g4 I v Homfiq VIM 6M MO 11-Y-4 777=77 NW ism 77777777, * 'I to ! I a............................................. 1 - ^., 16 0%r ^............................................... ^I S T0 OF -- hLHr-O -m COUNTY-I-1P MICHIGAN. '331^*1 0Ift i ^i* i w ith + llA A A +ti DESCRIPTIVE OF ITS SCENERY, i I ^%Az^/ C^6W2~^2i <, ~1 +uli( C% ) +aldin,. Iptu cUtvrtp, )Rpyad +^un ift n FROM ORIGINAL SKETCHES BY ARTISTS OF THE HIGHEST ABILITY. PHILADELPHIA: Tj. H. Em VE tB %r TS (& CO., 716 FILBERT STREET. *.................................... 1, a, 7 V-..,................................... L., - PRESS OF J. B. LIPPINCOTT & CO., PHILADELPHIA. 'i" 4 "N. ,1,:r,,, '~~E ' fi i~ ~:!!~i:!~-:'-~,i!17:/.iii-iL? ~/iz ~.-_,~-...?:::]:.Y:: -7:~., ''" -~ ~ ~.;3::?:' ~,': ~-6: c.-~: i ~ i::::-!.. N To U:z ZE ~-4 t3: = I I clk I I I I I- - - I i ---___ f f5 PREFACE. To THE citizens of Calhoun County, who have so generously contributed, in various ways, and so courteously aided us in our efforts to gather reliable data from which to compile this work, we tender our heartiest acknowledgments. We are under obligations, and hereby acknowledge the same, to Hon. Charles Dickey, judge of probate; Charles McDermid, Esq., county clerk; Earl Smith, Esq., county treasurer; Stephen F. Snyder, register of deeds; Charles D. Holmes, Esq., late register of deeds; Rev. John D. Pierce, of Ypsilanti; Hon. S. S. Lacey, secretary of the Pioneer Society; Hon. Erastus Hussey, Hon. W. H. Brown, Dr. Edward Cox, Rev. W. H. Perrine, D.D., M. A. Lane, Esq., editor of the Index; Judge T. W. Hall, and many others, for information most cheerfully given, and assistance rendered in the compilation of the general history of the county. Had we the space we would with pleasure make acknowledgment by name to each of the many persons who have rendered us material aid in our historical researches, also to the many published sources of the information compiled and presented to the public in this volume; but it would cover pages and add bulk to an already voluminous work. We have garnered from every available source (in many cases a mere sentence only), confining ourselves as far as possible to original material, depending largely upon the memories of old settlers, and those whose lives and associations have made them familiar with the subjects portrayed. We have also, so far as practicable, classified all matter, although the labor of compilation has been materially increased thereby. Yet we feel assured that our work as a book of reference receives an added value that will more than compensate us for the increased labor and expense. We have also endeavored to make the history of each town and village after its organization up to present date complete in itself, without too much recapitulation; to avoid this entirely were impossible, though we trust that it occurs to no considerable extent. Some incidents and anecdotes have been related more with the design to illustrate the past than to amuse the reader, for we have aimed only to show and trace the method of the change in a concise, unpretentious way: how and by whom the wilderness has been changed to the garden, the log cabin to the brownstone front, the track through the forest and the lone postal rider to the iron rail, fast mail, and electric wire with its lightning messenger,-the lands of the red men to the homes of the white. Honor and credit are certainly due to some. We have named many, but not all,-only a few of the leading spirits, whom to associate with was to be one of. Too much honor cannot be rendered them. Instructions to our historians were, " Write truthfully and impartially of every one and on every subject." Their instructions have been as faithfully executed as was possible, and while some may have been omitted who should have had a place in these pages, yet especial pains has been taken to make it otherwise. We expect criticism. All we ask is that it be done in charity, after weighing all contingencies, obstacles, and hindrances that may have been involved; for if our patrons will take into account all the difficulties we have had to overcome,-the impossibility of harmonizing inharmonious memories, of reconciling perverse figures and stubborn facts, of remembering all the fathers and grandfathers where there are so many to remember, and, finally, the uncertainty of all human calculations and the shortcomings of even the most perfect,-we shall be content with their verdict. THE PUBLISHERS. PHILADELPHIA, July 1, 1877. 3 t I TABLE OFI CONTENTS. H-ISTO~ICAIJ AIND DESCRIPTIVE. HISTORY OF CALHOUN COUNTY. PAGE I I CHAPTER I.-Civilization-Its Progress-First introduction into Michigan-First Permanent Settlement-Ordinance of 1787-Organization of Territory-Counties and Townships-Adoption of Constitution-Development of State.. 9 CHAPTER II.-Abstract of Title-French, English, Colonial, and Indian Titles to Land in the Northwest-First Legal Conveyance in MichiganLand Surveys and Sales-Military Report on Amount of Good Land..... 10, 11 CHAPTER III.-Ancient Fortifications - Mysterious People-The Indians of Calhoun; their Position in the Black Hawk War-A Big Injun-Trails. 11, 12 CHAPTER IV. - Pioneer Settlements - Improvised Shelter for Cooking-Early Journeyings-First Houses-First Marriage-Ague vs. MatrimonyA Justice beyond his Bailiwick-First White Births-First Deaths-A Midnight Burial-The First Cemetery..... 12-14 CHAPTER V.-Means of Communication- RoadsTrails-Bridges-Taverns-Mail Routes-StageCoaches - Post-Offices - Railroads - Steamboat Navigation on the Kalamazoo... 14, 15 CHAPTER VI.-First Land Entries-First FarmsLive Stock-The Hen Fever-Fruit-Improved Farm Machinery-Products of the PresentManufactures - Pioneer Artisans - Traders - Manufactures of the Present-Banking: State, Wild-Cat, National...... 15-18 CHAPTER VII. — Civil Organization — County and Township Boundaries-First Official Act-Earliest dated Deed —First Village Plats-The Courts: Circuit, County, and Probate- Celebrated Causes-Board of Supervisors-Assessments and Taxes-County Buildings- CourtHouse, Jail, and Almshouse-Superintendents of the Poor........ 18-22 CHAPTER VIII. - Official Roster: First Justices, County Officers, National and State Officials in Calhoun-Politics-Underground Railroad-Attempted Kidnapping-Presidential Elections — A Curious Ballot-Population.... 22-25 CHAPTER IX.-Educational and Religious: The First School-Statistics of 1876-The First SermonFirst Religious Society-First Church-Pioneer Preachers-Albion College-Seventh-Day Adventist College...... 25-.29 CHAPTER X.-Professional: The Bar; The Pulpit. 29-32 CHAPTER XI.-The Press: Patriot and Expounder; Statesman; Journal; Tribune; Mirror; Recorder; Index; Advent Review and Publications 32-34 CHAPTER XII.-Societies: Agricultural, Reformatory, Educational, Political, Protective, Secret, Historical, Health Reform.... 34-37 CHAPTER XIII. - Topography - Drainage - SoilTimber- Geology-Area- Geography- Climatology-Fauna..... 37, 38 CHAPTER XIV.-Reminiscence - Cholera - Pioneer Visiting-Social Parties-First Ball-Independence Day-A Bear Fight-Bruin and the Lovers -Wolves-Tribulations of Pioneer Courtship. 38, 39 CHAPTER XV.-The Patriotism of Calhoun: First Volunteers of Michigan-Black Hawk WarToledo War-Militia-Mexican War-The Rebellion....... 39-48 CHAPTER XVI.-Conclusion..... 48, 49 TOWNSHIP HISTORIES. City and Township of Marshall. City and Township of Battle Creek Albion Township Lee..... Athens..... Homer "..... Marengo " Eckford "..... Sheridan " Tekonsha " Convis..... Burlington " Fredonia " Le Roy " Newton " Pennfield " Emmett " Clarendon..... Clarence " Bedford " PAGE 50-78. 79-104. 105-112. 113-115. 116-120. 121-124. 125-133. 134-141 ~ 142-146 ~ 147-152 ~ 153-156 ~ 157-160. 161-165. 166-172. 173-175. 176-180. 181-185. 186-190. 191-193. 194-198 I i I BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. Angell, Nedebiah Austin, Hon. Charles. Anderson, Jacob. Abbott, Reuben. Atmore, Matthew Aldrich, Russell. Brewer, Chauncey M.. Burpee, Samuel J. Barney, Nathaniel Beach, M.D., Asahel. Beach, M.D., John Beach, E. Darwin Burr, Rufus Billinghurst, Daniel Bevier, John Barnum, Thomas B. Curtis, Benjamin F. Cook, Asa B. Convis, General Ezra. Convis, Samuel. Clark, A. L. Crosby, Charles H. Church, Chandler M.. Chamberlin, Benjamin Cox, John Crossman, L. G.. Chapin, Samuel. Chisholm, Thomas Carrier, Edwin B. Dickey, Hon. Charles. Dibble, Charles P. Du Bois, Harvey J. Douglass, Samuel E.. Dickey, Marsh Dunakin, Daniel Doolittle, Joel French, Hon. George H. Fenn, Thomas J. Green, Elijah Gordon, Alexander -.. 80 99 109 144 178 190. 74, 75 76 80 100 101 101. 145, 146 144 facing 169 170 73 75 80 179 102 104 145 175 197 133 131. 131, 132 132. 72, 73 73 100. 110, 111 145 140 facing 146 facing 124 172 facing 147 179 Hyde, Augustus 0. Hill, Samuel W. Hall, Moses Hall, Judge Tolman W. Hussey, Erastus Hart, Isaac P. Holmes, Charles D. Holmes, Thomas Hadden, Amos Hicks, William. Hamilton, George B.. Hutchinson, Loomis. Houston, John Hatch, Y. M. Hanchett, David Hanchett, Caleb. Hewitt, Isaac Johnson, Edwin H. Knickerbocker, Wm. M. Knight, Thomas Kelsey, Silas Lane, James McCamly, Judge Sands Manchester, Elias C.. Mapes, Anson Markham, J. P.. Mayo, James Miller, David H. Miner, James A. Mitchell, Hon. Preston Newbre, James. Newbre, William Powell, Hon. William Peabody, Tenney Pattison, S. G.. Pierce, Nathan. Robinson, Solon E. Smith, Earl. Stewart, Joseph W. Soule, Theron Soule, Milo. Shipman Family, The Spaulding, Nirum L.. Sprague, Rev. Thomas Sackett, Morrison Samson, Galen. Townsend, Lewis Willard, Hon. Allen Wattles, M.D., Jervis H. Wakefield, Hon. G. N. Wood, Barnett. Warner, William A. Warner, Wareham Walker, Truman P. Warner, Asahel. Woolsey, Daniel. Warren, Ira A. Wagner, Hon. John Walkinshaw, James White, Henry L. White, William C............ 75, 76 A77 80, 81 81. 97-99 100 110 110 115. 179, 180 198 184 165 193 facing 52 132 131 ~.. 109 facing 113 185 171 155 80. 99, 100 103 179 156 74 75. 77, 78 184 184.. 78 facing 112.. 130 129. 140, 141 76 103 112 130 144 facing 182 171 130 130 132 81 102 103 104 ~. 111 111 115 145 facing 69 185. 171, 172 156 131 130 - I ROSTER OF SOLDIERS IN THE " WAR OF THE REBELLION," FROM CALHOUN COUNTY.... 199-212 - I - I I _ _ _ _ __ _ _ 6 TABLE OF CONTENTS. I I,-IJ-i ST R A T I 0 N S. VIEWS. Albion College, View of.... facing page 27 Advent's Printing-House (Battle Creek). " " 29 Atkinson, Henry, residence of (Marshall). " " 54 Alexander, Morgan J., " ( " ). " " 54 Adams, John " ( " ). " " 66 Anderson, Jacob, farm and res. of (Albion) facing pages 108, 109 Abbott, Sylvester, residence of (Sheridan). facing page. 147 Adventist Church (Convis).... " " 155 Aldrich, George W., residence of (Clarendon) facing page 190 Battle Creek College..... " " 28 Brackett, A. E., residence of (Marshall). " " 56 Brewer, C. M., " ( " ). " " 62 Beach, E. Darwin, " (Battle Creek) it" " 101 Billinghurst, Dan., " (Sheridan). " " 143 Burr, Rufus, present residence ( " ). " " 144 Burr, Rufus, residence in 1838 ( " ). " " 144 Burnett, Frank, residence of (Burlington). " " 159 Born, George, " (Clarendon). " " 186 Bevier, Mrs. L. H., " (Le Roy). " " 169 Calhoun County Court-House (Marshall).. frontispiece Calhoun County, Map of.... facing page 9 Calhoun County Poor-House... " " 22 Curtis, Benjamin F., residence of (Marshall) " " 68 Cook, Asa B., " ( " ) " " 70 Crosby, C. H., " (Battle Creek) " " 82 Clark, Alexander H., " ( " " ) " " 85 Central School Building ( " " ). " 86 Crawford, R., residence of ( " " ) facing " 90 Church, Mrs. Lura, " (Albion). " " 111 Clute, H. A., " (Lee).. " " 115 Chisholm, Thomas, " (Marengo). " " 125 Chapin, Samuel, residence of ( " ). " " 129 Cook, Hon. William, " (Clarendon) " " 187 Cox, John, " (Bedford) " " 194 Carrier, Edwin B., " (Marengo) " " 132 Crossman, L. G., " ( " ) " " 133 Chamberlin, Benjamin, " (Newton). " " 174 Convis, Samuel, " (Pennfield) " " 177 Dibble, C. P., " (Marshall) " " 50 Du Bois, Harvey J., " (Battle Creek)" " 92 Dickey, Marsh, res. and farm (Sheridan) double page.... facing pages 142, 143 Dean, Mrs. Nelson, residence of (Tekonsha) facing page 151 Doolittle, Isaac H., " (Clarendon) " " 189 Eslow, Thomas E., " (Homer). " " 123 Ellis, John, " (Tekonsha) " " 149 French, Hon. G. H., " (Homer). " " 124 Fenn, Thomas, " (Le Roy). " " 172 Gridley, Abram H., farm and res. of (Albion) " " 105 Gale Manufacturing Co.'s Works (Albion). " " ] 07 Gardner, A. P., residence of ( " ). " " 107 Granger, S. S., " (Tekonsha) " " 150 Gould, Fayette, " (Le Roy). " " 166 Gould, David, farm and res. (Newton). " " 173 Gordon, Alexander, residence of (Pennfield) " " 176 Health Institute (Battle Creek)... " " 29 Hanchett, David, residence of (Marshall). " " 52 Hart, Isaac P., " (Battle Creek) " " 79 Aussey, Erastus, residence and homestead (Battle Creek)..... " 97 Hadden, Amos, residence of (Lee).. " " 114 Hewitt, Isaac, " (Marengo). " " 127 Hanchett, Caleb, " ( " ) ~ " " 129 Houston Homestead, The (Fredonia).. " " 161 Houston, John, residence of ( " ).. ' " 164 Hicks, William, " (Pennfield). " " 180 Hutchinson, Loomis, residence of (Emmett) double page.... facing pages 180,181 Irwin Hall and Hygienic Institute (Battle Creek)....... facing page 29 Kerr, William H., residence of (Tekonsha). " " 148 Knight, Thomas, " (Emmett).." " 182 Leonard, D. P., * " (Burlington) " " 158 Map of Calhoun County... " 9 Mapes, Anson, residence of (Battle Creek). " " 80 Miller, John, " (Athens).. " " 118 Mayo, James, " (Convis).. t " 156 Markham, Jos. P., " (Pennfield).. " "178 Newbre, 0. and I., " (Emmett).. " " 184 Newbre, William, " ( " ) double page..... facing pages 184, 185 "Oak Lawn," res. of L. Silliman (Albion). facing page 106 "Oak Hill," " C. M. Brewer (Marshall) " " 62 Poor-House, The County.... 22 Peterman, Dr. H. A., res. and office (Marshall) facing page 54 Public School Building (Marshall)... " 58 Powell, William, residence of (Marshall). facing " 66 Pond, J. E., " ( " ). " " 70 Potter House (Battle Creek)... " " 89 Painter, J. C., grain and stock farm of (Athens)...... t " 116 Powers, John, residence of (Homer).. " '- 122 Pattison, S. G., " (Marengo). " " 128 Pritchard, James, residence and farm of (Clarendon)...... " 188 Robinson, Solon E., residence of (Eckford) " t 136 Reasoner, Daniel, " (Le Roy). " " 167 Stewart, Joseph W., " (Battle Creek) " " 84 Stewart, James H., " ( " " )" " 85 Silliman, L., " (Albion) " is 106 Soule, Theron, ( " ) " " 112 Samson, Galen, " (Marengo) " " 126 Soule, Milo, ( " ) " " 130 Shipman, J. D., " (Sheridan) " " 145 Shipman, Robert B., " ( " ) " 146 Spaulding, N. L., " (Emmett), double page..... facing pages 182,183 Underwood, Chester R., res. of (Newton). facing page 173 Francisco, Henry (and wife) Goodrich, Mrs. L. S. Green, Elijah (and wife) Granger, S. S. ( " ). Guyer, Andrew ( " ). Gould, Fayette ( " ) Gordon, Alex. ( " ) Godfrey, Oliver W. (and wife) Hall, Tolman W. Hyde, Augustus 0... Hanchett, David. Hanchett, Caleb (and wife). Hill, Samuel W. Hart, Isaac P. (and wife) Hussey, Erastus ( " ) Hall, Moses. Hall, T. W.. Holmes, Charles D. Holmes, Thomas. Hadden, Amos (and wife) Hobart, Hon. N. P. Holmes, William.... Hewitt, Isaac (and wife).. Houston, Sr., John (and wife) Houston, John (and wife).. facing page 175 it" " 112 it " 147 t~" " 150.. " 160. facing " 166 i. " "176 facing pages 184, 185 ~ facing page 22.t. t 22 " " 52 " " 129. " " t 76 * " " 79." " 97." " 98. " " 98 (t. 110 " 110. facing " 114 ~" i" 119 " " 127 a " "161 ~ t " 164 Vary, A. T., " (Marshall). Woolsey, Daniel, " ( " ). Werstein, L., " (Battle Creek) Ward & Son, J. M., warehouses, etc. (Battle Creek).... Wood, Barnet, residence of (Battle Creek). Warner, William A., " (Albion) Warner, Wareham, " the late (Albion) Walker, T. P., " (Lee) Ware, S. S., " (Athens). Worthington, James, " (Homer). White, William C., " (Marengo) Warner, Asahel, " (Sheridan) Walkinshaw, James, " (Convis) Wagner, Susan, " (Le Roy) Warren, Ira A., " (Emmett) Warren, Ira A.,.old homestead, built in 1833 " " 60 " " 69 ( ( 88 " 88 " 94 " 110 " 111 " 113 " 115 " 121 " 131 " 147 " 153 " 168 " 185 " 185 PORTRAITS. Austin, Charles Anderson, Jacob (and wife) Abbott,, Reuben ( " ) Atmore, Matthew ( " ) Brackett, Albert E. (" ) Burpee, Samuel J. Beach, Asahel Beach, Mrs. Dr. John. Beach, E. Darwin (and wife) Billinghurst, Daniel Burr, Rufus (and wife) Burnett, Frank (and wife). Bevier, Mrs. Louisa Barnum, Thomas B.. Curtis, Benjamin F. Crosby, C. H. (and wife) Crawford, R. ( " ) Clark, A., L. Church, Chandler M. (and wife). Chisholm, Thomas ( " ). Chapin, Samuel ( " ). Crossman, L. G. ( " ). Carrier, E. B. ( " ). Convis, Samuel (and wives) Cox, John (and wife). Dickey, Hon. Charles. Du Bois, Peter.... Du Bois, Harvey J... Dunakin, Daniel (and wife). Dickey, Marsh ( " ). Doolittle, Isaac H. (" ). Doolittle, Joel ( " ). Dean, Nelson ( " ). Douglass, Geo. A. (and wife) Eslow, Thomas E. ( " ) Ellis, John ( " ) Ellis, Heman J. Fenn, Thomas (and wife). facing page 98 ~ facing pages 108, 109. facing page 147. " 178. facing " 56 i " " 76." " 98... " 101. facing " 101 i" "( 143 (. " " 144.. " " 159 t " 169 " 170. facing f" 68 ~ 1 IC 82. c c 90 "102. facing " 111 I "" 125 i t " 129 *. " 133." " 132 ~~" " 177 " ". 194 ~" 72. facing " 92 t " 92.. " 140 facing pages 142, 143 facing page 189." " 147 " " 151 facing pages 184, 185. facing page 123." " 149. " " 149 ~" " 172 Hiscock, Isaac...... " 170 Hicks, William (and wife). " 180 Hutchinson, Loomis (and wives).. facing pages 180, 181 Hatch, Younglove M. (and wife). page 193 Hamilton, George B. (. " ) ).. " 198 Johnson, Edwin H....facing " 22 Knickerbocker, W. M. (and wife).. " " 112 Kellogg, George...... " " 119 Kerr, William H. (and wife)... " " 148 Kelsey, Silas ( " )... " " 170 Knight, Thomas ( " )... " " 182 Lane, James ( " )... " " 155 Leonard, D. P. ( " )... " " 158 Miller, David H. ( " )...... " 74 Miner, James A........ " 75 Mitchell, Preston.. facing " 76 Mapes, Anson (and wife).." 80 Mayo, James ( " ).... " 156 Markham, J. P. ( " ).... " " 178 Manchester, E. C...... " 98 Newbre, James (and wife).... " " 184 Newbre, William (" )... facing pages184, 185 Peterman, Dr. Hiram A. (and wife).. facing page 54 Powell, William..... " 76 Peabody, Tenney (and wife).. " " 112 Pattison, S. G. ( " ).. " " 128 Pierce, Nathan ( " ).... " 129 Potter, John ( " ).. facing" 175 Rogers, John B. ( " ).. " " 119 Robinson, Solon ( " ).. " " 136 Reasoner, Daniel ( " ).. " " 167 Root, Elijah..... " 175 Samson, Galen (and wife)... " " 126 Sackett, Morrison..... " 130 Shipman, J. D. (and wife)... facing" 145 Shipman, Robert B. ( " )... " " 146 Smith, Earl...... " 76 Soule, Theron (and wife)... " " 112 Soule, Milo ( " ).... " " 130 Sprague, Rev. Thomas.... " " 170 Spaulding, Nirum L. (and wife).. facing pages 182,183 Stewart, Joseph W. ( " )... facing page 84 Underwood, C. R. ( " ).. 173 Vary, A. T. ( " )... " " 60 Warren, Ira A. ( " )... " 185 Wagner, Hon. John ( " )... " " 168 Warner, Asahel (and wife).... " " 147 Warner, William A. (and wife)... " " 110 Warner, Wareham...... " 111 Walkinshaw, James (and wife)... " " 153 Wattles, J.H...... " " 102 Wakefield, Geo.N... " " 102 Walker, T. P. (and wife)... facing" 113 Willard, George...... " 102 Willard, David N. (and wife)... '" 119 Wisner, Jehiel...... " " 119 White, Henry L....... " " 22 White, William C. (and wife)... 131 Woolsey, Daniel...... " 69 Wood, Barnett (and wife).... " " 94 "i ": -f~ I I l - INTRODUCTORY. THE historian, in rescuing from oblivion the life of a nation, should 1" extenuate nothing, nor aught set down in malice." Myths, however beautiful, are at their best but fanciful; traditions, however pleasing, are uncertain; and legends, though the very essence of poesy, are unauthentic. The novelist will take the most fragile thread of a vivid imagination, and from it weave a fabric of surpassing beauty. But the historian should place his feet upon the solid basis of FACT, and, turning a deaf ear to the allurements of fancy, sift, with careful and painstaking scrutiny, the evidence brought before him, and upon which he is to give the record of what has been. Standing, as he does, down the stream of time, far removed from its source, he must retrace, with patience and care, its meanderings, guided by the relics of the past which lie upon its shores, growing fainter and still more faint and uncertain as he nears its fountain, ofttimes concealed in the debris of ages, and in mists and darkness impenetrable. Written records grow less and less explicit, and finally fail altogether, as he approaches the beginning of the community whose life he is seeking to rescue from the gloom of a fast-receding past. Memory, wonderful as are its powers, is yet frequently at fault; and only by a comparison of its many aggregations can he be satisfied that he is pursuing stable-footed truth in his researches amid the early paths of his subject. In the republic, founded upon popular sovereignty, the people are supreme. They are the source of power. From them springs the government of the nation in its varied phases-National, State, and Municipal. The several States of the American Union, conceding to the General Government its central power, retain their individual sovereignty, within the limits prescribed by the Federal Constitution, and, in the spirit and significance of the national legend (E Pluribus Unum), are " many like the billows, and onte like the sea." This principle of independent sovereignty runs through the whole system of the government, from the election of the federal executive to that of the most obscure constable or path-master. And it is by reason of this sovereignty that the beginning and progress of a county become no unimportant subjects to trace upon the permanent pages of history. The ties of " home" have, ere now, thrown around sterile coasts, frozen plains, and mountain cliffs the halo of the love of a patriotic people. Is it surprising, then, that the undulating, flowery prairies and open vistas of park-like lawns, which, for extent and natural beauty, far excel the baronial manors of European aristocracy, and watered with clear running streams and quiet lakes-which beautiful landscape is embraced within the limits of Calhoun County-should charm the eyes of the first settlers as they emerged from the dark, dense forests of New York, Canada, and Ohio, and beget in their hearts a love for the surroundings of nature that clings to them in their old age, and falls but little short of reverence when they speak of the old county which witnessed their first struggles for life and competency? These associations have made it a sacred and almost hallowed spot. These old pioneers are fast sinking to rest after the toils and privations of the border, whither they came, buoyed up with hope and nerved with vigor, to build for themselves and their loved ones homes amid this beautiful scenery, while yet the whoop of the Indian and the howl of the wolf resounded on every side, and war's alarms came not infrequently, with imperious demands for blood and treasure. Here and there a white-haired veteran, bowed with the weight of years and the unremitting toil of pioneer life, remains an interesting relic of fast-fading times. Before all of these old, hardy pioneers, whose impress was the germ of the present, and whose endowment was lofty examples of courage and unabated energy, and who have durably stamped their characteristics upon worthy successors-before these have passed away, we seek to place upon the historic page the record of whom they were, and what they did to make their county the just pride of the great Peninsular State of the American Union. Records will be traced as far as they may yield the information sought; the memories of the pioneers will be laid under tribute; the manuscripts of the provident will give their contributions, and all sources will be called into requisition to furnish material, reliable and certain, to bring forth a truthful history of this grand county. Individual success is a proof of triumphant energy, and pledges a like career j to corresponding enterprises; therefore biographies of earnest, successful representative lives, intimately connected with the development of the county, will illustrate what energy, determination, and indomitable will have hitherto accomplished, and can yet accomplish. To foster local ties, to furnish examples of heroism, to exhibit the results of well-applied industry, and to mark the progress of the community, literature, art, and typography (an attractive trio) are freely employed to embellish and render invaluable a practical and interesting work. Less than fifty years ago the first white settler built his cabin of rough, unhewn logs west of the principal meridian of the United States surveys in the State of Michigan. Until then the solitudes of the whole territory of southwestern Michigan, acquired in 1821 by the treaty of Chicago, had been unbroken by any sound of humanity save as that mysterious people, the Mound-Builders (whose monuments alone remain to tell us they once lived), had pursued their peaceful avocations within its borders; or their Indian successors had traversed its forests and plains; or in their light canoes sped over the unruffled bosoms of its lakes in pursuit of game, or on the more bloody trail of war. Adventurous traders, coureurs des bois, and messengers with dispatches to beleaguered posts beyond the western lakes, had indeed followed the wild tribes, for commercial purposes, or passed across its boundaries, but no mark was left to show that an actual settlement had been made, with any idea of permanency, previous to 1827, in all of its wide extent. A half-century has wrought a wondrous change. Despite privation, danger, and misfortune, farms multiplied and towns grew; highways were cut through the forests; streams were bridged; morasses drained, and the stage-coach made its weekly trip between the eastern and western lakes. Then came the railways, connecting the populous and wealthy east with the western border, affording easy and rapid transit, and progress sprang forward, equipped for an untiring march. The productions of the soil were, as by magic, exchanged for the commerce of the seas and the manufactures of the seaboard. Education and religion walked hand in hand, and together wrought their beneficent mission, laying broad and deep the foundations of happiness and progress, and doing much also to erect the harmonious and symmetrical edifice thereon, which prosperous trade, busy manufacture, and toilsome agriculture have made a demonstrable certainty. In prosecuting our enterprise we shall essay, first, somewhat of the history of the State in its early settlement, with a brief sketch of the title to the fee of the millions of acres of prolific soil within its splendid domain, and which the national government confers upon the settler who makes his home thereon. Then will follow an account of the county, from its earliest settlement, up to and including the just completed centennial year; showing its surprising development in agriculture, trade, manufactures, political influence, population and wealth-not forgetting to do honor to the brave men, of all political faiths, who rallied to the common defense of the country when armed treason raised its bloody hand against the national life, and who bore the banner of the Peninsular State through the carnage of many hard-fought fields, onward to ultimate triumph. Brief histories of the several townships and villages composing the county will follow, wherein will appear the names of the early settlers, public officials, professional men, tradesmen; with accounts of schools, churches, and societies; together with comparative statements of the business of those early days and of the present, interspersed with incidents, humorous and sad, which invariably attach to border life, but which, however graphically they may be told, cannot give to us of the present day, who have come into our pleasant places through the toils and privations of the pioneers, any realizing sense of the rugged, thorny paths those heroes and heroines patiently and hopefully trod for many long and weary years. It cannot, then, be unimportant or uninteresting to trace the progress of Calhoun's gratifying development, from her crude beginnings to her present proud position among her sister-counties; and therefore we seek to gather the scattered and loosening threads of the past into a compact web of the present, ere they become hopelessly broken and lost, and with a trust that the harmony of our work may speak with no uncertain sound to the future. I 1~ ir -:"b":: -4:-:::::::::a -03 IN Lr\ 4( it WI aj -evil 0, IN IX 0% ri In J L IN CY) all Ql) LN AA 7 VW (Y) 711 Zyh lZY3 In In QN H I ST OR Y OF C A I H TU N COUNTY, MICHIGAN. BY H. B. PIERCE. CHAPTER I. CIVILIZATION; ITS PROGRESS-FIRST INTRODUCTION INTO MICHIGAN-FIRST PERMANENT SETTLEMENT-ORDINANCE OF 1787-ORGANIZATION OF TERRITORY-COUNTIES AND TOWNSHIPS-ADOPTION OF CONSTITUTION-DEVELOPMENT OF STATE. IN the early ages, amid the hordes of the east, civilization was born, and began its march of progress. Westward, over Assyria, India, Egypt, Greece, and Rome, as those nations successively rose and fell, its waves rolled, and lapped the shores of Spain, France, and Britain. Checked for a time at this ultima thule of the Greek and barbarian, by the repressive spirit of the Middle Ages, at length it overleaped the barriers interposed to its progress, and bore upon its topmost crest, over the Atlantic, a Columbus, a Cabot, and a Cartier as its avant couriers to the New World, whose shores were bathed by the waters of two oceans. Rolling inland, over mountain, lake, and river, across the ancient domain of the Mound-Builders, then the realm of the Iroquois and Algonquin, the first ripple of the incoming tide broke upon the shores of Michigan in the year of grace 1641, at which time* Father Charles Raymbault and his companion, Isaac Jogues (Jesuit missionaries, and envoys of the king of France), unfurled the Bourbon lilies at the Sault St. Marie, and proclaimed to an assemblage of two thousand of the red men of the northwest the news of salvation. These missionaries were followed by Rene Mesnard in 1660, and Claude Allouez in 1665, in the Lake Superior region; and by Pere Marquette and Claude Dablon in 1668, who founded the mission at Sault St. Marie, which was the first settlenient by Europeans in Michigan. In 1671, Pere Marquette founded the mission of St. Ignace, on the north shore of the straits of Mackinac; and in 1673, after his discovery of the Mississippi,the great event of his life,-he discovered and named the river St. Joseph, and explored it for some distance from its mouth. In 1679, La Salle traversed the great lakes in the " Griffin," the first vessel ever launched thereon, and while awaiting her return, built a trading-post at the mouth of the St. Joseph, and carefully sounded the stream and buoyed its channel; and, finally, went to Illinois with Hennepin and Tonti, making the portage to the Kankakee, near the present site of South Bend, Indiana. The real settlement of Michigan, however, may be said to have commenced at Detroit in 1701, when De la Motte Cadillac, with the inseparable Jesuit and one hundred Frenchmen, took possession of that point in the name of the king of France, and which was the first permanent colony settled in Michigan. Thus, this Commonwealth, which began to be colonized even before Georgia, is the oldest of all the inland States of the Union, excepting Illinois, which had a colony at Kaskaskia previous to 1700. The French authority over Michigan, which lasted till 1760, and the English domination which succeeded, and ended nominally in 1783, but really not until 1796, brought but little progress to the country. In 1787 the northwest territory was organized under the ordinance of 1787, Michigan coming under its government and laws at the departure of the British garrison in 1796, from Detroit. The first American settler in Michigan located at Frenchtown, on the river Raisin, in 1793. In January, 1798, the northwest territory assumed the second grade of territorial government, as provided by the ordinance of 1787, and the territory * This date was five years before Elliott preached to the Indians within six miles of Boston Harbor. 2 of Michigan, as afterwards established, constituted a single county-Wayne-in that territory, and sent one representative to the General Assembly of the northwest territory, held at Chillicothe; and the election at which this representative was chosen was the first election held in Michigan under the American government. In 1802 the Lower Peninsula was annexed to Indiana Territory by the act of Congress creating the State of Ohio. January 11, 1805, Michigan was erected into a separate territory, and General William Hull appointed governor. From that time to the glorious victory of Commodore Perry on Lake Erie, in 1813, the country was subject to the terrors and atrocities of Indian warfare, the western tribes being confederated under Tecumseh, with the British, against the United States. After the recapture of Detroit in 1813, General Cass began a most successful administration as governor of the territory, which lasted until 1831, during which, as a historian of Michigan says, he did " more for the prosperity of Michigan than any other man, living or dead." From 1805 to 1824, the legislative powers were vested in the governor and judges who formed the territorial government; but in the latter year Congress provided for a legislative council, to which those powers were given. The members were appointed by the president from eighteen nominees elected by the people, nine of whom constituted the council for four years. The first legislative council was held in Detroit on June 7, 1824. Immigration now began to flow into the country, and population being scattered, Congress authorized the governor, in 1825, to divide the territory into counties and townships, and to provide for the election of township officers. In 1826, the counties of Mackinaw, Saginaw, Lapeer, Shiawassee, St. Clair, Macomb, Oakland, Washtenaw, Wayne, Lenawee, and Monroe were organized, and the territory west of the principal meridian to Lake Michigan-which had not been surveyed-was attached to Monroe and Oakland counties for judicial purposes. On April 23, 1827, the lands ceded by the treaty of Chicago in 1821 were formed into a township, and named St. Joseph, and attached to Lenawee county for similar purposes. The same year, Congress gave the people the right to elect the representatives to the legislative council, and the representation was apportioned among the districts and counties according to population. In 1833, the people of Michigan memorialized Congress for an enabling act to form a State constitution, preparatory to the admission of the State into the Union; but that body refused their prayer. Thereupon Governor Stevens convened the legislative council, which ordered a census of the territory to be taken, and called a convention to frame a constitution, that " the State might demand as a right what had previously been asked as a favor." In 1834 the census was taken, showing a population of 87,273; an excess of 27,273 over the requisite number provided for in the organic law of the northwest territory. In May, 1835, the convention framed a constitution and sent it to Congress for acceptance; but owing to the southern boundary trouble, which had been vexing the people of Ohio and Michigan for thirty years, and the political agitation of the times, the State was not finally admitted until January, 1837; the boundaries being adjusted as at present, and so accepted by the people finally. From this time Michigan dates her marvelous progress in manufactures, agriculture, commerce, and education, which has placed her in the very fore front of the grand galaxy of American commonwealths. Amid her unrivaled natural beauties and inexhaustible resources, her commercial and educational development, this proud State may well and justly say to all comers within her borders, in the language of her appropriate motto, Si quseris penLinsulamn amoenanm, circumspice, " If you seek a beautiful peninsula, look around you." 9 10 HISTORY OF CALHOUN COUNTY, MICHIGAN. - guishment of the Indian title, prohibiting the English governors from issuing CHAPTER II. ABSTRACT OF TITLE —FRENCH, ENGLISH, COLONIAL, AND INDIAN TITLES TO LANDS IN THE NORTHWEST —FIRST LEGAL CONVEYANCE IN MICHIGANLAND SURVEYS AND SALES-MILITARY REPORT ON AMOUNT OF GOOD LAND. NOTWITHSTANDING the claims made by England and France to American soil, based upon the right of discovery under the law of nations, and which claims were maintained for two hundred years at a most frightful expenditure of blood and treasure, and although the thirteen colonies, after a bloody and expensive war of seven years, succeeded to the rights of those nations in the soil of the northwest, yet there was an adverse and prior claim to be extinguished before a free and unincumbered title in fee simple could be given to lands northwest of the Ohio river. The aboriginal inhabitants-the Indians-were the real lords proprietary of the soil of North America, and most energetic and tenacious were they in defending their title thereto; and so successful were they in that defense, that the American people, notwithstanding their rights acquired so bloodily and expensively, were under the imperative necessity of perfecting their fee in their conquests by purchase from these same proprietors, from first to last. All of the terrible Indian wars which have deluged the territory of the United States with the blood of white men, to say nothing of the extermination of whole nations of the red race, which these same wars have occasioned, have been caused and waged on account of the trespass of the pale-faces upon the Indians' land, as alleged by the latter. In 1753 the French, by the treaty of peace following the fall of Quebec, ceded their rights in Canada and the northwest to the English crown, and it in turn, by the treaty of peace at Versailles, after the Revolution in 1783, ceded its rights in the northwest to the United States. Several of the colonies had obtained, previous to the Revolution, certain vested rights in the territory northwest of the Ohio by charters from the British crown, and hence these lands were known by the name of " Crown Lands." These vested rights were ceded by the several States of New York, Virginia, Massachusetts, Connecticut, and South Carolina, to whom they belonged, to the general government of the Union, from the year 1781 to 1787, and yet it was claimed by the Indians-and the claim made valid-that the United States had acquired by these several cessions the right of pre-emption only to the soil whenever the Indians chose to alienate their title thereto. After the great confederate council of the eastern and western Indians, at the Huron village, on the Detroit river, in December, 1786, the Congress of the United States accepted the construction placed by them upon the treaty with England in 1783-that they (the Indians) were no party thereto, nor included in the provisions thereof-and the government at once began measures looking to the quieting and extinguishment of the Indian title to the lands in the northwest. A treaty was made with the Wyandot, Ottawa, Delaware, and Chippewa tribes, at Fort McIntosh, in 1785, by which lands at Detroit and Mackinaw were ceded to the United States. This treaty was subsequently confirmed in 1787 by another one at Fort Harmer, and in 1795 by Wayne's treaty at Greenville. This last treaty also ceded other tracts of land at Miami Rapids, and the islands of Mackinaw and Bois Blanc. In 1807 Governor Hull, of Michigan, made a very important treaty with the Ottawa, Chippewa, Pottawatomie, and Wyandot tribes, whereby the Indians ceded to the United States all the lands lying east of the present west lines of the counties of Saginaw, Shiawasse, Washtenaw, and Lenawee. In 1817 Governor Cass made a treaty with certain of the tribes, whereby the greater part of Ohio and a portion of Indiana and Michigan were ceded; and in 1819 the governor effected another treaty at Saginaw with the Chippewas, by which the United States quieted the Indian title to six millions of acres in Michigan. In 1821, by the treaty of Chicago with the Ottawas, Chippewas, and Pottawatomies, all of the country west of the principal meridian, south of the Grand river to the Indiana State line, and west to Lake Michigan, with the exception of a few reservations, was ceded and confirmed to the general government. Subsequent treaties in 1823, 1825, 1826, and 1827, at Niles, Prairie du Chien, Green Bay, and St. Joseph, extinguished the Indian title throughout the then territory of Michigan, with the exception of such reservations as were made for special bands or tribes-most of the Indians in the southern portion of the territory removing west of the Mississippi. Under the French domination in Michigan, grants of land could be made by the French governors of Canada and Louisiana, which were to be confirmed by the king of France to make them legally pass the title. The French commandants of the post were also allowed to grant permissions of occupancy to settlers, and these latter sometimes occupied lands without permission from any one, thus gaining a color of possessory title, under which they subsequently claimed the full right of ownership. On the accession of the English power, the British king restricted the extin guishment of the Indian title, prohibiting the English governors from issuing grants of lands, except within certain prescribed limits, and the English subjects from making purchases of the Indians or settlements without those prescribed bounds. Grants, purchases, and settlements, however, were made, the king's proclamation to the contrary notwithstanding; and these prohibited possessions formed an important part of the ancient land claims afterwards adjudicated by the land board of Michigan. In the "American State Papers," vol. i., " Public Lands," it is stated by the report of a commission on land claims in Michigan, that there were but eight legal titles passed to lands during the French and English occupancy of the country. However, there was a land-office established at Detroit in 1804, and the evidence in support of the various land claims arising in Michigan was gathered and submitted to Congress, which body, by subsequent acts of relief, vested the right to their lands in all actual settlers who could show a reasonable color of title thereto. The first legal grant of land in Michigan was made in 1707, by "Antoine de la Motte Cadillac, Esq., Lord of Bouaquet Mont Desert, and Commandant for the King, at Detroit, Pont Chartrain," to "' Frangois Fafard Delorme;" and it was charged with a great many conditions of the old feudal tenure of Europe. The rents and quit-rents were to be paid in peltries until a currency should be established, when the peltries were to be exchanged for and succeeded by the cash of the country. The system now in vogue in conducting the surveys of the public lands, by which the territory is surveyed into townships of six miles square, and the townships subdivided into thirty-six sections, one mile square each, is the suggestion and plan of General Harrison, which was adopted by the general government. In Michigan, the principal meridian of the surveys was located on the west line of Lenawee county, where the same intersects the Ohio State line; and was run due north through the State to the Sault St. Marie. A base line was established, commencing on Lake St. Clair, on the line between Macomb and Wayne counties, and running due west to Lake Michigan, on the division lines of the counties intervening. Three auxiliary lines for the correction of the surveys were run: the first, beginning at the meridian, on the centre line of Gratiot county, and running due west to Lake Michigan; the second, beginning at Lake Huron, on the line between Iosco and Bay counties, and running due west to the lake; and the third, beginning at Thunder bay, just south of the centre line of Alpena county, and running due west to the same general termination. There are in the survey eighteen ranges of townships west, and sixteen east of the principal meridian, in the widest part of the State. The townships number eight south, and thirty-seven north of the base line on the meridian in the lower peninsula, and run as high as fifty-eight in the upper peninsula, on Keweenaw point. The first survey of public lands in the State was made in 1816, in the eastern part thereof, on Detroit river and vicinity, and a portion only of that surveyed brought into market in 1818, all within the Detroit land district. In 1823, the Detroit land district was divided, and a land-office established at Monroe, at which all entries west of the principal meridian, up to 1831, had to be made. The lands were first offered at public sale, and after all competition seemed to be over the applications and bids would be opened and examined, pending which action the office was closed, thereby causing much delay and expense to bona-fide settlers, and also affording a fine opportunity for the '" land sharks"-speculators-to reap a rich harvest from the real settlers who came to buy their own locations. The public sales were finally abolished, which act, together with the adoption of the cash system, rendered the swindling tricks of the speculators less easy of performance, and as a consequence, their occupation was soon gone. After the applications and bids at the public sales were disposed of, the land was subject to private entry at one dollar and twenty-five cents per acre, cash in hand. Previous to 1820 the price of the public lands was fixed at two dollars per acre, and the terms at one-quarter down, the balance in three equal annual payments. This system proved a delusion and a snare to the people as well as the government, for many would buy larger tracts than they could pay for, not considering sufficiently the drawbacks they were liable to, and did experience, in the settlement of a new country. The result was that the government could not, and would not, take the improvements of the settlers, but extended their time of payment and gave them liberal discounts and concessions; and finally abolished the credit system altogether, and, at the same time, reduced the price of the public lands to one dollar and twenty-five cents per acre, and made it subject to private entry at that price. In 1831 a land-office was established at White Pigeon, for lands subject to entry west of the principal meridian, but in 1834 it was removed to Bronson, now Kalamazoo. A military board of survey, or commission, was sent out by Congress to report HISTORY OF CALHOUN COUNTY, MICHIGAN. 11 on the quality and quantity of lands in Michigan, for the purpose of locating on such lands the bounty land-warrants of the Revolutionary soldiers and officers, covering, in Michigan, two millions of acres. General Brown stated in the report of this commission, that there were not enough of good lands in the State to locate that amount of warrants, and therefore the Act of Congress, passed May 6, 1812, ordering the survey to be made, was repealed, and a survey of a similar quantity of lands directed to be made, in lieu thereof, in Arkansas and Illinois. This report gave a bad reputation to Michigan lands, and it was not until after 1830 that the effect was removed by the representations of actual settlers, when immigration, which had mostly '" passed by on the other side" to Illinois and Iowa, received a remarkable impetus, literally surging by waves into the territory. But the cloud had its "' silver lining," nevertheless, for though the inaccurate and unjust report of the military board kept away the immigrants for a time, it also left them free of the bane of new countries-the land speculator, whose " tricks of trade" were so happily suppressed by the government in after-years. CHAPTER III. ANCIENT FORTIFICATIONS-MYSTERIOUS PEOPLE-THE INDIANS OF CALHOUN; THEIR POSITION IN THE BLACK HAWK WAR —A BIG INJUN-TRAILS. ALONG the valleys of the Kalamazoo and St. Joseph rivers are found the remains of an ancient and long since departed people, whom modern science, for want of a better name, has yclept the Mound-Builders. The works of these unknown people are found throughout the entire United States, from the great copper regions of Lake Superior, where they once wrought and mined the mass copper, to the Everglades of Florida, where their shell-mounds attest their presence; and from Maine southwesterly to the plains of Mexico, their fortifications erected with mathematical skill, and an apparent knowledge of engineering, are wonders yet unexplained by modern research and investigation. The works of the Ohio and Mississippi valleys appear to be the earlier stages of the mechanical skill of a people who, emigrating voluntarily or involuntarily to the plains of Mexico and Yucatan and the highlands of Peru, carried on their arts to grand achievements, as the magnificent cities and temples of the former places and the architectural wonders of the latter country fully and grandly attest. The question of who they were, whence they came, and whither and how they went, is still as mysterious as when the Europeans first gazed upon their mounds, and persistent questioning of the Indians, who had been lords of the country for hundreds of years, could gain no answering tradition of the builders thereof. But, undaunted and undismayed, the research goes on, and here and there evidence slowly accumulates that will in the future give the dead back again to the living, and the now undeciphered riddle will be read by the works this same race has left behind. We have full faith that the Rosetta Stone will yet be found by some Champollion, who shall be able to open the seals and read the hitherto closed book. Calhoun County is not uninterested in this research, for she has within her borders the monuments of this race, that give her a history reaching back before the first crusade. When Richard Coeur de Lion and Saladin were fighting for the possession of Jerusalem, Calhoun was an old country, from whose borders a people, numerous and peaceful, had passed away, leaving their memorials, indeed, for the pioneer of 1830 to wonder over; but nothing else to tell of their history, now buried beneath the debris of ages. Along the Kalamazoo, in Bedford township, there are two or more fortifications ancient, but still visible, showing the peculiar circumvallation of triple breastworks, either circular or rectangular, with sally-ports, and roads and garden-plats, and access to the rear to the water-supply. Into Goguac lake an ancient mound, or tumulus, projects, bearing the characteristics of the tumuli of the Ohio and Mississippi. Along the St. Joseph, in the southern part of the county, these remains are also found, some of which have been excavated, and relics of the builders found; but no bones of the men who raised the works, the soil being so porous that the material composing the human frame-work perished quickly and completely. Flints, celts, copper utensils and implements are found scattered about the fortifications and mounds and buried therein, on which trees, similar in variety and size to those of the surrounding forest, were growing when the first settlers came to the country, which fully attest the age of the works to be all that is claimed for it. THE INDIANS of the present day were the successors of the Mound-Builders, but yet they possessed no tradition of them, and roamed through the country and gazed upon the remains as they were from time to time excavated, or turned out by the plow-share of the pioneer, with as much curiosity as did the white man, though probably with less speculation. The Indian successors of the Mound-Builders left no permanent remains to tell of their occupancy of the soil except their garden-beds, where the squaws cultivated corn while their lazy lords lolled in their tepees or chased the fleet deer as they sped through the oak openings and over the billowy prairie. The Indians who roamed over Calhoun when the first pioneers came were the Pottawatomies principally, though a few Ottawas, commonly called Towas, and Chippewas were incorporated in the nation. They never had any permanent villages in the territory now included in the limits of the county, and remained in it only during the summer months, going to the heavily-timbered regions for protection during the winter season, and consequently their history is not especially striking or interesting. The only thing really worth recording in their occupancy of the county is the settlement of the Maguago family in Athens, which is fully set forth in the history of that township. This was a commendable attempt to improve upon their condition, and as such is worthy of preservation, as it is in marked contrast with the general history of their race. What our ancestors found the Algonquin and Iroquois in their first contact with them on the Atlantic seaboard, nearly three hundred years ago, we find the Sioux warrior, the only fit representative of the Atlantic stock of braves of to-day, the same implacable, untamed, bloodthirsty savage, ready to cut the throat and take the scalp of helpless women and innocent babes, with no idea or ambition for useful labor or mental improvement. The Indians of Calhoun were peaceable and quiet when the white man's firewater-squiby, as they called it-was out of their reach; but once in their possession and they were noisy, tyrannical, unpleasant nuisances, frightening the women and children, and offensive in their demands for refreshment. Many incidents are given of their manners and customs in the several township histories, and we shall give but an outline of them here, as they are hardly worth repeating, except to show the worst side of their conduct. At and before the time of the Black Hawk war, in May, 1832, there were no Indians to be met with about the settlements for weeks, whereas before that time they were always to be seen at that time of the year. They said, after Black Hawk was captured, that they had known of his intended raid for a long time before the whites had any intimation of it, and that runners had been sent among them from the Sacs to enlist their co-operation, but they would not join them by reason of their friendship for the whites. The settlers put their words and actions together, and came to the conclusion that their neutrality arose more from their fear of the government than their love for them, feeling quite sure the war would end in the ultimate defeat of the Indians, and that the Indians were doubtless willing the Sacs should massacre the whites, but were too cowardly to fight, and so kept out of the way. But the Sacs were the natural and deadly enemies of the Pottawatomies, and it may have been the fear of the Sacs, as well as of the government, that kept them away. The Nottawa-seepe band of the Pottawatomies actually sent warriors to Chicago as scouts for General Atkinson against the Sacs, and expressed themselves as desirous of a coalition with their white neighbors for offensive as well as defensive operations against Black Hawk, if he should come into Michigan. In 1821 the Indians ceded their lands lying south of Grand river and west of Lenawee county, south to the Indiana line and west to the lake, to the general government, except a few reservations, which were subsequently purchased by the government; and in 1840, after several futile attempts, the remnant of the nation was removed to Kansas, from whence they subsequently removed to the Indian Territory, where the few that are left still reside on their own reservation. Mrs. Dr. A. L. Hays tells of a scare that a great " hulk" of an Indian gave her, while her husband and some of the settlers were gone to Schoolcraft in their quest for Black Hawk. She was alone with her babe, when the door of the cabin opened and in stalked an Indian, one whom she had not seen before, and the first one which had been seen for several days. She could converse in the Pottawatomie language, and so asked him if he was of that tribe. He said, " No." She then said, " Are you a Chippewa?" " No," grinned the rascal. " Are you an Ottawa?" asked the now frightened woman. " No, I am a Sac," said the fellow, and the mother caught her babe from the cradle and started for the front door, the Indian standing by the rear one. At that the brave warrior gave a loud laugh, and told the trembling and almost fainting woman he was only trying to frighten her, and that he was a friendly Indian. He succeeded admirably in his cowardly design, for she thought surely the Sacs were upon the settlement, and all the horrors of an Indian massacre rose before her vision. The trails of the Indians were frequently utilized by the settlers for the lines of their roads; and on the original field notes of the public surveys they are frequently noted by the surveyor, and invariably are found to follow the highest and hardest ground, between the fords of the rivers. A short distance from Marshall there used to be a summer village of the Indians, where their gardens were 12 HISTORY OF CALHOUN COUCNTY, MICHIGAN. cultivated; and they were frequent and inquisitive visitors at the settlers' cabins, but usually brought berries or game of some sort to exchange for bread (quiskin) or flour (nanponee). There was a reservation at Coldwater, and another on the Nottawa prairie, where there were permanent villages and trading-posts, and around which large numbers of Indians assembled at different times. As early as 1820 there was a trading-post built at Kalamazoo by a Frenchman named Lafrombois. Gordon S. Hubbard, now a heavy wholesale dealer in Chicago, was the trader at that post in the winter of 1820-21, when but nineteen years old. He was a trader among the different tribes of the northwest for twelve years, and his estimate of their capacity for improvement is not an exalted one, and of their willingness to make an attempt in that direction it is much less exalted. CHAPTER IV. PIONEER SETTLEMENTS —IMPRO VISED SHELTER FOR COOKING —EARLY JOURNEYINGS-A BALKY PONY-FIRST HOUSES-FIRST MARRIAGE-AGUE VS. MATRIMONY —A JUSTICE BEYOND HIS BAILIWICK-FIRST WHITE BIRTHS — WOMAN LEADS THE COLUMN —FIRST DEATHS-A MIDNIGHT BURIAL-THE FIRST CEMETERY. THE first ripple of the incoming tide of civilization that played among the oak openings of Calhoun County broke therein in the summer of 1830, a Mr. Blashfield being the waif thrown up thereby, who was stranded at the present site of the city of Marshall. He drew a wagon-load of lumber from Beadle's Mill at Flowerfield, in St. Joseph county, in June of that year, secured a pre-emption of the water-power and adjoining lands, and blazed the trees to indicate his boundaries. In August of that year Sidney Ketchum, from Clinton county, New York, came into the county in search of a location. He met, at Ann Arbor, Samuel Camp, who accompanied him on a prospecting tour through the counties of Jackson, Calhoun, and Kalamazoo. The season was delightful, and the prospect at Marshall so pleased Mr. Ketchum that he took minutes of the lands covering the waterpower on Rice creek, at its junction with the Kalamazoo, and also at the forks of the latter, where Albion is now situated, the lands not being subject to entry until October following. On their way to Kalamazoo in search of " floats" (surplus certificates of lands squatters or settlers failed to get of their original locations, and with which they were entitled to locate any lands elsewhere found vacant) they overtook Judge Eldred and Ruel Starr, of Kalamazoo, on Bear Plains, three miles west of Marshall, with whom they prospected the valley to Comstock creek. Here Eldred and Starr remained, while Ketchum and Camp went on to Kalamazoo, to Titus Bronson's, familiarly known in pioneer days as " Potato" Bronson, by reason of his introduction of the Neshannock potato into Michigan, of which esculent he raised seven hundred bushels that year on one acre, the avails of which paid for the claim the producer thereof had then made, and on which Kalamazoo was afterwards located, but named Bronson at first. Ketchum bargained with Bronson for his claim, but the "' better half" objecting, after one night's consideration the trade was abandoned. At Schoolcraft, Noble McKinstry was found, who arranged with Ketchum to procure floats and locate two parcels of land in Calhoun County, when the land office opened at Monroe, in October, for a commission of seventy-five dollars. Ketchum and Camp immediately returned to the site of Marshall, calling upon Judge Eldred at Comstock creek, where they learned that Starr had preceded them to Marshall, with eight days' rations, to establish a claim. This news excited Ketchum, who hastened on and found Starr slashing brush and marking trees to secure his claim. Ketchum at once negotiated with the new squatter for his claim, agreeing to give him one hundred dollars and his gun therefor. Camp, in the mean time, had been prospecting about the bush and discovered Blashfield's marks and lumber, and soon after the man himself was found building a log tavern at Slab City, in Jackson county, and a new arrangement was effected, whereby Starr received seventy-five dollars, and Blashfield the same amount and the gun. Ketchum, Camp, and Starr soon after returned to Ann Arbor, and later, the first and last named to New York. Starr subsequently located in Porter county, Indiana, where he amassed a fortune, and died at Valparaiso, in the summer of 1875. McKinstry procured the floats and located the north half of the southeast quarter of section 25, township 2 south, range 6 west, sixty-seven acres, covering the water-power at Marshall, in his own name, October 15, 1830, and on the sixteenth Ephraim Harrison located the south half of the northeast quarter of section 2, township 3 south, range 4 west, covering the water-power at Albion. These tracts were expected, by Ketchum, to have been located in his name, but he subsequently bought them. These were the i i Davidson and Jonathan Wood located one hundred and sixty acres on sections 25 only lands entered in Calhoun County in 1830. In February, 1831, Abram Davidson and Jonathan Wood located one hundred and sixty acres on sections 25 and 26, the original plat of Marshall, on which the county-seat was located the following fall. A Mr. Fuller, in the fall of 1830, built a log house three miles west of Marshall, on what afterwards proved to be University lands, and used the lumber Blashfield brought from Flowerfield. It is said that when Mullett and others located the University lands-six sections-he was entertained by Fuller, and when the party had drank up all of his whisky and eaten the principal part of his solid rations, Mullett rewarded his host's hospitality by informing him that his house stood about ten rods inside the line of the University lands.. Fuller was so disgusted with his shabby treatment, he abandoned his claim, and gave his house to Mr. Samuel Camp, who moved it off a few rods to a claim he had entered adjoining the State lands. In April, 1831, the first actual and permanent settlement was made in the county by George Ketchum, of Rochester, New York, who was accompanied by Mr. Larcam Ball and wife, H. P. Wisner, Solomon M. Allen, White Ketchum, and John Kennedy. Mrs. Ball slept in the wagon until a log house was rolled up, and cooked on the ground. One night Ketchum held an umbrella over her head while she baked the pancakes for supper. Mr. Ketchum built the first saw-mill on Rice creek, that summer, completing it September 1, which was the first improvement began in the county, aside from Fuller's cabin. In May, Dr. Andrew L. Hays arrived at Ketchum's, and selected three lots on the south side of the river, put up a shanty, and, with the help of a hired man, put in a few acres of corn and potatoes, and raised a fine crop of both, which was probably the first crop of domestic produce raised in the county. After getting his planting done he built a log house, and brought his family on from New Hampshire in September of the same year, where they lived during the winter, being the only family between the Kalamazoo and St. Joseph rivers. During 1831, Peter Chisholm, of eastern New York, Rev. John D. Pierce, Randall Hobart and their families came in, all from New York, and mostly from Clinton county, and located at Marshall. In July, Sidney Ketchum returned with his family, Chisholm and Hobart coming with him; and Mr. Pierce, Samuel Camp, and S. S. Alcott came in the fall. Mr. George Ketchum brought his family on in November, at which time Thomas Chisholm and his wife and brother, George, came,- Thomas Chisholm purchasing the location in Marengo, on which he resided for over forty years previous to his death, which occurred January 1, 1876. John Bertram, Dr. Foster, Isaac Tolland, Stephen Kimball, Henry Failing (1832), Asahel Warner, Tenney Peabody, Wareham Warner, Thomas Burland, Thomas Knight, Thomas J. Hurlbut, Dorrance Williams, Josiah Goddard, Henry Cook, Oshea Wilder, and Isaac N. Hurd came during the year 1831, besides others. Sands McCamley came in March, 1832; L. G. Crossman in February preceding; Moses Hall, Samuel Convis, Daniel G. Guernsey, and Pollidore Hudson in June, or thereabouts, and Powel Grover the same year, as also did General Isaac E. Crary and many others. In 1833 and 1834, there was a large immigration into the county, among them Nathaniel Barney and Nebediah Angell, in 1833, and Judge Tolman W. Hall and General Ezra Convis, in 1834. Bertram bought Camp's location, and the house Fuller built in the fall of 1831, and dwelt therein with Thomas Burland and his family, until the summer of 1832, when he built the first frame house and also the first barn erected in the county. Dr. Foster and Isaac Tolland were the first settlers on the site of the present city of Battle Creek, Tolland preceding the doctor by a month or two. Stephen Kimball located in Marshall, and is now deceased. Henry Failing first located in Marshall township, but subsequently removed to Homer, where he at present resides. Asahel Warner and his father, Wareham Warner, came first to Marshall, where the former at once located, but the latter returned east for a time, and on his return to the county in 1834, located at Albion, where he died. Asahel Warner is now a resident of Sheridan township. Tenney Peabody located at Albion, with the growth and progress of which he was, during his residence there, which continued until his death, closely identified, as also was Mr. Wareham Warner. Dorrance Williams and Josiah Goddard located on Goguac prairie; Henry Cook on what is now known as Cook's plains, so named after him, its first settler. Oshea Wilder and Isaac N. Hurd both located at Marshall at first, and where the latter fell the first victim to the cholera, which decimated the settlement in 1832. Mr. Wilder finally located in Lower Eckford. He was from Rochester, New York, but a native of Massachusetts, and a man of culture and ability. He surveyed and platted many of the early village plats in the county and elsewhere, and it is claimed for him that he originated the idea of canal connection between Lakes Erie and Michigan. His family were intelligent and cultured, his wife being a daughter of a distinguished citizen of New York city, where she was educated. Mr. Wilder died several years ago. Sands McCamley located first at Marshall, but subsequently purchased a half-interest in the site of Battle Creek, HISTORY OF CALHOUN COUNTY, MICHIGAN. 13 of John J. Guernsey, who entered the lands, but who was never an actual resident thereon, and laid out the village in 1836. He died in 1864. Luther G. Crossman settled in Marengo, after he brought a wife in 1837 to the county. Following his trade of a carpenter previously, and assisting in the erection of many of the earlier framed buildings of the county, among them the first one, he still resides on his original location. Moses Hall came from Vermont, as did also his brother, Judge T. W. Hall, both of whom settled in Battle Creek, of which city Judge Hall is still a resident. He has been for many years one of the county superintendents of the poor, in connection with which charity his portrait and biography appear. Moses Hall was one of the early supervisors of Milton, as the township of Battle Creek was at first named. He was also an early legislator for the county in the State councils, and a man of ability and influence. He is now deceased. Samuel Convis, Daniel G. Guernsey, and Pollidore Hudson all located at Battle Creek, and Mr. Convis is still a resident of the county. Guernsey was the first tavern-keeper in that village, and Hudson the first postmaster. Powel Grover came from Pennsylvania and settled near Homer, in the settlement of citizens of that State. Ezra Convis located near the Battle Creek village site. He was the first representative of the county in the State legislature, 1836-37, and died in Detroit in February of the latter year, while occupying the position of Speaker of the House of Representatives. He was an influential and worthy citizen. Nathaniel Barney and Nebediah Angell located also at Battle Creek, the former opening the second tavern in that place. Randall Hobart was a local Methodist preacher, a very worthy man, and was the register of deeds for the county from 1833 to 1838, receiving the appointment from Governor Porter, in the former year, and being elected the two succeeding terms of 1835 and 1836. Peter Chisholm located at Marshall, was a Scotchman by birth, and the first blacksmith in the county, and more, the father of the first white child born in the county. Dr. Hays was the first physician to locate in the county, though Dr. Foster, at Battle Creek, could not have been far behind him. The Nichols family came to Dry prairie in 1831, and five of them were swept off by the cholera in 1832. Isaac Thomas, of Tioga county, New York, came to Goguac prairie with a family of four or five sons, in 1831, from whence he removed to Illinois, in 1839 -40, for more room to expand with his growing family. John Stewart, Sr., came from New York to Ypsilanti, in 1824, and to Goguac, with several of his sons and their families, in 1831 or 1832. He died in Battle Creek in 1843. Josiah Goddard first saw his location on Goguac, in 1829, on his return from transporting Sherman Comings and family to Toland's prairie. Samuel Camp opened in Marshall the first hotel in the county. S. S. Alcott opened a farm on the south side of the river, at the same place on which the first crops were raised in the county. He was afterwards prominently connected with the history of Marshall, where his works are more fully detailed. Bertram, Knight, and Burland were Englishmen. Knight is still a resident of Marshall township. In 1831, R. B. White came in from New York. and John Ansley from Pennsylvania, the latter locating in Marengo. In 1832, Asa B. Cook and Horace J. Phelps came to Marshall from New York. The former put up the first turning lathe, made the first table, bedstead, and wagon manufactured in the county, and the latter was the first probate judge elected in the county, which position he held for eight years. With the Nichols family (Warren Nichols and family, and his brothers, Ambrose and Othorial) came also, in 1831, Benjamin F. Ferris, Alfred Holcomb, Isaac Crossett, Asahel Stone, and a Mr. Brown, who divided Dry prairie, in Athens township, between them. Holcomb alone resides in the county, of all the company, save a daughter of his, the widow of Mr. Ferris. The Nichols's, Ferris, Crossett, Stone, and Brown are dead. In 1832, Mr. Eleazer McCamly located in Burlington township. He was afterwards elected associate judge of the circuit court, and sat on the bench with Judge Fletcher at the first, second, and fourth terms of the circuit court held in the county. He was a very worthy citizen. Rev. J. D. Pierce, the first minister of the gospel, and General Crary, the first justice of the peace and lawyer, are given their honors in another place, in the history of the church, the school, and the bar. SIDNEY KETCHUM is the recognized pioneer of Calhoun County, he having secured the claims of Blashfield, who preceded him, and of Starr, who took advantage of his trip to Kalamazoo, and "jumped" the claim at Marshall. He was a man of great energy and determination. His history appears more at length in connection with that of the city of Marshall. The manner of transit of the early pioneers to their homes in Calhoun were various and full of incident, and to describe the journeys of all would occupy more space than we can spare for the interesting story, and a few of the more striking ones only we introduce. The principal mode of conveyance was by team from the eastern home, either of horses or oxen, and a slow and tedious journey was the result. The most of the early pioneers came from New England and New York, and such of them as did not come by the Erie canal and the lakes to Detroit came through Canada as a general thing. The trip usually occupied six weeks to two months; sometimes a remarkably quick trip would be made in a month..The trip from Detroit occupied ten to twelve days. There were neither roads nor bridges, and marshes were bottomless in effect. Samuel E. Douglass and family came into the county in 1832, traveling with oxen from Detroit. The roads were so bad Mrs. Douglass was compelled to walk the last'thirty miles of the journey. George Katchum brought his family in November, 1831, and was ten days from Detroit. He traveled by the blazed trees, waded the marshes, and forded the streams. At Sandstone his wagons mired, and he took his family on his back, and carried them out to solid land. O. C. Thompson relates his experiences in getting from Jackson to Marshall in 1831. He attempted the trip on horseback, but, on reaching the Sandstone, his beast, utterly discouraged and exhausted by floundering through the marshes, refused to enter the stream down its precipitous banks, and no amount of ingenuity or strategy of the rider could affect his resolution or get him into the water, and he was, per consequence, obliged to return to Jackson and leave his horse, to make the journey on foot, which he did, falling in, on his way, with John D. Pierce, who, with his wife, accompanied by several families, were just moving into Calhoun. He graphically describes Mrs. Pierce's forlorn appearance, as she sat in the wagon, without covering, drenched through her clothing with the falling rain. That night they found a shanty, without doors, windows, or floors, and but half a roof on, where they all stopped, and cooked a coarse repast on the stove under the roof. The party stowed themselves away on the bedstead and under it, and the men occupied a little more than all of the dry ground in the house. The morning brought no relief; the rain was still falling, but another requisition was made on the potato pile and pork barrel, and breakfast was despatched. During the forenoon the rain ceased, and the party moved on to Marshall, six miles distant, which consisted then of one log house and another in process of erection. These are fair samples of the trials and hardships of a pioneer journey from Detroit to Marshall in the settlement of Calhoun County. THE FIRST HOUSE built in the county, as has been before stated, was one built by Mr. Fuller on the Seminary lands, and which afterwards passed into John Bertram's hands through Camp; it furnished Bertram and Burland's family a shelter during the winter of 1831-32, and in it Burland boarded Bertram's mechanics while, during the summer of 1832, they were building for him. THE FIRST FRAME HOUSE ERECTED IN THE COUNTY. Mr. Luther G. Crossman was the master mechanic of the house, and also of the first barn erected in the county, which he built also for Mr. Bertram, which was a frame, thirty by forty feet. A grand gathering of all the people for ten miles around was had to raise the barn, and Sidney Ketchum held the foot of one post, General Crary another, John D. Pierce another, while old Michael Spencer took the role of general utility man. This barn was built immediately after the house was covered. THE FIRST BRICK BUILDING erected in the county was the National House in Marshall, which was opened with a grand ball on January 1, 1836. It was built by Andrew Mann, who kept the house. THE FIRST MARRIAGE solemnized in the county, according to the rites of civilization, between white persons, was that one celebrated, in the year 1832, by Rev. John D. Pierce, between John Kennedy, one of the first party of settlers of Calhoun, and a lady whose name we have not been able to ascertain. The matrimonial knot was not in those days always easy to tie, as certain in stances in Battle Creek and Athens strongly testify. When Frank Thomas and Amanda Goddard, of the former place, had agreed to take each other for better or for worse, and the day was fixed for the wedding past recall, the justice of the peace, Moses Hall, was notified to be ready. But, as it hath ever been from the beginning of time, that "The best laid plans o' mice and men, Gang aft aglee," so it proved in this instance, the day named being his honor's " ague day." The marriage of course could no more be postponed at its stage of progress than could the " shake" in its inevitable course, but still the judge fortified himself against the attack by taking a huge dose of quinine in the morning, and, to make assurance doubly sure, reinforced it with a still larger reserve dose at noon, and by the time the wedding-party arrived the judge was " as crazy as a loon." Right here came in the ever-fertile wit of the ladies to surmount all difficulties in the 14 HISTORY OF CALHOUN COUNTY, MICHIGAN. way of a good matrimonial venture, and the judge's wife soon found a way out of this, to some people, insurmountable difficulty. She took her crazy liege to the well, and drenched him thoroughly with the cold water thereof, and in the lucid interval, brief though it was, the parties were got into position and the ceremony performed. In Athens, in the winter of 1833, Robert McCamley and Mary Nichols were to be married, and sent for Squire Dwinnel, who was the nearest justice, and lived near Ceresco. The wedding ceremony was performed, and the fee paid, and the justice departed for home, but, on arriving there, 'looked at his license, and discovered the house where the ceremony was performed was situated in Branch county, where he had no jurisdiction in matters civil or official. He immediately returned to the parties, who also, before his arrival, discovered they were not sufficiently married to permit the entailing of their estate upon any posterity that might happily result from their union; and therefore, on the next morning, they were put into a wagon and driven across the line into Calhoun County, and there, with the blue-vaulted heavens for their canopy, and the flowery sod of the prairie for their footstool, the irrevocable words were spoken that bound them to each other for life. THE FIRST WHITE CHILD born in the county was Helen Chisholm, a daughter of Peter Chisholm, who opened her eyes to the bright sunlight on the south side of the river at Marshall, in October, 1831. The little lady was not long without company, and that too of the right sex, for on January 22 following (1832), Luther Hays, a son of Dr. A. L. Hays, put in his appearance on the stage of action, and Calhoun had as many " sorts" as her older sisters. The next babies who came to gladden the forest homes of the pioneers were Ellen Minerva Chisholm, a daughter of Thomas Chisholm, and Mark McCamley, a son of Sands McCamley, and who now lives at Battle Creek, who were born in 1832. A daughter, Mary, was also born that year to Lot Whitcomb, in Athens township. The first child above named is now Mrs. Cox, of Gem Plains, Kalamazoo county. Luther Hays died in his youth, at the age of fifteen years or thereabouts. The second Miss Chisholm married a Mr. Boughton, and is now deceased. Whether Mary Whitcomb is living or not we have no information. THE FIRST DEATH that occurred in the county was that of Isaac N. Hurd, who died in 1832, when the cholera ravaged the settlements in the county, taking in all fourteen* victims. The following incident touching Mr. Hurd's death is related by Mrs. Dr. Hays, now residing at Clinton, Iowa. When Rev. J. D. Pierce came to Marshall, in 1831, there was no house for him except a double log house built by some young men for a boarding-house, and he made arrangements to go into that, and the young men built them another for a private room. They were gathered there in the evening of the same night Mr. Hurd was attacked with the scourge, he being among the number. The evening was spent in flute-playing and singing, one of the pieces sung being the familiar lines, " The burial of Sir John Moore," at the close of which Mr. Hurd remarked that when he died he would like to be buried in the manner indicated by the lines just sung. Soon after, Mr. Hurd was attacked with the disease in its most virulent form, dying the next day, and was buried at midnight by torchlight, not particularly because of his wish to that effect, but because he could not be prepared for burial sooner, and they dared not delay the sad service longer. The wife of Rev. Mr. Pierce was also one of the victims, and the husband, alone in his grief and great affliction, with his own hands prepared her for burial, and, assisted by Randall Hobart, committed her to the earth. Eight died in Marshall out of a population of seventy souls. On Dry prairie, Warren Nichols, his wife and three children were stricken down and died, and also Isaac Crossett. CEMETERIES. Before a burial-place had been laid out or a cemetery surveyed in the county, death had begun his harvests, and tender buds, opening flowers, and ripened fruit had been garnered beneath the flower-bedecked sod of the openings and prairies, upon whose cold and pulseless forms tears of affection had fallen from the eyes of mourners, who, pausing for a brief moment to lay their treasures away, turned again to resume the broken thread of an imperative present. There was no time for useless regrets; no words of affection or piteous plea could again call from the relentless grasp of the reaper-whose sable plumes cast a shadow upon our homes, and send a chill through our hearts-the loved and the lost! The stern duties of the pioneers' lives demanded instant and constant recognition, and there was no choice but in obedience, which was rendered as cheerfully as circumstances would allow. The first burial-place assigned especially for the sepulture of the dead was a flat on which the victims of the cholera were buried, in Marshall, on the land of Mr.:' Eight in Marshall and six in Athens. Hurd, and which after his decease his heirs gave to the village for burial purposes. This was used until 1839, when the Marshall Cemetery Company was formed, and the beginning of the present eligibly located and naturally lovely grounds made. CHAPTER V. MEANS OF COMMUNICATION-ROADS —TRAILS-BRIDGES-TAVERNS —MAIL ROUTES-STAGE-COACHES-POST-OFFICES-RAILROADS-STEAMBOAT NAVIGATION ON THE KALAMAZOO. FOR a sociable people, means of communication are a sine qua non, and the pioneers of Calhoun being pre-eminently of that class of people, were not long in their settlements before roads were surveyed and " blazed," and, as fast as possible, cut through the forests, whereby their intercourse could be free and unrestricted. When the first settlers came into the county they followed the trails of the Indians, which, though devious, were always over the hardest ground, making wide detours sometimes to avoid a marsh, and again taking a line " as the crow flies," for some crossing of a creek or morass, where the traverse was accessible and safe. Through the woods in all directions these trails were struck, and in many instances government roads followed the meanderings of the same in their early location. The great Chicago national military road from Detroit, between the city of Tecumseh and its terminus, follows to-day, with the exception of one mile in Washtenaw county, the trail of the Sacs on their annual pilgrimages to Malden for the annuity of the British government from the beginning of the nineteenth century. Along that trail Black Hawk marshaled his fierce warriors and their women and children, and returned laden with the finery of the traders, the coureur des bois, and sometimes with the " squiby" (whisky) of the settlers. The first road surveyed through Calhoun County was ordered by the legislative council of the Territory of Michigan on November 4, 1829, which began " in the Chicago road at or near the inn of Timothy S. Sheldon, in the township of Plymouth, in the county of Wayne, thence west on the most direct and eligible route through the village of Ann Arbor, by Samuel Clements, to Grand river, wherethe St. Joseph trail crosses the same, and also through the Cohgwagiac* and Grand prairies, thence westerly on the most eligible route to or near the Pawpaw to the mouth of the St. Joseph river of Lake Michigan." The commissioners to survey and establish the road were Seeley Neale, of Panama (afterwards of Marengo township, of Calhoun County), and Orrin White, of Ann Arbor, of Washtenaw county, and Jehial Enos, of " Grand Prairie of the Kalamazoo." In March, 1831, the legislative council approved the survey, and established the same as a public highway. The second road was established July 30, 1830, beginning at the intersection of the north line of the Salt Springs reservation, in the county of Washtenaw, with the Chicago road, thence westerly, via the north bend of the Raisin, through Nottawa-seepe prairie to Young's prairie (Cass county). Orange Risdon, Alfred Davis, and B. Holins were the commissioners. Afterwards a road was established from Jacksonburg (Jackson), via Spring Arbor, Homer, Tekonsha, Burlington, through Nottawa-seepe prairie, via Centreville to White Pigeon, in St. Joseph county, which traversed the same route, or nearly so, through Calhoun County, in 1833. On June 18, 1832, roads from Battle Creek to the mouth of the Kalamazoo river, and from Blissfield to Marshall, were laid out and established. The commissioners of the first one were Isaac Barnes, Wm. Duncan, and Caleb Eldred, the latter the first settler in Comstock, and who died in 1876, over one hundred years old. The commissioners on the second survey were Isaac N. Swaine, Sidney Ketchum, and Isaac E. Crary. A road was laid from Marshall to Grand Rapids, "beginning at the junction of La Plaisance Bay and Chicago roads, thence through Marshall to the rapids of the Grand river," in 1833. Commissioners, Louis Campau, Joseph W. Brown, and Oshea Wilder. Roads from Marshall to Coldwater, and from county-seat of Hillsdale county to Marshall, were established in 1833. One from Ypsilanti to the north bend of the St. Joseph river, in Calhoun County (near Homer, in Clarendon township), and from Marshall to Climax prairie, were laid out and established by the territorial government in 1834. - Goguac, in Battle Creek township. I:: S HISTORY OF CALHOUN COUNTY, MICHIGAN. 