAPIHER, a monthly journal...E. Webster,.editor. Vol. 1, No. 1. New-York, 1852. 180. Pam. v. 513. UNIVERSALIST COMPANION, with an Almanac and Register, containing the statistics of the denomination for 1848. By A. B. Grosh. Philadellphia. 72 p. 12~.- The same, for 1842, Utica. Alm, v. 36. 856 GENERAL LIBRARY. UNIVERSALISTt GENERAL REF'ORM ASSOCIATION: 2d Report. Boston, 1849. 31 p. 8~. Pam. v. 509. UNIVERSALIST QUARTERLY AND GENERAL REVIEW. Oct. 1851, v. 8. Boston. 8~. Pam. v. 198. UNIVERSALIST REGISTER AND ALMANAC. 1837, Geneva, N.Y.; 1838, ]3ochester, N.Y. Alm. y. 36, and see Univ. Companion. UNIVERSALIST SABBATH-SCHOOL UNION. 7th Annual Report. Boston, 1858. 8~. Pam. v. 289. UNIVERSITt DE TORONTO. Rapports de l'Universite de Toronto, des Colleges du Haut-Canada, Victoria, Regiopolis, et de Queen's College...Montreal, C.E. Parl. Doct. 75 p. 8~. Pam. v. 248. UNIVERSITY COLLEGE OF TORONTO: Literary and Scientific Society. Laws...22d Feb. 1854. Toronto, 1857. 8~. Pam. v. 248. UNIVERSIT2-LAVAL. Annuaire..pour 1858-59. Quhbec, 1858. 56 p. 8~. Pam. v. 482.- Annuaire, 1857, 59. See S6minaire de Quebec. UNIVERSITYt OF ALBANY: LAW SCHOOL. Annual Circulars, 1851 - 1859. Albany. 1 v. 8~.- For 1856-7. In Pam. v. 248. -: MEDICAL SCHOOL. See Albany Medical College. - Speeches in behalf of:..... by S. B. Ruggles, D. Kennedy, A. Tabor, R. Palmer...Albany, 1852. 8~. Pam. v. 237. UNIVERSITY OF BUFFALO. 11th Ann. An-nouncement of the Medical Department. Session 1856-7. Buffalo. 80. Pam. v. 24'3. UNIVERSITY OF EDINBURGH. See Edinburgh University. UNIVERSITY OF LOUISVILLE: Medical Department. Catalogue. Louisville, Ky. 1855. 80. Pam. v. 517. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN. Catalogue of the Officers: and Students in the department of Arts and Sciences 1843-4. Ann-Arbor. Pam. v. 155.- Cat. 1847-8, 1848-9. Pam. v. 157.- Cat. 1857, 58, 59.Circular, 1857. Pam. v. 480. Report to the Board of Regents of the University of Michigan, made Nov. 15, 1853, by Henry P. Tappan, D.D., Chancellor. AnnArbor, 1853..- The same, Oct. 15, 1856. 8~. Pam. v. 251. UNIVERSITY OF NASHVILLE, Collegiate Department, Western Military Institute. Register, 1856. 80. Pam. v. 458. -: Medical Department. 1st Announcement, 1851.- Catalogue, 1857-8. Nashville, Tenn. 1858. 30 p. 8~. Pam. v. 517. UNIVERSITY OF NEW-YORK (State;). See Regents of the University; also, College of Physicians, etc. UNIVERSITY OF NORTH-CAROLINA Catalogue, 1847. Raleigh, 1848. 8~.0 Pam. v. 481. UNIVERSITY OF NOTRE DAME, Indiana: Catalogue, 1855, 57. Chicago, 1856; Notre Dame, 1857. 8~. Pam. v. 482. UNIVERSITYt OF PENNSYLVANIA: General Catalogue.... from 1749 until 1849. Philadelphia, 1849. 8~. Pain. v. 481.- Catalogue, 1849, 1851. Pam. v. 156. Catalogue of... Library. Philadelphia, 1829. 103 p. 8~. ----- Memorial to the Trustees: Philadelphia, 1850. 8~. Pam, v. 156. FIRST SUPPLEMENT. 857 -: ~Medical Department. History... 1841. Philadelphia. 35 p. 8~. - Report and Announcement, 1856-7, 57-8. Philadelphia, 1856, 57. 8". Pain v. 517.- Commencement, Ap. 3, 1852. Panm. v. 156. --: Philomathean Society. Report of the Committee appointed... to translate the inscription on the Rosetta Stone. 2d edition. Philadelphia (1858). 160 p. 40. Lith. — With Catalogue of the members. Philadelphia, 1859. 4~. UNIVERSITYt OF ROCHESTER. Report.... on plan of instruction. Rochester, 1850. 50 p.- Catalogue, 1851, 52, 53, 55, 56. Rochester. - Triennial Catalogue. Rocestrie, 1856. Pamn. v. 479.- Cat. 1854. Pam. v. 157. See also, Pami. v. 212, aid Rochester Theol. Sem. UNIVERSITY OF THE CITY OF NEW-YORK. Catalogue of Officers, alumni and students, 1810, 1852.- Catalogue of the Students, 1844, 56, 57, 58, 59.- Circular, 1852, 54, 56.- Law Department, Announcement, 1858-9.- Medical Department, 1858-9.- An Exposition by the Council..respecting the late measures of retrenchment...which led to the dismissal of some of the professors.. New-York, 1858. 96 p.- Dr. Ferris's Address, Opening of the Law Department, 1858. In 1 v. 80. ~ Medical Department. First Ann. Announcement. New-York, 1841. 15 p. 8~. Pam. v. 517. Inaugural Address, delivered by the Professors of Law ( B. F. Butler, 1W. Kent, and D. Graham j7r.), at the opening of the Law School of that Institution. New-York, 1838. 68 p. 8~. Pam. v. 204. A Letter to the Councillors:... from the Professors of the Faculty of Science and Letters. New-York, 1838. 19 p. 80. Pam. v. 156, 216. UNIVERSITY OF THE SOUTH. Address of the Board of Trustees... to the Southern dioceses. Savannah, 1858. 16 p., map. 8~. Pam. v. 481. UNIVERSITY OF THE S'TATE OF MISSOURI: Catalogue, 1846. Columbia, 1846. 80. Panm. v.480. UNIVERSITYt OF VERaIONT: Triennial Catalogue. Burlington, 1843. -Annual Catalogue, 1834, 37, 54-55.- Bye-laws of College of Natural History. Pam. v. 157.-Catalogue, Oct. 1851. Pain. v. 155. - Exposition of the System of instruction and discipline pursued. By the Faculty (1828). 31 p. 8~. Pam. v. 155. UNIVERSITYt OF VIRGINIA', Charlottesville: Catalogue, 1837 - 38. Pam. v. 156.- Catalogue, 1819-5"), 1850-51.- Circular to former students, 1851. Pam. v. 157.- Catalogue, 1854-55. Richmond. 8~. Pam. v. 212. - Memorial'of the Rector and Visitors. Cong. Doct. Washington, 1821. 4 p. 8~. Pam. v. 470. UNIVERSITYt Or WISCONSIN: 3d, 8th, 9th, 11th Annual Report of the Board of Regents, for 1851, 55, 56, 58; with Catalogues. Pam. v. 480. UNLAWFUL and RIOTOUS Meetings. Provisions of the Law, and the powers and duties of persons in regard thereto. London, 18480 8 p. 8~. Pain. v. 415. [ SUmPPL.] 108 :858 GENERAL LIBRARY. UPCOTT, William. Catalogue of Original Letters, manuscripts and state papers, collected by: 1836. London. 64 p. 4~. UPHAIMt, Rev. Charles W.. Principles of the Reformation: A Sermon, Nov. 16, 1826, Dedication of the House of public worship of the First Congr. Society in Salem. Salem, 1826. 8~. Pam. v. 106. -Principles of Congregationalism: The Second Century Lecture of the First Church. Salem, Mass. 1829. 72 p. 8~. Pam. v. 1062 485. Discourse, after the Decease of the Hon. Timothy Pickering. Salem, 1829. 8~. Pam. v. 214. Discourse on the National Fast (Salem, Mass., May 14, 1841): Death of President Harrison. Boston, 1841. 8~. Pam. v. 214. Oration, New-England Society in the City of New-York, Dec. 22, 1846. 2d edition. Boston, 1847. 8~. Pam. v. 215. See Adams, John Quincy, Biography of. UPHAMlt, Thomas C. Mental Philosophy. Abridged in modern Armenzian. Smyrna, Turkey, 1851. 523 p. 8o. UPLAND COURT, Penn'a. Record of Upland Court; from 14 Nov. 1676, to 14 June 1681. Ed. by Edward Armstrong. 9 - 203 p. So. See also Hist. Society of Pennsylvania. UPSALt UNIVERSITY. Catalogus Librorum impressorum Bibliothecse Regise Academise Upsaliensis. A P. F. Aurivillio. Upsalise, 1 814. 68, 1040, 384 p. 4~. UPSHUR, Judge Abel P. Speech..... in the Convention of Virginia, October 27, 1829, on the subject of the basis of representation. 8~. Pam. v. 193. UREt, Andrew. The Cotton Manufacture of Great Britain investigated... To which is added the present time. By P. L. Symonds...150 figures. London, Bohn, 1861. 2 v. 12~. URLSPERGERt, Samuel. -Americanisehes Ackerwerkl Gottes; oder Zuvcrlassige Nacbrichten, den Zustand der americanisehen, und von Salzburgischen emigranten erbauten, Pflanzstadt Ebenezer, und was dazu gehbrt, in Georgien betreffend, aus... Diarien genommen, und mit Briefen der' dasigen Herren Prediger, auch anderer noch weiter bestattiget. Drittes stuck...Augsburg, 1756. viii, 335 - 525 p. 4~. URQUIHART, Thomas. A Letter to W. Wilberforce, on the subject of impressment.... of British seamen. London, 1816. 22 p. 8~.'Pam. v. 435.:USE of the Dead ~to the Living. Enlarged from Westm. Rev. London, 1828. 54 p. 80. Pam. v. 403. UlSHER, Abp. James. E. Greenfield's Revision and Publication of Abp. Usher's Immanuel, 1653. London, 1843. 43 p. 8". Pam. v. 379. UTSTARIZ, Geronymo De. The Theory and Practice of commerce and maritime affairs. Written originally in Spanish..... Trans. by John Kippax, B. D......London, 1751. 2 v. 8~. UTICAt AND SCHENECTADY RAILROAD COMPANY. Charter, with the subsequent Laws relative thereto.. Albany, 1847. 80. Pam. v. 146. --- -A Communication to the Legislature, in reply to a statement of the Schenectady and Troy Railroad Company. Albany, 18161. 8~. Pam. v. 151. FIRST` S1JPPPLEMENT. 859 Statement relative- to: Dec. 31, 1846. Schenectady, 1847. 80o Pam. v. 146. UTICAt CHiRISTIAN REPOS'ITORY, for the year 1825. Vol. Iv. Utica, 1 v. 8~. UTICA CONVENTION. Proceedings of: for the nomination of President and Vice-President of the United States, June 22, 1848. " Free Trade, Free Labor, Free Soil, Free Speech and Free Men." 80. Pam. v. 259. V. VACCHIERY, K. A. Edel von. Von Wehrhaftmachung der Alten, vorzuglich der Herzogen aus Baiern zu Zeiten der Wittelsbacher, 1785. 26 p. See K6n. Baier. Ak. Reden, v. 3. VACHER'St PARLIAMENTARY COMIPANION: For 1836.- For 1852. 180. Panm. v. 610. VADE; (The) MECUMI for America; or a Companion for traders and travellers... Boston, 1731. 220 p. 12~. VADERLANDS SERMOEN over de Dismissie van den heere MIertog van Wolffenbuttel door hun ed. gr. mog. de Heeren Staeten van Holland en: West-Friesland.. 1785(?). 28 p. 8~. Pam. v. 108. VADERLANDSCHE HISTORIE verkort, en by vraagen en antwoorden voorgesteld. Amsterdam, 1758. 162 p. 180. Pam. v. 633. VADERLANDSCHE ( De) ZEEHELD. Haarlem, 1781. 42 p. 8~. Pam.. v. 110. VAIL, A. Standard Circular of questions for a family record..4 p. 40. Pain. v. 1016. VAIL ( Rev. Joseph), of East-Hadden, Conn. Noah's:Flood: A Poem.. New-London., 1796. 28 p. 8~. VAILLANT, John. Scripture Compared with itself, in proof of the Catholic doctrine of the Holy Trinity..London, 1819. 62 p. 8~. Pam. v. 311. VAILLANTt, J. B. P., Comte...Rapport presente a l'Emrpereur sur la situation de l'Algerie en 1853. par M. le Marechal Vaillant, Ministre de la Guerre. Paris, 1854. 86 p. 8~. Guerre d'Orient, 1855. See France. VALF,, G. A Compendium of the Life of Thomas Paine..New-York,, 1837. 32 p. 8~. Pam. v. 471. VALENTINEt, David T. Manual of the Corporation of the City of: N York for 1856, 57, 58, 59, 60. New-York. 5 v. 12~. VALERIUS MAXIMrUS. Factorum Dictorunmque memorabilium libri novemr, cu....notis.;ed. a J. Kappio. Lipsise, 1782. 8~., VALERIUS POPLICOLA. Pseud. See Verzameling, etc. VALVEROT, Abbe. Journal de la France, contenant par chaque joul des mois ce qui s'cst passe de plus memnorable depuis l'origine de la monarchie...3e 6d. Paris;,1722. 142 p. 12~. VALETON; J. J. P":".. Editor. See Tealibi, E1 Ijaz fil Ijaz. 860 GENERAL LIBRARY.'VALKENIER, Petrus.'t Verwerd Europa, cfte Politijke cn Historische Beschryvinge der waare fundamenten en Oorsaken van de Oorlogen en Revolutien in Europa, voornamentlijlk in en omtrent de Neder-. landen zedert den jaare 1664.. Verdeelt in dry deelen..'t Amsterdam, 1675. 40 VALPY, Edward. Elegantire Latine; or Rules and Exercises illustrative of elegant Latin style...7th edition. London, A. J. Valpy, 1821. 256 p. 12~. VALPY (Richard), D.D. The Elements of Greek Grammar, with notes. 3d Am. edition. ~'" Boston, 1820. 271 p. 12~. VANACKERE, E. livres en vente....Lille, 1854. 8~. Cat. v. 97. VAN BUREN, John. Speech, 1847. See Herkimer Mass Convention. - Speech at Syracuse Convention, 1847.- Speech at Albany, Sept. 27, 1853. See Pam. v. 527. VAN BuRaENt (Martin.), President. The IMssage of IlisEx. Governor Van Buren, on the subject of Banks; with the plan suggested. Made to the Assembly, Jan. 26, 1829. Albany, 1829. 8~. Pani. v. 199. - A Word in Season; or Review of the political life and opinions of 3IMartin Van Buren. Addressed to the entire Democracy of the American people. By a Harrison Democrat. 2d edition. Washington, 1840. 47 p. 80. Pam. v. 198. VANDERBURGHIt, F. Address at Albany, before the Academy of Medicine of the State of New-York. 1851. See Homoeop. Med. Soc. VAN DER KEMPt, Fr. Adr. Historic der Admissie in de Ridderschap van Overyssel, van Jr. Johan Derk van der Cappellen, Heer van den Pol..... Te Leyden, 1785. 80. VANDERLYNt, John. Key to the Panorama of.... Versailles. Painted by J. Vanderlyn, New-York. Boston. 8 p. 8~. Pam. v. 489. VANDERMEERSCH, P. C. Inventaire des Cartes et des Plans, conserves, aux Archives de la Flandre-Orientale; accompagne de Notes et d'Eclaircissements. Publi6 par ordre du Conseil provincial. Gand, 1850. 268 p. 4~ VAN DUSEN, I. MI. and Maria. The Sublime and Ridiculous the Nauvoo temple.. New-York, 1848. 24 p. 120. Pam. v. 550. VAN GORDEN'S FARMER'S ALMANAC. Catskill, 1853. 12~. Alm. v. 37. VAN HEUVEL, Jacob A. El Dorado; beinll a Narrative of.. reports in the 16th century of the existence of a rich and splendid city in South America..including a defence of Sir W. Raleigh..New-York (1844). 165 p. 8o. VAN HORN (Burt), of Niagara co. Completion of the Canals, Remarks...N.Y. Assem. Feb. 25, 1859. 10 p. 8~. Pam. v. 477. Democracy and Slavery. Speech, N.Y. Assem., Feb. 18, 1858. 80. Pam. v. 561. VANITY (The), Mischief and Danger of continuing ceremonies in the worship of God...By P. M... London, 1690. 44 p. 40. Pam. v. 357. VAN KLEECKt (Robert B.), D.D. A Discourse commemorative of the Hion. George Tibbits, St.Paul's Church, Troy. Troy, 1849. t8. Pam. v, 202, FIRST SUPPLEMENT. 861 - emorial of Thomas Powell, esq., who died at his residence in Newburgh, May 12, 1856...New-York, 1857. 107 p. 40~. VAN MILDERT, Bp. William. Sermon, Soc. for the Propagation of the Gospel: 1 Cor. ix, 22. Feb. 15, 1822. London. 8~. Pam. v. 376. Speech, H. of Lords, May 17, 1825, Removal of disqualifications of Roman Catholics. London, 1825. 8~. Pam. v. 345. Sermon, Sons of the Clergy, Newcastle, 1829: Matt. v, 13, 14. Oxford, 1830. 8~. Pam. v. 385. ---- Sermon, at the Assizes, Durham, July 27, 1834 Is. xxxiii, 6. Durham.. 40. Pam. v. 1009. [VAN NESS, William P.]. See Examination of Conduct of A. Burr. 1803. Cat. 1855. VAN NORMAN'S INSTITUTE for Young Ladies: Prospectus. New-York, 1857. 8~. Pamn. v. 460. VAN OVEN (Barnard), M.D. Ought Baron De Rothschild to sit in Parliament?... London, 1847. 29 p. 80. Pam. v. 321. VAN POLANEN, R. G. See Polanen. VAN RENSSELAERt (Cortlandt), D.D. Miscellaneous Sermons, Essays and Addresses. Ed. by his son, C. Van Rensselaer, with a memoir. Philadelphia. 1861. 80. ---- Historical Discourse, on the occasion of the Centennial Anniversary of the ~Battle of Lake George, Sept. 8, 1855 [ Slips from the Albany Express, Sept. 1855]. In 8~....- -See Home, School and Church. Periodical. Memorial of: Philadelphia, 1860. 64i p. 8~. VAN RENSSELAER, Stephen: Docunients. Letter from: to...J. Anthony Constant, on tenant's leases. Albany, March 7, 1845. Assem. Doct. 3 p. 8~. Pam. v. 530. VAN SANTVOORDt, C. Sermon, Gen. Synod Prot. Ref. Dutch Church in N. A., at Newark, N.J.: I Cor. ii, 4. New-York, 1858. 8~. Pam. v. 558. Discourses on Special Occasions, and miscellaneous papers. NewYork...1856. 12~. VAN SANTVOORDt, George. Speech, on the Bill authorizing the construction of a Bridge over the Hudson at Albany. N.Y. Assembly, March 1856. 16 p. Pam. v. 493. The Study of the Law as a Science.. Law School. of the University of Albany, Nov. 21, 1856. Albany, 1856. 8~. Pam. v. 242. VAN SCHAACKt, Henry C. Henry Cruger, the colleague of E. Burke in the Brit. Parliament: A Paper read before the N.Y. Hist. Society. New-York, 1859. 67 p. 8.' VANSITTART (Nicholas), Lord Bexley. Letter to the Rev. Dr. (H.) Marsh, Cambridge.. occasioned by his Address to the Senate of that University. London, 1811. 11 p. 8~. Pam. v. 467. Also, See C Lmlb. Aux. Bib. Soc. Rep. Outlines of a Plan of Finance: Proposed to be submitted to Parliament, 1813. 30 p. 8~. Pam. v, 427. 862: GENERAL LIBRARY. VAN TASSEL, Truman. The Phonographic'Harmonist; based. upon a System of mutual notation, in which the note, by its form and. its position upon the stem, is made to represent definitely the pitch, strength and duration of the sound which it denotes.. ".~. Syracuse, 1846. v, 144 p. ob. 8~. VANUXEIMt, Lardner. An Essay on the Ultimate Principles of chemis-. try, natural philosophy and physiology..Part I. Philadelphia, 1827. 91 p. 8~. See Columbia Chem. Soc. VAN VALKENBURGH (R.B.), of Steuben Co. Bridging the Hudson River at:Albany: Speeches of R. B. V. and J. 11. Reynolds. be-fore the N. Y. Senate Committee. Albany, 1856. 23 p. 8~. Pam. v. 493'. Speech, N.Y. Assem., the Battle. for Freedom, Mar. 17, 1858. 8~. Pain. v. 561. VAN VECHTENt, Abraham., Speech, N.Y. Assem., on..increasing the number of banks in the State..Albany, 1811. 22 p. 80. Pain. v. 530. VAN WINIKLE, E],dgar S.' A Tribute to the Memory of Robert Kelly An address.... June4, 1856, before the Century and the Column. New-York, 1856. 8'. Pam. v. 80. VAPEREAU, G. Dictionnaire Universel des contemporains, contenant toutes les personnes notables de la France etdes pays Strangers... Paris, 1858. 1802 p. 8~. VAREN, B. ]Bernhardi Vareni M'ed. ID., Descriptio Regni Japonise et Siam..De diversis omnium gentium religionibus. Quibus..adduntur qusedam de priscorumn Afrorum fide excerpta ex Leone Africano. Cantabrigise, 1673. 292 p. 80~. VARROt, M. Terentius. Opera quse supersunt: In lib. de Ling. Lat. conjectanea J. Scaligeri, recognita & appendice aucta. In libros dere rust. notse ejusdem...His adjuncti A. Turnebi..A. A ugustini... P. Victorini.. commentarii. Parisiis, H. Stephanus, 1573. 2 v. 120~. VARUSOLTIS, de Troyes. Xylographie de l'Imprimerie Troyenne pendant le xve- XvIIe siecle. Preced6 d'une Lettre du Bibliophile Jacob, sur l'Histoire de la gravure en bois. Troyes, Paris, 1859. 72 p. 4. VAsI, Mariano. Itinerario Istruttivo di Roma e delle sue vicinanze: compilato gia da Mariano Vasi. Ora riveduto..dal Prof. A. Nibby. Roma, 1824. 2 v. 180~. VASSIF iEFENDI. Precis Historique de la Guerre des Tures contre les Russes, 1769 - 1774. Tir6 des Annales, de l'Historien Turc Vassif Efendi, par P. A. Caussin de Perceval. Paris, 1822. 8~. VATOUT, J. Soihvenirs Historiques des Residences royales de France. T. vI, Chateau d'Amboise; T. vii, Chateau de Compiegne. Paris, 1845. 2 v. 8~. VATTEMAREt, A. Report on...the Memorial of:... in relation to interchanges of literary and scientific works. [Cong. Doct.]. 1848. 51 p. 8S. Paml. v. 470. VAUDOIS COMMITTEE:. Report.... June 12,1845...London, 1845. 37 p. 8~. Pam. v. 393. VAUGHAN, C.. J Sermon, Sons of the Clergy: London, 1851. 8~., Pam. vi 385, FIRST SUPPLEMENT. 8613 VAUGHAN, D.:Phenomena of the Material World, No. 1. Cincinnati, 1856. 24 p. 80. Pani. v. 222. VAUGHAN, Henry. The Sacred Poems and Private Ejaculations of:.. With a Memoir by the Rev. H. F. Lyte. Boston...1856. 18~. VAUGHANt (Robert), D.D. Revolutions in English History Vol. I, Revolutions of race. New-York, 1860. 8~. VAUX, Calvert. Villas and Cottages: A series of designs prepared for execution in the United States....Ill. by 300 engravings. NewYork..1857. 8~. VAUxt, Roberts. Memoirs of the Life of Anthony Benezet. Philadelphia, 181.7. vii, 136 p. 18~. VEGETIUSt, F. Flavii Vegetii Renati..De Re Militari libri quatuor.. correcti a G. S. fHeusdano. Accesserunt Sex. Ivlii Frontini Strategematon libri quatuor; Aelianus de instruendis aciebus; Modestus de vocabulis rei militaris; Castrametatio Romnanorum ex historiis Polybii. Accessit seorsum ejus G. Stewechii in F. Vegetium Commentarius. Adjuncta ejusdem G. Stewechii & Francisci Modi in Jul. Frontinum conjectanea, et notre. Lugd. Batav. 1592. 320, 480 p. in 1 v. 12~. VTEHICLE ( The); or Madison and Cayuga Christian Magazine, No. 2, V. 1. Aug. 1814. 120. Pam. v. 533. VEITH, F. De Origine Artis Typographicae in urbe Augusta Vindelica, 1778. See Zapf, G. W. VELASQUEZ, Pedro. Memoir of an Eventful Expedition in Central America... and the possession of two Aztec children...New-York, 1850. 35 p. 120. Pam. v. 502. VELINGIUS, Wilhelmus. Redenvoering over den Apostel Johannes... Rotterdam, 1736. 78 p. 4~. Pam. v. 569. VELLEIUS (C.) PATERCULUS... Que Supersunt ex HIistorime Romance.....cum integris animad. doctorum curante D. Ruhnkenio. Lugd. Batav. 1779. 2 v. 8~. VELZEN, Corn. van. Kerkelyke Redevoeringen..Groningen, 1745. 4~. Jehovaas Sterkte aan Nederlandts volk door de Prinsen van Orange en Nassauw in voorige dagen ende in dit jaar 1747 door de verheffinge van Z. H. W. K. H. Friso tot Stadhouder....2ae druk. With appendix. Groningen, 1747. 62 p. 40. Pam. v. 569. VENABLE, A. W. Internal Improvements, Speech, U. S. H. of R., Jan. 11, 1848. 8~. Pam. v. 487. VENEGASt, Padre Miguel. Noticia de la California, y de su conquista temporal, y espiritual hasta el tiempo presente. Sacada de la historia manuscrita, formnada en Mexico afio de 1739, por el Padre Mliguel Venegas...Aniadida de algunos mapas.. By Father Andres Marcos Burriel? Madrid, 1757. 3 v. sm. 40~. VENHUIZEN, Pet. - De Ware Christen....Groningen, 1728. VENN, I:enry. Academical Studies.....a Sermon: 1 Cor. xiv, 12. Cambridge, Enzg. 1828. 8~. Pam. v. 377. VENN, Rev. Rich. King George's Title asserted; or a Letter. shewing the lawfulness of the oaths requi-red by the present government.... 1715. 2d edition. London, 1734. 62 p. 8~. Pam. v. 418. 864 GENERAL LIBRARY. VENNER, Thomas. Via Recta ad Vitam longam; or a Treatise wherein the right way and best manner of living for attaining to a long and healthfull life, is clearly demonstrated.... By Tho. Venner, Doctor... His Treatise of The Baths of Bathe.. as also an accurate treatise concerning tobacco...London, 1650. 417 p. sin. 4~. VENTOUILLAC, L. T. The French Librarian or Literary Guide; pointing out the best works of the principal writers of France, in every branch of literature...London, 1829. 536 p. 8~. VENTURA, Padre J. Conferences on the Passion. See Catholic Pulpit, No. 15, etc. VENUTI, Marcello De. Descrizione delle Prime Scoperte dell' Antica Cittea d'Ercolano, ritrovato vicino a Portici..... In Roma...1748. 146 p.- WWith, Lettre de M. l'Abbe Winckelmann.... Sur les Decouvertes d'Herculanum. 17 64. In 1 v. 4~. VERBEYST, M. Cat'tlogue des Livres anciens qui composent la Librairie de:... de Bruxelles. Premi6re partie. Vente..1 Dec. 1852. Paris. 352 p. 8o. VERDIER, Aymar. Architecture Civile et Domestique au moyen age et.a la renaissance. Dessinee et de6crite par A. V. et par le Dr. Gattois. Paris, 1858. 2 v. 4~. VEREENIGING ter Bevordering van de belangen des Boekhandels: Cataloaus van de Bibliothek der..... Opgemaakt door F. Muller. Amsterdam, 1855. xvi, 144 p. 80. See Exposition Universelle, Paris, 1855. Catalogue. VEREIN FOR LAND- UND FORSTWIRTHSCiIAFT IM HERZOGTHUME B3raunschweig: Mittheilungen..Nro xxv, fiar das jahr 1857. Braunschweig, 1858. 136 p. 8~. VEREIJNIGTEN (Der) STAATEN CALENDER. Philadelphia, 1846, 48. 12~. Alm. v. 46. VERMEER, Justus. Verzameling van eenige Oeffeningen.... over verscheide plaatsen des 0. en N. Test. 3e druk. Utrecht, 1757. 40~. VERMILYA, Lucius HI. A Year and a half in Mexico, and at the Battles of Cerro-Gordo, Churubusco and Mexico... Prattsville, N.Y. 1848. 23 p. 12~. Pam. v. 502. VERMIILYE, Ashbel G. Sermon...commemorative of...Miss Mary C. Greenleaf, late a the Chickasaw nation. Newburyport, 1857. 8~. Pam. v. 555. VERMONTt. Annual Message of the Governor, R. Fletcher, Oct. 1857. Montpelier.- Also for 1858, H. Hall. 8~. Parn. v. 522. - Directory and Rules of the Legislature. 1858. Montpelier. 180. Pain. v. 610. ----: ACCOUNTS. Annual Report of the Auditor of Accounts, 1855, 56, 57, 58, 59. Montpelier. In 1 v. 80.- For 1852, Pam. v. 192. -Contain returns of the banks, prisons, asylums, etc. of the State.: EDUCATION. 1st Report of the Secretary ( J. S. Adams) of the Board of Education, Sept. 1857. Ludlow, 1857. 98 p. 80. Pam. v. 553. -: FH PROPAGATION. Report. See Marsh, G. P. FIRST SUPPLEMENT. 865 VERMONT (continued):.-: GEOLOGICAL SURVEY. Report..By Edward Hitchcock, State Geologist. Montpelier, 1857. PanL. v. 274.- Report, Nov. 1858. Burlington. 13 p. 8~. Pam. v. 551.: INSANE. 6th Report'of the Trustees of the Vermont Asylum for the Insane, Oct. 1842,. Montpeiier. ".. Pam. v. 201. - LIBRARY. Catalogue of the Library. Montpelier, 1858. 63 p. 8~. Pam. v. 470.: NATURAL IItSTORY. Preliminary Report on the Natural History of the State of Vermont. By Augustus Young, State NatLuralist. Sen. Doct. Burlington....1856. 88 p. 8~. -—: RAILROATS. 1st (C. Linzsley), 2d, 3d (G. P Marsh), 4th Annual Report of the Railroad Commissioner of the State. Rutland, 1856, 57; Burlington, 1858, 59. In 1 v. 8S. Also 1st Report. Paim. v. 258.- 3d Report. Pain. v. 546. -: -R~eport of Leg. Comm., to whom was referred the Senate and House Bills, constituting the Atlantic and St.Lawrence Railroad. 1849. 8". Panm. v. 148..-: REFORM SCHOOL. Report of the Commissioner.... relating to Juvenile offenders and the establishment of a Reform school. Burlington, 1858. 14 p. 12". Pam. v. 507.: —-: SLAVERY. Report of the Select Committee of the H. of R. on Slavery, the Dred Scott decision..... Montpelier, 1858. 32 p. 8~. Pam. v. 562. - STATE HOUSE. Report of the Superintendent of the construction of the State House... Montpelier, 1857. 80. Pam. v. 493..-...: STATISTICS. First, Second Report relating to the Registry and returns of birtlhs, marriages and deaths.....Dec. 31, 1857, 58. B. W. Dean, Sec. Burlington, 1859; Middlebury, 1859. 2 v. 80~. VERMONT ACADEMY OF MEDITCTNE: Catalogue. Castleton, 1828, 1829, 1830, 1833, 1835, 1837, 1839, 1841. 8..Pam. v. 155. VERMONTt AND MASSACHUSETTS RAILROAD COMPANY: Report of the Stockholders' committee, appointed Feb. 14, 1849. Boston, 1850. 8'. Pam. v. 147, 285. VERMONT BIBLE SOCIETY: 33d, 34th, 35th Reports. Montpelier, 1845, 46, 47. 8~. Pain. v. 198.- Report, 45th Anniversary, 1857. Pam. v. 468. VERMONTf CENTRAL RAILROAD COMPANY: Fifth Report, Nov. 1850. Montpelier. 8~. Pam. v. 147.- Sixth Report, 1850. Pam. v. 148. Report of the Trustees....upon the condition of the Company, &c. Presented to the directors, Nov. 14, 1851. Boston, 1851. 8". Pam. v. 147. --- Reply of the Directors to the Letter of Josiah Quincy jr. to the stockholders... Montpelier, 1852. 8". Pam. V. 148. VERaMONT COLONIZATION SOCIETY: 31st Report... Oct. 17, 1850. 8~. Pant. v. 228. VERMONT GAZETTE, May 25, June 8, 1796: Vol. 14. Bennington. See Mass. Spy. Cat. 1855. [ SUPPL.1 109 866 GENERAL LIBRARY. VERMONT MEDICAL COLLEGE, Woodstock: Annual Announceiment for the year 1855. Woodstock, 1854. $". Pam. v. 196. VERMONT MEDICAL SOCIETY: Constitution..Proceedings, etc. Montpelier, 1852. 16 p. 80. Pam. v. 516. VERMONT MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE COMPATY: 23d, 24th Annual Report, 1850, 1851. Montpelier. 80. Pam. v. 239. VERNEY'S LONG PARLIAMENT. See Camden Society. VERNON ACADETiY, Oneida county, N.Y.: Catalogue, 1857. 8~. Pam. v. 457. VERNY (E.), Pasteur. Cat. des Livres de la Bibliotheque: Vente publique. Strasbourg, 1855. 8~. Cat. v. 97. VERPLANCKI (Gulian C.), LL.D. The Advantages and the Dangers of the American scholar: A discourse..Union College, 1836. NewYork, 1836. 62 p. 80. Pam. v. 51-4. Report, on the Debt... and financial policy of New-York, to the Legislature, 1839. See Vindication of the public faith, 1840. Garrick; his Portrait in New-York, its artist and history..... New-York, 1857. 32 p. sm. 4~. Letter to A. M. Cozzens, esq., read at a meeting of the Sketch Club, Jan. 9, 1857. Portrait. [- ] See Century Club, 1858. VERROLLOT, Dr. M. P. Du Cholera Morbus en 1845, 1846 et 1847; avec une Carte indiquant sa marche pendant ces trois annees. Constantinople..1848. 8~. VERSCHEYDE SCHEEPS-TOGTEN NA FLORIDA; door Pontius, Ribald, Laudonniere, Gourgues en andere, gedaan in het jaar 1562 en vervolgens... Als mede een nette en naauw-keurige Aanteekening van de geleeoenheyd van dit Landschap.... en andere bysonderheeden. Door de Reysigers selfs opgeteekend.... en nu uyt die Taal aldereerst over-geset.. Leyden, Vander Aa,.1706. 171 p. & register. 120. YWith thirty-four steel plates. VERTOOGHt van Nieu-Nederland, by A. Van Der Donck; and, Breeden B.aedt aende Vereenichde Nederlandsche Provintien, by Cornelis Jlilelyn. Two rare tracts, printed in 1649-50. Relating to the administration of affairs in New-Netherland. Trans. from the Dutch, by H. C. Mlurphy. New-York, 1854. 4~. VERTOTt, Abbe Rene A. de. A Memorial sent from London by the late Earl Stanhope, to the Abbot Vertot... relating to the Constitution of the Roman senate..WVith the...answer. London, 1721. 32 p. 80. Pam. v. 409. The IRise and Progress of the Papal Power. Extract. Trans... by John Stacie, esq. London, 1737. vi, 50 p. 8~. Pamn. v. 41Q. VERTROESTINGHE der ghelatenre Menschen. Antverpise, 1510. See, HIier beghynt, etc. VERZAMELING van Brieven, gewisseld tusschen Valerius Poplicola, te Amsterdam, en Caius MIanlius, te Utrecht. No. 1, 2, 3. Haarlemn, 1804. 32, 22, 23 p. 80. Pam. v. 108. VERZAMELING van Staats-Stukken in de Zaak van het Commando over het Guarnisoen van den Haag. 1786. 36 p. 8~. Pam. v. 108. VETH, P. J., Editor. See, Soyouti, De nominibus relativis. FIRST SUPPLEMIENT. 867 VETHAKEt ( H.), J. MULLIGAN and J. TorREY. An Exposition of the reasons for the resignation of some of the professors in the University of the City of New-York. 1833. 24 p. 80. Pam. v. 156. VETROMILE, Rev. Eugene. Indian Good Book, made by Eugene Yetromile, S. J. Indian Patriarch, for the benefit of the Penobscot, Passamaquoddy, St. John's, Micmac and other tribes of the Abnaqui Indians, this year 1857. Old-town Indian village, and Bangor. 2d edition. New-York, Dunigan, 1857. 450 p. 18~. ---- Ahiamihewintuhangan; the Prayer-song, arranged by:... NewYork, 1857. 45 p.-With, Adlachemudiguichlkek meiaulakwey. Wen kedwi pakabuguet, deli annkidagit. Schibat'ku'musse. New-York, 1858. 70 p. In 1 v. 80. VIIERT, J. P. Extrait du Catalogue des rosiers et vignes cultiv6s chez: Angers, 1847. 80. Pani. v. ~-61. VICTOR, Sex. Aurelianus. Vita Imperatorum Romanorum. See Pollio. VIER BRIEFE eines Demokraten, als Beitrag zu einer Geschichte der Volkserhebungen in Baden von 1848 und 1849. Strassburg, 1850. 84 p. 8~. Pam. v. 523. VIEROOT, Tho. Wegwyzer naar het Hemelsche Vaderland... Amsterdam, 1764. 18~. VTIEw (A) of the Claims of American citizens which were (..) assumed by the United States in the Louisiana Convention of April 30, 1803. By a Citizen of Baltimore. 1829. 141 p. 8~. VIEW (A) of the Controversy concerning the miraculous the Christian Church... through several successive centuries. London, 1748. 155 p. 8~. Pam. v. 309. VIEW of the Depredations and Ravages committed by the Spaniards on the British trade and Navigation.....London, 1731. ix, 44. 8~. Pam. v. 445. VIEW (A) of the History of Great Britain, during the administration of Lord North...With statements of the public expenditure in that period. London, 1782. 412 p. 8~. VIEW (A) of the Relative Situations of Mr. Pitt and Mr. Addington previous to Mr. Patten's motion. London, Stockdale, 1804. 127 p. 8~. Pam. v. 440. VIEWS of the Constitution of Virginia, contained in the Essays of" One of the People;" and in the Letters of Messrs. Robinson, Macfarland, 3Morson and Patton. In reply to a communication from many citizens of the Richmond District. Richmond, 1850. 66 p. 8~. Pam. *v. 259. VIEYRA, Anthony. A Portuguese Grammar...The 10th edition. *+o London, 1827. 391 p. 8~. VIGERUS, Fran.....De Precipuis Grsecoe Dictionis Idiotismis liber. Cum animadversionibus Henrici Hoogeveeni et J. C. Zeunii. Ed. et adnotationibus addidit G. Hermannus. Glasg. 1813. xxvi, 734 p. 85 ---- ~Viger's Greek Idioms abridged and translated into English from Prof. Hermann's last edition, with original notes. By Rev. J. Seagero London (1828). 80. 808 GENERAL LIBRARY. VIGILIIS ( S. H. De) Von CREUTZENFELD.'Bibliotheca Chirurgica; in qua res omnes ad chirurgi'am pertinentes ordine alphabetico, ipsi vero scriptores, quotquot ad annum usque 1779- innotuerunt, ad singulas materias ordine chronologico exhibentur.... Vindobonae, 1781. 1916 p. 2 v. 40. VIGNON, Claude. Exposition Universelle de 1855: Beaux Arts par C. V. Paris, 1855. 18~. VIGo, Prout. A Letter to.... Lord Abinger, on the recent appointments of Romish Bishops in Great Britain.- A Second letter. London, 1850. 14, 15 p. 8". Pam. v. 348. VILLAGE (The): a Poem. 1816. See [ Lincoln, E.]. VILLTAGE FAMILY PRAYERS for every day in the week. By a Country Clergyman. Shrewsbury, 1843. 23 p. 12~. Pam. v. 308. [VILTIERS, G., Duke of Buckingham]. See Letter to Sir T. Osborn, 1672. yVIIC)ONTt, R. P. Barthelemy. Relation de ce qui s'est passe en la Novvelle France en l'atnn6e 1642 & 1643. Envoyee au R. P. Jean Filleau, Prouincial- de la Compagnie de Iesvs, en la Prouince de France. Par le R. P. Bartheleny Vimont, de la mesme compagnie, Sup6rieur de toute la mission. A Paris... 1644. 18~. ---- Relation de ce cqui s'est passe en la Novvelle France es Annees 1644 and 1645, envoyee av R. Pere Prouincial de la Compagnie de Iesvs en la Prouince de France...Paris, S. Cramoisy, 1646. 18~. VINALL, Eb. Some Account of God's Gracious dealings with Ebenezer Vinall....of his call to the ministry....Lewes, Eng. 1847. 108 p. 12~. imp. a:am. v. 300. ---- A Few Thoughts on:... Is. xliv, 5...London, 1847. 31 p. 120~. Pain. v. 390. VINALL, Rev. John. The Confession of Faith and reason of the hope. London, 1822. 43 p. 80. Pam. v. 339. Truth Vindicated....reply to a C. Goulding. Lewes, 1827. 55 p. 8~. Pamn. v. 305. VINgARD, B. L'Art du Typographe,... Deuxieme 6d. revue, corrigee et augmeunte. Paris, 1823. 235 p. 8". VINCE, S. The Credibility of the Scripture miracles vindicated, in answer to Mr. Hume. 22d edition...... Cambridge, 1809. 78 p. 8~. Paim. v. 309. [VINCENT, P.]. A True Relation: Pequot war. See Mass. Hist. Soc. Coll. S. 3, v. 6. VINCENTt (William), D.D, A Defence of Public education, addressed to the...Bp. of Meath...3d edition. London, 1802. 48 p. 80. Pam. v. 387. VINCENTIUS, Beluacensis Episcopus. [Speculum Majus]. 4 v. f0. viz: Speculum Naturale Vincentii. Col. Anno Salutis MI.cccLxxxx[uII, Idib. Maii. Venctiis...f. Speculum Morale Vincentii. Col. Anno Salutis M.cCCCLXXXXIIm, Pridie Kal OcLobris. Speculum Doctrinale Vincentii. Col. Impressum An. Sal. MCCCcLxxxxIIII, Idib. -Januarii. Venetiis...f~. Speculum IIistoriale Vincentii. Col. Anno Salutis M.CCCC.xIILI, Nonis Septemb. In inclita Urbe Venetia, f~. FIRST SUPPLEMIENT. 869 VINDEX. Letters on the Prevention and Cure of Cholera morbus.... London, 1849. 16 p. 80. Pam v. 405. VINDICATION (A) of a late Pamphlet,. intitled, The Case of the Hanover troops considered..... By the Earl of G'hestefield. London, 1843. 56 p. 8~. Pam. v. 132. VINDICATION of an Undertaking, 1692. See [ Fowler, E.]. VINDICATION (A) of Dissenters, or Church Bigotry exposed, in a letter addressed to the Rev. T. Howes..By Veritas. Lond. 1837. 46 p. 8~. Pam.' v. 320. VINDICATION of Liberty of Remarks on Dr. Middleton's Sermon..May 29, 1730. London, 1734. 30 p. 80. Pam. v. 318. VINDICATION (A) of Mankind; or Free-will asserted: In answer to A philosophical inquiry concerning human liberty, to which is added an examination of Mr. Lock's scheme of freedom. By Sol. Lowe? London, 1717. 31 p. 80. Pam. v. 399. VINDICATION (A) of New-England from the vile aspersions cast upon that country by a late address of a faction there who denominate themselves of the Church of England in Boston. Printed with allowance. London (1692?). 27 p. sin. 40. VINDICATION (A) of the Address to the inhabitants of the British settlements, on the slavery of the negroes in America, in answer to a pamphlet entitled "Slavery not forbidden by Scripture, etc.'"...By a Pennsylvanian, i. e. Be]zj. Rush, JM.D. Phil'a, 1773. 54 p. 8~. VINDICATION of the Answer to the Popish address, 1688. See [ Williains, J.]. VINDICATION of the Bishop of London's Pastoral Letter, 1729. See Gibson, E. VINDICATION of the Captors of Major Andre. By Egbert Benson. N.Y. 1817. 99 p. 8o. VINDICATION Of the Church of England, 1687. See [Altham, R.]. VINDICATION of the Divine Attributes: In some remarks on.... the Abp. of Dublin's ( King's) sermon intituled Divine Predestination... By A. Colli;zs. London. 1710. 38 p. 8~. Pam. v. 340. VINDICATION (A) of the Measures of the present administration. By Algernon Sidney, i. e. G. Granger. Washington, 1803. 20 p. 80. Pam. v. 197.- Also see [ Granger, G.]. Cat. 1855. VINDICATION of the Protestant, established church of England, from the misrepresentation...of the high church party...London, 1748. 34 p. 8~. Pam, v. 322. VINDICATION of the Public Faith of New-York and Pennsylvania., in reply to the calumnies of the "Times." Signed "J. D.'.' To which is appended a Report by G. C. Verplanck, made to the Senate of NewYork in relation to the debt, revenue, and financial policy of the State. London, 1840. 55 p. 8~. Pam. v. 194. VINDICATION (A) of the Rt. Rev. the L'd Bp. of Exeter, Blackall, occasioned by Mr. B. Hoadly's Refections on his Lordships two sermons on government. By William Oldisworth:. London, 1709. 24 p. 8~. Pam. v. 349. 870 GENERAL LIBRARY. VINDICATION (A) of the Rt. Rev. the L'd Bp. of Winchester, Hoadly, against the malicious aspersions of those who.... ascribe... A plain account, 4-c. to his Lordship. By Rev. P. Skelton. London, 1736. 71 p. 80. Pam. v. 349. VINDICATION of...the Seminole War, 1819. See [ Overton, Judge]. Cat. 1855. VINDICATION (A) of the separate system of Prison Discipline from the misrepresentations of the ~North-American Review, July 1839. By F. A. Packard. Philadelphia. 56 p. 8~. Pam. v. 164, 207. VINDICATION (A) of the Unitarians against a late reverend author on the Trinity. London (1700?). 28 p. 4~. Pam. v. 358. VINET, A. L'Indiffdrentisme Religieux ~ Sermon.. Jean xviii, 37 - 38. Basle, 1833. 8~. Pam. v. 559. VINK, H. Lessen over de Herkauwing der Runderen en tans Woedende Veeziekte. Rotterdam, 1770. 128 p. & plates. 8~. Pam. v. 196. VINTON (Francis), D.D. Address, Inauguration of the Hunt Botanical Garden, Ap. 1855. 8~. Brooklyn, N.Y. Pam. v. 505. Address. See Packer Institute. VINTON, John A. Genealogical Sketches of the descendants of John Vinton of Lynn, 1648; and of several allied families, namely, those bearing the names of Alden, Adams, Allen, Boylston, Faxon, French, Hayden, Holbrook, Mills, Niles, Penniman, Thayer, White, -Richardson, Baldwin and Green. Interspersed with notices of other ancient families. With an Appendix containing a history of the Braintree iron-works...Boston, 1858. 236 p. 8~. VIOLLET-LE-DUC. Essai sur l'Architecture militaire au moyen age... Extrait du Dictionnaire Raisonn..Paris, 1854. 8~. 153 wood cuts. VIRGILIUSt (Pub.) MARo...Opera cum integris commentariis Servii, Philargyrii, Pierii; accedunt Scaligeri et Lindenbrogii notse ad Culicein, Cirin, Catalecta. Ad. cod. Ms. Regium Parisiensem recensuit P. Masvicius... Leovardie, 1717. 2 v. 4~...Bucolicorumn Eclogae decem The Bucolicks of Virgil, with an English translation and notes. By John Martyn, F.R.S. With life of Virgil. London, 1749. lxv, 280, 6 p. & index. 1 v. 4~...Georgicorum libri quatuor: The Georgics of Virgil, with an English translation and notes. By John Martyn...Prof. Botany... London, 1741. xxii, 403, 3 p. & index. 1 v. 40. ----- P. Virgilius Maro. Nouvelle edition, publiee avec des arguments et des notes en fran ais, par E. Sommer. Paris, Hachette, 1858. 12~. VIRGINIA-: EDUCATION. Abstract of the Laws relating to Schoolcommissioners and their officers, etc. 4th edition. Richmond, 1842. 8~. Pain..v. 190.: INSANE. Report of the Eastern Asylum, Williamsburgh, 1848. Richmond, 1849. Pam. v. 201.- Report, 1852-3. Pam. v. 166.Report, 1853-4 & 1854-5. Williamsburgh, 1856. 8~. Pam. v. 235. -: STATISTICS. Statement of the White Population of each county of the State for 1840.... also the population of 1846... Leg. Doct. Jan. 14, 1848. 7 p. 80. — Statement of White titheables and revenue of 1849...1 1850. 9 p. 8". Pam. v. 565. FIRST SUPPLEMENT. 871 VIRGINIA Richly Valued; by the description of the main land of Florida... Trans. out of Portuguese by R. Hakluyt. London, 1609. See Force's Tracts, v. 4. -- * A True Declaration of the Estate of the Colonie inVirginia... Pub. by... the Councell of Virginia... London, 1610. See Force's Tracts, v. 3. - Virginia: More especially the south part thereof, richly and truly valued.. 2d edition; with addition of the discovery of silk-worms.. By E. W. London, 1650. See Force's Tracts, v. 3. Virginia and Maryland; or the Lord Baltimore's printed case, uncased and answered..London, 1655. See Force's Tracts, v. 2. - irginia's Cure; or an Advisive Narrative concerning Virginia...By R. G.... London, 1662. See Force's Tracts, v. 3. VIRGINIAt & NORTHt-CAROLINA ALGANACK, Petersburg, 1802. Alm. v. 18. Virginia Almanack, Richmond, 1803.- Good Old Virginia Almanack, 1803. 120. Aim. v. 17. VIRGINIA DIRECTORY: The Virginia State Directory and Business Register: Elliott ~ Nye's. Richmond, 1853. 80. VIRGINIA MILITARY INSTITUTE: Regulations...-With an Appendix. Richmond, 1854. 110 p. 12c, VIRGINIA STATE AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY: Journal of the Transactions:.:. from its organization to the close of the first annual exhibition of 1.853: Vol. I. Richmond..1853. 80. VIsION (The) oF RUBETA; an Epic Story of the Island of Manhattan. With illustrations. By Laaughton Osborne. Boston, 1838. xii, 424 p. 8. VISIT (A) to Dublin, in March and April 1825; containing a Report of...the annual meetings... Dublin, 1825. 28 p. 80. Pam. v. 472. VISIT (A) to Texas; being the Journal of a Traveller. With descriptions..New-York..1b34. 12~. VISMARA, Giuseppe. Della Cementazione e della fusione dell' acciajo: Esperimenti di:... 1825. See Lombard Institute. VISSER, J. Lyst der Boeken, in de Nederlanden gedrukt voor't jaar MD. See Meerman, G. VISSER, W. C. A. See Maatschappij, Tot nut van't algemeen. VITALISt, Ordericus. The Ecclesiastical History of England and Normandy. Vol. 4. London, Bohn, 1856. 120~. VITRAY, A. Linguarum Orientalium, Hebraicse, Rabinice, Samaritanse, Syriace, Gracree, Arabices, Turcicm, Armenicce, Alphabeta. Parisiis, apud A. Vitray..1636. 55 p. sin. 40~. VITRINGA, Anne Johan. Disquisitio de Protagorm vita et gradu doctoris.'..submittit. Groningse, 1852. xvi, 200 p. 8~. VITRINGA, Campegius. Korte Verklaringe van bet gelove der algemeene Kercke...Franeker, 1691. 60 p. 40. Pam. v. 569. VIVES, Joannes Ludovicus. Opera Omnia distributa et ordinata in argumentorum classes prsecipuas a G. Majansio.... Item Vita Vivis ab eodem.... Valentise Edetandrunm, 1782-90. 8 v. in 7. 40 872 GENERAL LIBRARY. VIVIAND, J. B. Thesis Medica. [An Solo....regimine, absque medicorum.... auxilio....vita et sanitas prorogari possunt?].... 1762. Vesuntione. 23 p. 12~. Pam. v. 612. VLIET, L. Van. Engelands Wereldhandel. See Great Britain: Conmmerce, 1849. VOET, Joan. E. Uitzicht van Nebo..... den zeer geleerden taal- en dichtkundigen heere Rutger Schutte.....Tweede druk. Dordrecht, 1753. 38 p. 8~. Pam. v. 110. VOGDES, William. The United States Arithmetic..Philadelphia, 1847. 264 p.- With, Key. Philadelphia, 1847. 46 p. In I v. 8~. VOGEL ( Dr. A.) jun. Das Chemische Laboratorium des K. General Conservatoriums.. in Miinchen. Miinchen, 1851. 19 p. 120. Pam. v. 609. Ueber den Chemismus der Vegetation, 1852. 29 p. See Koen. Baier. Ak. Reden, v. 5. VOGT, C. F. Letters on Chess; containing an Account of some of the principal works on that celebrated game. With copious extracts.. Trans. from the German, by U. Ewell. London, 1848. 134 p. 18". VOGT, Johannes. Catalogvs Historico-criticus librorum.rariorum, jam curis tertiis recognitus et copiosa accessione ex symbolis et collatione Bibliophilorumi per Germaniam doctissimorum adauctis. IIamburgi, 1747. 736 p. 120. VOIcE (A) from America, to England. By an American Gentleman. London, 1839. 321 p. 80~. VOICE (A) from the South; comprising Letters from Georgia to Massachusetts, and to the Southern States. With an appendix... Baltimore, 1847. 72 p. 8~. Pam. v. 562. VOICE (A) from Windsor. No. 1: A Letter to the Queen; relating to the state apartments.... restrictions imposed upon the public. By Veritas. London, 1847. 44 p. 120. Pam. v. 610. VOICE (A) in New-Hampshire; or Reflections on the Rev. J. Ward's " Brief Remarks on Biller's Lectures." By a Female. Exeter, N.H. 1842. 44 p. 180. Pam. v. 261. VOICE (The) of the People. lTewsp. Albany. Nos. 1 - 6. 1858. Pam. v. 1104. VOICE (The) of Truth; or, Thoughts on the affair between the Leopard and the Chesapeake. In a Letter from a Gentleman at New-York, to his friend. New-York, 1807. 55 p. 8~. Pam. v. 195. VoISIN, Auguste. Bibliotheca Gandavensis Catalogue methodique de la Bibliotheque de l'Universite de Gand; prceded d'une histoire de cette bibliotheque... Gand, 1839. lxxxii, 394 p. 0~. Documents pour servir a l'IHistoire des Bibliotheques en Belgique, et de leurs principales curiosites litteraires. Gand, 1840. 350 p. 80~. VOLIKS-LETTERKIUNDE, uitgegeven door de Vriend van armen en rijken..Eerste deel. Amsterdam, 1852. 120. VOLLENIHOVEN, H. Broeders Gevangenisse: Dagboek van Willem De Groot, betreffende. het verblijf van zijnen broeder Hugo op Loevestein; nit echte bescheiden aangevuld en opgehelderd door Mr. II. Vollenhoven. Met facsimile's. Gravenhage..1842. 302 p. 8~. FIRST SUPPLEMENT. 873 VOLTAIREt, F. M. Arouet de. Vie de Moliere.. Amst. 1739. 92 p. 8~. ---:Histoire de Charles XII... avec des Notes... par E. BrochardDauteuille. Paris, Hachette, 1857. 12~. --- 3Redponse a l'Eipltre du Diable, par Monsieur De Voltaire, Comte de Tournay, pres Geneve. Aux Dlices. 1761. — With, ]pitre du Diable a M. De Voltaire. Seconde edition, revue et corrigee. Paris, 1760. 15, 16 p. 80~. Pam. v. 110. The Henriade; an Epic Poem, in ten cantos. Trans..... into English rhyme, with large historical and critical notes, By P. L. London, 1797. 238 p. 4~. Pain. v. 1013. ---- -Romances, Tales, and smaller pieces. London,. 1794. 2 v. 12~. Contents: VOL. 1. Zadig; The World as it goes; M icromegas; The White Bull; Travels of Scarmentado; How far we ought to impose upon the people; The Two Comforters; Princess of Babylon; Memnon; Plato's Dream; Bababec; The Black and the White, etc. VOL. 2. Candid, or the Optimist; The Huron; Jeannot and Colin; What pleases the ladies; The Education of a Prince; The Education of a Daughter; The Three Manners; Thelema and Macareus; Azolan; and the Origin of Trades. - Zaire of de Koninglyke Slavin: Treuerspel... Gevolgt na het Fransch...door G. Klinkhamer. See Treuerspeien. Cat. 1855. VON RECK, Mr. Extract of Journals of: who conducted the....o Saltzburgers to Georgia...London, 1734. See Force's Tracts, v. 4. VON STEINWEHR, A. Specifications and Contracts for a State Arsenal. Albany, N.Y. 1858. 46 p. 12. Pamn. v. 618. VOORST (D. C. Van), & J. J. Van. Catalogue de la Bibliotheque de Thbologie...Vente 14 Mars 1859. Amsterdam. 314 p. 8~0 VOPIScUS, Flavius. Historise Romance. See Pollio, T. VosE & Co. Illustrated Book of Stoves manufactured by:.. Albany, 1856. 41 plates. 4~. VosE, George L. Hand-Book of Railroad Construction; for the use of American Engineers... With 158 illustrations. Boston and Cambridge, 1857. xx, 480 p. 8~o Vox POPuLI Or the People's claim to their Parliaments sitting, to redress grievances and provide for the common safety.... London, 1681. 16 p. 4~. Pamin. v. 407. Vox STELLARUM, F. Moore, London, 1705, 15, 26, 29, 32, 51, 59, 72, 78. Alm. v. 3 - 12. VOYAGE LITTriRAIRE de deux Religieux Benedictins de la Congregation de St.Maur.. Ofu l'on trouvera: I, Quantite de pisces, d'inscriptions, et d'epitaphes.....; II, Plusieurs usages des 6glises cathbdrales et des monasteres.. des Gaules; III, Les fondations des monasteres... By D. Martene et D. Durand. Paris, 1717, 1724. 2 v. 4~. VOYAGE EN ISLANDE, fait par ordre de S. M. Danoise, par MM. Olafsen et Povelsen.....avec un Atlas. Traduit du Danois par G. de Lapeyronie. Paris, 1802. 5 v. 8~. Atlas wanting. VOYAGE (A) to Mexico and Havana, including some general observations on the United States. By an Italian. N.York..1841, 139 p. 8%. [SUPPL.] 110 874 GENERAL LIBRARY. VRAIE (La) PHILOSOPHIE, 1774. See [Monestier, B.]. VRIEND, J. Zweedsche Spraakkunst, met opstellen, lees- en vertaaloefeningen.. Kampen, 1854. 310 p. 8~. ----- Spaansche Spraakkunst, met opstellen lees- en vertaaloefeningen...Kampen, 1851. 314 p. 8~. - Italiansche Spraakkunst...Waarachter eene verzameling van de meest gebruikelijke woorden en spreekwijzen. Kampen, 1858. 8~. VRIEND (De) van armen en rijken, 1851. See Volks-letterkunde. VRIESt, Abraham De. Eclaircissemens sur l'Histoire de l'invention de l'imprimerie, contenant: Lettre a M.A. D. Schinkel, ou Reponse a la notice de M. Guichard sur le Speculum Humanse Salvationis.Dissertation sur le nom de Coster, et sur sa pretendue charge de Sacristain.- Recherches faites a l'ocecasion de la quatriinme fXte Seculaire Ia Haarlem en 1823.....Trad. du Hollandais par J. J. F. Noordziek...La Haye, 1843. xxxvi, 275 p. 8~. ---- Argumens des Allemands en faveur de leur pretention a l'invention de l'imprimerie; ou Examen critique de l'ouvrage de M. A. E. Umbreit:.. Trad. du Hollandais par J. J. F. Noordziek..La Haye, 1845. xxxiv, 212 p. 8~. VRIESt, Df P. de. Korte Hiistoriael ende Journaels aenteyckeninge van verscheyden Voyagiens in de vier deelen des Wereldts-Ronde, als Europa, Africa, Asia, ende Amerika gedaen, door D. David Pietersz. de Vries.. t' Hoorn. Voor David Pietersz. de Vries, Artillerij-Meester van't Noorder-quartier. Tot Alckmaer, by Symon Cornelisz. Brekegeest, anno 1655. viii, 190, 2 p. 4~. Voyages 1632 -1644. Translat. N.Y. Hist. Soc. Coll. S. 2, v. 3. W. WAAGENt, Dr. G. F. Galleries and Cabinets of Art in Great Britain..Forming a supplemental volume to the Treasures of Art in Great Britain... London, 1857. 560 p. 8~. WABAsH COLLEGE, Crawfordsville, Ia.: Catalogue, 1847. Indianapolis, 1847. 8~. Pam. v. 480. WADD, William. Cursory Remarks on Corpulence, or Obesity considered as a disease.. 3d edition; containing a reference to the most remarkable cases..London..1822. 129 p. 8~. WADDELL, F. L. Texas; Fall of St.Antonio, Death of Milam, Goliad and other poems. New-York, 1844. 26 p. 180. WADDINGTON, E. Sermon, 1721. See Society for Prop. the Gospel. WADDINGTON, Hor. Carmen Greecum, Cantab. 1819.- Senarii Grseci. Cantab. 1819. 8~. Pam. v. 386. WADE (Ben. F.), of Ohio. Plain Truths for the People on Slavery: Speech, U.S. Sen., Mar. 13, 15, 1858. 8~0. Pam. v. 561. WADswoRTH (Rev. Benjamin), Danvers. Eulogy on George Washington...pronounced Feb. 21, 1800. Salem, 1800. 8~. Pam. v. 214. The Word of God a Volume for the World: A Sermon.. Bible Society of Salem...Ap. 19, 1815. Salem, 1815. 8~. Pam. v. 106. FIRST SUPPLEMENT. 875 WADSWORTH, Charles. Sermon, on the Death of Charles Lyman, esq. Nov. 1848. Troy, 1849. 8~. Pam. v. 268. WADSWORTH, James. Speech, N.Y. Sen., Mar. 27, 1857. See Trinity Church, v. 4. WAGSTAFF (William R.), M.D. A History of the Society of Friends; compiled from its standard records, and other authentic sources... Part I. New-York and London...1845. 8~. WAILLY, Alfred De. Translator. See Callimachus. WAINWRIGHT't (Jonathan Mayhew), D.D., Bp. A Plea for Unity: A Sermon, Special Convention of the Diocese of N.Y., Nov. 27th, 1850. New-York, 1850. 80. Pam. v. 202. A Memorial Volume; Thirty-four Sermons: by.... Edited by his widow. New-York, Appleton...1856. 1 v. 8~. WAITHMAN, R. Maxims of Robert, Lord Waithman, somewhile Chief Magistrate of London. 3d ed. London, 1824. 60 p. 180. Pam. v. 617. WAKEt, Abp. William. [A Collection in] 1 v. 4~. Contents' A Discourse concerning the nature of idolatry, in which a late author's true and onely notion of idolatry is considered and confuted.. London, 1688. xvi, 91 p. A.non....Sermon, Nov. 5, 1699; in which it is shown that the principles of the Church of Rome, etc.: Matt. vii, 15, 16. London, 1706. Sermon, II. of Lords, Nov. 5, 1705: Matt. vii, 15, 16. London, 1706. Sermon, Sept. 29, 1706': 2 Cor. xiii, 11. London, 1707. Sermon, I. of Lords, Jan. 30, 1707: Matt. xxvi, 51, 52. London, 1708. Charge to the Clergy of his diocese: Patronage. June 1, 1709. London, 1710. 56 p. Misguided Zeal, a Sermon: Rom. x, 2. London, 1710. Sermon before the King, Jan. 30, 1715: Matt. xii, 25. London. A Religious Education, a Sermon, Charity schools of London: Isaiah liv, 13. London, 1715. Wlrith, The Methods used for erecting charity schools..a particular account of the London charity schools a.. and in Great Britain and Ireland...14th edition. London, 1715. 43, 40 p. 40. [-] The Present State of the Controversie between the Church of England and the Church of Rome....London, 1687. 40 p. 40. Pam. v. 355. WAKEFIELDt, Gilbert: Editor. See Lucretius. --- An Essay on Inspiration, considered chiefly with respect to the Evangelists. Warrington, 1781. 49 p. 80. Pam. v. 315. The Spirit of Christianity, compared with the Spirit of the Times in Great Britain..3d edition. London, 1794. 41 p. 80. Pam. v. 316. Correspondence of the late:... with the late Rt. Hon. C. J, Fox.1795 - 1801; chiefly on subjects of classical literature. London, 1813. 232 p. 8~. Pam. v. 452. WAKEFIELD, S. Catalogue of Library of:... auction, London, 1835. 8~. Cat. 95. WAKELEY, Rev. Joseph B. The Ethics of Funerals: A Vindication of the Meth. Episc. Church and of the Rev. J. B. Wakeley, against the slanders of the N.Y. Churchman, with regard to the funeral of WV. Poole. New-York, 1855. 35 p. 8~. Pam. v. 231. 87(6 GENERAL LIB.RARY. WAKELEY, Rev. Joseph B.: The Heroes of Methodism; containing Sketches of eminent methodist ministers... New-York, 1856. 470 p. 12~. ----- Lost Chapters recovered from the early history of American methodism. New-York, 1858. 594 p. 80. WAKEMAN, A. Speech, U.S. H. of R., on the Powers of the EHouse in contested election cases. Washington, 1856. 8 p. 80. Pam. v. 487. WAICIDI, Abu Abdullah Mohammedi Ibn Omar Ibn Waked, Al. Incerti Auctoris Liber De expugnatione Memphidis et Alexandrive, vulgo adscriptus Abou Abdallie Mohammedi Omari filio, Wakideo, Medinensi. Textum Arabicum ex cod. Bibliot L. B. annotationem adjecit Henr. Aren. Hamaker... Lugd. Batav. 1825. xvi, 221, 150 p. 4~. WALFERDIN, M. Sur les Echelles thermometriques aujourd'hui en usage; Abaissement du Zero de l'6chelle centigrade a -40; Echelle tetracentigrade...1855. Paris, 1855. 20 p.4~. WALK (A) through the Universal Exhibition of 1855. Paris, 1855. 180~. WALKER'S Oneida, Herkimer, Chenango, etc. Almanack: Rome, N.Y. -1803. 120. Alm. v. 20. WALKER'S MANLY EXERCISES; containing rowing, sailing, riding, driving, racing, hunting, shooting, and other manly sports.... by " Craven," i. e. Capt. Carleton. Ninth ed. Lond. Bohn, 1855. 12~. WALKER, Adam. Analysis of a Course of Lectures on natural and experimental philosophy..4th ed. London, 1780? 91 p. Pam. v. 402. WALKERt, Alexander. The Book of Beauty.....New-York. 63 p. 8~. Repr. Pam. v. 513:. Woman Physiologically Considered, as to mind, morals, m.arriage, matrimonial, slavery, infidelity and divorce... Edited by an American Physician. 2d edition.. New-York, 1840. 432 p. 12~. WALKER, George. The Three Spaniards: A Romance. N.York, 1831. 2 v. 18e. WALKER; Col. G. J. S. Address, Young Men's Christian Association of Mobile. Mobile, Ala. 1857. 8~. Pam. v. 224. WALKER, H.D. Address. See Mount Vernon Cemetery, 1853. WALKER ( Rev. James), of Drum. Three Original Poems..Monaghan, Ir., 1796. 11 p. 18o. Pam. v. 620. WALKER (James), D.D. Sermon, Dedication of 2d Congr. Church, Leicester, Mass. Worcester, 1834. 8~. Pam. v. 556. Discourse at the Induction of Rev. F. D. Huntington, D.D., as Preacher to the University... together with the reply...Cambridge, Mass. 1855. 36 p. 80. Pam. v. 556. WALKERt, Jason F. A Sermon, Funeral of Thaddeus D. Sheldon, of Rupert, Vt. New-York, 1855. Pam. v. 214. WALKER, Rev. John. Sermon at Ledbury, April 23, 1710: 1 Kings xviii, 21. London. 80. Pam. v. 364. WALKER ( John), B.D. An Expostulatory Address to the members of the Methodist society in Ireland. 3d ed. Dublin, 1804. Pam. v. 314. FIRST SUPPLEMENT. 877 WALKERf (Robert J.), of Miss. Letter...relative to the annexation of Texas.. to...the people of Carroll county, Ky. 1844. 80. Pamm. v. 193. Introductory Address, National Institute, 1844. Washington, 1845. 14 p. 8~0. Pam. v. 518. WALKER, Gen'l Winm. The War in Nicaragua. Mobile, 1860. 431 p. 12~. WALKERt (William J.), M. D. An Essay on the Treatment of compound and complicated fractures...: Address, Mass. Med. Society, May 28, 1845. Boston, 1845. 80. Pam. v. 196. WALL, Rev. W. A Conference between two men that had doubts about infant baptism. See Soc. Pro. Chr. Knowledge. WALLACE+, Cranmore. Commemoration of Rev. Thomas J. Young... Charleston, S.C. 1852. 80. Pam. v. 555.J WALLACEt, Horace Binney. Literary Criticisms and other papers... Philadelphia.. 1856.. 120~. WALLEY ( Samuel H.), of Mass. Speech, U.S. H. of R., on Nebraska and Kansas territorial bill. Washington, 1854. 80. Pam. v. 234, 561. WALLINGER, J. A. A Few Particulars concerning Sarah Pawley.... London; 1853. 36 p. 120. Pam. v. 390. WALLOON CHURCHES. See Synode des Eglises Wallones. Cat. 1855. WALLY', Rev. R. T. The Cess-pool of Crime; or Important discoveries and disclosures in demolishing the Old Brewery at the Five Points, N.Y. Albany, 1853. 32 p. 8~. Pam. v. 539. WALN ( Robert) jr. An Account of the Asylum for the Insane, established by the Society of Friends near Frankford, in the vicinity of Philadelphia. Phil'a, 1825. 80. Pam. v. 235. [WALPOLEt (R.), Earl of Orford]. See Grand Accuser, 1735; also Observations on the conduct of Great Britain, 1729. WALSH, Rev. J. J. A Memorial of the Fattehgurh mission and her martyred missionaries, with some remarks on the mutiny in India. Philadelphia, 1859. 338 p. 8~. WALSHt ( Rev. Robert), Editor. See Fisher's Illustrations of Constantinople. WALSTIt (Robert) jr. An Appeal from the Judgments of Great Britain, respecting the U.S. of America...Philadelphia, 1819. 8~. WALSINGHAM, Lord. Considerations on the Law of settlement, and rating and the relief of. the poor. London, 1851. 14 p. 8~. Pam. v. 429. W ALTER DE HEMINGURGGII: Chronicon. See English Hist. Society. WALTHER, Ph. Fr. v. Rede zum Andenken an Ignaz Dollinger. 1841. 115 p. See Koen. Baier. Ak. Reden, v. 5. WALTON'St VERMONT REGISTER, for 1814, 24, 47 - 57; twelve years in 7 v. 18~.- For 1797, imnper. See Thomas's Almanac. WALTONt, Izaak. The Complete Angler, or the Contemplative Man's: recreation, of Izaak Walton and Charles Cotton. With Lives of the authors, and variorum notes, historical and practical. Edited by E. Jessie, esq. To which are added papers on fishing tackle, fishing stations, etc. By Henry G. Bohn. London..1856. 120. 878 GENERAL LIBRARY. WALTONt, William. A Letter to Viscount Palmerston.....respecting the relations of England with Portugal. London, 1830. 110 p. 8~. Pam. v. 414. WALTON; or the Bandit's Daughter. Boston, 1845. 48 p. 8~. Pam. v. 496. WAR (The): Being a Faithful Record of the Transactions of the War between the U.S. of America and... Great Britain... declared on the 18th day of June 1812. Vol. I, ii: June 27, 1812 - June 14, 1814. New-York, S. Woodworth & Co. 2 v. in 1. 40~. WAR (The) in Florida, under Scott and Gaines. See [Potter, W.]. WAR (The) in New-England visibly ended. London, 1677. See Drake's Old Indian Chronicles. WAR with France, the only security of Britain at the present momentous crisis...By an old Englishman. Maj. James Rennell. London, 1794. 39 p. 80. Pam. v. 412. WARBURTONt ( Bp. William), D.D. [Writings, collected] in 1 v. 8~. Contents: The Alliance between Church and State; or the necessity and equity of an established religion, and of a test law..Lond. 1736. vii, 175 p. Anon. A Critical and Philosophical Commentary on Mr. Pope's Essay on Man.. London, 1742. xx, 188 p. Faith working by Charity: Visitation Sermon. London, 1738. x, 32 p. Remarks on Several occasional reflections: In Answer to the Rev. Dr. Middleton... and others... on the Divine Legation... London, 1744. xvi, 173 p. A Faithful Portrait of Popery: A Sermon, 2 Pet. i, 5 - 7. London, 1745. Sermon occasioned by the present unnatural rebellion: 1 Peter ii, 17. London, 1745. An Apologetical Dedication to Rev. H. Stebbing, in answer to his censure...of the sermon... fast-day.. Dec. 18, 1745. London, 1746. 22 p. Remarks on Dr. Lowth's Letter to the Bishop of Gloucester ( by Rev. J. Towne); with the Bishop's appendix, and the second epistolary correspondence between his Lordship and the Doctor annexed. 2d edition. London, 1766. v, 79, 15 p. A Critical Inquiry into the Opinions and practices of the ancient philosophers concerning the nature of the soul and a future state... By Rev. J. Towne. With a Preface, by the Author of the Divine Legation. London, 1747. x, 102 p. 80. Pam. v. 352. [-1] Letter from an Author, on literary property. 1747. WARMt, Andrew H. A Gdnealogical History of the Rice family; descendants of Edmund Rice...Sudbury, Mass. Boston, 1858. viii, 379 p. 8o. WARD, Durbin. Report on Capital punishment. See Ohio. WARD, I. M. Introd. Lecture, Homceop. Med. Coll. of Pennsylvania. Philadelphia, 1854. 8~. Pam. v. 515. WARD, James. How to regenerate Ireland; or Facts from the fisheries...London, 1850. 36 p. 80. Pam. v. 423. WARDt, John D. A Paper on cast-iron water-pipes: Mechanics' Club of the Am. Institute Dec. 23, 1857. N.York, 1858. 8~. Pam. v.274. FIRST SUPPLEMENT. 879 WARD, John. The Young Mathematician's Guide.... Introduction to the Mathematicks... With, [Supplement; History of logarithms]. 5th edition? London, 1730? 8~0 WARD, John Giffard. Sermon, Sons of the Clergy: 1 Cor. ix, 11; and Report. London, 1846. 80. Pam. v. 385. [ WARDt, Rev. Nathaniel ]. The Simple Cobler of Aggawam in America.... By Theodore de la Guard.'**. 5th edition. Boston, 1713. iv, 100 p. 18~. Title and last leaf wanting. See also Force's Tracts, v. 3. WARD, N. B. The Growth of Plants in closely glazed cases...Second ed. Lond'on, 1852. xiv, 143 p. With, S. H. Ward's Wardian cases. 1854. 12~. WARD, Rev. Richard. The Testimony of Bishop Jeremy Taylor to the seven propositions selected by Rev. M. Jackson as contrary to the doctrine of the Church of England. London, 1838. 27 p. 80. Pam. v. 331. WARD (Seth), Bishop. Christian's Victory over Death: A Sermon, Westminster, April 30, 1670: 1 Co'. xv, 57. London. 40.- Sermon, Feb. 16, 1672: Rom. i, 16: Whitehall. London, 1673. 40.- Sermon, before House of Peers, Westminster, Jan. 30, 1673,: 2 Kings vi, 33. London, 1674. 40. Pam. v. 1005. WARD ( Stephen H.), M.D. On Wardian Cases for Plants...London, 1854. 26, vp. 8~. See Ward, N. B. [ WARDENt, David Baillie]. Bibliotheca Americana; being a Choice Collection of Books relating to North and South America and the West Indies, including Voyages to the Southern hemisphere, maps, engravings & medals. Paris, 1840. 124 p. 80.-Also in Cat. v. 3, 79. WARDLAWt (Ralph), D.D. Sermon, Death of Mrs. G. Ewing: 1 Cor. xv, 23. Glasgow, 1828. 8~. Pain. v. 382. WARDLE, GM. LL. Colonel Wardle to his Countrymen. ***. London, 1828. 44 p. 8~. Pam. v. 347. WAREt (Henry) jr., D.D. Works. Boston, 1846. 4 v. 12~. - Sermon, 2d Cong. Church, Northampton, Dec. 7, 1825. Northampton, 1825. 8~. Pam. v. 556.- Repr. Liverpool, 1825.- Sermon, The Duty of improvement: Phil. iii, 13, 14 (1830). Liverpool, 1831. - Three important questions answered, relating to the christian... Bristol, Eng.- Education the business of life Two discourses, 1837. London, 1838. 12~. Pam. v. 317. The Combination against Intemperance explained and justified: Address, Cambridge Temp. Society, March 27, 1832. Boston, 1832. 120. Pain. v. 234. [WARFIELD, Catherine]. See Wife of Leon. WARING, G. Sermon on the Righteousness of Christ: Isaiah liv, 17. Birmingham, 1792. 80. Pam. v. 374. WARING, Maj. John Scott. The Conduct of His Majesty's late ministers considered, as it affected the East India Company and Mr. Hastings. London, Debrett, 1784. 90 p. 80. Pam. v. 432. - A Letter to the Right Hon. Edmund Burke. London, 1784. VNo title. 36 p. 80. Pam. v. 431. WARKWORT'S's Edward IV. See Camden Society Publications. 880 GENERAL LIBRARY. WARMHOLTZ, Carl G. Bibliotheca Historica Sueo-Gothica; eller F6rtekning uppa sa vil trykte som handskrifne bcker, tractater, och skrifter, hvilka handla om Svenska historien, eller darutinnan kunna gifna Ljus; med Critiska och Historiska anmarkningar, af Carl G. Warmholtz.. Stockholm, Upsala, 1782 - 1817. 15 v. in 5. 80. WARNER'S (B.) ALMANAC. Philadelphia, 1817. 12~. Aim. v. 18. WARNER, G. J. Means for the Preservation of Public Liberty: An Oration, 4th July 1797. New-York, 1797. 80. Pam. v. 237. [WARNER, Miss S.]. The Hills of the Shatemuc. By the Author of the "Wide, Wide World." New-York..1856. 12~. WVARNING (The) VOICE of a Seaman; or Five years' slavery in the British navy. By T. Watts? London, 1851. 80 p. 24~. Pam. v. 601. WARREN, Emory F. Sketches of the History of Chatauque County. Jamestown, N.Y. 1846. 18~. WARRENt ( John C.), M.D. Physical Education, and the preservation of health. Boston, 1846. 90 p. 18~. Remarks on some Fossil Impressions in the of Connecticut river...Boston, 1854. 54 p. 8~. - Description of a Skeleton of the Mastodon giganteus of NorthAmerica.. 2d ed. with additions. Boston, 1855. 260 p. 29 plates. 4~. The Life of:..... compiled chiefly from his autobiography and journals. By Ed. Warren, M.D. Boston, 1860. 2 v. 8~. WARREN, Owen G. Dream of the Highlands: A Poem..New-York, 1840. xx, 53, (22), 54- 76 p. 12~. WARREN, Richard. Address.. as President of the Board of Education, New-York city, 1859. 8~. Pam. v. 491. WARRENt (Samuel.), esq. The Queen or the Pope.? The question considered in its political, legal and religious aspects.....Edinburgh, 1850. 112 p. 8~. Pam. v. 348. WARREN BAPTIST ASSOCIATION: Minutes, 80th Anniversary at Newport, R.I. 1847. Providence, R.I. 80. Pam. v. 466. WARSAW ACADEMY, Wyomzing Co., N.Y.: Catalogue (1855). 8~. Pam. v. 457. WARTON, Dr. Constipation... overcome by Ervalenta. Paris; NewYork, 1844. 129, viii p. 12~. Pam. v. 515. WARTONt, Thomas. Poetical Works. See Goldsmith, O. WARTON CLUB. See Halliwell, J. O.: Early English Miscellanies. WARZI-E, A. Recherches Bibliographiques sur les Almanachs Belges. Bruxelles, 1852. 177 p. 80. [ W.ASHBON, Rev. R.]. See Conversation with a Churchman, 1858. [ WASHtBURN, Rev. Edward]. See Catholic Work of the Church, 1855. WASHRBURNt, Emory. Historical Sketches of the Town of Leicester, Mass.... Boston, 1860. 467 p. 8~. WASHBURN (Israel), of Maine. The Sandwich Islands: Speech, U.S. H. of R., Jan. 4, 1854. 80. Pam. v. 487. FIRST SUPPLEMENT. 881 WASHIINGTONt, George. Diary of Washington; from the first day of October 1789, to the tenth day of March 1790. From the original manuscript, now first printed. New-York, 1858. -Privately printed. 89 p. 8o. The Diary of:.. from 1789 to 1791, embracing the opening of the First Congress and his tours..with his journal of a tour to the Ohio, in 1753. Ed. by B. J. Lossing. New-York, 1860. 248 p. 12~. - Washington's Monuments of Patriotism: Being a collection of the most interesting documents connected with the military command and civil administration of the American hero and patriot... To which is annexed an Eulogium on the character of General Washington, by Major William Jackson. Phil'a, 1800. 338, 44 p. 8~. Epistles, Domestic, Confidential and Official, from General Washington, written about the commencement of the American war... None of which have been printed in the two volumes published a few months ago. Contains the forged letters. New-York, Robinson, 1796. xiv, 303 p. 8~. -- Washington's Farewell Address..Albany, 1810. 12~.- And 8~. Pam. v. 214. ---- Speeches and other Proceedings at the Public dinner in honor of the Centennial Anniversary of Washington.....Washington, 1832. 32 p. 80. Pam. v. 504. WASHINGTON CITY: Report of the Board of Health...July 1, 1850, and 1851. 8~. Pam. v. 89. WASHINGTON CITY DIRECTORIES. For 1834: A full directory for Washington City, Georgetown and Alexandria... By E. A. Cohen & Co. Washington City, 1834. 56, 21, 62, 22 p. 12~. ---- Washington and Georgetown Directory (Boyd's). Containing a business, congressional and department directory.... Washington, 1858. 480 p. 8~. WASHINGTON COLLEGE, Washington, Pa.: Catalogue, 1847-8. — Proceedings, Semi-centennial celebration, June 1856. Pittsburgh, 1857. 76 p. 80. Pam. v. 481. WASHINGTONt COUNTY BIBLE SOCIETY: Proceedings, 41st Anniversary, 1853; 42d, 1854. Albany, 1853, 55. 8~. Pain. v. 468. WASHINGTON COUNTY SEMINARY AND COLLEGIATE INSTITUTE: 2d Catalogue, Fort Edward, N.York, Dec. 1855 to Nov.1856. Albany, 1856. 80. Pam. v. 248.- Catalogue, 1855, 57, 58. Pam. v. 457. WASHINGTON COUNTY TEACHERS' INSTITUTE: Proceedings, 1857. 8~0 Pam. v. 457. WASHINGTON (The) EXHIBITION in aid of the N.York Gallery of the Fine Arts at the American Art Union Gallery, 497 Broadway. NewYork, 1853.- 16 p. 4~. WASHINGTON'S HEAD QUARTERS, Newburgh, N.Y.: Catalogue of Manuscripts and revolutionary relies deposited in.... Newburgh, 1858. 51 p. 8~. WASHINGTON NATIONAL MONUMENT SOCIETY: Report of Select Committee on the memorial of:..... H. of Rep. Feb. 22, 1855. 8 p. 80, Pam. v. 502. [ SUPPL.] -11 '882 GENERAL LIBRARY. WASHINGTON TERRITORY: Message of the Governor... Dec. 3, 1856. 23 p. 8~. Pam. v. 502. WASSONt, David A. Religion Divorced from Theology: A Farewell discourse, Congr. Society, Groveland.: 2 Cor. iii, 6. Boston, 1852. 8~. Pam. v. 558. Sacrificial Religion and Spiritual Religion: An. Installation Sermon... Groveland Independent Church,,Boston, 1853. 8~. Pam. v. 556. WATER, John G. Te. Bibliotheca Te Waterana, sive Catalogus librorum...quae... collegit. Auctio, Lugd. Batav. 1823.- Pars altera, Catalogus... autographorumn, 1823. 407, 127 p. 8~. WATERFORD LITERARY SOCIETY: Is Moral Evil necessary in the World: Three Poems. 1 p. fo. Pam. v. 1104. [WATERHOus Et, Benj., M.D.]. See Journal of a Young Man. Boston, 1816. An Essay concerning Tussis convulsive, or Whooping cough. With observations on the diseases of children. Boston, 1822. 8~. WATERLAND (Daniel), D.D. LA Collection] in 1 v. 8~. Contents: The Case of Arian Subscription considered, and the several pleas and excuses for it particularly examined and confuted. Camb. 1721. 68 p. A Supplement to the Case, etc., in Answer to...The Case of Subscription to the 39 articles considered. London, 1722. 76 p. Sermon, Sons of the Clergy, Dec. 14, 1721: ]att. v, 16. 1722. A Familiar Discourse upon the Doctrine of the Holy Trinity.. A sermon, 2 Cor. xiii, 14. London, 1723. A Discourse of Fundamentals.. Two Charges, 1734 & 5. Cambridge, 1735. 63 p. Memoirs of the Life and Writings of Dr. Waterland; being a Summary View of the Trinitarian controversy for twenty years... By a Clergyman. London, 1736. 128 p. [ ] Advice to a Young Student, with a method of study for the four first years. 3d ed. Cambridge, Eng. 1760. 32 p. 8~. Pam. v. 387. Regeneration Stated and Explained..with..the doctrine of justification. Philadelphia, 1829. 79 p. 12~. Pam. v. 495. WATERMAN, Catharine HI. Flora's Lexicon: An interpretation of the language and sentiment of flowers..Philadelphia, 1840. 252 p. 12~. WATERMANI, Rev. Elijah. An Oration, Society of Cincinnati, Hartford, July 4, 1794. Hartford, 1794. 8~. Pain. v. 242. WATERSTONt, Rev. R. C. A Poem, Mercantile Library Association.. Oct. 15, 1845. Boston, 1845. 8, Pam. v. 242. WATERTOWNt, N. Y., North-Watertown, and Juhelville..Directory for 1855, containing a historical sketch...Watertown. 168 p. 12~. WATERTOWN, Wisconsin: Its Manufacturing and Railroad advantages, and business statistics. Watertown, Wis. 1856. 24 p. 12~. WATERTOWN AND MADISON RAILROAD. Mississippi extension: Remarks of Hon. S. W. Barnes in the Senate... Madison, Wis. 1857. Pam. v. 282. WATERTOWN AND ROMIE RAILROAD COMPANY Report of R. B. Doxtater, Sup't, Decem. 1852.- Statement of financial affairs, 1857.Mortgage bonds, 1855. 8~. Pam. v. 258. FIRST SUPPLEMENT. 883 WATERVLIET TURNPIKE COMPANY. An Act to incorporate the:... Albany, 1828. 15 p. 8~. Pam. v. 530. WATKINS, Rev. Henry George. A Sermon...1 Cog. xiv, 15: Aug.11, 1823, before the Worshipful Company of Parish Clerks. London, 1823. 80. Pam. v. 104. WATKINS,K-LUCy. Henry and Eliza: A Pathetic Tale. N.York, 1823. 32 p. 120. Pam. v. 616. WATMUFF, Henry. The Glory of the Person of Christ.... defended, against the consultations of Anti-pre-existerians.. London, Palmer, 1837. 88 p. 8~. Pam. v. 306. WATSON'S (Conn.) ALMANACK. Hartford, 1777. 120. Alm. v. 19. WATSON, A. Examination of.... Mr. Blackburn's Defence of the.... Town Council of Liverpool, in connexion with their recent efforts to deprive the children of the poor of instruction from the unimutilated bible. Liverpool, 1846. 111 p. 8~. Pamin. v. 327. WATSON'S ( B. M.) Old Colony Nurseries, Plymouth, Mass. Boston, 1852. Pain. v. 261. — Cambridge, 1857. 55 p. 80. Pain. v. 505. WATSONt, Elkanah. Men and Times of the Re7volution; or Memoirs of Elkanah Watson, including Journals of Travels in Europe and America from 1777 to 18'42, with his correspondence.... Edited by his son, Winslow C. Watson. New-York..1856. 8~. The same. 2d edition, revised. New-York, 1861. 557 p. 12~. WATSON, J. Sermon, Death of William King, D.D.: Isaiah 4l, 19. London, 1769. 80. Pam. v. 372. WATSON, James. The History of the Art of Printing...And a Preface by the publisher, to the printers of Scotland. With specimens of the author's types. Edinburgh, J. Watson, 1713. 24, xlyiii, 64 p. 120. WATSONt (John), M.D. The Medical Profession in ancient times Anniversary Discourse, N.Y. 2Acad. of Medicine, Nov. 7, 1855.... New-York..1856. 8~. WATSON ( Joseph), D.D. Sermon, The Liturgy: Luke xi, 2. London, 1731. 80. Pam. v. 368. WATSON, J. S. Translation. See Cicero. WATSONt, Bp. Richard. [ Sermons], in 1 v. 40. Contents: Sermon, Univ. of Cambridge, Assizes: 1 Cor. vi, 7. Cambridge, 1769.2 copies. Principle of the Revolution vindicated: A Sermon, Univ. of Camb. 1776. Fast Sermon, Univ. of Cambridge: Is. ii, 4. Cambridge, 1780. Letter to the Archbishop of Canterbury. London, 1783. Sermon, Ps. lviii, 10: Parliament, Jan. 30, 1784. London, 1784. Sermon, Prov. xxii, 2 Westminster Dispensary, Apr. 1785. Lond. 1793. [ Writings of:], in 1 v. 8~. Contents: An Address to young persons after confirmation. London, 1789. 78 p. An Address to the People of Great Britain. London, 1798. 42 p. A Charge to the Clergy, June 1798. London. Speech, H. of Lords, Nov. 22, 1803. London. 884 GENERAL LIBRARY. WATSON, Bp. Richard: Sermon, Society for the suppression of vice, May 3, 1804. 72 p. Strictures on a Sermon entitled The Principles of the Revolution vindicated, 1776, by R. Watson. Cambridge. 31 p. A Letter to Dr. R. Watson, on the same sermon. By Rich. Cumberland? London, 1780. 45 p. WATSONt, Rev. Richard. Sermon, Meth. Miss. Society for Leeds: Ez. xxxvii, 9. Liverpool, 1813. 80. Pam. v. 376. WATSON'S (Samuel) Gentleman's and Citizen's Almanack for 1786, 99. With Exshaw's English Court Registry and Wilson's Dublin Directory, 1786; and Court and City Register, 1799. Dublin. 2 v. 18~. WATSONt, Winslow C. An Address, Essex County Agricult. Society, Sept. 21, 1854. Elizabethtown, N.Y. 8~. Pam. v. 242. WATT, Fitz-James. Catalogue of Library of:.... auction. London; 1838. 8~. Cat. v. 95. WATTERSTONt, George. Gallery of American Portraits. Washington, 1830. 123 p.! 12~. WATTS (Isaac), D.D. Works...To which are prefixed the Rev. Geo. Burder. London, 1810. 6 v. 4~. -- An Essay towards the Encouragement of Charity schools, particularly those which are supported by Protestant dissenters..... London, 1728. 51 p. 8~. Pam. v. 387. [ —— ] See Essay on Freedom of the will, 1732. A Solemn Address to the Blessed God.... With a Biographical introduction.. of Dr. Watts having rejected..the Trinity. London, 1840. 16 p. 8~. Pam. v. 317. Songs Divine and Moral, for the use of children. Glasgow, 1843. 18~. Pam. v. 398. WAUBY, Isaac. A Sketch of a Sermon delivered at a general meeting of the Free Communion Brethren..... at Mount-Pleasant, Wayne county, Pa. 1811. Bethany, 1812. 33 p. 12~. Pam. v. 603. WAWNE, G. B. Unitarian Christianity compared with reputed Orthodoxy, in an address... Taunton, Eng. 1825. 12 p. 120. Pam. v. 317. WAYLANDt (Francis), D.D. Encouragements to Religious Effort: A Sermon; Amer. Sunday School Union. Philadelphia, 1830. 72 p. 8~. Pam. v. 289.;- Discourse in Commemoration of the Life and services of William G. Goddard, LL.D.... March 12, 1846. Providence, 1846. 8~. Pam. v. 268. The Apostolic Ministry: A Discourse, N.Y. Baptist Union for ministerial education Mark xvi, 15. Rochester, 1853. 84- p. 12~. Pam. v. 631. The Education demanded by the People... A Discourse, Union College, 50th Anniversary of Presidency of E. Nott, D.D. Boston, 1855. 8~. Pam. v. 491. -- Notes on the Principles and Practices of Baptist Churches. N. York, 1857. 12~. FIRST SUPPLEMENT. 8&5 WAYLAND (John), D.D. The Promotion of Literary Taste...: Address, Hermean Society of Geneva College, Aug. 6, 1845. Geneva, 1845. 8~. Pam. v. 204. WAYNE'S (Gen.) Orderly Book of the Northern Army, 1776, 77. See Munsell's Historical Series, No. 3. WE HAVE BEEN ALL IN -THE WRONG; or Thoughts upon the Dissolution of...Parliament, and upon Mr. Fox's E. India bill. London, 1785. 70 p. 8~. Pam. v. 432. WEALEt, John. A Catalogue of Books, from the earliest.period to the present, on architecture and civil engineering.; together with several drawings and prints, on similar subjects; collected in France, Germany, Italy and Belgium. London, John Weale, 1836-7. 139 p. with plates. 8~. - Catalogue of Works recently published on engineering, architecture, etc. 2d ed. 8~. Pam. v. 102. WEALTrHt AND WEALTHY CITIZENS Of New-York City..with the sums appended to each name..... New-York, Sun office, 1842. 8 p. 8~.The sanme title. 4th ed.....containing brief historical and genealogical notices of the principal persons, 1842. New-York, Sun office. *24 p. 8~. Pam. v. 564. WEALTH (The) of Great Britain in the Ocean, exemplified from materials laid before the Comm. of the H. of Commons....of the British fisheries and from....... other authentic evidences. London, 1749. 71 p. 8~. Pam. v. 410. WEATHERWISE'S TOWN AND COUNTRY ALMANACK: Boston, 1791. 12~. Almn. v. 19. [ WEBB, P. C.]. See Letter to Rev. Dr. Warburton, 1742. WEBB, Thomas S. The Freemason's Monitor; or Illustrations of Masonry...i Montpelier, Vt. 1816.; xii, 300 p. 120~. WEBBERt, C. W. Tales of the Southern Border: Part I. Philadelphia, 1852. 110 p. 8~. Pam. v. 497. WEBBER, Francis, D.D. Sermon, The Jewish Dispensation...with a view to the....Moral Philosopher: Deut. xiv, 2. Oxford, 1738.Sermon, at the Assizes, Authority in Religion: Mcatt. vii, 29. Oxford, 1742.- Sermon, Consecration of Bp. of Bristol: 2 Tim. ii, 19. Oxford, 1750. — Sermon, Government of the heart: Prov. iv, 23. Oxford, 1758. 8~. Pam. v. 369. WEBER, Dr. M. J. Erklarung des Anatomischen Atlasses von:..... Sechste lieferung. Dusseldorf. 8~. 286 - 361 p. 8~. Pam. v. 523.i WEBSTER's CALENDAR; or the Albany Almanack, from 1785 to 1859. Albany. 4 v. 12~. See also, 1803, Alm. v. 17; 1811, 15, 23, Aim. v. 13; 1829, 36, 41, 42, 48, 49, Alm. v. 14; 1851, Alm. v. 15.- Wanting, 1789, 92, 95.- 1797 & 1802 are in v. 4. WEBSTER'S NEW-ENGLAND ALMANACK, Springfield, Mass.: Z. Webster, 1788. 120. Alm. v. 19. [WEBSTER, Chauncy]. See Exhibition of... Associate Church, 1835. WEBSTERt, Daniel. The Private Correspondence of Daniel Webster. Edited by Fletcher Webster. Boston, 1857. 2 v. 8~-. 886 GENERAL LIBRARY. WEBSTER, Daniel: - - [Collected Speeches, lettered Vol. 3]. 8~. Contents: Speech, ~ National Republican Convention, Worcester, October 12, 1832. Boston, 1832. 75 p. Remarks, Jan. 20, 1834, U.S. Senate, on the Removal of the deposites, and a National bank. Washington, 1834. 32 p. Speech at Niblo's Saloon, New-York, Mar. 15, 1837. 35 p. Reception at Boston, Sep. 30, 1842. Boston, 1842. 31 p. And Pam, v. 213. Speech at Marshfield ( Mass.), Sep. 1, 1848; and on the Oregon bill, U.S. Senate, Aug. 12, 1848. Boston, 1848. 24 p. Speech at Abingdon ( Mass.), Oct. 9, 1848. Speeches of J. C. Calhoun and D. W. on Slavery, U.S. Senate, Mar. 1850. New-York, 1850. 32 p. Speech to the Young Men of Albany, May 28,1851. 20 p. And Pam. v. 213. Speech at Capon-Springs ( Va.), with those of Sir H. L. Bulwer and W. L. Clarke, June 2851. 18 p. -- A Discourse in Commemoration of John Adams and Thomas Jefferson. Boston, 1826. 80. Pain. v; 237. Speech on the Revenue Collection bill, 1833. See Calhoun, J. C. Second Speech on the Sub-treasury bill.... March 12, 1838. 8~. Pam. v. 206. -- Speech, delivered at the Dinner given to Mr. Webster by the merchants of Baltimore, May 18, 1843. N.York, 1843. Pam. v. 213. - Mr. WTebster's Vindication of the Treaty-of Washington of 1842, in a speech delivered in the Senate of the U.S. 6th and 7th of April 1846. Washington, 1 846. With; Appendix... 88 p. 8~. -- - -Speeches, at Buffalo, Syracuse, and Albany, May 1851. N.York. 80. Pain. v. 213. Address,-at the laying of the corner stone of the addition to the Capitol, July 4th, 1851.; Washington, 1851. 8~. Pam. v. 213. Correspondence between Mr. Hiilsemann, Austrian Charge d'Affaires, and Mr. Webster. Washington, 1851. 8~. Pam. v. 213, 234. An Address before the N.York Historical Society, Feb. 23, 1852. New-York, 1852. 80~. Pam. v. 242. Mr. Webster and the Andover Address: Number I, II. Signed, Civis. By Moses Stuart. (1844?). 20 p. 8~. Pam. v. 527. WEBSTERt ( John W.), -M.D. A Description of the Island of St.Michael, comprising an account of its geological structure; with remarks on the other Azores or Western Islands. Originally communicated to the Linnman Society of New-England. Boston..1821. 80. WEBSTER, M. HI. A Catalogue of the Minerals which have been discovered in the State of: New-York...Albany, 1824. 32 p. 18~. WEBSTERF (Noah), LL.D American Dictionary of the English language...Revised.. by C. A. Goodrich. With Pictorial illustrations, table of synonyms...Springfield, Mass. 1859. 4~. Effects of Slavery on morals and industry.... EHartford, Conn. 1793. 56 p. 8~. - Miscellaneous Papers (4) on political and commercial subjects.. New-York, 1802. viii, 227, 48 p. 8~. FIRST SUPPLEMENT. 887 --- *A Grammatical Institute of the English language:... In three parts: Part 2. New-York, 1804. 119 p. 12~. An American Selection of Lessons in reading and speaking.... Being the third part of a Grammatical Institute of the English language. 12th ed. New-York..1799..120.- The same...1802. 12~. Elements of Useful Knowledge: Vol. II, Containing a historical and geographical account of the U.States. For the use of schools. 3d ed. New-Haven, 1808.- Vol. II, Containing a historical and geographical account of the empires and states in Europe, Asia and America, with their colonies... Hartford, 1812. 2 v. 12~. History of the United States; to which is prefixed a brief historical account of our [ English] ancestors... Cincinnati, 1835. 318 p. 18o. -- A Brief View: 1, Of errors and obscurities in the common version of the scriptures..; 2, Of errors and defects in class-hooks... To which are added: 3, A few plagiarisms, showing the way in which books may be made, by those who use borrowed capital. 24 p. 8~. Painm. v. 173. Observations on Language... New-Haven, 1839. 39 p. 120. 2d copy. Pain. v. 513. - A Summary Summa ing of the charges, with their refutations, in attacks upon N. Webster, LL.D., his dictionaries, or his publishers, made by Mr. J. E. Worcester, S. Converse....Springfield, 1854. 8~. Pam. v. 103. - Review of Webster's American Dictionary. From N. A. Review, v. 28. By J. L. Kingsley. 40 p. 8~. Pain. v. 513. A Critical Review of N. W.'s Spelling-book.. From the Albany Argus. By Examinator, 1828. 35 p. 12~. Pam. v. 513. [ WEBSTERt, Pelatiah]. A Sixth Essay on free-trade and finance..By a Citizen of Philadelphia. Philadelphia, 1783. 8~. [ -] See Essay (A Seventh), 1785; and Dissertation on the Political Union, 1783. WEBSTER, Rev. Richard. A History of the Presbyterian Church in Amrnerica, from its origin until the year 1760, with biographical sketches... With a Memoir of the author by the Rev. C. Van Rensselaer, D.D., and an historical introduction by the Rev. W. Blackwood, D.D. Presb. Hist. Society. Philadelphia, 1857. 720 p. 8~. WEBSTER COLLEGE: A Business Man's plea for Webster College, St.Louis, Mo. StLouis, 1857. 23 p. 8~. Pam. v. 480. WEBSTER KENTUCKY FARim ASSOCIATION: By-Laws..object. Boston, 1858. 24 p. 12~. Pam. v. 626. WEBSTER LOAN AND FUND ASSOCIATION: Boston, 1853. 16 p. 120~. Pam. v. 627. WrEEKLY ( The) MONITOR A series of Essays on moral and religious subjects. By a Layman. Charleston, S.C. 1810. 8~. WEEKS, John M. A Manual, or an easy method of uManaging bees,.. 4th edition. Brandon, Vt. 1839. 96 p. 240. History of Salisbury, Vt....Middlebury, 1860. 362 p. 12~. 888 GENERAL LIBRARY. WEEMSt, Rev. Mason L. The Philanthropist; or Peace-maker between all honest men of both parties..10th edition. Phil'a, 1809. 40 p. 8~. ---- The Immortal Mentor; or Man's unerring guide to a healthy, wealthy and happy life. By L. Cornaro, Dr. Franklin, Dr. Scott... Published by D. Fenton, Mill Hill, near Trenton...1810. 12~. -- [A Collection of five pieces], in 1 v. 80. Contents: 1. God's Revenge against Duelling; or the Duellist's Looking-glass, exhibiting that gentlemanly mode of turning the corner in features altogether novel...2d ed... ~. Philadelphia, 1821. 48 p. with plates. 2. God's Revenge against Adultery, awfully exemplified in the following cases of crim. con.: I, The accomplished Dr. Theodore Wilson....; ii, The elegant James O'Neale, esq.... 3d edition. Phil'a, 1818. 48 p. 3. The Drunkard's Looking-glass; reflecting a faithful likeness of the drunkard in sundry very interesting attitudes.... 6th edition. Philadelphia, 1818. 63 p. 4. Hymen's Recruiting Sergeant; or the New Matrimonial Tat-too for the old bachelors***... 7th edition. Philadelphia, 1821. 40 p. 5. God's Revenge against Gambling.... with curious anecdotes of the following unfortunate gamblers: Miss F. Braddock. D. Harwood.. J. Gilmore..T. Alston..Maria Antoinette....4th edition. Philadelphia, 1822. 47 p. Life of William Penn. 1st ed. Philadelphia, 1822. 218 p. 120~. WEHLE, G. Die Stellung der Know-Nothing-Partei. Aus einer Rede von: Hoboken, N.J. 1856. 4 p. 8~. Pamn. v. 537. WEIGEL, R. Catalog von Kunstsachen und Biichern welche in der Anstalt far Kunst und Literatur in Leipzig vorridthig, oder durch dieselbe besorgt werden (Kunstlager Catalog). Erste - Vierzehnte abtheilung, nebst register. Leipzig, 1834 - 43. In 2 v. 8~. WEIGELt, T. 0.. Corpus exegeticam, dogmaticam, moralerm ac reliquas diseiplinas theologicas spectantium, quae in uberrima collectione Weigeliana Lipsiensi prostant. Pracfatus est et indices tum locorum scripturie sacrm tum rerum ac nominum conscripsit C. M. Otto Fiebig. Lipsiae, 1847. 350 p. 8~. Doubletten- Verzeichniss der Autographensammlung. Leipzig. 27, 16 p. 180. [ Two catalogues, with same title]. Pam. v. 471. WEIGHTMAN ( R. H.), Senator elect. To the Congress of the U.States..requesting the passage of a Bill declaring New-Mexico one of the United States of America, on certain conditions. Washington, 1851. 25 p. 8~. Pam. v. 206. WEIRt, Robert. The Picture of the Embarcation of the Pilgrims fromn Delft-Haven in Holland...New-York, 1843. 8~. Pam. v. 499. WEISIUS, M. Io. Dissertatio Historica de origine ordinis avrei velleris...1730. Vitembergae. 58 p. 4~. Pam. v. 1016. WEIsst, Rev. John. Discourse, Death of Daniel Webster, New Bedford, 1852. Boston, 1853. 8~. Pam. v. 555. WEISSENBORN, G. American Engineering illustrated by large and detailed engravings; embracing various branches of meehanical art, stationary, marine and locomotive engines, manufacturing machinery, printing presses.. etc. New-York, 1858, 59. fo. PART I, No. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 9; Part ii, No. 8, 10, 11, 12; Part II, No. 13 to 18; Part Iv, No. 19 to 24. 1860. fo,- Text as far as 192 p. 40. FIRST SUPPLEMENT. 889 WEITENWEBER, Dr. Wilh. Rud. Aus dem Leben und Wirken des Herrn Dr. Joh. Theob. Held, k.k. Jlathes..Eine Festschrift..Prag, 1847. 34 p. 8~. Pam. v. 214. WELCHMAN, Edward. Sermon, Charity Schools, May 6,1707: Gal. vi, 9, 10. London. 80. Pam. v. 364. WELD, Angelica Grimke. Letter the Woman's Rights Convention, held at Syracuse, Sept. 1852. 80. Pam. v. 269. WELFORD, R. G. The Impolicy of the present high duties on tobacco; and their...effects on the...morals of the country. London.'.1848. 68 p. 8~. Pam. v. 425. WELLBELOYED, Charles. Sermon, Sept. 18, 18238: 2 Pet. ii, 1. York, Eng. 1824. 80.- Three Letters to.F. Wrangham.. in reply to his Remarks on Unitarianism.... York, 1823. 153 p. 80.- Proceedings on...the presentation of a the Rev. C. York. London, 1840. 54, xi p. 8~. Pam. v. 317. WELLENDARFFER, Virgilius. Moralogium ( ex Aristotelis Ethicorum libris commentatorumque lecturis) initiatum et authorisatum. Quingentis atque triginta conclusionibus moralibus et rhythmisatis studiose contexturn preludiis.... Col.: In almna Lipsensium Academia....per discretum Baccalaureum Vuolfgangum St6ckel Monacenum calcographum impressum et effigiatum. Anno domini 1509.... 170 leaves, index 20 p., repertorium 17 p.- With, (Ecologium ex duobus Aristotelis (Economicorum libellis accumulatum. Conclusiones centum et quatuor, ac nove traductionis texturn duplici cum regesto complectens... Col.... in Universitate Lipsensi studiose juventuti.. finitus per-Vuolfgangum Stockel...Anno salutis millesimo quingentesimo undecimo. 59 leaves. In 1 v. fO. Containing also A.ristotle's Ethics and Seneca's Epistles. WELLER ( Messrs.), ORR, LANE and COBB. Speeches, Concord, N.H., at a Mass meeting of the Democratic party of Merrimac county, 1856. 32 p. 80. Pam. v. 537. WELLER, James. A Brief Reply to the scandals cast upon the doctrines of free grace. Robertsbridge, Eng. 1846. 38 p. 12~. Pam. v. 306. WELLER, John. A Dissertation on the probable causes of the apparent neglect with which some celebrated writers of antiquity treated the christian religion... Hulsean Essay. Cambridge, Eng. 1818. 68 p. 8~. Pam. v. 335. [ WELLES, Rev. Noah]. See Real Advantages of the Ch. of England. WELLESLEYt (Arthur), Duke of Wellington. Memoir of:.. London, 1852. 16 p. 80. Pam. v. 390. WELLESLEYt, Richard, Marquess. Authentic Correspondence and Documents; explaining the proceedings of the Marquess Wellesley and of the Earl of Moira..... for the formation of an administration. London, 1812. 87 p. 8~. Pam. v. 414. WELLESLEY, Hon. W. L. Two Letters to the Rt. Hon. Earl Eldon.. with official and other documents. London, 1827. 130 p. 8~. Pam. v. 389. WELLINGTON, Rev. Charles. A Sermon, 50th Anniversary of the ordination.. of the author...Boston, 1857. 8~. [ SUPrL.] 112 890 GENERAL LIBRARY. WELLINGTON (Timothy), M.D. An Obituary Notice of:.. of WestCambridge, Mass. Boston, 1853. 