If IN rill, I~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~g v 111u9tpated Bl'pppaphV,..,qu then fie Hi~iopv EmbpacjnO 0I-?ecoP&n Y'c & vi 6 6& of Tzoh 6. r p and Civilian -qrrnyPublish ea' by The Flint Da'dyjourncil -EYAUTff0RfZ,4Tf0)V OFTIJE 6EVFSEE COUNrY WAR BOARD THIS IS A LIMITED EDITION of which this copy is number CopVright 1920, by The Flint Daily Journal Flint, Mlichigan 2 TABLE OF CONTENTS Preface....... --- —-—...... — -----—. --- —- 4 Dedication -. --- —----------------------------- 5 President Woodrow Wilson. --- —----------------—...... 6-7 General John J. Pershing............... --- —------—.... 8-9 Admiral W. S. Sims...-.........-...-....-......... —.-.- 10-11 Marshal Ferdinand Foch —. --- —-----------—. ---- 12-13 Marshal Douglas Haig... —..... —........... --- —- 14-15 General A. Diaz --------------------------------------- ------------—.. 14 General P. C. March -.-. --- —---------—... 14 Colonel Theodore Roosevelt. ---------------------—.... — 16-17 Lt. Col. Guy M. Wilson................... --- —----—.... 18-19 Officers..... ------------------ 20-31 32nd Division -—. --- —------------------ 32-43 Camp Custer and 85th Division-...............-...-...- 44-47 Ambulance Company 351 and 33..................... --- 48-49 J. Dallas Dort -—......................... --- —----- 50-51 Genesee County War Board Campaign ---.......... 50-68 War Saving Stamp Campaign..........................-... 68 Women's Work in the War... --- —--------—. ----.... --- —- 68 Food Conservation —.... ------------ 72-76 Army Nurses, etc....... ------------—...- 77-79 Genesee Chapter, American Red Cross ----------- 80-88 Soldier, Sailor and Marine Series, cuts and records....... --- —--------- 89-264 Welcome Home ---....-...- ---------—... 264-265 Index, including alphabetical lists of records of service men not represented by photograph and all members of civilian army-... 266-280 Leal Curtis, Oakley Traynor........... --- —----—.. — 265 Selective Service. --- —-------—.. 266-267 C. S. Mott, Dan Reed.... --- —------------------------ 268 Industrial Leaders....... --- —---- ------ 269 Welcome Home Festival..- -----—.. ---- 270-277 Statistics, Genesee County War Record.-. 272-273 Miscellaneous... --------------------------- 273-2'74 Index of Genesee Co. War Board Workers 275-283 Index of Photographs and Text.................... 284-292 3 Prefacerd H E publishers present this volume in the. belief that the people of Genesee County, by reason of their magnificent response to all demands placed upon them by the great war, both desire and deserve an accurate record of their contribution to the Allied Victory. No effort has been spared to make the Honor Roll and Complete War History of Genesee County a creditable memorial of this most glorious epoch in the life of our community and nation. Less would be unworthy of the cause, the personnel represented in this volume, and the sustained enthusiasm manifested by this County through 18 months of war, in which Genesee gave unstintingly of its young men and women, its money, skill and labor power. As far as possible this is a complete record yet the publishers must acknowledge that it does not cover quite all the ground. The devotion of Genesee County was of such breadth and depth that no condensation in print can do it full justice. A census of the County would not be much longer than a list of those who worked, saved, and sacrificed in order that America might triumph. Uncounted acts of heroism, innumerable woes patiently borne, must be passed over. This book, therefore, stands as an index to something greater than was ever yet caught and imprisoned between covers, the spirit of the willing and loyal people, whose men went forth to battle sustained not only by unfaltering faith in the destiny of America, but also by the certain knowledge that those left behind in old Genesee would support them to the last dollar and the last ounce of effort. Genesee County takes a just pride in the behavior of its soldiers and sailors both at home and overseas. No nobler examples of courage in battle have ever been given a community than those contained in the narrative of the exploits of our sons at Belleau Wood, Chateau Thierry, Cierges, Jornblet Wood and Juvigny. Stern fighting men-these sons of ours-deserving for all time the gratitude of the Republic. To the loved ones of those who fell this book may serve as a monument to manly valour as long as America lives to reap the fruit of their sacrifices. The hour of travail passes; it remains for us, soldiers and civilians alike, to build upon victory a structure of society worthy of the foundation cost. For the first time in our history the United States has approached one hundred percent unity, a comprehensive mobilization of its resources of men, money, material, labor power and spiritual force. Genesee County, indeed, every county in the Union achieved through the war a unanimity of feeling long desired and never realized until the necessities of war bound each home to every other home in sympathy and understanding. We discovered, too, in every ward and township, wise and steadfast leaders who held to their tasks in spite of discouragements and put each campaign through to a successful climax. With such accomplishments behind us, Genesee County and the City of Flint ought to go forward more swiftly than ever with those progressive changes which are steps toward the creation of an ideal community. - l I To Genesee County's Brave Sons and Daughters who Gave Their Lives to the Republic and the Cause of Civilization in the Great World War 1914-1918 This Volume is Dedicated in Grateful and Admiring Memory Allen, Raymond L. Angligiere, Mike Applebee, Edw. G. Auten, Arthur Bagnall, Lynn Bahn, John F. Bailey, Burt Baker, Harry Ray Balcon, Frederick Bayer, Michael Beechley, Arthur G. Bele, Martin Bennetts, Harry Bendle, Arthur B. Bennett, Alfred G. Biedas, Stephen Bieck, Raymond J. Bierschbach, Wm. Bird, Thomas Sidney Bogoski, John Bonnell, Ellsworth M. Booth, Dallas Brabon, Elmer A. iBrabon, Leslie Brewster, Gordon Briggs, Clarence A. Bundy, Elmer J. Bush, Elmer Wm. Chapman, Arthur Chase, John F. Christenson, Johannes Cooper, Clare Cooper, Elza J. Crawford, James Cronin, Lewis Curtis, Leal Davis, Russell R. Deming, Edgar J. Demund, Howard J. DeView, Irwin W. Dibble, Frank J. Dimossa, Alexander Dressel, Everett C. Eastman, Frank Eggleston, John Elmer Eggleston, Lewis D. Eldenburg, Ernest Eldridge, John A. Elkey, Harry W. Elliott, Norman J. Emery, Lester R. Fink, Edward France, Andomorous L. Franklin, Herbert C. Gillespie, Joseph M. Granger, F. T. Green, Floyd Harvey Grimes, James Hale, Patrick Hall, Floyd DeWaine Harding, Alfred J. Hardy, Arthur Henry Hawks, Emery M. Hayes, Harrison G. Henry, Cyril J. Hills, Earl C. Hinton, Charles Hirth, Frederick Karl Hodge, Frank Hollanshead, Hoyt M. Hubbard, Chas. H. Hunt, Leon Wesley Hunt, Richard Hunter, Alden Johnson, Audie John Keegan, Ray Ketchum, George F. Krull, Rupert Krebs, Emory Hugh LaClair, Lester Lohyn, Jackie Lauthers, Robert LaPointe, John D. LaRue, Arthur Lash, L. Dee Leonard, Harry J. Lewis, Harry Linaberry, Roy A. Lindsay, Henry B. Loaring, Arthur T. Losey, Phillip McCrudden, James McFarling, Geo. T. McNamara, Bernard Leon McNett, Wm. Marshall, Clare Maschino, Arthur Mason, Max Merrill Mathews, Burton Miller, Harry A. Miller, George Miller, George H. Muchler, Clyde Mundy, Roy Murphy, Timothy J. Myers, Harry A. Neeley, Elmer Lincoln Nygreen, Hugh O'Day, Claude Ostrander, Levi A. Orberg, Oscar Olrich, Harry Ostrowski, Peter Pardee, Herman Pelagalee, Morocco Penny, Alfred Polovina, Joseph Potter, Geo. Franklin Pratt, Elias Pratt, Omar E. Reinstadler, Frank Renfrew, Earle E. Ricman, Benjamin Roszkoski, John Rust, William Rutledge, John F. Ryan, Bert Schramm, William H. Schryer, Earl James Scott, Frank Sedgman, Clinton Selden, John Glen Selesky, Leo Leslie Seymour, Arthur Shannon, George F. Shauger, Lyman Shaw, Harry W. Sherman, Herbert E. Smith, Burrell L. Smith, Ezra A. Smith, Frank B. Smith, Roy Dudley Subora, Henry Sweet, Harold L. Swihart, Vernon C. Taylor, Harold B. Taylor, Walter Thorsby, Homer Catlin Tirrell, William Chase Traynor, Oakley Orvil Trevorrow, Phillip Trombley, Jerome Tunningley, Raymond N. Van Voorhees, Simeon Walker, Melvin John Westfall, Earl J. Wolverton, Howard C. Worden, Arba Clyde Wright, Miss Mayme L. Yorton, Lloyd Zumwalt, Thomas I J I 5 HISTORY OF GENESEE COUNTY'S ACTIVITIES WOODROW WILSON The Chief Executive of the Nation, and the commander-in-chief of the Army and Navy through the Great World War, was born in Staunton, Va., December 28th, 1856. His parents, the Rev. Joseph R. and Jessie Woodrow Wilson, were of that sturdy Scotch-Irish ancestry which both here and abroad has produced so many champions of human liberty and progress. The higher education of the future President began at Davidson College, A. C., from which he was graduated in 1875 with the degree of Bachelor of Arts, closely followed by the Master of Arts degree earned at Princeton in 1879 after a year's study at the institution of which he was destined to be the head for eight years and later its most distinguished alumnus. Thereafter Mr. Wilson studied law at the University of Virginia until the summer of 1881. For two years he practiced that profession in Atlanta, Ga. Teaching appealed to him more than law, however, and the period from 1883 to 1885 found him doing post-graduate work in history and political economy at Johns Hopkins Uniiversity, Baltimore, which granted him the degree of Doctor of Philosophy. So far his collegiate honors had been the result of a persistent search for learning, but since 1887 his eminence as an educator and statesman has been rewarded by honorary degrees from Lake Forest, Johns Hopkins, Rutgers, University of Pennsylvania, Brown, Harvard, Williams, Dartmouth, Yale and Oxford. Until the call to public service drafted Woodrow Wilson from the Presidency of Princeton University to serve as Governor of New Jersey in 1911, his labors were entirely in the educational field. From Johns Hopkins he went in 1885, to Bryn Mawr College, where he taught his favorite subjects, history and political economy, for three years. Then after two years at WVesleyan University, he came to Princeton in 1890 as professor of jurisprudence and political economy. There he remained twenty one years, the fruitful middle years of his life. It was in Princeton that his character developed national proportions; Princeton was the seed plot of the Presidential harvest. When Woodrow Wilson went to Princeton in 1890, he was thirty-four years of age. In letters he had won recognition among the thoughtful as the author of two political studies, "Congressional Government, a Study of American Politics," and the "State Elements of Historical and Practical Politics." His literary audience however, was small; no one dreamed that the analyst and teacher of 1890 would be President of 1913 and the central figure of the peace conference of 1919. His private life —he was married June 24, 1885, to Ellen Louise Axsen at Savannah, Ga.-was the quiet existence of the college group, with all emphasis laid upon high thinking, and plain living a necessity as long as his family increased faster than his salary. However, he kept at work with his pen, producing in close succession literary works deserving of more general reading than they have yet received: Division and Reunion, 1829-1889; An Old Master and other Political Essays; Mere Literature and Other Essays; George Washington; A History of the American People; Constitutional Government in the United States; The State-Elements of Historical and Practical Politics. Of these the history of the United States is by far the most important and widely known; but any one of them proves that Woodrow Wilson during this period of his life knew how to write and think, and, what is even more important, that he was coming to feel the Democracy's need for trained leadership. It was this obsession-Democracy's need for trained leaders-which led him, when elevated to the presidency of Princeton, to institute certain reforms in both the social and educational regimen of the university, which challenged the accepted standards. He declared against formalism and snobery, against the aloofness of universities, against certain developments of undergraduate life which he interpreted as antagonistic to the institutions of America and the broader interests of the nation. In the course of his reforms he came into conflict, not only with the trustees of Princeton, but with the established educational order of the East which gave the reactionary party at Princeton its moral support. To the general public, university strife may seem a tempest in a teapot; but there was at least enough of breadth in this struggle of the new against the old at Princeton to make certain wideawake teachers of youth all over the land look upon Woodrow Wilson as their champion and to impress that view upon their students. Thereafter he was something more than an academic figure. For one thing, he had shown himself a fighting man; for the other he stood forth to educated young America as an idealist of power and distinction. It is not too much to say that America discovered Woodrow Wilson by reason of his fight at Princeton. All over the country influential persons, most of them richer in ideas than in purse, began to look upon Woodrow Wilson as a coming man. Nearer home he had grown swiftly as a political possibility. There was a demand in New Jersey as elsewhere for a new kind of public man. Party leaders heard the call, nominated Woodrow Wilson, and with him at the head of the ticket swept the state. Once in office he did as he pleased, regardless of party leaders. Those were the days when bossism reached the extreme of unpopularity in America. Whatever may be the merits of the legislative program he put through, the way he put it through won the approval of the country. The Wilson wave gathered strength, particularly in the South and East. At the Baltimore convention the decision rested with Bryan who midway in the balloting swung over to the governor of New Jersey. "Wilson luck" found the opposition divided by the progressive split with the result that Woodrow Wilson secured 435 electoral votes against 88 for Theodore Roosevelt and eight for William Howard Taft. His ascendancy over Congress, firmly democratic in both House and Senate, was never questioned. Before the world war broke out in August, 1914, he had put through enough of the party platform to make it evident that Woodrow Wilson was not only a competent President but also a party leader who insisted upon obedience. By far the outstanding feature of this pre-war period is the Federal Reserve Banking system, without which it would have been dffiiult to mobilize the billions needed for the national defense, or to weather without great loss the disturbances to credit caused by the onset of the Great World War. It is impossible to assay fairly at this time the policy of the United States, which was the policy of Woodrow Wilson, during the early stages of the war. He hoped no doubt that the war would prove of short duration, and that the United States need act therein only as mediator. Therefore acts of aggression by Germany were protested but not met in kind until all further evasions of our national responsibility were impossible. The country, divided in sympathies at the start, gradually came to see that war was inevitable, not only to maintain American rights but to save the world from conquest by forces diametrically opposed to the political and social ideals embodied in American institutions and dear to American hearts. When the Country went to war on April 6, 1917, five months after the President by a narrow margin defeated Charles Evans Hughes, the Republican candidate, the American people stood solidly behind Woodrow Wilson. He was our Captain, and he had behind him the undivided support of all worth while citizens as America went forth to battle for the right. Every one knows how slow the mobilization of America for war began and how swiftly it was proceeding when the Armistice called a halt. We had been prepared spiritually for combat; it remained for the will to victory to work itself out practically in armies, ships, cannon, the whole fast mechanism of war three thousand miles overseas. A tremendous task this training, financing, equipping and transporting of millions of brave Americans to the fighting zone, requiring a co-ordination of effort beyond anything hitherto reached in America. As the President led America forward toward victory, he never lost sight however, of the fact that he was also leading the world toward peace. Even in the central powers he seemed to have been recognized as a moral leader of mankind, and his fourteen points are generally conceded to have been worth several army corps in their weakening effect upon the morale of'the mid-European peoples. The end of the war by Armistice November 11, 1918, found Woodrow Wilson, the idealist in politics, occupying a unique position in world affairs. The World over he was recognized as the leading exponent of liberal and humanizing ideals, a prophet of justice who had behind him a mighty war machine which, introduced into the scale at the moment of crisis, decisively turned the scale against Germany. It was natural therefore, that he should take the lead in endeavoring to find a way of escape from the tangle of conflicting national interests which from time to time plague the peoples of this earth with wars. Woodrow Wilson's progress abroad-in France, England and Italy-was a tribute not only to his character and attainments, but also to the nation he represented. In many respects no more fitting representative could be found; he stands for the soul qualities of America, speaks directly to the hearts of America, and voices the conscience of America on questions of public right and duty. No president save Lincoln has met graver responsibilities, and while there may be partisan dispuce on many of the phases of his administration there is no American but believes that Woodrow Wilson acted in each instance from the highest consideration and the loftiest motives. That tribute, at least, is granted him in Europe, and wherever thinking men gather together on other continents. For better or worse the schoolmaster of yesterday, has become the world leader of today; and if he succeeds in impressing upon the nations the necessity of following the cardinal principles of democracy to international lengths, history will ascribe him even higher place. Woodrow Wilson is the outstanding champion of civilization in it st ugle to down the elemental forces of anarchy roused by sufferings and wastes of war. His grasp of the situation is one of the chief reasons why the western world looks hopefully forward to lasting peace and prompt reconstruction of international relations on the basis of peace and justice. President Wilson, after returning to the United States to carry out his duties resulting from the closing of the Sixty-Seventh Congress, set sail again for Europe on the U. S. S. George Washington on March 4, 1919. On both journies he was accompanied by his wife, Mrs. Edith Bolling Wilson, to whom he was married in the White House on December 18, 1915, sixteen months after the death of his first wife, which occurred in Washington, August 6, 1814. Two of his daughters, Mrs. Frances B. Sayre and Mrs. William Gibbs McAdoo, wife of the former Secretary of the Treasury, were married in the WhiteHouse. A third, Miss Margaret Wilson, has been prominent in war work both here and abroad. 6 SWOODROW 'WILSON Twenty-eighth President of the United States of America 7 COUNTY'S ACTIVITIES JOHN J. PERSHING Missouri in 1860 was part of the great No Man's Land between the South committed to secession and the North bent on maintaining the Union. Slavery, strongly entrenched there by migrations of the planters and their chattels, bade defiance to the forces of freedom and unity. Literally those were times to try the souls of men. Something of the iron of that conflict, fast approaching crisis, seems to have entered the soul of John Joseph Pershing, born on September 13, in Lynn County, Missouri, the son of John F. and Ann Thompson Pershing. In less than two months after Pershing's birth Lincoln was elected President, and in less than a year Missouri brother fought against brother in civil strife. The boyhood of the future commander of the American Expeditionary Force in France covers the difficult period of reconstruction, when America grappled with the double task of winning the West and restoring the South to fellowship in the Union. He was graduated from the Kirksville Normal School when just under twenty years of age. Immediately he became a schoolteacher; but the profession which has furnished so many eminent leaders to the nation, including Pershing's chief, Woodrow Wilson, held the young Missourian for but two years. In 1882 he passed the entrance examination to the Military Academy at West Point, leaving four years later with the glory of having stood at the head of his class each term. Choosing the cavalry branch, the young soldier was commissioned second lieutenant in the 6th U. S. Cavalry. The army was small then, and advancement came slowly. It took "Black Jack" Pershing, who later leaped from captain to brigadier general over-night, six years to win the silver bar of first lieutenancy in the 10th cavalry. But he saw action in Indian campaigns, Apache and Sioux. In 1891 he was relieved as commander of the Sioux Indian Scouts to become military instructor at the University of Nebraska, which position gave him the chance to complete the law course at that institution. It is typical of the man's desire to make himself the best possible soldier, that he overlooked no opportunity to improve himself mentally. In 1898 the Spanish American War found Pershing teaching tactics at the Military Academy. The government considered him indispensable there, but he protested so strenuously against inactive service that he was permitted to go to Cuba with his regiment, the famous Tenth (colored) cavalry. There he won his famous sobriquet, "Black Jack," which has attended him on all his subsequent travels. Leaving the regulars, he entered the volunteer organization with the rank of major. While stationed in Washington he organized the Bureau of Insular Affairs in the War Department which since has played such a successful part in the military organization of our overseas possessions. Leaving his position as chief of that bureau August 16, 1899, he went to the Philippines for a seven year stay, from which he was destined to return as an outstanding military figure. Pershing's first post in the islands was as adjutant general of the Department of Mindanao, which post he held two years. June 1, 1901, he was honorably discharched from the volunteers, and two months later attached to the 15th U. S. Cavalry with the rank of captain. His responsibilities, however, were altogether out of porportion to his rank, since from October, 1902, to June, 1903, he commanded military operations against the Moors in central province of the Mindanao. This island, the second largest in the Philippine archipelago presented grave difficulties to the administration by reason of its mountainous contours and the warlike character of its population. The men higher up were perfectly willing to let Captain Pershing perform a brigadier general's work in an outpost of civilization; but later on they grumbled at the recognition his efforts won in Washington. In June. 1903, "Black Jack" Pershing was a sick man; not the least deadly feature of Mindanao for the American f ghters was the tropical climate. He departed to spend three years attached to the general staff. January 26, 1905, he married in Washington, Miss Frances Warren, daughter of Senator F. B. Warren, of Wyoming. To Japan he took his bride, where he served a year as military attache to the American embassy. On September 20, 1906, President Roosevelt astonished official circles by jumping Captain Pershing to the rank of Brigadier General over the heads of some three hundred officers in the seniority list. At once arose loud criticism which the dynamic President stilled by saying, "While it would be infamy to elievate a soldier because he was a senator's son-in-law, it would be worse to decline to make him one for that reason." Certainly the country never had reason to regret Roosevelt's departure from the precedent. After ten years of serene married life Mrs. Pershing and her three daughters lost their lives in the burning of the Presidio at California. The nation mourned with the General in his terrible loss. A son, Warren, now ten years old, survived the tragedy. December, 1906, found Brigadier General Pershing back on Mindanao, in supreme command of the department including that island and the others in the Moro group. Seven years he spent in cleaning up that corner of the world, suppressing brigands and outlaws, protecting with his strong hand peaceful natives and traders, establishing the rules of justice and law over the petty but cruel feudalism of the Dattos. On June 12, 1913, this work was completed at the battle of Bagsag, which ended all opposition to the American authority, a battle won by intrepidity and forethought against superior numbers and great natural obstacles. By all odds the most important engagement participated in since 1900, by the American forces, the battle of Bagsag lifted Pershing's reputation among military men and gave him a popular support which he has ever since retained. After two years in command at San Francisco, Brigadier General Pershing was sent to the Mexican border. A tense situation was developing all along the line with El Paso as the chief danger spot. There Pershing's headquarters were fixed; there, after the Columbus raid, he mobilized his forces for the punitive expedition into Mexico after Pancho Villa. Thither, too, he returned without his prey; the story runs that Pershing wept like a child when, with Villa wounded and surrounded, the American forces were called home by telegraph from Washington in order that war with Carranza might be avoided. However that may be, neither the administration nor the public counted against Pershing his failure to get Villa; and when the United States entered the great war his choice as leader of the expeditionary forces met universal applause. Going to France as Major General, he was promoted to a full generalship shortly afterward, and is now one of two men to wear the four stars of a general, so rarely awarded in our military history. The other is Peyton C. March, chief of staff. General Pershing is not a showy soldier. He insists upon efficiency. For a long time we shall be hearing tales of the wonderful organization he built up overseas. It would be stretching the point to say that he is a popular hero, in the sense that Grant and Sherman were popular heroes in their day. The war was three thousand miles away from the American people, for one thing; for another, war since Grant's day has become so highly organized that the commanding Gieneral must remain in the background, miles from the firing line, in touch with his armies only by telegraph and telephone. Pershing probably saw more close fighting in Mindanao than in France; but to his foresight, initiative and organizing ability the cause of liberty owes nothing less than victory. Curiously enough, the act of Pershing's which most touched the imagination of the world was one where he yielded authority instead of exerting authority. During the last Hindenburg smash, when the American troops abroad were not sufficiently trained to permit welding into effective armies, Pershing offered the French General, Foch, all his effectives to be brigaded with more seasoned French and British units. Thus the Germans were held before Amiens, thus a breathing spell was gained to prepare our heroes for their successes at Belleau Wood, Chateau Thierry, St. Mihiel and the bloody reaches of the Argonne Forest, engagements which broke the enemy's morale no less than his fortifications. Always Pershing was willing to stand aside from fame in order that victory might be secured for their allies through unity of operations under Marshal Foch. 8 IN THE G R E.A. T RLD x GENERAL JOHN J. PERSHING Commander-in-chief of the American Expe(itionary FoTrce 9 8HISTORY OF GENESEE IE COUNTY'S ACTIVITIES WILLIAM SOWDEN SIMS In the records of the Navy Department may be found a reprimand administered to one William Sowden Sims by President William Howard Taft, serving notice upon the sailor that he should never again so far forget himself as to pledge the assistance of the United States Navy to his British friends in case the latter came to grips with an enemy. This famous document called forth by a speech at a London dinner may now be considered a scrap of paper; for by a curious coincidence not only did Sim's prophecy come true but Sims himself was there at the denouement. It was the most natural thing in the world for Sims to like the British. Born at Port Hope, Canada, October 15th, 1858, he was brought to this country as a boy, thus falling quickly into the knowledge of the essential unity of the English speaking peoples. He was appointed from Pennsylvania to the U. S. Naval Academy from which he graduated with high honors in 1880. On November 21, 1905, a lieutenant commander, he was married to Anna, daughter of the late Secretary of Interior, E. A. Hitchcock, of St. Louis, Mo. As a junior officer, the future admiral saw that attack is the essence of strategy, and gunnery the deciding factor in the attack. It was his observation that American ships sacrificed efficiency to neatness. He had seen ammunition dumped over board for fear the gases therein would tarnish the brass work of the neat white vessels: commanders handled them as if they were intended for show. However, his superiors did not take kindly to the reports which he kept turning in to them on this subject and his advancement was consequently retarded. However, the time came when he appealed directly to President Roosevelt, who as former Assistant Secretary of the Navy retained keen interest in that branch. Tests ordered by the president proved that Sims was correct in his contention. American gunners had not been trained to shoot straight. Thereafter he was appointed inspector of target practice, which position he held for seven years. By the time he went to sea in 1909, the American Navy was known for the best markmanship in the world. In 1913, after two years as head of the Naval College at Newport, R. I., Sims was placed in command of the Atlantic Torpedo Flotilla, which position he held until given command of the Atlantic fleet, which he commanded all through the great war. In all the outcries raised against our lack of preparedness, no one has accused the Navy of being unprepared. While it lacked men and ships, nevertheless every man and every ship was ready to the minute. This proud record was the work of many minds but chief of these was Sims, because he was the man who first called attention to our lack of efficiency while there was yet time to improve the state of the Navy in advance of war. The work of the battle fleet under Admiral Sims, operating in close harmony with the British Admiralty, has been such that it won high praise both home and abroad. Although the German government refused our fleet battle, thereby confining Navy operations to hunting submarines and convoying troop ships, those important duties were carried out with a snap and a vim which reduced the number of submarines operating and made of convoying a fine art. Never in history have troops been convoyed in such number with so small a proportion of loss. One great outstanding piece of seamanship to be credited to the sagacity of Sims and the efficiency of his fleet was the extensive mine barrage laid from the coast of Norway to the Hebrides which closed to German war ships the path they had followed to the North Atlantic. Three-quarters of all the mines used in this work were of American manufacture and made by American seamen. They placed 56,000 of these destructive agencies in the water without a single casualty. Admiral Sims approaches retirement age and in a few years will leave active duty on the high seas with the knowledge of work well done and the applause of a grateful country. In his dealings with our allies William S. Sims, no less than General Pershing, acted tactfully in tense moments, proving himself a diplomat as well as a warrior. It is not too much to say that no representative of America is more loved and respected on the other side of the Atlantic than this Canadian-born admiral of the United States Navy. Admiral Sims, in an article written for World's Work, reveals for the first time in its full frightfulness, the peril of the submarine to the allied cause and the decisive part played by the American Navy in suppressing that menace. He states there in an interview of British Naval chiefs who declared to him that if the existing ratio of losses due to submarines should be maintained for five months longer the British Empire must surrender. In 1917, submarine losses amounted to more than ten million tons dead weight. For the quarter ending March 31, 1918, they were 1,685,265 tons dead weight. French losses for one-third of 1918 were 1,505,141. American participation gradually forced this down until the losses for 1918 by submarine were at the rate of seven million tons dead weight, a gain of three million tons. This gain was in very large part due to the anti-submarine program which the American naval chiefs recommended to the British Amiralty and which the American navy helped to put through. Sims told the British that in addition to laying the great mine barage in the North Sea they should have a destroyer or submarine chaser upon each square mile of water in the danger zone. The allies were never able to reach that ideal, but with the assistance of our fleet they very much increased the number of anti-submarine craft operating in British waters. At the same time extra efforts were put forth in British shipyards to produce new ships to offset submarine losses, and on this side the United States Shipping Board and the Emergency Fleet Corporation undertook a sweeping program of construction and operation which greatly increased the number of ships available for trans-Atlantic commerce. Thanks to the splendid co-operation of the British and Americans upon the sea, our food, munitions and troops crossed the Atlantic almost on schedule and with but minor losses. From Admiral Sims down to the brawny firemen in the hold the American Navy and American Merchant Marine did its duty bravely and well. 10 d oftht k VICE-ADMIRAL WILLIAM SOWDEN SIMS Commanding Officer of the United States Navy in European Waters during the Great War 11 IHISTORY OF GENESE NE COUNTY'S ACTIVITIES FERDINAND FOCH To Americans Ferdinand Foch appears a man of mystery. From comparative obscurity he seems to have rushed, meteorlike, to the highest pinnacle of power, functioned there with something of the aloof precision of a god, and yet conducted himself the while with the modesty of demeanor which shielded him from the envy of his associates. Foch has his enemies, but they are all Germans. Occupying the supreme command, entrusted with the leadership of millions of men of all races, his eminence had aroused no distrust. None but a very great man can exercise absolute power without setting the envious agog. Foch, from whatever angle he is viewed, is a great man; the greatest, no doubt, that the war has thrust forward on its military side, the great Captain whom the allies sought in vain through three bitter years, and when found followed confidently to victory. Lord Roberts, Field Marshal of Great Britain, who spent his declining years trying to rouse his country to a sense of its danger, hailed Foch years ago as the greatest soldier in the world, long before his full strength showed in conflict. Marshal Joffre, who preceded Foch declared his successor to be "the greatest strategist in Europe, and the humblest". No soldier ever yet has been heard to detract from Foch's laurels; there is that in his character-supreme unselfishness and stern morality-which stills carping tongues. He incarnates not only the spirit of France aroused, but also the spirit of the civilization victorious. This outstanding figure of a man was born October 2, 1851, in the little town of Tarbes, near the Spanish border. He is of Basque blood, and the Basques are the oldest of European tribes. As a lad of nineteen he fought the Germans in the disastrous war of 1870. A subaltern then, as was Joffre, hatred of the vandal Hun burned itself deep into the heart of the man who later was to dictate armistice terms after that enemy had been crushed. November 11, 1918, must have seemed like the day of judgment to Ferdinand Foch, who as a yout:h saw the German Kaiser ride victorious through Paris. Trained a soldier, Ferdinand Foch has remained a soldier. After the war of '70, when France was reorganizing her shattered national life and preparing against another blow from the East, he was one of the teachers of her new army. At 26, as an Artillery captain he attracted sufficient attention to win elevation to the post of professor of tactics in the Ecole de Guerre, the French West Point. After five years he returned to his regiment, advancing slowly to the rank of brigadier general. Clemenceau, always possessed of a keen eye for men, made him director of the Ecole de Guerre, which institution Foch placed in a pre-eminent position among military schools of the world. The young officers he trained there met the terrific onset of the Hun, and saved civilization. Few survive; let their memory remain green forever. From this post Foch was transferred to command of the Thirteenth division, then the Eighth corps at Brouges, and finally the Twentieth Corps at Nancy, where he was stationed when the war broke upon his beloved France. Nancy guards the eastern marches of France; the eastern line held; from 1.914 to 1917 Nancy remained in French hands, though the Huns were always within shelling distance of the famous city. As soon, however, as it became apparent that the main German thrust was by way of Belgium and the north, Foch was rushed westward and placed in Command of the French center. Von Kluk then was sweeping down upon Paris, pushing back the weary French and British who had been fighting against over whelming odds all the way from Mons. Gallieni-gone now but unforgotten-was military governor of Paris; the rules decreed he should be preparing for a siege instead of conducting offensive operations. But the old warrior gathered together all the motor cars in Paris, filled them with his gallant nondescripts, many of whom were reservists and old men, like himself. This force moved west beyond their retreating comrades to turn Von Kluk's right. Von Kluk was forced to pause and extend his forces, which maneuver stretched the German lines thin clear to the center where Foch lay in wait for just that eventuality. Instantly he perceived the opportunity. Coolly he prepared his artillery, and gathered his army of maneuver, the hammer head of his stroke. On September 9, when Von Kluk was in his most exposed position Foch pulled his right back, the Germans fell into the trap, followed, and drew a gap in the taut German line. Foch threw his maneuver army into the gap, while his concentrated artillery pounded the Prussian guard in the St. Gond marshes. The German command ordered a general retreat along the whole front from Verdun to Belgium. Ferdinand Foch, master strategist, had engineered the victory of the Marne. Later in an engagement of another character, one of those slogging, desperate fights which for so long seemed the sum total of modern war, he saved Calais at the battle of Ypres, temporarily commanding French, British, and Belgian troops. It was Foch also who led French and British troops into Italy to stay the Austrian drive through the Italian plains. From the moment Foch, now with the rank of Field Marshal, assumed supreme command of the allied forces in France, a new spirit of confidence animated his armies. For the first time complete unity of movement, from the Channel to Switzerland, was possible. As soon as American reinforcements presented themselves in sufficient quantity to make victory certain, Foch directed a series of smashing blows with superior forces so timed that his opponents nowhere had time to repair their disasters. One after another the bastions of the German lineSoissions, St. Mihiel, Cambrai and Lille-fell to the advancing hosts of Democracy. Metz was invested, Sedan captured, Ghent regained, and the whole German army in retreat fast turning to rout. when the whole German front crumbled, the Kaiser decamped for Holland and the German General Staff accepted armistice terms so drastic that their acceptance amounted to unconditional surrender. Sweeping as Foch's triumph was, there can be no doubt that the generalissimo sacrificed an even greater triumph, a victory surpassing any in the world's history which would have established him as the peer of Napoleon and Alexander. By hammering away another week his cohorts would have destroyed the German army, but Foch, counting the cost in blood of his devoted followers, gave the word to halt. It is idle to speculate what part Marshall Foch shall play henceforth in European affairs or world history. He is 68 years of age; he has run a great race and won the highest laurels. His countrymen, heretofore frequently suspicious of the "man on horseback", the triumphant soldier returning to overthrow republicanism, have no such fear of Ferdinand Foch. He has earned the supreme gratitude of Christendom, and if he chooses to pass his remaining years in quiet, none can deny his right to leisure. But if in the organization of the League of Nations, there is need of a man of proved military genius, in whom free peoples put their trust, Marshal Foch would be the choice for that position by the unhesitating verdict of mankind. 12 I IN THE GREAT ( -RLD W'AR 1914- 18 MARSHAL FERDINAND FOCH Generalissimo of Allied Military Forces 13 SIR DOUGLAS HAIG "The spirit that quickeneth!" That is the favorite phrase of Sir Douglas Haig, field marshal and commander in Chief of all the forces of the British commonwealth in France. Soon after he assumed command, late in 1915, he thrilled the British Commonwealth by stating that, no matter what sums of money or material, or what numbers of men, were thrown into the holocaust of war, victory could not be gained against the "spirit that quickeneth". It was his modest- way of saying that the small British armies then in the field would not yield to superior numbers, and in the end morale would win. Heartened by Haig, the British peoples went ahead with the grim task of preparing for Kitchener's "three year war". Sir Douglas Haig went to France with the "British Contemptibles". The world had turned the German sneer into a paean of praise. It was at Mons he first met the German onslaught, and gave to his men a command which still lingers in the memory, "We shall hold here a while if we die for it" In command 'of the cavalry covering that desperate retreat from Mons to the environ, of Paris, "Duggy" Haig showed dash and personal courage which had endeared him to the professional soldiery of Britain in the Soudan and South African Campaigns. The new volunteer and draft armies inherited the tradition from the survivors of Mons, but by the time they were on the field in strength Haig had become "C in C", instead of "Duggy". So he was known to the millions of men who trusted him. Of Scotch ancestry, Douglas Haig attended the University of Oxford. His first commission was a second lieutenancy in the Seventh Hussars, and he remained a cavalry officer down to the time he became commander-in-chief. At Khartoum he helped Kitchener defeat the Mahdi and his fanatic followers in that bloody conflict which Kipling has immortalized in "Fuzzy-Wuzzy". Both there and in South Africa a devoted follower of Britain's stern soldier, he continues to live in the Kitchener tradition of simple living and unfaltering persistence. There is nothing showy about Haig except his dress uniform in which he is but seldom seen. A businesslike general in a businesslike war, he chose a cabin for headquarters when palaces were placed at his disposal. There, in utter absence of "swank", he studied his maps and whispered his "goaheads" over the telephone. The British, keen to detect swash buckling tendencies, liked Haig and his quiet, methodical ways. There was no hint of social striving or political manipulation at British headquarters after he took charge. It would be too much to claim for Haig that he is a master strategist on the scale of Foch. But it must be remembered that up to 1917 he played a losing game against superior odds, where the best he could possibly gain was a draw. And when victory was seen to depend upon co-ordinated efforts, Haig, like Pershing, willingly took second place. In temperament Marshal Haig suits exactly the British ideal of a soldier-no noise, but a bulldog for grit. At last, after weary months of waiting, after unparalled losses to gain this or that bit of ground perhaps soon to be surrendered to overpowering attacks, Haig could feel that it was no longer a matter of defending the channel ports and blocking the road to Paris. Then the British swept on magnificently in a continuous offensive of five months duration. There is nothing finer in military history than the story of the way the British broke the Drocourt-Queant switch line, the hinge of the Hindenburg line. That they were able to put forth that magnificent effort after four years of bitter warfare in which their backs were to the wall is proof that their leader succeeded in instilling and keeping alive in hearts of oak "the spirit that quickeneth," GENERAL ARMANDO DIAZ In Command of Italian Armies During Last Year of the 'War GENERAL PEYTON C. MARCH Chief of Staff of the United States Army 14 *~ * jir SIR DOUGLAS HAIG Field Marshal Commanding British Armies in France 15 I HISTORY OF GENESEE c -TCOUNTY'S ACTIVITIES THEODORE ROOSEVELT No record of America's War History would be complete without mention of the part played by Theodore Roosevelt, twenty-sixth president of the United States, in preparing the mind of the American public for participation in the great conflict. Although the only American president not of British blood, Colonel Roosevelt from the invasion of Belgium in August 1, 1914, down to his death, January 6, 1919, kept the idea of American intervention in favor of the allies before the public of the United States. His outspoken utterances displeased the administration many times; yet history must record that his stand proved in the end of great assistance to President Wilson. When the President called for war, Roosevelt's stern preaching through the two years previous was one of the important factors to produce the electrifying response which greeted the declaration of April 6th, 1917. The late Theodore Roosevelt was born October 27, 1858. At 24 he entered public life as a member of the New York assembly. Thereafter, through 26 years he was a public figure. At 42 he was President of the United States, by succession after McKinley's assassination. Roosevelt's occupancy of the White House is memorable, not so much by what he accomplished, as by reason of the peaceful revolution he led from that vantage point. With the beginning of his electoral term he quit all pretence of carrying out the policies of his successor and embarked on an original course of procedure which arrayed him at once against the big business interests of the country. McKinley's administration had been the apogee of privilege in American politics; no tariff could be too high, no deal too low, for the master politicians of that era. As a result there arose a ground swell of popular indignation which found its spokesman in the White House. By an odd trick of fate the bosses bad placed their most effective enemy in the position of greatest power. All his life Theodore Roosevelt has been a fighter; the heavier the odds the better he liked the fracas. In the cold light of history not all his quarrels appear justified; occasionally he seemed to call a man out merely for the pleasure of seeing him squirm; but from the first to the last he had his public with him, and they applauded even when they did not altogether understand the question at issue. Even so Roosevelt's presidential period was fruitful of much good politically; he definitely turned the tide against reaction and since 1904 the word in Washington has been "Forward March." How far we have come since McKinley's day may be gathered from the fact that no public man or political party has dared to come before the people on a platform strictly conservative in character. The question in America is not now, "Shall we move on toward social and economic justice?" but rather, "At what pace shall we proceed and whither lies our goal?" So much America owes Theodore Roosevelt. Of all his varied attainments Colonel Roosevelt always spoke with greatest pride of his military experience in the SpanishAmerican War. Though on a small scale the Cuban "show" served to land the Rough Rider in the Governors' chair at Albany, and set his feet on the path to the Presidency. Eminent as a statesman, naturalist, and author, it was his heart's desire to achieve equal eminence as a warrior by leading a personally enlisted army into France; and such was his grip upon the nation that men from all sections were ready to follow him. How this expedition would have fared in the complications of modern warfare, and whether its leader would have been anything more than a figure head in France, none can say. His application for active service shortly followed by the enlisting of his four sons, received no very extended consideration at either the White House or the headquarters of the General Staff. Thereafter the ex-president with voice and pen prodded his countrymen and his government to a vigorous prosecution of the war. Considering this great man since he retired from the White House, one is moved to wonder how much of his latter day pugnacity in politics was the result of his being a free lance, with no governmental responsibilities on his shoulders, and no accepted place in the public life. Here was a man who lived intensely; as a keen observer says: "He was pure act." He belonged in the arena; could not take his place on the benches. Moreover he was at the height of his powers, ripe with experience the like of which no American could boast. Travel, hunting, writing, these could not satisfy him, yet there was no official place for him in American life. So, he became an informal tribune of the people, working for the nation as best as a private citizen of his temperament could, by speech and written word. When Flint soldiers of the 32nd Division moved forward over the territory wrested from the enemy, they found the grave of his son, Quentin, which the Colonel had announced he would visit when his health permitted. It was significant of the Roosevelt spirit that the father desired his son's remains to lie forever in the soil he assisted to win back for France and Democracy. But death came to the father as to son, swiftly and without warning. As a widow, Mrs. Roosevelt took to her son's grave the good will and sympathy of the American people, who will ever cherish Theodore Roosevelt in memory as a fearless champion of their rights and liberties. 16 12 -- - - - - I IN THE G 1! ---------------------------- THEODORE ROOSEVELT Twenty-sixth President of the United States 17 COUNTY'S ACTIVITIES GUY M. VWILSON Some men are born leaders. Others acquire the qualities of leadership. And still others, naturally endowed with the ability to command, nourish this propensity by studious application. Guy M. Wilson enlisted in the Michigan National Guard 20 years ago. From the day he held up his hand to the oath of enlistment, until the glad tidings of the armistice silenced the guns on the western front, Guy Wilson studied war and the tactics of war, the leadership of men and army morale. Men in a regiment seldom misjudge their commander. The stern test of fire was the undoing of scores of officers in the A. E. F. The officer who emerged from the battlefield with confidence and respect of his men deserved them both. Guy M. Wilson was deeply respected by the men of the 125th Infantry, 32nd Division, A. E. F., the second battalion of which he led through the seething conflicts of the summer of 1918. No higher tribute can be paid to any officer than that paid to Guy Wilson in the letters which the men wrote home from the front. Guy Merrill Wilson was born Nov. 29, 1876, in Forest township, Genesee county, to Samuel J. Wilson and Elizabeth Perry. W/Vhen Guy was eight years old his parents moved to Flint, since which Flint has been his residence. In 1893 he was graduated from Flint High School. He studied law at the University of Michigan, from which he was graduated in 1896, returning to Flint to take up the practice of law. He always has been interested in civic affairs and served the city of Flint as police commissioner and secretary of the School Board. On July 24, 1899, Guy Wilson enlisted as a private in Co. A, 3rd Michigan Infantry, mobilized at Orchard Lake. On the 20th of November in the same year he received his first promotion and donned the chevrons of a corporal. War and the study of war became his hobby. He received a sergeant's warrant on July 3, 1900, and was made first sergeant of his company in the same year. There followed two years of careful study which was rewarded on July 17, 1902, when Guy Wilson received the silver bar of a first lieutenant. It was then that Guy Wilson, now a commissioned officer, began seriously his study of field tactics. The National Guard in those days received various war problems from the WVar College at Washington. Night after night Lieut. Wilson sat in the old armory of the Flint Blues playing the game of war and building up a foundation in the knowledge of tactics which stood the United States and Flint soldiers in such good stead when the great test came in 1918. In 1904 this man with a hobby for the study of war again was promoted. July 24, 1904, saw him a captain, leading a company of Flint National Guardsmen. War, tactics, field maneuvers continued to be the pet studies of Guy Wilson. A born soldier, he continued to fit himself for the service of his country when the call for leaders came. In 1911, twelve years after he had enlisted as a private, Guy Wilson became a field officer with a commission as major. There followed several years devoted to the practice of law-but never a week without more study of war. On June 19, 1916, President Woodrow Wilson called out the National Guard of the country for service on the Mexican border. Major Wilson went to El Paso in command of a battalion. From the date of this call he was in active service of the United States until his discharge on July 8, 1919. At Camp Cotton, near El Paso, Guy VWilson found a propitious opportunity to put into practice and operation the theories which he had been studying for years. There is no doubt that the training on the Mexican border, irksome as it sometimes seemed to the men there, served in a vast measure to fit the National Guard, the Flint companies and their major to take their important part in the coming struggle against Germany. Major Wilson was in command when the troops came north to Fort Brady, near Sault Ste. Marie, where Michigan guardsmen stood watch of the great locks. In October, 1917, Maj. Wilson took his battalion to Waco to become a part of the 32nd Division. He sailed with his outfit for France on Feb. 10, 1918. ' Maj. Wilson took command of the 2nd battalion of the 125th Infantry. Arriving in France, the division was slated as a replacement unit, much to the distress of the men and greatly to the disappointment of Maj. Wilson. Through the efforts of Maj. Gen. Haan, G. H. Q. was persuaded to use the division as a combat unit. Immediately the use of every available combat soldier was called into play against the Germans. So in those trying days in May, 1918, the 32nd Division left the 10th Training Area, left the tiresome work of road building and moved into the Alsatian sector on May 18. Here for the first time Guy Wilson, in command of a unit of combat troops, saw tl-he game of war at first hand. Here he found the realization of all his ideals of excellent soldiery. Here came the first stern test of leadership. There was no severe action on this Alsatian front. But there was a frequency of raids and a sufficiency of shell fire to round out the training of the men and to inspire them with a confidence in those leaders who proved themselves under fire. Here Guy Wilson came into his own. The division evacuated this Alsatian sector in the glorious days of July. after the superb stand of the 2nd and 3rd American Divisions northwest of and near Chateau-Thierry, after the battles of Vaux, Belleau Wood and the stern strife for the retention of the Marne bridgeheads, those battles which proved the mettle of the American soldier, electrified the world and set a standard of battlefield conduct for the entire A. E. F. Guy Wilson's training days were over. He found himself confronted with that none too facile task of leading a battalion of overcourageous young Americans in the difficult test of war of movement. But war of movement was what Guy Wilson had studied for years. Maj. Wilson led his battalion into the Aisne-Marne counter-offensive on July 29. The 2nd battalion, 125th Infantry, Maj. Guy M. Wilson commanlding, covered itself with glory. In action until Aug. 7, it was relieved for a few (lays, only to be hurled back into the fray on Aug. 26 in that bitter struggle officially designated as the Oise-Aisne offensive, which lasted from Aug. 26 to Sept. 6. In these two major operations Guy M. Wilson established himself as an officer of judgment, courage and unfaltering bravery. It has been said of him that he never asked his men to go anywhere he would not go himself. Always in the heat of the fight, he inspired his military subordinates and looked personally to the care of his Ien. On Aug. 29, when he was leading his battalion in action, Guy Wilson 1was seriously wounded. Buried by a high explosive shell north of Soissons in the battle of Juvigny, this beloved leader hovered for days near death with a severe fracture of the skull. Only an adamant determination not to die brought Guy Wilson back to Flint. On Nov. 1 he returned to his old outfit. Perhaps Guy Wilson was physically fit again for the battlefield. His men never will believe it. Nor will Flint. But the intense love for his men, the call of leadership, the strong heart of the man bade him go. He rejoined the old battalion on Nov. 1, during the last few days of the war when the American First Field Army was hurling the foe over the Meuse. On Nov. 19 Maj. Wilson was transferred to the 126th Infantry and placed in command. He commanded this regiment on the hike from Longwy to the Rhine. He was then given his choice-promotion or return to his old regiment. There was no choice with xW&ilson. He went back to the outfit. On March 16, 1919, Maj. Wilson received his commission as lieutenant colonel and became Division Inspector of the 32nd Division. The 2nd Battalion of the 125th and Lieut. Col. Wilson landed in New York May 18. Lieut. Col. Wilson led the battalion in a great parade of welcome in Detroit. Flint, in the most spontaneous enthusiasm ever accorded anyone, held out arms of welcome to Lieut. Col. XWilson and the men with whom he had gone through the war. Once more a plain citizen, Colonel Wilson has re-opened his residence at 1007 Garland street. His devoted wife, formerly Miss Archer, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George H. Archer of Smith street, was one of the most devoted Red Cross workers in Flint throughout the entire war. and their pleasant home is a Mecca for the boys Col. Wilson led to France and back again. ILieut. Col. Wilson is a Chevalier of the Legion of Honor. He has the Croix de Guerre and the Distinguished Service Cross. Military citations are terse and to the point. Much might be added to them, but nothing can be taken away. Genesee county reads between the lines of the official orders and knows that those well deserved words of commendation crown a record of courage, devotion and clean manhood. Lieut. Col. Wilson's citations follow: AWARDED DISTINGUISHED SERVICE CROSS (General Orders 117, December 2, 1918) in the following citation: Guy M. WVilson, Major, 125th Infantry. For extraordinary heroism in action while commanding the leading battalion in the successful advance from Courmont to Mont St. Martin, France, from July 31 to August 5, 1918,. including the forced crossing of the Ourcq River and several engagements, and especially at Les Jonmblet, where he personally led the successful charge of his battalion. ORDER NUMBER 12335 "D" (Extract) Major Guy M. Wilson, 125th Infantry Regiment. "During the advance from Courmont to Mont St. Martin, from 31st July to the 4th of August, 1918, he inspired confidence to all his men by the splendid judgment shown in the attacks." 17th February, 1919. MARSHAL OF FRANCE DAUVIN. By command of Brigadier General Wrinans. R. M. BECK, JR., Col. General Staff, Chief of Staff. 1st Indst. HQ. 32nd Div. American E. F., March 28th, 1919. To Lieut. Col. Guy M. WVilson: 1. The commander in chief has expressed his pleasure at this rec ognition by the French government and the Division Commander wishes to add his appreciation of the services which have merited it. By command of Major General Lassiter. EDWrARD D. ARNOLD, Major, A. G. D., U. S. A., Division Adjutant. ORDER NUMBER 16047 "D" (Extract) Major Guy WILSON, 125th American Infantry Regiment. "Officer of splendid bravery and self sacrifice, who, during five days, led victoriously his battalion to the assault of the enemy's positions very strongly held between the Marne and the Vesle." April 13th, 1919. THE MARSHAL OF FRANCE, PETAIN. 18 I IVf b _ _ A IN THE GREAT O ORLD WSY/AR 1914-18 U -,g,. LIEUTENANT-COLONEL GUY M. WILSON 125th Infantry, 32nd Division, A. E. F. 19 l g: I[ oh|,~- -F =11 - OFFICERS KILBURN DICKENSON CLARK 709 East St., Flint-Major, 3rd Bn., 330th Field Artillery, i6oth Brigade, 8sth Div. A. E. F., tr. to Staff of Food Administrator, the Netherlands THOMAS COLLADAY 853 E. 8th St., Flint Capt., E. Co., 12Sth Inf., 32nd Div., A. E. F., tr. to Gen. Hq., then back to command of G Co., 125th Inf. 17 years in M. N. G. and three years in Regular Army. FENTON R. McCREERY 526 Beach St., Flint Major, U. S. A., Military Attache American Embassy, Brazil. A. R. C. Field Director, France. Former UJ. S. Minister to the Dominican Republic and Honduras HERMAN CRITES Flint, Michigan Capt., M. G. Co., I25th Inf., 32nd Div., A. E. F. Decorated D.S.C. for Gallantry in Action at Juvigny Aug. 31, I9I8. Promoted to Captaincy after death of Captain Ira D. MacLachlan. JOHN LAWRENCE HYNAN Capt., E. Co., I25th Inf., 32th Div., A. E. F. Wounded and Gassed. Ourcq River. Decorated Croix de Guerre Received Honor Sword from F. H. S. Cadets July 4, 19Ig I - I IRA LLOYD IRVING II24 Manning Court, Flint Capt., Instructor, Camp Travis. Went to France as Ist Lt., E. Co., I25th Inf., A. E. F., tr. to 85th Inf. GEORGE WCILSEY BLACKINTON 205 W. 9th St., Flint Lt. Col., 353rd Inf., 8gth Div. A. E. F. 4 years with Flint Blues. Received Distinguished Service Cross for his work Sept. 12 and I3-19I8. Adjutant I77th Brigade. CHARLES LESLIE MOON 225 Cross Court, Flint Capt., Inf. Instructor at Camp Sheridan Former Sgt. of M. G. Co., 33rd Inf., M. N. G. EDWARD M. HOWELL Engineering Dept., City of Flint Capt., Coast Artillery Corps, A. E. F. Promoted Overseas, Oct. I9I8. JOHN M. BROWN Mt. Morris, Michigan Capt., Dev. Bn. 2, Camp Upton, N. Y. Spanish War Veteran; Enlisted as Sgt. WARREN CLIFFORD HEUSTIS 518 Church St., Flint Capt., 328th Field Artillery. 85th Div., A. E. F. I I * a-' — - - --------— ~ --- — -- - - — 20 -20 I -1 — X In", ' I==~==~ -- - I i Al OFFICERS JAMES FRANKLIN GIBBS 309 1 E. 2nd St., Flint Capt., M. T. C., A. E. F. Gassed, Cambrai, March 21, 1918, with British 5th Army. Tr. to M. T. C., 5th Div., St. Mihiel, to 28th Div., Meuse-Argonne. FLOYD A. BADG-ER 313 E. 2nd St., Flint Capt., Motor Transport Corps. Promoted from 1st Lieut. M. R. S. U. 306, Camp Holabird, Md. ALPHEUS C, BEMIS' 514 Crapo St., Flint 1st Lieut., Air Service S. C., A. E. F. Assistant officer in charge Motor Plant, Aero Production Center No. 2. Romnorantain, France JOHN SUMI3 NER DE CAMP Industrial Savings Bank, Flint 1st Lt., A. S. S. C., Washington, D. C. Promoted from Pvt., lst Cl., 383rd Depot Aero Sq. JOHN DAVIS HOWARD 1637 Mabel Ave., Flint 1st Lt., 143rd Inf., 36th Div., A. E. F. Tr. from M. G. Co., 125th Inf., 32nd Div. Rose from ranks - -1 F LANSING SHEUFELT 611 E. 10th St., Flint 1st Lt. 52nd Inf., A. E. F. Previous service. Commissioned overseas ALEXANDER G. GILLESPIE' (GOaines, Mich. Lt. Col.. Ordnance Dept., A. E. F. West Point, 1906. Philippine service as Captain, F. A. Div. Ordnance officer, 86th Div., N. A. Commissioned Lt. Col., J uly 23, 1918. ARCHIBALD CHAS. SIMONS 2029 Howard Ave., Flint 1st Lt., Eng., A. E. F. Staff duties. In charge of Classification Camp. Six months overseas I ROY ELMER YAKES Y. M. C. A., Flint 2nd Lt., Inf., Instructor in machine gun and gas defense, Camp Hancock, Ga. CHARLES E. WAIT '2205 Francis Ave., Flint *riid Lt., 39th SM. G. Bn,, 13th Div., U. S. A. CLYDE A. REMINGTON 202 E. 8th St., Flint 2nd Lt., C. Co., 219th Eng. I I 21 i I II- - - — _ M kdOOW- -- 0;! — f28 - OFFICERS GORDON HENRY BAHLMAN Bush Bldg., Flint Capt., Medical Corps, A. E. F. M. O. T. C., Ft. Riley, Camp Funston, Camp Travis, Base Hosp. 94, Gievres, France BURTON GEORGE McGARRY Fenton, Mich. Capt., Medical Corps, U. S. A., Co. 270, Bn. 7, M. 0. T. C., Camp Greenleaf, Ft. Oglethorpe, Ga. JOHN W. EVERS 220)3 Detroit St., Flint Capt., Medical Corps, F. H. 357, 315th S'an. Tr., 90th Div., A. E. F. St. Mihie] and Meuse-Argonne, M. O. T. C., Fort Riley, tr. to Camp Travis, Texas FRANK ELMER REEDER 916 Garland St., Flint 1st Lt., Medical Corps, Base Hosp. 73. Trained at Camp Greenleaf EDWARD C. RUMER 216 Crosby St., Flint Capt., Medical Corps, M. O. T. C., Fort Benj. Harrison, Ind. l R HAROLD G. CHRISTOPHER 800 Beach St., Flint 1st Lt., M. Co., 340th Inf., 85th Div., A. E. F. LOUIS C. COVELL 119 E. Kearsley St., Flint Brigadier General, 63rd Inf. Brigade, 32nd Div., A. E. F. Since the war, Gen. Covell, formerly of Grand Rapids, has taken up his residence in Flint RUSSELL ALGER RUNNELLS Clio, Mich, R. F. D. 3 1st. Lt., Veterinary Corps; Staff, Veterinary Training School, Camp Lee, Va. NEIL J. BERSTON 826 Garland St., Flint 1st Lt., Production Dept., Detroit District Motor Service, Q. M. C. DALE H. EATHERTON 2003 Winans Ave., Flint 2nd. Lt., Inf. Promoted from Sgt., L. Co., 45th Regt. JOHNSTONE BATES 923 E. Kearsley St., Flint 2nd Lt., Inf. Tr. from R. 0. T. C., Ft. Sheridan to University of Arkansas as Instructor i I 22 M I I Ia E~ 1 - — ""I- -- - Asi = rob I II I OFFICERS WILLIAM SERENO CARPENTER Linden, Mich. Ist Lt., Chaplamn-at-large, Hq., 89th Div., A. E. F., Wounded, Gassec WILLIAM S. BRITTAIN 703 Margaret St., Flint Ist Lt., M. G. Co., I25th Infantry, 32nd Div., A. E. F. Wounded. Awarded Distinguished Service Cross and Croix de IGuerre for gallantry in action, Juvigny Recommended for Congressional I Medal of Honor HARRV G. GAULT " I4o6!/H Simpson Ct., Flint Ist Lt., Sanitary Corps, Camp Sherid; tr. to Field Artillery. DALE WILMAN KAUFMAN 721 Atwood St., Flint ist Lt., Batt. F, 329th F. A. 85th Div., A. E. F. an DE HULL N. TRAVIS 808 Smith Bldg., Flint Director of Publicity. Liberty Theatre Div.. Commission on Training Camp Activities. ERNEST W. STEINER 86I E. 8th St., Flint Ist Lt., K Co., Iith Infantry, A. E. F. tr. to Staff ioth Infantry, Gassed! I REINI —HART HASSELBRING 5.29Q Garden St., Flint ist Lt., 4oth Engs. (Camouflage Section) A. E. F. FRANK A. LAWRENCE Flint Ist Lt., Adjt., 2nd Bn., 33rd M. N. G., tr. to M. G. Co., I25th Infantry Oct. 1917, F Co., Nov. I917, continuous service July r2, 900oo to Jan. 6, 91r7. J. BURNS FULLER Fenton, Mich. Ist Lt., M. G. Co, 3o8th Infantry, 77th Div. A. E. F., Gassed i near Fismes, Sept. 5th, i918 FREDERICK KARL I-IRTH Engineering Dept., City of Flint rst Lt., A. S. S. C., Killed in Air Battle July I6, I918. Awarded Croixde Guerre by France for distinguished gallantry. ROBERT GIBBARD FREEMAN 16o5 Court W. St., Flint ist Lt.. C. A. C., A. E. F. HARRY BILLINGS BLACK 620 Stockton St., Flint ist Lt., Hq. Co., 3I5 F. A., A. E. F. Gassed I I ll *^''-~- - — ' -,, "'"'-'-' W-m""~ " —.. —....23 23 OFFICERS COURTNEY JOHNSON 714 Church St., Flint Capt., Io03rd Field Artillery, A. E. F Promoted Overseas GEORGE W. DODDS I 115 Beach St., Flint 2nd Lt., I6oth Depot Brig. ROBERT KENNETH HORNER 422 E. Kearsley St., Flint 2nd Lt., Q. M. C., U.S.A. WALTER G. KNICKERBOCKER Clio, Michigan ist Lt., Eng. Dept., Htis., S. O. S., A. E. F., Tours, France RALPH E. REED 2 I8 W. Ist St., Flint 2nd Lt., 3rd 0. T. S., Entered Service as Pvt., Batt D., 328th F.A., 85th Div. DUANE S. WILTSIE I028 Root St., Flint 2nd Lt., U. S. A. HOWARD EATON JACKSON 131 Detroit St., Flint Capt. Ord. Dept. Supervisor of payments to Munitions Contractors, Boston District. PHILIP EDMUND JACKSON II3I Detroit St., Flint Ist Lt., 69th F. A., Instructor in 9 Cantonments. HOWARD A. McCAUGHNA 4 11 W. Ioth Ave., Flint 2nd Lt., Inf., 4th O. T. C. Entered Service as Pvt., Supply Co., 337th Inf., 85th Div. A. E. F. I BERNARD F. FERNEAU 92I W. Kearsley St., Flint 2nd Lt., Inf., Convalescent Center, Camp Grant. W. W. HOSP 7I4 Chippewa St., Flint ist Lt., A. S.S. C., U.S.A. JAMES PETER MORGAN 723 Bryan PI., Flint 2nd Lt., 17th Co., I6oth Depot Brig. Two years previous service, U. S. M. C. 24 OFFICERS ELI ROSENBLUM 618 Church St., Flint Capt., H. Co., 19th Inf., 88th Div., Camp Dodge. Iowa F. A. LUTHY, JR. Flint, R. F. D. 4 Capt., A. S. S. C., U. S. A. Inst. Technical Aviation CLARENCE EUGENE BRIGGS 629 Genesee St., Flint 1st Lt., U. S. M. C., Paris Island, S. C. GUY ROSWELL COWING 711 Margaret St., Flint 1st Lt., A. S. S. C. ROY H. DAVIS 1629 Broad-way, Flint 1st Lt., 125th Inf., 32nd Div., A.. E. F. Bn. Adjt. HAROLD LEIGH FRACKELTON Fenton, Mich. Capt., Hq. Co., 66th Regt., k C. A. C., A. E. F. ENARD JOHN LEACH Clio, Mich. 1st Lt., U. S. A. FRANK M. KELLAR Flint ist Lt., M. R. U. 310, Motor Transport Corps, 3rd Army of Occupation, A. E. F. ROLLINS MAC FAYDEN Fenton, Mich. 1st Lt., A. S. S. C., U. S. A. GEORGE MAXFIELD 1713 Hibbard St., Flint 1st Lt., 32nd F. A., Camp Meade, Md. JOHN ALLEN PETRIE Clio, Mich. 1st Lt., H. Co., 59th Inf., A. E. F. Served on six battlefronts FRANK J. MILLARD 123 Josephine St., Flint 1st Lt., 60th Regt., C. A. C., A. E. F. 25 MP" - - - 011I g g s OFFICERS LINUS C. GARDINER 528 East St., Flint 2nd Lt., D. (Co., 3rd Bn., 163rd Inf., 41st ( S u n s e t ) Div., A. E. F. GE)iORGE E. HACKNEY 713 Newall St., Flint 2nd Lt., G. C(o., 326th Inf., 82:nd Div-., A. E. P. MeuseAl rgonne CIHARLES F. MILLER 837 Parkland St., Flint Lt., M. G. Co., 125th Inf., 32nd Div., A, E. F. (CLARENCE J. SHERFF 526 Smith St., Flint "nid Lt., Eng. A. E. F. F. Wounded and gassed dur-'ing AMeuse-Arg-onne offen sive. T:r. from Sgt., 35Slt Arab. Co. WILLIAM J. SHANNON 1354 Orchard St., Flint 2nd Lt., I. Co., 125th Inf., 32nd Div., A. E. F. Wounded twice in leg and once in hand IVAN H. SMITH 1406 Indiana Ave.. Flint 2nd Lit., Inf., U. S. tR. C. Sgt., E. Co., 125th Inf., 32nd Div., A. E. F. Citied for brTavery June 13, 1918. Awarded D. S. C. and 'roix cle Guerre with palin for bravery at Cierges. July 31, 1918 HARRISON WRIGHT 1525 Fay St.. Flint n'tld Lt. E. Co., 125th Inf., 32nd Div., A. E. F. Served in M, N. G. 6 years CLARENCE ELMER WOOD Clio, Mich. 2nd Lt., 61st Inf., 5th Div., A. E. F. Tr. from Sgt. E. Co., 125th Inf., 32nd Div., A. E. F, WVounded twice, Oct. 15, 1918, during MeuseArgonne offensive. Lost one eye VERTNON CECIL S WIH ART Clio, 5Mich, 2nd Lt., Inf., 89th lDiv., A. E. F. Cited for bravery. 3rd Army of Occupation, 89th Div. —Gerrmany. Killed in railroad wreck returning to Brest STANLEY J. MARSDEN 1809 Mabel Ave., Flint 2nd Lt., U. S. A. Training Det., Indianapolis. Tr. to Creighton Univ., S. A. T. C., Ft. Sheridan, 0. T. C. BRUTCE WALLACE MARTIN 801 Stockton St., Flint 2nd Lt., F. A., Camp Taylor, Ky. FRANK WILLIAMS 1414 Indiana Ave., Flint znd Lt., British Royal Air Force. Tr. from Toronto, Can., to England we --- —------------ -- - -B 26 _ _ I - I I l~~e~~ —s --- —---------—; --- —- Vs~ OFFICERS LEONE CRANDALL 1421 N. Saginaw St., Flint 2nd Lt., 79th F. A., tr. to Aircraft Production IIARRY I1. HOPKINS 732 Church St.. Flint 2nd Lt., Q. M. C., IIazelhurst Aviation Field RALPH EVERETT GAULT Flint, R. F. D. 4 2nd Lt., O. T. S., Camp Taylor Field Artillery WAYLAND L. MILLER I I38 Chippewa St., Flint 2nd Lt., M G. Co., I25th Infantry 32nd Div., A. E. F. Promoted for gallantry on field 1 t HERMAN JENKINS BAKER 903 E. Huron St., Ann Arbor, Mich. 2nd Lt., Infantry EMERY M. HA\WKS 317 Pasadena Ave., Flint 2nd Lt. C Co.. I25th Infantry, 32nd Div., A. E. F. Killed in action Oct. 9, i9i8, Meuse-Argonne, Awarded D. S. C. NORMAN HOLMES CHASE 214 E. 3rd St., Flint 2nd Lt., Comm. after 0. T. C. at Camp Sherman LYLE DORR BROWN 305 E. Anne St., Flint 2nd Lt., Batt. D, 143rd F. A., A. E. F LPvt. at entry, comm., June ist, 1918 HAROLD L. ANDRUS 2nd Lt., 5oth Regt., C. A. C. A. E. F. JOHN WALLACE FAULES I306 Broadway, Flint 2nd Lt., H Co. 338th Infantry, A. E. F. WILLIAM ANDERSON 809g Lapeer St., Flint 2nd Lt., Infantry, Instructor, Camp Lee Seven years with Royal Scots Greys British Army LAURENCE ESCKILSEN I355 Roosevelt Av., Flint 2nd Lt., 82nd Co., U. S. MI. C., A. E. F. Wounded, Chateau Thierry I I A I t-f --- —---- = = lw 27 OFFICERS ULYSSES PRESTON ALLEN Otisville, AMich. 2nd Lt., Inf., 85th Div. HAROLD FITZGERALD 621 Harrison St., Flint Lt., A. S. S. C. GEORGE HUMPHREY MAINES Flint 2nd Lt., Inf., Ass't Morale Officer, and Historian, Camp Custer, Accepted for commission in Regular Army, Jan. 28, 1919 S CHARLES LORD MIL1.LER 422 Winder St., Flint 2nd,Lt., M. G. Co., 125th Inf., 32nd Div., A. E... RALPH MARKS MOON 225 Cross Court, Flint 2nd Lt., 27 Eng., A. E. F. CHARLES LEONARD LIPPINCOTT 419 E. 2nd St., Flint 2nd Lt., 145th Inf.. A. E. F. L Wounded Sept. 26, 1918, during L leuse-Argonne offensive JAMES L. PARKHURST 1507 Root St., Flint 2nd Lt., Inf., A. E. F. GEORGE W. PELLET.T 423 Avon S't., Flint 2nd Lt., 338th Inf., 85th Div., A. E. F. DAVID LESLIE RUNNELLS Clio, R. F. D. 3 2nd Lt., Q. M. C., A. E. F. PERRY E. SCHAD 310 Libery St., Flint 2nd Lt., F. A., U. S. A. EDWIN DANIEL SCOTT Flushing, Mich. 2nd I,t., 1st Eng., 1st Div., A. E. F. LEO TATTERSALL 2614 North St., Flint 2nd Lt., A. S. S'. C., School of Military Aeronautics, Champaign, Ill. 28 I;^! N^*"**== == == = — * ggMT OFFICERS FLOYD MEARION BEVINS 2224 Francis Ave.. Flint Ensign, U. S. N. Plromoted fronm M. M., 1st Cl., Newport Station. THOMAS ROBSONBIUCKHAM 517 Harrison St., Flint Ensign, U. S, S. Tal ofa and U. S. S'. Wmn. Green, U. S. N. Service in Mexican waters; Saunders Range, Md., Hampton Roads, Va. DEAN DALYAIMPLE FRANCIS 407, E. IKearsley St., Flint Leutt. Junior Grltadie, U. S. N, (iradiuated U. S. Navat Aca dlem rly Jlne J i X 1X1. Served aboatiard U. S. S. B ale, I European w a teors. \Now tabol:ard. L. S.. Iennsylv aniia, tflagslhip FRANK NILES SAYRE Flushing, Mich. Lieut., U. S. N., U. S. S. Stocktonm European Nvaters | | f i EARL V. PO OMERO Y Fenton, i ich. Ensign, U. S. N., Ass't Navigator U. S'. S. South Bendl. Served in subtlmarines. IE'nlisted as searmllan. Trrained at:Mare Istland, (Catlif. H. BURTON AJ AIMl ESCOQN Linden, lMicl e. Ensign, N a av'.l.A. i r Se-rv i {e U. S. N. R. FJ. iEnteredl service as Seaalrn, '2ndl ('I. 11na.ctitve serv:ice silcte Feb., 1919 GEORGE PACKARD Flushing, Mich. Ensign Pay Corps, U. S. N. R. IF., U. S'. S. Otsego. Enrolledl as Seamnan, 2nd Cl.; commissioned Dec. 19, 1918 CARI L W B O N RIR (HT 515 EaLyst St., F'lint Ensign. U, S. S. N. R. F. (-C omInissioned Oc)t. 8, 19t18, after,latterlling M)tOFiers' Material Schooli, Philadiielphia i Bar| racl(ks. Ctape M Aiy, N. J. G,L ENT TNLEE (Gi R A WOD\7 1, 1 S )Da.visorn, Mich. Ensign 1;Pay Cor()ps, U. S. N,. Inspte(cto r f of -Costs. WV alisi'ington, 1D. 1<"\ GRANT BAORKLEY STURGIS 1532 Detroit St., Flint Ensign, U. S. N., Officers' Material School, Great Lakes Training Station JAMES FE:NTON MARTIN 323 E. 3rd St., Flint Ensign, IT. S. N. Served aboard U. S. S. Kanawha antdl U. S. S. Needle, Coast Patrol service. Cub:an, Panama and Mexrican w ate rs ROLAND ALOYSIUS NADEAU 1708 Mason St., Flint Ensign Naval Air Service, IT. S. N. R. F., Providence, R. I. I I.VI - I29 - - - g -.. — IL MEDICAL OFFICERS W. H. WINCHESTER 80I E. 9th St., Flint Major, Medical Corps, Commanding Amb. Co. 351. Sanitary Train 313, 88th Div., A. E. F. Organized above unit with the assistance of the Manufacturers Association of Flint. HARRY W. KNAPP I1427,/ Detroit St., Flint Capt., Medical Corps, Chief Sanitary Officer, Camp Knox, Ky. ARDEN M. HOWE ioT61/ Stockton St., Flint ist Lt., Medical Corps, M. 0. T. C. Fort Sheridan, tr. to Central Dept., Det. to S. AT. T C. Demnobilization FLOYED A. ROBERTS Armory Block Flint Major, Medical Corps Commanding Field Hospital Bn., 309th Sanitary Train, 84th Div., A. E. F. Organized Knight Templar Amb. Co., mustered in as Amb. Co. No. 333. i l l I I I RAY S. MORRISH Flint, Michigan, R. F. D. i, Major, Medical Corps, Ass't Commanding Offlcer, Base Hospital, Camp Shelby, Mississippi WILLIAM H. MARSHALL Flint, Michigan Major, Medical Corps, M.O. T. C. Fort Riley, Tuberculosis Bd., Surgeon, Irf. Rep., Camp Grant. Attached Base Hospital I6I, Camp Crane. Prior service R.A.M.C. British Army I916-I7 ARTHUR THOMAS PAULL 200i Y Lewis St., Flint Ist Lt., Medical Corps, M.O.T. C. Fort Riley, Kansas HENRY COOK 312 Dryden Bldg., Flint Ist Lt., Medical Corps, Igth Field Amb. Attached B. E F., Camp Hosp. 35, A. E.F., Hants, Eng., Casual Bn. 8, U.S. A., Winchester, Eng. Armentieres and Kemmel Hill battle fronts. CHARLES SHERE BALLARD 725 Oak St., Flint Capt., Medical Corps, A. E. F., Attached Base Hospital No. IoI, France CLIFFORD PRAY CLARK, M. D. 605 Liberty St., Flint ist Lt, Medical Corps, A. E. F. Base Hospital go90, Chaumont, France LESLIE L. WILLOUGHBY II02 Richfield Road, Flint Capt., Medical Corps, M. O. T. C., Fort Oglethorpe FREDERICK B. MINER 418 East St., Flint Capt., Medical Corps, M. O. T. C. Fort Oglethorpe, tr. to Lakewood, N.J. mBaw-f W=6 SNX- - 30 ! I X i z m Pa" -CE==~=~"= -— =-_ lgp Ml l g I MEDICAIL OFFICERS f JOSHUA }G. R. MANWAR.I'NG 918 E. Kears!ey St., Flint Capt.,:MA. C., U. S. A.. Camp Greenieaf, Ft. g'lethorpe anld ''L: a p Di x Prior service as member of | District Botard for Div. 3, Eastern District of Mich S WELLS C. REID Goodrich, Mich. Capt., M. C., attached to Air Service, A. E. F. G E OR ( E R. GO ER N G 211 H,. Hlamilton Ave., Flint?apt,.. M. C., Assistant Camp Surgeon, (SCamp TGrant.l Il. k Commissioned May 1.9, 1,9!1.7 J B. T. GOODFELLOW Clio,. Mich. Capt., Medical Corps, LJ. S. A, 7 JOHN- WVALTER ORI. 1915 Dcetroit St., Flint (.'Capt., M. C., U. S. A. Carp Hospital ml'arn Knox, Ky. HERBERT ELMER RANDALJL,i: Detroiit St., Flint Mao MI, o. (C, A. E. F., 't:i i r-nl a r i n g Officeer Hospitkal A, Base Hospital 36, (I) etr,ir't C':illege of Medic ine Initl,. Vitttel, France. 18 i 'rl n hs o v e rseas ARTHUR JUSTUS REYNOLDS 910 E. Kearsley St., Flint Capt., M. C., U. S. A., 11th Co., 4th Bn., Camp Greenleaf, Ft. Oglethorpe, G-a. JOHN H. (ITON 611 F. P. Smith 3Bl1dg., Fiint 1st t., M. C., E vacu;i tion Hospital No. 41, Camp iLeft Petersburg, Va. HERMAiN G. ROSEN BLUM Flint 1st Lt., Medical Corps. attached to 147th Squadron, A. S. S. (C_., A. E. F. DR. H. I. CLARK 608 F. P. Smith Bldg., Flint, Mich. BLYTHE ROOKS SLEEMAN Linden, Mich. 1st Lt., M. C., U. S. A., Ft. Riley, Kas. HO\VARD W ILBUR G EIGER Clio, Mich. Capt., Dental C., 339th Inf., 85th Div.. A. E. F. 31 31 COUNTY'S ACTIVITIES History of 32nd (Red Arrow Division) HIGH LIGHTS IN THE CAREER OF THE 32ND DIVISION Six months under fire-May to November, 1918 —with but ten days in rest area. Fought on five fronts and in three major offensivesAisne-Marne, Oise-Aisne, Meuse-Argonne. Losses-14,000 casualties from all causes. Met and vanquished 23 German divisions from which 2,153 prisoners were captured. Captured 2,000 rifles, 200 machine guns, 100 pieces of artillery and thousands of rounds of ammunition of all caliber. Gained 38 kilometers in four attacks and repulsed every enemy counter-attack. First American troops to set foot on German soil; captured Fismes in Marne offensive; fought as only American unit in Gen. Mangin's famous Tenth French army; twice in the line in Meuse-Argonne offensive, fighting continuously for 20 days and penetrating the Kriemhilde-Stellung. In action when armistice was signed; marched to Rhine with Army of Occupation and occupied a sector in the Coblenz bridgehead. Composed of Michigan-Wisconsin National Guardsmen. Insignia-a barred red arrow, significant of the fact that the division pierced every German line put before it. Given the name of "Les Terribles" by the French. Commanded by Maj. Gen. Wiilliam G. Haan and Maj. Gen. William Lassiter. ' The superb conduct of the Thirty-second American Division on the battlefields of France 1 typifies the American effort in the war. Untried in the stern test of d, modern warfare, verily no more than citizen soldiers, the men of Michigan and Wisconsin, pitted against the veteran troops of Germany, did themselves and their country proud. Veteran divisions were pretty::* much alike. The composition of each represented the superior manhood of the United States. Belief in the righteousness of their cause, excellency of the esprit de corps, high morale in the darkest hours, these were the spiritual assets of our citizen army. The inherent individual initiative of the American soldier in moments of stress, his.. marksmanship and astonishing h cphysical endurance produced an invincible army despite lack of trailing and experience. The 32nd Division was a Michigan-Wisconsin unit. The 125th Major General William G. Haan, comInfantry was a strictly Michigan manding 32nd Div., A. E. F., former regiment. The Machine Gun commanding officer, Camp Custer and E companies of the 125th Infantry were Genesee County Organizations. Michigan, Genesee County and Flint therefore take a just pride in the courageous deportment of those units in the theatre of war. REORGANIZATION OF THE DIVISION Reorganization of the division followed immediately. Brig. Gen. Louis C. Covell, then of Grand Rapids, now a resident of Flint, took command of the 63rd Infantry Brigade (Michigan), while Brig. Gen. Charles R. Boardman became commanding officer of the 64th Brigade. The 125th Infantry, Col. John B. Boucher commanding, included all of the 33rd Michigan Infantry except one company, and five companies of the 31st Michigan Infantry. The 126th Infantry, Col. Joseph R. Westnedge commanding, received the entire 32nd Michigan Infantry and five companies of the 31st Michigan Infantry. The 120th Machine Gun Battalion was formed from surplus companies of the Michigan Infantry Brigade and Maj. David E. Cleary, formerly in command of the Third Battalion, received command. The 127th Infantry was organized with Col. Wilbur M. Lee, formerly of the o Second Wisconsin Infantry, in command. Col. John Turner, formerly in command of the Third Wisconsin Infantry, was assigned to the command of the 128th Infantry. Maj. Frank H. Fowler, formerly of the First Battalion, Third Wisconsin Infantry, was assigned command of the 121st Machine Gun Battalion. Maj. Percy C. Atkinson, formerly battalion commander of the Sixth W isconsin Infantry, commanded the 119th Machine Gun Battalion. Maj. Mitchell Lewis of the First Wisconsin Signal Battalion, received command of the 107th Field Signal Battalion. Col. P. S. Bond, U. S. A., was assigned to the command of the 107th Engineers.. Col. Robert B. McCoy, formerly of the Fourth Major P. R. Dunnigan, Chaplain, 126th Infantry, Wisconsin Infantry,was Senior Chaplain of 32nd Division, now pastor assigned to the 107th of St. Michael's church, Flint Trains and Military Police. Brig. Gen. William G. Haan, Division Commander, was also in command of the 57th F. A. Brigade. The 119th Field Artillery composed largely of Michigan artillery and cavalry troops was commanded by Maj. Chester B. McCormick, later colonel. The 120th F. A. was made up from troops of the 1st Wisconsin Cavalry and the commanding officer of the latter, Col. Carl Penner, continued in command. The First Wisconsin Field Artillery regiment became the 121st Field Artillery, the heavy artillery regiment of the 57th F, A. Brigade. Colonel Philip Westphal continued as commander of the new regiment. THE DIVISIONAL STAFF Organization of the Division Staff was completed in September, 1917. Upon the departure of Lieut. Col. DeArmond for France, Maj. Geo. M. Russell, F. A. N. A., who reported at Camp MacArthur on September 14th as Division Inspector, became acting chief of staff. Maj. John H. Howard, Inf., N. A., reported as Division Adjutant, Lieut. Col. Hjalmer Erickson, W. M. C., N. A., Division Quartermaster, was the first member of the staff to report, arriving at Camp MacArthur on August 22, 1917. Lieut. Col. P. L. Boyer, M. C., N. A., Division Surgeon later, and Lieut. Col. Gilbert E. Seaman, M. C. Wis. N. G., Division Sanitary Inspector, reported a few days later. The Judge Advocate was Maj. Samuel D. Pepper, J. A. Michigan National Guard. Maj. Herbert L. Evans, S. C., N. A., was the Division Signal Officer, and Maj. J. P. Smith, F. A., N. A., the Division Ordnance Officer. Later Maj. John G. Salsman, Wis. N. G., reported as Assist ant Division Adjutant. Major Charles R. Williams, Q. M. C., Wis. N. G., reported as Assistant Division Quartermaster. Major Mathew Hansen. Q. M. C., Mich. N. G., one of the first officers to arrive at Camp MacArthur, as Constructing Quartermaster-was largely responsible for the speed with which the camp was completed. He became Assistant Division Quartermaster upon completion of construction. In reorganizing the division it was the policy to preserve original company organizations, but consolidation was necessary to bring the companies from the formerly prescribed strength of 150 men to the organization strength of 250 men. THE COMPOSITION OF THE 32ND DIVISION Under orders of July 18, 1917, the 32nd Division was organized from National Guard troops from Michigan and Wisconsin at Camp MacArthur, Waco, Texas. Wisconsin furnished approximately 15,000 and Michigan 8,000 troops of all arms of service in the original organization. This discrepancy was due, not to lack of enthusiasm in Michigan manhood as compared to Wisconsin, but because the Michigan legislature failed to devote an equal amount of money to keeping its National Guard organization at top notch. Shortly before the division entrained for port of embarkation 4,000 recruits were received from Camp Custer. The National Guard organizations which lost their identities in the 32nd Division follow: First, Second, Third, Fourth, Fifth and Sixth Wisconsin infantry regiments; 31st, 32nd and 33rd Michigan infantry regiments; First Michigan Cavalry regiment; First Wisconsin Battalion and First Battalion Michigan Engineers; First Michigan and First Wisconsin Field Signal Battalions; Michigan Field Hospital No. 1; Wisconsin Field Hospitals Nos. 1 and 2; Michigan Ambulance Company No. 2; Wisconsin Ambulance Companies Nos. 1 and 2. Major General James Parker, known as "Galloping Jim." assumed command August?6, 1917. September 18, 1918. he left for France on special duty with his chief of staff, Lieut. Col. E. H. DeArmond. It was then that the soon to be beloved commander of the division took command-William G. Haan, at that time a brigadier. 32 l Wl w~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~m, Open war~rfare in the MNarne c ountry, loo~king tovsard G1ermany. Note the shell holes in the buildings swhere inlfantIry wxere b~illeted1 arid artile ry parked in foreground. Though fought 1A.~~1 ":-r ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ je tour~-;~::: titnes:I: it is Stiri a silig lnds,~~~~~~~~~~' "S!: 7 "3~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 3 r~~~~~~E~l *E Co any of r'5th Infantry (Flinlt ltnion Blutes) rounding the first turn on German soil on their G B"/ss i _ with his platoon, pro ceeded in a direction * _ S ^. ^,: -: ^: from which firing could -; T be heard and by his! i, quick decision captured - t A r ^j two enemy field guns, X % ^, calibre 105, and six:. E trench mortars, and im- i. - mediately thereafter at-..... tacked and captured 30 -. prisoners and three ad- / 3, * ' ' ditional heavy machine Co. E men with German bear trap found in guns." No Man's Land. It was not intended for bears 39 IHISTORY OF GENESEE a, COUNTY'S ACTIVITIES!? ---------------— "l --- —--— V CORPORAL RAYMOND HENRY, COMPANY E, 125TH INFANTRY "For extraordinary heroism in action near Cierges, south of Fismes, France, 31 July, 1918. "In the advance up the hill of Les Jomblets Woods in the face of heavy machine gun and artillery barrage, Corporal Henry was wounded in the shoulder, but nevertheless continued to advance. Being unable to use his rifle, he threw it down, drew his pistol and led his platoon forward until he received six more bullet wounds." CORPORAL CLARENCE SMITH, COMPANY E, 125TH INFANTRY "For extraordinary heroism in action near Cierges, northeast of Chateau-Thierry, France, 31 July, 1918. "He was seriously wounded in the arm by machine-gun fire during the advance on the heights north of the River Ourcq. After receiving first aid he crawled slowly forward in the face of hostile fire and assisted in giving first aid to a lieutenant who had been severely wounded, and then, with his one available arm, assisted in carrying the officer to the rear." CORPORAL MATT STEVENS, COMPANY E, 125TH INFANTRY "For extraordinary heroism throughout the advance across the River Ourcq and to Fismes, France, on the south bank of the Vesle River, 31 July to 8 August, 1918. "Corporal Stevens, then a private, was a runner for his company and was engaged day and night in carrying messages throughout machine-gun and artilery fire. He did his work without fear or hesitation, thereby keeping constant liaison with higher authority. During times not so occupied he administered aid to the wounded, crawling to stricken comrades at imminent risk of his own life, through areas swept by machine-gun fire. Through disregard of danger he was the means of saving many wounded men." PRIVATE NELSON BURLEIGH, COMPANY E, 125TH INFANTRY "For extraordinary heroism in action near Cierges, northeast of Chateau-Thierry, France, 31 July, 1918. "Although severely wounded, he crawled to an exposed and dangerous place where a comrade lay seriously injured and rendered first aid, thereby saving his comrade's life." LIEUTENANT JOHN L. HYNAN, COMPANY E, 125TH INFANTRY "Shocked by a shell and wounded by machine gun fire, he refused to allow himself to be evacuated, but continued to lead his men in the attack near Cierges, 31st July, 1918, thus furnishing a fine example of courage and disregard of danger. Despite his wounds he remained at his post for 8 days." LIEUTENANT WILLIAM WARD, COMPANY E, 125TH INFANTRY "Near Cierges, 31st July, 1918, he gave proof of great courage, endurance and fine qualities of a leader by continuing to command his unit although seriously wounded and suffering from shock. The splendid example set inspired his men to follow him until the order was given to withdraw." PRIVATE HARRY THRALL, COMPANY E, 125TH INFANTRY "Seriously wounded at Fismes, 4th August, 1918, he showed the greatest bravery and the highest respect for duty in refusing to apply for medical attention until he had safely del;,,-.ed a message entrusted to him." Other citations are: General Orders No. 32 Citations of the Division Croix de Guerre Order No. 14438 "D" Order No. 14517 "D" PRIVATE JAMES A BURLINGAME, M. G. COMPANY, 125TH INFANTRY (Flint) "Took command of scattered detachments from another regiment and held the men in line in spite of violent enemy fire." Order No. 14552 "D" PRIVATE WILLIAM PHILLIPS, M. G. COMPANY, 125TH INFANTRY "For bravery in rescuing wounded comrades who had fallen between the lines." CITATIONS OF THE BRIGADE Order No. 14426 "D" PRIVATE FIRST CLASS HENRY M. BRADOW, M. G. COMPANY, 125TH INFANTRY "For bravery in rescuing a wounded French soldier." FIRST LIEUTENANT (NOW CAPTAIN) HERMAN CRITES, MACHINE GUN COMPANY, 125TH INFANTRY "For extraordinary heroism in action near Juvigny, France, 31 August, 1918. "After his own company had reached the objective assigned to it, Lieutenant Crites made a personal reconnoissance of the front and flank and discovered that the right flank regiment was being held up by a strong machine gun nest. He immediately maneuvered his company to a position where an enfilading fire could be delivered, enabling the flanking regiment to attain its objective. By utilizing the German arms and ammunition his company took up the advance when it was discovered that a wide interval had been left between the two regi ments because of a terrific machine gun fire on the flanks of the regiments. He at once directed his company in the filling of this gap, holding the position during the night as well as capturing four heavy and two light machine guns." Order No. 13978 "D" 63RD INFANTRY BRIGADE "The 63rd United States Infantry Brigade, composed of the 125th and li6th Infantry Regiments, have acquired the most splendid title of glory in the battles of August 28th, 1918, in the vicinity of Juvigny. Scarcely having entered the lines, it dashed forward into the assault; the enemy, surprised, became demoralized by the rapidity and vigor of the attack. It proved its superiority in a fierce hand-to-hand struggle where the 125th and 126th Regiments emerged victoriously despite counter-attacks by the enemy. It drove back the beaten enemy as far as the approach of Terny-Sorny, while efficaciously supporting the neighboring French troops during the attacks from August 31st to September 1st, 1918." BRIEF REST PERIOD A few replacements for the Division arrived while withdrawing from the Aisne. After reaching Joinville replacements continued to be received in large numbers, 5,000, including a number of officers, reporting during the period from September 10 to 22. Intensive training was given to the new men. Some of the replacements had had only a few weeks' drill; others as much as three or four months. In the Joinville area the Division was scattered in billets, but training proceeded energetically as word was received that the Division was on the list for early action. Special attention was given to gas drill, target practice and exercises in small attack formations. Training had not progressed more than eight days when the Division was ordered forward as a reserve unit, though short three officers and more than 50 men per rifle company. TO THE ARGONNE FRONT The Division was transported by motor bus from the Joinville area to the Verdun front and assigned to the Fifth Army Corps as a re x..Aa ^ -A:D:::::* 4W:.. 0 i N* i7:D;77 77M I: 4, -... Ambulance drivers tending newly made graves of Red Arrow martyrs near Romange serve. September 26 orders came to move forward and occupy as a garrison the original front of the Fifth Corps, which had that morning attacked the enemy in the Argonne. The two infantry brigades were assembled about four kilometers south of what had been for four years "No Man's Land." Foreseeing that the Division might at any moment get instructions to relieve a front line division, the Brigade Commanders reconnoitered with a view of crossing "No Man's Land" in the most expeditious manner. On September 29 at 18:30 hours, the expected orders were received. The Division proceeded at once to the vicinity of Ivry and relieved that same night elements of the 37th Division in the front line in the center of the Fifth Corps sector. A single road led through Avocourt and across "No Man's Land." One hour after the receipt of orders both brigades were under way, marching all night through rain and mud, covering from 11 to 18 kilometers, arriving by daybreak at the Post of Command of the 37th Division. The Division Commander and his Operations Staff went forward on horseback and arrived at the P. C. of the 37th Division at 11:30 p. m. September 29. The order for relief was handed to the Commanding General of the 37th Division. This was the first news that the 37th had that the Division was to be relieved. Roads were so bad it was impossible to get anything but the lightest kind of wheel transportation, such as machine gun cars, across "No Man's Land" during the night. During September 30, which was misty, and the night of September 30-October 1, all elements of the 37th Division were relieved by the 32nd Division. On the morning of October 1 the 32nd Division occupied the sector with a front line extending east and west about four kilometers, one-half kilometer south of the village of Cierges (Sergy). 63RD IN FRONT LINE The 63rd Infantry Brigade went into the front line supported by the 64th Infantry Brigade, the Division being organized in considerable depth. The position left our troops in the open, exposed to observation. Consequently our front line was continually under artillery fire. To gain a better position the leading elements at once exploited by combat patrols the ground immediately ahead and during October 1, advanced the front line through the village to one-half kilometer 40 ) IN THE GREAT RLD WAR 1914-18 INIT~RD ~ CA 194~ north of the village. This position was better but still such that our entire front line was under direct observation by the enemy strongly posted south of Romagne and on the heights to the west of that place. On October 3 an order was received changing the sector, the 32nd Division to relieve the 91st on our left, and in turn to be relieved in part of our old sector by the Third Division, which had come in our right relieving the 79th Division. Relief of the 91st Division was accomplished by the 64th Brigade, the two brigades of the 32nd Division thus being placed side by side. This move was completed by daybreak of October 4. Again ground in our immediate front was exploited by combat patrols and the line advanced under artillery support to a position running from northeast to southwest south of the village of Gesnes, a gain of about one kilometer. Gesnes was taken but not garrisoned, as it lay under constant shell fire. These operations placed the 64th Brigade practically in front of the Bois de la Morine, which bristled with machine gun nests, protected from the searching fire of our artillery. The 64th Brigade made an attempt to take these woods without artillery preparation, covered only by the fire of infantry weapons. The position was too thoroughly organized for an operation of this nature to be entirely successful and accordingly destructive artillery preparation was planned, to be followed by the infantry assault. We attacked on the morning of October 5, the troops driving toward the southeastern edge of the Morine woods. The 64th Brigade was echeloned in depth, the 127th Infantry having three battalions in the front line closely supported by the 128th Infantry, which followed the attack with one battalion behind the other. A platoon of gas and flame troops assisted the 127th Infantry in this operation. On the right the 63rd Brigade also attacked with the 126th Infantry in the front line supported by the 125th Infantry and assisted by a section of tanks. The attack was successful. The Bois de la Morine was overwhelmed and machine gun nests cleaned up. Direction of the attack was then changed to the north to reduce the Bois de Chene Sec. Stout resistance developed in these woods, with hand-to-hand fighting when our men followed the barrage into the thick undergrowth and found the enemy had not yet had enough. This wood mopped up, the advance was halted by strong positions on Hill 255 and Hill 269. During the attack on October 5 the 127th Infantiy was relieved by the 128th Infantry and the following night the 125th Infantry relieved the 126th. During the next two days the 64th Brigade reduced, by local attacks, strong points in the German line directly in front of the point of liaison between the 1st and 32nd Divisions. The 125th Infantry gave its attention to the small patches of woods heavily garrisoned with well protected machine guns, finally clearing those of the enemy. Our sector at this time was nearly five kilometers wide and the Corps Commander decided to place between the First and 32nd Divisions, one brigade of the 91st Division from the Corps Reserve. This brigade took over from the 32nd Division about two kilometers of front and the 32nd Division took over from the Third Division on our right about one kilometer of front. This change of. sector necessitated a rather complicated relief and it was decided to place one brigade in the front line and the other in reserve. The 63rd Infantry Brigade was therefore given the front line with the 64th Infantry Brigade withdrawn to support position. This movement was executed on the night of October 7-8. The new front line extended about 200 meters north of Gesnes. ASSAULT ON KRIEMHILDE STELLUNG The Division had completed its approach to the Kriemhilde Stellung and was directly in front of what was known to be the strongest position on the whole Hindenburg Line in the Argonne sector. The Division Commanders wished to capture the strong points by maneuver. A special maneuver map, distributed down to company commanders, showed graphically the movements to be executed. The idea was to penetrate the wire and works south of Romagne and then to roll up the remainder of the position by a movement to the left, taking the heights from the rear. October 8 was devoted to disposing the troops. The assault was launched the following morning. Our troops followed the barrage up to the wire. On the right the 126th Infantry supported by tanks succeeded in breaking through to the southern outskirts of Romagne. On the left one battalion of the 125th succeeded in getting to the top of Hill 258. Along the remainder of the front the men were stopped by organized positions one kilometer south of Romagne. Twenty-six men of E Company, 125th Infantry (Flint's own), met death here October 8-9. In the fighting on October 10 the 125th captured one of the outlying positions of La Cote Dame Marie and held it in spite of all enemy efforts. The 126th Infantry on the right reached the Tranchee de la Mamelle, where they met the enemy in hand-to-hand fighting and succeeded in occupying a part of the trench. In the center the enemy held and controlled the trench. During October 10-11 local operations were undertaken to improve our position. Fierce fighting resulted from the clashes of our combat groups with the enemy. There were some especially sanguinary struggles in the vicinity of La Cote Dame Marie, but no substantial advance was made. Twelve members of the M. G. Company, 125th Infantry, died fighting bravely during those two bloody days. Prisoners taken numbered more than 500, taken in the main trench line or from outposts in front of that line. UP TO THE WIRE IN FRONT OF THE MAJOR DEFENSES This operation brought the Division up to the wire on the Kriemhilde Stellung with both flanks almost astride of the position. On the night of October 11-12 the Brigade of the 91st Division. which had been between the First and 32nd Divisions, was relieved by the 127th Infantry and the 126th Infantry was relieved by the 128th Infantry, thus placing three regiments of the 32nd Division in line. The 42nd Division relieved the First Division on our left. On the night of October 12 the sector limits were again changed, the Rainbow relieving the 127th Infantry and the 127th Infantry moving over to relieve the 125th Infantry in part of the sector held by the latter regiment. This necessitated again placing the 126th Infantry into the line so that on the morning of October 12th our front line from right to left was as follows: Two battalions 128th Infantry, one battalion 126th Infantry, one battalion 127th Infantry, with the 125th Infantry in support. On October 14 we renewed the attack at 5:30 hours. A barrage, laid down the enemy trench system along the entire front, was held there for five minutes while our troops moved forward as close to the wire as possible. On Hill 258 one battalion of the 126th Infantry, when the barrage lifted, succeeded in getting through the wire and kept close to the barrage as it advanced to the first objective. The 127th Infantry in the left of the sector found it impossible to advance up the hills which flank La Cote Dame Marie, on account of the wire being in perfect condition and strong groups of machine guns active. Both battalions of the 128th Infantry on the right succeeded in getting through the trenches south of Romagne and by skillful maneuvering virtually surrounded the town, establishing a line on the northern outskirts. Mopping up parties were sent into the town from the 125th Infantry. Two hundred prisoners were taken in the vicinity of Romagne. A new line was made north of the village of Romagne and liaison established upon the left with the 126th Infantry. COTE DAME MARIE TAKEN The battalion of the 126th Infantry which had broken through the line early in the attack passed La Cote Dame Marie on the right and continued forward, establishing a line north of that position. The support battalion of the 126th Infantry was brought up and a. mopping-up party from Company M, under the command of Captain Strom, made a turning movement to the left and cleaned out La Cote Dame Marie, thus allowing the whole 126th's line in the center of thf Division sector to establish itself north of La Cote Dame Marie. In the meantime the 127th Infantry in the left sector succeeded in getting a battalion well forward and out-flanking La Cote Dame Marie on the left. This troublesome position disposed of by the flanking movement of the 127th Infantry and the mopping-up operation of the 126th, made it possible for the 127th Infantry to advance to the new lines, establishing liaison on its right with the 126th, and later getting into touch with the 42nd Division, which came up on the left. At noon the line extended from a position about one-half kilometer north of Romagne to 300 meters north of La Cote Dame Marie. During the remainder of the day the two flank regiments, the 127th on the left and the 128th Infantry on the right, were concerned with establishing liaison with the divisions on our right and left, and maintaining touch with the 126th Infantry, steadily pushing forward in the center. At midnight definite information indicated that the center of our line was about one kilometer in advance of either flank. due to the center of the sector being covered by woods while both the right and left flanks were exposed to flank fire from open country. On October 15, 16 and 17, assisted by special artillery fire, machine gun concentrations and covering fire of infantry weapons, the line was pushed steadily forward until it extended across the sector about two kilometers north of the village of Romagne. In all this fighting through the woods and over a very difficult terrain there was constant action, varying from the clash of large units using everything from heavy artillery to hand grenades, to small hand-to-hand conflicts between our combat patrols which met the enemy outposts left in front of his machine gun nests as he retired. BOIS DE BANTHEVILLE EXPLOITED The line north of Romagne was an excellent one from which to launch a systematic offensive. Pending the expected attack order. attention was devoted to the exploitation and penetration of the Bois de Bantheville, a considerable stretch of woods in front of our sector. This exploitation was carried on systematically during the next few days. On October 17 heavy machine gun fire was directed on sensitive points in the Bantheville woods. This woods, under observation from points on Hill 286 and slopes of Hill 288, was well located for exploitation by artillery and machine gun fire. For more than twelve hours these woods were harassed by six machine gun companies, captured German machine guns, light minnenferfers and 77-mm. field pieces. At the end of the period of preparation strong exploitation patrols were sent forward into the woods with instructions to report back at a definite hour. These patrols returned at noon of October 18 and reported that they had advanced to the northwestern edge of the woods about one and one-half kilometers ahead of our lines, discovering only small groups of the enemy. On the night of October 18 the woods were occupied in force, infantry posts and machine gun positions being established on the northern edge of the woods. In the left sub-sector the occupation was promptly completed but in the right sub-sector, on account of the long echelonment necessary, the task of mopping up the woods proceeded at a slower rate. On the morning of October 18, patrols were still pushing forward in the right sub-sector, where they came in contact with the enemy positions on Hill 274 and Hill 275. The front line thus established bulged considerably in the center and put the Division in a salient which, however, was well covered by the thick Bantheville woods. On the night of October 19-20 the 32nd Division was relieved by 41 the 89th Division, the relief being executed without incident. The Division was withdrawn on the following day to a support position in the Bois de Montfaucon, where it remained as a reserve of the 5th Corps until November 1. This period was devoted to a week's course of training which included instruction in specialties, target practice and maneuvering, and a terrain exercise by the Division. IN ACTION FOR 20 DAYS During the 20 days which the Division was in line in the Argonne battle the troops were constantly in action on the most difficult terrain the Division had ever been called upon to conquer. The enemy realized the importance of holding the line at this point. His positions were organized with every means that four years of experience in trench warfare had suggested. Troops opposing the 32nd Division were shock units of the first order and their instructions, as captured prisoners stated, were to hold the line at all costs. The enemy was abundantly supplied with machine guns and artillery. He was familiar with the country in which the battle took place. In spite of all these advantages he was completely beaten in every clash with the 32nd Division, the famous Hindenburg Line was wholly broken and not only was the Kriemhilde Stellung penetrated but the Freya Stellung, his third line position, was also turned by the capture of the Bantheville woods during the last few days in which the Division was in line. It is significant that our losses in the Argonne sector were little larger than in the Aisne-Marne offensive. Although in the line over twice as long and engaged in heavy fighting all of the time, contesting every inch of the ground won, the Division had but 39 officers and 860 men killed; 32 officers and 1,176 men severely wounded; 83 officers and 2,784 men slightly wounded; 18 officers and 537 men gassed; nine officers and 140 men missing; ten officers and 200 men died of wounds. Total losses from all causes, 5,950. 32ND MET AND DEFEATED ELEVEN GERMAN DIVISIONS In the approach and penetration of the Kriemhilde line the 32nd Division met and vanquished eleven German divisions, including the Fifth Prussian Guards, the Third Prussian Guards, and the 28th Division, known as the "Kaiser's Own." The others were: The 37th Division, the 52nd Division, the 115th Division, the 39th Division, the 123rd Division, the 236th Division, the 41st Division, and the 13ih Division. The haul of prisoners made in the Argonne was the heaviest in any sector, 28 officers and 1,067 men being captured. While the Division was in bivouac as a reserve of the Fifth Corps a considerable number of replacements were received and they were quickly assimilated and hurriedly trained. On November 1 the Division passed to the command of the Third Army Corps and when the Argonne offensive was renewed the 32nd Division followed in the wake of the 89th, 90th and Fifth U. S. Divisions which were driving up the left bank of the Meuse in the direction of Stenay. THE THIRTY-SECOND'S LAST FIGHT When the Fifth Division crossed the Meuse the 32nd Division sent one regiment to that Division for use in the Dun-sur-Meuse bridgehead. The 128th Infantry, detailed for this service, reported to the Fifth Division on the night of November 5th. On November 6 the 128th Infantry took position on the right flank of the Fifth Division and on November 7 entered battle. The regiment attacked on November 7 and 8, capturing the town of Brandeville. On November 9 orders were received for the remainder of the Red Arrows to cross the Meuse and go into action between the Fifth Division and the 17th French Colonial Division on the right bank of the river. The Division crossed during the night of the 9th, the 128th Infantry reverting to the command of the 32nd Division and going into line on the right of the new division sector, with the 127th Infantry on the left. The 57th F. A. Brigade, which had been in action from the beginning of the Argonne offensive until after the renewal of the offensive on November 1st, was entirely exhausted by this long period of fighting. Unable to follow the Division in its new forward movement, it was designated as Army Artillery, and the 158th F. A. Brigade relieved the 57th as the supporting artillery of the 32nd. The 158th F. A. Brigade crossed the Meuse in the wake of the infantry on the night of November 9. The Division went into action in a pursuit formation, the information of the enemy being to the effect that he was retreating. The 64th Infantry Brigade furnished the advance guard, while the 63rd Infantry Brigade and the artillery and divisional troops made up the main body. The advance guard attacked on the morning of November 10 and during the day made an advance of three kilometers against active opposition from enemy machine gun nests. This action showed that the enemy had no apparent intention of giving up his positions east of the Meuse without a show of battle. The advance on November 10 was made without artillery support except as furnished by the accompanying guns attached to the infantry regiments. Owing to the organized nature of the opposition it was decided to attack on the morning of November 11 with artillery support. Orders were issued for this operation. HOSTILITIES CEASE JUST BEFORE THE ZERO HOUR However, the signing of the armistice caused the cancellation of this attack order. Shortly after 6:00 o'clock in the morning of November 11, notice that the armistice had been signed was communicated to the 32nd Division with orders that no attack be made and all hostilities cease by 11:00 o'clock. These orders reached the front line ten minutes before 7:00 o'clock, which was the zero hour. Firing ceased on instructions that no shots be fired except in retaliation. Enemy fire continuing at 9:00 o'clock, the Commanding General of the 64th Infantry Brigade called upon the artillery for retaliatory fire. The Germans shortly afterward ceased firing. Our artillery fired its last shot about 10:45 a. m., and neither side fired after that hour. Our casualties east of the Meuse were fairly heavy. Six officers and 137 men were killed; six officers and 198 men were severely wounded; eleven officers and 236 men slightly wounded; 44 men gassed; two officers and 44 men missing; two officers and seven men died of wounds. Total losses from all causes, 687. When the fighting ceased on November 11 the Germans at once attempted to fraternize with our men, but on strict orders overtures were sternly refused and the enemy soldiers turned back from our lines when they sought to enter. The night of November 11, the first peaceful night that the Division had known in six months with the exception of the ten days in the rest area, was not so different from other nights as might be imagined. There was no firing, but neither were there any fireworksat least not in the 32nd Division area. The men had been instructed that under no circumstances should vigilance be relaxed. These instructions they carried out to the letter. There was, of course, a relaxation of tension in all quarters, but celebrations, such as took place in the rear areas, were not permitted in the front line. Further back flares and rockets illuminated the sky, but in the vicinity of Peyvillers, where our most advanced elements were located, watchful sentries eyed the German positions opposite them. All remained on the alert, determined not to become victims of enemy treachery. As the lines of enemy troops and trains were observed proceeding to the rear for several days, it became more and more apparent that the war was over. The early days of the armistice were devoted to the cleaning of uniforms and equipment; salvaging of supplies which the enemy had left behind in large quantities, and arranging to follow the retreating foes. As the 32nd was one of the first divisions designated for the Army of Occupation, arrangements were rapidly made to equip the Division with supplies needed for the long march. MARCH TO RHINE BEGUN On November 17, as one of the leading elements of the Third Army, the Division crossed what had been its front line on November 11 and started for the Rhine. In ten days the Franco-Belgian border was reached and after one day's rest the Division entered Luxembourg. While the Division was at Longwy, after the first bound of its trip to the Rhine, Maj. Gen. W. G. Haan, who had commanded the Division from the date of its organization, through all its battles, was relieved and took command of the Seventh Army Corps, designated as the reserve corps of the Third Army. He was succeeded by Major General William Lassiter, formerly Chief of the First Army Artillery, who took command as the Division started its march through Luxembourg. On November 23 the German border was reached. There the Division rested for a week while the Germans retreated through their territory over the Rhine. On December 1 the Division crossed the Sauer River and for a second time in its career set foot on German soil. The Division pushed speedily toward its final objective. On December 11 our advance guards reached the Rhine, after having covered a distance of 300 kilometers by road, then days of the hardest marching experienced by any troops in the entire war. On December 13 the Division crossed into the Coblenz bridgehead and with the First Division on its right occupied a front line sector marking the farthest advance of American troops into German territory. On the 14th the Second Division crossed in our wake and its advance elements came up on our left. HOMEWARD BOUND In February the Division was designated for return to the United States in May. After the middle of April troop movements for the port of embarkation in France commenced. On Monday, May 19, the counties and municipalities of Michigan united in a Welcome Home demonstration at Detroit, where the Red Arrow men paraded amid the enthusiastic applause of multitudes. Representative citizens of Flint and Genesee County welcomed the local heroes at their headquarters-the Detroit Y. M. C. A. On the following Thursday, May 21, after the 32nd had been demobilized at Camp Custer, Lieut. Col. Guy M. Wilson led home many of Genesee's Red Arrow veterans, who were greeted by their neighbors with every evidence of admiration and gratitude at a reception in the Masonic Temple. where J. D. Dort, Chairman of the Genesee County W\ar Board, briefly but with sincere feeling packed into every word, declared the pride of this community in the record of the 32nd Division. Here follow lists, compiled from official sources, of those members of the 3?nd Division units drawn from Flint and Genesee County who lost their lives in the engagements described above, and exact information as to date and nature of their sacrifices. Their names ever should be held in grateful memory by this community, county, state and nation. Note: M. G. —Machine gun fire. A. T.= —High explosive shell. E COMPANY, 125TH INFANTRY, 32ND DIVISION A. E. F. (List furnished by Lieut. Col. Guy M. Wilson) 1. Arlt, Louis; Cierges, July 31, 1918; M. G. fire, instantly. 2. Armes, Tommie; Romagne, Oct. 9, 1918; M. G., instantly. 3. Bolcom, Frederick; Cierges, July 31, 1918; M. G. 4. Beechley, Arthur; Cierges, July 31, 1918; M. G., instantly. 5. Bailey, Burt; Cierges, July 31. 1918; M. G., instantly. 6. Besnett, Alfred G.; Cierges, July 31, 1918; M. G., instantly. 7. Blair, Charlie: Romagne, Oct. 9, 1918; shell frag., instantly. 8. Bierschbach, William; Romagne, Oct. 12, 1918: M. G., instantly. 9. Boor, William F.; Romagne, Oct. 9, 1918; M. K., instantly; buried Oct. 12. 10. Bennetts, Harry; Fismes, Aug. 6, 1918; shell exp., instantly. 11. Carrinper, Roy C.; Cierges Hosp., July 31, 1918; M. G., in body; died in hospital. 42 THE GREAT 12. Campbell, Wm. J.; Cierges, July 31, 1918; M. G., instantly. 13. Conti, Ernest; Iomagne, Oct. 9, 1918; M. G., A. T.; died in First Aid. 14. Cason, Wm. H.; Romagne, Oct. 9, 1918; M. G., instantly; through head. 15. Dimassa, Alesandro; Cierges, July 31, 1918; M. G., instantly. 16. DeMund, Howard; Romagne, Oct. 9, 1918; M. G., leading squad to M. G. nest; instantly. 17. Dombrowski, Joseph H.; Romagne, Oct. 8, 1918; M. G., right lung; died at First Aid. 18. Distler, Geo.; Juvigny, Aug. 29, 1918; M. G., instantly. 19. Erbe, Garrett; Romagne, Oct. 9, 1918; M. G., instantly; through abdomen. 20. Eggleston, Lewis D.; Romagne, Oct. 9, 1918; M. G.; died in hospital Oct. 10, 1918. 21. Edwards, Thos.; Romagne, Oct. 7, 1918; A. T., instantly. 22. Fowler, John W.; Juvigny, Aug. 27, 1918; A. T., instantly. 23. France, Belaw; Romagne, Oct. 9, 1918; M. G. 24. Haslick, Charlie; Juvigny, Sept. 5, 1918; A. T., instantly (in trench). 25. Holtke, Herbert; Cierges, July 31, 1918; A. T., instantly; buried Aug. 2, 1918. 26. Helmke, Wm.; Cierges, July 31, 1918; M. G., instantly. 27. Hansford, Morie; Cierges, July 31, 1918; M. G.; died two hours later. 28. Hollonshed, Hoyt M.; Cierges, July 31, 1918; M. G., instantly; in head. 29. Hardlicka, James; Juvigny, Aug. 29, 1918; M. G. 30. Hawks, Emery D.; Romagne, Oct. 9, 1918; M. G., instantly, heart; buried Oct. 11, 1918. 31. High, Willie D.; Romagne, Oct. 9, 1918; M. G., instantly; buried Oct. 12, 1918. 32. Hooker, Sam; Romagne, Oct. 9, 1918; M. G., instantly, head. 33. Johnson, Audie J.; Cierges, July 31, 1918; M. G., instantly. 34. Jacks, Robt. H.; Romagne, Oct. 12, 1918; 12-M. rifle to heart, instantly, while on patrol. 35. Kline, Tony; Romagne, Oct. 16, 1918; A. T., instantly. 36. Kremtski, William; Bantherville, Oct. 19, 1918; A. T., instantly. 37. Kimbel, Roy; Romagne, Oct. 9, 1918; M. G., instantly, head; buried Oct. 12. 38. Kerns, Perry; Romagne, Oct. 9, 1918; M. G., instantly, body; buried Oct. 12. 39. Leonard, Harry J.; Cierges, July 31, 1918; M. G., 3 p. m.; died 7 p. m., First Aid. 40. Lewis, Harry; Romagne, Oct. 8, 1918; M. G.; died on way to hospital. 41. McGuire, Michael; Cierges, July 31, 1918; M. G., instantly. 42. McFarling, Geo. T.; Cierges, July 31, 1918; M. G., instantly, neck. 43. Moore, Ampliss; Hospital, Oct. 8, 1918; M. G., through hips; died on way to hospital. 44. Moldovan, Cornel; Romagne, Oct. 9, 1918; M. G.; died at First Aid station. 45. Moeller, Edward; Romagne, Oct. 9, 1918; M. G., instantly. 46. Miller, Hiram; Romagne, Oct. 7, 1918; M. G. 47. Murray, Henry W. 48. Mathews, Burton; Romagne, Oct. 9, 1918; M. G., instantly. 49. Ostrander, Levi A.; Juvigny, Aug. 29, 1918; M. G., instantly, head; buried Sept. 2. 50. Ollrich, Harry J.; Fismes, Aug. 6, 1918; A. T., instantly. 51. Petro, Anthony; Cierges, July 31, 1918; M. G., abdomen 3 p. m.; died 9 p. m., First Aid station. 52. Pelagalle, Marco; Cierges, July 31, 1918; M. G., abdomen; died on way to hospital. 53. Pardee, Herman; Cierges, July 31, 1918; M. G., instantly, head. 54. Polovina, Fred; Cierges, July 31, 1918; M. G., instantly, head. 55. Richmond, Benjamin; Juvigny, Aug. 27, 1918; A. T., instantly. 56. Ryan, Bert; Cierges, July 31, 1918; M. G., head; almost instantly. 57. Rugg, Harry G.; Romagne, Oct. 14, 1918; A. T., instantly. 58. Rhodes, Edw. B.; Romagne, Oct. 9, 1918; M. G., instantly, heart; buried Oct. 12. 59. Stollings, Wm.; Cierges, July 31, 1918; M. G., instantly; buried Aug. 2. 60. Sandermeier, Wm. F.; Cierges, July 31. 1918; M. G., instantly. 61. Shaw, Harry; Cierges Hosp., July 31, 1918; M. G., abdomen; died in hospital. 62. Shanger, Lyman T.; Cierges, July 31, 1918: M. G., instantly. 63. Selschotter, Julius; Juvigny, Aug. 29, 1918; T. M. shell; died in hospital. 64. Shreck, Andy; Juvigny, Aug. 27, 1918: A. T., instantly. 65. Stamp, Clifford; Romagne, Oct. 9, 1918; A. T.; died at night at First Aid. 66. Swift, Lloyd N.; Romagne, Oct. 9, 1918; M. G., instantly; buried Oct. 12. 67. Shultz, Fred; Cierges, July 31, 1918; M. G., instantly. 68. Taylor, Walter I.; Cierges, July 31, 1918; M. G., abdomen; died soon. 69. Trout, Homer; Romagne, Oct. 9, 1918; M. G., chest and neck, instantly; buried Oct. 12. 70. Trombley, Jerome E.; Michelbach, July 16, 1918; Cal. 45 Shultz; died July 17; buried in Michelbach church yard. 71. Villavoz, Chris; Cierges, July 31, 1918; M. G., instantly. 72. Wolford, Chas. C.; Cierges, July 31, 1918; 1-inch shell, instantly. 73. Wiebusch, Wm.; Romagne, Oct. 9, 1918; M. G., abdomen 9 a. m.; died 11 a. m. 74. Baucum, Oran R.; Romagne, Oct. 9, 1918; explosive bullet near heart. MACHINE GUN COMPANY, 125TH INFANTRY, 32ND DIVISION, A. E. F. (List furnished by Lieut. Col. Guy -M. Wilson) 1. Adair, John; Pvt.-Killed in action, Sept. 1, 1918, on Paperie Farm; buried where he fell. Coordinates of grave on French map 1/20000 of Soissons sector are 182.7-303.9. 2. Allen, Raymond L.; Sgt.-Seriously wounded by machine gun fire, near Juvigny, Aug. 31, 1918. Died Sept. 2, 1918, in Field Hospital No. 127. Eye witness: Lt. Charles G. Giles. 3. Bauley, Lafayette P.; Pvt. 1 cl.-Killed in action near Fresnes, France, July 31, 1918; buried where he fell. Eye witness: 2nd Lt. Wayland L. Miller. 4. Burch, John D.; Pvt.-Was wounded by artillery fire, 1X2 Km. east of Bieuxy, France, Aug. 30, 1918, and died in Field Hospital No. 127, Aug. 31, 1918. 5. Cooperider, Luke; Pvt.-Killed in action near Fresnes, France, July 31, 1918; buried on Hill 212. Eye witness: Sgt. Leopold LeDuc. 6. Davis, Russel R.; Sgt.-Killed in action, Oct. 11, 1918, by shell fire near Gesnes, France. Coordinates of grave on French map 1/20000 of Dun-Sur-Meuse sector are 305.7-283.5. Eye witness: 1st Sgt. George A. McMillan. 7. Dressel, Everett C.; Cpl.-Killed in action, Oct. 10, 1918, near Gesnes, France; buried Oct. 17, 1918. Coordinates of grave on French map 1/20000 of Dun-Sur-Meuse are 305.7-283.5. Eye witness: 1st Sgt. Geo. A. McMillan. 8. Durenberger, Peter C.; Sgt.-Killed in action, Oct. 11, 1918, by machine gun fire near Gesnes, France. Coordinates of grave on French map 1/20000 of Dun-Sur-Meuse sector are 305.7-283.5. Eye witness: Pvt. 1 cl. William Throop. 9. Duff, Joseph M.; 2nd Lt.-Killed in action, Oct. 10, 1918, by machine gun fire near Gesnes, France. Coordinates of grave on French map 1/20000 of Dun-Sur-Meuse sector are 305.7-283.5. eye witness: 1st Sgt. Geo. A. McMillan. 10. Gerheim, Harry M.; Pvt. 1 cl.-Died of wounds near Gesnes, France, Oct. 11, 1918. Eye witness: Pvt. Wayne S. Morrish. 11. Grimes, John F.; Corp.-Killed in action by machine gun fire, Oct. 11, 1918, near Gesnes, France; buried where he fell. Coordinates of grave on French map 1/20000 of Dun-Sur-Meuse sector are 305.7-283.5. Eye witness: Pvt. 1 cl. William Throop. 12. Herrold, Carl E.; Pvt.-Killed in action by artillery fire, 1X2 Km. east of Bieuxy, France, Aug. 30, 1918; buried where he fell. Coordinates of grave on French map 1/20000 of Soissons sector are 178.58-304.34. Eye witness: Capt. Herman Crites. 13. Kocklaun, Richard H.; Pvt. 1 cl.-Killed in action near Gesnes, France, Oct. 11, 1918; buried where he fell. Coordinates of grave on French map 1/20000 of Dun-Sur-Meuse sector are 305.7-283.5. Eye witness: Pvt. 1 cl. William Throop. 14. LaPoint, Delbert; Pvt. —Killed in action by artillery fire, 3Y Km. southeast of Mont St. Martin, Aug. 4, 1918. Eye witness: 2nd Lt. Wayland L. Miller. 15. Lindsay, Henry B.; Sgt.-Killed in action near Gesnes, France, Oct. 11, 1918; buried where he fell. Coordinates of grave on French map 1/20000 of Dun-Sur-Meuse sector are 305.7-283.5. Eye witness: Pvt. 1 cl. Wm. Throop. 16. Lymburner, Robert H.; Pvt.-Killed in action by artillery fire, 3/4 Km. southeast of Mont St. Martin, Aug. 4, 1918. Eye witness: 2nd Lt. Wayland L. Miller. 17. McCloskey, Douglass; Pvt.-Killed in action near Fresnes, France, Aug. 1, 1918; buried southeast of Hill 212. Eye witness: 2nd Lt. Chas. F. Miller. 18. Plona, Frank; Pvt. 1 cl.-Died of wounds in Field Hospital No. 165, Aug. 1, 1918; wounded July 31, 1918, near Fresnes, France. Eye witness: Sgt. Leopold LeDuc. 19. Rieck, Victor L.; Pvt.-Killed by machine gun fire, Oct. 9, 1918, near Gesnes, France; buried where he fell. Coordinates of grave on French map 1/20000 of Dun-Sur-Meuse sector are 305.7-283.5. Eye witness: 1st Sgt. George A. McMillan. 20. Robb. Vernon M.; Pvt.-Wounded by artillery fire, 1/2 Km. east of Bieuxy, France, Aug. 30, 1918, and died in Field Hospital No. 127, Aug. 31, 1918. 21. Smith. Howard; Pvt.-Killed in action by artillery fire. 1V2 Km. east of Bieuxy, France. Aug. 30, 1918. Coordinates of grave on French map 1/20000 of Soissons sector are 178.58-304.34. Eye witness: Capt. Herman Crites. 22. Stedwell, Roland A.: Pvt. —Seriously wounded near Gesnes, France, Oct. 11. 1918, by shell fire; died in Field Hospital No. 127, Oct. 12. 1918. Eye witness: Pvt. 1 cl. William Throop. 23. Stratton, Arthur E.; Pvt.-Killed in action. 1 /2 Km. east of Bieuxy, France, Aug. 30, 1918; buried near Bieuxy. Aug. 30, 1918. Coordinates of grave on French map 1/90000 of Soissons sector are 178.58-304.34. Eye witness: Capt. Herman Crites. 24. Stewart, Russel H.; Pvt.-Wounded by shell fire, Sept. 30, 1918, near Montfaucon, France; died of wounds, Sept. 30, 1918. Eye witness: 1st Sgt. Geiorge A. McMillan. 25. Rietz, Charles; Pvt. 1 cl.-Killed in action by shell fire.near Gesnes, France, Oct. 11, 1918; buried where he fell. Coordinates of grave on French map 1/20000 of Dun-Sur-Meuse sedtor are 306.0-286.4. 26. Walker, Lemuel A.; Pvt.-Killed by machine gun fire near Gesnes, France, Oct. 11, 1918; buried where he fell. Coordinates of grave on French map 1/20000 of Dun-Sur-Meuse sector are 305.7-283.5. Eye witness: Pvt. Wayne S. Morrish. 27. Weaver, Charles S.; Cpl.-Seriously wounded by shrapnel near Gesnes, France, Oct. 11, 1918; died Oct. 12, 1918. in Field Hospital No. 127. Eye witness: Pvt. Wayne S. Morrish. 43 Camp Custer and the 85th Division When the National Army bill was rushed through Congress in the second month of the war, all Michigan wondered where its men would train. Linked with the eastern part of Wisconsin, it was a foregone conclusion that Michigan would get the cantonment. The government would not be likely to haul thousands of Wolverine soldiers west for training when their ultimate destination was France. Dozens of Michigan municipalities, aroused by the possibilities of profit and publicity contained in proximity to a large training base, put their claims forward. Among them was Battle Creek, famous the country over as the "Food City." As the junction of two major transportation systems of the state, it possessed the necessary transportation facilities. Moreover, Battle Creek was dry. Its central position midway between east and west limits of the territory from which soldiers were to be drawn was an added advantage. Climatically, the situation was not so clear. As the northernmost cantonment in the twenty-six bases of the National Army, Battle Creek was sure of hard winters; but where in Michigan or Wisconsin could milder temperatures be found? Finally the Battle Creek section held a site which met certain definite requirements, and its Chamber of Commerce offered to secure the required acreage on reasonable terms. Monday, May 26, 1917, Lieut. Col. E. N. Jones, chairman of a committee to select a cantonment site for Michigan and Wisconsin, inspected the proposed site. Although broken up into many holdings, the locality was still known as the Harmonia Heights, by reason of former ownership by a pioneer colony of spiritualistic settlers. The site occupied heights along the Kalamazoo river five miles west of Battle Creek. In dimension it was five and one-half miles from north to south and four and one-half miles from east to west, containing nearly 25 square miles. Lieut. Col. Jones approved the location and returned a few days later with Major F. W. Alstetter, engineer corps; Major F. L. Wells, infantry; Major G. V. Reukke, medical corps, and Capt. B. C. Dooley, quartermaster corps. June 6, 1917, two memorable things happened to Battle Creek. A cyclone, blown out of a clear sky, laid parts of the town flat and cut the Food City off from communication with the outside world. But just before the wires went down, a news dispatch arrived that Major General Thomas H. Barry, in command of the central department, recommending Battle Creek for a cantonment location. Immediately members of the Board of Commerce crawled out of their cellars, appointed a committee to secure options, and set to work to turn their town into a military city. Major Earle B. Morden, former construction engineer for the Hill railroad interests, arrived in the middle of June. For his use and that. of the contractors, who soon followed, the same organization leased and furnished one entire floor of an office building. Battle Creek now had everything a cantonment needs except land, buildings and soldiers. The government, strangely enough, gave Battle Creek no definite directions as to land tenures; consequently the Chamber of Commerce proceeded in the faith that its initial proposition was acceptable. This provided that the government was to lease approximately 7,000 acres of land at a maximum rate of $15 per acre for the first year and $10 for each succeeding year, with an option to buy at an average price, and the rent to apply on purchase price if the purchase was made- The Chamber therefore proceeded on that basis, its members giving their time gratis to the task of rounding up and convincing the owners and tenants of more than 130 parcels of land that they should abandon their homes and crops to serve the government and the municipality. This accomplished, T. W. Sears of Providence. R. I., expert planner, began on June 22 to lay out the military cantonment upon which Michigan's pride, hope and fears centered for many a long day. Captain M. M. Garrett, since Maior, who took up the duties of quartermaster, became Battle Creek's first resident officer of the regular military establishment. On June 25, when the Chamber of Commerce had 6,055 acres under option, and a fast growing army of construction was in possession and making free with the land, Uncle Sam at last outlined the exact conditions under which it would deal for the acreage. It stipulated there must be one lessor for the entire tract of 7,740 acres at $15 an acre for the first year and $10 for each succeeding year, the lease running for five years unless terminated by the government's taking up an option to purchase at an average price of $98 an acre, with $4 per acre allowance for crop damage. Thus the Chamber, minus funds at hand in sufficient amount to finance such a huge deal, was forced to assume all obligations to farmers and become solely responsible to the government. This it did in pure faith and patriotism, and with no other hope of reward than the prosperity which the cantonment might bring to the city. Moreover, the Chamber went on record to the effect that if the operation of the lease returned a profit to that body, such surplus should be returned to the government. This decision, freely taken, brought forth strong commendation from General Barry. This willingness to assume risks and surrender profits brought quick results. Although the first option was taken only on June 12, and the government lease was not signed until July 21, by the middle of July, 8,000 men were at work on the cantonment site for Porter Bros., contractors. Buildings, roads, belt lines, switches-all the essentials of a military city-were under construction at once. The Michigan Central railroad threw a quick connection into camp, and followed with a permanent terminal inside the reservation. C Company of the 33rd Michigan National Guard, Captain Pearson commanding, arrived to police the camp. Major Gansser and other companies of the 33rd followed. From the Mexican border Captain Bailey brought a motor-truck company. Under the heavy traffic the sand roads of Harmonia were pounded into such condition that four-horse teams were required. The highway situation demanded instant attention. After a conference the city of Battle Creek, Calhoun County, the state highway department, the Michigan War Pieparedness Board and the United States government co-operated in improving highways to and through the camp. Of the required amount the citizens of Battle Creek subscribed $30,000. August 26, 1917, was Camp Custer's first big day. Major General J. P. Dickman, accompanied by his staff and brigade commanders, arrived to take the camp over formally from Major Gansser. Fifteen hundred officers from training camps arrived three days later, and Custer was ready for its influx of men who were to become soldiers of the type to gladden the heart of the fiery Michigan cavalryman after whom the camp was named. Mrs. Elizabeth Custer, General Custer's widow, was present at the official dedication and raising of the camp flagstaff on Oct. 23. December 5, 1917, Major Morden turned the camp over as completed-more than 9,000 acres of a military city, 3,000 buildings, equipped with electricity, plumbing and heating systems, miles of pavement and sewers. Ten million dollars of government money went into actual construction. A strictly agricultural countryside had been transformed, within six months, into a military city capable of housing 40,000 men in excellent health and a fair degree of comfort. Camp Custer, infant, outgrew in a half year Battle Creek, its parent. In spite of I. W. W. agitation and labor disturbances, Custer was one of the first National Army cantonments to be completed. Though Custer is the northernmost cantonment, it has maintained an enviable health record, due to high elevation and complete sanitary system. The base hospital, now an extensive group of buildings, first occupied a tent erected on September 5, to house an incoming recruit who brought with him a case of measles. Soon there were four tentsmeasles, diphtheria, mumps and general medical and surgical cases. A hospital detachment arriving from California in mid-September took up quarters in Building No. 343 until construction of the base hospital could be completed. On September 17 the hospital moved into two buildings overlooking Eagle Lake, the present site. Fortunately there were no serious epidemics while the hospital was being expanded. October brought three cases of meningitis, and the winter months developed eighteen cases of smallpox. The 85th Division was the army designation chosen for the unit in which the selected men from Michigan and the eastern counties of Wisconsin were trained for service. Its organization included three brigades, four regiments of infantry-the 337th, 338th, 339th and 340th; three artillery regiments-the 328th, 329th and 330th; 328-329 machine gun battalions; motor supply train 409; auxiliary remount depot 320; the quartermaster's depot-including police, base hospital, cooks and bakers school, veterinary corps; the 160th depot brigade, and the following units of the 310th trains regiments-310th engineers, 310th field signal battalion, 310th trench mortar battery (motorized), 310th ammunition train, 310th supply train. and the 310th sanitary train. Similar units made up the composition of the standard American division through.out the great war. At daybreak September 5, 1917, the 85th Division was a mere skeleton organization,- with a full staff but no enlisted personnel. Richard E. Hoyt. a school teacher of Kalamazoo, changed all that when he reported for duty at the entrance prepared for selected men. He was followed by 1,700 men that day, five per cent of quotas assigned by the Provost Marshal General under the selective service act. These recruits padded the skeleton ever so slightly. They entered training at once, and two weeks later when the second increment of 14,000 men arrived, the first comers assisted in putting the new rookies through the school of the soldier. So rapidly did these selectmen whip into shape that by mid-October the 85th was ready to handle itself, and Major Gansser led to Waco the companies of the 33rd M. N. G. which had been doing guard duty during the infancy of the new division. In Texas these men merged into the 32nd Division, and the 85th watched the progress of the 32nd thereafter with prideful understanding, resolved to.emulate its brave example upon call. A third increment-35 per cent of the total quota, arrived December 10, and by March 10, 1918, the 85th Division was full, with a complement of 35,996 enlisted men. Of these thousands Michigan furnished 30,291 and Wisconsin 5,695. Genesee's contribution to Custer-1,036 men-was surpassed by but two counties, Wayne and Milwaukee. The -training of the 85th followed the usual lines, and may be accepted as typical of the schooling each National Army division underwent before it was considered fit for active service. This training is based upon the generally accepted theory that the infantry is the backbone of the army and that the other elements in the division work as accesssories to the main job of getting infantry forward. While the infantry, called by the French "the queen of battles" cannot succeed without the aid of all other branches, the fact remains that the result hinges upon the infantry going forward and holding tne ground they take. Artillery is the great obstacle destroyer for advancing infantrymen, and an ever present aid to infantry holding on; but positions can not be taken and the enemy defeated by gun fire alone. If the artillery opens a gap, flesh and blood must fill it and carry on. Decisive victory, the end sought in all military operations, is achieved only when a victorious infantry captures, destroys or disperses enemy infantry. Therefore infantry must be taught not only discipline under 44 THE 85th OR "CUSTER" DIVISION 1. 2. 3. 4. [ 6.-Lt. Col: E. T. Collins, Chief of Staff; 7.-Maj. Gen. C.,W. Kennedy, Div. Commander; 8.-Lt. C. J. Bartlett, Div. Surgeon; 9.-Lt. Col. J. M. Kimbrough, Div. Ordnance and Asst. Chief of Staff, Administration Section; 10.-Lt. Col. E. A. Fry, Asst. Chief of Staff Operations Section; 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.,, I. I 1. U. 1,.Major GeneraJ C. W. Kennedy and his Staff, 11.May 1, 1918 12.-Maj. J. A. Berry, Div. Quartermaster; 13.-Maj. W. 0. McKee, Asst. Div. Adjutant; 14.-Maj. G. F. N. Dailey, Div. Signal Officer; 15.-Maj. L. A. Kunzig, Div. Intelligence Officer; 16,.— Maj. C. Lininger, Div. Adjutant; "^ — i W i W _! _, s9 d v V. - S ~..,.:.:.: 0 11,.- 1.- 1t.- 14. -Maj. H. S. Brinkerhoff, Div. Inspector; -Maj. L. M. Blanchard, Div. Judge Advocate; -Maj. J. F. Edwards, Div. Sanitary Inspector; -Maj. J. W. Reisinger, Asst. Div. Quartermaster; -Capt. R. P. Kuhn, Aide de Camp; -1st Lt. D. P. Rumsey, Aide de Camp. Ai DtlaIsuo a Advisos to te i X l. Allied Offieerg Detailed as Instrulctors and Advisors to the 85th Div. iUpper Row: Left to Right-Capt. Chas. Knight, Lt. Pierre Dormeull, (Tapt. W. J. Fulford-Taylor, Lt. B. Beguey Lower Row: Lt. Chas. Mongeot, Capt Wm. Algie, Capt. Picard, U. S. A., Capt. Robert Laussel, Lt. Jean Becker Major Gen. Joseph P. Dickman, U. S. A., reviewing troops. General Dickman was first to command the 85th Major General James Parker, U. S. A., otherwise known as "Galloping Jim," the second of Custer's many commanding officers All satisfied with Custer. Left to right, Major General Grote Hutcheson, Secretary of War; Newton D. Baker, General Peyton C. March, Chief of Staff. Taken April, 1919, after inspection which resulted in Camp Custer being retained as a permanent post Combat Training at Custer. Up and at 'em with grenades and bayonets First Recruits arriving at Camp Custer early In S'eptember, 1917. Flint is well represented in this group First Unit leaving Camp Custer for Front. 310th Supply Train entraining June 1, 1918 45 fire, but also how to handle its weapons, the chief of which are the rifle, grenade, bayonet and machine gun. And as the individual infantryman becomes proficient in the use of his weapons, so he must also be schooled to have confidence in his commanders and his fellows, to believe that the former will not lay him open to avoidable risks or unnecessary hardships and that the latter will stand by him to the death in the execution of orders. Morale, as well as technique, is essential to successful soldiering. When the fit and proficient individual soldier knows that he is working in harmony with his fit fellow soldiers in all branches, under competent direction and in a noble cause, then his morale is bound to be high. An army composed of such soldiers well-equipped is unconquerable. Technique was drilled into the 85th and morale instilled into the 85th through the long, bitter winter of 1917-18. On the rifle range, on the drill ground, in the trenches, Michigan and Wisconsin men learned how to handle themselves and their weapons, how to maneuver, how to shoot, how to bayonet-in short, how to fight. Engineers built their bridges and ran their shops; artillerymen and machine gunners practiced with their weapons, supply units learned their business. And in barracks, in schools of instruction, in hospitals, in Y. M. C. A. and K. C. huts, in the Community house, they imbibed morale, grasped the essential rightness of the conflict, and gained heart for their grim work. And although the 85th as a division did not swing intact in the battle line in France, its units and individuals, infiltrated through other divisions as replacements, made the training count toward victory. Genesee's contingent in the 85th numbered more than a thousand men. These were scattered throughout the camp. Few indeed were the units which did not have one or more son of Genesee. But Flint and Genesee soldiers were most numerous in Battery D of the 329th Field Artillery and in Companies H and G of the 338th Infantry. Out of 150 men in Co. H in March, 1918, all but twelve were from Flint. Company G showed about the same proportion of Genesee county lads. Flint and Genesee county were also well represented in A, E and I companies of the 338th Infantry, B Company of the 310th Engineers, which served on the Archangel front, in the 339th Infantry, the 409th Supply Train and 310th Engineer Train, the 160th Depot brigade, the Military police and the Q. M. C. The ice plant was manned by Flint experts under Sgt. (later Lieut.) Horner. Prescriptions were filled by a Flint druggist —Kilbourne. Six Genesee soldiers-Anderson, Moore, Reed, Maines, Faulds and Estes-were chosen from the ranks as candidates for commissions in the Third Officers' Training Camp. Alderman Geo. F. Streat was Supply Sergeant of A Co., 338th Infantry. Captain K. D. Clark, after attendance at the School of Fire at Fort Sill, returned and was transferred to 160th F. A. Brigade Headquarters. He proceeded to enroll skilled Flint mechanics to fill gaps in the Headquarters detachment. Captain Clark was advanced to major overseas and returned to the 330th F. A. George H. Maines of Flint was one of the associate editors of the camp weekly, "Custer Life." After being commissioned he was returned from Camp Lee to Camp Custer as Camp Historian and assistant Morale officer of the 14th Division. Oliver Inskeep ot Flint was attached to the Administrative department of the Y. M. C. A. at Camp Custer, acting as Director of Transportation. Flint entertained hosts of Custer men every week-end. One of the largest groups to come in uniform was a composite company, made up of Genesee county men from G, H, I, E and A companies of the 338th infantry, under command of Captain Billings of G Company. These troops in full equipment marched in the Liberty day parade of April 7, 1918, and gave two military spectacles at Athletic Park before overflow audiences for the benefit of their mess funds. The program included manuevers, bayonet drills, grenade throwing, a sham battle and other soldierly results of Custer training. Baseball teams from the 329th Field Artillery and the 310th Engineers were also entertained. It is of record that in the opinion of many officers and men these attentions contributed greatly to keeping up the morale of the division. The 85th was known as the "Custer Division." This name was selected by the commanding officer, from a long list submitted by popular referendum: (1) because it was distinctive and suggested the origin of the division; (2) because it was historic and denoted dash, courage and willingness to sacrifice life to the cause of country, even as did Michigan's famous cavalryman, the hero of the Sioux massacre. The divisional insignia consisted of the initials CD in bright red worn on the left shoulder. It is indicative of the spirit of the 85th that both men and officers considered themselves ready for overseas duty long before the general staff assigned them transports. By March 1, 1918, the division had arrived at full war strength, and the majority of its members had been six months at hard training. Public opinion in the division was "rarin' to go" long before the frost was out of the ground. April and May passed, however, before word came to move. June 1, the Supply train, first to leave camp en route for France, dispersed to various manufacturing centers to drive the division's trucks through to Baltimore, after which the men went on to Camp Mills, L. I. There they were joined at intervals by other divisional elements. The 85th sailed for France piecemeal after a considerable stay at Camp Mills. By July 31 all units were on the water. The 160th Depot Brigade remained behind to form the nucleus of the 14th Division, which was to occupy Custer from the departure of the 85th until the close of the war. The 85th division debarked at Liverpool, and entrained at once for Southampton. It left the latter port for France short the 339th Infantry, three companies of Engineers, and some of the officers ot the 340th Infantry, these units being detached for service on the Archangel front as the American Northern Russian Expeditionary Force. Arriving at Cherbourg, August 15, the Division went at once to Pouilly-sur-Loire for training. As a replacement division it was certain that a large proportion in the personnel of the division would soon see action, consequently training was of a very rigorous character. September 15, the division moved to Cosne, continuing training there until October 1. Then it spent five days in the great camp at Bois le Vec moving on to Gondreville on the 5th for a week's stay. October 12, the Custer Division arrived at Toul, general headquarters of the Second Army. At each of these stations men were withdrawn from the 85th and transferred as replacements to divisions whose ranks had been depleted by severe losses. Replacements in large numbers went to the First Division, Third, Fourth and 35th, the First getting the largest number. The Custer men so transferred reached these divisions at critical moments and were immediately thrown into action. In this way a very heavy casualty roll must be credited to the 85th, although on the war department records those casualties appear as belonging to the divisions into which the replacements were merged. In the meantime the divisional Artillery had been detached. The 328th and 329th went into action near Pont-a-Mousson toward the close of the Meuse-Argonne offensive. The 330th was all set to begin firing when the armistice closed hostilities. From the base at Toul the Supply Train, for a month before the armistice was signed, operated busily, carrying supplies up to the Meuse-Argonne fighting front. The 310th Field Signal Battalion also did splendid work in preparing for the great proposed drive on Metz, which was scheduled for November but interrupted by the armistice. By November 11, the 85th at Toul had been whittled down by replacements and transfers from 35,000 men to about 4,000. This fact demonstrates clearly the Custer division's contribution to the hard won victory in France. January 15, the division left Toul for the Le Mans area homeward bound. Its various units left Brest from March 26 to April 1, arriving in New York, April 11. With the 85th were many casual companies containing original Custer men sent back to the division from hospitals in which they had been treated after being wounded or gassed in offensive operations with other divisions. Altogether the 85th deserves its pet description-"The division that could but didn't." If it had gone into action as a unit, the 85th would have come out of the war as well and favorably known as any National Army division. Wherever its individual members were put to the supreme test, they either emerged with honor or honorably met death. Down to the last man, the 85th had that previous intangible-morale. Replacements from the 85th fitted neatly into other divisions and carried on with right good will. And those left behind continued to do their less exciting but equally necessary work with soldierly precision. Custer welcomed the first of its returning sons in April, 1919, just two years after war had been declared. Thereafter the camp was a busy scene of demobilization. Hardly had the Custer men from France been mustered out, when the 32nd arrived in May. Well into the summer there was a steady string of casuals arriving at Custer on their way home, men who had trained at Custer and been transferred to other units overseas. Finally, early in July, came the 339th Infantry and Companies A, B and C of the 310th Engineers, after a nine-month winter on the Archangel sector in northern Russia. These units had the toughest billet in the whole National Army. Inadequately supplied and supported, always outnumbered, fighting Arctic winter as well as Bolsheviki, these far flung Custer men enjoyed no armistice on November 11, 1918. Instead they kept pegging away all winter. It was May before they left Russia and July 4 before "Detroit's Own" reached Belle Isle for its own special homecoming. The fact is that "Detroit's Own" held a considerable number of men from "up state," and, counting in the engineer companies, Genesee county was well represented in the American Northern Russian Expeditionary Force. One Genesee man, Lewis Cronin of Flushing, K Co., 339th Infantry, gave his life in the Russian expeditionkilled in action at Kadish, October 16, 1918. Lieutenant Hill, well known in Flint as the coach of the 310th Engineer baseball team which played several games here in the spring of 1918, was drowned while swimming a river under fire. Camp Custer has had its share of famous commanders. Major General J. P. Dickman, later to command the Third Army, the first to reach the Rhine, was the 85th's first commanding officer. He arrived at Custer on August 27, 1917, and with his brigade commandersMiller, Penn, Morse and McMahon —put the 85th through its baby steps. Called to Camp Greene, to take command of the Third Division on November 24, the command at Custer automatically passed to the senior brigadier general, S. W. Miller. Major General James Parker, affectionately known as "Galloping Jim" in the service, reached camp on December 12, shortly to be retired upon reaching the age limit. Among the other commanders were Major General Charles S. Kennedy, who took the 85th across and brought it back; Major General Wm. G. Haan, Brigadier General Edward Johnson, Major General Grote Hutcheson, Colonel Edward Croft, Major General Frank L. Winn, Brigadier General Edwin B. Winans and Brigadier General William H. Hays. 46 - l I | | ImlgiO"Ff —""~-~lw==== -m a'' SCENES FROM CAMP CUSTER ml Headquarters Staff, 14th Division: Nomber 1-Major Gen. Grote Hutcheson; Number 2-Brig. Gen. H. L. Laubach; Number 3-Colonel Chas. S. Paine; Number 4-Brig. Gen. George Nugent; Number 5 -Colonel Edward Croft. Other well known officers in this group are: Lt. Col. J. N. NWalling, Inspector; Lt. Col. Creighton, Surgeon; Major Henke, Supply Officer; Capt. A. J. Drexel Biddle, General's Aide; Capt. Barclay, Motor Tra nsonn rt 1-: LIEUT. GEORGE H. MAINES - Historian and Assistant Morale Officer, who furnished these photographs as O eli E. Company, 310th Supply Train snapped shortly before entraining, as material for our history of the 85th June 1st, 1918. This group contains Cpl. John W. Zimmerman, Division Cpl. Walter Taylor, and about twenty other Genesee County men Division MAJOR F. G. GOEDECKE Assistant Executive Officer, Camp Custer COLONEL EDWARD CROFT Executive Officer, Camp Custer. One of Custer's chief standbys I First Unit of 85th Division arriving for demobilization after overseas service. Supply Company 338th Infantry detraining, Camp Custer, April 9, 1918 imi1^_-^a — - _,, -! * -'*-''i-fcL.