15 THE FIRST BRIDGE over the Kalamazoo was built by George Ketchum as engineer, Dr. A. L. Hays, and a hired man of each of the individuals named, in the winter of 1831-32, on or near the same location of the present bridge by Perrin's stone mill (or the ruins thereof). It served for years, until the present one was built. For a substitute previously, Dr. Hays and Peter Chisholm felled a tree on the south shore of the river, which spanned the channel between that shore and the island, just below the site of the present iron bridge, and then felled another, which spanned the channel between the island and the north shore. THE FIRST TAVERN opened in the county was S. Camp's, in Marshall, in 1832, which was kept in a frame building put up by the host himself. Rev. John D. Pierce kept a boarding-house, by reason of a contract with the parties of whom he bought or leased his house, the double log, in 1831, but never called it a hotel. Camp's house was known as the Exchange. Mr. Vandenburgh succeeded him in its proprietorship. THE FIRST MAIL ROUTE was established in the fall of 1832, from Jackson via Marshall to Centreville in St. Joseph county. Camp was the first mail contractor, and also operated the FIRST LINE OF STAGES coming into the county between Jackson and Marshall, the old sheriff of St. Joseph county, E. A. Trumbull, being the contractor and stage proprietor between Marshall and Centreville. Camp's stages were open lumber-wagons, however. Later on, when the railroad reached Jackson, Zenas Tillotson ran fine coaches, with four and six horses, between that point and Niles, and earlier between Ann Arbor and Niles. Tillotson succeeded Camp on the stage route in 1835, and operated the stage line till the railroad came. THE FIRST POST-OFFICE was established in the county at Marshall, in 1832, George Ketchum being the postmaster. The mail was brought on horseback, and Mrs. Ketchum used to change the same in the absence of her husband, using her sleeping apartment for the purpose, and keeping the mail for the settlement in a cigar-box. Mr. Ketchum was succeeded by Rev. John D. Pierce, who used his clock-case for the receptacle of the postal matter. There are twenty post-offices at the present time in the county, including two or more money-order offices. RAILROADS. The railroad agitation in the county began in 1840, the first meeting being held in Marshall, on the 27th of January of that year. Philo Dibble was the chairman, and S. S. Alcott secretary; and the meeting memorialized the legislature to push forward the completion of the Michigan Central railroad, then owned and being constructed by the State. On September 8, 1841, proposals for grading and bridging the road from Jackson to Marshall were called for, and the road completed to Jackson in December, 1841. It was not completed to Marshall until August 10, 1844, when the first arrival of cars was greeted with great enthusiasm. The Michigan Central air line, under the name of the Michigan air line, from Jackson to Niles via Homer and Tekonsha, was completed in or about the year 1870, those two townships contributing liberally in aid of its construction. The Michigan Northern railroad was constructed through Homer and Albion in the year following, those towns also aiding generously in its construction, and in 1868-69 the Peninsular railroad was built through Battle Creek, that city giving a handsome bonus to the company to aid the building thereof. In 1844 the total receipts of the Michigan Central road in the State were $211,169.84, of which $83,551.03 were for passenger traffic, and the balance for freight and carrying mails. Its expenses were $121,750.20 for operating and repairs, $25,345.31 were paid into the State treasury, $57,424.53 paid for iron, and balance used for construction of side tracks, etc. The road was graded to Kalamazoo in 1844-45. There are now about ninety miles of main track in the county, besides the grade of the Mansfield, Coldwater, and Lake Michigan railroad, and the Marshall and Coldwater railroad, the latter roads not being ironed at the present writing. These roads have been liberally aided, but their further construction seems to be in doubt; it is to be hoped they will yet be completed for the benefit of the country through which they pass. The business of the Michigan Central and Southern railroads for the year ending December 31, 1876, in the county, was as follows: Freight forwarded, 104,249,100 pounds; freight received, 73,575,542 pounds; passenger traffic, $74,060.93. I I The first express company which transacted business in the county was Wells & Co., who opened an office in Marshall in September, 1844. Zenas Tillotson was the conductor of the first passenger-train that arrived at that place, in August of that year. The Erie and Michigan Telegraph Company established an office at Marshall in the fall of 1848, the first in the county. Jabez S. Fox was the first telegraph operator. He is now in the treasury department, Washington. STEAMBOAT NAVIGATION upon the Kalamazoo was once a roseate-colored vision of the people of Calhoun, and in the struggle between Comstock and Kalamazoo for the county-seat of Kalamazoo county, Marshall secured the plum of the declaration of its site as the head of steamboat navigation on the Kalamazoo. But it was valueless, as no steamer could be made of draft sufficiently light to navigate the shallows and " riffles" of that stream, and carry any freight worth the investment. General Isaac E. Crary and General Ezra Convis had the contract of working the Detroit and Chicago road from the one hundred and thirty-sixth mile stake from Detroit to the Indiana line, building bridges and cutting out the trees, grubbing the central thirty feet, and corduroying the marshes, etc., in 1834. CHAPTER VI. FIRST LAND ENTRIES-FIRST FARMS —LIVE STOCK-THE HEN FEVER —FRUIT — IMPROVED FARM MACHINERY-PRODUCTS OF THE PRESENT-MANUFACTURES-PIONEER ARTISANS-TRADERS —MANUFACTURES OF THE PRESENT -BANKING: STATE, WILD-CAT, NATIONAL. THE land office at which the first entries of public lands were made was located at Monroe, and the entries made up to June, 1831, were all made thereat; but in that month an office for the western part of Michigan was opened at White Pigeon, St. Joseph county, where it remained until June, 1834, when it was removed to Bronson, now Kalamazoo. The first entries of public lands, as has been before stated, were made in 1830, at Albion and Marshall, by Noble McKinstry and Ephraim Harrison. On the 5th day of February, 1831, Abram Davidson entered the west half of northwest quarter-section 25, and Jonathan Wood entered the east half of northeast quartersection 26, in the township of Marshall, on which the county-seat was afterwards located. There, were no other entries made until the 17th day of June, when John J. Guernsey, of Duchess county, New York, entered the northeast quarter of section 12, the south half and south half of northeast quarter, and the northwest quarter of section 1, of Battle Creek township, and the south half of northwest quarter and southwest quarter-section 6 of township 2, range 7 west. There were in June of that year seventy-six entries made, and one hundred and thirtysix during the year. A large emigration came into the county in 1833-34, but the heaviest purchases were made in 1835-36. There were set off as university lands, in the county, eight sections of the very best in the townships where they are situated, viz.: six in Marshall, one each in Battle Creek and Athens. THE FIRST FARMS OPENED in the county were those of Dr. A. L. Hays and Sidney S. Alcott, in Marshall, in 1831, corn and potatoes being the crops raised. It is probable that crops in greater or less quantity were raised that same year in Battle Creek, and possibly in Albion. LIVE STOCK. Calhoun County farmers have, from the earliest days of their settlement, paid more or less attention to wool-growing. As early as 1838 John Willard introduced the fine-wooled Saxon sheep, from the Vernon flocks of Oneida county, New York, and soon afterwards John D. Pierce introduced some of the same variety. The common and coarser-wooled varieties have been graded upon the French and Spanish Merino stock, J. D. Patterson introducing the first-named breed at first, and afterwards the latter stock. S. G. Pattison, John Houston, Charles A. Miller, Martin, and the Harrises, have been and are still more or less extensively engaged in the breeding of the American Merino. Jacob Anderson, of Albion, is a heavy wool-grower, having a fine graded flock of some hundreds of animals at the present time. George Hentig, a farmer near Marshall, introduced Cotswold sheep in 1845. Devillo and Lawrence Hubbard are, and have been for some years, engaged in breeding Leicester and Cotswold sheep. Colonel William C. Fonda, of Bedford, in 1854, introduced Merino sheep into this township; thoroughbreds from the celebrated flocks of Vermont. In 1837 Judge Dickey 16 HISTORY OF CALHOUN COUNTY, MICHIGAN. bought all of the wool grown in the six counties of Calhoun, Branch, Kalamazoo, Barry, Eaton, and Jackson, and the whole clip amounted to less than eight thousand pounds. In 1873 the clip of Calhoun alone was 486,355 pounds, 90,849 sheep being sheared. BLOODED CATTLE were first introduced into the county by S. G. Pattison and G. W. Dryer, of Marengo, about the year 1850. The animals were from the Weddle herds of " short horns," of Ontario county, New York, and descendants of imported stock. Mr. Pattison is still engaged in breeding that variety of stock. Van Buren Hyde, of Fredonia, has also a fine herd of ten animals of the same stock. Samuel Wormley, in 1852, introduced the Kentucky short-horns, from the noted Clay herds of the blue-grass regions; and. H. A. Tillotson, also about that time, and later, was an extensive breeder of the same variety, from the Ontario county herds, New York. In 1855 Colonel Fonda introduced some fine Durhams from the John North farm, of Chester county, Pennsylvania, and later, procured some very fine Alderneys from Burton, who imported direct from Bates, of England. W. H. Hewitt, of Marshall, has some fine Alderneys also. The stock of horses in Calhoun County for draft and roadster purposes is good, and many fine animals are owned by the citizens thereof. S. G. Pattison has been interested somewhat extensively in the breeding of horses, and Kellogg, of Battle Creek, about 1856 to 1860, introduced a good horse known as " Old Champion," who gave his characteristics to a large posterity. Goodrich, of Albion, introduced the Black Hawk Morgan stock, from Vermont. In 1861, Dr. A. L. Hays, who always had good horses about him, brought in an English coacher stallion, called " Admiration," who left some fifteen or twenty fine colts, whose descendants are still found in the county, and exhibit the same showy, stylish figure and bright brown or bay color of the sire, but like him lack speed. He died from an injury received on shipboard while crossing the Atlantic. SWINE. John Willard introduced Berkshire hogs quite early, but the stock was neglected, and not much attention paid to improvement of swine until after 1850. In 1852, Mr. Wormley introduced a pair of Suffolks from imported stock of Sherwood, of Auburn, New York, and Stickney, of Boston, the progeny of which were extensively sought after throughout the county and elsewhere. In 1860, he introduced the Chester county white hog, and by a fortunate cross upon an unknown white hog obtained a very valuable animal, which proved quite popular, and is still raised in the county. The Berkshires were re-introduced after 1860, William Conley breeding them now for sale. W. H. Witt, of Marshall, is an extensive breeder of Poland-China stock, and Arza C. Robinson also breeds both Berkshire and the latter variety. The Newberrys have always been good feeders, and raised fine animals. Grove C. Brackett, of Convis, was formerly in the business somewhat largely. Colonel Fonda also introduced Chester county " whites" in 1860. Poultry is receiving considerable attention in the county, the " hen fever" commencing its ravages in 1853-54, the first victim being Samuel Wormley. The attack was slight at first, but it rapidly assumed serious complications, and at one time, before convalescence intervened, Brahmas and Cochins, buff, brown and white, and the various breeds which have t" ruled the roost," in the palmy days of Chanticleer and Partlett, were to be seen in his well-kept parks. Wild turkeys were re-introduced to the haunts from which civilization had driven them, by Mr. Wormley, and crossed upon the domestic black turkey produced a fine, hardy fowl. Wormley's first venture was a single egg, deposited by an imported Brahma, in transition in the box in which she was confined, and there being no contract with the express company for the transportation of eggs, the prize fell to Mr. Wormley, by right of discovery. He gave it to an ordinary dung-hill fowl to incubate, and a fine pullet was the result. A cockerel was bought by him, and thus the Brahma invasion of Calhoun was begun. Mark Hurd and S. B. Smith are breeders of fancy poultry in Marshall, and Frank Gray, of Battle Creek, is an extensive breeder of game fowls. FRUIT. The first orchard planted out in the county was one by Oshea Wilder, and was located in the township of Eckford. W. E. Sawyer planted out a nursery on seminary lands soon after. Mr. Wilder gave considerable attention to fruit-growing while he lived. Peaches formerly were very abundant in the county, but the severity of the climate has rendered this delicious fruit an uncertain product, yet at times good crops are still raised. In 1872 nearly fifteen hundred bushels were raised. Small fruits and grapes thrive well and produce fine fruit, and have been cultivated many years. Cranberries are found in various parts of the county in their wild state, but no attempts have been made to domesticate this fruit, or pay much attention to its culture. IMPROVED FARM MACHINERY. The farmers of Calhoun County coming, as the greater portion of them did, from New York and New England, were not long in introducing newer and better methods of preparing the soil and harvesting and thrashing their crops, than those which were in vogue at first. The flail was too slow a process to use where wheat produced thirty-five bushels per acre, and from forty to one hundred acres of the cereal was grown in a season; and horses tramping out the grain was too dirty a way to be endured any longer than possible, especially as the zephyrs had to be utilized to winnow the chaff away. Therefore it was but a short time after the first farms were opened before the open cylinder thrashers made their appearance, accompanied by the fanning mill. These latter were largely manufactured in 1836, and later by Judge Dickey, at Marshall. The reaper was introduced after 1844, and the separator thrashing-machine about the same time. Plows were improved about 1840 and after, but the old breaking plow that required ten yoke of good oxen to drag it through the grubs held its place for a long time, until the farms were well subdued. The surplus wheat of the crop of 1840 was placed by the Statesman at 268,000 bushels, and of other grain at 44,000 bushels, and the surplus pork; butter, and cheese, at 350 tons. In 1847 there were shipped from Calhoun County, by the Michigan Central railroad, 104,037 barrels of flour, being 10,000 more barrels than Jackson and Kalamazoo combined, and 40,000 more than Jackson alone. PRODUCTS OF THE PRESENT. The census of 1874 gives the following exhibit of farm lands and products raised in 1873: 65,777 acres in wheat produced 951,828 bushels, and 27,711 acres in corn produced 1,079,161 bushels, and there were of other grain raised 417,681 bushels. Potatoes, 144,533 bushels; hay, 31,377 tons; wool, 486,355 pounds; pork marketed, 2,331,092 pounds; cheese made, 16,498 pounds; butter, 1,019,921 pounds; fruit dried for market, 212,008 pounds; cider made, 11,309, and 110 gallons of wine, with 8380 pounds of maple-sugar; 8284 acres in orchards, vineyards, small fruits, melons, and garden vegetables produced 325,427 bushels of apples, 30 bushels of peaches, 1465 bushels of pears, 72 bushels of plums, 5865 bushels cherries, 665 hundredweight of grapes, 387 bushels strawberries, 1744 bushels currants and gooseberries, and 30,844 bushels melons and vegetables, the value of all such fruit and garden vegetables being $115,791. In 1874 there were owned in the county 10,664 horses, 134 mules, 446 work oxen, 10,804 cows, 9490 other neat cattle one year old and over, 22,712 swine over six months old, and 81,465 sheep over six months old. There were 439,629 acres of taxable land in the county, and 1546 acres exempt from taxation, the latter valued at $999,735. The improved lands covered an area of 242,529 acres. There were 3786 farms, averaging 103.89 acres. The lands exempted from taxation included 842.46 acres railroad grounds, 213.75 acres owned by poor persons unable to pay taxes, 100.75 acres in school sites, 46.25 acres church property, 146.50 acres burying grounds, 7 acres fair grounds, 177.75 acres other public purposes, and 12 acres for libraries and benevolent institutions, etc. The manufactures of the county of Calhoun have been in times past much more flourishing than now, but they are such at the present time as to be no inconsiderable portion of the wealth of the community. They began at a very small point and have enlarged to a magnificent circle, that brings to the notice of a large area of our country the products of that branch of Calhoun's industries. The first manufacture of any kind in the county, aside from the Indian or pioneer mill, — hollowed out of a stump and an iron wedge lashed into a stick attached to a spring pole, to beat and bruise the corn,-was the saw-mill built by George Ketchum, on Rice creek, in Marshall, in the summer of 1831. He followed this with a flouring-mill, which began to be operated the latter part of 1832, and was for years patronized from all portions of the county. Benjamin Wright was the millwright. A. B. Cook began the manufacture of wagons in 1832, the first one built in the county being sold, by him, to S. Camp, who ran it as a stage between Jackson and Marshall, the summer of 1833. Mr. Cook's shop and machinery were >somewhat primitive. While the grist-mill was in process of construction A"...nd nearing its completion, the tub-wheel being in position, Mr. Cook obtained permission to attach his turning-lathe to the shaft and use it for a day or so. He made his attachment with a gearing attached to a tamarack-pole connecting with his lathe, and thus obtained power by which he turned two sets of wagon-hubs and some table- and bedstead-legs, working one day and night thereat. With these he made two tables, two bedsteads, and two wagons, giving one of the former to Mr. Ketchum, and keeping the other himself, which is in his house at the present time. Asahel Warner hewed and squared the plank and timber for the first saw-mill, and the bents were raised by means of trees bent down, by the recoil of which the men were greatly aided in their work. In 1835 the first sawmill was erected at Albion, by Tenney Peabody and Wareham Warner. In 1837, 0 HISTORY OF CALHOUN COUNTY, MICHIGAN. 17 I Asa B. Cook, Sidney Ketchum, and Arza C. Robinson began the erection of the first stone flouring-mill in the county. The Ketchum mill was a frame building, twenty-five by thirty-five feet on the ground, with a basement and one and a half story, and two run of burr-stone. The stone mill had four run of stone, and was devoted to merchant work. They hauled their flour to Ypsilanti at first, and then to Ann Arbor. In 1837, during the great emigration, flour rose to twenty dollars per barrel, but fell off again in the fall, and wheat sold at one dollar per bushel. The first oil-mill erected in the State was built in Marshall, by Lewis Wilson and Darius Clark, in 1839, and the farmers went into the flax culture, but it was not a long-lived business. The first furniture manufacturing, aside from Mr. Cook's first venture, was done by H. W. Pendleton, in Marshall, in 1833. He was succeeded by F. A. Kingsbury in 1835, who conducted an extensive business. The first foundry built in the county was erected by Lansing Kingsbury and Josiah Leffer, in the spring of 1836, in Marshall. Douglass built thrashing-machines in the same place in 1843, or thereabouts. In 1836, Judge Dickey engaged extensively in the manufacture of fanning-mills, selling them all over the county and into Indiana, and west to Niles. In 1840, J. D. Pierce and Frink built a flouring-mill at Ceresco, which did an extensive business for many years, and one on the same site is now in operation. Mr. Alcott also had a mill in Marengo in 1840. At one time it was shown by the census reports that Calhoun had more run of stone in operation within her boundaries than any other county in the State. In 1873, Oakland county only exceeded her; Calhoun having seventy-two runs, and Oakland ninety-three runs. The great manufacturing establishments of the present, in the county, are Nichols & Shepherd's foundry and machine-shop in Battle Creek, and the Gale Manufacturing Company of Albion, besides the heavy flouring-mills in various parts of the county. In 1841 there were thirteen flour-mills in the county, with forty-one run of stone; twenty-one saw-mills; two iron-foundries; two carding-machines; one oil-mill, and one limestone quarry, whose estimated product, in pounds, was placed at one thousand five hundred and eighty-five tons. The capital invested in business in the county in mercantile and manufacturing transactions was placed at five hundred.and fifty thousand dollars. There were thirty merchants then. The first tannery operated in the county was one at Albion, in 1842. PIONEER ARTISANS. The first blacksmith who built and worked in his own shop was Peter Chisholm, who worked in the village of Marshall in the summer of 1831. The first carpenter to follow his trade for a business was Asahel Warner, also in Marshall, and the first job was done on George Ketchum's saw-mill, in hewing the plank and squaring the timber for the same. L. G. Crossman was also a pioneer carpenter, and followed his trade from March 1,1832, for five or more years. The first shoemaker was H. C. Goodrich, also of Marshall, whither he came in 1831. The first wagon-maker and furniture-manufacturer was Asa B. Cook, in Marshall, in 1832. The first tailor was William R. McCall, who opened his shop in Marshall in 1833, and still continues to ply his vocation in that city; when he first came he had to bake his goose at a neighbor's. H. W. Pendleton was the first chairmanufacturer, and was also the first to follow furniture-making as a business, and he began in Marshall, in 1833. S. S. Burpee was the first tinsmith in the county, and he was at Marshall too, in 1835. In 1874, there were over one thousand five hundred artisans of all kinds in the county. PIONEER TRADERS. The first merchant to open a stock of goods for retailing, aside from the Indian traders, was Charles D. Smith, who brought a small stock of general merchandise to Marshall in 1832; and Messrs. Trowbridge and Babcock (the former now a resident of Kalamazoo), agents of Charles Winslow, of Brockport, New York, opened the second stock of similar goods in the winter of 1833-34. The first hardware stock was that of Schuyler and Wallingford, who opened the same in the same locality, in 1836-37. The first-named partner, Montgomery Schuyler, has been for the past twenty-five years an eminent Episcopalian divine of St. Louis, Missouri. The first drug-store opened was that of Drs. Comstock & Montgomery, in 1836, though the other merchants kept an assortment of standard drugs and medicines. A. O. Hyde opened his stock in Marshall in 1840, and still continues therein. There were in 1874 three hundred and five merchants of all classes in the county. MANUFACTURES OF THE PRESENT. In 1873 there were in the county the following manufactories: twenty flouringmills, three of which were operated by steam- and seventeen by water-power, having seventy-two run of stone, employing sixty persons, and an investment of $337,000, which manufactured one hundred and twenty thousand nine hundred and thirty-three barrels of flour, valued at $1;063,731; twenty-one saw-mills, 3 six operated by steam and fifteen by water, employed forty-two persons and an investment of $53,700, and manufactured three million nine hundred and seventyone thousand three hundred feet of lumber, valued at $69,580; six planingmills and sash, door, and blind factories, four operated by steam- and two by waterpower, employed fifty-four persons and a capital of $48,500, whose product was valued at $59,500; six machine-shops and foundries, three steam-, two waterand one other power, employed two hundred and ninety-eight persons and a capital of $636,500, whose products were valued at $718,800; three steam- and one water-power agricultural implement works employed one hundred and five men, $119,000 capital, and produced goods valued at $145,000; five carriage- and wagonfactories employed seventy-seven persons, $83,800 capital, and manufactured $87,500 worth of stock; two steam chair- and furniture-factories employed fifty-one persons, $36,200 capital, and their product was valued at $62,500; two pumpfactories, steam- and water-power, employed seventeen persons, $15,000 capital, and manufactured stock valued at $17,000; one stave-heading and hoop factory, steam, employed eight persons, $3000 capital, and its product was valued at $7200; five cooperage factories employed thirty-three persons, $11,050 capital, and produced goods valued at $37,200; two tanneries employed eighteen persons, $44,500 capital, and their product was valued at $38,000; three saddle, harness, and trunk factories employed nineteen persons, $13,000 capital, and their product was valued at $34,000; one axe and edge-tool factory employed ten persons, $11,000 capital, whose product was valued at $50,000; two breweries employed four persons and a capital of $7000, which brewed one thousand barrels of beer, valued at $7500; two tobacco and cigar manufactories employed sixty-six persons and a capital of $50,500, whose product was valued at $88,800; one papermill employed fifteen persons and a capital of $20,000, whose product was valued at $50,000; one boot and shoe factory employed eleven persons and $1300 capital, and produced $9000 worth of stock; two clothing manufactories, one steam- and one water-power, employed eighty-four persons, and a capital of $84,500, whose product was valued at $129,000; one soap-factory used three persons and $2500 capital, and made $1800 worth of the saponaceous compound; two vinegar and cider establishments employed four persons and $1000 capital, and made $2000 worth of cider and vinegar; one brick-yard employed eight men and $1500 capital, and made $8000 worth of goods; three marble-works or stoneyards employed ten persons and $11,000 capital, whose product was valued at $18,000; one gun shop, one blank-book manufactory, and one chewing-gum factory employed thirty-one men and a capital of $12,200, whose product was valued at $27,700. The aggregate of manufactures in 1873 included one hundred establishments, twenty-seven operated by steam, forty-four by water, and twenty-three by other power, one thousand and thirty-eight employees, and over $1,600,000 capital, whose products were valued at over $2,750,000. BANKING. The facilities for exchange between the east and west in the early days of Calhoun's settlement were meagre, and when the merchant flouring-mills were built, flour was the medium of transmission between the western merchants and their eastern creditors. But banks were not only a necessity even in those early days, but also a decided convenience; and soon after the settlement at Marshall had acquired a permanency, steps were taken to establish a medium of exchange and discount, and a place of deposit for surplus funds of the mercantile and manufacturing community. The Calhoun County bank was chartered in 1836 under the safety fund system; Sidney Ketchum being the first and only president and George S. Wright the first cashier, W. B. Porter afterwards succeeding as cashier. Its capital was one hundred thousand dollars, and it continued to do business until September 15, 1840, when it ceased operations. Mr. Ketchum was the manager of the institution during its entire career. The history of its organization is briefly this: There were at the time two rival portions of Marshall vil lage,-the upper and lower village, the east and west ends of the same. The west end was the town, and the east principally a frog-pond. The west end magnates were Dr. Hays, S. Camp, Charles D. Smith, S. S. Alcott, and others, *and the eastern ones the Ketchums, Sidney and George. The books were opened at the National-now the Facey-House, and the stock was being subscribed by the west-enders quietly, no one having appeared from the east end until towards evening, when, just before the closing of the books, George Ketchum came in, took up the book, and looked it over, after which he took his seat and began to subscribe for himself and friends various amounts of stock, and pay into the hat, the receptacle for the first cash instalment, the five per cent. of the subscriptions demanded on the same. The subscriptions grew apace and the money accumulated in the hat, until the west-enders began to grow alarmed as they saw the Ketchums and their adherents getting control of the stock, and the fairy visions of bank directorships, presidency, and cashierships began to dissipate into thin air; whereupon Smith, by a coup de main. got possession of the book,.t 18 HISTORY OF CALHOUN COUNTY, MICHIGAN. when Ketchum reached for the deposits, which he succeeded in retaining, and the work of organization was suspended. However, the matter was compromised by the Ketchums securing a controlling interest, and a bank building was erected just inside the line of the plat of the lower village, and business operations carried on there. The next attempt at banking was under the "wild-cat" system, the felines which afflicted Calhoun with their ravages being the banks of Marshall, Battle Creek, Homer, and Albion, organized in the early part of the summer of 1837. Horace Brace was president and Joseph C. Frink cashier of the one at Marshall, and the office of the bank was in the new court-house in 1838, but the close of the year saw the claws of the " varmints" extracted, and their power for mischief annihilated, together with the system that gave them birth. Their capital authorized by law was four hundred thousand dollars. Private banking was carried on successfully from 1840, at Marshall, by Charles T. Gorham. and Horace J. Perrin later, and by others in Battle Creek, but no regularly chartered bank was organized after the collapse of the Calhoun County bank in 1840, until the Bank of Michigan was organized in 1863 in Marshall, under the State banking law, with a capital of one hundred thousand dollars; Joseph Sibley president, William Powell cashier, which was subsequently reorganized as the National bank of Michigan, Horace J. Perrin president, in 1865. There are at the present time five National banks in the county; the National bank of Michigan, the First National and City National of Marshall, First National of Battle Creek, and National Exchange of Albion, with a capital, surplus, and undivided profits in January, 1877, amounting to $842,909.67. Their outstanding circulation amounted to $432,800, secured by United States bonds amounting to $484,000. Their deposits, on certificate and subject to check, were $473,123.99, and their loans and discounts amounted to $902,617.34. Their real estate, furniture, and fixtures were valued at $72,249.44, and there were due them from approved reserve agents, other National and State banks, and bankers $124,277.47. Their cash on hand in their vaults amounted to $102,078.66, and their redemption fund with the United States treasurer, five per cent. of their circulation, amounted to $20,980; their total assets being $1,769,555.89, and their total liabilities, other than to their individual stockholders and on account of their circulation, being $493,846.22. CHAPTER VII. CIVIL ORGANIZATION-COUNTY AND TOWNSHIP BOUNDARIES-FIRST OFFICIAL ACT-EARLIEST DATED DEED-FIRST VILLAGE PLATS-THE COURTS, CIRCUIT, COUNTY, AND PROBATE-CELEBRATED CAUSES-BOARD OF SUPERVISORS-ASSESSMENTS AND TAXES-COUNTY BUILDINGS-COURT-HOUSE, JAIL, AND ALMSHOUSE-SUPERINTENDENTS OF THE POOR. THE boundaries of Calhoun County were assigned by the legislative council of the Territory of Michigan, October 29, 1829, and were as follows: " So much of the country as lies south of the base line, and north of line between townships 4 and 5, south of the base line, and west of the line between ranges 3 and 4, west of the meridian, and east of the line between ranges 8 and 9, west of the meridian, be and the same is hereby set off into a separate county, and the name thereof shall be Calhoun." The county was so named in honor of John C. Calhoun, who was then a member of President Jackson's cabinet. On the 4th day of November, 1829, Calhoun County was attached to St. Joseph county for judicial purposes, which connection continued until July 30, 1830, when Kala mazoo county was organized, and Calhoun was attached to it, for similar purposes. At the date of the attachment of the county to St. Joseph, all of the country embracing the unorganized counties of Branch, Calhoun, and Eaton, and the country lying north of Eaton, was formed into one township, called Green, which sent one supervisor, Seth Dunham, to the October meeting of the board of supervisors of St. Joseph county, in 1830, which board was composed of four members: two from St. Joseph county proper,-Luther Newton, of White Pigeon, and Henry Powers, of Nottaway prairie; and one from Kalamazoo county, then organized, together with territory to the north, as the township of Brady; William Duncan, and Dunham as before named, from Green. In the year 1831 Governor Porter appointed Roger Sprague, Thomas Rowland, and Joseph W. Torrey commissioners to locate the county-seat of Calhoun County, and they reported in favor of its location " at a point in the line dividing sections 25 and 26, township 2 south, range 6 west (Marshall), at or very near the centre of the west half of northwest quarter section 25, and east half of northeast quarter section 26, being northeast distant about three miles from the geographical centre of the county. Governor Porter issued his proclamation establishing the same in accordance with the commissioners' report, October 17, 1831. On the 29th of June, 1832, the whole county was organized into one township, called Marshal, as the name was then spelled, and the first town-meeting ordered to be held at the school-house, in the village of Marshal, on the first Tuesday of September following. General Isaac E. Crary was appointed the first justice of the peace for the township, then under the jurisdiction of Kalamazoo county. On the 6th day of March, 1833, Calhoun County was organized, and a term of the circuit court of the Territory ordered to be held therein in November following, to which court all suits pending in any court or before any justice of the peace in Kalamazoo county were to be transferred to prosecute to final judgment and execution, and all taxes levied in Calhoun were to be collected there the same as though it was unorganized. On the 29th of March the township of Marshall was reorganized, and its boundaries limited to townships 3 and 4 south in ranges 4 and 5 west, and townships 1, 2, 3, and 4 in range 6 west, and the name changed to Marshall, in honor of the chief-justice of the United States supreme court. At the same date the townships of Marengo and Milton were organized, the former including within its boundaries townships I and 2 south, ranges 4 and 5 west, and the first town-meeting was ordered to be held at the house of Loren Maynard. Milton included townships 1,2, 3, and 4 south, in ranges 7 and 8 west; and the first town-meeting was ordered to be held at the house of Pollidore Hudson. In 1840 the name of the township was changed to Battle Creek, after the stream of that name passing through it, and included then a single government township,-township 2, range 8. On March 7, 1834, Homer township was organized, and included in its limits townships 3 and 4 south, ranges 4 and 5 west; and the first town-meeting was directed to be held at Barney's. On March 17,1835, Athens township was organized, including townships 3 and 4 south, ranges 7 and 8 west, and the first town-meeting appointed at Lot Whitcomb's house. Eckford, Sheridan, and Tekonsha were set off into separate townships in 1836, and included township 3, range 5 west, township 2, range 6 west, and township 4, range 6 west, respectively within their limits. In 1837, Burlington, Albion, and Convis were set off as independent sovereignties, and included in their boundaries townships 3 and 4, range 7 west, township 3 south, range 4, and township 1 south, range 6 west, respectively. In 1838, the townships of Cady, Clarendon, Fredonia, Le Roy, Newton, and Pennfield were assigned a separate civil existence, and included a single government township each in their limits, viz.: Cady (which was changed to Emmett in 1839), township 2 south, range 7; Clarendon, township 4 south, range 5; Fredonia, township 4 south, range 6; Le Roy, township 3 south, range 8; Newton, township 3 south, range 7; Pennfield, township 1, range 7. In 1839, a township including township 1 south, range 4, was set off under the name of Pinckney, and the name changed in 1841 to Clarence. Bedford was also organized in 1839, and included, as at present, township 1 south, range 8. Lee was organized in 1840, making the roll of townships complete, and included, as at present, township 1, range 5. The cities of Battle Creek and Marshall were chartered as independent municipalities in 1859, and include four sections each in their limits, viz.: Battle Creek. sections 1 and 2, township 2 south, range 8, and sections 6 and 7, township 2 south, range 7; Marshall, sections 25 and 26 south, one-half sections 23 and 24, and north one-half sections 35 and 36, township 2 south, range 6. The county of Calhoun was surveyed into townships, in 1824, by William Mullett, and subdivided into sections, in 1825, by Lyon and others. The first official act performed by a Calhoun County officer, so far as the same appears of record, was performed by Charles D. Smith, deputy register of probate and deeds, by filing for record a deed executed by Tyrus and Content Hurd, of Niagara county, New York (parents of Isaac N. Hurd, deceased), by Jarvis Hurd, attorney in fact, in favor of Hiram Hurd, grantee, on the 3d day of June, 1833, the deed being executed the same day. It was recorded in liber A, page 1, of deeds. THE EARLIEST DATED DEED is, probably, one executed by Andrew L. Hays and Clarissa his wife to Samuel Camp, both parties of Calhoun County, which, for the expressed consideration of four hundred and fifty dollars, conveys to Camp the east half of northwest quarter and west half of northeast quarter section 36, township 2 south, range 6 west. It is dated January 7, 1832, and was acknowledged before Calvin Smith, justice of the peace, of Calhoun County, and recorded July 19, 1833, in liber A, page 27, of deeds. The first village plat recorded was that of the " Lower village of Marshall," which was platted on the 26th of August, 1831, and recorded in Kalamazoo August 29, 1831. The proprietors of the plat were Sidney Ketchum, Isaac N. Hurd, George Ketchum, and Calvin Smith. The " Upper village of Marshall" was surveyed by Oshea Wilder for Sidney Ketchum, proprietor, and located on the east HISTORY OF CALHOUN COUNTY, MICHIGAN. 19 half of northwest quarter and west half of northeast quarter, section 25, township 2, range 6 west, October 1, 1833, and recorded October 2 in liber A, miscellaneous page 21. Albion was platted and surveyed in 1836; Battle Creek, June 30, 1836; the proprietors of the latter village being Sands McCamley and Alvah, Joseph, and Isaac Merritt, of Saratoga county, New York, and Jonathan Hart, of Washington county, New York. Barneyville, now Homer, was platted in 1835, Milton Barney, proprietor, and located on sections 5, 6, 7, 8, township 4, range 4. THE COURTS which have held jurisdiction over the people of Calhoun County since its organization as a separate municipality have been those of the magistrates of the townships, the circuit courts of the Territory and State, the probate court, the chancellor's court, and the county court, in the State, besides the United States courts of the districts and circuit of Michigan. The first court of record holding a session in the county was the circuit court of the Territory of Michigan; Judge William A. Fletcher, circuit judge, and Eleazar McCamley, associate judge, presiding. The term opened on the 7th day of November, 1833, but, no associate appearing, Judge Fletcher adjourned the court until the next morning, at which time Judge McCamley appeared, and the session proceeded. The grand jury summoned for the term did not appear in numbers sufficiently strong to make a quorum, and, there being no business, they were discharged without being sworn. The petit jury, for the lack of work for them to do, were likewise discharged. An order regulating the practice in the court was entered up, and three appeal suits docketed, viz.: Benjamin H. Smith vs. Josiah Goddard, Randall Hobart vs. George Ketchum, and Ebenezer Harris Vs. George Ketchum, and the record was read, examined, and approved by Judge Fletcher, who appended his signature in testimony thereof, and the court adjourned, justice being satisfied for the time being. On May 27, 1834, the court convened again, Judge Fletcher and associates ilcCamley and John V. Henry being present. The following grand jurors appeared, and were sworn to make true presentment of all matters coming before them, " without fear, favor, or affection, or reward, or the hope or promise thereof:"' Michael Spencer, Estes Rich, Stephen Kimball, Solon P. Davis, Abijah M. Benson, White Ketchum, Henry Failing, Thomas J. Hurlbut, Dorrence Williams, Samuel Camp, Stephen Warren, Sol. M. Allen, Oshea Wilder, Warren Skinner, Peter Holmes, Josiah Goddard, Benjamin Wright, John Ansley, Roswell Wilcox, Powell Grover, and Moses Lowell. Oshea Wilder was appointed foreman. Ellsworth Burnett, constable, was bailiff. The jury were discharged for want of business. The petit jurors who responded to the venire were Erastus Kimball, C. C. Johnson, Robert Wheaton, Sidney S. Alcott, Josiah Lepper, William Brown, Jr., Benjamin T. Dwinnell, Sands McCamley, Loren Maynard, Francis Phillips, John Stewart, Henry Cook, Henry J. Phelps, Nebadiah Angel, Edward L. Rogers, Horace P. Wisner, Stephen S. Powers, Alfred Killam, and Jacob Smith. The first jury trial was on the case of Randall Hobart vs. George Ketchum, and it resulted in a verdict for plaintiff for sixty-two dollars and eighty-seven cents damages. Asa B. Cook, as bailiff, had charge of the jury. The other two appeals docketed at the first term of the court were dismissed by the plaintiffs. Further rules of practice were adopted, and the court again adjourned after a single day's session. November 25, 1834, the court convened, Judges Fletcher and Henry present. Sidney Ketchum was foreman of the grand jury, but there was no business, and again the grand inquest was discharged. There were two jury trials, the judgments amounting to seventy-two dollars and forty-nine cents, and one day's session. At the May term, 1835, the first chancery suit was brought,-William M. Pearl vs. Putnam Root,-and the grand jury found the first indictment, against Othniel Nichols for an assault and battery on Roswell Harris, and were discharged, there being no other business. Harris was recognized to appear at the next term as a witness. At the May term, 1836, the first attorney was admitted to the bar of the county,-George C. Gibbs, —on the recommendation of C. A. Smith and M. Lane. The first criminal trial was had this term, an assault and battery case, on an indictment found at this term also, and the prisoner was fined five dollars and costs. At the November term, 1837, Charles Allen was indicted for violating the election laws in voting twice, and was tried and convicted; but the judgment of the court was arrested and the cause continued. At this time the first alien was naturalized,-Charles McCaffrey,-who had declared his intentions of becoming a citizen in Vermont. - At the May term, 1838, the bank of Marshall obtained a heavy judgment against Samuel Camp and Boville Shumway of ten thousand three hundred and seventy-eight dollars and eighty cents on an I. O. U. in favor of that corporation, from which judgment, after many ingenious but vain devices for a reversal of the same, the defendants appealed. The business of the last term of the circuit court; held in March, 1877, was as follows: There were sixteen days on which the court was in session, during which there were six jury trials, two criminal trials, one for murder, wherein the defendant was discharged. Judgments to the amount of eight thousand four hundred and twenty-three dollars and sixty-three cents were rendered, eight decrees in chancery, and thirty-nine interlocutory orders entered, and two aliens naturalized. The circuit judges of the circuit of which Calhoun County has formed a part, now the fifth judicial circuit, have been as follows: Hon. William A. Fletcher, 1833-36, under the territorial government; Epaphroditus Ransom, 1836-43; Alpheus Felch, 1843-45; George Miles, 1846-50, when he died; Abner Pratt, of Calhoun, 1850-57; Benjamin F. Graves, 1857-66; George Woodruff, Calhoun, 1866-76; Philip T. Van Zile, 1876, present incumbent. CAUSES CELUBRES. There have been several trials of persons indicted for murder, where conviction for the crime in the first degree has been had, but none of them previous to the abolishment of capital punishment. Among the more noted cases are the following: John Winters, in 1848, in the township of Le Roy, clubbed his wife to death, most brutally and causelessly. He was tried and convicted for murder in the first degree, and sentenced to the penitentiary for life, but contrived to eqcape after being confined a few years, and was not recaptured. On December 11, 1857, Leonard Starkweather killed his wife by striking her with a club; a boy, an adopted son, saw the act committed. Starkweather was convicted of manslaughter, and sent to the penitentiary for a term of years. On November 13, 1855, De Witt C. Horton broke into the house ofR. W. Pendleton, in Marshall, and stabbed John Wiley fatally, from which Wiley died on the 15th of the same month. Horton was tried, convicted, and sentenced to the penitentiary for life, but was pardoned by Governor Wisner in 1859. This case was adjudicated in the supreme court of the State, and, from certain decisions in relation to evidence, has become a noted one in the annals of Michigan jurisprudence. At the May term, 1856, of the circuit court Timothy Durme was convicted of the murder of his wife, and sentenced to the penitentiary for life. The crime was committed in the town of Bedford, by stabbing with a knife. On the first of October, 1875, Emory Nye, in a fight in a saloon in Battle Creek, fatally stabbed Robert Molyneux, and was convicted of the crime of murder in the first degree, and sentenced to the penitentiary for life at the December term of the circuit court in 1875. The case was carried to the supreme court, and a new trial granted on the point that malice was not proven, and on the second trial, at the December term, 1876, he was convicted of manslaughter, and sentenced to the penitentiary for twenty-five years. In March, 1876, Austin Joyce, alias Smith, and Anna Owens were tried for the murder of an illegitimate child of the said Anna's, of which Joyce was the reputed father. The prisoner, Joyce, was found guilty of murder in the first degree, the defendant, Owens, swearing the child was alive when she gave it to him, during a ride of some miles, in which the child had been closely covered up from the weather, which was somewhat severe. Joyce was sentenced to the penitentiary for life and Owens was discharged. A new trial was granted by the court at the March term, 1877, when the former defendant, Owens, testified the child was dead when she gave it to Joyce, having been smothered during the ride. Joyce was discharged, and the pair were married in the presence of the court. An important probate case was in the courts in 1872-73, wherein the will of Thomas G. Duncan, late of Battle Creek, deceased, was contested. The deceased left an estate valued at something more than two hundred thousand dollars, one of the legatees being Bishop Simpson, for an amount of forty thousand dollars. The contest was finally compromised, the attorneys taking thirty-five thousand dollars for fees and costs, and the estate is now being in process of administration. THE CHANCELLOR'S COURT was held in certain districts under the first constitution, and abolished in 1846, at which time the county court, which was abolished in 1833, was re-established, and continued in its jurisdictional powers until 1852, when it was again abol ished, and has not as yet been re-established. Hon. George Woodruff was the county judge during the entire existence of the court, George Ketchum being the first second judge, and John T. Ellis the second, who was elected in 1850. Circuit courts have chancery jurisdiction with circuit court commissioners, with judicial powers in vacation. THE PROBATE COURT. The first judge of probate of Calhoun county was Dr. James P. Greeves, who was appointed by Governor Porter in 1834. His only official acts as appear of record were the probating of the will of Asahel B. Thomas (father of the wife of the present judge of probate), November 26, 1835, and an order for the sale of personal property of the estate of the said deceased, February 6, 1836. He was succeeded by Henry J. Phelps, the first judge elected by the people, in 1836, and who held the position until 1845, when he was succeeded on January 1 of that year by Horace H. Noyes, who held the position until 1857. Judge Noyes 20 HISTORY OF CALHOUN COUNTY, MICHIGAN. I was a worthy and exemplary citizen, and lived among the people of Calhoun until April 20, 1877, when he was gathered to his fathers at a ripe old age. Joseph C. Frink succeeded Judge Noyes in 1857, and retained his seat on the bench for a single term of four years only, Martin D. Strong taking jurisdiction of mortuary matters in January, 1861. He gave way in 1865 to Theron Hamilton, and he in 1868 to Eden F. Henderson, who kept the ermine until his death, in September, 1873, when the present worthy incumbent and courteous gentleman was commissioned by the governor to fill the vacancy, Colonel Charles Dickey, a resident of the county since 1836, and who has gone in and out before the people in various positions of trust and honor received at their hands since his first advent among them, and was elected by them in November, 1876, as his own successor for a term of four years. THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS. The first board of supervisors-the fiscal managers of the county-was organized August 6, 1834, at the school-house in the village of Marshall, there being present supervisors Henry J. Phelps, of Marshall, John V. Henry, of Milton (Battle Creek), Stephen S. Powers, of Homer, and Seeley Neale, of Marengo, townships. Henry J. Phelps was appointed chairman, and by vote given the casting vote, though it is not clear how he could avail himself of his parliamentary prerogative unless he made a tie by voting as a supervisor, in order to unravel the complication as chairman. 'Marvin Preston was appointed clerk. Papers relative to congressional appropriations for the improvement of territorial roads were received from Lieutenant E. S. Sibley. The chairman was appointed the superintendent of the territorial road for Calhoun County, and the clerk the surveyor therefor, and the board adjourned till August 16; but no meeting was held until October 7, when the board convened again with the same presence, and without transacting any business adjourned till the 14th, when the body reconvened and voted to reduce the assessment of Marshall to $35,000, and that of Homer to $39,440, and levied a tax of one-quarter of one per cent. on the valuation of the county, which is not stated in the aggregate. Miscellaneous bills were audited amounting to twenty-two dollars and eighty-eight cents, and wolf-bounties, at five dollars per scalp, one hundred and five dollars (George Ketchum carrying off forty-five dollars for the trophies). The supervisors allowed their own bills, Neale and Henry getting seven dollars, and their brethren six dollars each, and gave the clerk three dollars. The highway commissioners of Marengo and Marshall were authorized to alter the territorial road through those townships, beginning the alteration at Thomas Chisholm's and running west to the west part of Marshall township as then constituted. On the 30th of October the board met again, and appointed Supervisor Neale a delegate to the convention of supervisors to assemble at Ann Arbor to consider the best plan of spending the congressional appropriation for the territorial roads. They allowed two more wolf-bounties, and adjourned to December 4, when they met and audited more bills for their own services, Neale, twenty-five dollars, and ten dollars each for Phelps and Henry. The next meeting was held March 7, 1835, when the alteration in the territorial road before authorized was approved, twenty-six dollars and twenty-five cents allowed for sundries, and five more wolf-scalps bought, but at largely reduced prices, only one dollar and twenty-five cents each being paid. The county treasurer was allowed three per cent. on all moneys received and disbursed for county account. At the annual meeting in October, 1835, Phelps, of Marshall, Oshea Wilder, of Homer, Benjamin Wright, of Marengo, and Silvanus Eunsicker, of Bellevue, Eaton county (the same being then attached to Calhoun County), were present. The board adjourned till the 7th, to meet at the house of C. C. Vanderberg, where they met with the same presence, and, after directing the clerk to notify the supervisors of Milton and Athens of the meeting, adjourned till the 19th, at which date Homer C. Hurd, supervisor from Athens, and Sands McCamley, of Milton, appeared on the board, with the others before-named, and proceeded to business. They declined to make merchandise of wolf-scalps further, but gave Geo. Ketchum and Anthony Doolittle two dollars each for a couple of the " varmints" they had killed, not desiring to pass expostfacto ordinances. The board added $1061 to the assessment of Marshall, $715 to that of Homer, and deducted $996 from that of Milton, and $715 from that of Athens, the assessments of the several townships standing thus: Marshall, $64,000; Homer, $63,163; Milton, $50,044; Marengo, $50,985; Athens, $12,539; Bellevue (all of Eaton county), $6912,total, $251,643. They appropriated $50 for standard weights and measures, and $15 for assessment blanks, to be prepared by supervisors Wilder and Phelps, and audited bills amounting to $90.69, and levied $400 for county purposes. At the annual meeting of 1836, Eckford was represented by Charles Olin, and Sheridan by Chandler M. Church, seven members being present, all from Calhoun County proper. The board met at the school-house, and organized by choosing Mr. Phelps, of Marshall, chairman, and Stephen H. Preston, clerk, vice Marvin Preston, resigned, and adjourned to Andrew Mann's house, -The National. Lorenzo D. Collamer, of Homer, and the chairman of the committee on equalization, reported a basis of assessment between the several towns, which was adopted, which placed the amounts of the several townships as follows: Marshall, $210,791; Marengo, $83,690; Homer, $146,250; Milton, $147,456; Athens, $120,292; Eckford, $76,083; Sheridan, 54,498; Tekonsha, $42,729; Bellevue, $30,595. Total assessment of county, $912,384. This was the first year the tribute was paid for State sovereignty, and the taxes levied for 1836 were as follows: Township. Marshall................................. $137.42 Marengo....................................... 118.11 Homer.......................................... 168.04 Milton.......................................... 337.63 Athens........................................... 162.25 Eckford.................................... 38.96 Sheridan........................................ 52.50 Tekonsha....................................... Bellevue........................................ 106.69 Total................................ $1121.60 County. $254.12 100.89 176.31 177.71 145.02 91.75 65.71 52.67 36.88 $1101.06 State. $526.97 209.22 365.62 368.64 300.73 190.20 136.24 106.94 76.48 $2281.04 Total. $918.51 428.22 709.97 883.98 608.00 320.91 254.45 159.61 220.05 $4503.70 At the annual meeting of 1837, in October, three supervisors appeared from Eaton county,-Hunsicker, of Bellevue, Orrin Dickinson, of Vermontville, and William W. Crane, of Eaton. The new townships of Convis, Albion, and Burlington were also represented. The assessments of these new towns were fixed as follows: Convis, real estate, $52,756; personal property, $1896; Albion, real estate, $93,745; and personalty, $8746; Burlington, real estate, $119,289; personalty, $2850; Vermontville, $198,886; Bellevue, $337,349; Eaton, $161,040. (Total Eaton county, $697,275.) Total assessment of county, $2,732,511. The total taxes of the county were placed at $14,231.81, including $3917.72 for township, and $10,314.09 for State and county, purposes. The taxes of the new townships were as follows: Town. State and County. Total. Albion............................................................ $110.17 $440.12 $550.29 Burlington........................................................ 361.72 524.43 886.15 Convis.............................................................. 61.16 236.61 297.77 Bellevue............................................................ 376.45 78.137 1159.82 Vermontville..................................................... 275.68 460.60 736.28 Eaton........................................................ 155.99 371.95 527.94 Total in Eaton county, $2424.04. At the annual meeting of the board, in October,'1838, Dudley N. Bushnell, of Le Roy, Levi Morton, of Cady (Emmett), Solomon Platner, of Fredonia, and Truman Rathbun, of Clarendon, took their seats, Stephen Graham, of Newton, and Warren Joy, of Pennfield, being elected thereto, but not appearing. The total assessment of the county was fixed at $1,798,988 on real estate, and $299,700 on personal property. Total, $2,099,688. The new townships were assessed as follows: Real Estate. Personal Property. Total. Le Roy............................................................. $53,442 $3,908 $57,350 Clarendon........................................................ 76,030 4,791 80,821 Fredonia.......................................... 83,852 10,043 93,895 Cady........................................................... 98,015 9,984 107,999 N ewton............................................................. 58,234 3,813 62,047 Pennfield........................................................... 66,649 5,156 72,805 The towns of Eaton county were no longer tributary to Calhoun, but had their own home rule. The taxes for 1838 were: State, $3052; county, $4348; township, $7402.04; total, $14,802.04. The levy on the new townships was as follows: for township purposes, Le Roy, $202.25; Fredonia, $330.97; Newton, $218.71; Cady, $384.92; Pennfield, $260.87; Clarendon, $284.89. THE COUNTY COMSMISSIONERS succeeded the board of supervisors in 1839, and remained in charge of the strongbox of the county until 1842, when they quietly bowed themselves off the stage, and the curtain fell upon their acts, to rise again as the old dramatispersonwe, the old supervisors, came forward to the helm of affairs. During the brief authority of the commissioners; of whom there were but three in any single year, the townships of Clarence, Bedford, and Lee were autonomized and given separate government; but we have failed to find the records of the acts of the commissioners, and therefore cannot give the first assessment and taxes of those townships. The commissioners were elected promiscuously throughout the county at large, and the first board was composed of Sidney Sweet, H. C. Goodrich, and Robert Church. Thomas W. Wells was chosen in 1840, at the fall election, and Arza Lewis in 1841, which was the last election of those officers. The assessment and taxes for the year 1876 are as follows, by townships: Real Estate. Albion................................................$564,141 Athens................................................ 196,522 Bedford............................................... 258,820 Burlington........................................... 216,380 Battle Creek township......................... 352,105 Battle Creek city................................... 734,492 Clarendon....................................... 214,411 Per. Prop. $95,200 49,295 34,135 37,780 43,400 343,600 36,185 Total. $659,341 245,817 292,955 254,160 395,505 1,078,092 250,596 HISTORY OF CALHOUN COUNTY, MICHIGAN. 21 l I Real Estate. Clarence............... $106,064 Convis................................................ 224,674 Eckford............................................... 348,667 Emmett............................................... 368,362 Fredonia.............................................. 253,002 Homer.................................................. 338,911 Le Roy................................................ 214,941 Lee..................................................... 103,837 Marengo.............................................. 385,182 Marshall township................................ 358,885 Marshall city........................................ 723,448 Newton................................................ 212,379 Pennfield............................................ 263,546 Sheridan.............................................. 294,505 Tekonsha............................................. 229,765 Totals.......................................$6,963,039 Per. Prop. $17,350 28,140 40,850 45,730 44,050 67,340 39,480 14,300 116,930 52,450 233,500 34,898 27,170 47,910 41,230 $1,490,923 Total. $123,414 252,814 389,517 414,092 297,052 406,251 254,421 118,137 502,112 411,335 956,948 247,277 290,716 342,415 270,995 $8,453,962 The State board of equalization fixed the assessment of Calhoun County, for State taxation in 1876, at the sum of $24,000,000, which amount stands unchanged for five years, and represents the proportion of Calhoun's financial liability to the State government, and on which the State levies for revenue are laid. In 1871 the amount was fixed at $21,000,000. The delegates from the board of supervisors to the State board of equalization in 1876 were Victory P. Collier and W. Bidwell. The taxes levied for the year 1876 were as follows: Township. Albion............................ $9,762.35 Athens.............,.......... 3,704.70 Bedford........................... 3,657.46 Burlington....................... 3,566.51 Battle Creek township........ 2,519.77 Battle Creek city............... 9,160.36 Clarendon........................ 2,796.35 Clarence.......................... 2,663.76 Convis............................. 1,945.99 Eckford........................... 2,128.74 Emmett........................... 3,012.30 Fredonia.......................... 2,450.18 Homer............................. 4,520.30 Le Roy............................ 2,184.74 Lee....................... 2,340.32 Marengo.......................... 3,336.49 Marshall township............. 2,704.43 Marshall city..................... 31,938.95 Newton........................... 2,176.71 Pennfield......................... 2,863.25 Sheridan.......................... 5,251.88 Tekonsha......................... 4,678.83 Totals................. $149,364.37 County. $3,899.50 1,453.81 1,732.59 1,503.15 2,339.10 6,376.10 1,482.07 729.88 1,495.19 2,303.64 2,449.03 1,756.83 2,402.66 1,504.69 698.67 2,969.60 2,432.72 5,659.52 1,462.44 1,719.35 2,025.12 1,602.72 $49,998.54 State. $2,196.71 819.98 976.03 846.78 1,317.70 3,592.85 834.90 411.18 842.29 1,297.75 1,379.62 989.68 1,353.49 847.65 393.60 1,672.87 1,370.43 3,188.24 823.85 968.57 1,140.81 902.87 $28,165.85 Total. $15,858.56 5,978.49 6,366.08 5,916.44 6,176.57 59,129.31 5,113.32 3,804.82 4,283.47 5,730.18 6,840.95 5,196.69 8,276.45 4,537.08 3,432.59 7,978.96 6,507.58 40,786.71 4,463.00 5,551.17 8,417.81 7,184.42 $227,528.76 tions deemed necessary therein. The loan was effected at seven per cent., Eaton county being exempted from the payment of interest on the same. The building was constructed of brick, on the Marshall sandstone foundations, and was a pretentious structure, but was one of the examples where men " pay too much for the whistle," the cost before its entire completion being between twenty-five thousand and thirty thousand dollars. It was ready for occupancy in 1838, and the board of supervisors charged the treasurer and register of deeds fifty dollars per annum rent for their offices, the first year at least. The foundation walls proved insufficient to support the walls properly, and it became unsightly if not actually unsafe. The county jail was for many years maintained in the basement of the building. NEW COURT-HOUSE. On October 24, 1872, the board of supervisors adopted a resolution submitting to the decision of the people the question of a new court-house, to cost fifty thoum sand dollars, which question was decided in the affirmative at the April townmeetings in 1873, there being twenty-eight hundred and ninety-nine yeas and twenty-four hundred and eighteen nays on the same. Messrs. Robert Huston, A. E. Preston, and S. J. Burpee were appointed a committee on plans and specifications May 2, and July 1 the plans presented by E. E. Myers, of Detroit, were adopted, and supervisors Huston, Preston, Loomis, Hutchinson, William Cook, and James Graves appointed a building committee. The building was completed in 1875, and cost, ready for occupancy, with furnaces, furniture, carpeting, site, superintendence, and labors of building committee, fifty-four thousand six hundred and eighty-eight dollars and twenty-five cents, and is an ornament to the city of Marshall and a credit to the county at large. The outside basement walls are most strongly and admirably built of boulder stone, from the concrete bottom to the grade-line; above the grade-line and between the base-course and water-table Marshall sandstone; and all other cut stone-work is of Ohio sandstone. The outside face walls are all pressed brick. The building is rectangular in form, with projections on the north front and rear, and has an area of about forty-five hundred square feet. The corners, antes, window-caps, and sills are cut stone, and the whole surmounted by a neat cupola. The offices of the county clerk, register of deeds, and probate judge are light, roomy, and airy, and those of the sheriff and treasurer are smaller, but equally eligible and convenient. The building is finished in ash, butternut, and black walnut, and has a very neat and tasteful appearance. The court-room occupies the upper floor, with the necessary and ample rooms for consultation purposes, and is fitted up in good taste, and with an eye to comfort, but its acoustic properties are not of the best. The building is heated with hot-air furnaces. Fire-proof vaults are provided for the county clerk, register, treasurer, and probate judge, in their respective offices, but their size is hardly adequate for the future wants of the county, and that, too, at no distant day. A view of the court-house forms the frontispiece of our work. THE COUNTY JAIL is maintained in a brick building, which stands on the court-house square, and which the county purchased in or about 1850, and converted to such purposes. The sheriff resides in the same building. The old jail was built of squared timber, built up inside of one of the basement-rooms of the first court-house. A grand jail delivery took place therefrom when the present judge of probate, Colonel Dickey, was sheriff, the prisoners, nine in number, effecting their escape by burning through the logs with a hot iron. They managed to heat the iron at a stove that stood in the corridor, and burned off the lock-fastenings, and also burned out the staples in an oak log to which one of their number was confined. THE COUNTY ALMSHOUSE. In the year 1849 (December 20) the board of supervisors bought of Thomas Chisholm the northwest one-quarter, section 9, township of Marengo, for two thousand dollars, for a county poor-farm, and abolished the distinction between county and township poor and made them all a county charge. The original building was erected in the year 1850-51, to which additions have been made from time to time until at present the building consists of a central part of one hundred and ten feet front and thirty feet deep, two stories; a wing to the north, the insane ward, twenty-four by forty feet basement and one story; and a similar wing to the north, twenty by thirty feet, two stories, which contains the lodging-rooms and the sitting-rooms of the inmates. The lower story of the central building has the office of the keeper and the general dining-room, the upper floor being occupied by the keeper and family. The buildings are of wood, and are heated by hot-air furnaces located in the basement of the insane wards. The buildings are thoroughly ventilated through the walls of the same, and the barns and out-buildings are capacious and convenient. The real estate is valued at eighteen thousand dollars. The report of the county superintendents of the poor for the year ending Sep Earl Smith, county treasurer, reported to the board of supervisors at the annual meeting of 1876, on receipts and disbursements, from which it appears that during the year ending October 16, 1876, he received in his official capacity a total amount of $108,991.64, and disbursed $102,529.51. He received liquor taxes as follows: Marshall city, $2927.92; Battle Creek city, $2225; Albion village, $676.50; Homer village, $450; Burlington village, $300; Athens township, $80; Tekonsha township, $40; total liquor tax, $6699.42. His disbursements covered $30,681.23 for general county purposes; $16,400 for court-house account; $23,222.43 poor fund account; library account to the several townships and primary school fund, $6009.83; State taxes, $18,973.88. There were 435,240 acres of land assessed in 1876, at an average valuation of $11.80 per acre. The per capita of personal property on the population of 1874 was $41.77. The assessed valuation is hardly one-quarter of the real value. COUNTY BUILDINGS. At the first session of the State legislature, convened in the winter of 1836, an act was passed authorizing the board of supervisors to borrow twelve thousand dollars with which to erect county buildings, the courts having been held at the school-house in Marshall or at the hotels therein. The board of supervisors, at their annual meeting in October, 1836, voted it was expedient to erect county buildings, and instructed their clerk to ascertain what terms could be had for a loan of the authorized amount. In January, 1837, the board met again, and the clerk reported no loan could be had, as the county was restricted by the act of the legislature, whereupon the supervisors petitioned the assembly to extend their powers and allow them to negotiate the loan upon such terms and rate of interest as the board should deem advisable, and appointed supervisors Wright, Phelps, and Alcott to act with the clerk, and bade him try again. In March the supervisors applied to the superintendent of public instruction for the loan, and S. S. Alcott was appointed superintendent of the construction of the county buildings, and given full power to contract for materials and labor, and adopted a plan, in outline, for the building presented by supervisor Wright. The loan, however, was not effected until July, when it was obtained of the superintendent of public instruction, and Henry J. Phelps, Moses Hall, and Charles Olin appointed a building committee. Another draft of the proposed building was adopted, and the bar and bench invited to appear before the board and make suggestions of any altera 22 HISTORY OF CALHOUN COUNTY, MICHIGAN. I_ 6 6 _ Ai _ L tember 30, 1876, shows receipts as follows: General appropriation for poor purposes made by supervisors, $15,000; products of farm sold, $101.32; other receipts, $76.65; total, $15,177.97. They disbursed for all purposes connected with the charge of the poor in the county, $17,014.09; and for the insane poor at the State institution, $3338.74; for which an appropriation was made of $3500, and an amount of $484.59 was received from friends of insane persons cared for; making a total of expenditure for sweet charity's sake of $20,352.83, in the centennial year of the republic, by the county of Calhoun, one of the soulless corporations of the country. Ten children were taken from the almshouse to the State school at Coldwater, twenty-five in all having been so disposed of since the establishment of the school. For this expenditure two thousand six hundred and five weeks of board were furnished for the poor at the county house, and two hundred and fifty weeks for the keeper of the house and his family and hired help; besides a large amount of relief afforded outside of the farm in the towns. There were fifty poor persons in the house at the close of the fiscal year, and one hundred and. four had been admitted during the year. Five deaths occurred during the year. The products of the farm for the year were four hundred and seventyfour bushels wheat, two hundred bushels oats, one thousand four hundred bushels corn (in the ear), three hundred and thirty-five bushels potatoes, fifteen bushels apples, fifty-five bushels garden vegetables, six hundred heads cabbage, twenty-four tons hay, corn fodder from eighteen acres, two tons of pork, and fifteen and onehalf acres wheat on the ground. The farm was well stocked with live-stock and farming implements, and improvements, permanent and valuable, had been made during the year. The county superintendents of the poor are elected by the board of supervisors, and hold their office for a term of three years. Owing to the non-transference of the old records from the preceding board of superintendents to the present incumbents, we are unable to give a complete list of the superintendents and keepers of the house since the establishment of the farm, but, as far as we have been able to ascertain, the superintendents have been as follows: William Farley, Moses Hall, and Thomas Holmes were the incumbents when the farm was bought and the first house built; Seth Lewis, J. M. Parsons, Solon E. Robinson, 1859-67; Elias Hewitt, whose term expired 1865; George E. Johnson, 1865-68; Rev. J. P. Averill, 1857-60; E. H. Johnson, 1860-63; Benjamin Clark, 1863-67; E. H. Johnson, 1866-77; Judge T. W. Hall, 1867-77; A. O. Hyde, 1868-77. The keepers.have been as follows: S. H. Bunker, whose connection expired 1862; Henry Drake, 1862-66; W: D. Chappell, 1866-71; H. L. White, 1871-77. We present to our readers in connection herewith a view of the almshouse, surrounded with the portraits of the present superintendents and keeper. CHAPTER VIII. OFFICIAL ROSTER: FIRST JUSTICES, COUNTY OFFICERS, NATIONAL AND STATE OFFICIALS IN CALHOUN-POLITICS -UNDERGROUND RAILROAD ATTEMPTED KIDNAPPING-PRESIDENTIAL ELECTIONS-A CURIOUS BALLOT — POPULATION. THE first. public officials who exercised authority over the people of Calhoun County were appointed by Governor Porter, Michigan yet being under territorial tutelage. They were as follows: Justices of the Peace, Isaac E. Crary and Sidney Ketchum in 1832; Calvin Smith and John Allen, 1832; Seeley Neale, Benjamin T. Dwinell, and Pollidore Hudson, 1833. Register of Probate and of Deeds, Randall Hobart, 1833-35. Judge of Probate, James P. Greeves, 1834-36. Associate Judges of Circuit Court, Eleazar McCamley and John V. Henry, 1833 -36. Sheriff, H. C. Goodrich, 1833-36. Clerk of the Courts, Charles D. Smith, 1833-36. In 1833, when the county was organized, a treasurer and coroner were elected; but the election records prior to 1840 are missing, and the names cannot definitely be ascertained of all of the officials between 1833-40. In 1835, a register of deeds was elected; the office of register of probate, who was, theretofore, register of deeds ex officio, being abolished, and Randall Hobart was elected. Since the election of 1835, the first under the State constitution, the county officers have been as follows': Associate Judges, Tolman W. Hall and Charles Olin, 1837-40; Henry Hewitt and Tolman W. Hall, 1841-42; Sidney Ketchum and Francis W. Shearman, 1843-44; George Ketchum and Horace Bidwell, 1845-46. The probate and county judges are named in connection with those courts. Delegates to Constitutional Conventions.-Isaac E. Crary, 1835 and 1850; Milo Soule, William V. Morrison, John D. Pierce, and Nathan Pierce, 1850; Charles D. Holmes, Eden T. Henderson, and George Willard, 1867-68. Senators.-J. Wright Gordon, 1839, afterwards lieutenant-governor and acting governor; Sands McCamley, 1839 and 1840; Henry Hewitt, 1842, died in Detroit; Edward Bradley, 1843; Abner Pratt, 1844-45; Loren Maynard, 1846-47; Charles Dickey, 1850-54; Erastus Hussey and W. H. Brockway, 1855-56; Nathan Pierce, 1852-53, 1857-58; Charles T. Gorham, 1859-60; George H. French, 1861-64; Victory P. Collier, 1865-68; John C. Fitzgerald, 1869-70; Philip H. Emerson, 1871-74; William Cook, 1875-78; William F. Hewitt, 1874. Representatives.-Hon. Ezra Convis, 1836-37, was speaker of the house at the session of 1836, and died at Detroit, while the legislature was in session, in February, 1837; Andrew Dorsey, 1838; and George C. Gibbs and Justus Goodwin, 1839; Hervey Cook and Jonathan Hart, 1840; Charles Olin and Michael Spencer, 1841. Isaac E. Crary, 1842; Justus Goodwin, 1842-43; Sands McCamley, 1843; Moses Hall and James Sheldon, 1844; Andrew L. Hays and Eli Stillson, 1845; Isaac E. Crary, speaker, and John Barber, 1846; J. D. Pierce, Justus Goodwin, and Henry W. Taylor, 1847; J. D. Peirce, Hiram Smith, and Abner E. Campbell, 1848; Fenner Fergerson, Orlando Moffat, and Norton P. Hobart, 1849; Erastus Hussey, Hovey K. Clarke, and Nathan Pierce, 1850; Darius Clarke, Nathan Peirce, and John L. Balcombe, 1851-52; John R. Palmer, Bradley P. Hudson, and James Winters, 1853-54; Daniel Dunakin, Homer C. Hurd, and Tolman W. Hall, 1855-56; James Monroe, Asa B. Cook, and Chester Buckley, 1857-58; James Monroe, Charles Dickey, and W. W. Woolnough, 1859-60; William Cook, Homer C. Hurd, and Eden T. Henderson, 1861-62; William Cook, Abner Pratt, Chester Buckley, and Isaac C. Abbott, 1863-64; W. H. Brockway, George R. McCay, Joseph P. Beach, and Rodolphus Sanderson, 1865-66; Martin Haven, Harvey Randall, and George Willard, 1867-68; Benjamin Clark, Loomis Hutchinson, and John Wagner, 1869-70; William H. Brockway, Preston Mitchell, and George I. Brown, 1871-72; Solon E. Robinson, Preston Mitchell, and Rodolphus Sanderson, 1873-74; Philo H. Budlong, John Houston, and Almon E. Preston, 1875-76; John W. Fletcher, Richard Keeler, and James Walkinshaw, 1877-78. Sheriffs. —H. C. Goodrich, 1837-38; Loren Maynard, 1839-42; Charles A. Church, 1843-44; Charles Dickey, 1845-48; Joseph Hollon, 1849-50; James Monroe, 1851-52; Artemas Doane, 1853-54; Harvey M. Dixon, 1855-58; Marcus H. Crane, 1859-62; John Houston, Jr., 1863-66; William C. Richfield, 1867-68, and 1871-72; William L. Buck, 1869-70; David R. Smiley, 1873-76; John C. Barber, 1877-79. County Clerks. —Marvin Preston, 1837-38; John A. Van Horne, 1839-44; Edwin A. Hayden, 1845-46; John Meacham, 1847-50; Erastus Hussey, 1851 -54; Samuel S. Lacey, 1855-60; Levi Mosher, 1861-64; William Howard, 1865-68; S. P. Brockway, 1869-72; John C. Stetson, 1873-76; Charles C. McDermid, 1877-78. Registers of lJeeds. —Randall Hobart, 1836-38; Ira Tillotson, 1839-46; Joseph C. Frink, 1847-48, and 1851-52; Robert B. Porter, 1849-50; Stephen Gilbert, 1853-54; George Ingersoll, 1855-56; F. S. Clark, 1857-60; John T. Ellis, 1861-64; Henry R. Cook, 1865-68; William F. Neale, 1869-72; Charles D. Holmes, 1873-76; Stephen F. Snyder, 1877-78. Treasurers.