80. Pam. v. 89. WELLS' ILLUSTRATED NATIONAL HAND-BOOK; embracing numerous invaluable documents connected with the Political History of America. New edition. New-York, 1857. 162 p. 12~. WELLSt, D. A. See Annual of Scientific Discovery. WELLS (Edward), D.D. A Letter to the Rev. Dr. Clarke in answer.. Oxford, 1713. 66 p. 80.- Remarks on Dr. Clarke's Introduction to his Scripture doctrine of the Trinity. Oxford, 1713. 67 p. 8~. Pam. v. 312. WELLS (E. M. P.), D.D. Address, Moral Reform Society of Salem, MIass. Feb. 1835. Boston, 1835. 8~. Pam. v. 204. The World turned upside down. A Sermon, St.James' Church, Syracuse, Nov. 15, 1853. 12'. Pam. v. 213. WELLS, John. Speech, U. S. H. of R., on intervention and the 3d article of the Whig platform. Washington, 1852. 13 p. 8~. Pam. v. 487. WELLS (Paul), Gent. An Authentic account of the Life of: who was executed at Oxford, Sept. 1, 1749, for forgery. London, 1749. 27 p. 8~. Pam. v. 266. WELLS (William V.), Cons. Gen. of Honduras. Walker's Expedition to Nicaragua; a History of the Central American War; and the Sonora and Kinney expeditions... New-York...1856. 12~. Explorations and Adventures in Honduras, comprising sketches of travel in the gold regions of Olancho, and a review of the history and general resources of Central America. N.York, 1857. 588 p. 8~. [WELSH, J. J.]. Biography, 1831. See Taylor, T. WELSH DIARY. Dyddiadur y trefayddion Calfinaidd yn y taleithau unedig am 1859. Gan T. Jenkins. Utica, E. N. 18. [WELWOODt, James]. See Answer to James II's Declaration, 1689. WENTWORTH, D. See Buffalo Daily Republic. WENTWORTH, William. A Genealogical and Biographical account'of the descendants of:... [ N. E. Hist. and G. Register]. Boston, 1850. 20 p. 8~. Pam. v. 492. [WERDIN, J. P.]. See Paulinus a S. Bartholompeo. WERENFELS, Samuel. Three Discourses: one, a defence of private judgment; the second, against the authority of the magistrate over conscience; the third, some considerations concerning the reuniting of Protestants. The two first translated..By Phileleutherus Cantab. London, 1718. 103 p. 80~. Pam. v. 318. WESLEYt, Rev. John. Some Account of the late work of God in North America, in a Sermon on Ez. i, 16. London, 1778. 12~. An Extract of the Rev. Mr. John Wesley's Journal, from his embarking for Georgia.... to July 20, 1750. Bristol, 1743, 1748, 1744, 1749, 1753, 1754. 6 parts in 2 v. 18~. An Earnest Appeal to men of reason and religion. 6th edition. Bristol, 1771. 180. Pam. v. 106. Some Observations on liberty, occasioned by a late tract. -London, 1776. 36 p. 120 FIRST SUPPLEMENT. 891 A Calm Address to the inhabitants of England.....2d edition. London, 1777. 24 p. 12~. A Letter to the Printer of the Public Advertiser, occasioned by the late act, passed in favor of Popery. To which is added, a defence of it, in two letters to the editors of the Freeman's Journal, Dublin. London, 1781. 22 p. 12". Pam. v. 103. Narrative of a Remarkable transaction in the early life of John Wesley, from an original manuscript, in his own handwriting, never before published. London, J. R. Smith, 1848. 53 p. 8~. WESLEYAN FEMALE COLLEGE, Cincinnati, Ohio. Catalogue, 1847. 8O. Pam. v. 460. WESLEYAN FEMALE COLLEGIATE INSTITUTE, Wilmington, Del. Catalogue, 1846-48. 80. Pam. v. 460. WESLEYAN UNIVERSITY: Catalogue, 1840-41, 1841-42. Middletown, Conn. 1840, 41. Pam. v. 157.- Catalogue, 1850-51. Middletown, 1850. 80. Pam. v. 155. WEST, Benj. A Description of the Picture, Christ rejected by the Jews, painted by B. W., by A. D. M'Quin. Philadelphia, 1830. 80. Pam. v. 499. WESTt ( Charles E.), LL.D. Address, Buffalo Female Academy, Dedication of Goodell Hall...Buffalo, 1852. 80. Pam. v. 226. WEST, G. Montgomery. The Living Martyr and the unholy alliance; or calumny exposed... Albany, 1850. 84 p. 8~. Pam. v. 488, 219. WESTt, Rev. John. The Substance of a Journal during a residence at the Red River Colony, Brit. N. A....1820 -23. London, 1824. 80. WEST, Samuel. Massachusetts Election Sermon, May 29,1776. Boston. See Thornton, J. WV. WEST (Stephen), D.D. A Vindication..of the Church in Stockbridge, in excluding from their communion one of their members for marrying a person immoral and profane.....W. Vith an appendix by John Bacon. Hartford, 1780. 99 p. 8~. [WEST, W.]. See Aldine Magazine, 1838; Fifty years recollections. WEST (The) VINDICATED. A Review ( in part) of the Address of Gen..James Tallnadge before the American Institute, 1841. By a Western New-Yorker. Buffalo, 1842. 24 p. 80. Pam. v. 565. WESTBROOIK, T. R. "Hards" and "Softs." Speech, U. S. H. of R. Jan. 20, 1854. 7 p. 80. Pam. v. 487. WESTCOTT, Thompson. Life of John Fitch, the inventor of the steamboat. Philadelphia, 1857. xxiv, 415 p. 12~. WESTENRIEDER, Lorenz. Geschichte der Baierischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, auf verlangen derselben verfertigt...1795 - 1800. Miunchen, 1784, 1807. 2 v. 8~. Von den Nominalisten, 1786. 24 p. See Kon.Baier. Ak. Reden, v. 3. -- Denkrede auf Carl Albert von Vacchiery.... 1808. 40 p. See KR5n. Baier. Ak. Reden, v. 3. WESTERHIOUT, Martinus. Afbeedsel van Jesus wandel in allerley opzigten... Leyden, 1743. 18~. 892 GENERAL LIBRARY. WESTERN, Chas. Callis, Lord. A Letter..... upon the causes of the distressed state of the agricultural classes...London, 1830. 16 p.A second letter to the... Chelmsford.. Agricul. Soc. Bath (1835). 16 p.- A third letter on the present distress of the country, to his constituents. Chelmsford, 1830. 15 p. 8~. Pam. v. 430. WESTERN AND NORTHERN INLAND DOCK NAVIGATION COMPANIES, in the State of New-York: Report of the the Legislature, together with' the report of Mr. William Weston, Engineer. Pih. Schuyler, Pres't. New-York, 1796. 20 p. 4~. WESTERN BAPTIST EDUCATIONAL ASSOCIATION: 2d Report, 1834. Boston, 1834. 24 p. Pam. v. 465. WESTERN BAPTIST THEOLOGICAL INSTITUTE: Reply to "Brief Historical Sketches of the Western Baptist Theological Institute" in Covington, Ky. By the Board of Trustees. Covington, Ky. 1850. 77 p. 80. Pam. v. 280. WESTERN CALENDAR AND ONEIDA ALMANAC, 1844: G. R. Perkins, Ed. Utica, N.Y. See Farmer's Cal. WESTERN CENTINEL, May 11, 1796. Whitestown, Herkimer Co., N.Y. Vol. 3. See Mass. Spy. Cat. 1855. WESTERN COLLEGE Of Homeopathic Medicine: Catalogue. Cleveland, 1854. 8~. Eighth, Ninth Circular, 1857, 58. Cleveland, Ohio. 80. Pam. v. 515. WESTERN FEMALE SEMINARY, Oxford, Ohio: Catalogue, 1856. 8~. Pam. v. 460. WESTERN INLAND LOCK NAVIGATION COMPANY: Report...Albany, 1792. See New-York: Documentary History, v. 3; also Western and Northern. WESTERN LITERARY INSTITUTE...: Annual Register, 1833. 8~. Cincinnati. Pam. v. 458. WESTERN MINING and MANUFACTURING COMPANY: 2d Report. Philadelphia, 1857. 8~. Pam. v. 520. WESTERN NEW-YORK BAPTIST MAGAZINE: Vol. 4, No. 1-12. Feb. 1823 to Nov. 1825. Morrisville, Homer. 1 v. 8~. WESTERN PENNSYLVANIA HOSPITAL: Report for the years 1854 and 1855-6. Pittsburgh, 1856. 8~. Pam. v. 506. WESTERNt RAILROAD CORPORATION: 5th, 8th, 10th, 13th Report. Boston, 1840, 43, 45, 48. 80. Pam. v. 546.- 12th, 13th, 14th Report, 1847, 48, 49. Pam. v. 258.- 14th Report, 1849. Pam. v. 152. - 16th, 17th, Report, 1851, 52. Pam. v. 147.- 18th Report, 1853. Pam. v. 148.- 19th Report, 1854. Pam. v. 208.- 22d Report, 1857. Pam. v. 258. - Report of the Commissioners appointed under the act of the Legislature of New-York, April 15, 1828, relative to the construction of a Railroad from the City of Boston to the iHudson River. N.Y. Leg. Doct. 8~. Pam. v. 147. Report of the Delegation to Albany....Boston, 1840. 80. Pam. 258, 544....- Proceedings. With a Report of the Committee of Investigation, 1843. Boston, 1843. 12 p. 8~. Pam. v. 147. Report on.. Mass. H. R. Doct. Jan. 18, 1843. 80. Pain. v. 152. FIRST SUPPLEMENT. 893 WESTERNt RESERVE COLLEGE: Catalogue, Jan. 1837; Nov. 1842; Triennial, 1842; Catalogue, 1846; Triennial, 1845; Catalogue, 1847, 1850. Pam. v. 480.- Triennial, 1845; Catalogue, 1845-6. Pam. v. 155.- Catalogue, 1837, 42, 43, 1851-2. Hudson, O. Pam. v. 157. ----- Triennial Catalogue of the Theological department. 80. Pam. v. 155. WESTERN (The) REVIEW and Miscellaneous Magazine: Vol. I-IV, Aug. 1819 - July 1821. Lexington, Ky. Published by W. G. Hunt. 4 v. 8~. Nos. 1 & 4 of Vol. 3, wanting; Vol. 4 completed the work. WESTERN THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY of the Presbyterian Church at Allegheny City, Pennsylvania: Catalogue, 1858. Pittsburgh, 1859. 8~. Pam. v. 294. WESTERN (The) TRAVELLERS' POCKET DIRECTORY and:Stranger's Guide...Schenectada...1836. 96 p. 24~. WEsT-HEBRON CLASSICAL SCHOOL, Washington Co., N.Y.: Catalogue, 1858. 80. Pam. v. 457. WEST-INDIA ASSOCIATION OF GLASGOW: Case of the British WestIndies stated. Glasgow, 1852. 14 p. 8~. Pam. v. 438. WEST-INDIAt (Dutch) COMPANY: Three several Treatises concerning the Trvce at this present propounded...All... translated out of the Low Dutch copie. London, 1630. 28 p. 8~. WEST-INDIA (The) Question practically considered. London, 1826. 121 p. 8~. Pain. v. 437. WEST-JERSEY COLLEGIATE:SCHOOL, Mount Holly: Catalogue, 1848. 8~0 Pam. v. 458. WESTMINSTER, Mass. Celebration of the 100th Anniversary of the incorporation of:... Address by Hon. C.:Hudson....Poem by W. S. Heywood...Boston, 1859. 128 p. 8~. WESTMINSTER ABBEY. An Historical Description of Westminster Abbey, its monuments and curiosities... designed chiefly as a guide to strangers...London, 1814. 183 p. 180. WESTMIINSTER ACADEMY, Mass.: Catalogue, 1850. 80. Pam. v. 457. WESTMINSTERt ASSEMBLY OF DIVINES. The Confession of Faith, together with the Larger and Lesser Catechisines; composed by the Reverend Assembly of Divines, sitting at Westminster, presented to both houses of Parliament...The second edition. London, Printed by E. M....1658. WVith, An Ordinance of the Lords and Commons.... for the calling of an assembly.... with the names of the ministers. London, 1658. In 1 v. 4~. The Shorter Catechism... To which is added, A Form of Prayer..... With, Short Catechism for Young Children, and Address to Christian Mothers, signed John M'Donald. Albany, 1801. 76 p. sm. 40. WESTMINSTER-: REVIEW: Vol. 8, July 1855 -Vol. 14, October 1858. London. 7 v. 80. WESTMINSTER SCHOOL. A Letter to the Editor of the Edinb. Review..respecting Westminster school. By one of the Ushers..London, 1831. 80. Pam. v. 387. 894 GENERAL LIBRARY. WESTMORLAND, CUMBERLAND and DURHAM, illustrated. See Rose, T. WESTON, Richard. Tracts on Practical Agriculture and Gardening.. To which is added. a Chronological catalogue of English authors on agriculture, botany and gardening. 2d edition. London, 1773. 298, 136 p. 8~. WEST-ROXBURY, Mass. Report of School Committee, 1854. Boston, 1854. 80. Pam. v. 552. WESTWOODt, J. O. An Introduction to the modern classification of insects; founded on the natural habits and corresponding organization of the different families. London, 1839. 2 v. 80. ---- Arcana Entomologica; or Illustrations of new, rare and interesting insects...London, 1845. 2 v. 80~. - ~ Editor. See Harris's Aurelian. WETHERELL, B. J. ChurchReform: A Letter to the Viscount Althorp...on ecclesiastical leases. London, 1833. 46 p. 80. Pam. v. 326. WETMoRE, Geo. An Appeal to the Protestant Christians of NorthAmerica in behalf of the temperance reform. N.York, 1851. 15 p. 8~. Pam. -v. 292. WETMOREf, Prosper M. Memoir of James Nack. See Nack, J. WEYERS, H. E. Specimen Criticum, exhibens locos Ibn Khacanis de Ibn Zeidouno, ex MSS. Codicibus Bibliot. Lugd. Bat. et Gothaneo editos, latine redditos et annotatione illustratos, quod.....defendit Henricus Engelinus Weyers... Lugd. Bat. 1831. viii, 216 p. 4~. WHALEY, Nathaniel. Sermon, Univ. of Oxford, Jan. 1710; wherein one of Mr. Hoadly's principal arguments against the doctrine of non-resistance of the supreme powers is occasionally considered: 2 Kings viii, 13. London. 80. Pam. v. 364. TWHARTON, Geo. M. Address, Alumni of the University of Pennsylvania, 1857. Philadelphia, 1858. 8~. Pam. v. 514. rWHAT ought the Diocese to do? Considerations addressed to Churchmen of the Diocese of New-York. By a Layman. By Orlando Meads. 1845. 8~. Pam. v. 203. WHATELYt, Abp. Richard. The Errors of Romanisrh traced to their origin in human nature. Philadelphia, 1843. 91 p. 80. Pam. v. 548. Sermon, 1854. See Society for Prop. the Gospel. [WWHATELY, Tho.]. See Considerations on the Trade, 1766. WHEATLEYt, Phillis. Poems on Various Subjects, religious and moral. By Phillis Wheatley, negro servant to Mr. John Wheatley, of Boston, New-England. Dedicated to the Countess of Huntingdon. Walpole, N.H. 1802. 86 p. 18~. Memoir and Poems of Phillis Wheatley, a native African and a slave. Dedicated to the friends of the Africans. Boston, 1834. 103 p. 120. WHEATLY, Charles. Sermon, Schools of the Prophets: Amos vii, 14, 15. Oxford, 1721.- Sermon, on the Trinity: 1 Tim. iii, 16. London, 1723. Pam. v. 367. [ —— ] See Christian Exceptions, &c. 1736. FIRST SUPPLEMENT. 895 WHEATON FEMALE SEMINARY, Norton, Mass: Catalogue, for July 1855. Norton, 1855. 80. Pam. v. 248. WHEATSTONEt, Charles. On the Transmission of musical sounds through solid linear conductors... 8~. Pam. v. 400. WTHEELDON, Rev. John. Sacred Prolusions; or Select Pieces from Bishop Taylor and Mr. Herbert.... and a Discourse on Rev. xviii, 21. London, 1768. 133 p. 8~. Pam. v. 307. WHEELER & WVILSON'S FAMILY SEWING MACHINE. Troy, 1858. 8~. Pam. v. 298. WHEELER'S NORTH AMERICAN CALENDAR. Providence, R. I. 1793. 12~. 2 copies. Alm. v. 19. WHEELER, J. T. An Analysis and Summary of Thucydides...London... Bohn, 1855. 12~. WHEELER, O. B. Speech, Charging Corruption in the passage of the Albany Bridge law, in 1856 and'57. In the N.Y. Senate, Feb. 12,.1859. 8~. Pam. v. 493. WHEELER, Capt. Thomas. Narrative of an Expedition with Capt. E. Hutchinson into the Nipmuck country... ( Broolfield, Mass.), 1675. See Mass. Hist. Soc. Coll. [ WHELPLEYt, Rev. Samuel]. See Letters Addressed to C. Strong... on War. 1817. WHERE and WHAT is the True Church of God? London, Palmer, 1839. 54 p. 120. Pam. v. 306. WHICH SOCIETY shall you join, liberal or orthodox? A Letter to a Friend. 2d edition. Boston, 1828. 24 p. 120. Pam. v. 296. WHIFFIN, Rich. The Loves of the Roses. London, 1835. 51 p. 12~. Pam. v. 398. WHIGt ALMANAC: Greeley and M'Elrath, N.Y. 1843. Alm. v. 14.For 1844,'47,'52. imp. Alim. v. 27.- See also Tribune Almanac. WHIGt (The) Charge of Intolerance against the New-Hampshire democracy and Gen. F. Pierce. From the Boston Post. Boston, 1852. 24 p. 8~. Pam. v. 527. WHIG CONGRESSIONAL EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE at Washington: Prospect before us, or Locofoco impositions exposed. Washington (1844). 32 p. 8~.- Whig Text-book, or Democracy unmasked. Washington. 32 p,. 8~. Pamn. v. 526. WIJIG NATIONAL CONVENTION. An Appeal to the Wf. N. A. in favor of the nomination of D. Webster..... By a Whig from the start. New-York, 1848. 50 p. 8~. Pani. v. 527. WHIG STATE CONVENTION, Mass. Resolutions adopted, Boston, Sep. 23, 1846. Pam. v. 259.-Contains Speeches of C. Hudson, D. Webster, and R. C. Winthrop. ---- Address adopted..... at Worcester (Mass.), Sept. 13, 1848.... Pam. v. 234. WHIGS (The); or the Country Party: An Election Letter. Dover, Eng. 1847. 41 p. 8~. Pam. v. 415. WHIGS (The) Unmasked; or An Address to the People of Great Britain, on the Two Letters -of Earl Fitzwilliam to the E. of Carlisle.. London, 1795. 31 p. 8~. Pam. v. 448. 896 GENERAL LIBRARY. WHINCOP (Thomas), D.D. Sermon, Anniv. Sons of the Clergy, Dec. 3, 1695: Tit. iii, 8. London, 1696. 4~. Pam. v. 1010. Sermon, H. of Commons, -5 Nov. 1702: Job v, 12. London. 40~. Pam. v. 361. WHIPPLE, John. Free Trade in Money; or Note-shaving the great cause of fraud, poverty and ruin: Stringent usury laws the best defence of the people against hard times. Boston, 1855. 36 p. 80. Pain. v. 261, 290. WHIPPLE, S. A Work on Bridge-building...and practical details for iron and wooden bridges. Utica, N.Y. 1847. 120 p., 10 plates. 120~. WHISTONt, Rev. William. Primitive Infant Baptism reviv'd; or An Account of the doctrine and practice of the two first centuries.... London, 1712. 48 p. 8~. Pam. v. 314. Second Letter to the...Bishop of London, concerning the primitive doxologies. London, 1719. 48 p. 8~. Pam. v. 314. - Mr. Whiston's Account of Dr. Sacheverell's proceedings in order to exclude him from St. Andrew's Church. London, 1719. 19 p. 8~. Pam. v. 314. - Mr. Whiston's Account of the exact time when miraculous gifts ceased in the Church....; with Observations upon Dr. Middleton's Free Inquiry into the matter. London, 1749. 40 p. 80. Pam. v.262. WHITAKER, Rev. E. W. Four Dialogues on the Doctrine of the Holy Trinity... Canterbury, Eng. 1786. xix, 91 p. 8~. Pam. v. 311. WHITAKER, John. A Survey of the Doctrine and Argument of St. Peter's Epistles.... the controverted text 2d epis. i, 19.... Bishop of London's interpretation... Objections of the late Dr. Middleton... London, 1751. 71 p. 8~. Pam. v. 350. WHITBYt (Daniel), D.D. A Discourse concerning the Laws ecclesiastical and civil, made against heretics by popes, emperors and kings, provincial and general councils approved by the Church of Rome (1682). Repr. London, 1723. xxiv, 128 p. 8~. Pam. v. 343. Sermon.. of Self-denial: Matthew vi, 24, 25. London, 1703. 4~. Pam. v. 362. I —— ] Sermon, Reason our Guide in the choice of our religion: Luke xii, 57. London, 1714. 8~. Pam. v. 366. - An Answer to... Dr. Snape's Second Letter to the... Bishop of Bangor. London, 1717. 40 p. 80. Pam. v. 351.'TETEPAI qPPONTIAEE; or the Last Thoughts of Dr. Whitby, containing his corrections of several passages in his Commentary on the New Testament. To which are added Five Discourses, published by his express order. A new edition. London, 1822. 186 p. 8~. Pam. v. 304. WHITE, Ammi. Description of a Wooden Suspension Bridge, invented by: Patented Feb. 3, 1852. Cambridge. 8~. Pam. v. 205. WHITE, Andrew. A Relation of the Colony of the Lord Baron of Baltimore in 1677. See Force's Tracts, v. 4. WHITEt (Charles), D.D. "Power belongeth unto God": A Sermon, Hartford, Conn., before the Am. Board of Comm. for For. Missions, 45th Annual Meeting. Boston, 1854. 80. Pam. v. 104. FIRST SUPPLEMENT. 897 WHITE, Charles. Tilhe Literary Responsibility of Teachers. Boston, 1838. 8". Pain. v. 216. WHITE, Daniel Appleton. An Address, Merrimack Humane Society, Sept. 3, 1805. Newburyport, 1805, 8". Pam. v. 215. - Address, Society of the Alumni of Harvard University, Aug. 27, 1844. Cambridge, 1844. 80. Pam. v. 242. WHITE (E.) & Co. A Specimen of Printing Types from the foundry of: New-York, 1819. 8~. WHITE, Henry Kirke. The Poetical Works of Henry Kirke White and James Grahame. With......Notes, by the Rev. George Gilfillan. Edinburgh, 1856. 8~. The Beauties of Kirke White...By A. Howard, esq. Boston... 1826. 180. - The Poetical Works of With a Memoir by Sir Harris Nicolas. Boston....1854. 18~. WHITE, Rev. James. History of England, from the earliest times to...1858. London, 1860. 856 p. 12~. [WHITE, John]. See Planters Plea. 1630. WHITE, Rev. John. New-England's Lamentations under these three heads: The Decay of the power of godliness; The Danger of Arminian principles; The Declining state of our church order...By the Reverend Mr. John White, M.A., and Pastor of the first church in Glocester. To which are added, Reasons for adhering to our platform... by another hand... Boston,: T. Fleet, 1734. 6, 42, 10 p. 120. WHITE, John. Memorials of Elder John White, one of the first settlers of Hartford, Conn., and of his descendants. By Allyn S. Kellogg. Hartford, Conn. 1860. xviii, 322 p. 8~, WHITE (Joseph), D.D. Editor. See Timour's Institutes, 17801. A Statement of Dr. White's literary obligations to the late Rev. Mr. S. Babcock, and the late S. Parr, LL.D. Oxford, 1790. 109 p. 8~. Pam. v. 394. --- lDiatessaron; sive Integra Historia D. N. Jesu Christi Graece, ex IV Evangeliis....ordinate dispositis confecta. Oxonii, 1800. 12~0 WHITE, Joseph. Charlemont as a Plantation: An historical discourse at the centennial anniversary of the death of Moses Rice....1.855. Boston, 1858. 48 p. 8~. Pam. v. 504. WHITEt, Rev. Joseph Blanco. The Poor Man's preservative against Popery. Dialogues. London, 1825. 130 p. 120. Pam. v. 345. WHITE ( Joseph L.), of Indiana. Speech, U. S. H. of R., in Reply to Mr. Holmes: of S.C., on the principles which divide the two parties. Feb. 8, 1843. 7 p. 8~. Pam. v. p26. WHITE, Pliny H. The Life and Services of Matthew Lyon. An Address, Vermont Historical Society... Burlington, 1858. 80. 8 Pain. v. 494. ----- A History of Coventry, Orleans co., Vt. Irasburgh, 1859. 61, vii p. 8~. [SUPPL.] 113 898 GENERAL LIBRARY. VWITEt, Bp. William. Bishop White on the Episcopacy and the Succession. Philadelphia, 1859. 2d title. The Case of the Episcopal churches in the United States considered. Philadelphia, 1782. 32 p. Repr. 80. Pamn. v. 543. Two Addresses, Special Convention of the Prot. Epis. Church in.....Pennsylvania..... expediency of electing an assistant bishop. Oct. 1826. 18 p. 12~. Pam. v. 622. - Address, General Theol. Seminary of the Prot. Episc. Church.. New-York, 1829. 17 p. 8S. Pam. v. 543. Sermon, Domestic and For. Miss. Society, New-York, 1832. See Prot. Epis. Church, Board of Missions. TWHITTE MOUNTAIN and WVinnepissiogee Lake Guide-book. B*. Boston, 1846. 76 p. 1S~. WHITEFIELDt, Rev. George. The Works of:..... containing all his sermons and tracts...a select collection of letters...London, 1771, 72. 6 and 2 v.: 8 v. 8". Contents: VOL. I, HI: Letters. VOL. II: Letters; Account of Orphan House, Georgia. VOL. IV: Answer to Bishop of London; Trial of Methodists; Letter to President of Harvard College; Remarks on Dr. Lavington's pamphlet, etc. etc. VOL. V, VI, VII: Sermons. VOL. VIII: Life, by Dr. Gillies. Vols. 7 & 8 are not numbered on the titlepage in the series. Whitefield's Journal from Gibraltar to Savannah. 40 p. 180, imp. Pam. v. 601. Three Unpublished Sermons. See Macfarlan, D. - A Letter to the Rev.'Dr. Durell.... oecasioned by the expulsion of six students from Edmund Hall. London, 1768. 50 p. 8". Panu. v. 314. Some Remarks on a Pamphlet, entitled, The Enthusiasm of Methodists and Papists a letter to the author. London, 1749. 48 p. 80. Pam. v. 262, 314. Rev. J. WVesley, on universal redemption. Boston, 1814. 23 p. 12~. Pam. v. 296. WHITEHEAD, Charles E. Oration...Delta Phi Society... New-York, April 12,1855. New-York, 1855. 8~. Pam. v. 242. WHITEIHEAD, William. Crelisa, Queen of Athens: A Tragedy, as it is acted... London, 1754. 79 p. 80. Pam. v. 396. WHITEHEADt, William A. Contributions to the Early History of Perth Amboy and adjoining, country; with Sketches of men and events in New-Jersey during the provincial era... With maps and engravings. New-York..1856. 8~ Northern Boundary Line between New-Jersey and New-York: A Paper read before NJ. Hist. Society, 1859. 30 p. 8~. Pam. v. 504. WHITEHURST, Edw. C. The Coalition Ministries of 1787 and 1853. London, 1853. 26 p. 8~. Pam. v. 416. WHITELEY, Henry. Three Months in Jamaica in 1832..... London, 1833. 24 p. 80. Pam. v. 438. FIRST SUPPLEMENT. 899 WHITELEY, Rev. Joseph. An Essay on the Necessity of a Redeemer. Leeds, 1783. 24 p. 8". Pam. v. 302. WrilITTESTOWN SEAIINARY, Oneida county, N.Y.: Catalogue, 1858, 59. 80. Pam. v. 457. WHITFIELDt, Henry. The Light appearing...or..the present state of the Indians in New-England. Loud. 1651.- Strength out of weakness; or.. the further progresse of the Gospel among the Indians.. London, 1652. See Mass. Hist. Soc. Collections, S. 3, v. 4. WHITING, Revz. L. Address, Soc. for Pro. Coil. and Theol. Education at the West, in Boston. Boston, 1855. 8~. Pam. v. 294. WHITING, William. Address, Historic-Genealogical Society, Jan. 12, 1853. Boston, 1853. 80. Pam. v. 242. ~WHITLAWt, Charles. Opinions and New Discoveries in agriculture, medicine, &c. With A. Curtis's Lectures.' London, 1847. viii, 88 p. S~. Pam. v. 404. WHITMORE, George. Duty of not running in debt: Discourse, Univ. of Cambridge: Rom. xiii, 8. London, 1800. 8~. Pam. v. 375. WVHITMonRE, W. H. Register of Families settled at the town of liedford, Mass. Repr. from the Hist. of Medford by C. Brooks. Boston, 1855. 96 p. 8~. -- Record of the Descendants of Francis Whitmore of Cambridge, Mass. Boston, 1855. 24 p. 80. WVHITNEY.P, Thomas R. Address, Alpha Chapter of Order of United Americans, New-York, 1852. See Republic, The. Cat. 1855. The Union of States An Oration, delivered before the Order of United Americans... Feb. 22, 1855..New- York, 1855. 80. Pam. v. 532. - A Defence of the American Policy, as opposed to the encroachments of foreign influence, and especially to the interference of the papacy in the political interests and affairs of the U.States. NewYork (18561). 12". his Constituents. Washington, 1856. 7 p. 8~. Pam. v. 537, 259. WHITTEMORE, Thomas. Biographical Sketch of:.... of Cambridge, Mass. 1849. 8~. Pam. v. 199. WVHITTIERt, John G. Poems written during the progress of the Abolition question in the U.States between the years 1830 and 1838... Boston, 1837. 103 p. 18~. Poems: Illustrated by H. Billings. Boston, 1849. 384 p. 8~. WHITTINGHAMt (Win. R.), Bp. A Letter from Rev. Prof. Whittingham, of the Gen. Theol. Sem..... in relation to the division of the Diocese of New-York, June 1838. 22 p. 8~. Pam. v. 203. - A Charge to the Clergy of the Diocese of Maryland, Thursday, May 31, 1849. Baltimore, 1849. 8~. Pam. v. 270. Gifts and their Right Estimate, a Sermon: Rom. xii, 6-9; Prot. Episc. Brotherhood of Baltimore, 1854. Baltimore, 1855. 8~. Pam. v. 558. WHITTLE, Tho. The Certain Perseverance of all God's elect to eternal glory: A sacred song. London, 1829. 24 p. 8~. Pam. v. 398. 900 GENERAL LIBRARY. WHITTLESEYt, Charles. Outline Sketches of the Geology of Ohio. Cleveland, 1848. With map. 577 - 589 p. 8~. Fugitive Essays.... relating to the early history of Ohio, its geology...being a reprint from various periodicals.. Hudson, Ohio, 1852. 397 p. 12~. WHITTLESEYt, Fred. Address, Clarkson Independent Temp. Society. Rochester, N.Y. 1843. 8~. Pam. v. 292. WHO IS TO BLAME for the War between Denmark and Germany? Lond. 1849. 22 p. 8~. Pam. v. 415. WHY SHOULD NOT I go to the Meeting-house? London, Hatchard, 1840. 24 p. 120. Pam. v. 320. WICKLIFFE'S APOLOGY for the Lollards. Camden Society Pub. WIDE-AWAKE COMIC ALMANAC: T. W. Strong, N.Y. 1855. 12~. Aim. v. 30. WIEDt, Prince Maximilian De. Bresil: Quelques corrections indispensables la Traduction Fran aise (1.) de la Description d'un Voyage au Bresil par:... Franckfort sur le Mein, 1853. 109 p.- With, Brasilien: Nachtrage, B.erichtigungen und Zusatze zu der Beschreibung rneiner Reise im OEstlichen Brasilien von:... Frankfurt am Mein, 1850. 144 p. In 1 v. 80~ Liste des Fautes d'Impression et de Traduction de l'6dition franSaise de la description du voyage dans l'interieur du Nord de l'Amerique par:... 43 p. 8~. WIFE (The) or LEON, and other Poems. By two Sisters of the West. By Catherine Warfield and Eleanor Lee. N.York, 1844. 256 p. 120~. WIGERI, Johan. See Maatschappij: Tot nut van't Algemeen. WIGHT, Rev. William. Common Sense; a Word to those who do not think by proxy: Or the temperance movement.....London, 1847. 36 p. 12~. Paim. v. 404. WIGHTMAN, Joseph M. Annals of the Boston Primary School Committee from...... 1818 to its dissolution in 1855. Boston, 1860. 305 p. 8o. WILBERFORCEt (Samuel), Bp. Sermon, 1850. See Society for Prop. the Gospel. -- Sermon, Church Penitentiary Association: Lu. xix, 10, and Report. London,. 1853. 80. Pam. v. 380. WILBERFORCEt, William. Speeches...on the clause in the East-India bill for promoting the religious instruction and moral improvement of the natives of... India. London, 1813. 109 p. 8~. Pam. v. 433. An Appeal to the Religion, justice and humanity of the inhabitants of the British empire in behalf of the negro slaves in the WestIndies. London, 1823. 77 p. 8~. Pam. v. 436. WILCOX, Bp. Joseph. The Righteous Magistrate, and the virtuous informer: A Sermon, Sec. Ref. of Manners: Prove. xxi, 11, Dec. 1722. London, 1723. 8~. Pam. v. 367. WILDBERG, C. F. L. See Jahrbuch der gesammten Staatsarzneikunde, 1840, WILDEt (R. H.), of Ga. Speech, on the Reasons of the Secretary of the treasury for the removal of the deposites, U.S. IIH. of R., March 13, 1834. 31 p. 8~. Pam. v. 193, 498. FIRST SUPPLEMENT..901 WILDER, David. The History of Leominster; or the Northern half of the Lancaster new or additional grant...... Fitchburg, Mass. 1853. 12~. WILDERa John N. Address on the Duties and Dangers of American citizens...... Ballston-Spa, July 4, 1855. Ballston-Spa. 8~. Pam. v. 215, 532. Rochester: A Poem....Literary Societies of the Univ. of Rochester, July 7, 1857. New-York, 1857. 31 p. 8~. Pam. v. 534. ---- Poem, Young Men's Association, Albany, July 5, 1858. Newsp. slips. Pam. v. 534. Speech, 1858. See Dudley Observatory. WILEY, Rev. Charles. A Discourse, commemorative of the Hon. Daniel Webster. Utica, 1852. 80. Pam. v. 104. WILEY ( Rev. I. W.), M.D. The Mission Cemetery and the fallen missionaries of Fuh Chau... New-York (1858). 374 p. 12~. WILEY, J. Literary Telegraph. New-York, 1851. 10 Nos. Cat. v. 50. WILEYt (J.) & PUTNAM. Literary News-Letter: Vol. I, II, III. NewYork, 1842, 43, 44, Cat. v. 5; 1844, 45, Cat. v. 8; 1846, Cat. v. 16.- Catalogues 1841, Cat. v. 58 and Cat. B. C.; 1845, Cat. v. 8-; 1842, 43, 44: 87, 132 p. Cat. v. 5; 1847, Cat. v. 20. WILKESt ( Charles), Capt. U.S.N. Antarctic Exploration. Letter... to the editor of the Union. Aug. 12, 1847. 7 p. 8~. Theory of the Winds. Read before the American Scientific Association at Providence, Aug. 20, 1855, accompanied by a map...To which is added, Sailing Directions for a Voyage round the world... New-York...1856. 116 p. 4~. WILKESt, George. The History of Oregon...with an examination of the project of a national railroad from the Atlantic to the Pacific ocean...New-York, 1845. 128 p.. 8~. WILKESON, Samuel. A Concise History....of the American Colonies in Liberia.. Washington, 1839. 88 p. 80. Pam. v. 462. WILKIE, Franc B. Davenport Past and Present... Davenport, Iowa, 1858. 334 p. 8~. WILKINS, Henry. The Family Adviser, or a plain and modern practice of physic...and accommodated to the diseases of America..4th edition corrected. To which is added, Mr. Wesley's Primitive Physic revived. New-York, 1804. 12~. WILKINSt (John), D.D., HBp. An Essay towards a real character, and a philosophical language...London, 1668.... With An Alphabetical Dictionary... London, 1668. Prelim. and 454, 159 p. fo. Sermon before the King, Feb. 27, 1670: Eccl. xii, 13. London. 40. Parl. v. 359. WILKINS, John H. Elements of Astronomy.....for..Academies. 3d edition. Boston, 1825. 12~. WILKINSONt (H.), M/.R.A.S. Observations on swords...London. 80~. Pam. v. 406. WILKINSON, J. B. The Annals of Binghampton, and of the country connected with it.... Binghampton...1840. 256 p. 12~. 902 GENERAL LIBRARY. WILKINSON, Sarah. John Bull; or the Englishman's fire-side..London (1800?). 42 p. 120. Pain. v. 619. WILICS, Mark. Athaliah; or the Tocsin sounded by modern alarmists: two collection sermons towardsdefraying the expence of the defendants in the late trials for high treason... April 19, 1795: 2 Kings xi, L4. Norwich, 1795. 106 p. 8~. Pam-. v. 320. WILKS, 3Mark. Nonconformity: a the Monthly Assoc'n of Congregational Ministers..London, 1818. 119 p. 8~. Pain. v. 320. WILKSt, Rev. Samuel C. Christian Missions an enlightened species of charity; or a Vindication of the Royal letter.... in aid of the Soc. Prop. Gospel...London, 1819. 51 p. 8~. Pain. v. 384. A Church establishment lawful...six dialogues. See Soc. Pro. Chr. Knowledge. The Essay on the influence of a moral life on our judgment in matters of faith, &c....Premium. London, 1822. 49 p. 80. Pam. v. 339. WILL'S Complete Clerical Almanack. 1852. London. 12~. Alm. v. 50. WrILL, H. P.: Translator. See Knigge, Baron A. F. F. WILLARD'S TROY ALMANAC, 1853. 12~. Aim. v. 34. WILLARDt, Emma. Late American History; containing a full account of the courage, conduct and success of John C. Fremont.... NewYork..1856. 12~. Last Periods of American History.. N.York, 1855. 469 - 528 p. 8~. Pam. v. v502. An Appeal to the Public... against... M. Willson.. on his Amnerican History. New-York, 1847. 36 p. 120. Pam. v. 502. WILLARD, Joseph. Willard Memoir; or Life and times of Maj. Simon Willard; with notices of three generations of his descendants and two collateral branches...Boston, 1858. 471 p. 8~. WILLARD, Rev. Samuel. Brief Directions to a young scholar designing the ministry, for the study'of divinity. Boston, 1735. iv, 7 p. 18~. Pamn. v. 603. WILLARD, Rev. Samuel. An Address to the Christian'Public, in two parts: 1st, A correct view of the transactions of an Ecclesiastical council..Deerfield, 1807, for the purpose of ordaining Mr. S. Willard...etc. Greenfield, Mlass. 1813. 22 p. 120. Paul. v. 484. WILLARD (Samuel), D.D. The Grand Issue: An Ethico-political tract. Boston, 1851. 37 p. 8~. Pam. v. 562. WILLARD ( Sylvester D.), M.D. Historical Address; Mied. Soc. of the county of Albany, Nov. 11, 1856. Albany, 1857. 8~. Pam. v. 254. Biographical Memoirs of Physicians of Albany county: An Address, Med. Soc. of the Co. of Albany, June 9, 1857. Albany. 80. Eulogy on the Life and Character of Hiram A. Edmonds, M.D....Albany, 1857. 20 p. 8~. Pain. v. 494. Biographical Memoir of Thomas Spencer, M.D...Albany, 1858. 14 p. 8~. Pam. v. 494. See also Med. Soc. of New-York, Transactions, 1858, 59. FIRST SUPPLEMENT. 903 WITLATS, Thomas. A Monitory Address to the bishops and clergy of England, as well as to the Roman-catholics and Unitarians in general...London, 1848. 32 p. 120. Pam. v. 331. WILLATTS, Cha. Sermlon, at York Assizes, Religion of Nature: Born. ii, 14, 15. 2d edition. London, 1756. 8~. Pam. v. 370. WIlLLco X, Richard. To the President of the United States....on the subject of the Tariff. New-York. 8 p. S~. Pam. v. 290. WILLEMSEN, Jac. Een Graaggetrouw rentineester van Jezus Christus..,Middleburg, 1779. 40~. WILLETT, Rev. John. Sermon, Assizes in Oxford, 1708: Ps. lxxxviii, 37. London. 8S. Pam. v. 364. WILLETT, Ralph. A Memoir on the Origin of Printing: In a Letter addressed to John Topham, esq.....Newcastle, S. Hodgson, 1820. 72 p. 12~. See also Soc. of Ant., Archmologia, V. xi. Catalogue of Library of:... auction, London, 1813. 103 p. 8~. Cat. v. 95. WILLEY, Rev. Benjamin G. Incidents in White Mountain History; containing Facts relating to the discovery and accurate guide from New-York and Boston....3d thousand. Boston... 1856. 120. WILLIAMt III of England. Their Highness the Prince and Princess of Orange's opinion about a general liberty of conscience, &c.; being a collection of four select papers, viz.: I, Mijn Heer Fagel's first letter to Mr. Stewart, qc. London, 1689. 36 p. 40. Pam. v. 408. WILLIAM3 AuGUSTUS. See Cumberland, Duke of. WILLIAZMS' (CALENDAR, Utica, N.Y. See Farmers' Calendar. WILLIAMS, STEVENS, WILLIAMS & CO.: Catalogue of..engravings.. New-York, 1854. 36 p. 4~. Pam. v. 1015. WILLIAMS-, Rev. Alfred. Romanism in the Protestant church: Five sermons. London, 1842. 100 p. 8~. P'am. v. 380. WTILLIAMS, C. S. [DIRECTORY. See Cincinnati, 1852. WILLIAMS, Cha. Wye. Observations on an Important Feature in the state of Ireland... with a description of the navigation of the river Shannon...Westminster, 1831. 59 p. 8~. Pam. v. 423. Remarks on the Proposed Asylum harbour at Holyhead, and the Chester and Holyhead Railway Company...'in a letter... Liverpool, 1847. 46 p. 3 plans. 80~- Further a second letter. 40 p. 3 pZans. 80.- Pam. v. 426. WILLIAMS (Daniel), D.D. The Kingdom of God in power: A Sermon before the Lord Mayor, Nov. 20, 1687: I Cor. iv, 20. London, 1688. 8~. Pam. v. 361. A Letter to the Author of a Discourse of Free-thinking..Lond. 1713. 46 p. S~. Pam. v. 332. - Bibliothee quam..bono publico legavit Catalogus. Red Crossstreet Library. Ed. secunda. Londini, 1801. 377 p. 8~. [ WILLIAMS, Rev. David]. Letters on Political Liberty, 1782. Cat. 1855. 904 GENERAL LIBRARY. WILLIAIMS (Henry), of Mass. Speech, U.S. H. of R., on the Independent Treasury bill..1840. 15 p. 80. Pain. v. 487. [WILLIAMS, Rev. Isaac]. See Baptistery. Lond. 1842, 4. Cat. 1855. [ WILLIAMS (John), D.D., Bp.]. A Discourse concerning the celebration of divine service in an unknown tongue. London, 1685. 56 p. 4~. Pam. v. 356. [ — ] An Answer to the Address presented to the ministers of England. London, 1688. 31 p. 40.' Pam. v. 357. [ —] A Vindication of the Answer to the Popish address presented to the ministers of the Church of England. London, 1688. 41 p.'40. Pam. v. 357. [ —] A True Representation of the absurd and mischievous principles of the...Muggletonians. London, 1694. 30 p. 40~. Pam. v. 358. A Vindication' of the Sermons of.... the Abp. of Canterbury... from entitled, Considerations on the explications of the doctrine of the Trinity. London, 1695. 103 p. 40~. Pam. v. 358. Case of Martyrdom considered: A Sermon before the House of Lords, 30 Jan. 1701: Acts vii, 59, 60. London. 40~. Pam. v. 361. WILLIAMS, J'ohn. Speech, H. of Commons, Feb. 24, 1826, on....the'Silk trade. WTith Speeches of Wr. Huskisson and G. Canning. London. 100 p. 8~. Pam. v. 439. WILLIAMSt (John), D.D., Bp. The Ordinary Gifts: A Sermon, Auburn, at the Lenten Ordination, 1848; at which time Messrs. S. M. Rice, A. M. Littlejohn and G. C. Foot were admitted to the order of Deacons. Auburn, 1848. 8~. Pam. v. 202. Academic Studies: An Inaugural Discourse, Trinity College, Hartford, 1819. Hartford, 1849. 8~. Pamin. v. 215. The Holy Trinity: Sermon, Convention of the Diocese of Connecticut, assembled at the Consecration of St.James' Church, NewLondon, 1850. Hartford, 1850. 8~. Pam. v. 202. A Sermon, Seventy-Second Convention of the Diocese of Connecticut, Hartford, June 10, 1856. Hartford, 1856. 8~. Pain. v. 238. WILLrAMS, J. J. Isthmus of Tehuantepec. See Barnard, J. G. Cat. 1855. WILLIAMS (John S.), Maj. U.S.A. History of the Invasion and Capture of Washington, and of the events which preceded and followed....New-York, 1857. 371 p. 12~. 5WILSON, Joseph M. The Presbyterian Historical Almanac and Annual Remembrancer of the Church for 1858 - 59, 60, 61. Vol. I, II, III. Philadelphia. 316, 327, 359 p. 3 v. 80~. WILLIAMS, Josiah B. Remarks, N.Y. Senate, upon the Canal question, June 3, 1853. 8 p. 80. Pam. v. 223. WILLIAMS (Reuel), of Me. Speech, U. S. Sen., May 14, 1838, on the North-Eastern Boundary line. 80. Pam. v. 206. WILLIAMS, Roger. A Key into the Language of America...London, 1643. See Mass. Hist. Soc. Coll. S. 1, v. 3, 5; R.I. Hist. Coll. v. 1. WILLIAMS, Rowland. Some Account of the actual working of St.DIavid's College, Lampeter...London, 1851. 51 p. 8~. Pami. v. 386. FIRST SUPPLEMENT. 905 WILLIAMS, Rev. Theod. Catalogue of the...library of... auction, Ap. 5, 1827. London. 197 p. 8~0 WILLIAMSt, Thomas. Reasons for Faith in revealed religion, opposed to Mr. Hollis's reasons for skepticism.....L ondon, 1796. 45 p. 80. Pam. v. 335. ---- The Moral Tendencies of Knowledge: A Lecture....London, 1815. 50 p. 8S. Pam. v. 395. Popery Unmasked...London, 1828. 24 p. 120. Pam. v. 346. WILLIAMS, Tho. A Discourse.. occasioned by the death of Daniel Webster. Providence, 1858. 8~. Pam. v. 494. The Catechism of Westminster Assembly, the standard of NewEngland Theology, and..of the Andoverian Seminary. Providence, 1858. 20 p. 8~. Pam. v. 296. WILLIAMS, W. Appleton's Railroad and Steamboat Companion..... through the U. S., Canada, New-Brunswick and Nova-Scotia. With maps...New-York, 1848. 313 p. 180. -- -The Traveller's and Tourist's Guide through the U. S. of America, Canada, etc....Philadelphia, 1851. 216 p. 180. WILLIAMS, William G. Report of the Committees for the recovery and interment of the remains of Capts. W. G. Williams and George P. Field. To which is appended the address of Hon. H. K. Smith. Buffalo, 1847. 8 p. 80. Pam. v. 494. WVILLIAMSt (William R.), D.D. Discourse, Baptist Home Miss. Society, Philadelphia, June 7, 1836. New-York, 1836. 80. Pam. v.270. WILLIAMS COLLEGE, Williamstown, Mass. Triennial Catalogue, 1832, 38, 47, 50, 53.- Catalogue of Students, 1841, 42, 49, 50, 51, 55. Williamstown, Troy. —Catalogue of Philologian Library, 1843. 22 p.- In 1 v. 8~. - Triennial Catalogue, 1823.- Ann. Catalogue, 1823, 27, 38, 43. Pam. v. 155.- Catalogue, 1831, 49, 50. Pam. v. 157. Catalogue- of the Lyceum of Natural History. Williamstown, Mass. 1852. 80. Pam. v. 274. WILLIAMSBURGH, N.Y. An Act relative to expenses for local improvements...Brooklyn, 1857. 10 p. 8~. Pam. v. 530. WILLIAMSBURGIH DIRECTORY. Reynolds' Williamsburgh Directory, for 1851-52. 2d publication. Samuel & T. F. Reynolds, Williamsburgh. 166 p. 12~.- With, Fowler's Phrenological Almanac, 1852. WILLIAMSBURGH DISPENSARY Of Brooklyn: 4th Report. Brooklyn, 1855. Pam. v. 210.- 7th Report, 1858. 80. Pam. v. 506. WILLIAMSON, W. C. Foraminifera of G. Britain. See Ray Society. WILLINK (W. en J.) en N. VAN STAPHORST. Loan of $12 000 000 from Holland: Contract. Amsterdam, 1790. In Dutch. 4 p. f0. Pam. v. 1104. WILLIS & SOTTIERAN: Catalogue of.... second-hand books....etc. London, 1859. 354 p. 8~. WILLISt, George. Current Notes; a Series of articles on antiquities, biography... London, 1856. 1 v. sin. 4~. [ SUPPL.] 114 906 GENERAL LIBRARY. WILLIS, George: A Catalogue and second-hand books....on sale.... London, 1855. 389 p. 8~. WILLISt, Nathanael P. Sacred Poems. The New Mirror: Extra. New-York...1843. 16 p. 80~. Mirror Library: The Rococo; The Culprit Fay, by J. Rodman Drake.- Lillian, by William M. Praed, and the Eve of St.Agnes, by John Keats. With original Notes, by N. P. Willis. New-York, 1844. 80. Pam. v. 260. [WILLIS, Richard, D.D.]. See Reflexions upon a Pamphlet, 1696. WILLIS, Rev. Richard. Sermon, before the Queen, August 23, 1705, Victories of Marlborough: Is. xi, 13, 14. London. 40~. — Sermon, IH. of Commons: Gen. xlix, 7, Gunpowder Plot. London, 1705. 4~. Pan v. v. 362. Sermon, before the Queen, Feb. 23: a Cor. xiii, 4. London, 1707. 80. Pam. v. 379. ---- u Sermon, 1702. See Soc. for Prop. the Gospel. WILLISt, William. Genealogy of the McIKinstry family, with..ScotchIrish immigrations to America. Boston, 1858. 28 p. 8~. WILLISTON SEMINARY, Easthampton, Mass. Catalogue, 1845. 8~. Pam. v. 212.- Catalogue, 1849. Pam. v. 458. [WILLS (John), D.D.]. The Julian and Gregorian year.....shewing that the reformed churches should not alter their old style.. London, 1700. 26 p. 8~. Pam. v. 358. WILLSONt, Marcius. Report on American Histories. New-York, 1847. 32 p.- A Reply to Mrs. Willard's Appeal....on his history. NewYork, 1847. 33 p. 8~. Pam. v. 251, 502. WILbER, Lambert A. The Life, Travels and Adventures of Ferdinand De Soto...Philadelphia, 1858. 532 p. 80~. WILMINGTON (Del.) DIRECTORY, 1857. Compiled and Published by W. H. Boyd. 192 p. 12~. WILMINGTON AND MANCHESTER RAILROAD CO. Exhibit of the Condition of: Chartered by the States of North and South-Carolina. New-York, 1853. 8~. Pam. v. 152. WILMOTt (D.), of Pa. Slavery in the Territories. Speech, U. S. H. of R., on...the Constitution of California, 1850. 8 p. 8~. Pam. v. 486. Speech, 1847. See Herkirmer Mass Convention. WILMOT, Hester. The History of: 20 p. 180. Pam. v. 601. WILSON, Comm. Orderly Book, 1759. See Munsell's Hist. Series. WILSON'S NEW-YORK CITY COPARTNERSHIP DIRECTORY, for 185657... New-York..1856. 88 p. 8~. WILSoNt, Alexander. The Poetical Works of Alexander Wilson, the ornithologist; with an extended memoir of his life and writings. Belfast, 1820(?). xxxii, 399 p. 240~. WILSONt, Bp. Daniel.. Sermon, Church Miss. Society, Departure of J. C. Sperrhacken and J. TH. Schulze to Africa, 1814. London. 8~. — FIRST SUPPLEMENT. 907 Sermon, Death of Rev. W. Goode: 2 Pet. i, 13, 14. London, 1816. 8~.- Sermon on his induction to vicarage: 1 Pet. v, 2, 3. London, 1824. 8. — Sermon, Parochial Schools of the Nat. Society: Prov. xxix, 15. London, 1826. xxiii, 46 p. 8~.- A Plain..Address... on the Lord's Supper. 13th edition. 120. Pam. v. 377. Sermon, Romz. xi, 25 - 27. See London Soc. for...the Jews. WILSON, D. J. Six-mile Bridge, Limerick. A few queries... Dublin, 1853. 19 p. 8~. Pam. v. 423. WILSON (Henry), of Mass. Speech, U.S. Senate, Defence of the Republican party, Dec. 19, 1856. Washington, 1857. 16 p. 8~. Pam. v. 537. WILSON ( H. B.), D.D. St. Thomas' rectory..... London, 1851. 8~. Pam.v. 329. Postscript to a Letter to... Sir W. Magnay...on... the Vintry Ward School.. London, 1853. 14 p. 8~, Pam. v. 388. WILSON ( J. Leighton), D.D. The British Squadron on the Coast of Africa; with Notes by H. D. Trotter, R.N. London, 1851. 32 p. 8~. Pam. v. 438. ----- The Great Revolt in Iidia. See Presb. Church Missions. WILSON, J. P. Letters of Advice: To the Men employed in the Belmont factory.. Eng. 1851, 52. 8o.- Letters to the Board of Directors of Price's Patent Candle Company, Nov. 4,1852. 28 p.- Letter To the Workpeople of the same, Dec. 16, 1852. 36 p. 8~0. Pam.;v. 524. WILSON (James), M.P. Speech on the Navigation laws, Mar. 9, 1849. London. 8. Pam. v.. 426. WILSON (James) and J. M. GULLY, 1MY.D. The Practice of the Watercure...1st Am. edition. New-York, 1847. 144 p. 18~. WILSON ( James P.), D.D. Thanksgiving Sermon on the Perpetuity of the Union: I Kings iv, 25. Philadelphia, 1851. 8~. Pam. v. 557. WILSON, Jasper. Pseud. A Letter commercial and political, addressed to.... W. Pitt, in which the real interests of Britain at the present crisis are considered... 3d ed... By James Currie, M.D. London, 1793. 72 p. 80. Pamn. v.412, 221. WILSON, John. Noctes Ambrosiane: By Professor Wilson. In four volumes. Edited by J. F. F. Edinburgh, 1855, 56. 4 v. 120. See also Noctes Ambrosian-e, 5 v. WILSON, John. Shaksperiana: Catalogue of all the books, pamphlets, etc., relating to Shakspeare; to which are subjoined an account of the early quarto editions...London, printed for John Wilson,'1827. xli, 69 p. 18~. WILSON, John. List of Plants Albany Nursery, 1857. 8~. Pam. v. 505. WILSON ( Joshua L.), D.D. Four Propositions sustained against the Claims of the American Home Missionary Society. New-York, 1831. 16 p. 80. Pam v. 525. WILSON, Robert A. Mexico and its Religion; with Incidents of travel in that country during parts of the years 1851, 52, 53, 54, and historical notices of events connected with places visited. New-York 1855. 120. 908 GENERAL LIBRARY. WILSON, Robert A.: A New History of the Conquest of Mexico: In which Las fullyvindicated...Philadelphia, 1859. 539 p. 8~. WILSON, Rev. R. P. Lectures on Spiritual Science. Cleveland, Ohio, 1854. 95 p. 8~. Pam. v. 563. WILSON, Samuel. Sermon, Death of Rev. William Arnold;: Luke vii, 47. London, 1734. 80. Pam. v. 381. The Deity and Satisfaction of Christ asserted; being an Answer to... Causa Dei contra novatores... London, 1747. 40 p. 8~. Pam. v. 312. WILSON, Rev. Samuel S. Tov K)ljpov o O&qyo~: T-rot, HapalSpaact teatl EooXta, f rl)v 7rpO TtloOe8ov m at Tt'-ov -rpowv ayctv E7taTroXrov lIavvTov -ov Aroavro2uov..... MeXt-rn, Aovd. Alroar. E-rapstaf, 1829. lxix, 280-p.4~. WILSONt, Bp. Thomas. Sermon before the Queen, Holy Thursday: Mlatt. vi, 21. London, 1711. 8~. Pam. v. 365. A Short and Plain Instruction for the.... Lord's Supper., See Soc. Pro. Chr. Knowledge. The Knowledge and Practice of Christianity made easy to the meanest capacities; or an Essay towards an Instruction for the Indians..&c. 15th edition. London..1792. 12~. WILSON COLLEGIATE INSTITUTE, Niagara county, N.Y.: Catalogue, 1857. 8~. Pam. v. 457. WILSON INDUSTRIAL SCHOOL ASSOCIATION for Girls: 2d, 3d, 6th Report. New-York, 1855, 56, 59. 8~. Pam. v. 509. WINARICKY, C. Jean Gutenberg, ne en 1412 a Kuttenberg en Boheme, Echelier es arts a l'Universite de Prague, promu le 18 Novembre 1445, inventeur de l'imprimerie a Mayence en 1450. Essai historique et critique, par le Rebverend Charles Winaricky... Traduit du MS. allemand, par le Chevalier Jean de Carro.... Bruxelles-, 1847. 104 p.. 12~. WINCKELSMANNt, John-Joachim. The History of ancient art. G. HI. Lodge. With the Life of: by the editor. Vol. I. Boston, 1856. xi, 459 p. 8~. -.... Lettre de M. l'Abbe Winckelmann, Antiquaire de Sa Saintete, a Monsieur le Comte de Brihl...Sur les Decouvertes d'Ilerculanum. Trad. de l'allemand. A Dresde..1764. 107'p. 40~. See Venuti, M.D. WINDHAM, Rt. Hon. William. Select Speeches of W. W. and William Huskisson, with prelim. biographical sketches. Ed. by Robt. Walsh. Philadelphia, 1837. 616 p. 8~. Speech, H. of Commons, Nov. 4, 1801,.Of Peace with the Republick of France. London. 80~. Pam. v. 440. Speech, H. of Commons, May 26, 1809, Independence of Parliament..... obtaining seats by corrupt practices. London, 1810. 8~. Pam. v. 440. WINDHAM Co. (Vt.) BAPTIST ASSOCIATION: Minutes. Brattleboro, 1848. 8~. Pam. v. 466. WINDISCHMANN, Friedrich. Der, Fortschritt der Sprachenkunde und ihre gegenwartige: aufgabe. 1844. 28 p. See KSn. Baier. Ak. Reden, v. 5. FIRST SUPPLEMENT. 909 WINES, Rev. E. C. Address, Suffolk Co. Temp. Soc., Huntington, L.I. New-York, 1852. 8~. Pam. v. 234. WING, Halsey R. Essay on the Moral and Intellectual effects of studying the mathematical and physical sciences...Albany, 1834. 33 p. 80. Pam. v. 237. WING, T.: Ephemeris. See Olympia domata, 1696- 1778. WINGATE, J.: Editor. See Maryland Register, 1860. WINGEN, Nic. van. Heilige Nagedagtenisse van getrouwe voorgangeren....Heb. xiii, 7....over't...aftsterven van... David van Henghel...Utrecht, 1711. 180. Pam. v. 632. WINKLER, Johan Hendrik. Beginselen der Natuurkunde...Naar den....Hoogduitschen drnuk vertaald. Met koperen plaaten. Te Amsterdam, 1768. 8~. WINONA (City of ) AND SOUTHERN MINNESOTA: A Sketch of their growth and prospects...D. Sinclair & Co. Pub. Winona, 1858. 36 p. 8~. Pam. v. 565. WINSLOW ( Charles F.), M.D. Cosmography; or Philosophical Views of the Universe. Boston, 1853. 174 p. 18~. The Preparation of the Earth for the Intellectual Races: a Lecture, delivered at Sacramento, California, April 10, 1854..... Boston, 1854. 59 p. 12~. [WINSLOW, Gov. Edward ]. Good Newes from New-England, 1624. See Young's Chronicles; Mass. Hist. Coill. S. 1, v. 8; S. 2, v. 9. [-] Brief Narrative of...the first planting of New-England, 1646. See Young's Chronicles. New-England's Salamander discovered. London, 1647. See Mass. Hist. Soc. Coll. S. 3, v. 2. The Glorious Progress of the Gospel amongst the Indians of New-England..London, 1649. See Mass. Hist. Soc. Coill. S. 3, v. 4. WINSLOWt ( Hubbard ), D.D. The Best Method of cultivating the intellectual powers. 1838. See Lectures. [ —-] See Examination of Dr. Tyler's Vindication, 1830. WINSLOW, Rev. Miron. Memoir of Mrs. Harriet L. Winslow, 13 years a member of the American Mission in Ceylon. N.York. 480 p. 18~. WINTERBOTHAMt, W. An Historical, Geographical, Commercial, and Philosophical View of the United States of America, and of the European settlements in America and the West-Indies. The 1st Am. edition, with additions and corrections. New-York... 1796. 4 v. 80. WINTERFIELD, Capt. The Voyages, Distresses and Adventures of Capt. Winterfield. Written by himself. Containing an account of his transactions in America during the war; his disastrous voyage to England, etc. A new edition. London, 1800. 48 p. 120. WINTHROP (John), LL.D., F.R.S. Two Lectures on Comets, by Prof. Winthrop; also an Essay on Comets by A. Oliver junior, esq. With Sketches of the lives of:... Likewise, a Supplement relative to the present comet of 1811. Boston, 1811. xxvi, 191. 180. WINTHROPt (Robert, C.), of Mass. An Address, Boston Mer. Library Ass'n, Oct. 15, 1845. Boston, 1845. 8~. Pam. v. 242. 910 GENERAL LIBRARY. WINTHROP (Robert C.): - Speech, U.S. House of R., on the Tariff. Washington, 1846. 8~. Pam. v. 290. Speech, U.S. IIH. of R., on the Mexican War. Washington, 1847. 16 p. 8~. Pam. v. 486. - Speech, U.S. H. of Rep., Feb. 21, 1850, on the President's Message. Washington. 16 p. 8~. Pam. v. 193. ---- Speech, U.S. H. of R., May 8, 1850, on the Admission of California. Washington. 28 p. 8~. Pam. v. 193. ----- Oration, at the Inauguration of the Statue of Benjamin Franklin, in his native city, Sept. 17, 1856.,Boston, 1856. 80. Pam. v. 242. Address, Grand Musical Festival, Boston Music Hall, May 21, 1857. Boston, 1857. 8-. Pam. v. 287. Mr. Winthrop's Vote on the War bill. [ Whig Meeting, March 9. Boston, Sept. 1846, Proceedings]. 12 p. 8~. Pam. v. 259. [WINTHROP (Tho. L.), LL.D.]. Address. See Greek Relief Committee, 1823. WTIRTt, William. Introduction of Slaves into the country, 1822. See United States: Slave trade. WISCONSINt: BANKS. An Act to authorize the business of banking. Madison, 1853. 24 p.- The Banking laws of the State. Madison, 1858. 65 p. — Annual Report of the banking department for 1856. Madison, 1857. 103 p.- Ann. Report of the Bank Comptroller for 1857, 1858. Madison, 1858, 58 (9?). 136, 130 p. In 1 v. 8~. --: Annual Report of the Bank Comptroller.... for 1854. Madison, 1855. Pam. v. 252. --: EDUCATION. Annual Report of the State Superintendent of Public Instruction, Dec. 31, 1852. Madison, 1853. Pam. v. 172.Report for 1853. Madison. 1854. 80. Pam. v. 190. ~: - Tenth, Eleventh Annual Report on the condition and improvement of the common schools.... for 1858, 1859. By L. C. Draper, Sup't. Madison, 1858, 59. In 1 v. 8~. -~: --- Jaarlijksch Rapport van den Staats Opziener van openbaar Onderwijs, van den Staat Wisconsin, voor het jaar 1855. Sheboygan, 1856. 86 p. 8~. Pam. v. 269..:.- Report of the Comm'rs of School and University lands...for 1856. Madison, 1857. 8~. Pam. v. 553. ---- FINANCES. Annual Report of the Secretary of State, Dec. 31, 1856. Madison, 1857. 109 p. 80. Pam. v. 269. ----: - Report of Joint Select Committee..." "to investigate the offices of the State Treasurer, the Secretary of State, and School and University land commissioners," etc..... Madison, 1856. 175 p. 8~. Pam. v. 522. - GEOLOGICAL SURVEY. Ann. Report of the Geological James G. Percival. Madison, 1856. Pam. v. 274. -:. Jahres-Bericht der Geologischen Vermessung... von J. G. Percival...Milwaukie, 1856. 103 p. 120. Panl. v. 551..: - Report on the Iron of Dodge and Washington counties. Milwaukee, 1855. 8~. Pain. v. 274. FIRST SUPPLEMENT. 911 WISCONSIN (continued): -: --- Report of the Judiciary relation to the removal of Prof. Edward Daniels, State Geologist. Also, the Report of the Select Committee upon the same subject.... Ripon, 1855. 8~. Pam. v. 274. -— ~: LANDS. List of Lands in the counties of Brown, etc.... to be offered at public sale by the Commissioners of School and University lands... Madison, 1857. 214. 8~. ----: PRISONS. Annual Report of the Prison Commissioner....for 1856. Madison, 1857. 21 p. 8~. Pam. v. 539.: PUBLIC WoRIs. Annual Report of Board of Public Works for 1853. Madison. 56 p. 80. Pam. v. 477, 192. WISCONSINt: General Description (1853). 16 p. 8~. Pam. v. 565, 192. WISCONSIN AND THE CITY OF RACINE, its advantages.....Witbeck & Rowley. Racine, 1856. 16 p. 8~, and map. Pam. v. 565. WISCONSIN ALMANAC and ANNUAL REGISTER, for the year 1856, No. 1; 1857, No. 2...By J. W. Hunt, Asst. Sec. of State. Milwaukee. 96, 119 p. 2 v. 12~. WISCONSIN AND SUPERIOR RAILROAD COMPANY: Charter.. together with land grant to Wisconsin and Michigan... Chicago, 1856. 167, 65 p. 8~. Pain. v. 283. WISCONSIN FRUIT-GROWERS' ASSOCIATION: Transactions, 1855.... and the Report of the Convention, held at Whitewater...Sept. 12, 13. Milwaukee, 1856. 8~. Pam. v. 274. WISCONSINt STATE AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY: Transactions, Vol. 3, 1853; Vol.4, 1854, 55, 56, 57; Vol. 5, 1858, 59. Madison. 3 v. 8~. - Report, 1856. Pain. v. 461. WISCONSINt STATE HISTORICAL SOCIETY: Second, Third, Fourth Annual *Report and Collections of the State Historical Society of Wisconsin, for the year 1855, 1856, 1857 and 58: Volume II, IIi, IV. Madison, 1856, 57, 59. 548, 549, 508 p. 3 v. 8~. Zweiter Jahres-Bericht und Sammlungen:..... Fur das jahr 1855. Zweiter band. Milwaukie, 1856. 501 p. 80. WISCONSIN TEACHERS' ASSOCIATION: First Annual Report. Madison, 1854. 8~. Pain. v. 491. WISEt ( H. A.), of Va. Speech, U.S. H. of R., on the subject of the late Defalcations, Dec. 21, 1838. 32 p. 8~. Pam. v. 487. WISE, John. A Vindication of the Government of the New-England churches.... By John Wise, A.M., Pastor to a Church in Ipswich. * (Ist edition, 1717). 2 ed. Boston, 1772. 271 p. 12~.... Embracing also, The Churches Quarrel espoused; or a Reply in Satyr, etc., by the same.: A Platform of Church discipline.. Cambridge, 1648; Confession of Faith, Synod of 1680; and 1093 subscribers' names. WISELIUS, Sam. I. Adel en Mathilda, treuerspel.....2de druk. Amst. 1817. 116 p. 18~. Pain. v. 633. WISEMViNt, Car'd. Nicholas. Remarks on a Letter of the Rev. W. Palmer...London, 1841. 88 p. 8~. Pam. v. 347. 912 GENERAL LIBRARY. WISEMAN, Card. Nicholas: ---- A Letter respectfully addressed to the Rev. J. H. Newman, upon some passages in his letter to the Rev. Dr. Jelf. 2d edition. London, 1841. 32 p. 80. Pain. v. 347. Words of Peace and Justice, addressed to the Catholic clergy and laity of the London district, on the subject of diplomatic relations with the Holy See.. London, 1848. 20 p. 8s. Pain. v. 347. An Appeal to the Reason and good feeling of the English people, on the subject of theCatholic hierarchy...London, 1850. 32 p. 8~. Pam. v. 347. ---- Fabiola; or, the Church of the Catacombs. N.York..1855. 12~. ----- Recollections of the last four Popes, and of Rome in their times. London, 1858. 532 p. 8~. Sermons. See Catholic Pulpit, No. 15, etc. WISNER (Benjamin B.), D.D. The History of the Old South Church in Boston, in four sermons....a century from the first occupancy of the present meeting-house. Boston, 1830. 122 p. 8~. [ ] See Review of a Pamphlet. Boston, 1828. WISNER (William ), D.D. The Line of Demarcation between the secular kingdoms of the world and the spiritual kingdom... A Sermon.. Matt. xxii, 21. Ithaca, N.Y. 1844. 8~. Pam. v. 557. WISWELL, George F....A Sermon on the Life and Character of the late Rev. Jonathan Huntting, at Southold, Dec. 9, 1851. New-York, 1852. 12~. Pam. v. 238. WITHER, George. Hymns and Songs of the Church. With an introduction by Edward Farr. London, J. R. Smith, 1856. 18~. WITHERBY, William. Hints.. to Commentators.. on the Prophecies of Daniel and the Revelation of St. John. London, 1821. 54 p. 8~. Pam. v. 310. WITHERELL (Rev. George), Hartford, Washington County, N.Y. A Sermon on the subjects and mode of Baptism...Plattsburgh,; N.Y. 1817. 28 p. Pam. v. 466. - An Impartial Statement of the Facts in the Case of:.. Boston, 1831. 8~. Pain. v. 262. WITHERS, John. A Vindication of the Dissenters from the charge of rebellion...London, 1719. 78 p. 8~. Pain. v. 318. [ WITHERS, Dr. Philip]. See Philo-Theodosius...on E. Burke, 17190. WITHEusPOONt (John), D.D. A Serious Inquiry into the nature and effects of the stage...Also a Sermon by Samuel Miller, D.D. NewYork, 1812. 199 p. 12~. WITHINGTON (Leonard), D.D. The Soul of Man: A Sermon, Tabernacle Church in Salem, Mass., Ap. 22, 1832. Salem, 1832. 80. Pam. v. 106. Puritan Morals Defended: A Discourse... Dedication of the Crombie-street Church in Salem, and installation of W. Williams, Nov. 22, 1832. Salem, 1832. 8~. Pam. v. 106. [ —-] See Penitential Tears, 1845. Cat. 1855. FIRST SUPPLEMENT.!1 sermon, 20th Anniversary of the standing of the FirsLt Church in iewbury... Oct. 20, 1846. Newburyport, 1846. Pa. v. 06. WITTENBERG COLLEGE, Springfield, Ohio. Catalogue, 1854. Springfield, 1855.,8~. Pam. v.-480. A Circular addressed to the members of the Evang. Lutheran Church. 11 p.,!80 Pam. v. 490. WITZLEBEN, Frid. Sig., Editor. See Jablonovius, Bibliotheca. WIVELL, Abr. An Historical Account of the Bust of lW. Shakspeare... at Stratford-up-on-Avon..l. Londo,, 1827. 28 p'. 8d: Pam.'. 400. WIx,,Rev. Samuel. Plain Reasons why Political power should not be granted to Papists. London, 1822. 16,p. 8~. Pam. v. 345. WIZARD (The). Union College, 1838. 28 p. 80. Pam. v. 497. WODROW SOCIETY: Select Biographies. Edited for the Wodrow Society', hiefly from manuscripts inh the library of the Faculty of Advocates. By the Rev. W. K. Tweedie. -Edinburgh, 1845:, 47. 2 v. 8~. WODSWORTH, Rev. William. Religion the Basis of Loyalty: A Sermon: Prov. xxiv, 21; Jan. 30, 1820. London. 80. Pam. v. 376. WOEHLER, Friederich. The Analytical Chemist's Assistant..To which are appeended the:rules' for detecting arenn seni icas' poisoning. Trans. from the German; with...additions, by'Oscar /M.'Lieber... Philadelphia'...1852. 12~. [WOLCOTT (John), M.D.]. The Works of Peter Pindar, esq. Lond.', 179.4.,3 v. 80. [ —] The Poetical Works of Peter Pindar, esq... To which are pre-.fixed, Memoirs and Anecdotes of the author. Newburyport, /Mass. (1800?). 180. [ —] More Money! or Odes of instruction to Mr.Pitt.... By Peter Pindar, esq.**. London; 1792. 59:p.: 4. Pam. v. 1016. - [WOLCOTTt (Oliver) jr.]. See British Influence,,1804. WOLCOTT, Roger. Brief Account of the,Agency of Hon.-John WVin-,throp... when he obtained a charter for.... Connecticut: A Poem. See Mass. Hist. Soc. Collections, S. i, v. 4.,,WOLCOTT, Samuel. Sermon, Massachusetts Annual Election, Jan. 5: Rev. xi, 17. Boston, 1853. 80. Pam. v. 557. WOLF, Christian.... Elementa Matheseos Universae..Editio nova... correctior. Genevae, 1732-41. 5 v. 40.' - -' WOLFt, Joh. Christ.: Translator, etc. See Aprosio, A., Bibliotheca. WOLFE, U. Schiedam Aromatic Schnapps. N.York, 1853. 120. Pam. v. 89. Elucidation of... Holland and English gin. hN.York, i857. 8~0 Pami. v. 298. WOLFF, Elizabeth Bekker weduwe A. De Natuur is mijne Zanggodin: Dichtstuk. Hage, 1784.:128 p.'80. Pam. v. 110. Economische Liedjes, uitgegeven door E. Bekker en A. Dekken. Tweede druk. In S'Graavenhage, 1791. 18~. WOLFFt (Joseph), DD. Researches and Missionary labours among the Jews, Mohammedans, and other sects...during his travels.. 1;83134. Philadelphia, 1837. 12~.' [ STrPL.1 115 914 - GENERAL LIBRARY. WOLLASTON, Rev. Francis. A Country Parson's Address to his flock, to caution them against...receiving Jacobin teachers of sedition.. London, 1799. 43 p. 8~. Pam. v. 413. ----- A Brief Survey of the Ways of God to man...London (1820?). 30 p. 80. Pain. v. 321. WOLLASTON, William. The Religion of Nature delineated... 6th ed...London, 1738. 4~ WOMAN'S HOSPITAL ASSOCIATION: Constitution.- First Report, N. York, 1856.- First Anniversary, February 9, 1856.- Memorial to the Legislature, N.York, 1857. 80. Pam. v. 506.- 1st Report. Pam. v. 246. WO.MAN'S PRIsoN ASSOCIATION AND HOME: 12th, 13th Reports. N. York, 1858. 8~. Pam. v. 226. WOMAN'S RIGHTS CONVENTION. Proceedings at Worcester, 1851. N. York, 1852. 112 p. — Proceedings at Syracuse, 1852. 98 p.- Address to the Legislature of New-York, Albany, 1854.. 19 p.- Report of the Woman's Rights Meeting at Mercantile Hall.. Boston, 1859. 32 p. Pam. v. 226. WOOD'S ALMANAC, J. Sharp. New-York, 1817,'33. 120. Aim. v. 23. WOOD AND SHARWOOD'S List of Printing materials... and Specimens. London. Pam. v. 470. WOOD, Sir C. West India interest: Speech of.... the Chanc. of the Exchequer, H. of Commons, Feb. 3, 1848. 8~. Pam. v. 438. WOOD (Ephraim) jr., esq. Fair and Candid exposition of the doctrine of Universalism....Sacket's Harbor, 1823.. 46 p. 80. Pam. v. 262. WOOD, Fernando. Communication from His Honor the the Common Council, Jan. 7, 1856. New-York. 16 p.- the Common Council...Feb. 4, 1856. New-York. 72 p. -- Communication..... to the Common Council..... Feb. 18, 1857. New-York. 24 p.- the Common Council.... May 4, 1857. New-York. 23 p. 8~. Pam. v. 531. ---- the Common Council of New-York, Feb. 4, 1856; July 7, 1856; Jan. 5, 1857; Feb. 18, 1857. New-York, 1856, 57. 8~. Pam. v. 261. - A Biography of: A History of... our'Model mayor. No. 1. 32 p. 80. Pam. v. 261. A Model Mayor: Early life, Congressional career, and triumphant municipal administration of Fernando Wood, Mayor....By a Citizen of New-York. New-York, 1855. 126 p. 8~. WOOD (George), esq. A Speech.....before a Comm. of the friends of D. Webster...New-York, 1852. 15 p. 8~. Pam. v. 527. WOODt (Geo. B.), M.D. Address, Medical Graduates, Univ. of Penn. and Hist. Appendix. Philadelphia, 1836. 36 p. 80. Pam. v. 516. --- Address, American Medical Association, Detroit, May 6th, 1856. Philadelphia, 1856. 8~. Pam. v. 242. WOOD, H. Observations on Military Education for the British army. Brighton, 1847. 12 p. 8~. Pam. v. 406. WOOD (James R.), M.D. Early History of the operation of ligature of the primitive carotid artery.... From N.Y. Jour. of Med. NewYork, 1857. 59 p. 8~0. Pam. v. 516. FIRST SUPPLEMENT. 915 WooDt, John. The Suppressed History of the Administration of John Adams (from 1797 to 1801), as printed and suppressed in 1802..-.. Now republished with notes and an appendix by J. H. Sherburne.. Philadelphia... 1846. 12~. WooD, N. N. Sermon, at Lebanon Springs, Death of Rev. William M. Doolittle, Pastor of the Baptist Church, Northampton, Mass. Troy, 1842. 8~. Pam. v. 554. WooDt (Silas), of N.Y. Speech, U. S. H. of R., Jan. 27, 1823, On internal improvements. 8~. Pam. v. 194. WOOD, William. Sermon, Commencement of the 19th century: 2 Pet. iii, 8. Leeds, Eng. 8~. Pam. v. 375. WooDt (William M.), Mi.D. The Naval Institutions of a republic: An Address...2d ed. Auburn, N.Y.1853. 63 p. 12~. Pam. v. 521. Fankwei; or, the San Jacinto in the Seas of India, China and Japan. New-York; 1859. 12~. WOODBRIDGEt, William. A Sermon, on the Care of the Soul, delivered to the Society in North-Killingworth. Middletown, Conn. 1798. 80~. Pam. v. 94. WOODBRIDGE, William E. The Advantages of a new mode of making cannon; invented by: 7 p. 8~. With JVISS. additions. Pam. v. 102. WOODBURYt, Levi. A Discourse.....before the American Historical Society, Second Annual Meeting, Jan. 1837. Washington, 1837. 8~. Pam. v. 204. WOODBURY, Conn. Second Centennial Celebration of the exploration of Ancient Woodbury.... July 4 and 5, 1859. Ed. by W. Cothren. Woodbury, 1859. 223 p. 8~. See also Cothren. Cat. 1855. WOODcROFTt, Bennet: Superintendent of Specifications of Patents. See Great Britain: Patents. WTOODD, Basil. Funeral Sermon....of Mr. I. I. jun.: Jer. xxxi, 1820. London, 1794. 80. Pam. v. 382. [ WOODHEAD, Abraham]. Four Conferences concerning: I, Reading the Holy SS. in the vulgar tongue; II, Half Communion; III, Worshipping of images; IV, The Invocation of Saints. Oxford, 1688. 221 p. 40. Pam. v. 357. WOODLAWN (The) CEMETERY in North-Chelsea and Malden. By Henry Weld Fuller. Boston, 1856. 125 p. 8~. WOODMAN, Edward. A List of some of the descendants of: who settled at Newbury, Mass., 1635. By Joshua Coffin. Newburyport, Mass. 1855. 16 p. 12~. WooDst, (Leonard), D.D. [ A Collection of Writings of ]. 1 v. 8~. Contents * Theology of the Puritans. Boston, 1851. 46 p. * A Testimony against the Publications of Marcus: In several Letters addressed to the author. Newburyport, 1806. 48 p. Sermon, Funeral of S. Spring, D.D. Newburyport, 1819. A Reply to Dr. Ware's Letters to Trinitarians and Calvinists. Andover, 1821. 228 p. Letters to N. W. Taylor, D.D. Andover, 1830. 114 p. * Sermon, Convention of Cong. ministers, 1823. Boston. 2 copies. 916' ~f~jGENERiAL LIBRAiRY. WOODS (D I;eo(narl), D.D*'Sermon, Fuiineral of S. Abbot. ioston, i1 2. Sermon, Ordination of J. Hawes. Hartford, 1818. 2 copies. Sermon, Death of J. Evarts. Andover, 1831. * Sermon., Mssachusetts Missionary society. Boston, 1812. * The Objection to the Inspiration of the Evangelists from their manner of quoting..the 0. T.: A Lecture. Andover, 1824. * Sermon, Ordination of D. B. Woods. Andover, 1839Sermon, Death of S. Worcester, D.D. Salem, 1821. Sermon, I'nstallatioon of T. l.'Smilthl. A'ndo'ver, 1831. * Not in his collected works.'!......:.....;: - Sermon,,':at Salem, Ordinhation of S. Newell, A. Judson, S. Nott, G0. Hall, L. Rice, Missionaries.. [ Charge by S. Spring; Right-hand of fellowshi'p', by'S. Worcester]. B-oston, 1812. 8~. Pam. v. 525. -; Sermon, Ordination of Rev. Benj. B. Wisner.... in Boston: 1 Cor. ii, 1.'Anidover, 1821. 80. Pa'm. v. 556. WOODS (Leonard ) jr., D.D. A Eulogy on Daniel Webster....Portland, Nov. 17, 1852. Brunswick, Me. 1852. 54 p. 8~. Pam. v. 494..WOODVILLE (William), M.D. The History of the Inoculation of the Small-pox in Great Britain; comprehending a review of all the public'atons on the subject:ol. * V. London, 1796. 1 v. 8. WOODWARD COLLEGE AND HIGH SCHOOL: Catalogue. Cincinnati, 1846. 8~. Pam. v. 480. WoODwo ~RTH,, Joh.n. Re'miniscences of Troy from its settlement in 1790 to 1807.....2d edition, with J. M'unsell. Albany, 1860. iv, 112 p. 40. WOODWORTTHt, W. W. Argument on the Memorial of:'praying the.further extension of letters patent for planing machine. By C. M.;Keller. Washington, 1852. 24 p. 80. Pam. v. 298. Report of the Committee on Patents on the same. H. of R., July 17, 1852. 19 80. 8~. Pam. v. 205, 298, 274. - Argument against the Extension of the, Woodworth Patent, before the Hon. the Committees of Patents of the Sen. and H. of R., U. S. By J. K. Porter. 8~. Pam. v. 274. WOODWORTH (William W.)., of N.Y. Speech, I. S. H. of R., on the Wilmot Proviso, Mar. 3, 1847. 80. Pam. v. 193. WOOLEY (Rev. Charles), A.M. A Two Years Journal in New-York and parts of the interior in North-America....A new edition, with an introduction and...notes by E. B. O'Callaghan...Gowans's Bib. Americana, No.:2. New-York, 1860. 97 p. 80~. WOOLHOUSE, W. S. B. See Atlas Ouranios, 1852. WooLLEr, Lt. Col. A. R. Report of Committee on Military affairs, on the Memorial of: Cong. Doct. 1832.'11 p. 80. Pam.'v. 102. WOOLNOUGIH, C. W. The Art 6f'Marbling, as- applied:to bok- dges. and paper... With a brief notice of its recent application to textile fabrics...2d edition. London, 1854. 80 p. and 31 specimeniis. 18~. WOOLSEYt ( Theodore!D.), iDD., " LL.D. An: Historical D'iscoursepronounced before the Gradiatefs of Yale Collee, A''utust 14, "4185'0; FVIIST SUPPLEMENT. 917 one hundred and fifty years after the founding of that institutionQ.. i NeW-Haven..1850. 128 p. 8~. Sermon, Installation of Rev. Samuel G. Coe, Danbury, Co-n.: Heb.- xiii, 17. New-Haven, 1850. 80. Pam. vt, 556. -... A Sermon, Yale College, June 1, 1851, in reference to the Death of Albert Hebard... New-Haven, 1851. Pai. Pam. 238. - Dianger of separating Piety from Philanthropy..A Sermon, Gen. Assoc. of Conn.: i John iv, 21. New-Haven, 1855. 80. Pami. v. 557. See Scott, Dred, 1857. WOOLWORTH, James M. Nebraska in 1857, Omaha City..1857, 105 p. 18~. WOORDT, A. Van Der. -Gedichten, van: en Levensberlgt aangaaende den Dichter van C. J. Wenckebach. Gravenhage, 1843. 160 p. 80. WORCESTERt (Joseph E.), LL.D. A Dictionary of the English Lan*guage. Boston, 1860. lxviii, 1786 p. 4~.A Gross Literary Fraud exposed, relating to the publication of Worcester's Dictionary in London. Boston, 1853. 24 p. 8~. Pam. v. 513, 99. A Reply to Messrs. G. & C. Merriam's Attack upon the character of Dr. Worcester and his dictionaries. Boston, Jenks, Hinckling &; Swan, 1854. 48 p. 80. Pam. v. 513. [WORCESTERTi, Noah]. Editor. See Friend of Peace. Bible News; or Sacred Truths relating to the Living God....'2d edition. Bo0ston, 1812. 12~. WOCit8TERt (Samuel), DD...A Sermon.. July 23, 1812...Fast in Massachusetts, on account of the War with Great Britain. Salem,:1:812. 8'. Paim. v. 106.... A Discourse.'..Aug. 20, 1812, the day of National humiliation and prayer, on account of the War with Great Britain. Also the Substance of a Discourse, delivered Sabbath day, August 9, 1812. Salem, 1812. 8~0. Pam. v. 106. - A Sermon, Bible Society of Salem, June 10, 1818. Salem, 1818. 80. Pam. v. 106. WORCESTERt ( Samuel M.), D.D. New-England's Glory and Crown: At Dis course, Ply mouth, Mass., Dec. 22, 1848.'2d edition. Boston, 1849. 8~. Pam. v. 106. The Prospective Condition of our Country; with a Tribute to th'e Memory of President Taylor: A Discourse, Salem, August 4, 1850. Salem, MaSs, 1850. a80. PaiM. v. 214. The Life of Samuel Worcester, D.D.... Boston, 1852. 2 v. 120. WORCESTER, W. The Worcester Family; or the Descendants of Rev. William Worcester, with a Brief Notice of the Connecticut Wooster family. Collected by J. F. Worcester. Lynn, llass. 1856. 112 p. 8~. WORCESTER, Mass. Inaugural Address of G. W. Richardson, mayor, Jan. 1, 1855; with the Annual Reports of the several city officers, Jan. 1, 1855. Worcester. 8~. Pam. v. 192. Inaugural Address of I. Davis, mayor...with the Ann. Reports... Jan. 4, 1858. Worcester. 140 p. 8~. Pam. v. 476. 918 GENERAL LIBRARY. WORCESTER, Mass.: R- eport of a Survey for Water. By M. B. Inches. Worcester, 1854. 80. Pam. v. 192. WORCESTER AND NASHUA -RAILROAD COMPANY. Annual Report of the Directors, July 1849, 50, 52, 53, 54, 56. Worcester. Pam. v. 258.- Report, 1855. 8~. Pam. v. 208. WORCESTER AND NORWICH RAILROAD COMPANY. Act of incorporation, 1835; and the Report of the Citizens of Norwich. 80. Pam. v. 147. WORCESTER BAPTIST ASSOCIATION, N.Y.: Minutes, 1834. Cooperstown, 1834. 8~. Pam. v. 466. WORCESTrER COUNTY MECHANICS' ASSOCIATION, Mass. Reports of the 4th Exhibition, 1857. 85 p. 8~. Pam. v. 518. WORCESTER LYCErM AND LIBRARY ASSOCIATION. 3d, 4th, 5th Ann. Report, 1856, 57, 58. Worcester, Mass. Pam. v. 276.- 6th Report, 1859. 12~. Pam. v. 512.- Catalogue of Library, 1859. 120~. Pam. v. 602. WORCESTER (The) MAGAZINE: From April 1786, to Mar. 1788; Vol. 1- 4. Weekly. Worcester ( Mass.), I. Thomas. 4 v. in 3. 80~. WORD (A) for the Unwary..... being Letters from a Soldier to Mr. D. Fenner. London, 1825. 61 p. 80. Pain. v. 304. WORD (A) to the Candid. The Unitarian's reasons.. Signed Omicron. Liverpool. 80. Pam. v. 317. WORD (A) to the Hutchinsonians; or Remarks on three extraordinary sermons.. by..Dr. Patten, Mr. Wetherall, and...Mr. Horne. By a member of the University. London, 1756. 44 p. 8~. Pam. v. 300. WORDSWORTH, Rev. Charles. A Letter to the Rt. Hon. W. E. Gladstone....on the doctrine of " Religious liberty," as propounded in his letter to the Bishop of Aberdeen and Primus. Oxford, 1852. 63 p. 8~. Pam. v. 320. WORDSWORTH ( Christopher), D.D., senior. A Letter to...... Lord Teignmouth, Pres. of the B. and F. Bible Society, in vindication of " Reasons for declining to become a subscriber*. ". London, 1810. 159 p. 8~. Pain. v. 467. The Ecclesiastical Commission and the Universities..3d edition. London, 1837. 77 p. 8~. Pam. v. 455. WORDSWORTHt (Christopher), D.D., junior. Church Extension, a Discourse of St. Chrysostom..Trans. with the Greek... and A Sermon.. in behalf of the Incorp. Soc. for... building... churches.... London, 1843. 120. Pam. v. 455. ----- Occasional Sermons....No. 7, The Church of England in 1711 and 1850; No. 9, Iiotrephes and St. John: On the Claim set up by the Bp. of Rome to exercise jurisdiction in England. London, 1850. 8~. Pam. v. 455. Is the Pope of Rome the Man of Sin? A Sermon...2d edition. London, 1851. 8~. Pam. v. 455. WORDSWORTHt, William. The Poetical Works..... Boston, Little, Brown & Co.1854. 7 v. 18~. FIRST SUPPLEMENT. 919 WORLD'S TEMPERANCE CONVENTION: Proceedings.... Metropolitan Hall, in the City of New-York, Sept. 6, 1853. New-York, 1853. 8~. Pamn. v. 234. Proceedings of the First Meeting of the General Committee... with their addresses, &c. &c. Albany, 1854. 80. Pam. 234. WORM, Jens. Forsog til et Lexicon over danske, norske og islandske laerde Maend, som ved trykte Skrifter havi giort sig bekiendte, saavelsom andre Ustuderede, som noget have skrevet, hvorudi deres Fodsel, betydeligste Levnets Omstoendigheder og Dod ved Aarstal kortelig erindres, og deres skrifter saavidt mueligt, fuldstcendig ansbres, af Jens Worm......Vol. 1. Helsingoer, 1771; Vol. 2, 3. Kibbenhavn, 1773, 1783. 647, 654, 1018 p. 3 v. 12~. WORRALL, John. Bibliotheca Legum; or a New and Compleat List of all the common and statute law books of this realm, and some others relating thereunto, from their first publication to Easter term, 1753....A new edition...London, 1753. 192 p. 180~. Bibliotheca Legum Anglise, Part I: Or a Catalogue of the common and statute law books of this realm, and some others relating thereto.... A new edition, corrected.... London, 1788.- Part II, Containing a general account of the laws and law-writers of England, from the earliest times to the reign of Edward III; as also of the public records...the reports...Together with an account of the principal works upon the law and constitution, published during the present reign. Compiled by E. Brooke. Loud. 1788. 298, 255 p. 2 v. 18~. [WORTH, Gorham]. See Random Recollections. Cat. 1855. WORTH, W. Y. Cerevisiarii Comes: Or the New and True Art of brewing, illustrated by various examples in making beer, -ale, and other liquors.. To which is added, the right way to refine and bottle beer and cyder...By W. Y-worth, Medicin. Professor, Ingenuarum Artium Studens & per ignem Philosophus. Lond..1692. 121 p. 18~. The Britannian Magazine: Or a New Art of making above twenty sorts of English wines, viz.: of apples, etc. more pleasant and agreeable to the English constitution than those of France. With the way of making brandy and other spirits; as likewise how to make artificial clarets, rhenish. 2d edition. To which is added the foundation of the art of distillation.. By W. Y., M.D. London..1694. 153 p. 18~. WORTHINGTON (Lient. B.), R.N. Proposed Plan for improving Dover harbour...Dover, 1838. 174 p. and 5 plans. 8~. Pam. v. 426. WORTHINGTON, Erastus. The History of Dedham, from the beginning of its settlement in Sep. 1635, to May 1827. Boston, 1827. 146 p. 8~. WORTHINGTON, J. W. Tractarian Tendencies: A Letter to Rev. W. J. E. Bennett, on his recent correspondence with Lord John Russell and the Bp. of London. London, 1850. 33 p. 8". Pam. v. 331. WORTHINGTON, W. H. Portraits of the Sovereigns of England; engraved from the best authorities. London, Pickering, 1824. 4~. WOTHERSPOON, G. The Standing Committee of the Diocese of NewYork: Official documents presented in the case of the New Brighton Church....By G. Wotherspoon....New-York, 1850. 35 p. 8~. Pam. v. 200. 9:20 GJ13~:NERAL LIBRARY. WOTTON (William), D.D,. Sermon, Rights of the Clergy, Sept. 2, 17Q06: 1 Tim. ii, 2. LLondon. 8~0. Pam. y. 36.3. Some Thoughts concerning a proper method of studying divinity. Lo.ndon, 1734. 36 p. 8~0. Pam. y.:841. WRANGHAM, Rev. Francis. Religious Establishment: A Sermon: Rom. xv, 5, 6, at Ithe Assizes, York, Jiuly 24, 1814.- Civil Eptablishment: ASpermon ~ Prov. viii, 16, at the Xssizes, uork, March 20, 1814. 4~. Pa-m.,v. 1008. A Letter Addressed to the Clergy..... on the Roman catholic claims. 2d edition. Chester,, 1829. 21 p. 80. Pam. v. 347. WRATISLAW, A. H.:Observations on.the Cambridge system. 2d ed. Cambridge, Eng. 1850. 8~. Pam. v. 386. [ WWRAXALLt, Sir N. W.]. See Short Review..of Great Britain, 1787. WRAY, Rev. Cecil. Address, St. Mgrtin's, Liverpool....on the.occasion of the secession of the curate of that church to the Roman communion. 45th edition. -London, 1846. 12 p. 80. Pam. v. 347. MWREN, W. A Brief Account of the Life of William Wren, late preacher of the,gospel in York....York, Eng. 1784. 62p. 120784. 62ap. v. 390..WRIGHT, Rev. Alfred.... Questions on the Gospel of Mark, in the'Choctaw language..New-York, 1852. 12~. WRIGHT, Andrew. Court-Hand Restored,; or the Student's Assistant in reading old deeds, charters, records, etc. Neatly engraved on twenty-three copper plates. With an appendix containing the ancient names of places in Great Britain...ancient surnames....glossary of:latin words found in the works of the mo:st eminent lawyers. 8th,edition. London,,Bohn,. 1856..40~.,WRIGHT, Caleb. Lecture on the Condition of Women in Pagan and Mahometan Countries. Troy,,N.Y. 1845. 12~. Pam. v. 287. WRIGHT (Elizur) jr. See Quarterly Anti-Slavery Magazine. WRIGHT, George. The Book of the Decrees in thehand of the mediator, a sermon, Rev. v, 5: Asso. Baptist Churches. 1842. London. 80. Pam. v. 378. =WRIGHT, John C. Speech, U. S.!HH. of R., On the:subject of retrench-;ment. Washington, 1828. 44 p. 120. Pam. v. 487. WRIGHT, Joshua'G. Address at the Celebration of the,Battle of Moore's Creek Bridge, Feb. 27, 1857. Wilmington, N.C.:1857. 24 p. 8~. Pam. v. 504. WRIGHT, N.;H. Boston; or a Touch at the Times: A poem...Boston, 1819. 24 p. 8~. WRIGHT, Richard. An Essay on open communion.....Harlow, Eng. 1809. 17 p. 1,2. Pam. v. 303. WRIGHTO, Thomas: Editor. See Allen's History, of London; Camden Society; Percy Society; Piers Ploughman's Vision. An Essay on the State of Literature and Learning under the Anglo-Saxons: introductory to the First Section of the Biographia Britannica Literaria, under the superintendence of the Royal Soc. of Literature... Anglo-Saxon Period. London, 1842.: 554 p. 8~. FIRST SUPPLEMENT. 921 Biographia Britannica Literaria; or Biography of Literary characters of Great Britain and Ireland, arranged in chronological order. Anglo-Norman period...London, 1846. 491 p. 8~. Historical and Descriptive Account of the Caricatures of James Gillray. Comprising a political and humourous history of the latter part of the reign of George the Third. By T. W., and R. H. Evans. London, Bohn, 1851. 80. Dictionary of Obsolete and Provincial English; containing words from the English writers previous to the'nineteenth century which are no longer in use, or are not used in the same sense; and words which are now used only in the Provincial dialects..London, Bohn, 1857. 2 v. 12~. WRIGHT, Tho. Fossil Echinodermata. See Palseontographical Soc. WRITTEN for the Governor's Reply to a Letter addressed to him by a " Practical Banker," upon the proposed suppression of small bank notes. Boston, 1855. 7 p. 80. Pam. v. 227. WPRDTWEIN, S. A. Bibliotheca Moguntina; Libris sseculo primo typographico Moguntise impressis instructa, hinc inde addita inventse typographive historia.. Aug. Vindel. 1787. 251 p. and 9 plates. 40~ WuRM, C. F. Memoriam viri Consularis Amandi A. Abendroth..... civibus comrmendat... Haamburgi, 1852. 39 p. fo. Pamin. v. 1102. WORTTEM[BERGISCHE JAHRBYICHER fur vaterlandische Geschichte, Geographie, Statistik und Topographie. ierausgegeben von dem K6nlngl. statistik-topographischen Bureau, mit dem Verein fiir Vaterlandskunde. Jahrgang, 1852. Zweites heft. Stuttgart, 1853. 232 p. 12~. WYCK, J. VAN. Proeve der Redelyke Heelkonst...vermeerderd door G. Ten Haaff... Rotterdam, 1775. 565 p. 8~. WYCKOFFt (Isaac N.), D.D. The Stability of the Times: Sermon, Fourth of July, 1852, Second Ref. Prot. Dutch Church, Albany. Albany, 1852. 8~. Pam. v. 270. ----- Sermon, Death of David Pruyn, delivered.....Albany, Feb. 5, 1843. Albany, 1856. 80. Pamin. v. 268. Sermon, Death of Hibertie Pruyn..... Delivered in the Second. Ref. Prot. Dutch Church, Albany, Sept. 30, 1855. Albany, 1856. 80. Pam. v. 268. Discourse in Memory of Rev. John Ludlow, D.JD., LL.D. Albany, 1857. 8~. Pam. v. 555. Funeral Sermon on the Death of Hon. Jacob Lansing, J,:L tu. ii, 25. With appendix. Albany, 1858. 8~. Pam. v. 555. WVYER, Margaret....Brief Account of the author's early experience. London, 1823. 70 p. 12~. Pam. v. 339. WYETH'S REPOSITORY OF SACRED MUSIi....for the use of churches.. Harrisburgh...1834. 132 p. ob. 8~. WYLD, J. Description of Sevastopol, Balaklava and accompany Mr. Wyld's model of Sevastopol at the Great Globe. London, James Wyld, 1855. 19 p. 180. Pam. v. 489. WYVIMAN'S COMXIC ALMANAC. T. W. Strong, New-York, 1855. 120~ Alm. v. 30. [ SVPPL.] 116 922 GENERAL LIBRARY. WYMANt, Jeffries. Fossil Mammals from South America. See U. S. Naval Astr. Expl. Expedition. WTYNDHArM, Neville. Travels Through Europe.... extracted from.... modern travellers; viz: Coxe, Wraxall, Savary, Moore, Baron Hiesbeck, Count De Benyowski, Swinburne, Bourgoanne, Barretti, Twiss, Dillon, Townsend, Dupaty, Brydone, De Non, Mrs. Piozzi, &c... Vol. I, Iri. London. 2 v. S~.- Vol. II wanting. WYNDHAM, W. See Grenville, Lord. WYNKOOP'S COLUMBIA COUNTY ALMANAC. 1854, Kingston, Hudson, N.Y. 120. Alm. v. 37. WYNNEt (James), M.D. Private Libraries of New-York. New-York, 1P60. viii, 472 p. 8~. WYNNE, John, Bp. Sermon, H. of Lords, Restoration of Charles II: Ps. cxlvii, 1. London, 1715. 8~. Pam. v. 366. WYNPERSSE, Dionysius Van der. A Proof of the True and Eternal Godhead of.... Christ against modern attacks. Trans. by T. Bell. Edinburgh, 1795. 136 p. 120. Pam. v. 623. WYSE (Thomas), M.P. Education Reform. London, 1836. See Foster, 1B. F. WYTFLIETt, Cornelius. Histoire Universelle des Indes Occidentales et Orientales, et de la conversion des Indiens. Divis6e en trois parties. par Cornille VVytflict & Anthoine Magin, et anutres historiens...Dovay, Fabri, 1611. xvi, 108, 67 and 54 p. with maps. f'. WYVILL, Rev. Christ. A Defence of Dr. Price, and the Reformers of England. London, 1792. 100 p.- A Letter to..... Williamn Pitt on Parliamentary reform and War with France. York (1793). 8~o Pam. v. 411. WYVILL, John. Sermon...Easter Sunday...after the signing of the General Peace: Luke xxiv, 36. London, 1713. 8~. Pam. v. 365. X. XIMENES, Francisco. Las Hlistorias del Origen de los Indios de esta provincia de Guatemala, traducidas de la Lengua Quiche al Castellano pa.ra mias comodidad de los ministros del S. Evangelio. Por el -R. P. F. Francisco Xiinenes...Exactamente segun el texto Espaool del manuscrito....publicado por la primera vez y aumentado con unna introduccion y anotaciones por el Dr. C. Scherzer. A expensas de la Imp. Academia de la Ciencias. Londres, 1857. xvi, 216 p. 8%. Y. YALE, Elihu. The Yale Family, or the descendants of David Yale, with genealogical notices of each family. N.Haven, 1850. 201 p. 8~. YALEt (Elisha), D.D. The Pastor's Farewell. Two Sermons, Kirgsboro, N.Y. 1852 Acts xx, 26, 27. Albany, 1855. 8~. Pain. v. 558. YALE BANNER, Sept. 30, Supp. Oct. 6, 1857. N Haven. Newsp. v. 16. FIRST SUPPLEMENT. 923 YALEt COLLEGE, New-Haven, Conn. [A Collection], in 3 v. 8o. VOL. 1: Laws. New-IHaven, 1800. — Tl'riennial Catalogues of graduates, 1805, 08, 11, 29, 32, 47.- Reports on the Course of instruction... By a Commhittee of the Corporat-ion and the Academical faculty. NewHaven, 1828. 56 p.- Pow-wow: The Class of'57. Yale, 14 June 1854. 4 p.- Catalogue of the Conn. Alpha of the 4BK. Aug. NewHaven, 1828. — Catalogue of the Delta Kappa Fraternity, Yale and Amherst. Albany, 1852. VOL. 2: Catalocue of the Officers and Students, 1824, 29, 34 38, 44, 46, 47, 48, 49, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58. New-Haven.- Statistics of the Class of 1855... New Haven. 1859. 72 p. VOL. 3: Laws of Yale College. New-Haven, 1852.- Regulations. 4 p.Catalogus Collegii Yalensis, 1852. Novo Portu, 1853.- Catalogus Collegii Yalensis, 1856.- Catalogue of the Society of Brothers in Unity, 1854.- Catalogue of the Officers and Students, 1854.- Connecticut Alpha IBK, 1852.- Paintings belonging to Yale College, 1852. - Triennial Cat. of Theological Department, 1850. Annual Catalogues, 1846, 49, 55, 56. 8~. Pain. v. 248. -- Catalogue of Books in the Library. New-Haven, 1823. 1].01 p. 8~. Pam. v. 470. Appeal in behalf of Yale Scientific School. With an, appendix. New-Haven, 1856. 8~. Pain. v. 251. ---: LINONIAN & BROTHERm' SOCIETIES. The First Prize Speeches, for 1854. New-Haven, 1854. 8~. Pain. vo 204. ---: CONNECTICUT ALPHA of the DBK: Catalogue, August 1847. New-Haven, 1847. o~. Pam. v. 247.- 1828 & 1852.. See above. Songs of Alpha Delta Phi. Published by the Yale Chapter. 1855. 8". Pam. v. 261. YALE LITERARY MAGAZINE: Conducted by the Students of Yale College. Vol. 11, 13, 16, 18, 20, 23. New-Haven, 1845-58. 6 v. 8". YANCEY ( William L.), of Ala. Speech, U.S. H. of R., June 7, 1846, On the Oregon question. WVashiington. 8". Pain. v. 206. YARDLEY, Edward. Sermon, Sons of the Clergy, April 16, 1741: Job xxxi, 16 - 18. London. 8". Pain. v. 385. YATES, Charles. Reply to the Argument of John C. Spencer.... on Affairs of Union College, in refutation of certain charges made therein. Albany, 1854. 8 p. 8~. Pamin. v. 248. YATESt, C. C. Exposition of a most villanous attempt at extortion, by W. Russel. Albany, 1817. 8~. Pamn. v. 266. YATES, James. A Sequel to a "Vindicati'on of Unitarianism," in Reply to Dr. Wardlaw's Treatise...2d edition. London, 1-22. 131 p. 80. Pam. v. 316. A Letter to the Vice-Chancellor....relative to the Brit. & For. Unitarian Assoc' pronouncing his judgment in the case of the Attorney General v. Shore. London, 1834. 88 p. 8". Pain. v. 317. YATES (James), F.R.L. 4. G.S. Narrative of the Origin and Formation of the International Association for obtaining a uniform decimal systeml of measures, weights and coins. London & Paris, 1856. 8~. Pam. v. 233. YA:TES POLYTECHNIC INSTITLTTE, Chittenango, Madison county, N.Y. Catalogue, 1857. 8~. Pam. v. 457. 924 GENERAL LIBRARY. YELIN, Julius von. Ueber Magnetismus und Electricitat als identische urkrifte. 1818. 75 p. 4~. See Koen. Baier. Ak. Reden, v. 4. YELLOTT, George. The Maid of Peru; with other poems. Baltimore, 1848. 156 p. 120~ YOAKUM, H. History of Texas, from its first settlement in 1685, to its annexation to the United States in 1846. With an extended appendix. Redfield, New-York, 1856. 2 v. 80. YONGE, F. Narrative of the Proceedings of the People of SouthCarolina, 1719. See Carroll's Historical Collections. YONGE, Bp. Philip. Sermon, H. of Lords, Feb. 13, 1761, Fast day PFrov. xxi, 30, 31. London. 40., Pain. v. 1007. YONKERS EXAMINER: Weekly newsp. Yonkers, Westchester county0 N.Y. 1856, 57. 2 v. fo. YONKERS LIBRARY ASSOCIATION: First Annual Report... Yonkers.1855.- With, Catalogue of the Library; Second Annual Report, 1856. Yonkers. 80. YORK, Duke of. Catalogue of Library, 1-827. London. 197 p. 8~. Cat. v. 97. YORK AND CUIMBERLAND RAILROAD COMPANY. Report of the Directors. Portland, 1852. $o. Pam. v. 258. YORKE, Rev. F. H. An Introduction to the Holy Sacrament of the Lord's Supper. London, 1821. 56 p. 80. Pam. v. 304. - An Endeavour.... to reconcile the appearance of contradiction between St. Paul and St. James... Durham, 1824. 54 p. 8. Pam. v. 304. YOUNGf, (Alexander), D.D. The Good Merchant: A Discourse, Mar.. 26, 1837, Death of William Parsons, esq. 2d ed. Boston, 1845. 8~. Pam. v. 202. Discourse, Death of Hon. William Prescott, LL.D.: Isaiah iii, 1 - 3. With appendix. Boston, 1844. 34 p. 8~. Pam. v. 554. YOUNGt, Andrew W. The Government Class-book..Principles of constitutional government, and the rights and -duties of citizens. NewYork, 1859. 308 p. 12~. YOUNGt, Arthur. The Example of France a Warning to Britain. London, 1793. 122, 24 p.- The same title. 2d edition. 1793. 182 p. 80~ Pam. v. 412. YOuNGt, Augustus. Natural History of Vermont. See Vermont. An Enquiry into the Theory and Law of solar attraction. St. Albans, Vt. 1856. 19 p. 8~. Pam. v. 205. YOUNG ( C. D.) & Co. Iron and Wire-work. Edinburgh, 1850. 