711 Elw I KALAMAZOO DIRECTORY. J. J - PER1IN (cA 0,* DEA LERS IN w STOVES, IRON,,NAILS, TIN-WARE, EDGE TOOLS, GLASS, PUTTY, STRAW CUTTERS, SPRINGS, AXLES, CiL0T QES W NlGEigS, Hubs, Spokes, Felloes, Saws, Pumps, Rope. BELTING A1 D PACKING, &r c., &cZ; &Ce. Comprising the Largest, Best and Cheapest Assortment in Town, CALL AND SEE! Corner MAIN & BURDICK STREETS, KALAMAZOO., HICH. J. J. PERRIN. C. E. HUNTINGTON. W. IL. STODDARD. I t I t I --- w, KALAMAZOO DIRECTORY. JONO &IHLDN Jobbrs an.& Ptai0ers O F,W 11-1 0, I go II Medcnres~ S,(-~,~ W I1 Ion 1I4 9ZITSPET W. H. JOHJNSON.L.SEDN L. SHELDO-IN-T. KALAM1AZOO DIRECTORY. J. WT. FAT, INo. 92 WNATEPR STPREET, KALAMIAZOO, MXICH. Michigan State Prison Furniture Rooms. UARDHR, 6ILBEII-T & UOc, Manufacturers and Dealers in F UT ReNIXTUR ~~e Of all descriptions, Mattresses, Spring Beds, Baskets, Pidores, &c,, Main St., Kalamazoo, Opp. Burdici House. We keep on hand a Large variety of Wood and Metallic cc:1iU'INS &1w CA A S-iZI3YIUS, Also, Shrouds and Undertakers Materials. A4W Personal attention given to this department at all hours. E. A. CARDER. HENRY GILBERT. J. M1C KEE. KALAMIAZOO DIRECTORY. BLAEEMAN & PHILLIPS, Manufacturers of The Oeiobrat64 Stal? ORGANS A MELODEONS Dealers in PIANOS AND MUSICAL MERCHANDISE, Special Terms to the Trade, Clergy, Schools & Public Halls. sery l strtenit fully Warrantedt No, 18 Nort1h Rose ~tree~l WALAMAZOO, AIICHIGAN. WV. P. IBLAKEMAN. DELOS PHILLIPS. I&A' V_ I 4 *17T KALAMAZOO DIRIEC(TOPY. WOODHAMS BITO'S Dealers in all kinds of MUSICAL MERCHANTDISE, No 40 N. Buardik Street, KALAMAZOO, MICH. WMA. II. WOODIIAMS. IIENLRY F. WOODHAMS. H EALTH! Practical, Operating and Consulting jHYSICIAN, URUGEONT, Office 116 Main Street, Kalamazoo, Without exception, t'e most skillful and reliable in all lChrloni and Special Diseases, Sure Cure for Seminal Weakness, Nervous Debility, etc. SUF'J I'FERING- & INVALID IADIE;S CUR IC). NEW REMEDIES, SAFE TREATMENT, QUICK CURES. [iR Consultations private and strictly confidential. Call, or write your case, enclosing two stamps. AMERICAN & CHINA TEA COMPANY, Of a8 o7tVeysoy fit,, ZJew 0 r. G. E. DUNBAR & CO,, Agts. At their Flour Store, No. 30 S. Burdick St., Kalamazoo. PRZICE LIST. Oolong, (Black) 85c. 85c. $1 05 $1.30 Mixed, Green and Black, 95 1.05 English Breakfast, 1.05 1.15 1.25 Imperial, 1.05 1.30 2.55 Young Hyson, 95 1.05 1.30 1.55 Gunpowder. 1.0. 1.30 1.55 Uncolored Japan, 1.05 1.15 1.30 KALAMAZOO COUNTY II 1ECTORY WITH A HISTORY OF THE COUNTY FROM ITS EARLIEST SETTLEMENT. CONTAINING DESCRIPTIONS OF EACHI TOWN AND VI[LAGt(E WIThrlIN TIlE COUNTY. ALSO, TIlE NAMES OF ALL PERSONS RESIDING IN THE SEVERAL VILLAGES IN TIIE COUNTY. WITI A NEW CENSUS OF KALAMAZOO VILLAGE, AND ALL TIHE VILLAGES IN TIlE COUNTY. 1869 and 1870. JAMES M. THOMAS, C O A1I YP - I L E R a NS- N DP PU B L I S tI J-, tZ. KALAMAZOO, MICHIGAN, STONE BROTHERS, BOOK AND JOB PRINTERS. 1869. Entered according to Act of Congress in the year 1868, by JAMES M. THOMAS, In the District Court of the United States, in and for the Western District of Michigan. I 1'q!;, NOTES. BLANKS OF ALLr KINDS, SIGN. BUSINESS, 4 m 1: IC to10 9 0 ti t 10 0 a 0 0 00 I e 0 p q Q I e I 0 0 t i I f II I i I i I I 1.0 1 D1 4 1 4 1 t 0 5 0 a t A Is 0 4 14 4 M1 04 M!I ml pi 0 D 4 m A Q id pi Q PI PR 0 m CALL AND SEE SPECINIENIL Priuted at the Gazette Steam Printingf IHouse. X r h ~ ~ L k I; 1'- t.. r: i PREFACE. TIIE ensuing pages are respectfully presented to the public with this exordium. Upham in his preface to the history of the Salem Witchcraft (involving, to a large extent, the history of the town,) says: " It is one of the distinguishing characteristics of the human being that he loves to contemplate the scenes of the past, and desires to have his own history borne down to the future." The character, actions, and fortunes of our predecessors in the stage of life, not only prove interesting to those who come after them, but serve a very important purpose in the way of instruction, experience and encouragement. We have found, in our efforts to rescue from oblivion and place permanently upon record the scenes and incidents of pioneer life, much that we have been obliged to omit for want of room; but ever as we progressed the field has grown wider and more attractive, the interest has increased, and the view become more extended. In the history of the several townships we have presented an array of names and incidents which cannot fail to be of interest to the residents thereof, and, we trust, to those who live in other places; and in the descriptions of the soil, surface, the resources improvements, wealth, &c., will serve to make the different towns better known generally. In beginning this work we proposed to give only a Directory of Kalamazoo Village, but as the work of canvassing progressed, we were convinced of the importance of adding a Directory of Schoolcraft. The business connection between Kalamazoo and Galesburg, so intimate and extensive, suggested the need and value of including, also, a Directory of Galesburg, and its citizens desiring to be assigned a "local habitation and a name"-we concluded a careful canvass of these two enterprising villages. 2 10 PI'IEFACE. We have also made a careful Directory of other villages, and here present the name of every householder fiving in villages within the county, with a description and history of the township in which they are situated. This will explain the delay which has attended the publication of the work. Of the labor, expense, difficulties and perplexities attending the preparation and publication of such a work as the one now presented, none but those who have had experience in such a task can form any correct idea. In respect to its comprehensiveness, we believe this to be the first work of the kind ever attempted, and we were induced to undertake the enterprise not for profit only but for the purpose of providing a work at once useful and profitable to the people of this entire county. We have endeavored to make this Directory correct in all essential particulars, and to that end have used every precaution; trusting that we have achieved success, we leave it with confidence to our patrons to decide this point. The worth of this book, we believe, will increase from year to year, and in time, become invaluable to the descendants of the hardy pioneers who swept away the forest and made glad the waste places, and to all those who would know the beginning of the history and progress of this prosperous and favored County. We return thanks to the enterprising business men of Kalamazoo for the liberal aid they have given in contributing to the success and interest of this undertaking. Not the least valuable of the many classes of information herein given, will be found the facts set forth in their cards and advertisements, to which the reader may turn and read with profit to himself. We return thanks to those who have furnished us information in the preparation of the history. We take pleasure in referring the reader to the history of Scloolcraft, written by Hon. E. Lakin Brown; to the history of Cooper, by Mr. A. H. Stoddard; the history of Oshtemo by Moses Kingsley, Esq., and the brief but succinct sketch of the history of Richland, by Frank Little, Esq., of Kalamazoo, The remainder of the history has been furnished by Mr. George Torrey of Kalamazoo. Since the publication of our first Directory, in 1867, the progress of Kalamazoo County and Village has been so marked that we deem PREFAOCE 11 it appropriate here to set forth statistics which we have gathered touching on this point, including the history of the growth of the County since 1840. The following is a statement from the Census Report of the population of Kalamazoo County for the years 1840, 1850, 1860, 1864 and 1868, showing the increase. In 1840 the whole number of inhabitants was 7,380. In 1850 the population was 13,179. In the next ten years it had nearly doubled, reaching, in 1860, the number of 24,663. In 1864 the population was given as 25,905. At this time it may be safely set down at 30,000. The value of real and personal estate, as assessed by the Supervisors for the year 1868, is $6,182,714, which multiplied by 4, would give even less than the actual market value, to-day, of such property. In 1860 the number of farms in the County was 1,940, (an increase of about one thousand in ten years,) containing 137,663 acres of improved land, and 129,276 acres of unimproved land, and about 60,000 acres of so-called wild land. Since that time there has been considerable land improved. The whole number of acres in the County being given at 300,000, (taking out lakes and streams,) it will be found that but little over one-half has been "improved." From this it may be seen that the resources of Kalamazoo County in regard to the one item of grain-producing are but partially developed. Its resources in respect to material and manufactures are scarcely broached as yet. The capabilities of the County for furnishing profitable means for the investment of capital are vast, and give the best assurance of large returns. The population of the County is now estimated at 30,000. The population and statistics of the several villages below, are from an actual and certain canvass made by our corps of canvassers, and may be relied upon as entirely correct. KALAMAZOO VILLAGE. Population, 1869,.................................9,607. " 1867,........................7,150. Increase in two years,............... 2,457. 1 2 INDEX TO ADVERTISKIMENT'IS. -Number of names in Directory of Kalamazoo Village, 1869,7.3,894. 6 4 9 44 6 4 4 1867, 2,491. Tncrease. 1.403. 'Number of dwelling houses in 1869,..1,848. 1867~.. 1,494. Increase. 354. The population of the Villages in the County, in 1869, is as follows Schooleraft..903 Galesburg...................873 Augusta....................538 Brady,...490 Cooper Centre,.. 2032 Gull Corners,.196 Oshtemo,. 162 Comstock,.177 Climax,.138 JAMES M. THOMAS, INXD EX TO0 A D VEJR TI SEM~-IENTipS. OF Enterprising Business Men and Reliable Dealers. Purchasers will find these firms thoroughly reliable and trustworthy in their various departments of trade and manufactures, representing as they do the most liberal and advanced class of business men. Aikin IN. J., physician, opposite title page................ Albrecht A., hats, caps and furs................PA GE 325 INDEX TO VDVERTISEMENTS. 13 Ailing Lawrence, prepared mustard,................................ 284 Ashby & Goss, grocers.2............................................ 234 Bassett & Bates, wholesale grocers.................................. 316 Baumam N., & Co., brewers,........................................ 338 Beebe & Finch, grocers,.............................................. 192 Beebe & Scott, clothing............................................. 300 Bennett S. O. & Sons, boots and shoes.............................. 250 Bingham Harry L., photographer................................... 310 Boughton E. A., grocer............................................... 292 Brown B. M. & Bro., merchant millers,........................... 218 Brown & Henderson, saddlery and trunks......................... 256 Burlingham N. H., planing mill.................................. 206 Burrell Brothers, carriages, wagons, sleighs, etc.................. 246 Clark William B. & Son, dry goods.................................254 Cobb T. S., Son & Co., crockery.................................. 316 Cock & Thomas, elevator and flouring mills,....................... 270 Codington II. W., builder,........................................... 202 D'Arcambal, C. S., druggist,.......................................... 258 Denison R. C., livery and boarding stable......................... 296 Dewing & Kent, doors, sash and blinds,............................ 292 Dodge Geo. & Co., agricultural foundry and machine works,..... 190 Dorris Alvah H., Wheeler & Wilson sewing machines...........311 Dudgeon & Cobb, grain and produce dealers...................... 264 Dunbar G. E., & Co, merchant millers, opposite title page........... Earl & Trebing, restaurant,........................................... 278 Empire Organ Co., organ manufacturers,.......................... 198 First National Bank,.................................................. 224 Fish & Crane, grocers,................................ 16 Frankish, Charles, harness........................................... 186 Giddings & Brown, lawyers............................... 292 Glynn & Phetteplace, Kalamazoo House,........................... 337 Green, James, harness................................................. 248 Grimes & Sweetland, lumber, lime, coal, &c.,......................218 H]awkins, S., tin, and coppersmith,................................. 250 HTill Robert F., lawyer.......................................... 274 Horn Robert, City Hotel........................................... 194 Howard Robert R., hardware,................outside front cover.... Isbell & Dayton, boots & shoes...................................... 242 Jacobson S. E........................................................ 338 Johnson H. M., produce & commission merchant,................ 262 Johnson & Sheldon, druggists,...opposite inside front cover......... Johnson & Sherman, marble works, opposite inside back cover....... Kalamazoo, Allegan and Grand Rapids R. R.,.................... 240 Lamb W. E., carriage trimmer,..................................... 274 Landon W. H. & Bro., agricultural implements,...................270 Laubenstcin Dr. D. A., physician................................... 337 14 INDEX TO ADVERTISEMENTS. Lawrence W. S. & Co., founders and machinists...................200 Leavitt & L'heureux, watches and jewelry,......................... 226 LOMAX & CLARK, Gazette Steam Printing House, front fly leaf...... Lyon Brothers, paper dealers,....................................... 326 Mann Samuel It., wood and hay,............................... 284 Martin Charles, fur, glove and whip-lash manufacturer,.......... 262 Matheson Alex, cut stone,................................... 210 Michigan National Bank,.................................. 224 Miller Miles B.. sewing machines...................................307 Moliere James W., physician......................................... 266 Moore Joseph, grocer......................................254 Morse W., Jr., millinery and fancy goods,........................... 274 Munger, Champlin & Co., dry goods.............................. 182 Parker Geo. W., dry goods,............................. 208 Parker H. S., hats, caps and furs,............................ 208 Parsons & Wood, hardware,............................... 266 Payne Mrs. H. L., wigs, toupees, etc................................. 278 Perrin Joel J. & Co., hardware,..............inside front cover..... Plants & Co., bakery and restaurant,..........inside back cover...... Prentice A. T., Great Western Railway........................... 238 Reed & Kellogg, tobacconists......................................... 280 Schaberg H. H., grocer & baker,.................................. 337 Sebring J. L. & Co., grain and produce dealers,.................... 274 Shakespeare William, books and stationery...................... 227 Sill Joseph, physician................................................. 284 Simonds J. W., hoop skirt manufacturer.......................... 258 Smith Charles V., furniture, Schoolcraft........................... 352 Snover George W., national life insurance co..................... 272 Southworth R. W., painter........................................... 231 Stark W. L., photographer,........................................... 296 Stevens, H. M., crockery.............................................. 214 St. Joseph Valley R. R.......................................222 Stone Brothers, Kalamazoo Telegraph,............................. 306 Stowell, Corsett & Co., yankee notions.............................. 242 Underwoods, clothing,................................................. 326 Walsh R., Painter,..................................................... 231 Wells J. M., Grover & Baker sewing machines.................. 230 Winslow Geo. W. & Co., marble works............................ 216 Woodhams Bros., musical merchandise, opposite title page,......... Wortley A. C., watches and jewelry.............................. 288 KALAMAZOO DIRECTORY. 15 ARRIVALS, CORRECTIONS AND REMOVALS. Albrecht A., hats and caps, h. 78 Kalamazoo Av. Albrecht Max A., clerk, bds. 78 Kalamazoo Av. Ames Mrs. Henry C., dress and cloak maker, 148 Main. Barringer Theodore, Rail Road Contractor, bds. 32 Portage. Bassett & Bates, wholesale grocers, 100 Main. Blanchard John, laborer, h. 36 Comstock Road. Boekeloo Jacob, farmer, h. 3 Grand Rapids Road. Bowser Over, laborer, bds 9 Potter. Bowser Rola, laborer, h. 9 Potter. Brainard & Brookfelt, (Frederick B. & Joseph 13.,) painters, 59 Water. Brownell Daniel N., h. 11 Potter. Calkins C. W., cashier St J. V. and K. A. & G. l<. t. R., bds. Burdick House. Church Carrie, saleswoman, bds. 20 Pearl. Church John S., saloon, 93 Main. Church Joseph, foreman Goss' livery stable, h. 93 Main. Closterman Cornelius, carriage maker, h. 50 North. D'Arcambal Agnes, millinery and fancy goods, 129 Main. Desenberg Meyer, (B. Desenberg & Co.,) h. 66 S. Burdick. Dudbridge Alice L., hair dealer, 13 S. Burdick, h. same. Dudbridge Sarah B., dress maker, 13 S. Burdick, h. same. Dutton Joseph P., carriage maker, h. 35 N. Rose. Gale Nathan A., pump manuf, h. cor. Pitcher and Ransom. Geiger John, (G. & Heron,) 23 N. Burdick. German Maggie, music teacher, bds. 220 Main. Graves Luther, produce dealer, h. 22 Edwards. Green Clara, dress and cloak maker, 143 Main, h 7 Potter. Harlen Elizabeth, h. 11 Jasper. Hilton Rev. J. V., pastor Presbyterian Church, bds. 220 Main. Isbell Henry, (I. & Dayton,) h. 33 Lovel. Lawrence & Son, dry goods, 75 Main. Slaughter L. W., agt. with Blakeman & Phillips, bds. 35 Lovel. SMITH R. S., Agent American Fence and Terra Cotta Co., h. 11 Lovel. Sweet Charles P., propr. City Hotel. Underwood Hiram, clothing and gent's furnishing goods, 27 N. Burdick, h. 39 Lovel. Wetherly C. L., bds. 36 Comstock Road. 16 KALAMAZOO DI RECTOIY. FISH & CRANE, 1~~fho~esai& I~Bct~iL GROCERS ~ktgiftadb No. 13 South Burdick Street, ALAMAZOO, / ICHIGAN. E. II. FISII. N. W. S. CRANE. HISTORY OF KALAMAZOO COUNTY. PRELUSIVE. TIE chroniclers of the growth and prosperity of Kalamazoo have neither been many nor voluminous-those who have dilated upon its natural beauty, its rapid development, from an obscure settlement, to a large and important city,-its advantages as a home, and a place for all legitimate business enterpriseshave, for the most part, contented themselves with general statements and propositions, leaving little details-the woof of history-to be guessed at, or neglected. Two years ago an effort was made (in the first Directory) to collect facts relating to the settlement and growth of this village and arrange them in something like chronological order. The appreciation with which that attempt was received, by our citizens, encourages the writer to undertake another chronicle, in which not only the village but the different towns of the county shall have recorded "the story of their lives fiom year to year." In this history we shall not repeat, any more than is necessary to make a consecutive narration, what was contained in the volume above referred to; but, beginning at the first of things, shall, as far as practicable, give new matter. THIE surface of Kalamazoo county is slightly rolling, with prairies, openings, timbered lands, and meadows, and contains but very little waste land. It is well watered, the Kalamazoo river (which traverses the towns of Ross, Charleston, Comstock, Kalamazoo, and Cooper) being the chief of the water-courses. 3 18 IIISTORY OF KALAMAZOO COUNTY. It has also many lakes, some of them several miles in extent, the remains, no doubt, of a vast sea that once covered the whole country extending north from the Gulf of Mexico, to Hudson's Bay. The inequalities left in the assorted drift, upon the withdrawal of the submerging ocean, remained filled with water, which, by constant drainage to the sea, with accessions of fresh water only, have become our inland lakes. The highest plateau of ground in the county is in Oshtemo, the railroad station in that township, being upwards of 200 feet above the river, at Kalamazoo (and 350 feet above Lake Michigan), the grade rising from the railway station, at Kalamazoo, to the " Oshtemo sidetrack," at the rate of 37 feet per mile. The highest point on the south seems to be at the north west corner of Prairie Ronde, which is 856 feet above the sea, and 278 above the Lake. A summit is formed on a line running easterly, the waters south of that line flowing into the St. Joseph. The east line of Ross is 197 feet above the lake, Kalamazoo village has an altitude above Lake, Michigan of 154 feet, and above the sea, of 732 feet-and is, like the poet's vale ofAvoca, the meeting-place of many waters. The ground upon which Kalamazoo is situated-its terrestrial foundations-have been subjected to various changes, mostly, however, of a peaceful character; evidences of those violent and convulsive throes of nature which characterize so many facets of the earth's surface, being wholly absent, or unseen, in our geology. The underlying rocks, according to the geological map of Professor Winchell, belong to the Huron Group (Devonian system), though in speaking of the Marshall Group (sandstone) he says: "The formation has not yet been seen in place in Kalamazoo and Allegan counties, but numerous fragments of a purple sandstone are strewn over the surface, identical in general aspect with some layers of the group at Point au Chapeau on Lake Huron." It has thinned out in this direction, for, at Battle Creek " the lower beds of the group are seen in places, highly calcareous and very hard, but filled with characteristic fossils." The grey or mountain limestone, of European geologists, underlies the sandrock and, we believe, has not been found nearer this place than Grand Rapids, where it appears, a supe HISTORY OF KALAMAZOO COUNTY. 