-Marvin Preston, 1833-35; Sidney S. Alcott, 1836-42; Milo Soule, 1843-48; Preston Mitchell, 1849-52, and 1855-56; J. B. Cook, 1853 -54; Silas W. Dodge, 1857-62; Eden T. Henderson, 1863-66; Henry M. Hempstead, 1867-72; Earl Smith, 1873-78. County Surveyors.- Edwin A. Hayden, 1841-42; Cyrus Hewitt, 1843-44, 1847-48, 1851-52, 1855-58; Cyrus Robertson, 1845-46, 1849-50, 1853-54; Glode D. Lewis, 1859-60; Loren Wing, 1861-62; John Meacham, 1863-64; David H. Miller, 1865-66; William A. Sweet, 1867-72; David A. Tichenor, 1873-76; Benjamin F. Wells, 1877-78. Coroners.-Granville Stow and James Winters, 1841-42; Wright I. Esmond and Stow, 1843-44; Esmond and H. B. Tud, 1845-46; James D. Potts and Charles Harkins, 1847-48; Nathan Davis and Aaron Ismond, 1849-50; John Houston and Silas Sheffield, 1851-52; John Barbour and Nathan Chidester, 1853-54; David H. Miller and Benjamin Chamberlain, 1855-56; Tracy H. Swarthout and Reuben B. Waldo, 1857-58; John F. Hinman and Isaac Beers, 1859-60; Alanson Graham and George McAllister, 1861-62; Isaac Beers and Charles M. Bardwell, 1863-64; Thomas Knight and Ira Nash, 1865-66; Moses B. Russell and Willoughby O'Donoghue, 1867-68; John S. Evans and Alanson Graham, 1869-70; Sylvester S. Granger and Zeno Gould, 1871-72; Peter Kocher and Willoughby O'Donoghue, 1873-74; W. O'Donoghue and Tracy C. Southworth, 1875-76; Morgan J. Alexander and Tolman W. Hall, 1877-78. Prosecuting Attorneys. —From the organization of the county to 1851 the prosecuting attorneys were appointed by the governor or the judges of the court, and were as follows: Cephas A. Smith, 1833-35; S. H. Preston, 1836-38; D. L. ,,. 0I a I I. I, 1 - I * -- A Bos - b/t -7iW h In 1,. -, - - - -- - ( - r I.., - c .:? 0;;~%,,~ ~,,: 0 1; '!ia!;~igiig: 4->;i:iii?. i;\ :: 0: HISTORY OF CALHOUN COUNTY, MICHIGAN. 23 Johns, 1840-41; Edward Bradley, 1842; George C. Gibbs, 1838-39, and 1843 -45; William C. Rowley, 1846-48; Abner Pratt, 1849-50. In 1850 the prosecuting attorneys were first elected, and since that time the office has been filled as follows: Hovey K. Clarke, 1851-52; Charles S. May, 1853-54; W. H. Brown, 1855-58; Levant C. Rhines, 1859-62; John C. Fitzgerald, 1863-66; Joseph G. Lodge, 1867-70; James A. Miner, 1871-74; Frank W. Clapp, 1875-78. Circuit Court Commissioners.-Tifese officials were provided for by the legislature after the adoption of the constitution of 1850, to take the place of the masters in chancery, which that instrument abolished. They have chancery powers of the judges of the circuit courts, in vacation. The first commissioner was elected in 1852, and was George C. Gibbs, who held the position one term of two years. George Woodruff succeeded him from 1855 to 1860, six years. Sidney Thomas succeeded Judge Woodruff for a single term, ending December 31, 1862, and then two commissioners were elected, Judge Woodruff coming in again; and James B. Greenough and Judge Woodruff held the position four years, but Mr. Greenough was succeeded by Joseph G. Lodge for 1865-66. Since then the commissioners have been as follows: James A. Miner and Philip H. Emerson, 1867-68; Miner and Rienzi Loud, 1869-70; Moses D. Russell and William D. Adams, 1871-76; and Mr. Adams and Herbert E. Winsor, 1877-78. County Superintendent of Schools.-This office was created in 1869 and continued to exist until 1874, when it was abolished, and the superintendency of education remanded to the townships. Bela Fancher filled the position in 1870 to 1873 inclusive, and Bertrand F. Welch the balance of the time. Drain Commissioner.-This office was created also in 1869, for drainage purposes of the counties, but was abolished in 1872-73, and the drainage left with the several townships. George Johnson filled the position for 1870-71, and William A. Sweet for 1872-73. Calhoun has also been represented in the councils of the nation and in the chief offices of the State, and her citizens have maintained the dignity and honor of the republic in foreign lands, before crowned heads of Europe and quasi-presidents of the South American republics. She has been represented in the lower house of the Congress of the United States as follows: Hon. Isaac E. Crary, as delegate from the Territory, in 1835, and its sole representative from 1836 to 1841 inclusive; Edward Bradley was elected in November, 1846, to represent the district when there were but two members from the State, but he died before he took his seat and while on his way to do so, his death occurring in New York city. Hon. George Willard, of Battle Creek, was elected from the third congressional district. composed of Jackson, Calhoun, Branch, Barry, and Eaton counties, in 1872, and re-elected in 1874. In 1839, J. Wright Gordon, a prominent member of the Calhoun bar, was elected lieutenant-governor, and upon Governor Woodbridge's election to the United States Senate, succeeded to the gubernatorial chair, which he occupied until 1842. Victory P. Collier was elected state treasurer in 1870, and held the position four years. Rev. John D. Pierce was appointed by Governor Mason the first State superintendent of public instruction in the State in 1836, which position he held for several years. He was also the first official of that class in the United States. J. Wright Gordon was consul of the United States at Pernambuco, for a time, where he died, and Judge Pratt served the nation similarly at Honolulu. Hon. Charles T. Gorham was minister at the Hague for several years, and afterwards assistant secretary of the interior at Washington, and acting secretary for a time, under Presidents Grant and Hayes. Preston Mitchell was elected one of the presidential electors of Michigan in 1876. Hovey K. Clarke, the first prosecuting attorney elected in the county, has been for several years register of bankruptcy at Detroit. Colonel Charles Dickey, now judge of probate, was appointed United States marshal for the State of Michigan in 1861, by President Lincoln, and held the position until the fall of 1866. Ira Mayhew was collector of internal revenue for the third congressional district, from the creation of the office for some three or more years. Preston Mitchell was United States deputy assessor for Calhoun County for six years. Dr. O. C. Comstock was appointed State superintendent of public instruction in 1843, by Governor John S. Barry, and Thomas W. Wells received his second appointment as commissioner of internal improvements of the State, the same year. Hon. Isaac E. Crary and Henry C. Bunce were recorders, and Hon. Digby V. Bell, commissioner of the land-office, previous to 1846, Judge Bell being also auditor-general under Governor Felch. Hon. S. S. Lacey was land commissioner of the State four years, and Ira Mayhew superintendent of public instruction for two years or more. Hon. W. F. Shearman was superintendent of public instruction several years. THE POLITICAL SENTIMENTS of the people of Calhoun County are best shown by the votes they gave the presidential candidates from first to last, which are exhibited below. The first general i I I - election they participated in was that of 1840, when the feeling engendered between the partisans of the rival parties, Whigs and Democrats, was, to use an expression more forcible than elegant, " red hot." The hard-cider Whigs built their log cabins and sang and hurrahed for "I Tippecanoe and Tyler too," and the Democrats worked early and late for Van Buren, the " young hickory," as they were proud to call him. The Patriot and the Statesmant, rival publications at the county-seat, were vigorous in their editorials, and were not at all choice in the language they used towards one another. But the campaign in the county ended in favor of the Democratic candidate, by a majority of sixteen votes only. In 1844, the abolition vote first showed its strength when two hundred and twenty-six votes were polled for Birney, just enough being given in the Union to defeat the Whig's idol, Harry Clay, a thing the old lovers of that party never forgave. The " underground railroad" had a most efficiently worked line through the county, with depots in Leroy and Battle Creek, Erastus Hussey being one of its best and safest con: ductors. Many a dark-skinned fugitive passed over the line, beneath a load of. wheat, or boxed up as freight, on his way to freedom. This corporation, chartered by the " higher law," paid no dividends in cash to stockholders or employees; but in the sense of satisfaction received from the successful discharge of their self-imposed duties, the returns from the investment were most flattering. There were no syndicates, credits mobilier, or rings to " float" their stock, no mortgage bonds, first or second or preferred, and it was not worth quoting in Wall street or the bourse, but nevertheless it dida flourishing business from 1840, or thereabouts, until the slaves of the south, in whose behalf it had been initiated and managed, oftentimes with imminent danger of conflict with the power of the government, heard the fire of the first hostile cannon on Sumter, which struck the knell of African slavery in the republic of the United States. AN ATTEMPT AT KIDNAPPING. A family of former slaves named Crosswhite, who had escaped from Kentucky and had been residents of Marshall for some years, in 1847 created an intense excitement, not only in Marshall and Calhoun County, but throughout the State and Union, and was one of the leading exciting causes for the passage of the infamous fugitive slave law of 1850. An outline of the facts, as recorded in the Marshall Statesman at the time, is as follows: On the morning of January 28, 1847, before daylight, four Kentuckians appeared in Marshall unannounced, and, with Harvey M. Dixon, deputy sheriff of Calhoun County, went to the house of Adam Crosswhite, which they found closed, and demanded admission, which being refused, the door was broken in. In the mean time the town had been alarmed by Patterson, a colored man, who, mounted on a horse and with sword and bell, had traversed the village warning the people of the attempted outrage. The excitement spread like a prairie fire, and in a few moments nearly all the male citizens were assembled, without regard to political sympathy, at the dwelling of the Crosswhites, where the Kentuckians were endeavoring to accomplish the arrest of the whole family, some of whom were born in Marshall. The news had gone out that the kidnappers were heavily armed, and a more determined set of men probably never assembled in the defense of justice and right than those who told the slave-owners in plain and unmistakable language that they never could take the Crosswhites back to slavery. After several hours of fruitless endeavor to arrest the fugitives, during which the excitement boiled and raged at fever heat, the Kentuckians were arrested for breaking in the door of a citizen of Marshall, and one, Francis Troutman, who drew his pistol on a colored man, was also arrested for an assault with a deadly weapon and taken before Esquire Randall Hobart, who muleted the quartette in the sum of one hundred dollars damages, and held Troutman to answer before the circuit court under one hundred dollars bonds for his assault. The colored men, of whom there were then living in Marshall some forty or more, were all spoiling for a fight in defense of their neighbor and his family, and were armed with clubs and guns, but were restrained by the cooler but no less determined whites, among whom Hon. Charles T. Gorham, Dr. O. C. Comstock, Asa B. Cook, Jarvis Hurd, and J. M. Easterly were prominent and leading spirits. The family were spirited away the night following the attempted kidnapping by George Ingersoll and William W. Smith, who took them to Jackson in a wagon, from whence they went to Canada by rail, where they remained for several years, until after the emancipation proclamation was issued, when Adam Crosswhite returned with some of his family to Marshall, where he still resides. The discomfited Troutman, or rather Giltner, for whom he alleged he was acting as agent in the recapture of the fugitives,-the same being former slaves of Giltner, -brought suit in the United States court at Detroit against Mr. Gorham, Dr. Comstock, Mr. Hurd, Mr. Cook, and several others for alleged interference with the execution of the laws of the United States, laying heavy damages for the value of the lost chattels. Troutman and his companions and Dixon were the principal witnesses for the prosecution, and the evidence was published throughout 24 HISTORY OF CALHOUN COUNTY, MICHIGAN. the north, the Statesman copying it entire. Messrs. Pratt and Crary were attorneys for the prosecution, and Emmons*, Romeyne, and Joy defended. Troutman testified that when they were about to arrest the Crosswhites, the colored people (niggers he called them) assembled and blustered a good deal, but finally Dr. Comstock came and asked him what he was going to do with the family, and Troutman replied he was going to take them back to Kentucky. Comstock then said, " You see the excitement, and you cannot take them back by legal, moral, or physical force, and you may as well know it first as last; and the sooner you leave the better for you." Then Charles T. Gorham took up the words, and called the attention of the crowd, and offered a resolution: " Resolved, that these Kentucky gentlemen can't take these slaves back by legal, moral, or physical force;" and it was carried by acclamation. When he asked Gorham why he came there, the latter replied, " I came by the authority of public sentiment, which is above the law." Troutman then demanded the names of all responsible persons present who were interfering with the execution of the laws, and asked Gorham for his name, which he gave; and not hearing it distinctly (or being unable to spell it), asked for it a second time, when Gorham replied, " Charles T. Gorham; put it down in capital letters, and take it back to Kentucky, to the land of slavery, as a warning to others and a lesson to you." Comstock gave his name as Oliver Cromwell Comstock, Jr., adding, " Don't forget to put the junior on; I don't want my father to answer for my sins." Easterly, Hurd, and Cook gave their names. After Mr. Gorham offered his resolution, Troutman, to test the temper of the " mob," as he termed it, though against the protests of Comstock and Gorham, who pointed out the best citizens of Marshall in the gathering, offered a resolution, that he as a peaceable citizen of Kentucky be allowed to take the slaves before Esquire Shearman (who issued the warrant for their arrest) and prove his property and take them back to Kentucky, but not a solitary voice answered in the affirmative. Soon after, Mr. Hurd offered a resolution, " that these Kentucky gentlemen be given two hours in which to leave town, or be arrested for kidnapping." Camp moved an amendment to strike out Hurd's alternative, and add " or be tarred and feathered and rode on a rail," and added, *' I will give ten dollars to hold one end of the rail." The amendment was frowned down, but Hurd's resolution was passed nerm. con. Troutman tried to argue the case, claiming he had the right under the constitution and laws of Congress to take his property wherever he found it and return it to Kentucky. Gorham replied, " We do not care for the laws of Congress; the dear people are the law, and we are the dear people, and you can't have these people." Dixon testified that he went among the colored people as a detective in the guise of a census-gatherer for the school district, to find out all about the Crosswhites and the number and whereabouts of their children, and that he did so find out their history, and by that information, so obtained, led the Kentuckians to the house at a time when the family could all be taken together. He did not arrest them, because in the face of the excited crowd he could not do so safely. That he commanded the peace among the crowd, for which Gorham called him a contemptible puppy, and Hurd laughed at him. He served the warrants on the Kentuckians, when they adjourned for the day. Dr. Comstock wanted to see the warrant issued for the arrest of the Crosswhites, and advised Dixon to see counsel before he went too far. Dixon and Gorham had several verbal set-to's about the business. Dixon testified he received five dollars from the chivalry for all the business he did for them. John H. Wells proposed that the crowd should kidnap the Southerners by reason of their color being the same hue as the Crosswhites, and innocently (?) asked them if they were not relatives of the slaves. But these proceedings were not favored by the mass of the people, who were not willing to see violence done, but were determined that the Crosswhites should never be returned to slavery, whatever had to be done to prevent it. Gorham and Comstock were leading Democrats, and told the Southerners the crowd was not an abolition mob, but the best citizens of the place, and it was useless for them to undertake the recapture, as it would never be allowed in the present temper of the people. The next day the excitement was still intense, Dr. Comstock remarking to a stranger that the people were excited, and he himself was excited, but he thought they were right in protecting their citizens. Gorham claimed the negroes as citizens,-he had and would protect them. He and D. Darwin Hughes had a tilt over the matter, in which Hughes characterized the affair as a "d —d Presbyterian operation," and charged Gorham as being engaged in a disreputable business for a church member. The above was in the testimony of the prosecution. The different defendants were dropped from time to time, until only Gorham, Hurd, and Comstock were left to bear the brunt of the final judgment, which was rendered on the second trial,-the jury disagreeing at the first one,-and which amounted to nineteen hundred dollars damages and costs, some eleven hundred dollars more. The attorney, Pratt, took the damages for his fee, and Troutman had his expe^ Judge Emmons, of the United States court, lately deceased. rience for his pains. The case was most ably defended, and, although the defendants were not allowed to testify in their own behalf, yet they accounted for every person on the ground, and also showed that the evidence of Troutman was manufactured, and words put into the defendants' mouths which they never uttered, to make a case for political effect. While the trial was going on ", Dave" Stuart took Gorham one side, and said to him he was sorry to see him-Gorham — connected with the case, for they wished a judgment just at that particular juncture to let the south know that they could have their rights in Michigan; and a judgment in Michigan, and especially in Detroit, rendered by a Michigan jury and against Michigan men for interference with those rights, would give great weight to certain schemes then in process of incubation. (Governor Cass was then a candidate for the Democratic nomination for the presidency.) The case was plain enough to Gorham without that friendly intimation, to which was added the gratuitous information that when the judgment was obtained, they, Stuart and others, would put their hands into their pockets and help pay the amount. Austin Wing was United States marshal and manipulated the jury, and witnesses were produced whose testimony was shown by the defendants to be totally unreliable; but the fiat had gone forth: a scapegoat was wanted, and the defendants Gorham, Hurd, and Comstock stood in the breach, and were saddled finally with the sins of the people, and sent into the wilderness of political chicanery, with the hope that they would remain long enough to take the candidate through; but the hero of Buena Vista carried the day, and the only effect the trial had was to make the case a pivotal point upon which the compromise of 1850 turned, and the omnibus bill included a more stringent law for the south to recapture her fugitive slaves from the north. Mr. Clay, in his famous efforts in the compromise, in the United States Senate, alluded to the Marshall affair as a proof that the law of 1793 was insufficient for the recovery of human property, and thus Marshall became the cynosure of all the Union for a time. The chief actors do not regret the part they actually took in the matter, looking at the results, which finally culminated in the overthrow of the institution of slavery. John Van Arman conducted the case of Crosswhite against the Southerners for breaking in his house, and it is said caused the chivalry to " grow white about the gills" and faint by reason of his caustic examination. The presidential vote of 1840 resulted thus: Democratic, 1169; Whig, 1153; majority, 16. In 1844 the people indicated their preferences after this manner: giving James K. Polk 1528, Henry Clay 1357, and Birney, the Abolition candidate, 226; Democratic plurality, 171. In 1848 the Democrats polled 1487 votes, the Whigs 1254, and the Free Soilers gave Van Buren 745; Democratic plurality, 233. In 1852 the Democratic candidate, General Pierce, received 1824 votes, the Whig candidate, Major-General Scott, 1784, and the Abolitionists polled 440 votes; Democratic plurality, 38. In 1856, the first year of the Republican party's history, Fremont received 3495 and Mr. Buchanan 2151, and the Prohibition candidate 122; Republican majority over all, 1242. In 1860, Mr. Lincoln received 4072 votes, Mr. Douglas 2448, Breckinridge 45, and Bell 38; majority of Republicans over all, 1541. In 1864, Mr. Lincoln was indorsed for a second term by 3742 of the people, and General McClellan's supporters numbered 2521, and there was a single scattering vote in the county; Republican majority, 1220. In 1868, General Grant received 5048 votes, and Governor Seymour 3200; Republican majority, 1848. In 1872, General Grant was indorsed by 4487 of the people, and Mr. Greeley received 2353 votes, O'Conor 100, and Black 124; Republican majority over all, 1910. In 1876, Governor Hayes received 5167 votes, Governor Tilden 3885, and Mr. Cooper, the Greenback candidate, received 84 votes; Republican majority over all, 1198. In 1853 the Maine law, so called, was submitted to the people for rejection or adoption, and received the following vote in the county: for adoption, 2482; against, 727. At this election some individual cast the following-inscribed ballot, to place himself squarely upon the record: " I go for the Maine law, for the extension of suffrage to white females, the abolishment of all penal laws for not keeping the Sabbath, for the distribution of the public lands to actual settlers, and for free trade, free schools, free speech, and universal taxation, in which church property shall find no exemption, and cowards' castles no legislative protection.-J. B." "J. B." looks a little Pickwickian, and suggests "tough old Joe Bagstock" of Dickens.' In 1850 the vote on the adoption of the new constitution stood 2340 in favor to 180 against it, and the clause on negro suffrage received 623 votes in favor of its adoption to 1834 against it. The vote of 1876 by townships was as follows: Republican. Albion.....................................................402 Athens.................................................... 211 Bedford..................................................189 Burlington...................................204 Battle Creek township............................... 175 Battle Creek city.................................. 898 Convis....................................................149 Democratic. 321 199 76 200 83 491 106 Cooper. 1 3 35 -5 4 15 Total. 724 413 300 409 262 1404 255 HISTORY OF CALHOUN COUNTY, MICHIGAN. 25 Republican. Democratic. Clarendon............................................. 193 Clarence..............................................117 Eckford..................................................191 Emmett...............................215 Fredonia.................................................. 104 Homer..................................................... 245 Le Roy...................................................229 Lee................................................... 89 Marengo.............................................144 Marshall township....................................121 Marshall city............................................455 Newton...................................................130 Pennfield............................................ 189 Sheridan..................................................270 Tekonsha................................................247 103 169 88 67 142 211 69 182 180 139 550 78 56 215 160 Cooper. Total. 2 298 1 287 1. 280 10 292 246 9 465 4 302 1 272 324 1 261 1005 208 9 254 6 491 407 THE POPULATION of the county of Calhoun by decades from 1840 is given as follows: commencing with a single family in 1831, the census of 1840 revealed a population of 10,600 souls. These souls had increased and multiplied during the next decade till they numbered 19,169 in 1850. Over 10,000 were added the next ten years, the count being 29,398 in 1860. In 1870 the people were numbered again, and there were 36,571 of them, of both sexes. In 1874 the State authorities could not find so many as the United States marshal did four years before, and returned but 35,655 of all kinds and colors. They were distributed among the townships and cities as follows: Males. Albion......................................................................130 Athens....................................................................... 672 Battle Creek township................................................. 514 Battle Creek city...................................................... 2527 Bedford.................................................................... 692 Burlington.................................................................... 792 Clarence.................................................................... 532 Clarendon................................................................. 547 Convis........................................................ 519 Eckford..................................................................... 594 Emmett..................................................................... 663 Fredonia................................................................... 519 Homer...................................................................... 922 Lee,......................................................... 612 Le Roy...................................................................., 635 Marengo..................................................................... 678 Marshall township....................................................... 500 Marshall city..............................................................2224 Newton............................................................. 465 Pennfield.................................................................. 580 Sheridan.................................................................... 877 Tekonsha................................................................... 788 18,156 Females. 1310 635 472 2796 664 732 500 462 422 547 617 465 850 503 572 575 453 2399 426 530 810 759 17,499 Total. 2614 1307 986 5323 1356 1524 1032 1009 941 1141 1280 984 1772 1115 1207 1253 953 4623 891 1110 1687 1547 35,655 and the Prussian plan of education, and together devised what appeared to be the best calculated to produce the desired results. General Crary, as chairman of the committee on education in the first constitutional convention, introduced the article on that subject, and it was adopted. One particular point was provided for which exhibited wisdom and foresight on the part of the framers of the article. Provision was made, by Congress, for the State to assume control of the sixteenth sections donated by the general government for public school purposes in the townships, and also to control the donation of the seventy-two sections for college or seminary purposes. This was a wise precaution, especially in the former instance, for by so doing the lands were held until prices advanced, and a handsome endowment was thus obtained for the common school. The people of Michigan cannot hold the memories of these two pioneers in too high esteem, nor reverence them too much, for their grand work's sake. The first school-house built in the county of Calhoun was a small frame building erected on the street now known as Mansion street, in the city of Marshall, near the Presbyterian parsonage as now situated, in May, 1832, and which building served for several years afterwards for a gathering-place for religious worship and secular meetings, and for holding courts and all kinds of public business. It stands now just in the rear of its first location, and is used as a stable. The first school-teacher was Eliza Ketchum, who is now deceased. It was not long after this before schools were opened in Albion, at Athens and Battle Creek; and before six years had rolled by, every one of the twenty townships of the county had one or more school-houses. The first brick school-house was built in Marshall, onil Green street, and is still occupied. It was erected in or about 1840. Academies sprang up in Marshall and Albion in 1839 and 1840, and the higher grades of instruction were brought within the reach of the people. It is safe to say that no county in the State possessed so cultivated and intelligent a class of pioneers as did Calhoun, and the effect is easily discernible forty years afterwards, in the most elegant high school buildings in Battle Creek and Marshall cities, the neat and commodious brick and frame structures scattered throughout the townships, and the Albion and Battle Creek colleges. There has ever been an air of refinement and culture about the old county, at once attractive and elevating to all "of like precious faith" who have come within its influence. The school statistics for the year ending September 1, 1876, will give the contrast, pleasing and striking, of the days that are now, and those that have been. We append them by townships, in order that the exhibit of each may be more fully seen. Athens had seven frame school-houses, capable of seating four hundred and seventy-six persons, and valued at $5625; four hundred and six children of the requisite school age, between five and twenty years, were resident in the township, of whom three hundred and sixty-four attended the schools, which were in session an average of seven and one-half months each. Six male teachers taught twenty-nine and one-half months, and received $1245 therefor; and seven females taught thirty-two and one-half months, and received $690. The total expenditures amounted to $2788.54. Albion had one stone, six brick, and three frame school-houses, with eight hundred and forty-four sittings, valued at $49,300; of nine hundred and thirty six children, eight hundred and two attended the schools, which were in session an average of over eight months each. Five male teachers received $1985 for twenty-five and one-half months' services; and twenty-two females, $3308 for one hundred and ten months. The total expenditures were $12,762.65, including $4240 paid on bonded indebtedness, of which $23,600 is still outstanding and unpaid. Albion village has a most excellent graded school, where the higher branches of literature are taught. Bedford had one brick and eleven frame school-houses, with five hundred and ninety-four sittings, and valued at $12,200; of four hundred and ninety-four children, four hundred and four attended the schools,which were in session an average of eight months each. Seven male teachers received $1255 for thirtythree months' work, and twenty-five females received $1158 for sixty-six months; the total expenditures being $3835.55, including $945 on indebtedness. Burlington had two brick and six frame school-houses, with five hundred and thirty-two sittings, valued at $8900; of four hundred and ninety-two children, four hundred and thirteen attended the schools, which were in session an average of eight months each. Six male teachers received $886 for twenty-three months' work, and fifteen females received $990 for fifty-six months; the total expenditures being $2588.88. One graded school in the township. Battle Creek township had two brick and seven frame school-houses, with four hundred and ninety-seven sittings, valued at $8700; of three hundred and thirty~ two children, two hundred and seventy-six attended the schools, which were in session an average of seven and one-half months. Six male teachers received $789 for twenty-three months' services, and thirteen females received $805 for forty-five months; the total expenditures being $2489.30. CHAPTER IX. EDUCATIONAL AND RELIGIOUS: THE FIRST SCHOOL-STATISTICS OF 1876 -THE FIRST SERMON-FIRST RELIGIOUS SOCIETY-FIRST CHURCH-PIONEER PREACHERS-SEVENTH-DAY ADVENTIST COLLEGE. WHEN the pioneers of Calhoun came to its borders, from their New York and New England homes, they brought their institutions and their household goods with them. As soon as a cabin had been rolled up for a shelter for the domestic treasures, and land sufficient cleared and broken up to assure them of an existence, their attention was turned towards the school-house and the church. Education and religious worship ran parallel to each other in the early days, even as it does in these later ones. The motives that led to the settlement of America by Europeans are classified under three leading ideas,-the thirst of gold, exemplified in the Spanish conquest; the cavalier's idea of living on the labors of others, that found expression in African slavery; and the desire for education, upon which the Puritan idea of New England was founded. The latter has overthrown both of the others, and its precepts and practice are fast permeating the whole structure of American society. It is that idea, and its outgrowth, that has founded schools and built school-houses on almost every cross-road in Calhoun County, that has from a single log house in 1832 expanded into nearly two hundred brick and frame buildings, where twelve thousand pupils can be educated from the very A B C of school instruction to the highest attainments of a classical course. And this advantage, enjoyed alike by every county in the State of sufficient population to warrant the outlay needful therefor, is largely the result of the labors of two of Calhoun's citizens, pioneers whom their fellowpioneers have in times past delighted to honor, and for whose memories they have the loftiest sentiments of respect. General Isaac E. Crary and Rev. John D. Pierce, pioneers of Marshall in 1831-32, are justly regarded as the fathers of the present school system of Michigan, because they worked together to digest a system, examining the eastern systems 4 26 HISTORY OF CALHOUN COUNTY, MICHIGAN. Clarendon had one log, one brick, and five frame school-houses,with three hundred and forty-nine sittings, valued at $2660; of thirty-five children, two hundred and ninety-seven attended the schools, which were in session an average of nine months each. Four male teachers received $480 for twenty-two months' work, and thirteen females for forty-six months received $813; the total expenditures being $2137.96. Clarence had three brick and five frame school-houses, with six hundred and fifty-six sittings, valued at $10,400. Of four hundred and fifty-four children, three hundred and fifty-eight attended the schools, which were in session over seven and a half months each on an average. Four male teachers received $685 for sixteen months, and twelve females for forty-five months received $698; the total expenditures being $2950.31. Convis had two brick and four frame school-houses, with two hundred and ninetyfive sittings, valued at $3200. Of two hundred and ninety-nine children, two hundred and fifty attended the schools, which were in session an average of eight months each. Eleven females received for forty-seven and a half months' services $941; the total expenditures being $1169.26. Emmett had two stone, one brick, and eight frame school-houses, with six hundred (,nd forty sittings, valued at $14,100. Of four hundred and fifty-nine children, three hundred and ninety-four attended the schools, which were in session an average of eight months. Five male teachers received $1030 for twenty-six months' services, and seventeen females for seventy-three months received $1622; the total expenditures being $3329.97. Eckford had one brick and eight frame school-houses, with three hundred and eilghty-six sittings, valued at $6550. Of three hundred and forty-six children, two hundred and eighty-four attended the schools, whose sessions averaged seven and a half months. Eight male teachers received $840 for twenty-five and a half months' services, and fourteen females for forty-one and a half months received $682; the total expenditures being $2116.87. Fredonia had eight frame school-houses, with three hundred and ninety sittings, valued at $4100. Of three hundred and fifteen children, two hundred and seventytwo attended the schools, whose sessions averaged seven and a half months. Five male teachers received $709 for nineteen months' work, and nine females for thirty-nine months received $660; the total expenditures being $1649.87. Homer had one stone, one brick, and six frame school-houses, with six hundred and ninety-five sittings, valued at $14,500. Of six hundred and thirteen children, five hundred and twenty-one attended the schools, whose sessions averaged eight months each. Six male teachers received $1438 for twenty-nine months' work, and fifteen females for sixty-eight months received $1686; the total expenditures being $3998.69. One graded school in Homer village. Lee had one log and seven frame school-houses, with four hundred and sixty-two sittings, valued at $3850. Of four hundred and forty children, three hundred and thirty-eight attended the schools, whose sessions averaged six and two-thirds months. Five male teachers received $366 for twelve months' work, and thirteen females for forty-two months received $807; the total expenditures being $1684.71. Le Roy had eight frame school-houses, with four hundred and thirty-five sittings, valued at $4300. Of four hundred and sixty-eight children, three hundred and twenty-six attended the schools, 'whose sessions averaged seven and a half months each. Seven male teachers received for twenty-seven and a half months' services $904, and nine females for thirty-two and a half months received $520; the total expenditures being $1672.32. Marshall township had seven school-houses, with three hundred and seventy-four sittings, valued at $5200. Of two hundred and thirty-five children, two hundred and twenty-four attended the schools, whose sessions averaged over eight months each. Five male teachers received $563 for twenty months' services, and nine females for forty-three months received $681; the total expenditures being $1497.63. Marengo had three brick and six frame school-houses, with four hundred and sixty-two sittings, valued at $10,650. Of three hundred and ninety children, three hundred and thirty-five attended the sessions of the schools, which averaged eight months. Five male teachers received $825 for twenty-one months' services, and eleven females for fifty' months received $1040; the total expenditures being $2783.69. Newton had nine frame school-houses, with five hundred and fifty-six sittings, valued at $5675. Of three hundred and sixty-eight children, three hundred and eighteen attended the schools, whose sessions averaged over eight months. Seven male teachers received $823 for twenty-three months' services, and fourteen females for forty-two months received $679; the total expenditures being $1633.26. Pennfield had one stone and eight frame school-houses, with four hundred and sixty-seven sittings, valued at $9050. Of three hundred and eighty-three children, three hundred and twenty-two attended the schools, whose sessions averaged eight I i i I r months. Five male teachers received $767 for twenty-two months' work, and thirteen females for forty-seven and a half months received $1075.30; the total expenditures being $3064.10, including $740 on buildings. Sheridan had one stone, one brick, and five frame school-houses, with three hundred and twenty-five sittings, valued at $3800. Of two hundred and eightysix children, two hundred and thirty-seven attended the schools, whose sessions averaged eight months each. Four male teachers received $575 for sixteen months' services, and ten females for thirty-eight months received $684; the total expenditures being $1818.43. Tekonsha had one brick and seven frame school-houses, with four hundred and seventy-five sittings, valued at $15,400. Of five hundred and thirty-five children, four hundred and seventy attended the schools, whose sessions averaged eight months each. Five male teachers received $1014 for twenty-four months' services, and fourteen females for fifty-eight months received $1191; the total expenditures being $3684.86. One graded school in the township. The grand aggregate of the county, outside of the cities of Battle Creek and Marshall, which manage their schools independently of the county, is as follows: there are in the county, with the exceptions above noted, 168 school-houses, including 2 of logs, 6 of stone, 25 of brick, and 135 of wood, framed, capable of furnishing 9771 sittings, and valued at $198,162. Of 8608 children of the requisite school age, resident in the county, 7205 attended the schools, whose sessions averaged about eight months each. 105 male teachers were employed 437 months, and paid $17,039 for their services; and 266 females taught 1023 months and received $20,482 for their wages. The total expenditures of the year amounted to $59,656.85, including $6200 paid on bonded indebtedness and repairs on buildings, etc. The outstanding bonded indebtedness was $34,200. There are five graded schools included in the above list. Battle Creek city has four brick school-houses, including one high school in which the higher classics are taught, valued at $150,000. Of fifteen hundred and ninety-one children of the requisite age, thirteen hundred and ninety-nine were enrolled as attendants on the sessions of the schools, which were of ten *months' duration. The cost of instruction and superintendence for the year was $12,250, and other expenses incidental, $4427.48; amount paid on bonded indebtedness $10,500; on permanent improvements $153.23; the -total expenditures amounting to $27,330.7'1; tuition fees from non-resident pupils were received amounting to $905.31; and the total receipts for the year amounted to $32,681.47. Marshall city has five brick school-houses, including one high school, with twelve hundred sittings, valued at $140,000. Of twelve hundred and seventysix children in the city of the requisite age, nine hundred and sixty attended the schools, which were in session ten months. The cost of superintendence and instruction was $10,225; incidental expenses $2096.82; paid on bonded indebtedness $7300; and for repairs $241.45; the total expenditures being $19,863.27; tuition fees were received from non-resident pupils amounting to $426.21; the total receipts for the year being $21,203.30; the bonded indebtedness, outstanding and unpaid, amounts to $40,000. Adding the statistics of these two cities to those of the balance of the county, we have the magnificent exhibit of 9564 scholars attendant on the public schools, which are maintained at the cost of $59,996 per annum for instruction, with a total expenditure for the year ending September 1, 1876, of $106,850.83, the value of the one hundred and seventyseven school-houses being $488,162. What nobler record can be written than this? THE CHURCH. Wherever the Jesuit, without whose previous presence " no cape was turned or river entered" in the northwest by the explorers of the French or English rulers of the soil, found an Indian village, he proclaimed to its inhabitants the cross under whose symbol he penetrated the wilderness amid wild and savage tribes; and likewise the missionaries of Wesley and of Knox, wherever they found a settler's cabin, proclaimed the glad tidings of salvation, free to all. Sleeping under the trees, the blue vaulted heavens for their canopy and the stars for their watchers, these self-sacrificing men rode their circuits for weeks at a time, swimming rivers, floundering through marshes, following the trails of the red man, guided by the stars or by the instinct of woodcraft, gained by long familiarity with nature in her wildest aspect, trusting to find the cabin of some pioneer, where they might break their many times long-enforced fast. And wherever or whenever they found such a cabin, no matter how humble, or to what straits of necessity its inmates were reduced, the humble fare was shared, even to the last handful of meal, though the supply must be brought only by a wearisome journey of miles in length and weeks in duration. One of these Methodist itinerants, named Walker, had a circuit of six hundred miles, through Ohio, Indiana, and southern Michigan, which he rode every six weeks, swimming the Maumee river on each trip. As late as I - Il i - * w L1 4 J -C r ~o a:I Z 6 I 0 J i WI i z 0 I j I 0 u -J -J 0 z 0 -J Olds, A.M., Professor of Natural Science; John Richards, Professor of Ancient Languages; Miss Julia F. Robinson, Principal of Female Department and Teacher of French and Fine Arts; Miss Charlotte Imus, Assistant Teacher; and Henry Meakin, Professor of Music. The number of students for the year was two hundred and ninety. The last change in the charter of the institution took place by legislative act on February 25,1865. Hon. John Owen and E. G. Merrick, Esq., both of Detroit, together with E. J. Connable, Esq., of Jackson, were constituted 1" an endowment fund committee" to receive, hold in trust, and invest all moneys contributed for the endowment of the college, and to pay over to the board of trustees semi annually all the interest accruing thereon. The board of trustees at this epoch of development was constituted as follows: Jas. W. Sheldon, President; Martin Haven, First Vice-President; S. W. Walker, Second Vice-President; A. M. Fitch, Treasurer; Geo. Smith, Julius D. Morton, S. Clement, David Preston, Alvan Billings, Wm. Bort, W. H. Brockway, and J. S. Tuttle. Rev. Israel Coggshall was agent. The faculty was constituted as follows: Rev. Geo. B. Jocelyn, D.D., President and Professor of Moral and Mental Science; Rev. W. H. Perrine, A.M., Professor of Natural Science and the Fine Arts; W. H. Shelly, A.M., Professor of Latin and Greek Languages and Literature; Mrs. Livonia B. Perrine, A.M., Professor of Mathematics; Miss Rachel Carney, M.S., Preceptress and Professor of Modern Languages; Miss Juliet Bradbury, M.S.A., and Miss Elizabeth Hollingsworth, Teachers of Instrumental and Vocal Music. The present status of the college is as follows: Corporation. Elected by the Detroit Co,nference. Name. Residence. Time Expires. Rev. J. Bigelow....................................... Rom eo......................................1878. Rev. Seth Reed........................................ Ann Arbor................................ 1878. John C. Clark....................................... St. Clair.................................... 1877. Rev. J. S. Smart....................................... Port Huron................................1877. David Preston, First Vice-President............ Detroit......................................1879. Otis A. Critchett, A.M.................................Monroe.................................... 1879. Elected by the Michigan Conference. Rev. W m. H. Brockway, President............... Albion...................................... 1878. James W. Sheldon, Treasurer.....................Albion...................................... 1878. H on. C. R. Brown.................................... Port H uron............................... 1877. Rev. T. F. Hildreth, A.M............................. Grand Rapids.................. 1877. Geo. S. Clapp.......................................... St. Joseph................................1879. Hon. Hampton Rich, Second Vice-President..Ionia........................................ 1879. "-Pres't Geo. B. Jocelyn, Secretary............... Albion, ex oqicio. Endowmeent Fund Committee. Hon. John Owen....................................... Detroit......................January 1, 1883. E. J. Connable, Esq................................... Jackson..................... " 1, 1880. E. G. M errick, Esq.................................... Detroit..................... " 1, 1877. Albion Protisional Board of Control. Rev. A. M. Fitch...........................................................Chairm an. James W. Sheldon.......................................................Secretary and Treasurer. Martin Haven, Esq...........................Jacob Anderson, Esq. Rev. Wm. H. Brockway..............................Orlando C. Gale, Esq. Martin B. Wood, Esq. Board of Visitors and Examiners. Appointed by the Detroit Conference.-Rev. L. R. Fiske, D.D., Rev. J. C. Wortley, A.M., Prof. Sallie A. Rulison, M.S. Appointed by the Michigant Conference.-Rev. A. R. Boggs, Rev. Geo. S. Barnes, Rev. H. F. Spencer. Appointed by the Alumni Association.-Elmer D. North, M.S., Franc M. Sanders Nichols, M.S., Alvah W. Bradley, A.B. Faculty. Geo. B. Jocelyn, President;-' Jas. H. Hopkins, Vice-President; Lucy A. Osband, Preceptress; Rev. Geo. B. Jocelyn, D.D., Moral and Intellectual Philosophy; Rev. Jas. H. Hopkins, D.D., Latin Language and Literature; Wm. M. Osband, A.M., Natural Science; Mrs. Lucy A. Osband, A.M., Modern Languages; Rev. Rollin C. Welch, A.M., Greek and Hebrew Languages and Literature; Wm. Havemann, Vocal and Instrumental Music; George B. Merriman, A.M., Mathematics; Rev. Lewis F. Stearns, A.M., History and Belles Lettres; II. A. Mills, Instructor in Painting, Drawing, and Perspective; Mrs. Julia E. W. Havemann, Teacher of Guitar; Jno. M. Roach, Chas. H. Chase, Geo. L. Bailey, Tutors in Mathematics; P. Della Pierce, Tutor in Latin; Bertha F. Aldrich, Tutor in English; Rollin C. Welch, Secretary; Geo. B. Merriman, Librarian; Chas. H. Chase, Statistical Secretary. Standing Commnittees for 1876-77. Executive Committee.-Wm. H. Brockway, David Preston, H. Rich, Jas. W. Sheldon, Geo. B. Jocelyn. Auditing Commntittee.-Jas. W. Sheldon, George B. Jocelyn, Wm. H. Brockway. Committee on Finance.-H. Rich, Wm. Allman, A. J. Bigelow. Committee ol Facutlty. —Otis A. Critchett, C. R. Brown, T. F. Hildreth. Committee on Ruldes and Regulations.-Geo. B. Jocelyn, T. F. Hildreth, David Preston. Committee onl Coutrses of Study.-Geo. B. Jocelyn, A. J. Bigelow, J. S. Smart. Comlntittee o0 Library and Apparatus.-'J. S. Smart, S. Reed, Wm. Allman. Cobnmmittee ont Blildings and Grounds.-Wm. H. Brockway, R. C. Welch, Jas. W. Sheldon. Financial Exhibit. Buildings, Grounds, and Furniture................................................... $65,000.00 Library, Apparatus, and Cabinet...................................................... 5,000.00 President's H ouse.................................................................. 2,000.00 $72,000.00 Funds in hands of Endowment Fund Committee: Bonds and Mortgages..................................................... $131,004.00 N otes.......................................................................... 12,550.00 - 143,554.00 In hands of Albion Board of Control................................ 25,000.00 N otes........................................................................... 23,896.26 $192,450.26 Income on the above for the years 1875 and 1876................................. 11,864.00 " from other sources................................................................ 4,078.97 $15,942.97 The present indebtedness of the college is $19,200, to provide for which a sinking fund has been created. BATTLE CREEK COLLEGE. The pressing need of a college under the special control of Seventh-Day Adventists was first recognized by Elder James White and wife, several years before the establishment of this institution. This need was manifest, 1st, in the demand for the special preparation of young men for ministerial and missionary work; 2d, in the deep conviction that much better mental and moral discipline could be attained than is acquired in a given * Deceased. Ir _.. <> i 0:I 477 7 I, T:7 71 "'.! 7, I-?- r!'~., t.I',tl *1; II.. (HI Ki^: cO r Q I x -J m COL x (L LJ I LA 0 LAJ Wirl LLJ U ft C) 0 LLI u -j lS: r> i. 0 Lrl -J LJ6 C.) LJ I — U -j tA^ ** 4Si\ SURGICAL SAN ITORIU M. BA TTLE CREEK, MICH. THE MEDICAL i 9 I I t I t T, I I III i I i I I, I HISTORY OF CALHOUN COUNTY, MICHIGAN. O_ Y IHGN 29 time in most of our schools and colleges in the land, and that a wise and effective discipline could be better maintained, and the interests of the youth more assiduously cared for, than would be done elsewhere. To meet these demands a private school was in successful operation at Battle Creek for some years before the establishment of a college was deemed practicable. It was not until the spring of 1879 that the establishment of a college was proposed by Elder James White. Several meetings of interested citizens were held in April of the same year. A committee was chosen at one of these meetings to complete the arrangements for the organization of an educational society. By the action of this committee the sum of fifty-four thousand dollars was pledged for the disposal of the proposed society. The vigorous effort of this committee in securing means rendered the organization of a legal society possible; hence, at a meeting held March 11, 1874, in the city of Battle Creek, seven trustees were elected to have the supervision and control of all the affairs of the society, to hold real estate, to erect suitable buildings, and to establish and manage a college for instruction in the sciences, the languages, and the Holy Scriptures. The conditions of the law of the State of Michigan for the " incorporation of institutions of learning" having been complied with, the trustees purchased in the city of Battle Creek a beautiful eminence of twelve acres, for sixteen thousand dollars. Upon the highest point in the centre of this plat, the erection of a college building was immediately entered upon by the trustees, and in January, 1875, one building was completed and occupied by the students, who numbered at that time about one hundred. Grounds.-The grounds surrounding the building are among the finest to be found in the city of Battle Creek. Their natural beauty has been very greatly enhanced by the exercise of good taste and the expenditure of much money and labor in grading, cultivating flowers, making walks, planting hedges, etc. As many as possible of the native trees were retained, and interspersed among them are ornamental trees and shrubs from other climes. At present the campus proper embraces only about seven acres, since tiers of building-lots have been separated from the west and south sides of the first purchase, of twelve acres, by new streets. Upon seven of these lots, which number seventeen in all, dwellings have been erected by the trustees for the accommodation of professors in the college, and also for families who move here for the express purpose of educating their children. Buildings.-The most prominent building shown in the engraving represents the one erected in 1874. It is three stories in height, above a commodious basement. It is heated by steam, which is generated by a furnace in the basement. The latter is admirably arranged for classes in chemistry and philosophy. The chemical laboratory and philosophical apparatus are closely connected with the lecture-room, being separated only by a glass partition. In the third story is a fine audience-room, thirty-five by seventy-two feet. In the summer of 1875 the first catalogue of Battle Creek college was issued. This showed an attendance during the five preceding terms of two hundred and eighty-nine students. The members of the faculty, as published in that catalogue, were James White, President; S. Brownsberger, A.M., Principal, Professor of Ancient Languages and Physics; Uriah Smith, Lecturer on Biblical Exegesis: G. H. Bell, Professor of English Language and Mathematics; J. H. Kellogg, M.D., Professor of Chemistry and Physiology; Marcus Lichtenstein, Professor of Hebrew; Charles Carlstedt, Professor of Swedish Language; A. B. Oyen, Professor of Danish Language; Madame L. Parot, Instructor in French; Miss Camilla Haentzsche, Instructor in German; Nellie N. Wheeler, Instructor in Common Branches; Mary A. Davis, Instructor in Common Branches. Since this issue a professor of the Italian language has been added to the list, besides some assistants in other departments. Who admitted.-This school is under the special direction of the Seventh-Day Adventist Educational Society, and was especially designed for the mental improve ment of those men and women who wish to prepare themselves for ministerial and missionary labor. But while this grand object is being gained, an opportunity is also offered to Seventh-Day Adventists and all others who wish to improve it to send their children to a school whose high aim is to secure the best moral and religious influence, free from the corrupting blight realized at many other schools. There is nothing in the regular courses of study, or in the rules or practice of discipline, that is in the least denominational or sectarian. The Biblical lectures are before those only who attend them from choice. Special advantages.-Among the prominent excellences of Battle Creek college are the following: The high. moral character of the institution is dearer to its founders than any other consideration, and the trustees pledge their honor to maintain and strengthen it at all hazards. To effect this, no other interest shall be regarded too great a sacrifice; for this they labor and are ever vigilant. They believe that the moral element is the principal one in education, and that it has its root in religion,-not in a sectarian view, but in the great fundamentals of Christian religion, conscientiously adhered to and rigidly governing our lives. The protection'guaranteed students here from base influences that undermine the character in many institutions of learning, will warrant parents in intrusting their sons and daughters to the watchful care of the college. Those in charge feel that the hearts and lives of those they seek to educate are in a peculiar sense consigned to their trust. They recognize the responsibility thus devolving upon them. Students are not left to themselves, without care or sympathy, but a personal interest is taken in each one, and a strong moral and religious influence is thrown around each member of the school. They realize the necessity of constant vigilance over the character and general deportment of the youth, when all manner of inducement to idle away their time is forced upon them. A wise and effective discipline is maintained, not tyrannical or exacting, but firm and parental. The degree of thoroughness with which youths are taught to perform their tasks will, in a great measure, determine their success in after-life. We all recognize the fact that the habit of doing work well may become just as firmly and deeply seated in the character as the habit of carelessness and supe:ficiality. This is eminently true of the student. With this fact before them, the instructors make the principle of thoroughness a leading feature in their labors, and inculcate like principles in the character and minds of the students. True methods of education are followed. The student is not allowed to pass with merely a superficial knowledge of subjects, but is required to master principles, rather than to commit to memory verbal forms. The officers of instruction have shown, in the results of their class labors, that " not how much, but how well," has been their motto. Expenses.-The club boarding system has worked out a problem of great importance to the college in these hard times. From twenty-five to fifty persons organize by the choice of proper officers, to be governed by certain rules, in the establishment of one general eating-house. One of their number makes all the purchases of the raw material for healthful food, and each member pays a certain sum per week for cooking and for keeping the house. When they have enjoyed their meal they return to their rooms, in different directions, not far from the college building. From one to four students occupy one room, according to its size. The entire expense of meals and room is not far from one dollar and twenty-five cents a week; and washing, fuel, lights, and tuition, and one year's expense to the poor young man at this college, excepting clothing and books, need not exceed seventy or eighty dollars, and much of this he can earn during vacations. Future prospects.-There is no doubt that the rapid increase in attendance during the past two years will continue without interruption in the future. This will necessitate more buildings and enlarged plans on all sides. There is need at present of another building in close proximity to the first which will provide a large hall, gymnasium, and society rooms, and.in which a library, reading-room, and museum could be accommodated. A medical department is also in contemplation, in which students may receive a thorough education in anatomy and surgery, physiology and hygiene, hydropathic appliances, uses of electricity, etc. Applications for such instruction have been so numerous during the past year that there would be at present a class of seventyfive or one hundred qualifying themselves for physicians if they could be accommodated. The foregoing evinces the fact that Battle Creek college is an outgrowth of necessity rather than a projected enterprise whose success is a matter of experiment. Its founders do not regard it an undertaking that requires a trial of a few years to decide its final success, but they realize that its nature and aims are such as to render its immediate and final success inevitable. It is destined to become an institution of power and very extended usefulness in the land. The trustees and all friends of the institution take pleasure in their determina tion to make this one of the first schools in the State, for mental as well as moral training; and no observation, inquiry, or expense shall be spared in seeking to realize the expectation of its most sanguine patrons and friends. Further particulars can be had by sending for the annual catalogue. CHAPTER X. PROFESSIONAL: THE BAR; THE PULPIT. THE learned professions have been ably represented in Calhoun County; more especially the legal profession, the Calhoun bar being justly ranked, for many years, as the leading bar of the State. From 1837 to 1852 or 1853, the best 30 HISTORY OF CALHOUN COUNTY, MICHIGAN. legal talent found expression before the courts of Calhoun, and whose "local habitation" was in the limits of the county. The anticipation, which for a long time filled the minds of the people of the State, that Marshall would eventually be the capital of the commonwealth, attracted comparatively large numbers of prominent lawyers to that point, who served to build up a very strong bar, noted for its ability and erudition thoughout the State. The following is a sketch of the bar, briefly drawn, but correct in its data, having been obtained principally from Hon. W. H. Brown, at the present time the Nestor of the Calhoun County bar. The first attorney to settle in Calhoun County was Hon. Isaac E. Crary, who came to Marshall in the summer of 1832, and located, and where he remained until his death, which event occurred June 13, 1864. He is termed by the legal fraternity, not inaptly, the Father of the Calhoun bar. In a eulogy pronounced before the circuit court, while in session, by S. H. Preston, a fellowmember of the bar, himself a prominent lawyer of the State, the speaker said he, Crary, was unexcelled as an office lawyer, familiar with decisions and laws; was always ready with a solution of any difficulty presented to him by his brethren, and was able to refer at once to the point at issue, and depended more on the legal aspect of his cases than in any eloquence expended on the jury. He was born in Preston, Connecticut, and was a graduate of Yale, and came therefrom to Detroit in the winter of 1830-31, and to Marshall the succeeding winter, living first in a log house, but afterwards building the first frame house of any pretensions in Marshall. He built also the first frame office in that place. His life was a busy one, politically and professionally. He was a member of the first constitutional convention, wherein, as has been before stated, he introduced the article giving the control of the school-lands to the State, and also providing for the covering of all fines, penalties, and forfeitures into a library fund, and also the funds arising from military exemptions, and was the author of Article 10 of the constitution, relative to education, which, to him, is a monument grander than the triumphal arch of a Caesar, and more enduring than bronze or stone. He also was instrumental in providing for the vote of all actual residents in the Territory at the time of the adoption of the constitution, whether foreign born or otherwise, naturalized or not. He defined the boundaries of the upper peninsula, thus getting its inexhaustible mineral treasures in exchange for the Territory in dispute between Ohio and Michigan. As member of Congress, from 1836 to 1840 inclusive, he obtained the establishment of roads and mail facilities, and served with usefulness his constituency, which was the entire State. He was a member of the committees on judiciary, public lands, and Indian affairs. Afterwards was speaker of the House of Representatives of Michigan, and introduced the bill for most liberal exemptions from forced sales on execution, which became a law. The bar of Calhoun County passed highly eulogistic resolutions on his death, which were spread upon the records of the court. He was not quite fifty years of age when he died. His wife, Jane E., died October 2, 1839. In 1833-34, Cephas A. Smith located in Battle Creek. He was the first prosecuting attorney, and died in 1842. In 1836, several attorneys located at Marshall, viz.: Stephen H. Preston, J. Wright Gordon, Prentiss S. Hewitt, James L. Sanford, George C. Gibbs, David L. Johns, and W. H. Brown. Mr. Preston was a native of Oneida county, New York, and still resides in the county, but has retired from the practice of his profession. He was prosecuting attorney of the circuit in 1836-38, and was a leading member of the bar for many years. Mr. Gordon was a native of Connecticut, was elected lieutenant-governor of Michigan in 1840, and, on the election of Governor Woodward to the United States Senate, succeeded to the gubernatorial honors for the remainder of the term. He was also United States consul at Pernambuco, where he died. He was admitted in the Supreme Court of New York, November 1, 1833. P. S. Hewitt was from Batavia, New York, and is now deceased. Sanford was from Skaneateles, New York, and is now an eminent attorney of New York city. Gibbs was prosecuting attorney in 1838-39, and again later in 1843-45, and is now in California. David L. Johns was prosecuting attorney in 1840, and for many years master in chancery, under the appointment of the governor. In 1837 George Woodruff came in from Buffalo, New York, and located at Marshall, and is still in practice. He was elected county judge in 1846, and held the position until the court was abolished, and was subsequently elected to the circuit, and held the position of circuit judge from 1866 to 1876. This same year or the following one, Abner Pratt came to Marshall from Rochester, New York, where he had been the prosecuting attorney of Monroe county. He was circuit judge 1851-57, and was also United States consul at Honolulu, Sandwich Islands. He was in the State senate 1844-45, and died while holding the office of mayor of the city of Marshall. E. Smith Lee came in 1839, and was a prominent attorney for many years, and subsequently died in Detroit. Henry W. Taylor came in 1839, from Canandaigua, New York, and remained in the county for some eight years, when he returned, and is now the judge of the court of appeals of that State. He was eminent in his profession, learned, and eloquent. John Van Arman was admitted to the bar in 1839, upon the recommendation of S. H. Preston, D. L. Johns, and J. Wright Gordon, P. S. Hewitt granting a certificate of good moral character to him. He was in practice several years in Marshall, being a partner of W. H. Brown, Esq., for a time. He is now a member of the Chicago bar, and is considered one of its most eminent members. Has an extensive practice in the State and United States courts. W. H. Brown was admitted to the bar of Calhoun County, May 27, 1840, on the examination and recommendation of L. F. Stevens, D. Johnson, and E. Smith Lee. He was a member of the Utica bar before he came to Michigan. He has been for years an eminent lawyer, and is still actively engaged in the practice of his profession. He has probably tried more cases than any other member of the Calhoun bar. He is a native of Preston, Connecticut, and is an able advocate. He was prosecuting attorney, 1855-58. About this time Edward Bradley came from Bloomfield, New York; an Irishman by birth, an active, resolute, nervous speaker, more effective on the stump than in the courtroom or office, and hence very popular. He was prosecuting attorney in 1842, State senator in 1843, and elected to Congress in 1846, but died in New York city, en route to take his seat, in 1847. In 1840, Thomas P. Church, now of Grand Rapids, was admitted to the bar. Hon. N. A. Balch, now of Kalamazoo, was also a member of the Calhoun bar. In 1842, F. W. Shearman was admitted, but was more distinguished as a journalist than a lawyer. In the former field he filled an honorable position, which will appear more at large in the history of the press. William C. Rowley located at Battle Creek, and was admitted to the bar of the county in 1842. He was prosecuting attorney in 1846-48. In 1847, B. F. Graves, of Battle Creek, was admitted. He filled the position of circuit judge from 1857 to 1866 inclusive, and is now the chief-justice of the supreme bench of Michigan. Leonidas Dibble, also of Battle Creek, was admitted in 1851. He still continues his practice, which is a remunerative one, and has gained him an enviable reputation as a successful and careful advocate. He defended a man charged with the murder of his own child, at the May term of the circuit court in 1877, procuring his acquittal, the jury being out of the box but a short time. In 1839, Justus Goodwin was admitted. He was subsequently a member of the House of Representatives of the State several terms. He resided in Burlington. John Willard was also admitted in 1839, and died in 1842. A brother of Mr. Willard, A. Parsons Willard, a student in Marshall, subsequently emigrated to Indiana, and became the governor of that State. Henry Hewitt was admitted in 1840, and was elected associate justice of the circuit court the same year, and State senator in 1842, dying while holding the latter position, in Detroit. M. W. Hewitt and James A. Way were admitted in 1841. Mr. Hewitt is now practicing in Batavia. Walter Martin was admitted in 1840. He located at Marshall, as did the last three named. John A. Van Horn was admitted in 1842. He was county clerk from 1839 to 1844. He located in Marshall. George F. James was admitted in 1842, and located in Battle Creek. Haven Powers, of Homer, Isaiah T. Williams and H. A. Noyes, of Marshall, were admitted in 1843. Mr, Noyes was afterwards judge of probate twelve years, from 1845 to 1857. He died at a ripe old age, in April, 1877. George Monro, of Albion, was admitted in 1844, and so, too, were William H. Gibbs and Morton Wilkinson, of Marshall, E. L. Stillson of Battle Creek, E. A. Frazer of same place, and F. Fergerson of Albion. Mr. Frazer is still in practice at Albion. Mr. Wilkinson emigrated to Minnesota, and served that State six years in the United States Senate, and has been one term in the House of Representatives, and is a member of the present House. Chauncey Shaffer was a member of the bar in 1840 and afterwards, and is now of the bar of New York city. B. C. Cook in 1854, J. D. Wooley, L. H. Stewart, H. C. Hawkins, and James W. Hill, were all admitted in 1855. Cook located in Marshall, and died in Danville, New York, from whence he came. Mr. Wooley located in Marshall also, and died there. He wrote up the abstracts of title of Calhoun County. Mr. Stewart located in Battle Creek, where he is still in practice. Mr. Hawkins located in Marshall, and afterwards went to Kansas, where he died. Judge T. W. Hall, of Battle Creek, was admitted in 1844. He was associate judge of the circuit court from 1837 to 1842. He is still a resident of Battle Creek, and has been for many years one of the county superintendents of the poor. James B. Greenough was admitted in 1857, and located in Marshall. He is now a professor of Harvard college. Lucius G. Noyes was admitted in 1845, and located in Marshall, and died there in June, 1864. Abner E. Campbell, of Battle Creek, was admitted in 1847. Thomas G. Pray was admitted in 1851, and located in Marshall, where he is still engaged in practice. Myron H. Joy, of Battle Creek, was admitted in 1850. Isaac W. Wilder was admitted in the same year, and located in Marshall, and is now dead. C. C. Rood was admitted in 1846, but located at Grand Rapids, where he is now in practice. In 1858, D. Darwin Hughes, E. F. Tenney, and E. C. Hinsdell were admitted. Mr. Hughes was for many years a prominent lawyer of Marshall;:Xt At::>: Wit ft An: 0': AS: fat:: 000:i:: of:E iS::: I?:ffFX n \Rs MAX Ed A:\ A:: 2 :':: fT '" ';o mh "II /||t i'.d: ff ~:'ii l!? '::C:;:f l ^:f: 0: o Ir::: i C::~ a;0i fX:X: r B r.,;Ee..;2M S > R _ { ',',J':'';,.'6iw:,'l: r I: h ' I' i 1r <^; C1 I Q I 0 I I I' r7 w; t S ~ +___ #__ F TIHE CITY OF BATTLE CREEK. THE history of the early settlement and of the subsequent progress and development of the city of Battle Creek, presents features at once wonderful and interesting. A retrospection of less than half a century would carry us beyond the time when the first white settler had trodden upon its site,-to the time when it constituted part of a dreary wilderness, ere civilization had penetrated its solitary bosom, or the voice of the pioneer had echoed amid its timbered shades. In the year of our Lord 1831 the first attempt at settlement was made. That it was successful, was owing to the dauntless and persevering energy of the first pioneers, for it was no enviable task to clear the forest and to undergo the hardships incident to genuine pioneer life. But it was during this year that "-His echoing axe the settler swung, amid the sealike solitude, And rushing, thundering down, were flung the Titans of the wood." But ere we proceed to narrate the incidents of the early settlement, it were well to give the historic signification of the name of the river after which the city was called. " It appears that during the survey of this section of the State, under the direction of Colonel Mullet, in the winter of 1823-24, the Indians had become somewhat jealous of the encroachments made by the whites on their sugar-camps; and as the surveyors ran their lines through the maple-groves, they interrupted their work by various devices, and particularly by placing themselves between the surveying party and their ' sight tree.' Annoyed by their persistent attempts, Colonel Mullet on one occasion raised his ' Jacob's staff' (the iron standard upon which the surveyor placed his compass), with the apparent purpose of running it through one of the savages, but a Frenchman belonging to his party interposed and prevented the act. About this time the event occurred that gave name to the stream, and finally to the city built at its juncture with the Kalamazoo. While the entire surveying party were engaged in the performance of their duties in the woods, two men-Taylor, the cook, and Edwin Baldwin-having been left at the camp, were attacked by two Indians of large size and great strength, evidently with the intention of robbing them of their provisions, and thus interrupting the survey. Taylor was slight-built, but muscular, while Baldwin was of herculean frame and possessed of remarkable physical power; and the two were pitted with their assailants, man against man, at first in a sort of scuffle, but which shortly became a very serious fight. The Indian engaged with Baldwin, seeing himinself likely to become overpowered, caught up a rifle (Colonel Mullet's), which stood in the cabin, and fired it at his foe, without injury, however, to the person of Mr. B., but making a hole in the blanket coat he wore. The rifle soon changed hands, the white man wresting it from his antagonist, and knocking him down with it and breaking his skull. Taylor, meanwhile, had thrown his Indian upon the ground, and being nearly exhausted by the exertion of holding him, called upon his victorious comrade for aid, who soon made the remaining savage hors du combat by a blow with the rifle. This took place in the afternoon, and when the rest of the party returned at night and found that a fight had occurred, with serious and probably fatal results to at least one of the red men, they thought it to be the wiser course to return to Detroit until satisfactory arrangements could be made with the wily and now exasperated enemy. They did so; and the difficulty having been adjusted by General Cass, the Indians repairing to Detroit for that purpose, the survey was resumed the following June. "A twin brother of Baldwin returned with the party in the latter expedition, and was closely watched and pursued by an Indian somewhat emaciated, whose head had evidently been submitted to the rude surgery of the wild inhabitants of the forest, having been trepanned with leather, an evidence that his skull had previously received a crushing blow. This was supposed to be the antagonist of Baldwin. Taylor settled in St. Joseph county, afterward kept tavern, and was the first sheriff of that county. Colonel Mullet was one of the United States commissioners who located the lands for the University of Michigan. The above facts are given on the authority of Mr. Andrew Morton, of Marshall, who learned them from persons who served in the survey, and who also saw the coat which had been pierced by the rifle-ball in the fight, of which a lasting monument will exist to future generations in the name, ' Battle Creek.' " We quote the subjoined from an article written by Mr. Erastus Hussey, a gentleman who has resided in this State for half a century, and in Battle Creek for about forty years: "I don't like the English translation of the Indian name Waupokisco, which an old Ottawa chief informed me means ' River of battle,' or ' River of blood,' from a great battle that was fought on its banks many generations ago, by hostile tribes. This fact is confirmed by historical proof from Canadian Indians." EARLY SETTLERS. It was in the early part of June, 1831, that Sands McCamly,. in company with George Redfield, visited the present site of the city, and being favorably impressed with the eligibility and centrality of the location, determined to procure an interest in it.. The land-office at White Pigeon was opened during the month and all the land in this vicinity was put into the market at the usual government price of one dollar and twenty-five cents per acre. On arriving at the land-office, he found that he was not without rival contestants for the honor of planting a city in the wilderness. It appears that J. J. Garnsey had also fixed his attention on this site, as also had Lucius Lyon and Robert Clark, government surveyors, who had marked it in their list of desirable localities. The latter rivals waived their right to bid against the others upon the receipt of one hundred dollars. It was then agreed that J. J. Garnsey should enter eight hundred and thirty-seven and forty-one one-hundredths acres, all lying in what now constitutes the township and city of Battle Creek, the township of Emmett, and covered the confluence of the two streams, but with the understanding that Judge McCamly and Daniel G. Garnsey were each to share it equally with him upon payment of their proportion of the cost. They, with their families, were to meet in Detroit the following October, when the original purchaser was to quit-claim to the other two, and give them each a title to an undivided third of the whole; and it was agreed that they all should come on and begin operations, each placing two thousand dollars in the bank, as the means for commencing the development of an embryo city at the mouth of Battle creek. McCamly reached Detroit at the time agreed upon, and so did J. J. Garnsey and his brother-in-law, Sackett, and their wives; but the latter said they had been to look at the place, and could not live there. So from the failure of the Garnseys these first plans fell to the ground. The principals in the contract went their several ways-the original patentee to become financially embarrassed and transfer his claim to -Phineas P. Sackett and Ezekiel B. Garnsey, and McCamly and his family to a home in Nottawa prairie, where he had entered land the previous summer. Meanwhile, the country hereabouts began to receive settlers, particularly in Goguac prairie, where, during the year 1831, some ten or more persons settled thereon, among them being Daniel, Jonathan, and Isaac Thomas, who arrived in May; John Stewart, Sr., and John Stewart, Jr., his son, with Peter, Enoch, and Levi, and two daughters, all of the former's family, arrived in August, Josiah Goddard and others, whose names and the incidents of their settlement are given in the history proper of Battle Creek township. The year 1832 was more prolific in its accessions to the infant village. In this year Samuel Convis,* who possessed an interest in the Garnsey purchase, came in and erected his log house on the spot where Deacon Leggett's residence now is. He went east for the purpose of moving his family, preparatory to making a permanent settlement here. During the same year Moses Hall arrived, purchased one hundred and sixty acres of land, but returned east, and did not permanently settle until the following year, when he became a prominent settler, of whom more anon. Polydore Hudson, who figured conspicuously as a pioneer, arrived early in 1832. The Langley brothers, Roswell Crane, and John Conway came in this year, but we believe none of them made a permanent settlement here. We find the Langleys in South Battle Creek, John Conway in Bedford, and Roswell Crane in Emmett, each as early as 1835. In 1833, Nathaniel Barnly and family came in, and with them came the family of General Ezra Convis. Nedebiah Angell also arrived this year. The year 1834 saw some accessions to the settlement. This year Judge Tolman W. Hall came in, and has resided here ever since; General Convis also came this year, both arriving in July. Warren B. Shepard and Dr. Asahel Beach (who settled in Emmett township, but has resided in Battle Creek for the past thirty years) came in -'" See sketch under head of Pennfield township, in biographical department. 