^a-aB-lBI i~~~nK-Th i^"iT~~~~~~~~~~r~~~gr4 47 Ambulance Companies 351ST AMBULANCE COMPANY By LUCIAN O. HOLMAN As the German invasion spread through Belgium toward the heart of France, engulfing city after city and destroying all that centuries had wrought, far-sighted Americans saw that if these foemen of mankind were not defeated the Western hemisphere and its civilization were in danger. Among those cities and counties whose young men and older business men early recognized the danger of a victorious Germany were Flint and Genesee. The first definite steps toward the formation of a company of soldiers in Flint, after the declaration of war was taken by the Manufacturers' Association in organizing a motor ambulance company which later became the 351st, a unit of the 88th Division, A. E. F. Early in May, 1917, the Manufacturers' Association of Flint announced that it would equip and finance an ambulance company for immediate overseas service if the organization could be mustered locally. Regulations of the War Department provided that Red Cross ambulance companies so organized would be taken into the National Army when reasonably well organized and ready for service. The first necessity was a commanding officer. This post Dr. Walter H. Winchester, a prominent physician, volunteered to assume. He immediately issued a call for 100 men, and within a short time more than that number from Flint and Genesee county had enrolled. These immediately began regular drill and instruction meetings, rapidly becoming skilled in platoon and company movements and school of the soldier. The company was also equipped during this period. Uniforms, blankets, field equipment and other supplies, arrived without delay and the company assumed a satisfactory military appearance. The roster of the company at this time included the following: Louis E. Albertson, Waldo E. Alexander, Albert E. Atherton. Guy H. Baldwin, Edwin F. Bauman, Clyde Barden, Joseph A. Bezenah, Steven W. Beidas, Robert J. Blackington, Willard G. Barton, Hawley M. Bradshaw, Harry M. Brady, Vere Byus. Ward A. Cameron, Ira L. Campbell, Jay S. Campbell, Chris Christensen, Johannes Christensen, Wade C. Conklin, Donald Cook, Willis G. Coon, C. Beattie Crawford, Nathan Crites, Thomas S. Crites. Victor R. Daley, Hugh H. Dean, Howard W. Dubbs, John F. Dunn. Frank M. Eames, Ambrose J. Earl, Gerald Eckardt, Howard J. Eddy, James M. Eddy, John T. Edgerly, Russel L. Everts. Raymond F. Flick, Charles L. Frye. Lloyd H. Garey, Mark B. Garner, John W. Garrett, Herbert Giffin, Hoyt Glaspie, M. W. Gordon, Nelson C. Green, Howard H. Gregory, Harry A. Gressner, Frederick Griffith, Howard R. Gundry. Howard S. Hameline, Horald E. Hamilton, Hans E. Hansen, Clyde E. Hazlett, Carl W. Herre, Howard Hoadley, Fred B. Hodge, Ray M. Hodge, Lucian O. Holman, Carlton G. Horton, Willard D. Hoskins, Sumner S. Howard, Harold N. Howe, Fred B. Hoyt, Robert R. Hufstader. LeRoy D. Jarvis, Gorton C. Jeffery, Wm. B. Jones. Edgar F. Kelly, Otho F. Keyport, John Koepke, Cecil C. Kurtzrock. Arthur W. Larsen, John A. Lauthers, Howard W. Lee, Paige A. Leonard, Stanley Leczko, Fred H. Linder, Clarence A. Lindsey. DeVere A. Lintz. Norman J. McGillvary, Horace McMichael. John Mahoney, John A. Maitrott, Walter F. Metzger, Claude Miller, Hugh F. Mohr, Ralph R. Morningstar, Harold M. Morse, Lowell M. Morse, Claude R. Myers. William Neighbor, Carl H. Neilson. John R. O'Riley. Hugh N. Parker, Geo. O. Pemberton, James W. Perkins, Robert T. Perry, Max M. Pettibone, Meade W. Pincombe, John S. Pinney, Curtis W. Piper, John J. Poplewski, Hollis E. Porter, Paul S. Procissi. Maurice J. Quick. VanCleave Reid, Richard J. Rigby, Allen Robinson, Fred W. Robinson, Ernest R. Rumble, Charles N. Rumsey. Conrad A. Schaffer, Carl E. Seyfried, Henry J. Sheltraw, Clarence J. Sherff, Zerah C. Smith, Robert N. Snyder, Edward J. Sova, Earl W. Swain. James N. Tinlin. Raymond J. Webb, Thomas A. Williams, George F. Wilson. Ray E. Yakes. Glenn E. Zuver. Application was made for muster into the National Army for further training in preparation for overseas service. In reply Dr. Winchester was duly commissioned, and authorized to act as recruiting officer for muster purposes. Physical examination, oaths of allegiance and other details were disposed of quickly. The organization was then officially designated as the 21st Red Cross Ambulance Company. Four other Flint physicians, who had as first lieutenants applied for enlistment in the Medical Corps, were then assigned to complete the quota of officers-M. R. Sutton, L. R. Phillips, A. V. Murtha and Robert B. Macduff. September 17, 1917, orders were received by Captain Winchester to proceed with his command to Camp Dodge, Iowa, for further training and equipment. Traveling by special train the Company arrived in camp on the evening of the 19th, and was assigned tenmporary barracks. Intensive training immediately began and continued while the company remained at Dodge. Such equipment as the company did not already have was speedily supplied, including medical supplies and ambulances. The record in training camp was excellent. Several times it was commended by the Commanding Officer and his staff for excellent drill and all round efficiency. Possibly no other medical company was as well trained and equipped upon its entry to camp, and this made possible immediate entry into the spirit and work of the army. The first fatality to be experienced by the Flint company occured during this period, when Steven W. Beidas, who, in company with others of the men was swimming in the Des Moines river, was drowned. Every effort was made by the men to rescue their comrade, but without avail. At length, when troops in the cantonment were organized into a division, the designation of the Flint company was changed from the 21st Red Cross Ambulance Company to Ambulance Company 351. The unit was assigned to the 313th Sanitary Train, a field medical regimental organization made up of four ambulance companies and four field hospitals, each of two groups being rated as a battalion and commanded by a major. The 313th Sanitary Train, in turn, was a unit of the 88th Division, formed of troops trained at Camp Dodge. August 10, 1918. After twelve months training, the 88th was ordered to duty on the battle line in France. Landing at Liverpool the company had a three days' rest in camp and then crossed England to Southampton where it "took ship" for Le Havre, crossing the channel to France without incident in a few hours. From Le Havre the company proceeded to join its division, which has established headquarters in the little town of Semur, Cote d' Or, not far from Paris, and for two weeks remaining billeted there in French homes. At Semur the field equipment of the company was completed, and preparations made for field service at the front. The division then received orders to proceed to the Haute-Alsace sector near the Swiss border. There the company was billeted in the villages of Desandans and Abre, in the homes and barns of French peasants. The record of the 351st Ambulance Company in the fighting zone, though short, is filled with heroic action and the daring and tenacity of American youth-not that variety of heroism which captures machine gun nests and routes the enemy, but the calm, unceasing service of ministering to the wounded and caring for the sick. To this task the men devoted themselves loyally day and night-some driving ambulances conveying wounded from the front; others caring for sick and wounded in hospitals; all mingling with danger and disease, yet never ceasing in an essential duty. The first hospital in which the Flint men served was situated in the French village of Herricourt. Thither ambulance drivers brought patients from the front some miles east. Many of these patients were severely wounded, gassed or sick and caring for them presented difficulties. Moreover, when the 313th Sanitary Train went on duty in the Haute-Alsace sector, some 2,000 sick and wounded soldiers were found there suffering from the lack of medical attention and ambulance service to convey them to hospitals. It became our task to work night and day until these patients were all evacuated from the trenches, dugouts and ruins where they had been lying and placed in hospitals for treatment and care. For the manner in which they discharged this task, the men were cited officially by the Commanding General of the American Expeditionary Force. Early in October the company was ordered to move to ChevanneSur-l' Etang, in Alsace, within a short distance of the advance lines. Here we maintained headquarters for several weeks, keeping a line of ambulances moving between the front lines and various field hospitals established near the front. Personnel not needed for ambulance operation was detailed to serve in various field hospitals close at hand. While in this sector Captain Winchester promoted to a Majority, was placed in command of a field hospital, and Captain Frank D. Ryder became the new commander of Ambulance Company 351. October 31, 1918, orders came to move north to the MeuseArgonne sector. Several divisions were being concentrated west of Metz in prepartion for a drive upon that fortified base, the capture of which would have cut whole German armies off from their supplies. The company moved to the rear of this sector, stopping at Lagny to collect and replenish equipment and repair ambulances before advancing into the fighting area. However, before the Flint company took up its position at the front, the armistice agreement was signed at Senlis, and the World War came dramatically to a close on the morning of November 11, 1918. Three weeks later the company left Lagny for Hevillers, with orders to remain there for several months as reserve of the Army of Occupation, in readiness to move to the Rhine bridgehead on short notice May 7, 1919, the command received the long-looked-for order to proceed to the United States. The company moved to St. Nazaire, and there embarked for the home land. June 4th the company landed at Newport News, Va., and entrained for Camp Custer for demobilization. There, on June 12, physical examinations completed and company records closed, the men of Ambulance Company 351 received their discharges-all honorable and bearing the phrase "character excellent." Thus ended two years' service of more than 120 Flint men in the army of the United States during the Great War, eight months of which service was on foreign soil. 48 ) I N T H E GRET RLD WAR 1914-18 Knights Templar Ambulance Company The Order of Knights Templar originated in the Crusades among soulful men eager to relieve the sufferings of pilgrims and warriors and to alleviate the agonies of the dying. This thought prompted F. A. Aldrich of Flint, Past Grand Commander of Michigan, to suggest to the Grand Commandery in session at Kalamazoo in June, 1917, that it would be fitting for the Templars of Michigan to tender the United States government a fully equipped ambulance company for use against Germany in the greatest of all Crusades. Mr. Aldrich also stated that. in case the suggestion found fruit, Flint had in Dr. Floyd A. Roberts a Knight Templar physician of military experience, and executive ability capable of organizing, training and leading such a company. Unanimously the Grand Commandery approved the report of a special committee which acted favorably upon Mr. Aldrich's suggestion. This report recommended that the project be financed by an assessment of $1.50 per member levied against the commanderies of Michigan. This financing was based upon an estimated cost of $15,000 for equipment. Meantime rising costs doubled the estimates. Standard equipment-twelve U. S. Red Cross ambulances, three motorcycles. three regulation lorries and two officers' cars-could not be secured for less than $30,000. To raise the extra funds the committee doubled the assessment to $3 or more per lodge member, and orders were placed. Officers' cars and motorcycles, bought in Flint, bore the insignia of the Knights Templar, as did the ambulances later received. On July 10 Dr. Roberts was commissioned as captain of Ambulance Co. 42, and on August 3 ordered to go on duty as recruiting officer for his company. Applicants were instructed to come to Flint for examination. Captain Roberts secured as barracks the dormitories of the Michigan School for the Deaf, vacant for the summer, and the men used the gridiron for drill purposes. Army rations for approximately 100 men were served in the dining room of the Masonic Temple. Army discipline prevailed. To show their spirit, the men bought their first uniforms, under the impression that the outlay would be refunded with first pay. Unknown to all concerned, this ruling had been altered; but the men were later reimbursed by lodges and individuals. Meantime the cost of providing motor equipment had doubled the estimates. Standard equipment-twelve U. S. Red Cross ambulances, three motorcycles, three regulation lorries and two officers' carscould not be secured for less than $30,000. To raise the extra funds the committee doubled the assessment to $3 or more per lodge member, and orders were placed. Officers' cars and motorcycles, bought in Flint, bore the insignia of the Knights Templar, as did the ambulances later received. The company was ready to entrain by August 1, but moving orders did not arrive. Soon the barracks must be turned back to the school authorities for the opening of the fall term. In the emergency Captain Roberts went to Chicago, interviewed his superiors, and received authority to move to Camp Taylor, Kentucky, two days later. Enlisted men rushed to Pontiac to bring up ambulance chassis; body manufacturers were notified to ship their goods to Louisville for assembly there. After two days' stiff work the company entrained with 24 hours' rations and complete equipment. Twenty-seven Michigan cities and towns were represented on the company roster. Some members were not Templars and a few were not Masons. Some of these later were elected to membership, Louisville lodges conferring the degrees in day time meetings at the request of home lodges. Indeed, throughout their long stay at Camp Taylor, the Masons and Templars of Louisville showed true fraternal feeling toward the Michigan unit. Nor were the modern Crusaders forgotten by the folks back home. Michigan Grand Chapter, Order of the Eastern Star provided a glorious Thanksgiving dinner. Templar women of Flint sent each of the 122 men a complete knitted outfit consisting of helmet, scarf, sweater, wristlets and three pairs of socks, and in addition an extensive comfort kit. Louisville Templar women organized a mending club to care for the company clothing. Acquaintances made through Masonic channels participated freely in the weekly dances and entertainments which Ambulance Company 333 held in its mess hall, to the music of a rented piano. The outstanding event of the winter's training, and a severe test of the company's capacity for hard work, occurred December 20, the night of the dreadful L. & N. wreck at Shepardsville, Ky. Victims were brought to Louisville in such numbers that both policing and hospital attention were frightfully inadequate. Col. Allen of the 309th Sanitary Train, witnessing the tragic jumble at the station, sent an emergency call to camp at 10 p. m. Ambulance Co. 333 with a clear right of way and no speed regulations, had twelve ambulances and 100 men on the ground twenty minutes later. Like veterans they began moving wounded to the hospitals where company surgeons and other physicians could minister to their needs. The number of victims was so large that physicians and nurses worked at top speed all night, and to assist them enlisted men gave andesthetics and performed other nursing duties. Later when the death train came in with its pitiful freight, the men formed a chain gang with litters and went through the task as if they had been old hands instead of new. Colonel Allen, their regimental commander, commended their work highly to the War Department, and press and public of Louisville praised highly the way Michigan Masons conducted themselves in this crisis. In July, 1918, a full year after mobilization in Flint, Ambulance Company 333 was ordered from Camp Taylor to Camp Sherman, Ohio, on the first leg of its long-anticipated journey toward the battle front. After thorough inspection, it was decided the original equipment was too worn for overseas use. Accordingly, all the original equipment was left in Louisville, and new issued. Moving from Camp Sherman to Camp Mills, L. I., the Templar company embarked September 9 for "over there" on the British ship "Melita," landing at Liverpool on the 21st. The journey to Southampton was broken by a stop-over at Romsey, a so-called rest camp. September 25 they crossed from Southampton to Le Havre. On French soil at last, the company proceeded two days by rail to Chateau la Rouche. There it was given operation of a hospital for wounded soldiers in transit from the front. This work continued very actively until November, when the commanding officer detailed 100 of our men for Base Hospital No. 3 at Vou Claire, a distinct compliment to the company's record at the former station. November 25 the remaining 21 men joined the company, and there our men remained until starting for home. George Sevens of Grand Rapids died of influenza and subsequent complications November 15, and three days later was buried with Masonic rites, an event which attracted wide attention in foreign lodge circles. Funds were left in fraternal hands to keep the grave in order and decorate it with flowers at appropriate times. The company left Base Hospital No. 3 April 13, 1919, for the debarkation port of Genicourt, sailing for home on the U. S. S. Otsego and reaching New York 15 days later. During a week's stay at Camp Merritt, the men were royally entertained by the Michigan Bureau for Returned Soldiers and other interested parties. Arriving at Custer June 2, the entire company was permitted to go to Jackson, July 3, for the parade of the Grand Commandery. Discharged June 5, the men separated for travel to their 1 omes. The roster of the company upon return follows: Capt. Let D. Maybee, Lieut. Jolly, Lieut. Mills. Ora Abernathy, Arthur Almstedt, Howard Andrew, Leslie Angus, Arthur Asmus. Fenner Ball, Harold R. Barber, Byron I. Barber, Erwin C. Barie, Russell K. Bennetts, Albert Binford, Theodore Bright, Harry O. Britton, Albert H. Buck, Charles Buck, Russell B. Burbridge. Henry Cadwell, Robert Cain, George Campbell, Robert Campbell, Sydnia R. Carr, Hugh Carter, Francis Cerny, Horace Cummings, George P. Curnow. Earl Daily, James H. Davison, Charles E. Dickinson, Earl Donovan. Fred M. Evans. Joseph H. Farmer, William E. Foulks, Earl F. Fowler, Charles W. rrench, Ray E. French. Harry Geller, Frank C. Gilman, Hugh Glover, Charles Grierson.,Marc C. Hagerman, Roy F. Hagerman, John Hannan, Harvey R. Hansen, Paul Harding, Herbert Harper, Fred Norvell Harris, George Hinte, Clarence HIolcombe, Donald Huston, William Hults. Harry Irvin. Fred Wr. Johnston. Charles Kelly, Clair Kelly, Nerman Kern, Medrad Klevorn, Victor Korhummel, William Kulow. Sam Larson, Carl Lehman, Charles Lenthal, Clinton Lunt. John G. MacDonald. Dugal A. McCallum, Charles H. Manness, Fred Mativa, Clayton Mattice, Clarence Medland, George Menzie, Bradley, R. Miller, Earl A. Mitchell, Wayne A. Mitchell, Lawrence Montigel, John F. Mooney, Dwight Morgan, Charles O. Moyer, Everett S. Mulholland. Gilbert Parks, Fred Powell, Marion L. Pratt. Harold P. Rausch, William H. Reed, Chester Robinson, Paul Roehm. Edward C. Schafer, John Schwer, D'Leeland Seeley, Walter Shuler, William Stack, Ernest Stevens, Roy J. Stevenson, Harold Stewart, Calvin A. Stiff, Orin Stone, Irvin K. Stough, Frank B. Stover, William L. Strobel, Harry P. Sutphen, John Roy Symons. Arthur Talsma, Edward C. Tefs, Ray Timmons, Harry B. Tinkham, Harry A. Towle. Max P. Unger. Charles Wahl, Ray E. Walker, George Wareham, Van M. Weaver, Frank Weston, Earl Whalin, Alexander Wiggins, Archie J. Willis, Walter Windiate. Ray Zimmerman, Harold A. Zulz. Through the war Ambulance Company 333 had four commanders. Captain F. A. Roberts, its organizer, received his majority at Camp Taylor and was given command of four base hospitals which, with the 33rd and three other ambulance companies, made up the 309th Sanitary Train of the 84th Division. Thereafter his work lay elsewhere, and while he continued a deep and friendly interest in the 333rd and its personnel, command passed to Capt. John G. McKinnon of Calumet. Captain Childs of Chicago commanded for four months in France, and Captain Maybee of Kansas City brought the men home. Ambulance Company 333 has organized a reunion association. Au-ust, 1920, will see its veterans gathered in Flint for the third anniversary of their organization. 49 COUNTY'S ACTIVITIES J. DALLAS DORT To organize the American home army required as much devotion, energy and wisdom as any other task of the war. The United States entered the war unprepared for the thorough and tremendous mobilization of its resources which twenty months later brought victory. While our young men were rushing to the colors at the tap of the war drum, the public hesitated, willing to sacrifice much for America, but not knowing how to turn purpose into action. In every community like Genesee County, which has reason to be proud of its record in support of the war, there emerged from this initial hesitation a leader, a man of magnetic patriotism, fitted by character and experience to inspire and to command his fellow citizens during the emergency. In this county it was J. D. Dort. Now that his war record is made it is not easy to see why Genesee County, at the very onset of the war, did not thrust -the responsibility of leadership upon Mr. Dort. A man of proved public spirit, his ambition to be of service to the city of Flint had resulted in numerous betterments to the park system and in a comprehensive city plan for future development. Also he had given much thought and attention to securing for Flint a new charter by means of which he hoped that better city government might be secured without loss of popular rights. But lacking personal aquaintance with this big hearted and farsighted citizen, the man in the street had some difficulty grasping the fact that the pursuit of wealth was a secondary consideration to J. Dallas Dort, who views his possessions as means to further service, and who lives for the Democracy which is the American ideal. Therefore, it took time for Genesee County to find her civilian war leader. He grew into the job, starting as an assistant in the First Liberty Loan drive and ending as general chairman of the Genesee County war board, with a close knit organization of hundreds of men and women in all parts of the county responsive to his orders. Little by little in those early stages, Mr. Dort showed his fitness for leadership by his willingness to accept responsibility, to shelve his personal interests for the good, and by his increasing ability to inspire others with the sacrificial enthusiasm that moved him to work day and night for the cause of victory. The Genesee County War Board, which did such valiant service through the last year of the war, was the child of the Dort brain and in its full grown affectiveness today is the product of Dort training. Mr. Dort's experience as chairman of the First Red Cross drive convinced him that something more than temporary organization was needed for the recurring campaigns he saw coming in the long pull toward victory. Appointed by the Governor as Chairman of the Genesee County section of the Michigan War Preparedness Board, and also the chairman of the Liberty Loan organization by the Federal Reserve Bank, Mr. Dort saw his way clear to build up the home front strong enough to last through a long war and to meet every demand put upon it by the government in behalf of the forces at home and abroad. In another chapter the work of this organization is given in detail; but here is the place to record the fact that with each word of praise for the work of the War Board and its devoted personnel, must go a word for its founder, organizer and general chairman, the keystone of the whole War Board structure. And no one will voice that praise more insistently than the men and women who worked with and under him to give the government and the fighting forces whatever old Genesee could furnish. Josiah Dallas Dort was born at Inkster, Michigan, February 2, 1861, the son of Josiah and Marcy (Jones-Straight) Dort, both of new England stock. He came to Flint in his twentieth year to clerk in the hardware store of Whiting and Richardson. Ever since he has been identified with the civic and business life of Flint, a strong factor in its manufacturing and financial growth, and a constant force for good in the political and social readjustments of this thriving city. In 1886, after five years as an employee, Mr. Dort became an employer joining forces with William C. Durant in the manufacture of road carts. Later that union developed into the Durant Dort Carriage Company, the largest producers of carriages in the United States, and its affiliated companies in Flint and elsewhere, all of which contributed greatly to establishing Flint's status as a manufacturing center. Later still, there followed from the Durant-Dort Company, by reason of the energies of the men who composed it, a succession of strong industrial enterprises. One of these, the General Motors Company, Founded and directed by W. C. Durant, is among the largest and strongest industrial corporations in the world. Others are the Imperial Wheel Company, the Flint Varnish Works, the Walker-Weiss Axle Company and the Dort Motor Car Company of which Mr. Dort is president. No resident of Flint has been more concerned in its business prosperity than the subject of this sketch, and no citizen has worked more zealously toward making our city beautiful, clean and wholesome. J. D. Dort's enthusiasm for the common weal, before it led him to accept the responsibilities of civilian war leadership, impelled him to study sympathetically the needs of labor. A born judge of men, he has the faculty of "picking winners" among his subordinates. It has been a Dort doctrine to develop men to give the progressive individual a chance; and at the same time to help toward financial competence the rank and file of Dort workers, who were unable of themselves to reach high positions and large rewards. Thus the old time carriage company which went into profit sharing long ahead of other industrial concern also trained many of the leaders in the automobile world of today; and beyond the confines of the Dort employment group, Mr. Dort benefitted all Flint workmen by initiating the Flint Factories Mutual Benefit Association, the Vehicle Workers Club, and the Flint Associated Factories organization, by means of which factory workers are insured at low cost against illness and accident. His pioneer work in this line led to his being elected to the board of Michigan Workmen's Compensation Mutual Insurance Company, an association composed of Michigan manufacturers to operate under the workman's compensation law of Michigan. Mr. Dort is also a director of the Genesee County Savings Bank. Mr. Dort has been twice married. His eldest son, Ralph B., enlisted in the United States Marine Corps at the beginning of the war, went abroad with the Headquarters Company of the Sixth Marines, and fought in the battle of Belleau Wood. In the battle of Soissons, July 19, 1918, he sustained injuries and was sent to the rear. After months in the hospital he was reclassified, assigned to non-combatant duty and placed in charge of an army post office. At present he is studying at the Sorbonne University, Paris, having been one of several thousand of Americans soldiers placed in European institutions of learning by the United States government. On May 8, 1907, Mr. Dort was married to Marcia Webb, daughter of Major Charles A. Webb, former commandant at fort Mackinac. Three children have been born to Mr. and Mrs. Dort-Dallas Webb, Margary and David Truscott. In the final campaign of the war-the victory Loan-Mr. Dort was absent from the firing line, detained in New York city undergoing treatment made necessary by his well nigh superhuman efforts in support of the war. For months on end he drove ahead at top speed, overcoming heavy obstacles by sheer presistance, never letting up an instant. Nature demanded a let-down, and the Victory Loan found the War Board minus its chairman. But so well drilled was the organization, and so potent was the Dort spirit, that Genesee went over the top as before. Genesee County's enviable war record is due not alone to the quality of her citizenship, but also the leadership of J. Dallas Dort, whose guiding hand and militant spirit brought forth enthusiasm enabling Genesee to surpass every quota assigned to this county. This heavy task was performed at great personal sacrifice, and without hope of reward other than that which is born of a clear conscience reflecting upon a duty well done. In the coming years this county is not likely to forget the leader of its civilian army and will turn to him for guidance in whatever civic and industrial readjustments reconstruction has in store for us. *k 50 11 J. DALLAS DORT General Chairman, Genesee County War Board 51 COUNTY'S ACTIVITIES Liberty Loan Campaigns FIRST LIBERTY LOAN STARTS IN FAILURE BUT ENDS IN SUCCESS Financing the Great War was a new problem for the United States government. Immediately after the declaration of April 7, 1917, the National government prepared to sell bonds, but the actual marketing of these securities in the enormous quantities necessary to pay for mobilizing and equipping millions of armed men had not been organized. For a few weeks after Liberty Bonds of the first issue were placed on sale the opinion held at Washington that the public would go to the banks and offer subscriptions. By the middle of May, however, the Treasury Department confessed this system a dismal failure. Thereupon began the mobilization of the financial power of this great country on a scale never before dreamed possible. Under the act creating the Federal Reserve Bank the country had already been divided into twelve Federal Reserve districts. The Governors of these districts were now ordered to organize bond selling. In the Seventh district, comprising Michigan, Indiana, Illinois, Iowa and Wisconsin, with headquarters at Chicago, Governor McDougall called together representatives of leading bond houses. Bond salesmen of experience and ability were placed in charge of each of the five states. Frederick R. Fenton of Detroit was chosen Federal Director of Sales for Michigan. This skeleton organization formed in the First Loan remained intact until the end of the war but constantly developed in efficiency as campaign after campaign was successfully promoted. The first act of the State Director with reference to Genesee county was the appointment of Arthur G. Bishop, President of the Genesee County Savings Bank, as County Chairman. Mr. Bishop promptly called together the bankers of Genesee county and amid great enthusiasm these patriotic citizens decided that every avenue and agency within the county should be employed to advertise and promote the sale of Liberty Bonds. The banks underwrote the expenses of the campaign, and continued to foot the bills until the Genesee County War Board was organized. Genesee County's first bond quota was $1,716,000. Small as that figure seems today when contrasted with later quotas and sales, it appeared huge then to the men and institutions who pledged themselves to see the campaign through to a finish. Mr. Bishop promptly appointed J. D. Dort Executive Manager and it was in that position that Mr. Dort had his first experience leading a bond drive. Other men appointed at that time who continued to do loyal service of this nature down to the close of the war in one capacity or another were John L. Pierce, L. H. Bridgman, C. S. Mott, Roy Brownell, H. J. Clifford, J. H. Crawford, C. M. Greenway, Hugh Drummond, J. E. Burroughs, F. A. Aldrich and E. W. Atwood in the city. In the county list appear the well beloved names of E. L. Cornwell, E. L. Beeman, C. J. Campbell and Claude Stoddard. Mr. Dort as Executive Manager immediately put into play the team system, which, with modifications and improvements, remained the basis of the Genesee method in all succeeding campaigns. The city was divided into 110 teams consisting of a captain and two workers each. These teams were not assigned to any particular territory. Each received a list of prospects, there being four thousand names in the complete prospect list. After many preliminary meetings, the largest of which was held in the Masonic Temple on May 31, the campaign got under way on June 4, with factory subscriptions scheduled to begin two days later. However, in spite of advertisements, leaflets, posters and newspaper articles enthusiasm did not appear. Instead of quitting in despair the leaders counseled together. It was decided to effect a radical change in the method of solicitation. Prospect lists were called in, the city roughly districted, and each team given a definite territory to cover by house to house canvass. On Saturday, June 9, officers and team workers, 350 strong, at the beginning of the day's work, marched from the Masonic Temple north on Saginaw street headed by the Salvation Army band. A determined effort was made to inject fighting spirit into the workers. The success of these inspiring methods was proved at the Tuesday luncheon, June 11, in the Masonic Temple, when the final tabulation showed Genesee County had surpassed its quota by 12 per cent, buying $1,925,970 worth of the new bonds as against the allotment of $1,716,000 fixed as the county's quota by the Federal Reserve Bank. Of this grand total 24,268 citizens of Flint subscribed $1.579,300, while 2,222 citizens of townships subscribed $346,670. The factories produced an overwhelming proportion of Flint subscriptions, 20,140 employees buying $950,000 worth of bonds. 9,500 Buick workmen bought $376,350 worth and 3,055 employees of the Mason Motor Company bought $167,500 worth. Results from the other factories were about in the same proportion. The city of Flint realized thankfully the patriotism of its wage-earning population. Throughout the war the willingness of Flint workingmen and women to support their government set the pace for the commercial and agricultural sections of our population. The First Liberty Loan campaign in Genesee County was an experiment in patriotism. It began in failure because of dependence upon the belief that Liberty Bonds would sell themselves. It ended in triumph because of the conviction, growing in the hearts ot patriots, that Liberty Bonds must be sold. The fight developed leaders, proved right methods and showed the leaders upon whom they could depend through thick and thin. As yet the realization had not dawned upon us that this was to be a long war, calling for one bond sales campaign after another. Consequently no continuing organization was perfected. But in the Second Loan it was vastly easier to pick up and carry on because of the experience, organization and spirit inherited from the First Liberty Loan drive. IN SECOND LIBERTY LOAN GENESEE LOANS MORE THAN $4,000,000 Called upon to raise $3,540,550 as its share of the three billion asked of the United States in the Second Liberty Loan, Genesee County made an over-subscription of more than $700,000 or 127 per cent of quota. 19,235 persons, resident in Flint, subscribed for the Loan, each taking on the average $1,800 worth of the new bonds. Of the townships, Richfield, Davison, Fenton and Flushing over-subscribed their quota. This campaign marked a distinct advance toward the close organization which developed in time to make itself felt effectively in later campaigns. 101 teams canvassed the city territory under the direct supervision of the Campaign Manager, F. B. Wressler, of New York City. It had been planned to have the city campaign managed by Daniel A. Reed of the Flint Board of Commerce, but he was called to a broader field by the government and attended only one meeting of the local campaign. The campaign opened on October 9, a meatless day, and proceeded amid conditions calculated to bring the seriousness of the war directly home to the American people. The result was that the solicitors found a readier response than before especially in the factories where the employees rallied to the call enthusiastically. One of the real achievements of this campaign which remained in effect through all remaining loans was an agreement entered into by all banks of the city and county to carry debit balances on government bond subscriptions at low interest for six months when 5 per cent had been paid. In later drives the initial payment was raised to 10 per cent. This opened the flood gates of credit, and thereafter Genesee County not only loaned what it had already saved but also anticipated its savings in the government's interest. Great credit is due Genesee County bankers for this and other services to the national cause throughout the war. J. D. Dort, who later became the head of the War Board organization and led this county through the Third, Fourth and Fifth Loans, acted as assistant to Chairman Bishop, and it is in part due to him that the banks were brought into this unified relation with the community and the nation. One of the important lessons deduced from this campaign and drawn upon in the organization of succeeding campaigns, was the realization that the rural districts required special attention if they were to match the city as contributors to Uncle Sam's coffers. Richfield, the first township to go "Over the Top" was followed only by three others, Davison, Fenton and Flushing, the three latter each containing one or more villages of considerable population. The other fourteen townships fell below their quota. However, the splendid example set by Richfield, which maintained its record of "First Over the Top" to the end of the war, proved what might be done even in strictly rural townships under proper leadership and with comprehensive methods at work. Richfield was fortunate in having Claude Stoddard, new State Senator, at the helm early in the war. It was apparent that to bring the other townships up to Richfield's standard in another campaign would require more thorough organization, in order that the seriousness of the conflict and the necessity of backing up the government might be brought home to the sterling patriots of the villages and rural districts. In succeeding campaigns this was successfully accomplished under the guidance and inspiration of Roy E. Brownell, Prosecuting Attorney, and the county organization which he built up gave a convincing demonstration that handicaps of distance and isolation could be overcome by Genesee County's patriotic spirit. THIRD LIBERTY LOAN GIVES FIT ANSWER TO THE ENEMY'S CHALLENGE April, 1918, was the crucial month of the war. One year had elapsed since the declaration of war without American strength being felt to any marked extent on European battlefields. Moreover the year had witnessed the elimination of Russia from the struggle for liberty. And just before the end of this heart-breaking twelve months the German high command set in motion its long advertised Spring drive for the channel ports, with the object of separating the British and French armies and winning the war before American troops could come up in force. According to German psychology the situation in April was not one to encourage bond buying in America. However, on this side of the water the Ioan was taken up in a fighting spirit, and fit answer made to the challenge of militarism. From the very start of the campaign in Genesee County there never was a moment of hesitation or doubt as to over-subscription. Men and women of the sales organization placed themselves under orders and worked with the 52 OFFICERS Genesee County "War Board C. C. KAGEY Secretary and Assistant to General Chairman, Genesee County War Board GEORGE C. WILLSON Treasurer, Genesee County War Board CHARLES M. GREENWAY Vice-Chairman, Genesee County War Board. President, Genesee Chapter, American Red Cross MRS. LORENZO J. LOCY County Chairman, Women's Division, Genesee County War Board and Council of National Defense MRS. CARRIE E. C. BERSTON City Chairman, Genesee County War Board, President of Women's Council 53 I COUNTY'S ACTIVITIES same devotion as soldiers on the field. Indeed, it was in this campaign, while the allied lines were bending toward the channel, that the organization of bond selling on a military basis became perfected for use in subsequent campaigns. One improvement on previous campaigns was the giving of more responsibility to committee chairmen and majors of the city divisions. Six majors were elected to supervise the work of captains of city teams, there being fourteen captains in each of the six grand divisions of the city. The organization as announced by J. D. Dort, General Chairman, on March 28th, was remarkably comprehensive and under the spur of Mr. Dort's dynamic leadership, hundreds of willing workers plunged into their tasks. Organization of the townships began on March 18 and by April 5 when the factory organization was lined up everything was in readiness. The anniversary of the sinking of the Lusitania and of the declaration of war, was the day selected by President Wilson for the formal opening of the Third Liberty Loan drive. The occasion was selebrated with a parade and military exhibition given by G Co., 338th Infantry, 85th Division from Camp Custer, all of them soldiers from Flint and Genesee county. On the following Tuesday, April 8, 9 a. m., the entire sales organization of the War Board paraded from the Masonic Temple north on Saginaw street to Third avenue, from which point the teams took up the work of solicitation. Among the visitors to Flint in this campaign were Douglas Fairbanks and Mrs. Basil Clarke, a charming speaker introduced to Genesee county by Daniel A. Reed, who quickly won our hearts so completely that she was recalled frequently in subsequent campaigns. April 16, Chairman Dort announced the quota had been reached and passed, but on the 20th the Boy Scouts were given a go-ahead to glean all the subscriptions overlooked in the general canvass. Their loyal efforts were well repaid. The net results of this campaign tabulated fully on another page were so thoroughly satisfactory that immediately following the campaign the Liberty Loan sales organization was perpetuated as the Genesee County War Board. Some time previously J. D. Dort, C. M. Greenway and F. R. Ottaway had been named by Governor Sleeper as a War Preparedness Board for Genesee County, functioning under the Michigan War Preparedness Board. By mutual consent of every one concerned the Genesee County War Board took over the duties and responsibilities of the War Preparedness Board in Genesee county, and continued to carry the load until the end of the war. It is noteworthy that more than one-third of the population of Genesee County subscribed to the Third Liberty Loan, thereby producing an over-subscription of 175 per cent. In the city of Flint slightly more than 25,000 persons subscribed $2,810,100. As demonstrating the superior organization of the drive in the rural districts as compared with that of the Second Liberty Loan, twelve of the eighteen townships went over the top; whereas in the previous loan only four surpassed their quotas. The entire township organization deserves praise for this achievement, which was effected by sheer hard work and patriotic perseverance. FOURTH LIBERTY LOAN SURVEY PAVES WAY FOR ANOTHER SUCCESS Preparatory to the Fourth Liberty Loan which was recognized early as one of the supreme tests of the government's financial program, the Treasury Department direct -' hat a survey be taken in advance of solicitation to determine the financial resources of each locality and the abilities of individual citizens to subscribe. Owing to the exhaustive labors of the fuel canvass just completed, the Women's Organization was asked to make the Loan Survey, with Mrs. Carrie E. C. Berston in charge of the city of Flint, and Mrs. L. J. Locy in charge of all the townships of the county. In Mrs. Berston's absence the work went forward to a successful conclusion under Mrs. J. H. Lavender's direction. In this survey use was made for the first time of twelve majors, each having seven captains and teams under her orders. Subsequent to the Third Liberty Loan the city had been re-districted by John L. Pierce. Under the new plan the city was separated into twelve grand divisions, each sub-divided into seven parts. This arrangement proved eminently workable and was maintained to the close of the war. Owing to the absence of Mrs. Berston, Mr. Dort and Mr. Reed, the actual direction of this survey fell upon C. C. Kagey, Secretary of the War Board, who here as elsewhere proved himself a master of organization detail. The survey opened September 10, 1918, with about 500 women canvassing the city, equipped with cards which when filled out formed the basis of the prospect list used by solicitors in the Fourth Liberty Loan. Although meeting adverse weather conditions, the canvassers produced 30,000 separate cards for the city of Flint and a corresponding number for the townships. From these cards volunteer workers tabulated a master file in alphabetical order. Many of these volunteer office workers were employed during the day at their usual tasks so that the bulk of the work of both the Survey and the Fourth Liberty Loan had to be performed nights and Sundays. It is here in order to give due credit and praise to these volunteer workers who sacrificed their leisure hours willingly without hope of pay. In fact the conduct of this entire Survey by the Women's Organization reflects the utmost credit upon the women of Flint, proving conclusively their patriotism, intelligence and all around ability for the responsibilities of citizenship recently vested in them. VOLUNTEER PLAN IN FOURTH LOAN GIVES GENESEE LARGEST BOND SALES The Fourth Liberty Loan witnessed the triumph of the volunteer principle. After the ground had been thoroughly prepared by publicity and due notice given that Loan slackers would be haled before the Board of Review, a Volunteer Day was designated at which citizens could prove their patriotism, by bringing their Loan subscriptions to sales offices established in various parts of the city, villages and townships. At each sales office the applicants were greeted by an enthusiastic staff of salesmen, the same men who sold bonds on the house to house plan in previous campaigns and who were prepared to adopt that plan again if it proved necessary. As a matter of fact Genesee County went over the top with a rush, all districts, both city and townships, surpassing their quotas. Details of this exploit make highly satisfactory reading for patriots. As against a quota of $4,127,500 Genesee subscribed $5,546,250, or 134 per cent, 23 per cent better than the State of Michigan and the Seventh Federal Reserve District. Even more impressive is the total number of subscriptions-37,198, of which the townships produced 7,775, the city of Flint 11,461 and the Flint factories 17,962. It is estimated that one out of every four residents, man, woman and child of Genesee county bought Liberty Bonds of the Fourth issue. Due credit for this remarkable showing falls first of all upon the Genesee County War Board, which had organized the city, townships and factories so thoroughly in advance that success was a foregone conclusion. The campaign resolved itself into counting volunteer subscriptions instead of selling government bonds, but after all no degree of organization could have drawn forth an equal response from an apathetic public. The truth is that Genesee county by September, 1918, had arrived at a state of public feeling in which every single person was prepared to sacrifice everything to victory. Moreover the great mass of the people in their homes, factories and fields were disposed not only to do all they could for their country but also to visit reproach upon those who were not so minded. The Fourth Loan was an uncomfortable time for those who were slow to comprehend that war meant sacrifice at home as well as abroad. Local preparation for the Loan was in reality an education in patriotism and the responsibilities of citizenship. Splendid results prove that the few "money slackers" in Genesee county before the Fourth Loan had been converted by conclusion of the drive. In this campaign Genesee county was fortunate in having the inspiration of Daniel A. Reed as City Sales Manager. To Mr. Reed's strong personality and oratorical powers had just been added the prestige of nomination for Congress by the Republican voters of the 43rd New York district. Moreover, through his journey to European battlefields for the Food Administration and his lecture tour through the Middle Western states for the United States government, Dan Reed had grown into a national figure of such compelling proportions that the Flint public listened to him enthusiastically. In the emergency the man in the street-rich or poor-took Dan Reed's word for it. By its work in the Fourth Loan, Genesee county acquired the honor of naming a ship, and supplying a sponsor for the vessel. After a referendum in the Flint Daily Journal the name City of Flint was selected. Mrs. Marcia Webb Dort, wife of Mr. J. D. Dort, Chairman of the War Board, was selected as sponsor. It was generally supposed at the time the government made its offer that this vessel was to be of a fighting type and later when the government reported that the ship selected for Flint was a merchant vessel, enthusiasm lessened. In casting up the totals on the Fourth Liberty Loan, it is noteworthy that every township in Genesee county surpassed its quota by a handsome margin. VICTORY LOAN FOLLOWS ITS FOUR PREDECESSORS OVER THE TOP The Fifth or Victory Liberty Loan presented a psychological problem to the leaders of war finance in Genesee county. The Armistice had been signed four months before, demobilization was under way, war orders were being cancelled and government claims adjusted. Industries which before the Armistice were working toward one hundred per cent production of war goods now put forth gigantic efforts to reorganize promptly for the business of peace. Yet although fighting had ceased, peace had not yet been signed at Paris. Many of the war time regulations held over, especially in the field of foreign trade. Business men hesitated, and while in Flint that hesitation was very quickly overcome by the optimism and confidence of our industrial leaders, nevertheless the nation-wide and world-wide uncertainty had some influence here. As Spring wore along Washington realized two things: that a fifth loan would be necessary in order to pay expenses of demobiliza tion; and second, that because the country was no longer at war this new loan would have to be more tempting than its predecessors to overcome the apathy accompanying cessation of hostilities. Liberty Bonds of prior issues were selling several dollars under par. While the public was willing to accept losses on bonds during the war, difficulty was foreseen in making the Fifth Loan popular on that basis. Consequently while the Genesee County War Board organization prepared to put forth mighty efforts to sell Genesee county's quota on the old basis if that should be necessary, all the workers were profoundly relieved when Secretary Glass announced the terms of the Loan, which were the most favorable yet offered by the United States government —44 per cent taxable and 3-4 per cent bonds not subject to income taxes. 54 Majors of City Divisions Genesee County War Board GEORGE H. MAURER Major, Chevrolet Motor Co. Divisior DR. J. H. BECKWITH Major, Division "G" C. T. GHITSAS Major, Greek Division, Division "M" A. N. CODY Major, City Schools Division "N" WALTER 0. SMITH Major, Division "E" REV. J. B. HEWELT Major, Division "L" EDWARD M. CUMINGS Major, Division "D" ED. S. LUNT Major, Division "F" J. H. LAVENDER Major, Division "K" ROBERT J. WISE Major, Headquarters Division "P" HUGH DRUMMOND Major, Flint Federation of Labor, Division "R" E. J. MACOMBER Major, Division "H" 55 HISTORY OF GENESEE COUNTY'S ACTIVITIES When these glad tidings came from the Director of Sales for the Seventh Federal Reserve District, Vice-Chairman Greenway, who directed the campaign in the absence of Chairman Dort, said, "Genesee County will go over the top the first day." Thereafter the only danger to guard against was over-confidence. The preliminary work of the campaign was done with the utmost thoroughness, starting with an organization meeting for the county on April 11. Three days later factory majors and captains met in the auditorium of the Masonic Temple. WVomen of the city sales organization met Tuesday noon for a spirited meeting addressed by F. R. Fenton, Federal Director of Sales. At these preliminary meetings the workers voted unanimously to have Easter Sunday, April 20, set apart as Volunteer Day. Factory employees were given the chance to volunteer on the foregoing Friday and Saturday. VW'ithout exception every factory went over the top. A quota of $500,000 had been distributed among the various industries of the city and each unit of Flint's industrial army more than accomplished the task set for it. With this splendid example to spur them on the city organization workers went to their 84 stations on Volunteer Sunday and resolved to sell every caller the limit in Victory Bonds. Township headquarters opened at 1:00 p. m. and remained open until 8:00 p. m. By Sunday evening Mr. Greenway was able to wire Director Fenton that Genesee had surpassed her quota, and received a prompt reply that this county was the first county in Michigan to go over the top. As against a quota of $3,156,950 more than 23,000 residents of Genesee County subscribed $4,139,400. Satisfactory as this was in point of dollars right from the outset the War Board felt not a little concerned because the factory employees came to the front in far larger numbers than the remainder of the town people. Nothing proves the basic loyalty of Flint's wage earning population more clearly than this Victory Loan campaign, when without any of the vigorous pressure applied in previous loans, 15,443 men and women from the factories supported the government with their savings. City subscriptions, although fewer in number than before, were larger in amount. Fifteen out of eighteen townships surpassed their quotas. Notwithstanding the disappointment of the War Board organization at falling short of its wonderful record in the Fourth Loan in number of subscribers, Genesee produced in the Fifth Loan a larger percentage of subscribers than any other county in the State based upon estimated population for 1918. 28 per cent of Genesee County residents —man, woman and child-loaned money to their government on Victory bonds. Genesee led Muskegon County, the runner up, by a clear 7 per cent, and Wayne County by a margin of 16 per cent, the average of the whole state being only 9 per cent. Thus came to a glorious conclusion the war finance program in Genesee County. In five great financial drives Genesee in each case surpassed its quota. Taking into consideration both value and number of subscriptions this county easily takes rank as the most patriotic of Michigan units. This series of splendid achievements can be explained only on the basis that Genesee made war its chief business through the eighteen months of conflict, its people sinking their personal desires in favor of the national welfare and under exalted and competent leadership bending all their energies to the task of victory. SUMMARIZING GENESEE'S RECORD IN THE FIVE GREAT LOANS Within two years of warfare Genesee County loaned to the United States government and gave to the war activities which the government approved the sum of $22,445,595, or about 30 per cent in excess of quotas allotted to this county. which totaled $16,973,389. Genesee continued her patriotic investing right up to the last, being the first city in the state to report its Victory Loan quotas subscribed. And since Michigan was the first State in the Union to go over the top, old Genesee was virtually the first county in the Union to declare its quota raised. Moreover this county furnished a greater percentage of subscribers, loan after loan, to population than any other Michigan county, and Michigan, by subscribing $580,260,000 in five loans, surpassed all the other states in the Seventh Federal District except Illinois. Genesee's place as one of the premier counties and one of the most patriotic states in the Union, is a triumph of organization. Separate reports indicate how from one campaign to another the field forces were maintained at full strength. The civilian home army, commonly called the Genesee County War Board, found itself in the Second Liberty Loan drive, and was mobilized during the stress ot the Third Loan and Second Red Cross Campaign, accomplished the Fourth Loan drive without being pushed, and finished strong in the Victory Loan. It was a volunteer organization serving under a leader who inspired confidence and demanded results. The organization turned to Mr. Dort with an enthusiastic obedience which held firm through many months as steadfastly as if it had been founded upon military discipline. Without the power to dictate he was followed because he was "first among equals," all striving for the common good. If Mr. Dort is singled out for praise, it is simply because throughout the greater part of the war, he was the commanding officer. But in the ranks and among the intermediate officers were hundreds of men and women who vied with their chief in service. Space forbids describing their exploits in detail. They live, however, in the record, in the statistics of work accomplished. K. OF C. CAMPAIGN During the latter part of June, 1917, Flint Council No. 695, Knights of Columbus, raised by popular subscription $10,723.35 for the National War Fund of that organization. Headquarters asked for $7,000 from Genesee County but the workers, under the leadership of the late Patrick R. Doherty, General Chairman, went 50 per cent beyond. Thirty-five teams made a general canvass of the city. While solicitation was largely confined to members of Catholic churches and schools, many Protestants also subscribed. Y. M. C. A. CAMPAIGN In May, 1917, Genesee County was assigned a quota of $10,000 of its share of the first Y. M. C. A. war fund. Numerous citizens of Flint heard John R. Mott, General Secretary of the Association, speak in Detroit upon the need of relief work in the warring countries, and prophesy out of his personal experience regarding the tremendous task which the United States had undertaken in becoming a belligerent. These men enlisted the assistance of a large number of workers and succeeded in securing the desired funds in spite of the fact that since this was the first local financial campaign in support of the war. FIRST RED CROSS WAR FUND IS GREATLY OVERSUBSCRIBED The First Red Cross campaign for war relief purposes followed close upon the heels of the First Liberty Loan campaign, the Loan campaign closing on June 17, 1917, and the Red Cross canvass beginning on June 18. There was no organized campaign in the factories. Four teams, each composed of or:e captain and five workers were sent through the city to canvass from a selected list of four thousand prospects,one thousand names to each team. This method was continued until June 21, when it was discontinued and the teams started a house to house canvass. Solicitors also worked in each township under a township chairman. At the final meeting of the workers the welcome news was received that the General Motors Corporation subscribed $125,000 or approximately $10 for each employee in the City of Flint. This lifted the amount subscribed to a total of $295,169.61 as against ah assigned quota to the county of only $85,000. For the first time in the war the willingness of Flint citizens to support war enterprises with their funds attracted national attention. Final tabulation revealed that the city of. Flint alone gave the Red Cross $231,188.58, more than 400 per cent of quota. Englewood, N. J., a suburban city containing the homes of many rich New Yorkers, was the only community to surpass Flint's record. Success in this campaign directly following the first Liberty Loan convinced J. D. Dort and his faithful assistants that there was absolutely no limit to the patriotism and generosity of Genesee County citizens providing they were properly approached. Experience proved that success in local war financing, as in the war itself, depended absolutely upon organization. This discovery led the citizen army to enlist for the duration of the war. It impelled successful men in all walks of life to give all the time asked for by the government, to leave their businesses and occupations whenever called upon to serve the cause; and, burying their personal inclinations, to obey orders without regard to the personal sacrifice involved. [Editor's Note: Further records of this and other Red Cross campaigns occur in the section devoted to Genesee Chapter American Red Cross.] THREE-IN-ONE CAMPAIGN Six months' experience collecting funds for war relief purposes proved that because the large sums necessary and the considerable number of agencies in the relief field individual financial campaigns were impracticable. If each of the many worthy organizations approved by the government were to have its own drives for funds, both the solicitors and the public would get out of sympathy with the projects, the former because of over-work, the latter because of too frequent appeals. Therefore, the Y. M. C. A., the Y. W. C. A., and the War Camp Community Service, whose joint needs were estimated at $35,000,000, joined together in a Three-in-One compaign. Genesee's quota was first fixed at $68,000 but finally accepted at $62,000. Preliminary organization under Mr. F. A. Aldrich as County Chairman began on October 31, 1917, directly following the close of the Second Liberty Loan, but active canvassing by the fifty-one teams drafted to cover Flint and Genesee County did not start until November 12. Work proceeded under great difficulties owing to bad weather and the fact that the public had not had time to recover from the Second Liberty Loan. Notwithstanding these drawbacks the city of Flint over-subscribed by $5.600 its quota of $50,000. The townships, to each of which had been arbitrarily assigned a quota of $1,000, fell behind, Fenton being the only one which over-subscribed. This failure on the part of the townships is not to be wondered at, however, when it is remembered that in assigning the quotas no effort was made to bring those quotas into line with population or resources. Of all the sixteen campaigns in Genesee County this proved to be the most difficult and great credit is due the General Chairman and the organization as a whole for sticking to their tasks until the quota had been raised despite all the drawbacks. RED CROSS ROLL CALL, 1918 With the object of enrolling 20,000 Genesee County citizens as members of the American Red Cross, the roll of good citizenship was called in the dark days of December, 1917, when city and county were beginning to feel the pinch of a coal famine, later to assume serious 56 I I i ___,, - 1' 7. I.",51 Jose.FI I,.9 'allow -, I I I sax crl9: Leaders in Genesee County War Board Organization A. BROWN BATTERSON Director, Factory Sales. Member of Executive Council HON. D. D. AITKEN Member of Executive Council, Genesee County War Board LEONARD FREEMAN Member of Executive Council, Member of Finance Committee, Genesee County icrWar Board FLOYD A. ALLEN Member of Executive Council, Chairman of Committee on General Publicity I OTTO R. LARGENT Member Executive Council, Chairman Headquarters and Luncheons, Genesee County War Board ARTHUR G. BISHOP Chairman, First and Second Liberty Loan Campaigns in Genesee County; Chairman of Finance Committee, Member of Executive Council, Member of Bankers' Committee, Genesee County War Board MYLES F. BRADLEY Member Executive Council, Chairman Newspaper Publicity Committee, Genesee County War Board REV. HOW. J. CLIFFORD Major, Buick Personal Service, Factory Organization, Genesee County WVar Board. Four Minute Man. REV. GEO. E. BARNES Member of Executive Council; Member of Protestant Churches and Sunday S'chools Committee, Genesee County War Board I F I JOHN L. RIEGLE Member of Executive Council; Assistant General Director Townships Organization (Men), Genesee County FRANK R. STREAT Chairman of Four-Minute Men, Genesee County War Board GEORGE OSCAR BOWEN Member of Executive Council and Chairman of Music Committee, Genesee County War Board; Commission on Training Camp Activities, Camp Grant, Ill. WVar Board - 5 57 proportions. On Sunday, December 16, when most of the canvassing was done, the snow was more than a foot deep in the streets and throughout the entire period of the campaign the weather was cold and blustering. In view of these conditions the fact that more than 20,000 persons in Genesee County joined the Red Cross at $1 each may be accepted as a remarkable achievement. Of the townships Clayton, with 601 members, led the list. C. S. Mott, President of the Genesee County Chapter American Red Cross, directed the campaign, assisted by an Executive Committee consisting of E. W. Atwood, A. G. Bishop, M. C. Day, C. A. Bishop, W. A. Zimmerman, M. F. Bradley, C. B. Phelan, Mrs. E. A. DeWaters, D. N. Travis, R. J. Wise, O. R. Largent and M. E. Bayer. The latter, who served as office manager, has since been reported killed in France. FUEL SURVEY IN THE BITTER WINTER OF 1917-18 Genesee County and particularly the city of Flint suffered greatly through lack of coal throughout the winter of 1917 and 1918. The national government early in the war appointed a Fuel Administrator to allot supplies and encourage conservation of fuel. In carrying out their duties, state and county fuel administrators in Michigan found themselves greatly handicapped because all through the autumn shipments of coal from fields normally destined to Michigan were diverted to the northwest by the water route through the Great Lakes. The result was that the winter supply for both Michigan industries and homes hung upon the single thread of winter railroad transportation. Under ordinary conditions this might have served but the railroads were not in condition to meet any extra strain. Such a strain developed through adverse weather conditions. Michigan experienced the coldest weather in a generation. Crisis came with a blizzard, which starting on January 11 continued through 36 hours, filling the streets with impassable drifts, stopping traffic and putting tremendous difficulties in the way of coal deliveries either by common carriers or dealers. Previous to this crisis the County Board of Fuel AdministratorsMayor Geo. C. Kellar, Chas. L. Bartlett and VWm. C. Wells-had been carrying out the orders of the National Fuel Administration as relayed to them through the State Administrator at Lansing. Those orders were based upon the assumption Michigan would have enough coal but none to spare and that it was the duty of the administrators rather to teach and enforce conservation than to increase supply by getting coal shipped in, thereby reducing the supply available for other parts of the country. However, local suffering became so acute in mid-January that a change of front became necessary. Delivery of coal to some outlying districts could not be obtained at any price; long lines waited at all coal dealers and in the City Hall, where efforts were being made to apportion equitably such coal as came to Flint. It became apparent that more herculean methods would have to be adopted. More coal must be secured, drastic conservation rules put into effect, and all stores listed with a view to determining how much coal was on hand, how much more was needed and whether private coal stocks were sufficiently large to make compulsory sharing worth while. These measures were first considered at a meeting in the City Council Chamber, January 12, at the invitation of the Genesee County fuel committee, at which were present about twenty-five leading citizens representing the Board of Commerce. J. D. Dort, Leonard Freeman and H. L. Innes were elected members of a Citizens Fuel Committee. This body delegated various members to make investigation of the emergency cases early Sunday morning, January 13. The following day the joint committee was called together by Chairman Dort to effect ways and means of purchasing, distributing and delivering of coal to relieve the situation in Flint. O. A. Simpson was appointed Fuel Distributor with John G. Windiate in charge of deliveries. John Hammond was appointed General Purchasing Agent with power over all incoming fuel, with J. A. Gardner, traffic expert, as assistant. Lewis Buckingham took charge of the general fuel investigating committee with authority to inventory all fuel in the business district. Alderman Harry Haight was given similar charge of the residence districts. Seventeen men worked under Mr. Buckingham; twenty-four under Mr. Haight. J. E. Burroughs and Lynus Wolcott acted as a wood supply committee. Mayor Kellar was authorized to purchase coal to the amount of $3,000 for the city of Flint and Geo. J. Philp was sent to the Illinois coal fields as the city's representative. The following day this amount was enlarged by $15,000 by vote of the Common Council, the fuel purchased by the city for the people to be handled exclusively by City Engineer Shoecraft. Meantime the fac tories had been drawn upon for the services of their expert traffic man and other qualified specialists. D. M. Averill was sent to Saginaw and Bay City to scour that field. Mr. Geo. E. Butler was given authority to buy coal in Chicago, while F. A. Hurst was sent to Buffalo and other eastern fields. These measures and better weather conditions which permitted the coal dealers to secure and distribute supplies quickly brought relief. SECOND RED CROSS CONTRIBUTING CAMPAIGN In May, 1918, Genesee County was called upon for $140,000 by the American Red Cross as part of its second war fund of $100,000,000 of which Michigan was assigned $3,000,000. Genesee was fortunate in having present throughout the campaign Mr. Dan A. Reed, whose experience and driving power were of the utmost value. Under Mr. Reed served the entire War Board Organization as operating in the Third Liberty Loan. These veterans of the civilian army raised the entire quota in three days, reporting victory on Wednesday, May 22. Richfield as usual led all other townships across the line, reporting "quota passed" the first day. This campaign had been thoroughly prepared by Manager Reed who brought Miss Kathleen Burke, a Scotch nurse of wide experience in the war zone, to the Masonic Temple for Friday evening, May 17. Mrs. Basil Clarke, formerly a resident of Brussels, who had lectured in Flint on food conservation, returned to Genesee for several addresses. A strong advertising feature was a huge reproduction of the famous Red Cross poster, "The Greatest Mother in the World," erected in front of the City Hall, with changeable numerals indicating total subscriptions as the campaign progressed. The net result of these efforts was a total subscription of $343,130 or about 250 per cent of quota, of which a substantial percentage remained here to finance the local Red Cross Chapter, the Genesee County War Board, and provide funds for minor war causes approved by the national authorities. UNITED WAR WORK CAMPAIGN This campaign began on November 11, 1918, the day upon which Marshal Foch directed the German envoys to sign on the dotted line, the date which will be remembered throughout most of the civilized world for centuries without end as marking the close of the bloodest war ever seen upon this planet. Genesee County was allotted $130,000 as its share of $170,500,000 to be devoted to the following institutions serving the needs of soldiers, sailors and marines-Y. M. C. A., Y. W. C. A., K. of C., Jewish Welfare Board, War Camp Community Service, American Library Association, Salvation Army. All of these associations were recognized by the War Department as the accepted agencies through which men in the ranks were assisted in essential matters of recreation and morale. Of this amount the sum of $49,500 was approved as the United Local Fund to be devoted to the local needs of the Y. M. C. A., Y. W. C. A., and Bureau of Social Service. As an offset the quota for the townships was set at $29,711 and it was agreed that any township exceeding its quota would receive back the surplus over quota for its local Red Cross work or further support required by any of the seven organizations for whom funds were sought. Despite a natural let down directly after the Armistice was signed Genesee County went "over the top" with gross pledges of $150,071.88. The city of Flint gave $62,745.65 for the National and $49,573.55 for the Local Fund. The entire War Board organization participated in the drive under the General Chairmanship of Mr. Dort, with Dan A. Reed as Sales Manager. Preliminary organization was accomplished under the leadership of W. C. Jones. RED CROSS ROLL CALL FOR 1919 All previous Red Cross campaigns had been conducted by special organizations recruited by the Genesee Chapter, American Red Cross. Upon the occasion of the Second Red Cross Membership campaign or Roll Call the War Board agreed to undertake the campaign under the direction of its vice-chairman, Mr. C. M. Greenway, who was also Chairman of the Genesee Chapter of the American Red Cross. Dan A. Reed acted as Manager of the City Organization. Roy E. Brownell was Township Director assisted by Mrs. Belle D. Locy of Davison. Sunday, December 15, was especially set apart for the canvass. At a meeting in the Masonic Temple, Friday, the 13th, over 500 enthusiastic salesmen appeared and offered their services for the task. The day broke clear and sunny and this fair augury was borne out in the canvass. Special efforts in the factories brought the usual splendid response. Bank booths were maintained until December 17. The final tabulation showed that 19,902 Red Cross members had been secured for the year 1919 at a total fee of $21,084.70. HERO CENSUS In February, 1919, Governor Albert E. Sleeper directed Mrs. Wm. M. Stebbins of Hastings, Mich., to compile a record of Michigan soldiers, sailors and marines serving in the Great War, this record to become part of the permanent archives at the State Capitol. To meet this request a census of Genesee County service men was projected the second week in February. The task of securing information of Genesee's warrior sons by house to house canvass devolved upon the Women's Organization Sickness and nursing cases had decreased the number of experienced canvassers among the W\ar Board women and it became necessary to enlist outside assistance. C. C. Kagey, Secretary of the War Board, who had the entire work in charge, thereupon organized an executive committee from among the majors acting in previous campaigns, as follows: Mrs. M. C. Day, Miss Alice Knight, Mrs. Harry D. Nutt, Mrs. J. W. Handy, Miss Elizabeth Coates, Mrs. Vett Cowles, Mrs. Etta Lavender, Miss Jewell P. McCarthy, Mrs. D. S. Zach, Mrs. Roy W. Jennings, Mrs. E. A. Hatch, Mrs. D. S. Childs. Upwards of 3,000 service records and 2,000 photographs were secured. These were turned over to the Editor of the Genesee County War History, who herewith expresses his gratitude for this timely assistance, so vital to the preparation of this work. Since the census the number of records has been increased to more than 4,800, which will be sent forward at the appointed time to Lansing, there to remain in the archives as testimony to Genesee County's loyalty to the nation in its greatest crisis, and to serve as a basis for any future legislation looking toward financial relief for Michigan veterans of the Great World War. 58 I l | la i 11 - - ========~ ==== OIL= 1 p I Leading War Board "Workers EARLE W. BECKMAN Member of Executive Council Boy Scout Executive GEORGE A. BARNES Major Division "B" MELZOR C. DAY Member of Executive Council, Appraiser-Individual Assessed Property Valuation, Secretary W. S. S. until April, 1918 PATRICK R. DOHERTY Member of Executive Council, Chairman, Committee on Roman Catholic Schools and Societies. Died January 12th, 1919, Batavia, N. Y. v b OTTO M. RAMLOW Alderman, Sixth Ward, City of Flint. Captain Three Campaigns, Genesee County War Board HARRY C. HAIGHT Alderman, Third Ward, City of Flint, Captain ten campaigns, Genesee County War Board. Member Americanization Committee, Board of Commerce. Supervisor, Fuel Survey, Residential Districts CHARLES E. HENDRICKS Major, Div. A. A., Buick Motor Co., Factories No. 34-37 Inc. Genesee County War Board.: Supt. of Buick Factory No. 35 HOLDEN L. WOUGHTER Major, Division "N" Victory Loan Captain. Genesee County War Board in previous campaigns j CARL LOZON Captain, Buick Motor Co No. 27 Genesee County War Board JASPER W. DARLING Alderman, Fifth Ward, City of Flint Member Genesee County War Board C. F. WAIT Major, Armstrong Mfg. Co. Genesee County War Board W. GARRICK RISEDORPH Secretary to General Chairman, Genesee County War Board I I k 59 — 59 "War Board Organization in Victory Loan In the Index section of this History will be found alphabetical lists of all members of the Civilian Army who served in Genesee County in the Great War, with numerals indicating in how many of the sixteen campaigns each person participated as captain or private. As the personnel varied somewhat in each campaign, it is impossible to give the complete organization in each campaign. However, the War Board reached its most complete organization in the last drive, and the committees and personnel are here set forth in full as permanent evidence of the completeness with which Genesee County organizd to meet the financial obligations thrust upon it by the National crisis. GENESEE DIVISION, MICHIGAN WAR PREPAREDNESS BOARD J. D. Dort, Chairman; C. M. Greenway, F. R. Ottaway, Mrs. L. J. Locy, Mrs. Carrie E. C. Berston. GENESEE COUNTY WAR BOARD OFFICERS J. D. Dort, General Chairman; C. M. Greenway, Vice-Chairman; C. C. Kagey, Secretary and Assistant to General Chairman; George C. Willson, Treasurer; W. A. Zimmerman, Assistant to Treasurer. EXECUTIVE COUNCIL J. D. Dort, C. M. Greenway, Fred R. Ottaway, C. S. Mott, Dan A. Reed, Roy E. Brownell, Floyd A. Allen, Fred A. Aldrich, O. R. Largent, Grant J. Brown, A. G. Bishop, Charles J. Campbell, George W. Cook, Alvin N. Cody, Rev. Fr. J. B. Hewelt, P. R. Doherty, Melzor C. Day, C. N. Doty, Earl W. Beckman, George C. Willson, George Oscar Bowen, O. A. Simpson, A. Brown Batterson, Hugh Drummond, Myles F. Bradley, Mrs. L. J. Locy, Mrs. Carrie E. C. Berston, John L. Riegle, Ellsworth E. Huyck, Ed. L. Cornwell, Herbert Frutchey, Floyd A. Chapin, Claude Stoddard. GENERAL COMMITTEES FINANCE COMMITTEE (The first name of each committee is chairman.) A. G. Bishop, J. E. Burroughs, Leonard Freeman, Chas. A. Campbell, A. B. Cullen. BANKERS COMMITTEE Grant J. Brown, Fred H. Hitchcock, Chas. L. Bartlett, A. G. Bishop, James Martin, L. H. Bridgman. RATING AND REVIEW C. N. Doty, Bruce J. MacDonald, Frank Buckingham, A. B. Cotharin, Jacob Zimmerman, William Veit, John L. Pierce, A. D. Salisbury, Delos Newcombe, J. H. Long, C. O. Hetchler, D. T. Stone. ADVISORY COMMITTEE ON RATINGS Harold Lovejoy, W. E. Martin, Grant J. Brown, L. H. Bridgman, James Martin. PUBLICITY General F. A. Allen, Earl Beckman, John Cameron, Joseph Pence, Frank J. Butterfield. Window Displays, Tableaux, Pageants Geo. J. Phillips, Fred B. Elliott, Geo. S. Cuthbertson. Newspaper Myles F. Bradley, Arthur Pound, S. F. Beach, Fenton Independent; Paul D. Halstead, Fenton Courier; C. H. Reed, Clio Messenger; Albert E. Ransom, Flushing Observer; Ralph C. Gillette, Montrose Record; Geo. Purvis, Davison Independent; James E. McMullen, Linden Observer. Newspaper Copy Myles F. Bradley. Newspaper Advertising Harry Winegarden Public Speaking and Meetings F. A. Aldrich Four-Minute-Men Frank Streat, Rev. Howard Clifford, Fred W. Brennan, Hira Moore, Louis E. Larson, R. J. Wise, Mark W. Stevens, George Barnes, Vincent Ryan, Floyd Allen, Otto Largent, W. W. Blackney, Clifford Bishop, E. M. Cumings, Jesse H. Beckwith, Rev. J. B. Pengelly, Roy E. Brownell, Charles French, O. A. Simpson, Guy Selby, S. V. Reagan, Dan A. Reed, E. J. Townsend, C. C. Kagey, Walter Dunkin, Don Watters, Patrick R. Doherty, George Oscar Bowen, J. Dallas Dort, William A. Hastings. Arrangements for Public Meetings F. A. Aldrich, O. R. Largent. Transportation E. W. Atwood Individual Assessed Property Valuation M. C. Day Music George Oscar Bowen, F. M. Beard, N. C. Holden, Chas. French, Rev. Robert C. Hufstader. Foreign Language Section E. J. Townsend, Rev. Fr. J. B. Hewelt, Dan Goldberger, C. T. Ghitsas, Eli Buncie, Paul Husa, Ben Weiner, Rev. Dan E. Dilavich, Abraham Bohsley, John Feranac, Phillip Cicalla, Tom Kelley. Protestant Churches and Sunday Schools Rev. C. B. Stroh, Rev. Geo. E. Barnes, Rev. Howard A. Field. Boy Scouts Earl W. Beckman, S. S. Stewart, E. W. Atwood. WOMEN'S CITY ORGANIZATION Mrs. Carrie E. C. Berston, Mrs. E. A. DeWaters. CITY ORGANIZATION Dan A. Reed, W. C. Jones. MEN'S CITY SALES ORGANIZATION (First name in each team is Captain.) Div. A.-J. H. Crawford, Major. 1. Dan Green, A. R. Coughlin, H. M. Palmer, R. F. Nichols, A. E. Hazel, Ned Vermilya, E. R. Kapp. 2. F. J. Rutherford, Albert Austin, W. A. Gillespie, Howard Branch, Howard A. Field. 3. Edwin Sterner, Ed. D. Foote, W. J. Tidball, C. F. Mayer. 4. P. D. Rogers, C. H. Mann, M. C. Brady, F. E. Willet, Arthur Ephraim. 5. Elmer Garner, W. J. Stark, E. S. Standard, F. J. Hutchins, J. W. Morrish. 6. C. G. Pier, Geo. Taylor, G. R. Lamb. 7. A. E. Raab, G. B. Crawford, C. B. Stroh, E. H. Bradfield. Div. B.-W. E. Fellows, Major. 8. J. G. Warrick, C. A. Bishop, B. E. Kellerman, Geo. W. Gainey. 9. C. H. Miller, Harlcy Hills, Nelson Webster, Walter Tidball, Forrest David. 10. W. S. Paterson, Elmer E. Halsey, G. V. Cotharin, J. D. Hotchkiss, Dr. B. F. Miller, Jr. 11. W. H. Horton, Earl A. Rogers, A. R. Frances, A. F. Crooks, A. F. McConnell. 12. H. N. Bush, Geo. H. Holmes, F. G. Pick, Louis Allen, Robert McGinty. 13. Geo. A.Barnes, Dr. F. B. Miner, Clayton Doty, E. J. Thornton, H. G. Pound. 14. M. E. Carlton, A. D. Salisbury, Edgar Haymond, Geo. E. Frazer, Fred R. Armstrong. Div. C.-W. C. Jones, Major. 15. C. G. Casterlin, H. J. Center, C. H. Bonbright, L. G. Willison, Warren E. Hall, Fred B. Hought. 16. Dallas Marshall, D. S. Neill, Jos. Roser, Chas. Schmude, John Cameron, Dr. Wm. R. Davis. 17. Otto Graff, T. E. Rogers, Glen Allen, John Sickles, John Chestnut. 18. Harry Haight, John W. Newall, H. E. Crouter, W. J. Moran, F. A. Tallman. 19. Wm. Hastings, H. W. Courville, J. K. Bailey, E. R. Newberry. 20. Elwyn Pond, Dr. Mall, Frank Butterfield, O. E. Elsler. 21. Dr. Barnes, J. A. Sheldon, Dr. Wm. DeKleine, R. V. Overocker, Herman Newman, Frank D. Hammond. Div. D.-Ed. M. Cumings, Major. 22. Wm. Tracy, B. G. Edgecomb, F. W. Siegle. 23. John J. Mercer, Fred H. Jones, C. H. McKinley, E. L. Reinecke, F. W. Harris. 24. Irving Wilson, A. E. Lovejoy, John A. Cameron, H. Arnold. 25. D. C. Wright, Lee Branch, A. M. Branch, Wm. Gillmore, R. R. Knight. 26. Harley L. Hills, Chas. H. Miller, M. C. Webster, W. J. Tidball, R. W. Cripps, F. M. Keating. 27. Ward Parker, W. J. Hutton, Dr. C. C. Probert, E. J. Friar. 28. Bartholomew Jenniches, C. C. Jenkins, L. P. Kuhn, J. M. Crane. Div. E. —Walter O. Smith, Major. 29. David S. Childs, John Carton, Francis Rankin, Luther Wright. 30. C. E. Brandt, W. S. Ballenger, R. M. Davison, R. W. Selleck, Harvey E. Pontius. 31. R. J. Gillespie,J. L. Hill, Chas. Cross, Arthur Culver. 32. R. J. Osborne, E. B. Palmer, H. H. Darby, C. H. Berger. 33. E. J. Beard, P. W. Hiscock, O. M. Gruhzit, F. J. Magill, Frank W iener, F. J. Wilkins. 34. C. O. Hetchler, Guy W. Selby, F. W. Henderson. 35. Earl McInnes, A. J. Buckham, A. C. Koepke, E. N. Hardy. Div. F.-Ed. S. Lunt, Major. 36. John Windiate, Earl F. Johnson, Wm. Veit, J. L. Hardy, M. Davison, Jr. 37. C. M. Dusenbury, Ed. Reaverly, M. H. Swarthout, Eldon Baker, Clarence A. Cameron. 38. R. S. Bishop, Harry Nutt, W. H. Davison, Chas. D. Wesson, S. A. Rasbach. 39. Roy Jennings, Dr. J. H. Taylor, Dr. T. M. Annis, Dr. F. B. Miller, Jr., W. V. Smifh, V. A. Bovee. 40. Fred Elliott, W. H. Austin, Glen H. Stephen, Louis DeLisle. 41. Chas. Foss, Francis Flanders, G. V. Cotharin, O. M. Banfield, Fred Armstrong. 42. Hugh Jackson, E. Sumner Rust, Paul Purdy, C. D. Johnson, M. S. Bird. 60 COUNTY ORGANIZATION Genesee County War Board F. A. CHAPIN Chairman, Fenton Township HON. CLAUDE STODDARD Chairman, Richfield Township W. C. COVERT Chairman, Mundy Township ELLSWORTH E. HUYCK Chairman, Vienna Township ROY E. BROWNELL General Director, Township Organization, Genesee County War Board. Prosecuting Attorney HERBERT FRUTCHEY Chairman, Gaines Township FRANK P. WILDMAN Chairman, Clayton Township 61 HISTORY OF GENESEE COUNTY'S ACTIVITIES Div. G.-Dr. J. H. Beckwith, Major. 43. Ray Hagle, Dr. W. M. Miller, Lee Martin, Reuben Green. 44. S. S. Stewart, John Pierce, Duff Davis. 45. Fred Goodrich, Al Lathrop, Earl Green, John Wildanger, Hugh Drummond. 46. Don Watters, Chas. VanBenschoten, Bert Newitt, Bill Puffer. 47. Ernest N. Butler, Earl Frisby, Clif Wheeler. 48. Ray Chase, Wm. Blackney, Mr. McKinnon, Leo Church, Phil Ralston. 49. Ed. Glynn, Ed. Clark, C. A. Murphy, Ed. Murphy, Frank Reid, P. H. Callahan, Fred Ripple, John S. Howe. Div. H.-E. J. Macomber, Major. 50. H. M. Hammond, Wm. Fischgrund, W. C. Pierce, Harvey Bachtel. 51. Sam Moffett, Jr., Hubbard Waller, J. B. Cron, Ivan Borley, Stanley Russ, Harry Parkhurst, Dexter J. Conklin, Mac McMorris, Robt. Smith, Harry Blake, Bruce Freeman. 52. P. J. Braun, O. E. Elliott, Edw. Goss, Chas. R. Adair, H. W. Eave. 53. Ray Goodes, John A. Rogers, Wes. Sager, John Reichert, Joe Morgan. 54. Geo. Phillip, C G. Peer, R. A. Brown, F. A. Scutt. 55. J. H. Long, W. W. Lawrence, Bruce Long, O. E. Burse, J. Greenburg. 56. W. A. Toomey, Arthur C. Gordon, Ray Wilson, A. M. Ritchie, F. C. Ingham. Div. I.-Lewis Buckingham, Major. 57. Wm. Ephraim, J. J. Raab, Jacob Zimmerman. 58. A. V. Marti, L. E. Roberts, W. J. Bailey, W. A. Reynard, A. L. Grosjean. 59. W. E. Stewart, Fred St. Clair, Wm. Reid. 60. Isaac Finley, L. D. Chapel, H. E. Schweitzer, Fred H. Jones, Thos. D. Rosenberg. 61. Paul Schagane, Otto Robinson, Ray Swan, Tom Copeling, W. E. Weeks. 62. D. E. Sweeney, Lewis Kelley, Joseph S. Morgan, Wm. Glynn, J. B. Kelly. 63. Eugene Brockway, Benj. Hescott, Rev. Bradfield, Chas. Minto, Marshall Frisbie. Div. J.-Frank J. Moxam, Major. 64. H. Woughter, Geo. Lincoln, W. J. Phillips, W. R. Lovegrove, C. W. Neff. 65. J. J. Benjamin, H. L. Freeman, J. A. Reece, C. A. Cameron, J. Parkhill. 66. Earle Matthews, Don Mansfield, E. M. Carpenter, F. E. Annett, E. P. Stone. 67. Leo. McGuire, Fred Mader, John Beach, A. C. Johnson, Robt. Lomasney. 68. C. F. Conn, Neal Herren, J. C. Armstrong, D. McArthur, E. L. Johnston. 69. R. J. Ranson, Jas. Raymo, Mr. O'Brecht, Ray Day, F. Finch. 70. F. S. Deacon, E. P. Abbott, F. M. Buffum, Frank Hicks, Geo WMood. Div. K.-J. H. Lavender, Major. 71. H. N. Smith, Jay Thompson, Ray Williams, Fred Curtis, L. L. Brown. 72. J. A. Snell, Fred McGinn, Enos Kingsley, Herman Hughes, E. Easier, Patrick Doherty. 73. C. L. Gage, L. Hengesbaugh, John Baker, Mr. Kennedy, W. E. Barrett. 74. C. E. Adams, F. W. Dougan, H. H. Harris, Samuel V. Mercile, Thos. D. Murphy. 75. Col. P. Carton, Ed. Connelly, R. Lockhart, C. B. Dibble, B. C. George. 76. W. W. Blackney, Leo M. Church, Fred Wertman, Bert Woolfit, E. G. Frazer. 77. H. C. Hansen, H. C. Worth, A. B. Bushey, B. L. Chiles. Div. L.-Rev. Fr. J. B. Hewelt, Major. 78-82-83-84. D. Goldberger, Frank 0. Gordon, R. H. Hackney, Ralph H. Lloyd, Nick Hoffman. 79. Geo. Bowden, C. J. Westerfelt, D. C. Clark, Joe Udell, Harold Hilliker. 80. Leo Tomaszewski, Stanley Czerwinski, Joseph Menosky, W. H. Urbanik, Alvin J. Hoove. 81. Frank 0. Gordon, A. J. Prentice, L. C. Kuehnle, Claude Vroman, Floyd A. Regis. Div. M.-C. T. Ghitsas, Major. Gust Collias, Nick Bozion, Wm. Charouhis, Geo. Patrides, Sam. Williams, Gus Bennos, P. Swain. Div. N.-A. N. Cody, Major. L. S. Parmelee, W. J. Puffer, Elizabeth Welch, Eva M. Curtis, Grace C. Pierce, Mary M. Kelley, O. G. Potter, Anna Field, Lillian Pickett, Nina M. Bushnell, Mary H. Coates, Clara M. Nixon, Anna H. Derbyshire, Elizabeth Coates, Mina Helmer. Div. O.-Ezra Shoecraft, Major. Wm. DeElmo, Lew Stewart, Walker Johnson, John Cook, Clyde Savage, Sam Azzerello, L. E. Haggerty, Peter Bronkin, Roy Colver, I. L. Macomber, Ernest Musser. Div. P.-R. J. Wise, Major. W. H. Bressler, E. J. Townsend, Merle Tibbets, W. J. Madden. Div. Q.-John L. Pierce, Major. H. E. Meyers, L. E. Haughton, Chas. E. Schmude. Div. R.-Hugh Drummond, Major. Frank Wade, Donald S. Bremner, Thos. D. Brown, C. H. Segvitz, Frank Thosmer, Edward L. Copas, Frank M. Beard, Patrick Crorke, Augustus Mueller. Div. S. —Patrick R. Doherty, Major. Rev. T. G. Hennessey, Sisters I. T. M.; Rev. T. J. Murphy, Sisters i. H. M.; Rev. Fr. J. B. Hewelt; K. of C.-P. R. Doherty, Ben Rosenzweig; Y. M. C. A.-O. R. Largent; Y. W. C. A. —Miss Flora Keeney. Fraternal Organizations Elwyn Pond, John E. Storer. Factory Sales Organization A. Brown Batterson, R. J. Wise, F. W. Boswell. TOWNSHIP WAR BOARD ORGANIZATION Roy E. Brownell, General Director; John L. Riegle, Assistant. (First name in each Township is Chairman.) Argentine-Bert Austin, John Shepard, Jeptha Skinner. Atlas-Dr. A. S. Wheelock. Burton-Herman Pierson, Chas. E. Granger, M. C. Baker. Clayton-Frank P. Wildman, John A. Miller, Calvin D. Beecher, Mrs. H. Richardson. Davison-Harry E. Potter, Ira W. Cole. Clay Whipple. Fenton —Floyd Chapin, Chas. J. Campbell, Wm. Dooley. Flint —C. A. Blackington, Alfred Gifford. Flushing-E. L. Cornwell, F. D. Perkins, H. A. Stewart, Mrs. Ida Packard. Forest-Wm. H. Parker, Chas. D. Parker, A. Prosser. Gaines-H. Frutchey, A. J. Covert, Geo. Hudson. Genesee-E. C. Van D'Walker, G. L. Spillane, Frank Rogers. Grand Blanc-Frank J. Sawyer, Wood B. Dewey, Geo. F. Sharland, A. D. Gundry. Montrose-A. H. Stevens. Mt. Morris-Peter O'Hare, Eugene Soper, Robert Wolcott. Mundy-WI. C. Covert. Richfield 'Claude Stoddard. Thetford-Herbert Haas, C. J. Brabazon, Seth Johnson. Vienna-Ellsworth Huyck, Ed. L. Beeman, Geo. Lacure. SCHOOL DISTRICT COMMITTEES Argentine No. 1 Fr.-D. R. Stiles, D. E. Taylor, John Moran. No. 2 Dodder-Sam Tunningly, Roy Webber. No. 3 Atherton-John Pettit, Tobe King, Louis Haviland. No. 4 Godd-Harry Vorheis, Albert Shepard, Mark Telling. No. 5 Brick-J. R. Clark, J. D. Skinner, Sam Geney. No. 5 Boyd-Ed. Bird, Elijah Bird, Gid Grainger. No. 10 Fr. —Chas. McKeon, Reuben Smith, John P. Hogan. No. 11 Fr.-C. L. Crandall. Atlas No. 1 Fr. Brigham-Jess Haddrill, John Fisher, Mrs. Chas. Brigham. No. 1 Fr. Kipp-Lavern Sweers, Frank Stimson, Fred Paddison, Mrs. Fred Paddison. No. 2 Ferguson-A. A. Zimmerman, Chas. Titsworth, Mrs. Abbie Brosius. No. 3 Fr. Harvey —F. A. Sanford, Elmer Sanford, Mrs. Elmer Sanford, Jas. Dunn, Chas. Stone. No. 4 Goodrich Village-Geo. Putnam, E. J. Pierson, Joe O'Rourke, Mrs. Harriet Haddrill. No. 6 Goodrich-Geo. Enders, Phillip Hegel, Geo. Hull, Mrs. Geo. Hull. No. 7Atlas-Jack McGlashen, Horace C. Rogers, O. D. Anderson, Miss Nell McNeil. No. 10 Cummings-Asa Fields, Herbert Cummings, Mrs. Herbert Pierson. No. 11 Fr. Horton-Geo. Leech, M. B. Kurtz, Mrs. Carrie Jordan. No. 8 Fr. Hoffman-A. A. Farrar, Mart Wilson, Mrs. A. A. Farrar. No. 21 Fr. Kerr-Joel Stimson, Jake Sore, Mrs. Joel Stimson. Fr. Pierson-Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Watson, Lafayette Pierson. Burton No. 1 Stone-Eber Burley, Roy Herron, E. H. McGee. No. 5 Bendle-M. C. Baker, Philip Munch, Leo Bush. No. 5 Atherton-O. J. Keener, W. L. Stone, Frank M. Robinson. No. 7 Bickford-Wm. A. Halpin, Clifton Stockton, Arthur Stockton. No. 8 Fr. Crapser-Earl Cushman, Jesse Howard, C. H. Reece. No. 9 Fr. Bentley-H. M. Lundy, E. W. Richards, D. W. Richards. No. 12 Howe-D. J. Carpenter, Geo. Gabel, H. L. Schram. No. 10 Fr. Wolcott-Geo. Hill, Ernest E. Thomas. No. 11 Fr. Kearsley —Ned Hammond, Chas. E. Granger. No. 11 Fr. Lum-E. L. Somers. No. 18 Fr. Carman —Emma Carman, Edna Franklin. Clayton Sec. 1-213-Norman Morrish, Samuel Jones, Wm. Hosie. Sec. 4-5-6-L. R. Chase, Chas. Mulchay, Mr. Clarke. Sec. 7-8-9 —Clare Nichols, Ralph L. Sutton, C. J. Lyon. Sec. 10-11-12-Bert Todd, John A. Miller, Calvin D. Beecher. Sec. 13-14-15-Wilber E. Morrish, Fred Lacall, Frank Jones. Sec. 16-17-18-Frank B. Moore, Carl Sheppard, E. Anthony. Sec. 19-20-21-Walter Morrison, Oscar Delbridge, Fred Burleson. Sec. 22-?3-24-Barto Cole, Howard Houghton, Albert M. Lewis. Sec. 25-26-27-O-tto Shuman, Harry P. Youells, Edward R. Ball. Sec. 28-29-30-Peter Lenon, Ernest A. Dieck, Wm. Pixley. Sec. 31-32-33-Ernest Parker, Bert F. Crapser, Chas. Porter. Sec. 34-35-36-Chas. E. Allen, W. H. Richardson, Edwin H. Wilcox. Davison No. 1 Harrick-Moses Hall, Mary Pratt, Chas. M. Pratt. No. 2 Goodenough-L ewis Bade. Ed. Fenner, J. J. Faulknier. No. 3 Kitchen —Dan P. Hall, J. Brown, Ed. Richards. No. 4 Baxter —Leroy Lang, F. W. Knapp, John Loban. No. 5 Townsend —Wm. Clapsaddle, Ernest Richards. Arthur Hill. 62 No. 7 Cartright-Wm. E. Hill, J. A. McAra, W. S. Rice. TOWNSHIP CHAIRMEN Genesee County War Board Organization HARRY POTTER Davison, Michigan Chairman Davison Township BERT J. AUSTIN Argentine, Michigan Chairman Argentine Township A R iOi AP: WILLIAM H. PARKER Otisville, Michigan Chairman Forest Township E. L. CORNVWELL Flushing, Michigan Chairman Flushing Township A. H. STEVENS Montrose, Michigan Chairman Montrose Township PETER O' HARE Mt. Morris, Michigan Chairman Mt. Morris Township HERMAN H. PIERSON Flint, Michigan, R. F. D. No. 2 Chairman Burton To nship HERBERT HAAS Clio, Michigan, R. F. D. No. 4 Chairman Thetford Township E. C. VAN DE WVALKER Mt. Morris, Michigan Chairman Genesee Township CHARLES A. BLACKINTON Flint, Michigan Chairman Flint Township DR. A. S. WHEELOCK Goodrich, Michigan Chairman Atlas Township FRANK J. SAWYER Grand Blanc, Michigan Chairman Grand Blanc Township 63 HISTORY OF GENESEE COUNTY'S ACTIVITIES No. 10 Fr. Wolcott-Bert Hill, Geo. Hill, Walter Thomas. No. 12 Fr. Kerr-David Barrett, Fred Baxter, Joel Stimson. No. 6 Village-L. J. Locy, G. P. Hill, Ray Richards, L. Gifford, Roy Baldridge. Fenton No. 4 Severence-C. L. Whitman, L. Richmond, C. A. Reasner. No. 5 Long Lake-B. A. Stoddard, C. M. Berryman, C. E. Hewitt. No. 6 Silver Lake-W. W. Sargent, S. W. Dennis, L. A. Riggs. No. 7 Lamb-R. O. Evans, Fred Mancour, Geo. Jameson. No. 8 Sand Bar-Wm. Shaw, F. McDermond, W. W. Torrey. No. 10 Fr. Blair-B. J. Annibal, Reuben Smith, C. O. McKeon. No. 11 Burt-L. V. Fletcher, A. F. Hodges, Geo. McGunigal. Flint No. 3 Torrey-W. H. Baker, Horace Bristol. No. 5 Utley-Allen McCandlish, Frank Frost. No. 8 Fr. Warner-F. T. Hall, J. Howald. No. 16 Cronk-Alfred Gifford, James Pollock, William Tower. No. 17 Dye-F. W. Pastridge, Ernest Hill. No. 18 Fr. Craman-Clem Boomer, L. C. Ketzler. No. 19 Lyons-Louis H. Simpson, G. W. McGinnis. No. 20 Fr. Crocker-Alex Lymburn, Collins Boomer. No. 21 Graham-Ed Rice, Wm. Carter. No. 12 Albert Sirgle, Harvey Hall, Samuel Herrick. Flushing No. 1 Caldwell-Herman Wheeler, Geo. Penoyer, John Buell. No. 4 Fr. Richardson-Duke Brown, Geo. Bruner, Frank Holser. No. 6 Kent —A. M. Freeman, Geo. Phillips, Thos. Dimond. No. 7 Graves-Fred Parsell, John S. Frawley, Linus Chamberlain. No. 9 Fr. Brown —Wm. Brophy, Geo. Sutton. No. 13 Graham-John H. Rowe, Leslie Wisner, D. J. Johnston. No. 14 Fr. English-Arnot Wood, Arthur Bailey, Milton Bailey. No. 17 McIntyre-Wm. Duff, Norman Dunn. Forest No. 3 Henderson-Reed Henderson, Jas. Davison, Wm. Crawford. No. 4 Dimond-M. J. Beebe, Leon Davis, J. C. Brandt. No. 6 Seeley-John Robinson, John Servis, Will Hiller. No. 7 Traver-Ernest Ridley, Geo. C. Meacher, Alber Traver. No. 8 Delmar-Wm. Cobb, Mrs. H. Sutherby, Archie Gillies. No. 9 Mudge-Henry Hayward, Chas. E. Stone, Andrew Pettit. Gaines Sec. 1-2-3-H. B. Freeman, M. D. Davidson, B. F. Vodden. Sec. 4-5-6-Wm. Harris, Curtis WVood, Frank Ackerman. Sec. 7-8-9-A. G. Carrier, John Martin, Joe Hynes. Sec. 10-11-12-L. A. Short, Harry Billsbrough, Thos. Martin. Sec. 13-14-15-Geo. L. Eisentrager, Melvin Parks, Ed. Haviland. Sec. 16-17-18 —Frank Barker, \Nm. Haynes, Timothy O'Brien. Sec. 19-20-21-John Luce, Elmo Cox, Dan P. Haviland. Sec. 22-23-24-N. D. Parks, Bert Slocum, Chas. Rosenthal. Sec. 25-26-27-Geo. Bloss, Clyde Beers, Chas. Mays. Sec. 28-29-30-Fred Pape, Lou Van Auken, Dan Delehanty. Sec. 31-32-33-Geo. W. Chase, Jr., Emil Reiman, Geo. W. Hackney. Sec. 34-35-36-Claude Tideman, Jas. Delaney, Wm. Downey. Genesee No. 1 Fr. Pierson-A. Letts, Floyd Pierson, Mark Piper. No. 4 Stanley-Henry Knickerbocker, E. Nixon, Alfred Johnson. No. 6 Bodine-Elmer C. Drudge, A. Bodine, F. C. Hitchcock. No. 8 Brown-Rawson Wager, Lewis Morris, H. M. Stuckey. No. 9 Fr. Tanner-J. H. Taylor, Ralph Johnson, John Clark. No. 11 Fr. Kearsley-Thomas Dowdall, N. Hammond, Thos. Hughes. No. 12 Wentworth-Elmer Oaks, Nelson S. Miller, Chas. Pettingill. Grand Blanc No. 1 Whigville-Edd K. Evatt, Albert VWoodbury, Edward Schmier. No. 2 Fr. Sherwood-Chas. Burren, Frank Burren, Otis G. Hibbard. No. 3 Butler-M. B. Gainey, Wm. Stoddard, John A. Gainey. No. 5 Walker-M. S. Myers, Clare Walker, D. H. Belford. No. 6 Fr. Mason-Chas. Buxton, Walter Conquest, A. C. Pickett. No. 7 Fr. Halsey-W. A. Barber, Malcolm McNeil, P. O. Embury. No. 8 Fr. Hoffman-Elmer Langley, Ward Hoffman, Geo. E. Perry. No. 11 Fr. Lum-Edwin L. Somers, C. Fay Meyers, Mrs. C. Fay Meyers. No. 2 Grand Blanc Consolidated-Floyd Larobardiere, W. H. Walker, L. Roy Perry, Frank Clune, W. R. Parker, I. E. Parsons, Geo. M. Coggins. Montrose No. 1 Swartz-C. M. Eckles, Jos. Westfall, Walter Bailey. No. 2 McKenzie-Geo. D. McKenzie, Pat Green. No. 3 Johnston-Wm. Johnston, L. E. Fent, August Fent. No. 4 Fr. Somers-Jos. McAfee, Lincoln Woodthorp, Albert Clark. No. 5 Slade-Rose Gillett, Bert Smith, O. H. Smith. No. 6 Berry-A. Horning, Addie Payne, Anna Pollard. No. 7 McKay-Wm. Belill, John Ellis, Christy Moran. No. 8 Naismith-Geo. Wilson, Orie Gillam, Emry Franklin. No. 9 Montrose-Moody Russel, Neil McCormick, John Faner. No. 1 Fr. Bliss-M. M. Bliss, C. A. Smith, C. C. Speer. No. 17 Fr. McIntyre-Lewis Dunn, Cash Dake, Wm. Duff. Mt. Morris No. 2 Fr. Beecher-S. L. Severence, E. Thompson, Peter O'Hare, Fred Adams. No. 4 Fr. Barber-H. F. Gillitt, Lawrence Funch, Geo. McGinnis. No. 5 Hobson-Jas. Monroe, Earl Rumsey, John Rumsey, Chas. Travis. No. 6 Payson-John Cargill, Dan O'Connor, F. B. Kelly. No. 7 Beckwith-Harry Tombs, Chas. Jenkins, A. T. Beckwith, Chas. Grear. No. 11 Center-Fred Gault, Henry Stadler, Ben Lawrence, O. Rousseau. No. 12 Funch-Geo. Coon, Dave Toole, Nicholas Murphy, Jr. No. 1-Mark Piper, Josh Hobson. No. 8-Ira Luce. No. 9 —Foster Hough. Mundy No. 1 O'Dell-Lien Whitman, Walter Frost, J. H. Jadwin. No. 2 Rankin —lW. C. Covert, Archie Childs, Walter Beebe. No. 3 Fr. Hill-John Ormisten, Geo. Derby, Timothy Riley. No. 4 Fr. VanSlyke-Clarence Olcott, Fenton Hall. No. 6 Fr. Alger-Walter Allen, A. F. Hall, F. E. Bush. No. 9 Fr. White-M. H. Winget, F. G. Gleder. No. 10 Johnson-A. E. Johnson, Alfred Reed, Carl Brewer. No. 10 Fr. Kennedy-Mort Hill, Thos. Conklin. No. 11 Fr. Kline-Eugene Allen, J. D. Burnham, D. S. Williams. Mason-Chas. Buxton, Wm. Wiggins. Shearwood-Walter Penny, Geo. Thorne, John Rosky, Ed. Riley. Richfield No. 1 Fr. White-Louis Fox, W. S. Severy, Guy Dickenson. No. 2 Richfield-Ira Langley, Frank Steinmetz, Andrew Riegle. No. 3 Fr. Dodge-R. W. Clemons, Roy Burger, Ernest Wolcott. No. 4 Cottage-Earl B. Root, Ira Dickenson, Julius Munger. No. 5 Fr. Brown-Roy Jones, C. W. Parker, Albert Henings. No. 6 Rogersville-Raymond Burch, Will Fowler. No. 8 Fr. Potter-Sherman Miller, Jay Davis. No. 9 Cottrell-A Pratt, Ray Austin, A. S. Austin. No. 11 Switzer-Wrn. Miles. Fred Faust, Mark Barter. No. 12 Miller-Geo. W. Welch, A. D. Worth, Warren Davis. Thetford No. 2 Boutwell-M. J. Boutwell, Ed. Brabazon, S. E. Rone. No. 4 Clapp-Adelbert Blue, M. S. Farr, W. C. Peltier. No. 5 Van Tyle-Guy Dodge, Richard Burgess, Edwin Powers. No. 6 Center-Will C. Price, Geo. Pound, Mrs. Hazel Wilber. No. 7 Whites-Clyde Davis, Alton Dodge. No. 8 E. Thetford-W. J. Schlosser, Floyd Scott. No. 9 Jobson-Howard Hart, Grant Schlosser, David Davidson. No. 10 Wildcat-W\ m. McCumsey, Mrs. M. R. Crawford, Mrs. Thos. McCumsey. No. 11 Holden-Oscar Sears, Arthur Galbraith. Vienna No. 1 Pine-Roy Lumbach, Clayton Underhill, E. G. Bartholomew. No. 2 Bingham-Fred J. Burt, C. E. Fuller, C. H. Montague. No. 2 Fr. Dyball-Louis Gear, Westley Hewitt, Geo. A. McNeil. No. 4 Waldo-Isaac R. Acheson, John H. Pound, Alfred Mann. No. 5 Vienna-Ed. Jones, Dayton Whaley, Walter Franklin. No. 6 Dimond-R. C. Sandersfield, R. C. Carl, W. Richardson. No. 10 Fr. Pailthorp-Harry A. Finn, Frank Marshall, Ge,. Troop. No. 11 Fr. County Line-Fred Braipe, Elmer Reed, John Purcell. No. 1? Fr. Green-O. M. Field, E. J. Martin, John Richards. UNIT CHAIRMEN-TOWNSHIPS Argentine-Mrs. B. J. Austin. Atlas-Mrs. Verna Reis. Burton-Mrs. Herman Pierson. Clayton —Mrs. Emmett Lauther. Davison-Mrs. Adelaide Dumanois. Fenton-Mrs. Matt Buzzard. (Linden)-Mrs. Samuel Graves. Flint-Mrs. Allen McCandlish. Flushing-Mrs. Ida Packard. Forest-Mrs. E. A. Branch. Gaines-Mrs. F. L. Covert. Genesee-Mrs: Lucy Rogers. Grand Blanc-Mrs. Geo. Gundry. Montrose-Mrs. Bessie Anthony Mt. Morris —Mrs. Jas. Black. Mundy-Mrs. H. N. Jennings. Richfield-Mrs. Amelia Olds. Thetford-Mrs. Perry Bartholomew. Vienna-Mrs. Delia Smith. GENESEE COUNTY WAR BOARD WOMEN'S TOWNSHIP ORGANIZATION Mrs. Belle D. Locy, Chairman. (First name in each Township is Chairman.) Argentine Mrs. S. J. Geney, Miss Mamie Know, Mrs. Wade Montgomery, Miss Florence Powell, Mrs. Mark Telling, Mrs. Nat Sturgis, Mrs. Ed. Bird, Mrs. E. Young, Mrs. Reuben Smith, Mrs. L. B. Fletcher. Atlas Mrs. Emma Brigham, Mrs. Belle Paddison, Mrs. Abbie Brosius, Mrs. Henrietta Hadrill, Mrs. Edith Hill, Miss Nellie McNeil, Mrs. Lillian Farrer, Mrs. Ida Pierson, Mrs. Ethel Sanford, Mrs. Mabel Britton, Mrs. Jessie Stimson, Mrs. Mary Watson, Miss Jennie Gordon. Burton Mrs. Alice E. Pierson, Mrs. E. H. McGee, Mrs. Leo F. Bush, Mrs. F. M. Robinson, Mrs. Clifton H. Stockton, Mrs. Jessie Howard, Mrs. D. W. Richards, Mrs. Edwin Somers, Mrs. Geo. Hill, Mrs. D. J. Carpenter, Mrs. C. Granger, Miss Emma Carman. Clayton Mrs. Gertrude Richardson, Mabel Morrish, Mrs. Nulcehy, Clara Nichols, Nellie Todd, Alice Morrish, Alice Sheppard, May Burleson, Gladys Carmichael, Bertha Youells, Mabel Pixkey, Jennie Porter, B. Thompson. 64 i - - --------------------------- - HON. C. S. MOTT Major, Officer in Charge, Detroit District, Motors Branch, Department of Purchase, Q. M. C. Former Mayor of Flint HON. GEORGE C. KELLAR Mayor, City of Flint, 1917-18, 1919-20. Also filled in unexpired term of C. S. Mott, September, 1918, to May, 1919. Member Local Board for Division 1 l S - - I HON. DANIEL A. REED Member of Congress, 43rd New York District. Former Managing Director of Flint Board of Commerce HON. PATRICK H. KELLEY Member of Congress, 6th Michigan District I I 65 I |HISTORY OF GENESEE E, COUNTY'S ACTIVITIES. —?"1 --- Davison Mrs. Maude Sullivan, Mrs. Wm. Potter, Mrs. Louis Bade, Mrs. J. H. Faulkner, Miss Bertha Cole, Mrs. Dan Hall, Mrs. LeRoy Langc, Miss Beulah Baxter, Mrs. J. A. McAra, Mrs. Bert Hill, Mrs. Mabel Lewis, Mrs. Ida B. Richards, Miss Lydia Elmer, Mrs. Edith Fairchild, Mrs. Geo. Wessinger, Mrs. Oliver Hammond, Mrs. Floyd Reid, Mrs. Elton Clark, Mrs. Cecil Thompson, Miss Cleo Burton, Miss Gayda Vantine. Fenton Mrs. E. B. Killian, Mrs. Torrey, Mrs. Shaw, Mrs. Sharpe, Mrs. Wim. Conrad, Mrs. Lee. Linden District Mrs. E. V. Curdy, Mri. B. J. Annible, Mrs. Robert Bradley, Mrs. Geo. Jameson, Mrs. B. Hodges, Mrs. John Ripley, Mrs. Fred Johnson, Mrs. John Black, Miss Laura Middleworth. Flushing Mrs. Ida Packard, Mrs. John Beull, Mrs. Herman Wheeler, Mrs. Wim. Duff, Mrs. Duke Brown, Mrs. Harry Jones, Mrs. John Rowe, Mrs. Everett Dempsey, Mrs. Melvin Ball, Mrs. Fred Parsell, Mrs. Geo. Phillips, Mrs. Milton Freeman, Miss Myrtle Graham, Miss Ruth Chamberlain, Miss Gertrude Dimond, Mrs. Ferris Hyatt, Mrs. Wiilber Short, Mrs. L. J. Thompson, Mrs. C. E. Park, Mrs. Elmer Vernon, Mrs. Fred Gallop, Mrs. WV. E. Parker, Mrs. Arthur Bowman, Mrs. Frank Smith, Mrs. F. A. Niles, Mrs. R. S. French, Mrs. Mary Rodman, Mrs. Clyde Nelson, Mrs. Claude Reid, Mrs. G. C. Roof, Mrs. Bernard Beuche, Mrs. Edgar Bowman, Mrs. Ed. Tompkins, Miss Mayme Bresenham, Mrs. Mary Banning, Mrs. A. J. Cronk, Miss Emma Kerr, Misses Clara Honghridg,, Mildred Braesample, Lynn Norton, Catherine LeRoy, Maxine Day, Mrs. WM. T. Bulger. Forest Miss Julia Hasty, Mrs. Chas. Parker, Mrs. L. K. Supernaw, Mrs. Will Parker, Mrs. John Crawford, Mrs. Harry Sutherby, Mrs. Roy Smith, Miss Ethel Stone. Gaines Mrs. F. L. Covert, Mrs. D. Davidson, Mrs. Neil O'Brien, Mrs. J. J. Middleworth, Miss Mary 'Martin, Mrs. Geo. Eisentrager, Miss Althea Hale, Mrs. Dan Haviland, Miss Zaida Covert, Mrs. Chas. Mays, Mrs. Lizzie Van Auten, Miss Margaret McCaughna, Miss Edith Cooney, Mrs. Nora Covert, Miss Julia O'Brien. Genesee Mrs. John Clark, Mrs. Floyd Pierson, Mrs. Chas. Rhoades, Mrs. J. S. Deland, Mrs. Rawson Wager, Mrs. Ralph Johnson, Miss Julia Dowdall, Mrs. Chas. Pettingill, Mrs. Melvin McNeil, Mrs. Emma Fowler. Grand Blanc Mrs. John Gundry, Mrs. Cash Day, Mrs. M. Nolan, Mrs. C. Faye Myers, Mrs. Frank Cheney, Mrs. Morris Meyers, Mrs. Arthur Comers, Mrs. P. Embury, Mrs. Geo. Perry, Mrs. E. Cross, Mrs. C. Fuller, Mrs. T. Penny, Mrs. R. Wilcox, Mrs. P. Pickett, Mrs. Geo. McGarth, Mrs. Walter Conquest, Mrs. Ed. Evatt, Mrs. Chas. Stone, Mrs. C. Woodbury, Mrs. Maude Cook. Montrose Mrs. E. M. O'Rourke, Mrs. Simon Westfall, Mrs. Burton Johnson. Mrs. W\m. Leach, Mrs. Alex Ross, Mrs. Alfred Stevens, Mrs. Joseph WVestfall, Mrs. Sarah Bachelor, Miss Margaret Close, Mrs. C. A. McKenna, Mrs. WTm. Johnson, Mrs. Addie Payne, Mrs. Chauncey Johnson, Mrs. A. McAfee, Mrs. Rose Gillett, Mrs. Krause, Mrs. Etta James, Mrs. Frank Stoolmaker, Miss Lulu Brewer, Mrs. S. M. Bacon. Mt. Morris Mrs. James Black, Mrs. Thos. Ballenger, Miss Florence Monroe, Mrs. James Monroe, Miss Florence Cargill, Mrs. Peter O'Hare, Mrs. Ira Wilcox, Miss Margaret Reddy. Mundy Mrs. Geo. Spillane, Mrs. Alfred Case, Miss Pearl Lawrence, Mrs. Emma Riley, Mrs. Annibel Hall, Mrs. Walter Allen, Miss Nellie Baldwin, Mrs. Ernest Johnson, Mrs. Mort Hill, Mrs. Nellie Barlow, Mrs. Eva Roska, Mrs. Agnes Mitchell, Mrs. Walter Penny, Miss Edna Hanna. Richfield Mrs. Mary Smith, Mrs. Alton Wagner, Mrs. Albert Stimson, Mrs. Russell Clark, Mrs. Earl Root, Miss Mattie Van Dyke, Mrs. Will Rhoades, Mrs. Alton Reese, Mrs. Ray Austin, Mrs. Norman Amidon, Mrs. Geo. Conn, Mrs. Leslie Prestage. Thetford Mrs. Perry Bartholomew, Mrs. Merle McClavey, Mrs. C. J. Sevener, Miss Mildred Brady, Mr-: Flisk Brown, Mrs. Clyde Davis, Mrs. Leon Jobson, Mrs. Mary Smith, Miss Blanche McCumsey, Mrs. Oscar Sears. Vienna Mrs. Millie A. Meeks, Mrs. Harley Jennings, Mrs. Rose Burt, Mrs. Clarence McKenna, Miss Eleanor Acheson, Miss Vern Montague, Miss Ellen Franklin, Miss Bernice Richardson, Mrs. Edith Finn, Mrs. Nellie Chisholm, Mrs. O. M. Fields, Mrs. Nellie Lacure. GENESEE COUNTY WAR BOARD FACTORY SALES ORGANIZATION Mr. A. Brown Batterson, Director. George Simmons, Major. Chevrolet Motor Company-Geo. Maurer, Captain. C. C. McBratnie, S. A. Bunker, L. E. Jennings, M. A. McKenzie E. Ferguson, D. Goosen, H. Dunne, W. Dams, R. Rockafellow, D. Taylor, R. C. Pettinger, D. Overton, E. Mason, F. H. Orthey, C. E. Newman, W. A. Achard, C. Welch, E. Williams, W. Reis, J. Cavigan, G. McGrath, G. M. Brown, R. C. Schmeling, C. Little, H. Coggins, C. Carlisle. C. Ryan, C. Smith, B. George, C. J. Marsh,, K. Monroe, C. M. Sweetar, A. Achard, F. Wildanger, G. Shell, G. iMathewson, C. Finney. Dort Motor Car Company-J. W. Pincombe, Captain. Miss M. Hansen, John Reid, W. L. Barth, Ray Brownell, C. E. Castle, O. H. Castle, James Cook, C. E. Edwards, L. C. Force, John Gibbs, Geo. Hatchard, O. Hoyt, Robert Booth, Geo. Linton, F. Packard, Will. Meldrum, F. McKowen, H. A. Sayres, Ray Smith, Peter Strauss, Sherman Wilson, L. H. Wolverton, Joseph Steffler. W. A. Paterson Company-Rowland Roe, Captain. Dan Elston, A. M. Cowan, A. C. Gundry, P. King, P. Barnes. Imperial Wheel Company-Chas. H. Robinson, Captain. John Zarnardi. Marvel Carbureter Company-George Taft, Captain. C. N. Spaulding, Robert Aitken, B. Bowers, F. Ellsworth, Roy Boyles, Fred Herman, W. E. Mansfield, Ray Davis, W. B. Thomas, J. A. Bennis, M. Mcintosh, J. H. Turner. Buick No. 2-Ed. Farr, Major. Bert Rogers, Captain; J. C. Train, A. W. Twiss. Buick No. 3 —Robert Darnton. Captain. Mr. McArthur, Mr. Chase, Mr. Stevin, Mrs. Stauth, Mr. Gould, Mr. Pinecar, Mr. Gallup, Mr. Leasch, Mr. Cartright. Buick No. 5-C. Tanner, Captain. E. R. Ponsford, W. E. Bryan, C. A. Reed, C. F. Andrews. Buick Nos. 6-7-10-Mr. Tout, Captain. D. Burroughs, A. Cassazza, C. Higgins, D. Martin, F. Heickie, J. Cook, F. Karrer, J. Clugston, C. Staples, F. Bingham, W. Smith, G. Keller. Buick No. 9-H. Patch, Captain. E. H. Baker, C. Diem, R. Sexsmith, J. Gibson. Buick No. 12-E. E. Van Norman, Captain. R. Muchler, R. H. Ramage, M. Rosenthal, M. J. Pounder, M. Ward, M. J. Lieneau, A. Stewart. R. Parsons, F. Kelly, J. S. Hughes, R. P. Smith. H:. E. Hill, A. B. Mooers, C. H. Baker. Personal Service-H. J. Clifford, Captain. P. J. Kelly. Buick Police-Rolland Adair, Captain. Harry Faris. Buick No. 4-Carl J. Hatfield, Major. R. S. Stanton, Captain; Chas. E. Drum, Jas. Taylor, John Gray, W. H. Cuthbertson. W. F. Branded, J. Straka, W. Welch, T. Mitchell, W. Glick, C. Miller, F. Kerkey, WV. Sackrider, P1'. Thomas, H. Forshee. Champion Ignition Co.-W. S. Isherwood, Captain. Miss Scott, D. L. Jordan, J. Heffner, I. Lundberg, H. Koinig, E. Peterson, W. Halloway, B. Christensen, C. G. DeClute, T. W. McDougal, C. Walworth, R. Lampson, E. Coldwell, A. J. Proctor, W. J. Van Fossen, T. Roth, W. H. Leary, W. Peck, L. Berg, P. Gaefcke, E. Smith, J. Kline, L. B. Miller, W. Jansen, G. B. Buchanan, J. Coolman, H. F. Kaiser, 0. B. Letts. Stewart Body Works-L. A. Hall, Captain. W. H. Bressler. Weston-Mott, Nos. 1-2-3-8 —Wilson Young, Captain. Chas. Scannell, F. Deim, Jas. Evans, Leo. Hentzell, W. R. Mull, F. Gamache, J. K. Maloney, W. J. Bailey, A. C. Bapish, Chas. Fisher, J. McRae, J. Goodall, E. W. Thompson, H. W. Merson, H. C. Fagan, H. D. French, C. E. Gilbert, G. W. Langdon, A. G. Stern, C. Jacobus, J. L. Butler, A. Scheerer, L. Campbell, F. R. Tait, D. G. Barroll, B. Randolph, Fred Ehrhart, Chas. Merrill, C. L. Munsie, R. W. Fitzgerald, Robt. Tidball, A. Parsons, H. J. Jackson, C. Mills, W. S. Huston, C. W. Bois, J. F. Summers, C. Boem, C. W. Green, W. A. Miller, Pat Smith, W. T. Parsons, G. F. Pray, Geo. Passmore, M. E. Smiley, M. O. Johnson, B. Adams, L. D. Parker, Wayne Haviland, Wm. Moore, L. Berdan, F. Henny, G. Sentiff, A. Lindsay, W. L. Gauthier, N. H. Scranton, F. Cold, F. D. Foster, S. Rasbach, 0. Keene, R. Elliott, W. Udell, W. E. Gardner, C. E. Bungard, A. C. Tracy, Geo. Blackney, C. J. Ross, R. Pierson, W. L. Waldman. Weston-Mott, Nos. 4-6-7-Philip Brunske, Captain. H. Brown, C. H. Winslow, M. J. Manzer, W. Thompson, J. A. Jockanson, F. Lynch, 0. D. Potter, J. Wood, A.' Dotzauer, E. Pero, L. J. Koster, R. J. Lattimer, W. D. Snyder, G. Nelson, F. A. Regis. Weston-Mott, No. 5-L. C. Hamilton, Captain. A. C. Anderson. Office Captain; F. L. Ferris, E. W. Barthy, 0. J. 'phaneuf, V. A. Nottingham, T. Mills, P. A. Rogers, W. Deline, E. E. Wit-sing, Carl W\hite, J. B. Schnelker, H. Madigan, C. Klinkman, A. Peterson. Buick Motor Company No. 11-Wrm. Beacraft, Major. John Chisholm, Captain; Millard Nicholson, Roy Foote, Ralph Gilbert, Ervin Pearsall, Fred Pyper, Arthur Brabyn, Edward Atjerhold, Earl Beatty. Harry Hannon, I eRoy Johnson, Henry C. Kellar, Joseph Pinkerton, Herbert Norris, Eva Flanigan, Zada Hastings, Thelma Shaw, Julia Sweeny, Chas. Bunder, Robert Goude, Roland G. Thomas, Hazel Clark, Homer Dakin, Agnes Deets, Jacob Forshee, Alfred Hedgeley, Gladys McGee, Elmer Bigelow, Wm. Alexander, Ole Olson, Frank Pearce, Arthur Vorce, James Buck, Harry Green, Ed. Duberville, Wm. White, Joseph Hammond, Jas. White, August Ehrhart, Victor Van Saw, David Nock, Fred Hoezle, Ed. Allen, Ernest Adams, Matt Smith, James Lamb, W. Storbeck, W. Morrison, Fred Rochester, Edward Martin, Walter Sexsmith, Lahman Bahr, Albert Ives, Norman Reamer, Wm. Felt, Harry Erity, John Curtis, Geo. Jean, Clark Day, Frank Plude, Wm. Borrows, Ralph Braidwood, Ray Drake, Robert Shores, Leo Waddell, Jess Keifer, Edward Baum, Harry Dibble, Chas. Auld, Kenneth Howell, Marshall Kennedy, Ed. Wrege, Harry Ziegle, J. D. Wilson, G. H. Magraue, Chas. McLean, James P. Mullaney. 66 I -FLM ^~='~K^W==== == = 6 I I CITY DIVISION Women's Organization Genesee County War Board MRS. GEORGE A. BARNES Major MRS. FLOYD A. BADGER Major Mrs. M. C. DAY Major MRS. DAVID S. CHILDS Major - L1 | I e I I MRS. CHAS. DUJMANOIS' Major MRS. A. J. REED Chairman, City Division, W. S. S. and Victory Liberty Loan MRS. J. H. LAVENDER Major MRS. J. W. HANDY Major MRS. E. A. HATCH Major I MRS. C. M. DUSENBURY Major MRS'. A. F. McCONNELL MIajor MRS. H. S. McCLELLAN Major I I b y-fc --- 1 67 HISTORY OF GENESEE COUNTY'S ACTIVITIES Buick Motor, Nos. 13-16-25-W. E. Hodges, Captain. L. A. Dow, L. Coleman, H. LaDuc, A. W. Paschall. Buick No. 15 —Harry Goldstein, Captain. I. S. Cooper. Buick No. 17-John Pruchinisky, Captain. Buick No. 27-Carl Lozon, Captain. Guy Tresslar, Betty Quick, Walter Higginbottom, Mrs. Paul Ellis. Michigan Motor Castings Co.-C. E. Barnes, Captain. Bert Willis, Wm. Davine, Geo. Scott, Mike Day, Robt. Harrison, Fred Swigert, Lewis Galos, Roy Van Wagoner, John Lovejoy, V. B. Patterson, Frank Chande, Minnie Fechler, Arnold Lenz, Bert Merritt, B. C. Kreidler, Grant Morse, Seal Morse, Frank Heisser, Hollis Duke, Alex Page, Vincent Polo, Arthur Plow, Chas. Dustin, Joe Hartz, T. H. O'Grady, Frank Gyorkes, Anna Corda, C. Miller, Mark Blakey, Guy Street, Geo. Blanchard, John Kerles, Floyd Harden, John Smith, Fred Johnson, John Allshouse, Joe Takacs, August Campbell, J. M. Hance, Wm. Carpenter, Della Martin, John Ernst, John Ost, P. Wynne. Oak Park Power-J. W. Forbes, Captain. R. Drewyer. Buick Motor Co. No. 1-H. J. Inch, Captain. John Biscomb, Ila Miles, Gladys Thorpe, Catherine Moore, Pearl Pollock, Margaret Church, Phalee Long, Neva Tuttle, Ollie Straley. Buick No. 8-0. V. S. Crampton, Captain. Buick No. 14-R. B. Stipes, Captain. A. W. Twiss, J. D. Goodwin. Buick No. 18-Arthur Ladle, Captain. Buick No. 33-Geo. R. Waite, Captain. Miss Lucile Tubbs. Buick No. 21-A. J. Kuhen. Captain. W. G. Bowman, W. Tolman. Buick Laboratory-L. L. Vasold, Captain. Buick Office-Geo. C. Conn, Captain. Miss Clevel Buchanan, Dorothy Allen, Esther Sawyer, Mary Wallace, C. W. Culmer, Neva Adams, W. S. Hutchison, H. P. Wilson, Blanche Dutil, F. E. Nobes, F. J. Boutell. Flint Varnish Works-L. M. Ellis, Captain. F. M. Howard, W. J. Sohlinger. Armstrong Mfg. Co. —James Parkill, Captain. Ralph Long. Walker-Weiss Axle Co. —W. P. Reark, Captain. J. D. Tobias, A. F. Davis. War Savings Stamps The War Saving Stamp Campaign occupied the month of July, 1918. Sales of W. S. S. and Thrift Stamps were begun by the government in January for the purpose of raising two billions of dollars for the war out of the small savings of the public. Of this amount Genesee County was given a quota of $1,783,000, of which only $272,598 worth had been disposed of by the educational and agency campaign instituted in February From February until July stamps were sold through 640 sales agencies throughout the county, postoffices and sub-stations, city and rural schools, fraternal and other organizations, booths attended by women's organizations and by committees of women operating in each school district and township. Here as elsewhere throughout the United States, with the single exception of Nebraska, these methods failed to produce the desired results and by mid-summer the Treasury Department advised a stirring canvass in Michigan, by teams and districts after the manner of the Third Liberty Loan. This drive lasted officially from June 25 to August 15, but most of the canvassing in Genesee was done in July. $1,830,831 was pledged or 102.7 per cent of the quota. The city ran $50,000 over its quota with 30,207 subscribers while the townships fell slightly short of reaching their requirements. One of the most interesting methods of selling War Savings Stamps was through the promotion of "E and E Honor Rolls." These honor rolls consisted of pledges signed by employers and employes that each and all of them would make a continued investment in War Savings Stamps each pay day throughout the year. Where all members of the firm and all of the employees so pledged themselves 100 per cent window cards were awarded. More than 400 separate firms and corporations qualified for these posters. 100 per cent posters were also distributed to families where each member was a consistent purchaser of W. S. S. Another vital element in the success of the year's work for W. S. S. was the example set by the Industrial Fellowship League which organized savings clubs throughout the factories. The League employed a clerk to attend to its W. S. S. work. Co-operating with the Personal Service Departments of the factories, an intensive factory campaign was carried through in June, resulting in subscriptions to $515,452. In Genesee County the sale of W.. S S. was to a very large extent to the achievement of women. In the county the women's organization under Mrs. L. J. Locy did practically the entire task. Each school district had its committee operating under the direction of the Township Chairman. Very systematic work was also done through the rural schools with the assistance of the county school teachers and assistance of County School Commissioner John L. Riegle. In the city a great deal of the preliminary advertising and educational campaign was handled by the women of the City Organization. And when in mid-summer it became necessary to put on an enthusiastic and aggressive campaign for the sale of stamps, the War Board called upon the Women's City Organization for assistance. Sales districts which the men had been working on were cut in two and half of each district assigned to a team of women. Dan Reed directed the selling activities of the men and C. C. Kagey those of the women. Keen rivalry developed between the two organizations in this competition, which those concerned referred to jocularly as the "two ring circus." For weeks the result was in doubt. Final tabulation showed whereas the men had brought more dollars in pledges, the women had secured the larger number of pledges. So honors were even after all. In the absence of Mrs. N. J. Berston, Sr., Mrs. A. J. Reed took over the duties of City Chairman with excellent effect. Tribute is due the school systems, both city and county, for the aid given W. S. S. sale throughout the entire year. Supt. A. N. Cody and County School Commissioner John L. Riegle led the work in their respective territories with great success. The teachers enthusiastically took up the task and the result was that nearly every scholar enrolled became a W. S. S. salesman to his or her home or neighborhood. St. Mathews Parochial School earned an honor flag for selling a larger percentage of stamps than any other school of its size in Michigan. WV. S. S. sales campaign also threw much extra work upon postmasters, postal clerks and carriers. These men were generally overworked throughout the war owing to the large amount of government mail handled under frank. Nevertheless they cheerfully delivered W. S. S. in large numbers. The leading carrier salesmen for the city of Flint were W. E. Williams with 705 stamps to his credit. Alfred Ward and Howard Casler sold 700 each, Sam Marston 690, Jasper Baldwin, Glen Kinsey and Fred Sherff 600 each. Clio postofficeJames J. Jones, Postmaster, led all the postoffices of Genesee County outside the city of Flint. Among the factories Buick No. 11 won first place in stamp sales with $52,860, and Buick No. 1 second with $45,345. Genesee County Women in the WVar Women's work in the war was first organized under the Council of National Defense, a body authorized by act of Congress August, 1916, consisting of the secretaries of War, Navy, Interior, Agriculture, Commerce and Labor. The Women's Committee of this organization, headed by Dr. Anna Howard Shaw as Chairman, undertook on April 21, 1917, the organization of American women for war purposes in state units, which in turn were given authority to organize the various commonwealths intensively by counties, cities, townships and school districts. Mrs. Caroline Bartlett Crane, of Kalamazoo, Chairman for Michigan, directed women's work under the following general heads: 1 Registration for Service. 2 Food Production. 3 Food Administration and Home Economics. 4 Women in Industry. 5 Child Welfare. 6 Social Service Agencies. 7 Health and Recreation. 8 Educational Propaganda. 9 Home and Foreign Relief. 10 Liberty Loan Campaigns. Mrs. Crane commissioned Mrs. L. J. Locy, of Davison, County Chairman of Genesee, authorizing her to create township organiza tions. Township Chairmen were designated Unit Chairmen to distinguish them from leaders of other patriotic organizations in the same territories. The following were appointed: Argentine-Mrs. B. J. Austin. Atlas-Mrs. Drew Ries. Burton-Mrs. Herman Pierson. Clayton-Mrs. Ernmett Lauther. Davison-Mrs. E. N. Dumanois. Fenton-Mrs. Matt Buzzard. Flint-Mrs. Allen McCandlish. Flushing-Mrs. Ida Packard. Forest-Mrs. E. A. Branch. Gaines -Mrs. F. L. Covert. Genesee-Mrs. Lucy Rogers. Grand Blanc-Mrs. George Gundry. Montrose-Mrs. E. B. Anthony. Mt. Morris-Mrs. James Black. Mundy-Mrs. H. M. Jennings. Richfield-Mrs. Fred Olds. Thetford-Mrs. Perry Bartholomew. Vienna-Mrs. Marshall Smith. City of Flint-Mrs. Carrie E. C. Berston. 68 ap~"=s= ---======-= —=-sa==~= -~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ II A l,-IA I I TOWNSHIP CHAIRMEN Women's Organization Genesee County War Board ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~K I MRS. B. J. AUSTIN Chairman, Argentine Township MRS. JAMES BLACK Chairman, Mt. Morris Townshil MRS. JOHN CLARK Chairman, Genesee Township MRS. EMMA BRIGHAM Chairman, Atlas Township MRS. JOHN L. SUNDRY~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Chairman, rand Blan TolvnshI MRS. FRANK SMITH Chairman, Richl'leld Township l Or: A, f. 1 W MISS JULIA HASTY Chairman, Forest Township MRS. ALLEN McCANDLISH Chairman, Flint Township MRS. JOHN L. GUNDRY Chairman, Grand Blanc Township -lL -, I MRS. HERMAN PIERSON Chairman, Burton Township MRS. ETHELIND A. O'ROU'RKE Chairman, M1ontrose Township 4 -""B 1'N, MRS. MAUDE SULLIVAN Chairman, Davison Township MRS. Wm. HOWARD RICHARDS'ON Chairman, Clayton Township MRS. FRANK SMITH Chairman. Richfield Township a r w- — M- - -r we~~~~~~~~~ — p --- I 69 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~It- ' - ", H ISTORY OF GENESEE S- E T'COUN TY'S ACTIVITIES E1 Y r~/-mB~X1;sA'~ — v --- —-— T REGISTRATION OF WOMAN POWER Registration of woman power for war service naturally was the first step in mobilization. In the city of Flint the Women's Council, at the suggestion of the Civic War Bureau, undertook the work under the leadership of Mrs. Carrie E. C. Berston; but the results were accepted in full by the Council of National Defense and became part of the state records. By the first of July 12,000 separate registration cards had been collected, filed and classified by Miss Emily West. The canvass, which went on simultaneously by registrars in 292 districts, was remarkably complete. Each separate city block had its registrar, with an organizer in charge of every four blocks. Every woman over 16 years of age willing to do war work was listed and information so obtained proved of value later in securing workers for various war activities. The State Chairman visited Flint to instruct for the County registrars for their work outside of the city. The Unit Chairmen who heard her carried the message home to their committees. Mrs. Walter Hill, who conducted 22 schools of instruction, Mrs. A. S. Wheelock, Mrs. Frank Sayer and Mrs. E. B. Anthony, also performed this pioneer service in other townships than their own. Registration was conducted in various booths, halls, school houses and homes, followed by a house to house canvass. These strenuous methods resulted in 99 per cent registration throughout the townships. Richfield, under Mrs. Steinmetz, completed its work first, reporting 100 per cent registration. Mrs. A. S. Wheelock, Chairman of Placement for the County, assembled and indexed all the cards originating outside of Flint. Thereafter Genesee County never lacked women workers, because the files had full information concerning women qualified and willing to do the particular tasks required by the public service. EDUCATIONAL PROPAGANDA Genesee County women performed an essential task in educating the public on the causes of the war and the necessity of winning it. Headquarters in Washington sent to this county more than 400,000 pamphlets and bulletins in aid of this propaganda. These were distributed intelligently and thoroughly to libraries, clubs and individual homes. This work proceeded throughout the war and was particularly effective in preparing the public mind for the various campaigns. ARMY SCHOOL OF NURSING The Surgeon General's office early realized that as the war progressed large numbers of trained nurses would be required in camp and field hospitals at home and abroad. One effect of this would be to leave the civilian population without an adequate nursing force at the very time when public morale and the necessities of war production required epidemics to be kept down with more than usual rigor. Consequently the Army School of Nursing was organized to train women to fight disease at home, care for those injured and disabled in industry, the hazards of which had been increased by war production, and finally to fit them for service as fully trained nurses, should the war last long enough to bring graduates of the school into full time service. A campaign for volunteer nurses was conducted by Miss Mary Osborne as Recruiting Nurse from July 29 to August 11, 1918, with the Red Cross and the Women's Committee co-operating. This drive resulted in a large number of volunteers. Classes in Elementary Hygiene, Home Care of the Sick and First Aid to the Injured were immediately organized in several townships. Aided by local physicians, Miss Osborne taught such classes in Flint and in Argentine, Atlas, Davison, Fenton, Flushing, Montrose and Richfield townships. Mrs. Homer Day instructed in Goodrich. The list of graduates is as follows: Mesdames R. K. Craig, Tine, Marsh, Aileen Vermilya and the Misses Gertrude Sherman, Grace Bell, Daphne Dodds, Bess McCreery, Kathryn McCracken, Florence Sweetwood, Lena DeWdters, Irma Goheen, Margaret Sears, Ethel M. Lewis, Mertie L. Lewis, Florence Leonard, Ezella Smith, Jeanette T. Steele and Mildred Bonbright; Mesdames Madeline Z. Badger, C. F. Batchelder, Anna Jeffers, Julia Niles, Nellie O. Medbury, HazeI VWiltse, Phoebe Childs, Clara Benjamin, Juliet Cameron and the Misses Virginia Stone, Anna Baierl, Fern Hendricks, Josephine Greenway, Lucile Houran and Victoire Thompson; Mesdames Amy A. Keefer, S. J. Rigby and the Misses Ruby L. Rigby, Nevah A. Clapp, Nena M. Koon and Elizabeth M. Gregory; Mesdames A. C. Bemis, H. C. Taylor and the Misses Fannie Kerr, Florence Taylor, Hazel Beadle, Marie LeGear, Florence Boulton, Lillian Olson, Helen Kollmorgan, Florence Hayes, May Smiley, Amber Cutler, Caroline Peterson, Jane Deming, Marietta Dick, N. Galbraith, Bertha D. Williams, Ethel Lick and Minnie A. Shoultz; Mesdames Gladys D. Russell, Myrtle B. Donnelly, Margaret M. Dyer, Clara A. Smith, Iva Belle Conway, Lenore A. Sheehan, Ada Conlan, and the Misses Grace Marie Ward, Christiana Jane Mier and Frances Loranger; Mesdames Anna C. Mathewson, Ella Beach, Martha F. Kagey, Margaret T. Jennings, Jane C. Taylor, Ruby E. Bristol, Nora A. Cunningham, Mabel S. Demorest and the Misses Martha Baker, Jennie Donlan and Mabel A. Titsworth; Mrs. Atlanta B. Lyle and the Misses Margaret DeRoo; Mabel Avery, Alice Hartigan, Christine Stockman, Edna M. Langin and Pearl Swain. Goodrich-Mesdames Fern Yerkey, Ada Putnam, Ethel Burdon and the Misses Mary Hegel, jennie Burdon, Grace Putnam, Alice Davis, Mildred Davis and Frances Haddrill. Davison-Mesdames Mary Jane Seaton, Mildred Clark, Mabel Thompson and the Misses Pearl Post, Cleo Burton and Ella Richards. Montrose-Mesdames Bessie Anthony, Ethelind M. O'Rourke, Margaret Jane Woodward, Teresa Petre and the Misses I illy Morse and Mattie Ellis. Flushing —Mesdames Lela Sobey, Winifred Prosser, Alice O. I'arker, Theo. Niles, Winifred French, Helen Gallup and Miss Katherine LeRoy. Elementary Hygiene Only-Misses Lois Horton, Mary Wallace, Vera Smith, Lulu Schweitzer, W\iltha Nichols, Mildred Burgess, Ethel Hamoline, Geraldine Becker, Vera Parker, Agnes Pounder, Hazel Conrad, Irma Walker and Pauline Stapish (Flushing.) First Aid Only-Miss Mabel A. Titsworth. Home Dietetics Class-Mesdames Margaret Dyer, Juliet Cameron, Hazel Wiltse, Madeline Badger, Clara Miner and Miss Fern Hendricks. Instructors who gave of their time to conducting the classes include: First Aid-Doctors H. E. Randall, J. G. R. Manwaring, D. S. Jickling, Lucy Elliott, A. C. Blakely, Wm. DeKleine, A. R. Ingram, A. S. Wheelock, L. J. Locy, J. M. Galbraith, Blakeley (Flushing) and Wright (Flushing.) Elementary Hygiene-Misses Jessie Scott, Charlotte Light, Frances Quick, E. G. Smith, Flora Burgsdorf, Mary E. Osborne, Mrs. Nina Chesnut, Mrs. H. W. Day. Home Dietetics-Mrs. Emma B. Wagner, Mrs. Katherine Beekman and Miss Josephine Greenway. WOMEN IN INDUSTRY Absence of bread-winners and local demand for labor in production of war goods resulted in a heavy increase in the number of women employed outside the home in Genesee County. Thousands of women and girls, working at wages higher than ever had been paid women for similar efforts, entered factories to take the place of their men who had joined the colors. Some of these were moved more by patriotism than necessity; but the larger part no doubt followed the lure of high wages. Flint was only one of many cities in the country experiencing this change. The government considered it a social shift of great importance. On the one hand, it was absolutely essential to victory that woman power be brought into essential occupations. On the other, it was equally vital that woman's fitness for the highest task of allmotherhood-should not be marred by her industrial efforts. Consequently the Ordnance Department of the army adopted certain standards governing the hours and conditions of female labor in all plants operating on ordnance contract,. State headquarters at various times investigated factory conditions. Flint factories passed such inspection with flying colors. To the credit of Flint's industrial leaders be it said that enlightened seltinterest already had impelled the local industries to make working conditions attractive to women, in order that their services might be easily gained and retained. Each of the larger factories had established personal service departments, and one of the most important branches of this personal service work during the war was that accomplished by the kindly and intelligent women specialists who looked after the welfare of the women employees. A general investigation was also made to ascertain to what extent women were needed to replace men entering military service. Here the results of women's registration were of considerable value. Organization for completing the county organization for a more thorough mobilization of the woman labor power of Genesee County was going forward under the direction of the County Chairman of the Women in Industry Committee, Mrs. Howard Richardson of Swartz Creek, when the armistice put a sudden stop to all work along that line. HOME AND ALLIED RELIEF COMMITTEE PROVIDES CLOTHING Throughout the war this section of the Women's Organization in Genesee County co-operated splendidly with the Red Cross in supplying clothing for the unfortunates in the devastated regions of France and Belgium. Much of this material was second-hand, but the work of collecting and sorting these stores was a heavy task. Many of the township committees, in addition, made large numbers of new garments Argentine provided more than a ton of clothes-2,455 pounds, to be exact-for allied relief. Atlas made 300 garments and collected 500 pounds of second-hand garments. Flint township furnished 454 new refugee garments and 475 pounds of clothing. Linden district provided 220 new garments and 200 old ones. The committee in Vienna collected 500 pounds of clothes for the Belgians. In many of these humanitarian campaigns no records were kept, so full statistics are not available. The township chairmen on Home and Allied Relief were as follows: Argentine, Mrs. D. E. Taylor; Atlas, Mrs. Dora Brosius; Burton, Mrs. H. A. Gilbert; Davison, Mrs. Myra Knickerbocker; Forest, Mrs. Maggie Nay; Flint, Mrs. W. R. Tower; Grand Blanc, Mrs. George Gundry; Genesee, Mrs. Lucy Rogers; Linden, Mrs. R. D. Shirtliff; Mundy, Mrs. Etta Williams; Montrose, Mrs. C. Jennings; Richfield, Mrs. Carrie VanTine; Thetford, Mrs. Carrie Scott; Vienna, Mrs. Delia S. Smith. CHILD WELFARE WORK War brought to America higher living costs, unsettlement of domestic conditions, due to the absence of the millions of men in service, and a heavy increase in the number of women engaged in industrial production. Such a combination of circumstances, unless 70 r M OW:I- -::- - LEADING WORKERS In Women's Organization, Townships of Genesee County MRS. GEO. GUNDRY Unit Chairman, Women's Council of National Defense, Grand Blanc Township J MRS. IDA GRAVES Unit Chairman, Worren's Council of National Defense, Linden MRS. GEORGE HOWE Unit Chairman. Women's Council of National Defense, Davison Township MRS. FRED OLDS Unit Chairman, Women's Council of National Defense, Richfield Township i E p I MRS. LUCY ROGERS Unit Chairman, Women's Council of National Defense, Genesee Township MRS. A. S. WHEELOCK _H Unit Chairman, 'Women's Council of National Defense, Atlas Township iL.. MRS. ELLA CLARK Chairman, WY. S. S., Richfield Township MISS JENNIE A. BURDEN Chairnlan, W. S. S., Atlas Township MRS. KiTTIE McCOMB Chairman, W. S. S., Forest Township CT MISS MABEL HITCHCOCK Chairman, W. S. S., Genesee Township MRS. ALEXANDER ROSS Chairman, W. S'. S., Montrose Township MRS. W. J. WALL hairman, WY. S. S., Davison Township I I I h 71 COUNTY'S ACTIVITIES corrective influences came into play, could not help but be adverse to the child life of the nation. The government esteemed child welfare work a legitimate part of the war program, not because it expected the war to last until the rising generation entered the ranks; but because the war actually brought to bear upon the children of the masses a certain measure of hardship which in fairness should be lifted as completely as possible. Science and sociology stepped in to safeguard the children of America from the indirect ravages of war. Nationally the Children's Year campaign to "save 100,000 babies and get a square deal for the children" was organized by the Department of Labor and the Women's Committee of the National Council of Defence. The President gave it his blessing in these words: "Next to the duty of doing everything possible for the soldiers at the front, there could be no more patriotic duty than that of protecting the children, who constitute one-third of our population." In preparation for the campaign, which opened April 6, 1918, coincidently with the Third Liberty Loan, all township chairmen in this department were instructed definitely how to weigh and measure children and record their findings. Preliminary visits had also been made to mothers to arouse their interest, ascertain the number ot children likely to be presented for examination. The chairmen also provided in each locality suitable accommodations. Examiners received the assistance of doctors and nurses, mothers were given pamphlets on child culture, any defects in, their children were pointed out and suggestions made as to diet and treatment. All over the county this survey was successful; in fact Genesee led the state in the tabulated results. In the city of Flint unusual interest appeared. More than 7,000 infants were registered; 4,500 weighed and measured, and 51 perfect specimens found. The new Americans in the Fairview district showed especially keen interest in this work, and the educational effect of this campaign upon their domestic environment is bound to have a lasting effect in elevating standards of living. Mrs. D. S. Childs, City Chairman in Child Welfare Section, supervised this work with great success. She was greatly aided by the Board of Health, the Red Cross and the Salvation Army. All the perfect babies found in Flint were given place in the Health parade organized by Dr. DeKleine, Health Officer. To each of these infants, Mrs. Carrie E. C. Berston, City Chairman of Woman's Work, presented a savings pass book with an initial credit of $1. In both city and county the medical fraternity and the nursing sisterhood proved of the utmost assistance. Atlas examined 103 children. Argentine, with 94 babies, examined more than 90 per cent. To Davison fell the honor of conducting the first baby clinic in the state; in three days 178 babies were weighed, measured and examined at the Town Hall. The Davison committee also conducted a booth at the county fair, where demonstrations were given in the proper feeding, clothing and care of infants. Forest reported 97 babies examined, and Gaines and Linden ran up the goodly percentage of 813/4 per cent of the 153 infants in that district. Richfield presented to its committee for examination all but ten of its 125 young hopefuls. Thetford reported 230 babies. The organizers in charge of Child Welfare Work in Genesee County were: Supervisor, City of Flint-Mrs. D. S. Childs. Supervisor, County of Genesee (outside of Flint)-Mrs. L. C. Laing, Linden. Township Chairmen-Atlas, Mrs. George Richards; Argentine, Mrs. Jeptha Skinner; Burton, Miss M. Gaze; Clayton, Mrs. Howard Richardson; Davison, Mrs. George Wessinger; Fenton, Mrs. Grant Whitman; Forest, Mrs. Bessie Seeley; Flushing, Mrs. C. H. Hyatt; Gaines, Mrs. Stewart Cheney; Genesee, Mrs. Stanley; Linden, Mrs. L. C. Laing; Mundy, Mrs. Timothy Riley; Richfield, Mrs. Anna Earley. LIBERTY LOAN DIVISION The National Woman's Loan Committee, composed of twelve members, was appointed by the Secretary of the Treasury for the duration of the war to promote the sale of Liberty Bonds. An organization was perfected parallel to that under way for the men throughout the country, with a chairman for each Federal Reserve District. Miss Grace Dixon, Chairman for the Seventh District, appointed Mrs. Delphine Dodge Ashbaugh of Detroit chairman for Michigan; and Mrs. Ashbaugh in turn appointed Mrs. Belle D. Locy as chairman for Genesee County. Township chairmen, appointed by Mrs. Locy, organized each school district in their territory. Beginning with the Second Liberty Loan, this women's organization performed yeoman service in every campaign for funds, co-operating fully with the men's organization and with it making up the Genesee County War Board. WOMEN SAVE THE W. S. S. CAMPAIGN IN THE TOWNSHIPS Except in the W. S. S. campaign, which was dual in its nature, the efforts of the women merged with those of the men, and are covered in the reports of those campaigns. The women were particularly effective in national advertising, covering the county thoroughly with literature in advance of each campaign, and then going out with the men in many instances to reap the fruits of their publicity efforts in subscriptions. In the townships the women literally put W. S. S. over. Without them the county campaign outside of Flint must have been a failure. In Atlas the women canvassed all except the Sixth School District; in Argentine they did more than half the work. Of Clayton's $23,360 subscriptions, the women sold $15,325. In Davison the women's organization was the only one used, establishing 33 agencies, organiz ing the village by streets and the townships by districts, with a net sale of $24,720. Fenton women canvassed every house in the township to sell $49,500 worth of stamps or $11,000 more than the quota. In Forest the women raised all but $300 of the $11,580 subscribed; in Flint all but $1,000 out of $16,270. Flushing men assisted the women in the school districts, but women's organization canvassed the village. In Grand Blanc the women did all the work, surpassing the quota. Genesee women solicited $11,246 out of $16,797 raised. Linden district's total of $6,000 was entirely the result of woman's work; as was also Mundy's $13,190. Montrose men helped their women loyally; but in Richfield the women secured $12,600 in a single day of the $15,390 raised. Thetford tells the same story of the loyalty of Genesee County women, the wives and maidens of that township selling $13,425 worth of stamps against the men's $1,000. In Vienna the men and women divided the work and the honors between them; the men handling the village drive and women canvassing the townships for a grand combined total of $25,235. The township W. S. S. Chairmen were: Argentine, Mrs. J. D. Skinner; Clayton, Mrs. W. H. Richardson; Davison, Mrs. W. J. Wall, assisted by Mrs. M. Sullivan; Fenton, Mrs. C. J. Phillips; Forest, Mrs. M. McComb; Flint, Miss Louise Eddy; Flushing, Mrs. N. E. Davis; Grand Blanc, Mrs. John Gundry; Genesee, Miss Mabel Hitchcock; Linden, Mrs. W. E. Adams; Mundy, Mrs. Etta B. Tupper; Montrose, Mrs. Alexander Ross; Richfield, Mrs. Ella Clark; Thetford, Mrs. Perry Bartholomew; Vienna, Mrs. Ella L. Beeman. NOTES ON WOMEN'S EFFORTS A full account of the Fourth Liberty Loan Survey, conducted by the Women's organization, is given in the Liberty Loan series. Mrs. Lucy Tilden Stewart of Flint was appointed by Chairman Greenway as Director of the Foreign Language Division of Women. In this capacity she did some very commendable work in Americanization among the newer elements of Flint's population. One of the features of a meeting for New Americans held in the Masonic Temple on April 15 was a pageant, entitled "The Fifth Point," in which the characters were taken by five young girls of different nationalities, performing under Mrs. Stewart's direction. On Friday, April 18, local performers under the direction of Mrs. E. M. Cumings, presented a one act patriotic play, "Lest We Forget," in support of the Victory Loan. This performance scored a distinct hit and was repeated by request in various parts of the county. Summarizing these patriotic accomplishments of the women of Genesee County in these few pages has been a difficult task, because of the wealth of material requiring condensation. But, enough detail has been given to prove, if there be need for proof, that the magnificent war record of this county would have been impossible of attainment except for the tireless efforts of our women, their persistence in well doing, their public spirit, their self-sacrificing zeal. That spirit moved not only the leaders and the organized workers, but also the, general public of Genesee's womanhood. They bore their personal losses with good heart, sustained by an unfaltering faith that the men they sent out to battle would return victorious in God's good time; and that their own sacrifices and labors would make their country and the whole world a kinder place of residence for the suffering human family. FOOD CONSERVATION Herbert Hoover, United States Food Administrator, in January, 1918, cabled Lord Rhondda, British Food Controller: "On January 1st we sent you the last of the surplus of the 1917 wheat harvest. All the wheat we can send between January and September must come from the savings of our people." Upon receipt of this message, Lord Rhondda said: "The war is over; we are beaten." The surplus of wheat shipped up to January 1, 1918, from the 1917 wheat harvest was 20,000,000 bushels. Yet by September 1, 1918, 170,000,000 of wheat products reached Europe from America. By rigid voluntary conservation America had saved 150,000,000 bushels of wheat. That food, in a real sense, won the war; without it the allies could not have held out. Another angle of this extraordinary achievement by the American housewife is to be found in comparing shipments to allied destinations for the pre-conservation year of 1916-1917 and the conservation year of 1917-1918. From the 1916 harvest America had as exportable surplus 200,000,000 bushels. From the 1917 harvest we had only 20,000,000 bushels-one-tenth of the former surplus-which could be shipped abroad without trenching upon the home loaf. Yet in 1917-18 we shipped to the allies 340,800,000 bushels of wheat as compared with 259,000,000 bushels the preceding year. With 200 million bushels less wheat on hand we shipped upwards of 80 million bushels more wheat to our allies. The total value of our food shipments to the allies throughout the war was approximately two billions of dollars. Approximately half of that food-a cool billion dollars-was saved in American kitchens by intelligent and patriotic conservation. Genesee County's share in that billion was the result of methods described in detail below. HOW FLINT AND GENESEE COUNTY WERE EDUCATED IN FOOD SAVING Immediately upon the entrance of the United States into the war against Germany, a committee to take charge of war activities in Flint was created by the municipal government with an appropriation of $10,000 for its support, $5,000 of which was at once made available. 