19 rior article, in the form of a sloping talus of some twenty-five feet in thickness. The lower sandstones pass beneath this limestone, and, having a dip to the southwest, are so far below us as to make us doubt whether they will ever be uncovered, for their altitude on Lake Superior (Pictured Rocks) being about 300 feet, and their declination so much that at Pt. au Barques they are scarcely a tenth of it, the invariable rule of progression would place the old red sandstone as many feet below us here as it is elevated above us at Lake Superior. The soil upon which we stand apparently belongs to the glacial drift epoch. By some it is contended that the formation is of diluvial, others of alluvial, origin. In the first case, that a huge deluge had hurled at once upon the rock formation an immense mass of drift from distant regions; in the alternative, that the deposit was of slow accretion while this region was submerged. Without discussing the subject at length, we shall merely state our convictions, deduced from observations. This section of the State is a picturesque and romantic region, covered with groves, interspersed with bur oak plains, and prairies, and occasionally forests of pine, except along the water-courses, where the largest class of our forest trees compose what is called the timbered land. The configuration of the soil is rolling, composed of hills and dales running in uniform course, and the first of which are so regularly formed as to have had the term of "Murailles" (walls) applied to them by the first French traders who passed through this lovely and diversified country. These hills are composed of sand and pebbles arranged in regular strata, while through them and on the surface many boulders of primitive rock are scattered. Precious stones are also found, though, alas! no longer precious, as they are so common-among the most abundant are quartz, chalcedony, jasper, prase, agate, cornelian and opal, while often masses of pure native copper are upturned by the excavator or plowman. Beautiful specimens of conglomerate are numerous, composed of quartz and studded with jasper The paleontologist also can find matters of interest in his peculiar branch of science, and though the fossil remains of extinct mammalia are not as plenty 20 HlISTORY OF KALAMIAZOO COUNTY. as in the Eastern and Southern States, yet there are proofs of their former presence here. The remains of a mammoth have been exhumed in Van Buren county near the bank of the Paw Paw river. One of the tusks is said to have been seven feet in length, the parts of the vertebra which were collected were of immense size, and a molar weighed three pounds ten ounces. But, unfortunately, the exposure of this interesting relic of a former age and a former population, caused it to soon crumble into dust. Prof. Winchell speaks of the remains of the elephant, the mastadon and the elk being found in different parts of the State, usually imbedded in beds of marl and peat. Irof. Sager mentions the discovery in the western portion of this State, of a large vertebra, which was recognized, at the time, as the caudal vertebra of a whale. The gentle rounded hills, composed of regular disposed layers of various materials, the presence of native copper*, boulders of primitive and conglomerate rocks, all waterworn and so far from their present natural beds, and the precious stones, sole memorials of primitive rocks perpetually triturated, bear strong testimony that this whole section was formerly submerged and gradually upheaved, and during this operation the deposition of beds of sand and pebbles was made by a slow and gradual process, instead of by some great catalclysm; foi', had the latter been the cause of the removal of the material fronm its original bed and its deposition here, they would all undoubtedly have been hurled into a vast chaotic mass, instead of leing duly arranged by a benificent Creator for the wants and comforts of man. Marly clay of a coarse character is plentifully diffused throughout this )art of the State. It is associated with nodules of lime and ferruginous matter, which nakes it an inferior building material, but as the peblles are often stratified, with little care clay may be obtained free from them. The sand is of various kinds, and generally what is termed 'bank sand," *The writer has in his possession a piece of pure native copper, which was found several feet below the surface, when a well was being sunk on the lot, south west corner of Main and Burdick Streets. IlTSTORY OF KALAMAZOO COUNTY. 21 partaking of a loamy nature, but many a strata of pure silex is found, with occasionally patches of the iron sand of commerce. Beds of clean, water-worn pebbles are found in every direction, while deposits of marl, composed of recent shells, are used in the manufacture of lime. These deposits are generally found in the bed of some pond and appear to be of various formations and mollusca, and between the strata layers of earthy material are interspersed. Iron has also been found within the present limits of this village, and for years was taken out in paying quantities and smelted here. There are also many streams and springs, some of the latter showing the presence of minerals, and the country abounds in lakes. The soils are very rich and productive, and embrace every variety desirable for agricultural and economical purposes. No extensive rock formations, that we are aware of, crop out in this county, and our only building stone is that scattered on the surface. Traces of coal are sometimes seen in the sandhills but no continuous deposit probably exists in this portion of the State. The ancient earth-works, mounds and garden-beds, (monuments of a mysterious race which once inhabited, in vast numbers, this section), which are spread over the county, were more marked and observable in the days of the early settlement than at the present time, though many of the mounds still remain in nearly the same condition in w-hich they were found. One of the largest and most striking of these tumuli is the mound in our public lark. At an early day this N-whole plain was a series of ancient garden-beds; but the invasion of a regenerating host. careless alike of their origin and their fiture fate, has swept away these relics, the plow has broken in upon the symnletlr of even many of the mounds, and it is feared that soon these embossed illustrations of our ancient history will be obliterated forever. Who were the mounld builders? is a question that has exercised the best minds in our country, and lead to immense research and investitation. rTle conclusion that has been arrived at l)y the best authors is: That this population was numnerous 22 HISTORY OF KALAMAZOO COUNTY. and widely spread; the number and extent of the ancient monuments, and the extensive range of their occurrence, throughout the Mississippi Valley and the region of the great lakes, proving this. That it was essentially homogeneous, in customs, habits, religion, and government. This opinion (says an eminent archeologist) can be in no way affected, whether we assume that the ancient race was at one time diffused over the entire Valley, or that it migrated slowly fiom one portion of it to the other, un(ler pressure of hostile neighbors or the attractions of a more genial climate. The features common to all the monuments are elementary, and identify them as appertaining to a single grand system, owing its origin to a family of men, moving in a general direction, acting under common impulses, and influenced by similar causes Without attempting to indicate the probable origin or cause of disappearance of this race, the connection between them and the Aztec race seems very intimate. Like that people, the mound-builders were stationary and agricultural in their habits-conditions indispensible to large population, fixedness of institutions, and to any considerable advance in economical or ennobling arts. This characteristic is evident from many facts, prominent among which is that their monuments and remains are almost entirely confined to the fertile valleys of streams, or to productive alluvions,-precisely the locations best adapted for agricultural purposes, and capable of sustaining the densest population, and where fish and game would be most plentifil. We have not space to describe the great variety and extent of these tumuli, that are scattered over the continent, fiom Oregon to the Atlaitic States, and even to and beyond the Gulf of Mexico, nor point out the difference between their defensive works, their religious (sacrificial) and sepulchral mound, mounds of observations, temple mounds, etc. Those of this State are but mere mole-hills to the immense earth-works, cones and hillmounds of Ohio, Illinois, Wisconsin and other States. One of the largest of these is at Cahokia, Illinois. The form of this mound is that of a parallelogram, 700 feet long by 500 wide at the base, and 90 feet high. Upon one side is a broad terrace, IISTORY OF KALAMAZOO COUNTY. 23 which is reached by a graded ascent. Within it were found human bones, stone implements and pottery. This mound covers not far from eight acres, and the area of its level summit is about five acres. Specimens of finely cut representations of animals and birds, beads and other ornaments, of stone and copper have been found, and the best of evidence is afforded that the mound-builders were a cultivated and superior race, the equals of their contemporaries, the pyramid builders of' the Nile. This race were our predecessors in this valley. The great antiquity of these mounds is attested by the fact that in many cases they are covered by primitive forests in no particular distinguishable from those which surround them. Some of these trees are 800 years old, and surrounded with the mouldering remains of others, undoubtedly of equal original dimensions, but now fallen and almost incorporated with the soil. That these people also occupied a vast extent of territory at the same time, with lines of communication between extreme points, is evident for we find, side by side in the same mounds, native copper from Lake Superior, mica from the Alleghanies, shells from the Gulf, and obsidian (pearlstone) from Mexico. But whence they came or when or how the extinction of these " lost tribes" was brought about is not even left to the faintest tradition, and the story of their lives is a sealed book. Only these relics and mounds tell that they have been. There have evidently been considerable physical changes in the appearance of some portions of the ground whereon Kalamazoo is situated, since the days of the mound-builders. The buroaks; that are the pride of our city, are not of the " forest primeval," but belong, at least, to a secondary growth. The river here spread into a wide bay, with a vast shore-line and innumerable indentations. The gradual filling up of this lake has made the extensive marshes which are to be seen,-now reclaimed, dry and highly productive. A belt of beech, maple, basswood, etc., in times not far remote, margined the shores of the Arcadia creek, from the river to a point near the base of College Hill. Remains of beaver dams were seen on this creek at a point near where Church street crosses it, by the first settlers. A very large dain 24 IIISTORY OF KALAMAZOO COUNTY. of like origin, was thrown across the creek near the site of Bauman's new brewery, before the settlement, but it had broken away, and was only traceable by its ruins. KALAMAZOO. LEAVING now the period of antecedent history and the consideration of subjects that force themselves upon the mind, in view of our surroundings, we come down to a modern and recent series of events-to a point of time within the memory of men, not yet old. Avoiding any recital of the adventures of the early French missionaries, who occasionally passed through this portion of territory, on their way fiom Canada to the Mississippi, we will begin by saying that Kalamazoo was ever a cherished spot to the red man. All his legends illustrate this regard, and if further proof is wanting, it is seen in the great number of trails that converged here from all directions. Several burialplaces were located here, and evidences of repeated sojourns of the Ishmaels of the forest, were noted by the whites who first came. The tribe who held sway over this region was the Pottawattomie, whose characteristics and history were briefly set forth in a previous volume. Their principal village hereabouts, in 1812, was at Indian Fields, in Portage, a hidden village, situated away from the trails. It was the time when the warriors were away aiding the British; a period marked and commemorated by the old smithy, erected on the Prairie Ronde trail, near the south line of the "Axtell farm," so often visited and so well IISTORY OF KALAMAZOO COUNTY. 25 remembered by the old settlers. This pioneer mechanic shop of this place and the Kalamazoo valley, was set up here by the English (overnment, and a smith was stationed here, to repair fire-locks, prepare bullets, etc., and there was probably a "cache" of powder, lead, knives and other "war material." The smithy consisted of a round block upon which an anvil had been placed, and the remains of a rude forge, built of logs and earth, but which had crumbled away in the lapse of years. A heap of charcoal and some debris of the furnace and work-shop can still be found, by raking away the accumlated vegetable mold. Tlhe French traders had a post here about this time. Mr. Louis Campau, one of the oldest of these marchalds des bois, who still lives, in Grand Rapids, writes, in reply to some questions touchilng the traders, as follows: " Before, and a short time after thle war of 1812, there was a line of Indian villages from Ypsilanti to the mouth of the St. Joseph River, located as follows: at places where are now Ypsilanti, Ann Arbor, Jackson, Battle Creek, Gull Prairie, Kalamiazoo, Prairie Ronde, South Bend and St. Joseph, all of the Pottawattomie tribe. There were trading posts at some of these places. At Ypsilanti Mr. Schamber had a post; at JacKson, Mr. Baerotiea; at Kalamazoo, Mr. Lumaiville; at Elkhart, Mr. Moredant; at South Bend, Mr. Bertrand. Messrs. Bennett & Brother were traders at Michigan City. When I passed through Kalamazoo in 1827 there were but two log houses there. Louis CAMPAU." Mr. Campau here evidently means, by the " two log houses," those occupied by the' trader and his family, as the Indians did not build log houses, and there were no other whites here. Refbrence has been made in a former volume to our trading post and a description given of it. These traders brought their goods from Detroit, on pack horses, through an unbroken forest, or in batteaux, up the devious windings of the river, from the lakes. Their assortment consisted of ammunition, steel traps, spear tines, hooks, blankets, beads, clothing, calicoes, hats, and caps, a few boots and shoes, and last; not least in the estimation 4 26 HISTORY OF KALAMAZOO COUNTY. of their tawny patrons, an unfailing supply of whiskey. Sometimes rifles and shot guns were supplied, and occasionally a pony that the trader had obtained from Campau's numerous stud (he often had from 700 to 1000 at a time, grazing along the Detroit river) to bring out his goods, would be sold to Indians if wanted. In exchange for these they would receive money (very little), furs and other articles of export, which had also to be conveyed to market in the same tedious manner that commodities were brought out. In this way most of them amassed fortunes, and all of them led a romantic and unsettled life. They were fearless and their influence and power over the Indian was almost absolute. With the influx of the whites their trade was much enlarged, as they were depended upon to furnish their new neighbors. There is much interest attached to the old trading-post on the Kalamazoo river at this place, though now there are only a few logs to mark its old foundations, and associations with primitive days in the memories of the earliest settlers. The grounds upon which it stood, perhaps even a century ago, from whence the most beautiful view of the river is obtained, is now in the enclosure of the RIVERSIDE CEMETERY. From the hills above it, the first glimpses of this lovely valley and its fair surroundings met the eyes of the earliest pioneers. Nearly forty-three years ago, in May, 1826, a young missionary, on his way to the Carey Mission, on the St. Joseph river, there to begin a life-work of teaching the Gospel to the Indians-arrived at the summit of the hill that rose before the entrance of the old post. It was nearly nightfall, and, tired with the long tramp along the trail, since morning, he stopped, laid down his knapsack, and staff, prepared himself for rest, and was not long in finding "tired nature's sweet restorer, balmy sleep." In the morning he arose, and pursued his journey, but the glorious scene that met his gaze as he turned it westward, was never effaced from his mind, and years after, when he knew he must soon rest from life's pilgrimage, he desired that the spot where he halted on that May evening, should be his resting-place. And there Leonard Slater sleeps, after forty year's devotion to his Master's cause. HISTORY OF KALAMAZOO COUNTY. 27 There is a sad story connected with this trading-post. Recollet, one of the oldest of the traders at this point, had two daughters who, as they grew up, became more and more the pride and idols of his heart. Year after year they unfolded new graces and new beauties, and made the wilderness a merry place with their ringing voices, and inextinguishable happiness. Like the waters of the Ke-Kenamazoo they loved so much, the current of their lives flowed sweetly, smoothly on. Fearless as an Indian l)brave, lithe and sinewy as a deer, as tireless as eagles, and as sure-footed as a scout, there was not a nook, hillside or streamlet, for miles around, they did not explore; not a spring, lake, or meadow brook but returned their mocking glances, laved their Camillian feet, or bubbled up fiesh beakers to kiss their thirsty lips. But at last the time came when the father, who had long wrestled against the thought of separation, yielded to what he believed to be his duty, and determined they should be educated and fitted for a better life-for he held " the gray barbarian lower than the Christian child." lie himself went with them to Montreal and placed them in a convent. They were permitted twice to revisit their old home, and finally, their education completed, they started once more homeward. But they were destined never again to tread the old familiar hills. While upon a brief visit to Mackinac, they were both drowned, the boat in which they were enjoying an excursion, being overturned by a sudden storm. When the sad tidings at last reached the aged father he became like one who, by a sudden stroke, is deprived of all hope or comfort. lie remained here but a little time afterwards, and soon disappeared, none knew whither. Besides Recollet, there were several other traders engaged at this post, at different times, and among them were Numaiville, Peter Coteau, Liephart, and Rix Robinson, the last-named person, though owning it a number of years, was here only a short time in 1837, to close up its affairs. The surroundings of the place we have referred to, both by nature and association are, in a high degree, romantic. It is the ground upon which many a scene of love, prowess, council and battle, was enacted; it was the home, and the burial-place, of the 28 HIISTORY OF KALAMAZOO COUNTY. most fimous of the Indian chiefs. It was here the trails all met, for the river crossing, and for some time it was the fordingplace of the pioneers, until Nate IIarrison's ferry was started, in 1832, and enjoyed a busy and eventful career until 1834. The " boys" used to have a good deal of "fun" at the post, when this colony was small, and there was no public opinion to regulate the morals. There are still living here some of that merry crew who delighted to go down to the post, worry " old Reckly," drink his whiskey, hold "buayaws," and have a "good' time generally. On one occasion, after being repeatedly tormented, the old Frenchman, seeing his "friends" applroaching, barred his doors and refused them access. The boys made a vigorous attack but vain were all their efforts to cfftct an entrance. Finally, they accomplished by strategy what they could not compass by force. One of them mounted the roof; crept to the chimney, and, by the aid of his companions, closed tlle aperture completely. Then they patiently waited the result. rl'le Frenchman held out as long as possible, but finally succlumbed, opened his door, rubbing his tearfll eyes, and cursing with many "sacr-r-es" and like expletives —having been literally smoked out! In June, 1829, Titus IBronson, a Connecticut Yankee, following the Indian pathway from Ann Arbor westward, known as the St. Joseph trail, reached the summit of tlhe hills above the old trading-place, just as the sun was setting. Halting for a moment and permitting his eye to wander over the valley, he at once realized the beauty of the scene, an(l, at the same time, his practical mind recognized the adlvantages here afforded for building up a town. " I-ere," said he to himself, after reflecting for a few moments, " here is a first-rate place for a city!" and he never thought differently afterwards. I)escending the hill to the Indian fording-place, he crossed the river, and followed the trail still onward until he came to a large mound, about which were many ancient and grass-covered garden-beds. Iere he rested for the night, resolving to explore the valley next morning. His carpet-bag was well stored with creature comforts, and, breakfast taken, after a sound sleep, he proceeded to look over the land. It proved no mirage, on his closer examination,,, ~~ V ~VII-I1V -LI1~_ ZD HI STORY OF KALAMAZ00 COUNTY. 