40 pO 8~. Pam. v. 400. YOUNG (Edward ), LL.D., senior. [A Collection], in 1 v. 40. Contents o Sermon, before the Lord Mayor: Psalm lii, 7. London, 1678. Sermon, before HI. M., 29 Dec. 1678: John xv, 22. London, 1679. Sermon, before the Lord MIayor, Feb. 4, 1682 Matt. v, 3. Lond. 1683o Sermon, Union in religion: John xvi, 31, 32. London, 1688. Sermon, Easter-day: 1 Thess. iv, 18. London, 1693. FIRST SUPPLEMENT. 925 Sermon, Assize, Wisdom of fearing God: Job xxxviii, 28. London, 1693. Two Sermons, Nature and Grace, Apr. 1699: Mat. xxvi, 35. Lond. 1700. Two Sermons, Wisdom of believing: Rom. i, 22. London, 1700. YOUNGt ( Edward), D.D., LL.D. Sermon, EI. of Commons, Jan. 30, 1729: I Peter ii, 17. London. 8~. Pam. v. 368. A Vindication of Providence; or a True Estimate of human life...A Discourse: Col. iii, 2. L.ond. 1747. 72 p. 8~. Pain. v.370. ----- The Complaint; or Night Thoughts... x **. N.York, 1796. 18~. YOUNG, Rev. Ed. On the Knowledge of Christ: A Sermon preached in Paris...Phil. iii, 10. Paris, 1833. 35 p. 8~. Pam. v. 559. YOUNG, Geo. Fred. Free Trade and the Navigation laws, practically considered. London, 1849. 54 p. 8~.- Letters on the Navigation laws. London, 1848. From the "Standard." 41 p. 8~. Pam. v. 426. -- Free-trade Fallacies refuted. Lond. 1852. 47 p. 8~. Pam. v. 424. YOUNG, Capt. H. Strictures on the Farewell Letter of H. W. Wilberforce...London, 1851. 44 p. 8~. Pam. v. 348. YOUNG, James. Faith promoted and Fears prevented; from a proper view of affliction as God's rod. In a letter from: 1667. 4th edition. London, 1828. 60 p. 120. Pam. v. 390. YOUNG, J. R. Simple Arithmetic, Algebra, and the Elements of Euclid. See Orr's Circle. YOUNG, John MT. Scraps. London, 1849. 4 p. 8~. Pam. v. 398. YOUNG, Joshua. " God greater than Man ": A Sermon preached June 11th, after the Rendition of Anthony Burns. Burlington, Vt. 1854. 8~. Pam. v. 104. YOUNG, Matthew. Catalogue...of Coins and Medals..of:... auction June 1839. Parts II - ix. London. 8~. With prices and purchasers. YOUNGt (Thomas), M.D., F.R.S. A Numerical Table of elective attractions. From the Philos. Transactions. London, 1809. 15 p. 4~. Pam. v. 1014. A Reply to the Animadversions of the Edinburgh Reviewers, on some papers published in the'Philosophical Transactions. London, 1804. 8~. Pam. v. 222. YOUNG AMERICA: Weekly periodical, Vol. 1, No. 1. Jan. 5, 1856No. 26, June 28, 1856: T. W. Strong, publisher, N.York. 1 v. 4~. YOUNG AIERICA'S COMIC ALMANAC: T. W. Strong, N.Y. 1855. 120~. Alm. v. 30. YOUNGt LADIES' INSTITUTE, Pittsfield, Mass.: Catalogue, 1850. 8~. Pam. v. 460. YOUNG (The) LADY'S BOOK: A Manual of elegant recreations, arts, sciences and accomplishments..:.1200 wood cuts. London, Bohn (1858). 120. YOUNG ( The) MAN'S MENTOR on his entrance, 1842. 66 p. 12~. Pam. v. 388. 925' GENERAL LIBRARY. YouNGt MEN'S ASSOCIATION for Mutual Improvement in the Ci'ty of Albany: Report at the 14th, 18th, 19th, 25th Annual Meeting. Al — bany, 1847, 51, 52, 58. 80~. Pam. v. 512. --: 20th, 22d Report, 1853, 55. Pam. v. 276.- Dedication of new roomns, 1851. 80. Pam. v. 169. YOUNGt MEN'S ASSOCIATION, Buffalo First to Third, Fifth to Twentieth Reports, 1837-1839, 1841-1856. Buffalo..1 v. 8~. p —-: ~7th, 10th, 15th, 16th -18th, 22d, 23d Reports, 1843 - 59. Buffalo. 80. Pam. v. 512.- 19th-. Pam. v. 209.- 20th, 21st, 22d. 1856 - 1858. Pam. v. 276.: Catalogue of the Library.'.Buffalo..1848. 146 p. 80. YOUNG MEN'S ASSOCIATION, Milwaukee Supplementary Catalogue of Library, 1857. Second Supp. 1859. Milwaukee. 80. Pam. v. 512. YOUNG MEN'S ASSOCIATTON, Rochester: Proceedings, First Annual Meeting, Nov. 26, 1838. Rochester, 1839. 80. Panm. v. 170. YOUNG MEN'S ASSOCIATION..Troy: Catalogue of the Library. Troy, 1850. 8o.: Catalogue of the Library. Troy, 1859. iv, 232 p. 8~. --: Constitution, with the Annual Reports...for 1844. Troy, 1844. 8~. Pam. v. 276. YOUNG MEN'S ASSOCIATION, Utica. Report of the Committee on Public Lectures. 1845. 18 p. 8~. Pam. v. 512. YOUNG MEN'S CATHOLIC INSTITUTE attached to the Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception: Constitution. Albany, 1857. Pali. v. 482. YOUNG MEN'S CHRISTIAN ASSOCIATION. Occasional Papers, No. III. Report of the General Conferience, Paris, 1855. London, 1856. 125 p. 120. Pam. v. 224. YOUNG MEN'S CHRISTIAN ASSOCIATIONS in North- America. The Quarterly Reporter. Vol. III, No. 1, 2, Jan., April 1858. Buffalo, N.Y. Pam. v. 224. YOUNG MEN'S CHRISTIAN UNION of Buffalo: Address, 1852.- 2d, 3d, 5th, 6th Reports, 1854, 55, 57, 58. Buffalo. 12~. Pain. v. 224. YOUNG MEN'S CHRISTIAN UNION of New-York: Constitution, etc. New-York, 1856. Pam. v. 224..- The Religious aspects of the age...being addresses delivered at the anniversary......May 13, 14, 1858, by S. Osgood and others. New-York, 1858. 179 p. 12~. Pam. v. 631. YOUNG MEN'S COLONIZATION SOCIETY: Proceedings, 1832. N.York, 8~. Pam. v. 462. YOUNG MEN'S EDUCATION SOCIETY Report. New-York, 1838. 120. Pam. v. 604. YOUNGt MIEN'S INSTITUTE, Hartford: 4th, 21st Report. Hartford, 1842, 1859. 8~. Pam. v. 512.- 16th, 17th Report, 1854, 55. Pam. v. 209. -18th, 19th, 20th Report, 1856, 57. 8~. Pam. v. 276. YOUNG MEN'S LIBRARY ASSOCIATION AND MECHANICS INSTITUTE Of the City of Pittsburgh...11th Report. Pittsburgh, Pa. 1859. 8%8 Pam. v. 512. FIRST SUPPLEMENT. 927 YOUNG MEN'S LIBRARY ASSOCIATION, WVorcester (Mass.) Second Annual Report, April, 1855. 12~. Pain. v. 209. YOUNG MEN'S MERCANTILE LIBRARY ASSOCIATION of Cincinnati: Catalogue... Cincinnati, 1855. 8~. -: 13th, 22d, 23d Annual Report, 1848,'57,'58. Pam. v. 276.- 18th Report, 1853. Pam. v. 169.- 19th, 1854. Pain. v. 170.20th, 21st, 1S55, 56. PaL. v. 209.- 24th Report, 1858. Cincinnati, 1859. Pam. v. 512. YOUNGt MEN'S MISSIONARY SOCIETY of New-York: History...containiug a correct account of the recent controversy respecting Hopkinsian doctrines... New-York, 1817. 40 p. 8~. Pam. v. 296. [ YOUNGS. (Benjanmiin S.), and Calvin GREEN]. Testimony of Christ's second appearing.. History of the Progressive work of consummating in the Millenial church.... Antichrist's kingdom, or churches contrasted with the church of Christ's first and second appearing...Published by the United Society called Shakers. Fourth edition. [Albany, 1856 ]. 8~. YOUTH'S ( The) CASKET: An Illustrated Magazine...Ed. by Mrs. H. E. G. Arey. V. 4. Jan. Buffalo, 1855. 80. Pam. v. 103. YOUTH'S TElMPERANCE ADVOCATE, 1848, 50. See Am. Temp. Union. [ YRUJO, Chev. Carlos Martinez de]. See Letters of Verus, 1797. Phil'a. YSENBEEK, D. Bijdragen tot de Geschiedenis der Doojpsgezinden en derzelver Volkplantingen in bet zuidelijk. gedeelte van Rusland. Naar het Hoogduitsch vrij gevolgd en vermeerdert door:.H. Hoorn, 1848. 95 p. 8". YULEE (David L.), of Florida. Remarks, U.S. Sen., on the Rights of the acquired territory, Feb. 14, 15, 17, 1848. 8~. Pain. v. 561. YvoY, M. D'. See Beeldsnijder, G. J. Y-WORTH, W. — See Worth, W. Y. Z. ZACHARIAS, Rev. D. A Centenary Sermon..of the German Reformed congregation...Frederick, Md. 1847. 8~. Pam. v. 267. ZACHAARI S, Fran. Ant. Bibliotheca Pistoriensis.... descripta, inque duos libros distributa, quorum prior Mss. trium prmecipuarumque Pistoriensium Bibliothecarum codices, posterior Pistorienses scriptores complectitur....Aug. Tauri. 1752. 378 p. 40~. ZAMAKHSIISHARI, Abuel Cassem Az-. Specimen e Literis orientalibus, exhibens Az-Zanmaksarii Lexicon geographicum..quod e Cod. Leyd. nunc primumr edidit M. S. De Grave. Lugduni, 1856. 31, 201 p. 8~. [Z-AMAN, P. de]. See Exposition des trois etats de Flandres, 1711. ZAM:ELLI, A. Se gli Arabi del medio evo abbiano avuto qualche influenza sui primordj della moderna letteratura, 1856. See Lomb. Institute. V. v, VI. ZANETTI, Ant. M. See Bibliotlheca D. Marci Mss. Venet. Cat, 1855. 928 GENERAL LIBRARY. ZAPF, Georg Wilhelm. Annales Typographise Augustanre ab ejus origine MCCOCLXvI usque ad annum MDXXX. Accedit domini Francisci Antonii Veith Diatribe de origine et incrementis artis typographicse in urbe Augusta Vindelica..... Aug. Vindel. 1778. lxviii, 120 p. 40~. ----- Augsburgs Buchdruckergesechichte, nebst den Jahrbiichern derselben. Erster theil, vorn jahre 1468 bis auf das jahr 1500. Zweiter theil, vom jahre 1501 bis auf das jahr 1530.. Augsburg, 1786, 1791. xlviii, 220, xvi, 262 p. 2 v.40. ---- Aelteste Buchdruckergeschichte von Mainz: Von derselben Erfindung bis auf das jahr 1499...Ulm, 1790. 163 p. and reg. 8~. - Elteste Buchdruckergeschichte Schwabens. Oder Verzeichniss aller von Erfindung der Buchdruckerkunst bis 1500, in Ulm, Esslingen, Reutlingen, Memmingen, Stuttgart, Tiibingen, Urach, Blauberen und Costanz gedrukten biicher, mit litterarischen aumerkungen. Ulm, 1791. xxviii, 263 p. & reg. 8~. ZECH, Johann Nepomuck F. von. IRede zum Andenken des Don Ferdinand Sterzinger....1787. 24 p. Portrait. See Koen. Baier. Ak. Reden, v. 3. ZEDEKUNDE in Voorbeelden en verhalen voor huisgezinnen. Uitg. Maatsch.'Tot nut van't algemeen. Amsteldam, 1808, 09. 2 parts in lv. 80. ZEEGERS, L. Th. Beknopte Geschiedenis der Stad Amsterdam..Amsterdam. 80. ZEITSCHRIFT fiIr die Staatsarzneikunde, See HIenke, A. ZELL, Thomas. A Brief Memoir of:.. originally published in Friend's Intelligencer. Philadelphia, 1859. 79 p. 180~. ZELLER, Jules. Histoire de l'Italie depuis l'invasion des barbares jusqu'a nos jours. (Duruy, Hist. Univ.). Paris, 1853. 672 p. 12~. ZENGERt, John Peter. The Trial of John Peter Zenger, of New-York, printer...To which is now added..the Trial of Mr. William Owen, bookseller, near Temple Bar, who was also charged with the publication of a libel... London, Almon, 1765. 59 p. 8~. Pol. Tr. v. 2. ZENKER, J. Th.:Bibliotheca Orientalis. Manuel de Bibliographie -Orientale: I. Contenant, 1, Les Livres arabes, persans et turcs imprimes depuis l'invention de l'imprimerie jusqu'a nos jours, tant en Europe qu'en Orient, disposes par ordre de matieres, etc. Leipzig, 1846. xlvii, 264 p. 8~. ZENOt, Apostolo. Annotazioni. See Fontanini, G., Biblioteca. ZIERNGIBL, Roman. Geschichte der Probstey Iainspach....Miinchen, 1802. xvi, 638 p. 80~. ZIGABONUS, Euthymius. Commentaria in Sacrosancta quatuor Christi Evangelia ex C(hrysostomi aliorumq: veterum scriptis...collecta... Parisiis, 1547. 120. ZODIACt (The), a Monthly Periodical, devoted to science, literature and the arts. Published by E; Perry. Vol. 1. Albany, 1835, 6: July 1835 - June 1836. 1 v. 4~. FIRST SUPPLEMENT. 929 ZOOLOGICALt SOCIETY of London. Proceedings: Part 17, 1849, to Part 24, 1856. London. 8 v. 80. --- Reports of the Council and Auditors, April 1851 - 55. London. 1 v. 80. ---- List of the Animals in the Gardens...and a plan.... London, 1830. 46 p. 80. Pam. v. 489. ZovcH, Thomas. Address to the Clergy, Chester, June 1792. Newcastle upon Tyne. 4~. Pam. v. 1009. ZUCCARINIt, J. G. Ueber die Vegetations-gruppen in Bayern, 1833. 26 p. See Koen. Baier. Ak. Reden, v. 5. ZUMPT, C. G. A Grammar of the Latin Language, for the use of col-leges.... From the German. With Preface by George Bancroft. New-York.. 1829. 8~. ZWAAG, W. C. Van der. Tweetal Eenvoudige Leerredenen, betrekke. lijk de aanvankelijke vorming der Christelijke hervormde Gemeente te Zwaag-westeinde....Groningen..1836. 110-p. 8~. L STSPE. I 117 INDEX TO THE SUBJECTS OF THE BOOKS IN TIHE PRECEDING CATALOGUE, A RR A N G ED ALPHABETICALLY. A. Abbot, A. Tolland Co. (Conn.) Assoc'n. Africa (continued). Abbot, J. L. Everett, Address concern- - Gray, W., Travels inwestern Af., 1818ing, 1814. 1821. - IHanoteau, La langue Tamachek. Abbot, S. Woods, L., Serm., death of. Ha, e - Hawkins, J., Voyage to coast. Abendroth, A. Wurm., In memoriam. - Krapf, Travels, eastern Af., 18 years. Abington, Mlls. Hobart, A., Hist. sketch - Livingston, D., Resear. in South Af. of. - Madinier, Projet d'une exp6dit. Absolution. Luther, upon the keys. Marcus, L., Hist. des Wandales. Academies. See Education; Scientific - Martin, R. M., Brit. Colon. Lib. V. 3. Soc. - Mason, G. H., Life with Zulus. Adams, J. Answer to A. Hamilton, 1800. Noah, Trayv. Barbary States. - Sprague, J. E., Eulogy on. - Saldanha, Colonias de Portugal. - Trescot, Diplom. history. - Tracy, Society Western Africa. Wood, J., Hist. of administration. )African Colonization. See ColonizaAdams, J. Q. Remarks on letter of, tion; Color, People of. (Coleman.) African Languages. See Bibliography; Adet, A. Cobbett, Political Censor. Language. Addison Co., Vt. Swift, S., History of, Africans. Armistead, Tribute for the 1859. Negro. Advent. See Christ. ~ G- Gustavus Vassa, Life of. - Lee Boo, IIistory of. Adtwert Monastery. Hoppius, F., Vit - Lyceum of N. H. of N. Y., Report. ac gesta. -- Sancho, I., Letters of. Affghanistan. Griffith, W., Travels in. - See Color, eopl of. Africa. Barth, Travels, north and central. Agricultural Addresses. Allen, L. F., - Bradley's shipwreck, 1818. N. Y. St. Agr. Soc., 1849. - Bruce, J., Travels on the Nile, 1768-70. - Boutwell, G. S., Hillsborough, N. II. - Cailli6, Travels, central Af., 1824. - Cass, L., Kalamazoo Co., Mich. - Daumas, Le Grand Disert. - Cheever, S., N. Y. Agr. Soc., 1856. - Ford, H., Fevers of western Af. - Davis, G. R., Rensselaer Co., N. Y. 932 FIRST SUPPLEMENT. Agricultural Addresses (continued). Agricultural Societies (continued). - Everett, E., N. Y. St. Agr. Soc. - Maine State Soc. Trans. - Faxton, N. Y. Agr. Soc., 1857. - Massachusetts Soc. for Prom., 1803. - Geddes, G., Onondaga Co., 1854. - Michigan State Agr. Soc. - Greene Co. —B. P. Johnson. - Monroe Co., N. Y., History. Hallowell, B., Loudoun Co., Va. - New Hampshire Trans., 1854-58. - Jessup, W., N. Y. Agr. Soc. - Now Jersey Reports. - Kelly, W., N. Y. St. Agr. Soc. - -New York State Agr. Soc. Trans. - Lathrop, J. H., Wisconsin Agr. Soc. - Norfolk Agr. Soc., Mass. - Mack, E., Tompkins Co., N. Y. - Ohio, Board of, Reports. Quincy, J., N. Y. St. Agr. Soc. - Oneida Co., N. Y. - Sheldon, J., Evans, N. Y., 1856, - Onondaga Co., N. Y. - Titus, J. H., Franklin Co., N. Y. i - Provincial Agr. Ass., Canada. - Tyson, J. R., Montgomery Co., Pa. - Queen's Co., N. Y. - Watson, W. C., Essex Co., N.Y., 1854. - Rock Co., Wis. Agricultural Advertisements. Pam. - St. Louis Agr. and Mech. Ass., 1857. V. 1104. - Tennessee Reports, 1855. Agricultural Books. See Bibliography. - U. S. Agr. Soc. Exhibition. Agricultural Periodicals and Alma - Virginia Agr. Soc. Trans. nacs.' Agric. Almanack, Philad'a, - Wisconsin State Agr. Soc. Trans. 1819-1826. 1819-182. Agriculture, European. Allgemeine - Agric. Guide, Alm., N. Y., 1851. Zeitung, 1853. - Amer. Agr. Aim., 1844-45. - Baden, Landwirthsch. Blatt. - Amer. Cultivator Alm., 1849. - Bavaria, Agr. Soc. - American Farmer, 1822-27. - Belgium, Ecoles d'Agr. - Canada, Board of, Transactions. - Brunswick, Land- und Forstwirthe. - Country Gentleman, 1859. - Hessische Gewerbverein. - -Cultivators' Almanac. - Hollandsche Maatsch. 1856. - Farmer's Almanac, 1851, Lond. -- Landwirthschaftlich Verein. - Farmer's Journal, Montreal, 1858. - Mengen, Festgabe, Braunschweig, 1858. Gardener's Almanac, London, 1852. - Portugal, Exposigao, 1852. - Genesee Farmer, 1847-52. -- Verein fdir Land-und Forstwirthschaft. - Illustrated, N. Y., 1852. Agriculture, French. Almanach du Cul - Illust. Ann. Reg., 1855. tivateur. Jour. du Cultivateur, Canada. - Annuaire de l'Hortic. Frangais. - Journal of Agriculture, Edinburgh. - Basset, Annuaire de l'Agr., 1855. - Milburn's Agr. Almanac, Lond., 1852. - Bobierre, Des Engrais. - Moore's Rural New Yorker, 1853-56. - Boitel, Le pin maritime. - New England Farmer, 1822-35. - France, Agric. Bulletin. -~ N. Y. State Agr. Almanac, 1821-26. - cc Agr. Compte Rendu, 1850. -- " Agr. Soc. Journal. - Gourcy, Voyage Agricole. Agricultural Societies. Adams Co., - Nicolet, Atlas de Phys. et de Meteor. Ill., Report. - Richard, Diet. d'Agriculture. - Agr. Associations in G. Britain. Agriculture, iscellaneous. Blaikie, - Albany Co. Agr. Soc. Farm manure, 1818. - California Agr. Soc. Trans., 1858. - Cabell, Early history of, in Va. - Connecticut State Agr. Soc. - Cleghorn, Depressed state of, 1822. - Essex Agr. Soc. Trans. - Davis, H., Farming essays. - Franklin Co., N. Y., 1857. - Dawson, J. W., Improvement of in N. - Hawaiian Agr. Soc. Scotia. - Highland Agr. Soc. Trans. - Deane, S., N. E. Farmer's Diet. - Illinois State Agr. Soc. - Emery Brothers, Albany, Instruments, - Indiana State Board, Trans. G- reat Britain, Patents. - Iowa State Agr. Soc. - Handley, On a nat. agr. institution. - Kentucky State, Reports. - Home, F., Principles of, 1759. - Lewis Co., N. Y. - Howard, S., Grasses. SUBJECT-INDEX. 933 Agriculture, miscellaneous (contin'd). Allegiance. See Oaths of Allegiance. -. Jay, J., Statist. view of, 1859. Allen, B. Allen, T. G., Memoir of. Liebig, Letters on, 1859. - Liebig, Letters on, 1859. Allen, E. D. Sprague, W. B., Sermon, - Manny's reaper. death of. - Maryland, IHiggins's Reports. - Massryland, Coniggins's Reports. Alliance. See Christian Union. Massachasetts, Colrhan's Reports. - Massachusetts, Sec. of Board, Reports. Almanacs. Almanacs, 55 vols. - Mechi; On Briti.h agriculture, 1851. American' Ephemeris and Nautical. - Morton, J. C., Cyclopndia of. - Ames's, Boston, 1737-1772. - Nat. anti-corn lawleague, prize essays. - Beers's Hartford, 1798-1825. - Niles, HI., Agric. in the U. S., 1827. -- Bickerstaff's, 1768,'77,'91. - N. Y. State Agricultural College. - British, 1855-60. - Partridge, W., Practical agric., 1849. - Ch- nedolle, NapoTlon, Alm. de Gotha. - Poellnits, Essay, N. Y., 1790. - Church Almanac, 1841-1851. - Porter, J. A., Agricultural School. - Churchman's Almanack, Loend., 1851-2. - Reasons and plans Lend., 1836. -- Clergyman's, Boston, 1811, 1814. - Sinclair, Memoir, 1853. 3 -- Common, 1823-54, Watertown, N. Y. - U. S. Commissioners' Reports. - Farmer's Almanacs, 1800-1850. - Weston, Tracts on, 1773.. - Greenleaf's, N. Y., 1797-1802. - See Entomology; Horticulture. - Hutchings, N. Y., 1767-1822. Illustr-ated Londcon. Ailken, S. D. Seelye, S. T., Sermon,death of. - McIlvaine, W., Perpetual Calendar. Akron, O. Portage company. - Mare Gigogne, 1855. -- Nautical Almanac, London. Albany, N. Y. Albany Co. Directory, - Nautical Almanac, London. 1852. - Nouveau Zodiaque, 1755. - Albany Directories, 1855-59. - Phinney's Calendar, Cooperstown, N.Y. - Churchill's Cemetery Guide. -- Poor Richard (Franklin), 1733. - Dudley Observatory. - Poor Robin's, Phila., 1792-1824. F- irst Presbyterian Church. - Poor Will's, Phila., 1772-1838. - Munsell, Annals of, V. 7-10. - Procida, Calendrier Perpetuel. - Public schools of, 1855. - Rider's British Merlin, 1751-82. - Reed, S., Church of the Innocents. - Stoddard's Columbia Alm., 1798-1851. - Reformed Protestant Dutch Church. - Thomas's, Worcester, Mass., 1796-1854. - Rogers, Hist. Disc. Dutch Church. - Timperley, Encyc. of typ. anec. - Second Presbyterian Church. - Warzde, Almanachs Belges. - Selkirk, Trinity Church. W- ebster's Almanac, 1785-1859. Sprague, W. B., Hist. discourse, 1854. - And others under special subjects. - Troy, N. Y., Resolutions, 1857. Almanacs, German-American. ChristWillard, S. D., Address, Med. Soc.,. licher Kal., 1852. 1857. - Deutsche Bilder Kal., 1851. Albigenses. See Waldenses. - Hoch Deutsche Am. Cal., 1739-1833. Allbuera Medal. Long, C. E., Letter. - Illustrirter, N. Y., 1851. Lutherische Kalender, 1857. Alchymy. Hitchcock, E. A., On alchy- -he alender 1857. mists. - Neue Americanische, etc., 1796-1835. - Neuer Lancasterscher, 1796-1828. Alcohol. Payen, A., De la, 1 Yn~~~ ~- Stadt und Land'Calender, 1850-54. - See Temperance. Alphabets. Alphabets orientaux. Aldine Editions. See Bibliography. - Alphabets, Soc. Prop. Fide, Romeo, Alexander the Great. Curtius, De rebus - Braun, Notitia hist. lit. Alexandri. - Falkenstein, Geschichte der BuchdruckAlgeria. Almanach de, 1855. erkunst. - France, Tableau de, 1852-54. - Fry, Pantographia. - Mannert, G6og. 6tats barbaresques. - Fursten, Kunstrichtige Schreibart. Schmitz, D'Abdel Kader. - Hindustani alphabet. - Vaillant, Rapport sur, 1853. - Johnson, Typographia. - See Africa. - Lepsius, Linguistische alphabet, 1855. 934 FIRST SUPPLEMENT. Alphabets (continued). American Party (continued). - Silvestre, Alphabet Album, 1843. - See Emigration; U. S. Politics. - Vitray, Linguarum Alphabetee, 1636. American Philosophical Society. - See Writing; Typography. - Patterson, R. M., History of. Altars. Round church, restoration. American Politics. See United States. Alton, Ill. Beecher, E., Riots at. American TWar with the French9 1745-63. Bradstreet's expedition. America, Discovery in. Beknopte Beschryving, 1776. - Comparative importance, 1762. - Campe, Hist. de la d6couverte. - Evans, L., Letter on F't Frontenac, etc. - Cavendish, Journalen, 1643. - Letter to the people of England, 1.756. - Fleury, Hist. of Discovery of. - Reg. Baptbmes h Fort Du Quesne. - Galvao, A., Tratado dos descobrimentos. - Sabine, Hist. address. Kunstmann, Die Entdeckung, 1859. - Serious Consid. (Kennedy), 1754. Murphy, Hudson in Holland. - Washington, G., Journal to Ohio. - Philoponus, H., Nova navigatio, 1621. American War of the Revolution. Rafn, Discovery in Tenth Century. -- Amer. and Brit. Chron.r 1773-83. - Squier, Collectins of documents, 1860. Barclay, S., Recollections of, 1859. - Syllacius, De insulis nuper inventis. Charters of the Provinces, 1760. - See Voyages. - Clinton, G., Correspondence. America, History and Travels in. - Collection of papers, N. Y., 1778. Almanach Am6ricain, 1783-7. - Gibbes, R. W., Doc. History of. - American Notes and Queries, 1857. - Grigsby, Virginia Conv. of 1776. - Coke, Journal, 1792. - Garden, A., Anecdotes of, 2d series. - Drake, S. G., Address, 1858. - Gray, D., Narrative as spy. - Helps, Spanish conquest in. - Hist. Does. of Old Dominion. - Historical Magazine, 1857-59. - Impartial History, 1779, 1783. - Humboldt, Voyages. - Lewis, Orderly Book, 1776. - Las Casas, Destruycion de las Indias. - Massachusetts Prov. Cong., 1774. - See Historical Societies; United States. - Military journals, 1758-75. American Antiquities. See Antiquities. - Moore, F., Diary of, 1860. American Board of Missions. Cong. Songs and Ballads of. Churches of N. Y. Munsell's Hist. Series, No. 1-7. - Review of the Report of, India. - Martyrs.. Wallabout Bay. American Books, Catalogues, Au. - Melvin, Expedition to Quebec, 1775. thors, Libraries. See Bibliog- - Pratt, G. W., Vaughan's Exped., 1777. raphy. -- Ramsay, D., Geschichte der, 1794. American Indians. See Indians. - Remarks on the principal acts, (Lind). American Party. American Party of N. - Remer, Amerikanisches Archiv. Y., 1857. -- Riedesel, Berufs reise. - Bell, J., Speech, 1855. - Saffell, Records of, 1858. - Bright, J. M., Speech, Know Nothing- - Smith, J. J., Am. Hist. Curiosities. ism. - Street, A. B., Battle of Saratoga. - Broome, J., Address, Castle Garden, - Townsend, J., Army under Howe. 1854. 1854bell, W..0 a o ey2, - Van Rensselaer, Hist. Disc. of Lake - Campbell, W. W., Oration, Febly 22, George. 1852. - Washington,., Monuments of. - Ely, A. B., Oration, N. Y., 1850. n - Washington's Head-Quarters, Newb'gh. -Know Soothing Almana% 1855-56. n- Watson, E., Men and Times of. -. ife and Times of Sam. - Putnam, J. O., Speech, Rochester,1856. American ~War of the Revolution:. Sammons, S., Address, Syracuse, 1856. Pamphlets relating to. - Sanderson, Repub. Landmarks. Address, (Dalrymple,) 1775. - Americs Vindiated, 1774. - Wehle, Die stellung der, 1856. n - Whitney, T. R., American Policy. - America's Appeal, 1775. - Whitney, T. R., Add. Order of U. A., - American Querist, (Cooper,) 1774. 1852, 1855. Americans Roused, 1774. SUBJECT-INDEX. 935 American War of the Revolution: American War of the IRevolution: Pamphlets relating to (continued). Pamphlets relating to (continued). - Anderson, J., Interest of G. B. 1782. - Strictures, (Hutchinson,) 1776. - Appeal to Reason, London, 1778. - True State of Proc. of Parl., 1774. - Authentic Papers, 1774. - Tucker, J., Four Tracts, 1774. - Baillie, H., Boston and Quebec Acts, - cc Humble Address, 1775. 1775-. - Wesley, J., Some Observations, 1776. - Burgoyne, J., Speeches, 1778. - " Calm Address 1777. - Burke, E., Speech, Taxation, 1774. Campbell, G., Fast Sermon on, 1778. American War of 1812. Address to Norfolk Co. - Case of American Loyalists. - Address to the Fair Daughters, 1811. - Causes of the Distractions, 1774. - Blatchford, S., Sermon, 1815. - Champion, Reflections on Parties. - Bliss, HI.., Oration, 1815. - Claim of the Colonies, 1765. - Complaint against a Speech, 1775. - Brown, J., Two Letters. - Complete Debate, House of Commons, - Brown, S. R., Hist. of, Aubu;n, 1815. Complete Debate, House of Commons~ 1782.'- Cobbett, The Pride of Britannia. - Conciliatory Address, London, 1775. - Coggeshall, History of Privateers. - Consid. on the Amer. Enquiry. - Compendious History of. - Compressed View, London, 1814. - Considerations on, (Dulaney,) 1765. Compressed View, London, 1814. Consid. on the late Act, Edinb., 1776. Danell, Kentucky Voluntees. - Consid. sur 1'Admission, 1779. Dow, M., Fast Sermon, 1812. - Constit. Right of G. B., 1768. - Dispassionate Inquiry, 1812. - Cool Reply to J. Wesley, 1775. - Emerson, B., Sermon, 1812, Salem. - Essex Junto, 1812. Cool Thoughts, (Galloway,) 1780. -- Etats Unis et l'Angleterre,.(Lee). - Cool Thoughts, 1764., --. ~~~- Fairman. Letters on the Difficulties. - Day, T., Reflections upon, etc., 1783. - a - Defence of the Res. of Congress, 1775. Gardiner, J. S.., Fast Serm., Boston. the GaD- Hickman, N., Soldiers'at Fort McHenry. Dissertations on the Grand Dispute, 1774. D- Impartial History, 1816. Essay in Vindication of: 1764. Essay in Vindication of, 1764. - Ingraham, Capture of Washington. - Evans, C., Political Sophistry, 1776. - Lawrence, W. B., British Right - Evans, C., Letter to Wesley, 1775. Search. - Evans, J., Sermon, N. Y., 1783. - Lundy's Lane, Account. - Fabricius, or Letters, (Galloway,) 1782. - Massachusetts Embargo, 1809. Farmer Refuted, (A. Hamilton,) 1775. - Parker, Sir P., Memoir of. - Fletcher, J., American Patriotism. -- Servoss, Battle of New Orleans. Free and Calm Consideration, 1774. - Soldiers of 1812, Syracuse, 1854. - Further Examination, 1775. - Stewart, C., Sermon, Montreal, 1815. - Galloway, Candid Examination, 1780. - War (The), periodical, 1812-14. - " Reply to the Observations, - See United States, Politics; Mexican. 1780. - Genuine Prin. of Brit. Const., 1776. Americanisms. Bartlett, Diet., 1859. - Great Britain's Right to Tax, 1774. - Elwyn, Glossary of, 1859. - Grievances of the Amer. Col., 1774. - Pickering, Vocabulary, 1816. - Hartley, D., Address, Co. of York. Amistad Africans. Adams, J. Q., ArInstructions to Collectors, 1768. gument, 1841. - Interest of the Merchants, Lond., 1774. Amsterdam. Brieven van Candidus, 1782. - Journal..Monument of Declaration of - Zeegers, Geschiedenis der Stad. Independence: 1853. Independence, 1853. Amusements. Almanach des Jeux. - Justice and Neces. of Taxing, 1766. - Walker's Manly Exercises. - Letter from a ierchant, 1766. - Young Lady's Book. - Origin of the Amer. Contest, (Leonard). ZDn~~ I,~ ~Anuesthesis. See Etherization. - Reflections on the Rise, 1780. - Second Thoughts, London, 1777. Anatomy. Acad. Lug. Bat., MuseumAna. - Shebbeare, Answer to Queries, 1775. - Bottman, Cours d'Anat., 1788. Smith, H. W., Nuts for Future History, - Cutter, Treatise on, 1850. 1856. - Draper, J. W., Legalization of. 936 FIRST SUPPLEMENT. Anatomy (continued). Antiquities (continued). - Heyfelder, Ueber Amputationen. - Sarayna, De Orig. Verone. - Importance of, 1825. -- - Savage, J., Memorabilia. - Mass., Legalizing study of. - Seyffarth, Disc. in Egypt. - Mussey, Cat. of Cabinet. - Sickler, Herculaneum Rolls. - Owen, Of the Invertebrate Animals. - Smith, W., Dict. of Gr. and Rom. - Par6, (Euvres, 1585. - Society of Antiquaries, London. - Pinnock, Catechism of. - Streber, Etrurischen Bronce-Reliefs. - Weber, Atlasses von. - Stuart, J., Ant. of Athens. - See Surgery. - Thiersch, Munchen Antiquarium., Andes. U. S. Naval Expedition, 1849-52. - " Der Akropolis von Athen. Andover, Mass. Edwards, J., Address, - Univ. of Penn'a, Rosetta Stone. 1826. - Venuti. Scoperti d'Ercolano. - Fuller, S., Education in. - Winckelmann, D6couvertes d'Herculanum. Andre, J. Biddle, Washington and. - Clinton, G., Correspondence. Antiquitiesq American. Brackenridge, - Clinton, G., Correspondence.:ise. in New Mexco. Disc. in New Mexico. -- Sargent, W., Life of, 1860. Cabrera, Huehuetlapallan. - Vindication of the Captors, 1817. - Haven, S. F., Archieology of the U. So Angelo, M~[. Duppa, Life of. - Humboldt, Vue des Cordillres. Angling. American Angler's Guide. - Mayer, Mexican Archaeology. - fand Book of, (Ephemera). - Pidgeon, Mound Builders of. - Hofland, Brit. Ang. Manual. - Rio, Huehuetlapallan. - Walton's Angler. Antwerp. Nys, les Archives d'Anvers. See Bibliography. - See ibliography. Apostolical Succession. Davenport, J. Anglo Saxon. Conybeare, Anglo Saxon S., The Apostolic Office. Poetry. - Luther, Apostolic Succession. Layamon's Brut. - McIlvaine, C. P., The Argument for. - Miller, T., History of, 1856. - Muskett, W., Apost. Succession, 1848. - See Languages. - Sinclair, J., Vindication of, 1839. Animals. Crowe, H., Zoophiles, 1822. - Stebbing, H., Misc. Observ., 1718. - Geoffroy, Domestication des Animaux. - See Episcopacy; Church of England. Soc. Zool. d'Acclimatation. Aquaria. Edwards, A. M., Aquarium in See Zoology; Cattle. America. Anne, Queen. Sharpe, J.), Sermon, Cor- - Humphreys, H. N., Ocean Gardens. onation of. - Sowerby, Natural History of. - Sherwill, Sermon, Accession, 1709. Arabia. Herbelot, Bibliot. Orientale. Anonymous Books. See Bibliography. - Sedillot, Hist. des Arabes.- Stanley, Mount ~inai. Anti-Masonry. See Masonry, Free. Arabic. See Bibliography; Grammars; Antinomianism. Brine, An Antidote, LangAage; Oriental. Language; Oriental. - Burton, H., Law and Gospel, 1631. Arabic Authors. Abulfeda Ann. Mus- Jacks, Hints, 1825. lemici. - Reed, T., Letter to Cottle, i824. - arlyle, Spec. of Arab Poetry, 1796. - Cherbonneau, Les Fourberies de DeliAntiquities. Bargbs, Inscrip. de Sidon. lah. - Bonomi, Niniveh.'-' Hist. de Chems-eddine. - Boyle, Museum Britan., 1791. - Djemal-eddin, Alfyya, Grammaire. - Brit. Archtool. Association. - Dozy, Script. Loci de Abbadidis. Brondsted, 32 Vases described. - Hariri, Les SBances de. - Gell, Pompeiana. - Hoogvliet, Diver. Script. de Apthtasid. - Kong. Nord. Oldskrift Selskab. fam. et Ibn Abduno. - Maffei, Use of Medals. K- haldoun, Prol6gomenes, 1858. - Manutius, Orthographias Ratio. - Khalil, Juris. Musul. Mal6kite. - Markland, On Museum of. - Lokman, Fables. - Naples, Musee Bourbon. - Marracci, L'Alcoran. SUBJECT-INDEX. 931 Arabic Authors (continued). Argensola, L. Pellicer, Ensayo. - Roordai, Abul Abbasi Amedis...vita. Argentine Confederation. Page,T.J., - Rutgers, Hist. Jemanve sub HIasano Exploration of. Pascha. - yuti PasDea..nterprtibusKoran. Arians. Blackmore, R., ArianHypothesis. - Soyouti, De Interpretibus Korani. - " Modern Arians 1721. - De Nom. Relativis. - Potter, J., Charge, 1719. Wakidi, De Expug. Memphidis. Wakidi, Be Expug. Memphidis. - Remarks upon Dr. Clarke's Expos. Weyers, Locos Ibn Khacenis de Ibn WZeyers, Ldouncos hu hcenis. de. In - Scriptures and A. compared, 1722. Zeidouno. - Zamakhshari, Lexicon Geog. - Two Letters, 175.1. - See Unitarians. Arago, F. J. Quetelet, Notice sur. Arithmetic. Amer. Tutor's Assistant. Architecture. Barnard, H., School Archi. - Bennett, T., Pract. Arith., Phila. - Bayer, Cathed. Strasbourg. Botham, First Book of. - Boisser6e, Denkmale;.. am Nieder- - Bowen, T. H., Self-multiplier. Rhein. R- Cobb, L,, N. Y., 1834. - Burrowes, Penn'a School Archi. - Colburn, Boston, i841; - Bury, De Marbrerie. Cornell's Trader's Reckoner. - Calliat, Parallile des Maisons de Paris. - - Daboll's Schoolmaster's Assistant. Cambridge Camden So. - Dilworth N. Y. 1802. - Cleaveland, Village and Farm Cottages. - h, Kruytbosch, Pract. Relkenboek. Doellinger, Die Baukunst. - oellinger, Die Bauunst - M'Kenney, F., Key to Bennett's. Garnaud, Arch. Chretienne, 1857. - Garnaud, Arch. Chrktienfne, 1857. - Meursius, Denarius Pythagoricus. - Fergusson, Hand Book of, 1855. - Perkins, Lecciones, 1856. - Gaucherel, DWcoration appliqu. - Perk.ns, ones 18 - Pike, N., 1793, 1797. - Fowler, Home for All, 1848. - Riri, Nouv. Arithmdtique, 1858. - Johnson, W. R., Building Stones. - i - Saigey, Prohlemes de, 1857. - Krafft, Maisons de Paris. " Solutions RaLisonnees. - Kugler, F., Geschichte der, 1859. Shet, Cal. Machinee Lenoir, Arch. Monastique. - Lenoir Arc. Mo. e - Sonnet, Le9ons d', 1857. Merlini, Dei tetti degli edifici. - Merlini, Div tei dlitedfcis.- Stoddard, J. F., The Amer. Philoso - Milizia, Lives of Architects. phical, 1853. ~- Moller, IDeutschen Baukunst. - - Stoddard, W., Federal Calculator. - Moseley, MIech. Principles of. - Vogdes, U. S. Arithmetic. - New York Ecelesiologist. -New N ormandk Elesoaionlogist. pourM- Young, J. R., Simple Arith., 1855. - Normand, D6corations pour Maisons. - Otis, Specific. for Arsenal. Arizona. Cram, T. J., Memoir on, 1858. - Otte, Kirkl. IKunst. Archuologie. - Mowry, Resources of, 1859. - Papworth, Mulseums, 1853. - U. S., Pacific R. R. Reports. - Popp, Arch. Gothique, 1841. Armenians. Aucher, Armenian Convent, - Puttrich, Baukunst des Mittelalters. Venice. -- " Bauku. i. d. Obersachsischen - Dwight, Christianity among, 1850. Landern. - Fink, Der Christenheit in Armenien, - Round Church, Restoration. 1698. - Ruskin, Seven Lamps of. - Ignatius, Untorinagoutiun. - " Notes on Sheepfolds. - Smith, E., Researches in Armenia. - Scheult, Architect. en Italie. - Somal, Storia Letteraria di. Schnaase, Gesch. d. Bildenenen Kiinste - Upham, T. C., Ment. Philos. in Arm. bei den alten. Stichaner, Romuisch. Denkmaeler in Arminian. Bonsall, Of Knowledge-in God. Baiern. - Brandt, Hist. of Reformation. - Sturm, Arch. Goldmannianae, 1714. - See Methodists. Vaux, C., Villas and Cottages, 1857. Armstrong, J. Booth Memoir of. - Verdier, Arch. au Moyen age. - Army, Standing. Moyle, Inconsistent - Viollet le Duec, Arch. mil. du Moyen age. with Free Government. - Von Steinwehr, Specifications, 1858. - Seasonable Letter, 1 751. Arctic Travels. See Voyages. - Trenchard, History of, in England. [ su'PP',:1:' 18 938 FIRST SUPPLEMENT. Army, Standing (continued)., Associate Reformed Church. Letter - See Military; United States; Great to the Members, 1795. Britain. Brtan. Associate Reformed Presb. Church Arnheim. Outrein, Afscheid's Reden. Niven, A. C., Centen. Memor. Arnold, B. Melvin, Exp. to Quebec, 1775. Astrology. Almanach Astrologique, 1855. Arnold, W. Wilson, S., Serm., Death of. - Lilly, Wm., Introduction to. Art. See Fine Arts; Engraving. - Roback's Astrol. Almanac.'X -~- Vox Stellarum, (Moore,) 1705-78. Arts. Advertisements, Pam. V. 16, 1014. - Amer. Polytechnic Jour., 1853, 1854. Astronomy. Amer. Ephemeris, 1856-60. - Boucard, Notions sur. - Arago, Astron. Populaire. - Brandon Paints. - Astronomical Journal, Gould. - Canada, Exposition, 1855. - Baily, Eclipse, 1820. - Canada et l'Exposition, 1855. - " Roy. Ast. Soc. Add., 1833. - France, Expos. of, 1855. - Bavaria, Observatory. - Franklin Institute Journal. - Bond, Donati's Comet. - Historical Essay, 1749. - Bureau des Longitudes, Annulaire - Invention (L'), Journal, Paris, 1857. -- Burritt, E. H., Astron. Atlas. - Mechanics' Magazine. - Conant, Year Book, 1836. - Mining Magazine. - Copernicus, De Revol. Orbium, 1543. - Moxon, Mechanic Exercises, 1677. - Firmi cus, J., Astronomicon, 1551. - Nava, Gaglio Vitellino. - Gassendi, P., Institutio Astronomicoa - Recueil d'Ouvrages, etc., Banee. - Gauss, Theory of the Motion, etc. - Scientific American, period. - Goodacre, Explan. of Terms. Simmons' Edge Tools. c- ( Eight Lectures on. Society for the Encouragement of, etc., - Gilliss, U. S. N. Astr. Exped. 1760, 1836. - Hahn, Descr. of Planetarium. - Society of Arts, Journal. - -Haskins, R. W., Astr. for Schools, - Tolhausen, Technological Diet. - " Essay on Comets. - Tomlinson, Cyclopedia, 1851. - Kreil, Einfluss des Mendes. - U. S. Commr's Reports. - Manilius, Astronomi-on, 1679. Young Ladies' Book. - Maury, Obs. U. S. N. Observatory. - See Inventions; Patents; Scientific; - Meech, Heat of the Sun. Engineering; Exhibitions. Engineering; Exhiitions. - Mitchel, O. M., Address, Hamilto~ Asburyg F. Coke, Ord. Sermon of, 1784. Coll. 1856. - Strickland, W. P., Life of, 1858. - Nichol, Views of, 1848. Oliver, On Comets, 1772. Ashworth, C. Palmer, S., Ser., Death of. - Oswald, Commentara, 155 -- Oswald, Commentaria, 1556. Asia. Atkinson, T., Explor. in Central. - Pinnoek, Catechism of. - Barros, L'Asia, 1562. - Purbach, Nov. Theor. Planetarium. - Earl, Phys. Geog. of South Eastern. - Quetelet, Rapport, 1856. - Timur, Histoire de. - Robert, Mouvements des Corps Celestes. - Wolff, J., Travels. - Rosten, Astron. Handbuch, 1726. Asiatic Languages. See Bibliography. - Royal Astron. Society. Asphyxia. Colhoun, Suspend. Animation. Sainte Preuve, Elem. de Cosmographie. - Schroter, Selenotopog. Fragmente. - Gardane, Sur les Asphyxies. " Aphroclitograph. Fragmenteo. - Portal, Vapeurs Mephitiques. - Smith, G., Eclipse of 1748. - See Cholera; Drowning. A Same Griffith, WDravesiin. - Stevens, J., Ascertaining Latitude. Assam. Griffith, W., Travels in, - Sykes, Eclipse of Phlegon. Assassination. Enql'y into Merit of, 1738. - Taylor, J., Lunar Tables, 1836. Associate Church. Exhibition of some - U. S. Naval Exped., Chili. of the Means, etc., 1835. -- U. S. Naval Observatory, (Maury). - Miller, J. P., Sketches of Ministers. - Wilkins, J. H., Elements of. Associate Presbyterian Church. Con- - Winthop, J., On Comets, 1811. else..Narrative, 1789. - Young, A., Solar Attraction. SUBJECT-INDEX. 939 Atheism. Bentley, R., Lectures on. Authority, Civil. Hickes, G., Sermon - Cudworth, Intel. Syst. of Universe. on, 1682. -Origin of Atheism, 1684. - Mayhew, J., Of Non-resistance. -Parker, S., Sermons oif. -- Milbourne, Serm., Orig. of Civil Power. - Richards, W., French Atheism. - Nowell, T., Serm., Numb. xvi., 3. - See Natural Religion; Infidelity. Revolutigion no Rebellion, 1709. - Rye, Sermon, Lu. xx., 25, 1714. Atl~ases. See BibliographSy; Maps. I — Sherlock, T., Serm. and Answer, 1718. ~AtterHbury, F. Letter to, 1'706. 1 — Sherlock, W., Case of Allegiance, 1691. Phipps, C., Defence of, 1723. - Whaley, Sermon, Doctrine of Non-resistance. Auctions. Exposition of some of the Evils. - See Government; Oaths; Revolution; - Reasons why Present System, &c., 1828. Great Britain, Pamphlets. Audenard. See Marlborough, Duke of. Authors. See Bibliography; Literary Property. Audubon, J. J. St. John, HI., Adven- Autobiography. Best, Pers. and Lit. tures of. Bet, Per. and L. Mem. Augsburg. See Bibliography. - Buckingham, J. S., Pers. Memoirs. Austing A. Hutchings, T., Sermon on. - Burroughs, S., Memoirs. Australia. Dampier, Voyage to, 1699. - Caslo, A., Life of. - Earl, Physical Geography of. - Charke's, Mrs., Life, 1755. - Martin, R. M., Brit. Col., Lib. V. 2. - Cumberland Memoirs. C- rit. Possessions 1847. - Fitz James, Z., Autobiography. Brit. Possessions, 1847. - Gordon, P. L., Personal Memoirs. - Mundy, G. C., Our Antipodes. Sidney, S., The Three Colonies, 1854.rbrt Edw - Jerdan, W., 1853. Austria. Cass, L., Speech on Relat. with. - Leslie, C. R., 1860. Desprez, Les Peuples de l'Autriche. - Phases of Interior Life. Peabody, E. P., Crimes of, 1852. - Sampson, W., Memoir. - Recueil des Repretsentatives des Pays - Shepard, T., Of Cambridge, N. E. Bas, 1787. - See Diaries; Letters. - See Germany. Autographs. Bangs, Merwin & Co., Cat. Authority, Church. Authority of the 1858. Church, 1718. - Betty, Ch.urch, 1718. A Sermon,129 - Bell, Cat. of, for sale, 1853. - Betty, Ch. Gov't, A Sermon, 1729., -- Corwin's Cat., with prices, N. Y. Blackall, O., Answer to Hoadly. - Bowen, N, Sermon, 1826, Phila - Crelle, Catalogue, Berlin, prices. Bowen, N., Sermon, 1826, Phila. - Morse, Priced Catalogue, 1857. - Burnet, G., Answer to Law, 1717. n- Case of Compelling, 1684..- Norton, Cat. of, on sale, 1857. Case of Compelling, 1684. - Renonard, Cat. de la Bibliot. de. - Davisson, J.- Prot. Ministers' Mission. visson Prot. Ministers' - Soleinne, Bibliot. Dramatique, V. 3. - Discourse Concerning a Guide, 1683.y, Handwriting of elan -- Sotheby, Handwriting of Melancthon. Disc. Cone. Judge of Controversies. - " Autog of M. Luther. Du Moulin, A Replie, 1675. -- Weigel, Verzeichniss. - Exam. of the Scheme of Power, 1736.ig Vreichniss. Avarice. Dancer, D., Anecdotes of. - Fitz Gerald, Appeal.. Canon Law. -Badly Replyto Bishopof E e. Azores. Webster, J. W., Description of. - Hoadly, Reply to Bishop of Exeter. - Judgment and Doct. of the Clergy, 1687. B. - New Defence of Hoadly, (Hare). - Religion of the Ch. of Eng., 1673 ] Bacon, W. Clark, O., Letter to, 1818. - Remarks on Two Charges, 1738. Backus, I. Fish, J., Examiner Examined. - Sherlock, W., Judge of Controversies. Baden. Baden, Statistik, 1855. - " Prot. Resolution, 1685. - Bingner, Literatur iber. - Snape, Letters to Hoadly, 1717. - Vier briefe eines Demokraten, 1850. - Sykes, Letters to Sherlock, 1715. Bahama Islands. Martin, R. M. Brit. - Synge, Divine Authority of, 1710. Col. Lib. V. 4. - Tindal, M., Defence of Rights. BaIdwin, IH. Memoirs of Distinguished See Toleration; Conformity; Dissent. Americans. 940 FIRST SUPPLEMENT. Baltimore. Baltimore Directories. Banks in Neaw York (continued). - Citizen's Alm., 1845, 1850. - Merchants' Bank, Memor., 1804. - Exact Narrative of Events, 1812. - New York Ann. Reports. - Maryland, Report on Riots, 1813. - New York Clearing House. - Parker, Sir Peter, Memoir of. - Origin.. Safety Fund Law, 1834. Bank of England. Bank of England. - Remarks on, 1858. - Consid. on, 1800. - Report and Obs., Banks of N. Y. - Honest Scheme, 1729. - Van Buren, M., Message, 1829. Price, C., Forgeries on. - Van Vechten, A., Speech, 1811. Bank of Maryland. Bank of Maryland, Banks, Savings. See Savings Banks. 1834, 1835.' I Banks, Sir J. Letter to, 1802. - Johnson, R., Reply on, 1834. - Johnso,,AReplyn, 1834. Banyer, Mrs. Cooke, S., Biog. Mem. of. - Poultney, Appeal, 1835. - MVickar, Memorial of. - McVickar, Memorial of. Bank of the United States. Aegles, Baptism. Academia Speculum, 1830 Letters, 1819B - Bank of the U. S.. - Address to, Fakenham, 1825. - Amer. Doct. Tract Soc. - Carey, M., Letters to Seybert. - Gordon, T. T., The War on, 1834. - Backus, Address, 1779. 3 n~~~~~~- Batelier, De drie Getuygen. - Remarks on the Currency, 1840. -- Boerhave, Weder-dooperen. Seward, W. H., Speech on, 1832. - Boerhave, Weder-dooperen. --'cc Der Mennoniten, 1660. - Union Comm. Report, 1834. - U.n k Reports, 181 - Carey, Vindication of Calcutta Miss. U. S., Banks, Reports, 1819, 1830.Y - Clark, P., Scripture Grounds of, 1735. Banks. Banker's Almanac, 1851. - Daniell, M., What is Baptism. - Banker's Magazine, 1857-59. - Dell, Doct. of Baptisms, 1759. - Bank of Tennessee. - Dore, Sermons on, 1829. - Commercial Bank of N. 0. - Fuller, A., Uses of. - Day's Counterfeit Detector, 1848. - Greenfield, E., Publications. - Dye, Note Plate Delineator, 1855. - Harris, D., Real Facts Stated, 1832. - Girard Bank, 1836. - Harris, W., Pract. View of, 1816. -Hubner, Die Banken. - - Hascall, Definitions of Bapto, etc. Louisiana, New Free System. Illustrations of Fonts. - Manufacturers, and Traders'. - Manufacturers' and Traders'. - Jones, J. A., Joseph Corrected, 1834. - Mass., Cuomm'rs Reports. - Mitchell, D. M., Discourse on, 1839. - Mechanics' Bank, N. 0. - Obs. on Matt. xxviii., 19, 20, 1849. - Merch. and Banker's Alrmana-c. - Pengilly, R., Scripture Guide to. - Negreiros, De Opera.)oes de Banco. - Platt, D., Foundations Exam., 1838. - New Jersey Ann. Statements. Rahusen, Hand-Boek over. - O'Callaghan, Usury and Banks. - Turney, E., The Command. - Penn'a Debates, 1786. - Wayland, F., Principles of Baptists. - Planters' Bank of Tennessee. Baptism of Infants. Bostwick, Vindi- Seropyan's Patent Notes. cation of, 1790. - Spencer, J. C., Speech on Private B. - Clinton, J., Household Baptism, 1838. - Southern Bank, N. 0. - Close, J., Infant Baptism, 1803. - Webster, N., Misc. Papers, 1802. - Goodwin, J., Kata-Baptism, 1655. - Willcox, R., To the President. - Edwards, P., Antipedobaptism. - Wisconsin, Banking Laws, etc. - Presb. Church, Rep. on Bapt. Child. -- Written for the Governor, Boston. - Sacrament of Responsibility (Newland). See Financial. - Tyler, B., Christian Nurture. Banks in New York. Bank Conven- - Wall, W., Conference on. tion, 1837. - Whiston, W., Prim. Infant Baptism. - Bank of the Interior. - Witherell, On Subjects and Mode. - Cheetham, On Merchants' Bank, 1804. Baptismal IRegeneration. Goode, W., - Gibbon, Banks of N. Y., 1857. Letter to Bishop of Exeter. - Mechanics' Bank, N. Y. - High-Church Theory, 1853. - Memorial.. On Merchants' Bank. -- Lindsay, Gorham v. Exeter. SUBJECT-INDEX. 941 Baptismal Regeneration (continued).l Barber, W. HI. Stephen, Sir G., The - Phillpotts, Letter to Archb. of Canter. Royal Pardon of, 1852. Scott, J., Effect of Baptism. ] Bard, S. M'Vickar, Life of, 1822. - Scriptural Rev. of Liturgy.:Barnard, F. J. Sprague, W. B., Sermon, Death of. Spurgin, Voice of Warning, 1843. - e rcains.Barnard, T. Prince, J., Serm., Death of. - See Tractarianism. Barnes, A. Presb. Ch., An Address, 1836. Baptist Communion. Hall, R., Terms - of Communion. Barnstable, lass. Palfrey, Hist. Disc. - Robinson, R., On Free Communion. I arr, J. W. Swift, E. P., Mem. of, 1833. Smith, J. H., Close Communion. Bartels9 J. H. Redslob, In Memoriam, - Wright, R., Open Communion, 1809. 1853. BBasle. Eclaircissements sur, 1833. IBaptist Church Associations, Min. utes of. Abington BEapt. A., Pa. Batavia. Gibson, Prison of Weltevreden. - Berkshire, Mass., 1857. Bath, Enlg. Bath Directory, 1824. Berkshire, N. Y., 1826-28. Venner, T., Via Recta. - Black River, N. Y., 1820-1859. -Bridgewater, Pa.Y, 1827. 8Battles. Creasy, The Fifteen Decisive. - Bridgewater, Pa., 1827. - Canada Bapt. Ass'n. Bausch, J. G. Peterson, In Memoriam. - Cattaraugus Ass'n, N. Y. Bavaria. Bavaria, Publications. - Cayuga Ass'n,,N. Y. - Mann, Ludwig IV., u. Maxim. I. - Chemung Ass'n, 1824, 30. - Maurer, Die Bayrischen St/idte. - Chenango Ass'n, N. Y. -- Nagel, A., Origines domus Boicao. - Dane Bapt. Ass'n, Wis. - Schmitt, Rechtspflege..;der Pfalz. - Eastern New Brunswick, 1856. - Sendtner, Veget. Verh/iltnisse, 1854. - Essex Bapt. Ass'n, N. Y. - Seuffert, Getreide u. Viktualien-Han- Franklin, Del. Co., N. Y. dels im. - Holland Purchase Ass'n, N. Y. Bavarian Academy of Sciences. Bad- Hudson River Bapt. Ass'n. der, Rede, 1783. -- Kinigl. Ak. der Wiss. Abhandlungen. Illinois Pastoral Union. -- Madison Bapt. Ass'n, N. xY.- Thiersch, Stiftung der, 1849. - Madison Bapt. Ass'n, N. Y. -- Westenrieder, Geschichte der. - New London Ass'n, 1820. - N. Y. Bapt. Ass'n, 1820. Beauchene, R. Le Sage, Adventures of. - Oneida Bapt. Ass'n, N. Y., 1821. Beaumarchais, P. A. De. Lomenie, - Onondaga Ass'n, 1825. His Times. - Ontario Bapt. Ass'n, 1815. Becket, T. a. Berington, Vindication of. - Otsego, N. Y., 1796. Beckwourth, J. P. Bonner, Life of. - Rensselaerville, N. Y~. I Bedfordshire, Eng. Fisher, T., Histor. - St. Lawrence Bapt. Ass'n, N. Y. Collections. - Saratoga, N, Y. Bees. Weeks, Management of. - Stephentown Bapt. Ass'n, N. Y. - Stephentown Bapt. Ass'n, N.8V. Belgium. Belgium, Documents. - Warren Bapt. Ass'n, R. I., 1847. - Wan B t.A, R. -I Gibson, W., Belgian Surgeons. W- Papendrecht, Hist. Eccl. Ultrajectinm. - Worcester, N. Y., 1834. o- Trollope, Belgium since 1830. Baptist Churches, United States. Bap- Belief. See Opinions; Creeds. tist Almanac, 1846-59. - Baptist Churches. Belleisle. Impartial Narrative, 1761. - Cone, S. H., Life of. Bellows, B. Bellows, H. W., Sketch of. - Free Will Baptists. Benecke, C. D. Lehmann, In Memoriam. - Haynes, D. C., Baptist Denomination. Haynes, D. C., Baptist Denomination. enevolent Societies. See Charities. Haynes, T. W., Diet. of Bapt. Biog. H- Iiscox, Church Directory. Benezet, A. Vaux, R., Memoirs of. - Sprague, Annals of Am. Pulpit. Bennet, Mr. Featley, D., Sermon on. - U. S.-Bapt. Ann. Reg., 1832. Bennet, T. Atterbury, Sermon on. - Stanton St. Church, N. Y. Stanton St. Church, N.. Bentley, R. Middleton, C., Proceedings Barbados. Short History of, 1768. against. 942 FIRST SUPPLEMENT. Bentley9 W.iRogers, J., Serm., Death of. Bible: On the Old Testament. Bonnet, Solomon's Prediger. Berbice. Marryatt, J., Ans. to Comm'rs. - Bonomi, Nineveh. Bergen, N. J. Taylor, B., History of. - Broadley, Evic. of Relig. of Moses. Berkshire Co., Mass. Allen, T., Hist. of. - D'Oyly, Letters to Drummond. BermudasIslands.s Martin, R. M., Brit. - Ens, Aanmerkingen over Iesaias XI., Col. Lib. V. 6. XII. Plaine Description, 1609. - Houte, Van Ps. cxlvi. o - Lach, Van Iesaias, Cap. vi. Bernadotte. Phillippart, Memoirs of. - Lah, Vn Iesas, Cap. vi. - Lettres de Quelques Juifs. Bethlehem Female Seminary. Rei — Levi, Defence of 0. T. chel, History of. chel, History of. - Mulder, Letteryvruchten. Bewick T. Bell, Cat. of Books relating to. - Muntinghe, De Psalmen. Bible, Holy. Boucher, L'homme en face - Musculus, Commentarii, 1578-1623. de. / — Newcome, W., On Ezekiel. - Concise Examinations, 1856. - Outrein, Over Psalm exix. - Eastman, J. W., The Bible Excellent. - Pintus, In Pro. Jeremise, 1581. - Excellence of, (Hughes), 1803. - Reply to the Letter to Dr. Waterland, - Fleming, Scripture Gazetteer. 1732. - Furness, W. H., Bible in Schools. - Sharpe, G., On Merrick's Annotations. - Halsey, Literary Attractions of. - Stebbing, H., Hist. of Abraham. - Higginson, T. W., Scripture Idolatry. - Sherlock, T., Case of Abraham, etc. - How, T. Y., Address, N. Y., 1817. - Warburton, Defence of Div. Legation. - Letter to a Friend, 1700. - Webber, F., Jewish Dispensation. - Lewis, T., Bible and Science. Bible: On the New Testament. Ad- Manual of Reflections, 1801. ams, H., Letters on Gospels. - Nelson, HI. A., Bible for the People. - Blomfield, Use of Jewish Tradition. - Payson, E., Oracles of Gd. -- Bosch, De Magis ab Oriente. - Spring, G., The Rule of Faith. - Brink, Over den I Joannes. - Taylor, I., Transmission of Books. - Carpenter, D., Supp. to Halm. of Four - Wadsworth, B., Sermon on, 1815. Gospels. - Chrysostom, On Galatians. ]Bible, Commentaries on, Critical - Crandall, A. L., Expl. of Revelation. and IPractical. Bundel van... Oeffenijgen. - Curtenius, Brieven v. Paulus aan Corin. Coccins, Opera. -- Eyton, Sermon on the Mount. Critical Notes, Mann, 1747. - Elsnerus, Brief aan de Romeinen. Eichhorn, On "Word " and "'Spirit." - Erasmus, In Evan. Joannis. - Emdre, Bybels Huis Boek. - Fleetwood, On Rom. xiii. - Green, W. H., Inaug. Disc., 1851. - Haas, Openbaaring van Johannes. Hamelsveld, Exercitatio'in Scrip. Sac. Haldane, R., On Rom. i.-v. - Hare, F., The Difficulties, etc., 1769. - Husi, Verkl der. Liederen in. - Hollman, Ad. C. iii. et xiii. Paul ad Hulsius; Verkl. der...iederen in. I Cor. - Haas, Exerc. Philologica.- Jones, J., Canon of the N. Testament. - Lee, S., Prolegomena in Bib. Sac. - Koning, Corinth. Isten Sendbrief. - Lightfoot, Opera. - Martin, D., Upon 1st John v. 7. -- Lowth, HI., Letter to Wa'rburton. - Nahuys, Over d. brief v. Paulus aan de - Ouboter, Verklaaring, 1791. Philippensen. - Picus Mirandula, Heptaplus, 1479. - Newton, Sir I., On 1st John v. 7. - Poole, M., Synopsis Criticorum. - Owen, H., Obs. on Four Gospels. - -Reineccius, Manuale Biblicum. - Plevier, Paulus, aan de Galateren. - Rynink, Exerc. in Scr. Sac. - Sharp, G., Greek Defin. Article. - Schutte, Heilige Jaarboeken, 1779. - Sykes, Ep. to Hebrews. - Theodoretus, Opera. - Tregelles, Lang. of Matthew's Gosp. - Vermeer, Over Verscheide Plaatsen. - Turner, S. H., Notes on Romans. - Webster, N., Errors of the English. - Whitby, Last Thoughts of. - Yates, J., Letter to Vice Chancellor. - White, J., Diatessaron, 1800. SUBJECT-INDEX. 943 Bible: On the New Testament (con- Bible Societies: Biritish (continued). tinued). - Burn, A., Success of B. & F. B. S. 1812. - Zigabonus, Comm. in Evang., 1547. - Cambridge, Eng., Auxiliary. Bible History. Chevreau, Premi6res Le- - Demitry, Letter on Brit. and For. B. S. 9ons. - " Rev. of Norris's Attack, 1815. - Duruy, Histoire Sainte. - Dublin Naval and Military, 1824. - Mulder, Bijbel v. d. Israel. Jeugd. Edinburgh, 1814-24. - Stackhouse, New History of, 1742. - Gurney, J. J., Terms of Union. Bible, Inspiration of. Gaussen, The- - Hibernian Society, 1823, 24. opneustie, 1840. - Lister, Speech, 1812. - Le Clerc, Disquis. concerning. - Letter to the S. for Pro. C. K. - Middleton, P., Case of Abraham. Marsh, H., Letters on. - Parry, W., Insp. of the Apostles. Naval and Military, 1824. - Potter, J., Authority of, 1742. North London and Islington. - Rennell, Proofs of, 1822. - Owen, On French Bible of B. & F. B. S. - Smith, H. B., Inspiration of, 1855. Pinkerton, R., Letters, 1817. - Wakefield, G., Essay on, 1781. Powys, Appeal to Clergy, 1830. - See Christianity, Evidene-s of. Simeon, Dr. Marsh's Fact, 1813. Bible, Versions of. Amer. Bible Union. - Southwark Auxiliary. - Baptist Miss. Soc. - Stokes, G., Remarks, 1826. - Bible, Various Languages. - Vansittart, Letter to Marsh, 1811. - Bible Union Reporter, 1855. - Wordsworth, C., Letter to Teignmouth. - Brief Sketch of, in Irish, 1818. ]Bibliography.* - Platt, Facts on Versions, 1829. ACAD. DES SCIENCES. Camusat, Hist. des - Question Truly Stated, 1751. Journaux. - See Bibliography. - See Societies. Bible Societies: American. Albany AFRICAN LANGUAGES. Astor Lib. Oriental Co. Bib. Soc. Lang. - Amer. Bible Soc. Reports. - See Orienta. - Armer. Bible Union. AGRICULTURAL. Boehmer, Bib. Script. Hist. Nat. Amer. and For. Bible Soc. - Weston, Cat. of Eng. Authors on. - Aux. Bible Soc., Fulton Co., N. Y. - See Horticultural. Bible Soc. of Mass. AIx. Rouard, Sur la Bibliographie d'. - Bible Soc. of Montgomery, N. Y. c oe Montom. ALDINE EDITIONS. Amoretti, Lettere. - Canada Bible Soc., 1841. I)~~ ~ -- Bearzi, Cat. de Livres Rares. - Emerson, B., Sermon, Salem, 1819. Bibliog. de la France, 1820. Hobart, J. H., Letter on, 1515. -- Bohn, Cat. of books printed by. Long Island Bible Soc. - Boutourlin, Cat. de la Bibliot. - New Hampshire Bible Soc., 1848-49. - N. Y. Bible and IPrayer Book Soc. Renourdedizioni Aldine. - Serie dell'edizioni Aldine. - N. Y. Bible Soc. ALMANACS. See Almanacs. Pennsylvania Bible Soc. Rep. ALOST. Gand, Recherches Historiques. Philadelphia Bible Soc., 1813, 35. Iseghem, Biog. de Martens. Reply to an Answer (Hobart). ALTDORF. Murr, Memor. Bibl. Altdorfine. - Southwestern, N. Orleans. Southwestern, N. Orleans. AMERICAN AUCTION SALES. See Auqctions. - Strickland, W. P., Hist. of Am. B. Soc. AMERICAN BOOKS, AUTHORS, ETC. Amer- Toronto Bible Soc., 1840. ican Publishers' Circular, 1855-57. - Vermont Bible Soc. - Duyckinck, Cycl. of Amer. Literature. Washington Co., N. Y., 1853, 54. - Handbook of Amer. Literature. Bible Societies: British. Address to - Low, Amer. Cat., 1800-56. Teignmouth (Sikes). - Norton's Literary Gazette, etc. - Bible Soc. Constantinople. - Reuss, Reg. of Authors of N. America, - British and For. Bible Soc. 1770-1803. x Other titles under this heading may be found in the " Catalogue of the Books on Bibliography, Typography and Engraving. in the New York State Library, Albany, 1858," pp. 143, 8Q. The references in italics denote headings under~ Bibliography. 944 FIRST SUPPLEMENT. Bibliography: AMERICAN BOOKS, Au- Bibliography (continued). THORS, ETC. (continued). ARABIC. Casiri, Bibl. Arabico-Hisp. Esc. - Roorbach, Bibliot. Americana, 1820-55. - erbelot, Bibliot. Orientale. - Sprague, Annals of Amer. Pulpit. - Leyden, Univ. Catalogus. Stevens, Am. Books in Brit. Mus. 1858. - Schnurrer, Bibliot. Arabica. - Tribner, Bib. Guide to Am. Lit. 1857-9. - See Oriental. - See Booksellers, American. ARCHITECTURAL. Evans, Cat. of Works on, AMiERICAN HISTORY, ETC., BOOKS ON. 1851. - Allen, E., Cat. of Books, 1856, 58. Malberg, Literatur des Bau- und Ing.- Almon, Cat. of Books, 1776. wesens. - Antonio, Bibliot. Hispana. - Weale, Cat. of Books for sale. Asher, Bib. Essays, New-Netherland. ARTS, MECHANIC. Blumhof, Bibliot. Ferri. - Bcehmer, Bib. Script. Hist. Nat. - France: Ecole des Pouts et Chauss6es. - Boucher, Bibliot. des Voyages. - Schubarth, Repert. der Tech. Literatur. - Coolidge, tIist. of New England. - Weigel, Catalog.- Du Pare d'Avagour, Aut. sur Guyana,. - See Architectural; Engineering. - Gowans's Catalogues. ASIATIC LANGUAGES. Astor Library, Lin- Gurley, Cat. of Books on, at auction. guistics. - Haven,'Archeol. of U. S. Bibliog. - Burnouf, Cat. de la Bibliot. - Hotten, Tracts on America. - Clarke, A., Bibliot. Misc. - London Institution, Cat. V. 2. - - Klaproth, Verz. der Chines. Bilcher. - Mondicdier, Cat. of Library of. -- Rask, Cat. of MSS. Zendj etc. - Muller, F., Cat. of Books on. - See Oriental; Manuscripts. - Norton's Literary Letter, 1858. AUCTION SALES, AMERICAN. Bangs Brothers & Co., N. Y. - Rich, Cat. of Sp. MSS. on. — B6rard, Lib., West Point. Gen. Cat. 1837. - " Books relating t. - Brady, H. A., Lib., N. Y., 1851. Books relating to. -- Colman, W. A., Lib., N. Y., 1850. - Smith, J. R., Books on Sale, Leond.., 185 - Squiers, Cat. on Central America. - Corwin,.., Lib., N.Y., 185, pe - Corwin, E. B., Lib., N.Y., 1856, prided. - Stevens, Amer. Bibliographer, 1857. - Gurley, Sales, 1846-48. - Amer. Nuggetts, 1857.. -- Ingraham, E. D., Lib., N. Y., 1855. Triibner, Cat. of Books on Sale, 1857. r- Ingraham, J. W., Lib., Boston, 1848. - Warden, Biblioth. Americana, 184(0. - Javis, S. F., Lib., N.., 1851. - Jarvis, S. F., Lib.5 N. Y., 1851. AMERICAN LIBRARIES. See Libraries in - Philadelphia Trade Sales, 1848-57. America, (Catalogues of. - Pickering, J., Lib., Boston, 1846. AMUSEMENTS. See Angling; Chess. - Romeyn, J. B., Lib., N. Y., 1825. - Le Verrier, L'Ecole de la Chasse. AUCTION SALES, DUTCH. Coster, Bibl. DelANA. Artigny, Memoires. phis, 1718, priced. - Peignot, Repertoire de Bibliog. - Lennep, Van., 1855. ANGLING. Smith, J. R., Books on. - Major, Bibliot. Mechlin, 1767, priced. ANONYMOUS AUTHORS. Baillet, Auteurs - Meermann, Bibl., Hague, 1824, priced. Deguises. -- Servais, Bibliot., Malines, 1808, priced. - Barbier, Diet. des Ouvrages Anon. - Verbeyst, Lib., Bruxelles, 1852. Chardon, Melanges, V. 3, Revue de - Water, De, Lugd.- Bat., 1823. Barbier. Barbier. - AUCTION SALES, ENGLISH. Akers, E. F., - Diet. Bibliographique, V. 3. Lond., 1820. - Le Long, Bib. Hist. de la France, V. 5. - Askew, Bibliot. lib. raris., 1775, priced. - Notes and Queries, index. - Bacon; T. S., Catalogue, 1736. - Qudrard, Litt. Fran9. Contemporaine. - Barrett, J. T., London, 1851. ANTIQUITIES. Lerouge, Cat. Paris, 1853. - Beauclerk, Lib., London, 1781. - Letronne, Cat. de la Bibliot. de. - Beckford, Fonthill Abbey, Lib., 1823. - Reimann, Idea Systematis. etc. -- Bennett, Cat., 1723. - Soc. of Ant. Newcastle, Eng., Cat. - Bindley, J., London, 1818. - Soc. of Antiquaries, Loend., Cat. - Bird, G., Loend., 1856. - Warmholtz, Bibl. Hist. Sueo-Gothica. - Bohn, J., Loend., 1855. - See American History, Books on. -- Booth, W. HI., Loend., 1837. SUBJECT-INDEX. 945 Bibliography: AUCTION SALES, ENo- ]ibliography: AUCTION SALES, ENGLISH (continued). LISH (continued). - Borromeo, Cat. Nov. Ital., Lond., 1817. - Towneley, J., Lib., Lond., 1814, priced. - Boucher, J., Lib., Lond., 1806. Turner, D., Lib., Lond., 1853. - Brit. Mus., Cat. of Duplicates, priced. - Wakefield, S., 1835. - Brockett, J. T., Lond., 1823. - Watt, 1838. - Clarke, Repert. Bibliographicum. - Willett, R., Lond., 1813. - Combes, W., Lond., 1837. - Williams, T., Lib., Lond., 1827. - Dallaway, J., Lond., 1841. - York, Duke of, Lond., 1827. - Dibdin, The Director. AUCTION SALES, FRENCH. Bearzi, Bibliot., - " Decameron, V. 3. Paris, 1855. Evans, Lond., 1831-39. - Bossange, Librairie, Paris, 1853. F- armer, R., Lib., Loud., 1798, priced. - Brunck,, M., Bibliot., Paris, 1853. - Folkes, M., Lib., Lond., 1756. - Dallerange, Bibliot., Paris, 1851. - Francis, Sir P., 1838. - Ermm6ry, Cat. des MSS. etc., Metz, - Gardner, J. 1849., priondon, 1854d. arrik,. Lib., Lond., 1823, price. - Jacob, Bibliot. Cat., 1839, priced. - Garrick, D., Lib., Loud., 1823, priced. - Langles, Bibliot.-, Paris, 1825. - Harding & Lepard, 1838. P- Lerouge, Cat., Paris, 1833. - Harley, R., Bibliot., Lound., 1743. Leroe, - Hawtre~y, (C., Lib., London, 1854. - Letronne, Bibliot., Paris, 1849. - Heber, Bibliot., London, 1837. - Libri, Bibliot. Paris, 1847. - Hibbert, Lib.,London, 1829, priced. - Louis Philippe, Bibliot.,.Paris, 1852. H- MacCarthy Reagh, 1817. - Nodier, Descr. d'une Collect., Paris, - Lang, R., Lond., 1828. 1844, priced. L- ansdowne, Lib., Lond., 1806, priced. - Peignot, Bibliot., Paris, 1852. - Lawford, E., Lond., 1855. - Perrot, Bibliot., Paris, 1775, priced. - Marchlmont, Lond., 1830. - Raoul-Rochette, Bibliot., Paris, 1855. - Mathias, T. J., Lond., 184[1. - Renouard, Bibliot., Paris, 1854. - ~~Ma~turin, Lond., 1841. - Suard, Bibliot., Paris, 1817. - Mondidier, Lib., Lond., 1851. - Vanackere, Lille, 1854. - Montagu, Lib., Lond., 1733, 40, priced. - VernyE., Strasbourg, 1855. - Mead, Bibliot., Lond., 1754, priced. AUCTION SALES, GEnrAN. CarpzoviusBib-- Paris de Meyzieux, Lib., Lond., 1791, liot. Carpzoviana, 1700. priced. - Gesenius, Bibliot., Halse, 1843. - Parr, S., 1827. - Julius, Bibliot., Berlin, 1850. - Paul, Sir G. O., Lound., 1828. - Kloss, Library of, Lond., 1835. - Payne & Foss, Lond., 1848. - Krohn, Bib., HIamb., 1796. - Peirson, T., Lond., 1815. - Lippert, Halle, 1846. - Perry, J., Lib., Lond., 1822, priced. - Mertens, F. K., Bremen, 1833. - Penrose, Lib., Lond., 1851. AUCTION SALES. See Prices; MSS. - Pinelli, Bibliot., Loud., 1789, priced. AUGSBURG. Braun, Notitia Hist. Lit. - Puttick & Simpson, 1849, 54. - Mezger, Augs. alteste druckdenkmale. - Raine, Lib., Lond., 1812, priced. - Veith, Orig. typ. in Aug. Vind. - Reed, I., Lib., Lond., 1807. - Zapf, Ann. typ. Augustanae. - Roscoe, W., jond., 1816. BAMBERG. Jaeck, Beschreibung der Bib. -- Rose, H. J., Lib., Lond., 1840. - Laborde, D6buts de l'impr. a. - Roxburghe, Duke of, Lib., Lond., 1812, BELGaIUM. Hennebert, Bibliologue de la priced. Belgique. - Skegg, Lib., Lond., 1842. - Kervin, Bibliophiles Flamands. - Sotheby, Lib., Lond., 1841, 56, priced. - Lambinet, Recherches Historiques. - Southey, R., Lib., Lond., 1844, priced. - Major, Bibliot., Mechlin, 1767, priced. - Stirling, 1839. - Namur, Hist. des Bib. de la. - Strettell, Lib., Lond., 1820, priced. - Neve, Append. a la Bibl. Douaisienne. - Sussex, Duke of, Lib., Lond., 1844. --- Provincial Genoot. Noord Braband, Cat. - Tooke, J. II., Lib., Lond., 1813, priced. - Reume, Variktes Bibliog. [ SUPPL.] 119 946 FIRST SUPPLEMENT. Bibliography: BELGIUMA (continued)..Bibliography: BIBLIOGRAPHICAL MI8- Vandermeersch, Cartes aux archives de CELLANIES (continued). la Flandre. - Nodier, Melanges. See Libraries in Belgium; Dutch; - Rive, Chasse aux B3ibliog. Auct-ion Sales. - Savage, The Librarian. BELLES LETTRES. See Literature. -- See Books; Periodicals. BEUERBERG. Hupfauer, Druckstiicke aus BIBLIOGRAPHY, ELEMENTARY. Branca, Cat. dem xv jahrhundert. Introd. ~ BIBLE (Editions of the). American Bible - Clarke, A., Bibliog. Dictionary, Essay. Soc., Cat. of Lib. - Clarke, Bibliog. Mise., V. 2. - Bagster's Catalogues. C- Constantin, Biblioth6conomie. Biblical Student's Asst. - Dibdin, Decameron. - Classical Collector's Vade Mecum - Diction. Bib. Caillean, V. 3. - Darling's Cyclop., Part. II. Commentar. - Guild, Librarian's Manual. Dibdin, Bibliot. Spenceriana, V. 1, 5. - Namur, Manuel du Bibliothicaire. - Horne, Manual of Bib. Bibliog. - Peignot, Dict. de Bibliol. - O'Callaghan, Amer. Editions of. - Pseaume, Diet. Bibliog. V. 1. - Paitoni, De' volgarizzamenti della Bib- - See Classification; Libraries, Adminbia. istration of. - Panzer, Von dem alleriltesten deutschen BIBLIOGRAPHY. See Booksellers; Fifteenth Bibeln. Century; Rare Books; Libraries. -- " Gesch. der Nitrnberg Ausgaben. BIOGRAPHICAL BIBLIOGIRAPHY. (Ettinger, - C Der Augspurgischen Ausgaben. Bibl. Biog. supp. - Pellicer, Traducciones e Castellano. BIOGRAPHIES OF BOOKSELLERS AND PRINTPellicer, Traducciones en Castellano. ERS. See Typography; Booksellers. Pettigrew, Cat. of Duke of Sussex's Li- BocCACo, Bearzi, Cat. de Livres Rares. brary. - Platt, Cat. of Ethiop. MSS. BooKS. See Prices; Rare Books. Platt, Cat. of Ethiop. MSS. R- ive, Chasse aux Bibliog. BOOKSELLERS' CATALOGUES. See Law; - Schinmeier, Schwedischen Bibel Ueber- ManuscripLs; Auctions. setzngen. BOOKSELLERS' CATALOGUES, AMERICAN - ~setzungen.~~ ~Amer. Publishers' Circular. - Shea, Catholic editions, U. S. Appleton's Bulletins, etc. - Steigenberger, Zwo alleralteste deutsche - Appleton's Bulletins, etc. Bibein.- c Library Manual. - Bartlett & Welford, N. YO - Sussex, Duke of, Library sold. - Bartlett & Welford, N. Y. - Carter, I., 1858. BIBLIOGRAPEICAL BOOKS, CATALOGUES OF. - Doyle's Cat., N. Y., 1840-50. Hiibbert, Cat. Of Library of. Labbe, Bibliot. Bibliothecarum, - Gowans, N. Y. - Major, Bibliotheca, - Library Reporter, 1854. Major, Bibliotheca, 1767. f- Norton, Bibliot., Amer., 1857. Munsell, Cat. of Lib. for sale, 1857. NortonPh ilad elphia T rade Sales. - Namur, Bibliog. paleog. dipl. Bibliol. - Wiley & Putnam, N. Y. " Man. du Bibliothbcaire. BOOKSELLERS' CATALOGUES, DUTCH. See - Peignot, Rbpert. Bibliographique. Dutch Books; Belgium. Renouard, Cat. de sa Bibliotheque. EOOKSELLERS' CATALOGUES, ENGLISH. - Teissier, Catalogus Auctorum, 1688.. Bent, Adver., Lond., 1846-53. Tross, Cat., Paris, 1855. —. Blackwood, Edinburgh, 1812. - Truibner, Cat. of Books on sale, 1857. - Bohn, It. G., Cat., 1841-56. - Warmholtz, Bibl. Hist. Sueo-Gothica. - Catalogues of Secondhand Books, Cat. -See Typography. V. 3, 6, 7, 21, 23, 27, 28, 46, 47, 65, 71, 77, 79, 88. BIBLIOGRAPHICAL DICTIONARIES. See Dic-. tionaries. - Chapman's, Lond., 1842-56. BIBLIOGRAPHICAL MISCELLANIES. Aldine - Kerslake, 1823-53. Magazine. - Leslie, Cat. Eng. and For. Theol. Analectabiblion. - Lilly, J., Lond., 1848, 49. Artigny, M6moires. - Longman, Old Books, 1816-53. - Bibliog. Miscellany, London. -- Low, Index to Cat., 1858. - Dibdin, Bibliog. Decameron. - Montague, R., 1733, 40. -- " Bibliography, a poem. - Pamphlets, Vol. 602. - Mencke, De Charlataneria. - Payne & Foss, Lond., 1848. SUBJECT-INDEX. 947 Bibliography: BOOKSELLERS' CATA- Bibliography: CATALOGUES (continued). LOGUES, ENGLISH (continued).' - Catalogues, 93 V., miscellaneous. Publishers' Circular, 1855-59. - Feuerlein, Supellex Libraria. - Rich, O., Lond., 1831-46. - Jewett, Construction of Catalogues. - Stevenson, T. G., Edinb., 1853. - Peignot,Repert. Bib., Listof. Thorpe, Lond., 1842, 43. - Techener, Consid. sur la Bibl. Royale. - Weale, Lond., 1836-44. S- ee Auction Sales; Booksellers; Clas- Willis, G., Lond., 1844-55. sification; Bibliography; Libra- Willis & 3Sotheran, 1859. ries, Catalogues and Adminsistration of. - See London Catalogues; English XTO, W. See Typography. Books. CAXTON, W. See Typography. BOOKSELLEERS' CATALOGUES, FRENCH. Ba- CIHEIISTRY. Boehmer, Bib. Script. Hist. chelier, Paris, 1830-53. Nat. - Bossange, M., 1830-55. CHESS. Vogt, Principal Works on. - Delalain, Cat. Livres Class. Fr., 1858. CHINESE. Klaproth, Cat. des Imprimes. - Iachette, 1854-58e. — CRCHURCH FATHERS. Cleaver, List of Books. -- Darling's Cyel. Art. Bibliotheca. - Trossw Cat.l, Paris, 1855. 1- Dodwell's Cat. of Church Authors. - rSee French Books, etc-. - Lennep, D. J. Van, Cat. de la Bibliot. - See French Books, etc. CHURCH HISTORY. Jablonowski, Biblioth. BOOKSELLERS' CATALOGUES, GERMAN. AS- her & Co., Berlin, 1844-54. As- See Theology; Roman Cath. Church. her & Co., Berlin, 1844-54. E- ylert, 1854. CLASSICS, EDITIONS OF GREEK AND LATIN. Baillet, Jugemens, Vol. 3, 4. - Hinrichs, 1835-58.. - einries, 1835-58. - Bibliot. Gr. et Lat. (Reviczky). Weigel, R., Lipsi-; 1832-43ooksA. - Books, Rare, etc., Boston, 1815. See German Books and Authors. - Clarke, A., Bibliographical Diet. B001KSELLERS' CATALOGUES, ITALIAN. Bib- Classical Collector's Vade Mecum. liog. Italiana. - Branca, Cat. Della Libreria. - Dibdin, Introduction to editions of. - Molini, Firene, 1853. -- Engelmann, Bibliot. Philol. - Renuccini, Milano, 1850. - Fabricius, Bibliotheca Latina. -Seapin, Pa~dova, 1839. - Fournier, Diction. de Bibliog. - See Italian Books. - Greswell, Early Greek Press. B.OTANICAL. See Natural History. Harless, Notitia Litt. Girucm1. BOURGOGNE. Barrois, Biblio. des Dues de. - Hebenstreit, Diet. ed Classicorum, 1828. - Bock, Liber Guidonis. - Jacobs, F., Bibliotheca. Cat. - Bourgogne, Inventaire des MSS. - Iriarte, Bibl. Matritensis, Gr. MSS. - La Serna Santander, Mem. sur la Bib. Lennep, D. J. Van, Cat. de la Biblioth. de.'- Paitoni, Autori Gr. e Lat. Volgarizzati. BRITISH MUSEUMI. Brit. Mus. Catalogues. - Pointer, Miscellanea, 1718. - Cumberland, Essay, prints in. - Peignot, Repert. Bibliog. - George III., Bibl. Regise Catalogus. - Smith, Diet. of.Gr. and Rom. Biog. - Great Britain, Reports of Comm. of - Tarlier, Traductions de Persius. House of Commons. - See fanscscripts. - Iargrave, Cat. of MSS. of Library of. CLASSIFICATION OF BOOKS. Alembert, SysStevens, Cat. of Amer. Books in. trne des Conn. Humaines. -- Waagen, Treasures of Artin G. B., V. 1. - Chaudon, Dict., V. 20. BRUSSELS. See Libraries. - Constantin, Biblioth6conomie. BRY, T. Dr. Bure (De) Bib. Instructive. - Fortia d'Urban, Syst. de Bibliog. Alpha. Camus, Mdm. sur la Collection de. - Great Brit. Report Brit. Muls., 1835. CAMBRAI. Coussemaker, Notices sur la Bib- - Palermo, Classazione dei libri-a Stampa. lioth. de. - Peignot, Diet. de Bibliol. - Le Glay, MSS. de la, Bibl. de. - See Bibliography, Elementary; CataCAMIBRIDGE UNIVERSITY. Cranwell, Trin. logues; Libraries. Coll. Cat. COISLIN, I. C. De C. Montfaucon, Bib. - Hartshorne, Book Rarities of. Coisliriana. - Parker, M., Cat. Lib. MSS. COLOGNE. Hartzheim, Bibliot. Coloniensis. CANADA. Canad., Cat. of Lib. of Parliament. COTTON, R. B. Brit. Mus. Cat, of Cott. MSS. CATALOGUES. Bunau, Cat. de a Bibliot. DALMrATIAN. See Slavic. 948 FIRST SUPPLEMENT. Bibliography: (continued). Bibliography: DRAMATIC AUTHORS (eOcDANISH. Worm, Lexicon over Danske laerde tinued). Maend, - Riccoboni, Hist. du Theatre Ital. DANTE. Bearzi, Cat. de Livres Rares. - Roxburghe Library Cat. - Colomb, Bibliog. Dantesca. - Soleinne, Bibliot. Dramatique. DEVONSHIRE, ENG. Davidson, Bibliot. De- DRESDEN LIB. Bunau, Cat. Bib. Bunaviana. voniensis. - Ludewig, Zur Biblio-thekonomie. DICTIONARIES OF BIBLIOGRAPHY. Bauer, DUTCH AUTHORS AND BOOKS. Ac3her, Bib. Bibliot. Libr. Rar. Essay...New Netherland. - Bure, G. F. De, Bibliot. Instructive. - Exposition Univ., Cat. de Livres pub- Chaudon, Diet. Univ. Hist. et Bibliog. li6s en Hollande. - Clarke, A., Bibliograph. Dictionary. F — riesch Genootschap, Catalogus. - Clement, Bibliothbque Curieuse. - Jaarboekje voor den Boekhandel, 1839- Ebert, Gen. Bibliog. Diet. 43. - Maatschappij van Ned. Lett. Cat. - Fournier, Dictionnaire de Bibl. - Meerman, Uitvinding, etc., Ed. Visser. Georgi, Allge. Europ. Bucherlexicon. - Muller, Cat. Diss. Jurid. Neerlandiae. - Gesner, RBepblotheca. Bibio- Pauw, Cat. Bibliot. Hagse, 1654. - Hain, Repertorium Bibliog. - Provincial Genootsch. N. Braband. - Iallevord; Biblioth. Curiosa, 1676. - Kornig, Biblioth. Vetus et Nova. - Revue Bibliog. des Pays Bas, 1822-30. -- Konig, Bibliot. Vetus et Nova. - Servais, Cat. de la Biblioth. 1808. - Laire, Index Librorlm... ad an. 1500. _ La erna antander, Diet. Bibliog. Vereeniging des Boekhandels, Cat. Lib. - Voorst Bib. de Theol., 1859. - Lowndes, Bibliog. Man. of Eng. Lit. See Belgium; Auction Sales; Gand; -Maittaire, Annales Typographici. Alost; Elzevir; Libraries. - Panzer, Annales Typographici. BEARLY EDITIONS. See Fifteenth CentCrb Pseaume, Diet. Bibliographique. Editions. - See Fifteenth Century Editions; Bib- EDUCATIONAL. Barnard, List of Works on. liography, Elementary. - Cat., V. 57, 59, 60. DICTIONARIES OF AUTHORS, OF LITERARY - Delalain, Cat. Livres d'education, 1858. HISTORY, ETC. Aprosio, Bibliot. - 1 H1achette, Cat. Livres d'education. Aprosiana. - Soo. for Encour. of Arts, Cat. of Edue. Chaudon, Diet. Univ. Hist. et Bibliog. Exhib. - Darling, Cyc. Bibliographica. - South Kensington Museum. - Ladvocat, Diet. Hist. et Bibliog. 1789. ELZEVIR EDITIONS. Jaarboekje voor der. - Oettinger, Bibliog. Biog. Univ. Boekhandel. - Sarrut, Biog. des iommes du Jour, 1841. - La Faye, Traites Imprim6s par. - See American; English; French, etc. - Nodier, M6langes. DIPLOMATICS. Bossange, Catalogue. - Pieters, Annales de l'Impr. Elsev. - Christ, Abhandlungen. - Reume, Recherches sur. - Maffei, Letter to Countess of Seefeld. ENGINEERING. Blumhof, Bibliot. Ferri, - Namur, Bibliog. Diplo-Bibliol. 1803. - Peignot, Diet. de Bibliol. - France: Bridges. Catal. - See Bibliography, Elementary; Writ- - Malberg, Literatur des Bau. und Ining; Alanuscripts; Alphabets. genieur Wesens. DISSERTATIONS. Boekeren, Cat. Theol. Dis- - Schubarth, Repertorium Techn. sertationum. - Weale, Cat. of Books on, for sale. - Marklin, Cat. Diss. Acad. Scandinavise. - Williams, J., Works on, for sale. Muller, Cat. Diss. Juridicarum. ENGLISH BOOKS AND AUTHORS. Berken- Weigel, Corpus Diss. Theol., for sale. hout, Biog. Lit. 400-1600. DOUAI. Nbve, Appen. Ala Bib. Douaisienne. British Critic, 1793-1818. - Duthilloeul, Cat. des MSS. de la Bib. de. - Brydges, Censura Literaria. DRAMATIC AUTHORS. Egerton's Theatrical - Restituta. Remeinbrancer. - " British Bibliographer. - Garrick, Cat. of Library of. - Cole, Bibliog. Tour to a Library. - Heinsius, Allg. Bilcher Lexikon, V. 4. - Critical Review, 1756-98. - Langrbaine, Lives of Eng. Dram. Poets. - Darling, Cyc. Bibliographica. - Lives of Dramatic Poets. -- Fry, Bibliog. Memoranda. - Reed, Bibl. Reediana. - Goodhugh, Engl. Gent's Library. SUBJECT-INDEX. 949 Bibliography: ENGLISH BOOKS AND Bibliography:, IFTEENTH CENTURY AUTHORnS (continued). 3EDITIONS (continued). - Leland, Comm. de Script. Britannicis. - Clarke, A., Bibliog. Misc., V. 2. - Literary Blue Book, 1830. - Clement, Biblioth. Curieuse. - Low, Brit. Catalogue, 1837-57. - Cranwell,- Engl. books, Trin. Coil. - Lowndes, Bibliog. Man. of Eng. Lit. - Crevenna, Catalogue. - Reuss, Register of Authors of G. Brit. - Denis, Supp. to Maittaire. - Savage, The Librarian. - " Merkwurdigkeiten, etc. - Wright, Biog. Britan. Literaria. - Gand, Recherches Historiques. - See Booksellers, English; Great Bri- - Hain, Repertorium Bibliog. tamin~; Scotland. - -Itoltrop, Cat. Bib. IHaganse, 1856. ENGLISH HISTORY, GENERAL AND LOCAL. - Hliipfauer, Beurberg. Davidson, Bibliot. Devoniensis. Davidson, Bibiot Devoniensis - Kloss, Cat. of Library of, 1835. Farmer, Cat. of Lib. - Farmer, Cat. of Lib. - Laire, Index Librorum ad an. 1500. - Halliwell, Notices of Eng. Histories. Spec. Typ. RomauR xv sec. Nicolson, Engl. Hist. Library. Roxburghe ~- La Serna Santander, Diet. du Quin- Rtoxburghe Library Cat. zieme Siecle. - Smith, Bibliot. Cantiana. - MacCarthy Reagh, Cat. de vente. - Soc. of Ant. Newcastle, Cat. - Maitland, Index of Lib. at Lambeth. - Soc. of Ant. Lond. Cat. - Maittaire, Annales typographici. Towneley, Auction Sale of Lib., priced. - Meerman, Uitvinding, etc. Ed. Visser. ENGLISHi LIBRARIES. Botfield, Cathedral - Murr, Memor. Bibliot. Norimb. Libraries. - British Museum. - Nyerup, Spicil. Bibliog. Clarke Repertorium Bibliog. - Pinelli, Bibliot. Pinelliana. - Clarke, Repertorium Bibliog. - Panzer, Der Buchdruckerkunst in NurnDibdin, The Director, Folkes', etc. erg. - Northern tour; and other works. __ nnales typographici.beg - Merryweather, Bibliom. Middle Ages. n - Seemiller, Incunab. Bib. Ingolst. See Libraries in England, Catalogues of; Cambridge; Oxford; London. Servais, Cat. de la Biblioth-q-e. ENGLISH POETRY. Beloe, Anecdotes. SusseE, Duke of, Library sold. Brydges, Restitut, et- Towneley, Library sold, Lond., 1814. - Farmer, Cat. of Lib. - Visser, Boeken in de Nederl. voor R)D. - Halliwel, Account of Vernon MSS. - Wirdtwein, Bibliot. Moguntina. - Logmanl Bibi. Anglo-poetica. - Zapf, ZElteste Buchdruckergesch. - Maon, Cat. of Early Eng. Poetry. - See Dictionaries; Festivals; Typo- Malone, Cat. of Early Eng. Poetry. graphy. - Perry, J., Lib. at Auction. FINE ARTS. Immerzeel, Bibliothek. - Reed, I., Cat. of Lib. - Raoul-Rochette, Cat. Bibl. Artistique. - Rimbault, Bibliot. Madrigaliana. Schlegel, Kat. der Bucher Sammlung. - Ritson, Bibliot. Poetica. - Taylor, Cat. of library sold, 1853. - Strettell, C~at. of Library of. - Weigel, Cat. von Kunstsachen, for sale. ERLANGEN. Irmischer, Handschriften. Kat. - See Engraving; Fine Arts. ESCTRIAL LIBRARY. Casiri, Bibliot. Arab. FLEMISH. Kervin, Bibliophiles Flamands. EUROPEAN. Christern, Bulletins of For. Lit., N. Y., 1855. FLORENCE. Biscioni, Bibliot. Med. Laur. - Georgi, Allg. Biicher Lexikon, V. 5. FRENCl BOOKS AND AUTHORS. - Gryphius, I)e Script. sec. xvii. - Heinsius, Allg. Buicher Lexikon. Annonces de Bibliog., 1700. Thott, Cat. Bibliot. sold. - Billet, Juemens, Vol. 4, 5, Poetes. - See D1tch; French; Germban; Book- - audry's Cataogues. seller's Catalogues. - Bibliog. de la France, 1820-40. FATHERS OF THE CHURCH,. See Church. - Bossange, Catalogues. FIFTEENTH CENTURY EDITIONS. Bauer, - Delalain, Paris, 1858. Bibliot. Lib. Rar. - Georgi, Al!g. Europ. Bucherlexicon, - Berlin, Lib. Incunab. V. 5. - Boutourlin, Cat. de la Bibliot. - Goujet, Bibliot. Frangoise. - Braun, Notitia Hist. Lit. - Leber, BibliothBque de Literatiure. Catalogus Lib. Rarissimorum. I Lerouge, Local and Revolutionary Hist. 950 FIRST SUPPLEMENT. Bibliography: FRENCH BOOKS AND Au- Bibliography: GERMAN BooKs AND AUTHORS (continued). THORS (continued)-. - Raynal, Anecdotes Litt6raires. - Panzer, Annalen der altern Deutschen Litt. Qu6rard, La France Litt6raire. - " Litt. Fran. Contemporaine. - Schubarth, Repert. der Techn. Literatur. - Sarrut, Biog. des Hommes du jour. tur. -Sarrut, Biog. des ommes du jour. - Tromel, Litt. der Deutschen Mundarten. - Soleinne, Bibl. Dramatique et poetique. - _- See Booksellers' Catalogues; Auction - Techener, Annuaire Bibliographique. Sales; Baden; etc. - Ventouillac, The French Librarian. -- See Typography. - See Booksellers' Catalogues; Auc- GERMAN LIBRARIES. Berlin, Roy. Library. tions. - I)ibdin, Bibliog. Tour. FRENCH HISTORY AND LITERATURE. Bail- let, Jugemens de Saans. - Hartzheim, Bibliot. Coloniensis. let, Jugemens des Savans. -- n. ~~~ - Jaeck, Beschreibung der Bib. zu Bam- France, Bibliot., Imp. Cat. de l'hist. de. berg. - Goujet, Bibliot. Fran9oise. - Murr, Memor. Bibliot. Norimb. - Jacob, Biblioth. Cat., 1839. - See Libraries in Gersnany; u.nich; - Leber, Cat. de sa Bibliotheque. Manquscripts. - Le Long, Bib. Hlist. de la France. GRENT. Voisin, Bibliot. Gandavensis. FRENCH LIBRARIES. Coussemaker, Bibliot. GRAMMARS. Engelmann; Bib. der Neueren du Ddpartement du Nord. Sprachen. Bibliot. Philologica. - Dibdin, Bibliog. Tour in France. - Estienne, Thesaurus. - France, Bibliot. Imp. - See Philological. - Le Glay, Bibliot. du Nord. GREAT BRITAIN. Cooper, C. P., Account of - Monfalcon, Bibliog. de Lyon. Records in. - Petit-Radel, Recherches. - See England; Scotland; Ireland; Li- Prousteau, Bibliothique Publique. braries; Booksellers. - Voyage Littraire. GUICHARD. Vries, A De, Speculum hum. -~~~~- Voya~ge itti~aire..salv. - See Libraries in France, Catalogues of; Paris; Douai; Aix; Camnbria; G brDES IN SELECTIOs. O BOOKS. See Li Lille; Orleans; Lyon. ra FRENCH MANUSCRIPTS. See Manuscripts. GUTENBERG, J. See Typography. GAELIC. Reid, Bibliot. Scoto-Celtica. G teuYANA. Du Par dAvagour, Liste dauGEOGRAPHICAL. Boucher, Bibliot. des Voy- IEBREW BOOKS AND TYPOGRAPHY. Affo', a\~ges. Vita di V. Gonzaga. - Engelmann, Bibliot. Geog. Bartolocci, Bibliotheca Rabbinica. - See Mkfaps; Voyages. -- Biscioni, Cat. Medic. Laurent. GEOLOGICAL. Austria, Kat. Bibl. Min. Ca. ~binete~s. ~ ~ — Bowyer, Hist. of Printing, Hebrew. - Agassiz, Bibliog. Geologiie. - Krafft, Cod. Hebraici Bib. Vind. - Boehmer, Bibliot. Hist. Naturalis. - Rossi, D Heb. Typ...Editionibus. - Ann. Hebroeo. Typog. GERMAN BOOKS AND AUTHORS. Bingner, Lit. tiber Baden. See Bible. - Biicherschatz der Deutschen nat. litt. HERALDRY. Bohn's Cat., 1841. - Engelmann, Bibliot. der neueren Spra- - Moule, Biblioth. Heraldica. chen. HISTORICAL. Bunau, Cat. Bibliothecse. - Ersch, Bibl. handbuch der Phil. Lit..- B]lre, Bibliog. Inst ructive. - Feuerlein, Supellex Libraria. -- Crevenna; Catalogue, 1776. — Georgi, Allg. Europ. Buicherlexicon. - Crevenna; Catalogue, 1776. - Georgi, Allg. Europ. Bxichenlexicon. -- Dupin, Bibliot. Univ. des IIistoriens. t einsius Allg. Bitcherlexikon, 1812-29. -- France, Bibliot. Impir. Cat. de l'Hist. - inrichs, Verzeichniss, 1832-58. - Gryphius, Script. Hist. Seculi xvii. - Jordens, Lexikon Deutscher Dichter und Prosaisten. - Le Long, Bib. Hist. de Ia France. - Kayser, Index Lib. in Germ. 1841-46. - Lenglet du resnoy, Mth. pour tudier Kays, IdxLbinGm,1446- l' histoire, Catal. des IIistoriens. - Kirchhoff, Gesch. des Deutschen Buchhandels. hsndels. - See Exglsh; French; Anericaqz. - Meusel, Das gelehrte Teutschland. HOLLAND. See Belgium; Dutch; Auctions,. -." ~ Lex. der Lebenden Teutsch. HORTICULTURAL. Felton, Eng. Authors on. Schriftsteller, 1806-34. - Johnson, Hist. of Eng. GardeninEg - Muller, Cat. Diss. Jurid. Germanise. - Seguier, Bibl. Botanica. SUBJECT-INDEX. 951 1Bibliography: HORTICULTURAL (con- Bibliography: ITALIAN BooKs, &C. (continued). tinued). - Weston, Cat. of Eng. Authors on. - Renuccini, Libreria, Milan, 1850. See Agricultural. - Riccoboni, Hist. du Th6atre Ital. H- Saxius, Hist. Lit. Typ. Mediolan. HUNGARIAN. Koehler, Catalog. lS51. ICELANDIC. M6bius, Cat. Lib. Island., 1856. - Toppi, Biblioteca Napoletana. - Zacharia, Bibliot. Pistoriensis. - Worm, Lexicon over Isl. Laerde Msend. - Zanetti D. Marci Bibl. Codicum. See Swedish. - Zeno, Dissertazioni Vossiane. ILLUMINATED Mss. Humphreys, Middle Ages. - See Libraries; Auctions; Booksellers; ges. Rome; lilan; Venice. - Waagen, Treasures of Art. - JUNTA EDITIONS. Dibdin, Decameron, V. 2. - Wright, Art in the Middle ages. - Ebert,Bibliog. Diet., V. 4. - See MiZAlt~anuscripts; Writing..JAPAN. Charlevoix, Liste d'Auteurs Sur. INDIA. Elliot, Bibl. index to Historians of. JESUIT WRITERS. See Roman Catholic. INDIAN (AMERICAN) LANGUAGES. Am. JOURNAL DES S9AVANS. Camusat, Hist. des Phil. Soc. Catal. of MSS. on. Journaux. - Clavigero, Cat. of Mexic. Grammars. JEAN, 1OI. Barrois, Bibliotheque de. - Ludewig, Literat. of Am. Abor. Lang. KENT, ENG. Smith, Bibliot. Cantiana. - Schoo]craft, Bib. Cat. of books in. LATIN AUTHORS. See Classics. INGOLDSTADT. Seemiller, Incunab. Bib. In- LANGUAGES. See Philology; Grammars; golst. Indian Lang. INSURANCE. Pocock, List of books on. LAW BOOKS, CATALOGUES OF. Bossange, IRIsH AUTHORS. Berkenhout, Biog. Lit. Catalogue, 1845. 400-1500. - Brooke, Bibliot. Leg. Anglise. - iberno-Celtic Soc. Cat. (O'Reilly). - Butterworth, Catalogues, Lon. 1854. - Reuss, Reg. of Authors on, 1770-1803. - Camus, Biblioth. des liv. de droit. IRON. Blumbof, Bibliot. F3erri. - Crevenna, Catalogue, 1776. ITALIAN BOOKS, AUTHORS, LIBRARIES, TY- - Muller, Cat. Diss. Juridicarum. POGRAPHY. Aprosio, Bibliot. Apro- - New York State Law Library. siana.,- " LLaw Institute, Cat. - Argelati, Bibliot. Scriptorum. - - Pickering, J., Lib. Boston. - Azara, Bibliotheca. - Struve, Biblioth. Juris., 1714. - Bibliog. Italiana, 1839, 40. - Voisin, Bibliot. Gand. Cat. - Blume, Iter Italicum. - Worrall, Biblioth. Leg. Anglise. - Boutourlin, Cat. de la Bibliot. - See Booksellers' Catalogues, etc. - Borromeo, Catalogo. LEYDEN UNIV. Hamoaker, Spec. Cat. MSS. - Branca, Cat. della Libreria, 1844. Orient. in. - Capponi, Cat. della Libreria. - LeydenUniv. Cat. - " Cat. ei Manoscrittiistorici. LIBRARIES, SELECTION OF BOOKS FOR. Chaudon, Bibliot. dnun Homme de Crapelet, Progres de l'Imprimerie en. Gont, 1772. Gout, 1772. - Colomb, Bibliog. Dantesca. - Churton, Book Collector's Hand-book. - Fontanini, Bibl. dell' Eloquenza Ital. - Dana, Biblioth. Probata, 1857. - GinguenS, Hist. litt. d'Italie. - Dibdin, Library Companion. - Haym, Bibliot. Italiana. - Goodhugh, Eng. Gent's Library. - Hoffman, Imprimerie en Italie. - Kett, Elem. of General KEnowl. - Lechi, Tipog. Bresciana. - Manchester Lib., Books for Purchase. - Libri, Cat. de la Bibliotheque. - Oakley, Course of Engl. Reading. - Marsand, Biblioteca Petrarchesca. - Observations on forming a Library. - Melzi, Bibliog. dei Rom. e Poemi... - Park, R., Selqct Cat. on all subjects. - Molini, C. F., Cat. of Books on sale. - Potter, Handbook for Readers. Lond., 1848. - Stevens, My English Library. - Molini, L., Cat. de Libri...vendibili, - Ventouillac, The French Librarian. Firenze, 1853. LIBRARIES, IIISTORY OF. Account of Cele- Muston, Bibliog. of Vaudois Hist. brated Libraries. - Paitoni, Bibliot. autori ant. volgariz- - Berlin, Royal Library. zati. -- Clarke, Repertorium Bibliog. - Pasinus, Cod. MSS. Taurin. Athensei. - Delandine, Hist, des Bibl. de Lyon. - Pinelli, Bibliot. Pinelliana. - Edwards, E., Memoirs of Lib., 1859. 952 FIRST SUPPLEMENT. Bibliography: LIBRARIES, HISTORY OF Bibliography: LIBRARIES IN AAMERICA, (continued). CATALOGUES OF (continued). - Eichhorn, Geschichte der Litteratur. - Mercantile Lib. Assoc., N. Y., 1856. - Great Britain, Report, Comm. of H. - Mercantile Lib. Comp., Phila. of C. - Merchants' and Clerks', N. Y. - Guild, Librarian's Man. N.Y., 1858. - Michigan State Lib., 1855. - Jewett, Notices of Libraries in U.S. - Minnesota State Lib. Cat. - Lomeierus, de Bibliothecis. - Newark Lib. Assoc. - Morhof, D. G., Polyhistor, 1708. - New Bedford Pub. Lib. - Namur, Hist. des Bib. de la Belgique. - Newburyport, Mass., 1857. - Peignot, Diet. de Bibliol. - New Hampshire State, 1857. Petit-Radel, Recherches sur les Bibliot. - New Haven Y. M. Inst. - Rhees, Manual of, in the U. S. A. - New Orleans Lyceum. - Wynne, Private Libraries in New York. - New York City Lib. Assoc. LIBRARIES, ADMINISTRATION OF, ARCHI- - New York Hospital Lib. TECTURE OF, ETC. Budik, Vorbe- - New York Hist. Soc., 1859. reitungstudien. - New York Law Inst. - Clarke, A., Bibliog. Misc., V. 2. - New York State Lib., 1855, 58. - Constantin, Bibliothdconomie. - Norton's Lit. and Educ. Reg. 1854. - Cotton, J. B., D-es Devoirs du Biblioth. - Ohio State, 1859. - Critical Account, 1739. Oswego, N. Y. - Gibbs, Bibliotheca Radeliviana. - Pennsylvania State Lib., 1859. - Gr. Brit., Reports Comm. of H. of C. - Portland Atheneum. - Guild, Librarian's Manual. - Providence Atheneum. - Jewett, Construction of Catalogues. - Queen's Coll., Toronto. - Laborde, Organisat. des Bibliothbcques. - Redwood Lib., Newport, 1860. - Lehmann, Stadtbibliothek. - Rochester Atheneum, N. Y. Le Gallois, Traitte des Bibliot. de l'Eu- - Salem Atheneum, 1858. rope. - Soc. of Friends, Phila. - Le Prince, Essai sur la Bibliot. du Roi. - St. Paul's, Minn. - Namur, Man. du Biblioth6caire. - Tennessee State Lib., 1855. - Papworth, Museums and Libraries. - Troy Y. M. Assoc., 1859. - Porter, Plea for. - United States Congress Lib. - Shurtleff, Decim. Syst. of Arrangement. - "cc " Mil. Acad. Lib.) 1860. - Techener, Am6lioration des Anc. Bibl. - Univ. of Pennsylvania, 1829. - See Bibliography, Elermentary; Clas- - Vermont State Lib., 1858. sijication. - Worcester (Mass.) Lyceum. LIBRARIES IN AMERICA, CATALOGUES OF. _ Yale College, Soc. Lib. Albany Library, 1821. - Yonkers Lib. Assoc., N. Y. Amer. Bible Society, 1855. - Young Men's Assoc., Buffalo. - Apprentices', Phila.'- Younrg Men's Assoc., Rochester, N. Y. - Astor Library, N. Y., 1857, 60. - Young Men's Assoc., Utica, N. Y. - Young Men's Assoc.- Utica, N. Y. - Boston, Public Library, 1854, 58. - Young Men's Lib.5 Worcester, Mass. - Bowditch Library, 1841. - Bowditch Libra..ry, 1841. - Young Men's Mere. Assoc., Cincinnati. -Brady, E. A., N. Y., 1851. See American Books; Law. - Brooklyn Atheneum. - Canada, Cat. of Lib. of Parl., 185 58. LIBRARIES IN BELGIUM AND NETHERLANDS, CATALOGUES OF..Amster- Cleveland (Ohio), Ass'n. dam, Biblioth. der stad. - Conway, F. W., N. Y., 1854. - Bourgogne, Inventaire des MSS. - Farnham, Private Libraries. - Holtrop, Cat. Bib. Haganme. - Georgia State Lib. ~ -- La Serna, Bibliot. de Bruxelles. - Groton, Mass. - Leyden, Univ. Cat., 1741. - Indiana State Lib., 1859. - Namur, Hist. des Bib. de la Belgique. - Library Comp. of Phila., 1856. - Pauw, Cat. Bibliot. Hage, 1654. - Maine'State Lib., 1856. - Provinciaal Genootschap. - Massachusetts Hist. Soc., 1859, 60. - Voisin, Bibliotheca Gandavensis. - Massachusetts State Lib., 1858. -- Hist. des Bibliot. en Belgique. - Mercantile Lib. Assoc., Boston. - See Belgium. SUBJECT-INDEX. 953 Bibliography (continued).- Bibliography: LIBRARIES IN ITALY LIBRARIES IN ENGLAND AND SCOTLAND, (continued). CATALOGUES OF. Atheneum, Leond. Capponi, A. G., Catalogo. - Beauclerck, Cat. of Lib. of. - Pasinus, Cod. MSS. Taurinensis Ath. - Beckford,,Fonthill Abbey. See Romne; Milan; Padua; Venice; - Brit. and For. Bible Soc. Italian. B- B1ritish Museutm. LIBRARIES. For other libraries, see various towns, MIanuscripts, etc. - Cat. Lib. MSS. Anglita. LILLE. Le Glay, Cat. des MSS. de la Bib. de. - Dibdin, The Director, Askew's Lib. Lile, ib. de a Vlle, 189. Bibliot. Spencerian. - Llle, Bib. de la. Ville, 1859. LITERATURE. Bure, G. F. De, Bibliog. InEast India Comp. Cat. structive. - Edinburgh Select Subs. Lib. - Crevenna, Catalogue, 1776. George III. Bibl. Regime Catal. - Dallerange, Cat. do sa Biblioth., 1851. - Gibraltar Garrison. i- Delandine, Cat. de la Bib. de Lyon. - Ilaenel, Cat. MSS. in Bibl. Europ. - Eiehhorn, Geschichte der Litteratur. L- incoln's Inn. -- Jordens, Lexikon Deutscher Dichter und - London Lib. of the Corporation. Prosaisten. - London Library Cat. - Renouard, Cat. de la Bibliothbque. - London Institution Cat. - See French; English, etc. - Maitland, Index of Books, Library at LONDON LIBRARIES AND CATALOGUES. BriLambeth. tish Museum. - Minerva Library, Liverpool. - Bent, Cat. 1814-39. - Oxford Univ., Catalogues of. - East India Company. - Parr, Bibliot. Parriana. -- Lincoln's Inn. - Royal Asiat. Soc. Cat. - London City Corporation. - Russell Institution Cat. - London Institution Cat. - Salford Borough Cat. - London Library Cat., 1852. - Williams, Red Cross St. Lib. Cat., - Low, British Cat., 1835-57. - See London; Libraries; Auc- - Maitland, Ind. of Archiep. Palace Lib. tions. - Royal Asiatic Soc. LIB3RARIES IN FRANCE, CATALOGUES op. - Russell Institution. Bordeaux Chambre de Commerce. - Soc. of Antiquaries. - Delandine, Cat. de la Bibl. de Lyon. - See Libraries in England., - Dibdin, Biblog. Tour. LORRAINE. EmmD16ry, Cat. des MSS. rela- France: Ecole des Ponts et Chauss6es. tifs. - Le Glay, MSS. de la Bibl. de Cambrai. LOUVAIN. Namur, Ilist. des Bibl. de. - c Bibl. pub. deNord de.. LYON. Delandine, MSS. de la Bib. do Lyon. - Louis Philippe, Bibliotheque. - " Cat. do la Bib. do Lyon. Prousteau, Bibliot. Publique. - Dolet, E., Vie de. Rouard, Bibliothbques d'Aix. - Lyon, Cat. des Doubles. - Voyage Litt6raire, 1717. - Monfalcon, Le Nouveau Spon. See Lyons; Paris; Lille; Douai; Aix; - " Bibliog. de Lyon. French Books; French Libraries. MADRID. Casiri, Bibliot. Arab. Hisp. Escu. LIBRARIES IN GERMIANY, CATALOGUES OF. - Iriarte, Codices Graeci MSS. Bavaria, MSS. -Biblioth. a Munich. See Spanish. - Berlin Royal Library. MANUSCRIPTS, ESSAYS ON KNOWLEDGE - Braun, Not. de Bib. ad SS. Udal. et OF, ETC. Delandine, Merm. Bibliog. Afrae. A- Dibdin, Bibliog. Decameron. - Bunau, Cat. Bibliothecam. - Buna, Cat. Bibliothe - Iumphreys,. Art of Illumination. - Dibdin, Bibliog. Tour.. - 6' Illum. MSS. of Mid. Ages. - Irmischer, Bibliot. Iu Erlangen. - Langlois, Calligraphie du Moyen Age. - Jablonowski, Bibliotheca. - Maitland, The Dark Ages, Essays. - Murr, Memorab. Norimb. -- Merryweather, Bibliog. Mid. Ages. - Petersen, Hamburg. Bibliot. - Namur, Bibliog. Paleog. Dipl. G6n. - Strauss, Bibliotheca in Rebdorf. - Peignot, Diet. de Bibliol. -- See Munich; Vienna; Azugsburg. - Waagen, Treas. of Art in Gr. Brit. LIBRARIES IN ITALY. Biscioni, Cat. Bib. - Wright, Illuminated MSS. Mediceo-Lauren. - See Writing; Illum. M11SS.; AlphaBlume, Iter Italicum. bets. [ SUPPL.] 