72 MRS. MAYBEL C. BENSCHOTEN Director, Civilian Relief, Genesee Chapter, American Red Cross LAURA L. CONKRIGHT A. N. C., Base Hospital, Camp Taylor, Ky. Canned Goods Exhibit Genesee County Food Conservation Campaign &I - \"Ii MRS. VETT COWLES Major, Woman's Organization, Genesee County War Board CHARLOTTE G. LIGHT King's Daughters, Flint A. N. C., Base Hospital No. 17, A. E. F., Dijon, France. Joined Base Hospital No. 17, Detroit, June 30, 1917 Forward Substitutes! Exhibit of Foods which convinced Genesee housewives they could do without wheat xlw " - f; t *^ MRS. THOS. O'DONNELL Major, Woman's Organization, Victory Liberty Loan. Capt., Genesee County WVar Board MISS LUCY TILDEN STEWART Chairman, County Committee on Americanization of Foreign Speaking Peoples, WVomen's Organization MISS MONA SAWYER Mayor's Secretary, Assistant to Director, Civilian Relief, American Red Cross 73 ~~ — - - --— 1rr* COUNTY'S ACTIVITIES When the National Council of Defense became organized this municipal committee was recognized and its work accepted though the unit of the National Organization was the county. This accounts for the city and the county Food Conservation Committees having different heads and carrying on their work separately, at least during the first year. Recognizing the necessity for the co-operation of the women of the city, the Civic War Bureau, as it was popularly known, called to its assistance the Woman's Council of Flint, a civic association of club women, about a year old, which pledged itself to aid in every way possible. Its first task was the registration of the women of the community for war work, the second was Food Conservation. The first conservation effort began October 21, 1917, and the appointment of a member of the Woman's Council, Miss Emily West, as city manager of this drive was confirmed by Mr. Herbert Hoover in a letter dated October 25, 1917. FIRST FOOD CONSERVATION CAMPAIGN The primary object of the campaign was the delivery to every housewife of an instruction card explaining the necessity for the conservation of food, and the methods to be used to that end in the home; to obtain her signature to a card pledging her to follow the instructions given; and as evidence of her patriotism and acquiescence to place a conservation poster in her window. The second object of the drive was the publicity necessary for the effectiveness of further plans in accordance with the slogan, "Food will win the War." Naturally the campaign met with some opposition in a city as cosmopolitan as Flint but between 10,000 and 12,000 homes in the city were reached. EDUCATIONAL METHODS The method used was that successfully followed in the registration campaign a short time previously. The city was divided into 292 small districts of from two to six blocks according to their population. A card for each district was prepared giving its boundaries and some general directions as to the canvass. A district organizer was put in charge of four separate districts to direct the work of the four captains, one for each district, who with their helpers would visit every house in the territory assigned. Field work was done by volunteers from the Woman's Council and its associated clubs, together with others secured through the cooperation of the newspapers. As executive assistant, Mrs. Emma B. Wagner, a Home Economics Demonstration Agent sent to Flint by the United States Government, was invaluable. Sixty district organizers took part in this campaign, several having assumed charge ot more than one group of districts. Some of them failed to return the names of their helpers wherefore the list is incomplete. The names,of two hundred are on record. SECOND DRIVE LAUNCHED The second drive, for which preparations were begun the last of December, 1917, was to have started the second week of January, but on account of unfavorable conditions was deferrred to the latter part of February. On account of bad weather and prevalence of infectious diseases it was decided to make this campaign by mail. Accordingly a new instruction card and various leaflets detailing methods of using substitutes for the kinds of food to be conserved, together with franked envelopes, were packed and sent out to volunteer workers, mainly those who had served in previous campaigns, who filled, addressed and mailed the envelopes according to a list of names provided with each package. COUNTY CONSERVATION EFFORTS Mrs. John L. Riegle was appointed County Chairman by State Food Administrator George Prescott. Finding the city work already under way, Mrs. Riegle devoted all her energies to the villages and townships. All teachers of the county were called to Flint for a meeting October 16, 1917, to organize to get pledges to observe Hoover Food Conservation rules. The teachers very enthusiastically promised to do everything in their power to carry out this comprehensive program. They took the necessary supplies home with them, and work of the campaign began November 29, 1917. In a house to house canvass by teachers and pupils a total of 5,514 pledges were taken or about 90 per cent of the housewives of the county outside the city. Each housewife who signed the pledge was given an instruction card and a window card to show. Again in the spring of 1918 a follow-up campaign was put out at which time three leaflets and one instruction card was put into each home in the county by teachers and pupils. Akin to the Food Conservation efforts in purpose was the program put forth by the National Council for Defense in stimulating food production. Results were obtained by encouraging gardening in school grounds, back yards and vacant lots; exhorting farmers to put in larger acreage than usual, and calling upon women, wherever possible, to volunteer for clerical duties in order that experienced farmers doing indoor work at the time might be released for work on the land, particularly during the rush seasons of planting, haying and harvesting. In Flint the Civic War Bureau distributed seed potatoes at cost to gardeners. This work in Genesee County was under the direction of Mrs. Bertha K. Howe of Davison, who appointed the following staff of township chairmen: Argentine, Mrs. Margaret Ralston; Atlas, Mrs. Jessie Stimson; Burton, Mrs. D. W. Richards; Clayton, Mrs. Julia McEnine; Davison, Mrs. Josephine Smith; Fenton, Mrs. Matt Buzzard; Flint, Mrs. R. A. Blackington; Flushing, Mrs. Himmell; Forest, Mrs. John Willey; Gaines, Mrs. Margaret Ralston, Genesee, Mrs. Fred Pattengill; Grand Blanc, Mrs. George Gundry; Linden district, Mrs. E. A. Sanborn; Montrose, Mrs. E. B. Anthony; Mt. Morris, Mrs. Mary J. Russell; Mundy, Mrs. Millie Gilbert; Thetford, Mrs. George Pound; Vienna Mrs. H. D. Gage. Food Administration and Home Economics Chairmen in the townships were: Argentine, Mrs. Chas. Markley; Atlas, Mrs. Maude Cheney, Burton,. Mrs. D. W. Richards; Clayton, Mrs. James Houstan; Davison, Mrs. Josephine Smith; Fenton, Mrs. Chas. Thompson; Flint, Mrs. Clara Flewelling; Flushing, Mrs. Ida Packard; Forest, Mrs. Jennie Crawford; Gaines, Mrs. Chas. Markley; Genesee, Mrs. Elmer Drudge; Grand Blanc, Mrs. George Gundry; Linden, Mrs. M. Johnson; Montrose, Mrs. P. Wilcox; Mt. Morris, Mrs. Arthur Way; Mundy, Mrs. Addie Ormiston; Richfield, Mrs. Fred Olds; Thetford, Mrs. Herbert Haas; Vienna, Mrs. Marshall Smith. FOOD ADMINISTRATION APPOINTED When it became apparent that a rationing system for the restriction of the sale and use of certain articles of food, particularly wheat flour and sugar, would be necessary, George A. Prescott, State Food Administrator, in November, 1917, appointed Mr. Clarence A. Cameron, Food Administrator for Genesee County. At first the duties of the office were light, but soon after undertaking the work, the regulation of the sale of flour was undertaken by this department: also a survey of the county was made to ascertain the amount of wheat in the hands of producers. Later on, during the month of February, conservation of food began in earnest when more stringent rules were laid down by the department and enforced by this branch of the department governing the sale of flour, sugar and the serving of meats by restauranteurs and other persons engaged in feeding the public. Also, many requests were made to the housewife in the matter of preparing substitutes for flour and meats which was only supplementary to the work done by the other departments in this county in the conservation of food. Many thousand bushels of wheat during the latter part of the winter and early spring were marketed through the efforts of this department and the very efficient aid given it by the other organizations engaged in kindred work. ENFORCING SUGAR REGULATIONS This department received very many reports of the violation of the rules governing the purchase and consumption of sugar, commencing in May and continuing until December, 1918. Many thousand pounds of sugar were confiscated by this department and turned over to the Red Cross, Child's Welfare Society, King's Daughters, Flint City Mission and other institutions. Violations of the rules prohibiting the hoarding of sugar and flour were brought to justice at the suggestion of this department through information furnished by the American Protective League. RETAIL MERCHANTS TAX THEMSELVES When the sugar shortage was at its height, in the month of July, the County Food Administrator called together retail merchants ot the county, at which meeting 95 per cent of the retail merchants were present in person and voted upon themselves a tax of one dollar per store for the purpose of regulating and controlling the sale of sugar within the county. The amount so raised was placed at the disposal of the head of this department and every member of that association entered into the spirit of conservation. From that time on it was with little difficulty that rules promulgated by the department at Lansing were enforced. It is more or less difficult to determine the exact amount of food saved by the conservation rules as enforced in this county. Meat dealers estimate that they had sold at least 25 per cent less meat after conservation began. It is safe to say that we saved by these rules 25 to 50 per cent of the amount of sugar heretofore consumed in this community. FARMERS OBEYED RESTRICTIONS The County Administrator also had occasion to investigate as to how many of the farmers who had previously obtained their supply of flour for the entire year were using substitutes. He found that with one or two exceptions the farm housewives were using substitutes in the same proportion that those of us did who were obliged to buy substitutes along with flour. In most cases, farmers holding grain, marketed the same on request. A few, however, had to be penalized. Those penalties together with the penalties for hoarding sugar and flour collected in the city were all turned over to the Red Cross through the Department of Justice. THRESHERS STOP THE LEAKS At the request of the department at Lansing, Mr. Cameron called together the threshers of this county, organized them after some difficulty and arranged a schedule of prices. At their second meeting the threshers themselves chose from this number Adolphus Egan, a thresher of forty years experience, to examine machinery during the threshing season. It is safe to presume that through the efforts ot Mr. Eagan that many thousand bushels of grain were saved in bringing in Genesee's 1918 wheat harvest. HOW THE STORES CO-OPERATED Glenn R. Jackson was appointed by Oscar Webber, State Merchant Representative for Michigan, as Merchant Representative for Genesee County to act in co-operation with him in distributing through the county literature and posters to illustrate the necessity of food conservation during the period of the war. 74 0 0 I t 9 99 0 1.) I 0 14 a 0 4a.4.0 4 x FA 9 4 Q m V. Cd bo 0 Go I.. 0 14 4 t. 4 (V I .2:3 04, Q m -.0:3 4 to 0, 4-4 0 tE 4 x w Ln tl-. COUNTY'S ACTIVITIES Mr. Jackson appointed fifteen deputies to assist him, one in each of the largest towns in the county, and visited them personally, arranging with them for their co-operation in this work. He also appointed two merchants from each of the six wards in Flint, to take care of the distribution of the literature furnished by Mr. Webber's office at Detroit, and at different times meetings were called in which to discuss ways and means and to instill into the minds of these merchant deputies the necessity of continued co-operation in the matter of saving food. Bulletins were furnished once each week by the State Chairman, which were in turn sent out to each of the fifteen chairmen in the community, distributed according to the number of food merchants in their respective towns. These were distributed by the chairmen.,Special bulletins and pamphlets were also issued at different times, which were distributed in the same way. Special attention was given to the Thanksgiving Week Food Saving Campaign for the week of November 25 to 30 inclusive. Special literature, consisting of eleven posters and window cards were issued from the State Office and these were distributed (about 300 sets) to the merchants in the city of Flint and in the small towns, to be used in making a special Window Display to bring to the attention of the people the vital necessity of food conservation. These posters were wrapped, divided according to the number of merchants in the town or the ward, whichever the case was, and sent through the mail to the deputy for each town, and by him delivered to the deputy for each ward, who in turn made the distribution to the other merchants. Mr. Jackson also aided in the arrangements for a Food Exhibit which was successfully carried out by the Urban Home Demonstration Agent, Mrs. Kathryn B. Beekman, whose work was of so novel and interesting a character as to deserve detailed report. URBAN HOME DEMONSTRATIONS IN FOOD SAVING The first week in June, 1918, a class of eight colored women was,organized by Mrs. Beekman to study Food Conservation. The lessons covered wheat saving, sugar saving and meat substitutes. DIETETICS CLASS A class of eleven young women met regularly in Domestic Science Laboratory of the Walker School. The Red Cross text book was used, supplemented by government bulletins and Pattee's Practical Dietetics. Through June, July and August, demonstrations were given in domestic science laboratories of various public schools. Canning of fruits, vegetables and making of jelly, syrups being used in place of sugar. No sugar was used in any demonstration. Demonstrations of wheat saving, meat substitutes and bread making were also given. FOOD EXHIBIT September 19, 20 and 21, a Food Exhibit was held in the Masonic Temple. Booths for the food exhibits were arranged through the center of the rooms and booths for the Red Cross, Junior Red Cross, Child Welfare, Y. W. C. A., Library Information and Suffrage were along each side of the room. Two afternoons demonstrations were held. Meat substitutes, yeast breads, quick breads, use of cottage cheese were demonstrated. Sugar saving was demonstrated in connection with wheatless recipes. Miss Elizabeth Parker of the Micnigan Agricultural College talked to mothers on the care of the baby, and gave a demonstration of bathing and dressing infants, besides giving much personal advice to many mothers. The exhibition ot various articles of food prepared according to government requirements and the arrangement of various foods with printed cards explaining their relative food value proved of splendid educational value. MILK LUNCHES Through the co-operation of the school nurse, city physical, superintendent of schools and principal of the Parkland school, a ten o'clock lunch of bread and whole milk was served every morning. The King's Daughters voted to finance the milk lunches in the public schools to the amount of $200, making it possible for all children recommended for the lunches to have them without charge. All children who could afford the outlay were required to pay for their milk, but tickets were issued by the teacher to all children, so that the needy were taken care of as well as the more fortunate ones. CLOTHING EXHIBIT This was held in the dining room of the Masonic Temple, March 26, 27 and 28, 1919. Garments of every description remodeled were exhibited. Various articles of wearing apparel for children were made from men's shirts, stockings, cast off underwear, flour sacks, etc. Lectures were given on cutting and making over materials, testing materials, dyeing and removal of stains, pressing and sponging, and use of commercial patterns. Demonstrations of machine attachments were also given. On the last evening of the exhibit, a style show was held in the auditorium of the Temple. The models wore both new gowns and remodeled ones to show the comparison. Out of this exhibit has grown a demand for a clothing school where women may be taught sponging, pressing, cutting, fitting and remodeling garments under capable instruction so that by home care of clothing its life may be lengthened to offset the increased cost of raiment. In the meantime while these various agencies were active, posters and pamphlets were issuing from the offices of the City Manager and the County Chairman in a steady stream, When the rules requiring the use of substitutes for wheat flour and sugar went into effect, many housewives had had little or no previous experience with the cereals and syrups offered in their place but they were happily served when the grocer could place in the hands of his puzzled customer booklets of tested recipes for the use of these unfamiliar substances. The grocer became the medium through which large quantities of literature reached those for whom it was intended increasing the amount and lessening the expense of distribution. A third drive was planned of the first week of December, 1918, and preparations for it were well under way when the armistice was suddenly announced. Its further progress was halted to await Mr. Hoover's investigation of the food situation in Europe. Activity was not resumed and the State Food Department with all its subordinate branches became extinct on January 1, 1919. Compiled from reports furnished by Emily E. West, Manager, Food Conservation for Flint. Mrs. John L. Riegle, Chairman, Food Conservation Committee for Genesee County. Glenn R. Jackson, Merchant Representative for Genesee County. Clarence A. Cameron, Food Administrator for Genesee County. Mrs. Kathryn B. Beekman, Urban Home Demonstration Agent. BOND SELLING AMONG FOREIGN BORN HASTENED AMERICANIZATION OF IMMIGRANTS Bond selling among the foreign born population of Flint began with the First Loan; but it was not until the Third Liberty Loan that a definite organized effort was made to reach those residents of Flint who speak foreign languages more fluently than English. In that campaign a foreign language committee was appointed composed of leaders of various ratio groups among the New Americans. Among the members of this committee were Arthur Pound, Chairman; Rev. J. B. Hewelt, Alexander Niedzielski, Mike Hamady, C. T. Ghitsas, Geo. H. Maurer, Rev. H. J. Clifford, Dr. Leo Bogart, Stanley Czerwinski, J. P. Menosky, Daniel Goldberger, Daniel Kecz, Phillip Cicallo, Chas. Joseph and Thomas Brackett. This committee organized several meetings in the north end and also arranged for large representations of new Americans in the Liberty Day parade of April 6, 1918. Interpreters were provided for Liberty Loan teams operating in districts inhabited by groups speaking foreign languages. Among these interpreters who gave valuable services were Louis Dorman and Joseph Sigliano as well as those committee members qualified to act in that capacity. In the Fourth Loan, foreign language work was led by E. J. Townsend of the Industrial Fellowship League, who is giving special attention to Americanization. The other members of the committee were Rev. J. B. Hewelt, Dan Goldberger, C. T. Ghitsas, Eli Buncie, Paul Husa, Ben Wiener, Dan E. Dilavich, Abraham Bohsley, John Feranac and Phillip Cicallo. The members of this committee organized the sale of bonds among their fellows with great success. In the Fifth Loan an even greater effort was put forth to make new Americans stockholders in the government of their adopted land by the same committee which operated in the Fourth Loan. In the Victory Loan, however, they were greatly assisted by the following committee on Americanization appointed by the Women's Organization: Miss Lucy Tilden Stewart, Chairman; Miss Elizabeth Welch, Principal Fairview School; Miss Eva M. Curtis, Principal Parkland School; Miss Mildred Foote, Teacher Parkland School; Mother Superior Teresa, All Saint's Parochial School, Miss Elizabeth Coates, Principal Homedale School; and Miss Gladys Konantz, Y. W. C. A. AMERICANIZATION EFFORTS The Women's Committee following the Loan arranged for two Americanization meetings on Sunday, April 7. The afternoon meeting, held at K. O. N. hall before the Polish National Defense Society, was addressed by W. V. Smith, on American History. Sunday evening's meeting in All Saints' hall was attended by more than 500 persons of Polish and Slavish blood. The meeting was addressed by Mrs. D. S. Zach, County Chairman for Women Speakers, and also by the Hon. D. D. Aitken, who gave a stirring talk on Americanization. At the same time these efforts were being put forward by the Genesee County War Board and the Woman's Organization of National Defense, the Board of Commerce took up Americanization work upon a plane both broad and practical which promises well for the Flint of the future. The following report, which was warmly approved by the Department of the Interior and reprinted with high praise in its magazine, "Americanization," was presented to the Board of Commerce by its Americanization committee, Albert Champion, W. V. Smith and Harry C. Haight. The magazine characterized this report "as exceptional in its vision of the great problem of Americanization.' BOARD OF COMMERCE REPORT ON AMERICANIZATION "The one great reconstruction task that confronts the American people is to impart American ideals, traditions, and the fundamental principles of democracy through the medium of a common language to those who come from foreign lands to make their homes in the United States of America. This is a national and a local responsibility that must be met wisely and firmly in order to underwrite certain inalienable rights, such as life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness, which are fundamental to the perpetuation of our democracy. "There is a large foreign-born population in the city of Flint, portions of which are more or less isolated from their American friends, many of whom do not speak nor understand our language and who are unfamiliar with American ideals, traditions, and the principles upon which our government is founded. In formulating plans for 76 !SS== - -- ' e~igsFrm I I GENESEE COUNTY WOMEN Who Served in the Great War HELENA MURRAY 313 W. Court St., Flint A. N. C., Base Hospital 88, Unit 6, A. E. F. LENA S. GROVER 738 Wood St., Flint A. N. C., Camp Custer. Tr. to Bas Hospital 69, Savenay, France HAZEL STRUBEL 314 Sylvan Place, Flint A. N. C., Camp Custer EVA CRAM 1307 Detroit St., Flint A. N. C., Camp Custer MRS. BASIL CLARKE Brussels and Paris, Talented Lecturer who addressed many audiences in Genesee Cnunty during the various campaigns MRS. VICTOR L. WATSON Founder, Watson Patriotic Club, which gave loyal support to men in service -lw.~PMRS. GEORGE OSCAR BOWEN Chairman, Junior Red Cross j GRACE BEACRAFT 1629 Glenwood Ave., Flint En sig n, Salvation Army, Camp Dix, New York Docks, A. E. F., Paris, Brest. Six months in Coblenz, Germany, with Army of Occupation CELIA McDOUGALL 430 W. 2nd St., Flint Envoy, S'alvation Army, Camp Dix, New York Docks, A. E. F., Paris, Brest, Coblenz, Germany, six months MRS. JOHN L. RIEGLE In charge of Food Conservation Campaign in Genesee County, outside of City MRS. L. C. LAING County Chairman, Child Welfare (outside of City), Unit Chairman, Women's Council National Defense, Linden, Mich. MRS. KATHRYN B. BEEKMAN Urban Home Demonstration Agent. Expert in Conservation i Ywlndi -ldiWoimm-..-7- - 7 77 __ _ ___ _ _ _ ___ _ _- ~_ ~ 11 I COUNTY'S ACTIVITIES educating these people to speak our language and at the same time to create in their hearts and minds a desire to become true American citizens we have endeavored to socialize and humanize the work in such a way that they can not fail to know our real character, our sense of justice, and our sincere desire to guide them kindly into an atmosphere of mutual confidence and sympathetic understanding. ARMY NURSES CORPS Genesee County furnished an unusually strong contingent of nurses for the Army Nurses Corps during the Great War. Many of these self sacrificing women saw service abroad but a larger number performed duties almost as arduous in the base hospitals of camps and cantonments on this side. All of them gave up cheerfully good salaries in order to give themselves to the cause, working to the point of exhaustion through sleepless days and nights healing the sick and wounded. Throughout the influenza epidemic of last winter their duties were especially arduous and no words are too strong to express the gratitude of the service men to whom they administered. One nurse, Miss Mayme L. Wright, who died of pneumonia at Camp Grant, October 5, 1918, paid the supreme penalty of devoted service, but each and every one of the splendid women in the appended list literally took her life in her hands and laid it upon the altar of freedom. Name Home Address Army Service Julia Anderson, Elliott-Girard, Camp Nogales, Ariz. Flora Burgdorf, Board of Education, Camp Hospital No. 68, France. Lydia Carpenter, Dietitian-Hurley Hospital, Debarkation Hospital, Hampton Roads, Va. Ersa Carroll, Supervisor Hurley Hospital, Evacuation Hospital No. 6, France. Eva Cram, 1307 Detroit St., A. E. F. France; Camp Custer. Helen F. Cronk, 922 Pleasant St., Camp Hospital No. 33, Brest, France. Laura Conkright, Rosetta Ave., Base Hospital, Camp Taylor, Ky. Mary'Chayer, Child Welfare Nurse, Base Hospital No. 17, A. E. F. France. Jennie Dahl, Hurley Hospital, Base Hospital No. 113, A. E. F. Savenay, France. Diana Dodds, 313 W. Court St., A. E. F., France. Era G. Gordon, 814 Cornelia St., Base Hospital, Camp Grant. Lena S. Grover, 738 Wood St., Base Hospital No. 69, A. E. F., Savenay, France. Mary M. Harrington, Dietitian-Hurley Hospital, Camp Hospital, Ft. Riley, Kansas. N. Christine Keyes, Board of Education, Base Hospital No. 36, A. E. F., France. Alpha Johnson, Fenton, Mich., A. E. F., France. Emma Kelley, 616 W. Fourth Ave., Camp McArthur, Texas. Lillian Kiernan, 313 W. Court St., General Hospital No. 36, Detroit. Blanche Kirsch, 715 Begole St., A. E. F., France. Annie M. Leslie, King's Daughters, Ft. Oglethorpe, Ga. Charlotte G. Light, King's Daughters, Base Hospital No. 17, A. E. F., France. Alice Lynch, 228 E. First St., Ft. Riley, Kansas. Alice Maurer, 313 W. Court St., A. E. F., France. Veronica Monahan, Elliott Girard Hospital, Vladivostock, Siberia. Helena E. Murray, 313 E. Court St., Base Hospital No. 88, A. E. F., Savenay, France. Mary Palmer, Attica, Mich., Camp Custer. Annie Ravwitch, Hurley Hospital, Base Hospital No. 36, Detroit. Sarah Ravwitch, Hurley Hospital, General Hospital No. 36, Detroit. Margaret C. Rennie, 901 Grand Traverse St., General Hospital No. 36, Detroit. Cordelia Roberts, 506 Crapo St., Base Hospital, Camp Custer. Mabel Smith, Hurley Hospital, Base Hospital, Camp Custer. Marie Smith, Hurley Hospital, Ft. Oglethorpe, Ga. Hazel Struble, 314 Sylvan PI., Camp Custer. Elsie A. Tompkinson, Clio, Mich., Base Hospital, Ft. Riley, Kansas. Mayme L. Wright, Hurley Hospital, Base Hospital, Camp Grant. (Died in service.) CIVILIAN NURSES WHO SERVED DURING THE INFLUENZA EPIDEMIC IN MILITARY HOSPITALS, 1918-1919 Margaret Armstrong, Camp Dodge. Dorothy Bennett, Camp Custer. Violet Bennett, Camp Custer. Elizabeth Davis, Ft. Oglethorpe. Gladys Grover, Camp Custer. Bertha Jahnke, Camp Custer. Elsie Morris, Camp Custer. Alice Oltman, Camp Custer. Viola Whaley, Camp Dodge. Frances Quick, Camp Custer. SALVATION ARMY WOMEN OF FLINT IN FRANCE Flint women were represented in the Army of Occupation by two Salvation Army lassies, Envoy Celia McDougal and Ensign Grace Beacraft. Before crossing the Atlantic, Miss Beacraft was stationed at Camp Dix, N. J., working for the welfare of returning troops, many of whom had been wounded in France. From Camp Dix she was assigned to the New York docks to welcome incoming troops, one ot her chief duties being to accept and forward telegrams and mail matter from soldiers to their relatives at home. An idea of the importance of this work may be gathered from the fact that the office frequently gathered and dispatched between 3,000 and 4,000 telegrams per day. Here Miss Beacraft was joined by Miss McDougal. On April 9, 1919, the two crossed to Brest in a party of Salvation Army workers of which Ensign Beacraft had charge. Both young women were assigned to Salvation Army Hut No. 1 in Brest, the chief debarkation point of the A. E. F., through which thousands of homeward bound men passed every day. For three months they served embarking troops, conducted a library and rest room, mended soldiers' clothes, passed out doughnuts to doughboys, working long hours with the devotion which led to their being recommended for transfer to Coblenz, Germany, the chief base of the American Army of Occupation. Arriving in Coblenz early in August they expect to continue in service there as long as American troops remain on the Rhine. Mrs. E. M. Cumings, Major, Genesee County War Board, Women's Organization, and Director of "Lest We Forget" BANKING POWER OF GENESEE COUNTY ALWAYS AT THE GOVERNMENT'S DISPOSAL To the banks of Genesee County is due high credit for their steadfast patriotism and loyal co-operation in meeting squarely each financial problem presented by the war. Absolutely without compensation they performed services of the utmost value to the nation and the community. They financed entirely the local campaigns for the First and Second Liberty Loans. Through foresight and business acumen they were able to co-ordinate local welfare to national needs, with the result that the communities they served were never drained of available capital, yet the national government secured all the funds it needed in this locality and every section of the county responded generously to each call for war donations or Liberty Bonds. This was accomplished by a judicious mixture of business and patriotism, financial sense and faith in the future of America. And as all worthy labors bring reward in some form or other, so the great amount of volunteer work done by Genesee's bankers will react eventually to their good. Already it has contributed to the stimulation of thrift. Many bond buyers have formed the saving habit which is bound to increase bank totals in the coming years. Equally important the banks have added to their already considerable prestige as servants of the public. By doing a vital work in a big, efficient and unselfish manner they have demonstrated anew their right to public appreciation as performers of an indispensable economic function, which at all times is necessary to the well being of the country and in emergencies is seen to be absolutely vital to national existence. From the very outset of the war the Flint banks prepared to underwrite, if need be, this city's portion of the war cost and war investment. Although such wholesale contributions from their coffers was at no time necessary, the truth that the banking power of Genesee was the backbone of our body politic every time the national leaders called upon the civilian population for funds. 78 ARMY NURSES ERA GRACE GORDON 814 Cornelia St., Flint A. N. C., Base Hospital, Camp Grant MAYME L. WRIGHT Gaylord, Mich., Graduate Hurley Hospital, Flint, I9I7. A. N. C., Died of Pneumonia, Camp Grant, Base Hospital, Oct. 5, I918. ERSA CARROLL Supervisor, Isolation Ward, Hurley Hospital, Flint A. N. C., at. Evacuation Hospital No. 6, A. E. F., Coblenz, Germany FLORA MAY BURGHDORF Board of Education, Flint Chief of A. N. C. Unit at Camp Hospital 68, A. E. F. Bourge, France MARY MARGARET HARRINGTON Dietitian, Hurley Hospital, Flint A. N. C., Base Hospital, Fort Riley, Kansas BLANCHE KIRSH 715 Begole Street, Flint A. N. C., A. E. F. JENNIE DAHL Hurley Hospital, Flint A. N. C., attached Base Hospital, No. 113, A. E. F., Savenay, Pf rance HELEN FEIGORA CRONK 922 Pleasant St., Flint A. N. C., attached Camp Hospital No. 33, A. E. F. Brest, France LILLIAN KIERNAN 313 W. Court St., Flint A. N. C., General Hospital No. 36, Detroit ALPHA JOHNSON Fenton, Michigan A. N. C., A. E. F., France MARGARET C. RENNIE 90oi Grand Traverse St., Flint A. N. C., General Hospital No. 36, Detroit ELSIE A. TOMKINSON Clio, Michigan A. N. C., Base Hospital Fort Riley, Kas. ANNIE E. RAUWITCHI Hurley Hospital, Flint A. N. C., General Hospital No. 36 Detroit LIDA O. CARPENTER Dietitian, Hurley Hospital, Flint Debarkation Hospital No. 51, Hampton, Va. 79 HISTORY OF GENESEE History of Genesee Chapter American Red Cross By Mrs. Elizabeth C. Buckham, Secretary and Historian. The record of patriotic achievement of the men and women constituting the membership of Genesee Chapter, American Red Cross, furnishes one of the brightest pages of the war history of Genesee County. Actuated solely by the heaven-born impulse to serve their country, without advertisement, glory or the thought of reward, these hundreds of Red Cross workers, men and women alike, from all walks of life, performed the most difficult and monotonous tasks with Spartan spirit. Their accomplishments represent a worthy contribution to the success of that great organization of which Henry P. Davison, its war leader, said: "The American Red Cross is the mobilized heart and spirit of the whole American people." The first general public meeting in the interest of Red Cross organization in Genesee County was held in the First Baptist Church of Flint on Sunday evening, March 4, 1917. The meeting, which was undenominational, had received wide advertisement through the columns of the Flint Daily Journal and the audience was thoroughly representative of Flint citizens, three hundred of whom pledged themselves on that occasion to become members of the chapter about to be organized. Several months prior to that time, Rev. J. Bradford Pengelly had, at the suggestion of Mr. J. D. Dort, himself a lite member of the Red Cross, made application for permission to form a Red Cross chapter in Flint. This permission was granted in a documerit dated in Chicago on February 14, 1917, signed by J. J. O'Connor, Director of Central Division. On March 14, 1917, the organization ot the Flint Chapter was completed at a meeting of representative citizens held at St. Paul's Episcopal Church, Rev. J. B. Pengelly presiding. The following nine men who had signed the petition to organize constituted the charter membership: J. D. Dort, C. B. Burr, A. G. Bishop, J. L. Pierce, C. S. Mott, Rev. J. B. Pengelly, F. A. Aldrich, G. E. Pomeroy and C. H. Miller. Temporary organization was effected at this meeting with C. S. Mott, chairman; Miss N. Christine Keyes, vice-chairman; G. E. Pomeroy, secretary, and A. G. Bishop, treasurer; the following temporary campaign committee on membership being named: E. W. Atwood, chairman; M. F. Bradley, C. B. Burr, J. L. Pierce and Mrs. Elizabeth C. Buckham. At the first meeting of this committee, held in the Elks' Temple, March 17, 1917, it was decided to increase the number of members by the addition of the following: W. W. Mountain, President Board of Commerce; William Pattinson, Master Scout of Boy Scout Organization, and Mrs. Katherine Seymour Throop, who had for many months been busily engaged in making surgical dressings for use of the Surgical Dressings Committee of New York in their great work of mercy in assisting in the care of the French wounded. BOARD OF DIRECTORS A formal charter, dated in Washington on April 2, 1917, and signed by Eliot Wadsworth, Acting Chairman, gave the Flint, Michigan, Chapter jurisdiction over Genesee County. It was not until December 6, 1917, that the name of the chapter was, by vote of the directors, changed to Genesee. Organization of the Flint Chapter was completed at a meeting of interested business men held at the Board ot Commerce rooms in the Dryden building on May 15, 1917, when the following were elected as a board of directors: C. S. Mott, J. D. Dort, C. B. Burr, G. R. Jackson, C. M. Greenway, Dr. W. J. Wall, Frank J. Sawyer, Dr. A. S. Wheelock, Floyd A. Chapin, A. E. Ransom, Miss N. Christine Keyes, A. G. Bishop, G. E. Pomeroy, E. W. Atwood, M. F. Bradley, S. F. Beach, John Faner, C. H. Reed, Dr. H. W. Graham, C. D. Beecher, Daniel A. Reed, George C. Willson, Walter P. Chrysler, Bruce J. Macdonald, J. E. Burroughs, A. C. Pound, G. W. Arms, Paul Laing, F. D. Rogers and Claude Stoddard. The following ex-officio members were named: George C. Kellar, Mayor of the city of Flint; W. W. Mountain, President of the Board of Commerce, and Rev. J. B. Pengelly, Chairman of the Bureau of Social Service. The temporary officers elected at the organization meeting of March 14 were made permanent, by-laws were adopted and the chairman, C. S. Mott, announced his appointment of the following committees: Executive-J. D. Dort, C. M. Greenway and G. R. Jackson. Finance-J. D. Dort, A. G. Bishop, C. M. Greenway, W. W. Mountain, Daniel A. Reed, Myles F. Bradley and Glenn R. Jackson. Aid of Dependent Families of Soldiers —W. P. Chrysler, W. S. Ballenger, J. E. Burroughs, the Mayor and Chairman of the Bureau of Social Service. Auditing-Bruce J. Macdonald and John S. DeCamp. Membership-Edwin W. Atwood, Chairman; Myles F. Bradley, Dr. C. B. Burr, John L. Pierce, Mrs. Elizabeth C. Buckham, W. W. Mountain, Daniel A. Reed, Wm. Pattinson and Mrs. Katherine S. Throop. Mr. Mott also at this time confirmed the previous appointment ot an Ambulance Corps Committee as follows: J. D. Dort, Chairman; Dr. J. G. R. Manwaring, James S. Parker, H. H. Bassett and W. R. Hubbard, and he ratified the appointment of Dr. W. H. Winchester as Captain. The Chairman also named a Relief Committee consisting of Mrs. Elizabeth C. Buckham, temporary chairman; Miss N. C. Keyes and Mrs. Katherine Throop, and ratified appointments previously made as follows: First Aid and Nursing-Miss N. C. Keyes, Chairman; Miss Gladys Van Cleve, Registrar; Surgical and Hospital SuppliesMrs. Elizabeth C. Buckham and Mrs. Katherine S. Throop; Workshop Committee-Mrs. Scott Kendrick, Chairman; Mrs. Katherine S. Throop and Mrs. D. K. Moore; Inspection-Mrs. Katherine S. Throop. The problems of membership and finance were necessarily among the earliest to demand attention. The membership campaign received its real start at a lecture given under chapter auspices at the Masonic Temple on March 28 by Lieutenant Donald McGibney of the American Ambulance Corps. The report of the Secretary on July 1, 1917, shows that there were at that time 8,528 annual members, 1,376 subscribing or magazine members, 94 contributing, 17 sustaining and 43 life members, a total of 10,058. By October 1, 1917, the total membership had increased to 11,266. FIRST WAR FUND CAMPAIGN Membership fees provided funds for the early activities of the chapter; but in response to a call from National Headquarters in Washington a great campaign for the raising of a Red Cross war fund, which would be part of the $100,000,000 fund being raised throughout the country, was inaugurated in June, 1917. The campaign was organized with J. D. Dort as General Chairman and the following men as an Executive Committee: C. S. Mott, W. P. Chrysler, J. B. Pengelly, C. M. Greenway, Leonard Freeman, W. W. Mountain and J. D. Dort. The Division Chairmen were: F. W. Boswell, F. A. Aldrich, Glenn R. Jackson and C. H. Bonbright; Campaign Secretary, 0. R. Largent; Treasurer and Office Manager, George C. Willson; Publicity Committee, Myles F. Bradley, Geo. A. Barnes, Harry B. Black; and Chairman on Supplementary Organization, Roy Smith. The chairmen of the different departments in connection with the organization of the campaign were as follows. Ministers' Committee -Rev. H. A. Field; Speakers' Committee-C. S. Mott; City Departments-J. W. Follin; Speakers in Theaters —A. E. Raab; Fraternal Organization-John R. Kneebone; Trades Union-C. W. Boland; Factories and Factory Offices —F. V. V. Swan and R. J. Wise; Women's Auxiliary —Mrs. Harry Winegarden. The campaign opened with great enthusiasm at a banquet on the evening of June 18, talks being given by the Mayor, the four Division Chairmen, Mr. B. A. Hoover, and Dr. Soares of Chicago University. An average of 160 men were present at the noon luncheons during the week of the campaign and great enthusiasm was manifested. hXhen the larger subscriptions from corporations- firms and individuals were announced they would rise to their feet and cheer as the figures were placed on the board. The campaign closed on Saturday, June 23. Although the amount assigned as the quota of Genesee County was $75,000, the campaign managers decided to raise $85,000 for good measure, but what was really subscribed during the campaign was $295,169.61, about $15,000 being raised in the county outside of the city of Flint. The Executive Committee had anticipated hearty co-operation on the part of all, but found their expectations more than realized. It was permitted by the National Headquarters that 25 per cent of the quota of $75,000 should be retained by the chapter for the purchase of materials for the work shop and for other local expenses. This made it possible at once to expand the activities of the chapter. MANUFACTURE OF SURGICAL SUPPLIES Early in April, 1917, a workshop for the making of surgical supplies had been opened in a rear room of the Fenton block and Mrs. Scott Kendrick placed in charge, with Mrs. Katherine S. Throop as head of the inspection department. About sixty women had been active through April and May in the production of supplies in this shop and a branch organization had been maintained in Oak Grove Hospital where very creditable work was done in those early weeks. On May 30, 1917, the work shop was moved to the Elks' Temple at the corner of Beach and Second streets, the members of B. P. 0. E. Lodge No. 222 having patriotically placed the third floor of their building at the disposal of the Red Cross. Mrs. John J. Carton was appointed permanent chairman of the County Relief Committee, acting in that capacity until August 16, 1917, when a change in arrangement was made. Mrs. Carton was then placed in sole charge as Director of Relief Work for the county. This difficult position she has occupied continuously since that time, filling it conscientiously and with a tact and diplomacy which have rendered her services invaluable to the chapter. Early in the fall of 1917, it became apparent that expansion in all branches of chapter work was an immediate necessity. George E. Pomeroy, who had for five months given up his personal business to donate his time as Secretary of the Red Cross, felt obliged to resign that office. On August 16, 1917, his resignation was accepted with great regret by the Board of Directors, who showed warm appreciation of the self-sacrificing service Mr. Pomeroy had rendered during the organization period. Mr. Pomeroy was succeeded in office by Mr. C. B. Phelan, whose services as Secretary were engaged to begin about October 1. BRANCHES ORGANIZED In the meantime, Mrs. Carton, as Director of Relief Work, had appointed Mrs. Clifford A. Bishop as Branch Organizer. Mrs. Carton and Mrs. Bishop had already organized a number of city and county branches before Mr. Phelan's work began. In fact several branches had been organized or had organized themselves during the spring and early summer. From Mr. Phelan's report made to the Board ot 80 I I I I I -4 i As~,11~11E' —"'=""I====~===~R 7lM or |,, _ y~~~~~~~~~~ I 1 4 1 M OFFICERS Genesee Chapter American Red Cross GEORGE E. POMEROY Secretary, March 14, 1917, to August 16, 1917 GLENN R. JACKSON Vice-President n - - b A - - X:;:: - - - a::::: - - w: F - -- i|E: - - - -: Is-d- Ad: A5 -:; - S - -::6:-: He r -I'dR: & Mi r. S _ _a _ V MRS. CLIFFORD A. BISHOP Branch Organizer Appointed July 1, 1917 MRS. ELIZABETH C. BUCKHAM Secretary and Historian I I MRS. TRUMAN H. MIEDBURY Head of Hand Knitting Dept. Appointed Sept. 1, 1918 MRS. W. E. STEWART Chairman, Surgical Dressing Committee, Nov. 1, 1917, to April 1, 1918 MRS'. JOHN J. CARTON Director of Relief Work MRS. GEO. C. WILLSON H.ead of Hand Knitting Department, from July 1, 1917, to S'eptember 1, 1918 MRS. SCOTT KENDRICK Chairman. Surgical Dressing Committee, April 1, 1917, to August 31, 1917 I MRS. VV. B. HANAFORD Chairman, Surgical Dressing Committee, from July 1, 1918 CECIL B. PHELAN Secretary, from Oct. 1, 1917, until his death, May 14, 1918 MRS. DWIGHT T. STONE Head of Machine Knitting Dept. Appointed August 1, 1917 I I I 81 ,~~~~~~ ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~ ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - I k li-. _f iHISTORY OF GENESEE c~CO4TY`S.ACTINITIES Directors on October 30, 1917, we cull the following record of branch work up to that time: "Branches of the chapter have been established at Flushing, Clio, Thetford Center, Mount Morris, Grand Blanc, Swartz Creek, Fenton, Davison, Gaines, Atlas, Goodrich, Rogersville, Geneseeville, Helen Street, Elm Park, Latter Day Saints' Church, Homedale, Linden, Montrose, Rankin, Salvation Army and Addison Street, 22 in all. In each of these centers, local committees supervise the work. We send them the materials and instructions and receive the completed goods." After Mr. Phelan became Secretary, systematic expansion was continued. Additional county units were organized in Burton, Coldwater, Otisville, North Flint, Otterburn-Bristol and Kearsley Districts. Argentine was organized as a separate branch in the summer of 1918. To Mr. Phelan and Mrs. Clifford Bishop is equally due the credit for the great increase in the number of workers in the chapter, making possible the immense production afterwards accomplished in the surgical dressings and hospital garment departments. Mr. Phelan continued as Secretary until the time of his death, which occurred on May 14, 1918. Mrs. Elizabeth C. Buckhanm was appointed to succeed him and still remains Secretary of the chapter. From the time of removal of the work shop to the pleasant airy quarters generously donated by the Elks for this war work, production proceeded upon an increasingly large scale. Mrs. Scott Kendrick remained in charge of the surgical dressings and new departments were added. Mrs. D. K. Moore was appointed in charge of the department of hospital and refugee garments. Mrs. George C. Willson accepted the chairmanship of the hand knitting department, Mrs. Dwight T. Stone being appointed in charge of the machine knitting. The wonderful service rendered by all of these pioneers in Red Cross work in this chapter is a matter of history in Flint and Genesee county. A class of instruction in surgical dressings was organized almost immediately, the class being taught by Mrs. M. T. Chandler ot Chicago, sent to Flint by Central Division for that purpose. The following women were graduates of this first class: Mrs. Lynn Adams, Miss Louise Baker, Mrs. Clifford A. Bishop. Mrs. Frank D. Buckingham, Miss Helen Calkins, Mrs. John D. Cameron, Mrs. John J. Carton, Miss Carrie Charles, Mrs. David S. Childs, Mrs. B. J. DeGuichard, Mrs. Harry Demorest, Mrs. J. D. Dort, Mrs. Charles Dumanois, Miss Hilda Jackson, Mrs. Anna Jeffers, Mrs. George C. Kellar, Mrs. Scott Kendrick, Miss Bernice Laird, Mrs. J. H. Lavender, Mrs. James Martin, Mrs. C. H. McKinley, Mrs. D. K. Moore, Mrs. J. W. Orr, Miss Caroline Rankin, Miss Marion Smith, Miss Nellie Stevenson, Miss Gladys Van Cleve, Miss Laura XWhaley, Mrs. W. T. Walker, Mrs. W. F. Richards, Davison, and Mrs. H. A. Stewart, Flushing. All of the women of this class qualified as supervisors and a number of them as instructors. Other classes were formed and before fall a number of Flint's most prominent women were engaged in supervising the making of surgical dressings which were so badly needed on European battlefields. HEIGHT OF PRODUCTION REACHED About the end of August, 1917, Mrs. Scott Kendrick resigned as head of the srugical dressings department, although continuing her connection with the department as instructor and supervisor until the end of the war. Mrs. Kendrick was succeeded in office by Miss Nellie Stevenson, who rendered faithful and efficient service for about two months, when Mrs. W. E. Stewart succeeded her as head of the department. It was during Mrs. Stewart's tenure of office, which lasted from November 1, 1917, to April 1, 1918, that the height of production was reached in this department, Mrs. Stewart having very able lieutenants in Mrs. H. D. Knapp, Mrs. Frank D. Buckingham, Mrs. Lewis Buckingham, Mrs. W. T. Walker, and most efficient assistants in Mrs. Richard Francis, Mrs. J. J. Carscadden, Mrs. Grant Brower, Miss Bernice Laird and a score or more of other patriotic Flint women whose names are too numerous to mention, but without whose help it would have been impossible to gain the enviable record which this department established for itself during the awful winter of 1917-18. During the whole of this period, Mrs. J. J. Lynch and Mrs. J. D. Dort acted as heads of the inspection department, vigilantly performing the duties of that office. After the strain of such a hard winter's work. when during emergencies it was often necessary for her and her assistants to work until midnight and later, Mrs, Ctewart was obliged to give up her office about April 1, 1918, and Mrs. H. D. Knapp succeeded her. Following several weeks of capable management, Mrs. Knapp was called away because of illness in her family, her place being filled temporarily by Mrs. C. F. Batchelder until Mirs. Batchelder's removal to Lansing early in the summer. Mrs. W. B. Hanaford was then appointed head of the department and remains so at this time (April 1. 1919). although it is no longer necessary to mobilize her workers except in emergencies. When a hurry-up order came in December, 1918. for 700 paper-lined vests for American soldiers in Siberia, the garment department being overloaded with pressing refugee work, the quota of vests was filled by the workers of the surgical dressings department, who speeded up production and completed the job in record time. The surgical dressings department as it existed in Flint during the war was a wonderful organization. Social caste was unknown within its ranks, patriotic, democratic Americanism being the only consideration in admission to membership. Special mention should be made Qf the work done in surgical dressings as well as in garments and knitting by two of the city branches. The work shop of one of these branches was in the home of Miss Helen M. Stone, 439 Helen street, Miss Stone donating the use of room for the purpose from about July 1, 1917, until April 1, 1919. The other city branch, located in Homedale in the basement of St. Andrew's church, which was donated for the period of the war, was capably supervised by Mrs. D. M. Keefer as general chairman. A third city branch. with work shop located in a new store on Glenwood avenue owned by Mr. John Zimmerman, who donated its use tor tRed Cross purposes. was supervised by Mrs. William Springer as general chairman. This branch, although not having a surgical dressings department, was most active in garment making and knitting. Several of the county branches had very capably managed surgical dressings sections and deserve great praise for their helpful work along this line. Among the earliest Red Cross circles formed for surgical dressings work in the fall of 1917, were the Service Clubs made up of women and girls otherwise employed by day who gave their evening time to assist in the making of surgical dressings. Nearly twenty-five of these clubs were formed, one of them supervised by Mrs. D. S. Childs and Mrs. E. A. DeWaters, meeting in the Oak Park Y. WV. C. A., the others at Red Cross Headquarters in the Elks' Temple. The clubs wer-e active all that winter, many of them, indeed, until the signing of the armistice made this sacrifice of their precious time no longer necessary. The picture furnished by these girls enthusiastically applying themselves to Red Cross tasks after a hard day's work in factory, office or store, was one never-to-be-forgotten by those who witnessed it. Soon after the clubs were organized, Mr. C. M. Greenway, of the Flint Daily Journal, provided a silver cup as an incentive for competitive work. It was found that this added zest to club efforts and it became a matter of keen interest as to which club would hold the Red Cross trophy for the succeeding month. The club from Buick No. 19 was in possession at the time the Service Clubs disbanded. Under date of December 14. 1918, the Flint Daily Journal contained the following report of the "Splendid Climax to WVar Work Record of Buick No. 19 Girls": "Ever since the Red Cross volunteer service clubs were organized a year ago, the girls of Buick No. 19 have been noted for their patriotic achievements, but last night they surpassed all previous records for efficiency. "'The blizzard last winter was like a day and a night in Siberia,' ran the legend which appeared on their bulletin board yesterday afternoon. 'WVill the girls stay and stitch vests?' "Not only did the girls stay, but they seemed to covet this last opportunity to demonstrate their right to be known as a unit of the great reserve army of America. "Two supervisors from headquarters appeared in the room at 5 o'clock. They were immediately greeted with a chorus of 'Give us thread,' and almost instantly the power was turned on everywhere and bobbins were dancing merrily in all directions. "A supervisor stood between two girls with a watch in her hand and timed the first two vests. 'Exactly two minutes and a half,' she said as the girls finished their tasks at precisely the same moment. It was agreed that the steady average of four minutes to a vest could be maintained. In exactly one hundred and eighty minutes the work was completed, and the tired but happy lot of soldier girls had added new laurels to those already won through a year of such patriotic service as it would be difficult to match in this or any other country." During the period of the war there were shipped from the surgical dressings department of Genesee Chapter 689,014 dressings. Besides this, about 5,000 dressings were distributed or sold to local hospitals after the signing of the armistice. GARMENT DEPARTMENT The garment department was organized by Mrs. D. K. Moore on July 6, 1917. Mrs. Moore proved to be an excellent head for this department and was most aggressive in enlarging and developing it. Through her indefatigable energy, a splendid showing was made almost immediately, the first box of completed garments being shipped out on August 1. During the two following months, 8,460 garments had been manufactured byv Flint and Genesee County women under her supervision. Her committee during the first few months consisted of Mrs. George Strickland, Mrs. I. M. Eldridge, Mrs. Fred Calkins, Mrs. George Hatchard, Mrs. John Beckwith, Mrs. H. R. Niles and Miss Lucy Chase. Because of her removal to Cleveland about April 1, 1918, Mrs. Moore was obliged to resign as head of the garment department and Mrs. Carton appointed Mrs. George Strickland to succeed her. Mrs. Strickland, who has rendered very faithful service, still remains in charge of garment and refugee work. She has had able assistants in Mrs. 1. M. Eldridge, Mrs. H. J. Jackson, Mrs. Guy M. Wilson, Mrs. John Beckwith. Mrs. Porter Doty, Mrs. Fred Calkins,. Mrs. C. T. Morris. M4rs. Alice Murray, Mrs. Merton Clapp, Mrs. Arthur Hopkins, Miss Cora Glass, Miss Lucy Chase, Mrs. Grover Jackson and the heads of the garment departments of several city circles and county branches. The Buick Motor Company and the Dort Motor Company have. greatly assisted the women of the garment department in filling their quotas. cutting many thousands of yards of material tor them. The following is a complete list of hospital and refugee garments shipped from Genesee Chapter from July 6, 1917, to April 1, 1919: 82 LEADING NWORKERS Genesee Chapter American Red Cross MRS. D. K. MOORE Head of Garment Dept., July 6, 1917, to April 1, 1918 MRS. GEO. STRICKLAND Head of Garment Dept. Appointed April 1, 1918 MRS. D. M. KEEFER General Chairman, Homedale Branch MRS. J. E. BURROUGHS Head of S'hipping Dept. Appointed Dec. 1, 1917 MRS. JOHN J. LYNCH Inspector of Surgical Dressings MISS BELLE C. JORDAN General Chairman, Atlas Branch MRS. ANDREW RIEGLE General Chairman, Richfield Branch MRS. H. 'W. DAY General Chairman, Goodrich Branch MRS. RAYMOND L. SMITH General Chairman, Mundy Township MRS. WM. SPRINGER Chairman, Fourth Ward Branch, City of Flint MRS. LUCY THOMPSON General Chairman, Coldwater Branch MRS. BESSIE E. VINCENT Chairman, S'wartz Creek Branch 83 -IOCA IHISTORY OF GENE+EESE, Ljl~l%;TY'ACTINITIES z. I r~ 2,676 convalescent robes, 801 army kits, 933 operating gowns, 750 suits army pajamas, 1,973 suits summer pajamas, 790 women's broad-cloth 8,250 suits winter pajamas, skirts, 2,007 comfort kits, 1,265 women's morning 2,514 housewives, blouses, * 5 suits French pajamas, 1,190 men's underdrawers, 6,991 operating leggings, 1,270 girls' serge dresses, 1,080 bed jackets, 830 boys' blouse suits, 3,235 summer bed shirts, 1,910 women's chemises, 8,267 winter bed shirts, 1,890 boys' underdrawers, 240 property bags, 1,960 boys' undershirts, 953 bed socks, 1,090 girls' pinafores, 504 operating helmets, 1,200 boys' undershirts, 230 convalescent suits, 1,590 children's undershirts, 794 hot water bag covers, 1,040 women's petticoats. 2,878 handkerchiefs, A total of 63,917 garments. 2,811 shoulder wraps, KNITTING DEPARTMENT Perhaps no department connected with Genesee Chapter has been more ably managed than that of the knitting with Mrs. George C. Willson in charge until September 1, 1918, when home cares necessitated her resignation. It is accomplishing something of a feat to organize a corps of several thousand knitters and bring their work up to Red Cross standards. Mrs. Truman M. Medbury and Mrs. Reinhard Kleinpell have shared with Mrs. Willson the responsibilities connected with the management of the knitting department, Mrs. Medbury succeeding her as chairman and Mrs. Kleinpell acting as chairman during Mrs. Medbury's absence from the city for several weeks. The following women who assisted in the knitting department deserve very special mention for the part they had in its success: Mrs. T. S. Cowing, Mrs. F. A. Aldrich, Mrs. G. L. Rothfuss, Mrs. E. W. Fitzgerald, Mrs. Thomas Sinn, Mrs. Fred Lane, Mrs. I. A. Laird, Mrs. James Martin, Mrs. W. J. Reid, Mrs. Will Gray, Mrs. J. H. Crawford, Mrs. H. J. McBride, Mrs. W. S. Paterson, Mrs. O. F. Lochhead, Mrs. George Hoffman, Mrs. George A. Nichol, Mrs. T. A. Willett, Mrs. Bessie Wesson, Mrs. Clara Z. Buhl, Mrs. W. N. Hubbard, Mrs. J. C. Armstrong, Mrs. E. C. Litchfield and the Misses Elizabeth W. Witherbee, Marion Cummings, Jane Forrest, Marion Carscadden, Beth Pontius, Geraldine Rice, Louise Baker and Marguerite Wilson. Besides those whose names have been mentioned are numbers of other faithful women who supervised the knitting in city and county branches and whose loyal attention to duty contributed greatly to speeding up production in this important department of Red Cross work. MACHINE KNITTING DEPARTMENT Mrs. Dwight T. Stone has been in charge of the machine knitting since August, 1917. The degree of perfection attained in that branch of the work has been commented upon by all who have had occasion to examine socks and wristlets produced by her department. Mrs. Stone's assistants at headquarters have been Mrs. Earl Stone, Mrs. L. J. Kurtz, Mrs. F. D. Clarke, Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Swan, Mr. Hammond, Mrs. Arthur E. Raab, Mrs. E. D. VanMeter, Mrs. Fred Richards, Mrs. E. W. Atwood, Mrs. C. B. Burr, Miss Julia Decker, Mrs. Campbell, Mrs. Edward S Lauster and Mr. J. G. Mallery. Firemen in several of the fire stations have rendered good service in assisting Mrs. Stone in her work. The total number of knitted articles shipped by the chapter during the period between July 1, 1917 and April 1, 1919, was 83,813. The following is the list of articles shipped: 18,312 sweaters, 5,425 mufflers, 38,422 pairs of socks, 14,409 pairs of wristlets, 4,698 helmets, 179 knee caps, 1,988 trench caps, 95 ear tabs, 5 blankets, 280 pairs of mittens. SECOND-HAND CLOTHING During October, 1918, a large quantity of second-hand clothing was collected and dispatched for the relief of refugees in Belgium and France. The workers handling this shipment were Mrs. George Oscar Bowen, in charge of collection in.the city, Mrs. Belle.Locy in charge of collection in the county, Mrs. Dwight T. Stone in charge of inspection and folding, Mr. O. A. Mitchell in charge of the packing and Mr. F. D. Lane in charge of the shipping. The services rendered by Mr. Mitchell and Mr. Lane were particularly appreciated as the work they did would have been very difficult indeed for women to supervise. During the spring of 1919, a second campaign for overseas cloth ing was inaugurated, the Boy Scout organization of the city assisting greatly in the wind-up by collecting 8,010 pounds. The quota assigned to Genesee County in the first campaign was 10,000 pounds, the total amount collected being 11,818 pounds. In the second campaign, the amount assigned was 20,000 pounds, the amount collected being 22,780 pounds. Figuring the value as one dollar per pound, which is not an over-estimate for much of the clothing sent by this chapter, the value of second-hand clothing sent overseas from this county will appeear anything but negligible. PACKING AND SHIPPING DEPARTMENT'S RECORD One cannot study the production reports of Genesee Chapter without realizing that its packing and shipping department must have been a busy one. The first boxes were packed by Mrs. Katherine S. Throop whose experience, gained in her three years of packing boxes for Europe under the direction of the Surgical Dressings Committee ot New York, was most helpful. Under her training Miss Helen Calkins proved an apt pupil and for several weeks after Mrs. Throop resumed her work for the New York committee, Miss Calkins supervised the packing and shipping. giving the closest attention to details. Mrs. Truman M. Medbtury succeeded Miss Calkins in charge of this work, she in turn being succeeded by Mrs. J. E. Burroughs about December 1, 1917. Mrs. Burroughs has been very capably assisted during all of the time by Mrs. C. D. Donaven and Mrs. Duff Davis, and at different periods by Mr. and Mrs. T. M. Medbury, Mr. J. G. Mallery, Mr. A. E. Stever and Mr. Arthur Cotharin. The records kept in the shipping department would do credit to any commercial concern. A resume of the report of this department from June 1, 1917, to April 1, 1919, shows that the actual value of the articles sent was $196,330.12, the shipping value being $343,623.32. The shipments were divided as follows: 689,014 surgical dressings, 49,508 hospital garments, 83,813 knitted articles, 14,409 new refugee garments and 288,963 second-hand garments for refugees. Up to April 1. 1919, 1,103 cases had been shipped by the chapter. The figures given above do not include 580 bags of second-hand clothing sent abroad this spring, for, although mentioned in an earlier portion of this history, those goods were not really shipped until after April 1, 1919, which is the last date covered by the shipping record in this report. In addition to the regular work done by Genesee Chapter in the women's department, a Christmas package committee, headed by Miss Virginia Stone as chairman, supervised the arrangements for sending Christmas packages abroad from this county at the holiday time in 1917 and 1918. EDUCATIONAL ACTIVITIES One of the important accomplishments of the chapter has been the educational work done under the supervision of Dr. D. S. Jickling, chairman of the Educational Committee, and Miss Jessie Scott, chapter supervisor, appointed by Central Division. From the time of chapter organization up to April 1, 1919, sixteen classes had been taught in first aid, elementary hygiene and home care of the sick and dietetics. Two of these classes were taught in the spring of 1917, seven were organized and graduated in the spring of 1918, while the remaining number with the exception of one class organized at Goodrich by Mrs. H. W. Day, were organized and taught by Miss Mary Osborne, regularly employed as class instructor from July 1, 1918, to February 1, 1919. Other important work done by the chapter was that in connection with the recruiting of nurses for the camps and cantonments, especially during the period of the influenza epidemic in the fall of 1918 when the shortage of nurses in the camps created a serious condition. Registration of nurses of the county and city was later conducted by chapter officials under instructions from Central Division. FIGHTING THE "FLU" During the period of the influenza epidemic in Flint the chairman of the chapter, acting under orders from headquarters, placed all the machinery of the local Red Cross at the disposal of the city health authorities and Red Cross workers did all in their power to assist in gaining control of the disease. The city schools being closed, many of the teachers volunteered to act as nurses and with the aid of a number of graduates of the nursing classes and other volunteers from among the Red Cross membership, much relief work was accomplished, 118 families receiving nursing assistance or food or both. None of the patients treated in the Elliott-Girard hospital, which was taken over by the county and the Red Cross for the time of the epidemic are included in this list. Only the most desperate cases were treated in the hospital and the fact that 54 of the 78 made a good recovery speaks volumes for the care given them by Miss Lillian Girard and her loyal corps of assistants. In fact the heroic work accomplished by Miss Girard during the time of the epidemic will never be forgotten by those who were aware of the situation confronting the city health authorities at that time. In addition to the families assisted by the local chapter in co-operation with the health officer, a number of soldiers' families who were ill were cared for through Red Cross Home Service channels. As the activities of the Home Service department of the chapter are treated in a separate section, it is not necessary to record its work here, except to say that the department has been very capably managed by Mrs. Maybel H. Benschoten, the Home Service Secretary. Mrs. Benschoten has been under much obligation to the members ot the Genesee County Medical Society for professional services rendered gratuitously by its members to the families of soldiers at her request. CANTEEN SERVICE Canteen service, a branch of Red Cross work not at- first undertaken by this chapter, was organized in the early summer of 1918 by Mr. George C. Willson, Mrs. E. A. DeWaters being in charge of a committee of women to assist the men's committee. The Canteen Committee has provided home-made lunches for hundreds of soldiers when leaving for camp and has presented gift packages of cigars, cigarettes, candy, gum, etc., to several hundred more. The Flint Daily Journal has furnished the committee with several hundred dollars' worth of tobacco collected through the Journal tobacco fund. The committee has provided lunches a number of times for contingents of soldiers connected with the truck corps and on one or two occasions for troop trains passing through Flint. 84 jl ^ I p aftr —s- I Y. M. C. A., Red Cross, and K. of C. Overseas "Workers HUGH M. BAILLIE 917 W. Kearsley St., Flint Accountant Canteen Dept., Y. M. C. A., A. E. F. France, July, 1918 EDWIN C. EARL Y. M. C. A., Flint Athletic Secretary, Y. M. C. A., Camp Custer. Tr. to Columbia, Princeton University. Transport service in U. S. S. Powhatan. Now at work in India EDWARD JOSEPH CLARK 756 Wood St., Flint War Secretary, Transport Service, Knights of Columbus, A. E. F. Former Alderman First Ward, City of Flint REV. J. BRADFORD PENGELLY 412 E. Kearsley St., Flint Rector S't. Paul's Episcopal Church, Y. M. C. A. Lecturer, Beaume, France, at Khaki University, A. E. F. BYRON L. ODLE 1011 N. Stevenson St., Flint Div. Educational Secy., Y. M. C. A., 1st Div., A. E. F. With Army of Occupation at Montabaur, Germany. Divisional Educational Advisor Hq., S. 0. S., Tours I E - F REV. HORACE H. MALLINSON 2122 Detroit St., Flint Reg. Educational Director, Y. M. C. A., A. E. F. Promoted from Hut Secy. In France from April 1, 1918, to Jan. 1, 1919 REV. HOWARD D. BORLEY Former Pastor, First Presbyterian Church, Flint Div. S'ecy., Nevers Div. and Brussels Div., Y. M. C. A., A. E. F. In France from August, 1917,. Promoted from Hut Secy. at Forcy CHARLES ALLEN BROWN 313 E. 2nd St., Flint American Red Cross. Formerly rlember of Local Board for Div. 1. Berne, Switzerland I OLIVER R. INSKEEP Y. M. C. A., Flint Athletic Director, Y. M C. A., Camp Custer from May 20, 1918 GEORGE PERCY TOOMEY Flushing, Mich. Y. M. C. A., Camp Custer JAMES C. WILLSON Y. M. C. A., Flint Athletic Director, Y. M. C. A., Camp Dix, N. J. In service from July 1, 1918, to January 1, 1919 I sw8^o - w- - L 85 1 HISTORY OF GENESEE COMMUNICATION SERVICE A branch of chapter work which has proved consoling and helpful to a number of the foreign population of Genesee County has been the Red Cross communication service. Through this service, letters have been written to relatives of Flint residents living in occupied portions of Belgium and in the enemy countries of Russia, Poland, Germany, Austria, Hungary and Turkey. Through Genesee Chapter letters have even been written to and replies received from such far away points as Mount Lebanon and Damascus. A report of the activities of Genesee Chapter during the war would be very incomplete without mention of the Junior Organization effected under the enthusiastic leadership of Mrs. George Oscar Bowen, who was appointed by the chapter as chairman of the Chapter School Committee. As the work of the Junior Red Cross is treated in a separate section of this history, it is not necessary to duplicate a record of its activities here. The future benefits accruing to the nation from the fact that its citizenship of tomorrow has been receiving such practical training along patriotic and philanthropic lines as has been given it in the Junior Red Cross can hardly be overestimated. This chapter history would be lacking in essential details if it failed to include special mention of the wonderful hospitality of the Elks during the twenty-one months from May 30, 1917, to March I, 1919. Free of all charge, pleasant and commodious quarters were furnished the Red Cross and in the terrible winter of 1917-18, when fuel was almost unobtainable. the Red Cross rooms were often heated at the expense of the members who were using the club rooms below. The Chapter is deeply indebted to the Flint Daily Journal for the gift during the whole war period of a column of space for publicity work each day. The present adult membership of Genesee Chapter is 20,265. Two Christmas campaigns for membership have been conducted under the leadership of Mr. E. W\. Atwood, chairman of the Membership Committee. In the first campaign in December, 1917, Mr. Atwood was ably assisted by Mr. C. B. Phelan and a large campaign committee organized for the purpose. In the campaign of December, 1918, the Membership Committee was under deep obligations to the Genesee County War Board, through the assistance of whose members the Christmas Roll Call was accomplished. CHANGES IN THE DIRECTORATE, There have been only two or three changes in the personnel of the Board of Directors since organization. Mr. C. S. Mott, who rendered valiam-t service as chairman of the chapter during the first year of its 'existence, felt obliged to resign that office on March 12, 1918. He tendered at the same time his resignation as a member of the Board of Directors on account of having accepted the majoralty of the city to which office he felt it would be necessary to devote his time and attention. Mr. W. W. Mountain was appointed to succeed Mr. Mott as a director, and Mr. C. M. Greenway, who had been vice-chairman, was unanimously chosen to succeed Mr. Mott as chairman of the chapter. The manner in which Mr. Greenway has discharged the duties of that office is known to all, but perhaps appreciation of his work would be most feelingly voiced by those grateful people into whose homes he and Mrs. Greenway went with food and cheer and to whom they personally rendered nursing attention during the disastrous epidemic of Spanish influenza. Mr. Glenn R. Jackson was appointed vice-chairman of the chapter in November, 1918. Other changes occurred when Mr. George W. Arms of Gaines offered his resignation as a director on March 23, 1918, Dr. F. L. Covert being appointed to succeed him, and when Dr. W. R. Davis became a director in November of the same year, succeeding Mr. A. C. Pound, who had removed from Flint in the early fall to enter the department of naval censorship in Washington. CHAPTER FINANCES Genesee Chapter from the day of organization has been remarkably well financed. In the spring of 1918, when it became apparent that its income from drives and memberships would be insufficient to meet the expense of production, a number of patriotic, public-spirited citizens of Flint quietly combined to provide a special fund of nearly eight thousand dollars per month which they turned over to the Executive Committee of the Chapter to use at their discretion. FINANCIAL REPORT OF GENESEE CHAPTER FROM DATE OF ORGANIZATION TO MARCH 31, 1919 Disbursements Salaries and Wages (including salaries of Secretary, Assistant Secretary, Home Service Secretary, class instructor, stenographer, wages of janitor, etc.)...... ----—..........-..-...... $ 7,143.12 Materials......-. --- ——............... ---- --—.-...-...... 178,430.20 Stationery, printing and postage --- —-..........-...- 729.22 Storage of coal.. — ----------—.. —........-.-. 261.85 Electricity (light and power)................... --- —------- 198.70 Rent -—.. ---.................... --- —-- 120.00 National Headquarters (Headquarters' share of membership, class fees, etc.).................. --- —---- 35,894.00 Refunds (including sums received into Red Cross general treasury through error, etc.) 2,931.76 Bonuses paid to Red Cross nurses on leaving for War Service.. ----................ — 1,500.00 Home Service expense. --- —-—........... - 1,817.78 Canteen.. ---.-. --- —- ---—. 547.30 Influenza epidemic ----—.. --------------------------- -----------—......... 682.39 Miscellaneous (including expenses of different campaigns, work shop expenses, cost of shelving, cutting and knitting and sewing machines and all other equipment, cost of instruction classes and text books, standard boxes for over-seas shipment, etc., etc.) ------- 10,872.45 Cash balance on hand April 1, 1919............... --- —-- 69,022.96 $310,151.73 HISTORY OF JUNIOR RED CROSS OF GENESEE COUNTY The Junior Red Cross of Genesee County developed from a group of fifteen Sunday School children of St. Paul's Parish, who, through a desire to serve in the war, organized October 23, 1917. Soon children from every church in the city of Flint had enlisted in a children's "battalion" of two hundred and fifty-nine officers and privates, under command of "Major" Frank Flynn. A "company" was also formed at the Congregational Church under the leadership of Miss Ella Andrews. These "soldiers" reported every Saturday for two hours' duty, making simple surgical dressings and necessities for the big brothers of the real army. The enthusiasm and patriotism of these boy and girl soldiers made it comparatively easy for Genesee County to respond when the President's proclamation called the schools of the country to service through the organization of the Junior Red Cross. The county governing body, composed of the following representatives of the Red Cross and the schools, was appointed: C. S. Mott, C. M. Greenway, County Superintendent John Riegle, City Superintendent A. N. Cody, Superintendent L. L. Wright, F. A. Aldrich, Patrick R. Doherty, Glenn R. Jackson, Miss Grace Pierce, Mrs. Irene W. Foster, Miss Lucy Chase, Secretary; Mrs. W. A. Zimmerman, Treasurer; Mrs. George Oscar Bowen, Chairman. The superintendents, principals and teachers of the public schools and the state school for the deaf and the sisters of the parochial schools all rallied to the call of the Chapter to organize school auxiliaries. MEMBERSHIP AND FUNDS As each school qualified for membership through funds and pledges of service, it was presented with a certificate of membership and a large Red Cross banner and each of its children received a Red Cross pin. At the present time there are 86 schools organized as Junior Auxiliaries including every city school, with a total county membership of 16,365 children. The sum of $4,700 has been contributed to the Junior Red Cross funds entirely through the efforts' of the children. The organization has at all times financed itself. The membership dues, approximating twenty-five cents per pupil, were raised as a school fund. Money was saved by sacrifice of gum, candy and movies and earned by errands, sales of tinfoil, paper, rags, bird houses, toys, vegetables and flowers and by concerts, school entertainments, penny marches and bazaars. A "Smokeless Day" was arranged. The men of the city were asked to forego smokes for one day, April 27, and to contribute the money thus saved to the Junior funds. The children's window posters were displayed by the merchants and the boys appeared on the streets wearing sandwich boards, which they had designed and made to remind the men of the purpose of the day. Needless to say the response was splendid and the sum of $340 was the result. Two French orphans were adopted for two years each by the High School French classes and another by the "Battalion" and the Fairview School Kindergarten. These little ones are still saving their pennies for their babies in France. The larger part of the $1,925 now in the treasury will be used for children of the devastated regions ot Europe. Receipts Annual Memberships....... —...-... —... — $ 57,457.50 Magazine Memberships.-................ --- —------ 8,252.00 Annual Magazine Memberships......-.. --- —--—.......... 4.00 Contributing Memberships.-...-............. 622.00 Sustaining Memberships ---—............................ — 190.00 Life Memberships ----------------- 1,125.00 Monthly Pledges.. --- —-------- 58,083.66 Chapter share of collections from First Red Cross War Fund.............. --- —----—......... 70,949.49 Chapter share of collections from Second Red Cross War Fund............................ --- —--------- 51,250.00 Miscellaneous (including donations, fines made payable to Red Cross, sale of materials to branches, etc.).............. ----.....................- 62,218.08 PRODUCTION The first work undertaken was the production by the "Battalion" of 5,000 trench candles from paper and parrafin. At the request of Captain Colladay the children were delighted to send these to our own Flint boys at New York when en route to France. In response to an appeal from Dr. Borley for children in France, 150 woolen caps were knitted in less than a week. A chapter quota of 170 comfort pillows was next completed by the Juniors. These pillows were filled with tiny snippings of cloth, the result of hours of $310,151.73 devoted service and many cheerfully blistered little fingers. 86 IMME --— ff-M w Sb -:; 9~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~imX { - l g w SOLDIERS ALL! JAS. ARNOLD BURLINGAME 3018 Michigan Ave., Flint Cpt., M. G. Co., 125th Inf., 22nd Div., A. E. F. Awarded Croix de Guerre for gallantlyJ at Soissons NELSON LIN. BURLEIGH 112 Oakland Blvd., Flint Pvt., E. Co., 125th Inf., 32nd Div., A. E. F. Severely wounded wounded, Jullly 31, 1918, near Cierges. Awarded Distinguished Service Cross and Croix de C;Guerre for extraordinary heroismn in that action EVERETT C. DRESSEL 325 Highland Ct., Flint Cpl., M. G. Co., 125th Inf., 32nd Div., A. E. F. Killed in action, Oct. 10, 1918, Meuse-Argonne. Received Distinguished Service Cross and Croix de Guerre for extraordinary heroisln in action near Juvigny, Aug. 31, 1918 j OS'CAR McCANN 1314 Walker St., Flint Pvt., 75th Co., 6th Marines, 2nd Div., A. E. F. Received Croix de Guerre for gallantry in action in Belleau Woods. Gassed, June 14, 1918, Belleau Woods. In action on seven battle fronts, GUSTAVE MICHALKA Sgt., E. Co., 125th Inf., 32nd Div., A. E. F. Received Distinguished S'ervice Cross and Croix de Guerre with palm for extraordinary heroism in action near Cierges, July 31, 1918 OAKLEY 0. TRAYNOR 517 Pasadena Ave., Flint Pvt., 1st Cl., M. G. Co., 28th Inf., 1st Div.. A. E. F. Died, May 31, 1918, of wounds sustained at (Cantigny. First Flint boy to give his life in the! Great War BERNARD SCHULTHEISS 1015 Smith St., Flint Pvt., M. G. Co., 125th Inf., 32nd Div., A. E. F. Decorated, Distinguished Service Cross for extraordinary heroism in action near Terny-Sorny, north of iSoissons, Sept. 1, 1918 CHRISTOPHER FASBENDER 218 E. Tobias St., Flint 1st Sgt., Inf., U. S. A. Retired after thirty years' service. On recruiting duty in Flint at outLbreak of war ALVAN C. AYER 515 Harrison St., Flint Stable Segt.,, Supply Co., 126th Inf., 32nd Div., A. E. F. Injured Jan., 1919. Oldest enlisted Inan from Michigan. Twenty-one years continuous service. { WILLIAM ERNEST LOTT 1005 Ida Ave., Flint Pvt., 1st Bn., 1st Div. Tr. to 4th Bn. 1st Div., Canadian E. F. Wounded, Oct. 1, 1918, Canmbrai HOMER H. PARKS 800 W. 3rd Ave., Flint Pvt., E. Co., 305th Inf., 77th Div. Tr. from Ra.inbow Div. S'elected as tallest soldier in A. E. F. to carry A nmerican flag in Victory pairade, Plaris, Dec. 28, 1918. JOSEPH RIVERS 1927 Oren Ave., Flint Regt. Sgt. Major, 126th Inf., A. E. F. Canadian (Princess Pats) 1914 to 1918. Gassed, wounded seven times by machine gun fire. Bayonet wounds. Ah ^MAM -- = --- I 87 JHISTORY OF GENES EH ^^^ COUl N TY'S SACTII I TE S )]HISTORY OF GENESEE I COUNTY'S ACTIVITIES During the spring two tons of used clothing, 5,500 articles, were collected and shipped to the Commission for Belgian Relief and in the two later shipments by the chapter the Juniors collected the greater part of the clothing. At least one-half hour in each week of school time was devoted to the work of the Junior Red Cross and as a result of the children's devoted organized effort the following articles have been produced: For Soldiers and Sailors 314 sweaters, 141 pairs socks, 31 pairs wristlets, 584 washcloths, 800 pillows, 68 filled comfort bags, 29,446 surgical dressings, 9,000 puzzles, 211,600 gunwipes, 637 sets dominoes, 75 checkerboards and men, 5,322 joke and story books, 5,000 trench candles, 4,000 handkerchiefs, 24 hospital tables, 10 rag rugs, 2,409 shot bags, 2,000 glasses jelly, 1,000 property bags. Total, 271,733 articles. For Refugees 1,388 baby garments, 267 garments for children, 5,500 used garments, 194 pieced cradle quilts, 523 children's knitted garments. Total, 7,872 articles. For Families of Genesee County Soldiers and Sailors 332 garments for babies, 101 garments for women and children. 57 glasses jelly, 21 large pieced quilts, 4 bed sheets. Total, 515. For General War Purposes 700 war gardens supervised by high school girls. Sections for parades, 100 food posters, 200 bulletin boards for War Board, peach pits collected. Total, 1,000. For Equipment and Funds 100 Smokeless Day posters, 580 pairs knitting needles, 200 bird houses, 150 regulation packing boxes for chapter, 2 sets shelves for supply rooms, 300 toys and trinkets for Christmas sale, 6 rag rugs. Total, 1,258 articles. The total number of articles on record is 282,378. This is not the true total as it is impossible accurately to total the number of articles made for the chapter and various other organizations. The history of the Junior Red Cross would not be complete without recognition of the untiring efforts and loyalty of Mrs. W. A. Zimmerman, who has kept such accurate accounts of all funds and given many months of work at Junior headquarters; of Miss Lucy Chase, whose interest has never waned since the day the first fifteen children organized; of Mrs. Omar A. Mitchell and Mrs. Frank Warren, chairmen of the sewing activities for many months; and of the many other women who so willingly devoted much time and strength to the preparation, inspection and shipment of the work of the Juniors. Special praise is due to Mrs. George Oscar Bowen, whose untiring zeal and executive ability account for much of the success which attended the Junior Red Cross program. For three months the First Baptist Church, and, as the work expanded, the Masonic Lodge for over a year most generously donated the use of rooms for headquarters for the organization. Genesee County may well be proud of the record achieved by its children. The wonderful spirit of eager sacrifice for country and a suffering world is inspiring and beautiful beyond words. The teachers with their splendid patriotism, enthusiasm and patient helpfulness were magnificent soldiers. After all it was only through them that their pupils could have linked themselves thus with ten million other children in a great organization which should remain an enduring monument to the loyalty and patriotism of American youth. MUNICIPALITY AND RED CROSS UNITE IN HOME SERVICE WG.Shortly after the declaration cf war the Common Council of the city of Flint realized the necessity of creating a special body to deal with war problems. Accordingly the Committee on National Defense and General Preparedness was appointed by the Mayor and financed by a municipal appropriation of $10,000, which was reduced to $6,000 during the second year after the committee's functions had been narrowed to some extent. Its staff arranged for the celebration of July 4, 1917 and 1918 as Americanization Days, in which the gaspel of true Americanism was expounded to Flint's newly arrived citizens from the other side by means of parades, speeches and celebrations at Thread Lake Park. Another public spectable of deep interest arranged by the city workers was the Liberty Day parade and military exhibition of April 6 and 7, the latter being staged at Athletic Park by members of G Company, 338th Infantry, 85th Division, from Camp Custer. Before immense crowds these soldiers of the newly formed National Army, all of them from Flint and Genesee County, went through drills, bayonet attacks and a sham battle, in order that the home folks might see at the outset of the Third Liberty Loan that the money so raised was being used for the quick training of vast levies destined to break German resistance. Thereafter the committee took charge of the entertainment ot visiting soldiers by assisting their athletic enterprises and was able to add considerably to their company funds and contribute to their welfare. This applied not only to Camp Custer men, but also to Canadians from the London camp and our aviators from Selfridge Field. The chief work of the Civic War Bureau throughout the war, however, was of an eminently practical nature. According to the city auditor, approximately $11,000 of the $16,000 expended by the munic-.ipality in war work of all kinds, went to the financial relief of soldiers and their dependents. The slowness with which War Risk checks reached Flint presented a problem in civilian relief which the Genesee County Chapter of the Red Cross did not feel financially able or caller upon to assume. An arrangement was entered into whereby the Red Cross furnished a Home Service Secretary in the person of Mrs. Maybel E. Benschoten to conduct investigations. The Secretary ot the Civic WVVar Bureau was made chairman of the Red Cross Civilian Relief Committee and the city furnished the funds whereby the bureau met the more pressing needs caused locally by the war. Since August, 1918, when Secretary Arthur Pound of the Bureau entered the Navy, Mrs. Benschoten continued to carry on the work of civilian relief in a highly efficient manner from the City Hall. In February, 1919, the appropriation being exhausted, the Red Cross resumed the financing of civilian relief work, but the city continued to furnish quarters and clerical assistance for the work. At no time during the war were Flint soldiers and their dependents left without a "friend in need." If they needed funds and had nowhere else to turn, they could receive financial assistance from the War Bureau. But while requests for money were frequent, calls upon the Bureau for advice and assistance were even more numerous. Hundreds o.f positions were secured for soldiers' dependents able and willing to work, through co-operation between the office and the larger employers of labor in Flint, who always showed a praiseworthy disposition to give employment to those who were "out of luck" because of the war. W7omen were assisted with their domestic problems; homes found for children; medical and legal assistance secured; and the burdens of war lightened in every possible way. In dealing with legal complications incident to the complete overturn of the economic status in many homes owing to the departure of the chief bread-winners, the Bureau acted as a first friend, securing for those unacquainted with the law prompt and satisfactory settlements with creditors, landlords, etc. To the credit of Flint be it said that everyone concerned in these affairs co-operated magnificently in giving soldiers and their dependents a square deal as soon as the circumstance of war participation had been revealed. The Bureau received the hearty co-operation of the Genesee County Medical Association, whose members stood ever ready to serve without fees in Red Cross cases upon request. The clerical work incident to providing government departments with duly attested documents in case of claims was of large volume and considerable intricacy. In handling these matters Miss Mona Sawyer, the Mayor's secretary, soon made herself expert, and has been of marked assistance to hundreds of soldiers' dependents, whose interests she has guarded with intelligence and persistence. HOME SERVICE NOTES In less than one year-from December 16, 1917, to November 14, 1918-one hundred and eighty-eight families were assisted financially. Upwards of two thousand letters had been written for the purpose of expediting the receipt of service allowances and allottments. In many cases these letters were accompanied by affidavits setting forth the home conditions. The department also prepared the necessary papers covering the insurance claims filed by relatives of deceased Genesee County service men. Members of the Genesee County Medical Society made 312 calls during the first year at the suggestion of the Home Service Department, no bills being rendered for this medical service. In cases where the presence of a soldier at home was thought advisable the Home Service Department investigated 54 such requests coming to us from the American Red Cross abroad and various camps in the United States. We also investigated and reported to our Paris office on five cases where overseas men asked the Red Cross to get word of the welfare of their families at home. Up to the signing of the armistice, the Home Service Department sent 42 patients to Hurley Hospital. The majority of these were confinement cases. The others consisted of six surgical cases, two influenza cases and three sick infants. Special medical attention was required for six cases at the University of Michigan Hospital. Dental work was arranged for 12 dependents of soldiers. The Home Service Secretary made 3,500 calls since December, 1917, at the homes of service men and their dependents, spending half of each working day in these visitations. In addition she has met on the average of 30 persons per day in the office advising with them on the problems arising from the absence of sons, husbands or fathers. Among the matters dealt with in these interviews were: Non-receipt of allowances and allottments, failure to hear from soldier, how to obtain, insurance papers and fill them out properly, where to write regarding Liberty Bonds due, how to secure furloughs in cases of sickness and death of dependents, how to secure the $60 bonus payable to all discharged men, and in cases where legal or medical assistance was required referring the applicant to proper and qualified parties. By co-operation with the employers of the city, the Home Service Department was able to secure employment in all cases where it seemed advisable for the dependents of soldiers to work. Special praise is due the Personal Service Departments of the Buick Motor Company, the Chevrolet Motor Company and the Champion Ignition Company for their assistance in this particular. Clothing and bedding proved to be two of our great needs. The Home Service Department expresses its gratitude to the North end W. C. T. U., and the Junior Red Cross for their splendid work in furnishing these essentials. The Needlework Guild also remembered the Home Service Department very liberally in its annual distribution of clothing. 88 WALTER R. ABBOTT 25 II Lewis St., Flint Pvt., C. Co. 68 Eng. A. E. F. NELSON CHARLES ALLEN 2022 Crocker Ave., Flint Sgt. Motor Transport, A. E. F. GEORGE ALMERS 8oi Trafalet St., Flint Pvt. 85th Division, U. S. A. FRANK WILLIAM ALBRO 15I2 Franklin Ave., Flint Pvt., C. Co. S. A. T. C., M. A. C. tr. to 0. T. C. Ft. Monroe, Va. GUSTAVE A. ANDERSON 72I Harriet St., Flint Pvt. 45th Sq. 3rd Regt. ist Div. DEAN T. ALDRICH 1320 Washington Ave., Flint Aero Squadron to, A. S. S. C. FLOYD LESLEY ADAMS I959 Crocker Ave., Flint Pvt., B, Co. i8th Inf. A. E. F. GLENN C. ALEXANDER 553 E. 5th Ave., Flint Pvt., A, Co. iigth Supply Train ALGER EDWIN ACKERMAN Gaines, Mich. Pvt., Co. 21, D. B., 85th Div. tr. to 35th Div. A. E. F. ARTHUR AMSDEN Corunna Rd., Flint Mess Sgt., A, Co. I20 M. G. Bn. 32nd Division A. E. F. FRANK CLARE ALDRICH1 2050 Howard Ave., Flint Pvt., L, Co. 4oth Inf., I4th Div, DWIGHT ALEXANDER I725 Broadway, Flint Sgt., A. E. F. LEE JAMES ANCOMPAUGH 421 Bangs St., Flint Pvt., Q. M. C., A. E. F. HARRY ADAMS I 14 E. T3th St., Flint Pvt. Section 16 Anti-Aircraft WILLARD CHARLES ADAMS I405 Lippincott Blvd., Flint S. A. T. C. University of Michigan SIDNEY E. ALEXANDER 82I W. 2nd St., Flint Pvt. 85th Div., A. E. F. Injured 89 SILAS ARNOLD 755 Carlton St., Flint 5th Squadron A. S. S. C., Spru-e Div. SAM ANTONOVICH 1141 Campau Ave., Flint Pvt.. F Co., I48th Inf. A. E. F Wounded Oct. 3ist-i9i8, Flanders JAMES ALLAN 635 Prospect St., Flint Pvt., Medical Corps. Canadian Overseas Force. LEEMAN DEWITT ANDREWS I I4 Court St., Flint Pvt., 24th Squadron, 2nd Regt. Spruce Div. Fractured Skull WALTER ANDERSON I202 Stockton St., Flint Cpl., Co. 20, 4th Regt., A.S. S. C. A. E. F. HARRY ARGUE 1319 W. Third Ave., Flint Pvt., 368th Co., School of Bakers ROY H. ANNABEL 932 Lyon St., Flint Sgt., S. A. T. C. CLAUDE ARMSTRONG R. F. D. No. 9, Flint 2nd Dev. 3rd Bn. I6oth D. B. LLOYD ELVIN ASPEL Fenton, Michigan Pvt., E Co., 85th Engineers, A. E. F. JOHN N. ANDERSON 72I Harriet St., Flint Pvt., 4th P. A. C. S., 2nd Regt. CLYDE ARSENAULT 755 Dayton St., Flint Pvt., Co. F., 338th Inf. 85th Div. A. E. F. GEORGE R. ANDREWS 1221 Lingle Ave., Flint Pvt., First Class, 6th Co., Ioth Eng. A. E. F. EARL E. ARNOLD 1405 Delaware Ave., Flint Pvt., 35th Amb. Co., 7th Div. A.E.F. EUGENE C. ARSENAUILT 755 Dayton St., Flint Pvt., Supply Co., Hq. Regt., Ist Army, A. E. F. MIKE ANGLIGLIERE 304 Thompson St., Flint Pvt., C Co., 2nd Engs., A. E. F. Killed in Action, October I2, I9I8. WILLIAM H. ATHERTON Gaines, Mich. Pvt., Machine Gun Co., 337th Inf., 85th Div., A. E F. ELTON BARTLETT AUSTIN Argentine, Mich. Pvt., 26th Squadron, 2nd Prov. Regt., A. P., A. S., S. C. LEE AUSTIN 1708 Pine St., Flint Pvt., E. Co., 125th Inf., 32nd Div., A. E. F. Wounded ARTHUR AUTEN Gaines, Mich. Pvt., M. G. Co., 120th Inf., A. E. F. Died June 12, 1918, of wounds received at Chateau-Thierry. DELMAR AYERS 2558 Mt. Elliott Ave., Flint Pvt., 85th Div., A. E. F. IRA WYMAN AYMER 222 E. Eddington Ave., Flint Sgt., I. Co., Reconstruction Corps, A. E. F. HENRY ROY AYMER 222 Eddington Ave., Flint Pvt., B. Co., 3rd Bn., 160th Depot Brigade MILTON A. AMIE 206 Livingston Drive, Flint Cpl., C. Co., 8th Field Signal Bn. LAVERNE BACHE Mt. Morris, Mich. Pvt., C. Co., 77th Regt. HORACE C. BACHELOR 4009 Buick St., Flint Pvt., M. G. Co., 125th Inf., 32nd Div., A. E. F. Gassed HOWARD P. BACON 144 Oakland Blvd., Flint Pvt., Military Police, 85th Div., A. E. F. RAYMOND C. BACON 144 Oakland Blvd., Flint Cpl., A. Co., 24th Eng. BENJAMIN BADGLEY 1810 Maplewood Ave., Flint Pvt., A. E. F. EARL BADOUR 1318 Cronk St., Flint Sgt., 26th M. G. Bn., A. E. F. ARTHUR MADISON BAILEY 904 W. Third Ave., Flint Pvt., A. Co., 33rd Reg. HARTZELL BAILEY 816 Crapo St., Flint Pvt., C. Co., 338th Inf., 85th Div., A. E. F. Wounded 91 : i; ~ B E I A t -- - —, i I CLYDE LEON BARDEN DONALD BARDEN Fenton, Mich. Otisville, Mich. Pvt., 1st CI., 35th Amb. Co., 88th Div., Pvt., S. A. T. C., Mt. Pleasant A. E. F. JOHN J. BARKER JOSEPH ARTHUR BATTEN Swartz Creek, Mich. 1725 Bennett Ave Flint Sgt., Co. 7, Sq. 867, Air Service. Pvt., K. Co., 34oth Inf., A. E. F Previous Border Service ALEXANDER BARCEY 724 Dayton St., Flint Pvt., E. Co., I3th Regt. ELMER BARCOME Flint Pvt., I. Co., I25th Inf., 32nd Div., A.E.F. Tr. to M. P. HARRY RAY BAKER 1Svartz Creek, Mich. Cpl., B. Co., 7th Supply Train, A. E. F. Killed Dec. 8, 1918, at Feyhehaye, by mine explosion GLENN A, BAKER I534 Ave. A., Flint Pvt., 43rd Balloon Co., A. E. F. I L R FREDERIC J. BAKER ROBERT ELLIS BAILEY 715 Clifford St., Flint i608 Church St., Flint Pvt., Co. 5, S. A. T. C., U. of M. Cpl. M. Co., I5th Sanitary Sq. CHARLES WILLIAM BAKER DON BALLENTYNE 8io Smith St., Flint 1321 Glenwood Ave.? Flint Pvt., Embarkation Hosprital Corps Sgt., Instructor of Musketry, M. G. Co., I25th Inf.. 32nd Div., A. E. F. Tr. to M. P., Paris, Regt. Supply Sgt. GLENN L. BANCROFT HAROLD RAY BARBER 407 First Ave., Flint Montrose, Mich. Pvt., 26th Sq., 3rd Regt. A. S. S. C., Sgt. Amb. Co. 333, 309th Sanitary Tr. A. E. F. HARVEY OLIVER BARCOME HENRY NORRIS BARCOME 526 Elbert St., Flint 526 Elbert St., Flint Pvt., Batt. A., F. A., 8th Div., tr. to Pvt., C. Co., 55th Inf., 7th Div., A.E.F. B. Troop, I th Cavalry, A. E. F. I I fcr -fat -- I.9 92 I I I I I - o [l l- 0 — I====""'====~===~~==~========= I I i Aff WILLIAM MILTON BARKER 118 W. 8th St., Flint Sgt., A. S. S. C. GEORGE BARR 1625 Glenwood Ave., Flint Pvt., 51st Coast Artillery, A. E. F. JOHN H. BARR HOWARD L. BARRON 1625 Glenwood Ave., Flint 510 E. 5th St., Flint Pvt., S. A. T. C. Pvt., Canadian Army JOHN A. BARRON 1303 Detroit St., Flint Cpl., E. Co., 125th Inf., 32nd Div. Wounded Oct. 9th, 1918 BIENJ. FRANKLIN BARTHOLOMEW 510 Fair Lane, Flint Sgt., 380th Aero Sq., Military Chauff. PERCY J. BARTLETT HERBERT BARTON 915 Elizabeth St., Flint 1819 Kentucky Ave., Flint Cpl., Camp Gaillard, Panama Cpl., Headquarters Co., 78th Inf. | g Up JAMES BARTOLLI HENRY BARTZ 1301 E. Hamilton Ave., Flint 336 E. Newall St., Flint Pvt., U. S. A. Pvt., I. Co., 338th Inf., 85th Div. Tr. to M. G. Co., 125th Inf., 32nd Div., A. E. F. Promoted to Cpl. Wounded, Meuse-Argonne CHARLES FRANCIS BASSETT 838 Lexington Ave., Flint Pvt., B. Co., 529th Eng., A. E. F. ROBERT LESLIE BASSETT 838 Lexington Ave., Flint Pvt., Hdq. Co., 42nd Div., A. E. F. GEORGE HORACE BATHEY LEO BATTAGLIA Flint Grand Blanc, Mich. Cpl., K, Co., 41st Inf. Pvt., A. Co., 57th Ammunition Tr. CHRIST BONNELL BAUBLIN ROBERT C. BAUMGARTON 1409 Garland St., Flint 1341 Hamilton Ave., Flint Cook, Q. M. C., Camp Custer Pvt., U. S: A. I I -, mm*~^~~~~~~~~- -93 B | I li-a ) ANDREW JAMES BABCOCK CARL E. BAXTER Mt. Morris, Mich. Gaines, Mich. Pvt., A. E. F. Overseas 16 months. Pvt., 1st Cl., Medical Dept., A. E. F. Gassed LESLIE MERL BEACH JOHN BEALE Grand Blanc, Mich. 509 Prospect St., Flint Pvt., U. S. A. Pvt., E. Co., 338th Inf., 85th Div., A. E. F. HORACE BEAM MYRON R. BEARUP 749 Warren St., Flint 1022 Pershing St., Flint Sgt., Eng. Dept., U. S. A. Pvt., 1st C1., 139th Aero Sq., A. E. F. CLAUD EARL BEATTY LEO EDWIN BECKWITH Flushing, Mich. 1525 Chippewa St., Flint Pvt., U. S. A. 'Pvt., A. S. S. C., U. S. A. -E WILLIS H. BEDELL S'wartz Creek, Mich. Cpl., 24th Div., 2nd Reg., Spruce Div. HENRY JAMES BEDFORD Montrose, Mich. Pvt., S. A. T. C., Mt. Pleasant ROY J. BEDTELYON Goodrich, Mich. Pvt., Radio School, S. A. T. C., Univ. of Indiana.ARLEIGH B. BEEBE Flint, R. F. D. 1 Cpl., B. Co., 6th Eng., A. E. F. -.M a ARTHUR GEHRING BEECHLEY 1015 Mason St., Flint RUPERT HENRY BEECHLEY Mech., E. Co., 125th Inf., 32nd Div., 1015 Mason St., Flint A. E. F Pvt., M. Co., 26th Inf., 1st Div., Killed in action July 30th, 1918, A. E. F. Chateau-Thierry BLAKE RANDOLPH BEEMER Flushing, Mich. Mech., B. Batt., 320th F. A., 85th Div., A. E. F. JOHN BENJAMIN 710 Stevenson St., Flint Pvt., 1st Cl., U. S. A. L - --— I~ ----~ —~ -I — He --- —------ — 94 94 Ia I- fmi =s X l s EVI BEEMER CARSON McKINLEY BEGEL R. F. D. No. 6, Flint 406 Ward St., Flint M. G. Co., 337th Inf., 85th Div., tr. to Cpl., D. Batt., 329th F. A., 8sth Div. 5th Div., A. E. F. Wounded A. E. F. WALTER SCOTT BEGLE EDWARD GEO. BELLINGER 126 Minnesota Ave., Flint 1826 Utah, Flint Pvt., B. Co., 57th Amm. Tr. Pvt., ist Cl., A. E. F. Wounded, Meuse-Argonne Offensive. JAMES ARCHIE BELLINGER LESLIE GEORGE BELL 1826 Utah Ave., Flint Fenton, Mich. Cpl., Supply Co., 62nd Regt., A. E. F. Sq. D., A. S. S. C., Kelly Field, San Antonio, Tex. WISNER M. BELLINGER 405 E. gth St., Flint 64th Batt., I6th Anti-Aircraft Sector JOHN WESLEY BEMMARK 1509 Dakota Ave., Flint I. Co., S. A. T. C., Mich. College of Mines CHARLES BELLAN 833 Edmund St., Flint Pvt., H. Co., I8th Inf., ist Div.,, A. E. F. Severely wounded July 20, I918, Soissons Sector, Marne Counter Offensive. BERNARD ALBERT BENDLE Swartz Creek, Mich. Pvt., 48th Co., 28th Eng., A. E. F. Died Nov. 25, I918, in France, of injuries sustained in line of duty. CLAUDE ROYAL BENDLE Swartz Creek-, Mich. Cook, M. T. Co. 373, A. E. F. In 8 actions from Mar. to Oct. I918 LESTER CHARLES BENDLE Swartz Creek, Mich. Pvt., I2th Co., S. A. T. C., U. of M. I LOUIS DON BENEDICT 134 M:. Dayton St., Flint Pvt., S. A. T. C., Olivet College JOHN BENES I553 Oklahoma Ave., Flint Pvt., U. S. A. CONSTANTINO D. BENINCASA 525 Asylum St., Flint Pvt., 346th Aero Sq., S. C. HAROLD F. BENJAMIN 229 Anne St., Flint Cpl. E. Co., 22nd Eng., A. E. F. I Vplaess== —= aaaaMK - -- - -- a 95 molow or -~* M x i I I I 1 I GUSTAVE BERG ILEO M. BERRIDGE 734 VWitherbee St., Flint 60f Crlapo St., Flint Pvt., H. Co., 28th Inf., 1st Div., Cpl., F. Co., 38th Inf., 3rd DivA. E. F. A. E. F. W\ounded and gassed JOHN D. BENNETT 1321 Stever Ave., Flint Sgt., Hdq. Co., 71st Field Art., U. S'. A. ROBERT CROOSE BENNETT Flint Pvt.. G. G Co., 126th Inf., 32nd Div., A. E. F. Wounded July 31st, 1918, near Chateau-Thierry. Lost left eye. ROY J. BENNETT Flushing, Mich. Cpl., C. Co., 1st Engs., 1st Div., A. E. F Wounded and gassed at Verdun, Oct. 9th, 1918 HARRY BENNETTS 742 Witherbee St., Flint Pvt., E. Co., 125th Inf., 32nd Div., A. E. F. Killed in action Aug. 4th, 1918 WALTER W\ILLIAM BEST 414 Alice St., Flint Cpl., E. Batt., 37th Co., C. A. C. WILLIAM GRANT BETTESVWORTH 1129 Garland St., Flint Pvt., Medical Dept., A. E. F. I I: HARRY C. BICE Fenton, Mich. Cook, 46th Aero Sq. HENRY BEZENAH JOSEPH A. BEZENAH 904 Pleasant St., Flint 904 Pleasant St., Flint Pvt., 329th F. A., 85th Div., A. E. F. Pvt., 1st Cl., 351st Amab. Co., 313th Sanitary Train, 88th Div., A. E. F. IRA E. BENOIT 140 Clayton Ave., Flint Pvt., D. Batt., 6th F. A. CARL F. BERGY 901 Conover St., Flint Pvt., 29th Co., 160 Depot Brigade IRVIN CLARENCE BERNETHY 1506 Avenue C, Flint Pvt., F. Co., 26th Eng., A. E. F. JAMES WESLEY BERNETHY 1506 Avenue C, Flint Pvt., B. Troop, 6th Cav. Tr. to A. E. F. WILLIAM HENRY BERNETHY 1506 Avenue C, Flint Pvt., M. T. C., A. E. F. 96 w1 bq I I I I l Al )liii:9==== —========== RAYMOND J. J. BIECK 804 W. 3rd Ave., Flint Pvt., E. Co., 168th Inf., 42nd Div. A. E. F. Killed in action near Epieds, July 29th, 1918 STEVEN BIEDAS Flint Pvt., Amb. Co., 351, 313th San. Train. Drowned at Fort Dodge DOUGLAS GLEN BIGLOW FRANK BIGELOW 2022 Crocker Ave., Flint 1521 Jane St., Flint Pvt., 45th Co., C. A. C., A. E. F. Pvt., Spruce Div., U. S. A. FRANK BILLINGS 725 Harriet St., Flint Sgt., 39th Inf., A. E. F, POMEROY ORVILLE BILLINGS Davison, Mich. Pvt., 9th Co., S. A. T. C., U. of M. THOMAS SIDNEY BIRD 634 Rankin St., Flint Pvt., A. Co., 20th Eng., A. E. F. Died June 10, 1919, at Washington, D. C., of wounds received in action LAWRENCE EDWARD BISHOP 810 Prospect St., Flint Pvt., C. Co., 2nd Bn., Canadian E. F. -I | S i JOHN THOM1AS BISHOP 1513 Avon St., Flint Sapper, 85th Canadian Eng. WILLIAM HENRY BISHOP 810 Prospect S't., Flint Cpl., C. Co., 44th En., Can. E. F. Gassed Aug. 29th. Wounded Oct., 1918 ALBERT J. BISSONNETTE 825 Oakland Ave., Flint Pvt., A. Co., fi4th Inf., A. E. F. CLAUDE E. BITTEL Columbiaville, Mich., R. F. D. 2 Sgt., Hq. Troop, 17th Cav. Border Service a HARRY LAWRENCE BLACK 1383 Cleveland Ave., Flint Pvt., JU. S. A. SIMEON REXFORD BLACK 630 Stockton St., Flint Pvt., 12th Co., 20th Eng., A. E. F. MEREDITH L. BLACK Mt. Morris Twp. Pvt., S. A. T. C., U. of M. OE R. BLACKINTON 205 W. 9th St., Flint Pvt., S. A. T. C., U. of M. 97 RUDOLPH C. BODE 1002 Lyon St. Sgt., E. Co., 2nd Bn., 160th Depot Brigade CARL R. BOEGNER Davison, Mieh. Pvt., C. Co., 34th Inf., A. E. F. ANDREW WARD BLY Fenton, Mich. Pvt., Supply Co., 139th Inf., 35th Div., A. E. F. JOSEPH BLUNDELL Rosetta Ave., F!tnt Pvt., 77th Inf. BILLY BLUNDELL Rosetta Ave., Flint Cpl., C. Troop, 4th Cav., Fort Ringold, Texas BENJAMIN H. BLOCK 1421 S. Saginaw St., Flint Pvt., Chemical Warfare Section HARRY WILLIAM BLUE Mt. Morris, Mich. Pvt., A. Co., S. A. T. C., Albion College WESLEY JAMES BLIGHT Mt. Morris, R. F. D. 2 Pvt., Spruce Div. HOWVARD FRANK BLIGHT Mt. Morris, R. F. D. 2 Sgt., 14th Div. GLEN GILBERT BLAKESLEE 507 Detroit St., Flint Pvt., 56th Co., Spruce Div. ERNEST E. BLAKESLEE 507 Detroit St., Flint Pvt., 1st Casual Co., 75th Sq., 8th Regt., Spruce Div. FRANK J. BLAIR Duffield, Mich. Pvt., Remount Depot 320, Camp Custer GLENN BLAINE Clio, Mich. Pvt., M. Co., 168th Inf., 42nd Div., A. E. F. ~Wouncfea EARL H. BLACKSTONE 619 Prospect St., Flint Pvt., D. Co., 55th Eng. ROBERT J. BLACKINTON Flint, Mich., R. F. D. 5 Pvt., 351st Amb. Co., 88th Div., A. E. F. CARL A. BLACKMAR 753 Warren St., Flint Cpl., 1st Volunteer, 4th Bn., Canadian E. F. 98 LOVES' BOGDONEFF 515 a.. 3rd St., Flint Pvt.. Co.;. 40th Bn.. Can. E. F. JOHN HERMAN BOGUN 702 Mason St., Flint Pvt., 310th Eng., 85th Div., A. E. F. AUGUST E. BOHNSTEDT 1020 Prospect St., Flint Pvt., 220th Aero Sq., A. S. S. C. ELMER E. BOIS 753 Dayton St., Flint Pvt., 607 Aero Sq., A. S. S. C. WILLIAM A. BOIS 753 Dayton St., Flint Pvt., M Co., 29th Eng., A. E. F. ANDREW BOJKO 917 Tilden St., Flint Pvt., U. S. A. WILLIAM CLINTON BOMAN Flushing, Mich. Sgt., Medical Corps, Base Hospital, Camp McArthur PETER BOOS 504 E. Sth St., Flint Pvt., K Co., 78th Inf. Ii HARRY FRANKLIN BORST Durand, Mich. Pvt., Amb. Co., 337th. T-r. to 339th Inf., A. N. R. E. F. Archangel front WILLIAM BORST 2505 North St., Flint Pvt., A. Co., 21st Eng., A. E. F. BORDIGA BORTOLO 1122 Central Ave., Flint Pvtt., UJ. S. A. WALTER ROY BORTZ 1638 Illinois Ave., Flint Pvt., Ordnance Corps EDWVARD BOUDREAUX Flint Pvt., U. S. A. FLOYD R. BOUTWELL 1315 3rd Ave., Flint Pvt., Batt. F., 51st Artillery, A. E. F. FRANK LESTER BOWDEN 1702 Bell Ave., Flint Cpl., L. Troop, 13th Cavalry, tr. to 0. T. S., Camp McArthur JOHN BOGASKY 918 Edmund St., Flint Pvt., Hq., 77th Inf. Died 99 HAROLD ELMER BRADSHAW Davison, Mich. Cpl., E. Co., I25th Inf., 32nd Div. A. E. F. Gassed, wounded, Gesnes Oct. 7, I918 HOWARD RAY BRADY Swartz Creek, Mich. Pvt., Batt. F., 328th, F. A., 85th Div. A. E. F. HOWARD MILTON BRADLEY 1624 Glenwood Ave., Flint Muscian, ist Ci., A Co., 24th Eng., in Regimental Band HENRY MAURICE BRADOW R. F. D. No. I, Clio, Mich. Pvt., M. G. Co., I25th Inf., 32nd Div. A. E. F. FRED THOMAS BRADOW 5201/ Rankin St., Flint B. T. D., M. A. C. CLAUDE A. BRADLEY R. F. D. No. 6, Flint Mess Sgt., Ioist Co., 25th Bn. THOMAS BRACKETT 2819 Industrial Ave., Flint Pvt., 329th F. A., 85th Div., A. E. F. Tr. to Y. M. C. A. in France CLAUD HAROLD BRACE 608 W. 3rd Ave., Flint Cpl., E. Co., I25th Inf., 32nd Div., A. E. F. CLIFFORD OWEN BOZE Davison, Mich. Cpl., Batt. D., 329th F. A., 85th Div., A. E. F. CLARENCE BOYER 318 Stone St., Flint Sgt., E. Co., i25th Inf., 32nd Div., A. E. F BASIL BOWMAN Fenton, Mich. Pvt., G. Co., I78th Inf. PAUL A. BOWMAN 525 Richfield Rd., Flint Pvt., U. S. A., Injured on shipboard FOREST E. BOWLES 915 Gd. Traverse St., Flint Regt. Sgt. Major, Hq., I25th Inf., 32nd Div., A. E. F. GEORGE LAMBERT BOWER Montrose, Mich. Pvt., Batt. A, 328th F. A., 85th Div. A. E. F. DEO BURDETT BOWEN JOHN BOWDEN 13 I4 John R St., Flint I346 Orchard St., Flint Pvt., Batt. D., Ist Bn.. Trench Artillery, Pvt. C. Co.. 24th Eng., A. E. F. attached A. E. F. to Royal British Engs. 100 FRED KERKER BRADY ARVID BRANZELL 1538 Root St., Flint Flint Pvt., 329th F. A., 85th Div., A. E. F. Pvt., B. Batt., 1st Army Artillery Park., 52nd Regt., C. A. C., A. E. F. CLARENCE LEE BRIGHT FLOYD BRANCH 1521 N. Saginaw St., Flint 771 Smith St., Flint Pvt., Detachment I, Motor Transport Pvt., A. E. F. Wounded three times RALPH MERRIAM BRANCH Otisville, Mich. Sgt., M. G. Co., 125th Inf., 32nd Div., A. E. F. JOHN A. BREDOW 1421 Avenue B, Flint Pvt., H. Co., 77th Inf., A. E. F. HAROLD A. BRENNAN 621 E. 2nd St., Flint Pvt., S. A. T. C., U. of M. STEPHEN BRENNAN Flint, R. F. D. 5 Sgt., Co. 10, 160 D. B., Tr. to Camp Humphreys CYRENUS BRICK 1631 Bush St., Flint Pvt., C. Co., Med. Dept., Fort Oglethorpe JOHN F. BRENNER CHARLES ISAAC BREWER Davison, Mich., R. F. D. 1 Clio, Mich Pvt., D. Co., 102nd Inf., 26th Div., Pvt., E. Co., 4th Amm. Tr., A. E. F. A. E. F. Gassed Prisoner July 22 to Dec. 10, 1918 FRANK ELMER BREWER Clio, Mich. Pvt., 1st CI., Inf., A. E. F. CECIL E. BRIDGMAN 2407 George S't., Flint Pvt., U. S. A. FERRIS DARNALL BRISCOE 1626 Indiana Ave., Flint Pvt., U. S. A. HARRY BRITTAIN 703 Margaret St., Flint Pvt., Ordnance Corps, A. E. F. LEON BRITTAIN 703 Margaret St., Flint Pvt., 326th Inf., A. E. F. 101 FLOYD DELMAR BRITTON Montrose, Mich. Cpl., S. A. T. C. LESSIE ELMER BRITTON Montrose, Mich. Pvt., B. Co., 57th Regt., A. E. F. ROYAL LEE BRITTING 719 Taylor St., Flint Pvt., 75th Sq., Spruce Div. ERNEST- ROY BROCK 1351 Roosevelt Ave., Flint Cpi., F. Batt., F. A., A. E. F. RALPH M. BROCK Fenton, Mich. Pvt., Co. 430, Motor Transport, Q. M. S. T. 412 JOHN BRONKEN 1021 Stone St., Flint Pvt., Aero Sq. 160. Tr. to 30th Balloon Corps, A. E. F. JOSEPH M. BRONSON Grand Blanc, Mich. Cpl., B. Co., 337th Inf., 85th Div. Tr. to 3rd Div., A. E. F. Wounded MURRAY ARCHIE BROWNSON Flint, MIich., R. F. D. 7 Pvt., E. Co., 29th Eng., A. E. F. Entered Arlmy Jan. 19, 1911 JOSEPH EARL BRONSON Montrose, Mich. Mess Sgt., 409th Inf. ARCHIE D. BROOKS 1225 E. Hamilton Ave., Flint Pvt., Hq. Co., 64th Inf. DYKE ALBERT BROSIER 1933 Becker St., Flint Pvt., S. A. T. C., U. of M. RALPH B. BROSIUS Goodrich, Mich. Cpl., 11th M. G. Bn., 4th Div,_ A. E. F. W ounded Sept. 27, 1918, MeuseArgonne WILLIAM ALGOE BROSIUS Goodrich, Mich. Cpl., D. Co., 338th Inf., 85th Div., A. E. F. EARL BROWN Flint, Mich., R. F. D. 1 Pvt., U. S. A. ZACH BROWN Gaines, Mich. Pvt., 1st Cl., I. Co., 340th Inf. EVERETT R. BROWN Clio, Mich., R. F. D. 1 Pvt.. F. Co., 61st Engo 102 FLOYD RUSSELL BROYLES 110 Coldwater St., Battle Creek, Mich. Pvt., 310th Eng., 85th Div., A. E. F. BENJAMIN T. BRUMBACK 1517 Delaware A.ve., Flint Cp]., A. Co.. 125th Inf., 32nd Div., A. E. F. Wvounded EMIL LEROY BRUNDAGE Linden, Mich. Pvt., Aviation Repair Depot, A s. S. C.,, Dallas, Texas HERMAN W'ILLIAM BRUNER Mt. Morris, Mich. Cpl.. Hq. Co., Labor Corps. Tr. from C. Co. 102nd Inf., because of injuries -,:: RUSSELL BRYAN 1542 Richfeld Road, Flint Pvt., C. Co., 10th Inf. LENNOX F. BTJCHANAN Linden, Mich. Sgt., M. G. Co., 34th Inf., 7th Div. JERROLD DOUGLAS BUCK 1001 Ann Arbor St., Flint Pvt., 6th Co., S. A. T. C., U. of M, MILAN BUCK 1230 Cleveland Ave., Flint Pvt., 5th Sq., S'pruce Div. WESLEY MEYER BUCK 1001 Ann Arbor St., Flint Pvt., 36th Aero Sq., A. E. F. RALPH ERNEST BUCKNER 2017 Stanford Ave., Flint Bugier, L. Troop, Stlh Cavalry Border Service TAUSTER SWIlCK BULLARD Montrose, Mich. Pvt., A. Co., 337th Inf., 85th Div., A. E. F, Tr. to Central Recording Office, St. Aignan ROY J. BUNCE 723 Oak St., Flint Chief Mech., D. Batt., 328th F. A., 85th Div., A. E. F. ROY D. BURCH Clio, Mich. B. Co., 338th Inf., 85th Div., A. E. F. HAROLD JAY BURD-ICK 399 Dayton St., Flint Pvt., C. Co., 334th Bn. MANERD BURGESS Clio, Mich., R. F. D. 1 Medical Dept., U. S. A. ERNEST W. BURKE 504 McCreery St., Flint Pvt., S. A. T. C., M. C. M. 103 IRA E. BURLESON GEORGE M. BURLINGAME Flint, R. F. D. 1 718 Axford St., Flint Pvt., E. Co., 3rd Am. Train, A. E. F. Pvt., Co. 17, 10th Regt., 160th Depot Brigade CLYDE BURN-AM 931 Warren St., Flint Pvt., U. S. A. PAUL CLIFTON BURLEIGH 122 Oakland Blvd., Flint Pvt., 1st Cl., Inf., U. S. A. FRANCIS BURNS 616 Second St., Flint Pvt., M. G. Co., 54th Inf., A. E. F. FOREST EDMUND BURNS Otisville, Mich. Pvt., 76th Sq., Spruce Div. LEO THOMAS BURNS Mt. Morris, Mich. Pvt., 9th Casual Co., Ord. Corps, A. E. F. RUSSELL BURNS 338 Walnut St., Flint Pvt., U. S. A. ELMER WILLIAM BUSH Grand Blanc, Mich. Pvt., Supply Co., 337th Inf. Died of pneumonia, Camp Pike, Jan. 28th, 1918 WESLEY BUSH 755 Leith St., Flint Cpl., 17th Inf., A. E. F. Previous Border Service DANIEL BUSSEY Flint Cpl., C. Co., 310th Eng., 85th Div., A. E. F. CHARLES F. BUSTWICK 1814 Delaware Ave., Flint Pvt., Troop H, 1st Cav. HAROLD F. BUTCHER Fenton, R. F. D. 1 Pvt., B. Co., 51st M. G. Bn. LARANT FLOYD BUTLER 750 Paterson St., Flint Pvt., M. Co., 113th Inf. Wounded WALTER FRANKLIN BUTCHER Fenton, Mich. Pvt., D. Batt., 50th Regt., C. A. C. CHARLES ADDISON BUTLER 1607 S. Saginaw St., Flint Pvt., 77th Inf. 104 I I i A-;1========t —=====E============~=~==== ORRIN BUTLER Mt. Morris, Mich CpL, E. Co., 58th Inf., 4th Div., A. E. F. Gassed HENRY E. BUYS 1215 Glenwood Ave., Flint Sgt., M. G. Co., 125th Inf., 32nd Div, A. E. F. CARL EDWARD BUYSSE 906 Page St., Flint Sgt., I. Co., 338th Inf., 85th Div., A. E. F. JOHN BYRNE 1718 Broadway, Flint Pvt., I. Co., 339th Inf., 85th Div., A. E. F. Russian Campaign. Gassed PETE BRICH 1126 Maple St., Flint Pvt., Inf., U. S. A. ROY C. CADE Davison, Mich. Pvt., E. Co., 7th Inf., A. E. F. Wounded, Verdun, Oct., 1918 NEWELL CADY 2321 Arlington Ave., Flint Pvt., Supply Co., 329th F. A., A. E. F. CLYDE LE ROY CALKINS 1506 Avenue C, Flint Cpl., 310th Amm. Tr., 85th Div., A. E. F. I DONALD W. CAMERON 1425 Lyons St., Flint Draftsman, Ordnance Dept., A. E. F. WARD A. CAMERON 1425 Lyons St., Flint Pvt., Amb. Co. 351, Sanitary Tr. 313, 88th Div., A. E. F. RUFUS HENRY CAMP 622 Asylum St., Flint Pvt., I Co., Coast Artillery ARCHIE PEARL CAMPBELL Otisville, Mich. Pvt., A. E. F. CHARLES W. CAMPBELL 788 Asylum St., Flint Sgt., 8th Co., 3rd Sq., Air Service Mechanics, A. E. F. FRANK CAMPBELL 622 Baker St., Flint Cpl., Medical Corps, U. S. A. FRED N. CAMPBELL 324 Stevenson S't., Flint Sgt., C, Batt., 40th F. A. GEORGE A- CAMPBELL 220 Crapo St., Flint Pvt., Amb. Co. 333, 309th Sanitary Tr., A. E. F. I I I 105 LAWRENCE LEE CARTWRIGHT 1421 Ave. B., Flint Pvt., F. Co., 28th Inf., A. E. F. Wounded and Gassed Oct. Io, I918 FRANK GLEN CARSON 735 Rankin St., Flint Cook, A. E. F. EVRON L. CARR R. F. D. No. 2, Davison, Mich. Pvt., 293rd Aero Sq., Ist Cl. Military Chauffeur HUGH W. CARTER Grand Blanc, Mich. Sgt., Amb. Co., 333, Sanitary Tr. 309, 84th Div., A. E. F. CLEMENT FOLEY CARROLL 21O Eldridge Ave.,, Flint Sgt., E. Co., Inf., 58th Div., A. E. F. Three Wounds NOBLE DEXTER CARPENTER 716 S. Saginaw St., Flint Pvt., Hq. Co., 329 F. A., 85th Div., A.E.F. LEO GEORGE CARPENTER 716 Church St., Flint Pvt., C. Co. 304th Field Signal Bart., 85th Div., A. E. F. BASIL ROY CARPENTER Davison, Mich. Pvt., 4o0st Sq., Spruce Div. ARTHUR EDWARD CAROLAN I37 Hector St., Flint Sgt. Major, I28th Inf., 32nd Div.. A. E. F. RUSSELL LAWRENCE CARLEY Atlas, Mich. Cpl., E. Co., I25th Inf., 32nd Div., A.E.F. Wounded Aug. 29, I9I8 CLARENCE CARLEY 1717 Mable St., Flint Pvt., Base Hospital No. 27, A. E. F. WILLIAM HORATIO CAMPBELL iio Avon St., Flint Pvt., I6oth Depot Brig. MARTIN Ht. CAMPBELL 622 Baker St., Flint Band Sgt., 4th Inf., 3rd Div., A. E. F. Wounded twice at Chateau Thierry. In army since I907 IRA LEWIS CAMPBELL 1oo4 Begole St., Flint Pvt., Amb. Co. 35I, Sanitary Tr. 3I3. 88th Div., A. E. F. J. SIDNEY CAMPBELL 1004 Begole St., Flint Sgt., Amb. Co. 351, Sanitary Tr. 313, 88th Div. A. E. F. JOHN A. CAMPBELL 324 Stevenson St., Flint Pvt., Batt. E., 329th F. A., 85th Div., A. E. F. 106 GEORGE ALLEN CHAPMAN R. F. D. No. 2, Swartz Creek, Mich. Pvt., 376th Co., 49th Sanitary Tr. ARTHUR CHAPMAN I623 Elm St., Flint Pvt.. Artillery, 85th Div., A. E. F. Tr., to 133 F. A. Died of Wounds. HOWARD MARTIN CHAMBERS 1821 Adams Ave.> Flint Cpl., Supply Co., 23rd Eng., A. E. F. HAROLD ROBERT CHAMBERS iooI Durand St., Flint Pvt., B. Co., 2nd Tr. Det., A. E. F. FERN WESLEY CHAMBERLAIN Grand Blanc, Mich. Pvt., F. Co., 3roth Amm. Tr., 85th Div. A. E. F. ELMER J. CIIAMBERLAIN Fliushing, Mich. Pvt., 76jth Sq., Spruce Div. HARRY T, CHAFFIN 726 McFarlan St., Flint Pvt., C. Co., 3ioth Field Signal Bn., 42nd Div., A. E. F. WILLIAM JOSEPH CAVANAUGH I2o6 Benson Ave., Flint Pvt., Ist C1., Batt. A., 328th F. A., 85th Div., A. E. F. JOHN MANNING CAVANAUGH 723 Mack Ave., Flint Pvt., I3oth Aero Sq., A. S. S. C. JOSEPIH EDWARD P. CAVANAUGH 723 Mack Ave.. Flint Pvt., Batt. B., i8th Artillery, 3rd Div., A. E. Fi JAMES CAVANAUGH 20o6 Benson St., Flint Pvt., Hq. Det., RI9th M. G. Bn., A. E. F. ERNEST FRANCIS CATT 2T4 Linsey St., Flint Pvt., D. Co., Ry. Construction Corps, Canadian Eng. STEPHEN B. CASLER R. F. D. No. Io, Flint Pvt., A Co., 337th Inf., 85th Div., A.E.F. HO'W-ARD R. (.CASE 446 Anne St., Flint Pvt., E. Co., r25th Inf,, 32nd Div., A. E.F. Severely Wrounded Aug.. i, 19i8 GRANT C. CASE 51o Mason St., Flint Pvt., F. Co., 359th lnf., A. E. F. ARTHUR L. CASE 729 Wood St., Flint Pvt., I. Co., S. A. R. D., Eng. 107 RALPH RAYMOND CHAPPLE 908 Detroit St., Flint Pvt., 92nd Co., 22nd Bn., Coast Artillery FERRIS HIRST CHARLESWORTH 8i6 E. 8th St., Flint Pvt., M. G. Co., 125th Inf., 32nd Div., A. E. F. Slightly Wounded. JOHN F. CHASE Gaines, Mich. Cpl., F. Co., 7th Inf., 3rd Div., A. E. F. Killed in action, Oct., I6, 1918, MeuseArgonne Offensive LLOYD WALTER CHASE 716 East St., Flint Pvt., F. Batt., 8th F. A., A. E. F. CLAYTON M. CHATTERS I6IO Oren St., Flint Pvt., S. A. T. C., Kalamazoo College FORD AUBREY CHATTERS I6Io Oren Ave., Flint Pvt., Supply Co. 44, Advance Sec., S. O. S. CARL WALTER CHEDISTER 153o Root St., Flint Sgt., A. Co., 429th Inf. KENNETH EWING CHEDISTER 1530 Root St., Flint Pvt., U. S. A. LEROY MORLAN CHEDISTER I530 Root St., Flint Cpl. Motor Transport, A. E. F. GLENN F. CHENEY 762 Wood St., Flint Cpl., U. S. A., Mexican Border ROSCOE CHENEY I324 Washington Ave., Flint Sgt., C. Batt., 9th F. A., tr. to 5th F. A.,' Ist Div., Gassed. FRED W. CHERRY I02 Arch St., Wilkesbarre, Pa. Motor Transport, A. E. F. EARL W. CHESELY Pvt., S. A. T. C., Appleton College, Wis. CHRIS CHRISTENSON I322 Cleveland Ave., Flint Pvt., 35ist Amb. Co., 3I3 Sanitary Train A. E. F. FRED CHRISTENSON 19I2 W. Court St., Flint Pvt., E. Batt., 328th F. A., A. E. F. JOHANNES C. CHRISTENSEN 726 Newall St., Flint Pvt., 35ist Amb. Co., 3I3th Sanitary Tr. Died Oct. 12, I918 of Pneumonia 108 OSEE STAFFORD COAD 2001 Davison Rd. Flint Pvt., S. A. T. C., Mich. College of Mines HERBERT CLOSSON 1022 Wolcott St., Flint Cook, Kelly Field, Texas ALBERT CLOSSON I022 Wolcott St., Flint Pvt., Spruce Div. STEWART EDWARD CLINE Flint Pvt., 338th Aero Sq. A. S. S. C., A. E. F. LOUIS ELMER CLAVEAU 1003 W. Kearsley St., Flint Cpl., 474th Aero Sq., A. S. S. C. ROY S. CLARK 1324 Ave. A., Flint Sgt., C. Co., 3I9th Eng., A. E. F. Previous Service LEONARD J. CLARK 1316 Harrison St., Flint Pvt., I. Co., Dev. Bn., t4th Div. GEORGE D. CLARK 1217 Halsey St., Flint Sgt., Canadian Army! I 1 IP FORD J. CLARK Argentine, Mich. Sgt., T. Co., 27th Inf., A. E. F. Siberian Front EDGAR CLARK 819 Cornelia St., Flint Pvt., I23rd Sq., Spruce Div. ALFRED LEVERNE CLARK Swartz Creek, Mich. Pvt., D. Co., 307th Inf., A. E. F. EVERETT CLAPP 1224 Gd. Traverse St., Flint Ord. Dept., Ist Replacement Depot, St. Aignan, France I:,*0 HAROLD WESLEY CIMMERER Rogersville, Mich. Pvt., 2nd Co., S. A. T. C., U. of M. PETER CIHANOWICZ 914 Trafelet St., Flint Pvt., K. Co., loth Infantry JAY CHURCH 4I7 Baker St., Flint Pvt., Training Det., U. S. A. WESLEY CHRISTOPHER Montrose, Mich. Pvt., Medical Corps, U. S. A. 109 FRANCIS COATES 1733 Richfield Road, Flint Pvt., S'. A. T. C., U. of M. JOHN H. COBB 1610 Maple St., Flint Pvt.. B. Batt., 328th F. A., 85th Div., A. E. F. AERTHLJ'UR B. COFFEE Flushing, Mich., R. F. D. 3 Pvt., A. Troop, 4th Cav., Border Serv. JOHN COFFIN Clio, Mich. Cpl., Service Parks, Unit 332 HOWARD R. COGGINS 1208 Park St., Flint Bugler, 144th Aero Sq., S. C., A. E. F. IRA L. COGGINS 567 Paterson St., Flint Pvt., M. G. Co., 3rd Inf., A. E. F. JOHN HENRY COGGINS 225 W. 3rd Ave., Flint Pvt., D. Batt., 328th F. A., 85th Div., A. E. F. MELVIN SYLVESTER COGGINS 225 W. 3rd Ave., Flint Pvt., 28th Co., 20th Eng., A. E. F. GAY COHOON 716 Avon St., Flint Sgt., U. S. A. LESLIE C. COHOON 716 Avon St., Flint Pvt., 1st C1., U. S. A. ARTHUR J. COLE Cpl., 667th Aero Squadron, S. C., A. E. F. CHARLIE LLOYD COLE 1529 North St., Flint Pvt., S. A. T. C., U. of M. VERNE M. COLE 810 Asylum St., Flint CpI., Motor Transport Corps LOUIS' COLF 728 Baker St., Flint Pvt., Aviation Service HOW'ARD COLLINS 805 Stewart St., Flint Pvt., U. S. A. RICHARD RUSSqELL COLLINS Gaines, Mich. Supply Co., 337th Inf., 85th Div., A. E. F. 110 HOWARD J. COOK 205 Avon St., Flint Pvt., A. Batt., 11th F. A., 1st Div., A. E. F. Wounded at Cantigny. Gassed twice FRED COOKE 926 Parkland St., Flint Sgt., U. S. A. CHARLES LINES COOK 117 E. 6th St., Flint Pvt., 328th Aero Sq., A. S. S, C HUmBERT LE ROY CRAIG 1215 Harrison St., Flint Cpl., C. Co., 78th Inf.: ~ i:i i FRED CONRAD 1356 Cleveland Ave., Flint Cpl., C. Co., 24th Eng., A. E. F. JAMES ROY CONNELLY 636 Warren St., Flint Pvt., 1st CI., C. A. C., A. E. F. ROY L. CONKRIGHT Rosetta Ave., Flint Pvt., Med. Dept., A, S. A., Camp Dick, Texas HARLAN A. CONKRIGHT Rosetta Ave., Flint IPvt., Eng., U. S. A. ' *1i; I.!! - I WADE CAMBURN CONKLIN 618 Church St., Flint Armb. Co. 351, 313th San. Tr., A. E. F. MARK E. CONKLIN Flushing, Mich. Mech., 329th F. A., 85th Div,, A. E. F. ARTHUR W. CONKLIN Flushing, Mich. Pvt., C. Co., 160th Depot Brig. CLARIENCE P. CONDON 1617 Industrial Ave., Flint Wag., U. S. A. JOHN L. CONDON 1617 Industrial Ave., Flint Pvt., U. S. A. FRANCIS G. CONDON 1617 Industrial Ave., Flint 86th Sq., A. S. S. C., Spruce Div. TERENCE JENNINGS CONARTY 144 Lincoln Ave. W., Flint Pvt., 7th Co., Camp Joseph E. Johnston, Fla. HAROLD D. COLVIN 910 Stockton St., Flint Pvt., 1st Cl., Amb. Co., 602, Section 6 111 ROY C. CADE R. F. D. 3, Davison, Mich. Pvt., E. Co., 7th Inf., 3rd Div., A. E. F. Wounded about Oct. 10, 1918, MeuseArgonne HERBERT JAMES CALLAHAN Mt. Morris Twp. Pvt., 41st Balloon Co., A. S. S. C., Kelly Field, Tex., Camp Wise, Tex., Camp Morrison and Camp Eustis, Va., Camp Jackson, S. C. SAMUEL J. CONQUEST C io, Mich. Pvt., Supply Co., 337th Int.. 85th Div.A. E. F. LAURENCE L. COOK 218 E. Court St., Flint Regimental Sgt. Major, Headquarters, Camp MacArthur, Texas. Tr. from Hq. Co., 55th Eng., OSCAR COOK 4618 N. Saginaw St,, Flint Pvt., A. Co., 10th Inf. CARL HENRY COOKE 926 Parkland St., Flint Pvt., A. Co., Camp Eustis, Va. HERSCHEL EMERY COOKE 1124 W. Court St., Flint Sgt. Major, 1st Bn., 14th Eng., A. E. F. ARTHUR H. COOLEY 225 W. 10th St., Flint Pvt., Signal Corps, A. E. F GEORGE RAYMOND COOLEY ELMER COONS 923 Orchard Ct., Flint 2321 Arlington, Flint Pvt., Batt. B,, 71st Regt., C. A. C., Pvt., 16th Anti-Aircraft Sector, 62yid A. E. F. Batt. HARRY WESCOTT COONE 1628 Wisconsin Ave., Flint Pvt.. 28th Inf., 1st Div.., A. E. F. EDWARD COPELAND 108 River St., Flint Pvt., M. Co., 78th Inf., U. S. A. JUDSON W. COPELAND Linden, Mich. Sgt., 873rd Aero Sq., S. C. Previously served five years in U. S. Navy EDWARD E. CORBETT 1522 Richfield Road, Flint Pvt., U. S. A. JOHN A. CORBIN 2126 Oklahoma Ave., Flint Pvt., A. Co., 338th Inf., 85th Div., A. E. F. LEROY W. CORBIN 1521 Dakota Ave., Flint Pvt., 160th Depot Brig., U. S. A. 112 KENNETH C. CRANDALL Linden, Mich. Pvt., Evac. Amb. Co. 58, A. E. F. CLARENDON R. CRANDALL Linden, Mich. Pvt., Consts. Co., No. I, A. E. F. CLYDE E. CRANDALL 821 Elizabeth St., Flint Cpl., E. Co., 125th Inf., 32nd Div., A. E. F. ELVIN EARL CRAIGHTON Flint, R. F. D. 2 Pvt., 54th Batt., Canadian Army RAYMOND A. CRAGO ARTHUR M. CRAGO JOHN ALFRED COX 316 W. 9th St., Flint 312 E. 8th St., Flint Fenton, Mich. Pvt., 22nd Co., 20th Eng., A. E. F. Cook, Supply Co., 125th Inf., 32nd Supply Sgt., G. Co., 338th Inf., 85th Div., A. E. F. Div., A. E. F. ISAAC COWELL 100 Harrison St., Flint Pvt., Det. Med. Dept., U. S. Debarkation Hosp., New York HENRY C. COUSINS 1220 Cleveland Ave., Flint Sgt., U. S. A. LEO W. COUCHMAN 1913 Beach St., Flint Pvt., E. Co., 125th Inf., 32nd Div., A. E. F. ARTHUR P. COSTON 2308 George St., Flint Pvt., C. A. C., U. S. A. JOHN COSI 818 Trafalet St., Flint Pvt., M. Co., 77th Inf., A. E. F. PETER COSCHMIDER Flint Pvt., Co. 2, 160th Depot Brig., U. S. A. EDGAR CORWIN Clio, Mich. Pvt., B. Co., 21st Eng., 1st Army, A. E. F. WILLIAM B. CARNFOOT 1129 Harrison St., Flint Pvt., 160th Depot Brig., U. S. A. WILLIAM F. CORCORAN Atwood St., Flint Ord. Dept., U. S. A., Raritan, N. J. 113 CLIFFORD D. CRANE Linden, Mich. Pvt., S. A. T. C., U. of M. JOHN L. CRANE Linden, Mich. Pvt., E. Co., 337th Inf., 85th Div.. A. E. F. Tr. to Base Hosp. No. 9 WILLIAM M. CRANE Linden, Mich. Pvt., Hq. Co., 85th Div., A. E. F. ARLIE B. CRAWFORD Otisville, Mich. Pvt., 349 Aero Sq., A. E. F. ART'HUR J. CRAWFORD Davison,' Mich. Pvt., 65th Batt., 16th A. A. C. S. CHARLES BEATTIE CRAWFORD 511 Stevens St., Flint Pvt., Amb. Co.351, San. Tr. 313, A. E. F. DAVID HAROLD CRAWFORD 215 E. 4th St., Flint Pvt., Med. Dept., 29th Co., 20th Eng., A. E. F. Wounded EDWARD WATSON CREQUE 713 Liberty St., Flint Pvt., Air Service Radio School, S. C., A. E. F. GLENN DOUGLAS CRIPPS 415 McCreery St., F!int Sgt., A. Co., 125kth Inf., 32nd Div. A. E, F. Gassed TOM CRITES 931 Warren S't., Flint Sgt., Amb. Co. 351, San. Tr. 313, 88th Div., A. E. F. ALBERT FOLSOM CRITTENDEN 217 Eddington Ave., Flint Pvt.. A. S. S. C.. A. E. Fa DELBERT CRITTENDEN 217 W. Eddington Ave., Flint Pvt., A. Co., 310th Amm. Tr., 85th Div., A. E. F. LOUIS CRONIN FRANK CROOP WILLIAM RAY CROSS Pvt K CoFlushing, Mich., R... 1 Byron, Mich. 809 Church St., Flint Pvt., K. Co., 339th Inf., A. N. R. E.F. Pvt., A. Co., 339th Inf., Russian Front Pvt., Casualty Co. I. Camp Eustis, Va. Killed in action Oct. 16, 1916, at Kadish, Russia HARRY DAVID CROSSETT 1733 Montana Ave., Flint Pvt., 160th D. Brig. GERALD A. CABLE 900 Kennilworth Ave., Flint Pvt., 61st Sq. Spruce Dlv. JESS'E LEROY CARYL Davison, Mich. Pvt., A. Co., 52nd Inf., A. E. F. EDWARD WILLIAM CROW 906 6th Ave., Flint Pvt., Ordnance, attached to 18th M. G. Bn. JESSE CRUMP 733 Elizabeth, Flint Pvt., 84th Div., A. E. F. EDWARD GEORGE CULVERWELL 110 Hamilton Ave., E., Flint Pvt., M. T. C., U. S. A. HARRY LOWELL CUMMINGS Montrose, Mich. Pvt., E. Batt., 120th F. A., 32nd Div., A. E. F. FLOYD AUREL CUNNINGHAM 1602 Richfield Road, Flint Cpl., K. Co., 7th Inf., 3rd Div., A. E. F. Wounded FRED CUNNINGHAM 2710y St. Johns St., Flit Pvt., 4th Co., 160th D. Brig. HENRY THOMAS COPAL Swartz Creek, Mich. Pvt.., A. Batt., 336th F. A., A. E. F. EARL N. CURRISTON 716 Leith St., Flint Sgt., Unit 459, M. T. C. CHARLES CURRY 1227 S. Saginaw St., Flint Pvt., Q. M. C., A. E. F. ARTHUR E. CURTIS Flint, Mich., R. F. D. 1 Cpl., Hq. Co., 81st Div., A E. F. FLOYD ARTHUR CURTISS 515 Stevenson St., Flint Sgt., A. Co., 338th Inf., 85th Div., A. E. F. GEROULD BEALS CURTIS 2408 S. Saginaw St., Flint Pvt., L. Co., 77th Inf. HOWARD FRED CURTIS Linden, Mich., R. F. D. 3 Cpl., 24th Co., 160 D. B. Tr. to Camp McClellan, A. E. F. RALPH EUGENE DALBY Goodrich. Mich. Pvt., M. G. Co., 337th Inf., 86th Div. ROBERT EARLE DANFORTH Flint Pvt., 1st CI., E. Batt., 71st Co., C. A. C., A. E. F. CHESTER J. DARBY Flushing, Mich. Pvt., 11th Co., 160 Depot Brig. EDDIE B. DARBY Flushing, Mich. Pvt., 1.4th Co., S. A. T. C,. U. of M. GEORGE WARREN DARBY Flushing, Mich. Pvt., Hq. Co., 337th Inf., 85th Div., A. E. F. DEWEY DARLING Davison, Mich., R. F. D. 1 AUTER DAVID JACK DAVIDSON STEPHEN DAVIES Supply Sgt., E. Co.. 125th Inf., 32nd 759 Baker St., Flint 1430 Delaware Ave., Flint 602 E. 6th St., Flint Div., A. E. F. Slightly wounded Canadian C. T. C., Can. E. F. Gassed Cpl., Hq. Co., 328th F. A., 85th Div., Gunner, 2nd Tank Bn., Canadian E. F. A. E. F. CHARLES CRAWFORD DAVIS Fenton, Mich. Wag., Med. Det., 16th Ry. Eng., A. E. F. FRANK SETH DAVIS 144 Richfield Road, Flint Pvt., D. Batt., 329th F. A. 85th Div., A. E. F. GEORGE WILLIAAM DAVIS 507 E. 6th St., Flint Pvt., B. Co., 34th Inf., 7th Div., A. E. F. HARDING HOWARD DAVIS Goodrich, Mich. Sgt., 14th Amm. Tr., U. So A. HOWARD LESTER DAVIS Otisville, Mich. Pvt., S. A. T. C., Mt. Pleasant Normal College HOWARD MASON DAVIS 601 Wood St., Flint Pvt., Hq. Co., 77th Inf. RUSSELL ROBERT DAVIS 306 Walnut St., Flint Sgt., 125th Inf., 32nd Div., A. E. F. FLOYD JAMES DAVISON Otisville, Mich. Pvt., F. Co., 7th Inf., 3rd Div., A. E. F. Wounded, Meuse-Argonne offensive a ll I- - - 'lllC-~============~= —========== B e — -;, S Z - 0 -; -; ' ctll~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I I I I I 1 1 II I I ROY ADDIS'ON DAWE Fenton, Mich. Pvt., 310th Field Bn., S. C., A. E. F. JAMES H. DAVISON 131 W. Hamilton Ave., Flint Pvt., Amb. Co. 333, San. Tr. 309, 84th Div., A. E. F. OTTO L. DEAN JOHN DE BOIB 921 Davis St., Flint 1357 Broadway, Flint Sgt., 1st Cl., 85th Div., A. E. F. Pvt., 61st Aero Sq., S. C. WILFRED E. DECOU-RVAL JOSEPH T. DECOURVAL 1402 Bush St., Flint 1402 Bush St F5int Pvt., B. Co., 125th Inf., 32nd Div., Cpl., D. Batt., 328th F. A, 85th Div_, A. E. F. 4 E F Wounded twice, Chateau-Thierry ELLIS J. DE HART 750 Taylor St., Flint A. S. S. C., U. S: A. FLOYD J. DELANEY Davison, Mich. Cpl., A. Batt., 328th F. A., 85th Div., A. E. F. l RONALD S. DELEHANTY Fenton, Mich. Pvt., C. A. C., A. E. F. HOVWTARD RAYMOND DELEHANTY Fenton, Mich. Pvt., K. Co., 139th Inf., 35th Div., A. E. F. GEORGE DELIGEANNIS Flint Pvt., 14th Co., 160th Depot Brig. SILVIO DEL NERO 1203 St. Johns St., Flint Mess Sgt., 77th Inf. CLARK HENRY DELONJAY 1629 Beach St., Flint Pvt., 369th Aero Squad., A. E. F. ARTHUR J. DEMING 201 W. 12th St., Flint Pvt., Spruce Div., U. S. A. JOHN ALBERT DEMPSTER 1414 Richfield Road, Flint Pvt., Inf., U. S. A. HOWARD JACOB DEMUND Gaines, Mich. Cpl., E. Co., 125th Inf., 32nd Div., A. E. F. Killed in action, Romange, Oct. 9, 1918 I ^ws=== —age — ------- W --- —1 117 - - - DELTON W. DENNIS Linden, Mich. Pvt., 2nd Co., S. A. T. C., U. of M. LESLIE DENNIS 1414 Bell Ave., Flint CpI., U. S. A., A. E. F. EMMETT L. DENNY Flushing, Mich. Pvt., U. S. A. FRANK DE ROO 728 Garland St., Flint Pvt., Supply Co., M. O. R. S., Ord. Dept., U. S. A. WILLIAM LEO DEVLIN 1379 Roosevelt Ave., Flint Pvt., C. Co., 77th F. A., 4th Div., A. E. F. JAMES EDWARD DE VOE JAMES G. DE WITT LEWIS CLARK DIBBLE Fenton, Mich. Fenton, Mich. 803 Church St., Flint Cpl., Supply Co., 337th Inf., 85th Div. Pvt., 16th Inf. Band, A. E. F. Gassed Central Inf., O. T. S., Camp McArthur, A. E. F. Texas FLOYD ARTHUR DIBBLE 1314 Garland St., Flint Cpl., D. Batt., 328th F. A., 85th Div., A. E. F. FRANKLIN J. DIBBLE 803 Church St., Flint Pvt., C. Co., 16th Eng., A. E. F. Died of pneumonia in Hospital 50, Bulcy-Sur-Loire, Oct. 15, 1918 WALTER DICKERSON 315 East St., Flint Cpl., H. Co., 338th Inf., 85th Div., A. E. F. WILLIAM JESSE DICKINSON Fenton, Mich. Pvt., 5th H. M. O. R. S., A. B. F. FRANK DICKMAN Flint Pvt., Hq. Co., 78th Inf. IRVING L. DIEHL Flint, R. F. D. 3 Pvt., B. Co., 337th Inf., 85th- Div., A. E. F. JOHN ALBERT DIEKMAN 738 Wood St., Flint Sgt., Med. Dept., 78th Inf., 14th Div., U. S. A. JOHN J. DINNING 131 W. Hamilton Ave., Flint Cpl., I. Co., 64th Inf., 7th Div., A. E. F. 118 HARRY LOUIS DOBBS Fenton, Mich. Cpl., 338th Inf., 85th Div., A. E. F. GROVER C. DODDER Swartz CreeK, Micn. Cpl., F. Batt., 119th F. A., 32nd Div., A. E. F. Cited for bravery HAROLD DODDER Linden, Mich. Pvt., A. Co., 338th Inf., 85th Div., A. E. F. MARSHALL A. DODDER Gaines, Mich. Pvt., 227th Inf. WILLIAM A. DODDER Gaines, Mich. 1st. Sgt., G. Co., 131st Inf. Tr. from D. Co., 20th Inf., Ft. Bliss ANDREW DOLENSKI 915 Trofolet St., Flint Pvt., U. S. A. CHARLES G. DONAHUE 923 Dayton St., Flint Sgt., Aero Repair Service, U. S. A. PEARL DORN Gaines, Mich. Pvt., Inf., A. E. F. RAYMOND EDWARD DOTZAUER 115 Green St., Flint Pvt., 15th Co., 160th Depot Brig. JOHN D. DOUGLAS Miles Ave., Flint Pvt., Inf., Camp MacArthur, Texas LESTER W. DOUGLAS Flint Sgt., A. Co., 125th Inf., 32nd Div., A. E. F. LOUIS G. DOUGLAS' Miles Ave., Flint Pvt., Motor Artillery, A. E. F. CHRISTIAN DOWELL 757 Newall St., Flint Pvt., C. Co., 302nd Inf. Tr. to M. P. C., A. E. F. E. CLARK DOYLE 701 Liberty St.. Flint Sgt., 1st CI., B. Co., 16th Eng., A. E. F. OWEN DOYLE Flushing, Mich. Pvt., U. S. A. EDWIN LEE DR APER 754 McClellan St.. Flint Cpl., 3rd Div., A. E. F. 119 X z M^~w.aMW I I I RAY C. DRUDGE Geneaee, Milch. Pvt., A. Co., 16th Inf., 1st Div., A. E. F. ALBERT FRANCIS DUTIL 723 Leith St., Flint Pvt., A. Batt., 50th Regt., C. A. C., A. E. F. THEODORE A. DUTIL 723 Leith St., Fliht Cpl., 1. Co., 307th Bn., M. T. C., A. E. F. HARVEY DURHAM 217 E. 1st St., Flint Pvt., D. Co., 126th Inf., 32nd Div., A. E. F. I; In ff I 00ff: A:;sq,:i: ' \ ALFRED DUQUETTE 809 Conover St., Flint Pvt., U. S. A. THOMAS DUNNE 324 Hobson Ave., Flint Cpl., E. Co., 24th Eng., A. E. F. ANDREW C. DUNNE Flint Pvt., H. Co., 22nd Eng., A. E. F. JOHN F. DUNN Holly, Mich. Mech. Amb. Co. 351, 88th Div., A. E. F. I - - LEO EDWARD DUNN Grand Blanc, Mich. Pvt., M. G. Co., 337th Inf., 85th Div., A. E. F. GUY 0. DUNCKEL Lennon, Mich. Pvt., U. S. A. BERNARD J. DUNN Grand Blanc, Mich. Pvt., S. A. T. C., U. of M. EARL S. DUNCKEL Lennon, Mich. Sgt., G. Co., 338th Inf., 85th Div., A. E. F. JOHN DUNCAN 1217 Halsey St., Flint Pvt., Inf., Canadian E, F. ANDREW DUNCAN 1217 Halsey St., Flint Pvt., Eng., Canadian E. F. STEPHEN DUGAS Flushing, Mich. Cpl., U. S. A. HOWARD WENDELL DUBBS Flushing, Mich. Pvt., Amb. Co. 361, San. Tr. 313, 88th Div., A. E. F. I I we20 monwr s I 120 EARL DAILEY ALLAN G. DALY 515 Sheldon Ave., Flint Clio, Mich. Pvt., Amb. Co. 333, San. Tr. 309, 84th Pvt., B. Co., 14th M. G. Bn., A. E. F, Div., A. E. F. MIKE DRZK 1824 Michigan Ave., Flint B. Co., 126th Inf., 32nd Div., A. E. F. DANE DWJAK 2615 Michigan Ave., Flint 4th Co., 1st Inf., Canadian E. F. ELLIS L. EAMES FRANK MARK EAMES 412 W. 7th St., Flint Grand Blanc, Mich. Pvt., 50th Regt., C. A. C., A. E. F. Pvt., 1st Cl., Amb. Co. 351, 88th Div., A. E. F. CLIFFORD JAMES EARL 626 Wolcott St., Flint Pvt., 1st Cl., C. Co., 36th Inf., A. E. F. LYLE McK. EARL 320 Avon St., Flint Pvt., Aero S'qd. 225, A. S. S. C. WILLIAM EARLY 738 Dewey St., Flint Pvt., Inf., U. S. A. FRANK EASTMAN 1656 Kentucky Ave., Flint Pvt., 46th Co., 43rd Eng. Died of pneumonia, March, 1918 WILLIAM R. EASTMAN 1352 Cleveland Ave., Flint Pvt.,Med. Dept., Camp Hosp. 49, A. E. F. FRANK EBENHOCH 902 Witherbee St., Flint Pvt., C. A. C., U. S. A. IRVIN EBERLINE 1410 Texas Ave., Flint Sg't., A. Co., 214th Eng., U. S. A. HENRY ECHART 747 Baker St., Flint Mech., U. S. A. JOE JOHN ECKER 1018 Richfield Road, Flint Pvt., 15th Spruce Sqd., U. S. A. JAMES M. EDDY Fenton, Mich. Wag., Amb. Co. 351, 88th Div., A. E. F. 121 II I Lit - - rr-~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ d~ JOHN RAYMOND EDDY LAWRENCE EDGLEY 1725 Bennet Ave., Flint 409 Albro PI., Flint Pvt., A. Co., 18th London Irish Rifles, Pvt., Amb. Co. 128, 32nd Div., B. E. F. A. E. F. JOHN GREEN EDLEY CLYDE W. EDWARDS 409 Wilson St., Flint R. F. D. 10, Flint Sgt., U. S. A., Cooks and Bakers Pvt., Hq. Co., 344th Bn., 1st Brig. School, Camp Bowie, Tex. Tank Corps, A. E. F. ELMER L. EDWARDS Flint Twp. Cpl., A. Co., 78th Inf., U. S. A. RAY EDWARDS 1656 Kentucky Ave., Flint Cpl., 16th Co., 20th Eng., A. E. F. WILLIAM CHURCHILL EDWARDS 726 Beach St., Flint Pvt., Med. Dept., U. S. A. JOHN ELMER EGGLESTON Flint Twp., R. F. D. 5 Pvt., 1st CI., Hq. Bn. Died at Port of Embarkation, March 25, 1918 L NORMAN J. ELLIOT Clio, Mich., R. F. D. 4 Pvt., F. Batt., 334th F. A. Died Jan. 15, 1918, of pneumonia at Camp Pike, Ark. ALBERT E. ELLIS 916 Lyon St., Flint Pvt., C. Co., 3rd M. G. Bn., 1st Div., A. E. F. ERNEST W. ELLIS 1213 Garland St., Flint Pvt., -. S. A. LAWRENCE B. ELLIS 1209 N. Saginaw St., Flint Sgt., D. Co., 3rd Repl. Regt. CECIL R. ELLSWORTH 412 9th Ave., Flint Army Field Clerk, Hq. S. 0. S., A. E. F. ALFRED JOSEPH ELSTNER 816 Wellington St., Flint Cpl., U. S. A. JAMES SHERMAN ELSTON 509 Stone St., Flint Sgt. of Ordnance, M. O. R. S., A. E. F. HARVEY W. EMENS 139 E. Eddington Ave., Flint Pvt., 320th Aux. Remount Depot, U. S. A. I _Am h.MrEN. ----~ --- — *^~ --- —------------ IIRm122 122 LEO FLOYD EMERICK 1215 Ann Arbor St., Flint Pvt., C. Co., 310th Eng., A. N. R. E. F., Russian front CHARLES' C. EMERICK 1215 Ann Arbor St., Flint Sgt., 24th Co., C. A. C. LESTER R. EMERY 1806 Detroit St., Flint Pvt., Mobile Degassing Co., Unit No. 1, A. E. F. Died of wounds, Sept. 19, 1918 SAMUEL R. EMMENS 2115 Crocker Ave., Flint Pvt., Spruce Div,, U. S. A. JOHN ALFRED ENDSOR 303 4th Ave., Flint Sgt., 2nd Co., S. A. T. C., U. of M. LEE ROBERT ENGLISH 818 Smith St.. Flint Pvt., Hq. Co., 28th Inf., 1st Div., A. E. F. Gassed, twice wounded, Meuse-Argonne, Cantigny, Soissons LORAN DON ENGLISH 818 Smith St., Flint Pvt., Canadian E. F. Twice wounded, gassed ARCHIBALD O. ERICKSON 2308 George St., Flint Cook, A. S. S. C. CLARENCE C. ERNO 559 Williams St., Flint Sgt., Depot Brigade FLOYD ERWAY Clio, Mich., R. F. D. 3 Pvt., 8th Prov. Regt., Spruce Div. LOYD ESTES 1818 Kentucky Ave., Flint Sgt., D. Batt., 328th F. A., 85th Div., A. E. F. BRYCE RALPH EVANS Linden, Mich. Sgt., 251st Aero Squadron, A. E. F. DALLAS' C. EVANS 1020 Mathews St., Flint Cpl., 830th Aero Squadron, A. E. F. CLARENCE EVANS 2308 Arlington Ave., Flint Pvt., 5th Trench Mortar Batt., A. E. F. JACK C, EVANS Linden, Mich. Sgt., Amb. Co. 337. Att. to 339th Inf., A. N. R. E. F., Russian front. FLOYD EVANS 132 1st St., Flint Pvt., Med. Dept. Mechanical School, Camp Taylor, Louisville, Ky. 123 AMBROSE JAMES EARL 626 Wolcott St., Flint Pvt., Amb. Co. 351, 88th Div., A. E. F. CLARENCE E. EARL Davison, Mich. Cpl., D. Co., 2nd Eng., 2nd Div., A. E. F. WILLIAM J. EVERETT Flushing, Mich. Pvt., A. Co., 11th M. G. Bn., 4th Div., A. E. P. Wounded, Meuse-Argonne EUGENE EVERHART 1218 Garfield Ave, Flint Pvt., Musician, Hq. Co., 38th Inf., 3rd Div., A. E. F. GEORGE EVERHART 1218 Garfield Ave., Flint Sgt., A. Co., 14th Amm. Train JACOB EX 749 Newall St., Flint Pvt., U. S. A. EARL ALBERT FAIRMAN 2210 Lena St., Flint Pvt., 1st Cl., I. Co., 10th Inf. ORDELL FALL Montrose, Mich. Pvt., Canadian Army WILLIAM C. FARNER Linden, Mich. Pvt., 1st Co., S. A. T. C., U. of M. DAVID T. FARRINGTON 509VX Warren Ave., Flint Pvt., 328th F. A., 85th Div., A. E. F. GEORGE FARRIS 3304 N, Saginaw St., Flint Pvt., D. Co.. 81st Inf. CECIL FARROW 1313 Oakland St., Flint Pvt., S. A. T. C., Albion College STANLEY FARROW 1313 Oak!and St., Flint Pvt., Canadian Army HERMAN J. FELLER Montrose, Mich. Pvt., 1st Cl., 310th Amn. Tr., 85th Div., A. E. F. CLAUD C. FENNER Flint, R. F. D. 9 Pvt., H. Co., 85th Inf. PATRICK A. FENTON 245 Madison Ave., Flint Pvt., 160th D. B., Camp Custer 124 ORRIN S. FERGUSON 109 W. 12th St., Flint Pvt., 1st CL, A. Batt., 69th Regt., C. A. C. JOHN THOMAS FERGUSON Mt. Morris, Mich. Pvt., S. A. T. C., Med. Dept., U. of Cincinnati FRED FERKINS 1725 Bennett Ave., Flint Pvt., B. Co., 69th Eng., A. E. F. HAROLD JAMES FERNEAU 921 W. Kearsley St., Flint Inst. in Music, 102nd F. A. Band, 85th Div., A. E. F. RAY U. FERRAH AUBREY ELLIS FERREL CHESTER ELWOOD FIELD 1011 Liberty St., Flint 407 W. 7th St., Flint Gaines, Mich. Cp!., 338th Inf., 85th Div., A. E. F. Pvt., H. Co., 91st Regt., U. S. M. C., Pvt., A. Batt., 328th F. A., 85th Div., Tr. to Aviation, Miami, Fla. A. E. F. HOWARD J. FIELD Clio, Mich. Pvt., 25th Co., 160th Depot Brig. Tr. to Edgewood Arsenal OLIVER CHARLES FINCH IEO JOHN FINGER Swartz Creek, Mich. 630 Prospect St., Flint Pvt., Supply Co., 329th F. A., 85th Cpl., B. Batt, 329th F. A., 85th Fiv., Div., A. E. F. A. E. F. LAWRENCE FREE FINLEY 628 Garland St., Flint Pvt., 33rd Co., 160th Depot Brig. RALPH ROLLAND FIRMAN Flushing, Mich. Sgt., Chauffeur, 308 Service Squadron, A. S. S. C.. A. E. F. CHARLES A. FISHER 606 Sherman Ave., Flint Pvt., Supply Co., 337th Inf., 85th Div., A. E. F. GEORGE B. FISHER 417 E. Newall St., Flint Pvt., 147th Squadron, Spruce Div., U. S. A. HENRY J. FISHER IRA C. FISHER 417 E. Newall St., Flint 603 W. Court St., Flint Pvt., 147th Squadron, Spruce Div.,Pvt., 1st Cl., 329th F. A., 85th Div., U. S. A.A. E. F. 125 HENRY A. FISK 1915 Industrial Ave., Flint Pvt., C. Troop, 13th Cavalry, Border Service ED. FITCH 1010 Prospect St., Flint Pvt., 125th Inf., 32nd Div., A. E. F. FOSTER FITCH 1010 Prospect St., Flint Pvt., D. Batt., 328th F. A., 85th Div., A. E. F. LEO R. FITZGERALD 2006 Francis Ave., Flint Pvt., 1st Cl., 825th Aero Squadron LEO M. FLEMING 817 Hazelton St., Flint Pvt., 85th Div., Surgeon's Office, A. E. F. CHARLES' FLEWELLING Flushing, Mich., R. F. D. 3 Pvt., Provost Guard, Camp Custer MIKE FLOOD 906 Dayton St., Flint Pvt., Canadian Eng., C. E. F. ALFRED FLURY 1643 St. Johns St., Flint Pvt., Spruce Div. ROY FLURY 1643 St. Johns St., Flint Pvt., Spruce Div., U. S. A. IRA R. FOGELSANGER 202 Stewart Ave., Flint Pvt., B. Co., 59th Inf., 3rd Div., A. E. F. CLAYTON HOWARD FORBES 2003% Lewis St., Flint Pvt., 26th Inf., 1st Div., A. E. F. Wounded twice; gassed once MAX DURWARD FORBES 360 Eldridge Road, Flint Sgt., Ord. Dept., 85th Div., A. E. F. CHARLES LEWIS' FORSYTH Otisville, Mich. Sgt., Med. Dept., 33rd Inf., A. E. F. LLOYD AMMON FORSYTH Otisville, Mich. Pvt., F. Batt., 330th F. A., 85th Div., A. E. F. SHERIDAN ELMWOOD FOREST Linden, Mich. Pvt., Inf., U. S. A. FLOYD FOSTER 733 Parkland St., Flint M. G. Bn., 42nd Div., A. E, F. Gassed I I I I hl a a090"w I TED FULMER Flint Pvt., E. Co., I25th Inf., 32nd Div., A. E. F. Wounded, Marne Counter Offensive. July 28, I9i8 IVAN LOREN FULLER Flushing, Mich. Cpl., Amb. Co. 307, A. E. F. CLYDE ERNEST FULLER HAROLD G. FRYE I2o6 Walnut St., Flint I120 Stockton St., Flint Pvt., i6oth Depot Brig. Bugler, F. A., U. S. A., Fort Bliss JOHN KIMBALL FROST, JR. Clio, Mich. Pvt., Base Hosp. No. 55, U. S. A. FRANK B. FROST R. F. D. No. I, Flint, Pvt., 4th Eng., A. E. F. ARCHIE CHARLES FROMWILLER PAUL WARREN FRITZ Davison, Mich. Flint Pvt., A. Co., I6th Inf., Ist Div., A. E. F. Pvt., Hq. Co., 328th F. A., 85th Div. Wounded Nov. 7th, I9I8, Meuse-Argonne A. E. F. Leg amputated 8 inches from hip!l RONALD A. FRIEND 3191/ Stevens St., Flint Pvt., W. O. R., Canadian Army FRANK W. FREY 2007 Winans Ave., Flint Cpl., Inf., A. E. F. MILO FRENCH 3Io 7th St., Flint Pvt., Amb. Co. 35I, 88th Div., A.E.F. EARL FRENCH 931 Warren St., Flint Pvt., U. S. A. CHARLES JAMES FRENCH 30o Crosby St., Flint Candidate, R. O. T. C., Camp Hancock JOSEPH FREIBERGER I503 W. 3rd Ave., Flint Pvt., i4th Amm. Tr., U. S. A. CHARLES FREIBURGER I503 W. 3rd Ave., Flint Pvt., 35th F. A., A. E. F. EVERETT FRAZIER I250 Stever St., Flint Sgt., loth Co., I6oth Depot Brig. I I I 127 JOHN FYFE WILLIAM HENRY FUREY I602 Mable Ave., Flint 302 Stevens St., Flint Band Leader, 94th Co., 2Ist Gd. Div., Pvt., M. G. Co., W. O. R., Canadian E. F. M. T. C., U. S. A. FLOYD G. FUNK 819 Kentucky Ave., Flint Pvt., Spruce Div., U. S. A. CHARLES FERGUSON 2016 W. Court St., Flint Pvt., U. S. A. HARRY CHESTER FERGUSON 603 Richfield Rd., Flint Pvt., K. Co., I6oth Depot Brig. MARK B. GARNER 307 W. Court St., Flint Sgt., Amb. Co. 35I, San. Tr. 313, A. E. F. MARTIN GARMAN R. F. D. No. 4, Clio, Mich. Pvt., Med. Dept., A. E. F. LINTON C. GARVEY 203 Forest St., Flint Pvt., 320th Aero Sq. WILLIS LORENZO GARDENER 709 Baker St., Flint Mess Sgt., Batt. B., 40th F. A., A. E. F. HENRY CLAY GARDNER i20o Niles Ave., Flint Pvt., Ist Co., C. A. C., Ft. Hancock, N. J. PERRY JORDAN GALE Atlas, Mich. Wag., Hq. Co., 2i8th Eng. HENRY GALE 1709 Mable Ave., Flint Pvt., B. Co., 78th Inf. -/ tf /:i WILLIAM A. GAINS ROY GAGE 742 Warren St., Flint 634 Dayton St., Flint Cpl., 3Ioth Eng. Tr., 85th Div. A. E. F. Pvt., L. Co., 7th rnf., 3rd Div., A. E. F. HARLEY J. GAGE BENJAMIN FRANKLIN GAGE I216 Garland St., Flint 634 Dayton St., Flint Cpl. B. Co., Motor Supply Tr., 7th Div., Pvt., M. Co., 338th Inf., 85th Div., A.E.F. A. E. F. 128 CAROTH GENICKS 1222 Cleveland Ave., Flint Pvt., 1st Cl., H. Co., 78th Inf., (Russian front) FRANK GENICKS 1417 Maplewood Ave., Flint Cpl., U. S. A. SAMUEL GENICKS 1417 Maplewood Ave., Flint Pvt., 329th F. A., 85th Div., A. E. F. ALBERT EMANUEL GEORGE 117 12th Ave., Flint Pvt., H. Co., 56th Inf., 7th Div., A. E. F. Gassed HARRY FRANCIS GEORGE 416 Lyons St., Flint Sgt., A. S. S. C., U. S. A. RAYMOND GEROW 1132 Maple Ave., Flint Pvt., U. S. A. WYN A. GEROW 1940 Becker St., Flint Pvt., E. Batt., 12th F. A., 2nd Div., A. E. F. Thrice wounded-Soissons Sector, Marne Counter Offensive, July 19, 1918 NATHAN E. GHAINER Flint Pvt. Amb. Co. 16, 2nd Div., A. E. F. HUGH GIBSON Montrose, Mich. Pvt., Inf., 85th Div., A. E. F. WILLIAM H. GIDDINGS Flint Cpl., G. Co., 338th Inf., 85th Div., A. E. F. JAMES E. GIFFORD 801% Trafalet St., Flint Pvt., H. Co., 125th Inf., 32nd Div., A. E. F. NEIL A. GIFFORD Davison, Mich. Sgt., F. A., U. S. A. LOUIS J. GILBERT 775 Leith St., Flint Cpl., B. Co., 21st Eng., A. E. F. ROBERT GILBERT 817 Jameison St., Flint Pvt., F. Co., 338 Inf., 85th Div., A. E. F. Wounded in head HENRY GEORGE GILBERTSON 1012 S'mith St., Flint Sgt., F. Batt., 329 F. A., 85th Div., A. E. F. ALLEN A. GILL Grand Blanc, Mich. Pvt., D. Co., 57th Inf,, 7th Div., A. E. F. REGINALD M. GOODENOW 211 E. Anne St., Flint Pvt., S. A. T. C., U. of M. WILLIAM LE ROY GOODALL 2214 North St., Flint Sgt., E. Co., 125th Inf. Tr. to B. Co., 128th Inf., to D. Co., 329th Inf. Wounded-Chateau-Thierry, Aug. 1; Meuse-Argonne, Nov. 10, 1918 JOHN J. GONSLER Flint Pvt., S. As T. C., U. of M. CHARLES C. GOCHA 1805 Arlington Ave., Flint Pvt., Troop, 15th Cav., A. E. F. FRED BRUNO GLOBIG 522 E. Warren St., Flint Pvt., 301st Ice Plant Co. Tr. to A. E. F. EUGENE PHILIP GLOBIG 522 W. Warren St., Flint Cpl., 107th Trench Mortar Batt., 32nd Div., A. E. F. ALBERT HARRY GLOBIG 522 E. Warren St., Flint Pvt., Spruce Div., U. S. A. HOYT GLASPIE Fenton, Mich. Wag., Amb. Co. 351, 88th Div., A. E. F. 1 -A k vk SAMUEL P. GIAMMONA 927 Leith St., Flint Pvt., U. S. A., A. E. F. GEORGE FRANKLIN GILMORE 417 Albro Place, Flint Pvt., U. S. A. CHARLES F. GILLIS 1708 Illinois Ave., Flint Pvt., 59th Inf., A. E. F. Gassed, July 10, 1918 EDWARD GILLIES 1016 S. Saginaw St., Flint Pvt., Amb. Co. 31, U. S. A. BERT N. GILLIES 823 Stone St., Flint Pvt., 1st Cl., 128th Aero Squadron. U. S. A. EARL ISAAC GILLETT Clio, Mich. Pvt., 1st Cl., Med. Dept., U. S. A. ROBERT JOHN GILLESPIE 1305 Roosevelt Ave., Flint Pvt., A. Co., 73rd Eng., A. E. F. JAMES' GILLESPIE 1522 Arlington Ave., Flint Truck Driver, Res. Co., D. C.. Y. Regt., Canadian E. F. Decorated for bravery 130 a - arPM IO I L| r - | sN I I WILLIAM HENRY GOODMAN Mt. Morris, Mich. Pvt., C. Co., 310th Eng., A. E. F. f.