29 nor dispelled the vision that distance had lent enchantment to, on the previous evening. He examined the place on all sides, and was entirely satisfied with it, and then set himself to work to secure a proprietory right to the ground. Within a few weeks he had erected a rude cabin and taken the initiatory steps to secure his claim. This cabin was built at a point on Kalamazoo Avenue, just west of West street, and a short distance fiom the Arcadia creek that then flowed across the meadow a dozen rods north of its present (artificial) channel. It was of logs, roofed with rails and covered with grass; and, in dimensions, was about 12 feet wide by 14 long and one story high, Mr. Bronson did not remain here during the winter ensuing, but sojourned at the Prairie Ronde settlement, what time he was not looking out land for himself or others. As soon as the land-office was opened at White Pigeon he obtained a patent of the Governmenlt for the land he had selected here, viz: The east half of the southwest lquarter of section fifteen, in town two south of range eleven west; and Stephen Richardson, who was interested with 1Bronson in the proposed village, took the west half of the southwest quarter of the same section. The next settler, (and the first who came here accompanied by his family) was William atlrris, who arrived in the spring of 1 30, and lived in a rude cabin w]ich lie erected under the hills north of the present cemetery, on the trail which led to Grand Prairie. Ie was visitedl, late in the summer, by Rodney Seymour, Lot M. and Noah North, this trio having set out fiom Ypsilanti, where they had been at work making brick. Seymour's sister, Mrs. I). S. Dillie, was then living on Gull Prairie, and to visit her was one of the objects of the adventurous journey. After remaining there a short time, Seymour and his companions pushed on to the Kalamazoo river, and, crossing at the Indian ford, soon after came upon the site of the future city. In its crown of summer beauty the wide but lonely valley was unsurpassingly lovely; bur oaks, with low growing branches, covered, not very thickly, the somewhat rolling surface of the plain, which was fiee of underbrush and overspread with luxuriant grass, starred and flamed with the gayest and most beau 30 HISTORY OF KAILAMAZOO COUNTY. tiful of wild flowers. Following a well-beaten trail along the sparkling creek, the travelers at last approached the cabin of our pioneer. This is described as a domicil of the most primitive style of architecture, and as it is a type of many of the first habitations in the West, a picture of one will serve for all. By the side of a spring, or stream, large or small, a spot was chosen for the new home. This one was hard by a bubbling spring of excellent water, and where fuel was abundant. It was built of small logs one upon another grooved at the ends so as to fit all around closely, the chinks being stopped with wood and filled with mud-with small oblong appertures for windows on the side, another and larger in front for a doorway, and still another in the roof for the chimney-made of sticks and clay (but often there was only a hole in the roof through which the smoke, after lingering with the family and the household gods till "all was blue," would wander out at its own sweet will). The roof flat, but sloping, was composed of poles and thatched with straw. When the weather was inclement blankets would be put up at the windows, or the head of the family found it a con. venient place to stretch a coon-skin to dry, with "the wooly side out and the fleshy side in." At night a blanket or sheet would serve as a door, and often the house-dog, watching at the threshold would arouse his master when the saucy wolves, whose howl made darkness hideous, approached too near. Within the hut comforts seemed entirely wanting. There was no floor, the furniture comprised a camp-kettle, frying-pan, knives and forks, and some tin plates, two stools, and a bedstead made by inserting two poles into the side of the house, and supporting the other ends, (kept apart by a cross-piece) from the ground, by wooden legsbark of the elm or basswood being used in place of bed-cord. Beds were made upon the ground for the children; the cooking was performed outside when the weather would permit, the fire-place inside being a mere space of ground in the corner set apart for that purpose under the hole in the roof. A little patch of ground had been planted, near the house, to corn and potatoes-but in many respects the life of the pioneer was, for some time, but a little above that of the Indian; he relied more upon HISTORY OF KALAMAZOO COUNTY. 31 his rifle than his harvest. In this dwelling was a family of five, the father, mother, and three children. Our adventurers rested here but a short time, inquired which the trail to the Big Prairie ettlement and departed. Their way led them past the old smithy, and, looking back from the hill, no other habitation but the one they just halted at could be seen-no other raised its modest head amid the sylvan glories of the enchanting valley, on the far-reaching plain or the western wooded hillsides. Nathan Harrison, William Mead, and Elisha aIll, followed Harris, in the settlement a few weeks after, in the order in which they are here placed. Nathan Harrison raised a cabin on the site of what was afterwards the old River House, on " Harrison's half-acre," at the confluence of the Portage with the Kalamazoo. Mead lived with his brother-in-law, Harris. Hall moved into a hut that he built on Arcadia creek near the river. These are all the families that settled in this immediate vicinity in 1830, so far as the writer has been able to learn. Supplies were obtained when needed, from the French trader below, or from Prairie Ronde. But fish and game were plenty, and the wants of the settlers were few. The year 1831 was more promising for the prospects of the future village. The proprietor, Titus Bronson, and family, came in the spring, and occupied a log house built for him on what is now the north east corner of Church and Water streets. The village had been surveyed and laid out during the fall or winter before, for we find the record of the acknowledgement to the plat by Bronson and Stephenson, dated March 12, 1831, and taken before " Wm. Duncan, Justice of the Peace," who then held sway over the town of Brady, then embracing the south half of the county. The plat and grants accompanying it may be seen in Liber A of Deeds, page 8, in the Register's office The county-seat had already been located by commissioners. Below their report is given, as it is a document of considerable historical interest, and embodies facts that will save repeating elsewhere: " To his Excellency Lewis Cass, Governor of Michigan: " SIl:-The Commissioners appointed by your Excellency, to 32 HISTORY OF KALAMAZOO COUNTY. locate the seat ofjustice for the county of Kalanmazoo, beg leave respectfully to report: "That, after taking the oath prescribed by law, and within thirty days after being notified of their appointment, they proceeded to the county, and entered upon the duty assigned them, with a firm determination to discharge it fearlessly, and without reference to any object other than the public good. Many difficulties stood in the way of a speedy determination of the most suitable site for the county seat, which led to a much more thorough examination of the county, than was at first contemplated. "That your Excellency may be aware of tile reasons that influenced the minds of the commissioners, in the location they have made, a short description of the county is considered proper. It is interspersed with many prairies, some of which are large and fertile. Settlements have already commenced on most of them, and so rapid do they progress, that in a short time, this county will claim a standing with the most populous in the Territory. "Prairie Round is the largest, supposed to contain twenty thousand acres of land; situated near the southwest corner of the county. Two hundred families reside on tle borders of this lake of land; where they have heavy timbered land on the one side of their houses, and an immense open Prairie on the other. Gull Prairie is next in importance, and is situated in the north east corner of the county. It is one-half or three-fifths as large as Prairie Round. The settlement of this has only commenced, but from the character of its present inhabitants, and the local and other advantages it possesses, a heavy population may be reasonably anticipated. "Grand Prairie is nearly or quite as large as Gull Prairie. It is situated four miles northwest of the Geographical center of the county, nearly in a direct line between the two above mentioned, and about equi-distant from both. " These three places, with the rich timbered land which borders them on one side or the other, will necessarily contain the largest share of the population of the county. "The small Prairies (except Toland's and Aldrich's) are gene HISTORY OF KALAMAZOO COUNTY. 33 rally in the vicinity of those described, forming openings of from 20 to 500 acres, which give the county a picturesque appearance. [Here follows a description of the face of the country, its timber, water courses, etc., which is omitted,] " The geographical centre of the county is three miles and a half south of the Kalamazoo River, and about the same distance from the great Territorial Road, laid out from Sheldon's, on the Chicago Road, to the mouth of the St. Josephs River, on Lake Michigan. ~ Much anxiety was felt and manifested by the large and respectable population of Prairie Round, for the location of the county seat on the Portage stream, near the geographical centre of the county, and four miles from the Kalamazoo River. Much labor and time was spent in examining the claims of this place, which, although of some magnitude, were not considered to take the site from the benefits to be derived from the navigation of the River. "T Two places upon the river, about the same distance from the centre of the county, presented their claims for the site. These were examined with care and not without anxiety. " A spot was at length selected on an eminence near the centre of the south-west quarter of section fifteen, town two, south of range eleven, west, owned by Titus Bronson, Esq. Mr. Bronson has agreed to lay out a village, and place upon the proper records a plan or map thereof, duly acknowledged, with the following pieces of land, properly marked and set apart in said map or plan for public use: One square of sixteen rods for the Court House; one square of sixteen rods for a Jail; one square of sixteen rods for an Academy; one square of eight rods for Common Schools; one square of two acres for a public burial ground; four squares, of eight rods each, for the four first religious denominations that become incorporated in said village, agreeably to the statute of the Territory. " This place is situated at the great bend of the Kalamazoo River, on its south-western bank, immediately below the Portage stream. The reasons which influenced the location of the county seat at this place, are: 1st. It is on the bank of the river. HISTORY OF KALAMAZ00 COUNTY. which at that place is navigable, most of the year, for keel boats of several tons burthen. 2d. It is in the direct line between the two largest prairies in the county, viz.: Prairie Round and Gull Prairie; about nine miles from the latter, and ten from the fornler place, and Grand Prairie two miles on its west. 3d. Good roads may with facility be made from it into any part of the county. Four or five large trails set out from this place, leading to as many different places of importance on the St. Joseph and Grand Rivers. 4th. The great Territorial road passes through it, "Your Excellency is therefore respectfully recommended to establish, permanently, the county seat at the place above mentioned. JOHN ALLEN, "Ann Arbor, Jan. 15th, 1831. CALVIN SMITH." "Approved, April 2d, 1851. LEW. CASS." On the twelfth of May, 1831, John T. Mason, "Secretary of the Territory, and at present acting Governor thereof,' issued the proclamation, in due form, "establishing the seat of justice of the said county of Kalamazoo, upon the said spot of land, described as aforesaid," referring to the place designated in the above report. After Bronson, came, in the spring and summer of 1831, Dr. Abbott, David S. Dillie (cooper), Elias and John Mead, HIosea B. Huston, Rodney Seymour. Dillie settled on forty acres running south and west from the west comer of College and West streets, and built him a log house there. Huston was a member of the firm of Smith, Huston & Co., of Schoolcraft, and built the store, which until recently stood on the north-east corner of Main and Rose streets, as a branch establishment. Bronson's house was a place of refuge for all comers until they could provide themselves with houses or shanties to live in. When Huston's store was finished, Dr. Abbott and family occupied the upper story. Besides these pioneers, there were settlers about this time that passed by the " village," and located on Genesee Prairie; of such were John Hascall, Anthony Cooley, Erastus Smith, and a Mr. Wild, with their families. Enoch Harris had preceeded them, and was comfortably provided for, on his nice little farm. Others, again, preferred Gull and Toland's Prairies. HISTORY OF KALAMAZOO COUNTY. 35 On the 31st of April, of this year, in accordance with an act of the Territorial Legislature, organizing the township of Arcadia, -the name first given this township-approved, July 30th, the first election was held, at the house of Titus Bronson, though the act provided the election should be held at the house of Titus Brown. The township then embraced all of the'north half of the county, but there were less than a dozen votes polled. The next legislature legalized the action of the meeting. The county had been organized two years before (July 29th, 1829), under the name of Kalamazoo, derived from the Indian name of the river, Kc-Kcnamnazoo (the boiling pot); the townhsip was next organized, the village was surveyed and christened with the name of Bronson, and it was established as the county seat; a pretty fair start, at least on paper. The unorganized counties of Calhoun, Eaton and Barry, and all the country north of these, were attached to Kalamazoo for judicial purposes. Bazel Harrison and Stephen Hoyt were appointed Justices of the County Court. The first record of the Court bears date Oct. 17th, 1831, and Cyrus Lovell appears with a petition from the proprietors and citizens of the village of Bronson, requesting an alteration, in part, of the plat of said village. In the fall of this year a few others came, among whom were, our first lawyer, Cyrus Lovell-he had first settled on Toland's Prairie-and E. Lakin Brown, who had then purchased an interest in the Dry and Miscellaneous Goods establishment of Smith, Huston & Co, headquarters at Schoolcraft-which village, at that time, was the seat of commerce and the market-place for Bronson, Paw Paw, Battle Creek, St. Joseph, and the surrounding country. Mr. Brown resided at Schoolcraft, but was here often during '31 and '32. sometimes for weeks together. Cyrus, the lawgiver, was a peculiar man, and not the least marked of his peculiarities was an inherent disinclination to toil; he was also a good story teller, a well informed, interesting man, but an uncompromising enemy of flies-in fact, the antipodes of Sterne's "Uncle Toby" on the fly question, and, woe to the unwary insect that came within the reach of uncle " Cy.'s " dextrous hand, his lightning stroke! It was during this fall that Lovell began 36 HISTORY OF KALAMAZOO COUNTY. his house, on the corner of what is now Rose and Water streets, and being unable to obtain any one to dig his cellar, was forced himself to ply the pick and spade. The consequence was, that the proportions of the cellar as originally designed were materially curtailed. It was while Lovell was digging this cellar that Brown, who was in the habit of going over to watch the progress of the work, and listen to Cyrus' stories, one day proposed to examine the mound (now in the park enclosure), to which Lovell assented, and an excavation was made, from the summit to the base. Some human bones were found, in the last stages of decay, some pieces of charred wood, and other mouldering debris. The hole was again filled up, and the investigation was quite satisfactory to the participants. Among those who came to Bronson in the fall of this year, was Gen. Justus Burdick. Some years previous, Elon Farnsworth, after having completed his studies, in Vermont, was advised by his friend, Gen. Burdick, to go to the West, then just beginning to attract the attention of the enterprising and far-seeing men of the East, and try his fortunes there. Farnsworth came to Detroit and never had reason to regret it. Gen. Burdick removed, soon after, from Woodstock to Burlington, went into trade there, and became somewhat involved, though not bankrupt. It was then that Farnsworth wrote and endeavored to induce Burdick to come West, and was successful. Gen. Burdick came to Detroit, made the acquaintance, among others, of Lucius Lyon, who had already an ambition respecting the village of Kalamazoo, and Burdick was persuaded to come here. Ite was entirely satisfied with what he saw, and soon after purchased of Bronson the east half of the southwest quarter of section 15, (except four lots which Bronson had sold to Smith and Iluston, and Channcey Merwin,) the sum paid for the land being $850. The deed was executed in Detroit, October 24th, 1831, in Farnsworth's office, Bronson's wife, not being present. subsequently in due form perfecting the conveyance. Burdick then returned to Burlington. Late in the fall of 1831, his brother, Cyren, was sent here, and he commenced the erection of a hotel, the Kalamazoo House, making a contract with a Mr. Fos IISTORY OF KALAMAZOO COUNTY. 37 ter, (now Dr. Foster, of Otsego,) for the building of it. But we are anticipating the progress of events. Rodney Seymour built a shanty on a piece of ground west of the present terminus of Kalamazoo Avenue, in the summer and fall of 1831, and made brick; Dillie did coopering for the multitude, and Elisha Hall began to show his hand as a carpenter, by making the cabins more house-like and comfortable. By the close of the year, the little village could boast of one store (beside the trading post), a doctor, three or four mechanics, and a population not exceeding fifteen souls, exclusive of Indians. The entries of land in this township, which had been made up to the close of this year, were: the w. h. of the s. w. qr, of sec. 15, to Stephen HI-. Richardson, Nov. 1, 1830, and the e. h. of s. e. qr. of the same section, at the same time, to Titus Bronson; the n. h. of the s. w. qr., of sec. 9, was taken by Nathan Harrison, and Sally Bronson took up the s. h. of the s. w. qr. of sec. 9; Horace Starkweather, of Otsego county, N. Y., entered the n. frac. of sec. 10, and John A. Clark, of Monroe, Mich., the s. w. frac. and the south part of the e. fraction. The first event of importance we find in the year 1832, is the town election meeting, held at Titus Bronson's. Isaac Barns, Justice of the Peace, called the meeting to order; Caleb Eldred was chosen Moderator, and Lovell Moore, Clerk, pro. fern. The following officers were elected for the ensuing year: Caleb Eldred, Supervisor; Leland Lane, Clerk; Anthony Cooley, Samuel Brown and A. E. Mathews, Commissioners of Highways; Horace Holmes, Leland Lane and Simeon Mills, Assessors; Seth Taft, Collector; Seth Taft and Wnm. P. Giddings, Constables; John Barns and Titus Bronson, Overseers of the Poor; Isaac 3riggs, Erastus Ransom and Erastus Smith, were elected Fence Viewers by acclamation, as were also Titus Bronson and Willard Mills, Pound Masters; Ralph Tuttle, Simeon Mills, Stephen Eldred, Laban Keys, Eleazer Hunt, Wm. Logan and Nathan Harrison Overseers of Highways; and Erastus Ransom, Orville Barnes, Jonathan Abbott, John Hascall and W. P. Giddings, School Commissioners. It was voted at this meeting that the Supervisor and Clerk be requested to draft a petition and for 38 HISTORY OF KALAMAZOO COUNTY. ward it to the Legislative Council, for a division of the township, to take effect one year from date (April 3d, 1832.) The meeting adjourned to meet in Comstock village, at the house of Caleb Eldred, on the day for holding the next annual meeting. The first work of the township authorities was in laying out roads. The Commissioners divided the town into road districts, and Stephen Vickery, and, after him, Pierce Barber, surveyed all the roads that for several years led to and from Bronson. In the month of November, a special township meeting was held at the house of Titus Bronson, Stephen Vickery, Moderator. Wm. P. Giddings was chosen Collector, and $100 voted to be raised to defray the expenses of the township for the year. Mr. Giddings did not accept, and subsequently Nathan Harrison was appointed in his place. The first recorded roads are: Bronson to Genesee Prairie, Oct. 24, 1832; Bronson to Gull Prairie, Oct. 25, '32; Gull Prairie to Gull Creek, and thence to the arm of the lake, Oct. 26 and 27, '32; Toland's Prairie to Indian Fields, Jan. 28th, 1833. Gull Prairie to Grand River, January 29th and 31st, 1833. The suit of Geo. Shaw, appellee, vs. Abraham J. Shaver and Epli. Harrison, appellants, the first litigated case on our records, took place at Bronson's house, at the October session of the Court, Judge Bazel Harrison on the bench. Jury returned a verdict of $61 20, damages and costs. The attorneys in this suit were MeGaffey and Humphreys, for the plaintiff; and Cyrus Lovell and John Hascall, for defendants. This is the scene of Anthony Cooley's picture of " The First Court in Kalamazoo." This Court, at the same session, in the matter of the petition presented by Cyrus Lovell, adjudged and ordered, that so much of the plat of the village of Bronson, in the county of Kalamazoo, as is laid out on the east half of the southwest quarter of section 15, in town 2, south of range 11 west, be vacated, and that the plat as recently surveyed by Lucius Lyon be adopted and recorded. Provided, That the proprietors of the above lot shall convey by a good and sufficient [deed] to the Supervisors of the township of Arcadia, and their successors in office, three acres of land for a public burying-ground, situate in the N. W. cor. of the HISTORY OF KALAMAZOO COUNTY. wI of the s. w. I of section 22, in town 2, south of range 11 west. The burying-ground was subsequently deeded to the town by Messrs. Richardson & Bronson, and is the same that is now, at this writing, in such neglected condition, on south West street. Bronson, during the winter of 1831-2 had erected a saw mill on the Portage creek, and it was in running order in the spring. Rodney Seymour was employed by Bronson to tend the mill, but it was, within a few weeks, sold to Cyren Burdick, and Seymour continued with the new proprietor for a year or more, a large share of the lumber made being used in building the Kalamazoo I-ouse, though the mill at Comstock contributed the first supplies of lumber. The Bronson mill was put up by M. B. IHounson, but it was not very effective until the machinery was overhauled and remodeled by Smith L. Wood, who came this spring. Dr. Foster, Elisha IHall, and Wood, did most of the work on the Kalamazoo I-ouse. It is related that, on a Saturday, when the timbers were all framed, and everything ready for the "raising," it was found there were not men enough to lift the timbers into place. The task was successfully accomplished the next day, the whole country for miles around barely furnishing men enough for the purpose. The work on the new "tavern" was so far completed by the middle of summer as to shelter Cyren Burdick and his family, and to be opened for the public early in September, though it was not finished for many months afterwards. It was 40 feet long by 30 feet deep, and, when the front was completed with its upper and lower piazzas, was, for those day, a fine looking building. As it was in the fall of 1832, it may be seen now, with some slight changes, on Portage street, No. 40. Cyren Burdick was its landlord until the fall of 1834. It became a place of meeting for many public and festive occasions and had an important influence in the growth of the colony. Dr. Abbott was appointed postmaster in July, 1832, and the first office was in Huston's store. The mail was carried from Jackson to Prairie Ronde in '31, by a man named Darling, who made the trip sometimes on a pony, sometimes afoot-the mail matter being stowed away in the carrier's hat. When our office 40 HISTORY OF KALAMAZOO COUNTY. was established here, Lucius Barns obtained the contract and carried the mail, weekly, in a covered wagon, this being the first stage line. The first framed dwelling house was built by Smith L. Wood (on the site of T. P. Sheldon's residence) this year, and Dr. Abbott commenced a like edifice on the ground where his brick building stands. Anthony Cooley removed here, into a house built for him on Edwards street; James Parker and famiily, from Cassopolis, located on Water street; Henry Mower, Nathanial Foster, Stephen Vickery, - Edginton, and a few others, were among the accessions to our village, while, within a few miles, there were many other settlers who had come to make this county their homes, and whose names will appear in the history of their towns. A man, name not ascertained, died at the Kalamazoo House soon, after it was opened, and was buried on the lot where Charles Gibbs, Esq., now lives. The man came Detroit, was taken ill, and died very suddenly, of cholera, it was said. A child was also buried, about the same time on the lot referred to. The inhabitants, too, had a taste of war, or at least, a bit of the " pomp and circumstance" thereof. Our colony, and, in fact all the settlements, were terribly excited in the month of May with the story of a wild rider who rushed, like another Paul Revere, through the towns, crying "the Indians are coming!'" and summoning the "minute men" to meet without delay, at Niles, the grand rendezvous, and prepare to hurl back the savage and advancing cohorts of the merciless and butchering Blackhawk! Col. Huston and Capt. Harrison immediately raised all the men they could get, and marched to Schoolcraft, organized and drilled for upwards of a week, and then set out for Niles, with a troop 200 strong (?), compared with which in discipline, morale and effectiveness, the conic section of the Mackerel Brigade were mere pretenders, and the bummers in Sherman's army but idle foragers. Our veterans, after a toilsome march, in which there was some straggling, went into camp at a point within a mile of Niles Here they remained two days, being unable to go into Niles, that unfortunate town being so full of other brave defenders, that it might be called one vast camp, while famine began to threaten a fate worse than death by the HISTORY OF KALAMAZOO COUNTY. 