120 954 FIRST SUPPLEMENT. Bibliography: (continued). Bibliography: MANUSCRIPTS PRICED MANUSCRIPTS IN LIBRARIES, CATALOGUES (continued). or. Arwidsson, K. Bib. Stockholm. - Meermann, Biblioth., V. 4, priced. - Barrois, Bibliot. Protypographique. - Thorpe, Cat. of MSS. on sale, 1843. - Bavaria: Cat. MSS. Bib. Monacensis. - Upcott, Cat., 1836. - Biscioni, Bib. Mediceo-Laurent. Greek - See Booksellers' Catalogues. and Oriental. - Black, Ashmohe MnSt. MAPS. Asher, Maps of New Netherland. - Black, Ashmole MSS. - Blunse, Iter It3icum. - Crelle, Catalogue, Berlin, 1856. - " Bib. MSS. Ital. - George III., Bibl. Regi~e Catal., V. 6. - New York State Lib. Cat. 1856. - Bourgogne, Inventaire. - Schumacher, Cat. des Cartes, 1855. - Boutourlin, Cat. de la Bibliot. -- Vandermeersch, Cartes aux Archives de -- utourlin, Cat. della Bibliot. I a Flandre. - British Museum, Catalogues of. MAsoNIc. Gowans, Catalogue, 1858. - Capponi, Cat. dei Manoscritti dal. 18. Casiri, Bibliot. Arab. Hisp. Escur. MATHEMATICAL. Bachelier, Catalogues, - Catalogi Lib. MSS. Anglie. Paris. - Cocchi, Diarium Philippi III., 1301. De Morgan, Arithmetical books. Coussemaker, Coll. k Cambrai. - " Elglish Math. Writers. - Delandine, MSS. de la Bib. de Lyon. - Delandine, MSS. do Ia Ly*. - Schumacher, Livres de la Bibl., 1855. M6m. Bibliographiques. MEDICAL. Bailliere, Catalogues, 1833-56. - Duthilleeul, Cat. de la Bibl. de Douai. -- Boehmer, Bib. Script. Hist. Nat. Fortunatus, Com. de Alcobacensi MSS. Boehmer, Bib. cri ist. at. - Haenel, Cat. MSS. in Bibl. Europme. -Edinb. Univ. Cat. Lib. Med. - Halliwell, Vernon MSS. - Ialler, Biblioth. Medicini, ad 1775. - Hargrave, Cat. of MSS. of Library of. - Mding, Bibliot. du Paris Medical. - Iriarte, Bib. Matrit. Greci MSS. - Rosenbaum, Additam. ad Bibl. Med. - Irmischer, Handsch. Kat. Erlang., etc. - Roy, Cat. Med. Bibl., 1830. - Jaeck, Beschreibung der Bib. zu Bam- -'Vigiliis von Creutzenfeld, Bibl. Chir. berg. MEJANES. Rive, Chasse aux Bibliographes. Joursanvault, MSS. concernant l'Iist. - Rouard, Bibliot. de, k Aix. de la France. MEXICAN. Clavigero, Cat. of Authors in - Kloss, Cat. of Library of, 1835. New Spain. - La Croix, Not. des MSS. sur la, France. - Cotton, Typ. Gazetteer. - Lcber, Cat. de la Biblioth. de. MILAN. Argelati, Bibliot. Scriptorum. - Le Glay, MSS. de la Bibl. de Cambrai. - Saxius, Hist. Lit. Typ. Mediolan. - C" MSS. de la Bibl. de Lille. - See Italian; Libraries. - Leyden Univ., Cat. Oriental. MILITARY. Anselin, Catalogues, Paris. - Libri, Collection of, 1859. - Correard, Cat., 1841. Montfaucon, Bibl. Coisliniana. Greek. - Doisy, Bibliologie Militaire. - Notice des Bib. des D6partements Fr. - Du Maine, Librairie Mil. Paris. - Nys, Les Archives d'Anvers. - United States Mil. Acad. Lib. Cat. - Ochoa, MSS. Espafiols en Bibl. de Paris. MORIN, M. Frbre, De l'imprimerie a Rouen. - Paris, MSS. de la Bibl. Imper. MUNIcH LIBRARY. Bavaria, Biblioth. a - Parker, M., Cat. MSS. Cantab. Munich.. - Pasinus, Cod. MSS. Gr. Taurin. Ath- - Dibdin, Bibliog. Tour. eniei. - Frank, Morgenl. Handsch. dUr Bibliot. - Paulinus, Musei Borgiani Cod. MSS. - Steigenberger, Hist. Versuch von der - Pettigrew, Bibliot. Sussexiana. Bibliot. - Rask, Cat. of MSS. Zend, etc. MUSICAL. Coussemaker, Coll. Musicales a Cambrai. - Russia, Cat. de la Bibliot. Oriental. Cambral. - Moore, J. W., Encyc. of Music. - Soc. of Antiquaries, Lond., Cat. - Soc.of ntiari, Ld.,- Rimbault, Bibliot. Madrigaliana. - Zacharia, Bibliot. Pistoriensis. NAPLES. Blume, Iter Italicurm. - Zanetti, D. Marci Bihl. Cod. Fr. Lat. -orgiai Velitris. et Ita. -- Paulinus, Mus. ]orgiani Velitriso et Ital. - Toppi, Biblioteca Napoletana. MANUSCRIPTS PRICED. Bell, Cat. of MSS. - See Italian. on sale. NATURAL HISTORY. Agassiz, Bibliog. Zoo- Cochran, Second Cat. of MSS. for sale. logice. SUBJECT-INDEX. 955 Bibliography: NATURAL HISTORY (con- Bibliography: 0xIonD UNIVERSITY tinued). (continued). - Bailli're, Catalogues, 1833-56. - Waagen, Treasures of Art in G. B., V. 3. - Boehmer, Bib. Script. Hist. Nat. PAMPHLETS. Almon, Cat. of Publications, - Bohn, Catalogue, -1847, 56. 1770. - Scheuchzer, Bibl. Script. Hist. Nat. - Halliwell, Tracts of Capt. Cox's Lib. Helvet. et Gallir. - Hamilton, Cat. of Tracts for sale, 1844. - Seguier, Bibl. Botanica. - Hotten, Tracts on America, Lend. - Warmholtz, Bibl. Hist. Sueo-gothica. - London Institution, Cat., V. 2. - See Zoological. - Smith, J. R., Cat. of 25,000, for sale. NETHERLANDS. See Belgivum; Booksellers; PARCHMENT. See Vellum. Dutch; Libraries. PARIS LIBRARIES, ETC. Barrois, Bib. ProNEWSPAPERS, HISTORY OF. Fifty Years totypog. Recollections. - Gt. Britain, Report on Newsp. Stamps. - Dibdin, Bibliog. Tour. - France, Bibliot. Imperiale. - Mitchell, Newspaper Press Directory. - Jacob Bibliot. Parisina 1643-6 - Timperley,'ncyc. of Typ. Aneed. -- Ti perley, Incyc. of Typ. Ane d. - Le Prince, Essai sur la Bibliot. See Periodicals; Newspapers. - See Periodicals; Newspapers. - Montfaucon, Bib. Coisliniana, Bib. Roy. NUMIS MATICAL. Bunau, Cat. Bibliothec Ochoa, MSS. M Espaloles existentes, - Hearne, Cat of Numism. books for sale. Bib. Roy. - Labb6, Bibliot. Nummaria. - Paris. MSS. de la, Bib. Imper. - Lincoln & Son, Loend., 1856. - Platt, Cat. MSS. Ethiop. Bib. Roy. - Selden, De Nammis (Labbe). - Praet, Cat. Livres sur velin de. NUREITBERG. Murr, Memor. Bibl. Norimb. - Techener, Considerations sur la Bib. R. - Panzer, Deutschen Bibeln, in Bibliot. - See French Libraries; Libraries; Ty-- "; Geschichte der Ausgaben.- pography. - " Aelteste Buchdruckergeschichte PERIODICALS, RELATING TO BIBLIOGRAPHY n. ORi LITERARY HISTORY. Aldine ORIENTAL. Clarke, A., Bibliog. Miscellany. Magazine. - Bibliog. de la France, 1820-40. - East India Co., Catalogue, 1851. Bibliog. d France, 18040 - Elliot, Bib. Index to Historians of 93-1818. India. - Bulletin du Bibliophile, Techener. - Fraehn, indications Bibliographiques. - Critical Review, 1756-98. - Frank, Morgenl. Handsch. in Mfinchen. - Gazette Litt., Amst. 1768-70. - Gesenius, Bibliotheca Geseniana. - Hennebert, Bibliologue de la Belgique. - Hamnaker, Spec. Cat. MSS. Orient. - Norton's Lit. and Edu. Register, 1854. - Herbelot, Bibliothbque Orientale. - Notes and Queries, Loend. - Klaproth, Cat. des Livres de la Bib. de. - Revue Bibl. des Pays Bas, 1822-30. - Konig, Bibliot. Vetus et Nova, 1678.' - Savage, The Librarian. - Langles, Cat. de la Bibliot. - Techener, Annuaire Bibliographique. - Leyden, Univ. Catalogus. - Willis, Current Notes, Lond. - Marsden, Bibliot. Philol. et Orient. - See Booksellers' Catalogues. - Ouseley, Cat. of MSS. in Orient. Lang. PEIODICALS, CATALOUES OF, HISTORY - Platt, Cat. of 3Etbiop. MSS. OF, ETC. Astor Library, List of. - Paulinus, Mus. Borgiani MSS. Indo- Carnusat, Hist. des Journaux. stani. -- ]ichhorn, Geschichte der Litteratur. - Royal Asiat. Soc. Cat. - Russia, Cat. MSS. Orient. de la Bibliot. Fifty Years' Recollections. -- France, Bib. Imp. Cat. de P'Hist. - Truibner, Books on sale, 1853. - Zenker, Bibliotheck Orientalis. - Longman, Cat. of London Period. Zenker, Bibliotheca Orientalis. N - See Manuscripts; Sanscrit; Asiatic; - - amur, Bibliog Bibliologique Arabic. - Timperley, Encyc. of Typ. Anecd. ORLEANS. Prousteau, Bibliotheque Pub. de. - See Newspapers; Societies for PrintOxFORD) UNIVERSITY. Black, Ashmole MSS. ing. - Douce, Library Bequeathed to. PERSIAN. Ouseley, Cat. of MSS. - Gibbs, Bibliotheca Radcliviana. - See Oriental. - Malone, Cat. of Early Eng. Poetry. PETRARCH. Bearzi, Cat. de Livres rares. - Oxford, Bodleian Library. - Marsand, Biblioteca Petrarchesca. - Singer, Account of Book Printed, 1468. PHILOLOGICAL. Burnouf, Cat. de la Bib. de. 956 FIRST SUPPLEMENT. Bibliography': PHILOLOGICAL (contin- Bibliography: RARE BOOKS NOTICED ned). (continued). - Engelmann, Bib. der Neueren Sprachen. - Bauer, Bibliot. Libr. Rar. -- " Bib. Philologie. - Beloe, Anec. of Literature. Ersch, Bibl. Handbuch der Phil. Lit. - Bearzi, Cat. de Livres Rares. - Jacobs, F., Bibliotheca, Cat. -- Beauclerck, Cat. of Library of. Marsden, Bibliot. Philol. et Orient. - Beyer, Memorite Lib. Rar., 1734. - Pickering, J., Cat. Lib. Boston. - Bibliog. Miscellany. Tromel, Litt. der Deutsechen Mundarten. - Blaufus, Vermischte Beytrage. - Triibner, Catalogue, 1857. - Bulletin du Bibliophile. - See Grammars; Idtlia Lang. - Clarke, A., Bibliog. Misc. PHILOSOPHICAL. Hachette, Cat. Librairie, - Clement, Bibliotheque Curieuse. Paris. I - Dibdin, Bibliog. Tour. - Struve, Bibliot. Philosophica, 1714. - Fischer, Beschreibung Typ. Seltenhsi- See Scientific. ten. Freyta.g, Adparatus Literarius. PISTOIA. Zacharla, Bibliot. Pistoriensis. - Freyt dparus Literarius. POETRY. See English Poetry; French Lit. Hallevord, Biblioth. Curiosa. POLISH. Hoffmann, De Typog. in Reg. Po- artshorne, Rarties of Cambrdge. lonixe. - Hoyois, Ouvrages de 1000 Piastres. Jablonowski, Bibliotheca. - Murr, Memor. Bibl. Altdorf~. PORTUGUESE. Adamson, Biblioth. Lusitana. - Nyerup, Spicil. Bibliog. - Barbosa, Summario da Bibl. Luzitana. - Paris, Bibliot. Parisina. - Fortunatus, Comm. de Al obacensi MSS. - Peignot, Repertoire de Bibliog. - Southey, Cat. of Library. _- " Catalogue, 1852. See Spanish. - Strauss, Opera liar. in Bibl. Rebdorf. PRICEs OF BooKs. Azara, Bibliotheca. - Vogt, Cat. Hist. Crit. Lib. Rariorum. - Beloe, Anecdotes, Vol. 5. - See Fifteenth Centqury Editions; Prices; Dictionaries of BiblioBibliog. Miscellany. graphy. - Brit. Mus., Cat. of Duplicates. - lBrk, Ms., Ct. ofDupict ate. REBDORF. Strauss, Opera Rariora in Bib. Clarke, A., Bibl. Dictionary. REPUBLICS. La Faye, Cat. des R6pub- Corwin, E. B., Cat. of Books, 1856. liques. Delandine, Cat. do la Bibl. de Lyon. ROMAN CATHOLIC. Bacer, Eerivains des - Dibdin, The Director. Jesuites. - Biblioth. Spenceriana, V. 7. - Dolman, Cat. Lond., 1843, etc. -' Decameron, V. 3. - Gratianus, Script. Ord. S. Augustine. - Iaym, Bibliot. Italiana. - Molanus, Bibliot. Cath. SS. Interp. - IIoyois, Ouvrages de 1000 Piastres. - Ribadeneira, Cat. Scr. Soc. Jesu. - Major, Bibliot. Mechlin, 1767. - Rom. Cath. Ch. Index Lib. Prohib. Meerman, Bibliot. 1808. ROME. Blume, Iter Italicum. Norton's. Lit. Advertiser, N.Y. - Capponi, Cat. della Libreria. - Pinelli, Bibliot. Lond., 1789.. - Laire, Spec. Typ. Romanes.- See Auctions; Booksellers; Diction. - Quirini, Liber de Edit. RomMe. aries; Manuscripts. - See Italian Books; Libraries in Italy. PRINTE1RS. See Typography. ROUEN. Frire, De PlImprimerie a. PRISONS. Julius, Disciplina Pau- - Leber, Cat. de la Bibliotheque. perum3. RUssIAN. Otto, Hist. Russ. Literature. PRIVATELY PRINTED BOOKS. Martin, Bib- S. ETERSBiJEH. Russia, Cat. Bibliot. liog. Cat. of Priv. Pr. Books, Rorti. IMP. PROHIBITED BOOKS. Oettinger, Bibliog. RussiaCat. MSS.etXylographes. univ. - Rom. Cath. Ch., Index Lib. Prohib. SALES. See Auctions; Prices; Books. PROVERBS. Nopitsch, Handb. der Sprich- SANscRIT. Burnouf, Cat. de la Bibl. de. worter. - Chambers, Cat. of Sanskrit MSS. PSEUDONYMES. See Anonymous. Gildemeister, Bibliot. Sanskritwe. RABBINIC. See Hebrew. - Paulinus, Mus. Borgiani MSS. RARE BooKs NOTICED. Analectabiblion. - Royal Asiat. Soc. Cat. Aprosio, Bibliot. Aprosiana. - See Oriental. Azara., Bibliotheca. SCIENTIFIC. Bachelier, Paris. SUBJECT-INDEX. 957 Bibliography: SCIENTIFIC (continued). Bibliography: SWEDISH (continued). - Bailliere, Catalogues, 1833-56. - -Schinmeier, Schwedischen Bibel Ueber- Boehmer, Bib. Script. Hist. Nat. setzungen. - Crelle, Catalogue, en vente, 1856. - Stiernman, Biblioth. Suio-Gothica. - Koen. Baier. Ak. Verz. Druckschriften. - Upsal University, Cat. of Lib. Konink. Alkad. Amsterdam. I — Warmholtz, Bibl. Hist. Sueo-Gothica. Schubarth, Repert. der Techn. Litera- - Worm, Lexikon, Skrifter. tur. THEATRICAL. See Dramatic. - Schumaker, Livres de la Bibliot. 1855. THEOLOGICAL. Biblical Student's Asst. - Weale, Cat. of Books on. - Bray, Biblioth. Parochialis, 1707. - See Engineerissg; Arts; Philosophi- - Bure, G. F. De, Bibliog. Instructive. cal. - Carpzovius, Bibliot. Carpzoviana. SCIENTIFIC SOCIETIES. See Societies; Pe- - Coster, Bibl. Costerana. riodicals. - Crevenna, Catalogue, 1776. SATIRES. Baillet, Jugemens, V. 7. SCOTCH. Ames, Typog. Antiq. S- Darling, Cyc. Bibliographica, 1854. - Berkenhout, Biog. Lit. 400-1600. - Berkenbo, Blog. Ltqties. 40- Decanver, Works on Methodism. - Dibdin Typog. Antiquities. - Einem, Intro. in Bibliot. Ecclesiasticam. -- Northern tour. Reid,- " Northern to-Celtaur..- Eysengrein, Cat. Testium Veritatis. - Reid, Bibliot. Scoto-Celtica. - Gratianus, Anastasis Augustiniana. - Watson, Hist. of Printing. - Watson, lst, of Printing. -- Horne, Manual of Bib. Bibliog. - See English. - Krohn, Cat. Bib...Ad Theol. SHAKSPEARE. Sillig, Die Shakespeare Li- r teratur. - Leslie, Cat. of Eng. and For. Theo- Wilson, Shaksperiana. logyj Lond., 1844. SLAVInC. StorebAntq. Kata1858. - Nutt, Cat. of Foreign Theol. for sale, SLAVIC. Storch, Antiq. Katal., 1858. 1845-57. SOCIETIES, (BIBLIOGRAPHY OF SCIENTIFIC - Parr, Bibliot. Parriana. AND PRINTING). Agassiz., Biblio- - Peirson, T., Auct. Cat., 1815. graphia. r- Weigel, Corpus Diss. Theol. for sale. - Astor Library, Cat. Periodicals. - See Church Fathers; Roman Cath. - Bossange, Liste, 1845. Hume, Lened Societies of r Brit. THERESIAN LIB. Denis, Die MerkwurdigHume, Learned Societies of Gr. Brit. keiten der. - Lilly's Catalogues. TRAVELS. See Voyages. - Longman, Cat. of London, Transactions TIROIS EVECHES. Emm6ry, Cat. des MSS. of, 1840.. -_. relatifs. L- Low, Index, 1858. TURIN. Pasinus, Cod. MSS. Athenoei. - Smithson. Contr., List of Publications. TYPOGRAPHY. See Typography. See Periodicals. ULSM. Hassler, H., Buckdrucker Gesch. SPANISH. Antonio, Bibliot. Hispana. Ulm's. - Diosdado, De Prima Typ. Hispanile. UPSAL. Marklin, Cat. Dissertationum Up- Hispanioe Bibliotheca, 1608. sal. - Majansius, Spec. Bibliot. Hisp. -- Upsal, Univ. Cat. - Pellicer, Bibl. de Traductores Esp. UNITED STATES. See Anerican. - Southey, Cat. of Library. VELLETRI. Paulinus, Musei Borgiani, MSS. - See Portuguese. VELLUMS. Dibdin, Decameron, V. 2. STATISTICS. Julius, Cat. de Statistico. - Praet, Van, Cat. de Livres sur. STOCKHOLM. Arwidsson, R. Bibliothek. - See Manuscripts. - Holmia Literata. VENICE. See Libraries, Italian. SURGICAL. See Medical. VIENNA LIBRARIES. Austria, Gesch. DrucSWABIAN. Zapf, Buchdruckergesch. Schwa- kerei, Wien. bens. - Denis, Merkwurdigkeiten der Bib. am Theresiano. SWEDISH. Alnander, Artis Typog. in Svecis. -~ Wiens Buchdruckergeschichte. Arwidsson, K. Bibliot. Stockholm. - Dibdin, Bibliog. Tour. - Holmia Literata. - Krafft, Cod. Hebraici. - Marklin, Cat. Diss. Acad. Scandinavii. - See Germany. - Mbbius, Cat. Lib. Is. et Norvegico- VOYAGES. Boucher, Bibliot. des Voyages. rum. - See American History, etc. 958 FIRST SUPPLEMENT. Bibliography: (continued). Biography, American (continued). WALDENSES. Muston, Bibliography of - Sigourney, Examples, 19th Cent. Hist. of. - Simpson, Eminent Philadelphians. WALPOLE PRESS. Lemoine, Typog. Antiq.- Smalley, Worcester, Mass., Pulpit. WELSH. Longman, Cat. V. 36. - Smith, J., ist. of Jeff. Coil. ZOOLOGICAL. Agassiz, Bibliog. Zoologive. - Sprague, W. B., Annals of Am. Pulpit. - Allman, Bibliog. of the Polyzoa, Roy. - Street, A. B., N. Y. Coun. of Revision. Soc. Histor- U. S. Comm. Register, 1852. - See, Natural History.- Watterston, Gallery of Portraits. Bilderdijk, W. Immerzeel, Works of. - Willard, S. D., Albany Co., Physicians. Binghampton, N. Y. Wilkinson, J. B., Biography, British. Biog. Magazine, Annals of. 1776. Bingley, Eng. M'Kaeg, Baptist Ch. at. - Brook, Lives of Puritans. Biographies of Printers, Booksel- - Characters, Lond., 1777. lers, etc. See Typography. - Coleridge, Biog. Borealis, 1833. Biography. See Painting; Architecture; - Cooper, Athenue Cantab. Autobiography; Dramatic, etc. - Granger, J., Biog. Hist. of England. Biography, General. Arago, (Euvres, V. - Hist. Gallery of Portraits, 1811. 1, 2, 3. - Jockey Club. - Appleton's Cyclopsadia of, 1856. - Johnson, Hist. of Eng. Gardening. - Blake, J. L., Biog. Dictionary, 1856. - Lives, Essex, Suffolk & Norfolk Co's. - Crespin, Galerie Chretienne. - Lives of the English Saints. - Despaze, The Five Men, 1793. - Manley, Secret Memoirs. - Flower of the Jacobins, 1797. - Public Characters, 1798-1810. - Historic Gallery, 1807-11. - Sandford, P. P., Wesley's Missionaries. - Koenig, Bibliot. Vetus et Nova. - Smiles, S., Brief Biographies, 1860. - Ladvocat, Dictionnaire Hist. - Suppressed Facts, 1843. - La Sarthe, Notice des Hommes Distin- - Woodrow Society, Biographies. gues. - Wright, T., Biog. Britan. Literaria. - Oettinger, Bibliog. Biographique. ]Biography, Religious. Boyse, Writings, - Seymour, Self-made Men. 1839. - Sigourney, Examples, 18th, 19th Cent. - D., A., A Brief Accout, 1743. - Smith, W., Diet. of Gr. & Rom. Biog. - Emerson, Eleanor, N. Y., 1817. - Tuckerman, Biog. Essays. - Perry, G., Conv. from Popery. - Universal Biog. Dict. (Baldwin), 1826. - Raynsford, Lord's Dealings with. - Vapereau, Dict. des Contemporains, - Wren, W. Accountof, 1784. 1- Wyer, M., Lond., 1823. Biography, American. Adams, J. Q., Lives of Statesmen. Birds. Canary Bird Fancier. - Allen, W., Am. Biog. Diet., 1857. - See Ornithology; Poultry. - Berrian, Recollections. Birmingham, Eng. Hutton, W., Life of. - Binney, Leaders of Old Bar. Black Hawk. Drake, B., Life of. - Blake, M., Hist. Mendon Ass'n. Blackhead, S. Sprat, T., A Relation of, - Bungay, Portraits N. Y. Leg. 1692. - Crosby, Annual Obituary, 1858, 9. Blake, J. E. Simison, B. D., Correspond- Hampden Co. As'n of Congr. Ministers. ence with, 1837. - Hunt's Lives of Am. Merchants. Blaregnies. Kennett, W., Sermon, Vic- Jones, A. D., Am. Portrait Gallery. tory at, 1709. - Livingston, Am. Portrait Gall. Blasphemy. Mulock, Not to be Repressed, - Moore, J. B., Lives of Governors. 1819. - Memoirs of Disting. Amer. Bligh, Gen. Exam. of a Letter of, 1758. - Murphy, N. Y. Leg., 1858-59. - Letter to His Excellency, 1758. - Kilbourne, Litchfield Co., Conn. Blind. Asyle de Lausanne. - O'Neall, Bench and Bar of S. Carolina. - Connecticut, Reports on. - Peterson, Hist. of Am. Navy. - Indiana Institut., Reports. - Q., 0. P. Sketches N. Y. Press. - Milburn, Rifle, Axe, etc. SUBJECT-INDEX. 959 Blind (continued). Boston (continued). - New York Institution for. - Robbins, History of Second Church. - Ohio, Report, 1850. - Simonds, Hist. of South Boston. - Pennsylvania Institut. for, Reports. - Sumner, W. H., Hist. of East Boston. - Perkins Inst., Boston, Reports. - Wisner, Hist. of Old South Church. - St. George's Fields, 1857. Botany. Aiton, Hortus Kewensis. - Tennessee, Asylum Reports. -- Aldinus, Descr. Plantarum Romas. - Darwin, Botan. Garden, Notes. Boardman, J. Sprague, W. B., Sermon, n Death of. - Gray, A., Plants from Chile. Bodleian kLilbrary. See Bibliography. - Griffith, W., Plants of India. B- a' Palms of India.. Bolton, Mass. Evangelical Church at. - Johnston, G., The Eastern Borders'. Bonin Is. Perry, Paper on, 1856. - Jussieu, Elements of, 1858. Bookbinding. Cundall, Ornament. Book- - Knight and Perry, Coniferous Plants. binding. - Koen. Baier. Ak. (Gefiissplanzen). - Dibdin, Decameron, V. 2. - Martins, Botan. Gartens, MUnchen. - Exposition Univ. Rapports du Jury, etc. - Michaux, Oaks of U. S. - Nicholson, Manual of the Art, 1856. - Munting, Oeffening der Planten. - 1Valker, The Art of Bookbinding. - Prescott, H. P., Tobacco, 1858. - Woolnough, Art of Marbling. - Ray Society Publications. Book-keeping. Palmer, J. H., Treat. on. - Salmon, English Herbal. Books. Anecdotes of Books. - Sendtner, Veg. Verhbiltnisse Bayerns. - Smith, E., In Orr's Circle. - Baillet Jugemens, V... - De Bury, Philobiblion. - Smith, J. E., Flora Britannica. Jewett, Duties on. - Sowerby, Ferns of Great Britain. Jewett, Duties on. - Kent, Course of Reading. - Sweert, Florilegium, 1620. - Kent, Course of Reading. - Le Gallois, Traitte des Bib. del'Europe. - Torrey, Flora of Nor. and Mid. States. M- United States Explor. Exped., Wilkes. - Merryweather, Bibliomania. - Spizelius~Infelix Literatus. - Vinton, Hunt Botan. Garden Address. - " Literatus Felicissinmus. - Waterman, Flora's Lexicon. - See Bibliography, Libraries. - Zuccarini, Vegetationsgruppen, Bayern. - See Physiology. HBooksellers. Dibdin, Bibliophobia. Booksellers DibiBiBowen, A. R. Rosseel, Funeral Disc. - Dunton, Religio Bibliopoloe. - Dupont, Hist. de l'imprimerie. Bowles, J. Thornton, J. W., Life of. - Kirchhoff, Gesch. der Deutschen Buck- Bowyer, W. Nichols, Anecdotes of. handels. hBoyd, J. I. Sprague, W. B., Sermon, - Lackington, J., Memoirs of. Death of. - Nichols, Literary Anecdotes, V. 3.ntillon, Vermkelijkhede Brabant. Cantillon, Vermakelijkheden - Statist. Soc. Lond. III. Meidinger. van, 170. -- See Bibliography; Typography.'Brackenridge, HI. MI). Craig, Exposure Boone, D. Boone, D., Adventures. of Mistakes. - Hill, G. C., Biography of.' Brainerd, D. Eddwards, J., Funeral Ser- Metcalf, S. L., Narratives, 1821. mon of. Bordeaux. Guilke, Histoire de, 1835. Brazer, J. Flint, J., Sermon on, 1846. Borneo Is. Chamerovaow, Borneo Facts. Brazil.. Brasyls Schuyt-Praetien, 1649. - Ewvbank, Life in, 1856. Boston. Boston Almanac, 1836-58. - Kidder, D. P., Brazil..portrayed, 1857. - Boston Common. -- Stewart, C. S., Brazil, 1856. - Boston, Munic. Register. - Clapp, Letter en Growth of. - Greenwood, Hist. of King's Chapel. Bread. Societd de Panification. - Hales, J. G., Survey of, 1821. Brecon Church. Thirlwall, Letter on, - Hollis Street Society. 1851. -, Jarvis, S. T., Of St. Paul's Church. Bremen. Delius, Statist. Almanack, 1844. - Palfrey, Brattle Street Ch. Hist. Brewer, S. Ford, G., Sermon on, 1796. 960 FIRST SUPPLEMENT. Brewing. Denneston, Frauds of the Brew- Buckminster, J. Parker, N., Discourse,: ers. Death of. - Discourse on...Malt Liquors, 1733. Bndgett, S. Arthur, W., Life of. - Worth, W. Y., Art of 1692. - Worth, W. Y., Artof 1692. Buenos Ayres. Beaumont, J., Travels Brewster, W. Steele, A., Life of, 1857. in, 1828. Bridge at Albany. New York, Bridge - Rio de Janeiro, Almanack. at Albany. Buftfalo, N. Y. Buffalo, Various publica- Seward, W. H., Argument, 1858. tions. - Van Santvoord, G., Speech, 1856. - First Presb. Church. - Van Valkenburgh, Speech, 1856. - Henderson's Trade of, 1853. - Wheeler, 0. B., Speech, 1859. Building Assoc. Building Soc. DalhouBridges. Ellet, Suspension Bridge, St. sie, Canada. Louis; Middletown, Conn. - Franklin, W., Buil. Assoc. Examined. - Internat. Bridge Co., N. Y. - Scratchley, Benefit B. Soci. - Leutze, Brucken fiber d. Weichsel. - Soc. for Improving Dwellings of Poor. - Niagara Falls Suspension... Co., 1855. - South Kensington Museum. - Theory of; Supp., 1853, Weale. - Theory of; Supp 1853 Weae Bunker's Hill. Clarke, J., Narrative of - Whipple, S., On Bridge Building. Battle. - White, A., Wooden Susp. Bridge of. - Packard, Hist. of Monument..Brimmfield9 Mass. Morse, J., Annals of Bure, G. De. Rive, Chasse aux Bibliog. the Church. Bristol, Eng. Shiercliff, Guide to, 1793. Burgoyne, J. Brief Examination, 1779. - Munsell's Hist. Series, No. 7. British. See English; Great Britain; Bibliography.' urke, E. Philo-Theodosius, Character of. British lMuseum. Boyle, Curiosities of, - Priestley, Letters to, on France. 1791. - Second Thoughts on Letters to Bristol. - Great Britain, Brit. Mus. - Great Britain, Brit. Mus. Burlington Coll. Doane, G. W., Lec- See Bibliography. ture on. Brock, Gen. Correspondence on, 1841. Burmah. Griffith, W., Travels in. Brodhead, J. Sermon, Death of. Burnet, Bp. Edwards, J., On an ExposiBrodie, H. Mathieson, A., Sermon, Death tion by. of. - Gregory, Preface to History (Swift.) Bronte, C. Gaskell, E. C., Life of. Burnet, Jacob. Fisher, S. W., Sermon Brookline, Mass. Pierce, J., Century on. Discourse, 1818. Burr, A. Adams, J. Q., Report on J. Smith. Pierce, J., Hist. Disc., 1837. Parton, J., Life of. Brooklyn, N. Y. Brooklyn Directory,, 1856-8. Burns, A. Stevens, C. E., History of. - Brooklyn Record, 1855. Burton, J. Bentham, E., De Vita. Brummell, G. Jesse, Life of, 1844. - Bulteel, Reply to, 1813. BrunswickuLunenburg. Bytermeister, Butchers. See.Cattle. Comment. LHistoricus de. ]Butler, C. Nightingale, Funeral Serm. of.. Brunswick Theatre. Smith, G. C., De-. B struction of. Byron, G. N. Blessington, Conversations. struction of. - Trelawny, Recollections, 1858. Brown, Miss A. Lee, L., Ordination Sermon. Brown, James. Hillard, G. S., Mem. of. C. Brown, J. Redpath, J., Life of. Cairo, Ill.. Long, H. C., Prospects of, 1850. ]Brute, S. G. Mount St. Mary's, Life of. Calamy, B. Sherlock, W., Serm. Fun. of. ]Bruysq F. Bower, A., Life of. California. Benton, T. EH., Speech, 1849. Ery, T. De. See Bibliography. California Gold Regions. Buchanan, C.o Pearson, H., Memoirs of. - California State Register, 1859. Buchanan, J. tHorton, R. G., Life of, Fremont, Notes of Travel in. 1856.- - Golden Dreams, 1853. SUBJECT-INDEX. 961 California (continued). Canada (continued). - Hughes, J. T., Account of, 1848. - Canadian Tourist, 1856. - Murieta, Life of. - Caroline Almanac, 1840. - Mysteries of California, 1850. - Climax of Protection, 1836. - Randolph, E. Add., History of, 1860. - Consid. on the importance of, 1759. - Stockton, R. F., Life of. - Dessaulles, L'Annexion aux Etats Unis. - Taylor, W., Life in, 1858. - Drew, Colored fugitives in. - U. S., Pacific R. 1R. Reports. - Duane, W., and Continental Congress. - Venegas, Noticia de la Cal., 1739. - Dunkin, C., Address of, Seignories. California, Congression. Debates oil. - Everett, Journey through, 1855. Alston, W. J., Speech, 1850. - Exposition de 1855, Paris. - Baldwin, R; S., Speech, 1850. - Gazetteerof Upper.C., 1813. - Bennett, H., Speech, 1850. -- Great Britain: Canada. - Benton, T. H., Speeches, 1849, 50. - Grdce, Facts respecting, 1819. - Clarke, C., Speech on, 1850. - Hogan, J. S., Canada, An Essay, 1855. - Hall, W. P., Speech on, 1850. - Hough, Statist. of Population. - King, J. A., Speech, 1850. - How I came to be Governor in. - McLane, R. M., Speech, 1850. - Hunter, W. S., Ottawa Scenery. - Morse. I. E., Speech, 1850, - E East. Townships Seen. - Mullin, J., Speech, —1849. - Journal Exped. du St. Laurent, 1759. - Spaulding,.Speech on, 1850. - Justice and Policy of Parl't, 1774. - Thurston, S. R., Speech, 1852. - Kingston, W. H. G., Western Wander- Winthrop, R. C., Speech, 1850. eings.e - See Compromise Measures. - Larache-Heron, Communaut6s Relig. des Femmes. Calvert, L. Burnap, Life of. - Liste des Eveques. Calvinism. Horsley, S., Polit. Principles - Mackay, C., Life in America. of. O- Mackenzie, E., Deser. View of, 1819. - Hunter, J., Calvinism of Ch. of Eng. - Martin, R. M., Brit. Col. Lib., V. 1. - Remarks on Two Particulars~, 1811. - Morris, A., Can. and Resources, 1855. Cambridge - Eng. Cambridge Univ., - Murray, A., Letters from, 1856. 1-a790, etc. - Narrative of Occurrences, 1817. -- Cooke's Topog~. Lib.- N. Y. Hist. Soc. Coll., ~ 2, V. 3. - Cooper, Athenoe Cantab. - Oliphant, Minnesota and, 1855. Cambridgeport, Mass. Stearns, W. A., - Present State of, 1787. Sermons. I — Rameau, La France aux Colonies. Camden, lM[e. Chase's Hist. Discourse, - Relations des J6suites, 1611-72. 1855. - Roger, C., Rise of... to Wealth, 1856. -- Locke, J. J., 1History of. - St. Valier, Eglise de la Noav. France. Camel. Marsh, G. P., The Camel. - Sarrasin, M., Notes sur. Campbell, A. Sprague, W. B., Sermon- Short, G-esta Americana. death of. - Siege of Quebec, 1759. Campbell, D. Sprague, W. B., Sermon, - Sillery, Etudes Biog. sur. death of. - Sketches for Settling, 1822. Campbellism. Rice, N. L., Its Rise, etc. - Smith, D. W., Gazetteer, 1813. Canada. Barnard, D. D., Of the Caroline, - Stewart, C., Eastern Townships, 1815. 1841. - Taylor, H., Journal of a Tour, 1840. - Barthe, Canada Reconquis. - Tunis, Guide, 1859. - British American League, 1849. Canals. Armroyd, View of, 1826. - Brooks, J., Speech, Reciprocity, 1850. - Belgium, Canal Navigation. Boucher, P., Productions de la Nouvelle - Canada Public Works, reports on. France, 1i663. _- Canada, St. LawrenceNavigation, 1856. Brown, J. B.; Views of; 1851. -Brown, J. B., Views of, - Carey, M., Brief view of system of - Canada, Various Pub. Documents. Penn'a, 1831. - Canada Directory, 1857. - Chesapeake and Del. Co. Canadian Almanac, 1855. - Clinton, Hampshire Canal, Mass. [ SUPPL] 121 962 FIRST SUPPLEMENT. Canals (continued). Capital Punishment (continued). - Delaware and Raritan, N. J. - Boston, Exec. of Magee, 1859. - Fox and Wisconsin Impr. Co. - Christmas, H., C. P. unsanctioned, 1846. - Fulton, R., Canal Navigation, 1796. -- Cuyler, C. C., Sermon on, 1842. - Illinois and Michigan. - Mayo, A. D., Death Penalty, 1855. - Kennebec Locks Co., Me. - New York, Rep. on Abolition of. - Lachine Canal, Docks. - Objections to, 1835. - Letter to the Proprietors, 1785, Lond. - Ohio, Report by Ward, 1853. - Memorial, Welland and Oswego. - Richmond, J., Petition on, 1844. - New Jersey, Reports on. - Romilly, Observations on, 1813. - Ohio, Documents, 1828, 48. - Sawyer, Appeal on, to Ohio. - Penna, Reports. - Strang, Execution of, 1827. - Schuylkill Nav. Comp. - Strong, N., Serm. Execution of R. D. - Stuart, C. B., Niagara Ship Canal. - Thayer, I., Execution of. - Susquehanna Comp. - Wells, P., Execution of. - Union Canal of Phila. Caraccas. Depons' Travels, 1801-04. - U. S., Canal at Panama. Carausius. De Peyster, History of. Canals of New York. Beardsley, S., Opinion, 1851. Cards, Playing. Chatto, Facts on Hist. of. - Campbell, A., Report on Erie, 1836. of. Jansen, Originede la Gravure. - Clark, L., Speech, 1846. - Clark, L., Speech, 1846. - Leber, Cat. de la Bibliotheque do. - Considerations against continuing, 1819. - L, Cat. d la Bibliothue d - Delaware and Hudson. - Peignot, Recherches sur. - Delaware and Hudson. - Evening Post, Hist. of Policy, 1849. - See Engraving; Typography. - Foote, J. J., Chenango Canal, 1859. Carlyle, T. Blackwood v. Carlyle. - Genesee Valley Canal. Caron, IR. E. Draper, WA. H., Corres- Hatch, I., Canal Contracts, 1852. pondence with. H- awley, J., Enlargement of Erie C. Carpentry. Bury, Modeles de. - Internal improvements of (Flagg). - Nicholson, P., Carpenter's Ass't. - McMurray, W. Completion of, 1843. Carroll, C. Sergeant, J., Eulogy on. Memorial, Canal Enlargement, 1857. Carson, C. Peters, Adventures of. - Memorial, Welland and Oswego, 1845. - New York, Reports, etc., 1817-60. Carthagena, New Granada Canal Co., 1855. - Pamphlets, V. 223. - Van Horn, B., Speech, 1859. Cary, A. Haight, B. I., On Ordination of. - West, The, vindicated, 1842. Caspian Sea. Holmes, W. B., Sketches of. - Western and N. J. Lock Nav. Comp., Cass, L. Jarvis, R., Facts and Arguments, 1796. 1848. - Western Inland Lock Nayv. Co., 1792. - Smith, W. L. G., Life of, 1856. - Williatms, J. B., Speech, 1853. Cassano, Duke of. Dibdin, Bib. SpenceCandia, N. II. Eaton, F. B., History of. riana, V. 7. Canning, G. Grand Vizier Unmasked. Casuistry. Casus Conscientis, 1749. Catalogues of Books. See Bibliography. Cape Codq Mass. Mass., Harbor of, 1857. - Palfrey, Hist. Discourse. Catechisms. Chatel, Catechisme, 1833. Cape of Good -Hope. Adderley, State- Emdre, Catechismus, 1787. ment, 1851. - Evan. Luth. Ch. Cat. - Cape of Good Hope, 1851. - Haeghoort, Keten der Waarheden. - Keith, G. M., Voyage to, 1819. - Henry, M., Scripture Cat., 1714. - Thunberg, Voyages, 1796. - Molenaar, Melk uit de Catech. Capellen, J. v. d. Bergh., Nagedagtenis, - Nature of Catechizing, 1746. 1784. - Reddingius, Over den Heidelberg Cat. - Van Der Kemp, Der Admissie, 1785. - Rom. Cath. Ch. Catechism. Capital Punishment. Bond, et al. - Short (A) Catechism, 1738. Speeches, 1849. - Stanford, Catech. for Almshouse. - Anti-Draco... of Forgery, 1830. - Westminster Assembly Cat., 1658. SUBJECT-INDEX. 963 Cattle. Azyr, Sur la Contagion, 1774. Central America Steamer. Mayo, A. - Bardonnet, Zootechnie. D., A Discourse, 1857. - Bellamy, Vache Br6tonne. - Rogers, E. P., I)iscourse, 1857. - Bushnan, Cent. Market Lond. Century Club. Century Club, N. Y. - Camper, P., Lessen over de Veesterfte. - Gourlie, J. H., Origin of. Delafond, O., Typhus de, 1856. Cervantes, Mt.[ de. Pellicer, Ensayo. - France, Agriculture, Concours. - Great Britain, Smith-field Market. Ceylon. Farrington, Speech on, 1851. Mass., On Pleuro-pneumonia, 1860. Chandler, A. Lord, N., Discourse on. - Vink, Lessen over de Ilerkauwing. Chandler, S. Amory, T., Serm., Death of. - See Animals'. -Chapin, C. Sprague, W. B., Sermon, Caucasus. Potocki, Voyage, 1829. Death of. - See Russia; Armenians. Chaplains. Johnson, L. D., Chaplains, U. S. A. Cavaliere, B. Piola, Elogio di, 1844. Chapman, N. Pattison, G. S., Ref. of Cements. Sandusky Manufacturing Comp. Calumnies. - Sirmms, F. W., Miastic of Seyssel. Charities. Belgium, Statist. des LiberalCemeteries. Albany Cemetery Ass'n. it6s. - Bigelow, J., Hist. Mt. Auburn. - Albany Guardian Soc., 1851-55. - Bostonl Rural Cemetery. - Amer. Female Guard. Soc. - Clinton, N. Y., Addresses. - Belgium: Humane Institutions. Cocket, La Normandie Souterraine. - Benev. Fraternity, Boston. - Forest Hills, Roxbury. - Brougham, Abuses of, 1818. - Forest Lawn, Buffalo. Childrens' Aid Soc., N. Y. - Godwin, W., Essay on Sepulchres. - Church Char. Foundation, N. Y. - Great Britain: Cemeteries. - Griscom, Memoirs of N. Y. Inst. Green Mount, Baltimore. - Harris, S., Zaccheus. - Mayo, A. D., American Cem., A Disc. - Ohio, Rep. of Benev. Inst. - Mount Auburn Cem. - New York, Report on, 1857. Mount Vernon, Abingdon. - Price, E. K., Speech, Penn'a Leg. - Muret, Rites of Funeral -- Penit. Females' Refuge. - Oakwood Cem., Syracuse. - Temporary Home, Boston. - Putnam, Add., Forest Hill Cem. - See Humane Societies; Orphans; Dis- PltnamOCAdd., Forest Hill Cem. pensaries; Hospitals. River-side Cernm., Gouverneur, N. Y. - Roxbury, Report on, 1847, 56. Charity Schools. Chandler, S., Sermon, - Walker, H. D., Address, Mount Ver- 2 Cor. ix. 12, 1748. non, 1853. - Soc. Pro. Chr. Knowledge, Sermons be. - fore and Reports of. - Woodlawn Cemetery, Chelsea.n - Wake, Account of, 1715. Censuses. See Statistics. C- Watts, I., Essay on, 1728. Central America. Douglas, S. A., Speech - See Industrial Schools; Children. on Treaty, 1853. Charlatanry. Mencke, De la Charlat. des - Cockburn, Journey from Honduras. Svns. Savans. - Gisborne, The Isthmus in 1852. nBobarmenof Charlemont, N. H. White, J., Iist. - Greytown, Bombardment of. Discourse. - Hughes, G. W., Intermarine Communication. Charles I. Birch, T., Times of. - Broughton, Eikon Basilike. - Seward, W. H., Speech, 1856. - Halford, H., Opening Tomb of. - Squier, The States of. Charles I. Anniversary Sermons, - " Authors on, 1861. Jan. 30th, Execution of. BaUnited States, Documents, 1854. ker, W., Jude v. 11, 1726. - Velasquez, Mem. of an Expedition, - Benson, M., Ps. lxxviii. 5-8, 1805. 1850. - Bentham, E., 1 Tim. ii. 1, 2, 1750. - Wells, W. V., Cent. Am. War, 1855. - Beveridge, W., Acts xxii. 20, 1706, 08. -- h" tistory of, 1857. - cc 1 Pet. ii. 13, 1710. See Nicaragua. - Birch, P., 2 Sam. i. 21, 1.694. 964 FIRST SUPPLEMENT. Charles I., Anniversary Sermons, Charles I., Anniversary Sermons, Jan. 30th, Execution of (con- Jan. 30th, Execution of (continued). tinued). - Blackall, O., John ix. 3, 1699, 1708. - Trapp, J., LoDd., 1729. - Blackburne, L., Is. 1. 10, 11, 1716. - Trimnell, Prov. xvii. 14, 1712. - Bradford, S.,'Prov. iv. 25-27, 1711. - Tyler, J., Eeclc viii. 14, 1707. - Brydges, Acts vii., 1709. - Wake, Abp., Matt. xxvi. 51, 52, 1707. Burnet, G., 1681, 1695. - " Matt. xii. 25, 1715. C- radock, J., 1752. - Ward, S., 2. Kings vi. 33, 1673. - Croxall, S., Prov. xxv. 5, 1729. - Watson, R., Lond., 1784. - Delaune, VW., 1702. - Williams, J., Acts vii. 59, 60, 1701. - Eliys, A., Matt. xxii. 21, 1749. - Wodsworth, Prov. xxiv. 21, 1820. - Eyre, 1708. -- Young, E., I Pet. ii. 17, 1729. - Fleetwood, 1710. -- See Authority; Great Britain. - Freind, R., Jer. iii. 25, 1710. Charles II. Boscobel Tracts. - Gilbert, J., 1742. - Horne, T., Serm., Death of. - Gooch, T., 1712. - Morley, G., Coronation Serm., 1661. - Hawkins, W., Jer. xii. 1, 1752. - Reply to the Answer, 1686. - Hay, T., Rom. xiii. 5, 1793. - Withers, Vind. of Dissenters, 1719. - Hayter, T., 1750. Charles II., Anniversary Sermons, - Hickes, G., 1682. May 29th, Restoration of. - IHigden, W., La. xxii. 28, 1711. Awbrey, T., 1715. - Hoadly, J., I Co. x, 11, 1718'.. - Middleton, J., 1730. - Horsley, S., Rom. xiii. 1, 1793. - Pinnell, P. - Jennings, Acts xxiv. 16, 1711. - Smalridge, G., 1716. - Kennett, W., Jer. xliv. 23, 1704. -- ~~ Gen. xii. 21, 1706. -- Tunstall, J.., 1746. --- "~ Mark xiv. 19, 1720. - Wynne, J., 1715. - Lancaster, W., 1697. - Lockier, 1726. Charles V. Robertson W., History of. - Lowth, R., Prov. xxii. 21, 1767. Charles XII. Voltaire, Histoire de. - Markham, W., Is. iii. 3, 1774. Charleston, S. C. Fraser C., Reminis- Mangey, Is. lvii. 1, 1720. cences of. - Maurice, IT., Is. xxxvii. 3, 1681. - Shecut, Essays, 1819. - Milbourne, Acts xxv. 10, Lond. Charlestownl, Mass. Hist. of 1st church. - Moore, J., 1 Tim. ii. 12, 1697. Charlotte, Princess. Chalmers' Sermon, Moss, R., Lam. v. 7, 1707. Death of, 1819. - Nowell, Numb. xvi. 3, 1772. - Gray, B., Sermon, 1817. - Pelling, J., Ex. xx. 5, 1709. - Lewis, T., Sermon, 1817. - Porteus, Jer. iv. 14, 1778. - Maltby, E., Sermon, 1817. Reading, W., 1 Sam. xxiv. 5, 6, 1715. - Thorpe, W., Sermon, 1818. Reynell, 1729. Charters. France: Doct's ined. 35, 39. - Rutherforth, Is. lviii. 1, 1746. - Koen. Balier. Ak... Comm. dipl. crit., - St. John, P., Matt. xxii. 21, 1712. 1831. -- Sermon, 1677 (March). -- Lauresham, Codex diplomaticus. - " 1710 (South). Chartism. High, S., Appeal to the public, 1847. - Sharpe, J., Tit. iii. 1, 1700. 847. - Sherlock, T., Prov. xxiv. 21, 1708. Chase, L. Beck, Address on. -- ~" Mark iii. 24, 1744. Chase, S. Mattison, H., Sermon, death of. -- herlock, W., Ps. xc. 15, 1692. Chautauqua Co., 1. Y. Warren, E. F., - Smalridge, Gen. xlix. 5, 6, 1702. History of. -- Snape, A., I Ki. xxi. 9, 10, 1710. Chaunceys, The. Fowler, Memorials of, S- prat, T., Serm., Character of, Matt. 1858. v. 10, 1678. Cheever, E. Barnard, H., Biography of. - Stephens, J., Lam. v. 6, 1694. -- CTerry I., Prov. xxiv. 21, 1723. Chemistry. Berzelius, Inorganic Bodies. Terry,., Prov. xxiv. 21, 1723.blo-pipe. "Of the blow-pipe. SUBJECT-INDEX. 965 Chemistry (continued). Chili. Gilliss, U. S. N. Astron. Exped. Bolley, Technical Analysis. -- Johnson, S. B., Three years in, 1816. - Brard, Dictionnaire, 1855. - U. S. Naval Exped., 1849-52. - Chandler, Misc. Researches. ]China. Address to the People... commerce - Columbian Chem. Soec., Phil'a. with, 1836. - Cooke, J., Chemical Physics. - Anglo-Chinese Calendar, 1839. - Croockewit, Specimen Chemicum, 1848. - Chinese Collection, N. Y. - Draper, J. W., Introd. Lect., 1836. - Fortune, Residence with the Chinese, - Ewell, T., Plain Discourses, 1806. 1857. - Fownes, G., Rudimentary Chem., 1848. - Livres Classiques. - Fuchs, Einfluss der Chemie. - Oriental, Newspaper, 1855. - Gerhardt, Chimie Organique. - Perry, Narr. of Expedition. - Gibbs, Ammonia Cobalt Bases. - Staunton, British Relations with, 1836. - Gmelin, Handbook of Chemistry. Chlorofrrm. Sec Etherization. - Macqcjuer, Elements of, 1775. - Miller, W. A., Elements of, 1856. Choate9, IR. Parker, E. G., Reminiscences - Orfila, Pract. Chemistry, 1818. of. Porter, J. A., First Book of, 1857. Cholera. Adamson, J., Cure of, 1851. - Regnault, Elements of, 1856. - Allen, T., Treatment of, 1848. Rose, H., Chemical Analysis. - Asiatic Cholera, 1848. -- Scoffern, Elem. Chemistry. - Ayre, J., Letter on, 1854. - Silliman, Elements of, 1830. - Boddy, Diet and Cholera, 1848. - Stockhard, Chem. of Agric. - Bryson, Origin of, 1851. - Vogel, Laboratorium, Muinchen. - IIHmilton, F. H., Vegetable Malaria. - " Der Vegetation. - Hawthorne, G. S., Pathol. Nature of. Woehler, Anal. Chem. Assistant. - Ieidler, Die Epidemische Cholera, 1848. Chenango Co.9 N. Y. Clark, H. C., - Knapp, M. L., Cure of, 1855. History of. - MacLoughlin, Premon. Diarrhoa. Cherokees.. Bell, J., Report, 1840. - Providence, R. I., Statistics, 1855. Cherry Valley, N. Y. Hosmer, H. P., - Ralph, J., Treatise, 1849. Kate Clayton. - Reicoert, Cause of, 1855. Chess. Carrera, Treatise on, 1822. - Richmond, R. B., Prevention of, 1849. Chess Monthly 1857. - Rochester, health Report, 1852. -Vogt, Letters on Chess.- Skiers, Treatment for, 1849. - Sherrill, H., Temperance Method. Cheverus; Abp. ]De. Doubourg, Life of. - Snow, E. M. Cholera, Providence, R. I. Chicago. Chicago, History, Commerce, - Spencer, T., on Nature of, 1833. etc, 1853-57. -Getc.hich 1v, 183-574. - Stephens, H., Character of, 1854. Gesehichte von, 1854. - Verrollot, Du Cholera, 1845-49. Chicory. Seymour, Chicory in Ireland. -- Vindex, Prevention of, 1849. Children.. Barrau, Devoirs des Enfants.Choules, S e 0. Hague, W, Discourse on. - Channing, Sermon on. Cooper, A. A., Laor in Factories. Christ. Bonfield, Pre-existent Soul of. Cooper, A. A., Labor in Factories. Fox, W. J., Factory Education. - Carne, Origin of Manhood of. - Fox, W. J., Factory Education. - Sinlessness of. - " Sinlessness of. - Gaskell, P., Manuf. Labor of Children. - Gastrell, F., Religious- Education of- Kidson, Human Spirit of. poor. - Ludolphus, Vita. - Gedanken von der Kinder-Zucht. -- Nottingham, Eternity of, 1721. - Gerard Coll. for Orphans. - Tyrwhitt, Creation by. - Jardin de l'enance. -- Usher, J., Immanuel. - Leonard, Relation of to Church. - Watmuff, Anti-pre-existerians. Motte, Sermon, A happy child. - Waring, G. Sermon, Isaiah liv. 17. - N. Y. Juvenile Asylum. Christ, Atonement by. Adams, N., Let- Northern Home, Phil'a. ter to Gnnett. - Roman Catholic Orphan Asylum, N. Y. - Balgny, Essay on Redemption. - See Education of Children; Industrial - Benson, G., Second Thoughts, 1747. Schools; Orphans. - Disc. cone. Priesthood of, 1748. 96g FIRST SUPPLEMENT. Christ, Atonement by (continued). Christ, Second Advent of (continued). - Eltinge, Atonement of. - Miller, W., Evidence of, 1840. - Emerson, B., Right Views of, Sermon. - Spalding, J., Sentiments concerning. - Few Remarks of... 1835. -- Voice in New Hampshire, 1842. - Hardy, S., Answer to Chubb. Christian Associations. See Young - Kimedoncius, De Redemptione, 1592. Men's C. A. - Scripture doctrine of, 1761. - Short defence of, 1774. Christian Union. Bacon, L., Sermon on. - Smith, J. P., Sacrifice of, Serm. - Chalmers on the Evan. Alliance. - Taylor, J., Scrip. Doct. of. - Christian Alliance, N. Y. - Tillotson, Sermon, Heb. ix. 2. - Conference on, Liverpool, 1846. - Townsend, G., On Tract No. 80. - M'Master, G., Thoughts on, 1846. - Whitefield, Letter to Wesley. - Ranney, The Evangelical Church, 1849. W- Whiteley, J. Necessity of. - Sectarianism the Law, etc., 1846. -- Shepherd, R., No Faise Alarm, 1808. Christ, Divinity of. Brunskill, Thoughts - Sherlock, W., Discourse on, 1688. on) 1815. ~~onj~ 1815. \ - Tabaraud, Histoire des Projets. - Edwards, J., Exposition of Bp. Burnet. Tracts on Catholic Uniy, 852. Tracts on Catholic Unity, 1852. - Hind, T., Sermon, John i. 14. - Horne, G., Christ;God, a Sermon. Tyng, S. H., Plea for. - Hughes, T. S., St. Paul's Doctrine. Wainright Plea forU -- Wainright, Plea for Unity, 1850. - Ibbetson, Sermon, i Tim., iii. 16. - Kennicott, Sermon, Immanuel. Christianity. Molyneux, What is a Chris- Lardner, Of the Logos. tian, 1853. - Law, E., A defence of, 1816. - Powell, Chr. without Judaism. - MacWhorter, ahveh Christ. Superville, E16mens du, 1734. - Robinson, R., Plea for, 1776. - -- Townley,...In the 19th Century. - Sharp, G., Divine dignity of, 1806. Christianity, Evidences and De- Stephens,'W., Sermon of, 1722. fences of. Aboab, Introduction to. - Supreme deity of, 1757 (Burr). - Apthorp, Letters on, 1778. - Wilson, S., Deity of, Asserted. - Arthur, Church of the Catacombs. - Wynpersse, Godhead of. - Bayly, Certainty of, 1751. - See Trinity. - Blackall, O., Boyle Lectures (8). - Broughton, Christianity revealed. Christ.9 Resulrrection of. Benson, G., - Evidence of, 1754. -- Carson, Truth of the Gospel., - Brief defence, 1710. - Christianity and Deism, 1753. - Evidence for, 1730. - Christianity and Free Thinking, 1727. - Evidence of, 1744. - Clayton, R., hIistories of the O. T., 1752. - Holdsworth, Locke examined, 1720. -Impartial Examination, 1730. - Cooper, A., Inspiration of the Proph. - Resurrection of Jesus (Annet). - Cradock, J., Principal Objections. - Resurrection of Jesus (Annet). - Davis, Exam. of Gibbon's Chaps. 15, - Sermon, 1 Cor. xv. 35, 1757. 16. - Sherlock, Trial of the Witnesses. - Defence of Scripture Hist., 1730. - Sykes, Enquiry on, 1757. - Discourse on Providence, 1747. - Tilly, Serm., Phil. iii, 10. - Dissertations upon...Josephus, 1749. - Tyrwhitt, Resurr. through. - Doddridge, Writings of. - Wilson, T., Serm.) Matt. vi, 21. - Durham, J. G., Outworks of ChrisChrist, Second Advent of. Bates, J., tianity. 7th day Sabbath. Enquiry into the evidence, 1728. - Churchill, Midnight Cry, 1858. - Evans, J., Address on Trial of R. Carlisle. - umming, J., Lecture on. - uming, J., Lecture on. - Full Answer (HI. Taylor), 1777. - Dissertation on the Millenium, 1792.., -- Dissertation on the Millenium, 1792. Gibson, E., Pastoral Letters, 1730. - Evans, F. W., The Second Appearing. Grotius, De Veritate. - Fessenden, C. P., The Second Advent. ll C. Sermon Matt. xxviii, 20. -- IIll, C., Sermon, Matt. xxviii, 20. - Folsom, N., Dissertation on. HRincks, T. D., Letters on Age of Rea- Marsh, W., Thoughtsn. son. son. SUBJECT-INDEX. 967 Christianity, Evidences and De- Church (continued). fences of (continued). - Lacordaire, Of an Instructive Church. - Hlollis, J. on Scepticism, 1C796. -- Johnson, T., Letter to Chandler, 1734. Hughes, T. S., Defence of St. Paul. Morell, The Catholic Church. - Jackson, J., Address to Deists, 1762. - Orthodox Preacher, 1846. - Jacob, Jew turned Christian. - Piales, R6parations des Eglises. - 3ortin, Truth of Chr. Religion. - Lavington, Nature of a Type. - Reverence due Holy Places. Lectures on...Prut. Ep. Ch., 1855. Roy, Le Fabricien Comptacle. - Leeke, Serm., Acts vii. 37. - Turning to the East. Leland, J., Reflections on Bolingbroke. - Where is the True Church, 1839. - " Remarks, 1744. -Leslie, Deism Refuted. 6kChurch and State. Allen J., Associations - Locke, Reasonableness of. against, 1773. - Bricknell, On Church Rates, 1837. - Lyttelton, Conversion of Paul. - Moral Demonstration, 1775. - Cunningham, Church Establishments. - Onclerdonk, On Objections to. - PlainderdonkOnOhjctions to.- Establishment Vindicated, 1730. - Plain Discoox, W. J., Church Establishment. - Randolph, T., Propagation of. _- Gisborne, Permanent Security of, 1829. - Rawlins, On Heretical Opinions. - Gladstone, J. E., Defence of Union, - Remarks on additional Letters, 1814. 1847. - Richardson, W., four Sermons, 1730. - Hall, W., Church Establishments. Rotheram, Arg. from Prophecy. - National (On) Property, 1835. — ~. " The one Argument. - Penson, Voluntary Churches. Sharpe, G., Rise and Fall of Jerusalem. - Potter, H., Remarks on:Free Churches. -- " Want of Universality of. - Revenues of the Church of Eng., 1830. - Southwick, S., Letter to Herttell. - Rotheram, On Establishments, 1767. -- -'" Layman's Apology. - Sacheverell, Political Union, 1702. - Stebbing, H., Miscellanies. - State Church inconsistent, 1836. Stillingfieet, Mysteries Vindicated. - State preferable to the Ch., 1748. - Swain, Levi answered, 1787. - Stebbing, H., Support of Christianity. - Trollope, Gentile Opposition. - Warburton, Alliance between, 1742. - Weller, J., Ancient Authors on. - Wilks, S. C., Establishments lawful. - Williams, T., Reasons for Faith. - Wrangham, Serr. Relig. Estab., 1814. - See Miracles; Warburton; Prophecy; - See Tithes. Natural Theology. Church Authority. See Authority. Christians. N.Y. Eastern Chr. Confer6nce. Church Extension. Chrysostom, Serm. Chronology. Belsham, George III, IV, on Extension of. and General. - Church Extension, Lonld., 1853. - Blair's Chron. Tables, 1856. - Church Pastoral Aid Soc. - Chron. Tables, Oxford, 1840. - Claim of Ch. Building Soc. - Dryss, Chron. Universelle, 1858. - Presb. Ch., Reports on. - Hadyn, Diet. of Dates. - Rivington, Extension in St. Pancras. - Helvicus, Theatrum IIistoricum. - Wordsworth, C., Church Extension. - Mulder, Chron. Handboekje. - See Missions, Home. - Munsell, Every-day Book. - Rossell, Inexyof Date. Church Fathers. Athanasius, Opera. - Rosse, Index of Dates. - Augustinus, Les Confessions. - Putnam, G. P., World's Progress. - Seyffarth, Discov. in Chron. -- Bear, J., De Patrium Auctoritate. Seyffarth, Discov. in Chron. - Blunt, J. J., Lectures on. - Valerot, Journal de la France, 1722. - Wills, J., Julian & Gregor. years. Cyrillus Alexand., Opera. - Dyonisius, Opera. Church. Chalmers, Sermon on Patronage. - Epiphanius, Contra 80 Hsereses. - Discourse of...Polysynody, 1728. Gregorius Nazianzenus, Opera. - Disputation...New Eng. Divines, 1657. - " Sermons. - Ecclesia est in Republica. - Isidoriania Collationes. 968 FIRST SUPPLEMENT. Church Fathers (continued). Church of England (continued). - Tertullianus, Opera. - Grueber, the One Faith, 1850. - Theodoretus, Opera. - EIamilton, W. R., Cathedral Commission. Church lHistory. Duykerius, Korte Ver- - Hill, Sir R., an Apology for. handeling. ~handelig. - IIickes, G., Vindication of, 1687. Fleury, Mceurs des Chretiens. - John Searchs Last Words, 1839. - Haweis, Reply to Dean of Carlisle. - Maitland, The Dark Ages. - IKingscote, Wants of the Church, 1846. - Le Grice, Sermon, MaItt. xiii. 18. - Martine, Staatsreligion dlurch Constantin. - Letter, resp'fully addressed, etc., 1835. - Papeudrecht, Eccl. Ultrajectinoe. L- etter to the Rt. Hon. Sir R. Peel. - Priestley, J., Gen. Hist. of the Church. - Letters on Church Matters, 1851, 2. - Schaff, Hist. of the Church, 1-311. - Madan, Upon the 39 Articles. -- Scott, T., Synod of Dort. -- Miller, J., Claims on Estates, 1831. - Sleidan, De Statu Religionis, 1785. - Morres, Duty of Communion with, 1817. Smith, H. B., Science of C. H., 1851. - Muscutt, Hist. of Lands of, 1851. - Turrettin, J. A., Different fates of. - Pelling, E., Good Old Way, 1680. - Valeret, Journ. de la France, 1722. - Peril of being zeal. affected. - See Great Britain, Church History; - Persuasive to Comm. with, 1683. Protestantismn. I — Plan for the Cooperation, 1848. Church l issionary Society. Church l- Puritan Discipline Tracts. her own Enemy, 1818. - Questions and Answers, 1723. - Terrot, Bp., Correspondence, 1844. - Real Advantages, (Welles) 17t2. Church of England. Address to the - Reply to the reasons of... clergy.. 1687. Bishops, (Disney), 1790. - Robinson, M., Letter to Beverley, 1851. - Advice to Confuter of Bellarmin, 1687. - Sanderson, Bioe. of Obsolete Church- Altham, Vindication of, 1687. men. - Andrews, T., Vindication of. - Scott, T., Evils of Separation, 1817. - Apology for, in Canada, 1826. - Short defence of, 1681. - Appeal to Common Reason, (Jones), - Short view of the Conduct, 1737. 1850. - Spencer, T., the Pillars of the, 1840. B- edford, Blazon of Episcopacy. - Stanley, W. 0., Union of Sees, 1843. - Best, S., Deans and Chapters. - Strictures on Subjects, 1807. - Beverley, Corrupt state of, 1831. - Stubbes, Censure of the Royal Society, Blandford, Episc. Property. 1670. Brand, Philanth. Society, 1S06. - Sturges, Considerations on, 1772. - Burges, G., Address to Stanley, 1838. -- Sulpicius, Letter to nobody, 1775. - Case of Ch. of Eng., 1834. - Sweet, J. B., Discipline in, 1847. - Cave, Discourse concerning, 1684. - Tucker, J., an Apology for, 1772. - Church of England, vind., 1739. - Vanity of...ceremonies, 1690. Church Questions, 1855. - Vindication of, 1748. - Church Reviewed, Lond., 1835. - Wake, Abp., Charge, Patronage, 1709. - Claims of, Lond., 1815. - Wordsworth, Sermons, 1850. - Coming Conflict, 1851. - See Tractarianism; Hampden. - Considerations of present use, 1682. - Cunningham, Missions of, 1814. Church of England, Clergy of. Apol- Davys, G., On the Doctrines of.y for, 1734. - Dile~mmas of a Churchman, 1838. - Campbell, A., Rights of, 1823. D- Church of Eng. vindicated, 1739. Do not be Duped, 1850. Eclesiast. Alanack 1842.- Clarke, J., Reply to Chandler. Ecclesiast. Almanack, 1842. - Evils of the Policy, 1849. Curate's appeal, 1819. - Falkland, Speech on Episcopasie, 1641. - Defence of the Sc. of the Sons of. - Forby, R., Letter to Bp. of Norwich, - Extraordinary claims of, 1735. 1815. G- utteridge, On Corruptions, 1846. Gresley, W., Short Treatise on. - Hale, W. H., Duties of Priests, 1850. - Grey, J., the Capitular Commission. - Harrowby, Speech, Relief of, 1810. - Grey, W. H., Church Leases. -- Hickes, G., Catechism, 1710. SUBJECT-INDEX. 969 Church of England, Clergy of (con- Church of Scotland (Episcopal). tinued). Druinmond Schism, 1842. - Le Courayer, Defence of Ordinations of. Church, Primitive, Coleman, Apostol. - Letter to the Author of Hints, 1814. Church, 1844. - Obs. on Non-residence. - Fuller, A., Discipline of. - Perceval, Curates' Bill. - Perceval, Curates' Bill. - Kendall, E. H., Sermon, Primitive Plan for better'Maintenance. Church. - Pluralities (On the), 1833. - Naked Truth, (Croft), 1675. - Brougham. - Smirke (Mr.), Or the Divine in Mode, - Rennell, Letter to Brougham. 1677. - Scott, Sir Wl., Speech, Non-residence. Church Union. See Christian Union. - Society of the Sons of the Clergy. Cicero,. T. Stricker, J., Life of. - Spencer, G. T., Letter to Bp. of Bath, 1833. Cider. Devon, Eng., Duty on. 1833. - State of the Estab. Ch., 1810. Cipher. Gage, on cypher. - Statutes: residence of. - Thicknesse, Treatise on the art of. - Thackeray, F., Defence of, 1822. - See Monograms; Writing; Short Hand. - Thoughts on Non-residence, 1803. Cincinnati. Drake, B., 1826. - Townsend, G., Of Non-residence. - Smith, R., Review of Trade, etc., - Wotton, W., Serm., Rights of. 1850-55. - See Apostolic Succession. Cincinnati Society. Dwight, T., Oration, 1792. Church of England Convocation. - Constitutional Assem. of Clergy, 1829. Society 85-. - Frazer, W., Constitutional nature of. Circumcision. Reflections on Letter to Waterland. - Law of Convocation, 1852. - Letter to the author of Vindication, Civil Authority. See Authority. 1685. Civil Engineering. See Engineering. - Nihill, Ecc'l. Assemblies, 1836., Civilization. Buckle, History of. - Robins, Against Revival of. - Everett, E., Stability and Progress. - Snape, (A.) instructed, (Kennett) 1718. - Everett, E., S ility and Progress. - Guizot, History of. - Soc. for the Revival of, 1851. - See Progress; Society. Church of England Liturgy. Apology Clark, E. B. Clark, D. W., Life of. for (Hersley), 1790. o Butler, J. Sermorl on, 1763. Classical Literature. Brumoy, Greek - Butler, J., Sermon on, 1763. Theatre. - Church of Eng]., Common Prayer. - Campagnol, Themes Latins. - Iints... on Revision. -- Coray, Greek Class. Criticisms. rip evision of, 1851. Cuperus, Observationes, 1670. - Simeon, Excellency of. Dissertation... Greek Accents. - Thoughts on...present state, 1836. Docen, Ueher die Ursachen, etc. - See Liturgies; Prayer. - Eusebius, Actual state of. Church of England Reform. Appeal - - rsvins, Lectiones Tesiod. in behalf, 1840. - Githe, Ueber den Astrios, etc. - Burton, E., Thoughts upon, 1831. - Harpocration, De Vocibus liber. - Carlisle, W., Church Reform, 1844. - Harwood, Biographia classica. - Duncombe, Letter to the Hierarchy. - Heeren, A. H. L., Gesch. des studiums der Griechisehen. Ecclesiastical Dignities. -- Heyne, Opuscula Academica. Eccl. Legislation, 1836. -- Manutius, Orthographiae Ratio. - Essay on, 1851. Mnemosyne, 1853-57. - Henley, Church Reform. Olivet, J., Comm. in Ciceronis Op. - Perceval, Letter to Henley, 1832. Pierron, Hist. Lit. Rom., 1857. - Scott, J., Serm. Reformation, 1831. Scott J. Ser. ReformtionQuintus Calabrus, Praetermiss. ab Ho- Sparrow, Eccl. Reform, 1833. mero. - Surtees, Church Abuses, 1849. - Ramsay, Travels of Cyrus. - Wetherell, Church Reform, 1833. R- oth, Ueber Thucydides u. Tacitus. Church of Scotland. Letter from a- " v. d. Cla. Gelehramkeit. Blacksmith, 1758. - Schoell, Hist. Lit. Romaine. [SuPPL.] 122 910 FIRST SUPPLEMENT. Classical Literature (continued). Climate. Blodget, Climate of the U. S. - Vitringa, De Protagorm Vita. - Hough, Climate of N. Y. - Waddington, Carmen Groecum. - Johnson, J., Tropical Climates. - Wakefield, Corresp. with Fox. - See Meteorology. - Wellendarffer, In Aristot. Comment. Clinton, DeW. Address of Committee, - Wheeler, Anal. of ThuLycidides. 1812. - See Antiquities; Greek; Latin; Biblio- Clinton, G. Address to the People, 1808. graphy. Classification of Books. See Biblio- Clinton Co., Iowa. Iowa Land Co. graphy. Coal. Antisell, Coal Oils. Clay, HI. Anspach, Discourse on. - Blackwell, Explosions, 1853. - Baldwin, N. B., Discourse, 1852. - Deering, Coal Whippers of Lond. - Colton, Correspondence of; Life of. - Coal Trade, Lond. - Leavitt, J., The great Duelist. - Jackson, C. T., Albert Coal Mine. - N. Y. St. Aux. Clay Mon. Ass'n. - Lesley, J. P., Manual of Coal. Cleaveland, E. Misrepresentations cor- - Manhattan Oil Co. rected. - Obs. on the duty on, Lond., 1830. Clement XIV. Caraccioli, Leven van. - Obs. on the proposed duty, 1842. Clergy. Academia Speculum, 1830. - Remarks on the Coal Trade in Lond. - Admonition to the younger... 1764. - Roberts, W. P., Colliery explosion. - Advice to a Son...1725. - Advice rtom a BiSon p,......... 1725. Coal Companies. Bon Harbor, Ky. - Advice from a Bishop, 1759. - Clinton Co. Coal Co. - Arnold, W. H., Licentious Clergymen. -- Cumberland Coal Co. - Beverley, Of a Human Priesthood. - Brooks, C., Salaries in N. England. - - Delaware & Hudson Co. - Cambridge, G. O., Charges to. - Canada; Report on support of, 1835. - Lehigh Coal Co. - Chapman, Charge to, 1 746. - Little Schuylkill R. R. & C. C. - Christian Temple, Lond., 1849. - Monroe Coal and Iron Co. - Clarke, A., Letter to Preacher. - Pennsylvania, 1857. - De Lancey, W. H., Sermon, Rev. ii. 10. - Pickell Mining. -- " ~" Charges, 1846, 55. - Rankin, Cumberland Coal. - Dissuasive from...orders, 1732. - Saline C. and Man. Co. - Drake, S., Concio, 1724. - Western Mining Co., 1857. Evans, H., Sermon on, 1773. Coast Survey. Davis, J., Speech, 1849. - Free and apposite Obs., 1782. - U. S. Coast Survey, Reports. - Gerard, The Pastoral Office, 1760. Cochineal. Thiery, De la Culture de. Goddard, C., Ordin. Service defended. - Goddard, W. S., Visitation Sermon, Cochrang, J. Stinchfield, Unit'm dcli1811. neated. - Grimshawe, Wrongs of...Peterborough. Cocoa. Prescott, W., Description of. - Jackson, W., Of supporting themselves. Codman, J. Dyer, D., Distourse on, 1848. -- James, J. A., Minist. duties. - Storrs, R. S., Disc., death of. - Latham, Difficulties of, 1736. Codrington, Sir E. Ralfe, Navarino - Laurence, R., Charges, 1822. battle. - Lecture, Folly of servants, 1842. - Lecture, Flly of servants, 1842. Coe, J. McDonald, Letters, Albany, 1801. - Leechman, Sermon, Duty of. - Letter to Brougham, 1823 (Rennell). Coffee. Analyt. Sanit. Commission. - Mason, J., Letter on Entrance, 1753. - Lettre a M. Le Monnier, 1773. - Maurice, P., Causes of Contempt of. Coin. See Currency; Numismaties. - Messer, Sermons, 2 Pet. i. 13. Coleridge, S. T. Heraud, Oration on. - Owen, J., Plea for Ordination. Colet, J. St. Paul's School, Lend. -- Parochial duties, 1828. - Potter, A., Ministerial study. College of N; Jersey. Historical sketch - Potter, A., Ministerial study. of, 1859. - Rockwell, C., War against Ministers. Colleges. Religious condition of. - See Apostolical Succession; Church of England Clergy; Theological Edu- Colleges; Catalogues of. Pamn. V. 155, cation. 156, 157, 247, 248, 481. SUBJECT-INDEX. 971 Colleges of New York. Pam. V. 479. Columbia, District of. Brent, Letters, 1844. Colleges; Roman Catholic. Pam. V. 482. - Columbia, Militia of. 482. Colleges,; ~ Westerln. Pam. AV. 480. - Elliot, J., Hist. Researches, 1830. - See Washington City. Collins, A. Bullock, T., Answers to. Q- Queries recommended to, 1713. Columbia River. United States, Letters - Reasonableness of assenting, 1708. Columbus. Columbus and his Times. Cologne. Hartzheim, Bibliot. Coloniensis. - Columbus, F., Historie del, 1571. Colombia. Apelacion, 1827. - Napione, Del primo Scopritore. Colonization of People of Color. - Syllacius, De insulis nuper inventis. Amer. Soc. for Colonizing. Amer. Sc. for olonizing. - See America, Discovery in. Carey, M., Letters on. - Colonization Soc., N. Y. Combe, C. Parr, S., Remarks on. - Everett, E., Address, 1853. Commentaries. See Bible. - Kentucky, St. Col. Soc. Commerce. Amer. Comm. Alman., 1852. - Liberian Colonization. - Baker, J. L., Exports and Imports, - Maryland State Soc. 1859. - Mass. Col. Soc. Rep. - Bordeaux; Cham. de Commerce. - New Jersey Colon. Soc., 1857. - Boston Board of Trade. - N. Y. St. Col. Soc., 1856. - BreenHadels, 1853-6. - Pollock, A., Discourse, V'a., 1850. - Case of import. of bar iron, 1756. - Putnam, L. H., Emig. to Liberia. -' Congres International, 1856. - Remarks on the Col. Soc., 1833. - Consid. sugar, 1747. - Review of Pamphlets on, 1833. - Delprat, Convoijen en Licenten. - Shadd, Colored Emig. to Canada. - Hagendorp, Kolon. Syst. in Frankrijk. - Slaughter, Virginia, Hist. of. -- Homans, Cyclopaedia of, 1858. - Stebbins, Facts touching. - Cc Foreign Commerce of U. S., - U. S. Naval Report on Steamers. 1857. - Vermont Col. Soc., 1850. - Huet, View of Dutch Trade, 1722. - Wilkeson, Hist. of Liberia. - Hunt's Merchants' Mag., 1855-9. Coor People of. Association for, N.Y.- Impartial observations, U. S., 1763. Color, People of. Association for, N - n - Lang, Baier. Handelsgeschichte. - Blair, F. P., Speech on Cent. Amer. - Letter from a Merchant, 1718. - Catto, Colored Churches in Phil'a. - Catto, Colored Churches in Phila - Letter to the Rt. Hon. the Earl of -- Colored Home, N. Y. Buckinghamshire.. on trade to - Cuffee, P., Lee Boo, Life of. India. - Drew, North-side View, 1856. - Lyne, Tribunals of Comm. - Hall, J., Address to, 1858. - Merchants' and Bankers' Aim., 1860. - Mott, A., Biographies of. - Merchants' Fund, Phila. - Nell, Colored Am. Patriots. - Minet & Fector, Bills of Exchange. - Proceedings, Convention, 1851. - New York Cham. of Comm. - Prot. Ep. Ch., N. Y., St. Philip's Ch. - Otto, Taschenbuch, 1814. - Smith, T. P., Colored Schools, 1850. - Palmer, Am. Comm. in the East. - Soc. for the support of Colored Home. - " Business Aim., 1849-51. - Toussaint, P., Memoir of. - Parker, T., Serm. of Merchants. - Un. St., Commerce, Charleston, S. C., - Phila. Board of Trade, 1860. 1823. - Playfair, Commer. Atlas, 1801. - Wheatley, P., Memoir of. - Scott, W. A., Trade and Letters, 1856. - See Africans; Slavery. - Tuson, Shipowner's Guide, 1858. Columbia College, N. Y. Address to - Un. St., Flagg's Reports, 1856, 7. the Citizens, 1830. - " Restrictions abroad. - Letter to the Trustees, 1856. -, Ustariz, Theory of Commerce, 1751. - Ruggles, Unitarian Professors. - Wilson, J., Speech, Nav. Laws. Columbia County, N. Y. Terry, Civil - See Political Economy; Navigation. List, 1858. Communion. Bartholomew, Special ordi- Wynkoop's Almanac, 1854. nances, 1769. 972 FIRST SUPPLEMENT. Communion (continued). Conformity (continued). - Christian exceptions, 1736. - Serious Inquiry, London, 1704. - Colby, Call to the Sacrament. - Short Surveigh, 1663. - Crewe, An exhortation to. - See Dissenters; Toleration. - Gordon, HIoly Communion, a Sermon. Congregational Churcheso Amer. Cont. - Grotius, H., Two Tracts. Year Book, 1858. - Hales, J., Tract on. - Beecher, L., Rights of Churches. - Hendley, W., Exhortation to, 1723. - " Local Churches, Serm. - Hloadly, Defence of Plain Account. - ]Bowdoin St. Church, Boston. - Morgan, T., Grounds of, a Letter, 1725. - Bulmer, J., Government of, 1813. - Payne, W., Of Comm. in one kind. - Congreg. Almanac, 1846. - Place, C., Remarks on Hoadly. - Congregational Board. - Pott, Paul's Testimony on. - Congregational Churches. - Prot. Dissenters' Answer to Priestley. - Congregational Quarterly, 1859. Rahusen, Hand-boek van. - Congregational Union, England. - Remarks on "A plain account." - Emery, Ministry of Taunton. - Remarks on, Dr. Warburton's Serm. - Evangelical Magazine, Lond. - Solution of Dr. Resolutus, 1619. - Felt, Eccl. Hist. of N. E. Stokes, J. O., Denison's Errors, 1855. - First Congr. Ch. Albany. - Synge, Excuses for not coming. - First Congr. Ch. HIartford. - Yorke, F. H., Introduction to, 1821. - Genesee Consociation. - Wilson, T., Instruction for. - Hall, J., Against Brownists, 1610. - See Hoadly; Baptists; Transubstantia- - Harris, W., Church Fellowship. tion. tion. - Keep, J., Congregationalism, 1845. Compromise Measures. Davis, J., Sp'h,- Laurence, R. F., New Hamp. churches. 1850..- Letters to a friend...North Yarmouth. - Dayton, W. L., Speech, 1850. - Marsh, S., Uncle Nathan. - Foote, H. S., Speech on, ]851. - Mather, S., Apology for liberties of. -- Giddings, J. R., Speech, 1850. - Giddings, J. H., Speech, 1850. - New Haven County Association, 1769. - Houston, S., Speech, 1851. - Rawson, Nottingham. - Jay, W., Letter to W. Nelson. - Rights of the Congregational Churches, - King, D. P., Speech. (Beecher). - King, P., Speech, 1852. - Rights of the Congregational Parishes, - Seward, WXV. H., Speech, 1850. (Lowell). - Union Meeting; Castle Garden, 1850. - Review of the Berkeley case, 1828. - See Missouri; United States, politics. - Reading Congr. Church, Conn. Compton, H. Gooch, Sermon on, 1713. - Roaf, Catechism on. - Shedd, Congregationalism, Address, Conchology. Catlow, Conchol. Nomen- 1858. clator. - Deshayes, Deser. des Coquilles. - Some Seasonable Enquiries, Beost., 1723. - Deshayes, Descr. des Coquilles. Sprague, Annals of Am. Pulpit. - Klein, Tentamen meth. Ostrac., 1753. Sprague, An nals of Am. Pulpit. - LeaTheGenusUnio - Uhden, Congregationalists of N. E. - Lea, T.,The Genus Uniohof itdState - Upham, C. W., Principles of, 1829. Say, T., Conch. of lUnited States. - S, Conc. s. - White, J., N. E.'s Lamentations, 1734. - Sowerby, Conch. Illustrations. wi- se, J., Vind. of N. Eng. churches. Concord, N. H. Bouton, N., History of. - Churches quarrel espoused. Confession. Disc. cone. Auricular... - See New England; Puritans. Instructions for confession. Connecticut. Answer of the friend, 1755. Confirmation. Allen, J. M., Apostol. - Bishop, A., Conn. Republicanism, 1801. Confirmation. -rPiers, i., Conf. proved, 1841. - Bulkeley, G., Peoples' Right, 1689. - Piers, O., Conf. proved, 184l. Charter Oak, 1856. - Charter Oak, 1856. Conformity. Bicheno, Engl. Non-con- - Congregational Churches of. formity. - Connecticut Colony Records. - Bristow, Non-Conf. recommended, 1817. - Connecticut Register. - Letter to a Clergyman, 1704. - Count the Cost, 1804. - Repeal of the Act, 1717. - Do Forest, Hist. of the Indians of. SUBJECT-INDEX. 913 Connecticut (continued). Cookery (continued). Goodwin, N., First Settlers. - Society of Antiquaries, Receipts. Hartford Directories. - Stafford's Receipt book. New Haven, Colony Records. - -Stone, R., Family book, 1836. - New York, Boundary Report, 1857. Copper Compani es, Montreal Mining, - Sigoirney, Sketch of 40 years since, 1853. 1824. 1824. - ontreal River Co., 18460. - Steady habits vindicated, 1804. - N. Y. & Lake Superior. - Some reasons that influence, 1766. WTatson's.AlmLanac, 1i777. Copyright. See Literary Property. Connecticut Election Sermons; Dick- Corcoran,:H. Caldicott, Narrative of Coninson, M., 1755. version of. - Reynolds, P., 1757. Corder, -W. Hyatt, C., Sermon, ExecuStiles, E., 1783. tion of. Ely, Z., 1804. Corn. Browne, On Maize. - Lyman, W., 1806. -- Cobbett, A Treatise on. - Nott, S., 1809. Corn Laws. Byrne, Letters on, 1851. Lee, C., 1813. - Day, G. G., Anti-Corn Law League. Connnecticnt ]Local ] H[istory. See - Fitzwilliam, Addresses on, 1839. Farmington; Hartford; Haarwinton; - Free trade in Corn, 1828. Lisbon; Litchfield; Newgate; New - Great Britain; Commerce, 1806. i-Iaven; Norwich; Ridgefield; Suffield; Waterbury; Windsor; Wood- Greg, R.., Pressure of, 1842. bury. - Greg, W. R., Prize Essay. - Hall, G. W., Observations, Lound., 1822. ConscieCceo Sharpe, J., Disc. on Con- science. - Lauderdale, A letter on, 1814. - National Anti-Corn Law League. Constable, T. M'Culla, Rod for Scorpions, 1806. > lthl- Mlths, PRestrietion of Trade. - Obs. on the prop. measure, 1842. Constantinople. Constantis, Constnstanti~~~niadc~. ~- Peel, R., Papers on. - Fisher's Illustrations of. - Ricardo, On Protection. - Pardoe, BeLauties of Bosphorus. - Tyrconnel, Address to the People, 1840. - See Turkey. - See Free Trade; Tariff. Constitutionso France, Const. de Ia Re- Cornelius, E. E dwards, B. B., Life of. publiqcue. ICoroners. Herford, Coroner's Inquests. - Jackson, Const. of the States, 1783. Corporation Acts. See Test Acts. - Massachusetts, Discussions, 1853. Cortland Co. o Y.o Goodwin, H. C., Construlction. See Architecture; Bridges; Pioneer History. Engineering; Railroads. Cosmogony. Belsham, Serm., Gen. ch. 1. Consuls. Tuson, Mariner's guide. Cnsuls. Tuson, Mariner's guide. - Burnett, T., Theory of the Earth. Consumption. Cotting, Statistics, Rox- - Hickok, Rational Cosmology. bury, 1854. - Fitch, S. S., Guide, N. Y. - Picus Mirandula, HIeptaplus, 1479. - Roberts, W., Thoughts on Creation, I- all, sW. W., Throat ail. 1782. - New Treatise on, 1796. - Schrank, Urkunden der Vorwelt. Contagion. See Yellow Fever; Plague; - Winslow, C. F., Views of the Universe. Quarantine. Coster, J. L. See Typography. Convicts. Boston Society for Discharged Convicts. Costumes, Mazuy, Types Anciens. - Bucquet, Jeunes lib6res. Cotton. Bazley, Lectures on, 1852. - Convict Treatment, 1847. - Dudley, J. G., Paper on Cotton, 1853. - See Punishments. - Lawrence, A. A., Prospects of AmeriCook, D. P. Brown, W. H., Memoir of. can. Un. St., Duties on Am. Cotton, 1856. Cook, E. Robbins, T., Sermon, Death of. - Ure, A., Cotton.. in Great Britain. Cook, J. 1l.'Bacon, H., Review of Memoir. Counterfeiting. Assoc. Banks of Mass. Cookery. Skinner, American book of. Coven;ry, C. IB. Batchelder, Reply, 1829. 974 FIRST SUPPLEMENT. Coventry, Conn. Tolland Co. Assoc'n, Currency (continued). 1812. - King, J. G., Speech, Branch Mints. Coventry, Vt. White, P. H., History of. - Lopes, Reforma dos Pezos. Crawford, T. Hicks, T., Eulogy of, 1858. - Moorsom, Letter on, 1847. National Cur. Reform Ass'n, 1850. Credit. Colwell, Analysis of Credit, 1859. - Obs. on coin in Ireland, 1730. - Crisis (The), by Junius, 1843. - Preface examined of Huskisson. Creeds. Arcana, (R. Robinson) 1774. - Roosevelt, C., Protecting industry. - Beecher, Bible...a Creed. - Beecher, Bible..a Creed.- Two Supp. Letters, 1819. - Carter, N., Sermon on, 1752. - U. S. Mint Report, 1855. - Channing, Letter on. - See Financial; Banks. - Consid. on...subscription, 1774., Curtisq C. Parr, S., Answer to. - Creeds of Chr. Church. -- English, E., A Tale and a Creed. I Curtis, J. Sedgwick, C. M., Memoir of. - Ibbetson, Plea for 39 Articles. Curtis, J. L. Facts and Considerations, - Hallifax,. S., Subscr. to the 39 Articles. 1852. - Hook, W. F., On the use of. Cushman, T. H. tuntington, E. A., Discourse on, 1841. - Letter to a Bishop, 1772. - Randolph, T., Subscription to, 1771. Customs. Andros, U. S. Customs' guide. - Richardson, 5., The Athanasian. - Loggin, Frauds on Pepper, 1718. - Ridgley, Truth and Charity, 1721. - O'Dowd, Customs' Administ. - Rutherforth, Subscriptions to Articles, - ecuel d'Observations, 1749. 1767. - Remarks on the Customs, Loud., 1851. - Seagrave, Principles of Liberty.' - Short, The Waterguard, 1849. - Squier, J. 0., Emancip. from, 1833. - U. S. Warehousing System, 1849. - Toplady, Free thoughts, 1771. - See Tariff; Free Trade. - Waterland, Of Fundamentatls. Cutler, A. Bramwell, Account of. - See Opinions; Toleration. Cuyahoga, Ohio. Portage Company. Crimea. Oderico, Lettere Liglustiche. Cyprian. Shepherd, E. J., Genuineness of - Wyld, Descr. of Sevastopol, etc. writings of. Crimean War. Alger, American voice on. Cyprus Is. Loredano, Hist. des rois de. - France: War Department, Rapport. - McLellan, G. B., Report, 1856. D. Pict. Hist. of the War, 1854-6. - TraitW de Paris, 1856. Daffodil. Pinondel, Sa culture, 1855. Crilmes. See Punishments. -Dale, S. Claiborne, Life of. Cruger, H. Van Schaack, Notice of. Dalrymple, H. Hague, T., Letter to Duke of York. Crusades; Michaud, History of.. Danbury, Conn. Stone, R. S., Church Cuba. Abbot, A., Letters from, 1823. manual. - Bell, J., Speech, 1858. Dancing. Fowler, P. H., Dancing by - Brooks, E., Speech, 1853. Christians. - Everett, E., Correspondence on. - No slur...N. Y., 1840. - Humboldt, Cuba, Thrasher's ed. - Young Ladies' Book. - Murray, A., Letters from, 1856. - See Amusements. - Seward, Speech, 1859. Danses des Nlorts. Peignot, Recherches. - Un. St., Tripartite Convention, 1853. Danvers, Mlgass. Nichols, A., Danvers, a - Voyage to Havana, 1841. poem. Cumberland, Eang. Cooke's Topog. Lib. - Osgood, G., Of North Danvers, 1855. Curiosities. Blanc, Le Tr~sor de, 1857. -Darien. Gisborne, The Isthmus in 1852. - Hacke, Sharp's voyage. Currency. Brooks, J., Report on Coinage. - Hiughos, G. W., Intermarine communi- Bowring, J., Decimal System. cation. - Decimal Association, 1355. - Thiers, Hist. of the expedition. - Great Britain, Mint, 1817. Dartmoor Prison. Journal of a young - Hist. of Paper Money in Am. man. SUBJECT-INDEX. 975 Dartmouth, ND[ass. Ricketson, Iist. of. Demoniacs. Dissertation on, 1775. Davenport, Iowa. Wilkie, F. B., Hi- Farmer, H., An Inquiry, 1765. tory of. - Pegge, Examination of, 1739. David. Porteus, Character of. - Thacher, J., Essay on. Davies, S. Gibbons, T., Sermon on, 1761. Denmark. Geffrey, Histoire de, 1851. - Nicholls, W., Serm. death of Pr. George. Davis, N. Sprague, W. B., Serm. death of. - Who is to blame, 1849. Davis, T. A. Pierce, J., Ad. at funeral. Dentistry. Allen, J., Of Dentures, 1854. Davy9s Lamp. Blackwell, Explosions. - Baltimore College of. Dayton, Ohio. Hall, B. F., Sketch of. - Brown, W. S., Treatise. - Lyford's Directory. - Clark, F. Y., Dental Monitor. Dwinelle, On Watts' Crystal Gold. Dead Sea. Lynch, W. F., Exploration of.le, On Watts' Crystal Gold. Family Dental Journal, 1854. Deaf and Dumb. Amer. Asylum, Hart- - Gidney, Treatise, 1824. ford. - Amer. Instructors' Conventions. N. Y. College of Dental Surgery. C- Penn'a Coll. of Den. Surgery. - Indiana Instit. Reports. Phil'a Cll. of D. Surg. - Illinois Asylum. - Potter, E., Dissertation on. - Ohio, Benevolent Inst. - Putnam, C. S., The Forcep. - N. Y. Institution for. Depravity. Inquiry into nature of, 1829. Peet, Address, North Carolina. - Hales, J., Corruptions of Nature, 1720. - Penn. Inst. for, Reports. -- Hampton, J., Account of fall of Man. Tennessee, Asylum Reports. - Letters'to W. Wilberforce, (Cogan). - Turnbull, Recoveries of, 1849. - Mason, D. H., Essay on Human d. - U. S., Public Lands for, 1848. - Spring, S., Moral Disquisitions. Debt. Address to Prince of Wales, 1783. Des loines. Iowa, Descr. of Central Ellis, C. M., Law betwixt Debtor, &c. Iowa. - Martin, H., Twenty Reasons against. Detroit, Mich. Munsell's Hist. Series, No. 4. Whitmore, Serm., Running in Debt. De Veaux, J. Gibbes, H. W., Memoir of. - See Great Britain, Debt of. Devonshire, Eng. Davidson, Bibliot. Dedham, lMass. Worthington, E., His- Devoniensis. tory of. Diaries. Bohun, E., Diary. Deerfield, Mass. Bradford Club Publica- H., Diay, 165-9. tions. _ Teonge, H., Diary, 1675-79. - Papers concerning. - Washington, G., From 1789 to 1791. - Willard, S., Eccl. Council at. - See Autobiographies. Deism. Account of Growth... (Stephens), Dictionaries of Languages. Alexandre, 1691. Diet. Grec-Frangais. Fox, W. J., Duties to Deists. - Alexandre, Diet. Frais-Grec. - Letter to a Deist, (Balguy). - Aucher, Frangais-Armenien-Turc. Reflections upon a Pamphlet, 1696. - Bartlett, Diet. of Americanisms. - the Clergy, 1731. - Blanche, Diet. d'Administration. - Rogers, H., Greyson Letters. - Bomhoff, Dutch and English. - See Natural Theology; Infidelity. English and Dutch. - Boyer, Relation de Bretigny, (Ind.) Delaware. Baltimore, Articles, 1760.,- Diet. Fran., All., Anglais. - Scott, J., Geog. descr. of, 1807. - English and Dakota Vocab. Delft. Beschrijving der, 1729. English and Danish. - Gribius, Redenvoeringen, 1731. English and Dutch. - Oosterlanid, Delfshaven, Serm., 1746. - English and Russian. Democracy. Democratic Conventions. - English and Swedish. - National Dem. Conv., 1851. - English and Tamil. - N. Y. Dem. Ass'n of Washington. - Estienne, Thesaurus Greeca Linguae. - Tappan, M. W., Speech, 1856. - Eysinga, Maleisch en Nederduitsch. - See United States, Politics. - Gesenius, Heb. and English, 1844. 97(6 FIRST SUPPLEMENT. Dictionaries of Langnages (continued). Dissenters (continued). Grimm, Deutsches Wdrterbuch. - Case of the Dissenters, 1833. - Ialliwell, Diet. of Archaic...words. - Chandler, Letter to, 1748. - Hearne, Langtoft's Chronicle. - Collins; R., Advice to, 1733. - Lemans, Heb.-Nederduitsch, 1831. - Conscientious Nonconformity, 1737. - Lemon, English Etymology, 1783. - Consid. on a Comprehension, 1748. - Loewe, Circassian Languages. - Dissenters, To the Queen, 1714. - Lowndes, English-Modern Greek. - " Statement-of Case, 1827. - " Modern Greek —English. - " Apology, 1739. __ Hlebrew-Modern Greek. - Dissenting Gent's Answer, 1748. - Marslen, Malai, Hollancl., Fran. - England, II. C., Letter on the case of, - Martinius, M., Lex,. Etymologicum, 1790. 1623. -- Enquiry into decay of, 1730. -Morell.T., Lex. Graeco-ProsodiaCum. - Essay on the Origin, etc., 1790. - Quicherat, Dict. Lat. —Franais. - Interest of England (Shute), 1703. -_ " Diet. Fran.-Latin. — Kippis, Vindication of, 1773. _- " Thes. Poet. Ling. Latinee. Lay Nonconformity, 1728. - Reineccius, Manuale Biblicum, 1734. Lidaon, Ser Diss. efended - Liddon, Serm., Diss. defended. - Roquefort, Langue Romaine. - Magistate's Monitor, 1682. - Riggs, E., Modern Ar'menian. -- Nares, R., Charge, On Sectaries. - Salmon, Etymol. Lat. Diet., 1796. - arratie of Proceedings, 1734. - Scapula, Lex. Grueco-Latinum. - Obs. on the conductiof, 1790. - Schleusner, Lex. G~r. —Lat. in Nov._- Ohs. on the conduct of the Tories, 1730. Test. Owen, C., Plain dealing, 1715. - Sternberg, Dialect of Northamptonshire. -'- Oxenham's Letters. Shea, French-Onondaga.,- Priestley, Free Address to, 1770. Suidas, Lexicon, Grece. View of the Principles of. - Tolhausen, Technological Dict. - Webster, N., English, 1859. - Reason for enabling, etc., 1717. - Worcester, J. E., Eng. Diet., 1860. - Religion of Papists, 1717. - Wright, T., Diet. of Provincial English. - Rivers, Obs. on and History. - See Bibliography. - Roe, P., Evils of Separation, 1817. - Some seasonable... queries, 1719. Dictionaries of Science. See Encyclo- - Steele, R., Bill on...Schisus, 1714. padias; Sciences. I — Stillingfleet, Serm., Mischief of. Diet. See Food; Health. - Synge, Of Nonconformists, 1698. Dignities. See Heraldry. - System of Congr. Dissent., 1832. Diplomatics. See Bibliography; Charters. - Tucker, J., Letter to Kippis, 1773. - Vindication of, 1837. Disney, J. Jervis, T., Serm., Death of. - Why should not I go, 1840. Dispensaries. Boston Dispensary. - Wilks, M., Sermon, Nonconformity, - Bury Dispensary. 1818. - Demilt, N. Y., Reports. - Withers, Vindication, 1719. - Eastern Dispen., N. Y. - See Conformity; Toleration; Test Act. - N. Y. Dispensary. Divinsg. Hough's Diving Bell. - N. Y. Homceop. Dispensary. - iaillefert's Blasting. - Northern Dispensary, N. Y. - Public Disp., Lond., 1838. Doane, G. W~. Binney, II., Correspond- Williamsburgh, N. Y., Report. ence, 1849. - Hiitten, Epistle, 1853. D'Israefi, I. Corney, Curiosities of Lit. - Lee, A., Vind. of -the Bishops. Dissenters. Abrabanel, Complaint, 1736. - Prot. Ep. Ch., Trial of, 1853. l- Address to...on Regium Donumr. IDo'bbs, A. Middleton, C., Answer to. - Apostolic Conformity, 1703. - Bogue, History of, to 180S. Docks, Dr y. Dakin, Sectional Floating. - Calamy, E., Letter to Echard, 1718. Sectional Floating Dry Dock. - Case of Dissenters, 1703. U. S., Navy Reports, 1845, 47. - Case of Dissenters in Carolina, t706. IDod, A. 1B. Hodge, C., Account of, 1845. SUBJECT-INDEX. 977 Dod, A. B. (continued). Drama, English (continued). - Maclean, J., Serm. death of. - Knowles, J. S., The Hunchback. 3Doddridge, P. Orton, J., Serra. death of. - Lillo, George Barowell. - Lilly, J., Dramatic works. Dogs. Jesse, E., Anecdotes of. - Johnson, T. B., Shooter's Companion. - - More, H., Sacred dramas. Dolcino, Fra. Mariotti, Memoir of. - Scott, W., Halidon -1ll. Dollinger, J. Walther, Rede zum anden- - Select Plays, Baltimore. - ken. - Shakspeare's Plays. Doolittle, W. N1. Wood, N., Sermo, - Sheridan, -R. B., The Critic. death of. d- Southey, Wat Tyler. Dorchester, Mass. Allen, W. Hist. dis- - Steele, R., Conscious lovers. course.. Codmanur Hist. Sermon, 181 t-. Suckling, J., Poems, 1646. -C- Whitehead, W., Creusa, 1754. - Dorchester Antiquarian Soc. Harris, T. M., Mem. of First Church. Drama, French. Beaumarchais, Barbier - c 6 Discourse, 1799. de Sevill -- Delavigne, Les Comediens. Dordrecht. Outrein, Intreeds-reden. - Delavigne, Cls, 18Comdien. - Ducange, Calas, 1819. Douai. Duthilloeul, Biographies des homrn- _- Moli6re, Th6atre choisi. mes de. e- Perrot, Esmeralda. - See Bibliography. Racine, Thieatre choisi. Douglas, S. MIershall, E., Speech on, - " The Victim. 1852. - Scribe, Bertrand et Raton. Dow, N. Marsh, J., Sketches of. Drama German. Ludvigh, (ossuth. Downam, G. Answer to a sermon of, 1609. - Schiller, Wilhelm Tell. Dowse, T. Mass. Iist. Soc. Proc. -' Maria Stuart. Draining. Johnston, J., Experiments in. Dramatic Biography and Literature. Brayley, Prynne's Defence. Drake, Sir F. Burton, R., Account of. - Cowell, Thirty Years among Players. Drama, American. Brackenridge, Death - Dickens, Grimaldi's Life. of Montgomery, 1777. - Felix, Rachel, Memoirs. - Fayette in Prison, 1802. - Garrick, D., Correspondence. - Hillhouse, J. A., Dramas, Discourses. - Girardin, Lectures on, 1849. - Lord, W. W., Andre. - Hazlitt, Essays of the Eng. Stage. Pocahontas, 1837. - Hodgkinson, J., Old American Comp. Tarnation Strange. - Langbaine, Lives of Dram. Poets. - Taylor, C. W., Goblet of Death. - Lives of Dramatic Poets, 1698. Drama, Dutch. Bruhl, De Burgemeester. - Macklin, C., Memoirs of. - Holberg, De Maskerade. _- Macready, Mrs., Life. Loghem, Krispyn, 1725. - O'Keefe, Recollections, 1827. - Pool, Adeka, 1834. - Smith, E., The Theatre, 1841. - Wiselius, Adel en Mathilda. - Taylor, J., Records of my Life. Cato. Witherspoon, Effects of the Stage. DramaS English. Addison, J., Cato.Bia - See Bibliography. - Antonio Foscarini, 1836. - Banim, Damon and Pythias. Drawing. CaV6, Cours de Dessin. - France: Education: Ecole de Dessin. -- "~ "~ Modeles de Dessins. - Bride of Abydos, 1818. - Byron, Gr. N., l~Manlfred. - Ignatius, [Perspective in Armenian]. Carey, Honest Yorkshireman. Ruskin, Elements of, 1857. Fabian, Trick for Trick. - Seiss, Address, on Design. - Fielding, Don Quixote. Dreadnought Ship. Mostyn, Court Mar- " Pascuin. tial, 1745.' Glengall, Irish Tutor. Dreams. Amyraldus, Divine dreams. - Holcroft, T., Road to Ruin. Drenthe, Neth. Magnin, Kerkel. Ges- Kemble, Francis I. chied. van. r SUPPL.] 123 978 FIRST SUPPLEMENT. Drowning. Kite, Submersion of Animals. East [Hampton, L. I. Buell, S., Letter, - Kool, Soc. pour Secourir... 1764. - Murray, J., Artif. inspiration. East India. See India. Portal, Cause de Ia Mort. East India Comp. Clive, R., Speech, - Royal Humane Soc., 1814. 1772. - Struve, Suspended animation. - Cotsford, Letters to, 1784. - See Asphyxia. - Hastings, W., Letter to, 1784. H- olwell, Hints to, 1766. Drugs. Bailey, M. J., Report on Adultera-e, Hints to, 1. tions, N. Y., 1849. - Letter to the Earl of Shelburne, 1783. Dryden, J. Hardinge, G., Essence of- Letters to aMeber, 1784. Malone-. Narrative of Debates, 1784. - Some reflections (Shadwell), 1683. - PopularTopics, 1784. - Twing, On Renewal-of Charter. Duane, S. Jones, S. W., Memoir of. Twing, On Rene - Waring, J. S., The conduct, etc., 1784. Dublin, N. H. Leonard, L. W., History of. Eaton; Gen. Ray, V., Horrors of Slavery. Dubois, J. Mount St. Mary's, Life of. Echard, Dr. Calamy, E., Letter on his Hist. of Eng. Ducarel, Dr. Bowyer, Correspon. with Meerman. Edmonds, H. A. Willard, S. D., Eulogy on. Duelling. Basnage Traite sur. Education. Academies of N. Y., Cata- Black, J., Sermon on, 1827. oes, Pam. V. 4 - False Honor, a Poem, 1844. Amer. Elluc. Year Book, 1858. - Amer. Edue. Year Book, 1858. - Hist. des Ordres Militaires. - Bell Mutual Instruction. Weems, God's Revenge. n- Burrowes, Sch. Architecture. Duffield, Dr. Finney, Reply to, 1848. - Campe, Leerstelsel van Opvoeding. Dunbarton, N. IH. Stark, C., History of. - Colquhoun, for Labouring People, 1806. Dunkin, M[. Townsend, J., Serm. fun. of. - Condit, Discourse, 1849. Dunkirk. Case of Dunkirk, 1730. Clarke, W. B., Sermons on. Dunkirk or Dover, 113.- Foster, Review of Wyse, 1837. - Dunkirk or Dover, 1713.. -Steele, R., Importance of, 1'713. D- Gordon, R. A., Village Schools, 1850. - GreuvSe VolksleesR 18o7. Durham, Eng. Liddel, Speech, 1840. - Greuve, Volkslees, 1867. - Johonnot, Country Schoolhouses. Dutch Church. See Reformed Prot. D. - Lancaster, J., Improvements in. Dutch History, etc. See Holland. - Means, Duties of Parents. Dutchess County. Davis, S., Moravians - Nova Scotia, Report, 1857. in. - Soc. for the Encouragement of Arts: Duyckinck, E. A. Griswold, Cyclopoe- Educat. Exhibition. dia, etc. - Styles, J., Lancastrian System. Dwight, L. Prison DiscipI. Soc. Reports. - tee, d. or the People, 184 - Todd, Student's Manual. Dwight, M. S. Fisher, S. W., Sermon on. Vincent, On Public Education Dyeing. Dyer and Color Maker, 1850. Educationg Canada. Normal School Reports. E. - Canada, Supt's Reports. Earth. Arago, Astron. Populaire, V. 3. - Canada Educ. Directory, 1858. Maury, Terre et l'Homme. - Journal of Education. See Cosmogony. -- Ryerson, Reply to Attacks, 1857, 59. Earthquakes. Barnard, J., Sermon, Bost. - UniversitO de Toronto, etc. * 1727. - Universite-Laval. -- allifax, J., Sermon on Lisbon earthq. Education, hildren. Boniface, Mm. - Horne, G., Serm., 1756. Poet. de l'Enfance. - Moss, C., Sermon on, 1756. - Brenton, Ed. of, in Gr. Brit. - Stebbing, H., Sermon on, 1756. - Cochin, Manueldes, 1857. - Thomas, J., Sermon on, 1756. - Gillette, Salles dAsile. - True relation...Lima, 1746. - Images... Salles d'Asile. Eastham, Mass. Pratt, E., History of. - La Perrelle, Des Salles d'Asile. SUBJECT-INDEX. 979 Education, Children (continued). Education, United States (continued). - Masson, Salles d'Asile.. - Michigan, Education Rep. - Pape-Carpentier, Enseig. Pratique. - Nashville, Tenn., Report, 1858. - " " Conseils, 1856. - New Hampshire, Supt's Rep. - Wilson,.H. B., Letter, 1853. - New Jersey, Reports on. See Children. - New Orleans, Public Schools. Education, Mfassachusetts. Attleboro' - Ohio, Comm'r's Reports. Report. - Rhode Island, Supt's Reports. - Boston: Reports, 1848-57. - San Francisco, Cal., Report. - Brighton, Mass., Reports. - Smyth, T., Parochial Schools. - Brookline, Mass., Reports. - Tucker, J., N. Y., Appeal for Free - Concord, Supt's Reports. Schools, 1850. - Lowell, Reports. - Vermont, Reports, 1857. - Mass., See. of Board, Reports. - Virginia, School Laws. - Remarks on the 7th Rep., 1844. - Watson, A., Bible in Schools. Roxbury, Mass., Reports on. -- Wiseonsin, Supt.'s Reports. Salem, Mass., Reports. Education, England. Baines, Stric- Smith, M. H., Reply to Mann, 1847. tures, 1853. - Taunton, Reports. - British and Foreign School Society. - West Roxbury, Reports. - Christ's College, Brecon. ~ Wightman, J. M., Boston Primary- Great Britain; Education. Schools. -- Hamilton, H. P., Church of England Schools. iEducation, New York. Albany, Rep'ts. -- Bufsalo, N. Y., Reports. - - Hinton, J. H., Manchester Educationists. High Sehool Society. -- Hughes, T., School Days at Rugby. Nq. Y., Ann. Reports. N- Longman, School-books by Gov't. N. Y.; Code ef Public Inst. - Obs. on Brougham's bill, 1821. - N. Y. City, Board of Ed. Reports. - Packard, F. A., Schools in, 1841. Schenectady, N'. Y., Reports. - Sohenec.tady, N. Vn. Reports.dofE f - Philanthropos, Letters, Lon., 1841. - Stone, W. L., On the Board of Ed. of - N. L. t -- Potter, J. P., Proposed Systems, 1828. -.Troy, N. Y., Ma~nual. -- Pound, W., Church Education Society. -- Rapier, Education for Private GentleEducation, Pennsylvania. Morgan, G., men. Re~por-,t onl, 1836. 