79 80 HISTORY OF CALHOUN COUNTY, MICHIGAN. - - - permanently locate here until July, 1834. He purchased a half-interest in the during this year. Josiah Gilbert, Joseph Farnsworth, Deacon David Salter, and others filled the complement for the year 1834. SETTLERS OF 1835. The year of our Lord 1835 was one of great moment to the embryo city, and a much more promising prospect was presented in this than perhaps during any year in its early history. Indeed, the commencement of actual development was inaugurated this year, the result of which has left a beneficial impress on the future growth and progress of the place. Foremost among the permanent arrivals this year was Judge Sands McCamly,* who, with characteristic enterprise, began to utilize the excellent water-power which during the first four years of the settlement had remained idle. After which he erected a saw-mill, the first in the village. William H. Coleman and David H. Daniels, the pioneer merchants, settled here this year, as also did Captain John Marvin, the first blacksmith, Eli L. and David Stillson (came this year but did not permanently settle until 1836), John S. Van Brunt, A. P. Rawson (who married a daughter of Moses Hall, Esq., and now resides in Victor, New York), John Meacham (who moved to Bedford and resided there a short time, returning to the city and has since lived there, and for many years was a justice of the peace). Ella G. and Cephas A. Smith took up the eighty acres on a part of which Judge Graves' residence now stands. John Champion, Ogden Green, and Anson Inman arrived in the winter of 1835-36. Rev. Robert Adams came in June 7, 1835, and was the first Baptist minister in the place. Three-of his sons survive-Samuel, a merchant of Battle Creek, John B., at Rockford, and William, at Grand Rapids, Michigan. Deacon Stephen W. Leggett and James Conklin. Among those coming in 1836 were Samuel W. and Gilbert W. McCamly, nephews of Sands McCamly, Alonzo Noble, now residing in the city, Almon Whitcomb, Abraham, Joseph, and Isaac Merrett, and Jonathan Hart, Leonard Starkweather, Edward Packer, Theron A. Chadwick, Deacon Fayette Cross, William Merrett. Among those settling in Battle Creek between 1836 and 1840 were Erastus Hussey, W. M. Campbell, M.D., Edward Cox, M.D. (now the oldest medical practitioner in the city, Dr. Asahel Beach not now being in practice), Charles S. Gray, A. L. Clark, Platt Gilbert, Henry Willis, E. C. Manchester, Henry B. Denmore, Leicester Buckly, John L. Balcom, and others. Among the early settlers of Battle Creek, whose enterprise entitles them to an extended notice in its history, we might mention the following: JUDGE SANDS M'CAMLY came from Orleans county, New York, in June, 1831. Impelled by a desire to make a successful venture in the new country to which he had come, he made extra exertions to secure the present site of the city of Battle Creek, as before mentioned, on account of its general eligibility, and because it contained a water-power equal to any and excelled by none at any other place which he had previously visited. Failing, however, to secure the coveted tract of land, he moved his steps to the beautiful and fertile Nottawa prairie, where he and his family lived for about a year, and in the summer of 1832 settled at Marshall. It would seem as though the impression he had received of the site of the future city had been indelibly stamped upon his memory, for he returned to it in 1835, and at once commenced to utilize the fine natural advantages of the place. In February, 1834, Judge McCamly bought an equal and undivided half of the original Garnsey purchase, and removed on it in February, 1835, and began operations. General Convis had control of the other half, and it was agreed between them that Judge McCamly have full possession of the whole water-power, provided that he would improve it. A body of twenty-five or thirty men, including many sons of Erin, were engaged in building the long race, which, in its day and under the circumstances, was a monument of enterprise worthy the man who accomplished it. Judge McCamly, on the admission of Michigan into the Union as a State, in 1835, was elected from this district a State senator. He possessed a strong and clear intellect, a sound judgment, a resolute will, and much sagacity. He was a good judge of men and things, and was inclined to view the sunny side of everything. He possessed high social qualities, fine conversational powers, and was an interesting raconteur. He left at his death, which occurred April 30, 1864, five children: three daughters, Mrs. L. H. Stewart and Mrs. D. W. Burnham, of Battle Creek, and Mrs. J. W. Oakley, of Chicago; and two sons, George, now in California, and Mark W., of Battle Creek. GENERAL EZRA CONVIS came from Silver Creek, Chautauqua county, New York, in company with Nedebiah Angell, in 1832. He returned after a visit of a few months, and did not ~ See personal sketch. permanently locate here until July, 1834. He purchased a half-interest in the site of the town from Garnsey, but retained it only intil 1835, when he sold it to Jonathan Hart and his three brothers-in-law, Abraham, Joseph, and Isaac Merrett, and transferred his interest in the water-power to.Sands McCamly, as above stated. He then turned his entire attention to the building up of a town on his former purchase, north of Battle creek, the present village of Verona, which place was for a few years the vyal of Battle Creek, under his admirable energy and enterprise. However, the larger place procured the railway, and Verona fell back to a mere settlement. General Convis was elected a member of the lower house of the first StateS"legislature, in 1835, and was made the first speaker of that body. He was re-elected for a second term. In the winter of 1837-38, while returning from a wedding, his sleigh was upset, and he sustained injuries which terminated his life. He died at Detroit in the spring of 1838, his faithful wife remaining with him to close his eyes, and to attend the last sad rites of his funeral. Ezra Convis was a man whose strength lay chiefly in his general ability. He was fond of society, courteous and genial, and of gentlemanly bearing. In his business he was energetic and industrious. In person he was handsome, and possessed a quiet dignity which was very pleasing. He had a decided turn for politics, and enough of the suaviter in modo to make himself popular with the people, and of the fortiter in re so as not to be led by party cliques. The only surviving members of his family are two daughters, Mrs. John Van Arman, of Chicago, and Mrs. King, of Battle Creek, and one son, Albert, now in Illinois. His younger son, Wallace, was accidentally drowned in Battle creek, and Ezra, another son, died in Illinois. NATHANIEL BARNEY. Touching this gentleman, we quote verbatim from A. D. P. Van Buren: " Of this pioneer tavern-keeper of Battle Creek the people retain kindly recollections. It would be very difficult to find two words more inseparably connected with the memory of the early days of Battle Creek than these old familiar words ' Barney's Tavern.' The old log hostelry on the hill, just west of the creek, and the kind-hearted old landlord, whose hospitality has been extended to so many emigrants and travelers during the settlement of this part of the State, will be long remembered. Nathaniel Barney and his family came from Chautauqua county, New York, arriving at Battle Creek March 9, 1833. He and his sonin-law, General Ezra Convis, were two of the original proprietors of Battle Creek. He was made postmaster of the new town in 1834. He also, at an early day, carried the mail from Marshall, by way of Gull prairie, to Kalamazoo. After keeping tavern for a number of years in the old log building near the creek he settled down two miles northwest, and there was landlord and farmer also. At this time he died, October 18, 1857. His sons, Milton and Oliver, yet live near the old homestead, in Bedford township." NEDEBIAH ANGELL was born in Vermont, and subsequently removed to Hanover, Chautauqua county, New York, from whence he, in company with some score of others, started with them on teams for Battle Creek, in February, 1833. He served as justice of the peace while on his farm, and for a number of years while he lived in town. He had a practical and legal turn of mind, and was noted as an early " pettifogger" in the justices' courts of Battle Creek. His daughters, Mrs. Samuel Gregory and Mrs. Henry Andrews, of Goguac, and Mrs. Jacob Clark and his son George W., of Battle Creek, are the only surviving members of his family. MOSES HALL. In the spring of 1832, Moses Hall left his home among the green hills and vales of Rutland county, Vermont, for a journey westward, and came to Battle Creek, where he made a purchase of land for himself and brother Tolman W., who still resides in the city. He traveled by " line boat" on the Erie canal to Buffalo, and by schooner up the lake to Detroit, and from thence on an Indian pony to Marshall. He met Rev. J. D. Pierce at the latter place, of whom he purchased one hundred and sixty acres just east of the limits of the present city of Battle Creek, for which he paid one dollar and seventy-five cents per acre. He returned home again the same year, and in 1833 made a permanent settlement. He immediately set about " rolling up logs" for a shanty, which he roofed with " shakes," which served as a shelter for himself and family, consisting of a wife and five children. He soon after purchased the old Foster house, which he occupied until 1837. In the meanwhile he had been at work improving his original purchase, of which he eventually made a fine farm. Moses Hall held various local offices, and performed their duties with marked ability and efficiency. He served one term in the State legislature with satisfaction to the people and credit to himself. He was a justice of the peace for many - I I, - - - - I K elI-It rn in Ml - I - I - l - f: i -; X o;I 1-~ -;11::-:::-: HISTORY OF CALHOUN COUNTY, MICHIGAN. 81 years, and was an acting magistrate at the time of his death, which occurred May 12, 1860. Moses Hall was a man of commanding figure and noble appearance, of strong intellectual faculty, of clear outspoken views, and a self-poise that was admirable. He was firm in the administration of justice, never allowing himself to be biased by partisan feeling or influenced by a wrong motive. He was one of the founders of the Presbyterian church at Battle Creek, and remained one of its most active and influential members to the day of his death. Socially, he was a valuable member of society; a man of noble impulses, of generous feelings; quick to aid the distressed or to espouse the cause of the defenseless or injured. His general reading and culture, his close observation of men and things, and his fine colloquial powers, made him an agreeable and companionable man. His general worth was duly appreciated, and his works and goodness will be long cherished and remembered. Of Squire Hall's family, three daughters, Mrs. A. P. Rawson, of Victor, New York; Mrs. Ellen Stebbins, of Dowagiac, Michigan; and Mrs. Loren Chadwick, of Chicago; and three sons, Ed. H., of Emmett, and Henry C. and Chas. T., of Battle Creek, survive. JUDGE TOLMAN W. HALL, brother of Moses Hall, was born at Sudbury, Rutland county, Vermont, September 1, 1805. He received his education at the schools of his native place. On the 12th of April, 1832, he married Lois Mary Hitchcock. The same year he became owner of real estate adjoining the present city of Battle Creek, and removed on to it in the summer of 1834, accompanied by his family. They traveled in a line-boat through the Champlain and Erie canal to Buffalo; thence to Detroit on one of the original Lake Erie steamers. After arriving at his destination he followed farming for some years, and subsequently entered the mercantile business. He has held various offices of trust and honor both in the township and county. In 1836 he was elected associate judge of the circuit court of Calhoun County, which office he filled faithfully and well for eight years. In 1844 he was admitted to the bar of the county, but has not practiced as an attorney to any extent. In 1851 and '52 was a director of the Union schools. He served in the State legislature one term in 1855 and '56; held the office of postmaster of Battle Creek from 1861 to 1866, and represented the first ward of the city as alderman in 1862-63; was elected mayor in 1865; has been twice elected a justice of the peace, and held the office of county superintendent of poor for the last ten years. All of these offices he has filled with marked ability and unswerving integrity. In the religious and educational interests of the city, Judge Hall has always taken an active part; while in the material growth and prosperity of the place he has occupied a conspicuous position. He was one of the original members and most active workers in the Congregational and Presbyterian church of Battle Creek, and no man did more for that organization than he. As a citizen he is well known and very highly respected; as a man he enjoys the confidence and esteem of the people; as a neighbor he is liked for his friendly and courteous manners. In his dealings with his fellow-men he is honest and upright, and no man can say aught against his general character. In short, Judge Hall is a representative man, and one of whom the city in which he has resided so long, and whose interests he has served so faithfully, is justly proud. ALLEN WILLARD was born in Hartland, Windsor county, Vermont, February 10, 1794. He was educated at Dartmouth college, and was a fellow-student at this famous seat of learning with Rufus Choate. His son, George Willard, informs us that his father predicted Choate's distinguished career long before he was known to the American public as its most eminent lawyer and brilliant orator. While at college, Mr. Willard says, Choate evinced the fine linguist. It was ever a delight for his class to hear him render his lesson in Virgil or Cicero into English. He was the best writer and scholar in college. Allen Willard removed from Vermont to Michigan in the summer of 1836. He first settled in Battle Creek township, a little south of where he now lives; selling this land he located in the Dr. Beach neighborhood, where he improved a farm; this he sold and bought the Hermes Sweet place, on the east side of Goguac lake, where he at present resides. Mr. Willard is a man of clear intelligence and sterling character. He has not sought prominence in public affairs, but rather to enjoy the society of his family and friends, his books, and the cultivation of his farm. He has educated his two sons, George and Charles, giving the former, who early evinced a great desire for learning, the advantage of a well-stored library, and affording him full opportunity for improving it. Charles Willard has the management of the farm, and his father, in his beautiful home on the east bank of Goguac lake, is enjoying the evening of his life, passing quietly away to his eternal home. 11 THE FIRST LOG HOUSE. Concerning this historic structure we quote from A. D. P. Van Buren's series of newspaper articles on the " Early History of Calhoun County:" " The following account relates to the building of the first house in Battle Creek, called the Foster house. As we have stated in a previous article, Sherman Comings, of Toland prairie, had borrowed money of Daniel G. Garnsey, whom he met at White Pigeon in 1831. The account we now present, the writer got of James R. Comings, of Galesburg, son of Sherman Comings; it is copied from the account-book of the latter. The Mr. Rich mentioned is Estes Rich, who, it seems, worked for Mr. Comings, as he charges his labor to Mr. Garnsey. "Sept. 8, 1831, To 1 day to Mr. Howard's on your business...................... $1.00 " 1~ days after nails............................................... 1.50 " 4 " of two hands and two yoke of oxen............. 12.00 Sept. 23, To 1 week of two hands and board....................................... 12.00 " hands to raise................................................................ 3.00 " M r. Rich, hauling boards................................................ 4.00 " finding Rich.................................................................75 " 8 bushels of wheat at 6s.................................................. 6.00 " hauling out................................................................. 1.00 Oct. 2, To 5 days, myself and son................................................... 10.00 " paid Mr. Rich for harrowing in wheat, 4i days..................... 6.75 " boarding M r. Rich.......................................................... 2.00 $59.50 " This account fixed the time when the work on the house was begun, and when they had the ' raising,' which was in September; also when the building was finished, for the 'five days, myself and son' being ten days' labor, which, as the account has it, was performed in October. While Mr. Comings and son and Rich, when with them, were building this house, they boarded with Isaac Toland, who lived south of the river." THE FIRST FRAME HOUSE. The first frame house, properly speaking, was that erected by John V. Henry, in the old Gardner settlement, which is about five miles from Battle Creek. He built a goodly-sized frame structure out there, intending it for a tavern, in 1834, but never covered or utilized it. The frame was removed to Battle Creek in 1836 by Isaac Merrett, who placed it on the site now occupied by the American hotel. It was used for a number of years by Lowry & Hewitt as a tavern, probably having been thus used about 1840. In 1837 Judge Tolman W. Hall erected a frame dwelling-house on the lot next east of the American hotel, which now constitutes the back part of the Bristol house, being the first frame residence built on Main street. THE FIRST BRICK HOUSE was erected by Jonathan Hart, in 1846. It is on Maple street, and is now occupied by Thomas Hart, son of the original owner. THE FIRST MERCHANTS. The first person to open a regular store in Battle Creek was Wm. H. Coleman, who kept the first store in a log building on the corner of Main and Jefferson streets, as now called, on the lot now occupied by Hon. James L. Whitcomb's block, and continued there for many years, securing the claim of being the proprietor of the first permanent commercial establishment in the place. Mr. Coleman came from New York to Battle Creek in 1835. An old resident, and a good judge of character, says of him: " When I first saw Wm. H. Coleman in his log store he had much the appearance of the boy about him, but I soon found that he possessed the elements of the successful merchant, the gentleman, and fine business qualifications. He was a man of ardent temperament and decided opinions, suave and polite in his manners, an intelligent and agreeable talker, and a favorite among his friends." Some few years after he came here he married Lucretia, daughter of Isaac Merrett. In after-life he became a banker, but his health failing, he retired from business, and died May 19, 1871. He was an active and prominent member of the Presbyterian church, and ever a most trusted and worthy citizen. He left a widow and three sons. Merrett is a banker at Lansing, with whom Mrs. Coleman lives; Horton served during the war in Missouri, and is settled at Memphis, Tennessee; George is a dentist at Lansing. About contemporary with Mr. Coleman in the mercantile business was David H. Daniels, now of Galesburg, who sold goods on the site of the former residence of Dr. Campbell, but soon was induced by General Convis to remove to Verona, where he opened a store and sold goods for a few years. THE FIRST BIRTH within the present limits of the city was that of Henry C., son of Moses and Mary Hall, who was born December 25, 1833. 82 HISTORY OF CALHOUN COUNTY, MICHIGAN. THE FIRST FEMALE BIRTH was that of Caroline M., daughter of General and Mrs. Ezra Convis, who was born November 19, 1834. THE FIRST MARRIAGE ceremony performed in the infant settlement was that of James Simonds, now of Kalamazoo county, and Miss Parthenia Thomas. The nuptials were celebrated with honors, and considerable rejoicing was had. The interesting contract was justi(ce)Jied by Moses Hall, Esq., who did not happen to have the " fever'neg," as did Justice Hudson on the occasion of the marriage of Mr. Frank Thomas and Miss Amanda Goddard a few years subsequently, which mere reference will be sufficient for the old residenters. THE FIRST DEATH was that of an infant child of Ezra Convis, which died early in the summer of 1834. THE FIRST BURYING-GROUND, AND OAK HILL CEMETERY. The first burying-ground was laid out on land donated by Sands McCamly, in 1835. It contained almost three acres, and was located on the corner of Champion and Washington streets, adjoining the water-cure property. Among the early interments were those of the first wife of Moses Hall, who was buried there in 1835, the first wife of Judge T. W. Hall, in 1841, and Moses Hall, Sr., in 1842. About 1844, the present burying-ground of the Oak Hill Cemetery Company was laid out, and many of the bodies interred in the original grave-yard were taken up and interred in the new place. It continued without a charter up to 1855, when John Meachem, Esq., prepared a bill relating to public buryinggrounds in the State generally, which Judge Hall, then a member of the lower house, introduced, and successfully advocated its passage; and it became a law on the 12th of February of that year. Under this act the '" Oak Hill Cemetery Company" was organized on the 22d of August, 1855. We quote from the records of the company as follows:." PUBLIC MEETING.-Tolman W. Hall, Edward Cox, John K. Lothridge, Orlando Moffatt, Frederick M. Sanderson, Gideon F. Smith, John Meachem, Ellery Hicks, and Ogden Green met at Wakelee's hall in the village of Battle Creek, on the 22d day of August, 1855, under the authority of a certain warrant issued by Erastus R. Wattles, Esq., justice of the peace, directed to Gideon F. Smith, upon the application of the said Gideon F. Smith, Alonzo Noble, and William H. Coleman, due notice of the said meeting having been previously given. The meeting was organized by appointing John Meachem, president, and Walter W. Woolnough, secretary.... The following persons were elected as officers of the company, and severally filed their acceptances as provided by statute: President, Gideon F. Smith; Clerk, John Meachem; Treasurer, Frederick M. Sanderson; Sexton, Ogden Green." The grounds have been tastefully arranged and decorated with shrubs, trees, and flowers, so that they now present a pleasing appearance. Many fine monuments have been erected, which tend to relieve the sombre aspect of the place, and stand forth as tributes of affectionate regard for the memory of those who " sleep the sleep that knows no waking" beneath them. An air of quiet repose pervades the place, as is meet, and the feeling of awe and reverence which a visit there evokes is relieved by the thoughtful and delicate tokens of respect for the departed ones, which are everywhere apparent. Perhaps no greater progress characterizes our civilization than the care and adornment bestowed upon our modern necropoli. The officers elected at the last annual meeting, held December 25, 1876, were President, Alexander C. Hamblin; Vice-President, Joseph M. Ward; Treasurer, Marcus C. Schafer;: Clerk, Moses B. Russell, Esq.; Sexton, C. R. Woodford; Auditors, Edward Cox, M.D., Henry T. Hinman, and William Andrus. From the necrological reports of 1875-76, we find that in 1875 101 interments were made, of which number 95 were in the cemetery proper, and 6 in the Potter's: Field. In 1876 there were 88 burials, of which 81 are on lots and 7 in the Potter'siField.: In glancing over the list of the former year, we notice among the prominent citizens interred the following: Merritt Coleman, aged 93; Lydia Ford,i 87;- Francis Miler, 89; Asa Phelps, 83; Warren B. Shepard, 65. In 1876, Elizabeth Gilbert, aged 70; Diantha S. Gardner, 68; Elizabeth Harper, 63; Olive Hewitt, 67; Ellen Morse, 79; Charles Parker, 74; Elijah W. Pendill, 67; Elizabeth W. Root, 82; Frederick M. Sanderson, 64; Anna Tracy, 90. THE FIRST SCHOOL. The early settlers evinced a commendable interest in matters pertaining to the education of their children, for we find that ere the incipient city possessed a score of juveniles, a school-house was erected, and the services of a teacher procured, in the person of Warren B. Shepard. This occurred in 1834, and during the r winter of that and the succeeding year school was regularly taught by that gentleman, and in the ensuing summer by Miss Sarah Phelps. The primitive schoolhouse is remembered by many with feelings of pleasure, for around it clustered some of the most delightful memories of the past. Not only were the children of the village taught within its walls, but also entertainments of various kinds were held in it. Here the native eloquence of the youthful orators was expended in debate, for, be it known, a full-fledged debating club was organized contemporary with the establishment of the school. It was also used by the various religious denominations as a place of worship. But the venerable structure long since ceased to recall by its presence the happy memories of youth. It has gone. The old school-master has also departed, and he sleeps the " long, long sleep" near the spot where he came a young man full of life and energy, both of which were spent in the home of his adoption, and were fruitful of much good. And where now are his pupils? Many of them, too, are gone. Among those remembered by Mr. Shepard, and repeated to A. D. P. Van Buren a short time prior to his death, were children from the following families: Deacon Salters, Daniel Thomas, Isaac Tollands, and Nathaniel Barneys. William Kirk came from Goguac. Hannah and Lucinda Angell, the former now Mrs. Henry Andrews, and the latter Mrs. Jacob Clark, of Battle Creek; Eliza and Hastings Hall, children of Moses Hall; Mary McCamly, now Mrs. L. H. Stewart, of Battle Creek. General Convis sent his sons Albert and Ezra and his daughter, now Mrs. John Van Arman, of Chicago. The settlement on Goguac prairie had a school about a year prior to that at Battle Creek, a sketch of which is given in the history of that section under the head of Battle Creek township. THE METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH IN BATTLE CREEK. The introduction of Methodism into this vicinity occurred in 1833. In the spring of that year a Methodist class was organized, composed of the following persons: Daniel Thomas and his wife, Parthenia their daughter, Aranthus their son, who was selected leader, and Jonathan Thomas, a cousin of the latter. The house in which the organization took place, and where the class always met, was that of Daniel Thomas, and occupied the site of the present residence of Cornelius Fonda, near the south limits of the city. Death and removals caused the disbanding of this class in 1834, when a new organization was formed two or three miles west, on Goguac prairie, under the ministry of Rev. Thomas Wiley, who had been appointed by the Ohio conference to what was then called Calhoun circuit. The next year Rev. James F. Davidson became the preacher. In the spring of the following year, 1836, a class was formed in Battle Creek which finally absorbed the society on Goguac prairie, and became the permanent Methodist church of the community. It was organized by a local preacher, Rev. Asa Phelps, and consisted at first of himself and the following persons: Daniel Clark and wife, Thomas Hickman and wife, Mrs. John Wentz, and Theodosia Clark, afterwards Mrs. Cranston. Of these one is still living,-Mrs. Daniel Clark, of Assyria. Mrs. Thomas Hickman has recently died. This society was soon increased by transfers and additions of converts. Addison Clark was one of the first, if not the very first, of the leaders of this class. Rev. E. H. Pilcher, still an influential minister in Michigan, was among the first presiding elders who visited this community, and held the old-fashioned Methodist quarterly meetings to which the people came for many miles around. The ministers who have been appointed to the circuit of which Battle Creek was a part, or to Battle Creek as a station, are as follows: 1836, Elijah Crane, Alvin Billings, Allen Staples, J. F. Davidson, Washington Jackson, Richard Lawrence, Peter Salein, Roswell Parker, Joseph Jennings, Rezin Sapp, Franklin Gage, E. H. Pilcher, 0. Mason, J. F. Davidson, M. B. Camburn, William Kelly, R. C. Crawford, Enoch Holstock, F. B. Bangs, Jacob Odel, Rezin Sapp, Joseph Jennings, N. S. Fassett, T. H. Jacokes, L. M. Earl, J. I. Buell, D. D. Gillett, E. Cooley, Jr., Lister H. Pearce, the present incumbent. The first public building used by this society as a preaching place was a log school-house, which was situated near the spot where McCrea's grocery now stands. Afterwards they held divine service in the frame school-house which was built on the present site of Edmond's & Dwinell's planing-mill. The first Methodist church in Battle Creek was erected in 1841, and was situated on the corner of Marshall and Division streets, opposite the location of the present church edifice. Rev. Peter Sabin was preacher in charge, but the church was opened with a quarterly meeting in December of that year, which was conducted by Rev. E. H. Pilcher, who was presiding elder. This was a small frame building, which soon was too small for the increasing congregation, and was enlarged. Finally, in 1859, it was sold to the colored Baptist society, who removed it a little distance east of the Michigan Central railroad crossing on Marshall street, where they continue to occupy it. The present church building was erected during the pastorate of Rev. Jacob 1_1_ P \: r *.. -.* *.-..^ k I; a Lt: 2.: - h "I r.r th ~.:-1_L I HISTORY OF CALHOUN COUNTY, MICHIGAN. 83 I____________________________rI Odel, in 1859. Rev. Joseph Jennings was presiding elder, and rendered most efficient help in pushing the enterprise to a successful result. Among the laymen who were prominent in the work of building this church were M. K. Gregory, G. F. Smith, E. W. Pendill, Emmet Beach, David Coy, and J. A. Main. The three first named have died. The building is finely located at the intersection of Main, Marshall, Division, and South streets. It is brick, with stone foundation, front centre tower and spire, and an organ recess in the rear. The length of the main body of the edifice is eighty-four feet, and the width fifty-six feet. There is a commodious basement, with three convenient small rooms for social meetings and entertainments. The audience-room is finely finished and furnished, and has an easy seating capacity of six hundred, while by extra seating an audience of seven hundred and fifty is often accommodated. A very fine organ, which cost the society four thousand dollars, occupies the recess back of the pulpit, and a bell weighing over two thousand pounds hangs in the tower. During the last year the walls of the building have been covered on the outside with a coating of red composition and lined with white mortar in imitation of brick. This has given the building a bright, new appearance. The society owns a parsonage, which is situated at No. 5 Bennett street. This property has been renovated and greatly improved in appearance during the last year or two, and makes a very pleasant home for the pastor. The church is entirely free from debt, and in a very prosperous condition. During the last two years two hundred have been added to its membership. The present total number of members is four hundred and fourteen. The average attendance of the Sunday-school is nearly three hundred; that of the general prayer-meeting, one hundred. The pastor is supported entirely by the free-will offerings of the people, made mainly in the Sabbath morning congregation. He has no salary. There are no assessments nor renting of seats for pastoral support. A strict account is, however, kept of the amount contributed and by whom given. This plan has been employed during the pastorate of Rev. L. H. Pearce, and has worked most satisfactorily. The other expenses of the church are met by apportionment among the members. The chief officers of the society are as follows: Rev. H. C. Peck, presiding elder, residence, Kalamazoo; Rev. L. H. Pearce, pastor; A. B. Powell, Sundayschool superintendent; P. H. Greene, chairman finance committee; M. B. Russell, president board of trustees; J. M. Galloup, recording steward. It is a fact worthy of mention that Mr. Ogden Green has been sexton for thirty-eight years. THE FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH OF BATTLE CREEK was originally organized in the Gardner settlement, in Emmett township, in April, 1835. The exercises were first held in private dwellings, and subsequently in the log school-house, the first and only one in Battle Creek at that time. The sermon for the occasion was preached by Rev. Ebenezer Loomis. The constituent members were Michael Spencer and wife, Nedebiah Angell and wife, William Carter and wife, Mrs. Horace Mott and her two sons, Nelson and Elter, and also her two daughters, Ann and Sallie, Zopher Mott, Mrs. Ezra Convis, Benjamin T. Dwinell and wife, Sophia Southworth, Asa Lowell and his mother, and Phoebe Johnson, in all nineteen, of whom but one, the last named in the list, is now connected with the society. About two months later the church reported to the La Grange association, which met at Constantine, June 11, 1835, a membership of twenty-one. William Carter and B. T. Dwinell were the delegates to that body. A few weeks after the organization of the church the Rev. Robert Adams commenced laboring with and for the church, and remained with them till his death, about ten years. In 1846, Rev. Ten Broeck became their pastor, his pastorate continuing about three years, and closing in 1849. During his ministry with the church their first house of worship was built, causing much sacrifice on the part of its members, which they met faithfully and fulfilled cheerfully. This house did service until 1871, when the present fine brick edifice was erected at a cost of nearly twenty-five thousand dollars. It was dedicated in 1872 by Rev. Mr. Whitehead, assisted by Rev. E. W. Lounsbury, the pastor, and Rev. Mr. Woodruff, of Detroit. In 1850 the church was supplied by Elders Taylor and Green; in 1851, Dr. Joseph Belcher was the pastor, and in 1852 Rev. John Harris commenced his pastoral connection with it, which extended till his death in 1864. From 1853 to 1872 the church records are either mislaid or lost, so that the list of pastors herein following may not be precisely correct in their order, but we believe the list includes all that need be mentioned. After Rev. John Harris came Revs. Harrington, Job Maxom, Elder Garfield, E. W. Lounsbury, C. H. James, and the present incumbent, Rev. L. D. Palmer. The first deacons were David N. Salter and William Carter. The present deacons are Richard Pool, George Betterly, Peter Hoffmaster, T. W. Case. The present membership is three hun dred. The Sabbath-school was organized about the same time as the church, and, like it, was of small origin and gradual growth. The present superintendent is Rev. L. D. Palmer; librarian, Eugene Freeman; membership, two hundred and fifty; number of volumes in library, three hundred. Both the church and Sabbath-school are in a prosperous condition. THE UNITED CONGREGATIONAL AND PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. The inhabitants of the village of Battle Creek and vicinity holding the faith of the Congregational and Presbyterian church, assembled at the usual place of holding public worship, to wit, in the old log school-house, within the present limits of the city, on the 26th day of March, 1836,' for the purpose of considering the subject of forming a church at that place. The ministers present were Rev. Silas Woodbury, from Kalamazoo, and Rev. William Jones, from Allegan. The former was chosen moderator, and Tolman W. Hall secretary. After due discussion it was unanimously resolved to form a church on the plan recommended by the general assembly of the Presbyterian church and the association of the Congregational church of Connecticut, as adopted A.D. 1801. Letters were presented by David H. Daniels and Mary his wife, John S. Van Brunt and Betsey his wife, Moses Hall and Mary his wife, Tolman W. Hall and Lois M. his wife, and accepted. Accordingly on the Sabbath following (March 27) the above-named persons were duly constituted a church of Christ, and the following officers were chosen: Moses Hall and David H. Daniels, committee; Tolman W. Hall, clerk; John S. Van Brunt, deacon. On the 25th of June following, Elijah M. Morey presented his letter from the church at Preble, New York, which was received July 30 of the same year; Joseph Young and Elizabeth his wife, and Jacob V. W. and Maria E. Young presented certificates from the Second Presbyterian church of Oneonta, New York, and were received as members of the church; also Fayette Cross and Sophia his wife, and Electa Cross, were received on certificates from the Presbyterian church at Wheatland, New York. Joseph Young was elected deacon. From this time to the present the increase in the membership of the church has been steadily progressing, and the church liberally sustained, both through the struggling years of its incipiency and through those of its maturity. The first baptism in the church was that of Lucy Jane, daughter of D. H. and M. Daniels, July, 1837. In September of the same year, Henry, son of Moses and Mary Hall, and Edwin, son of Deacon S. W. Leggett, received the ordinance of baptism. The first death from among the members of the church was that of Mary, wife of Moses Hall, which occurred August 12, 1838. For the first few years after the regular organization of the church, public worship was held in the log school-house, and afterwards in the frame school-house which stood in what is now called the wood-market. In 1842, immediately following the institution of the church society, a meeting of that body was held, in January, at which a motion was passed to the effect that the trustees (viz.: Joseph Young, Platt Gilbert, Moses Hall, G. F. Smith, and S. W. Leggett) be instructed to take into custody any funds, property, or subscriptions belonging to the church or society, and proceed to purchase a site and build a meeting-house for the said society. On the 31st of January, of the same year, a supplementary resolution was passed as follows: "Resolved, That the trustees be instructed to purchase the Henry lots (site of present church edifice), provided they can do so on reasonable terms, not to exceed four hundred dollars." The property above alluded to was purchased, and in 1842-43 a neat frame house was erected, which served the church until November, 1846, when it was destroyed by fire. Pending preparations for the building of another house of worship, the society held religious services in a room in Union block. At a meeting held March 1, 1847, the subjoined votes were passed: " Voted, That the interest of this church requires prompt measures be taken for the erection of a new house of worship. " TVoted, That a general building and business committee be appointed by this meeting, whose duty it shall be to appoint a special building committee of five, whose business it shall be to collect the funds and superintend the erection of a new house of worship." The following gentlemen were appointed as such committee: Samuel Flagler, T. M. Hall, Joseph Young, Wm. H. Coleman, S. W. Leggett, James Hutchinson, Charles Root, W. Brewster, Wm. Brooks, Miles Seymour, H. Cantine, A. Whitcomb, Eli L. Stillson, G. F. Smith, Charles Vail, Charles Bartlett, and Moses Hall. " Voted, That our contemplated house of worship be built of brick." The committee for the collection of funds, etc., was composed of W. H. Coleman, Miles Seymour, and Charles Vail. These were afterwards substituted by Samuel Flagler, William Brooks, and Tolman W. Hall. The former gentleman was appointed to superintend the erection of the house. 84 HISTORY OF CALHOUN COUNTY, MICHIGAN. February 19, 1849, the slips in the new church edifice were sold at auction by T. W. Hall. No. 12 sold for one hundred and thirty dollars, to Mr. Seymour, which was the highest price paid. The balance up to No. 69 sold for from fifty to one hundred and twenty-seven dollars, according to location. In 1868 the church edifice erected in 1847 was partially demolished, and a large addition made to the remaining portion of it, at a cost of nearly sixteen thousand dollars. The house as now standing has a seating capacity of eight hundred, and is valued at twenty thousand dollars. Supplies and pastors.-The first stated supply was Rev. Calvin Clark, who served the congregation in 1837; he was followed in 1838 by Rev. S. M. S. Smith, and he by Rev. Justin Marsh the same year. In 1839, Rev. Stephen Mason officiated, and in 1840, Rev. H. Hyde; in 1841, Rev. M. Knapen; Rev. R. B. Bement, in 1843; Rev. Alex. Trotter, 1845; Rev. Joel Byington, 1846; Rev. S. D. Pitkin, 1848; Rev. Charles Jones, 1858; Rev. E. L. Davies, 1861; Rev. S. E. Wishard, 1867; Rev. W. C. Dickinson, 1871; Rev. H. H. Haloway, 1873-77. Church at present without a pastor. Statistics.-At the close of the year 1836 the roll contained the names of twenty-one members; in 1846 it had increased to one hundred and thirty-eight, and in 1877 the membership was two hundred. The present officers of the church are- Deacons, C. B. Hubbard, S. W. Leggett, and Wm. H. Skinner; Church Committee, Tolman W. Hall, Wm. Brooks, Wm. H. Skinner, T. A. Chadwick, C. C. Peavey, S. W. Leggett. The present officers of the Sabbathschool are-Superintendent, Hon. Charles Austin; Assistant Superintendent, Garrett Decker; Secretary, Miss Mary Mott; Treasurer, Miss Ella Skinner; Librarian, Frank Peaslee. The membership is about three hundred; number of volumes in the Sunday-school library, three hundred. Of the original members of the church only four survive, namely, Tolman W. Hall, David H. Daniels and Mary his wife, and John S. Van Brunt. Of these only the first named is now a member of the church, having sustained his connection with it for forty-one years. ST. THOMAS' EPISCOPAL CHURCH. The first preaching according to the tenets of the Episcopal church in Battle Creek was in 1839, by the Rev. F. H. Cunning. Public worship was again held soon after by Rev. Samuel Buel, who was kindly entertained by Mr. and Mrs. Samuel W. McCamly and Mrs. Barton, the only Episcopalians in the place. After the lapse of nearly two years (in August, 1841), Rev. Montgomery Schuyler visited the village and held service; and in December following he preached regularly every alternate Sunday. His services were largely attended. In the afternoon of the 21st of April, 1842, the Right Rev. Samuel McCoskey, bishop of the diocese, visited the place, preached in the Methodist church, and administered the apostolic rite of confirmation to six persons. The Rev. M. Schuyler continued to preach frequently after the bishop's visit; and the interest in the services still increasing, it was thought advisable to organize a parish, which was accordingly done August 7, 1842, under the name and title of " St. Thomas' Church of Battle Creek, Michigan." On the fourth day of December, 1843, the parish extended a call to the Rev. R. G. Cox, who accepted the same, and remained several months. At the solicitation of the vestry, Rev. R. S. Adams took charge of the parish on the 1st of May, 1845, and continued its rector for nearly three years. During his pastorate, a neat and substantial church edifice was erected and dedicated to the service of Almighty God. This house served the parish, with some repairs, notably those of 1862, until it was torn down, in 1875, to give place to the larger and more beautiful church building now rapidly nearing completion, of which more hereafter will be noted. The rectors who have followed Rev. R. S. Adams, with the dates of their respective ministries, are: Reverends H. Safford from June 14, 1849, to February 18, 1852; D. B. Lyon, June 1, 1852, to April 1, 1855; George Willard, April 15, 1855, to April 9, 1860 (when he left the ministry and the church, and joined the Presbyterians); Augustus Bush, September 23, 1860, to August, 1866; Charles Ritter, October 1, 1866, to October 25, 1867; Josiah Phelps, February 4, 1867, to February 17, 1871; George Washington Wilson, June 1, 1871, to March 15, 1874. For a few months in 1874 one I. E. Jackson was installed as rector, but not being satisfied or giving satisfaction, he resigned; since which time they have had no regular rector. In 1875 the question of building a more commodious church was agitated among the members. And at an adjourned meeting of the building committee, held in the William Andrus block on the 1st of June of that year,-at which all the members were present, viz., William Andrus, C. Wakelee, J. M. Werd, Edward Cox, M.D., and C. F. Bock,-the following resolution was offered by Mr. Bock, and unanimously adopted: " Resolved, That the financial committee be and are hereby instructed to make every effort in their power to raise by subscription a sufficient sum of money to enable us to build a new church, and that we hereby pledge the said committee every aid and support possible for the furtherance of the same." On the 7th of June, 1875, the financial committee began taking subscriptions, and on the 20th of August following they reported thirteen thousand seven hundred and ten dollars subscribed. On the 23d of the latter month the committee met Mortimer S. Smith, an architect from Detroit, with whom they made arrangements for plans and designs, paying him two hundred and fifty dollars for those they selected. They then purchased additional ground, adjacent to the old church lot, for fifteen hundred dollars, and in July, 1875, commenced work on the foundation of the building. When completed, it is estimated that it, with grounds and furniture, will cost about twenty thousand dollars. Its dimensions are forty-three by one hundred and twenty feet, including the chapel. It is built of brick, on a solid stone foundation, will have a spire and belfry, and will be one of the finest sacred edifices in the city. The present communicant membership of the church is about one hundred, while the congregation numbers about three hundred and fifty. The present church officers are-C. S. Gray, senior warden; Charles F. Bock, junior warden and treasurer of the building committee; vestry, William Andrus, Edward Cox, M.D., J. W. Wood, F. D. Dibble, W. H. Noble, W. N. Gleason; E. B. Fisher, clerk; J. W. Wood, treasurer. A Sunday-school was organized contemporaneously with the church, and has flourished ever since. The present number of teachers is sixteen; number of scholars, ninety. Superintendent, Charles F. Bock. SEVENTH-DAY ADVENTIST CHURCH. Meetings of this society were established in this town as early as 1854. In 1855 a small house of worship was built on Cass street, between Van Buren and Champion, at a cost of less than two hundred dollars. The material was wood. Size, sixteen by twenty-four feet. The early preachers were Elder James White, Elder J. N. Loughborough, Elder J. B. Frisbie. In 1857 the congregation had so increased that it became necessary to erect a more commodious house of worship. The material of this building was also wood. Size, twenty-eight by forty-two feet. It is still standing, on Van Buren street, near the corner of Cass. No permanent organization of the society was established until October 24, 1861. The "church covenant" was then signed by seventy-three persons. Elder James White was the first pastor. Geo. W. Amadon was chosen elder; Myron J. Cornell and Wm. Hall, deacons; Uriah Smith, clerk. The increasing membership of the church called for a still larger place of wor_ ship, and September 26, 1866, their present church building was raised near the corner of West Main and Washington streets, and was opened for meetings in May, 1867. It is a wooden building, forty by sixty-five feet, and twenty-three feet high inside. Including the gallery, it is estimated that it will seat seven hundred persons. The present membership of the church is two hundred and seventy-five. Elder James White is still pastor; Uriah Smith and Professor S. Brownsberger, elders; M. J. Cornell and James Sawyer, deacons; M. J. Cornell, O. B. Jones, and J. G. Whipple, trustees; Wm. Sisley, treasurer; R. H. Coggeshall, clerk. The Sabbath-school was organized about 1857. Merritt G. Kellogg was the first superintendent. The present officers are Prof. G. H. Bell, superintendent; Wm. K. Loughborough, assistant superintendent; Miss Ella Davis, secretary. Number of scholars, two hundred and twenty-five. Number of books in library, two hundred. FIRST SOCIETY OF SPIRITUALISTS.* Previous to the year 1860 there existed in Battle Creek a flourishing society of Universalists, also a society of Friends, or, as they are more commonly called, Quakers. These societies numbered among their members many of the most respected citizens and earliest settlers of this portion of Michigan. It is well known to those familiar with the history of the last forty years that the idea and possibility that the mortal still holding his place in this world could hold systematic and intelligent communication with those who had passed to the immortal shores originated in Rochester, New York, in 1848, under the cognomen of " spirit-rappings." For several years the belief in this intercourse had been spreading " far and wide" over the country, until every city, town, and hamlet held its converts, numbered in the aggregate by millions. During the years from 1848 to 1859-60, occasional " trance" speakers had visited Battle Creek, addresssing large, intelligent, and most attentive audiences, while in the city and neighboring country had been developed, from among those possessing no natural or educational advantages beyond the farm-house and districtA' Communicated by Mrs. Jeremiah Brown. :d r-r LL _ _ ___ ___ __ _ _____ Ia a Lo -j S. S5 o t — UJ x a. L61 () 0 -3 1rI I XC 7< >.ei~ B u. 0 LLJ CO iLJ 5 Lai Qcc t; ' ' -r id f.. a t RESIDENCE OF JAMES H, STEWART,BATrLE CREEK Tr, CALHOUN CO.,MICH. 0. I V~L.. RESIDENCE or ALEX.L. CLARK, BATTLE CREEK, MICHIGAN. Pk I HISTORY OF CALHOUN COUNTY, MICHIGAN. 85 school, some who, in the trance condition, exhibited rare powers of elocution, and giving forth most instructive and elevating sentiments of religious and moral duty. These speakers won attention the more, because they were often boys and girls in their teens, who, in their normal condition, possessed no capacity or comprehension to enable them to utter the profound ideas and scientific deductions that flowed so freely from their unaccustomed lips. Their hearers listened and wondered as " Truths divine came mended from their tongues." They taught no creed but love to God and love to our neighbor, perfect purity qf life, a strict subordination of the lower or animal propensities to the spiritual or higher, and the very highest culture of the spiritual; that we are ever attended by spirits, elevated or degraded, as our habits of life and surroundings attract good or undeveloped ones to our side. They also taught that every act or thought in our lives was weaving our future, that no " vicarious atonement" could save us from the consequences of a transgression of divine law, but each one must stand or fall by their own merits. These teachings, promulgated, as was believed, by spirits, were so in accordance. with the tender mercy and loving kindness of God the Father that they were readily accepted by the Friends and Universalists, and, in 1860, they determined to unite under a legal organization, and form a new religious association, the following " Article of Association," forming the basis ot action. " We the undersigned do hereby associate ourselves together, for the purpose of organizing a religious society at the city of Battle Creek, Michigan, by such corporate name as we may adopt at the regular meeting to be hereafter called; and for the purpose of acquiring and holding in our corporate capacity real and personal property, and for using the same for such legitimate purposes as the law authorizes, and for the further purpose of enabling us, as corporators, and our successors, to promote rational freedom, both religious and political, and to enable ourselves and our successors to labor for the moral improvement and elevation of our race, and to promote the best interests of the divine and spiritual nature of man, both here and hereafter. "February 11, 1860." The Rev. J. M. Peebles, of Baltimore, Maryland, was the first settled preacher, and he occupied the desk of the society for about seven years, with the exception of a few months' absence by permission, for the purpose of recuperating his health in the genial climate of California. During his ministration his congregation was the largest of any in the city, and he and his most excellent wife were the centre of a large, attached, and appreciative circle of friends, and it was with deep regret that these friends, and the community in general, saw them depart when circumstances made it necessary for them to return to the east. After a few years, it was deemed advisable by the society to change its name to that of the " First Society of Spiritualists of Battle Creek," and by this name it is still known. It was also thought incumbent on its supporters to issue a " declaration of principles," as the society had been greatly slandered, and compromised by the conduct of some who had subscribed to the articles of association, and professed to believe in the pure.teachings of spiritualism, but whose daily walk in life belied their profession, and brought disgrace on those who were associated with them. A committee was appointed by the officers to arrange a declaration, and one was proposed and accepted as indicating the spirit, aims, and intentions of the societies. Let none hold this organization responsible for the conduct of individual members, for, as in the family, while the shortcomings and crimes of one may cast gloom and sorrow over all, yet each must stand or fall by their own merits, of which we do not constitute ourselves the judges, but will say with Christ, " Go and sin no more," or, " Let him who is without sin cast the first stone." The officers of the society are as follows: President, A. A. Whitney; Secretary, E. C. Manchester; Treasurer, Wm. Merritt; Trustees, Mrs. M. Cummings, Mrs. L. E. Bailey, Mrs. G. S. Cole. FRIENDS' MEETING. Among the early settlers of Battle Creek and vicinity were quite a number of members of the society of Friends, or, as commonly called, " Quakers." As early as 1836-37 that body had formed themselves in a meeting, and a few years subsequently, in 1843, had erected one of their neat but plain meeting-houses, in which they worshiped for nearly a quarter of a century. Among the early members of the meeting were Joseph Merrett and Phoebe his wife, Isaac Merrett and Esther his wife, Jonathan Hart and Mary his wife, Eli Lapham and Rachel his wife, Isaac Sutton and Sarah his wife, Jacob Frost and Jane A. his wife, Jacob Stringham and Sarah his wife, Abraham Lockwood and Mary his wife, William Knowles and Gulielma his wife, Joseph Kirby and Salome his wife, Ambrose Cock and Phoebe his wife, Erastus Hussey and Sarah E. his wife, Reynolds Cornell and Deborah his wife, John Meachem, Lindley Bowne, and Dr. Archelaus Harwood. In 1860 they sold their meeting-house to the Catholics, by whom it is now I used, and about the same time erected one in the Stringham neighborhood, in Bedford township, and in 1871 they built a small house in their burying-ground in Battle Creek, where they have occasional preaching. THE CATHOLIC CHURCH was organized in 1863. Repeated efforts failed to procure the necessary data for its history. THE PUBLIC SCHOOLS. There can be no more certain index to the sociological condition and progress of any community than the history of its public schools. There is no other public enterprise which is so purely an outgrowth of these fundamental principles which refine and elevate society as is the public school, and there is no other so sensitive to any modification of those principles. Since ignorance and intelligence, using the terms most comprehensively, are the opposites of mental condition, the essential character either of the individual or of society must be determined by reference to an educational standard. The public school affords an easy application of this standard. It is the exponent of the popular appreciation of the value of education, and thus of the grade of the popular intelligence. In looking carefully over the history of Battle Creek,* one cannot fail to note that its schools have ever been the most prominent of its public enterprises. From the earliest settlement of the town they have been its chief care and its greatest pride. As compared with other communities, Battle Creek has been foremost in providing facilities for the education of its youth; and by a generous outlay of money, and a wise administration of its educational affairs, it has sought to make its schools of the very highest order. The following epitome is designed to show the development of those schools from their rude beginnings to the present time. It is of necessity brief, in order to note the more important facts. So late as 1831, what is now Battle Creek and the surrounding country was an unbroken wilderness. In 1834 the first school district was organized, and a tax of sixty dollars was levied for the purpose of building a school-house. This was constructed of logs, and stood on what is now the corner of Main and East Canal streets. Mr. Warren B. Shepard, until lately living near the city, was the first teacher. This log house accommodated the children of the district until the years 1837 -38, when five hundred dollars was voted for the erection of a larger and better building. This was located in the open space now used as a hay and wood market, on the east side of South Jefferson street. A small library was purchased for the school in 1840. In 1844 the more progressive friends of education proposed a Union school for the village and some of the contiguous districts, but meeting opposition, they were unable to carry out their plans. In 1845, the board of school inspectors, in opposition to the Union school project, attempted to divide the district, but after a somewhat exciting controversy they were unsuccessful. In 1847 a union of the village district with fractional parts of school districts of the townships of Emmett and Bedford was effected, the whole including territory equal to five and fiveeighths sections. The boundaries of the district thus created were very nearly coincident with those of the present district of the " public schools of the city of Battle Creek." At the annual meeting in the following year the sum of two thousand dollars was voted for building purposes, but after the tax was partly paid the enemies of the school succeeded in arresting the collection, and in having the money already paid refunded. At the next annual meeting, however, the money was again voted, and in 1850 the building was erected. It was a brick structure, forty by sixty feet, three stories high, and cost six thousand dollars. At the annual meeting in 1868 an effort was made to raise money —this time sixty thousand dollars-for a new house on the site of No. 1, but without success. But the old building, which had done so good service for twenty years, had now become so dilapidated that action could not be delayed much longer, and in 1869 a resolution, offered at an annual meeting, authorizing the trustees of the graded and high school of the city of Battle Creek to issue the bonds of the district for seventy-five thousand dollars, for the purpose of erecting a new school building on the site of the original building, was carried by a large majority. At a subsequent special meeting plans for the building were decided upon, the board of trustees was made the building committee, and in March of the next year ground was broken for the new structure. The work was pushed rapidly forward, and on April 10, 1871, the building was opened for school purposes. A view of this building, together with a detailed description, will be found on page 86. Competent teachers were employed, and the schools in all the 'departments moved forward with healthsome vigor. At about the same time, the schools were incorporated by a special act of the legislature, under the name of " The Public Schools of the City of Battle Creek."! See earlyvhistory of Battle Creek. 86i H-ISTORY OF CALHIOUN COUNTY, MUICHIG~AN. __ - --- —----- In the springs of 1875 the higSh school was recognized as a preparatory school by the University of Michigan, and its graduates are now received into that institution without examination. The first graduating class, consisting of two mem — bers,, Misses Ella E. Badgley and Estella L. Catmpb'ell, graduated in 1869. The whole number of graduates to the present time is ninety-four. The whole number enrolled for the present year is one hundred and fifty-six. The museum in the central buildin- now contains several thousand specimens, and is receiving constant additions. It is a valuable aid in teaebin- and an object of interest to the general visitor. The school library now contains about two thousand volumes, and is being rapidly enlarged by means of the income of the Denman fund. This is a fund of ten thousand dollars bequeathed to the public school library in 1875 by the late Henry B. Denman, the income of which is to be perpetually devoted to the purchase of books for the library. It will enable the schools of Battle Creek to possess, in a few years, one of the finest libraries in the State. THE CENTRAL BUILDINUG. The central school building was erected in 1870-71. It is three stories high, with a basement; is built of brick and cut stone, and is roofed with slate. The whole building, outside of walls, is ninety-six and a half by one hundred and nineteen and a half feet. Measuring from the water-table, it is fiftyr-three feet In ~the basement are the laboratory the enoine-room, and two dining-rooms, for the use of those pupils who, living at a distance, cannot go to their homes and return between the morning and afternoon sessions. The building is warmed by steam, and thoroughly ventilated by a seemingly perfect arrangement of heated flues, which secure for all the rooms a constant and rapid introduction of pure, and expulsion of impure, air. On each floor are ample cloak-rooms, in which are hooks for every pupil, numbered to correspond with the seats. mae both for washin-s and drinking purposes, is furnished in the rear halls on each floor. The windows are provided throughout with inside blinds. The whole interior wood-work is finished without paint, showing the natural color and arain of the wood, which is ash, except the doors and blinds, which are pine. In a word, the building, in its arrangements, its adaptation, and finishing; is exceedingly convenient and beautiful. Value of building and grrounds, one hundred thousand dollars. WARD NO. 2. This buildin- is located on Green street, and was erected in 1857. It is two stories hi-b, the main buildino, being fifty-three by thirty-two feet, with projections on either side ten by twenty-six feet, for the entrances, halls, and stairways. It contains four school-rooms, with a seating capacity of two hundred and twenty-five. The building is of brick, on a foundation of rubble stone; the roof and cornice of modern style, and surmounted by a cupola. A basement under the main building affords room for a year's supply of fuel and other necessary fixtures. Value of buildingr and grounds, fifteen thousand dollars. WARD NO. 3. This building is located on Champion street, and was erected in 1861. It is thirty-six by forty-four feet, two stories high, with a basement, each story containing two rooms and a ball. It has seats for one hundred and seventy-five pupils. The building is of brick, with iron trimmings, and a heavy projecting cornice with brackets. The outline of the roof is broken in front by an ornamental pediment, the whole crowned by a cupola. Value of building and grounds, fifteen thousand dollars.. WARD NO. 4. This buildinfg is located on L diat street. It was erected in 1866, and is thirtytwo by forty-two feet, with a projection in front twelve by thirty-two feet for the loup. Libr~ary. —Geddes, Joy, Woolnough.. TEACHERS. 1. L. Stone, A.MI., Superintendent. HiLgh Sch7ool. —W. H. TIownsend, A.B. (Latin and Greek), Principal; Helen B. Muir (Hi-her -Mathematics), Preceptress; Flora Woodward, English and Mathematics; Libbie M. Barber English. and Mvathematics; Josie E. Chamberlain, English and Mdathematics; Camilla W~T. Haentzsche, German. Grammnar Schools. —Mary Welch, No. 1; Katie L. Haug, No. 1; Hattie L. Frey, No. Ij Carrie F`. F'rey, No. 1; Flora Mechem, No. 1; Jennie Spraggue, No. 1; Josie Onderdonk, No. 2; Emma Hubbard, Principal, No. 3; Lenna D. Warriner, Principal, No. 4. Primnar A'_~chools. —A. Therese WCtilder, No. 1; Gertrude A. K~insley, No. 1; Sara FaPrman, No. 1; Anna C'. Timpson, No. 1; Evelyn A. WVarriner, No. 2; 3ull HISTORY OF CALHOUN COUNTY, MICHIGAN. 87 Mary F. Mott, No. 2; Jennie B. Gough, No. 2; Eveline G. Lewis, No. 3; Lillian Rowley, No. 3; Ella Skinner, No. 4; Frankie E. Crum, No. 4; Librarian, Therese French. STATISTICS FOR THE SCHOOL YEAR 1875-76. Population of the district................................................. 5,581 Number of children between five and twenty years of age................ 1,591 Cash valuation of school property...............................................$150,000.00 Assessed valuation of district property.................................1,100,900.00 Cost of superintendence and instruction....................................... 12,250.00 Amount paid superintendent....................................................... 1,700.00 Am ount paid special teachers................................................................. Cost of incidentals (including repairs, fuel, and janitors)................. 4,427.48 Amount paid for bonds and interest............................................. 10,500.00 Amount paid for permanent improvements..................................... 153.23 Primary Department. Enrollment (including transfers)......918 Average number belonging.............. 502.82 No. of men teachers, including superintendent................................... Number of women teachers............. 11 Cost of education per capita for incidentals...................................... 4.62 Total cost of education per capita..... 14.10 Average per capita' cost for the whole school............................................ Number of non-resident pupils........ 5 Grammar Department. 489 325.53 High School Department. 192 128.57 Totals and Averages. 1.599 956.92..... 1.2 2 9 4.5 25 4.62 4.62 4.62 16.99 31.27.................. 17.42 24 59 88 Balance on hand from last year.................................................... $4,979.16 Amount received from interest on permanent funds........................... 797.00 Taxation.................................................................................... 26,000.00 Amount received from tuition fees...................................... 905.31 Total receipts.......................................................................................... 32,681.47 The following table shows what studies were taught in the High School, with the number of pupils in each: Studies. Boys. Reading............................................................... 54 Spelling...............................................................78 Arithmetic............................................................51 Grammar and Composition..................3............... 33 Algebra................................................................51 Geometry.............................................................. 9 Astronomy............................................................ 6 Physiology............................................................ 9 Botany.................................................................14 Rhetoric...............................................................16 Writing................................................................ 27 English Literature..................................................... Natural Philosophy................................................34 Book-keeping........................................................19 Chemistry............................................................. 4 Geology.............................................................. 6 General History.....................................................21 Government of Michigan......................................... 9 Latin...................................................................15 Greek.................................................................. 6 French................................................................. 2 German................................................................ 9 Natural Philosophy................................................ 2 The following table exhibits the enrollment by grades: Girls. Total. 83 110 85 61 94 10 6 9 28 33 59 5 36 10 13 11 27 20 18 2 13 9 137 188 136 94 145 19 12 18 42 49 86 5 70 29 17 17 48 29 33 6 4 22 11 MANUFACTURING INTERESTS. There is nothing more indicative of the prosperity of a place than its manufacturing interests; and basing the present activity and the prospective future development of Battle Creek, as a manufacturing centre, upon its natural advantages and eligibility, and upon the enterprise of its citizens, very promising results are manifest. The most prominent manufacturing establishment in the city is that of NICHOLS, SHEPARD & CO., the proprietors of the " Vibrator" thrashing-machine works. It is generally appreciated by the farmer that the thrashing-machine is one of the most important articles of farm-machinery that the inventive talent of the age has produced. Its province and distinctive field is to secure to the farmer and grain-grower the net results of many months of patient toil. Hence the manufacture of this essential adjunct of agricultural industry, and that too on a scale proportionately unsurpassed in the country, is an honor of which Battle Creek feels justly proud. The nucleus around which this extensive establishment has developed was a comparatively small works located in West Canal street, originated by Messrs. Nichols & Shepard in 1848. A remarkable feature connected with its growth and progress is the fact that it has been continuous for twenty-nine years, there having been no change in the firm nor no essential alteration in the class of manufactures, except so far as the advancement in mechanical science demanded. An extended visit to the establishment of Messrs. Nichols, Shepard & Co., for the purpose of writing a description of their works, enables us to submit to our readers and their posterity the subjoined account: As above stated, the works were originated by the present senior members of the company in West Canal street in 1848. There they flourished until 1869, when they erected their present works, which are located at the junction of the M. C. and C. and L. H. railroads. We first called at the office, which is a substantial building, as nearly fire-proof in its construction as possible. It is forty feet square, and, like the other buildings, is of brick. In it are the main office, located- on the first floor, and several other rooms necessary for the transaction of the official business of the establishment. It is furnished with a fire-proof vault, in which are the safes, wherein are kept the books and other valuables of the company. Here several clerks are employed, and an admirable business system is observable in every department. The building first reached after leaving the office is the foundry, which is one hundred and twenty feet in length and eighty feet in width, with walls eighteen feet high, surmounted with an elevated roof, which is supplied with windows, so that the workmen are supplied with a plenitude of light and air not generally the case in similar establishments. Into the foundry is brought the pig-iron, which is there cast into the different parts necessary for the iron-work on the machines. To the left of the office, and next on our way from the foundry, is a large T-shaped structure, which contains several departments. Its entire length is three hundred and fourteen feet, and its width fifty feet. First in this comes the iron machine-shop, into which the rough castings are brought from the foundry, and by means of a great variety of the latest improved machinery are prepared for their intended use. It is no exaggeration to state, relative to the multitudinous array of machinery found in this building, that it is equal to that of any manufacturing establishment in this State, and excelled by few, if any, similar institutions in the Union. Adjoining the above, and divided from it by a brick wall and connected by iron doors, is the wood machine-shop, where the immense quantity of lumber-two million feet being used annually in the manufacture of the " Vibrator"-is taken in the rough as it comes 'from the Michigan lumber regions, and is here converted in the necessary sizes, shapes, and degree of finish requisite for the parts of the thrasher for which it is to be used. This room is furnished with every conceivable machine for the careful preparation of lumber for plain or ornamental work. Here are planers, matchers, tenoners, mortisers, and other apparatus, with all the modern adjuncts of improvement and extra facilities for rapid and perfect work. In the wheel-room alone two men are enabled to turn out forty or more wagon-wheels per diem. Adjacent to this is the belting department, where the large amount of belting required for the machines is manufactured from the raw material. In the engine-room, which is near the room last described, can be seen the motive-power which runs the machinery of the establishment. The engine is of one hundred and ten horse-power, and was manufactured by C. H. Brown & Co., of Fitchburg, Massachusetts, and is certainly an admirable piece of mechanical workmanship, and without a superior in the northwest. The boiler-room, which is next adjoining, contains two boilers of sixty-inch diameter and eighteen feet in length, with sixty-six three-inch flues. These are from the well-known works of John Brennan, of Detroit, and are made of Lake HIGH SCHOOL. Boys. 12th year grade..................................... 4 11th " "......................................19 10th " "......................................27 9th " "......................................27 Total.................................... 77 GRAMMAR SCHOOLS. Boys. 8th year grade....................................... 50 7th " ".......................................31 6th " ".................................... 54 5th. " ".......................................68 Total........................ 203 PRIMARY SCHOOLS. Boys. 4th year grade...................................... 85 3d " "...................................... 65 2d " "...................................... 118 1st " "..................................... 84 Total.................. 352 Girls. 9 19 25 58 111 Girls. 57 50 51 82 240 Total. ]3 38 52 85 188 Total. 107 81 105 150 443 Total. 174 133 225 176 708 Girls. 707 Average Age. 18.2 17.7 16.2 15.4 Average Age. 15 13.4 13.0 11.7 Average Age. 10.4 9.4 8.3 6.8. Total. 1,339 Girls. 89 68 107 92 356 Boys. Total enrollment, not including transfers...............632 Subjoined are the different studies in the grades below the high school, with the number of pupils in each: Reading and Spelling......................................................................... 1152 Written Arithmetic................................ 649 Mental Arithmetic.............................................................................. 255 N um bers.......................................................................................... 530 Grammar.............................................. 113 Elementary Grammar......................................................................... 146 Geography......................................................................... 336 Primary Geography........................................................................... 299 Writing........................................................................................... United States History......................................................................... 96 Elementary Physics........................................................................... 116 Elementary Botany............................................................................ 295 Object Lessons............................................................................ 397 88 HISTORY OF CALHOUN COUNTY, MICHIGAN. Superior charcoal boiler-plate iron, which is the best for the purpose in use. In connection with this is the fuel-room, which is especially noticeable from the fact that by a very ingenious arrangement it is made the receptacle of the shavings and refuse from the wood machine-shop, which are conveyed into it through a large tube, the necessary force for the purpose being furnished by a fan kept in constant motion by the same power which the fuel is used to create. It may also be noted here that the entire establishment is heated by steam furnished also by the boilers, and conveyed by pipes throughout the different shops. Among the accessories to and located not far from the iron machine-shop is a separate building erected for use as a blacksmith-shop, which is one hundred and sixteen by forty feet, and, like all the other buildings, is remarkably well lighted. The necessary draught for the forges is furnished by machinery. The shop is also supplied with improved shears and punches, the former being used for cutting the material and the latter for punching the numerous pieces of iron required in the construction of the machines. Next comes the setting-up room, which is conveniently located, and is one hundred and fifty by fifty feet. Here the various parts of the machine are laid together, piece by piece, until the powerful instrument, which is to accomplish the work of a thousand flails, stands complete, a marvel of mechanical excellence and economy. The paint-shops are buildings-one of which is one hundred and ten by fifty feet, and the other eighty by forty feet-where the process of painting the machines is accomplished, after which they are removed to the warehouse and storage-room, which is the largest single structure on the grounds, being two bundred and fourteen feet long and one hundred and seven wide, and four stories high. This building has a capacity for storing eight hundred machines, and when well filled presents a fine display of Battle Creek industry. The steam fire-engine house is quite a necessary institution. It contains a complete Silsby rotary fire-engine, supplied with water from an artesian well. It is connected with the engine proper of the establishment during the day, and at night is usually kept fired up, so that in a few seconds it can be utilized. On the grounds are five hydrants, of two streams each, so that from ten to twelve streams can be put in play very shortly in case of fire. The engine-house is of brick, and has a galvanized-iron roof. All the rest of the buildings have gravel roofs. The grounds, including the buildings, lumber-yard (in which are kept seven million feet-of lumber), and depot, occupy ninety-seven acres. The company have a private locomotive for the transfer of freight, an'd, in fact, have every facility for the systematic and perfect conduct of their mammoth business. In 1869 the old firm of Nichols & Shepard was incorporated under the title of "Nichols, Shepard & Company." The first officers were: President, John Nichols; Vice-President, H. H. Taylor, of Cbieago; Superintendent, David Shepard; Secretary and Treasurer, E. C. Nichols. The present officers are: President, John Nichols; Vice-Presidenlt, David Shepard; Secretary and Treasurer, E. C. Nichols. The company have a capital and surplus of eight hundred and forty thousand dollars, and employ two hundred and fifty hands, with an annual pay-roll of one hundred and forty thousand dollars. The development of so extensive an industry required vast enterprise, great energy, and unremitting industry, coupled with executive ability of no mean order. Those who are acquainted with the management of the '"Vibrator" ThrasbingMachine Company require no assurances from us as to the possession, by its members, of all the qualities above enumerated. A residence of thirty years in Battle Creek, and a close identification during that period. with its material progress and industrial growth, insure a reputation as enviable as it is well deserved. In every State in the Union, and wherever the agriculturist plies his vocation successfully, the " Vibrator" is used, and wherever used it stands pre-eminently meritorious. THE BATTLE CREEK MACHINERY COMPANY. This concern was started as an agricultural works, by D. B. Burnham, in 1854. The class of manufactures was changed gradually from agricultural tools to woodcarving and other machinery. In 1873 wood-sawing machinery and horse-power and the "1 Boult's patent moulding-machine" became special articles of manufacture by the firm. On the 1st of May, 1873, the present company was organized under the corporate title of "1 The Battle Creek Machinery Company," with a paid-up capital of thirty-five thousand dollars. It had in view the more extensive manufacture of the " Boult patent" moulding, paneling, dovetailing, and other similar machinery. They now employ twenty-five hands. The first and present officers of the company were and are as follows: President, William Andrews; Vice-President, J. M. Ward; General Manager, D. B. Burnham; Secretary and Treasurer, Frank Beach. I THE UPTON MANUFACTURING COMPANY. In 1861 the firm of J. S. Upton & Co. was established, for the purpose of manufacturing the "1 Michigan Sweepstakes" thrashing-machines, and commenced business on their present stand the same year. It continued as at first formed until 1858, when the title was changed to Upton, Brown & Co., which was composed of J. S. Upton, Wm. Brown, Wm. Brooks, and Parley Upton. They transacted a moderately successful business, finding sales for their ma. chines in Illinois, Iowa, Minnesota, Missouri, and Michigan. In 1869 they erected a large two-story brick building in addition to those they had, which is now used for the manufacture of their wood-work. In 1867 a stock company was formed, and the old firm was merged into " The Upton Manufacturing Company," its present title. It has a capital of one hundred thousand dollars, and employs about seventy-five men. President, James S. Upton; Secretary and Treasurer, Henry M. Strong. Besides the " Sweepstakes," they now make a specialty of the " Combination," a machine patented during the present year (1877) by J. S. Upton. R. B. MERRETT. The firm of which Mr. Merrett is now the sole proprietor was established in 1871, and then and up to 1874 consisted of himself and L. C. Kellogg (now city recorder). After the retirement of the latter, Mr. Merrett continued the business alone. He now manufactures portable, stationary, and self-propelling agricultural implements, and is also a general jobber in brass and iron castings, mill-gearing and shafting. Capital invested, twenty thousand dollars; hands employed, twenty. The works occupy the former location of Nichols & Shepard's old place. LATTA & SHUPE. The manufacturing establishment now operated by the above firm was started in 1872 by Beauregard & Matthews, and continued by them until January 18, 1875, when the present proprietors came into possession. They manufacture all kinds of agricultural implements, making a specialty of the "1 Champion Cultivator, 7 on which they have taken two premiums at State fairs (Michigan and Wisconsin), and at nine county fairs in Michigan, Wisconsin, and New York. Their capital is twenty-five thousand dollars, and they employ on an average twenty hands. ADAMS & SMITH IS is the oldest establishment for the manufacture of carriages and wagons in the city, having been started in 1845. In 1850 they erected their 'present works, near Hart's Mills. E. CLAPP & SON is perhaps the most extensive carriage- and wagon-manufactory in the cityr. It was established by E~. Clapp, the senior member, May 11, 1848, and was continued by him alone until 1876, when he took his son, William Clapp, -into partnership with him. In 1860 the blacksmith- and paint-shop was built, and in 1868 the carriag~e- and wagon-factory as it now stands. The capital invested is thirty-five thousand dollars; hands employed, twenty-five. MASON, RATHBUN & CO. established themselves in the general lumber and planing business here in 1868. The firm then consisted of Messrs. W. H1. Mason, A. V. Powell, and F. W. Rathbun. Mr. Powell has since retired. Capital invested, twenty thousand dollars; hands employed, ten. BUCK, HOYT & CO. Messrs. Darwin D. Buck and J. G. Hoyt commenced the furniture business in September, 1866. They were by no means strangers in the city, as they had for some ten years previously been engaged as builders, and were well and favorably k-nown. In October, 1868, H. -R -Dnmnn was adlmittead as -a partner, and -ra mained in the concern until his death, in 1875. The surviving partners purchased his interest and continued business under the old firni-style. Their factory is on West Canal street, and their warerooms 108 Jefferson street. They are the most extensive furniture-manufacturers and dealers in the city. S. L. BADGSLEY is the proprietor of the Battle Creek tannery, which was established in 1846. We learn from Charles S. Gray, Esq., one of the original owners of it, that it was erected by himself and John Palmer, in the spring of the above year. It was the first in the place. The first hide was tanned in July, and the first proceeds were from a hide that cost one dollar and fifty cents, occupied four days in tanning, and was sold for six dollars. Small profits and quick returns. It was purchased by the proprietor of the old mill since rebuilt by Titus & Hicks, and used for elevator bucket belts. In January, 1847, Mr. Gray sold his interest to John I\ Ir m i m I- I I i -- I- -— I I ----~ I ---- I ----- I IzIII I IIIII RESIDENCE 0F LEOPOLD WERSTEIN, BATTLE CREEK, MICH. j i J.M. WARD & SON'S MILL & WAREHOUSE,BATTLE CREEK,M/CH. I BRANCH WAREHOUSES AT BELtEVUE.CLIMAX, VICK8BUfOM IWARCELLUS, EoWAROSSUlff, MICHIGAN. L i 3 -; wal-W 0 -I I i I 91 ~,.,,,,,, ',.,,.........