41 scalp-shaving savages. On the evening of the second day's encampment " general orders " were issued announcing that the threatened danger had passed, and the regiment would take up the line of march next morning, at a given hour, for Schooleraft. Strict discipline and soldierly conduct was enjoined by the orders, and guard having been properly mounted, darkness finally enveloped the camp, Morpheus proved mightier than Mars, and, long before midnight, only the sentry was astir, treading his lonely rounds. Suddenly his ear catches a sound like the crackling of twigs; he listens, looks-but he sees nothing; the noise is not repeated, and he goes on, smiling at his fears, But in a few moments the silence is terrifically broken, for" At once there rose so wild a yell, It seemed the fiends from Heaven that fell Had peeled the banner-cry of Hell I" and the appalled sentinel, unable to speak or move, saw the yelling savages breaking for the camp. The scene there was alto(ether indescribable. Fear overcame the martial host-that awful Indian whoop curdled the listener's blood with horror-some fled, others prayed, and some were paralyzed and seemed as if rooted to the earth. Within five minutes the "army" had surrendered unconditionally; but the victors, where were they? where were the savage hordes that had surprised the camp and committed such unheard-of atrocities? On examination, no one was found to be seriously hurt, and, before morning, the full extent of the huge joke was realized. The "regimental headquarters" seemed to enjoy the affair greatly. On the homeward march the " boys" took to the woods whenever an opportunity occurred, and all that returned to the Schoolcraft barracks did not amount to a corporal's guard. Rev. Mr. Robe (Methodist missionary) preached the first sermon at Bronson's house in the fall of this year. The following tracts of land in this township (2 south 11 west) were taken up this year, viz.: The e~ of n. w{ and n~ of n. el; and the s. e. frac. of s. e. i, of sec. 15, by Justus Burdick, of Burlington, Vt.; Sept. 1; the s~ of n. e i of 15, by Elisha Hall; the n. e frac., and the w~ n. w} of 15, by Lucius Lyon, of Wayne Co., Sept. 1; the e. frac. of 15, about 2J acres. by E. S. Swan, 42 HISTORY OF KALAMAZOO COUNTY. of St. Jo. Co.; the n. w. frac., and s. w. frac. ofs. e. j of 15 (87k acres), by Nathan Harrison; w- of n. wj of sec. 14, by H. L. Ellsworth, Hartford, Conn.; and the n. frac. same section by L. Lyon in August; the s~ of n. wj of sec. 9, by Nathan Harrison. The n~ of n. w{ of sec. 9, was taken by Lyman J. Daniels, Sept. Section 16 was school land, and not subject to entry. Theodore P. Sheldon entered a portion of the land he now owns south of the river and east of the Portage. The balance of the tract was purchased of H. H. Comstock, by T. C. & T. P. Sheldon, in '34, and subsequently T. P. Sheldon acquired sole title. The population of the village, at the close of 1832, was about forty. The year 1833 opened auspiciously with the first marriage in Bronson, the parties to which were Ethan French and Matilda Hounsom; on the 9th of February, James M. Parker and Tamar Walters, and on the 17th John Smith and Jemima Edginton, were also matrimonially united. The licenses in these and many other cases which followed, were granted by Stephen Vickery, the clerk, and the "silken tie" was gracefully performed by Squire Lovell. Mr. Lovell was also elected Supervisor that spring; H. B. Huston, town clerk, Phineas Hunt, Huston and A. Cooley, Highway Commissioners; Rodney Seymour, constable; Bronson, Lovell, and Cyren Burdick, school committee. Under the auspices of this committee a school house was built (of slabs) on South street-then in the woods-and Miss Pamela Coleman (name changed to Mrs R. Seymour in May) kept the first school. Mrs. Seymour, continued as teacher several months, and remembers dismissing her school several days during the term to allow the use of the room for a session of Court. George Patterson first came here in the spring of'33, and during the summer built a house on the northeast corner of the lot now occupied by the handsome residence of Wm. B. Clark, Esq. He then brought his family here from Cassopolis. Main street had only been staked out, and was only aiWeet on paper. Mr. John Hays, senior, with his family came in the spring, from Prairie Ronde, where they had lived since the previous fall. Mr. H. came from about the same section of Ohio that the Harrisons and other first settlers of Prairie Ronde did. This emigration induced by the story told by a soldier named Sumner, who, hav HISTORY OF KALAIMAZOO COUNTY. 43 ing served in this State, on his return to Ohio, described the beautiful prairies of Michigan, especially Prairie Ronde, over which he had passed. Hays moved his family into a house he had built during the winter and spring, near the corner of Main and Pitcher street. A little way south of this house was an Indian corn field, evidently not used for several years, yet mellow and rich, and this made Mr. Hays a most productive garden. The settlers would sometimes drive a few cattle, sheep and hogs in to the country, and occasionally the voice of some pioneer rooster would ring out, in the depths of the forest gloom, his hymns of lofty cheer, as the old covered wagon, taking an extra jolt over an obtruding root or fallen log, shook him and his wives rudely about in the box that held them. Horses were more abundant. Cattle and pigs were, however, plentifully supplied by drovers, and the first supply by this means was in the spring of 1833, when John F. Gilkey and Mumford Eldred drove in a flock of cattle, mostly cows, from Illinois. They remained here two weeks pasturing their cattle on the big marsh. Cows were sold then for $50 and $80; oxen from $50 to $100 a pair. Gilkey drove cattle for a number of years. Hogs were not, in droves, brought in so early. Robert McIntosh opened a store a few rods below what is now the site of the Humphrey Block, and kept a very miscellaneous supply of goods. Nathan hIarrison put his ferry in operation early in the spring, and carried passengers and teams across the river at remunerative rates. Pretty good crops were raised here, and the grist mill at Comstock was kept quite busy. For luxuries, Indian sugar, wild honey, and wild fruits and berries, were relied upon. One of Mr. IIays' daughters, now Mrs. Chas. Gibbs, was one of a small party who went to a place on the south part of what is now the James Taylor farm, that had been an Indian corn field and village, and, in a short time, gathered three great tubs full of large and most delicious strawberries! An ox team was sent to bring home this load of fruit. The Indians would often furnish venison, and other game. Fish were abundant in all the streams. Silas Trowbridge, Rollin Wood, James and Wi. E. White, Deacon Hydenburk, Roswell Crane and Edmund LaGrave, also 44 HISTORY OF KALAMAZOO COUNTY. came here during 1833. Mr. Trowbridge lived with Bronson, and he gave the latter 120 acres which he had taken up, about three miles north of the village, for 41 acres on Bronson's plat, on a portion of which Mr. Trowbridge now resides. Harrison and James Coleman, Wm. Martin and one or two others, settled in the south part of the town. Ira Burdick, Russo King, and Abraham and Daniel Cahill came during the summer. Burdick became a partner with Cyren in the hostship of the Kalamazoo Iouse, A. Cahill soon after established the first tannery( near the river), and D. Cahill kept a furniture shop on the corner now occupied by Perrin & Co.'s. hardware store. But one death occurred here in 1833, that of Joseph Wood, father of Smith L. Wood. His was the first burial in the old (then new) burying-ground on West street. Rev. Mr. Meek officiated at the funeral. The Land Office was removed here, from White Pigeon, in 1834. With it came Major Abraham Edwards, Register, and family; Thomas C. Sheldon, Receiver; Theodore P. Sheldon, the chief clerk in the office; Lawrence Vandewalker and Isaac W. Willard (the latter had been in trade with John S. Barry at White Pigeon since 1831), also came about the time the offices were established here (May). In March, 1834, the Legislative Council provided for the establishment of a Branch of the State Bank of Michigan at Bronson, and in April it was opened here, Huston's building having been purchased for the Bank, the goods being removed to a barn nearly in the rear of McIntosh's store. where Huston sold goods till his new store was ready for him. About the same time the Kalamazoo Mutual Insurance Company was incorporated, with James Smith, Jr., Cyren Burdick, Thaddeus Smith, Jr., E. L. Brown, Wm. Duncan, Lyman. J. Daniels, Albert E. Bull, Johnson Patrick, T. D. Hoxy, R. McIntosh, Thos. C. Sheldon and Jonathan G. Abbott first directors. Maj. Edwards purchased a house built by Nathaniel Foster, and moved into it soon after his arrival here-and in the same house he lived until his death in 1860. The opening of the land office was the beginning of a new era for Bronson's village. The building of the River House was commenced in 1834, HISTORY OF KALAMAZOO COUNTY., 45 by Nathan Harrison, and was opened the next year, by a Mr. Wilder. It was a very popular hostelry. In excavating for the cellar of this hotel, a great number of Indian skeletons and loose bones were met with, which were thrown into the river-at the same time many kettles (mostly brass) and other domestic articles of the departed aborigines were found; the latter relics were carried away as curiosities, and some of the kettles, after their resurrection, were again pressed into kitchen service! The first bridge was built across the river the same year, and the new school house on South street was erected. Those who comfort themselves with the thought that hurricanes are unknown in Michigan will read the following with interest: In the afternoon of the 18th of October, 1834, the western sky suddenly assumed a strange and awful appearance, a reddening shadow mantled the earth, a warm gust of wind swept over the valley, and then a peculiar whistling sound was heard, while above the contorted clouds put on more awful shapes. Presently, the moaning of the wind, the sudden shaking and swaying of the trees, the glistening of the leaves abruptly smitten and upturned against the darkened sky, in the narrow valley of the Arcadia, west of the village, gave the first evidences of the wild rush of the swooping tornado. Down it swept across the plain, gathering strength and velocity as it sped onward. Its movement, swifter than the flight of swiftest bird, was singular and hideously sportive in its character. In width it was hardly more than a hundred feet, yet it would rise and fall, now turn to the right then to the left, here skimming over house or tree, there sweeping impediments as though they were gossamer. The first building struck was one owned by Dr. H. Starkweather, which stood near the east end of the Burdick House block-a low dwelling-house, within which a sick woman was lying upon a bed; the roof was taken, the woman was left, uninjured. The corner of the Kalamazoo House barn was its next object point, and the position carried, with a great crash and flying of boards and shingles. Next, it charged furiously upon Major Edward's kitchen, and only the stove with several white and swelling loaves then preparing for the oven, 46 HISTORY OF KALAMAZOO COUNTY. were left to mark its former abiding place. Then striding across Main street, the tornado snapped away the tops of the great oaks there, and, turning, rushed upon the house of Mr. Hays, utterly demolished and wiped out the rear building, toppled the chimneys of the main part, the falling bricks severely injuring two of the daughters who had not, like the other inmates, fled to the cellar. Articles of furniture and bedding from this house were found away east of the river. The roof of Mr. Northrop's heavy block house some twenty rods east was lifted and moved around at right angles from its proper place. Thence the blast proceeded to Nathan Harrison's, lifted and carried some distance a wagon (without box), performed other queer antics, and then, all at once, died away on the hill east of the river. All this was the work of a moment. It was followed immediately by a severe snow storm. After the storm, Mr. Hays was obliged to find a place of shelter for his family, until his own house, twisted and torn by the storm, could be made habitable again. The only refuge that could be found was the new school-house on South street, then not wholly finished. The family used the back part of the school house to live in, and Judge Fletcher occupied the front part for holding a session of the Circuit Court-the partition walls being nothing more than suspended sheets and blankets. Several weeks elapsed before their own house was made ready again. Mr. David Hubbard and family, at the same time, occupied the old slab school house, adjoining, and the scenes and incidents of those days are by no means the least pleasant ones in the memories of the survivors of those two families. Among those who came here in the fall of 1834. we find the name of Epaphroditus Ransom, who, from the high positions he was, soon after his arrival, called upon to fill, both in county and State affairs, deserves more than a passing notice. It was the good fortune of Michigan that the management of its affairs from its earliest history as a State was entrusted to men alike distinguished for their integrity and their sound common sense. It will ever be a source of pride to the citizens of the Peninsular State to refer to the names of Cass, Mason, Woodbridge Lyon, HISTORY OF KALAMAZOO COUNTY. 47 Barry, Felch, Farnsworth, Manning, Ransom, the Wings, and many others, identified with the so building up its fortunes and shaping its destinies, as to place it at once on a basis of substantial prosperity, from which it has risen to a position of pre-eminence for intelligence, virtue, and wealth. But few of us who live in these days of railroads, telegraphs, and other improvements by which civilization makes such giant strides, in so short a space of time, can appreciate the sacrifices made by those who, in the early days of Michigan, gave up the substantial comforts of an Eastern home to settle in the almost boundless wilderness of the West. Buffalo, in 1834, was a small town almost upon the outer edge of civilization, while Detroit, containing less than two thousand inhabitants, scarcely overreached the dignity of a trading post on a remote frontier. The subjoined sketch of the journey from the East at that early day will prove interesting and will describe the experience of many other pioneers. It was a cold October morning, in 1834, that, bidding adieu to the friends and mountains of old Vermont, our afterwards Judge and Governor, with a few personal effects, and his little family set out on his journey to the wilds of western Michigan, an undertaking then requiring at least a month, but now easily accomplished in forty-eight hours. Arriving at Troy he transferred himself, family and effects, to the keeping of a line boat, and in due time-ten days-made the passage of the wonderful Erie Canal-and at Buffalo risked the perils of the deep Lake Erie on board the good steamer Henry Clay. Five days landed the party at Detroit, where the Mansion House, long since torn down to make room for a more pretentious structure, but then ranking as no common hostelry, afforded accommodations to man and beast. To gear up wagons, and transfer loading, was the work of a few hours, and the first day's halt was made at Ten Eyck's old stand. Three days more brought our travelers to Ypsilanti, then a mere hamlet, Grecian in nothing but name, and noted chiefly as the point where those who survived the Chicago turnpike from Detroit thence, once mbre set their feet upon dry land. Ann Arbor, now of classic renown, 48 HISTORY OF KALAMAZOO COUNTY, was next passed, a small cluster of cabins in the brush by the side of the trail, then dignified with the pretentious title of "territorial road," the exact location of which could only be determined by the "H" which those who had gone before blazed on the trees to guide those who should come after on their weary way. Jackson, like Ann Arbor, was a mere nick in the woods, where " Blackman's Inn" startled the Anglo-Saxons from their propriety lest they should find "mine host" of the sable hue indicated by his sign. From Jackson to Marshall-and, in 1834, few corners presented less attractions than the latter place. In reality it was named after the Chief Justice, but most people supposed it to be a transposition of all marsh. The cholera, in 1832, had handled the people there quite roughly, and those who had escaped the pestilence, seemed likely to shake to pieces with ague generated by the deadly vapors from Rice creek. Battle Creek came next, and but a day or two before our pilgrims arrived there, the first child, born in that town, had put in an appearance, and was named "Michigan." At last, on the morning of the eleventh day, our pioneer "carpet-bagger" reached the right bank of the Kalamazoo, where uncle Nate Harrison was waiting to ferry the family and moveables over (the bridge not being completed); and, in a few minutes, Frederick Booher, the new landlord of the Kalamazoo House, was showing the party into the "' sitting room," an apartment not then plastered, and furnished with rude benches instead of chairs. The appearance of Kalamazoo at the time of Mr. Ransom's arrival is vividly remembered. The great tornado had passed through only some ten days before, and the marks of its visitation were most plainly to be seen; but most prominently, however, on the west end of what was afterwards known as the "American," where a pan of batter from the kitchen bench of Major Edward's culinary establishment had been widely bespattered. Three framed houses, besides the Kalamazoo House, and a dozen log shanties, made up.the village of Kalamazoo. Trees and brush covered most of the present site, with paths leading to and from the houses of the worthy burghers. The population were a motley crew of Yankees, Hosiers, Canucks, HISTORY OF KALAMAZOO COUNTY. 