-I/l:I:: BERT GOODRICH 2106 Lewis St., Flint Pvt., Amb. Co. 42, A. E. F. CHARLIE HENRY GOODRICH Davison, Mich. Sgt., Meteorological Div., A. S. S. C. FRED C. GOODRICH Clio, Mich. Pvt., H. Co., 7th Inf., 3rd Div., A. E. F.... LESTLIE J. GOODRICH 2106 Lewis St., Flint Pvt., E. Batt., 40th F. A., A. E. P. GEORGE GOODRICH Davison, Mich. Musician, 338th Inf. Band, 85th Div., A. E. F. GLEN E. GOODRICH 138 Richfield Road, Flint Pvt., 6th Balloon Co. HAROLD M. GOODRICH 2106 Lewis St., Flint Cpl., 61st Anti-Aircraft Section I l ROY EDWIN GOODRICH Fenton, Mich. Pvt., Med. Dept., U. S. A. ABRAM EDW'ARD GOOSEN TWILLIAM R. GORBUTT 820 Harriet St., Flint Corner Dakota and Maine Ave., Flint Sgt., 1st Cl., Repair Unit 303, M. T. C., Pvt., 85th M. O. R. S., A. E. F. Tr. to A. E. F. Cited for exceptionally Hq. Det., 13th M. G. Bn. Cited for meritorious and conspicuous services distinguished conduct in action as at Verneuil, France liaison agt. west of Cunel, Oct. 14-17, _AdN~fthb1- ~ 1918 GLENN GORDON 805 Hamilton Ave., Flint Pvt., A. Co., 312th Eng. JAMES E. GORE ERWIN B. GORTON 822 Witherbee St., Flint 927 W. 3rd Ave., Flint Pvt., 1st CI., 5th Amm. Tr., A. E. F. Pvt., 29th Sq., Motor Transport Corps, Western Div. ROBERT C. GOTWALT 1263 Broadway, Flint Pvt., A. Co., 23rd Inf., 2nd Div., A. E. F. Wounded, Oct. 6, 1918, Blanc Mont Ridge CASSIUS C. GOULD 926 Wood St., Flint E;gt., L. Co., 338th Inf. Tr. to Camp Lee I I 131 CLARENCE GOULD 611 E. 6th St., Flint Pvt., Med. Dept., U. S. A. GLENN GOULD 511 E. 6th S't., Flint Pvt., 7th Regt., C. A. C. At sea when armistice was signed. Transport returned ARCHIBALD GRAHAM 214 Myrtle St., Flint Cpl., C. Co., 429th Supply Train CLARENCE HIRAM GRAHAM 313 Stone St., Flint Pvt., 44th Bn., Canadian Cav., Canadian E. F. HARRY GRAHAM 313 Stone St., Flint Pvt., Canadian E. F. Wounded, ankle VERNON GRAHAM 214 Myrtle St., Flint Cpl., 32nd Div., A. E. F. GUY CHARLES' GRANGER Gaines, Mich. pvt., H. Troop, 3rd Cav. Tr. to 2nd Div., A. E. F. SOLOMON TAYLOR GRANGER Swartz Creek, Mich. Pvt., Q. M. C., U. S. A. Died July 22, 1918, at Camp Custer DAVID GRAPPIN 720 Taylor St., Flint Pvt., E. Co., 23rd Inf., 2nd Div., A. E. F. Gassed CLAYTON GRANT Flint Pvt., H. Co., 7th Inf., 3rd Div., A. E. F. HARVEY GRAVES 708 Myrtle St., Flint Amb. Co. 2, A. E. F. FRANK L. GREEN Montrose, Mich. 1st Sgt., 18th F. A., 33rd M. C. C., 33rd Supply Tr. HARRY LEWIS GREEN Flushing, Mich. Cpl., A. Co., 315th Field Bn., S. C., 90th Div., A. E. F. LLOYD HARVEY GREEN 1413 Church St., Flint Pvt., C. Co., 120th M. G. Bn., 32nd Div., A. E. F. Killed as Liasion runner during Meuse-Argonne offensive RALPH O. GREEN 203 E. 9th St., Flint Pvt., G. Co., 115th Inf., A. E. F. Wounded SHERMAN GREEN Grand Blanc, Mich. Pvt., K Troop, 23rd Cav., Tr. to 81st F. A., U. S. A. 132 :: FINLEY THOMAS GREENE Montrose, Mich. Sgt., 335th F. A., A. E. F. Served 7 years in P. I. with 7th (Reg.) Cav. HARRY G. GRIFFIN 1026 Chippewa St., Flint Pvt., S. A. T. C., Albion College HOWARD HENRY GREGORY 618 Church St., Flint Cpl., Hq. Co., 163rd Depot Brig. FRED NATHANIEL GREGORY 322 Mary St., Flint Pvt., S, C.. U. S. A.: MURIEL CLIFFORD GREGG Box 16, Mt. Morris, Mich. Mech., 170th Inf. Brig., 85th Div. A. E. F. Tr. to 261st Co., 131st Bn., M. P. C. Injured in line of duty at Le Maus, May 2, 1919. GEORGE LEE GUNDRY Grand Blanc, Mich. Pvt., Med. Dept., U. S. A. HOWARD R. GUNDRY NEIL CECIL GUNDRY Grand Blanc, Mich. Linden, Mich. Chauffeur, 1st Cl., Amb. Co. 351, 88th Pvt., 337th Inf., 85th Div., A. E. F. Div., A. E. F. FLOYD EUGENE GUERNSEY Linden, Mich. Wag., Supply Co., 125th Inf., 32nd Div., A. E. F. STEPHEN GRUMBUSKI 3955 North St., Flint Mech., 338th Inf., A. E. F. Wounded in 'knee CLYDE W. GROVER CLARE O. GROVE 2813 S. Saginaw St., Flint Davison, Mich. Cpl., 639th Aero Squad., A. S. S. C., Pvt., F. Batt., 15th F. A., 2nd Div., A. E. F. A. E. F. Gassed FORD E. GROVE Flint Pvt., 1st Cl., K. Co., 40th Eng., A. E. F. JAMES GRIMES 1304 Detroit St., F'int S'gt., M. G. Co., 125th Inf., 32nd Div., A. E. F. Killed in action, Argonne Forest, Oct. 11, 1918 CECIL D. GEARHART 407 Garden St., Flint Mess Sgt., L. Co., 338th Inf., 85th Div., A. E. F. VICO DE GASPENS 108 Avon St., Flint Pvt., U. S. A. 133 WILLIAM J. GUNNELL Clio, Mich. Pvt., A. Co., 73rd Eng. CLYDE GROULX 714 E. 3rd St., Flint Pvt., A. Co., 327th Inf. WALTER HACKBARTH 339 Forest St., Flint Sgt., 9th Co., 160th Depot Brig. HAROLD J. HACKNEY Clio, Mich., R. F. D. 1 Cpl., F. A., U. S. A. JOSEPH HALLIGAN Clio, Mich. Pvt., Inf., U. S. A. WALLACE J. HALL 155 Stewart Ave., Flint Pvt., C. A. C., U. S. A. RUSSELL L. HALL 312 Smith St., Flint Pvt., 25th Balloon Co., S. C. FLOYD DE WAIN HALL Fenton, Mich. Pvt., A. Co., 128th Inf., 32nd Div., A. E. F. Died Aug. 28, 1918, of wounds received in action, Aug. 2, 1918 EDWARD HALL Davison, Mich. Pvt., 2nd Eng. Training Regt., U. S. A. ALBERT MARCUS' HALL Flint Cpl., 261st Squadron, A. S. S. C. THOMAS HALEY 2410 Maplewood St., Flint Pvt., 2nd Co., 160th Depot Brig. Tr. to 415th M. G. Bn. RAYMOND T. HALEY 1425 Illinois St., Flint Sgt., B. Co., 310th Eng., N. R., A. E. F. Russian front JOHN JOSEPH HALEY 1425 Illinois St., Flint Sgt., B. Co., 310th Eng., A. N. R., E. F. Russian Front JOHN A. HALEY, JR. Linden, Mich. S. A. T. C., Albion College ROBERT HARLAN HAINER 504 Frost St., Flint Pvt., Inf., U. S. A. SIDNEY M. HAIGHT 1507 Arlington Ave., Flint Pvt., 809th Aero S'quad., A. S. S. C. 134 Y CHARLES REUBEN HAIGHT 1507 Arlington Ave., Flint Pvt., 329th F. A., 85th Div., A. E. F. HARVEY HAIG Armstrong St., Flint Pvt., Inf., A. E. F. JOHN OTTO HAGER 132 Bruce St., Flint Pvt., 59th Inf., A. E. F. Wounded in leg KENNETH M. HAGEL 1502 S'. Saginaw. St., Flint Sgt,, G. Co., W, O. R., Canadian Army PAUL LEWIS HARDING 520 Sheldon Ave., Flint Pvt., Amb. Co. 333, 84th Div., A. E. F. ALFRED J. HARDING 1623 Donald St., Flint Pvt., Canadian Army Died of wounds, Aug. 16, 1918, near Ames, France JOSEPH HIXON HARDING 520 Sheldon Ave., Flint Pvt., 301st Unit, Q. M. C. ARTHUR HENRY HARDY Genesee, Mich. Sgt, Hq. Co., 125th Inf., 32nd Div., A. E. F. Died of wounds, Oct. 5, 1918, Montfaucon, France. Despatch rider Ik, I: t MICHAEL HARCHUCK 774 Addison St., Flint Pvt., C. Co., 77th Inf., 14th Div. FRANK HARBIN 913 Addison St., Flint Pvt., C. Co., 77th Inf., 14th Div. JOSEPH HARB 218 Edwards PI., Flint Cpl., H. Co., 338th Inf. Tr. to 38th Inf., 3rd Div., A. Z. F. Wounded, Oct. 10, 1918, Meuse-Argonne OSCAR WILLIAM HANSON 2618 S. Saginaw St., Flint Pvt., A. Batt., 330th F. A., 85th Div., A. E. F. W:frI F'o " I w 4JL HANS HANSEN 1322 Cleveland Ave., Flint Pvt.. Amb. Co. 351, 88th Div., A. E. F. JAY HANNA 113 E. 8th St., Flint Pvt., 310th Supply Train, A. E. F. WILLIAM ALFRED HAND 1005 N. Saginaw St., Flint 1st Sgt., D. Co., 125th Inf., 32nd Div., A. E. F. LAWRENCE B. HAMP 712 Newall St., Flint Pvt., Spruce Div. 135 r g g B 4; l| i IeT-^siss=as o CLARENCE B. HAMP 712 Newall St., Flint Cook, A. Co., 78th Inf., 14th Div. HAROLD EDWARD HAMILTON EDWIN HAMBLIN Fenton, Mich. Clio, Mich. Pvt., Amb. Co. 331, 88th Div., A. E. F. Pvt., Hq. Troop, 14th Div., U. S. A. CHARLES HOLLIWELL 912 Dewey St., Flint Cpl., Inf., U. S. A. SPRAGUE HALLITT ROBERT CHARLES HARTZ 1525 Jane St., Flint 351 Stewart Ave., Flint Pvt., C. Batt., 328th F. A., 85th Div., Cpl., Med. Dept., U. S. A., Debarkation A. E. F. Hosp., Ellis Island ELMER HARTNELL LONEY W. HART 1218 Central Ave., Flint 1309 Imperial St., Flint Sgt., 17th Squad, Spruce Div., Pvt., 4th Co., 163rd Depot Brig. U. S. A. I g l N I I l:, ~I I I::e T" JAMES J. PATRICK HARROP 1214 Avenue C, Flint Pvt., U. S. A. HENRY GUY HART 1309 Imperial St., Flint Cpl., 9th Co., 3rd Field Bn., Signal Corps HAZEN JAMES HART Flint Wag., Supply Co., 337th Inf., 85th Div., A. E. F. EDWARD D. HART Davison, Mich. Cpl., 310th Field Signal Bn., 85th Div., A. E. F. <9 HORACE HARRISON 914 Witherbee St,, Flint Pvt., Ordnance Corps, U. S. A. JOHN HARRIS; JR. Otisville, Mich. Pvt., Med. Dept., U. S. A. HUGHIE HARRIS Otisville, Mich. Pvt., 64th Batt., 16th Anti-Aircraft Section ERWIN E. HARRIS 827 Stone St., Flint Pvt., G. Co., 55th Regt., U. S. A. 136 WAilM m-====== I I l I I I WALTER A. HARDY GLENN J. HARLE 228 E. Kearsley St., Flint Duffield, Mich. 1st Sgt., U. S. A. Pvt., Q. M- C., A. E. F. HAROLD HARNACK Linden, Mich. Pvt., S. A. T. C., U. of M. ERNEST H. HARRINGTON 1713 Pine St., Flint Pvt., F. Co., Pioneer Regt., 61st Div. HENRY HARRINGTON 519 E. 3rd St., Flint Pvt., Amb. Co. 333, 309th San. Tr., 84th Div., A. E. F. EDWARD HATCH 1024 Avenue A. Flint Sgt., L. Troop, 12th Cav. Five years previous service ABEL LESLIE HATT 809 S. Saginaw St., Flint Pvt., F. Co., 310th Eng., 85th Div., A. E. F. HARRY GLENN HATT Linden, Mich., R. F. D. 2 Pvt., A. Co., 16th Inf., 1st Div., A. E. F. Slightly wounded l I CHARLES HAVER 921 Eddy St., Flint Pvt., 163rd Depot Brig., U. S. A. JAMES HAVENS 621 Wolcott St., Flint Pvt., 375th Aero Squad., S. C., U. S. A. ALFRED H. HAWKS 317 Pasadena Ave., Flint Pvt., Med. Dept., U. S. A. EARL CLARENCE HAWLEY 626 W'. Rankin St., Flint Sgt., 1st C1., A. S.. S. C., A. E. F. LAWSON B. HAWLEY FRED E. HAYBELL Clio, Mich., R. F. D. 1 Fenton, Mich. Wag., Hq. Det., 2nd Bn., 120th F. A., Pvt., Co. E., 2nd Dev. Bn., U. S. A. A. E. F. HARRISON GARFIELD HAYES 408 Clifford St., Flint Cpl., 125th Inf., 32nd Div., A. E. F. Killed in action, June 30, 1918, in Alsace. First American soldier killed on German soil ARTHUR JOHN HAYWOOD Grand Blanc, Mich. A. Co., 329th M. G. Bn., 85th Div., A. E. F. I J.1 137 WILBUR JOHN HARTZ 351 Stewart Ave., Flint Pvt., S. A. T. C., M. A. C. GEORGE WELLINGTON HARVEY Fenton, Mich. Pvt., Med. Dept., U. S. A. Base Hosp. No. 69 FRANK R. HASKELL 915 Patterson St., Flint Cpl., 17th Bn,, M. P. C. ELMER GORDON HASTINGS 1818 Wyoming Ave., Flint Pvt., A. S. S. C., New York Field No. 7 %: A I:. (i f' ARTHUR RALPH HATCH 750 Harriet St., Flint Sgt., 142nd Regt., Transport S'ervice GEORGE L: HEAL Davison, Mich. Pvt., B. Co., 16th Inf., 1st Div., A. E. F. Wounded, St. Mihiel; gassed, Meuse-Argonne MAYNARD B. HEATH 1810 Oklahoma Ave., Flint Pvt., 48th Eng. SAMUEL P. HEATH Clio, Mich.' Pvt., No. 1 Veterinary Co., U. S. A. FRANK J. HEENAN 807 E. Kearsley St., Flint Pvt., Batt. C., 1st Trench Artillery, A. E. F, WALTER HEENAN 743 Margaret St., Flint Sgt., M. T. C., A. E. F. EMORY HEHN 4309 Billings St., Flint Cpl., E. Co., 47th Inf., A. E. F. HOWARD GWENDON HEIMS Davison, Mich. Pvt., Med. Dept., U. S. A. ROY E. HENDERSON 315 E. Kearsley St., Flint Pvt., 1st Cl., 174th Casual Co. ROBERT HENDERSON 758 Rankin S't., Flint Mess Sgt., U. S. A. ROY M. HENDY 1550 Delaware Ave., Flint Pvt., B. Co., 78th Inf., 14th Div. ALBERT ROLLAND HENRY 1216 Avenue B, Flint Cpl., 15th Eng., A. E. F. Wounded twice 138 4 - I - a sl PO1N i RAYMOND D. HENRY JOHN HENRY 408 E. 5th St., Flint 931 Warren St., Flint Cpl., Co. E., 125th Inf., 32nd Div., Pvt., Canadian E. F. A. E. F. Awarded Distinguished Service Cross for extraordinary heroism near Cierges, July 31, 1918. Seven wounds - -NOS1. CECIL THOMAS HERRINGTON 510 E. 8th St., Flint Pvt., 76th Inf., Canadian E. F. Twice wounded, gassed, right arm paralyzed ROY CONRAD HERRLICK 616 Payne St., Flint Sgt., Batt. D., 328th F. A., 85th Div., A. E. F. MARCELLUS' WRIGHT HERRON Davison, Mich. Pvt., U. S. A. LAMEL HESS 830 Dayton St.. Flint Pvt., E. Co., 125th Inf., 32nd Div., A. E. F. CHARLES ALFRED HEWITT Montrose, Mich. Cpl., M. T. C. 709. Tr. from G. Co.. 338th Inf., 85th Div., A. E. F. JOSEPH BENJAMIN HEWITT Montrose, Mich. Pvt., 1st Cl., A. S. S. C. JOSEPH J. HEYSTEK 1314 Church St., Flint Cpl., A. E. F., U. S. A. HENRY LUXON HILL 119 W. 1.3th St., Flint Cpl., C. Co., 223rd Field Bn., Signal Corps JOSEPH HILL 501 Van Wagoner Ave., Flint Cpl., E. Co., 125th Inf., 32nd Div., A. E. F. Wounded, Oct. 7, 1918 RALPH HILLER 1321 Roosevel't Ave., Flint Pvt., Amb. Co. 255, 14th San. Tr., 14th Div. - ~ ~; 11, i:..J ALECK EDMOND HISCOX Fenton, Mich. Cpl., M. P. C. U s. 4. _ _l DOUGAL JAMES HILLIER 1006 W. 3rd Ave., Flint 1st Sgt., C. A. C., A. E. F. FRED CHARLES HILLMAN 305 E. Newall St., Flint Pvt., A. Co., 310th Eng., A. E. F. Russian front. Wounded, Feb. 8, 1919 REUBEN HIPKINS 817 Myrtle St., Flint Pvt., Supply Co., 338th Inf., 85th Div., A, E. F. 139 I - I M4l- Cii,3 i I I I J. W. HITCHCOCK WALTER HOAG 301 Smith St., Flint Davison, Mich. Sgt., Med. Dept., U. S. A. Cpl., Eng. Tr. 457, A. E. F. EARL LEROY HOBSON ASA HOCKADAY 201 W. Tobias St., Flint 1701 Lapeer St., Flint Pvt., E. Co., 125th Inf., 32nd Div., Pvt., A. E. F. A. E. F. ARTHUR HOCKING 1255 S'tever Ave., Flint Pvt., Amb. Co. 333, 309th San. Tr., A. E. F. ALFRED HOWARD HOLLAND 518 Church St., Flint Master Engineer, 303rd Eng., 78th Div.. A. E. F. HOYT MILTON HOLLANSHEAD 707 Prospect St., Flint WILLIAM GEO. HOLLINGSHEAD Sgt., E. Co., 125th Inf., 32nd Div., 1015 Root St., Flint A. E. F. Killed in action near Pvt., 328th F. A., 85th Div., A. E. F. Cierges, July 31, 1918 I I REGINALD VINSON HOLMES 2618 S. Saginaw St., Flint Cpl., U. S. A. FRANK HOLSHOE 1638 Illinois Ave., Flint 1st. Sgt., Hq. Co., 337th Inf., 85th Div., A. E. F. HAROLD R. HOLTZMAN 1334 Grand Traverse St., Flint Pvt., A. Co., 160th Eng. ERNEST HOPE 414 E. 6th St., Flint Pvt., M. P. C., U. S. A. BENJAMIN FRANKLIN HOPKINS R. F. D. 3, Flint Pvt., 29th Squad., Spruce Div. A. LEIGH HOPP CARLTON G. HORTON Mt. Morris, Mich. 1801 Detroit St., Flint Pvt., A. Co., 16th Inf., 1st Div., Sgt., Camp Hq. Det., Camp Dodge, Ia. A. E. F. Gassed HAROLD HOUGHTON 1610 Indiana Ave., Flint Pvt., Inf., Canadian E. P. I b-I -- I - -I a ----'- - -- ---------- -- -~140 140 JOSEPH M. HOGAN Linden, Mich. Pvt., M. G. Co., 34th Inf. JOHN E. HOGAN Linden, Mich. Sgt., E. Co., 16th Eng., A. E. F. HOWARD VERNE HOFFMAN Grand Blanc, Mich. Sgt., S. A. T. C., M. A. C. CLIFFORD JAMES' HOYT Goodrich, Mich. Bugler D. Batt., 333rd F. A., A. E. F. RALPH CONELY HODGKINSON 201 Lindsey St., Flint Mech., A. S. S. C., Rockwell Field, Col. CONSTANTINE A. HODGE 2815 Industrial Ave., Flint Pvt., 1st Div., F. Co., 78th Inf. WILLIAM WOODWARD HOVVWLAND 1648 Ohio Ave., Flint Pvt., Hq. Co., 338th Inf., 85th Div., A. E. F. PAUL B. HOWLAND 1648 Ohio Ave., Flint Sgt., Central Officers' Train. School, U. S. A. CLARENCE W. A. HOWLAND 1648 Ohio Ave., Flint Pvt. Med. Dept., 33rd F. A. GEORGE WILLIAM HOWELL Goodrich, Mich. Sgt., M. Co., 6th Dev. Bn., U. S. A. HARRY ROBERT HOWE 219 9th Ave., Flint Sgt., 31st F. A. Band HAROLD N. HOWE 602 Hazelton St., Flint Cpl., Amb. Co. 351, 88th Div., A. E. F. SUMNER STONE HOWARD 722 S'mith St., Flint Mess Sgt., Amb. Co. 351, 88th Div., A. E. F. JESSE RANDOLPH HOWARD R. F. D. 2, Flint, Mich. Pvt., S. A. T. C., M. A. C. WILLIAM L. HOVEY Fenton, Mich. Sgt., 1st C1. Hq. Co., 16th Eng. (Ry.), A. E. F. JOSEPH HOUSTON 2316 N. Saginaw St., Flint Sapper, 8th Bn., Can. E. F. 141 RICHARD A. -HOULIHAN 418 E. Newall St., Flint Pvt., F. A., Camp Custer JOSEPH A. HOULIHAN 418 E. Newall St., Flint 1st Sgt. Amb. Co. 315, 79th Div., A. E. F. EDYWARD P. HOULIHAN 418 E. Newall St., Flint Pvt., 38th Amb. Co., A. E. F. BENJAMIN HUDSON Grand Blanc, Mich. B. Co., 28th Eng., A. E. F. ELI5EN FRANK HUBBARD 1522 North St., Flint Signal Corps, Can. E. F., Siberia WYLAND HURRY Montrose, Mich. Pvt., Med. Dept., 310th Eng., 85th Div., A. E. F. HARRY B. HURRY THOMAS P. HURNS 505 Prospect St., Flint 2907 Industrial Ave., Flint Pvt., C. Batt., 329th F. A., 85th Div., Pvt., 329th F. A., 85th Div., A. E. F. A. E. F. THURSTON ROBINSON HURD JAMES WALTER HOWARD HURD Clio, Mich. Flint Sgt., Med. Dept., Mobile Hosp. 104, Pvt., A. Batt., 329th F. A., tr. to A. E. F. A. Co., U. S. Chemical Warfare Serv. HAZEN E. HIUNT-LEY WILLIAM HUMPHREY HUNT 817 McClellan St., Flint Mt. Morris Township Pvt., B. Co., 304th Eng., 79th Div. Pvt., 64th Anti-Aircraft Batt., 16th A. E. F. ' Sector, U. S. A. ROBERT J. HUNT Montrose, Mich. Pvt., 15th Co., 160th Depot Brig., U. S. A. ORLO AMOS HUNT Montrose, Mich. Pvt., 306th Repair Unit, U. S. A. LEE CLARK HULL 601 Williams St., Flint 65th Eng. ERNEST L. HULIN 111 Middleton Ave., Flint E. Batt., 34th Brig., C. A. C. 142 I -MM-l CLARENCE STEPHEN HUGHES Swartz Creek, R. F. D. 3 Sgt., G. Co., 338th Inf., 85th Div., A. E. F. ROSCOE W. HUGGINS Montrose, Mich. Pvt., Hq. Det., 10th Bn., 20th Eng., A. E. F. VERN HUDSON EARL HUDSON Grand Blanc, Mich. 1224 Washington Ave., Flint Pvt., B. Co., 107th Eng., A. E. F. Pvt., 78th Squad, Spruce Div. DICK HUDSON 1224 Washington Ave., Flint Pvt., Hq. Troop, 85th Div., A. E. F DONALD CHARLES HUSTON 339 Ash St., Flint Pvt., Amb. Co. 333, A. E. F. WILLIAM EDWIN HUSTED 715 Hazel St., Flint Pvt., 329th F. A., 85th Div., A. E. F. JAMES C. HUTCHINSON 1414 Richfield Road, Flint Pvt., Hq. Co., 29th Inf. I I PERLEY HYLER JOS'EPH B. HUTCHINSON 7P L F lint 1414 Richfield Road, Flint,.23Fenton t., F Pvt., F. Co., 116th Supply Tr., A. E.F. Pvt., M. Co., 163rd Inf., A. E. F. W ounded and gassed. DONALD SMITH INGERSOLL HORACE IKERD 10191/ Mathews St., Flint 717 Newall St., Flint Pvt., K. Co., 16th Inf., 1st Div., Pvt., C. Co., 310th Eng., 85th Div., A. E. F. A. E. F. Wounded, Meuse-Argonne, Oct. 13,1918 t 1 HAROLD INGERSOLL 1262 Stever St., Flint Sgt., G. Co., 312th Amm. Tr., 87th Div., A. E. F. MITA IVANOVICH 1122 Maple St., Flint Pvt., Serbian Army VIVIAN DAKE JACKSON Davison, Mich. Cpl., C. Co., 313th Field Bn., S. C., A. E. F. GLENN McKINLEY JACOBS 1132 Root S't., Flint Cpl., D. Co., 58th Inf., 4th Div. A. E. F. 143 143 GEORGE WILLIAM JARBOE 431% Mary St., Flint Pvt., C. Co., 324th Field Bn., S. C., A. E. F. RUSS'EL E. JAMES 135 W. Newall St., Flint Pvt., Eng. Dept., A. E. F. RALPH E. JENNINGS HAROLD JAMES JEWELL Flint, R. F. D. 6 Otisville, Mich. Sgt., Med. Dept., 160th Depot Brig, Pvt., 1st Cl., G. Co., 7th Inf., 3rd Div., U. S. A. A. E. F. LAWRENCE ROY JEFFERY 1314 S. Saginaw St., Flint Cpl., D. Co., Supply Train, 8th Div., U. S. A. GORTON CLARE JEFFERY 1314 S. Saginaw St., Flint Wag., Amb. Co. 351, 88th Div., A. E. F. STANLEY B. JEWETT 4009 W. Saginaw S't., Flint Pvt., 7th F. A, 1st Div., A. E. F., IRVIN W. JEWETT 4009 N. Saginaw St., Flint Pvt., 7th F. A., 1st Div., A. E. F. HERMAN JEWELL Flint, R. F. D. 4 Pvt., A. Batt., 327th F. A., A. E. F. TRACY C. JENNINGS 1438 Bush St., Flint Mech., A. S. S. C., San Diego, Cal. 'WALTER CARLISLE JES'SOP 509 Ann Arbor St., Flint Cpl., 373rd M. T. Co., A. E. F. SAMUEL JAMES JELLIS 712 Ann Arbor St., Flint Pvt., Salvage Div., Camp Custer ALTON GERALD JESSOP Swartz Creek, Mich. Pvt.. B. Batt., 104th F. A., A. E. F. FREDERICK W. JAHNKE 914 2nd St., Flint Pvt., 16thl Co., 160th Depot Brig., U. S. A. HERBERT N. JOHNSON 627 N. Saginaw St., Flint Cpl., Motor Dispatch Service, U. S. A. GEORGE HAFER JOHNSON 1318 Chippewa St., Flint Pvt., 351st Amb. Co. 313, Sanitary Tr., 88th Div., A. E. F. 144 I I 3 E | l a)1Brd" sg^~. — ^T < M —I - --- S -I Ad GEORGE JOHNSON 1729 Kansas Ave., Flint Pvt., U. S. A. CLAYTON CODDINGTON JOHNSON Mt. Morris, Mich. Cpl., E. Co., 310th Amm. Tr., 85th Div., A. E. F. AUDIE JOHN JOHNSON 2608 N. Saginaw St., Flint ANDREW M. JOHNSON Cpl, E. Co., 125th Inf., 32nd Div., Flushing. Mich., R. F. D. 3 A. E, F. Pvt., E. Co., 28th Inf., st Div, Killed in action during Marne A. E. F. counter offensive, July 31, 1918 Wounded and gassed ALFRED JOHNDRC) NORMAN M. JOHNSON OSCAR JOHNSON RICHARD CASSIUS JOHNSON 1334 Vermont St., Flint Montrose, Mich. 817 Paterson St., Flint 2514 Arlington Ave., Flint Sgt., E. Co., 125th Inf., 32nd Div., Sgt., S. A. T. C., Mt. Pleasant Normal Pvt., 1st Cl., Hq. Co., 77th Inf.. 14th Pvt., Med. Dept., 78th Int, U. S. A. A. E. F. College Div., U. S. A. i | | I I 7^^7 WILLIS S. JOHNSON 1140 Avenue B, Flint t., F. Troop, 12th Cav., U. S. A. Seven years' service RICHARD P. JOHNSON Fenton, Mich. Pvt., 19th Casual Co., Spruce Div. ROYAL JOHNSON WVILBUR JOHNSON Fenton, Mich. Fenton, Mich. Pvt., A. Batt., 119Sth F. A., 32ndDiv., Pvt., C. Batt., 119th F. A., 32nd Div., Pvl A. E. F. A. E. F. Wounded twice ^ CLARK C. JOHNSTON 920 W. Kearsley St., Flint Pvt., U. S'. A. ANDREW D. JONES Byron, Mich. Sgt., 1st Cl., Q. M. C., U. S. A. DON RAYMOND JONES 1159 Stockton St., Flint Pvt., Spruce Div., U. S. A. JAMES ALBERT JONES Boulevard Drive, Flint Pvt., C. Co., 2nd Eng., 2nd Div., A. E. F. i I &-i-X a 145 I I ' ggw*^"'|-= — =====;=======-1rr^Z^^^'y=Mt NOR2^ MAN JOSEPH TILLIAM JOHN JORDAN 2819 Industrial Ave., Flint Montrose, Mich. Cook, 338th Inf. 490th Aero Squad, U. S. A, JAMNIE8 ALBERT JORDAN Montrose, Mich. Pvt,, F, Co,, 10oth Inf.. U S. A. GEORGE KAROLLS 11i.1 Central Ave., Flint Cpl. 3,38th Inf., 85th Div., A. E. F. MERRILL W. KANE ASAD KABOLL 747 'MceFarlan St., Flint 2815 Industrial Ave., Flint Sgt., A. S. S. C., V. S. A. Pvt., 10th Co., 160th Depot Brig Promoted to Lieutenant U. S. A. JOHNr KAIIMPEON SIMON KALMBACK (3Oakiand St., Flint Lennon, Mich., R. F. D. 1.Sgt.,, ItOth Depot Brig., U. S. A. Pvt., Inf., 85th Div., A. E. F. I CHRISTIAN KALMBACK JOHN KALLOO Lennon, Mich. Lennon, Mich. 759 Baker St, Flint Pvt., B. Batt., 20th F. A., A. E. F. Pvt., Canadian Army Pvt., Canadian Ar~my AB/?RAHAM B. KASSO 2611 Lewgis St,, Flint Cp!., Eng. Dert., A. E. F. YLAS KEEFER Wounded and gassed. Father killedi 804 AsySuao St., Fint during second Balkan swar. MLother p-vt. 354th Aero Squadron, A. S. S. C., burned alive tby Turks in 1'912 A. E. F. 0 A::::: s I i. C, a LEONARD GEORGE KEEVAN LEONARD ROHR KEELER 220 W. 2nd St., Flint 1006 Oak S't., Flint Pvt., E. Co., 125th Inf., 32nd Div., Pvt., A. Co., 102nd Eng., A. E. F. A. E. F. Wounded, Aug. 28, 1918, during battle of Juvigny CHARLES KEEZER 1817 Arizona Ave., Flint Pvt., Inf., Canadian E. F, Wounded ARCHIE F. KELLY 755 Leith St., Flint Pvt., Hq. Co., 149th F. A., A. E. F. ~Wounded in thigh and shoulder I I GL===- _ ----____0- ___ __________146 146 m I WILLIAM C. KELLY Flint Sgt., A. Co., 338th Inf., 85th Div. A, E. F. Served eleven years in Army MARK NORRIS KELLEY 1365 Lapeer St., Flint Pvt., D. Batt., 338th F. A. Tr. to Q. M. C. and promoted to Quartermaster Sgt. LUTHER H. KELLEY 1653 Wisconsin Ave., Flint Pvt., 11th Co., 160th Depot Brig. U, S, A. W'ILLIAM N. KEILLOR 12'51 Stever Ave., Flint Sgt., H. Co., 338th Inf., 85th Div.. A. E. F. V ORIE McKINLEY KEENER Flint, Mich., R. F. D, 10 Pvt., Inf., 36th Div., A, EI. F OTHO KEYPORT 715 Avon St., Flint Pvt., Amb. Co. 351, 313th San. Tr., 88th Div., A. E. F. JAMES KERSEY 1812 Pine St., Flint Cpl., 320th Bn., U. S'. A. DONALD H. KERRY 3512 Marvin St., Flint Pvt., B. Co., 10th Inf., 14th Div., U. S. A. NWI * JOHN KERRIGAN 1714 Montana Ave., Flint Pvt,, Hq. Co., 312th Eng., 87th Div., A. E. F. LEON L. KERR 819 W olcott St., FPlint Sgt., 160th F. A., A. E. F, EDWARD JAMES KERNS Clio, Mich. Pvt., 1st Gas Rgt. WLounded Sept. 1i 1)918, during St. Mihiel offensive CLARTEN(CE KENWYORTHY 419 Taylor St., Flint Pvt.r. on.. 78th Inf.. i. S. A FRANK KERESEWVSKI 911 Trafalet St., Flint Pvt., M. Co., 340th Inf.. 85th Div. A. E. F. PERCY ALLEN KENNTEY 2611 N. Dort Ave., Flint Sgt., 302nd San. TYr. HERS'THEL E. KENNEDY 213 Forest St., Flint Sgt.. 320th Aero Squadron, A. E. F CECIL J. KENNEDY 714 Baker St., Flint Pvt., Tank Corps 147 -:i w:-mgmaC 4 v THOMAS HOWARD KEMP 815 Leith St., Flint Pvt., Canadian E. F. PERCY L. KEMP 815 Leith St., Flint Bugler, 160th Depot Brig., U. S. A. ARTHUR J. KEMP 815 Leith a't., Flint Pvt., Base Hosp. 17, A. E. F. HALL KEMMELL 918 Patterson St., Flint Pvt., 160th Depot Brig., U. S. A. AMOS GORDON KEYSER ROBERT LEE KEYSER Flushing, Mich. Flushing, Mich. 1st Sgt., 16th Co., 160th Depot Brig., Pvt., Hq. Co., 13th Regt., F. A. R. D. U. S. A. LARRY KELLY ALBERT FRANKLIN KEYSER 747 Damon St., Flint Flushing, MiCh. Sgt., 1st CI., 1st Field Bn., S. C., 1st Pvt., Co. 318, Q. M. C. Tr. as Cook Div., A. E. F. to British Tank Corps!i i I p WILLIAM ALFRED KEYSER Flushing, Mich. Pvt., E. Co., 45th Inf., U. S. A. NAIF KHOURI 2202 Lewis St., Flint Pvt., 256th Inf., U. S. A. ESMOND GLENN KILBOURNE 533 Dayton St., Flint S'gt., Med. Dept., 329th F. A., 85th Div., A. E. F. CARL JACOB KIEFER 712 Smith St., Flint Pvt., 1st Cl., 12th Aero Squadron, A. S'. S. C., A. E. F. HAROLD STUART KILPATRICK Penfield Arts., Flint Pvt., 5th Co., S. A. T. C., U. of M. ARTHUR KING 328 Perry Court, Flint Pvt., F. A., A. E. F. CLARE A. KING CLIFFORD KING Lennon, Mich. - Argentine Twp. Cpl., S. A. T. C., Valparaiso University Cook, D. Batt., 328th F. A., 85th Div., A. E. F. I I 148 DEWEY GEORGE KIRCHNER 2712% St. Johns St., Flint Pvt., M. Co., 16th Inf., 1st Div., A. E. F. Gassed THOMAS KINNEY Flint Cpl., B. Co., 337th Inf., 85th Div., A. E. F. OSCAR E. KINNEY 4010 Detroit St., Flint Pvt., H. Co., 168th Inf. Lost use of left arm through wound received in action G. H. KINGSBURY Otter Lake, Mich. Reserve Bn., 2nd Eng., Canadian Army MARSHALL E. KING 1014 Lapeer St., Flint,Pvt., M. Co., 3rd Bn., 160th Depot Brig., U. S'. A. EVERETT KITCHIN 1315 Imperial St., Flint Sgt., C. Co., 310th Eng., A. N. R. E. F. WILLIAM H. KISNER Flint Pvt., A. Co., 120th Eng., A. E. F. ARTHUR DRYSDALE KIRK 1219 Oak St., Flint Pvt., S. A. T. C., U. of M. I: Il -1 GEORGE KETCHUM 315 E. Kearsley St., Flint Pvt., Inf., 85th Div., A. E. F. HARRIS'ON REED KLINE Grand Blanc, Mich. Pvt., 24th Co., 160th Depot Brig., U. S. A. LOUIS FRANK KLINE Flint, R. F. D. 6 Pvt., 1st Cl., A. Co., 339th Inf., A. N. R. E. F. (Russian front) HERMAN KNAPP Gracelawn Ave., Flint Pvt., S. C., U. S. A. ROBERT E. L. KNAPP Mt. Morris, Mich. Pvt., 42nd Div., A. E. F. FRANCIS EDVW. KNICKERBOCKER Mt. Morris, Mich. Supply Sgt., D. Batt., 328th F. A., 85th Div. A. E. F. STUART KNIGHT Swartz Creek, Mich. Pvt., C. Co., 2nd Eng. Training Regt., U. S. A. HENRY KNOLL 1240 Halsey St., Flint Pvt., 160th Depot Brig., U. S. A. 149 WILLIAM D. KNOX 517% Wood St., Flint Sgt., 25th Eng., A. E. F. WILLIAM( CLAYTON KNOP 724 Sherman Ave., Flint Pvt., B. Co., 10th Inf., I. S. A. JOHN F. KOEPKE 115 W\. 6th St., Flint Pvt.. Amb. Co. 351, 88th Div., A. E. F. ARTHUR E. KOAM 1103 Root St., Flint Pvt., C. Co., 77th Inf. GERALD J. KOON Otisville, M.ich. Cook, 85th Div., A. E. F. JOHN KOVALC SIK 1619 Colorado Ave., Flint Pvt., B. Co., 23rd Inf., 2nd Div., A. E. F. Ser-rved on seven battlefronts CLAUDE ANDERSON KOUNTZ Swartz Creek, Mich. Pvt.. 634th Aero Squadron, S. C., U. S. A. SIMON KOSTY 1612 St. Johns St., Flint Sgt., I. Co., Demob. Det., Camp Custer, Mich. CLARENCE JULIUS KOUTS 3222 S. Saginaw St., Flint Pvt., C. Co., 26th Eng., A. E. F. MIKE KOVACIVICH 1213 Easy St., Flint Canadian Army NORBERT KREPP 1503 St. John St., Flint Pvt., A. Co., 10th Inf., U. S. A. HERMAN KRIBS Flushing, Mich. Cpl., A. Co., 7th Eng., A. E. F. Wounded RAY R. KRUMLAUF 1702 Beach St., Flint Pvt., E. Co., 125th Inf., 32nd Div., A, E. F. PAUL KRUSNIAK 2728 Avenue A, Flint Pvt., H. Co., 58th Inf., 7th Div., A. E. F. Gassed PET-ER KUGOR 1122 Maple St., Flint Pvt., Canadian Inf. ROY WILLIAM KRAPOHL 309 W. 1st St., Flint Pvt., WV'alter Reed Gen. Hosp., Washington, D. C. *i z:i: 1 a i JOHN KUKLA, JR. Clio, Mich., R. F. D. 1 Wag., 7th Cav., A. E. F, HOWARD H. KUMMNIER 1118 Chippewa St., Flint Pvt., U. S. A. ALFRED JEROME KURTZ 725 Stockton St., Flint Pvt., 100th Co., 24th Bn., M. T. C., A. E. F. HENRY JACOB KURTZ Flint, Mich., R. F. D. 10 Pvt., Anti-Aircraft Co., C. A. C. IRVIN KURTZ 215 S. Saginaw St., Flint Pvt., L. Co.. 116th Inf., 29th Div. A. E. F. JESS X. LA DU' ( '!io, 2Iichn Pvt., I. (Co., 7th inf.,; A. E. F. %T rriounded,, Oct, 4, 1918, f during tMeuse-Argonne E 3rd Divy,.our times offensive GEORGE E. LAFFERTY 1714 W., Court St., Flint L. Co., 5th Prov. Bn., Ft. Benj. Harrison, Ind. LOUIS D. LA FRANCE 817 Parkland St., Flint Pvt., 139th Eng., A. E. F. Slightly wounded LEWIS EDWARD LA FRENIER 416 Livingston Dr., Flint Pvt., 1st C1., E. Co., 7th Inf., 3rd Div., A. E. F. FRANK H. LAKER 1325 Lyon St., Flint -gt.. 1st C-, Meed. Dept., U. S. A., Htosp., Staten Island, N. Y, ALBERT EDWARD LAKIN 1224 %1 Avenue A, Flint Canadian Mtd. Eng. ERNES'T LALIBERTE 817 Newall St., Flint Pvt., U. S. A. C. T. LANDER 1364 Orchard St., Flint Pvt., Hq. Co., 338th Inf., A. E. F. IJAi..K J, L 1 3., A e -. n, e St g tt, Et, ~;, JOSEPH LANDRO 1525 North St., Flint fPvt. 81st 8s Co. Eng. Dept., A. E. F. (Four years naval service prior to war) LEON J. LA LONDE 819 Leith St., Flint Cpl., 338th Inf., A. E. F. 151 PATRICK H. LACEY 2021 Stanford Ave., Flint Pvt., D. Batt., 329th F. A., 85th Div., A. E. F. JAMES VALENTINE LACEY 2021 Stamford Ave., Flint Pvt., E. Batt., 329th F. A., 85th Div.. A. E. F. HARRY VERN LA BAR Cl1o, Mich. Pvt., Hq. Co., 119th F. A., 32nd Div., A. E. F. EARL LA BAR 741 Dayton St., Flint Pvt., C. Co., 1st Inf. GEORGE N. LA BARRE Gaines, Mich. Cpl., E.Batt., 329th F. A., 85th Div., A. E. F. NORMAN JOSEPH LARKIN 1102 Liberty St., Flint Pvt., 1lth Cav., A. E. F. JAMES LARKIN 507 E. 6th St., Flint PvLt. 160th Depot Brig., U. S. A. CHARLES W. LARKIN Montrose, Mich. Pvt., IT. S. A. HARRY LA POINTE Linden, Mich. Pvt., Canadian Army JOHEN DELBERT LA POINTE JOHN LANNON ROBERT FRANK LANGLEY Pvt Linden, M tich. I 32ndFlushing, Mich. 308 Mary St., Flint pvt., M. G. Co., 125th Inf., 3nd Div., Pvt., A. Co., 1st Div. Bn., 60th Dep. Pvt., 4th Squadron, 1st Prov. Regt., A.Killed in action. 4, 1918Brig., U. S. A. Spruce Div., U. S. A. Killed in action, Aug. 4, 1918 WILLIAM HENRY LANGLEY 308 Mary St., Flint Pvt., 4th Squadron, Spruce Div., U. S. A. WALTER J. LANGDON 123 W. 6th St., Flint Sgt., 1st Cl., A. S. S. C., 6th Detachment HARRY K. LANGDON 123 W. 6th St., Flint Pvt., 7th Squadron, Spruce Div., A. E. F. GEORGE LAMPROPULOS 208 S. Saginaw St., Flint Pvt., D. Co., 77th Inf. 152 OSCAR D. LANE 524 E. 3rd St., Flint Pvt., U. S. A. HAROLD R. LANE 228 Odette St., Flint Pvt., A. Co., 3rd Inf., U. S. A. HAROLD MACK LANE Flint Pvt., B. Batt., 104th F. A., A. E. F. FRED L. LANE 228 Odette St., Flint Pvt., 3rd Corps, A. E. F. "'r '^fcl^^1 lkff- T AUSTIN C. LANE Flint Pvt., Inf., A. E. F. HENRY LARSON 931 Warren St., Flint Sgt., H. Co., 385th Inf. MATT WILLIAM LASSILA 741 Hamilton Ave., Flint Cpl., U. S. A., Camp Meade, Md. ARTHUR LAUBE Grand Blanc, Mich. Pvt., 11th Prov. Squadron, A. S. S. C., U. S. A. WILBERT LAURENT 749 Harriet St., Flint Cpl., U. S. A. JOHN A. LAUTHERS 508 W. 2nd Ave., Flint Pvt., 1st Cl., Amb. Co. 351, 88th Div., A. E. F. ROBERT LAUTHERS 1913 Beach St., Flint Pvt., 50th Bn., Canadian E. F. Killed in action JOSEPH L. LAWTNER 616 7th St., Flint Pvt., H. Co., 338th Inf., A. E. F. Tr. to C. P. O., Bourges, France / PETER LAVANAS 734 Witherbee St., Flint Pvt., Inf., 85th Div., A. E. F. HARVEY LAWRENCE 1424 Liberty St., Flint Pvt., 'U. S. A. JOHN ARTHUR LAWRENCE 1424 Liberty St., Flint Pvt., A. E. F. ROBERT SAMUEL LAWRENCE 2511 North S't., Flint Pvt., M. T. C., A. E. F. 153 -1 - I I 1,! Ad A,,.,,,,,, wet===================.. 'i-:,\ y:::. - ^ ^'* Uv~~~~~~~~ —Y Y CHARLES A. LEACH LAVERGNE LEACH 1709 Bush Ave., Flint 808 Oak St., Flint S'gt., M. G. Co., 125th Inf., 32nd Div., Pvt., B. Co., 8th Cav. Tr. to A. Co., A. E. F. 4th M. P. Bn., 4th Div., A. E. F. COURTLAND LE CLAIR 2301 Maplewood Ave., Flint Pvt., 125th Inf., 32nd Div., A. E. F. Tr. to kMtd. Police, 7th Corps, 3rd Armry, A. E. F. ELBERT JAMES LEE 907 Leith St., Flint Pvt., Med. Dept., A. E. F. FLOYD LESTER LEE Fenton, Mich. Cp!., B. Co., 118th Eng., A. E. F. FORD PHILETUS LEE Fenton, Mich. PvtL, U. S'. A. FRANK G. LEONARD Flushing, Mich. Pvt., Camp Custer, Mich. DON L. LEESON 515 Beach St., Flint Pvt., 1st Cl., 51st Balloon Co., S. C., U. S. A. is CARL S. LETTS Flushing, Mich. Pvt., Co. D. Balloon Wing, A. S. S. C., A. E. F. GERALD FRANCIS LE TURNER 810 Prospect St., Flint Pvt., H. Co., 309th Inf., A. E. F. Gassed GEORGE EDWARD LEE Fenton, Mich. Cpl., A. Co., 106th Eng., A. E. F. HARRY CECIL LEWIS 1734 Montana Ave., Flint Pvt., 310th Sanitary Tr., 85th Div., A. E. F. itil I I II GEORGE B. LEMMEN Holland, Mich., R. F. D. 10 Cpl., U. S. A. STANLEY LESZKO 380 Industrial Ave., Flint Pvt.. 351st Amb. Co., 313th Sanitary Tr., 88th Div., A. E. F. JOSEPH LE VASSEUR 635 Genesee St., Flint a Pvt., Inf., A. E. F. ARTHUR G. LEWIS 815 Paterson St., Flint Pvt., F. A., 3rd Div., A. E F. I I 154 154 JOHN LEWIS Montrose, Mich. Cpl., E. Co., 125th Inf., 32nd Div., A. E. F. Wounded in leg by shrapnel ORLA E. LEWIS' Flushing, Mich. Pvt., 5th Co., 160th Depot Brig., U. S. A. ARTHUR T. LOARING 1714 W. Court St., Flint Pvt., G. Co., 18th Inf., 1st Div., A. E. F. Died of wounds, St. Mihiel offensive PATRICK JOHN LIDDLE Flint Pvt., G. Co., 44th W. Ont. Regt., Can. E. F. Wounded twice: Sept. 2, 1918. in shoulder near Arras; in hip and leg, Nov. 1, 1918, near Valencienneb. LEONARD RAYMOND LIGHTHALL 512 E. 9th St.. Flint Pvt., A. Co., 33rd M. N'. G. Mexican Border Service HOBART LOGAN LINDER Flushing, Mich. Pvt., 2nd Prov. Reg. Eng., Ft. Benj, Harrison, Ind., U. S. A. CLARENCE ALLEN LINDSAY 1801 Kansas Ave., Flint Sgt., Amb. Co. 351, 88th Div., A. E. F HENRY B. LINDSAY 1345 Fairview St., Flint Sgt., M. G. Co., 125th Inf., 32nd Div., A. E. F. Killed in action, Oct. 11, 1918, in Meuse-Argonne offensive DE VERE A. LINTZ 748 Elizabeth St., Flint Pvt., Amb. Co. 351, 88th Div., A. E. F. ALBERT E. LIPSKE 207 E. 13th St., Flint Cpl., A. Batt., 62nd Regt., C. A. C., A. E. F. WILLIAM LISTERMAN Flint Pvt., F. Troop, 17th Cav., U. S. A. LEON D. LISCOM Ortonville, Mich. Pvt., G. Co., 338th Inf., 85th Div., A. E. F. RAY LITZINGER 734 Taylor St., Flint Pvt., S. A. T. C., U. of M. JOHN C. LOCHER 732 Leith S't., Flint Cpl., E. Co., 7th Supply Tr., 7th Div., A. E. F. WILLIAM H. LINCOLN 292 Lomita Ave., Flint Pvt., Camp McClellan, Ala. EDWARD M. LINCOLN 292 Lomita Ave., Flint Pvt., Camp Gordon, Ga. HENRY OBIE LOCKHART 1122 Central Ave., Flint Pvt., 2nd Army Provisional Replacement Bn., A. E. F. HARRY H. LOGAN 325 Beach St., Flint Pvt., Inf, 42nd Div., A. E. F. Gassed TONY LOMBARDY 818 Trafalet St., Flint f'Pvt., F. A., 85th Div., A. E. F. VICTOR ERNEST LONE Goodrich, Mich. Sgt., Medical Dept., U. S. A. FARWELL A. LONG 1427 Garland St., Flint Cpl., E. Batt., 73rd F. A., A. E. F. FRANK LONG 914 Durant St., Flint Pvt., 14th Div., U. S. A. JOHN JAMES LONG 1.819 Magnolia St., Flint Pvt., 1st Bn., WV. 0. R., Canadian Army; Pvt., 344th Motor Truck Co., U. S. A. WILLIAM E. LONGMORE 110 W. 6th St., Flint Sgt., 1st C!., Ordnance Dept., U. S. A. BURT NORTON LOOMIS 808 Elizabeth St., Flint Pvt., C. Batt., 329th F. A., 85th Div., A. E. F. GILBERT FRED LOOZE 520 South St., Flint E. Co., 125th Inf., 32nd Div., A. E. F. Wounded once; gassed twice PHILIP LOSEY 814 Hamilton Ave., Flint Pvt., 160th Depot Brig., Camp Custer. Died of influenza, Oct. 1918 THOMAS TOWN 1530 Arizona Ave., Flint Sgt., 63rd Bn., Canadian E. F. ORVILLE R. LOVELL 1309 Lingle Ave., Flint Pvt., 2nd F. A., U. S'. A. ARCHIE FRANCIS LOWLY Flushing, Mich. Sgt., E. Co., 125th Inf., 32nd Div., A. E. F. Wounded, Battle of Juvigny WILLIAM C. LOWNEY Flint, R. F. D. 5 Pvt., 23rd Co., Depot Brig., Camp Dix, N. Y. ELI LUBECK 614 Henderson St., Flint Pvt., 50th Inf., A. E. F. 156 HERMAN D. LUCE R. F. D. No. 4, Flint Pvt., Wag. Co., 23rd Eng., A. E. F. PEARL LUDINGTON 718 Bryan PI., Flint Cpl., A. S. S. C.. San Antonio, Tex. EVERETT LEROY LUDWIG R. F. D. No. 4, Clio, Mich. Cpl. A. Co., S. A. T. C., Albion College CLINTON ERNEST LUNT 807 Liberty St., Flint Pvt., Amb. Co. San. Tr. 309, A. E. F. WILLIAM FREDERICK LUTZ Fenton, Mich. Pvt., M. T. C., U. S. A. STUART A. LYMBURN R. F. D. No. 8. Flint Pvt., A. S. S. C., 233rd Aero Sq., Kelly Field, Tex. LAWRENCE J. LYNK Davison, Mich. Pvt., Ist Cl., K. Co., 77th Inf., U. S. A. VIMON C. LYNK Davison, Mich. Pvt., F. Co., 6ist Inf., A. E. F. ARTHUR McALEY CLAUD EARL McALLISTER Davison, Mich. Fenton, Mich. Pvt., Med. Dept., Camp Hosp. 4, A. E. F. Pvt., r6oth Depot Brig., Camp Custer. CHARLES CLARE McARA R. F. D. No. io, Flint Pvt., U. S. A. REGINALD S. McBRIDE 614 Dayton St., Flint Cpl., D. Batt., 328th F. A., 85th Div., A. E. F. JAMES WALKER McCABE 307 Mason St., Flint Cpl., C. Co., 39th Inf.. 4th Div., A. E. F SHELDON McCALL Flushing, Mich. Pvt., F. Co., I24th Eng., A. E. F. DAVID McCANN I318 Walker St., Flint Pvt., Spruce Div., U. S. A. GEORGE McCANN I314 Walker St., Flint Pvt., 324th Co., Remount Depot, Camp McArthur, Tex. 157 HARVEY McCORD 826 Dayton St., Flint Pvt., Wag. Co., 310th Amm. Tr., 85th Div., A. E. F. JOSEPH CLARK McCOMBS Montrose, Mich. Pvt., C. Co., 160th Depot Brig., Camp Custer WILLIAM McCLELLAN 1618 Indiana. Ave., Flint Pvt., Canadian E. F. HUBBARD McCLELLAN 1510 Harrison St., Flint Pvt., A. E. F. HUGH ALLEN McCANN Gaines, Mich. Pvt., Pioneer Inf., U. S. A. NOLAN ERVWIN McCORKLE 1641 Mabie St., Flint 456 Squadron, Spruce Div., U., S. A. GEORGE W. McCORMICK 426 W. 5th St., Flint Pvt., S'pruce Div., Tj. S. A. (Surveyor) JAMES F. McCORMICK 1221 Broadway, Flint Pvt., Spruce Div., U. S. A. JEROME E. McCORMICK EARL ARDEN McCRAY 426 W. 5th St., Flint 4034 Industrial Ave., Flint Cpl., S. A. T. C., Mich. School of Pvt., 120th Aero Squadron, A. S. S. C. Mines, Houghton, Mich. DAWN McCREERY Flint, R. F. D. 9 Cpl., D. Co., 34th Inf., A. E FP. SAMUEL McCREERY 218 W. 9th St., Flint E. Batt., 328th F. A., 85th Div., A. E. F. DOUGLAS ANDREW McCRINDLE 335 Avon St., Flint Pvt., Med. Dept., U. S. A. D. D. McCUBBIN Atlas, Mich. Sgt., B. Co., 128th Inf., 32nd Div., A. E. F. Gassed at Fismes. Severely wounded in hip day armistice was signed HUGH McCURDY WILLIAM McDEVITT Fenton, Mich. N. Saginaw St., Flint Mech., G. Co., 338th Inf., 8Sth Div., Pvt., Unit 302, Regimental P. 0. 772, A. E. F. A. E. F. Wounded 158 is j w 2 I 2 S L; E w C"*'**'*' ----*~MTMI-~=~================= ~i~a-m I k I I. MICfHAEL HAROLD McDON1NELL 1122 Root St., Flint Pvt., st CL, M. Co., 3rd Bn., 340th Inf., A. E. F..r.I HENRY MDcERMITT 405 Frost St., Flint Pvt., Inf., A. E. F. Wounded twice WILLIAM McDONALD Montrose, Mich. Pvt., U. S. A. FAY McDOUGALL 742 Dayton St., Flint Pvt., G. Co., 7th Inf., 3rd Div., A. E. F. JOHN ALEXANDER McDOUGALL 507 Ann Arbor St., Flint Bugler, H. Co., 168th Inf., A. E. F. Wounded, Marne counter offensive; gassed,. Meuse-Argonne offensive JOHN M. McDOUGAL AdOSEPHfI McFADDEN 508 HIascall St., Flint 906 Dayton St., Flint Pvt., U.T S. A. Pvt., C. A. S. A. JOSEPH PETTIS McFARLEN Grand Blanc. Mieh. P1vt.. S. A. T. C., U. of M. -l | g p GEORGE THEODORE McFARLING 824 Leith St., Flint Pvt., 1st Cl., 125th Inf., 32nd Div., A. E. F. Killed in action during Marne counteroffensive, while administering first aid to a comrade. _ _.JOHN R. McGARVEY Thetford Twp., Mich. Pvt., K. Co,, 7th Inf., 3rd Div., A. E. F. Gassed PATRICK McGHEE MARTIN JOSEPH McGINNIS 156 Oliver St., Flint Mt. Morris, Mich. Pvt. 72nd Regt.. C. A. C., A. E F. Pvt., Med. Dept., 338th Inf., 85th Div., A. E. F. i I I HIUGH McGLINCHY Flint, Mich., R. F. D, 5 Pvt., L. Co., 139th Inf., 35th Div. A. E. F. J'OHN CONNWAY McGUIRE 1520 Avenue C, Flint Pvt,- Q. M. C., 310th Supply Tr., 8S5th Di v. A. E. F. JOHIN SIMPKINS' McINNES Flint Sapper, Canadian Ry. Eng., Canadian E. F. Gassed near Cambrai ARTHUR M. MacKENZIE 203 Forest St., Flint tPvt, A. Co., 310th Amm. Tr., 8Sth Div., A. E. F. b-In-~~~~~~~~~~~ ~ a~159 159 I PAUL TEMPLE MacCRIMMON 219 W. Witherbee St., Flint Sgt., S. A. T. C., Olivet College J. ROSES Ma~cDONALD 1409 S. Saginaw St., Flint 1st Sgt., M. T. C., Work Shop Truck Unit, 380, U. S. A. JACK IRA McKENZIE 719 WVitherbee St., Flint Cipl.. E. Co., 125th Inf., 32nd Div A. E. Fe GLEN G. MacGILLIVRAY 1304 Detroit St., Flint Cpl., M. G. Co., 125th Inf., 32nd Div., A. E. F. Wounded, Oct. 11, 1918, Argonne Forest CHARLES WILLIAM McKINNEY 623 Perry St., Flint Pvt., 1st C1., 32nd Balloon Co., 2nd Regt., A. E. F. KENNETH L. MacKINNON 430 McCreery St., Flint Pvt., Med. Dept., F. H. 22 HAROLD MacLAUGHLIN 724 Pierson St., Flint Pvt., San. Det., 126th Inf., 32nd Div., A. E. F. FRANK H. McLEAN 1309 Halsey St., Flint Pvt., E. Batt., 104th F. A., 27th Dlv., A. E. F. JOHN NEWTON McMURTRY 103 W. 9th St., Flint Cpl., Provost Guard, Camp Custer HARRY McPHILIMY Genesee St., Flint Pvt., 18th Co., Depot Brig., Camp Dodge, Ia. OTTO E. McVANNEL 1508 S. S'aginaw St., Flint Pvt., E. Co., 125th Inf., 32nd Div., A. E. F. CLARENCE BRAINERD McWAIN Grand Blanc, Mich. Pvt., 1st CL., 36th Service Co., A. E. F. FRANK McNALLY Flushing, Mich. Pvt., D. Co., 40th F. A., A. E. F. JOHN ERASTUS MAITROTT 1121 Detroit St., Flint Pvt., 1st Cl., Amb. Co. 351, 313th San. Tr., 88th Div., A. E. F. CARL MAJOR Utah Ave., Flint Sgt., U. S. A., Camp Custer WILLIAM MEEKER 612 N. Saginaw St., Flint 160 | — i ---: 5~===~ == = == ~~ li PEARL FRANCIS MAINE 1007 Chippewa St., Flint Wag., Hq. Troop, 29th Eng., A. E, F. Wounded JOSEPH MALLORY 324 Wood St., Flint Pvt., L. Co., 40th Inf., A. E. F. GEORGE H. R. MAHLE 222 W. 4th Ave., Flint Cpl., C. Co., 310th Inf., A. E. F. FRANK T. MAHER 323 W. 3rd St., Flint Cpl., B. Co., 26th Eng. Tr. to Div. Mil. Eng. and Eng. Supply. Gassed JOVO MADISH 1207 Campau Ave., Flint Serbian Infantry RALPH PAUL MALONEY Linden, Mich. Pvt., D. Batt., 67th Co., C. A. C.., A. E. F. EARL ORRIN MALTBY 1329 Garland St., Flint Sgt., Med. Dept., Base Hosp. 91, A. E. F. JOHN MANCOSS' Oakland St., Flint Pvt., U. S. A., Camp Custer FRANK W. MARKELL 207 Avon St., Flint CARL MARSHALL Sgt., C. Co., 23rd Inf., 2nd Div., 1420 Lyon St., Flint A. E. F. Cpl., 125th Inf., 32nd Div., A. E. F. Severely wounded in limb; gassed. In Wounded by shrapnel and rifle bullet. service Army and Navy for 13 years Gassed VERN MANCOUR Linden, Mich. Pvt., S. A. 'T. C., Mich. State Normal College DON DURBIN MANLEY 112 E. 9th St., Flint Sgt., H. Co., 338th Inf., 85th Div., A. E. F. CARL J. MANNEBACH 111 l1th Ave., Flint Pvt., C. Co., 310th Amm. Tr., 85th Div., A. E. F. FRANK S. MAREY 742 Mary St., Flint Pvt., K. Co., 14th Inf., U. S. A. JOHN LEWIS MARKLEY Davison, Mich. Wag., Supply Co., 337th Inf., 85th Div., A. E. F. ALBERT GRANT MARQUETTE 702 Prospect St., Flint Pvt., Hq. Co., 339th Inf., A. E. F. (Russian front) ~a~ it-: 310M ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ B 161 CLYDE S. MARSH-ALL 808 Begole St., Flint Pvt., Med. Dept., U. S. A. ELGIN A. MARSHALL 747 Warren St., Flint Sapper, Canadian E. F. Woundeel ELMER:E A MA}:RSHALL.]-L 747 \Warren St., Flint 'pl., H1q. Co., t?5th Inf., 1 32nd DI)v A.. E. F. FRANK MARSHALL 758 Rankin St., Flint Sgt., C. A. C., U. S. A. FRED NELSON MARSHALL Mt. Morris, Mich. Cpl,- E. Co., 125th Inf., 32nd Div., A. E. F. LESTER IRVING MARSHALL 821 Mason St., Flint P'vt., Med. Dept., tU. S. A. NELSON GILLETT MARSHALL Clio, Mich, R. F. D, 3 Pvt., U. S. A. PAUL FRENCH MARSHALL R. F. D. 5, Flint C. Co., 322nd Field Bn., S. C., A. E. F.:j WILLIAM ROBERT MARSHALL 1420 Lyon St., Flint Pvt., E. Batt., 67th Co., C. A. C., A. E. F. BERNARD SAMUEL MARTIN Flint Pvt., Aero M. G. School, A. E. F. ELMER J. MARTIN 4618 N.Saginaw St., Flint 'PL., 310th Amm. Tr., A. E FWounded HENRY CHRISTIAN MARTIN Flint, Mich., R. F. D. 5 Pvt., B.Co., 34th Inf., A. E. F. KENNETH McPHERSON MARTIN 2023 Ferris Ave., Flint Act. Cpl., Canadian Army MANLEY J. MARTIN 152 Genesee St., Flint Pvt., 1st Cl., 23rd Repl. Base Hosp. 0. J. MARTIN 4618 N. Saginaw St., Flint Pvt., 57th Amm. Tr., A. E. F. RALPH WILLIAM MARTIN 803 Avon St., Flint Pvt., S'upply Co., 125th F. A., 34th Dlv., A. E. F. 162 moll asM-ss' AI I I I I I I I II WILLIAM PERRY MARTIN 865 W. Anne St., Flint FRANK MARTINEK Pvt., C. Co., 18th Inf., 1st Div.. Swartz Creek, Mich. A. E. F. Pvt., K. Co., 345th Inf., U. S. A. Wounded, Oct. 6, 1918, during MeuseArgonne offensive ARTHUR MASCHINO 909 Vosburg St., Flint PHILLIP MASCHINO Pvt., A. Co., 7th Tnf., 3rd Div., 909 Vosburg St., Flint A. E. F. Pvt., 6th Eng., 3rd Div., A. E. F. Died, Oct. 16, 1918, of wounlds received during Meuse-Argonne offensive WILLIAM F. MASCHINO Davison, Mich., R. F. D. 2 Pvt., F. Co., 61st Pioneer Inf.. U. S. A. JOHN F. MASCHINO Davison, Mich., R. F. D. 2 Pvt. 325th Aero Squadron, S. C. U. S. A. TOM MAWD)SLEY BURLEY G-ARRETT MASON O thA nt 2913 Industrial Ave., Flint 2913 a AvCu., Flt Pvt., C. T. C., Canadian E. F. Pvt., Cmp C uster W iounded and gassed at Passchendsele, Belgium i 11 GUY E. MAXFIELD Richfield Twp., Mich. Pvt., U. S. A. ROY A. MAXFIELD Otisville, Mich. Pvt., A. Co., 104th F. A., A. E. F. Wounded by shell fire WALTER P. MAY 2303 N. S'aginaw St.. Flint Sgt., Canadian Med. Corps, (anadian E. F. HORACE MAYVILLE 1009 Merrill St., Flint Pvt., E. Co., M. T. C. Unit 308 WILLIAM MEAD Mcntrose, Mich. Pvt., F. Co., 307th Inf. FREDERICK S. MEARS 917 Lyon St., Fiint Pvt., 5th Co., 1st Brig. Air Service Depot. S. C. ARTHUR EDMAN MEEKER Rogersville, Mich. Pvt., M. Co., 16th Inf., 1st Div. A. E. F. ANTHONY MAVSEK Flint, Mich., R. F. D. 6 Pvt., Inf., U. S. A. 163 EARL C. MERRILL 431% Detroit St., Flint Cpl., F. Co., 1st Eng., 1st Div., A. E. F. MIKE MENOSKY 3613 'Industrial Ave., Flint Sgt., General Hq., A. E. F. COSIMO MENARDO 925 Leith St., Flint Pvt., L. Co., 55th Inf., 7th Div., A. E. F. JOHN OBED MELICK 609 Pierson St., Flint Pvt., 1st Cl., C. Co., 18th Inf., 1st Div., A. E. F. Wounded, Meuse-Argonne offensive PAUL R. MERRILL 431% Detroit St., Flint Pvt., 26th Balloon Co. FLOYD MELFORD MEEKER Rogersville, Mich. Cook, B. Co., 116th Eng., A. E. F. ARTHUR HAROLD MERRITT 741 Rankin St., Flint Sgt., E. Co., 125th Inf., 32nd Div., A. E. F. Tr. to Field Bn., Signal Corps. Gassed, Meuse-Argonne FREDERIC MESSENGER Clio, Mich. Sgt., Mech. Regt., A. S. S. C., A. E. F. JAMES T. MESS'MORE Flushing, Mich. Pvt., 85th Div., A. E. F. JAMES METZGER Geneseeville, Mich. Cpl., U. S. A. LEO R. METZGER Geneseeville, Mich. Cpl., A. Co., 338th Inf., 85th Div.. A. E. F. STEPHEN MICHAEL 905 Warren St., Flint Cpl., E. Co., 125th Inf., 32nd Div., A. E. F. Wounded twice LOREN CLIFFORD MIDDLETON Montrose, Mich. Sgt., B. Co., 57th Amm. Tr. 2606 St. John St., Flint Pvt., Canadian Inf. I HOWARD F. MIDDLEBROOK Montrose, Mich. Pvt., D. Co., S. A. T. C., M. A. C. MIKE MIKELSON 1529 Oklahoma Ave., Flint Pvt., 160th Depot Brig., U. S. A 164 P pp - I I IIo- I CARL BOD MILLER CARL BOYD M ILLER 626 Wolcott St., Flint Pvt., Inf., U. S. A. CHARLIE MILLER 217 I2th St., Flint Pvt. M. T. C., 464th Co., U.S.A. CHARLES MILLER Otisville, Mich. Pvt., Ist Cl., Inf., 32nd Div., A. E. F. Wounded in arm and eye CARSON R. MILLER 734 Parkland St., Flint Pvt., U. S. A. FLOYD DELOS MILES Davison, Mich. Pvt., M. T. C., Repair Co. 26, A. E. F. BRUCE WHITE MILLS 125 E. 5th St., Flint Chauffeur, 29ISt Aero Squad. WILLIAM WILSON MILLER 12I I5th St., Flint Pvt., F. Co., 3ioth Amm. Tr., tr. to M.P.C SEYMOUR SAMUEL MILLER 8og9 E. 8th St., Flint Pvt., Ist Cl., 5th Eng., U. S. A. RICHARD HARVEY MILLER 51I5 Chase St., Flint Pvt., K. Co., 340th Inf., A. E. F. RAYMOND ROY MILLER I417 Ave. C., Flint Pvt., 329th F. A. 85th Div., A. E. F. MYRON CURTIS MILLER R. F. D. No. I, Davison, Mich. Pvt., F. Co., 7th Inf., 3rd Div., A. E. F. Wounded in left cheek by shrapnel JEROME WESLEY MILLER Flushing, Mich. Sgt., ist C1., Med. Dept., U. S. A.. Long Island, N. Y. HAROLD W. MILLER GEORGE 1-1. MILLER Davison, Mich. I8 Prospect St., Flint Pvt., F. H. 127, Io7th San. Tr., A. E. F. Pvt., 26th Inf., ist Div., A, E. F. Died of wounds received in action FRED W. MILLER I415 Chippewa St., Flint Sgt., U. S. A. FRANK MILLER 1421 Ave. B., Flint Pvt., xst Gas Regt., A. E. F. 165 It,: y^- *" 8., I "I I:::E FLOYD H. MILLER Flint 6soth Aero Squad., Kelly Field, Tex. ORRELL E. MILLER Flint Pvt., i6th Prov. Co., Camp Hancock, Ga., U. S. A. HARRY A. MILLER 2520 N. Saginaw St., Flint Pvt., E. Co., 26th Eng., A. E. F. Killed Dec. 8, I9i8, at Souilly, France. DENNIS MILLER 2I7 I2th Ave., Flint Pvt., 25Sth Amb. Co., I4th Div., U.S.A. CLAUDE ANDREW MILLER 712 Edmund St., Flint Supply Sgt., 35Ist Amb. Co., 88th Div. A. E. F. JAMES DANIEL MILLS 5Iq Frost St., Flint Pvt., B. Batt., 25th Regt., C. A. C. A. E. F. LESTER DONALD MILLS R. F. D. No. 3, Flint Supply Sgt., 89th Squad., A. S. S. C. U. S. A. RAYMOND W. MINER 745 Harriett St., Flint Cpl., D. Co., 328th F. A., 85th Div. A. E. F. WILLIAM ARTHUR MINER 613 E. 6th St., Flint Pvt., U. S. A. JOHN MINZEY I409 Jane St., Flint Pvt., 3rd Co., O. R. S. D., A. E. F. JOE MISURACA 923 Durant St., Flint Pvt., Inf., A. E. F. GEORGE MITCHELL Swartz Creek, Mich. Pvt., C. Co., I6th Inf., Ist Div., A. E. F. HOWARD A. MITCHELL THOMAS W. hITCHELL 1817 Bennett St., Flint Swartz Creek, MiRh. Bugler, 82nd Inf. Service in Hawaiir Pvt., E. Co., 7th Inf., 3rd Div., A. E. F. Four years in regular army. WILLIE MITCHELL 9oI X2 Spencer St., Flint Pvt., D. Co., 8ogth Pioneer Inf., A. E. F. HERBERT HENRY MITSON I o08 Ave. B., Flint Sgt., i89th A. S. S. C., A. E. F. 166 JAMES RUSSELL MOFFATT 821 E. 5th St.,, Flint Cpl., Base Hospital, Q. M. C., Camp Hancock, Ga. LAWVSON J. MONi<:RIEFF 1216 Chippewa St,. Flint CpL. A Batt., 74th ArtL, C. A. C A. E. F. WILLIAM C. MONKS 1364 St. Johns St., Flint Cpl., Photo Detach. 33, A. S. S. C. Park Field, Memphis, Tenn. WALTER D. MONROE 1114 Avenue B, Flint Pvt., E. Co., 28th Eng., A. E. F. RALPH C. MONTAGUE Mt. IMorris, Mich., R. F. D. 2 Pvt., B. Batt., 328th F. A., 85th Dliv A. E. F. JOHN WESLEY MOORE 842 E. 9th Stf, Flint CpI,- 380th Aero Squadron. A. S. SC. C SAMUEL GILBERT MOORE 715 Taylor St., Flint Cpl., Med. Dept., A. E. F. LOUIS J. MORIN 919 Paterson St., Flint Pvt., U. S. A. HARRY A. MORLEY R. F. D. 2, Atherton Rd., Flint, Mich. Sgt., G. Co., 338th Inf., A. E. F. LLOYD E. MORRIS 1110 Oak St., Flint;agt.. Auto Replacement Detachment, U. S. A. AUSTIN C. MORRISH 473 Williams St., Flint Pvt., F. Co., 312th Eng., 87th Div., A. E. F. EARL W. MORRISH 473 Williams St., Flint Pvt., E. Batt., 328th F. A., 85th Div., A. E, F. HAROLD N. MORRISH 809 Ann Arbor St., Flint Pvt., 85th Div., A. E. F. WA YN E SLA I- E 1.031 Garl'and!; Sgt., WI. G(A Co.. 1 25th A. E!.! WWounded thrice —J.in Sioissons, l. euse- A- gi ARCHIBALD MORSE, JR. Montrose, Mich. Pvt., H. Co., 64th Inf., A. E. F. CLAUDE ELMER MORS'E Byron, Mich. Pvt., D. Co., 16th Inf., 1st Div., A. E. F. 167 i | j f I I I I - l S I I i1. i.. 11. I ' WHITMAN FRANKLYN C. MORSE Wag., D. Co., 7th Amm. Tr., 7th Div., A. E. F. PERRY MORSE 919 Wolcott St., Flint Pvt., Hq. Co., Replacement Bn., Ist Corps, A. E. F. LOWELL M. MORSE HAROLD M. MORSE 748 Elizabeth St., Flint Pershing St., Flint Pvt., 35Ist Amb. Co., San. Tr., 313, Pvt., 88th Div., A. E. F. 88th Div., A. E. F. AMI D. MORTON Mt. Morris, Mich. Pvt., Ist CI., C. Co., 77th Inf. BYRON CHARLES MORTON Flushing, Mich. Cpl., A. Co., I25th Inf., 32nd Div., A. E. F. Severely wounded July 3I, I918, near Cierges, Chateau-Thierry fCfensive. WILLIAM FRANK MOSEY Flushing, Mich. Pvt. C. Co., 333rd Inf., A. E. F. BURT JENNINGS MOYER Fenton, Mich. Pvt., U. S. A. I FRANK WILLARD MOYER Fenton, Mich. Pvt., D. -o., 307 Inf., A. E. F., M. P. Paris LAWRENCE MOYER I212 Roosevelt Ave., Flint Pvt., L. Co., 40th Inf. RODOLPH ELWIN MOYER Flushing, Mich. Pvt., F. Co., 77th Inf., I4th Div. RAYMOND LEROY MUCHLER 0O38 Ann Arbor St., Flint Pvt., 57th Batt., I5th Anti-Aircraft Sector CLYDE MUCHLER R. F. D. No. i, Flint Pvt., 85th Div. Died at Camp Custer, May 9, 1918 GUY W. MtJDGE Montrose, Mich. Pvt., Base Hospital, Camp Custer RALPH WALDO MUMFORD 712 Clifford St., Flint Pvt., 328th F. A., 85th Div., A. E. F. RAYMOND C. MUNDY R. F. D. No. 5, Flint Pvt., I. Co., 338th Inf., Tr. to Hq. Co. ~ 28th Inf., ist Div.. A. E. F. 168 . HAROLD GRAHAM MUNRO Grand Blanc Pvt. Med. Dept., A. E. F. GRANT MARVIN MURPHY 2017 Burr Blvd., Flint Pvt. E Co., 28th Inf., 1st Div., A. E. F., Gassed PETER JOSEPH MURPHY 2121 Williams Ave., Flint 1st. Sgt., E Co., 14th Amm. Tr., U. S. A. TIMOTHY JAMES MURPHY 723 Dayton St., Flint Pvt. U. S. A., Camp Custer Died of wounds, Nov. 17, 1918, Base Hospital 22, of wounds received at Clair Chenes Wood Oct. 20, 1918 WILLIAM T. MURPHY 925 W. Kearsley St.. Flint Pvt. A Co.. 59th Inf., A. E. F. Wounded in hip ALVIN EUGENE MURRAY Flint Pvt. Radio Service, S. C., U. S. A. FLOYD D. MYERS Pvt. 85th Div., A. E. F. Swartz Creek LEO NACHTWERH 726 Taylor St., Flint Pvt. Hq. Co., 77th Inf. JAMES W. NANKERVIS 1406 Beach St., Flint Pvt., B. Batt., 329th F. A., 85th Div., A. E. F. LOUIS NARDE 1109 St. Johns St., Flint Pvt. 833rd Aero Squad, S. C., A. E. F. HARRY O. NAU Otisville, Mich. Pvt. A Co., S. A. T. C. C:entral Michigan Normal College THEODORE W. NEAL 763 Parkland St., Flint Pvt. U. S. A. EARL NELSON NEEDHAM 123 Rosetta Ave., Flint Sgt. M. T. C., Camp S'herman, O. ELAMER LINCOLN NEELEY Clio, Mich. Pvt., C. Co., 58th Inf., 7th Div., A. E. F. Died Nov. 4, 1918, of wounds received Oct. 1, Meuse-Argonne offensive LA VERN NEELEY Clio, Mich. Pvt. I Co., 56th Inf., A. E. F SYLVENUS NEELEY Clio, Mich. Pvt. Inf., A. E. F. 169 w A - A: WILLIAM A. NEITHERCUT 912 Young St., Flint Pvt., 41st Training Batt., O. T. C., F. A., Camp Taylor, Ky. CHARLES S. NEITHERCUT 912 Young St., Flint Pvt., B. Batt., 329th F. A., 85th Div. A. E. F. JOHN NIEDZELSKE 813 Pleasant St., Flint Pvt., 8th Co., 160th Depot Brig., Camp Custer CLYDE NELSON Flushing, Mich. Pvt., 1st CI., 321st Co., 302nd Tank Center, Tank Corps, A. E. F. EDWARD ELMER NELSON 606 Baker St., Flint Pvt., A. S. S. C., A. E. F. VERN A. NELSON Flushing, Mich. Pvt., 160th Depot Brig., UT. S. A. WILLIAM HENRY NEMIRE 2602 N. S'aginaw St., Flint Pvt., 351st Inf., A. E. F. ALEX NESSER 2819 Industrial Ave., Flint Pvt., 338th Inf., A. E. F. >i ARZIE LEROY NEWING 717 W. 5th Ave., Flint Pvt., H. Co., 35th Eng., A. E. F. MANFORD SODORIA NEWMAN Flint, R. F. D. 2 Pvt., Inf., A. E. F. MELVIN L. NEWTON Fenton, Mich. Bugler, C. Co., 310th Amm. Tr. 85th Div., A. E. F. JOSEPH CECIL NICHOLS 560 E. 5th Ave., Flint 1st Sgt., I. Co., 338th Inf., 85th Div., A. E. F. GORDON NICKERSON Flushing, Mich. 1st Sgt., Columbus Bks., Columbus, O. EARL NICHEL 621 Pierson St., Flint Pvt., 142nd Aero Squad, S. C. CARL NIELSON 1317 Cleveland Ave., Flint Pvt., Amb. Co. 351, 88th Div., A E. F. JOHN MARTIN NIELSON 527 Smith St., Flint Pvt., 138th Inf., A. E. F. 170 I.,k IM,, i& mw_ k,.,- g "Z.,. qg,-, RAYMOND EARL NIXON 814 W. 3rd Ave., Flint 63rd Squadron, Spruce Div., U. S. A. WILLIAM CLAYTON NIXON Mt. Morris, Mich. Pvt., 160th Depot Brig, Camp Custer RAYMOND NIXON Montrose, Mich. Pvt., U. S. A. HARLOW CECIL NIMPHIE Duffield, Mich. Pvt., G. Co., 23rd Eng., 2nd Div., A. E. F. OTTO B. NORTON 130 Bruce St., Flint Cpl., Hospital Unit 43, Med. Dept., A. E. F. WALTER ANTHONY NOBLET Grand Blanc, Mich., R. F. D. 1 Pvt., C. Co., 337th Inf., 85th Div., A. E. F., tr. to G. Co., 7th Inf., A. E. F. ELMER HERMAN NOHL 1213 Halsey St., Flint Sgt., E. Co., 125th Inf., 32nd Div., A. E. F. Wounded JAMES O. NOLIN 1513 Indiana Ave., Flint Sgt., 44th Co., 160th Depot Brig., 14th Div., U. S'. A. ADOLPH E. NORENBERG 1611 Texas Ave., Flint Wag., D. Batt., 118th F. A., A. E. F. EARL P. NORTHRUP 4302 Crissman St., Flint Cpl., 100th Balloon Co., A. E. F. EDWIN NORTON 735 Durant St., Flint Pvt., A. Batt., 2nd F. A., A. E. F. GEORGE HENRY NORTON 1707 Donald St., Flint Pvt., S. A. T. C., U. of M. CLARENCE L. NUTTLE 2805 Olive St., Flint Sgt., C. Co., 310th Eng., 85th Div., tr. to Camp Hancock, Ga. EARL B. NYE Goodrich, Mich. Cpl., G. Co., 338th Inf., 85th Div. A. E. F. GURO NJEGOVAN 1146 Maple St., Flint Pvt., Serbian Inf. ISAAC A. OBERHOLTZER 1510 Avenue C, Flint Pvt., Hq. Co., 338th Inf., A. E. F. lN I I I I i I en3 B ftI --- -- I I I RALPH EDWARD OAKS 344 Wood St., Flint Cpl., G. Co., 338th Inf., A. E. F. HERBERT EDWARD OAKS RUSSELL O'BERRY 344 Wood St., Flint Flint Pvt., 24th Co., 160th Depot Brig. (Cl. S. A. T. C., Mt. Pleasant Normal College JAMES O'DAY 902 Hamilton Ave., Flint Pvt., B. Batt., Ft. Totton, N. Y., C. A. C. CHARLES ELTON ODELL 516 E. 2nd St., Flint Pvt., 1st Cl., E. Co., 78th Inf., 14th Div., U. S. A. WVILLIAM OKAL 2615 North St., Flint Cpl., 312th Eng. EDWARD PATRICK O'KEEFE 813 Margaret St., Flint Cpl., Inf., A. E. F. Wounded. Tr. to 339th Inf., Russian front, where he was gassed and invalided home COR1NELIUS FRANCES O'LEARY Davison, Mich. Pvt., 1st CI., E. Co., 424 Tel. R. R. Bn., S. C., U. S. A. - -1 I LAWRENCE DOUGLAS OLSEN CLAUDE R. OLESWAGER 1038 Ann Arbor St., Flint 1822 Fenton St., Flint Pvt., F. C., 26th Inf., Ist Div., A. E. F. Pvt., I. Troop, 14th Cav. Tr. to 5th Wounded by hand grenade, Nov. 3, Amm. Tr., A. E. F. 1918, during Meuse-Argonne offensive EDWARD O'NEILL a516 Hascall St., Flint Cpi., 85th Div., A. E. F. IRVING O'NEILL 516 Hascall St., Flint Pvt., 59th Inf., A. E. F. CHARLES JOHN O'NEILL 213 Green St., Flint Pvt., 9th Bn., 160th Depot Brig., Camp Custer. Tr. to Flint Draft Board No. 1 CHARLES' A. O'NEILL 516 Hascall St., Flint Pvt., B. Batt., 15th Sector, C. A. C. Anti-Aircraft Div., U. SF A.,DAN OPALA 2615 Michigan Ave., Flint 1st Inf., Canadian E. F. RALPH ORENDORFF 733 Warren St., Flint Pvt., K. Co., 59th Inf., A. E. F. Wounded tn f- -a1gjtt 172 wall I I I I I 71 Mlw~l SattM===- -= = = = = = = =-~ - i I MORLEY A. PALMER THORVALD ORSAHL EDWARD J. OUELLETTE 1032 Avenue B, Flint 515 Mason St., Flint 750 Harriet St., Flint Pvt., K. Co., 28th Inf. Tr. to E. Co., Pvt.. 107th Squad, Spruce Div., Cpl., 26th Batt., 1st Anti-Aircraft 163rd Inf. Tr. to L. Co., 125th Inf., U. S'. A. Sec., A. E. F. 32nd Div., A. E. F. Wounded July 31, 1918, Chateau-Thierry CHAUNCEY M. PARK CLARE N. PARKER ALBERT RUSSELL PARKER 503 Williams St., Flint 828 Baker St., Flint Grand Blanc, Mich. Pvt., Amb. Co. 333, Sanitary Train Musician, 31st F. A., Regimental Bnd Pvt., S. A. T. C., Olivet College, Mich. 309, 88th Div., A. E. F. 309, $Sth Div., A. E. F. MANSFIELD PARK 914 Ann Arbor St., Flint Pvt., 1st Cl., 6th Co., C. A. C., Fort Adams, R. I. ALLAN PARKER 614 E. Court St., Flint Pvt., S. A. T. C., M. A. C. wl i _ r ELIJAH EDGAR PARKER Fenton, Mich. Cpl., 139th Inf., A. E. F. GEORGE PARKER 1005 Harrison St., Flint Pvt., M. T. C. attached to French Army. Eight battle fronts HARRY M. PARKER 1005 Harrison St., Flint Cpl., 3rd Truck Co., 2Tnd Bn., 23rd Eng. Eight battle fronts JOSEPH PARKHTURST 1507 Root St., Flint Pvt., D. Co., 325th Inf. NICHOLAS W. PARKHURST 1507 Root St., Flint Pvt., S. A. T. C., U. of M. RAY 0. PARR 416 E. 5th St., Flint Pvt., 4th Inf., A. E. F. MAX EARL PARSHALL Fenton, Mich. Pvt., S. A. T. C., U. of M. WARD H. PARSHALL Fenton, Mich. Pvt., H. Co., 58th Inf., 7th Div., A. E. F. I I 173 DONALD A. PARTRIDGE Flint, Mich., R. F. D. 5 Cpl., E. Co., 125th Inf., 32nd Div. A. E. F. Wounded, Oct. 9, 1918, MeuseArgonne PORTER M. PARTRIDGE 611 Payne PI., Flint Sgt., H. Co., 338th Inf., 85th Div., A. E. F. VICTOR L. PARTRIDGE Flushing, Mich. Pvt., 1st C1., F. Co., 126th Inf., 32nd Div., A. E. F. Tr. from G. Co., 338th Inf. R'EXFORD B. PASSELL Flushing, Mich. Pvt., A. Co., 16th Inf., 1st Div., A. E. F. t THOMAS JOHN PATTERSON 733 Stewart Ave., Flint Hq. Det., 2nd Div. Bn., Camp Beauregard, La. CASSIUS E. PAYNE 1102 Ann Arbor St., Flint Sgt., Hq, Co., 79th Inf. JOHN WESLEY PAYNE 749 Taylor S't., Flint Pvt., H. Co., 28th Inf., 1st Div., A. E. F. Wounded, Oct. 1, 1918, MeuseArgonne. Died, Oct. 5, 1918 STANLEY PAZCOHLOSKI Fenton, Mich. Pvt., F. Co., 58th Inf., 3rd Div., A. E. F. Wounded WARREN COLMAN PAYNE GUNNAR PEARSON 1309 N. Saginaw St., Flint 529 Dayton St., Flint Pvt., B. Batt., 329th F. A., 85th Div., Pvt., Q. M. C., Camp Custer, Mich. A. E. F. LA VERNE J. PEARSON 1254 S'tever Ave., Flint Wag., Gen. Hqs., Chaumont, France, A. E. F. PERCY M. PEASE Fenton, Mich. Pvt., I. Co., Deft. Brigade, Camp Grant. Tr. to A. E. F. FORD PEETS 708 12th Ave., Flint Pvt., H. Co., 338th Inf., 85th Div. Tr. to 14th Div. FRANK PEKAREK 1554 Maryland Ave., Flint Pvt., U. S. A. ALFRED PENNY Linden, Mich. Pvt., Spruce Div. Killed in woods accident, Sept. 26, 1918, near South Bend, Wash. EDWARD H. PERKINS 825 Trafalet St., Flint Pvt., I. Co., 338th Inf., 85th Div., A. E. F. 174 WARD RAY PERRY Grand Blanc, Mich. Cpl. A. Batt., 329th F. A., 85th Div., A. E. F. OTIS PERRY Pasadena Ave., Flint Pvt., U. S. A. MERLE GILBERT PERRY 429 Detroit St., Flint Sgt., Storage Battery Div., U. S. A. HAROLD HYDE PERRY 309 W. ist St., Flint Pvt., S. A. T. C., Mich. College of Mines EZRA WILLIS PERRY Grand Blanc, Mich. Cpl., 695th Engineer Motor Truck Co., A. E. F. ALBERT L. PERRY 631 E. Court St., Flint Pvt., U. S. A. JOHN O0 PERROT 6r15 Hazelton St., Flint Mess Sgt.. M. G. Co., I25th Inf., 32nd Div., A. E. F. SAMUEL RICHARDSON PERYER 2535 Melbourne Ave., Flint Bandsman, Canadian Army CHARLIE HENRY PETERS R. F. D. No. 5, Flint Bugler, E. Co., 4th F. A., A. E. F. EARL PETERS JOE L. PETERS R. F. D. No. 5, Flint Davison, Mich. Pvt., D. Batt., 328th F. A., 85th Div., Pvt., E. Batt.. i2oth F. A. Discharged A. E. F. S. C. D. Feb. 9, I9i8 GEORGE L. PETHERBRIDGE Flushing, Mich. Pvt.. ist ClI, I4th M. G. Bn., 5th Div., A. E. F. Wounded Oct. 29, I9I8, Meuse-Argonne Offensive GUS PETRIDE 406 Church St., Flint 44th Co., i6oth Depot Brig., U. S. A. MAX WILTON PETTIBONE 623 Liberty St., Flint Sgt., 35 st Amb. Co., 3i3th San. Tr., 88th Div., A. E. F. ARA J. PETTEY 19go Kentucky Ave., Flint Mech., L. Co., 26th Inf., ist Div., A. E. F. HOMER F. PETTIT R. F. D. No. 2, Flint Gaines, Mich. Pvt., Camp Wadsworth 175 JOHN W. PIERCE 10o W. Brav Ave., Flint Pvt., 29th Co., M. T. C., 1J. S. A. WALTER CLIFFORD PHELPS Grand Blanc, Mich. Pvt., S. A. T. C., U. of M. GERHARDT L. PHILLIP 417 Gordon St., Flint Pvt., A. S. S. C. CLAUDE R. PHILLIPS T207 N. Saginaw St., Flint Hq. Troop, 89th Div., A. E. i. EARL M. PIERSON Davison, Mich. Pvt., G. Co., I6th Inf., Ist Div.. A. E. F. FRANK ASA PIERCE JOSEPH PIFFER WILLIAM PIFFER R. F. D. No. I, Linden, Mich. 930 Wood St., Flint 930 Wood St., Flint Pvt., Med. Dept., I6oth Depot Brig., Pvt. B. Co., 56th Inf., 7th Div., A. E. F. Cpl., Supply Co., 338th Inf., 85th Div., U. S. A. Gassed A. E. F. -^Ea WILLIAM PIKE I708 Richfield Rd.. Flint Pvt., Supply Co., 337th Inf., 85th Div., A. E. F. ADAM PIKODYEVICH Hickory St., Flint Pvt., Canadian Army MEAD W. PINCOMBE Flint Pvt., 35Ist Inf. HARRY PINEAU 902 E. 8th St., Flint Pvt., B. Co., 3rd Bn., Gordon Highlanders Later in U. S'. A. SHERWOOD PINNEY I801 Lapeer St., Flint Pvt., 35Ist Amb. Co., 88th Div., A. E. F. WILLIAM A. PITTSLEY 721 Pierson St., Flint Cpl., 328th F. A., 85th Div., A. E. F. LAWRENCE L. PLUDE 53o Rankin St., Flint Pvt., M. P. C., A. E. F. CLIFFORD A. PLUMB Clio, Mich. Pvt., S. A. T. C., Albion College 176 ROBERT W. PLUMB Clio, Mich. Pvt., C. Batt., 37th F. A. CLARENCE POOLE 317 Thompson St., Flint Cpl., C. Co., 338th Inf., 85th Div., A. E. F. CLIFFORD J. PORTER 4001 Buick St., Flint A. Co., General Recruiting Service, U. S. A., Houston, Va. JAMES S. PORTER 742 Dayton St., Flint Pvt., B. Co., 338th F. A, Discharged, Nov., 1917 MAC R. PORTER 1002 Lyon St., Flint Pvt., 319th Aero Squadron, S. C., A. E. F. BERT B. POTTER Flushing, Mich. Pvt., 328th F. A., 85th Div., A. E. F. EDWIN WILLARD POTTER Swartz Creek, Mich. Cpl., E. Co., 59th Inf.. A. E. F. GEORGE FRANKLIN POTTER Flint Pvt., H. Co., 168th Inf., 42nd Div., A. E. F. Killed in action, Oct. 1918, MeuseArgonne offensive HUGH M. POTTER Davison, Mich. Pvt., 5th Co., S. A. T. C., U. of M. MURVAL E. POT-TER 290 Lomita Ave., Flint Pvt., E. Co., 125th Inf., 32nd Div., A. E. F. Gassed J. EARL POULTNEY 418 Stevenson St., Flint Sgt., 69th Co., C. A. C., A. E. F. CLIFFORD EARL POWELL Linden, Mich. Pvt., 2nd Co., S. A. T. C., U. of M. MILTON VALENTINE POWELL 1113 W. 2nd St., Flint Cpl., B. Co., 338th Inf., 85th Div., A. E. F. VERNON LEROY POWELL 303 East St., Flint Sgt., A. Co., 338th Inf., 85th Div., A. E. F. JOHN POWERS Otisville, Mich. Pvt., K. Co., 125th Inf., 32nd Div., A. E. F. RALPH NEWMAN POWERS 1205 S. Saginaw St., Flint Pvt., M. T. C., U. S. A. 177 I I I I I S b I u I *M6 f --- —- — =^gMM /Il "t:rF >a RONALD POWERS' Otisville, Mich. Pvt., F. Co., 7th Inf., 3rd Div., A. E. F. WARD STANLEY POWERS 1205 S. Saginaw St., Flint Sgt., 1st Cl., 303rd Eng., A. E. F. JESSE V. PO~WLISON Fenton, Mich. Pvt., 26th Aero Squad, S. C., A. E. F. Reached France as armistice was signed and did not land DON* C. PRATT 1512 W. 2nd St., Flint Pvt., A. Co., 9th Bn., 20th Eng., A. E. F. WM. JENNINGS BRYAN PRATT RAYMOND A. PRES'COTT Linden, Mich. 302 W. Court St., Flint Cpl., S. A. T. C., M. A. C. Cpl., U. S. A. HAROLD ALBERT PRESTON (Gaines, Mich. Pvt., S. A. T. C., M. A. C. JOSEPH PRIEBE 3905 North St., Flint Pvt., K. Co., 22nd Inf., Governor's Island, N. Y. HAROLD P. PRITCHARD 329 Armstrong St., Flint 2nd Cl., Musician Hq. Co., 31st Inf. JOHN ROW1LAND PRITCHARD 329 Armstrong St., Flint Pvt., Q. M. C. LOREN PROCTOR GLENN D. PROPER 636 Taylor St., Flint Linden, Mich. I. Co., 338th Inf., 85th Div., A. E. F. Pvt., A. Batt., 329th F. A., 85th Div., A. E. F. EARL PRUITT Flint Pvt., 85th Div., A. E. F. ROBERT P. QUARTERMAS 709 Root St., Flint Pvt., 160th Depot Brig., Camp Custer CLAYTON DON QUINN 112 E. 7th St., Flint Pvt., B. Batt., 329th F. A., 85th Div. A. E. F. ARTHUR M. J. QUIRK 524 Avon St., Flint Pvt., M. Co., 139th Inf., 35th Div., A. E. F. I M --- a - a - 178 ) 1_ I ~ ___ __ --- —---—........ ALFRED RABDEAU 912 Dewey St., Flint 1st Sgt., 140th Inf. Tr. to A. E. Fe Bayonet wound in leg LAZO RADAKOVICH 1303 State St., Flint Pvt., Canadian Army RADE RADAKOVICH 2606 St. Johns St., Flint Pvt., Inf., Canadian TOVICA RADAKOVICH 2606 St. Johns St., Flint Pvt., Canadian Inf. HUGH C. RALSTON 1702 Broadway, Flint Pvt., 310th Fire Truck Hose Co., Q. M. C., Camp Custer, Mich. FRED RANDALL Clio, Mich. D. Batt., 32Sth F. A., 85th Div., A. E. F. JAMES H. RANDALL 808 Clifford St., Flint Cpl., M. Co., 78th Inf., U. S. A. FREDERICK WiILLIAM RAPER 1217 Alabama Ave., Flint Pvt., 47th Inf. Bn., Canadian E. F. Wounded, Aug. 10, 1918, near Amiens JOHN A. RASBACH 622 Garland S't., Flint Pvt., Hq., 160th F. A. Brig. FRANK RASZKOSKI 813 Addison St., Flint Pvt., 7th Amm. Tr., 7th Div., A. E. F. JOHN RASZKOSKI 813 Addison St., Flint Pvt., A. Co., 356th Inf., A. E. F. Died of wounds MAX E. RAU 832 Hamilton Ave., Flint Pvt., Inf., 32nd Div., A. E. F. Wounded, Aisne-Marne counteroffensive CLARENCE E. RAY 1024 Liberty St., Flint Pvt., 125th F. A., A. E. F. ALBERT R. RAYMOND 727 Smith St., Flint Pvt., R. Co., 77th Inf., U. S. A. HIRAM RAYMOND 1317 Lingle Ave., Flint Cpl., 42nd Co., 160th Depot Brig., U. S. A. EDWIN C. REAMER 1224 Glenwood Ave., Flint Sgt., 1st Cl., A. S. S. C, A. E. F. 179 OSCAR REESE 920 Dewey St., Flint Pvt., M. T. C., U. S. A. SHOSHOO REHANA 759 Baker St., Flint Pvt,, Canadian R F. HAROLD REEVES 2579 Melbourne Ave., Flint Pvt., U. S. A. EVERETT LORAN REESE Rogersville, Mich. Pvt., Med. Dept., 160th Depot Brig., Examining Bd., Camp Custer GUY ANTHONY REDER 719% S'. Saginaw St., Flint Pvt., 4th Div., Canadian E. F. CARLETON ALBERT REED 223 Odette St., Flint Sgt., 11th Co., 160th Depot Brig., U. S. A. FRANK REINSTADLER 2314 N. Saginaw St., Flint Cpl., B. Co., 312th Eng., 87th Div., A. E. F. PETER REINSTADLER 2314 N. Saginaw St., Flint Pvt., H. Co., 64th Inf., A. E. F. - w I EARLE E. RENFREW Flint Pvt., F. Co., 18th Inf., 1st Div., A. E. F. Killed in action, October, MeuseArgonne offensive ELMER HERMAN REMENDER Clio, Mich. Cpl., 160th Depot Brig., Camp Custer EDWARD BRYAN REMINGTON Fonton, Mich. Cpl., 344th Co., M. T. C. CLEON RUNNINGLY Linden, Mich. Cpl., G. Co., 47th Inf., 4th Div., A. E. F. WILLIAM H. RETTKE 211 Rosetta Ave., Flint Pvt., A. Batt., 128th F. A., A. E. F. Gassed twice CECIL CHARMING RHODES 4302 Crissman St., Flint Cpl., E. Co., 311th Eng., A. E. F. VERNON CLARK RHODES Flushing, Mich., R. F. D. 1 Pvt., Eng. Dept., A. E. F. MURRAY J. RICE 903 W. 3rd St., Flint Cpl., S. A. T. C., Kalamazoo College, Mich. 180 :..: Q WILLSEY C. RICE 208 Oakland Blvd., Flint Service Bn., 305th Eng., A. E. F. CLIFFORD HERMAN RICE Flint, Mich., R. F. D. 2 Cpl., E. Batt., 73rd Ry. Art., C. A. C., A. E. F. WILLIAM HENRY RICE 305 Newall St., Flint Pvt., Tank Corps, A. E. F. HAROLD ALFRED RICHARDS Davison, Mich. Pvt., U. S. A., Camp Eustis: HERBERT HAROLD RICHARDSON 1108 Lapeer St., Flint Pvt., 6th Co., S. A. T. C., U. of M. LUCINE W. RICHARDS 314 W. 1st St., Flint Pvt., Supply Co., 338th Inf., 85th Div., A. E. F. HORACE C. RICHMOND Fenton, Mich. Pvt., E. Co., 220th Eng., U. S. A. LOUIS RICKEY 120 11th Ave., Flint Cpl., M. Co., 340th Inf.. A. E. F. HAROLD HENRY RIDGEWAY 216 Oakland Blvd., Flint Pvt., F. Co., 61st Inf., U. S. A. CHARLES A. RIDLEY Mit. Morris, Mich. Cpl., B. Co., 47th Inf., A. E. F. CLYDE DUANE] RIES Goodrich, Mich. Cpi., Eng., 42nd Div., A. E. F. RICHARD JOSEPH RIGBY 2224 Francis Ave., Flint Wag., 351st Amb. Co., 88th Div., A. E. F. EUGENE ALFRED RIKER 707 E. Kearsley St., Flint Pvt., A. S. S. C., U. S. A. CLIFFORD H. RINN Flint, Mich., R. F. D. 10 Pvt., E. Co., 125th Inf., 32nd Div., A. E. F. Wounded twice JOHN RITTER 1405 Indiana Ave., Flint Pvt., 44th Co., 160th Depot Brig., Camp Custer, Mich. FRANK ALBERT ROACH 116 W. 5th S't., Flint Sgt., D. Co., 14th Amm. Tr. I I -t clr=====~===========I====- -====M S-m - - - '7 Af I\ X NM II -^I JOHN CALVIN ROBBINS Pvt, Ord. Dept., 85th Div., A. E. F. I:. DON E. ROBERTS 2029 Stanford Ave., Flint Pvt., Section 12, Repair Squadron, A. S. S. C. GROVER ROBERTS 818 Begole St., Flint Sgt., M. G. Co., 125th Inf., 32nd Div., A. E. F.:^^^.;: SILAS CHARLES ROBERTSON 306 W. 8th Ave., Flint Pvt., E. Co., 7th Inf., 3rd Div., A. E. F. Runner Hq., 2nd Bn. Gassed, Meuse-Argonne _m'' kv ALLEN ROBINSON Flint Pvt., Amb. Co. 351, S'anitary Train 309, 88th Div., A. E. F. CLAUDE W. ROBINS'ON 1219 Ann Arbor St., Flint Sgt., A. S. S. C., A. E. F. DEWEY M. ROBINSON 1219 Ann Arbor St., Flint Pvt., E. Co., 429th Motor Suip. Train EVERT D. ROBINSON 838 Parkland St., Flint Pvt., U. S'. A. l ffi! I I I LOUIS CASS ROBINSON EDMUND W. ROCK Grand Blanc, Mich. 1429 Bush St., Flint Pvt., A. Co., 310th Amm. Tr., 85th Pvt., A. Squadron, Camp Ellington, Div., A. E. F. Tex., A. S. S. C. LLOYD ROCKAFELLOW 921 Lyon St., Flint Cpl., Med. Dept., A. E. F. ECTOR C. ROE 427 E. 5th St., Flint Pvt., C. Co., 116th Eng., 41st Div., A. E. F. Wounded, July 19, 1918, Chateau-T-hierry I I I L HOLLY CECIL ROMINE 305 W. 6th Ave., Flint 213 Rosetta Ave., Flint Pvt., 5th M. G. Bn., 2nd Div., A. E. F. Pvt., C. A. C. Wounded, Oct. 24, 1918, Mont Blanc Ridge MAX E. ROOD 708 E. 2nd St., Flint Pvt., A. Co., 42nd Eng. ALEXANDER ESSON ROSE Montrose, Mich. Wag. Hq. Co., 78th Inf. 182 jitmgatgL --- *a --- —------ - af- - E I I 4.:AA <:f.:. - -jE1f0 0 ARCHER RALPH ROSE Flint Pvt., B. Batt., 70th Regt., C. A. C. Tr. to Tractor Artillery FTIED JOS'EPH ROSEBUSH 801 Witherbee St., Flint Mess Sgt., H. Co., 338th Inf., 85th Div.. A. E. F. BENJAMIN E. ROSELLE ORTH D. ROSENCRANTS Montrose, Mich. 519 Ann Arbor St., Flint Pvt., 22nd Co., 6th Bn., 160th Depot Pvt., A. Co., 310th Bn., M. P. C., 85th Brig., Camp Custer D iv., A. E. F. EUGENE F. ROSER 424 Chase St., Flint Pvt., C. Co., 18th Inf., 1st Div., A. E. F. Gassed Oct. 8, 1918, Meuse-Argonne. In hospital four months ANGUS ROSS 425 E. Newall St., Flint 1st Sgt., Troop E, 13th C(av, S'even years service Tr. to 0. T. S., Camp Pike, Ark CLAUDE N. ROSS 1725 Missouri Ave., Flint Pvt., C. Co., 338th Inf., 85th Div., A. E. F. Severely wounded Oct. 9, 1918, Meuse-Argonne BYRON J. ROTH 618 Hazelton St., Flint Cpl., B. Co., 329th M. 3. Bn., A. E. F. I -d E GLENN H. ROTHFUSS JAMES A. ROTHFUSS 772 Wood St., Flint 772 Wood St., Flint 1st Sgt., 126th Co., Motor Transport Sgt. Major, Personnel Detachment, Corps 14th Div., Camp Custer WILLIAM RUBEL 1108 Matthews St. Flint Pvt., 1st Cl., 262nd Aero Squadron, A. S. S. C. FRANK RUCZYNSKI Pvt., 7th Batt., 1st Regt., C. A. C., A. E. F. I I i CHARLES NELSON RU-3ZSEY Flushing, Mich. Pvt., Amb. Co. 351, San. Tr. 313, 88th Div., A. E. F. ROBERT A. RUNNAN Fenton, Mich. Sgt., 14th Div. Tr. from 10th Inf. Instructor on Browning automatic FRANK RUSIZKA 749 Warren St., Flint Pvt,, A. S. S. C., U. S. A. MIKE RUSNAK Swartz Creek, Mich. Pvt., D. Co., 44th Inf. AL S - - I — 183 A I E 12 PI 1==11= == === == eu 13a== j ELMER C. RUSSELL 1324 Avenue A, Flint Pvt., Troop F, 5th Cavalry ELMER JOHN RUSSELL Sgt., Hqs. Det., 160th Depot Brigade 1309 Avenue B, Flint ELLIS ARTHUR RUSSELL 1324 Avenue A, Flint Pvt., M. G. Co., 78th Inf. HARLEY J. RUSSELL Davison, Mich., R. F. D. 1 Cpl., F. Co., 16th Inf., A. E. F. Wounded and gassed LEON THOMAS RUSSELL ROBERT W. RUSSELL Mt. Morris, Mich. Otisville, Mich. Cpl., 310th Eng., 85th Div., A. E. F. Pvt., B. Co., 1st Bn., 22nd Eng., A. E. F. EDWARD F. RUSSOW 415 Mathewson St., Flint Sgt., 160th Depot Brigade. 5% years previous service, U. S. N. LEONARD GEORGE RUTKISKS 2033 Warner Ave., Flint Pvt., E. Co., 310th Eng., A. E. F. - - - WALTER J. RUTHERFORD 718 Harriet St., Flint Supply Sgt., 4th Regt., A. E. F. ALBERT RUTTER 1702 Wisconsin Ave., Flint Pvt., E. Co., 18th Bn., Canadian E. F. Wounded near Arras WILLIAM J. RYCKMAN, JR. 627 Detroit St., Flint Wag., 255 Amb. Co., 14th Div. THOMAS SAINE 821 Rankin St., Flint Cpl., Truck Co. C., 8th Corps, Art. Park, U. S. A. FRANK JULIUS RYSON 410 Sheldon St., Flint Cpl., Inf., 87th Div., A. E. F. I BERNARD SAFER ELLSWORTH ALONZO SAGE 126 W. Witherbee St., Flint Lennon, Mich. Pvt., M. G. Co., 125th Inf., 32nd Div., Sgt., Med. Dept., Amb. Co., 85th Div., A. E. F. A. E. F. JOE S'ALEM 926 McClellan St., Flint Pvt., I. Co., 28th Inf., 14th Div., U. S. A. 184 SAM SALIM 926 Leith St., Flint Pvt., Canadian Army JAMES SALMON 926 McClellan St., Flint Pvt., 57th S'anitary Squad, 2nd Army, A. E. F. CRESTON E. SAMMONS Flushing, Mich. Pvt., H. Co., 23rd Eng., A. E. F. ROY SANBORN 1904 Ridge St., Flint Pvt., F. Co., 77th Inf. WILLIAM SANBORN GEORGE LEE SANFORD JOHN G. SANFORD 604 Wood St., Flint Holly, Mich., R. F. D. 3 1446 Maryland Ave., Flint Pvt., A. S.S. C., Ellington Field, Tex. Pvt., B. Batt., 329th F. A., 85th Div., Pvt., Hq. Co. Camp McArthur, Tex. A. E. F. Tr. from 55th Inf., 6th Div. MICHAEL JOSEPH SANSKY 2580 Mt. Elliot Ave., Flint Cpl., D. Co., 68th Inf. FRED SARGENT 502 2 Asylum St., Flint Pvt., Artillery, U. S. A. BERYL M. SAVAGE 516 Thayer St., Flint Pvt., 125th Inf., 32nd Div., A. E. F. GALE P. SAVAGE 516 Thayer S't., Flint Pvt., 26th Eng., A. E. F. DAVID L. S'AWYER 603 Avon St., Flint Pvt., A. S. S. C., Aviation Field, Dayton, O. CONRAD SCHAFFE1R 3902 Industrial Ave., Flint Pvt., Amb. Co. 351, San. Tr. 313, 88th Div., A. E. F. CARL FREDERICK SCHARRER Flushing, Mich. Regt. Supply Sgt., U. S. A. WAVounded May, 1917, at Eagle Pass, Tex. CHARLES WILSON SCHARRER Flushing, Mich. Pvt., M. Co., 338th Inf., A. E. F. DAVID LEONARD SCHARRER Flushing, Mich. 1st Sgt., M. Co., 45th Inf., A. E. F. 185 t I I l ^ l i i A d,T== A d 9Xll -.7 1 1 v)I/ " WILLIAM F. SCHERER 1221 Lyon St., Flint 6gt., I. Co., Dev. Bn., Camp Custer HENRY SCHAVEN 1117 Chippewa St., Flint Pvt., 310th Eng., 85th Div., A. E. F. JOHN C. SCHRAMM 422 Alice St., Flint Cpl. U. S. A. EARL JAMES SCHRYER 606 Rankin St., Flint Pvt., G. Co., 18th Inf., 1st Div., A. E. F. Died July 19, 1918 of wounds received July 18, 1918, in Soissons drive at start of Marne counter offensive WILLIAM V. SCHNEDER 886 W. Leafland St., Decatur, 111. Cpl., B. Co., 59th Inf., A. E. F. Wounded and gassed CHARLEY LEONARD SCEHOTT 316 VW. 7th St., Flint Pvt., 373rd Co., 409th Supply Train, A. E. F. CLARE MILTON SCOTT Clio, Mich. Pvt., E. Co., 7th Inf., 3rd Div., A. E. F. Wounded Oct. 4, 1918, Meuse-Argonne GEORGE JOHN SCHULTZ 1348 Broadway, Flint Pvt., Batt. A., 329th F. A., 85th Div., A. E. F. ALFRED SCHULTHEISS 1015 Smith St., Flint Pvt., U. S. A., Camp McArthur, WTaco, Tex. l S! ha A: I I I LOYAL SCOTHAN Genesee, Mich. Pvt., D. Co., lst Amm. Tr., let Div., A. E. F. EVERETT E. SCOTT Clio, Mich., R. F. D. 1 Cpl., E. Co., 125th Inf., 32nd Div., A. E. F. Wounded, Soissons JOHN W. SCOTT 2045 Crocker Ave., Flint Cpl., 310th Amm. Tr., 85th Div., A. E. F. FRANK HAROLD SCRIBNER 556 Wood St., Flint Pvt., Aero Squad 622, S. C., U. S. A. ARMON JAMES SEAVER 1710 Detroit St., Flint Pvt., Batt. E., 73rd F. A., A. E. F. CLINTON SEDGMAN Flint Cpl., D, Co., 18th Inf., 1st Div., A. E. F. Died Sept. 20, 1918, in France, of pneumonia FOSTER ARTHUR SHIPLEY 1518 Stone St., Flint Pvt., 355th Unit, M. T. C. Tr. from A. S. S. - -W. I I pb-g~ --- —--------- ---- ^maJ1 16 D. LELAND SEELEY 323 W. 2nd St., Flint Wag. Amb. Co. 333, 84th Div., A. E. F. EDGAR J. SEELYE JOHN GLENN SELDEN Davison, Mich. Linden, Mich. Pvt., 361st Aero Squad, S. C., A. E. F Pvt., C. Co. 337th Inf., 85th Div. Tr to 1st Div., A. E. F. Killed in action Oct. 8, 1918 FRANK JAMES SELEE 118 E. 15th St., Flint Pvt., 57th Amm. Tr., A. E. F. WINFIELD DAY SELEE. 118 E. 15th St., Flint Pvt., F. A. (Ry.), A. E. F. LEO LESLIE SELESKY Holly, Mich., R. F. D. 3 Pvt., H. Co., 7th Inf., 3rd Div., A. E. F. Wounded Oct. 3, 1918, Meuse-Argonne near Verdun. Died Oct. 16 CLARENCE M. SEYMOUR 617 Rankin St., Flint Cpl., 307th Co., Motor Truck Train 402 CLARENCE S. SHADY Fenton, Mich. Pvt., C. Co., 118th Eng., A. E. F. EDWARD SHANAHAN Montrose, Mich. 1st Sgt., D. Co., 14th Inf. HAROLD FRANKLIN SHANK Stevens St., Flint Pvt., Camp Hancock, Ga. DAVID E. SHANNON 753 Comrnelia S't., Flint Pvt., A. Co., 1llth M. G. Bn., 29th Div., A. E. F. GEORGE F. SHANNON 753 Cornelia St., Flint Pvt., 38th Co., 160th Depot Brig. Died at Camp Custer Jan. 21, 1918 An GEORGE DE WITT SHARICK 1403 Church St., Flint JOHN J. SHARICK Cpl., H. Co., 2nd Depot Bn., 1st Corps, 819 Cornelia St., Flint Canadian Army. Discharged. Joined Pvt., M. Co., 1st Inf.. Repl. Regt., 85th Div., A. E. F. Camp Gordon, Ga. HOWARD A. SHAW 725 Atwood St., Flint Pvt. D. Co., 4th Inf., 3rd Div., A. E. F. LAWRENCE RAYMOND SHAW Montrose, Mich. Cpl., M. G. Co. Inf., 84th Div., A. E. F. 187 MANLEY SHAW WILLIAM OSCAR SHAW Linden, Mich. Montrose, Mich. Cpl., D. Batt., 328th F. A., 85th Div., Pvt., C. Co., 9th Bn., 20th Eng., A. E. F. A. E. F. ALFRED ELGA SHEAR 719 Page S't., Flint Pvt., Hq. Co., 139th Inf., A. E. F. FRANK SHEEHAN 1423 Root St., Flint Pvt., C. Co., 59th Inf., A. E. F. FLOYD HENRY SHELDON WARD T. SHELDON Davison, Mich. Davison, Mich. Pvt., Batt. D., 328th F. A., 85th Div., Pvt., B. Co., 210th Amu. Tr., First A. E. F. Army, A. E. F. DEWEY ORRIN SHEPARD Gaines, Mich. Pvt., S. A. T. C., U. of M. HARVEY SHEPARDSON 117 E. 4th St., Flint Bugler, 26th Co., Q. M. C., Camp Johnstone, Fla. Tr. to M. T. C. CHARLES A. SHEPPARD 1317 St. John St., Flint Pvt., B. Co., 10th Inf. EARL RAYMOND SHERIFF 306 E. Anne St., Flint Pvt., 2nd Bn., 160th Depot Brigade, Camp Custer DEWEY GEORGE SHERMAN Flushing, Mich. Pvt., I. Co., 10th Inf. GLEASON JAMES SHERMAN Flushing, Mich. Sgt., Unit 12, Q. M. C. HERBERT EMERSON SHERMAN 1914 Nebraska Ave., Flint Pvt., 1st Depot Bn., W. O. R., Co. 4, Canadian E. F. Killed in action Sept. 27, 1918 LOREN J. SHERFF 1203 Garland St., Flint Pvt., U. S. A. HOWARD N. SHETRON 2806 Avenue A, Flint Pvt., F. Co., 24th Eng., A. E. F. MICHAEL H. SHINE 507 W. 6th Ave., Flint Cpl., D. Co., 328th F. A., 85th D1v., A. E. F. HOWARD ELMER SHORT Swartz Creek, Mich. Pvt., D. Co., lth M. G. Bn., 4th Div., A. E. F. Gassed, Marne counter-offensive. Wounded, Meuse-Argonne EDWARD SHREVE 910 Parkland St., Flint Pvt., 22nd Squadron, Spruce Div. WILLIAM SYLVESTER SICKNER 620 Wisconsin Ave., Flint Pvt., F. Co., 55th Eng., A. E. F. CHARLES ALBERT SIGSBY 1630 Wyoming Ave., Flint Pvt., E. Batt.. 330th F. A.. A. E. F. I TJ i;.R LA VOY SIGSBEE 827 Mason St., Flint Sgt., 255th Amb. Co., 14th San. Tr., U. S. A. LANCE LOVEJ.OY SIMMONS Fenton, Mich. Pvt., 47th Co., Canadian E. F. Wounded. Blood donor in Hospital in France WILLIAM SUMMONS 1836 Hibbard St., Flint Pvt., Camp McClellan, Ala. EDWARDP M. SIMPSON Flint, Mich., R. F. D. 1 Pvt., B. Co., M. T. C., Unit 307, A. E. F. ERNEST SIMPSON 739 Harriett St., Flint Pvt., 18th Bn., Canadian E. F. RUFUS E. SIMTS PAUL SINGLES BOYD LEON SINGLES 2205 Reed St., Flint 1309 Lingle Ave., Flint 1309 Lingle Ave., Flint Pvt., B. Co., 8th M. G. Bn., A. E. F. Pvt., Med. Dept., Camp Gordon, Ga. Pvt., G. Co., M. R. H. 309, A. E. F. CLARENCE SKELLENGER ARTHUR SKELLENGER Davison, Mich. Davison, Mich. Pvt., 3rd Prov. Squadron, A. S. S. C. Pvt., 14th Prov. S'quadron, A.S. S. C. CHARLEY NORTON SKELLENGER Davison, Mich. Pvt., Base Hosp., Toul, France, A. E. F. FRANK HENRY SKELLINGER Davison, Mich. Pvt., Amb. Co., 39, A. E. F. Tr. from Med. Dept., Base Hosp. No. 2, Fort Bliss, Texas 189 I I I I I i ~^~*~ac~-" --- —— ~=== =~= === === 0 i JAMES SKINNER 1317 Lingle Ave., Flint Pvt., 107th Aero Squad, S. C., U. S. A. EARL LA MONT SLADE Goodrich, Mich. Sgt., 1st Cl., S. C., U. S. A. Instructor at Camp Custer JOSEPH R. SLATER 761 Trafalet St., Flint Pvt., G. Co., 78th Inf. GUY WILLIAM SLAUGHTER 2229 Melbourne Ave., Flint Pvt., U. S. A. (Interpreter and Censor) LE ROY SLEESEMAN Flint Pvt., E. Co., 41st Regt. OSWALD PEARSON SLOAT 1413 Lyon St., Flint Mechanical Draftsman, Eng. Div., Ord. Dept., W'ashington Died Dec. 21, 1918 RALPH HUGHES SMALE Flint Pvt., H. Co., 338th Inf., 85th Div., A. E. F. WESLEY HARMON SMART 603 Richfield Road, Flint Cook, Spruce Div., U. S. A. I - -1 k GERALD WILLIAM SMITH 1030 Garland St., Flint Pvt., 12th Co., S. A. T. C., U. of Mt GEORGE C. SMITH 906 Dayton St., Flint Pvt., Canadian Army S. C. FREDERICK OWEN SMITH 1623 Donald St., Flint 1st C1. Musician, 46th Inf. Band FRANK BERNARD SMITH 1522 Avenue A, Flint Pvt., F. Co., 38th Inf., A. E. F. Died from effects of gas EARL J. SMITH Flint Pvt., F. A., A. E. F. DON E. SMITH 305 Mary St., Flint Sgt., A. Co., 211th Eng., U. S. A. CLYDE ARTHUR SMITH DAVID AUSTIN SMITH Flushing, Mich. 1541 Bell Ave., Flint Pvt., C. Co., 338th Inf. Tr. to Army Pvt., U. S. A. of Occupation, A. E. F. 190 I ALTON HAYES SMITH 832 Baker St., Flint Pvt., 32nd Co., i63rd Depot Brig., Camp Dodge, Ia. CHARLES SMITH I2 I Halsey St., Flint CpI., r25th Inf., 32nd Div., A. E. F. Wounded during Marne Counter-Offensive ALVIN CHARLES SMITH Otisville, Mich. Pvt., Spruce Div., U. S. A. AMBROSE SMITH Davison, Mich. S. A. T. C., U. of M. BURRELL F. SMITH R. F. D. No. I. Flint, Pvt., G. Co., 338th Inf., U. S. A. Died of Pneumonia, March 29, I9I8. Camp Custer CLAUDE E. SMITH Lennon, Mich. Pvt., Io7th Eng., 32nd Div., A. E. F. Survived submarine attack on Tuscania JOSEPH D. SMITH )902 Witherbee St., Flint Pvt., C. A. C., Ft. Story, Va. JAY M. SMITH 305 Mary St., Flint Pvt., A. Co., ii7th Eng., 42nd Div. A. E. F. Ai\ $1 - JOHN CLIFFORD SMITH I9Oi Kentucky Ave., Flint Pvt., ISt C1. C. Co., I2th M. G. Bn., A.E.F. HOWARD M. SMITH 40o5 Beach St., Flint Pvt., A Batt., 329th F. A., 85th Div., A. E. F. LEON GEORGE SMITH 10o3o Garland St., Flint Sgt. 29th Co., A. S. S. C. LLOYD IRVIN SMITH Flushing, Mich. Pvt., Camp Eustis, Va. LOUIS S. SMITH I521 Glenwood Ave., Flint Pvt., A. E. F. OLIVER CONKLIN SMITH 920 `W. Kearslev St., Flint Pvt., Hq. Co., 77th Inf., U. S. A. ROY DUDLEY SMITH Flint Pvt.. K, Co., 7th Inf., 3rd Div., A. E. F. Died of wounds received in action Oct., 7, I9i8, Meuse-Argonne Offensive ROY JAMES SMITH 2714 Dort St., Flint Pvt., 43rd Co., 2oth Eng., A. E. F. 191 I I 1bg I,ji_ __ __KSM3 CECIL RAY SMITH GORDON V. SMITH 1107 Liberty St., Flint 382 E. Dayton St., Flint Pvt., 7th Co., 20th Eng., A. E. F. Sgt., 35th Amb. Co. WILLIAM CAMPBELL SMITH 1306 Maple St., Flint Pvt., G. Co., 1st Bn. Eng., WVr. o. R., Canadian E. F. Wounded and gassed at Cambrai, Oct. 3, 1918 HARRY SMURTHWAITE 135 W. Newall St., Flint Pvt., 310th Bn., M. P. C., 85th Div., A. E. F. PERCY TRUMAN SMURTHWAITE 135 W. Newall St., Flint Pvt., A. Batt., 329th F. A., 85th Div., A. E. F. RAYMOND LESLIE SWELL 513 Williams St., Flint Cpl., A. S. S. C., Wright Field, Dayton, O. VAUGHN JOHNSON SNIVELY 333 Kirby Ave. W., Detroit, formerly of Flint Wag., Chauffeur, 160th F. A. Brig. 85th Div., A. E. F. RA MUEALD BERNARD SOCHER 916 Root St., Flint Sgt., M. T. C., Unit 312, A. E. F. I fi JULIUS SOMPELS 208 Avon St., Flint Pvt., Inf., A. E. F. Wounded severely BYRON F. L. SOPER 1006 Prospect St., Flint Pvt., Inf., 14th Div., U. S. A. CLARENCE ROSCOE SOPER Flint, R. F. D. 9 Wag., Evac. Amb. Co. 52, A. E. F. ARTHUR B. SPAFFORD 722 Rankin St., Flint Pvt., U. S. A. EARL J. SPARKS Clio, Mich., R. F. D. 1 Pvt., C. Co., 16th Inf., 1st Div., A. E. F. HAROLD A. SPARKS Fenton, Mich. Pvt., U. S. A., A. E. F. Wounded May 29 and Oct. 5, 1918 DON LEO SPENCER 1613 Donald St., Flint Sgt., 39th Inf., 3rd Div., A. E. F. Wounded LEON SPENCER 1411 Chippewa St., Flint Pvt., D. Co., 310th Eng., 85th Div., A. E. F. I I 192 I I N 0 i l 0 04 OTTO SPENCER SILAS C. SPENCER 807 Begole St., Flint 320 E. 5th St., Flint Pvt., B. Co., 310th Eng., 86th Div., Pvt., Evacuation Hosp. 11, A. E. F. A. E. F. GORDON H. SPERRY CLIFFORD R. SPICKLER 152 Summit St., Flint 1230 Washington Ave., Flint Pvt., E. Co., 310th Eng., 85ith Div., Cpl., U. S. A. A. E. F. RUSSELL W. SPLANE 1602 Jane St., Flint Pvt., C. Co., 160 Depot Brig., Camp Custer, Mich. Three years prior service BERNARD SPRINGER Linden, Mich. Pvt., F. Co., 139th Inf., A. E. F. Tr. from B. Co., 310th Bn., M. P. C., 85th Div. Gassed, Meuse-Argonne RUDOLPH D. STACER 1024 Lyon St., Flint Pvt., 681st Aero Squadron, S. C. EDWARD STAGAMAN 1634 Texas Ave., Flint Pvt., Med. Det., 24th Eng., A. E. F. Slightly wounded!~~~~~~~~~ b ELMER MILTON STAPLES Flushing, Mich. Pvt., A. Batt., 329th F. A. Tr. to School for Cooks and Bakers I I! i I I OLIVER L. STANLEY ALBERT L. STANNARD Clio, Mich. 820 Lippincott Blvd., Flint Pvt., G. H. Q., A. E. F., Hq., S. 0. S. CPIl., 4th Div., 3rd Army, A. E. F. Tr. from 85th Div. JOHN SAMUEL STANZ 1326 Begole St., Flint Mess. Sgt., School for Cooks and Bakers PETER STAPN 3906 Industrial Ave., Flint Pvt., U. S. A. GEORGE ALEXANDER STANLEY 306 Armstrong St., Flint Pot., Med Det., 165th Inf., A, E. F. ELMER A. S-TEEGAR GLENN FOSTER STEELE 515 E. 8th St., Flint Flushing, Mich., R. F. D. 3 Sgt., Pharmacist, Med. Dept., Amb. Pvt., L. Co., 338th Inf., 85th Div., Co. 307, San. Tr. 202. Promoted to A. E. F. Tr. from E. Co., 310th Eng. 2nd Lieut., Q. M. R. C. Gassed I I —.-A niYc^^_^ - 1 ii i-.. —11 1 ll ^ ^ ' ^ ^^^P-EEW1 -193 I^::i:: JOHN F. SIENKEWICZ 422 Myrtle St., Flint Pvt., C. Co., 57th Amm. Tr., Fortress Monroe CHARLES STEINMAN 3011 Industrial Ave., Flint Pvt., 85th Div., A. E. F. (] EORGE ALLEN STETSON 611 rW. 2nd S't., Flint Pvt., U. S. A. EARL L. STEVENS 2908 Orville St., Flint Pvt., Amb. Co. 23, 2nd San. Tr., 2nd Div. Tr. from 32nd Div. GEORGE J. STEVENS 626 E. Warren St., Flint Pvt., E. Batt., 41st F. A. OTTO HARVEY STEVENSON 218 E. 5th St., Flint 'Pvt., 338th Inf., 85th Div., A. E. F JULIUS SCHMALTZ 411 Baker St., Flint Supply Sgt., C. A. C. WILLIAM STEVESON 1312 Ann Arbor St., Flint Pvt., A. S. S. C. DEAN DELNO STEWART 507 Frost St., Flint Pvt., U. S. A. FRANK LE ROY STEWART Goodrich. Mich. Mech., 12th Co., 4th Regt., A. S. S. C. CHARLES EDWIN STICKLE 1402 Lyon St., Flint Pvt., F. Co., 26th Eng., A. E. F. WILLIAM EMERY STICKLE 1402 Lyon St., Flint Pvt., Hq., 135th F. A., A. E. F. GLENN H. STIFF 220 W. 5th St., Flint Cpl., K. Co., 338th Inf. Tr. to Inf., 4th Div., A. E. F. HARRY REBBECK STIFF Linden, Mich. Pvt., F. A., Camp Eustis, Va. ISAAC MILTON STIFF Linden, Mich. Pvt,, A. E. F. WALTER B. STIFF Linden, Mich. Pvt., C. Co., 51st Inf., A. E. F. 194 CHESTER STILWELL Flint, Mich., R. F. D. 1 Pvt., C. Co., 328th Field Bn., S. C., A. E. F. FRED STOLTZ 927 Warren St., Flint Pvt., E. Batt., 328th F. A., 85th Div., A. E. F. MAXWELL E. STONE Fenton, Mich. Cpl., Camp Humphreys, Va. RENTON E. STORER Flint Pvt., H. Co., 7th Inf., 3rd Div A. E. F. Gassed::1 J RAY A. STOREY Fenton, Mich. Pvt., E. Co., 337th Inf., 85th Div.. A. E. F. ROY N. STOUT 2416 Dort St., Flint 29th P. O. D., U. S. A. FRANK FAY STRAIT 1101 Chippewa St., Flint Pvt., 116th Prov. Co., T. Div., U. S. A. ELMO L. STRANAHAN Flushing, Mich. Cpl., M. Co., 40th Inf., x I, NIll7k LAWRENCE C. STRANAHIAN Linden, Mich. Pvt., 209th Field Bn., S. C., U. S. A. JESSE DAVID STRAUGH Fenton, Mich. Pvt., 5th Eng., A. E. F. GEORGE FAIRFAX STREAT 303 E. 8th St., Flint Regt. Supply Sgt., 337th Inf., 85th Div. Tr. to Q. M. C. School JESSE STRINGHAM 1312 Ann Arbor St., Flint Pvt., U. S. A. LEON U. T. STEUBLE Argentine Twp., Mich. Pvt., 1st Cl., S. Co., 346th Inf. CLEMENS HARV. STRZYZYNSKI 2002 McCamm St., Flint Sgt., I. Squadron, S. C., U. S. A. Injured in fall from plane at Southern Field, Americus, Ga. ALOISE STRZYZYNSKI 2926 Richfield Road, Flint Pvt., B. Co., 310th Amm. Tr., 85th Div., A. E. F. FLOYD RAYMOND STUART Otter Lake, Mich. Pvt., 328th F. A., 85th Div. 195 MURNEY B. STUART I307 Ave. B., Flint Pvt., M. G. Co., 3rd Bn., Canadian E. F. Wounded at Cambrai, Oct., i, 1I18 WILLIAM MOORE STUART Flint Sgt.. ist CI., U. S A. ORLIOFF STURGE ')oi E. oth St.- Flint Pvt. 330oth F. A., 85th, Div., A E. F. JOSEPH LESLIE STURVTE 2503 North St., Flint Pvt., A. S. S. C., Kellv Field, Tex. WILLIAM SULILIVAN R. F. D. No. I, Mt. Morris, Mich Pvt., Ist Cl. C. Co., I4th M. G. Bn. MAURICE CLARK SUMMERS 322 W. 9th St., Flint Field Sgt., Canadian F. F. Wounded three times, assisted in capture of German spy. LAWRENCE WILLIAM SUTHERBY Fenton, Mich, Pvt., 3rd F. A., A. E. F. GEORGE EDSON SUTHERLAND I415 Ave. C., Flint CpI* E. Co., I25th Inf., 32nd Div. A. E. F. HARRY L. SUTTON 811 E. 2nd St., Flint Pvt., I8th Co., I63rd Depot Brig., U. S. A. EARL W. SWAIN Montrose, Mich. Cpl. 35Ist Amb. Co., 88th Div, A. E. F. HARRY R. SWAIN 1213 Chippewa St.. Flint Pvt., L. Co., 339th Inf., A. N. R, E. F. (Russian Front) FLOYD SWART Mt. Morris, Mich. Pvt., Ist C1. M. G. Co., 337th Inf., 85th Div., A. E. F. HOWARD COURTER SWART 11 9 E. 4th St., Flint Pvt., 4i8th Motor Supply Tr., 5th Corps, A. E. F. WARD DANIEL SWEERS R. F. D. No 3, Flint Cook Supply Co., 77th Inf. HAROLD L. SWEET I3I7 Lingle St., Flint Pvt., I. Co., i25th Inf., 32nd Div. A. E. F. Died Oct. I7, I9I8, in France ROBERT VERE SWEITZER Flint Ist. Sgt., E. Co., 215th Eng. Camp Logan, Tex.; 196 I L NORTON SWINEHART 837 Jamieson St., Flint Cpl., Canadian E. F. FLOYD R. SWIRE 503 ist Ave., Flint Pvt., Tank Corps, A. E. F. CARLOS SAMIUEL SYMONS 1255 Stever St., Flint Pvt., UT S. A. HARRY SYMONS Gaines, Mich. Pvt,, C. Batt., 8oth F. A.., A. E. F. JOHN HENRY ROY SYMONS 1255 Stever Ave., Flint Pvt., Amb. Co., 84th Div., A. E. F. MIVERT SYMONS 79g Parkland St., Flint Pvt., Inf., 29th Div., A. E. F. Gassed and wounded Oct. i3, g1t-8. ROY SYMONS 719 Parkland St., Flint Sgt., 4ist Div., A. E. F, ANTHIONY TAM CAL Swartz Creek, Mich. Pvt., U. S. A. JESSE MARTIN TANDY 709 W. Court St., Flint Pvt., S. A. T. C., U. of M. ELWYN M. TANNER Justice of the Peace, Flint Pve., 33oth F. A., 85th Div., A. E. g F. Przesident, Oklay Traynor Post, No. 64, American Legion ROBERT TAYL.OR 209 E. Sth St., Flint Pvt., C. Co., 44th Bn., Canadian E. HAROLD B. TAYLOR Davison, Mich. Pvt., H. Co., 7th Inf., 3rd Div., A. E. F. Died Oct., 9, I918 of wounds received during Meuse-Argonne offensive JOHN M. TAYLOR 209 E. 5th St., Flint Sgt., 1st Cl., 48th Aero Squadron, A. E. F. WALTER H, TA' 209 E, Sth St., Cpl., E. Co., 3roth Sup',p DivE,. A A E T it Rt Train, 8. WILLIA NI McKINLEY TAYLOR 50o6 Harriet St., Flint Pvt., Med. Det., 329th F. A., 85th Div., A. E. F. GEORGE WASHINGTON TEACHOUT 1614 Fay St., Flint Pvt., I8th Bn., Canadian E. F. 197 LEROY E: TEACHOUT R. F. D. No. I, Clio, Mich. Cpl., G. Co., 338th Tnf., 85th Div., A. E. F. HOWARD EDWARD TENBY 113 E. gth St.. Flint Pvt., 39th Inf., 3rd Div., A. E. F. Injured by shell concussion VERNE TENNY Davison, Mich. Pvt., Ist Cl., Q. M. C., Camp Meigs, Washington, tr. to A. E. F. EUGENE F. TEREAU R. F. D. No. 2, Flint Pvt., Ist Cl., Military Police Corps, Newark, N. J. JAMES R. TERWILLIGAR 81I2 W. 5th Ave., Flint Cpl. C. Co., 2I4th Field Signal Bn. MELVIN THICK 734 Witherbee St., Flint Pvt., C. Co., I8th Inf., Ist Div., A. E. F. CLAUDE FLETCHER THOMAS Flushing, Mich. Pvt., Ist Cl., L. Co., I39th Inf., 35th Div., Tr. from 337th Inf. STEWART W. THORPE I635 Church St., Flint Pvt., A. S. S. C., San Antonio, Tex. MILTON THORNTON 907 Leith St., Flint Pvt., M. Co., 64th Inf., A. E. F. LEWIS L. THOMPSON II25 Park St., Flint Pvt., 75th Squad., Spruce Div., U. S. A. JOHN DODGE THOMPSON Flint Pvt., L. Co., 6th Inf., A. E. F. In Mexico with Pershing's Expedition. Wounded in France. ERNEST ALTON THOMPSON Mt. Morris, Mich. Pvt., Ig9th M. G. Co., Camp McArthur, Tex. N4~: EDWARD LORENZO THOMPSON Flint Pvt., D. Batt., 328th F. A., 85th Div., A. E. F. DAVID M. THOMPSON 2558 Mt. Elliot Ave., Flint Pvt., Med. Det., I26th Inf., 32nd Div., A. E. F. CHARLES M. THOMPSON Fenton, Mich 20oth Co., C. O. T. S., Camp Gordon, Ga. WILLIAM THORPE 4I4 Frost St., Flint Pvt., Med. Dept., U. S. A., West Baden Hosp., Ind. 198 '.j^A t ',-" Ig ALBERT EDWARD THOMPSON 214 E. I3th St., Flint Pvt., i6th Anti-Aircraft Bn., U. S. A. LEONARD JOHN THOMAS Fenton, Mich. Pvt., A. S. S. C., U. S. A. JOHN G. THOMAS JOHN THOMAS 337 Wood St., Flint R. F. D. No. 5, Flint Pvt., E. Batt., 328th F. A., 85th Div., Pvt., I20th M. G. Bn., 32nd Div., A.E.F. A. E. F. i:.,,,*: HARRY J. THOMAS 1005 W. 3rd Ave., Flint Bugler, F. Co., 26th Inf., ist Div., A. E. F Wounded July I9, 1918, Soissons Sector, Marne Counter-Offensive. 4* HOMER CATLIN TIHORSBY Atlas, hMich Pvt., A. Batt., 3291th F. A.. 85th Div., A. E. F. Died of pneumonia Oct., T7,1 r98, in France EARL M. THOMAS R. F. D. Nc 1o, Flint Pvt., rst ('I., E. Co., i68th Inf.., 42n d Div. GEORGE H. THORSBY Montrose, Mich. Pvt., 325th F. A. Band IVY TIBBITS RUSSELIL A. TIBBETTS Swartz Creek, Mich. 12 Larneer St.. Flint Pvt., C. Co., 337th Inf., 85th Div., A.E.F. Pvt., 4th Co., S. A. T. C., 17. of M. HARRY BURTON TINKIIAM Montrose, Mich. Pvt., 333rd Amb. Co., 84th Div., A. E. F. WILLIAM CHARLES TIRRELL 453 Williams St., Flint Pvt.. A. S. S. C., U. S. A. Died Oct. 24. r(oi8 of pneumonia at Madison Barracks STEVO TISMA 1122 Maple St., Flint Pvt., Serbian Army FRED ALBERT TITTERSON 1406 Deleware Ave., Flint Pvt., Hq. Troops, r4th Div., tr. from Canadian Army PERCY TITTERSON 1406 Deleware Ave., Flint Pvt., 2nd Canadian Motor M. G. Bn. CECIL A. TITUS 412 8th Ave., Flint Pvt., Tank Corps, tr. to M. T. C. 199 f 1 I i -1 i I S mom aq~~~~~X I 4 I I M ~,~i:< 1::ii!?!~:!! i:; III, 1. I - A,. ^ w. PATRICK CHARLES TOOMEY ARCHIE EDWARD TORREY I522 Ave. A., Flint Flint Pvt. E. Co., 64th Inf., A. E. F. Cpl. B. Co., 59th Inf., A. E. F. RAYMOND W. TORREY 3o10 W. 8th St., Flint Sgt., A. S. S. C., U. S. A. STANLEY J. TOUPE 21 I8 Francis Ave., Flint Pvt., M. T. C., A. E. F. FRED TOUSH NOBLE E. TOWER 73I Leith St., Flint 3526 Alexander St., Flint Pvt., I45th Eng. Pvt., I35th Amb. Co., A. E. F. THOMAS I. TOWER CHARLES H. TOZER 3L526 Alexander St., Flint Montrose, Mich. Pvt., G. Co., 340th Inf., A. E. F Cpl. U. S. A. - - | I EDWARD J. TRADER 714 Asylum St., Flint Cpl., C. A. C., Fort Monroe, Va. Four years previous service with regulars. HARLEY R. TRAN SUE I2I6 Garland St., Flint Cplt M. G. Co., i25th Inf., 32nd Div. A. E. F. CLARENCE C. TRAVER Otisville, Mich. Pvt., A. Co., 338th Inf., tr. to Aux. Remount Station 320, Vet. Corps, Camp Custer. FRANK S. TRAVER Otisville, Mich. Pvt., A. Batt., 47th Regt., C. A. C., A.E.F. ANDREW TRENCH I510 Indiana Ave. Pvt., C. Co., Canadian Ry. Construction Service. JOHN TROMBLY 306 Van Wagoner St. Cook, Inf., Atlanta, Ga. HENRY CHRISTOPHER TROOP Mt. Morris, Mich. Cpl. H. Co., 22nd Inf. Served from April I9oI to April 1904 in Philippine Islands CHARLES TUCKER Flint Pvt., Hq. Co. 28th Inf., Ist Div., A.E.F. Gassed Sept., I918, St. Mihiel Offensive. Wounded Oct. 5, I918 during MeuseArgonne Offensive. I I I 200 I I I idn = INl, RAYMOND N. TUNNINGLEY EARL CECIL TUFFORD Gaines Mich. I6o07 Ohio Ave., Flint Pvt., Cooks' and Bakers' School, U.S.A. Cpl. 3Ioth Eng., 85th Div., A. E. F. Died of Pneumonia Oct. 20, g18 at Camp Merritt, N. J. AUGUSTUS TUPPER Iz28 Chippewa St., Flint Wagoner, Amm. Tr., U. S. A. FRED TUPPER Swartz Creek, Mich. Pvt., 47th Regt., C. A. C., A. E, F. HAROLD CLYDE TURNER GEORGE A. TURNER Atlas, Mich. R. F. D. No. IO Flint, Pvt., I. Co., I6th Inf., Ist Div., A.E.F. Pvt., 23rd Eng., A. E. F. Severely wounded Oct. 7, I918, during Meuse-Argonne Offensive. RAYMOND REED TUPPER Flushing, Mich. Pvt., S. A. T. O., U. of M. CLARENCE J. TURCOTTE 1413 Park St., Flint Pvt., 2nd Mine Laying Co., C. A. C. I l il ARCHIE ELMER UNDERHILL R. F. D, No. I Clio. Mich. Pvt., G. Co., 338th Inf., 85th Div.. A.E.F. CHARLES ANDREW TYLER 1303 Washington Ave., Flint Cpl. B. Troop, 4th Cavalry, Hawaii JACK ARTHUR UEHLIN 15Io Detroit St., Flint Pvt., 4loth Co., M. T. C. PEARL WASHINGTON UPPER Mt. Morris, Mich. Pvt., Medical Corps, Canadian E. F.; h RALPH WALDO E. UPPER Mt. Morris, Mich. Pvt., Engineers, Canadian E. F. CHARLES ALTON UPT Davison, Mic Pvt,, ix6th Squadron, A. S City, L. I., N. 'EGRAFF, JR. CLYDE ARTHUR VAN ALSTINE Blvd. Drive, Flint RAY A. VAN ALSTINE E. Blvd. Drive, Flint C —. lr C^ Trh nf, A E. F. 1 0;. S. C., Garden Pvt., Det. Med. Dept., 7th Eng., A.hE.F. gt.. kO., U -.* - Y. 201 I wA - rwe LEON P. VAN ATTEN Mt. Morris, Mich. Pvt., I6th Anti-Aircraft Sector. EARL EDSON VAN DYKE 6Io E. Ioth St., Flint Pvt., Ft. Sheridan, Ill1. BERNARD C. VAN KAMPEN 339 Ash St., Flint Sgt., E. Co., 2nd Engrs., 2nd Div., A.E.F. Wounded in hand in Belleau Woods in June, and in right leg Nov., Meuse-Argonne Offensive. ROBERT VAN TINE R. F. D. No. 4 Flint, Pvt., F. Co., 7th Inf., 3rd Div., A. E. F. Wounded during Meuse-Argonne Offensive WARREN VAN VALKENBURG Flushing, Mich. Pvt., 85th Div., A. E. F. SIMON VAN VOORHEES Otisville, Mich. Pvt., K. Co., I25th Inf., 32nd Div., A.E.F. Died in France of Wounds HARRY C. VAN WORMER 721 Detroit St., Flint Pvt., A. E. F. ED. VAN ZILL 831 Warren St., Flint Pvt., U. S. A. JOSEPH VASICEK, JR. Flushing, Mich. Pvt., C. Co., 23rd Regt., Czecho-Slovak Army. Served in Bohemia. EARL E. VERNON Flushing, Mich. Pvt., U. S. A. ELMER VINCENT 918 Vincent St., Flint Pvt., Ist C1. M. T. Unit 348th U. S. A MILOS VIZNJEVISH I207 Campau Ave., Flint Pvt., Serbian Army. GEORGE VOHWINKLE 1416 Montana Ave., Flint Cpl. E. Co., 78th Inf. MONE VOJVODICH 1207 Campau Ave., Flint Pvt., Serbian Army. FRANK J. VOIGHT I539 Ave. B., Flint Pvt., 7th Amm. Tr., 7th Div., A. E. F. RUSSELL LEE VORCE 728 Stone St., Flint Sgt., U. S. A. 202 I I I I I I I iW i IsS'r= =-==~== = = = = = = = = I i I::f a ORIEL VOSBURG 1116'Lapeer St., Flint Pvt., L. Co., 340th Inf., 85th Div., A. E. F. GLYA VOJVODICH 1122 Maple St., Flint Pvt., Serbian Army ROSS CHAS. WADE Rogersville, Mich. Pvt., 1st Cl., F. A., A. E. F. Tr. from Eng., Camp Humphreys THOMAS J, WADSWORTH Clio, Mich., R. F. D. 4 Cpl., 14th Ammunition Train. Tr. from C. Co., 338th Inf. ROBERT L. WAGNER 624 Warren St., Flint Pvt., A. S. S. C., A. E. F. Tr. overseas from Eberts Field, Ark. RAYMOND HENRY WAGONER 1009 Mathews St., Flint Pvt., Q. M. C. FRANK WAIDER 1203 Benson St.. Flint Pvt., 330th Supply Tr., Q. M. C., A. E. F. FRED A. WAIDER 913 E. 8th St., Flint Pvt., M. Co., 55th Inf., A. E. F. I i: I::. ARTHUR LEVI WAITE 1233 Hamilton Ave., Flint Pvt., 44th F. A., 14th Div. HARVEY EARLE' WAITE 759 Hamilton Ave., Flint Cpl., 10th Inf. LA VERNE A. WAITE 931 Warren St., Flint Pvt., 3rd Troop, 12th Cavalry JAMES ROY WALKER 735 Hamilton Ave., Flint. Pvt., Med. Dept., U. S'. A. WILLIAM H. WALKER 1617 Frank'in Ave., Flint Pvt., M. Co., 64th Inf., A. E. F. Four wounds JOHN E. WALKER 739 Rankin St., Flint Cpl., 116th Eng., A. E. F. MELVIN JOHN WALKER 2000 Richfield Road, Flint Pvt., C. Co., 19th Inf. Died of wounds received at Chateau-Thierry RAY E. WALKER 307 Mason St., Flint Pvt., Amb. Co. 333, Sanitary Train 309, 84th Div., A. E. F. I I 203 - - HARRY BASIL WALLIS 1328 Avenue A, Flint Cpl., C. Co., Motor Transport Corps, Stationed Fort Bliss, Tex. VICTOR W. WALLRATH 508 E. 8th St., Flint Pvt., 492nd Aero Squadron, S. C., Garden City, L. I. THOMI.AS JOSEPH WALSH 719 Paterson St., Flint Pvt,, C. Co., 310th Eng., A. E. F. C(ARL T. WALTER 902 Harriet St., Flint Pvt., Q. IM. C., Camp Johnstone, Fla., and Newport News, Va. EDWIN CHARLES WALTHER 213 Liberty St., Flint Pvt., Med. Dept., A. E. P., Base Hospital 92, France LOUIS' JOHN WVALTHiER 213 Linsey St., Flint Base Hospita! No. 1, New York HARRY D. WARD 753 Elizabeth St., Flint Pvt., 104th FR A., A. E. F ALBERT E. WARNER 1.301 E. Hamilton Ave., Flint Pvt,, 338th Inf., 85th Div., A. E. F. Injured by concussion WESLEY WARNER 1417 Avenue C, Flint Sgt., D. Co., 328th F. A., 85th Dtv. A. E. F. DON E. W ARREN 1025 S. Saginaw St., Flint Cpl., A. S. S. C. FREDERICK WARREN 1725 Bennett Ave., Flint Pvt., A. E. F. JOSEPH HENRY WARREN Swartz Creek, Mich., R. F. D. 3 Pvt., 125th Inf., 32nd Div., A. E. F. HUGH L. WATERBURY 524 E. 3rd St., Flint Sgt. Major, 2nd Bn., 42nd F. A., A. E. F. FRANK A. WATERFALL 1947 VW. Court St., Flint Pvt., M. G. Co., 338th Inf., 86th Div., A. E. F. CORLISS LIUNDY WATIS'ON Davison, Mich., R. F. D. 3 Pvt., C. Co., S. A. T. C., M. A. C. GEORGE A. WATSON 774 Parkland St., Flint Sgt., 85th Div., A. E. F. 204 MERRILL D. WATSON 205 W. 6th St., Flint Pvt., B. Co., 28th Eng., A. E. F. ROBERT VWILLIAM WATS).N 774 Parkland St., Flint Student Physician, Philadelphia Hosp. WVALTER SYLVESTER WAT-SON 39 Bruce St., Flint IPvt., E. Co., 125th Inf., 32nd Div.., A. E. F. BERTON LESLIE WAY Flushing, Mich. Bn. Supply Sgt., 338th Inf., 86th Div., A. E. F. LLOYD NELSON WAY Flushing, Mich. Pvt., S. A. T, C., Dodge Technical Institute. A. S. S. C. VAN MARTIN WrEAVER RAYMOND JOHN %WEBB LYMAN WEBSTER 904 E. 7th St., Flint 71]5 N. Saginaw St., Flint 1614 Franklin Ave., Flint p!., 333rd Amb. Co, Sanitary Train Sgt., 351st Amb. Co., Sanitary Train Cpl., 119th F. A., 32nd Div., A. E. F. 309. 84th Div., A. E, F 313, 8~th Div., A. E. F. CHARLES C. WEEKLY 1629 Glenwood Ave., Flint Pvt., Canadian Army EARL EDGAR WEEKS Flint, R. F. D. 5 Pvt., 449th Squadron, Spruce Div. FRED WEISS Fenton, Mich. Pvt., K. Co., 328th Brigade, Tank Corps, A. E. F LEE E. WELCH 400 W. First St., Flint Pvt., C. Squadron, A. S. S. C. ROY WVELCH Linden, Mich., R. F. D. 2 Pvt., A. Batt., 329th F. A., 85th Div., A. E. F. LUDGER F. WELCOME 601 Williams St., Flint Pvt., 328th F. A., 85th Div., A. E. F. STUART WENDELL 331 Avon St., Flint Pvt., B. Co., 126th Inf., 32nd Div., A. E. F. CLARENCE EARL WENTWORTH 775 Dewey St., Flint Pvt., S. A. T. C., M. A. C. I ~lr==~===- ====================""==~'T I I I II I LLOYD ALLEN WERTMAN 2110 Francis Ave., Flint Pvt., 92nd Co., F. A., U. S. M. C., S. C. D., Feb. 1918, re-enlisted S. A. T. C., M. A. C., Sept. 1918 HOWARD C. WESSELS 622 Hazelton St., Flint Pvt., Q. M. C., A. E. F. GEORGE RAYMOND WEST GEORGE H. WEST 1108 Decker St., Flint 1314 Broadway, Flint Pvt., Med. Dept., A. E. F. Pvt., E. Co., 125th Inf., 32nd Div., A. E. F. HARRY BROWVNELL WESTOVER 134 Genesee St., Flint Pvt., C. Co., 337th Inf., 85th Dlv., A. E. F. Tr. to Gen Hqs., Chaumont, France RALPH C. WESTRAN 724 Hazelton St., Flint Pvt., 63rd Aero Squadron, S. C., Langley Field, Va. WARD WESTRAN 724 Hazelton St., Flint Pvt., U. S. A. JOHN JOSEPH WHALEN Gaines, Mich. Cpl., 329th F. A., 85th Div., A. E. F. - -1 l | a ALFORD JOHN WHITE JAMES W. WHITE 908 Lippincott Blvd., Flint Flint Mess Sgt., 16th Prov. Co., 10th Regt.. Pvt., E. Co., 125th Inf., 32nd Div., Camp Hancock, Va. A. E. F. GEORGE HAROLD WHITE 1127 Detroit St., Flint Pvt., Spruce Div., U. S. A. JOHN LEO WHITE 1127 Detroit St., Flint Pvt., C. Batt., 77th F. A., 4th Div., A. E. F. LEWIS WHITE 837 Jameison St., Flint Cpl., Inf., Camp Custer, Mich. MERTON WHITE 1227 Imperial St., Flint Pvt., E. Co., 35th Eng., A. E. F. WILLIAM WILLIS WHITE 1227 Imperial St., Flint Pvt., D. Co., 102nd Eng., A. E. F. GEORGE EDWARD WHITEHEAD 422 Windus St., Flint Cpl., M. Co., 125th Inf., 32nd Div., A. E. F. Gassed and wounded in shoulder and left leg I I I 206 I I I I 0 smear - - - RALPH H. WAIT 2026 Francis Ave., Flint Pvt., 11th Recruit Co., Columbus Barracks, O. CLARE VWHITESIDEI) 2816 St. Johns St., Flint Cpl., 4th Motor Truck Brig., A. E. F. Served five years in Philippine Islands i: 7 - Eii dr ~_-.~~ GrP,OVER C. WiHYTE 719 Ann Arbor St.. Flint Sgt,. Ord. Dept., 39th Eng., A. E. F. STEWART WHITMAN 714 Witherbee St., Flint Pvt_. 1st CL, 38th Squad, Spruce Div. U. S. A. FRANK L. WHITMYER 404 Frost St., Flint Pvt., Med. Dept., Base Hosp., Camp Custer...:.,.'^,''di'lll' i i-:.... CHESTER J. WIDEMAN 1966 Fenton Road, Flint Pvt,- Ord. Dept., 85th Div., A. E. F, JAMES WHITNEY 1912 W. Court St., Flint Pvt., Med. Dept., A. E. F. BERT WIDSEMAN 1966 Fenton IRoad, Flint Sgt., C. C-o. 332rnd Bn., IM. T. C. i | l l I I I HARRY MANSELL WIRSING 809 E. 8th St., Flint Cpl., I. Co., 112th Inf., 28th Div., A. E. F. Gassed during Marne counter-offensive; wounded in leg Nov. 4, 1918 LLOYD GEORGE WILCOX 413 E. 2nd St, Flint Pvt,, 1st Cl., M. G. Co., 125th Inf., 32nd Div., A. E. F. WILLIAM CHESTER WILCOX Grand Blanc, Mieh. Pvt. B. Co., 18th Inf., 1st Div., A. E. F. ARTHUR LEE WILES 1212 Stockton St., Flint Pvt., Ist Cl., Spruce Div., U. S. A. WILLIAM HOWARD WILLETT 808 Hamilton Ave., Flint Sgt., 12th Co., C. A. C., Ft. Canby, Wash. ALMA GEORGE WILLIAMS' 158 Geneseret St., Flint Pvt., S. A. T. C., Olivet Coliege CHARLES H. WILLIAMS 1525 N. Saginaw St., Flint Pvt., F. Batt., 329th F. A., 85th Div., A. E. F. FRANK J. WILLIAMS Swartz Creek, Mich. Pvt., A. Co.. 120th M. G. Bn., 32nd Div., A. E. F. Gassed in Sept., 1918 I I I H e-~~ -a —~~~: ~a-,207 207 FRANK N. WILLIAMS 1525 N. Saginaw St., Flint Sgt., G. Co., 338th Inf., 85th Div., U. S. A. GUS' WILLIAMS Grand Blanc, Mich. Pvt., 85th Div., A. E. F. HAROLD EDV'IN W,' ILLIAMS 1106 Root St., Flint Pvt,, A. Co., 338th Inf., 85th Div., A. E. F. HARRY WILLIAMS 734 Taylor St., Flint Pvt., U. S. A., Camp Perry, O. IRA J. WILLIAMS 406 W. 1st St., Flint Sgt., G. Co., 338th Inf., 85th Div.. A. E. F. JOHN THOMAS WILLIAMS Flint Pvt., A. Batt., 328th F. A., 85th Div., A. E. F. PERCY DELBERT WILLIAMS Montrose, Mich. Sgt., Utilities Dept., U. S. A. THOMAS B. WILLIAMS 524 E. 3rd St., Flint Pvt., U. S. A. TILFER CHARLES WILLIAMS WALTER S. WILLIAMS 1345 Hamilton Ave., Flint 702 Wolcott St., Flint Pvt., B. Batt., 329th F. A., 85th Div., Pvt., B. Batt., 329th F. A., 85th Div., A. E. F. A. E. F. WALTER WILLIS WILLIAMS Flint, Mich., R. F. D. 2 Pvt., Med. Dept., Camp Dick, Tex. WILLIAM F. WILLIAMS 1410 Broad St., Flint Supply Sgt., H. Co., 338th Inf., 85th Div., A. E. F. HURON B. WILSON 1410 Broad St., Flint Sgt., 85th Div., A. E. F. CLARE RICHARD WILSON 1141 Ann Arbor St., Flint Cpl., 829th Aero Squadron, S. C., U. S. A. GEORGE FOLTZ WILSON 925 Pleasant St., Flint Pvt., 351st Amb. Co., 88th Div., A. E. F. JAMES WILSON 833 Parkland St., Flint Pvt., Bakery Co. 310, Q. M. C. 208 U&I luhrr~lf================= —======== —== Ja - - -~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~q I I I JAMES LEACH WILSON SAMUEL PERRY WILSON 925 Pleasant St., Flint Grand Blanc, Mich. Pvt., Provost Guard Co., Camp Custer Hosp. Sgt., Med. Dept., Base Hosp. 114, A. E. F. PERCY GEORGE WINBORN WELLES W. WILTZ 225 W. 4th Ave., Flint 720 Dayton St., Flint Pvt., G. Co., 7th Inf., 3rd Iv', Pvt., C. Batt., 41st F. A. A. E. F. Wounded by shell fragment in left thigh and by machine gun bullet in.......n left ankle I CHARLES ARTHUR WISE 312 E. Newall St., Flint 1st Sgt., A. S. S. C., A. E. F. HENRY WILLIAM WISE LESLIE O. WISE 312 E. Newall St., Flint 312 E. Newall St., Flint Cpl., Ord. Dept., U. S. A. Dispatch Pvt., A. S. S. C., Wilbur Wright Field, Rider, Office Chief of Ordnance Dayton, O. PHILIP SMITH WISE 312 E. Newall St., Flint Pvt., 359th Aero Squadron, S. C., A. E. F. Handley-Page Bombing Squadron. On S. S. Persic torpedoed - -1 1 JOHN WOEGES 1538 Maple St., Flint Pvt., A. S. S. C., A. E. F. WILLIAM FREDERICK WOLFE Flushing, Mich. Pvt., 48th Co., 20th Eng., A. E. F. HOWARD LEO WOLFINGTON 1234 Cleveland Ave., Flint Pvt., 29th Squad, M. T. C. PERRY ALLEN WOLFINGTON 1234 Cleveland Ave., Flint Pvt., Med. Dept., U. S'. A., Base Hoop., Camp MacArthur, Tex. HOWARD C. WOLVERTON EDWIN CHARLES WOLTCHER EDWN LCHnAdEt. FOLnTCHER Sgt., A. Batt., 76th F. A., 3rd Div., Pvt., Med. Dept., Base Hoslr. 92, A.Pvt., Med. Dept. BaseF. 9 Killed in action near Chateau-Thierry, July 15, 1918 ARCHIE WOOD CLAUDE WOOD 2001 Arlington Ave., Flint Flushing, Mich. Sgt., 160th Depot Brig., Camp Custer I I 209 C...- I ll Ad:- -- a-::-:: mu r E w~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Cim l JOSEPH R. WOOD NEIL O. WOODBURY 919 Lyon St., Flint 1322 Grand Traverse St., Flint Pvt., L. Co., 338th Inf., 85th Div., Pvt., 1st Gas Regt., A. E. F. A. E. F. JAMES W. WOODS 312 South St., Flint Pvt., U. S. A., Camp McClellan, Ala. ll" 4;,!,_ SHULL L. WOODWORTH Fenton, Mich. Pvt., 52nd Eng., A. E. F. THOMAS C. WOODWORTH FRANK C. WOOLSTON Fenton, Mich. 761 Elizabeth St., Flint Pvt., 22nd Eng., A. E. F. Pvt., 77th Inf. EDGAR DANIELS WOOSTER 1309 Ann Arbor St., Flint Cpl-., B. Batt., 329th F. A., 85th Div., A. E. F, LYNN WOOSTER 1309 Ann Arbor St., Flint Pvt., D. Co., 384th Inf. ARBA CLYDE WORDEN Clio, Mich. Pvt., E. Co., 16th Inf., 1st Div., A. E. F. Died of pneumonia in Germany while with Army of Occupation ENOCH W. WORDEN 922 Elizabeh St., Flint Pvt., Med. Dept., U. S. A., Base Hosp., Long Island, N. Y. EUGENE DE FOREST WOOD 313. Newall St., Flint Pvt., H. Co., 125th Inf., 32nd Div., A. E. F. Twice wounded, Chateau-Thierry ALTON WRIGHT, 701 10th St., Flint Sgt., U. S. A., Washington, D. C. 'i ' CLARENCE IRELAND WRIGHT 709 Oxford St., Flint Cpl., 408th Aero Squad, S. C., U. S. A. JAMES HARVEY WRIGHT Flint, Mich., R. F. D. 7 Pvt., Hq. Co., 338th Inf., 85th Div., A. E. F. LESLIE IRVING WRIGHT 816 Mason S't., Flint Cpl., D. Co., 125th Inf., 32nd Div., A.E. F. MOSES W~RIGHT 1525 Fay St., Flint 1st Sgt., E. Co., 125th Inf., 32nd Div., A. E. F. In M. N. G. six years ma~Rs- ---- - - I --- 210 I I I I i B Iaas: =- 5 I I g 1 WALLACE BRONEL WRIGHT 2014 Ferris Ave., Flint Pvt., 15th Bn., 160th Depot Brig. Camp Custer. Tr. to Med. Dept. Base Hospital 34, A. E. F. ROBERT SEATON WYKES Gaines, Mich, Pvt., C. Co.. 77th Inf. EARL KIRK WYMAN Fenton, Mich. Pvt., I. (Co.. 340th Inf., 86th Div,, A. E. F. FRANK YANKEE 496 Gracelawn Ave., Flint Pvt., D. Co., 57th Ammunition Train MAX YANKEE 496 Gracelawn Ave., Flint Wag. Supply Co,, 59th Inf., A. E. F. Wounded HAROLD F. YTANKLE 1327 Glenwood Ave., Flint Pvt., 1st Cl., MIed. Dept., A. E. F. HIERMAN J. YASTER Clio, Mich., R. F. D. 2 Pvt.,,Med. Dept., Base Hospital, Camp Custer CHARLES RICHARD YORK 1326 Begole St., Flint Pvt., MIed. Dept., Base Hospital, Camp Custer I I6 t- III LLOYD YORTON 1406 Mason St., Flint Sgt., U. S. A. Died of gun shot wounds received in line of duty, Feb. 1, 1917, at Base Hospital, El Paso, Texas CECIL YOUNG 1625 Ohio Ave., Flint Pvt., C. A. C., A. E. F. HARRY L. YOUNGS 1113 Decker St.. Flint Pvt., H. Co.. 338th Inf. Tr. to 21st Div., Vancouver Barracks OTTO H. ZASENBRAKER 41A8 Anne St, Flint CpD' B Co, 40th Inf., 14th Div. dk JOHN ZEITER 1821 Jane St., Flint Pvt., G. Co., Repairs Unit 307. M. T. C., A. E. F. JOSEPH K. ZELNO 2033 Warner Ave., Flint Pvt., D. Co., 16th Inf., 1st Div., A. E. F. RAYMIOND F. ZIEGEL ALVIN ZIELINSKI 823 Avon St., Flint 922 Carton St., Flint Pvt., Batt. D., 330th F. A., 85th Div_, Pvt., M. T. C., A. E. P. A. E. F. Tr. from Camp Lee, Va. te~ --- — - - - y - He ww 211 IRWIN JOHN APPLEBEE I I I I Oak St., Flint Surfman, Station 236, Erie, Pa. U. S. Coast Guard RICHARD HAZEN BELLINGER I826 Utah Ave., Flint Machinist Ist Class, U. S. S. Ohio U. S. N. HOWARD B. AUSTIN Davison, Mich., Route No. 2 App. Seaman. U. S. N. R. F. PAUL ARTHUR ARNOLD 620 Second Ave., Flint Yeoman. U. S. N. ~ I VERN C. AUSTIN Mt. Morris, Mich. 2nd Class Seaman, Hampton Roads Station, U. S. N. WILLARD R. BEDELL Swartz Creek, Mich. Aero Service, U. S. N. BRYAN J. BAKER 4Io E. Third St., Flint Quartermaster 3rd Class U. S. S. Illinois, U. S. N. GEORGE HERBERT BRICKEN 20I7 Kansas Ave., Flint Seaman, U. S. N. JAMES A. BRADELEY I022 Patrick St., Flint Seaman, U. S. S. New Jersey U. S. N. TRENT GERALD BOWLES Linden, Mich. Yeoman 3rd Class, U. S. N. R. F. BUNNELL G. BOWLES 91I5 Grand Traverse St., Flint Seaman U. S. Merchant Marine EUGENE JOHN ACKERMAN Atlas, Mich. Coxswain School, nIth Regt. U. S. N. WILLIAM EDMOND BOWEN I314 John R. St., Flint Fireman, U. S. S. Maine U. S. N. PETER T. ALLORE 833 Parkland St., Flint Seaman, Co. 459, Camp Farrugut U. S. N. HOWARD B. ATKINS 2112 W. Court St., Flint Seaman, Co. 502, 8th Reg. L. I. Navy Yard JOHN DEWEY ASHBY 51I Begole St., Flint 43rd Co., 12th Regt., Great Lakes U. S. N. 212 WILLIAM FITZHUGH BROWNE 552 E. 5th Ave., Flint Seaman, U. S. N. ARTHUR H. BROWN 1233 Hamilton Ave., Flint Fireman, U. S. N. GEORGE A. CARLSON Seaman, U. S. S. Roanoke U. S. N. LEWIS D. COMMINS U. S.S. Maine Fireman, U. S. N. WILLIAM CURTIS COOPER 504 W. Court St., Flint Ist C1. Machinist Mate, U. S. N. HOLLIS COLE Swartz Creek, Mich. Seaman, U. S. N. HAROLD R. CHAPEL 1227 Church St., Flint App. Seaman, U. S. N. R. F. HOWARD NEWMAN CHAPEL I227 Church St., Flint Radio Electrician, B Co., 7th Regt. Great Lakes, U. S. N. r -I' WARREN E. CALL Flushing, Mich. Electrician 2nd Cl., Ry. Batt. No. I U. S. N. WM. BULMAN Flint 2nd Cl., I,. M. M. A., U. S. N. GUY CARMICHAEL 13I7 Lingle Ave., Flint Fireman, U. S. Merchant Marine EARL H. BROCKWAY 840 E. gth St., Flint Radio Operator, U. S. N. - 45n LEO GRANT COLE Swartz Creek, Mich. Seaman, U. S. N. DONALD C. BU THLAND 733 Elizabeth St., Flint Seaman, U. S. N. EARL HARVEY BROWN Rogersville, Mich. Seaman, U. S. S. Iowa, U. S. N. RODNEY BYRNE 905 Cedar St., Flint Seaman, U.S. S. Iowa, U. S. N. 213 i I:j A. l OCTAVE ANTONIO Flint, Mich., R. F. D. Seaman, 1st Cl., Coast Patrol CLAUDE C. BARRETT 1735 Wisconsin Ave., Flint Chief Yeoman, U. S. N. Wounded by German prisoner at Brest GRANT CARNEGIE BEAMISH Clio, Mich., R. F. D. 1 Coxswain, U. S. S. Minn., U. S. N. SLOCUM `WILLIAM BEAN 1908 N. Saginaw St., Flint Seaman, U. S. Naval Training Barracks, Base 6 BERNARD MARVIN BECKWITH I Fenton, Mich. Machinist's Mate, 2nd Cl., U. S. S. Prometheus, U. S'. N. R F. ROSCOE 0. BENNETT 922 Elizabeth St., Flint Seaman, 1.st Cl., U. S. N. VICTOR BLOM 782 Damon St., Flint Fireman, U. S. S. Zeelandia, U. S. N. RALPH L. BUCKLEY 119 E. 15th 3t., Flint Seaman, U. S. S. DeKalb, Q. M. Dept., Philadelphia FRANCIS M. CLAPP 1224 Grand Traverse S't., Flint Electrician, 3rd Cl., Radio Service, TU. S. N. JACK CREGO 312 E. 8th St., Flint Coxwain, U. S. N., Transport Sheridan OLIVER RAYMOND CRAVEN E. Kearsley St., Flint Seaman, 1st C1., U. S. S. Rijndam EDWARD SHERMAN CUMINGS 119 E. 4th St., Flint App. Seaman, Clk. Co. 24, 6th Bn., 12th Regt., Great Lakes, U. S. N. ARTHUR LEW'IS CUMMINGS 732 Dewey St., Flint Fireman, U. S. N. LEON MAX CUNNINGHAM 301 E. 2nd St., Flint 3rd Cl. Yeoman, U. S'. N. HUGH LEST-ER CURRIE 2208 Avenue A, Flint. Mach. Mate, 2nd C1., U. S. N., Camp Paul Jones CLYDE VERNON CUSON 4010 Industrial Ave., Flint Chief Hospital Steward, Base Hosp. No. 27, England, U. S. N. 214 ORLEY LEWIS DAVEY 1502 Richfield Road, Flint Seaman, U. S. N. THOMAS FAY DAVIS 1458 Richfield Road, Flint Radia Operator, U. S. N. CLIFFORD A. DEAN 921 Davis St., Flint S'eaman, 2nd C., U. S.. N. DON E. DE MOTT 1714 Belle Ave., Flint Seaman, 2nd CL.,. S. N. JOSEPH R. DEPLANCHE 1203 Benson Ave., Flint Yeoman, 2nd Cl., Pay Office, Phila. Navy Yard, U. S. N. DELAND SHASTER DEWITT Fenton, Mich. Seaman, U. S. S. Minneapolis, U. S. N. DOTUGLAS M. DUNN 1144 Avenue B, Flint Seaman, 2nd ClI., Great Lakes Tr. Station and Brest, France NOBEL G. DOWELL 754 Newall St., Flint Electrician, 1st Cl., U. S. N., R. F. MELVIN DUTCHER 1510 Chippewa St., Flint Gunners' Mate School, U. S. N. FRANKLIN WEBSTER DUBBS Flushing, Mich. Musician, 2nd Cl., U. S. N. EARL C. EASTMAN 1392 Washington Ave., Flint Seaman, 2nd Cl., U. S. S. Greene and Matlocks, U.. S N. J. CLARE EASTMAN 1392 Washington Ave., Flint Seaman, U. S. S. Gov. Dingley, U. S. N. FRED CHRISTOPHER ECKER 1115% Roosevelt Ave., Flint Gunner's Mate, 22nd Co., 12th Bn., U. S. N. PETER M. ECKER 1450 Indiana Ave., Flint Seaman, 2nd Cl., U. S. N. CHARLES EDWARD ELLIOTT Grand Blanc, Mich. 2nd Cl. Seaman, 460th Co., 9th Regt., U. S. N. EARL ELLSWORTH 728 Stone St., Flint S. A. T. C., U. of M. 215 :X t:00::: 40 at A:: t;:: BERYL EMMONS LYLE P ESTERBROOK Mt. Morris, Mich. 605 Ann Arbor St., Flint Seaman, U. S. N., aboard transport Boatswain's Mate, 1st C1., U. S. A. LAWRENCE F. FARMER Linden, Mich. Baker, 1st Cl., Mare Island, U. S. N. HOWARD J. FIELD 727 East St., Flint Seaman, U. S. N. At ROBERT FRANK FISHER 1512 W. Second St., Flint Mach. Mate, 2 C1., Aviation, U. S. N. R. F. STEWART FLANDERS 1315 Broadway, Flint Signalman, Hampton Roads, Va., U. S. N. TID FORSHEE JOE FOUCHON 310 E. Anne St., Flint 812 Hazelton St., Flint Seaman, 2nd Cl., Co. D., 3rd Regt., Mach. Mate, 2nd Cl., Sub Chaser Unit, U. S. N. U. S. N. SHERMAN FOUST Linden, Mich. Seamftan, U. S. N., overseas service ROBERT J. FOWLER 1309 E. Kearsley St., Flint Seaman, 2nd Cl., U. S. N. CHARLES EUGENE FULERTON Flint Seaman, 2nd C1., 39th Co., 12th Rgt., U. S. N. GEORGE F. GARDNER 359 Gillespie, Flint Seaman, 1st Cl., U. S. N. Tr. Border Service, U. S. A. CLARE L. GARNER 1209 Oak St., Flint Seaman, U. S. S. Alabama, U. S. S., Rhode Island, U. S. N. EARL MAXWELL GEIGER 909 Witherbee St., Flint Seaman, U. S. S. Louisiana CLARENCE A. GIFFORD 801% Trafalet St., Flint 1st Cl., Carpenters' Mate, U. S. N. PHILIP SAMUEL GILLILAND 1210 W. Kearsley St., Flint Seaman, U. S. N. 216 ALVIA E. GLIDDEN 434 E. Newall St., Flint S'eaman. 2nd C1., U. S. N., U. S. S. Pennsylvania JOEL G. GRAVES 319 E. 8th St., Flint Quartermaster, 2nd CI., Aviation, U. S. N. R. F. ABRAHAM GREEN FRANK EVERETT GREEN Grand Blanc, Mich. 506 E. 5th S't,, Flint Seaman, U. S. N., U. S. S. Martha Fireman, 2nd Cl., U. S. N., U. S. S. Washington Illinois t;00000000D'V05 JOHN LUTHER GREENE Linden, Mich. Seaman, 2nd Cl., 9th Regt., U. S. N. ARMAND GROULX 714 E. Third St., Flint Ship Cook, First Cl., U. S. N. ELMER H. HAMLIN 520 Rankin St., Flint Electrician, 3rd Cl., U. S. S. Comfort EARL HAMMOND 909 Cedar St., Flint Seaman, U. S. N. EARL ELGIN HAMMOND OTIS HAWKINS 909 Cedar St., Flint 206 E. 13th St., Flint Seaman, 1st Cl., U. S. S. Louisville, Boatswain's Mate, 1st Cl., U. S. N. U. S. S. Carold ALBERT WILLIAM HECKER 917 Oak Park PI., Flint Seaman, 2nd Cl., U. S. N. MORRIS JAMES HENDERSON 409 Garland St., Flint App. Seaman. Storekeeper, Great Lakes, U. S. N. i: I S@ '' 0. v~1:~l DEWEY HICKEY 403 Wilcox St., Flint Seaman, U. S. N. HARVEY W. HILL 1033 Mathews St., Flint Seaman, 2nd Cl., U. S. S. Massachusetts, U. S. N. JOHN HILL 741 Dayton St., Flint Seaman, U. S. N. PHILIP SAMUEL HILL Flint, Mich., R. F. D. 6 Quartermaster, U. S. N. 217 I I i | | "I IFM -- arlt HARRY JACOB HOWALD RUSSELL HOLCOMBE Flint Flint Chief Mach. Mate, U. S. N., U. S. S. Seaman, U. S. N. Kentucky, UT. S. S. Wackusett, U. S. S. Balias. Crossed Atlantic ten times during war WALTER CLARK HOWrALD Flint, R. F. D. 4 1st Cl., Carpenter's Mate, U. S. N., U. S. S. Louisiana. Re-enlisted April 1, 1918, Great Lakes Tr. Station FRANK KENNETH HOWVARD 722 Smith St., Flint Seaman, U. S. N. LEON FRANK HUSTON 741 Dayton St., Flint Seaman, TU. S. N. Served abroad WITMER M. HUNT VERL R. HUFFMAN Flint Mt. Morris, Mich. App. Seaman, U. S. S. Inidana, Storekeeper, 2nd C1., U, S. N. U. S. N. ERNES'T JACOBS 1817 Montana Ave., Flint Seaman, 2nd C-., U. S. S. Missouri, U. S. N. - -1 | I OLIVER CLARE JEVWELL 814 W. 3rd Ave., Flint Seaman, U. S. N.. CARL RAYMOND JANKOWSKI FRANK ALEXANDER JANKOWSKI 822 Addison St., Flint 822 Addison St., Flint Mach. Mate, 2nd Cl., U. S. N. Seaman, U. S'. S. Ohio, U. S. N. WILLIAM EARL KEADINHERBERT A KEDDY 741 Dayton St., Flint Fenton, Mich. Saa,2dC. 8hC. tRet, Seaman, 2nd CL., 38th Co., U. S. N, U. S. N. Tr to U. SS. South Dakota MAYNARD DELOS JOHNS'ON Flint Electrician, 3rd CL., (R), Harvard Radio School, U. S. N. FRANK A. KENNEDY 1802 Lena St., Flint Seaman, 5th Div., U. S. N., U. S. S. Mississippi. Service in Cuba BYRON EDWARD KINNEY 1647 Montana Ave., Flint Seaman, 1st Cl., U. S. S. Arizona. Ship convoyed President Wilson to Peace Conference a ql! b 218 CLARE HENRY KNICKERBOCKER Mt. Morris, Mich., R. F. D. 1 App. Seaman, Great Lakes, U. S. N. WILLIAM McKINLEY KOLLAR 1712 Detroit St., Flint Seaman, U. S'. N., Puget Sound ALEXANDER S. LAWTHER 1161 Stockton St., Flint Quartermaster, 1st Cl., U. S. S. Preble, U. S. N. RAYMOND STAFFORD LEE 629 E. 3rd St., Flint Seaman, Navy Yd., Puget Sound, U. S. N. CLARENCE 0. LEITCH 1804 Albert St., Flint Seaman, U. S. N. CLARENCE OLIVER LEITCH 719% S. Saginaw St., Flint Fireman, 3rd Cl., 12th Co., L12th Regt., 'J. S. N. PERCY G. A. LILE 1409 Beach St., Flint App. Seaman, U. S. N. DAVID WM. LEWIS LINDEMAN 1302 Avenue C, Flint Seaman 14th Co., 17th Regt., U. S. N. Tr. to U. S. S. Craster Hall ARTHUR J. LINES, JR. Thetford Twp. Gunners' Mate, U. S'. S. Florida with North Sea Fleet. Wounded during London air raid. Interpreter aboard S. S. Von Der Tann at surrender of German fleet - FLOYD HERMAN LISTEMAN 1806 Lena St., Flint Mach. Mate, 1st Cl., U. S. N. (Aviation) H, KLINE LOCKWOOD Flint Gunner, Gunners' School, Washington, D. C. BERNARD C. LOSEE 515 Hazelton St., Flint Seaman, 2nd Cl., U. S. N., Sick Qtrs., T. Park, South Wales EMANUEL LUDWIG 131 W. Dayton St., Flint Seaman, 2nd Cl., U. Si N., Radio Student CHARLES LUSSENDEN 814 Hamilton Ave., Flint Seaman, 2nd CL., U. S.+ S. Pastores DONALD FRANKLIN LYONS Fenton, Mich. Seaman, 2nd C1., U. 9. N., U. S. S. Illinois WILLIAM M. McCAULEY 1226 Church St., Flint Seaman, U. S. N., Great Lakes Training Station 219 I 6 I I d - IIN i I i i i JAMES McCRANDELL 1445 Bush St., Flint Seaman, 2nd CL., U. S. N. II VERN ATHERTON McCRAY 4034 Industrial Ave., Flint Seaman, U. S. N., George Washington, U. S. S. Mine Sweeper 38 MAXWELL CHARLES McFAY 218 Detroit St., Flint Quartermaster, 3rd C1., U. S. N. Air Station, Morehead City, N. C. CARL JOHN McPHAIL 405 Tobias St., Flint Seaman, 2nd Cl., U. S. N. IVAN MAC ARTHUR 746 Rankin St., Flint Seaman, U. S. S. Alabama, U. S. N. CARL WILLIAM MACALPINE Flint Seaman, 2nd C1., U. S. Submarine Base, New London, Conn., U. S. N. JOSEPH TUTB33S MARR Mayville, Mich. Seaman, 2nd CL., U. S. N. ALBERT W. MARSHALL 747 Warren St., Flint 2nd Mach. Mate, U. S. N. i GEORGE A. MARSHALL 747 Warren St., Flint M. M. Engrs., 5th Div., U. S. N. Overseas IRYL F. MARSHALL 818 Begole St., Flint S'eaman, 1st CL., I. Co., 4th Regt., U. S. N. ANGUS MARTIN 733 Elizabeth St., Flint Seaman, U. S. N. CHARLES RAY MEAD Clio, Mich., R. F. D. 1 2nd Cl. Seaman, U. S. N., Overseas ANTHONY HALLECK MEYER 432 McCreery St., Flint Chief Yeoman, U. S. N., U. S. S. Seattle. Now in Fleet Reserve, inactive status WILLIAM HERMAN MIETHKE 323 Crosby St., Flint M. M., 2nd Cl1., Aviation, U. S. N., Killingholme Station, England ALFRED E. MINOR 1634 Bush St., Flint Seaman, Coast Guard Academy, U. S. N., New London, Conn. BRUCE ARZA MORRISH 473 Williams St., Flint Seaman, U. S. S. Massachusetts, U. S'. N. I I A ~ VT^K —20~~~ ~ -n220 / FRANK B. MOSS' 723 8th St., Flint Seaman, 2nd Cl., U. S. N. LEO JOSEPH MOTTER Davison, Mich. Seaman, 1st CL., U. S. N. SAMUEL ESAU MULLETT 213 Paterson Blk., Flint Seaman, U. S. S. Virginia, U. Sr. N CHARLES JAMES MULVANEY Mt. Morris, Mich. Seaman, 459th Co., 9th Regt., U. S. N. FRANK MUZNSEY 914 Witherbee St., Flint Electrician, 3rd Cl., U. S. N. CLAUDE EARLE MURDOCK 45 Alice St., Flint Seaman, U. S:. N. FREDERICK RALPH MURDOCK 1328 Avenue A, Flint Seaman, U. S. N., Bk. 209, 2nd Bn. JOHN C. NAYLOR 324 E. 2nd St., Flint Turret Capt., U. S. N. In Navy 16 years RALPH NEWMAN 822 Conover St., Flint Fireman, 3rd C1., U. S. S. Sterling BERNICE L. NEWTON Fenton, Mich. Seaman, U. S. N. Overseas WILLIAM DEWEY NIELSON 527 Smith S't., Flint Seaman, U. S. N., Gt. Lakes Training Station /-w I v,1 o~~~~ Al_ ARTHUR NIPPA 1201 N. Saginaw St., Flint M. M., 2nd Cl., U. S. N., Instructor Gt. Lakes Tr. Station. Seven years in Navy ^o* mo 1v MURRAY A. NORTON 130 Bruce St., Flint Seaman, 2nd Cl., U. S. N. PERCY ALMOUND NOYES Flushing, Mich. Seaman, Submarine Base, Panama Canal Zone EARL NUTTLE BARNEY L. NUTTLE 2805 Olive St., Flint 2805 Olive St., Flint Seaman, 2nd Cl., Philadelphia Navy Seaman, 2nd Cl., Philadelphia Navy Yard Yard I. -a 221 !!j ~::A PAUL O. OLSON 1435 Richfield Road, Flint Rifle Range, Annapolis, U. S. N. EDWIN P. O'REILLY 733 Witherbee St., Flint Columbia University, U. S. N. LEWIS WALLACE OSBORNE Otisville, Mich. Fireman, 2nd CI., U. S'. N., Camp Dewey PAUL PARKER 715 McFarlan St., Flint Fireman, 1st Cl., U. S. N. ALBERT HAMILTON PATTERSON 426 W. 2nd St., Flint Seaman, U. S. S. Illinois. Trained at Gt. Lakes, G. Co., 8th Regt. CHARLES ROBERT PETTS Fenton, Mich. Fireman, 2nd CI., U. S. N. Overseas STEWART HOLLISTER PHARIS 125 W. Witherbee St., Flint 2nd C1. Seaman, U. S. S. Alabama and U. S. S. Huron CLARENCE E. PHILPOTT 1014 Richfield Road, Flint Seaman, U. S. N., U. S. S. Lewis JOHN ROBERT POIRIER 102 Ray St., Bay City, Mich. Mach. Mate, 1st C1., U. S. N., Bay Shore, L. I. LEO J. POITRAS 1152 Ann Arbor St., Flint Mach. Mate, 2nd C1. (A), U. S. N. Aviation Branch ARTHUR CHARLES POUND 310 E. 3rd St., Flint Chief Yeoman, U. S. N., attached Chief Cable Censor, Washington, D. C. FRED JAMES PREDMORE 209 mW. Ann St., Flint Chief Mach. Mate, U. S. S. South Carolina, U. S. N. LLOYD W. PROCTOR 636 T-aylor St., Flint Seaman, U. S. N. JOHN HAROLD PROVORSE 1715 Oklahoma Ave., Flint Fireman, 2nd Cl., U. S. N. EARL REESER 1005 Ray St., Flint Seaman, U. S'. N., Gunners School, Washington, D. C. LLOYD R. REMINGTON Fenton, Mich. Mach. Mate, U. S. N. Air Station, Rockaway Beach, L. I., N. Y. 222 WM. E. RENN 213 Wood St., Flint Veoman, Ins. Unit, 900th Regt., UT. S. N.. Camp Farragut REUBEN RETTKE 211 Rosetta Ave., Flint Seaman, 2nd CL., U. S. N., Great Lakes Training Station LEON MORDAN RICHARD 712 Asylum St., Flint Mach. Mate, 2nd CI., 6th Co., 15th Regt., U. S,. N. RIAL J. RICHMOND Ortonville, Mich. Seaman, Base 17, U. S. N., Scotland; Mine Laying Service *^ ^ o 1 ftE NELS'ON ROBINSON 937 E. 7th St., Flint Seaman, 2nd C1., U. S. N. WILLIAM McK. ROSE Argentine, Mich. Fireman, U. S. Merchant Marine GERALD ROSER 1006 Prospect St., Flint Seaman, U. S. S. North Carolina, Plymouth Base, England; IJ. S. N. CLARENCE OTTO RUSSELL Flint, R. F. D. 1 Gunner's Mate, 3rd CI., U. S. N. R. F. EDWIN PHILLIPS RUSSOELL CHARLES F. RUST Mt. Morris, Mich. 712 Page St., Flint App. Seaman, C. Co., S. N. T. U., Seaman, 2nd Cl., U. S. N. Tr. from U. of M. Camp Ross to Brest JOHN F. RUTLEDGE Otisvil'e, Mich. Chief Petty Officer, Paymaster's Dept. Great Lakes. Died Jan. 4, 1918 JAMES FRANCIS RYAN 409 Asylum St., Flint Fireman, U. S. N. JOHN F. RYAN 1654 Beach St.. Flint Seaman, U. S. N. GEORGE SCHAGANE 208 E. 5th St., Flint C. P. O., U. S. SN. In Navy 17 years JEROME NATHAN SECORD 1034 'W. 12th St., Flint Seaman, U. S. N. JOHN THADDEUS SEELY 1011 W. 3rd Ave., Flint Electrician, 3rd C1. 223 I I I I I -1 Al d __* 2 WILLIAM SAMUEL SHATTUCK Fenton, Mich. Hosp. App., U. S. N. ROBERT OTTO SHAW EUGENE SHEPARD Montrose, Mich. 122 Avon St., Flint Fireman, 2nd Cl., U. S. N., U. S. S. Seaman, 2nd CI., U. S. N. Overseas Lee HOMER FRANK SHERBY 803 Page St., Flint Gunner's Mate, U. S. S. Boggs, U. S. N. LAWRENCE HARRY SHERMAN 400 E. 8th St., Flint Pharmacist, 1st C1., U. S. N. HAROLD L. SHETRON 2806 Avenue A, Flint Seaman, 2nd Cl., 16th Co., U. S. N., Camp Farragut FREDERICK ROY S'ICKELS Albert St., Flint Seaman, U. S. N. ELDON RAY SLUYTER 715 Beach St., Flint Chief Elect., U. S. N., U. S. S. Maind I t DONALD CRAMPTON SMALE Flint 2nd Cl1. Signalman, U. S. N., U. S. S. Alert. Service on Atlantic and Pacific LAWRENCE ALBERT SMALE Flint 2nd C1. Seaman, U. S. N., U. S. S. Minnesota ALTON ELDRIDGE SMITH Davison, Mich. Machinist's Mate, 2nd Cl., U. S. N. Stations: Columbia Univ., New London, Conn., and Norfolk, Va. CLYDE R. SMITH 937 Cedar St., Flint Mach. Mate, 2nd Cl., U. S. N. Aviation Service MARSHALL SMITH 1320 Stever St., Flint Fireman, 2nd Cl., U. S. N., U. S. S. Massachusetts MORRIS AVERY S~MITH 221 10th Ave., Flint Mach. Mate, 2nd Cl., U. S. N. Aviation Service NORRIS CHARLES SMITH 221 10th Ave., Flint Aviation Service, U. S. N., San Diego, Cal. PETER FRANK SNYDER 746 Carton St., Flint Fireman, 1st Cl., U. S. S. Great Northern, U. S. N. 224 k REX G. STANLEY WILLIAM JOHN SNYDER Clio, Mich 746 Carton St., Flint Chief Quartermaster, U. S. S. CumSeaman, 2nd Cl., U. S. S. Lake Toulin, mings, U. S. S. Lake Worth, Radio U. S. N. Station, Mt. Desert, Me. In service since 1906 JOSEPH D. STIFF Gaines, Mich. Seaman, U. S. N., U. S. S. Kansas. Tr. to U. S. M. M., U. S1. S. Corozol PAUL S. STIFF Gaines, Mich. Seaman, U. S. N., Queenstown and Londonderry, Ireland LE ROY L. STIMSON Grand Blanc, Mich. Seaman, 17th Regt., U. S. N. STANLEY W. STOUT 2416 Dort St., Flint Seaman, U. S. N. FRANK G. STRANAHAN Flushing, Mich. Mach. Mate, 2nd C1., U. S. N., U. S. S. Massachusetts DAVID ORMUS STUBER Clio, Mich. Fireman, 1st C!., A. Co., 13th Regt., U. S. N. DUANE STURGIS Linden, Mich. Seaman, 32nd Co., 116th Regt., U. S. N., Camp Farragut HENRY SULZMANN EARL W. SUTLIFF WILLIAM THOMAS FlMacint. Mate Aviatio1316 Washington Ave., Flint Hotel Matt, Flint ~.Mach. S.ate, 2n Aviation. ervice, Coxwain, 2nd CI., 4th Regt., U. S. N. Mach. Mate, U. S. N., Aviation Service U. S. N. ROY ELMER TOWER HERMAN LEROY TRIBBY EARL MORTON UNDERHILL 910 Belmont Ave., Flint 335 Avon St., Flint Clio, Mich., R. F. D. 4 C. P. O., U. S. N., Aviation Service, Seaman, U. S. N., Camp Decatur, Ill. Seaman, 2nd Cl., Transport Service, Pensacola, Fla. Four years previous U. S. N. service in navy. Made cruise around the world CYRIL MAURICE UTTER. Gaines, Mich. Seaman, 2nd Cl., Great Lakes 225 MERTON SMITH VINCENT Linden, Mich. Quartermaster, 3rd Cl., U. S. N. Alexandria, Egypt SYLVESTER H. VINCENT 4010 Detroit St., Flint Seaman, U. S. N. Service in Italy RUSSELL OSCAR WAGER Mt. Morris, Mich. Seamnan, 1st Cl. U. S'. S. Ohio, U. S. N. Trained at Great Lakes Station LEW B. WALLACE 820 Asylum St., Flint Coxswain. U. S. N. MARION ROBERT WALTMIRE Mt. Morris, Mich. Petty Officer, D. Co., 1st Regt., Camp Dewey HAROLD LEWIS WALZ 1529 Root St., Flint Seaman. Tr. to Signal School, Hampton Roads, Va., from Great Lakes ALVAH L. WARREN JOHN WATERMAN 1025 S. Saginaw St., Flint 724 Hamilton Ave., Flint Electrician (Radio), U. S. N. Tr. from Seaman, 2nd Cl., Guard Co., Great Great Lakes to Dunwoodie, Minn. Lakes OS'EE RILEY WEBSTER Clio, Mich. Quartermaster, 1st Cl., Air Service. U. S. N., Hampton Roads, Va. FREDERICK T. WESSELS' 622 Hazelton St., Flint Printer, 1st Cl., U. S. N. NELSON J. WEST FERN WHEELER Clio, Mich., R. F. D, 2 759 Carton St., Flint Seaman, LT. S. N., Overseas Service. Mach. Mate, 1st Cl., U. S. N., Aviation Tr. from Great Lakes Service JOYCE VINCENT WHEELER M. PAUL WHIIPPLE CHARLES MILLER WILDMAN 159 Carton St., Flint 2101 Detroit St., Flint Flint, R. F. D. 2 Electrician's Mate, 1st Cl., U. S. N., Mach. Mate, 2nd Cl., U. S. N. Service Ship's Cook, 4th Cl., U. S. S. Wolverine IU. S. S. Nebraska in Holland and England DANIEL HEIL WOOD 710 Witherbee St., Flint Seaman, U. S. N., E. Co., Camp No. 1, Puget Sound I I I I I L lbr-IF===!,=="M - === == - === == = E I i I ORVILLE ALTENBURG CHED)ISTER I530 Root St., Flint Pvt.. i8sth Co., Isth Regt., U. S. M. C. DEWEY R. BYRNE Swartz Creek, R. F. )D. No. 3 Pvt. 83rd Co., 6th Regt., Us S. M. C. 2nd Div., A. E. F. Twice Wounded LYNN CLARE FITZGERALD 508 Second Ave., Flint Cpl., 74th Co., U. S. M. C., 2nd Div., A. E. F. Gassed, Wounded, Soissons Sector July 19, I9i8 FLOYD DOW BORST Grand Blanc, Mich. ist Class Pvt., Iooth Co., Ist Reg. U. S. M. C. ELSWORTH M. BONNELL 726 McFarlan St., Flint Pvt., A Co., Iith Reg. U. S. MA C.. A. E. F. JOHN CLARK CAMPBELL OTTO A. HACKBARTH Swartz Creek, Mich. 339 Forest Ave., Flint Pvt., I45Sth Co., 3rd Rep. Br., Pvt. I7ist Co., I4th Regt. U, S. M. C., 2nd Div., A. E. F.* U. S, M. C. CARL GEORGE EISELE 5I5 Thompson St., Flint Pvt. 48th Co., 4th Regt. U. S. M. C. | | I t I I NORMAN DUBERVILLE CLAUDE BERNARD Pvt., Hq. Co., 5th Regt. 1730 Jane St., Flint U. S. M. C., 2nd Div., A. E. F. Pvt., U. S. M. C. CLAUDE A. BENNETT GILBERT H. BLAIR 2022 Pine St., Flint Duffield, Mich. Cpl., U. S. M. C., Haiti Inth Co., Ist Regt., U. S. M. C. Honolulu Station r no l 01" r' 9 ^' X 3 t;00 Age f ED:::0;0;X000 0::;0:fH1,:: - *^~~HIAROLD JENNINGS BRADLEY 0624 Glenwood Ave., Flint Musician, U. S. M. C. Band, Portsmouth Served Aboard Ship I WILLIAM MARION FRENCH 3io0W. 7th Ave., Flint Pvt., 3rd Co., U. S. M. C. ELMER DENNIS 1533 Smith St., Flint Pvt., Co. 437, A Br., U. S. M. C. EDGAR J. DEMING. 1258 SteverAve., Flint Pvt. 76th Co_, 6th Reg., U. S. M. C. 2nd Div., A. E. F. Killed in Action, Belleau Wood I I WA7 - 227 ANSON BEST 218 E. Oakley St., Flint Pvt., U. S. M. C. DEAN DAVIDSON ROBERT E. DODDER 417 Oliver St., Flint Gaines, Mich. Pvt., U. S. M, C., Sta. Rio de Janeiro Pvt., 81st Co., 6th Regt., U. S. M. C., 2nd Div., A. E. F. RALPH BATES DORT Dort Motor Car Co., Flint Sgt., 6th Regt., U. S. M. C., 2nd Div., A. E. F. Gassed near Villers-Cotterets. Also near Soissons, July 19, Marne counteroffensive.. CLARENCE L. ENGLAND 1806 Maplewood, Flint Pvt., C. Co., Bn. 445, U. S. M. C. CHAUIJNCEY FRANK HALLIT GLEN E. HAYWARD 1315 Benson Ave., Flint 808 Liberty St., Flint Cpl., T4th Co., 6th Regt., U. S. dM. C., Pvt., 80th Co., 6th Regt., U. S. M. C., 2nd Div., PA. E. F. 2nd Div., A. E. F. Shell shocked and gassed GEORGE ARCHIE HESS 4305 Crissman St., Flint Pvt., 84th Co., 6th Regt., U. S. M. C. A. E. F. Wounded July 7, 1918, Belleau Wood EARLE C. HILES Flint Pvt., 79th Co., 6th Regt., U. S. M. C. Wounded July 19,, 1918, at ChateauThierry. Missing JOHN J. HUNTER 764 Hamilton Ave., Flint Pvt., U. S. M. C. CARL JOHN HYNES CLEMENT A. HNES CLEMENT A. HTNES Duffield, Mich. Duffeld, Mich, Pvt., 75th Co., 6th Regt., U. S. M.C C., 2nd 2nd Div., A. E. F. Div., A. E. F. Wounded Gassed and wounded ORNA JACKSON 821 Harriett S't., Flint Pvt., U. S. M. C., A. E. F. RALPH B. KING 912 Smith St., Flinm Pvt., Hq. Det., 2nd Regt., 1st Prov. Brig., U. S. M. C., Cape Haitian, Haiti MARTIN KOCHER 1525 Broadway, Flint Cpl., 160th Co., U. S. M. C. FLOYD C. LANGDON 1630 S. Saginaw St., Flint Cpl., 78th Co., 6th Regt., U. S. M. C., 2nd Div., A. E. F. Severely gassed 228 ^ b FI-g- - - '-... m ^;~I-. ^it I II:^t:f -~s;~,X WILLIAM E. LANGDON 1630 S. Saginaw St., Flint Pvt., 67th Co., Sth Regt., U. S. M. C., 2nd Div., A. E. F. Wounded in action HARRY C. LE:WIS 931 Warren St., Flint Pvt., 52nd Co., 3rd Prov. Regt., U. S. M. C. JAY LIVINGSTON Mt. Morris, Mich. Pvt., 47th Co., 4th Brig., U. S. M. C., 2nd Div., A. E. F. Wounded, Belleau W'ood HERMAN F. LOHRS 1307 E. Kearsley St., Flint Cpl., 6th M. G. Bn., U. S.. C., 2nd L iv., A. E. F. AMOS A. McLEAN 810 Detroit St., Flint Pvt., 51st Co., 5th Regt., U. S. M. C., 2nd Div., A. E. F. Tr. to Motor Boat PatroJ, Service, Rhine River, Germany JOHN AMARKELL Montrose, Mich. Sgt., U. S. M. C. JAMES MERRITT MARSHALL 1420 Lyon St., Flint Sgt., 67th Co., U. S. M. C., 2nd Div., A. E. F. GARWOOD ES'LEY MARSHALL 1420 Lyons St., Flint Pvt., 69th Co., 5th Regt., U. S. M. C., 2nd Div., A. E. F. l | I I MAX MERRILL MASON RALPH NIXON Mt. Morris, Mich. Montrose, Mich. Col IT ^ M y0^?'^?~~~Montrose. Mich. Cpl., U. S. M. C. Died of pneumonia, Pvt, Ist Co, 10th Regt, U. S. M. C., Paris Island, S. C., Nov. 5, 1918 Sharpshooters WILLIAM P. P. PLUNKETT 1241 Roosevelt Ave., Flint Pvt., 6th Regt., U. S. M. C., 2nd Div., A. E. F. Wounded during MeuseArgonne offensive, Nov. 1, 1918 ErJWARD RAYSIN 1639 Richfleld Road, Flint Pvt., 21s4 Co., 3rd Regt., U. S. M. C., Danish West Indies. _~~~. FRED W. SAUNDERS Fenton, Mich. Sgt., D. Co., 13th Regt., UJ. S. M. C. '/ i" 0 ~ ~ o.,k, ct 9 PAUL HERMAN REED Fenton, Mich. Pvt., slet Bn., 13th Regt., U. S. M. C., Quantico, Va. LEVI REY NO:LDS Ottsville, Miich. R. FP D. 1 Pvt., 11th Co., U. S, M. C., Cuba PAUL JONES ROATH 326 Alice St., Flint Pvt., U. S. M. C., Naval Air Station, i Pensacola, Fla. -tic- - d - - - 229 l | | I - = ----- -- --: - plr i 0~ I ELIA 0. ABRAHAM 2534 St. Johns St., Flint Pvt., G. Co., 58th Inf., 4th Div., A; E. F. Chateau-Thierry SAMUEL ADAMS FRANK PIRNIE ACKERMAN 1711 Harrison St., Flint 1322 Glenwood Ave., Flint Pvt., B. Co., 13th Ry. Eng., A. E. F. Pvt., Q. M. C., Fort Calkins, Colorado With 2nd French Army, Verdun. St. Mihiel and Meuse-Argonne offensives HOLDMAN T. ADAMSON 1413 Root St., Flint Pvt., Machine Gun Co., 30th Bn., A. E. F. Tr. from G. Co., 838th Inf., 85th Div., Camp Hancock, Camp Funston LOUIS E. ALBERTSON 1502 Dakota Ave., Flint Pvt., Amb. Co. 351, 88th Div., A. E. F. DON ALLEN 618 Church St., Flint Sgt., 21st F. A., A. E. F. After six months overseas service ordered back to U. S. as Instructor, Camp Jackson RAYMOND Lo. ALLEN VERNON E. ALLSHOUSE Clio, Mich. Flint Sgt., M. G. Co., 125th Inf., 32nd Div., tFli h nt, t A. E, F. Died Sept. 2, 1918, of wounds received near Juvigny, Aug. 31 Div., A. E. F. I pi GEORGE A. AMYOTT.E 914 Parkland St., Flint Pvt., Med. Dept., 22nd Field Hosp. Tr. to 318th F. Hosp., 80th Div. as Mechanic, A. E. F. Meuse-Argonne and St. Mihiel offensives HOLDEN E. ANDERSON R. F. D. 1, Clio, Mich. Pvt., B. Co., 337th Inf., 85th Div., A. E. F. FREDERICK P. ANDERSON ALBERT A ANTONIO 730 Page St.., FlintAB.RA.,Arm y. 730 Page S ^t., Flin^ 1st ArmyR. F. D. 2, Flint Pvt., 51st Regt., C. A. C., i.st Army School for Cooks and Bakers, Q. M. C. Corps, A. E. F. eA VINCENT AVILA 735 Leith St., Flint Pvt., F. C., 2nd Dev. Bn. i I JESSE EARL AUSTIN 711 Warren Ave., Flint Cpl., Co, 10, 1st Air Service Mech. Regt., A. S. S. C., A. E. F. ROHLIN WILLIAM BAIR Flint Cpl., D. Batt., 328th F. A., 85th Div., A. E. F. CLAUtDE H. BAKER R. F. D. 1, Fenton, Mich. Pvt., 3rd Bn., Toronto Regt., Canadian E. F. Wounded Oct. 14, 1918 230 I I I I 1 F bB~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~r,~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~a ROSS C. BAKER JOHN EDWIN BARBER 1545 Broadway, FlintFlint 1st Sgt., Battery A, 328th F. A., 85th Pvt., Stenographer Hq. Detention Div., A. E. F. Camp, Camp Sherman, Ohio, 5th Three years previous service ~. T. S., camp Hancock, Ga. JOHN W. BARBER 9 L AR 417 Sheldon Ave., Flint 92 DtritSt, Flint Pvt., att.E.,nd F. A., Pvt., I. Co., 338th Inf., 85th Div., p CtBatt. E.l 2rd F. AK. A. E. F. Tr. to F. Co., 38th Inf., 3rd Camp Taylor, Ky. In arm. MeuseDiv. Tounded in arm, MeuseArgonne, Oct. 9, 1918 CLYDE BARNARD SAM BARNETT BEN BARNUM CHARLES A. BARR 730 Paterson St., Flint 520 Liberty St., Flint Montrose, Mich. 835 McFarlan St., Flint Pvt., Amb. Co., 14th Div. Tr. to Ser- Supply Sgt., H. Co., 338th Inf., 85th Pvt., Troop B, 5th Cavalry, Ft. Bliss, Pvt., 117th Heavy Artillery, A. E. F. vice Park Unit 343, M. T. Co. 44, Div., A. E. F. Tex. Border service Tr. from M. F. Hosp. 36, 10th Div. Camp Custer I l RUTHERFORD E. BARRETT 403 Wilson S't., Flint Cpl., Battery F, llth F. A., 29th Div., A. E. F. Eleven months overseas WILLIA-M R. BATES, 2nd 923 E. Kearsley St., Flint Cpl., Co. F., 42nd Regt., 12th Div., Camp Devcens, M.ass. BYRON C. BAXTER 737 Taylor St., Flint Pvt., F. Co., 123rd Field Art.. 33rd Div., A. E. F. Wounded, left hand, shrapnel, Meuse-Argonne BERNIE BURTON BAYN 2112 Thom St., Flint Pvt., 35th Amb. Co., Med. Dept. Wounded, July 7, 1918 [ HOWARD C. BEARDSLEE 723 E. 6th St., Flint Pvt., S. A. T. C., U. of M..JOHN BEATT:Y 760 WVitherbee St., Flint Pvt., lst Cl, F. A., 28th Div., A. E. F. THOMAS P. BECKLY 1928 Francisco Ave., Flint Sgt., Batt. A., 17th F. A., 2nd Div., A. E. F. Wounded, Nov. 8, 1918, In Meuse-Argonne, after serving on nine battle fronts HOWARD SILAS BEEBE Davison, Mich. Supply Sgt., 77th Co., 16th Guard Div., RBy. Trans. Corps. Eng., A. E. F.! -231 231 r r i l | |:1 I O."IR" a I 1, CHARLES F. BELCHER Farwell, Mich. Pvt., 309th F. S. Bn. Tr. from D. Co., 409th Telegraph Bn., St. Aignan, A. E. P. ALVIN BELDEN 914 W. 3rd Ave., Flint Pvt., D. Co., 14th Amm. Tr., 14th Div., Camp Custer HERBERT BENEDICT ROBERT BENSON 610 E. 10th St., Flint Y. M. C. A., Flint Pvt., 1st Cl., E. Co., 125th Inf., 32nd Mech., D. Co., 328th F. A., 85th Div., Div., A. E. F. A. E. F. 65 days in trenches; 3 offensives NAMMEN BERGSMA 830 Parkland St., Flint Pvt., Batt. D.. 41st F. A. LYMAN JAMES BERNETHY 1506 Avenue C, Flint Pvt., 168th Inf., 42nd (Rainbow) Div., A. E. F. Wounded, July 28, 1918. Tr. to M. P. Corps STANLEY BIENIASZ 819 Moore St., Flint Pvt., B. Co., 60th Ry. Eng., Ft. Benj. Harrison. Tr. to B. Co., M. P. C., Indianapolis CHARLES A. BIGELOW 922 N. Saginaw St., Flint Sgt., 310th Field Signal Bn., 85th Div., A. E. F. St. Mihiel and MeuseArgonne lg R iI I I I I I LOUIS J. BLONDIN 718 Harriet St., Flint Pvt., 110th Trench Mortar Batt., 35th Div., A. E. F. Verdun Sector, MeuseArgonne FELIX BOBER 917 Spencer St., Flint Pvt., Batt. F., 60th F. A., A. E. F. JOHN HARVEY BOLT Flushing, Mich. Pvt., Med. Dept., 68th Repl. Unit, A. E. F. HARRY A. BOOTH 115 E. Water St., Flint Pvt., 107th Squad., Spruce Div. ANGELO BORELLO 903 Mary St., Flint Pvt., H. Co., 338th Inf., 85th Div., A. E. FP. Tr. to B. Co., 26th Inf., 1st Div. ALBERT OAKLEY BOUCHEY 2414 Arlington Ave., Flint Pvt., A. Co., 24th Sq., 2nd Prov. Regt A. S. S. C. MAJOR BOVE1A 915 N. Saginaw St., Flint Pvt., Hq. Co., 77th Int. DAVID B. BRADLEY Linden, Mich. Cpl., Batt. A., 329th F. A., 85th Div., A. E. F. -ft~ac~~~~~~~~~~yJ~~~~ ~3- -- - - q 232 I I a I A~I=======~=~==-~~ _ STEPHEN BRADSHIAW LEE BREWER 1216 Minnesota Ave., Flint 1200 Grand Traverse St., Flint Pvt., Hq. Co., 77th Int., 14th Div., Pvt., 20th Co., Spruce Div, Camp Custer PERCY H. BRIMMER LERANT GUY BROOKS Midland, Mich. 1717 Jane St., Flint Pvt., M. G. Co., 8th Inf., A. E. F. D. Co., 1st Bn. M. P., 2nd Army, A, E. F. Tr. from B. Co., 310th M. P., 85th Div. a~I: 1::: -; I STRA.TTEN M. BROWN 1225 Hamilton Ave., Flint Pvt., 1st Cl., F. Co., 16th Eng., A. E. F. Arras defensive and Meuse-Argonne offensive ROY OWEN BROOKS 813 Newall St., Flint Pvt., C. A. C., Fortress Monroe, Va. GLENN A. BROWN 1038 Chippewa St., Flint Pvt., 1st C1., Med. Dept. 10th Inf., Base Hosp., 14th Div., Camp Custer A_. CLARENCE L. BRYANT 1521 N. Saginaw St., Flint Pvt., Det. 1, Motor Transport Corps, A. E. F. JOSEPH FAY BROWN 720 Root St., Flint Pvt., S. A. T. C., M. A. C. l - l E I CHARLES A. BRUNER 121 W. 11th Ave., Flint Pvt., A. Co., 16th Eng., A. E. F. Tr. to B. Co., 510th Eng. Somme defensive; Meuse-Argonne CHARLES BURCH 814 Louisa St., Flint Pvt., 7th Co., 2nd Bn., M. T. C. RALPH WALTER BURCH 629 Dayton St., Flint Pvt., I. Co., 338th Inf., 86th Div., A. E. F. Tr. to 439th Supply Train I CLIFFORD E. BURDICK ERNEST L. BURT 608 Page St., Flint 508 Chase St., Flint Pvt., Hq. Co., 125th Inf., 32nd Dilv., Pvt.., Batt. F., 38th F. A., 13th Div., A. E. F. Camp Lewis. Tr. from Hq. Co., 2nd Bn., F. A. R. D., l,.I WILBUR A. BURT 910 Durant St. Flint Pvt., Batt. C., 324th F. A., 32nd Div., A. E. F. HENRY THEODORE BUSCH 2034 W. 3rd Ave., Flint Pvt., 142nd Sq., Spruce Dlv., A. 8. S. C. Tr. from 113th Eng. i I ~ ~~~~~~- - -I|~233 233 - - I |:, - - --;IBy r JOSEPH ALFRED BUSH 1111 Oak St., Flint HAROLD LESTER CAMERON Cpl., 248th Co., 124th BEn., M. P. C. 1326 Fairview Ave., Flint Tr. from Hq. Regt., 1st Army, Pvt., C. Troop, 6th Cav., A. E. P. A, E. F. 3Border service JOHN SU'MMERFIELD CARSON 1422 Maryland Ave., Flint Pvt., Batt. D., 329th F. A., 8Sth Div., A. E. PF. LYALL F. CASE 830 Margaret St., Flint Cpl., Aerial Photographic Sec. No. 61, Ft. Omaha, Neb. ROBERT C. CLARK HARRY L. CLAPP 729 Dewey St., Flint 1224 Grand Traverse St., Flint Pvt., 190th Aero Sq., As S. S. C. Tr. Pvt., 14th Div., Camp Custer to.11th F, A., 29th Div., A. E. F. Anti-Aircraft M. G. Wounded, Oct. 18, 1918, Meuse-Argonne ROZELL F. CLARKE 115 9th Ave., Flint ROSCOE CLESTER Wag., Batt. C., 17 th F. A., 2nd Div., Flint A. E. F. Born Feb. 22, 1903, sailed Pvt., Batt. F., 42nd F. A., 14th Div. for France Dec. 14, 1917. On 5 battle fronts. Arm fractured and gassed l l N I JOHN T. COLLINS 1218 W. 2nd St., Flint Pvt., E. Co., 6th Eng. In three major offensives. Gassed, Meuse-Argonne, Oct. 20 JAMES COOCKE 832 Traifalet St., Flint Musician, 337th Inf. Band, 85th Div., A. E. F. CLARE COOPER Birch Run, Mich., R. F. D. 1 Pvt., E. Co., 125th Inf. Tr. to A. Co., 128th Inf. Killed in action, ChateauThierry, Aug. 1, 1919. FRED A. CORCORAN 515 Manistique Ave., Flint 1st Sgt., 12th Co., 160th Depot Brig., Camp Custer OSWALD B. COX 1225 Poplar St., Flint Pvt., 44th Balloon Co., A. S. S. C. WALTER W. COYLE 1301% S. Saginaw St., Flint Sgt., Ist Cl., Q. M. C. NATHAN CRITES 601 Warren St., Flint Pvt., 21st R. C. Amb. Co., later 361st Amb. Co., 313th San. Tr., 88th Div., A. E. F. LEO McKINLEY CROSSETT 1386 Poplar St., Flint Wag., 23rd Field Hosp., Med. Dept., 2nd Div., A. E. F. 234 I I. I N f z i mw -R-wZia T:~~~~~~~~ 1-} WALTER HAROLD CUDABACK 1601 Lapeer St., Flint Pvt.+ C. Co., 310th Field Signal Bn., 85th Div., A. E. F. DELBERT EDMUND CUMMINGS PETER CUTHBERTSON 1214 Harrison St., Flint 520 Rankin St., Flint Pvt., C. Co., 134th Inf.. 34th Div. Pvt., S. A. T. C., U. of MW HARPER CUTLER Fairgrove, Mich. Pvt. C. Co., 306th Eng., A. E. P. WILLIAM DALTON 1231 E. Kearsley S't., Flint Pvt, B. Troop, Canadian Mounted Rifles.. Trto t8th Res. Tnf. Bn. in England, to 102nd Bn., C. E. F. in France. Vimy Ridge and Lens SIDNEY DANKERT Hanover, Ontario, Canada Cpl. 442nd Sq_, 1st Prov, Regt., Spruce Div. EDWARD DARE ROY WISE DARBY 826 McClellan St., Flint 826 Louisa St., Flint Sgt., E. Co., 126th Inf., 32nd Div., Cpl., Salvage Div., Q. M. C., Camp A. E. F. Chateau-Thierry and SoiaCuster sons offensives. Tr. to 90th Inf., 20th Div. for intelligence work i!, I I I FLOYD E. DARLING HOWARD LESTER DAVIS 834 Louisa St., Flint Otisvllle Mich. Pvt., 160th Depot Brig., Camp Custer Pvt., S. A. T. C,, Mt. Pleasant Normal RUSSELL R. DAVIS Genesee, Mich. gt, M. G. Co., 125th Inf. 32nd Div., A. E. F. Killed in action, MeuseArgonne, Oct. 11, 1918 VERN L. DAYMON 508% Asylum St., Flint Pvt., K. Co., 10th Inf., 14th Div., Camp Custer LEO A. DEMSKY Cor. Stanley and Stanford, Flint Cook. Batt. B. 1 19th F. A., 32nd Div., A, E. F. Tr. from Batt. D., 328th P. A,, 85th Div. I I I I WILLIAM JAMES TEBB B General Delivery, Flint Pvt., 47th Bn., 4th Div., B. C., Canadian E. F. GORDON RUSSELL DENO 918 Newall St., Flint Sgt., 10th Co., 160Oth Depot Brig., Camp Custer JOSEPH D. DEVERS 303 E. 9th St., Flint Pvt., C. Co., 1st Eng., Ist Dlv., A. E. F. Cantlgny, Soissons, Meuse-Argonne, Gaesed, Soieons 235 r g I F Mq So ALEXANDER DODDER Swartz Creek, Mich. Sgt., H. Co., 53rd Inf., Rth Div.., A. E. F. Wounded, Oct. 4, 1918. Received D. S. C. and Croix de Guerre with star for bravery _ JOHN H. DONALDSON 511 W. 2nd Ave., Flint Pvt., 19th Co., 20th Eng., A. E. F Chauffeur VERNON J. DUFFY HAROLD DUNSTONE 324 Plum St., Flint HAR1278 Broadway, DTTOlint Pvt., G. Co., 18th Inf., et Div. 1278 Broadway, Flint Wounded, leg and chest, Oct. 6, 1918, Pvt, K. Co., 340th Inf" A. E. FP Meuse-Argonne. Leg amputated ORVILLE GROVER DUSENBERRY 1429 Broadway, Flint Pvt., Motor Transport Corps AMOS A. EARL 707 Payne St., Flint Sapper, Eng., 3rd Div., Canadian E. F. Gassed at Mons, Nov. 11. 1918 DAVID LEWIS EGGLESTON Pvt., E. Co., 12Sth Int., 32nd Div., A. E. F. Tr. from above to B. Co., 128th Int., to 107th Supply Train. Thence back to E. Co. Seriously wounded at Cierges, Chateau-Thierry, July 29, 1918. Killed in action near Romange. OSCAR C. EKSTEN 2205 Reed St., Flint Pvt., D. Co., 26th Eng., 1st Div., A. E. P. Tr. from F. Co. ChateauThierry and Meuse-Argonne wg I R DONALD LESLIE ELRICH MILTON URVIN ENEIX CPle G. C o. 338th Inch Tr to 4 0 xt S 1317 Richfield Road, Flint Cpl., G. Co., 338th Inf. Tr. to 40lst gt. provost Guard Co., 56th Inf. oq., A. iS. S. C. OTTO ALBERT ENGELKE Flint Pvt., A. Co., 139th Inf., A. E. F. LAWRENCE ENGLER 106 Eldrldge Ave., Flint Pvt., F. A. i I ELMER H. ENGSTROM FRANK E. ERNST 307 Lyon St., Flint 312 Mary St. Flint Pvt., B.Co., 73rd Eng., Yonkers, N. Y, Sgt., C. Co., 47th Int., 4th Div., and Washington Barracks A. E. PF. Four wounds. Chateau-Thierry, Aug. 8, 1918 J. A. ESSENPREISS Y. M. C. A., Flint Central Officers Training School, Camp Lee, Va. JESSE G. EVANS 1617 Harrison St., Flint Pvt., A. S. S. C., A. E. F. 236 I I I I I i|l l 49 — LESLIE WINGERT EVERSON OWEN W. EVANS 747 Hamilton Ave., Flint Clio, Mich. Sgt., 1st C., Flying School Det,~ Dorr Pvt., Batt. D., 329th F. A., 85th Div., Field, A. S. S. C. Tr. from 240th A. E. F. Aero Sq., Kelly Field JAMES ARTHUR FARNSWORTH JOHN H. FARTHING 1507 Detroit St., Flint 906 Elizabeth S't., Flint Pvt., 3rd Prov. Regt., MI. T. C. Sgt., Q. M. C., Hq., 19th Div. WILLIAM LE ROY FIEBERNITZ 1652 Kentucky Ave., Flint Pvt., F. Co., 116th Inf., 29th Div., A. E. F, NICK FERRUL 714 Hamilton Ave., Flint Pvt., D. Co., 36th Inf., 12th Div;, Camp Devens JOS'EPH ALBERT FETKENHIER 472% Williams St., Flint Pvt., 410th Sq., A. S. S. C., 1st Div. Regt. Tr. to 432nd Aero Constructioin Sq. Spruce Div. WILLIAM H. FOGAL 1122 South Drive, Flint Pvt., 340th Amb. Co. Tr. to Camp' Infirmary No. 5. Gassed on Nov. 85. 1918, Meuse-Argonne offensive l| l I | l c I EDWARD W. FOSTER 1413 Root St., Flint Pvt., Ordnance Corpe, Camp Hancock, Ga. LEON D. FOX 424 E. 6th St., Flint Pvt., Ist Cl., Med. Dept., A. E. Fk, Evacuation Hosp. No. 5. On five battlefronts RUSS'EL FOX Mayville, Mich., R. F. D. 2 Pvt., Amb. Co. 44, Camp Greenleaf HERBERT C. FRANKLIN Clio, Mich., R. F. D. 2 Pvt., B. Co., 312th Eng. Tr. from E. Co., 330th Inf. Died of pneumonia, Camp Pike, Jan. 16, 1919 I I JOHN HARMON FRITCHER 415 Stone St., Flint Pvt., Batt. B., 330th F. A., 85th Div., A. E. F. FRED LA VERN FULLER Swartz Creek, Mich. Cook G. Co., 338th Inf., A. E. F. WILLIAM LAWRENCE FULLER 911 Hamilton Ave., Flint Pvt., 1st Cl., Service Park Unit 417, M. T. C., 7th Div., A. E F. JOHN GARLAND 827 W. 2nd S't., Flint Cpl., E. Co., 125th Inf., 32nd Div, A. E. F. Wounded, Oct. 6, 1918, at Kriemhilde Stellung, Verdun Sector, MeuseArgonne offensive - - - i- ----- -^~~m --- —----— 2 237 I: L s: -A - r; - G FL.OYD EUGENE GAULT 619 W. 8th Ave., Flint Sgt., lst Cl., Radio Det., A. S. S. C.. G. H. Q., A. E. F. HAROLD GAULT Myrtle Ave., Flint Pvt., S. A. T. C,a Albion EDWDIN CHARLES GEORGE HUGH GIBSON 4005 N. Saginaw St., Flint Montrose, Mich. Pvt., C. A. C., Fortress Monroe, Pvt., U. S. A, Motor Transportation Sch.ool. GEORGE GLAZIER 635 Pasadena Ave., Flint B. Co., 142nd Regt., Canadian E. F. LAWRENCE RUSSELL GOOD 2743 Avenue A, Flint Cpl., Q. M. C., Camp Custer MELVIN S. GRATSCHE 1824 W. Kearsley St., Flint Cpl., I. Oo., 3rd Inf., Border Service, Eagle Pass, Tex. GEORGE H. GREEN 809 W. 2nd Ave., Flint Wag., 5th Army Corps, 1st Army, A, E. F. 'E. I S! X HARRY H. GREEN 809 W. 2nd St., Flint Pvt., 5th Regt., U. S. M. C., 2nd Div., Pvt., A. E. F. WILLIAM RAY GREEN HAROLD F. GREGORY 124 Lakeview Ave., Flint 307 Robinson St., Flint 71st Eng., Camp Humphreys, Va. Cpl., Supply Co., 50th Regt., C. A. C., A. E. F. ALFRED G. GRENIER 742 Warren St., Flint Pvt., Hq. Co., 78th Inf. I ORSON BRYAN GROVER 1212 Liberty St., Flint Pvt., S. A. T. C., U. of M. JOHN NELSON GRAWBERG 1902 Detroit St., Flint Pvt., 439th Co., Spruce Div. GEORGE E. F. GIUE 1914 Detroit St., Flint Pvt., 329th F. A. Band CHESTER GURSKEY 1611 Fair St., Flint Pvt., Batt. D., 329th F. A., 85th Div., A. E. F. I ~*^~=lll --- —--------------------- *r238g 238 ! 1 I | S - r — i~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ l 4 ROY F. HAGERMAN 315 Sylvan PI., Flint Sgt., Amb. Co. 333, 309th San. Tr. 84th Div., A. E. F. PATRICK HALE 735 Leith St., Flint JOHN JAMES HALLOCK Pvt., 5th Bn., Canadian Mounted 1908 North St., Flint Rifles, C. E. F. Pvt., 121st Eng., A. E. F. Killed in. action, Somme. Previous service British Navy GROVER C. HAMANN 1402 Avenue A, Flint Pvt., D. Co., 104th Inf., A. E. F. JAMES G. HAMANN 1402 Avenue A, Flint 649th Service Pack Unit, M. T. C., Vancouver Barracks, Wash. HOWARD HAMELINE 426 W. 6th Ave., Flint Pvt., Amb. Co. 351, San. Tr. 313, 88th Div., A. E. F. RALPH E. HAMMOND 432 McCreery St., Flint S'. A. T. C., M. A. C., R. 0. T. C. ROY J. HAND 1005 N. Saginaw St., Flint Sgt., Ist Cl., 202 Aero Sq., A. S. S. C., A. E,-F. I | I i ROY JOHN HANSEL 1810 Belle St., Flint Pvt., Hq. Co., 78th Inf., 14th Div., Camp Custer ARTHUR HANSEN 1802 Melbourne Ave., Flint Wag., F. Co., 125th Inf., 32nd Div., A. E. F. GLENN HAROLD HATHERLY 1400 E. Kearsley St., Flint Cpl., 410th Co., 1st Regt., Spruce Div. FRANK HAROLD HAWES Goodrich, Mich. CpI., Q. M. C., Camp Custer I I JOHN W. HENDERSON JOSEPH HENDERSRON 4021 Grant St., Flint 808 Page St., Flint Pvt., E. Co., 7th Inf., 3rd Div., Pvt., 125 Sq., A. S. S. C. Tr. to A. E.F. Spruce Div. Meuse-Argonne and St. Mihiel FLOYD EUGENE HENDRICK 2042 DeWTight St., Flint Pvt., Amb. Co. 44, A. E. F. EDWARD B. HENNE 1422 N. Saginaw St., Flint Cpl., Bat. E., 127th F. A., A. E. F. -— A Iewe a --- —--------- - I --------— ~ ---3 239 ___ I I l a- t M LOWELL HENRY BENJAMIN H. F. HESCOTT 1606 Bush Ave., Flint 1648 Ohio Ave., Flint Pvt., D. Co., 320th M. G. Bn., 82nd Bugler, I. Co., 10th Inf. Div., A. E. F. GEORGE E. HIBBARD 1909 Avenue A, Flint Pvt., Signal Corps, Camp MacArthur, Tex., and Camp Greene, N. C. FRANK E. HILL 402 Clayton St., Flint Pvt., Batt. A., 59th Regt., C. A. C., A. E. F. I ALIRE LEROY HILLAKER 717 Margaret St., Flint Pvt., 1st Cl., B. Co., 125th Inf., 32nd Div., A. E. F. VERN HILLIKER 156 Geneseret St., Flint Cpl., B. Co., 125th Inf,, 32nd Div., A, E. F. Tr from B. Co., 31st Int. Wounded, Meuse-Argonne. Five battiefronts CHARLES' HINTON 424 Mathewson St., Flint Pvt., 329th F. A., 85th Div., A. E. F. Died of pneumonia in France, Nov. 2, 1918 ARTHUR HOWARD HINTZE 1022 Mathews St., Flint Cpl., 308th Motor Truck Repair Unit i 4 EI FELIX S. HINTZ 729 Newall St., Flint Pvt., 26th Co., 2nd Reg., Spruce Division, A. S. S. C. LEO F. HINTZ 729 Newall St., Flint Pvt., B. Co., 47th Inf., A. E. F. Tr. from I. Co., 337th Inf. Wounded, Chateau-Thierry, July 30, 1918. Six months in hospital JAY W. HITCHCOCK 761 Mary St., Flint Pvt., 26th Cav., Border Service ERNEST D. HITTLE 1310 Chippewa St., Flint Pvt., 337th F. A. Tr. to Dev. Bn., Camp Custer QEORGE HOFFMANN 1655 Indiana Ave., Flint Pvt., 142nd Sq., Spruce Div. CLAUDE HOMES 1219 Chippewa St., Flint Pvt., M. Co., 5Bth Inf., 7th Div., A. E. F. BENJAMIN HOPKINS 621 Chippewa St., Flint Pvt. 29th Co., 3rd Prov. Regt., Spruce Div., A. S. S. C BRUCE VINCENT HOYT 519 W. 2nd Ave., Flint Cpl., 10th Co., 3rd Bn., S. A. T. C., U. of xML ~~~~- Ir —~~ - -I e240 240 I : l: > S:: f::;::: 4 i NED B. HOYT 719 Trafalet St., Flint Pvt., Ord. Dept., Fort Wayne FRANK HURSH 1736 Illinois Ave., Flint Cpl., E. Co., 125th Inf. Border service, S. C. D., March 12, 1918 JOHN RAYMOND HURSH 1736 Illinois Ave., Flint Wag. Supply Co., 125th Inf., 32nd Div., A. E. F. Previous service 1911-1915, Philippines, Hawaii, Mexican Border KEITH B. HYNES 1325 N. Saginaw St., Flint Pvt., Med. Dept., Amb. Co. 115, 29th Div., A. E. F. IRA JAMES INMAN 650 Hall St., Flint Cpl., 78th Inf. ALEXANDER IRWIN 725 Taylor S't., Flint Sgt., 1st Cl., Q. M. C. SOUL J, JAFFE 121 Grace St., Flint R. O. T. C., Ft. Sheridan. Instructor, S. A. T. C., U. of M. EMMET GRANT JAMES Flint Pvt., M. G. Co., 139th Inf., A. E. F. Gassed, October, 1918, during MeuseArgonne offensive V, ioA f f>: I IA* k-. 1 i I t;` 4 CLYDE W. JOHNSON 1420 Broadway, Flint Sgt., B. Co., 338th Inf., 85th Div., A. E. F. MORRIS H. JOHNSON 413&% 11th Ave., Flint Pvt., B. Co., 310th Eng., 85th Div, Tr. to Motor Transport Corps PALUL JOHNSON 521 Clifford St., Flint Pvt., Motor Transport, Ft. Oglethorpe, Ga. Tr. from Med. Dept. ELMER JOHNSTON 712 Page St., Flint Pvt., B. Co., 4th Eng., Washington Barracks JOSEPH LEWIS JONES LEE AUBRY KAAKE 1318 Smith St., Flint 1650 Bush Ave., Flint Pvt., Batt. D., 329th F. A., 85th Div., Pvt., 255th Arnb. Co., 14th San. Tr,, A. E. F. 14th Div. FRANK KATZER 122 W. 7th St., Flint Pvt., D. Co., 47th M. G. Bn., Camp Custer HARRY P. KEMP 301 E. 2nd St., Flint Pvt., F. Co., 310th Supply Train, 85th Dlv., A. E. F. 241 GEORGE T. KETCHUM 315 E. Kearsley St., Flint Cpl., F. Co., 337th Inf., 87th Div., A. E. F. Tr. to M. Co., 139th Inf., 35th Div. Died of pneumonia, Jan. 13, 1919. Buried at Commercy en Meuse ARCHIE V. KIDD Fenton, Mich., R. F. D. 1 Wag., Med, Dept., Evacuation Amb. Co.. No. 1. A. E. F. ED1WARD KIRI:BYSON Flint Pvt., D. Co., 77th Inf., 14th Div., Camp Custer BYRON S. KNAPP 924 Grand Traverse St., Flint Trurnmpeter, F. M. D., U. S. M. C., Paris Island, S. C.; Galveston, Tex, and Quantico, Va. - I GERHARDT KNAPP 438 S. Wi!cox S't., Flint Pvt., Bat. C., 128th F. A., A. E. F. LLOYD L. KNAPP 725 Bryan PI., Flint Pvt., B. Co., 7th Inf., 3rd Div., A. E. F. FRED KOHOUT 1S25 Easy St., Flint ist Co., Coast Art. Corps, A. E, F, ALEXANDER G. KOKINOS 107 N. Union St., Flint Pvt., B. Co., 338th Inf. Tr. to Q. M. C., Salvage Co., Camp Upton, L. I. JTOHN KOKINOS 901 Warren St., Flint Pvt., B. Co., 2nd Bn., Chemical Div., Edgewood Arsenal CHARLES P. KRONBERG 210 W'. 