1 — Shrewsbury School List. -- P en', Riepor~ts, etc.. — Westminster School, Letter on, 1831. - Phil'a Charity School - Se Universities. - Phil'a, Reports. Education, ]Female. Academies, pam. V. - Union Schools, Phil'ao 459, 460, Education, United States. Amer. Ass'n - Beecher, C. E., Female Teachers. for, 1852-6. - " Mental Culture for. Allston, System in S. Carolina. -- Blackwell, E., Med. Education of. - Andrews, C. C., Reflections on, 1853. - Cours Complet....pour les filles. - Bangor, Me., Report. - Daubeny, Letter to Miss Hannah More. - Baltimore; Reports. - Fairchild, J. HI., Joint Education. - Bushnell, Rom. Cath. demands. - Gregory, S., Letter to Ladies. - California, Report of Supt., 1856. - Iervey, J., Relig. Educ. of Daughters. - Charleston, S. C., Report on Schools. - Hitchcock, E., Address, Mt. Holyoke. - Chicago, Supt's Reports. - Ladies' Soc. for the West. - Cincinnati, Supt's Reports. - Lady (To a) on... 1791. - Cleveland, O., Supt's Reports. - Letamendi, Sobre la Educacion de... - onnecticut, Reports on. - Mass., Ed., Normal School. - Indiana, Supt's Reports. - Mental Improvement for, 1793. Iowa, School Laws. - Rockland Co. Fem. Inst., N. Y. - Kentucky, Report, 1855. - Sanford, Mrs., Address, Riga, N. Y. - Louisiana, Supt's Report. - Troy Fem. Seminary. Maryland, Lands for Schools, 1823. -- Tyson, J. R., Address, 1854. 980 FIRST SUPPLEMENT. Education, Female (continued). Education, Addresses to Teachers - West, C. E., Address, Buffalo, 1852. (continued). - Rogers, E. P., Normal School Address. Education, Frenchand European. of Teaer Barnard, H., Nat. Ed. in Europe. Russell'W., Ass'ns of Teachers. B- Shepard, D., Colchester Ed. Asso., 1843. - Barrau, Educ. Priv6e. s- Ware, H1., Ed. the Business of Life. Lois en vigueur. - " C~ons~eils 1852. - Warren, R., Board of Ed., N. Y. city. Conseils, 1852. -.Direction Morale. - Washington Co., Teachers' Inst. - Belgium, nstruc PrimaireWayland, F., Union College, 1855. Belgium, Instrue. Primaire. - Western Lit. Institute. ~ - " Instrue. Moyenne. - White, C., Responsibility of Teachers. France; Education. enry, P., Manuel des Maitres. Wisconsin Teachers' Assop. Henry,'P., Manuel des Mattres. - Jourdain, Le Budget de I'Instr. Pub. Education. See Bibliography; TheologiLorain, Man. de l'Enseig. Prim. cal Education; Universities. - Manuel General, 1832-44. Egypt. Abbott, H., Coll. of Antiquities of. - Netherlands, Verslagen, 1840-51. - Dorr, Notes of Travel, 1856. - Prevost, Du Role de la Famille. - Forster, N., Reflections on, 1743. - Rendu, Enseigne. obligatoire. - Lepsius, Denkmaeler aus Aegypten. - Stowe, C. E., Instruction in Europe. - Lindsay, Letters on, 1858. - Thery, Conseils... 1853. - Quatrembre, Recherches. Education, Periodicals. Amer. Jour. - Reimann, Idea Systematis, etc. of Ed., Barnard. - Seyffarth, Recent Discoveries, 1857. - Amer. Jour. of Ed., Peters. - Seaton's Map. - Annuaire de l'Instruction...1854, 8. - Univ. of Penn'a... Rosetta Stone. - Conn. Common School Jour. Elections. Mass. Elections, Contested. -:B1uddingh, Jaarboekje, 1846. - Oldfield, Hist. of Contested. - Jour. of Educ. for L. Canada. - Prentiss, Mississippi Contested Elec. - Jour. de l'Instruction Pub., Canada. - Reflections on Wilkes' case, 1768. - New York Teacher, 1854-59, -- Scott, G. G., Speech, Mandeville's case. - Revue de l'Instruc. Publique, 1842-58. - Wakeman, A., Speech, Powers of the E ucation, Addresses to Teachers. House. Abbott, J., Address. - See Suffrage; Officers. - Bates, J., On T. Arnold. - Batesnedic,.,.On T. A or mal Scold. Electricity. Gale, T., Ethereal Fire, 1802. - Benedict, E. C., N. Y. Normal School Address. Great Britain: Patents. - Board of Nat. Education, Report. - Green, J., Electro-Magnetism. - Brown, J., Mech. Assoc., Oswego, Ad. - Green,. P., Fragments on, 18.3. - Burgess, R., Serm., National Educ. - Harris, W. S., Rudimentary Elect. - Calthrop, Lecture, 1859. -- Read, J., Elect. of the Earth, 1793. - Channing, Self-culture. - Nollet, Phonomenes Elect. - Clinton, G. W., Normal School Address. - Priestley, Introduction to, 1769. - Conolly, Lecture on, 1836. - Rabicueau, Du feu 6lmentaire. - Hagar, Supervision of Schools. Electric Telegraph. See Tolegraph. - Hall, S. R., On School-keeping. Electrotype. Gore, Electro-deposition. - Indiana State Teachers' Assoc. - Herr, Jeweller's Hand Book. - Jones, R. D., N. Y. Teachers' Assoc. - Kennedy, B. H., on School Discipline. Mather C. L ife of 1694. -KeyesEW.,.Teachers' - Mather, C., Life of, 1694. - Keyes, E. W., N. Y. Teachers' Assoc. - *May, S. J., Normal Asso., Ad., 1855. Eliot, J. Jr. Thornton, G. W., Life of. - Oliver, Lect., Teachers' Morals. Elizabeth, Q. Conduct of... to Spain. - Onondaga Teachers' Institute. Elizabeth, Pr. Palatine. Blaze, Me- Penn'a State Convention, 1850. moirs. Perez, Inoculacion del Intendimento. Elizabethtown, N. J. Clark, S. A., - Perkins, F. B., Conn. Normal School Hist. of St. John's Church. Address. Address. Elocution. See Oratory. - Phelps, W. F., N. J. Normal School Address. Embargo. See United States, Politics. SUBJECT-INDEX. 981 Emblems. Alciatus, Emblemata. Engineering (continued). Embury, P. Maffit, Oration on, 1832. - See Bridges; Railroads. Emigration. Bromwell, Iist. of Emig. to England, Church of. See Church of the U. S. England. ]Busey, S. C., Evils of, 1856. English Authors, Books and Libram n rieso See Bibliography. - Canada, Emig. to the U.. ries ee Biiography - Capper, Where to:Emigrapte. English History. Amer. and Brit. Chron. 1773-83. - Cobbett, Emigrants' Guide, 1830. 1773-s8. - Crisis (The), N. Y., 1844. A - Belsham, Chronol. George III., IV. Everett, E., Colonization of Amer. - Everett, E., Colonization of -- Berington, I-Iist. of Henry II. - Feemale Emig. Fund, Lond. Bi- irch, T., Times of Charles I. - Hoffman, D., Emig. to the U. S. m- Hoffman, D.B.,- etteUs,- Buckingham, Duke of, Court of Eng- Johnson, C. B., Letters, 1821. land, 1811-20. - Kingdom, Amer. and Brit. Colonies, Buckle, list. of Civilization in. 1820. - 80McGee, Irish in America.- Camden Society Publications. - Mcaee, mIgrishin Ameportsc1852. - Capgrave, J., De Illust. Henricis. - Mass. Emigration Reports, 1852. Chronicle of England. - Michigan, To Emigrants. -- Caroline, Queen, Character of. - Nachweisungs Bureau, Bremen.,- Carrel, Hist. of Counter-Revolution. - New York, Commissioners' Reports. Caulfield, High Court of Justice. - N. Y. City, Castle Garden Rep. - Charles I., Bibliot. Regia, 1659. - Sanderson, J. P., Views of Immig'n. Chron. Monast. Abingdon. - Schade, Immigration to the U. S. S- Cockburn, Meo. of his time, 1856. - Selward, W. H., Speech, Immig. Free_- Description...des Guerres, 1668. Labor. - Dutens, L., Etablissement d'un R6- Sketches for Settlers in Canada.genc, 78, s8. gence, 1788, 89. - Sturtevant, J. M., Disc., Amer. Home- Edward, King, Lives. Miss. Soc. - Ellis, J., Correspondence, 1686-88. See American Party. - English Histor. Soc. Publications. 1Emmet&, DR. Madden, Life of, 1857. - Farrar, Serm., Flood of 1771. Emmet, T. A. Madden, Memoir of. - Fleury, Hist. de l'Angleterre. Emporium Co. Smith, J. F., Details, - Fox, C. J., Hist. of James II. 1857. -- Froude, J. A., From fall of Wolsey to Encyclopaedias. Allgemeine Deutsche death of Elizabeth. Real-Encyk., 1848. -- Goldsmith, O., History of. - Bouillet, Dict. des Sei., des Lettres et - Goodman, G., Court of James I. des Arts. d- Great Britain. -Chambhers' Cyclopscdia, 1-786.- Guizot, Hist. of Eng. Rev. of 1640. - Diet. Univ. de Trevoux, 1740. - Historical Collections, 1674. - Encyc. Britannica, 1858. - Historical Memorial, 1761. - Faber, Thes. Eruditionis Scholast. 1696. - Hopkins, S., The Puritans, Edw. VI. - New Amer. Cyclopsedia, 1860. and Eliz. - Nichol, Cycl. of Phys. Science, 1857. - Intercepted Letters, 1804. - Nieuwenhuis, Alg. Woordenboek. Jesse, Mem. of the Pretenders. - Standard Library Cyclopsedia, 1853. - Lappenberg, Under Anglo Sax. Kings. - Tomlinson, Cycl. of Useful Arts, 1852. - Lyttleton, Hist. of Henry II. - Vincentius, Speculum Majus, 1494. - Macaulay, T. B., Hist. from James II. - See Sciences; Arts; IIistory.- - Massey, Reign of George III. Engineering. Annales des Pontset Chau — Milton, J., Literae, 1676. s6es. - Monumenta Franciscana. - Belgium, Des Inondations. - Nicolson, Engl. Hist. Library. - France, Bridges and Roads. - Rolt, Hist. of War, 1739-48. - Henz, Anleitung zum Erdbau. - Stapleton, Rot. Scaccarii Normannie. - Moseley, Mech. Principles of. - Towers, On Hume's History. - Tomlinson, Cyclopscdia. - Thierry, Conquest of, by Normans. - Weissenborn, Amer. Engineering. - Vaughan, R., Revolutions in Eng. Hist. 982 FIRST SUPPLEMENT. English History (continued). Engraving, HIistory of (continued). - yhite, J., History of, to 1858. - Chatto, Hist. of Playing Cards. - See Great Britain; Parliament. - Christ, Diet. des Monogrammes. English (Catalogues of) History, - Cumberlancl, Essay on Engravers and Generatf and Local. See Bib- Prints. liography. - D elesehamps, Trait6 complet de. English Language. See Languages. - Dibdin, Bibliog. Decameron. - Exposition Univ., Rapports du Jury. English Politics. See Great Britain. - Fielding, The Art of Engraving. English. Printing. See Typography. - Fournier, Orig. de l'Art de Graver. English Registers and Almanacs. - Granger, Biog. Hist. of England. Almanacs, 1679-1732. - Heineken, Id6e d'une Coll. d'Estampes. - Annual Register, 1854-9. - Joubert, Man. de l'Amateur d'Estampes. - British Almanac, 1856-60. -- Jansen, Origine doe a Gravure. - Dietrichsen's Royal Aim., 1842, 44, 52. - Landseer, Lectures on the art of. - Englishman's Alm., 1852. - Menapius, Statera Chalcographi. - Gilbert's Clergyman's Aim., 1836, 8. - Peignot, R6pertoire de Bibliog. Gutch, Lit. Register, 1845, 7, 8. - " Recherches sur les Danses des - Iull and Yorkshire Almanac, 1852. morts. - Price, R., Population of, from 1688. - Sotheby, Principia Typographica. - Royal Blue Book, 1855. - Spooner, Diet. of Engravers. - Royal Calendar, 1834. - Strutt, Biog. Diet. of Engravers. English, Topographical. Account of - Waagen, Treasures of Art in Gt. Brit. the Manors, 1787. - See Cards; Typography; Fine Arts. - Archseol. Inst. of G. B. - Ar o Inst of G B Engravings, Catalogues and Prices - Austin, Letters from London, 1804. of, etc. British Mus., Guide to - Baker's Northamptonshire. Drawings. - Brayley's Surrey. - Caulfield, Printsellers' Chronicle. - Elmham, Hist. Monast. S. Augustini. - Colman,-W. A., Cat. of Engrav. N. Y. - Fisher, Bedfordshire. - Corwin, Cat. of, sold, N. Y. 1856. - Great Britain, County Boundaries. - Exposition de 1855, Paris. - Hearne's Chronicles. - George III., Bibl. Reg. Cat., V. 6. - Lee, Hist. of Lewes. - Goupil & Co., N. Y. - Lewis, S., Topog. Dictionary of. - Joubert, Manuel. - Magna Britannia, 1720. - Leber, Cat. de la Bibliotheque de. - Nash's Worcestershire. - Malaspina, Cat. di Stampe. - Rose, Westmorland, Cumberland, Dur- - Muller, Cat. 7000 Portretten van Neham, Northumberland. derl. - Salisbury Guide, 1830. - Roscoe, W., Auct., 1816. - Society of Antiquarians, Lond. - Soleinne, Bib. Dram., Estampes rela- Topographer and Genealogist. tifs - See Guernsey; Jersey; Kent; London - Weigel, Cat. von Iunstsaehen. Norwich; Oxfordshire; Salisbury; - Williams & Co., N. Y., 1854. Sussex; Wiltshire; York. - See Bibliography; Typography. English Universities. See Universities. Enoch. Brake, Character of. Engraving. Gillray, J., Works. Enthusiasm. Reflections upon a letter - Laudseer, Devil's Walk. on, 1709. -- Florence, Galerie do. - - Entomology. Fitch, A., Noxious Insects. Florence' Galerie de. - Gu6rin, Des Insectes. Holbein, The Dances of Death. I- Harris, M., Engl. Moths and Butter- Images f.:.des Salles d'Asile. flies. Engraving, History of, etc. Basan, - Humphreys, H. N., Butterfly VivaDiet. des Graveurs. rium. - Bewick, Cat. of works by. - Jaeger, N., Amer. Insects. - Blancke, Bildnisse berihmte IKunstler. - Snellen, Nederl. Insekten. - Bryan, Diction. of Engravers. - Stephens, J. F., Illus. of British Ent. - Caulfield, Calcographiana. - Westwood, Classification of. Chalcographimania, a Poema. -' ArcanaEntomologica. SUBJECT-INDEX. 983 Epidemic. See Cattle. Episcopal Church, United States (continued). Episcopacy. Answer to a Sermon, 1609. SordsEccl. RegisterN. Y. - Swords' Ecel. Register, N. Y. - Baynes, P., Diocesan's Tryall, 1621. Tremlett, Botolph Ch., Boston. -Bolles, J. A., Epis. Defended. - Trinity Church, N, Y., Pamphlets. - Beman, Episc. Exclusive. - Two Letters (Bowden), 1807. - Bowden, J., On Chauncy's View, 1789. - Trapnell, Trial of, 1.847. - Church and the Sword, 1847. - Vindication of N. England, 1691. - Discourse about Novelty. - What ought the (N. Y.) Diocese to do? - Cixon, Exam. of Catechism. - White, W., Two addresses, 1826. -Emmett, Of the word Bishop. -- Whittingham, Division of the Diocese, - Episcopacy Examined (Gallagher). (N. Y.) - Letter from Congregationalist. Erie Coa, N. Y. Union Anti-Lecompton - Sta:nley, W., Faith of a Churchman. IMeeting. - White, W., On Episcopacy. Essays. Cambridge Essays, 1855. - See Authority; Church of England. - Cotton, Posthuma. Episcopal Church, United States. Ad- - Conybeare, W. J., Essays Eccl., 1855. dress from Clergy, N. Y., 1771. - De Quincey, Works. - Address to the Ministers, 1790.erson, R. W., - Appeal to the Members, 1826, (Phil'a.) - Foster, R. W., 1st, 2d series. - Barnes, A., Evang. Party in. - Oxford Essays, 186, 57. - Oxford Essays, 1856, 57.' - Brotherhood of P. E. C., 1853, 56. Tatler (The). - Cancdid hints concern., 1858. - Tuckerman, H. T., The Optimist. Catholic Work, 1855. Clark, O., Principles of, vindicated. - Clark, S. A., Hist. of Ch., Elizabeth- Essex Co., N. Y. Cook, Itome Sketches. town, N. J. Estienne, R. Crapelet, Nouvelles ReChandler, T. B., Appeal, 1767. cherches. -- cc Appendix to Secker's Etherization. Channing, On Etherization. Life. - Lord, J. L., Defence of Jackson. - Christ Prot. E. C., New York. Stanly, E., Vincl. of Jackson's Claims. - Consid. on the Eastern Diocese. Ethiopia. Lepsius Denkmaeler aus. - Conversation with a Churchman. -- ]Croswell W., Letter to Bp. of Mass.:Ethnology. Coles, Crit. on Nott and GlidP roswell, W., Letter to Bp. of Mass. don. - Defence of the Conv., 1832. - Earl, Races of Indian Archipelago. - Explanation of Common Prayer. E- Gobineau, Inegalit6 des Races, 1855. - Gallagher, M., True Churchmanship. - " Diversity of Races, 1856. - Greenwood, list, of King's Chapel. - Latham, R; G., Germania of Tacitus. - Hoare Life of G. Sharp. - bare, Life of G. Sharp. -cc Varieties of the Race. - Hobart, N., Epis. Sep. in N. E., 1751. - " Prog. of Ethn. Philol. - Hoffman, I., Penal Law of. - " Races of Russia. - Is the Diocese vacant? (N. Y.) - Letter to the Clergy, (N. Y.) 1850. - Maury, Terre et l'boRme. - Letter to the Rev. J. N. Campbell. - - Letters to the Laity, 1843. - Potocki, Astrakhan et Caucase. - Letters to the Laity, 1843. Lewis, W. H., Consid... on Daily Ser- - Prichard, J. C., Nat. Hist. of Man. vice. - Vaughan, R., Revolutions of Race. Memorial Papers, 1857. - See Philology; Man. -- Narrative of Occurrences, (N. Y.) 1851. Etiquette. Amer. Chesterfield. - Present State of the Quest., (N. Y.) 1838. Europe, History of. Alison, History of to 1851. Prot. Epis. Ch., U. S. A., Proceedings, etc. - Arlington, Des Traites de Brdda, Aix - Reeharks upon Bp. M'Coskry's Sermon. la Chapelle. - Response to Bp. Potter, 1858. - Chronicon Norimbergense. - Right of Eastern Diocese. - Charles V., Correspondence, 1519-51. - Sherlock, T., Some Considerations, 1750. - D' Anverian History, 1732. - Smyth, Eccl. Republicanism. - Description...des guerres... 1668. Sprague, Annals of Am. Pulpit. - Frederick II., Oeuvres historiques. 984 FIRST SUPPLEMENT. Europe, History of (continued). Excise. Appeal to the Landholders, 1733. - Gurowski, America and Europe. - Denneston, A Scheme for Excise. - Linguet, Pol. and Phil. Speculations, - Devon, Eng., Case of the County. 1788. - Letter from a Member, 1733. - Pradt, Europe and America, 1821. - Prynne, Protestation, 1654. - Robertson, W., Hist of Charles V. - Rise and Fall of, 1733. - Rolt, Conduct of the Powers in the War, - Remarks on the Horrible Oppressions, 1739-48. 1706. - Scheell, Histoire, jusqu'en 1789. - Scott,N.,Proposals, 1705. - Spruner, Hist. Geog. Atlas. - Some Observations, 1733. - Thou, Hist. sui temporis, 1543-1607. - True Discovery...Wine Project, 1641. - Turkish Spy, Letters, 1736. - See Taxation; Customs. - Valkenier, Verwerd Europa, 1675. Exhibitions of astry. Exhibitions of Arts and Industry. Europe, Politics. Barnard, D. D., Lee- Academie de I'Industrie, 1836. ture, 1854. -- Association...of Industry, N. Y., 1853. - Congres de Paris, 1856. - Dilke, Cat. of Works on. - Fermentation of Europe, 1848. - Exhibition of 1861. - Free Conference, 1745. - E - Exhibition, N. Y., 1853. - Kossuth, Future of Nations. - Exposition de 1855, Paris. - Letter to the Craftsmen, 1734. - France: Algeria, Catalogue, 1855. - Present Measures...Balance of Power, - Great Britain: N. Y. Exhib. of 1851. 1743. 1- New York Exhibition, 1853. - Pres. state of-Politics of, 1739. - kr i o, -17. - Phillips, S., Guide to Crystal Palace. - Tucker, J., Cui Bono? 1781. r- Portugal, Exposigao, 1855. - See Great Britain; France; Spain. -- Restelli, Delle Assoc. Indust., 1845. Europe, Registers, etc. Almanach de Sociedade Pro. Ind. Nac., Lisboa. Gotha, 1856-60. - Annual Register, 1854-59. -- Soc. d'Encouragement, 1842. - Annual Register, 1854-59. - Annuaire des Deux Mondes, 1856-59. - Tuscany Esposizione della Tus. - Gothaischer Hof-Kalendler. - Vignon, Exposition de 1855. - Walk through Paris, 1855. Europe, Travels in. Clinton, C. A., A Institutes. Winter from Home. - Derby, Two Months Abroad. Express Companies. Stimson, History of. - Dore, by a Stroller, 1857. - Thompson & Co., Directory, 1853. - Douglas, Bp., Works. Eyes. Ammon, On Squinting. - Holthaus, Wanderings, 1824. - Brainerd, Treatment of, 1854. N- oah, Travels, 1819. - Descemet, La Goutte Sereine. - Ossoli, At Home and Abroad. - N. Y. Opihalmic Hosp. - Piozzi, Obs. on Journey. - Turnbull's Operations. -Watson, E., Travels, 1777-1842. - Wyndham, Travels through. F. Evangelical Alliance. See Christian Union. Fables. Abrege de la Fable. Evangelical Lutheran Church. May- - Lessing, Fabeln. er, Semi-Centen. Disc., 1856. - Lokman, Fables. Perrin, rabies Amusantas. Evangelicals. Hints to the Public (Sedg-Fables Ausantas wick), 1810. - Phzedrus, Fabulae. - Merewether, Thoughts, 1824. Facetiae. Staudt, Diss. de Jure Facetia- See Dissenters. rum. - See Humor. Evans, C. Stennett, S., Serm., Death of. Evarts, 3J. Spring, G., A Tribute to. Faith. Butler, J., Inquiry on, 1744. - Clarke, A., Sermon, Act. xvi. 10. - Woods, L., Serm., Death of. - Erskine, E., Assurance of Faith. Evertsen, J. and C. Jonge, Levens- - Inquiry concerning (Butler). Beschrijvig - Ives, Struggle of Sense, 1844. Evidences. See Christianity. - Parsons, B., Discourse on. Ewing, G. Wardlaw, R., Serm., Death of. - Reflections on Faith, 1790. SUBJECT-INDEX. 985 Faith (continued). Fiction, Amrerican (continued). - Rotheram, Essay on, 1766. - Stowe, H. B., Mayflower. - " Origin of, John iii. 37. - " " Dred. - Sherlock, W., Prot. Resolution of, 1685. - Taylor, The Merchant's Clerk. - Stillingfleet, Grounds of, 1688. - Warner, S., Hills of the Shatemuc. Fairhaven, l Hass. Ricketson, Hist. of. Fiction, English. Bouchier, Eveling Lodge. Fairy, Ship, Loss of, 1840. - Bronte, Jane Eyre. - Brontc, C., Jane Eyre. Fall of Man. See Depravity. - " Shirley. Fanshaw, R. Bagshaw, Serm. on, 1667. - CIassic Tales. Farmington, Conn. Porter, N., Half - Evenings at Haddon Hall. Cent. Discourse. - Gaudentio Di Lucca, Memoirs. Farrar, T. Clary, T. F., Disc. on, 1847. - Gerund, History of Frir... - Guernsey, Death-bed Confessions. Fasts. Robinson, R., Hist. of Good Friday. - Haliburton, T. C., The Attach&. Fathers. See Church Fathers. - " " Wise Saws. Female Education. See Education; — Haywood; Cleomelia, 1727. Woman. - Kingsley, Alton Locke. Fenner-, D. Word for the unwary.' -Westward Io! Fiction. Calcar, De Zoon v. d. Klepper- - - Two Years ago. man. - Lever, C., Novels. - Chamisso, Peter Schlemihl. - Marryatt, Novels. - Cottin, Exiles of Siberia. - Munchausen, Gulliver revived. - Entretien des Beaux Esprits. (Engl.) - Priest's Turf Cutting Day. - Goethe, Wilhelm Meister. - Tales of the Genii, (Ridley). Gomez, La Belle Assemblee. (Engl.) - Ruffini, Doctor Antonio. - Haaff, The Jew Suss. (Engl.) - Uncle Tom in England. - Iargaret, Heptameron (Engl.) - Walker, G., The Three Spaniards. - Voltaire, Romances, etc. - Watkins, L., Henry & Eliza. Fiction, American. Brackenridge, Mo- Wiseman, Card.,Fabiola. dern Chivalry. Fiction, IFrench. Beaumont, Marie: - Brainard, J. G. C., Fort Braddock Let- l'Esclavage. ters. teClars, The Trial. - Berthet, E., Garde-Chasse: Chauffeurs. - Culara, G.The Trial. P.o~t Papers. - Chateaubriand, Les Natchez. - Curtis, G. W., Potiphar Papers. - Dudevant, Mont Revche, etc. - Ewer, Nights of Aug. 20, 21, 1855. - Dumas, A., Vingt Ans Apres. Dumas, A., Vingt Ans Apres. - Garangula, 1857. - " Le Comte de Monte Christo. - Hawthorne; N., Marble Faun. n, N, M- " Mdmoires d'un Mddecin, etc. - Hermit of Aleova. e- Horllanmit of Aleova.G.,The. - Fdval, Le Champ de Bataille, etc. -, Holland, J. G., The Bay Path. Madame Gil Blas. - Huntington, Miss, Sea-Spray. - Gleizs, Sdldna. -- ypocrite The, 1851. - Hypocrite, The, 1851. - Gondrecourt, Les prdtendans de Cathe- Irving, J. T., Harry Harson. rine. - Judd, S., Margaret. -- ~~ Mem. d'un Vieux Gargon. - Kelroy, 1812. - _' Une vraie Femme. - M'Henry, J., Waltham. - Gracien, B., Le Hdros. - Midsummer's Day Dream. - Rock, Madeleine. - Neal, J., Errata. - Lamartine, Les Confidences. - Otis, Barclays of Boston. - Le Sage, Asmodeus. - Page, J. W., Uncle Robin. - " Le Diable Boiteux. Pam. V. 496, 497. - Maquet, La Belle Gabrielle, etc. - Paulcling, J. K., Koningsmarke. - Mdry, J., LIe DernierPhantome, etc. c- "; Wise men of Gotham. - Mille et une Faveurs, (Mouhy). - Simms, W. G., The Yemassee. - Reid, M., Les Chasseurs... Trans. - " " Revolutionary Tales. - " Les Tirailleurs... Trans. - Stowe, H. B., Minister's Wooing. - Relation d-'un Voyage du Pole, 1721. [ SUPPL.] 124 986 FIRST SUPPLEMENT. Fiction, French (continued). Fine Arts (continued). - Semaine Litt6raire (Collection).o - Lanzi, Galleridt di Firenze. - Soupirs d'Euridice, 1770. - Mason, G. C., Applic. to Manufactures. Sue, E., various. - Mercey, ]Etudes sur, 1855. FielPd G. P. Williams, W. G., Disc., in- - Mulvany, Fine Arts in Ireland. terment of. - Ruskin, Political Economy of. Filibusters. Le Sage, Robert Chevalier. - South-Iensington Museum. - Paveneau, Jour. du Voyage, 16S4. - Vignon, Exposit. de 1855. - See Privateers. -- Waagen, G-alleries in Great Britain. - Washinoton Exhibition, 1853. Fillmore, Di. Brooks, J., Defence of, 1856. Washingto Exhibitin - Winckelmann, Hist. of Ancient Art. - FEillmore, M. Biography of. - Fillr, M., Bifog o. - See Painting; Sculpture, etc. - Taylor, Z., Life of. Financial. Bankers' Magazine, 1855-60. Finley, It. Brown, J. V., Biog. of. - Boston Stock Board. Finney, C. G, Rand, New Divinity Tried. - France: Finances, 1809. - Martin's Boston Stock Market. Fire DBepartments. Albany, F. D. Rules. - National (A) Exchange, 1842. - Boston, F. Dep. Report. R- wlett's Interest Tables - Buffalo, Report, 1858. o- Channing, Fire Alarm Telegraph. - Roxbury, Report on Recepts. Z - See Banks; Currency; G. B., Financial; - Cincinnati Reports. U. S., Financial. - Dana, D. D., The Fireman, 1858. Fine Arts. Albany Art Exhib., 1859. - Fire E11gine Companies. - Almanack of...1852. - Fire Marshal Almtanac, 1859. - American Academy, 1828. -- N. Y. City Fire Dep't Rep., 1860. - Amer. Art Union, Trans. -- Phil'a Detective Police, 1858. Art Journal, 1855-59. - Portland, Me., Report. - Art Treasures... Manchester. - Roxbury Fire Dep. Report. - Art Union of Phil'a. Fish Culture. Edwards, H, M., Empois- Bardi, Galleria Pitti. sonnement... - Bethune, Prospects of Art. - France, Pisciculture. - Blanc, Le Tr6sor de la Curiosite. - Garlick, T., Artificial Propagation. - Bohn, Guide... objects of Vertu. - Marsh, G. P., Artificial Propagation. - Brent, Letters, 1844. - Mass., Fish Propagation Report. - Brit. Mus., Prices of Casts. Fisheries. Canada, Fish in Gulf of St. - Christ, Abhandlungen, 1776. Lawrence. - " Diet. des Monogrammes. - Fall, R., Obs. on Brit. Fishery, 1786. Clarac, I-Iist. de l'Art chez les Anciens. - Nettle, Salmon Fisheries, St. Lawrence. - Cole, T., Exhibitions of. - North Amer. Fisheries Debate, 1852. - Cosmopolitan Assoc., 1854-6. -- Plans...British Fishery, 1750. - Crayon, Period., N. Y., 1855-7. - Salmon Fisheries, Dublin, 1852. - Eckhartshausen, Einflusse der Schonen - Seward, W. H., Speech, Whaling, 1852. Wissenschaften. - Sheil, Salmon Fisheries, Ulster. - Francis, F. J., A Lecture, 1839. - Soule, P., Speech on, 1852. - Exposition de 1855, Paris. - Statement... River Tay, 1824. - Great Britain, Fine Arts. - Ward, J., To Regenerate Ireland, 1850. H- istoric Gallery, 1807-11. - Wealth of Great Britain, 1749. - Iogarth, Analysis of Beauty. - See Newfoundland. - lone, P., Catalobgue, N. Y., 1852.:Fiskli, l[rs. Plea... at Stockbridlge, 1786. - ioussaye, De l'Art en France. - Iterna, tAr Jour., 1849rn. IFiske, J. Bentley, W., Sermon on, 1797. - Internat. Art Jour., 1849. - Jameson, A., Sacred Art. Fiskee, N. VW. Humphrey, IH., Tribute to. - " Legends of the...Orders. Fitch, J. Westcott, Life of, 1857. - " Legends of the Madonna. Fifzwrilliam, Earl. Playfair, W., Letter - Jervis, K. P., Modern Art, 1858. to, 1795. - Jour. of Design Advertiser. Flaget, B. J. Spalding, M. J., Life of. SUBJECT-INDEX. 987 Flags. Hamilton, S., Hist. of U. S. Flag, Fox9s Martyrology. Maitland, Town1853. send's Ed. Miles, Royal Naval Service. France, Almanachs, Registers. AlFlanders. Chronyke van Vlaenderen. manach du Commerce, 1818. - Exposition de Flandres, 1 - Almanach de France, 1855. - Almanach du Marin. Flax. Dublin Soc. Weekly Obs. - Almanach, Royal, 1738-1854. Select Essays. - Seymorlect Essay ins. Irela- Great Britain, Army of, 1758. Seymour, Flas in Ireland. - Se, Linen. iFrance, History of. Bonaparte, L., Oeuvres, Works. Fleetwood, W. Revolution Principles, - Bonaparte, N., Correspondence. 1713. - Brune, Campagne en Batavie. Florida. Brinton, Notes on, 1859. - Chruel, Diet. Hist. de la France. - Descr. of Windward Passage. - Davila, Ist. delle Guerre Civili. - Hilton, W., Discovery in, 1664. Dumas, Le Mois, 1848. Potter, W., War in Florida, 1836. Duruy, Histoire de, 1858. - Smith, B., Coleccion de Documentos. - General View, 1815. - U. S. Documents, 1821, 22, 24. _- (Godwin, P., Hist. of Ancient Gaul. - Verscheyde Scheeps-togten. - Guilke, De Bordeaux, de l'Aquitaine et - See St. Augustine. de la Guienne. Folkestone. Remarks on the conveyance - Haton, M6moires, 1553-82. of mails. - Klremer, Des Rheinischen Franzienso Fond du Lac, Wis. Mitchel, M., His- - Lacretelle, Histoire de. tory of. - Lombnie, Beaumarchais... Food. Agutter, Serm., John vi. 12, 1796. - Louis XIV., Memorials, 1688. Almanach des Gastronomes. - Louis XVI., Trial. - Buc'hoz, Manuel Alimentaire. - Mably, Obs. sur l'istoire de. - Gould, J. S., Food for Prisons, etc. - Mignet, Hist. of, to 1814. - Pereira, On Food and Diet. - Moniteur (Le), Newsp. - Treatise of... Crust of Bread. - Narrative of Invasion, 1806. - See Health. - Normandie, Misfortunes of the Dauphin. Fools. Delepierre, Hist. Lit. des Fous. - Philippart's Bernadotte. - Doran, Hist. of Court Fools. - Rath6ry, Hist. des Etats Gdn6raux. - Stapleton, Rot. Scaccarii Normannize. Foote, S. Cooke, W., Memoirs of. - Sully's (Duke of), Memoirs. Fossilso Conrad, Fossils from the Andes. - Tchuykevitch, War of 1812. - Delano, C., Fossil Man. - Thierry, Prog. of the Tiers Etat. - Lea, Papers, 1855-57. - Thiers, Hist. du Consulat et de l'E mpire. - Koch, Missourium Theristocaulodon. cc Hist. of the Consulate and EmMass., Hitchcock's Ichnology. pire. M- eek, New Genera, Nebraska. - Thou, Hist. sui Temporis, 1543-1607. Owen, R., Fossil Reptilia. - Tocqueville, The Old R6gime. - Palaeontographical Society. - War in Amer., 1745-63. See American. - Palrkinso n, Oryctology, 1822. France, Political, etc., Pamphlets. Warren, J. C., Conn. Sandstones. _Audifret, Le Budget, 1841. -- "cc Mastodon Skeleton. - Belleisle, Letters, 1759. - Wyman, Fos. Mammals, S. America. - Candid Enquiry, 1770. - See Geology. - E]-xamination of a Letter, 1758. Foster, Jas. Bulkley, Sermon on. - Girardin, Des 52, 1849. Meo -- Great Bastard Protector, 1689. Foster, J TW. Peabody, A. P., Memorial of, 1852. Historical Memorial, 1761. - Ilunter, N. M., Speech, Spoliations of, Foundlings. France, Infanticide, Rapport. 1851. - Gaillard, A. II., Recherches sur, 1837. - Impartial Narrative, 1758. - Terme, Hist. Statistique. - cc' cc of Belleisle, 1761. ]Fowls. See Poultry. - Inquiry into relations of...and America. Fox, C. J. Tooke, J. H., Two Portraits. - Journal of Campaign, 1758. 988 FIRST SUPPLEMENT. France, Political, etc. (continued).. Free Communion Brethren. Wauby, - La Coalition, 1817. Sermon, 1811. - Letter from a Mem. of Parl. 1758. Free Soil. See U. S. Territories; Slavery. - Needham, Christianissimus, etc., 1678. Free Trade. Agricola, Letters on, 1845. - Sherlock, W., Letter on Invasion, 1692. - Agriculture, Commerce, 1826. - Sketch of, 1735. - Atkinson, S., Effects of, 1829. France, Revolution of 1793. Giguet, - Badnall, Letters, 1830. R6v. du 18 Fructidor. - Essay (7th), P. Webster, 1785. Knox, V., Narr. of Transactions, 1793. - Lee, H., An Exposition, 1832. - Lamartine, IIist. des Girondins. - Maitland, Export. of Wool, 1818. - Michelet, Hist. View of. -- Morton, J., Protection on Agriculture. - Priestley, Letters on the Rev. - Stewart, A., On Walker's report. - Smyth, Lectures on, 1855. - Webster, P., Essays, 1785. France: Revolution, Pamphlets on. - Young, G. F., F. T. Fallacies, 1852. Burke, Two Letters, 1793, 95. - See Tariff; Corn Laws. - Ivernois, Of the Assignats, 1795. - Le Brun, Memorial, 1792. Free Will Baptists. F. W. B. For. Miss. - Lofft, C., Remarks on Burke's letter. Soc. - Montgaillard, France, May, 1794. - F.W.B.Register, 1847-59. - Patriot's Calendar, 1794. Fremont, J. C. Bigelow, J., Life of. - Picture of the times, 1795. - Fish, HI., Reason for support. - Pfiestley, Copies of Letters to. - Fremont, Trial, etc. - Robison, Proofs of Conspiracy. - IIeadley, J. T., Letter on. - Stillman, Serm. on the Revolution. - Lord, O. P., His Principles. Towers, Oration on, 1788. - Pam. V. 437, Pres. Election, 1856. - Two-pennyworth of Truth, 1793. - Steele, A., Letter on, 1856. - Watson, R., Address to the People. - Willard, E., Late Amer. Hist. - 6 Sermon, 1793. - Wilks, M., Tocsin sounded, 1795. Frend, W. Sermon on, Camb., Eng., (G.rnham). - Wilson, J., Letter-political, 1793. - Windham, Speech on Peace with, 1801. Friends, Society o. Barclay, R., Anth- 1801. archy of Ranters. - Wollaston, F., Parson's Address, 1799. _ ]enezet, Account of. Wyvill, Letter to Pitt, 1793. -- Bishop, G., New England judged, 1660. - Young, A., Example of France. - Burrough, E., Persecu. in NI. Engl. France, Travels in. Angoulnme, Voy. - Chalkeley, Works. de Louis XVXI. - Collection of Memorials, 1788. - Coste, Voyage....sur le littoral. w- Fothergill, J., Life, 1754. Few weeks in Paris, 1814. - Fox, G., New England Fire-brand - Jefferys, Maps of Maritime parts. quenched. - Letters concerning the French, 1769. Friends, Histoy, etc. - Letters descriptive of, (Cushing). - Friends, Memorials of deceased. - Meissas, Quest. sur la carte. - Gorton, S., Simplicity's defence. - Rombise, Itin... Gallim, 1639. - Gurney, J. J., Letter to Adrian, Mich. - State of France, 1760. - Letters to a member, 1840. - Taylor, J. N., Sketch of, 1815. - Nayler, J., Life of, 1656 Trollope, Summer in Brittany. - Penn, W., Works. Vatout, Residences Royales. - " Account of. Frankling,. Gilpin, H. D., Address on, - Penn'a Yearly Meet. of Progressive. 185'7. 1 — Pike, J., An Epistle to, 1783. Winthrop, R. C., Speech, Statue of. - Rogers, J., Persuasive to, 174-7 Frankling, Sir J. La Roquette, Notice - Sewell, Decl. of Faith of. Biog. sur. - Shotwell vs. Hendrickson, 1833. Fraunhofer. Thiersch, Biog. Nachrichten. - Wagstaff, History of, 1845. Frederick II. Carlyle, History of. - Zell, Memoir of. Frederick, Md. Zacharizas, Centen. Ser- Froment-Coste, A. Labretonniere, Nomon. tice sur. SUBJECT-INDEX. 989 Frontenac, Fort. Bradstreet's expedi- Gambling (continiied). tion. - Poulter, J., Discoveries of. Frlais. Braily, Catalogue,.1859. - Renneli, Of Gamingj Serm., 1794. K~noop, Pomologia, 1'758. - Weems, M. L., God's Revenge. - North-Western Fruit Growers. Gam- See ortiultre. Ga Laws. Berkeley, Defence of. See I Iorticulture, Gardening,. See Horticulture; AgriculFulton, R. Colden, Vindc. of Steamboat turea Fruitse right. Reigart, Life of. Gardiner, j. Doddridge, P., Life of. Garrick, D. Beloe, V. 1, Collection of. Funlton St. Prayer lRleeting, Chambers, Account of. - Murphy, A., Life of. -- erplanck,; His Portrait, Furniture. Normand, Decorations. - Shaw, HI., Spec. Anc. Furniture. Gas. Aubin Gae Works. - Blake, J. H., Observations, 1849. Future 1ife and State. Blanchard, J P., An Examination, 1858. - Brookline Gas Company. - Cobbold, An Essay, 1793. - Buffalo Gas Company. Coleridge, Words of Instruction. - Cooper's Regulator. - Craven, W., Sermon, Gal. vi. 9. - Hoard's Regulator. - Edwards, J., Justi(ce of God. - Manhattan Gas Company. - Fiddes, Serm. on the Judgment. - Phil'a Gas Works, 1840-56. - Future Punishment. - Portland, Rep. of Agent. - Gray, J. T., Immortality, 1847. Gayrard,, ]FD. Duval, J., Notice Biogra- Hopkins, S., State of those dying in phique. Sin. Gazetteers. See Geography. - Hudson, C. F., Debt and Grace, 1858. Gedde8, A. Good, J. M., Me-lmoirs of. - Human Nature, 1844. - Jephson, On futlure JeudGgm en ealogical. Camden Soc. Publications. - Ring, NTV. WNV., Of Imnlmlortality. - O'Kelly, Familles d'Irlande. - Lupton, W., Serm., Matt. ii. 5. - Sims, Genealogist's Manual. Moral proof of certainty, 1728. " Index to Pedigrees. Parry, Defence of Sherlock. - Topographer and Geneal., 1858. - Plato, On Immortality. - Vail, Questions for Fain. Record. - Polwhele, Sleep after Death, 1819. - See Heraldry. - Poyey, Torments after Death, 1740. Genealogies, American~ Benedict Fam- Randolph, T., Certainty of, 1755. ily. - Ricketts, Intermediate state. - Bird Family, 1855. Scripture account of, 1754. - Bissell Genealogy, (Stiles). - Shepherd, PH., Sermons on, 1795. - Blake Family, 1857. - Sinalbroke, Sermon, John v. 28, 29. - Bond, Watertown, Mass., Families. Storrs, Of souls of the Wicked. - Brainerd Family. See.Eield. - Towne, Crit. inquiry on. - Brighamns (The). See Morse. Warburton, Critical inquiry. - Bright, Brights of Suffolk. - See Life; Soul. - Chapman Family, 1854. - Chaunceys (The), See Fowler. G. - Cushman, 11. W., Historical Gen. of. Gabriele R. B. Letter to R. B. G., on Dr. - Day (R.) Family, 1848. White. -- Eliot Family, 1854. Gailnes, Gen.s Potter, W., War in Flericda. - Field, The Gen. of Brainerd Family. - Scott, W., Letter on Rank, 1827. - Flint, T., Gen. Register, 1860. - Fowler, W. C., Mein. of the Chaunceys. Gallaundet, lFE.. Iumphrey, II., Life Galaelofet, F umphre-185y,711,Li.fe - Goddard, E., Genealogy of, 1833. of, 1857. GalPhin, G. Brooks, J., Speech, Claim of. - Goodwin, N., Olcott descendants. C Gten. notes of Conn. set- Conger, Remarks on Claim, 1850. tiers. - Stanly, E., Speech on Claim, 1850. - Greenleaf, J. 1854. Gambling. Chapin, Evils of Gaiming. - Haven, R., Geneal. of, 1859. - N. Y. Assoc., Suppression of. IIerrick, J., Gen. Reg., 1846. 990 FIRST SUPPLEMENT. Genealogies, American (continued). Geography (continued). - Hodges Family. - Blomfield, View of World, 1807. - Hoyt, D. W., Gen. Hist. of J. and D. - Bradford, T. G., Atlas, 1835. Hoyt. I — Brookes, R., Gen. Gazetteer, 1782. - Judd, T. Judd and descendants, 1856. - Bouillet, Dict. Universel, 1858. - Kellogg, A. S., See White, J. - Carey, H. C., Geography of. - Lawrence, J., of Watertown. - Cortambert, Le-ons de. - Leland Magazine, 1850. -- Dwight, N., Short system of, 1801. - Leverett Family, 1856. - Fage, Descr. of the World, 1658. - McKinstry Family, See Willis. - Fitch, G. W., Outlines of, 1855. - Morse, A., Brigham Family. - Geographical Gazette, 1855. - Morse, A., Genea. of Sherborn and Hol- - Goldsmith, Grammar of, 1814. liston. n- Gordon, P., Geog. Anatomized, 1733. - New Eng. Hist. and Gen. Register. 0b~.~ ~- Gullamin, Cosmographie. - Olcott. See Goodwin. - Humbolclt, Kosmos. - Paines, Geneal. Register, 8 Nos. - Ingraham, Geog. of the N. Y. - Plummer Family. See Salem Atheneum. - ngrhm Geog. of the N. - Johnson, R., Relations of the world, - Poor, A., Gen. of Merrimack Valley. 1611. - HReldeld Family, 1860. 1 — Johnston, A. K., Ordnance Surv. of - Rice Family, See Ward. Scotland. - Rockwood Family, 1856. - Kaiserl. Keen. Geog. Gesellschaft. - Salem Ath., Plummer Family. - La Croix, Weerelcl-Beschryving, 1705. - Savage, J., Gen. Diet. of N. England. - Lamont, Ortsbestimmungen...Bayern. - Scranton, E. J., Scranton Family, 1855. - "c Karten von Deutschland. - Shattuck Family, 1855. - Mass., Trigon. Survey Rep. - Sigourney Family, 1854. - Maury, Progres en, 1859. - Sill Family, 1859. - Maury, Geog. of the Sea. - Smith (N.) Family, by D. Smith, 1849. - Medrano, Breve descr. del Mundo. - Steele Family, 1859. S - Mela, P., De Situ Orbis. - Stiles, H. H., Windsor (Conn.) Fami- - Morse, J., Geog. made easy. lies. Stoddadlies. (A.) Family, 1849- Muratori, Diss. Chorographica. Stoddard (A.) Family, 1849. - Murchison, Address (eog. Soc. Lond. - Tainter Family, 1859. - Petavius, Geog. of World, 1659. - Vinton, J., Descendants of, 1858. -- Royal Geog. Soc. Lond., Proc. 1859. - Ward, A. H., Rice (E.) Family, 1858. c Journal 1858. Wentworth, W., Descendants of, 1850. -- Sanis, Lecons de. - Wetmore Family, 1861. -- Scott, J., Univ. Gazetteer, 1799. - White, J., Memorials of, 1860. i., Address, Hist. Gen. Sc., - Smith, R. C., Geog for Schools, 1848. Whiting, W., Address, Hist. Gen. Soc., 1853. - Smyth, W. H., Address Roy. Geog. -- Whitmore Families, Medford, Mass., Soc., 1850. 1855. - Societ6 de G6ographie, Bulletins. - Whitmore (E.) Family, 1855. - Spafford, H. G., General Geog. 1809, School. - Willard, S., Descendants, 1858. Spnheim trod ac. Geog. - Spanheim, [ntrod. ad Sac. Geog. - Willis, W., McKinstry Family. Y - Stengel, Uber die Alpen. Woodman, E., Descendants of. - Worcester, W., Descendants, 1856. - T - Yale Family 1850. - Thayer, W. A., Compendium, 1816. Yale Family, 1850. - Zamakhshari, Lexicon Geog. Geneva, Switz. Geneve: Reglemens, - See Bibliography. 1662. Geology. Anspach, Elements of. Genoa. Descrizione di Genova, 1846. - Austria, Jahrbuch, 1850-56. - Ocderico, Lettere Ligustiche. - Blake, W. P., Fossils of California. Geography. Abbot, G., Brief Description, - rainerc, Sandstone Conglomerate. - 1635. - Breislak, Desc. Geol. di Milano. - Amer. Geog. and Statist. Soc. - Cook, Subsidence of Land. - Bingham, C., Astr. Catechism. - Dawson, J. W., Acadian Geology. - Blackie, Gazetteer, General, 1855. - Foster, J. T., Introduction to, 1850. SUBJECT-INDEX. 991 Geology (continued). Geological Surveys in America (con- Foulke, WV. P., H. Miller's Testimony. tinued). Flurl, Gebirgsformationen, 1805. - Tuomey, Pleiscene Fossils of S. C. - Geol. Soc. of Du-blin. Vermont, Hitchcock's Report, 1857, 58. - Webster, M. H., Min. of N. Y., 1824. - Geol. Soi., Lond., Journal. - Great Britain, G~eol. Survey. - Whittlesey, C., Geol. of Ohio. - Gurney, J. J., Accordance of. - Wisconsin, Percival's Report. - Hand Book of, Lend., 1840. George I. Ollyffe, Madness of Treas., 1724. - larting, De boderm onder Amsterdam. - Potter, J., Sermon, Aug. 1, 1715. Haskins, R. W., Poisson on Tempera- - Stephens, J., Sermon, Second Deliverture. ance, 1714. - Hauer, Mines de l'Autriche. - Venn, R., His Title Asserted, 1734. - Hitchcock, E., Surface Geol. George 11[. Chandler, Sermon, Death of, - cc Geol. of the Globe. 1760. "- Economic Geol. of Mass. - Davies, S., Sermon on, 1761. - Holmes, F. S., The Horse, etc. - George II., Letters, 1737. - Junghugh, Cat. Geol. Samm. v. Java. - Potter, J., Coronation Serm., 1727. - Kais. Geol. Reichsanstalt, Wien. - Stennett, S., Serm., Death of, 1760. - Logan, W. E., Esquisse Geol. du Can- George HI. Anticipation: of Speech of, ada. 1778. - Mantell, Wonders of, 1857. - De Coetlogon, Faint Sketches, 1820. - Miller, H., Testimony of the Rocks. - Denham, J. E., Sermon on, 1820. - Netherlands, Verhandelingen, 1853, 54. - Drummond, R., Coronation Serm. Orr's Circle of the Sciences. - George III., Sketch, 1791. - Osborn, A., Field Notes of, 1858. - Great Britain, George III., 1789. - Paine, M., Review of Theor. Geol. - Strachan, Disc. on, 1810. - Portlock, Address, 1857, 58. - Townsend, G., Serm., Sickness of, 1789, - Schafhfiutl, Geognos. Untersuchungen. 1792. - Science of Geology, 1837. George (Prince) of ]Eng. Sturmy, D., - Tyndall, Glaciers of the Alps. Serm., Death of, 1708. - Vaughan, Phen. of the Mat. World. George, G. Barford, Orat. in Funere. - See Cosmogony; Fossils; Mineralogy; George, Lake. Van Rensselaer, Battle of. Bibliography. Bibliography. Georgetown, D. C. Washington DirectGeological Surveys in America. Ala- ories. bama, 2d Report, 1858. tGeorgia. Account of Progress, 1741. - Arkansas, Report, 1858. - Brief Accoult, 1743. - Canada, Lake Superior and Red River. - Description of Georgia, 1741. - " Rottermund's Survey of L. Su- - Georgia, Governor's Message, 1857. perior and L. Huron. Impartial Enquiry (Martyn), 1741. " Sir W. E. Logan's Reports. - Miller, S. F., Bench and Bar of. - Eights, J., Hiatt Tract, Surry, N. aC. - Moore,., Voyage to, 1735. - Emmons, North Carolina, 1856, 58. New and Ac. Account, 1733. - Hayden, The Platte to Ft. Benton. - New Voyage to, 1737. - Illinois, Norwood, 1858. - Stevens, W. B., Hist. of to 1798. - Iowa Reports, (Hall). - Von Reck, Journals of, 1734. - Kentucky, Report, 1854, 55. - - Urlsperger, Amerikanisches Ackerwerk, - Mass., Hitchcock's Report, 1853. 1756. - Michigan, Houghton, 1842. - Wesley, Journal, 1743-54. - Missouri, Geol. Survey, (Swallow). - Whitefield, Works, V. 3. - New Jersey, Reports, 1855-57. Gerando, J. 1. De. Bayle, Eloge de. - New Orleans Ac. of Sci. NGerman ]Books, Authors, Libraries. - Owen, Chippewa District. See Bibliography. - ". Kentucky Survey. German lReformed Church. German -- ~ Arkansas Survey. Ref. Acts, 1841. - Penn'a, Rogers' Reports. - Harbaugh, The Fathers of. - Swallow, S. W., Missouri, 1859. Germany, History of. Blaze, Mem. of - Tennessee, Reports, 1856, 57. Princess Palatine. 992 FIRST SUPPLEMENT. Germanyg, ]E-istory of (continued). Gonzaga, V. Affo', Vita di. - Fessmaier, Des Oberteutschen Stdite- Goohd J. 1M. Jerram, Serm., Death of. bundes. - Fink, Einfluss jener Confoederationen. GoodeT, W,6 Wilson, D., Serm., Death of. - Frederick II., Oeuvres Historiques. Goodllue, J. Bellows, Serm., Death of. - Freyberg, Der Bayer. Landes-Gesetzge- Gordon, G. Plain...Ace't of Riots 1780. bung. - Heineccius, Antiquitates Goslarienses. God on9 ary.. Calhoun, J. S., Confes-sion of, 1847. - Heintz, Pfalzgraf Stephan. - Kremer, Zur Gilch-u. Berg. Geschichte. Goslar9 Sax. Heineccius, Antiq. Goslar., et vic. - Lauresham, Codex Diplom. Gough,.J. B. Alliance Week. News, 1857. Leopold I., Answer to France, 1688. - Leuckfeld, Rerum Germanicarum. Goulding, J. Vinall, J., Reply to, 1827. Marcus, L., Hist. des Wandales. Government. Bentham, On Senate. - Perthes, Memoirs of. - Blanche, Diet. d'Administration. - Pfeffel, Droit Public d'Allemagne. - Bonaparte, L., CEuvres, Worls. Revolution, W., The Real Crisis, 1735. - Boogert, Veiligheid van een Burgerstaat, Schaeffer, The Three Saxon Electors. 1702. Chalmers, Sermon on. Germans in America. BokuImn DiS-n. o- Chipman, Principles of, 1793. course, 1836. n- Do Dissolution? Gibraltar. D'Anverian History. - Edwards, G., Scheme of Human Econ. - Letter to the Indep. Whig, 1720. Enquiry into the Measures, 1700. - Martin, R. M., Brit. Col. Lib., V. 7. F- letcher, A., Political Works. Gibso~n, h Letter to the Lord Bishop of - Olliffe, Madness of Treason, 1724. London, 1750. -- Hawles, Reply on the Magistracy, 1689. Gilford, A. Rippon, Serm., Death of, 1784._ - oadly, Sermon, 1 Sam. viii. 9. Gill, H[. Lambert, G., Serm., Death of. - HIolberg, Iter Subterraneum. Gill, J. Stennett, S.,. Serm., Death of. - lumboldt, W., Sphere and Duties of. Gillray, J. Wright, T., Canricatures of. - Kingsbury, Law and Government, 1849. -- Northcote, Civil Rights of Man. Gipsies. Carew's Adventures. - Rapier, Polity of Governments. Girard College. Tyson, J. R., Disc., 1st Scurlock, Infuence of Relig. on, 1792. Anniv. - Standard Lib. Cyclopwdia, 1853. Glasgow. Hay, J. B., University of. -- ~ind. of Bp. of Exeter, 1709. Glass. Jarves, D., Of Glassmaking. - See Authoity; Great Britain; U. S. Gloversville, N. Y. Sprague, H., Sket- Governmrent; Sacheverell, etc. ches, 1859. Grammars, African,, Gram. of Bakdle. God. Argument k priori, 1737. - Gram. of Mpongwe. - Argument to. prove Unity, 1.737. - I-anoteau, La Langue Tamachek. - Colman, Incomprehensibleness of. - Mackey, J. L., Benga Lang., N. Y., See Trinity; Christ; Holy Spirit. 1855. aGrammarsa, Arabic. Erpenius, Rudim. Goddard, WT. G. Wayland, P., Disc., de, 1844. Life of. L- Soyouti, De nom. relativis. Godfrey, E. B. Lloyd, W., Sermon, Fu- - Lhomond, Gr. Fr., (Harairi). neral of. - Taalibi Syntagma Dictorum, etc. Godfrey, T. Emerson, G-. Address concerning, 1843. Grammars, Chaldee. Palfrey, Chald. Syr. Salmar. and Rabbinic. Godwin, IM.. ~.Godwin, W., Mem. of. Riggs, Chaldee Grammar. GoesT, Netiherlands. Historie van de Satisfactie. Grammars, Dutch.l Bolhuis, SpraakGoethe, J. WT. Von. Lewes, Life of. kunst, 1793. Gold. Chevalier, Remarks on Produc. of. - Murray, L., Engelsche. - ierritt, Mines of Veraguas, N. G. - Peplier, GOr. Frangoise et Hloll. - Pioneer Mills Mine, N. C. - Scherber, Taalregelen, 1845. - Soyer, Mod1les d'Orf6vrerie. Grammaas, Enlish. Barton, J. G. - See California. Outline of, 1855. SUBJECT-INDEX. 993 Grammars, English (continued). Grammars, Spanish. Cubi, Spanish Dale, W. A., Teacher's Assistant. Gr:lmmar, 1825. - En(glish Grammar in Persian. - Ollendorff, Clef des Thimes. - Fowvle, W. B., Common School G., 1842. - Vriend, Spaansche Spraakkunst. - Fowler, W. C., English Gram., 1855. Grammars, Swedish. May, Pract. Gram. - Greene, Sam'l S., Phil'a, 1848. - Vriend, Zweedsohe Spraakkunst. - Greenleaf, J., Gram. Simplified. Grammars, Turkish. Davids' Gramm., - Greenwood, J., Essay towards, 1753. 1836. - Hubbard, A. 0., Balt., 1827. Grammars, Miscellaneous. Deensche Leonard, S., The American, 1819. Spralakkunst. - M'Culloch, Prefixes, etc. - L'Homond, El6mens du Frangais. - Miller, F. HI., Oral Grammar, N. Y. - Marathi Grammar. - Miller, G. B., Dansville Gram. Mariner, Tonga Islnds. - Munsell, II., Albany, 1851. - Nouv. Gram. Flamand. - Murray, L., Abridgments. - O'Brien, Pract. Gram. of Irish, 1809. Smith, R. C., Phil'a 1837. - Reiff, Engl.-Russ. Gram., 1853. Tower, Elements, 1855. - Rhenius, Gram. of Tamil Lang. - Rizgs, Modern Armenian. Grammars, German. Grimm, Deutsche Gramnmatik. - Stamm, Der Gothisehen Spraeche. - Vriend, Italiansche Spraakkunst. Lemouton, Grammatik. -- See Bibliography; Languages. Grammars, Greek. Alexander, C., Worcester, Mass. Grant, A. Laurie, Memoir of. - Bullions, P., New York. Grant, J. S. Campbell, W. W., Mem. of. - David, La Langue Moderne. - MDavidai, La. angue Modernle. Gray, R. Townsend, G., Serm., Fun. of. - Matthime, A., Blom-field's ed. Great:Britain, Church Hist. Brown, - Smith, J., Grammar, Bost., 1809. J., List. of Brit. Ch. - Valpy, Elements of, 1820. - Camden Soc. Publications, V. 8, etc. - See Classical. - Hart, R., Eccl. Records of Eng., etc. Grammarsq, Hebrew. Grammar in He- - Merewether, Thoughts, 1824. brew. - Vitalis, Ec. Hist. of Eng. - Lyons, I., Camb., Mass., 1812. - See Church of England. - Smith, J., Heb. Gram., Boston, 1810. Stuart,., rmma of, 1835. Great Britain, Colonies. Ashley, Trade - Stuart, M., Grammar of, 1835. with America, 1743. with America, 1743. Grammars, Htungarian. Csink, Gram- - Martin, R. M., Brit. Col. Lib. mar, 1853. n- Thring, Supremacy of, 1851. - Lemouton, Grammatik.,- See America; Canada; West Indies. Grammars, Icelandic. Marsh, G. P., Icelandic Language. Great Britain, Commerce and Trade. Address to the King, 1822. - Address to the Majority, 1784. Grammars, Latin. Adam, A., Cleveland's ed., 1836. _ Ashley, Trade with America, 1743. - Bullions, Principles of. - British Spirits, Evidence, 1848. - Donati, editio minor, 1494. - Iluskisson, Speech on, 1825. - Lily, Short Introduction. - Present State of, (Mitchell), 1767. - Scheller, Additions by Walker. Some considerations, 1830. - Smith, J., N. Hamp. Lat. Gram., 1802. - Spence, Brit. indep. of Commerce, 1808. - Zumpt, Grammar, 1829. - View of Depredations of Spain, 1731. Grammars, Malay. Breuzel, Maleische Great Britain, Debt of. Brabier, Extaal. pedient to Pay, 1719., -- Marsden, Langue Malaie. - - Daniel, E., Appeal...on Debt of. - Essay on the Pub. Debts, 1726. Grammar, Persian. Engl. Gram. in. - Essay on the Sinking Fund, 1737. Grammars, Portuguese. Tillbury, Gram. - Heathfield, N., Plan of Liquid'n, 1820. Portugueza. - Honest Scheme, 1729. Tillbury, Arte Ingleza. - Hume, J., Speech on, 1822. - Vieyra, Portuguese Grammar, 1827. - Morgan, W., Facts for the People, 1796. [ SUPPL.] 125 994 FIRST SUPPLEMENT. Great Britain, Debt of (continued). Great Britain, Military (continued). Pitt, Speech, 1792. - Napier, Defence by Militia, 1852. - Present State of, Leond., 1740. - National Regeneration, 1844. Public (On the) Debt, 1830. - Nugent, N., Case of, 1776. Some considerations, 1729. - Operations of the British Arms, 1744. Great Britain, Financial. Addington, Suggestions for Defence of, 1851. Speech, 1802. - Treatise concerning militia, 1752. - Asgill, Pub. Funds, 1715. - Trenchard, Hist. of Standing Army.. - Barnard, J., 3,000,000 for 1746. - Wood, H., Military Education, 1847. - Brickwood, Four per cent. Stock, 1830. Great Britaing Naval. Brenton, Naval - Collection of the Supplies, 1763. History of, 1783-1834. - Douglas, R. K., Income Tax, 1842. - Exposition of the Case of Surgeons of. - Finances and Trade of, 1852. - Great Britain; Navy Lists. - Letter from a Member, 1733. - Lestock, Engagement near Toulon. - Remarks on a Letter to Sir J. Barnard, - Manderson, Present State of, 1812. 1746. - - I -I rMiles, Epitome of R. N. Service. - Robinson, F. J., Speech, 1823. - Naval Considerations, 1810. Some considerations, 1729. - Navy List, 1811, 13. Vansittart, Plan of Finance, 1813. - Specimen of Naked Truth, 1746. Great Britain, Government of. Dyer, - Standing Navy Economical, 1851. G., Four Letters on the Constitut. - Warning Voice of a Seaman, 1751. - Evans, C. Const. Lib., Serm., 1775. Great Britaing Navigation. Collection Pusey, The New Constitution, 1831. of Reports, 1807. - Thoughts on Eng. Gov. (Reeves), 1803. - Huskisson, Speech, 1827. - Toland, Memorial of England, 1705. - Obs. on the Manuf. of Rope. - $ee Authority; Government. - Thring, Merch. Shipping Law. Great Britain, History of. Brief Hist. Great Britain: Parliament. Black of the Succession, 1683. Book, 1826. - Cornwallis, Correspondence. - Burke, Speech, Independence of, 1780. - Cumberland, Duke of, Memoirs of. - Fox, C. J., Speech on Reform. - Etat Politique, 1757-59, Genest. Free Elections, 1690. George III., Declaration, 1796. - Further Vindication, 1741. - Great Britain; Orders in Council, 1807, - Hope, J., Letters on Proceedings, 1769. 1809. - Jebb, J., Parl. Reform., 1784. - Great Britain; Rolls' Publications. - Johnson, S., Debates in. - Leland, De Script. Britann. - Leland, Do Script. Britaun. - Just and Modest Vindication, 1681. - Letter to a Friend...on King James, - Lewis, Top. Dict. of Eng., Suppt. - Oldfield, Hist. of the Boroughs. -- May, T., Diet. of, 1640. - - May, T. E., To facilitate business. - Ormonde, Campaign of 1712. - Oldfieldc History of the Boroughs. - Present State of British Empire, (Gold- - smith) - Parry, Parliaments of Eng. - United States, Correspondence, 1809, 56. - Pitt, Speech on Reform, 1793. - See England; Ireland; Gunpowder Plot. - Raleigh, Prerogative of, 1628. - Rotten House of Commons, 1835. Great Britain, Land. Danson, On Farm- Scott, A., Corrupt Parliaments, 1689. ing Agreements. Scott, A., Corrupt Parliaments, 1689. ing Agreements. - Some Reasons, 1733. - Great Britain; Waste Lands. G- reene, I. G. J., Present Laws, 1851. - Somers, Annual Parliaments - Landed Interest, 1733. - Speech, Triennial Act (Hutcheson). - Two seasonable discourses, 1675. - Rainey, On Landed Property. - Vox Populi, 1681. Great Britain, Military. Bowles, W. C., - We have been...wrong, 1785. National Defence, 1852. Ca- Campbell, J., British Army, 1840. - Windham, Speech, Independence of, 1810. - Chesney, Royal Regiment of Artillery. See Parliament. -- Hints for Ordering Militia, 1759. Great Britain: Political Pamphlets, Macgregor, Plan for Militia, 1849. etc. See American War; Charles; - Military Defence of the Kingdom, 1852. France; Holland; Spain; Germany. SUBJECT-INDEX. 995 Great Britain: Political Pamphlets, Great Britain: Political Pamphlets, etc. (continued). etc. (continued). - Modern Policies, (Sancroft), 1652. - Neck or Nothing...1713. - Remonstrance of the State, 1641. - Re-representation (The), 1711. Several Resolves of Junto, 1659. - Revolution Principles, 1713. - Spademan, Serm., Victory in the Bra166 —1685. bant, 1706. - Charge of a Tory Plot, 1682. - Steele, R., The Crisis, 1713. - Clavel, His Majesties Propriety, 1665. - Toland, Memorial of England, 1705. - Cooper, A. A., Speeches, 1675. - Wyvill, Serm.j The Peace, 1713. "- No Protestant Plot, 1675. - See Marlborough, Duke of. - Dialogue at Oxford, 1681. - England's Appeal, (Trevor), 1673. 1714-1727. - Fitz William, Serm. on the Conspiracy, - Clodius and Cicero, 1727. 1683. - Fleetwood, Serm., Rebellion, 1715. - Letter from a Parliamentman, 1675. - Gibson, Serm., on Rebellion, 1716. Letter to Sir T. Osborn, 1672. -- Harley, Impeachment of, 1715. - No Protestant Plot, 1675. - Lambe, Sermon, the Rebellion, 1715. - Pacquet of Advices, 1676. - Letter to the Clergy, 1722 (Pearce). - Pelling, E., Serm., A Fanat. Conspi- - Merchant, Peace and Trade, 1729. racy, 1683. - Obs. upon a Pamphlet, Lond., 1717. - Present interest of E., 1671. - Sherlock, Sermon, Rebellion, 1716. - Thompson, It., Serm., Monmouth's Re- _ Some Observations, 1728. bell., 1685. Tory Plot, 1682. - See George I. Tory Plot, 1682. - Ellis, Ph., Sermon, 1685. 1727-I1760. -- See Charles I, II; Authority, Church - Ancient and Mod. Liberty, 1734. and Civil. -and Civil. Answer to a Pamphlet, (Shebbeare), 1685-1-689. 1756. - Apology for the Conduct...1744. - Answer to the late K. James, 1687. - Great Bastard Protector, 1689. - Important Questions, (Stephens), 1689. -n- Carr, Serm., Culloden Victory. 1746. - Kippis, Sera. on Rev. of, 1688. - Letterto a Person of Quality, 1687. - Coleire, Serm., Rebellion of 1745. - Proceedings of pres.. justied- Compleat List...votes on Septennial - -Proceedings of pres. Parl. justled,act, 17 34. 1689. act,. 1734. - Compleat view of Politicks, 1743. - Seventh Collection of Papers, 1689. -- Conduct of the Opposition, 1734. 1689-1702. - Consid. upon the present state, 1739. - Consolatory Letter, 1760. - Appeal to Heaven, (Stephens), 1691. - Consid upon Speaker, 1698. - Craftsman Extraordinary, 1729. - Consid. upon...Speaker, 1698. Dutch Reasoner, 1745. - James II, Manifesto, 1697. - Johnson, S., Abrogation of K. James, - Enquiry into Conduct, 1734. 1692. - Enquiry into the Reasons, 1729. - Remarks on the Affairs of Eng., 1691. - Examination of the Principles...of the two B...s, 1749. - Their Present Majesties, etc., 1691. twoB...s, 1749. - Faction Detected, (Perceval), 1743. 1702-1-714. False Accusers Accused, 1741. - Bisse, P., Serm. on the Rebellion, 1711. - Farther Vindication...Hanover Troops, - Brett, T., Serm. of the Rebellion, 1713. 1743. - First Letter, (Shebbeare), 1756. - Evans, J., Serm., Victory in Brabant, Fitness... Septennial Act, 1740. 1706. - Faults in the Fault-finder, 1710,. ) — Fourth Letter to the People, 1756. - Faults on both sides, 1710. - Free and Impar. Examiner, 1745. an on bot sides, 110-Full...answer to Fourth Letter, 1756. - Learned Comment on Hare's Serm., - Grand Accuser, 1735. 1711. - Hoadly, Enquiry into Reasons, 1728. - Letter to the Examiner, 1714. - Important Question, 1755. 996 FIRST SUPPLEMENT. Great Britain: Political Pamphlets, Great Britain: Political Pamphlets,'etc. (continued). etc. (continued). - Lavington, Serm., Rebellion, 1745. - Right Honorable Annuitant, 1761. - Letter from a Gentleman, 1727. - Sandercock, Serm., Peace of 1763. - " from Mem. of Parl., 1729. - Shebbeare, Answer to the Queries, 1775. - " to a Friend, 1755. - Short Considerations, 1766. - C to a Member, etc., 1729. - Watson, R., Revolution Vindicated, - 1S740. 10. 1776. — " to C. D'Anvers, 1729. - See American Revolution. - " to the Craftsman, 1733. -. to the People of England, 1751. 1783-1820. - " to the Whigs, 1748. - Authentic Pieces...Power of the Crown, Ministry and Government of, 1734. 1780. Miscellan. Thoughts, (Hervey), 1742. - Berkeley, Serm., English Revolution, - Modest Enquiry, 1742. 1789. Obs. on the Conduct of G. B., 1729. - ritish Union Society, 197. - Ogden, S., Sermons, 1758. - Consid. on the Appr. Dissolution, 1790. - Patriot, The, 173t4. - Consid. upon the State, 1796. - Pres. state of Politics, 1739. Countrymen, 1815. - ProperReply, (Pulteney), 1731. ient' 178j. - Proper Reply, (Pulteney), 1731. - De Lolme, Ohs. upon the...embarrassPrussia, Motives of the King, 1752. - a e e 1745. - Edwards, G., True Scheme of Economy, Question whether England...1745. 1808. - Reasons for the Neutrality, 1734. - Electors of Westminster, 1819. R- esignation (The) Discussed, 1748. - Enquiry into the...Constitution, 1792. - Richardson, A., Serm. Rebellion, 1745. - Extracts from the Album... 1788. - Roberts, S., Sermon, 1745. - Few Cursory Remarks,(Bentley), 1803. - Royal (The) Sin, 1738, (Croxall). - Fox, C. J., Speech on Peace, 1800. - Seasonable Expostulations, 1 Fred,., Peace and Union, 1793. - Serious Exhortation...elections, 1740. - Hartley, D., Address, Co. of York. - Short View of the state...1730.. - Inquiry into the state, etc., 1806. - Sketch of French pol., 1735. - Lister, Opposition dangerous, 1798. - Some farther remarks, 1729. - People's Answer to, (Wraxall), 1787. - Some of the Rom. lIist. of Fabius, 1749. - Picture of the Times, 1795. - Warburton, Serm., Rebell. of 1745. - Political Letters, 1784. - See Walpole, R.; Georrge II; Scotland. - Question as it stood, 1798, (Francis). - Randolph, F., State of the Nation, 1808. 1760-17- Roscoe, On the present War, 1808. - Bndget (The), 1764. - Royal Register, 1788, 9. - Candid Thoughts, 1781. ~ - Searcher (The) after Truth, 1817. - Conduct of the Late Administration, - Short Review of state of, (Wraxall), 1767. 178-7. - Consid. on the Dependencies, 1769. - Sins of the Government, (Barbauld), - on the Times, 1769. 1793. - " on the Trade, etc., 1766. - Solemn Appeal to Citizens, 1788. - Description of a Parliament, 1769. - Some Remarks on the...War, 1795. - Englishman Deceived, 1768. - Thelwall, J., Fraternity, 1795. - Facts addressed to Landholders (Tooke), - View of the History of, under North, 1780. 1782. Free Appeal, 1767. - Wakefield, Spirit of Christianity in. - Fugitive Polit. Essays, 1770. - War with France (Rennell), 1794. - Hist. of the Minority, 1765. - Waring, J. S., Letter to Burke, 1784. - Letter to the Earl of Bute, 1771. - Wellesley, Formation of Administra- " to EI. G., Duke of Grafton, 1768. tion, 1812. - " to the Rt. Hon. C. T., 1763. - Whigs Unmasked, 1795. - Macaulay, C., Observations, 1770. - Wilson, J., Letter...political, 1793. - Pres. state of Nation, (Grenville), 1768. - Wyvill, Defence of Price, 1792. Principles of the late changes, 1765. - See George III. SUBJECT-INDEX. 997 Great Britaill: Political Pamphlets, Greece, Modern (continued). etc. (continued). - Erskine, T., Letter on the Greeks, 1822. 1820-1853. - Gladstone, W. E., Speech on, 1850. - Brougham, Speech, Reform bill. - Greek Relief Comm., 1oston. - Bulwer, Letter on Crisis, 1834. - Hughes, T. S., Address on, 1822. - Calm Statement, 1826. - Milier, J. P., Letters from, 1824. - Cochrane, Who are Liberals? 1852. - Pouqueville, Voyage, 1826, 27. -- Orlandos, Greek vessels, N. Y. - Country without Government, 1830. - Orlandos, Greek vessels, N. Y. - Countryrmen, 1815.'- Stephanini, Capture of Patras. - D'Israeli, Crisis Examined, 1834. - Taylor, B., Travels in, 1855. - George IV., Letter, 1821. Greek Authors. Achilles Tatius, Clitopho. - 2Elianus, Variat Historia. - Gladstone, W. E., Speech, 1853.a - Aeschylus, Tragedies, Graece. - Grey, Earl, Policy of Russell's Admin. - Anacreon, Carmina. - Mullins, Magistracy cf England, 1836. - Anacreon Carmia. - *Political Nomenclature, 1838. — Apollonius Dyscolus, Gr. and Lat. - Political Nomenclature, 1838. - Real Character of, 1833. - Apollonius Rhodius, Gr. and Lat. - Russell, Prin. of ieform Act, 1839. - Aristophanes, Plutus, Gr. and Fr. Aristote Come dies, Eng. - Short Letter to Earl of Derby, 1852. - " Comedies, Eng. - Tracts for the Times, No. 10, 1852. - Aristoteles, Works in Latin. - Whigs (The), 1847. - " Hist. des Animaux. - Whitehurst, Coalition, 1787 and 1853. - Arrianus, Exped. Alexandri. - See England; Ireland; Church of Eng- - Athenagoras, De Resurrectione, Lat. land. - Auteurs Grecs, Gr. and French. Great Britain:, Registers, Almanacs, - Brumoy, Greek Theatre. etc. Almanacs, 1679-1732. etc. Almanacs, 16791732. - Callimachus, Gr. and French. - Annual Register. -- Cory, Ancient Fragments. -- British Almanac, 1854-59. - BrtishAnna- 1Demosthenes, Gr., Engl. - Court and City Register, 1751-65. Discours D sn Gr.,ouronne. - " Discours sur la couronne. - Court Calendar. 1747. - CurtCalndar 1- Euripides, Ta Yn(oFtevc, Musgrave. - Dietrichsen's Almanac, 1842, 44, 52. - i Tragoedi eScholefield. Tragoedim, Scholefield. - Xi~Etat M~ilitaire, 1'774. -;" Notae in, Lond., 1828. - Goldsmith, Almanach, 1852. - " Trnslated by Potter. - Great Britain: Official reg., 1728, 42. Heliodorus, Romances of. - Millan's Register, 1753-63. - ]:eraclides, Quae supersunt. - Owen's Book of Fairs, 1834. H- erodotus,,Gr. and Lat. - Parl. Directory, 1853. - Vacher's Parl. Companion, 1836, 52. Hesiodus, Gr. and Eng. - Hippocrates.. Reliquie. - Watson's Almanacks, 1786, 1799.s, Ed. Ernesti.,- Eomerus, IEd. Ernesti. - Will's Clerical Almanack, 1852. Ed. Heyne Great Britain, Topographical. Cam- " Ed. Ansse de Villoison. den, W., Brittania. den, W.5 Brittani^.- Isocrates, Opera, 1803. - Gorton, Topog. Dictionary. - e r n C t D i. - Koen. Baler. Ak., (Theodosius). - Greoat Britazin; County Divisions. -- Longinus, Greek and Latin. - Magna Brit. ant., (Cox) 1738. - Long - Spiker, Reis door, 1816. - Longs, Daphnis an - See, England. - Lucianus, Gr. and French. Se~ England. - Lysias, Greek and Latin. Greece, Ancient. Clinton, H. F., Civil -_ Lias Gr n and Lit. Chronol. of......- Maximus Tyrius, Dissert., Gr. - Duruy, Histoire Grecque.. - Montfatucon, Bibliot. Coisliniana. - Grote, G., History of. -- Musaeus, Carmen. - Koen. Baler. Ak., Theodosius. -- Oratores Attici, (Bekker). - Meiners, Iist. des Sciences dans. - Pausanias. Greece, Modern. Appeal from Greek - Philo Judaeus, Lucubrationes. Philo Judaeus, Lucubrationes. Comm., 1822. - Photius, Aereouv cvvayonyV. - Carlisle, Lord, Diary, 1855. -- Pindarus, Ed. Heyne. - Chatfield, Appeal for, 1822. -- Plato, Apol. Sokratous, Eng. - Dorr, Notes of Travel, 1856. - " Immortality. 998' FIRST SUPPLEMENT. Greek Authors (continued). Guano (continued). Plutarchus, Vitae, Gr. and Lat. - Mulder, Leesboek, 1854. - c " Apothegmata, Gr. and Lat. - Sheppard, J. H., Treatise on, 1845. - Quintus Calabrus, Praetermiss. ab Ho- - Teschemaker, Essay on. - mSopholero. and tat. - U. S. Guano Co.) 1859. Sophocles, Gr. and Lat. Themistius, Opera. Guatemala. Cabrera, Huehuetlapallan. - Thucydides, De bello Pelop. Palaci D. G. De. - Tryphiodorus, Ilii Excidium, Gr. Lat. - Rio, Huehuetlapallan. and Eng S-cSquier, Description of, 1576. Greek Church. Great Britain, Turkey, - Ximenes, De los Indios... de. 1854. - See Central America. - Greek Church identified, 1842. Guernsey Is. Berry, W., tistory of. Greek Language. See Languages; Clas- Guiana. Boyer, Relation de Bretigny. sical; Grammars. - Du Parc, La Guyane, 1852. Green, S.' Storrs, R. S., Mem. of, 1836. Giguet, De Dpots, 1799. - Giguet, Des D6port6s h, 1799. Greene, T1i. C. IHague, W., Disc. on. - Hancock, J., Clim. and Soil of, 1840. Greenes T. S. Bumpstead, Reply to. - Martin, R. M., Brit. Col. Lib., V. 5. Greene, N. Y. Juliand, Hist. Reminis- NationalAssoc., 1852. cences of. - Peck, N., Report on, 1840. - Raleigh, Discovery of. Greenfiaeld, W. Calumnies of the Record, Discoveryof. 1832. Sack, Reize naar Surinamen. Greenland. Edmond, Voyage, 1857. - Scoble, J., Speech on, 1838. - Graak, East Coast of. Guidon. Bock, Liber Guidonis. - Haklnyt Soc., No. 18. 1 (Gun Cotton. Gladstone, J. H., Of Gun - Mesange, Vie et Voyage de. Cotton. - O'Reilly, Greenland Illust., 1818. Gunpowder. Essays upon Saltpetre. Greenleaf, l[. C. Vermilye, Sermon of, Gunpowder Plot. Everard, E., Deposi1857. tions, 1679. Greenboro', Vt. Stone, J. P., Hist. of. - Pam., V. 600, Hist. of. Grenada Is. Nar. of the Revolt, 1795. - Plotters' Doom, 1680. Grenville, Lord. Brief Reflect.... 1800. - Pranee, Narr. of Discovery, 1679. - Sherlock, W., Some Refiec. on, 1683. Griffin,1 E. D. M'Vickar, Mem. of, 1832. True Narative, 169. - True Nar~'ative, 1679. Griffin, Rev. E. )D. Nash, A., Mem. of. Gunlpowder Plot, Sermons at Anni. Griffith, J. T. and E. Furness, W. H., versary oft. Adams, J., Dan. iii. Discourse on. 28, 1696. Grimaldi, J. Dickens, Memoirs of. - Atterbury, F., Matt. xvii. 12, 1704. -- Bradford, S., Gal. v. 1, 1713. Griscom, J. Griscom, J. H., Mem. of. - - Burnet, G., Ps. xxii. 21, 1684. Griswold, A. V. Mason, C., Discourse, - " Micah vi. 5, 1689. Death of. Micah vi. 5, 1689. - Butler, L., I Sam. xii. 23, 24, 1710. Griswold, R. Daggett, Eulogium of. -- Dawes, Sermon, 1686. Griswold, S.oB. Lynch, J., Correspond- - Dove, H. Sermon, 1680. ence, 1824. I " - Evans, C., Bristol, 1775. Groningen. Segaar, Leerrede, 1760. -- Fleetwood, Sermon, 1700. Grosvenor, B. Barker, J., Sermon on. - Forster, N., Sermon, Popery, 1746. Grotius, HI]. Brandt, Rechtspleging, 1618. - Hooper, G., Matt. xxii, 21, 1681. QGrotoln, 1V[asso Lawrence nAcd. Jubilee. - Lamplugh, Lu. ix. 55, 56, 1678. - Lloyd, R. L., Is. viii. 10, 1712. Guadalupe. Carrillo, Pensil Americano. - Pindar, W., Sermon, 1679. Guano. Amer. Guano Comp. - Reynell, Bristol, 1730. - Guano, N. Y., 1845. - Rundle, Acts x. 34, 1718. - Peruvian Guano Trade. - Sacheverell, Lond., 1709. - Lodi Manuf. Comp. - Sharpe, J., Rom. x. 2, 1691. - Long Island Fish Guano. Smalridge, Matt. x. 16, 1708. SUBJECT-INDEX. 999 Gunpowder Plot, Sermons at Anni- Harbors (continued). versary of (continued) - Hampton, M., Speech on, 1848, U. S. - Standen, Sermon, 1709. - Hatch, I., Speech, 1858, U. S. - Stanhope, G., Sermon, Lu. xxiv. 25, - King, G., Holyhead Harbour. 1709. 170-. - McClelland, Speech, 1846, U. S. - Stillingfleet, Sermon, Matt. vii. 15, 16, - McClelland, Speech, U. S. 1673., — New York, RFp. of Commirs, 1857. Taylor, T., Five sermons on, 1619. Rayner, H., Speech, 1845, U. S. - Tilly, Is. liv. 117, 1705. - Rennie, Brit. and For. Harb. - Townsend, G., 1 Sam. xvii. 12, 1792. - Reply.. W. India Docks, 1823. - Wake, Abp., Matt. vii.15, 16, 1699. Rockwell, J. A., Speech, U. S., 1846. - Whincop, Job. v. 12, 1702. - St. George's Har. and R. R. Comp. Willis, R., Gen. xlix. 7, 1705. - Saint Louis, Mo., Harbor of. - Williams, C. W., Holyhead Harbor. Gurney, J. J. Friends, Defence against.. Worthington, Dover Harbor. Gutenberg, J. See Typography. Gutenberg, 3. See Typography. EHardy, N. MO. Morris, C., Serm. death of. Guyana. See Guiana. Guyana. See Guiana. arley, R. Brit. Mus., Cat. of Harleian Gymnastics. Albany Gymnasium. MSS. - Walker's Manly Exercises. - Dibdin, The Director. Harold, Rev. W. V. Rejoinder to, IH. (Carey), 1822. Haarlem. See Topography. Harris, Gen. Lushington, Life of. Hague. Verzameling van Staatsstukken, HIarris, T. lIo Hall, N., Discourse on, 1786. 1842. 3HF-3ainspach. ZierngSribl. Geschichte. IHarrison, W. H. Bayard, S. J., Life of. - Burr, S. J., Life of. Halifax, N. S. Akins, Settlement of. - Cumpst, Discourse on. - Cumpstcn, Discourse on. Hall, C. Smith, A. D., Discourse on, - Hard Cider Almanac, 1841. 1854. - Harrison Almanac, 1841. Hallam, H. Monk, Correspondence with, - Harrison, W. H., Lives of. 1844. - Niles, Tippecanoe Text Book. Hamburg. Kraft, Hist. Joannei Hamb. - Nott, (S.) jr., Discourse on, 1841. - Lehmann, Stadt Bibliothek. - ( - PLermaen,.Stdt BiBliothe. - Pictures of the Times, 1840. - Petersen, Gesch. Stadt Bibliot. Potter, H., Disc. death of. Hamilton, A. Answer to, 1800. - Rogers, J. M., Serm. death of. - Examination of the late proceedings on, - Sprague, W. B., Disc. death of. 1793. - Upham, C. W., Disc. death of. - Hamilton, J. C., Hist. U. S. America. -Nott, E., Discourse on, 1804. - Hartford, Conn. Beardsley, Trinity Coll. Hist. Hampden, Dr. R. Elucidations, p- Remarks on the Protest, 1847. - Bushnell, Hist. Disc. North Church. - Remarks on the Protest, 1847. - Third Hampden Agitation, 1847. Harwinton, Conn. Chipman, History of. tHampton, N. HE. Dow, J., Hist. Address, Hasselt, A. van. Bock, Liber Guidonis. 1838. Cort. Grundy1838.,Stranger's Hastings, W. East- India Co., ProceedH]ampton Court. Grundy, Stranger's ings, 1783. Guide. ide Great Britain; East India, 1783, 5. Handel, G. F. Schoelcher, Life of. - Letter to the Hon. E. Burke, 1783. Hanover. Vindication...Case of Han. - Waring, J. S., The Conduct, etc., 1784. Troops, 1743.:E IHiatfield, Mass. Bradford Club PublicaHanover, N. H. Dartmouth College. tions. - Review of a Pam. on, 1828. HIauser, C. Feurbach, An account of. Harbors. Bache, N. Y. Harbor. Havelock, H. Brock, Life of. - Bagshaw, Harwich Pier. Hawaii. Amer. B. of Missions. - Bordeaux, Projet de Docks. - Gulick, Climate, etc. of. - Brooks, W. A., Redcar, Yorkshire. - Hawaii, King's Accounts, 1854. - Glover, Harbours of Refuge. - Hawaiian Spectator, 1838. 1000 FIRST SUPPLEMENT. Hawaii (continued). Health (continued). - Narrative of Five Youth, 1816. - Thackrah, Effects of Trades on. - Washburn, J., Speech, 1854. - Tissot, Sant6 des gens de Lettres. Haweis, Dr. Milner, I., Obs. on his his-...gens du Monde. tory. - " Avis au peuple. Hawker, R. Comb, Sermon on, 1827. - U. S. Army, Statist. Report, (Lawson.) - Lane, S., Serm. death of. - Venner, T., Via Recta. - Mutter, G., Serm. death of. - Warren, J. C., Physical Education. HE~awakesg, M. Townsend, J., Disc. death - Washington, Board of Health, 1850, 51. of. -- Weems, Immortal Mentor. Hawkes, T. Townsend, J., Disc. death of. - See Diet; Food; Quarantine; Vegetarian. H]awkins, J. H-.. Hawkins, WT. G., Life of. H, Hearle, D. Tidcombe, Serm., Death of. Haynes, L. Cooley, T. M., Life of. IH-eath, J. Thornton, G. W., Life of. H-[ayti. Desperrieres, Fibvres de 1'Isle, H]eber, R. Robinson, T., Serm., Death of. 1780. - Smyth, T. S., Character of. Head, F1. B. How I became Governor. Hebrew. See Bibliography; Grammars; Health. Annales d'Hygiene, 1829-58. Languages; Jews. - Barton, E. H., Hygiene of Louis'a. Hedding, E. Clark, D. W., Life of. - Beddoes, Essay on Hygeita. HIeise, J. A. Petersen, In Memoriam. - Belgium, Service Sanitaire. - S Held, J. T. Weitenweber, Leben des Hr'n. Service med. rural. - Bell, J., Sanitary Measures. EHelfenstein, Judge. Shamokin Coal Estates. Blake's Calendar, 1850. - Blae's Calendar, 1850. Hell Gate. Husted, Removal of, 1855. Boston, Report on, 1848. -- Mallefert, Blasting at. - Bourdon, Hygiene Pratique. H-I]emp. See Flax. - Buffalo, N. Y., Reports. Burnett, W., On Chl. of Zinc. Hl[engel, D. v. Wingen, Aftsterven van. - Clavel, Aim. de la Sant6. Henry VIII. Herbert, H. W., Memoirs of. - Combe, Physiology and Health. - Reflections on the Relation, etc., 16.88. - Cornaro's Guide to Long Life. ~ lHenry Frederick, Prince. Cornwallis, - Curtis, J., Sanitary Obs., 1856. Life of, 1738. - Falconer, W., Diet and Regimen. Henry, J. Essex Junto, 1812. - Fowler; O. S.; Tight Lacing. - Fowler, 0. 5., Tight Lacing. Henshaw, D. Refutation of Calumnies, - France; Bains et Lavoirs. 1844. - Griscom, San. Cond. of Labor in N. Y. lHeraldry, etc. Bedford, Blazon of Epis- Health and Temp. Almanac. copacy. Hubbard, S. J., On Registration, 1855. - Beltz, Order of the Garter. - Lawrence, Mass., Sanitary Survey. - Book of Crests, 1854. - Lawson,- T., Mortality U. S. Army. - Burke, J. B., Orders of Knighthood. - Letter to G. Cheyne, 1824. - " Royal Fam. of Gr. Brit. - Letters Concerning, (Romayne), 1805. Collins, Peerage of England, 1756. - Limagne, Manuel de. Police. Debrett, Baronetage, 1840. - London, Regent Sq. Church. - Jurisprudentia Ieroica. - Med. Man's Plea, 1851. - Magny, Trait6 des Armoires. N- ew Orleans Health Reports. -- Mijdrecht, Nederlandsche edelen. - New York, Report of Comm., 1857. - Moule, Bibliot. Hleraldica. - N. Y. City, Inspector's Report, 1853., - Nicholas, list. of Orders of Knight- " Inspector's Report, 1860. hood, etc. - Preceptes de Sante, 1772. - Selden, J., Titles of Honor. - Providence, Supt's Rep., 1857. - Sims, R., Index to Heralds' Visitations. - Roberton, On Medical Police. - Spener, Insignium Theoria, Francof., - Roper, Of the HIackney District. 1717. - Sanatorium, Loend., 1843. - " Hist. Insig. Illustrium. - Sanitary Assoc., London, 1852. - Weisius, Ord. Aurei Velleris. - Stewart, L., An Oration, 1844. - See Bibliography; Genealogies. SUBJECT-INDEX. 1001 H[erculaneum. See Antiquities. Historical Addresses (continued).,Herkimer Co., N. Y. lenton, N. S.,|Pettit, Hist. Soc. of Penn'a. Hist. of. - Tyson, J. R., Hist. Soc. of Penn'a. - Woodbury, L., Am. Hist. Soe., Wash. Herpetology. Buffon, Ovip. Quadr. and - Serpents. Historical (Ame'rican) Societies, Col- Oppel, Der Reptilen, 1811. lectionis of. Alabama Hist. Soc., - Owen, C., Nat. Hist. of Serpents. - Amer. Antiq. Soc., Worcester. - Partic. Acct. of Sea-serpent. - - Connecticut Hist. SoO. - U. S. Expl. Exped., Wilkes. - Essex Institute, Salem. - U. S. Pacifie R. R. Reports. - Hist. Soc. of Pennsylvania. Hewley Charity'. Christ's' Gospel Vindi- - Maine Hist. Soc. cated. - Massachusetts Hist. Soc. - Rolfe, Speeches, 1835. - Minnesota Hist. Soc. - Stock, Observations on the case. -- New Engl. Hist. Genealogical Soc.. - Tottie, T. W., Statement, 1834. - New Jersey. Hist. Soc. - Unitarians Defeated, 1834.' New York Hist. Soc. Hexham, Eng. Brown,:J., Serm., Insur- Presbyterian Hist. Soc. rection at. - Wiscon'sin St. Hist. Soc. 1H1ill, Lord. Disney, T., Correspondence Iitchin, T. Brewer, Serm., Death of. with, 1838. Hoadly, B. Best Answer Made, 1709. Himalaya., Gerard' Koonawur in, 1841. Himalaya. Gerard, oonur in, 1841. - Letter to a Noble Lord, 1709. Hincks, W. Latham, T. B., Observ. on. - Letter to... (Sykes), 1717. ~Hindostan. See India; East India Com- - Out of the Road Visit, 1709. pany.. Prat, D1)., Answer to Snape, 171?. H[inton, J. Boswell, Case of. - Pyle, Answer to Stebbings. H[istory, General. Abreg6 de, 1825. R- emarks on' A Plain' Account.'" -- Aneas Silvius, Historia Rerum. - Snape, A., Letters to. - " " Decades Blondi. - Submissive Answer to... 1709. - Beemanus, Hist. Orbis Terrarum, 1685. - Tom of Bedlam's Answer, 1709. - Bergomas, J. P., Hlist. Omn. Reper- - Vind. of Bp. of Exeter, 1709. cussiones, 1506. -- Vind. of Bp. of Winchester; 1736. - Bossuet, Discours sur. - See Communion. Bouillet, Dict. Universel, 1858. [obartq H.- Harris, J. H. Letter to Bunsen, Phil. of Univ. Hist. Strahan, 1833. - Coccius, Opera, 1538. - MeVickar, Profess. years of. - Chaudon, Dict. Univ. Hist. et Bibliog. Hobbes3,T, Eachard, J., His State of Na- Genouille, Diction. Abreg6. ture Considered. - Gibbon, Hist. of Roman Empire. Holland, Abr6g6 de l'Histoire de Guillemin, Hist, Ancienne.G- Basnage, Ann. des Prov. Unies. - Hegel, Philosophy of History. - Beeldsnyder, Smeekschriften der -N. - Herbet, Le9ons d'Histoire. Edelen. -- Hervey, J., On Bolingbroke's Letters on. - Bonaparte, Hist. Documents. - Iist. Catechism, 1784. - Bosscha, Staats-Omwenteling;' 1813. - Lenglet, Method of Study. - Bowdler, T., Letters, 1787. - Lipowsky, V. d. Nutzen d. Geschichte. - Brandt, Hist. of Reformation. - Mably, De l'Etude de... B- rune, Campagne en Bativie. - Muratori, Diss. Chorographica. - Chronyke van Vlaenderen. - Petavius, Hist. of the World, 1659. - Cluverius, Batavische Out-Heeden. - Prevost, Revue de l'lHist. Univ. - D'agverhaal... Nat. Vergadering. - Simson, Chronicon... ad A. D. 71. - De Witt, C. and J., Vie de, 1709. - Stackhouse, Hist. of the Bible. - Du Lignon, Hollande consolee, 1752. - Vincentius, Speculum Historiale, 1494. - Grotius, Holl. Rechtsgeleertheyt. -'See Bibliography. - I-edendaagsche Historie, 1750-53. PHistorical Addresses. Dean, A., Meth-l - Hist. Abr. des Prov. Unies, 1701. od of Study. - Jurisprudentia Heroica. [SUPPL.] 126 1002 FIRST SUPPLEMENT. Holland (continued). Holy Spirit (continued). - Koenen, Der Nijverheid in...o - Waterland, Regeneration. - Kok, Vaderl. Woordenboek. - SeeTrinity; Baptismal Regen. - KEoning, Voorva~derlijk Levenswijze. ~ Holyoke, 1E11. A. Brazer, Serm., Fun. of. - La Fayette M6moires de Htollande. - Lan Fyette, D Mmoires de Hollande. Homer. Apollonius, Lexicon Iliadis. - Lange, Der Oude Batavieren. -- Oxford Essays, (Gladstone). - Motley, J. L., Hist. Dutch Republic. See Greek Author -- History of, 1584-89. — Netherlands, Do]ts. HEomer, Hr. Parr, S., Letter to Combe. Netherlands, Doc'ts. - Polanen, Brieven, 1816. -omeeopathy. Amer. Institute of, 1855, - Recueil des Representations..,.1787..- ]Becker, Allopathy and. - Reglemens...des Eglises Wallones. - Blatchford, T. W., Illustrated, 1842. - Reynolds, J., Journey to. - Canadian Jour. of Homoeopathy. - St. Simon, Guerres des Bataves. - Geib, An Essay on, 1842. - Scriverius, Batavia Illustrata, 1609. - Hom. Med. Coll. of Penn'a. Spranckhuysen, Triumphe, 1628. I — Iem. Med. Sc. of N. Y. - Staring, Aardkunde van. -- om. 0per. Pharmacy. - Vaderlandsche Historic, 1758.,- Humphreys, L., Materia Medica. - Valkenier, Verwerd Europa, 1675., - See Amsterdam; Delft; Deventer; - ee, E., Animal ag. and... Goes; Gronigen; Leyden; Kampen; - Mabey, What is Homceopathy? Utrecht. - Metcalf, J. W., HIomoeopathy, 1852. Holland, Political Pamphlets on. - Neidhard, Honomeop. delusions. Bussing, Voor Oranje Vrienden, - N. Y- Central Dispensary. 1795.. - N. Y. City, Report on, I858. - Catalogue of the Damages, 1664.e Is. -- Rhode Is. Homoeop. Soc. - Clavel, His Majesties Propriety, 1665. - Dermout, Sermon on late Queen, 1837. - Downing, Sir G., A Discourse, 1672. Hiomeopathy, Addresses on. Beakley, J, J om. MNled. Coll., Penn'a. - Dutch Faith, 1745. - Groot A.:B1. C. Bock, 1795. - Brainerd, J., West. College, 1855. - oftede, Vooreed, 1795- Helmuth, W. S., Valedictory Address. Herstede, Voorbeeld, 1795. - Justice of the Present War. Okie, R. I. Homop. Soc. - Laatste Repub. Raadoevingen. - Payne, W. E., Am. Inst. of, 1854. - Nationaale Brieven, 1785. - Preston, II. C., Rhode Is. Homrn. Soc. - Orange, Prince of, Zaalykeinhoud, 1782. - SmalI, A. E., Am. Institute of, 1850. - Paape, De Aristocraat....1785. - " Hom Coll. of Pa., 1852. - Vaderlands Sermoen, 1785. - Ward, I. M., Homt. Med. Coll. of Pa. - Velzen, Verheffinge van W. K. H. Friso. Homestead Bills. Cleveland, Speech on, - Verzameling van Brieven, 1804. 1852. -- Cochrane, Speech, 1859. - West India Company, 1630. -- Porter, G., Speech, 1852. EHolland, Registers, etc. Jaerboekije, - Sutherland, J., Speech, 1852. 1852-6. 1 - HEonduras. Squier, Interoceanic Railway, - Netherlands, Register, 1851. 1857. - Nederl. Israel. Jaarboekje. -- Wells, W. V., Explorations in, 1857. - Overijssel, Jaarboekje, 1858. - See Central America. - Reis-book, 1689. Honors. See Heraldry. Holley, 1l. Holley, M., Smith's Address. Hoogland, B. R. Mandeville, Discourse Hollis, T. Greenwood, I., Discourse on. on. Hlolliston, Mass. Morse, A., History of. Hooke A Strong, J. Serm. death of, 1813. ]Holy Spirit. Ashdowne, Operation of, HIooker, N. Perry, J., Sermon death of. 1798. 1798. lope, T. Maurice T., Elegiac Lines. - Faber, G. S., Operations of the H. S. Hop, - Gospel, The Power of God, 1845. Hopklins, A. Thompson, M., Memor. Dis. course. - Mulock, The Doctrine of, 1841. SItopknnsianismn. Younr Men's Miss. Sec. - Stephens, W., Sermon of. N. Y. SUBJECT-INDEX. 1003 Horfield Manor. Monk, Documents, Hospitals (continued). 1851. - Herne, Domus Carthusiana. Horse, The. Eclipse, History of. - Herring, Serm., Lond. Infirmary, 1747. - Holmes, F. S., Origin of, 1858. - Hospital P. E. Ch., Phil'a. - Messenger Horse. - Maddox, Serm., Lond. Infirmary. - Pontet, Chevaux pures en France. - Malin, Of Penn'a Hospital. Recueil... Medecine Veterinaire. - Mass. Hospital, Rainsford. South Carolina Jockey Club. - Mass. Gen. Hospital. Stud Book Frangais, 1851-54. - Mount St. Vincent's) Md. - Tom Thumb. New York Hospital. - Walker's Manly Exercises. - Packard, -F. A., Visits to, 1840. Horticulture. Albany and Rensselaer Co. - Pennsylvania Hosp. - Almanach du Jardinier, 1855. - Phil'a Lying-in Charity. - Amer. Pomolog. Congress. Pittsburgh Infirmary. - Bon Jardinier Aim., 1855. - Rainsford Is. Hosp., Boston. - Brown's Pat. Fumigator. -- Scots' Corporation, Lond. - Buffalo, Hort. Soc. Reports. - Western Penn'a Hosp., 1854-56. - Chambers, Oriental Gardening. - Woman's Hospital, N. Y. Clinton, G. W., Address, 1830. - See Dispensaries; Insane. - Courtois, Culture Maraichere. - Downing, Treatise on Gardening. Houston, S. Burges, T., Speech, Assault of, 1832. - Felton, English Authors on, 1830. G reen, T. J., Reply to, 1854. - Horticulturist, Phil'a, 1855, 6. - Hughes, W., The Flower Garden. Houten, F. Van. Immens, Lyk-rede, J- ohnson, G. W., Hist. of Engl. Garden- 1727. ing. Howard J. Aikin, J., Life of. - Kemp, Laying out a Garden. H Howard, W. Milner, J., Notices of Life Magazine of Hort., Boston. of. - BMass. Hort. Soc. Tra~ns.Howe, R. Earl. Narrative of ProceedNew Haven Co. Hort. Soc. ings, 1796. - Ragonot, Alm. du Jardinage. - Trotter, Monody on, 1800. - Socit6 Centrale d'Hort., 1855. - Wisconsin Fruit Gr' Howland, J. H all, E. B., Disc. on, 1855. Wisconsin Fruit Growers' Ass'n. - Stone, E. M., Life of, 1857. See Bibliography; Guano. ]Hlorticultural Catalogues. Breck, Cat. Ioyt, D. E. Hoyt, C., Memoirs of. of Dahlias, etc. Hubbard, S. Aiken, S., Serm. Death of. - Crosman, Garden Seeds. - Ewanger &Barr, Treeds, et Hubbell, W. Daggett, Disc. on. - Ellwanger & Barry, Trees, etc. - Frost & Co., 1854. Hudson, H. Murphy, H. C., H. H. in -- Hooker (H. E.) & Co. - aoonley (H E.) & CBo. H4udson, N. Y. First Presb. Church. Manley & Br., Buffalo. 4 o Hudson's Bay Co. Hudson's Bay Co., Parsons & Co., Flushing. 188, 57. Prince's Catalogue, 1842-57. 1848, 57. - Great Britain: Hud. Bay Co., 1857. Thompson, W., Flower Seeds. - Thormpson W.& Flower Seeds. CHudson River. Brewerton's Rep., 1839. Thorburn & Son, Cat. 1822. Thorp Co., Syracuse. - Hudson Illustrated. r- Munsell's Hist. Series, No. 5. - Vibert, Rosiers et Vignes. - Ruttenber, Obstructions of, 1777. Watson's, B.M., Plymouth, Mass. - Watson's, JB. M., Plymouth, Mass. - Simms, J. R., Obstructions of, 1777, 8. - Wilson, J., Albany, 1857. [Hospitals. Albany Hospital. Hughes, Albp. J. Beman, Lett's to, 1851. Barton, W., Marine Hosp., 1814. Miles, J., Review of Sermon. -- Murray, N., Letters to. - Brooklyn City, 1858. - Buffalo Gen. Hospital. HEumane Societies. Montyon, Prix de Vertu. - Christ Church H., Phil'a.Vert - N. Y. Life Saving Assoc. - Cincinnati Township, 1851. - Coxe, W., In Russia, Sweden, Den- - mark. - See Charities; Drowning. 1004 FIRST SUPPLEMENT. Humboldt, A. Alger, Discourse on. Hydropathy. See Water Cure. - Klencke, Lives of A. and Winm. Hydrophobia. Blatchford, T. W., OriHume, D. Hurd, R., Rem. on Essay of. gin, etc. Hymns. Hawaiian Is., Mission Hymns. Humor. Almanach Comique, 1855. I.~ I.~ ~- Hymns in Armeno-Turkish. - Aimanach Drolatique 1855. - Almanach Dol e, 1 — Nettleton, Village Hymns. - Almanach pour rire. - Parkinson, A Selection, 18.09. Burton's Cyclopaedia. - Burton's Cymiclpudian. -- Relly, Christian Hymns, 1776. - Elton's Comic Almanacs. -- Wither, G., Hymns of the Church. " Ball ofYarn. - Wither, G., Hvmns ofthe hure - See Psalms; Music. Fisher's Almanacs. Fragments of Hist. of Bawlfredonia. - Jerrold, Caudle Lectures. - Miller's, J., Jest Book. I. I., Jr. Woodd, B., Funeral Serm., 1794. - National Comic Almanac. Ichstadt, J. A. F. Torring, Eulogy on. N- egbauer's Comic Alm., 1855. Iceland. Arwwidsson, Handskrifter, 1848. - New Descr. of Merryland. - Edmond, Voyage, 1857. - N. Y. Comic Almanack, 1847. - Voyage en Islande (Olafsen), 1802. Punch's Humorous Library. Turner's Com. Alin. Idiots. Connecticut, Report on. - Mass. Idiot School. Hungary. Desprez, Peuples de l'Autriche. _ New York, Asylum Rep. Great Britain, Hungary, 1851. - Hiilsemann, Corresp. with Webster. Ignatius Loyola. Bartoli, Life of. - Kossuth and the War, 1851. Illinois. Chicago, Northern Counties Gaz. Peabody, E. P., Constitution of.: Con' stitun. -Gravier, Relation,, 1694. Putnam, M. L., Hiset. of Constitution. - Illinois Directory. S. P., Hungarian Exile, 1855. - Joliet, Description of. - Scheifeie, Schlacht bei Hermanstadt. - Keokuk Directory. - Seward, W. H., -Speeches, 1850, 52. Ogle.County, History, 1859. - Tefft, Hungar~y and K~ossuth. Reynolds, J., Pioneer Hist. of; 1852. - Ungarische Revolution, 1850. R- Iock River Country. - See Kossuth, L. Illuminated Books. See Bibliography. Hunt, C. A. Kittredge, C. B., Sermon on, 1840.' mon I~mmigration. See Emigration. Immortality. See Future State. Hunting. Craven, Recreations in. Johnson, T.:B., Shooter's Companion. Impey, Sir E. India, Minutes of Council. - Le Verrier, L'Ecole de la Chasse. India, East. Allen, D. 0., India, Ane. Walker's Manly Exercises. and Mod. - Arthus, }ist. Indioe, 1608. Huntting, J. Wiswell, G. F,, Sermon on, - Arthus Hist. Indi, 1608. ~~~~~1851. - Broecke, Reysen, 1634. Huron, Lake. Canada: Geol. Surveys. - Burges, B., Gentoo Nations, 1790. * - "'Lands Dep. Rep. - Despatches...on the Sutlej. Hutchinsonianism. Bates, J., Use of- East India Co., Nabob of Arcot. Prophecy, 1750. - East India Register, 1835-54. Horne, G., Cicero's Somnium Scipionis. - Gerard, Hoonawur in the Himalaya. - An Apology for certain. -- Great Britain, East India, 1.783, 5. L- etter to a Bishop, (Forbes), 1747. H- History...campaign on the Sutlej. - Word to, 1756. - Holwell, Bengal and Hindostan. Hutson, 1W. Bryan, H., Diary of. - Indian Territories, Notes, 1852. - Letter to a Friend...on Christianity in Hyde Park, N. Y. Sherwood, R., Ref. India 1812. Dutch Ch. - Maftin, R. M., Brit. Col. Lib., V. 10. Hydraulics. Beaufoy, Hydr. Experi- - Oakes, Tippoo's Prisoners, 1785. ments. ents- Orlof, Reizen. - Hale, E., HIorizontal water wheel. - Pownall, T., Duty of Government, 1781. Hydrometers. McCulloh, Sugar and H. - Presb. Ch. Missions in, 1857. SUBJECT-INDEX. 1005 I Sdia, East (continued). Indians, American I(continued).. Raynal, Hist. of.Trade in, 1777. - Pidgeon,W., Traditions.of De-Coo-Dah. Robinson, T., Missions, Tinnevelly. - Plummer, C., Capt. by the Camanches. -. Retrospective View, 1783. - Rights.of the Indians, 1830. Revolt.of the Seapoys, 1858.. -- Schooleraft, Hist. Information, V. 5,.6. - Ricards, Condition of, 1828. - Seneca Indians, Doc'ts, 1857. - Sta.nhope, P. D., Memoirs of Asiaticus. - Society for Prop. the Gospel, 1819. - Symonds, Geog. and Hist. of, 1845. - Storrs, II. R., Speech, Removal of. - Tijdschrift, 1848. - Stratton, Captivity among, 1858. - Walsh, J. J., Futtegurh Mission, 1859. - Strong, N. T., Appeal, 1841. - Wilberforce, Speech, Educ. of Natives. - Twiss, Ind. in far West, 1856. - Wilson, J. L., The Great Revolt. - Tyson, J. R., Remnant of the Race. - Wytfiiet, Hist. Universelle. - UiT S. Commr's Reports, 1847-50. - See East India Company. - U. S. Terms of Treaties with. Indiarubber. Gillett, Arg..on Goodyear's - Washington Territory, Report, 1856. Pat. - Whitfield, Light appearing, 1651. - Great Britain: Patents. - Ximenes, Indios de Guatemala. Indian Languages of America. See - SeeAntiquities; Languages; Grammars. Indian Languages of America. See., * Languages. Industrial Schools. Association of... Indiana. Beste, The Wabash, 1855. - Girls' School. - Smith, O. H., Early Trials in, 1858. - Brace, Address, 1857. - See Madison. - East River Indust. School. Indians, American. Abbott; J. S. C., - Fourth Ward Schools, N. Y. Hist. of King Philip. - Industrial School, Rochester. - Am. Register of Ind. Affairs. - Mass. Indust. School for Girls. - Amer. Society for, 1824. - Wilson Indust. School, N. Y. - Anecdotes of. - - See Charities; Reform Schools. - Beeson, Plea for. Industry. Mazure, Le9ons sur, 1848. - Benton, N. S., Hist. of Herkimer. - See Statistics; Exhibitions; Labor. - Bigot, Relation, 1684, 5. - Bonner, Beckwourth's if'e. Infidelity. Address to the Inhabitants of - Bonner, Beckwourth's Life. London, 1729. - Brownell, C., Indian Races, 1854. - Clark, T. M., Lecture on. - Burder, Welch Indians. - Catlin, Cat. of Portraits of. - Norton, A., Discourse on, 1839. - Clark, J. V. H., Hiawatha Legend. - See Atheism; Deism; Natural Theology. - De Forest, Indians of Conn. - Drake's Blackhawk. Ink. History of Ink. - Easton, King Philip's War. Insanity. Amer. Jour. of Insanity. - Ewbank, Remains in S. America. - Asylum, Phil'a. - Falconer, R., Voyages, 1764. - Baltimore Hospital. - Friends, Comm. on Civilization of. - Barlow, J., on Self Control. - Gookin, Indians of N. Engl. - Beddoes, Observations, 1802. - Hopkins, S., Housatunnuk Ind., 1753. - Boston, City Doct., 1853, 55. - Hough, Ind. Antiq. -- Connecticut, Reports on. - Hunter, J. D., Captivity among, 1823. - Conolly, Inquiry concerning, - Indian Advocate. - - Davis, Phebe, Two Years in Asylum. - Indian Board in N. Y. City. - Dix, D. L., Memorials on... - Jones, J. A., Traditions of, 1830. - Ellis, W. C., Treatise on, 1838. - Lang, Visit to Tribes of, 1843. -- Esquirol, Des Maladies Mentales. - Lefroy, Ind. Pop. of Brit. Amer. - Foder6, Trait6 du Delire. - L'Estrange, Americans...Jews? -- Great Britain: Insane, 1845-56. - Manypenny, Les Hommes Rougfs. - Indiana Hosp. Reports. - Mather, C., India Christiana. - James Murray Asylum, Perth. -- Megapolensis, J., Korte Antworp, 1651. - Jour. of Psychol. Med., 1857, 58. - Metcalf, S. L., Narratives of Warfare.. - Kentucky Eastern Asylum. - Morgan, Laws of Descent. - Knox, W. E., Serm., Ded. of Asylum. 