~,.,:~,. [~.Ii[ '...... i[[ '[ [ [ '[ [[[[ [ l I; - ' II r]I i" I l ~iIi Il m MNb / / IA UAI r~i rri *4 Ir 4-1 11 a I i i i I i i i i I I I I I iin re i I. 1I 4 --- —. ----..... --- r!-,* i 1 i "9 i i f t I i i~ isi - i HISTORY OF CALHOUN COUNTY, MICHIGAN. 89 Palmer. In 1848 he bought it back again, and Palmer sold his half to Hiram Dorman. In 1849 they sold the establishment to A. D. Munger, and he to Oakley & Wheeler, and the latter his share to S. L. Badgsley. In 1867, Mr. Oakley retired, leaving Mr. Badgsley the sole proprietor. W. H. Barber, the present foreman, has worked in the tannery since 1847. Capital invested, twentyfive thousand dollars; hands employed, six. The establishment is noted for its neat and cleanly appearance. The manufacture of cigars is quite an industry of Battle Creek. The three principal manufacturers are: L. B. CLAPP, who established his factory, which is No. 81 of the third revenue district, in 1870. He manufactures about one million annually. He employs about twenty-five hands. A. M. MINTY, proprietor of factory No. 436, established his business in 1871. He annually manufactures about eight hundred thousand cigars, and employs twenty hands. B. VAN PRAAGH first started on a small scale in 1868. He now operates factory No. 438, and makes about five hundred thousand cigars a year. He employs from six to ten hands, according to the demands of his business. GRIST-MILLS. The pioneer grist-mill of Battle Creek was that erected by Almon Whitcomb, in September, 1837, and which stood on the site at present occupied by the Star mills of Titus & Hicks. The same year Alonzo Noble and E. Pratt purchased a one-half interest of Mr. Whitcomb. On the 1st of March, 1839, Esco Pratt sold his interest to John Cox, and he, on the 5th of May, 1845, to William B. Palmer. December 1 of the same year Whitcomb & Palmer sold to Nelson Benham, who, on the 19th of May, 1846, sold to John Henry, and he again to Benham same year, and he to William Moore, November 26, 1849, and William Moore to Almon Whitcomb, and so on through about a dozen different hands until December 8, 1852, when Ellery Hicks bought a half-interest in it, and the water-power of Chester Buckley, May 25, 1859. R. F. Titus purchased the remaining halfinterest of Chester Buckley, and formed a copartnership with Mr. Hicks, under the firm-style of Titus & Hicks. In 1862, Mr. Hicks died, and his son, Wm. E. Hicks, one of the present proprietors, succeeded to his interest. In 1868, Mr. Titus died, and his interest fell to his son, Samuel J. Titus. The title remained the same under the new proprietorship. The old mill has been replaced by a substantial white brick building, thirtyfive by sixty feet, and three stories high, with a basement, having four run of stone, which are run by three iron wheels,-two Eclipse and one Leffel. The business for the year 1876 was custom of all kinds, seventy-five thousand bushels, and merchant, three thousand barrels. There are two other grist-mills now operated in the city, namely, those of J. M. Ward and Thomas Hart, brief notices of which we append, as follows: WARD )S MILLS. Among the prominent grain-dealers of this city and county is the firm of J. M. Ward & Son, proprietors of the Ward mills and grain warehouses of Battle Creek, Bellevue, Climax, Brady, Marcellus, and Edwardsburg. Mr. J. M. Ward came here as early as 1845, and embarked in the woolen business in company with Charles Mason. In 1860 the old woolen-factory was repaired and converted into a flouring-mill, which was the nucleus from which their now extensive business grew. In 1871, Charles A. Ward, son of the original proprietor, was admitted into the concern, and its present title assumed. They now transact a business amounting to one million five hundred thousand bushels per annum, and are among the most extensive buyers in the county, and compare favorably with the largest in the State. HART'S MILLS. This mill was erected in 1847, by Messrs. Hart, Ellis & Co., but was destroyed by fire in 1849. In 1850, it was rebuilt by Jonathan Hart, by whom the same was successfully operated until 1857, when his son, Thomas Hart, the present proprietor, became a partner, and the style of the firm was changed to J. Hart & Son, and so continued until the death of the senior partner in 1858, since which time the business has been conducted by ex-mayor Thomas Hart alone. The business of the mills for 1876 was thirty-five thousand barrels. They are exclusively devoted to merchant work. GEORGE E. HOWES is connected with N. Hellings & Bro., of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, in the business of storing and preserving fruit on the cold-air plan. For this purpose the firm erected 12 in 1875 a commodious stone building one hundred and thirty by fifty feet and two stories high. In this building apples and other fruit can be kept for two years; although the aim of the firm is not to carry it over from one season to another. This is a new thing for this part of the country, and is deserving of mention. Battle Creek has eight hotels, namely, the Potter House, American, Brierly, Bristol, Battle Creek, Waverly, Railroad, and Crane House. Of these, the principal and best hotel is the POTTER HOUSE, erected by Henry Potter, the present owner and proprietor, in 1869. It is a fine four-story red brick building, having large and airy rooms, and a cuisine. unsurpassed by any house on the railroad between Kalamazoo and Jackson. It enjoys an extensive patronage, and is first-class in every particular. Henry Potter, proprietor; George Potter, manager; and James North, clerk. THE BATTLE CREEK HOUSE is a temperance hotel, and is conducted by J. R. Leavens, a gentleman remarkably well qualified to manage a house of public entertainment. The rest of the hotels are generally well managed and largely patronized. RAILROAD FACILITIES. Perhaps the most important factor in the business development and prosperity of a city is its railroad communication. At least, it is safe to assert that such has become a demonstrated fact with regard to Battle Creek. A retrospection of her history since the advent of railroad facilities will convince the careful observer of the immense benefit resulting from the introduction of this essential adjunct of commercial enterprise. Theoretically the construction of railroads may meet with opposition on the hypothesis that, by taking the farmer's produce, as it were, from his very door, he can send it to the highest market, and thus deprive a few local buyers of the margin they had been accustomed to make on the same products heretofore. Practically, though, the increase in general trade constitutes a triple recompense for the imaginary deprivation above instanced. We here insert brief historical sketches of the railroads centering in this city. THE MICHIGAN CENTRAL RAILROAD. This great railroad thoroughfare was completed at Battle Creek in December, 1845. It remained the terminus of the road for a brief period, when it was completed through to Kalamazoo during the following winter. The first engine that ran over this part of the road was the '" Battle Creek," and it was a day of great rejoicing when the " iron horse" came thundering into the depot. This road has proved a great stimulus to the the growth and prosperity of the city. The number of its connections puts Battle Creek in communication with all the important business centres of the east and west. There are stations on the road in this county at the following places, viz.: Marshall, Marengo, Albion, Ceresco, and Battle Creek. We are indebted to Mr. 0. Waters, freight and passenger agent, for the following statement of the passenger and freight business for the year ending December 31, 1876: freight forwarded, 55,544,215 pounds; freight received, 22,515,672 pounds; freight passenger earnings, $40,569. THE CHICAGO AND LAKE HURON RAILROAD is organized by the consolidation of the several companies which were instituted under various charters by the Peninsular Railway company; with the old Port Huron and Lake Michigan railroad, which was finally consummated July 30, 1873. In order to follow the various organizations it will be necessary to commence with the original " Peninsular Railway company," which was organized August 30, 1865, with powers to construct a railroad from Battle Creek to Lansing, with the following board of directors: Leonidas D. Dibble, Joseph M. Ward, Elijah W. Pendill, and William Wallace, of Battle Creek; Martin S. Brackett and Reuben Fitzgerald, of Bellevue; Joseph Musgrave, D. P. Webber, and Cyrus Cummings, of Charlotte; and George N. Potter, of Benton. At a meeting of the board held September 7, 1865, L. D. Dibble was elected president. Subsequently the " Peninsular Railway Extension Company" was organized, with authority to construct a railroad from Battle Creek to the township of Milton; on the Indiana State line, of which, also, L. D. Dibble.was chosen president. Soon afterward the " Peninsular Railroad Company" was organized, in the State of Indiana, leading in the direction of Chicago, of which Hon, S. Stanfield was elected president. Shortly thereafter a charter was granted to the Peninsular Railway company, running from the western line of Indiana into Chicago. The next step in these multitudinous railroad organizations was the consolidation of the two Michigan roads into the Peninsular Railway company. Following this, the roads in Michi 90 HISTORY OF CALHOUN COUNTY, MICHIGAN. gan, Indiana, and Illinois were consolidated into one corporation by the name of the Peninsular Railway company, of which L. D. Dibble was made president. Now the organization was virtually complete, and they ceased organizing and consolidating for a time, and commenced to construct. Ground was first broken in Battle Creek in the fall of 1866, and the first rail was laid near the works of Nichols, Shepard & Co., on the 11th of July, 1869. By the summer of 1873, the road was completed from Lansing to Valparaiso, a distance of one hundred and sixty-six miles. On the 30th of July of the same year, the Peninsular Railway company was consolidated with the Port Huron and Lake Michigan railroad, under the title of " The Chicago and Lake Huron Railroad Company," and is now operated under that title. The Port Huron and Lake Michigan railroad above mentioned was built by William L. Bancroft, and was managed by him up to the time of the consolidation, since which time he has been the general manager of the entire road. The citizens of Battle Creek voted fifty thousand dollars in aid of the road, and invested an additional thirty-five thousand dollars in its bonds; while private individuals very liberally contributed towards the expenses of its construction. It has been materially beneficial to Battle Creek, inasmuch as it tended to create a competition with the Michigan Central in regard to freights, which resulted in -a decline in the freight tariff. There is no doubt but that benefits commensurate with the enterprise of the citizens in its construction will eventually ensue. The road, with its various connections, under an economical and experienced management, cannot fail to become a paying concern, and a cherished enterprise of Battle Creek. In 1874, William L. Bancroft was appointed receiver of the road, and its business has since been conducted under his receivership. THE MUNICIPAL GOVERNMENT OF THE CITY. The village of Battle Creek was first surveyed in 1835, by General Ezra Convis, assisted by John Meachem, Esq., although no regular plat was made from that survey. During this year Messrs. Joseph, Abraham, and Isaac Merritt, and Jonathan Hart purchased the interest of General Convis, and the year following, in conjunction with Sands McCamly, engaged the services of Samuel D. Moore, a practical civil engineer, to re-survey the village, and to draft a plat of the same, which was accordingly done. Two years afterwards the village contained a population of about four hundred. It had six stores, two taverns, two saw-mills, two flouring-mills, two machine-shops, one cabinet-manufactory, two blacksmiths, and several other representatives of a mechanical and business character. In fact, appearances went to show that the citizens had done what they could, if not to vie with, at least not to disparage the natural advantages the place enjoyed; all and everything, in short, of their handiwork betokened the activity and ingenuity, the thrift and enterprise, of a richly-endowed class of people. The village remained without a charter until 1850, when it was organized and legally incorporated as a village. The subjoined are the names of the presidents and clerks who served under the village charter: Presidents.-William Brooks, Charles Mason (two years), Edward Cox, M.D., R. T. Merrill (two years), Chester Buckley (two years), Jonathan Hart, Leander Etheridge (appointed the same year, to fill the vacancy occasioned by the death of Mr. Hart). Clerks. —Isaac C. Mott, Dwight May, Leonard H. Stewart (two years), Charles S. Gray (resigned July 13, 1854), Eli L. Stillson (appointed to fill vacancy), Joseph Dodge, William F. Neale, Cornelius Byington, Wm. F. Neale. In the winter of 1859 the citizens felt as though the size, enterprise, and importance of Battle Creek deserved higher corporate honors, and therefore called a public meeting to consider the expediency of procuring a charter and city government. At this meeting a committee was appointed to draft a charter for the city, consisting of Leonidas D. Dibble, Myron H. Joy, and Walter W. Woolnough. The act incorporating the city was passed by the legislature, and approved February 3, 1859, and in April of the same year the first election for city officers ensued. We annex a list of the mayors and recorders, from the first city electioni to that of April, 1877, inclusive: Mayors.-E. W. Pendill (three years), Alonzo Noble, Chester Buckley, E. W. Pendill, Tolman W. Hall, Theron H. Tracy, Erastus Hussey, William Wallace, Thomas Hart (two years), Nelson Eldred, George N. Wakefield, Edward Cox, M.D. (two years), Victory P. Collier, Charles Austin (two years), present incumbent. Recrders..-*William F. Neale (two years), Paul Geddes, H. H. Hubbard (two years), Paul Geddes, H. H. Hubbard (four years), Paul Geddes, Charles H.: Hadskin, Charles S., Gray.(three years), Maurice H. Neale, Charles S. Gray (two years),: L. C.. Kellogg, present incumbent. * Also ex-(offcio school inspectors and city clerks. y The city contains four sections of land, two of which-1I and 2-were formerly included in the village and township of Battle Creek, and two-6 and 7-in the township of Emmett. It is divided into four wards, and is governed by a mayor, recorder, and eight aldermen-two from each ward. The present city officers are: Mayor, Charles Austin; Recorder, L. C. Kellogg; Aldermen: First ward, C. R. Thompson and Parley Upton; second ward, Zeno Gould and Henry H. Brown; third ward, Charles F. Bock and Charles F. Walters; fourth ward, Clement Wakelee and Thomas Jennings; Treasurer, Maurice H. Neale; Supervisor, F. H. Rathbun; Marshal, Allen Morse; Justices of the Peace, Tolman W. Hall, Moses B. Russell, and Charles Rowe; Constables, Monroe T. Bartlett, James H. Kraft, Alexander H. Briggs, Erastu s Clark; Night Police, Jerome Angell. CITY HALL. In 1867 the common council of the city of Battle Creek voted twelve thousand dollars, in bonds of the city, to be used for the purpose of erecting a city hall. The building, which is of brick, and three stories high, was completed in 1868. The first floor is occupied as a fire-engine house; the second floor contains the council chamber, police office, and recorder's court-room, and other rooms of minor importance, while the third story consists of a large hall used for caucuses and other public meetings. The building is surmounted by a tower, in which a bell is to be placed at no distant day. In the rear of this building is the city jail, which is not a very handsome structure, but doubtless good enough for the present requirements of the city. Misdemeanors are rare in Battle Creek, and criminal offenses still more so. THE FIRE DEPARTMENT. Among the institutions that have redounded to the honor of the city have been its fire-companies. The original Tempest, No. 2, hand-engine company, was organized August 2, 1856. On that day a public meeting of citizens was held to organize a fire-company. Chester Buckley presided, and L. H. Stewart acted as secretary. A temporary organization was perfected by the election of N. Fillio as foreman; V. P. Collier, assistant; and L. H. Stewart, secretary. At a meeting of the company, held August 12, the following gentlemen were elected permanent officers, and " Tempest" selected as the name of the new company: Foreman, John Nichols; First. Assistant, John J. Wheeler; Second Assistant, George Hyatt; Third Assistant, W. G. Morehouse; Secretary, N. Fillio; Treasurer, V. P. Collier. From that time until the outbreak of the war of the Rebellion this company maintained a leading position among the volunteer fire-companies of Michigan. The company took part and won victories in the old-time State tournaments. Among the names on the old roll are many who are now prominent business men of the city: V. P. Collier, John Nichols, E. C. Nichols, L. H. Stewart, W. W. Woolnough, William H. Neale, David Shepard, W. G. Morehouse, George W. Hyatt, S. S. French, M.D., James B. Rue, C. Wakelee, Thomas Hart, Peter L. Conine, James C. Halladay, M. Adams, John W. Smith, P. H. Barnes, B. P. Gardner, W. H. Green, C. C. Beach, W. E. Wicks, Theo. Wakelee, J. G. Hoyt, H. Frensdorf, G. P. Burrall, and others. The first to enlist from this city in the war were many of the most active members of the company. Among those of " Old No. 2" who distinguished themselves in the rebellion, and lost their lives in the battle-field, were Colonel L. H. Rhines, Major George C. Barnes, Major C. Boyington, Captain George C. Knight, Lieutenants Charles Galpin, George Hicks, M. Fish, and Sergeants Martin Wager and Richard H. Freeleigh. This company has had two hand-engines destroyed by fire by the burning of their engine-houses. The machine " run" by the present company was purchased by the common council, second-hand, of the city of Milwaukee, Wisconsin, and was known in that department as " J. S. Fillmore, No. 6." It is much superior to either of the preceding ones, and is unsurpassed by any hand-engine in Michigan. During the war the company disbanded, and the present company was organized March 1, 1872, a meeting having been held at the city hall for that purpose. John G. Bohnett was chairman, and Andrew H. Phelps secretary. The following persons were elected officers of the company: Foreman, Charles H. Jeffers; First Assistant, James Finley; Second Assistant, Lewis Williams; Secretary, H. Phelps; Treasurer, A. A. Ellsworth. The company has gradually increased in strength and efficiency until now it is the model volunteer fire-company of the State. At the State tournament held at Kalamazoo in 1874 it won the first prize and the State championship. At the State tournament held at Jackson in 1875, the company again won the first prize and State championship. They. still hold the champion banner of Michigan. At the Jackson tournament they made the remarkable throw of two hundred and twenty-nine feet six and a half inches, the best horizontal throw ever made by a hand-engine.. The session rooms of the company are the handsomest and best furnished fire - = I I I i I i I =I I ___ " ts::I:S::' ' ':: i: S u ' '. 0 '...., _,. A):: X ': 4'^/6^^ t l - m RESIDENCE OF R. CRAWFORD, BATTLE CREEK TP., CALHOUN CO.,MICH. E.A. SUMMEf~, DEL. _- ----- - m I ~I HISTORY OF CALHOUN COUNTY, MICHIGAN. 91 I I'".";'""". men's rooms in the State. Pictures of fire views adorn the halls, and the room is filled with firemen's relics and trophies of the palmy days of hand-engines. The company now numbers fifty members, all volunteers, is well organized, and in good financial condition. The present officers are: Foreman, J. B. Dolliver; First Assistant, U. S. Moore; Second Assistant, Peter W. Diamond; Recording Secretary, Edgar M. Hidsman; Financial Secretary, William H. Rowe; Treasurer, William H. Bordine. Union, No. 1.-On the 11th of May, 1863, the common council appointed a committee with authority to purchase a Button & Blake steam fire-engine. The committee consisted of Aldermen Chandler Ford, T. Wakelee, J. G. Hoyt, T. W. Hall, and C. S. Gray. They reported that they had selected a Button & Blake engine, weighing four thousand four hundred pounds, which, with a hose-cart and eight hundred feet of hose, the city could purchase for five thousand dollars. The committee were authorized to buy the same. An informal ballot was then taken as to the name to be given to the engine, and " Union," suggested by Alderman Hall, was chosen out of half a dozen. The present Chief Engineer is William H. Mason; Assistant Chief Engineer, A. B. Powell; Engineer, George Eldridge; Foreman, Charles S. Mason. The Goguac Hook and Ladder Company was organized in December, 1874, by electing N. A. Osgood, foreman; James Caldwell, first assistant; V. C. Wattles, second assistant; and B. T. Skinner, secretary and treasurer. The company is equipped with one thirty-foot practice ladder, one scaling and two extension ladders, and eight Babcock extinguishers. On the 4th of July, 1876, they won the Centennial prize of fifty dollars in a tournament with the Rescue Hook and Ladder Company, of Marshall. The present membership of the company is thirty. Present officers: N. A. Osgood, foreman; A. M. Phillips, first assistant; Gren. Macard, second assistant, and T. B. Skinner, secretary and treasurer. Altogether, the city is well supplied with fire-companies and the necessary facilities for extinguishing conflagrations. BANKS AND BANKING. Banking is a system established for the security of business and commercial transactions. It is the recognized agent between borrower and lender, and for convenience and safety is indispensable. The finances of a community are represented to a great extent by their respective banking establishments; hence, any data pertaining to the banks and banking of a particular community form an interesting item in its history. We annex a brief historical sketch of the three banking establishments of the city, together with a statement of their financial condition at the close of business on the 1st of May, 1877. THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK was organized March 28, 1865, and commenced business on the 1st of April following. The first officers were Loyal C. Kellogg, president; Charles M. Leon, cashier; Henry S. Brooks, teller. The first board of directors was composed of David Miller, William Andrus, Thomas Hart, Loyal C. Kellogg, Henry D. Hall, William Wallace, and William Brooks. The present officers are V. P. Collier, president; C. Wakelee, vice-president; Wm. H. Skinner, cashier; Scott Field, teller; James Boughton, book-keeper. The directors elected at the last annual meeting are V. P. Collier, Clement Wakelee, E. C. Nichols, W. H. Skinner, William Merritt, Samuel Convis, and Henry McNary. The financial status is shown by the subjoined statement, which we here take occasion to remark is first-class: capital, $100,000; surplus, $45,000; independent department, $111,353; national circulation, $90,000; loans, $188,156; government securities, $100,000. THE CITY BANK OF BATTLE CREEK was organized and incorporated under the State banking law, in March, 1871. The first officers were-President, R. Kingman; Vice-President, Nelson Eldred; Cashier, R. P. Kingman. The first board of directors consisted of R. Kingman, Nelson Eldred, C. Wakelee, J. F. Moulton, R. P. Kingman, E. W. Pendill, and Alonzo Noble. The present management is as follows: President, Nelson Eldred; Vice-President, R. P. Kingman; Cashier, B. F. Skinner. The financial status of the establishment is shown by the following legally authenticated statement, published January 1, 1877: Resources.-Loans and discounts and accrued interest, $152,260; overdrafts, $3675; due from banks and bankers, $59,124; furniture and fixtures, $2800; fractional currency, $430; legal tender and bank notes, $25,714; total, $244,003. Liabilities.-Capital, $50,000; surplus, $28,348; deposits, $163,155; dividend account, $2500; total, $244,003. A. C. HAMBLIN, BANKER, established himself in the private banking business in 1859. Good for one hundred cents in the dollar. BATTLE CREEK POST-OFFICE. The post-office at Battle Creek was established in 1832, and Polydore Hudson was appointed the first postmaster, under Andrew Jackson's administration. The office was kept in Mr. Hudson's log house, and the rate of letter postage was twenty-five cents. The following table gives a list of all the postmasters from, 1832 to 1877, inclusive, together with the administration under which they were appointed: Postmaster. Year. Administration. Polydore HIudson...............................1832.............................. Andrew Jackson. Nathaniel Barney..............................1834..............................Andrew Jackson. Sands McCamly.................................1835.............................. Andrew Jackson. John L. Bolcomb...............................1841........................ 1841......Martin Van Buren. Alonzo Noble.................................... 1845.............................. James K. Polk. Leon H. Stewart......................... 1849.............................. Zachariah Taylor. Alonzo Noble.................................... 1853..............................Franklin Pierce. W illiam S. Pease.............................1858.............................. James Buchanan. William M. Campbell.......................... 1858..............................James Buchanan. George M ead..................................... 1860.............................James Buchanan. Tolman W. Hall..............................1861.............................Abraham Lincoln. Edward Van De Mark.........................1866..............................Andrew Johnson. Chandler Ford...................................1867.............................. U. S. Grant. James S. Upton...............................1869....................... U. S. Grant. D. V. Bell..................................................U. S. Grant. Capt. W illiam W allace........................ 1871..............................U. S. Grant. The gross amount of business transacted at this office for the year ending April 1, 1877, is represented by the following figures: Receipts on postage, etc., $13,880.51; expenses, including postmaster's salary, $6453.97; net income, $7426.54; number of money-orders, 3760; amount, $42,212.43; fees on same, $436.05; drafts on postmaster at New York, $11,800; total receipts, $54,048.48. Disbursements: 3416 money-orders paid, $50,130.09; 26 orders repaid, $240.85; money-order expense account, $275.54; amount remitted to Detroit, $3150; balance on hand, $252; total, $54,048.48. Number of registered letters originally mailed, 525; number of registered letters delivered, 1558; registered packages distributed, 1568; registered packages received, 3126; letters received and delivered, 219,848; letters mailed, 265,655; postal cards, 50,794; newspapers, 443,014; second-class matter mailed, 37,646 pounds; postage on the same, $885.15. Officers: William Wallace, postmaster; James Ferguson, assistant postmaster; John K. Lotridge, mailing-clerk; Miss Alice Wallace and Philo D. Ferguson, clerks. THE OPERA-HOUSE. One of the chief attractions of Battle Creek is its commodious opera-house. Up to 1868 the city possessed no regular place of amusement of sufficient size to induce large first-class theatrical troops to visit the city. In that year, however, Mr. A. C. Hamblin, with his characteristic enterprise, erected a handsome and substantial building, which he fitted up in elegant style, and introduced in it all of the modern improvements and stage effects. The ceiling is beautifully frescoed, and the general arrangement of the seats is made with a design to the comfort of the audience. The auditorium is seventy-two by one hundred feet, and, with the gallery which surrounds it, has a seating capacity for twelve hundred, The house was erected at a cost of forty thousand dollars, and is used for any legitimate amusements. In addition to the opera-house, Mr. Hamblin -erected the " Peninsula block," and several private houses, and has done much towards the development of the city. GOGUAC LAKE. Away back in the misty past, ere the pioneer settler had penetrated the wilds of the primitive forest, or had planted his home on the beautiful prairie, the lovely body of water called by the Indians Cogh-wa-giac, and by the first settlers Gogoguac, and now Goguac lake,-was known and cherished by the aborigine. Situated in a region unrivaled in the fertility of its soil and the beauty of its landscape, no wonder that the children of the forest selected it as a suitable spot to build their mound and to erect their wigwam. Traces yet remain, undefinable except to the eye of the antiquarian, perhaps, of an Indian mound, located in the sinuosity of the lake's border, directly west of Ward's island. Tradition has it that as early as 1833, Dorrance Williams, a pioneer whose memory is kept green by the number and peculiarities of the law-suits in which he was engaged, was seen one day by the watchful Indians desecrating their mound by digging therein with a spade, in order to gratify his -curiosity as to its contents. The redskins waxed exceeding wroth, and it must have been an imposing spectacle to behold the wrothy Indians haranguing the frightened desecrator in their flowery language. It was here, perhaps, that he was addressed by the dusky orator, who, as the poet says, spake, 92 HISTORY OF CALHOUN COUNTY, MICHIGANN. " Hos docet ore facilis natura diserto, Linguse grande loquens est idioma sume." "With native eloquence their speech abounds, Untaught by figures grand, and lofty sound." However this may be, it is an historical fact that Williams became so deeply impressed with the angry gestures (the language he didn't fully comprehend), that he dropped his spade, and for the space of " twelve moons" Goguac and its vicinity saw him no more. He went east, doubtless adapting the old aphorism to his individual case, that the preservation of his top-knot was the first law of (his) nature. Over the placid and beautiful water of the lake once glided the bark canoe, freighted with the noble red man, who amid the sea-like solitude watched his chance to spear the sportive bass, or catch the graceful pickerel. But the days of his glory have departed, and the hand of oblivion is stretched forth to close forever the gates that lead to the memory of his existence. With a long farewell to the sachem whose nod perchance was the law of his empire, and whose voice was the oracle of his people, we come down to our time, and view the doings of a people more enlightened than he, but perhaps less happy. But a few years have elapsed since Goguac lake became a general pleasure resort for the people of Battle Creek and other cities within a radius of fifty miles or more, —since, in fact, the loveliness of the place became duly appreciated. Since the inauguration of fishing, picnic, and pleasure parties, and the establishment there of a hotel and a place for the enjoyment of terpsichorean exercises, Goguac has risen amazingly in the estimation of the seekers after genuine and unalloyed pleasure. On the 1st of April, 1875, Mr. R. W. Surley commenced the erection of a hotel, which two months afterwards was thrown open to the public. It did good service until the morning of March 22, 1877, when it was totally destroyed by fire. On the 14th of May of the same year Mr. Surley began to rebuild, and on the 1st of June following a commodious hall, thirty-two by sixty-two feet, was appropriately opened by a dance and other festivities; also a detached building, twenty-six by twenty-eight feet, and two stories high, which will be used as a residence for '" mine host" and a general dining-room. In this building there will also be a few spare sleeping-apartments. Mr. Surley contemplates erecting a larger building for hotel purposes next season. The grounds around the lake are neatly laid off and supplied with croquet sets, elevated seats, boat-house, where can be obtained row-boats, single or for parties; a stand for refreshments, lemonade and cigars, etc., is conducted by Mr. Surley himself, and is first-class in every particular. The groves on the borders of the lake are shady and of surpassing loveliness, and are admirably adapted both by nature and art for picnics and quiet repose. The fishing is unsurpassed; while a boat-ride either in a skiff or in the elegant little steamer, " Lew Clark," is a rare pleasure. Having recently enjoyed a ride in her, we feel rhythmical, and perpetrate the following: L-ew Clark,-little steamer on Goguac's fair lake,E-ver tenderly cherished for fine trips she can make, W-e can always rely on ease, comfort, and care,C-onvenience too,-and a sweet, balmy air. L-et us view all her beauties, inspect well her deck, A-nd her engine once view, neat and clean without speck. " R-ightful pleasure," her motto, she ne'er will discard: K-ept all things in order, and no comforts debarred. * Another institution which is closely identified with Goguac lake is the GOGUAC BOAT-CLUB, which was organized July 24, 1873, and incorporated April 24, 1876. It has eighteen active members and a commodious boat-house on Ward's island, a convenient body of land in the northern end of the lake. They own and man the following boats: ten-oar barge, " C. A. Ward," length fifty-two feet, beam fifty five inches; four-oar paper shell, " A. W. Field,"' length forty-one feet, beam seventeen and one-half inches; four-oar paper shell, " Perhaps," length forty-three feet, beam twenty inches; double-scull, no name, length thirty-five feet, beam sixteen inches; single-scull, no name, length twenty-nine feet, beam ten inches; single-scull, no name, length twenty-nine feet, beam ten inches. The club has a well-equipped gymnasium and club-room, in the Riley block Battle Creek, in which the members meet for business and to practice in the winter season on a hydraulic arrangement, which gives all the motions of rowing and develops the muscular organization. The present officers of the club are: President, Dr. T. W. Robertson; Vice-President, C. H. Hinman; Secretary and Treasurer, W. H. Eldred; Captain, C. W. Brown. The above, with H. H. Hubbard, E. Harbeck, and Scott: Field, compose the board of managers required by the State law. The boys have been successful in several contests of skill, notably in the northwestern regatta, held at Toledo, Ohio, in 1874, in which they rowed against the boat-clubs of that city, 6 us. 10, and no allowance of time. They carried off the prize,-two statuettes and a silk pennant,-which, with other trophies, decorate their club-room. As an evidence of the moral, material, and social progress and importance of Battle Creek, we may mention that it has six churches, denominationally classified as follows: one Methodist Episcopal, one Congregational and Presbyterian, one Baptist, one Episcopalian, one Baptist (colored), and one Catholic. The pulpits of these various denominations are generally filled with able and eloquent divines and preachers.* Battle Creek has three banks and banking-houses. It has a large number of manufacturing establishments, of which Nichols, Shepard & Co., the Upton Manufacturing Company, and the Battle Creek Machinery Company are among the most extensive. It has three large grist-mills, namely, those of J. M. Ward & Son, Thomas Hart, and Titus & Hicks. There are ten dry-goods stores, of which those doing the largest business are T. B. Skinner & Co's., Wakelee & Griswold's, Austin & Hoffmaster's, Stebbins & Coon's, and B. F. & H. T. Hinman's. There are fifteen groceries, the representative firms in this line being S. W. McCrea & Co., Leon & Jennings, J. A. Van Valkenburg, T. Wakelee, C. R. Thompson, Powell & Hodskin, J. C. Halladay & Co., and the Grange co-operative store. It supports four drug-stores, namely, those of Grandee & Hinman, E. L. Jones & Co., John Helmer, and Holton Bros. It has three jewelry establishments,-Osgood & Chapin, Galloup & Hollister, and A. W. Avery. There are six boot- and shoe-stores, of which J. M. Caldwell & Son, Neale Bros., J. R. Godsmark, and T. J. Hazard & Co. are the most extensive. Of hardware-stores there are two, namely, Brock & Peters and Wattles & Wood; and the same number of furniturestores, those of Buck, Hoyt & Co. and Henry Gilbert. The ladies are supplied with millinery by fourteen establishments, those of Misses Hodges & Wells, Mrs. Baldwin, Clara S. Shepard, and Mattie Lewis being the largest. The gentlemen are called upon to patronize seven gent's furnishing-goods stores, of which J. M. Caldwell & Son and Parker & Helmer are representative firms; also six merchant tailors, of whom George C. Morrow, Henry Brown, and C. F. Zang are the principal ones. There are three stationery-stores, kept by F. E. Peasley, H. J. Johnson, and E. R. Smith, respectively. There are two photograph galleries, those of Theron Crispell and Spencer L. Miller. The "staff of life," and the concomitant luxuries of confectionery and ice cream, are supplied by C. B. Welsh & Co., J. H. Scott, and J. F. Gillman. Many of the above establishments occupy large and spacious edifices, and contain stocks of goods that will successfully compete with any in the State, outside of Detroit. The educational and literary institutions of the city are among the finest in the State. There is a graded high school which ranks among the first in Michigan, and occupies a building surpassed by none in this or neighboring counties. There are three secondary and primary schools. Here also is located the college of the Seventh-Day Adventists, together with a good commercial college. It has four ably-edited and well-conducted newspapers. It has a large number of secret and benevolent societies, among which might be mentioned one lodge of Free and Accepted Masons; one chapter and one council of Royal Arch Masons. It has one lodge and one encampment of the Independent Order of Odd-Fellows one Rebekah Degree lodge of the same order; and one tribe of the Improved Order of Red Men. It has a lodge of the Independent Order of Knights Templar, a Ladies Library Association, a Hibernian Society, a well-organized Young, Men's Christian Association, and other similar institutions too numerous to mention. Among the prominent professional men of the city are Drs. E. Cox, S. S. French, J. H. Wattles, A. S. Johnson, M. W. Tomlinson, T. W. Buthrick, and T. W. Rob ertson. The legal fraternity is largely represented, among its principal members being Dibble, Brown & Thomas, Myron H. Joy, Alward & Harris, N. H. Briggs, and others. The location and business facilities of Battle Creek are not surpassed by any other town or city of like population (seventy-five hundred estimated) in the State, and the abundance, cheapness, and quality of its domestic market make it desirable as a manufacturing or retiring locality. It is gradually becoming a prominent railroad centre, being in direct communication with Chicago and all points intermediate and beyond on the west; with Detroit and other points east; with Lansing and other important places northeast, and with South Bend, Valparaiso, and other points southwest. It is within easy communication, also, with the lakes, from any port-town on which steamers run regularly during navigation, touching at all the principal points on the entire chain. Among the distinguished men who have made Battle Creek their place of residence are Hon. Benjamin F. Graves, one of the judges of the supreme court; Hon. Victory P. Collier, ex-State treasurer; Hon. P. H. Emerson, supreme judge, See history of the churches. -— I; i! I im I I I I I I I I I i i I I I i i I i i i I ___1;I === I i 2 c5 `S>?:x t*1 (bi c= C-.7: -D =o -t C) In:.Io i "II G < r 3: X V< M Ca o c 03 (n 0 0) l -4 I rlrI' C>11 ).? a t9 S:Z o cl -st X 11: i,.m z CO, - T I.. z_ II I .j_ I a i c F r HISTORY OF CALHOUN COUNTY, MICHIGAN. 93 of Utah Territory, and Hon. George Willard, who represented this (the third) district in the forty-third and forty-fourth Congress of the United States. The salubrity of the climate and the plenitude of pure water render Battle Creek a peculiarly healthful place, while the large volume of running water furnished by the Kalamazoo river and Battle creek tends to make the place comfortably cool, besides supplying as fine a water-power as is found in the State. The industry and enterprise of the citizens have done all they could, if not to vie with, at least not to disparage, the many natural advantages of the place; all and everything, in short, of man's handiwork, as exhibited in the number and variety of the manufacturing and business interests of the city, betokens the activity and ingenuity of a tasteful and richly-endowed class of people. SECRET AND BENEVOLENT SOCIETIES.* Battle Creek Lodge, No. 12, F. and A. M.-This lodge first worked under a dispensation granted on the 14th of April, 1846, in a back room of the office then occupied by Messrs. Campbell & Cox, and there matured the plans which caused the standard of the order to be planted in the place at that early day. The altar was first erected on the 22d of December following, in an unfinished room of a building which occupied the present site of Noble's block. The charter was granted on the 14th of January, 1847. Among the charter members of the lodge were Silas Cox, Colonel John Stuart, Chalett Cady, Warren Joy, Charles L. Bird, Thomas Dunton, G. P. Smith, Eli L. Stillson, William Hicks, Charles Bartlett, and Charles Mason. A portion of the money donated to procure the dispensation was contributed by Brothers Sibley, Tillotson, Pratt, Kaerstadt, and Ketchum, of Marshall. Of the eleven charter members only three survive, Brothers Bartlett and Mason. The first officers of the lodge were Charles Bartlett, W. M.; Charles Mason, S. W.; Silas Cox, J. W. The present officers are Brainard T. Skinner, W. M.; Michael Rainbow, S. W.; Miles Willetts, J. W. Chapter No. 19 was chartered January 14, 1858. The officers elected at the first meeting were Leonidas D. Dibble, H. P.; Edward Cox, K.; Justin P. Averill, S. The present officers are Charles Austin, H. P.; Darwin D. Buck, K.; Marcus C. Shaffer, S. Zahud Council, No. 9, was chartered January 14, 1861. The charter members and officers were Ebenezer Sprague, Beverly Beardsley, Justin P. Averill, Theron H. Tracy, William Brown. The present officers are A. B. Powell, T. I. M.; Darwin D. Buck, D. M.; Marcus C. Shaffer, T. C. of W. All the above Masonic bodies are in a prosperous and flourishing condition. Battle Creek Lodge, No. 29, 1. 0. 0. F., was instituted under a dispensation, November 11, 1847, by Hon. Isaac E. Crary and Dr. Hahn, of Marshall, and worked under the same until January 20, 1848, when the grand lodge granted a charter, under which it worked successfully until January, 1857. For the space of nearly two years it ceased to work, but was again resuscitated October 12, 1859. Among the charter members at the institution of the lodge were L. H. Stewart, who was elected N. G.; Joseph Burnton, V. G.; G. B. Thayer, Sec'y; Wm. Brooks, Treas.; E. Cox, Warden; and Eli L. Stillson, Con. The present officers of the lodge are as follows: Edwin Van Horn, N. G.; J. F. Miller, V. G.; H. A. Culver, Sec'y; Charles H. Crawford, Treas.; Wm. M. Russell, Per. Sec. The appointed officers are Geo. P. Burrows, Warden; Thomas M. Taylor, Con.; Wm. D. Parker, I. G.; E. B. Russell, O. G.; J. M. Galloup, R. S. N. G.; Richard Mockmore, L. S. N. G.; William Adams, R. S. V. G; H. Cooper, L. S. V. G.; Wallace Hoyt, R. S. S.; W. Pierce, L. S. S. The society now numbers one hundred members. The amount of aid rendered by it during the past year was two hundred dollars. Sprague Encampment, No. 23, was instituted under a dispensation May 27, 1867, and chartered by the grand encampment January 15, 1868. The charter members were B. F. Fairchild, A. A. Whitney, A. E. Kocher, A. C. Culver, C. H. F. Kraft, George P. Burrall, Simeon S. French. The first officers were B. H. Fairchild, C. P.; Simeon S. French, H. P.; C. H. F. Kraft, S. The present officers are John F. Miller, C. P.; Charles H. Canfield, H. P.; Moses B. Russell, S. W.; Eli W. Flagg, J. W.; Wm. H. Bordine, S.; Thomas N. Taylor, T. Friendship Lodge, No. 1, Degree of Rebekah, was organized March 11, 1869, with the following officers: B. F. Fairchild, N. G; Mrs. Helen Bidwell, V. G.; Mrs. A. N. Cooper, S.; Mrs. Abbie R. Flagg, T.; Mrs. G. Lewis, P. S. The present officers are Eli W. Flagg, N. G.; Mrs. Libbie Flagg, V. G.; Mrs. Charles Grodevant, S.; Mrs. S. P. Perkins, T.; Mrs. Abbie R. Flagg, P. S. Moguago Tribe, No. 10, I. O. of R. M., was instituted through the efforts and encouragement of J. V. Johnson, P. S. of Sawba tribe, No. 9, of Charlotte, now editor of the Ingham county Democrat. A meeting was held at the law@ Gleaned from an address delivered by Dr. A. T. Metcalf. office of Dibble, Brown & Thomas, May 12, 1875, at which Frank W. Clapp presided and Charles S. Marr acted as secretary. It was decided to organize a tribe of the Improved Order of Red Men on the eve of the 20th, and the name of " Moguago" was selected in honor of old John Moguago, a Pottawatomie chief who lived on the reservation in the township of Athens. At this meeting the following gentlemen were elected chiefs of the new tribe: H. H. Brown, P.; Frank W. Clapp, S.; Wm. H. Bordine, S. S.; Chas. E. Barnes, J. S.; Chas. S. Moore, C. of R.; E. H. Perry, K. of W. Another informal meeting was held at the law-office of Joy & Clapp, May 10, and on May 20 Moguago tribe was instituted in the Patrons of Husbandry hall, by Chiefs Wm. H. Palmer, S. Musliner, and E. Hamilton, of Cayuga tribe, No. 6, of Jackson, assisted by Chief J. V. Johnson, a delegate from Sawba tribe, No. 9, of Charlotte. The tribe held its councils in the Patrons of Husbandry hall until January, 1876, when they removed to their present wigwam, on the third story of No. 4 East Main street, where the first council was held on the evening of January 17. The tribe now numbers fifty members, has a pleasant and commodious wigwam, and is in a prosperous condition. The council-fire is kindled on the "second sleep" of each " seven suns," at the seventh run" and " thirtieth breath." The following are the present chiefs: Charles S. Mason, P.; Monard Lafever, S.; W. W. Briggs, S. S.; James H. Gridley, J. S.; Charles Van Valin, C. of R.; A. M. Minty, K. of W. Hesperian Lodge, iNo. 78, I. O. of G. T., was originally chartered January 30, 1860. After running for a number of years the interest in it began to wane, and in the fall of 1876 its members disbanded. In February, 1877, it was resuscitated, and recommenced work under the old charter. The present officers are: J. F. Raynes, W. C. T.; Mrs. O. Harris, W. V. T.; J. B. Ellsworth, W. S.; Conrad Hulscher, W. F. S.; Thomas G. Iden, W. T.; William P. Milliman, W. M.; Miss C. Harris, W. I. G.; T. W. Case, W. 0. G.; Mrs. A. A. Manchester, W. C.; Jesse Farrington, P. W. C. T. Present number of members in good standing, about two hundred. The Young Men's Christian Association was originally organized February 17, 1867, and after existing a few years succumbed for the want of financial aid, and died a natural death. July 17, 1876, the present society was organized by the State agent, Mr. Weidensall, when the following officers were elected: President, E. Clapp; Vice-President, L. A. Foote; Secretary, Martin E. Brown; Treasurer, 0. W. Bailey. The original charter members other than the officers above named were William T. Skinner, D. Landreth, F. H. Latta, C. Hulscher, E. Shupe, and J. Miller. From an original membership of ten the society has steadily increased until it now numbers fifty-seven. Its present officers are: President, F. H. Latta; Vice-President, L. A. Foote; Secretary, Martin E. Brown; Treasurer, O. W. Bailey. The association conduct mission services in the country schoolhouses, and hold street-preaching during the summer. During the past winter they conducted one of the best courses of lectures ever held in the city. They are perfectly non-sectarian, and are strictly a Christian layman's society banded together for effective work. They sustain a reading-room, and are engaged in a most worthy cause generally. The Hibernian Benevolent Society was organized January 11, 1871. The first officers were: John Murphy, president; James Willis, vice-president; James Dodd, secretary; Michael Colvin, recording secretary; John Hart, treasurer. The society meets on the fourth Sunday of each month at No. 4 East Main street. The present officers are: John Murphy, president; Patrick Brogan, vice-president; John Dunn, secretary; Michael Donnelly, treasurer. It has a membership of about twenty. The Choral Union.-A society organized January 2, 1877, " for the purpose of improvement in the knowledge and practice of music," with a membership of one hundred and thirty, which has since been increased to upwards of two hun dred. The first and present officers are: Hon. Charles Austin, president; M. H. Neale, vice-president; B. T. Skinner, secretary and treasurer; Prof. M. N. Cobb, musical director; Mrs. C. A. Ward, pianist. The board of management consists of Messrs. William T. Neale, Charles Peters, E. T. Freeman, H. W. Herns, and Mesdames A. S. McAllaster, C. E. Bartlett, and F. G. Shepard. The German Cornet Band was organized January 1, 1873, with a membership of six persons, and has now eleven pieces, as follows: Gustav Brucher, leader, E-flat cornet; Julius Martin, E-flat clarionet; Elijah M. Dailey, first B-flat cornet; Fred. A. Allwardt, second B-flat cornet; Conrad Hattendorf, first E-flat alto (trombone); William McDonald, second E-flat alto (trombone); Bruna A. Nisser, B-flat tenor (trombone); Wilhelm Burbach, B-flat baritone (trombone); Louis Schlund, E-flat basso; Edward R. Bartlett, tenor drum; John K. Lothridge, basso drum. MAPLE STREET. Battle Creek is noted for the beauty of its streets and the general cleanliness 94 HISTORY OF CALHOUN COUNTY, MICHIGAN. of its thoroughfares. Among the most beautiful streets in Michigan Maple street holds a conspicuous position. The number and style of its private residences are the marvel of the casual visitor and the pride of the city. A notable feature about the houses is the diversity of. architecture exhibited, for there are no two dwellings on the entire street that have any similarity to each other. This affords an absence of sameness that is both attractive and unique. Each place has a neatly-kept lawn and garden, some of which are stocked with rare shrubs and plants and decked with the choicest gifts of Flora's treasury, while all are supplied with shade-trees and other evidences of taste and comfort. Among the mansions particularly worthy of mention we observed those of Messrs. E. C. Nichols, J. M. Caldwell, David Shepard, John Nichols, J. M. Ward, C. Wakelee, V. P. Collier, T. B. Skinner, J. L. Whitcomb, and John F. Hinman. While Maple street, as a whole, far exceeds any other in the city or county, yet there are in various parts of the city isolated residences that will compare favorably with the best of those on Maple. Among these might be mentioned those of Messrs. Leonidas D. Dibble, Erastus Hussey, A. C. Hamblin, A. Lewis Clark, Alonzo Noble, Henry H. Brown, W. W. Larmour, and many others. A neat and ornamental place in the central part of the city is the VINEYARD AND GARDEN of A. C. Hamblin, in which he cultivates a variety of grapes, fruits, and vegetables. The vines are set out in circles, around a natural mound, and present quite an attractive appearance. The revenue of the city for 1876-77 was provided for as follows: by taxation on property, general city uses, $4630.26; streets and bridges, $2400.87; fire department, $1543.46; railroad aid, $17,796.47; schools, $22,789.30; total taxes, $49,160.36. Added to this amount is the amount received from the specific tax on liquor-selling, $2225, making the total revenue for the fiscal year now current, $51,385.36. POPULATION. In 1860 the population of the city of Battle Creek was returned by the census at 3508 souls, constituting 734 families, dwelling in 730 houses. In 1870 the population was returned at 5838 persons, constituting 1234 families, with a dwelling-house to each. 2854 of the individuals were males and 2984 females. In 1874 the assessors could not find so many people in the city by some 515 as the United States marshal reported in 1870, there being but 5323 persons, 2527 being males, and 2796 females. Of the males, 979 were over twenty-one years #and under forty-five, the military age; 472 were over forty-five and under seventyfive, and 24 were over seventy-five but under ninety. 1206 of the ladies were of the marriageable age, as defined by the social statistician, between eighteen and forty years; 605 had passed the latter age and were under seventy-five, while 25 were in the "sere and yellow leaf," beyond the three-quarter mark of the century. The married and the single formed the following opposing lines: 1121 * of the males over twenty-one were heads of families, or had been, while 312 had never been so blessed, or otherwise, as they might individually view the matter. 1147 ladies over eighteen years were, or had been, in allegiance to the sterner sex, and 463 of their sisters over the same age had never referred the questioner to the paternal ancestor, at least successfully. THE POLITICAL SENTIMENTS of the citizens of the city are revealed by the tally-sheets of the presidential * elections occurring since the municipality assumed its city government. In 1860, the vote stood as follows: Republican.-First ward, 203; second ward, 97; third ward, 140; fourth ward, 104. Total Republican, 544. Democratic.-First ward, 101; second ward, 46; third ward, 47; fourth ward, 41. Total Democratic, 235. Republican majority, 309. In 1864, the poll lists revealed the following figures: Republican.-First ward, 228; second ward, 87; third ward, 121; fourth ward, 116..Total, 552. Democratic.-First ward,.96; second ward, 49; third ward, 44; fourth ward, 40. Total, 229. Republican majority, 323. In 1868, the vote was as follows: Republican.-First ward, 344; second ward, 95; third ward, 19.7; fourth ward, 162. Total, 798. Democratic.-First ward, 147; second ward, 61; third ward, 52; fourth ward, 60. Total, 320. Republican majority, 478. In 1872, the vote. stood thus.: Republican.-First ward, 294; second ward, 93; third ward, 150; fourth ward, 171. Total, 708. Democratic.-First ward, 157; second ward, 61; third ward, 40; fourth ward, 83. Total, 341. Republican majority, 367. In 1876, the vote was as follows: Republican.-First ward, 385; second ward, 109; third ward, 188; fourth ward, 216. Total, 898. Democratic.-First ward, 215; second ward, 105; third ward, 71; fourth ward, 100. Total, 491. Republican majority, 407. Peter Cooper received 15 votes from his admirers, the " greenback" men. This last vote-1404-would indicate a population of 7000 persons, reckoning five persons to one legal voter. IN THE REBELLION. During the late war, Battle Creek was patriotic, brave, and earnest. Her Mason, Barnes, Rogers, Preston, Byington, Hicks, and many others bore gallant testimony, in the face of the foe, to the standard of Battle Creek soldiers, and those who fell were in the fore front of the charge, leading where danger was most to be feared. The people faltered not as the long years passed wearily by, but the gaps in the ranks, made by disease or torn open by shot and shell, were filled and refilled by the flower of the city, until the bloody and dreadful struggle was over. Then their shattered columns returned, to settle back again into routine of peaceful avocations, and fight their battles o'er again by the fireside, or on the anniversary of their muster-in to clasp again their comrades in fraternal embrace, with the old warmth gendered on many a bloody field or midnight bivouac. BATTLE CREEK TOWNSHIP. THE present township of Battle Creek was formerly included in the original township of Milton, which was regularly organized in 1833, and contained the area that now constitutes the eight congressional townships of Bedford, Pennfield, Le Roy, Athens, Burlington, Emmett, Newton, and Battle Creek. The first township meeting was held at the house of Samuel Convis, who was elected the first township clerk. No records of the township prior to 1836 exist, but we find that in that year the following entry was made by Judge T. W. Hall, who was then township clerk. "4 The township of Milton as now organized includes townships Nos. 1 and 2, south of ranges 7 and 8 west, according to the United States survey, April 4, 1836.7" It remained as above until 1839, when, by an act of the legislature passed during that year's session, it was again altered so as to contain township 2 south of range 8 west (Battle Creek township as at present), township 1 south of range 8 west having been set off as the township of Bedford. No other changes have been effected in the area of the township, except that caused by the incorporation of the city, which took sections 1 and 12 from the township and annexed them to the corporation. By an act of the legislature, approved March 19, 1840, the name of the township of Milton was changed to that of Battle Creek. The first settlements made in what now constitutes Battle Creek township were on Goguac prairie, in the year 1831. It was quite natural that the influx of immigration should concentrate on the easily cultivated and fertile prairie land; and so we find that ere scarcely a location was made on the oak openings, or heavily timbered land, Goguac had become quite a busy settlement. Among those who were prominent in effecting the early development of this portion of the township were Josiah Goddard, Isaac Thomas, Uncle John Stewart, Dorrance Williams, and others. Josiah Goddard came to Michigan in 1829, and settled in Detroit. We find that he brought Sherman Comings into the State in the fall of that year. He drove two fine span of horses before a Pennsylvania wagon, traversing the un broken wilderness along the old Chicago trail from Detroit to Ypsilanti, thence to Jonesville, Sturgis, Bronson's prairie, Prairie Ronde, and Grand prairie, from which place Mr. Comings came to Toland's prairie. Mr. Goddard returned to Detroit by the old Territorial route, and was so pleased with Goguac prairie that he selected it as, his future home, made a purchase of lands, and moved his family there in the fall of 1831, and settled on section 15, on the farm now owned by David Young. He had been a soldier in the war of 1812, and was in every respect a model and patriotic pioneer. The only near representative of his family now residing hereabouts is his daughter Mrs. William Reese, of Battle Creek. Isaac Thomas came in from New York and settled on section 14 in 1831. He was an honest and upright citizen, a good neighbor, and a hardy, intelligent pioneer. "Uncle" John Stewart, Sr., settled first at Ypsilanti in 1824. His family consisted of his wife, five sons, and two daughters. He was married three times, having children born to him by each wife; in all twenty-one, of whom twelve are t m tn CD m z Cl) fIrl 0 n. a;t 2 r 44 -C c c c c rrr c rr l.1 c -r I c IC c - i U I 3 11 P. 11 I )a O. 0 z I rl -4 i i D i i O -q::i n I q In N C") 'ID. r-:3z C) (Z:z C-) 0 z x "-~1 i t~~. I r i r r?~~ ~: i ~` '~ r HISTORY OF CALHOUN COUNTY, MICHIGAN. now known to be living. Of those who settled in Battle Creek township, only John, Joseph W., and Levi remain, the others being scattered all over the Union, and one, James, resides in Canada. Dorrance 'Williams first came here as a surveyor in the employ of the United States government, in 1828, and assisted in surveying the lands included within the present limits of Battle Creek township. Having an eye to fertility and beauty, he selected the northeast fractional quarter of section 14, now owned by J. F. Foster, and late in the fall of 1831 settled on it. He was a man of peculiar disposition, and perhaps is better remembered as being the participant in numerous lawsuits than by any other personal characteristic. We quote from Mr. Van Buren the following description of a scene at a lawsuit in which Mr. Williams was plaintiff: c" The following nice distinction we have never heard equaled in any courtroom. The complainant in a lawsuit in which Dorrance was plaintiff, was testifying, as the latter thought,.falsely; this he would not brook, and rebuked him with ' You lie, sir!' Whereupon the court censured Dorrance, saying it could not allow such language to be used. This put the chivalric bachelor on his dignity, and he thus explained: ' Your honor, had I said to this man you lie, I ought to have been fined for contempt of court. But I said, You lie, sir! Which last word "sir" raised the expression from any vulgar meaning, and instead of slandering the man I honored him by its use.' The court, no doubt astonished at this profound distinction, waived all censure and proceeded with the trial.'' At one time Dorrance attempted to satisfy his curiosity concerning the Indian mound in his farm, by digging into it. The Indians, observing him at work on the mound with his spade, threatened him to such a degree that he was afraid to remain in this part of the country. He was gone something over a year before he returned. A notable acquisition to the settlement of the township arrived in the fall of 1835, in the person of Rev. John Harris. Perhaps to no man in Calhoun County is its religious development more indebted than to him. He was an earnest and faithful worker in the Lord's vineyard, affiliated with the Baptist denomination, but not of that strongly sectarian character that ignores the claims of others to the benefits of denominational Christianity. He was not only a forcible and lucid expounder of the Scriptures, and a good preacher, but was also practically identified with the physical development of the township, as well as intimately so with the spiritual. He was born in Nassau, Rensselaer county, New York, September 16, 1790, converted in 1815, and was ordained a minister of the Baptist church in 1816, and after a faithful ministry, extending over a period of forty-eight years, he died in the Lord, on the 15th day of October, 1864, reverenced by many and esteemed by all who knew him. Deacon Solomon Case arrived in 1835, but did not permanently settle with his family until the year following. He was a man well qualified to assume the role of pioneer; and did much towards the development, both physical and spiritual, of the then infant settlement. His widow and his son, Thurlow, and daughter, the wife of Morgan G. Beach, are the only representatives of the family now residing in Calhoun County. The years 1835 and 1836 were very prolific in arrivals to the township. Among those coming in as permanent settlers in 1835, were Anson Mapes, who settled in section 30, where he resided forty years, and died there March 31, 1875; his widow still lives in the old homestead. Aaron and Bradley Morehouse; the former settled on section 26, and the latter on section 35. Asa Langley came from Kentucky, and settled on section 26. Andrew Reese was born in West Stockbridge township, Berkshire county, Massachusetts, February 4, 1790. Was married to Electa Burghardt, July 16, 1812, moved from thence to Berkshire, Broome county, New York. In the fall of 1835, he, with his family, moved to Battle Creek township, from Monroe county, New York, and settled on the farm which continued to be his home until his death, September 2, 1875. His widow still survives, being eighty-five years old. There are also ten children living. In 1836, among others, came Peter Dubois, and settled on section 25; Frederick P. Peet, on section 14; Giles Andrus, on section 11; Henry Eberstein, on section 9; William McCollum, on section 26; Joseph Young, on the farm now owned by his son David, on section 15, which he purchased of Josiah Goddard; Harvey B. Lewis, on the farm now occupied by his son, Jonah K., in section 25 (1835); Deacon Herman Cowles, on section 36, on the farm now occupied by Egbert Stone; Dr. John Beach, on the farm now occupied by his widow and their son, E. Darwin Beach, on section 34; Allen Willard, father of Hon. George Willard, editor and proprietor of the Battle Creek Daily Journal, who settled a little north of the farm on which he died in 1876, aged over eighty years. Henry Thiers located in South Battle Creek, and was one of the early justices of the peace of the township. Martin and Ephraim Van Buren, sons of Ephraim Van Buren, Sr., came in the spring of 1836, and settled on the northwest quarter of section 21, which the latter had located the year previous. He and his wife and daughter, Eliza, and.son, A. D. P. Van Buren, now of Galesburg, Kalamazoo county, came in October, the same year. Deacon William Betterly came from western New York, and settled north of Goguac prairie, in 1836. During the latter part of his life he lived in Battle Creek, and died there on the 10th of July, 1870. THE FIRST FARM OPENED was by Isaac Thomas, and the first soil plowed within the limits of the township was on this farm, and done by James Simonds, in 1832. The first grain was also sowed in it in the spring of 1833. THE FIRST ORCHARD was set out by Uncle John Stewart, on the farm now owned and occupied by William C. Foster, in section 14. It still exists, though repeated grafting has impaired its productiveness. THE FIRST LOG HOUSE was erected by Isaac Thomas, in 1831. After building it he returned east for his family and arrived in his place here the following fall to find that his house had been destroyed by fire. The accident was caused by the Indians; whether intentionally or not was never rightly known. THE FIRST BIRTH in the township was that of Calhoun Goddard, son of Josiah Goddard, who was born in a log house which stood on the farm now owned by David Young, in 1833. THE FIRST MARRIAGE was solemnized on the same day that Calhoun County was organized, namely, March 6, 1833. The parties to this interesting coincidental contract were John Stewart, Jr., and Anser, and the event was celebrated on Goguac prairie. The parties went to Marshall to be united by General Crary, then a justice of the peace, but were informed by him that he could not legally tie the knot until they had procured the necessary license, which could only be accomplished by a journey to Kalamazoo. Three days were spent in this preliminary, and then the expectant couple were made one. THE FIRST DEATH that occurred in the township was that of Mrs. John Stewart, who died September 17. 1832. Her funeral sermon was preached by Rev. Mr. Hobart, of Marshall, and was undoubtedly the first religious discourse delivered in the township. EARLY SETTLEMENTS. Speaking of the settlements on the prairie in 1836, A. D. P. Van Buren, in his series of excellent papers on the early history of Battle Creek township, published in the Battle Creek Journal, says," The day following we passed by Polydore Hudson's tavern at the Gulf, just east of Battle Creek. Here we took the old road by way of Joe Farnsworth's, Isaac Tollands, Warren B. Shepard's, and up Conway hill to Goguac prairie. The first house west of Conway's was Mott's. Dorrance Williams lived on the south side of his farm, near the woods. The old road formerly went this side of the prairie. East of him was Daniel Thomas, then Mrs. Peter Michael, in Frederick P. Peet's log house, Uncle Isaac Thomas, his sons, Frank, Hiram, and Orson, and last, John Stewart, were all on the south side of the prairie. On the Territorial road, west of Mott's, was first Samuel Gregory's log house, and a log building on the northeast corner of his farm, tenantless; then came Rice's, now W. B. Frink's; Giles Andrus, where his son Henry now lives, was next; then Uncle John Stewart's, in a small frame house, where W. G. Foster now lives. There was a small log structure just west, on the same side of the road, unoccupied; Deacon Joseph Young lived next, in a log house, where his son David now lives; Enoch Stewart had a log house on his " eighty," just opposite; Taylor Stewart's log house was next, and Ebersteine lived in the log house in the southeast corner of Andrew Helmer's farm; Mr. Simonds and his son John lived just north of the prairie; and still farther north were Betterly Reese and Shepard, and west of them were Van Woert, Moyer, and the Tobys. Crossing the prairie and turning at Deacon Young's, southwesterly, we drove into the woods, some two miles farther, and, 'As Twilight let her curtain down, And pinned it with a star,' we halted before the new log house, our future home in Michigan. We looked around for neighbors. Nothing visible but the beautiful oak openings! We were alone in the silent woods." 96 HISTORY OF CALHOUN COUNTY, MICHIGAN. The country improved very rapidly after 1836, and where once existed thicklytimbered land sprang up fine and well-cultivated farms. For the betterment of their farms, improved stock and machinery were introduced, the first IMPROVED STOCK having been brought in by Judge Eldred, of Kalamazoo, who used to bring in good graded cattle and sheep, and trade with the pioneer farmers as early as 1840, taking in exchange hogs, which he would ship east. About the same time Messrs. Joseph Roly, of Genesee county, New York, and John F. Kilkey, of Gull prairie, brought in sheep. They used to bargain them off on the basis of one-half the wool raised, and at the expiration of three years double the number of sheep received should be returned to them. Money was very scarce in those days. THE MANUFACTURING INTERESTS of the township have been represented by a SAW-MILL, erected by Asa Langley, about 1837. He operated it about ten years, after which it was conducted by a man by the name of Onderdonk, and discontinued about 1860. Abraham Minger erected a GRIST-AIILL in the township at a later day, and although we have endeavored to obtain information of it both from him and from the present proprietor, it was of no avail. All that is known is that it has frequently changed hands, and no one now knows precisely who owns it. It will be remembered by some of the old pioneers that in 1838 Major and Nelson Mott came in and started a settlement, and made some preparations for a village, to be known as HEamilton. Their efforts were futile as regards the village, although their laudable endeavor was perpetuated by naming the vicinity ' Hamilton Lane," which it has retained for many years. THE FIRST STONE HOUSE was built by Joseph Young, and bears the date " July 4, 1841" on the slabs in the front wall. It is now owned and occupied by Deacon David Young, son of the original owner. THE FIRST BRICK HOUSE was built by Harriett, widow of Dr. John Beach, in 1849. It has been occupied by herself and son, E. Darwin, and his family, since its erection. THE FIRST ROAD running through the township, or any part thereof, was the the old Territorial road, surveyed and laid out in this neighborhood about 1831 or 1832. THE FIRST SCHOOL was taught on Goguac prairie, in a small log school-house, by Aranthus Thomas, in 1833 or 1834. Among the first scholars were the Stewarts, Goddards, Thomases, Conways, and others. No records exist of the district schools, and no person whom we have interrogated on the subject remembers the date of their organization. RELIGIOUS MEETINGS by Methodist itinerants were held as early as 1833, notably at the house of Daniel Thomas, when the Rev. Mr. Hobart, of Marshall, preached the gospel to the early settlers. Meetings were held quite regularly at the house of Deacon Joseph Young, in 1836 and 1837. A Rev. Mr. Mason, of the Presbyterian persuasion, is also remembered by some as preaching among them as early as 1836. There has been no regularly organized religious society in the township outside of the city except the SOUTH BATTLE CREEK BAPTIST CHURCH, which was organized by Rev. John Harris in 1839, and legally instituted and recognized as a society in 1842. Among the original members were Rev. John Harris, Deacon Solomon Case, Alexander Dane, Bradley Morehouse, David Fish, Levi Vedder, and their wives, and a number of others. They first held their meetings in private houses, and subsequently in the school-house, until 1847, when the present church edifice, a neat frame structure, was erected, and dedicated to the service of God the same year. Rev. John Harris was the first pastor, and Solomon Case the first deacon. In 1850, Mr. Harris was succeeded in the pastorate of the church by Rev. Samuel Jones, who remained with the congregation about two years. Then Rev. George Hickox succeeded to the pulpit, and occupied it for three years. In 1855, Rev. T. Z. R. Jones became pastor, and after him Revs. William Roberts and George Harris. Until recently, students from Kalamazoo have officiated, and the church, by reason of deaths and removals of members, discontinued their services temporarily. They are now repairing their house of worship, and will doubtless ere long renew their meetings. For a number of years Mr. O. B. Green acted as clerk to the society and church, but removed to Battle Creek recently, where he now resides. A Sabbath-school was organized about the same time as the church, and was sustained irregularly for perhaps a quarter of a century. No statistics of either the church or Sabbath-school are furnished. FIRST TOWNSHIP MEETING. "At a meeting of the electors of the township of Milton, legally held at the house of Ezra Convis, in said township, on the fourth day of April, one thousand eight hundred and thirty-six, the following township officers were chosen for the ensuing year, and the following votes passed, viz.: E. G. Smith, supervisor; Talman W. Hall, clerk; David H. Daniels, Warren B. Shepard, Jeremiah Gardner, and John H. Michael, assessors; John Farnsworth, collector; Moses Lowell, John V. Henry, Harvey B. Lewis, commissioners of highways; Joseph Farnsworth, John S. Holliday, Enoch Stewart, Napoleon B. Harper, constables; Tolman W. Hall, David W. Howell, Joseph S. Weed, John Balckom, and Asahel Beach, inspectors of common schools; Nedebiah Angell, Isaac Thomas, overseers of the poor; David W. Howell, Polydore Hudson, and Jonathan Thomas, commissioners of common schools; Moses Hall, Cephas A. Smith, Stephen Collins, and Samuel Robinson, justices of the peace. Overseers of highways for the districts numbered according to the order of their names: Jeremiah Gardner, Warren B. Shepard, Moses Hall, John Harper, Samuel Convis, George Johnston, James Worden, Daniel Thomas, Taylor Stewart, Stephen Gilbert, William D. Eaton, David W. Howell, William Knowles, Otis Williams, Samuel Robinson, Benjamin Harper, and John Wolf. " On motion, it was voted that swine weighing over thirty pounds, horses, cattle, and sheep be lawful commoners. "That fifty dollars be raised for the support of the poor the ensuing year. "That one hundred and fifty dollars be raised for the purpose of building bridges in said township. "That the next township meeting be held at the house of Leonard Starkweather, in the village of Battle Creek. " On motion, adjourned. " NEDEBIAH ANGELL, Moderator. " SAMUEL CONVIS, Township Clerk. "POLYDORE HUDSON, Justice of the Peace." Supervisors, 1837.-Asahel Beach, Moses Hall, Warren B. Shepard, Sidney Sweet, Orlando Moffatt (four years), John Champion (two years), Joseph Barton, John Stewart, Harvey B. Lewis, Abner E. Campbell (six years), John Meachem (two years), Simon S. French, Otis B. Green (two years), Charles Coy (three years), Edward White, William Harris (two years), George Bently, Charles Rowe, Hector Adams, George I. Brown (three years), Abraham Minges (five years), present incumbent. Clerks. —Tolman W. Hall, Benjamin Richards, Eli L. Stillson, Isaac Van De Bergh, Erastus Hussey (two years), Joseph Barton, Abner E. Campbell, Samuel C. Merrill, Charles S. Gray (two years), Leonard Stillson, Myron H. Joy (two years), Joseph Babcock, Leonidas D. Dibble, Justin G. Averill, Eli L. Stillson, Joseph Dodge, Edwin J. Dickinson, Cornelius Byington, William F. Neale, John B. Root, Frederick P. Root (four years), Charles Coy, Thurlow W. Case (two years), Ralph B. Cummings (two years), W. H. Chadwick, Charles Rowe (three years), Charles H. Joslyn (three years), William J. Forster (two years), present incumbent. Justices of the Peace. —David H. Daniels, Heman Cowles, Moses Hall (eight years), John Meachem, Henry Tears, Cyrus Hewitt (vacancy), Eli L. Stillson (eight years), Nedebiah Angell (eight years), Elias C. Manchester, Aaron Morehouse, Henry Andrus, Benjamin F. Graves (eight years), Simon V. Carr, John L. Balckom, Samuel S. Jennings, Myron H. Joy, Dwight May, Anson Mapes, Stephen Gilbert, Henry Andrus, Erastus R. Wattles, Levi Mosher, Solon E. Robinson (seven years), Henry J. Champion, Edward White (four years), Milton H. Gregory (three years), Isaac P. Hart (two years), Elijah Trumble, Lewis A. Nichols, William F. Halladay, Peter Crosby, Warren Frink (vacancy), Isaac P. Hart (eleven years), Morgan G. Beach, Barnett Wood, David Young, William McCollum (vacancy), William Fuller, Abraham Minges, Henry D. Ward, Henry D. Ward (vacancy), Samuel B. Nichols, Gilbert Warner, Frederick P. Peet, David Young, Hector Adams (one year), E. L. Jackson, J. B. Ashley, William" E. Fuller, Caleb Boylan (three years), 1877. I I r 4 - - I - - - -. T OLD HOMESTEAD. I - I: LI\ ERASTUS' HUSSEY. MRS. SARAH E. HUSSEY.. i RESID~NCE or ERASTUS HUSSEY, BATTLE CREEK, MICH..:0 -........ a - HISTORY OF CALHOUN COUNTY, MICHIGAN. 97 BATTLE CREEK (GRANGE, NO. 66, was organized September 6, 1873, at the residence of N. and C. Chilson, in the township of Emmett. The following were the first officers and charter members: Master, N. Chilson; Overseer, Charles Merritt; Lecturer, L. K. Phelps; Steward, Chester Chilson; Assistant Steward, H. L. Munn; Chaplain, Daniel Caine; Treasurer, I. W. Caine; Secretary, J. A. Robinson; Gate-keeper, Miles Townsend; Ceres, Miss I. V. Chilson; Pomona, Mrs. D. Phelps; Flora, Miss Delie Chilson; Lady Assistant Steward, Miss Hattie Robinson; Mesdames H. A. Chilson, H. M. Chilson, Myra Caine, P. L. Munn, E. M. C. Merritt, Hattie Townsend, and Mrs. James Haryhan. The present officers are-Master, N. Chilson; Overseer, A. Minges; Lecturer, Albert Dickinson; Chaplain, Mrs. H. B. Hoagland; Steward, J. M. Paul; Assistant Steward, William Paul; Treasurer, David Young; Secretary, Chester Chilson; Gate-keeper, John Newman; Ceres, Mrs. A. Minges; Pomona, Mrs. D. Simons; Flora, Mrs. A. Stringham; Lady Assistant Steward, Miss D. Newman. The present membership of the grange is one hundred and forty-five. Its place of meeting is in Grange hall, Finley block, Battle Creek. In January, 1874, N. Chilson was eleeted a member of the executive committee of the State grange, and held the office for two years; during the last of which he was chairman of that committee. On the 27th of August, 1874, he was appointed State Purchasing Agent, which position he held until January, 1876. Battle Creek grange is now in a flourishing and prosperous condition, many of its members taking an active part in working and deliberations. GOGUAC LAKE.* t An interesting feature of Battle Creek township is that beautiful sheet of water called Goguac lake. The Indian name was Coghwayiac, so spelled in the old records, Gogoguac, as spelled by the pioneers; but the latter was anglicized by the settlers by dispensing with the "go," and the more ancient name lost its identity. It is located in sections 14, 22, and 23. On its borders once existed an Indian mound, and it is otherwise worthy of note. NOTE.