49 speculators, dogs and Indians-the latter greatly predominating. While Uncle Titus and Aunt Sally Bronson were finishing their new house (the one still occupied by Widow Barrett), Mr. Ransom's family found their way to the north side of Grand Prairie, where the hospitable home of John P. Marsh gave them shelter. Grand Prairie at that time was a perfect Eden. Two or three improvements around its edge, marked by " the smoke that so gracefllly curled," were all the inroads that civilization had made upon that garden spot of nature-which now has its hardy, prosperous husbandman to every quarter section. Upon the removal of Titus and Sally to their new home, Mr. Ransom took possession of their two story log castle, situated where the house of Shubael A. Lincoln now stands, on the southeast corner of Water and Church streets. There the family passed their first winter in Kalamazoo, and it was no unusual thing for the wolves to come under their windows and howl through the dreary night. But a merry winter it was, diversified by wolffights, dances, and merry-makings of various kinds. To these festivities people came from every quarter, and well does the writer remember the different ones that graced the boards with their presence. There was Stephen Vickery, resplendent in blue coat and brass buttons; Lawrence Vandewalker, with unexceptionable pumps; Col. Huston, with wolf-skin coat; Lora. J. Rosencrantz, of Prairie Ronde, the gayest buck of them all; while Tom Sheldon, General Burdick, Attorney Ransom and Isaac W. Willard (him of the hundred hounds) did not hesitate to trip it with the rest to the inspiring tones of the Whitlock fiddles, none the less inspiring because two of them were scraped by rosy girls. On these festive occasions, Johnson Patrick, Ira Burdick and Lot North were not far off, while Dr. Starkweather and Sam. Ransom were watching opportunities to practice some sly joke on those of the " light fantastic toe." Glorious old days were those, full of joy and hilarity, and thrice happy he who could "cast his lines in such pleasant places." But we wander from our theme. For the purpose of erecting a permanent home, Judge Ransom purchased the entire front on Main street, extending from 7 '50 HISTORY OF KALAMAZOO COUNTY. Thomas S. Cobb's queensware establishment up to the brick block, corner of Main and Burdick streets, and extending back to Water street, for which ground he paid six hundred dollars. The following season he erected the plain house now standing just east of the boarding stables; it was then considered one of the most stately residences in Western Michigan. At the organization of the State Government, Mr. Ransom was appointed Judge of the Western Circuit, and Associate Justice of the Supreme Court. The Circuit then comprised the entire western portion of the State, at that time sparsely settled, and for the most part a howling wilderness. Ionia, Eaton, Calhoun, Branch, Kalamazoo, Cass, Allegan, Kent, Berrien, St. Joseph and Van Buren counties were in Judge Ransom's Circuit, and twice each year did he make his way to the remote county seats ( generally on horseback) to dispense justice and dispose of such rogues as did not have the log jails of that period in healthy consideration-before their eyes. The first term of the Kalamazoo Circuit Court (under the State) was held in the school house on South street, heretofore spoken of. The Grand Jury held their deliberations under the trees contiguous. The first "true bills" found against violators *of the " peace and dignity of the State " we need not here recite. The sessions of the Circuit Court were the occasions of the year. People flocked in to be present at the trial of the State cases, or as suitors and witnesses in every conceivable kind of litigation, from a dog suit up to the more dignified issue over a pair of steers. The felons of that day were hog and horse thieves; with a liberal sprinkling of those aristocratic rogues who sought to inflate the currency by "shoving the queer. " The bar of Kalamazoo county, if not equal, in all respects, to that of the Queen's Bench, was nevertheless, as " wise in its own conceit," and regarded as up to any emergency by their numerous clients. The Hon. Charles E. Stuart occupied a prominent position as an attorney. Elisha Belcher was also considered a formidable pleader at the bar, rising with the intensity of the occasion until he could be heard for a mile. Judge Hinsdale figured in the Courts; and, now and then, Horace H. Comstock, HISTORY OF KALAMAZOO COUNTY. 51 him of the lithe form and faultless ruffled shirt, essayed an effort in the intricacies of legal lore. Zephaniah Platt, "recently from Albany," for a time let the lustre of his brilliant attainments astonish the natives) while Walter Clark, Joseph Miller, and other young lawyers in embryo, packed formidable piles of books into Court for their preceptors, cocked their heels high on the table, and looked knowing and wise towards the crowd outside who were not permitted a place inside the bar. Nor were the Associate Judges to be overlooked; Judge Ransom in the centre flanked by farmers Rix and Ramsdell, made a full bench. It is not recorded, however, that, as much of dignity as these judicial adjuncts might have lent to the Court, the presiding Judge was accustomed to lean upon them over heavily for their legal opinions. The magistrates' courts of that early day were by no means devoid of character. Being the courts of first, as well as of last resort in a majority of cases, their sessions were generally crowded, while such able advocates as Edwin H. Lothrop, John Hascall, Cyrus Lovell, and many others, who thought it no reproach to bear the rank of "ye pettifogger," represented the interests of their numerous clients. In 1842, Judge Ransom was commissioned Chief Justice of the Supreme Court, which distinguished position he continued to hold until elected Governor, by the vote of every county in the State, in 1847. It was during his administration that the agitation of those political questions commenced which has since so distinctly changed the institutions of our country. Gov. Ransom's views not being in consonance with those of a majority of his party, at the end of his gubernatorial career he retired to private life upon his beautiful estate, now comprising the Bleycker addition to Kalamazoo, which he had purchased several years previous from Lucius Lyon. Here he remained, engaged in agricultural pursuits until 1851, when he sold his magnificent property to Paulus den Bleyker, and designed passing the remainder of his days in quiet enjoyment of the society of his family and friends. Reverses in fortune, however, defeated his cherished plans; and, in the winter of 1856, bidding fare 52 HISTORY OF KALAMAZOO COUNTY. well to the spot where had been passed the happiest days of his active life, he again became a pioneer to the then distant Territory of Kansas, where, among strangers and strange scenes, in November, 1859, death closed his honorable career. A few months subsequently, his remains were brought back to Kalamazoo, and now mingle with their kindred dust in that quiet city of the dead which crowns the hill, from whose summit he had so often looked upon the beautiful village below. Not without those failings incident to poor humanity in its best estate, Judge Ransom was endowed with many virtues that endeared him to his numerous friends, shedding lustre upon a life without dishonor, and upon a death without reproach. Dr. Horace Starkweather, one of our earliest and most esteemed pioneer physicians, came here in May, 1834. He had left Massachusetts with the intention of settling in Berrien; but arriving at the Kalamazoo House he found Dr. Porter very ill, and was besought to remain and attend him, and also to look after Dr. Porter's patient's. When Dr. Porter died, a short time after, the people of the village determined to have Dr. Starkweather remain here instead of going to the place he had started for, and he was induced to stay. The next year his family came; and, for a time, he lived in a part of Dr. Abbott's house, the owner and another family occupying at the same time other parts ofthe house. Next year Dr. Starkweather built a large dwelling on ground about in the centre of the Burdick House site. Here he remained nine years, when he moved into the house he erected on the southwest corner of Main and West streets, where he lived until his death in 1851. He enjoyed a very large practice in the early years of our village, and few of our pioneers were more identified with its history, or are remembered with more regard and affection. The proprietors of the village of Bronson, in the year 1834, according to a great number of printed plats-now very rarewere Messrs. Bronson, Lyons, Burdick & Sheldon (Thos. C.) In the original plans of the village the streets are laid regularly, and cross each other at right angles, and "Portage" was the name of South street, no street being laid out south from the HISTORY OF KALAMAZOO COUNTY', 53 Kalamazoo House. In the new plat, of 1834, the straight line is abandoned on Main, and on the new Portage, streets, and both of these avenues make a divergence of about 30 degrees, the line of deviation in the former is to the north, and the latter to the east. It is said that the new (angling) street was opened by Sheldon to make a central point at the Kalamazoo House, (his property) and to open certain lots that he owned on the line of that street. Certain it is however, that, whatever the cause, the result has been to permanently mar the beauty of our Main street. Kalamazoo avenue, soon after, laid out, and running due west from the river, was made six rods wide, and,it was supposed by its projectors, would become the main, central and business thoroughfare. Willard street, next north of it, which was also planned in 1836, was a wide street, but its destiny has been far more brilliant than its projectors ever had any idea of, for over its sloping surface stretches the gleaming bars that guide the course of the iron-nerved, smoking steeds of Commerce, with their richly freighted trains-making the rude street a grand pathway of the nation. In point of enterprise and business, 1834 was far more active in improving Bronson than any of its predecessors. Besides the enterprises we have spoken of, Mr. Willard commenced a number of buildings, among which were his store (he was already in trade) on Main street-now G. W. Fish's-and two dwelling houses, both apparently alike; one of these, in the grove back from Portage street was for Thos. C. Sheldon, and was, for many. years, the residence of the late Bissel Iumphrey; the other was the dwelling-house for so many years the residence of Caleb Sweetland, Esq., below the Kalamazoo House. Lewis R. Davis, tailor, and John H. Everard, harness-maker, came here from Schoolcraft, and began business; Rollin Wood was another of the first, if not the very first of our tailors, occupying a place in Stephen Vickery's office near Pitcher street. The village blacksmith was Andrew B. Gray, and his sounding anvil was on the south side lower of Main street. Mr. Alexander Cameron (came in 1333) and Dwight C. Grimes did carpenter-work that season on the new buildings; John and Algernon Hays, had just com 54 HISTORY OF KALAMAZOO COUNTY. menced mason-work with their father; S. H. Ransom was clerk for Willard; Geo. Patterson was sawyer in Burdick's mill, and Lot North was our first baker. The following, also, are among the residents of Bronson in 1834: Wm. H. Welch, Isaac Vickery, Mrs. Sarah Weaver (sister of Isaac W. Willard) and her daughter, James Green, Albert Saxon (.captain of the first boat on the Kalamazoo river, when that enterprise was undertaken in 1836), A. B. Gray and family, Silas Gregg, John Losey (built the house, now 28 Portage street), Hiram Owen, Artemas W. Richardson, Hezekiah G. Wells, (lived at Schoolcraft, but was admitted to the bar at the fall term of the Circuit Court ). James Shea, from England (came 1833 ), purchased a large tract of land on section 1, and the west half of the north east quarter of section 22. Samuel Venus and John Long entered land on section 1; and Aquilla Coats, one of the earliest settlers here, entered land on section 4. The business of the land office had not yet become very exciting. The Receiver's office was on the ground now occupied by Sheldon's bank; and the Register's, in a building south of the s. w. corner of Main and Pitcher-sts. In the spring of 1835, Johnson Patrick built the " Exchange" (now the Sheridan House), and in the summer moved into it, though it was not completed. This hotel speedily became famous for its excellent table and appointments, and was a favorite inn for the citizen, stranger and speculator, and in old Whig times, the headquarters of the leading spirits. By the time this hotel was fairly open, the excitement of the land speculation was running strong and both hotels had all, and more, than they could attend to. Frederick Booher was landlord of the Kalamazoo House (he came from Clyde, N. Y., kept hotel in Detroit a year, and, at the solicitation of Sheldon and Burdick, came to this place to keep their hotel), and both Booher and Patrick enjoyed an immense patronage for more than two years. The business of entertaining man and beast in those days was productive of "marginal-notes" most pleasant tocontemplate. Guests were glad to get anything for their stomachs, and anywhere to lay their heads-for they swarmed hither in such numbers that the "earth shook beneath their tread." Always two, and very often HISTORY OF KALAMAZOO COUNTY. 55 three in a bed made the guests feel the truth of the adage that "misfortune makes us acquainted with strange bed fellows." In rooms where beds could not be put up, the floors at night were strewn with sleepers, regularly disposed, on blankets or other inventions to ameliorate the conditions of the hard and relentless boards-so as to furnish the greatest room to the greatest number. During the heighth of the land speculation season, the entire square in front of the Kalamazoo House, extending almost to South street, was white with the tents of the land lookers; the two offices were encompassed round about with them, and even in Willard's deer park their canvas homes were seen. To feed this vast host was more than the hotels could do, and hungry men were turned away by hundreds. A daughter of one of the hotel keepers told the writer that, for weeks together, there would not be another foot of sleeping-room left in the house unoccupied, while from morning till night one table followed another with a rapidity equal to the ratio of culinary capacities. The doors were guarded by determined men, who had a great task to perform in keeping back the crowd, and the windows, too, were watched, but frequently some man more bold and sage would jump the sill, and beg to remain until his appetite might be appeased. Every house became a hostelry, and every cabin had a " stranger within its gates.' Pies-and-cake venders throve abundantly on the necessities of the multitude, and a shilling for a " quarter section " of these viands found ready takers. It was the best of times to one class, if it was the worst of times to another; and it is pleasant and refreshing in these latter days when the ear is vexed and the heart is sickened by the daily tale of wrong, robbery and perfidy, to contemplate the simple trust and confidence on the one side and the unconscious honor and unpretending honesty on the part of the other, which is revealed in the history of those times. Over five millions of money, most of it hard money, too, was brought here and paid to Uncle Sam, within three years; and yet we hear of no robbery. Strangers would leave their money in their leather satchels or saddle bags with the clerk or mine host of the inn, or with members of the family with whom he might, for the time, live, taking no voucher 56 HISTORY OF KALAMAZOO COUNTY. or other evidence of deposit, and sometimes go away for weeks looking out land. When the saddlebags or canvas-bags, plethoric and ponderous with the precious, shining ore, were wanted, it was only necessary to describe them to get them, or, if there was any doubt in regard to the proper "satchel" the matter was left for the applicant to decide. Mrs. Patrick often had her room crowded with an apparently indiscriminate mass ot these money-bags, and never a word of difficulty occurred in regard to them, each owner getting his own. One of Mr. Hays' dlaughters relates numerous instances of such trusts in her father's house in those day; often has she taken charge of packages for boarders, in those dayss, that taxed her strength to carry. It is related that entire strangers would step into Sherman & Winslow's store (on corner now occupied by the Humphrey Block) and say, " Will you take charge of these bags till I call again?" The article would be taken without questioning, be thrown under the counter, and perhaps be forgotten; after a time the person would call for his property when he would be directed to a promiscuous pile of that sort of property, with the mandate to "look it out among the others there!" and no mistakes or losses ever occurred. Another instance in point: In 1836, Mr. Hammond, Cashier, of the Bronson Branch of the Bank of Michigan, wishing to send some specie to Detroit, learned that Mr. E. Ransom was going to that city with a team, and prevailed upon him to take charge of the money. Accordingly six kegs of silver, mostly half dollars, were loaded into the wagon, and Ransom's trip out occupied some twelve days, the route taken being south through Schoolcraft and on to the Chicago "turnpike." At night he would stop at the log taverns found along the way, leaving the treasure in the wagon by the roadside. Mr. Ransom had insisted upon the money being put into some old nail kegs, and a layer of nails to cover the silver, and he felt no uneasiness during the whole journey to Detroit. An enterprising " cracksman " in those days might have done a large business at a very little trouble or expense, for dwellings were nearly all innocent of locks or bars; and with little risk to his " personal liberty," for the detectives were not then im IISTORY OF KALAMAZOO COUNTY. 57 ported, and the jails were not remarkably retentive of prisoners, even when taken. Perhaps the leading event of the year 1835, aside from the influences of the land office, was the establishment of the first newspaper here. In October, the " MICHIGAN STATESMAN," before published at White Pigeon, was removed and its publication commenced at this place by Gilbert & Chandler. From that day to the present writing, Kalamazoo has never been wanting ill an intelligent and faithful press to champion her cause, to defend her interests, and advocate her claims and advantages. The name of the paper was soon changed (I think in 1836) to "KALAMAZOO GAZETTE,"' and, Mr. Chandler retiring, er. Ienry Gilbert became sole proprietor. In 1835, Hezekiah G. Wells and William H. Welch were elected delegates to the Convention held in Detroit to form a State Constitution. In the same year the following events occurred, besides those already enumerated. The bridge over the river was completed; the building of the grist mill-subseqently known for many years as the Whitcomb mill-was commenced in the fall, by Cooley & Baily, and completed the next year and about the same time the saw mill adjoining was begun; George Winslow and Caleb Sherman went into trade together in a building that Huston had used to store his goods while completing his new store. Messrs. Sherman & Winslow had left the east with a stock of goods intending to go to Chicago-and to this end their goods were shipped around the lakes to St. Joseph. On their way across the country, to meet their goods, Sherman and Winslow stopped here, liked the appearance of things, abandoned their Chicago enterprise, and hauled up their goods from St. Joseph; in the meantime the building referred to, was moved up to the ( Humphrey block) corner and fitted up for the firm that opened the first exclusively groceries establishment in town, and in September it was opened to the public; John Winslow and Amos Bronson had a dry goods store on the ground now occupied by the Burdick House; Henry J. H. Edwards sold cakes pies, etc,. near the land office: Deacon Porter, a similar institution on the corner of Main and Porter streets; 8 58 IIISTORY OF KALAMAZOO COUNTY. Frederick Booher, besides keeping the Kalamazoo House, had a livery stable, attached to the IIouse; A. T. Prouty was engaged in cabinet-ware business at his residence, South street; Joseph Hutchins, dry goods, in a building on the site of Jos. Moore's grocery, Portage street; Nate Harrison, after the bridge was finishedl, moved to the Ilounsom settlement, himself and Hounsom building the Davis mill (after remaining there a f'ew years, he went to Illinois); Willard's store and two houses were finished, and the one built for Sheldon was occupied by Charles E. Stuart, in 1836; the Kalamazoo Lyceun flourished; Rtev. J. Hall kept a select school. L. II. Tlrask and family, Dan. Fisher, O. S. Case. printer, Ilensalear Evits (watchmaker ) and fainily, Simneon Newmanl, 3Mrs. Porter, widow of Dr. Porter, with her solns James B. and Edwin H., WVm. 11. Stuart, Nathan L. Stout, Allen L. Goodridge and family, Emor I-aw ley and family, Joseph Miller, Jr., (d(eputy clerk for Stephen Vickery, county clerk,) are among those who came to Bronson in the year 1835. Samuel W7. Bryan had a wagon-shop on the corner of Cherry and Portage streets (this was the first shop of' its kind in town). John I). Marsh was elected supervisor that spring; A. Cahill, clerk; Theodore P. Sheldon, S. II. HTansom and E. Walter were among the other officers elected. The fbllowinc( is believed to be a correct statement of the ' local habitation': and name of every householder in Bronson, at the close of 1835': Ira W. Bird, east side of the river; Wm. Martin, north side of Main-st., west bank of the river; Benj. Hiarrison, HIarrison-st.; Ebenezer Stone, opposite Martin's; A. IB. Gray, n. side Main-st., corner of IKal. Avenue. A. Cahill's tannery, next west of Gray's blacksmith shopl-residence, opposite side; west and south was the residence of John A. I-ayes; E. Belcher lived on in. e. corMain and lorter-sts.; Albert A. Smith, on the site of the old American hotel; Steplhen Vickery's office and residence nearly opposite Smith's; Isaac Vickery's cabinet manufictory was near Stephen's; Major Edward's residence has been dlescribed; A. HI. Edwards, on the corner west of the Major; also Henry Edward's grocery store; A. Cooley, south of the old Davenport block; ITlSTORY OF KALAMAZOO COUNTY. 