1006 FIRST SUPPLEMENT. Insanity (continued). Insurance. (Fire) Companies (continMarc, De la Folie. ued). - Maryland Hospital, 1852. -- Shawmut Mutual Fire. - Mass. Insane Asylum Reports. - Times Fire, Lend. - Missouri State Lunatic Asylum. - U. S. Mutual, Potsdam, N. Y. - Morrison, A., Mental Diseases. - VermontMutual. - Netherlands, Verslagen, 1847-50. Insurance (Life) Companies. Amer. - New Hampshire, Asylum Reports.' Mut. Life, N. Haven. -'New Jersey, Asylum Reports. - Baltimore Life. - New York, Reports. - Colonial Co., Scotland. - Ohio, Directors' Reports. - Connecticut Mutual, 1849, - Opal, Period., Utica. - Monarch Life, London. Parchappe, Construction des Asiles. - Mutual Life Ins. Co., N. Y. - Pennsylvania, Reports. - National Loan Fund Life, Lond. - Percival, J., Narr. of Treatment, 1838. - New Eng. Mut. Life. - Perfect, Select Cases, 1787. - N. Y. Life Ins. Co. - Pinel, P., Sur l'Alidnation Mentale. - Prot. Diss. and Gen. Life, Loend. - Pinel, S., Phys. de l'eHomme Aliene. - Soc. for Eq. Assur., 1775, Loend. Retreat, Hartford, Conn., Reports. - Union Mutual, Boston. - Tennessee, Hospital Report, 1855. - United Kingdom Total Abstinence. Vermont, Report, 1842. - U. S. L. Ins. Annuity Co. Phil'a. - Virginia, Asylum Reports. - Virgin, AsylumoReportsl. Intemperance. See Temperance. - Waln, Frankford Asylum. International Exchange of Books. Insects. See Entomology. Great Britain: Internat. Exchange. Insurance. Barton, E. I., Statistics on. - Vattemare, A., Report, 1848. - Belgium: Assur. par l'Etat. International Law. Lawrence, W. B., - Gouverneur, Remarks on Life Ins., 1852. Maritime Police. - Insurance Guide, 1811. - United States, Neutral Rights, 1856. - Lake Insurance, 1856. 1 Inventions. Allen's Mowing Machine. - Life Insurance. - Ball's Water Pipe. - Mass. Commr's Reports. - Beardslee, Planing Machine. Morgan, Tables of Probabilities. - Gwynne's Pump. - New York, Supt's Report, 1859. - Invention, L', Journal, 1857. - Pocock, List of Books on. - - Palmer's Rotary Pump. Smith, J. J., Phil'a Contributionship. - Panciroli, Rerum Memorabilium. Tuckett, H. G., State of Life Ins. in - Porter's Stone Dressing Machine. the U. S. t- Soc. for the Encour. of Arts, Exhibi- U. S. Insurance Almanac, 1856. tions. Insurance (Fire) Companies. Assoc. - Woodworth's Planing Machine. Lake Underwriters. - See Patents; Exhibitions. - Columbus Ins. Co. Ionian Is. Martin, R. M., Brit. Col. Lib. Cumberland Mut. Assoc. - Farmers' Fire Ins. Co., N. Y. - Iowa. Congregational Churches of. - Farmers' Mutual, Montpelier. - Newhall, J. B., Glimpse of, 1846. - Genesee Mutual. - Parker, N. H., Handbook, 1856. - Howard Ins. Co. - U. S., Northern Iowa, Owen's Survey. - Jefferson Co. Mutual. - See Davenport; Des Moines. - Knox Mut. Ins. Assoc. Iredell, J, McRee, Life of. Merchants' and Mech. Mut. Ireland, Almanacs, Registers, etc. - Metropolitan Fire, Boston. Dublin Almanac, 1837. - Middlesex Mutual. - Irish Churchman's Alm., 1854. - Mutual Ins. Assoc. - Pail. Gazetteer, 1846. - N. Y. St. Mut. Co. - Watson's Almanack, 1786, 99. North Am. Mutual. - Wilson, J. M., Gazetteer, 1844. St. Lawrence Co. Mutual. lIreland, History, etc. the - Scottish Prov. Inst., Edinb. four masters. SUBJECT-INDEX. 1001 Ireland, History, etc. (continued). Irish Politics, Pamphlets, etc. (cone - Carte, Life of Ormond. tinued). - Diary...Siege of Londonderry. - Hillary, Landlord and Tenant. - Dublin Soc. Weekly Obs., 1739. - Ireland; Its Landlords, 1851. - Forbes, R. B., Voyage of the James- - Jackson, W., Landlord and Tenant. town. - Lambert, R., Serm., On the Massacre. - Gordon, J., History the Union. - Letter to the Rt. Hon. Ld. J. Russell. - Hall, S. C., Sketches of...Character. - Loyal Nat. Repeal Assoc. - Jones, J., Narrative of rebellion. - MacDonnell, E., Great Brit. and I. - Hay, E., Insurrection of 1798. - Memoranda on Irish Matters, 1844. - Kohl, Travels in. - Mollyneux, Case of, 1770. - McGee, Irish Settlers in N. A. - Mountmorres, Speech, 1790. - Maule, H., Acet. of Massacre, 1641. - O'Brien, W. S., Speech, 1843. - Mullala, Polit. History of, 1793. - Pitt, Speech on Union, 1799. - Narrative...French Invasion, 1806. -- Ray, On Irish Coercion Bill, 1846. - O'Connell, J., Argument for, 1844. - Seymour, Use of Capital in, 1851. - O'Kelly, Families d'Irlande. - State of Ireland, 1754. - Sampson, WV., Memoirs. - Stevens, R., Present State of, 1822. - Savage, J.,'98 and'48, 1856. - Synge, Serm., Thanks for Deliverance, - Visit to Dublin, 1825. - Tucker, J., Refiections, 1785. Irish Authors. See Bibliography. - " Union or Separation, 1799. Irish 1Bible. Brief Sketch of Attempts. - Williams, C. W., Observations, 1831. Hibernian Bib. Soc. - Wilson, D. J., Six Mile Bridge, 1853. Irish Churches. Address to the Protest- - See Great Britain, Politics. ants of, 1829. - Cator, etter on National Church. Irish Poor ]Laws. Alcock, Poor Relief Bill, 1847. - Colquhoun, Of reducing the Estab. Ch. Fisher,, Sermon, Distress in, 184 - Dc Foe, The Parallel, 1704. - Fisher, W., Sermon, Distress in, 1847. De Foe,'[he Parallel, 1704. - Litchfield, Serm., Poor Peasantry of. - Dickson, W., Narr. of Exile of. Irish Poor Law, 1849. - Grattan, H., Speech on Tithes, 1788. - O'Connell, Taxation Injustice. - Hales, W., Obs. on Tithes of, 1794. - O'Flynn The Irish Poor - O'Flynn, The Irish Poor, 1836. - Incorpor. Soc. in Dublin. - Ireland, E. S., Political State of, 1837. - See Poor. - Ireland; Its Eccl. State, 1844. Iron. Great Britain; Patents. - Irish Evangel. Soc. - French, B. F., Iron Trade of the U. S. - Jebb, J., Irish Tithes, 1824. - HewittStatistics of, 1856. - Letter to the Rt. lion. C. Grant, 1820. - Iron of Michigan, 1856. - MacDonnell, Principles of R. C. Ch. - Memorial from Phil'a, 1830. - Morewood, Galv. Tinned Iron. - Magee, W., Charge, 1826. - Vinton, Braintree Iron Works. - Obs. on the State of, Dubl., 1822. - Vismara, Fusione dell Acciajo. Parliamentary Talk, 1855. - Position of Church of, 1835. - Ward, J. D., Cast Iron Water-pipes. - Position of Church of, 1835. - Sherlock, Serm., Prot. Schools in, 1738. Young, C. D., Wire-work. - Stopford, E., Letter to Raphoe, 1833. Iron Companies. Adirondack Co., 1854. - Triamoirai, Dublin, 1822. - Amer. Iron Mount. Comp. - See Rom. Cath. Ch. Emancipation. - Townsend's Furnace. Irish Politics, Pamphlets, etc., Ad- - Monroe Coal and Iron Co. dress of N. A. Colonies to, 1775. - Mottville Iron Works. - Albany Demnoc. Reformer, 1844. - See Stoves. - Auckland, Speech, Union of, 1799. Irving, E. Apostolic Church, 1858. Canning, G., Speech, 1825. - D. M., Letter to T. Hughes. - Facts for the Repealers, 1834. Isaiah. Sturges, On New Translation of. - Fitzgibbon, Speech, 1798. - Graves, R., Serm., Deliverance from the Italy. Coste, Voyage.. sur le littoral. French. - Denina, Rivoluzioni d'. - Hibernicus, Improvement of, 1823. - Garibaldi, G., Life of. 1008- FIRST. SUPPLEMENT. Italy (continued). Jefferson, T. Defence of, 1838. - Ginguene, Histoire Litteraire. Linn, W., Life of. - Hoare, Classical Tour, 1819. - Randall, H. S., Life of, 1858. - Italia del Popolo, period. 1849. - Sprague, J. E., Eulogy on, 1826. - Jarves, J. J., Italian Sights. Jefferson College. Smith,Jos., Hist. of. - M'Crie, Prot. Reform. in.'- Mariotti, Mem. of -olcino. Jemnisonj N.- Seaver, J. E., Life of. - Mariotti, Mem. of Dolcino. - Muratori, Diss. Chorographica. Jenkins, C. M. Emmons, H., Sermon on, 1857. - Rose, W. S., Letters from North of. Jephthah's Vow. Romainej W., Serm. on. - St. John, B., Subalpine-Kingdom, 1856. Jeptha's Vow. Romain., Ser -- Strictures on Ct. Dal Pozzo, 1834. Jersey, Eng. Berry, W., History of. - Tiraboschi, Letteraturat Italiana. - Le Quesne, Const. Hist. of. - Zeller, Histoire de, 1853. Jerusalem. Barclay, Account of, 1848. - Bartlett, W. H., Walks About. Ives, L. S. Exam. of Doctrine of. - Evidence on' Josephus, 1788. - Jay. W., Letter to, 1848. -- Hook, W. F., Eng. Bishoprick at. - Meshullam, 1850. J. - Palmer, W., Bishoprick at. Jackson, A. Black, J., Eulogy on. - Sharp, G., Etymologyof. - Butler, W. O., Speech, his fine. - See Syria; Palestine. - Ewing, Oration on, 1859.. Jesuits. Backer, Bibl. des ]Ecrivains. des. - Goodwin, P. A., Biography of. Account, 1815. - Jackson: Dem. Assoc., 1852.'- Hints to Protestants, 1826. - Mayo, R., Affidavit analyzed, 1840. Kostka's Life. - Official Record; Six Militia Men. - La Marteliare, Argum. against Jesuits. - Parton, J., Life of. - Norbert, AM1moires Historiques, 1766. Jackson, J. Cushing, J., Discourse on, - Orleans, W., Travels. 1797. -- Pascal, Les Provinciales. Jacob, B. Andrews, E., Fun. Oration on. - Steinmetz, History of, 1848. Jamaica Is.' Bridges, Annals of, 1827. Jesuits, Missions of in North Amer- Burgge, W., Speech, 1839. ica. Dablon, Relation, 1673-79. - Cooper, T., Facts illustrative of, 1824. -- Bigot, J., 1684, 85. - Facts and docts. on the Insurrection -- Bigot, V., 1701. 1832. - Chaumonot, Vie de. -- Jamaica, Acts, 183~9. -- Gravier, J., Relation, 1694. - London Anti-Slavery Soc. - " Relation, 1700. - Merewether, Speech on, 1839. - Relations des Jisuites, 1611-72. - National Association, 1852. - St. Valier, Estat de la Nouvelle France. -- New History of, 1740. ( - Vimont, Relation, 1642-43. - Soc. for the Mitigation, etc., 1828. - Relation, 1644, 45. - Whiteley, Three Months in, 1832. Jews. Adams, H., Hist. of, 1812. -- Amer. Society for, 1818-47. James II. Remonstrance, 1689. - Amer. Jewish Chronicle. - See English; Great Britain. - Ancient ist.of, 741. Japan. Albertinus, Hist. Relation, 1609. - Archives Israelites, 1853. - Charlevoix, Hist. et Description. - Berruyer, Histoire, 1738. - Perry, Narr. of U. S. Expedition. - Creighton, J., Origin of Religion. - Thunberg, Voyages, 1796. - D'Israeli, Genius of Judaism. -'U. S., Narr., etc., of Comn. Perry. - Faudel, On Jewish Disabilities, 1848. - Varen, Descriptio, 1673. Faussett, Jew. Hist. Vindicated, 1830. -- Female-Soc. Boston for. Java Is. Polanen, Brieven, 1816. -- Further Considerations 1753. - Raffles, T. S., Geschiedenis van. — -- Gawler, Emancipation of, 1847. Jay, Miss. Cooke, S., Biog. Memoir. - Goldsmid, Disabilities of, 1848. Jebb, J. Resignation-no Proof, 1776. - IHebrew Deqication, Phil'a. SUBJECT-INDEX. 1009 Jews (continued). Kansas (continued). Hebrew Y. M. Lit, Ass'n, N. Y. - Emigrant Aid Company. - Jewish Admis. in Parl. - Gihon, Geary and Kansas. - Jewish Chronicle. - Guide to the Gold Region. - London Society Reports. -- Higginson, T. W., A ride through, 1856. - Longley, Serm. Epis. Jews' Chapel. - Kansas, Reports on, 1856. - Maatsch., Tot nut der Israelieten. - Kansas Herald of Freedom. - Magill, Claims of, 1851. - New Eng. Em. Aid Soc. - Mulder, Orde v. de Feestdagen. - Phillips, W., Conquest of Kansas. - " Chron. Handboekje. - Robinson, S., Kansas history, 1856. Oxford Essays, (Bridges). - Six Months in, 1856. - Sprague, W. B., Serm., Melioration Soo. - Three Years in, 1856. - Stewart, J., Serm., Future of. - U. S., Douglas' Reports, 1856. - Thoreld, 70 Years Captivity. - U. S., Investigation on Troubles, 1856. - Van Oven, Rothschild in Parliament. WolffNJ., TravelsinAsia.Kansas, Debates on Affairs in. Bell, - Wolff, J., Travels in Asia. J., Speech, 1854, 58. - Wollaston, F., Brief Survey, 1820. - Benjamin, J. P., Speech, 1856. - See Samaritans; Language; Grammars. - Breckinridge, Speech, 1854. John, St. Velingius, Redenvoering over. - Brown, G. M., Remarks, 1857. Johnson, J. Johnson, S. R., Discourse - Carpenter, D., Speech on, 1854. on, 1854. - Colfax, Speech, 1856. Johnson, Sam. Letter to, 1770. - Collamer, Speech, 1856. - Crittenden, Speech on, 1858. Jones, J. P. Starkweather, Speech on, - Cullom, Speech on, 1854.. 1848. - Dawes, H. L., Speech, 1858. Jones, Sir W. Hayley, W., Elegy on. - Diven Speech on, 1858. - Maurice, T., Elegiac Poem on. - Dodge, A. C., Speech on, 1854. Josephus. Evidence on Relation of, 1788. - Doolittle, Speech, 1858. Judas Iscariot. Thompson, J., Life of. - Douglas, S. A., Speeches, 1853, 58. u- English, W. H., Speech on, 1854, - Everett, E., Speech on, 1854. Jud'son, A. Conant, Sketch of. - Farley, E. W., Speech on, 1854. - Hf-~i~ague, W., Life of. - Green, J. S., Speech, 1858. Junius's Letters. Britton, Authorship of. -- Hale, J. P., Speech on, 1856. - Identity of Junius, 1816. -- askin, J. B., Speech, 1858. - Jaques, History of, 1843. - Hatch, I. T., Speech, 1858. - Newhall, I., Letters on, 1831. - Haven, S. G., Remarks, 1856. - Taylor, J., Identity of Junius. - Hughes, J., Speech, 1858. Juries. Hawles,,Englishman's Right, 1689. - Meacham, J. Speech, 1854. - Somers, Security of Englishmen, 1681. - Peckham, R. W., Speech, 1854. - Richardson, J. W.,. Speech, 1858. - Sage, R., Speech, 1856. K. - Seward, W. H., Speeches, 1854, 56, 58. Kalb9 Baron De. Smith, J. S., Memoir - Simmons, G. A., Speech, 1854. of. - Simmons, J. F., Speech, 1858. Kaleidoscope. Brewster, Description of. - Sumner, C., Speech, 1856. -- Mouin Hist Kamper Kron - Stephens, A. H,., Speech, 1856. KLampen. Moulin, Hist. Kamper Kron. -- Taylor, J. J., Speech, 1854. Kane, E. K. Elder, W., Biography of. - Thompson,J., peech, 1858. -'Philla, Report, Funeral of. - Walley, S. J., Speech, 1858. - Shields, Eulogy on. -- Smucker, Life of. Kelly, R. Van Winkle, E. S., Tribute to. ]Kansas. Address to the People, 1854. ]Kelt, Eng. Cookes, Topog. Lib. - Beecher, H. W., Defence of, 1858. - Jura Populi Anglicani. - Brewerton,. The War in, 1856. - Smith, J. R., Bibliot. Cantiana. - Byers, Gold fields of. Kenton, S. McDonald, Biog. -Sketch. [ SUPPL.] 127 1010 FIRST SUPPLEMENT. Kentucky. Darnell, Kentucky Volunteers, Labor (continued). 1812. - Lectures to Lab. Classes, 1831. - Kentucky... - Liddell, Improv. of Condition of. - Kentucky Alm., 1846. Marriage, Distress of Agric. Labor. - Littell, Polit. Trans. in, 1806. - Martineau, H., Factory Controversy. - Nicholas, G., Letter to Virginia, 1798. - Metrop. Early Closing. Spalding, Early Cath. Missions. - Pdnot, Instit. de Pr6voyance. Kenyon Coil. Douglass, D. B., State- - Shaw, W., Needlewoman's wages, 1847. ment, 1845. -- See Poor; Trade Unions; Wages. Ketchum, A. A. Rogers, E. P., In Memory of. Lackawanna Valley..ollister, History of. Kilmarnock, Earl of. Foster, J., Ac-, Sketch of, 1854 count of, 1746. La Crosse, Wis. Carr, Sketch of, 1854. King, Wm. Watson, J., Berm., Death of. La Fayette, G. 1lW[ Levasseur, La Fay- Fargo, F. F., Assassination of. - Fargo, F. F, Assassination of. Lake Harbors. Graham, J. D., Report King, W. R. Price, F., Life of. on, 1856. Kingsboro, N. Y. Yale, Two Hist. Ser- - Harbor and River Convention, 1847. mons.- See Harbors. Kingston, N. Y. Kingston Directory, La Marne, 1824. Pam. V. 608. 1857, 58. - Pratt, G. W., Vaughan's Exped., 1777. Lamarque, M. Bonaparte, L., Reponse i. Kitto, J. Ryland, J. E., Memoirs of. Land Companies. Amer. Land Company. - Iowa Land Co. Klopstock, F. and 31, Smith, E., Me- - moirs of. - McKean & Elk, Pa. Knapp,.J. Burchard, C., Case of. - North West. Trans. and Land, 1858. Knowledge. Blair, D., Univ. Preceptor, - Pine lands of Michigan, 1856. 1822. Smith, G., Land Auction, N. Y. - Kett, Elements of General... - See Great Britain, Land; United - Lefranc, Manuel...baccalau. es lettres. States, Lands. - Lempe, Begrip der Wetenschappen. Language. Hazard, R. G., Language. M- arsh, G. P., Human Knowledge, - Johnson, A. B., The meaning of words. Discourse. -- Remarks on a Letter to Waterland. - Tegg, Young Man's Book of. - Wilkins, Philosophical Language. - Williams, T., Moral Tendencies of. - See Grammars; Dictionaries; Philo- See Science; Arts. - logy. Knox, J.3 M'Crie, Works, Vol. 1. Languages, African. Gram. of the Bakele.:Kossuth, L. Amer. Anti-Slav. Soc., Let- - Gram. of Mpongwe. ter to. - Benga Primer. - Andrews, C., Speech on, 1852. - Hanotea, Langue Tamachek. - Hanoteau, Langue Tamachek. - Clemens, Speech on, 1851. - Clemens, Sp chon, 1 1. - Payne, Hist. of the Greboes. - Ludvigh, Kossuth, Drama. - MCalla, eview of Boardman. Smithson. Cont., Yoruba Language. McCalla, Review of Boardman. Language, Arabic. Arabic Exercises. Meszlenyi, S. K., Memorial of. See A See Arabic Authors. See Hungary. Languages, Asiatic. See Oriental. Kuriles. Madinier, Iles Kouriles. Language, Dutch. Meyer, J. D., Verhandelingen. L. - Mulder, Leesboekje. Labor. Barnard, H., Child Labor in Fac- - Peel, Leerwijze der Engelsche. tories. - Volks Letter-kunde. - Barrau, Conseils aux Ouvriers. Language, Eglish. Barr,., Spelling Language`, English. Barry, J.. Spelling - Brownson, 0. A., Laboring Classes. Book, 1814. - Colton, C., Rights of Labor, 1846. - Bingham, C., Am. Preceptor. - Friend (The), 1837. - Bullions, P., Parsing. - Gaskell, P., Artisans and Machinery. -Butterfield, Punctuation. c- Manuf. Pop. of England. - Chapin, Spelling Book. - Leask, Early Closing, 1849. - Comly, Reader, 1849. SUBJECT-INDEX. 1011 Language, English (continued). Language, Greek (continued). - Crandall, D., Spelling Book. - Linwood, Lexicon to Aeschylus. - Emerson,.Nat. Spelling Book. - Moor, J., Tracts on the Cases, etc. of. - Fluigel, Philol. in Nordamerika. - Sophocles, E. A., Greek Lessons. - Good, P. P., Exercises, 1830. - Vigerus, De Idiotismis. - Greenleaf, B., Punctuation. " Abridged in English. - Hopkins, H., Orthography, 1837. - See Classical Literature. -- Hull, J., Guide to, 1818. ~ I Language, Greek, Modern. Biblos Ka- Lynd, First Book of Etymol. loumene Euterpe. - MeGuffey, Eclectic Reader. -- St. Pierre, Tales in Modern Greek. - Marsh, G. P., Inaug. Ad. Columb. Col. - Wilson, S. S., Tov iK;Lpov o o6dyof. -- Lectures on, 1860. Language, Hebrew. Conant, Defence of - Murray, L., Eng. Reader. Heb. Grammar. - Peabody, A. P., Conversation. - Groot, Exercitatio, 1767. - Philological Society. - Jelf, Neglect of, 1832. - Pickering, J., Vocab. of Americanisms. - Koolhaas, Disser. Heb. Linguae. - Rickard, Class-book for Parsing. - Lowth, Hebrew Poetry. - Sanders, Analysis of Words.- - Stuart, M., H. Chrestomathy. --- Smallfield; Punctuation, 1838. Languages, Indian. Byington, Choctaw - Staniford, Art of Reading. Definer. - Thomas, J., First Book of Etymology. - Choctaw Hymn Book. - Town, Derivative Words of. - Church of Eng. Prayers in Mohawk. - Webster, N., Lessons in Reading. - Duponceau, M6m...sur les Langues de.. — " Observations..- " Corresp. with Heckewelder. - Wilkins, J., Philosoph. Language. - Eliot, J., Indian Grammar. - See Anglo-Saxon. - English and Dakota Vocab. - Gabelentz, Der Tscherokesisohen Language, French. Alphabet de Lecture. Sprache. - Beleze, Enseignement Eile'mentaire pour les Enfants. - Gallaudet, Scripture Biog. in Choctaw. o- Ludewig, Literature of. - Boniface, Lecture par Jour. - Muskokee Hymns. - Delapalme, Exer. de Lecture. -- Pickering, J., Notes on. - F6nelon, Morceaux Choisis.,- Rom. Cath. Ch., Kaiatonsera, etc. - Gouin, French and E. Pronun. - Schoolcraft, Myth of Hiawatha. - Jullien, Cours Raisonn6 de Langue Shes French...Onondaga Diet. ~Frangaise. Lafaye, Diet. des Synonymes. -- Vetromile, Indian Good Book, 1857. - Lafaye, Diet. des Synonymes..~~ -., - " Ahiamihewintuhangan. - Laveaux, Dict. des Difficultes. -IMelcy, RecuWil do Lettres. - Williams, R., Grammar, 1643. - Melcy, Reeueil de Lettres..- PerrinJ, de Conversao. -- Wright, A., Mark in Choctaw. - Perrin, J., Conversation. -- See Bibliography. - Perrin, Fables. - Picot, Hist. Narr. in Fr. Language, Irish. See Irish Bible. - Recits Moraux, 1838. Language, Latin. Brooks, N. C., First - Sanders, G. J. H., Student's First Lessons, 1846. Book. - Corderius, Colloquia. - Sardou, Legons de Grammaire. - Dana, J., Liber Primus. Language, German. Bernays, Lecture, - Erasmus, Colloquia. Lond. - Farrand, W. P., Course of Studies, - Ertheiler, On study of, 1846. 1817. - Muhlenfels, Study of Germ. - Jacobs, Latin Reader. - Nevin, A Lecture on. - LatinTutor. Language, Greek. Bos, L., Ellipsessions Latines. Grnec. - Quicherat, Thes. Poet. Ling. Latinae. - Exempla Minora. - Ross, Selecta e vet. Test. - Gally, H., Pronunciation of, 1755. - Sanctius, Minerva, 1714. - Ho:ogeveen, Doct. Partica. Grscse. - Satirne duse, (Scioppius). - Lennep, Etymol. Ling. Greece. - Valpy, Elegantia Latinse. 1012 FIRST SUPPLEMENT. Languedoc. Parmentier, Les grains, 1786. Latin Authors (continued). Lansing, J. Wyckoff, Serm., Death of. - Tibullus, Carmina. - Valerius Maximus, Factorum, ete. La Pilloniere. Mills, H., Answer to,M. T., Opera. 1718. - Varro, M. T., Opera. La Place, P. S. Haskins, R. W., Fou- - Vegetius, De re militati. rier's Eulogy. -- Velleius (C.) Paterculus, HList. Romanmo. La Plata. Beaumont, J., Travels in, 1828. - Acono, 15 - Victor, S. A., Vita Imp. Ronmanorum. - Nuniez~ Account of, 1825. - NPage, Accountr of, 1825 ai. n - Virgilius, Opera, and in Eng. and Fr. - Page, T. J., Narr. of Exploration. - Vopiscus, Hist. Romenae. - Pfeil, Anglo-French Intervention. - feil, Angl-French Interventon. - See Poetry, Latin; Theology, Latin; - Stuart, C. S., La Plata, 1856. Church-fathers. La Sarthe. Notices Biographiques, Panm. Latitude Men. Brief account, 1662. v., 608. Las Casas, B. Gr6goire, A Defence of. Laurence, P. Oxenham, Letter to, 1835. Lathrop, E. Lathrop, J., Senn., Death Laval, M. Tache, Notice Historique, 1859. of. - Universit6 Laval. Lathrop, L. E. Hickok, L. P., Sermon Lavater, J. G. Mendelszoon, M., Brief on, 1857. van, 1770. Latin Authors. Achilles Tatius, Trans., Law J. Thiers, Memoirof. Eng. - Auteurs Latins, Lat. and French. Law, J. 0. Musgrave, Serm., Death of. - Catullus, 1502. Law. Barrister's Education. - Cicero, Orationes. - Blondeau, Enseignement du Droit en - c De DNatura Deorumn. Hollande. - Claudianus, 1760. - Grimn, Droit GOndral. - Corippus, Johannidos Lib. vii. - Hogerbeets, Hollandt. Curtius (Q.) Rufus, (Freinshemius). University of Albany - Fronto, Cornelius, Milano, 1815. - Univ. of City of N. Y. - Hist. Rom. Script. Lat. Law Forms. Christopher, N. Y. Business - Horatius, Paris, 1855. Man. - Juvenalis, Satirae. — Clerk's Magazine, 1803. - Livius, T., Historim. - Davis, A. S., Traveler's Legal Guide. - Longus, M., English. Law School Addresses. Dickinson, D. - Lucretius, De Rerum Natura. S., Hamilton Coll. - Martialis, Epigrammata. - Dwight, T. W., Columbia Coll. - Mela, P., De Sita Orbis. F- erris, Univ. of City of N. Y., 1858. - Nepos, C., Vitae Imperatorum. Lord, J. C., Law Stud. Assoc. - Obsequens, De Prodigiis. - Marvin, D., Law School, Albany, 1857. - Ovidius, Metamorphoses...and in Eng. - Noyes, W. C., Hamilton Coll. and Fr. - Townsend, J.- F., Law and Medicine. - Phedrus, Fabulse. - Van Santvoord, G., Albany, 1856. - Plautus, Comoediae, and in Eng. Lawrence, Abbot. Appleton, N., Me- Pliny, C. C., EpistoIle. moir of. - Plinius, Nat. Historia, Lat. and Eng. - Prescott, W. H., Memoir of, 1856. - Poetse Latini Minores. Lawrence, Amos. Gray, F. T., Serm. on. - Pollio, Valerian, Galienus. - Hopkins, M., Discourse on. - Polybius, (Folard's) Fr. Trans. and - Lothrop, S. K., Sermon on. Comm. -Propertius, Elegii, and in Eng. Lawrence, L. Miles, H. A., Serm., death - Propertius, Elegisej and in Eng. of, 1839. - Quintilian, Instit. Oratoriae, Lat. and Eng. Lawrence, W. Lothrop, S. K., Serm. on. R- utilius Lupus, De Figuris Senten- - Lothrop, S. K., Memoir of. tiarum. Leather. Morfit, Leather Dressing. - Sallustius, Quse extant, and in French. — Senec, L.., Epitolve Ledyard, J. Smucker, Life of. Seneca, L. F., Epistole. - Syrus, P., Sententise. Lee, C. Moore, G. H., Mr. Lee's Plan. - Terentius, Comoedihe, and in Eng. Lee, C. Sprague, W. B.a Serm., Death of. SUBJECT-INDEX. 1013 Lee, Mass. Gale, A., Hist. of, 1854. Life (continued). Leeds, Eng. Hook, W. F., Rural Dean- - Coleridge, S. T., Hints...Theory of ery of. Le Fevre, C. T. Kendall, J. P., Dis- - Colhoun, Suspended Animation. cussion with. - Elliot, Vital Statistics. Leicester, Eng. Curtis, Topog. Hist. of - Flourins, Human Longevity. County. - Greene, W. B., Doctrine of Life. Leicester, Mass. Washburn, E., Hist. of. - Linsley, J. H., Lectures on. Leo, Pope. Maimbourg, Histoire de. - Robert, De la Vieillesse. - Snow, Statistics. Leominster, Mass. Wilder, D., Hist. of. - L- Thackrah, Causes of Longevity. Leslie, Capt. Endicott, Account of Re- - See Future State; Health; Physiology. treat of, 1775. Letters. Adams, J., Works. Lighthouses. France; Lighthouses. ]Letters. Adams, J., Works. - Basire, J., Correspondence, 1650-85. Liguria. Oderico, Lettere Ligustiche. - Calvin, John, Letters of. Lima. Hoyo, Auto da f6, 1694. - Gray, T., Correspondence. Lind, J. Rosenberg, Life of. - SMoore, T., Letters. Lindsey, T, Belsham, Serm., Death of. - Seward, A., Letters, 1784-1807. -'Seai Ar, Letters, 1885. Linen. Knowles' Linen Fibre Co. - Saint Arnaud, Letters, 1855. - WebsteAraud, Corterespondene. - Letter from a Merchant, 1738. - Webster, D., Correspondence of. - See Flax. - Whitefield, G., Letters. Lechew Is. Bettelheim, Letter, 1850. Lin, L. F. Linn, E. A., Life of. LinnardO A. J. Baird, R.- Memoir of. Lewes, Eng. Lee, VW., Anc. EHist. of. Linnard A. J. Baird,., Memoir of. Lisbon. Clark, S., Serm., Earthquake at, Lewis, Gen. Concise Account, 1807. 1755. Lewis Co.: N. Y. Hough, Hist. of. Lisbon, Conn. Lee, A., Half Century Lexington, Mass. Milit'y Jour., 1758-75. Sermon. Litchfield Co., Conn. Kilbourne, Biog. Lexington Steamer. Furness, W. H., History of. Sermon, Loss of. - Lothrop, Sermon, Loss of. - Rogers, W. M., Serm., Loss of. Literary Addresses. Barbour, B. J., Mil. Institute, Va. Leyden, Netherlands. HEistorisch VerL. Institute, Va haal. -- Brodhead, J. R., Mer. Lib. Ass., N. Y. Libel. Another Letter to Mr. Almon, 1771. - Broughan, Univ. of Glasgow. - Dyer, G., Doctrine of. - Burdick, Bakersfield Acad., 1854. - Enquiry into the Doctrine, 1765. - Chapin, E. H., Waterville Coll. - Letter concerning Libels, 1764. - Clarke, J. M., Hobart Coll. - See Press, Liberty of. - Clinton, G. W., N. Y. Alpha. Liberal Christianity. See Unitarian. - Cunmus, Orationes, 1735. - Curtenius, Oratio Inaug. Liberia. See Colonization. Curtenius, Oratio Inaug. - Davis, H., Inaugural, Middlebury. Liberty, Civil. Ancient and Modern Lib- - DemarestD,. utgers'' Col., 1855. ~~~~~ ~-Derty, (Hervey).- DJ. utgers Coll., 1855. - Considerations on...warrants.. A., Geneva Co - Draper, J. W., N. Y. University. - Defence...on general warrants. - Experience preferable, 176. - Emerson, R. W., Waterville, Me. Experience preferable, 1776. - Lcy,., Peters visitaion. - Felton, J. B., College of California. - Lacy, J., Peter's visitation. - Letter from Candor, 1770. - Fisher, S. W., Inaug. Hamilton Coll. LttrroC ndo,- Fitch, E., Baccalaureate, 1799. - Sacheverell, Serm., False notions of. Vindication of Liberty, 1730.- Foote, T. M., Hamilton Coll., 1848. - See Authority; G~overnment, etc. - Frelinghuysen, F. T., Rutgers' Coll. Forsyth, J., Rutgers' Coill., 1848. Liberty of the Press. See Press. Gourlie, Mere. Lib. Assoc., N. Y. Libraries. See Bibliography. H- emming, J., Mary-le-Bone Inst. Life. Bacon, Life and Death. - Hitchcock, E., Inaug., Amherst. - Bailey, T., Records of Longevity. - Homes, W., Mer. Lib. Ass., St. Louis. 1014 FIRST SUPPLEMENT. Literary-Addresses (continued). Literary Property (continued). - Humphrey, H., Amherst Coll. - Letter from a Gentleman, 1769. - Kent, J., Phi Beta Kappa Soc. - Letter from an Author, 1747. - Parker, H. W., Hamilton Coll., 1851. - Nicklin, Remarks on Lit. Property. - Potter, A., Discourses, etc., 1858. - Ralph, Case of Authors, 1762. - Russell, G. R., Phi Beta Kappa, 1849. - Sheard, A., Assumed Copy-right, 1851. - Shedd, Univ. of Vermont, 1845. - Tegg, T., Speech on Copy-right. - Sprague, W. B., Wesleyan Univ. - See Libels; Press. - Southard, S. L., Nassau Hall, N. Y. Literature. See Essays; Bibliography; - Van Santvoord, G., Discourses, 1856. Classical; Poetry; Dramatic; etc. - Wayland, J., Geneva Coll., 1845. Literature, American. Blackwater - Wharton, G. M., Univ. of Penn'a, 1858. Chronicle. - White, D. A., Harvard Univ., 1844. - Brenton, Voices from the Press. - Whitehead; C. E., Delta Phi Soc., N. Y. - Burton's Cyclop-edia. -- Williams, J., Inaug. at Trin. College, - Cobb, Leisure Labors, 1858. Hartford. - Duyckinck, Cyclopaedia of Am. Lit. - Winthrop, R. C., Mere. Lib. Assoc. - Everett, E., Mount Vernon Papers. Literary History. Artigny, M6moires, - Goodrich, S. G., Recollections. 1749-56. - Hand-book of, (Chambers). - Beloe, Anec. of Lit. and Books. - Hawes, Sporting Scenes. - Dunton, J., Life and Errors of. - History of the Garret. - Camusat, Hist. Crit. des Journaux. - Jones, W. A., Characters, etc., 1857. - Chardon, Melanges, 1812. - Manhattan Souvenir. - Demogeot, Histoire de la Litt. Fran. - Phoenixiana, (Derby), 1856. - D'Israeli, Quarrels of Authors. - Pray, I. G., Prose and Verse. - Eichhorn, Geschichte der Litteratur. - Salmagundi. - Fauriel, Hist. of Provengal Poetry. - Sprague, C., Writings, 1843. - Fry, Bibliog. Memoranda. - Tator, H. H., Essays. - Gillies, Mem. of a Lit. Veteran, 1849. - Wallace, H. B., Literary Criticisms. - Goujet, Hist. de la Litt. Fran. - Ware, H., Works. - Halliwell, Popular Engl. Histories. - See Fiction; Poetry. - Le Verrier, L'Ecole de la Chasse. Literature, Danish. Nordiske Literatur - Literary Blue Book, 1830. Samfund. - Maitland, The Dark Ages. Literature, Dutch. Duyse, Nederlandsche Versbouw, 1857. - Mencke, Charlataneria Erud. -- Friesch Genootschap. - Morhof, D. G., Polyhistor, 1708. - Genootschap. ~~- Nodier, Mlanges, 1829. - Genootschap, Dulces, etc., 1775. - Nodier, M61anges, 1829. - Norton, Literary Almanac, 1852-54. - God-geleertheid en dicht-kunden der Ouden. - Pinkerton, J., Correspondence, 1830. - Hooft,P.C., rieven. - Raynal, Anecdotes Litt6raires. R- Jonckbloet, Aanteek. op de Rymkronyk. - Schlegel, Hist. of Literature. - Kerkhistorisch Archief, 1857. - Timoni, Tableau des Litt6ratures. - - Kemper,. Verhandelingen. - Trithlemius, De Scriptoribus Ecele. - Maatschap., Tot nut van't Algemeen. - Willis, G., Current Notes, 1854-56. - Maerlant, Rymbibel. - Wright, T., Lit. under the Anglo- - Meyer, J. D., Verhandelingen. Saxons. - Mulder, Letteryvruchten. Literary Property. Blake, American - Mulder, Letteryvruchten e Trade List.- Samenkomst der Geleerden. - Bohn, H. J., Foreign Copy-right. - Taal en Dicht. Mengelstoffen. - Boswell, Case of Hinton. Literaturej English. Amory, T., Life of - Bulwer, Speech, 1851. Buncle. Burrow, Literary Property. - Brydges,Restituta. - Burton's Cyclopoedia. - Coggeshall, Protective Policy. - Dupont, Hist. de l'Imprimerie. - Camden Society Publications. - France, Comm. de la Propri6te Litte- - Chesterfield's Works. raire. - Cooper, A. A., Wit and Humour. - Lemoine, Typog. Antiq. -- Gray, W., Hist. Sketch of. SUBJECT-INDEX. 1015 Literature, English (continued). Little Britain, N. Y. Niven, Centen. Heron, Letters of Literature. Memor. - Hunt, L., Book for a Corner. Liturgies. Baxter, R., Cath. Communion. - Maginn, Fraserian Papers. - Beveridge, Of the Common Prayer. - Microcosm, (Canning, etc). -- Church of England, 8 v., fo. - Noctes Ambrosiane. - Common Prayer, Eng., Lat. and Fr. - Percy Society Publications. - Eccl. History Society; Common Prayer. Pinkerton, J., Letters on. - Fox, T., Present with the Prayer Book. - Rogers, H., Greyson Letters. - Horsley, S., Apology for, 1790. - Rogers, S., Table Talk. - Irish Church; Common Prayer. - Rolliad. - King's Chapel, Boston. - Serious Inquiry, Lond., 1752. - Lindsey, A Liturgy. Smith, Sydney, Wit and Wisdom of. - Liturgy of the Church, (Irving.) - Tatler (The), 1786. -- Prot. Ep. Ch., Book of Prayer. - Turkish Spy, 1736. - Question truly stated, 1751. - Wilson, J., Noctes Ambrosianre. - Ref. Prot. Dutch Ch. of N. A. - See Language. -- Respectful Address, Loud., 1825. Literature, French. Alembert, Melanges - iland, British Liturgy. de Litt. - Rom. Cath. Church, Missale. - Boniface, Lecture par Jour. - Breviarium. - Carraud, Maurice. - Watkins, H. G., Sermon, 1823. - " La petite Jeanne. - Watson, J., Serm., Lu. ii., 2. - Du Fail, Discours d'aucuns propos. - See Prayer; Church of Engl., Liturgy. - Estienne, Souvenirs, 1855. - Lamartine, Cours Famnilier. Livingston, J. Hi. Gunn, A.j Memoirs of. - Le Blanc, Lettres de Londres. Locke, J. Burnet, G., Preface on, 1732. - Le Brun, Lecture Courante. Lemare, Cours de Lecture. Lockhart, J. G. Scott. J., Statement, 1821. Thiry, Cours de Litt., 1847. Locks. Fichet, Notice sur les travaux de. See Language. -- Newell's Bank Lock. Literature, German. Eichhorn, Gesch. der Litteratur. Lodging Houses. Great Britain, Lodging Houses. - Lessing, Fabeln. - See Poor. - Literarische Verein, Nurnberg. Luther, M., Table Talk. Loevenstein, H. Vollenhoven, Broeders - Schlegel, Lectures on.gevangenisse. Logic. Hamilton, W., Lectures on. Literature, Italian. Boccaccio, Decam- L ogic. Hamilton, W. Lectures on. erone.- Thomson, W., Laws of Thought. - Dante, Le monde Dantesque. Lollards. Netter, Fasciculi... - Ganganelli, L., Lettere. London. Allen, T., Hist. and Antiq. of. - GinguenS, Hist. Lit. d'Italie. - Calamy B., Sermon, 1685. - Calamyj B., Sermon, 1685. - Pellico, Opere. - Cock, Dock Company, 1825. - Tiraboschi, Letteratura Italiana. - Deering, Coal Whippers of. Literature, Russian. Otto, History of -- Francklin, Sermr. after the fire, 1748. Russ. Lit. - Gavin, Unhealthiness of, 1847. Literature, Spanish. Gallardo, El Criti- - Lester's Illustrations of. con. c- Letter to the Common Council, 1765. - Pellicer, Bibliot. de Traductores, 1778. - London, Picture of, 1815. London, Picture of, 1815. Lithography. Br6geaut, Man. de l'impr. - London Directories. - Dupont, Mem. sur la litho. typographic. - Morris, C., Past growth of, 1751. - Engelmann, Traite de lithog. - Neale's Westminster Abbey. - Ferchl, Senefelder'schen erfindungen. - Reas. for extending.. wharfs, 1758. - Raucourt, Manual of, 1820. - Royal Blue Book, 1855. - Senefelder, Complete Course of. - St. Paul's Cathedral, Descr. - Tudot, Traite de lithographic. - Taylor, J. R., Chancery lane. - See Engraving. - Thames Tunnel, Rep., 1828. 1016 FIRST SUPPLEMENT. Londonderry, Ir. Graham, History of the Lyon,. France (continued). Siege. - Epoques de l'Eglise de Lyon. Longfellow,l H. W. Clark, J. V. H., - See Bibliography. Hiawatha Legend. Long Island, N. Y.- Documents relating. to land, 1850. McArthur, D. McDonald, J., Biog. LordLs Supper. See Communion. Sketch. Lotteries. Penn'a, Report on, 1832. Macartney, Earl. Barrow, Life of. Louis XI. Commines, Secret History of. Macaulay, T. B. Paget, J., Charges Louis XV. Beauvais, Oraison funeb. against Penn. M'Cheyne, R. M. Bonar, Memoir of. Louis XVI. Edgeworth, Death of. McClellan, S. Blatchford, Eulogy on. Louis Philippe. Granier, Hist. de la chute de. Machines. See Engineering. - Pingret, Voyage a Windsor. McIntyre, A. Sprague, W. B., Sermon, - See France. Death of. Louisiana. Brown, C. B., Cession of, 1803. - Tompkins, D.D., Letter to, 1819. - Champigny, Etat present de, 1776. McKenney, T.-L. Armstrong, K., Reply. - Milburn, Rifle, Axe, etc. Mackinaw City. Mansfield, Description - Perrin Du Lac, Voyage, 1805. of. - View of Claims of Am. Citizens, 1803. - Strickland, Old Mackinaw. - See New Orleans. M9Neale, J. Johnson, S. C., A Few Thoughts. Louisville, Ky. Lyford's Directory. Macon, E. Cotten, Life of, 1840. Love. Michelet, L'Amour. Madagascar. Ellis, W., Three Visits to, Lovejoy, E. P. Beecher, Alton riots. 1859. Lowell, Mass. Miles, H. A., Lowell as - Jeffreys, K., Journal, 1827. it is, 1845. Madeira. Campden, C. G. N., British Lowman9 M. Chandler's Sermon on. Chaplaincy. Lowrie, W. M. Lowrie, W., Memoirs of. - March, C. W., Sketches, 1856. Lowth, R. Warburton, Answer to, 1766. Madison, J. Rives, W. C., Life of. Ludlow, J. Sprague, W. B., Sermon, Madison, Ind. Lyford's Directory. Death of. I Madison, Wis. Draper, L. C., Its Growth, - Taylor, W. J. R., Sermon on, 1857. 1857. - Wyckoff, Discourse on. Maffitt, J. N. Elsemore, Life of, 1848. Luitpold, HIzg. Hormayr, Gedachtniss- Magazines. See Periodicals. rede, 1831. rede, 1831. Magellan Strait. Hacke, Wood's Voyage. f.usignan Kings. Loredano, Histoire. Lusignan ings. Loredano, Histoire. Magic. Hauber, Bibliotheca Magica. Lutheran Church, U. S. Evang. Luth. - Horst, Zauber Bibliothek. Ministerium, N. Y. Evangel. Luth. Ch. Catechism, etc., Magnetic Telegraph. See Telegraph. - Frankean Ev. Luth. Synod. Magnetism. Allan, Ship's Compasses. - Germ. Evan. Luth. Min. of Pa. - Great Britain: Patents. - Germ. Ev. Luth. Ch. Boston. - Kreil, Magnet. Beobachtungen. - Hartwick Synod. - Lamont, Magn. Observatorium. - Lutheran Almanac, 1852, 55. - Metcalf, S. L., New Theory of, 1833. - Schseffer, Early History of. - Quetelet, Magnetisme Terrestre. Luzerne Co. Pa. Pearce, S., Annals of. - - U.S., Naval Exped. Chile. Lyman, C. Wadsworth, C., Serm., Death of. - Yelin, Ueber Magnetismus. - See Electricity. Lyman, I. Thompson, W., Memoirs of. Lyon,, M. White, P. H., Life of..Magnetism, Animal. Bakker, G., Tegenwoordige Staat. Lyon, France. Monfalcon, Le Nouveau - Belden, Acc't of Jane Ryder. Spon. - Cahagnet, Celestial Telegraph. SUBJECT-INDEX. 101i Magnetism, Animal (continued). Maps (continued). - Haddock, J., Psychology. - New York, Catalogue of. -- itchcock, E. A., De obfuscationibus. - Pelton, Key to Maps, 1845. - Jones, H., An. Mag. repudiated. - Phelps, 100 cities, U. S. - Key to Electrical Psychol. - Spruner, Hist. Geog. Atlas. - Lee, E., An. Mag. and Homoeopathy. Marathi. Bombay Society, Tracts. - M'Neile, Satanic Agency. - Marathi Hymn Book. - Morley, C., Elements of An. Mag. 9 Marble. Bury, Modeles de Marbrerie. - Obfuscationibus, De, 1845. -- Hager, Marbles of Vermont. - Sherwood, Manual for Magnetizing. See,.pirit.alism.- Marble worker's Manual. See Spiritualism. - Roxbury,. Vt., Verd Antique Co. lD][ails. See Post O0ices. Mails. S Post Offics. Marcy, W. L. Scott, W., Corresp. with, Mllaine. Cong. Churches of. 1848. - De Peyster, Dutch in Maine. Marlborough, Sermons on Victories - Coolidge, History of. of Duke of. Atterbury, L., Aug. 23, 1705. - Folsom, Cat. of Engl. Doct's on. - Beveridge, W., At Oudenarde, 1708. - Gorges, F., Voyages, 1657. Gorges, Fleetwood, At Oudenarde, 1708. Pemaquid Papers, 1856. -- Hare, F., Serm., Victories of, 1709. - Sewall, R. K., Anc. Dominions of. At Bouchain, 1711. Thornton, j. W., Pemaquid, 1857. - Higgins, F., 105. - See Camden; North E. Boundary. - Manningham, T., At Oudenarde, 1708, Mlaingy, hR. Philips, G. W.) Sermon, 1709. Death of. - Sherlock, W., 1704. Mair, HI. Sprague, W. B., Sermon, Death - Stanhope, Serm., Vict. at Oudenarde, of. 1710. gMalone, E. Hardinge, G., The Essence of. - Trimnell, Sermon, 1704. MDlalta Is. Badger, Description of. - Willis, R., 1705. Malta Island, Guide. Marlborough, lMass. Field, L. A., Hist. - Mitrovich, Claims of the Maltese. Sketch of. -a- Field, L. A., First Congr. Church. Man. Buffon, Hist. de l't3Iomme.. - Cabell, Test. on Unity of Race. Marriage. Appeal to Philosophers, 1857. - Caldwell, C., Thoughts on Unity. Doctrine of Divorce. - Carter, Primitive State of. - Milledoler, Incestuous Marriage. - Coles, Crit. on Nott and Gliddon. - New York Marriages to 1784. - Dunlap, S. F., Vestiges of Spirit His. - Oneida Association. tory of. -- See Woman; Love. - Forry, S., On the Position of Man. Mairshall, J. Story, J., Discourse upon. - Laurence, W., Lectures, 1848. n- LanrTene, W.ectureso1n848. Marshfield, Mass. Thomas, M. A., Mem- Maury, Terre et l'Homme. orials of. - Nott, J. C., Indigenous Races. Martens, T. Gand, Recherches sur la vie -- See Ethnology; Soul; Philosophy. de. Manchester, Eng. Hulton, Case of West- - Iseghem, Biographie de. houghton. Martha's Vineyard. Nantucket Papers. - Lee, J. P., Correspondence, 1849. -Lee, J. P., Correspondence, 1849. Mlarvin,, A. Sprague, W. B., Serm., Death Manchester, N. HU. Potter, C. E., His- of. tory of. Mary, H. V. McCarthy on the Devotion to. pl;anufactures. Essex (omnp., Lawrence. Manufactures. Essex Comp., Lawrence. ary, Queen. Anderson, J., Collections. - Great Britin; Patents. Great Britain; Patents. - Jenison, Serm., Funeral of, 1695. - Hadley Falls Covrp.. - Labanoff, Memoires, (Cat. 1855). -Lowell, Mass., Statistics. - Lowell, Mass.,C n Statistics. Arts i — Le Roy, Een predikatie, 1695. See, Cotton; StatisWtics; Arts; Exo1bitions; Mechanics' Institutes. - Sherlock, W., Serm., Death of, 1694. - Tenison, T., Serm., Fun. of, 1695. Mianures. See Guano. Maryland. Address to the voters, McKim, Manuscripts. See Bibliography. 1834. Mlaps. France, Maps: Hydrog. Francaise. - Allen, E., Hist. of St. Ann's Parish. rSUPPL.] 128 1018 FIRST SUPPLEMENT. M][aryland (continued). Massachusetts (continued). - Allen, E., Toleration in, 1650. - Cary, Speech on Hoosac Tunnel. - Baltimore, Articles, 1760. - Cong. Churches of. - Bray, J., Visitations, 1700. - Cushing, Letters on First Charter of. - Davis, G. L., Day Star of Freedom. - Dickinson, Statist. View of, 1813. - Maryland Register, 1861. - Fleet's Register, 1786-1800. - Prot. Ep. Ch. Md., Clergy of. - Forbes, A., Rich Men of, 1851. - Scott, J., Geog. I)Desc. of, 1807. - Mass. Register, 1800-60. - Speed, Speech on Debts of, 1845. - Manduit, Short view of, 1774. - White, A., L'd Baltimore's Colony. - Moore, J. B., Lives of the Governors. - See Frederick. - Rantoul, R., Speech, Coalition in, 1852. Mason, E. Cox, S. H., Disc. on, 1851. - Scottow, Planting of the Colony, 1694. ~Mason, ~W. GBray, T., Correspondence. - True State of Proc. of Parl., 1774. - See New England; Plymouth Colony. Mason, N. H. Hill, J. B., Hist. of. MlEassachusetts, Election Sermons. iMasonry, Free. Allyn, Ritual of. Eliot, A., 1765. - Anderson, J., Constitutions of. - Cooke, S.,- 1770. - Ashlar, period., 1855. - Langdon, S., 1775. - Free Masonry in Reply, 1840. - West, S., 1776. - Free Masons; Grand Lodges. - Payson, P., 1778. - Gowans, Cat. of Books on. - Stillman, May 26, 1779. - Iris, period., N. Y., 1827. - Howard, S., 1770. - MacArthur, C. L., Address, Troy, N. Y. -- Appleton, J., 1814. - Mackey, A. G., Of Masonic Law. - Kirkland, J. T., 1816. - Masonic Mirror, Boston, 1825. - Bentley, W., 1817. - Milnor, J., Oration on, 1811. - Thayer, N., 1823. - Moore, C., The Craftsman, 1854. - Dewey, 1826. - Oliver, G., Hist. of, 1829-41. - Bigelow, A., 1836. -Symbol of Glory. - Iana, D., 1837. - Thacher, P., Address, Dorchester, 1797. - Jackson, S. C., 1843. - Webb, Free Mason's Monitor. - Braman, M. P., 1845. Masonry, Controversy on Free. An -- Bisbee, J. H., 1847. ti-Masonic Almanac, 1829, 30. - Pierce, J., 1849. - Anti-Masonic Review, 1829. - Wolcott, S., 1853. - Anti-Masonic Conv., Mass. - Raymond, M., 1854. - Collection of Letters on, 1849. - Lothrop, S. H., 1855. - Democratic Ant. St. Cony., Pa. - Hale, E.. E., 1859. - Morgan, Illustrations of. PMassachusetts Local History. See - Penn'a Anti-Mas. Almanac, 1830. Abington; Barnstable; Berkshire - Revelations in, 1827. Co.; Boston; Brimfield; Brookline; Cape Cod; Charlestown; Chicopee; - Rhode Island; Legis. Investigation. Concord; Danvers; Dartmouth; - " Anti-Mas. Conv., 1831. Dedham; Deerfield; Dorchester; - Seward, W. H., Speech, Anti-Masonic Eastham; Fairhaven; Fall River; 1C, eleb., 1831. Hadley; Hatfield; Holliston; Lee; Leicester; Leominster; Lowell; - Southwick, S., Oration, 1829. Marlborough; Marshfield; Med- " Warning against, 1829. ford; Mendon; Merrimack Valley; - Sprague, W., Report, R. I., 1832. Milton; Natick; New Bedford;, Newbury; Newburyport; Newton; - Stearns, J. G., Appendix, on Morgan. Northampton; Norton; Orleans; - Sumner, C. P., Letter on, 1829. Princeton; Rowley; Roxbury; - Tatem, Reply to R. I. Chapter. Salem; Sherborn; Stockbridge; Stoughton; Taunton; Templeton; - Thacher, M., Address, Anti-Mas. Cony. Topsfield; Ware; Wellfleet; West- U. S. Anti-Mas. Conv., 1832. minster; Williamstown; Worcester. - See Secret Societies. lIassie, N. McDonald, J., Biog. sketch. Massachusetts. Ames's Alm., 1737-72. Mathematics. Bfzout, Elem. of Calculus. - Answer of the Whig Members, 1840. - Bridge, Conic Sections, 1831. - Barry, J. S.) Hist. of. -- Chasles, Geometrie Sup6rieure, 1847. SUBJECT-INDEX. 1019 Mathematics (continued). Mechanics' Institutes. Amer. Institute, - Day, J., Algebra. N. Y. - Dundee Watt Institute. - Euclid, Enunciations, etc., 1823. - Dundee Watt Institute. - Istituto Tecnico Toscano. - Guilmin, Cours li'mentaire., - Kilgour, What they are, 1853. - Harris, J., Treat. of Algebra. I7~ ~ O~ ~ - Maryland Institute, Reports. - Hassler, Analytic Trigonometry. - " Exhibitions. - " Geometry of Planes and Sol. - Mech.Inst.Montreal. Haswell, Mensuration. - OhioMech. st. Hewitt, S., Key to Walkingame. - Providence Assoc. of Mech. Lobatto, Van de Statika... - Societe Industrielle de Mulhouse. - Mathem. Monthly, Camb., Mass. - Syracuse Mech. Ass'n. Orr's Circle of the Sciences. -- Worcester Co., Mass., Exhib. - lPalmer, Cath. Planisphear. - See Exhibitions of Industry. - Paterson, J., Investigation, etc., 1858. lMechanics' Institutes Addresses be- Piola, Meccanica Analitica. fore. Burges, T., Am. Inst., 1830. Quarterly Journal of...Lond. - Gurney, J. J., Providence, R. I. - Rheticus, Triangulis. - Henry, J., Lecture, N. Y., 1854. - Schmidt... der Statica. - Hunter, W., Rhode Island Soc. -- ".... der Dynamica. - Jackson, C. T., Am. Inst., N. Y., 1851. -- "...der Hoogere Meetkunst. - Johnson, W. R., Maryland Inst. - Swinden, Theoremeta Geometrica. - Lloyd, J. A., Colleges of Arts. T- illett, Key to Exact Sciences, 1824. - Lynch, J., Am. Institute, 1829. - Twisden, Planes; Spher. Trig. - Mason, C., American Institute, 1840. - Ward, J., Young Math. Guide, 1730. - Rost, Agr. and Mech. As'n of L'a. - Wolf, C., Elem. Matheseos Univ. - Seward, W. H., Am. Inst., N. Y., 1853. - Sprague, J. E., Salem, Mass., 1821. Mather, C. Bishop, G., New Engl. judged, - Tyler, J., Ma.yland Institute. 1' I- Tyler, J., Maryland Institute. ~M~ather, I[, Pond, E., Life of. - Walker, R. J., Nat. Inst., Washington. MMedford, Mlass. Brooks, C., History of. NJather, R. Mather, I., Life of. Mledici, L. De. Politianus, De Conjur. Maupertuis, P. L. I1E. Anglieviel, Vie de. Pactiana. Roscoe, Life of. Mlaximilian II. Thiersch, Reden, 1849, 52, 53. iMJedical. Almeloveen, Inventa Novantiqua,!Maxims. Bartlett, J., Aphorisms. - Alpini, De Prossagienda Vita. - Bohn, ~oreign Proverbs. B- Argolus, De Diebus Criticis. - Halliwell, Dict. of Archaic words. - Argolus, Debus Criticis. - Joannes, Summa de Exemplis. Bacher, L'Hydropsie. - La Rochefoucaulld, Rfelxions. - Besson, 2E quilibrium Corporis. - LMarica, Novas eflexoes. - Bird, G., Chem. and Therapeutics. _Marica, Novas Reftexoes. t - Napoleon's Oraculum. - Blake, A., Delirium Tremens. Wapoleon's Oraculum. - Percy Soc. Publications, V. 20. - Blanc, G., Medical Logick. - Waithman, Maxims, Lond., 1824. - Blatchford, T. W., Dissertations. - Bleuland, Otium Academ., 1828. 1M[ayence. See Typography. Boott, On Malaria. MIayhew, J. Bradfordj A., Life of. - Bouillaud, Philosophic M6dicale. lM[aynooth, Ir. Popish College of. - Breggen, Geneeskundige Bijdragen. Meade, Ep. Ten Broeck, Letter to, 1847. Brera, Mem. Medico-clinihe. - Broussais, Inflam. Chroniques. Meat Biscuit. Borden, Letter on. - Brunet, C., Progres de, 1697. MiSecca. Burton's Pilgrimage. - Buc'hoz, MO6decine.Pratique. -Mechanics. Carpenter, Mechanical Phil. - Carter, Vegetable Prescriptions. - La Croix, Motions of Floating Bodies. - Cezan, Manuel Anti-Syphil. Piola, Meccanica Analitica. - Charpentier, Meningo-C6phalite. - Smeaton, Machines with Circular Mo- - Chavy, Sur la Goutte. tion. - Chevalter, Diss. Physico-M6dicale. - See Arts; Engineering. - Circular Letter, N. Y., 1829. 1020 FIRST SUPPLEMENT. Medical (continued). Medical (continued). - Clark, J., Syph. Disease in the East. - Roberton, On Medical Police. - Conkling, Remarks, 1854. - Robertson, F., Chorea Sancti VitL - Currie, Diseases of United States. - Rosa Anglica, Joan. Anglii. - Da-OImi, D' Hygiene Navale, 1828. - Rousseau,- Rem6des lIprouvez. -- Dazille, Des Climats Chauds. - Rush, 16 Lectures, 1811. - Desperrieres, Fievres de St. Domingue. - Schroeder, Waarnemingen, 1852. - Dessaix, Thesis Medica, 1758. - Schultz, De Entero Mesenteride.. - Digestion, De la, 1712. - Shecut, Med. and Phil. Essays, 1819. - Doeveren, Sur Ies Vers. - Smith, Am. Med. Alm., 1841. - Dumo-ulin, Du Rhumatisme, 1710. - Sormani, Morti repentine. - Dunglison, Medical Lexicon, 1846. - Soule, Science of Reproduction. - Dupuy, De febre quotidiana. - Struve, Suspended Animation. - Epps, Epilepsy, 1834. - Swieten, Diseases of Armies. - Etat de Medecine, 1776, 77. - Tissot, Moyens de Perfectionner. - Ewell, Improvements"in, 1819. -- Triplet, On Apoplexy. - Fautes dans la Gazette de Santeo - Turner, W., Of Bleeding, 1851. - Fenner, Southern Med. Reports. - Viviand, Thesis, Regimen, 1762. - Fitzpatrick, Angina Pectoris. - Wadd, On Corpulence. - Foote, J., Med. Pocket Book, 1837, 40. - Warton, On Constipation. - Ford, H., Fevers of West Africa. - aterhouse, On Hooping Cough. - Gallup, J. A., Institutes of, 1839. - Whitlaw, New Discoveries in, 1847. - Gardane, Maladies Vendriennes. - Wilkins, H., Family Adviser, 1804. Giannini, Nature des Fieivres. - Wyck, D., Recllke Heelkon t. Haller, Disputationes, 1757-60. -- See Anatomy; Asphyxia; Cholera; Consumption; Dispensaries; Drown- Hecquet, La Meddecine ces Pauvres. ing; Eyes; Hospital; Surgery; Yel- Hedges, P., Strictures on Dr. Brown's low Fever; etc. Work. -- Hippocrates... Reliquioe. Medical: Materia l[edica. American - Ilollerius, De Morb. internis. Chem. Inst., Manual. - Jahrhuch, 1840, Wildberg. Br- Brandreth's Medicines. - Johnson, F. G., Private Med. Com- - Buchan'sBalsam. panion. - Clark's Peruvian Syrup. - Johnson, J., On Tropical Climates. - Edwards, H. M., Manuel de Mat. Meldb - Joyand, Thesis Medica, 1765. - Hoffman, F.,,On Asses' Milk. - Kelley's New System, N. Y., 1848. - Jacqciet, De l'Antimoine. - Levrat, Goutte, Rhumatisme, etc. - Mass. Coll. of Pharmacy. - Lobstein, Of the Eye, 1830. - Montot, Amidon de Sante, 1777. - Lommius, De....Febris, 1562. - Murray, J., Fluid Magnesia. - Malcomson, Of Beriberi. - Nat. Pharmaceut. Conv., 1852. -- "'~c Rheumatism in India. - Norwood, Veratrum Viride. - Medecin des Hommes, 1772. Philip, Minute doses of Mercury. - Medecine Experimentale, 1755. - Purple, S. S., On Cimaba Cedron. - Menuret, Trait6 du Pouls, 1768. - Paris, Pharmacologia. - Morin, J., De Dolore. - Patent Medicines. See Pam. V. 614; - Nouveau Recueil, 1744. Alm. V. 38-40. - Osgood, Treatment of Fevers, 1848. - Salmon, English Herbal. - Paine, M., Institutes of Med., 1860. - Slare, Bezoar Stones. - Pare, (Euvres, 1585. - Swaim's Panacea. - Parguez, De Inflammatione. - Thayer & Co., Fluid Extracts. - Pringle, Diseases of the Army. - Tilden & Co., Extracts, 1855. - Ramazzini, Maladies des Artisans. - Tourn6fort, De la Mat. Mddicale, 1717. - Retz, Epid6miques h Rochefort. - Treatise of... Crust of Bread. - Raymond, Maladies, dangereux A gu6- - U. S., Adulteration of, 1848. rir, 1808. - See Pharmacy. - aReynal, Fiivres putrides, 1763. Medical: Obstetrics, etc. Bacoffe, - Riolan, Ars Medendi. Plethora Menstrui. SUBJECT-INDEX. 1021 Medical: Obstetrics, etc. (continued). Mledical Colleges: Catalogues, etc. - Barker, B. F., Puerperal Fever. (continued). - Cleveland, Mrs., Address, 1858. - Memphis Med. Coll., 1855. - Montreal Med. School, 1858. - Female Medical College. - al Med. - National Med. Coll. Wash. - Freind, Emmenologie, 1730..- New Engl. Fem. Med. Coll. - Krause, Der Geburtshiilfe. - New Eng. Fe. Med. l. - Maternal Physician, 1811. - Pechey, Compleat Midwife, 1698. - N Y. Med. Cl. - Preston, Address, Fem. Med. Coll. - Pennsylvania College. - Quackenbush, Add. Albany Med. Coll. - Penn. Med. Univ. - Spratt, G., Obstetric Tables. - Phil'a Coll. of Med-. - Quebec School of, 1848. Medical Addresses. Bartlett, E., Of - South Carolina Med. Coll. HIippocrates. - Tremont Med. School, Boston. - Beach, W., Refor. Med. Soc. - - Bell, J., Infi. of Medicine. - University of Louisville. - Biddle, Penn'a Coell., 1856. - Univ of Nashville. -- Bigelow, IH. J., Mass. Med. Coll. - Univ. of Pennsylvania. - Blake, J., St. Louis Univ., 1848. Univ. of Pennsylvania. - Brown, W., Med. Miss. Soc., Edinb. - Vermont Academy. -- Vermont Med. Coll. Castleton. - Dunglison, R., Jefferson Med. Coll. - Elliotson, Harweian Oration. -1[edical Periodicals. Albany Jour. of - Griscom, N. Y. Acad. of Med. Neurology, 1843. - Hales, S., Sermon, 1751. - Amer. Jour. of Insanity. - Halford, H., Orations, Coll. of Surg. - Amer. Jour. of Pharmacy.:~3~~~~~~ )n- Amer. Jour. of Med. Sciences. - Hamilton, F. H., Buffalo, 1853. - Holmes, A. F., McGill College. - Annales d' Hygiene. - Hunterian Oration, S51. — Anti-Lancet (Chron. Thermal). - Jeffries, J., Suffolk District Soc. - Boston M. & Sur. Journal, 1836-44. - Kennedy, D., Albany Med. Coll. - Braithwaite, Retrospect of, 1855-8. n —LeeC.A., Genea Med.Coil. - Brit. and For. Med. Review, 1836-44. - ee,a. A., Geneva Med. Coil. L- Brit. and For. Med. Chir. Rev., 1854-59. - Lindsley, J. B., On Med. Colleges. - March, A., Med. Soc., N. Y. - Edinburgh Med. & Phil. Jour., 1805-42. - Paine; M., Univ. of N. Y., 1846. Med. Journal, 1855-59. - Prescott, WV., Dartmouth Coll. - " Med. & Str. Jour., 1855. - Reese, D. M., Castleton, Vt. - Gazette Med. de Paris, 1859. - Reese, J. J., Penn'a Med. Coll., 1854. - Lancet, The, 1823-59. - Rudder, W., Albany Med. Coll. - Literarische Annalen (Ilecker), 18251830. Smith, J. G., Forensic Medicine. - London Med. Gazette, 1831-51. - Spencer, T., Geneva Coll. - Stanhope, P. H., Med. Botan. So - Magazin der Ausl. Lit. der Heilkunde. - Medical Times, Lend., 1839-59. - Watson, J.,.N. Y. Ac. of Med., 1856. Medic, 18 - Willard, S. ID., Alb. Med. Soc. - Medico-Chirur. Review, 1820-41. - Wood, G. B., Univ. of Penn'a, 1836. - Mdding, Bibliot. Paris Modical. Amer. Med. Ass'n 18 -- Missouri Med. & Sur. Jour. c-'~ Amer. Med. Ass'n, 1856. - New England Jour. of Med., 1816. ~MLedical Colleges: Catal.ogues, etc. - Pharmaceutical Jour., 1841-59. Albany Med. Cell. - Berkshire Med. Inst. - Pharmaceutical Repository. - Coil. of Phys. N. Y. -- Physo-Med. Jour., Cincinnati. - Eclectic Coll., Phil'a and Cinc. - Southern Med. Reformer, 1854. -- Female Med. Soc. IMedical Societies. Amer. Med. Assoc. - Female Med. Cell., Pa. Transactions. - Geneva College. - Amer. Pharm. Assoc. - Harvard University. - Connecticut St. Med. Soc. - Jefferson Med. Coll. of P'a.- Impartial enquiry, etc., Lond., 1753. - Med. Coll. of Lous'a. -- Mass. Med. Soc. - Med. Inst. Kent'y. - Med. Assoc. of Southern N. Y. 1022 FIRST SUPPLEMENT. Medical Societies (continued). Meteorology (continued). - Med. Conv. of Va., 1846. -- Imhof, Ueber das Schiessen. - Med. Delegates, N. Hampton, Mass. - Koen. Baier. Ak. Anzeige, 1781. - Med. Soc. of N. Y. Y. - Konink. Nederl. Meteor. Inst. - Med. Soc. of Penn'a. -- Ereil, Meteor. Beobachtungen. - New Haven Co. Med. Soc., 1837. - Lachlan, Uniform Syst. of 0bs. N. Y. Acad. of Med., Trans., 1851. - Legh, Ombrological Almanac. - Norfolk (Mass.) Dist. Med. Soec. - Maury, Wind and Current Charts. - Provin. Med. & Sur. Assoc. Lond. - Meteorological Almanac, 1852. - Vermont Med. Soc. - Morris, 0. W., Quantity of Rain. - Nat. Hist. Soc. of Montreal, Obs. ral of. -- N. Y. Almanac, (Meriam), 1856. MHelancthon-, P. Kloss, Cat....Annota- - Nicolet, M6t6or. Agricoles. tions of. - Olmsted, On the Atmosphere. - Sotheby, Observat. on handwriting of. - Prussia; Beobachtungen, (Dove), 1858. cMemnnory. See Mnemonics. ) -- Quetelet, Ph6nom. p6riodiques. -- Redfield, Hurricanes of Atlantic. Melville, A. M'Crie, Works, v. 2. - Reid Notes on the Winds. Menapii. De Peyster, Hist. of Carausius. — Smithson. Contr., V. 11. Mendon, Mass. Blake, M., Hist. Mendon - Smits...V. den Dampkring. Assoc. - U. S., Army Meteor. Reg., 1843-54. Mental Philosophy. Essay on Freedom - " Espy's Report, 1857. of Will, (Watts.) - " Naval Exped., Chili. - Hamilton,- W., Lectures, 1859. - Wilkes, C., Theory of Winds. - Liberty of the Will. - See Electricity; Climates. - Lyons, Of Human Judgment. - M'Ilvaine, Of Voluntary Attention. Methodists. Benson, J., Vindication of. - Marsh, J., Remains of. - Bowen, J., Review of Kurtz. - Rauch, Psychology. - - Church Meth. Soo., 1826. - Read, D., Address, Madison, Wis. I- Comparison between Ch. of Eng. and. - Read, S., On the Growth of the Mind. - Downes, J., Meth. exposed, 1759. - Stearns, J., Phil. of Mind, 1840. - Enquiry after New Lights, 1755. - Vindication of Mankind, (Lowe), 1717. - Finley, Western Methodism. - See Philosophy; Soul; Man. - Free, J., False Prophets, 1758. - Further Defence of Priestcraft, 1768. Mierrimack Valley. Poor, A., Hist. Researches. - Hill, Sir R., Logica Wesleiensis. - Potter, C. E., History of. -- Lavington, Enthusiasm of. - Legacy to the World, (L'Estrange), Mesopotamia. Buckingham, J. S., Trav- 1762. els in. Metaphysics. See Philosophy; Mental Macgowan, Priestcraft defended. Philosophy; Moral Philosophy. - Methodism displayed, 1770. 1785-1810. - Methodist Almanac, 1847-52. M.leteorology. Ailing, Regist., 1785-1810. - Methodist Conference, Loend. - Ample Instruct. for Thermometers, etc. - - Methodist Epis. Church. - Andrewvs, J. W., Barometer. - Anrago, OeuJres. V.4, 7, 2. - Review of Robinson's Obs., 1824. - Arago, Oeuvres, V. 4 7, 8, 12. - Sandford, P. P., Wesley's Missionaries. - BavariLa; Observatory. - Belville, Man. of Barometer. Southern Moth. Pulpit. i-:Blodget, Climatology, U. S. - Stebbing, H., Religious Delusion. - Coulvier, Recherches sur, 1859. -- Stevens, A., History of, 1859. - Ellinger, Voraussicht der Witterung. - Strictures on Subjects... Lond., 1807. - Epp, Ueler den Hehrrauch, 1783. - Tottie, Two Charges, 1766. - Force, P., Phenom. of N. Latitudes. - Troy Conference Minutes. - Forster, T., Atmospheric Phenomena. - Wakleley, Heroes of Methodism. - Hare, R., Les Ouragans, 1853. - " Lost Chapters of Hist., 1858. - Hodgins, Meteor. Obs. in Canada. -. Walker, J., Expost. Address, 1804. - Howard, L., Cycle of Eighteen Years - Whitefield, Letter to Durell. of Brit. - " Works, V. 4. SUBJECT-INDEX. 1023 Mexican War with the U. S. Allen, C., Mexico (continued). Speech on Indemnity, 1852. - Smith, T., Phys. Char. of N. States. Ashmun, Speech on, 1847. - U. S., Boundary and Map, 1855. - Benton, T. H., Speech on Treaty, 1854. - Voyage to, 1841. Breese, S., Speech, 1848. - Wilson, R. A., Mexico and its Religion. - Brooks, N. C., History of, 1849. - " Hist of Conquest of. - Calhoun, J. C., Speeches, U. S. Sen. Meymott J. Abdy, Serm., Deathof. Carroll, Speech on, 1847. Michigan. Congregational Churches of. Cass, L., Speech on, 1848. -- Sheldon, Early History of, 1856. - Cobb, Speech, 1848. -Coblamer, Speech, 1848. - See Detroit; Mackinaw. - Collamer, Speech, 1848. - Corwin, T., Speech, 1847.. icroscope. Baker, H., Het Mikroscoop. Davis, G., Speech on, 1846. --- Carpenter, The Microscope. - Davis, G. T., Speech on Indem., 1852. - IHogg, The Microscope, 1858. Dixon, J., Speech on, 1848. - Passement, D6scription, 1737. Duer, W., Speech on, 1848. - Schacht, The Microscope, 1855. - Gordon, S., Speech, 1846. PIMiddleborough, Mass. First Cong. Ch. - Heiman, A., Tennessee volunteers. Hist. - Houston, S., Speech on Yucatan. Middlebury College. Lawrence, M., Ad- Hudson, C., Speech, 1846. dress on. - Hughes, G. W., March to Saltillo, 1846. Middlebury, Vt. Swift, S., History of. - Jay, W., Causes and Consequences. lMiddleton, C. Bate, J., Use of Prophecy. - Jenkins, T., Speech, 1849. - Bayley, On his Examination. - Johnson, H. V., Speech, 1846. Milan, Italy. Breislak, Descr. Geologica. - M'Sherry, R., El Puchero, 1850.,Milbourne, L. Bradbury, Remarks on - Mexican War, Review, 1848. Sermon of. - Phelps, S. S., Speech, 1848. Military Science etc. Beuscher Hand l Military Scienace, ete. Beuscher, HandPorter, C. T., Review of, 1849. leiding... der Artil. - Putnam, H. Speech on Treaty, 1849. - Brand, H. v., Taktiek, 1847. Richardson, W. H., Journal, 1847. - Brunings, De Krijgsstand, 1857. - Scribner, Life of a Volunteer. - Creasy, 15 Decisive Battles. - Semmes, Scott's Campaign. - Dalliba, Mil. Establ. of the U. S. - Severance, Speech, 1847. - Decker, De kleine Oorlog. - Smith, C. B., Speech, 1847. - Defence of our Seaports, Lond., 1852. - Starkweather, Speech on Treaty, 1849. - Duane, W., Mil. Dictionary. - Stephens, A. H., Speech, 1848. - Evans, G., Speech on Fortifications. - U. S. Claims against, 1849. - Forbes, H.,- Manual for the Volunteer. - U. S. Treaty and Corresp., 1848. - France; Military School. - Vermilya, A year in, 1848. -- Polytechnic School. - Williams, G. W., Interment of. - Gray, J., Treatise on Gunnery, 1731. - Winthrop, R. C., Speech, 1849. - - Hewes, Sword Exercise. MPexico. Bullock, Panorama of. - list. des Ordres Militaires. - Bustamente, Revolucion de, 1823. - Infantry Exercise, 93 plates. - Butterfield, Steamship Line. - Kosciusko, Manoeuv. of Artillery. Carrillo, Pensil Americano. - Letter to a young officer, 1778. - Clavigero, Storia Antica del. - Meijer, Krijgs Scheikunde. - Cortes, Historia de. - Mem. on Reconn. of Rivers. - Cubero, Peregrinacion, 1680. - Military Companion, 1808. - Grayj A. B., Report on Boundary, 1855. - Montecucoli, Arte de la Guerra. - Gregory, S., History of. - Muller, J., Treatise on Artillery, 1779. - Guanajuato, Constitucion. - Netherlands Mil. Acad., Leercursus. - Hardy, R., Travels in, 1825-28. - Pel, Militair regt, 1856. - Humboldt, Essai sur la Nouv. Espagne. - Roberts, Military Offences, 1853. M- ayer, B., Mexico, Hist., &c., Acc't. - Schmidt...Der Statica. -' Mexico as it was, 1846. - "...Der Dynamica. - Santangelo, Claim on, 1841. - Schweiz, Militair Bibliothek. 1024 FIRST SUPPLEMENT. M{ilitary-Science, etc. (continued). Mineral Springs (continued). - Stephens, T., Sword Exercise, 1844. - Burke, W., Virginia Springs. - Thackeray, Rifle Firing. - Fonda, Sharon, &c., Springs. Timour, Institutes. - Gairdner, Origin of, 1832. - Travaux de Mars. - Indian Reser. Sulph. Spr. - U. S. Army, Infantry Tactics. - Letters Descr. of Virginia Spr. -— " " Cavalry Tactics. - Nicklin, Virginia Springs. - " " Artillery Exercise. - Rockbridge and Bath, Va. -- " Arsenal Stores, 1836. - Roux, Des eaux Mindrales, 1775. - " Military Academy. - Spengler, Thermes d'Ems. - " " Instruction, 1861. - Steel, Congress Spring, 1856. - " On National Foundry. - Stringfellow, Fauquier Sulphur Spr. - Vacchiery, Wehrhaft-machung der AltenIl ilineralogy. Girardin, le6mens de, 1826. - Vegetius, De re Militari. Vregetius, DInre Militari. - Kobell, Discrimination of Min. - Virginia Mil. Institute, 1854. - Petzl, Sammlungen d. K. Ak. d. Wiss. MPilitary Weapons. Colt's Firearms, - Pinnock, Catechism of. -- Russisch. k. Gesells. f. d. Gesammte - Culman, Military Projectiles. Min. - Darrow, P., The Artillerist. - - Shepard, C. U., Treatise on, 1835. - Douglas, Warner's Discoveries. - Smith, J. L., Papers. G- reat Britain: Patents. - See Geology. - Hall's Rifle, 1825. IMining. Berg - und liittenmanner...u - Hubbell, Patent Firearms. Wien. - Persy, On the form of Cannon. - Mining Magazine. - Pettibone's Bullet Mould. - Tomlinson, Cyclopoedia. - United States, Cannon of Clarke, 1833. Mining Companies. Cleveland Min. Co. - " Navy, Dahlgren Guns. - Cypress River Co. e- " War Department, Sm~a~ll - Fort Fillmore Silver M. Co. Arms Exper., 1856. - Lake Superior Copper Co. --' Colt's Pistols. - Lake Superior Iron Co. -Wilkinson: H., On Swords. - Wilkinson, H., On Swords. See Coal; Iron; Copper; Gold. - Woodbridge, W. E., Of Making Cannon. Militia. Bustin, A Militia, 1847. inneapolis. St. Anthony, Sketch of. MZ[ilitia. Bustin, A Militia, 1847. - Canada, Militia Laws. -Minnesota. Donnelly, Minnesota, 1857. - Military Ass'n of N. Y., 1853-59. - Oliphant, Minnesota, 1855. - New York Militia, 1842-59. - Parker, N. IH., Hand Book, 1857. - Ohio, General Regulations. - Saint Anthony and Minneapolis. - See Great Britain, Military; Army. - Winona and Southern M., 1858. Mlillennium. See Christ's Second Advent; - See Red River. Prophecy. PMA inorca. Byng, Letter... case of. Miller, IH. Brown, T. N., Life of. - Foltz, Climate, Topography. MIiller, M. S. Anthon, Serm., Death of. Minot, G. R. Adams, J. Q., Mass. Fire 3Miller, S. Sprague, W. B., Serm., Death Soc., Address. of. Mints. See Currency; Numismatics. Milne, W.. Philip, R., Life of. Miracles. Bowman, W., Answer to Woolston. Milner, J. Parr, S., Letter to. Bulloc, T., Defence of. Bullock, T., Defence of. Milton, J. Fry, A. A., Lecture on, 1838. - Dodwell, Answer to Middleton. - Godwin, Philips's Milton. - Douglas, Bp., Works. Milwaukee, 7Wis. Elliott, A. B.) North- - Girard, Defence against M. Cadilre. western Directory. - Jackson, J., Miraculous Powers. - Milwaukee Board of Trade. - Jenkin, Exam. of Middleton, 1750. Minehead Doctrine. Letter to Sir J. - Lawton, J., A Remarkable Healing. Banks, 1711. - Maillard, Wonderful Cure of. Mineral Springs. Bell, J., Springs of U. - Morison, J., Serm., Modern Gifts. S. and Canada. Obsequens, De Prodigiis. SUBJECT-INDEX. 1025 Miracles (continued). Missions, Foreign. Amer. Bapt. Miss. - Owen, H., Intent of Script. Mir. Union. - Parker, W., Mir. of Early Ages. -, Amer. Board of Comm'rs... - Pearce, Z., Mir. vindicated. - Buchanan, Star in the East. - Phlegon Examined, 1734. - Cecil, Serm. on Is. xl., 3. - Sykes, Two Questions, 1750. - Choules, History of, 1851. -- Toll, Middleton's Free Enquiry. - Church Missionary Society. - Townsend, G., Church of England and - Dealtry, Sermon, Ch. Miss. Soo. Gifts. - Dwight, T., Sermon, Am. Board. - Turnbull, G., Mir. and Doctrines of - Essex South Conference, 1845. Christ. - Fay, Ordination Sermon, 1826. - View of the Controversy, 17it48.:- Ferris, Sermon, A. B. C. F. M., 1848. - Vince, Answer to Hume, 1809. - Foreign Evang. So - Whiston, W., Cessation of Mir. Gifts. - Hawaiian Is. Mission. - Whitaker, Doct. of Peter's Epistles. - Hibernian Miss. Soc. - See Christianity, Evidences of. Hopkins, M., Serm., A. B. C. F. M. Mirth. Colman, The Government of, 1707. - Letter to the Rt. Rev. A. Potter, 1850. Missions. Amer. Miss'y Ass'n, N. Y. - London Miss. Society. Baptist Miss'y Magazine - Lowrie, Expenditures of. - Foss, Facts for Baptists. - Marshman, Christianity in India. - Foss, Facts for Baptists. - Last; Command. -- Mason, E., Serm. and Report, 1850. - Prot. Ep. Ch. Miss. Soec. Reports. Mission Schools, 1855. Spalding, Early Cath. Missions. - Moore, E. -., Life Scenes from. - Nederl. Zendeling. Genoots. Missions, City. Albany City Miss. Soec. - Spirit of Brit. Miss., 1815. - Bailey, S., Sermon on, 1856. - Stevenson, W., Prot. Miss., India, 1721. - Bannard, W., Sermon, N. Y.' - Tappan, L., Am. Miss. Assoc. - Boston City Miss. Soc. - Turkey Missions Aid Soc. - Cleveland, C., Report, 1847. - United For. Miss. Soe. - Cuyler, S. L., Discourse for. - Wiley, Cemetery at Fuh Chau. - Five Points H. of Industry. - Wilks, S. C., Missions vindicated. - Home Miss. Soc., Phil'a. ~ Mississippi. Afleck's Almanac, 1854. - Murray, J., London City Miss. - Grvier, J., Relation, 1700. - Roxbury Ministry at Large. - New Orleans Directory, Biog. Salem City Mission. Salem City Mississippi River. Chicago Convention, lissions, Domestic. Amer. Bapt. Home 1847. M. Soc. - Journal...guerre du Micissippi, 1739. - Amer. Home Miss. Soec. - La Salle, Voy..pour Decouvrir. - Bushnell, Serm., Barbarism. - Letters of Verus, 1797. - Canada Educ. Seo. Rep. - Milburn, Pioneers of. - Canadian Home Miss. Fund. Missouri. Leffinwell, Resources of South- Colonial Miss. Soc. Lond. ern... Copy of Three Letters, 1740. -- Perrin du Lac, Voyage, 1805. - Dwight, W. T., Am. Home Miss., 1859. - St. Louis, Ann. Reviews, 1851-5. - Home Miss. Soc., Lond. - Statement, Miss. Dem. Delegation, 1856. - Mass. Miss. Soc. - Swallow, S. W. Missouri, 1859... - Mission Soc. of Conn., 1795-1822. Missouri Compromise. Fessenden, U. - New Hamp. Miss. Soc. P., Speech on, 1854. - N. Y. Miss. Magazine, 1800. - Hemphill, J., Speech, 1819. - N. Y. Prot. Episc. Miss. Soe. - Putnam, J. 0., Speech, N. Y., 1854. - Phil'a Home Miss. Soc. - Seward, W. H., Speech, 1854. Presb. Ch. Reports, 1850-55. - Tallmadge, Speech, 1819. - Shaw, J. B., Disc., Am. Home M. S. Mnemonics. Gayton, Memoria Philosoph- Southern Aid Society.ica. - Surrey Miss. Soc., 1839. - Murden, Art of Memory. - Wilson, J. L., On Am. Home Miss. Soc. Mobs. Inquiry into...riots, (Jones). [ SUPPL.] 129 1026 FIRST SUPPLEMENT. Nohammedani;sm. Abulfeda, Ann. Mus- Mloral Philosoplhy (continued)..- Self Entertainment, (Whateley), 1751. Burton's Pilgrimage. - Stewart, J., Mor. State of Nations. - Kora~n, Tradcl. Du Rlyer. - Stone, T., Serm., Selfishness, 1788. - Marracei, Refutatio Corani. - MMorals, P]ractical. Barrau, Morale PraMohammed, Vita et Doctrina, 1550. tique. ~I- Tassy, Mulsulxlmnes dlans l'Inideo -- Barret, Serm., Evil of Scandal. - r" La Foi Musulmane. - Beecher, H. W., Industry. - Turpin, Hist. de Alcoran. Carey, M., Phil. of Common Sense. See Arabic Authors. - Chapin, On Shameful Life. Mloldavic. Colson, Etat pr6sent, 18393 - Ecole de l'homme. Hagemeister, Report on Commerce, - Fowler, E., Vindication of Mor. Soci1836. eties, 1692. Moliereg J. B. P.o De. Voltaire, Vie de. - Fruytier, Salomons Raad. Mollusks. Bell, T., Brit. Crustacea. - Mason, J., Self Knowledge. - lHartwi'g, The Sea..................... - Mercier, Manuel de Motale. - (Economy of Iuman Life. Ray Society Publications. -- Reform or Ruin, (Bowdler), 1797o - See Aquaria. - Rives, Ethics of Christianity. folucca Is. Hakluyt Soc., No. 19. - Rush, Charges, Phil'a, 1804. goney. Carey, H. C., Money, a Lecture. - Shaw, R., Cabinet of Gems, 1845. Dealtry, Money, its History, etc. - Tottie, Serm. on Ridicule. - Labbe, Bibliot. nummaria. - Valerius Max., Factorum...Lib. IX. Sec. Currency. - Young Man's Mentor, 1842. Monk5, Gen. Art of Restoring, 1714. - Weekly Monitor, 1810. - Guizot, Monk and Washington. - Zedekunde.. voor Huisgeinunen. Monk, Io. Smith, S. B., On Disclosures of. Mr'Laviass, Davis, S., Shekomeko, N. Y. - Henry, J., Sketches of Life of. onmouth's oR ebeion. Allestree, Ser._ - Hclmes, list. of Missions of. Defeat of, 1685..- Moravian Ch. Fourth Centeno Monosgrams. Bryan, Diet. of Engravers. - oravian Rist. Soe. Christ, Dict. des Monogrammes. - Moravians compared. See Engraving. -- Reichel, In North Carolinao Monsters. Dowler, Gigantic Headed Boy. R- Rimius, Of the Herrnhuters, 1753. - Geoffroy, Monstres humaines. - Ritter, Mor. Ch., Phil'a. lMontevideo. Nufiez, Acct of, 1825. - Some Observations, 1751. M1ontgomery, J. Knight, H. C., Life of. - United Brethren, Text Book. 1M1onticello, 111, Baldwin, T., Hist. Add. rea J. V Sini Details conern Mreorgans D. Graham, J., Life of, 1856, Montreal. Lachlan, Nat. RIist. Soc. of. - Montreal in 1856. -l. I 11~2ieMormons. Book of Mormon. - Montreal, Guide, 1857. -- Ferris, B. G., Mormons at Home. St. Andrew's Church, 1844-49. -- Hyde, J., Mormonism. - Jackson, J.I H., Experiences at Nauvoo, Hoore9s Creek. Wright, J. G., Battle Moaore fs C r4eek.a rhtJ. G.,- Battl - cSmith, M. E. V., Fifteen Years with. of, N. C. M8Ioral Philosophry. Ast, Epikur. Ethik. - Van Dusen, Nauvoo Temple, 1848. - Atte~m~pt to shew, 1836. XP~orocco. Cailli6, Travels in, 1824. Bentham, E., Introduction to. - Inhabitants of 1843. - Clap, T., Essay on.. Moral Virtue. Morris, L. N. J. Hist. Soc., Papers of. Disc. concerning Virtue. Morse, R. Co M'Jilton, Discourse... Geulings, Ethica, 1697. -fGlirs, J.i Toulmuin, Life of, 1793. - Glei'z6s, Thalysie. - Johnson, A. B., Encyc. of Instruction. Miortality. See Life; Statistics. Louvain, Phil. Moralis. - tortimners E. Bulmer, A., Memoirs of. - Rush, Influence of Phys. Causes. t. Jershed, I Jnne Mor.amy, E. Funeral Ser-on 1729. St. Johjn Innate Mor. Principles. mon, 1729. SUBJECCT-INDEX. 1027 Mlnggletonians. Principles of, 1735. N. - True Representation of, 1694. - Williams, J., Pri.ciples of, 1694. Names. Arthur, W., Dictionary of. -- Willasms, J., Priaciples of, 1694. Bowditch, Suffolk surnames. Mualhouse. Socift6 Industrielle de... - Brady, Dissertation on, 1822. - Dixon, H. B., Surnames. Munich. Martius, Botan. Gartens in. - o - Shilr, hn, 19- Lower, Diet. of English names. Schmneller~ Miinchen, 1397-1403o ~Nantucket. Nantucket Papers. Munson, S. Thompson, W., Memoirs of. so, Thompon, Memoirs of. aples. Giannone, Hlistoire du Royaume,:Music. Adorno, M61ographie. - Gladstone, W. E., Two letters on, 1851.. - Almanach Musical, 1855. Napoleon [. Abbott, J. S. C., N. at St. - American Acad. of, Phil'a. Helena. - Barnett, J., Wilhelm System. - Chdnedoll6, Napoldon e Grand. -Bellini, Sonnamhnula. - French Pretender Unmasked. - Biblos Kaloumene Euterpe. - Las Casas, M. J., Meem. to St. Helena. - Catalogues of, Pam. V. 1104. - Porter, R. K., Campaign of 1812. Francken, A., Gebruik des Orgels. Napoleon HI.o Almanach de Napoleon, Hood, G., Hist of, in N. England. 1855. - Hullah, Wilhelm's Method. - Roth, Life of, 1856. -' Selection of Pieces. - Smueker, History of. La Madeleine, Theories du Chant. Narcissa. Pierquin, Tombeau de. Letter to Haldane, 1825. Nlatick, Mass. Bacon, 0., History of. - Lind, J., Concert. ]CiNatural fHistory. Acad. of Phil'a, Cat. Liverpool Mus. Festivals. of Crania. - Moore, J. W., Encyclopedia of. - Agassiz, Contributions, 1857. N. Y. Musical. Fund. - Baird, Cyc. of Nat. Sciences. North, E., Address, Uses of Music, 1858. - Boston Soc. of Nat. Hist. - Ortigue, Diet. de Plain-Chant. - Brown, T., Taxidermist's Manual. - Patriot's Cal., Marseilles Hymn. - Buc'hoz, Manuel Econ. des Plantes. - Quicherat, Principes de, 1846. - Buffon, Hist. Naturelle. - Richardson's Catalogue, 1855. - Buckland, Curiosities of, 1858. - Sight Singing, 1842. - Darwin, Origin of Species. - Sontag, H., Life of. - Delafosse, Notions d', 1846. - Van Tassel, Phonographic Harmonist. - Elliott Soc., S. Carolina. - Wheatstone, Transmis. of Mus. Sounds. - Extraordinary Siam Elephant. Winthrop, R. C., Ad. Mus. Fest., Bost. - Goldsmith, Animated Nature. - See Bibliograsphy.. - Gosse, Life in...animals. MZEusic, Coll~lectia.Qs osf Sac~red. Balti-l - Hall, J., Address, Auburn Theol. Sem. more Collection, 1819. - Hartwig, The Sea and its Wonders. Belknap, Middlesex Collection, 1802. L- yceum of Nat. Hist. N. Y. Hill, U. C., N. Y. S. M. Soc. Collection. - Mass. Educ., Report on Museum. - Janes, W., Harmonic Minstrelsy. - Mudie, Obs. of Nature. Law, A., Harmonic Companion. - Nat. Hist. Soc. of Montreal. Mason, L., Modern Psalmist. - Numan, Verhandeling, 1851, - Recucil de Psaumes. - Ray Society, Publications. - Rom. Cath. Church, G(raduale... O - Reeve, Torpidity of Animals. - Wyeth's Sacred Music, 1834. - Scheuchzer, Bijbel der Natuur. - Siamese Twins. Mtutual Aid. Belgium: Secours Mutuals. Smithson. Contributions. - Smithson. Contributions. - France: Mutual Aid Societies. - Mechanic's Mutual Protection. ~Spectacle de la Nature, (Le Pluche). -- tieren,.. der Zibethmaus. - Mutual Benefit Societies. - Thorp, C., Field-club of Tyneside. See Buildng Societies. - Tyson, Homo Silvestris (Pigmies). Mythology. Bell's New Pantheon. -- U.. Naval Exped. Chile. - Ramsay, Travels of Cyrus. - U. S. Nayv. Lyceum...preserving Arti- Smith, W., Diet. of Gr. and Rom. cles. 1028 FIRST SUPPLEMENT. Natural History (continued). Natural Religion and Theology (con- U. S., Pacific Railroad Reports. tinued). Vermont, Report, (Young), 1856. - Vermont, Rteport, (Young), 1856. -: Remarks upon a Late Discourse, 1737. - Robinson, A., On Hall's Mod. Infidelity. - Vincentius, Speculum Naturale, 1494. - -- Stewart, J., Rev. of Nature. - -See Aquaria; Zoology; etc. - Tindal, M., Defence of Rights, 1708. Natural Philosophy. Blair, D., Gram- Toland, Tetradymus, 1720. mar of, 1824. - Truth ascertained. - Brard, Dictionnaire, 1855. -- Vind. of Divine Attributes, (Collins). - Colden, First causes in matter, 1746. - Cony onLatentHe- Willatts, C., Serrm., Rel. of Nature, - Conv. on Latent Heat. 1756. - Cooper, C. C., Identities, 1848. - Williams, D., Letter to Collins, 1713. Dana, J. D., Laws of Cohesion. - Wollaston, W., Rel. of Nature. - Dexater, Phil. Apparatus. I — See Infidelity; Atheism; Deism; Rea- Darwin, Temple of Nature, Notes. son: Collins. - Musschenbroek, Beginsels d. Natnur- Naturalization. Atocha, Memorial, 1852. kunde. -- HIunt, W., Speech on the Laws of. - Olmsted, Compendium of... - Rhodes, J. R., Speech, N. Y. Assem. - Pierce, B., Phys. and Celest. Mechanics. - Sanderson, Repub. Landmarks. Phelps, A. H. L., Nat. Phil. for - Two Tracts...Aliens in England, 1814. Schools. - See Emigration; Suffrage. - Phillips, R., Mech. Causes of Phenom. - Pike, S., Phil. Sacra., 1815. Nature. Aikin, J., Calendarof. Nature. - Pike, S., Phil, Saera., 1815. I - - Bange, Boek der Natuur. - Silliman, B., First Principles of, 1859. - Sonnet, Notions de Physique. Bushnell, Nature and Supernatural. - Sonnet, Notions de Physique. - Walferdin, Echelles Thermom6triques. - Martinet, Catech. of Nature.'- ~~~- -Mudie, Obs. of Nature. - Walker, A., Lectures on, 1780. - Winkler, Beginselen d. Natuurkunde. Navigation. Amer. Ephemeris, 1856-60. See Meteorology; Magnetism; Micros- - Bache, N. Y. Sailing Directions. cope; Physics; Science. - Barney, Collins's Steamers. Natural Religion and Theology. Beaufoy,Naut. Experiments. Bate, J., Answer to Chubb and - Blackborrow, On Longitude, 1678. Collins. - - Blunt, West Coast of N. A. - Bentley, R., Remarks on Collins. - " Amer. Coast Pilot. - Bible of Nature. -- Brown, R., Speech, Nayv. Laws, 1847. - Bulkley, Observations on, 1757. - Bureau des Longitudes, Annuaire. - Bullock, T., Writings. - Cespedes, Regimiento de Nav. - Concise Examinations, 1856. - Ericsson, Petition to Congress, 1848. - Culte des Theophilanthropes. - Hillary, Preserv. from Shipwreck. - Derham, Astro-theology. - Holden, Sermon on. - Dove, A Creed Founded on Truth. - India and Australia Steam Comp. Dunton, J., Religio Bibliopola3. - Mickles, Snag Nullifier. - Emanuel, Janus on Zion. - Nanninga, Pract. Zeeman, 1815. - Five Letters, 1737. - Van den Scheepsbouw. - Free Thinking... stated, 1713. - Nautical Almanac, Lond. - Geometry...infidelity, 1734. - Palmer, J., Catholique Planisphaer. - Heinzen, K., Letters to a Pious Man. - Remarks on the Calumnies...on Ship- Hurd, R., Remarks on Hume. builders, 1814. - Jackson, J., Remarks on Tindal. - Shreve, Removal of Snags. - Lewis, T., Discourse on. Totten, Naval Text Book. - Martin, T., On Brougham's Paley. - Young, G. F., Free Trade and,..1849. - Monthly Jubilee, Phil'a, 1855. - Wilkes, C., Theory of Winds. - Moore, J., Propositions of, 1736. Navy. Anderson, A., Speech, Steam Navy. - Morgan, T., Defence of Moral Philoso- - C:arroll, Star of the West. pher. - Dalrymple, A., Loss of the Grosvenor. - Munch, F., Treatise on Religion. - Da-Olmi, D'Hygiene Navale, 1828. - Patten, T., Religion of Nature. - France, Ordinance, 1689. - Queries to Collins, 1713. - Inglefield, Of the Centaur, 1783. SUBJECT-INDEX. 1029 Navy (continued). New England (continued). - Ralfe, Battle of Navarin. - Byfield, Revolution in, 1689. - Sargent, J. O., Improvements in N. - Church's History. Warfare. - Clerke, J., Ill Newes from, 1652. - U. S. Boat Armaments. -- Coolidge, History of, 1860. - See Great Britain, Navy; U. S., Navy. Edards, J., Thoughts on Revivl, Navy, Flogging in. Essay on Flogging 1740. in, 1849. - Eliot, J., The Day Breaking, 1647. - Porter, Speech on Flogging in, 1850. - Elliott, C. W., New England Hist. to - Stockton, Speech on Flogging in. 1776. Nazareth Hall. Reichel, History of, 1855. - Fleming's Register, 1772, 86. - Good Newes from, 1648. Neal, D. Jennings, D., Sermon on, 1743. - ewett, Gazetteer of, 829. Nebraska. Botts, J. M., Letters on, 1853. - Hillard, G. S., Address,, N. Y. - Woolworth, Nebraska, 1857. -- Hopkins, M., Oration, 1854. Nebraska, Debates on. Clayton, Speech - Jenks, W., Address N. E. H. G. Soc., on, 1854. 1852. - Clingman, Speech, 1854. - Jennison, W., Lash for a Lyar, 1658. - Comments on: Albanyj 1854. - Johnson, E., History of, 1654. - Fenton, Speech, 1854. -- Josselyn, Voyages, 1675. - Houston, S., Speech, 1854. - Lechford, Plain Dealing, 1642. - Hunt, T. G., Speech, 1854. - Levett, Voyage into, 1628. - Hunter, R. M. T., Speech on, 1854. - Mather, I., Elijah's Mantle, 1722. - Preston, W., Speech, 1854. - " Revol. in N. E. Justified. - Toombs, Speech, 1854. - " Remarkable Providences. - See Kansas Debates. - Morse, J., Compend. History of. Nelson, 3H. Townsend, J., Serm., Death - Morton, T., N. E. Canaan, 1632. of. -- New and Further Narr., 1676. - Serm., Trafalgar Vict., Pam. V. 379. - New England, Laws, 1641. Nestorians. Laurie, Dr. Grant and. - New Engl. Business Directory. - Smith, E., Researches, 1833. New England Soc., N. Y. Stoddard D. T. Narrative of 1857 - New Engl. Plantation, (Higginson). - Stoddard, D. T., Narrative of, 1857. N-. Y. Hist. Soc. Coll., S. 2, V. 3. Net~herl~ands. See Holland. - Oliver, P., Puritan Commonwealth. Nettleton, A. Tyler, B., Life of. - Palfrey, History of, 1860. Nevers, France. Morellet, LeNivernois. - Penhallow, Hist. of Wars of. New Bedford, Mass. Ricketson, His- - Planters' Plea, (White), 1630. tory of. - Phips, W., Action with the French, 1691. Newberry, S.gC. O'Neall, Annals of. - Present State of N. E., 1675. New Brighton, N. Y. Wotherspoon, - Shepard, T., The Clear Sunshine, 1648. Case of the Church. - Smith, J., Description of, 1616. New Brunswick. Atkinson, W., Account - " N. E's Trials, 1622. of. -'" Advertisements, etc., 1631. - Monro, A., Account of, 1855. - Thornton, J. W., Oliver's Puritans. Newbury, Mass. Withington, Hist. Dis- - UJhden, Congregationalists of N. E. course. - Upham, C. W., Oration, 1846. NewlburyportL, Lass. Morss, J., Episc. - Vindication of New England, 1691. Church in. C- Ward, N., Cobler of Agawam. Newcastle, Duke of. Letter to His - Warr in New England, 1677. Grace, 1757. - Winslow, E., Brief Narrative, 1646. New England. Adams, A., Planting of.. - "I Good news from, 1624. Two Disc., 1769. - " New England's Salaman- Backus, Church History, 1620-1804. der, 1647. - Bishop, G., N. E. Judged, 1660. - See CongregationalChurches; Puritans. - Brief Relation, 1689. - Brief Review of, 1774. Newfoundland. Mullaly, Trip to, 1855. - Brooks, C., Clergymen's Salaries. Newgate, Conn. Phelps, R. H., Hist. of. 1030 FIRST SUPPLEMENT. New Granada. Holton, Twenty Months Newspapers, American (continued). in the Andes. - Massachusetts Spy. - Merritt, Of Mineral de Veraguas. - Mor. and Pol. Telegraph, 1796. - Proposed Oceanic Comm. - National Intelligencer, 1813-48..New Hampshire. Charlton, E. A., N. - Nieuwsbode, De, Sheboygan, 1857. H. as it is, 1856. - Ohio State Journal, 1845-6. - Congregational Churches of. - Presbyterian, Philadelphia, 1854-59. - Coolidge, History of. - Royal Gazette, Prince Edward Island, -- Lawrence, R. F., N. H. Churches. 1837-44. - Merrill, E., Gazetteer of, 1817. - Salem Gazette, 1790-1&15. - New Hamp. Festival, Boston. - Sante F6 Gazette, 1858, 9. - New Hampshire Register. Newspapers, New York. Albany ArNew Hampshire Local History. See gus, 1855. Candia; Charlemont; Concord; - Albany Evening Atlas, 1855-6. Dublin; D unbarton; Hampton; - Albany Evening Journal, 1854-9. Manchester; Mason; Merrimack Manchester; Masonut; errimack - Albany Morning Express, 1854-5. Valley; Portsmouth; Temple. - Albany State Register, 1854-6. New ]Haven9 Coun. Barber, Views in- Albany Daily Statesman, 1856 1825. - New Ha~ven Directories, 1847-51. - Amer. Daily Citizen, Albany, 1842-44. - Trumbull, B., Discourse, 1773. - Atlas and Argus, Albany,. 1855-60. - Balance, Hudson, 1807-10. New Jersey. New Jersey Congr. Elect., 1838New ersey. NChristian Intelligencer, N. Y., 1855-8. - Scot, Model of Gov't of, 1685. - Columbian Gazette, Utica. - Scott, J. W., Of the Legis. Council, - Columbian Mercury, Canaan. 1842. - Courrier des Etats Unis, 1856-59. - Whitehead, Contributions, 1856. - Daily Advertiser, N. Y., 1787. - See Bergen; Perth Amboy; Trenton. - Examiner or N. Y. Recorder, 1855, 58. Newman, T. Pickard, Serm., Death of. - -erald, Weekly, N. Y., 1855. - Log Cabin, (Greeley), 1840. New lMexico. Brackenridge, Early Dis- - National Police Gazette. coveries in. - Weightmaln, Me~morial, 1851. - New York Bapt. Register, 1826-55. - N. Y. Daily Times, 1851-60. New Orleans. Clapp, T., Sketches, 1857. N- Y.Y. Daily Tribune, 1852-59. - New Orleans as it is, 1850. -- Nrleans asitisA, 1850. - N. Y., Newspapers of, in 1855. - Tranchepain, Urselines a, 1727-33. - N. Y. Observer, 1855-59. N. Y. Observer, 1855-59. Newport, R. I. Cahoone's Sketches. - N. Y. Recorder, 1855. Newspapers. Coggeshall, Newsp. Record, - N. Y. Reformer, Watertown, 1851. 1856. ~~1856B~. -- Northern New Yorker, 1850. - Great Britain: Newsp. Stamps. - Old Settler, 1855, 6. - Newspaper duties. - Protestant Churchman, N. Y.j 1854-6. - Streeter, G. L., Period. of Salem, Mass. - Rochester Observer, 1827. - See Bibliography, Newspapers, His- - St. Lawrence Advertiser, 1850. tory of. - St. Lawrence Free Press, 1854. Newspapers, American. Antigua Week- - Voice of the People, Albany, 1858. ly Gazette, 1842, 44. -- Voice of the People, Albany, 1858. -- Boston Chronicle, 1768. - Yonkers Examiner, N. Y., 1856, 7. - Boston Evening Post, 1767-75. - Young America, N. Y., 1856. - Boston Gazette, 1758, 59, 62. Newspapers, European. Amsterdam - Boston News Letter, 1762, 1826. Gazette, 1744-69. - Chenango Free Democrat, 1850. - Journal de Constantinople, 1846-56. - Columbian Star, Washington. - Illustrated London News. -I Farmer's Chronicle, Conn., 1793. - Illustrated News of the World. - Federal Galaxy, Vt., 1797.. - Moniteur (Le), Paris, 1789-1836. - Federal Gazette, Bait., 1808-13. - Moniteur Ottoman, 1831-36. - Independent Chronicle, 1794. - Presse d'Orient, Smyrne, 1855. - Independent Gazetteer, 1791. - Times, Lond., 1855-59. - Kansas Herald of Freedom. - ewton, I. Hague, W. Discourse, 1859. SUBJECT-INDEX. 1031 Newton, R. Jackson, T., Life of. New York Pamphlets: Political, etc. (continued). Newtong iMass. Jackson, W., History of, (continued). 1854.ewto - Albany Ratification, 1853. Amer. Repub. Party, 1845. New York State. Asher, Dutch Books on. Amer. Repubt. Party, 1845. - Brodhead, History of, 1609-64. - Appendix to Impartial Statement, 1792. - Congregational Churches of. - Colles, Waste Lands, 1785. - Connecticut, Report on Boundary, 1857. - Constitutional Reform, 1841. - Donck, Remonstrance, 1649. -- Epaminondas, Answer to Troup. - Fontaine, Mem. of a Huguenot Fa. — Examination of... Military Grants, 1800. Goodenow, Topog. Man. of` 1811. G- Facts and Considerations, 1852. - Genesee River, 1853. - Impartial Statement, 1792. - Hastings, H. P., Constitut. Reform. - Marcus, Letters to Clinton, 1810. - Hough, Results of N. Y. Census. - Middleton, W. H., Hist. of my Friend, - Lambrechsten, Disc. of N. Netherland. 1816. - Lerow, Duties of Officers. - Orange County, Dividing of. - Michailius's Letter, 1628. - Nat. Democ. State Convy., 1855. - Murphy, Biog. Sketches of the Legisla- - Party in Power, 1848. taure, 1858, 59. - Perkins, B., Speech, Wash., 1854. - New York; MarPiiaces to 1784. - Political Wars of Otsego. - Oxford Academy Jubilee. - Reasons for Rejoicing, 1837.. - Result of the Election, 1846. - Owego Pioneer Festival. - Photog. Senate Albumn, 1858. - Review and Expos., Ballston, 1816. - Prot. Episc.S e Church, N.. - Schuyler, Remarks on Revenue, 1792. -- Po.Ei.ChrN.Y- Schuyler County, Facts, 1856. - Rees, Nederl. Volkplantingen in N. A. - Short Advice 1774. - Seymour, H., Lect. on tIistory of. 1 -- Society of Tammany, Address, 1819. - Street, A. B., Saranacs and Racket.ddress, 1819. - Council of Revision. - Southwick, S., Two Letters, 1819. - Vindication of the Public Faith, 1840. -- W estbrook, Speech, Hards and Softs, - Wooley, Two Years Journall 1679. 1854. New York Almanacs, Registers, etc. New York City. Barnard, J. G., DeBurr, Guide to Map. fences of, 1859. Disturnell's State Reg., 1858. - Booth, History of, 1859. - French, J. H., Gazetteer, 1860. - Boyd's Pict. Directory, 1859. - Hough, N. Y. Civil List, 1857. - Boyd's Tax Book, 1857. - N. Y. Manual for the Legislature, - Brief Treatise of Police, 1812. 1855-60. - Dunshee, School of the Ref. Prot. - N. Y. Pocket Aim., 1761, 70, 88, 95. Dutch Ch. - N. Y. Traveller, 1845. - First Baptist Church, 1829. - Rivington's Alm., 1774. - Francis, J. W., New York, 1800-57. - Smith, C., Gentleman's Alm., 1801. - Free School Society. New York Canals. See Canals. - High Life in N. Y. - Martyrs...Wallabout Bay. New Yourk Local[ ]FPistoryo See Albany; - Mathews, J. M., Fifty Years in, 1858. Binghamton; Chautauqua County; Chenango Co.; Columbia Co.; Cort- - Michalius, J., Letter, 1628. land Co.; Essex Co.; Gloversville; New York City; Documents. Greene; Herkimer; Kingsboro; - NewYork Guides, 1817 53. Lewis Co.; Little Britain; Onondaga; Palmyra; Southold; Steu- New York in Slices, 1849. ben Co.; Syracuse; Ticonderoga; - New York Jour. of Commerce, Abuses, Troy. 1853. New York Pam pMhlerts 1 Paolitical, etc. - New York, Sketch of, 1853. Address, 1784. - New.York, Strangers' Guide, 1817. - Address, Great State Road, 1826. - Olden Time in,,1833. - Address to the Indep. Electors, 1810. - Plain Statement by Landholder, 1818. - Address to the People, 1808. - Public School Soc., 1832. - Aitkin, Speech on Taxes, 1854. - Reminiscences of the City. - Albany Atlas: Syracuse Conv., 1847. - Remonstrancc.. Ships and Piers, 1857. 1032 FIRST SUPPLEMENT. New York City (continued). North Carolina. Reichel, Moravians in. - Remonstrance.... Pilot Law. North East Boundary. Evans, G., Speech - St. Jude's Prot. E. Free Church. on, 1838. - Spring, G., Hist. Discourses, 1858., Featherstonhaugh, Obhs. on, 1843. - Stanton St. Bapt. Ch. - Palmerston, Remarks on, 1842. - Stryker, Hist. Disc., Broome St. Ch. - Williams, R., Speech on, 1838. - Thompson, J. P., Hist. of the Taber- North Yarmouth, Me. Letters to a nacle. Friend, 1824. - Valentine's Manual, 1856-60. - Vertoogh van N. Nederland. - Wealthy Citizens of, 1842. Norway. Laing, The Heimskringla. - Wilson's Copartnership Direct., 1856. - Sturleson, Chronicle of Kings of. - Wood, F., Communications, 1856-57. Norwich, Eng. History of, 1768. New York Historical Society. Pro- Norwich, Conn. Gilman, Hist. Discourse, ces Verbal, etc., 1820. 1859. — Norwich Jubilee, -1859. Nlew York University. Vethake, Resignations, 1833. NottI, E. Union College, Pamphlets. New Zealand. Canterbury Colonists, 1850. Nova Scotia. Belcher's Alman., 1846-59. - Mundy;-G. C., Our Antipodes, 1855. - Cunabell's Almanac, 1859. Niagara Falls. Johnson, F. H., Guide to. - Dawson,J. W., Agriculture in, 1856. -- ~.