-We are under obligations to the following gentlemen for information concerning the history of this township: Messrs. J. W. and John Stewart, Barnett Wood, Harvey J. Du Bois, E. Darwin and Mrs. John Beach, and A. D. Van Buren of Galesburg, Michigan, for many years a resident of the township. " See a more extended description in the history of Battle Creek city. BIOGRAPHI CAL S:KETCHES. ERASTUS HUSSEY was born in the township of Scipio (now Ledyard), in the county of Cayuga, State of New York, on the,5th day of December, 1800. This part of the State in that day was mostly an unbroken wilderness, and roamed over by the aboriginal tribes of the Seneca, Cayuga, and Onondcaga Indians. It was a fair and beautifully romantic country, situated among and around that delightful chain of lakes interspersing that fair region from Onondaga to Canandaigua, and was very attractive. Although it was on the verge of western civilization, it was much sought by enterprising and adventurous pioneers in search of new homes in the western wilderness, and was in that early day denominated " the lake country," and very appropriately called the garden of the State. On a farm one mile east of the beautiful village of Aurora, Erastus Hussey was born. Here he spent all of his early days of boyhood and early manhood. With the placid waters of Cayuga lake ever in sight, and surrounded by scenery of exquisite beauty, it was no marvel that the enthusiastic imagination of the boy was captivated, and he pronounced it the loveliest spot on the face of the earth. Ever since, through a long and eventful life, the recollections of those scenes of his boyhood, with the memory of the innocent and-unalloyed pleasures which surrounded him, have brightened his pathway and cheered him on in the way of his duty. Surrounded by watchful guardians whose salutary advice restrained him from dissipation, the innocence of his childhood's days has strengthened his later years, and will console him as he descends to his last resting-place. His school-day privileges were small. In that new country no graduating honors were bestowed except the ticket of merit which was won as head of the spelling-class or the advancement from one primary branch of education to another. These were primitive days, when the sceptre was held by the country school-master, backed up by the persuasive eloquence of the birch and ferule, and made tangible in the rude log school-house where he held absolute sway. In those early and rude times education was obtained under difficulties, where only the four fundamental branches of education were taught. Spelling, reading, writing, and arithmetic were the sum total of science imparted to students in those log structures, and yet the knowledge thus obtained laid the foundation of enviable fame for many who commenced their upward march from this low beginning. Under this system the subject of this memoir received his scholastic education. The saving clause in this district school-teaching, was the requirement of a perfect knowledge of each branch in its course, with rewards of merit for the victor. And in the races for the prizes he won his full share. Unfortunately, his time for even these advantages was limited, for his school privileges seldomn extended over three months in the year, and ceased at the age of fourteen, after which time his services were required on the farm. Now, what could not be oained in time must be saved by diligence. Every hour that could be spared from the plow or other farm-labor must be employed in 13 useful study. But he availed himself of another advantage,-he had access to the Union library situated in the village of Aurora, which was well filled with standard works of history, travels, and poetry, of which he was a constant reader and admirer. This course of reading, with the close application to the study of sacred history, made him a good historical and Bible scholar, as well as inducting him into the masterly and entrancing beauties of Homer, Milton, Shalkspeare, Ossian, etc. Thus his time passed, filled up by useful employment, until he arrived at man's estate, happy in his attainments and in the society of the numerous friends which surrounded him. Erastus Hussey had now arrived at an age that required action. He had decided to make agriculture the leading business of his life. He had long contemplated the means by which he could procure a farm of his own. He was poor, and it became necessary that he should turn his attention towards a new country where land was cheap. Already he had visited the Holland purchase, in the south part of Erie county, New York, where many of his friends resided. But he did not like the country, and could not make up his mind to make it his home. He then turned his mind towards Ohio and Indiana, both of which States were by general report described as desirable and fertile regions, but still he hesitated. Michigan began now to be talked about. This was a region little known in those days, and what was known was to its discredit. It was represented on the maps as surrounded by impenetrable swanps and marshes, while the centre of the Territory was described as a desert destitute of water, and the current report was that it was uninhabitable. In 1823 a few emigrants removed to the Territory, but some returned, bearingI a bad report. In 1824, Thomas J. Drake, a schoolmate of the subject of this sketch, visited him. He had just returned from Michigan, and gave a glowing account of the country. He had located at Pontiac, the county-seat of Oakland county, where he intended to build up a business. The information of his friend Drake decided him. It was the first reliable account he had received of the country. His mind was now mnade up, and he resolved to take a trip to the peninsular Territory. This was in June, 1824, and he immediately began to make preparations for the journey, and was ready to start by the 1st of September. On a bright and beautiful morning in that pleasant month he turned his back on the home of his youth, and went forth to seek his fortune in the wide world alone. No one of his numerous young friends bad the courage to accompany him. Some expressed a desire to do so, but shrank from fear of the difficulties to be surmounted. Cheered on by hope and the love of -adventure, he made his way on foot to Buffalo. Here he went on board the steam brig "1 Superior," the only one then on Lake Erie, and sailed from Detroit. On board were a few adventurous spirits, who were, like himself, seeking homes in the wilderness of the far west. The weather was fair, and the companionship of the strangers.was agreeable and in 98 HISTORY OF CALHOUN COUNTY, MICHIGAN. C --- —~ —~-__ ----_-, teresting. Two days and a half were thus spent pleasantly, when the vessel reached its destination. Here a new prospect opened to the view, such as the new-comers had never realized,-a land of poetry and of dreams, an antique country in a new world,-the quaint old city of Detroit, situated on one of the most beautiful rivers of the world, looking like a beautiful vision in an ancient legend. The little steeproofed houses, with their inevitable dormer windows, and diminutive CanadaFrench inhabitants, made Detroit attractive and interesting. This old city on the borders of the wilderness had been the outpost of civilization for two hundred years. How many events of its long history have been lost to the world! Many reminiscences of hardships and perils are folded away in the book of time and utterly lost. But still some historic mementos remain. A part of the old stockade yet stands, such as was used in the days of Gladwin, the commander and governor of the British fort, such as was used to guard against the fierce attacks of the hostile Indians, led on by that renowned chief, Pontiac, in the memorable siege of Detroit in days long since past. A little above the city was pointed out the battle-ground where the brave Dalzel lost his life in his unadvised midnight attack on the fierce marauding bands during the same siege. The stream still bears the name of " Bloody Run." After viewing many scenes of interest in and around the City of the Straits, Mr. Hussey, accompanied by two of his new acquaintances, George Crozier and Thomas Gillett, turned his face toward the wilderness. At this time, 1824, there were but six organized counties in the Territory. They took the road leading to Pontiac. After crossing a swamp of some miles in width over " Harrison's old causeway," they came to a broad, open country of oak openings. Here he met the only two acquaintances he knew in the Territory, Thomas J. Drake, a young lawyer of Pontiac (afterwards well known as a United States judge of Utah), and Alilen Durfee, both friends of his boyhood. A few minutes' conversation was all that could be spared, and each went on his way. Pontiac contained only a few houses. The country around it was entirely new and full of marshes and little lakes. The land did'not please the adventurers, and they went southward into the timbered region. Here the land was rich and more attractive to the travelers. Fifteen miles brought them to a rude log house, where Arthur Power had established himself a year before. A few enterprising pioneers were scattered over this township (now Farmington). Southwest twenty-five miles was the extreme settlement. One house, surrounded by a beautiful burr-oak grove and occupied' by John Allen and S. Rumsey, stood on the bank of the Huron river, where the city of Ann Arbor now stands. All west to Lake Michigan was an unbroken wilderness. The adventurers were pleased with this wild region, and penetrated the wilds in search of good locations. On the second day of special land-viewing Mr. Hussey's companions were so frightened and disgusted at the discovery of a Massasauger rattlesnake that they concluded to return; and failing to persuade him to accompany them gave him a friendly hand, and with a " God bless you" left him many miles in the wilderness alone. Mr. Hussey met his friend Crozier thirty years after for the first time, and they had a hearty laugh over the event which caused their separation. Notwithstanding the solitude of his situation he was' nothing daunted, but, with bright hopes, was determined to pursue his travels. With the broad country before him and only a knapsack of provisions, a pocket compass, and hatchet, he pushed ahead in his enterprise. In this manner he traversed the woods for seven days. Having become satisfied with the fertility of a large tract of country, he hired a man to accompany him, and took a southwesterly direction into an unex'plored region. Here he found magnificent land, fertile and attractive, well timbered and watered. Here he determined to stick his stake and make his home.. The farm he selected was nine miles from any inhabitants, and fifteen miles from a public road. He returned to the settlement that night, and the next day, the 9th of October, 1824, went to Detroit and entered one hundred and sixty acres of land. Major Kearsley, the receiver at the land-office, informed him that his was the second entry in the township, and in fact he was the first purchaser who settled on his land, in what is now the town of Plymouth, the northwest township of Wayne county. Erastus Hussey now considered himself a resident of Michigan. The boat bound for Buffalo being then in, he took passage on her and- sailed the next day. He landed at Erie, Pennsylvania, and in company with Luther Landon, an acquaintance from his native town, and, like himself, a land-viewer, left for the southern part of Erie county, New York, a distance of ninety miles. They traveled on foot, but, as they had a smooth road and beautiful weather, they did not mind the fatigue. The first day they traveled thirty miles, and on the next made a forced march, and traveled sixty miles between sunrise and sunset. Being now among his friends, and weary and footsore from over-exertion, he was rejoiced to find a cordial welcome. In this neighborhood he determined to spend the winter, and took charge of a school for four months. As he had only a shilling left in his pocket when he arrived here, this gave him an opportunity to recruit his finances. After spending a pleasant, and as he believed a useful, winter, he returned to his native place, where he spent the summer in working on a farm. In June, 1826, he again visited Michigan, found his land surrounded by settlers, and the country all alive with activity. Immigration was now pouring into the Territory rapidly. The prospect was encouraging; he made a small improvement on his land and returned late in the autumn, when he again took a large school for four months. On the 21st day of February, 1827, Erastus Hussey was married to Sarah E. Bowen, the daughter of Benjamin Bowen, of Cayuga county, New York. She was a young lady possessed of a highly-cultivated mind, and their attachment was of long standing, having been acquainted from childhood. This Mr. Hussey looks upon as the most important period of his life, for it gave him an accomplished companion, who was willing to leave all her refined associates, and the society so dear to her, and go with him into the wilds of the west, help him to overcome the privations and surmount the obstacles of an unknown future. In 1827 Erastus Hussey and his wife left their old home and sorrowingfriends, setting their faces westward with strong hopes and a stronger determination to face the world and seek happiness in each other's society. His wife was young and beautiful, scarce beyond her girlhood, only nineteen, and looked too frail and delicate to be transplanted into so rude a home. But, like a true pioneer wife, she stood ever by his side, rejoicing in his success and consoling him in his trials. Ever ready to extend a helping hand, she has been his adviser, counselor, and stay for more than fifty years; for the golden era of their married life has passed, leaving the reflection of uninterrupted domestic happiness. No lightning train or fast-sailing steamboats were at the disposal of travelers in those days, so the journey of the pioneers had to be performed on the canal line boat, the lumbering steamboat, and, lastly, by ox teams, into the interior, where they arrived on the 27th of July, 1827. They occupied a temporary shanty, and suffered much for a time from sickness incident to the country. Late in the fall the neighbors helped him roll up a log house, which he finished with his own hands, and moved into on the 1st day of January, 1828. Thus his home was fairly established, and hope of happiness in the future more than compensated for all the sufferings of the past. To add to their happiness, a daughter was born to them this year. She is their only child, and still lives to comfort them in their old age. On this farm Erastus Hussey lived for nine years, made many improvements, and built up a beautiful home, which he sold in 1836. He now traveled two years in company with his wife and little daughter, to recover his health, which had become impaired by over-exertion in clearing up his new farm. They journeyed together through Ohio, New York, and New England to the sea-shore, with their own carriages. In 1838 he returned to Michigan, and settled at Battle Creek, his present residence. In religion, he professes the doctrine of the society of Friends, or Quakers, believing in the " inward light" as taught by George Fox, and that the " grace of God, which bringeth salvation, hath appeared unto all men." In politics, in early life he was a Whig, and boasts that he gave his first presidential vote for John Quincy Adams, " the old man eloquent," and his last Whig vote for William H. Harrison, in 1840. Having always been a firm believer in the equal rights of man as put forth in the '" Declaration of American Independence," he threw himself with his whole soul into the anti-slavery movement. He supported James G. Birney for president in 1844, and took an active part in every movement to put down oppression and curtail the slave power. He took stock in the underground railroad, and managed one section of that celebrated institution. He gave material aid to all fugitives from oppression, and declared his hostility to the slave power publicly and privately without fear or favor. In those days it was a pQsition attended with peril, but he considered it a duty that must be performed. After settling in Battle Creek, Mr. Hussey entered into a mercantile business. In 1843 he took Henry B. Denman as partner, who subsequently married his daughter. The firm continued a successful business for three years, when they dissolved partnership, and in 1847 he closed up the business. This year he built two-fifths of the Union block, the first brick building erected in the village. In the same year he took charge as editor of the Michigan Liberty Press,-a new paper just started as the organ of the anti-slavery or liberty party in the State. This paper had a large circulation, and much influence among the masses. In 1848 he attended and took an active part in the great Buffalo convention that called into existence the Free Soil party. In the spring of 1849 the Liberty Press, with all the materials, was destroyed by fire, and the paper, after issuing a few numbers at Marshall, was discontinued. In the autumn of the same year Mr. Hussey was elected a member of the State legislature on the Free Soil ticket. Here he advocated unreservedly his anti-slavery sentiments, and though in the smallest minority (there being only four Free Soil members in that Democratic house), he was treated with marked respect, and often called to preside over the committee of the whole during that session. 'Having advanced the cause of freedom, as required by his constituents, according to his best ability, he returned to his home to receive their approval. Here new labors awaited him. t _ ____~_ --- 4,/~ L /C 6k c '3, 1, 6L. V.,~O?"'-7 I I ~RI., - -o 'e, X., ( lv-~ I ~ ff * I* I HISTORY OF CALHOUN COUNTY, MICHIGAN. 99 - Cl The education of the rising generation had always been an especial object of his energetic will, and as he was one of the first advocates for the organization of a Union school in the villages, he was called upon to superintend the erection of a suitable building to meet the wants of the people. This enterprise was accomplished that season. In the fall of 1850 he was elected county clerk, and reelected again in 1852, giving him four years of active service. In the summer of 1854, Mr. Hussey was one of the earnest men who called upon the liberal element of Michigan to meet at Marshall in mass convention to take into consideration the best means for the protection of liberty against the aggressions of the slave power. Laying aside all former political preferences, this noble body of men organized the great Republican party, with a platform broad enough for all loyal men to stand upon. This convention was held in July. At the fall election of 1854, Mr. Hussey was elected to represent his district in the State senate. This was the first Republican legislature held in Michigan, and was considered an able body of men. Mr. Hussey acted as chairman of the committee on finance, and took an active part in all the proceedings during the session. He drafted and presented the bill known as the " Personal Liberty Bill," which created much comment and much opposition from the sympathizers of the slave oligarchy. But the bill received a strong support, and became a law, which saved the State from further raids of slave-catchers. It was pronounced by Governor Bingham, in his retiring message, one of the most important laws of the session. On returning home in 1855, Mr. Hussey commenced building up a new home in the north part of the city, which he called Oak Lawn,-a beautiful location, now occupied by the Seventh-Day Advent college. Here he resided with his family for nearly twenty years. He gave a great deal of time to improving and adorning his grounds. But still he was deeply interested in the political questions of the day which so greatly agitated the public mind on the subject of slavery. In 1856 he gave a cordial support to John C. Fremont, the Free Soil candidate for president. Mr. Hussey, in 1860, was sent as a delegate to the Chicago convention which nominated Abraham Lincoln for president. The decisive action of this convention, and the liberal and just sentiments announced in its platform of principles, raised the enthusiasm of the Republican party to the highest degree, and resulted in the election of its candidates. This so exasperated the leading advocates of slavery extension that they counseled secession from the government. A number of the Southern States raised the standard of rebellion, and forced the nation into a civil war. This inauspicious movement of the rebels compelled the loyal citizens to avail themselves of every means at their disposal, and to exert all their energies to subdue the insurrection. The great crisis had arrived. It was now palpable to every one that the principles of liberty must be maintained or the government must be controlled by the slave power. To save the republic Abraham Lincoln issued his " proclamation of emancipation." This act affixed his name to the highest roll of fame, made him a star of the first magnitude in the constellation of reformers, and struck the shackles from the limbs of four millions of slaves. The world stood aghast at this bold policy of the great statesman, but the nation was saved. This grand movement brought about the event for which Mr. Hussey and his co-workers had looked to, and so anxiously toiled for, for more than thirty years. They had hoped to see the emancipation of the slaves accomplished by peaceable means, but it was not to be thus disposed of. For torrents of blood must be shed to expiate the great wrong. The hearts of thousands must bleed for the loss of their first-born, desolation must sweep over the nation, sorrow and suffering must go hand in hand through the broad land before the " oppressors would let the oppressed go free." But the deed was accomplished through bloody struggles, and the disgrace of the Republic was wiped out. This act of emancipation was the crowning glory of the friends of liberty, for it raised the nation to the acme of that perfection desired by the patriots of 1776, and made it the " land of the free and the home of the brave." Mr. Hussey has given much attention to the improvement of the city of Battle Creek, and has always labored with time and money to advance its prosperity. He served as mayor in 1867, and has always been connected more or less with its municipal affairs. In 1874 he sold his beautiful home, "Oak Lawn," to the Seventh-Day Advent Educational Society, and built his present dwelling at the corner of Washington and Manchester streets. In the summer of 1876 he went with his grandson, Frederick H. Denman, to Kansas, —that enchanting region of prairies and flowers. Here young Denman owns large possessions and intends to make his future home. They made a delightful trip home by the lakes, visiting Milwaukee, Mackinaw, and Detroit on their route. In September, Erastus Hussey, in company with his wife and daughter, Susan T. Denman, left home to visit the Centennial Exposition; went by the way of Boston to attend the celebration of the nuptials of their son and grandson, Frederick H. Denman, and Kate A. Strickland, his chosen and accomplished bride. Then, in company with the wedding party, they went on to Philadelphia to mingle with the joyous American throng gathered there to celebrate the one hundredth birthday of the nation. No short sketch can do justice to the grand and admirable collections exhibited; so we will leave it to the pen of a more accomplished writer to delineate its magnificence, and merely give it the appellation of one of the " wonders of the world." Leaving the great Centennial, Mr. Hussey, his wife, and daughter took the route homeward through the romantic Lehigh valley, visiting, on the way, his native land,-the scenes of his early hopes and youthful aspirations. After a prolonged stay and a pleasant journey they found themselves once more at home. The romantic and thriving city of Battle Creek is situated at the confluence of two small but beautiful rivers, known to the red man of the forest by the significant names of Kekalamazoo, or the bright sparkling river, and Wapokisko, the river of battle, or the river of blood, which, after uniting their waters, flow westward, under the name of Kalamazoo river, until they mingle with those of Lake Michigan. Here, in this lovely city, Erastus Hussey has made his attractive home, where, with the wife of his youth and their widowed daughter, he hopes to spend the evening of his days in contentment and repose. HON. CHARLES AUSTIN was born in London, England, April 19, 1834. He received his education in one of the schools of the British and Foreign School Society, an admirable institution for the general dissemination of knowledge in England and the British provinces. He emigrated to America in February, 1852, and had but thirteen English shillings in his pocket on landing in New York. Finding no work in the metropolis, he proceeded to Albany and procured a place at shoemaking, with which trade he had previously become slightly acquainted. He resided in the State of New York until the spring of 1854, when he removed to Concord, Jackson county, Michigan. There he became acquainted with, and, on the 1st of January, 1855, married, Miss Lucy D. Taylor. From Concord he removed to Homer, in this county, in the fall of the same year; and in 1857 to Bedford, in the same county. He was i engaged in the boot and shoe business at Bedford until 1863, when he purchased a general store there, and continued in it until 1872, when he removed to Battle Creek in April of that year, and entered the dry-goods business, in which he is now a prominent and substantial representative, being a member of the well-known firm of Austin & Hoffmaster. While in Bedford he was a member of the Congregational church and superintendent of the Sunday-school. He was also elected justice of the peace one term. In 1875 he was elected alderman of the first ward of the city of Battle Creek, and in 1876 was elected mayor by a large majority, and in 1877 he was re-elected to the same office by an increased majority. He has always been a Republican since the organization of that party in Michigan, and has been a candidate of that party in all the offices to which he has been elected. That he has filled them well is shown by his present popularity. In 1869 and 1870 he made a trip to England, France, Australia, and New Zealand, which occupied some fourteen months. Mr. Austin is a member of the Congregational and Presbyterian church of Battle Creek, is superintendent of its Sunday-school, and president of a musical society called the " Choral Union." He is also High Priest of Battle Creek chapter, No. 19, of R. A. M., all of which positions he fills with honor and credit. Personally he is a gentleman of high morality, sterling integrity, and splendid reputation. In manner he is courteous, in disposition kind, and, whether in his public or private life, always gentlemanly in his deportment; hence he enjoys an extensive friendship, and is highly esteemed for his general good qualities of heart and head. ELIAS C. MANCHESTER was born in Scipio, Cayuga county, SNew York, of Quaker parentage, June 29, 1813. He was brought up on a farm, and received his education at the common schools of his native town, attending them during the winter, and devoting the summer months to assisting on the farm. At the age of eighteen he taught a district school for two terms. When twenty-one years of age he married Miss Amy Ann Howland, a native of Scipio and three years his junior. She is still living, having raised a family of ten children, of whom nine-seven sons and two 100 HISTORY OF CALHOUN COUNTY, MICHIGAN. I daughters-survive, having all reached maturity. Five of the sons served their country during the rebellion, distinguishing themselves by courage and patriotism. The names of these are Caleb, Stephen, Perry H., Charles E., and Elias H., all of whom were honorably discharged. Mr. Manchester removed to Michigan in 1836, and settled on a farm now located in Battle Creek, but then a wilderness. He arrived in March of the above year, and, after canvassing the county for a suitable place to locate, his decision rested on Battle Creek, and he returned to New York State and got his wife and baby and made his permanent settlement in September of the same year, on a farm situated on the northwest quarter of section 1, town 2 south, of range 8 west. In politics he was a Whig, and was elected justice of the peace by that party, and has subsequently served the township and city as supervisor for several years; was always an anti-slavery man. He joined the Free-Soil movement, and on the organization of the Republican party acted with it until 1869, when he assisted in the organization of the Prohibition party, and from that time until 1876 he acted with it, and finally affiliated with the Greenback party and supported Cooper for the presidency. From 1857 to 1863 he was interested in the mercantile business in Battle Creek, under the firm-titles of Averill & Manchester and Averill, Briggs & Co. In the winter of 1863 this co-partnership was dissolved by mutual agreement, and the liabilities of the concern honorably adjusted. He has always advocated universal education, has been a true friend to the temperance cause, and for three years presided over the grand lodge of Good Templars. He exercises the right of free thought on all subjects, and is ever ready to investigate all questions, and accepts as truth all that commends itself to his reason and judgment, rejecting nothing without a rigid examination. For the past quarter of a century he has been identified with the Spiritualistic movement, and for three years held the position of president of the State association of that body. ASAHEL BEACH, M.D. Asahel, son of Thomas and Mary Beach, old and respected pioneers of Washington county, New York, was born at Cambridge, the same county and State, on the 25th of December, 1799. His father was a farmer, and the doctor's youth was spent among the natural beauties of the country. He first attended the common schools of his native town, and latterly, the academy at the same place, where he completed his literary education. He entered upon the study of medicine, in 1821, in the office of Thomas Beach, Jr., M.D., who was a prominent physician of Ontario county, New York. He continued his studies with him and Dr. A. G. Smith, who was quite an eminent surgeon of western New York, for some time, and then went to Vermont sand matriculated at Castleton medical college, where he attended two courses of lectures, and graduated with an honorable diploma, December 24, 1824. Was a student for some years with Dr. Anderson, professor of anatomy and operative surgery, of Albany, New York. He then went to Victor, New York, where he practiced his profession for about ten years with marked success. In 1834, he removed to Michigan, and located in what was then old Milton township, now town 2 south, of range 7 west, and within the limits of the city of Battle Creek. He was one of the earliest medical lpractitioners in the county, and although coming here with the intention of devoting his time to farming (locating between five and six hundred acres for that.purpose), he was induced to act as physician to the early settlers, particularly in the sickly season of 1838. About 1843, he retired from active practice, having i in the spring of that year removed to the town of Battle Creek. On the 24th of October, 1826, he married Miss Martha N. Cady, daughter of General Cady, who was born on the same month and date in the year 1809, at Mendon, Monroe county, New York. They had four children, of whom three survive. Martha A. was born November 20, 1831, died November 1, 1834, while en route for Michigan; Mary Adelpha, born January 25, 1834, and now the wife of Frank N. Bennett, of Battle Creek; C. Cady, born November 24, 1836; for some years engaged in the banking business with Mr. A. C. Hamblin; Thomas S., born May 8, 1847, and now resides at Topeka, Illinois. In politics, as in religion, Mr. Beach has ever been progressive. He started out a Whig, and remained with them until the organization of the Republican party, when he became a Republican, and has since acted with them. In religion he is now a Spiritualist. He was first a Presbyterian, afterwards saw something of an advanced nature of thought in-the Universalist doctrine, and affiliated with them. After careful study and investigation of modern Spiritualism he embraced that, as being nearer his views philosophically and theologically. In character he is a person of unblemished reputation; a good, upright, and honest man, and an energetic and capable citizen. HARVEY J. DU BOIS. Harvey J., son of Peter and Sally Du Bois, old and respectable citizens of Saratoga county, New York, and subsequently pioneers of Battle Creek township, this county, was born in Saratoga county, New York, January 5, 1825. He passed his boyhood days on his father's farm, and there acquired those habits of industry and prudential care that have tended largely to his present prosperity. In May, 1836, the family left their eastern home and came and settled in the wilderness that then constituted that portion of Battle Creek township where they located. They made the journey from New York in a covered wagon, and came by the route through Canada by way of Buffalo, occupying about fbur weeks in the toilsome emigration. They stopped on the way to visit some friends, which tended somewhat to relieve the monotony of constant travel. In the early part of June they arrived at their destination, and purchased forty acres, part of the farm of two hundred acres now owned by the subject of this sketch. It was what is designated " oak openings," and they went to work with a will to clear it for cultivation. The family, on arrival, consisted of Peter Du Bois and Sally his wife, and three children, —Harvey J., James G., and Esther Mary. On the 7th of April, 1853, Harvey J. Du Bois and Cynthia J. Stickney, daughter of Euselius Stickney, of Allegany county, New York, were married. She was born in Kendall, Orleans county, New York, March 5, 1826. On her' way west she embarked at Buffalo, on August 18, 1852, on board the ill-fated steamer " Atlantic," which, at two A.M., on August 19, 1852, collided with the " Ogdensburg," and went down with more than two hundred souls. After the collision Mrs. Du Bois was taken from the wreck and placed on board the " Ogdensburg," and reached Detroit safely after a very narrow escape. They had three children, namely, Charlotte E., who was born May 25, 1854; died October 26, 1869; Louette L., born May 7, 1859; Clayton H., born April 27, 1864. On the 25th of February, 1869, Mr. Du Bois sustained the loss of his mother, and on August 30, 1875, his father was called hence. They were both honored members of the Presbyterian church at Battle Creek, and were highly respected by the community in which they had resided so long. In politics Mr. Du Bois is Republican; he and his father before him were strong Abolitionists. He never desired or accepted political preferment of any kind, rather choosing to devote his time to his own business. He never formally joined any religious denomination, but his life has been such that no sectarian influences could have made it more becoming or more truly Christian. His long residence in Battle Creek township, with his energy and faithful work in its development, has made him one of the most respected of its citizens. He is a man whose general worth commands the honor and esteem of all with whom he comes in contact. ISAAC PERRY HART is the third of a family of eleven children, of whom but himself and two sistersone the wife of A. D. Power, of Wayne county, Michigan, and the other the wife of Levi Stewart, of Battle Creek township-survive. His father, William A. Hart, was born February 17, 1792, and his mother, Lydia Perry, May 18, 1794. They were respectable citizens of Washington county, New York, where the subject of our sketch was born December 25, 1819. His father being a farmer, in moderate circumstances, he was early taught habits of industry and economy. He received the rudiments of his education at the public schools of his native place, and completed his studies at Cambridge academy. In 1842 he removed to Michigan, and purchased the northeast quarter of sec tion 18, in Battle Creek township, where he made a permanent settlement. By hard work and practical providence he has added to his original purchase, until he now possesses three hundred acres of fertile and well-cultivated land, on which are good substantial buildings. His residence, an illustration of which can be seen elsewhere in this work, is a model of home comfort, and a fair criterion of his taste and love for domestic enjoyment. On the 2d of May, 1866, he married Calista Dailey, a lady of fine intelligence and excellent housekeeping qualifications. Four children-two sons and two daughters-have been born to them, all of whom survive. In politics, Mr. Hart is Republican, and has been frequently elected to the office of justice of the peace in his township. In religious sentiment he is affiliated to the society of Friends, to which his family for generations belonged. He is a sound, practical farmer, an excellent husband and father, and a worthy and respected citizen. I I 1. 'i B. J:1 I LJ NsE x.^*^** ^ <^ L. 0 f1 0 L,. 11 i I iI -E11 HISTORY OF CALHOUN COUNTY, MICHIGAN. 101 - - PHIOTO. BY CRISPELL. JOHN BEACH, M.D. This gentleman was born at Cambridge, Washington county, New York, January 3, 1797. He afterwards moved to Ontario county, where he entered the office of his brother Thomas, who was a prominent physician in that county. After completing his medical studies, and practicing his profession in various places in western New York, he emigrated to Michigan in 1836, and settled on the farm in Battle Creek township now occupied by his widow and their son, E. Darwin, and his family. On the 18th of May, 1823, Dr. Beach married Miss Harriet Van Tuyl, who was born on the 25th of March, 1800. At the time they started to Michigan they had four children-two sons and two daughters. The doctor took the boys and came through in a covered wagon, by way of Buffalo and Canada, to Detroit, while Mrs. Beach came through by Canada to Buffalo, and from there to Detroit on the steamer " Ohio," and joined the rest of the family at Detroit. She recalls the incidents of that voyage very vividly, for she avers that in all her experience she never felt more miserable. She was sea-sick from the time she left Buffalo until she landed in Detroit, and we leave it to those who have been similarly afflicted to realize her position. She had one little girl.and an infant child to take care of, while she herself needed care worse than any of them. She ate nothing during the entire five days, but, if we know anything about sea-sickness, her appetite after landing was keen, to say the least. Nothing is better for the general health than a good spell of sea-sickness, although the indescribable symptoms of the disease are anything but enviable. But she survived it, and came through from Detroit to Marshall by stage, and from thence to the place of her brother-in-law, Dr. Asahel Beach, in Emmett township, where he then resided, about three miles from Battle Creek, without adventure. They got settled in their new home in the woods in the fall of 1836. The doctor immediately entered upon the practice of his profession, and proved himself to be one of the best physicians. There was no medicine to be purchased hereabouts in those days, so that after the supply he brought in was exhausted he had resource to the products of the forest, and practiced on the Thompsonian system. In the sickly season of 1838 he worked hard, and in fact overtaxed his strength to such a degree that about a year afterwards he was taken sick himself, which terminated his life August 25, 1840. He had gone east to endeavor to recuperate his shattered health, and died in New York city. He was a man of fine intellectual ability, of literary culture, of a highly social disposition, and a well-read physician. We quote the subjoined paragraph from A. D. P. Van Buren, who knew him well, and appreciated his worth fully: " Dr. Beach had read many books, was an interesting conversationalist, and I, although he came as a physician, always hailed with delight his visits to our house. The lack of society here in the woods made life lonely, and when he came he would talk about schools, education, books, and other subjects in which my parents and myself were interested. It was necessary sometimes for him to prolong the visit to his patient; he then, turning the chair down on the floor and placing a pillow on its back, would lie down and interest us for hours with conversation and varied narrations from his rich store of knowledge. And I remember the good advice, in regard to securing a thorough education, that I, then a boy, received from our kind-hearted physician and genial friend." Dr. and Mrs. Beach had a family of five children, of whom four survive. We annex the family record, as follows: Jerome B., born May 4, 1824, died June 2, 1825; Morgan Gilbert, born April 30, 1826; Cordelia C., born August 24, 1828; Erasmus Darwin, born March 8, 1831; Mary Ann, born March 31, 1836. E. DARWIN BEACH has always resided on the old homestead. He has acquired an enviable reputation as a good, practical farmer and stock-raiser, and it is safe to say that his extensive farm of three hundred acres is as well cultivated and produces as much per acre as any place in Calhoun County. A peculiar trait of his character is his known kind treatment of and justice towards his hired help, and we venture the assertion that no farmer in the county is ever better supplied, either with regard to numbers, qualifications, or general usefulness. On the 18th of June, 1862, Mr. Beach married Miss Ovieda Strong, and they have two very interesting and promising sons, namely, Harry Dayton, born June 12, 1864, and Carl Franz, born March 20, 1866. An illustration of the Beach farm and buildings is given herewith, together with portraits of the venerable Mrs. Dr. John Beach and Darwin and his wife. They are inserted by Mr. Darwin Beach as a token of affection, and will stand as a fitting monument to his father's and mother's memory, and a pleasant memento to his own family long after the parent stock has ceased to exist. 102 HISTORY OF CALHOUN COUNTY, MICHIGAN. JERVIS H. WATTLES, M.D. This gentleman was born in Troy, Oakland county, Michigan, September 7, 1840. He is the eldest of a family of four children, the son of Harper Wattles, Esq., a prominent and respected pioneer of Oakland county. The family is of Scotch origin; the ancestral name in Scotland, and for a time used by the first emigrants to this country, was McWattles, the prefix being dropped as the family became Americanized. His father was largely identified with the early interests of eastern Michigan, having been occupied for a considerable time in civil engineering and surveying. His parentage is characterized by high morality and integrity, and stands prominent among representative families of Delaware and Broome counties, New York. The leading types evinced in each were a special fondness and adaptability to practical, scientific, inventive, and constructive ingenuity. The doctor, being largely and naturally endowed with abilities of the above kind, early manifested a special interest in studies and works of like character. In particular might be mentioned those of mechanical ingenuity, invention, scientific pursuit, cause and effect, and the demonstration of natural qualities which from any source whatever produce practical results, rather than contributing to the support of fine-spun theories. These, together with liberty of thought and freedom of action, furnish very essential qualifications for the successfill practice of the profession he has espoused. One of the determining reasons for choosing the profession of medicine was the result of long-continued illness in his father's family, where much interest and anxiety were had in the long care of invalid parents. These things, though painful to his filial love, were greatly beneficial in point of practical experience. He was thus early inured to the position of attendant to the sick, which is certainly a very necessary qualification in the family physician. Prior to the commencement of the study of medicine, under the direction of a preceptor, and before the age of eighteen, anatomy, physiology, symptomatology, and homoeopathic Imateria medica had been studied; and at the age of nineteen, after his preparatory education, he commenced the study of dentistry under the tutelage of Dr. T. A. White, of Detroit, later of Battle Creek, and with whom he occupied an office at the latter place for three years. After one year he was obliged to abandon study, on account of severe illness from typhoid fever. A long and terrible sickness in his father's family ensued, and from the same disease his mother and next youngest brother died. This served, after recovery, as a new incentive to the resumption of medical studies, which were then renewed under the instruction of Dr. Day, of Detroit. During the first year's pupilage in medicine he had again to abandon his studies on account of defective eyesight, close application to books resulting in blindness that continued for several months. Thus having twice suffered from a most painful affliction of the eyes, and having been a long time under treatment by eminent oculists in the east and elsewhere, he determined to post himself especially in the department of ocular surgery, and now gives particular attention to all diseases of the eye. Having himself been a sufferer, his experience could not fail to have taught him many things connected with this branch of the profession not generally known to practitioners. The principal part of three years was spent in study and observation under homoeopathic influences, when a change was made, and he entered the office of Dr, J. C. K. Crooks, of Birmingham, Oakland county, Michigan, a highly intelligent and most worthy member of the regular profession, formerly of Richmond, Virginia. Here, in connection with study, and under the counsel of Dr. C., he engaged in general practice, this, however, prior to a course of lectures,thde first being obtained at the University of Michigan in the classes of 1864-65. Then returning to Birmingham he resumed study and practice until the fall of 186.5, when a second course was attended at the Cleveland Medical College, Ohio. Here he distinguished himself by attaining a proficiency in all branches, and a well-earned reputation for diligence and faithful study. In addition to the pre scribed course a thorough acquaintance was had in the manual of operative surgery, under the teaching of Professor Milton J. Woodworth, and he was one of the class which was the first in any school to receive separate diplomas for qualifications in special surgery. His proficient attainments in anatomy obtained a recognition, and for a portion of the term he acted as demonstrator in that department. In 1866 he graduated from this institution with high honors. He returned to Birmingham and began a responsible practice of medicine and surgery. During a two years' sojourn at that place he obtained an enviable reputation for skill and responsibility, as is continually demonstrated by the frequent solicitations for counsel from his former patrons at that place. In May, 1868, Dr. Wattles came to Battle Creek, and certainly no practitioner has been more successful. He now enjoys a large and remunerative practice, which his diligence and generally extensive knowledge of his profession bid fair to increase. In him are found the qualities of a true physician. Kind and sympathizing to those who are suffering, faithful in all professional duties, rapid and sure in diagnosis, prompt in emergencies, and honest in opinion, he cannot fail to hold the conspicuous position he has acquired. The successful results of frequent and delicate operations in general and ophthalmic surgery give evidence of skill and ability in these departments. Resections of important joints for necrosis; ligations of jugular veins, carotid, humeral, femoral, and popliteal arteries for aneurism and in wounds; operations in strangulated hernia; lithotomy, trephining, cataract, strabismus, etc., are not unworthy of a notice. His attainments have given him more than local notoriety, for he has been frequently offered positions of honor in medical institutions of the State. o Truly, we cannot do less than award him a place among the pre-eminent physicians and surgeons of his day. PHOTO. BY CRISPELL. A. L. CLARK. Among the representative self-made men of Calhoun County, none are more deserving of a place in its history than the subject of our sketch. He was born February 3, 1813, and, like most of our successful business men, his early life was one of close application, self-reliance, and self-denial. He worked at the shoemaker's bench for some years, but on accumulating a small capital he made some judicious investments in real estate and otherwise, until at the time of his death, January 15, 1874, he left one of the largest private fortunes in the county, his estate inventorying three hundred and fifty thousand dollars. The good fortune which attended Mr. Clark in all his transactions cannot be considered accidental. It was a necessary consequence of untiring industry, good management of his interests, and, above all, a firm, uncompromising spirit of personal honor and integrity. Coming to Michigan as he did in 1836, and a few years later to this city, where he first began actual business, the speculative tendency which has so conspicuously marked the current of events of late years was comparatively unknown, capital was limited, business principles few and simple, and the standard of individual rectitude severer than we find it in our day. Hard and persistent labor, diligence, punctuality in fulfilling engagements, and, to use a trite but expressive phrase, " square dealing," were then the prime-we might almost say the only-factors of success. These Mr. Clark possessed in a remarkable degree. His name, from first:to last, continued a synonym of sound judgment and sterling honesty. On the 6th of March, 1844, Mr. Clark was united in marriage with Miss Rachel M. Rowley, who was born at Turin, Lewis county, New York, April 14,1826. Seven children-six sons and one daughter-were born to them, namely, Charles E., born December 8, 1844, died August 24, 1846; Clarence C., born May 4, 1846, died March 28, 1868; Mary E., born December 20, 1847, died July 1, 1851; Alexander L., born October 29, 1851; Chester R., born July 5, 1853; Walter, born February 28, 1855; Frederick M., born November 9, 1859. Ill Ill - I III. _ II A:::: X V, N I 1 7rp III fI I @: o d::f$ HISTORY OF CALHOUN COUNTY, MICHIGAN. 103 I l ANSON MAPES. The late Anson Mapes, son of John Mapes, Sr., and Anna, his wife, was born at Hoosick, Rensselaer county, New York, on the 5th of May, 1810. His youth was spent on his father's farm, and when eighteen years old he left the paternal roof and went out in the world to do for himself. He proceeded to Auburn, in his native State, where he employed himself at farming and teaming, and, by eight years of industry and providence, he managed to lay up about six hundred dollars. Hearing of the remarkable success which the immigrants from the east were achieving in the west in all branches of industry, particularly in agriculture, he wended his way thither, and in 1835 we find him in Hillsdale, Michigan. In the fall of the same year he effected a permanent settlement in Battle Creek township, where, in section 30, he'laid the foundation of what for many years constituted his happy and peaceful home. On the 25th of March, 1847, he married Mrs. Maria Fulton (formerly Miss Maria Blass, who was born at Sharon, Schoharie county, New York, January 14, 1814), a widow lady, having two children by her former husband, one of whom survives, and the other is not. This union was a happy one in every respect; and six children were sent to add to its bliss. These are all 'living, and are useful and honorable members of society in the communities in which they respectively reside. On the 31st of March, 1875, Mr. Mapes was called hence, having faithfully fulfilled his mission on earth. By his death, his family lost a fond husband and father, and the community an estimlable citizen. He was liberal in his support of religious and intellectual enterprises, temperate in his life, and in his business transactions honorable and just. He was eminently a self-made man, having had to rely upon his own resources from boyhood up. By hard work, practical economy, and judicious investments, he had become quite comfortably circumstanced, so that at his demise his widow was left in possession of a fine home, and surrounded by the benefits of a moderate competence. She still resides on the old homestead, around which cluster so many pleasurable memories, and on which so many varied emotions have been felt. Here were their children born; and here, too, the cup of sorrow was filled when Death asserted his triumph, and the loved head of the family was taken from among, them. (See illustration.) HON. GEORGE NELSON WAKEFIELD. George Nelson Wakefield was a son of Simeon Wakefield, one of the early pioneers of northern Vermont. He was born in Williston, Chittenden county, in that State, January 18, 1806. His father being a carpenter by trade, and Nelson the eldest son of a family of six children, it was thought necessary that he should be bred a farmer, although his natural bent of inclination was the study of the law as a profession; but he carried on his farm of one hundred and sixty acres from his early boyhood, exercising his own judgment, principally with regard to buying and selling stock, from the age of fifteen very successfully, his judgment being considered very mature at that age by those best informed. He remained with his parents on the farm until twenty-one years, and subsequently purchased the farm of his father, and remained on it for about twenty years. When about twenty-two years of age he was induced to learn the blacksmith's business with a gentleman who was doing a good business in Williston, and after mastering the trade entered into copartnership with the same gentleman, and carried on an extensive business in the line of his trade and that of a wheelwright. On the 6th day of December, 1832, he was united in marriage to Caroline M., daughter of Enoch Noble, of Richmond, Vermont, and sister of Alonzo Noble, of the city of Battle Creek. Jane Maria, the only child of Mr. and Mrs. Wakefield, was the first wife of the late lamented Z. T. Slater, M.D., of the same city. But the parental love of this benevolent pair was not all lavished on this much loved daughter; on the contrary, it went out to four boys, whom they from time to time adopted into their family and gave a father's and mother's love and care. The first one was Norman W. Barnett, who is now a highly-respected citizen of San Francisco, California. The second was Curtis F. Crittenden, who is the president of the Royal College of Dental Surgery of Ontario, Dominion of Canada, and who was at the bedside of his foster-father during the last illness of the latter. The third one was Willis Lyman, who, at the outbreak of the great rebellion, enlisted as a soldier in the army of the Union, was promoted to a sergeant, and was acting as orderly when he fell, a martyr in the cause of his country, in the last engagement before Richmond. The fourth one was a grandson, Nelson Wakefield Slater, son of their daughter, Mrs. Slater, who, previous to her decease, with the consent of her husband gave her little boy, then two and a half years old, to her father and mother. He was a noble boy, but died at the tender age of scarcely eleven years. Mr. and Mrs. Wakefield had the whole nurture of the boy during the whole of his brief stay among them. During the residence of Mr. Wakefield in his native county he was honored with various offices of trust, and enjoyed. in a marked degree the confidence and friendship of a large circle of acquaintances. He removed to the city of Battle Creek with his family in February, 1857, arriving there on the 5th day of the month, since which time till his death, which occurred March 12, 1877, he was a resident of the city. In 1872, without solicitation on his part, he was elected to the office of mayor of the city by a large majority, receiving his support from both political parties, the duties of which position he discharged with credit to himself and satisfaction to his constituents. Ever faithful and true to the interests of the city, with modesty, which was his crowning virtue, and firmness in his convictions of right, he will ever rank with the tried and true friends of the city of his adoption. During the war Mr. Wakefield was elected chairman of the recruiting committee, and was very active in the Union cause, assisting in raising the quotas of the city, and labored diligently in providing supplies for the sick and wounded soldiers. He, together with his brother-in-law, Alonzo Noble, were among the first to respond to the call of the government of the State for funds with which to prosecute the war. The confidence reposed in his integrity and sound judgment by his fellow-citizens has been evinced by the frequency with which he has been called upon to settle many of the most difficult probated estates in the county, and which, by amicable adjustment and compromise, he has been able to fully settle without expensive and tedious litigation, and bring to a happy issue the most complicated and vexed questions of the law. He was a genial, kind-hearted man, and in all the relations of life discharged his duty with fidelity. But above all, he was a kind husband and father, a true friend and neighbor, and consistent Christian, doing unto others as he would wish them to do by him. He was a member of the Universalist church in Williston, Vermont, and ever practiced the doctrines he professed. Long will he be kindly remembered by those who knew him best. JOSEPH W. STEWART. Joseph W., son of John and Mary Stewart, was born in Romulus, Seneca county, New York, January 8, 1809. In 1824 he removed with his parents to Ypsilanti, Michigan, of which place they were among the very earliest settlers. His father removed to Battle Creek township in 1831, and in 1833 he arrived in the same township and settled on the farm he now occupies, on the northwest quarter of section 27. It required considerable hard work and some sacrifice of comfort to develop the land he took up into the fine, well-cultivated, and productive farm as we find it to-day. But the pioneers came in expecting to exercise laborious exertion, and not to repose on beds of roses. On the 8th of March, 1829, he married MissMary Hiscock, by whom he had three children, namely, James H., born December 9, 1829; Edwin, born October 16, 1832, died July 16, 1853; Joseph, born July 22, 1837, and died in infancy. His wife died soon after the birth of their last child, and having two young children who needed a mother's care, he married again, on the 25th of February, 1838, to Jane Templer. The result of this marriage-which was enjoyed only about a year-was one daughter, Eliza J., born December 31, 1838; died May 26, 1853. On the 3d of June, 1839, he sustained the loss of his second wife, and again married, this time to Sophia Smith, on September 9, 1839. She was called hence September 11, 1864, two days after the twenty-fifth anniversary of their wedding. This union was blessed with four children, namely, Phebe A., born October 17, 1840; Harriet E., born June 2, 1844, died July 20, 1845; Eugene B., born November 25, 1846, died May 2, 1847; and one died in infancy. June 18, 1865, Mr. Stewart, being a firm believer in the Scriptural precept," It is not good for man to live alone," took unto himself a fourth wife, in the person of Lucy Crocker, who is still living, and bids fair to live many years, which her friends trust will be the case. She is a smart, active, and thrifty housewife, kind and affectionate in her domestic relations, and a lady who is very generally respected for her many good qualities. Mr. Stewart possesses one hundred and sixty acres of land, which he keeps in. excellent cultivation. He has held various public offices, notably that of assessor, which he filled for two years. In politics he is Republican; in religion he belongs to the denomination called Christians, and is a member of their church at Marshall. He is one of the oldest pioneers in the township, having passed forty-four years of his life there. He is a man well and favorably known as a good, practical farmer, and a quiet, unostentatious, and honest citizen. An illustration of his farm and building, and a portrait of himself and wife, can be seen elsewhere in this work. 104 HISTORY OF CALHOUN COUNTY, MICHIGAN. BARNETT WOOD. BARNETT WOOD. Barnett, son of Isaiah and Hannah Wood, is of English and Welsh descent, and was born in Otego, Otsego county, New York, May 13, 1812. When but four years old his parents removed to Steuben county, New York, where he attended the public schools two or three terms. When in his ninth year he was bound out to a farmer, with the understanding that he was to receive one year's schooling, of which he actually got six months, and that at long intervals. His master was a stern man, of doubtful morality, while his mistress was a kind and motherly person, who endeavored to make him comfortable during his bondage, which extended over a period of twelve years, terminating with his minority. After his release he engaged at rafting, and hired for a trip down the river, and earned thirty-four dollars in one month, the first money he had ever possessed. He worked at the lumber business for the ensuing six years. On the 9th of November, 1835, he married Miss Fatima Gregory, who was born at Campbelltown, Steuben county, New York, June 20, 1806. They had a family of four children, of whom three survive. The following is the family record: Francis M., born December 25, 1836; Nancy J., born January 15, 1840, died January 1, 1860; Jemima H., born November 24, 1842; John V. N., born May 13, 1846. In 1838, Mr. Wood removed to Michigan, and after working about three months for Dorrance Williams, in Battle Creek township, returned to New York State and resumed his former occupation. In 1840 he returned to Michigan with his family. He worked the Williams farm on shares for two years; but not agreeing with his partner he quit, and went to work for Schuyler Goff one season. He then rented land of Stephen Valentine for a term of five years; but having a good deal of sickness in his family about this time, did not save much money. In 1846 he purchased eighty acres of land, and moved on to it in 1847, where he has since remained. By subsequent purchases he has added to his possessions until he now owns two hundred and three acres of land under cultivation. In politics Mr. Wood is a Republican, but was always adverse to receiving office. In 1865 he was elected justice of the peace, the only time he ever deviated from the paths of private life. In religion he is a Presbyterian, having been a member of that church for half a century. He is a gentleman who enjoys the esteem and respect of the community in which he resides, on account of many sterling qualities. He is liberal in his support of religious and educational enterprises, and has always endeavored so to live that those who know him best deem him a worthy citizen and a Christian gentleman. CHARLES H. CROSBY was born in Groton, Tompkins county, New York, April 17, 1821. He remained in his native place until he reached the age of twenty-two, and then removed to Monroe county, New York. He stayed in western New York until 1855, when he came to Michigan and settled near Galesburg, and in the fall of 1865 settled on the farm he now occupies. One of the distinguishing traits of his character is his love of neatness. This is fully demonstrated by the complete renovation to which he subjected his farm as soon as he got rightly settled thereon. The buildings at first consisted of a log house and barn, the latter of which he displaced by a good substantial frame structure within two years after taking up his residence on the farm; and the house he made do until 1871, when he erected the present one, which is among the most commodious and neatest in the township. He also graded the front yard, and converted it into a tasteful garden, which he ornamented with shrubs and trees and beds of beautiful flowers. On the 18th of December, 1856, he married Avis, daughter of Alonzo Imus, one of the pioneers of Kent county, Michigan. She was born in Bennington county, Vermont, July 28, 1829. She emigrated to Michigan with her parents in 1845; was educated at Albion college, this county, and taught school at different times for a period aggregating ten years. Their homestead consists of one hundred and sixty acres of well-cultivated and fertile land, an illustration of which, with the buildings, can be seen elsewhere in this work, together with portraits of the owners.,Mr. Crosby is a Republican in politics; in religion he is liberal, never having joined any secular denomination. As a citizen he holds an exalted position among the intelligent farmers of his township, and he and his amiable wife enjoy the respect of all with whom they have become acquainted. I t ~I I.. i i ii - 4 Ii I m v Mr ' ^i" — l II - -- III ALBION TOWN SH I P. TOWNSHIP 3, range 4 west, was in 1834, by an act of the Territorial legislature, comprised within the township of Homer. The surface of this section is in general undulating. The soil is a rich, black loam, well adapted to the cultivation and production of grain. The Kalamazoo river entering the township from the southwest flows towards the northeast, and uniting at the village of Albion with the north branch, forms a strong hydraulic power. East of the river was once a "burr-oak" plain. To the northwest is good farming land, but in the west and southwest portions there is marshy ground of no great value. Several small lakes are interspersed through the town; of these, the largest is Spectacle lake, which is situated in the northwest part. These lakes, combined with numerous springs; conduce to a moist condition of the soil favorable to agricultural effort. The site of Albion at once attracted the attention of early explorers, who foresaw in this spot the ultimate establishment of a business centre by enterprising millers and manufacturers. That the valuable water-power has been utilized, and that those explorers were not deceived in judgment, is verified to-day in the existence of a thriving and populous village. A few pioneers came into the township, and when they had announced its capabilities its lands were speedily entered and occupied, and full settlement was an accomplished fact. FIRST SETTLERS. Exempt from fears of Indian hostility, and fearing no defects of title such as clogged the opening settlements of western New York and southeastern Ohio, the pioneers of Albion found the system of land entries originating with Phelps and Gorham, at Canandaigua, New York, and adopted by the United States, in full force, and came into possession with confidence of the stability of their deed of purchase. The south half of the northeast quarter of section 2, entered October 16, 1830, by Ephraim Harrison, was the first land transaction in the township of Albion. In 1831, Darius Pierce, of Washtenaw county, Michigan, entered the northwest quarter of the same section-the same being then known as the " Forks of the Kalamazoo," and now occupied by the main part of Albion village. This entry was obviously speculative, as there followed a sale to Tenney Peabody, of New York, for a profit of a hundred dollars. The purchaser afterwards bought out Sidney Ketchum, who had entered a part, if not the whole, of section 35 in Sheridan. Intending settlement, Peabody, having completed his preparations, set out in December from Kempville, New York, a place situated at the mouth of EighteenMile Creek, and now known as Alcott. He was accompanied by his family, and, conveying his household goods and other movable property in two wagons drawn by three yoke of oxen, traversed Canada, stopping to bivouac wherever night overtook him; crossed the river at Youngstown, and stopped five miles east of Albion, with a settler named Blackfield. A rest having been taken, Mr. Peabody, accompanied by his nephew, Charles Blanchard, and a young man named Clark Dowling, pushed on and made camp on a spot about ten rods from the present site of the Presbyterian church. They set to work and put up a log shanty with rail rafters. The men arrived on March 4, 1832, and the family followed in the course of a week. Their commencement was auspicious and cheering. The weather was most beautiful, and so continued through the spring. Asahel Finch was the first to follow Peabody, and next came Wareham Warner. In 1833, Peter Holmes, accompanied by his sons Charles D. and Patterson P., entered land on section 14, built a log hut, and were joined by the rest of the family in October of the same year. Later, John Fabrique, Vine Markham, Orson West, and Samuel W. Douglass settled on the same line of travel. Incoming settlers, travelers, and land speculators frequently desiring accommodations of food and lodging, Douglass opened a tavern in his house, which stood on the farm now owned by John Benham, and upon the road then known as the " Washtenaw Trail," leading from Jackson to Three Rivers. Initial settlement in the southwest part of the town was made by Cyrus Rob ertson, John and James Vanderburg, a Mr. Gridley, and others not recalled. Dr. Henderson came in contemporary with these, and located one mile east of the Washtenaw trail. Land was entered in the same neighborhood by James Sheldon, Henry Luce, and the Hewells, Hiram and Ashbell. The pioneers upon the Concord road were Marvin Hannahs, James Lake, and Charles Hancock. Those in the western part of the township were Alvin C. Waldo, E. M. Rogers, and 14 Perry Viets. In 1833 Wareham Warner bought the east part of section 3 and other lands, and associated with Mr. Peabody to erect a saw-mill, which stood northward of the rear of the present National bank structure. Different States, but on or near the same thermal lines, contributed to the early population of the peninsular State. From Massachusetts came Peter Holmes, who arrived at his destination June 5, 1833. The outline of his route shows him to have come from Poughkeepsie to Albany by sloop, thence to Schenectady by rail upon the pioneer railway, by line-packet to Buffalo, by steamboat to Detroit, and then on foot to place of settlement, which proved to be on the northeast quarter of section 22 and the northeast quarter of northwest quarter of section 23. His first care was the erection of a habitation which, in consonance with custom and necessity, was constructed of logs. He was incommoded by the scarcity of help, but went resolutely to work, and with a yoke of oxen brought his logs to the proposed site. When this was effected one or two men came and assisted in the raising, having a journey of five miles to make before reaching Holmes' clearing. Mr. Holmes was accompanied by two sons, and while the father went to Monroe the day succeeding his arrival to enter his land, and then began his improvements, the sons started for Indiana on foot to buy cattle. The first settlement reached was on Cook's prairie, so named from the settler, Deacon Cook. They passed McCamly's, two miles east of Union City, crossed Nottaway City reservation, then occupied by about five hundred Pottawatomies, and continued on to Logansport, where they purchased five yoke of oxen and three cows. They returned with their stock to Albion in time to plant corn and put in a patch of buckwheat. Inconvenience was experienced in the want of a blacksmith, and plow-points were taken to Marshall to be sharpened. In October of the year the rest of the family came out and began life anew upon the farm. Thomas and Charles Holmes are present residents of the township, of which the latter has been supervisor for an aggregate of fifteen years. Fertile soil speedily produced good crops; but salt and other provisions were at first brought from Detroit, and occupied in their conveyance by ox-teams a period of two weeks. The nearest physician was Dr. Hays, of Marshall. As all instance of progress, it is stated that in 1836, an interval of less than three years from date of arrival, C. Holmes slaughtered one hundred head of cattle. Salt was then sixteen dollars a barrel, and the immense reservoirs of Saginaw brine lay undisturbed, awaiting the demands of the days to come. THE ALBION COMPANY. We have noted the enterprise of Mr. Warner in the erection of a saw-mill. Jesse Crowell purchased his interest, and, in company with D. L. Bacon and Issachar Frost, bought about three hundred acres of land from Peabody, and upon this tract laid out a village plat, whose record bears date of June, 1836. This was the origin of what was known as the Albion company. Warner laid out lots in section 3 adjoining the village. To these he gave the name" Warner's Addition," which now constitutes the western portion of the village. A good name was desired for the embryo village, and the proprietors, among others, suggested that of Peabodyville. There was a lack of euphony about this title which caused it to be discarded, and the problem was referred to Mrs. Peabody, who called it Albion, after the town from which Mr. Crowell had come. Prior to this the locality was known among hunters and trappers, and recognized by others as the " Forks of the Kalamazoo." In 1837 the Albion company erected a grist-mill, whose frame is yet standing and in use by Bennett, Knickerbocker & Co., the owners. The millwright was Elijah Green. A division of stock was effected by the Albion company. Of the seven shares, one each was taken by J. Crowell, I. Frost, D. L. Bacon, T. Peabody, Charles Rice, and Hon. Charles H. Carroll, of Livingston county, New York. The seventh share was jointly assigned to Professor B. McVicker, of New York College, and William T. Carroll, of Washington, District of Columbia. In 1839 the company gave sixty acres of land fronting on Ingham street, and extending out to the line between sections 1 and 2, to the trustees of Wesleyan seminary as building-sites and grounds. Later, blocks 44 and 45, and the half-blocks 55 and 56, north and south of Union square, and lying west of Ingham street, were donated to the same parties, to be used as a campus. In July, 1842, the company again effected changes. Peabody and McVicker 105 106 HISTORY OF CALHOUN COUNTY, MICHIGAN. took the village lots, Carroll the mill property, and D. T. Bacon sold his interest to Charles Rice, I. Frost, and J. Crowell. The first bridge, opening speedy communication to opposite banks of the river, was built in 1832 by Charles Blanchard. Its location was near where Erie street now crosses the stream. A second bridge was constructed in 1836, where Eaton street now crosses. The company afterwards built bridges on Superior and Erie streets. In 1837 a saw-mill was built by Elijah Green and Zenas Stowell, on section 1, upon the east fork of the river. A supply of miscellaneous goods was brought in by Philo Taylor, who opened a store in the old block-house of Mr. Peabody. Subsequently a lot was donated to him by the company for mercantile purposes. Isaac Jackson, afterwards associated with a Mr. Goodrich, bought Mr. Taylor's interest, and Goodrich, having sold to Mr. Crowell, removed to Homer. The firm then known as Jackson & Crowell carried on business in a building which occupied the site of the Methodist church. That old store was the first framed building in Albion. A store was also kept by Lucas Horton in a building which occupied the presellt site of Dr. Steves' residence. Charles M. Cobb also had a store, in the house occupied by the Peabody family. Messrs. Jackson & Crowell erected a brick block, still standing, on the corner of Erie and Superior streets. Jackson died before the work was completed, and Crowell continued in business until 1853. The first brick building in Albion was erected for store purposes by Mr. Kelly, and at present constitutes the south wing of the Albion hotel. The first hotel was a wooden structure, built by Abram Becker ill 1836-37, and occupied the present site of Sheldon's block. Parker's Exchange, now the Globe hotel, was erected in 1839 by Enos Dutton. A post-office was established at Albion in 1838. Jesse Crowell received the appointment of postmaster, and opened an office within a small frame building located on the present site of Warner's block, and now standing a short distance south of its former position. Mr. Crowell's services seem to have been satisfactory, as is inferred from his having held the office till the year 1849. The presence of physicians in the township is contemporary with first settlement, since Dr. Colimer located near the Homer line in 1833. He lived but one or two years. Dr. Millington was the first resident physician in the village. Then followed Drs. Henderson and F. Wheelock. The staple product of new lands has ever been wheat. The first crop of this cereal was sown by Charles Blanchard, upon land now covered by the seminary buildings. A field was planted in potatoes, and from four acres there were gathered thirteen hundred bushels. An early birth in Albion is thus recorded: Roxana Peabody, on May 13, 1835. Her death was also the first, having occurred April 10, 1837. The first male child native to Albion was John Peabody, and the first marriage was of Charles D. Holmes to Nancy Young, on October 20, 1836. ALBION VILLAGE. The incorporation of the village of Albion was effected in 1856. At the first village election the following-named were chosen: George Hannas, president; George J. Phipany, recorder; W. H. Johnson, treasurer; Marcus H. Crane, marshal; and Alvin Peck, attorney. Seven trustees were elected: William Britton, William H. Brockway, Richard G. Hale, M. P. Wood, William S. Loomis, Rufus Burr, and Jacob Hoffman. The village boundaries are thus defined: " The south half of section 35, southeast quarter and the east half of the southwest quarter of section 34, in the township of Sheridan, and section 2 and the east half of section 3, also the east half of the southwest quarter of section 3, in the town of Albion." The present officials of the village are-A. J. Gale, president; F. F. Cole, recorder; J. G. Brown, treasurer; I. J. Lambsen, marshal; and C. F. Austin, J. W. Clark, R. Finch, L. E. Sheldon, F. F. Hoaglin, J. J. Alley, W. O'Donoghue, and C. H. Elmer, trustees. As has been incidentally observed, the hydraulic power at Albion attracted business men, and simultaneous with their coming a tide of population was created which brought prosperity and notice, rendering the village the rival of many a thriving village of the State. Manufactures have taken a leading position. In 1845, J. Crowell, I. Frost, and Charles Rice built a stone flouring-mill, using for their purpose hewn stone quarried but a mile and a half from the village. This mill is now owned and the business is carried on by the firm of Bennett, Knickerbocker & Co. In 1848, D. Peabody & Brothers began a business in the manufacture of thrashing-machines and other agricultural machinery. The factory speedily reached large proportions, but was discontinued within a few years. A woolen-factory was also started at a comparatively early date. An overshot-wheel made for this establishment by Elijah Green was the first one used in this part of the country. During the same year, James Monroe started a furnace and shop designed for the manufacture of stoves, thrashers, and general jobbing work. The shop was situated on the east side of Superior street, where business was continued until 1859, and employment given to from fifteen to twenty men. Messrs. Finch & Sheldon purchased the establishment in 1859, and sold in 1863 to Messrs. Lane & Ensign. The latter retired at the expiration of a year, and was succeeded by Walter Porter. Lane & Porter employed from twelve to fifteen men, and prosecuted the iron trade till 1866, when they in turn sold out, 0. C. Gale & Co. being purchasers. These parties began, in 1866, the manufacture of the " sulky rake." The product of 1870, the first year, was eleven rakes. The next year a patent was secured for a rake of their own design, and two hundred were manufactured. In 1872 five hundred were built, and over a score of men found steady employment. The Gale Manufacturing Company was formed in 1873, with a paid-up capital of fifty-eight thousand dollars. Increased means gave augmented business, and seven hundred chilled plows and one thousand rakes were made. The capital was augmented in 1874 to seventy-five thousand dollars; forty-five men were employed; five thousand plows and twelve hundred rakes were made. A second time the capital was increased, and, in 1876, with one hundred thousand dollars, seven thousand plows and twelve hundred rakes were built. The number of men on the pay-roll in 1877-a year of great depression in manufacture generally-is eighty-nine. Eight thousand five hundred pounds of iron are melted daily. O. C. Gale & Co. erected their first brick shop in 1868, and have since made several additions, till their works now cover nearly an acre of ground.* Their annual consumption of pig-iron and scrap equals fifteen thousand tons; of wrought iron, one hundred tons; malleable iron, three thousand tons; coal, five hundred tons; and of various kinds of wood, four hundred thousand feet. The present officers of the company are O. C. Gale, president; E. W. Hollingsworth, vicepresident; S. P. Brockway, secretary and treasurer; A. Gale, superintendent, and C. C. Lane, general agent. Bennett, Knickerbocker & Co., Albion Stone Mills, have five run of stone, and grind one hundred and twenty-five thousand bushels of wheat annually. Manufacturing by the new process, a fine grade results. The mill is strictly a merchant one. The firm has another will near the first, and in this a large custom business is done. The number of hands now employed is twenty-five. Favorably located in a rich agricultural section, the grain market annually averages one hundred and thirty-five thousand bushels of wheat and ninety thousand bushels of oats. It is thus seen to be one of the largest oat-markets in the State. The following firms are engaged in the grain trade: Bennett, Knickerbocker & Co. and Wilson & Crittenden in wheat, Knickerbocker & Fisher in oats, and J. M. Jameson and J. J. Alley in wheat and oats. Sheldon & Fanning do a large business in tin-ware, keeping twenty-two wagons on the road and supplying ten additional with goods. They conduct a large grocery business, and run a tannery upon an extended basis. The following exhibits the business of Albion in 1877: a flouring-mill, a gristmill, a manufactory of rakes and plows, three of sash and blinds, a tannery, a saw-mill, a tinware-factory, two planing-mills, a machine-shop, a wool cardingmill, two hardware-stores, six groceries, four dry-goods stores, one crockery, five drug- and book-stores, four boot- and shoe-stores, four millinery-shops, three dentistries, two jeweler-shops, three markets, and two billiard-rooms. There are two newspapers published, three banks find use for their capital, and fourteen physicians make the place their home. THE UNION SCHOOLS OF ALBION. The inception of these progressive institutions dates September 17, 1867, at which time there was held in Howard Hall a meeting of the trustees of graded school district No. 1, fractional of Albion and Sheridan; E. H. Johnson presided, and W. E. Thornton acted as secretary. The following call was read: " Whereas, the school inspectors of the townships of Albion and Sheridan, in compliance with the law, united the following school districts, viz.: district No. 1, of Albion, No. 1, fractional of Albion and Sheridan: and No. 3, fractional of Sheridan and Albion, into one district, for the purpose of establishing a graded school therein; therefore, notice is hereby given that the legal voters of the above newly-formed school district will be held at Howard Hall, in the village of Albion, on Tuesday evening, September 19, 1867, for the purpose of electing a board of trustees, and for the transaction of such other business as may lawfully come before the meeting." An election was then held, and the following were chosen and constituted the first " board of trustees," viz.: Phineas Graves, August Gale, Samuel Irwin, Charles W. Dalrymple, A. W. Fitch, and W. Bidwell. Public halls were rented for school purposes, and the old Presbyterian church was utilized as a school building until 1869, when three of the four ward school-houses were erected. At a meeting held September 29, 1871, the board authorized the proper officers to issue the first installment of bonds, which amount was six thousand three hundred dollars; the proceeds to be applied to the erection of a central school *- See illustration. ~, I I ll Il l I.._= -_ _=__ -- -- i I 1 2 11 i 'H311''0O NnOH7IVO 'OC17V IN V ll-iS " JO 3N2301S93l 'NA&V1 MVO ~p ^ _ N/V V'I ~ --- __ _ _ -"::,: ":".4 - ~ ` - 1;, -. l;: 4:::: i- I . 