59 west of A. H- Edward's, on Main-st. lived Cyren Burdick; opposite, ( next west of Cooley), lived Edmund LaGrave, and close by was A. & A. Buell, boot and shoe store; west of this, IMcIntosh had a variety store, next came Iluston's store, and on the corner, Winslow & Sherman's store, above described. Willard's store was the same now occupied by G. W. Fish. Hutchin's store on site of Moore's, Portage-st.; nearly opposite lived Allen Goodridge; next south, David Hubbard's; next south of Hutchin's, was the residence of Mrs. Porter, then Frederick Booher's residence, and next, on the n. e. corner Portage and Cherry-sts., Ira Burdick lived; below the opposite corner south was the domicil of Col. Huston ( Sheriff); Elisha Hall lived on the site of the present handsome residence of J. A. Walter, Esq.; next north of Hall's was Bryan's; north of the latter, and south of Hubbard's, lived James Losey. Comling back to Main-st., and following west of the Kalamazoo HIouse, same side, we meet Judge Ransom's new residence; then Cahill's furniture shop and residence; next, Dr. Starkweather's residence and the store of Winslow & Bronson (the Gazette was then published in the second story); still west, the office of Pierce Barber (justice, surveyor, etc.,) and on the corner of Main and Rose, the Bronson Branch the he Bank of Michigan andthe residence of its cashier, Geo. F. Porter; on the corner west, Patrick's hotel; next Bronson's; T. P Sheldon lived then near his present residence, and upon the corner of Park and Water-sts., Samuel Boardman lived; Rev. Jeremiah Hall lived on Main street nearly opposite Wim. B. Clark's present residence (then the site of Geo. Patterson's house); Wm.H. Welch lived on West-st., a little west of Dillie's. Erastus Smith lived on the s. w. corner of Main and Park-sts.; south of Smith was L. H. Trask's residence; on the n. corner of next block, S. L. Wood lived; A. T. Prouty on the south corner; Dr. Abbott lived on s. e. corner of South and Park-sts.; next on east corner of Church-st., M. Heydenburk lived, and, with him, J. P. Warner; on the site of N. A Balch's palatial residence Cyrus Lovell ( prosecuting attorney until 1838) dwelt; on the opposite corner east, Henry Gilbert lived; on the west corner of Walnut and West street lived David S. Dillie; near the Union school house, 60 HISTORY OF KALAMAZOO COUNTY. Roswell Crane; on the site of the horse fair ground, Henry Mower; Rodney Seymour lived on the Portage Creek, near the old saw mill; Robert Iall had a smithy on the corner where Israel Kellogg lives. Rensalear Evits' house was between Huston's and McIntosh's stores. Mrs. Weaver lived in the same house with Mrs. Dr. Porter; Lot North resided with Seymour; Ethan French, on Portage street opposite where Walter now lives; Charles E. Stuart and family boarded at the Kalamazoo House. Emor Hawley at the close of 1835 was keeping this hotel. Patrick's house was originally called the "Indian Chief.' There are a few names omitted, in this list, but their names and place of residence have been elsewhere given. On the 5th of February, 1836, the Rev. Silas Woodbury was settled as pastor of' the Presbyterian Church, at that time first organized. The Church building, erected by Martin Heydenburk, stood nearly opposite the present church edifice, on South street. There had been frequent religious services held here by various religious denominations, but this was the first church. In 1836 the Legislature changed the name of the village and township to Kalamazoo. This change of name was brought about through the influence of Burdick, Sheldon and Lyon, who, disgusted with the eccentricities, obstinacy, and want of enterprise in their co-partner, Bronson, determined the village should no longer bear his name. The change was deeply felt by Mr. Bronson, and soon after, he disposed of his entire interest here, went to Illinois, and finally died in Connecticut, at the house of his brother, in 1851 (I think ), a penniless man. His wife had died several years previous. The township officers for 1836, were: Cyren Burdick, supervisor; Justices, Ira Burdick, Isaac Vickery, Pierce Barber, D. E. Deming ( the town being reorganized, it was necessary to elect four justices); township clerk, Henry Gilbert; assessors, I. W. Willard, Aaron Eames, Philip Goodrich; highway commissioners, John Gibbs, S. Gregg, E. Delano; school commissioners, D. E. Deming, John II. Everard, A. II. Edwards; constable and collector, Lot M. North; school inspectors, Rev. J. Hall, Sam. H. Ransom, E. Belcher, D. Grimes, Dr. Abbott; overseers of the HISTORY OF KALAMAZOO COUNTY. 61 poor, Aquilla Coats, S. Gregg. Among the pathmasters was Epaphroditus Ransom, and it was under his superintendence that the cross-way over the flats east of the river bridge, was built and that portion of the road greatly improved. Before that time the passage from the hard land to the bridge was a complete slough. Ira W. Bird kept up a ferry to take people and teams over, prior to the time Ransom was elected. The intervale spoken of was very low and marshy, being overflowed by high water. The ferry-scow was propelled, sometimes by oxen, and sometime by poles. This condition of the road would last until settled weather, and it was important that a good road should be made, and Ransom accomplished it at a comparatively small cost. On the east bank of the river was a dense growth of sycamores; these were cut, hauled across the roadway, forming a " corduroy " foundation, and then teams were employed covering the logs with earth. The grove of sycamores which now border the road and arch it with such a refreshing cover, have sprung up from the buried sycamores that form the superstructure of the road. The county having been authorized by the Legislature to borrow $6,000 for the purpose of building a Court I-ouse and Jail, the people at this election resolved "that the supervisor of the township of Kalamazoo use his exertions to promote the object and carry into effect the purposes contemplated in said act." The Jail was built that year, by David Hubbard, on ground just east of the mound, in the park. It was a very poor apology for a prison. On the 20th of April, 1836, Isaac W. Willard was appointed Postmaster, Dr. Abbott's term of office having expired. The office was removed to Willard's store, ( where it remained until May, 1841, when, Dr. E. N. Colt being appointed postmaster, it was removed to the Taylor block); and soon after the new office was opened, the advent of the first stage coach was celebrated by the turning out of all the people to witness the then great event. The travel had become so great that Messrs, Wadsworth & Thompson, the new contractors, determined to put on a daily line of coaches from Ann Arbor to Kalamazoo-and from that day until about the first of September, 1868, the stage coach 62 HISTORY OF KALAMAZOO COUNTY. has been one of our " permanent institutions." During the latter part of Willard's term of office, in 1840, contracts were let to carry the mail from Kalamazoo to White Pigeon, to Grand Rapids via. Yankee Springs, to Allegan via. Otsego, and to St. Joseph. Another route for the accommodation of the southern part of this county was established from Battle Creek to Niles, passing through Climax Prairie, Pavillion, Brady and Cassopolis. The year 1836 was the wildest and most exciting of all the years of the land speculation-the culminating point. Volumes might be written upon this topic and the incidents connected with it. Kalamazoo was one great mass convention of men almost raving with the land-mania. Every thing partook of the character of the times-speculation and inflation. In that day a quarter section entered in the morning for $200 at the Land Office, sold for $400 before midnight; when " paper cities" arose with magic touch, more gorgeous in destiny than poets dream ofwith "desirable water lots" cheap at a $100 a foot. Everybody was crazy for land, and felt rich, and wanted to be crazier and richer! The office was besieged with applicants, thousands of whom unable to gain admissin were here for weeks watching a chance to make their wants known to the Register. They were obliged to hand in their descriptions of lands at the window of the office, and often weeks would elapse before the claim of the applicant could be issued, on account of conflict of claims. Many of the buyers, as soon as provided with their papers, went off to look at their land; some to find their purchases led them into swamps and quagmires, or into unknown tracts of musquito territory. Others would nevelr look out their property, but would sell their claims at a large advance, and still another class would retuin to their homes and allow the dear-bought prize, wherever it might lie, to be sold for taxes. In January and February of that year, $281,437.00 were received. Each month the sales grew larger till June when the office had to be closed for three weeks in order to write up the books that had been neglected in the hurry of the previous month. The sales for May amounted to over half a million of dollars. The facilities for obtaining goods from the East in these early IISTORY OF KALIAMAZOO COUNTY. days and for exporting such articles as were raised in excess of the home demand, were very inefficient-the only mode of transportation being by the unwieldy wagon of that period, drawn by two, and sometimes three, horses over heavy roads. Considerable freight was shipped around to the mouth of the.St. Joseph; sometimes the Kalamazoo would admit small vessels. To remedy this evil, in 1836 a company was formed here, consisting of Lucius Lyon, T. C. Sheldon, Justus and Cyren Burdick, II. 13. Huston, and Sherman & Winslow. to navigate the river. A flat boat was built to run to the mouth of the Kalamazoo river and " intermediate points,"' and even to go as far as Port Sheldon, when the weather could be relied upon. It was launched loaded, and started off on her first trip with "t favoring gales," Captain Albert Saxon in command, and George WV. Winslow, supercargo. On her second trip down the craft was wrecked on the lake between the Kalamazoo and north Black rivers, and there was no other attempt at river navigation until 1843, when D.. Walbridge was quite successful for two or three seasons, employing three or four boats, and shipping large quantities of flour to the mouth of tllis river, and thence to Buffalo. An interesting feature of the period we write of, and for two or three years afterwards, was the annual aboriginal " trade sales" which came off in the early summer. At such times the river would swarm with the bark canoes of the Indians who brought up their mnococks of maple sugar, peltries, etc. IIuston and Sherman were generally the purchasers of these goods. The year 183(, as we have shown, was largely given up to the speculating influences-the great " rage" being for " corner lots," sections and quarter sections. There was, however, quite a large influx of permanent settlers. Several new buildings were erected, and there was considerable finishing-work done, the houses used heretofore being temporary affairs, mere expedients until more comfortable homes could be made. Willard finished his buildings; Cooley finished his house on the corner of West and Water streets, and erected a turning and cabinet manufactory near by; Cooley & Baily finished the grist mill on the river and commenced flouring; Bronson & Winslow erected 64 HISTORY OF KALAMAZOO COUNTY, a store (burned down in 1842) where Liliendfeld's now stands; Hiram Owen built a house on the Axtell farm; Silas Trowbridge a house near his present residence; Warren Burrill one on the corner of Academy and West-sts; Joseph Hutchins and Rensalear Evits built the two stores, still standing on the corner of Main and Edwards-sts.; Mr. Wmn. Clark and family, and George Thomas Clark, came here in the spring of 1836, and Mr. Wim. Clark erected a distillery on the west bank of the river near the railroad crossing, and a residence on West street. The east part of the Kalamazoo House was built in 1836; also, the main part of the River House, and Nathan L. Stout and family opened it the same year; Asa Fitch and family, A. G. Hammond, cashier of the Branch Bank of Michigan; George A. and Richard O'Brien and families, - Iale and family, 0. Underwood and family (1835), James Taylor, the AtLees, Zephaniah Platt, W. Birch, Dr. Reuben Barrett and family —the Doctor practiced medicine, and kept a boarding-house (subsequently, in 1837-8, his health being poor, he engaged in trade in a little store on Main street about opposite W. G. Pattison's residence); Ebenezer Durkee and family (Durkee for a while kept a small grocery just east of the river); Rev. Silas Woodbury and family; Joseph B. Daniels and family; Deacon Barrows and family; Henry M. Rice, Levi Krause, Amos Knerr, Clement March, Lyman Tuttle, Oliver Davenport, Azro Healy, Nat. Holman, Wm. G. and F. Dewing, were among those that came to Kalamazoo in the season of 1836. We must not close this review of the year 1836 without saying a word or two regarding the social enjoyments of the good people of Kalamazoo. Those were days when our little community were as of one family and social distinctions were unknown. The population was made up of substantial and highly respectable people; and added to it at this time, and for several years after, were a number of young men from the eastern cities who had come West,-not without means,-to "seek their fortunes," and some to lose them. The Kalamazoo House was generally the scene of festive occasions, and especially so, whenever Mr. Thomas Sheldon came out from Detroit, bringing with him his HISTORY OF KALAMAZOO COUNTY. 65 two daughters, as he often did. Mr. Sheldon, though a large and portly man, was a light and graceful dancer, and withal a great lover of the amusement, and, when the village had gathered there her beauty and her chivalry ( see Byron ), it was his wont to lead out the petite and charming Laura II, and then"On with the dance, let joy be unconfined!" No place in the territory enjoyed a brighter or fairer fame for social en.joyments than Kalamazoo, or a people who would more heartily dispense their hospitality, and more warmly "welcome the coming, speed the parting guest." There was no little excitement and amusement in those early days, too, in the adventures of the chase. Nobler parks than our opening lands were then, or wilder glens than our river margins afforded, were rarely met with, while game of all kinds abounded in profusion. The great number of foxes made foxhunting a favorite pastime. Among those who indulged in this pastime" with horse and hound," were C. E. Stuart, I. VW. Willard, II. G. Wells, G. W. Winslow, A. W. Richardson, L. Vandewalker, C. Sherman and others. The favorite hunting ground for foxes was among and beyond the hills where the Michigan Female Seminary now stands. The following story of a wolf-hunt and fight is furnished by the only survivor now a resident of Kalamazoo. II. AM. Rice spoken of; has been for many years a member of the United States Senate from Minnesota. In the winter of 1836-7, a Mr. Sutherland, then living on the east side of the Kalamazoo river, in Cooper, set a steel trap for a fox that was too familiar with his chickens, and the bait attracted the attention of a prowling forest wolf. The wolf soon found the trap adhering to one of his fore-feet, and, in disgust, departed with the trap and a chain halter fastened to it. Mr. S., on Sunday morning, going to look for his chicken-thief; saw that he had caught larger game than lie set snare for, and that instead of bagging the game, the game had bagged his trap and chain. Determined not to give it up so, himself and two or three neighbors took the trail and pursued the fugitive up the river nearly to where Sherman's new grist mill stands, then called " Enniskillen," and there the wolf; coming to human habitations, crossed the 9 66 IIISTOtRY OF KALAMAZOO COUNTY. river and went into the " big marsh" Iis pursuers came to the village, and with some others, went into the marsh, started the animal, and followed him down the river into Cooper, aind there left him for the night. The next ornoinglr (nou towll was all exciteent: "a large wolf with a steel-trap and chain fast to one fore foot was only three miles froin town! All were aeo^er for the chase. Iavid Iubbard Es(i., soon ad ' tllhem same llosses that lie drove in from Aarmount before Ills lumber sleigh, and S. AV. Bryan, Win. Murphey, Levi Krause, and one or two others took seats therein; while Henry M. R-ice, Geo. W. Winslow, R. C. Hubbard, Johnson Iatrick, and a few others, mounted their horses and collecting all the dog force at hand, including a portion of I. W. XVillard's pack of hounds-the two best ones, "Job" and "Pete." being absent (as was their custom, now and then) hunting on their own hook-started for the field of operations. Good speed was made on the way, except by Patrick, whose nag was an Indian pony, but lie arrived in due time. The "varmint" was soon routed fiom his lair, and made direct for tlle river. the ldogs close at his heels. Arriving at the river, the company formed in two divisions, one to operate on each side of the river, and one division, with the aid of the saddled horses. forded the river the d(og force was equally divided. The wolf was soon overtaken, his progress being naturally slow, as the trap or chain would, as the tracks in the snow showed, \whip around a tree, and cause quite a delay in his movements; but he would, when hard pressed, make for the river and swim it, trap and all, and thus get clear of the party in clhase; but, on reaching the other bank, and striking out, he would soon find the other party, who, by the music of the hounds, were kept posted as to the whereabouts of Vulpes. It was soon found, however, that the horsemen could not act effectually in the chase, and 1. C. Hub bard took the saddle horses, and his fiather the team, back home, leaving the hunters all on foot, except Patrick, whose pony could cross a creek on a log, or creep through the brush and swamp like an Indian. Thus worried, pursued, and flanked, the wolt had all he could do to keep clear of his pursuers, but, nevertheless, giving them a long chase. Late in the afternoon, however, HIISTORY OF KALAMAZOO COUNTY. 67 after the wolf had swam thle river for the seventh time and saved his life as often, he came out on the back part of the Dan. Arnold farlm, and soon after, the two missing dogs, "Job" and "Pete," beingr out on their rambles, came to the hunters' aid. The deep, base-tonedl bay of old "Job," and the sweet, clarion notes of "Pete" were recog~nized the moment they opened. Then it was time the dogs should "push things," and soon his wolfship was driven to cover Land barricaded himself amongr the branches of a large fallen tree. The nmusic at once changed —the runningr bIark ceased —and the dofgs, in another tone, plainly indicated that the cgame was brou(ht to a stand. The nmen, though somrnewhat scattered, immediately made fbr the scene of conflict, and on their near pi'pproach, out dashed the -wolf and broke for the river, near at hand and frozen nearly across at that place, and, passing near Bryan he ran after hlim, while the "ITlutchin's dog," insl)ired b)y the example, seized the wolf's flank, and detained him, until Br Ayan crept up and caugllt hold of the chain, and rapidly drltgged.him on the ice to a bunch of alders on the shore. These w-ere quickly bent down across thle wolf by others ofthe party, and lie surlrendered without asking for terms. Wiurslow, who hald a piece of bed-cord in his pocket, first mnuzzled the prisoner (a very largfe gray wolf), then tied his hind lergs together, lea:ving room between them for a pole; his forelers were also, tied, the trap removed, a pole was firnished l)y a wood-chopper close by, and Vulpes, placed thereon, was carried on the shloulders of two of the capturing party in triumph to the house of AIr. \Arnold. The party on the otlher side of the river, learning the situation of' affiirs, went to a crossing place, aud soon,arrived at the fthrm-i-ouse. A splendid- supper -was speedily pIrepared by the surprised though gladdened host, who had everyt1hing at han1d usually found at that day, ftr the entertainment of his welcome guests, except some "old Jamaica," (" Luke's best" being then unknown ), but this then. common luxury was easily obtained at the old, well known tavern-stand of Isaac Aldrich on the Plains —and the extremely fatigued sportsmen were mad(e very comfortable, and story and song made the hours pass unheeded by, till midnight. 68 HISTORY OF KALAMAZOO COUNTY. The next morning, after a good breakfast (all the entertainment being without money and without price), it was determined that Winslow, who was tie most "used-up" one of the party, should ride the pony and take the wolf on in fi'ont; and the company then set out for Kalamazoo-the pony with his load of man and beast, taking the lead. After a while, there came along a man with a horse and a rough sled, and this was pressed into service, the footmen taking seats thereon. In the afternoon all arrived safe at the Kalamazoo House. The next day a match was gotten up for a fight: the wolf versus all the dogs procurable, a game-supper being the wager, persons taking sides as they viewed the chances of success-the match being that the dogs would not kill the wolf in one hour, The field of contest was the vacant ground lying south of Main street, east of Burdick, and west of the alley. There was a good supply of fighting material on the dog side of the question, as well as a good supply of wolf: In due time a ring was formed, the dogs "all present or accounted for," and the wolf appeared in good condition, except one foot, the paw of which was rather girdled by the jaws of the trap. The battle commenced as soon as the dogs were loosed; for a while it was mere skirmishing on the part of the dogs-they were not used to that kind of game-and several of them became sadly demoralized after getting an impression of the ivory of their adversary. Finally, two of the more courageous dogs made a simultaneous attack, and others going to their support, the fight became a fierce one. The wolf, though surrounded on all sides, fbught with desperation for sometime against the heavy odds, but at last, completely overpowered, began to despair, and show signs of yielding. The crowd, as usual, being for " the under dog in the fight," cried "hold, enough!" and the dogs were taken off. Soon, however, the wolf, getting a rest, was nearly " himsel' again; " and the dogs, eager for a renewal of the conflict, were again let loose upon him. This fight was not so long as the first, and, after three-quarters of an hour had elapsed from the time of the first encounter, the wolf became perfectly quiet, and the now venerable Dr. Abbott was called upon for his professional opinion on IISTORY OF KALAMAZOO COUNTY. G69 the question of life and death. After feeling the pulse carefully, and seeming to realize the responsibility resting upon him in the decision he was about to make in the case, he very candidly gave it as his opinion that the said wolf was very dead. The evening came in the regular order of events. At the popular inn of Johnson Patrick, at a seemly hour " might have been seen'? a " goodlye coinpanie " seated about Pat's bountiful and splendidly furnished tables, partaking of admirably cooked wild game, and choice edibles of all kinds-forming a sumptuous repast. The occasion was a most happy one, and for years after, the great wolf hunt was a pleasant memory to all who took part in it, and the scenes connected therewith. Among those who should have been included in the list of comers in 1836, are: Dr Browning, who opened the first drug store, (on the site of Neahr's billiard saloon) Elias Whitcomb (purchased share in the mill of Baily ), and Philo Vradenburg. F. W. Curtenius and family came in 1835 (settled on Grand Prairie ). The Kalamazoo Literary Institute was in operation in 1836 (aft terwards made a Branch of the State University). Gen. Justus Burdick came with his family in 1837, and occupied a dwelling where Miss Patrick's school is now. David B. Webster, Drs. Stuart, Ransom and S. Axtell, N. A. Balch and Maj. Ezekiel Ransom, with their families, Benj. F. Orcutt, F. E. Woodward, Isaac N. Janes, Leverett Whitcomb, and others, came the same year. A fatal affray took place that season between two men, named Hannibal and Martin, on Harrison-st.. second house south of the railroad crossing. The plarties were disputing about a well they had been digging together, whent Martin raised a pick or shovel which he had in his hand as if to strike Hannibal, but the latter, being the quicker of the two. struck Martin a blow on the head with a pitchfork handle which he held, and killed him. Hannibal was tried and acquitted, and lived here for a number of years after. The first Episcopal Church edifice was consecrated in September, 1837. About this time, 1837-8, the "wild-cat" currency epoch was at its height, when the country was flooded with the irredeemable issues of mushroom " banks" and every cross-roads had its 70 7HISTORY OF KALAMAZOO COUNTY. "safety find " and cngraved " promises to pay." Kalamazoo never had one of these financial traps, thou(gh she very narrowly escapIed the stigma, a bank having been organized and the bills printed but the institution never went into operation. WVhen this bubble burst, as it soon did, ruining thousands of too-confiding leople, the reaction was very great. From the height of' speculation, extravagance, monetary profilsion, and( apparent prosperity, everything fell to the zero of apathy and despair, and at once the times seemed put "out of joint." lMloney disaippeared, and the era of " dicker " commenced, and continued for years; produce brought but small pay —wheat selling as low as 8'7 cents per bushel. T'his condition of things continued for a long time, and the growth of the village was sloNw. The village alnd country was very sickly in 183R, three-fourthls of the mlemb)ers of all the fhmilies being sick. Horace AMower, Geo. L. Gale, George Colt, Dr. E. N. Colt, Lucius L. Clark, Hliram Underwood, Hiram Arnold and L. TV,. Whitcomb came that year. M3. N. Joy, at tlhat time established here the first hardware store in Western Michigan ( sold out in 18-15 to Allen Potter); the Court House was commenced-J. Burdick contractor, E. It. Ball builder-an d finished the next season. A number of new houses were elected in the village, four of which were on Burdick-st. A race-course was among our institutions then, "run " by Sargeant, IHolman, and others; it commenced in the centre of Lovell-st, at tle Burdick street terminus, and swung around a mile circle of the grand plaza of level ground now partly embraced in Bleycker's addition to the village. It was the scene of much ' sport ': for a year or two. A whig paper, the "W VEsrEmtN BANNER.," was started in 188'8, and died out after an existence of' three or four years. Arnold & Sheldon went into business in the spring of 1839); the followinl, winter Gen. Isaac MIoffatt became a partner. In 1845 Prentiss S. Cobb purchased Sheldon's interest; the new firm,the next year erected the first steam grist mill ( on the site of Allcott's warehouse ), and, in 1849, a distillery and saw mill, on the corner of Burdick and North-sts. The store they occupied was built in 1840, on the site of Thos. S. Cobb's store. Mitchell lHinsdale, Charles Gibbs, Elkinah Walter, Israel Kellogg, Frederick Rice, ILESTORY OF KALAMAZOO COUNTY. 