~ Acadian Geology. - Niag. Falls Hydraulic Co. - Tunis, Giuide to, 1855. - Hamilton, T. S., N. S. for Emigration; - Howe, J., Speeches, etc. Nicaragua. Stout, P. F., Past and Future - Martin, R. M., Brit. Col. Lib. V. 6. of, 1859. Monro, A., Account of, 1855. - Walker, W., The War in, 1860. - Wells, W. V., Amer. Expeditions to. - Nugent's Almanac, 1856. ee Central America. - Present state of, 1787. - See Central America. - Provin. Wesleyan AIm., 1859. Nichols, I. Peabody, A. P., Sermon, Fu- Ramea, France aux Colonies. neral of. nernl of. -- Rameau, France aux Colonies. Nicol, J. Copy of Three Letters, 1740. Nullum Temnpus Act. Portland, Duke of, Case. Nineveh. Bonomi, Nineveh. Numbers. See Arithmetic. Neon-Conformnity. See Conformity; Toleration. I Numismatics. Bizot, Hist. M6tal. de HolNoorddijk, Neth. Boeles, Leerrede, 1846. lande. Norfolk Co.,, Mass. Alden, Hist. of Med. - Bowring, J., Decimal System. Prof. - Burn, J. H., Loend. Tokens, 1600-1700. Normandy. Palgrave, Hist. of. - Bushnell, C. I., Amer. Tokens. - Bushnell, Three Amer. Tokens. Norths Lord. View of Hist. of G. B., 1782. - n - Coin Catalogues, 2 vols. North America. Alvarez, Colon. Inglesas, - England, T. H., Hebrew Medal. 1778. -- Fleetwood, Serm. on Clipping. America, W. I., 1655. - Baily, Tour, 179- Folkes, Engl. Gold Coins, 1736. B- aily, Tour, 1796, 97. - Bingley, W., Travels in, 1821. - German mperors.,- Goltz, Hist. Imp. Rom. ex Numism. - Campbell, P., Travels in, 1791, Imp. Rom.,- Hearne, J. A, Catalogues, Lend. - Canada, Northwest Territory, 1858.., Catalogues, Lod. -- f, ~~12. - Hickcox, J H., American Coinage. - Kingdom, Amer. and Brit. Colon., 1820. * - Hist. Abr. des Prov. Unies, Pais Bas. - Logan, J. F., Notes of a Journey. -- ist. Abr. Des Pais Bas, 1701. - McGee, Irish Settlers in. - PresentIrish State,(thel 170- Kerrick, T., Cat. of Roman Coins. - Present State, (Mitchell-) 1767... —. - Langlois, Num. des Nomes d'Egypte. - Present State of Brit. Empire, 1768. - Lincoln & Son, Cat., Lend., 1856. -- See America; United States; Canada. - in, 1 - Orsini, Familiee Romance, 1597. Northamptoln Co., Eng. Baker, Hist. of. _ Manutius, De vet. Notarum Explana- Marcus, Letter, 1822. tione. Northampton, Mass. Allen, W., Hist. - Pietraszewski, Numi Mohammedani. Discourse. - Prime, Coins, Medals, 1861. SUBJECT-INDEX. 1033 Numismatics (continued). Ohio. Kilbourn, Ohio Gazetteer, 1826. R- evue de la Numis., Beige, 1842-8. - Ohio State Directory, 1854. - Schoenemann, Vaterlandischen Miinz- - Patterson, Hist. of the Backwoods. kunde. - Whittlesey, C., Early History of. - Selden, De Nutmmis. Ohio Local History. See Dayton; - Snelling, Coinage of England. Portsmouth; Zanesville. - Snowden, Medals of Washington. ~ — DseroforegnCins O~hio River. Cincinnati Chamb. of Come ~~ Desor. of Foreign Coins. - Conclin's New Rivert Guide, 1852. Souvenirs Numismatiques, 1848. - Haupt, Improvement of, 1855. - Spanhemius, Numismatum Antiquorum. - Svenska Mynt, 1845. Oil. See Coal Oils. - Sykes, Catalogue of Auction: Priced, Old Age. See Life. 1824. 1824. Oldenbarnevelt. Brandt, Rechtspleging, -- Till, Roman Denarius. 1618. - Tornabeg, Numi Cufici. Onderdonllk, B. T. No Church, etc., 1845. - Young, M., Sale Cat., Lond, 1839. - Puseyism and Episcopacy. S- S~ee Bikbliograaphy; Currency. - Richmond, J. C., Conspiracy against. Onderdonk, HI U. Statement of the O. Facts, 1827. O)aths. Briefe Treatise, 1650. O'Nealeg J. Weems, Life of. - Hellier, Obligation of Oaths. Onondaga Co., N. V. N. Y. St. Agrie. Trans., 1859. H Iint, The, 1737. Hint, The, 737. ntario Co., N. Y. Dickson, Speech, - Hudson, C., Incomp. of Witnesses. 1834. - Leigh, Speech on Oaths. Opinions, Religious. Foster, J., Let- Lewis, E., Dissertation on, 1838. ters on, to Stebbing, 1735. - Letter to a Diss. Clergyman, 1690. - Palmer, Formation of Rel. Opino - Mass., Witnesses' Belief. - Reflections on Faith. - Our Political Oaths, 1855. - Simonde, Progress of, 1827. -- Penn, W., Treatise on, (Works). - Sykes, Innoceney of Error. - Sherlock, T., Vind. of Test Acts. - Stebbing, H., Religious Sincerity. Steele, T., Iniquity of, 1829. - Wilks, S. C., Influence of a Moral Life. - Stillingfleet, On the Oaths, 1689. - See Creeds; Reason. - Their-present Majesties, 1691.. Orations, July 4. Adams, J. Q., Boston, - Venn, R., Lawfulness of the Oaths, 1734. 1793. Oatman, Misses. Stratton, Captivity of, - Alger, W. R., Boston, 1857. 1858. - - Barnard, D. D., Albany, 1835. Obedience. See Authority; Charles I.; -- Bigelow, T.,'Boston, 1853. Oaths; etc. -- Boies, P., Blandford, Mass., 1814. Ocean. See Sea. - Boston Celebration, 1858. Odd Fellows. Hume, J. W., Address on, - Choate, Oration, 1858. - 1848. -- De Saussure, Columbia, S. C., 1826. - Independent Order of. - Doane, G. W., Address, 1848. - Odd Fellowship exposed. - Dunlap, A., Salem, Mass. - Townsend, G. F., Sermon, Engl., 1840. - Dwight, T., 1798. S- ee Secret Societies.. - Everett, E., Boston, 1858. Officers. Barton, D., Removal of, 1830. - Foote, H. G., Ogdensburgh, 1856. - Bouriaud, Administration Communale.- Frenh, E, Dem. Repub, Boston. Fr- enhan R. Sermon, Charleston, S. Co - Ewing, T., Speech on Removals. Charleston, S. C. - Jefferson, T., Manual of Parliament. - Gleason,B., Hingham, Mass., 1807. - Lerow, Politician's Maanual. - EHolmes, J. S., Boston, 1858. - New York; Manual of Legislature. - Law, S. A., Stamford, N. Y., 1858. - Officeholders, N. Y., 1822. - Learned, W. F., Newburgh, N. Y. - Smith, T., Speech on Removals. - Lord, J. C., Buffalo, 1858. - U. S. Investigating Committee's Re- Lunt,G., Newburyport, 18-6. ports, 1857, 60. - Maxcy, J., Columbia, S. C., 1819. See Elections. -- May S. J. Jamestown, N. Y., 1856. [SUPPL.] 130 1034 FIRST SUPPLEMENT. Orations, July 4 (continued). Oriental Literature (continued). Moseley, E., Newburyport, 1808. - Clarke, A., Bibliog. Misc. - Nichols, I., Salem, 1805. - Elliot, HI. M., Index to M.uhammedann - Parker, E. G'., Boston, 1856. Hist. - Pickering, J., Salem, Mass., 1804. -- Herbelot, Bibliot. Orientale. - Powers, H. P., Ypsilanti, Mich. - Klaproth, Sprache der UJiguren, - Putnam, J. O., Lockport, 1856. - Marathi Tracts. - Ramsay, D., Charleston, S. C., 1794. - Oriental Trans. Fund. - Rantoul, R., Gloucester, Mass., 1853. - Phenician Inscr., Sidon. R- ichardson, E. J., Utica, N. Y., 1850. - Zambelli, Influenza dagli Arabi. - sh, R., 1812, Washington. - See Arabic; Persian; Languages; Grammars; Dictionaries. Sheldon, J., Buffalo, 1852. - Smith, G. W., Fairfield, N. Y., 1856, 9. Original Sin. See Depravity. - Smith, I-., Albany, 1858. Orleans, 31lass. Pratt, E., History of. Smith, J. C., Sharon, Ct., 17980 Carte, Life of. Ormoad, Duke of. Carte, Life of. Smith, 0., Johnson, Vt., 1826. J 1. Ornithology. Buffon, Hist. Naturelle. Warner, G. J., New York, 1797. - Warneran, E., NewtYork, 1797. - Cassell's Feathered Tribes, 1854. - Waterman, E.,- Hartford,.1794. - W- Cassin's Birds of California. - Wilder, J. l., Ballston, 1855...- B13irds of Chile. Oratory. Besplas, Eloq. of Pulpit. -- Gould, J., Humming Birds. - Bingham, Amer. Preceptor. - _ Toucans. - Langhorne, Eloq. of the Pulpit. - "~ Partridges of Amer. - McElligott, American Debater. M- orris, F. 0., British Birds. - Orator (The), Period., 1856. Orphans. Buffalo Osphan Asylum. - Peckard, Serm., Christian Oratory.. Porter, E., Anal. of Rhet. Delivery. Clergy Orphan SO., 1846. - " Rhe-t Reader- Mlontreal Prot. O. Asylum. - Orphan Asylum, N. Y. Practice of Extern. Preaching. - H- Orphans' Home, Iowa. Quintilian, Instit. of Oratory. Russell Prospectus 1844- Orphans' Home, Prot. Epis. Ch. Russell, W., Prospectus, 1844. - Orphan Work. School, Lond. Scott, W., Lessons in Eloc. Orphan Soo Smith, J. F., Pulpit Eloquence. - Soc. for the Relief of, N. Y. See Speeches. - See Charities; Children; Industrial, Order of TJnited Americans. See Amer. Party. Party. Osborn~ Sir T. Montagu, R., Two Letters, 1679. Ordel so Hist. des Ordres militaires. ters, Ossial. HIighland Society's Report. Ordination. See Clergy. Otis -J. Bowen, F., Life of. Oregon. Beeson, Late war in, 1857. - Great Britain, America, 1846. Ottawao Canada, Lands Dept. Report. - Hudson's Bay Co., 1848. Owen, J. Hughes, J., Sermon on, 1822. - Tucker, E. History of, 1844. Oxford, Eligo Copleston, Education at, - Wilkes, G., History of, 1845. 1810. egon, es etc. Hinton, J., Dissenters in, 1792. Oregon, Debates on BEouldary, etc. - - Calhoun, J. C., Speech, U. S. Sen. - Oxford Guide, 1790. - Crittencien, Speech on, 1846. - See Universities. Dickinson, D. S., Speech, 1840. Oxford Co, Canada. Shenston, GazetDix, J. A., Speeches on, 1846. teer of. - Hilliard, H. W., Speech, 1846. Oxfordshire, Eng, Cooke's Topog. Lib. - Haywool, W. H., Speech, 1840. - Old and New Interest, 1753. Rockwell, J. A., Speech, 1846. - Webster, D., Speech, 1848. P. - YPancey, W. L., Speech, 1846. Pacific Railroad* Atlantic and Pacific. Orient, N. Y. Griffin, A., Journal, 1857. - Colton, C., Lecture on, 1850. Or'iental Literature. Amer. B. of Com- - Dearborn, Description of Route, 1849. missioners, Tamil Phrases, - Few Remarks upon, 1853. SUBJECT-INDEX. 1035 Pacific Railroad (continued). Paintings, Catalogues and DescripGwin, W. M., Speech on, 1854. tions of (continued). Hall, W. M., Speech, 1847. - Exeter Hall Exhib., 1832. Kansas City, Memorial, 1858. -- France: Museums, Catalogues. - Mills, R., Plan of Roadway. - French School of Artists. - San Francisco Railroad, 1849. - Huntington, D.,:Catalogue, 1850. - Smyth, R. C., Brit. Col. R. R., 1844. - Intman, H., Works by. Southern Pac. R. R., Texas. - Jarvis, S. F., Cat. of, 1851. Stevens, I. N., Address, 1858. - Las Marismas, Cat. de la Galerie de. U. S. Pacific R. R. Reports. - Leuchtenberg, Cat. de la Galerie. See Railroads. - Leutze, Washington. - Marshall's Panoramas. Pageants. Percy Soc. Publications, V. 10.- ~ - Mus6e du Louvre, Notice. Paine,, T. Hincks, T. D., Letters on - Mus6e du Luxembourg. Works of. - National Acad. of Design, Exhibitions, Vail, G., Life of, 1837. 1830-56. Painting, Barnard, G., Painting in Water Netherlands, Musde Royale. Colors. - N. Y. Exhibition Cat., 1853. - Barry, J., Works. - Nyc, G., Old Masters, 1858. - Buchanan, Memoirs on. - Peale's Court of Death. - Fielding, T. H., Theory and Practice.of. - Penn'a Acad. Exhib., 1819, 55. Gibbes, Deveaux's Memoir. R- oyal Acad. of Arts. - Hist. Gallery of... Paintings, 1811. - Smith, J. R., Panorama of Europe. Jarves, J. J., Art Studies: Italy, 1861. - Spain, Mus6e du Roi, 1830. Kugler, The Italian Schools. - Turner Gallery. Leslie, C. R., Autobiography. - Vanderlyn, Panorama of Versailles. - Montaiglon, Hist. de l'Academie de - Weir, Embark. of Pilgrims. Peinture. -- West, B., Christ Rejected. - Rembrandt, (Euvre de, (Blanc). Palaontology. See Fossils. Reynolds, J., Works. - Ruskin, Modern Paiznt~ers. BPalestine. Edwards, H., Colonization of, 1846. Society of Antiquaries: Historical Paintings. - Osborn, II. S., Palestine, 1859. - South Kensington Museum. - - Robinson, E., Later Researches in. - Spooner, Dict. of Painters. - Seaton's Map. - Waagen, Treas. of Art in G. Britain. Stnley, Sinai and Palestine. - See Fine Arts. - Thomson, W. M., Land and the Book, Paintings, Catalogues amnd Descrip _ See Jerusalem; Syria. tions of. Amer. Art Union, 1852. - Amer. Exhib. of British Art. Palmer, IW. B., L., Few Words on, 1856. - ApsleyHouse, Lond. | Palmyra,, N. Y. Eaton, H., Early His- Auction Sales, Catalogues, N. Y., Pam.l tory of. V. 499.. Pamphlets. See Bibliography. Bangs Brother & Co., N. Y., 1850. Bangs Brother Co., N.., 1850. Panama. Chevalier, L'Isthme de Panama. - Banyard, Holy Land. -- Griswold, C. D., The Isthmnus, 1852. - Bayne's Europe, Panorama. - See CentralAmerica; New Granada. - Belmont Exhibition, N. Y. - Brewer's Mammoth Cave, etc. Paper. Delandine, M6m. Bibliog. Bryan Gallery, N. Y. - Great Britain; Patents. - Bullock's Mexico. - Guettard, Materials for Paper. - Bunyan Tableaux. - Guilanldinus, Papyrus, 1572. - Burford, Descr. of Rome. - Jansen, Origine de la Gravure. Carey, W., Chaucer's Pilgrims. - Koops, Substances used for.. - Chauncy, N. Y., 1858. - Meerman, De chartoa vulg. origine. - David, Coronation of Napoleon. - Munsell, Chronol. of paper making. - Dubufe's Exhibition, N. Y. - Pinondel, L'Asphodble. Dusseldorf Academy, N. Y. - Reiman, Idea Systematis, etc. 1036 FIRST SUPPLEMENT. Paper (continued). Peace (continued). - Schubarth, Repert. der techn. literatur. - Ladd, W., Essay on a Congress. Paraguay. Bibaud, Des Jesuites au... - Peace Soc. DuraRelation, 1638. - Peace Almanac, 1845. - Duran% Relation. 1638. - Robertson, J. P., Letters on, 1838. - Prize Essays; Congr. of Nations. B - Quincy, J., Address, Mass. Peace Soc., Paralysis. Malcomson, Hist of Beriberi. 1820. Paris. Jarves, J. J., Parisian Sights. - Soc. for the promotion of, Lond., 1832. - Paris Directory, 1834. - See War. - See Typography. Pearce, S. Ryland, Serm., Death of. Parker, T. Furness, W. ILH., Discourse on, Pearson, E. Simeon, Cautions, or a letter - 1845. to. - Sargent, J. T., Discourse on, 1852. Pehmoller, C. N. Petersen, In memoriam. Parkinson, W. First Baptist Ch., N. Y. Penn, W. Forster, W. E., W. P. and To Parks. N. Y. City, Cent. Park, Reports. B. Macaulay. - Roxbury, Report on Public Squares. - Paget, I., Macaulay's Charges. - Snelling, Memorial for. - Weems, Life of. Parliament. See Officers; Great Britain, Pennsylvania. Balch, T., Papers relating Parliamentary. to. Parr, S. White, J., Statement, 1790. - Bowen, E., Sketch-hook of. -- Brackenridge, Insurrection of 1794. Parsons, P. Searl, J., Funeral Serm., 1r'76..-_ Brief state of, 1755. Parsons, T. Parsons, T., Memoir of. - Chambers, Irish and Scotch Settlers. - Jardine, L. J., Letter from, 1795. Parsons, W~. Young, A., Disc., Death of. _ Mem. of pub. creditors, 1790. Partnership. Articles of... Association. - Mittelberger, Reise nach, 1750. Party. Duer, J., Evils of Party. - Plantagenet's New Albion. Patagonia. Bourne, The Captive in, 1853. True and Impartial State, 1759. - Hamilton, J., Mem. of Williams. Upland Court Record, 1776-81. - Patagonian Society. Pennsylvania Local History. S;ee Lackawanna Valley; Lu erne; PhiPatents. France; Patents, Descriptions. ladelphia; Wyoming. - France; Patents, Catalogues. Pensions. Hubbard, H., Speech, 1832. - Firanklin Institute, Journal of. - SaffellRecords; Pension laws. - Great Britain;' Patents. - Hindmarch, Patent Law Defects. Pereeval, Sp. Gray, R., Sermon on. - Repertory of Pat. Inv., Indexes. Perfumes. Farina, Eau de Cologne. - U. S., Comm'rs Reports, 1855-59. Periodicals. See Scientific; Medical; - See Inventions; Exhibitions. Education; Temperance; etc. Patrick, St. Taylor, W., Serm. Fest. of. Periodicals, American Literary. Anglo-American Magazine, 1855. Patriotism. Price, R., Love of Country. - Atlantic Monthly, N. Y. - Skinner, T. H., Serm., 1850. - Atlantis, Buffalo; Germ. - See Orations, July 4. - Ballon's Pictorial, Boston. Paul, St. Bruin, iet leven van. - Belden's North Western Review. - Haack, Het leven van. - Bibliot. Canadienne, 1828. - Lyttelton, Conversion of. - Broadway Journal, (Poe), 1845o - Paul, Address on Character of, 1857. - Crayon (The), N. Y., 1855-57. - Yorke, Contradiction with James. - Democratic Review, N. Y. Paul, Chev. 1597-1667, Pamn. v. 608. - Eclectic Magazine, 1855-59. -- Eclectic Review, 1840. Pawley, S. Wallinger, J. A., Notice of. - Emerson's Magazine, N. Y., 1858. Peace. Amer. Peace Soc. - Friend, Albany, 1815. - Blakslee, Address, 1819. Gleaner, 1801. - Friend of Peace, period. - Gleason's Line of Battle Ship, 1859. - Gallison, J., Address, Peace Soc., 1819. - Harper's Monthly, N. Y. - Hancock, T., Address on, Lond. - Historical Magazine, N. Y., 1858-60. SUBJECT-INDEX. 1037 Periodicals, American Literary (con- Periodicals, American Religious tinued). (continued). - Hive, Northampton, 1804. - Quar. Christian Spectator, 1836-39. - Knickerbocker, N. Y. - Sacred Circle, N. Y., 1855. Knoxiana, Galesburg, Ill. - Southern Meth. Pulpit. - Laborer (The), Gouverneur,N.Y., 1853. - Theol. and Lit. Jour., (Lord), N. Y. - Literary Union,. Syracuse, N. Y. - Theol. Magazine, N. Y., 1795. - Littell's Living Age, Boston, 1849-59. - Universalist Quarterly, 1851. - Minerva (The), N. Y., 1822. - Utica Christian Repository, 1825. - National Magazine, N. Y. - Vehicle, or Chr. Magazine, N. Y., 1814 New York, Periodicals of 1855. - Western New York Bapt. Mag., 1823. - New York Quarterly, 1855. Periodicals, British. Aldine Mag., 1839. North American Review. Athe-neum, Lend. - Opal, Utica Asylum. - Blackwood's Edinb. Magazine. - Penn'a Jour. of Pris. Discipline. British Critic, 1793-1815. - Pioneer, San Francisco. British Mag. and Reg. of Eccl. Intel. - Plough, Loom and Anvil, N. Y. 1832-40. Putnam's Monthly Mag., N. Y. - Chambers' Edinb. Journal. - Rambler's Magazine, N. Y., 1810. - Colonial Magazine, 1827. - Rural Repository, Hudson, N. Y., 1824- - Critical Review, 1756-90. 51. - Director, 1807. - Rural Visiter, Burlington, N. J., 1810. - Dublin eview. Silk Grower, Phil'a, 1839. - Southern Quarterly Review, 1855-56. - Edinburgh Review, 1855-59. _ Edinburgh Review, 1855-59. - To-Day, Boston, 1852. - Evangelical Magazine, Loend. U. S. Democratic Review, 1856. - U. S. Magazine of Sci., Arts, etc. - Gentlesan's Magazine. Universal Asylum and Columb. Mag., Household ords, Dickens. Phil'a, 1790. - Household Words, Dickens. Phil'a, 1790. - Western Review, Lexington, 1819-21. - Literary Gazette, Loud. -- London Magazine, 1820-29. Worcester Magazine, 1786-88. - Yale Literary Magazine, 1845-58. - - National Review, Loend. -- North British Review. Periodicals, American Religious. - Notes and Queries, Lond. Amer. Home Miss. Soc.: Home Missionary. - Punch and Loend. Charivari, 1854-58. Missionary. - Amer Quar. Church Review.- Quarterly Review, Lend. - Amer. Quar. Observer, 1833-34. - Westminster Review, 1855-58. - Amer. Soc.: Jewish Chron.'- Willis, G., Current Notes, 1854-56. - Amer. Unit. Assoc., Quar. Journal. Periodicals, European, etc. Alge- Baptist Missionary Magazine. meene Konst- en Letter Bode, 1793. - Biblical Repository, 1854-57. Algemeene Vaderl. Letter Oefeningen. -Bibliotheca Sacra, Andover. - - Alliance Evang6lique, GenBva, 1850. - Brownson's Quar. Review, 1856-59. - Ami de l'Enfance, Paris. - Chicago Record, 1857-59. - Chicago Record, 1857-59. - Annuaire de l'Instruction Publique, Paris. - Christian Examiner, Boston. Chinese Repository. Church Review, New Haven. - rien, Honolulu, 1848. -Enquirer for Truth. H- Hawaiian Spectator, 1838. Evangelical Review, 1855-59. - Mercure de France, 1756-67. - Evergreen, Church Magazine, 1].852, 53. - Merg der Akad. Verhandelingen, 1738. - Home, School and Church. - Middelaer (De), 1840-43. Methodist Quar. Review. - Mnemosyne, Lugd., 1853-57. -- New Englander, N. lHanven. I — Museum I-ist. Phil. Theol. Bremse. N. Y. Ecolesiologist, 1848-53. - Nouvelles de la Rdpub. des Lettres, - Presbyterian Magazine, 1855-58. 1700-10. - Presbytery Reporter, Ill. - Polytechnische Centralhalle, 1851-56. - Prot. Ep. Church, Spirit of Missions. - Post van den Neder-Rhijn, 1783, 6. 1038 FIRST SUPPLEMENT. Periodicals, European, etc. (contin- Philadelphia (continued). ued). - Tyson, J. R., Resources of. - Revue Anecdotique. - Revue Gontemporaine, 1857, 8. Philip II. Prescott, W. H., History of. -- Revue Contermporaine, 1S57, 8. Revue des Deux Mondes, 1855-9. ~Philip III. Cocchi, Lettera Critica. Periodicals, History of. See Biblio- Philip of Hesse. Bachmann, Zwolf Urgraphy. kunden. Perkins, T. H. Cary, Memoir of. Philips'Tar. Church's History. Persia. Aucher, Voyages, 1843. Philippine Is. La Gironiere, 20 Years in, 1854. - inolmes, W.., Sketches of the Cas- Philips, E. and J. Godwin, W., Lives of. plan. - Mirkhond, Hist. Kings of. Philips, S. Tappan, D., Disc., Fun. of. - Timour, Institutes. - Taylor, J. L., Memoir of. - Schahnazar, Etat de la Perse. Phillpotts, Bp. Edinburgh Review, RePersonal Liberty ]Bills. Hall, R. B., joinder. Removal of E. G. Loring. Philology. Bagster, Bible of all Lands. - Holmes, A., Speech, May 9, 1859. - Barnes, W., Philol. Grammar, 1854. - Mass., Loring and Burns. - Bopp, Compar. Grammar. - " Per. Lib. Reports, 1855-. - Bunsen, Phil. of Univ. Hist. New York, Lamont's Report. - Latham, R. G., Prog. of Ethn. Philol. - Mayo, A. D., Address to the Legis. - Michel, Etudes...sur l'Argot. - Spencer, C. S., Speech, N. Y., Assem. - Philological Society. - Vermont, Report, 1858. - Quatremire, Langue d'Egypte. Perth Amtboy, N. o. Whiteheadl, His- - Rask, Afhandlinger, 1838. tory of. -- Schlegel, Sprache der Indier. Peru. Trueba, Hist. of Conquest. - Thiersch, Reden. Pestilence~ See Plague; Quarantine; Yel- - See Bibliography; Languages; Ethlow Fever. nology. Peter, St. Hymn to the Pope, 1735. Philosophy. Averroes, De Subst. Orbis. - Reland, Van het Hanen gekraay. - Baxter, A., Enquiry on Soul. - Beauvais, Manuel. Petitions. Jura Populi Anglicani, 1772. - Right of British Subjects, 1733. - Berkeley, Theory of Vision. -- Buckle, Hist. of Civilization. Pharmaacy. American Phar. Association. Melanges, 1812. - Amer. Jour. of Pharmacy, 1832, 59 - Conclillac, Traite des Systemes. Buchner, Antheil der Pharmacie. -Buhner, Auitscheilt, der1. Pa ce - Cousin, V., Cours de Philosophie. - Henke, Zeitschrift, 1831. - Cros, Th6orie de l'Homme. - Mathews, A. I., Hints...1856. - Essays on Truth, Hawley, 1856. - ed. Times, Pharm. Repertory, - Faber, Thes. Eruditionis Scholast., 1696. Pharmaceutical Jour'l, Lond., 1841-59. n- Fischer, P., Beobachtung inNatfirlichen - Phil'a Coll. of P., 1856. Dingen. - Procter,-W., Address, Phil'a College. - Fishbough, Macrocosm and Microcosm. - See Medical, (Materia Medica). - Foxius, De Naturos Philosophia, 1622. Philadelphia. Address to Inhab. of Pa., - Gaskell, Sense and Sound, 1854. 1777. -- Hamilton, W., Lectures on Metaphysics. - Belisle, Independence Hall. - Hickok, Rational Cosmology. - Binney, Leaders of Old Bar. - Horne, G., Cicero's Somnium Scipionis. - Boardman, H. A., Hist. Discourse. - Lewes, Biog. History of, 1857.. - Broad St. Bapt. Church, 1854. - McCosh, Typical Forms. - Btown, D. P., 40 Years at the Bar. - Marsh, J., Remains of. - Carpenters' Company. -- M6taphysique (La), 1753. - Catto, Colored Churches. - Monestier, Vraie Philosophie. - Dorr, Account of Christ Church. - Rauch, Psychology. - Neill, W., Semi Centen. Disc., 1857. - Riolan, Opuscula. - Pennsylvania Hall Ass'n. -- Schlegel, Weisheit der Indier. - St. Mary's Church: Address. -. Storrs, R. S., Const. of Human Soul. - St. Peter's Church, Memorial.. - Tyler, S., Progress of Phil., 1858. SUBJECT-INDEX. 10, 9 Philosophy (continued). Physiology (continued). - Vanuxem, Essay on Ult. Principles. - Philip, Gen. Principles of. - Vincentius, Speculum Morale, 1494. - See Health; Man; Life. --- " a~ Speculum Doctrinale, 1494. Physiology, Vegetable. Brind, Phil. of - Westenrieder, V., Von den Nomina- Vegetation. listen. - Carpenter, Veg. Physiology, 1858. Phipps, Sir W. Pond, E., Life of. - Goadby, Text-book, 1858. Phonography. Comstock, Phonetic Min- - Schacht,...des Pfianzen-embryon. *strel. I — Ward, N. B., Plants in glazed cases. - Pitman, I., Manual of. - See Botany; Microscope. See Short Hand. See Short Hand. Pickering, T. Upham, C. W., Disc., DePhotography. Delamotte, The Practice cease of. of, 1856. 1 Pickett, A. Reading, Mass., Congr. Ch. - Daguerreian Journal. ardwick Photog. Chemistry Pickman, B. Brazer, Discourse on. -Hardwick, Photog. Chemistry. - Hill, L. L., On Heliochromy. Picton, Sir T. Robinson, H. B., Memoirs - of. - -Humphreys, S. D., Journal. -- PSouth Kensington IMuseum. Pierce, F. Cooley, Review, 1854. South Kensington Museum. - Whig charge of intolerance, 1852. Phrenologyo Fowler's Phren. Almanacs. a Pierce, J. Harris, T. M., Ordin. Sermon. - Fowler, Temperance and Phren.,., n. Sermon -- -- Knapp; F. N., Fun. Sermon of. - Grimes, Outlines of, 1840. Lowell, C.,' Memoir of. - Hamilton, W., Lectures; Append. -- Haskins, History of, 1839. Pierpont, J. Hollis Street Soc., Boston. - Heald, C. W., Manual of, 1841. Piggott,, J. Stennett, J., Serm., Death of. - Hoisford, On Grimes's Phren. Pigmies. Tyson, Orang-Outang. - Jones, P., P. and the Word of God. Pinckneyg, C. C. Garden, A., Eulogy on. - Mackenzie, Sir G. S., Convicts N. S. Wales. Pitt, W. Elijah's Mantle. - Phrenological Aim., 1840-52. - Enquiry into the Conduct of, 1766. - Phren. Guide, (Fowler's) 1852. - Examination of the Principles, 1766. - ight Honorable Annuitant, 1761. Physics. La Croix, Motions of FloatingJ H, Two portraits Bodies. Bodies. - Tooke, J. HI., Two portraits. - Nichol, Cyclopaedia of Phys. Sei. -- View of relative Situations, 1804. - Peirce, Phys. and Celest. Mechanics. Pittsburgh, Pa. Lyford's Directory. - Piola, Meccanica analitica. - Thurston, Pittsburgh as it is, 1857. - Riolan, Prwelectiones. Plagiarismr. Almeloveen, Opuscule, 1686. - Tomlinson, Cyclopoodia of Science. P- Tominson, Cylagne Assalini, Observations on, 1806. -- Wolf, B., Elem. Matheseos univ. -- Russell, P., A treatise of, 1791. - See Natural Philosophy; Mechanics; See Quarantine; Yellow Fever Science..' - See Quarantine; Yellow Fever. Science. Physiology. Bacon, F., Life and Death. Plays. See Drama. - Beaumont, Of Digestion. Pliny, C. Masson, Vita. - Bleuland, Otium Acad., 1828. Plumer, W. Plumer (W.) jr., Life of. - Bordenave, Essai sur, 1778. Plymouth Christans. Babb, On Cottle, - Carpenter, Animal Physiol. 1859. 1824. Doellinger, Von den Fortschritten. - Cottle, Strictures on, 1823. - Elliotson, Human Physiology. Plymouth Colony. Moore, J. B., Lives Geoffroy, Des monstruosites humaines. of the Gov'rs. - Jackson, S., Organ. molecular action. - Mourt, Relation, 1622. - Johnson, A. B., Phys. of the Senses. - Plymouth (New), Records. Lawrence, W., Lectures, 1848. - Pilgrim Soc., 1853. - Liebig, Motion of the juices. - - Steele, A., Brewster's Life. - Malpighi, Structure des Viscbres. - See New England; Puritans. Oken, Zahlengesetz in d. Wirbeln... Poetry. Dana, C. A., Household Book of. -- Owen, Of the invertebrate animals. F- Fauriel, Hist. of Proven-al Poetry. - " Struct. of the Skeleton. - Geysbeek, Over het Puntdicht. 1040 FIRST SUPPLEMENT. Poetry (continued). ] Poetry, American (continued). - Hale, S. J., Dictionary of Quotations. - Felton, J. B., The Horse-Shoe, 1849. - Marmontel, Poiticque Frangaise. - Fessenden, T. G., Democ. unveiled, 1805. - Reed, H., Lectures on the Brit. Poets. - cc Original Poems, 1806. - Richards, Anc. and Mod. Poetry. - cc Ladies' MIvonitor, 1818. - See Poetry; Translations; Literature. - Flint, M. P., The Hunter, 1826. Poetry, American. Adams, J., Epistle - Foster, W. C., Poetry, 1805. to Turell, 1735. - Frothingham, N. L., Metrical Pieces) - Arnold, J. L., Poems,' 1797. 1855. - Alsop, Enchanted Lake. - Gallagher, W. D., Selections, Western, 1841. - Atlee, Religion of the Sun, 1826. - Bacon, E., Vacant Hours, 1845. - Goodrich, S. G., The Outcast, 1836. - Barlow, J., Hasty Pudding, 1773. - Gotham, N. Y., 1823. - Bartlett, J., Physiognomy, 1810. - Gould, H. F., Poems, 1841. - Bartley, Lays of Virginia, 1855. - Grattan, H. P., The Bottle, 1848. - Benedict, F. L., Shadow Worshipper, - Griswold, Poets of America. 1857.' — Halleck, F., Poetical Works. - Benjamin, P., Poetry, 1842. - c " Fanny, 1821. - Bourne, W. O., Sale of a Distillery. - " Alnwick Castle, 1827. - Brackenridge, Divine Revelation, 1774. - ~~ The Croakers. - Bradstreet, A., Poems, 1678. - Hardy, D., Poems, 1858. - Brainard,-J. G. C., Poems of. -- Harwood, J. E., Poems, 1809. - Bridal of Vaumond, 1817. - Hemenway, Poetry of Vermont. - Brooks, J. G., Rivals of Este, 1829. - Hewitt, J. H., Misc. Poems, 1838. - Brooks, M., Judith, 1820. - Hill, G., Ruins of Athens, 1839. - Brown, J. W., Michael Agonistes. - Hoffman, C. F., Love's Calendar, etc., - Brown, W. A., Harp of Nature, 1846. 1858. Burges, T., Valley of Alvarado, 1847. - Holland, j. G., Bitter-Sweet, 1859. - Butler, J. H., Wild Flowers, 1843. - Humboldt, G., Poems, 1857. - Butler, W. A., Two Millions, 1858. - Humphrey, D., Discours en Vers, 1786. - C. E. H., The Chaplet, 1846. - " Happiness of America, - Calvert, F., Ccelestes et Inferi, 1771. 1790. cc Gaudia Poetica, 1769. - Hymns for the Sick Room, 1860. - Chester, Delta Phi Society. - Kennedy, T., Songs of Love and Liber- Chandler, E. M., Works, 1835. ty, 1817. - Cheves, Sketches, 1849. -- Key, F. S., Poems of, 1857. - Child, Mrs., The Coronal, 1832. - Knight, H. C., Poems, 1821. - Clarke, G. W., Dreams of Pindus. - Landscape sketched in N. H. - Clarke, McD., Af'ara II, 1843. - Lays of the Kansas Emigrants. - Coffin, R. S. Oriental Harp, 1825. -- Leisure Hours, (Leggett), 1825. - Columbia's Naval Triumphs, 1813. - Lewis, H. C., Lyrof Love, 1818. - Coxe, A. C., Misc. Poems, 1835-45. - nc Th-.4sofge, 1816. - Dabney, R., Poems, 1815. - Linn * s of Genius, 1802. - Dawes, R., Valley of Nashaway, 1830. - Longfellow;I iles Standish, 1858. - Drake, J. R., Culprit Fay. - Low, S., Poems, 1800. -- ~" Croakers. - Mackellar, T. A., Tam's Ramble, 1847. - Dwight, T., Greenfield Hill, 1794. - MacMullen, J., Columbia Coll., 1858. --- " Triumph of Infidelity, 1788. - March, D., Yankee Land, 1840. - Dyer, S., Songs and Ballads, 1857. - Marsh, W., England, 1839.,- Evans, N., Poems, 1772. - Mitchell, J. K., Indecision, 1839. - Everett, A. H., Poems, 1845. - Muzzy, H., Poems, 1821. - Fairfield, S. L., Poems, 1823. - Nack, J., Legend of the Rocks, 1827. - " Abaddon, 1830. - " Carl Rupert, 1839. - " Poems and Prose Writ- - " The Immortal, 1850. ings, 1841. - Neal, J., Battle of Niagara, 1819. - Farmer, C. M., The Fairy, 1847. - Nicholls, A., Danvers, 1852. Fa-rmer, H. T., Imagination, 1819. - Nichols, L. H., Poems, 1857. SUBJECT-INDEX. 1041 Poetry,. American (continued). Poetry, American (continued). - No slur, (Richmond), 1840. - Whittier, J. G., Poems of Abolition, - Oliver, J. E., Class Poem, Harv., 1849. 1838. cc Poems, 1849. - Osander, Misc. Poems, 1812. - Paradise of Fools, 1831. Wife of Leon, (Warfield), 1844. - Wilder,J.N., Rochester, 1817. - Paulding, J. K., Lay of Scottish Fiddle, - Wilder,. N., Rochester, 1857. 1813. - Y. M. Ass'n, Albany, 1858. Backwoodsman, 1818. - - Willis, N. P., Sacred Poems, 1843. - Peck, J., A short Poem, 1817. -- Wolcott, R., On J. Winthrop, 1750. Percival, J. G., Clio, 1827. Pp8 - Wright, N. H., Boston, 1819. Pierpont, Airs of Palestine, 1840. — Palestine Yellott, G., Maid'of Peru, 1848. - Pinkney, E. C., Poems. - Pious remains, 1764. Poetry, British. Akenside, M., Poet. - Pise, Pleas of Religion, 1833. - Pray, I. G., Prose and Verse, 1836. n -- Price, J. H., Mriscellany, 1813. - Armstrong, J., Art of Health. a- rogress ofSociety, 1817. - Asylum for Fug. Pieces, 1785. - Progress of Society, 1817. - Ray, W., Poems, 1821, 2&i - Barrand, B., Abol. of Death, 1827. - Richards, W. C., Electron, 1858. - Beattie,.,Poet. Works. -- Black Gowns and Red Coats, 1834. Rouquette, Wild Flowers, 1848. - " Fleurs d'Amn6riyque, 1856. - Blair, R., Poet. Works. - Rudder, The True Light, 1850. - Bloomfield, IR., (Brit. Poets). - Saint John, P., Death of Abel, 1793.- Bowles, W. L., Poet. Works. - Sargent, L. M., Hubert and Ellen, 1813. Browning, E., Aurora Leigh. - c CC Poems. - Scott, J. M., Blue Lights, 1817. - cc Sorceress, 1817. - Browning, It., Men and Women. Sorceress, 1817. - Scott, M. Y., Deaf and Dumb, 1819. - Brunswick, (The), 1829. - c; Fatal Jest, 1819. - Brydges, Brit. Bibliographer. Fatal Jest, 1819. cc Restituta. - Sewall, J. M., Misc. Poems, 1801. -- Restituta. - Sigourney, Mrs., Moral Pieces, 1815. CC:~ Traits ~ - Camden Society Publications. Traits of the- Aboritofines, 1822. - Canning, G., (Brit. Poets). Sines, 1822. G. Erly ays,182 -- Charter House School, 1827. - Simms, W. G., Early Lays, 1827. --- " South. Passages, 1839. Churchill, Poet. Works. - Smith, D. E., Destiny, Delta Phi, 1846. Collins, Poet. Works. Smith, J., Mirror of Merit, 1808. - Coronation, 1821. - Smith, W., Poems, 1786. - Cowley, A., Select Works, 1777. Some Lines... about Shakers, 1846. - Crabbe, G., The Village. - Sprague, C., Writings, 1843: - Crashaw, R., Complete Works. - Sprague, H., Gloversville, N. Y., 1859. - Dale, T., Outlaw of Taurus. - Stansbury, Loyal Verses, 1775-83. - Dalton, J., Two Epistles. - Swanwick, J., Poems, 1797. - Darwin, Temple of Nature. - Tator, H. HE., Hercules, 1856. - " Botanic Garden. - Taylor, B., Poems of Home, 1855. - Denham, Cooper's Hill. - Trumbull, J., M'Fingal, 1776. - Dibdin, Bibliography. - Drummond, W., Poetical Works. - Two Poems, Newburyport, 1829. - Drummond, W., Poetical Works. - Umphraville, Siege of Baltimore, 1817. - Dryden, J., The Medall. - Vail, J., NToah's FBlood, 17960. - Elijah's Mantle, (Pitt)..- Emmett, Belshazzar's Feast, 1836. - Vision of Rubeta, (Osborne), 1838. - Emmett, Be - England's Helicon, 1614. - Waddell, Texas, etc., 1844. - Ware, H., Worlks, V. 1. - Falconer, Poet. Works. -- Fall of Man, (by G. M.) 1840. - Warren, O. G., Dream of the HIighlands, 1840. - False honor, 1844. - Waterford Literary Society. - Fellows, J., Grace Triumphant. - Waterston, RI. C., Mere. Lib. Ass'n, - Fleming, W., Destroying Angel, 1825. Boston. - Francis, B., The Conflagration, 1786. - Wheatley, P., Poems, 1773. - Gays J., Trivia, 1795. [ SUPPL.] 131 1042 FIRST SUPPLEMENT. Poetry, British (continued). Poetry, British (continued). - Gifford, W., Baviad and Mmviad. - Philips, J., Cyder, 1708. -- ~" (Brit. Poets). - Piers Ploughman's Vision. - Godwin, C. G., Reproving Angel, 1835. - Political Nomenclature, 1838. - Goldsmith, Poetical Works. - Pollok, Course of Time. - Grahame, J., Poetical Works. - Pomfret, J., Poems. - Grattan, H. P., The Bottle, 1848. - Pope, A., Poet. Works. - Gravener, T., Leviathan drawn out. - Pope, W., The Wish, 1710. - Gray, T., Poetical Works. - Probationary Odes, 1788. - Green, M., The Spleen, 1804. - Procter, A. A., Legends and- Lyrics. - H. G., Unsuccessful suit, 1829. - Procter, B. W., Dramatic Scenes. - Halliwell, Early Engl. Misc. - Quizzical Quorum. - Hammond, J., (Brit. Poets). i Raleigh, Sir W., Works, V. 8. - Hawker, I., Abba etc. Hymns, 1818. - Reed, T., Ascension of Christ. - HayIey, W., Poems and Plays, 1785. - Reflections from Shakspeare's Cliffo - HIearne, Robert of Gloucester's and P. - Revolution (The); Canto 1, 1791. Langloft's Chronicles. - Richardson, J., (Brit. Poets.) - lemans, F., Poet. Works. R- yan, On Sacred Subjects, 1824. - Herrick, R., Poet. Works of. - Scott, J., House of Mourning, 1817. - Hayes, S., Duelling, 1775. - Scott, W., Poetical Works. - Hood, T., Poetical Works. Scribbleomania, 1815. - Hudibrastick Brewer. - Search after Claret, 1691. - Hughes, T. S., Belshazzar's Feast. - Seward, A., Poet. Works, 1810. - Ironside, Canto of Spencer, 1714. - Shakspeare, Poems. - Jacob, H., Bedlam, 1723. - Shakeshaft, J., Faith and Works, 1824. - Johnson, S., Poet. Works. - Shelley, P. B., Poet. Works. - Keate, Poet. Works, 1781. - Skelton, J., Poet. Works. - Keats, J., Works. -- Skerries Light-house, 1842. - Kent, J., Fall... of Zion, 1828. - Smart, C., Immensity of God, 1751. - King, W., Works, i776. - Smith, A., City Poems, 1857. - Kingsley, C., Poems. - Smith, C., (Brit. Poets). - Langtoft, P., Chronicle. - Smith, E., Fragments, 1810. - Layamon's Brut. - Smith, Sir S., On Escape of, 1798. - Lockhart, Spanish Ballads. - Smollett, T., Poet. Works. - Logan, J., (Brit. Poets). - Somerville, W., (Brit. Poets). - Macaulay, T. B., Pompeii, 1819. - Songs...not by J. M., Neale, 1848. - McCreery, The Press, 1803. - Southwell, R., Poet. Works. - Mason, W., Elegies. - Spencer, J;, Hermas, 1772. - Mathias, T. J., Pursuits of Literature. - Spencer, W. R., Year of Sorrow. - Maurice; T', Crisis of Britain, i798. - Stewart, W., Chron. of Scotland. - Mayne, W. E., Field and Factory, - Suckling, J., Poems, 1646. -- MIe Ephemeria. - Surrey, Earl of, Poet. Works. - Merry, A., Dying Words of l8th Cent. - Tennyson, A., Poems, 1842. - Middleton, S., Pompeii, 1835. C- Ode to Wellington. - Milton, J., Poems.. - Thomson, J., Seasons. - Moore, T., Poetical Works. - Timbuctoo. - More, H., (Brit. Poets.) - Timperley, Songs of the Press. - New Popular Rhymes, 1843. - Tomlinson, J. W., Pentachord. Nichols, J., Collection of, 1782. - Eleventh Hour. - Normanby, Temple of Death, 1709. - Vaughan, H., Sacred Poems. - Ossian, Poems, (Macpherson). - Walker, J., 3 original Poems, 1796. - Overbury, Misc. Works. - Warton, T., Works. - Paradise of Coquettes, (Brown), 1816. - Whiffin, R., Loves of the Roses, 1835. - Paradise of dainty devices, 1576. - White, H. K., Works. - Parnell, Poet. Works. - Whittle, T., Of the Elect, 1829. - Percy Society, Publications. - Wilson, A., Poet. Works, 1820. SUBJECT-INDEX. 1043 Pbetry, British (continued). Poe try, Latin (continued). - Wolcott, Peter Pindar's Works. - Pedo Albin., Elegioe, 1755. Wordsworth, W., Poet. Works. - Pervigilium Veneris. - Young, E., Night Thoughts. - Politianus, Opera. - Young, J. W., Scraps, 1849. Rombise, Itin...Galliae, 1639. - See Bibliography; Hymns. - Severus, P. C., Aetna, 1715. - See Latinii Authors. rPoetry, Dutch. Cats, Werken. - Eigenbaat, De, Poetry, Translations into English. - Helmers, Nagelaten Gedichten. Ariosto, Orlando Furioso. - Huygens, Koren-Bloemen, 1672. - Berni, Enchanted Lake. Kiehl, Die Liebe u. d. Leben. - Bethune, Specimens of Swedish. Kortebrant, Lof der-Drukkunst. - Camoens, Lusiad. Kumpel, Vaderl. Gedenkstukken. - Carlyle, Specimens of Arabian. - Mengelpoezij, Door T. H. M. F., 1778. - Hugo, V., Songs of Twilight. - Onveranderlyke Santhorstsche Geloofs- -. Korner, C. T., Lyre and Sword. belydenis, 1786. - Marini, Suspicion of Herod. - Pollius, M., Mengeldichten, 1745. - Petrarca, Sonnets. - Poot, Vervolg, 1735. - Schiller, Die Clocke. - Post, E. M., Gedichte, 1789. - Tegner, E., Poems. - Scheltema, Dichtstukjes, 1848. - Voltaire, Henriade. - Slicher, Weegschaal...1786. - Thijm, Gedichten, XIIe-XVI Eeuw. Poisons. Fontana, Venom of the Viper, etc. - Vaderlandsche ZeeheldN, 1781. - iendrickson, C., On Trial of f. Hen- Voet, Uitzicht van Nebo, 1753. drickson. Wolff, E. B., De Natuur, 1784. - Koelliker, Upas Antiar. - cc Eeon. Liedjes, 1791. - Orfila, Treatise on, 1826. - Woordt, Gedichten, 1843. - Otto, F., Detection of, 1857. -- See Literature, Dutch. Poland. Forman, C., Election of King, 3Poetry, Frrech. Almanach Chantant, 1733. 1855.. - Jones, S., History of, 1795. - Art Iatrique, (Bourdelin). - Mably, Gouvernement de. - Audet, Syndics de, Geneve. - Baudoin, Reveries, 1841. Police. Boston, Report, 1856. - Boileau, Oeuvres Po6tiques. - Great Britain; Police. - Bonaparte, L, Charlemagne. -- Mather, J. C., Metrop. Police Law. - Boulay-Paty, Odes, 1844. - N.. City, Reports, 1856-58. - iesehamps, Etudes Fraungaises, 1829. - Noxon, Speech, Met. Police, 1858. - Frederick II., (Euvres Poetiqucs. - San Francisco, Ordinance. - Ia Fontaine, Fables. Unlawful Meetings, Lond., 1848. - Matzner, Altfranz-sische Lieder. - ee Punishments; Convicts - Petits Poetes Frangais. Political Econom'ay. Carey, M., Essays on Trade. Poetry, Italian. Alfieri, L'America- List, Nat System of...1856. Libera. - Componimenti Lirici, 1802.. - Low, Landed Property. - Mathias, Canzoni Toscane. - Mercier, Man. d']Econ. Politique. - Politianus, Stanse. - Murray, T., Catechism of, 1835. - Ponte, L. Da, Saggi Poetici. - Osborne, J. T., The Food Question. - Piers, O., Warning to Agr. Laboreis. Poetry, Latin. Auratus, Poematia, 1586. - Pinsent Conversations on. - Calvert, Gaudia Poetica, 1769.' C t G i - Society for the special study of. Juvencus, Hist. Evangelica, 1490., Works, V.. - Leeuwen, Lycidas Ecloga, 1856. - Thoughts...price of Provisions, 1800. --'" Octavie Querula., 1857. - Turgot, Distrib. of Wealth. - Lennep, Carmina. -- Western, Distress of the Agric. Classes. - Lusus Poetici, -(Jortin). - See Commerce.; Free Trade; Excise; - Okes, Epigrammata, 1819. Poor; Taxation; Tariff. 1044 FIRST SUPPLEMENT. Political Sermons. Barnes, A., Serm., Poor (continued). Suprem. of Law. - Netherlands, Verslagen, 1840-49. - Beman, Serm., Zech. iii. 1. - Newburgh Poor System. - Fisher, S., Sermons, 1814. - New York, Returns, 1833, 1856. - Hedge, F. IH., Conscience and the State. - N. Y. City, Almshouses. - Hopkins, A. T., Amer. Patriot, 1843. - N. Y. Association, Report, 1844-55. - James II., ConcerningPreachers. - Nicoll, S. W., Of the Poor Laws, 1818. - Lindsley, National Righteousness. - Paine, J. M., On Labor Rates, 1834. - Lyman, J., Northampton, 1804. - Penn'a, Laws for Phil'a, 1814. MacMaster, E. D., Jer. xviii. 1-10, 17. - Phil'a, Regulations. Parker, T., Coll. of Sermons. - Phil'a Soe. for employment. - Patriot Preachers of Amer. Rev. - Provident Society, Phil'a. Reynolds, E. W., Serm., Sphere of the - Richson, C., Pauper Education. Gospel. ~~~~Gospel. ~- Scheme for the relief, 1765. Rudder, W., Our Present Difficulties, 1861. - Scrope, Irish Poor Law, 1846. - Sargent, J. T., Serm., Reform. Pulpit. - Six letters on Poor Laws, 1834. - Stow, T., Serm., Ministry and Politics - Soc. for the Preven. of Pauperism. 1846. - Spencer, T., New Poor Law, London, - Thornton, J. W., Pulpit of the Revol. 1836, 41. - See Slavery. - Walsingham, Law of Settlement, 1851. - See Labor; Charities. Politics. See Government; Great Britain, Political; UI. S., Political. Pope, A. Carruthers, Life of, 1857. Polk, J. K. Dallas, G. M., Eulogy on. - Cibber's Letters to. - Warburton, On Essay on Man. - Porter, J. M., Eulogy on. Poameroy, L. Todd, J., Serm., Death of. Popes of Rome. Doubts of.. infallibility. - Histoire des Papes, (Bruys), 1734. Pompeii. See Antiquities. -- Howel, Hist. of the Pontificate. Poole, W. Wakeley, J., Funeral of, 1855. - Illescas, Historia Pontifical, 1589. Poor. Assoc. for, N. Y. - Maimbourg, Hist. du P. Leon. - Assoc. for, Lond. - Miel, Pope and Prim. Church. - Baltimore.; Rules. - Platina, In vitas Pontificum. - Boston Provident Assoc. - Roman Pontiffs...N. Y., 1845. - Boston Sec. for Prevention. - Temporal Government of, 1788. - Bowen, J., Bridgwater, (Eng.), Case. - Vertot, Rise of Papal power. - Buffalo Assoc. for. - Wiseman, Recollections of last. - Chalmers, Serm..on Pauperism. - See Roman Catholic Church. - Channing, The Ministry for. Population. See Polit. Econ.; Statistics. - Clark, R. W., Discourse on, 1854. - Cuarti, T.., Thecourne poo, 1854. Porter, E. Mathews, L., Memoir of. - Curtiss, T., The new poor law, 1842. - Duepdtiaux, On JMendicity. lPorter, T. Richardson, J., Serm., Death of, Lend. - Dunn, T., Sermon, Phil'a, 1793. n - Erie Co., N. Y., Workhouse. Porter, W. Brinlev, Life uf. - Farming Labourers of G. B., 1837. Portland, Duke of. Case of, 1768. - Few Words to Friends, 1803. - Debate, H. of Comi., 1771. - Gore, M., Dwellings of the Poor, 1851. - Defence of Some Proceedings. - Great Britain; Poor laws. Portraits. Daniell, E., Catalogue of, 1850. - Jour. of Stated Preacher, N. Y., 1812. - Delaplaine, National Panzographia. - King's Co. Reports, 1857. - Muller, Cat. 7000 Portretten. - Ladies Depository. iPort Royal Grtgoire, The Ruins of. - Letter to Visc't Castlereagh, 1818. - London Female Dormitory. Portsmouth, N. IH. Brewster, Rambles -- London Female, 1859.. - London Society... 1803. in, 1859. - Portsmouth Almanac, 1856. Martin, M., Mendicity in London. - Mass. Poor, Pauper System. Portsmouth, 0. Lyford's Directory. --. " Almshouscs. Portugal. Barros, L'Asia, 1562. - Monroe Co., N. Y., Workhouse. - Bouchot, Histoire de. SUBJECT-INDEX. 1045 Portugal (continued). Predestination (continued). - Civil War in, 1836. - Hartley, J., Trial of the Two Opinions. - March, C. W., Sketches, 1856. - King, W., Serm., Rom. viii. 29,-30. - Memoria.. Colonias de. - Kimedoncius, De Div. Prodestinatione. - Palmerston, Speech on, 1836. - Parker, W., Two Discourses on, 1759. - Saldanha, Colonias d'Africa. - Sharp, G., Answer on, 1801. - Walton, W., England's Relations, 1830. - Wright, G., Sermon, Of Decrees, 1842. See Providence. Post Office. Account...Mails on Sabbath. - See Providence. - Canada, Rcports. Presbyterian Churches. Amer. Presb. Almanac, 1855. - Derecourt, International Postage. Ballantine, The Elder's O ]Ballantine, The Elder's Office. - France: Post Office. r- Lrawnce,: Post OffChce. OceanBP- Barnes, A., Case of, 1836. - Lawrence, A., Cheap Ocean Post. Bree, Trial, Cortland, N. Y. - Brewer, Trial, Cortland, N. Y. -.-Matteson, Speech on, 1851. - Brqwn, I. V., Plan of Union, U. S. Portugal, Reforma Postal. - Chauncy, Validity of Presb. Ordination. -- First Presb. Ch., Albany. -- Rainey, Ocean Post, 1858. - Fisher, S. W., Sermon on. U. S.., Post Office, Lists of, etc. - Forsyth, J., Presbyterianism, A Disc. - U. S., Rates of Postage. -- Katterns, Lect. on Westminster Assem. Potawatamie Indians. Edmonds, J. W. - Letter from a Blacksmith, 1758. Claims of. - Makemie, Narr. of Imprisonment. Potomac R. Maryland, Survey of, 1822. - Miller, S., Presbyterianism. Pottery. Bohn, Guide...objects of Vertu. - Presb Church, England, 1661. - Presb. Ch. of the U. S. America. Poultry. Bement, Poulterer's Companion. +- Ref. Pres. Ch. of Scotland. - Cock, Am. Poultry Book. -- Short Surveigh, 1663, Loend. - Dipple, Poultry Keeper's Man. -- Smyth, Eccl. Republicanism. ttichardson, H. D.., Domestic Fowls. -- Sprague, Annals of Am. Pulpit. Powell, T. Brown,- J. H., Sermon on. - Squint at a Co-presbyter, N. Y., 1840. 1856. - Webster, R., History of, in the U. S. -- Van Kleeck, Memorial of, 1857. nKl-eck, Memorial of, 1857. - Wilson, J. M., Hist. Almanac, Phil'a, Power, T. Gough, T. H., Monody on. 1859-61. Prairie du Chien. Brunson, A., Account Prescott, W. HI. Mass. Hist. Soc. Proc. of. fPratsville N. Y. Pratt Z. escrip Prescott, W. Young, A., Disc., Death of. Pratt;sville,, N. Y. Pratt, Z., Description of. Press, Liberty of the. Chateaubriand, Prayer. Benson, G., Design of, 1731. De la Censure. - Blomfield, Family Prayers. - Cobbett, Republican Judge. - Chalmers, Sermon on. - Crapelet, Des Br6vets d'Imprimeur. - Course of-......prayers, 1834. - Dissertation on Freedom of. - Family Liturgy, 1847. - HIall, R., Apology for Freedom of. Forms for Consec. of Church.- Hughes, J., Catholic Press, 1856. - Forms for Consec. of Church. - L'Estrange, Regulation of, 1663. Form for -- Thomson, J., Enquiry...liberty of. _Forms, Victoria R., 1830'49. - Zenger J. P., Trial of, N. Y. - Gibson, E., Family Devotion. - Johnston, W. D., Family Prayers. - See Libels; Literary Property. - Morn. and Evening Prayers, 1826. Prices. Heslop, Assize of Bread, 1799. - Tyler, W. S., Prayer for Colleges. Priestley, J. Cobbett, Observations on. - Village Family Prayers. - Lindsey, Vind. Priestleianve. - See Liturgies; Church of England, Prince Edward island. Royal Gazette, Liturgy. 1837-44. Predestination. Benson, G., Two Let- - Colonial Herald, 1837-40. ters, 1737. - Monro, A., Account of, 1855. - Fisk, W., Sermon on. Princeton, TMass. Hanaford, History of. - Free and Candid Thoughts on, (Edwm~ards). P~~Printing. See Typography. wards). - Gepredestineerden Dief, 1732. Prisons. Alabama Penitentiary. 1046 FIRST SUPPLEMENT. Prisons (continued). Prophecy. Almanach proph6tique, 1850. - Albany Co. Penitentiary. - Analogy of Sacred Hist., 1800. - Baltimore, H. of Refuge. - Arnold,., Two Sermons, i839. - Belgium.: Statistique. - Aslin, A Treatise, 1834. - Boston, Recports, 1856, 7. - Barton, P., Firmitas Proph. Sermonis. Canada, Annual Reports on. - Bate, J.j Use of Prophecy. -- Connecticut, Reports on. - Bicheno, Signs of the Times, 1800. - Coxe, W., In Russia, Sweden, 1781. - Bray, T., Serm., Evidence of. - ix, D. L., Remarks on, 1845. - Brewster, J., On Keith's Evidence. - Erie County Peniten. Report. - Brothers, R., Revealed Knowl., 1798. - Foulke, W. P., Penal Syst. of Penn'a. - Burnett, T., Theory of the Earth. - France, Prisons: Rapports. - Clayton, R., Dissertation on, 1749. - Gould, J. S., Food for Prisons. - Coming Struggle, 1853. - Great Britain:, Prisons. - Cotton, J., Expos. of Rev. xvi. Grillon, Construction des Prisons., - D....y, J., Theism, a prophecy. - Hubbell, G. B., Remarks on Discipline, - Dowvnfall of Despotism, Lond., 1853. 1859. - England and Exhib. of 1851. -' Iowa Penitentiary. - Explanation of St. John. - Letters on the Compar.; Merits,- 1836. - Faber, G. S., Fifth Apocalyptic Vial. - Maryland Peniten.- - Fieming, R., Fulfilling of Scripture. - Mass., Prisons, Returns. - Gorton, Anti-typical Babylon. - Mollet, Emprisonn. Cellulaire, 1848. - Haas, De'Toekomendce Waereld. - Netherlands, Tabellen, 1845-49. - Hales, W., Signs of- the Times, 1817. - New Hampshirej Reports.- - Halhed, Speech on Mr. Brothers, - New Jersey, Reports, 1856, 57. - Higby, A., An Expose. - New York, Inspectors' Repor-t. - King, E., Signs of the Times, 1798. - Ohio, ~Warden's Report. -- Marsh,-J., Age to come, 1851. - Packard, Auburn Peniten., 1842. - Middleton, C., Exam. of Sherlock. -- Parchappe, Plans des Prisons - Millenial Institutions, 1833. - Penn'a, Reports. - Napoleon's Oraculum. - Pennn' Jour. of. Prison Discipline. - Neweome, J., Serm., 2 Pet., i. 19. - Phelps, R. H., Hist. of Newgate and - Penn, G., Christian Survey, 1814. Wethersfield Prisons, 1860. - ethersd- Pbi,-il'a,- Reports.Reference to History of the Past, 1850. - hil'a, reports. -- Remarks on some parts of Faber... - Philla Soc. for alleviating... - Riiey, J.,?r6ph. explained, 1859' - Preston House of Correction, Eng. Roos, Illustration, etc., 1797. - Prison Disc. Auburn System. PrisnDisciplin c - Rotheram, Arg. for Christianity. Prison Discipline Soc. -Soc. for the Improv. of P. ]Disc:., T-rea'- Rutherforth, Def. of Bp. of Lound. Serm. mill. - Sanderson, R. B., Stagnation of' Trade, 1842. - Tennessee, Peniten. Reports. 1 - Scott, J., Seram., Destiny of Israel. - Vind. of the:Separate system. - Wisconsin, Ann. Report, 18'56. - Scott, S., Exp. of Revelation, 1848. - See Punishments; Convi-cts efo - Sherlock, T., Appendix to 2d Diss. - See; Punishments; Convicts; Refori - Schools. - Strictures on... R. Brothers. Privateeringo Coggcshall, Hist. of, 1812- - Thorold, 70 years captivity. 1814. - Thoughts on Millennium, 1833. - Practice of, (Gallison), 1819. - Whitaker, On St. Peter's Epistles. - Proposed Memorial, 1819. W- itherby, On Daniel and Revelation. Probabilities. Quetelet, Th6orie des Pro- - See Christ, Second' Advbnt of. babilities. Prostitution. Sanger, History of. Proclus. Fabricius, Vita a Marino. EProtection. See Tariff; Free Trade; Pol. Progresso Everett, E., Oration, 1853. Economy. - Mably, Du D6veloppement. Protestant Dutch- Church. See Rea - Olmsted, Orat., Progress of Age. formed, etc. - Price, R., Future Improvement. Protestant Epis. Church. See Epis. -'See Social-Science. i Protestaltism:. Amer. Prot. Alm., 1846. SUBJECT-INDEX. 104 7 protestantism (continued). Psalms. Brady & Tate, Psalms, Boston, - Amer. Prot. Society. - Blomfield, Letter to Butler, 1835. - Church of Scotland Psalns. - Bossuet, Letter to new Catholics. Church PsalmQdy, (Mason's). - Brandt, Hist. of Reformation. - Mather, C., Psalterium Americanum, British Society for,..Tracts. - Psalms & Hymns:: Boston, 1737. - Burder, H. F., Sermon on, 1817. - Recueil de Psaumes, 1815, - Chillingworth, Religion of. -Cohhettlist,, Religin Ef. - Ref. Prot. Dutch Ch. of N. A. - Cobbett, Hist. of, in Engl... See Hymns; Music, Sacred. - Crespin, Galerie Chr6tienne. Dalhusius, Salvation of Protestants. Psychology. See Philosophy; Soul; Magnetism. De Beaulieu, Protestants safe, 1687. - Du Moulin, A Replie, 1675. Pumps. See Inventions. - Epoques de l'Eglise de Lyon. Punishments. Adderley, Pun. not Edu- Fratelli, C., Vereenigingh der twee Re- cation, 1856. ligien. - Anthony, Sanctions of Law. - Historical Collections, (Hickes), 1674. -- Boyd,. On Transportation. - Hapkins, S. M., Prot. of 19th Century. - Bucquet, Jeunes Dftenus. Letter to a Member....on Union, 1689. - Buxton, T. F., Speech, Severity of. - M'Crie, Ref. in Italy, Spain. - Clay, J., Crime in England.Molesworth, Not a new Religion) 1835., - Eclhartshausen, Von den qellen der - No Protestant Plot, 1675. Verbrechen. - Popery always the same, 1746. - Fielding, -Prevention of Robberies,:1755. - Popery of, 1850. - Remacle, Les Infanticides. - Prot. Meeting, Liverpool, 1835. -- Rogers, H., Greyson Letters. - Protestant's Resolution, 1766. - Saint Clair, U. S. Crime Calendar. - Protestant Union, 1813. - Wally, Cess-pool of Crime. - Reflections on Reform, 1688. - See Convicts; Prisons;, Capital Pun. - Reglemens des Eglises Wallones. - Sayous, Ecrivains de la R6formation..'n - Sleidan, De Statu Religionis, 1785. -- Soci.tSE~vang. de Geni~ve. - Townsend, G. F., Sermon on, -1838. - Socift& Evang. de Geneve. - See. ]vang. de France. Puritans. Bridgman, Pilgrims of-Boston, 1856. - SociSt6 de l'Hist. du Prot. Fran..- Congregational Churches. - Spalding, M. J., Review ofAubignG, - B etc. - Brook, Lives of. - Temoin de la Vrite, 1850.:- Corduer, Discourse on, 1857. - Tillotson, Serm., Prot'm Vindicated. - Dewey, Claims of: a Sermon. - Upham, C. W., Principles of: a Sermon. — Hopkins, S., The Puritans, 1859. See Church History; Roman Cath. Con- - Martin Mar Prelate. troversy. - Oliver, P., Puritan Commonwealth. Proverbs. See Maxims. - Pilgrim:Soe., Plymouth, 1853. Providence. Berkeley, Theory of Vision. - Puritan:Discipline Tracts. - Birch, T., Serm., Const. of Man. - Thornton, J. W., Review of Oliver. - Rotheram, Sermon on, 1762. - Williams, T., The Catechism.of West- Sanford, M., Punitive Justice. minster, 1858. - Thurling, Things of Time. - Withington, Serm., PPuritan Morals. - Young, E., Vindication of, Serm. - Worcester, S. M., Serm., Plymouth, 1848. - See Predestination; God. See Plymouth Colony; Congregational. IProvidence, R. I. Staples, W. R., PuseyE. 1. Case as it is, 1842. Annals of. See Tractarianism. Prudden, N. Robbins, T., Serm., Death of. Putnamn, 1:. Dana, D., Sermon on, 1832. Prussia. Frederica de Prusse, M6moires. - French, J., Sermon onj 1832. - Prussia, Tabellen, 1858. Putnam, Jo Dawson, H. B., CorrespondPruyn, D. Wyckoff, Serm., Death of. ence -on. Pruyn, H. Wyckoff, Seram., Death of. Putnamn, J. W. Portsmouth Cong. Ch. 1048 FIRST SUPPLEMENT.. eRailroads, European. Belgium; Comp' tes rendus. Quakers. See Friends. - Chatelain, Atlas des Chemins de fer. Quarantine. Harris, E., Pestilential dis- - France; Railroads. eases. - Societa Anon...Firenze a Livorno. - National Quarantine Conven. Railroads, North American Col. Ca- New Jersey, Report on N. Y. Quar. nada; Project. R. R. to the Pacific. - New York, Removal of, 1858. - Great Western, 1851-57. - Russell, P., Of the Plague, 1790. - Howe, J., On Inter-colonial R. R. - Staten Island, Quarantine, 1858. - Montreal et Bytown. - See Plague; Yellow Fever. - Niagara & Detroit. Quebec. Adams, A.; Sermon, Victory at, - Nova Scotia, Despatches, 1851. 1759. - Nova Scotia Railway. - Canada Directory, 1857. -- Northern, 1852. - Quebec, Pictures of, 1830, 51. - Vermont, Atlantic & St. Lawrence. - Siege de Quebec, 1759.. Railroads, United States. Amer. R. R. Quotations. Bartlett, J., Dictionary of, Guide, 1851. 1858. - Amer. R. R. Journal. - Hale, Diet. of Poet. Quot. -- Appleton's R. R. Guides. - New Diet. of Quotations, 1859. - Dinsmore, Railway Guide. - Disturnell, Guides. ]I. -- Holbrook's U. S. Guide, 1850. - Merchants...St. Nicholas Compact. Rabelais. Brunet, Recherches bibliog. sur. - Northern Lines, 1851. Racineg Wis. Wisconsin and R., 1856. - Panama R. R. Railroad Construction, etc. Abbott, - Pathfinder, New England. C. iM., Speech, Tolls on. - Phelps, J. A., Shipper's Guide. - Baader, Bauart von eisenbahnen. - R. R. Comp. Cony., 1854. - Broad G~auge, 1846. - Redfield, Route to the Mississippi. - Cammell's Railroad Springs. - U. S. Railroad Directory, 1856. - Colburn, Railway Econosmy. - U. S., Portage, O., to Hudson River. - Dartnell, R. R. Clesaring house. - Williams, W., R. R. Guide, 1848. - Degrand, Low Fares on. -- Earle, Treatise on, 1830. lRailroads, Reports of Companies, etc. See Pacific Railroad; Rail- Fallacies of the Broken Gauge, 1846. roads, Miscellaneous. - Franklin Institute, Joints of.. -- Connecticut. Hartford & Springfield. - Jackson, W., Lecture on, 1829. - Keefer, Philosophie des...1853. - New Lond., Wilman. & Springfield. - Laing, Obs. on Strutt's bill, 1847. - Illinois and Indiana. Central Military Tract. - Lushington, Broad Gauge. i - Chicago & Rock Island. - Martin, R. M., Railways, 1849. - Chicago, Burlington & Quincy. - Melville, H. S., Narrow Gauge. - Chicago, St. Paul, &c. - Obser...en los E. U. Mejicanos Chicago. - Galena & Chicago. - Obs. on Mr. Strutt's bill, 1847. - Great Western, 1857. - Railroad... Moral View. - Illinois Central. - Railway eccentrics, on Gauge, 1846. - Northern Indiana. - Reply to "Obs." on Gauge, 1846. ightway, L., Railways,- St. Louis, Terre Haute, etc. - Rightway, L.? Railways, 1851. - Terre Itaute & Alton. - Sidney, Speed on, 1847. - Sullivan, J. L., Principles of, 1830. - Terre Haute & Richmond. - Vose, G. L., Hand-book of Construction.- Iowa. Demoine Company. - Dubuque & Pacific. Railroads,9 British. A. B. C. Railway Guide, 1854. 1- Mississippi an&i Missouri. - Bradshaw's Guide, 1847, 53. - IRaine. European & North American. - London & Southwestern. - Maine, N. Y. to London. - Railroads, London & Brighton, 1836. - St. Lawrence & Atlantic. - Reasons for direct line to Manchester. - Smith, F. 0. J., York & C. R. R. SUBJECT-INDEX. 1049 Railroads (continued). Railroads (continued). - York & Cumberland. - Hudson R. R. R. - Massachusetts. Choate, Speech, - Ithaca & Owego. South Dedham & Boston R3. R. - Lake Ontario & Hudson R. - Boston & Lowell. - Lawrence, E. A., Speech on N. Y. City, - Boston & Maine. 1859. - Lebanon Springs R. R. - Boston & Providence.- Lebanon Springs R.. B- Boston & Worcester. I — Lockport & Niagara Falls. Boston & Worcester. - Eastern R. R. Co. - LongIsland. -- Mohawk & Hudson. - Letter to a Representative. - Mohawk Valley. Manchester & Lawrence. New York, Commrs Reports. Manchester & Lawrence. - Mass. Report to Hudson R., 1829. l- N. Y., Newburgh & Syracuse. - New York & Albany. - Mass. Troy & Greenfield. - Mass., Reports of R. R. Co's. - Ne Yo & Erle. - Old Colony..- N Y. & Harlem. - Phelps, Speech on Troy & G. R. R. Co. - N Y & Hartford. - Troy & Greenfield, 1853. - N. Y. Central. - Western R. R. - Northern, (Ogdensburgh). - Worcester & Nashua. - Ogdensburgh, Clayton & Rome. - Worcester k& Norwich. - Potsdam & Watertown. H - Remarks of a Tax Payer. 3IMichigan. Drake, Lake Super'r R.R. -ihiga Dra ake Sperr - Review of the N. Y. Cent. expose, 1859. - Green Bay & Lake Superior. - Sacket's Harbor & Saratoga. - Michigan, Canals and R. g. Rep. - Schenectady & Troy. - Michigan Central. - Seymour, R. R. to Goshen, 1842. - Michigan Southern. - Smith, G., Speech on tolls on, 1857. - Mich. S. and Northern Indiana. - Syracuse & Binghamton. - Syracuse & Binghamton. - Oakland & Ottawa. - Syracuse & Rochester. - Missouri. Iron Mt. R. R. Co. - Third Avenue, N. Y. City. - Missouri, Rep. on Public Works. - Tioga R. R. Co. - Pacific R. R. Rep. - Tonawanda. - St. Joseph & Hannibal. - Tower, Utica & Binghamton. - New Hampshire. Cheshire R. R. Co. - Utica & Schenectady. - Concord R. R. Corporation. - Watertown & Rome. - Sullivan R. R. Co. - Ohio. Bellefontaine & Indiana. - New Jersey. Camden & Amboy, 1855. - Cincinnati & Chicago. - New Jersey, Comm'rs Reports. - Cin., Wilm. & Zanesville. - New York. Albany & Schenectady. - Cleveland & St. Louis. - Albany & Susoquehannah. - Cleveland, Columbus & Cine. - Albany & West Stockbridge. - Cleveland, Painsville and A. - Albany Northern, 1854. - Clinton Line, 1854. - Attica & Allegany. - Dayton & Cincinnati, 1854. - Brantford & Buffalo. - Dayton & Michigan, 1852. - Broadway R. R. Ass'n, 1854. - James, J. HI., Mad River. - Brooklyn Atlantic, 1858. - Lake Erie & Mad River. - Buffalo & Mississippi. - Madison & Indianapolis. - Buffalo & New York. - Ohio & Indiana. - Buffalo & Niagara. f - Ohio & Mississippi. - Buffalo & Pittsburgh. - Pittsburgh, Maysville & Cin. - Buffalo, Corning & N. Y. - Pennsylvania. Alleghany R. R. - Buffalo, Warren & St. Louis. - Harrisburg, Portsmouth, etc. - Canajoharie & Catskill, 1831. - Lackawanna & Lanesboro'. - - Catawissa & Williamsport. - Mine Hill & Schuylkill. - Dewey, W., Rome to Watertown. - North Pennsylvania.' - Grant, W. H., Observations, 1846. - Penn'a R. R. Co. Heports. [ SUPPL.1 132 1050 FIRST SUPPLEMENT. Railroads (continued). Reason in Religion (continued). - Pequa. - Smith, G., Religion of, 1859. - Phil'a & Reading. - Tottie, Sermon, View of, 1736. - Phil'a & Sunbury. - Whitby, Serm., Reason our Guide. - Phil'a, Wilm., and Baltimore. -- See Natural Theology; Christianity. - Susquehanna Co., 1852, 54. Receipts. See Cookery. V- ermont. Quincy, J., LettertoStock- Records. Bruce, W. D., Courts of Record. holders. h- Butterworth, Cat. of Record Commis- Rutland & Burlington. sion. - Rutland & Whitehall. - See Great Britain. - Vermont, Commrs Reports, 1856-59. - Vermont Central. Redfield, Wo C. Olmsted, Life of. - Vermont Central. - Vermont & Massachusetts. Red River Colony. Canada: Reports. - Wisconsin. La Crosse & Milwaukee. - Selkirk, Precis touchant. - Milwaukee & Beloit. -- West, J., Journal, 1820-3. - Milwaukee & Horicon. Reed, Joseph. Cadwalader, J., Reply to. - Milwaukee & Mississippi. - Smith, H. W., Cadwalader Pamphlets. - St. Croix & Lake Superior. Reform, Moral. Armstrong, J., Church - Watertown & Mississippi. Penitentiaries. - Wisconsin, Report of Board, 1853. - Bowles, J., Dispass. Inquiry, 1806. - Wisconsin & Superior. - Dewey, A Lecture, 1852. - Miscellaneous. Alabama, Florida & - Penitent Female's Refuge. Georgia, 1848. - Society for the Ref. of Manners, Lond., - Baltimore & Ohio. 1709. - Bait. and Susquehanna. - Wells, E. M. P., Address, 1835. - Brunswick & Florida. - See Social Science; Morals. - Long, Baltimore & Ohio. Reform Schools. Boston, H. of Industry - Macon and Western. and Ref. Rep. - Nashville Chamin. of Commerce. - Connecticut, Reports on. - Newcastle & Frenchtown, Del. - Houses of Refuge and... - Petersburgh (Va.) R. R., 1847. - Howe, S. G., Letter on, for girls, 1854. - Pope, South-Western, Tenn. -- Lamarque, Colonies des jeunes detenus. - Southern R. R. Co., Miss. - Mass. Ref. Sch. Docts. - Tennessee, Comm'rs Rep., 1857. - Providence, 7th Report. - Texas Western R. R., 1855. - Soc. for the Ref. of Juv. Delin., N. Y. - Wilmington & Manchester, N. 0. - Vermont, Report, 1858. Raleigh, W. Van Heuvel, El Dorado, - See Industrial Schools; Children; Edu1844. cation. Rambach, A. J. Petersen, In Memoriam. Reformation. See Protestantism. lRammohun Roy. Fox, W. J., Discourse Reformed Presbyterian Ch. Our Polit. on, 1833. Oaths, 1855. Randolph, J. Thomas, F. W., Sketch of. Reformed Protestant Dutch Church, Raphael, S. QuatremBre, Vie de. See U. S. Brief...v. Amsterdam aan Duppa. N. York, 1772. Reading. See Libraries, Selection of. - Buddingh, De Kerk in N. Amerika. Reading, MIass. Pickett, Of the South - Corwin, Manual of. Church. -- Demarest, D. D., History of, 1856. Reason in Religion. Bliss, Remarks on - Dewitt, T., Hist. Disc., N. Y., 1857. Chubb. - Dortsma, Het Aanwesen, 1772. - Bulkeley, Serm., Insufficiency of. - Ferr6, Van den Heidelberg. Catechis- Glanvil, Logou Threskeia. mus. - Hart, W., Harmony of R. and Religion. - Ferris, Characteristics of, 1848. - Heathcote, R., Use of R. in Religion. - Hudson First R. D. C. - Jackson, J., Plea for, 1730. - Micha6lius, Letter, N.-Y., 1628. - Kennedy, H., Serm., Human Reason. - Reddingius, Over den Heidelberg. Cat. - Randolph, T., Use of Reason, 1762. - Ref. Prot. Dutch Ch. of N. A. - Reasonableness of Assenting, 1708. - Taylor, B., Classis of Bergen. SUBJECT-INDEX. 1051 Regeneration. See Holy Spirit. Religious. Dutch Lang. (continued). Registration of Births, etc. See Sta- - Hillenius, Eenige Keurstoffen, 1755. tistics. - Hulk, Troost-rijcke Leere. Rehoboth, R. I. Newman, S. C., Hist. - Lampe, Oeffeningen. Oration. - Lossius, Gumal en Lina. Reichenbach, M. Thiersch, Biog. Nach- - Meiners, Jesus, etc., 1725. richten. - Royaards, Van Jesus Koningrijk. Relics, Holy. Toursel, Worship of. - Rulkeus, Kerek-heyligingh, 1670. Religion. Adams, H., View of Religions. - Schacht, De Noodzakelykheid, etc. - Dupuis, Originc des Cultes. - Swartte, Oude... Waarheid, 1727. - Glade, Du Progr6s Religieux. - Themmen, Het Vervolg, 1764, - Parker, S., Ten Sermons on. - Udemans, Geestelyck roer. - See Bible; Christ; Theology; etc. - Vieroot, Wegwyzer, 1764. Religions Practical. Baxter, R., Prin- Westerhout, Afbeedsel, 1743. ciples of Love, 1671. - Willemsen, Een Graaggetrouw Rent- Beecher, H. W., Life Thoughts. meester. - Bogatzky, Golden Treasury. - See Theological; Sermons. - Bogue, D., Sermon, 1800. Religious Biography. See Biography. - Breeden, Plain Things. Religious Ceremonies. Vanity and Mis- Brodbelt, Orig. Essays, 1796. chief of, 1690. - Burkitt, Poor Man's Help. - Picart, Cer6monies rel. de tous les - Cecil, Friendly Visit. Peuples. - Cheap Repository Tracts. Religious Liberty. See Toleration. - Couling, The Saints Perfect, 1647. Religious Orders. De Lolme, Hist. of - Dickinson, J., Familiar Letters, 1745. the Flagellants. - Dream (The), Lond., 1747. Reptiles. See Herpetology. - Felltham, Resolves, 1709. Republican Party. Blair, F. P., Letter. - Grosvenor, The Mourner. 1855. - Guide to Heaven. - Democratic Rep. Conv., 1856. - Hobson, Garden Enclosed, 1647. - Fremont, J. C., Pamphlets. - Jackson, L., Letter to a Young Lady. - Hall, B. F., The Republican Party. - Krummacher, The Parables. - Presidential Election, 1856, Pam. v. - Phillips, R., On Watchfulness. 537. - Poole, M., Apology for, 1673. - Steans, J. T., Serm., Good RepubliRomaine, W., Works of. -- See United States, Politics. - Rundell, Relig. in the Soul, 1845. - Sedgwick, J.,. Fragments, 1826. Retrenchment. Ogle, Speech, The East Room, 1840. - Serle, A., Christ. Husbandry. - Slade, W., Speech on, 1839. -- Slie, Closet Cyclopoedia. -- Wright, J. C., Speech, 1828. - Society for Pro. Chr. Knowl., Tracts. - Steel, R., Antidote, 1667. Retz, Card. De. Joli, G., Memoirs of. - Sturm, Morn. Communings. Revivals of Religion. Conant, Conver- Styles, T. L., Alarm in Zion, 1828. - Edwards, J., Reviv. in New England, - Vives, L., Opera. 1740. - Young, View of Afflictions. - Griffin, E. D., Letter to A. D. Eddy. Religious. Dutch Language. Appelius, - Kennedy, I-., Work in the Netherlands. Aanmerkingen, 1762. - - - Le Grice, Revivalism, 1814. -:Bouman, De Werkzaamheden... - Macfarlan, Rev. of 18th Cent., 1852. - Crucius, Gulde Regeln, 1656. - Review of Mr. Cushman, 1842. - Dortsma, Der Naam-Remonstranten. - Skelton, Rev Christianity, 1736. -- Skelton, Rev. of Christianity, 1736. - Driessen, Evang. Zedekunde. -Egrsm DHrderIsr- Wesley, J., Work in America. - Elgersma, De Herder Israels. - Espgne, J d, Ale de van. Revolution. Barlow, J., To privileged - E1spagne, J. d', Alle de Werken van. orders. - Hellenbroek, De Kruis Triomph... Bradbury, Right of Revolution, 1708. - Heymenberg, Moses en Aaron. - " Sermon, Of resisting tyrants, - HIier beghynt: Vertroestinghe. 1714. 1052 FIRST SUPPLEMENT. Revolution (continued). Rochester, N. Y. Moore, E., Disappear- Progress of the Pilgrim, 1798. ance of. - Talbot, Bp., Speech, Sacheverell's - Plymouth Church. Trial. - Rochester, Reports, etc. - Watson, R., Rev. Vindicated, 1776. Rogers hester, Sermon on. See Authority; Charles I, Sermons on; Sacheverell. Rogers, R. Stark, C., Biog. of. Rheims. Povillon, Eglise de St. Nicaise. Romaine, W. Goode, W., Sermon on, Rhetoric. Bouhours, Art of Criticism. - Spengel, Rhet. bei den Alten. Roman Catholic Church, History, - See (Orator~y. etc. Baines, P. A., Sermon, 1825. - Basil, Catholic Faith. Rhode Island. Arnold, S., History of. - Butler, Lives of th. -Congregational Churches of. - Butler, Lives of the Saints. -C Congregational Churches of. - Cabeljau, De oude Catholijcke. - Facts involved in...controversy, 1842. Challoner, The Touchstone, 1823. - Hazard, B., Letters to J. Q. Adams, - Davila, Teatro Eclesiastico, 1649. -- Derby, The Catholic, 1856. - Jackson, H., Acct. of Churches in.,, - Howard, H., Historical References for. - Lille, Proc6s du Clerg6. - Reply to the letter of Morton, 1842. - Mendham, Mem. Council of Trent. -- Mendham, Mem. Council of Trent. - Rhode Island, Colon. Records. - Nakatenus, Coeleste Palmetum. - Rhode Island, Charters, &c., 1844. - Richmond, J. W., R. I. Repudiation, Papal Usurpation, (Bray). 1855. 1855. - Papists Misrepresented. - Staples, Hist. of Crim. Law of. - Pavilion, Rituel d'Alet, 1678. -: See Newport; Providence; Warren. - Roman Catholic Church. X Rice, J. M. Max of, - Roothaan, Method of Meditation. Rice, J. H. Maxwell, W., Memoir of. Rouquette, La Thebaide. Rice:, M. White, J., Hist. Discourse. Taxatio Papalis, 1825. Richards, H, S. Pease, A. G., Sermon; - See Popes; Purgatory. Death of. Roman Catholic Church, America. Richards, W. Evans, J., Life of. Allen, W., Report on Popery, 1844. Richlieu, Duc de. France, Docts. in~ed. - Andres, Imagen de N. S. de Copacavana. 40. - Babcock, Speech, Church Property. Richmond, Va. Little, J. P., Its His- - Beecher,E.,Papal Conspiracy. tory, 1851. - Blythe, Conversion of. - Miller, S., Serm., Of Theatre at. -- Bunkley, St. Joseph's Sem. - Mordecai, R., In by-gone days, 1860. - Carroll, Abp, Address to, 1785. - Richmond Directories. - Carroll, A. E., Star of the West. Ridgefield, Conn. First Congr. Church. - Catholic Almanac, 1834-46. Goodrich,- Dunigan's Am. Cath. Almanac, 1858, 9. - G(oodrich, S, Gl., Recollections. - Duran, Relation-du Paraguai. Roads. Belgium: Chemins Vicinsaux. - Julian, Trasformazione dell' America. - Canada, Rapports sur les Chemins. - Metropol. Cath. Alman., 1845-59. - Gordon, Fitness of Turnpikes. - Reed, R. T., Six Months in Convent. - Hemphill, J., Speech, National Road, _ See Jesuits; Missions. - larlette, L'Art de Faire...1842. Roman Cath. Ch., Controversy Con. cerning. Answer to a late printed - Montreal, Rapport sur, 1855. paper, 1686. - Parnell, Treatise on. - Answer to Dr. Sherlock, (Sabran) 1688. - See Railroads. - Bennet, W., Errors of. Robertson, J. Putnam, A. W., Hist. of - Bentley, R., Serm. 2 Cor. ii. 17. Middle Tennessee. - Berkeley, Letter to Sir J. James, 1741. Robinson, N. Shepherd, J., Appeal' for, - Bossuet, Letter to new Catholics. Lond., 1825. - Brief Discourse, (Billingsly). Robinson, W. Robinson, E., Memoir of. - Burton, J., Serm., Matt. xv. 1-6. Rochester, Earl of. Parsons, R., Serm., - Campbell, J. N., Papal Rome, 1838. Funeral of. - Case fairly stated, 1702. SUBJECT-INDEX. 1053 Roman Cath. Ch.o Controversy Con- Roman Cath. Ch., Controversy Concerning (continued). cerning (continued). - Church of Scotland, Proc., 1813. - Sibthorp, Why become Catholic, 1842. - Connelly, Reasons for abjuring. - Southard, W. L., The Virgin's Honor. - Conversation between Dominie, 1860. - Stanley, W., Devotions of the Church, - Controversy between M. B., 1818. 1685. - Cooke, Worke, More Worke, 1628. - Stillingfleet, Doctrines of, 1686. ~ n ) _ ~~~~cc Authority of the Church. - Corless, Reply to Review, 1827. - Correspondence, Dublin, 1821. - Sturges, J., Refl. on Popery, 1799. - Crane, Letter on Conversion to. - Townsend, G., Reply to Butler. - Cross, A. B., Trial of Antichrist. - Turer, W., The Romish Fox. - Cumming, J., Romish Worship. - Turrettin, Tyranny of. - Defence of Relig. Liberty, 1825. - Wake, Abp., Of Idolatry. -- " State of the Controversy, - Discourse concerning Idolatry. 1687. - Dodsworth, Sermon, Phil. i. 10. - Warburton, Portrait of Popery. - Doubts concerning Infallibility. - Wesley, J., Act in favor of Popery. - Douglas, J., Popery, 1852. - Whately, Errors human nature. - Essay on the Merchandize, &c., 1732. - Whitby, Laws against Heretics. - Gray, J., Appeal to Protestants, 1837. - White, J. B., Poor Man's Preservative. -- amilton, G., Leading Errors of. -- Williams, J., Answer to Address, 1688. - Keary, Fathers of the Church and. - Worship in Latin, 1685. - Keys of the Prot. Establishment. K- Williams, T., Popery Unmasked. - ]King, Answer to Manby, 1687. -- Wiseman, Card., Letter to J. H. New- Late Apology, (Castlemain), 1667. man. - Lucas, Reasons for becoming... cc Letter to W. Palmer. - Maturin, Five Sermons, 1824. - Woodhead, A., Four Conferences, 1688. - Menno's Departure from. - Wray, Secession of a Curate. - Miller, J. C., Despotism of. - Young, H., On H. W. Wilberforce's - Munnings, Remarks on Baines, 1835. Letter. - Murray, N., Letters to J. Hughes. - See Authority; Church; Church of Eng- New Test, (Tutchin), 1687. land; Protestantism. - Oaths of the Bishops. Roman Catholic Ch., Emancipation - Observations, Dublin, 1823. in Great Britain. Andrews, R. - O'Reilly, Life of, 1838. C., Letter to Peel, 1828. - Owen, Chamber of Imagery, 1682. - Arguments for, 1813. - Pierce, T., Novelties of Rome, 1663. - Baldwin, W. J., Appeal, 1823. - Plausible Arguments, (Comber), 1735. - Catholic Emancipation, 1825. - Popery and Protestantism. -- Catholic State Wagon, 1829. - Popery a Snare. -- Claims of Rom. Cath., 1812. - Protestantism and Popery, 1845. -- Claims of...1816. - Protestants in Ch. of Rome. - - Clarence, Speech, 1829. - Prudence and Patriotism, 1815. - Devon Meeting, 1829. - Pye, B., Five Letters, 1769. - Dillon, Catholic Claims. - Questions and Answers, 1723.; -- England, H. C., Letter on, 1790. - Reasons against Conversion, 1726. -- Firth, W., Letter to H. Bathurst, 1813. - Reasons why a Protestant, &c., 1687. - Four Letters, Lond., 1825. - Reflections upon...Papist Misrepre-. - French, D., Letter to Lord Gifford. sented. - Furness, W. XI., ZSermon on, 1829. - Remarks on Dr. Bentley's Serm., 1716. - Garratt, T., Appeal to Protestants, - Request to Rom. Cath., 1687. 1829. - Roman Catharist, (Rogers), 1621. - Grattan, H., Speech, 1810. - Sall, A., Reasons for Deserting. - Grenville, Lord, Letter on, 1810. - Seasonable Discourse, (Lloyd), 1673. - Holland, Lord, Letter to Shuttleworth. - Sherlock, W., Papist not misrepresented. - James, M1., Letters, 1829. -- "c Preservativeag'nst, 1688. - Lefroy, Speech, 1829. c- On a judge of controversy. - Letter to a Prot. Dissenter; 1812. - Sibthorp, Of the Papacy, 1828. - Letter to G. Silvertop, 1826. 1054 FIRST SUPPLEMENT. Roman Cath.'Ch., Emancipation in Rome, Ancient (continued). Great Britain (continued). - Duruy, Histoire Romaine. - Letter to Viscount Milton, 1827. - Gell, Topography of. - Letters to a Prot. Dissenter, 1813. - Koen. Baier. Ak., Theodosius. - Look before you Leap, 1825. - Merivale, Hist. under the Empire. - Midland Cath. Ass'n, London. - Montesquieu, Grandeur des Romains. - Miller, G., Policy of R. C. Ch., 1826. - Pollio, (Egnatius de Prin. Romanorum). - Peel, R., Speech, 1817; Papers. - Pomponius, Rom. Hist. Compend. - Short letter to Wellington, 1829. - Short Roman History, 1773. - Sparrow, Eccl. Reform, 1833. - Spanhemius, Numismatum Antiquorum. - Stonard, J., Letter to Bp. of Chester. - Vertot, On the Roman Senate. - Substance of a Speech, 1810. - Substance of a Speech, 1810. Rome, Modern. About, The Roman - Sussex, Dake of, Speech, 1829. Question. - Van Mildert, Speech, H. of Lords, 1825. - Vasi, Itinerario di Roma, 1824. - Wardle to his Countrymen. See Italy. - Wrangham, Catholic Claims, 1829. Ronge, J. Andresen, Account of. RRoman Cath. Chi., England. Barrington, S., Separation from, 1809. Roth, M. Thiersch, Biog. Nachrichten. - Bowyer, New Hierarchy. Rowley, Mass. Gage, History of. - Burgess, T., English Reformation. Roxbury, Mass. Dillaway, Hist. of Gram- "C Founder of C. of Eng. mar School. - Cumming, J., Cardinal's Manifesto. - Ellis, C. M., History of, 1847. - Dewhirst, Papal Encroachments. - Roxbury, City Documents. - Letters to a friend, 1850. Royal Society. Maty, Index to Transac- Luther, M., In England. tions. - Newman, Lives of the Eng. Saints. - Stubbes, H., Censure upon, 1670. - O'Dwyer, Catholic Question, 1851. Ruggles, B. Suffield, Conn., Anniv. of. - Popery & Patronage. - Popery & Patronage. Rundle, Dr. Case of Dr. R.'s Promotion. - Ollyfie, Madness of Treason, 1724. -- Reasons alleged against, 1734. - Protestant Assoc., Appeal, 1780. - Pugin, Cath. Hierarchy in Eng., 1851. Rusk, T. J. Seward, W. H., Remarks on, 1858. - Reply to the Answer, 1686. - Roman Cath. Principles, 1680. Russel, W. Yates, C. C., Exposition, - Seeley, Pope a Pretender, 1850. SIRussell, J. Grey, Earl, Colonial Policy of. - Soames, The Romish Reaction. - Stewart, R., Sermon at Paris, 1687. Iussell, T. Morse, J., Serm., Death of. - Vigo, Romish Bishops in G. B., 1850. Russia. Grenville, Lord, Speech, On Trea- Warren, S., Queen or Pope, 1850. ties, 1802. - Wiseman, Card., Appeal to Reason. - Hagemeister, Commerce ofNew Russia. - Wix, Polit. power to Papists. - Kelly, W. K., History of. - Wordsworth, C., Bp. of Rome in Eng- - Latham, R. G., Races of Russia. land. - Porter, R. K., Campaign of 1812. - -See Church of England; Authority. - Potocki, Voyage, Astrakhan. Roman Cath. Ch., Ireland. Brennan, - Taylor, B., Travels in, 1855. Ans. to Finnegan, 1788. - Tchuykevitch, War of 1812. - Burke, E., Letter to Langrishe. - Tegoborski, Productive Forces of. Butler, C., Address to Prot., 1813. -- Ysenbeek, d. Doopsgezinden. - Carlisle, Lord, Letter, 1795. - See Crimean War, 1854, 5. - Croly, An Essay on, 1834. ~Rutgers, ~H. McMurray, W., Serm., - " Address to lower orders. Death of. - Dwyer, Popery Unmasked. l~gRyder, J. C. Belden, Account of. - Elrington, Remarks on J. H. L., 1827. - Foster, J. L., Speech, 1817. S. - Stipendiary Priesthood, 1835. - See Irish Churches. t~Sabbath. Am. and For. Sab. Union. Rome, Ancient. Chapman, Roman Sen- - Blatchford, S., Sermon, 1826. ate, 1750. - Bowdler, Abolition of, 1833. SUBJECT-INDEX. 1055 Sabbath (continued). St. ]Lawrence River. Journal de l'Expe- General Union, 1828. dition, 1759. - Hall, W., Plea for, 1845. St. Louis, Mo. Illinois Directory, 1855. - N. Y. Sabbath Committee, 1860. - Lyford's Directory, 1837. - N. Y. St. Sabbath Conv., 1844. - Saint Louis, Description of, 1858. - Perm. Sab. Documents, etc. St. Mark~s Church, N. Y. Anthon, Ser- Remarks on the existing... laws, Mass. mon. - Sabbath, The. St. Paul's Coil. Mo. Giddinge, Account - Sabbath Desecration. of. - Seventh Day Baptist Conference. St. Peter9s Church, Albany. Review of - Simpson, Civil Mandates, 1793. a Pam. by Spencer, 1846. - Society for Promoting, etc., Lond. St. Peter's Lake. Logan, W. E., Report - Stukely, W., Serm., Profanation of, of Survey of. 1742. Saint Thomas. Belgium, Enquete sur. - Sunday Legislation, Buffalo, 1858. St. Thomas9 ReCtory. Wilson, H. B., Sabbath Schools. Alexander, Vindica- Letter, 1851. tion of. Saints. Butler's Lives of the. - Amer. S. S. Union. - Discourse cone. Invocation of, 1684. - Bennett, J., Sermon on, 1785. - Newman, Lives of Engl. Saints. - Boardman, H. A., Union Principle. Salem, Mass. Colman, Install. of J. Flint - Ferris, Sermon, A. S. S. U., 1834. - First Cong. Church. - Grimke, T. S., Address, 1831. - Flint, J., Hist. Discourses. - Lectures to Teachers, 1838. - Salem, Reports, etc. - Libraries of, Pam. V. 627. - Story, J., Hist. Discourse, 1828. - London S. S. Union. Salisbury, Eng. Archseol. Inst. of G. B. - Iass. Sab. Sch. Society. - Mercein, The masses saved with. Salisbury, Vt. Weelks, J. M., History of. - Meth. Episc. Church S. S. Union. Salmon. See Fisheries. - Moore, C., Serm., 1785, and History. Saln-Salm, Prince. Evanson, W. A., - N. Y. Sunday S. Union, 1850. Conversion of. - Prot. Ep. Ch., S. S. Union. Salt.- Koch-Sternfeld, Deutschen Saltz- Prot. Epis. S. S. Soc., Phil'a. werke. - Sunday School Society, Lond., 1785. - Memorial... Kanawha, Va., 1830. - Sunday School Soc., Boston, 1855. - Thomassy, Sel aux itats Unis. Universalist S. S. Union. Saltonstall, L. Brazer, Discourse on. Sacheverell, HI. Bisset, W., Modern Samaritans. Juynboll, Comm. in Hist. Fanatick. Gentae. - Burnet, G., Impeachment of, 1710. Sanroft, Abp. D'0yly, Life of. - Peril of being zeal affected. - Talbot, Bp., Speech on Trial of. Whiston, W., Account of, 1719. San Francisco, C-al. Taylor, W., Seven Years Preaching in. Sagas. Nordiske Literatur Samfund. Sanitary, See Health; Quarantine. Sacraments. Barrow, I.. Doctrine of. Santa Annag Gen. Houston, S., Letterto. - Henry, C. S., Sermon, 1845. - Henry, C. S., Sermon, 1845. Sardinia. Oderico, Lettere Ligustiche. - See Communion; Baptism. - See Italy. St. Augustine, Flor. Fairbanks, G. R., Savery, J. Bourne, Miniature of. History of, 1858. - St. Augustine, Cath. Church. Savings Banks. Bowles, J., Reasons for, 1817. St. Charles, Illinois. Congreg. Ch. in. - Denio, H., Funds of Depositors. Saint Croix. Hawley, F. J., Sermon, - France: Savings Institutions. 1856. - Manchester and Salford. - Tuckerman, J., Winter Residence in. - Sixpenny Savings Bank, N. Y. St. David's'College. Williams, R., Scandinavia. Kong. Nord. OldskriftWorking of. Selskab. 1056 FIRST SUPPLEMENT. Scandinavia (continued). Scientific Periodicals (continued). - Laing, The Krimskringla. - Scientific American, N. Y. - Nordiske Literatur Samfund. - See Arts. - See Sweden; Iceland. Scientific and Learned Societies, Transactions and Journals. Schenk, G. Chambers, Funeral Serm. on. Lyon, 1851-56. Schism. Fosdick, D., Sect is Sin. - Belgique. Modern Pleas for, 1715. - Acad. of Nat. Sci., Phil'a. Owen, J., Vind. of Non-Conformists. - Allgemeine Schweizerische Gesellschaft fiir die Gesammten NaturwissenSevern, Serm., Diversity of Sects, 1809. fr die emmten turwien - Tallents, History of, 1705. - - Amer. Ass'n Adv. of Science. - See Dissenters; Church of England; - Amer. Philosoph. Soc., Phil'a. Toleration. - Boston Society of Nat. Hist. Schlatter, 1Me Harbaug-h, Life of. - Brit. Ass'n for Adv. of Science. Schluters D. Redslob, In Memoriam, 1853. - Cagnola Fondazione Scientifica. Schoharie Cave. Knoepfel, Account of. - Columbian Chem. Soc., Phil'a. Science. Annual of Sci. Discovery, 1856-9. - Elliott Soc. of Nat. list., S. C. - Arago, Oeuvres,. 4-11.- Franklin Institute, Phil'a. - Arago, 0euvres, V. 4-11. - Diet. des Sci. Philosophiques. - Friesch Genootschap. Geol. Soc. of Dublin. - Dusseau, Verbeenigen in zachte deelen. - Geol. Soc. of Dublin. - Historical Essay, 1749. - Geological Soc., London. J- ohnson, F. G., Philosoph. Charts. - Hume, A., Lists of books of. - Meiners, Hist. des Sci. en Grece. - Institut de France. - Orr's Circle of the Sciences. - Italian Sci. Association, 1846. - Peirce, Phys. and Celest. Mechanics. - Istituto Nazionale Italiano, Bologna. - Timbs, Year Book of Facts, 1855-59. - Kaiserl. Ak. der Wissenchaften, Wien. - Wilkens, Voortbrengselen der Natuur. - Konink. Ak. der Wetens-happen. - Vincentius, Speculum Doctrinale, 1494. - Konink. Zool. Genootschap. - Wing, H. R., Effects of studying the - Koenigl. Baer. Akad. -der WissenSciences. schaften. See Knowledge; Philosophy; Physics. - Linnean Society, Lond. Liter. and Phil. Soc., N. Y. Scientific Discourses. Bowdoin, J., Am. Acad. of Arts and Se. - Lombard Institute, Milan. - Brande, W. T., Lond. Inst., 1 - Lyceum of Nat. Hist., N. 1819. - Maryland Academy, 1837. - Davy, Sir H., Six Lectures, 1827. - Maryland Academy, 1837. - Forbes, J. D., Brit. Assoc'n, 1834. - Med. & Phys. Soc. of Bombay. Foulke W. P. A. of S., Phia. - Meding, Ac. Leopoldino-Carolina. Foulke, W. P., Ac. of Sci., Phil'a. - Naturforschende Gesellso., Bern. Scientific Periodicals. Academician, - New Orleans Ac. of Sci. (Picket), N. Y., 1818-20. - Palueontographical Soe. - Amer. Jour. of Sciences, (Silliman). - Physikalisch Verein zu Frankfort. - Amer. Railroad Journal, N. Y.,- Provinciatl Utrechtsch Genoot. v. Kuns- Amer. Polytechnic Journal, 1853, 4. ten en Wetenschappen. - Annals... of Natural History, 1858. - Ray Society, Lond. - Annals of Science, Cleveland, O. - Royal Soc. of Edinburgh. - Astronom. Journal, Camb., Mass. - Royal Soc. of London. - Austria...Jahrbuch...Geolog., 1850-6. - Russisch k. Gesellsch. f. d. Gesammte - Canadian Journal of Industry. Mineralogie. Edinb. New Phil. Journ., 1855-59. - Smithsonian Institution, Wash'n. - Echo du Monde Savant, 1841. - Societ6 Helvetique des Sciences Natu- Genees-Natuur en Huishoud-kundige relies. Jaarboeken. - Society of Arts, Lond. - Gbttingische Gelehrte Anzeigen. - Statistical Soc. of Lond. - Mechanics' Magazine, Lond. - Svenska Akad., 1832-37. - Mining Magazine. - Zoological Society, Lond. - Nash, Ladies' Diary, N. Y., 1819-21. - See Bibliography. - London, Edin. and Dublin Phil. Mag. Sclavonian. Bulgarian Catechism. SUBJECT-INDEX. 1057 Scotlandc Aikman, J., History of, 1856. Seamen (continued). - Anderson, J., Hist. of Mary. - Seaman's Almarnack, 1852, Lond. - Brown, J., lIist. of Scotch Churches. - Seamen's Aid Soc., Boston. - EAdinburgh University Calendar, 1860. - Seamen's Fund Retreat, N. Y. - Interest of Scotland, (Seton), 1702. - Society for Promoting, etc., N. Y. -- Ramsay, Remninisc. of Scot. Life. - Urquhart, Impressment of, 1816. - Sadler's State Papers. Cat. 1855. Secker, T. Burton, J., Epistola, 1768. - Stevart's Chronicles of. Second Advent. See Christ, - Topog. and Stat. Gazetteer, 1853. Secret Societies. Allyn, Rituals of. Scotland, iPamphlets concerniung. - Application of Barruel, 1798. Address to the People.. Militia, 7I~~'iuz2 ~. -- Backus, OnSecret Societies. - Alison, Highland Destitution. - Brooks, B., Speech, 1855. - Brady, N., Serm., Union with, 1707. - Free Masons: Grand Lodges - Grahazm, R., Reform of Bnrronughs. - Hist. des Ordres Militaires. - hIerring, Sermon on Rebcllion, ].745. -- Independent Order of Odd Fellows. - North Briton Extraordinary, 1769. Indep. Order of Rechabites. - Pead, Serm. on the Union, 1707. - National Temple of Ionor. - Scotland, Some Papers, 1646. - Review of a Tract, 1850. - Seclker, Sermons on Rebellion, 1745. Sigma Phi Fraternity, 1854. - Sherlock, T., Serm., Rebellion, 1745. See OcclFellows; Masonry, Free. - Soc. in Scotland for Pro. Chr. Knowl. Sects. See Schism; Dissent. - Taelbot,., Sern., Union of, 17067. Sedition Law. Otis, H. G., Speech, 1818. See Great Britain, Pamphlets, 1727-60. Seekonk. See Rehoboth, R. I. Scott, T. Scott, J., Life of. Selkirk, Earl of. Narrative of OcourScott, Geno W. Galphin case, 1852. rences. - Potter, W., War in Florida. Seminole WVar. Concise Narrative. Sculpture. Barbedienne, Collection, Paris. Seneca Indians. Mass., Report on, 1810. - Bottman, Cours d'Anatomie. - U. S., Report on Losses of. - Elgin Marbles, 181.6. Sermons, American. Chauncy, C.. Five -- Fogelberg, B., L'Oeuvre de. Sermons. - Great Britain: Elgin Marbles. - Dedham Pulpit. - Hay, E. W. A., Roman Monument at - Flint, J., Salem, Mass. Colchester. C- Hooker, T., Saints Dignitie, 1651. - Mercey, ]Etudes sur les Beaux Arts. Mayhew, J., Seven Sermons, 1749. - Montaiglon, Hist. Acad. de Sculp. - " Pactical Discourses. Powers's Greek Slave. - SPowoers's Greek Sclave. t- Mayo, A. D., Albany, 1852, 1860. - Spooner, Diet. of Sculptors. Y. - Theml's TomFl i'Shant er. Parker, T., Sermons, 1846-56. - -.See Fine Arts. -- Rudder, W., Albany, 1858-61. Sea. Hartwig, Sea and its Wonders. - Simmons, G. F., Six Sermons, Albany. - Maury, Phys. Geography of. - Smith, S. S... Newark, 1799. - Sea, Narratives of the. - Sprague, W. B., Albany, 1843-58. Seamens. Amer. Bapt. Mariners' Society. - Stoddard, S., Three Sermons, 1717. - Amer. Bethel Society. - Strong, N., Sermons, Misc., 1798. - Amer. Seam. Friend Soc. - Swett, W. G., Five Sermons. - Boston Port Society. - Thornton, Pulpit of the Revolution. - Boston Seam. F. Society. - Wainright, Bp., 34 Sermons. - Brazer, Seamen's Ass'n, 1836. - Ware, H., Works. - Canada, Return on desertion of. - See Political Sermons; Slaves, Fugi- Forhes, R. B., An Appeal on, 1854. tive; Massachusetts; Connecticut. - Goin, An Apprentice System. Sermons, Dutch. Alardin, 1738. - Mariners' Fam. Indust. Soc. - Aalst, Predikatien, 1748. - Pamphlets, V. 549. - Beels, L., Amst., 1748, 9. - Penn'a Seam. Friend Soi. - Bemmelen, Leerredenen, 1843. [ SUPPL.1 133 1058 FIRST SUPPLEMENT. Sermons, Dutch (continued). Sermons, English (continued). - Bierman, Kerkredenen, 1714. - Catholic-Pulpit. - Bosch, B., Leerredenen, 1786. - Church of England Homilies. - Brinkman, Eenige plaatsen uit het N. T. - Clarke, S., A Collection. - Brouwer, Leerredenen, 1769, 75. - Cole, Luxury, Infidelity, 1761. - Busing, Salomons Lessen. - Conybeare, J., Oxford, 1722-51. - Bybelsche Keurstoffen, 1720. - Creighton, J., Lond., 1780-96. - Claassen, Redevoeringen. - Dawes, Sir W., 1704-13. - Clarisse, Leerredenen, 1784, 8. - Evanson, E., Three Discourses. - Costerus, F., Nederlandts etc., 1693. - Five Sermons, 1738. Cramer, J. A., 1773-5. - Fothergill, G., 1745-58. Curtenius, Der Epheseren Geluk. - Griffith, T., 1756-70. Curtius, H. H., Leeredenen, 1840. - Johnson, Samuel, 1812. Dam, Intre-predikatie, 1734. - Jortin, J., Discourses, 1746. - Driessen, Predicatien, 1731. IKennet, B., Twenty Sermons. Du Bosc, Leeredenen. - Latimer, H., Fruitfull Sermcns, 1578. - Gendt, Predikatie, 1738. - Mitchell, M., Five Sermons, 1848. Gockenius, Lecredenen, 1752. - Murray, J., Sermons to Asses, 1819. - Goltzius, Predikatien. - Pearson, J., Twelve Sermons, 18U3. - Groen, Predikatien, 1727. - Practical Sermons, London, 1845. Groot, Leerredenen, 1759. - Robinson, R., 1773-1781. - Hagen, Predikatien, 1737. - Sherlock, T., 1704-1729. - Hallo, Zestal Leerredenen. - Sherlock, W., 1683-1704. - lHerderschee, Leerredenen. - Smailridge, G., 1702-1716. - Hulshoff, A., Redenvoeringen, 1795. - Smith, II., Twelve Sermons, 1769. - Kerklyke Leerredenen, 1789. - Sprat, T., 1676-1696. - Kist, Leerredenen, 1800, 11. - Stillingfleet, E., 1667-1691. - Kuypers, De Christen Pattiot. - Swift, J., Three Sermons, 1744. Leenuw, I., Leerredenen, 1781. - Tillotson, J., 1660-1694. - Leeuwarden,.Godvreezende Zeeman. - Townsend, G., Lond., 1826-46. L- e Roy, De vier Laatste etc. - Trapp, J., 1708-39. - Loo, Leerredenen, 1784. - Trench, Hulsean Lectures. Martinus, J., XV Proedicatien. - Wake, W., 1688-1710. - Moonen, Stefanus de Diaken. - Whitefield, G., Works, V. 5, 6, 7. - Mosheim, Mengelwerk. - Wiseman, Card., Cath. Pulpit. - Nijhoff, Leerredenen, 1845. - See Charles I; Charles II; Gunpowder Plot; Marlborough,' Duke of; - Nyloe, XII Predicaien, 1702.thq Outrein, Dordrecht, 1714. - Pontanus, Davids Bespiegeling. fentise eliieu f~rentisme Religieux. - Rossam, Leerredenen, 1849. - Lagemans, Auswahl. - Rotterdam, Lecrredenen, 1751. -, Leerredenen, 17- Leonardus de Utino, Sermones. - Schagen, Leerredenen, 1746. - See Theology; Religion. - Schaick, Amst., 1846. - Serrurier, Intree-reden. Severn River. Fletcher, J., Stoppage of, - Smytegelt, Leerredenen, 1742. Spanheim, Predikatsien, 1688. Sewall, S. Sewall, J., Disc., Death of, 1730. Stavern, II Leerredenen, 1749. - Steenmeye, Leerredenen, 1783. Sewerage. Chesbrough, Chicago Sewerage. - Stuart, M., Brief van Jakobus, 1804. - Griscom, J. I., Report on. - Themmen, Kerk-reeden, 1764. - Sewing Machines. Great Britain: Pa- Turrettin, Vier Predicatien. tents. - Velzen, Redevoeringen. - Wheeler & Wilson's. - See Theology, Dutch; Bible, Commen- Shaftesbury, Earl of. Reflections upon taries; Religious. a Letter... Sermons, English. Allestree, Forty Ser- Shakers. Chapman's Account of, 1817. mons, 1684. - Dunlavy, True Church of Christ. SUBJECT-INDEX. 