17 - ].;:~::. — `: ` I -.:;::: e,., _-........ ~ " t:L~~II X. — I- I3 V >'t i f0 fg ':?A: fef-C- -: ISi E ' 111,. II Ill I l = lit I I s - D al. _. A It OF A. P. GARDN ER, ALBION, CALHOUN CO., MICH. ~1 I THE GALE MANUFACTURING CO. MANUFACTURERS OF THE CELEBRATED GALE CHILLED PLOWS AND GALE WHEEL HORSE RAKE.................. A LB I O N, MICHIGAN.....,.......................................,~..... HISTORY OF CALHOUN COUNTY, MICHIGAN. 107 building, which was completed in September, 1872. This was accomplished at a cost of twenty-five thousand dollars. The average cost of each of the four ward buildings was twenty-six hundred dollars. All these structures are of brick, and furnish accommodations for six hundred pupils. Schools are taught nine and a half months. Three hundred and eighty-eight pupils are enrolled. The salaries of 1877 amount to four thousand two hundred and fifty-six dollars, of which the principal, Professor F. B. McClellan, receives thirteen hundred dollars. The rest is apportioned among eleven female teachers. THE NATIONAL EXCHANGE BANK of Albion was organized August, 1865. Business was commenced on January 1, 1866, with fifty thousand dollars capital. This was augmented in October, 1873, to seventy-five thousand, and in 1875 to one hundred thousand dollars. On the establishment of the bank, the following were chosen directors: S. V. Irwin, M. B. Wood, Gardner Herrick, G. S. Scranton, Charles W. Dalrymple, Aleran Brusie, and William D. Fox. An election of officers resulted in the choice of Samuel V. Irwin, president; M. B. Wood, vice-president; and S. W. Davis as cashier. We have noted the rapid and heavy increase of capital,-satisfactory evidence of great prosperity,-and at the last statement the following was included: there were of undivided profits, $21,873; individual deposits, $65,000; and a circulation of $30,600, secured by government bonds amounting to $34,000. Mr. Irwin continues to be president, W. O'Donoghue is vice-president, and H. M. Dearing is cashier. The present board of directors is composed of S. V. Irwin, W. O'Donoghue, C. W. Dalrymple, W. D. Fox, E. A. Landon, H. Gale, and C. H. Mann. SOCIETIES. Recognizing the advantages derived from union, and revering the ties of brotherhood whose acknowledgment has done much for the unfortunate, the widow, and the orphan, the citizens of Albion have emulated those of other localities in the formation of lodge, chapter, and encampment. Olive Branch Lodge, No. 14, F. A. M., was instituted on May 9, 1846, and the following-named officers chosen: Clement Trowbridge, W. M.; Ruel B. Lewis, S. W.; Emery Potter, J. W.; Hiram Howell, S. D.; Julius Chamberlain, J. D.; Wareham Warner, Treasurer; John Burt, Tyler; and H. Fletcher, Secretary. Shortly after organizing, the lodge name was changed to Murat Lodge. The present officers are Eugene P. Robertson, W. M.; T. W. Sheldon, S. W.; O. G. Hubbard, J. W.; William Steele, S. D.; N. Davis, J. D.; F. P. Glasscuff, Tyler, and A. B. Huse, Secretary. There hangs upon the hall wall of Murat lodge an ancient relic. It is a Masonic apron, the material silk, the emblems those of the order, and beneath them the following inscription:-" To the Worshipful Master, Wardens, and Brothers of Murat Lodge, F. A. M. The undersigned, appreciating your veneration for our ancient order as manifested to him, a member of the fraternity of fifty years' standing, and one who has passed the age of fourscore years and ten, feelingo the sands of his life are nearly spent and that he must soon pass that bourne from which no traveler returns, fraternally presents to your lodge as a memento of the past, the annexed Masonic apron. This apron was obtained by the undersigned in 1819 from brother Jacob Reynolds, a captain in the American Revolutionary army of 1776, who informed him that it had been worn in a lodge of F. A. M. presided over by General George Washington, Benjamin Franklin being Senior Warden thereof, and at the time when General La Fayette was raised to the Sublime Degree of Master Mason. This relic of our ancient and honorable institution I bequeath to you. Please accept it as a memento of my veneration for it, with this solemn admonition, that you, as Free and Accepted Masons, ever bear in mind the ladder which Jacob saw in his vision ascending from earth to heaven, the principal rounds of which represent Faith, Hope, and Charity. May the Grand Master of the universe guide and direct you in the paths of virtue and justice, is the prayer of your aged brother. " Fraternally yours, "( Given November 15, 1869, and 5869. " "JOSIAH WHITMAN." Albion Chapter, R. A. M., was organized on March 10, 1864, and the following were chosen to act as its officers: Milton Osborn, H. P.; S. G. Saunders, K.; George W. Cady, Scribe; George W. Clark, C. H.; Marcus Lane, P. S.; F. W. Sheldon, R. A. C.; O. B. Rogers, G. M. 3d V.; L. Kinney, G. M. 2d V.; D. V. Rogers, G. M. 1st V.; William A. Warner, Treasurer; H. C. Hartrung, Sentinel. Present officers are F. W. Sheldon, H. P.; Eugene P. Robertson, K.; William Steele, Scribe; J. W. Clark, C. H.; E. A. Isman, R. S.; George W. McCormick, R. A. C.; O. W. Robertson, G. M. 3d V.; V. B. Cosad, G. M. 2d V.; D. Douglass, G. M. 1st V.; Charles W. Dalrymple, Treasurer; Charles Diffenbough, Secretary; and Samuel G. Saunders, Sentinel. Albion Encampment, No. 63, 1. 0. 0. F., was organized on March 25, 1874, with the following officers: W. H. Watkins, C. P.; W. H. Brockway, H. P.; F. W. Crittenden, Scribe; M. C. Moor, Treasurer; and J. R. Sackett, J. W. The present officers are F. B. McClellan, C. P.; L. H. Baughman, H. P.; W. D. Fox, S. W.; C. H. Hoag, Scribe; H. W. Whitney, Treasurer; and L. H. Brockway, J. W. Albion Lodge, I. O. O. 0F., was instituted January 22,1847, with the following officers: John L. Sackett, N. G.; S. J. Henderson, V. G.; Joseph French, R. S.; and John S. Scott, Treasurer. The present officers are F. B. McClellan, N. G.; D. V. Aldrich, V. G.; C. H. Dascum, R. S.; George F. Barry, P. S.; and William B. Sutherland, Treasurer. The Sons of Temperance were organized on January 18, 1875. The first officers were C. S. Dascum, D. G. W. P.; C. W. Boyce, W. P.; Mrs. C. S. Dascum, W. A.; John M. Hall, R. S.; Miss Hatty Dougherty, A. R. S.; William J. White, Treasurer; A. C. Amiden, F. S.; Rev. Levi Farr, Chaplain; D. C. Huffman, Conductor; Mrs. W. J. White, A. C.; G. E. Murdock, P. W. P.; Miss Elsie Loomis, I. S.; and F. Preston, O. S. At present Phineas Graves is D. G. W. P., and Miss E. W. Hollingworth is W. A. Oppressive taxation of national banks would seem to indicate a popular feeling antagonistic to their existence, yet it is indisputable that never till their origin was the money of the people secure. In Albion a private banking and exchange office was started by M. Hannas & Son during the year 1853. J. W. Sheldon was employed in the office, to whose control he succeeded in 1858, and has continued in the business at the same office until the present. The institution is known as "Albion Exchange Bank," J. W. Sheldon, president, and Eugene P. Robertson, cashier. THE PEABODY COLLECTION AND DEPOSIT BANK began business in 1876, with J. Peabody, proprietor. THE NATIONAL EXCHANGE BANK was organized January 1, 1866, with a capital of $50,000. This was increased, October 1, 1873, to $75,000; and on July 1, 1875, to $100,000. The directors were S. W. Irwin, A. Herrick, A. Breeze, M. B. Wood, W. D. Fox, and C. W. Dalrymple. D. V. Irwin was elected president, M. B. Wood, vice-president, and C. W. Davis, cashier. The last dying, L. B. Miner was elected to fill the vacancy. At the close of business April 14,1877, the bank showed total resources amounting, to $208,749.77, of which $130,977.83 were loans and discounts. THE METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH OF ALBION was organized in 1836, with the following members: Almen and Lurensa Herrick, Betsey Montcalm, Mrs. Ercambrack, Thomas Pray, Polly Pray, Charles M. Cobb, and Armenia Cobb. Soon after the founding of the church, its roll was lengthened by the added names of Champion Eslew and his wife Phebe, and Peter and Margaret Williamson. In 1837 the school trustees of the village let a contract to build a school-house. The different church organizations severally contributed the sum of one hundred dollars to secure the enlargement of the structure and a right to its use upon the Sabbath as a place of worship. In 1839 the members of the Methodist Episcopal society built for themselves a small church on Porter street, east of the river, on land now owned by J. Wright. In 1849 and 1850 a new structure was commenced, and dedicated September 19 of the latter year by Bishop Morris, during the session of the Michigan conference. It stands on Erie street, and has received additions from time to time as necessity demanded. A new casement was added in 1876. The value of the property is estimated at ten thousand dollars. All the first members, save C. M. Cobb and L. Herrick (now widow Smith, of Kalamazoo), are of the dead. The first sermon was delivered by Rev. Henry Ercambrack, in 1834. His successors have been as follows: Thomas Wiley, 1834; J. F. Davidson, 183; F. A. Sealior and E. H. Pilcher, 1836; Elijah Crane, 1837; G. Breckenridge and F. S. Jakway, 1838; R. S. Blowers, 1839; M. G. Perkizer and John Kinmer, 1840; J. Brown and Roswell Parker, 1841; Allen Staples and J. Bennett, 1842; John Ercambrack, 1843-44; W. H. Collins, 1845; William Smithersill, 1846; J. E. Parker, 1847-48; J. S. Davidson, 1849-50; R. Sapp, 1851 and 1861; F. A. Blades, 1852-53; William Mahon, 1854-55; F. B. Bangs, 1856-57; E. Holdstock, 1858; R. Cogshall, 1859-60; D. Brum, 1862; R. O. Crawford, 1863; A. J. Eldred, 1864-65; D. F. Barnes, 1866-67; J. W. Robinson, 1868-69; J. C. Wirtley, 1870-71; H. M. Joy, 1872-73; Levi Farr, 1874; and W. H. Perrine, D.D., 1875-77, and present pastor. The society has a membership of three hundred and twenty-five. The Sunday-school enrolls one hundred and seventy-five. It is superintended by C. W. Boyce, assisted by Phineas Graves. A Methodist Episcopal church was early organized at South Albion, and is in a flourishing condition. 108 HISTORY OF CALHOUN COUNTY, MICHIGAN. THE BAPTIST CHURCH was organized on February 21, 1837, at the school-house in Albion, Rev. J. S. Z. Jones being moderator, and L. Crittenden, clerk. Mr. Jones was the first pastor. A meeting was held in 1843, at which it was resolved to build a house of worship. A committee was chosen to draft a plan. The dimensions agreed upon were thirty-five by fifty feet. The church was commenced and finished in 1849, and on January 23, 1850, it was formally dedicated to the worship of God by Rev. C. A. Jennison. During the afternoon of the same day, Aaron Potter was ordained pastor. The present pastor is Rev. A. Maynard. The first trustees were Leriah Lewis, Lyman Crittenden, and William B. Morrison. The present board are Charles Austin, Samuel Jaquett, Ira Foster, Edward Rice, George Harvey, and John Belcher. On November 28, 1851, the old trustees received the deed of lot 5, block 11, and upon this land they built their church, which is supplied with a bell and an organ; the latter was put into the building in 1875, at a cost of two hundred and fifty dollars. The church property in Albion is valued at eleven thousand five hundred dollars. There is a membership of three hundred and eighty-two. In the Sabbath-schools there are one hundred and eighty-three scholars, and in the library there are six hundred and fifty books. THE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. The organization of the Presbyterian society took place on February 24, 1837, in the ball-room of the old Albion hotel, located on the corner of Superior and Erie streets. This initial result was brought about under the lead of Rev. Calvin Clark. Twenty-four members were enrolled, and Rev. Elias Childs was placed in charge. The pastors in succession have been Elias Childs, Mr. Trotter, S. Hawley, Maltby Gelston, who served five years, James Vincent, David M. Cooper, whose pastorate was extended to eight years, Mr. Marvin, Calvin Clark, Milo B. Gelston, whose term included a period of nine years, Jeremiah Odel, Joel Kennedy, and Edward H. Harvey, the last and present incumbent, who has officiated since August 1, 1874. Under the ministrations of these ministers the society has increased to one hundred and forty members. The second church building was erected during 1857, at a cost of twelve thousand dollars. Its dimensions were forty by seventy feet. On February 9,1873, the structure was destroyed by fire, and the loss was not covered by a single dollar's worth of insurance. A meeting was held the day following the misfortune, and it was resolved to rebuild at once. Funds were subscribed, and the old site on Porter street was chosen. The contract was let to George W. Maher, of Albion, on September 1, 1873. The price of construction, excepting the audience-rooms above, was nine thousand four hundred and fortynine dollars. The corner-stone was laid September 16, and the basement was dedicated March 22 following. The audience-room is unfinished, but the society is without debt. The Sabbath-school numbers one hundred. The pastor superintends. THE EPISCOPAL CHURCH. The organization of this society was effected during 1840. Services were first held in the "old red school-house," under Rev. Francis Cummings, who was in charge during the election of the first wardens,-Clement Trowbridge and F. Wheelock, M.D.,- and of the first vestry, consisting of Henry G. Whipple, R. C. Hammill, and John E. Wild. A partial suspension occurred from 1850 to 1860, and in 1863 a reorganization was made, and a new start taken. Marcus * Lane served as rector from 1863 to 1865; Edward Seymour, from 1865 to 1867; William G. Stonex, 1867 to 1870; and Rev. C. Peters has served from 1870 to 1877, and is still in charge. Deaths and removals reduced membership for a time, when a rapid augmentation set in through the faithful efforts of the rector, ably seconded by his people. The communicants number sixty-six. The construction of a meeting-house was begun in 1849, and long lay incomplete. The work was resumed in 1865, during which it was finished. Consecra tion ceremonies by Right Rev. Samuel A. McCaskey were held on April 19,1865. A Sabbath-school was organized in 1863, discontinued in 1870, and resumed in 1871. Teachers and scholars number one hundred. The superintendent is the rector, assisted by C. H. Baskom. The library contains two hundred volumes. ALBION FIRE DEPARTMENT. To guard against the ravages of the fiery element has been the aim of every community, and few indeed are the villages to whom the necessity has not been taught by dire experience. Prior to the incorporation of the village the town had purchased and was owner of a small fire-engine, but practically it was of slight utility. In 1856 the corporation purchased an excellent hand-engine, at a cost of sixteen hundred dollars. A fire department was organized, with the followingnamed officers: George Hannas, foreman; W. H. Bidwell, assistant secretary; and C. W. Dalrymple, treasurer. The present officers are F. W. Sheldon, foreman; Augustus Gale, assistant; John Phipps, secretary; and John Fanning, I treasurer. The department include among their fixtures hooks and ladders, truck, and hose carriage. The whole is in charge of a chief engineer. TOWN-MEETINGS AND OFFICIALS. Natives of New England, or sprung from New England families, the pioneers of Albion brought with them and planted here the same customs and enjoyed the same privileges common at the old homes. Officers were needed, and the question of an election being mooted, a caucus was convened in the road opposite the residence of Charles D. Holmes, who, it may be stated, still occupies his original entry, and is the only one in the township so situated. At this caucus about a score of voters were present. During the meeting they sat upon a rail fence, and put in nomination officers to serve during the year 1838. The meeting was onesided and thoroughly democratic. The first annual town-meeting was held in April, 1837, at the house of A. Becker. William M. Pearl was chosen moderator, and Stephen Blodgett secretary. The following-named persons were duly declared elected: For Supervisor, James Sheldon; Clerk, William Farley; Assessors, Cyrus Robertson and Ashbell Hewell; Commissioners of Highways, Charles D. Holmes and David Peabody; Justices, A. W. Walker, L. D. Collimer, and James Henderson; Collector, George Bass; Constables, Clark Knowles, William Grimes, George Bass, and J. Harris; School Commissioners, Cato Millington, George Bass, and James Sheldon; Inspectors of the Poor, Seth Knowles and Levy Peabody; Path-masters, L. B. Ring, Zenas Phelps, Stephen Willis, John Bennett, Charles D. Holmes, William Knickerbocker, Perry Armstrong, Ashley Harris. and W. Hopkins. The present township officers are-Supervisor, Martin C. Benham; Clerk, William S. Marsh; Treasurer, John A. Tompkins; Commissioner of Highways, Charles M. Snyder; Drain Commissioner, Alexander Cunningham; Justices, A. B. Hare, William Howard, William P. Morrison, and Willis P. Gardner; Superintendent of Schools, S. E. Blashfield; School Inspector, C. T. Smith; Constables, H. W. Crittenden, George Derning, W. A. Cunningham, and Ira J. Lambson. The following is a list of the supervisors of the town of Albion from its organization to the present time, together with the time of each official's service: James W. Sheldon, 1837; William Farley, 1838-39; Jesse Crowell, 1840; William Farley, 1841-42; Cyrus Robertson, 1843; Frederick Wheelock, 1844 and 1846; Henry W. Harris, 1845, 1848-49; Charles D. Holmes, 1847, 1850-51, 1864 -71; Samuel Hexford, 1852; William Farley, 1853, 1856; David F. Farley, 1857 and 1860; Henry Drake, 1861-62; William M. Knickerbocker, 1863, 1873-74; Osman Rice, 1870 (resigned); Abram Gridley, 1872; Anthony B. Hays, 1875; and Martin C. Benham, 1876. The assessment of 1876 for revenue purposes for the current fiscal year, 1876 -77, was fixed by the board of supervisors as follows: Real estate, $564,141; personal property, $95,200; total, $659,341. On this valuation the following taxes were levied: For State purposes, $2196.71; for county purposes, $3899.50; for township expenses, $518.10; the mill-tax, $1189.90; roads, $252.70; schools, $7367.16; other purposes, $434.49; total taxes, $15,858.56; liquor taxes, 1876, $676.50; total revenue, $16,535.06. POPULATION. The census returns of 1860 place the population of Albion township at 939 persons, composing 166 families, and of Albion village at 1720 persons, composing 329 families. In 1870 the returns gave Albion, including that portion of the village lying in Albion township (the village proper not being returned separately) 2409 persons residing therein. In 1874 the village was not returned separately from the township, and the whole population of the latter was given as 2614, 1304 of the persons being males and 1310 females. Of the 737 males over twenty-one years of age, 458 were liable to military duty, and 279 were past such burden in time of need, unless voluntarily in the ranks. Of 830 females over eighteen years, 523 were of the age designated by the social statistician the maternal age, being under forty years of age, and 307 had passed beyond that age. Of the males over twenty-one years of age, 536 were or had been heads of families, and 170 had not enjoyed that honorable distinction. Of the females over eighteen years, 537 had promised to love and honor, if not to obey, a liege lord, and 195 had never submitted to any such loss of independence. THE POLITICAL BIAS of the people of Albion is best shown by the balloting at the presidential elections, which resulted as follows: in 1840 the Democratic vote was 124, and the Whigs polled 40; in 1844 the pendulum began to swing to the other end of its arc, the Democrats polling 152 votes, the Whigs 143, and the Liberty men numbering a half-dozen; in 1848 the Democratic vote was 173, the Whig 157, and the Freesoilers were 15; in 1852 the Democrats polled 183 votes, the Whigs 181, and jI ll i m l: -, -k;;;.-.s.s " e i - C III I i I:1 '. _"!7 "r,. I 7 _ I I_ 4 r r rT -: I 7 1 I - -.. I -I JACOB ANDERSON. '; *.:.=1-== i: I, I., I -'.~.,; L.-, I ", ~i~ 1 I - r ` L. H. EVERTS & GO. LITH. 716 FILBERT ST. rHILA. RESIDENCE AND FARM or JACOB AND -| l ~- - I —ILLZII: —UI --- __i_~-1 —~111 — -- g — 1 —Z! III:___i__U__I___Lr__PI —~~_~i3li-~~iLI Ci;) --- I- ~.-i- —. -i--I_~~.I_ —V-~CII-s —~-~ r - MWRS. JACOB ANDEISON ~2*-:.... in -: —..;; -~: -I-~ —: -; ~ i:~F.~;:-i;-.": 'ii: rrit Plli~ i.-i- ~--: 2~::.;~ —;- -r-~-;~;:-;~-;"''`:':'-" 'rrrrrtmrr.Fu;EJe+-cu. 11 r-;F /::: 21:i. ~~:..: -::;i'.!: 1-::::: -:-: ~ —: -.:::::'-:' 1:'-::: j:-I::_ :: ~'' r -j~:::~-::.:~-.i~::is:;;.-:_:::, —j-_-::i;:::.: I II I I i I i i I I I I i i I i i I I i I i i I I I I I I, I I I I Ii I i II I I I i I I i I i i I I ACOB ANDERSON.AL/OiN TP.. CALHOUN Co.,/lCH. ylLBRrT,ODL. _____ I_ a- - -- HISTORY OF CALHOUN COUNTY, MICHIGAN. 109 the Abolitionists 9; in 1856 the young Republican party polled 271 votes, and the Democratic vote was 192; in 1860 Lincoln received 313 votes, Douglas, 191, Breckenridge, 9, and Bell, 4; in 1864 the Republican vote was 295, and the Democratic 219; in 1868 the same parties cast 349 and 264 votes respectively; in 1872 the Republicans cast 328 votes, and the Democrats gave Mr. Greeley 229, O'Conor 2, and Jere. Black received 15 votes; in 1876 Governor Hayes, the Republican candidate, received 402 votes, Governor Tilden received 321, and Peter Cooper had a single friend. In the rebellion Albion sent her citizens to the front to support the flag and defend the integrity of the Union against its armed foes promptly and numerously. She had a company in the celebrated Mechanics' and Engineers' regiment, Captain John B. Yates, one in the Sixth Michigan Infantry, Captain Harrison Soules, besides detachments in every other regiment in which Calhoun County was represented. The reputation of her soldiers was second to none in the field, and they gave to their township, their county, their State, and the Union their bravest efforts and their best blood. -7 C-0-0 4- - BIOGRAPHI CAL S KETCH ES. JACOB ANDERSON. The subject of the present sketch is of German and Dutch extraction, the ancestors of his father and mother coming from Germany and Holland respectively, in the early part of the seventeenth century, to America. His parents, William and Margaret (Demott) Anderson, were natives of New Jersey, where Jacob was born, in Reading, Hunterdon county, October 5, 1818. He resided with them until he was twenty-four years of age, at which time he married Eliza Flumerfelt, daughter of George and Margaret (Henry) Flumerfelt, natives of New Jersey also and of Dutch descent. The young people at once began to carve out a home for themselves, working to that end on the farm of the husband's father in Oxford, Warren county, New Jersey, until 1853, when, in April of that year, they came to Macomb county, Michigan, where Mr. Anderson left his family for six months, and spent the time himself principally in traveling through Indiana, Illinois, and Michigan, seeking a location, and ended his search most satisfactorily by selecting his present location on sections 15 and 16, in the township of Albion, purchasing two hundred acres; to which he has added subsequently two hundred acres, three hundred and fifty acres of which are under the plow. The only improvements there were on the farm at the date of his purchase were a log house and a stone stable, from which condition Mr. Anderson has brought it to its present rank among the best, highest cultivated, and most productive farms in Calhoun County. He has been one of the few prominent wool-growers of the county, his clip running from two thousand to two thousand four hundred pounds per year, an average of six pounds per sheep of washed wool. He has always kept a flock of sheep, more or less numerous, since he began farming, and has now a fine one of some three hundred and fifty graded animals, whose wool is noted for its staple and weight per fleece. Mr. Anderson also raises from two thousand to two thousand five hundred bushels of wheat each year, the soil of his farm being excellently adapted to the culture of that cereal. On another page may be seen a view of the really elegant farm-house and capacious barns of Mr. Anderson, together with the portraits of himself and his worthy helpmeet. The children of Mr. and Mrs. Anderson are as follows: George F., now engaged as a commercial traveler, with headquarters at Topeka, Kansas; William A., who is now occupying the second purchase of the homestead; Margaret, now Mrs. J. H. Houck; and Clark, unmarried and at home with his father. In politics, Mr. Anderson belongs to the Democratic school. He has been a member of the Methodist Episcopal church since 1836, and Mrs. Anderson has been connected with the same church since 1840. EDWIN H. JOHNSON. The subject of the present sketch, Edwin H. Johnson, has been prominently known throughout Calhoun County for forty years, though for the most part he has held the post of honor, that of the private citizen. Until 1860 he was not known officially to the people of Calhoun, but since then he has been honorably connected with their most beneficent charity-the county almshouse. He has seen it expand from the expenditure of a few hundred dollars per annum doled out, grudgingly and reluctantly, to a few needy persons absolutely, or nearly so, starving, scattered through the county, to the disbursement of over twenty thousand dollars yearly in cash, in addition to the products of a fine farm, which are consumed by the inmates of a comfortable and commodious almshouse, cared for humanely, and plentifully fed and clothed. Mr. Johnson was born in Granville, Washington county, New York, October 4, 1811, his father, Daniel Johnson, being a native of Massachusetts, and his mother, Lovina (Parsons) Johnson, a native of Connecticut. His parents removed to Herkimer county, New York, when he was two years old, and he continued to reside with them until he was twelve, up to which time he had attended the district schools of the township in which he resided, wherein he gained all of the school education he ever had the opportunity of obtaining. At twelve years of age he was apprenticed to his father's brother to learn the hatter's trade, and remained with him till he was sixteen years old. From that time till he was twentyone years old he worked at farming in Herkimer county, and then turned his attention to the millwright business, and followed it for three years in New York State, and in the spring of 1836 came to Michigan, and pursued his calling for eight years, until 1844, locating in Albion in 1839. In 1844, in company with Marvin Hannahs, he built a flouring-mill in Albion, and continued in the flouring business with Hannahs twenty years. In 1864 he disposed of his milling interest and engaged in farming and selling drugs and medicines, the latter branch of business being carried on in the village of Albion. These lines continued to engage his attention until 1876, when he retired from active business, and is now quietly enjoying his otium cume dignitate in Albion, surrounded by his children, of whom he has four living. On the 31st day of January, 1839, Mr. Johnson met his fate, and was united in marriage to an estimable lady, Miss Sophronia Thayer, a native of Romulus, Seneca county, New York, born in September, 1818, but at the time of her marriage a resident of Albion. She has borne to Mr. Johnson eight children, those now living being Edwin H., now of Rock Island, Illinois, Carrie G., Ida E., and Ada L., the latter two being twin sisters. Mr. Johnson was a Whig formerly when that party was in existence, but joined the Republican party on its rise, and has been connected therewith to the present time. In 1860 he was elected by the board of supervisors of the county one of the county superintendents of the poor for a term of three years, and re-elected in 1867, and has held the position continuously ever since by re-election at each succeeding term. Mr. and Mrs. Johnson are leading members of the Presbyterian church of Albion, Mr. Johnson having been one of its trustees for twenty-five years past. Mr. Johnson's continued re-election to the responsible position of county superintendent of the poor-where judgment to discriminate between real merit and imposition, firmness to do what is right regardless of clamor, and delicacy in ministering to the wants of the unfortunate, are essential to full success-is the best proof of the estimation in which he is held by his fellow-citizens of Calhoun. On another page of our work, in connection with the history of the noble charity of Calhoun with which Mr. Johnson has so long and honorably been connected, we present his portrait, with those of his coadjutors for the past nine years,-Judge Tolman W. Hall, of Battle Creek, and A. O. Hyde, of Marshall, -as also a view of the almshouse and its worthy and humane keeper, H. L. White. 110 HISTORY OF CALHOUN COUNTY, MICHIGAN. CHARLES D. HOLMES. THOMAS HOLMES. The pioneer whose name forms the caption of our sketch, Charles D. Holmes, comes of Scotch-Irish parentage. His ancestor numbering fourth from him, Abraham Holmes, emigrated from the north of Ireland to America in 1717, and located in Londonderry, New Hampshire. His son, John, had nine children, one of whom, Thomas, was the grandfather of Charles D. He married Margaret Patterson, by whom he had twelve children, the second son being Peter, born October 10, 1783, and who married Olive Graves, December 26, 1809, by whom nine children were born to him, the second son being the subject of our sketch, Charles D. Holmes, who was born in the town of West Boylston, Worcester county, Massachusetts, July 20, 1814, and resided there until 1825, when he removed with his father to Amherst, Hampshire county, in the same State, where he resided until 1833, attending the Amherst academy, and assisting in his father's business of the manufacture of fanning-mills. In the spring of the last-named year, the father and older brother and himself located the present farm of Mr. Holmes, on sections 22 and 23 in Albion township, purchasing one hundred and twenty acres, adding other lands subsequently, until, at one time, the family owned eight hundred acres. Mr. Holmes' present farm contains one hundred and fifty acres, and is most excellently tilled, with improvements of the best character and quality. He has been given to travel somewhat, having made two trips to California, and also to Colorado, and was a member of the first convention to frame a constitution for the State. In 1851 Mr. Holmes' mother died, and the father followed July 14, 1860. Mr. Holmes was married on the 16th day of October, 1836, to Nancy Young, daughter of Peter Young, a native of New Jersey. She was born in that State, December 1, 1812, and removed therefrom, with her parents, to Cayuga county, New York; and from thence, in 1835, to Michigan. Mr. Holmes keeps up the reputation of his ancestors in raising large families, having had borne to him the following children: Olive H., now Mrs. Daniel Taylor, of Marshall; Henry C., of Muskegon county, Michigan; Sarah J., now Mrs. Chauncey Saunders, of Union City, Branch county; Franklin G., now a prominent lawyer of Grand Rapids; Caroline E., now Mrs. Waldron Foster, of Coldwater; George W., of Muskegon; Mary A., now Mrs. Henry Webb, of Medina, New York; Charles L., of Marshall; Eva E., now Mrs. Manly Houston, of Fredonia; Edwin P., on the homestead with his parents; and Harriet P., who was born in 1857, and died in 1864. In politics, Mr. Holmes is a Republican, being formerly a member of the Whig party, and cast his first vote in 1836 for General Harrison. He was the first commissioner of highways of Albion, and has held the position of supervisor of his township for fifteen years, besides other town offices from time to time. He was elected register of deeds of Calhoun County in 1872, and re-elected in 1874, holding the office four years, and was a member of the constitutional convention of Michigan in 1867. He has been a member of the Presbyterian church for thirty-eight years, and his most estimable companion for forty years has been a communicant of the same denomination. He has been liberal towards all public institutions, and the church of his preference has ever found in him a stanch supporter and generous friend. A fine specimen of vigorous age, combining the freshness and elasticity of youth with the ripeness and wisdom of mature years, is Thomas Holmes, of Albion township. He was born March 12, 1817, and has never been confined to his bed by illness to the present time. Well preserved, at peace with himself and the rest of mankind, he is apparently destined to pass many years of quiet enjoyment yet to come among his children and children's children. He was the fifth in a family of nine children born to his parents, Colonel Peter and Olive (Graves) Holmes, natives of New Hampshire. He was born in West Boylston, Worcester county, Massachusetts. His father, who was born in Londonderry, New Hampshire, in October, 1783, was a manufacturer and merchant, and largely interested in building and operating one of the first cotton-mills in that part of New England. At the close of the War of 1812 this enterprise became involved in the general disaster that befell the entire manufacturing interests of the country, and Colonel Holmes lost his entire investment, a misfortune from which he did not find it easy to recover. In 1833 he resolved to seek a home in Michigan, and in I the spring of that year, accompanied by his two eldest sons, he came to Calhoun County, and located on the northeast quarter, section 23, in Albion, and built the fourth log house in the township, the remainder of the family coming on in the fall of the same year. At this time there was not a store, school-house, postoffice, or church within fifteen miles; no bridges, and the roads were but trails. The family were ten days in getting from Detroit to Albion, and in coming through what is now known as Main street in the city of Jackson they were mired in a black-ash swamp. The subject of our sketch received a common school education, and lived with his father until twenty-five years of age, when he purchased the east half, section 14, in Albion, upon which he now resides. In the fall of 1842 he put in one hundred and twenty acres of wheat, from which he harvested the succeeding year three thousand bushels of grain. His land was wild oak openings when he purchased, and is now, after the lapse of thirty-five years, one of the most excellent farms in the county,-the transformation being effected by Mr. Holmes's own efforts, ably seconded by his admirable wife and children. A view of his fine buildings may be seen on another page. On the 25th day of March, 1847, Mr. Holmes was united in marriage to Miss Caroline S. Luce, who has borne to him six children, all of whom are now living. She was born in Gaines, Orleans county, New York, April 9, 1822. In 1851 Mr. Holmes went to California, where he remained three years. He is a member of the Presbyterian church. SAMUEL E. DOUGLASS. The subject of this sketch came to the town of Albion November 19, 1832, from Parma, Monroe county, New York. His family consisted of himself, wife, and three children. They came by water to Detroit, thence by team to Ypsilanti, I WM. A. WARNER. MRS. WM. A. WARNER, A. " A I I 1l I Ii!~;-i-~:-:...~. iiiz,-.. RESIDENCE OF WM.A. WARNERALBION, CALHOUN CO.,M1CH. J I I i I I i I I I I I i i I I II i i I I!E I - --- I - - - - I. ~- -. —. 1 —_- 1 - - _~"'""~""~ E III I I I II II II III I I III I II I III I IIIII III II I I I _ II I II II I Iiiiii m Ii ~.......... CHANDLER M. CHURCH. MRS. LURA CHURCH. I I I I I I M& RCH,AN RESIDENCE OF THE LATE WAREHAM WARNER., ALi/tON, MfCHtGAN. _ A - ' * - -.... I " I.... '......:....~?'' '.... N' '" W...-".... I '",',lml ff, HISTORY OF CALHOUN COUNTY, MICHIGAN. 1ll and from there mostly on foot, an ox-team carrying their possessions. They arrived at their destination in a driving storm of snow and sleet, with garments frozen stiff, and without house to shelter or fire to warm them. No lumber could be had nearer than Jackson, so they were compelled to put up a log house, with a "l shake" roof and white-ash floor. While it was building they stayed with some friends in the town of Homer, and when finished they moved in and commenced to erect for themselves a home, as other pioneers had done elsewhere; by toil and privation, economy and perseverance, they made the inert forces of nature succumb to the animate powers of man-the wilderness was turned into fertile fields of grain and fruit-teeming orchards. Samuel E. Douglass is deceased, but his widow, Mrs. Lucretia Douglass, survives, and is residing in Albion. Their eldest son, Delos, is also dead; their remaining children, Lee P. and Daniel R., are living respectively in Jackson, Michigan, and Pioche, Nevada. Among other reminiscences kindly furnished us by Mrs. Douglass, we excerpt the following: "The first school taught in the township was in the fall of 1833, in one room of Samuel Douglass' log house, by Violetta Leach. The first few years we were in Michigan we had a good many encounters with the Indians, but I soon gained their friendship, and then did not fear them so much. During the winter of 1834-35 the settlers had much trouble with them, but we, fortunately, escaped persecution, as they considered my brother the chief, and so called him. I had considerable influence with them on account of being the chief's sister. They encamped in the woods all about us, and would frequently go to Bellevue and Marshall and get intoxicated, at which times they were very hostile. I have stayed all alone with my children, seven miles from any white persons, and my husband away, when the Indians would come at night, intoxicated, and try to crawl down the chimney, but never happened to effect an entrance. Often they would come fifty at a time, and hang about the house for two or three hours. During the Black Hawk war a party went by, and soon after two young savages came back all painted tp, seeing which my fears were greatly aroused, but I knew it would not do to let them know I was afraid. One asked for a drink of bish (water); I told him there was none in the house, gave him a pail, and told him to go and get some. They refused, and demanded I should get it. I replied, ' I will not.' They responded that I must, whereupon I picked up my baby and said I would go and tell schmokeman (white chief), when they looked at each other, laughed, conferred together for a few moments, and went off in an opposite direction from the main party. My husband being absent, and not returning until ten o'clock that night, I think I underwent more torture than at any other time during all our pioneer life." WILLIAM A. WARNER. Prominent among the thrifty and prosperous yeomanry of Calhoun County stands the subject of our present sketch, William A. Warner, who, though somewhat of a rover in his earlier days, is at present located on one of the best farms of Albion township, which he purchased in 1840, and has resided thereon for the greater portion of the time since. He was a non-commissioned officer in the patriot army of General Sam. Houston, in the war of independence in Texas, for two years, and was engaged in trade in California during the first rush to that El Dorado in 1849. He came to Michigan in 1834 with his father, Wareham Warner, and his family, settling with them in South Albion, Calhoun County. He bought his first location for himself in 1838, and sold the same in 1840, purchasing the same year his present one of three hundred acres, to which he has added sixty-five more subsequently, which is situated on section 6, in Albion township. He owns, besides, other tracts in Marengo township. On his present farm there was no house, and but little improvement when he bought it, and by his own industry and management he has brought it to its present excellent state of cultivation. A view of his comfortable dwelling and capacious barns will be seen on another page of our work. He has paid considerable attention to stockraising. Mr. Warner was born in the township of Gorham, Ontario connty, New York, and was united in marriage, April 9, 1839, to Mary J., daughter of Asahel and Julia (Wilcox) Finch, natives of the State of New York. The children of this union were as follows: Wareham, now deceased; Julia M, now Mrs. C. A. Green, of Clinton, Iowa; Martha, now Mrs. Philip Weitzel, of Marengo, Calhoun County; Hettie E., now Mrs. Henry Bradley, of Eckford, Calhoun County; Lura A., now Mrs. C. B. Wisner, of Ionia, Michigan; Mandana G., now attending Albion female college; William R., Mary T., R. Belle, and James D., the last four named being residents under the home-roof on the old homestead. Mr. Warner is Democratic in politics, and liberal in religion. I i i I i i I i ti i 1 I i II I I I i I I tI WAREHAM WARNER. One of the original proprietors of the village of Albion, a man ot energy and undaunted purpose, of strict integrity, and remarked for his benevolence and charitable works during a long and useful career, Wareham Warner has been accorded a position in our work among the pioneers of Calhoun, his portrait and biography being presented to the people of the county by his children, who still linger amid the pleasant places hallowed by the memories of him who led them forward from childhood to maturity, and taught them industry, integrity, and charity. He was born in Connecticut in 1779, during the great struggle for American independence, and died amid the fierce and bitter strife of the KansasNebraska times, in 1854, aged seventy-five years. Wihen a child he emigrated to Chenango county, New York, where, at the age of twenty-one years, he married Cynthia Adams, with whom he lived most happily for many years. He removed to Ontario county, New York, and in 1816 took up the line of march for Parma, Monroe county, in the same State. During his sojourn in the State of New York his life was that of a pioneer, full of the arduous toil consequent upon clearing up heavily-timbered farms, and checkered with the incidents that unavoidably attend life in a new and wild country. In the year 1831 the news from the oak openings and prairies of Michigan reached him, and though past the meridian of life, the desire for a '" better country" so strongly influenced his mind, he obeyed its dictates, and followed in the train of the fast increasing emigration to the west, and stopped at Marshall, Calhoun County, where he found a few log houses and a score of live, energetic men trying to build a city. Here he remained a brief period only, but sufficiently long to carry the chain in the survey of the village plot of the now prosperous and beautiful city of Marshall, and to so fix his admiration of and desire for a residence in Calhoun County, that though he returned to his eastern home, it was for a length of time sufficient only to close out his business and dispose of his property there, and return to the forks of the Kalamazoo in 1834. Here, in company with Tenney Peabody, he began to build up the village of Albion, and erected the first house built on the south side of the river therein, and cooked his first meal by the side of a log, ate the same from a board, and drank for his beverage the clear water from the Kalamazoo that rippled by his feet. In 1835 the company began the building of a dam, digging a race and erecting a saw-mill. Mr. Warner also built the first firame house in the village, dug the first well, built the first barn, and thus began, as his children say, to live in a civilized way. He also purchased several tracts of land from the government, some of which include the best farms in the townships in which they are located. In politics, Mr. Warner was a Democrat, and was a liberal and generous supporter of the church. He was the father of ten children. 112 HISTORY OF CALHOUN COUNTY, MICHIGAN. __ THERON SOULE. Every one comes within the observation of others, and the impress of character is unconsciously received, not alone by personal association, but by record of existence. Hence the advantage of extending the field of biographic research and instancing examples not among the opulent and entitled, but among the conservative and substantial middle class. A fit subject in this connection is found in the life and services of Theron Soule, son of Isaac and Cynthia (Carter) Soule, born in Freehold, Greene county, New York, on May 26, 1807. He was the third of a family of eleven children, seven sons and four daughters. In 1821 and in 1823 removals were made by Isaac Soule and family, in the first instance to Livingston county, and thence to Murray, Orleans county, New York. Prior to 1835 Mr. Soule engaged in farming, and later gave his attention to mercantile pursuits. In 1837 the north part of the township of Murray was organized into a new township called Kendall, and at the first election Mr. Soule was chosen town clerk. On September 7 of the same year he married Sarah, daughter of Captain Luman and Ruah (Scofield) Foot. Mrs. Soule was born at Saratoga, April 19, 1816, and previous to marriage was known as a teacher in Brockport, Monroe county, New York. Her death took place April 7, 1841, and was followed by the removal of Mr. Soule to Michigan. He took up his residence in Sheridan, where, on December 7,1841, he married his present wife, the widow of Seth Dean, and the daughter of Andrew and Eunice Pickens. Mrs. Soule is a native of Ernestown, Upper Canada, where she was born July 18, 1815. In 1818 her parents moved to Orleans county, New York, and their child resided with her grandfather, Felix Auger, until November 12, 1834, when she married Seth Dean, who moved to Sheridan in 1856, and there died four years later. Shortly after his second marriage Mr. Soule removed to Homer, and engaged in keeping a hotel, but soon returned to Kendall, where he remained until 1843. On May 4 of that year he set out with his family, in a two-horse wagon, for Michigan, and once more settling in the town of Sheridan, has made that locality his permanent residence. He bought two hundred and eighty acres of section 22, in Sheridan, and there lived for ten years; and when, in 1866, he sold this farm, now owned by A. Schenck, it was reputed one of the best in Sheridan. During the spring of 1866, Mr. Soule purchased the brick house now his residence, and in 1869 associated with G. N. Davis to erect the opera-house in the village of Albion. Of a speculative turn, he has dealt largely in both wild and improved lands, and by uniting industry with forethought has obtained a competence. Believing that he who subserves public interest advances his own, Mr. Soule has ever been forward in advancing public measures of utility, and has ranked among the leading men of the town. His life presents an example of the success which awaits all who, however poor, are willing to make the efforts which are indispensable to wealth. A self-made man. Mr. Soule has been fortunate in his companion in life; his wife has been a true helpmeet, and is held in esteem by all her acquaintance. Mrs. Soule had by her first husband one daughter, Laura M. Dean, born August 29, 1836, now married to Mr. G. W. Davis, of Grand Rapids. Mr. Soule had by his first wife two daughters, Sarah R. Soule, born May 30, 1838, now married to Mr. James Fleming, of Nashville; Frances A. Soule, born Sept. 14, 1839, married Edwin Densmore, of Mackinaw, Mich. 0 "-;""" -E- r — -1 --- --- 1 — -- -- --- -- --- ----— rr I ~ I _ ___ 'H 0 1 8G 0 0 'S '-j 'S a IN '3inOS NOdj3HIL 'SdVYV 'NVO-IH91fi 'l NO18793 " IM0F1F 1 9 3 -Fi$ 1i f~tl `SBIFW_:::: 1:''.::.:::::_ ---I~::~I';:-Z:\-:-,-~::I_:~::: I -i-:Il_:. —.-' -I;:::::::::;::.~:...;. i i i i i I I 7 . -X,) C Il --- II~- - - -- - L -I I!~,'-p ~ ~T................... --- a - e - I _ -I I i ii i i i I I i I I i I I I I I TENNEY PEABODY. MRS. TENNEY PEABODY. TENNEY PEABODY. One of the prominent citizens of Calhoun County was Tenney Peabody, whose name forms the caption of the present sketch. He was the first settler in the village of Albion, or its near vicinity, coming thereto in the year 1831 while yet it was an unbroken forest, his family, consisting of his wife and seven children, and a nephew, named Charles Blanchard, arriving on his location March 4, 1832. He emigrated from Campville (now Alcott), Niagara county, New York. He was born in Nottingham, Rockingham county, New Hampshire, December 28, 17'92, being the son of David and Eunice (Cross) Peabody, natives of the State of Massachusetts. In the year 1814 he was united in marriage to Eleanor Thompson, by whom were borne to hinm eleven children, six sons and five daughters, of whom the following survive at the present time: Louisa P., now Mrs. W. IT. Johnson, of Kalamazoo; Julia A., now Mrs. M. H. Crane, of Albion; James W., now of Albion; May E., now Mrs. James W. Sheldon, of Albion, and John M., of Albion. He built the first house in Albion, a log cabin, on the site of the Presbyterian church now standing in the village, but afterwards removed to a new location on the opposite side of the street, in the township of Sheridan. Mr. Peabody was connected with the Albion company, which was formed to build up the town, and was foremost in all work which he considered conducive to the prosperity of the same. He was, however, careful to weigh closely all enterprises, and when convinced they would be likely to secure the results sought for, gave them a libera and judicious support, and never contracted an obligation he could not see his way clearly to discharge. In politics he was originally a Democrat, but on the organization of the Republican party, cast his influence on the side of the same, and remained true to his allegiance until his death. He would not assume political office, but looked after the general interests of the township and village with commendable zeal and judgment. He was not a member of any church organization, but was liberal in his religious views, and a close thinker, and tenacious in argument on scriptural questions. Mrs. Peabody was born in Pittsfield, New York, October 18, 1794. I. _ ~~ff I M Ii1 _ I I 11 WILLIAMI M. KNICKERBOCKER. MIRS. WILLIAM M. KNICKERBOCKER. WILLIAM M. KNICKERBOCKER. As the family name suggests, he of whose life we essay a'brief sketch was of Dutch extraction. Tradition has it that the heads of the family in America were three brothers who came from Holland and settled,-one in New York city, then known as Manhattan of the New Netherlands, one on Dover Plains, and the other on Pine Plains, New York. The subject of this sketch claims his descent from the Pine Plains branch of the family, where he was born, August 29, 1811, being the twelfth of a family of thirteen children. His father, Hugh Knickerbocker, was born July 30,1761, and his mother, Rachel Scram, December 1, 1769. The parents were married June 11, 1786. They were of the world's poor, and in consequence William was thrown at an early age upon his own resources. He obtained as good a common-school education as the times in which he lived and his opportunities afforded. In the fall of 1829 he went to the town of Elba, Genessee county, in the same State, and engaged in farming, continuing the business until the fall of 1835, when he came to Van Buren county, Michigan, and located a farm, which he afterwards sold, and purchased his present location on section 23, in the township of Albion. Returning to Genessee county immediately after his last purchase, he was united in marriage to Miss Harriet S. Babcock, August 17, 1836. She was born in the town of Elba, April 18, 1816, and was a daughter of Asa and Lydia (Tupper) Babcock, and the third in a family of seven children. She was a most excellent teacher. After their marriage the young couple removed to the location the husband had previously secured, where for forty years they have shared life's struggles and sorrows, its joys and pleasures, building for themselves and their children a pleasant home, around whose hearth-stone four of the latter have gathered and gone out from, two to the "undiscovered country whence no traveler returns,"' and one, a daughter, to a home of her own and the man of her choice. The children were George M., Harriet E.,-now deceased,-Jane Ellen, now the wife of C. W. Dalrymple, Esq., and Sarah A., also deceased. nMr. Knickerbocker has been a prominent and useful man in his township, and enjoys the confidence of the people, who have largely intrusted their interests to his care in the position of highway commissioner, which he has held fifteen years from the reorganization of the township as now constituted, and township treasurer, supervisor, and justice of the peace for several terms each. During the Rebellion he was a stanch upholder of the Union, and held the position of enrolling officer of the township. Mr. and Mrs. Knickerbocker are members of the South Albion Methodist Episcopal church, of which he has been the chorister for thirty-five years, and is at present one of its trustees. Mr. Knickerbocker is and has ever been a liberal, public-spirited man, generous in his donations to Albion college and other public institutions, religious and otherwise. His children have had the advantages of acquiring an education, which their father had not, all of them attending on the instruction of the college. This pioneer pair, after surmounting the difficulties and privations of their early lives, are now elljoying the fruits of their labor, richly merited, and possess that priceless jewel, '" a conscience void of offense," intentional, towards their fellow-men. I j I-. [ I__ I1 1 ~ 1__1 _ 1 EMENNOM ------- 00-1";;::;: 0A::; X I ;Sz;-; ____ __ I __ M I l ---- I -I:I TENNEY PEABODY. MRS. TENNEY PEABODY. TENNEY PEABODY. One of the prominent citizens of Calhoun County was Tenney Peabody, whose name forms the caption of the present sketch. He was the first settler in the village of Albion, or its near vicinity, coming thereto in the year 1831 while yet it was an unbroken forest, his family, consisting of his wife and seven children, and a nephew, named Charles Blanchard, arriving on his location March 4, 1832. He emigrated from Campville (now Alcott), Niagara county, New York. He was born in Nottingham, Rockingham county, New Hampshire, December 28, 1792, being the son of David and Eunice (Cross) Peabody, natives of the State of Massachusetts. In the year 1814 he was united in marriage to Eleanor Thompson, by whom were borne to him eleven children, six sons and five daughters, of whom the following survive at the present time: Louisa P., now Mrs. W. IH. Johnson, of Kalamazoo; Julia A., now Mrs. M. H. Crane, of Albion; James W., now of Albion; May E., now Mrs. James W. Sheldon, of Albion, and John M., of Albion. HIe built the first house in Albion, a log cabin, on the site of the Presbyterian church now standing in the village, but afterwards removed to a new location on the opposite side of the street, in the township of Sheridan. Mr. Peabody was connected with the Albion company, which was formed to build up the town, and was foremost in all work which he considered conducive to the prosperity of the same. He was, however, careful to weigh closely all enterprises, and when convinced they would be likely to secure the results sought for, gave them a libera and judicious support, and never contracted an obligation he could not see his way clearly to discharge. In politics he was originally a Democrat, but on the organization of the Republican party, cast his influence on the side of the same, and remained true to his allegiance until his death. He would not assume political office, but looked after the general interests of the township and village with commendable zeal and judgment. He was not a member of any church organization, but was liberal in his religious views, and a close thinker, and tenacious in argument on scriptural questions. Mrs. Peabody was born in Pittsfield, New York, October 18, 1794. I ~ ' ~ I1: _ ____1__11_1________1_ ------ I ~ I 0 WILLIAMI M. KNICKERBOCKER. MRS. WILLIAM Mi. KNICKERBOCKER. WILLIAM M. KNICKERBOCKER. I I Nov As the family name suggests, he of whose life we essay a brief sketch was of Dutch extraction. Tradition has it that the heads of the family in America were three brothers who came from Holland and settled,-one in New York city, then known as Manhattan of the New Netherlands, one on Dover Plains, and the other on Pine Plains, New York. The subject of this sketch claims his descent from the Pine Plains branch of the family, where he was born, August 29, 1811, being the twelfth of a family of thirteen children. His father, Hugh Knickerbocker, was born July 30,1761, and his mother, Rachel Scram, December 1, 1769. The parents were married June 11, 1786. They were of the world's poor, and in consequence William was thrown at an early age upon his own resources. He obtained as good a common-school education as the times in which he lived and.his opportunities afforded. In the fall of 1829 he went to the town of Elba, Genessee county, in the same State, and engaged in farming, continuing the business until the fall of 1835, when he came to Van Buren county, Michigan, and located a farm, which he afterwards sold, and purchased his present location on section 23, in the township of Albion. Returning to Genessee county immediately after his last purchase, he was united in marriage to Miss Harriet S. Babcock, August 17, 1836. She was born in the town of Elba, April 18, 1816, and was a daughter of Asa and Lydia (Tupper) Babcock, and the third in a family of seven children. She was a most excellent teacher. After their marriage the young couple removed to the location tile husband had previously secured, where for forty years they have shared life's struggles and sorrows, its joys and pleasures, building for themselves and their children a pleasant home, around whose hearth-stone four of the latter have gathered and gone out from, two to the " undiscovered country whence no traveler returns," and one, a daughter, to a home of her own and the man of her choice. The children were George M., Harriet E.,-now deceased, —Jane Ellen, now the wife of C. W. Dalrymple, Esq., and Sarah A., also deceased. Mr. Knickerbocker has been a prominent and useful man in his township, and enjoys the confidence of the people, who have largely intrusted their interests to his care in the position of highway commissioner, which he has held fifteen years from the reorganization of the township as now constituted, and township treasurer, supervisor, and justice of the peace for several terms each. During the Rebellion he was a stanch upholder of the Union, and held the position of enrolling officer of the township. Mr. and Mrs. Knickerbocker are members of the South Albion Methodist Episcopal church, of which he has been the chorister for thirty-five years, and is at present one of its trustees. Mr. Knickerbocker is and has ever been a liberal, public-spirited man, generous in his donations to Albion college and other public institutions, religious and otherwise. His children have had the advantages of acquiring an education, which their father had not, all of them attending on the instruction of the college. This pioneer pair, after surmounting the difficulties and privations of their early lives, are now enjoying the fruits of their labor, richly merited, and possess that priceless jewel, 1" a conscience void of offense," intentional, towards their fellow-men. f 0 1 ~. a ------. ER L1 = |: - K: - l - - - -- I; *:::;:.: cL -) hoc X Q 0 10 A:: -:::: a::; -::: d:-: I "'.';0 As — '00 0 0\ X 0000:1 *-..*-. ' '!. '^ ' ': * -:. L-,, '.:0' '' *' '. *- 0 '' *. ',.-.i * * ' ^ ' ^ '. ' ^. ' * '. *. * * '" ''. " - *:-.' * '*'* '. * "." ^ -- * -* /': "^ ^~c~ a, ' - * - - ^ *- ',,.*: - 11*.*-.": **.*1:.-.*;:.;*"*;":1;-;^ - ^ ' 1^ -;* ',:,:;:::.,;:^,:'-;::*:.*^ Ig 1' ':-" -; 1':; 1^.11/.. ^::.1..^;* l i a. *;;' ',.*,' ** ^ - *-;:; **'<^..-*;....*.r v::'^^^^^^ 1 i - *; D d - -... Ml Ill __~ If *: 'ad: HISTORY OF CALHOUN COUNTY, MICHIGAN. 117 settlers, coming in about 1833. Peter Beisel arrived about the same time, from Pennsylvania. A Mr. Stoddard was in the township at an early day, as a land speculator only, and never effected a permanent residence. Lot Whitcomb came in 1832, from Vermont, and was a rare specimen of a genuine Yankee. He, in company with Peter Beisel, built the FIRST SAW-MILL, in 1835. Mr. Beisel subsequently rented his firm to Mrs. Crownover and her sons, and removed to White Pigeon, where he died. His sons, George and Peter, were for many years among the prominent business men of that place. Lot Whitcomb removed from Athens many years ago to Kane county, Illinois, and finally took up his residence in Oregon, where he accumulated a fortune estimated at three millions of dollars. He died there about eight years since. Asahel Stone, although spending much of his time here after 1831, did not bring his family in until 1835. In the spring of 1837 Francis A. Mann arrived, and these two became the leaders of their respective political parties, and ran things to suit themselves until 1844, when the Whigs bolted them, and elected Captain James Winters supervisor. From this period until the regular organization of the Republican party Whigs and Democrats were the partisan attributes, but the Republican party now enjoys a good majority in the township. Messrs. Stone and Mann made good, reliable officers, but had strong partisan prejudices. Mr. Stone accumulated a fair competence, and at his death, which occurred December 22, 1852, devised his property very judiciously, dividing it between his wife and three daughters, no son having been borne to them. Ann, the eldest, married Alfred Holcomb, and now resides in the village, an estimable and much respected lady. Sabria, the second, -married B. F. Ferris, and, being widowed, resides next door to her sister; and Laura married Norton P. Hobart, and resides in Athens village. On the return of Mr. Stone, in 1835, Norton P. Hobart and Malin W., his brother, accompanied him, but did not permanently locate until the year following. At this time Malin W. was only seventeen years of age. Nicholas Vanbrunt came in about this time, and with him his wife and a large family of children. He will be remembered by many who knew Athens in its earlier days. Also Andrew Robyler, who kept a sort of tavern in the township, a very primitive affair. He was a horse-jockey and farmer combined, but ill adapted to assume the role of "mine host." He opened his hostelry about 1836, being preceded in the business by a man named Farmer, who kept the FIRST TAVERN that could be considered as a house of regular entertainment, in the village of Branchville, early in 1836, which village formerly existed about one mile east of Athens. Salmon Walker came in 1836, and settled on section 14, and Wm. R. Walker, his half-brother, on section 11 the same year. Among the prominent settlers who arrived between 1836 and 1845 were Captain James Winters, who settled on section 5, in 1836; Erastus B. Woodworth and Hiram Tuttle, who came in 1838; Deacon S. J. Rundle, on section 5, in 1841; Lemuel Davis, on section 8, same year; S. J. Vickory, on section 7, same year; Homer C. Hurd, Alfred Weeks, Joel P. Mann, Ashbel Stiles, John B. Drake, Russell Alvord, John B. Rogers, John Moore, and several others within the period designated. THE FIRST FRAME BUILDINGS erected were the barns of H. Doubleday, B. F. Ferris, and A. Holcomb, built in 1834. Mr. Doubleday roofed his with black walnut, and it stands, after the lapse of forty years, a venerable landmark of "ye olden time." THE FIRST WHEAT was sown during the summer of 1834, by the same persons last mentioned. They got their seed near Centreville, and it turned out wonderfully smutty. They sowed in all about twenty-fouracres, about one-third of which turned out a fine quality of-smut. THE FIRST ORCHARD was planted by Alfred Holcomb, in the spring of 1835. He purchased his trees at Mishawaka, Indiana. They did not turn out successfully, owing to the depredations of a species of large ant that existed here in an early day. The first apples were raised by Asahel Stone, and the first peaches, five in number, by A. Holcomb. THE FIRST SEED DRILL was introduced about this time, by Mr. Holcomb. He got it from Brockport, New York, and his wife thought it " a piece of needless extravagance." I THE FIRST ROAD surveyed was that known as the " David Coddington road," which was surveyed by Michael Keith, assisted by A. Holcomb and Asahel Stone, June 16, 1835. We quote the annexed minutes from the records in the township, on file in the clerk's office: " 1st course, south 150 chains; 2d course, south 30~, west 31 chains and 3 links; south 62~, west 81 chains 4 links; south 30~, west 50 chains and 5 links, south 46~, west 66 links; south 28 chains 7 links; south 25~, east 50 chains 3 links; south 75~, west 115 chains 8 links; west 10 chains 9 links; south 80~, west 52 chains to the section line of section 27, the whole length being seven miles and eleven chains." Signed by B. F. Ferris, Ansel Adams, O. W. Nichols, Commissioners of Highways. THE FIRST BRIDGE across -the Nottawa-seepe, on the road from Athens to Battle Creek, near the present village of Athens, was built by Lemuel Davis, at a cost of six thousand eight hundred dollars, about 1845. It stood for about twenty years, when it was replaced by the present structure. THE FIRST POST-OFFICE in the town was kept by Lot Whitcomb, who had formerly been postmaster in Sherwood township, Branch county, and on his removal to Athens in 1836 he took the post-office with him. After keeping the office for a few years, it was discontinued. Postage on letters at that time was twenty-five cents, paid on, or generally speaking bejbre, delivery. THE PINE CREEK POST-OFFICE was established January 1, 1851, by the assistance of George S. Wright, Esq., the postmaster at Marshall. The conditions were that no expense should accrue to the government, and that no route would be opened until the office became self-supporting. The letters were at first carried in the vest-pocket, once a week, to Abscota post-office, in Burlington township, a distance of six miles, usually by the postmaster, who, including the franking privilege and the contributions of the citizens, received about three shillings a trip. After one year's trial, a route was established, and the government assumed the expense, Captain James Winters being appointed postmaster. But in the fall of 1852 he was elected representative to the State legislature, and, as he could not hold office under the general government and a State office of honor or profit, he resigned the post-office in favor of David N. Willard, who held the same until January 18, 1875, when he resigned in favor of Captain Winters, who now retains the office, which has a semi-weekly mail and is doing a respectable business. CECELIA POST-OFFICE * was established in 1860, and was first kept by Smoles Wood, at what was long and popularly known as the " Pine Creek House," in section 2. It was afterwards removed to the dwelling of John B. Drake, about one-half of a mile north of its original location, and Mr. Drake was appointed postmaster. Finally, in 1875, it was abandoned, and an office established at East Le Roy, and Dr. James Foster appointed postmaster, at whose residence it is now kept. It enjoys a tri-weekly mail between Athens and Battle Creek, and by rail with all points east and west. THE FIRST GRIST-MILL. Mr. Holcomb thus describes the first grist-mill used in the settlement: " It was made by Isaac Crossett, in the winter of 1831. He took a box-wood tree four feet long and six inches in diameter, which he scooped out, making a concavity, and then took a piece of the same tree and manufactured a cylinder, which he fitted into the cavity. Into the cylinder he inserted a number of pieces of steel made by breaking up an old cross-cut saw. He also made a pestle, into which he stuck some similar pieces of steel to those in the cylinder. These pieces of steel were arranged in auger shape, and the pressure could be regulated by increasing or decreasing the weight on the tenon. To the tenon he mortised two poles, and for motive-power he procured the services of four small boys, one at each end of the poles. To grind one bushel of feed it required one hour; for household stuff, about double that length of time. This primitive affair was christened the ' coffee-mill,' but the johnny-cakes that were made of its grists tasted as good to the laborious pioneer as though they had been made of meal ground in the improved mills of to-day." THE FIRST STORE kept in the township was by a Mr. Underdonk, at the then village of Branchville, as early as 1838. It was a primitive log building, and was maintained principally by the Indian trade in trinkets and other comparatively valueless commodities. I# 118 HISTORY OF CALHOUN COUNTY, MICHIGAN. I THE FIRST MARRIAGE. The first couple married in the township were Robert McCamly and Mary Nichols, and the person performing the ceremony was Squire Dwinnel, who was the nearest justice, and he resided near Ceresco. He married them at the house of Ambrose Nichols, which was located in Sherwood township, Branch county. When he got home he found that he had exceeded his jurisdiction, and ought not to have " tied the knot" outside his own county. The happy couple had also discovered the error, and being endowed with conscientious scruples and a sense of moral requirements of the case, became alarmed, and the ceremony was re-performed within the territorial limits assigned by the constitution. Squire Dwinnell did the job over again, the bright canopy of heaven forming the roof, and the green sward the carpet of the place where the contract was again renewed. This transpired in the winter of 1833. THE FIRST FEMALE BIRTH was that of Mary, daughter of Lot Whitcomb, in 1832. THE FIRST MALE BIRTH was that of Alfred, son of Ambrose Nichols, who was born in the winter of 1832. THE FIRST DEATH was that of Margaret Nichols, one of the cholera victims in the summer of 1832. The other five victims followed within a few days. THE FIRST BURYING-GROUND was laid off near the village of Branchville in 1837. It was on a lot donated by Peter Beisel, in section 27. The first interment was that of Jacob Beisel, son of the donor, who died the same year. THE FIRST SCHOOL taught in the township was by a Miss Acres, from Penn Yan, New York, in a small log school-house located on section 34, in 1833. Asaph Holcomb, Harvey Doubleday (of Sherwood), and Harriet Doubleday (now Mrs. D. D. Riley, of Union City), are among the early pupils yet surviving. THE FIRST SCHOOL-HOUSE proper was erected in 1838, and was a frame building octagonal in shape. It stood near the residence of Asahel Stone, and was known as the " Stone schoolhouse." At the organization of the school districts it was made district No. 2. We quote from the records as follows: " First meeting of the school inspectors of district No. 2 was held at the house of Alfred Holcomb, December 21, 1837, and the district was organized same day and date. ' "Asahel Stone, moderator; Joseph Holcomb, director; N. P. Hobart, assessor. Asahel Stone donated the building lot. " Voted, that the house shall be built eight-square, with a portico in front, and to have two fire-places in the middle of said house. " Voted, the said house be twenty-two feet in diameter, with eight-feet posts, also seven twelve-light windows, eight by twelve glass, and four lights above the door. " Voted, that the contract for building said school-house be let to the lowest bidder, and that it be finished by the 1st of October next." The contract was let to Alfred Holcomb, and the amount of the same was three hundred dollars. THE FIRST PHYSICIAN who practiced in the township was Ashton Wallace, who commenced practicing as early as 1835. He continued to attend to the wants of his patients for almost twenty years, and died in 1857. THE FIRST BLACKSMITH was S. Shaw, who erected a small shop on section 34 in the year 1834. THE FIRST CARPENTER was John Wilson, who established himself in the then village of Branchville about the year 1834. THE FIRST COOPERS were Charles and Thomas Hubbard, brothers, who settled in the southern part of the township about 1837. One of them removed to Union City, in the adjoining county, where his family still reside. THE FIRST THRASHING-MACHINE was brought into the township by Captain James Winters, in 1840. It was an open cylinder, and it was quite a laborious task, as well as a very disagreeable and dangerous one, to work around it. THE FIRST REAPER, was brought in by Russell Alvord, in 1840, and the first mower by A. C. Waterman, in 1851. FIRST TOWNSHIP MEETING. The first township meeting convened at the house of Lot Whitcomb, on the 6th of April, 1835, to which Hiram Doubleday was chosen moderator and Benjamin F. Ferris clerk, and duly qualified according to law. It was voted by the majority of electors, " that all persons residents of said township be lawful voters." The first election, held on the date and at the place above designated, resulted as follows: Henry C. Hurd was elected supervisor, by a majority of five. Benjamin F. Ferris, township clerk, by a majority of seven. George Clark, Granville Beardsley, and William Adams, assessors, by a majority of eight. Franklin C. Watkins, collector, by a majority of three. Isaac Watkins and Richard Tuck, directors of the poor, by a majority of fourteen. 0. W. Nichols, Benjamin F. Ferris, and Ansel Adams, commissioners of highways, by a majority of one. Horton Warren and F. C. Watkins, constables, by a majority of four. Alfred Holcomb and Robert McCamly, fence-viewers, by a majority of six. Isaac Watkins and Joseph Sanders, pound-masters, by a majority of five. John C. Ferris and David Dexter, overseers of highways; the former in district No. 1, and the latter in district No. 2. It was then voted " that the legal height of a fence be four feet six inches." Also, "to hold the next annual meeting at the dwelling-house of Elizur McCamly." The supervisors of the township from 1836 to 1876 inclusive have beenHomer C. Hurd, Asahel Stone (five years), Ashbel Stiles, Francis A. Mann (two years), Hiram Tuttle, James Winters (three years), Norton P. Hobart, Alfred Weeks, Russell Atwood, Malin W. Hobart, Erastus B. Woodworth, R. P. Libhart (two years), David Kyes, N. F. Randolph (two years), Edward J. Underwood, Jehial Wisner, present incumbent, from 1861 to 1877, sixteen consecutive years. The list of township clerks includes the subjoined names: Otis C. Freeman (1836), Solomon Sayles (two years), Charles W. Pomeroy, Harrison Wallace (two years), Joel P. Mann, Erastus R. Woodworth (five years), Jared T. Walker, Alfred Weeks (two years), George W. Kidder (ten years), Elihu B. Skidmore, H. B. Waterman, Spencer T. Barber, Asa Alford, H. B. VWaterman, William Simons, William H. Selkrig (two years), Edgar Doty (five years), Thomas H. Cave, present incumbent (three years). Those having held and holding the office of justice of the peace in the township areH. C. Hurd, O. C. Freeman, Sylvanus Read, Ephraim Turner (1837-45), Asahel Stone, James Esmund, Solomon Sayles, Charles W. Pomeroy, Hiram Tuttle, S. J. Arundel (four years), Erastus B. Woodworth (six years), Francis A. Mann (eight years), John L. Hopkins, Hiram Tuttle (four years), Russell Atwood (fourteen years), James Winters (twelve years), Jonathan Guernsey, Nelson Barber, Ashbel Styles, Cornelius Cuyler (six years), Geo. W. Hampton, Jehial Wisner (1865-77), James F. Putnam (eight years), David Kyes (seventeen years), Southmayd Rogers (six years), George F. Hart, Harvey M. Graham, R. P. Libhart, Malin H. Hobart, Lyman B. Smith, George Ferris, Alpheus Wiser, Lyman B. Smith, Henry L. Carpenter, Willard L. Fuller, Ira E. Hitchcock, M. W. Hobart. THE " NOBLE RED MAN." Prior to 1840, a large number of Indians lived on a reservation which was located in the central part of Athens township; in that year they were taken, ' together with the rest of their race in Michigan, beyond the Mississippi. When the soldiers came to conduct them to their new home they were seized with terror, and many of them eluded the vigilance of their custodians and escaped to Canada. This was a sorrowful episode in the existence of these poor creatures, and they appealed to their white neighbors, with whom they had long lived amicably, for protection. Six families escaped from the troops, on the prairies of Illinois, and came back to their old home, after an absence of six weeks, making many manifestations of joy at meeting again their white fiiends. The government owed this band about three thousand dollars, which was secured for them. I tt 1 i II -4 I i I I -7 I. L:ii 4t: IXrp: ~I~:~ II:, ~I a~, a::tjz6"i ,t;~i " Ui;, rU 3 as i i:i~:~ ~1 I-1:::i'"" C "" - '' ' "E i;::i A~:;? : 1: ";I:,1 t: s~~: lj 35:1, i; _7 na 2-iii ~:'d Y: M 4ir:iii ~.Jr 1 j~w;:; iff' a ~:iu~,I Esi ffK '7i Z ~:::I ~' n; V;'P : ia 1 ~i~ra _a dii a ii: i-~?~ i: dn:i rfi- c,.~ 41;,~ s ~ai; i;?r!B ~;ai i;ii i:::alli:i IC -1' ; r:' R 121S G ~::a: -_~I: 1 i 'iiE3 1. b i1 s ' ?T _: — - _: —-r::~r~::::: i n:5 o t Rg 3 lii n i. 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ATHENS TF * 1. - 6 0 !I -::: HISTORY OF CALHOUN COUNTY, MICHIGAN. 