7 P7-I,and others, were counted among the population of Kalamazoo in 1839, then numberingr about 400. T1he year 1840 is maemorable here for the " hard eider campaign," and for the removal Of the Indians. By a treaty made by Gov. Cass with the Indians, some years p~revious, they, were assiured to reservations, until 1840, when, by the stipulations of, tlhe treaty, the G"overnment was to 1)rovide them1 homes, west of the Mississippi. Gen. Hugh Brady', as commander of' this military district, was instruc-ted by the War Departmenit to gTather and remove these Indians as provided, designathing 1~-alamnlzoo as the 1)oift of rendezvous. In the mouth of September they commienced comingy in, and encamped on the corners of Bu0trdickl and h1ansom-streets. Col. Thomas A. H1. Edwards w~as employed to g'mther all those north of this pltace. Neamrly all of'the Indilans came in peaceably, btlt sonic had to be hunited and inn (down by horsemen. Trley wvere all -very loth to leavwe the country they had occupied so longT. rThe chmiefis and princ(ilpal mien urgred Gen, Brady not to send theni aw-ay until they could hear fromi Wasi uington, they havingc forw-ardled thcir' protest to thme Govemninent against the remox-al. rflie~ mesjponse fromn the X~ar' Dclpartmenet was to the efiect that the remnoval must lie made, aiid by the 10th of October all Indlians, except those beloinging to the missions, and those owningy land in their own. righit, hadas semibled here, and on that day departed omi their long imarch. Whatever may he said as to the, justice of this act, there is no doubt but their removal was devoutly wished for by the whites. David S. Wabi- came here in 1841., and commenced purxchasin wha, paying money for the same, and shuippin,- it f'rom the mouth of the St, Joseph river to Bufftumlo. IHis operations here at that time were of immense benefit to the farmers throughout this lpart of the State, and to the village itself; for a little money tlieni passed throughi many hands and accomplished great: results. Before Mr. Walbridgce returned to Buffalo ini the springof' 18412, he rented the grist Mill of Elkinah Walter (built inl 1840 by the father of James A. Walter), theni -standing on the site of Merrill & MCourtie's presemit flouriing mill. Ile removed here -with his family the same year, and for severatlyears occupied 72 HISTORY OF KALAMAZOO COUNTY. a house on Portage-st., built by Caleb Sherman, now owned by Mrs. Longbottorn, For many years he was the principal dealer here in wheat and flour. Iis line of boats, running from the very door of his mill to the mouth of the Kalamazoo river, and thence to Buffalo, carried all the produce, wheat, flour, etc., up to the time the Michigan Central Railroad was completed to Kalamazoo. Many of our pioneer farmers attribute their first success to Mr. Walbridge's enterprise and liberality, in advancing them money on growing crops, and otherwise aidingthem when money was most needed. There were but few events in the history of our village fiom 1840 to 1846 worth recording. The growth in size and population, was slow yet apparent and steady. In 1844 the number of people in the village was about 1,500, and in September of that year the first number of a new weekly journal, the " MIciI(GAN TELEGRAPH," made its appearance. with "IHenry Clay and Frelinghuysen " at its masthead. It was published by Ienry B. Miller, and edited by himself and Geo. Torrey, Sr. The town began to look like a growing place, and to attract enterprise and capital by reason of its beauty and resources. The country also improved more and more abundantly as the times grew better. By degrees new stores, manufactories, buildings, schools and churches, sprang up, streets were improved, and something like the shadow of its bright fiture fell upon the vision of the little village and encouraged it on its way. On the second day of February, Anno Domini, 1846, the trains on the Michigan Central Railroad commenced running regularly from Detroit to Kalamazoo. From that day the "forward movement" in the prosperity of our village is dated. Mills, warehouses, manufactories, stores, associated capital and enterprise, churches, colleges, seminaries, schools, asylums, halls, marble blocks of stores, palatial residences, paved streets, railroads, a well ordered and well governed city (without a public debt) and a happy prosperous people, are among the results that have followed that event and filled the intervening years with busy scenes. Each year has outdone its predecessor in progress, until HISTORY OF KALAMAZOO COUNTY. 73 we come to the b)usiest and grandest of any era in its history, that of 1868 —which gave us a tidal wave of prosperity. The patriotism and loyalty of Kalamazoo was fully and unreservedly shown during the period of the Rebellion. This county fuirnished for the Army of the Union 3,111 men, more than one thousand of which -were furnished by this town. This village was the rendezvous of some ten regiments and parts of regiments. The events and incidents of this glorious episode in our history are too fresh and vivid in the recollection of our people to make more than a passing notice necessary. The increase in the number of the inhabitants of Kalamazoo during the year 1868, hbas been very large, and altogether unprecedented-. The extent and character of the buildings erected, and enterprises carried into execution are superior, and indi(cate enliarged views and increased wealth of our business men. 1Among some of' the most prominent of the business blocks erected durinr the last year, are the following: 0. I. Allen's, and Messrs. Green & Woodham's, on Burdick-st.; Mlessrs. Bennett and Crainer's, B.]assett & Bates', Chase, Chapin and Jones', and the handsome store erected Iby Win. A. Tomlinson, on Mlain street. 'lhe elegant and princely residences of Dr. Mottram, and Messrs. Nathaniel A. IBalch, Rallsoml Gardner, HIenry Gilbert, Dr. Stilfwell and others, and the handsome stables of Mr. Stephen S. Cobb, D1). Mottraln arnd Henry Gilbert, Esq., are evidences of the liberality.and taste of their owners, and are valuable contributions, rich gifts of beauty and worth to the villatge, adding new charms to the nmanifold attractions of Kalarnazoo. The new -Methodist and Catholic Churches, very fine edifices, are nearly completed. The new jail, built during the past season at an expense of over $4U,000, is nearly ready for use, iand is a model of its kind. Trhe Kalamazoo, Allegan and Grand Rapids Railroad has nearly completed its inarch northward to Grand 1Rapids; starting ftom Kalamazoo last sprinig, and extending rapidly to Plainwell, Otsego, Allegan, Wayland, and is now within whistle, of the Valley City. rThe ability and energy which has charactcrized the management and prosecution of this work has been 10 74 IIISTORY OF KALAMAZOO COUNTY. truly admirable, while the success of the road has been very great. The company have erected a large elevator, ware-house, and depot buildings on Porter street, near Main. and a side-track to the Michigan Central Railroad depot. The Grand Rapids and Indiana Railroad Company have been lpushing the work on their line during the past year with the intention of putting the entire road in running order from Fort Wayne to Cedar Rapids at the earliest day practicable. Their road-bed is nearly all finished, and a portion of the road is in operation. The work of the Company has been checked here by the opposition of soni of our citizens, which has occasioned some delay in its progress. But before another year ends, this important road, it seems probable, will be one of the most important and popular of our travel and fieight-carrying lines. From present appearances the year 1 869 will prove a more prosperous one for Kalamazoo than the one just passed. Work is already in contemplation which will give employment to many hands, and add much to the wealth and resources of our village. The future of this town seems bright, and is full of promise. The one thing, most needed, for our growth into a place of larger wealth and importance is tile improvement of the extensive water-power afforded by the Kalamazoo River. But even with steam-power our wanlts might be much better supplied than they now are. There is hardly a point in the State that offers better inducements for the investment of capital in manufacturing enterprises than Kalamazoo; tfr it is the seat of a rich, thriving and populous agricultural section of country; it is now a railroad centre, and is abundant in material for manufacturing purposes. Our citizens should lose no opportunity to foster and advance this important interest. It is believed, too, that if proper and liberal efforts should be made, the machine shops of the several railroads passing through here might be located at this place, adding greatly to our population and means of wealth. HISTORY OF KALAMAZOO COUNTY. 75 SCHOOLCRAFT. Sketch of the History of Schoolcraft Township and Village, in the County of Kalamazoo, Michigan. The history of the origin of any community, the names of its pioneers, their habits and character, and the leading events and circumstances of the early settlement, are always matter of just and rational interest to their descendants and successors. The means and material for this information insensibly disappear as time passes, and now, after the lapse of forty years since the settlement of the prairies in the south part of the County of Kalamazoo, the number of those who shared in the toils and privations, in the hopes and expectations of those early days are few indeed. From such as remain, from the recollections of the writer, and from such authority as is now accessible, the facts contained in the following brief sketch have been obtained. Prairie Ronde, so called by the early French votyageurs and hunters, is Inuch the largest and.finest prairie in the State, containing, with what is known as Gourd Neck Prairie, which is merely an eastern limb of the same, separated by a narrow, marshy ravine, about 2,700 acres. The township line between Schoolcraft and Prairie Itonde townships extends north and south through the entire length of the prairie, which is about co-terminous with the townships on the north and south, dividing nearly in the centre a natural grove of timber, standing isolated in the prairie, containing (originally) about 300 acres. It is on this prairie, just east of this grove, that the village of School 76 HISTORY OF KALAMAZOO COUNTY. craft is located; and, it is remarkable that the recorded plat. with its explanations, contains nothing whatever defining and fixing its locality, except the phrase: ' East of the Big Island on Prairie Ronde." The same omission occurs in the recorded plat of the village of Marshall, which is among the early records of Kalamazoo County, to which the County of Calhoun was then attached for judicial purposes. lThe Indian name of Prairie Ronde was Wa-we-os-co-tang-scotah, which may perhaps be rendered- The round fire-plain, or, as the French had it-Prairie Ronde. Perhaps the eye of man has rarely rested on a more beautiful natural landscape than was presented by Prairie RondeBefore the white i.ln marred it with his plow." Ascending slightly from the circumference to the centre, yet so as to seem full rather than elevated; surrounded with a noble forest, whose sharp cut and lerfect line was no where so distant as to be indistinct, yet so remote that the beams of the rising and setting sun seemed to blend in a mist of gold and purple. The whole plain was covered, froml Spring to Autumn, with a gorgeous array of flowers, whose diffteringT colors followed each other in due succession; until, at last, faded and gone, in the Autumn winds"The tall, rank spike-grass waved its bristly head " It was such a scene of unrivalled beauty that opened to the view of the first white settler of Prairie ]Ronde. Bazel Harrison came with his fmnily from Clark County. Ohio, and located on section 2, on the shore of the little lake, since called Harrison's Lake, in the present township of Prairie Ronde, November 6th, 1828 (where he still resides with his son, John S. HIarrison). now-November, 186i-a venerable old man of 96 years. With him came Henry Whipple, his son-inlaw, and a man named Davidson; and the following winter camin Abram I. Shaver and Erastus Guilford; and to the new settlement were soon added William Duncan. Christopher Bair, George Brown, Abner Calhoon, and others; so that, by the spring of 1830, there was a circle of settlers about the border of the prairie, and at " the Island," numbering some sixty ftnilie.s. IISTORY OF KALAMAZOO COUNTY. 77 The first township meeting was held on the 14th of December, 1830, pursuant to a voluntary call of citizens, of which the following is a copy: "To the electors of the township of Brady, in Kalamazoo County: "The undersigned persons, citizens and freeholders in said township, deeming it necessary as well as interesting to community that a speedy election of the township officers should take place for the promotion of our social relations, in establishing roads and dividing the township into school districts, do hereby give notice to the inhabitants of said township to meet for the purpose of holding a special meeting, on Tuesday, the 14th day of December, inst., at two of the clock i. Ni., at the dwvellinghouse of Abner Calhoon, on Prairie Ronde, to act on die following articles, viz.: 1. To choose a moderator to preside in said meeting; "2. To make choice of a township clerk; "3. To elect three commissioners of highways; "4. To elect five commissioners of common schools. "Brady township, Dec. 6th, 130)." Signed, William Duncan, Daniel Bacon, Delalnore Duncan. John Insley, Franklin Howard, George Brown, David Beadle, free holders. The meeting was held accordingly, and resulted in the election of, township clerk, Christopher Bair; commissioners of highways, Stephen Ioyt, Bazel Harrison, and William Bishop; school commissioners, Joel Clark, Stephen Hoyt, Abiel Fellows and Abran I. Shaver. On the 4th day of April, 1831, what is called a " legal meeting," was held at the house of Abner Calhoon, at which Edwin H. Lothrop was elected supervisor; Ilosea B. Htuston, township clerk; and all the other offices were filled with the familiar names of the early settlers. A committee was appointed " to select a site for a pullic burying-ground," and it was voted " to raise a bounty on wolf scalps." In October, 1831, Lucius Lyon, surveyor of public lands, having laid what were called " floating claims" upon the south 78 HISTORY OF KALAMAZOO COUNTY, west quarter of section 18, and the east half of the north-west quarter of section 19, in township four south of range eleven west, now the township of Schoolcraft, proceeded, by his agent, Dr. David E. Brown, to lay out the whole of the east half of the said south-west quarter of section 18, and the north part of the east half of the north-west quarter of section 19 into a village plat, which he named Schoolcraft, in honor of his friend, Henry 14. Schoolcraft, a somewhat noted Indian agent and explorer. Hence it happened that when the township in which the village was located received its separate organization as a township, it, also, was called Schooleraft. But this did not occur until the Spring of 1842, while the territory which now constitutes that township, as well as that of the present townships of Climax, Pavillion, Portage, Texas, Prairie Ionde, Brady and Wakeshma, the entire south half of the county, were included in the township of Brady, whose organization we have already noted. These several townships were separately organized, fiom time to time, until the final separation and organization of the present townships of Brady and Schoolcraft in April, 1842-. For this reason the history of Schoolcraft, previous to that year, necessarily embraces more or less of the history of all these townships, but more especially that of' Prairie Ronde township, since Schoolcraft and Prairie Ronde embrace nearly the whole of tlle prairie so called, and Gourd Neck Prairie; and, because of this similarity of physical geography, their contiguity, and the consequent unity in time and character of their settlement, became closely affiliated in interest and intercourse. By the fall of 1831, when the writer of this sketch arrived at the new village of Schooleraft, the following named persons had settled on and about the prairie, whose names became identified with the history and fortunes of the new settlement: Dr. Nathan M. Thomas came fiom Jefferson County, Olio, in June, 1830, and began the practice of his profession, being the first practising physician in the county. He lived on "the West-side," until 1832, when he removed to the village of Schooleraft, where he has since resided, having, for a long time, an extensive practice, always taking an active part in the poli HISTORY OF KALAMAZOO COUNTY. 79 ics of the day, and widely known as a zealous advocate of the anti-slavery cause. His house was one of the stations of the "underground railroad " when the sable fugitives from bondage were accustomed to travel that important thoroughfare. Stephen Vickery, who afterwards repeatedly represented the county in the Legislature of the Territory and the State, taught a school at" Insley's Corners" in the winter of 1831-2, where a school had been taught the previous winter by the Rev. T. W. Merrill. On 'the West-side " were also William Duncan, prominent in good works while he lived; Delatnore Duncan, then Sheriff of the county; Col. Abiel Fellows and sons; Erastus Guilford, John Insley, Samuel ITa.ckett, John and,James Knight, Christopher Bair, Stephen Hoyt and sons, Isaac Sumner (then Register of l)eeds by appointment of (ov. Cass), Abner Calhoon, John Kelly, the Nesbitts, the Barbers, Josiah Rosecrantz, Joel Clark and sons, Erastus WVilliams, Towner Savage, P. J. McCreery, Bazel Iarrison and sons. On the north end and at "Virginia Corners,' were Stephen Leverich, Rlichard IIolmes, Aaron Burson and sons, Nathan Cobb, John Brown and Dr. David E. Brown, for many years a practising physician. On the east side and Gourd Neck. were James Armstronlg, Elias IRawson, Hlenry and Peleg Stevens, Rev. Benjamin Taylor, James Noyes, Joseph Bair. John McComsy, Rloberlt Frakes and sons, William Robinson and the Mcllvains. At the south end were E. hI. Lothrop, since well known throughout the State. many times Representative and once Speaker of the House; Franklin Howard, Elislla Doane, Harry Smith, Russell Peck and Stephen Barnaby. At the village of Schooleraft and near it, several persons had made claims and settlements, sold out and disappeared. Messrs. Smith, Huston & Co.-that is, James Smith, Jr., H. B. Huston and Thaddeus Smith, from Windsor Co., Vt., having in the summer of 1830, brought the first stock of goods that came into the county, occupying for store and dwelling a part of the log cabin of Abner Calhoon, on the west side, had now, in the spring of 1831, built a log store and dwelling east of the Big Island, and 80 IIISTORY OF KALAMAZOO COUNTY. added to their stock. Joseph A. Smith had also become an additional partner in the firm. They also this summer erected the first frame building at Kalamazoo, afterwards occupied by the Branch Bank, and still later as a music store. This they stocked with goods under the care of I-. B. I-uston. In the winter following Thaddeus Smith left the firm and E. L. Brown took his place. Jamles Smith, Jr., was not a resident till the.slping of 1833, when he arrived with his family. In the winter of 1831-2 Smith, Huston & Co. and Johnson Patrick, began to build the public house long known as the " Big Island Iotel," kept some two years by Patrick, and afterwards by John Dix. The framing of this building by Mr. Nathaniel Foster, was the latest instance I am aware of; of the application of the old "scribe rule," or the " cut and try:" principle. The township of Brady being fairly launched on its civil and political career, let us now take a look at the character and condition of its inhabitants. Previous to the spring of 1831 the settlers held their lands exclusively by the right of pre-emption; that is, by original " squatters' claim" or by "floating claim," the land not having yet come in market. What were called "floating claims" arose in this way:Every settler upon government lands, by complying with certain conditions, obtained the right of pre-emption at one dollar and a quarter per acre, to one-quarter section of land. The settlements were frequently made before the surveys, and it consequently often happened that two claimants would be found to have settled upon the same quarter section. When this happened, from whatever cause, each settler was entitled to one 80 acre lot of the occupied quarter section, and also the right to lay claim to and pre-empt any other unoccupied half quarter section. These claims were transferable, and became the foundation to the title to much valuable property. In May, 1831, the lands in Kalamazoo Co. were open to entry' and sale at the Land Office at Monroe, and of all the large quantity of government land on Prairie Ronde and Gourd Neck prairies, not a single 80 acre lot remained unsold at the close of the public sale in that nonth. Considerable land, however, for dif HISTORY OF KALAMAZOO COUNTY. 