1059 Shalers (continued). Silk. Gaudry, Recherches en Orient. - Evans, F. W., Origin of. - Guerin, Recherches sur. - New York, Report on, 1849. - Homergue, J. D', Report: Essay by. - Shakers, Testimonies, etc. - Reformed Virginia S. Worm. - Youngs, Testimony...2d Appearing. - Robinet, De Vers a sole. Shakespeare, ~W. Fairholt, Home of: - Silk Grower, Period., Phil'a, 1839. Illustrated. - Williams, J., Speech on the Trade, - Hurstj J. F., Why Americans love... 1826. - Jackson, Z., His Genius Justified, 1819. Sillem M. C. Petersen, In Memoriam. - Maginn, Shakespeare Papers. Silsbeeg N. Flint, J., Sermon on, 1850. - Reflections from Shakespeare's Cliff. Simeon, C. Marsh, H., Letter to.' - Richardson, W., On Richard III, Lear, Simpson, J. Hunter, J., Tribute to, 1813. Timon. - Singer, S. W., Text Vindicated, 1853. Sisters of Mercy, Eng. Campbell, D. A. — Wivell, Acel of Bust of. G., Rules of the Society. Wivell, Acc't of Bust of. - See Bibliogrlphy. - Cookesley, Letter to Abp. Dublin. S- Phillpotts, Letter to Miss Sellon. Shannon River. Williams, C. W., Obser- Sellon, Reply, 1852. vations, 1831. Sellon, Reply, 1852. a- Spurrell, Miss Sellon and...1852. Sfharp, G. ioare, P., Memoirs of. Sladens J. Ridgley, Serm., Death of. Shaw, W. S. Felt, Memorials of. Slaveholding. Address to the inhab., Shelburne, Earl of. Defence of, 1782. (Rush), 1773. Sheldon, Father. Bower, A., Six Let- - Address to the People, Lond., 1792. ters, 1746. - Assiento...con Delbas. Sheldon, T. D. Walker, J. F., Sermon, - Bacon, L., Essays on, 1846.!Funeral of. - Barnes, A., Scriptural Views, 1846. Shelley, P. B. Trelawney, Recollections, - Benezet, Caution to G. Britain, 1766. 1858. - Brisbane, Slaveholding, 1847. Shepard, T. Albro, Life of. - Brougham, Opinions on. - Shepard, T., Autobiography. - Channing, Lenox Address. Sherborn., Mass. Morse, A., History of. - Clingman, Political Aspect of. -- Condoreet, L'Esclavage. Sherlock, T. Letter to Sykes, 1717.. - Congr. Churches, Mass., 1849. Sherlock, W. Their present Majesties, - Daumas, Esclavage ehez les Musuletc., 1691. mans F- Facts for the People, 1855. Shootingv. See Hunting. S- Free, Anti-Slavery Manual, 1855. Short Hlland. Gould, M., Key to the Art, France: Slavery, R6gime, 1845. 2 - " " Abolition de, 1843. - Gurney, Brachygraphy. - French Protestants: Lettre. - Pitman, I., Man. of Phonog. - Friends, Declaration, 1754, etc. - Stenog. Nachriehten aus Lissa. - Gladstone, Sla. in W. I. and America. - Universal Phonographer. - Hague, W., Christianity and..., 1847. - See Cipher; Writing; Phonography. - Ielps, Spanish Conquests. Siamese. Bradley, Elem. Lessons. - Hopkins, S., Dialogue, 1776. - Caswell, Tract in. -- Hurd, J. C., Topics of Jurisprudence. - Varen, Descriptio, 1673. -- Jarvis, R., Facts and Arguments, 1848. Siberia. Atkinson, T., Explorations in., W., Misc. Writings of X- "' Mosaic Laws of. Sicily. Oxford Essays, (Duff). M- Morse, S. E., Letter on, 1847. - Tuckerman, H. T., Sicily, 1856. - Olmsted, Our Slave States, 1860. See Naples. -- Phelps, Letters to Dr. Bacon, 1848. Sickles, D. E. Tucker, G. J., Letter - Questions and Expositions of, 1856. from. f- Schwartz, Sur l'Esclavage des Ndgres. Siddons, S. Boaden, Memoirs of. - Smith, E., Ancient servitude, 1852. Sierra Leone. Martin, R. M., Brit. Col. - Thompson, G., Discussion, 1836. Lib., V. 10. - Webster, N., Effects of, 1793. 1060 FIRST SUPPLEMENT. Slave Trad'e. African (The) Trade, 1745. Slavery in the United States (contin-' - Analysis of Evidence, 1850. uel). - Beatson, J., Sermon, 1789. - New Democratic Doctrine, 1856. - Carey, H. C., The Slave Trade, 1853. - Nott, (S.) jr., The Remedy, 1856. - Friends, Declaration, 1824. - - Parker, J., Duty of the Whigs. -:Frie&ds, Facts, 1841. - " Letter to the People, 1848. - Gregory XVI, Bolll. - Phillips, W., Addresses. - Grenville, Lord, Speech, 1814. -- Randolph, P., Slave Life, 1855. - HawkriniS, J.j V~oyae to kAfrica. R- uffner, Address to Virginia. - Pitt, Speech on Abolition, 1792. - Ruggles, Answer to Reese, 1838. - Old Truths Established, 1793. - Scott (Dred) case, 1857. - Thorpe, R., On Sierra Leone, 1815. - Sherman, H., Slavery in the U. S. A., 1858. - U. S., Introduction of slaves, 1822. -- Slavery in the U. S., (Peabody). - Stiles, J. C., Speech, Presb.-Assem. i- Stockton, 11. F., Letter to Webster, Slavery,9 etibeces of. BroWbloiv, W. G1850. Discussion, 1858. - Stowe, II. B., Key to Uncle Tom. Goodloe, Southern Platform., 1858. - Vindication of the Address, 1773. - Nott,. B., Constit. Ethics, 1857. - Willard, S., The grand issue, 1851. - Peck, G., S1. and the Episcopacy. - Wisner, Serrm.,Matt. xxii. 21, 1844. S- SlJavesry in the South. S'tates (Pringle). - -See Missouri Compromise; United S-tringfellow, Scripture Testimony.. - Thornton, T. C., History of, in U. S. Slavery, Fugitive Slaves. Address, - Thornwell, J. H., Duties of Masters. Boston, 1846. - Voice from the South, 1847. - Butler, A. P., Speech, 1850. - Forman, J. G., Sermon, 1850. SlaV it the Jnited States Allen,- Foster, D., Sermon, 1851. G., Duty of Resistanbce to, 1847. - Hancock, Letter on, to S. A. Eliot. - Amer. Anti-S1. Alimananc, 183., 9. - American Savey - Krebs, Sermn., Surrendcler of. American S1lavry. - Letter to W. IH. Seward, (Gray). -- Bacon, T., EduCation of Slaves. -- Lord, J. -C., The Higher Law. - Bake-pan for Dough-Faces, 1854. - Lord, J.., The Higher La. - Blair, F. P., Destiny of the Races, - U. S. - Patton, W. W., P. Williamson's case. - Beaumont. Esclavage aux Etats Unis. - Quincy, J., Speech on, 1854. - Beecher, E., Alton Riots. - Scott, Dred, Remarks by Woolsey. - Benton, T. H., Dred:Scott case. - Smith, G., Argument, 1852. - BittingeT, A Plea, 1854. - Spear, S. T., Serm., Brooklyn, 1850. -'Buffalo Presbytery on A. B. C. F. M. - Spencer, I., Sermon, N. Y., 1850. Chandler, E. M., Essays, 1836. - Spooner, L., A Defence for, 1850. - Cheever, The Fire and Hammer, etc. - Storrs, R. S., Discourse, 1850. -'"~ Giuilt of Slaivery, 1860. - Stevens, C. E., Burns's Life. - Child, Appeal to Abolitionists. - Stuart, M., Conscience anid the Const., Coles, Hist. of Ordinance of, 1787. 1850. Union Safety Committee: selections, - Drew, North Side View of. 1851. - Essay in Vindication, etc., 1764. - Slae Law, 1150. U.S., Debate Fug. Slave Law, 1850. F- Fisher, E., The North and South, 1849. Fisher, E., The North and Soth, 849 - Young, J., Sermon, Rendition of Burns. Garrison, W. L., Address, 1854, 57.,,,, - See Personal Liberty Bills; Political - Goodell, Am. Constitutional Law on. Sermons. --'" Am. Slave Code. Grahame, J., Who is to blame, 1842. Svery, ngressioal ates,., relating to. Bayly, T. H., - Greeley, H., History of the Struggle. Speech, 1848. - GrimkSl, A., Appeal to Women. - Berrien, J., Speech, 1850. - Grosvenor, C. P., Address, 1834. -- Bissel, W. H., Speech, 1850. - Helper, Impending Crisis. - Brown, A. G., Speech, 1856. - Jay, W., Address, 1849. Calhoun, J. C., Speech U. S. Senate) - Mayo, A. D.,:Herod, John and Jesus. 1850. SUBJECT-INDEX. 1061 Slavery, Congressional Debates, &c., Slavery, British Abolition of (conrelating to (continued). tinued). - Clay, Abolition Petitions, 1839. - Letter to the Lord ChancelIor, 1833. - " Speech, Jan. 29, 1850. - Letter to the Mem. of Parl., 1816. - Crisfield, Speech, 1848. - M'Donnell, W. I. Legis. vindicated. - Davis, J., Speech, 1850. - Mortimer, Immed. Abolition, 1833. - Duer, W., Speech on, 1848-50.. - Negro Apprenticeship, 1837. - Floyd, J. G., Speech on, 1852. - Negro Emanc. made easy, 1816. - Giddings, J. R., Speech, 1858. - Negro Slavery: View of, 1823. - Hale, J. P., Speech, 1846. - Pennington, British Eman., 1856. - Kansas, Struggl of, 1856. - Phillips, G., West India Question. - Lawrence, S., Speech, 1848. - Remarks on an Address, 1826. - Mann, Speech, 1850. - Review of some of the Arguments, 1823. - " _New Dangers. -- Robinson, R., Sermon, Lu. x. 10, 18, - Murphy,. I-I. C., Speech, 1848. 1788. - Palfrey, On the Slave Power. - Rose, G. H., Conversion of Slaves. - " Speech, 1848. -- Scoble, J., On Brit. G6uiana. - Quincy, J., Address, 1856. - State of the Question, 1830. - Sackett, Speech...Extension of, 1850. - Slave Colonies of Eng., 1825. - Schoonmaker, Speech, 1852. - Stephen, J., Registration of,'1816. Seward, Speech, Rochester, 1858. - WVilberforce, W., Appeal, 1823. - Stanly, E., Speech, 1850. - See Jamaica; West Indies. - Stewart, J. A., Speech, 1856. Slavery, Anti-Slavery Periodicals - Stockton, R. F., Speech, 1852. and Societies. African Institurtion, 1820, 22. - Stow. H. J., Speech, N. Y. Assem. - Amer. and For. A. S. Soc. Sumner, C., Speech, 1852, 5. - Thayer, E., Speech,, 1859. - Va~n Horn, B., Speech, IN. Y., 1858. - Amer. Free Produce Ass'n. - Van Valkenburgh, Speech, N. Y., 1858. - Anti-Slavery Reporer, Ld., 1830. - Wade, B. F., Speech, 1858. - Anti-Slavery Soc. Loend., 1826, 34. - See Missouri; Compromise; Kansas; - British and For. Ant. S1. Soo. Nebraska; United States, Ferri- - Lilberator, Boston. tories. - London Anti-Si. Soc. Pub. Slavery, B:ritish Abolition of. Attempt N. Y. Young Men's Anti-S. S.c-. to Strip, &c., 1824. - Barbadoes, Report, 1824. - Quart. Anti-Sl. MVIrag., 1:835-7. - Barrett, Speech against, 1833. - Society for the Abolition, 1833. Barrett, Speech against, 1833. - Sec. for the Mitig.ation, etc. - Bevan, Apprenticeship System. Brief Remarks, Lond., 1816. Sleep. Fosgate, B., Sleep Physiol. Con- Brit. W. I. Colonies, Statutes for., Small Pox.'Dimsdale, On Inoculation, - Burnley, Opinions on, 1833. 1776. - Claxton, Colonial C-risis, 1831. 1- Duvillard, Tableaux de l'Influence de. - Conder, Wages or the Whip.- Fisher, J., Description of, 1834. - Condition of the Slave, Lend. -- Gardane, Le Secret des Suttons. - Cooper, T., Facts on Jamaica, 1824. - Gibbs, J., Vaccination, 1857. - Clark, G. D., W. I. Free Labor, 1833. - Maro, La Vaccine, 1836. - Davy, J., The West Indies, 1854. - Moore,J., History of, 1816. Death TTWanrrant of, 1829. - Nahuys, G. J., De Bedroefden, 1777. Duncan, West India Question, 1830. Providence, Report on, 1859. - Gladstone, W. E., Speech, 1838. - ood H. of In. - 1838. Appreceh - WoodvKlle r Hist. of Inoculation. Grey, Sir G., Negro Apprenticeship,meie 1838. Smellie W. Kerr, R., Memoirs of. - Hancock, J., Emanc. of W. I. SlavesC, mit C. J. Buell, S., Serm., Death of. 1833. - Horton, R. W., Letter on, Lond., 1830. Smilth, J08U. S., Relations with Burr, - Innes, On Negro Apprenticeship. SmitDh, E0. D. Eels, J., Sermon on, 1854. - Jordan, Slave.Registry Bill, 1816. Smith, P. Duim, Zedige Aanmerkingen, - Jamaica, Addresses, 1820. 1738. 1062 FIRST SUPPLEMENT. Smith, S. L. H. Hooker, E. V., Memoir Songs (continued). of. - Kennedy, Songs of Love and Liberty. Smithsonian Institutio n. Rhecs, Ac- _ Moore, F., Songs of Am. Revolution. - Pam. V. 534,. A.D. 1760. Smythe, Sir S. E. De Coetlogon, Ser- - Percy Society Publications. mon on. S- Stansbury, Loyal Verses of the RevoluSnape, Ao De 1l Pilloniere, Answer to, tion. 1717. tion. -- Star Spangled Banner Coil., 1817. - Prat, D., Answer on Bp. Hoadly. - Whitby, Answer to, 1717. See Poetry. - See Hoadly, B. Sonora. Mowry, Resources of, 1859. Soap. Morfit, Mantf. of, and candles. Soto, F. De. Wilmer, L. A., Life of. Social Science, Reforms, etc. An- Soul. Abiezer, Letter on, 1845. drews, S. P., Science of Society. - Baxter, A., Enquiry, 1745. - Buckingham, J. S., National Evils. - Haddock, J., Psychology. - Carey, H. C., Prin. of Social Science. - Remarks on Dr. Warburton's Acc't. - Davies, Late Hours of Business. - Price, R., Serm., Dignity of. - Henry, C. S., Social Welfare and Pro- - Raleigh, Sir W., Treatise of. gress. - Withington, L., Sermon on, 1832. - Johnson, A. B., Encyc. of Instruction. - See Philosophy; Man; Life. - Knigge, Pract. Phil. of Soc. Life. - Mably, Des Passions dans... South America. Argentine Republic. - Meliora, Quarterly Review. - Bolivar, Repub. de Bolivia. - Mercier, Du Bien-6tre materiel. - Cooperns History of, 1789. - Owen's Millenial Gazette, 1857, 8. - Davila, Teatro Eclesiastico, 1649. - New Bond of Love, i853. - Depons; Travels in, 1801-04. - Oneida Association, 1853. - Disturbances in, 1830. - Penn'a Yearly Meet. of Progr. Friends. - Empson, Narratives of, 1836. - Rights of Swine, 1795. - Gerstacker's Travels, 1854. - Soci6t0 Indust. de Mulhouse. - Great Britain: Navigation, 1825. - Sketch by Hubert, 1796. - Iawkshaw, Reminiscences of. - Wilson, J. P., Belmont Factory. - Helms, From Buenos Ayrcs to Lima. - See Labor; Progress; Reform;'etc. - Keith, G. M., Voyage to, 1819. Societies. See Scientific; Mechanics; Hu- - Pradt, Eur. and Amer., in 1821. mane; Mutual, etc. - Scarlett, Travels in, 1838. Society for Pro. Chr. Knowledge. - South America, Letter on, 1817. Blomfield, Claims of. - Strictures on a Voyage to, 1820. - Murray, T. B., Jubilee Tract. -' Thomson, J., Letters on, 1827. - Society for Pro. Chr. Knowl. - " Letters in behalf of, 1830. See Bible Societies. V- an Heuvel, El Dorado, 1844. Society for the Prop, of the Gospel. South Carolina. Case of Prot. Dissenters De Lancey, W. H., Report on Ju- in, 1706. bilee. - o — Consid. on certain transactions, 1774. - Mayhem, J., Remtarlks on a Tract, 1764. Gibbes, Doc. list. of Am. Rev. - Middleton, T. F., Letter to, 1819. Historical Account of. - Prot. Ep. Clh. New York, 1851. - Lawson, Beschreibung der Provinz. - Prot. Ep. Ch. Board of Miss., 1853. - Mass., Report on S. Hoar, 1845. - Riland, Slave Estates of. - Mountgomery, Discourse, 1.717. - Seymour, R., On Subscribing to, 1852. New and Acourate acc't, 1733. - Society for the Propagation, etc., Mis - O'Neall, Annals of Nwberry. cellaneous. ---'c Sketches of Bench and Bar. Solano, F. Courtot, La vie de, 1677. - Rivers, Hist. of, to 1710. Somers Mlutiny. Mackenzie, A. S., His - State Rights Almanac, 1833. Defence. - Short Description of, (Milligan,) 1770. Songs. Christy's Melodies. - Simms, W. G., History of, 1860. - Columbian Songster, 1797. - South Carolina, Proceedings, 1719. - Dyer, Songs and Ballads. - Yonge, Proceedings, 1719. $SUBJECT-INDEX. 1063 South Carolina College. La Borde, His- Spiritualism. Capron, Singular Revelatory of. tions. Southgateg, H. Amer. Board of Commis- - Davis, A. J., Principles of Nature. sioners...Corresp. - " Approaching Crisis. Southold, N. Y. Griffin, A., Journal, - " Philosophy of....inter1857. - -. - course. South Sea Comnp. Aislabie, Speech, 1721. - Dewey, Hist. of the Rappings. - - Edmonds, J. W., Reply to Bishop Hop- Iolmes, E., Letter, Lond., 1853. kins. - Thiers, IIst. of. I- CC Spiritual Intercourse. Spain. Attache in Madrid. - Ferguson, J. B., Spirit Communion. - Avecilla, Diario d. 1. Guerra, 1836. - -'. Divine Illumination. - Bryant, W. C., Letters of a Traveller. - Fish, W. H., Orthodoxy against. Cartas Espanolas, 1832. - Gasparin, Turning Tables. - Florian, Les Maures d'Espagne. - Hare, R., Investigation of. - France: Documents In6dits. -- Linton, Healing of the Nations. - Espinalt, Atlante Espafiol, 1787. - M'Ilvaine, J. H., Mod. Divination. - Goslinga, Guerre de Succession, 1706-11. - Mahan, Spiritualism, 1855. Great Britain: Spain, 1762. - Mattison, IH., Spirit Rapping, 1853. - cc "- Legion, 1837. - New Engl. Spirit. Assoc'n. Grimeston, Gen. History of, 1612.. - Obs. on the Theol. Mystery. Kolli, Mem., Ferdinand VII. - Page, C.. Psychomancy, 1853. - Letters Descriptive of, 1832. - Sacred Circle, Period., N. Y., 1855. - Mayerne, Gen. History of, 1612. - Shekinah, Period., N. Y. - M;Crie, Prot. Reform in., - Society for Diffu. of Sp. Knowl. - Iarch, C. W., Sketches, 1856. - Thoughts...Review of MahRn. - Prescott, W. H., Hist. of Philip II. - Tiffany's Monthly, 1858. Spa'n, Espafia Dividida, 1789. - Toohey, Review: Dwinell's Sermon. See Bibliography. - Wilson, R. P., Spiritual Science. Spain,, Pamphlets relating to. An- - See Iagnetism, Animal. swer to the observations, 1762. Spitzbergen. Hakluyt Soc., No. 18. - Full Exposition..1762. - Martens, Voyage to. - Obs. on the conduct of G. B., 1729. - Ohnatih, M cnifesto, 1836.G Spring, S. Woods, L., Serm., Death of. -Radil, Manifesto, 1836. - Seeker, Fast Sermon, War, 1741. Spurrell, J. Prynne, G. R., Address, Some Farther Remarks, 1729. Plymouth, Eng. - Some Observations, 1728. Stafford, E. Stafford, J., Serm., Death of. - View of Depredations of, 1731. Staffordshire, Eng. Letter to Sir J. Wrottlesey. Spanish Colonies. America: W. T., 1655. - Pearson J. Letter 1797. - Campillo, Nuevo Sistema de Gobierno, 1789. Stanwix, Fort. Schooleraft, Siege of, - Ielps, Span. Conquest in America. 1776. - Las Casas, Destruycion de las Indias. Stark, J. Stark, C., Memoir of. - Letters of Verus, 1797. - Letters of Verus, 1797. Stassart, G.. J. A. Quetelet, Notice sur. - Ternaus, Recueil de MImoires. - See America; Mexico; etc. State Rights. Granger, A. P., Speech, 1859. Speeches. Calhoun, J. C., Works. - See U. S. Government. - Giddings, J. R., Speeches; 1853. - Giddings, J. R., Speeches, 1853. Statistics Bailey, Of Longevity, 1857. - Kossuth, Select Speeches. - MKossuth, Select Speeches. - Boston, Registrars' Reports. - Moore, F., Aer. Eloquence. - Boston, Report on Census, 1855. - Sumner, C., Recent Speeches. Canada Census, 1855 - einrdham, Select Speeches. - Cheshire, Results in Great Britain, 1851. - See Orator~y; Oreations,.July 4. - Connecticut, Registration of Births, etc. Spencer, Earl. Dibdin, Biblioth. Spence- - Elliot, Law of Mortality in Mass. riana. - Ferrario, Morti Improvise, Milano. Spencer, T. Willard, S. D., Memoir of. - France, Census, 1856. 1064 FIRST SUPPLEIMENIT. Statistics (continued). Stearns, H.. C. Hedge, F. H., Funeral - France, Prisons, Returns. of, 1857. - Great Britain, Census, 1851. Ste-bbing, ]H. Pyle, Answer on Hoadly. -- ~" Statistics. - Warburton, Answer to, 1746. I- ale, W. H., On Registry of Births. Steele. Sir Re Brief Reflections on, 1715. - Huibner, 0., Survey of all Nations. Steele, S. N. Niles, R. E., Disc. at Fu- Iowa, Census, 1856. neral. - Lowell, Mass., Mortality in. Stephens, R. Crapelet, Robert Estienne. - Macqueen, Agr., Manuf. and Conm. - Greswell, Parisian Typography. - Mass., Census, 1855. - Prisons, eturns. Stephenson, G. Smiles, S., Life of, 1858. Prisons, Returns. - " Statist. of Industry. Stereotype. See Typography. - " Statist. of Registration. -.~ ~ Sterzilnger, Fe Zech, Zum Andenken des. New Jersey, Registration Reports. Andenken --'" Prison Statist., 1799-1845. Steuben, W. Bowen, F., Life of. - New York, Census, 1855. - Kapp, F., Life of. -'" Statist. of Convictsteuben Co., N. Y. McMaster, G. H., - Ohio, Commissioner's Reports, 1859. History of. - Pocock, List of -Books on. Stevens, P.o Stark, C., Biog. of. - Providence, Registrar's Rep., 1855-58. - Qu6telet, -Thorie des Probabilites. Stevenson, D. Stuart, J., Correspondence with, ]821. - Roxbury, Report of Births, etc. - Six Letters on Population, 1834. Stockbrie, ass. Jones E. F., Past and Present of. - Snow, Rhode Island Statistics. Plea before Council, 1780. - Standard Library, Cyclopwdia, 1853. - West, S., Vind. of Church in, 1780. - Statist. Soc. of Lond., Journal.. - Tuthill, On Registration, 1853. $tockton, R. Fo Stocktof, Life of. - U. S. Manufactures, Statist., 1859. Stoddard, D. T. Thompson, J. P., Memoir of. - Vermont, Registration Reports. - See United States; Life, etc. Stone, BW. Lo Evidence on Falsehoods of, 1837. Staughton, W. Lynd, S. W., Memoir of.,Storms. See Meteorology. Steam Engine. Arago, (Euvres, V. 5. t3 "D n. Stoughton9l?dass. Richmond, E., Hist. Baker, H. F., Improvements in. Diso rse Richmond, E., Baltimore & Ohio IR. R., Winans. F ISti, Rptovres. Klein, Fourneaux ]con. - Frankli.Institutte, Report. -- Sanford's Heaters. - Gold, S. J., Steam Heating Appar. Sanford's Heaters. ret ritain, team Exmin. Jagger; Learned; McArthur; McCoy; - Great Britain, Steam Examina. i Rathbone; Richardson; Shear; - Grimes' Spark Arresters. Treadwell; Vose, Albany. - Harshman, Explosions of Boilers. $tras ourg. See Typography. - N. Y. City, Hague St. Accident. Redeld, Explosion of the New Eng- Strong, N. Perkins, N., Serm., Funeral of. Redfield, Explosion of the New England. Stuart, J. Review of Proc. of Canada, - U. S., Explosions of, 1838. 1831. Steam Navigation. Cameron's Austra- Suffrage. Enquiry into the Evils, 1810. lian Steamers. - Frieze, Suffrage in Rhode Is. - Evans, O., His Patent Rights. - Harris, G., Eytension of, Loend., 1852. - Ewbanlk, Paddles. - Honest Elect6r's Proposal. - Fitch, J., Reply to Rumsey, 1788. - Aliall, The Suffrage, 1848. - Lloyd's Steamboat Directory. - - Milnes, R. Ai., On the Ballot. - Montgomery, Steam on Canals, 1858. - Objections to the Ballot, 1837. - New York & Galway Co. - Pierce, Letter on Foreign Vote, 1857. - Rainey, Ocean St. Nav., 1858. - Rights of Brit. Subjects, 1740. - Redfield, Letters to Comm. Perry. - Rotten House of Commons, 1835. - Rumsey's Treatise, 1788. - Sickles, Speech, Voting in N. Y. - Statements of, for 1840. - Somers, Defence of the Constitution. - U. S., Princeton Steamship.' - See Elections. SUBJECT-INDEX. 1065 Sugar. British Spirits, Evidence, 1848. Sussex, Eng. Lee, W., History of Lewes, East and West India Sugar. etc. - East India Co., Debates, 1823. Sutner, G. C. v. Mussinan, Denkrede auf. - Hyde, J., Chinese Sugar Cane. Sutton, $. Herne, S., Life of - Jones, E., Sugar Maple Tree. Sweden. Geffroy, Histoire de la, 1851. - Letter to W. W. Whitmore, 1823.istory of the Swedes. -- Geijer, IHistory of the Swedes. - McCulloh, Sugar and Hydrometers. Letter to Sir J. Banks. - Marryatt, J., Protection to, 1823. - Obs, upon a Pamphlet, 1717. - Martin, R. M., Free Trade in. Taylor, B., Northern Travel. Protection to W. I. Sugar, 1823. - See Scandinavia Norway. -- See Scandinavia; Norway. - Slare, Vindication of, 1715. - Shepard,. U., Cult. of Sug. Cane. Swedenborgians. Amer. New Church - Shepard, CU., Cult of Sug. Cane.Ass'n. - Some Considerations....W. I. Col., _ Bush, 1823. - Bus, G., Centenary Address. - Fernald, Eternity of Heaven. - Statement of Claims of W. I. - Herald of New Jerusalem. Suicide. Key, Dissertation on, 1785. - Little, Biog. of a New Churchman. - Lisle, Du Suicide, 1856. - New Jerusalem Church Liturgy. Sullivan, J. Amory, T. C., Life of. - New Church: Articles. - New Church Herald, 1858. Summerfield, J. Holland, J., Memoirs of. - Swedenborg, Memorabilia. Sumner, C. Hall, R. B., Speech, Assault Switzerland. Sonzenbach, Handelsveron. hiltnisse. - Hunter, R. M. T., Speech, Assault on. - Tyndall, Glaciers of the Alps. Sunday, Sunday Schools. See Sabbath. Syracuse, N. Y. Cheney, Reminis. of. - Saint James Church. Superior ILake. Houghton, J., Reports and Map, 1846. Syrcuse Directories. - Oliphant, Minnesota, 1855. Syria. Churchill, Mount Lebanon, 1853. Superstition. Chandler, Incurableness of - Jowett, Christian Researches in. - False Religion, 1730. - Lindsay, Letters on, 1858. - Ilorst, Zauber-Bibliothek. - Lynch, W. F., Explor. of Dead Sea. - Stillingfleet, Serm., Nature of. - See Palestine; Turkey. See Witchcraft; Mythology. T Surgery, Andry, Difformites du Corps. Talleyrand, Prince. McHarg, Life of. - Ballingall, Military Surgery. - Bsling~8ll, Military Surgery.'85Talleyrands Prince. McHarg, Life of. - Bancal, Lithotritie. Tallmadge, Benj. Hickok, L. P., Ser- Brainard, Fractures non-reunies. mon on, 1835. - Brodie, Diseases of Joints. - Tallmadge, Memoir. - Dejean, Des Hernies, 1762. Tanning. Morfit, Art of. - Delagenevriere, Les Hernies, 1768. Tapestry. France, Tapestry of Gobelins. - Deleau, Du Catheterisme..- Delean, Du Catheterisme. Tariff, United States. Barnard, D. D., - Jones, J., Of Wounds and Fractures. Speech, 1844. - Medico-Chirurg. Review, Lond. - Bates, I. C., Speech, 1844. - Otto, C., Wundirtzte. - Bradford, S. D., Injurious Effects, 1850. - Par6, (?Euvres, 1585. -- Carey, Collectanea. - Purple, S. S., Wounds of the Heart. - Clay, H., Speeches. - Shipman, Address, Indiana Med. Coill. - Examination of, 1821. - Sims, J. M., Silver Sutures. - Evans, G., Speech on, 1844. - Use-of the Dead, 1828. - Friends of Dom. Ind. Memorial. - Walker, W. J., Compound Fractures. - Greeley, H., Tariff, Protection. -- Wood, J. R., Ligat. of Carot. Artery. - Hampton, M., Speech on, 1851. - See Anatomy; Medicine; Eyes. - Hayne, R. Y., Speech on, 1832. Surrey, Eng. Brayley, E. W., Topog. - Hunt, W., Speech on, 1846. Hist. of. - Ingersoll, J. It., Speech, 1846. Sussex, Duke of, Dibdin, Sermon on, - McDuffie, G., Speech, 1832. 1843. - Morris, E. J., Speech, 1859. [ SuPPL.1 134 1066 FIRST SUPPLEMENT. Tariff, United States (continued). Taylor, Z. (continued). - Phil'a Soc. for Nat. Industry, 1819. - Spencer, W. II., Disc., Death of. - Polk, Wright, etc., Speeches. - Stearns, W. A., Disc., Death of. - Purvianace, S. A., Speech, 1859. - Taylor, Z., Life of. Simmons, J. F., Speech, 1842. - Worcester, S. M., Tribute to. - Stanley, E. J., Speech, Parl., 1846. Tea. Great Britain, Tea, 1847. - Stewart, A., Speeches, 1824, 27, 45. Teachers. See Education. - Tariff Question, 1852. Teeth SeeDentistry. - Winthrop, R. C., Speech, 1846. -- See Free Tradelegraph. Atlantic Tel. Celeb. Albany. - See Free Trade; Political Economy; Customs. -- Atlan. Tel. Company. TariffBritish. Peel, Sir R., Speech, - Briggs, Atlantic Cable, 1858. 1842. - Morse, S. F. B., Letters from. - See Great Britain, Financial. - Mullaly, The Ocean Telegraph. Tasmania. Gates, W., Recollections of, - " Trip to New Foundland. 1850. - Richardson, I. S., Atmospheric Tel. - Nixon, Cruise of the Beacon. - Prescott, G. B., History and Practice. -- Sutton, Speech, On Submarine Tel. Tasso, T. Mills, R., Life of. - Un. St., Report on, 1842. Taunton, Mass. Emery, Ministry of. Ta ton, ass Emery, Ministryof. Telescopes. Passement, Description, 1737. Taxation. Bowen, T. H., Self-multiplier. Temperance. Almanac of A. T. Union, - Burnup, H., Carriage Tax, 1851. 1851. - Boston, List of the Taxed. - Appeal to Liquor Makers. - Dorchester, Mass., Taxed Polls. - Armstrong, L., History of. - Essay upon Taxes, 1693. - Benezet, Effects of Liquors. - Furnivall, Taxing made Easy, 1859. - Blake, Of Delirium Tremens. - Graglia, Abolition of Taxes by Collec- - Chipman, The Temp. Lecturer. tors. -tos. - - Davis, A.' S., A Loud Call, 1842. - Letter on Assessed Taxes, 1850. - Delavan, Adulterations. - Letter to the Rt. Hon. Sir C. Wood. - Dickinson, A., Appeal. -' Letter to R. Cleeve: 1757, (Massie). - Fosdick, D., Scriptural Temperance. - Mass., Taxation Report, 1850. n- Hitchcock, Alcoholic.. substances. - Matson, Tenant Farmer's Speech, 1850. Humphrey, H., Intemp. and Slave - Miller, S., Land and Income Tax, 1848. Trade. - New York City Tax Book. - Kitchel, Liquor Traffic, 1850. - Popular Exp. of Stamp Acts'. - McCarthy, Marriage in Cana. - Providence, tR. I., List of Assessed. - Manchester, E., The Reform Defended. - Prynne, Against the New Tax, 1654. - Marsh, J., Half Century Tribute. - Taxation of the U. Kingdom, 1842. - N. Y. State Inebriate Asylum. - Treatise of, (Petty,) 1679. - Parker, H., Allsop's Pale Ale. - U. S., Tax Law of, 1815. - Root, Of Delirium Tremens. - See Excise; G. Britain, Debt. - Rum-drinking Christian. Taylor, J. Impartial Remarks on War- - Rush, Effects of Ard. Spirits. burton, 1758. - Sargent, L. M., Review of Sprague's Taylor, J. B. Rice, J. H., Memoir of. Serm Taylor, N1. W. Dow, Nlew Haven Theo- Scheltema, Aanprijzing, 1848. logy.: — Sprague, W. B., Wine at Communion. - Stuart, M., The Wine Question, 1848. Taylor, S. L. Jones, L., Memoir of. - Taylor, C. W., Goblet of Death. Taylor, T. Taylor, T., Notice of. - Temperance Almanacs, 1833-45. Taylor, Z. Clayton, Defence of, 1848. - Toy, J., On Drunkenness, 1836. - Ely, A. B., Eulogy on. - Tract on Drunkenness, 1811. - Flint, J., Sermon on. - U. S. Inebriate Asylum. - Gales, J., Sketch of. - Weems, Drunkard's Glass. - Magie, D., Serm., Death of. - Wetmore, An appeal, 1851. - N. Y. City, Funeral Ceremonies. - Wight, W., Common Sense, 1847. - Old Rough and Ready Almanac. - See Excise. SUBJECT-INDEX. 1067 Temperance, Addresses on. Beecher, Templeton; Mass. Adams, E. G., Hist. L., Six Sermons on. Discourse. - Greeley, H., Lectture on Liquors. Tennessee. Haywood, J., Hist. of, 1823. -- KRittridge, J., Addlress, 1827. - Nashville and Tenn. Directory. - Kirkland, J. T., Sermon, 1814. - Putnam, A. W., list. of Middle Tenn. - Lanc, S. E., Lect. on Abstinence. Test Act, Eng. Answer to the Bp. of Ox- Livesey, Temp. Lect., Eng. ford, 1688. - Marsh, J., Putnam and the Wolf. - Church of Englandman's answer. - " Sundaty trtaffic.; -- Enquiry into the reasons, 1688. - Nicholls, A., Danvers, 1819. - Fox, C. J., Speech, repeal of, 1790. - Nott, E., Lectures on. - History of the Test act, 1790. - Oration of Creek Indian. - Hoadly, Refutation of Sherlock. - Osgood, G., Danvers, 1820. - - Horsley, Case of Prot. Dissenters. - Peirson, A. L., Salem, 1830. - Letter from a person of quality, 1675. - Perry, G. B., Haverhill, 1828. - Letter to Earl Stanhope, (Hawtrey). - Potter, A., Drinking usages. - Letter to the Deputies of the Pro. Diss. - Sprague, C., Mass. Soc., 1827. - Narrative of Proceedings, 1734. - Ware, H., Address, 1832. - Pacquet of advices, 1676. - Whittlesey, F., Clarkson Soc., N. Y., - Parker, S., Reasons for abrogating, 1688. 1843. 1- Pearce, C., Unjust tendency of, 1790. - Wines, E. C., Huntington, L. I. - Philo-Theodosius...on Burke. Temperance, Legislation for. Barrows, - Sherlock, T., Vind. of Test Acts. W., Legislation on. - Theodosius, Admonition, 1790. - Haskett, Against prohibition. - See Dissenters; Conformity; Tolera- Hedges, H. P., Hist. Excise law of N. _tion; Authority. York. Texas. Adams, C. F., Texas and Mass., - Leigh, C. C., The Maine law. 1844. - Lovejoy, J. C., Speech for repeal. - Annexation of... Opinions on. - Maine Law in Balance. - Braman, Information on, 1857. - Mass., Reports on traffic. - Green, T. J., Reply to Houston. - May, S. J., Second revolution. - Haywood, W. H., Speech, 1845. - New York, Reports on, 1855, 56. - Letters upon the annexation, 1845. - Rational appeal...against, 1852. - Jones, A., Annexation of, 1848. Temperance Periodicals and Socie- - Newell, C., Hist. of Revolution in. ties. Amer. Temp. Society. - Olmsted, Journey through, 1857. - Amer. Temp. Union, Reports and Jour. - O'Neill, Guide to, 1834. - Annales de la Temperance, 1854. - Political Essays, 1844. - Bristol Total Abst. Soc., 1838. - Rayner, K., Speech, 1845. - Brit. & For. Temp. Soc. - Smith, E., Journey in, 1849. - Connecticut Temp. Soc. - Texas, Sketches by Milam. - Enquirer, Albany, 1841-46. - Texas Almanac, 1857. - Lund, Sons of Tem perance.- Texas in 1840. - Mass. Soc. for Supp. Intemp. - Visit to Texas, 1834. - Mass. Temp. Soc., Tracts. - Walker, R. J., Annexation of, 1844. - National Temp. Convention, 1851. - Yoakum, History of, 1856. - National Temp. Soc., N. Y. Thanksgiving. Hough, Proclamations for - New British and Foreign, the U. S. - N. Y. City T. Alliance, 1855, 56. Thayer, N. Review of a Discourse by. - N. Y. City T. Society, 1848. Theatrical. See Drama. - N.Y. St. Temp. Sot., 1852-5. - N. Y. St. Temp. Soc., 1852-5. Theological Education. Fisk, E., Ser- Prohibitionist, Albany, 1855-7. mon, Norfolk Co., Mass. - Soc. for the Supp. of Vice, 1813. - Freeman, Z., Manual of Theol. S-m. - Sons of Temperance. - Haven, Sermon, Am. Ed. Soc. - United Kingdom Alliance. - James,Serm., AmEd. Soc. -- World's Convention, N. Y.~ I — Miller, S., Introd. Lecture. Temple, N. IH. Blood, H. A., History of. - Obs. on the proposition, (Channing). 1068 FIRST SUPPLEMENT. Theological Education (continued). Theology, in English (continued). - Presb. Ch. Reports, 1850-55. - Bushnell, God in Christ. - Rice, N. L., N. W. Theol. Sem. - Calvin, J., Institutes. - Sweetser, S., Min. Educat., Serm. - Chubb's Writings. - Wayland, F., Address, March 16, 15. - Colton, J., Of the Cov't of Grace, 1671. - Wheatly, Serm., Schools of Prophets. - Cudworth, Intell. Syst. of Universe. - Willard, S., Directions in study. - Davies, Principles of Chr. Religion. - Wotton, W., Method of study. - Dissertation... fall of man, 1723. - See Clergy; Church of Engl. Clergy. - Divine Rectitude, 1730. Theological Seminaries. Amer. Educa — Doddridge, P., Misc. works. tion Soc. - Dunlap, S. F., Vestiges of Spirit Hist. - American Society for, 1816. - Eachard, J., Works, 1705. - Baptist Educ. Soc. - Engles, On prevailing errors. -. Glena, Ill. - Examination of Dr. Tyler's Strictures. - Hackney, Theol. Sem. -- Faber, G. S., Calvinistic controversy. - Hampshire Educ. Soc. - Fellowes, The Anti Calvinist. - Hartwick Seminary. - Greenfield, E., Publications. - Kenyon College, Theol. Sem. - HIampden, R. D., The 39 Articles. - Meadville Theol. Sch. -- Hollingsworth, Lectures, 1835. N. Y. Bapt. Union for. - Jebb, J, Theol. Lectures. - Prot. Ep. Ch. Gen. Theol. Sem. - Malellan, Exclusive Deity. - Rochester Theol. Sem, - Marsh, H., Lectures. - Soc. for the Prom. of Coll. and Theol. - Marshall, W., Sanctification, 1769. Ed. at the West. - Martin, J., Disc. on Rom. x. 3. Society for promoting, etc.,- Camb., - Neander, IIist. of Christ. Dogmas. Mass. - Ott, A crack in the wall, 1846. - Theol. Inst., Windsor, Conn. -- Pacific Discourse, (T. Smith) 1688. - Theol. Seminaries, Andover, Danville, - Park, E. A., Address, Cong. Min. of Princeton. Mass., 1850. - Union Theol. Sem. N. Y. city. - Pearson, On the Creed. - Western Bapt. Theol. Inst., 1850. - Ridgley, Body of Divinity. - Western Theol. Sem., Allegheny. - Rowles, On divine truth, 1797. Theology, in Dutch. Buurt...Godge- - Sharpe, W., Course of Sermons, 1816. leerdheid, 1776. - Silver, F., Miscellanies. - Byler, HIeilige mengelstoffen. - Smith, M., Epitome of, 1837. - Comrie, Verhandeling, 1744. - Spring, S., Moral disquisitions. - Elgersma, Zeedige verhandelinge. - Squier, Sin not of God. - Francken, A., Stellige Godgeleertheyd. - Taylor, J., Catholic faith. - Hakvoord, I)e...Schole van Christus. - Tyndale, Dissertations. - Heijningen, Onfeilbaarheid der Apos- - Watts, I., Works. telen. - Weller, J., Free Grace. - Honert, Van Christus koningryk. - Wilson, T., Instruction for Indians. - Leydekker, De Verborgentheid. - See Catechisms; Bibliography; Reli- Leydt, Ware vryheyt, 1760. gion; Creeds; IHoadly; Predestina- Meyer, Het geloof vanf Abraham. tion; Natural Theology; Trinity, - Vitringa, Gelove der alg. Kercke. etc. Theology, in Latin. Baronius, Peccati - See Sermons; Religion. mortalis. mortalis. Theology, in English. Alberthoma, - Cocceius, Opera.,Princ. of Chr. rel. - Garsias, P., Determinationes magis- Andros, Divine efficiency. trales. - Baptismal bonds, (Ileywood). - Groot, Compendium Theol. 1851. - Beasley, Answer to Channing. - Joannes, Summa de Exemplis. Bentham, Heads of lectures. - Lightfoot, Opera. - Butler, T., Gospel Liberty, 1819. - Netter, Fasciculi Zizaniorulm. - Brake, Serm., Election, Rom., ix. 11. - Pareau, Series Compend. theol., 1848. - Burch, Free grace, 1757. - Paulus, Scrutinium Scriptorum. - Burrough, Lect. on Church Catechism. - Theramo, Consol. peccatorum, 1484. SUBJECT-INDEX. 1069 Theology, in Latin (continued). Toleration (continued). - Trithemius, De Scriptoribus eccles. - Davis, G. L., Day-Star of Freedom. - Vincentius, Speculum doctrinale, 1494. - Debate H. of Com. repeal of Test acts. Vives, L. Opera, 1782. - Delays Dangerous, 1739. - See Church Fathers. - Dispute Adjusted, 1732. T- Exposition of the Orthodox System, T'holmas, Df. Evans, H., Sermon on, 1773. 1749. Thomas, T. Cox, C. C., Oration on, 1847. - Great Britain, Conformity, 1701. - Harvest, G., Letter to S. Chandler, Tibbits, G. Van Mleeck, Disc. on, 1849. 1749. Ticonderoga, N. Y. Cook, Home - Hickes, G., Sermon, 1681. Sketches. - Hill, R., Parochial Assessments. - Munsell's Hist. Series, No. 1, 3. - Hull, Eng., Proceedings of Dissenters. Tillam, T. Jennison, W., Lash for a lyar, - Inconveniences of Toleration, 1667. 1658. - Indulgence not Justified, (Perrinchief). Tillotson, J. Birch, T., On life of. - Letter on Toleration, 1808. - Burnet, G., Serm., Funeral of. - Letters of Philopatris, 1819. Tindal, M. Middleton, C., Letter to Wa- - Liberty the Support of Truth, 1732. terland.- - M'Neile, State in Danger. - Marsh, H., Letter on, 1810. Tithes. Concise history of, 1819. Pe,., Treatise on Persecution, -- Penn, W., Treatise on Persecution, - Hales, W., Observations on, 1794. (Works). - Miller, J., Connexion with agr. distress. - Priestley, Letter to Pitt, 1787. - Moorsom, Letter on Church rates. - Potter, J., Charge to Clergy, 1719. - Newsome, Church rates. -- Ramsay, W., Rel. Liberty, 1856. - Sheppard, W., Law of Tithes, 1654. - Right of Prot. Dissenters, 1789. - Treleinie, Undeceiving the People. - Roaf, On Head's Proclamation. - See Taxation. - Robertson, J., Wolverhampton Case. Toasts. Burder, Letter, 1810. - Sharpe, J., Serm. on Conscience. Tobacco. Burdell, J., Use of, 1848. - South, R., Sermon, 1716. - Clarke, A., Diss. on use of. - Short Answer to Buckingham, 1685. - Harris, E., The effects of, 1853. - Steele, T., Iniquity of Oaths, 1829. - Hitchcock, Alco. and narcotic substances. - Sturges, On Subscription, 1772. - Paper of Tobacco. - Tate, Sermon, Matt. vii. 12. - Prescott, H. P., Tob., its adulterations. - Toleration Act Explained, 1812. - Tobacco Almanac, 1849. - Tucker, J., Relig. Intolerance, 1774. - U. S. Foreign trade in, 1840, 48. - Werenfels, Three Discourses, 1718. - Venner, T., Via recta, 1650. - William III, Of Lib. of Conscience. - Welford, Duties on: moral effects of. - Wordsworth, C., Relig. Liberty. Tobago Is. Robinson, F. P., Defence, - 1830. Tompkins, D. Granger, G., Speech on Toland, J. Dalrymple, G., Letter to Sherlock. - M'Intyre, A., Letter to. Toleration. Answer to a late pamphlet, Tonga Is. Mariner, W., Account of. 1687.k Tooke, J. H. Fox, C. J., Plaintiff vs., Backus, Force in Religion. 1792. - Bowditch, Cath. Church on Jail lands. - Paull, J., Ref. of Calumnies of. - Capel, Unitarian Britain. - Review of the Const. of G. Britain. - Cassan, Considerations against, 1828. -Chandler, Case of Subscription. Topsfield, Mass. Cleaveland, Hist. Ad- Chubb's Writings. dress, 1850. - Clagett, N., A Perswasive, 1685. Toronto. Canada, Land Dep't Report. -- " W., The Difference of the Case, - Toronto Hand Book, 1858. 1686. - " Almanac, 1839. - Collection of testimonies, 1790. Torstenson, Lo De Peyster, Life of. - Collins, Of Free-Thinking, 1713. Toulln, Irs. Lewis, W. G. Sermon - Conference...Papist and Jew, 1678. Death of. 1070 FIRST SUPPLEMENT. Townshend, E. Andrews, E., Sermon, Tradition (continued). Death-of. D- Russell, A. T., On -eble's Sermon. Tract Societies. Amer. Tract Society, - Stillingfleet, Sermon on, 1687. Boston. - Taylor, I., Transmission of Books. - Amer. Tract Society, N. Y. Transubstantiation. Aylmer, Sermon, - Appeal to Chr. Public, 1849. 2 Pet. ii, 1. - Canada Rel. Tr. Soc. Rep. - Clagett, On John 6th. - Hartford Tract; Soc.-, 1859. - Parker, S., Reasons for... Test, 1688. - Jay, YW., Letters on, 1853, 59. - Payne, W., Adoration of the Host. -- Mleth. Episc. Church. I — Piers, O., Not Doct. of Church of Eng. - New Eng. Tr. Soc. - Tillotson, Disc. against, 1684. - N. Y. City Tract Soc. I- Transubstantiation, (Goodman), 1688. - Prot. Epis. Tr. Soc., N. Y. - See Communion. - Religious Tract Soc., 1848, 54. - Religious TractSoc1848,54. Travels. Carletti, Ragionamenti, 1701. - Soc. des Livres relig., Toulouse. - Evliya, Narrative of Travels. Tractarianism. Allport, Serm., Jer. - Jenkinson, Reys, 1558. ix. 3. i- Mavor, General Collection of. - Are the Innovations, etc? 1840. Melton, Zeeen Land Reizen. -- Melton, Zee-en Land Reizen. - Bennett, W., Letter to Lord Russell. - Minturn N. Y. to Delhi. - Bickersteth, Divine Warning, 1842. - Taylor, 1., At Home and Abroad. - Bricknell, On Keble,- 1841. - Fish, H., Jesuitism Traced in. - See Voyages. - Garbett, J., The University, etc. Treaties. Brief Enquiry. - Hampden's Theol. statements, (Pusey). - Great Britain, Treaties, 1748, 1762. - Hardy, T., Priestcraft Exposed, 1838. - Rousset, Recueil d'Actes, etc., 1728-55. - Hildyard, W., Letter to A. T. Carr. renton, N. J. Hall, J., Hist. of Presb. - Hopkins, J. H., On Tract No. 90. Church. - Lee, C., Tractarian Teaching. - - Trenton Directory. -. Letter to the Bishops, 1843. 1 Trials. Arnot, Trials in Scotland. - Maurice, P., Popery in Oxford. - Great Britain, Tryal. of the Lords, 1679. - Monro, E., Present Crisis, 1850. - Holeroft, T., For High Treason. -- New Popular Rhtyrmes, 1843. - Marshall, Rev. G., Phil'a, 1843. - Newman, J. H., Letter to Jelf, 1841. - Nichols, J. and N., Murder. ---'" Letter to Bp. of Ox- - Pine, TLibel 1793. ford. - See Capital Punishment. - Palmer, W., Narr. of Events, 1843. - Perceval, Letter to S. Arnold. Trinidad, W. Indies. Adam, T., Fare- Plain Sermons, 1839. well Sermon. - Plain Words, 1842. - Marryatt, J., Speech on, 1822. - Remarks upon the'" Papal Aggres- - Peck, N., Report on, 1840. sion." - Picton, A Letter on, 1804. - Sanderson, R. B., Stagnation of Trade, 1842. Trinity. Burgh, W., Answer to Lindsey.' 1842. - Ward, R., J. Taylor's Testimony. - Burnet, G., Judgment on, 1732. - Willatts' Monitory Address, 1848. - Christian Liberty asserted 1734. - Williams, A., Five Sermons, 1842. - Clayton, R., Essay on Spirit, 1751. - Worthington, J. W., Tr. Tendencies. - Coningsby, Sermon, Rom. i, 22. - See Church of England; Baptismal re- Consid. on the Explications of, 1694. generation; Hampden. - Cornelius, Sermon on. Trades. Advertisements, Pam. V. 618. - Craig, R., Treatise on, 1828. - See Arts. - Doctrine of, (Evanson), 1772. - Doctrine of, 1768. Trades9 Union. Builders' Assoc'n, Lond., - Emlyn, On 1 John, 5, 7. 1834. 3- Eveleigh, Sermon, Zech. ii. 8-11. - Character, etc., of, 1834. - Essay on Religion, 1734. - See Labor; VWazges. - Essay towards Demonstration of, 1738. Tradition. Pearson, G., Doct. of Ch. of- Evans, J., Letter to Mr. Cumming, Engl. 1 722. SUBJECT-INDEX. 107 1 Trinity (continued). Turkey (continued). - Greene, W. B., The Doctrine of. - Grassi, Charte Turque. - Hawkins, J., Address to Dr. Priestley. - Great Britain, Turkey; Eastern Papers, - Haywood, V., Exam. of Dr. Clarke's 1854. Doct. H- lints on the- East. question, 1853. - Howell, W., Sermonon 1 John, 5, 7. - Iist. of war in Bosnia. - Huntingford, Thoughts on, 1804. - La Croix, Abr6g6 de l'histoire de. - Jones, W., The Doctrine proved, 1795. - Leunclavius, Ann. Sultanorum Othma- Letter to the Rev. Dr. Waterland. nidarum. - Newton, W., Curiosity in Religion, Nicolay, Voyages en, 1577. 1725. - Oscanyan, The Sultan...1857. - Nolan, Vind. of 13ampton Lect. - Porter, J., Aanmerkingen, 1770. - Obs. on Dr. Waterland, (Clarke). - Schneider, Letters from Broosa. - Remarks on Dr. Waterland's Defense.- - Smith, J. V. C., Travels in 1852. - Remarks upon a late Dissertation, 1726. - Smyrna Guide, 1840. - Resignation no Proof, 1776. - Turkey, Charte. - Richardson, J., Athanasian Creed. -- Uhicini, Lettres sur, 1851. - Some Considerations, 1721. - Vassif, Guerre contre les russes, 1769. - Toulmin, Doct. of Unity. - See Armenians; Palestine; Syria. Treatise of, 1748. - Treatise of, 1748. Turkey, Newspapers. Courrier de Con- Two Letters, 1688. stantinople, 1847-55. - Vaillant, Scripture compared, 1819. - Impartial, L', Smyrne, 1855. - Waterland, Arian Subscription. - Jeridei Havadis, Constantinople. cc - Hist. of the Controversy. - Journal de Constantinople, 1846-56. - Wells, E., Letter to Clarke, 1713. -- 1Ioniteur Ottoman, 1831-36. - Williams, J., Vindication, 1695. - Presse d'Orient, 1855. - Williams, J., Sermon, Conn., 1850.,, Turnip. Commerell, Bericht...of Mangel- Whiston, W., The Doxologies. Wortel. - Whitaker, Four Dialogues, 1786. - Worcester, N., Bible News. Turrettin, J. A. Clarke, Jos., Reply. - See Arians; Christ; Unitarians. Tuscany. Crawford, M. S., Life in. Trinity Coll. Remarks on Washington - France, Doets. in6d., V. 37. Coll. - Tuscany, Esposizione, 1851, 54. Tripoli. Ray, W., Horrors of Slavery. Tyng9 D. A. Tyng, S. H., Memorial of. Tromp, 1[. H. Barentz, Journael, 1639. Typography.* See Bibliography; Engraving; Lithography. Trotman, N. Barber, J., Serm., Death of. AMERICAN PRINTING. See History of. Troy, N. Y. Woodworth, Reminiscences of. AnT ov TrYPOGRAPY. Adams, T. F., TypoTrue Ref. Dutch Ch. Paulison, On Union graphia. with, 1831. - Auer, Naturselbstdruck. Trumbull, J. Ely, Z., Sermon on, 1786. - Bertrand, Trait6 de typographie. -,Stuart, J. W., Life of. - 3Stuart, J. W., Life of. - Bodoni, Manuale tipografico. Tuft's College. Hersey, Claims of, 1856. - Brun, Manuel de la. typog. Frangaise. Tunis. Jowett, Graves' Journal. - C Handbuch der buchdruckerkunst. Ture J ColmanSer. on, and life of. Camus, Hist. du polytypage et de la Turell, J.e Colman, Serm. OD, and life of. ster6otype. Turkey. Aucher, Voyages, 1843. - Crapelet, ]Etudes pratiques. - Buckingham, J. S., Travels in. - " De la prof. d'Imprimeur. - Carlisle, Lord, Diary, 1855. - Fertel, La science pratique de. - Crowe, The Greek and Turk, 1853. - Fournier, H., Trait6 de la typographie. - Crusius, Turco-Graecioe, viii lib., 1584. - Fournier, P. S., Manuel typographique, - Eardley, Christianity in, 1855. - Grattan, Printer's companion. - Gaudry, Recherches on orient. - Great Britain, Patents. Other titles will be found in the " Catalogue of Books on Bibliography, Typography and Engraving, in the New York State Library, Albany, 1858," pp. 143, 8~. The references in italic denote headings under Typography. 1072 FIRST SUPPLEMENT. Typography: ART OF TYPOGRAPHY (con- Typography: BIOGRAPHIES OF PRINTERS, tinued). BOOKSELLERS, ETC. (continued). - Guignes, Principes de composition ori- - Reume, Imprimeurs Belges. entale. - Saxius, Hist. Lit. Typ. Mediolan. - Johnson, H., Introd. to Logography. - Teissier, Catalogus Auctorum, 1688. - Johnson, J., Typographia. - Timperley, Encyc. of Typ. Anecd. -- Luce, Essai d'une nouvelle typog. - Se Caxtol, W.; Cosfer, L. J.; G1- Luckombe, Hist. and progress of. tenberg, J.; Bibliography. -Momoro, TraiA6 616mentaire. BLOCKBOOKS. Russia, Cat. Xylographes. - Moxon, Mechanick exercises, 1677. - Sotheby, Principia Typographica. - Peignot, Diet. de bibliol. - Varusoltis, Xylographie Troyenne. - Savage, Decorative printing. -- See History, and, Engraving. - Smith, Printer's grammar. - Smitho, Printer's grammar. CAXTON, W. Dibdin, Bibl. Spencer., V. 4. - Stower, Printer's grammar. - Timperley, Printer's manual. - Dibdin, Typ. Antiq., V. 1. - Lewis, Life of. - Trumbull, Pocket typographia. - Vingard, L'Art du typographe. COSTER, L. J. Kortebrand, Lof der Drukkunst. See Lithography; Stereotype. - Loosjes, Gedenkschriften. AUGSBURG. See Bibliography. - Vries, A. De, Notice sar le Speculum. BAMBERG. See Bibliography. - See Bibliography, and, Haarlem. BIBLIOGRAPHY OF' TYPOGRAPHY. Delan- ENGLISH TYPOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. Ames, dine, MIm. Bibliog. Typ. Antiquities. -- Atkyns, Origin of Printing. - Dupont, Hist. de l'imprimerie. Atkyes, Origin of Printing. - Namur, Bibliog. paltog. bibliol. - Baskett, Case of, Ps. Parson. - Peignot, Repert. bibliog. - Clarigny, Hist. de...en Angleterre. Renoard, Cat. de sa ibliot. - Dibdin, Bibliot. Spenceriana, V. 4. - Renouard, Cat. de sa bibliot. Y Schubarth, Repert. der techn. literatur. Fifty rs ecolections. - Greswell, Annals of Parisian Typog. BIOGRAPHIES OF PRINTERS, BOOKSELLERS, - Herbert, Typ. Ant. of Great Britain. ETC. Amoretti, Lett. s. d'Aldo Manuzio. Johnson, Typographia. - Lemoine, Typog. Antiq. - Baillet, Jugemens des Savans. Lemoine, Typog. Anti - Beloe, v. 3, Early Printers. - Middleton, Dissertation on. - Blaucke, Blidnisse. - Palmer, Iist, of Printing. Blanece, Bildnisse. - Singer, Book printed 1468. - Buckingham, Personal Memoirs. -p Dolet, E., Vie de..................- Tinmperley, Encyc. of Typog. Anecdote. -Dunton,,Life and Errors. - See Caxton, TV.; History of Typog. - Dunton, Life and Errors. - Falkenstein, Gesch. der buchdrucker- FESTIVALS (CENTENNIAL) OF PRINTING. kunst. Clessen, J. J., Drittes Jubel-fest. - Fifty Years' Recollections. - Falkenstein, Geschichte, 1840. - Gent, The Life of. -- Lessern, Typog. Jubilans, 1740. - Hansard, Biog. of Luke Hansard. - Loosjes, Gcdenkschriften, 1823. - Hartzheim, Bibliot. Coloniensis. - Schiidt, Danclpredigten, 1640. - Hillard, Mem. of J. Brown. I — Seiz, Annus tertius smc. Inven. Typ. - Hutton, Life of, by himself. - See Origin; Haarlem; Strasburg; Iseghem, Biog. de Martens. Johnson, Typographia. FRENCH TYPOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. Crape- 5 let, Des Brevets d'Imprimeur. -- err, Life of Smellie. - Kerr, Life of Smellie. - Crapelet, Imprimerie en France. - ~ervin, Bibliophiles Flamands. - Kervin, Bibliophiles Flamands. - Dupont, Hist. de l'Imprimerie. - Lackington, Confessions of. - Lackin)ton, Confessions of. - Greswell, Ann. of Parisian Typ. - La Serna Santander, Diet., Imprimeurs. L e, Lmpr Strourg - Mai~ttaire, Hist. Typog. Parisiensium. - Maittaire, Hist. Typog. Parisiensium. - Malaspina, Cat. di Stampe. - See Paris; Strasburg; Origin; Bib- Nichols, Anecdotes of W. Bowyer. liography. - Nodier, Vie de: Par Wey. GAZETT:ERS OF TYPOGRAPHY. Clarke, - Gettinger, Bibliog. Biographique Univ. Bibl. Misc. V. 2. Perthes, C. T., Memoirs of. - Cotton, Typog. Gazetteer. SUBJECT-INDEX. 1073 Typography: GAZETTEERS OF TYPO- Typography: HISTORY OF TYPOGRAPHY GRAPHY (continued). (continued). - Falkenstein, Gesehichte. - Kirchhoff, Gesch. der Deutschen Buch- La Serna Santander, Dictionnaire, V. 1. handels. - Namur, Man.. du Biblioth-caire. - La Serna Santander, Dictionnaire. - Peignot, Diet; de Bibliologie. - Lemoine, Typog. Antiquities. - Luckombe, History of. GERMAN TYPOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. Hiip- Mezger, Augsurg's Druckenl le. fauer, Druckstdcke aus'dem xv - Mezger, Augsburg's Druckdenkmale. fauer, Drulekst'dcke aus dem xv jahrhunderte. - Palmer, General History of Printing. -'Panzer, Annales Typographici. - Panzer, Annales Typographici. - Zapf, Elteste Buchdruckergeschichte. - Quirini, Liber de edit. Romee. - See Bibliography; Augsburg; Bam- - Renouarcl, Annales des Aldes. berg; Beuerberg; Erlangen; Nu- - Rossi, De Hebraicse Typ. Orig. remlberg, andl Mayence. - Saxius, Iist. Typog. Mediol. GREEK. Bowyer, Hist. of Printing. -- Watson, H-listory of Art of. Greswell, Hist. of Greek Press. - See Biographies of Printers; Gazet- See Bibliography. teers; Lnglish, French, German, Typog.; and, Bibliography. GUTENBIERG, J. Fournier, Dissertation. INVENTION OF TYPOGRAPHY. Bernard, De - Koehler, Urkunden, J. G... l'origine. - Laborde, D6buts de l'Impr. h Stras- - Boecler, Oratio, 1640. bourg. - Bowyer, Origin of printing. - Lichtenberger, Initia Typog. - Boxhorn, De typog. inventione. - Oberlin, Annales de la vie-de. - Braun, Notitia hist. lit. - Winaricky, Essai Historique. - Clarke, A., Bibliog. misc. - See Mlayence; Strasburg. - Clessen, Jubel-fest., 1740. - Cotton, Typog. gazetteer. HAARLEM. Bowyer, Iist. of Printing. - Diosdadoj De prima typ. aetate. - Koenen, Voorlezingen. - Fischer, Beschreibung typ. seltenheiten. - Kortebrand, Lof der Drukkunst. - Fournier, Dissertation. - Liehtenberger, Initia Typog. -- Heineken, Id6e d'un coill. d'estampes. - Loosjes: Gedenkschriften. - Lonjnos, Gednkfin~~ lschrifte. - Jansen, De l'orig. de la gravure, v. 2. - Meerman, Conspectus Orig. Typog. -- Koehler, Urkunden J. Guttenbergs... Origines Typographicse. -' Origines Typo raphio. -- Kortebrand, Lof der drukknnst. Seiz; Annus tertius ssec. Inven. Typ. Sez, Annus tertius s e. Inven. Typ. - Laborde, D6buts de 1 impr. a StrasVries, A. De, ]elaircissements. bourg, Mayen~e et Bamberg. - " Guichard's notice. - Lambinet, Recherehes hist. sur. - See Coster, L. J. -- La Serna Santander, Diet. bibliog. HISTORY OF TYPOGRAPHY. Alnander, Artis - Lessern, Typog. jubilans. Typ. in Sveciko. - Lichtenberger, Initia typog. - Ames, Typog. Antiq. Hist. de l'invention. - Baillet, Jugemens, V. 1. - Lille, Essai, 1859, (Paeile). - Bagford's Essay. - Loosjes, Gedenkschriften. - Clarigny, Hist. de...en Angleterre. - Mallincrot, De ortu et prog. typ. - Crapelet, Des Progres deo au XVI - Marchand, Hist. de 1'Origine. Siecle. -- Meerman, Conspectus Orig. Typog. - Denis, Wiens' Buckdruclkergeschichte. - " Uitvinding, etc., Ed. Goc- Dibdin, Bibliog. Decameron. kinga. - Delandine, Cat. de la. Bibl. de Lyon. - Mentel, De vera orig. parsenesis. - Dupont, Hist. de l1Imprimerie. - " Brevis exoursus... ad G. NauFrbre, De 1'Imprim. h Rouen. daeum. - Greswell, Annals of Parisian Typog. Mercier, Supplbment h Marchand. - Hassler, Buchdrucker-geschichte Ulm's. - Middleton, Dissertation on. - Herbert, Typog. ant. of Great Britain. Munch, Primaria Documenta de orig. - Hoffman, De Typog. in Reg. Polonise. Pacile, L'Invention de...1859. - aeck, Beschreibung der Bib. zu Barn- - Panciroli, Rerum Memorabilium, 1646. berg. - Schoepflin, Vindic. typog. Johnson, Typographia. - Sotheby, Principia typog. L SUI'PL.1 135 1074 FIRST SUPPLEMENT. Typography INVENTIbN OF Typo- Typography SPECITENS OF PRINTERS GRAPIHY (continued). (continued). - Toland, Conjectura de Inventione. - Wood & Sharwood, Lond. - Vries, A. De, Eclaircissements sur - See Alphabets. l'hist. de. STEREOTYPE. Auer, Naturseibstdruck. - Vries, A. De, Arguments des Allemands. e - Camus, Iistoire de. - Willett, Memoir.on. - Jansen, De l'Orig. de la Gravure. - Wirdtwein, Bibliot. Moguntina.'. --:- Westreenen, De l'impr. stereotype. - See Gutenberg; Haarlem; Coster; Strasbozrg; Mayence. STRASBOUTRG. Laborde, Debuts de l'impri. a Strasbourg. ITALIAN TYPOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. Hoff-o man, mprimerie Serna Santander, Diet. Bibliog. - Saxius, Hist. Typog. Mediolani. - Lichtenberger, Initia Typographica. - See Bibliography. ~ - Schmidt, Danckpredigten, 1640. -- Schoepflin, Vindicioe Typog. KOSTER, L. J. See Coster, L. J.;- See Gutenberg; Invention. LITHOGRAPHY. See Lithography. SwFDBF. See Bibliography. LYON. See Bibliography, ULYON. See, S. Braun, Notitia Hist. lit. MAYENCE. Heineken, Id6e, etc. - Laborde, D6buts de l'impr. h Mayence. - Lambinet, Recherches sur l'Origine. - Marchand, Hist. de l'Orig. de l'Impr. - Uncas. Stone, W. L., A Hist. Sketch, - Willett, Orig. of Printing. 1842. - Wiurdtwein, Bibliot. Moguntina. Union College. Potter, A., Disc., Fif- Zapf, Buckdruckergesch. von Mainz. tieth Anniv. - See Gutenberg, J.; Intvention. - Spy-glass (The), 1840. - Union College, Pamphlets. NuREMBERG. See Bibliography. I-R S- Wizard (The), Union College, 1838. PARIS TYPOGRAPHY. Crapelet, Etudes pra- iates. Reply to Spencer, 1834. - tiques. pra- - Yates, C., Reply to Spencer, 1854. tiques...'' - Crapelet, Robert Estienne. Unitarian. Amer. Unit. Ass'n. - Dupont, Imprimerie nationale. - Aspland, Unit. Creed, 1827. Greswell, Annals of Parisian Typog. -- Baird, S. J., Engl. Presb. Churches. - Maittaire,.Historia Typ. Parisiensium. Beasley, Answer to Channing. - Petit-Radel, Bibliot. Mazarine. - Belsham, T., Writings. - See French Typog. History. - Berkeley, G., Caution against. Causa Dei contra...l1747. PRINTERS. National Typ, Union.... - - Dialogue between the Devil... 1791. - See Biographies. Disney, J., Sermons, 1792. SPECIMENS OF PRINTERS. Austria, Ge- - D'Oyly, Two Discourses, 1811. schichte der clruckerei... schih.e der rckr -- Edwards, J., Preservative against, 1693. - Bodoni, Manuale tipog. - Eliot, W. G., Unity of God, etc.: Caslon's Specimen. -- Elwall, E., Trials of. - Chicago Press, Illinois. - ChicagoPresns, Illinois. -- Evans, J. C., Letter on Charitable - Falkenstein, Typenschau von Orien. Trsts, 1844. Trusts, 1844. - Figgins, V. & GU., Lond., 1838. -- Ferguson, J. B., Relation of Pastor. - Fournier, ~Manuel, v. 2, 1764. - Few Words of Obvious Truth, 1829. - F~ry, Specimen, 1787. - -- Free Address to Prot. Diss., (Priestley). - Luce, Essai d'une Typog., 1771. Freeston, Nature of, 1813. - Mappa, A. G., Epreuves, 1780. -- Frend, W., Addresses, 1788, 89. - Miller (W.) & Co., Edinb., 1834. c Animad. on G. Prettyman. - Munsell, J., Albany, 1858. - Friends, Appeal to New Jersey. - Ploos van Amstel, Amster., 1767. - Fuller, A., Socin. indefensible. - Silberman, Album Typog., 1840. - Gannett, E. S., Not a Negative Sys- Stower, Fry and Caslon. tem. - Tauchnitz, Proben, Leipzig, 1831. - Gifford, J., The Remonstrance of, 1818. Watson, Hist. of Art of Printing. -- Gilman, S., Sermon, John i. 1-10. - White, Foundry, N. Y., 1819. - Great and Learned among Christians. SUBJECT-INDEX. 1015 Unitarian (continued). Unitedd States, Army (continued). - Greenwood, F. W. P., Camb. Divin. - Gardner, C. K., Dictionary of officeri. School. - Gordon, W. A., Comp. of Registers of. - Higginson, T. W., Sermon,'Matt. v. 32. - Ho-bby, W., Exp. of Frauds, 1830. - Hobhouse, Reply to Randolph, 1792. - Notice, U. S Artillery, 1850. - Hollis street Society, Boston. - Reply to...on U. S. Artillery, 1852. - Jebb, J., Of a late Resignation. - Totten National Defences, 1851. - Kenrick, J., Obstacles to. -- Kenrick, J., Obstacles to. - U. S. Army, Reports on rank. - Leonard, Twenty-five Questions. - Armory expenses, 1832. - Letter to the Rev. S. Miller, 1821. - " War Department. - Lyons, J., Dissemination-of, 1808.,,, United States, Colonial. Clarke, S., - Marson, Of the Holy Ghost. True and Faithful account, 1670. - Miller, S., On Ordin. Serm., Bait...- Concise ist. Account, 1775. - Morgan, T., Letter to R. Blackmore. - ro-st, S., Book of the Colonies. - Parker, T., Letter to Unit. Assoc'n. - Parker, T., Letter to Unit. Assoc'n. - Marshall, J., Hist. of the Colonies. - Plea for Truth, 1781. - Pitt, Rejected Act, 1775. - Preservative against, 1804. - Sherman, Governm. Hist. of. - Priestley, On Free Inquiry. U. S. Colonies, Proceedings, 1714. Defences of, 1787. Defences of, 177. - Walsh, R., Appeal from G. Britain. - Protestant's Plea, 1686. Questions to Trinitarians. United States, Commercial and Fi. nancial. Benton, T. H., Speech, - Remarks upon a Disc. of G. Putnam. 1840. - Roberts, W., Letter from, 1722. - Bond, W. K., Speech, 1838. - Ruggles, S. B., Professors...C(olumb. " Speech, Treas. Notes. Coil. -- Brissot, Commerce of, 1795. - Scrutator's Letter, 1812. - Scrutator's Letter,- Commercial conduct of, 1786. - Serious Address... Lod., 1827. -- Correspondence on Loan, 1822. - Severn' Vindication of, 1806. - Severn Vindication of, 1806. - Dean, G., Speech, Expenditures, 1852, - Socinianism unmasked, (Jamieson). On Deposits McDuffie, G.,' Speech2- On Deposits, - Stinchfield, Unitarianism Delineated. 1834. - Thoughts on Progress of, 1-787. - Reflections on the Policy, N. Y., 1768, - Toulmin, Free Address, 1814. - Remarks on the Currency, 1840. - Trinitarian Syllogisms. - Rockwell, J. A., Speech, 1848. - Tucker, J., View of the Difficulties, - See Retrenchment; Banks. 1774. - Unit. Congr. Register, 1851-56. United States, Geographical aii- Tow pographical. Appleton's Amer. - Vind. of the Unitarians, 1700. Travel. 1857. - Wasson, 1). A., Sacrificial Religion. - Appleton's Railway Guide. - Wawne, Unit. Christianity, 1825. - Bache, Tide Tables. - Wellbeloved, C., Letters to Wrangham. - Guide between Washington, etc. - Which Society shall you join? 1828. - Lloyd's Steamboat Guide. - Word to the Candid. -- Marcy, The Prairie Traveler. - Yate's, J., Sequel to Vindication. - Melish, J., Trav. Directory, 1815. - See Arians; Trinity; Christ; Hewley - Miller, A., New Territories, 1818. Charity. - Mitchell, S. A., Princ. Routes, 1834. United Americans. See American Party. - Morse, J., Am. Gazetteer, 1810. United States. Bonnet, Tableau des.- Northern Traveller, 1825. Unis, 1816. - Phelps, One Hundred Cities. - Bromwell, Hist. of Immigration, 1856. - Scott, J., Geog-. Diet. of U. S., 1805. - Carroll, Star of the West, 1857. - Southern Business Directory, 1854-. - Grassi, G., Notizie, 1822. - Steele's Western Guide Book. -- Grisson, Charakteristik der, 1844. - Stevens, I. N., Address, Geog. Sou. - Holmes, Parties and Principles. -- Tanner, Am. Traveller, 1844. - Winterbotham, View of, 1796. - Trip through the Lakes, 1857. United States, ArmTy. Banks, N, - Tnis, Guide, 1859. Speech, 1854. - Vade mecum for America, 1731. - Beaumont, W., Brevet rank. - Webster, N., Eiem. of Use'. Kiiowl. 1076 FIRST SUPPLEMENT. United States, Geographical and Tol. United States, Lands (continued). pographical (continued). - Martin, T. S., Speech, 1852. - Williams, Traveller's Guide, 1851. - Schoonmaker, Speech, 1852. See United States, Travels in. - Snow, W. W., Speech, 1852. United States, Government of. Amer. - Strictures on the Land...Interest, 1781. and Americans, 1833. - U. S. Land-office Reports, 1847. - Benton, T. H., Thirty Years' View. United States, Navyo Examination of - Brief view of, (Ilare), 1810. the legality...1848. - Cocke, Constitut., Hist. of, 1858. - Hull, I., Court of Inquiry on. - Consid. on the...Treaty, 1783. - Levy, U.'P., Memorial, 1855. - Curtis, G. T., Hist. of the Constitution. - Lyon, C., Increase of, 1854. - Davis, W. B., Southern book, 1854. - Peterson, History of, 1852. - Dissertation on the Union, 1783. - Sanborn, S. H., Tyranny in, 1841. - Evans, E., On State Rights, 1844. - - Somers' Mutiny. - Jackson, W., Constitutions of, 1783. - U. S. Naval Academy. - Johnson, A. B., Guide to the Am. Union. - Voice of Truth: Leopard and Chesa- Mably, Des Etats Unis. peake. - Poesche, The New Rome, 1853. - Wood, W., Nav. Inst. of a Republic. - Poletica, Internal Condition of, 1826. United States, Pamphlets, Political. - Reed, H., Hist. of the Union. 1760-1787. - Stansbury, Constit. Catechism. - SeeAmerican Warof 1776. Voice from America, 1839. 1787 —1801. - Young, A. W,, Gov't Class Book. 17871801. - Barlow, J., Letters, 1800. - See Suffrage; Elections. - Cobbett, Bone to gnaw, 1795. United States, History of. Bancroft, G., - Desultory Reflections, 1800. Hist. to 1775. H- Examination of Conduct of Executive, - Chapin's Hlist. Picture Gallery, 1856. 1797. - Eliot, S., Manual of, 1856. -- Fallacy detected, 1790. - Essex Institute, V. i., 1859. - Five letters, (Laughan) 1792. - Frost, J., Book of the Colonies. - Harper, R. G., Treaty with G. B., 1795. - Goodrich, C., History of, 1824. - Paine, R. T., Oration, on France, 1799. - Great Britain; America, 1810. - Paine, T., Writings of. - Hamilton, J. C., History of. - Politicks of a certain Party, 1792. - Historical Magazine, N. Y., 1858-60. - Prince, J., Serm., Difficulties with - Journal... Guerre du Micissippi, 1739. France, 1798. - Munsell's Historical Series. - Prospect before us, 1800. - Neff, Army and Navy Hist. - Strictures...upon the three Depart- Patton, J. HI., History of, 1860. ments, 1792. - Peabody, E. P., Chronol. Hist. of. - Stuart, W., Oration, N. Y., 1794. - Saffell, Records of Rev. War. - Tullius Americus, Strictures, 1801. - Sherman, Government Hist. - 1802-1817. - Slith, J. J., Am. Hist. Curiosities. - Answer to War in Disguise, (Morris) - Trescot, Dipl. hist., Washington and 1806. Adams. - Appeal to the People, (Coleman) 1810. - Tucker, G., History of, to 1841. - Bayard, J. A., Speech, Embargo, 1809. - Walsh, R., Appeal from Great Britain, - Corrector, N. Y., 1815. 1.819. 1- Foreign Relations, 1810. - Washington, G., Diary, 1789-91. - Inquiry into Relations with France, - Webster, N., History of, 1835. 1811. - Wood, J., Adams's Administration. - Moseley, J. O., Speech, Embargo, 1809. - Wells' National Hand-book. - Nile, H., Things as they are, 1809. - Willard, E., Late Amer. Hist. - Peace without Dishonor, (Lowell) 1807. - See Historical Societies; America; North - Pickering, T., Letter... of War, 1808. America. - Strachan, Disc. of George III., 1810. United States, Lands. Bennet, H., -- Stanley, G.W., Oration, "Corruption," Speech, 1852. 1805. - Jenkins, T., Speech, 1852, Giving away. - Vindication of the Measures, 1803. SUBJECT-INDEX. 107 United States, Pamphlets, Political United States, Pamphlets, Political (continued). (continued). - Webster, N., Misc. Papers, 1802. - Democratic Conventions, 1854, 56. - Worcester, S., Serm. War, 1812. - Dorr, J. A., Justice to the South, 1856. - See American War of 1812. -- Disunion Convention, 1857. 1817-1837. - Exhibition of Wolves, 1856. - Address of State Conv., N. Y., 1828.' - Facts for the People, 1855. - Crisis (The), by Brutus, 1827. -- Iambleton, Review of the Parties, 1856. - Jarvis, W. C., The Republican, 1820. Lee, F. A., Speech, Cooperstown -- Lee, F. A., Speech,'Cooperstown, - Political Balance, 1832. N. Y., 1856. - Romaine, State Sovereignty, 1832. - n —-J- Pam. V. 537, Pres. Elect.., 1856. - Republican Conventions, 1825. - Presid. Platforms, 1856. - Scriptural view of Pol., 1826. - Reeder, A. H., Speech, 1856. - Storrs, H. R., Pres. Election, 1828. - Reminiscences... 1856. - Wilde, R. H., Speech, "Deposits," - Shffer, Letter, 185. 1834. - Squatter Sovereignty, 1858. - Stringham, Address, 1856. - Bancroft, G., Address, 1840. - Weller, et al., Speeches, 1856. - Campbell, L. D., Speech, U. S. H. of Wilson, H., Speech, Repub. Party -Wilson, H., Speech, Repub. Party, R.,'1850. 1856. - Cass, L., Speech, Wilmot Proviso, 1847. - See Homestead Bills; Fremont; Sla- Constit. meeting, Boston, 1850. very; Kansas. - Democratic Conventions, 1848, 52. United States, Railroads. See RailDemoc. Republicans opposed, 1838. roads. - Facts for the laboring man, 1840. United States, Religion in. Baird, R., - Junins Tracts, (Colton) 1844. Hist. of Evang. Churches. - National Free Soil Conv. Buffalo, 1848. - Miller, Gesch. d. Amer. Urreligion. - Pictures of the Times, 1840. - Oliver, Puritan Commonwealth. - Religious Lib. in danger, 1844. - Parker, T., Sermons, 1856. - Secret History of....Tyler Dynasty, - Thornton, Oliver's Puritan reviewed. 1845. - Uhden, N. Engl. Theocracy, 1859. - Smith, J., Mr. Van Buren's letter, 1841. - Voice from America, 1839. - Spencer, J. C., Corresp. with, 1842. S- various Churches; Revivals. - Stephens, Speech, Rights of Members, ZD UUnited States, Statistics and Regis184. ters. Almanach des FEtats Unis, - Utica Convention, 1848. 1851-3. - Venable, Speech, Internal Improve- - American Almanac, 1856-60. ments, 1848. Whigchangents, 1848. -Itolerace 12 - Amer. Statesman's Cal., 1813. - Whig charge of Intolerance, 1852. Congressional Directories. - Whig Congr. Committee, 1844. D Bow's Revew, Perod. -- De Bow's Review, Period. - Whig Text-book, 1844. - Whig NatnText-b ook, 1844. 8- Donnant, Statist. Account of, 1805. Disturnell's U. S. Register, 1852. - Whig State Conventions, 1846, 48. Iowa, Census 1856. - White, J. L., Speech, 1843. - Lanman, Dictionary of Congress. - Wilson, J. P., Serm., Perpetuity of the N- New York, Census, 1855. Union, 1851. - Winthrop, R. C., Vote on the War Bill, - Providence R. I., Cenus. 1846. - Rhode Island, Census, 1774. - See Compromise; California; Missouri. - Rhode Island, Births and Marriages. 1854-1858. - Tribune Almanac, 1856. - Address, Democratic, 1854. - Un. States Census, 1791, 1850. - Austin, R. F., Buchananism, 1858. - U. S. Official Register, 1795, 1853-59. - Bell, J., Relations with' G. Brit., 1856. - U. S. Almanacs, 1797-1845. - Benton, T. H., Dred Scott Case. - U. S. Calendar, 1813. - Bradford, S. D., W6rks. * - U. S. Hist. and Statist. Index, 1840. - Brooks, E., Speech, 1856. - Virginia, Population, 1840, 1846. - Carey, t1. C., Letters to the President, - Whig Almanac, 1843-52. 1858. ~ - See Statistics. 1078 FIRST SUPPLEMENT. United States, Territories. Goodwin, United States, Travels South (con H. C., Speech, 1855. tinned). - Grover, M., Speech on Wilmot Proviso, - Royall, Anne, Travels, 1826-30. 1847. - See Slavery. - Hale, J.P. Speech, 1850. - Hale, J. P., Speech., 1850. Universalism. Bernard, D., Universalism - Hudson, C., Speech, 1848. weighed, 1853. - Quitman, J. A., Speech, 1857. Blain, J., Death not Life. - Rhett, Speech, 1848. - Boston As'n Home Miss. Soc. - Rockwell, J., Speech, 1848. - Chapin, What it is. - Smart, E. K., Speech, 1849. - Devol, Anti-Universalism. - Woodworth, W. W., Speech, Wilmot - Fuller, A., Letters on, 1802. Proviso, 1847. P- Layman's Letter, 1752. - Yulee, Speech, Rights of the People, 1848. - Smith, J. N. H., The great Work. - See Slavery, Debates; Kansas. -- Universalist Companion, 1842, 48. - Universalist Register, 1837, 38. United States, Travels in. Baxter, W. ood, E., Exposition of, 1823. E.,, The Americans, 1855. - Wood, E., Exposition of, 1823. - Buddingh, Kerk, School, Wetenschap - See Future Life. in...1852. University Education. Belgium, Educ. - Crockett, Tour North and East. Sup6rieure. - Everest, Journey through, 1855. - Blakesley, Thoughts, Lond., 1837. - Fashionable Tour, 1825. - Brown University, Changes. - Gerstner, Beschreibung einer reise, 1842. - De Lancey, W. H., Public Exam. - Hall, F., The East and the West, 1840. - English Universities,! (RiCh), 1854. - Harris, W. T., Tour through, 1817-19. - Enquiry into the Studies in Eng., 1824. - Johnson, C. B., Letters, 1821. - Foster, C. J., Univ. 6f London, 1851. - Mackay, C., Life in America, 1859. - Freeman, Z., Manual of Am. Colleges. - Mackenzie, E.,- Descriptive view of, - Gilman, Sci. Schools in Europe. 1819. - Hay, J. B., Univ. of Glasgow. - Murray, A., Letters from, 1856. - Hildyard, Univ. System, 1845. - Pfeiffer, Second Voyage, 1855. - Hill, T., Address, Liberal Education. - Robertson, Few months in America, - Jebb, J., Ed. Univ. of Cambr., 1774. 1855. 1- King's College, London. - Royall, Anne, Tours, 1826-30. - Krauth, Address, Penn' College. - Runnell's, Mrs., Journal of Facts, 1839. Letter to the Rt. Hon. Sir R. Peel. - See United States, Geographical. - Monk, Vindic. of Cambridge. United States, Travels'West. Beste, Newman, J. H., Office of Univ. The Wabash, 1855. T- Oxford Commission, 1852. - Brackenridge, Voy. on the Missouri, - 1816-. - Philograntus, Exam. at Cambridge. - Colton, Western Guide, 1850. - Powell, Dissenters at Oxford, 1834. - (Conclin's River Guide, 1852. - Pycroft, Guide for University honors. - Ferris, States of the Great West, 1856. Queen's College, Birmingham. - Hall, B. F., I-Iist. of the North Wes= - Rendu, Code Universitaire. tern... - Reply to the... Edinb. Rev. - Hall, B. R., The new purchase. - Shoveller, Scholastic Educ., 1824. - Kinzie, Early days in North West. - Some account of Durham Coll. - Kip, L., Army' Life on the Pacifitc. - Tappan, H. P., Address, Mich. Univ., - Milburn, Rifle, Axe, etc. 1855. - Olmsted, F. L., Our Slave States. - Yale College, Sci. School. - Parkman, Prairie Life, 1852. - Waterland, Advice to a Student. - Sargent, G. B., Lecture on, 1858. -- Wordsworth, C., Eceles. Commission, - U. S., Pacific R. R. Reports. n- Wratislaw, On the Cambridge system. - Western Travellers'...Guide, 1836. -- See Education; Theological, etc. United States, Travels South. Milburne, -Pioneers of Mississippi. Usury. Bentham,'Opinions on. - Olmsted, Our Slave States, 1859. -- Coppinger, History of laws on. - Paulding, J. K., Letters from the - Dickinson, D. S., Speech on, N. Y. South. - Gallatin, J., Usury laws. SUBJECT-INDEX. 1079 Usury (continued). Versailles. Paris Directory, 1834. - O'Callaghan, Usury and Banks. Vienna. Coke, Vienna in 1848. - Remarks upon the Usury laws. Vines. See Wine. - Sherlock, W., Sermon, Lu. vi. 35. SpencerJ. C., Speech on. Vinton, G. Rudder, W., Serm., Funeral - Spencer, J. C., pee on of, 185o2. - Whipple, J., Free trade in money. Virginia. Blackwater Chronicle, 1853. Utah. See Mormons. --- Brereton, Discovery of. Utica, N. Y. First Presb. Church. - Cabell, Hist. of Agric. in. Utrecht. Segaar, Leerrede, 1760. - Campbell, C., History of, 1860. - Foote, W. H., Sketches of, 1855. V. - Grigsby, Convention of, 1776. Vacchiery, C. A. von Westenrieder, - Hamor, R., True Discourse of, 1615. Denkrede. - Hist. Doct's of Old Dominion, 1776. Vaccinationa. See Small Pox. I - KIercheval, Hist. of V;lley of, 1850. - Letters descr. Virg'a Springs. Van Buren, M. Letters Addressed to, - Mass., Message on Resolutions, 1844. 1830..- Meade, W., Old Churches... Families of. - U. S., Senat. nomination, 1831..Van BurSen, M. Life of. 1831 - Mordecai, Virg'a in by-gone days, 1860 Van Buren, M., Life of. - New Life of Virginea, 1612. Van Buren Harbor. Gushing, S. B., Norwood, Voyage to, 1649. Report on. - Nova Britannia, 1609. Tancouver9s Island. Jewvitt, Adventures. Perfect Deser. of, 1649. VandLervoort, R. Burtis, Funeral of. - Refrmed V'a Silk worm, 1655. Van Dieman's,Land. See Tasmania. - Rosier, Voy. of Waymouth, 1605. Van'M1ildert, W. Townsendl, G., Sermon, - Short account of, 1735. Death of. - Shrigley, True relation, 1699. Van Ness, W. WV. New York, Report on, - Smith, J., Travels, 1627. 1820. -- Strachey, Laws Divine, 1612. Vaudois. See Waldenses. - Thornton, J. W., First records, 1859. - Upshur, Speech, On Representation, Vega, L. T. De. IIolland, Lord, Ac- 1829. count of. Veg acount ofi. Glies Tayi — View of the Constitution of, 1850. Vegetarianeaisml Gleizes, Thalysie. )- Virginia, True declaration, 1610. - Health Almanac, 1842. - Virginia, The South part, 1650. - Horsford, E. N., Value of. - Virginia and Maryland, 1655. - See Food; Health. - Virginia's Cure, 1662. Venezuela. Hawkshaw, Residence in, - Virginia Almanack, 1802, 3. 1838. - - Virginia Directory, 1853. Ventilation. Am. Acad. of Arts, Report. - Virginia richly valued, 1609. - Boston, Report on schoolhouses. - See Richmond; Wheeling. - Culver's Ventilators. VTolcanoes. Hamilton, W., Vuurbergen in - Peclet, Assainissement des Ecoles. Italie. - Reid, Vent. in Amer. Dwellings. - Meccatti, Eruzione del'Vesuvio. Verbeek l H. Sohnius, Nagedagtenisse Voters. See Suffrage; Elections. wvabn. Voyages, lliscellaneous. Albertinus, Vermont. Congregational Churches of. Hist. relation, 1609. - Coolidge, History of, 1859. B- Battel, A., Na Brasilien, 1589. - Hall, B. H., Hist. of Eastern Vt. -- Broecke, Reysen... Oost Indien, 1634. - Hoskins, N., History of, 1831. - Cubero, Peregrinacion. - Merrill, T. A., Election Serm., 1806. -- Dampier, Voy. to New Holland. - Young, A., Natural History of. - Frederick, C., lReys n.a en door Indien, - Walton's Vt. Register. 1563. Vermont, Local History. See Addison - Fanning, Voyages, 1830-37. Co.; Coventry; Greensboro; Mid- - Le Blanc, V.. Les Voyages, 1658. dlebury; Salisbury. - Noordt, 0. van., Journael, 1602. Verona. Sarayna, De orig. Veronse. - Pfeiffer, Second Voyage, 1855. 1080 FIRST SUPPLEMENT. Voyages, Miscellaneous (continued). WV. - Philoponus, H., Nova Navigatio, 1621. -- Wager. Morris, I., Loss of, 1748. - Wood, W. M., Voy. in East Indies. - See Travels. Wages. Letter to the Rt. Hon. Ld. Nugent. - Morgan, J., Book of Wages. Voyages, Arctic. Arctic Regions. - See Labor; Poor. - Arctic Rewards. -ATalche enw Echt...Verhaal, 1813. - Belcher, E., Voyage, 1852-4. Beleher E. Voyage 182-4 Gargon, Walchersehe Arkadia. -Bellot, Journal, 1855. - Bellot, Journal, 1855.- Great Britain: Scheldt, 1811. De Peyster, Dutch at the North Pole. - Edmond, Voyage, 185.7. WTaldenses. Bridge, Visit to, 1825. - Force, P., Supp. to Grinnell land. - Epoques de l'Eglise de Lyon. - Frobisher, M. True report, 1577. - Lowther, Obs. on state of. - Hayes, I. I., Arctic boatjournby. - Lyst der... collecte, 1731. - Kane, E. K.$ Arctic Explorations, - Monastier, Hist. de l'Eglise. 1856. - - Muston, Israel of the Alps. - La Poix de Freminville, Voyage, 1819. - Perrin, History of. - Letter from a Russian officer, 1754. - Vaudois Committee, 1845. - McClintock, Voyage of the Fox, 1860. Wales, Prince of. Anticipation of - M'Clure, R., Voyage of Investigator. Speeches, 1787. - Middleton, C., Answer, 1743. - Jeffreys, Review of Conduct. - O'Reilly, Greenland illust., 1818. - Letter from a Mm. of Parl., 1736. - Osborn, S., An Artic Journal, 1852. -- "C McClure's Discovery, 1856. Wales, G. B. Bennett, G. J., Guide to North Wales. - Sargent, E., Arctic Adventure, 1857. - Burder, Welch Indians. Voyages around the World. Bennett, Walker, WY. Wells, W. V., Exped. to F. D., Whaling Voyage, 1833-6. Nicaragua. - Byron, J.,-Voyage, 1769. Wallachia. Colson, Stat present, 1839. - Drake, Sir F., Revived. - Desprez. Peuples de l'Autriche. - Funnell, W., Voy. round the World, 1703. W alpole, Sir R. Answer to the Character - Hacke, Cowley's Voyage. of, 1717. - La Barbinais, Voy. autour du Monde. - Letter from a gentleman, 1729. - Le Gentil, Voyage autour du Monde. - Sense of the Nation, 1741. - Philips, J., Voy. of Anson.. - Short history of 10 years, 1737. - Rogers, W., Voy., 1708-11. - See Great Britain, Political. - Turnbull, Voy., 1800-04. War. Address to the Soldiers, 1795. - Vries, D. P. De, Korte Historiael, 1655. - Benezet, Religion and War, 1782. C- " Trtanslation. I — Brittan, S. B., Discourse on, 1847. Voyages, Collections of. Account of... - Curses of War, 1795. voyages, Narborough, etc. - Flower, B., National Sins. - Astley's Collection, Green, 1745-7. - Friends, Mem. on Militia Fines. - Bry, I. T. De, Collection of Voyages, - Letters addressed to C. Strong, 1817. 1590-1634. 1- Oxford Essays, (Bernard). - Hacke's Collection, 1699. - Philo-Pacificus, (Worcester). - Mayor, Goneral Collection of. - Raleigh Works V. 8. - New Collection of, 1767. -- Rees, E., Horrors of War. - Purchas, His Pilgrimes, 1625.. - Rogiat,Consid. on ar. - Stevens, J....New Collection, 1711. - Sermon Fast day 1712. - Sermon, Fast day, 1712. - Verscheyde Scheeps togten. -Versheyde Scheeps togten See Peace; American; Mexican War. Voyages to the Pacific. Beechey, Voy. Warburtong, V. Brown, J., Letter to to Pacific. Lowth. - Bligh, W., Voyage, 1792. - Letter to the Rt. Rev. Mr. W., 1742. - Fanning, Voyages, 1830-37. - Letter to the Rt. Rev. Dr., 1760. - Habersham, North Pacific Exped. - Lowth, R., Letter to. - Raveneau, Jour. du Voy., 1684. - Parry, Defence of Sherlock. - Reynolds, J. N., Corres. with Dickerson. - See Communion. SUBJECT-INDEX. 1081 ~Ware, W. Bellows, Memorial of. Water in cities (continued). Ware, MI11ass. Hyde, W., Histor. Address. Metropolis W. Comp., London. - Montreal, Rapport, 1852, 54. Warren, Jo C. Warren, J. C., Life of. Napier, W., Supply from Surrey Sands Warren, Jo P. Plymouth Congr. Church. - N. Y. City, Supply of, 1799. W~arren, Pliode I. Fessenden, G. M1., - N. Y. City, Reports, 1833-58. History of, 1845. - Ohio, Artesian well, 1859. - Tustin, I-list. Baptist Church. - Smith, J., Curiosities of. Washington, G. Biddle, W. and Andr6, - Stidart, C. B-, Report, Rochester, N. Y. 1857. - Tabberner, Supply for Lond., 1847. - Binney, Formation of Farewell Add. - Troy, N. Y., Reports. - Burlingame, A., Address on, 1843. Water-cuare. Amer. Watercure Almanac. - Custis, Recollections of, 1860. - Balbirnie, Philosophy of, 1853. - Everett, E., Life of. -- Brattleboro' Establishment. - Guizot, Monk and................ -- 3Bulwer, Confess. of a Patient. - Ieaclley, J. T., Life of. -- Clifton Springs, Addresses. - Hitchcock, Enos, Discourse on, 1800. - Harsha, The Principles of, 1852. - Irvrig, Life of. - Lee, E., Hydro- and Homceopathy. - Jackson, W., Eulogium on, 1800. -- New Graefenberg Water-cure. - Jones, J. G., Oration, 1825. - N. Y. Hydrop. School, 1855. - irklancl, C. M., Memoirs of. - Nichols, M. S. G., Experience in, 1850. - Ladies' Mount Vernon Assoc. - Nichols, T. L., Introduction to, 1850. - Lisle, H. M., Eulogy on, 1800. - Phil'a, Reports, 1815-31. - Lossing, Mt. Vernlon. - Rausse, Miscellanies, 1848. - Paine, R. T., Eulogy, Newburyport. - Wilson,J., Water-cure, 1847. - Pickell, New chapter of Life. - Pickman, B., Oration; 1797. Waterbury, Conin. Bronson, History of. Pickman; B., Oration' 1797. - Pierce, J., Eulogy on, Brookline. lVaterobrd, No. Y. Powell, M. C., Case of, 1858. - Rush, R., Domestic Life of. Smith, C. A., Discourse, 1852. TWaterland, D. Answer to the letter, 1:731. - Strong, N., Disc., 1799, Hartford. - Letter to.. - Trumbull, B., Fun. disc., 1800. - Middlleton, C., Letter to. - Tuckerman, Portraits of, 1859. - See Arians; Trinity. - Wadsworth, B.) Eulogy on, 1800. iWaterloo. Charras, Hist. de la Campagne. - Washington, G-., Miscellaneeos. Waterto&wnra N. Y. Common Almanac, ~Washington Territory. Swan, J. G., 1823-55. Three years' residence, 1857. - Right's...hydraulic works. U. S. N. W. Boundary, 1822. - Watertown Directory. Washington Benev. Soc. Hopkins, S., Vaters, S. Payson, S., Serm., Funeral of. Oration, 1809. Orationax orko Tussaud's Exhibition of. WTashington City, D. C. Ingraham, Waynfleete, W. Chandler, Life of. Capture of, 1814. - Mills, B., Guide to, 1834. WTeather. See, Meteorology. - Washington Directories, 1834, 58. Webb, J. Eliot, A., Sermon on. - Williams, J. S., Invasion of, 1814. Webster,, Do Allen, W:H., Eulogy on. - See Columbia, District of. -- Appeal to the Whig Nat. Conv., 1848. W~ater. See Mineral Springs. - Ashmun, Reply to Ingersoll. Water, in cities. Albany, Reports, 1857- Baldwin, N. B., Discourse, 1852. 1859. - Boardman, H. A., Discourse on. - Boston, On Cochituate water. - Choate, Discourse... of. - Brooklyn Reports. - Ewing, Oration on, 1852. - Browne, J., Supply for N. Y., 1799. - KIetchum, H., Eulogy on. - Chicago, Commissioners, 1859. - Lothrop, S. K., Serm., Death of. - Clay, W., Water of London. - McCoy, A., Oration on, 1852. - Dolphin... Nuisance, London. -- Mayo, A. ID., Sermon on, 1852. M'Elroy, Albany Commissioners. I- Rogers, E. P., Discourse on, 1852. [ SUPPL.1 136 1082: FIRST SUPPLEMENT. Webster, D. (continued). Westminster Abbey (continued). - Stuart, M., The Andover Address,. 1844. - Westminster - Weiss, Disc., Death of. WVest Point, N. Y. Empire of Reason, - Wiley, C., Discourse on, 1852. 1829. - Williams, T., Discourse of, 1858. - Military Acad. unmasked, 1830. - Wood, G., Speech to friends of, 1852. - Ruttenber, Obstructions, 1777. - Woods, (L.) Jr., Eulogy on. -. - U. S. Mil. Acad., Publications. Webster, N. Andrews, J. W., His Die- Whaling. Bennett, Whaling Voyage. tionaries. - Missing whalers, 1836. Weights and Mlleasures. Astier, Systeme - See Voyages. L6gale. - LBachgale. Reports,.1845,. Wharton, H. D'Oyly, Life of. - Banche, Reports, 1845, 48.~.' Wheat. Butin, On Smoth, 1803. -- Barney, Par of weights...U. S. - Coles, Memoir on Wheat, 1820. - Saigey, RePoids et MesuBhres. - Dupont, Sur les insectes de...1857. - Fitch, Reports on insects. - Yates, J., On the.Decimal System. Hind's Essay on insects.. Wellifleet, Mass. Pratt, E., History of. ~~~Wellineof. any Etiat heeling. Va. Lyford's Directory. of. Wheelwright, A. Apthorp, Sermon-on. Wells, W. McDonald, J., Biog. Sketch. Whicheot, B. Tillotson, Serm., Death of. Wesley, J. Hart, J., Remarks on a Ser- Whig Party. Curtis, G. T., Letter, Speech. mon of. - Ormsby, History of, 1859. West Boxford, lPass. Eaton, P., Dedi- - See Republican; U. S., Pamphlets. cation Sermon. W.estenrieder, L.v on. Koea. Baier. Ak., White, J. Gabriel, R. B., Facts concern182es8eneder S I.vo n. Eoen. Baler. Ak., ing, 1790. - Roth, Lobschrift. White, Bp. W. Doane, Sermon on, 1836. Westfield, Mass. Davis, E., Hist. Disc. - Onderdonk, Disc. at funelal. Westhampton, Mass. Gould, V., Serm. White Mountains. White Mount. Guide, in sickness. 1846. - Willey, B. G., Incidents, 1856. WVest Indies. Antigua Gazette, 1842, 4. - Are the W. I. Colonies, &c.? 1840. Whitefield-, G. Gillies, J., Life of. L- Letter from a gentleman, 1743. - Bosanquet, Property in, 1807. - Lettfro agentle, 43. - Newell, D., Life of. - Davy, J., The West Indies 1854. - Ncl, p fe - Drake, Sir F., Voyages. - Jeffreys, West India Atlas. Wickliffeg J. Netter, Fasciculi. - Marryatt, J., State of, 1818. Wier's Cave, Ky. Jones, C., Description - Martin, R. M., Brit. Col. Lib., v. 4. of. - Porteus, Lett. to Proprietors. Wiggleswortih, E. Appleton, Disc. on. - Protection to W. I. Sugar, 1823. Wilkes, C. Smucker, Life of. - Raynal, Hist. of trade in., Wilkes, J.' AEolus, Constit. politician. - Some considerations...Sugar, 1823. - Statement of Claims, 1823. - Fugitive Polit. Essays, 1770. - West India Ass'n of Glasgow. - Grenville, G., Speech on, 1769. - West India Company, 1630. - Reflections on the case of, 1768. - West India Question, 1826. - See Great Britain, Political. - Wood, C., Speech, 1848. - Wytfliet, Hist. Universelle. - See Jamaica; Trinidad; Slavery; Cuba; Wills. Molloy, Laws of Mortmain. Saint Croix. Willard, Emma. Hunt, W., Am. Biog. Westminster. Brayley, History of Sketch... - Saint James Church, Proc. Willard, S. Willard, J., Life of. - Short narrative of...bridge, 1738. William III. Brief Justification of, 1689. Westminster Abbey. Buckland, W., - Burnet, G., Sermon before, 1688, 89. Sermon, 1848. - Burton, R. History of. - Neale, Hist. and Antiq. of. - Piggott, Serm. Death-of. SUBJECT-INDEX. 1083 William IIl. (continued). Wisconsin (continued). - Shebbeare, Answer to queries. - Gregory, J.,. Resources of, 1855. - Some Reflections, 1688. - Mitchel, General view of. - Stephens, J., Serm., attempted assassi- - Ritchie, Wisconsin, 1858. nation. - Rock County, History of. - See Charles II; Great Britain, Pamph. - Smith, W. R., History of, 1854. Williams, E. Mutter, G., Ser., Death of. /- Watertown, Statistics, 1856. W~illiams, Rev. J. Prout, E., Memoirs - Wisconsin Almanac, 1856, 7. of, 1843. Wisconsin Local History. See BayWVilliams, R. Elton, R., Life of. field; La Crosc; Madison; Mil- Evans, J. AccountR. e of. waukee; Prairie Du Chien; Pierce - Evans, J., Account of. County; Winnebago. - Fox, G., New England Fire-brand quenched. - Wise, H. A. Hambleton, Biog. Sketch of. - Hamilton, J., Memoir of, 1854. Wiseman, N. Bowyer, G., The Cardinal. Villiamson, P. Hildreth, R., Atrocious - Palmer, W., Letter to, 1841. judges. Wit. See Humor. BWTilliamstownl M~ass. Durfee, Hist. of Witchcraft. Douce, Cat. of books on. Williams College. \ Williams College. - Fowler, Salem Witchcraft. Willoughby, M3. Locke, N. C., Sermon - Hutchinson, F., Hist. Essay on, 1718. on... - Mather, C., Wonders of Invis. World. Willoughby, S. Pierce, I. B., Discourse - Percy Society Publications, V. 8. on, 1838. O~n, I~838. - Thacher, J., Essay) 1831. Wilsonl T. Leifchild, J., Serm., Decease of. Woburn, Ml-ass. Bennett, Sermon, 1846. Wilton, S. Palmer, S., Serm., Death of. Wolcott, E. McClure, D., Serm., Death Wiltshire, Eng. Archaeol. Inst. of G. B. Wolcottf J. Pindarics, 1800. Winchester College, Eng. Golding, Wolfe, j. Sabine, Hist. Address, 1860. Defence, 1758. Woman. Almanach des dames, 1855. Windsor, Conn. Stiles, H. R., Hist. of. - Amer. Woman's Ed. Ass'n. Windsor, Eng. Voice from Windsor, - Defenses du Beau Sexe, 1753. 1847. - Du Montier, Lettres a Sa Fille. - Pingret, Voyage de Louis Philippe. - Gregory, J., Father's Legacy. Winslow, H. L. L. Winslow, M., Mem. of. - Guardian Soc. Lond. Wine. Forrester, J. J., On Port wine. - Hale, S. J., Distinguished Women. - France, C. J., De diversis qualitatibus. - Higginson, T. W., Essay. - Gaudry, Recherches en Orient. - Michelet, La Femme. - Guerin, Maladie de la vigne. - Milburn, Rifle, Axe, etc., 1857. - Hughes, W., English Wines, 1683. -- N. Y. Asylum, Report. - In vino veritas, 1698. - N. Y. Magdalen Soc. - Juice of the grape, (Shaw), 1724. - Nichols, T. L., Woman, 1849. - Rendu, Maladie de la vigne. - Sanger, Hist. of Prostitution. - True project, 1641. - Segur, Women, Condition.of. - Worth, W. Y., English Wines, 1694. - Smith, Mrs. E. O., Women, 1851. - See Temperance. - Starling, Noble deeds of. Winnebago, WTis. Mitchel, History of. - Walker's Book of Beauty. cc- Woman physiol. considered. Wirt, W. Sherwood, G. W., Eulogy on, 1834. - Weld, A. G., Woman's Rights. - Southard, W. L., Discourse on, 1834. - Woman's Prison Ass'n. - Thomas, F. W.; Sketch of. - Woman's Rights Conventions. W87iscasset, MIde. Packard, HI. Fire at- Wright, C., Woman in Pagan lands. WViscasset, M~J~e. Packard, H., Fire at, 1824. - See Education, Female. Wisconsin. Brunson, A., N. W.-wilder- Wood,, F. Mac Leod, D., Biography of. ness of. - Wood, F., Life of. - Carr, E. S., Pioneers' Address, 1857. M. A. Hitchcock, E., Chapan's Handbook, 1855bridge. Fun. Hitchcocursek, E., - Chapman's Handbook, 1855. Fun. Discourse. 1084 FIRST SUPPLEMENT. WTooddB. 0. Mann, J., Serm., Death of. York, Duke of. Letter from a Gentleman, 1680. VTooley, Col. U. S. Army, Memorial of. - Taylor, Sir H., Memoir of, 1827. Worcester, S. Woods, L., Sermn., Death York Eng. agoe W. story of. of. ~T~Yorliq Eng. Hargrove W., History of. of. ass. Smalley, The Pulpit - Sharpe, J. Meeting in Lond., 1680. gToreester9 Mass. Smalley, The Pulpit of, 1851. Young, E. Pierquin, Tombeal de NarWorcestershire, E lg. Nash, T., His- cisse. tory of. Yomng,.o. Sprat, T., A Relation of, 1692. Worship. Amory, Dialogue on Devotion. Young, T. J. Keith, P. T., Sermon on, - Barbauld, Public Worship, 1792. 1852. - Baxter, R., Cath. Communion. - Wallace, C., Commemoration of. -- See Church. Younig lifen9s Christian Associations. WVorth, W.o J. Semmes, Scott's Campaign. - Albany, Report.'WYranghiamo F. Cole, Bibliog. tour to - Boston, Reports, 1852-S. library of. - Brooklyn Y. M., 1858, 9. Writiung. Choix Gradu6B, 1851. - Cunningham, Address, St, Louis. - Fiirsten, P., Schreibart allerhand Ver- - Lord, D., Address, 1852. salie, 1605. - N. Y. Y. M., 1852-57. - Humphreys, Art of Illumination. -- Rochester Y. M. C. A. - " Origin and Progress of -- St. Louis, Report, 1856. Writing. -- Walker, G. J. S., Address, Mobile. - Jansen, De l'Orig. de Gravure. - Y. M. Chr. Ass n, London. - Langlois, Callig. des MSS. du Moyen - Y. M. Chr. Union, Buffalo, Quarterly Age. Reporter, 1858. - Reimann, Idea. Systematis, etc. Y-. M. Chr. Union, N. Y. - Wright, Court hand Restored. Yucatan. Fancourt, History of, 1854. - See Alphabets; Bibliography; Cipher; Short Hand. Z. Wurtemburg. Wurttemberg, Jahrbitcher, Zainesville, 0. Lyford's Directory. 1852. Zinc. Burnett, Chloride of. WVyandott Indians, Finley, J. B., History of the Mission. Zoology. Agassiz, Distrib. of animals. i- Aristotle, Hist. des animaux. Wylie, A. Parvin, T., Address on. - Battelle, Premieres lecohs. WTyomin-g, Pa. Peck, G., Wyoming His- - Beechey, F. W., Voy. to Pacific. tory. - Carpenter, Zoology, 1857.. - Dallas, W. S., Zoology. - Darwin, The Lepadida. Yale College. Reminiscences of Scenes, - ari, The iepadicl. (Mitchell). (Mitchell). - Girard, Reptiles and Fishes of Chile. - Woolsey, Hist. Discourse, 1850. - Herklots, Fauna van Nederland. - Yale Collsge. - Humboldt, Obs. de Zoologie. - Konink. Zool. Genootschap. Yellow Fever. Armstrong, G., Fever, - Konink. Zool. Genootdeap. Norfolk, ra., 1855. - Maitland, Animalium Belgii. - Assalini, Observations, 1806. - Redfield, Chart of An. Kingdom. - Barton, E. H., Prevention of, 1857. -- U. S. Exploring Exped., Wilkes. - New Orleans, Reports, 1853. - Zoological Society, London. - Portsmouth Relief Association, 1855. - See Animals; Cattle; Natural History; - Shecut, Medical Essays, 1819. Ornithology, etc. - See Quarantine. Zwaagwesteinde. Zwaag, Leerredenen. FINIS.