12th St., Flint Pvt., 601st Eng., A. E. F. Tr. from 312th Eng. and 338th Inf. LESTER IW. KRIMLAUF 1902 Beach St., Flint Pvt., Batt. B., 5]st Regt., C. A. C., A. E. F. In France 18 months; in arms seven years ERNEST LAFFREY 537 Rix St., Flint Pvt., Radio School, A. S. S. C., Bloomington, Ind. GEORGE EDWARD LAFFREY 537 Rix, Flint Pvt., Q. M. C., Camp Custer DEE LASH Flint Pvt., I. Co., 104th Inf. Died July 20, 1918 JAMES LAWRY JOHN N. LENZ 1025 Merrill St., Flint 619 East St., Flint Pvt., 49th Sq., Spruce Div., A. S. S. C. Sgt., Med. Dept., Brooks Field, San Antonio, Tex. Tr. from Camp Greenleaf 242 4 i l | —;._..............._M, - -- - -- -- - w - - - ~~~~MK CHARLES LETTS IRA E. LEWIS Flint, Mich., R. F. D. 7 117 E. 9th St., Flint Sgt., 1st Cl., 12th Co., 1st Regt., A. S. Pvt., B. Co., 339th Inf., 85th Div., S. C., Toul Sector, S. O. S. at Verdun A. E. F. Tr. to 35th Div. Gassed LLOYD L. LINMAN 1318 Broad St., Flint Sapper, Canadian Eng., C. E. F. GLENN A. LOOTMIS 325 Delia St., Flint Sgt., 76th Sq., Spruce Div., Astoria, Oregon HUBERT P. McCARTHY 1422 N. S'aginaw St., Flint Sgt., 42nd Co., 20th Eng., A. E. F. Injured in boiler explosion in France. Four years previous service U. S. M. C, 5: e acr-A; I:'' ii %. k -- CARL LYLE 1321 Imperial St., Flint Pvt., A. Co., 307th Eng., A. E. F. Four battlefronts. Gassed twice JAMES McCRUDDEN 2850 Chevrolet Ave., Flint Pvt., Med. Dept., Field Hospital, 35th San. Tr., A. E. F. Died of pneumonia in France, Sept. 27, 1918 JOHN E. McCRUDDEN 2508 Chevrolet St., Flint Pvt., 34th Motor Transport Unit, 3rd Div. Regt. LEO McCLELLAN Atlas, Mich. Pvt., H. Co., 7th Inf., 3rd Div., A. E. F. Twice wounded, Verdun Sector, and Meuse-Argonne offensive LAWRENCE EDWARD McDONALD 727 Page St., Flint Pvt., 1st C1., E. Co., 338th Inf. Tr. to M. Co., 339th Inf., A. N. R. E. F. Five battles, Archangel Front. Received Victory Medal with Star RICHARD ALLEN MacKENZIE 617 W. 8th St., Flint Pvt., Batt. D., 45th Regt., C. A. C., A. E. F. LEE BISHOP McCREERY Grand Blanc, Mich., R. F. D. 3 Cpl., A. Co., 601st Eng. Tr. from C. Co.- 310th Eng., Camp Laurel and Glenburnie, Md. ROY WELLINGTON McFALL 1807 W. Kearsley St., Flint Cpi., C. A. C., Ft. Adams, R. I. - I Ng ROBERT B. McLEAN 1325 Broadway, Flint Pvt., 44th Balloon Co., 2nd Div., A. E. F. I DENNIS RUSSELL McKAY 1610% N. Saginaw S't., Flint Pvt., 258th Aero Sq., A. S. S. C., A. E. F. Kelley Field and Wilbur Wright Field JOHN A. McKELLAR 821 Dewey St., Flint Pvt., 101st Co., 25th Bn., Syracuse Recruit Camp I I 243 243 BERNARD LEON McNAMARA 2110 Lyman St., Flint Sgt., F.Co., 126th Inf., 32nd Div., A. E. F. Killed in action, Oct. 4, 1918, MeuseArgonne offensive DEWEY S. McNAMARA 2110 Lyman St., Flint Cpl., 655th A. S. S. C. Instructor in Aerial Gunnery, A. E. F. DONALD McRAE 615 E. 3rd Ave., Flint Pvt., Batt. A., 73rd F. A., A. E. F. Tr. from C. A. C., Ft. Leavitt, Me. HARRY MAGIDSON 6520 Liberty St., Flint Pvt., B. Co., 167th Inf., 42nd (Rainbow) Div.. A. E. F. ZEDAR F. MARINKOWSKI 762 Paterson St., Flint Pvt., M. Co., 2nd Regt., Spruce Div., A. S. S. C. P. MARTIN 742 Witherbee St., Flint Pvt., 8th Canadian Field Ambulance, A. E. F. JAMES E. MATTHEWS Fenton Road, Flint Pvt., 14th Inf., 14th Div., Camp Custer and New York ROY E. MIDDLETON 809% S. Saginaw St., Flint Cpl., G. Co., 78th Inf. ARTHUR GEORGE MILLEN 208 Livingston Drive, Flint Pvt., lst C1., A. Co., 303rd Bn., Tank Corps EARL CLARK MILLER 1909 Francis Ave., Flint Cpl., 1st Eng., 1st Div. On seven battlefronts GEORGE MILLER 521 Stevens St., Flint Cpl., A. Co., Radio School, Bloomington, Ind. MORRIS D. MILLER 214 S. Saginaw St., Flint Sgt., C. Co., 59th Inf., A. E. F. Wounded in action, Marne offensive, Aug. 7, 1918 m:::'S is i i,:: 1B0g- -^ RAY MILLSPAUGH 117 Madison Ave., Flint lst Replacement Engineers, Washington Barracks EMERY S. MITCHELL 315 E. 11th St., Flint Pvt., 816th F. A., Bat. B., 92nd Div., A. E. F. ARTHUR MONETTE 4106 Marvin S't., Flint Pvt., B. Co., 1st Bn., 31st Eng., A E. F. EDWARD MONET'TE 4106 Marvin St., Flint Cpl., C. Co., 107th Supply Train, 32nd Div., A. E. F. 244 I II i 8 b - -: - - ' Ad - ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ao I I o' I ' - I I I 'tV _ I -*j I A_,P e J ERNEST H. MONTAGUE HORACE Q. MONTAGUE 119 Newall St., Flint 119 Newall St., Flint Pvt., F. A. Tr. to 4th Co., 20th CpL, 222nd Aero Sq., A. S. S. C., Eng., A. E. F. A. E. F. GEORGE E. MONTGOMERY 409 Helen St., Flint Sgt., Batt. B., 119th F. A., 32nd Div. A. E. F. Wounded, Nov. 2, 1918, e Meuse-Argonne DARRELL A. MOON Flint, Mich., R. F. D. 1 S'gt., 3rd Eng. Training Camp, Camp Humphrey, Va. RAY GUY MOREY Otisville, Mich. Pvt., Cooks and Bakers School, Camp Dodge CARL W. MORGAN 508 Sheldon Ave., Flint Pvt., E. Co., 78th Inf., 14th Div., Camp Custer CLAUDE ELMER MORSE Byron, Mich. Pvt., D. Co., 16th Inf,, 1st Div., A. E. F. Taken prisoner, Oct. 9, 1918. Released Dec. 10 LEONARD CHARLES MORTON 446 E. Anne St., Flint Pvt., Ord. Det., Camp Custer I L ar: ^IRA GLENN NAY 944 Mary St., Flint Bugler, B. Co., 58th Inf., A. E. F. Torpedoed U. S. S. Moldavia, May 23, 1918. Gassed, Chateau-Thierry, July 20, 1918. Tr. to 158th Inf. Re-enlisted for one year H ~ BEN MULLETT WILLIAM T. MURPHY 621 Chippewa St., Flint 925 WT. Kearsley St., Flint Pvt., Aviation Repair Depot, Dallas, Pvt., A. Co., 59th Inf., 4th Div., Tex., A. S. S. C. A. E. F. Severely wounded..f 0I fA,:-.:::-:-::it00 ~ixi~a;;0 0 ii.-tfffe., CLEM E. NICKERSON Flint, R. F. D. 3 W H NIXON Sgt., M. G. Co., 125th Inf., 32nd Div.,, Flint A E F. Wouded, July 31. 1918 at Sgt. 405th Aero Sq. 2nd Prov. Regt Chateau-Thierry. Four months in Srce hospital. Tr. to M. T. C.bpruce UIA LEVI NA VARRE 1233 Benson Ave., Flint Cpl., B. Co., 310th Amm. Tr., 85th Div., A. E. F. JOHN HUGH NORTHRUP 4302 Crissman St., Flint SOLOMON NOWFEL Pvt., M. G. Co., 125th Inf., 32nd Div., 2817 Industrial Ave., Flint A. E. F. Wounded, Aug. 3, 1918, near Pvt, Hq. Co., 77th Inf., Camp Custer Fismes by high explosive Let leg amputated at thigh I f I ----- - - ~~~~~~~. =: u, I 245 8F p MM I I I AK - MILTON H. O'BRIEN 1808 N. Saginaw St., Flint Sgt., 310th Eng. Train, 85th Div., A. E. F. St. Mihiel and MeuseArgonne offensives HENRY R. O'HARA 919 Orchard Ct., Flint Pvt., M. Sq., A. S. S. C. PETER OLSON 612 N. Saginaw St., Flint Pvt., Hq. Co., 338th Inf., 85th Div., A. E. F. HALLIE E. OPDYKE 909 E. 9th' St., Flint Musician, 2nd Cl., 31st F. A. OSCAR P. ORBERG 416 S. Saginaw St., Flint Ord. Depot 1, A. E. F. Died of pneumonia, Aug. 24, 1918, at Bordeaux Hospital, France JAY M. ORMSBY Lennon, Mich. Pvt., 160th Depot Brig., Camp Custer STANLEY OSMOND 608 S. Saginaw St., Flint LEONARD GLEN OVERMYER Enlisted Aug. 15, 1914. Sgt., B. Co., 916 Eddy St., Flint 1st Bn., 1st Div., Canadian E. F. Pvt., E. Batt., 41st F. A. Gassed and shocked by concussion. Received medical discharge Oct. 13, 1917....A... I | e [ FRANK PARKER HUGH N. PARKER GEORGE N. PATRU HARRY PECKHAM 727 Church St., Flint 614 E. Court St., Flint 511 S. Saginaw St., Flint 1222 Mason St., Flint Sgt., 24th Co., 160th Depot Brig., Pvt., 351st Amb. Co., 313th San. Tr., Pvt., L. Co., 339th Inf., A. N. R. E. F. Pvt., H. Co., 337th Inf., 85th Div., Camp Custer 88th Div., A. E. F. Russian front A. E. F. Tr. from Batt. B., 329th F. A. GEORGE PELKEY 1735 Indiana Ave., Flint Pvt., H. Co., 338th Inf. Tr. to E. Co., Hq. Regt., 1st Army, A. E. F. JOHN PELKEY 1735 Indiana Ave., Flint Pvt., Hq. Co., 160th D. B., Camp Custer ROY WILBERT PENNINGTON ARTHUR B. PERKINS 1103 W. 2nd St., Flint Flint, R. F. D. 9 Pvt., 310th M. P. Train. Tr. to 16th Pvt., Supply Co., 60th Regt., C. A. C., Sq., Spruce Div. Fort Washington, M. D. b(c^*Kg~ --- —--------------------------- ~246 246 I I I= i UBS~ ^=m..9^w==w~==~==== ~ BERT M. PERKINS Flint, Mich., R. F. D. 9 Cpl., Batt. D., 328th F. A., 85Sth Div,, A. E. F. FRANK PERO 718 Cornelia St., Flint Pvt., Kelly Field, Texas. Tr. to Selfridge and Park Fields as C'hauffeur ROBERT PERO 718 Cornelia St., Flint Pvt., 89th Aero Sq., Kelly Field, Tex. Tr. to Selfridge Field and Park Field, Pa., as Chauffeur IRA BERNARD PERRY 314 E. Witherbee St., Flint Sgt., D. Co., 125th Inf., 32nd Div., A. E. F. Wounded July 1, 1918, at Guvinheim, Alsace; July 31, at Sierges sy it i f:.^/^ J ROBERT T. PERRY 226 E. 1st St., Flint Pvt., C. Co., 18th Inf., lat Div., A. E. F. Tr. from C. Co., 338th Inf. Wounded Oct. 5, 1918, by machine gun fire HOWARD J. PETRIE 156 Geneseret St., Flint Gunner, 63rd Bn., Canadian F. A. Enlisted U. S. M. C. Discharged because under age OTTO P. PHILLIPS 417 Garden St., Flint Sgt., M. Co., 10th Inf., 14th Dlv., Camp Custer WILLIAM CURTIS' PIPER 7210 Meade St., Pittsburgh, Pa. Pvt., 1st Cl., Amb. Co. 351, San. Tr. 313, 88th Div., A. E. F. E l is \I CLARENCE PONSFORD 1535 Clifford St., Flint Sgt., Q. M. C., Camp Custer GEORGE FRANKLIN POT-TER Lomita Ave., Flint Pvt. H. Co., 168th Inf., 42nd Div., A. E. F. Killed in action, Oct. 20, 1918, in Meuse-Argonne offensive WILLIAM W. POTTER 2510 N. Saginaw St., Flint Sgt., Hq. Co., 94th Eng., A. E. F. ROSWVELL L. PRICE 424 Mathewson St., Flint Pvt., Med. Dept., A. E. F. *;,,.-,, - -: I I f PASCAL S. PROCISSI 928 Durand St., Flint 1st Sgt., Amb. Co. 351, 313th S'an. Tr., A. E. F. Overseas one year. MeuseArgonne ARCHIE H. PURDY 522 Dayton St.. Flint Sgt.. M. T. C. Shops No. 315. Tr. to Fort Bliss HERMAN W. RAHN ROYAL V. RALSTON 1112 Mathews St., Flint 1421 Indiana Ave., Flint Pvt., Med. Dept., Field Hospital 127, Pvt., 1st Cl., 24th Sq., Spruce Div., Sanitary Train 109, A. E. F. A. S. S. C. I I 247 - - - JOHN J. RANGER 34 Louisa St., Flint 8 Pvt., E. Co., 27th Eng., A. E. F. CARL J. RAYSIN 1639 Richfield Road, Flint Pvt., H. Troop, 15th Cav., Border Service. Tr. to A. E. F. ERNEST F. REINHARDT 813 Patterson St., Flint Pvt., A. Co., 41st M. G. Bn. JOHN S. REINHART 3613 Buick St., Flint Pvt., 410th Sq., A. S. S. C. CECIL ROBERTS 915 Hamilton Ave., Flint 1st Sgt., I, Co., 338th Inf., 85th Div., A. E. F. EDWIN JOSEPH ROBERTS 1915 Zimmerman St., Flint Ord. Sgt., Batt. A., 10th F. A., Repair Det. ERNEST LEE ROBINSON 2306 Oren Ave., Flint Pvt., M. Co., 140th Inf.: Border Service. Wounded FRED WALTER ROBINSON 1533 Wright St., Flint Pvt., Amb. Co. 351, 313 San. Train, 88th Div., A. E. F. CARL ROSSITER 331 Stone St., Flint Pvt., Troop M., 12th Cav. Border Service ALBERT ROWE 2215 N. Saginaw St., Flint Cpl., H. Co., 338th Inf., 85th Div., A. E. F. PAUL V. RUDOLPH 438 W. 1st Ave., Flint Pvt., 25th Sq., 2nd Prov. Regt., Spruce Division ALAN JOSEPH RUMER Davison, Mich. Sgt., A. S. S. C., Wilbur Wright Field, Dayton, O., Lake Charles, La. and Kelly Field, Tex. CLIFTON L. RUSSELL 3514 Wesley St., Flint Pvt., M. Co., 338th Inf., 85th Div., A. E. F. J. H. RUSSELL Pvt., 47th Bn., Canadian Army. Pvt., 47th Batt., Canadian Army. Wounded, Nov. 1, 1918, at Valenciennes BERT RYAN Lapeer, Mich. Cpl., E. Co., 125th Inf., 32nd Div., A. E. F. Killed in action, July 31, 1918, near Cierges. Mexican border service. EBERT C. SANDERSFIELD 828 Baker St., Flint Pvt., S. A. T. C., Albion 248 GALE P. SAVAGE 616 Thayer St., Flint Pvt., F. Co., 26th Eng., A. E. F. St. Mihiel, Meuse-Argonne JOHN SAXON 225 Webster Ave., Flint Pvt., Batt. A., 42nd F. A., 14th Div., Camp Custer. Tr. from 9th Co., 160th Depot Brig. FRED H. SCHAARD 806 Newall St., Flint Pvt., 232nd Co., Motor Trans. Corps, Camp Holabird, Md. ALBERT A. SCHERRER 516 Harrison St., Flint Pvt., C. Co., 345th Inf., Camp Pike. Tr. to Hq. Train, 1st Army, A. E. F. JOHN C. SCHRAMM 422 Alice St., Flint Cpl., E. Co., 5th Eng. Tr. to D. Co. 219th Eng., Camp Dodge, la. ALLEN E. SEND 814 W. 3rd Avt., Flint Pvt., C. Co., 111th M. G. Bn., 29th Div., A. E. F. CHARLES A. SHAFER 202 E. Oakley St., Flint Pvt., Supply Co., 358th Inf., 85th Div., A. E. F. EDMOND H. SHAND 419 2nd Ave. W., Flint Sgt., Med. Dept., Hospital Unit Car Group No. 1, Jersey City. Tr. to Surgeon's office GEORGE L. SHELTERS LYNNUS D. SHELTERS Fenton, Mich. Fenton, Mich. Cpl., Batt. B., 119th F. A., 32nd Div., Sgt., A. Co., 10th Inf., 14th Div., A. E. F. Camp Custer EVERETT J. SHERIDAN Clio, Mich. Pvt., Ordnance Dept., U. S. A. GEORGE WILLIAM SHERWOOD 1732 Fenton St., Flint Pvt., Batt. A., 41st F. A. Tr. to Hq., Camp Custer KINGDON M. SILLS 114 E. Hamilton Ave., Flint Pvt., 1st Cl., M. G. Co., 125th Inf., 32nd Div., A. E. F. Gun shot wound, left knee, July 11, 1918. Fifty per cent disability MIKE SKOTI 4018 Industrial Ave., Flint Pvt., D. Co., 312th Eng., Aberdeen Proving Ground, Md. EDWARD SMALL 735 Leith St., Flint Pvt., 18th Bn., Inf., Canadian E. F. Gassed twice. Wounded twice ARTHUR L. SMITH 602 S. Saginaw St., Flint Pvt., 328th F. A., 85th Div., A. E, F. 249 i' I:'irsasas=== == == = == == = = = I I I EDWARD J. SMITH 1411 Liberty St., Flint Pvt., Batt. B., 12th F. A., A. E. F. Three battle fronts. Wounded, July 21, 1919. Soissons GEORGE DEWEY SMITH 407 WV. 5th St., Flint Sgt., Mobile Ordnance Repair Shop, 2nd Div. Tr. to 42nd Div., A. E. F. IRA E. SMITH 301 E. 2nd St., Flint Pvt., 10th Co., 160th Depot Brigade, Camp Custer JOSEPH H. SMITH 1654 Mable Ave., Flint Wag., 27th Co., 20th Eng., A. E. F. Company held record of sawing 177,486 feet of lumber in two 10 hour shifts RUSSELL J. SMITH 1646 Broadway, Flint Cpl., Batt. D., 328th F. A., 85th Div., A. E. F. STANLEY SMITH 208 Richfield Road, Flint Pvt., C. Co., 339th Inf., A. N. R. E. F. Archangel front. Four battles CLIFFORD SPEERS 718 VW. Court St., Flint Pvt., TMed. Dept,, A, E. F. FRANK STEINBERG Y. M. C. A., Flint Pvt.. Hq. Co., 38th Inf., 3rd Div., A. E. F.! F I ISADORE STEINMAN 421 S'mith St., Flint Pvt., G. Co., 338th Inf., 5th Div., A. E. F. Tr. to G. Co., 139th Inf., 35th Div. JOHN R. STEFANIC 1640 Ohio Ave., Flint Pvt., G. Co., 125th Inf., 32nd Div., A. E. F. In action on five fronts. Gassed FRANK STEFANSKI Rosetta Ave., R. F. D. 9, Flint Pvt., 105th Field Hosp., Camp Custer RICHARD TRACY STEPHENS Fenton, Mich. Pvt., 1st Cl., 56th Sq., A. S.S. C., Champaign, Ill. Tr. to Camp Dick, Dallas, Tex. Tr. to Heavy Artillery ScEiool of Fire, Fortress Monroe, Va. FI GEORGE STEPHENSON DENNIS STEVENSON 525 Dayton St., Flint 1016 Stockton St., Flint Pvt., Batt. F., 329th F. A., 85th Div., Pvt., Q. M. C., Potomac Coast Defense A. E. F. CHARLES OLIVER STONE 1517 Stone St., Flint Cook, E. Co., 215th Eng., 15th Div. SIDNEY STORY 715 Warren St., Flint Pvt., 1st Cl., A. Co., 76th Eng. I weB;r~-~ --- —-----— ~-f ---- a- --- - -250 250 TREFO N. STREZO 409 W. 3rd Ave., Flint Pvt., Hq. Troop, 4th Army Corps, A. E. F. BILLY SUNDAY 2526 Beach St., Flint Pvt., Batt. B., 329th F. A., 85th Div., A. E. F. COLONEL KENNETH SWAYZE 921 Grand Traverse St., Flint Sgt., 8th Co., S. A. T. C., U. of M. HARRY G. SWEERS 1920 Francis Ave., Flint Cpl., 10th Inf. Tr. to the Presidio, Calif. RILEY SWEERS 319 E. 9th St., Flint Cpl., C. Co., 77th Inf., Camp Custer. Tr. from C. Co., 10th Inf., Ft. Benjamin Harrison JUSTUS IRWIN TABER 1329 Hamilton Ave., Flint Sgt., 1st C1., Hq., 27th Aero Sq., First Pursuit Group, A. S. S. C., A. E. F. RUSSELL ALGER TACIA 1256 Broadway Blvd., Detroit Musician, Air Service Band, Aerial Section, Military Aeronautics, Fort Wayne CHRISTOPHER COLTON TAYLOR 906 Harriet St., Flint Pvt., A. Co., 310th Eng., A. E. F. HAROLD B. TAYLOR Richfield Twp. Pvt., H. Co., 7th Inf., 2nd Bn., 3rd Div., A. E. F. Killed in action Meuse-Argonne, Oct. 9, 1918 HUGH D. TAYLOR WILLIAM McKINLEY TAYLOR 622 E. Court St., Flint 906 Harriet St., Flint Pvt., Hq. Det., 108th Field Bn., S. C., Pvt., Med. Det., 329th F. A., 85th Div., 33rd Div., A. E. F. A. E. F. VERNE H. TORRANCE Flint, Mich., R. F. D. 1 Pvt., Batt. E., 15th F. A., 2nd Div., A. E. F. DENNIS TRAYNOR 517 Pasadena Ave., Flint Pvt., Batt. D., 328th F. A., 85th Div., A. E. F. A. TREMAYNE 742 Witherbee St., Flint Pvt., Army Med. Corps, Canadian E. F. JAMES A. TRIMBLE 2005 Adams Ave., Flint. Sgt., 1st Cl., S. C., U. S. A. TONY UTRONO 160 Avon St., Flint Pvt., B. Co., 55th Eng., A. E. F. 251 I I i I- l - 5 - -— rM-O a ANTHONY VANADIA 903 Mary St., Flint Pvt., M. Co., 340th Inf., 85th Div., A. E. F. CECIL VAN ALSTINE Flint Pvt., G. Co., 8th Guard Regt., A. E. F. Gievries, France GEORGE E. VANCE 720 Dayton St., Flint Pvt., H. Co., 338th Inf., 85th Div. Tr. to 409th Supply Train, A. E. F. ROY J. VAN KUREN 156 Geneseret St., Flint Mess Sgt., E. Co., 125th Inf., 32nd Div., A. E. F. Arm broken and jaw fractured WILLIAM R. WATCHORN 514 Clifford St., Flint Pvt., C. Co., 130th M. G. Bn., A. E. F. Tr. from B. Co., 116th M. G. Bn., 31st Div. i ALBERT VOGT 616 W. Court S't., Flint Pvt., F. Co., 310 Eng., A. E. F. St. Mihiel, Meuse-Argonne MYRON R. WAIT 2205 Francis Ave., Flint Pvt., D. Co., 314th Eng., 89th Div., A. E. F. HARRY WALDAPFEL 112% S. Saginaw St., Flint Pvt., M. T. C. RAYMOND EUGENE WATERS CLYDE HENRY WELLS 602 E. 11th St., Flint 513 Stone St., Flint Cpl., 812th Pioneer Inf., Camp Grant, Pvt., 1st Cl., K. Co., 10th Inf., 14th Previous service E. Co., 8th Illinois Div., Fort Benjamin Harrison and National Guard Camp Custer HENRY J. WELLSTED 913 E. 4th Ave., Flint Pvt., D. Co., 18th Inf., 1st Div., A. E. F. Tr. from C. Co., 338th Inf. LLOYD L. WENZEL 517% Lyon St., Flint Pvt., Med. Dept., Love Field, Dallas, Tex., I GALE LEVERE WESSENGER Davison, Mich. Cpl., S. A. T. C. GEORGE L. WESTFALL Fenton, Mich. Pvt., G. Co., 60th Inf., 5th Div. Tr. to Signal Corps, St. Jean, France, A. E. F. Wounded NORVALL E. WHITNEY 774 Parkland, Flint Sgt., Batt. E., 328th F. A., 8Sth Div., A. E. F. BRUCE HUBBARD WHITTON 1258 Poplar St., Flint Cpl., Spruce Div. Tr. from 407th Aero Sq. I I I 252 PAUL RANDALL WHITTON 1258 Poplar St., Flint Pvt., Batt. D., 345th F. A., 90th Div., A. E. F. Mexican border service 1916-1917 JACOB WIGODSKI Bryant Hotel, Flint Pvt., 327th F. A., Batt. B. ERNEST WALTER WILLETT 322 Ash St., Flint Sgt., 9th Co., 160th Depot Brig., Camp Custer FRANK WILLIAMS, SR. 1414 Indiana Ave., Flint Cpl., British Royal Flying Corps Canadian Army RICHARD H. WILLIAMS WALTER F. WILLIAMS 301 Avon St., Flint 1319 Glenwood Ave., Flint Pvt., 24th Co., 2nd Regt., Spruce Div.. Pvt., 310th Mobile Ordnance Repair Vancouver Barracks, Washington Shop, 85th Div., A. E. F. WILLIAM FRYE WILLS 1101 Miller St., Port Huron, Mich. Pvt., 123rd Sq., Spruce Div. SAMUEL C. WILSON 1.133 Maple St., Flint 1st Sgt., M. G. Co., 372nd Inf. Section Commander on five sectors, 93rd Div., A. E. F. With 9th Corps, French Army, 157th Inf. Div. WILLIAM F. YORKE 1221 Alabama Ave., Flint Pvt., 658th Aero Sq., A. S. S. C., A. E. F. GUY W. ZIMMERMAN RAY H. ZIMMERMAN 1105 W. Court St., Flint 1805 W. Court St., Flint Pvt., Med. Dept., Fort Oglethorpe, Pvt., Amb. Co. 333, San. Tr. 309, 84th Ga. Div., A. E. F. LAWRENCE VERNON ZINK Flint, R. F. D. 8 Pvt., 51st Regt., C. A. C. CLARE H. ZWANZIGER 823 Hamilton Ave., Flint Pvt., S. A. T. C., M. C. of Mines JOSE ZONDLAK ROY A. ZUELKE 709 Baker St., Flint 2404 Adams Ave., Flint Pvt., Spruce Div., Vancouver Barracks Pvt., 1st Cl., 10th Co., 1st Regt., Signal Corps FRANK N. ZYBER 756 Myrtle St., Flint Pvt., Musician, Regt. Band, 31st F. A. 253 ALBERT BAXTER 737 Taylor St., Flint L. M. M. A., A. Co., 15th Aviation Sec., Great Lakes JOHN HERMAN ANDERSON 1330 Broadway, Flint Mach. Mate, 1st CI., U. S. N., Keywest Station, U. S. N. GEORGE R. BAILEY 667 Hall St., Flint Leading Seaman, Royal Navy, Canada, V. R. GORDON RALPH BENNETT 1330 Broadway, Flint Chief Mach. Mate, Key West Station, U. S. N. WALDON ATWOOD BLACK 382 E. Dayton St., Flint Pvt., C. Co., 12th Regt., U. S. N., Camp Paul Jones GEO. DON C. BROOKS 1728 Fenton Road, Flint Mach. Mate, 1st Cl., 42nd Co., 12th Regt., Great Lakes, U. S. N. HENRY ROY BROWN 720 Root S't., Flint Seaman, U. S. S. Kaiserin AugusteVictoria, U. S. N. RALPH EVERETT CAMPBELL 1609 Industrial Ave., Flint Fireman, 3rd C1., Hampton Roads, Va., Co. 806, Unit J, U. S. N. R. F. ELGIN GILBERT CLARK MALEN W. CLARK 736 Mary St., Flint 2312 N. Saginaw St., Flint Chief Electrician, Ellis Island, N. Y., Seaman, U. S. N., Great Lakes and IU. S. Navy Bremerton, W'ash. CHARLES A. COIL 926 Wood St., Flint Fireman, U. S. S. Illinois. England ten weeks BRYAN CUTHBERTSON 520 Rankin S't., Flint App. Seaman, Hampton Roads, Va., U. S. N. FRANKLIN CECIL DELAMARTER 411 Warren St., Flint Radio Operator, U. S. S. Mahan, Radio School Harvard University MURL EDGERTON 1030 S. Garden St., Flint Fireman, 2nd CL., U. S. N. WILLIAM 0. FARMER 914 Myrtle St., Flint Seaman, U. S. S. Shawmut, Mine Squadron No. 1, U. S. N. DEE FERGUS'ON 1951 W. Court St., Flint L. M. N. Aviation, U. S. N. R. F., Great Lakee 254 MAURICE W. GOTTHELF Flint Daily Journal Radio Instructor, U. S, N., Great Lakes and Washington, D. C. Former Sgt.-Major in Signal Corps, TTU. S. A ABRAHAM A. GREEN Grand Blanc, Mich. Seaman, U. S. N., 2nd Enlistmnent, U. S. S. Martha Wrashington rWILLIAM R. HAINES 823 Newall St., Flint Painter, 2nd Cl., U. S. N. FLOYD HATCHEW 214 Lindsay St., Flint Pharmacist Mate, U. S. S. Cleveland, U. S. N. Eleven trips to Europe, one to Brazil HENRY ROE KNAPP 924 Grand Traverse St., Flint App. Seaman, Great Lakes. Pvt., M. G. Co., 33rd M. N. G. Physical discharge EDGAR EARL LADD 817 Cornelia St., Flint Fireman, U. S. S. MIadawaska, U. S. N. ARTHUR J, LE BARGY 1251 Poplar St., Flint Seamnan, 2nd Cl., Great Lakes, U. S. N. LEONARD RAYMOND LIGHTHALL 512 E. 9th St., Flint Fireman, U. S. N., U. S. S. Wisconsin, U, S. S. Harrisburg and U. S. S'. Morris SAM MAGIDSON 1320 Grand Traverse St, Flint ED MEISNER HAROLD L. MORGANl 709 -Raker St., Flint 226 W. Ist St., Flint App. Sealnan, U. S, S. Watidsworth. Fireman. 2nd C1., U. S. S. Michigan, U.T. S. St. Sudbury, U. S. S. Massachuse tts, 1U S. N. GEORGE W. O'CONNOR 738 WVitherbee St., Flint M. M., 1st CL., Aviation, U. S. N., Pensacola, Fla., Station FRANCIS L. O'ROURKE 513 Gillespie St., Flint Chief Q. M., U. S. N. GERMER J. O'MARA 1714 Beach St., Flint Naval Aviation Service, North Bombing Sq., Philadelphia; Panillas, France EARL E. REESER ALEX ROMANAW 1654 Belle Ave., Flint 1038 Ann Arbor St., Flint Gunner's Mate, 1st Cl., Mine Section, Fireman, 2nd Cl., U. S. S. MassachuU. S. N. setts, U. S. N. 255 0 I I I I I I 5 — r - wpSl& i I JOHN L. SCHNEPFERLING OSCAR HARLAND SMALL 313 Mary St., Flint 840 Remington Ave., Flint App. Seaman, U. S. N. R. F. Seaman, U. S. N. LE ROY A. STIMS'ON Gand Blanc, Mich. Company Commander, 17th Regt., Great Lakes, U. S. N. A. W. SUPERNAU 4217 Roberts St., Flint Seaman, U. S. N. VICTOR TALLMAN CHARLES LEON TAYLOR 208 Livingston Drive, Flint 1233 Hamilton St., Flint App. Seaman, K. Co., Great Lakes, App. Seaman, Great Lakes, U. S. N. U. S. N. HAROLD ALBERT TAYLOR 906 Harriet St., Flint Fireman, U. S. S. Missouri, U. S. N. LEE THOMAS 754 Witherbee St., Flint Seaman, U. S. S. Seattle, U. S. S. Glacier, U. S. S Wyoming, U. S. N. Present at surrender of German fleet v - i LYNN R. WESTLEY MANLEY D. WILLIAMS 801 Hamilton Ave., Flint 302 E. Anne St., Flint Hospital Apprentice, 2nd Cl., U. S'. N. Fireman, 2nd Cl., U. S. S. Beaufort, U. S. N. MARK TRAYNOR 517 Pasadena Ave., Flint Quartermaster, U. S. N. LA VERNE CLARE VAN TIFFLIN Grand Blanc, Mich. Fireman, U. S. S. Kentucky, South American waters, U. S. N. R. F. I HOLLIS ELWOOD WINN Otisville, Mich. Seaman, 1st C1., U. S. S. Reina Mercedes, U. S. N. MARK L. WOOD 1245 Hamilton Ave., Flint Fireman, 2nd C1., Receiving Ship, Boston. Gas Engine School, Charleston, S. C. IVAN WELLINGTON WORDEN 217 E. 3rd St., Flint Yeoman, 3rd Cl., U. S. N. GEORGE DEWEY YOUMANS 1256 Broadway, Flint Radio Electrfcian, 3rd Cl., U. S. S Lake Owens. Torpedoed, Sept. 3, 1918. U. S. S. Celtic 256 I I I I I I- - s l s l Ah I- I MI EDWARD G. APPLEBEE ROLAND BRIGGS BATES 1111 Oak S't., Flint 310 Thompson St., Flint Pvt., 51st Co.. 5th Regt., U. S. M. C., Cpl., 175th Co., 14th Regt., UI. S. M. C. 2nd Div. Killed in action, Belleau Tr. from 45th Co., 5th Regt., 2nd Div., Woods, June 11, 1918. A. E. F. Wounded, Meuse-Argonne. FRED OLIVER BAYN WILLIS F. BENNET.T 2112 Thom St., Flint 1921 Kansas Ave., Flint Pvt., 74th Co., 6th Regt., U. S. M. C., Gunnery Sgt., 66th Regt., 5th Ilegt., 2nd Div., A. E. F. U S. M. C., 2nd Div., A. E. F. Six battle fronts; recommended for Good Conduct medal. Previous service HORACE C. CALKINS EARL H. GARDNER 1215 Ann Arbor St., Flint 117 E. 4th St., Flint Pvt., U. S. M. C., Quantico, Va. Pvt., 157th Co., U. S M. C. FLOYD C. LANGDON WALTER H. LEE 1630 S. S'aginaw St., Flint 746 Louisa St., Flint Cpl., 78th Co., 6th Regt., U. S. M. C., Pvt., 153rd Co., 2nd Regt., Haiti and 2nd Div., A. E. F. Gassed Cuba, U. S. M. C. S I! I I I I EMMERT WILLIAM MARTIN OTTO FERDINAND MIETHKE 801 Stockton St., Flint 323 Crosby St., Flint Sgt., U. RE M. C., U. S'. S. Minnesota. Pvt., 1st Co., 10th Regt., U. S. M. C,. Tr. to 13th Regt., U. S. M. C., Indian Head, Md., and Quantico, Va. A. E. F. ARTHUR J. OAKES NEURALD S. PETRIE 1415 Clifford St., Flint 156 Geneseret St., Flint Pvt., C. Co., 5th Brig., U. S. M. C., Pvt., U. S. M. C. Guard, U. S. Naval Paris Island, S. C. Hospital, Chelsea, Mass. JOEL J. RESSEGUIE GRANT E. PITCHER 1921 Delaware Ave., Flint 118 12th Ave., Flint Pvt., 95th Co., fth Regt., U. S. M. C., Pvt., U. S. M. C., Paris Island, S. C. 2nd Div., A. E. F. Wounded, July 19, 1918, Belleau Woods. Hospital three months, Meuse-Argonne EZRA A. SMITH LOUIS W. TAYLOR Otisville, Mich. 906 Harriet St., Flint Pvt., 1st C1., U. S. M. C., 81st Co., 6th Pvt., 55th Co., U. S. M. C. Regt., 2nd Div., A. E. F. Killed in action, Belleau Woods, July 20, 1918. Buried in Cemetery 593, France. I I 257 HAROLD C. MUNRO 1422 Mabel Ave. Flint Sgt.E Co., 51 st Inf., A.E.F. In France since May I8 SHELDON PETER BRABEAU 1717 Bennett Ave., Flint Pvt. 2nd Div., Canadian Eng. JAMES CURNOW 14I3 Mabel St., Flint Pvt. Medical Corp.% A.E.F. CLARENCE AHSEL EISENBACH Pvt. Machine Gun Co. Fort Hamilton, N.Y. MERVIL HALLEAD Pvt. F. Co., 49th Inf. to 28th Inf. A.E.F. Wounded, Soissons, Oct. 2, 1918 RUSSELL HALLITT 1525 Jane St. Musician, Navy JOSEPH HOLDERIED 1505 Bennett Ave., Flint Cook, 85th Div., A.E.F. PHILIP HOLDERIED I505 Bennett Ave., Flint Pvt. 85th Div., A.E.F. Reported killed in action CARL EARL HOLLEY I509 New York Ave., Flint Pvt. D. Co., 77th Inf. CHAS. W. KEENE I646 Mabel Ave., Flint Seaman, First Class, U.S.S. Sylvan Arrow HARRY L. KELLER 1526 Mabel Ave., Flint Pvt. I46 Squadron Spruce Division WM. McCORKLE i64I Mabel Ave., Flint Pvt. Co. 29I, U.S.M.C. Paris Island, S.C. EDWIN ALEXANDER McMILLAN I573 Bennett Ave., Flint Pvt. Canadian Railway Eng. CIHARLES JAMES ROSA 1509 New York Ave., Flint Pvt. B Bat. 40th Field Artillery ERNEST W. SMITH 1537 Jane St., Flint Pvt. H. Co., 338th Inf., 85th Div. A.E.F. LUTHER A. STITES 1455 Bennett Ave., Flint Musician Hq. Co., 3ist F.A. tr. to M. Co., 3rd Bn., I6oth F.B. 258 - -4 1 lr-" -mm - I i I g g I -l PETER M. ADAMS 1605 St. Johns St., Flint Pvt., B. Troop, 5th Cav., Ft. Bliss, ('pl., Tex. ARCHIE ABBOTT 932 Harriet St., Flint Pvt., U. S. A. GUST S. AHLSTROM CHARLES FRANK BEACH 1608 Church St., Flint Grand Blanc, Mich. 15th Co., Motor Transport Corps, Pvt., G. Troop, 14th Cav. Camp Bowie, Tex. CHARLES ALBERT BEADMER GLYNDON HOWARD BLACKMAR 208 Grace S't., Flint 1523 Detroit St., Flint Pvt., Canadian Med. Dept. Tr. to Inf. Cpl., E. Batt., 328th F. A., 85th Div., A. E. F. ALFRED BOUCHARD 1420 N. Saginaw St., Flint 318 Aerial Sq., A. E. F. EMERY J. BOUCHARD 1420 N. Saginaw St., Flint 77th Inf., Camp Custer BURNACE ARLEY BROCKWAY Davison, Mich. Pvt., S. A. T. C., U. of M. WILLIAM CARLOS BRENHOLTZ 822 E. 6th St., Flint Pvt., S. A. T. C., Alma College CLARENCE JAMES BROWN 1154 Ann Arbor St., Flint Pvt., A. Co., 10th Inf., 14th Div., Camp Custer ELMER J. BUNDY 822 McCle'lan St., Flint Pvt., F. Co., 338th Inf., 85th Dlv., Camp Custer. Tr. to F. Co., 26th Inf., 1st Div. Died of gun shot wounds In Argonne battle, Oct. 6, 1918. Buried at Cheppymeuse, France, Grave No. 53 i I 0 MARTIN E. COURTADE 119 E. 4th St., Flint Pvt., 1st Cl., Med. Dept., Fort Sam Houston, Tex. BYRON NELS'ON DERBY Davison, Mich. Pvt., 76th Sq., Spruce Div. LELAND A. FERRIS 1802 Maplewood Ave., Flint Pvt., Batt. F., 74th Regt., C. A. C., Fortress Monroe, Va. WILLIAM H. FOSDICK 1005 Begole St., Flint Pvt.. 16th Cav. San Benito, Tex. AL. — 11 m- i m = G I 259 l ^ z I rg_.! ' 2~============= VICTOR L. GEORGE 608 W. Court St., Flint Sgt., F. A., 85th Div., A. E. F. RAYMOND CECIL FREY 1036 Root St., Flint Cpl., Butchery Co., 302nd Regt., Q. M. C. GLEN H. GOODRICH RUSSELL GROESSER 1110 Grand Traverse St., Flint 630 Warren St., Flint Pvt., C. Co., 51st Inf., 6th Div., Pvt., 1st Cl, 160th D. B., Camp Custer A. E. F. JOSEPH GROULN HIRAM CARL HIBBARD 7 14 E. 3rd St., Flint 122 Grace St., Flint Pvt., 310th Eng., 85th Div., A. E. F. Band Sgt., 37th Heavy Artillery Reg. Band. Tr. from 10th Co., C. A. C. THOS. G. HICKS ARTHUR W. HILLS 567 Paterson St., Flint Flushing, Mich. Cpl., Band Hq. Co., 338th Int. LUCIAN OTIS HOLMAN JOHN A. KERR Flint Daily Journal, Flint 515 W. 6th Ave., Flint Sgt., Med. Dept., 351st Amb. Co. Tr. Flint to Hq. Troop, 313th Sanitary Train, Canadian Army 85th Div., A. E. F. JOHN R. KNEEBONE EVERETT R. KNEPPER 730 E. 6th St., Flint 733 Carton St., Flint Cpl., F. Co., 337th Inf., 85th Div., Pvt., 136th Sq. Spruce Div. Tr. to A. E. F. 2nd Casual Co. LYMAN LAVERNE LAVENDER 617 E. 3rd St., Flint Pvt., Co. B., 3rd Bn., 51st Gordon Highlanders, British E. F. CHARLES E. MORGAN PERRY MORSE 622 Wolcott St., Flint 919 Wolcott St., Flint Gunner, 11th S'iege Battery, Canadian Pvt., F. Co., 28th Inf. Tr. to Hq. Co., E. F. 1st Army; Corporal, Replacement Bat. 260 I~ * ant of- =========:~ - - —;: —: -: iT ST:::: +I )kt, JO)SEPH A. PEASE ARCHIBALD K. PALMER JonEP A P SE 412 E. 7th St., Flint M r Mich. 412 E. th St. FlintPvt., C. Co., 337th Inf., 85th Div,, Pvt., Hq. Co., 307th F. A., 78th Div., Camp Custer. Tr. 6th Inf., 1st Div., A, E. F. Meuse-Argonne Cam p Cutr Tr 6t In., 1s Div.,y A. E. F. Meu~e-Argonne A. E. F. Tr. to A. Co., 3rd Army Corps, St. Mihiel, Argonne, Cantigny, Soissons. Wounded Oct. 5th, left side o;0- -..:.; ~ of face ' "i '. MITCHELL POIRIER Flint TP'vt., F. Co., 78th Inf., 14th Div., Camp Custer FORREST GEORGE PREDMORE 209 W'. Anne St., Flint 1st Sgt., Hq. Co., 310th Eng. Tr. to Q. M. C. as Q. M. Sgt. ED!a WARD TABIT 2005 Lewis St., Flint Pvt., Spruce Div. EARL E. RENFREW OTTO L. SHEFFIELD Plymouth, Mich. 907 W. 3rd Ave., Flint Pvt., D. Co., 337th Inf., 85th Div., A. Pvt., B. Co., 163rd Inf., 4th Army F. F. Tr. to F. Co., 18th Inf., 1st Div. Corps. Hq., A. E. F. Dispatch Rider Killed in action Oct. 6, 1918, MeuseArgonne. FRANK L. ST. CLAIR 1122 Liberty St., Flint Cpl., 44th Co., 160 D. B. Tr. to C. O. T. S., Ft. Sheridan, 6th Co., 2nd Bn. I: f EiI:::,i ui CHAS. VANZEL 1112 Halsey S't. Pvt., A. E. F. CLYDE THOM CEALY THORSBY 504 W. 2nd St., Flint Montrose, Mich. Pvt., Ord. Dept., att. Chief Ord. Sgt., 310 Mobile Repair Shop, 85th Officer, 1st Army, A. E. F. Div., A. E. F. VERN E. WOLFE 727'k2 Smith St., Flint Mess Sgt., (arnp Custer I I JOHN W. ZIMMERMAN 2405 Corunna Road, Flint Cpl., E. Co., 310th Supply Train, 85th Div., A. E. F. TOVAN ZIZISH 2606 St. John St., Flint Pvt., Servian Army FRANK ZUKAJATICS 930 Trafalet St., Flint Sgt., Veterinary Unit, 20th F. A., A. E, F. MIKE ZUKAJATICS 930 Trafalet St., Flint PVt., L. Co., 47th Inf., A. E. F. Twice wounded ----— ^T~~ ON6 -- = 261 a; I M - -! JIMI - VWa I I I THOMAS B. ZUMWALT 506 E. 9th St., Flint Sgt., Hq. Co., 38th Inf. Tr. from G. Co., 338th Inf. Killed in action, Meuse-Argonne, Oct. 25, 1918. Enlisted Oct., 1914; border service HENRY J. TROY FLOYD MENG 552 Patterson St., Flint 1643 St. John St., Flint Pvt., Co. 30, Forestry Engr. J. H. PETERSON 1800 Harrison St., Flint Pvt., Great Lakes Episcopal Hospital, Navy Yard, Philadelphia FRED A. WOODHULL 614 Smith St., Flint Cook, 3rd Cl., Transport Service, U. S. N., France, Cuba and South America HAROLD WrESLEY WYMAN PAUL FRANK YORK 2563 Mt. Elliott St., Flint 1326 Begole St., Flint Seaman, U. S'. N., Foreign Service Seaman, 2nd Cl., U. S. S. Mississippi, U. S. N. I R JOHN L. YOUNGS, JR. HERBERT ANDREW ZINK 1113 Decker St., Flint 703 Mason St., Flint Seaman, 2nd Cl., U. S. S. De Kalb, Chief Carpenter's Mate, Naval Air U. S. N. Service, U. S. N., Pensacola, Fla. WILLIAM JACOB APPLEBEE 1111 Oak St., Flint LEON WESLEY HUNT Pvt., 51st Co., 5th Reg., U. S. M. C., Mt. Morris Twp. 2nd Div,, A. E. Fe. Wounded and Pvt., 76th Co., 6th Regt., U. S. M. JC., gassed. Decorated, Croix de Guerre 2nd Div., A. E. F. Killed in action, with star by Major Keller, Memorial Belleau Wood, June 2, 1918 Day, 1919, at request of French governmentt.-ji;........^i; ^ FERDINAND J. SEQUIN JOHN BRYON SHINE 427 E. 5th St., Flint 710 Rankin St., Flint Pvt., D. Co., 13th Regt., U. S. M. C., Pvt., U. S. M. C. A. E. F. LAWRENCE F. SKUTT EZRA S'MITH Mt. Morris, Mich. Otisville, Mich. Sgt., 87th Co., 1st Regt., U. S. M. C., Pvt., U. S. M. C., 2nd Div., A. E. F. Philadelphia, Pa. I 262 - C —, O I I I I I i u HARRY AUGUSTUS STRALEY, JR. 512 1st Ave., Flint Pvt., 23rd Co., 6th M. G. Bn., U. S. M. C., 2nd Div., A. E. F. Wounded, Belleau Woods, June 3, 1918, and Argonne, Oct. 4, 1918 ROY STRACHAN 821 Parkland St., Flint 169th- Co., U. S. M. C. EARL THOMPSON WILLIAM A. TURNER 763 Warren St., Flint 321 Mason St., Flint Wireless Operator, 123rd Co., U. S. Pvt., 79th Co., 6th Regt., U. S. M. C. M. C., Paris Island, S. C. 2nd Div., A. E. F. I I WARD BEECHER VAN WORMER 1609 Fenton St., Flint Sgt., 74th Co., 6th Marines, 2nd Div., A. E. F. Gassed, April 13, 1918, near Verdun; wounded, Oct. 9, 1918, Battle of Blanc Mont Ridge, Champagne Sector, Meuse-Argonne offensive GEORGE GUY VEST 605 Stone St., Flint Pvt., A. Co., 8th an., U. S. M. C., 2nd Div., A. E. F. BENJAMIN WADE 1009 Harrison, Flint Pvt., 295th Drill Co., Radio Det., U. S. M. C., Paris Island, S. C. | i JOHN EDWARD WILLIAMS 6 Newton PI., Flint Pvt., M. G. Co., 6th Regt., U. S. M. C., 2nd Div., A. E. F. Gassed and wounded, St. Mihiel CHARLES A. WTILCOX 1710 Ohio Ave., Flint Sgt., 51st Co., 5th Regt., U. S. M. C., 2nd Div., A. E. F. Gassed and wounded at Belleau Woods, June, 1918 DONOVAN A. WILLSON -W~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~905 Detroit St., Fli: Pvt.. 13th Co., 10th Regt., U Quantico, Va. 263 nt r. a. M. C., I - v; BENJAMIN C. BOWMAN 1305 Wolcott St., Flint Pvt., Spruce Div., U. S. A. ELZA COOPER 809 Oak Park PI., Flint M Co., 7th Inf., 3rd Div., A. Tr. from 85th Div. Killed in Pvt., E. F. action CLARENCE A. CROMWELL 309 W. Kearsley St., Flint Pvt., F Co., 16th F. A., 3rd Div., A. E. F. FRED GRIFFITH 1605 Maplewood Av., Flint Pvt., Amb. Co. 351, 313th Sanitary Tr., 85th Div., A. E. F. CONRAD LAUBE Grand Blanc, Mich. Pvt., 11th Prov. Sq., A. S. S. C., U. S. A. JAMES SALMON 926 McClellan Pvt., Sanitary Sq., 2rnd Army, A. E. F. WALTER H. SCHERPING 433 Fourth Ave., West, Flint Pvt., 60th Anti-Aircraft Section, Camp Eustis, Va. 264 THE GREAT LEAL CURTIS OF LINDEN WAS FIRST GENESEE MARTYR Born June 3rd, 1894 Died May 26th, 1918 Somewhere in France, 'Tis all that I may know Of him, my hero, with the first to go, Where duty to his country's high emprise Called to the answering manhood in his eyes, As calleth deep unto the depths below, For him there was no waiting for the slow Uncertain summons. In his ear the blow Of clarion sounded, ringing to the skies Somewhere in France, His soul aflame with service seemed to glow, He smiled at death nor shrank from that grim woe,He knew full well 'twas oft the soldier's prize, Nor may I grieve if so my hero dies, To sleep in fields where blood red poppies grow, Somewhere in France. IN MEMORIAM-OAKLEY ORVILLE TRAYNOR The first Flint man to lay down his life as a result of the battle in France was Private Oakley Orville Traynor, son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Traynor, 517 Pasadena avenue, Flint, who is officially reported to have died May 31, 1918, of wounds sustained at the Battle of Cantigny on May 28. He is buried in a military cemetery at Crevecoeur LeGrand, Oise. Enlisting during the first month of the war at the age of 18, this brave lad was shortly assigned to Machine Gun Company of the 28th Infantry, which was selected by the general staff as one of the units to make up the First Division, which has since won for itself undying fame. Oakley quickly became expert in the use of the machine gun and not long after his arrival in France was advanced to private, first class. On the journey across he traveled on the same ship with General Pershing. Of that gallant company there are few survivors. Compared with later operations the Battle of Cantigny appears to be a minor affair, viewed from the standpoint either of men engaged or territory taken. Nevertheless it was of immense significance for two reasons. For months the allied armies had been on the defensive before German attacks. They had just sustained and brought to a standstill the terrific German onslaught of April in which the enemy reached its furthest west at Montdidier and approached within a few miles the important railroad center of Amiens. For a month the allies hung to their lines but attempted no forward movement. Their morale if not shattered at least was dashed. Into this situation the First Division of the American Army injected itself with that vim and dash which set the pace for iater operations on larger scale. It was agreed that possession of the village of Cantigny would better the situation in the sector which the Americans were holding. Thereupon the old First, then the new First, went in and took Cantigny by storm. What is more important they held Cantigny against counter attacks and shell fire. Never again did the German flag float over that village. This engagement, costly as it was in lives and the insignificant military results, is justly reckoned one of the turning points of the war because it showed both friend and foe that the legions of the Kaiser were not invincible and that the defensive could be turned into a successful offensive whenever American reserves became available. The second reason for the importance of Cantigny lies in the fact that it was a strictly American operation planned by the American staff and executed by American soldiers without the co-operation of any allied units. Although American troops had been on French soil for months and had done valiant service until Cantigny they had fought under the orders of French and British staffs. In the last days of May, 1918. the American Army showed it could go ahead "on its own" to victory. In this initial American battle of the war a Flint soldier laid down his life. The War Department says that Oakley Traynor died on May 31, 1918, of wounds sustained three days earlier. So the official record stands at Washington. But occasionally official records err. Another tale is told by a local veteran who lay in the same shell hole with Oakley Traynor when the latter was wounded by shrapnel. He says that Traynor's wounds were of such nature that their victim could not possibly have lived three days. His opinion is that Oakley Traynor died before medical attention could be given him and that the records should read "killed in action" instead of "died of wounds." Mr. and Mrs. Traynor prize highly a memorial card signed by John J. Pershing, Commander-in-Chief, reading as follows: UNITED STATES ARMY IN MEMORY OF Private 1st Class Oakley O. Traynor, Machine Gun Co., 28th Infantry, who died May 31st, 1918. He bravely laid down his life for the cause of his country. His name will ever remain fresh in the hearts of his friends and comrades. The record of his honorable service will be preserved in the archives of the American Expeditionary Forces. (Signed) JOHN J. PERSHING, Commander-in-Chief. The American Legion in Flint has organized Oakley O. Traynor Post in recognition of the first life which this city laid upon the altar of world liberty. Therefore, as long as this generation lives, and let us hope through many succeeding generations, the people of Flint will remember and honor the gallant boy who entered the valley ot death so cheerily that grim day at Cantigny, May 28, 1918. FLINT PHYSICIANS ON DISTRICT BOARD FOR DIVISION No. 3 Genesee County was part of Division No. 3 of the Eastern District of Michigan. District Board for this division sat at Lansing. Genesee was honored by being represented on the district board by two of its eminent physicians, Dr. J. G. R. Manwaring and Dr. Mark S. Knapp. Dr. Manwaring served on the board from its organization until he entered the Medical Corps of the Army in July, 1918. Dr. Knapp, who had been rejected for active service because not physically qualified, thereupon took up this trying work for the District Board. Dr. Knapp also served the Genesee County Medical Society as chairman of its service committee and much of the society's splendid war record, as co personnel, is due to his enthusiasm as a recruiting officer for the Medical Corps. Linden, Mich. Cpl., 74th Co., 6th Regt., U. S. M. C., 2nd Div., A. E. F. Died May 26, 1918, from effects of gfab, Belleau Woods. First Genesee County man to give his life in France This beautiful poem, expressing the sentiment which all Americans feel when they reflect upon the price in manhood which the United States paid for victory, forms part of a memorial leaflet commemorating the sacrifice of Leal Curtis, of Linden, the first Genesee County soldier to die in France in the Great War, according to the records available at War Board headquarters. A splendid specimen of American manhood, physically, mentally and morally, Leal Curtis passed away May 26, 1918, from the effects of gas encountered in the memorable engagement at Belleau Wood, where the United States Marine Corps covered itself with undying glory. Leal Curtis was born in Linden, June 3, 1894, the son of Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Curtis, who now reside at 5718 Prairie avenue, Chicago, Ill. His aunt, Mrs. M. H. McHugh, lives in Fenton. Shortly after the declaration of war he enlisted in the United States Marine Corps and entered training at Paris Island, S. C. Appointed Corporal in 74th Company, 6th Regiment, he reached France, October 5, at St. Nazaire. Ward Van Wormer, of Flint, was a Corporal in the same company. When the now famous 2nd Division was organized in France, the Fifth and Sixth Marine Regiments made up its Marine Brigade, whose exploit in carrying Belleau Wood by storm and holding that important point against counter assault and drum fire sustained the best traditions of American courage, heartened our allies and electrified America. The Marines took heavy losses in that fire-swept wood and one of their first casualties in that engagement was the loss of Corporal Curtis. Since he passed on to his reward more than one hundred and fifty sons of old Genesee have followed him down the long, long trail to immortality. Brave men and true these martyred sons of Genesee ever proved themselves to be; but the list holds the name of no nobler youth than Leal Curtis, our first to fall. 265 H-ISTORY OFOF S _ GENE,, OSEqYS.ATI7TES,~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~1.? l OUR FALLEN HEROES By Lucian O. Holman. On the side of a gently sloping hill in southern France there is a spot that will ever be sacred to thte men of the 351st Ambulance Company and will always be remembered with profoundest reverence. It is an American cemetery, near the edge of a bit of woodland just around the hill from the village of Hericourt, where are buried some three hundred American heroes, among them Johannes Christensen, the only member of Flint Ambulance Company No. 351 who did not return to his home land. Johannes Christensen died from an illness contracted while on duty as an aide in a field hospital during the time when the company was serving the most strenuous period of its work in the Haute-Alsace sector. At that time all men of the company who were not needed to operate ambulances to the front were detailed as aides in the various field hospitals that had been established in the vicinity. The duties of these men were very hazardous, for the reason that among the patients coming into the hospitals were a great many having contagious diseases at that time prevalent among the troops. Not long after taking up his duties in the field hospital, Christensen contracted an illness which developed into broncho-pneumonia, causing his death on October 12, 1918. He was buried on the afternoon of October 15 in the cemetery not far away, and his grave marks a spot that his fellow soldiers will ever hold as sacred ground. This resting place of our comrade and of so many other American soldiers is a beautiful spot nestled in a broad valley and surrounded by magnificently rolling hills. It is a typical American cemetery in France, and any American mother of a martyr son may picture him sleeping in some such quiet and consecrated spot. At each grave is a white wooden cross bearing a metal identification plate on which is written the soldier's name, number, regiment and company, and other information concerning his death. A little river flows merrily along by the lower side of the cemetery, singing a rippling lullaby and keeping the flowers and the grass green and fresh as it goes on its way to the sea. The tall trees of the woodland which skirts one side of the cemetery seem to be bowing their heads in perpetual reverence for the glorious dead. Ofttimes in the sultry summer afternoons the tallest of the trees throw their shadows far out over the beautiful flowers which the loving hands of French women have hung in wreaths upon the crosses and scattered in clusters upon the graves of our men, as though trying to protect the blossoms from the heat of the summer sun. To the southward may be seen the blue outlines of the Swiss Alps. To the east the Vosges mountains slope abruptly down to rolling fields. The west, as the sun sinks to the rim of the hills at the end of the day, is filled with the radiant crimson and pink of the sunset. Of a sudden the air is vibrant with the ringing of beautifully blended bells-it is the Angelus, filling the air with music. When the music dies away in echoes across the valley a reverent quietness settles over the graves of our heroes. Such is their resting place; and these splendid hills and valleys where they lie will be eternally eloquent landscapes to us. And we who live hear these fallen comrades say to us-a challenge, clear and strong and unmistakable — "We are the dead * * * To you from falling hands ---- +hrow The Torch. Be yours to hold it high; If ye break faith with us who die We shall not sleep, though poppies grow In Flanders fields." Having given the last full measure of devotion for their country, they throw the torch of honor to us. If we are to make good their sacrifices, we must see that this America is protected from every foe from within and without. And we will not fail if we do not break faith with them! Their death is a challenge to us. Animated by the noblest of ideals and impelled by a force as inevitable as the force that makes the tides of the sea, they went out on the field of battle and fought and died. The ideals for which they fought must never be allowed to become less noble nor must there ever come a time when the honor and protection of country will not be worth as great a sacrifice as they paid to protect it. We must not cease to remember them. For them we must hold the Torch high! For them we must never cease to be quick to honor the uniform and respect the flag. Because our men were noble, our commonwealth must become nobler still as the years go on. Because these men died for high ideals the state must live for high ideals. Because of them we must as individuals and as a community rise in public life and government affairs to that which is worthy. The memory of the fallen heroes must be an inspiration forever to those who survive them. Because of them the goal of the community and the nation is the ideal commonwealth, where loyalty is each citizen's chiefest passion. The sacrifices and the bravery mutely told by the thousands of white crosses that fleck the hills and valleys of Europe from Flanders to Archangel challenge us who survive to clean and honest manhood and noble citizenship. SELECTIVE SERVICE ACT WORKS SMOOTHLY Operation of the Selective Service Act in Genesee County indicate the fundamental loyalty of our population. From Registration Day, June 5, 1917, to March 31, 1919, when the local boards were dissolved, the officials in charge found the vast majority of the men affected by the draft were ready and willing to obey orders and enter the military service when their turn came. Considering the various mixed elements in Flint's population and the short residence here of many thousands of its young men, the local boards had only a small percentage of slackers on their list and, because of the diligent work ot the boards and the patriotic spirit moving the community, these cases were handled for the most part with conspicuous success from the government's standpoint. It is of record that the men called upon by the government to administer the selective service act in this county, formed a trying and, at times, disagreeable task, capably and well. Their first consideration necessarily was the fact that the United States had to raise an army and that they were directed to raise that army according to certain regulations into which could enter no element of personal favoritism. The three draft boards operating in Genesee County met all their quotas and emerged from their task with absolutely clean records. DIVISION No. 1 Local Board for Division No. 1 of the city of Flint, which included that part of the city of Flint lying south of the Flint river, reports 1,265 men accepted at camp. Of these 875 were inducted into military service and 390 into medical and limited service. 4,138 men were registered June 5, 1917. John R. MacDonald served as a member of this board, from its creation until discharged, on March 31, 1919. He was elected chairman in December, 1917, when the offices were removed from the City Hall to the Dryden Bldg. Mayor Kellar, whom he succeeded as chairman, remained a member of the board, filling the position of secretary, after the resignation of Chas. A. Brown. Mr. Brown served a full year, resigning to become an inspector of local boards under the Adjutant General's Department. Dr. C. D. Chapel, examining physician, served during the life of the board. Arthur Pound also remained a member of the board for a year, resigning to enter the United States Navy. Dr. C. B. Burr acted as Federal Appeal Agent throughout the entire period. Sumner G. Horton served as chief clerk from December 21, 1917, to March 15, 1918, being succeeded by Mrs. Erma H. Gundry, who continued until the office was closed at the end of March, 1918. Margaret Hansen, assistant clerk, has a war record equal in length to that of any woman in Flint, having worked on the registration and draft records from June 10, 1917, until February 5, 1919. Mrs. Graham Somers and Miss Gretchen Wisler were temporarily employed. Valuable volunteer assistance was given by the clerical forces of the Chevrolet and Buick Motor Co., bank clerks and school teachers. The board also received great assistance from the lawyers and physicians who served on the legal and medical advisory board. DIVISION No. 2 Local Board for Division No. 2 had jurisdiction over all that part of Flint lying north of the Flint river. This division of the city held a larger population and a larger percentage of young men, with a result that Division No. 2 registered over 6,200 men on June 5, and throughout the war proved itself one of the largest draft districts. Mr. Charles A. Durand was chairman of this board from its organization to its dissolution on March 31, 1919. His associates were F. E. Doherty, secretary; Frank A. Green, W. L. Stevenson, and Dr. R. D. Halligan, examining physician, all of whom served throughout the war. D. T. Stone acted as Federal Appeal Agent during the entire period. The chief clerk was M. C. Tibbits. Among the clerical assistants who saw long service are Miss Florence Black, Miss Winifred Black and Mrs. Ada Huggins. LOCAL BOARD FOR GENESEE COUNTY Local Board for Genesee County registered 2,329 men for military service on June 5, 1917; 213 on June 5, 1918; 40 on August 24, and 3,615 on September 12, 1918; a total of 6,197. It sent to camp 595 men, 141 of its registrants enlisted and 23 were later rejected as physically unfit. The organization of this board was as follows: MembersDr. W. J. Wall, Chairman, Davison; July, 1917, to December, 1917. C. H. Reed, Secretary, Clio; July, 1917, to December 1, 1917. W. L. Miller, Swartz Creek; Member of Board, July, 1917, to March 31, 1919; Chairman, December 1, 1917, to March 31, 1919. Geo. A. Lacure, Clio; Member of Board, December 1, 1917, to March 31, 1919; Chief Clerk, April 15, 1918, to March 31, 1919. Dr. M. B. Smith, Fenton; Member and Physician of Board, December 1, 1917, to March 31, 1919. ClerksGeo. C. Smith, Chief Clerk, Flint; September, 1917, to April 15, 1918. Mrs. Mabel A. Smith, Typist, Flint; September, 1917, to April, 1918. Mary B. Daniels, Flint; February 16, 1918. to March 31, 1919. Helen M. Doyle, Clio; September 15, 1918, to January 1, 1919. Government Appeal Agent-C. O. Swayze, Flint. Legal Advisory Board-M. W. Stevens, Flint; E. D. Black, Flint; Geo. VW. Cook, Flint; James S. Parker, Flint. Medical Advisory Board-Dr. J. G. R. Manwaring, Flint; Dr. T. S, Conover, Flint; Dr. A. S. Wheelock, Goodrich. 266 SELECTIVE SERVICE OFFICIALS CHAS'. A. DURAND Flint Chairman, Local Board for Division No. 2, City of Flint, Mich. JOHN R. MacDONALD Flint Chairman, Local Board for Division No. 1, City of Flint, Mich. 'W. L. MILLER Swartz Creek, Mich. Chairman, Local Board for Genesee County DR. MARK S. KNAPP Flint Member of District Board for Division No. 3, Eastern District of Michigan COLONEL O. SWAYZE Flint Federal Appeal Agent, Local Board for Genesee County, Mich. DR. C. B. BURR Flint Federal Appeal Agent. Local Board for Flint, Mich. FRANK E. DOHERTY Flint Secretary, Local Board for Division No. 2, City of Flint, State of Michigan FRANK A. GREEN Flint Member Local Board for Division No. 2, City of Flint, State of Michigan GEO. A. LACURE Clio, Mich. Secretary and Chief Clerk, Local Board for Genesee County, Mich. DR. W. J. WALL Davison, Mich. Member Local Board for Genesee County, Mich. DR. M. B. SMITH Fenton, Mich. Member of Local Board for Genesee County, Aich. CHAS. H. REED Clio, Mich. Clerk of Local Board for Genesee County from its organization until Dec. 1, 1917 267 HISTORY OF GENESEE CHARLES S. MOTT, EX-MAYOR, IS VETERAN OF TWO WARS Charles S. Mott, thrice elected Mayor of Flint, typifies this city in his war record. He began early and stayed late. One of the few Flint men qualified to march either with the Spanish War Veterans or the American Legion, C. S. Mott donned the uniform in the spring of 1894 as ordinary seaman in the naval militia of the state of New York, where he was then residing. There he served six years, being mustered out in 1910 with the rating of Chief Gunner's Mate. These years included the Spanish American War, in which the Navy not only "took them over," but also took enemy squadrons under fire, something with the Germans studiously avoided in the late war. With the rest of the qualified naval militia of New York, C. S. Mott mustered into the United States Navy, April 26, 1898, rated as Gunner's Mate, first class. After serving on the U. S. S. Yankee, in Cuban waters he was honorably discharged from the Navy at the close of the war, continuing in the state naval militia. At the outbreak of the war with Germany, Mr. Mott threw himself heart and soul into the cause. The one-time gunner's mate, through a rare combination of technical knowledge, executive ability and financial foresight, meantime had built himself a fortune second to none in Flint. From the first tap of the war-drum, his time and means belonged to the United States government. To a gathering of bankers and business men who approached the First Liberty Loan rather diffidently because of their lack of experience with such a large flotation of national bonds, Mr. Mott declared: "I would rather give every cent I possess than have Germany win this war." That spirit moved him throughout. In April, 1918, C. S. Mott was elected mayor for the third term on a platform which reduced to its highest terms was "The war first." He insisted that the municipality keep step with private persons and corporations in war work; but in so far as a progressive policy in municipal affairs did not interfere with the government's financing plans, he kept the wheels of the municipal government moving ahead toward the fulfilment of those comprehensive plans for civic improvement which, laid down during his first administration, have continued as the policy of all mayors since 1912, despite changes of political fortune. After a few months in office, Mayor Mott was confronted with a problem not easy to solve. The war department, recognizing in the Mayor of Flint a master mind in factory organization, an executive of proved competence to whom other factory executives must listen, desired him to take charge of automobile production in the Detroit district, the most important district in the nation in producing material of war for the motorized branches of the service. For weeks he considered where he could be of most use, finally interpreted the government's call as a command, and on August 1 entered the service of the United States Army as Chief of Production, Detroit District, Motor Service, Q. M. C. On October 29 he was commissioned Major. On January 6, 1919, he was advanced to officer in charge, Detroit district, Motors Branch, Department of Purchase. January 31, Mr. Mott was honorably discharged, turned over his office in the Book building, Detroit, to his successor, and returned to Flint. In the Welcome Home parade of July 4. Mr. Mott laid aside his preference to march with the Spanish War Veterans, with whom he can be found each Memorial Day, to review the parade with his house guest, Brigadier General Edwin B. Winans. In August, 1919, Mr. Mott visited Europe in company with President W. P. Chrysler, Albert Champion and other officials of the General Motors Company, for the purpose of surveying the economic needs of the war-torn continent with especial reference to the demand likely to develop there for the products of Flint's largest corporation and to study the financial condition of the foreign market with a view to assisting in the-commercial rehabiliatation of the mother continent. This survey, though primarily a matter of private business, has its public side. The wheels of industry in Flint will move swiftly if the wheels of Flint-made motor cars are turning in Europe, and Europe will find itself all the quicker if plenty of motor cars are available for transportation, now sadly curtailed by reason of war strain upon railways and shortage of rolling stock. It is no small credit to a city to produce three men for such a mission. In Mr. Mott the General Motors Company has a director who, in addition to knowing finance and manufacture, has acquitted himself so well in the trying field of public service that he understands better than most big business men the pressing social and political problems of the day and hour. AMERICAN PROTECTIVE LEAGUE PLAYS LARGE PART IN WAR PROGRAM The American Protective League, a volunteer organization of citizens formed to assist the government by furnishing information, entered Flint in the autumn of 1917 when a skeleton organization was formed at the suggestion of federal authorities in Detroit. Throughout the winter some assistance was given the draft boards and the Department of Justice by local investigations; but it was not until March, 1918, that the A. P. L. became a powerful factor in the Genesee County war program. At that time, under the leadership of 0. A. Simpson, quarters were taken in the Dryden building and the membership was greatly expanded. In the Third Loan the league brought the organized power of public opinion to bear upon individuals who took a short view of their financial duty toward the government. It also assisted the draft boards vigorously and, as related in Food Administrator Cameron's report, assisted greatly in discovering violations of food control regulations. An extended summary of the activities of A. P. L. in Flint, however, is impossible because of the confidential character of the work. All its records and findings are now in Washington as part of the permanent archives of the Department of Justice. BIG DAN REED —IDEALIST, LEADER OF MEN, ORATOR AND MEMBER OF CONGRESS Dan- Reed's photograph is reproduced on another page, and the accounts for the local campaign which he directed speak for themselves. However, Mr. Reed's service to the government covered so much territory and was of so important a character that it deserves separate and detailed mention. In addition to his local effort the present Congressman from the 43rd New York district was lifted bodily from his position as Managing Director of the Flint Board of Commerce to play a large part in national and international affairs. The American Red Cross called upon Dan Reed in its first drive for $100,000,000. From the City of Washington he directed the campaign in eight states knows as the north central division. In this task his capacity was so thoroughly demonstrated that later the National Food Administrator, Herbert Hoover, asked him to return to the capitol. There he placed upon Dan Reed's broad shoulders responsibility for the Food Conservation Campaign in nineteen states. In the course of this campaign it was perceived that the only stumbling block in the way of American food conservation was our ignorance of the fact that food would win the war. The famine condition of western Europe had not been impressed upon the public mind of America. The next logical step was to read us the lesson of Europe's woes and privations. This the government prepared to do by sending abroad a commission composed of men and women possessing the requisite platform, power to impress upon the American mind the European tragedy. Dan Reed was among three chosen. To lose Dan Reed from Flint at this juncture was a serious matter for a city engaged in making a record for itself in war activities. This big, honest, energetic man, during his stay here, had fired the imagination of all classes of our citizens, conceived and pushed through many noble projects for civic betterment and showed us how to mobilize our financial resources for the support of the government and the assistance of their fighting men. However, the Board of Commerce, realizing that here was a clear call to duty not to be disregarded, sent Dan on his way with a Godspeed. His journey took him first to England, then to that tiny portion of Belgium which remained free from invasion and finally into France. Every opportunity was given the commission to visit the fighting front and see in all its frightfulness the destruction wrought by invasion. They saw Ypres, Rheims, Verdun, Nancy and Peronne; and even penetrated to within a short distance of St. Quentin which was then occupied by the enemy. Visits were made to many towns where the painful life of the inhabitants was intensively studied; to hospitals, where even the wounded were on short rations; and to farms where the heroic labors of women and old men were being put forth in a desperate effort to stave off famine. All this Dan Reed duly reported first to the government in writing and then to the American public by word of mouth. After his return he went through the states of New York, Illinois, Michigan, Wisconsin, North Dakota, Montana and Idaho, spreading the gospel of food conservation. He spoke in upwards of 150 towns and cities, sometimes delivering as many as five one hour speeches per day. In Flint he was given a tremendous ovation, not a quarter of those who desired to hear him being able to crowd into St. Paul's church. That America seriously took to food saving and successfully bridged the Atlantic with foodstuffs for the relief of her starving allies is due in no small part to the awakening which followed the speaking tour of Daniel A. Reed and his fellow members of the Food Survey Commission. Elected to Congress by the 43rd New York district, Mr. Reed now has a broader field for the exercise of his great powers and his remarkable insight into the social and economic problems of American public life. His war record is unusual to be proud of, and throughout the remained of his public career Uncle Sam's fighters and their dependents will find in Congressman Reed a ready and indominitable champion. Big Dan Reed is a rare and powerful combination of mental and physical vigor. Clean, magnetic, overflowing with the joy of service, and blessed with the driving power that gets things done, Dan Reed will go far. But however far he goes, he will never lose touch with the common man, or forget the city of Flint where his ideals of community welfare met such ready and practical support. TALLEST SOLDIER IN A. E. F. MAKES FLINT HIS HOME Flint has recently acquired an interesting figure in the person ot Homer H. Parks, the tallest soldier in the American Expeditionary Force, who on that account was selected to carry the Stars and Stripes in the Victory parade at Paris, December 28, 1918. At that time Parks was a private in E Company, 305th Infantry, 77th Division, having been transferred from the 42nd or Rainbow Division. A native of Tennessee, Parks is now living at 800 W. Third avenue, Flint. He is 6 feet 9 inches in height. 268 I 1 l 11- - w v INDUSTRIAL LEADERS WALTER P. CHRYSLER President, Ccneral Motors Company WM. W. MOUNTAIN President, Flint Board of Commerce first year of war. Former President Flint Varnish Works H. H. BASSETT General Manager, Buick Motor Company, Memoer of Executive Committee of General Motors Corporation l i_ W. A. PATERSON President, W. A. Paterson Co. CHAS. F. BARTH General Manager, Chevrolet Motor Company WILLIAM CRAPO DURANT Priesident, General Motors Co. Generous contributor to all war causes F. A. ALDRICH Secy and Treas., Dort Motor Car Co., Member' Executive Council, Genesee County 'War Board, Grand Marshal of the Liberty, Victory and Welcome Home Parades ALBERT CHAMPION President, Champion Ignition Co., Chair-nman Board of Commerce Committee on Americanization J. R. FRANCIS' General Manager, Marvel Carbureter Company I b kdgg=k.- - " 6 269 F HISTORY OF GENESEE C E- COUNTY'S ACTIVITIES REV. H. D. BORLEY SERVED TWO YEARS IN FRANCE WITH "Y" Of the 12,000 Y. M. C. A. Secretaries who served in France, Rev. H. D. Borley of the First Presbyterian Church, Flint, was among the first 200 to arrive there, leaving Flint August 26, 1917, and arriving in Bordeaux, September 14, 1917. First assigned to the Aviation camp at Avord where the Lafayette Escadrille was in training, the Rev. Mr. Borley found the "Y" was particularly acceptable to our men living with the French. A month later when the Americans were withdrawn from the French camp he went with Aero Squadron No. 1, the first flying squadron America produced, to our new camp at Issoudun. It was then an open field, men living in tents, hangars, and a very few barracks. Mr. Borley remained there three months, and when the work was organized and a double hut erected, he was sent on to perform a similar service for the Ordnance men at Foecy. In six months, a branch of this camp, the Ordance Repair Shop, developed larger proportions than the original Foecy camp. After caring for the needs in a large tent for the beginnings, Mr. Borley erected a large double hut there. This was known as the Marmagne Camp. In September, 1918, this hard working Flint clergyman was made Divisional Secretary for the Nevers Division. Divisions as they came over were kept as units in various parts of France, until their turn came to go to the trenches. As rapidly as possible the Y. M. C. A. had secretaries attached to these separate divisions, to stay with them wherever they went. It was also necessary to have larger permanent camps, where these divisions were cared for temporarily and then gave place to new arrivals. There were also many large permanent camps scattered through France, for aviation, for ordance, for quartermaster supplies, etc. The Nevers Division was the great shop district, for automobiles, railway transportation and quartermaster supplies. Also the "Y" had then the reclassification camps for men coming out ot our two great hospitals-one with forty thousand beds, another with twenty-three thousand. As Divisional Secretary it was Mr. Borley's task to direct the work of eighty-five Y. M. C. A. secretaries, and thirty civilians, in serving the 150,000 men in this district. The last part of his service was even more interesting. As Divisional Secretary for the Brussels Division in Belgium, the work was in conjunction with the English, Canadian, Australian and Belgian secretaries. In one enormous building, the largest work of its kind in Europe, open to soldiers of all allied nations, at all hours, the "Y" gave an excellent demonstration of the way men of all nationalities can work together when the right spirit prevails. After twenty-three months of valiant service overseas the Rev. Mr. Borley left for home, passing through Versailles the night before the armistice was signed. FLINT GIVES TWO OF A. E. F.'s YOUNGEST SOLDIERS TO UNCLE SAM In the Great War two remarkably young Flint soldiers saw service in France. For the younger one Edward George Bellinger, 1826 Utah street is claimed the honor of being the youngest man in the American Expeditionary Force. He was born at Tawas, Mich., May 3rd, 1903, the son of Jacob Bellinger. In August, 1918, at the tender age of fifteen years, he participated in the great Meuse-Argonne offensive. The lad received wounds from which it was a wonder he ever recovered. Shrapnel penetrated his thigh. In hand-to-hand fighting his right arm and two ribs were broken and one rib cracked. After recovery in hospital Bellinger was discharged on February 15, 1919, and is perhaps the only man in the country to have been in and out of the Great War before his sixteenth birthday. In spite of his youth he has earned the right to be called a man. Very little older than Bellinger is Rozelle Frank Clark of 115 Ninth avenue, the son of Mrs. William Bowles. Clark was born February 22, 1903, and entered the army in September, 1917, at the age of fourteen years. From Columbus Barracks where he was a Private in the 17th Field Artillery he went to Camp Robinson, Wisconsin. October 5, he went to France with Battery C, 17th Field Artillery, which was at first attached to the French Army Corps and later to the Second Division, A. E. F. The lad was at the front with the Second Division from March to November, 1918. As a wagoner in the Field Artillery he participated in many of the war's most destructive battles. He was gassed once and suffered a fractured arm. It is probable that Clark will remain in the army in which he underwent such remarkable experience so early in his life. Likenesses of both Bellinger and Clark appear on other pages. CUSTER WILL BE MAINTAINED AS A PERMANENT POST Camp Custer's continued life is assured. Inspection by the Secretary of War and the Chief of Staff settled to the satisfaction of the War Department that Custer deserved to become a permanent post in the peace establishment of the army. Such a decision, arrived at after mature deliberation, is sure to result in extensive improvements. It is likely that a century hence the descendants of the men who trained at Custer for the Great War themselves may be training in that cantonment for the defense of the heritage preserved for them by the courage and discipline of this generation. At present Custer is garrisoned by the 10th and 14th regular Infantry regime, but the skeleton of a division organization is maintained and a war department order has been issued to the effect that when the new army plans are complete the division to be trained there will be designated the 3^nd, in commemoration of the sacrifice of Michigan and WVisconsin troops in the Great War. WELCOME HOME FESTIVAL July 1 to 4, the city of Flint celebrated the 100th Anniversary of its founding by Jacob Smith, culminating on the Fourth with a welcome home demonstration for returned veterans, which surpassed in warmth and color any festival ever arranged in Genesee County. Officially this festival marked the end of the war, a fitting tribute to the glorious achievement of our men in the service and a comprehensive summary of the work done by Genesee County civilians in support of the war. The outstanding feature of the day was a huge parade in the morning led by Grand Marshal Fred A. Aldrich, with the military units under command of Lt. Col. Guy M. Wilson. The city was fortunate in securing from Major General Hayes war material from Camp Custer sufficient to equip an entire military company exactly as it would appear moving up to the front in France. This material included rifles and other personal equipment, 75 millemeter field gun, trench mortar, machine gun, combat wagon and a rolling kitchen. Draft animals were furnished by the Teamsters' union. This material was in charge of Capt. P. W. Beebe of the 10th Infantry, who brought ten regular army sergeants with him to demonstrate the various pieces for the edification of sightseers. In the reviewing stand erected in front of the City Hall, stood Brigadier General Edwin B. Winans, son of the former Governor ot Michigan, who as the official guest of the city reviewed the parade with Mayor George C. Kellar and other leading citizens. Following the Chevrolet Band, Lt. Col. Wilson with a group of officers led the military contingent past the reviewing stand. First came a color guard bearing proudly the standard of the 125th Infantry, which bore the decoration bestowed upon it by General Mangin of the 10th French Army as symbolic of the courage shown by the regiment while under his command. These colors were loaned by the Adjutant General of the State of Michigan to the city of Flint for the occasion, being transported to and from Lansing by a color guard under Lt. Wm. S. Brittain and composed of other members of the 125th Infantry. Behind the colors appeared a military spectacle unique in the history of Flint, a full company of fighting men, each one of whom had seen active service, completely equipped for battle and accompanied by artillery, combat wagons and field kitchens. Behind this array marched thousands of unarmed khaki clad veterans in column of fours followed by squads of Marines, a naval contingent and a Canadian contingent. Spectators filled the sidewalks and windows along Saginaw street to overflowing and as the warriors of yesterday and citizens of today filed past they were greeted with overwhelming applause. Among the civic and patriotic bodies in line were the G. A. R., Knights Templar, Grotto, Odd Fellows and The High School Cadets. One of the most interesting features was the large turnout of New Americans, each delegation walking behind two flags, Old Glory and their national ensign. Each individual in this section also carried a small American flag. Among the musical organizations appearing in line the Chevrolet Band, the Salvation Army Band, Odd Fellows Band, North Baptist Band, Kiltie Band and two fife-and-drum corps. The float section was the largest and most elaborate ever shown on Saginaw street. It included handsome floats representing the Jacob Smith Trading Post, the first building on the site of Flint; the lumber epoch, the industrial era, and the agricultural interest of the county of Genesee were also represented. Other floats which attracted much attention were those of the Board of Commerce, the Genesee County War Board, the Buick Motor Company, Chevrolet Motor Company, the Dort Motor Car Company. The W. A. Paterson Company had in line the most interesting exhibit of vehicles ranging from a high buggy built a half century ago down to a modern motor car, thus showing the evolution of the company's product and the manufacturing development of Flint. After the parade had been reviewed the Genesee County War Board distributed service rings at the Court House grounds to all veterans who had been in the parade. 2,500 of these rings, which are of solid silver appropriately designed to record the wearer's participation in the Great War, were distributed on the Fourth. Two thousand more have since been given out. At noon luncheon and reception was tendered Brig. Gen. Winans, the city's guest, at the Hotel Dresden. The invited guests being the Mayor and Aldermen, Board of Supervisors, the Directors of the Board of Commerce, the Reviewing party and former officers of the 32nd Division, one brigade of which Gen. Winans commanded in France. In the afternoon the patriotic program and band concert was held in Thread Lake Park. Mayor Kellar acted as chairman. Speeches were made by Brig. Gen. Winans and Lt. Col. Wilson. The latter presented to public gaze an honor sword given to Captain John Hynan by the High School Cadet Corps, in which the former captain ot E Company received his first military training. For the entire Centennial and Welcome Home Festival the city was decorated as never before. Saginaw street, throughout its entire length, and the other streets in the business district for a distance of one block off Saginaw, were ablaze with red, white and blue flags and pennons. Perfect weather added the finishing gala touch to an event which will live long in the memory of Flint and its soldier heroes. 270 Canadian Contingent in Line The Navy in Blue and White A Pyramid of Achievement Genesee County War Board Float Buick Motor Company Float —Vinner of First Prize i-i. t R * 8, A ";"y~A1^ r s:: Artillery Un!imbered on Saginaw St. EDWIN B. WINANS Brigadier General, Commander of 64th Infantry Brigade from June,. 1918, to demobilization. Son of ex-Governor Winans. Official guest of City of Flint July 1-4, 1919 New Americans behind two flags Marching behind the colors of the 125th Infantry A. long brown line of heroes 271 HISTORY OF GENESEE Genesee County Financial War Record in the Ten Leading Loan and War Relief Campaigns The first row of figures indicate number of subscribers, the second quota assigned, the third amounts raised. Black face figures in the latter row indicate subscriptions which were in excess of quota. First Lib- First Second Liberty Loan Red Cross erty Loan PLACE City.-..-........................... City ----------—.......................................... -—.-. — $ 629,300 Factories............... $ 950,000 120 A rgentine. --- —-. ---... --- —----------------................ $ 12,400 r 70 Atlas.......................... —. --- —---—...... --- —---------......... --- —----------- [ $ 8,500 125 Burton ----—..... --- —---—....... --- —-----—... — --.. $ 7,400 f 163 Clayton................ --- —--------------------------- -- $ 16,200 f 365 D avi son................-..................... ----. — $ 47,100 473 Fenton -......-..........-.. --- —-----—.. --- —----—.... —................ $ 87,050 54 Flint....................................... --- —----------------- --- $ 8,700 [ 250 F lushing............................................... $ 51,400 f 65 Forest --—. —...... —.. --- —.. —..... ---[$ 9,000 124 G aines.........................- - -............. $ 12,700 50 Genesee -.................-...................... - $ 5,550 155 Grand Blanc......... — -.............. -.......... --- $ 15,300 60 M ontrose...-.-...-.......... —................ — $ 5,500 39 M t. M orris.............................. — —. ---$ 3,450 90 M undy... —................................-.. —..$ 12,400 150 Richfield................................................. $ 15,600 20 T hetford..............................-............. $ 2,600 149 V ienna...........-........-....-..-...................... $ 35,750 City Totals with Factories.. - --------- 1$1,579,300 f 2,522 Township Totals....................... ---..-..... $ 346,670 County Totals...................... $1,716,000 $1,925,970 Gral $ 50,00ooo $281,138 $ 1,035 $ 350 $ 1,762 $ 1,365 $ 1,580 $ 1,841 $ 753 $ 2,617 $ 820 $ 4,500 $ 2,062 $ 1,709 $ 495 $ 2,911 $ 1,200 $ 597 $ 2,188 $ 887 $ 1,927 $ 470 $ 1,968 $ 1,236 $ 1,416 $ 328 $ 1,853 $ 653 $ 1,600 $ 283 $ 1,364 $ 325 $ 1,067 $ 2,455 $ 2,032 $28,138 $ 34,993 $ 14,031 $ 85,000 $295,169 nd Total..-.. 5,189 $2,679,750 $2,710,850 14,046 $1,010,550 108 $ 28,123 $ 9,450 64 $ 41,849 $ 18,600 92 $ 46,213 $ 12,750 144 $ 50,027 $ 9,700 267 $ 55,513 $ 63,150 771 $ 129,898 $ 132,250 116 $ 49,207 $ 11,950 232 58,152 $ 60,000 60 $ 25,367 $ 10,150 181 $ 43,804 $ 17,500 132 $ 48,874 $ 11,800 140 $ 44,036 $ 20,050 53 $ 33,671 $ 5,700 98 $ 46,997 $ 5,500 79 $ 43,475 $ 4,900 267 $ 34,584 $ 35,800 69 $ 29,093 $ 5,000 387 $ 51,586 $ 32,950 19,235 $2,679,750 $3,721,400 2,844 $ 674,800 $ 470,200 24,079 $3,540,550 $4,191,600 Threein-One $50,000 $55,600 $ 1,000 $ 526 $ 1,000 $ 1,ooo $ 50;0 $ 1,000 $ 110 $ 642 $ 1,000 $ 1,214 $ 370 $ 1,000 $ 1,000 $ 16 $ 1,ooo $ 357 $ 1,000 $ 550 $ 1,000 $ 64 $ 1,000 $ 134 $ 1,000 $ 131 $ 1,000 $ 391 $ 1,000 $ 52 $ 1,0oo $ 492 $50,000 $s,1oo4 $55,600 $18,o000 $ 6,800 $68,000 $62,400 8,158 $1,612,434 $2,810,100 17,367 $1,063,000 146 $ 15.962 $ 17,550 256 $ 27,122 $ 36,900 181 $ 24,315 $ 23,900 263 $ 28,336 $ 23,900 464 $ 40,401 $ 50,850 702 $ 69,112 $ 11,400 161 $ 23,306 $ 16,050 390 $ 44,667 $ 55,250 188 $ 17,490 29,100 426 $ 33,661 39,600 338 $ 29,657 $ 35,600 271 $ 30,287 $ 46,700 349 21,804 26,300 142 $ 28,521 $ 10,850 187 $ 24,633 $ 17,750 242 $ 21,004 23,200 122 $ 16,648 $ 12,400 435 $ 37,753 $ 42,950 25,552 $1,613,434 $3,873,100 5,?63 $ 537,479 $ 620,250 30,788 $2,149,913 $3,764,350 32,885 $112,000 $302,253 16,047 $261,463 251 $ 1,035 $ 1,161 $ 1,767 $ 2,100 405 $ 1,580 $ 1,628 313 $ 1,841 $ 1,535 $ 2,617 $ 2,000 977 $ 4,500 $ 5,532 $ 1,709 $ 1,305 495 2,911 $ 4,020 335 $ 1,200 $ 1,857 540 $ 2,188 $ 2,600 $ 1,927 $ 2,578 301 $ 1,968 $ 2,020 389 $ 1,416 $ 2,261 575 $ 1,853 $ 2,330 311 $ 1,600 $ 1,056 297 $ 1,364 2,440 $ 1,067 $ 1,000 $ 2,455 $ 2,455 48,930 $112,000 $302,254 6,000 $ 28,o000 $ 39,878 54.930 $140,000 $342,132 13,658 11,461 $1,426,468 $2,025,636 $1,476,002 $3,057,700 16,612 16,784....-..-.......$ 1,117,725 $ 504,712 $1,301,650 446 269 $ 12,584 $ 29,789 $ 13,342 $ 35,500 449 376 $ 18,482$ 54,772 $ 18,570 58,800 413 328 $ 19,464 $ 34,232 $ 17,770 $ 45,100 423 266 $ 22,460 $ 51,879 $ 23,360 $ 69,150 518 534 24,618 $ 80,185 24,720 $ 80,200 984 1,041 $ 38,312 $ 151,998 $ 49,550 $ 168,800 402 $ 16,986 $ 16,270 671 2$ 5,779 $ $ 26,230 $ 334 $ 11,269 $ $ 11,580 $ 499 $ 19,362 $ $ 20,580 $ 552 $ 21,871 $ 16,797 $ 519 $ 19,558 $ 19,560 $ 531 $ 14,903 15,000 463 $ 20,573 $ 13,240 476 $ 19,036 $ 13,190 345 $ 15,328 $ 15,390 360 12,955 $ 14,425 757 $ 23,052 $ $ 25,235 $ Third Lib- Second Fourth Lib- Sevenerty Loan Red Cross W. S. S. erty Loan in-One 359 37,042 46,700 541 93,690 95,450 318 31,652 35,050 485 58,081 63,350 355 43,443 48,000 485 57,580 60,800 430 34,908 36,450 287 41,777 43,600 379 41,865 48,100 324 36,973 41,050 234 28,455 29,600 642 76,357 79,750 $ 85,226 $ 27,065 174 $ 900 $ 1,021 279 $ 1,657 $ 1,523 244 $ 1,024 $ 1,501 250 $ 1,067 $ 1,525 148 $ 2,470 $ 1,878 4,589 $ 4,590 245 $ 1,119 $ 1,712 359 $ 2,834 $ 2,839 165 $ 956 $ 980 $ 1,753 $ 1,800 219 $ 1,312 $ 1,324 $ 1,724 $ 1,725 283 $ 1,054 $ 908 140 $ 1,261 $ 890 310 $ 1,212 $ 1,350 220 $ 1,098 $ 1,237 $ 861 $ 786 $ 2,308 $ 1,600 $110,300 $177,328 $ 29,711 $ 27,478 $179,500 $199,595 Victory Loan 4,774 $2,418,918 $2,453,650 15,443 $ 500,000 $1,050,000 90 $ 22,341 $ 22,400 120 $ 41,079 $ 41,200 135 $ 25.674 $ 25,700 149 $ 38,910 $ 39,000 215 $ 60,139 $ 60,190 293 $ 114,000 $ 115,690 148 27,782 $ 28.370 232 $ 70,268 $ 74,100 86 $ 23.739 $ 23,880 259 $ 43.561 $ 47,800 127 $ 32,583 $ 32,600 164 $ 43,185 $ 43,200 99 26,181 26,200 90 $ 31,133 $ 24,490 210 $ 31,399 $ 34,200 173 $ 27,284 $ 29,290 52 $ 21,341 $ 18,630 186 $ 57,268 $ 46,300 20,217 $2,918,918 $3,452,950 2,942 $ 738,063 $ 740,450 23,159 $3,156,981 $4,242,100 30,377 29,423 $1,426,468 $3,143,361 $1,476,002 $4,445,700 9,142 7,775 $ 356,592 $ 984,084 $ 354,829 $1,111,950 39,419 37,198 $1,783,000 $4,127,445 $1,830,831 $5,557,650 $212.411.797..q ----------------------------------------- - ----- --------------------------------------- Note: In the above record the first number opposite the name of the division indicates how many subscribers were enrolled in that particular campaign. The second number indicates the quota assigned, while the third or lower set of figures shows what was the total amount of subscriptions and these are given in black face whenever the division or township went over the top. 272 Nation, State, City and County in Five Liberty Loans Nation First i Quota................$2,000,000,000 1 Subscribed...... 3,035,226,850 Second $3,000,000,000 4,617,532,000 Third $3,000,000,000...................... Fourth $6,000,000,000 6,989,047,000 Fifth $4,500,000,000...................... --------------------------— r --- —----------............... Seventh Federal Reserve District..................... Quota.-...-... 298,000,000 Subscribed...-.. 351,564,650 420,000,000 425,000,000 870,000,000 585,786,800 608,877,950 969,646,600 74,550,000 75,600,000 147,900,000 106,179,550 98,433,850 164,654,400 State of Michigan.................................................. Q uota....... —... Subscribed -..... i Q uota............-. Subscribed...... Genesee County.. ----.. ----—...... ---............... 50,000,000 61,475,100 1,716,000 1,925,970 1,579,300 3,540,550 4,271,200 2,679,750 3,721,400 2,149,913 3,764,350 1,613,434 3,873,100 4,127,500 5,546,250 3,143,361 4,445,700 3,156,981 4,193,400 2,918,918 3,452,950 City of Flint...........-..............................................Subscribed...... - - THE PARTICIPATION OF THE INDUSTRIAL FELLOWSHIP LEAGUE IN THE GENESEE COUNTY WAR HISTORY The Industrial Fellowship League, an organization of factory men for the promotion of welfare activities for the benefit of the community, but primarily for factory people, as an organization has taken an active part in all of the war activities of the county. These activities included the promotion of baseball, bowling leagues and other forms of athletic sports, also educational class work and lectures for workmen in the factories, entertainments, concerts, minstrel shows. Dances and social parties are conducted for and by the factory people of this organization. Among the important things being planned by this organization is the development of recreation grounds for factory employees at a lake twelve miles east of this city. This plan including cottages to be rented at a nominal sum, bathing, boating, dancing pavilion, and games for the children, all of which is owned and controlled by the factory people themselves. At the beginning of the war the league gave up their plans for the immediate development of this property and set aside many of their ordinary activities in order to take their share and participate in the war campaigns inaugurated by the war board. The shop men of Flint raised money in the factories for the purchase of flags to be raised above the different plants and in the dining rooms. Much enthusiasm was engendered by the speeches and patriotic talks which were given in the dining rooms. One of the first campaigns put across in the factories by the Industrial Fellowship League was raising money for the Red Cross. The League used the same organization of committees which had been established to raise the money for the purchase of their lake property, and brought in double the amount for the Red Cross which they had planned to use for their own purposes. The shop committees of the League have co-operated with the factory management and other organizations in all of the campaigns conducted for war purposes, assisting in the arrangement of shop meetings whereby a splendid spirit of enthusiasm and patriotism was developed. The League co-operated with the Vehicle Workers' Club, which organization handled the sale of Liberty Bonds. Sale of War Savings Stamps were directly under the direction of the Industrial Fellowship League. War Savings Stamps were sold in the shops by the committees of this organization approximated $15,000 every two weeks on pay day. Frequent mass meetings of the shop men were held at the War Bureau Headquarters in organizing for the various campaigns. These meetings were frill of enthusiasm and contributed in no small degree to the spirit of the factory people in oversubscribing their quota in practically every drive. The League, as an organization, contributed its share in developing this spirit of patriotism amongst the factory men and was more than glad to have an opportunity to sacrifice some of its cherished plans fo rthe purpose of helping to win the war. FLINT SOLDIER AMONG FIRST TO PIERCE HINDENBURG LINE One of the first allied soldiers to cross the supposedly impregnable Hindenburg Line in the 1918 drive to victory was William Ernest Lott, 1005 Ida avenue, Flint, a private in the 4th Battalion, First Division, Canadian Expeditionary Force. This division went into action before Amiens, August 8, 1918, at the very start of the British offensive which carried Imperial troops well into Belgium before the armistice was signed. August 28 they were engaged before Arras, reaching the DuNord Canal September 4 as part of the first advance line. The platoon with which Mr. Lott was a member, entered the front line August 30 with 50 men, five non-commissioned officers and one officer. On September 4 it had been reduced to 14 men and one non-commissioned officer. After receiving reinforcements the Fourth Battalion went over the top in one of the most famous engagements of the war, scaling ladders being used to find the banks of the canal Just in front of Inchy. On scout duty that morning Private Lott captured a machine gun nest single handed taking 24 prisoners. October 1 the Battalion attack for the second time in the Cambrai sector, bagging a complete battery of German artillery. Lott and three others bayoneted 31 of their adversaries at this point. Twenty minutes later Lott was wounded by a bullet through the right shoulder and his arm crushed in a bayonet duel. This Flint soldier testifies to having accounted personally for having killed or captured over 50 Huns. U-BOAT SUBMERGES UNDER FLINT SAILOR IN CHANNEL Captured by a German submarine which later submerged leaving him to battle single-handed with the waves was the unusual experience of George Dewey Youmans, Yeoman 2nd Cl., U. S. N., residing at 508 Begole street, Flint. After training at the Navy Radio School at Harvard University, Youmans was assigned as member of the armed guard aboard the U. S. S. Lake Owens, May 2, 1918, with the rating of Electrician, 2nd Cl., Radio. He made seven trips safely across the English Channel. While returning to a Welsh port, the Lake Owens was torpedoed and gunned at 2 a. m., September 3, by a German submarine 20 miles off Trovose Light in Bristol Channel. Receiving orders to abandon ship the armed guard crew met difficulty launching their life boat and so became separated from the other boats in the darkness. After cruising blindly for an hour the bowman sighted the submarine, from which orders were received to come alongside. When the Germans discovered the captain of the Lake Owens was not present their commander ordered one man to come aboard. Youmans volunteered and went aboard, whereupon the life boat was ordered to cast off. Ordered into the conning tower, Youmans was questioned for twenty minutes by the commander of the submarine, assisted by an interpreter. He was then told he could go. Returning to the deck he hailed the life boat which was then about a mile distant, but before it arrived the submarine submerged. Youmans had a stiff fight in a heavy sea but managed to keep afloat until the boat reached him. The boat was picked up by an English trawler at 7 a. m. Youmans was given five days in which to recuperate from this experience at Base 27, Plymouth, England, from which he was sent to the States on the U. S. S. Celtic. He is still in the service, being on duty in the office of the District Communication Superintendent, U. S. N., New York. FLINT FURNISHES MICHIGAN'S OLDEST SOLDIER IN GREAT WAR Michigan's oldest enlisted soldier in the Great War calls Flint "home," but he does not stay here except on furloughs. His usual address is "A. P. O." Alvan C. Ayer likes army life, even at the advanced age of 45 years, so well that a few months later returning from overseas he re-enlisted. He is now a member of Supply Company, 10th Infantry, Camp Custer with the rank of Sergeant. When the call sounded for Mexican border service back in 1916. Mr. Ayer was the oldest member of the Michigan National Guard. Enlisting June 28, 1898, he served throughout the Spanish-American War and continued with the state troops for twenty-one years continuous service. When the veterans of the border re-assembled at Grayling to train for the glorious part they took in the Great War, Ayer, who is versed in all the mysterious ways of the army mule, was made stable sergeant. When the 126th Infantry was formed at Waco, he was given charge of the stables of its Supply Company. From Waco, he traveled with the 32nd Division to Germany, by way of Camp Merritt, Alsace, Chateau-Thierry, Cierges, Les Jomblets, Juvigny and other points in France made sacred to in American History by those stalwart heroes of Michigan and Wisconsin. Mustered out on May 23rd this veteran soldier was ready for another bout by September 10 and re-enlisted in the i0th Infantry. Sergeant Ayer lives at 515 Harrison street, Flint, when he is not on duty. In January, 1918, he sustained a 15 per cent disability in the line of duty, an injury to his right foot caused by one of his pets stepping on the said foot a little harder than usual. Nevertheless, this experienced handler of draft animals cherishes no hard feeling. He insists that his "ponies" were the best four-footed outfit in France. 273 FLINT BOASTS ONE OF FEW SURVIVING PRINCESS PATS Eight years continuous military service was the record of Joseph Rivers, 1927 Oren avenue, Flint, who ended his soldiering in the Great War as First Sergeant in Company D, 165th Infantry, 26th Division, A. E. F. After soldiering in the American Army from 1911 to 1914, Rivers enlisted in the 33rd Battalion of the famous Princess Patricia Regiment, Canadian Expeditionary Force. Through nearly four years of bitter fighting in which only forty-five of the original Princess Pats survived, Rivers reached the grade of Regimental Sergeant Major, Senior grade, advancing from Private through the grades of Corporal, Sergeant, First Sergeant and Sergeant Major, Junior Grade. As a Canadian soldier he participated in the battles of Ypres, the Somme and* Vimy Ridge. At Vimy Ridge he received severe bayonet wound in right side. He was seven times wounded by machine gun fire in addition to being gassed, being rewarded with three citations for bravery, the Croix de Guerre and the French Legion of Honor decoration. When American troops reached France in 1918, Rivers, who was born in Flint, June 18, 1895, received permission to transfer to the colors of his native country and was assigned to the 26th Division, which suffered the heaviest casualties of any American National Guard division. With the American troops he saw action at Chateau-Thierry, at St. Mihiel and in the Meuse-Argonne offensives. HOW AMERICA WON THE WAR BETWEEN JULY AND NOVEMBER, 1919 July 1, 1918, may be accepted as one of the crucial dates of the war. The enemy had been held all along the line. and limited offensives at various points had demonstrated that the German defenses were not invulnerable. Nevertheless the Huns were within striking distance of Paris, Amiens, and the Channel ports. Allied strategists were thoroughly alive to the knowledge that Ludendorf still possessed reserve strength for another grand offensive and well aware of its danger. Boiled down to its fundamentals the decision was left to America. Could America come up in time to save Paris, to save France, to save the world? General March, Chief of Staff, reported on July 1, that American troops then abroad numbered approximately 1.250,000, including units in Italy. These men had been transported at the following rate, and the progressive improvement in monthly shipments is one of the brightest achievements in our whole conduct of the war. 1917 M ay.. —..... —.-...............^. 1,718 June... ----... —.........-..... 12,261 July..............................-12,988 August....-...-............... --- —...... -18,323 September.. --- —.. --—............... 32,523 October..................................38,259 November.................... 23,016 December................-........- 48,840 1918 January......... - —..-.. —.. 46,776 February.. —.................... 48.027 March.......................... —.. 83,811 April....-............ -- 117 212 May..... —......... —..... -- 244,345 June.... --- —....-............... ---- 276,372 To these army totals must be added Marines.. - 14,644 Of these approximately 700,000 were fighting troops, of which 251,000 were in the fighting lines by July 1. The remainder were in the service of supply, transportation, and construction behind the fighting fronts. During the month of July the tide turned against Germany for good and all. The Crown Prince's last drive upon Paris was turned back and degenerated into a retreat, which under constant sledge hammer blows continued until American troops dominated the heights of Sedan, the British occupied Ghent and the French had broken through the German center hinging upon the Laon massif. Then Germany surrendered, the war had been won, "greatly and worthily, showing the real quality of our power not only, but the real quality of our purpose and of ourselves," as President Wilson had said that it should be won in his Red Cross address. In one short month the face of the world changed from a stalemate to a victory for right, and within four months that victory had been sealed by abject, if not unconditional, surrender. How had this reversal been accomplished? It is beyond the scope of this work to be taken into account all the factors, they will form the burden of history for centuries to come. But two points stand out in black and white. The first is that the small number of American troops in July 1918, acquitted themselves so gloriously that their example stimulated the allies to new efforts of heroism. The second is that more and more American divisions were poured into the melee to emulate the deeds of their forerunners. From July to November troop shipments never fell below a quarter of a million men per month, giving us more than two million troops in France by November 1. As the newly debarked divisions went into training, other divisions moved forward from the training areas until approximately a million Americans were either in the fighting lines or in reserve waiting to come up at call. Without desiring to minimize the splendid achievements of the British and French offensives, which proceeded simultaneously according to Foch strategy, the truth is that the bloody and tenacious struggle which wrested Argonne forest and the Meuse valley from the enemy was the final blow which shattered German morale and brought about the armistice. This we have on the word of Ludendorff. And when the sober judgment of history has been reached in due time it must corroborate this judgment, to the everlasting glory of American arms. Carl Banks, Lt., A. S. S. C., A. E. F. Awarded Croix de Guerre and Distinguished Service Cross THE COST OF THE WAR TO AMERICA AND ITS REWARDS From June 30, 1917, to June 30, 1919, Congress appropriated for war purposes $50,941,972,714. Of this huge sum approximately thirty billions was for 1919 and twenty billions for the year ending June 30, 1918. The difference of ten billions represents the increase in cost of the war. Of the whole fifty billions at least forty-five were spent in war, five billions being liberal allowance for maintaining the army and navy even greatly enlarged on a peace time basis. These fifty billions were divided as follows among various branches of service: Army —.. ---..-. ----... —.................... --- $20,999,980,151 Navy...; ------—................. 3,484,160,282 Fortifications -------------- 5,494,460,706 Shipping....-...-.........-........ -----—. 4,389,517,500 Operation of Railroads...............-.....-..... 500,000,000 War Finance Corporation. —.. --—........ 500,200,000 Loans to Allies.. ---............ ---.... 10,000,000,000 Food Production and Conservation.. ---—....... 190,375,353 Aviation.. ----....-......... --- 640,000,000 Pensions, Insurance, Interest, etc.... --- —-—...... 4,743,278,722 Total ------—......... ----$50,941,972,714 Fifty Billions! The sum is so large that it leaps over the traces of thought, but certain comparisons give it meaning. It is the value of two years manufactured product of the United States; Twice the cost of maintaining the United States from its birth to the end of 1917, costs of all previous American wars included; More than twice the value of all exports of merchandise since the European war began; Equivalent to $2,500 for every family in the United States; Sixteen times the total value of gold in the United States and more than five times the value of all the gold in the world; Ten times the aggregate amount of money in circulation in the United States; More than twice the total deposits in-all National Banks; Three times the total value of all American railroads; Enough to pay for 130 Panama Canals; Enough to give every human being in the world $30.00. When the conflict was at its height in the summer of 1918, daily expenditures by the government for the prosecution of the war approximated $50,000,000 every day. For instance in the first 26 days of July, 1918, the Treasury Department disbursed approximately $1,290,000,000 for exclusive war purposes. 274 WORLD WAR 1914-18 World War Veterans-Home Army Division The following list includes the names of those members of the Civilian Army from Genesee County who in one or more of the financial campaigns served their country in the capacity of a Captain: A Abbott, Mrs. Cora............................ Abbott, Ed.................. ------ Abbott, Mrs. Geo. E...................... — AbbY, R. C......... --- —-—................. —............ 1 Adair, Chas. R............................... Adair, Roland.................................. Adams, C. E..................................... --- —--- Adams, Chas. F. E Adams, Chas. F............................. 1 Adams, Chas. W........................... Adams, Josephine K.-..-... ----...... 1 Aldrich, F. A B................................... 1 Alexander, Mrs. Wm.............. 1 Alexander, W. M.......................-..... 1 Allen, Chas. W.................................2 Allen, Floyd............................. 3 Allen, J. W....................................... 1 Anderson, A. C.............-.................... 1 Andrews, J. EF.............................. 6 Annett, H. E.................1.................. Annis, Mrs. F. M............................. 2 Arnold, Harry.................................... Ashley, Mrs. Mary................-....... 1 Atkins, Mrs. Clare.......................... 1 Atwood, E d................................ 2 Austin, W. H..................................... 2 Averill, D. M 6................... —............ 5 B Bailey, W. J...............................I 1 Bailley, Mrs. Mary.................-. Baker, Mrs. Alma...................... 1 Baker, Mrs. F. D...................... 1 Baker, John F. 1....................... Baker, Martha......................... 3 Baldwin, Mrs. F. N......................... Bale, Mae............................................ 1 Ballenger, Miss Frances.............. 1 Ballenger, W. S..................... '1 Ballenger, Mrs. W. S.......... I Barlow, Mrs. Eugene.................... Barnes, C. E............................... 3 Barnes, Geo. A......................... 8 Barnes, Dr. Geeo... — - -. ~ } Barney, Mrs. D. D................ 1 Barrett, W. Eo............................... 3 Barth, W m...................................... 2 Bartlett, Chas. L............................ 1 Batchelder, Mrs. C. F..................... I Bates, Mrs. Wm. W..................... 1 Baum, Mrs. E. D............................. 2 Bayer, M. E......................... 2......... 2 Beach, Allen............................... 4 Beamer, Mazie................................ 1 Beamis, Mrs. A. C....................... 3 Beard, Alex J.............................1.. 1 Beard, E. J................ 8..................... Bearup, Mrs. M. C......................... 1 Beckman, Earle.................... 1 Beckwith, Dr. J. H.................... 7 Beckwith, Mrs. John.................... 1 Beekman, Mrs. K...................... 1 Begole, J. W.................... 1 Benjamin, Mrs. H..................... 1...... Benjamin, J. J........................... Belner, Mrs. R. F"......................Benoz, Gus....................2................ 13erton, N. J..........................- 3 Berston, Mrs. N. J. Sr.................. 1 Bingham, Frank.................. ----.... 1 Bishop, A. G....... 1 Bishop, Mrs. Clifford...................... 1 Black, E. D. - Black, Harry 3 Black. Marjorie... — ---------- Boi, r C W -------......................... 2 Bonbright, C. H............................. --- — Bonbright, Mrs. C. H..............- - 2 Bo 11n, Mrs. I a..O...- ^ 2 BDoton, HMr. L...G........................2 Boughtona, Mrs. j.................. 2 Bower, Mrs. C D. 1 Bowlacey, Wra. We............................... Bols, Mrs.. Trent............ Braden H * P. -------------------------— 2 Boion, M Nick.. -—................. raPdley, Myles F '""""""""""""" i Brady, Mrs. M. C.:::: -- * --- "" 1 Brandt, C. E.......................... Branch. Harry"""""""" — -" 2 BrSaWu, Mrs............................. Bret, Earl F................... Briggo w Dr Guyo................... Broger,.P.............................. Browle,.ene..........................7 Brozon, M~. Gilbert......... I Browen, Misa.................... 1 Marrueritp 1 Br own Miss Ruth.......................... 1 Browne, Kate E............... ---- -- -- ]Brunski, Phulp 2.............................. Brumback, Mrs. C................... BUckha, Mrs. Andrew....... Buder. Mrs. Arthu tr --- —---- 7 Buc3klngha m, Louis................... 7,. U?_er, Mrs. Arthur........................ 1 Buffam. Frank I.... Burgesa, Mildred " """ I Burley, John.................................. Burns, Mrs. J. W......................... 2 Burr, Dr. C. B........................... 1 Burr, Mrs. C. B........................ 1 Burroughs, J. E..........................1 Burt, Mrs. Dora..................... 1..... Bush, Cletus........................ 1 Bush, Herbert N............................ 7 Bushnell, Nina M.................... 8...... Bush, 0. W............................... 1 Butler, Ernest..................... 5 Butterfield, Frank....................2........ Buzzell, R............................... 2 C Calkins, Mrs. Willard.................... 1 Callahan, P. H................. 3 Cameron, Mrs. J. A...................... 2 Cameron, John A...................... 1 Cameron, J. D............................ 4 Cameron, Mrs. J. D,.................... 1 Campbell, Archie.................... 1 Capeling, Thos............................. 1 Carey, L. J:......................................... 2 Carlton, M. E..................................... Carolan, Mrs. J................................ Carpenter, Mrs. M. C.................... 2 Carrell, Mrs........................................ 1 Carscadden, Mrs. J. J.................... 3 Carton, John J......................... 2 Carton, Peter...............................6 Carton, Mrs. Peter...................... 1 Casey, Mrs. C. C........................... 1 Casterlin, C. G........................ 6 Chandler, MrS. M. E....................... 5 Chapel, Mrs. John....................... 1 Charouhis, William....................... 2 Chase, Roy C...............................5 Childs, Mrs. D. S.............................. Childs, D. S...................................... Chemovitz, Nat............................. 4 Chisholm, John............................. 4 Choate, Mrs. H. P......................... 1 Clark, Ed......................................... 1 Clark, Mrs. James H.................... 1 Clark, Mrs. Max....................... 2 Clasen, Mrs. J. C.......................... I Clifford, A. J......................... 3.......3 Close, Mrs. I. E............................... 1 Coates, Elizabeth........................... 3 Coates, Mary H............................... 3 Cobb, Mrs. C. K....................... 1 Cobb, F. N........................................ 3 Cody, A. D........................6............. Coggins, Harry........................... 1 Collins, Glust............................... 2 Collins, Matthew......................... 1 Conn, G. F........................................7 Cook, Beulah........................... 1 Cook, Geo. W................................ Cookenmaster, Mrs. A. J.............. 1 Cooley, Mrs. Pearl......................... 1 Cooper, I. S................................ 1 Cotharin, A. B................................ 1 Cotharin, Mrs. B. F.................... 1 Cowles, Mrs. Vet...........................2 Crampton, V. S........................ 4...... Crawford, Joseph....................... 2 Crawford, Mrs. J. H....................... 2 Cross, Mrs. J. L..............................1 Cross, Mrs. Walter...................... 2 Cumings, Chas.............................. Cumings, Ed........................ 4...... Curtis, Eva M....-.................... 4.... Curtis, Mrs. F. M......................... 2 Cuthbertson, A. D.-..................... 1 Cuthbertson, Geo......................... 6 Cutler, Miss Amber..................... 2 D Dain, P. G..................................... 7 Daly, Ja....s.................................... 1 Darnton, Robert.......................... 2 Davidson, Lester........................ 1 Davis, Dr. W................................ 3 Davison, A. M................................., 2 Davison, Mrs. Matthew.................. 1 Davison, Matthew..................... 2 Davison, Wm............................... 1 Day, Melsor C.............................. 2 Deacon, F.?......................... 1 DeElmo, W. E............................... 4 DeGulchard, B................................ 2 DeKlein, Mrs. Wm..,..................... 3 Deming, Mrs. E. P....................... 1 Demorest, Mrs. Harry.................... 1 Derbyshire, Anna H....................... 3 Diem, A. C....................................... 1 Dodds, A. W.................................... 2 Dodds, Mrs. Louise.......................... 1 Doherty, P. R.................................. Dolan, J.................................... 1 Dowdall, Thos................................. 1 Drummond, Hugh.......................... DuBois, A. R..................................... 1 Dumanois, Chas...........................1 Dumanols, Mrs. C. -...................... 2 Dunkin, W. E................................. 4 Dusenbury, C. M..........................10 Dusenbury, Mrs. C. M................. 2 B Eaton, Claire............................... 1 Edenburn, Mrs. A. L..................... 1 Edgecombe, B. G........................... 2 Edgecombe, Mrs. B, G................. 2 Edson, Mrs. M................................... 1 Edwards, Jas. M.......................... 1 Edwards, Mrs. Jas.................... 1 Edwards, W. I-.............................. 3 Elliott, F. B..........................6...... 5 Elliott, Mrs. Fred............................ 1 Ellis, L. M................................. 3 Ely, Mrs. C. N.............................. 1 Ephralim, Wm................................10 Ephraim, Mrs. Wm. H................... 1 F Fagan, H. C........................................ 1 Farber, Mrs. John.................... 2 Farr, Ed........................................... 1 Farr, Miss Jean................................1 Fellows, W. E............................ 2 Fenton, Mrs..................................... 1 Field, Anna............................ 3 Field, Rev. H. A........................... 2 Finley, Isaac.................... 9 Fischgrund, Max....................... 2 Fischgrund, Mrs. M....................... 2 Fitch, Mrs. C. W........................ 2 Flanders, Mrs. F. H................... 2 Folen, Bart....................................... 1 Forbes, J. W................................... 3 Forrest, Jane................................... 2 Foss, Chas............................. 9 Francis, J. R.............................. 2 Franklin, Mrs. W. R.................... 1 Franklin, W. R................................ 1 Frawley, Mrs. J. P......................... 1 Freeman, B. R................................. 1 Freeman, F. T..........2................... Freeman, H. B................................. 1 Freeman, Leonard.......................... 1 French, C. J.................................... 2 Gage, C. S.................... 6................. Gainey, Geo. W............................... 2 Garner, E. M..................................8 Gardner, Mrs. F. A........................ Gault, Mrs. Alice............................ 1 Gault, Harry.............................1 George, B. C..................................... 1 George, Ernest....................,..... 2 Gillespie, J.................................. 2 Gillespie, R. J..................................11 Gillmore, Wm................................. 1 Glynn, Ed..................................... 8 Glynn, Mrs. Ed................................. 1 Goepfert, Mrs. J. M...................... 1 Goldberger, Dan............................. 4 Goldstein, Harry........................... 4 Good, Jesse C................................. 1 Goodes, Ray................................ 7 Goodrich, Fred.................................. 9 Goodrow, Geo................................ 1 Gordon, Frank 0...................... 1 Graff, Otto........................................ 8 Green, Dan A............................... 2 Greenway, C. M.............................. 1 Greenway, Mrs. C. M.................... 1 Gregory,- Mrs. W. T......................... 3 Grobe, Louis................................. 1 Gundry, Mrs. Hugh.................... 2 H Hackney, R. H.............................. 1 Hagle, Roy..................................... Hagle, O. L....................................... 1 Haight, Harry................................10 Haight, Mrs. H............................ 1 Haley, Mrs. W. H........................ 2 Hall, L. A................................... 2 Hamilton, Chas...................... 3 Hamilton, D. C................................ 1 Hammond, F. D............................... 1 Hammond, J. M..................... 4 Hanaford, Mrs. W. B.................... t Handy, Mrs. J. W...................... 2 Hansen, H. C.......................... 3 Harder, Mrs. K............................. 1 Hardy, E. N.............................. 1 Harris, W. H................................. 2 Harris, Mrs. W. H.............. 2 Hart, Mrs. W. J............................ 1 Hartshorn, Mrs. Ray.................... 1 Haskell, Frank.......................... 1 -Hastings, Wm......................... 6 Hatch, Mrs. E. A............................. 2 Haufman, Mr................................. 1 Haughton, L. E..............................1 Haymond, Ed.................................. 2 Helmer, Mina. ---- —........................... 4 Hempstead, Mrs. Geo................. 1 Henderson, F. W........................... 1 Henry, Frank A.............................. 1 Hetchler, C. 0............................. 9 Hetchler, Miss Helen.................... 1 Hewelt, Fr. J. B...................... 1 Hibbard, Mrs. F. E......................... 2 Hill, Archie...................................... 1 Hills, Harley L............................... 4 Hills, Mrs. Harley....................... 1 Hill, J. L........................................... 1 Hodges, W. E............................. 4 Hoenke, Paul..... ---................ --- -—........ 1 Hoffman, Mrs. Frank.....................1 Hoffman, W. L............................... 1 Holland, Chas.......-........ —..-........ —.. — Holmes, Mrs. H. L....... ---............... Horner, A. B................................... 1 Horner, R. K.................................. 2 Horton, Wm. H.......................... --- ----- 6 Houghton, Dr................................. 1 Houghton, Fred......... --- —...........-. — 1 Houran, Lucille........................... 1 Howard, Frank........................... 1 Howe, Mrs. F. C.................. 1 Howe, Gertrude G...-..................... 3 Hubbard, Geo. W............................ 1 Huff, C. L.................................... 1...... Hufstader, Rev. H. C..................... 1 Hughes, Herman........................ 5 Hutchins, Mrs. P. J................... 2 I Inch, H. J......................................... Isherwood, Mrs. W. S..................... 4 J Jackson, Mrs. B. E........................ 1 Jackson, Glen................2............... Jackson, Grover............................. 6 Jackson, Hugh..........................8..... Jeffers, Mrs. Anna..................... 1 Jenkins, C. C................................... Jenniches, Bartholomew............... 2 Jennings, Mrs. R.. W............... 2 Jennings, Roy W.............................11 Johnston, Mrs. Edna n....1............... Johnson, Mrs. Courtney.........1....... Johnson, W. B............................. 3 Johnson, Mrs...1........................1 Jones, Mrs. G. C.............................. 1 Jones, W. C.......................................4 K Kagey, C. C....................................... 2 Kagey, Mrs. C. C 3........................... Keifer, Mrs. D. M................... 1 Keeney, Miss Flora........1...........1.... Kehoe, W. R...........................1 Kellar, Frank............................ 2 Keller, Geo. C 1............................1 Kelley, Albert...............................2 Kelly, Mary M................................. Kenworthy, Lloyd........................... 2 King, Mrs. A. D......................... King, Mrs. Frank.......................1 Kleinpell. Reinhard.,............... 3 Knapp, Dr. D............................. 2 Kneebone, J. R..........................1.... Koepke, A. C........................2.......... Koepke, Mrs. A. C................1....... 1 Kuehn, A. J.................................... 4 Kurtz, L. G..................1........1..... L Ladle, Arthur.................................. Lamb, Mrs. M. J.........-..1.............. Lane, Mrs. W. H............................. 1 Lang, Thos..................................... 2 Larabee, Mrs. Frank.................... 1 Largent, 0. R............................2.... Lavender, J. H........................1.... Law, Katharyn............................ 2 Lawrence, Mrs. Geo.................... 1 Lawrence, Mrs. K. M................. 1 Leach, Mrs. Clyde............................ Leary, W. H.................................... Lee, Ed. S..................................... 1 Lee, J. J..................................1....... Letts, 0............................................. 1 Lewis, Isabell H.............................. 1 Lingle, W. H.....................................1 Lippincott, Mrs. Chas................. Lockets, Mrs.............................. 1 Long, John H............................4..... Lozon, Carl........................................ 5 Lucy, Bertha.................................. Lunt, Ed. S...................................... 4 Me McArthur, R. J................................. McAra, Mrs. D................................. 1 McBarney, Miss Ira................... McBride, Mrs. Homer............... 2 McCreery, F. R................................ 1 McClellan, Mrs. H. S..................... 1 McConnell, Mrs. A. F......1......... 1 McDonnell, Mrs. O........................ 1 McOeath, C. E................................ McGibbon, Mrs. F. M............. 1 McGibbon, Mrs. F. S..................... McGovern, Miss Naomi.................. 1 McGuire, Leo C............................ 4 McGuire, Mrs; R. C......................... 1 McGuire, Don...............1............I. McInnes, Earl...................................7 McKelghan, John........................ 3 McKenna, Mrs. C. A.................... 1 McKenna, Mrs. O. W.................... 1 McKenzie, Miss K........................... 1 McKim, Hester............................. 1 McKinley, Mrs. C. H..................... 8 McKinley, J. E.............................. 1 McLain, D. R.............................. 1 M MacDonald, Miss Buda............1... MacGibbon, Mrs. F. S.....-..-.-..... 1 Macomber, E. J........................ 3 Maines, C. F.......................1........... Maines, Geo.................................... 1 Mallery, Mrs. Harvey.................. 1 Mallery, H. J.................. 1.......... 1 Mallinson, Rev. H...................... 1 Manka, John..................................... 1 Mansfield, J. D.............................. 1 Mansfield, Mrs. L............................. 1 Mansfield, W.............................. 1 Mansfield, Mrs. W. R................ Manwarring, Dr. J. G................... Marble, Mrs. F. W...................... 2 Marshall, Dallaa W.......................10 Marti, A. V..................................... Martin, Mrs. Geo............................ 1 Martin, Horace P.......................... 1 Martin, James............................... Mason, Mrs. A. C...................... Mason, Miss Hilda 1....................... Mathews, Earl..1................. 1 Matteson, Susan.............................1 Matthews, Earle............................ Matthews, C. H.............................. 1 Matson, Mrs. J. V..................... 2 Maurer, Geo.............................. Maurer, Mrs. Geo.............................1 Mayer, Mrs. C. F........................... Meade, Mrs. C. C.............................1 Mercer, John..............................3 Merriam, Mrs. E. B.....................1 Merrill, Mrs. Wm. H..................... Miller, Chas. H.............................. Miller, Mrs. C. H....1................... Miller, Dr. B. F............................... Miller, Mrs. H. A............................. Miller, John F.............................. Mills, Tom................................ Mills, Mrs. P. D................ 1......... Miner, Mrs. F. A........................... Minor, Mrs. Jas. Rf........................ I Mitchell, Geo. A........................... Mitchell, Mrs. W.............................1 Moffett, Sam. J r...................8............ Montague, Frank............................ Morgan, W. S. 1 --- —................. Morris, Mrs. C. T............................. Morrish, Miss Inez 1.................... 1 Morrish, Mrs. J. W........................ Morrison, W. C................... 1........... Mott, C. S..........................................1 Mountain, Mrs. W. W..................... 1 Moxam, Frank...............................1 Moxam, Mrs. F.................................2 Myers, Henry E............... 1............... N Neff, C. W................................... 1 Newall, Mrs. John.......................... Newall, John W...............................1 Newitt, H. H.................................... Newman, C. L................................... Nickerson, H................................ 2 Nichol, Mrs. G. A......................... 2 Niles, Mrs. H. R............................. 2 Nixon, Clara M.................................2 Nutt, Mrs. Harry.............................. Nutt, H. D.................................... 2 O Oakley, Mrs. Howard...................... 2 O'Connor, Tim................................. 1 O'Donnell, Mrs. T.......................... Osborne, R. J...................................1 Olin, C. M......................................... 1 O'Neil, Dr. C. H.............................2 Osborne, R. J.......................6...6 P Page, Ed...............l....................1 Paine, Mrs. David B....................... 2 Palmer, Emil -.............................1 Parkhill, Jas...................................... 4 Parker, Ward...............................4 Parmelee, L. R................................. 4 Paschall, A. W................................. Patch, H. E...................................... 4 Paterson, Mrs. A. A....................... Paterson, W. S......................4........ Patrides, Geo.................................... Paul, Dr. J. K.................-................ 1 Peck, Mrs. Wm. W..-........... —......1 I Peer, C. G..................................... 1 Peltier, Mrs. Frank........................ Pemberton, J. R.-..........................- - Pence, Joseph.. ----—................. —...... 1 Pengelly, Rev. J. B --—........... —.......-.. 1 Peterson, Mrs. A. T.............. --- ——... 1 Phaneuf, O. J.......... --- —.................. ---.. 1 Phelon, C. B.... --- ——........................ —..... — 1 Philip, Geo. J..................................? Phillips, Paul D.............. ----........... 8 Phillips, W. J........... --- —----—................. Pickering, J. --............................-... — 1 Pickering, Mrs............................. 1 Pickett, Lillian................................ Pier, C. G..............-..... —...-............ 8 Pier, Mrs. W. H................... --- —-..... Pierce, Grace C...-... ----..............-...... -- Pierce, John L............................... 8 Pierson, Fred J..............................4 Pierson, Mrs. F. J..-...........-........... 1 Pincombe, J. W........................ 2. Piper, Ida -........ —........ ---- -........ Planche,... --------—................................ Planche, Mrs. E..........-.... —... 1 Pomeroy, Mrs. Geo...................... Pond, Elwyn................................ ---.. Pontius, Mrs. C. F........................... 1 Pontius, Harvey 3........................... Poole, W. G.................................. Potter, H. E.3................................ -; Potter, O. D..................................... Potter, 0. G..................................- 4 Powers, W. W................................. 4. Proctor, A............................... 1: 275 HISTORY OF GENESEE COUNTY'S ACTIVITIES Proper, Clare............................... 3 Pruchinski, J.................................. 3 Puffer, Mrs. W. J............................. Puffer, W. J....................................... 6 R Raab, Mrs. Arthur.......................... 1 Raab, A. E.......................................10 Ralston, Phil.................................... 3 Ramage, Mrs. R. S........................ 2 Ramlow, Otto.................................... 3 Randall, Dr...................................... 1 Rankin, Francis................................ Ransom, R. J............................ 2 Rasbach, Mrs. S. A...............-........ Raubinger, Ed.........-.............-... 1 Raymo, James................................ 6 Raymo, Mrs. James....................... 1 Raynard, Edward.......................... 1 Reamer, Geo. A............................. 1 Reark, W. P..6............................... 5 Reasoner, Mrs. J. B...........1.....1 Reece, J. A.........................-... 1 Reed, H....................................... 1 Reed, Ralph.................................... 1 Reeder, Mrs. F. E.......................... 1 Reid, Wm..................................... Reigle, John................................. 1 Reinecke, E. L.1............................. 1 Relse, E. C......................................... 3 Rero, Ed............................................. 1 Reynolds, A. J................................ 3 Reynolds, Mrs. R. E.................. 1 Rice, Mrs. Minnie........................... 2 Roberts, Mrs. Clinton.................... 1 Roberts, Louis...................... 3 Roberts, W. E............................ 1 Robinson, Chas...3................. 3 Robinson, Mrs. W. J....................... 1 Roe, Harold........................... 1..... 1 Roe, Roland................................... Rogers, Mrs...................................... 1 Rogers, Bert.............-..................... 2 Rogers, P. D.................................... 4 Roland, Leslie.................................. 1 Rood, Mrs. Chester......................... 1 Rosenzweig, Ben............................. 4 Rothfuss, Mrs. G............................ 1 Rothwell, W.............................. 1 Rozenburg, Mrs............................... 1 Ruth, Mrs. H. G........................ 1..... Rutherford, Frank J....................... 8 Ryan, Vincent D....................... 4 S Salsbu-ry, A. D........... —......-.......... 1 Sarvis, Mrs. A. H............................ 1 Sayles, Rev. E. E..................... 3 Schagane, Paul............................... 8 Schmude, Chas. E.......-................. 1 Scott, Mrs. Howard........................ 1 S'ears, Mrs. W. E....................... 2 Seigle, Mrs. Fred.......................... 1 Selleck, Robert................................. 1 Sharpe, Fred.................................. 4 Sherwood, Mrs................................. 1 Silcock, Wm................................. 1 Simmons, Geo................................... 1 Simpson, O. A................................. 2 Skidmore, Mrs. Freda.................... 1 Skinner, W. D................................. 1 Smith, H. N.................................... 1 Smith, J. C....................................... 1 Smith, W. V............................... 2 Smith, Ward B............................... 4 Snapp, Fred................................. 3 Snell, J. Arthur................................ 5 Sooy, Mrs. J. W............................... S'orrick, K. M.................................... 1 Soulby, Mrs..............................-. 1 Soules, Floyd E........................1....... Stanton, R. B............................. 2 Steeger, Mrs. M. C......................... 2 Steel, Mrs. Alex............................... 1 Sterner, Edwin M........................... 9 Stewart, Lew,................................ 2 Stewart, S. S....................-............ 6 SEtewart, Mr. W. E......... --- —-........... — 2 Stevenson, Mrs. T. B.................... 2 Stipes, R. B.................... ---- --............... --- —- 4 Stone, D. T.................................... Stone, Virginia........ --- ——.................. 2 Streat, Frank............................. 1 S'treat, Guy.................................. 1 Stroh, Rev. C. B --—.......-..-........... 2 Strong, Mrs. E. T...................... 1 Stouffer, Miss Ruth....................... 1 Sullivan, R. H................................. 1 Sutliff, E. W................................... 1 Swain, Pearl............................ 2 Swan, Fred..................................... 1 Swayze, Col. 0............................. 1 Sweeney, Don E.........................6..... T Taft, Geo.................................. 4 Tallman, F. A........................ 4......... Tallman, L. G.................................. 1 Tanner, Carl.. —............................. 4 Tanner, Mrs. C............................ --- —---- 1 Taylor, L. M............ --- ---—................... — 3 Thomas, A. E.................................. 1 Thompson, Harry................ 1 Tierney, Mrs. M. A.................... 2 Tomaszeski, Leo.............................. 3 Toomey, W. A..................-1.... Tout, Mr.............................. 2 Tracy, H. H...................................... 1 Tracy, Wm........................................ 7 Treat, Mrs. D. L............................. 1 Trembert, Rev. A. A..................... 1 Trembley, Mrs. Bertha.................. 1 Tupper, Dr. F. L............................. 1 Turner, Mrs. John............................ 5 V VanCleve, J. R................................. --- —Vandene, J. R................................... Vandenberge, J. M......................... VanNorman, E. E -............... --- —........... VanNorman, N. E.......................... VanMeter, Mrs................................. ---- - Vasold, L. L...................................... Veit, Wm...... —................ —............. ---- --....... Vermilya, Ned J.............................. Vose, J. E.......................................... 'PC 1 1 6 1 1 1 4 1 4 1 Weller, C. K................................... Wesson, C. D.................................... Wheeler, Mrs. M. A............... 1 Whipple, C. A................................... Whitaker, Mrs. Wm........................ Whitby, Olive.................................. 1 W ickman, J. A................................ 1 W ilcox, F. G........................ —....... 3 Wildanger, Mrs. A. J..................... 1 Wilkins, Mrs. C. H......................... 1 Williams, Sam............................... 2 Williams, Dr. C. E...................... 1 Willison, L. G................................ 1 W illoughby, Mrs. L. L................... 1 Wilson, Irving................................ 3 W ilson, Mrs. Irving..................... 1 Wilson, Ray.............................. 4 Windiate, John.............................. 8 Winegarden, H........................ 3 Winegarden, Mrs. Harry.............. 2 Wise, Robert J................................. 2 Wisner, W...................................... 1 Woolfit, B. E................................... 1 Woughter, Holden........................ 3 Wright, D. C..................................... 3 W right, Mrs. R. W....................... 1 Wynne, P...................................... Yax, Mrs............................................. 1 Young, Wilson................................. 1 Z Zach, Mrs. D. S.............................. 1 Zimmerman, Henry........................ 8 Wait, C. F...................... --- —--------------- 1 Waite, Geo. R....................-.... --- —- --- 4 Warrick, Mrs. J. G.....................1... Warrick, J. G........ --- —---—............. --- —-------—.......- 7 Warner, Mrs. W. H.................... 1 Wascher, H. H..................... ---.. --- — 1 Washer, W. H................................ 1 Watters, Don.....................-... --- —-- 10 Watson, E. H....................... --- —---- 1 Watson, Mrs. Eugene................... --- 1 Webber, Geo........................... --- —- ----- 1 Webster, Mrs. N. C........................ --- —-- 1 Weiss, Fred J..................-... --- —- --- 1 Welch, Elizabeth.............................. 4 World War Veterans-Home Army Division The following list includes the names of those members of the Civilian Army from Genesee County who in one or more of the financial campaigns served their country in the capacity of a private. A Abbott, Mrs.................................. 1 Abbott, E. P.................................... Abbott, Mrs. Geo. E...................... 1 Abbott, Ray.................................. 1 Abby, R. C................................... 1 Acheson, Eleanor......................... 3 Acheson, Isaac................................ 5 Achard, A. W................................... 3 Achard, WV. A........................... 3 Ackerman, Frank........................ Atchison, W. A...............................1 Adair, Mrs. C. R................... 2 Adair, Chas. R............................ 8 Adair, J. E............................... 1 Adair, Roland................................ 1 Adams, Basil.................................. 3 Adams, Mrs. Chas..................... 2 Adams, C. El.................................. 1 Adams, Chas. F........................ 3 Adams, Chas. W. -..................... 1 Adams, Mrs. D. W.-.................... 1 Adams, Ernest.............................. 4 Adams, Fred................... 2.............2 Adans, Geo................................... 1 Adams, Josephine K....................... 1 Adams, J. M................................ 1 Adams, Lynn........................ 1 Adams, Miss Neva.......................... 3 Adams, Mrs. S. W........................... 1 Adams, Mrs. Will...................... 2 Adams, W. H............................ 3 Ainsworth, Mrs. Don....................... 1 Ainsworth, Don............................ 2 Aitken, D. D......................... 4 Aitken, Robert........................ 3..... Alberts, A.................................... 1 Albrech-t, G............................. 1 Albro, N. S........................................ 1 Alder, Mrs. M. E........................... 1 Aldrich, F. A..............................10 Aldrich, J. M............................... 1 Alexander, Mrs. Wm................. 1 Alexander, W. M........................... 6 Alford, Al........................................... 1 Alger, Mrs................................... 1 Allen, Mrs. A.............................. 2 Allen, Chas....................................... 6 Allen, C. P....................................... 1 Allen; Chan. W............................. 3 Allen, D..................................... 4 Allen, Edward................................ 3 Allen, Eugene............................. 5 Allen, Mrs. Floyd............................ 1 Allen, F. A.....1...............2...... Allen, Mrs. Geo....................... 3 Allen, Mrs. Geo. W...................... 1 A llen, G............................................. 6 Allen, J. W........................................ 1 Allen, Louis.............................. 1 Allen, Marjorie............................. 1 Allen, Mrs. Walter -........................ 3 Allen, Walter.............................6..... Allen, Wiley................................... 1 Allshouse, John................................ 3 Amidon, Mary............................. 1 Amidon, Mrs. Norman................... 2 Anacker, Margaret...................... 1. Anderson, Mrs. A. C..................... 1 Anderson, A. C C............................. 2 Anderson, N.............................. 1 Anderson, Mrs. O. G....................... 1 Anderson, O. G...................... 4 Andres, Rev. Tho................................. 1 Andrews, Andrew....................... 1 Andrews, C. A................................ 1 Andrews, C. F.......................... 2 Andrews, J. E................................ 7 Anger, Wm................................... 1 Anibal, Mrs. B. J.......................... 2 Anibal, Mrs. V. N......................... 1 Anibal, B. J.................................... 2 Anible, Mrs. John......................1..1 Annett, C. E.................................... 1 Annett, F. E.................................... 1 Annett, Harry................................ 2 Annis, E......................................... 1 Annis, Mrs. F. M............................. 3 Annis, Dr. F. M........... --- ---- —............. 6 Anthony, Mrs. E. B....................... 3 Anthony, E. -----............................ 7 Apield, E................................... 1 Applegate, C. F............................... 1 Applegate, C. S.......................... 1 Ard, W. B......................................... 1 Armes, G. W..................................... 1 Armstrong, Fred............................ Armstrong, J. C............................... 8 Armstrong, W. R............................. 1 Arnold, Harry.................................. 6 Arthur, Wm. D........................... 1 Arthur, W. G............................ 1 Ashley, Mary.................................. 3 Asselin, J. Conrad.......................... 1 Atchison, W. A........................... 1 Atherholt, Ed................................. 4 Atherholt, Mrs. W. W................... 1 Atherton, Mrs. C. B....................... 1 Atherton, Geo................................ 3 Atkins, Mrs. Clare....................... 2 Atkins, Mrs. R. H........................... 2 Atwood, Mrs. E. W......................... 1 Atwood, E. W................................ 6 Augustine, Simeon.......................... 1 Auld, Chas............................... 4 Austin, Alice R.............................. 1 Austin, Albert............................... 4 Austin, A. S....................................... 4 Austin, A. T.................................... 2 Austin, Mrs. B. J...................... 4 Austin, B. J................................... 6 Austin, Mrs. Eva........................... 1 Austin, Lee J................................... 1 Austin, Mrs. Ray........................... 2 Austin, Ray................................... 5 Austin, Will................................... 8 Auton, Mr........................................ 1 Averill, Dave................................. 8 Averill, Mrs. R......................... 2 B Bachelor, Mrs. Ray........................ 1 Bachman, Mrs. Henry....................1 Bachmann, Geo. J........................... 4 Bachtel, Harvey....................... 4 Bachtel, Mrs. H. L...................... 2 Bacon, Mrs. S. M...................-.... 1 Bacon, Mrs. Wm........................... 1 Bade, Lewis................................... 3 Bade, Mrs. Catherine.................. 3 Badger, Floyd............................... 5 Badger, Mrs. Floyd...................... 3 Barh..................................... 4 Bailey, Arthur.............................. 3 Bailey, Dr. E. H.......................... 1 Bailey, Mrs. H.............................. 1 Bailey, Joe................................. 1 Bailey, J. H....................................... Bailey, Milton........................... 4 Bailey, Walter............................... 4 Bailey, W. J................................... 3 Bailey, Mrs. Mary........................ 2 Batllie, Mrs. H. M.................... 1 Baily, A. J......................................... Baird, A............................................ 1 Baker, Mrs.................................. 2 Baker, Chas. E............................. 2 Baker; C. H.................................... 2 Baker, E. E...................................... 6 Baker, E. H................................... 3 Baker, Frank A.........-..................... Baker, F. D. Sr.............................. 3 Baker, Dr. F. D............................. 1 Baker, Mrs. F. D............................. 1 Baker, Fred P.................................. 1 Baker, Mrs. Harry........................ 1 Baker, John................................... 8 Baker, J. C...................................... 1 Baker, Martha.............................. 4 Baker, M. C...................................... 4 Baker, Mrs. Nettie E................... 1 Baker, Mrs. Paul.......................... 2 Baker, Mrs. T. P............................. 1 Baker, Walter...................-........... 5 Bako, John...................................... 1 Balantyne, Mrs. D.......................... 3 Baldridge, Leroy.............................. 3 Baldwin, C. B.................................. 1 Baldwin, Mrs. C. E....................... 1 Baldwin, F. B................................ 1 Baldwin, 'Mrs. F. N....................... 2 Baldwin, J. B................................... 1 Baldwin, Mrs. M. C.................... 1 Baldwin, Minnie M........................ 1 Baldwin, qMiss Nellie.......-.............. 3 Ball, Edward R.............................. 3 Ball, Mrs. Melvin.......................... 3 Ballard,Mrs. C. S............................. 1 Ballard, R. L............ —................... 1 Ballenger, Miss F.......................... 2 Ballinger, Thos...............-....-....... 1 Ballenger, Mrs. Thos...............-.... 3 Ballenger, W. S.............................. 9 Ballenger, Mrs. W. S..................... 1 Bamberger, Geo.............................. 1 Banfleld, O. B................................. 1 Banfleld, O. M................................. 4 Banning, Miss Mary..................... 1 Bantyn, Mrs. Verna....................... 1 Barber, Mrs.................................... 2 Barber, S.......................................... 1 Barbeir, W. A.................................. 5 Bardon, Jennie................................ 1 Barker, Frank.................................. 4 Barlow, Mrs. Nellie........................ 3 )Barnes, C. E..................................... 3 Barnes, Geo. A.................................11 Barnes, Dr. Geo. E......................... 6 Barnes, Mrs. Geo. A...................... 1 Barnes, G. L.................................... 1 Barnes, P....................................... 2 Barney, Don.................................. 2 Barney, Mrs. Don........................... 2 Barrett, D. L.................................. 4 Barrett, W. E.................. --- --- -—.......... 8 Barrett, Mrs. W. E....................... 1 Barroll, D. G.....................................1 Barter, Mark.................................... 'Bartlett, Chas. L.......................... 8 Barth, C. F....................................... 1 Barth, Elmer................................. 2 Barth, Wm.................................... 4 Bartholomew, E. G........................ 3 Bartholomew, Mrs. M.................... 1 Bartholomew, Mrs. Perry.......... 4 Barton, Mrs. J. WV........................... 2 Baskerville, Mrs.............................. 1 Bassett, Mrs. Harry........................1 )Baskerville, W. L........................... 1 Basten, R..................................-..... 1 Batchelder, Mrs. C. F....1.............. )Bates, Miss Jean.............................. Bates, Laura........1........................... Bates, Mrs. Wm............................ 1 Batterson, A. Brown...................... 7 Batterson, V. B........................... 1 Baum, Edw................-................... 4 Baum, Mrs. Ed................................. 1 276 Baum, Florence C......... --- ——.............. 1 Bauman, Mrs. Wm....................... 1 Baxter, Miss Bulah..-..................... Baxton, Esther................................. 1 Baxter, Fred.................................. 2 Baxter, Mark............................... 4 Baxter, Mrs. Nina Day.................. 1 Baxter, Percy.................................. 1 Baxter, Roy.................................... 1 Baxter, W. E................................. 1 Baxter, Mrs. W.......................... 1 Bay, C. T.......................................... Bayer, M. E............................. 2 Baysen, Geo.....................-....... ---- --- 1 Beach, Allen J................................ 6 'Beach, Gene.................................... 1 Beach, John.................................. 4 Beach, Mary................................... 1 Beach, M. S....................................... 1 Beach, S. F.................2.................. 2 Beecraft, Grace........................ 1 Beecraft, Wm................................ 4 Beecraft, Mrs. Wm........................ 1 Beemer, Mazie.............................. 1 Bean, Mr.......................................... 1 Bean, Miss N................................. 1 Beard, Alex J................................. 1 Beard, Mrs. Alex.......................... --- 1 Beard, E. J...................................... 8 Beard, F. A....................................... 1 Beard, F. M....................................... 4 Bearup, Mrs. Myrtle....................... 1 Beaton, Nel......................................1 Beatty, Earl.................................. 4 Beatty, Mrs. E. A....................... 4 Beaudette, F. J.............................. 1 Becker, Mr....................................... 1 Becker, Mrs. L................................... 1 Becker, Percy................................ 1 Becker, Mrs. R................................ 1 Beckett, A........................................ 1 Beckman, Earle W....-.................. 7 Beckman, Mrs. Earle W............... 2 Beekman, Mrs. K........-................. 1 Beckwith, A. T................................ 3 Beckwith, Mrs. Anfi.................... 1 Beckwith, Mrs. Johl.................... 1 Beckwith, Dr. J. H.......................10 Bedell, F............................................. 1 Bedford, Geo................................. 1 Bedford, Mrs. Emily...................... 1 Beebe, Miss Edna......................... 1 Beebe, M. J..................................... Beebe, W alter................................ 4 Beebie, S. W................................. 1 Beecher, Mrs. Albert..................... 1 Beecher, Calvin D......................... 5 Beeman, Ed. L................................ 3 Beeman, Mrs. Ed......................... 2 Beers, Clyde.........4........................... 4 Berger, Roy................................... 1 Berge'y, Georgia............................. 1 Berridge, J..................................... 2 Berry, F................................ 1 Begole, Miss Chandler.............. 1 Begole, Mrs. Chas........................... 1 Begole, J. W................................... 2 Belford, D. H.................................. 6 Belill, Wm...................................-. 4 Belin, Wm. A................................. 1 Bell, Miss Grace............................. 1 Bell, J....................................... 1 Bemis, Mrs. A. C........................... 3 Bemis, Fredericka........................ 1 Bender, A. R...................................1 Benedict, Mrs. A. L....................... 1 Benedict, Geo................................ 1 Benedict, Louis.............................. Benjamin, Miss............................ 2 Benjamin, Mrs............................. 2 Benjamin, Harold........................ 2 Benjamin, Mrs. Henry.................. 1 Benjamin, J. J................................ 5 Benner, Mrs. R. F...................... 1 Bennett, Mrs. Hazel...................... 1 Bennis, J. A..................................... 2 Bennos, Gus.............-...................... 1 Benson, Fred.................................. 1 Benson, Mrs. Fred.......................... 1 Benson, Grant............................... 1 Benson, Dr. J. C............................ 3 Bentley, J. M.................................. 3 Berdan, L.......................................... 1 Berg, L................................................ 1 Bergen, James................................ 1 Berger, C. H..................................... 6 Berger, Mrs. C. H.......................... 1 Berryman, C. E.............................. 1 Berryman, C. M........................... 2 Berston, Mrs. Carrie...................... 2 Berston, Neil J............................. 6 Berston, Mrs. N. J....................... 4 Besson, Margaret............................ 1 Best, Martha................................... 1 Bettesworth, Mrs. L. R................. 1 Bettesworth, Alice........................ 1 Bettesworth, W. E....................... --- 1 Beuche, Mrs. Bernard.................... 1 Bigelow, Elmer............................. 3 Billings, Watson............................ Billings, Mrs. W. W...................... 1 Billsbrough, Harry..........................4 Bingham, Frank.............................. 3 Bird, Ed........................................ Bird, Mrs. Ed.............................. 2 Bird, Elijah................................... 3 Bird, M. S......................................... 1 Bird, Dr. W. G................................. 1 'Biscomb, John.................................. 3 Bishop, A. G.................................... 7 Bishop, Clifford............................. 9 Bishop, Mrs. Clifford......-............... i Bishop, Mrs. H. A........................... 1 Bishop, R. S..................................... 3 Bishop, Mrs. R. S.......................... 1 Bishop, Spencer..............................4 B jork............................................... 1 Black, Mrs. Bessie.......................... 1 Black, Judge E. D......................... --- Black, Mrs. E. D..........................3 Black, Harry................................. 1 Black, Mrs. Jas. 4 Black, Mrs. John.......................... 1 Black, Marjorie.............................. --- — Blackington, C. A........................... 6 Blackington, J. G.......................... --- —-- 2 B!ackney, Geo. B.......................... — 2 Blackney, W. W................... --- —. ---- 10 Blake, Harry..................... --- —-....... --- 3 Blakely, Mrs. A. C........................... 1 Blakey, Mark..........-........................ 3 Blakeman, Bart......................... 2 Blanchard, Geo............................ Blanchard, Wm................... 3 Blight, Marion.................................. 1 Bliss, Chester..................................6 Bliss, M. M................................... ---- --- 4 Bloomstrom, John E.................... 2 Bloss, Cutler........ --- -—........... --- —----- 1 Bloss, Geo................... ------ --------------- 4 Blue, Adelbert................... 8 Blue, John................... 2..................... Boom, Mrs. H. M............................. 1 Bode, Louis................... --- —------------ - 1 Bodine, A.............-...... --- —--------------- 4 Boelio, Mrs. Mabelle...................... --- —- 1 Bogart, Dr........................................ 8 Bognell, Mrs.................-... -------------- I WORLD WAR 1914-18 Bohsley, Abraham..........................2 Boise, Fred.....................................1 Boice, Mrs. L. J................... 1 Bois, Chas.............................. 2 Bojko, Stanley..................................1 Bole, M ae.......................................... 1 Bolen, C. W...................................... 4 Bolo, Vincent.................................... 3 Boman, Ettie.................................. 1 Bombenek, Mrs...........-................1 Bonbright, C. H.............................10 Bonbright, Mrs. C. H........-........... 3 Boom, C.........................-......-...-. 1 Boomer, Clement........................... Boomer, Mrs. Clement.................. 1 Boomer, Callius......................... Boomer, Grant.............................. 1 Boomer, Grant......................1......... Boomer, Horace.............-............. 1 Boom, Mrs. S. M............................1 Booth, Robert................................. 2 Borey, Mrs. F. H............................. Borley, Mrs. H. D.....................2 Borley, Ivan....................-......... -...6 Bornholt, Mrs. Oscar......................1 Borrows, Wm................................2 Borton, Mrs. Elma........................ Borton, Mrs. Herbert.................... 2 BosI, Mrs. C. W......................... 2 Boswell, F. W......-...........-.............. 8 Boswell, Mrs. F. W.........................1 Boughton, Mrs.......................... Boughton, Gladys.................-...1... Boutell, F.J................................... 2 Boutwell, M. J.................................4 Boutwell, Morton.......................... 1 Boutelle, M....................................1 Bovee, V. A........................................ Bowater, J. M.................................1 Bowden, Geo........-.........-................ 4 Bowen, Geo. Oscar..........................7 Bower, Alice................................ 1 Bower, Mrs. Ernest......................1 Bower, Mrs. F. A..................-.......1 Bowers, B............................... 3 Bowles, Mrs. Frank........................1 Bowles, Trent.....................3.......... Bowles, Mrs. Trent..................2... Bowman, Mrs. Arthur................ Bowman, Mrs. Edgar.........2....... Bowman, Wm................................4 Boyd, S.......................................... Boyer, Mrs. Martin........................ Boyer, L......................................... 1 Boyington, Mrs. Bertha.............. 1 Boyles, Roy.................................3....... Boynton, Miss Bertha........... 1 Bozlon, Nick.................................... 1 Brabazon, A. J............................. Brabazon, Ed.......................... 3 Brabazon, Miss Linnie.................. 1 Brabyt, Arthur.......................... 4 Brock........ 1............................. 1 Bradburn, Paul............................... 2 Bradne, Burt..............................6 Braden, Mrs. A. M......................... 2 Bradfield, E. H.............................. 7 Bradley, Arthur......................... 2 Bradley, Harry..................... 1 Bradley, Mrs. Myles F................ 1 Bradley, Myles F............................. 9 Bradley, Mrs. Robt......................... 3 Bradson, Albert.............................. 1 Bradt, Geo. H.........................2... 2 Bradt, Geo. H. Jr.......................... 1 Brady, Bessie................................ 1 Brady, Miss Mildred..................... 2 Brady, M. C.................................. 5 Brady, Mrs. M. C.............................2 Brady, Samuel..............................1 Braesample, Mildred................. 1 Braidwood, Ralph..................... Bralpe, Fred....................... 2..... 2 Branch, Harry............................. 8 Branch, Mrs. H..............1.......... Branch, Lee................................... — ---- Brandes, W. F.................................1 Brandstetter, Rhea.......................... Brandt, C. E...................................8 Brandt, Frances. --- —............. —.........2 Brandt, J. C..................................... 3 Brabhan, Mrs................................1 Brank, R. C..............3....................... Bra y, A. A......................................1 Brelter, Mrs. Herman....................1 Bremner, Donald S................... 1 Brenholtz, Wm.................[...]......... 1 Brennan, Fred W.............. ----.............5 Bresenham, Miss Mayme............. 1 Bresette, Miss.................................I Bressler, W............... 2 Brewer, Mr. C............................. 4 Brewer, Mrs. C...........................1 Brewer, dna............::]......:...:.[...].. 1 Brewer, Edna ---—..................1 Brewer, Miss Lucy........................... Brice, Earl F................................... 2 Bridgman, C. T..1..................... I Bridgman, Mrs. H........................... Bridgman, L. H.......... —........... 6 Bridgman, Mrs. L. H................... Bridgman, Mrs. Nell..........1........ Briggs, Mrs. C. D....... 3 Briggs, Dr. Guy....................1 Briggs, H arold................................ 2 Briggs, Mrs. Lucille. 1.................... Briggs, Maude ----— 1 ---Brigham, C. E........... -—... --- —-.............. Brigham, Mrs. Chas................... 3 Brigham, Mrs. Emma -...... --- —- 4 Brigham, H. S.1.........l........... Bristol, H orace................................ Britten, Mrs. Mabel................ 3 Brock, Fred................................... 1 Brockway, Eugene....................... 8 Brockway, Mrs. Eugene...........2.... Brockway, J. H............................ 1 Brockway, Marion............1 Brooks, Doreen.....................1 Brooks, Ernest.....................1.....I Brooks, Sallie................................. Brooks, Wm................................ 1 Brophy, Wm.-...........................6.... Brosius, Mrs. Abbie...............4 Broslus, Mrs. Burton.................... Brosius, Frank..............1................ Brotherton, Earl.............................. 2 grower, Grant........................1... Brower, Mrs. Grant......................1 Broyse, Fred......................................1 Brown, Anlas.......................... 1 Brown, Chas.......................... 1 Brown, Duke.......................... 3 Brown, Mrs. Duke —....... ----....... 4 Brown, Mrs. Elizabeth............... 1 Brown, Mrs. Fred......................... 1 Brown, Mrs. Fiske..................... Brown, Florence.......................1 Brown, Mrs. Gilbert.........................1 Brown, Grant J...............................7 Brown, Dr. G. H.-...1.................. 1 Brown, G. M............................... 2 Brown, H......................... l.......... 1 Brown, Hazel........................... 1 Brown, H. J........................ 1 Brown, Mrs. H. M.......................... 2 Brown, Mrs. Irene....................... 1 B row n, J. P..................................3.... Brown, John.................................. Brown, Mrs. John.........................1 Brown, L. L..................1............... Brown, Lee...................................... B row n, M......................................... 1 Brown, Mrs.. --- —-------—... --- —--- 2 Brown, Marguerite...1................ Brown, Miss Myrl.. —...... ---.- 1 Brown, P. J................................. Brown, R. 0..9................. _ 9 Brown, Rena......_................3 Brown, Robt............................. Brown, Miss Ruth. --- —.............1 Brown, Foss..................1.......... I Brown, T, Gilbert......... -—..2. Brow n, W m...................................... Brown, Mrs. W. J.....-.-..............-.-.... 2 Browne, Katherlne E..................1 Brownell, Roy E........................ 12 Brownell, Carl R.uh...........l..-. --- —Brownell, H. G............................ Brownell, Perry.......... 1 Brownson, Cm............................, 6 Brumback, Mrs. C. T.............. Bruner, Ge e. rin...................... Brunski, Philip.......................2 Brutton, M rs. E........................... Bryan, W. E. -. --- —--— 2 ----.....2 Buchanan, Miss Clevel...3.......... 8 Buchanan, B. B.......................1..... Buchanan, G......2......................... Buchanan, Jas. A.............. Buck Jim. --- —---— _.............4 Buck, Mrs, J............................... Buck, W m. 1 _.............-... Buckham, A. J........................ 8 Buckham, Mrs. Andrew..-........" 2 Buckingham, Frank..................4 Buckingham, Louis...................... Buckingham, Mrs. L.ouis......1 Buckley, Mrs. Sam.................... 1 gBudd, Mrs. Lloyd -........................ 1 Buddy, Lewis........................... 1 Buder, Art ---...........................1...... Buder, M rs. Art........................ 3 Buder, Matthew 1..............1 Buell, John..................................3 8 Buell, M rs. John h....2.............-... - 2 Buffum, F. M. 4 Bulger, Mrs. W. T..................... 1 Bullard, Mrs. Will................ Buncie, Ell 2 --- —------— 2 Bunder, Chrl......3.......................3 Bungard, C. E i Bunker, Chas............................ B unker, S. A..................................... 2 Bunker, Mrs. Alice E...................... Burbank, Ben............................... 1 Burbank, W m................................... Burch, Martha.....................1.......... Burch, Raymond............ 5 Burch, Mrs. W. F.............1.............. Burckhart, Louis.......................... Burchy, August A...................... 1 Burchy, Angust -......... 1................ 1 Burd, Melvin......-.........2...] --- — I 2 Burd, M. S. ----.............. 3 Burr, C. B. -—. --- —----.3 Burr, Mrs. C. B........ ----................... 2 Burden, Jennie.................. 1 Burgess, Chas-.................. 1 Burgess, Mrs. E. L........................1 Burgess, Mildred..........................I Burgess, Richard -............................. 3 Burger, Ray.................. 4 Burgy, August A.......................... Burlesotn, MIss May........................ 4 Burleson, Fred..................... 2 Burley, Eber........................... Burley, John.................................... 1 Burlingam e, H................................ 1 Burnell, B. E.........................-..... 2 Burnham, J. D..................... 4 Burns, John..................... 3 Burns, Mrs. J. W..........................2 Burns, Mrs. M. W.................-.... 1 Burrne, Chas................................ 4 Burrne, Frank............................... Burroughs, D.................... 2 Burroughs, J. E....................... fi....... Bu rse,. E. E..-...................... 3 Burse, R, 0..- -.........................- 1 Bursh, Fred.....................-............. 1 Burt, Mrs. Dora_................... 1 Burt, Fred J................................. Burt, Mrs. Rose-................2....... 2 Burton, Miss Cleo....................., 1 Burton, Mrs. Frank..1..................... Bush, M r.......................... Bush, Cletus............................ 8_3 Bush, F. E..................................... 3 Bush, Mrs. Geo.............. 1.... 1 Bush, Herbert N........................11 Bush, H. C............................. 1 Bush, Leo F..................................... 6 Bush, Mrs. Leo F........................ 2 Bush, O. W.................................. 3 Bushey, A. B................... 1.... Bushey, A. S................................ Bushey, V. S............................. 1 Bushnell, Nina M...................... 3 Buss, Stanley................................... 1 Bussell, Roy................................. 3 Bussler, W. H................................... 1 Butler, Ernest N........ -----—............ 8 Butler, J. L................................. 1 Butler, Merlin B............................1 Butterfield, Frank.................... --- —. 6 Butterfield, M.......... --- —............. 1 'Button, Mrs. Arthur..................... 1 Button, Chas.................................. 5 Buzzard, Mrs. Matt....................... 3 Buzzell, Mrs. R. S............._..... 1 Byrne, David.................................... 1 C Caine, J. G......................... 1........ Caldwell, E................................. 1 Caldwell, Mrs. Lena..................1..... Calkins, Al.................................... 1 Calkins, Mrs. Willard.......... 2 Cal!ahan, Grace...........................3 Callahan, P. H............................ 8 Callias, Guss...................................... 1 Caltrider, Wilmey A............... 1 Calver, Arthur..............................4.... Calver, C.......................... 1 Calvin, L. D.................................... 1 Cameron, C. A...................... 10 Cameron, Mrs. C............................ 1 Cameron, John....... ----.................. 8 Cameron, Mrs. J. A................s. 4 Cameron, Mrs. J. D..................... 2 Cameron, J. D.......................... 8 Campbell, Mr.................... 1 Campbell, Mrs. Alex.................... 2 Campbell, Archie........................... 1 Campbell, Arthur L.......................1 Campbell, August......... 3.......3 Campbell, Chas. A........................ 3 Campbell, Mrs. D......................... 1 Campbell., L............-....-.. —... 1 Campfleld, 0. L..................... 1 Campbelle, Chas. J. —.......................... 6 Cane, Miss F.......................... 1 Capeling, Thos........................... 7 Carey, Dr. C. H............................ 1 Carey, Mrs. touis........................ 4 Carey, L. J --........................... 3 Cargill, Florence...................... 1 Cargil l, John............................... 3 Carl, R, C...................................... 3 Carlisle, C.......................... --- 3 Carlson, C. A............................... 1 Carlton, M. E..................... 9 Carman. Miss Emma.,......6....... 6 Carmichael, Gladys.............-... 3 Carm, Bertha......................... 1 Carolan, Mrs. J...............-.......- 1 Carpenter, Rev,......................... 1 Carpenter, Mrs. D. J............... 4 Carpenter, D. J........................... 4 Carpenter, E. M............. ----........ 2 Carpenter, Mrs. M. C..................... 2 Carpenter, Wm......................... 3 Carr, W ill..................................... 3 Carrell, M rs....................................... 1 Carrier, A. G......................... 4 Carrier, Mrs. R. F --................-. 1 Carrigan, J....................................... — 1 Carroll, Mrs. Chas......................... 2 Carroll, Mrs. Dan....................... 1 Carroll, Mrs. Sylvester............. 3 Carseadden, Mrs. J. J.................... 3 Carter, M rs. Cha9s,..............._-....... 1 Carter, Wm. h............................. 4 Carton, John J.... ----.............. —.. 7 Carton, Mrs. J. J.......................... Carton, John H................. 1.... 1 Carton, Col. Peter......................9 Carton, Mrs. Peter...................... 1 Cartwright, Mr....................... 2 Carver, W......................... 1 Casazza, J......................... 1 Case, Mrs. Alfred........................ 3 Case, Frank...................... —.. 3 Casey, C. S................. —.. --- --------- Casey, Mrs. Claude............-..... 3 Cassazza, A....................... —. - 2 Cassidy, J. L....... —.... --- —-------- 1 Caster, M............... ---..-.-. --- —.... 1 Casterlin, C........................ — ------- 3 Casterlin, C. G......... --—...... ---........ --— 3 Casterlin, Miss Harriet ---—.............. Castle, C. E................................. --- —Castle, C. H............................ --- —-----—........... 2 Castle, O. W............... --------—.......... 1 Cavanaugh, Miss Regina 1........... I Cavfgen, J...................... --- —--------------- 2 Ceely, Jane.............. --- —------—. --- —-- 1 Center, H. J............-.... --- —------- --- 4 Chafey, Mrs. J.......... —.... ---Chalker, Mrs. M. E.................... ---..... 1 Chamberlain, E. A.......... --..... --- —- 3 Ch.arnberlain, Fred.................... Chambeerlain, Linus...................... ---- 2 Chamberlain. Miss P............... ---------......1 Chambers. Mrs. F................ --- — 1 Chambers. Harold R.. ---.....-...- -—... 1 Chande, Frank.................. ----............. --- —--- 3 Chandler, Mrs. Belle......... --- —-— 1.......... 277 Chandler, "Mrs. C. W.................... 1 Chandler, Mrs& M. E..................... 4 Chapel, F. D....................... 7 Chapel, Hobart.................. 1I Chapel, Mrs. J. G...................... 1 Chapel, Mrs. John..................... 1 Chapel, L. D.....................1........ Chapel, Millie.,....................... 1 Chapin, F. A.............................. 8...... Chaple, Mrs. Floyd........................ 2 Charland, Mrs. F........................... Charouhis, Wm......................1......... Chase, Mrs. A..................2............ 2 Chase, Mr........................... 2 Chase, Ray...................... 2............. Chase, Raymond C................... 2 Chase, Geo. W............................... Chase, Geo. W.............................- 1' Chase, Geo. W. Jr......................... 1 Chase, L. R:......................... 2 Chase, Lucy........... ---.................. 1 Chase, Mrs. L. R.................... 2 Chase, Roy E.. ---....................... 1 Chatters, Milton...-............ 1....... 1 Cheney, Alvin..........................1 Cheney, Mrs. E. L...................... 1 Cheney, Mrs. Frank................... 2 Chestnut, John................................7 Chiate, Mrs. H. P.................... 1 Chiate, H. P............................. 1 Childs, Archie......................... 4 Chflds, David................................. Childs, Mrs. David....................... 6 Childs, Mrs. L. H................... 1 Chiles, B. L............. ---.....................1 Chiles, B. S..... ----.......-.................. 1 Chimovitz, Nate........................... 3 Chisholm, John.......................... 4 Chisholm, Mrs. Nellie.................... 2 Choate, Mrs. H. P...................... 2 Choate, L......................1............ 1 Christensen, C. B..............-3........ 3 Christenson, L. P......................-..-. 1 Chrysler, W. P....................... 3....... Chrysler, Mrs. W. P....................... 1 Church, J. W............................... 2 Church, Leo M................ --- —-..... ---Church, Margaret..................... 3 Cicalla, Phillip.... —............ --- —-—...... 2 Cillam, Orie............................... 1 Claffy, W —.................................... -.. 1 Clapp, Miss Helen.......................... 1 Clapp, Mrs. Merton...... ---........... 1 Clapsaddle, Wm. —.............................. 3 Clavean, R.. ---.. —............... —....-.... 1 Clark, Mrs....................... -------—..... ---- 2 Clark, Albert..................2...... 2 Clark, B......... --- —-—.....-..... ---........ 1 Clark. Mrs. C. P.......................... --- 1 Clark, Carlton R............................. 1 Clark, D. '.-, --- - ------ 1 Clark, D..................................... 1 dlark, D. C.-... --------- 1 Clark, Ed......................... 3 Clark, Mrs. Elton --—......-............. 1 Clark, Mrs. E. B........................... 1 Clark, E. J........ —..................... ---- -- 1 C'ark, Mrs. Gertrude.................... 1 Clark, Gladys........... --- --—...................... 1 Clark Hazel............. --- — ---- --................ 3 Clark, Mrs. H. W....................... ---- 2 Clark, Mrs Howard.................... ---- 1 Clark, Dr. H. I................................- ---- 2 Clark, Ira...... --- —-—..........-.......... 1 Clark. Mrs. I................................. 1 Clark, Mrs. James H..................... 1 Clark, Mr. JoMr.-......................... 4 Clark, John......................... — -----—......... 3 Clark, J. R ---------—................................. — 4 Clark, Lillie........-.....-..... —...-...... 3 Clark, Mrs. Max.......... --- ——............. 3 Clark, Mrs. Russell.................... 2 Clark, W................................ — --- ---- —........... 3 Clarke, Mrs. Basil...... ----—................. 1 Clasen, Mrs. J. C...... --- ——................ 2 Clemons, R. W.................... --- —--—.... ---- 1 Cleveland, L. G.................-... --- ------ 1 Cliff, Mabel............................... --- 1 Clifford, A. J.................................... --- --- 2 Clifford, Rev. H. J......................... 2 Clifford, Mrs. H. J........... --- —-—.- 1 Clifford, L................... ----- ------- --- 1 Clift, Dr........................... -------.. --- —-- 1 Clinton, D..................... ---- ---------------- 1 Close, Mrs. I. E........... --- —----— 1 --- —Close, Miss Margaret --- —-..................... 1 Clough, Mrs. L. B.................... ---- 1 clugston, J.........-..2 ---.. --- —------------- 2 Clughton, J. W. --- —--------------------- 1 Clune, Frank.............. --- —------- -------- 3 Coates Chas................................ Cat, Elizabeth 4........... Coate, F. M................... ----- ------ 1 Coates, Mary H..............-........ --- ------- 3 Cobb, Mrs. C. K............................. Coobb, F. N.......... ---- -------------------- Cobb, T....... ---................ --- —--- --- ----- Cobb, F. N... -—................... --- —---- -.......... Cobb, W. E................ - ------------------- 4 Cochrane, Mrs. W..............-....... 1 Cody, A. N............... --- —.............. --- —-------------- 11 Coffeen, Mr................-.... --- ------------- 1 Coggins, Mrs. A. G.............. -... --- -—....... 1 Coggins, Geo. M...-....... ----...... --- —--- 4 Coggins, Harry............. --- —- - 3 Cold, F. —..... --- —----- C ol1d, P. _........ --............................. Collias, Gust....... ------------------ - 1 Cole, Barto...................................... 3 Cole, Bertha.............. --- —-- Cole, Mrs. H. A........................ --- —-----—...... — 1 Col e, Ira W....................................... 3 Cole, Mrs. Ira............ --- —------ 1 Coleman. P................ --- —-------------- 1 Colem an..... --- —-------------------------------- Coleman, Mrs. Julia............. --- —1 Co'eman, L.................. 3............. Coleman, Miss Ma................... --- Collins, Blanche.............................. 1 Collins, Matthew................*............I Collom, Mrs. A. 1E...........................2 Compte, ~T. H................................... Conklin, Dexter.......... —...... 2 Conklin, Thos..................4 Conlan, P. A..................................... Conn, G. C......................................... Conn, Geo. F.................................. Connelly, Ed................. 1 Conners, E. H.-................................1 Conover, A................ ---...................... Conover, Dr. T. S..........................2 Conquest, Mrs. Walter.................. 4 Conquest, Walter......................... 5 Conrad, Mrs. Frank..................... 2 Conrad, Mrs. Wm.............- - - 2 C ook, G................................. Cook, Miss Aileen........................... 2 Cook, Mrs. Donavon................ 1 Cook, Geo. W......................... 6 Cook, Jan........................................ 4 Cook, Mrs. Maude.-.......................2 Cook, Miles P...................................2 Cook, Otis........................... 1 Cook, Mrs. Peter............]............... 1 Cook, Rallo...................................... Cook, Mrs. Raymond................... 1 Cook, Rula - -................................. 1 Cook, Ruland.......................... 1 Cook, R. E................................ Cook,.................................. 2 Cookenmaster, Mrs. A. J............... 1 Cooley, Mrs. Pearl K...................... 1 Cooley, W. A. —....................-..1........ Coolm an, J......................................... Coon, Alma................... 2 Coon, Mrs. Edna........................... Coon, Mrs. Geo............................ 2 Coon, Geo....................... 4.................. Cooney, Miss Edith................. 4 Cooney, Margaret..]...................... 1 Cooper, I...................................... 3 Copeland, J. C................................. 2 Corda, Anna........................ 3.............. Corenl, H......................................... 1 Cormack, Mr.......................... 1 Cornell, H. F.......................... --- — ----..... 1 Corning, J......................................... 1 Cornwell, E. L............................. 5 Corringi on, A............... --- —----- 1 Cotharin, A. B............... ---- -... — ------ 11 Cotharin, Mrs. B. F.................. 1..... Cotharin, Dick.................. 1........ Cotharin, J. V......................... 7 Cottrell, Mrs. Ray........................ 1 Coughlin, Mrs. A. R....................... 1 Coughlin, A. R........................ 2 Coughlin, T.................................... 1 Coulter, C. S.................. ---- --- --—................. 1 Courville, H. W.............................. 7 Cousins, Frank........................ 1 Covert, A................................. 3 Covert, Mrs. A. G........................ ---- 1 Covert, A. J. --—.......................... 3 Covert, Mrs. F. L..................... 1 Covert, Mrs. Nora.......................... 1 Covert, W. C........................ --- —-.. - - Covert, Miss Zalda......................... 1 Cowan, A. M............................. 2 (Cowan, Mrs. A. M.................. 1 Cowen, Mrs. Cora....................... 1 Cowles, Vett................................ --- —------ 1 Cowles, Mrs. Vett............................ 2 Cox, Chas. C................................ 1 Cox, Elmo........................................ 4 Cox, Mrs. Howard....................... 2 Cox, Howard.................................... 1 Cox, Oscar...................................... 1 Cox, A. J......................................... 1 Coyle, M. E........................... 1 Cranch, Thos................... --- —- —.................. Crandall, C. L.................................. 3 Crandall, Floyd....... ----.................... --- 1 Crane, J. M............. -------- --—................... 2 Cranston, Mrs. J. W...................... 2 Crampton, Mrs. E. B..................... 1 Crampton, V. S.............................. 6 Crapser, Ada............................... 1 Crapser, Bert F............................. Crawford, C. B............................ --- —- - 1 Crawford, Ella E. J.................. --- —- 1 Crawford, G. B............ --- —---—............. Crawford, Mrs. Jennie.................. Crawford, J. H............................... 7 Crawford, Joe............................. — 1 Crawford, Rev. J. 0.................... ---- 3 Crawford, Mrs. Joe...................... 1 Crawford, L. B.........................1........ Crawford, Mrs. M. R................... 3 Crawford, Wm............................ 4 Cripps, R. W...................3................ 3 Crocker, Thos. W'...... --- ——............. Crocker, Mrs.................. --- —............ 1 Cronin, Grace................................. --- —Cronk, Mrs. A. J.......... --- — -—.............. 1 Cronk, Mrs. J. H............... --- —--—...... 2 Cronk, Mrs. Luman.........................- 2 Cronk, Luman G............................. Crooks, Arthur A........................ I Crooks, A. F................................... 4 Cron, J. B.............................. ---- - 4 Cronan, Lelia G...............................1 Crosby, Edwin................................ 2 Cross, Chas............... --- —---- —.................... 9 -Crose, Mrs. Chas........................ 1 Cross, Mrs. E................................ 4 Cross, J. L...................................2 Cross, Mrs. J. L.............................. 1 Cross, Walter....2........................... Cross, Mrs. Walter...................... 2 Crouger, Mrs. Herbert.................... Crouter, H. E............................... 8 Cullen, A. B..................................... Culmer, C. W.............................. --- —--- - 3 Culver, Arthur.......................... ----...... 2 I-IISTORY OF GENESEE COUNTY'S ACTIVITIES II I Cumminga, Mrs.............................1 Cummings, F. F...............................1 Cumings, Chas..............................1 Cumings, Mrs. C. A..................... 1... Cummings, Mrs. C. W....................1 Cumings, Mrs. E. F.......................1 Cumings, E. M...................................8 Cuminga, Mrs. E. M..................... 2 Cummings, Mrs. Fred...................1 Cummings, Herbert......................4 Cumings, Marion........................... 1 Cunningham, Mr............................. 1 Cunningham, J. W..................... 2 Curdy, Mrs. Dr..................................1 Curdy, Mrs. E. V.............................3 Curran, W. M....................................... 1 Curtice, H. H...................................3. Curtis, Eva M.........................................4 Curtis, Mrs.......-............................... 2 Curtis, Mrs. F....................................1 Curtis, Fred................................. 1 Curtis, F. E.......................................1 Curtia, F. M........................................2 Curtis, Mrs. F. M.............................. 2 Curtis, Mrs. F. W........................... 1 Curtis, John..................................3 Curtis, Mollie O................................1 Curtis, Pearl..............................1 Curtis, Theo........................................... 1 Curtis, Verne................................... Cushman, Mrs. Earl......................2 Cushman, Earl................................. 2 Cushman, Geo...-...........-................. 2 Cushman, Mrs. Geo.........................1 Cuthbertson, A. D.....-..................... 2 Cuthbertson, Geo........................... 4 Cuthbertson, Geo. S.-.... —,.........-.... 4 Cuthbertson, P..................................1 Cuthbertson, W. H....................... 2 Cutler, Ambler.................................. 8 Czerwinski, Stanley........................ 2 D Dahlquist, Mrs. G...............................1 Dahn, A.............................. 1...... Dailey, R. L,^.-. — _.,.. -- — ~..,.... -—.l. Dailey, P. L............................................ 1 Dake, Cash...................................... Dake, Mertke.....,.......................1 Dakin, Homer..................................3 D ale, Irene....................................... 1 Daley, J. L.......................................1 Daly, Francis S............................... Daly, James................................... 2 Dammon, Mrs. C. L......................... 2 Daniels, M. E...................................3 Dawson, Wm...................................1 Dapish, A. C...................................... 1 Darby, Mrs. E....................................1 Darby, H. H.................................... 6 Darby, Mrs. H. H......................... 3 Darby, Miss Isabelle......................1 Darling, J. W.....................................1 Darling, Mrs. Joaeph...................... Darnton, Mrs, Chas........................ 1 Darnton, Mrs. Robt...................... 1 Day, Bernis S.......................................1 Day, Mrs. Cash.................................. 2 Day, Clark............-........................4 Day, Mrs. Iva................................1 Day, Mrs. Grace............................ 1 Day, Homer...................................... Day, Miss Maxine...............................1 Day, Melzor C..................................9 Day, Mrs. M. C..................................5 Day, Mike............................................2 Day, Ray.......................................... 6 David, Forrest... -.........-..-...-.-.........4 Davids, Mrs. Frank.......................... Davidson, David.............................2 Davldson, Mrs. D....................................1 Davidson, Elmer.............................. Davidson, Lester....................................1 Davidson, M. D................................2 Davine, Wm........................................... 3 Davis, A. F.........................................3 Davis, A. M...........................................1 Davis, Clyde.........................................4 Davis, Mrs. Clyde - -.......................... 2 Davis, Duff................................... Davis, Mrs. Duff........................ Davis, Edwin....................................1 Davis, Jay......................................3 Davis, Leon...-..............................4 Davis, Mae......................... 1.. I Davis, Myrtle...................................1 Davis, Mrs. Ned.............................1 Davis, Ray...........................3.......... Davis, Warren.............-.......... —.. —...4 Davis, Dr. WC7. H.. -........-.................9 Davia, Mrs, Dr.................................1 Davison, A. M............................8 Davison, R. M...................................1 Davison, David...........................2 Davison, Mrs. D...............................1 Davison, Mrs. Grace.................... 1 Davison, James.............................4 Davison, Lee...............1................. Davison, M................................ 4 Davison, Mrs. M. D..-.................... Davison, Mathew............................ 6 Davison, Mrs. Matthew.................. Davison, W. H............................ 6 Deacon, F. S............................... 2 Dean, Lovica.............................. Dean, Russell............................ I Dean, Mrs. S............................ 2 DeCew, Ralph............................ Decker, A. W..-................................. Decker, Julia.................................I1 Decker, Albert.......-......................... I DeClute, C. G...................................... DeDuc, H. S...................................... I DeElmo, W. E........................ Deets, Agnes................................ 3 DeGuichard, B............................ Deim, Godfrey.................................. 1 Dekle, M............................................. 1 DeKlein, Mrs. Lottie.................... 1 DeKlein, Dr. Wm.......................... 4 DeKlein, Mrs. M........................ 3..... DeLamater, Hugh.......................... 1 DeLamater, Mrs. Hugh.............. 1 Deland, J. 8................................... 1 Deland, Mrs. J. S........................ 2 Delaney, Jas..................................... 1 DeLand, Mrs. Ralph...................... 1 Deland, Mrs. John.......................... 1 DeLano, A. J.............................. 1 Delaney, Jas........................ 4......... 4 Delaney, Margaret...................... 1 Delavlch, Rev. Dan E................... 1 Delbridge, Oscar.......................... 2 Delehanty, Dan................................ 4 Deline, W.......................................... 1 DeLisle, Louis.............................. 5 DeLisle, Mrs. L.......................... 1 DeLino, Walter................................1 Dell, F. M........................................... 2 Delonjay, Maud..................... 1 Demick, Mrs. F. N........................... 1 Deming, Mrs. E. P........................ 1 Demorest, Harry............................ 1 Demorest, Mrs. H......................... 2 Dempsey, Mrs. Everett.................. Denby, Edwin............................ Denmark, Mrs. Wm......................... 1 Deno, D. W............................... 2..... 2 Dennis,S. W.................................. 3..... Dennis, Hilda................................. 1 Dennison, Russel.............................. 1 Dent, Mrs. H. T........................ 1 Derby, G. D....................................... 5 Derbyshlre, Anna H.................... 3 DeRoo, Frank................................ 2 DeFrain, Joseph........................ 1..... Devenea, Jos.....................................1 DeWaters, Mrs. E. A.................... 3 Dewer, Mrs......-...............................1 Dewey, Wood B..............................6 DeWitt, F.......................................... 1 Dibble, C. B.................................. 2 Dibble, Harry............................. 4 Dickenson, Elmer......................... 1 Dickenson, Guy.,....................... S Dickinson, Ira................................. 6 Dieck, Ernest A...............................4 Dieterle, Hazel............................. 1 Diem, A. C......................................1 Diem, C.......................................... 2 Diem, F................................. 1 Dill, Earlmont..................................1 Dillon, Mrs. Arthur........................ 1 Dimond, Mrs................................... Dimond, E. D..................................1 Dimond, Gertrude.......................... 1 Dimond, Thos................................. 3 Dinant, N..................................... 1 Dingham, E....................................... 1 Dixon, Luella................................... 1 Doan, Clark...................................... 1 Dodds, A. W............................... 3 Dodds, Betty....................................1 Dodds, Mrs. Harvey........................ 1 Dodds, Mrs. Louis............................ Dodge, Alton................................... 2 Dodge, Franklin............................1 Dodge, Guy............................... 6...... Dodge, W......................................... 1 Doherty, Frank............................. 3 Doherty, M................-...........-......... 1 Doherty, Pauline............................ 1 Doherty, Patrick R........................10 Doherty, Mrs. P. R......................... 2 Doherty, T. H................................... 1 Dolan, Jas........................................ 1 Dollinger, L. E.............................. 1 Donald, Murray................................ 2 Donaldson, Mrs................................ 1 Donaven, Mrs. C. D....................... 2 Donaven, Mrs. Don....................... 1 Donnelly, Edw............................... 6 Donnelly, Mrs. M........1..................... Donlan, Julia.................................... 1 Doge, Leonard -...............................1 Dooley, Wm..........................-......... 6 Doran, Mrs. J.................................. 1 Dorn, Mrs. Ward..................-........ 1 Dorman, Louis................................ 2 Dorr, J.............................................. 1 Dougan, FP. W.................................. 1 Dort, J. D........................................11 Dort, Mrs. J. D............................ 1 Dort, Mrs. Otis........................... 1 Dorwin, G. A............................... 1 Dottington, W. B............................. 1 Doty, C. N................. ---—................. 4 Doty, Mrs. Clayton.......................... 1 Dotzauer, A............-........................... 1 Dotzer, Mrs..........-......................... 1 Dotzer, Miss.................................... 1 Dow, L. A..................................... 3 Dow, Mrs. L.................................... 1 Dow, Mrs. Nellie.............................. 1 Dowdall, Julia............................... 3 Dowdall, Kate................................ 1 Dowdall, Thoas............................. 6 Dowine, J........................................... 1 Downer, L. L................................... 2 Downer, M. F......................... —........ 2 Downer, W. F................................... 1 Downey, W m.................................... 4 Downett, Deno I............................... 1 Dowsett, Mrs. Fred R.................. 1 Doyle, A. J............ —...................... 2 Doyle, Francis................................ 2 Doyle, M. C..............-........................ 5 Doyle, Mrs....................................... 2 Drake, Harry.................................. 1 Drake, Mrs. Louis........................... 1 Drake............................................... 4 Drewyer, R....................................... 3 Drudge, Elmer C........................... 2 Drum, Chas. E................................ 1 Drummond, Hugh............................10 Duberville, Eddie........................... 4 DuBoise, Alfonza.................. 6 Duff, Earl.................................. 1 Duff, Mrs. Earl.......................-... 1 Duff, Wm......................................... 3 Duff, Mrs. Wm............................. 3 Duke, Hollis.....................................3 Dullam, Mrs. Anna....................... 1 Dullam, Frank.............................. 1 Dumanois, Mrs. A........................... 1 Dumanois, Mrs. Blanche.............. 3 Dumanois, Chas......................... 3 Dunkin, Walter........................... 7 Dunn, Agnes................................... 1 Dunn, Harvey........-......................1 Dunn, Jaa......................................... 4 Dunn, Lewis...........4...................... 4 Dunn, Norman............................... 2 Dunn, Mrs. Norman........................ 1 Dunne, H...................................... 2 Dunne, J. E....................................... 1 Dunning, J.................................. 1 Durham, Mrs. C. B....................... 2 Dusenbury, C. M............................ 10 Dusenbury, Mrs. C. M................... 4 Durham, Dorothy. —...................... 1 Durham, Eva................................. 1 Durham, Mrs. John........-............... 1 Dustin, Chas.....................................3 Dutil, Blanche................................. 3 Dwyer, Ed...-..-........................... 1 Dwyer, Mrs. W.................................1 Dye, C. M........................................ 1 Dye, Pearl....................................... 1 Dziengielewski, J. A....................... 1 E Earl, Harry..................................... 1 Earl, Mrs. E. C.............................. 1 Earle, Mrs...................................... 2 Earle, F........................................ 1 Earle, H. M...................... 4............4 Easier, Wayne.................................3 Eaton, Clare.................................... 2 Eaton, Harry......................... 1 Eaton, Nellie M.............................. 1 Eaton, Mrs. R. W.......................... 1 Eave, H. W......................................2 Eave, W. H.......................................Eckles, C. M..................................5 Eddy, Fred.................................. 1 Eddy, Louise...................................1 Eddy, L. M.................................... 1 Edenborn, Mrs. A. L....................... 1 Edgecombe, B. F............................ 1 Edgecombe, Mrs. B. G................... 3 Edgecombe, B. G........................... 6 Edgecomb, Wm............................... 1 Edmonds, Alta Leach................. 1 Edson, Mrs. M................................. 1 Edson, Mrs. W. N........................... 1 Edwards, C. L..........4............... Edwards, E................................... 2 Edwards, Miss Fannie.................. 1 Edwards, Jas. M............................ 2 Edwards, Mrs. Jas....................... 3 Edwards, L..................1................. Edwards, O. W..............................3 Edwards, Wm................................ 4 Egelar, Mrs. Chas......................... 1 Eggleston, J. E................................. 1 Egrebract, Mr................................ 1 Ehrhardt, August.-.......................... 4 Eisentrager, Geo. L..................... 6 Eldridge, Mrs. John.........1.............. Elgart, Bessie............................. 1 Elick, Mrs. August.......................... 1 Elick, Gus -................................... 1 Elkie, W. C....................................... Elliott, Mrs. Fred......................... 1 Elliott, F. B... —................... ---.......-....10 Elliott, Mrs. J. K......................... 1 Elliott, O. E............-...................... 6 Elliott, R......................................... 1 Ellis, John........................................4 Ellis, L. M...-.................................. 3 Ellis, Mrs. Paul............................... 3 Ellsworth, F.................................. 3 Ellsworth, Lucille......,................. 1 Elmer, Lydia................................... 4 Elsler, O. E.............................-....... 2 Elston, Dan.......................................3 Ely, Mrs. E. N............................... 1 Embury, Mrs. Nettie.................... 1 Embury, Mrs. P. 0........................ 3 Embury, P. O.................................... 6 Enders, Geo..................................... 4 Enders, Mrs. Geo............................. 2 England, Elmer............................... 1 Ensch, C..................................I... Ensworth, Fred........................... 1 Ensworth, Mrs. Fred.................... 1 Ensworth, Louella....................... 2 Ephraim, Mrs. Arthur.................. 1 Ephraim, Arthur............................ 1 Ephraim, Mrs. D. D.................. Ephraim, Helen C......................... 1 Ephraim, Mrs. Wm........................ 4 Ephraim, W. H............................. 8 Epp, O. A..............................-........... 1 Erickson, Lillian..........1............... - Erity, Harry...................................... 4 Ernst, John..3........................... 3 Eschleinan, Mras.............................. 1 Ettinger, J. D................................. 1 Evans, Alma Bates........................ 1 Evana, E.......................................... 1 Evana, Mrs. H................................ 1 Evans, Jas...................................... 1 Evans, Ralph................................. 1 Evans, R. 0....................................... 2 Evatt, Mrs. Ed................................ 3 Evatt, Ed. K......-.............................. 1 Everett, G. E............................1... I F Fagan, H. C..................................... 8 278 Faint, E. J...................................... Fairchild, Mrs. Alfred.................... 3 Fairchild, Mrs. Edith...................1 Fairs, Harry.................................. 1 Faner, John...................-............... 4 Faris, Harry............-.............. 1......... Parley, Mrs. John..................-......... 1 Farley, John...............-..................- 1 Farnam, Isabella.............................. Farncrook, Mrs. Lee................... 1 Farr, Bela.....1.............................. 1 Farr, Ed.......................................... 2 Farr, Jean.....1............................. 1 Farr, M. S..................-.......-............. 4 Farrar, Mr. A............................-. 3 Farrar, Mrs. Lillie......................... 1 Farrar, M. A.................-................... 1 Farrer, Mrs. Alonsen...................1 Farrer, Mrs. Lillian........................1 Faulk, Emil..-........... —.....-............. 1 Faulkner, Mrs. J. H...................... 1 Faulkner, J. J................................. 3 Faust, Fred.....................................4 Fay, Mrs. Clark H..-...................... 1 Fayerweather, G. J.....-................... 1 Fellows, W. E-.........-.................... 9 Felt, Wm.................... —.. —...................3 Fennell, Mra. Chas........................ 2 Fenner, Ed............... —.....-................. 3 Fent, August..............-................... 1 Fent, C. E..................................-....... 1 Fent, Geraldine............................ 1 Fent, Lewis.........................-........... 1 Fenton, Mrs...................................... 1 Feranac, John................................ 2 Ferguson, E................................. 2 Ferneau, Frances............................ 1 Ferrls, F. L.....................................1 Ferris, Mrs. Wm........................... 1 Fetchler, Minnie............................. 3 Field, Anna........... --- -----.................... 4 Field, Mrs. Asa...............................1 Field, Asa...................................... 5 Field, Howard A.............................11 Fields, Mrs. J................................. 1 Field, Mrs. O. M..................-... 3 Field, O. M...................................... 6. Finch, F..................................... 2 Finley, Ike..................................... 10 Finn, Mrs. Edith............................. 3 Finn, Harry A................................. 4 Finney, C.................................... 2 Finch, J. C....................................... 1 Fischer, Samuel.......1....................... 1 Fischgrund, Mrs. Max..................... 4 Fischgrund, Max........................... 6 Fischgrund, Wm........................... 1 Fisher, A. J........................-........... 1 Fisher, C..............-........................... 2 Fisher, Mrs. Ira............................ 1 Fisher, Mr. John.............................4 Fiske, Mrs. A. H.......................... 1 Fitch, Mrs. Chas..................... 2....... Fitzgerald, Mrs. H. H................... 1 Fitzgerald, John..................2.......2 Fitzgerald, Mrs. R. W..........-..... 1 Fitzgerald, R. W............................ 1 Fitzgerald, R.............-....1.............. Fitzsimmons, Josephine.............. 1 Fitzsimmons, Kathryn............... 1 Flanders, Mrs. F............................. Flanders, Francis......................5.... Flanigan, Eva.................................. Fleming, Eugene...........................1 Fleming, Mrs................................... 1 Fleming, Mrs. John........................ 1 Fletcher, H.....................................1 Fletcher, Mrs. L. B....................... 2 Fletcher, Mrs. L. V......................... 2 Fletcher, L. V.................................. 7 Floyd, Arthur....................................1 Foess, John G.................................1 Foighlt, Curtis.......................... 1...... Folen, Bart.......-........................... 2 Folles, R. H................................ 1 Follin, J. W................................. 1..... Foote, C. I..................................... 1 Foote, E. A...................................... 1 Foote, Ed................................ 6...... Foot, Mildred..........-..................... 1 Foot, Mrs. R, E............................... Foote, Roy........................................ Forbes, Mrs. Ed............................ Forber, Mrs. John.......................... 2 Forbes, Max................................... 1 Forbes, J. W.................................... 4 Force, L. C......................................3 Force, Mrs. L. C............................. 1 Ford, Mrs. Ernest.......................... 1 Ford, P. L. —.............................. 2 Forrest, Jane.................................. 2 Forrest, Margaret........................ 1 Forrest, Miss N. G......................... Forshee, H............................... 1....... Forshee, Jake........-................ ---....4 Forte, E. C........................................1 Foss, Chas...................................... 9 Foss, Mrs. C. W............................... 1 Foster, F. D.............-...-................. 1 Foster, D. R.................................... Foster, Mrs. Geo........................... 1 Foster, Geo........................................ Fowler, Emma.....-......................... Fowler, Mrs. N. J........................... Fowler, Will................................... Fox, B. A..............................-.....2 Fox, Mrs. J. C................................. Fox, Louis........................................ Fox, Willis...-.............................. Foy, Mra. Ethel............................. France, Mrs. Chas........................... Francis, J. R.................................... Francis, N. A.............................. Franklin, Miss Edna..................... Franklin, Ellen............................. Franklin, Emry.........................3 Franklin, Walter....................... 3 Franklin, Wm. R........................... 1 Franklin, Mrs. Wm........-................. 1 Franklin, Mrs. W. R..................... 8 Franklyn, Mrs.................................1 Fransworth, Lillian...................... 1 Fraser, Mrs. H. R......................... Frawley, Donald......................... 1 Frawley, Mrs. J. P...-..................... 1 Frawley, John.... —................. 8........ Frawley, Kathaleen................. 2 Frawley, Leo..................... 1......... 1 Fraley, M. B............................l..... Frazer, E. G..-.................................4 Frazier, Fred......-....-...-..........-.......... 1 Frazer, Mrs. Geo......1...................1 Frazer, Geo. E.................................10 Frazier, Myron.......1..................... 1 Fredell, A. H..................................... Frederick, P..................................... 1 Freeman, Mrs. A. M...................... 1 Freeman, A M -.................................4 Freeman, Mrs............................. 1 Freeman, Mrs. Arthur... —.............. 1 Freeman, Bruce.............................. 7 Freeman, F. A............................... 1 Freeman, Frank T. -......-............. 2 Freeman, H. B............ —.....-.............7 Freeman, H. I........................ —..-.. Freeman, Leonard...... ---............... 8 Freeman, Mrs. Milton...................1 French, Chas................................. 6.. French, C. D....-................................. 1 French, C. J.................................... 1 French, H. D................................... 1 French, Mrs. H. D......................... 1 French, Mrs...........-......................... 1 French, Mrs. J....,............................ 1 French, J. H........................ —........... 2 French, Mrs. R. S...................... 2 Frey, Claude........................ —........... 1 Frey, Geo. ------------------------- 1 Frey, Otto...................-...... 1 Friar, E. J......................................... 5 Fricke, Mrs. Guy..............................1 Frisbie, Mr......................................... 14 Frisby, Earl.................................... 1 Frommiller, Geo. E...................... 1 Frost, Frank....................................3 Frost, M............. ---............. --- —-- -—.. 1 Frost, Walter..................................Frutchey, Herbert........................ 9 Fuller, Mrs. Chas.................... —........4 Fuller, C. E....................................... 8 Fuller, Mrs. Ella........................1 Funch, Lawrence......................... 2 Funch, Miss Ruth 1.........................1 Fyfe, Mrs. H................-..... ---........... 1 G Gabel, Geo............................. —......... — - Gabel, Mrs. Geo..............................-. 1 Gaefeke, Paul ---- —......-.........-........ ---. Gaefeke, Mrs. Paul.........................1 Gage, C. L........... —...-................-...- 8 Gage, Mrs. Harry............................ 1 Gahnke, El ----------------- 1 Gainey, Geo. W............................... Gainey, Mrs. W..... —.....1..................... Gainey, John A........................... —....- 4 Gainey, Mrs. John...-...................... 1 Gainey, Mrs. Kate.............-.............1 Gainey, M. B....................................6 Galbraith, Miss Alice......................1 Galbraith, Arthur.........-................ Galbraith, Mrs. Arthur.................. Galbraith, N. S.................................1 Galbreath, Viola.............................. Galbrecht, H.................................... --- ~ --- 1 Gallanati, James.............................. 1 Gallanger, Steve..-......................... 1 Galliver, Mrs. J...................-... — 2 Gallup, C. W..................................... 8 Gallop, Mrs. Fred.................. ---..........2 Galos, Lewis... --- — --—.......................... --- — 8 Gamache, Fred............................... Gamber, Mrs. Jay............................ — 1 Gamertsfelder, A. W...... —.............. 1 Garby, John W..................... --- -............1 Gardner, E. D........................ — ~-........... Gardner, Mrs................................... Gardner, Mrs. F. A..........-.............1 Gardner, J. A.................................. ---- 1 Gardner, W. E......................... —....... 1 Garfield, Chas. A............................- 1 Gargill, Florence............................ Gargill, John............. —.....-.. --- 1............. Garner, B. M..................................... --- 2 Garner, Mrs. Bert...................... ---...... Garner, dare 1 G reClare..................................1 Garner, Elmer................................8 Garner, Mrs. E. W........................ Garner, G....................... --- —-—................. 1 Gates, H........................ --- — 1..................... Gault, Harry.......................... ----..........1 Gault, Mrs. Alice................. ---- -...... 2 Gault, Fred --—.................... --- —--- --— 8 Gault, Miss Helen.......................... Gault, W m...................................... — -- 1 Gauthier, Agnes L......................... ---- - 1 Gauthier, A. J................................ ------ --- Gauthier, W. L............................... --- — Gay, Mrs. J. V..................-.............. — Gayer, A. L....................................... 1 Gear, Louis........... --- -- -.................- 4 Geiger, Fred.................................... 1 Geiger, Geo.......... -—........ --- —---------- - 1 Geney, Sam...................................... 4 Geney, Mrs. S. J........- ~~ ----.....................- 1 George, Alice............ 1...................... George, B. C..................................... George, Mrs. B. C.........................- 1 George, Ernest................................ 4 George, Guy................ ---............ --- - 1 George, Ida..................................... George, Ida. -........................-.......... I German, Mrs. W............................. 1 Ghittaa, C. T..................................... WORLD WAR 1914-18 Gibbert, Ralph.................................. 1 Gibbs, John................................. 2. Gibson, Mr..................................... 3 Gideon, Nat..................................... — 1 Gifford, Alfred......................6..... Gifford, L..........1............................. Gilavich, Rev. Dan E 1................ 1 Gilbert, C. E..................................... — 1 Gilbert, Mrs. E. M....................... 2 Gilbert, Ralph....-........................... Gilfke, Edw.....................................1i Gillam, Orrie................................. Gilleard, B. A.................................. 1 Gillespie, Howard.......................... 1 Gillespie, Mrs. Jas..........................1 Gillespie, Joseph............................ Gillespie, Mrs. Retta.................. 1 Gillespie, R. C................................... Gillespie, R. J........................ 10 Gillespie, Wm. A........................... 6 Gillett, Harry................................. 4 Gillett, Ralph C............................... Gillett, Rose................................ 6 Gillett, Wm...........1......- -...........- 1 Gillies, Archie.............................. Gillies, Anna Louise.......................1 Gilmore, J......................................... 1 Gillmore, Wm............................... 6 Ginton, H. D..................................... 2 Given, Edna................................ 1 Given, Mrs. S. W........................3... Glass, Cora......................... 1 Gleder, F. G................................... 2 Glerum, Frank............................... 1 Glick, W....................... <......... 1 Glover, Miss F. N......................... 1 Glynn, Edward......................-8.... Glynn, Mrs. Ed.............................. 1 Glynn, Will...................................... 2 Goepfert, John......................... 4 Goepfert, Mrs. J. M......................... 4 Goepfert, Mrs. Anna.................... 1 Goff, Lillian I............................... Goff, Nellie................................... 1 Gogard, Miss...................................... 1 Goldberger, Dan.....................7 Golding, J............................. 1 Goldstein, Harry.......................... 4 Goldstein, Mrs. W. H................ 1 Good, Jesse C............................... 6 Goodall, J...................................... 1 Goodes, Ray..................................10 Goodle, Miss Alice........................ 1 Goodrich, F. H..............................10 Goodrich, Mrs......... 1 Goodrow, George....................... 1 Goodwin, J. D................................... 4 Goodwin, Maude.......................... 2 Goossen, Mrs. Lester...........1.......... 1 Gordes, C. C.................................... 1 Gordon, Miss..........1 Gordon, A. C............................... 2 Gordon, Frank O......................1..... Gordon, Mrs. Geo........................... 1 Gordon, Miss Jennie.................... 1 Gore, Mrs...................................... 1 Gorey, Mrs. F. H.................. 1 Gorls, J............................................ 1 Gorton, Chas. R........................... 1 Gosen, D............. --- ---- --- —.................... 2 Gott, Robert.................. 2 Goude, Robert................................ 3 Gould, Mr................... 2 Gould, Mrs. Geo. W..................... 1 Graff, Otto.............. ---...................- 8 Graff, Mrs. Otto P......................... 1 Graham, Arthur...................-. 3 Graham, Mrs. A....................... 1 Graham, Elton D...................... 1 Graham, Mrs. Frank.................. 1 Graham, G. M............................. 1 Graham, Miss Myrtle.................. 1 Graham, Wm................... 1 Grainger, Gld............................ --- 4 Granger, Chas......,.......................... Granger, Mrs. Chas........................ 4 Granger, Mary.......................... 1 Grant, Mrs. E. P........................... 1 Graves, Miss Ada............................ 1 Graves, Mrs. J. S............................ 1 Graves, Mrs. S.............................. 1 Graw, Miss Anna........................... 1 Grawels, Mrs. E.......................... — 1 Gray, B. G...................................... 1 Gray, Jno..................................... 2 Gray, P. D.................................... 1 Grey, Mrs. Will................................ 2 Grear, Chas................ ---- -. --- —---------—................. 4 Grear, Mrs. Chas............................ 1 Green, M r...................................... 1 Green, Mrs. C. C................... --—......... Green, C. W....................... —. — 1 Green, Dan A......... --- —----— 7 --- —------- -7 Green, Earl............................... 5 Green, M rs. E. V.................................. 1 Green, J..................................... 1 Green, J. A.................... --- - 1 Green, Mrs. L. I.................... 1 Green, Pat........................................ Green, Reuben................................ Green, M rs. Roy.............................. 1 Green, Mrs. Warren....................... I Greenberg, John....................... 4..... Greene, D. A.................... 2 Greenfleld, Miss Sadie.................... 2 Greenhon, M r................................... 1 Greenway, Mrs............................... Greenway, Josephine..3.... Gregory, B................. 1 Gregory, Clark................................ Gregory, Mrs. W. J....................... 4 Greissell, Jno........................ 1.. Grieres, M rs.................................. Grieve, Robt............................... 3 Grieves, Mrs. A............................ 1 Griffin, T.................................... 1 Grills, J. W..................................... 1 Grill, Mrs. J....................................... 2 Griswald, Gardner........................... 1 Groleau, A...................................... 2 Grobe, Beatrice.............................. 1 Grobe, Louis................................... 1 Groom, Willard............................... 2 GrosJean, A. L............................... 1 Gross, Mr........................................ 4 Gross, F.......................................... Groves, Lke........................................ 1 Gruhlit, O. M.................................. Grunewald, Mrs.............................. 1 Guild, Ella M................................. 1 Gundry, A. C.................................... 2 Gundry, A. D.................................. 4 Gundry, A. G.................................. 2 Gundry, Ella.................................... 1 Gundry, Mrs. Geo.......................... 2 Gundry, Mrs. Grace..................... 1 Gundry, Mrs. Hugh................2.... 2 Gundry, Mrs. John....................... 4 Gundry, Mrs. Mary B..................... 1 Gurnea, Mrs. Grace....................... 1 Guttridge, John................................ Gyorkes, Frank................................ 3 H Haas, Herbert....... --- ——....... —.......... —. 6 Hackney, Clarence..................... 1 Hackney, Geo. W............................3 Hackney, R. H.............................. 2 Hadrill, Mrs. Harriett...................6 Hadrill, Henrietta.................1...1 Haddrill, Jess................................... 3 Hagle, O. L...................................... 1 Hagle, Roy..................................... 3 Hagle, Mrs. Roy...................... 1 Haight, Harry C............................. 9 Haight, Mrs. Harry........................ 1 Haight, Mrs. H..........-................ 1 Haight, W. C.................................... 1 Hale, Miss Althea....................... 2 Haley, Mrs. W. H......................... 1 Hall, A. F....................................... 4 Hall, Miss Annibel..................... 2 Hale, C. B......................................... 1 Hall, Dan.......................................... 4 Hall, Mrs. Dan.............................. 3 Hall, Fenton.................................... 5 Hall, Mrs. Fenton........................ 1 Hall, F. T......................................... 3 Hall, Helen... --- —----—.......................... --- — 1 Hall, Mrs. Irma............................. 1 Hall, L. A...................................... 2 Hall, Mae.......................................... Hall, Moses...........4................... 4 Hall, Miss Ruth.............................. 1 Hall, Warren E.............................. 6 Hall, Wm. T.............................. ---- -- -- 1 Halligan, Tom.................................. 2 Halloway, N................ ---- -.............. --- 1 Halpin, Wm....................................... 4 Halsey, E. E................ ---............ --- —-—..... Halstead, Ed................................ 3 Halstead, Paull D.......................... 2 Hamady, M...................................... 2 Hamaker, Enid............................... 1 Hamders, Mrs. S. J...................... 1 Hammond, F. D............................... 6 Hammond, Mrs. Frank................. 1 Hammond, Mrs. H. R.................... 1 Hammond, J. M........................... 8 Hammond, N............................... ---- --- -- 5 Hammond, Mrs. Oliver................. 1 Hammond, Mrs. Ralph............. — -..... 1 Hamilton, Chas........................... 6 Hamilton, L. C................................ 1 Hamilton, Mrs. L........................ 1 Hamilton, S. C.................... —.... --- —-- 1 Hance, J. M. --- —-................................. 3 Handy, Mrs. Dr..................-....... 4 Hanna, Miss Edna......................... 4 Hannon, Harry.................................. Hanaford, Mrs. W. B.................... 1 Hansen, H. C................................. 2 Hansen, Miss M.............................. 2 Hansen, Walter............................. 1 Hanson, H. C................................... Hanson, J. L,................................. 2 Hanson, M...................................... 1 Hanson, N. M.................................. 1 Harden, Floyd.................................. 3 Harder, Mrs. K.............................. 1 Harder, Mrs. R. A.-..................... 1 Hardy, A. N.................................. ---- 1 Hardy, E. N.. --------—............................. 7 Hardy, Frank.................................. 1 Hardy, J...... --- —-----—................................ 9 Haremsky, Mrs. Stanley................ 2 Harlan, Dr. F. J.......................... 1 Harmon, Ruth.................................. Harp, Mrs. Chas....................... 1 Harper, Mrs. Nina......................... 1 Hart, Mrs. David -......1............1....... Hart, J.............................. --- —-—.......... --- 1 Harris, Anna.................................... 1 Harris, F. H.................................... 1 Harris, F. W..........................1......... Harris, Frank.................................. 2 Harris, H. H................................... 2 Harris, Haste................................. 2 Harris,Dr. N. E.......... ------.................. --- 1 Harris, Mrs. N. E......................... 2 Harris, Mrs. S. A.......................... 2 Harris, Wm..................................... 8 Harris, Mrs. W. H.......................... 1 Harris, Wm. R................................ Harrison, Mrs. Elmer................... 1 Harrison, Robt............................... Hart, Geo. Jr............................ 1 Hart, Howard.-..............................Hart, W. J..................................... 1 Hart, Mrs. N. J............................... 1 Hart, Violet............................... Hartman, Fred............................. Hartman, Geraldine................... 1 Hartman, Nellie.............................. 1 Hartshorn, Mrs. Allen.................... 3 Hartshorn, Bernice....................... 1 Hartshorn, Mrs. Ray...................... 1 Hartwell, Mrs................................... 1 Hartz, Joe....................................... 3 Haskell, Frank................................ 2 Haskins, Frank............................ 2 Haskins, Mrs.................................. 1 Hastings, Mrs. Chas.................... 1 Hastings, Wm............................ 8 Hastings, Mrs. Wm......................... 1 Hastings, Zada........-................... 3 Hasty, Julia................................ 1 Hatch, Mr.................................. 2 Hatch, Mrs. E. A.......................... 4 Hatch, Lorein............................... 1 Hatchard, Geo................................ 2 Hatfield, Carl.................................. 3 Hathaway, Mrs. Winnifred..........1 Hatherly, Mrs. A. E....................... 1 Haufman, Mr.................................. 1 Haughton, L. E.............................. 1 Hayes, Mrs. Mable.......................... 1 Hayes, Mrs. L. D............................. 1 Haymond, Edgar..............................7 Hayward, Henry........................... 4 Haviland, Dan P.......................... 6 Haviland, Mrs. Dan....................... 3 Haviland, Ed................................ 6. Haviland, Louis.............................. 4 Haviland, Mrs. Lew........................ 1 Haviland, P. D.............................. 1 Haviland, Wayne.......................... 1 Haviland, Mrs. Wayne.................. 1 Hawkins, Frank.............................. 1 Hazel, A. EL...................................... 4 Hearnley, Mrs. I............................ 1 Heck, Louis...................................... 1 Hedgeley, Alfred...........................-. 3 Heffner, J.................................1... Hegel, Phillip............................... 4 Hengesbaugh, L. M..................... 6 Heggenbottom, W.......................... 1 Heickie, F....................................... 2 Heisser, Frank.................. 3............ Helmer, Mina.................................... 4 Heming, C. B.................................. 1 Hempstead, Fred....................... 1 Hempstead, G. D........................... 1 Hempstead, Mrs. Geo..................... 1 Henderson, F. W............................ 7 Henderson, Reed........................... 4 Hendricks, C. E...........................1 Hendrickson, J. R.......................... 2 Henny, F........................................... 1 Henry, Mrs....................................... 1 Henry, C........................................... 1 Henry, Frank A.............................. 2 Hentzell, Leo................................. 1 Hentzell, Mrs................................. 1 Herfurth, Wm............................... 1 Herman, Fred............................ 3 Heron, Albert.............................. 1 Heron, Wm................................... 1 Herren, N. A..................................... 5 Herrlick, L. E.................................. 1 Herrick, Samuel.............................. Herron, Roy....... --- —--- —.......................... 5 Hescott, Benjamin...................... 1 Hetchler, C. 0.................................. 9 Hetchler, Mrs. C. 0...................... 1 Hetchler, Miss Helen.................... 1 Hewelt, H. J.................................. 1 Hewelt, Rev. Fr. J. B................ 8 Hewitt, C. E............................... 2 Hewitt, Eugene........................... 1 Hewitt, Westley.......................... 4 Heyl, Wm........................................... 1 Hibbard, Otis G............................. 4 Hibbard, Mrs.................................. 1 Hibbard, Mrs. F. E......................... 1 Hibbard, W. W............................... 3 Hibbard, Mrs. W. W..................... 1 Hicks, E....................................... 1 Hicks, Frank.... --- —--—...... —.................... Higgenbotham, Elva.................... 1 Higgenbotham, Mrs. Jno............... 3 Higgenbotham, Walter G............. — 4 Higgins, C......................... -.......... 3 -Hill, Archie...................................... 6 Hill, Arthur. ----................................... 3 Hill, Bert........................................ 5 Hill, Mrs. Bert.............................. --- — - 3 Hill, Ernest........3........................... 3 Hill, C. Frank.................................. Hill, C. P.....................................1...... I Hill, Mrs. Geo.................................. Hill, Geo. W............................ 8 Hill, H. E........................................... 2 Hills, Harley L............................. 7 Hills, Mrs. Harley............................ Hill, Harvey C............................... 3 L Hill, Mrs. Helen............................. 1 Hill, J. L....................................... 8 Hill, Mrs. Lula................................. 1 Hil', Melzor........................1............. Hill, Mort........................................ 4 Hill, Mrs. Mort................................ 3 Hill, W m. E................................... 4 Hillier, Ed...................................- 1 Hillier, Mrs. Ed............................... 1 Hillier, J. E.................................... 1 Hillier, Miss Wealthy.................... 1 Hiller, Wi!l..................... --- —-- 4 Hilliker, Harold.............................. 1 Hilton, Clare.................................... I Hime, Geo....................................... — 1 Himmelburger, Dr. L. R............... 1 Hinds, Mrs. Annie............................ 1; Hinkley, Mrs. W. G....................... 1 LHinkley, Mrs. W. J.........................1 Hinkley, Mrs. Warren................... 2 Hiscock, Alfred.............................. 1 Hiscock, Gertrude.......................... 1 279 Hiscock, P. W............................... 4 Hitchcock, Fred H.................4..... 4 Hitchcock, Mable..........................1 Hitchcock, R. W............................ 1 Hixson, Hal....................................... Hoag, Lee.............1...................... 1 Hobson, Josh.................... ---- ---.......... —... 4 Hockaday, Alice.............................. Hockridge, Miss..............1................ 1 Hodges, A. F..............................3..... Hodges, Mrs. B ------—.......................... 2 Hodges, W. E.................................. 4 Hodgkinson, Florence.................... 1 Hoenke, Paul.................................... 1 Hoelzle, Fred................................... 4 Hoff, Mrs. L. N..............1................. Hoffman, Mrs. Bess........................ 1 'Hoffman, Mrs. Frank................... 1 Hoffman, Nick................................ 1 Hoffman, Ward.............................. Hoffman, Mrs. Ward......................1 Hogadone, Mrs............................... 1 Hogan, John, P................3................ Hogan, John R................................. Hogan, Mrs. Mary........................ 1 Hogen, Peter.................................... 1 Hagel, Ray........................................ 1 Hokanson, J..................................... 1 Holchan, R. D............................. 1 Holden, N. C.................................... 2 Holihan, R. P................................... Holland, Chas................................. 2 Holland, J. J...2................................. Hollingworth, Mrs..........................1 Holman, Geo. H...............1............... Hollman, R. F..........................1...... Holman, Richard............................ --- —-- Holmes, Eugena.........................1 Holmes, Geo. H.............................. 6 Holmes, Geo. W............................... 1 Holmes, Harry............................... 1 Holmes, Mrs. H. L..........2..............2 Holser, Frank...........................3.. Hoove, Alvin J................................ Hopkins, W...................................... 1 Horgott, Mr.....................................2 Horne, Georgiana 1........................... Horner, A. B.......................3...........3 Horner, R. K................................... 3 Hornfeldt, G.................................... 1 Horning, A....................................... 5 Horrlgan, F..................................... Horrigan, James.................... 1 Horrigan, Verna............................ 1 Hartiman, Mr................................. 1 Horton, Miss Bea.......................-..... 1 Horton, Mrs. Chas........................ 1 Horton, Mrs. H.......................... 1 Horton, Mrs. J. H........................... 2 Horton, W. H.................................. 10 Hosie, William.................................. 3 Hosner, Frank.................................. 3 Hotchkiss, H. D............................ 1 Hotchkiss, J. D.............-............. --- ---- 2 Houck, Mrs. Jay...............1...........1 Hough, Foster.................................6 Houghridge, Miss Clara.............. 1 Houghtaling, Marion......1............ I Houghton, Dr...................................1 Houghton, Fred.............................. 7 Houghton, Fred M........................ 3 Houghton, Mrs. Gladys.................. Houghton, Howard.....3.................. Houran, C. A 2................................... Houran, Lucille................-...... —... 1 Houtrik, Christie.............................. 1 Hovey, Roy ---.......................1........ 1 Howard, F. M.................................. Howard, Mrs. Frank.....................1 Howald, J. W................................. 3 Howard, Jesse................................ 4 Howard, Mrs. Jessie...................... 4 Howden, Mrs. N. J............2............ Howick, H...................................... Howe, Mrs. F. C...................4......... Howe, Miss G.................................. 2 Howe, Mrs. Jane.............1................ Howe, J. G....................................... 7 Howell, G. P...................................Howell, Kenneth............................ Howland, Mrs. Fred...................... 1 Howland, Mrs. Geo...................... 2 H oyt, O............................................. 3 Hoyt, Mrs. Otto....................... --- —-. 1 Hubbard, Ed.................................. ---- 1 Hubbard, Geo. W........................ 2 Hubbard, W. N....................... --- —- - 1 Hubbard, W. R................. --- —-------------- 1 Hubbe'l, Fred............ --- —------------- 1 Hudson, Alice -.... —.......-.-. --------—. ---1 Hudson, Geo..... —.......... --- —---------.. 1 Hudson, Ralph..................... — 1 Huff, C. L.......................................... --- —---------- 1 Huffman, W. L............................. — 1 Hufstader, Rev. R. C.................... 7 Huggins, John.................................. 1 Hughes, Frank......................... 1 Hughes, Herman........................... 11 Hughes, Herman.......................... 1 Hughes, J. S............................. 2 Hughes, Margaret.......................... --- 1 Hughes, Mrs. Ray............................ 1 Hughes, Thos.................................. 2 Hull, Mrs. Edith......................2.... 2 Hull, Geo.......................... 4 Hull, Mrs. Geo................................ 4 Hulliberger, Mrs............................. 1 Humfrey, May................................ 1 Hummell, F............................ --- —-- 1 Humphry, W. R........................... 1 --- Hungerford, Mrs. Theresa............ 1 Hunt, Cecil................................... --- 1 Hunt, Miss.....................................1 Huntoon, R..................................... 1 H urd, M iss........................................ 2 Hurd, Alton.................................... --- —- 1 Hurd, Florence............................... 1 Husa, Paul...................................... 2 Huston, W. S................................... 2 Hutchins, F. J................................ 6 Hutchins, Mrs. F. J..................... 2 Hutchins, H. J................................ 1 Hutchins, Mrs. J. W...................... 1 Hutchinson, W. S.............-........... 3 Hutchinson, Mrs. W. S................. 1 Hutchkiss, Fred...............................1 Hutton, W. H............................... 1 Hutton, W. J.................................. 2 Huyck, Ellsworth........................ 8 Hyatt, Mrs. F................................. 1 Hyatt, Mrs. Ferris........................ 1 Hyflan, Joseph................................. Hynes, Joe...................................... 4 Hynes, Wmn................................... 4 I Ignash, A.......................................... 1 Inch, H. J.................................. 6 Ingalls, Dr. 0. F............................. Ingam, Mrs. Alice........................... 1 Ingham, F. C.........-.................. 2 Ingersoll, Elda......................... 1 Inman, M........................................ 1 Innes, H. L................ 1.................... Issentrager, Mrs. Geo..................... 3 Isherwood, Mrs. W. S................. 3 Isherwood, W. S............................... Ingham, Floyd............................ 1..... Ives, Albert................................ 3 J Jackson, Mrs. Alice........................ 1 Jackson, Mrs. B. E........................ 1 Jackson, G................................. 6 Jackson, Mrs. Grover.................... 1 Jackson, Grover H....................... 6 Jackson, Hilda............................... 1 Jackson, H. J.................................. 6 Jackson, Miss M............................ 6 Jackson, W. W................................ 2 Jacobus, C........................................ 1 Jadwin, J. H..................................... 6 Jahnke, Emil.................................... 1 Jakeway, E. W................................. 1 James, Mrs. Etta.......................... 1 James, W. J................................... 1 Jameson, Mrs. Geo....................... 2 Jamenson, Mrs................................ 1 Jameson, George.............................. 3 Jane, Ellen..................................... 1 Jansen, W..................................... 1 Jean, George ----—................................. 3 Jeffries, Mrs. Anna....................... 2 Jenkins, Chas................................. 2 Jenkins, C. C..................................... 2 Jenkins, Chas. S..... --- —-............-..... 1 Jenniches, Bartholomew.............. 2 Jenniches, Bert..............................1 Jennings, Albert.......................... 3 Jennings, A. W.............................. 1 Jennings, Mrs. E. J....... —....-........... --- 1 Jennings, Mrs. Harley...................1 Jennings, Miss Hazel 1........... 1 Jennings, L. E............................... 2 Jennings, L. M................................. 1 Jennings, Mrs. Roy........................ 3 Jennings, Mrs. Roy W................... 3 Jennings, R. C.......................... --- —- 1 Jennings, Roy M....-.........-.....-.... --- 1 Jennings, Roy..................... ---... — -- --- 11 Jennings, Mrs. Ruby..................... 1 Jewett, Marjorie S........................... 1 Jobson, Mrs. Ed............................... 2 Jobson, Mrs. Leon... --- —................. —.. 2 Jockanson, J. A............................... 1 Johnson, Mrs...-......-............-.. — ------ 1 Johnson, A. C.....................-. --- —---- 1 Johnson, Alice...................... i --- —-- --- Johnson, Alfred.............................. Johnson, Art --------—...................... Johnsoi. A. E -—......... —........ -—.. --- —- - 2 Johnson Mrs, Belle........................ 1 Johnson, Betty........... --- —....... --- —---- 1 Johnson, Mrs. Burton................... 2 Johnson, Carrie.. ----................ --- ----—.... 1 Johnson, C. D..... —.. —............... --- —-------------—.......... 1 Johnson, Mrs. Courtney................ — 2 Johnson, D. H. -................ --- —------------------------- 1 Johnson, E. A.......... --- —........ --- —------ 1 Johnson, Earl F...-..............-....... ---- 1 Johnson, Earl -—................... --- —--. 2 Johnson, Ernest......................... 1 Johnson, Ed...-..-.. --- —------------------- 1 Johnson, Edith.....-..-.....-........ — -—. 1 Johnson, E. F..................-........ --- — --- 1 Johnson, Mrs. Ernest...........-........ 2 Johnson. Frank..................... —. ----.Tohnson, Fred........................ --- 3.Tohnson, Mrs. Fred.......1.............. 1 Johnson, Mrs. Gladys................... 1 Johnson, (r. W.............. ----.......... —...- 1,Johnson, Mrs..Tasper.... —... ---......-.....- 1.Tohnson, John..........-.....1...... --- —-- 1 Johnson, Mrs. Laura..................... 1 Johnson, LeRoy..................... --- —--- 4 Johnson, Mrs. Merritt.................... 3 Johnson, Morris.............................2 Johnson, Mrs. M. W....................... 1 Johnson, Ralph........................ --- —-- Johnson, Mrs. Ralph...................... 2 Johnson, Seth V.................... 5 Johnson, Mrs. Wm..................... 2 Johnson, W. B................................ 3 Johnston, Mrs................................ ---- 1 Johnston, Art............................. --- —- 3 Johnston, D. J................................. 2 Johnston, E..................................... 1 Johnston, Mrs. Edna.................... 1 Johnston, E. L................................. 1 Johnston, E. S................... ---........... --- —... 1 Johnston, Milton.................. --- -- - 1 Johnston, W m................................ 5 Jones, Ada.................1....................... Jones, Cordelia.................. ----1............. :c HISTORY OF GENESEE Jones, Ed........................................ 5 Knapp, M. S............................ --- — 4 L Jones, Fred..................................... 5 Knapp, Mrs. O. C....................... --- — 1 L Jones, Frank............-............. — ------- 3 Knapp, W. J................................. 1 L Jones, Glenn W............................... 1 Kneebone, J. R.............................. --- 2 L Jones, Mrs. 2 Knickerbocker, Chas..................... 1 L Jones, Mrs. Glenn................... 2 Knickerbocker, Henry.............. 4 L Jones, Mrs. Harry......................... 1 Knight, Miss Alice........................ 2 LE Jones, K........................................... 1 K night, R. R....................... LE Jones, Melvin................................ 1 Knox, Miss Marie........................... 4 L Jones, Roy............................. 4 Koch, Jacob..................................... 1 LE Jones, Samuel................................ Koch, J. C........................................ ---- 3 L Jones, W..................... 1 Koch, Mrs. J. C............................... 1 Lo Jones, W. C.......................................10 Koepke, Mrs. Arthur..................... 2 L Jones, N. 0.............. 1......... Koepke, A. C..................................... 9 L Jopp, P. W................................ 1 Koinig, H............................... 1 L Jordon, Belle...................... 1 Konantz, Gladys 1 L Jordon, Mrs. Carrie....................... 2 Konya, Wm....................................... 1 L Jordan, D. L.................................... 1 Koon, Mrs. ELd.......................... -... Jordan, R. M.................................. 1 Koster, L. J...................................... 2 L Judson, Mrs. Fred.......................... 1 Kountz, Claude.............................. 1L Judson, Geo.................................... 4 Kaye, Thos.......................................- 1 L Judson, Mrs. Russell..................... 1 Kowen, F. M..-...-..................... --- —--- 1 L Juhl, Margaret................................. 1 Krause, Mrs. Mary A...... —......-...... 1 L K Kreidler, B. C........... --- —..............-.. — 3 L Kaene, Mrs. H. H........................... 1 Kressler, Mrs............................... ---- 1 L Kaffel, W................................... 1 K ridler, orfydd E. ----- 1 L Kagey, Mrs. C. C.......................... 4 Kridler, Elizabeth.................... 1L Kagey, C. C................-................... 8 Krueger, Mrs. W. J...................... 1 L Kahl, Mrs. B................................. 1 Kuehunle, Louis.......................... 2L Kaiser, Mr......................,.................................. 4 L Kaiser, H. F........................................ Kuhn, L. P...................................... 1 L Kallmorgen, E. C............................. 1 Kurtz, L. G............................. 1 L Kane, Mrs. Guy..................... 1 Kurtz, M. B............................... — 3 L Kapp, E...................................... 4 Kuth, C. L..... -------- --- - L Karrer, F. L................................... Kyser, alter.............................. 1 L Karrigan, Mrs. Chas...................1... 1 L L Karrigeon, N....................................... ---.......................... 1 L Kaschub, D................................... Lacss, Fred..................................- 4 L Kaufman, A. L..................... --- — 1 Lacure Geo. ---- -.. --- —------—. 1 L Kavasker, J....................................... 1 Laure, Mrs. Nellie....................... 2 L Keating, F. M................................... 1 Ladle, Arthur.................................. I Keefer, Jess................... 3 c............... LaDuc, H. 5 I Keene, 0.................................... 2 LaDuc, Mable.................................. 1 I Keener, 0. J.......................................2 Laffrey, J................................ 1 Keeney, Miss F................................. Lacurey, eo................................ ---- 1 I Kehoe, W. R................................... 1 Laing, John B. i...............-......... - 1 Keifer, Mrs D. M........................... 1 Lalng, John F........................... 1 I K eith, C. L................................ 1 Laing, Paul..................................... 1 Kellar, Frank................................. 4 Laird, Mrs. Bruce............................ 1 I Kellar, Geo.....................;...... 4 Laird, Mrs. Robt................... ------ ---- 1 I Kellar, Henry............................ 2 Lake, Howard.............................. 1 I Kellar, Henry C.......................... 2 Lake, Jene.................................. 1 I Kellar, W.................... 2 Lamaney, Bob............................... 31 I Kelleher, D. E............................... Lamb, G..................... 6 I Keller, Frank.................... 1 Lamb, James.. --- —----................... 3 Keller, G................................... 2 Lamb, Mrs. M. J......................... 1 I Keller, Harry.......... -.........1, C -----—.... ---- 1 I Kellerman, Mrs. Ben...................... 1 Larnmen, G. B............ --- —................... ---- 1 Kellogg, Mrs. Geo. W.................... 1 Lamond, Mary............................... --- —------ 1I Kelly, Mrs. Albert..........................1 Lamson, R............................I --- 2 Kelley, Albert............................. 3 Landis, H...-...-.. —...................11 --- -- 1 Kelley, F........................................... 2 Landon, Mrs. Andrew.................... 1 Kelley, F......................................... 1 Landon, Mrs. Wm...... --- ——.............. 1 Kelly, F. B.......... 3 Lane,........................... 3 Lane, Edw 1 ] Kelley, Geo...................................... Lane, Mrs. 1 Kelley, Jas. -- --- --- -- 2 Lane, Fred.......................3 ] Kelly, J. B......................................... 2 Lane, Mrs. Mary............................ 1 Kelley, Louis.................................... 4 Lane, Mrs. W. H..................... --- —---- 2 Kelly, L. A...................................... 3 Lang, Frank.................................... 1 Kelley, L. H................................ 1 Lang, LeRoy. ----- -—. — 5 Kelly, Mary M................................ 3 Lang, Thos...................................... 2 Kelley, P. J...................................... 2 Langdon, G. W —........... --- —.................. 1 Kelley, Tom..................................... 2 Langhier, Mrs. Lader.................... 1 Kellerman, Mrs. Ben.................. 1 Langin, Edna.................................... 1 Kellerman, B. E.............................. 1 Langley, Elmer....-........................ 5. Kelly, G. A....................................... 1 Langley, Mrs. Elmer.................... 1 Kelly, M. C.................................... 1 Langley, Ira...................... --- — 5 Kemp, Harry.................................... 3 Lannon, M. J..................................... 1 Kendrick, Scott................................ I Lapish, Arthur.......-..........-....... --- —-- 2 Kennedy, Mr..................................... 6 Larabee, F. B.................................. 2 Kenworthy, Harry......................... 1 Larabee, Mrs. Frank..................... 1 Kenworthy, I. S............................... 1 Larabee, Jeanette.......................... 1 Kenworthy, Mrs. L. S................... 1 Largent, Otto R............................... 13 Kerkey, F.......................................... 1 Larke, W.................. ---......... —. —. - 1 Kerr, eo.......................................... 1 Larkin, Isaac...............-......... --- —---- 1 Kerr, Mrs......................................... 1 Larobardiere, Floyd.................. 3 Kerr, Emma.................................... 2 LaRock, Mrs. W. G........................ --- — 1 Kerr, Manson.................................. 2 Larson, L. E................................... 2 Kerles, John.............................. 3 Lathrop, Al..................................... --- —- 3 Kessling, Albert........................ 1 Lathrop, Thos...................... --- —-.......- -- 1 Kesz, Dan.......................................... 2 Latshaw, Roy..... --- —................. —........... 1 Ketzler, Louis.................................. 3 Lattimer, R. J...... --- 2 Killeen, Mrs. Chas......-.......1.......... 1 Lauster, Mrs. E. S........................ 1 Killian, Mrs. E. B.......................... 1 Lauster, L. E........ --- —--—.............. --- —---- 1 Kilpatrick, Mrs............................... 1 Lavender, Mrs. Etta...................... 8 Kilpatrick, Mrs. W. H................... 2 Lavender, J. H.............................- 6 Kimmell, Mrs. Agnes.................... 1 Law, Catherine.............................. 4 Kimmell, Mrs. Chas...................... 1 Law, Mrs. Ed................ -----....... --- 1 Kine, Nora....................................... 1 Lawn, Dr. R..................-.... --- —-- --- - 1 King, Mrs.............................. 1 Lawrence, Ben................................ --- —----- 3 King, Mrs. A. D.......................... 2 Lawrence, Mrs. Geo....................... — 1 King, Chas...................................... 1 Lawrece, John.................. --- ——..... King, Mrs. Frank............................ 1 Lawr*wnce, Mrs. K. M.................... --- --- 1 King, H. B......................................... 1 Lawrence, Mrs. Pearl.................... 3 King, Mrs. J. C................. 1 Lawrence, Roy K...................... — ----- 1 King, Mrs. Orvil.............................. 1 Lawrence, W. W............................. 3 K ing, P. D....................................... 3 Law ler, R. H..................................... 2 King, S.............................. 1 Leach, Clyde....................... --- —---— 1 Leach, Clyde.. 1 K ing, Tobe........................................ 3 Leach, M rs. Clyde............................ 2 Kingsland, F. W........................... 1 Leach, Mrs. Dora............................ — 1 Kingsley, Harold............................ 1 Leach, Mrs. Howard.................-.. — 2 Kingsley, E. M.............................., Leach, Nellie 1 Kirby, L. P....................................... Leach,. R. A................... --- ——. ---- 1 Kirby, Pearl................................... Leach, Mrs. Wm............................. 3 Kitchen, Mrs. Frank................... 2 Leary, W. H.......................... ---- ------ ---- 2 Kitchen, Frank ---- ----- 1 Lease, Mr.. --- —---- 2 Kitchenel, Mrs R............................... 13 Leasch, r................-.......................1 Kteispell, Reinhard 4..._.... 4 Leasch, Wm. —. --- —--- 1 Kletl, Minnie........................... 1 LeDuc, Mrs.................. --- —--—............. 1 Kline, J............................................. - Lee, Ed. S................. --- —---- 1 Klilnkman, C................................. 1 Lee, Mrs...................... --- — --- --------- 2 ]Bapp, Dr. Don.............................. 3 Lee, Mrs. Ge. R............................. 1 K nap,, F. W..................................... 4 Lee,........................................... 2 Knapp, Mrs. Fred.......................... ---- - 2 Lee, Ray................ —..... --- —- -- 3 Knapp,. DrI, ]. D-..... —........... 2 Leech, Geo................... --—............... 4 Knapp, J...................................... 3~ Leib, Mrs. Arthur............................ 2 elmbach, May............................ 1 einback, C................................- 1 eland, C. B........... —.................. 1 1 emback, Roy................................ emon, Joe............................... —........ --- 1 enhart, l!sle..........-1....................... 1 ennon, Peter.................................... 3 enz, Arnold..................................... 3 eonard, Julia.................................. 2 epord, Sumner.............................. 1 eroy, Catherine.................. 1........ etts, A...................................... --- ----- - 3 etts, 0............... ---- -—............... —.. --- — 2 ewis, Albert M..-......................... 4 ewis, Mrs. C. T............................ 1 ewis, Helen.... —......................... 1 1 ewis, Isabel H......................... 1,ewis, James S............................... 1 ewtpis, L......-... ---................... --- —- 1 I ewis, Mrs. Mabel................... 1. ewis, Mrs. P................................. 1,ewis, R. F...................................... 1,ewis, Mrs. Wesley...................... 1 ],ewis, Wr. S........................................ 1,ieneau, M. J.................................. 2 Aignian, Mrs...................................... Aincoln, Geo............................... 4 jindsay, A.......................................1 Aindsay, F. J.................................. 1,ineau, J. M..................................... 1 -ingle, VW. H......................... 1,inn, Gertrude............................. ---..... 1 Ainton, Geo............................ --- —--- 3 Lippincott, Chas. L...................... --- —- 1 Lippincott, Mrs. Chas.................... 1 Aippincott, John............................ 4 Mipscomb, Mrs................................ 1 Misk, Ethel................... ---- ---—........... ---- 1 Littke, G. H.......................... --- — ------- 1 ittle, C............................ —............ --- — 2 Little, Mrs. L. W.................-... --- 1 Littlefield, Mrs. Mae...................... 1 Lloyd, Ralph H.............................. 1 Lloyd, Mrs............. ---............. 2 Lloyd, Wm....................-....... --- ----- 2 Lobban, John................................. --- —--- 3 Locke, A........... ----............... --- —--------------- 1 Lockets, Mrs......................... --- ----- 1 Lockhart, R................... —......... 3 Locy, Mrs. Belle D..........................11 Locy, Dr. L. J............................... — 2 Locy, D. J........................................ 1 Loder, Burt.................... — --------—............ 2 Lohrstorfer, Helen.......................... 1 Lomasney, Bob............................... 1 Londrigham, Mrs. Alfred............. ---- 1 Long, M iss........................................ 1 Long, Bruce.....................-.-.... --- —- 4 Long, Frank...................... ---... --- - 1 Long, H. M. --- — ---—.......................... --- —- 2 Long, J. H............................... — ---- 7 Long, Mary...................................... 1 Long, O. R. ---......................-... --- —- 2 Long, Phalee................................ --- —- 3 Long, Ralph........................... — ------- 6 Long, Mrs. Ralph....................... ---.. ---- 1 Long, R. D............................. --- —---- 1 Long, Mrs. Stella.......................... — 1 Long, W. E....................................... --- 1 Longway, Robert................ ---.. 2 Lossing, Mrs. Emma...................... 1 Lossing, Mrs. Fred........................ 1 Loster, Wm........................ --- —-------- 1 Lont, Geo...................... ---- ------ 1 Love, Earl —......................................... 1 Lovegrove, G. R...... --- —.... ----..... --- —..-..... —..- 1 Longrove, W. R.................. --- — 2 Lovejoy, A. E.......... —............ --- —.. —. 2 Lovejoy, Mrs. Carl......................... 1 Lovejoy, Harold.................... --- —-... 4 Lovejoy, John............... —..... --- —-------- 3 Lown, Mrs. Dora..........................-.... — 1 Lozon, Carl..................... --- —-- ---- 6 Luby, Rev. Fr............................. --- —- --- 1 Luce, Ira.......................................... Luce, John................................ --- —----------—......... 5 Lucq, Bert ha........................ —.. —. ---- 1 Ludwig, Mrs. Edith........1............ Ludwig, Roberta.................... — - 1 Lumbach, Roy ---............... --- —--------—. 3 Lumfere, Mrs. Cal...................... --- — 1 Lundberg, I................................ --- —------ 1 Lundy, H. M.................................... 4 Lunt, Ed. S............................ --- ---- -—... 10 Lunt, W. S........................................ 1 Lymburn, Alex...................... --- —----- 5 Lymburn, Miss................. --- —----—...... 1 Lynas, Mrs. Lucy.................... --- — 1 Lynch, F.... ---—......................... --- —--- 1 Lynch, H. F.... ---........................... --- —.... 1 Lynch, J. J.............................. —... — 1 Lynch, Mrs. J. J....................... — 1 Lynch, Mike --- —..................... --- ——. ---- 1 Lynch, M. J........................... --- —------- 1 Lynch, Will............. --- -—..... —........... ---- 1 Lynde, Mrs. J........................ --- —- 1 Lyden, Lawrence................... ---- 1 Lynn, Frank................. --- —------------------- 2 Lyon, C. J........-........ --- —----------------- 2 Lyon, Francis. ---............... --- —---- --........ 2 Lyon, Mrs. John.......................... 1 Lyon, Mrs. John ------------------------------ 1 Lyons, W. R................................... 1 Lysen, E. B.- - --------- 1 lahnke, Lillian................................ 1 M,ahoney, J. K.......................... 1 M Iahaney, Mrs. R. E....................... 3 M laines, C. A..................................- - 1 M daines, Mrs. C. T.......................... 4 M daines, Geo................................. ---- - 2 M daines, Marion L.......................... 1 M Iallery, H. J.......................... — 1 M Mallery, J. G................................ — 2 M Nfallie, Florence............................. --- —... I M Matt, Lester --—.................... --- —----------—............. 1 M.Iatt, Mrs. S'tewart........................ — 1 M Mallinson, Rev. H. H........ ---.. ---........ 1 M Mallory, Mrs. Harvey. ---........-.. —....... --- 1 M Maloney, Mrs. J............................... --- — 1 M Mancour, Fred.......................... --- —------ M Mann, C. H...................................... 4 M Mann, Mrs. Harry........................... 1M Manka, John........................ ---.............. 1 M Mansfield, Don............................... 3 M Mansfield, Mrs. Lillian................. 1 Mansfield, Marie..................... —..... ---- 1 Mansfield, Mrs................................. --------- 1 Mansfield, W. I — - - 1. Mansfield, W - E. --- —--------------------- 3 V Mansfield, VW. E...............................3 Mansfield, Mrs. WV. R..................... — 4 Mansfield, John D........................... 2 Manning, Celia I.......................... 1.. Manwarring, Dr. J. G. R............ 5 IV Manwarring, Mrs. J. G. R.......... 2 A Manzer, M. J.......................... ---- ---- 1 N Marble, Mrs. F. W........................ --- 2 Marble, F. W.................................. 2 Marble, Mrs. S. W........................... 1 Marble, John............. --- —........... --- —---.. --- 1 Marie, Mrs........................... ---.............. 1 Marien, Mrs. Henry........................ 1 1 Marion, Mrs. E................................ 1 Marke, Mrs. Leo.......................... —. 1 Markey, Herb................................ --- 1 Marsden, Mr..................................... --- ---- --- 1 Marsh, C. J.................................... 2 Marshall, Dallas.......................... 11 D Marshall, Mrs. Dallas....................... 1 Marshall, E................................- 1 Marshall, Frank............................ 3 3 Marshall, Geo...................... ------ 1 Marshall, Laver.......................... — 1 Marshall, Mrs. O. C..................... 1 ] Marshall, W. W............................... 4 Marshall, W. M............................ 33 Marti, A. V............................. --- - 7 Marsman, Tom.................................. Martin, B......................................... 1 Martin, Della............................... — 3... Martin, D............ --- —----—.............. --- —------ 2 Martin, E. J................................... — 3 Martin, Elizabeth......................... 1 Martin, Mrs. Elias.......................... 1 ] Martin, Mrs. Geo........................... 1 ] Martin, Mrs. Henry........................ 1: Martin, H. G.............................. --- 1 Martin, Horace P........................... 2 Martin, James............................... 8 Martin, J. D..................................... 1 Martin, John J................................ 1 Martin, John............................. --- 4 Martin, Mrs. Mary.......................... 3 Martin, Lee................................... 3 Martin, L. L............................... — 5 Martin, Thos........................... --- —----- 4 Martin, W. E,.................................. 3 Mason, Mrs. A. C............................. ---- - 5 Mason, Miss Hida............................... 1 Matgen, Chas. J..-......................... 1 Matheson, H. C......... ---................... ---- 1 Mathewson. Mrs. Ed................... 1 Mathewson, Mrs. E. C................... 1 Mathewson, F. G............................. 1 Mathewson, G............................... --- —- 2 Matteson, Susan.............................. 1 Matt, Lester...................................... 1 Matthews, C. H.......................... 5 Mathews, Earl................................ 5 Matson, Dr................................. — 1 Matson, Mrs. Chas..................... -----—.. 1 Matson, Mrs. J. V......... --- —-—................. 2 Matzen. Chas................................... 1 Maurer, C. M................................... 1 Maurer, Geo.................................... 6 Maurer, Mrs. Geo............................ 1 Maxwell, Frank............................ 1 Maxwell............................................ 1 Mayer, C. F...................................... 3 Mayer, Mrs. C. F............................ 2 May, Comdt...................................... 1 Maynard, Z....1...................... 1 Mays, Chas........................... —....... 6 Mays, Mrs. Chas............................... 2 Meacher, Geo. C............................... 4 Meade, Mrs. C. O............................. 1 Meade, Mrs. Geo............................. 2 Mears, E. P..................................... 1 Medbury, Truman.......................... 2 Medbury, Mrs. T. M...................... 3 Meeks, Mrs. D. D............ --- —-—.............. 1 L Meeks, Mrs. Millie.......................... 4 Meison, Mrs. H. W........................ 1 Meldrum, Wm................................... 2 Mellon, Frances...-...................... --- 1 Menoskey, Joseph............................ 3 Mercer, John.........-........................ 5 I Mercile, Samuel V........................... 1 Mercill, Marie.................................... 1 I Merriam, Mrs. E. B...................... 3 2 Merrifleld, C. H.............................. 1 1 Merrill, Chas.................................. 1 2 Merrill, Giles................................... 1 Merrill, Mrs. Wm. H.................... 1 4 Merrill, Mrs. Vivian....................... 1 2 Merritt, Bert...................................... 3 6 Merson, Mrs....................................... 1 1 Meyers, Mrs. Fay............................ 1 1 Merson, Mrs. H.............................. 1 3 Merson, H. W'......................-............ 1 1 Meyer, A. H......................................... 1 eyers, C. Fay................................ 4 eyers, Mrs. C. Fay....................... 3 eyers, Mrs. Morris....................... --- --- 1 ichael, Mrs. Hazel..................... 1 iddlebrook, Wm.......................... 1 iddleton, E................................... 1 [iddleton, Mrs..........................1..... [iddleworth, Evelyn................. 1 [iddleworth, Mrs. J. J................. 1 iddleworth, Laura...................... 2 I llard, Carl................................... 3 iller, Bernida............................ 2 Illter, Dr. B. F. Jr..................... 7:iler, Dr. B. F............................... 4 filler, Mrs. B. F........................1 iller, C...........................................:iller, Clarence................. ---............. 1 [iller, Chas............-........ --- —--------- 7 [iller, Mrs. C. H............................ 1 [iller, C. H....................................... --- [iller, H........................................... 1 [iller, Mrs. H. A............................. 3 [il ler, H azel....................................1 [iller, I. R..............................- 1 [iller, John A................................ --- —- 5 filler, J. F...................................... 2 iller, L. B...................................... 2 filler, Nelson S.............................3 Biller, Roy............................. --- —-- —....... 1 liller, Mrs. R. Jr........................... — 1 liller, Sherman.............................. 4 Ii'ller, Sterling.............................. 1 Willer, Madge.................................. --- —- - 1 liller, W. A....................... --- —.......... --- 1 diller, Dr. E. W. N.......................... 3 Iillian, Mrs. E. B........................... 1 Mills, C........................................ ---- 2 Mills, M ary 1.............................. Mills, Mrs. P. D.............................. 1 Mills, Tom 2...................................... Mills, Mrs. Wm............................ — 1 Miles, Mrs. Bert......................... 1 Miles, Ila 8....................... 3... --- —Miles, Wm. 4 Miner, Mrs. Clara 1.................... ---Miner, Mrs. Frank............................ Miner, Mrs. F. A................... ---....... 3 Miner, Mrs. F. B.............................- 2 Miner, Dr. F. B...................... 2 Miners, Jas....................................... 1 Minor, Mrs. J. R........................ Miner, Hazel.1....-........................ Minard, Mrs. Wm...................- 1 Minto, Chas..................I --- —--- 2 Mitchell, Mrs. Agnes.................- 1 Mitchell, Fred 3 M itchell, F. L................. --- —----- ----- - Mitchell, Ge o. A..2.............. Mitchell, Mrs. Herbert....................... 1 Mitchell, Mrs. 0........... 1.............. Mitchell, Mrs. W. W..................... 2 Mock, RoyChas.......................... 1 Moffett, Mrs. eo........................ 1 Moffett, Martha........1...................... Moffett, Robt........1.................... Moffett, Sam Jr.............................10 Moll, Dr. Carl F................ —.... --- 6 Molony, Mrs. Don........... —...... — Momand, G. Edgar................... Montague, Chas. ---------- - M ontague, Cha s................................ 4 Montague, Chas. Sr.................... Montague, C. H........ --- —------------------ 3 Montague, Fern.............................. --- —--- 2 Montague, Frank.......6..................... Montague, Vern............................ 1 Montgomery, Mrs. Wade 4............. 4 Monroe, Florence 3............................ Monroe, Mrs. James................................ 4 Monroe,. Jaes................................ 2 Monson, Harold..................... 1 Mooers, A. B...................................... 3 Moores, Mrs. Earl............................ Moore, Catherine............................ Moore, Helen 2................................ Moore, Wm. -------------------------- 1 Moore, Clifford 2 --- —---- Moore, Dennis.................... 1 Moore, DJ. 1. Moore, Frank B.........8.....- ---- Moore, Hira C......... --- —... —. 6 Moran, Christy........2............ Moran, John 6..... Moran, Wm. -. m.......... --- —--- 1 Moran, W. C. --- ~ --- —- 1 Moran, W. J. 8 Merely, Mrs. S. 0. --- —--- 1 Morgan, Jos. S................ --- —--- Morgan, P. M............... --- —-- 1 Morgan, W. S...... --- —-..... ---- 1 Morgan, Mrs Vern.....................-............ —.. — 1 Morley, Etta...........-. —... --- 1 Morningstar. Albert............... --- —. 1 Morris, J. W............ 1 ----— ~"~'~""""" I Morris, Mrs. C. T...................... --- —----- Morris, Louis J.............-. --- —-------- Morrisy, Wesley J.............. --- — ----- Morris, Mrs. Louise J................ --- ----- 1 Morris, Lewis................................. Morris, Mrs................. --- —......... Morris, Mrs. Chas..................... --- —- 2 Morris, Mrs. Geo....-................. — 1 M orrish, M r.................................. 1 M orri-h, M rs...................................1 Morrish, Mrs. Alice........................ --- — 4 Morrish, Inez............................. Morrish, J. W...................... --- —............. i Morrish, Mrs. J. W...................... --- — 2 Morrish. Mabel.......... --- -............ --- —----- - 4 Morrish, Nina........ --- —---------------- 2 Morrish, Norman A..............-.................... Morrish, Mrs. Norman...................... 1 Morrish, Mrs. Phoebe...................... 1 Morrish, Wilbert E................................ Morrish, W. J...................... --- —Morrish, Vernon......................... I 1 1 1 1 1 M Mack, Mrs. H. A........ Macomber, E. J.......-.... Macomber, Mrs. E. J.Maddaugh, Winnifred. Madden. W. J........... Mader, Fred............ ----..Madigan, H........ —. --- —--- Magill, Frank................ Maginn, Don....... --- Maginn, W. J.. -—............ --- — Magraue, G. H. -.....-....... Mahe!son, A. d;..... --- 280................. 1 -------- -1.................................. 2................. 1 ] INTE THE GRE.AT.I( WORLD WAR 1914-18i Morrison, J. W.............................. 2 Morrison, R. H..........................1...... Morrison, Walter............................2 Morrison, W. C...............1................ 1 Morrison, Wm................................ 3 Morse, A........................................ 1 M orse, G rant...............3..................... Morse, Lillian............... 1......1...... M orse, Seal...................................... Morton, E. E.................................. 1 Morton, Mrs. Lewis....................... 1 Mosher, J. V................................... 1 Mosher, Mrs. Lena.................2....... Moses, Mrs. Celia...........................1 Mott, C. SI............-.. ------------—. ---.. — 9 Mott, Mrs. C. S............................... 1 Mountain, Mrs. W. WV................... 2 Mountain, W. WV............................. 6 Moxam, Frank................................ 5 Moxam, Mrs. Frank..................... 2 Moyer, Mrs. Lawrence..................... 1 Moyers, N. O... —............... --- —---------------------—.................. — 1 Moyor, F....................................... 1 Muchler, R...................................... ---- 2 Mulchay, Chas................................. 2 Mulchay, Mrs................................ 4 Mullaney, James P........................ 3 Mull, W. R................................ 1 Mullen, Mabel....................................1 M ullin, A......................................... 1 Munch, Philip................................. 4 Munger, Julius............................... 4 Munger, Orson.....................1........... Munro, H. G..................................... ---- 1 Munsie, C. L........ --- —---------------—..... 3 Munsie, Jess.................................... 1 Murphy, C. A................................. 1 Murphy, E. A................................... 3 Murphy, Mildred E......................... 1 Murphy, Nicholas Jr...................... 3 Murphy, Thos.....................2.........2 Murray, Theresa......................... 1 Murray, Mrs................................... 1 Murdock, Clair................................ 1 Myers, A. W.............................1...... 1 Myers, Clarence............................. 4 Myer, C. F....................................... 1 Myers, Mrs. C. F..........................1 Myers, Geo. C................................... 1 Myers, Henry E....................1.........1 Myers, Mrs. Mary............................ 1 Myers, Mrs. Morris....................... 1 Myers, M. S..................................... 5 Myers, Mrs. P. S.............................1 Myers, Mrs....................................... 1 Myers, G. F....................................... 1 Myers, Mrs. G. Faye..................... 1 Me MacDenike, Mrs. K........................ 1 MacDonald, Buda.......................1... MacDonald, Murray.....................1 MacMorris, C................................... 2 MacMullen, Mrs.............................. 1 McAfee, Mrs. A.............................. 1 McAfee, Joel.................................... 1 McAfee, Jos..................................... 3 McAllister, Wm............................... 1 McAlpine, Helen............................. 1 McAra, Bertha.............................. 1 McAra, David......................1.......... 1 McAra, Mrs. D................................ 3 McAra, Mrs. H. A........................... 1 McAra, John............................... ---- --- --- 4 McAra, Mrs. J. A........................ 2 Mc Ara, W ill................................... 2 McArthur, Mr...............................- 2 MacArthur, D............................. 5 — ----- McArthur, R. J................................. 1 McBratnie, C. C...........................1 McBratney, Mrs. S............-.......1..... McBride, Mrs. Homer.........5.......... McBride, Mrs. J. B......................... McBurney, Harriett...................... 1 McBurney, Ina...................... ---- 2 McCall, Mrs. C...... - —.............. 1....... McCalley, Lawrence........................ 1 McCallister, Wm............................ 1 McCandlish, Allen..........................5 McCandlish, Mrs. A....................... 4 McCarthur, H. J.............................. 1 McCarthy, Miss Jewell.................. 4 McCaughna, Margaret..................1 McCaughna, Howard A................. 1 McClarey, Mrs. Merle.................. — 2 McClellan, Arthur......................... 3 McClellan, Ethel C........................ — 1 McClellan, Mrs.. ------—.................4 McCloud, Mrs. Wm. H................ 1 McComb, Mrs. Martin........-.......... 1 McConelee, Mrs. Wm.................. --- 1 McConnell, A. F...... —.... ----......... ----.... —. 4 McConnell, Mrs. A. F..................... 4 McCormick, Mrs. F................... —.- 1 McCormick. Nel............................ 3 McCoy, Mrs. C. S.......................... — 1 McCready, Mrs................................ 1 McCreery, Bess...................... 1 McCreery, F. R................... —............ 3 McCullen, Bernadine -—.-.............. 1 McCullen, James E......................... 1 McCullough, Mrs,........................... — 1 McCullum, M rs.............................. 1 McCumber, Grace................... -- 1 McCumsey Blanche......................1 McCumpey, Mrs. F....................... 1 McCumsey, Mr s. Thos....-..3....... 3 McCumsey. Wm.. -........................ -- McDerm ond, F............................... 3 McDiarmid, Earl............................. - - M cDonald, Bruce........................... 6 McDonald, Earl --—....................... 1 McDo nald, Vilena................... -1 McDonnell, Mrs. o........................ 1 M cD ougal, T.............................. 1 1 McDougal. T. G................ 2 McDougal, T. W....................... 1 MoDougal, Mrs. R..........................1 McGafflgan, Harry.........................1 McGeath, C. E................................ 1 McGee, E. H..................................... McGee, Mrs. E. G............................4 McGee, Gladys..............................3 McGibbon, Mrs. F. M.................... 1 McGibbon, Mrs. F. S....... ---....... 2 McGinn, Fred...................1................ 1 McGinnes, Geo............................. 4 McGinnes, G. F............................ 1 McGinnes, G. W............................. 3 McGinnis, Roy................................ 1 McGinty, Mr.................................. 4 McGlasken, Jack......................... ---- 5 McGlinchey, Mrs. Jos..-.................. McGunigal, Geo............................. 3 McGovern, Mrs. C. H.......1.......... McGovern, Jean........................4.. 4 McGovern, Naomi.......................2 McGrath, G..................................... 2 McGrath, Mrs. Geo....................... 3 McGrath. Mrs. Wm......................... 1 McGuire, Don.......................1......... 1 McGuire, Leo.................................. 3 McGuire, Mrs. Marjory..................1 McGuire, Mrs. R........................... 2 McInnes, Earl................................. 8 McInnes, Mrs. Earl....................... 2 McIntosh, M.......................3........ 3 McIntyre, A. E............................... McIntyre, R. D.................................1 McKeighan, Geo.......................... ---- 1 McKeighan, John.......................... 2 McKeighan, Mrs. J. J................... 1 McKeon, Chas.................................. 4 McKeon, C. 0.................................. 3 McKeller, Mrs. H........................ 1 McKenna, Mrs. C. A....................... 3 McKenna, Dr. O. W. —................ —.. 2 McKenna, Mrs. O. W...................... 3 McKenzie, Miss.............................. 3 McKenzie, Geo. D........................... 5 McKenzie, M. A............................... 2 McKenzie, Vina.............................. 1 McKim, H. E.................................. 1 McKinley, C. H.............................. 3 McKinley, Mrs. C. H..................... 5 McKinley, Geo. E......................... 2 McKinley, J. E. ---... ---................ 1 McKinney, LaReine...................... 1 McKinney, Nellie...... --- ——................... 1 McKinnon, J. D.............................. 2 McKinnon, J. M........................... 1 McKowen, F.................................... 1 McLain, Mrs. Amos................... —..... 1 McLain, D. R............................... 1 McLarey, M. A............................ 1 McLavey, M. S..............-.............. 1 McLean, C....................................... 4 McLees, Mrs. Henry........................ 1 McMaster, L. D............................. 1 McMaster, L. H........ —.... --- -—............... 1 McMorris, Mae.................................. 1 McMullen, Miss........................... 1 McMullen, James E................... 1 McNeill, A. R.......................1.......... 1 McNeil, Geo. A............................ 3 McNeil, Malcolm....... --- —-................. 5 McNeil, Mrs. Melvin.................... 1 McNeil, Nellie................................. 5 McPhee, Mrs. John...................... 1 McRae, J.................... 1 --- —McRae, Beatrice..........................1 McRae, Jas............................1........ McTaggart, D. L...............-......-.. 1 McVannel, Geo................................ 1 McVainey, Ina.......................... --- 1 McVey, R. D..............................I. 1 Nock, David.................................. 4 Nolan, John.................................... 1 Nolan, Mrs. Mary..-........................ 3 Nolan, Robert F...............1............... Norris, Herbert................................3 North, A. D.................................... 1 Norton, Miss Lynn..........................1 Nottingham, V. A..........................1 Nutt, Mrs. H. D............................... 4 Nutt, H. D...................................8.. 8 Nye, Harvey....... 1 Nye, Harvey......................................1 Oakley, Mrs. C. A........................... 3 Oak:ey, Mrs. Howard.................... 3 Oaks, Elmer -----—............................. — 3 Oaks, Mrs. Giles............................. 1 Oberlin, Mrs. J. E..........................1 Obrecht, Chas.................................... 6 O'Brien, Julia............................ --- --- --- 1 O'Brien, Michael.........................1 O'Brien, Mrs. Neil.......................... 1 O'Brien, Nellie............................... 1 O'Brien, Timothy............................ 3 O'Brien, Tom................................. 1 O'Connell, J. 0................................. 1 O'Connor, Dan............................... 3 O'Connor, Tim............................... 2 O'Connor, W. J................................. 1 O'Donnell, Mrs. Thos.................... 4 O'Field, Hazel................................. 1 Ogden, Durand................................ 1 O'Grady, T. H.................................. 3 O'Hare, Peter.................................. 7 O'Hare, Mrs, Peter....................... 3 O'Hara, Wm.................................... 1 Olcott, Clarence.............................. ---- ---- 4 Olcott, Mrs. Clarence...................... 1 Older, M. E.................................... 2 Olds, Edwin...................................... 1 Olin, E. M...................................... --- ----- 2 Olk, Mrs. J. P.................................. 1 Olmstead, Fred.... ---- -—........................ 2 Olmstead, G. W........................ 1 Olmstead, Mrs................................. 1 Olsen, O......... --- —----—............................ 4 Olson, Phil....................................... 1 O'Neill, Chas....................................- 1 O'Neil, Dr. C. H.............................5 O'Neil, C. J..................................... 1 O'Neil, W%....................................... 1 Opdyke, H. E.................................. 3 Orendorf. Mrs. A. B...................... 1 Ormnisten, John.....- -—.................... — 3 O'Rourke, Joe -................................. 3 O'Rourke, Mrs............................... 3 Orr. Bertha...................................... 1 O rr, L. A.......................................... 1 Orr, Mrs. Walter J. —....................... 2 Orr, Dr. J. W........ --- —................. --- —..... 4 Orthey, F. H.................................. --- —-- 2 Osborne, Mary............................... 1 Osborne, R. J................................. --- —-- 6 Osmund, Sgt..................................... 1 Ost, Mr. Jno.................................. --- —-- 4 Ottaoway, C. V................... --- —-............... 1 Ottaway, Mrs. Claude................... 1 Ottaway, Fred............................... 5 Overman, Mrs. Elizabeth.............. 1 Overocker, R. V..........................-... 4 Overton, D....................................... — 2 Owen, L........................................ 1 P Packard, F.................................... 3 Packard, Ceo. A. —............................ 2 Packqrd, Mrs. Ida.......................... 5 Paddlison, Fred............................... 3 Pad(lison, Mrs. Fred...................... 4 Page, Alex........................-............... 3 Page, Ed.......................................... ---- 3 Paine, D. P........................ ---............ 2 Paine, Mrs. D. B............................. --- —--- -2 Pallard, Mrs. Anna........................ 1 Palmer, E. B...... --- ---—............................ 4 Palmer, Emil.............. ---..-.... ----.... 1 Palmer, H. N................................... 3 Pa' mer, Mrs. H. Niel..................... 1 Palmer, N. A.............................. 3 Pape, Fred...............-..................... 5 PaRineau, James.......................... 1 Papineau, Mrs...-............................ 1 Park. Mrs. C. E............................. 3 Parker, Chas. D......-...................... 5 Parker, Mrs. Chas..........-............... 2 Parker, C. W. -----—.......... ---. 4 Parker, Ernest.......................... 3 Parker, Mrs. Geo............................ 4 Parker, Jas. A................................ 1 Parker, James S............................ 2 Parker, L. D.. -......................2 Parker, Mrs. V C........................... 1 Parker, Mrs. W. E... 4 Parker, Ward. --- --...............4....4 Parker, Wm. D.......................... 1 Parker, Wm. H............................... 5 Parker, W. R.............................. —. 3 Parkhill, Jas.................................. — 4 Parkhurst, H. C..................... --- 2 Parkhu-st, Wm, 0...................... 1 Parks, M elvin.................................. 5 Parks, N. D.............................. --- —------- 4 Parmelee, L. E....................... 1 Parmelee, L. S.... -................... — ------ 8 Parrish, cla rk.............................. --- —--- 1 Parsell, Fred.......... —............... ---- 4 Parson, A..................................... --- 1 Parsons. I. E.............................. 3 Pa.rsons. R..............................-..... --- 2 Parsons. W. T................................ 1 Partridge. Mrs. Alva...................... 2 Paschall, A. W'.................................. 5 Paschall. M.......................... 1 Panssmore, Lreo...................... 1 Passmore, Mrs. P. A...................... 1 PasFmor.re W. J............................. 1 Pastat, N....................................... 1 Pastridge. F. W' —......-................... 2 281 Patch, H. E.............................. 4...... Paterson, Dr. A. A........................5 Paterson, Mrs. A. A....................... --- --- 2 Paterson, W. S.................................. 6 Paterson, Mrs. W. S..................... 1 Paterson, Wm................................ 1 Patterson, W. A............................... 1 Patrick, H......................................... 1 Patridge, Wm.................................. 2 Pattengill, Mrs. Chas..................... 1 Patterson, V. B.....-.....-................-.. 2 Paul, Mrs. A................................... 1 Paul, Dr. J. K.............................. 6 Paull, Dr. A. T............................... 1 Payne, Mrs. Addie......................... 6 Payne, D. D..................................... 1 Payne, Miss Mary —........................ 2 Pearce, Frank................................. 3 Pearsall, Ervin.................................. 3 Pease, Mrs. Mildred..................... 5 Peck, Wm. W................................... 3 Peck, Mrs. Wm.............................. 2 Peeps, Jas. A..................................... 1 Peer, C. G......................................... 6 Peer, Miss Effle................................ 1 Peer, Mrs. W. H........................... 1 Peltier, Mrs. Frank....................... 2 Peltier, W. C..................................... 4 Pemberton, J. R............................. 1 Pence, Joseph.............................. Pengelly, Rev. J. B........................ 8 Penny, Mrs. T................................. 2 Penny, Walter............................. 5 Penny, Mrs. Walter.................... 3 Penoyer, Geo............................... 4 Pepper, A......................................... 1 Perkins, F. D............................... 5 Pero, E............................................... 1 Perry, Mrs. F................................... 1 Perry, Geo. E.................................. 4 Perry, Mrs. Geo............................. 2 Perry, Miss Jennie.......................... 1 Perry, L. Roy.................................. 4 Perry, Mrs. Robert........................ 1 Peterson, A.. --- —-................................. ---- - 1 Peterson, Mrs. A. T.................... 1 Peterson, E..................................... 1 Peterson, Gus.................................. 1 Pethrebridge, Mrs........... 1 Petit, Andrew.................................1 Pettibone, Mrs. Chas....................... 3 Pettingill, Chas................................ 5 Pettingill, Mrs............................... — 3 Pettingill, Mrs. Floyd.................... 1 Pettingill, Mrs. H. B..................... 3 Pettinger, R. C.......2.................... 2 Pettis, Grace B................................ 1 Pettit, Andrew.............................. 3 Pettit, John...................................... 4 Phalen, W. H................................... 1 Phaneuf, O. J.............. --- —--—.............. 2 Phelan,, C. P................................... ---- --- -- 4 Phelon, Mrs................-.................. 1 Phelon, W. G....-.............................. 4 Phelon, Mrs. W. G........................... 1 Phelps, Francis........ —..................... 1 Phelps, Mrs. Guy............................ 2 Phillips, Mrs. Clifford.................. 1 Phillips, Mrs. Frances.................... 1 Phillips, Geo................................... 8 Phillips, P. D................................ 5 Phillips, W. J................................. 6 Philp, Geo....................................... 2 Philp, Mrs. Geo. J.......................... 2 Pick, F. G......................................... 6 Pickard, Geo........... ---- —.......................... 1 Pickering, Mrs. H.................... 1 Pickering, J.................................. 1 Pickett, A. C..................................... 5 Pickett, A. L..................................... 1 Pickett, A. 0..................................1... Pickett, Esther.............................. 1 Pickett, Lillian.............................3 Pickett, Mrs. P................................ 2 Pidd, Mrs. Jas................................... 1 Piels, Frank...................................... 1 Pier, C. G................................. 3 Pier, Mrs. W. H............................... Pierce, Mrs. Davis.......................... 1 Pierce, Mrs. E. D.......................... Pierce, Francis............................... 1 Pierce, Frank.............................. 1 Pierce, F. R.......-.......................... — 1 Pierce, Grace C............................... 3 Pierce, Mrs. Herman...................... 1 Pierce, John L................................ 13 Pierce, R. L. —................................... 1 Pierce, Rev. R. M........................-.. 1 Pierce, W. C. —....-.................... --- --- - 3 Pitrson. Aileen................ --- —-—............. ---- 1 Pierson, Mrs. Alice E..................... 3 Pierson, F................................... --- ----- 3 Pierson, Floyd.. —. ---—.....- 8 Pierson, Mrs. Floyd........................ 3 Pierson, F-ed J.............................. 4 Piorson. Mrs. Fred........................ 2 Pierson. Mrs. Herbert................... 4 Pierson, Mr. Herman.................... 9 Pierson, Mrs. Ida.......................... 2 Pierson, Lafayette......................... 3 Pierson. R...................................... 1 Pike, Mrs. F. L.............................. ---- -- 1 Pinecar, Mr....................................... 2 Pincombe, J. W............................... 4 Pinegar, N....................................... 1 Pinelle. Mrs.................................. 1 Pinkerton, Joseph........................... 4 Piper, F. C........................................ 1 Piner. Ida........................................ 2 Piper. Mark............................... 3 Pircell, John................................ 1 Pitt. Christine................................ 1 Pixley, Mable.................................. 4 Pix'ey. W m................................... 4 Place, Mr.......................................... 1 Plack, Fred N............................. 1 Planche, E.................................... Planche, Mrs. Etienne.................... 4 Pleiter, W. C.........................2........2 Plock, Mrs................................... 1 Plow, Arthur................................... Plude, Frank.................................... Plumb, Alfred............................... 1 Pohrt, Chas......................... 2..... 2 Poll, P. J......................................... 1 Pollard, Anna..........................4......... Pollock, James............................... 6 Pollock, Milton................................ 1 Pollock, Pearl................................. 3 Polzen, Albert.................................. 1 Pomeroy, Bert............................... 1 Pomeroy, Evelyn............................ 1 Pomeroy, Mrs................................ 6 Pomeroy, Mary.............................. 1 Pond, Elwyn......................................10 Ponsford, Ed..................................... 8 Pontius, Beth.............2................. 2 Pontius, Mrs. Chas......................... 2 Pontius, H. E................................... 6 Pontius, Mrs. H. E........................ 1 Poole, W. G.....................................1 Porter, Chas.................................. 3 Porter, Miss Jennie........................ 4 Potter, C. A.................................... 1 Potter, E. W................................. 2 Potter, Harry E............................... 9 Potter, Horace............................... 4 Potter, O. D.................................... 2 Potter, O. G..................................... 4 Potter, Ray...........3................... 3 Potter, Mrs. Wm............................. 1 Pound, A. C..................................... 3 Pound, Geo.................................. 2 Pound, H. G..................................... Pound, John H..........................3....3 Pounder, M. J.................................. 2 Pounder, W m................................. 1 Powell, Florence.............................. 3 Powelson, Mrs. Clarence................ 1 Powers, Edwin............................ 5 Powers, W. W............................... 4 Pratt, A........................................... 4 Pratt, Chas...................................... 1 Pratt, Chas. F................................ 1 Pratt, Chas. M................................ 2 Pratt, L. A........................................ 1 Pratt, Mary..................................... 4 Pratt, R. A................................... 1 Pray, G. F......................................... 2 Prentice, A. J.................................. 1 Prest, Mrs. H................................. 1 Prestege, Mrs. Leslie...................... 4 Price, Mrs. E. H............................. 1 Price, R. A.................................... 1 Price, R. L......................................... 1 Price, W ill..................................... 6 Probert, C. C................................... 4 Proctor, Clara................................ 1 Proctor, A................................... 1 Proper, A. C.................................. 4 Proper, Clare................................ 3 Prosser, Arthur............................ 4 Prosser, Nellie................................ 1 Proster, A. J.................................... 1 Pruchinekt, John.............................. 5 Pryor, Estelle........................... 1 Puffer, Bill.............................. 1 Puffer, Mrs. C. J........ 1.............. Puffer, W m. G......................... 1 Puffer, W. J.................................... 9 Puffer, Mrs. W. J........................... 1 Puffer, Mrs. W. J.......................... 1 Purcell, John................................... 2 Purdy, Paul.................................... 6 Purdy, Mrs................................... 2 Purkiss, G............. 1............................ Purleson, Fred............................. 1 Purvis, Geo.................................... Purvis, Mrs. Geo......1................... Putnam, Mrs. Ida............................ Putnam, Geo................................... 3 Putnam, Mrs. Geo................ 2 Pyper, Fred............................. ----...... --- 3 Quick, Betty.................................... 3 Quick, Francis............................... Quim ley, R. E................................. --- — ---- 1 Quinn, C. W..................................... 1 R Paabh, A. E......................................11 Pq,ah, Mrs. A rthur.......................... 2 Raab, Mrs. Chas............................ 1 Raab, J. J......................................... 8 Raher, Mrs..T................................... 1 Radlke, Mrs. Wm.........I.................. 2 Ralston, Phil................................... 8 Ramage, Edna C............................ 1 Ramage. P. H................................. 2 Rpmpge, Mrs. R. S......................... 3 I mlow, Otto................................ 3 Rand, Mrs........................................ 1 Randall, Dr....................................... 1 Randolph, B.................................. 1 Rando'ph, P. A.............................. 1 Pansom, Albert E........................... 3 Ransom, R. J.............................. 7 Ransom, Mrs. Robt......................... 2 Raoley. Joe.................................... 3 Rasback, S. A................................ --- —---- 5 Pasback. Mrs. S. A......................... 4 R aska. Mrs. Eva.............................1 Pathhum. Jay.............................1.. Raubinger, Ed................................ 1 Roaugh C larence.............................. 1 Ramo, Jas...................................... 7 Raymo, Mrs. Jas.............................. 2 Raymond. Ira.............................1...... Pazenberg, F................................... 1 R. ad,; Gnrnett................................ 1 Reagan. S. V.................................. 6 Rearner. Oeo. A............................. 1 Reamer, Herman................. 1 N Nay, Mrs. Fred....-...... Neal, Fred............... Neff, C. W.................. Neill, D. S............... Neithercut, Chas. S..... Neithercut, Wm. A.... Nell, D. F....................... Nelson, Mrs. Clyde....... Nelson, C-us.................. Newall, Mrs. E. M........ Newall, Mrs. John....... Newall, John................ Newberry, E. R......... Newcombe, Delos....... — Newitt, Bert. —. --- —. Newitt. H. H.......... Newman, C. E....... Newman, Ed........... Newman, Mrs. H. W. Newvman. H............ Newrnm-yer, C. H......-.... 'Tewnton, Anna Newton, S.... —. Nickerson, Chas........ Nickerson, P........Nickerson, Mrs. H.-.... Nichols, Mrs.............. Nichols, Am i............... Nichols, Mrs. Clara E. Nicho's, Clare............... Nichols, Mrs. Era J.... Nichols, Mrs. Geo. A.. Nichols, Mrs. Jennie... Nichols, R. F............ Nichols, R. C............ Nichols, R. N................ Nicholson, Millard...... Niolson. Mrs. A. B...... Niles, Mrs. F. A............ Niles, Mrs. H. R........ Niles, Mrs. Julia....... Ninte. J. H................ Nixom, (tlara M......... N ixon. F...-... —.......... --- — N obes, F.................. Nobhle, v......................... 1................. 1................. 1................. 31................. 4................. 1 -—.................................. 1................. 1................. 1................ 1................. 1............................ - 2..... 1................. 4................ 3............... 1.......,............3... 1 HISTORY OF GENESEE Reamer, Norman............... 8............. Reark, W. P............... --..-. --- —------ 6 Reasner, C. A.............................. — 3 Reasner, H............................... 1 Reasoner, Mrs. J. B..................... 2 Reavely, C. H..................................1 Reaverly, E. H................................ 4 Rector, H. L....................................1 Reddy, Margaret.............................. 4 Redmond, Mrs. C. E....................... 1 Reece, Mrs. Alton..................... --- 1 Reece, C. H...........-........................ S Reece, J. A..................................... 6 Reece, Mrs. Jas. A...................... Reed, Alfred.................................... Reed, Mrs. A. J................ ---....... 6 Reed, C. A........................................ 4 Reed, C. H......................................... 2 Reed, Mrs. C. M........................... 1 Reed, Dan A.................................... --- -- Reed, Elmer.........-. —...... —..................Reed, Mrs. Frank......... —.............. 2 Reed, H. S......................................... 2 Reed, Mrs. Herbert................... —. 8 Reed, Ralph.................................... 1 Reeder, Mrs. F. E....-................ 2 Reese, Mrs. Alton......................... 2 Reece, Loren......... —......-.... --- 1 Reeves, C. A............................... 1 Regan, Mrs. L. J........................ Regan, S. B.................................. — 1 Regis, F.......................................... --- — 3 Reichard, Mrs. Arill..................... 1 Reichert, J. C.................. 6................ Reid, Mrs. A. J.............................. 1 Reid, Chas. H..................-..... 1 Reid, Mrs. Claud.............................. 1 Reid, Mrs. Floyd.............................. 3 Reid, Frank....................... 6 Reid, G. F....................................... 1 Reid, John..................................... — Reid, Wm....................................... ---- 7 Reilly, Mrs. M. H............................ 1 Reiman, Emil.......................-........ 4 Relnecke, E. L................................ — Reis, Roy....................... 1................... Reis, W....................................... --- 2 Reise, E. C....................................... 1 Reisland, Mrs. W. P................... 1 Remington, Fred..............................1 Remoke, E. L................................ 1 Renlvick, Ray W.......................-.. 1 Renwick, R. B................................ Renwick, Mrs. R........................... 1 Rero, Ed.............................................Resler, F. J....................................... Reynard, E. J.................................. 2 Reynard, W. 0...................... 4..... 4 Reynard, Mrs. W. O.................. 1 Reynolds, A. J............................ Reynolds, Mrs. A. J.................... 3 Reynolds, Mrs. R. E.......................1 Reuble, Opal................................. 1 Rhodes, Mrs. Chas.................... Rhodes, Mrs. Cleve........................ 1 Rhodes, Mrs. Jane......................... Rhoades, Mrs. Will...................... 3 Richards, David J........................... Richards, Mrs. D. J........................ Richards, D. W............................... 4 Richards, Mrs. D. W..................... Richards, Ed................................... 1 Richards, E. W............................... Richards, Mrs. E. W.................... Richards, Ernest............................ Richards, Guy................................ Richards, Mrs. Ida.......................... Richards, John.............................. Richards, Mrs. Lora.....................: Richards, Mildred.......................... Richard, Mrs. 0.......... —...................... Richards, Ray................................ Richards, W..................................... Richards, Mrs. Westley................ Richards, Mrs. Wm........................ Richardson, Bernice...................... Richardson, Mrs. Chas................... Richardson, F................................ Richardson, Mrs. Floyd................ Richardson, Gertrude.................. Richardson, Mrs. H....................... Richardson, Rhea.......................... Richardson, W. Howard................ Richardson, Mrs. Howard............ Richart, John................................ Riches, Mrs. W. W......................... Ritchie, A. M................................... Richmond, L.................................. Richmond, Mrs............................. Rice, Ed........................................... Rice, Geraldine C.........-................ Rice, Mrs. Minnie W..................... Rice, W. S....................................... Ridley, Clarence............................ Ridley, Mrs. Ella............................ Ridley, Ernest................................ R iegle, Andrew.............................. Riegle, John L............................. --- —---- R ies, E. C........................................ R ies, R ay......................................... R ies, M rs. Verna.............................. R igby, A. J...................................... R igby, M rs.................................. R iggs, L. A...................................... R iles, M rs. D. E............................... Riley, M rs. Em m a.......................... Riley, M rs. Dan................................ Riley, Ed........................................... Riley, Elva.................................... Riley, Tim othy................................ R ipley, M rs. Dell.......................... R ipply, M r. John............................ Ripley, Mrs. John........................... R ippe, Fred....................................... Rising, A........................-................ Roach, J. I....................................... Roberts, Mrs. Clinton.................... I Roberts, F. A............................... 1 Roberts, L. E................................ 4 Roberts, Mrs. Ray.......................... 1 Roberts, Mrs. Retta........................ 2 Roberts, W. E...................................... 1 Robinson, L. D......................... ---........ 2 Robertson, Mrs. L. D..................... 2 Robertson, L. W............................ --- —--- 1 Robertson, Otto.............................. 1 Robinson, Mrs...........-............ — - 1 Robinson, Chas..............................3 Robinson, Mrs. Clifton.................. 1 Robinson, Mrs. Floyd 0................. 1 Robinson, Frank M...................... - 5 Robinson, Mrs. F. M...................... 3 Robinson, John............................. — - Robinson, J W.........-..... —......... — - 2 Robinson, L. C................................ 1 Robinson, Otto............................... 7 Robinson, Mrs. W. G..................... 2 Rochester, Fred................................ Rockafellow, R............................ --- 2 Rockwell, Mrs. C............................ 1 Rockwell, Florence B.......... —.......... 1 Rockwood, Mrs. E. E..................... Roderr, W.................. --- —----—............... 1 Rodman, Mrs. Mary........................ Rogers, Mr.................................... Rogers, Mrs............................ — 1 Rogers, A. C......... —.......... --- — 1 Rogers, Bert -.............................. 2 Rogers, E. A..................................... 7 Rogers, Frank............................... 6 Rogers, Horace C... —..................... 3 Rogers, John A.............................. 1 Rogers, Mrs. J................... 1 Rogers, Mrs. John......................... 1 Rogers, Mrs. J. G.......................... 1 Rogers, J. S.................................. --- 6 Rogers, Lucile.............................. --- —---- 1 Rogers, P. A................................... 1 Rogers, P. D..................................- 4 Rogers, P. R.................-......... --- — 1 Rogers, T. B......................... --- 1 Rogers, T. E.................................... 2 Rogers, Thos................................... 4 Rogo, Glen..................................... — 2 Rogo, Mrs........................................ — -- 2 Roe, Harold...................2................. Roe, Mrs. J. H................................1 Roe, R................... 4 LRoe, Mrs. Spencer............................ 1 — Roland, Leslie........................ — 1 Rollins, Anna B............................ — 1 Rone, S. E............................ —............. Rone, Mrs. Fannie......................... 1 [ Rood, Mrs. Chester.................... ---...... 1 LRoof, Mrs. G. C............................... i Root, Earl........................................5 1 Root, Mrs. Earl................................ Root, Jesse L................................. 1 Roper, W. B.................................. --- 1 Rose, Kenneth.................................. Roselle, Fred................................... 1 Rosencrans, Mrs............................. 2 Rosenthal, Chas............................. 4 Rosenthal, Morris......................... 3 Roser, Joe........................ --- —-—........ 6 Roser, Mrs. J. A............................. 1 Roser, Rachel................................ 1 Roska, John............................ 4 Roska, Mrs. Eva.............................. 1Roska, Mrs. Jno..............................1 2 Roska, Mrs. John......................... 1 1 Ross, Mrs. Alex................................1 2Ross, C. J.......................................... 2 2Rossman, Mrs. Fred.................... 1 1 R oth, C............................................. 1 Roth, E....................................... -- 1 R oth, I..... -- -................................... 1 8 Rothfuss, Mrs. G............................ 1 Rothwell, W. E.............................. --- 1 1Roulean, D....................................... --- - 1 Rousseau, Will.......................4....4 2Rowe, John H................................ 4 2 Rowe, Mrs. John.............................. 1Royce, Mrs......................................... 1 Rozenburg, Thos. D..................... 2 8Rozenburg, Mrs...............-.. ---1 Rosenzweig, Ben............................ 1 Rosenzweig, Mrs.......................... --- 6 Ruddock, E. B................. --- —-------------—... ---2 Rude, Ida M..................... ---..... --- ——...... 2 Rude, Mrs. M. T............................. 1 2 Rude, Mrs. Mary.............................. 1 Ruhling, Geo.................... —.......... --- —--—.. 8 Ruhling, Mrs. Ge................... — --—... 1 Rumbold, Hildred.......................... 3 Rumbold, Margaret...................... 1 Rumsey, Earl.................................. 4 Rumsey, John... —........................ --- —4 Runyan, Mrs. A. E........................ --- 1 Russell, Mrs..................................... 1 Russell, Floyd................................ 4 Russell, Luella................................ 6 Russe'l, Lura.................................. 9 Russell, Moody............................... 2 Russell, Mrs. M. S.........................: 2 Russell, W. J................................... — 1 Rust, E. Sumner............................. I 1 Ruth, Mrs. H. G ------—............................... 1 Rutherford, Bessie........................ 3 Rutherford, Mrs........... 1 Rutherford, F. J....................-... --- — ------—...... 4 Rutherford, Frank J..................... 1 Rutherford, Mrs. Frank J.......... 4 Rutherford, J. F............................. --- —-- 1 Ryan, Mrs. Arthur.......................... Ryan, C........................................ ---- ----- 1 Ryan, Dan........................................ 2 Ryant, Mrs. Frank......................... I 2 Ryan, Jas. P..................................... 4 Ryan, Myrtle..................... 1 Ryan, Soldier.................................. I Ryan, Vincent............................... 8 S Sabilsky, Chester........................ 1 S S'ackrider, W. 1................................... Sager, Geo.................................... 6 S Sager, Wes..... __........................... 1 S Sadler, Mrs. A. W.......................... 1 S gahlinger, W. J.............................. S Sales, Ben...................................... 1 S Sales, Rev. D. S............................. 1 S Salisbury, A. D............... --- —-—............. 4 S Sanburn, C. W............................ 1. E Sanders, Mrs. S. J........................... 1 Sandersfield, R. C.......-................. --- 4 E Sandersfleld, Mrs. Robt................. 1 E Sandwich, Mrs. J. T....................... 1 S Sanford, E.................................... 1 Sanford, Edwin............................ 1 E Sanford, Elmer..........................3 Sanford, Mrs. Elmer................... Sanford, Mrs. Ethel 2 E..................... Sanford, Mr. Fred..1...................... Sanford, F. A E --------— 4 Salyer, H. A..................................... Salyer, H. A............. 1 E Sargant, Mr. Roy.......................... 1 Sargent, 0. B................................. 1 Sargent, W. W................E............. 3 Sartor, Mrs. Arthur........................ Sarvis, A. H.................................... Sarvis, Mrs. A. H.......................... 1 Sanger, Mrs. Maud..-....................... Saunders, C. B.......................... 1 Saunders, Clara........................... 1 Saunley, Mrs. H.............................. 1 Sawyer, Esther.............................. Sawyer, F. L 1................................ Sawyer, Frank J............................ 8 Sawyer, Mrs. F. J................. --- — - 2... Sawyer, Mrs. Mable........................ Sayer, Wallie............... —................ — Sayles, Rev. C. E............................. 5 Sayre, Mrs. Frank......................... I Sayre, Wallace............................... Sayre, H. A..................... --- --...... — -- 2 Scannell, Chas................................... Schagane, F. F............................ --- — 8 Scharff, Ed........................................ --- —----- 1 Schaners, H 1................................... Schaufle, C. J............................... 1 Scheerer, A...................................... 1 Schenck, Mrs. R. B........................ Scheneman, Edw............................ 1 Scherff, Ada.................................... 1 Scherff, Ethel.............................. 1 Scherense, Wm........................... 1 Schill, Anna...................................... Schillinger, Grace............................ Schlinger, W. J.............................. 1 Schlosser, Mrs. Flossie.............. 1 Schlosser, Grant ---- —.......... —.......... --- 4 Schlosser, Mrs. W. J..................... Schlosser, W. J.................................5 Schmaler, Mrs. E............................. Schmeling, R. C............................ --- 2 Schmidt, A. M................................ Schmier, Ed................................ ---- --- - 4 Schmetling, E............................... — 1 Schmitt, A. M............. --- — ---—.............. 4 Schmude, Chas.......................-......... ---- 6 Slchnelder, O, J................................ 3 Schneider, Jno- --------— 2 LSchneder, J.o...............................2 Schnude, Chas................................. 1 Schofield, Floyd.............................. 1 Schofield, Henry............................ 1 Schram, Mrs. H. L........................ 1 Schram, Harold........... 4................... LSchuepferling, Dora........................1 Schultz, H.... --- --- -—............................ 1 Schumaker, Mrs. R. W............. 3 Schumacker, R. W........................ 2 Schumaker, Wm. H..................... 1 Schweitzer, Mrs. Harvey.. ----.......... 2 Schweitzer, H. E................ --- —............ — Schweitzer, Mrs. H................. 1. Schweitzer, W. J........................... ---- ----- 2 Schwertz, Harvey........... --- —-—.......... 1 Scott, Floyd............................ --- —-.. S'cott, Frank.................................... 1 2Scott, Geo.............................. --- —- -- --- 3 Scott, Dr....... --- —---—........... 1.......... 9 Scott, Mrs. Howard.................... 2 1Scott, Jessie.................... ---....... --- —-... 2 3Scott, Mrs. R. B............................ 1 1 Scott, Steve................................. 1 1Scott, Willard. --- ——. --- —------—.i...-.... 2 1 Scott, Mrs. W. R.... ---.- ------ ---- 2 3Scotty, The Ford Man.................... 1 1 Scranton, N. H............... — ---- -—........... 1 Scutt, F. A....................................... Seaman, Mrs. H..............-.......-..-... 2 3Sears, 0. W..................... --- —------- 6 3Sears, Mrs. Oscar.. —...................... 3 2Sear, Wm...........................................1 2 S'ears, Mrs. W. E..................... ---- -—........ 2 1Seeley, Ruth.................................... 1 1 Selby, Guy.................... ---..............- 8 1 Se'by, Ora ----------—................ 6 Selden, F. GC......................-................ 2 2 Relleck, R. W................................... 6 1 Sentiff,... --- —............................... —. — 1 5 Servey, Mrs. C. B...... --- —-—................ 2 4 Servey, Chas................................... 1 2 Servis, John..................... —... —... —.. 3 1 Sevener, Mrs. Jennie........ ---.............. 3 0 Sevener, C. J............................. ---- --—........ 1 9 Severance, S. L...........-.......-......... 3 1 Severn, J................................... 1 1 Severy,. E............................... 1 1 Severy, W. S.................................... 2 3 S'eriss, A. V........-............................... 1 1 Sexsmith, R. ---.......................... 3 5 Sexsmith, Walter......................... 3 1 Seymour, T. G................................. 1 1 Shaft, Della M................................. 1 1 Shaft, F. M..1............................. 1 Sharland, Geo. F,..........-............. 4 282 3harpe, Fred N........................ --- — S 3harp, Tom...................................... 3 S Shaved, W. R...................................2 S 'harrow, W....................................... 1 S Sharpe, Mrs. Wm........ -- 2................... Shaw, Mrs. A. J............................... 1 S ihaw, Al...................................... S1 ihaw, Mrs. Ed............-. -—...... 1 S Shaw, Mrs. G. W............................ 1 S 'haw, J. B..................... --- — —.......... 1 S Shaw, Mrs. John............................ — --- 1 Shaw, Kate..................1.................... Shaw, Mrs. 1 Shaw, S. I- ------------ A S --- —----- Shaw, S. L............................................ Shaw, Thelma 3 E Shaw, Wm....................................... Sheldon, J. A............ --- —---------- ---- 1 Sheldon, Mrs. Sarah................... — 1 Shell, Geo........................................ Shepard, Albert.............................. Shepard, J. C................... ---- ---- -— 3................ Shepard, Karl A............................ 1 Shepard, Rudd B.......................... ---- 2 Shepherd, Mrs. Alice................... 1 Shepherd, Mrs. John...................... 1 Sheppard, Alice................... ----........... — Sheppard, Carl.............................. 3.. Sheppard, John...................2........... Sherman, John.......................2 Sherwood, Mrs. —.................... —.. — 1 Shields, Mr........................................ Shirtliff, Mrs. Cora................... 1....... Shoecraft, E. C.................... --- —------............. 'hoecraft, Mrs. Ezra.....................1 Shoecraft, Ezra.............................. Shares, Bat........................................4 Short, L. A..................................... 4.. Short, W. C.................. --- —- ---—.................... 1 Short, W. H.....................................Short, W. J..................................... 1.. Short, Mrs. W ilber........................ 1 Shotwell, Chas.................. ----............... Shoup, Jas......................................... --- --- Shuman, Otto.....4................... 4 Sickles, John.................................... 7 Siegle, F. W..................................... 7 Siegle, Mrs. Fred....................... ---- - Siegel, Mrs. Harvey........................ 1 Siegel, Mrs. Wm............................. 1 t Silcock, Wm.................................... 2 Sills, Mrs.................. 1........................ Sills, J. E..................................... Simmons, Geo. L............................ 7 Simmons, Nellie........................... --- — 1 Simmons, O. LI................................. Simpson, Mrs. Alice R.................. 1 Simpson, Louis H.......................... 5 Simpson, O. A..............-............. — - 5 Sinclair, Fred...................................1 Skidmore, Mrs. Fena.................... 1 Skillings, Mrs. Ethel..................... 1 Skinner, Mrs. Jay.................-...-... 1 Skinner, J. D...................... 6 Skinner, Wm. D......................-. — 3 Skutt, L. T.................................... 1 Slating, C. H.................................... 1 Slating, Mrs. C. H.......................... 1 Slocum, Bert................................. 4 Slocum, Ray.................................... 1 Sluyter, Walter............................... 1 Slyfield, Winifred............................ 1 Smetana, F. J................................... 1 Smeeman, Ida J............................. 1 Smiley, M. E........................ 1......... Smith, A. M................1............ 1 Smith, Bert.................................... 3 Smith, Mrs. Bertha........................ 2 Smith, C...................................... ---- 1 Smith, C. A................................. 4 Smith, C. H.........................2.......... Smith, Delia A................................. 2 Smith, E......................................... 1 Smith, Mrs. Ed................................ 2 Smith, Eva..................................... 1 Smith, Mrs. F. A........-.................. 2 Smith, Floyd................................. 1 Smith, Fred V..........................1.. 1 Smith, G.................. ---- -------------- -- 2 Smith, Mrs. Geo............................... 1 Smith, Hazel...................................1 Smith, H. A.................................... 1 Smith, Mrs. Harry........................ 2 Smith, Henry................................ 2. Smith, H. E.N............................... 1..... Smith, H. E........... 1 Smith, Mrs. Herbert...................... 1 Smith, John.................................... 4 Smith, LI V..................................... 1 Smith, Mrs. L. B............................ 1 Smith, Matt................................... 3 S'mith, Mrs. Mary.................. 3........ Smith, Mrs. May............................ 2 Smith, 0. H................................ --- —- - 2 Smith, Orla...................... --- — --—....... 2 Smith, Pat............. ---- --- --—....................... 2 Smith, Reuben................................ 4 S'mith, Mrs. Reuben....................... Smith, Roy...................................... 2 Smith, Roy B............................... 1 Smith, R. C....................................... 1 Smith, Roy S.................................. 1 Smith, Mrs. Roy............................. 3 Smith, Robt.................................... 1 Smith, R...... ----.........-.................. 3 Smith, Robt. S............................ 1 Smith, Ruth.............................. 1 Smith, Scotty.................................. 1 Smith, Walter 0............................ 6 Smith, W........................................ 6 Smith, W. N................................... 1 Smith, W. S................................... 2 Smith, W. V.....................................- 9 Snapp, Fred................................ - 4 Snell, J. A......................................... 6 Snider, W. I...................................... 1 Snook, Geo............................ — 2 nook, Mrs. Geo. J........................ 1 nyder, W. D...................................1 oby, Mrs. John................................ 1 oh!inger, W. J.............................. 1?omers, Mrs. Arthur..............2...... omers, Edwin L............................. 6 omers, Mrs. Edwin.................... 3omers, E. W.............................1.. 5omers, S. A.................................... 3onsa, E. L....................................... 1 'onsa, R.......................................... — 3ooey, Dr. J...................................... 1 ooy, Mrs. J. W.............................. 3oper, 0. E................................... --- 4;ore, Jake....................................... lorrick, M.................................... 2 3oulby, Mrs..................................... 1 loules, Floyd E........................... 1 3ouls, Mrs. Jane........................... 1 louthworth, Mrs.......................... 1 3outhworth, Florence.................. 1 iouthworth, R. W. E................... 2 3palding, Neva IA............................ I Sparks, Mrs. Albert...................... 2 Spaulding, Miss.............................. 1 Spaulding, C. N............................... 8 Spaulding, Helen........................... — 1 "pear, W. R...................................... 1 Speath, Mr....................................... 1 Speer, C. C..-8.......................... 8 Spillane, C. I............-...................... Spillane, Mrs. Geo........ 4................... Spillane, Geo. L....................Spillane, Roy............................... 1 Spoding, E. C.................. —................ 1 Spoer, 0. E.......-............................... 1 Spreen, C. C....................................... -preen, Mrs. C. C.......-........... — 1 Sprowl, Mrs...................................... --- 1 Stanger, Wm.....................................- - Stark, W. J 1.............................. Stodler, Henry...................4.............. Stall, 0. E................................ — ------ 1 Stambaugh, Mrs. C........................ 2 Stanard, E. S.................................. --- Standard, Mrs. Earl...................... 1 Stanley, Mrs. W............................... 1 Stanton, R. B................................... Staraka, J......................................... 1 Staples, C......................................... 2 Stark, Mrs....................................... 1 Stark, A.......................................... 1 Stark, Irene.................................... 1 Stark, W. J...................................... Stark, V. L....................................... 1 Starkweather, Geo........................... Stauth, C. M..................................... St. Clair, Fred................................ 2 St. Clair, J. E................................... St. Denis, D. F................................ 2 Stearns, Otis.....................................1 S'teeger, Mrs. M. C........................... 2 Steel, Mrs. Alex.............................. 1 Steffier, Jos...................................... Steinmetz, Frank.........-............... 6 Steinhoff, J. H................................- 1 Steininger, Rev. J. S.................... 6 Steinmiller, Mrs. W. 0................. 1 Stemon, A......................................... Stempfly, L. E................. —............... 1 Stephens, Elsie.............................. 1 Stephens, Geo. R............................ 7 Stern, A........................................ --- —- 2 Sterner, Edwin J........................... 8 Sterner, Mrs. Ed............................ ---Stetson, C. A.......................... ----........1 Stevens, A. H..-6................................. Stevens, Mrs. Alfred.................S.... Stevens, Mrs. Geo........................... Stegens, Glen....................... 1 Stegens, Mark W............................ 4 Stipes, R. B....................................... Stevenson, Helen............................ 2 Stevenson, Mr.....-........................... Stevenson, Mrs. Thos. B............ 3 Stever, A. E..................................... E~tever, Mrs. A. E.......................... 1 Stever, E. A.................................... 1 Stevin, Mr......................................- 2 Stewart, Mrs. Chas.........................1 Stewart, H. A.................................. — 7 Stewart, Lew................................ --- 3 Stewart, Lucy..................................1 Stewart, Mabel............ 1.................. Stewart, S. S.................. 6................. Stewart, W. C............... 1................... Stewart, Mrs. Wm. C.................... 1 Stewart, W. E................................ 6 Stickey, Harland............................. 1 Stickney, Mrs. B. W..... 1................ Stickney, Mrs. J. W..................... 1 Stiff, Mrs. Irving.............................. Stiffler, Judson.................................. 1 Stiles, D. R............................-......... Stimson, Mrs. Albert.....................2 Stimson, Mr. Frank........................ Stimson, Hettie............................ 2 Stimson, Mrs. Jessie...................... Stimson, Joel................................. 4 Stimson, Mrs. Joel.......................... 4 Stipes, R. B..................................... 2 S'tipes, R. V............-................. 1 Stivens, Jas....................................... 1 St. Johns, E....................................... 1 Stockledger, Mrs. Hattie.............. 1 Stockton, Mrs. Arthur.................... Stockton, Arthur '........................ 3 Stockton, C. H................................ 5 Stockton, Mrs. Clifton H............. 3 Stockton, Janet.............................. Stoddard, B. A.......... —................ 3 Stoddard, Mrs. B. A..... —.................. 2 Stoddard, Claude............................ 9 Stoddard, Pearl.............................. Stoddard, Wm............................... 4 Stone, Chba,.................................... IN THlE GREANT '- WORLD oWAR 1914-18' u ---- ^^^IV^^^~~~~~~~~~~~~' --- —----------— '- - Stone, Mrs. Chas............................. Stone, D. T.....................................7 Stone, Mrs. D. T........................... 1 Stone, E. P...................................... 4 Stone, Ethel................................... 6 Stone, E. V....................................... 1 Stone, Mrs. Earl..................1...... 1 Stone, Helen J.................................2 Stone, Mrs. H. M........1.............. 1 Stone, Virginia.............................. 4 Stone, W. L..................................... Stoneburner, R................................. St. Onge, Flora............................. 1 St. Onge, Leone................................ 1 Stoolmaker, Mrs. Frank................ 1 Storbeck, W.................................. 3 Storer, John.....................................2 Storrs, Mrs. Ernest........................ 1 Stenffer, Ruth....................................1 Stover, Esther........................... 1 Stover, M......................................... 1 Straley, Ollie....................................3 Strassburg, G. H......................... 1 Straub, Mrs. H...............................1 Strauchan, C. S............................. 1 Straughn, Virginia.......................... 1 Strauss, Peter................................... 2 Streat, Frank.................................. 7 Streat, Geo...................................... 1 Street, Guy...................................... 4 Stricker, F. L....................................1 Stroh, C. A....................................... 1 Stroh, C. B....................................8 Stroh, Rev. C. B............................1 Strohecker, T. H.............................1 Strong, Bruce..................................1 Strong, Mrs. J. T.......................1..... Stuckey, H. M................................. Sturgis, Mrs. C. F.......................... Sturgis, Mrs. Mary.........................1 Sturgis, Mrs. Nat...........................2 Sturgis, Mrs. S. W......................... 1 Sturt, Mrs. A..................................... 1 Sullivan, Mrs. Maude....................6 Sullivan, Morris........................ 1 Sullivan, R. H................................ 1 Summers, J. F.................................1 Supernaw, Mrs. L. K.................. 2 Sursaw, A........................................ 1 Southerby, Mrs. Edith.................... 2 Sutherby, Mrs. Harry.................... 6 Sutherland, Mrs. L. C.................. 1 Sutliff, E. W.................................... 1 Sutton, Geo.....................................3 Sutton, Mrs. Geo.............................2 Sutton, Harry............................. 1 Sutton, Ralph L............................... 3 Svoy, S. W............................... 1......... Swain, Pearl...................................1 Swain, Roy...................................... Swain, Mrs. R. J......................... 4 Swan, Mrs. E. F............................. 1 Swan, Frank V. V.................... 1...... Swan, Fred......................................1 Swan, F. W.............................2.......... Swan, Roy........................................2 Swart, Mrs. Edw.......................... 1 Swartout, Bert..................................1 Swarthout, W. H............................. Swartout, Mrs. Myron.................... 1 lSwartz, Elizabeth.......................... 1 Swayzee, C. O................................... Swayzee, Mrs. C. O......................... 1 Sweeney, D. E.................................6 Sweeny, Julia....................................3 Sweers, Laverne.......................... 4 Sweet, Amos H................................1 Sweet, Mrs. Wm...............................1 Sweetser, C. M................................. 3 Swift, Geo. H....................................2 Swift, Mrs. G. H............................ 1 Swift, Joe..................................... 1 Surgert, Fred................................3.... Swinler, Mrs. Will............................ I Switz, Bessie....................................... 1 T Taft, Geo........... —........................4. 4 Tait, Fred........................................ 1 Takacs, Joe................................3....... Tallman, B. F................................... Tallman, F. A......................9...... Tallman, L. G.......................2........... Tandy, Walter.............................. 2 Tanner, C. E................................ Tanner, Mrs. Carlton..................... 2 Tanner, Elwyn...................1............. Tavish, Mrs..................................... 1 Taylor, Amy...............1................... Taylor, Mrs. C............................. Taylor, Chas. L........................ 1 Taylor, D............... 2......................... Taylor, D. E....................3................ Taylor, Duane M.............................1 rn- - -~~~~~~~~~~1 Taylor, Geo..................................... Taylor, Herman J...................... 1 Taylor, Dr. J. H........................... 9 Taylor, L. M............................... Taylor, Maude................................ Taylor, Mrs. Ruth.......................... 1 Taylor, Will 2 Telling, Mark................... —............... Telling, Mrs. Mark........................ 3 Teachout, Mrs. E. C....................... 1 Teachout, Wm............................... Teneborn, Abraham........................ 1 Tenant, John................... 2 Tenant, Jim................... 1 Terbush, Miss................ -................Terwillliger Wm............................... Thacker, Nellie M............................ Thayer, Mrs. H. E.............1......... 1 Thelon, W. G............................ 1;Theron, C. E.................................... 1 Thlebold, C. D......................... 1 Thomas, Mrs................................ 2 Thomas, Ernest E........................... 2 Thomas, Mrs. Ernest.................... 1 Thomas, 0. E......................... 1 Thomas, P...................... 1 Thomas, Roland G.........-..........8 Thomas, Walter....................... 2 Thomas, Mrs. Walter.................... 1 Thomas, W. B............................3.... Thompson, Mrs.............................. 1 Thompkins, Mrs. Ed....................... 1 Thompson, B. "D.............................. 1 Thompson, 'Bertha....................... 4 Thompson, Mrs. Cecil.................... 3 Thompson, D................................. 1 Thompson, Eleazer......................5 Thompson, Harry..................... 1 Thompson, Mrs. Harry.................. 2 Thompson, H. B-........................ 1 Thompson, Helen..................... 1 Thompson, Jay............................. 1 Thompson, J. Wr......... --- — —..............1 Thompson, Mrs. L. J.................... 1 Thompson, Robt......................... 1 Thompson, Mrs. T.......................... 1 Thompson. Wm. E......................... 2 Thompson, Mrs. Vm..................... 2 Thomson, Harry...................... 1 Thomson, Mrs. liarry.................... 1 Thorne, Geo.................................. 2 Thorne, Mrs. Geo.......................... 1 Thornton, D................................... 1 Thornton, C. J............................... 1 Thornton, E. J...-........................- 4 Thornton, J.......................1......... Thorpe, Gladys..................... 3........... Thorpe, Mrs. Wm........................ 2 Thrasher, Rev. 0. M.................... 1 Throop, Katherine L.................... 1 Tidball, Robt............................. 1 Tidball, Walter............................. 4 Tidball, Mrs. Wm....................... 1 Tidball, W. J.................................. 8 Tideman, Claud....... —... —....................1 Tiedeman, Chas.........................1... Tiedeman, Claus..................... 3..... Tierney, Mrs. M. A...................... 2 Tiffany, Mrs............................. 1 Tillier, Mrs. V.................... ----—........ Tilrter, Harry.........-.................... 1.. Titsworth, Chas.............................3 Titsworth, Geo............................... 1 Tittensor, H................................ 1 Tobias, Mrs. F. W.................... 1 Tobias, J. D................. 3................. Tobias, Sphencer............ —............... 1 Todd, Bert....................................... --- —-- 2 Todd, Mrs. Nellie.......................... 4 Toelka, Mrs. Hi............................. 1 Tolman, 'W..................................... 3 Tomaszeski, Leo............................ 3 Tombs, Harry.............................. 2 Tompkinson, Flossie........................ 1 Tout, W. F................................... 3 Toney, Roy.................................... 1 Toole, Dave................. --- —-—......... -- 3 Toomey, W. A............................... 1 Torrance, Frank....................... 1 Torrey, Mr...... --—......................... --- 1 Torrey, Frank C............................. 1 Torry, W. W................................... 3 Tower, Mrs. Alice............................ Tower, J. M................................... 1 Tower, Wm................................... 4 Tower, Mrs. W. P......................... 2 Towner, Mr................ --- —-................. — 1 Towner, Mrs. J. C........................... 1 Townsend, E. J............................ --- 3 Townsend, L. A...1.......................... Tracy, A. C................................... 1 Tracy, H. H.......... 3........................3 Tracy, W. F................................... Tracy, Wm.............................3.......... Trafalet, Mrs. Alfred.................... 1 Train, J. C........................................ 2 Transue, J. L.......................... 2 Transue, Mrs. J. L..................... 1 Transue, Wm.................................. 1 Traver, Alger................................. 4 Traver, Mrs. Jim........................ 1 Traver, Mrs. Lillian....................... 1 Travis, Chas............ ---....................... Travis, DeHull N............................ 4 Treat, Mrs. D. L.................. --- ——.......... 2 Tremaine, R. H........................... 3 Trembert, Rev. A. A.............-....... 1 Trembley, Mrs. Bertha............... 3 Tressler, Guy.................................. 5 Trollop, Mrs. J................................ 1 Troop, Geo........................................4 Truckey, B......................................... 1 Tubbs, Mrs. H................................. 1 Tubbs, Miss Lucile.......................... 3 Tunningly, Sam...........................5... Tunningly, Mrs............................ 1 Tupper, Dr. F. L...................... 1 Tupper, Mrs. Etta....................... 1 Turey, Bessie I.......................... 1 Turner, Mrs. A.............................. 1 Turner, Beatrice.......................... 1 Turner, J. H.................................... 3 Turner, Mrs. John......................... 4 Tuttle, Neva................................. 3 Twiss, A. W................................... 3 Twiss, J. W....................................... 1 Tyler, Duane.................................... 1 Tyler, John W...... ---.......... —.......... 2 Udell, Joe......................................... 1 Udell, W......................................... 1 Underhill, Clayton......................... 3 Uptegraff, Mrs. E. E...................... 1 Untegrove, Mrs. W. A.................. 1 Urbanik, W. H.........-............... — 2 Utley, Mrs. W................................. 1 V Valbot, Mrs. Chas........................ 1 Vale, Don............................................ 1 VanAuten, Mrs. Lizzie.................. 1 Valentine, C. F..............................1 Valentine, J. A.............................1 VanAuken, Lou.....................4 VanBeschoten, C. M....................... 6 VanBenschoten, Mrs....................... 1 VanBushirk, J. M................2....... 2 VanCleve, J. R..............................3 VanDenberge, J. M.....6..........6...6 VanDeWalker, E. C....................... 7 VanDeWalker, Mrs. E. C......... 1 VanAuken, E. B............................1 VanDyke, Mrs............................ 1 VanDyke, Mattie....3..................3 Vancarman, Mrs. Wm.................. 1 VanFossen, H................................1 VanFossen, W. J............................ 1 VanKirk, F...................................... 1 VanMeter, Mrs................................ 1 VanNorman, E. E........................... 3 VanNorwick, H................1................ Vausaw, V........................................ 4 VanSlyke, A. D...............................2 VanSlyke, Mrs. A. D..................... 2 VanSnyder, Mrs............................. 1 Vanspottie, W..............1.............. 1 Vantine, Miss Gladys..................... 1 VanWagner, Mrs. M. H...............1.. VanWagoner, Roy............................3 Varty, V..................... 1............... Vasold, L. L.....................................4 Veit, Katharine.....2..................... 2 Veit, Wm.......................................10 Vercoe, Rev. Geo........................... 2 Vermilya, Ned J............................... 8 Vernon, Mrs. Elmer............. 1........ Vette, H............................................ 1 Vickey, Chas......2............................ Villeneue, Mrs. L.............................. Vincent, Alta.................................. 1 Vischers, Henry.............................1 Vodden, B. F....................................5 Vogel, J..... ---- -------—............................ 1 Vogel, Wm............. --- —---—......................... 1 Vogelsberg, Clifford....................... 1 Voorhorst, R. G............................1 Vorce, Arthur...................3........... Vorce, R. L...................................... Vorhees, Harry...........................3 Vorhees, Mrs. Harry...................... 1 Vosburg, A. L.................................. 1 Vosburgh, Mrs. A............................ Vose, J. E. 1 --- —-—.. ----1 Vredenberg, J. W...........................1 Vroman, Claude............................1 Vroman, Mrs. Mabel.................... 1 Vrooman,' Mrs................................... W Waaler, Hubbard........................... I Waddell, Leo..................................3 Wade, B. F........................................ 1 Wade, Mrs. F...................................1 Wade, Mrs. J. A............................1 Wade, P........................................... 1 Wader, Mrs. J. A........................ 1 Wager, Rawson............................. Wager, Mrs. Rawson............ 3..... Wagner, Mrs. Alton..................... 2 Wagner, C...........1.......................... Wagner, Eva............................2.... Wagoner, L....................................... 1 Waimer, Mable................-..-........ 1 Waite, C. F......................................4 Waite, Gceo...................................... Waite, Wm...............................5.... 6 Waldman, H. L............................... 1 Waldmann, W. L............................. Walfit, Mrs. John............................ 1 Walker, Mrs.............................1 Walker, Caroline....................2 Walker, Clare.................................. Walker, W. C....-...................... 2 Walker, W. H..................3.......... Wall, Mrs. W. J..............................2 Wallace, Mary..............................3..... Waller, M. W................................... Walworth, C......................... 2 Ward, M........................... 2 Warner, C. K...................................1 Warner, J. W........................ ---- Warner, Mable.................. Warner, L. K.................................. 1 Warner, Mrs. W. H................ 2 Warren, Mrs. Don......................... Warren, W. B.................................. Warren, Mrs. W. B.................... 3 Warrick, Irma........................ 1 Warrick, J. G......................... 9....... Warrick, Mrs. J. G....................... 1 Warrick, Mrs. J. W...................... 1 Warrick, W. A............................... 1 Wascher, H. H.............................. 3 Washer, Mrs..................1.......... Waterfall, Lydia...........................1 Watters, Don D........................... 9 Watters, L. W............................1..... Watson, E. H..................... 1 Wratts. Mrs. Arthur...................... 1.. Watson, Mrs. E. H........................ 3 Watson, Herbert................ --- ——........ 3 Watson, Mrs. Herbert................. 3 Watson, Mrs. Ira............................ 1 Watson, Mrs. Mary........................ 2 Watts, Dr. J. W........................... W ay, Alm a.................................... 1 Way, Mrs. Fred.. —......................1.... Webb, Mr.................................... --- 1 W ebb, M rs....................................... Webb, G. H. --- —-............................ 1 Webb, Mrs. Geo............................ 1 Webb, W........................................ 2 Webber, C. K................. ---- —................. 1 Webber, F............................................ 1 Webber, Geo............................ 6 Webber, Mrs. J.............................. 1 Webber, Ray............................. 6 Webster, Nelson 7.................... 7 Webster, Mrs. N. C....................- 2 283 Webster, M. C............ 1 Weckler, J. E............................. 1 Weckler, Mrs. John................... 1 Weeks, Miss Lettie................... 1 Weeks, Mr................... 6................. Weigle, Oliver............................ 1 Weiner, Ben........................... 4 Weiner, Mrs. Ben.................... 1..... Weiner, B. F.........................1........... Weiss, Mr.................. --- —- --—........... 4 Weiss, W...................... 1................ Weist, Judge H............................ 1 Welch, C....-.............................. 2 Welch, Elizabeth................... 4 Welch, Geo...............................6..... Welch, Jas. A............ — ----................ 2 Welch, Richard................. 2............ Welch, W......................................... 1 Welfare, Bill.................................. 1 Welfon, Wm.................................... 1 Weller, C. K............................. 2....... Weller, Mrs. C. K........................ 3 Wells................... 1............................ Wells, Mrs. Elmer....................... 1 Wells, W. C............................6 Wellwood, J. EM............................... 3 Welsh, Jas. A.................................. 1 Wert, Mrs. W. E.......................... 1 Wertman, C. E............................... 1 Wertman, F. A............................ 6 Wertman, H. E.......................... 1 Wertman, Helen...................... 1 Wessinger, Mrs. Geo.................... 2 Wesson, C. D................................... 6 Wesson, Mrs. C................................. Wesson, Helen........................ 1 West, Earl...................... 1 West, Mrs. Earl............................. 1 Westenfelt, C. J........................ 1 Western, Mrs. Isabella.................. — 1 Westfall, Florence....................... 1 Westfall, Jos........................ 4 Westfall, Mrs. Jos......................... 1 Westfall, Simon............................1 Westfall, Mrs. Simon.................. Wetherald, Geo. A........................3 Wheeler, Dr. A. S........................ 1 Wheeler, Clifton................... Whaley, Dayton......................... Wheeler, Mrs. Fannie.................... 1 Wheeler,Herman............................ Wheeler, Mrs. Herman.................. 4 Wheeler, Mrs. M. A....................... Wheeler, W. H. -....................... 1 Wheelock, Dr. A. S.................... 7 Wheelock, Mrs. A. S....................... Whipple, Clay._........................ 4 Whipple, Mrs. D. J....................... 1 Whipple,Geo.................................. 1 Whitacre, Gertrude....................... 1 Whittaker, Dr. W........................ 1 Whittaker, Mrs. Wm.................... 1 Whitby, Olive..................................... 1 White, Carl.................1................ 1 White, Geo. W'......................1.... White, Jas..................................... 1 White, Mrs. J. R.............................1 White, Lois.................................. 1 White, Mary.............................1....... White, M. J...................................... 1 White, P........................................ 1 White, Mrs. Packard......................1 Whiting, H. R................................ 1 Whiting, W. R................................ 1 Whitman, C. L.............................. 3 Whitman, Lien............................... 3 Whitman, Mrs. W......................... 1 Whitney, Gainard............................ 1 Whittlesey, Mrs. L......................... Whyte, James................................ Whyte, Nellie................................ 1 Wickman, J. A................................ 1 Wiener, Frank................................. 1 Wiggins, Wm................................... 8 Wilber, Mr................................. 1 Wilber, Clay W.. 4 Wilbur, F. J.............................. 4 Wilber, Mrs. Hazel......................... 3 Wilcox, Edwin H..................... 3 Wilcox, F. G..................................... Wilcox, Mrs. F. G......................... 3 Wilcox, Mrs. Ira.........................3..... Wilcox, Mrs. R............................. 2 Wildanger, Mrs. A. J.................... 1 Wildanger, F..... ---—............................ 2 Wildanger, John........-................... Wildman, E. P................................ Wildman, Frank P......................... Wildman, Mrs. F. P...................... Wiley, Mrs. E. J............................... 1 Wilkins, Mrs. C. B........................ Wilkins, Mrs. C. H......................... 1 Wilkins, F. J................................. --- -- 6 Will, C. G........................................ 1 Willett, F. E.................................... 2 Willey, Mrs. A. B......................1..... 1 Williams, Bertha............................ 1 Williams, Bruce............................. 1 Wil iams, Calista.......................... 1 Williams, Dr. C. E....................... 1 Williams, D. S................................ 3 Williams, E.......................... 8 Williams, Ethel M...................... 1 Williams, Glenn.............................. Williams, Mrs. Glenn.................... 2 Williams, Jas................................1 Williams, Mrs. Jas.................... 2 Williams, J. I............................... 1 Williams, Mrs. L. W..................... 1 Williams, May M................ —..... 1 Williams, Myrtle M..................... 1 Williams, Ray...........................I.... Williams, Rhea............ ----.. —....... Williams, R. R................................ 1 Williams, Sadie.......................1..... Williams, Sam...........................1.... Williams, Sanborn................... 1 Williard, Mrs. L. R......................... 1 W illis, Bert.................................... 3 Willison, L. G................................ 7 Willison, W. L............................... --- 1 W illett, F. E.................................... 2 Willoughby, Mrs. L. IL.................. 1 Wilson, Mrs.................................... 1 Wilson, Adam.............................. 1 Wilson, Geo. C..................... 8..... 8 Wilson, Mrs. Guy........................... 2 Wi!son, H. P.......................... 3 Wilson, Mrs. Howard.................... 2 Wilson, Irving............................... 4 Wilson, Mrs. Irving..................._ 2 Wilson, James C............................. 1 Wilson, Mrs. Jas............................. 1 W ilson, I. D............................... 3 Wilson, Mrs. Lola........................... 1 Wilson, Mr. Mart............................ 3 Wilson, Ray.................................... 4 Wilson, Mrs. Ray...................... 2 Wilson, Richard.............................. 1 Wilson, Sherman...................... 2 Wilson, W. S................................... 1 Wilson, Mrs. Wm........................ 1 Winchester, Clarice...................... i W inchester, Mrs. W. H................. 1 W indiate, John..............................11 Windiate, Mrs. John...................... 2 W inegarden, Harry...................... 10 Winegarden, Mrs. Harry.............. 2 Winget, M. H........................... 4 W inslow,Chas................................. 1 Winslow, C. H........................ 1 Winslow, Dallas.......................... 1 Winton, Harlan.............................. I Wirsing, E. F........................... 1 Wise, R. J..................................... 10 Wisner, Leslie................................. 3 W ithey, Herbert.............................. 1 W itte, Frank.................................... 1 W ittum, G........................................ 2 Wolcott, Ernest.......................... Wolcott, Mrs. Fred.................... 1 Wolcott, Lynus.........-................. 1 Wolcott. Robt.............................. 4 Wolf, Mrs. Chas............................... 1 Wolfe, Miss Louise......................... 1 Wolverton, L. H........................ 2 Wood, A. B..................................... 1 W ood Alice M............................... 1 Wo nC. Arnott................................. 4 Wood, Curtis.................................... Wood, E.................................. 1 Wood, Miss Gay........................... 2 Wood, George......-........................ 1 Wood, Hazel................................... 1 Wood, J. W.................................... 2 Wood, Winnie................................ I Woodbury, Albert........................ 4 Woodbury, Mrs. C....................... 2 Woodhouse, Geo................................ W Qodin, Harry............................... 1 Woodthorp, Lincoln........................ Woodruff, Florence......................... 1 Woodward, Mrs. E. W................... Woodworth, E. W....................... 1 Wolfet, Mrs......................................1 W oolfitt, Burtis................................ 6 Woolflt, Mrs. John.......................... Worth, A. D................................... Worth, H. C.................................... Woughter, Holden.......................... W right, Dr..................................... Wright, D. C... —..................................2 W right, E. G................................. 1 W right, H....................................... W right, Luther............................ 6 W right, R. F.................................... 1 Wright, Mrs. Robt....................... 2 Wright, Mrs. R. W.................... 1 W right, Wm................................... W right, Mrs. Wm. H.................... 1 Wrisler, Frank.......................... 1 Wruge, Ed.......................................... Wynne, P........................................ Yakes, Ray.......................................... Yancey, A. W................................... Yax, Frank................................I Yax, Mrs. Fred............................ I Yankle, Harold................................ I Yasstck, Mrs......................................I Yeats, Mrs. Inez................ I. Yerkey, Mr. Wm.................................. Yonells, Harry P....................... York, Mrs. Jerry..-...................... Yorton, Mae.................................. Young, Mrs........................................ Young, Irwin L....................... 1X Young, M. 8..................................... Young, Ollie............................ 1 Young, Wilson............................... Yrull, Lillian.................................... 1 Youelle, Bertha............................ 4 Zach, Mrs. D. S............................ Zanardi, J............................... I Ziegle, Albert........................ Ziegle, Harry...........................I S Zlegel, Mrs. Harvey..................... l Zlegler, H. W............................ l Zimmerman, Mr. A. A................... Zimmerman, A. W......................... 1 Zimmerman, Bernice.................. 1 Zimmerman, Mrs. Ella.................. Zimmerman, H. W.......................... Zimmerman, H. W........................ $ Zimmerman, JacoD....................... $ Zimmerman, Mrs. J.-.........-............. Zimmerman, L. B........................ 8 Zimmerman, Ruth........................ Zimmerman, Mrs. R. A................... Zimmerman, W. A........................ Zink, Frank..............................Zink, May,..................................... Zlrgle, Albenr........................... 2 INDEX TO HERO CENSUS RECORD A Abbott, Archie............................. 259 Abbott, W alter R........................... 89 Abernathy, Geo. C., Pvt., Co., ll1th Dep. Brig., Mayville, Mich. Abraham, Elia 0........................... 230 Abraham, John Wm., Pvt., Hq. Co., 11th Reg., Pittsburg, Pa. Ackerman, Alger Edwin............ 89 Ackerman, Frank.........................230 Ackerman, Eugene J...................212 Adams, Floyd Leslie.................... 89 Adams, Harry................................ 89 Adams, Peter M..........................259 Adams, Samuel.............................230 Adams, Willard Chas................. 89 Adamson, Holdman T.................230 Agan, Claud D., Pvt., Co. 456, 1st Prov., 825 Page St. Ahlstrom, Gust S., Cpl., Motor Trans. Corp., Co. 15, 1608 Church St. Aitken, Hon. D. D......................... 57 Alacheff, Theodore, Pvt., Motor Trans. Corp., 14th Div., 2715 St. John St. Alarie, Albert J., Pvt., Sup. Co., 337th, 1638 S. Saginaw St. Alberg, Albert W., Pvt., Co. M, 34th Inf., 722 Dayton St. Alberg, Andrew R., Pvt., Bat. E, 329th F. A., A. E. F., 722 Dayton St. Albertson, Louis E......................230 Albro, Frank W............................ 89 Aldrich, Dean T........................... 89 Aldrich, F. A................................. 269 Aldrich, Frank C........................ 89 Aldrich, Jas. L., Pvt., Sup. Co., 32nd Inf., 1601 Richfield Rd. Alexander, John E., Mech., M. G., 125th Reg., City. Alexander, Dwight....................... 89 Alexander, Glen C........................ 89 Alexander, Sidney, Pvt., Co. E, 337th Reg., 211 Cross Court. Alexander, Sidney E..................... 89 Alexander, Lance W. E., Corp., 351st Amb. Co., 88th Div., 310 W. 1st. St. Alexander, Wm. C., Pvt., Sup. Co., 41st F. A., 636 Warren St. Alexander, Wm. H., Pvt., Ft. Thomas, Ky., 311 E. 4th St. Alfano, Jack, Pvt., Camp Merrit, 830 Dewey St. Alkstrom, Gust............................259 Allan, James................................ 90 Alldaffer, Robt. V., Pvt., Co. C, Air Div., 218 Clayton Ave. Allen, Donald I........... ----................ 230 Allen, Gardner P., Ist. Lieut., C. A., 8th Air Squad, 618 Church St. Allen, Nelson Chase.................... 89 Allen, Raymond............................ 230 Allen, Ulysses P.................. ---.......... 28 Allen, W. S., Pvt., 64th Inf., 7th Allen, Floyd A............................ 57 Div., 756 Mary St. Allore, Peter T............................ 212 Allshouse, Vernon E.....................230 Almers, George --—... ----............ —............ 89 Alten, Jake J., Pvt., 1/c U. S. Medical Corps., 774 Parkland St. Alvin, Espel Lloyd........................ 90 Amie, Milton A............................ 91 Amilla, Vincent, Pvt., Co. F, 2nd Batt., 735 Leith St. Amsden, Arthur............................ 89 Amyotte, Geo. A...........................230 Ancompaugh, Lee Jas................. 89 Anderson, Alonzo M., Seaman, U. S. S. Louisiana, Fostoria, Mich. Anderson, Carl E., Pvt., 329th Reg., 741 Hamilton Ave. Anderson, Gustave A.................. 89 Anderson, Frederick P...............230 Anderson, Holden E.....................230 Anderson, Ira Joe, Pvt., Co. A, Camp Rusties, 1800 Harrison St. Anderson, Joe, Pvt., Camp Custer, 1800 Harrison St. Anderson, John Herman............254 Anderson, John N......................... 90 Anderson, Rudolph, Cpl., 5th Cav., E Troop, 13i17 Lingle Ave. Anderson, Thos. L., Pvt., 1st Reg., 409 Squad, 724 Hamilton Ave. Anderson, Walter.......................... 90 Anderson, Wm.............-.............. 27 Anderson, Wm. K., Qter. Mstr., care U. S. S. Santa Ann, Flint. Andres, Otto G., Pvt., Casual Co., 618 Mary St. Andrews, Adam, Custer, Pvt., 1240 Halsey St. Andrews, Erwin J., Pvt., 160 Dep. Brig., 742 Dayton St. Andrews, Geo. R........................... 90 Andrews, Leeman D.................... 90 Andrews, Roger J., Pvt., Co. B, 25th Engs., 318 W. 8th St. Andrews, Warren C., Pvt., 160 Dep. Brig., 1409 Bell St. Andrus, Adam............................... 90 Andrus, Harold L................-......... 27 Angelo, Borello, Pvt., Co. B, Custer, Flint. Angilere, Phillip, Pvt., Camp Custer, 810 Spencer St. Aniceto, Ferlara, Pvt., Jacksonville, Fla., 218 Conover Ave. Angligliere, Mike.......................... 90 Annabel, Roy H............................ 90 Anscheutz, Walter E, Pvt., 1/c, Co. D, 310th Eng., 505 Passadina Ave. Antonell, Chas., Pvt., Co. E, 3rd Pioneer Inf., Flint. Antonio, Albert A..................... 230 Antonio, Octave............................214 Antonovich, Sam............................ 90 Anderson, Albert, Cook, 310th Amtm. Tr., Co. B, Flint, Mich. Anderson, Alfred, Mechanic, 4th Co., Convalescent Center, 812 Witherby St. Angevine, Harry, Pvt., Mach. Gun Co., 125th Inf., 1223 N. Saginaw St. Applebee, Ed. Geo......................257 Applebee, Irwin J......................212 Applebee, Wm. Jacob..................262 Argue, Harry................................ 90 Armstrong, Albert H., Sergt., 1/c, 15th Prov. Co., Air Service, Flint, Mich. Armstrong, Claud......................... 90 Armstrong, Lester M., Pvt., Co. D, S. A. T. C., 803 Page St. Armstrong, Vennie, Corp., 6th Co., 23rd Inf., 1733 Richfield Ave. Arn, Clayton C., Pvt., L Troop, 12th Cav., 3rd Inf., Flushing, Mich. Arnold, Earl E............................. 90 Arnold, John Nelson, Pvt., Co. C, 47th Inf., 2215 Arlington Ave. Arnold, Paul A.............................. 212 Arnold, Pearl E., Bugler, 160th Dep. Brig., 1805 Zimmerman St. Arnold, Ralph C., Pvt., Columbus, O., 620 Second Ave. Arnold, Silas.................................... 90 Arsenault, Clyde............................ 90 Arsenault, Eugene C.................... 90 Ashby, John Dewey....................212 Ashley, Lee jones, Pvt., 1/c, 42nd F. A. C. O. T. S., Davison, Mich. Asselin, Herbert, Pvt., 1/c, Field Hosp. 36, 1111 7th St. Aten, Jake J., Pvt., 1/c, U. S. Medical Corps, 774 Parkland St. Atherton, Curry Blaine, Sergt., S. A. T. C., 423 Albro P1. Atherton, Wm. H................... ----..... 91 Atkins, Howard B.. —...................212 Atkins, Rudolph C., Seaman, 1/c, Naval Unit, 1120 Ida Ave. Atwood, Leon, Pvt., 17th Aero Sqid., A. E. F., 322 E. 5th St. Ault, Ray, Pvt., Cook, 33rd Div., 817 Patterson St. Austin, Elton B............................. 91 Austin, Emery C., Pvt., 657th Motor Trans. Corp., 736 Rankin St. Austin, Howard B................... -212 Austin, Jesse E.............................230 Austin, Lee.................................. --- — -- 91 Austin, Vern C.......................... 212 Austin, Bert J................................. 63 Austin, Mrs. B. J........................... 69 Auten, Arthur............................... 91 Avramopoulos, Jas. Pvt., Co. D, 13th Regt., F. A., 412 Saginaw St. Avila, Vincent...........-....................230 Ayer, Alvan C.........-..................... 87 Ayers, Delmer................................ 91 Aymer, Ira Wyman...................... 91 Aymer, Henry R........................... 91 B Babcock, Andrew J...................... 94 Bache, Harold C., Pvt., Camp Custer, Mt. Morris, Mich. Bache, Laverne............................. 91 Bachelor, Horace C...................... 91 Bacher, Grover C., 1st Lieut., Co. M, 33rd Mach., 403 Smith St. Bacon, Raymond C............. --- —- 91 Bacon, Howard P.. --- —-.......-.....-.. 91 Bacot, Thos. R., Cook, Bat. D, 328th F. A., 1031 Root St. Bader, John, Pvt., 19th Eng., A. E. F., 734 Mary St. Badger, Floyd A.......................... 21 Badger, McKinley, Pvt., Co. 17, 160 D. B., 921 Leith St. Badger, Mrs. Floyd A................... 67 Badgley, Benjamin..................... 91 Badour, Earl............................... 91 Bagnelle, Wm. H., Pvt., l/c, 337th Inf., Base Hosp., Flint, Mich., R. F. D. No. 2. Bahlman, Gordon Henry............ 22 Bailey, Arthur M......................... 91 Bailey, Chas. Henry, Pvt., C. A. C., Co. B, 621 Frost St. Bailey, Geo. Robt...................... 254 Bailey, Hartzell.............................. 91 Bailey, Raymond H., Pvt., Camp Wadsworth, S. C., Flushing, R. F. D. No. 8. Bailey, Richard Jesse, Bugler in Naval Unit Band, 119 E. 4th St. Bailey, Robt. Ellis........................ 92 Baillie, Hugh M............................ 85 Bair, Rohlin Wm.,......................230 Baird, Harry, Pvt., 97th Bn. Can. Reg., 459 Wood St. Baker, Bryan J.............................212 Baker, Claud H............................230 Baker, Harold R., Corp, Base Hosp., 1108 Lapeer St. Baker, Chas. Wm.. ----—.................... 92 Baker,, Geo. Pvt., Co. K, 29th Inf., 2202 Rockford Ave. Baker, Frederick J...................... 92 Baker, Harry R...................... 92 Baker, Glenn A....................... 92 Baker, Herman J...... --- —...-........ 27 Baker, Ray, Pvt., 312th Engs., 817 Paterson St. Baker, Ross C................................. 231 Balac, Flija, Pvt., Canadian Army, 1122 Myrtle St. Baldwin, G. H., Pvt., Det. Air Craft Prod. Co. Inf., Detroit, Mich. Ball, John J., Sgt. Co., 310th Sup. Train., 2815 Ave. A. Ballard, Chas. S............................ 30 Ballard, Glenn E., Pvt., Co. A, 3rd Reg. (Pro. to Segt.), 616 E. 2nd St. Ballas, Frank M., Pvt., 1/c, Hosp. Dept., 142 Richfield Rd. Ballentyne, Don........................... 92 Bancroft, Glenn L...................... 92 Banks, Carl................................. 74 Barber, Gunner, care of Trench Mortar Dept., Arlington Ave. Barber, Almond J., Pvt., Hd. Co., 33rd Reg., Richfield Rd. Barber, Byron W., Pvt., 101st Recruit Co., 25 Bn., Mt. Morris, Mich. Barber, Clare E., Pvt., Co. E, 56th Inf., Mt. Morris, Mich. Barber, Harold R...................-.....- 92 Barber, John Edwin....................231 Barber, John W........................... 231 Barber, Lloyd L., Elec., 1/c, Radio Serv., 15th Co., S. A. T. C., Harvard, 718 Margaret S't. Barcey, Alexander........................ 92 Barcome, Elmer.-..... ---- 92 Barcome, Avery...... --- —................ 92 Barcome, Henry M................ 92 Barden, Clyde L........................... 92 Barden, Donald J........................ 92 Barga, Hallie.... --- ——....................... 2 31 Barker, John J............................. 92 Barker, Wm. M............................. 93 Barnes, Mrs. Geo. A.................... 67 Barnes, Geo. A................ 59 Barnes, Rev. Geo. E................... 57 Barnard, Clyde............................ 231 Barnett, Sam.................................231 Barnum, Ben..................................2 31 Barnum, Benne, Pvt., U. S. Army, Montrose, Mich. Barnum, Harry Gray, Pvt., Sup. Co., 120th F. A., Clio, Mich. Barr, Chas. A... ----.. —.................231 Barr, George........,............ 93 Barr, George E., Pvt., Motor Co. 15, 835 McFarland St. Barr, John H................................. 93 Barrello, Angelo, Pvt, Co. B, 26th Inf., 903 Margaret St. Barrett, Claude C........................214 Barrett, Rutherford E.................231 Barron, Howard L...................... 93 Barron, John A............................. 93 Barror, Frank P., Pvt., 205th Bat., 406 Warren St. Bartholomew, Benj. F...............93 Bartlett, Percy J........................... 93 Bartolle, James.............................. 93 Barton, Herbert........................... 93 Barth, Chas. F............................... 269 Bartz, Gustav, Pvt., Co. M, 2nd Reg., 738 Harriet St. Bartz, Gustav, Pvt., Co. I, 338th Reg., 336 E. Newall St. Bartz, Henry.................................. 93 Basich, Milos, Pvt., U. S. Army, 1213 Hickory St. Basley, Patrick, Pvt., 139th Inf., 35th Div., Fenton, Mich. Basney, Lewis Dave, Pvt., 102 Spruce Corps, Flint, Mich. Bassett, H. H.................... --- —-..... 269 Bassett, Charles F....................... 93 Bassett, Robt. L.......................... 93 Bates, Johnstone........................... 22 Bates, Rolland B.......................... 257 Bates, W m. R............................. 231 Bathey, Geo. H.............................. 93 Battaglia, Leo............................... 93 Batten, Joseph Arthur............... 92 Batterson, Harold L., 1st. Rate Aviation Mech., 509 Avon St. Batterson, A. Brown.................... 57 Baublin, Christ B.......... ----......... 93 Bauchard, Emery, Pvt., 160th Dep. Brig., 1430 N. Saginaw St. Baucher, Philip, Pvt., 24th Sqd., 2nd Prov., Flint, Mich., R. F. D. No. 7. Baucus, Cecil Manson, Corp., Co. D, 35th Inf., 2303 S. Saginaw St. Baumgarton, Robert C................. 93 Bayn, Bernie Burton..................231 Bayn, Fred Oliver....................... 2 57 Baxter, Albert.............................254 Baxter, Byron C.........................231 Baxter, Carl Ernest..................... 94 Baxter, George G., Corp. Can. Railway Troops, 120 W. Ann St. Beach, Chas. Frank.................... 259 Beach, Emmet, Pvt., 15 S. A. M., Hq. S'up. Co., Flint, Mich. Beacraft, Wm..............................269 Beacroft, Grace.............................. 77 Beach, Leslie M........................... 94 284 Beale, John.................................... 94 Beam, Horace........................... 94 Bean, Slocum Wm., Sailor, 502 Train. Bks., Base 6, N. Y., 1908 N. Saginaw St. Beamer, Chas. Albert.......... —......259 Beamish, Grant C.........................214 Bean, Horace E., Pvt., 6th Co., 2nd Bat., 114 W. 2nd Ave. Bean, Slocum..................................214 Beardslee, Howard C.................. --- —-231 Bearup, Myron R.......................... 94 Beatty, Claud E............................. 94 Beatty, John..... ---...................... --- —- 231 Beck, Jacob J., Pvt., Casual Co., 1718 Glenwood Ave. Beck, Frederick C., Pvt., Casual Co., 1718 Glenwood Ave. Beckham, Harry, Pvt., Co. H, 337th Inf., 1222 Mason St. Beckley, Thomas P.....................231 Beckman, Earle W...................... 59 Beckwith, Bernard M...................214 Beckwith, Leo E.......................... 94 Beckwith, Dr. J. H..................... 55 Bedell, W illard R........................212 Bedell, W illis H.......................... 94 BeDen, Roy G., Pvt., Co. B, 78th Inf., Fenton, Mich. Bedford, Henry Jas..................... 94 Bedtelyon, Roy J...................... 94 Beebe, Arleigh B........................... 94 Beebe, Howard Slas................. —...231 Beebe, Lawrence Ed., Yeoman, 5th Reg., Camp Perry, 226 Grace St. Beecher, Simon, Mech., Co. 100, 150 D. B., 1212 Liberty St. Beechley, Arthur G................... * 94 Beedle, Emory R., Pvt., Bat. 63, fi6th Anti-Air, Otisville, Mich. Beekman, Mrs. Kathryn............ 77 Beemer, Blake R........................... 94 Beem er, Eva................................. 95 Beemer, Prescott G., Pvt., S. A. T. C., Flushing, Mich. Begal, Carson M........................... 95 Begle, W alter S............................. 95 Beland, Jos. Z., Pvt., 216th Aero Squad., 748 Cornelia St. Belcher, Chas. F............................. 232 Belden, Alvin................................. 232 Belden, Clare, Pvt., Custer, U. S. Army, 317 E. 5th St. Belicki, Adam, Pvt., Co. B, 339th Inf., 1404 S't. John St. Bell, Carry, Deceased, 918 Paterson St. Bell, Leslie Geo............................. 95 Bell, Wm., Pvt., 25th Co., 2nd Reg., 321 Mason St. Bellan, Chas................................... 95 Bellas, Earl W., Pvt., 12th Co., Aero Squad., 708 E. 5th St. Bellas, Guy Chester, Cook, 33,3 Am. Co., 309th San. Train, 220 Millard Lane. Bellinger, Ed. Geo....................... 95 Bellinger, Jas. Archie................ 95 Bellinger, Richard H................. 212 Bellinger, Wisner M..................... 95 Belo, Martin, Pvt., Co. C, 1st Eng., 1st. Reg., 706% East St.-Peter Groat. (Died in France July 22, 1918.) Bemis, Alpheus C......................... 21 Bemmark, J. Wesley.................... 95 Benda, Nick, Pvt., U. S. Army, 814 Spencer St. Bendle, Bernard A....................... 95 Bendle, Claud R.......................... 95 Bendle, Lester C............................ 95 Benedict, Herbert..........................232 Benedict, Louis Don...................... 95 Benedict, Raymond Donald, U. S. Censor, 720 Mary St. Benschooten, Mrs. Maybel C....... 73 Benson, Geo. Lawrence, Pvt., Med. Corps, A. E. F., 1114 McFaden St. Benson, Robert..............................232 Benes, John.................................... 95 Benford, Arthur E., Corp., Co. L, 329th Inf., Grand Blanc, Mich. Benford, Geo. S., Pvt., 1/c, 40th Inf., Co. G, Grand Blanc, Mich. Benincasa, Constantino D......... 95 Benjamin, Fay H., Sgt., 1/c, 858 Aero Squad, 511 E. 6th St. Benjamin, Harold T..................... 95 Benjamin, John............................. 94 Benn, Wm. B., Y. M. C. A. Worker, Great Lakes, Flint, Mich. Bennor, Jesse A., Pvt., Bat. D, 328th F. A., 334 E. Anne S't. Bennett, Chas. R., Segt., Co. B, 70th Bat., 1522 North St. Bennett, Claud A.........................227 Bennett, Gordon R..................254 Bennett, Howard, Pvt., 46th Reg., 20th Eng., 1005 Mason St. Bennett, John D........................... 96 Bennett, Robt. C........................... --- —--- 96 Bennett, Roscoe 0.........................214 Bennett, Roy J............................... 96 Bennett, W illis F..........................257 Bennetts, Harry.......................... 96 Benoit, Ira E.. --- —-........-................ 96 Benson, Carl, Pvt., 61st Pioneer Inf., 222 Dayton St. Benson, Frederick B., Pvt., Co. B, 25th Eng., 832 Baker St. Benson, Robt., Mech., Co. D, 328th F. A., Flint, Mich. Bensoy, Harry L., Pvt., 15th Inf., Bn. 5th Can. Ry., Flint, Mich. Bentley, Gusham E., Segt., Co., 5, 65th Reg. of Eng., Fenton, Mich. Bentley, James L., U. SR. Naval Train. Station, Fenton, Mich. Berg, Gustave.............................. 96 Bergema, Nammen........................232 Bergy, Carl F.............................. 96 Bernard, Claude.... Claude............227 Bernethy, Irvin C...................... 96 Bernethy, Jas. W......................... 96 Bernethy, Lyman Jas.................232 Bernethy, Wm. Henry................. 96 Berridge, Leo M............................. 96 Berry, Frank Ray, Segt., 16th Eng., 603 W. Court St. Berry, Russel O., Corp., S. A. T. C., Flint, Mich. Berston, Neil J........................... 22 Berston, Mrs. Carrie E. C.......... 53 Berwick, John, Pvt., M. G. Co., 332nd Inf., Flint, Mich. Berzma, K. Besanz, John L., M. M., 2/c, Naval Air Station, 1605 Ave. A. Besensh, Jos. A............................. 96 Beslach, Bude, Pvt. Can. Army, 2606 St. John St. Beslach, Laco, Pvt., Can. Army, 1207 Campon Ave. Bessolo, Peter, Pvt., C. A. C., Central Ave. Best, Anson................................228 Best, Walter Wm......................... 96 Bettesworth, Wm. G.................... 96 Betts, Geo., Pvt., Ord. Dept., 125th Inf., 504 East St. Beuckman, Ray O., Corp., Co. 28, 7th Bn., 619% S. Saginaw St. Beup, Henry E., Segt., 33rd Reg., 1215 Glenwood Ave. Bevins, Floyd M..................... 29 Bezenah, Henry.............................. 96 Bianocci, Rocco, Pvt., 45th Reg., U. S. Army, A. E. F., 802 Hamilton Ave. Bice, Harry C.............................. 96 Biedas, Steven............................... 97 Biehler, Chas. Henry, Rexal Navy, 209 E. 10th St. Bick, Walter R., Pvt., Hq. Amb. Sec., 7th San. Train, 725 Stockton St. Biek, Walter R., Pvt., 7th San. Train, 725 Stockton St. Bieniasz, Stanley.......................... 232 Bierd, Harry W., Pvt., U. S. Army, 825 Harriett St. Bifful, Leon, Pvt., Co. L, 372nd Inf., A. E. F., 919 Durant St. Bigelow, Chas. A....................232 Bigelow, Frank.............................. 97 Biglow, Douglas Glenn................ 97 Bilicki, Adam, Pvt., Co. B, 336th Inf., 85th Div., 3811 Grant St. Billings, Frank.............................. 97 Billings, Pomeroy 0..................... 97 Bird, Thos. S................................. 97 Bird, Warren Elmer, Pvt., Co. C, 21st. M. G., Bat., 7th Div., 1247 Easy St. Bird, Wm. Carroll, Segt., 1/c, S. A. T. C., Flint, Mich. Bisbee, Verne H., Pvt., Ord. Dept., 2nd Div., Flint, Mich. Bisck, Raymond J......................... 97 Bishop, Mrs. Clifford.................... 81 Bishop, Arthur G......................... 57 Bishop, John Thos..................... 97 Bishop, Lawrence Ed................. 97 Bishop, Russell Spencer, Pvt., Motor Prod. Co., 518 Kearsley St. Bishop, Wm. Henry............... 97 Bissonnette, A. J........................... 97 Bittel, Claude E.......................... 97 Black, Geo. A., Pvt., N. A. H. D., Tank Corps, Flint, Mich. Black, Harry Billings............... 23 Black, Harry Lawrence........... 97 Black, Jas. W., Pvt., Co. C, 310th Black, Mrs. James.......................... 69 Eng., 749 Warren St. Black, Meredith L....................... 97 Black, S. Rexford................ 97 Black, Waldon Atwood.............254 Blackinton, Charles A................. 63 Blackington, Geo. W................... 20 Blackington, Joe R.................. 97 Blackington, Robt. J.................. 98 Blackley, Andrew, Pvt., Can. Eng., 3rd Div., 2536 Mt. Elliot St. Blackmar, Carl........................... 98 Blackmar, Glyndon Howard......259 Blackstone, Earl H.................... 98 Blaine, Glenn.................................. 98 Blaine, Lloyd M., Pvt., Co. D, 56th Amm. Train, Clio, Mich. Blair, Frank J.............................. 98 Blair, Gilbert H.......................... 227 Blake, Leo, Pvt., 47th Aero Sq., 765 Hamilton Ave. Blakeslee, Ernest E....................... 98 Blakeslee, Glen G.......................... 98 Blanchard, Roy B., Pvt., 39th Co., Inf., 2321 N. Saginaw St. Blight, Howard F....................... 98 Blight, Wesley J........................... 98 Bliss, Rex L., Corp., Militaries Dept., 1408 Garland St. Block, Abraham, Corp., 13th Co., 5th Reg., Columbus, O. Block, BenJ. H............................ 98 Blom, Victor........................... 214 Blomberg, Amil, Pvt., Sup. Co., 338th Inf., 4010 Detroit St. Blomstrom, John E., Lieut., O. M. I. S., 909 Smith Bldg. Blondine, Louis J.........................232 Bloomer, Percy B., Pvt., Bks. 841, 1419 Harrison St. Blue, Elmer, Pvt., Co. 6, Unit D, Navy, Flint, Mich. Blue, Harry Wm......................... 98 Blundell, Billie............................... 98 Blundell, Jos............................................... 98 Bly, Andrew W............................ 98 Bober, Felix.................................232 Bobb, Harry R., Pvt., 52nd B. N., 329 E. 2nd St. Bode, Rudolph................................ 98 Boegner, Carl R.........-............... --- 98 Boes, Herbert C., Pvt., 14th Div., F. A. Brig., Flint, Mich. Boettcher, Albert L., Engineman, 1/c, U. S. S. Paul Jones, 1406 Stone St. Bogasky, John......................... 99 Bogdonoff, Louis............................ 99 Bogun, John H............................. 99 Bohnstedt, August E................... 99 Boike, Geo., Corp., Co. E, 125th Inf., Pinconning, Mich. Bois, Elmer E............................. 99 Bois, Wm. A...................-...... --- —- 99 Bojko, Andrew........................ 99 Bolt, John H.................................232 Bonbright, Carl W..................... 29 Boman, Wm. C.... ----................... --- 99 Bonnell, Elsworth M.....................227 Boomer, F. D., Pvt., Ord. Armament School, France, 1534 Chippewa St. Boos, Peter........................ --- —------ 99 Booth, Harold H., 1st Lieut., Royal Air Force, Y. M. C. A. Booth, Harry Alfred................... —... 232 Boray, Joseph, U. S. Army, 85th Div., 918 Newall St. Borley, Rev. Howard.................... 85 Borello, Angelo.............................. --- —— 232 Borst, Floyde Dow.......................227 Borst, Harry F............................. 99 Borst, William........................ --- —--- 99 Bortolo, Bordigo........................... 99 Bortz, Walter Roy.................... —. 99 Bory, Edwin L., Pvt., 161st Dep. Brig., 725 Dewey St. Bouchard, Alfred..........................259 Bouchard, Emery..........................259 Bouchey, Albert C.........-.............232 Boudreaux, Ed........................ ---- ------ 99 Bourbonnais, O., Segt., Co. I, 1st Army Hq., 1128 Lyon St. -Bourland, Thos. D., Pvt., Hq. Co., 77th Inf., 915 N. Saginaw St. Boutwell, Floyd R..................... --- 99 Bovee, M ajor..................................232 Bowden, Frank L...................... --- 99 Bowden, John................................100 Bowen, D. B...................................100 Bowen, Geo. L., Song Leader, C. T. C. 9, 937 Orchard Ct. Bowen, W m. Ed.............................212 Bower, Geo. L...............................100 Bowles, Bunnell G.......................212 Bowles, Forest E.........................1 --- —- -00 Bowles, Trent G........................... - 212 Bowman, Basil............................... 100 Bowman, Benj. C.......................264 Bowman, Cecil C., Pvt., Troop H, 12th Cav., Fenton, Mich. Bowman, Chas. K., Pvt., Co. 26, U. S. Army, 615 8th St. Bowman, Paul A...........................100 Bowen, Mrs. Geo. Oscar.............. 77 Bowen, George 0O.......................... 57 Boyer, Clarence.............................1 00 Boyer, Clouny, Pvt., 62nd Bat., A. A. C., 2709 Olive St. Boyle, Irving R., Segt, 368th Aero Dept., 449 Ann St. 3Boyles, Floyd R., Pvt., 310th Eng., Flint, Mich. Boylow, Michael, Bandman, Co. L, 15th Reg., 4406 Saginaw S't. Boze, Clifford O........................... 100 Brandeau, Sheldon P................... 258 Brabon, Elmer A., Pvt., Sup. Co., Marines, 733 Mary St. Brabon, Lewis E., Pvt., Co. 8, 2nd B. N., 733 Mary St. Brace, Claud H............................ — --- 100 Brackett, Thos...............................100 Bradley, Myles F........................... 57 Bradley, Basil B., Corp., Co. A, 16th Reg., 322 W. 5th Ave. Bradley, Claude A................-........ 100 Bradley, David B...........................232 Bradley, Harold J........................227 Bradley, Harry C., Bat. A, 80th F. A., 711 Warren Ave. Bradley, Howard M..................... --- —- 100 Bradley, James A......................... 212 Bradley, Sheldon, Pvt., U. S. Army, 150/6 Park St. Bradley, Wilment H., M. M. 2, U. S. Naval Hosp., N. Y., 816 Mason St, Bradow, Alfred H. C., Corp., M. G., Co. A, 33rd Inf., 1213 Church St. Bradow, Fred T............................. 100 Bradow, Henry M.........................100 Bradshaw, Harold E...................100 Bradshaw, Hawley, Pvt., 351st Amb. Co., 931 Elizabeth St. Bradshaw, Stephen......................233 Brady, Fred K...............................101 Brady, Harry, Pvt., U. S. Army, Flint, Mich. Brady, Howard R......................... 100 Brandon, Oliver, Pvt., 68th Co., 163rd D. B., 81 Cordoni St., Detroit, Mich. Branell, Arvid..............................101 Branch, Floyd................................101 Branch, Ralph M.........................101 Brannick, Maynard, Pvt., Co. K, 23rd Eng., Columbusville, Mich. Brant, Henry, Pvt., U. S. Army, 1309 Ave. A. Brayman, Ford J., Pvt., Co. B, 5th U. S. Eng., Flint, Mich. Brayman, Paul R., Pvt., U. S. Army, 412th Ry. Bat., Flint, Mich. * Brazill, Robt., Pvt., U. S. Army, 934 Harrison St. Breece, Victor C., Pvt., 17th Co., 160th D. B., Alden, Mich. Bredow, John A.................... 101 Brenner, John F........................ ----....101 Fred L. Breish, Pvt., 303rd Co., M. T. C., 1st Army, 718 Dayton St. Brenholtz, Wm. Carlos.............259 Brennan, Harold A.................-..101 Brennan, Stephen..........................101 Brewer, Chas. I............................ ---- --- 101 Brewer, Frank E......................... 101 Brewer, Jesse, Pvt., Amb. Co. 255th, 14th San. Train, 436 Church St. Brewer, Lee................................ --- —--— 233 Brewer, Pat. Earl, Pvt., 7th Amb. Train, 1206 Orchard St. Brewster, Gordon, Pvt. U. S. Army, 516 Stevens St. Brich, Pete....................................105 Brick, Cyrenous.........................1.....01 Bricken, Geo. H............................212 Bridal, Chas. W., Pvt., Co. H, R. H., 2108 N. Saginaw St. Bridgman, Cecil E....................... 101 Briggs, Clarence, Pvt., U. S. Army, 2224 Lena St. Briggs, Clarence E...................... 25 Brigham, Mrs. Emma............. 69 Bright, Clarence L.........................101 Brimmer, Percy H.......................233 Brisbois, Alfred, Pvt., U. S. Army, 1137 Root St. Briscoe, Forris D.......................... 101 Bristol, Delyle F., Cook, Co. A., 20th Eng., Marion, Mich. Brittain, Harry......................... 101 Brittain, Leon................................101 Brittain, WCm. S'............................. 23 Britting, Royal Lee.................... 102 Britton, Floyd D........................... 102 Britton, J. Elmer..... --- —............. — 102 Brizendine, John, Pvt., 62nd F. A. R. D., Wood St. Brock, Ernest Roy.................... ---102 Brock, Ralph M............................102 Brockway, Burnace A................259 Brockway, Earl H.......................213 Bronken, John............... ----—............ 102 Bronson, Jos. Earl.....-.................102 Bronson, Jos. M.............................102 Brooks, Archie D..............1.............02 Brooks, Forest, Corp., Bat. D, 328th F. A., 153.8 Haas Ave. Brooks, Geo. Don C.....................254 Brooks, Guy, Segt., Co. D, M. P., 1st. Bat., Flint, Mich. Brooks, L. G................................ - 233 Brooks, Roy Owen....................233 Brophy, Jackson H., Pvt., Co. I, Sec. B, 1720 Milbourne. Brosier, Dyke Albert.................102 Brosius, Ralph B........................102 Brosius, Wm. Algoe............ --- —-....... 102 Brown, Allen, Pvt., Co. A, 338th Inf., 1536 Texas Ave. Brown, Arthur V., Pvt., Co., 6th Dep. Brig., Q. M. C., 820 Baker St. Brown, Arthur H........................... 213 Brown, Carl E., Pvt., Co. B. 125th Inf., 127 Hector St. Brown, Chas. A............................. 85 Brown, Clarence J........-............. 259 Brown, Earl. ---................................ —...102 Brown, Earl Harvey......-..-.......... 213 Brown, Edgar Allen, Dispatch Rider, Camp Taylor, 1415 W. 2nd Ave. Brown, Eugene, Pvt., A. E. F., 826 Dewey St. Brown, Everett R.................102 Brown, Glenn A...................-233 Brown, Hamilton, Segt., Eng., 906 Witherbee St. Brown, Henry Roy................-....254 Brown, Jas. Audley. ----.....................233 Brown, John M............. ---..... —....20 Brown, John R., Segt., 222nd Aero Squad, Harrison, Mich. Brown, Jos. Fay, Pvt., Co. B, S. A. T. C., 720 Root St., Flint. Brown, Lyle Dorr......................... 27 Brown, Robert, 1st. Lieut., Med. Corps, Flint, Mich. Brown, Roy, Pvt., Co. A, Recruit Co., 143 Belvidue Ave. Brown, Zack...................... --- —...........102 Brownell, Roy E............................. 61 Browne, Roger J., Segt., 7th Heavy Artillery, 560 E. 5th St. Brownson, Murray A................... 102 Broyles, Floyd R.......................... 103 Bruce, Fred L., Pvt., 27th Co., Transf. to 33rd Inf., 911 E. Dayton St. Bruce, Peter Jas. D., Pvt., S. A. T. C., 1625 Glenwood Ave. Brumbock, Benj............................ 1 0 Brumeister, Walter, Corp., 337th Inf., Co. M, 801 N. Stevenson St. Brundage, Emil L........................103 Bruner, Chas. A.................... 233 Bruner, Herman W.....................103 Bruno, Lewis Henry, Pvt., Co. I, 78th Inf., 425 E. 11th St. Bryan, Russel...............................103 Bryant, Clarence L.......................233 Buchanan, Lennox F................... 103 Buck, Irving, Segt., O. T. C., Linden, Mich. Buck, Jerrold D............................103 Buck, M ilan....................................103 Buck, Wesley M.............................103 Buckham, Mrs. Elizabeth............ 81 Buckham, Thos. R....................... 29 Buckley, Ralph L..................... -----—...214 Buckner, Ralph E..................... 103 Bull, Wm. J., Segt., 27th Co., 20th Eng., 907 Harriet St. Buhland, Don. C...........................213 Bullard, T. S.. ---.............................. 103 Bulley, John Scott, Pvt., 13th Co., 160th D. B., 925 Parkland St. Bulman, Wm...............................213 Bunce, Roy J.............................. --- —--- 103 Bundy, Elmer J.............................259 Bunker, Roy, Pvt., Co., D. F. A., 604 W. 3rd Ave. Burch, Chas.............................. 233 Burch, Ralph Walter....................233 Burch, Roy D..............................103 Burden, Miss Jennie.................... 71 Burdick, Clifford E.......................233 Burdick. Earl L., Pvt., 111th Eng., 36th Div., Davison, Mich. Burdick, Harold J........1................103 Burgess, Manard.........................103 Burghdorf, Flora May................. 79 Burke, Clarence A., Pvt., 160 D. B., 443 Grant St. Burke, Ernest W......................... 103 Burke, Jas. M., Pvt., 42nd F. A., 14th Div., 317 W. 5th Ave. Burland, Ernest W., Pvt., 10th Co., S. A. T. C., 1029 S'mith St. Burleigh, Nelson L...................... 87 Burleigh, Paul C..........................104 Burleson, Ira E..............................104 Burlingame, Geo. M.....................104 Burlingame, Jas. A.................... 87 Burnam, Clyde......................-.........104 Burnes, Russel... --—......................104 Burns, Forrest E........................... 104 Burns, Francis..........................104 Burns, Guy Ed., Corp., Aero Squad., 339th, Fenton, Mich. Burns, John L., 1st. Lieut., S. M. A., Columbus, O., Fenton, Mich. Burns, Leo T..................................104 Burr, Dr. C. B.............................. —267 Burr, Harry, Pvt., 329th F. A., 1813 Wood St. Burr, Mathew A., Pvt., Co. D, 107th Reg., Grand Blanc, Mich. Burroughs, Mrs. J. E............. 83 Burt, Ernest L...............................233 Burt, Wilbur A............................233 Burton, Wm., Pvt., 3rd Convales. Attach., 913 E. 5th Ave. Busch, Henry T.........................233 Bush, Elmer Wm.........................104 Bush,,Jos. A.................................234 Bush, W esley.........................10 4 Busselle, Victor H., Pvt., U. S. Army, A. E. F., 417 Albro P1. Bussey, Daniel L.........................104 Bustwick, Chas. F......................104 Butcher, Harold F.................... 104 Butcher, Walter F.......................104 Butler, Chas. A...............................104 Butler, Earant F.......................... 104 Butler, O rrin..................................105 Butts, Jos. S., S'egt., Co. I, 125th Inf., 4606 N. Saginaw St. Buys, Henry E.............................106 Buysse, Carl Ed..............................10, Byrne, Bernard, Pvt., Co. G, D. B. Flint, Mich. Byrne, Dewey R.......................... 22 Byrne, Geo. D., Pvt., U. S. Army 1116 Lyon St. Byrne, John....................................100 Byrne, Rodney............................21 1 C Ceble, Gerald A......... --- —-—................ 11 Caccus, T. Jas., Cook, Hoboken N. J., 412 Asylum. Cade, Roy C........................... --- — 11 Cady, Newell..............-...-........... — 10 Calahan, Thos. Ed., Pvt., Radi( School, 412 William St. Calkins, Clyde L........................ --- —— 10 Calkins, Horace C...................25S Call, WBarren E...........................- 21; ) Callahan, Herb. Jas.......................11 ) Callahan, Thos. Wr., M. M. Aviation, Great Lakes, 721 Detroit St. Calvin, Robbins J., Pvt., Ord Dept., 85th Div., Fenton, Mich. Camburn, Stewart mW., Wag. Amb Co., 128-107th San. Train., 515 t Beach St. Cameron, David, Segt., 1/c, M I T. C., S. P. U. 506, 1307 North I St. r Cameron, Donald W.....................10 Cameron, Harold L..................... 234 2 Cameron, John, Ist. Lieut., Adgt 3 Gen. Staff, 118 S'tockdale Rd.,Cameron, Robt. B., Pvt., Bat. D 328th F. A., 1220 Glenwood Ave Cameron, W ard A...................... 10{ Camp, Rufus Henry...................... 10 Campbell, Archie P.......................! Campbell, Chas. W..... —................. 10 i Campbelf, Frank-..............-.......105 285 Campbell, Fred............................. 105 Campbell, Geo. A......................... 105 Campbell, Ira Iewis ---—....................106 Campbell, Jas., Corp., Co. B, Reg. 109, 1016 Detroit St. Campbell, John C...........................227 Campbell, John A.........................106 Campbell, J. Sidney...................... 106 Campbell, Kenneth B., Corp., Co. D, 8th Div., M. G., 418 E. 4th St. Campbell, Martin H.....................106 Campbell, Ralph E.......................254 Campbell, Wm. H.........................106 Cape, Albert L., 2nd Lieut., G. O. T. S., Camp Pike, 563 Harriet St. Cappell, V. C., 1/c Mach. Mate, Boston, Flint, Mich. Care, Antaine, Pvt., Greenville, S. C., U. S. Army, 3818 Grant St. Carey, Carlus, Pvt., U. S'. Army, 823 Warren St. Carey, Carlos, Pvt., 340th Amb. Co., 310th San. Train, 823 Warren St. Carley, Clarence............................106 Carley, Russel L........................ 106 Carlisle, Benj. F., Segt., M. G. Co., 46th Inf., 1509 W. 3rd St. Carlisle, Wm., Pvt., Co. K, Inf., 1509 W. 3rd St. Carlson, Geo. A.............................213 Carlton, Mrs. John J..................... 81 Carmer, W. F., Pvt., Co. 26, U. S. Army, Holly, Mich. Carmichael, Guy........................... 213 Carney, John H., Pvt., Co. E, 126th Inf., 1354 Orchard St. Carney, W'm. F., Pvt., 47th Co., 20th Eng., 829 Dayton St. Carolan, A. Ed...............................106 Carpenter, Basil R.................. --- —— 106 Carpenter, Frank J., Pvt., 34th Co. Hq., S. T., Flushing, Mich. Carpenter, Frank L., Pvt., Inf., 85th Div., 1313 Broadway. Carpenter, Fred S., Pvt., Co. 16, 4th Bat., 166 D. B., Flushing, Mich. Carpenter, Leo Geo —.......-....-...-...106 Carpenter, Lida O..........-......... --- —- 79 Carpenter, Nohle D................... --- —- 106' Carpenter, Stuart T., Pvt., 36th Hq., Motor S"an. Unit, Flushing, Mich. Carpenter, Wm.......................... 23 Carr, Claude E., Pvt., U. S. Army, 1601 St. Johns St. Carr, Evron L.............................. 10 6 Carr, Grover C., Pvt., 14th Reg., U. S. Army, 114 W. Hamilton St. Carr Jas. M., Pvt., 19th Inf., 5th Bat., Flint, Mich. Carr, N. Eugene, Student Reserve, Naval Bks., 516 Stevens St. Carr, Sydney R., Pvt., 1/c, 333rd Co., 309th San. Train, 516 E. 5th Ave. I Carrell, Geo. Roscoe, C. M. (a), A. E. F., 1225 Grand Traverse St. Carroll, Chas. L., Corp., Camp I Med. Sup. Dep., 301 W. 4th St. I Carroll, Clement F.... —................. ---106 t Carroll, Ersa.................................... 79 Carson, Frank G............ ----................106 Carson, John S.............................234 t Carter, Hugh W............................ --- —— 106 [ Cartier, Joseph, Mach., Jupiter t Boat., 1301 Imperial St. i Cartwright, L, L........................ --- —— 106 I Caryl, Jesse L..............-..........-....- 115 4 Caryl, S. A., Pvt., 23rd Gun Crew, 5 178, Davison, Mich. l Case, Arthur L.............................107 Case, Grant C....................... ---..... — 107 5 Case, Howard R. --- —-—...........................107 5 Case, Lyell F................................. --- —--- 234, Casler, Stephen B.........................107 Cassidy, Clifford Pvt., S. A. T. C., 7 1611 North S't., Cassidy, Robt. J., Pvt., Med. Corps, Hosp. No. 8, 1611 North St. 5 Caster, Lawrence Jos., Fireman, $ U. S. S. North Dakota, 1318 Harrison St. 5 Cathcart, Nelson H., Pvt., U. S. Army. Flushing, Mich. Catt, Ernest F....................... --- 107 2 Caultrider, Harry, Pvt., Amb. 5 Corps., 1015 Detroit St. ) Cavanaugh. Jas...................... --- —— 107 Cavanaugh, Jos. Ed.....................- 109 5 Cavanaugh, Jos. M.......................107 7 Cavanaugh, WVm. J., Pvt., 1/c, 3 310th Amb. Train, 1206 Benson o Ave. Chaffin, Harry T.......................... 107 t Chamberlain, Elmer J...............107 Chamberlain, Fern W.................107 Chambers, Harold R....................107 Chambers Howard M..................107 Chambers, Myrton S., Pvt., U. S. i Army, 708 Ann Arbor St. Champion, Albert..........................269 Chandler, Barney, Pvt., 1/c, U. S. a Army, 716 Baker St. Chapel, Harold R......................... —213 5 Chapel, Howard N......................... ---213 4 Chapin, F. A............................- 61 Chapman, Arthur.......................107 Chapman, Geo. A.........................107 ' Chapman, John, Pvt., 320th Reg.,; 917 Kirk Ave. 6 Chapman, Jos. E., Student, Co. C, i S. A. T. C., 1801 Kentucky Ave. 6 Chapple, Ralph R.........................108 5 Charlesworth, Ferris H.............1 Charland, Wm. J., Corp., Co. E, 328th F. A., 911 Harriet St. Charlesworth G., Pvt., Co. K, 4th Reg., 816 E. 8th St. Chase, John F................................. 108 Chase, Leslie R., Pvt., 42nd Co., 1st Reg., Clio, Mich. Chase, Lloyd W.............................108 Chase, Norman Holmes................ 27 Chatters, Clayton M.................... 108 Chatters, Ford A.................... 108 Chedister, Carl W.........................108 Chedister Kenneth E.................108 Chedister, Leroy M.......................108 Chedister, Orville A.....................227 Cheney, Glenn............................ 108 Cheney, Roscoe.........................108 Cherry, Fred W.......................... 108 Chesely, Earl W............................108 Chevalier, Chas. E., Pvt., Co. B, 1st Div., A. E. F., 3,08 Mason St. Chevalier, Jas. H., Corp, 74th Spruce Div., 308 Mason St. Childs, Mrs. David S..................... 67 Chizanowski, Vince S., Pvt., Co. F, 18th Inf., 1st Div., A. E. F., 1208 Roosevelt St. Christathoulon, Gust, Pvt., 160th D. B., Med. Dept., 515 Clifford St. Christensen, Chris........................108 Christensen, Fred..........................108 Christensen, Ivan, Pvt., U. S. Army, Industrial Bank. Christensen, Johannes C.............108 Christie, Wm. J., Pvt., Co. D, lst Eng., 931 Elizabeth St. Christner, Carl O., Seaman, U. S. S. Arizona, Cox., Flint, Mich., R. F. D. No. 2. Christopher, Harold C................. 22 Christopher, Wesley C.................109 Chrysler, Walter P.......................269 Church, Jay T...........................109 Church, Wm. R., M. M., 1/c, Aviation, 1101 Stockton St. Cihanow icz, Peter.......................... 109 Cimmerer, Harold W...................109 Clapp, Everett...............................109 Clapp, Francis M...........................214 Clapp Harry L............................234 Clari,. ki, Stanley V., Pvt., U. S. Army, 405 E. 2nd St. Clark, Mrs. John......................... 69 Clark, Mrs. Ella............................ 71 Clark, Albert B., Lieut., Greenhut Hosp., N. Y., Swartz Creek, Mich. Clark, Albert E., Pvt., 111th F. A., 29th Div., 729 Dewey St. Clark, Alfred L.............................109 Clark, Clifford P........................... 30 Clark, Edgar................................109 Clark, Edward Jos................. 86 Clark, Elgin G.............................. 25 4 Clark, Eugene Ed., Corp., M. G. Co., 337th Inf., 322 Thompson St. Clark, Floyd H., Corp., 64th Btry., 16 A. A. Sec., 718 Asylum St. Clark, Ford J.............................. --- —-- 109 Clark, Frank, Pvt., 5th Trft. Co., C. B. Virginia, Flint, Mich. Cole, Fred J., Pvt., 160th D. B., Co. C, 1619 St. Johns St. Clark, Geo. D........................ ----.. —.... 109 Clark, Geo. Wm., Pvt., C. A. M. O., Canada, 1651 Lena St. Clark, Howard B., Pvt., Co. 10, S. A. T. C., Flint, Mich. Clark, Howard I..................... 31 Clark, Kilburn D........................... 20 Clark, Leonard J..........................109 Clark, Malen W...........................254 Clark, Roy, Pvt., Co. E, 125th Inf., 1012 Root St. Clark, Robt. C...............................234 Clark, Roy S......... --- —-.................. --- 109 Clark, Rozelle F.............................234 Clark, Willard F., Segt., Co. 10, 1st Motor Mech. Reg., Flint, Mich. Clark, Wm. Geo., Pvt., Motor Trans. Co., 512 Frost St. Clarke, Mrs. Basel....................... 77 Clauss, Rufus, Pvt., Indianapolis, Ind., A. E. F., Lenwood, Mich. Claveau, Louis E......-............-.....- 109 Clester, Roscoe................... --- ——...... 234 Clever, Carl A., Pvt., Anti-Air Craft Div., 721 St. John St. EClifford. Rev. How. J.......-.....-..-.. 57 Clift, Dr. Byron W., Maj., Base Hosp. 36, 227 W. 1st. St. Cline, Stewart E............................ 109 Cleghorn, Reuben G., Segt., Co. D 18th Eng., Flint, Mich. Clin'ton, Sheldon H., L. M. M. A., Co. K, 1st Reg., U. S. N., 712 Newall St. Closson, Albert................................109 Closson, Herbert............................109 Closson, Herb. A., Pvt., ~ U. S. Army, Flint, Mich. Clow, Chas. F., Pvt., 374th Aero Squad., 1808 Iowa Ave. Clune, Mack, Pvt., 338th Inf., 1810 Ave. C. Coad, O. S'......................................109 Coates, Francis C..........................110 Cobb, John H.................................110 Cobb, Wilfred E., Pvt., U. S. Army, 2407 S. Saginaw St. Cockerill Clyde, Corp., Co. K, 310th Sup. Train, 1349 Imperial St. JCody, A. N....................................... 55. HISTORY OF GENESEE COUNTY'S ACTIVITIES Coffee, Arthur B.........................110 Coffin, John.....................................110 Coggins, Howard R.....................110 Coggins, Ira L..............................110 Coggins, John H.........................110 Coggins, Melvin S.........................110 Cohoon, Gay..................................110 Cohoon, Leslie C.......................... 110 Coil, Chas. A...................................254 Cole, Arthur J.............................. 110 Cole, Burnette, Pvt., 7th Co., 4th Reg., M. M. S. C., 1427 Root St. Cole, Chas. L................................110 Cole, Hollis...................213 Cole, Leo Grant.........................213 Cole, Verne M........................ 110 Colf, Louis....................................110 Coll, Warren E., E. C., 3rd R., U. S. N. Ry. Bat. No. 1, Flushing, Mich. Colladay, Thos.............................. 20 Collins, Frank L., Pvt., 14th Co., 160th D. B., 1406 Smith St. Collins, Howard..............................110 Collins, John T.........................234 Collins, Richard R.........................110 Colvin, Harold D........................111 Colwell, Allen, Pvt., 126th Inf., 1506 Fay St. Comers, Earl, Pvt., U. S. Army, 920% Hamilton Ave. Commins, Louis D.........................213 Compton, Pearl, Co. N, Reg. 15, U. S. N., Flint, Mich. Conarty, Terence J................11..... 1 Conell, Wesley J., Corp, S. A. T. C., 205 E. Kearsley St. Condon, Clarence P.......................111 Condon, John L.............................ill111 Condon, Francis G.........................111 Congdon, Harold L., Fireman, 3rd Class, Aviation, 702 Fenton St. Conklin, Arthur W................ill.....11 Conklin, Mark E...........................111 Conklin, Wade C...........................111 Conkright, Laura L., Head Nurse, Rosetta Ave. Conkright, Laura L.........-.......... 73 Conkright, Harllin A..................111 Conkright, Roy L,.......1...............11 Conley, Cecil J., Pvt., S. A. T. C., New Lothrop, Mich. Conn Ivan E., Pvt., 160th F. A., 85th Div., 2102 Detroit St. Connelly, Jas. R..........................11 1 Conquest, Samuel J................... 112 Conrad, Albert A., Pvt., 332nd Q. M. Corps, 4345 1st Ave. Conrade, Ed. P., Pvt., U. S. Army, 563 Harriet St. Conrad, Ed. P., Pvt., 154th D. B., 11th Amm. Train, 563 Harriet St. Constable, Chas., Pvt., Co. E, 125th Inf., 1911 Arlington Ave. Conway, Dennis, Pvt., 14th Co., 160th D. B., 920 Durand St. Coon, Arthur C., Pvt., Co. 7, 20th Eng., Linden, Mich. Cooper, Albert A., Pvt., M. T. Corps, 208 S. S'aginaw St. Cook, Chas. L...........................1...... 1 1 Cook, Frank S., Pvt., Co. C, 310th Eng., 800 Parkland St. Cook, Call A., Corp., Co. 44, 160th D. Brig., Root and Williams St. Cook, Henry........................ 30 Cook, Howard J....................... 111 Cook, John, Pvt., 345th HadleyPage, 322 W. 1st St. Cook, Raymond, Pvt., Co. 101, 1413 Belle. Cook, Lawrence A., Pvt., Bank Hq. 1st F. A., 245 Peer Ave. Cook, Lawrence L...................... 112 Cook, Oscar R...............................112 Cook, Wm. B., Pvt., U. S. Air Nitrate Plant, 1529 Broadway St. Cooke, Carl H..............................112 Cooke, Fred.....................................11 1 Cooke, Herschel E......................112 Cooke, James................................234 Cooley, Arthur H...........................112 Cooley, Clayton, Pvt., U. S. Army, 217 E. 1st St. Cooley, Geo. R............................... 112 Cooley, Merle Adel., Pvt., 12th Co., 160th D. B., 221 E. 1st St. Coomes, Wm. A., Seaman Co. U., U. S. N., 115 4th St. Coone, Harry W........................... 112 Coone Wilson H., Pvt., Co. G, 28th Inf., 1st. Div., 1302 Ave. C. Coons, Elmer..................................112 Cooper, Clare....... —.........................234 Cooper, Ela.....................................264 Cooper, Wm, Pvt., Co. F, 28th Reg., 409 10th Ave. Cooper, Wm. C.............:.................213 Copal, Henry T...........................115 Copeland, Ed...................................112 Copeland, Judson Wm.................112 Corbett, Ed. Edison......................112 Corbin John Andrew..................112 Corbin, Leroy W..........................112 Corcoran, Fred...............................234 Corcoran, Gaylord T., Ap. Seaman, U. S. N., Flint, Mich. Corcoran, Wm. F........................ 113 Cornack, A. W., Pvt., 11th Co., 160th D. B., 741 Baker St. Cornel, Pvt., 4 3 Bn., 160th D. B., Flint, Mich. Cornel, E. L. Cornell, Leon, Wag., 338th F. Hosp., 718 Chippewa St. Cornfoot, Wm. B......................113 Cornwell, E. L........................... 63 Corter, Chas. W., Pvt., Co. A, 61st Inf., 128 E. Kearsley St. Corwin, Edgar................................ 11 Corwin, Geo. A.. Pvt., Home Guards, 1718 Hibbard St. Cosalman, Allen L., Pvt., HanleyPaige Air Serv., Flushing, Mich. Coschmider, Peter...................... 113 Cost, John........................................ 113 Costa, Louis H., Lieut., U. S. Army, 227 White St. Coston, Arthur F........................... 113 Cotter, Wrm, Jr., Cadet for Pilot, Trans. Borden, Y. M. C. A. Couch, Chas. F.,Pvt., Co. C, 311th - Engs., 622 W. 5th Ave. Couch, Ray R., Pvt., 356th Amb. Co., 803 Newall St. Ccuchman, Leo Wm..................... 113 Coulon, Norman H., Segt., 117th M. 0. Rep. Shop, 42nd Div., 407 W. 5th St. Courtade, Martin E....................259 Cousins, Henry C..................... 113 Covell, L. C................................ 22 Covert, W. C................................ 61 Cowell, Isaac.................................. 113 Cowles, Mrs. Vett......................... --- 73 Cowing, Guy R.............................. 25 Cox, John A.................................. 113 Cox, Lewis W., Segt., 25th Squad., 3rd Prov., Detroit, Mich. Cox, Oswald B............................... 234 Cox, Adelbert W. Pvt., Co. I, 38th Inf., 902 N. Saginaw St. Coyle, Walter W..........................234 Crago, Arthur M...........................113 Crago, Arthur W., 1st Cook, 33rd M. G. Co., 316 W. 9th St. Crago, Jack, Seaman, U. S. Navy, 316 W. 9th St. Crago, Raymond A....................... 113 Craig, Ancel, Pvt., Co. H, 28th Inf., 2824 Ave. A. Craig, Herb. L............................11 1. Craig, Richard K., 1st Lieut., 32nd Div., Flint, Mich. Craighton, Elvin E....................... 113 Cram, David F., Pvt., Co. K, 125th Inf., 32nd Div., 1826 Stewart Ave. Cram, Eva...................................... 77 Cram, Eva Gilberta, Nurse, Base Hosp. 111, Bordeaux, Flint, Mich. Crandall, Clyde E.........................113 Crandall, Kenneth C.....................113 Crandall, Leone........................... 27 Crandall, C. R........-.. ---...................13 Crane Clifford D............................114 Crane, John L........... --- —.... ----........ 114 Crane, W m. M...............................114 Cranick, Arthur B., Segt., 1/c, Med. Dept., 35th Amb. Co., Flint, Mich. Craven, Oliver Ray................... 214 Crawford, Arlie B...........-.......-...- 114 Crawford, Arthur J.....................114 Crawford, Chas. B.....................114 Crawford, David Harold............114 Crawford. James, Pvt., 4th Reserve Bat., 1411 W. 2nd St. Crawford, Wm. J., Bandman, U. S. Army, Flint, Mich. Crego, Jack................................ 214 Crego, Ed. W...............................114 Cripps, Glenn D............................114 Crites, Herman............................. 20 Crites, Nathan...............................234 Crites, Tom................................ 114 Crittenden, Albert F...................114 Crittenden, Delbert...................114 Cromwell, Clarence A...................264 Cronan. Frank W., Pvt., Cas. of 80th Div., 346 3rd St., Alpena, Mich. Cronin, Louis.................................. 114 Cronk, H elen F............................. 79 Cronk, Vincent T., Pvt., Div. 11, 922 Pleasant St. Crook, Herb. Jas., Pvt., Co. 305 -308 0. P. No. 3, A. E. F., 2022 DeWight St. Crooks, Claude E., S'egt., Co. I, Air Service, Holly, Mich. Croop, Frank............................... 114 Cross, Wm. Ray, Pvt., Cas. Co. 1, 809 Church St. Cross, W. R.....................................114 Crossett, Harry D.........................114 Crossett, Leo M..........................234 Crow, Ed. Wm..............................115 Crump, Jesse..................................115 Cryderman, James A., Pvt., 45th Co. 5th Reg., Marines, 902 Witherbee St. Cudaback, Walter H..................235 Cudney, Lloyd J., Pvt., U. S. Army, 1811 Texas Ave. Culmer, Claude C. J., Pvt., Eng. Civil Serv., 610 Genesee St. Culverwell, Ed. Geo.......................115 Cumings, E. M........................... 55 Cummings, E. M., Pvt., Motor Trans. Serv., 722 Clifford St. Cummings, Arthur L...................214 Cummings, Delbert E..................235 Cummings, Ed. S......................... 214 Cummings, Mrs. E. M.,................. 78 Cummings, Harry L.....................115 Cunningham, F. A........................ 115 Cunningham, Fred........................115 Cunningham, L. M....................... 214 Cupal, Henry T. Curnow, James..............................258 Reg., 1646 Beach St. Curns, Marly Leo, Pvt., Co. 23, 2nd Currie, Hugh L............................ 214 t Curran, Chas., Corp., 19th Eng., Transf. 115th Co., Flint, Mich., 3 R. F. D. No. 7. Curriston, Earl N.........................115 Curry, Chas.................................115 Curtice, Harlow H., Pvt., 1/c, 160 F. A. Brig., 304 W. 3rd St. Curtis. Arthur E............................ 115 Curtis, Howard F.........................115 Curtis, G. B....................................115 Curtis, Joseph, Pvt., U. S. Army, A. E. F., 9201% Hamilton Ave. Curtis, Maurice W., Pvt., 3rd Corps, M. 0. R. S., 829 Louisa l St. Curtis, F. A.,................................. 115 Curtis, Victor Marr, S'egt., Ut. S. Army, 115 White St. Curts, Maurice E., Ensign, U. S. Acad., Annapolis, 413 W. 5th St. Cusenz, Antonio, Pvt., 8th Reg., 925 Jamison. Cuson Clyde V........................... 214 Cuthbertson, Bryan....................... 254 Cuthbertson, Jas. P., M. M., 2/c, U. S. Navy., 907 Hamilton Ave. Cuthbertson, Peter................... 235 Cutler, Harper............. --- —.................35 Cuyler, Hazen Shirley, Segt., Co. A, 48th Inf., 800 Parkland St. D Dtahl, E. O., Ap. Seaman, Co. 45, 8th Reg., 401 Bartlett St. Dahl, Jennie.................................... 79 Dahl, Lars, Seaman, U. S. S. Alabama, 401 Bartlett St. Dailey, Earl....................................121 Dalby, Ralph E...........................115 Da!by, Roy C., Pvt., U. S. Army, 908 Lippincott Blvd. Daley, Orrin D., Pvt., 64th Bat., Anti-Aircraft, 624 Chippewa St. Daley, Victor R., Pvt., 351st Amb. Corps. Welfare (Officer), 824 Newall St. Dalton, W m....................... 235 Daly, Allen G................................ 121 Danber, Stanley W., Seaman 2/c U. S. S. Connecticut, 2707 North St. Danforth, Robt. E............... 116 Dankert, Benj., Segt., 174th S'pruce Squad., 752 Baker St. Dankert, Sidney............................235 Darby, Chester J. --- —-—......................116 Darby, Eddie B........................... 116 Darby, Geo. W............... 1...........116 Darby, Roy WV...............................235 D are, Ed..........................................235 Darling, Floyd E........................ 235 Darling, Geo. Dewey...................116 Darling, Jasper W....................... 59 Davey, Orley L.......................... --- — 21 David, Auter..................................116 Davidson, Dean.............................228 Davidson, Jack............................. 16 Davies, Stephen............................116 Davis, Alvin J., Pvt., 310th M. V. S. E. C., 745 Newall St. Davis, Edward J., Pvt.. 307th Inf., 77th Div., Co. D, 1035 Mackin Rd. Davis, Chas. C............................. 116 Davis, Don I, Pvt., Co. E, 2nd Dev. Bn., 2040 Burr Blvd. Davis. Don J., Corp., Co. A, 310th, 637 Stevenson St. Davis, Elwin Jas., Pvt., Co. F, 8th Inf., A. E. F., 1035 Stevens St. Davis, Frank S.............................116 Davis, Geo. Wm............................116 Davis, Herman, Pvt., S. A. T. C., Flint, Mich. Davis. Harding H...-1...............116 Davis, Howard M.......................116 Davis, Howard Lester................116 Davis, Lawrence H., Pvt., 123rd Aero Squad., 710 Richfield Rd. Davis, Leonard J., Pvt., Co. G, 338th Inf., 1907 Lymen St. Davis Morris, Pvt., Co. B, 328th F. A., 1808 N. Saginaw St. Davis, Russell R................. ---.116 Davis, Roy H................................. 25 Davis, Thos. Fay......................215 Davis, Wm. A., Pvt., Police Duty, 100th, 24th Bat., 923 Harriet St. Davison, Floyd J........................ 116 Davison, Jack, Pvt. U.:'. Army, 1400 Delaware Ave. Davison, James H.........................117 Dawe, Roy Addison......................117 Day, Mrs. M. C............................. 67 Day, Mrs. H. W............................. 83 Day, Melzor C.. —.................. 59 Daymon, Vern L........................... 235 Dean, Clifford A.......................215 Dean, Otto I................................ 117 Dear, Gordon C., Pvt., Co. C, Gen. Hosp. 36, 1516 Fenton St. DeBarr, Claude J., Pvt., 18th F. A., Bat. E, 1337 Broadway. DeBeck, Jos. Segt., Co. 6, 2nd Bat., 757 Dayton St. DeBoer, John........................117 DeCamp, John S.......................... 21 Deckard, Wm. David, Pvt., Co. A, 307th Bat., 563 Harriet St. Decker, Earle, Mech., S. A. T. C., 812 Witherbee St. Declute, Fred, Pvt., 125th Inf., 1920 Hubbard St. Decourval, Jos. T...................... 117 Decourval, W ilfred E..................117 Decow, Wm., Pvt., 47th Bat., B Co., 1430 Texas St. Dedrick, Harry, Pvt., U. S. Army, Flint, Mich. 286 Deenes, Russell L.. Pvt., Co. B 1810 Texas St. DeGaspens, Vico, Pvt., Co. I, Casual Co., 108 Avon St. De Generes, Benj. C., Pvt., Bat. F. 34th Div., 1110 Avenue A. DeGenesee, Louis Sid., Pvt., Hq, Dept., 104th Amm. Train, 2404 George St. DeGrow, John E., Pvt., 11th Reg., 904 W. 3rd Ave. DeGrow, Wm. A., Pvt., 66th Co., 5th Reg., 904 W. 3rd Ave. DeH art, Ellis J..............................117 Delamarter Franklin C...............254 Delaney, Floyd J...........................117 Delemater, Arthur, Pvt., Co. B, 110th M P., A. E. F., 818 Smith St. De Rose, Nicholas, Pvt., Co. H, 338th Inf.. Q. M. C., 813 Margaret St. Delehanty, Howard R.................117 Delehanty, Ronald S...................117 Deligeamnis, Geo...........................117 Deline, Geo. T., Check Clerk. Dep. Brig., 827 Warren St. Dell, Earl C., Pvt., Co. E, 4th Voc. Unit, 111 Park St. DelNero S'elvio.......................... 117 Delonjay, Clark H.......................117 Demeris, Wm., Pvt., Co. E, 160th D. B., 219 W. Kearsley St. Demick, Guy, Bugler, U. S. Army, 754 Witherbee St. Deming, Arthur J.........................117 Deming, Edgar J...........................227 Demirson, Wm., Pvt., U. S. Army, A. E. F., 739 Harriet St. DeMoss, James G., Pvt., 28th Co., 20th Eng., 502 Taylor St. DeMott, Don E.................... 215 Demsky, Leo A...........................235 Dempster, John A...................... --- —- 117 Demund Howard Jacob.............17 Dennis, Elmer........................... 227 Dennis, Leslie...........................118 Dennis, Delton W...........................118 Denny, Emmett L...........................118 Deno, Gordon Russell..................235 Deplarche, Jos. R.........................215 Depottery. Earl, Pvt. 147th Cas. Co., 714 E. 5th Ave. Derby, Roy E., Pvt. U. S. Marines, 139 W. Witherbee. Derby, Byron.................................. 259 DeRoo, Frank............................ ---- -118 Devers, Jos. D...............................235 Deview, Irven Wm., Pvt. 171 C. A. C., Evart, Mich. Dev!in, Wm. Leo................. --- —......... 118 Devolder, Honor, Pvt. Bat. D., 328th F. A. 1239 Maple St. DeVoe, Jas. Ed.............................. --- — 118 DeWitt, Deland Shaster...............215 DeWitt, James G...........................118 Diaz, Armando Dibble, Floyd A............................... 118 Dibble, Franklin J.........................118 Dibble, Lewis C.......................... --- —— 118 Dickinson, Wm. Jessie................118 Dickinson, Chas. E., Pvt. 333rd Amb. Co. 309 S. T., 715 Baker St. Dickerson, Walter.........................118 Dickman, Frank...........................118 Diehl, Irving L............................... 118 Diekman, John A...........................118 Diemond Alex. J., Pvt. 1/c Base Hosp. Detach., 803 Louisa St. Dingman, Albert F., Cpl. U. S. Army, 438 Alice St. Dinman, John, Pvt., Co. E, 24th Enrigrs., 817 Myrtle St. Dinning, John J............................. 118 Dobbins, Wm. R., Pvt., Co. M, 168th Inf., 1103 W. Kearsley St. Dobbs, Harry L...............................119 Dodder, Alexander........................ 23 6 Dodder, Grover C..........................119 Dodder, Harold.............................119 Dodder Marshall A......................119 Dodder Robt. E.............................228 Dodder, W m. A...............................119 Dodds, Charles, Seaman, U. S. A. Navy, 814 Hamilton Ave. Dodds, Geo. W................................ 24 Dodge, Loren A., Pvt., U. S. Army, S. A. T. C., 725 Stone St. Doherty, Patrick R....................... 59 Doherty, Frank E.........................267 Doland, Chas. H., Pvt.. M. T. C., U. S. Army, 729 Mary St. Dolenski, Andrew..........................119 Donahue, Chas. G....................... 119 Donahue, Howard A., Pvt., 16th Co., S. A. T. C., 1100 Root St. Donahue, Walter, Pvt., 8th Co., 60th D/B., 817 Paterson St. Donaldson John H....................... 236 Donnelly, Francis, Wagoner, Co. D, 7th Div., Flint, Mich. Dorn, Pearl......................................119 Dort, J. Dallas................................ 51 Dort, Ralph B................................228 Dotzauer, Raymond Ed..............119 Douglas, Ed., Lieut., Co. E, 160 D. B., 425 Mary St. Douglas, John D............................119 Douglas. Lester W.........................119 Douglas, Louis G...........................119 Dowding, John C., Cpl., Co. F, 353 Reg., 920 Liberty St. Dowell, Christian.......................119 Downer, Elmer C., Pvt., 32nd Div., 126th Inf., Mt. Morris, Mich. Dowe!l, Nobel G.............................216 Doyle, E Clark................................119 Doyle. Patrick Owen....................119 Draper, Edwin L7e........................119 Dressell, Everett C......................... 87 Dressel, Reinhart, Pvt., Sec. B. Bks., 4th Voc. Unit, 1539 North St. Drewry, Acy Joy, Pvt., Co. L, 2nd Bn., 205 E. 13th St. Drown, Ed. E., Pvt., U. S. Navy, 765 Cornelia St. T Druchamer, Eret, Pvt., U. S. Army, Flint, Mich. Drudge, Ray C...............................120 Drummond, Hugh......................... 55 Drury, Bligh, Pvt., 329th F. A., Bat. D, 424 Ravine St. Drzk, M ike.....................................121 Dumanois, Mrs. Chas.................. 67 Durand, Chas...................... --- ——.............267 Durant, William C.........................269 Dubbs, Howard W.........................120 747 Mack Ave. Dubbs, Franklin W...............-...... 216 DuBrenil, Celestine P., Pvt., Co. C, Duberville, Norman..................... 227 DuBridge, Frank M., Sgt., Co. B, 108 Am. Train, 126 Madison St. Duby, Emiel, Pvt., Bat. F, 112 F. A., 906 Witherbee St. Duby, Noah, Wag., 20 M. G. Hdqts. 1330 State St. Duda, Philip, Pvt., U. S. Army, 1115 Central Ave. Dudick, S. J., Pvt., Co. C, 329th F. A., 1120 Avenue A. Dudley, Drency, Pvt., 150th Eng., Co. A, 1110 Everett St. Duffy, Vernon J............................. 236 Dufort, Chas. W., Seaman, Co. K, 4th Reg., 1031 Chippewa St. Dugas, Stephen..............................120 Duncan, Andrew.........................120 Duncan, Alex, Cpl., Bat. E, 329th F. A., 1381 Poplar St. Duncan, John, Seaman, Base 17, Scotland 923 Decker St. Duncan, John..................................120 Dunckel, Earl S...........................120 Dunckel, Guy O.............................120 Dunn, Bernard J...........................120 Dunn, Douglas M.......................215 Dunn, Frank, Pvt., Co. B, 337th Inf., Grand Blanc, Mich. Dunn, John F................................120 Dunn, Leo Ed.................................120 Dunn, William W., Pvt., 9th Co., 3rd Bn., Grand Blanc, Mich. Dunne, Andrew C........................120 Dunne, Thos...................................120 Dunning, Elmo K., Pvt., U. S. Army, 524 E. Third St. Dunstone, Harold............................ 236 Dunton, Harold, Champagne, Ill., Camp. Pvt., Fenton, Mich. Duplanty, Arthur, Wag., Co. A, Sup. Co., 2534 St. John St. Duquette, Alfred. ---....... —............ --- 120 Durham, Dalton, Pvt., Co. F, 11th Inf.. 605 Wood St. Durham, Harvey....................... 120 Durkee, Walter H., Fireman, U. S. S'. Prince Fred. Wm., 1317 Chippewa St. Dusenbury, Mrs. C. M................ 67 Dusenberry, Orville G..................236 Dutcher, Melvin..........................216 Dutil, Albert F...............................120 Dutil, Theodore A.........................120 Dwjak, Dane................................121 Eames, Ellis L#........................121 Eames, Frank M............................121 Earl, James A............................... 124 Earl, Amos A............................... 236 Earl, Clarence E............................124 Earl, Clifford Jas.................... 121 Earl, Edwin C.............................. 85 Earl, Lyle M................................ 121 Earle, Neil, Captain's Orderly. U. S. Army, 814 Hamilton Ave. Early, W m...................................... 121 Easlick, Arthur J., Pvt., Bat. C, 12th F. A., 1342 Broadway. Eastman, Earl C..........................215 Eastman, Frank.............................121 Eastman, J. Clare..........................215 Eastman, Wm. R..................... 121 Eatherton Dale H......................... 22 Eatherton, Geo. Roy, Pvt., Co. 2, 379th Inf., 2003 Winans Ave. Ebenhoch, Frank..............1..........2..11 Eberhardt, Wesley L., Pvt., 1/c, Co. M, 340th Inf., 653 Bray Ave. Eberline, Irvin................................ 121 Eckardt Gerald, Pvt., A. C. 367, 313 Sn. Train, 416 Witherbee St. Echart, Henry................................121 Ecker, Fred C.................................215 Ecker, Joe J...................................121 Ecker, Peter M............................ 215 Eckler, Daniel L., Pvt., 64th Bat., 16th Anti Air C., Otisville, Mich. Eksten, Oscar C., Pvt.. Co. D, 26th Eng., 2205 Reed St. Eddy, Howard J., Lieut Amb. Co. 351, 88th Div., 930 Harrison St. Eddy, Jas. M...............................121 Eddy, John R................................122 Eddy, Walter S., Sgt., Co. B, 16th Engra.. Flint, Mich. Edgar, James B., Pvt., U. S. Army, 1130 Avenue B. Edgerly, John T., 2nd Lieut, I. C. O. T. S., 304 W. Third St. Edgerton, Merl............................... 264 Edgley, Lawrence.........................22 Edley, John G.......................... 122 Edmondson, Roland, Pvt., Co. 11, 6th Eng., 2909 Industrial Ave. Edmunds, Kenneth L., Pvt., S. A. T. C., 2706 S. Saginaw St. Edwards, Clyde W.................. 122 Edwards, Frank, Pvt., Co. E, 104th F. A., 742 W. Court S't. Edwards, Elmer L......................... 122 Edwards Harry B., Cpl.. 11th J. B. M. to 379th Inf., 913 Taft St. Edwards, Ray.............................122 Edwards, Wm. C.............................122 Eggleston, David L........................236 Eggleston, John E........................... 122 Eisele, Carl Geo..............-.......... 227 Eisenbach, Clarence A................. 268 Eklund, Oscar, Pvt., Co. I, D. Bn., No. 3, Flint, Mich. Eksten. Oscar C.......................... 236 Eller, Arthur R., Pvt., U. S. Army, 901 Witherbee St. Elliott, Arthur B., Sgt. Sub. Depot, Q. M. C., 623 Detroit St. Elliott, Chas. Ed........................... 216 Elliott, James, Seaman, Rec. Ship Bay Ridge, Cheboygan, Mich. Elliott, Norman J.........................122 Ellis Albert E...........................122 Ellis, Ernest W...........-..................122 Ellis, Lawrence B...........................122 Ellis, Robt., Pvt., S. A. T. C., 762 Mary St. Ellithorpe, Bert T., Pvt., Co. G, 23rd Engrs., Flushing, Mich. Ellsworth, Cecil R.................122 Ellsworth, Earl...................... 216 Elrich, Don Leslie.............._.........236 Elstner Alfred J...... —.......-.....- 122 Elston, Jas. S................................122 Emens, Harvey W...................122 Emerick, Chas. C..........................123 Emerick, Leo F.........-....... 123 Emery, Harland A., Cpl., Co. 337 Inf., 86th Div., 764 McFarland St Emery, Lester R...................123 Emmens, Samuel R......................123 Emmons, Beryl L...........................216 Endsor, John...............................123 Eneix, Milton V.............................236 Engelke, Otto A..........................236 England. Clarence L....................-228 Engler, Lawrence.........................236 English, Evert, Pvt., 72nd Spruce Sqd., 617% N. Saginaw S't. English, Lee Robt...................123 English, Loran Don....................-123 Engstrom, Elmer H.....................236 Enos, Claud D., Drummer, Co. D, 809 Pioneer Inf., 510 E. 10th St. Erickson, Archibald 0............... 123 Ersnser, Frank Pvt., Co. M, 160 D. B., 312 Clifford St. Erno, Clarence C............................123 Ernst, Frank E.............. —........236 Erway, Floyd —..................................123 Erskine, Spencer S., Pvt., U. S. Army, 414 Warren St. Esckilsen, Lawrence..................... 27 Essenpreis, J. A.............-...............236 Essen, Chas. D., Pvt., U. S. Army, 930 Davis St. Estes Howard Robt., 2nd Lieut., 380th Inf., Y. M. C. A. Esterbrook, Lyle P......................216 Estes, Loyd......................................123 Evans, Bryce R...............................123 Evans, Clarence.............................123 Evans, Dallas C...........................123 Evans, Evan Ed., Pvt., S. A. T. C., Flint, Mich. Evans, Floyd.................................... 123 Evans, Floyd I., Pvt.. Detroit Base Hosp., Clio, Mich. Evans, Jack C............. ---...............123 Evans, Jesse G........................ 236 Evans, Owen W...:........................ 237 Evans, Wm. D., Pvt., Co. G, 209th Engrs., 916 E. Fifth St. Everett, Howard P., Pvt., B. Co., 26th Engrs., 801 Wood St. Everett, W m. J...............................124 Everhart, Eugene........................124 Everhart, George..........................124 Evers, John W............................... 22 Everson, L. W...............................237 Ex, Jacob........................................ 124 F Fairbank, Carl S., Lieut., U. 8. Navy, Linden Mich. Fairbank, Leigle C., Major, U. S. Med. Dept., Linden, Mich. Fairman, Earl A....................124 Fall, Ordell............................. 124 Farley, Dean S., S'gt., Co. A, 33rd Reg., 504 East St. Farmer, Wm. O..........................254 Farmer Lawrence F.....................216 Farner, Wm. C...,.-.........................124 Farnsworth, Jas. A.......................237 Farnsworth, Silas, Pvt., Co. 101 Reg., 25 Bn., 426 Church St. Farrar, Gordon, Cook, Hosp. Unit Q, 611 Asylum St. Farrington, David T....................124 Farris, Geo.......................................124 Farrow Cecil..................................12 4 YFarrow, Stanley........................ 124 Farthing, John H.........................237 Fasbender, Chris...................... 87 Paules, John W.......................... 27 Faulkner, Jack R., Pvt., Co. A, 4th Bn., Davison, Mich. Pay, John E., Pvt., 17th Co., 160 D. B., 220 W. 13th St. Fee, Chas. D., Pvt., S. A. T. C., 1422 Fair St. Peeley, Arthur J., Pvt., Sup. Co.. 20th Inf., Linden. Mich. Feller, Herman J................_..... 124 Felton, Elmer, Pvt., 2665 Amb. 14 San. Tr., 607 Asylum St. Fenails, Daniel, Pvt., U. S. Army, 116 E. 13th St. Fennell, Chas. H., Lieut 1st Q. M. C., Flint Mich. Fenner, Claude C.......................... 124 Fent, Carlton R., Pvt., Co. B, 337th Inf., Montrose, Mich. Fenton, Patrick A.........................124 Ferguson, Chas....................... 128 Ferguson, Chas. H., Seaman, 2/c, U. S. N.. R. F. Co. P., Reg. 6, 1951 W. Court S't. Ferguson, Doe........................2564 Ferguson, Harry C.........-..............128 Ferguson, John T.......................125 Ferguson, John Q., Pvt., Co. I, 6th Inf., 913 Taft St. Ferguson, Jos. Wm., Pvt., 108 M. O. R. S., 33rd Div.. 617 N. Saginaw St. Ferguson,- Orrin S.........................125 Ferneau, Bernard F.................... 24 Ferneau, Harold Jas.....................125 Ferrah, Ray U..............................125 Ferrel, Aubury Ellis......................125 Ferris, Fred H., Cpl., 107th M. O. R. S., 32nd Div., 1329 Broadway Ave. Ferris, Leland A........................269 Ferrul Nick.................................. 237 Fetkenhier, Jos. A...................237 Fetter, E. J., Pvt., C. A. C., 37th Art., Bat. F, 223i3 Corunna Rd. Fisbernitz, Wm. L....................237 Field, Chester..................................125 Field, Ed. A., Pvt., 158 Co. Base Hosp., 1821 Fenton SIt. Field Howard J......................216 Field, Howard J.............................126 Field, Paul L., Pvt., Ord. U. S. Army, 909 Smith Bldg. Fields, Harold A., Sergt., 1/c, Field Test Sqdn., Chemical Warfare Serv., 1107 Beach S't. Fikes, Maurice H., Pvt., 2nd Div., 13 Prov., 2717 Bonbright St. Finch, Harry H., evt., Hdq. Co. 338 Flint, Mich. Finch, Oliver C'.............................125 Finger, Leo J..............................12 5 Finley, L. F..................................... Firman, Ralph R......................... 125 Fisher, Charles A............-.............. 125 Fisher, Geo. B.................................125 Fisher, Henry J.............................125 Fisher, Ira C.................................125 Fisher, Phillip, Pvt., Canadian Army, 920 Hamilton Ave. Fisher, Robt. F.....................-..... 216 Fishhirn, Ross L., Corp., Coa K, 37th Int., 1140 Avenue C. Fisk, Henry A........................... 126 Fitch, Clifford W. S., Pvt., Co. C, S. A. T. C., 2022 Becker St. Fitch, Edd.......... —.............................126 Fitch, Foster --—............... —... —....... — 126 Fitts, Ross L., Bugler, Co. E, 6th Inf.. Flint, Mich. Fitzgerald, Harold.......................... 28 Fitzgerald, Leo R.......-.................126 Fitzgerald, Lynn C....... —.............227 Fitzpatrick, Ernest E., Cpl., Bat. F, 122nd F. A., 1034 Stockton St. Flanders, Stewart..................... --- —-— 216 Flanigan, Don, Pvt., U. S'. Spruce Sqd., 316 East St. Flanigan. Jos. T., Sgt., Co. C, 378th Replac. Co., Flint, Mich. Fleming, Leo M.............. — ----...... 126 Fleming, Wm. B., Sgt., U. S. Army, 321% Stone St. Fleury, Walter J., Pvt., 20th Co., Dep. Brig., 811 Witherby St. Flewelling, Chas........................-126 Flewelling, Ed. Jas., Sgt., Co. G, 126th Reg., 1558 VanBuskirk St. Flewelling. Wm. O., Pvt., Co. L, 339th Inf., Flushing, R. F. D. No. 3. Flood, Mike....................................126 Flury, Alfred..................................126 Flury, Roy......................................126 Foch, Ferdinand Fogal, W m. H.............................. 237 Fogelsnager, Ira R...................... 126 Fogleson, Jay, Cook. 328th F. A., Bat. E., 1908 North St. Folen, Bart S., Pvt., Co. A, 338th Inf., 826 Margaret St. Folen. Jos. F., Pvt., Co. D, 329th Inf., 826 Margaret St. Foley, Jos., Pvt., Co. D, 1st Gas Reg., 734 Mary St. Foote, Maynard Wm., Seaman 2/c Co. B, 2nd Reg., U. S. N., 118 E. 9th S't. Forbes, Clayton H........................ 126 Forbes, Max. D...........................126 Forest Sheridan E.....................126 Ford, Gordon H., Cpl., 1/c, Bayonet Inetr. Eng., Depot No. 3, Canadian Army, 2105 Adams Ave. Forgette, Rolly, Pvt., Hosp. Corps, U. S. Army, 820 Witherbee St. Forschner, Andrew C. Band Cpl., 31st P. A., 1015 Church St. Forshee, Tic................................216 Forsyth, Chas. Lewis...................126 Forsyth, L. A................................ 12 6 Port, Philip, Cpl., U. S. Army, 1803; Pine St. Fosdick, Wm. H............................259 Foster, Ed. W.................................237 Foster, Floyd............................126 Fouchon Jos..................................216 Foust, S. C., Pvt., U. S. Army, Linden, Mich. Foust, Sherman..............................216 Fowler, Robt. J.............................216 Fox, Leon D...................................2 7 Fox, George W., Ship Cook, Mine Sweeping on Troop Ship to France, 1007 St. John St. Fox, Jay H., Cpl., Co. D, 328th F. A.. Mayville, Mich. Fox, John, Pvt., U. S. Army, 86th Div., 208 E. 5th St. Fox, Munro, Sgt., Co. D, 56th Engrs., 729 Mary St. Fox, Fern W., Pvt., Bat. D, 64th Art.. C. A. C., 715 Page St. Fox, Russell................................... 237 Foy, Howard, Pvt., 32nd Div., Co. E, 107th Am. Tr., Goodrich, Mich. Foy, Patrick H., Mach. Mate, 2/c, U. S. Navy, 318 Dayton St. Frackleton, Harold L...-............... 25 Francis, D. D....................-............ 29 Francis Lloyd E., Sgt., Co. A, 33rd Reg., 1703 W. Court St. Francis, N. A., 2nd Lieut., Co. 4, A. C. S., Flint, Mich. Francis. J. R................................ 269 Franklin, Herbert C.....................237 Frappier, Cleon J., Commander's Asst., Camp Luce, U. S. N., Linden, Mich. Fraw, Russell Pvt., 7th Co., Recruit Co., 748 Cornelia St. Frawley, Leo P., Pvt., 6th Heavy Art., 806 Church St. Frazer, Wm. R., Pvt., S. A. T. C., 416 W. Second Ave. Frazier, Everett -........................... 127 Fredell, Axel T., Cpl. 30th Co., P. A., 760 Witherbee St. Fredenburg, Bert, Cook, 33rd M. G. Co., 318 W. Tobias St. Freeman, Robt. G......................... 23 Freeman, Leonard........................ 67 Freligh, James S., Sgt., U. S. Army, 413 W. 5th St. French, Chas. J............................. 127 French, Ernest V., Pvt.. Co. H, Reg. 338, 1301 Orchard Ct. French, Milo............................ 127 French, Wm. M............................227 French, Ivan Foster, Pvt., S. A. T. C., 826 E. 9th St. Frey, Frank W...........................127 Frey, Ray C......2..........................260 Frieburger, Chas........................127 Frieburger, Jos..............................127 Friedlund, John A., Pvt., 82nd Spruce Sod. Flint, R. D. No. 6. Frielink, Grant A., Pvt., Motor Amb. Co. 44, 1012 Root St. Friend, Ronald A.......................... 127 Frise, Richard, Pvt., U. S. Army, Davison, Mich., R. D. No. 1. Fritcher, John H..........................237 Fritz, Paul W................................127 Fromwiller, Archie C...................127 Frost, Frank B...............................127 Frost John K............................ 127 Frost, Norme D., 2nd Lieut., Inf. Replacement, Walloon Lake, Mich. Frutchey, Herbert.......................... 61 Frye, Chas. L., Pvt., A. C. 301, 313th San. Tr., Frances St. Frye, Harold G............................... 127 Frye, Raymond E., Sgt., 1/c, 16th Balloon Co., 304 W. 4th Ave. Fryman, Geo. R., lst Lieut., U. S. Army, 803 Clifford St. Fulerton, Chas. E........................216 Fuller, Clyde E.............................. 127 Fuller, Elmer W., Pvt., 2 Bt. Od. Ord., 816 Fifth Ave. E. Fuller, Fred L............................... 237 Fuller, Harold C., Pvt., Camp Hosp. No. 3, A. E. F., 814 E. Third Ave. Fuller, Ivan Tolen.....................127 Fuller, J. Burns............................. 23 Fuller, Willard, Pvt., 30 8 Btln., 1911 Industrial Ave. Fuller, Wm. L. A................. 237 Fuller, E. Duane, Seaman, U. S. S. Pennsylvania, Montrose, Mich. Fulmer, Ted.................................127 Funk, Floyd G................................128 Furey, W m. Henry........................128 Furtan, Chas., Pvt., Air Serv., 10th Detach., Flint, Mich. Fyfe, John...................................... 128 G Gabriel, Elias, Pvt., 36th F. Hosp., Flint, Mich. Gage, Benj. F.............................128 Gage, Harley J... ---....................128 Gage, Nelson Roy, Pvt., 14th Div., Hdqts. Troop, Flint, Mich. Gage, Roy...................................... 28 Gains, Wm. A...........................128 (Calbralth, Ralph E., S'gt., S. A. T. C., 763 Carton St. Gale, Henry........................... --- 128 Gallahoo, Mark A., Pvt., Co. F, 115th Inf., Flint, Mich. Galliver, Geo. F., Pvt., U. S. Army, 1125 Liberty St. Gaman, Ernest H., Pvt., 11th Mach. Gun Bn., Co. D, 942 Mary St. Gane, Elmer, Cpl., Co. F, 340th Inf., 1350 Stever Ave. Gardiner, Linus C.......................... 26 Gardner, Earl H.............................257 Gardner, Geo F..............................216 Gardner, Henry C...........................128 Gardner. Willis L~........................128 Gardy, George, Pvt., U. S. Signal Corps, Air Service, 823 Avon St. Garland, John J............................. 237 Garland, Wm. H., Sgt., 1/c., Amb. Co., Iron Mountain, Mich. Garman, Martin.............................128 Garner, Clare L...........................216 287 Garner, Mark B....................... 128 Garrett, Harold L., S'gt., 23rd Co., 5th Marines, 748 McClellan St. Garske. Tony, Pvt., Co. L, 6th Bn., 2407 St. John St. Gartee, Fred C., Pvt., 338th Inf., 85th Div., Flint, R. D. No. 6. Garvey, Lenton C..........................128 Gaspens, Vico. De........................331 Gates, Carl E., Cpl., Co. F, 337th Inf., Davison, Mich. Gaudreau, Geo. N., Seaman, 2/c., U. S. N. A. R. B., 361 Paterson St. Gault, Floyd E.............................238 Gault, Harold..................................238 Gault, Harry G.......................... 23 Gault, Ralph E.............................. 27 Gaut, Floyd, Pvt., Hdqts. 77th Inf., 1014 Dallas St. Gearhart, Cecil D.......................... 133 Gebhardt, Bernard L., Bugler, Hdq. Co., 328th F. A., Flint, Mich. Geiger, Earl Maxwell....................216 Geiger, Howard W................... 31 Geise, Wm. C., Pvt., 12th Ob. Bat., Flint, Mich. Genicks, Caroth.......................129 Genicke, Frank........................129 Genicks, Samuel............................129 George, Albert E..........................129 George, Bernard C., Pvt., Officers Res. Train. Camp., 1306 Church St. George, Edwin C...........................238 George, Harry F..........................129 George, John B., Pvt., U. S. Army, 1260 Easy St. George, Victor L....................260 Gerhardt, Neff,, Pvt., 128th F. A., Bat. C, 428 S. Wilcox. Geroux, Frank, Pvt., U. S. Army, 511 Clifford St. Gerow, Raymond.........................129 Gerow, Wyn A...............................129 Geyer, Bernard, Cpl., Bat. C, 330th F. A., 1605 Avenue A. Ghainer, Asher, Pvt., U. S. Aviation Corp., 2211 Corunna Rd. Ghainer, Nathan E....................... 129 Ghainer, Reuben, Arsenal in Iowa, Pvt., U. S. Army, 2211 Corunna Rd. Ghitsas, C. T.................................. 65 Giammon, Samuel P.....................130 Gibbs, Jas. F................................ 21 Gibbs, Wm., Pvt., U. S. Army, 903 Spencer St. Gibhardt, Bernard L., Musician, Hdq. Co., 328th F. A., Flint, Mich. Gibney, Lyman H., Sgt., 6. E. 125th F. A., 409 E. 2nd St. Gibson, Harold J., Pvt., Base Hosp. U. S. Army, 1011 W. Kearsley St. Gibson, Hugh................................12 9 Gibson, Will, Pvt., D. Co., 809th Inf., 1713 Harrison St. Giddings, Wm. R............................ 129 Giffin, Fred. C., Cadet for Pilot Sqd. 4, Aero School, Canadian Army, 810 Begole St. Gifford, Clarence A..........-...........216 Gifford, James E......................129 Gifford, Nell A..............................129 Gilbert, Chris F., Pvt., Co. F, 61st Pioneer Inf., Swartz Creek, Mich. Gilbert, Frank R., Cpl., U. S. Army, 8 Newton P1. Gilbert Louis J............................... 129 Gilbertson, Arthur A., Pvt., Co. C, S. A. T. C.,, 927 Parkland St. Gilbertson, Henry Geo................... 129 Gilchrist, Geo. R., Seaman, Signal Corp., U. S. N., Flushing, Mich. Gill, Allen A.............................. 129 Gillespie, Alex. G..................... 21 Gillespie, Jas..................................130 Gillespie, Robt. A......................... 1 Gillespie, Robt. J........................ 130 Gillett, Earl I.................................130 Gillies, Bert N...............................130 Gillies, Edward..............................130 Gilliland, Phillip S.......................216 Gillis, Charlie F.............................130 Gi'more, Geo. Franklin................ ---130 Girardin, Earl L., Pvt., Mach. Gun Co., Canadian Army, 510 1st Ave. W. Gise, Elmer H., Fireman, 1/c, U. S. S. Calawares, 821 Leith St. Glaspie, Hoyt................................130 Glazier, Geo....................................238 Glidden, Aliva E,...........................217 Globig, Albert H...........................130 Globig, Eugene P...........................130 Globig, Fred B..............................130 Gocha, Chas. C...............................130 Godfrey, Roy E., Pvt., U. S. Army, 725 Stockton St. Goecker, Louis E., Sgt.,. Co. H, 338th Inf., 322 W. 3rd St. Goering, Geo. R............................. 31 Gondel, Simon, Pvt., 23rd Inf., 2913 St. John St. Gonsler, John J.........13........0............ Good, Lawrence R........................238 Goodall, W m. L.............................130 Goodell, Welden B., Pvt., Motor Trans. Corps, Columblaville, Mich. Gooden, Neven, Pvt., Co. 483 Cas. Med. Dept., 638 E. 6th Ave. Goodenow, Reginald M............... 130 Goodfellow, Benj......................... 31 Goodman, Wm. H.........................131 Goodrich, Bert.............................. 131 Goodrich, Chas. H.........................131 Goodrich, Fred C..-............. ---131 Goodrich, Geo.....................l............31 Goodrich, Glen E................... 181 Goodrich, Glen H......................260 Goodrich, Harold M......................181 Goodrich, Leslie J...-...............131 Goodrich, Roy Edwin....................131 Goodwin, Harvey R., 58th Am. Train, Pvt., 221 1st St. Goossen, Abram Ed.......................131 Gorbutt Wm. R...........................131 Gordner, Frank E., Pvt., Hdqs. Co., 77th Inf., 3939 Industrial Ave. Gordon, David G., Pvt., Co. A, 3i30th F. A., Flint, Mich. Gordon, Eva Grace........................ 79 Gordon Frank P., Pvt., 308 Motor Sup. Train, 801 Hamilton Ave. Gordon, Mark W., Pvt., 3561st Co. Amb., Fenton, Mich. Gordon, Glenn........................ 131 Gordon, Warner Wm., Pvt., 16th Co., 4 B. N., 16 D. B., Flint, Mich. Gore, James E............................ 131 Gorham, Lewis O., Pvt., Co. H, 39th Inf., 609 Rankin St. Goris, John M., Petty Officer, 2/c, U. S. Naval Air Service, Grand Rapids, Mich. Gorton, Erwin B........................... 131 Gossel, Robert F., Pvt., Co. F, 338th Inf., 606 Taylor St. Gotberg, Eugene, Pvt., U. S. Army, 908 Hamilton Ave. Gotthelf, Maurice W.....................256 Gotwalt, Robt. C..........................131 Gould, Cassius C.............................131 Gould, Clarence.............................132 Gould, Edmond, Pvt., 82nd Sqd., Spruce, Fenton, Mich. Gould, Glenn.......................... 132 Gousler, J. E., Pvt., Co. 93, S. A. T. C., 738 Harriet St. Grabow, Chris S., Pvt., Co. H, 10th Reg., 322 E. Second St. Graham, Archibald...................132 Graham, Clarence H....................132 Graham, Chas. J., Pvt., 112th Engrs. Co. A, 204 S. Saginaw St. Graham, Harry................... 132 Graham, Vernon..............................132 Grahek, Jos. J., Pvt., Hdqtrs. Co., U. S. Army, 2009 Calumet Ave. Grand, Alexander, Corp., Air Service, 300 First St. Granger, Guy C..............................13'2 Granger, Solomon T..................... 132 Grant, Clayton..................2......132 Grant, Howard, Pvt., Co. 20, 160th D. B., 835 Elizabeth St. Grappin, David..............................132 Gratach, Melvin S........................ 238 Graves, Earl S., Pvt., 22nd Co., 160th D. B., 624 Avon St. Graves, Floyd L., Sergt., Co. E; 429th Motor Sup. Tr., Flushing, Mich. Graves, Harvey L........................... Graves, Joel G..........................217 Graves, Mrs. Ida........................... 71 Grawberg, Wm., Sergt. 5th Regt. Marines, Flint, Mich. Grawburg, John N.......................238 Grawolds, Glen L........................ 29 Green, Abraham............................217 Green, Ben, Pvt., Bat. C, S. A. T. Green, Frank A...............................267 C., 809 W. Second St. Green, Frank E.......-................. 217 Green, Frank L..-.........-..........132 Green, Geo. H...............................238 Green, Harry H............................23 8 Green, Harry L.............................182 Green, Lloyd H.............................132 Green, Ralph L., Pvt., Q. M. Corps, U. S. Army, 2040 Beach St. Green, Ralph C..-........................182 Green, Sherman.............................182 Green, Wm. Ray.....................-..238 Green, Nelson C., Pvt., 351st Amb. Co., 431 Avon St. Green, Maurice A., Pvt., Co. E, 125th Inf., 32nd Div., Michigan City, Ind. Greene, Finley Thos......................133 Greene, John L................-.....21 7 Greenlick, Alexander, Cpl., Aero Sqd., 755 Baker St. Greenwald, Herbert, Sgt., Co. A, Greenway, Charles M................... 63 338th Inf., 1804 N. Saginaw St. Gregg, Muriel C.............................133 Gregory, Fred N.........................133 Gregory, Harold F.....................238 Gregory, Howard H....................133 Grenier, Alfred G..........................238 Griese, Oscar, Pvt., U. S. Navy, 832 Witherbee St. Griffin, Harry G............................. 133 Griffeth, Fred, Pvt., 351 Amb. Co. 313, San. Tr., 1606 Maplewood Ave. Griffith, Fred.................................. 264 Grim er, Jas....................................133 Grinnell, Ernest D., Lieut. Co. A, 8th Div., Flint, Mich. Groesser, Russell W...................... 260 Groom, H. Ward, Pvt., Sqd. F. Air Service, 313 E. Ninth St. Grothjaw, Bennett, Pvt., 37th Co., 160th D. B., 1216 Chippewa St. Groulx, Armand.............................. 217 Grou!x, Clyde, Pvt., Co. A, 327th Inf., 714 E. 3rd St. Groulx, Jos................................. 134 Groulz, Robert, Pvt., 14th Sup. Co., M. T. Corps, 823 Newall St. Grove, Clare 0............................133 Grove, Ford E.................................133 Grover, Clyde W..................-.........133 Grover, Lena S., Nurse, Base Hosp. 69, A. E. F., 738 Wood St. Grover, Orson B............................ 238 --- Grover, Robert, Sergt. M. Gun. Co 818 Begole St. Grover, Lena S............................ 77 Gruett, Edward R., Musician, 1/c, 40th F. A. Band. 612 Davison St. Grumbuski, Stephen.............133 Gue, George E.................................238 Guernsey, Floyd E.........................133 Guild, John A., Mach. Mate., 2/c, Aviation, 616 Asylum St. Guindon, Albert W., Pvt., 284th Air Sqd., 806 N. Stevenson. Gundry, Geo. L....-...-.....................l3 Gundry, Howard R.......................133 Gundry, Nell C...............................133 Gunnell, W m. J.............................134 Gundry, Mrs. Geo........................... 71 Gundry, Mrs. John L..................... 69 Gursky, Chester............................ 238 Gwesser, Russell Wm., Pvt., l11th Inf., U. S. Army, Flint, Mich. Gwyn, Judge J., Cpl., Co. D, 26th Eng., 529 Newall St. H Haas, Herbert................................ 63 Hackbarth, Otto A......................227 Hackbarth, Walter....................... 134 Hacking, Arthur, Pvt. Amb. Co. 333, 1255 Stever Ave. Hackman, Harry C., 1st Lieut. Remount Depot No. 21, 530 E. Srd St. Hackney, Geo. E............................ — 26 Hackney, Harold J.......................134 Hagel, Kenneth M......................... 135 Hagen, Stanley M., Pvt., Co. B, 21st Eng., 1266 Broadway St. Hagen, Andy M., Pvt., 2nd Prov. Reg., 918 Paterson St. Hagene, Henry P., Cpl., Co. D, 77th Inf., 14th Div., 1402 Glenwood Ave. Hager, John 0............................... 135 Hager, Thos. M., Pvt., S'. A. T. C., 903 Elizabeth St. Hager, Thomas M., Pvt., S. A. T. C., 903 Elizabeth St. Hagerman, Roy F........................ 239 Haggard, Harry, Pvt., Co. C, Mech. Repair Unit 309, 619 Warren St. Haggerty, Geo. J., Pvt., 1/c, Hdqs. Detach., 1.4th Div., 207 W. 1st St. Haig, Dougias Haig, Harvey.......... ---...................1 35 Haight, Harry C........................ 59 Haight, Chas. R............................136 Haight, Sidney M...........................134 Hainer, Robt. H. —...........................134 Haines, W m. R............................255 Hate, Patrick.................................. 239 Haley, John A................................134 Haley, John Jos...........................134 Haley, Martin M., Pvt., Hdqrs. Co., 77th Inf., 1351 Madison Ave. Haley, Raymond T.....................134 Haley, Thomas..............................1 3i4 Hall, Albert M..............................134 Hall, Arthur G., Pvt., S. A. T. C., Davison, Mich. Hall, Clarence Edwin, Pvt., Co. L, Dept. B. M. No. 6, Flint, Mich. Hall, Edward................................134 Hall, Floyd D.................................134 Hall, Melvin L., Sergt. 1/c, Co., 125th Inf., Davison, Mich. Hall, Omer T., Pvt., Co. A, S. A, T. C., 321 Mason St. Hall, Russel L..............................134 Hall, W allace J............................. 134 Hallead, Mervil.............................. 25 Halligan, Jos...................................134 Hallit, Chauncey F.......................228 Hallit, Russel.................................. 26 Hallitt, Sprague...........................13 HalJwell, Chas............................. 13 Hallock, Claire, Pvt., U. S. Army 722 Leith St. Hallock, John Jas......................... 23 Halsey, Harry H., Fireman 2/c U. S. S. Kearsarge, 103 Woo( St. Hamady, Kamol C., Pvt., Co. A 258th Reg., 301 Hamilton Ave. Hamann, Grover Cleveland........ 23 Hamann, James Garfield............231 Hamblin, Edwin.............................13 Hameline, Howard S'...................23! Hamilton, Harold Ed................. 13 Hamilton, James, Pvt., U. S. Army 733 Elizabeth St. Hamilton, Wm. J., Pvt., Co. E S. A. T. C., 115 Lindsey St. Hamilton, Wm. H., Seaman Gd. U. S. S. Mississippi, Fenton Mich. Hamlin, Elmer H..........................21 Hammond, C. J., Pvt., Co. H 125th Inf., 32nd Div., 749 Taylo St. Hammond, Earl E.............. —.......21 Hammond, Earl.............................21 Hammond, Elmer R., Pvt., S. A T. C., 432 McCreery St. Hammond, Ralph E.....................23 Hamp, Clarence B.......................13 Hamp, Lawrence B...........-...........13 Hanaford, Mrs. W. B................... 8 Hand, Roy J...................................23 Hand, William A.........................13 Handy, Mrs. J. W......................... 6 Handy, Roy M., Pvt., Co. B, 78t Inf., 15660 Delaware Ave. Hanink, Henry R., Pvt., Co. 1 10th Inf., 809 Garland St. Hanna, Jay, Pvt., Sup. Co. No. 311 118 E. 8th St. Hanna, Jay.................................... 13 Hansen, Chaa. O., 3/c, E. R., U. 1 Sea Patrol 16. Tfd. to U. E Naval Radio School, Ashle: Mich. Hansel, Roy J.............................. 239 Hansen, Arthur..........................239 Hansen, Hans...............................13 Hanson, Henry T., Pvt., 42nd F. A., 902 Hamilton Ave. Hanson, Geo. A., Pvt., 128th Aero Sqd., 603 Atwood St. Hanson, Oscar Wm....................... 135 Hanb, Harold F. H., Pvt., Co. M, Reg., 77th Inf., 733 Harriett St. Harb, Joseph...................................13 Harbin, Frank............................... 136 Harchuck, Michael........................135 Harding, Alfred J...........................135 Harding, Everett C., Seaman, Sec. 1, 5th Naval Dist., 122 12th Ave. Harding, Jos. H............................135 Harding, Paul L..........1............... 13i5 Hardy, Arthur H...........................135 Hardy, Walter A........................137 Harger, Elonore Ed., Cpl., Q. M. C. 20, 25 Motor Truck Co., 255 State St. Harnack, Burton, Pvt., 410 Motor Truck Co., Linden, Mich. Harnack, Geo., Pvt., U. IS Army, Linden, Michi. Harle, Glenn J...............................137 Harnack, Harold...........................137 Harper, Jas. Wm., Pvt., 47th Am. Train, 1212 Roosevelt Ave. Harper, John, Pvt., U. S. Army, 738 Dewey St. Harrington, Arton, Sergt. 1/c, Flying Sqd., 931 Pleasant St. Harrington, Ernest H...................137 Harrington, Henry........................137 Harrington, Mary M..................... 79 Harrington, Russell A., Pvt., 14th Co., C. D. C. B., Flint, Mich. Harris, Arthur E., Cpl., 328th F. A., 320 W. 9th St. Harris, C. B., Pvt., U. S. Army, 220 Robinson St. Harris, Chas. T., Pvt., 3rd Reg. Co., 11 Air Service, 539 Rix St. Harris, Erwin E.......................... 136 Harris, Floyd S., Bugler, 93rd Div., U. S. Army, 513 9th St. Harris, Hughie...............................136 Harris, John J..............................136 Harris, Lloyd, Pvt., Reg., 372nd Div., 1715 Elm St. Harrison, Horace........................... 1 36 Harrop, Jas. J. F...........................136 Harrop, Thos. F., Pvt., 304th Tank Corps, 1214 Avenue C. Hart, Edward D........................ — 136 Hart, Henry G............................. --- 136 Hart, Hazen Jas...........................136 Hart, Loney W............................ 136 Hart, Russell B., Pvt., 1/c., Co. C, 14th Am. Tr., Flushing, Mich. Hartman, Chas. J., Pvt. Hdqs. Co., 338th Inf., 812 Ann Arbor St. Hartnell, Elmer..............................136 Hartz. Grover Hartz, Robt. Chas.................... --- —-136 Hartz, W ilbur J.............................138 Harvey, Frances E., Pvt., Base Hosp. No. 113, A. E. F., 838 Lexington Ave. Harvey, Geo. W......................... 138 Harwood, H. C., Pvt., 1/c, 9th Balloon Co., 920 1/ Hamilton Ave. I Haskell, Frank R........................138 Hassenbring, Reinhart................. 23 3Hastedt, H. Otto, Pvt., Co. A., 4 14th Amn. Corps, 806 Newall St. B Hastings, Elmer G........................ 138 3 Hastings, William S., Pvt., Air6 craft Sig. Corps, 1726 Detroit St. 6 Hasty, Miss Julia.......................... 69 Hatch, Arthur R..........................138 Hatch, Mrs. E. A........................... 67 9 Hatch, Edward................................137, Hatchew, Floyd............................. 255 i Hatherly, Glenn H........................ 23,9 Hatherly, Leo G., Inspr. on Liberty,, Motors, 126 E. Baker St. Hatt, Abel L................................137 g Hatt, Harry G..............................137 g Hauer, Matthew, Pvt., 35th Sqd., 6 3rd Reg., 505 Mathewson St. 9 Havens, James............................... 