119 In 1844, Morton P. Hobart, Isaac L. Acker, and Benjamin F. Ferris were appointed commissioners to purchase lands and build houses for them, and to otherwise look after their interests. Accordingly, they purchased one hundred and forty acres of land, built them six log houses, a barn, and a school-house, the object being to civilize and Christianize them. After the completion of this arrangement the conference of the Methodist church undertook the matter, and Rev. M. Hickey, who is now a presiding elder, came among them as a missionary. His sister also came and taught their school. After this effort a Mr. Wilson, a devoted man, came and lived among them about a year, to instruct them in the art of husbandry. But this wonderful change from the bark wigwam to a comfortable log house was more than the roving, free and easy nature of' the Indians could endure, and in the space of about three years nearly half the number had died with consumption. There are several families remaining, each sharing the annuity from the government. They pay some slight attention to agricultural matters, growing a little corn, and otherwise utilizing their possessions enough to partially sustain them. The men make good hands in the hay- and harvest-fields; while the women are very skillful at making baskets and articles of virtu, which they dispose of. In the fruit season they pick berries, and carry them to market. Thus have the days of their glory departed, and the hand of oblivion is stretched forth to close forever the gates that lead to the memory of their existence. Where once stood the council-house, in which the assembled nations and tribes met to send forth the joy of feast, to smoke the pipe of peace, or to sing the song of war, now stands the home of the farmer; and where arose the lofty mound, in which, perchance, reposed the ashes of the great sachem or the savage monarch, are the fertile fields of the white settler. In fact, a new race of beings has succeeded, more enlightened, but perhaps less happy; the scene has changed; a new state of things has arisen, as if touched with the wand of enchantment. Not many years since the idol of the heathen fell before the sceptre of the white mansince the discordant jargon of the Indian pow-wow and the Indian war-song was succeeded by the dulcet melodies of music and the hum of a busy population. Thus rolls on the tide of revolution; thus passeth away one race of beings to make room for another. CASUALTIES. In the fall of 1865 a man by the name of Nichols was buried in a well, on the premises of the old Pine Creek tavern, and before he could be extricated life was extinct. He was engaged cleaning out the well at the time of the accident. SUICIDE. Matthew Cullin hanged himself to the limb of a tree in a piece of woods located on section 17. Mental derangement, accelerated by the excessive use of intoxicating liquors, was the cause assigned for the rash act. ATHENS VILLAGE. The present site of the village of Athens is partially included in the original purchase of Isaac Crossett. Its location has extended somewhat since the first plat was made in 1865; so that now it contains portions of sections 27 and 28, 33 and 34. The commencement of the village properly dates back to 1854, when THE FIRST STORE was erected by William Simons. It was a small frame building, and was stocked with a miscellaneous assortment of goods similar to those usually found in a general country store. Prior to this, however, L. B. Holcomb had established a trading-place, and opened up a business which was principally' confinted to the Indians. The progress of the village from 1854 to 1865-the year the regular survey was made, and the year when the owners of the land, A. Holcomb & Co. and A. C. Waterman, put it in the market-was slow. In 1862 the water-power of the Not tawa-seepe was first begun to be utilized, and in the fall of this year the first spade of earth was lifted from the present race. The first manufacturing establishment erected was the SASH-, DOOR-, AND BLIND-FACTORY, commenced in the spring of 1862, and completed ready for work in 1865, by Steward S. Ware, by whom it has since been operated. Following this in course of construction, and antedating it in priority of commencement of operations a few weeks, was THE GRIST-MILL, a goodly-sized frame building erected by Messrs. A. C. Waterman and James F. Halbert, in the summer of 1865. It has two run of stone, and is now owned exclusively by A. C. Waterman, one of the original proprietors. The amount of work done at the mill during the year 1876 was as follows: custom, twenty thousand five hundred bushels; merchant, five hundred barrels. THE FIRST SAW-MILL was erected by George Taylor, in 1865. It stood until 1869, when it was destroyed by fire. The same year Mr. Taylor, in company with a Mr. McDonnell, erected a second saw-mill, about forty rods southeast of the original site. After several changes in proprietorship, it was burned down in 1873. A third mill, within ten rods of the site of the last-mentioned structure, was built during the latter year by Messrs. Wilson & Simmons, the latter of whom retired during' the year, and Mr. Wilson has since continued it alone. THE FOUNDRY, MACHINE, AND AGRICULTURAL WORKS were established in 1867, by Messrs. S. S. Ware, E. N. Cooper, and George Chandler. The works changed hands a number of times, and are now operated by S. H. Wood. THE FIRST DWELLING-HOUSE after the village was laid out was built by Malin W. Hobart, in 1865. During 1866 seventeen houses were erected, and in 1867 thirty-three more were added. THE FIRST HOTEL was erected by Dr. Wm. H. Delop, in 1868, and was first kept by a man named Chapman. Edward Fonda afterwards purchased the property, and conducted the business for about two years. He was succeeded by M. D. Smith, who kept the house five years, and in 1875 it passed into the hands of its present proprietor, Henry Brownell. In 1860 THE FIRST POST-OFFICE was established in the village, and kept by A. C. Waterman. It had been formerly kept by Mr. Onderdonk, some distance from the village. Frank A. Mann was also among the early postmasters. The present incumbent is Samuel R. Kulp. THE FIRST CHURCH EDIFICE erected was a Union church, erected by members of several religious denominations in 1869. It is now under the control of the Episcopal Methodists. THE FIRST PHYSICIAN who located in the village was J. W. Lee, M.D., who came in 1859. He was of the regular school of medicine (allopathic). STATISTICAL AND GENERAL. The growth of the village during the first decade of its existence was rapid, and, though retarded by the general financial depression which began in 1873, yet its progress has been above that of the average village in this portion of the State. It now contains three dry-goods and two general stores, one hardware-, one drug-, and two millinery-stores; one grist- and one saw-mill, one sash-, door-, and blind-factory, one foundry and machine-shop, four blacksmith-shops, two carriage- and wagon-shops, two harness-shops, two paint- and three shoe-shops, one tin-shop, a photograph gallery, two hotels, two livery stables, a church, and a district school and a post-office. It has " Athens Lodge, No. 200, of Free and Accepted Masons," and three physicians. Its estimated population is four hundred. The amount of its entire business for the year 1876 was about one hundred and sixty-five thousand dollars. Those prominently identified with the mercantile interests of the village since William Simons are Channing Huxley, John Smith, Amasa Underwood, Asaph Holcomb, Samuel R. Kulp, William Lewis, Ann Lewis, Kingsbury and Doty, James and Hiram Watkins, and L. B. Smith. RELIGIOUS. The first religious service held in Athens was at the residence of Mr. Alfred Holcomb, in the winter of 1832, by a missionary by the name of Dickinson, of the Methodist persuasion. He was sent out from Kentucky, and assigned the circuit embracing Battle Creek, Athens, Cold Water, Jonesville, Albion, and Marshall. Among those who were present were Mrs. Watkins, widow of Martin Watkins, now residing in Nebraska, and Mrs. Arnold Howard, deceased, who used to walk from Leonidas, a distance of ten miles, to attend the early religious meetings. Mr. and Mrs. Holcomb, Mrs. Ferris, and some few others remain of the early band of primitive worshipers. A Methodist class was regularly organized about the year 1850, and a hewn log fi'ame house of worship erected, about four miles north of Athens village, in 1852. The pastor was Rev. Phineas P. Lee. The house was used as a church for only a few years, for in 1858 Luther Mason, the genial stage-driver, took up his residence in the old church edifice, and has ever since been permeated with deep religious sentiments. The old building yet remains as a monument of the early struggles of Methodism; but its dilapidated condition shows that it has long been in disuse. i 120 HISTORY OF CALHOUN COUNTY, MICHIGAN. - T After the discontinuance of worship in the old building, those of the society remaining concentrated their exertions at Athens, and, assisted by those of other denominations, erected in 1869 a commodious church edifice, which was dedicated with impressive ceremonies by the Rev. G. B. Jocelyn, D.D., late president of Albion college, the same year. The first pastor installed was Rev. L. M. Bennett, and the first officers were Samuel R. Kulp, S. S. Ware, David Kyes, Elmus Alvord, Alva Tenney, and Justin Keyes, trustees; Rev. Phineas P. Lee and Horace Lee, stewards; David Kyes, class-leader. The church society under the new regime got on but slowly, and under the present pastorate a serious conflict with the church authorities is pending. It appears that the Rev. Martin V. Rork, the incumbent pastor, has attempted to introduce what he terms " reforms" into the church, to which the presiding elder of the circuit and others in authority object. The matter has been called before the conference, and is still under advisement. It seems that under the preaching of Rev. Rork the society has greatly flourished, and the most successful revival known in the history of the appointment has been held under his ministrations during the year 1876. The church now numbers about one hundred and twenty-five members. There is also a flourishing Sunday-school connected with the church, which enrolls one hundred and eightysix members. The superintendent is Mr. George Stimpson. THE BAPTIST CHURCH. In the spring of 1841 Deacon S. J. Rundle came into the north part of Athens, and in the spring of the following year Captain James Winters came into the same township with his family, himself, wife, and one daughter being members of the Baptist church. Soon after, Mrs. D. N. Willards and Mrs. H. Richardson came; and John Cullen and family, and a few others, members of the same church, followed. Meetings were proposed, and worship was held in the house of D. N. Willard, participated in by the persons whose names appear above, and E. Chesebrough. Afterwards the log houses of S. J. Rundle, Charles Dolph, and James Winters were dedicated to the service of God, by holding prayer-meetings in them alternately. The nearest Baptist church was at South Battle Creek, to which the members here united, and were designated as a branch of that church. But as these members resided ten miles therefrom it afforded but little benefit to them, and they resolved to form themselves into a church at home; and on the 23d day of August, 1848, the Athens church was organized with the following members, namely: S. J. Rundle, F. M. Rundle,* E. Willard, James Winters, T. Winters, L. Mi. Winters, J. H. Winters, R. Self, Mary Self, D. Riley, S. Jacobs, J. McLain, B. McLain, H. Richardson, M. A. Richardson, J. Grodavant, Asa Wiseon, J. Cullen, C. Cullen, E. Cullen, G. Johnson, P. Johnson, P. Underwood, C. Underwood, S. A. Underwood, and M. Jacobs. * Those in italics have since died. The church was legally organized January 7, 1851, by electing S. J. Rundle, J. Grodavant, and James Winters trustees. The first pastor was Elder L. L. Wisner; first clerk, James Winters; and first deacons, S. J. Rundle and John Cullen. The pastors following Elder Wisner were Revs. J. Gould, H. S. Knowles, Alpheus Wisner, H. C. Beals. The latter was installed in the fall of 1867. The result of his labors was an addition to the church of nearly one hundred members, and the building of a neat house of worship, without leaving any debt upon the same. This sacred edifice was dedicated appropriately on the 1st day of January, 1868, and the dedicatory sermon was preached by Rev. L. D. Palmer, now stationed at Battle Creek. Elder 0. S. Wolfe, the State missionary, was the next pastor, and served the church six years. He was followed by Rev. J. F. Foy, who served one year. The church is now served by Rev. A. Wisner, one of its members, who devotes half of his time to it. The present officers of the church are: Deacons, S. J. Rundle, Warren Bowker, William Weeks, and W. J. Rundle; Trustees, J. D. Weeks, W. J. Rundle, William Weeks, G. W. Patterson, George Bruce, and James Stancer; Clerk, James Winters; Building Committee, S. J. Rundle and James Winters. There is a Sabbath-school connected with the church, which was organized in 1845. James Winters was the first, and William Weeks is the present superintendent. THE LADIES' SOCIETY is an auxiliary to the church, and was formed in 1846, with the following members: Mesdames D. N. Willard, H. Richardson, L. L. Wisner, and J. Winters, and Misses L. Ludden, L. H. Winters, and Susan Wisner. The society now numbers fifty members, and has taken the lead in all the benevolent objects of the day. It was nearly twenty years in accumulating the first hundred dollars, but since that was accomplished it has been eminently successful. Among its noble charities was the contribution of a large sum of money and a supply of sanitary stores to the " boys in blue." And when the destroying element swept over the northern portion of our State, desolating many a comfortable home, the society promptly came to the rescue, and forwarded to the commission a large quantity of provisions, clothing, and money. In the fall of 1867, when the church was nearly ready for dedication, it responded with five hundred dollars, which had been laid aside for the purpose of furnishing the church edifice. In 1875 a number of horse-sheds were erected at the church, when the society headed the subscription with one hundred dollars, and in the summer of 1876 it paid over two hundred dollars towards a parsonage which the church is building. We are pleased to acknowledge our obligations for assistance rendered in the compilation of the history of Athens to Alfred Holcomb, Mrs. Benjamin F. Ferris, Captain James Winters, Salmon Walker, S. S. Ware, and Thomas H. Cave. L.. 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It constitutes the southeast portion of Calhoun County. The surface varies from hills and valleys to undulating plains. These latter, known to civilization as " Burr-Oak Plains," were a favorite resort of the Indians, and in the " openings" maize-fields were cultivated. Traces of Indian corn-hills were recognized on the site of the present village of Homer. An Indian corn-hill was formed by gathering earth into a small pile, in whose top seed was planted. Once made, it lasted for years by annually removing the old stalks and inserting fresh seed. The soil of Homer varies with the altitude of lands. On the low grounds there is a deep black vegetable loam, excellent for meadows and famous for corn; on the uplands the lighter loam is blended with sand and gravel, whereupon fruit thrives. The country is well timbered. There is maple, beech, ash, and elm on the plains, while oak predominates on hill and slope, with occasional growth of hickory. The surface of the " plains," naturally almost devoid of timber, save scattering burr-oaks of small size, was covered in summer with a dense grassy vegetation, diversified by flowers, and reaching a height exceeding four feet. Beauty and fertility were attractions which led to the selection of these places for the settlers' homes. On each of the following pioneer settlements in Homer were made: Cook's Plains, northwest of Homer village; Homer Plains, included between the Kalamazoo and Bent lake; Pennsylvania settlement, north of the river; and the Fisher settlement, in the southeast. The Kalamazoo flows from the east, northwesterly to Homer village, thence northeast to Albion. Several small lakes are scattered through the township. EARLY SETTLEMENT. In the spring of 1832 two brothers, Henry and Richard McMurtrie, and Powell Grover, single men, came from Pennsylvania, and, traversing this region, camped on the plains northeast of the present Homer, where they entered land, built log houses, and inaugurated the settlement of the township. William Winterteen came hither the same year, and, having chosen and entered land, went to Pennsylvania for his family. He returned in 1833, driving his own team and stock. Traversing Ohio by way of Adrian, Jonesville, and Litchfield, he camped at night by the roadside. These settlers, who constituted the Pennsylvania settlement, are still living on the same land, or if any have deceased, their descendants occupy the land of their fathers. In 1834 the Fisher settlement was formed by Cornelius Fisher and his *six sons, Philip, Matthias, John, Benjamin, Enoch, and Joseph. The same year dates the settlement in the Fisher neighborhood of Christian Mench, his son Philip, John Kerns and sons, Jeremiah and Aaron, and James McGregor. Abram Kehl came out in 1835, and thenceforward the lands rapidly found individual ownership. Cook's Plains were settled in May, 1832, by Henry Cook, of Cayuga county, New York, and Anthony Doolittle, formerly of the same State, but later of Ohio. These men had halted and located in Washtenaw county, but further exploration discovered these lands, to which they removed via Jackson and Concord, driving through their stock and hauling their families and household goods by ox-teams. Their last camp prior to reaching their location was on the ridge opposite the mills east of Homer. Cook purchased of Hastings land entered by Dr. Hays, of Marshall, and now located in the township of Eckford. The price paid by the settler was one dollar and eighty-seven and one-half cents per acre. The land settled by Doolittle is located in Clarendon. A few months elapsed and other settlers had come in and contributed to settlement and improvement. Some time in 1832, Milton Barney, from Lyons, New York, entered a large part of the land, including the village site and the water-power of the Homer mills. Early in September, Mr. Barney and family came through, following the St. Joseph trail leading to Chicago. He first purchased a quarter-section at the crossing of the south branch of the Kalamazoo, where, camping on the river-bank, he con16 structed a log house, near the present site of the Homer mills. In 1833 he built a saw-mill, and also laid out the plat of a village, which was called Barneyville. There came out with Mr. Barney several mechanics to build mills, and necessary material had been brought along, including mill-irons. Timothy Hamlin, of Clarendon, Henry Stanchell, Richard Norris, and McGuire were of these mechanics who preferred the couch of an Indian wigwam to the open air on the first night after arrival. Almost contemporary with the arrival of this party, Robert McCully settled about a mile northwest of the present village. Barney occupied his log house nearly two years, boarded his workmen, and kept a house of entertainment for the public. A small frame building was built, a miscellaneous stock of goods laid in, and in this, the first framed house in Homer, the pioneer store was kept. The village site was well chosen, and occupants soon gathered in. There were Frederick R. Hatch, Samuel W. Hamilton, James Parsons, Chauncey C. Lewis, Arba Lambson, and Stephen S. Powers. Hatch was a carpenter and joiner and cabinet-maker. He assisted in constructing the Homer House, built in 1835, and in the erection of some of the first buildings. His family became residents of Homer in 1835. James Parsons assisted Barney in the store. Lewis, Powers, and Lambson settled on farms at the corners, a mile south of the village. In 1834, John Burt bought a large tract of land near the village, and the Leaches, Timothy and Elihu, located three miles to the southeast. A fresh arrival took place in 1835. Their enumeration supplies the names of Nelson Dorsey, Nathan Eslow, Isaiah Eslow, Elisha Thornton, Dr. Benner, Moses and Israel Shaw, Abram Letts, Willet Hopkins, John Ballentine, Jesse Champion, and David Woodward. Dorsey settled on the Hillsdale road, two miles south of the village. Dr. Benner, a botanic physician, settled on the same road, a halfmile from the village, and Letts on the Worthington farm, with the Eslows for neighbors. Thornton, at first a clerk in the store, later became its proprietor and one of the leading business men of the town. In 1836, Joseph Gibbs, Andrew Dorsey, John M. B. Wetherwax, Dr. George W. Blair, Elery P. Potter, and Rufus Hill moved into the township. Gibbs settled on a large farm a mile and a half south of Homer village, and his family still remain in possession. A. Dorsey was magistrate for years, and represented the county in the State legislature during 1837-38. He commenced running a stage in 1836, leaving Jonesville and Marshall on successive days. Thomas Dorsey was the first driver upon this route. Wetherwax and A. Letts, partners in trade, took the lead in merchandising for several years. Dr. Blair entered upon the practice of his profession, and has but recently retired therefrom. He relates the following incidents of the pioneer period: riding along the road one evening, he saw before him what seemed a black cat; another, and yet others appeared, until no less than five occupied the route, a few feet in front of his horse, whose movements indicated great uneasiness. Presently a large bear came in view and rose upon her hind feet, and the doctor hurriedly withdrew from the scene. At another time, returning late at night from a call, a pack of wolves joined in hot pursuit, which drove him to the protection of a tree, whence he looked down upon the baffled brutes, whose fearful howls ceased only with the light of day, when they dispersed and he was free. Among the settlers of 1837 were David Burt, who entered land three miles from the village, Arza Lewis, and Hiram Smith, from Clyde, Wayne county, New York, Edward Henderson, David L. Mahany, and Michael Miller. Messrs. Lewis and Smith brought on a large stock of goods, and in June opened a store. Miller bought, but did not occupy, the land now owned by Andrew Herrick. He started a nursery at the village, and cultivated for eight years; made an unsuccessful attempt to raise silk-worms; and, hiring the log house formerly occupied by Barney, therein kept boarders. Mrs. Miller at the age of seventy-nine is a smart old ladv. In 1875 she passed her seventy-fifth birthday with a daughter in Portland, Oregon, to which she journeyed without escort. She also visited Mr. Barney in San Francisco, his present place of residence. In 1838, four brothers, David, John, Huntington, and Eleazer Jaynes settled in the southwest of the township, and formed what has since been called the ("Jaynes settlement." Two doctors, Vernon Parks and Dwight Nims, moved to Homer in 1839, and there began the practice of medicine. In 1840, Henry Churchill located in the village, and four years later James Worthington-settled on a farm two miles from 121 122 HISTORY OF CALHOUN COUNTY, MICHIGAN. I Homer, and thereon still resides. It is related concerning the first year of settlement that the McMurtries sought seed-corn as far as Ann Arbor, and obtained it from farmers in small amounts and at a cost of five dollars per bushel. Late in the fall of 1832 they bought two pigs at White Pigeon, but their main dependence for meat was the Indians, who sold venison, turkey, and honey. Richard McMurtrie is supposed to have headed the long line of marriages celebrated in the township. His wife was Nancy Ansterburg, daughter of Frederick Ansterburg, a settler of 1833. Henry McMurtrie married Viletta Leach in 1836. This lady taught the first school in Homer, being engaged by William Wintersteen to teach his own and his neighbors' children. An orchard was set out by John Burt in 1835. Milton Barney raised the first peaches in 1836. Bent erected a cider-mill in 1859. A reaper and mower, made by Smith, of Chicago, was used by Joseph Gibbs in 1852. It was attached to the forewheels of a wagon, and is yet used. Bent owned the first stationary thrasher, and in 1847, Messrs. De Bow and Van Horn brought an improved thrasher and separator into the town. A school-house, eighteen by twenty-two feet, and framed, was erected in 1835, on the farm of John Burt. J. Cross was the first teacher. The building was moved east of the site of the present Methodist church, and after several years was dismantled to give place to another, which, in time, was sold and used as a dwelling. The township supports eight schools, including the graded institution located at the village. TOWN-MEETING. A civil event always important with a free people, the first town-meeting as such, is regarded with unusual interest. The first in Homer was held April, 1834, at the house of Milton Barney. The moderator was Henry Cook, and Osha Wilder officiated as clerk. Stephen S. Powers was chosen supervisor, C. C. Lewis town clerk, E. L. Rogers, John Fabrique, and Anthony Doolittle were assessors, and George S. Letts constable and collector. Mr. Barney served as justice, under appointment, until 1837, when the system changed, and Andrew Dorsey, Freeman Rathburn, James McGregor, and S. S. Powers were elected by the people. VILLAGE OF HOMER. Milton Barney is justly entitled to the credit of having founded the village, and to the discernment which foresaw the advantages to be realized from the water-power here furnished. Nor did he, as a speculator, sit idly by and wait upon the enterprise of others and block the wheels of progress. Successive events found him their manager. In 1832 he built a saw- and grist-mill. In 1833 he opened a small store, and in 1834 and 1835 had begun and completed the Homer Hotel. He also erected a store building on the corner opposite the hotel. A joint stock company, consisting of Walter Wright, Nelson D. Skeeles, Asahel Finch, Jr., and M. Barney, was formed in 1837; to these the mill and hotel were sold, and they the same year built the Homer mills, involving a cost of twenty thousand dollars. In 1838 the Calhoun mills, one mile north of the village, were built by a second company, composed of James Hopkins, Henry Cook, John M. B. Wetherwax, Abram Letts, and Lewis Smith. During 1837 and 1838, Frederick R. Hatch built the Homer Exchange, and died soon after moving into the house. The property was variously owned until it became the property of William P. Hooker, of Vermont. Hooker changed the name to Green Mountain House, and served as its landlord until 1853, since which it has not been used as an inn. The house built by Barney and sold to the company was kept by him as the Barney House. In 1848, Thomas Dorsey caused it to be remodeled and known as the Dorsey House. It was then a station of the Hillsdale, Jonesville, and Marshall stages. The house is now owned and kept by E. Richardson, as the Richardson Hotel. Subsequent to the sale of the hotel property, Barney built a commodious stone house, into which he moved in 1838. The structure is now the home of Albert Collins. The project of a canal to connect the Detroit river and Lake Erie with Lake Michigan, following the channels of the Huron and St. Joseph rivers, was considered by Barney and other leading men. A survey showed the plan to be feasible, and the people of Homer became deeply interested in the proposed work. Later, when the Michigan Central railroad was contemplated, Homer was found on the direct line; but the commissioners found the people so absorbed in their canal scheme as to refuse all support, and the road was constructed more circuitously, building up neighboring villages and leaving Homer to one side. The railroad was then considered more expeditious than the stage for passenger conveyance, but impracticable for conveyance of freight. The canal scheme failed. and the Homer people regretted their great mistake; and when, at a later date, the Air-line and Northern were projected, each received a cordial, hearty support, and the completion of the Air-line, September 10, 1870, was observed by a general gathering and grand celebration. Three years later the Northern Central was an accomplished work. BANKING INTEREST. In 1837 a new system of banking sprang into existence in Michigan. Its basis was real estate security. Bill-holders were secured by bond and mortgage on real estate, which consisted principally of town lots and unimproved lands, whose value was fixed at very high rates. The first bank of the kind had its origin in Homer, and the scheme spread rapidly throughout the country. Known as the "Wild Cat" banks, these institutions became the instigators of speculation, and speedily terminated an inglorious existence. Of the Homer bank, the president was Milton Barney, and Asahel Finch was cashier. Eight directors were chosen, namely: Milton Barney, Asahel Finch, Elisha Thornton, Arza Lewis, Hiram Smith, N. D. Skeeles, and Walter Wright, of Homer, and Leonard Stow, of Concord. The bank was established in Barney's store, and the paying out of the first bills was from the back window. In 1838 a fine bank building was erected by the directors. It was of brick, and was commandingly located in the central part of the village. The bank ceased existence before the completion of this building, and it was diverted from the use originally intended. EDUCATIONAL. In 1845, the citizens of Homer canvassing the subject of a higher grade of school for the village and vicinity, several leading citizens, including Hiram Smith, Arza Lewis, Henry Churchill, Dwight Nims, Vernon Parks, and B. S. Redfield organized a board of education, who remodeled the old banking-house, and therein established a school during the ensuing fall. This, the first school in which classical studies were taught in the township, was conducted by Josiah N. Westcott, of western New York, for several years. A private subscription was circulated, in 1856, by an association comprising most of the old board. and the proceeds were applied to the erection of an academy, built of brick, at a cost of about six thousand dollars. Among the instructors in this building were J. N. Westcott, Tenney M. Gibbs, and B. Fancher. Later the academy was transferred to the district, and reopened as the " Homer Union School." The first village school was taught by Hannah Leach, about the year 1835, in the old frame formerly used by Mr. Barney as a store. A burying-ground, two acres in area, west of the village, and north of Homer lake, was set off in 1835 by Mr. Barney, and in August of the following year the body of William Powers was therein interred. The death of Mr. Powers was the first in Homer township. A few years later a Mrs. Castiline was buried in a private grave-yard laid out on land owned by John Bent. A plat adjoining, and belonging to Mr. Barney, was donated by him, and the two, having an area of two and a half acres, constituted the Homer cemetery prior to 1874. A new cemetery was laid out in 1874 on land purchased from the heirs of Dr. Parks, and located adjacent to the corporation limits. It is comprised in a tract of ten acres, and is laid off in five blocks, ranging from thirty-four to one hundred and thirty-nine lots each. INCORPORATION OF HOMER. The village was incorporated in 1871, and at the first election the following corporated officers were chosen: for President, George H. French; Trustees, G. H. French, Thos. Lyon, Henry Churchill, James W. Vanderburg, Alexander Arthur, and E. Potter; Assessor, B. F. Wetherby; Treasurer, Thomas Lyon; Recorder, Edward Lewis; Marshal, A. J. Anson; and Street Commissioners, Jas. H. Cook and A. B. Waterman. HOMER BUSINESS INTERESTS. George Ballentine, in 1836, engaged in carriage-making, and sold in the year succeeding to Messrs. Benton & Dorsey. In 1835, Asel Woodruff opened a cabinet-shop, and David C. Morgan began chair-making. The boot and shoe business was begun in 1837, by N. B. Eaton, and in 1840 Harvey Foot opened a harness-shop. Samuel Shaw started tailoring in 1835, and A. J. Chestney introduced painting in 1838. The tin and sheet-iron works of Messrs. Letts & Wetherwax were an institution of the early days; and, among others, Allen Potter, late member of Congress from Kalamazoo, worked as journeyman in their shop. Allen Deming commenced law practice in 1839. Champion Eslow was the blacksmith of 1835, and was the following year succeeded by Messrs. Dorsey & Benton, who continued till 1842. D. Benton, A. Dorsey, and E. Thornton, uniting under the firm-name of D. Benton & Co., during the year 1840 engaged in the manufacture of fanning-mills. A foundry was started by E. G. Champion, whose interest was purchased by Messrs. Potter & Hill; the latter-named of the firm sold to L. Champion. The new firm of Potter & Champion connected a machine-shop, planingmill, and a moulding establishment with their foundry. The firm built the first steam-engine in the place. The first newspaper in the village was issued by J. H. Wigmire, by whom it was entitled The Homer Irndex. Within a year it passed into the hands of Messrs. *I f I I 1 *I g j t:: I J r r:" i ii i 1 d g 4 d _f ~: ii B i :::::~:. All 'HlnOI 'AINno) NnOH7vY 'a3wOH 'S~3MOJ NHOr JO 3ON3g01S3 -— LR I I I I i I IIIMt1 i i i i i i i i i i i i i 1 ll i II Ill AI1 I -— Hi - I ~HOsYV '3yOH MO-S3 '3'SOHI Jo 30ON3al93y I I j i; i-C f 3^. _.l =_. #~-1- 11. — ---- = --- —---— '- = —~~ ---- =~-' ---- -G - - - - II -Ill lot I HISTORY OF CALHOUN COUNTY, MICHIGAN. 123 Lane & Burt. The latter retiring, the publication was continued by Mr. Lane, until the purchase of a half-interest by Mr. Van Mumbrane. The present publishers are therefore Lane & Van Mumbrane. For their business hours the citizens of Homer have habits of close attention, and for gayer times a cornet band, led by W. H. Lane, leads in music and recreation. The first postmaster, Milton Barney, kept his office in the store on the corner opposite the hotel. The mail was for some time carried on horseback by Henry Dorsey from Jonesville. The present postmaster, E. Henderson, has held the position for sixteen years. In 1837-38, Andrew Dorsey was elected to the State legislature. Hiram Smith was chosen representative in 1847-48, and in 1861 and 1863 George H. French was elected to the senate. Thus it is seen that in trade, education, finance, public works, manufacture, and official position the citizens of Homer have been conspicuously active. INTERESTS OF TO-DAY. Messrs. Cowan & Adams are proprietors of the Homer and Calhoun mills. William Raby controls the planing-mills. Hiram L. Hopkins is proprietor of a planing-mill and machine-shop, while coopering is done by Horace Anson, David B. V. Victor, and D. Swartz. George Sanford is engaged in tin and sheet-iron manufacture, Andrew Dorsey in wagon-making, and A. V. Vrooman and Bradford Hew are in the carriage and blacksmith business. The druggists are M. W. Hatch, W. A. Lane, and E. Henderson & Son. Three dry-goods establishments are controlled respectively by C. J. Murray & Co., George H. French, and R. H. & C. T. Howe. Henry Green and Messrs. Thorn & Bradley are engaged in the boot and shoe trade. Mrs. E. M. Henshaw is confectioner; R. F. Church is jeweler; and J. M. Palmer, O. W. Mumbrue, and Mahany Bros. are grocers. Banking is conducted by Thomas Lyon, of Homer Exchange bank, and by Messrs. Parks & Pratt. Hotels are kept respectively by A. M. Osborn, of the Osborn House, and E. Richardson, of the Richardson House. The market men are Messrs. Wells & Powers, William Harris, and John Adams. Livery stables are kept by John Hoffman and Clarence Wilber. Two hardware stores are kept by E. P. Potter and B. F. Goodrich; a store for sale of harness and trunks, by J. J. Banford; and a store for furniture by Hezmalhalch & Dolph. Shipment of produce is engaged in by Messrs. Powers & Cook, J. B. Brooks, B. F. Wetherbee, and A. Collins. The village has seven physicians,-G. W. Blair, E. A. Collins, W. A. Lane, J. M. Higby, O. S. Phelps, S. T. Van Horn, and H. S. Holmer; and one dentist, C. E. De Bow. There are two resident attorneys, Byron Smith and George Westcott. SOCIETIES. Satisfied that lasting and substantial benefit has resulted from union in the mystic ceremonies of the lodge, members of lodges coming west hastened to plant there these institutions. Humanity Lodge, F. A. M., was established in 1848, at a meeting held at the Dorsey House, with the following charter members: Caleb Shearman, J. S. Valentine, Michael Miller, John Burt, Joseph Gibbs, Nathan Eslow, Arza Lewis, and John Ballentine. The first officers were Caleb Shearman, W. M.; Isaac Van Fossen, S. W.; James Valentine, J. W.; Nathan Eslow, Treasurer; Michael Miller, S. D.; Peter Arthur, J. D.; Jonathan Robinson, Tyler; and James F. Wooley and Joseph Gibbs, Stewards. The present officers are Wesley Snyder, W. M.; Chas. D. Burt, S. W.; W. A. Lane, J. W.; M. W. Camburn, Treasurer; I. J. Nelson, Secretary; C. A. Slauson, S. D.; O. A. Allen, J. D.; S.S. Dorsey, Elias Richardson, Stewards; and A. E. Howel, Tyler. Patrons of Husbandry.-Homer Grange, No. 200, was organized January 10, 1874, by General Deputy C. L. King, and elected the following-named officers: Abram Gridley, Master; De Alton P. Hatch, Overseer; Leonard Graves, Lecturer; Thomas E. Eslow, Chaplain; E. H. Leech, Treasurer; Charles C. Worthington, Secretary; Chandler Murry, Steward; George Aldrich, Assistant Steward; George Agnew, Gate-Keeper; Mrs. T. F. Lacy, Ceres; Mrs. S. E. Eslow, Pomona; Mrs. E. H. Leech, Flora; and Mrs. George Aldrich, Lady Assistant Steward. The present officers of the grange are-Abram Gridley, Master; Thomas E. Eslow, Overseer; Mrs. E. H. Cook, Lecturer; Alexander Cunningham, Steward; A. E. Howell, Assistant Steward; A. C. Sabin, Chaplain; E. H. Leach, Treasurer; D. P. Hatch, Secretary; W. Snyder, Gate-Keeper; Mrs. S. E. Eslow, Ceres; Mrs. D. P. Hatch, Pomona; Mrs. E. L. Owen, Flora; and Mrs. A. E. Howell, Lady Assistant Steward. Homer Loyal Orange Lodge, No. 69, was organized April 23, 1873, by District Master Robert Wiley, with the following-named charter members: Samuel Hannah, D. P. Hatch, William J. Caldwell, John Morrison, James Adams, and James McIlvane. The first officers were Henry Martin, W. M.; George Armour, D. M.; James Linton, Chaplain; Thomas Hamilton, Secretary; Francis Hannah, Treasurer; and Joseph Sloan, Tyler. The present officers are-D. P. Hatch, W. I I i I I I i M.; Henry Martin, D. M.; James McIlvane, Chaplain; James Linton, Secretary; Francis Hannah, Treasurer; James Patterson, Tyler. Homer Division, No. 20, Sons of Temperance, was organized on January 19, 1875, with ten charter members, named as follows: W. J. Webster, Frank Mead, E. H. Knapp, H. Hopkins, H. A. Bunnel, J. R. Hutchinson, I. J. Nelson, Mrs. W. J. Webster, Mrs. E. H. Knapp, and Mrs. Z. P. Eslow. Present officers are: I. J. Nelson, W. P.; Hattie Larlow, W. A.; Charles Dorsey, R. S. Phebe Dorsey, A. R. S.; Charles Hatch, F. S.; Abner Sabin, Treasurer; L. T. Vanhorn, Chaplain; James McDonald, C.; Lydia Potter, A. C.; Addie Hollister, I. S.; and C. Agnew, O. S. The lodge enrolls eighty-eight members. THE CHURCHES OF HOMER. The Methodist Episcopal church society was formed in May, 1837, and initial meetings were held in private houses, then in the store-house of Messrs. Smith & Lewis, and later in the school-house on the farm of John Burt. The first circuit preacher was Rev. Perkiser, and H. Colclazer was the first presiding elder. The following were members of the original society: Benjamin Sabin and wife, Michael and Lydia Miller, Edmund and Delia Champion, and Orrin Ball and wife. Among the first preachers were Zebulon Brown, George Breckenridge, Elijah Pilcher, and George Smith. Michael Miller, named above, was the first superintendent of the Sunday-school instituted contemporary with the organization of the church. The present pastor is Rev. Noah Fassett. A church edifice was built by Milton Barney in 1839, and completed in the year following. E. P. Potter was the contractor. The cost was three thousand dollars. The dimensions are thirty by sixty feet. The society numbers one hundred and seventy-nine members, and the Sabbath-school enrolls two hundred and six scholars. They have a library of over three hundred volumes. THE FIRST PRESBYTERIAN SOCIETY was organized on the 4th of September, 1837, and A. Lewis, A. Finch, and D. Jaynes were chosen trustees. On the same day these officers met to concert measures regarding the erection of a house of worship. A subscription was started, a site secured, and a contract made; then work progressed, and on the 23d of April, 1838, the building was accepted and the contractors paid. The house, a frame, thirty-six by twenty-four feet, was located on the present site of Dr. Collins' dwelling, and cost seven hundred and thirty-nine dollars. The house, sold in 1854, is now occupied as a private dwelling. The first minister was the Rev. Dr. Concklin. Permanent organization of the society occurred June 2, 1838, with thirty-four members, some of whom united by letter, and others from a Congregational society formed on Cook's Plains some years before by Rev. John D. Pierce, of Marshall, and dissolved simultaneous with the founding of the Presbyterian church by Rev. Elijah Buck. Surviving original members are John and Elizabeth Jaynes, David Jones, Edward Henderson, and Arza Lewis. The following is the roll of pastors: Revs. J. W. Allen, Gurney, Smith, Bennett, E. Buck, H. J. Hammond, Dr. Morehouse, H. H. Northrup, G. C. Wood, Samuel Fleming, Bela Fencher, W. F. Rose, and John Gerrish, the present pastor. A vote was passed in 1851 to build, but action was delayed until 1855, when the present brick edifice was built at a cost of well-nigh nine thousand dollars. In 1877 a lecture-room was added, and a furnace placed in the basement,-improvements costing two thousand dollars. In 1869 a bell was secured for the tower, and two years previous a fine parsonage had been built. THE EPISCOPAL CHURCH was organized as " Christ Church, of Homer," on May 25, 1840. Occasional services had been held for several years by Rev. William N. Lyster, of Brooklyn; Rev. Darius Baker, of Jonesville; Rev. Charles Fox, of Jackson; and Rev. Montgomery Schuyler, of Marshall. Rev. William N. Lyster presided at the meeting called for organization, at which the fobllowing officers were elected: Wardens, Dwight Nims and Anthony Doolittle; and Vestrymen, Andrew Dorsey, E. Thornton, A. I. Chestney, S. Shaw, H. Smith, H. D. Garrison, and T. Hamlin. The Rev. Darius Baker officiated as rector the first year, and held services alternately at Homer and Jonesville. His successor, in 1842, was E. C. Hodgkin, who served three years, giving half his time to Albion. The Rev. D. Baker remained from 1845 till 1854, and from this time till 1865 the supply was irregular. Revs. Corson, of Jonesville, and William Lyster preached occasionally. Rev. Hudson was rector from 1862 to 1864; Rev. Marcus Lane, for a few months; Henry C. Randall from 1865 to 1867; L. L. Rogers, 1868; and Rev. L. H. Corson is the present rector. The church edifice was built during the year 1842. VILLAGE IMPROVEMENTS. As may be supposed, the enterprise of Homer citizens has found expression in various directions, seeking uniformly the greatest good to the greatest number. I:i l 1 I i 124 HISTORY OF CALHOUN COUNTY, MICHIGAN. An artesian well was sunk in the square. A reservoir of three hundred barrels was constructed. A brick engine-house was built at a cost of three thousand dollars, fire apparatus secured, and about five miles of plank walk laid. Lyon's block was erected with its three stories. In the highest story is a large hall, and in the basement are three stores. Improvements continue, and brick buildings are in progress of construction. With a population of a thousand, the above record is one of which the citizen may well be proud. The following statistics present in brief a statement of the resources of the township at large: Population of Homer.-Males, 922; females, 850; total, 1772. Live-Stock.-Horses, 536; work oxen, 28; milch cows, 601; neat cattle, other than work oxen and cows, 529; swine over six months old, 818; sheep over six months old, 3106; sheep sheared 1873, 3317; mules, 16. Wheat on the ground, May, 1874, 4097 acres; wheat harvested 1873, 3515 acres; corn harvested 1873, 1438 acres; wheat raised 1873, 41,204 bushels; corn raised 1873, 39,886 bushels; other grains, 19,808 bushels; potatoes raised 1873, 4779 bushels; hay cut 1873, 1948 tons; wool sheared, 15,656 pounds; pork marketed, 169,254 pounds; cheese made, 285 pounds; butter made, 60,100 pounds; fruit dried for market, 18,681 pounds; cider made, 483 barrels; acres of orchards, 362; apples raised 1873, 20,502 bushels; pears raised 1873, 23 bushels; cherries raised 1873, 274 bushels; melons and garden vegetables, 956 bushels. Thanks are tendered E. Potter, Thomas Dorsey, Daniel Dorsey, and Dr. William H. Lane for courtesy and information supplied. I ii I I i f i I i i I i l!C0W..-M-. H-. F IE 33STOW0 eo*- o G.EORBx H. FRzECH was born in Junius, Seneca county, New York, January 18, 1820. His parents were Nathaniel and Louisa French, who emigrated from Berkshire county, Massachusetts, to western New York when it was a comparative wilderness. His father was a farmer, and here upon the farm, in this new region, the son spent his boyhood, receiving only such an education as the common schools of that early day afforded, with the single exception of a winter term of three months in a select school in the village of Waterloo, six miles distant. So well, however, were these limited advantages improved that, when eighteen years of age, he commenced teaching, and for several years during the winter months was thus engaged, and secured the reputation of being an excellent teacher. He studied while he taught, thus making his education practical. During the intervening summers he worked on the farm. September 23, 1841, he married Miss Julia A. Fancher, of the same neighborhood, and the next spring removed to Tekonsha, Calhoun County, Michigan, and settled upon ninety acres of new land, two miles north of the village of Tekonsha, on the main road to Marshall. On this land a rude log house had been previously built, and a few acres of " clearing" had been made. Here he and his young wife commenced with high hopes for the future; but deep sorrow soon fell upon the humble home, blasting all these hopes and anticipations. The sudden death of his companion in the autumn of the same year, leaving him with an infant son alone in a new country and among strangers, was a blow as crushing as it was unexpected. The following spring found him returning with his motherless child to his native home, where he resided about two years. He was again married, September 19, 1844, to Miss Sarah D. Redfield, of Clyde, Wayne county, New York, and again journeyed west. Arriving at Tekonsha in October, he taught the village school during the winter, and commenced again upon his land in the spring of 1845. Here he remained improving his farm till the fall of 1848. He then removed to Homer, his present residence, and engaged soon after in the mercantile business, in which he still continues. For over twenty-five years he has steadily pursued an honorable business career, and by industry, economy, and integrity has accumulated a moderate competency, meantime giving to his children the advantages of a liberal education, and always contributing generously of his means to promote the cause of education and religion, and to advance the general interests of the town. In Tekonsha and in Homer he has been frequently called by his townsmen to positions of public trust, and in the fall of 1860 he was elected to the State senate,-re-elected two years later,-thus representing the county in the legislature two regular and three special sessions during the exciting and perilous times of the great rebellion. His whole public course during those eventful times was characterized by an earnest, enlightened, patriotic love of country and of freedom; and in general legislation his action was uniformly judicious and practical,-such as to commend itself to his constituents and command their confidence. To him belongs the honor of introducing into the legislature the first resolution asking Congress to enact, as a toar measure, a law " providing that all persons held to service or labor by those engaged in rebellion shall be discharged therefrom, and endowed with freedom." This measure, at the time the resolution was offered (January 8, 1862), was in advance of public opinion; yet, in a somewhat modified form, it passed both houses. And so rapidly did public sentiment concentrate in favor of striking a death-blow at slavery, impelled thereto by the reverses of our army, and the manifest necessities of the terrible struggle for the nation's life, that in less than a year thereafter the emancipation proclamation was issued, and the policy of the nation in regard to slavery became an accomplished fact. The ringing, patriotic resolutions on the " state of the Union," adopted a year later, were mainly his production. The following extract shows their spirit: —" That to weaken the enemy by cutting off his supplies,-taking away his means of support,-stripping him of his property, and depriving him of his slaves, is no less a duty than actually fighting him in the field; and is demanded alike by the priceless blood of the gallant soldiers of our army, and the sacredness of the cause in which we are engaged." During the same session of 1863 he introduced a resolution, which was unanimously adopted, to provide " suitable means for perpetuating the memory of the brave soldiers who fell on the field of battle or died in the service of the country, to the end that their names and heroic deeds, their sacrifices and sufferings, may be transmitted to posterity upon the enduring records of the State in a glorious and imperishable ROLL OF HONOR." To him, therefore, must be given the credit of being first in originating, and of taking the initial step in providing, the invaluable memorial record which is now carefully preserved in the archives of the State,-a record in which every citizen has an interest, and -of which all the people of the State may justly be proud. To him also is the village of Homer and its surrounding country largely indebted for the two competing lines of railroad built through the town within the last ten years. For these valuable public improvements, affording at the present time such excellent facilities for travel, for the transportation of merchandise, and shipment of produce, he labored long and persistently, spending both time and money freely. Called to be a director in both of the companies that built the roads, and thus having a large share of the preliminary work of the organizations in the locality he represented to do, large drafts were necessarily made upon his time and energy, In obtaining subscriptions, in adjusting rights of way, in legislation in the boards of directors, in arranging details, and overcoming difficulties, his patience and judgment, his wisdom and perseverance, as well as his practical knowledge of men and of public affairs, were called into full and most successful exercise. His admirable capacity for such enterprises was fully established, and his enlightened and liberal public spirit universally conceded. Accustomed to attend upon the services of the sanctuary from a child, the subject of our sketch received in early life strong religious impressions, leading to such convictions of truth and duty that, at the age of seventeen, he made a public confession of his faith in Christ, and united with the Presbyterian church of his native town. Soon after his return to Tekonsha (there being then no church of his denomination there), he, in company with Rev. Calvin Clark, a devoted pioneer home missionary, visited all the scattered individuals residing in the vicinity who entertained the same religious preferences with himself, the result being that these isolated persons were gathered together, a nucleus formed, and a Presbyterian church organized with eight or ten members, which has now become a prosperous organization. After his removal to Homer he still continued to take a lively interest in the little band, and aided them in building a new house of worship. For twenty-five years or more he has occupied an official position in the church at Homer, and, with slight interruptions, has for the same length of time been the superintendent of the Sabbath-school, seldom being absent from his post of duty. In official as well as in private life, his character and bearing has been that of an honest, conscientious Christian man. His benefactions, like his labors, have been constant and unremitting. In his habits, plain, temperate, and unostentatious; in opinion, clear and intelligent; in judgment, candid, judicious, and impartial; having strong, decided convictions, and standing firmly, unfalteringly in their support, and in defense of truth, of right, and of justice, his is a type of character and conduct well worthy the imitation of those who, like him, must be to a great extent the artificers of their own fortunes and destinies. I, -,,,,-1~ - -,.1,, -,...,..,...,. I:I I -,...I,I. -; - -,- " ~:', ~,~~ ' % ' ~;:.:~ II i f i i i i I i i iI iI i I I q i i i I I I m RESIDENCE OF HON.GEO. H. FRENCH, -HOMER, MICHIGAN. _ i — _ i - At Of i t,11 ~ l:-y I: a I D ;~.r?-,. —^ r~- -~ --- l.~l."......... —.:q~-. -, -1-11;-"l- ~ ~ -~:I~~ — " -". ~.-, I ~~X~' -- - - -. I.- = - ^1 -~, - ---. ~-~~~~- - ~;- - --:: =-,:, - - - -::;. -: I -- I: ---::::;: --.- =:; _.:- -.-.- - Z:- 1:_ - -;;; -:-: l-:,. _ — ~~; ~ - II j I __ _ _ ZZ Q d Il ztS Q 0:ti i <2:1 O lJ= 0= Z., W k Z,: t aQ (.1p J c a ci c L4. c c Ckc l: 0 cO;1 I I L I k.. -l T l p MARENGO TOWNS HIP. BY an act of the Territorial legislature of the year 1834 the township of Marengo was organized, and contained the townships of Sheridan, Lee, and Clarence. In 1836-37 these were constituted separate townships, unchanged in formation, as platted on the maps of the United States survey. Marengo proper is there known as township 2, south; range 5, west. The northern surface is rolling, the southern undulating, and comprises what are designated as "~ burr oak plains," and the scattering growth constitutes the "' oak openings." The township is traversed by the Kalamazoo, which enters from the southeast, and flows westward through the southern portion. Rice creek crosses the eastern border, and, flowing through the centre of the township to section 17, diverges in a southwest course. Small lakes exist in various localities. To the north is Fish lake, to the northeast is Water lake, in the centre is School lake, and southwest is Buck Horn lake. Numerous springs contribute to furnish an unfailing supply of water. The upland soil is a sandy loam, while on the plains is a rich dark loam, especially well calculated for the growth of winter wheat, corn, and oats. Spring wheat on new ground did well, but of late has not encouraged growth. Root crops yield a large return. Fruit is raised in abundance. Opportunities for grazing encourage sheep-raising, and the wool crop is a staple product. Events prove that pioneers in this locality were fortunate in their choice of lands for homes. Concurring statements substantiate the inviting character of place and surrounding. As settlers halted here in early summer, they beheld the plains decked in wild-flowers of surprising loveliness. Birds of many kinds and numerous flew from tree to tree, and, singing, filled the air with sweet melody. The deer were daily seen grazing upon the rich herbage, or nimbly bounding over the surface. It was a scene for the painter. Prior to the organization of the township, leading men assembled to decide upon a name. Mr. Seely, among others, proposed one of these two,-Marengo or St. Cloud. The former was selected and confirmed. EARLY SETTLERS. The first entries of land were made on June 16, 1831, by Seeley Neal, Ashel Warner, Elijah Crane, and A. Dustin. On July 4, Colonel John Ainsley and Erastus Kimball moved in. Joseph Ames came in August, Thomas Chisholm September 1, Alfred D. Wright on the day following, Elijah A. Bigelow November 28, Nathan Pierce the day after, Alfred Killam on May 30, 1832, and M. J. Bagg upon the 31st. Seeley Neal and family of ten children led the way in settlement. His log house, erected on his arrival, nearly on the ground occupied by the residence of Colonel John Ainsley, on the south side of the Territorial road, on section 27, was the first white man's home built in the township. He had short time for precedent acts, as John Ainsley and Erastus Kimball speedily following located upon section 21. A REMINISCENCE OF SETTLEMENT. Mrs. Ainsley's recollections of pioneer life abound in interest. When the " Michigan fever"-a term applied to the general desire to emigrate to the Peninsular State-was at its height, Mr. Ainsley and wife were residents of Pennsylvania. They were three years married, young and ambitious. They caught eagerly at an opportunity to secure a home in the western El Dorado. Their worldly store was not extensive. Their personal property was two trunks, a chest of tools, and a baby. Financially there was a credit of three hundred dollars. Healthy, courageous, and eager, the young people entered with resolution and buoyant hope upon their journey. Arrived at Detroit and unacquainted with he country, they were undecided what course to take. Acting on the advice of a road acquaintance, they set out for Calhoun County, whose fine lands had been graphically described to them. Having bargained for the transportation of the trunks with a person on his way to that part of the country, and stipulated conveyance for Mrs. Ainsley, the final stage of the journey was entered upon. The young people walked the greater part of the way. At Ann Arbor a rest was taken, whence, proceeding to a place called Thorny Creek, Mrs. Ainsley remained, while her husband, seeking, found a location, which chanced to be within the limits of Marengo. A journey was made to Ann Arbor for provisions and essentials of housekeeping. On the way Mr. Ainsley was attacked by chills and fever, and the purchases were made by Mrs. Ainsley, he being too ill to attend to it. An ox-team was hired, and they set out for their new home. On their last night out they enjoyed the hospitality of Squire Neal, who furnished the best accommodations possible under the circumstances. The house was destitute of floor, and the bed was made upon the sand. Without fireplace or stove, the side of a log served as a kitchen. Two miles farther, and they had reached the spot destined for a home. A tent was pitched. Two sheets formed its roof, bushes closed the sides, and a small opening left for a door was covered with a table-cloth. In this primitive shelter three weeks were passed, during which there was scarcely a rainless day. To protect the baby from the wet it was placed beneath a wash-tub. Leaves in lieu of straw were used to fill the beds. On August 25 the house was completed, and the family moved in. The contrast inspired a sense of comfort. The house was floored. No other for miles but was floorless. A fair start was taken. Owners of a quarter-section of new land, occupying a good house, possessed of a cow and a barrel of flour, with six acres of wheat sown, their future was auspicious of success. Provisions failing in November, a journey to Ann Arbor, sixty-five miles distant, was imperative. With oxen and sled Ainsley departed. A week elapsed. He was on his return and three miles from home when one of the oxen gave out. The animal was freed from the yoke, and Ainsley taking the yoke end completed the journey. The sick ox died, and the other was used for a time and finally lost. To fence his ground next spring he was obliged to saw trucks from a log, make a hand wagon, and upon it draw his rails, assisted by his wife. The experience of Erastus Kimball, who moved in about the same time as the Ainsleys, was nearly identical. George W. Dryer and family arrived in 1833, and the description of family movements as told by Mrs. Dryer is worthy of record here. The last night passed on the journey was spent at Maynard's tavern. Of this she says, " I had known ever since leaving home that this was to be our final stopping place, and had, of course, attached considerable consequence to it. I had not expected to find much of a village, not an eastern hotel, but I must confess that I was a little disappointed when, coming in sight of a small log cabin, I was informed it was Colonel Maynard's. I did not then understand the difficulties encountered in building in a new country. Humble and unpretending as was the outward appearance at Maynard's, we found comfort and good cheer within, and, though not exactly an eastern hotel, we had an eastern host and hostess, if true politeness and good breeding are meant by that term." HOUSE-BUILDING. A board shanty was Dryer's first residence. A buffalo-robe hung as a door over the entrance. Several mechanics came out with Mr. Dryer. There were Henry Gardanier and Wandall Bartles, carpenters, and Thomas Pryor, stone-mason. The men were soon at work getting out timber for a new house. The fresh-cut boards of the shanty shrunk beyond the use of chinking and battening, and it was resolved to build a log house, and all hands entered upon the task. The plains affording no logs of sufficient size, resort was had to government timber, and the new habitation was a great improvement upon the old one. In excavating a cellar, a spring was struck, from which the water gushed clear, cold, and sparkling,. It was hailed as a most welcome acquisition. The cellar was walled with sandstone, and in the spring following the house was completed. The shingles and seasoned lumber of this, the first framed house built in the township of Marengo, were hauled from Gull prairie, distant thirty miles. The old house, remodeled, is now the dwelling of Albert S. Pattison. INCIDENTS OF THE TIMES. The Indians were an annoyance to the settlers, especially when intoxicated, and called at the cabins during the absence of the men to demand anything which took their fancy, and to frighten the women and children. Nor were these sons of the forest particular as to the ownership of any article which seemed to lie in their way. 1833 was a notable season. Considerable wheat had been harvested. Deer and wild turkey were abundant. Cranberries were plenty on the marshes. The bee, preceding occupation of the country, had stored of liquid sweets in many a tree, and the settlers fared sumptuously. The Kalamazoo, unobstructed by dams, was tenanted by extraordinary numbers of fish. At one time a school of sturgeon 125 126 HISTORY OF CALHOUN COUNTY, MICHIGAN. coming up the stream roused the settlers to attack. Using the pitch-fork as a spear a number were thereby secured; the largest weighed one hundred and twenty pounds. Bear prowled about the inclosures, and lost no opportunity to raid among the swine. One evening, Chisholm, living on the Territorial road, discovered a large bear concealed in a tree in front of his dwelling. Two neighbors were notified, and, bringing their rifles, proceeded to shoot at the bear. Shot after shot was delivered, without avail, each marksman declaring his surprise that the bear did not fall, as he certainly had been hit; but when, finally, bruin came tumbling down, only one ball was found in his body. On another occasion, M. J. Bagg had penned a small calf near his house to secure it from attack by wolves. Two Indians soon after were passing by, when a dog accompanying them jumped the inclosure, and fastened upon the calf. Bagg observing this, caught up a club, and hastening to defend his property, with one blow knocked the dog senseless, whereupon the Indians to retaliate were about to kill the calf, when the resolute settler, rifle in hand, threatened to shoot the first to molest it. The Indians, cowed by this action, wished to shake hands in token of amity. A FESTIVE OCCASION. There was work enough for the industrious, and yet there was the time, means, and disposition to enjoy recreation. On July 4, 1833, a ball was held in the ample room of Maynard's tavern, but when it was proposed to celebrate the incoming year at the same place accommodations were found too limited. Commendably prompt, the colonel, to his building, annexed a board addition as a ballroom. The ball, which took place January 1, 1834, was attended by settlers from miles away, who in the pleasures of the mazy dance forgot their wild surroundings. A bountiful supper was provided by the genial host, and '" all went merry as a marriage bell." Two violins, played by S. Chapman and A. M. Benson, furnished music on this occasion, which was memorable in the lives of those present. Survivors of that time declare that " for good cheer and real solid enjoyment," the New Year's party surpassed any like effort at which they were present. In the homes of settlers at an early date there were few articles of household use, or tools for farming. Blocks of wood or benches were substitutes for chairs, which were luxuries enjoyed by few. A lady, referring to this fact, says, " It was a great treat to go to Marshall and sit in a boughten chair." A packing-box, or a board across barrels, were generally used as tables. In default of stoves, cooking was done in stone-built fireplaces, or out of doors, beside a log. Although often in want of food, the people, with notable hospitality common to new settlements, always stood ready to lend a helping hand to a new-comer. Some men of means were found among the pioneers, but the great majority were poor. The experience of a present wealthy and most successful farmer is illustrative of the road followed by many to insure progress. Arrived at Jackson, his jack-knife and a shilling being his only possessions, he walked to Marshall, and there engaged with a farmer at fifteen dollars a month. By saving, sufficient was obtained to enable him to enter forty acres, and thence onward his progress was assured. The gaslamp and the chandelier were unknown in those days. The treasures of the rocks had not revealed their oil, and the New England whalers were away upon the great deep. People retired in season and rose with the sun. Those possessing candles were deemed fortunate, and the light in common use was made by placing a piece of wicking in melted deer's tallow, and igniting the exposed extremity. MERCHANDISING. In 1834 George W. Pattison arrived with his family, and immediately commenced running a team between Detroit and Marshall, thereby supplying an avenue for provisions and necessaries, which was for several years the main dependence of the community. During the same year Pattison brought in a stock of goods, and a store was opened by himself and George W. Dryer. They sold to the firm of Harris & Austin, who enlarged the business and continued in trade. In 1835 Pattison and Dryer inaugurated a trade in stock. They brought in from Illinois a drove of cattle, and found speedy sale for them to the immigrants, then swarming from all quarters. In 1836 a drove of three hundred was quickly sold, and the business thus encouraged was continued a number of years. Cattle were sent to various distant points, and Pattison drove a hundred head overland to New York. Progressing from this toilsome method, the cattle-drovers of Texas and the Kansas plains shipped their beeves by rail from far west of the Mississippi with ease and dispatch; then improving on this the dressed beef, packed in refrigerated tanks, is transported to European markets, and therein competes for use with native meats. The seed of these enterprises was sown by the early drovers, popular benefactors and most energetic men. In 1836 Dryer broke up one hundred and six acres of new ground, and sowed to wheat. Pattison put in one hundred acres. The crop was hauled to Ypsilanti, then the western terminus of the Michigan Central railroad, and there sold at one dollar and twenty-five cents per bushel. UNREALIZED EXPECTATIONS. In 1833 a race was dug and a saw-mill built near where the Marshall road crosses the Kalamazoo. The proprietor, Peter Smith, employed Benjamin Wright as builder, and began to operate the mill in the spring of 1834. S. G. Pattison and G. W. Dryer bought three-fourths interest, but all parties soon sold to a number of New York speculators. Schemes for speedy acquisition of wealth by traffic in Michigan lands were at their wildest altitude, and a village plat was surveyed, recorded, and many lots sold. Buildings, both public and private, were erected, some by persons having faith in the village, others by the proprietors themselves. Monetary difficulties at this time caused disaster to many. The embryo city ceasing to expand, in time contracted, and is to-day the small village of the early times. PIONEER LAW. It was a custom in the early day to respect priority of claim to lots selected for entry by the actual settlers. The speculative class, of different stamp, practiced no such courtesy, and hesitated not to anticipate the settler, even when the latter had begun improving. Chisholm selected a quarter-section, but had means to enter but forty acres of it. Parties in Marshall aware of this fact notified a speculative Englishman, and offered to send a person to the land-office to enter it for him. He acquiesced, and the messenger set out under orders to lose no time in securing the land. Ill tidings fly fast and far; Chisholm learned of the danger, and was sore troubled. Seeking advice from his brother, a blacksmith, in Marshall, the worthy man threw off his apron, mounted an Indian pony, and started for the land-office. The night was dark and stormy; the messenger, apprehending no rivalry, halted by the wayside, but Chisholm continuing on reached the office early in the morning and at once entered forty acres in the centre of the coveted tract. The messenger arriving deemed it inexpedient to enter the other forties, and returned to report the result. Attempts were made to buy out Chisholm, but each offer met a higher price, and finally he came into undisturbed possession of the whole. To the quarter-section other tracts have been added, until within an area of five hundred acres is found one of the best farms in Marengo. Many instances similar to the above are related, and the prize was well worth the contest. The Chisholm farm, located in the southwest part of the township, north of the Kalamazoo, is not excelled in beautiful location and fertility of soil. SURVIVING AND PROMINENT SETTLERS. Most of the old settlers have passed away. Among the few remaining are Colonel and Mrs. Ainsley, S. G. Pattison, and G. W. Dryer. The latter reside on farms entered by them. Nathan Pierce visited Calhoun in November, 1831, and located large tracts in Marengo and Sheridan. It was not till the spring of 1844 that he removed hither with his family and located on the farm originally entered by Dryer. Mrs. Pierce died in 1861; he followed her in March, 1862. As evidence of the esteem in which he was held, it is stated that while a resident of the township, he was elected a member of the State legislature and creditably filled the office. Seeley Neal, the first to settle in Marengo with his family, had been a resident of Washtenaw county, and was one of the commissioners appointed to locate and survey the Territorial road. In passing through the township, its advantages originated a desire to make the locality his home. He entered land on section 22, built a log house, and moved in his family, which numbered ten children, nine of whom came with him. It is said of the journey made by Neal from Ypsilanti that five days were occupied in getting through. One of these was passed in crossing a marsh near Grass lake. All the cattle were hitched to one wagon at a time, and so each was brought through. On the morning of the last day of the journey, the rear wagon capsized, covering three children, little girls. The other teams were far in advance, and the driver was disconcerted, when a child extricating her hands was released from her unpleasant position, and, being slightly hurt, ran forward and related the mishap. The men hastened back and speedily righted the wagon, thereby rescuing the girls, one slightly, the other more seriously bruised. During the first year Indians stole his hogs, and all his cattle, save a yoke of steers, died. In spring, himself, Ames, and Ainsley went to Bronson, now Kalamazoo, for provisions and seed potatoes. Returning, the frail craft upset, and, the purchases being mostly lost, the party turned back to make up their loss. Five days were occupied in making the journey. To Neal is accredited the honor of having planted the first corn and sowed the first wheat in the township of Marengo. He was the first town supervisor and the first postmaster. Himself and G. W. Dryer were appointed justices by the Territorial governor. His remains and those of his wife and three children lie in the cemetery near his former dwelling. A daughter, Mrs. Mary Parks, resides in Marshall. Dr. R. B. Porter, a graduate of Castleton college, Vermont, and a private pupil 1; III IIIl III ii!- -i -. I I I - RESIDENCE OF GALEN SAMSON. SEC.15. MARENGO TP. CALHOUN CO. MICH. - - —..... R: - -=:_= __ ^ ==.-, - - --- - III \\\ IIIl I N1 7~t or cs c) rrl - p EdNCp, cn n - 1 r r ^ZI HISTORY OF CALHOUN COUNTY, MICHIGAN. 127 of Prof. Woodward, moving in from Washington county during 1836, was the pioneer of his profession. Health was good until 1839, when chills and fever became prevalent, and so continued until 1844. Dr. Porter had a practice extending through Sheridan, Clarence, Albion, and Eckford. A physician of forty years' practice, he has never known serious personal illness, and now resides with his son-in-law, H. N. McCormick. A son, Wm. H. Porter, a prominent lawyer in Marshall, was the first Marengo collegian. In 1844, A. S. Nichols settled in the town, of which his widow is a present inhabitant. In 1833, Loren Maynard, of Madison county, New York, settling on section 23, erected a log house, and opened the tavern of which mention has been made. Colonel Maynard was at different times postmaster, supervisor, sheriff, and member of the legislature. In 1836 he built a new tavern stand, of which he had charge till 1844; in connection, he cultivated a farm of a quarter-section. SETTLERS OF 1836. Several men, citizens of Oswego and Cayuga counties, New York, came out to Michigan in 1836 to prospect for land. The party consisted of David Miller, Caleb Hanchett, B. H. Carrier, Abram Hadden, and Amaziah Carrier. Their choice was timber land, to explore which the county surveyor was engaged, and the pioneers started into Lee, but encountering the great marsh, turned back, and located in the northeastern part of Marengo. Miller chose section 5, and also land in Sheridan. Carrier entered on section 2, as did Caleb Hanchett, who took up land in Lee. The others settled in the neighborhood in Lee and Clarence. Miller lives in Marshall, his son Charles being on the farm. Caleb Hanchett occupies a brick dwelling, the first of the material built in the town. Others are living on the farms located by them in 1836. In the spring of 1837 the associate settlers set out from New York with their families, and came through with ox-teams. They cooked their food by the wayside, and slept in their wagons. Roads were execrable. Floods had swept away bridges, and the route along Lake St. Clair was submerged two feet in water. Many emigrants on the way rendered frequent mutual assistance to extricate their wagons from sloughs of mud. In places the united strength of eight yoke of oxen was requisite to pull through. David Hanchett, proceeding in advance, was detained thirty-six hours at Windsor by floating ice, which temporarily cut off ferriage. He finally proceeded eighteen miles down the river, and effected a crossing on the ice at a place where it extended nine miles along the head of Lake Erie to the Michigan shore. Twenty-one days were occupied on the journey. Provisions were scarce, and a stock was obtained by sending ox-teams to Detroit. During the summer, three wagons, each drawn by two yoke of oxen; were sent for provisions, and a fortnight was required for the trip. The prices assigned to provisions were extortionate and extravagant. i' Wheat was worth at that time four dollars per bushel, flour eighteen dollars per barrel, pork; forty dollars per barrel, and other provisions at equally high rates." No wonder that the people sought substitutes. The treasures of the Black Hills would scarcely maintain such prices. The settlement was made at the corners of four townships,-Marengo, Lee, Sheridan, and Clarence,-and has since borne the name of" Rice Creek settlement." The fairest spots are the favorite lurking-places of the most deadly reptiles. The Massasaugers swarmed along the creek. Mr. Miller, in mowing grass upon the marsh adjoining, killed eighty of these rattlesnakes within a mile's distance. Black snakes were plentiful and of great size. Some were killed that measured ten feet in length. Their favorite food was the young of fowls and turkeys. PRISTINE EVENTS AND IMPROVEMENTS. A bridge across Rice creek, where the Territorial road crosses near Marshall, was built by Colonel Ainsley in 1833. Messrs. Adams & Thompson opened a stage route from Detroit to Kalamazoo during the winter of 1832-33. They began with a two-horse wagon. The four-horse coach followed, and this was superseded by the Michigan Central railroad, constructed by the State through a board of internal improvement. The road was completed and the first train of cars was run through Marengo in 1844. The State, by Act 42 of the year 1846, sold the road for two million dollars, the act named being at once a deed of sale and a charter. A saw-mill, now in use, and owned by Perrin & Robinson, was built on Rice creek by George Ketchum in 1835. Ketchum sold to MI. J. Bagg, who operated it some years. The first flouring- and grist-mill was built in 1839, by Sidney S. Alcott, who supplied four run of stone, and engaged as miller John Evans, just then arrived from Rochester, New York. The mill was burned in 1844, and three years later Evans erected another on the same site. The old miller is still at his post, and, enjoying a good patronage, has invested his profits in the purchase of real estate in the village and its vicinity. Mr. Evans is proprietor of a sawmill, erected in 1847 by Mr. Pattison, near the flour-mill. Carding machinery was brought into Marehgo by Henry Mallory in 1835, and quite a business was done by him for some time in carding wool. Of the various store-buildings erected at different times but one remains in use, —that of H. M. Evans, who deals in general merchandise suitable to the locality. The pioneer blacksmith was George Christian. The village now contains two blacksmith-shops, a wagon-shop, and a cooper-shop. C O-OPERATIVE BUILDING. Unanimity of action has made the farming class powerful,-controlling transportation, reducing prices of machinery, and securing other advantages. In 1866, Marengo farmers, desiring a place from which to ship their produce, erected, by subscription among themselves, a building to be used as a freight depot and passenger station. The building, which stands in the village near the Michigan Central railroad, has been purchased of late by the railroad company. A railroad,' verging toward completion, and extending from Marshall to Coldwater, extends along the western part of the township, and promises much for the farming community. A strong water-power, supplied by the river, drives the machinery of a flouring-mill and saw-mills. There is capacity for large manufacturing establishments, and time may be when through this agency Marengo village may become a city. The improved thrasher and separator was introduced by E. Lusk and S. Chapin, and the first combined reaper and mower was owned by S. G. Pattison. The first-born white child in Marengo was Mary, daughter of Hiram Dowling, on September 21, 1831, and hers was the first death, six months later. Lorenzo Dowling, born in March, 1833, was the first male child native to the township. The first adult death was of Noah Neal, father of Seeley, on July 30, 1832. The grave-yard, not now in use, was given by Mr. S. Neal to the town. The village cemetery was laid out in 1839, and the wife of Lewis Grant was the first to be buried in that inclosure. The first marriage in Marengo took place August 4, 1833, at the residence of Roswell Wilcox, uncle to the bride. The parties were Clark Smith, of Marshall, and Mary A. Wilcox, of Marengo. The magistrate employed was General Isaac D. Crary. Not in form, ceremony, and display, but in mutual respect, regard, and forbearance, rest the hopes of happy union. SCHOOLS. i In the house of Erastus Kimball, in 1833, a Mrs. Skinner opened the first school taught in Marengo. On the completion of her house, then being built, the school was removed thither. Mrs. Parks, of Marshall, then known as Mary E. Neal, was a pupil in attendance. Other schools were taught in the houses of S. Neal and E. Kimball. In 1834, S. Powers taught in a school-house erected on the land of Thomas Chisholm. The original school in Marengo village was conducted in a board shanty, which stood on land owned by Benjamin Wright, on the site of the present brick school-building. Miss Sarah Dennis, the teacher in 1836, is now the wife of Francis Peck, of Barry county. The township contains eight district school-houses; half the number are of brick, and the value of school property is estimated at fifteen thousand dollars. RELIGION. The first religious services in Marengo were conducted by Rev. R. Hobart, a Methodist, at the house of S. Neal. The minister was also employed at Marshall. There were many Presbyterians among the settlers who attended meetings at Marshall, to which they made the required journey, often on foot, at times by ox-teams. A non-sectarian church was erected in the summer of 1853, by an association comprising men of no particular religious denomination. The edifice, in dimensions forty by fifty feet, was built by John Evans in the same year, at a cost of one thousand dollars. The sermon of dedication was preached by Rev. L. H. Moore. Thirteen men constituted the association, and each contributed to the enterprise one hundred dollars. They are named as follows: John Evans, S. G. Pattison, G. W. Dryer, R. B. Porter, Milo Soule, Alden Boughton, Augustus Lusk, Lorin Maynard, Jacob Gardanier, Joseph Otis, O. D. Rogers, William Hewitt, and William Hoskins. THE METHODIST PROTESTANT CHURCH, now known as the Methodist church, was formed at the Rice Creek settlement, in 1842. The society was organized by the Revs. Pratt and Barrie, with the following members,-B. H. Carrier, Abram Hadden, Silas Wood, C. Hanchett, D. H. Willey, Amos Hadden, and their wives. S. Wood was the first classleader. A church building, thirty by forty feet, was erected in 1853, at a cost of one thousand five hundred dollars. The pastor at present is L. Mills. A Sabbath-school was organized with the formation of the society; members, sixty scholars. The first superintendent was D. H. Miller, and the present officer is 128 HISTORY OF CALHOUN COUNTY, MICHIGAN. E. A. Carrier. The church has been favored by several revivals. In 1860, twenty persons were converted; in 1872, thirty, and in 1875 Rev. Nichols baptized forty persons on the same day in Duck lake. POSTAL FACILITIES. A post-office was established during the winter of 1831-32, Seeley Neal being postmaster. The first mail was brought by Elijah Pilcher, a circuit-rider, and among the missives was one containing Neal's appointment as justice of the peace. During the first year the mail was brought by travelers whose journey lay in this direction. A stage began to run in 1833, and mails became regular. Colonel Maynard was appointed deputy postmaster, and the office was removed to his tavern. Successive postmasters have been Charles George, Enos Houck, Peter Mulvaney, and John Evens, who has held several terms and kept the office at the village store. IMPROVED STOCK. A contrast of cattle and swine of the native and foreign breeds indicates progress in stock-raising. S. G. Pattison early introduced the Durham short-horn cattle, imported by a Mr. Weddel, and hence known as the Weddel stock. The cattle are favorites, and few farmers but have them in their fields. The first sheep in Marengo were natives, but about 1850 Messrs. Pattison, Dryer, Maynard, and Ainsley brought from the east some of the best blooded sheep there found. Their distribution throughout the county and State marked a great improvement in the flocks. In 1857, Charles A. Miller purchased of Daniel Kleborn what were known as Spanish Merino sheep, and with them obtained the following: '" This is to certify that I have this day sold to Charles A. Miller, of Marengo, Calhoun County, Michigan, a number of ewes, bred by R. J. Hall, of Addison ~county, Vermont. These ewes are of the pure Infantado breed." The purchaser has maintained the purity of his flock, which are noted for large size, fine form, and heavy fleece, as well as strong constitution, qualities which make them sought after by the wool-growers of the surrounding country. Among swine the favorites are Sussex, Suffolk, and Berkshire. No one in the town makes a specialty of breeding. No particular effort has been taken to improve the breed of horses, yet an interest now awakened promises to result in great progress in this respect. TOWN GOVERNMENT. The first annual town-meeting was held on the first Monday in April, 1833, at the house of S. Neal. Joseph Ames was chosen moderator, and S. Neal clerk pro tem. The following named were then duly elected: S. Neal, supervisor; Harmon Neal, town clerk; Alfred Kellam, Reuben Abbott, and S. Neal, assessors; Joseph Ames, S. Neal, and Benjamin Wright, road commissioners; Harmon Neal, constable and collector; J. Ames and R. Abbott, directors of the poor, and J. Ames, overseer of roads. The paucity of settlement was well indicated by the cumulation of offices upon one and the same person. Election being over, it was voted to pay a bounty of three dollars for the scalp of each wolf killed in the township. In 1835 the bounty was increased to five dollars. The appointment of George W. Dryer to be justice of the peace was made in 1833 by Stevens T. Mason, acting governor of the Territory. For the year 1837, we have the first record of votes polled. It is given at ninety-one ballots for supervisor. It was increased by 1838 to one hundred and forty-nine. At the first election for justices, in 1836, J. Townsend, William E. Wells, A. Kellam, and Benjamin Wright were chosen. The original town record is still in use, and chronicles the minutes of the meetings of forty-fbur years. LIST OF MARENGO SUPERVISORS. The following have filled the office of supervisor: Seeley Neal, four years; Benjamin Wright, William E. Wells, Rufus Hartwell, John Lusk, Absalom Nelson, Lorin Maynard, Thomas Chisholm, four years; Milo Soule, four years; Nathan Pierce, W. Haskins, four years; Isaac Hewitt, George McKay, Lewis Townsend, eleven years; B. F. Withee, Henry N. McCormic. In 1834, Horace Brace was elected supervisor; he died before he had qualified, and Seeley Neal was elected to fill the vacancy. PRESENT TOWN OFFICERS. Supervisor, Henry N. McCormic; Town Clerk, O. Clark Johnson; Treasurer, Peter O'Brien, Jr.; School Inspector, W. Raesley; Superintendent of Schools, Petar Mulvaney; Commissioner of Highways, Joseph Loehr; Justices, Charles E. Southwell, Samuel S. Deforest; Constables, Luther Wallace, Adrian Jennings, David D. Lewis, Ruggles Rotherick. A full Democratic ticket. Population of Marengo.-Males, 678; females, 575; total, 1253..Live-Stock.-Horses, 474; work oxen, 32; milch cows, 475; neat cattle, other than work oxen and cows, 442; swine, over six months old, 764; sheep, over six months old, 5714; sheep sheared, 6500; mules, 2. Wheat on the ground May, 1874, 5115 acres; wheat harvested 1873, 3959 acres; corn harvested 1873, 1744 acres; wheat raised 1873, 63,416 bushels; corn raised 1873, 58,530 bushels; other grain 1873, 24,480 bushels; potatoes raised 1873, 7949 bushels; hay cut 1873, 1835 tons; wool sheared 1873, 27,776 pounds; pork marketed 1873, 48,316 pounds; butter made 1873, 37,765 pounds; fruit dried for market 1873, 860 pounds; cider made, 491 barrels; orchards, 364 acres; apples raised 1873, 16,530 bushels; pears raised 1873, 148 bushels; plums raised 1873, 32 bushels; cherries raised 1873, 201 bushels; grapes raised 1873, 12 hundredweight; strawberries 1873, 16 bushels; currants and gooseberries, 17 bushels; melons and garden vegetables, 1639 bushels. .: Sf 1 r:~+::: i I! I t? rr, I I I -- CALEB HANCHITT /VAIS. ESTH ER HANCHETT. 0. 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