137 6 Haver, Chas.....................................13 Havers, LeRoy, Pvt., Co. C, U. S Army, 615 Dayton St.,, Hawes, Frank H...........................239 Hawks, Alfred.................................13 Hawks, Emery M........................... 27 I, Hawkins, Gustave A., Pvt., Co. A, S. A. T. C., 445 E. Ann St. 7 Hawkins, Otis................................21' Hawley, Chas. Wm., Sergt. Co. A r 212 F. S:. Bn., 1807 New Yorl Ave. 7 Hawley, Earl C.............................. 13 7 Hawley, Lawson B....................... 13'. Haybell, Fred E.............................13 Hayden, Jack, Pvt., Air Service 9 762 Witherbee St. 6 Hayes, Harrison G.........................13' 5 Haynes, Frank A., Pvt., Co. F, 61s 1 Pioneer Inf., 620 Newall St. 19 Hayward, Glenn E......................22 5 Haywood, Arthur J.....................13';7 Hazen, Alfred M. Fireman, U. S h Navy, 1217 Idaho Ave. Headley, Howard, Pvt., Amb. Co L, 351, Y. M. C. A. Heal, Geo. L..................................13 0, Heath, Maynard B.......................13 Heath, Samuel P..........................13 15 Heck, Wilhelm L., Pvt., U. E S. Army, Flint, R. D. No. 4. S. Hecker, Albert Wrm...................21 y, Heenan, Frank J...........................13 Heenan, Walter............................13 Heerman, Lewis C., Seaman, U. S. Navy, Swartz Creek, Mich. Heffron, Patrick J., Sgt., Depot Brig., 727 Garland St. Hehn, Emmet Donald, Gunner's Mate, 3/c, U. S. Navy, 742 Harriet St. Hehn, Emery.................................. 138 Hehn, Francis Geo., 1st Lieut., U. S. Army, 742 Harriet St. Heims, Howard G........................... 138 Heller, John K., Pvt., Co. D, 3rd Bn., 308 8'. Saginaw St. Hempstead, Geo., Pvt., U. S. Army, 85th Div., 316 E. 9th St. Henderson, Jos...........- 239 Henderson, Morris J...................217 Henderson, John W....................... 239 Henderson, Robt........................138 Henderson, Roy E........................138 Henderson, Wm. W., Pvt., Aircraft Prod., Camp Taylor, Flint, Mich. Hendricks, Charles E................... 59 Hendrich, Floyd E.......................239 Hendy, Roy M.............1..............138 Henne, Edward B.....................239 Henny, Edward A., Pvt., Co. E, 1st Replacement, Flint, Mich. Henry, Cecil J., Pvt., Co. B, 1st Brig., M. G. Bn., Flint, Mich. Henry, John....................................139 Henry, Albert R............................138 Henry, Lowell............................ 240 Henry, Maurice O., Pvt., Co. B, 20th M. Y. B. W., Roscommon, Mich. Henry, Ray D........................ -....... 139 Herholz, Henry, Pvt., U. S. Army, 750 Witherbee St. Herrick, Martin, Pvt., Co. B, 109th Am. Tr., 163 Summit St. Herring, O. J., Pvt., U. S. Army, 83,2 Baker St. Herrington, Cecil T.....................139 Herrlich, Roy C............................ 139 Herron, Geo. W. Herron, Marcellus W...................139 Hescott, Benj. H. F.....................240 Hess, Geo. A...................................228 H ess, L. L....................................... 139 Heustis, Warren C......................... 20 Hevrin, Robt. H., Pvt., 263 Aero Sqd., 524 Chippewa St. Hewitt, Chas. A........................... 139 Hewitt, Jos. Benj.........................139 Hewitt, Rev. J. B......................... 55 Heystek, Jos. J..............................13 9 Hibbard, George.................2... _..240 Hibbard, Hiram C......................260 Hickey, Dewey................................217 Hickey, Paul T., Pvt., Peace Corn. Guard Co., 925 Paterson St. Hicks, Thos. G..............................260 Higgins, Chas. H., Pvt., Co. L, 337th Inf., 1022 Patrick St. Hight, Charlotte G., Res. Nurse, Base Hosp. 17, 1714 Michigan Ave. Hikes, Jos., Pvt., Co. 358, Aero Sqd., 1229 Washington Ave. Hilanovich, Mico, Pvt., U. S. Army, 1213 Easy St. H iles, Earle C................................ 228 Hill, Edward G., Sgt. 1/c Hrqts. Hosp., 1209 Grand Traverse St. Hill, Frank E..............................240 Hill, Harry L............................. -139 Hill, Harvey W......................... 217 H ill, John........................................217 H ill, Jos. F......................................139 Hill, Phillip S............................... 217 Hill, Stewart W., Pvt., 49th Bn., Inf. Co. C, Pontiac, Mich. Hill, Wm. G. Hillaker, Alire L......................... 2 40 Hiller, Ralph............1.....................13 Hillier, Dougal J...........................139 Hilliker, Vern............................... 24( Hillman, Fred C...........................139 Hills, Arthur W.............................260 Hilton, John D., Pvt., 160th D. B Tfd to Co. B, 78th Inf., Fiff Lake, Mich. Himes, Geo. F., Sgt., Bat. F, Hdqs Det., 85th Div., 111 W. 2nd St. Hinton, Chas...................................24( H intz, Felix S...............................24( Hintz, Leo F.................................. 24( Hintze, Arthur H...........................24( Hipkins, Fred, Pvt., 7th Co., 20tb Engrs., 760 McClellan St. Hipkins, Reuben...........................13! Hipkins, Edward, Pvt., 1/c, 6tl Sqd., 1st Prov. Reg., 1225 Gar field Ave. 7 Hirth, Frederick......................... 2: Hiscock, Alex. E.......................... 131! Hitchcock, Jay W......................... 14 Hitchcock, Miss Mabel............... 7 7 Hittle, Ernest..................................24 7 Hoag, W alter.................................14 7 Hobson Earl IL............................. 14 Hockaday, Asa................................ 14 Hocking, Arthur............................14 7 Hodge, Chas. W., Cpl., Co. E, 31 t Sup. Tr., 303 W. 3rd Ave. Hodge, Constantine A.................14 B Hodge, Fred B., Pvt., Amb. Cc 7 351, 303 W. 3rd Ave.. Hodgkinson, Ralph C...................14 Hodgson, Dwight, Pvt., 1/c, Bas ) Hosp. 17, 720 N. Saginaw St. Hodgson, Chas., Pvt., 1/c, 12 8 Aero Sqd., 319 Walnut St. 8 Hoefelmeyer, Fred B., 2nd Lieut 8 25th Tr. Btry, U. S., Mt. Morrie Mich. Hoffman, Geo............................ 24 7 Hoffman, Howard V...................14 8 Hoglett, Clyde E., Sgt., 1/c, I, A $ C., Milan, Mich. Hogan, Jos. M.-.........-................. 141 H Hogan, John E.. ----..........................141 E Holcombe, Russell.........................218 H Holderied, Jos........................25......8 Holderled, Philip..........................268 Holland, Alfred H........................ 140 Hollanshead, Hoyt M...................140 H Holley, Carl Earl.......................26 8 Hollingshead, Wm. Geo............. 10 E Holliwell, Chas. Holman, Lucian 0.......................260 Holmes, Reginold..........................140 E Holshoe, Frank..............................140 Holtzman, Harold R.....................140 Homes, Claude...............................240 Hooker, Dwight S., Pvt., Base Hosp. No. 208, A. E. F., 601 Asylum St. I Hoover( Paul G., Segt., Bat C, 1st I Art., 710 Rankin St. l Hope, Ernest.............-....... —......... 140 Hopkins, Benj. F........................140 Hopkins, Harry H................- 27 I Hopp, A. Leigh................._........140 Horner, Robt. K........................... 24 Horton, Carlton G........................140 I H osp, W. W................................... 24 Houlihan, Richard A................. 142 i Houlihan, Joseph A....................142 Houlihan, Edward P..................1..142 I Houran, Cornelius A., Pvt., 85th Div., 338th Inf., 723 N. Saginaw I St. Houghton, Harold..........................1 40 H ouston, Jos....................................141 J Houton, Jno. H............................. 31 J Hovey, Wm. L............................141 J Howald, Harry J..........................218 Howald, Walter C.........................218 J Howard, Frank K........._........218 J Howard, Geo. L., Corp., Med. Co., U. S. Army, 1454 Bush Ave. Howard, Guy D., Ord. Segt., Sup. J Reg., 1519 Church St. Howard, Jesse R..................-.. -...141 Howard, John D.......................... 21 Howard, R. L., Pvt., Can. Army Med. Corps., 752 Baker St. Howard, Summer S................... 141 Howe, Albert E., Bugler, Co. G Reg., 338th Inf., 317 W. 8th St.. Howe, Arden N...........-.............- 30. Howe, Mrs. George..................... 71. Howe, Harold N...........................141. Howe, Harry Robt......................141 Howell, Ed. M.............................. 20 Howell, Geo. Wm...........................141 Howes, Percy, Pvt., U. S. Navy, 1019 Ave. A. Howes, Fred J., Corp., Bat. D Reg., 328th F. A., 1019 Ave. A. Howland, Clarence W. A............141 Howland, Paul B........................ 141 Howland, Wm. W........................141 Hoyt, Bruce V..........................2.....40 Hoyt, Glifford Jas......................... 141 Hoyt, Ned B.........-................-.241 Hubbard, Elden F...............-....... 142 Hubbard, Geo. E., Pvt., 4th Sig. Corps, 1909 Ave. A. Hudson, Earl.................................143 Hudson, Benj..............................142 Hudson, Dick................................143 Hudson, Engles, Pvt., Co., Hosp. Corps, 320 W. 9th St. Hudson, Vern............................... 143 Huffman, Verl R......................... 218 Huggins, Roscoe W.....................- 143 Hughes, Clarence S.....................143 Hulburt, Russell A., Pvt., 55th F. A., 1508 Cherry St. Hulin, Ernest L.........................142 Hull, Lee Clark....................-.... 142 Hulquist, John A., Pvt., 1/c, 37th Reg., 10th Bat., 734 Dayton St. Hunt, Bruce, Pvt., Co. D, 414 Res. Labor Bn., 118 E. 10th St. Hunt, Dewey E., Pvt., Dep. Brig., 1209 Oak St. Hunt, Leon Wesley......................262 Hunt, Orlo Amos...........................142 Hunt, Robt. J.............................142 Hunt, Wm. H...............................142 D Hunter, Alden. 0 Hunter, Frank, Segt., Co., 338th D Inf., 811 Hamilton Ave. Hunter, John J..............................228 Hunter, Robt., Pvt., Reg. 7th, Art. g Can. Army, 622 Floral Park Ave. Hunter, Wm., Pvt., U. S. Army, 1330 Chippewa. St. Huntley, Hazen E.........................142 3 Huntley, Raymond J., Segt., 2nd g Tr. 308 W. S. T., A. E. F., 754 0 Witherbee St. 1 Hurd, James W. H......................142 0 Hurd, Ray E., Wag., Co. H, 338th 0 Inf., Clio, Mich. O Hurd, Alton B., Pvt., U. S. Sig. O Corps, Air Serv., 1718 Detroit St. 0 Hurd, Thurston R.................142 0 Hurns, Thos. P............................142 Hurry, Harry B......,.............142 1 Hurry, W yland............................142 D. Hursh, Frank..............................-241 Hursh, John Ray 2.....-...................241 1 Husted, Wm. Edwin....................143 Fe Huston, Donald C.......................143 Huston, Leo Franklin................218 6 Hutchins, Harry J., Pvt., Co. B, S. A. T. C., Flint, Mich. t. Hutchinson, Clare M., Pvt., Reg. 8, 85th Div., Base Hosp., 1615 Wright St. 0O Hutchinson, Earl Austin, Pvt, 11 Reg. 32, 1515 Wright St. I. Hutchinson, Lewis S., Segt., Reg. 14, 1615 Wright St_ {utchinson, James C................... 148 [utchinson, Jos. B.......................143 [uyck. Ellsworth E..................... 61 lylen, Fred G, Co. C, 3rd M. G. Bn., 1st Div., 625 Dayton St. tyler, Perley.............................143 fyman, John L........................... 20 Eynes, Clement A.......................228 lynes, Jas. Leo, Segt., 160th D. B., Duffleld, Mich. Fynes, John C.....................-.... -.228 Uynes, Jos. A., Segt., 1/c, 14th Amb. Co., Duffleld, Mich. lynes, K. B............................... 241 I kerd, Horace................................143 ngersoll, Donald S....................148 ngersoll, Harold......................... 143 nman, Ira Jas.............................241 nrig, Donald F. S., Sapper No. 1, Eng. Dept., M. D. No. 1, 610 Smith St. nskeep, Oliver R......................... 85 Irvine, Austin S., 2nd Lieut., Ord. Dept., 1004 Ann Arbor St. Irving, Ira Lloyd.......................... 20 Irwin, Alexander..........-..............241 Irwin, Jos. Henry, Pvt., Co. M, Cas. Detach., 923 Trafalet St. Isherwood, Alfred, Pvt., 4th Bn., Can. Army, 418 Cortland Ave. Ivanovich, Mita........................ 143 J Jackson, Howard E.....................24 Jackson, Orva...............................228 Jackson, Philip Ed....................... 24 Jackson, Vivian D......................143 Jackson, Glenn R.......................... 81 Jacobs, Almer J., Pvt., 42nd Div., 151st F. A., 359 Van Wagner Ave. Jacobs, Earnest............................ 218 Jacobs, Fred C., Seaman, 394th Co., 8th Reg., Linwood, Mich. Jacobs, Geo., Segt., 19th Sqd., 2nd Reg., Spruce, 207 First Ave. Jacobs, G. M.............................. 143 Jaergens, Fred J., Pvt., U. S. Army, 1812 North St. Jaffe, Soul J...............................241 Jahnke, Fred W.........................144 James, E. G...............................241 James, Frank R., Corp., Co. L, 125th Reg., 1638 S. Saginaw St. James, Russell E.........................144 Jameson, H. B.............................. 29 Jamrouriz, Alex. Jos., Pvt., Co. H, 5th Eng., 3721 Grant St. Jankowski, Carl R..........-.....218 Jankowski, Frank A....................218 Jarboe, Geo. Wm...........................144 Jarovitz, Emil, Pvt., 24th Reg., Bat. B, 33rd Div., Flint, Mich. Jarvis, Leroy D., Pvt., 1/c, 351st Inf. Band, 314 S. Saginaw St. Jeffers, Hugh E., Cook, Co. I, 10th Inf., 1421 Richfleld Rd. Jefferson, P. J., Pvt., U. S. Army, 727 Garland St. Jeffery, Gorton C......................... 144 Jeffery, L. Roy..............................144 Jellis, Samuel J...........................144 Jenkins, Stanley B., Pvt., 1563rd Dep. Brig., 903 Harriet St. Jennings, Ralph E.......................144 Jennings, Tracey C....................144 Jenor, Steve, Co. E. D. E. No. 2, Corp., 757 Dayton St. Jensen, Einar R., Segt., 6th Co., 160th D. B., 2222 Crocker Ave. Jerome, Mark J., Pvt., 1/c, 58th Bat., 15th Aircraft, Otisville, Mich. Jerome, Max L., Cook, Cook and Baker School, Otisville, Mich. Jerome, Robt. B., Pvt., 1/c, 21st Prov. Eng., Otisville, Mich. Jessop, Alton 4......................... 144 Jessop, Walter C........................144 Jewell, Frank, Pvt., 28th F. A., 1211 W. Kearsley St. Jewell, Harold J...........................144 Jewell, Herman...........................144 Jewell, Oliver C............................218 Jewett, Irvin M.............................144 Jewrett, Stanley B.......................144 Jewett, Wesley W., Pvt., Co. C., 42nd Inf., 736 Cornelia St. John, Jacob, Pvt., Detachment No. 10, 746 Taylor St. Johndro, Alfred........................... 146 Johns, Wm., Pvt., U. S. Army, 417 Alice St. Johnson, Alpha............................ 79 Johnson, Audie J...................146 Johnson, Andrew M.................... 146 Johnson, Chas. A., Pvt., Can. Army., 2608 N. Saginaw St. Johnson, Clayton C......................146 Johnson, Clyde............................. 241 Johnson, Courtney....................... 24 Johnson, Edward T., Pvt., Co. 26, U. S. Army, 1406 Stone St. Johnson, Ervin J., Corp., 44th Serv. Co., Sig. Corps, Flint Daily Journal. Johnson, Fred C. F., Seaman, 2/c, So. 339 Detention, 1406 Stone St. Johnson, Geo......................... 146 Johnson, Geo. H.....................144 Johnson, Herbert N...................144 Johnson, Howard E., Sergt., 1/c, Co. 4, 338th Inf., 832 Hamilton St. Johnson, Lyle W., Pvt., Hdqts. Co., U. S. Army, 2728Ave. A. Johnson, Maynard D.................. 218 288 son g- - >b no t~~~~~~~~~~~~~~- - lq- — a - I N THE GREAT ~C' -'~,.'"WORLD WAR 1914-18_ - -_____ --- —— x- — A-_ — I-Ib eS Johnson, Norman M.......,........145 Johnson, Oscar.......................6......14 Johnson, Paul.....-....-..........-...... 241 Johnson, Richard C.......-...-145 Johnson, Richard P. 1 4............145 Johnson, Royal.......................-..145 Johnson, Russell W., Seaman, U. S. Navy, 832 Baker St. Johnson, Thos. L., Pvt., 329th Int., Fenton, Mich. Johnson, Truland, Pvt., Co. L, 339th, 153 Vine St. Johnson, Wilbur.........-..........4 145 Johnson, Wm., Pvt., Co. A, 338th Inf., 813 Tilden St. Johnson, Willis S.....1.......... —145 Johnston, Carl B., Cook, 4/c, U. S. Navy, Webridge, Ont. Johnston, Clark C..................... 145 Johnston, Elmer........................ 241 Johnston, Harry M., Pvt., U. S. Army, 812 5th Ave. Johnston, John L., Pvt., 47th Co., 20th Eng., 2719 Ave. A. Johnston, Roman L., Corp., Co. B, S. A. T. C., 1021 Begole St. Jones, Andrew D.................... 145 Jones, Clifford C., Pvt., 1/c, Co. K, Casual Det., 1425 Smith St. Jones, C. F., Pvt., Co. B. 5th Bat., 834 Louisa St. Jones, Don Ray.......................... 145 Jones, Edgar A., 1st. Cook, Co. D, 329th Reg., 4408 N. Saginaw St. Jones, Frank E., Corp., Co. A., 12nd Eng., 1425 Smith St. Jones, Fred, Pvt., Cooks and Bakers School, West Branch, Mich. Jones, Harold C., Pvt., S. A. T: C., 2013 Adams Ave. Jones, Haro'd D., Pvt., 85th Div., 1425 Smith St. Jones, Harry E., Pvt., M. G. Co., Can. Army, Flint, Mich., R. F. D. No. 1. Jones, Jas. A........................... 145 Jones, Jos. L........................... 241 Jones, Richard, Pvt., 809th Pioneer, Co. D, 819 St. Johns St. Jopp, Percy Wm., Pvt., 1/c, Co. D, 8th Div., 301 E. 2nd St. Jordon, Jas. A.......................... 146 Jordan, Wm. F., Chauffeur, 1/c, 100th Aero Sqd., Flint. Mich. Jordan, Wm. John...................... 146 Jordan, Miss Belle C.............. 83 Joseph, Norman............................ 146 Joseph, Paul, Pvt., Motor Field Hosp. 36, Flint, Mich. Joswack, Frank, Pvt., Hdqts. Co., 77th Inf., 934 Spencer St. Junlac, Herbert C., Pvt., 664th Casual Co., 411 E. 6th St. K Kaake, Lee A....................... 241 Kaball, Asad........................ 146 Kagey, C. C. -------—..................... —.... 53 Kahont, Fred, Pvt., 1st Co., C. A. C., 1325 Easy St. Kaimpeon, John.........-...........146 Kaloo, John...................... ---........ ----....-.146 Kallmorgan, Ernest C., 1st Lieut., U. S. Army, 2001 Adams Ave. Kalmback, Christian................146 Kalmbach, Simon.. --- —----- -..146 Kandt, Emil, Pvt., 40th Inf., 10th Bat., 917 5th Ave., E. Kane, Merrill W.........-................ 146 Kantar, Mileto, Pvt., U. S. Army, 1146 Maple St. Karolls, Geo. -. --- —-------------—.146 Karrer, Everett E., Wag., Co. D, 56th Am. Tr., 617 Wolcott St. Kasse, Abraham B..................146 Katzer, Frank 2 ---. --- —-------— 241 Kauffman, Dale W................. 23 Kayah, John, Pvt., U. S. Army, 814 Hamilton Ave. Keadin, Wm. E. --------------— 218 Keathley, Arthur, Pvt., U. S. Army, 832 Baker St. Keddy, Herbert —.. —. — --------— 218 Keddy, Wm. E. Keefer, Mrs. D. M..................... 83 Keefer, Ylas......................... 146 Keehn, Martin J., Pvt., Co. A, 58th Int., Marion, Mich. Keelbasiewicy, J. A., Sailor, Co. 24, 1st Reg., 1302 Ave. C. Keeler, Chas. D., Pvt., Co., F, 1st S. A. T. C., 1006 Oak St. Keeler, Leonard R.................. 146 Keeley, Leon C., Pvt., 346th H. P. Repl. Det., 314 1st Ave. Keene, Chas. W........................... 268 Keener, O. M...................... 147 Keevan, Leonard Geo................. 146 Keezer, Chas............... -........... 146 Kehoe, Bert J., Pvt., Sqd. M, Air Service, 1612 Hlbbard St. Kehoe, Frank, Pvt., U. S?. Army, 832 Baker St. Keillar, W m. N......................... 147 hkelar, Hon. Geo............................. 65 Kellar, Frank M..................... 25 Kellar, Sydney L, Pvt., 128th F. A., Linden, Mich. Keller, Harry L...................... 258 Kelly, Archie F....................... 146 Kelly, Larry............................ 148 Kelley, Luther H....................... 147 Kelley, Mark N....................... 147 Kelley, Hon. Patrick H........... 65 Kellog, Clayton A., Pvt., 1/c, Co. C, 57th Am. Tr., 738 Wood St. Kelly, Delbert, Pvt., Co. E, Reg. 125, Flint, Mich. Kelley, W m. C............................. 147 Kelly, Edgar G., Pvt., A. C. 35, 313th San. Tr., Y. M. C. A. Kelly, Jos. A.. Pvt., Co. A, 1st Reg., S. A. T. C., 213 12th Ave. Kelm, Otto, Pvt., U. S. Army, 936 Mary St. Kemmell, Hall........................... 148 Kemp, Arthur J............................ 148 Kemp, Harry P............................ 241 Kemp, Thos. Howard................. 148 Kemp, Percy L............................ 148 lendrick, MIrs. Scott.........81 Kenison, Chas. D., Pvt., U. S. Army, 1626 Wyoming Ave. Kennedy, Chas. L., Coxwain, U. S. S. Von Steuben, Flint, Mich. Kennedy, Cecil J........................... 147 Kennedy, Frank A........................ 218 Kennedy, Herschel E................... 147 Kennedy, Lawrence, Pvt., 85th Div., 2904 N. Saginaw St. Kenney, Percy A....................... 147 Kenworthy, Clarence................. 147 Kenworthy, Lloyd S., Lieut., Q. M. C., 408 E. 1st St. Kennoy, John L., Corp., C. A. C. School, 830 Leith St. Kereservski, Frank.................... 147 K erns, Ed. Jas............................. 147 Kerr, John A.......................... 260 Kerr, Leon L................................. 147 Kerr, Robert C., Pvt., Co. C, 77th Reg., 709 Frost St. Kerrigan, John........................ 147 Kerry, Donald H......................... 147 Kerry, Geo. F., Pvt., Hdqts Co., B0th F. A., 725 Edmund St. Kersey, James...........1............ 47 Ketchum, Geo. B. Keskey, Chas. A., 1st. Lleut., 125th Inf., 740 Margaret St. Ketchum, Harry L., Seaman, 2/c, 25th Co., 16th Reg., 809 Frost St. Ketchum, Geo. T.......................149 Keteur, Howard C., 1st C. Q. M., U. S. Army, 906 Baker St. Kevelighan, Thos., Pvt., 17th D. B., Flint, Mich. Keyport, Otho FP...................... 147 Keyser, Albert F.................. 148 Keyser, Amos C.......................148 Keyser, Robt. L............................. 148 Keyser, Wm. Alfred 1 --- —--—.-148 Khouri, Naif.......................... 148 Kidd, Archie...........................242 Kiddy, Herbert A., Seaman, 2/c, Battleship S. Dakota, Fenton, Mich. Kiefer, Carl J.............................. 148, Lillian, Nurse, Army Hosp. 36, Flint, Mich. Kilbourne, Esmond G..............148 Kilbride, Jas. F., Pvt., 1288th F. H., 735 Myrtle St. Kildes, Timothy, Pvt., U. S. Cavalry, 814 Hamilton Ave. Kilpatrick, Harold S.. --------— 148 Kincaid, Jas. C., Pvt., Bat. C, 14th Reg. Art., 629 Rankin St. King, Arthur....................... 148 King, Clare E. -..-_ --- —--------..148 King, Clifford............................. 148 King, Earl J., Pvt., Bakery Co. 313, 418 Van Wagoner St. King, John, Pvt., 3rd Co., 67th Bat., 828 Baker St. King, Marshall E..................149 King, Ralph Benj...................... 228 Kingsbury, G. H...................... 149 Kingsley, Wm. Harold, Segt., 1/c, Med. Dept., 2nd Div., 623 Harrison St. Kinney, Byron Edward.......... 218 Kinney, Oscar E........................ 149 Kinney, Thos............1................... 1 49 Kinsman, Ernest, Pvt., U. 8'. Army, 910 Wood St. Kinzer, Harry, Pvt., 312th Eng., Flint, Mich. Kirchner, Dewey Geo............ 149 Kirbyson, Ed.....-....2.................... 2 42 Kirk, Arthur D............................... 149 Kirnan, Lillian......................... 79 Kirah, Blanche........................ 79 Kisner, W m. H......................... 149 Kitchen, Everett —.. —....... ---- 149 Kitchen, Ward B., 2nd Lieut., Q. M. C,, 725 Stocton Ave. Kite, Chas. L., Corp., Base Hosp. No. 202, 1640 2nd Ave. Klee, Herman R., Pvt., Co. A, Dev. Bat., 2, 719 Peterson St. Kleis, Wm. A., Orderly, Co. I, 4th Reg., 42 Acorn St. Kline, Albert H., Pvt., Co. B, 334th Reg., 117 E. 4th Ave. Kline, August P., Pvt., 125th Inf., Co. E, 209 W. Witherbee St. Kline, Harrison R......................... 149 Kline, Louis F.................... 149 Klingler, David O., Pvt., Co. E, 3rd Div., 7th Inf., Fenton, Mich. Knapp, Pvt., Co. B, 7th Inf., Coleman, Mich. Knapp, Byron S......................242 Knapp, Claud, Pvt., 856th Div., Davison, Mich. Knapp, Ed. C., Pvt., 1st Prov. Co., Sig. Bat., Fenton, Mich. Knapp, Harry W......................... 30 Knapp, Frank P., Pvt., U. S. Army, 1220 Glenwood Ave. Knapp, Gerhard................... 242 Knapp, Henry R....................255 Knapp, Herman................. 149 Knapp, Lloyd L................... 242 Knapp, Dr. Mark S..... 267 Knapp, Robt. E. L... 149 Knee, Webster H., Segt., Co. A, 33rd M. G. Co., Flint, Mich. Kneebone, John R....................260 Knepper, Everett R. ---—... ---..-260 Knteickerbocker, C. H.................. 219 Knickerbocker, Francis E......... 149 Knickerbocker, Walter G........ 24 Knight, Stuart.......................... 149 Kniss, Chas. A., Pvt., 11th Co., 160th D. B., 421 East St. Knoll, Henry............................. 149 Knop, Nicholas H., Pvt., 1/c, Conv. Camp No. 2, 1530 Garland St. Knop, W m. C.............................. 150 Knox, W m. D.............................. 150 Koam, Arthur E......................... 150 Kobs, Wm. C., Pvt., Co. M, 340th Inf., 913 Root St. Kocher, Martin............................ 228 Koepke, John F........................... 150 Kohout, Fred.............................. 2 42 Kohr, Geo., Pvt., U. S. Army, 551 Paterson St. Koffman, Hyman, Pvt., Co. E, 329th F. A., 85th Div., 518 Hamilton Ave. Kokinos, Alex. G........................... 242 Kfkinos, John............................. 242 Kollar, W m. H............................. 219 Konjevich, Atonarji, Pvt., U. S. Inf., Holsey, Mich. Kools, Wm. C., Lieut. U. S. Army, 804 Root St. Koon, Gerald C............................. 150 Koon, Herman L., Pvt., Co. B, 337th Inf., 911 Dayton St. Kosty, Simon............................. 150 Kountz, Claud A........................... 150 Koutz, Clarence J......................... 150 Kovacvich, Mike........................ 150 Kovallsik, John........................... 150 Kowar, Nutry, Pvt., 10th Recruit Co., 2202 Lewis St. Kramps, Henry, Pvt., Co. B, 10th Inf., 1216 Chippewa St. Krantz, Victor H., Pvt., 98th Co., 24th Bn. Inf., 321 W. 2nd Ave. Kreger, Fred, Pvt., U. S. Army, 920% Hamilton Ave. Krepp, Norbert............................150 Kribs, Herman......................... 150 Krieger, Floyd, Pvt., U. S. Army, 921 E. 9th St. Kromer, Arthur E., Jr., Seaman, Co. B, U. S. Navy, 826 Witherbee St. Kronberg, Chas. F......................... 2 42 Kropohl, Roy Wm. 10................... Krull, Rupert, Pvt., 126th Inf., Co. I, (Deceased), Flint, Mich., 515 Gorton St. Krumlauf, Lester W................242 Krumlauf, Roy R........................... 150 Krusel, Walter J., Pvt., Co. B, 82nd Div., 1011 Pershing St. K rusnlak, Paul............................ 150 Kuentz, Frank, Pvt., U. S. Army, 832 Baker St. KEuff, Lawrence O., Pvt., 160th Dep. Brig., 1309 Easy St. Kugor, Peter........................ 150 Kuhn, Louis A., Pvt., Co., 113,th Bat., 160th D. B., 1218 Garfield Ave. Kuhner, Ed. L., Corp., Coast Art., School Det., 908 Hamilton Ave. Kujawski, Max N., Pvt., Hdqts. Troop, 29th Div., Detroit, Mich. Kukla, John, Jr......................... 151 Kull, Roy, Corp., Bat. C, 41st F. A., 814 Cornelia St. Kullberg, Gustaf W., Pvt., 337th Inf., Flint, Mich. Kummer, Howard H..................751 Kurtz, Alfred J.............,.. 151 Kurtz, Henry J. ---- ----—. --- —.-. 151 K urtz, Irvin............................... 151 Kurtzrock, C. Chas., Pvt., 1/c, 315th Arab. Co., 2204 Miller Rd. Kutchinski, Chris A., Pvt., 2nd Co., 3rd Prov. Reg., 733 Harriet St. Kuza, Nikola, Pvt., Can. Army, 1122 Maple St. Kuzyski, Jake, Pvt., U. S. Army, 905 Trafalet St. Kyes, Orvil R., Pvt., 1st Co., Air Serv., 917 Mary St. Kyes, Richard, Corp., 5th F. A., U. S. Army, 817 % Leith St. Kyler, Edgar R., Pvt., Co. C, 74th Reg., 2611 North St. L Lab, Geo. A., Eng., Co. D, 16th Eng., 211 Mercer St. Lab, Victor A., Pvt., Co. D, 23rd Eng., 211 Mercer St. LaBar, Earl.............................. 152 LaBar, Harry V........................ 152 LaBarre, Geo. N.......................... 152 Lacey, Jas. Valentine.................. 162 Lacey, Patrick H....................... 152 Lacker, Albert, Pvt., Air SRerv., 721 Asylum St. LaClair, Lester, Pvt., U. S. Army,, (Deceased), Saginaw, Mich., Oak St. LaCosse, Jos. E., Pvt., S. A. T. C., 207 W. 1st St. Lacure, Geo. A......................... 267 Ladd, Edgar E............................ 255 LaDue, Jess X.......................... 151 LaFave, Roddie P., Pvt., Co. I, 10th Inf., 2414 N. Saginaw St. LaFay, Lean L., Segt., Co. I, 126th Inf., 762 Harriet St. 289 Lafferty, Geo. E. 1 5-151 Laffrey, Geo. Ed................... 242 LaFlour, Russel P., Pvt., 3rd Co., 1st Prov. Reg., 1618 8th St. LaFortune, Elbert F., Pvt., Hdqts. Troop, U. S. Army, 2605 N. Saginaw St. LaFountain, Willard, Pvt., Co. K, 10th Inf., 1161 Brush St. LaFrance, Lawrence C., Segt. Maj., Hdqts. Co., 160th D. B., 613 Oak St. LaFrance, Louis D..................151 LaFrenier, L. Ed 1......................151 LaFurgey, Cleon L., Pvt., U. S. Army, Mt. Morris, Mich. Lahring, Caleb L., Pvt., Co. A, S. A. T. C., Gaines, Mich. T, ing M rgsV T < (............................ 7 Laker, Frank H.......................151 Lakin, Albert Ed........................... 151 Laliberte, Earnest................. 151 LaLonde, Leon J.................... 151 Lalonde, Thos. C., Corp., 214th Field Sig. Bat., 833 Parkland St. Lamb, Abline Earl, Pvt., Co. 10, S. A. T. C., 1124 Detroit St. Lampropulos, Geo...................... 152 Lander, C. T........................... 151 Landis, Jack J............................ 151 Landro, Jos................................ 151 Landry, Alex. J., Segt. Co. A, 27th Reg., 2717 Dort St. Lane, Austin C............................153 Lane, Fred L................................ 153 Lane, Harold M........................163 Lane, Harold R... ------------- 153 Lane, Oscar D —... --- —-........ --- —-153 Lang, Wm. Herman, Pvt., Co. C, U. S. Army, 757 Newall St. Langdon, Floyd C.. --—..... ---- 228 Langdon, Fred C., Pvt., Co. D, 78th Reg., Flushing, Mich. Langdon, Harold K.. - -162 Langdon, W. J...................... 16252 Langdon, WmL E......................... 229 Langford, Virgil, Corp., Amb. Co. 35, 1613 Jane St. Langley, Geo. W., Pvt., 16th Spruce Co., Y. M. C. A. Langley, Robt. F.....................152 Langley, Wm. H......................... 152 Lannon, Jno................................. 152 Lannon, Lee Edwin, Pvt., Bat. B, 2nd F. A., 814 Lippincott Blvd. Lanon, Luke Alden, Pvt., Rej. Cons., Dept. 2, Can. Army, 814 Lippincott Blvd. LaPointe, Harry....................152 LaPointe, John D.................. 152 Laponski, Marian, Pvt., U. S. Army, 746 Ackerman St. Largent, Otto P....................... 57 Larkin, Chas. W.....................162 Larkin, Jas............................ 152 Larkin, Norman......................... 152 Larson, Arthur W., Corp., 351st Amb. Co., 1232 Broadway St. Larson, Gustav A., Pvt., Co. F, 66th Reg.. 801 Margaret St. Larson, Henry...................... _153 Larson, Gust T., Pvt., Co. L, 339th Regt., 417 Stephen St. Larson, Ole S., Pvt., 320th Remount Co., Art. Sup., 1031 WSood St. Lash, Dee.....2.............................. 242 Lassila, Matt W..................... 153 Laube, Arthur C......................... 153 Laube, Conrad............................ 264 Laurent, W ilbert.......................... 153 Lauthers, Jno. A..................... 153 Lauthers, Robt......................... 153 Lautner, Jos..............................153 Lavanas, Peter............................ 153 Lavender, Lyman LaVern....... 260 Lavender.T. H............................. 55 Lavender, Mrs. J. H................... 67 Laviolette, Julian C., Corp., Co. L, 10th Reg., Flint, Mich. Lawrence, E. Merrill, Segt., Co. A, 90th Inf., 2509 N. Saginaw St. Lawrence, Frank A.................. 23 Lawrence, Harvey...................... 16 3 Lawrence, Jno. A....................... 153 Lawrence, S. R......................... 153 Lawry, Jas.................................. 242 Lawther, Alex. S...................... 219 Layzell, Russell, Pvt., 58th Inf., Co. G. 4th Div., 916 Clifford St. Leach, Chas. A........................ 154 Leach, Enard J...................... 26 Leach, Harley E., Pvt., Co. F, 329th F. A., 215 Edwards Ct. Leach, LaVern L..................... 154 Learch, Madison, Pvt., U. S. Army, 914 Witherbee S't. Leary, Albert C., Pvt., Co. C, 84th Reg., 1221 Broadway St. Leavitt, Nelson, Pvt., Amb. Co. 3,38, 3105 Michigan Ave. LeBargy, Arthur J..................... 255 LeClair, Courtland.....................154 Ledbetter, Wm. H., Seaman, 2/c, U. S. S. Munsoms, 1403 Church St. Lee, Elbert Jas......................-.... 154 Lee, Floyd Lester......-................. 154 Lee, Justin E., Pvt., 26th Eng., 812 Baker St. Lee, Ford P..................... 154 Lee, Geo. E...............1..............6 4 Lee, Harold W., 2nd Lieut., F. A., Y. M. C. A. Lee, Raymond S......-............-.... 219 Lee, Walter H............. —...... 27......25 Leeson, Don L....................... 154 Lees, David, Sappers Can. Eng., 1446 Richfleld Rd. LeFebre, Joe. A., Segt., Co. E, 125th Reg., 826 Addison St. Leighton, Roy E., Pvt., Co. I, 11th Co., 622 Rankin St. Leitch, Clarence P.......................219 Leitch, Clarence Oliver................ 219 Lemieux, Lawrence, Corp., 338th Inf., 85th Div., 752 Baker St. Lemmen, Geo. B.........5.............. 154 Lemon, Geo. B., Segt., 1/c, Co. I, 302nd M. T. C., 304 W. 3rd St. Leng, Asa Dewey, Pvt., U. 8. Tank Corps, 919 Warren St. Lenz, John N.................................242 Leonard, Frank G.......................164 Leonard, Harry J. (Deceased), Pvt., U. S. Army, 403 Smith St. Leonard, Paige A., Pvt., Amb. Co. 369, 313th S. T., 720 Wood St. Lester, Ernest V., Pvt., Co. C, 77th Inf., Flushing, Mich. TLeszko, Stanley..-...................... 154 Letts, Carl S.................1........... 64 Letts, Charles........................ 243 LeTurner, Gerald FP.....................164 Leudenburg, Geo. D., Segt. S. F. U. 464, M. T. C., 568 Wood St. LeVasseur, Jos........................ 154 LeVasseur, Harry N., Pvt., Co. H, 77th Reg., 635 Genesee St. LeVeque, Orpha C., Pvt., U. S. Army, 215 Crapo St. Lewis, Arthur G.........................154 Lewis, Dewitt, Pvt., U. S. Navy, 832 Baker St. Lewis, Harry C..........................229 Lewis, Harry C.........5............ 164 Lewis, Ira E....................... 243 Lewis, John.............................. 166 Lewis, Lee, Pvt., Co. 15, 762 Hamilton Ave. Lewis, Leroy M., Pvt., Hdqta. Co., 113th F. A., 621 Thayer St. Lewis, Orla E,...................6........156 Lewis, Walter, Pvt., 80th Div., U. S. Army, 315 E. Kearsley St. Liddle, Patrick J.................... 166 Light. Charlotte G........................ 73 Lighthall, Leonard Ray................ 155 Lightall, Leonard Ray, Pvt., Co. A, 33rd M. N. G., Flint. Lile, Percy C............-.............. 219 Lillar, Nick, Pvt., Co. B, 78th Int., Flint, Mich. Llllibig, Orlando, Pvt., S. A. T. C., 832 Hamilton Ave. Lincoln, Ed. M......................... 156 Lincoln, Wm. H.......................... 165 Lindeman, David Wm......-..-.....219 IUlnder, Fred H., Pvt., Amb. Co. 3,61, Flushing, Mich. Linder, Hobart L................... 166 Lindsay, Clarence A..................... 156 Lindsay, Henry B........................ 165 Lindstrand, Hilmer E., Pvt., 19th Co., 4th Mech. Reg., Flint, Mich. Lines, Arthur J.......-.................219 Linman, L. L................-........... 243 Lintz, DeVere A............. —......... 155 Lippincott, Chas. L................... 28 Lipske, Albert E......1............ 165 Liscom, Leon D............................ 155 Listeman, Floyd H................ —219 Listerman, Wm. -..... —......... 155 Little, Chas. H., Pvt., C. A. C. Hdqts. Troop, 1624 Glenwood Ave. Little, Wm., Mess Oegt, U. S. Army, 932 Leith St. Litzinger, Ray D..................-........ 155 Livingston, Archie, Pvt., 6th Co., 2nd Bat., 160th D. B., 930 Leith St. Livingston, Jay...................... 229 Loaring, Arthur T...................... 156 Lobb, Wilfred S., Pvt., Co. 2, Sec. B, S. A. T. C., 224 E. Court. Locher, John C........ —............... 156 Lockhart, Henry 0,.......... ---.....1566 Lockwood, H. Kline...................-. 219 Lockwood, Roy, Pvt., U. S. Army, 918 Paterson St. Locy, Mrs. Lorenzo J................... 53 Loffrey, Ernest, Pvt., Co. A., U. S. Army, 537 Rex St. Logan, Harry H........................156 Logan, Wilson J., Segt., Amb. Co., 36th D. B., 2156 6th St. Lohrs, Herman F..........................229 Loker, Perry, Pvt., S. A. T. C., 814 Hamilton Ave. Lombardi, Tony F., Pvt., Co. E, 125th Inf., 909 Rankin St. Lombardy, Tony.................. 156 Lone, Victor E...................... 16....... Long, Farwell A.................... 166 Long, Frank............................... 166 Long, Harold L.. Corp., Co. E, Eng. Dept., 2104 Nebraska Ave. Long, Harry M., Pvt., Hdqts., 342nd Inf., 1302 Liberty St. Long, John J.............1................. 166 Long, Perry D., Wag., Co. 26, U. P. Army, Flint, Mich. Longmore, Wm. E....................... 166 Looman, Burt Norton................ 166 Lloomis, Glenn.......................... 243 Looney, Fred I., Bugler, Co. I, 85th Dlv., 338th Inf., 619 Frost St. Looze, Gilbert F............................. 166 Loranges, Frank, Pvt., Co. D, 329th F. A., Flint, Mich. Losee, Bernard C...................... 219 Losle, Willis E., Pvt., 8qd. 8, Aerial Serv., 210 W. Ilt St. - HISTORY OF GENESEE Losey, Philip................................156 Lott, Wm. Ernest......................... 87 Love, Ernest, Pvt., 111th F. A. Sup. Co., Durand, Mich. Love, Victor Ernest, Segt., Med. Corps, Goodrich, Mich. Loveland, Harry E., Segt.,- Co. I, Repair Unit, M. T. C., Flint, Mich. Lovell, Orville R.......-....................156 Lowley, Archie F............................156 Lowney, W m. C.............................156 Lowry, James, Pvt., 60th Spruce Sqd., 1025 Merrill St. Lozon. Carl...................................... 59 Lubeck, E............................... 156 Lucas, Frank M., Pvt., Co. D, 56th Amm. Train, Flint, Mich. I uce, Herman D...........................157 Ludington, Pearl.................... 16......157 Ludwig, Emanuel..........................219 Ludwig, Everett L.................... 157 Luhrs, Herman F., Corp., U. S. Army, 1307 E. Kearsley St. Lunch, James J., Seaman, 2/c, U. S. S. Leviathan, 514 Mason St. Lunch, Thos. Wm., Gunner, 9th Co., Can. F. A., Can. Army, 814 Louisa St. LIundean, David, Pvt., U. S. Army, 2614 North St. Lundy, Wm. Elite, Segt., 1st Prov. Brig. Army Troops, Flint, Mich., R. F. D. No. 6. Lundin, David R., Pvt., 1/c, Co. I, 338th Inf., 414 1st Ave. Lunt, Ed. S............................... 55 Lunt, Clinton LE............................ 157 LvE.Eenden, Chas.........................219 Lutey, Frederick, Pvt., Co. L, 26tn Inf., 907 Leith St. Luthy, F. A.................................... 25 Lutz, W m. Fred.............................157 LdCen, Matthew J., Seaman, U. S. S. Fairmont, 905 Rosetta Ave. Lynch, Mrs. John J...................... 83 ILyle, Carl........................................243 Lymburn, Stuart A........-.......... 157 Lynch, Alice A., Nurse, U. S. Base Hosp., Saginaw, Mich., R. F. D. No. 4. Lynk, Lawrence J......................157 Lynk, Vimon C...1........-.......-....- 15..157 Lyon, Albert C., 2nd Lieut., F. A., U. S. Army, 1223 Grand Traverse St. Lyons, Donald F........................... 219 Lyons, Roscoe, Pvt., Co. I, Reg. 338, U. S. Army, 722 Cornelia St. Lytle, Hugh J., Pvt., Hdqts. Co., 66th Reg., 902 Witherbee St. M MacAlpine, Carl W.................220 MacArthur, Ivan........................... 220 MacCrimmon, Paul T...................160 MacDonald, John R.......................267 MacDonald, J. Ross.....................160 MacFayden, Rollins..................... 25 MacGillivary, Glen G...................160 MacKenzie, Arthur........................159 MacKinnon, Kenneth.................. 160 MacKenzie, Richard Allen........243 Macomber, E. J........................... 55 Madigan, Bernard A., Pvt., Co. 17, 5th Reg., 803 McFarlan St. Madish, Doine, Can. Army, 1207 Campau Ave. Madish, Jovo...........................161 Magidson, Harry.........................2...44 Magidson, Sam............................... 255 Maher, Frank T...........................161 Mahle, Geo. H. R......................... 161 Mahucke, Andrew J., Pvt., 35th Co., Amb. Corps, 511 Clifford St. Maine, Pearl F.............................161 Maines, Geo. Humphrey.............. 28 Maitrott, John E.......................1 60 M ajor, Carl..................................160 Major, Chas., Pvt., Co. B, 111th Reg., 1833 Colorado Ave. Mallery, Jas. Harvey, Pvt., U. S. Army, 527 E. Kearsley St. Mallery, Willard W., Pvt., 91st Co., 10th Reg., Swartz Creek. Mallinson, Rev. Horace................ 85 Mallory, Jos....................................161 Mallory, Owen, Pvt., U. S. Army, 1123 Chippewa St. Maloney, Ralph P.........................161 Maltby, Earl 0...............................161 Mancoso, John................................161 Mancour, Vern............................... 161 Mandel, William, Pvt., U. S. Army, Flint. Mange, Floyd. Manion, Henry J., Pvt., 20th Co., 160th Dep. Brig., 830 Paterson. Manley, Don D............................ 161 Mannebach, Carl J....................... 161 Mansour, Tobic, Pvt., U. S1. Army, Y. M. C. A. Manwarning, Joshua G. R........... 31 Maosek, Anthony, Pvt., Co. A Inf., Prov. Bat., R. F. D. No. 6. Marey, Frank S........................... 161 Marls, Chas. W., Pvt., Med. Serv., Park Unit, 923 Dayton St. Marin, Henry, Sgt., 328th F. A., Bat. "B", 218 W. 1st St. Marinkowski, Z. F........................2 44 Markell, Frank W.......................161 Markell, John.................................229 Markley, John Lewis....................161 Markos, Gus., Pvt., 32nd Reg., 301 Clifford St. Marlette, Richard, Pvt., Eng., U S. Army, 814 Hamilton Ave. Marquette, Albert G..................... 161 Marr, Jos. T.-.........................220 Marsden, Stanley J....................... 26 Marshall, Albert, W...................220 Marshall, Carl...........................161 Marshall, Clare (Deceased), Pvt., Co. E, 28th Inf., Beaverton, Mich. Marshall, Clyde S..........................162 Marshall, Elgin A........................ 162 Marshall, Elmer A.........................162 Marshall, Frank..........................162 Marshall, Fred N......................... 162 Marshall, Garwood Esley............229 Marshall, Geo. A...........................220 Marshall, Iryl F.........................-..220 Marshall, Jas. Merritt.................. 229 Marshall, Lester I.........................162 Marshall, Nelson G..................... --- —— 162 Marshall, Paul F................. --- —-—....162 Marshall, Wm. H.......................... 30 Marshall, W m. R..........................162 Martin, Angus.................. -........220 Martin, Bernard S.........................162 Martin, Bruce W........................ 26 Martin, Louis, Pvt., Co. K, 16th Inf., 1st Div., 204 E. Ann St. Martin, Elmer J.............................162 Martin, Emmert W.......................257 Martin, Gilbert, Pvt., Eng., 534 Rankin St. Martin, Harry S., Naval Train., Co. K, 15th Reg., 1418 Roosevelt Ave. Martin, Henry C..........................162 M artin, Jas. F................................. 29 M artin, K. M................................162 Martin, Manley J........-.... --- ——...... 162 Martin, O. J................ -............ 162 Martin, Phillip.................. ---........ --- — 244 Martin, Ralph Wm.......................162 Martin, Wm. Perry........................163 Martinek, Frank............................163 Marx, Jos. A., Corp., Co. E., Flint. Maschino, Arthur..... --- —-...............163 Maschino, John F.........................163 Maschino, Phillip.................. 163 Maschino, Wm. F........................163 Mason, Burley G............ ---......-.... 163 Mason, Lewis A., Pvt., 45th Co., Ind. Prov., 744 Newall St. Mason, Max M............................... 229 Mason, Wesley M., Pvt., U. S. Marines, 2913 Industrial Ave. Mason, Milford A., Pvt., Co. 11, 3rd Reg., 1703 Detroit St. Mason, Wm. D., Pvt., Co. 5, 2nd Bat., 1st. Trn. Brig., 43i8 Baker St. Massey, Thos. Stanley, STegt., Amb. Co. 35, 303rd Amb. Tr., 1113 8th Ave. Massey, Wm. C., Pvt., Bat. F, F. A., 1113 8th Ave. Mathias, Jas., Pvt., U. S. Army, 2049 Stanford Ave. Mathews, Jas. E........ --- ——.............. 244 Mathew, Solomon, Corp., Bat. B, 349th F. A., 3214 Michigan Ave. Matson, Chas. H., 1st Lieut., 314 W. 7th Ave. Matthews, Milton, Pvt., U. S. Army, Witherbee St. Maurer, George —...-......-...............- 55 Maurer, Alice, Nurse, 210 Liberty St. Mavsek, Anthony.......................16 Mawdsley, T'hos..............................163 Maxfield, Geo................................ 25 Maxfield, Guy E...........................163 Maxfield, Roy A........ -................163 Maxwell, Marion, Pvt., Co. B, 7th Amm. Tr., 2315 Corunna Rd. May, Walter P.... ----....................- 163 Mayberry, Geo., Pvt., Supply Co., 1322 Park St. Mayer, Samuel G., 2nd Lieut., Central Off., T. C., 909 Smith Bldg. Maynard, Vern L., Corp., 2nd Army Hdqts. Troop, 813 Louisa St. Mayville, Horace............................ 163 McAdams, William, Segt., 868th Aero S'qd., 1360 Washington Ave. McAldiff, Hassack, Pvt., 26th Co., 20th Inf., Flint, Mich. McAley, Arthur............................16 7 McAllister, Claude Earl.............157 McAndy, Hubert J., Seaman, U. S. S. Kansas, 715 Warren St. McAnnis, Wm. J., 1st. Segt, Hdqts. Co., 328th F. A., 500 E. Eighth St. McAra, Chas. Clare.....................157 McBride, Reginald S...................1 7 McCabe, Jas. Walker.................... 157 McCall, Sheldon..............................157 McCann, David..............................157 McCann, Geo...................................157 McCann, Hugh Allen.................... 158 McCann, Oscar............................ 87 McCandlish, Mrs. Amlen................ 69 McCarron, Ray, Pvt., 1st Dept. B. N., W. 0. R., Can. Army., 2005% Lewis St. McCarthy, Glen W., 1st. Lieut., Linden, Mich. McCarthy, Hubert P.....................243 McCaughna, Howard A............... 24 McCauley, Wm. M.........................219 McClellan, Mrs. H. S..................... 67 McClellan, Hubbard...................... 158 McClellan, Wm..............................158 L McClellan, Leo..............................243 McComb, Mrs. Kittie................... 71 McConnell, Mrs. A. F................. 67 McColloigt, Wm. D., U. S. Guards, Nat. Army, Flint, Mich. McCombs, Jos. Clark.................. 158 McCords, Harvey..........................158 McCorkle, Nolan E..................... 158 McCorkle, Wm.............................. --- —--— 258 McCormick, Clare, Pvt., Co. B, 361st. Reg., 2111 Crocker St. McCormick, Geo. W................... 158 McCormick, Merle H., Pvt., Co. 10, S. A. T. C., 1121 Detroit St. McCormick, Jas. F.......................158 McCormick, Jerome E.................158 McCray, Verne A.......................220 McCrandall, Jas...........................220 McCray, Earl Arden......................158 McCreery, Daion..........................158 McCreery, Fenton R.. ---........ 20 McCreery, Lee B........................... 243 McCreery, Samuel...................... 158 McCrindle, Douglas A.................158 McCrudden, Jas...........................243 McCrudden, John Ed...................243 McCubbin, D. D...........................158 McCurdy, Hugh........ —............ --—....158 McDevitt, W m...............................158 McDermaid, Daniel, Great Lakes, 611, 921 Kirk Ave. McDermitt, Henry..........-..-........ 159 McDonald, Archie J., Pvt., Co. B, 310th Eng., 206 Belinda. McDonald, Fay, Pvt., Co. G, 7th Inf., Flint, Mich. McDonald, Harold, Pvt., 1/c, 3rd Bat, 340th Inf., 1122 Root St. McDonald, Lawrence E........... --- 243 McDonald, Philip P., Pvt., C. M. O. T. C., 920% Hamilton Ave. MIcDonald, W m.............................. 1 59 McDonald, Michael ----—...........-... 159 McDonald, Fay --—....................... ----159 McDougall, John A..........-...-...- 159 McDougald, John M..................... 159 McDougall, Celia............................ 77 McDevitt, Wm., Pvt., U. S. Army, Flint, Mich. McFadden, Jos................. --- ——........159 McFall, Roy W.......................2..243 McFay, Maxwell C.............. ---- --—. 220 McFarlan, Jos. P...........................159 McFarling, Geo. T.........................159 McGaffigan, Edw. F., Pvt., 77th Co., 6th Reg., 711 Witherbee St. McGarry, Burton G......................... 22 McGafflgan, Jas. J., Segt., 23rd Co., 6th Bat., Flint, Mich. McGarvey, John R.. --- —-..-............- 159 McGee, Dennis, Pvt., Co. C, 343rd Tank Serv., 823 Newall St. McGhee, Patrick...... —............... --.159 McGlade, Jas., Pvt., 59th Bat. Inf., Can. Army, 420 N. Saginaw St. McGlinchy, Hugh..................1....159 McGuire, John C..........................159 McGinnis, Martin J......................159 McInnis, John S...........................159 McIntosh, Alex., Pvt., U. S. Army, Flint, Mich. McKay, Clyde, Pvt., 85th Div., 330th F. A., 923 Ossington Ave. McKay, Dennis R.................2.......243 McKellar, John A........................243 McKenna, Wm. T., Pvt., Postal Serv., 351 Myrtle Ave. McKenney, Chas. W.....................160 McKenzie, Jack I.......................1 60 McKeon, Mark G., 2nd Lieut., 45th Co., Bat. 12, Flushing, Mich. McKinley, Arthur J., Pvt., 540th Eng., U. S. Army, A. E. F., 1302 Root St. McKinnon, Leonard A., Coxswain, U. S. S. Mississippi, 757 Mary St. McLaod, Wm. C., Pvt., 68th Eng., Co. C, 1120 W. 3rd Ave. McLaughlin, Claude, Pvt., Avia. Corps, 826 Wood St. McLaughlin, Harold.................... 160 McLaughlin, Nelson G., Pvt., 1/c, Bat. E, 73rd Div., Y. M. C. A. McLay, Maxwell, Q. M., 3rd Class, 2118 Detroit St. McLean, Amos A...... ----...........2 —229 McLean, Frank H........................160 McLean, Robert B......................243 McLellan, Herman A., Corp., 863rd S'qd., Smith Bldg. McLennan, Walter B., Segt., Bty. D, 328th F. A., 814 Lyons St. McLeod, Alex. J., Pvt., Reg. Eng., 1408 Stone St. McLeod, Earl G., Segt., Amb. Co., 1622 Mable Ave. McLeod, Jas. G., Segt., 1/c, 24th Co., 2nd Prov., Flint, Mich. McLeod, Roy A., Pvt., Co. F, 4th Reg., 1508 Cherry St. McMillan, Edwin A....................... 258 McMillan, Geo. A., Pvt., U. S. Army, 1016 W. Kearsley. McMillan, Geo. A., 1st Segt., M. G. Co., 33rd Inf., 1909 Melbourne. McMurty, John N.......................... 160 McNally, Frank..............................160 McNamara, Bernard L............... 244 McNamara, Dewey S.....................244 McNeil, Leo, Pvt., 76th Co., Flint, Mich. McNicol, John E., Corp., Co. E, 310th Eng., 602 Dayton St. McPhail, Carl J............................. 220 McPhee, John H., Pvt., 89th Div., Field Sig. Bat., 1019 Manning. McPhilimy, Harry.....................160 McQueen, Cifford, Pvt., Co. 101, Flint, general delivery. McRae, Donald......................-....244 McTaggart, John, Pvt., Co. G, W. O. R., 47th Bat., 1921 Adams Ave. 290 McRoy, Chas., Segt. Q. M. C., 1229 Broadway. McTaggart, David, Pvt., Tunnel. Co., 1921 Adams Ave. McVannel, Harry. McVannel, Allo E........................16b McWain, Clarence B.....................160 Mead, Chas. R.................................220 Mead, W m......................................163 Mear, Edgar S., Band Segt., Hdqts., 31st F. A., 1356 Broadway. Mears, Frederick S'...................... 163 Mears, John Henry, Corp., Vol. Pvt., Mt. Morris, Mich. Medbury, Mrs. Truman H........... 81 Medich, Dans M., Pvt., Serbian Army, 3318 Michigan Ave. Mears, Phillip C., Pvt., Bat. D, 328th F. A., Mt. Morris, Mich. Medich, Ely D., Pvt., Serbian Army, 3218 Michigan Ave. Medina, Geo., Pvt., U. S. Army, Flint, Mich. Meeker, Arthur E.........................163 Meeker, Floyd M............. --- —---—............164 Meeker, W m.................................160 Meeks, Ray, Pvt., U. S. Army, 405 Dayton St. M eiser, Ed....................................... 255 Melick, John 0..............................164 Menardo, Cosimo..............................164 Menge, Floyd................................262 Menosky, Chas., Pvt., Gen. Hosp. Corps, 3613 Industrial Ave. Menosky, Jos. P., Petty Off., Great Lakes, 3613 Industrial Ave. Menosky, Mike................................ 16 4 Mercill, Chas. G., Pvt., Co. F, 26th Eng., 221 Josephine St. Merriam, Ray H., Pvt., Co. B, 310th Eng., Mt. Morris. Merrick, Antone, Corp., Co. G, 305th Inf., 77th Div., 116 E. 13th St. Merrill, Earl C..............................164 Merrill, Harold W., Pvt., Motor Truck Co., 415th Supply St., 128 W. Court St. Merrill, Mark M., Pvt., Mobile Hosp. Unit No. 7, 310 Liberty St. Merrill, Paul R..........-....-...............64 Merritt, Arthur H........................164 Merrow, Ed. J., Pvt., Co. E, 125th, Waco, Tex., 909 Witherbee. Messinger, Fred.............................164 Messmore, James T.......................164 Metiva, Lloyd, Segt., 340th Amb., 85th Div., 701 Leith St. Metzger, Jas............-............... 164 Metzger, Leo R...............................164 Metzger, Walter F., Pvt., 313th San. Tr., 920 Smith St. Meyer, Anthony H.......................220 Michael, Stephen..........................164 Michaels, Stephen A., Segt., Co. E, 125th Inf., Flint, Mich. Michaels, Withbrodt, Segt., Co. B, 366 Dayton St. Michalka, Gustav.......................... 87 Mitchell, Thomas B., Pvt., U. S. Coast Art., 923'Harriet St. Middlebrook, Howard F............164 Middleton, Loren C.........................164 Middleton, Roy E......................... 2 44 M iethke, Otto F.............................257 Miethke, Wm. H..........................220 Mihish, Dane........................... 164 Mikelson, Mike..............................164 Mikolaiczek, Jos. F., Pvt., Co. A, 337th Reg., Montrose, Mich. Miles, Floyd D............................. 166 Milkousky, Chester E., Segt., 7th Amb. Co., 4311 Grant St. Millard, Frank J........................... 25 Millen, Arthur G...........................244 M iller, W. L...................................267 Miller, Melvin, Pvt., U. S. Aircraft, Flushing, Mich. Miller, Arthur Y., Petty Off., U. S. Navy, Flint, Mich. Miller, Benj. F., Pvt., 327th F. A. Hdqts., Co. A. M., Flint, Mich. Miller, Bradley R., Pvt., Amb. 333, Train 309, 904 E. 7th St. Miller, Carl Boyd.........................165 Miller, Carson R.............................165 M iller, Chas...................................165 M iller, Chas L................................. 28 Miller, Chas. F.............................. 26 M iller, Chas..................................165 Miller, Claud A.........................166 Miller, Clifford D., Seaman, Co. 50, U. S. S'. Mississippi, Mary St. Miller, Dennis............................. 166 Miller, Earl C.................................244 Miller, Ernest, Segt., Q. M., 80th Div., 315 E. Kearsley. Miller, Floyd H............................ 166 Miller, Frank................................165 Miller, Fred W............................ 165 M iller, Geo.....................................244 Miller, Geo., (Deceased), Pvt., 16th Inf., e1st. Div., Mundy Twp. Miller, Geo. H. (Deceased)........ 166 Miller, Geo. M., Pvt., 20th Eng., 707 Wood St. Miller, Geo. T., Pvt., 170th U. SE., N. A. S., 117 W. Tobias St. Miller, Harold W...........................165 Miller, Harry A............................ 166 Miller, Howard O., Corp., F. Aero Sqd., 606 Baker St. Miller, Jerome W....................... 165 Miller, Joseph J., Pvt., Hdqts., 13th F. A., Bat. A, 79th Art., Flint, Mich. Miller, Myron C..........................165 M iller, Orrell E............................166 M iller, Morris D..........................244 Miller, Raymond R......................165 Miller, Richard H........................165 Miller, Seymour S.......................166 Miller, Walter A., App. Seaman, 425 Mary St. Miller, Wayland L..................... 27 Miller, Wesley W., Segt., Co. D, 328th F. A., 1417 Ave. C. Miller, W m. W.............................. 166 Miller, Worthy F., Pvt., Co. L, 339th Inf., 909 Rankin St. Mills, Bruce W............................... 166 Mills, Jas. Daniel......................... 166 Mills, Chas. E., U. S. Navy, 914 Vosberg St. Mills, Lawrence J., Pvt., U. S. Army, 914 Vosburg St. M ills, Lester D............................... 166 Mills, Wilbur M., Pvt., U. S. Army, 914 Vosburg St. Mills, Wm. R., Band Master, 31st F. A. Reg., 1418 Indiana Ave. M illspaugh, R.............................. 244 Mineau, Reuben, Pvt., Can. Army, 202 Eddington St. Miner, Alfred E..................... 220 M iner, F. B............-........................ 30 Miner, Leo Grant........................260 Miner, Raymond W.................... 166 Miner, W m. A............................166 Miner, Grant Leo, Pvt., 412th Ry. Bat., 202 Cedar St. Mines, Robert A., Pvt., Co. A, 338th Reg., Flint, General Delivery. Mining, John, Avia. Co., 8th Reg., 15th Co., 1314 John R. St. Minton, John B., Reg. S. Segt., 5th Co., 2nd Reg., 160th Dep. Brig., 307 Hamilton Ave. Minzey, John................................. 166 Mion, Darrell, A...........................246 M isuraca, Joe................................166 Mitchell, Edward J., Pvt., 1/c, 401st Sqd., Sig. Corps., 618 Payne St. Mitchell, Emory S.........................244 M itchell, Geo.............................. 166 Mitchell, Howard A.....................166 Mitchell, Thos. W.......................166 Mitchell, Wm'r Jas., Pvt., Co. F, 26th Eng., Clio, Mich. M itchell, W m...............................166 Mitson, Herbert H....................1....66 Moeller, Lawrence G., Chauffeur, 369th Aero Sqd., 416 Mathewson. M offatt, Jas. R...............................167 Mogford, Harry J., 1st. Lieut., Dental Infirm., 728 Dayne St. Moncrieff, Lawson J.....................167 M onette, Arthur............................244 Monette, Edward..........................244 Moniasa, John, Pvt., Co. K, 3138th Inf., R. F. D., Flint, Mich. Monks, Wm. C..............................167 Monroe, Walter D.........................167 Montague, Ernest H.....................246 Montague, Horace Q....................-245 Montague, Ralph C.......................167 Montgomery, Arthur W., Pvt., Troop 2, U. S. Army, 1130 W. Kearsley St. Montgomery, Geo. E.....................246 Moody, Howard G., Pvt., Co. D, 536th Eng., 923 Oak St. Moon, Chas. L............................ 20 Moon, Percy R., Pvt. Co. C, 322nd F. A., 1110% Ann Arbor. Moon, Ralph M............................... 28 Moon, Wm. C., Pvt., 160th Dep., Brig., 85th, 915 E: 4th St. Moore, Albert A., Segt., Co. B, 16th Eng., Flint, Mich. Moore, Homer F., Pvt., Motor Trans. Corp. 308, 1808 N. Saginaw St. Moore, Geo. W., 1/c Pvt., Co. E, 110th Eng., 715 Taylor St. Moore, Glen R., Segt., 1/c, Motor Amb. Co., 715 Taylor St. Moore, Henry D., Pvt., 681st Aero Sqd., 116 E. Union. Moore, M rs. D. K........................... 83 Moore, John W.......................167 Moore, Samuel G.........................167 Morey, Ray G..........................-....246 Morey, Wm. F., Pvt., Co. C, 333rd Inf., Montrose, Mich. Morgan, Carl W..........-.... —....4... 245 Morgan, Chas. E.-......................... 260 Morgan, Harold L.......................255 Morgan, Jas. Peter, Jr................. 24 Morgan, Marvin R., Sailor, Great Lakes, U. S. Navy, 721 Asylum St. Morin, Louis J.............................. 167 Morley, Arthur V., Pvt., Co. F., 61st Pioneer Inf., Flint, Mich. Morley, Harry A.......................... 167 Morningston, Ralph, Pvt., 351st Amb., 408 E, 9th St. Morris, Lloyd E............................... 16 7 Morrisette, Nelson, Pvt., Co, D, 84th Div., 335th Reg., 755 Leith St. Morrish, Austin C....................-..167 Morrish, Bruce A......................... 220 Morrish, Earl W..................... -167 Morrish, Harold N......-................167 Morrish, Jas. W., Pvt., U. S. Army, 1203 N. Saginaw St. Morrish, Ray S...................... 30 Morrish, Wayne S:.-................... 167 Morrisin, Thaddeus T., Corp., Co. B, U. S. Army, 618 Smith St. Morrison, Joe. V., Pvt., Co. B, 338th Inf., 85th Div., 1533 Broadway. Morrison, Thomas, Pvt., 1st Bat., Can. Army, 906 Baker St. Morrison, Robt., Pvt., U. S. Army, Mt. Morris, Mich. Morrison, Robt. H., Pvt., O. T. C., 3rd Co., 1st Bat., 909 Smith Bldg. Morse, Archibald...................... —.-167 Morse, Claude E.........................167 Morse, Harold M.........................168 Morse, Lowell M.................-.......1 — 68 Morse, Perry.................................168 Morse, Whitman F...................... ---.168 Morton, Ami D..............-............168 Morton, Byron Chas...................168 Morton, Leonard C..................... 245 Morton, Howard, Pvt., U. S. Army, 429 McCreery St. Morton, Otto B., Corp., Hosp. Unit No. 43, 130 Bruce St. Morton, Thos. M., Pvt., Can. Eng., (Can. Army), 213 W. Kearsley St. Mosey, W m. F............................... 168 Moss, Frank B...............-................-221 Moss, Wm. C., Capt., Med. Corps, 89th Div., 1108% N. Saginaw. Mott, Hon. C. S........................ ---....... 65 Motter, Leo J................................. --- 221 Mountain, Wm. W.......................269 Moush, Harold N., Pvt., 85th Div., 809 Ann Arbor St. Moyer, Burt J............................... 168 Moyer, Chas. 0., Pvt., 339th Amb., 84th Regt., Flint, Mich. Moyer, Edgar L, Pvt., Co. C, 84th Div., 326th F. A., Flushing, Mich. Moyer, Frank W.......................... 168 Moyer, Lawrence B.......................168 Moyer, Rudolph E.....................168 Muchler, Clyde................... -..........168 Muchler, Raymond L..............-168 Mudge, Guy W.............................168 Mulder, Adrian J., Chauf., 1/c, 114th Aero Sqd., Peninsular Flour Mills. Mullaly, Leo H., Pvt., Sheffield Ord. Detach., 920 Parkland St. Mullenhagen, Carl W., 2nd Lieut., Co. E, 125th Inf., 1702 Beach St. Mullet, Ben........ —........ ---............245 Mullet, Samuel E.......................221 Mullin, Geo. W., Corp., Motoi Hosp. No. 36, Flint, Mich. Mulvaney, Chas. Jas.....................221 Mumford, Ralph W.......................16 Mundy, Raymond C.........................16 Munro, Harold C..........................25{ Munro, Harold G...........................16 M unsey, F....................................22 Munson, Chester N., 2nd Lieut. U. S. Army, 316% S. Saginaw St Murdock, Claude E.......................221 Murdock, Frederick R.................221 Murphy, Carol J., Segt., Co. C 58th A. T., 611 S. Saginaw St. Murphy, Cecil J., Pvt., 1st Co., 2n( Reg., 8th Bat. of Ord., 515 Har rison St. Murphy, Grant M........................... 1 6 Murphy, John D.,lst Lieut. Med Reserve Corps, Mt. Morris, Mich Murphy, Peter J. --- —.....................16 Murphy, Timothy J.......................16 Murphy, W h. T............-...................16 Murray, Alvin E...........................16 Murray, Helena.............................. 7 Murray, Emanuel E., Pvt., Bat. A 42nd Art., 205 E. Tobias St. Murray, Helena E., Nurse, Bas Hosp. No. 88, Unit No. 6, 313 V Court St. Murray, Wm., Pvt., U. S. Arm. Flint, Mich. Murry, Wm., Pvt., U. S. Army, 9( Witherbee St. Myers, Claude L., Sig. Amm 372nd Inf., Co. C, 63rd Div 1538 Fay St. Myers, Claude R., Corp., A. C. 351 313 S. Trn., 1603 3rd Ave. Myers, Clinton L., Pvt., U. Army, 530 Floral Park. Myers, Floyd D.............................1 N Nachtwerh, Leo..........-.......-.........1 Nadeau, Rowland........................ Nau, Harry 0.................................1 Nankervis, Jas. W..............-.........l1 Naracong, Frank, Corp., U. Army, 820 Witherbee St. Narde, Louis...........................1 Nash, Jacob, Pvt., U. S. Arm 823 E. 6th St. NaVarre, Levi..............................2 Nay, Ira Glenn........................2.......2 Naylor, John C........................ --- —---—. 2 Neahnsau, Jas., Pvt., U. S. Arn Montrose, Mich. Neal, Theo. W............................... 1 Nedal, Alvin A., Gun. Mate, 3y Rec. Ship in N. Y., 1711 Dona St. Needham, Earl N......-... —................ Neeley, Elmer L.. —.......-................ -1 Neeley, LaVern.. --- ——........................1 Neeley, Sylvenus.......................... Negolman, Veo., Pvt., U. S. Arn 1146 Maple St. Neithercut, Chas. S.......................: Neithercut, Wm. A....................... I -Ne'son, Clyde................................I Nelson, Clarence E., Pvt., 52nd Co., 6th Reg., A. E. F., Flushing, Mich. Nelson, Edward E......................170 Nelson, Vern A...................... ---........170 Nemire, Wm. Henry -...................170 Nesser, Alex......................... —.......1 70 Nettle, Wesley, Corp., Co. C, 10th Eng., 813 Paterson St. Newall, Lindsay W., Pvt., 17th Co., 338th Inf., 160th D. B., 102 Mable St. Newbolt, Alfred T., Pvt., U. S. S. C. Radio School, Flint, Mich. Newing, Arzie L..........................170 Newman, Manford S................ —.....170 Newman, Ralph............................121 Newton, Bernice L......................221 Newton, Melvin L.........................170 Nichelson, William, Pvt., 32-8, 160th D. Brig., Flint, Mich. Nicholas, Wm. R., Cook, Co. A, 32nd Reg., 1211 Roosevelt Ave. Nickel, Earl.................................... 170 Nichols, Arthur, Pvt., U. S. Army Flint, Mich. Nichols, Joseph C...........................170 Nickerson, Clem E.......................245 Nickerson, Gordon..... —.................-170 Niedzelske, John..........................170 Nifegovan, Guro...........-.................171 Nielson, Carl..................................170 Nielson, John Martin..................170 Nielson, Wm. Dewey...................221 Niksinski, Anthony, Pvt., Co. B, Det. Bn. 1-160 D. B., 929 Dayton St. Nimphie, Harlow Cecil................171 Nimphie, Henry Geo., Pvt., U. S. Army, Duffield, Mich. Nippa, Arthur..............................221 Nixon, Ralph................................229 Nixon, Raymond..........................171 Nixon, Raymond Earl. —............171 Nixon, Wm. Clayton....................171 Nixon, W. H............- -..................245 Noblet, S'imon Eugene, Pvt., 337th Sup. Co., Inf., 85th Div., Grand Blanc, Mich. Noblet, W alter A...........................171 Nohl, Elmer Herman..................171 Nohl, Wm. Milton, Pvt., 1/c, Co E, 7th Am. Train, Montrose Mich. Nolin, Jas. Owen..........................171 Noly, Gust C., Pvt., Co. L, 329tl Inf., 85th Div., 568 McClellar Ave. I Norenberg, Adolph E...... --- —..........171 Norris, Gay T., Segt., Co. B, 328tl F. A., Flint, Mich. 8 North, Ira Wm., Pvt., Co. C, 78t] 9 Reg., 154 Genesee St. Northrup, Earl F........................ --- —-— 17 Northrup, John Hugh. ---..-.........24 Norton, Edwin....... --- —-—.........-.... 17 Norton, Geo. Henry......................17 I Norton, Murry A..........................22, Norton, Otto B..........-............ ---... ----.12 Novinger, Cecil, Pvt., T. S. Arm] d 920% Hamilton Ave. Nowfel, Soloman.................. --- —-— 24 Nowlin, Oscar W., Pvt., Co. E 9 58th Inf., 4th Div., 1108 V 1. Court St. i. Noyer, Percy Almond......-..............22 9 Nudel, Barney.... --- ——................... --- —-2 9 Nuttle, Barney L., Seaman, 1/ 9 U. S. Navy, 2805 Olive St.;9 Nuttle, Clarence L.....................1 --- —— 1 7 Nuttle, Earl.......-........................... --- —22 k, Nye, Earl B.............. ----............ --- —--— 1 Nye, Harvey D., Pvt., Co., Su ie Reg., 38th Ry., 923 Harriet St V. Nygreen, Hugo, Pvt., U. S. Arm 825 Rankin St. y, Nygrin, Hugo (Deceased), Pvt., I S. Army, 717 Taylor St. ~6 O. Oakes, Lionel B., Pvt., 474th Ae Const. Co., 622 Baker St. I- Oaks, Arthur J.... —...-.........-... --- —-- 2 Oaks, Herbert E.. —............... --- —— 1 S. Oaks, Ralph Ed................. ----............ —1 Oberholtzer, David E., Pvt., Ba 69 B, 63rd Bn., 3344 Wood St. Oberholtzer, Isaac A....................1 O'Berry, Russell. —...-........ --- —--— 1 O'Brien, Irving J., 1st. Lieu 69 329th M. G., 85th Div., 312 29 1st St. 69 O'Brien, Milton H.........................- 2 69 Obrodovish, Miles, Pvt., Ca S. Army, 1126 Maple St. Obrodovish, Stevo, Pvt., Ca 69 Army, 1126 Maple St. iy, Ochlakowski, John, Jr., Steama U. S. S. Massachusetts, 748 1! 45 Clellan St. 45 O'Connor, Geo. W......................... 21 O'Day, James............ ----—.................... iy, O'Dell, Chas. E.............................. ---O'Donnell, Mrs. Thos................... 169 Odle, Byron L........ ----.....-.... —. --- —--- /c, O'Hara, Henry R........................... --- —-: )id O'Hara, Ralph C., Pvt., 611 Aero Sqd., U. S. Army, 2042 I 169 Wight Ave. 169 O'Hare, Peter ---..................... ---. --- —169 Okal, Wm........ —........ --- —--------------- 169 O'Keefe, Ed. Pat. --- —---—. --- — ny, Okoniewski, John A., Pvt., 1! Reg., Avia. Dept., 902 McCul 170 St. 170 Oldswager, Claude R................... 170 O'ds, Mrs. Fred..................... ---........ — Olds, Ray, Pvt., 42nd Co., 20th Eng., 749 Cornelia St. Olds, J. Chas., Pvt., Co. D, 45th Inf., 160th D. B., 1221 S. SagiO'Leary, Cornelius F.................... 172 O'Leary, Thos. S., Pvt., 9th Co., 160th D. B., 24th Eng., 319 Lyons St. Olsen, Lawrence D...................... 172 Olson, Harold, Pvt., 49th Cas. Co., 763% Witherbee St., Olson, Paul 0.................................222 Olson, Pete ----—............................... ----...246 O'Mara, Germer J...................255 O'Neill, Chas A.. —..................... --- ——.....172 O'Neill, Chas. John.....................1 72 naw St. O'Neill, Edward...........................172 O'Neill, Irving..............................172 Opala, Dan ---------—............-.......................-172 Opdyke, Hallie.............................. 246 Opperman, Herbert D., Pvt., Co. 46, 12th Reg., U. S. N., Flushing, Mich. Orberg, Oscar P.............................246 Orendorff, Ralph...........................172 Ormsby, Jay M...............................246 O'Rei!ly, John W., Pvt., 351st Amb. Train, 733 Witherbee St. O'Reilly, Edwin P.........................222 O'Rourke, Mrs. Ethelind.............. 69 O'Rourke, Francis L....................255 Orr, John W alter.......................... 31 Orsahl, Thorvold.. --- ——.......................173 Osborne, Lewis W.........................222 Osmond, Stanley.....................246 Ostroski, Peter, Pvt., 311th Eng., A. E. F., 1627 St. John St. Oswald, Clare, Pvt., U. S. Army, 818 Hamilton Ave. Otting, Wm., Musician, Hdqts. Co., 338th Inf., 847 Cornelia St. Otto, Lawrence A., Pvt., C. A. C. School, 1005 Lyons St. Ouellette, Ed. J...................... —.......173 Ouellette, John W., Pvt., Co. L, Cas. Det., 530 Rankin St. Ouellette, Jos. A., Pvt., M. T. Corps, 530 Rankin St. Overmyer, Leonard G...................246 Owens, E. Dale, Band Segt., Co. Hdqts., 31st Reg., 1027 Stone St. Oxley, James Ed., Corp., Co. A, 339th Reg., 715 McFarland St. 1 P Paclard, Ge................................. 29 Palmatier, John R., Pvt., Co. H 340th Reg., Flint, Mich. Palmer, Archibald L. K.......... ----261 Palmer, Morley A... —. —..... —..........17; Palmer, Marshall G., Segt., Med Dept., Base Hosp., 316 Libert5 5 St. 1Panzer, Henry E., Pvt., Co. A I 167th Inf., A. E. F., 2213 Browr 1 St. Paradise, Arthur E., Pvt., U. 6 Army, 1127 Root St. Park, Mansfield............... --- —-—....... 17 i5 Parker, Alfred B., Pvt., Co. I 337th Inf., 85th Div., 2006 1 ~ Lewis St. Parker, Albert R.................... ----.... --- 17;1 Parker, Alien L. —. --- —----—................17.1 Parker, Arthur C., 2nd Lieut., I c, S. Army, 530 Garland St. Parker, Clare N..................... --- —-—..1 7 71 Parker, Earl M., Pvt., Co. D, 330t 21 F. A., Swartz Creek, Mich. 71 Parker, Elijah Ed..... ----...........-..-.1 p Parker, Frank......................... --- —-—. 24 Parker, Fred, Pvt., S. A. T. C. an y A. E. F., Swartz Creek, Mich. Parker, Geo......... —............ --- —--—..1 U. Parker, Harold E., Midshiprmal U. S'. S. Illinois, 614 E. Court S Parker, Harry M...... ----...........-.. —.. 1 Parker, Hugh Nelson............. —.. ---.2 Parker, Irwin, Pvt., Hosp. Un ro No. 105, Fenton, Mich. Parker, John W., Pvt., Bat. ] 57 2nd Reg., 417 Sheldon Ave. 72 Parker, Mitchel, Corp., 338th Reg 72 85th Div., 1836 Hibbard St. at. Parker, Paul ---—............-........... ---2: Parker, Vern L,, Pvt., 32nd Re 71 and Tank Corps, 1005 Harris( 72 St. it., Parker, William H......... --- —-........ E. Parkhurst, James L............... --- —-. Parkhurst, Jos. -......-.......... --- —---— 1!46 Parkhurst, Nicholas W........... ---..in. Parks, Chauncey M.......-..... --- —-..... 1 Parks, Homer H...... ----.......-..... ---in. Parr, Claytan B., Gas. Eng. Drive 2/c, U. S. Navy, Davison, Micr an, Parr, Ray 0............... --- —-------------—. 1 [c- Parrier, Mitchell, Pvt., Co. F, 78 Inf., Bay City, Mich. 255 Parrish, Richard, Pvt., Co. 172 10th Inf., 757 Rankin St. L72 Parshall, Max Earl... ---......... --- —-1 73 Parshall, Ward H...........-..-... --- —1 85 Partridge, Donald A......-...... ----. — 1 246 Partridge, Porter M....................1 8th Partridge, Victor L....................... --- De- Paskie, Jos. W., Electrician, U. S. Vulcan, 3019 Michigan Ave. 63 Passell, Rexford B......-... —. ---..........1 172 Paterson, W. A............................... ---172 Patru, Geo. N............. — ---—................... 5th Patterson, Albert H............... ---...... len Patterson, Thos. John.................. Pattinson, Win., Segt., Hdqts~ C 172 18th Inf., 202 Rankin St. 71 Pau!l, Arthur Thos.......-....... —........ 291 Paul, Orrin C., 1/c Musician, 1st Prov. Reg. Band., Caro, Mich. Pavelock, John H., Pvt., Nat. D., 42nd F. A., 1245 Hamilton Ave. Pavola, Ponnie H., Pvt., Bat. B, 329th Reg., 1439 Mable Ave. Payne, Alien E., Pvt., Cas. Co. 561, U. S. Army, 309 W. 7th St. Payne, Casius E............................174 Payne, John W......................... --- — 174 Payne, W arren C...........................174 Payne, Wm. Harrison, Pvt., Co. H, 125th Inf., 1314 Fairview St. Pazcolkoski, Stanley.................. 174 Peacock, Arthur, Pvt., 12th Co., U. S. Army, 153 Bruce St. Peacock, Walter J., Pvt., Co. D, e1st Bn. Conv. Center, 516 Taylor St. Pearson, Gunnar..........................174 Pearson, LaVern I......................... 174 Pease, Jos. A...................-.............261 Pease, Percy M...............................174 Peckham, Harry..........................246 Peek, Fay Ed., Mech., Bat. A, 77th F. A., 4th Div., Flint, Mich. Peeky, John, Mech., Hdqts. Co., 160th D. B., 1537 Indiana Ave. Peer, Geo. W., Pvt., 3rd Bn., 160th D. B., Clio, Mich. Peets, Ford...................................174 Pekarek, Frank......................-......174 Pekarek, Joe, Pvt., U. S. Army, 1554 Maryland St. Pelkey, Gee................................... --- 246 Pelkey, John..... —........... --- —— 2................246 Pellet, Geo. W...................... ----........... — 28 Pemberton, Ora C., Segt., Motor Trans. Corps, Flint, Mich. Pence, Robt. L., Pvt., Co. B, 10th Inf., 429 W. 1st St. Pence, Wm. E., Pvt., U. S. Army, 407 W. 2nd Ave. Pengelly, J. Bradford.........-........ 8E Penn, Joe Schiler, Pvt., Hdqts. Co Pennington, Roy W..................... 24( Pennington, Sam E., Pvt., Motoel Transp. 195, 919 Durand St. Penny, Alfred................................ 17 Perdue, Harry M., Pvt., Co. 27 812th Reg., 7th Bn., 1706 S:. Sag inaw St. Perkins, Arthur B..........................24 Perkins, Bert M................. --- —--—..... 24 Perkins, Ed. H............................... 7 Perkins, Fred..................................12 Perkins, Jas. W., 2nd Mess Segt. % Co. 21, Amb. Co., 408 Richfiel Rd. Pero, Frank -—....-... —......-.. —........ ---. ---. 24 1 Pero, Robt........... ----- —............. —. —. 24 3 Perrigo, Claud, Pvt., Co. L, U. 8. Army, 2106 Maplewood Ave. Y Perrigo, Walter V., Pvt., M. G. Co 126th, 1621 S. Saginaw St., Perrot, John 0........-.-.............. --- —- 17 n Perry, Albert L-..-......... --- —...... --- —- 17 Perry, Ezra W............................... 17 {. Perry, Harold H................... --- —--—. 17 Perry, Ira... ----........-................ ----..24 3 Perry, M. Frank, Pvt., 1/c, 297t E, Div., M. P., 775 McClellan St. /2 Perry, Meile Gilbert......................17 Perry, O tis......................................17 3 Perry, Robt. Taylor......................24 3 Perry, Robt. Thos., Pvt., 18th Inf J. A. E. F., 226 E. 1st St. Perry, Ward Ray-.......-..... —.....-.-.. 1 3 Peryer, Samuel R.. ---.............. --- — l-1 h Peters, Charlie H......................-.... Peters, Earl -.................... —............- 1 13 Peters, Joe L.........-...... —.... ------ 1.....1 7 t6 Peterson, Engvald, Pvt., Co. 3 id Cas. Det., 752 Paterson St. Peterson, J. H..........2.....................2 73 Peterson, Howard, Pvt., U. n, Navy, 1800 Harrison St. t. Peterson, Wm. J., Pvt., Co. 44 73 Reg. 1st Prov., 825 Page St. 16 Petherbridge, Geo. L...................1 it Petrlde, Gus. --- —-—........................... Petrids, Phillip, Pvt., 44th C( E, l1th Bat., 308 S. Saginaw St. Petrie, Edmund L., 303rd ] K., Trans. Corps., A. E. F., 629 We cott S't. 22 Petrie, Herald E., Pvt., 48th In g. 629 Wolcott St. on Petrie, Howard J....................... --- —— 2 Petrie, John A.......... —....... --- —------- 63 Petrie, Meurald D.... —........ --- —-- 2 28 Petron, Thos., Pvt., 16th Co., 3 73 Reg., 208 S. Saginaw St. 73 Petterson. Gustave A., Band Cori 73 31st F. A., 1326 S, Saginaw St. 87 rettey, Ara Jay..... --- —-—......... --- —-.-I er, Pettibone, Max W.........................1 a. Pettit, Homer F............................ ---- 1 73 Petts, Chas. R............................... --- th Pfeil, Melvin P., Pvt., 1/c, Co. 77th Inf., Flint, Mich. B, Pharis, Stewart H................. --- —-... 2 Phelps, Harry Townsend, Pv L73 14th Photo Section, 1st Arn [73 1226 Church St. i74 Phelps, Walter C.................. —.........174 Phelps, Russell W., Musclan, 3.74 Hdqts. Troop 17, Cavalry, 14 S. Begole St. Phelps, Elmer E., Saddler, Tro 174 M, 16th Cav., 318 W. 9th Ave!69 Philip, Richard B., Pvt., 21st C $46 Bat. E, 160th D. B., 1725 Be 222 net Ave. 174 Philips, Byron C., Pvt., Co. 3 'o., U.S. Army, 417 Gordon St. Phillips, Claude R..... --- ——.................. 30 Phillips, Otto P................. ---........... Phillips, Wm. C., Pvt., Co. 125, Med. Dept., 1906 North St. Philpotts, Clarence E................. 222 Phillpotts, Floyd H., Corp., Co. E, 14th Am. Tr., 833 Parkland St. Pierce, Frank Asa..............-.......176 Pierce, John W..... —.......................176 Pierdon, Clarence D., Pvt., U. S. Army, 120 E. 9th St. Pierson, Earl M............................ 176 Pierson, Mrs. Herman.................. 69 Pierson, Herman H....................... 63 Pietri, Rocco M., Pvt., Co. F, 329th Ref. Inf., 1913 St. John St. Piffer, Jos.......-.......... -................176 Piffer, W m..........-..........................176 Pikodyevich, Adam......................176 Pike, W m.......................................176 Pincombe, Mead W.....................176 Pineau, Harry................................176 Pinney, Sherwood........................176 Piper, Alfred A., App. Seaman, U. S. Navy, 7210 Meade St. Piper, Wm. Curtis.......................247 Pitcher, Grant E...........................257 Pittsley, Wm. A..............-...........176 Pjevich, Peter, Pvt., U. S. Army, 1213 Hickory St. Plant, Arthur, Pvt., Canadian Army, 2466 Riverside Drive. Plant, Earl, Pvt., 125th Inf., 2466 Riverside Drive. Plumb, Clifford A............ --- —--—.........176 Plumb, Robt. W............................177 Plude, Lawrence L.-.....................176 Plunkett, Wm. P.........................229 Plyler, Cecil L., Pvt., 29th Spruce Sqd., 1230 Smith St. Pogue, Delmor L., Pvt., 1/c, 31st M. T. C., 3rd Reg., 571 Page St. Poirler, John Robt......................222 Poirier, Mitchell.......itchell...........261 Poitras, Leo J................................222 5 Polmatier, Chas. J., Pvt., Co. G, 125th Inf., 181 Home Ave. 6 Polovinov, Fred, Pvt., U. S'. Inf., r 2615 Michigan Ave. Polovinov, Stanko, Pvt., U. S. 4 Army, 1213 Easy St. Polski, Walter, Pvt., M. G. Co., 330th Reg., Swartz Creek, Mich. Pomeroy, Geo. E............................. 81 6 Pomery, Earl V............................. 29 7 Ponsford, Clarence......................247 4Pontish, Peter, Pvt., Serbian Army, 2615 Michigan Ave., Poole, Clarence............................177 d Poplewski, John J., Pvt., 31st Amb. Co., Saginaw, Mich. 7 Porter, Albert, Pvt., U. S. Army, 7 1817 Texas Ave.;. Porter, Clifford J...............-...........177 Porter, Geo., Pvt., U. S. Army, 1817 Texas Ave. Porter, James S...........................177 5 Porter, Mac R.................................177 5 Porter, C. D., Pvt., 160th Co., 14th 5 Reg., 217 Eddington Ave. 5 Poscoff, Andy. 17 Postma, Samuel, Pvt., Hdqts. Co., h 47th C. A. C., 618 S. Saginaw St. Potter, Bert B........... —.... ---........-.177 r5 Potter, Edwin W........... —...............77 i5 Potter, Geo. Frank......................177 17 Potter, Harry-.. --- —......... —............... —.... 63., Potter, Hugh M. --......... —................77 Potter, Murval E..........................177 75 Potter, Wm. W..... —.......................247 75 Poultney, J. Earl...........................177 75 Pound, Arthur C...........................222 75 Pound, Chas. R., Pvt., Co. A., U. 75 S. Army, 2723 North St. K, Powell, Adelbert, Segt., Co. C, 448th Inf., 711 McFarland St. 62 Powell, Clifford E......................177 S. Powell, Milton V........................177 Powell, Vernon L..... ---.................-177 [3, Powers, John --—...... ---—...-..... 177 Powers, Geo. H., Pvt., 287th Aero 75 Sqd., 918 Witherbee St. 75 Powers, Ronald.............. —..............178 o., Powers, Ralph N.........................177 Powers, Samuel, Pvt., 1/c, Bat. E, M. 328th F. A., 813 Witherby St. )1- Powers, Ward S........ ---...-.. —...-..........178 Powlison, Jesse V...... ---—....... —........178 f., Prater, John H., 1st Segt., Bat. B, 51st C. A. C., Flint, Mich. 47 Pratt, Chas. H., Segt., 125th Inf., 25 Co. E, 1011 W. 2nd St. 57 Pratt, Clarence J., Corp., Co. K, rd 23rd Eng., 1117 W. Court St. Pratt, Don.................... —.............178 p., Pratt, Geo. K., 1st Lieut. Med. Corps, Base Hosp. No. 121, then 75 114, A. E. F., Oak Grove Hosp., 75 Flint. 75 Pratt, Leo L. Pvt., 40th F. A., '22 116 W. 7th St. K, Pratt, Leroy A., Pvt., 17th Sqd., 2nd Prov. Reg., Spruce Div.,;22 1817 Lapeer St. it., Pratt, Lisle C., Segt. Maj., 2nd iy, Bn., 125th Inf., 1610 Beach St. Pratt, Omar E., Pvt., Co. C, 337th.76 Inf., Atlas, Mich. /c, Pratt, Wm. J. B.................... —....... —18 122 Predmore, Forrest Geo.................-26 Predmore, Fred Jas.........-...... —.....222 )op Prescott, Raymond A...................-178 Preston, Harold A.............. ---.........178 7o., Price, John T., Pvt., Bat. G, 48th an- Art., C. A. C., 1112 W. Court St. Price, RosweU L.................. ---.........-247 28, Priebe, Jos......... --- —-—.................178 Pritchard, Harold..................... --- — 178 L76 Pritchard, John R.................... ---- 178 247 Procissi, Pascal S.............. --- —-..........-247 Proctor, Loren J...........................1 78 Proctor, Lloyd W.........................222 Proefrock, Theodore L., Pvt., Co. J, 339th Inf., 1227 Lingle Ave. Proper, Glen D.......................... 178 Proper, Jesse B., Pvt., 338th Inf., U. S. Army, 2014 Detroit St. Protengeier, Herb., 3rd Gen., U. S. Army, 729 Mary St. Provorse, John H...........................222 Pruitt, Earl...................................178 Purdy, Archie H.-................... 247 Putman, Ed., Pvt., 2nd Div., Wilcox St. Pyler, Homer H, Serft. Bat. B, F. A. No. 7, 1230 Smith St. Pyler, Paul L., Pvt., Co. F, Reg. 11, 1230 Smith St. 0 Quaternfas, Howard F., aPvt., M. T. Co., R. F. D. No. 2. Quatermas, Ralph W., 3/c Musician, U. S. Army, 523% N. saginaw St. Quatermas, Robt. P..................... 178 Quighy, Robert, Segt., 70th Bn., Th. 7th Batt Field (Can. Army), 2114 Oklahoma Ave. Quinn, Clayton D............ —............178 Quirk, Arthur M. J.................... 178 R Rachon, John D., Pvt., Hdqts. Co., 19th F. A., Flint, Mich. Raczynski, Frank, Pvt., 7th Bat., 5th Div., 1st Art. Flint, Mich. Radakovich, Rada -.....................179 Radakovich, Tovica..................... 179 Radakovich, Lazo 0..-.....-............179 Radbeaud, Alfred.........................179 Raden, Theo. J.,. Pvt., Co. A, 107th Eng., 3110 N. Saginaw St. Rahn, Herman W..........-............. 247 Raisin, Earnst, Pvt., 176th Aero Sqd., Davison, Mich. Raisin, Paul, Segt., 1st Aero Sqd., Davison, Mich. Ralston, Hugh C.......................179 Ralston, Royal V....... —.................247 Ramlow, Otto M.................... 59 Randall, Fred........................ 179 Randall, Herbert E...................... 31 Randall, Jas. H..........................179 Ranft, Earl J., Pvt., 85th Reg., 213 W. Kearsley St. Ranger, John J........................... 248 Ranowski, Geo. A., Pvt., Bat A, 329th F. A., 514 Clifford St. Ranwitch, Annie E., Corp., Army Nurse, Gen. Hosp. No. 36, Flint, Mich. Raper, Frederick Wm................. 179 Rasbach, John A...........................179 Rashed, Angagae, Pvt., U. S. Army, Flint, Mich. Raschke, Audie, Pvt., U. S. Army, Flint, Mich. Raszkoski, Frank........................179 Raszkoski, John —........................179 Rathbone, Mathew P., Segt., M. C., 1401 Smith St. Rathbun, Cyrus M., Segt., Co. H, 338th Inf., 86th Div., A. E. F., Amer. Ry. Express. Rathburn, Mahlon J., Pvt., Air Service, Weidman, Mich. Rathburn, Merle A., Pvt., Co. I, 2nd Bat., 254 Wood St. Ratz, Edward P., Pvt., 329th F. A., Hdqts. Co., 430 Delia St. Rau, Max E..................................179 Rauwitch, Annie E.....................79 Rawley, Joseph, 2nd Lieut., Air Service, 215 E. Court St. Rawson, Pvt., U. S. Army, Flint, Mich. Ray, Clarence E...........................179 Raymond, Albert R..-..-...-............179 Raymond, Hiram..........................179 Raysin, Carl J........ —......2...........248 Raysin, Edward.........................229 Reamer, Edwin C.......................179 Reark, Benson, Chief Petty Officer, U. S. Navy, 904 Mary St. Recknall, Floyd E., Pvt., Co. G, U. S. Army, 916 Baker St. Reder, Guy A......1.................. 80 Redmond, Alfred, Pvt., Co. A, 372nd Inf., 604 10th St. Reed, Carlton A.............................180 Reed, Paul H................-....-......229 Reed, Ralph E............................... 24 Reed, Russell H., Pvt., Hdqts. Batt., Heavy Art., Fenton, Mich. Reed, Mrs. A. J............................... 67 Reed, Hon. Daniel A..................... 65 Reed, Chas. H................................ 267 Reeder, Frank E..................-........ 22 Reese, Everett L.........................180 Reese, Oscar.......................1880 Reeser, Earl E_.........................222 Reeves, Harold..............................180 Regenold, Geo. O., Pvt., Co. F, 337th Inf., 85th Div., 302 Liberty St. Rehana, Shoshoo..... —........... 180 Rehmus, John R., Pvt., 1/c, Co. B, 49th Reg., 810 E. 1st St. Reid, Alban E., 2nd Lieut., Q. M. D., 514 East St. Reid, W ells C.............................. 31 Reid, Wm. M., Pvt., 9th Co., 3rd Bn., 160th D. B., 814 N. Saginaw St. Reinhardt, Ernest F.................. 248 Reinke, Julius A. J., 1st Fireman, U. S. S. Kentucky, 738 Mary St. Reinhart, John S.........................248 Reinstadtler, Frank......................180 Reinstadtler, Peter........................180 Remender, Elmer H.....................180 Remington, Clyde A.................... 21 Remington, Edw. B........................80 Remington, Lloyd R.....................222 Renfrew, Barl E........................... 180 Renn, Willis E., Yeoman Ins., Unit Barracks, Flint, Mich. Rennie, Margaret C....................... 79 Renwick, Raymond Wm., Landsman, Co. 369, 1st Reg., 121 White St. Resser, Earl E..............................265 Ressiquie, Joel J...........................257 Rettke, Reuben............................223 Rettke, Wm. H............................ 180 Rex, Franklin N., Pvt., U. S. Army, 903 Elizabeth St. Reynolds, Arthur J....................... 31 Reynolds, Levli...............................229 Reynolds, Wade P., Pvt., Co. K, 77th Infantry, 725 Thayer St. Rhoades, Jas. L., Pvt., Co. D, 126th Inf., 32nd Div., 434 E 6th St. Rhodes, Cecil C.............................180 Rhodes, Vernon C.........................180 Rice, Rex R., Pvt., 15th Amb. Co., 2nd San. Tr., 1143 Garfield Ave. Rice, Clifford H.......................... 181 Rice, Murray J..............................180 Rice, Perry L., Pvt., U. S. Army, 1016 Lapeer St. Rice, Wm. H..................................181 Rice, Willson C....................-...181 Richard, Leon M...........................223 Richards, Ednes, Pvt., 3rd Reg., F. A., 1734 Bush Ave. Richards, Harold A..................... 181 Richards, Lucene W..................... 181 Richardson, Mrs. W. Howard.... 69 Richardson, Herbert H.................181 Richie, Charles, Pvt., Co. 3, 338th Inf.,' 1407 W. 12th St. Richmond, Horace C..........-.........181 Richmond, Rial J........................223 Rickey, Louis................................181 Ricksbaugh, Clyde Hughes, Pvt., Q. M. C., 917 Oak Park PI. Riddle, John, Corp. of the Guards, 908 Hamilton Ave. Rider, John A., Pvt., 293 Aero Sold., 1112 Stockton St. Ridgeway, Harold H..1................181 Ridley, Chas. A...............................181 Riedel, John H., Seaman, 2/c, Guard Co., 14th P. O., 908 Hamilton Ave. Riegle, Mrs. John L...................... 77 Riegle, Mrs. Andrew.................. 83 Riegel, John L................................. 57 Ries, Clyde Duane......................... 181 Ries, Lyle Dean, Pvt., Co. F, 61st Pioneer Inf., 1212 Church St. Rigby, Richard Jos....................... 181 Riker, Eugene A...........................181 Riksky, Paul, Pvt., Co. H, Flint, Mich. Riley, Wayne L., Pvt., Co. C, Flushing, Mich. Ringlein, Albert T., Pvt., Co. D, 55th Amm. Train, Swartz Creek, Mich. Rinn, Clifford H.............................181 Risedorph, W. Garrick.................. 59 Ritter, John........................... 181 Rivois, Jos. R., Pvt., 13th M. G., 5th Div., 821 Margaret St. Rivers, Jos...................................... 87 Roach, Albert F.............................181 Roach, Frank. Roath, Paul J................................229 Robbins, John.................................182 Roberge, Oscar, Pvt., 85th Reg., 911 Moore St. Roberts, Cecil.............................. 2 48 Roberts, Clarence J., Pvt., Spruce Cutting, 2nd Reg., 716 Margaret St. Roberts, Cordelia M., Nurse, 606 Crapo St. Roberts, Don E...............................182 Roberts, Edwin J........................248 Roberts, F. A................................ 30 Roberts, Grover....................... 182 Robertson, Silas C......................182 Robinson, Allen —.....................182 Robinson, Claude W.....................182 Robinson, Dewey M.....................182 Robinson, Ernest L.....................248 Robinson, Evert D.........................182 Robinson, Fred W.........................248 Robinson, Geo. S., Pvt., Co. E, 27th Eng., 1008 Ann Arbor St. Robinson, Louis C........................182 Robinson, Nelson -... ---..-....................223 Robinson, Thos., Pvt., 63rd Bat., Can. Army., 1916 Taft St. Rock, Edmund W.........................182 Rockafellow, Lloyd....................-182 Rodammer, Arthur J., Pvt., U. S. Army, 732 Leith St. Roe, Ector C...................................182 Rogers, Earl, Corp., M. T. C., Flint, Mich. Rogers, Oscar B......... --- —.....................182 Rogers, Mrs. Lucy.......................... 71 Rohin, Chas. J., Eng., 1/c, U. S. Navy, 1724 N. Saginaw St. Romanaw, Alex..............................255 Romine, Holly C.......................... 182 Rood, Max E.........-.....................18'2 Rosa, Chas. J..................... 258 Rose, Alexander E............-....-...182 Rose, Geo., Pvt., Co. 320, Remount Depot, 214 Tobias St. Rose, Archer R............................... 182 Rose, Herbert Towles, Pvt., 49th Art., 531 Rankin Et. Rose, John J., Pvt., Hdqts. Co., 42nd F. A., 226 E. 9th St. Rose, Wm. McK...........................223 Rosebush, Fred J...........................183 Rosecraus, Lyle D., Pvt., 46th Co., 5th Reg. of Marines, 922 Harriet St. Roselle, Benj., E........................... 183 Roseual, Bert, Corp., 86th Div., 208 E. 5th St. Rosenberg, Martin, Pvt., 41st Div., Flint, Mich. Rosenblum, Eli...........-................ 26 Rosenblum, Herman.................... 31 Rosencrantz, Clarence, Pvt., Co. A, 337th Inf., Flushing, Mich. Rosencrants, Orth D.....................183 Roser, Eugene F.......................... 183 Roser, Alexander E., Pvt., Hdqts. Co., 78th Inf., Flint, Mich. Ross, Mrs. Alexander.................... 71 Ross, Angus.................................. 188 Ross, Claud N.................................183 Rossiter, Carl.................................248 Roth, Byron J......................183 Rothfuss, Glen H.......................... 183 Rothfuss, Jas. A.............................183 Rouse, John H., Pvt., M. G. Co., 2nd Inf., 208 5th St. Rowe, Albert................................ 248 Rowe, Geo. A., Segt., Q. M. D., Recl., Co. I, Flint, Mich. Rubel, Wm....................................183 Ruczynski, Frank.......................183 Ruddock, Frank A., Pvt., Co. A, Regt. 10, 2317 Francis Ave. Ruddy, Earl F., Pvt., Co. D, 6th Amb. Train, Flushing, Mich. Rudolph, Paul V.......................... 2 48 Rumbold, Max L., Pvt., 315th Aero Sqd., J729 W. Court St. Ruell, David, Pvt., Co. A, 1st Army, A. E. F. Hdqts., Flint, Mich. Rulka, Joe, Pvt., 1/c, Co. L, 78th Inf., 618 Payne St. Rumer, Allen J.............................248 Rumer, Edward C........................ 22 Rumer, Jesse C., Pvt., Med. Dept., Davison, Mich. Rumsey, Chas. N........................ 183 Runn, Wm. E..............................223 Runnells, David L...................... 28 Runnells, Russell A..................... 22 Runningly, Clean..........................180 Runyan, Robt. A........................ 183 Rusizka, Frank..............................183 Rusnak, Mike..................................183 Russell, Clarence O. Russell, Edwin P.......................223 Russell, Ellis A...............................184 Russell, Elmer C....... --- —................. 184 Russell, Clifton L.........................248 Russell, Elmer J........................ 184 Russell, Jas..............-..................248 Russell, Leon T............................184 Russell, C. Otto............................223 Russell, Robert W.........................184 Russow, Edward F...................... 184 Rust, Chas. F.................................223 Rutherford, Walter J..................184 Rutledge, Jno. F..........................223 Rutter, Albert.............................184 Ryan, Bert......................................248 Ryan, John F...............................223 Ryan, Joseph M.............................223 Ryan, Morris L,, Pvt., M. G. Co., 730 Witherbee St. Ryan, Vincent D., Pvt., Co. D, 383rd Inf., 910 F. P. Smith Bldg. Ryckman, Wm. G.............-.......... 184 Rye, Hilary F., Pvt., Co. K, 23rd Eng., 118 E. 8th St. Ryfzuski, Vincent, Pvt., l/c, Co. G, 45th Inf., 3814 Green St. Ryson, Frank J............................... 184 Ryerson, Martin, Pvt., 28th Inf., Ist Div., A. E. F., 56 Cardonia St., Detroit, Mich. Ryerson, Richard, Pvt., Co. F, 5566th Eng., A. E. F., 66 Cardonia St., Detroit, Mich. S Sacorloc, Mladen, Pvt., Can. Army, 1115 Maple St. Safer, Bernard.............................. 184 Safer, Sam, Pvt., U. S. Army, 126 W. Witherbee St. Sage, Ellsworth A.........................184 Saine, Thos.......................................184 Sake, Raymond E., Corp., 17th Co., 160th D. B., 1410 Chippewa St. Salem, Joe....................................184 Salem, Sam...................................185 Sallee, Phillip R., Lieut., 2/c, Aviation, U. S. Army, 120 Warren Court. Sallee, Wm. Meritt, Pvt., Co. 38, 159th D. B., Flint, Mich. Salmon, Camel. Salmon, James.............................186 Sammons, Creston E.....................185 Sanborn, Ray.............................186 Sanborn, Robt. H., Pvt., Co. B, 29th Eng., Flint, Mich., K. C. Hall. Sanborn, Wm...................................185 Sanderfleld, C. E.......................... 248 Sanford, Geo. Lee..........................186 Sanford, John G.............................185 Santowski, Archie F, Pvt., Co. B, S. A. T. C., Flint, Mich. Saroc, Pikola, Pvt., Can. Army, 2616 Michigain Ave. 292 Sansky, Michael J...................185 Sargent, Fred................................185 Sargent, Oscar B., Pvt., 1/c, Chem. Warfare Serv., 1016 Pershing St. Sargent, Wm., Segt., Air Srerv., Langley Field, Va., 1006 Lennox St. Sargent, Chas. A., Segt., Co. H., 338th Inf., 1420 Broadway. Sariski, Michael Jos., Corp., Co. D, 68th Inf., 2580 Mt. Elliott Ave. Saunders, Fred W..........-..... 229 Savage, Beryl M...........................185 Savage, Gale P.-.............................185 Savory, Geo. W., Pvt., Co. E, 125th Inf., Clyde, Mich. Sayles, Ralph T., Pvt., Mach. Gun Div., U. S. Army, 1123 E. Kearsley St. Sawyer, David L.........................185 S'awyer, Frank J............................ 63 Sawyer, Miss Mona........................ 73 Sawyer, Jos. H., Gunners' Mate, 3/c, U. S. S. St. Paul, 514 Mason St. Saxon, Chas. Herb., Pvt., No. 7 Forestry Draft., Can. Army. Saxon, John................................ 249 Sayre, Frank Niles........................ 29 Scarbrough, John, Pvt., Bat. C, 42nd F. A., 1542 Maryland St. Schaard, Fred H...........................249 Schad, Perry E............................... 28 Sc'aeffer, Gene T., Pvt., Co. E, 20th Eng., 712 Paterson St. Schafer, Geo., Pvt., Base Hosp. No. 91, Howell, Mich. Schaffer, Conrad..............................185 Schagane, Geo....... 2.................223 Schaven, Henry..............................186 Scharrer, Earl Fred....................... 185 Scharrer, David L....................185 Scharrer, Chas. W.........................185 Schelly, Ernest A., Pvt., 403rd Spruce S'qd., 633 Harrison St. Scheneman, Ed. Earl, Corp., 97th P. W., A. E. F., 415 8th Ave. Scherer, Wm. F............................186 Scherping, Walter..........................264 Scherrer, Albert A........................249 Schiler, Chas., Pvt., U. S. Army, Flint, Mich. Schmaltz, Julius...........................194 Schmidt, Otto, Pvt., Co. F., Art., 85th Div., 742 Witherbee St. Schneck, Burlin C., Pvt., 1/c, 71st F. A., Bat. A, 413% 11th Ave. Schneder, W m.................................186 Schnepferling, John L.................256 Schofield, Jack, Pvt., Bakery Co. 337, 2200 N. Saginaw S't. Schott, Chas. Leonard..................186 Schramm, John.............................186 Schriver, P. P., Pvt., 333rd Aero Sqd., A. E. F., 1008 Root St. Schroader, Bert C., Pvt., M. G. Co., 16th Inf., 821 Dayton St. Schryer, Earl Jas........................... 186 Schuler, Jas. Francis, Pvt., Co. 59th Sqd., Spruce Div., 1458 Richfield Rd. Schulman, Oscar, Pvt., Co. A, 12th M. G. Bn., A. E. F., 329 Wood St. Schultheiss, Alfred.................-.....186 S'chultheiss, Bernard.................... 87 Schultz, Albert, Pvt., U. S. Army, Bay City, Mich. Schultz, Carl John, Pvt., 94th Co., 23rd Bn., 516 Gordon Court. Schultz, Geo. John........................ 186 Schultz, John Wm., Pvt., U. S. Army, 1330 Broadway St. Schultz, Wm., Corp., Co. 69, U. S. Army, Bay City, Mich. Schumacker, Wm. Herman, Segt., 1/c, U. S. Army, No. 4 Brooks Apts. Schweitzer, Leo W., Pvt., S. A. T. C., Davison, Mich., R. F. D. No. 1. Schothan, Loyal-........................... 18 6 Schothworth, John, Segt., Med. Dept., 71st Inf., Davison, Mich. Scott, Burrell, Segt., 31st Art., U. S. Army, 1709 Hibbard St. Scott, Clare M..............................186 Scott, Edwin D............................. 28 Scott, Everett E..........................186 Scott, John W................................186 Scott, Roy E., Corp., Co. I, 39th Inf., 835 Louisa St. Scribner, Frank H......................... 186 Scrimger, Geo. P., Pvt., Bat. B, 328th F. A., 1539 North St. Seagreen, John, Pvt., 337th Inf., 85th Div., 325 Beach St. Seaver, Armon Jas.........................186 Secord, Jerome Nathan................223 Sedgman, Clinton....................... 186 Sedgman, Guy, Pvt., Co. D, 85th Div., 339th Inf., 608 W. 4th Ave. Seeley, D. Leland.........................187 S'eery, Wm., Pvt., Co. B, 338th Inf., 1st Div., 853 Cornelia St. Seguin, Ferdinand J.....................262 Salden, John Glenn........-.............187 Selee, Frank Jas....................... 187 Selee, Winfield.......................... 187 Selesky, Lee LesIie.......................t7 Sellers, Fred, Pvt., 312th Eng., 1016 Stockton St. Sellers, Melvin, Corp., Co. B, 310th Slup. Tr., Flint, Mich. Semmens, Geo. R., Segt., U. S. Army, 85th Div., 524 Asylum St. Seymour, Clarence M................... 187 Send, Allen E................................. 249 Senner, Irving, Corp., 337th Inf., Flint, Mich. Sentz, Vern E., Pvt., Co. C, 60th Bat., Flint, Mich. Shady, Clarence S..... ---........187 Shafer, Chas. A....-..-...................249 Shaffer, Forrest R., Pvt., Co. B, 9th Inf., 1231 Lingle Ave. Shanahan, Edward...................... 187 Shanahan, Jos. D., Segt., U. S. Army, 733 Witherbee St. Shand, Edmond........ —.................... 249 Shangle, Burt R., Pvt., 19th BalShanahan, Wm., Pvt., Amb. Co. 167, Flint, Mich. loon Co., 613 Warren St. Shank, Harold F.......................... 187 Shannan, Aymour R., Pvt., Aviation Land Duty, A. E. F., 428 Alice St. Shannon, David E........................187 Shannon, Geo. F........................ 187 Shannon, Henry, Pvt., U. S. Army, Flint, Mich. Shannon, Wm. J......................... 26 Sharo, Lovell G., Pvt., U. S. S. Frederick, 411 Warren St. Sharick, Geo. D..........................187 Sharick, John J.............................187 Shattuck; Wm. S....-... ---..-...224 Shaw, Alfred N., Corp., Co. G, 64th Inf., 7th Div., 416 W. 3rd Ave. Shaw, Harry Wm., Pvt., 32nd Div., 125th Inf., 2802 Boulevard Drive. Shaw, Howard A...........................187 Shaw, Lawrence R.......................187 Shaw, Manley.........1......................188 Shaw, Otto W., 2nd Lieut., 1st. Co. Inf., C. O. T. S., Detroit, Mich. Shaw, Robt..................................224 Shaw, Wm. Oscar........................188 Shear, Alfred E.............................188 Sheehan, Frank..............................188 Sheehan, Frank A., Pvt., Co. C, 59th Inf., 1425 Root St. Sheehan, Geo., Pvt., U. S. Army, 1010 Ave. A. Sheehan, Geo. H., Corp., 120th D. B., 1425 Root St. Sheets, Marion W., Pvt., 1/c, Co. E, 17th Eng., 826 McFarlan St. Sheffield, Otto L............................261 Sheldon, Floyd H.........................188 Sheldon, Ward T...........................188 Shell, John Ed., Pvt., Bat. A, 62nd Reg., C. A. C., 2310 W. Court St. Shell, John Ed., Pvt., C. A. C., 62nd Reg., Bat. A, 2310 W. Court St. Shelters, Geo. L...2.................249 Shelters, Lyman..............................249 Sheufelt, Lansing, 1st Lieut., 62nd Inf., 611 E. 10th St. Shepard, Dewey 0........................188 Shepard, Eugene..........................244 Shepard,*Wm. Allen, Pvt., Hdqts. Co., 77th Inf., Flint, Mich. Shepardson, Harvey......................188 Sheppard, Chas...............................188 Sheriff, Clarence J......................... 26 Sheriff, Earl Raymond...............188, Shaerff, Loren J...............................188 Sheridan, Everett J.......................249 Sherby, Homer Frank..................224 Sherman, Dewey Geo.................188 Sherman, Gleason Jas.................188 Sherman, Herb. Emerson............ 188 Sherman, James, Pvt., U. R. Army, Flint, Mich. Sherman, Lawrence H................ 224 Sherman, Walter V., Pvt., Bat. F, 81st F. A., 430 Helen St. Sherman, Chas. E., Pvt., 1/c, Co. E, 126th Inf., A. E. F., 1726 Kentucky St. Sherwood, Geo. Wm...................249 Shetren, Harold L........................224 Shetren, Howard N......................188 Sheufelt, Lansing...................... 21 Shine, John B.................................262 Shine, Michael H..........................188 Shipard, Eugene, Pvt., U. S. Navy, 122 Avon St. Shipley, Foster A........................... 186 Shively, Claud J., Pvt., Co. M, 340th Reg., 766 Warren St. Shmoo, Munso, Pvt., U. S. Army, 759 Baker St. Sholtz, Wm. E., Pvt., 111th Bat., Div. C, 902 Witherbee St. Short, Howard E.......................... 189 Shotwell, 'Forrest L, Sergt., Co. K, 10th Inf., 528 E. 6th Ave. Shoud, Edmond H., Segt., Hoep. Unit Car Group No. 1, 419 2nd Ave., W. Shreve, Peter L., Pvt., 1/c, Base Hosp. No. 5, 834 Jamison St. Shreve, Ralph, M. Mate, 2/c, 436th Bn., U. S'. Navy, 834 Jameson St. Shreves, Edward............................189 Sickles, Frederick..........................224 Sickner, Wm. Sylvester................189 Siedshlag, Herman, Pvt., 10th Co., U. S. Army, 1322 Poplar St. Sienkowicz, John F....................... 194 Sifton, Chas. C., Pvt., 61st Sqd., 4th Reg., Rosebush, Mich. Sigsbee, LaVoy................................189 Sigsby, Chas. A...........................189 Sills, Kingdom S.................... 249 Silver, Wesley T., Pvt., 78th Spruce Sqd., Flint. Mich. Silverthorn, Orville, Pvt., 26th Co., U. S. Army, 907 Payne St. I. IN THER E A T RLD AR 1914-18 Simmons, Lance L.........................189 Simmons, Wmn.......................... 183 Simons, Archibald Chas............... 21 Simpson, Edward........................ 189 Simpson, Ernest...........................189 bimpson, Ed. M., Pvt., Co. B, M. T. Corps. 307, Flint, Mich., R. F. D. No. 1. Sims, Rufus E...................... _ 189 Sinclair, Frank L., Corp., U. S. Army, 1122 Liberty St. Singles, Boyd Leon......................189 Singles, Paul Z........................... 189 Skellenger, Arthur...................... 189 Skellenger, Clarence..................... 189 Skellenger, Chas. N................... 189 Skellenger, Frank........................ 189 Skinner, Jas. J........................... 190 Skinner, Walter E., Pvt., 46th Trans. Carps., Linden, Mich. Skoti, M ike............................ 2 49 Skutt, Lawrence F.......................262 Slade, Earl L................................190 Slagel, Wm. E., Corp., Co. C, 1st Bn., 160th D. B., 2404 N. Saginaw St. Slater, Jos. R.................... 190 Slaughter, Guy W.........................190 Sleeman, Blyche R....................... 31 Sleeseman, Chas. Ray, Pvt., Bat. A, 329th F. A., 1713 Arlihgton Ave. Sleeseman, LeRoy.........................190 Sllngerland, Geo. H., Pvt., Co. 2, 4th Detach., S. A. T. C., 820 Baker St. Sloat, Oswald P.........................190 Slocum, James Ray, Pvt., 36th Motor Field Hosp., 617 Smith St. Sloniker, Albert L., Corp., 298th M. P., 724 Stone St. Slongny, Geo., Co. C., 106th Field Signal Bn., 1817 Texas Ave. Slover, Fred J., Pvt., Base Hosp. No. 45, Fenton, Mich. Sluyter, Eldon R........................... 2 2 4 Smale, Donald C..........................224 Smale, Ralph Hughes...............190 Smale, Lawrence A.......................224 Small, Edward..............................249 Small, Oscar H..........................256 Smallwood, Lawrence, Pvt., Co. I, 338th Reg., 762 Harriet St. Smart, Wesley Harmon................190 Smith, Alien C., Pvt., Co. E, S. A. T. C., 314 Alice St. Smith, Alton Ellridge..................22 4 Smith, Alton H........................... 191 Smith, Alvin C..............................191 Smith, Ambrose B. C................... 191 Smith, Anna Mabel, Nurse, U. S. Med. Dept., Flint, Mich. Smith, Arthur L...................... 249 Smith, Asa C., Pvt., Co. B, R. A. 311, M. T. C., 7562 Baker St. Smith, Avril E., Pvt., Co. 37, 610th Brig., U. S. Army, Flint, Mich. Smith, Burrell F...........................191 Smith, Byron N., Pvt., Co. 76, Spruce Div., Davison, Mich. Smith, Cecil Ray.........................192 Smith, Chas.................................. 191 Smith, Chas. H., Pvt., Co. D, 5th Am. Tr., 910 Davis St. Smith, Claude E.............................191 Smith, Clyde A........................190 Smith, Clyde R.................-.....224 Smith, David C...........................190 Smith, Deverne C., 1st Lieut., U. S. Med Dept., Flint, Mich. Smith, Don E........................... 190 Smith, Earl Jas................................ 190 Smith, Ed. J.............................. 250 Smith, Ernest W.........................258 Smith, Ezra.................................. 257 Smith, Frank B..........................190 enaith, Mrs. Frank..................... 69 Smith, Fred B., Segt., Q. M. C., U. S. Army, 819 Cornelia St Smith, Fred Owen................ 190 Smith, Floyd M., Pvt., Co. B, S. A. T. C., 806 Stockton St. Smith, Geo. C................................ 190 Smith, Geo. Dewey...................... 250 Smith, Gerald C., Pvt., U. 9. Army, 1622 Richfleld Rd. Smith, Gerald Wm......................190 Smith, Gordon C., Pvt., 369th Aero Sqd., 423 Newall St. Smith, Gordon V.....................192 Smith, Harold K., Seaman, 2/c, U. S. Navy, 118 W. Kearsley St. Smith, Harry, Wag., 217th Eng., 505 1st. Ave., W. Smith, Howard M................-....191 Smith, Ira E............................ 26 0 Smith, Ivan H.............................. 26 Smith, James, Pvt., U. S. Army, 910 Davis St. Smith, James N., Pvt., Co. M, let Prov., 128 E. Kearsley St. Smith, Jay M.................................191 Smith, John, Pvt., S. A. T. C., 747 McClellan St. Smith, John Clifford................. 191 Smith, Joseph H................... 250 Smith, Joe. D.. —....-. 191 Smith, Leon Geo....................... 191 Smith, Leslie W., Pvt., Co. K, U.? Armry, 820 Page St. Smith, Lloyd H., Segt., Hdqts. Co., 14th Div., Flint, Mich. Smith, Lloyd I..................191 Smith, Louis S..................... 191 Smith, Lynn H., Pvt., 214th Field Signal, 516i Rix St. Smith, Marshall.................. 224 Smith, Morris A............................. 224 Smith, Morley E., Corp., Co. L, 77th Reg., Otisville, Mich. Smith, Dr. M. B..........................267 Smith, Myron T., Pvt., Co. B. SE. A. T. C., 604 E. 5th Ave. Smith, Norris C.......................... 224 Smith, Oliver C....-..................... 191 Smith, Orva O., Pvt., U. S. Army, Indiana Ave. Smith, Mrs. Raymond L............. 83 Smith, Roy D........................... 191 Smith, Roy Jas..............................191 Smith, Russell J........................ 250 Smith, Sidney G., Pvt., U. S': S. Pennsylvania, U. S. Navy, 1116 S. Saginaw St. Smith, Stanley..................... 260 Smith, W alter 0........................ 55 Smith, Warren G., Pvt., U. S. Navy., 1301 Lyons St. Smith, Wm. Campell................... 192 Smith, Wm. L., Pvt., Co. C, S. A. T. C., 408 Rosetta St. Smith, Alfred Ernest, Pvt., U. S. Navy, 908 Newall St. Smith, Andrew H., Pvt., 102nd Inf., 26th Div., 730 Elizabeth St. Smith, Fletcher J., Pvt., Hdq. Co., 8i09th Pioneer Inf., A. E. F., 407 E. 10th St. Smith. James B., Pvt.. Bat. D, 328th F. A., 1811 North St. Smith. Lawrence, Pvt., Co. E, 310th Amm. Tr., 122 E. 5th St. Smith, Ozro D., Pvt., Co. B, 5th Engrs., A. E. F., 617% N. S'aginaw St. Smith, Robert L., Pvt., 536th Fngrs.. Co. B, 1353 Imperial Ave. Smoat, Carl J., Pvt., Co. B, 108th M. G. Co., 922 Harriet St. Smons, E., Pvt., U. S. Navy, 1038 Anne St. Smurthwaite, Harry.................... 192 Smurthwaite, Percy T.................. 192 Snell, Raymond L....................... 192 Sider, Maynard W., Pvt., Co. I, W. O. R., Can. Army, Flint, Mich. Snively, Vaughn J........1................192 Snow, Alex M., Pvt., U. S. Air Service, 3918 Industrial Ave. Snyder, Clare S., Pvt., 40th Co., 160th D. B., 128 E. Kearsley St. Snyder, Peter F...................... 224 Snyder, W m. J..........................225 Socher, Ramneald B.................... 192 Sokolowski, John A., Pvt., 658th Aero Sqd., 105th Reg., 740 McClellan St. Somers, Alymon E., Segt., 14th Amb. Co., 409 10th Ave. Sompels, Julius...........................192 roper, Byron F. L......................... 192 Soper, Clarence R......................... 192 Soper, Earl J., Pvt., U. S. Air Service, 418 Witherbee St. Soulby, Alfred H., Segt., Co. G, 311th Field Sig., 607 Ann Arbor St. srafford, Arthur B......................192 Spalu rks, Earl J........................... 192 Sparks, Harold A..-. --- —.....-............- 192 Speckman, Robt., Pvt., Can. Eng., 832 Hamilton Ave. Spedler, Chas. H., Pvt., U. S. Army, 721 Mill St. Speers, Clifford L......................... 250 Speers, Manley A., Pvt., 816th Aero Sqd., U. S. Army, Clio, Mich. Spener, Don Geo.. --- —-....... —......... 192 S-pencer, LaVern, Pvt., Hdqts. Co., 61st Inf., 1403 3rd Ave. Spencer, Leon...........................192 Spencer, Otto............................ 193 Spencer, Silas C............................. 193 'pencer, Haitry B., Pvt., 147th Engrs., U. S. Army, 1804 N. Saginaw St. Sperry, Gordon H.................. 193 Spickler, Clifford R.................. 193 Spinney, Walter, Pvt., Bat. E, 42nd F. A., 910 Wood St. Splane, Russel W........................,193 Spring, Wallace W., Pvt., 6th Balloon Co., A. E. F., 924 Pleasant St. Springer, Mrs. Wm.* - -..................... 83 Springer, Bernard....................... 193.Sprong, Albert G., Segt., Hdqts. Amb. TT., A. E. F., 820 Asylum St. Sproug, John Grover, Segt., Co. D, 310th Am. Tr., 820 Asylum St. Squires, Franklin E., Pvt., U. S. Army, Flint, Mich., R. F. D. No. 5. Stacer, Rudolph D....................193 Stacey, John R., Pvt., Can. Army Serv. Corps., 1204 W. Kearsley St. Staganan, Edward........................ 19 -Stalker, John M., Pvt., Co. E., Can. Army, 615 East St. Stalker, Robt. R., Corp., Co. E, R. D. Brit. X Forces, Can. Army, 616 East St. 'tampa, Samuel, Lieut., U. S. Med. Dept., 812 F. P. Smith Bldg. Stanley, Oliver L.......-............... 193 Stanley, Geo. A........................ 193 Stanley, Rex Gordon.................... 225 Stanley, Frank C., Pvt., U. S. Inf., 313 Smith St. Stanton, Tom, Pvt., U. S. Army, 315 E. Kearsley St. Sta rnard, Albert I...................... 193 Stanz, John Sam........................ 193 Stapner, Peter....................... 193 Staples, Elmer M......................l3 Starkings, Bert D., Pvt., 20th Co., 5th Bn., 160th D. B., 828 Hamilton Ave. Sf. Clair, Frank...............-...... 261 Steachen, Reginald H., Pvt., 89th C o., C. A. C., U. S., A. E. F., 713 E; 4th Ave. Stebbins, Melvin, Pvt. Co. G, 85th Inf., 2604 Mapiewood St. Steuman, Ralph Sidney, Pvt. No. 2 Tramway can. Engrs., 717 Baker St. Stedron, Frank H., Fireman, 2/c, U. S. S. Leviathan, 832 Myrtle St. Steegar, Elmer A................... 193 Steele, Glenn F........................... 193 Stefanic, John R.........2........... 250 Stefanski, Frank....5............. 2060 Stefanorch, Kestwojoil R., Pvt., Canadian Army, St. Johns St., Flint. ~tehle, -Foyd M., Pvt., Co. E, 28th Inf., Linden, Mich. Stehle, Myron Frank, Cpl., Co. G, 338th Inf., 85th Div., Linden, Mich. Stein, Henry W., Pvt., 304 M. T. C., UJ. S Army, 316 Clifford St. Steinman, Isadore.......................... 260 Steinman, Sidney S., Cpl., Co. G, Med. Detach., 912 McClellan St. Steinberg, Frank............................ 250 Steininger, Russell H., Pvt., Co. 8, S. A. T. C., 604 Garland St. Steiner, Ernest W. ------—..................... 23 Steinman, Chas............................. 194 Stephens, Glenn, Pvt., 59th Reg., Bn. D, 2607 Lewis St. Stephens, Richard T..................... 250 Stephenson, Geo. W................. ---- -—..250 Stephenson, LeRoy C., Cadet for Pilot, Canadian Air Service, 911 Newall St. Stetson, Geo. A........................ 194 S'tevens, A. H.. ---................. ---. —. 63 Stevens, Earl L....-.................... 194 Stevens, Geo. J............................... 194 Stevenson, Otto H...................194 Stevenson, Raymond P., Pvt. Naval Rifle Range, U. S. N., 400 Warren St. Stevenson, Roy F., Pvt., U. S. Army, A. E. F., 218 E. 5th St. Stevenson, Dennis.......................250 Stevenson, W m.......-........................ 19 4 Stever, Chas. M., Sgt. Aerial Photography, U..,. 111 E. slet St. Stewart, Alex, Sgt., Co. D, 548th Engrs., 748 Fenton St. Stewart, Dean D............................. 194 Stewart, Frank L...................-.... — 194 Stewart, Henry T., Pvt., 312th Engrs., Co. C, A. EU F., 2417 Avenue A. Stewart, Miss Lucy Tilden......... 73 Stewart, Mrs. W. E.................... 81 Stewart, Lloyd A., Pvt., U. S. Artillery Reg. 7, Goodrich, Mich. Stewart, Ray, Pvt.,.A/c, U. S. Army, 757 Paterson St. Stickle, Chas. Edwin.................... 194 Stickle, W m. E......................... 194 Stifanic, John R., Pvt., Co. G, 125th Inf., A. E. F., 1640 Ohio Ave. Stiff. Calvin A., Pvt., Amb. Co. 333, Linden, Mich. Stiff, Glen H................................194 CItiff. Harry Rebbeck................... 194 Stiff, Isaac Milton. - ----- --—......94 Stiff, Joseph D. —.2 —.. --- —-----—.225 Stiff, Paul S.. --- —.... --- —............ 225 Stiff. W alter B.......................... 194 Stillwell, Chester..........................195 Stimson, LeRoy A........................ 225 Stirling, Ward P.. Cpl., Co. H, 337th Inf., 85th Div., 136 Edwin Ave. Stites, Luther A.............................258 S'togsdinn, Wm., Pvt., 116th Supply Train, U. S. Army, 2306 Milbourne Ave. Stoddard, Hon. Claude................. 61 Stoltz, Fred................................ 195 Stone, Mrs. Dwight T.................. 81 Stone, Chas. 0..........................2 --- —----- 250 Stone, Donald D., Lieut. Ord. Dept. Siberian Ex. F., 514 East St. Stone, Maxwell E........................ 195 Stone, Oren F., Wag. Amb. Co. 333, 309 San. Tr., 514 East St. Stonehouse, Alan, Pvt., U. S. Air Service, 379 Lyon St. Storer, Renton E....................... 195 Storey, Ray A-... — -.... --- —----— 195 Story, Sidney.................................. 250 Stout, Ray N............ 1 95 Stout, Stanley W........................ 225 Strachan, Roy.............................. 263 Strait, Frank Fay....................... - 196 Strait, Kenneth H., Pvt., Co. 31, 160 D. B., 1101 Chippewa St. Straley, Harry A., Jr.................. 263 Stranahan, Elmo L...................... 195 Stranahan, Frank G..................... 225 Stranahan, Lawrence C............... 195 Stratton, Delos A., Pvt., Med. Corps, C. A. C., 931 Page St. Stratton, Geo. W., Pvt., Bat. F, 134th F. A., A. E. F., 752 Baker St. Straugh, Jessie D..........................195 Streat, Frank R.......,................... 57 S'treat, Geo. F................................. 196 Strezo, Trefo M....................... 251 Strickland, Mrs. Geo.................... 83 Strlngham. Jesse E...................... 196 Strubel, Hazel-.-...,...................... 77 293 Strubel, Hazel, Nurse, U. S. Army, 314 Sylvan Ct. Struble, Leon......1................. 195 Strzyzynski, Aloise..................... 195 Strzyzynski, Clemens H........... 195 Stuart, Fioyd R....................... 195 Stuart, Murney B......................196 Stuart, Wm. Mloore.................. 196 Stuber, David 0..................... 225 Sturge, Orloff................-..-...... 196 Sturgis, Duane.............. 2256 Sturgis, Grant A.................... 29 Sturns, Earl L., Pvt., Co. 128 Amb., 32nd Div., 2908 Orville St. Sturote, Jos. Leslie................... 196 Subora, Chester, Pvt., 49th Batt. Canadian Army, 1639 S't. John St. Subora, Henry, Cpl., Co. A, 10th Inf., U. S. A., 1639 St. John St. Sujak, John, Pvt., Co. G, 338th Reg., Swartz Creek. Mich. Suley, Maynard E., Sgt., U. S. Med. Serv., 1306 Garland St. Sullivan, Chas., 2nd Lieut., Co. 13, 160 D. B., 551 Page S't. Sullivan, Daniel C., 1/c., Serft., 498th Aero Sqd., 1018 Garland St. Sullivan, Fred J., Pvt., 14th Engrs., U. S. Army, A E. F., 213 N. Saginaw St. Sullivan, James C., Pvt., 12th D. B., U. S. Army, 902 Witherbee St. Sullivan, Joseph, Pvt., Co. L, 1st Evac. Amb. Co., A. E. F, 3216 Poplar St. Sullivan, Wm. M......................=. 196 Sullivan, Mrs. Maude.................. 69 Sulzman, Earl Sulzman, Henry.......................... 225 Summer, Lee L., Engs. Cook, Co. B, 35th Engrs., 742 McFarland St. Summerfield, Wm. A., Pvt., S. A. T. C., 1003 Lyons St. Summers, Maurice C..... --- —--.196 Sunday, Billy............................ 251 Super, Vincent, Pvt., Co. F, 16th Inf., 742 Baker St. Supernau, A. W-... --- ——... --- —.-256 Surnehart, Norton, Cpl.. Canadian Army. 837 Jameson St. Sursaw, Walter J., Pvt., 1/c, Air Serv., U. S. Army, 393 Dayton St. Susman, Marshall, Pvt., U. S. S. Mayflower, 117 12th Ave. Futherby, Lawrence Wm...........196 Sutherland, Geo. E................ 196 Sutliff, Earl W............................ 225 Sutton, H arry.............................. 196 Sutton, Mahlon Robt., Major, 351st Amb. Co. 313 San. Tr., 2110 Detroit St. Swain, Arthur Fred, Seaman, 1/c, U. S. S. VonSteuben, 928 Clifford St. Swain. Earl W.............................196 Swain, Harry R............................ 196 S'\wart, Floyd.................................. 196 Swart, Howard C......................196 Swarts, Harry, Pvt., Co. C, 59th Reg., 1614 Makin Rd., Flint. Swayze, Colone —..................... ----250 Swayze, Colonel 0.............. ---.......267 Sweeney, Jos. Casper, Pvt., U. S. Army, Fenton, Mich. Swreers, Harry C........................251 S veers, Reley..........................251 Sweers, Ward Daniel...................196 Sweet, Harold L............................ 196 Sweitzer, Robt. V........................... 196 Swift, Everett Jos., Pvt., Co. F. Reg. 61 P. I., 944 Cedar St. Swvihart, Vernon C........................ 26 Swinehart. Norton......................... 197 Swire, Floyd R........................... 197 symons, Harry...... --- —........-.......-...197 Symons, John Henry R.............. 197 Symons, Lester M., Pvt., U. S. Army, 1709 Mable St. Symons, Mivert............................ 197 Symons, Roy................................ 197 Szatkowski, Walter, Pvt., Co. Hdqts., 77th Reg., U. S. Army, 925 Dewey St. T Taber, Justus I...........................251 Tabit, Edward........................... 261 Tacia. Russell A...........................251 Tackeburg, Wm. H., Pvt., Co. H, 78th Inf., 844 Cornelia. Tallman, Victor.. --- —-----—...... —256 Tallsman, Arthur E,, Pvt., Amb. Co. 353,774 Parkland. Tambol, Anthony......................197 Tandy, Jesse M. --- —--—........................197 Tanner, Elwyn M...........................197 Tarrance, Verne HI., Pvt., Batt. E., 15th F. A., 2nd Div., R. D. No. 1. Tarts, Phillip, Cpl., U. S. Army, Pine St. at 13th St. Tattersall, Leo................................ 28 Taylor, Seaman, 2/c, U. S. Navy, Flint, Mich. Taylor, Arthur J., U. S. Navy, Clio, Mich. Taylor, Chas. L.......................... 256 Taylor, Christopher C................. 251 Taylor, Harold A........-............... 256 Taylor, Harold, Pvt., Mach. Gun Marine Corps, Beechwood Ave. Taylor, Harold B...........-............ 197 Taylor, Hugh D............................251 Taylor, John M.......................... -197 Taylor, Louis W........................ -257 Taylor, Robert............................... 197 Taylor, Orson, Pvt., U. S. Army, Davisburg, R. F. D. No. 1. Taylor, Wm. McK....................... 251 Taylor, Walter H.............................. 19 Taystor, Tom, Pvt., Can. Army, 3210 Michigan Ave. Teachout, Geo. W _............................197 Teachout, LeRoy E................... 198 Teal, C!ayton, App. Seaman, U. S. S. Huron, 1266 Broadway. Tebby, Wm. J..............................236 'Pemby, Howard E....................... 198 Templeton, Hugh B., Pvt., l1/c, Co. G, 38th Inf., A. E. F., Detroit. Tenant, Clinton A.,Pvt., Co. B,, 32nd M. G. Div., 747 Lee St. Tenant, Walter G. Cpl., Co. A, Artillery, 747 Leith St. Tenny, Vern............................... 198 Terreau, Eugene F....................... 198 Terry, Robt. J., Pvt., Hdqrs. 86th Div., 1318 Smith St. Terwilliger, Jas. R......................... 198 Thick, Melvin....................... 198 Thiell, Glenn H. Thom, Clyde.......................261 Thomas, Claude F........................198 Thomas, Earl M..................... 199 Thomas, Harry J....................... 199 Thomas, John........................... 199 Thomas, John............................. 199 Thomas, Ja4cob L., Pvt., Co. A, 78th Int., 14th Div., 1210 Walker St. Thomas, Lee --------—.........-.............. 26 Thomas, Leonard J....................... 199 Thomas, Wm.......................... 226 Thomas, Wm., Leroy, Pvt., U. S. Army, c/o Hotel Mott. Thomas, Wm. Leroy, Pvt. U. S. Army, 902 Paterson St. Thomason, Bowen P., Seaman, Thompson, Mrs. Lucy................... 83 U. S. S'. St. Louis, 1313 Illinois. Thompson, Chas. M....................... 198 Thompson, Albert E.................... 199 Thompson, David M.....................198 Thompson. Earl......................... _263 Thompson, Earl E., Pvt., U. S1. Army, Davison, Mich. Thompson, Edw. L...................... 198 Thompson, Frank J., Pvt., SupDDv Co., 125th Inf., Davison, Mich. Thompson, Tohn D....................198 Thompson, Lewis L....................... 198 Thompson, Thos. A., Pvt., Co. D, 23rd Engrs., 1022 Patrick St. Thornton, Milton....................... 198 Thorpe, Stewart W...................... 198 Thorsby. Cealy......................... - 261 Thorsby, Geo. H..........................199 Thorsby, Homer C................. 199 Thornton, Elmer J., 1st Lieut. Motor Transport, 321 E 3rd St. Tibbetts, Carl V., Pvt., Amb. No. 6, 634 Baker St. Tibbetts, Russell A...............- 199 Tibbitts, Ivy.............................. 199 Tiffany, B. Elliott, Wagoner, 77th F. A., 4th Div., 410 Mason St Tiffany, Harry D, Pvt., 160th Depot Brig.. 410 Mason St. Tiffany, W. E., Pvt., 4th S. A. T. C., 410 Mason St. Tillman, Arthur, Pvt., Can. Army, Byron, Mich. Tillman, Geo.. Pvt., 2nd Batt., 20th F. A., Byron, Mich. Tinkham, Harry B....................... 199 Tipton, Frank, Pvt., F. A., U. S. Army, 942 Witherbee. Tirrell, W m. C.......................... 199 Tisma, Stevo........................... 199 Titsworth, Edwin J., Pvt., 312th Eng., Goodrich, Mich. Tlittensor, Fred A......................199 Tittensor, John E., Pvt., Hq. Co., 160th Depot Brig., 1406 Delaware Ave. Tittensor, Percy....................... -199 Titus, Cecil A. ---------------—. -.-199 Tolsma, Joseph, Pvt., M. T. C., Co. A. U. S. Army, 774 Parkland St. Tomkinson, Elsie A............... 79 Toomey, Geo. P..................... 86 Toomey, Patrick C........................ 200 Tooze, Roff, Cpl.. 51st Co., 6th Reg. Marines, 1710 Ohio Ave. Torrence, Verne H.........-....... 261 Torrey, Edw. Archie.............. 200 Torrey. Raymond W..................200 Toups, Stanley J...........-...... 200 Toush, Fred.......................... 200 Tower, Noble E...................... —..200 Tower, Robt. G., Pvt., Batt. C, 2nd Tr. M. C., 4th Army, 1605 Avenue A. Tower, Roy Elmer................ -225 Tower, Thos. I.......................200 Tower, Wm. C., Cpl., M. G. Co., 78th Inf., 14th Div., Byron, Mich. Town, Thos.............. 1. --- —~-.166 Townsend, Carol, Pvt., Co. K, 4th Inf., 3rd Div., Army- of Occupation, Flint, Mich. Townsend, Fred M., Pvt. Co. A, Sg. A. T. C., Davison, Mich. Townsend, Paul M., Pvt., Co. B, 341st Bn. 756 Harriet St. Tozer, Chas. H.................-.... 200 Tozner, Oscar, Pvt., 339th Inf., 85th Div., 736 Harriett St. Tracy, Robt., Pvt., U. S. Army, 1027 Church St. Trader, Edw. J........ ---..... —..... 200 Transus, Harley R................... 21.0 Traphagen, Roice A., 1st Lt., Co. 1, 56th Eng., Flint, Mich. Trask, Henry M., Sgt., Hqrs. Co., 328th F. A., 320 5th Ave., W. I __ ____ _ ___ _ Traver, Clarence C.......................200 Traver, Frank S............................ 200 Travis, DeHull N........................... 23 Travis, Leon, Jr., Seaman, U. S. Navy, 806 Baker St. Travis, Leslie H., Pvt., Co. G, 185th Div., 1210 Benson St. Traynor, Dennis W.......................251 Traynor, Mark E..........................256 Traynor, Orvil Oakley................. 87 rrecha, Thos. H., Pvt., Co. G, 338th Inf., Swartz Creek. Tremaine, Bert, Pvt., Canadian Army, 742 Witherbee. Tremayne, A..................................2 51 Trench, Andrew..............................200 Tribby, Herman L.........................225 Trimble, Jas. A..............................251 Trimmer, Cecil E., Pvt. Vet. Corps, 67th F. A., Fenton, Mich. Trombley, John...................... 200 Troop, Henry C..............................200 Troy, Henry J................................262 Troyer, Ralph R., Pvt., Co. A, 310th Amm. Tr., 2202 W. Court St. Tucker, Chas...................................200 Tufford, Earl C............................. -201 Tumich, Steve, Pvt., Can. Army, 2606 St. John St. Tumpower, Fred L., Recruit Co., 523 Aero Skqd., 1108 Root St. Tunningley, Raymond..................201 Tupper, Augustus...................... 201 Tupper, Fred.................................201 Tupper, Raymond R..................... 201 Turcotte, Clarence J.....................201 Turnbull, Chester G., Sgt., 312th Eng., 87th Div., 814 Hamilton St. Turner, Alexander R., Pvt., Batt. C., Art. 71, 824 Witherbee. Turner, Frank T., Sgt., Med. Corps, 323 Stone St. Turner, Gerald F. L., Pvt., Co. H, 309th Inf., -Flint, Mich. Turner, Geo. A..............................201 Turner, Harold C........................ 201 Turner, Wm. A...............................263 Turriston, Earl W., Pvt., Co. B, 126th Int., 825 Elizabeth St. Tyler, Chas. A............................... 201 U Uehlin, Chas. F., Mess Sgt., Q. M. Corps, 717 Chapel P1. Uehlin, Jack, Art......................... 201 Umstead, Otto Lester, Pvt., 15th F. A., 2nd Div., 421 Taylor St. Underhill, Archie E.......................201 Underh ill, Earl M........................225:Unley, 'W. S., Sgt., M. G. Co., U. S. Army, Flint, Mich. UpDeGraff, Minnie, Pvt., 12th Co., 12th Reg., U. S'. Navy, Goodrich, Mich. Upper, Pearl Wash....................... 201 Upper, Ralph W. E..............2 --- —-- 01 Uptegraff, Chas. A......................201 Uptegraff, Ira, Pvt., Co. D, Reg. 338, Davison, Mich. Uptegraff, Weston L., Pvt., Sig. Corps, U. S. Air Service, 159 E. Hamilton Ave. Utter, Cyril Maurice...................... 225 Utrone, Tony....................................51 V Valcutt, Lorenzo A., Pvt., Co. A, U. S. Army, 911 E. Dayton St. Valentine, Jos. A., Pvt., Med. Sup. Depot, Rogers City, Mich. Valois, Victor V., Pvt., I/c, 160th Inf., Flint, Mich. Vanadia, Anthony.........................252 Van Alstine, Cecil............... 252 Van Alstine, Clyde Art.................201 Van Alstine, Ray A..................... 201 Van Atten, Leon P........................202 Van Berkel, John B., Wag. Co. C, 107th Engrs., 748 Hamilton Ave. Vance, Geo. E................................ 252 Van de Walker. E. C.................. 63 Van Dyke, Earl Edson................202 Van Kampen, Alfred. Pvt., Co. L, 61st Inf., 1409 Indiana Ave. Van Kampen, Bernard................202 Van Kuren, Roy J............-....... —252 Van Tiffen, LaVern C.......... ----...256 Vantine, Harold H., Pvt., 120th F. A., U. S. Army, Montrose, Mich. Van Tine, C. Robert.....................202 Van Valkenburg, Warren............202 Van Voorhees, Simson.....-...........2 02 Van Wert, Jas. Ward., Pvt., 4th Co., 52nd Prov. Inf., Fenton, Mich. Van Wormer, Harry...................... 202 Van Wormer, Ward Beecher......263 Van Zell, Chas. —............................. 261 Van Zill. Ed................................ 202 Varner, Gruthril, Pvt., Co. C, 366th Inf., 2038 Crocker Ave. Varnum, Geo. J., Pvt., 12th Mach. Gun Bat., 4th Div., Fenton, Mtch. Vasieek, Jos..................................... 202 Vernon, Clare M., Seaman, Reg. C., 23 U. S. Navy, Flint, Mich. Vernon, Earl E....-...................-......202 Vest, Geo. G......'-..-.......:...............2 63 Vickstrom, Oscar, 2nd Lieut. Co. E., 125th Inf., 25% Tredway PI., Detroit, Mich. Vincent, Elmer............................. 202 Vincent, Merton S.......................226 Vincent, Sylvester H.....................226 Vincent, Mrs. Bessie. —..................... 83 Vinee, Tony, Sgt,, Co. I, 11th Inf., Central Ave. Viznjivish, Milo S......................... 202 Vladetic, Milan, Pvt., Canadian Army, 1219 Easy St. Vogt, Albert...................................252 Vohwinkle, Geo............................... --- —--- 202 Voight, Frank J.................. ----..... --- 202 Voorhess, Gordon C., Cpl., Co. K, 338th Inf., 424 S. Wilcox St. Vorce, Russel Lee.......... ---........ 202 Vosburg, Oriel................................203 Vosvoodich, Mona —.................202 Vozvoodich, Glya........................... 203 W W ade, Benj. F............................... 263 W ade, Ross Chas..........................203 Wade, Russell L., Seaman, 2/c, U. S. S. Sac City, 525 N. Saginaw St. Wadsworth, Thos. J.....................203 Wager, Russel Oscar.................... 226 Wagner, J. H., Pvt., 1st Co., 20th Engrs., Elba, Mich. Wagner, John J., Pvt., Co C, Reg. 812, 1608 Park St. W agner, Robt. L...........................- 203 Wagner, Walter Geo., Pvt., 18th Inf., U. S. Army, A. E. F., 2622 S. Saginaw St. Wagoner, Raymond H.............-...203 Waider, Frank. --- —---........203 W aider, Fred A..................2......... 203 W ait, C. F....................................... 59 W ait, Chas. E............................... 21 W ait, Myron R..............,.........2 52 Wait, Ralph H................. 2-........-207 Waite, Arthur Levi......................203 W aite, Harvey E..........................203 Waite, LaVerne A.........................203 Waite, Leo E., Pvt., Sup. Co., U. S. Army, 28th Inf., Flushing, Mich. Waite, Wm., Sgt., 35th Serv. Co., Flushing, Mich. Waites, Guy S., Sgt., 305th Regt., 730 E. 6th St. W aldapfel Harry...........................252 Walker, James Roy...............203 Walker, Clair U., Lieut. Dental Corp., 328th F. A., 302 F. P. Smith Bldg. W alker, John E............................ 203 Walker, Floyd, Fireman, 3/c, 4th Reg., U. S. Navy, 809 Addison St. Walker, Frank W., Sgt., 302 M. T. C. Repair Unit, 1030 Townsend St., Lansing, Mich. Walker, Harry O., Seaman, 2/c, U. S. Navy, 917 Witherbee St. W alker, Melvin J........................... 2 03 W alker, Ray E...............................203 W alker, W m. H.............................203 Walker, W. Thos., Pvt., U. S. Army, Flint, Mich. Wall, Dr. W. J.............................. ---- ---— 267 W all, Mrs. W. J........................... 71 WVallace, Lew B..................-......... 226 Waller, Truman D., Cpl., 830 Aero Sqd., 712 Paterson St. Wallis, Harry B......... --- —-—............ 204 Wallrath, Victor W...................204 Walsh, Chas. S., S'gt., 27th Motor Truck Co., 1007 Mathews St. Walsh, Albert P., Pvt., 208th Inf., Canadian Troops, 24 Brush St Walsh, Geo. Clinton, Pvt., U. S. Navy, 1007 Mathews St. Walsh, Thos. Jos...................... --- —--- 204 W alter, Carl T-...............................204 Walters, Harry K., Cpl., Co. A, S. A. T. C., 825 Margaret St. Walters, Sheldon, Pvt., Mach. Gun Co., U. S. Army, 1521 Willard Ct. Walther, Edwin C....................204 Walther, Lewis J.....................204 Waltmire, Marion R..................226 Waly, Wm., Pvt., U. S. Army, 110 % W. 1st St. W alz, Harold L.............................226 Wampler, Marvin, Pvt., Co. G, 7th Bat. U. S Army, 813 Wood St. Ward, Harry D..............-..-.......-.. 20 4 Ward, Wm. W., Lieut. Co. E, 125th Inf., A. E. F., Flint, Mich. Warden, Lester J., Pvt., Amb. Co., U. S. Army, Flint, Mich. Warden, Enoch W., Pvt., l/c, Amb. Driver, U. S. Army, 922 Elizabeth St. W arner, Albert................................ 204 Warner, Chauncey L., Pvt., Co. L, 339th Regt., 717 Payne S't. Warner, Floyd O., Pvt., G. D., 78th Inf., 109 E. 10th St. W arner, W esley............................. 204 Warren, Alvah L....-..................... 226 Warren, Don E..-.......... --- —...........204 Warren, Fred......... ---... -----.............. 204 Warren, Jos. H..-.. —............ ---........204 Warren, Paul H., Pvt., 310 Base Hosp. Surg. Asst., 1208 Liberty St. Washington, Chas.. Pvt., Co. D, 809th Pioneer Inf., 1424 Liberty St. Washer, Louis A., Pvt., Bat. D, 328th- F. A., 109 E. 7th St. Watchorn, Wm. R.........................252 Waterbury, Hugh L........................20 4 Waterfahl, Frank F..................... 20 4 Waterfall, Frank A., Pvt., Co. C, 338th Inf., 1947 W, Court St. W aterm an, J..................................226 Waters, Raymond C................... 252 Watson, Corliss L.........................204 Watson, Geo. A.-....-.................. 204 Watson, Merril D...........................205 Watson, Robt. W......................... 205 Watson, Mrs. Victor L................ 77 Watson. Walter S.........................20 5 Watters, Thad D., Pvt., 830 Aero Sqd.. 113 E. Hamilton Ave. W ay, Berton L.............................. 205 Way, Wilford J., App. Seaman, 374th, 9th Reg. Tfd. to 3/c Fireman, 719 Henderson St. W ay, Lloyd M................................. 205 Weadock, Peter A., Pvt., Co. A, 317th Engrs., 87th Div., 823 Warren St. Wearer, Lloyd, Pvt., U. S. Army, Flint, Mich. Weaver, Emery S., Pvt., A. S. C., Co. D, A. E. F., 926 Newall St. Weaver, Ray A., Sgt., 1/c, U. S. Air S'ervice, 812 Harriet St. Weaver, Van Martin...................205 Webb, Raymond J......................... 205 Webber, Andy, Pvt., 1/c, Base Hosp. 107, 737 Margaret St. Webster, Lyman........................... 205 W ebster, 0. R......................._.... 226 Wedding, Fred L., Sgt., 160th D. B., 1226 S. Saginaw St. Wedte, Claude Ed., Pvt., Co. 11, 160th D. B., Flint, Mich. Wedge, Myron, Pvt., U. S. Army, 312 Thompson St. Weckler, Fred L., Pvt., 305th F. A., 1910 Detroit St. W eekley, Chas. C.........................205 W eeks, Earl Edgar.......................205 Weir, Robt. L., Sgt., 311 Supply Co., 218 W. 1st St. W eiss, Fred.................................. 05 Welch, Clare, Pvt., 122nd Sqd., 1326 Broadway St. W elch, Lee E.................................205 Welch, Roy........-.... —.................- 205 Welch, Wm. B., App. Seaman, U. S: S. America, Davison, Mich. Welch, Michael L., Pvt., 4th Amm. Tr., 1st Div., 738 Witherbee St. Welch, Frank, Pvt., 310th Ord. Dept., 1326 Broadway St. W elcome, Ludger...........................205 Wellmeyer, Mead, Seaman, 2/c, U. S. Army, 1245 Hamilton Ave. Wellington, Clifford S., Pvt., Co. C, 303rd Bn., Heavy Tank Corps, 414 Alice St. Wells, Clyde H- ---—............... —252 W ellsted, Henry J......................... 252 Welsh, B. Floyd, Pvt., 31st M. T. C., 3rd Prov., Davison, Mich. Wendell; Stuart ---..... -- 2.............. 205 Wentworth, Arthur C., Pvt., U. S. Spruce Div., 775 Dewey St. Wentworth, Clarence E......... —..... 205 Wentworth, Wm. Beanford, Pvt., U. S. Spruce Div., 775 Dewey St. W enzel, Lloyd L.............................252 Wertman, Lloyd A.........................206 W essels, Fred. —............................... 226 Wessels, Howard C.......................2 06 Wessenger, Gale Laverne. ----.........252 W est, Geo. H...................2...0........2 06 West, Geo. Raymond ---—..................206 W est, Nelson J...............................226 WVestfall. Earl Jos., Pvt., Co. B. 337th Inf., Fenton, Mich. W estfall, Geo. L.............................252 Westley, Lynn R........ ----............. —... 256 Westover, Harry B.................... ----206 W estran, Ralph C.........................206 Wetherall, Irving, Pvt., U. S. Army, 616 Clifford St. Wetherell, Harold, Machinist, U. S. Navy, 1229 Grand Traverse St. Wetzel, Harry F., Pvt., Co. C, 310th Engrs., 1230 Washington Ave. Wetzel, Oren, Bandsman, Co. I, U. S. Army, Wellston, Ohio. Wexler, Jacob, Pvt., 44th Co., 11th Bat., 919 Witherbee St. Wexell, Francis, Pvt., Bat. B, 47th Reg., 517 Myrtle S't. Whalen, John Jos........................206 W heeler, Fern...............................226 Wheeler, Joyce Vincent..............226 Wheeler, Lover Dale, Pvt., 1/c, Hdqrs. Co., 77th Inf., 928 Warren St. Wheelock, Mrs. A. S................... --- 71 Wheelock, Dr. A. S.................... --- —- 63 Whetham, Wallace A., Pvt., U. S. Army, 1120 Lapeer St. Whipple, Glen L., Pvt., Co. A, S. A. T. C., 501 Avon St. W hipple, M. Paul...................... 226 Whitaker, Perry Van, Pvt., No. 1 Dental Unit U. S. Army, 908 Smith Bldg. Whitcroft, Wm. H., Pvt., U. S. Inf., Co. H, 28th Reg., 1306 Avenue B. White Alford J --—........................206 VWhite, Geo. Harold....................206 White, Henry H., Pvt., 125th F. A., U. S. Army, 6041/2 N. Saginaw St. W hite, Jas. W............................... 206 White, Jeddie C., Pvt., Hdqts. Co., 27th Inf., 422% 1st Ave. White, John A., Pvt., 1st Batt. Canadian Army. 515 W. Grand' River, Howell, Mich. White, Ijeo John -----—.........................206 White, Lewis................................ --- —----- 206 W hite, Merton............................. 206 White, Ray, Pvt., 1/c, Co. D, 147th Regt., 902 Conover St. White, W. M., Pvt., Co. I, 78th Reg., 804 Newall St. White, Wm. W.. --- —---—. --- —-- 206 Whitecraft. Wm. Harvey, Pvt., U. S. Inf., H. Co., 28th Reg., 1306 Avenue B. Whitehead, Geo. Ed....................... -— 206 IWhitlatch, Fred R., Pvt., Co. I, 166th Inf., 607 E. 3rd St. W hiteside, Clare............................207 W hitman, Stewart..........................207 294 Whitman, Alonzo D., Pvt., 1/c, 5th Ammn. Tr., Co. D, 506 Wilcox S't. WVhitmneyer, Frank L....................207 W hitney, James.............................207 W hitney, Norvall E.......................252 Whitton, Bruce Hubbard............252 W hitton, 1P. R....................-.......... 253 W hyte, Grover C...........................207 Wickham, Bert, Pvt., U. S. Army, 509 Warren S't. Wickwire, Albertus, Pvt., 21st Engrs., Co. E, 617% N. Saginaw St. W ideman, Bert......................... 207 Wideman, Chester J....................207 Wiegirt, Chas., Pvt., U. S. Army, 1936 W. Court St. Wigodski, Jacob.... —.....2................ 253 WAilbur, Irvin A., Pvt., Bat. F, 109th F. A., 1418 Richfield Rd. Wilbur, Maurice McK., Pvt., Bat. D, 15th Sec., 8th A. A. C., Swartz Creek, Mich. W ilcox, Chas. A............................263 Wilcox, Lloyd Geo.........................207 Wilcox Lyman P., Pvt., Co. 298 B. N., 160 D. B., Davison, Mich. Wilcox, Wm. Chester.................... 207 Wildee, Edgar, Sailor, Unit T, 730th Co., U. S. Navy, 218 Vanene Ct. W ildman, Chas. M......................... 226 Wildman, Paul A., Pvt., Co B, 57th Amm. Tr., Flint, R. D. No. 7. Wildman, Frank P..................... 61 W iles, Arthur Lee.-..................... 207 Wiles, Myron R., Pvt., Co. A, 70th Art., 609 Mason St. Wilkins, Ernest, Pvt., U. S. Army, 1423 Park St. Wilkinson, Egbert J., Pvt., Motor Trans. Corp., Canadian Army, 1617 Kentucky St. Will, Arthur Roy, Pvt., 1/c, 43rd Co., 20th Engrs., 319% S. Saginaw St. W illett, Ernest............................. 253 Willett, Wm. Howard..................207 Williams, Albert L., Cpl. of Ord., 327th F. A., 1013 Chippewa St. Williams, Alma Geo..................... 207 Williams, Bruce Alb., Pvt., S. A. T. C., 158 Geneseret St. Williams, Chas. F., Pvt., U. S. Army, 364 Van Wagner St. W illiams, Chas. H........................ 207 Williams, Ed., Pvt., 458th A. S. S. C., 1st Prov., 1704 N. Saginaw St. Williams, Ed. Gibbons, Pvt., Bn. 1, 160th D. B., 620 Second Ave. W. Williams, Chas. B., Pvt., Co., 38th Art., C. A. C., 925 W. Kearsley St. Williams, Lester E., Sgt., Co. N, 160th D. B., Detroit, Mich. W illiam s, Frank............................ 26 Williams, Frank J...................... 2..207 Williams, Harold Edwin............ 208 Williams, Harry......-............. --- —.... 208 Williams, Frank N.-..........-........208 Williams, Tiler Chas., Pvt., 328th F. A., Bat. B, 1345 Hamilton Ave. W illiams, Gus................................- 208 Williams, Guy H., Seaman, 2/c, U. S. Navy, Lennon, Mich. W illiams, Ira J. ---................... — 208 Williams, Jas. Ed., Pvt., Co. F, U. S. Army, 364 Van Wagoner St. W illiams, John Ed.......................263 W illiams, John Thos.....................208 Williams, Lewis L., Pvt., Co. A, 151st Reg., 910 S'tockton St. Williams, Myron L., Pvt., Co. I, 338th Reg., 364 Van Wagoner St. W illiams, Manly D......................256 W illiams, Percy D........................ 208 Williams, Richard H.................253 Williams, Taylor, Pvt., U. S. Army, Grand Blanc, Mich. Williams, Thos. B..... --- —-—........... 208 Williams, Tilfer C... --- —-...........208 Williams, Walter F......... —....-.......253 Williams, Walter S..................... --- —-208 Williams, Walter W.................. ---- 208 Williams, Wm. F........ --- —-—................208 Williams, Wm. Jas., Pvt., U. S. Naval Forces, 38 Lincoln Ave., Muskegon, Mich. Williams, Wm. K., Pvt.. 13th Co., 1st Prov. Reg., 828 Newall St. Williamson, Wm., Pvt., Co. A, U S. Army, 602 Ward St. Wiillis, Thos., Pvt., 7th Engrs., Co. C, 1711 Donald St. Willoughby, Leslie L —.............. — 30 "Wills, Wm. Frye.......... --- —--—........... 253 W illson, Donovan A.....................263 Willson, Donald. Willson, Geo. J., Pvt., 2nd Bn., S. A. T. C., Flint, Mich. Willson, Huron B. ---.. 208 WVillson, James C....................... --- —-- 85 Willsted, Henry J., Pvt., Co. D. 18th Inf., 1st Div., 913 E. Fourth Ave. Wilmoth, G. A., Pvt., 227th Inf., Albington, Ill. Wilson. Albert D., Petty Officer 3/c, U. S. S. Pennsylvania, Flint, Mich. Wilson, Alonzo B., Pvt., 319th M. 0. Co., 82nd Div., Co. A, 112 W. 1st St. Wilson, Budd A., Pvt., U. S. Army, 416 South St. Wilson, Clarence M., Pvt., Co. G, 28th Inf., Flint, Mich. Wilson, Clare Richard................. 208 Wilson, Geo S., Pvt., Co. M, 64th Inf., 7th Div., 1008 Smith St. Willson, Mrs. Geo. C..................... 81 Willson, George C......................... 53 Wilson, Glen R., Sgt. Major, U. S. Army, Saginaw, Mich. W ilson, Geo. F.............................. 208 Wilson, Guy, Pvt., Co. 16, S. A. T, C., Caro, Mich. Wilson, Guy Merrill, Major, 32nd Div., Flint, Mich. Wilson, Harvey L., Pvt., 4th M. G. Bn., Canadian Army, 522 Wood St. W ilson, James...............................208 W ilsQn, Jas. L................................209 Wilson, Jim, Pvt., 566th Casual Co., 833 Parkland St. Wilson, Lawrence A., Pvt., U. S. Navy, Flint, Mich. Wilson, Samuel C....................253 W ilson, Samuel P.........................209 Wilson, Samuel Perry, Pvt., Amb. Unit No. 2, U. S. Army, Atlas, Mich. W iltsie, Duane S.......................... 24 WViltz, Welles M.....................209 Winans, Edwin B.....................271 Winborn, Percy Geo.................... 209 Winchester, W. H.................... 30 Winchester, Edward, Pvt., Inf. Replacement, U. S. Army, 914 Leith St. Windiate, Walter A., Pvt., U. S. Army, A. E. F., 902 Kearsley St. Winn, Hollis Elwood.................... 256 Winters, Tony, Sgt., Canadian Army A, 701 Jameison St. Wirsing, Clancy H., Pvt., U. S. Air Service, Navy,. 2806 Avenue B. Wirsing, Harry M........................207 W ise, Chas. L.............................. 209 W ise, Henry W m...........................20 9 W ise, Leslie 0...............................209 W ise, Phillip S-.......................... 209 W ise, Robert J............................. 55 Wissinger, Gale L., Cpl., U. S. Army, Davison, Mich. W oeges, John.................................. 209 Woggerman, Harold W., Pvt., Co. 11, 1st Bn., 160th D. B., 2219 Avenue A. Wolcott, Arthur L., Mech., U. S. Navy, 739 Louisa St. Wolcott, Thos. F., Cpl., U. S. Army, 739 Louisa St. Wolf, Phillip D., Pvt., U. S. Army, Mary St., Flint. W olfe, Vern E................................261 W olfe, W m. Fred............................209 Wolfington, Perry A.. ---... —...........209 Wolford, Walter A., Pvt., Co. B, 149th M. G. Bn., A. E. F., 528 Sixth Ave. E. W oltcher, E. C.............................209 Wolverton, Howard C.,................:20'9 Wood, Archie. --- —-.......... —........... 209 W ood, Clarence E......................... 26 W ood Claude............................. 209 Wood, Daniel H.-.......................226 Wood, Eugene DeForest..............210 Wood, Jos. R.................. --- —---—......... 210 Wood, Lewellyn D., Pvt., 111th F. A., Sup. Bn., Flint, Mich. Wood, Lynn A., Pvt., Co. H, U. S. Army, 604 Wood St. W ood, Mark L.................................256 Woodbury, Neil O... ---.. —......-........... 210 Woodfork, Ed. S., Pvt., Co. D, 809th Inf, A. E. F., Flint, Mich. Woodhull, Fred A., Cook, U. S. Navy, 614 Smith St. Woods, Acil, Pvt., Co. M, 57th Inf., 137 % Louisa S't. Woods, Ed. A., Sgt., U. S. Army, Flint, Mich. Woods, James W.......-.. ----........-... 210 Woods, Lloyd M., Pvt., 613th Aero Sqd., 1920 W. Court St. Woodward, Floyd P., Pvt., Co. H, 108th Inf., A. E. F., 636 Warren St. Woodworth, Shull T.....................210 Woodworth, Thos. C................210 Wooliever, Wm., Cpl, Co. C, 138th Regt., 2703 North St. Wool, Fred A.......... --- —-.................. 262 Wooll, Herb. W., Pvt., Truck Co. 1, 23rd Engrs., A. E. F., 1103 N. Saginaw St. Woolley, Henry E., Sgt., 14th Co., Ist Prov. Spruce, Marion, Mich. W oolston, Frank C.......................210 Wooster, Edgar D.........................210 W ooster, Lynn...............................210 W orden, Aaron C...........................210 Worden, Enoch W.........................210 Worden, Ivan W............................. 256 Woughter, Holden L.................... 59 W ray, W. Harold............................ 262 Wrigglesworth, Glen Robert, Off. Carrier, U. S. Navy, Linden, Mich. Wright, Paul E., Pvt., Co. B, 337th Inf., 1st Div., Otisville, Mich. Wright, Abe M., Pvt., Q. M. C., U. S. Army, 901 Witherbee St. Wright, Alton.......-... ---—.........-......... — 210 Wright, Chas. H., 2nd Lieut., 167th U. S. Inf., A. E F., Lapeer, Mich. W right, Clarence I......................... 210 Wright, Fred J., Ist Lieut., 125th Inf., 701 Fay St. Wright, Guy J. R., Pvt., Co. D, 126th Inf., 32nd Div., 424 E. 5th St. W right, Harrison......................... 26 Wright, Jas. R., Pvt., Co. F, 337th Inf., 929 E. 5th Ave. Wright, Jas. H............................. 210 Wright, Lee I., Pvt., Co. A, 40th M. G. Bn., 2118 Detroit St. W right, Leslie I............................. 210 Wright, Lewis E., Pvt., Co. E, 338th Inf., 733 Elizabeth St. Wright, Mayme............................. 79 W right, Moses............................. 210 Wright, Wallace B...................2......11 TWykes,. Robertson S.......................211 Wyman, Philip H., Cpl., 6th Rcgt., 2nd Div., A. E. F., 1534 N. Saginaw St. Wyman, Harold..............................262 Wyman, Earl K.............................211 Yakes, Roy E......................... 21 Yankee, Frank................................211 Yankee, Max............................211 Yanple, Harold F.........................211 Yarrington, Perk T., Cpl., 308th Q. M. C. Sup. Co., 504 W. Court St. Yaster, Herman J.....................211 York, Chas. R.................................211 York, Herbert, Pvt., U. S. Army, 333 Crosby Srt. York, Paul Frank........................262 Zasenbraker, Otto H.....................211 Zink, Elmer P., Ensign U. S. S. Yorke, Wm. F..............................253 Zdyb, Anthony, Pvt., 32nd Div., Zink, Herbert........................ 262 Yorton, J. Lloyd........................211 821 Edmund St. Zink, Lawrence V..................263 Youmans, Geo....................,....... 256 Zeiter, John A.,...............................211 Zizish, Toban...................... 261 Youmans, Royalton A., Pvt., 1/c, Zelno, Jos. K.................................211 Zondlak, Jose.........................258 Co. E, 26th Engrs., 22 Ester St. Ziegel, Raymond F...................... 211 Zuehlke, Roy A....... —2................2563 Young, Cecil......................... 211 Zislinski, Alvin............................. 211 Zutich, Milo, Pvt., Serbian Army, Young, Clarence D., Cpl., Co. I, Zigich, Jovan, Pvt., Serbian Army, 2606 St. John St. 27th Inf., 208 W. Belvidere. 2606 St. John St. ZukaJatics, Frank.............2...........261 Youngs, Harry S..........................211 Zika, Dewey M., Pvt., Hdqrs. Co., Zukajatic, Mike..................... 261 Youngs, John L., Jr......................262 45th Inf., 1017 Stevens. Zumwalt, Thos. B...-.......................262 'j Zimmerman, Guy W.....................253 Zwanzlger, Clair H...,....................258 Zimmerman. John Wm................. 261 Zyber, Frank N...................2.....5 Zambasi, Wm., Cpl., 310th Amm. Algonquin, 703 Mason St. Tr., 85th Div., 763 Witherbee. Zimmerman, Ray H....................253 295 I~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I ammommoll m 0 I I I I 0 I I I I I m 0 m 0 I I m I I