81 ferent causes, was withheld from sale. An Indian reservation of ten miles square embraced the east two tiers of sections in the present township of Schoolcraft, the whole of Brady, and the west two miles of Wakeshma. This embraced nearly onehalf of Gourd Neck prairie, and during its ownership by the Indians, the settlers thereon were in the habit of conciliating them by various means; sometimes cultivating a field for their benefit. The Indian title was extinguished and the Indians removed west of the Mississippi in the year 1842. Several sections and parts of sections on Prairie Ronde had also been selected by the commissioners appointed to select the University Lands. It was subsequently decided that the University could not hold the " broken sections," but it had the effect to keep them from market a few years. The settlers having now, with these exceptions, become owners in fee of their rich and beautiful farms, a more independent, jovial and hilarious company never congregated than used to meet at the "Smith store," or the "Big Island Hotel." A large part of the settlers were from the newer settlements of Ohio and Pennsylvania, a few from Kentucky, and a goodly colony fiomn Virginia, with habits and characteristics, and to a certain extent a dialect, quite distinct from those of the Vermonters and emigrants from other New England States. The doings and conversation of a company of these settlers at their occasional merry-makings was matter of curious and novel interest to a newly arrived New Englander. Schooleraft became at once the business centre and gathering place of the whole settlement. Every Saturday was a gala-day at the Big Island Hotel. Then came the Frakeses, the McIlvains, the Stevenses, the Hoyts, the Harri sons, and a host of companions and backers, each with the fastest nag, ready for a quarter race or a fight, and the fun was fast and furious for that day; while mine host's liquor circulated without stint or measure. Many an amusing anecdote might be related of the doings of these hilarious merry-makers. On one occasion, Col. Lyman I. Daniels, who came to the prairie in 1831, and soon after married and settled at Schooleraft, brought out a tame bear to be baited by all the dogs. While the battle 11 82 IISTORY OF KALAMAZOO COUNTY. and the excitement was at the highest, the owner of one of the dogs (now a wealthy citizen of Kalamazoo), in his eagerness to cheer on his dog, approached too near the erect and defiant Bruin, who, with one sweep of his paw, denuded him of much the greater part of his pantaloons; in which, being new broadcloth, he had come out that morning with no little pride and satisfaction. With all this rough sport there was little tendency to crime. The traveler might pass secure with any sum of money upon his person, and the doors of dwellings were habitually without bars or bolts, although known to be the depositories of such sums as the owners from time to time possessed. As Prairie Ronde was the granary of the whole country for many miles about, its trade rapidly increased, and Smith, Huston & Co., counted among their regular customers, not only persons from every new settlement in the county, but also from Three Rivers, from Paw Paw, from Otsego and Allegan, and even from Battle Creek and Marshall, the great grain-producing prairie occasionally drew customers for both wheat and store goods. The commercial facilities of the country as compared with those of the present day, were of the most tedious, expensive and discouraging character. Goods were shipped by sail vessels by way of Mackinac to St. Joseph, and thence boated up the St. Joseph, or, at a little later date, the narrow and tortuous Pawpaw river, and landed at some convenient place on the bank, without shelter or guard, till they could be hauled in by wagons. Wheat, the only exportabe product, was, in like man. ner, hauled to some temporary store-house on these rivers, and sent down in boats or on arks,-these last could be used only on the St. Joseph. They were simply plank boxes, some 10 or 12 feet wide by about 60 feet long; and when the cargo was landed at St. Joseph, they were abandoned or sold for a trifle, and the crew returned on foot. To illustrate some of the contingencies to which this mode of transportation was subject, I will relate what occurred to a cargo of wheat shipped from Three Rivers in one of these arks in HIISTORY OF KALAMAZOO COUNTY. 83 1834; by J. & J. A. Smith & Co., the name which the Schoolcraft division of the firm of Smith, IHuston & Co. had taken. The ark had been duly loaded with some eight or ten hundred bushels of wheat, provisioned for the voyage, with a hardy crew under the command of Capt. Mishael Beadle, and started off with favoring omens, and every prospect of a safe and speedy arrival at the destined port. But the gods willed it otherwise. Capt. Beadle and his crew had provided themselves with a barrel of whiskey with which to alleviate the toil and privations of the voyage, and had it placed at a convenient point on the shore at the head of what was called McIntaffer's Riffles, which now make the Lockport water-power, just below Three Rivers. Arriving near the place of deposit, the ark was laid alongside the shore, and while under full headway, and beginning to feel the increasing force of the current, a line made fast to tile stern was thrown ashore and cast about a tree on the bank; but so far from stopping to take on loard the barrel of whiskey, the willful Argo passed on unchecked, leaving the entire stern end tied up to the tree; and the good ship and cargo were speedily overflowed by the rapid water of McIntaffer's Riffles, which then had nothing better to do. New buildings were now constantly springing up at Schoolcraft. The Post-Office was removed fiomr "Shirland," a now forgotten village, that had been laid out at Insley's Corners, and J. A. Smith appointed postmaster in the Spring of 1832. This year the prospect seemed fair for a rapid growth to the new village, when two events occurred that almost entirely stopped emigration for that season. On one of the last days of April, about ten at night, an express arrived from White Pigeon with dispatches to the effect that the Indians under Black Hawk had fought and defeated the United States troops in Illinois; that the fort at Chicago was probably taken, and that all the white settlements in the West were in great danger, and calling on the militia of Kalamazoo county to muster forthwith and march to Niles, the point of rendezvous for the Michigan troops. Dr. David E. Brown had previously been commissioned Colonel; Isaac Barnes, of Gull Prairie, Lieut. 84 HISTORY OF KALAMAZOO COUNTY. Colonel, and H. B. Huston, Major, of a regiment of militia. Col. Brown, and as many of the settlers as could be got together, were hastily convened in the new tavern then just erected, under an excitement that at this time seems rather amusing. E. L. Brown volunteered to take the dispatches to Kalamazoo and Gull Prairie, where he arrived about daylight in the morning. The regiment of three or four companies of about 6O men each, Capt. James Noyes and Capt. Ephrai IlIarrison commanding two companies of the prairie men, speedily mustered at Schoolcraft, and in a few days marched for the seat of war, camping at night of the second day near the village of Niles. In the morning orders arrived for the return and disbalnding of the reginent, as there were no provisions for them, and they would probably not be wanted. On this expedition the venerable John Ioward, of Dry Prairie, who was present at the taking of Cornwallis, drove one of the baggage-wagons. So ended the part of Kalamazoo County in the Black Hawk war. But it had the effect to stop all emigration for that spring; and in the following summer came that new and terrible scourge, the Asiatic Cholera. It had no victims in Kalamazoo County, but in all the large towns in the Territory numbers died of it, as did some of the best citizens of Marshall and Nottaway Prairie, and the whole country was full of gloom. In the summer of 1834, the Branch Bank of Michigan was established at Kalamazoo; and the removal of the Land Office from White Pigeon to Kalamazoo the same year gave an immense impetus to the advance of that village, while Schoolcraft remained for years nearly stationary. Several of her mechanics removed to Kalamazoo, some even taking their shops with them. In 1834, the first survey of the Detroit and St. Joseph Railroad was made through the Village of Schoolcraft, and hope was high again. But its final location through Kalamazoo made that village the nearest market for the immense agricultural products of Prairie Ronde, and, of course, turned its trade almost entirely in that direction. No small share of the prosperity of that beautiful town is due to its trade with the farmers of that wonderfully productive prairie. IIISTORY OF KALAMAZOO COUNTY. 85 Still another impediment to the growth of the village of Schooleraft is the fact that, although it occupies nearly the geographical centre of the prairie, and has always been the main centre of business for both Prairie Ronde and Schooleraft townships, its situation is not central in regard to its own township. Situated near the township line on the extreme west side, it has to some extent a rival in the village of Brady, occupying a similar position on the extreme east side of the township; which, having the advantage of a very good water-power, has become a place of considerable business. This water-power was first improved by one John Vickars (hence the sobriquet of Vicksb7)rg, by which the place is generally known) who, in 1831, constructed on the Portage creek, a little mill for grinding grain, the stones for which lie brought fiom Ohio, in a pair of saddle-bags, on hlorselack. In this mill the unbolted wheat meal was made which supplied the family with whom the writer hereof boarded in the winter of 1831-2. Subsequently Vickars added a diminutive distillery to his mill of which no good ever came. The village of Brady has for many years had the benefit of a saw-mill and a custom and flouring mill. It has also several stores, a blacksmith shop, tavern, &c. Previous to the year 1836, all the business of Schoolcraft had centered about the corners of Center and Eliza streets; a large hotel and well built stores occupying all the corners. But in that year, the "University lot" lying contiguous to Schooleraft on the east, having reverted to Government, and been sold, an addition was made to the village of the south half of said lot, known as " Bull's Addition;" a public house was erected on Grand street where the Prairie Ronde House now stands; and the business of the town gradually drew that way. The highway running south from the termination of Center street was closed after much litigation, in which the whole township became involved; and in the course of which a jury rendered a verdict of $2,720 damages by the highway which, years before, the complaining proprietor, Lucius Lyon, had himself designatted and opened, through land, the whole body of which, at the 86 HISTORY OF KALAMAZOO COIUNTY. time of the verdict, could not have been sold for one-half that sum. The consequence was to render nearly valueless all that had been done by the pioneers of the village, and to transfer the business, and even the buildings, from their old location, to Grand Street. In 1837, Schoolcraft was seized with that mania for banking by those who had no money to lend, but who wished to borrow, which prevailed so extensively under the system created by the General Banking Law, and which produced that delectable brood known as " Wild Cat Banks." A company was organized, called the "Farmers' Bank of Prairie Ronde," the amount of specie required by law paid in, the bills engraved, books and furniture procured, and all was in readiness to let out the "cats;" but the whole system beginning rapidly to fill to pieces, the officers wisely refrained; not a bill was signed; and so Schoolcraft was saved the reproach that fell upon so many towns of the new State of Michigan. A long interval of dullness and stagnation now succeeded. The trade of the prairie was more than ever diverted to Kalamazoo, and the village wore that dilapidated and unthrifty appearance which always attends a state of stagnation in business. For nearly twenty years few events worthy of note occurred. A few dwellings were added from time to time, and each of the religious denominations, Baptist, Presbyterian and Methodist, erected moderately convenient houses of worship. Rlev.Wnm. Taylor, also, about the year 1846, erected a building and opened the public school called "The Cedar Park Female Seminary," designed for the education of females only, but to which both sexes have always been admitted, and in which a school, varying much in character and usefulness, has generally been taught up to the present time. Previous to his death, whicli occurred, in 1852, Mr. Taylor conveyed the Seminary property to the Trustees of Kalamazoo College, under whose auspices it has since been conducted: but during the present year it has been purchased bySchool District No. 4, of Schoolcraft, and the building is about to be enlarged and used as a Union or gradedl school-house. IISTORY OF KALAMIAZOO COUNTY. 87 An event of no little interest at the time to the farmers of Prairie Ronde was the invention, and operation, by Hiram Moore, Esq., of Climax, of a harvesting machine, known as "Moore and Hascall's Harvester." Several of these machines were built at Schoolcraft between the years 1835, when the first rude attempt was made, and 1848, when the invention had become perfected. They were somewhat extensively used in harvesting, almost exclusively on Prairie Ronde, but were superseded by the cheaper and less cumbrous Reapers, then just coming into use. These harvesters performed the work of cutting, threshing, cleaning and bagging the grain at one operation; delivering it ready to be hauled to the granary. They were operated by 16 horses requiring four drivers, and three attendents on the machines. Altogether they were most ingeniously constructed and effective machines, attracting crowds of people, even from other States, to witness their work. One machine could harvest about twenty acres in a day; and the writer of this had 600) bushels of wheat cut, threshed, and bagged, by one machine in a day. The inventor removed to Wisconsin, where he has since operated one of the machines on his extensive farm; and one was taken many years ago to California. None of them have been operated on Prairie Ronde since 1850. In May, 1855, a company was formed under the name of the Schoolcraft and Three Rivers Railroad Company, for the purpose of constructing a railroad between those places. Three Rivers was already connected with the Michigan Southern Railroad by the St. Joseph Valley Railroad fiom Three Rivers to Constantine, and a branch of the Michigan Southern from that place to White Pigeon, all owned by the PM. S. &. N. I. R. R. Co. A proposition was obtained from the latter Company to transfer as a free gift the entire line from White Pigeon to Three Rivers to the new company, upon their completing the road to Schoolcraft. About $40,000 of stock was immediately subscribed, and $30,000 expended in grading and ties, when, from various causes. the work was suspended, and was not completed till the latter part of the year 1865; the first passenger car coming into Sehoolcraft, January 1st, 1866. A contract had previously been 88 HISTORY OF KALAMAZOO COUNTY. made with Mr. Ransom Gardner, transferring to him the roadbed, stock, and all franchises, together with a bonus of $60,000, upon condition of his completing and operating the road. On the completion of this road, Kalamazoo, touched by the unfailing magnet of commercial necessity, at once made arrangements to extend it to that place, giving Mr. Gardner a like bonus of $60.000; and, in May, 1867, the line was complete to Kalamazoo. It has since been continued to Allegan, and in a few months will be completed to Grand Rapids. The opening of this road has given a new impulse to the business and growth of Schoolcraft. Its population has already more than doubled; numbers of beautiful stores, a large and costly grain elevator, a planing mill, and a very expensive and perfect steam flouring mill have been built; a furnace is in process of erection, and everything indicates that, at length, the progress of Schoolcraft in material prosperity will be in a degree commensurate with the wealth of the unrivalled country by which it is surrounded. A considerable addition was made to the village on the south.east some years since, called "Hatch's Addition;" and recently a still more extensive one directly east of the last, called "Dyckman's Addition." All of the original village plat north of Vienna street, and all that part south of Eliza street and west of Center street, was vacated by order of the Circuit Court several years ago. During the last year the "Peninsular Railway," leading from Port Huron to Chicago, has been surveyed through Schoolcraft, and is now being graded along the whole line. The opening of this road will give Schoolcraft railroad facilities second to no town in the State, and cannot fail to be felt in a rapid advancement in all its interests. I cannot close this sketch witholut mention of the noble record of these prairie townships in the war of the rebellion. No sooner was the call of their country heard than their citizens sprung to arms. The few who sympathized with the rebellion were awed into silence by the patriotic bearing of the loyal many; and the " prairie boys" were always favorites with the IISTORY OF KALAMAZOO COUNTY. s89 officers of the various regiments to which they belonged. Several of them fell in battle, many received honorable wounds which shall be to their fellow-citizens life-long mementoes of their noble sacrifices for their imperilled country; and others have been relieved by death, or still linger the suffering victims of the prisons of Richmond and Andersonville. Throughout the war the women of Schoolcraft and Prairie Ronde devoted time and energy to providing sanitary stores and comforts for the soldiers of the Republic, and in either township no proposition for raising bounties for volunteers was ever negatived. Mr. George C. Munger, of Prairie Ronde, Corporal in Company I, of the 4th Regiment Michigan Cavalry, was the captor of the arch traitor of all-Jefferson Davis. Abiel Fellows, of Prairie Ronde, was appointed post-master of the first post office established in the county, in 1830. Bazel Harrison, Titus Bronson, and Stephen Hoyt were commissioned Judges for the County of Kalamazoo by Gov. Cass in 1830. William Duncan's commission as County Clerk bears date August 17th, 1830. The first Court held in the County was opened at the house of Abner Calhoon on Prairie Ronde, on the third Tuesday of October, 1831, present Bazel Harrison and Stephen Hoyt, Judges, and was adjourned "to the school house near John Insley's, in Brady township." Stephen Vickery was appointed foreman of the Grand Jury. The first case entered on the docket was an appealed case, George Shaw vs. A. I. Shaver and Ephraim Harrison. At this term four indictments were found. L. 1I. Daniels appeared as attorney, and challenged the array of the Grand Jury. " The motion made by L. I. Daniels to challenge the array of the Grand Jury is decided by the Court to be out of order and improper." The first white child born in the county is, it has always been conceded, Eliza J. Wilmarth, who was born at Prairie Ronde, December 16th, 1829, her parents having come into that town in March 10th of the same year. The parents of Miss Calista Shaver, however, claim a priority of nativity for their daughter, furnishing documents showing that Calista was born July 29th, 1829. The first white child born in Schoolcraft, was Helen A. 12 90 HISTORY OF KALAMAZOO COUNTY. Smith, daughter of Thaddeus and Eliza Smith, now wife of I. W. Pursel, Esq., born Oct. 3d, 1831. Schoolcraft became an incorporated village in April, 1866. WA-WE-OS-CO-TANG. The following poem, descriptive of Prairie Ronde in its state of nature and also of the varied and picturesque scenes of its harvest fields, at a later date, written many years ago by the author of the foregoing history, is inserted by consent of the author, at the special request of the publisher of this work: Ye who in mad ambition's vain career Seek for that good ye might have found so near; Ye, who so idly thirst and inly pine For glittering spoils of Sacramento's mine:Come to the prairies: Come where nature's hand Has showered all blessings on this fruitful land; And, while the glorious scene aright ye view, Learn what delusive visions ye pursue. I knew thee well, fair Wa we-os-co-tang. When the shrill whoop along thy borders rang; When thy proud sons thy broad area trod, And owned no better title than from God! By nature taught, they knew no human law Save the mild rule of gray-haired Sagamaw. I saw thee decked in nature's chiefest pride, In gayer colors than an eastern bride; And oft, as if some newer charm to try, In gayer colors still allure the eye. I, too, beheld-what well might awe inspirePass o'er thy face the annual scourge of fire In early spring, when the returning sun To dry the storm-drenched earth had now begun, And the light winds had lifted, dry and sere, The faded produce of the former year, Some roving hunter's hand the torch applies, And quick around the darting flames arise: IIISTORY OF KALAMAZOO COUNTY. 91 Before the wind they leap and flash on high, And rise in lurid columns to the sky! Wide and more wide the flaming wave extends, Till on each distant wood the fiery billow ends; Then rushing on, as if with maddened ire, Laps the whole plain in one broad sheet of fire The plover, screaming, seeks some distant fen; The flying deer scarce reach the wooded glen. By slow degrees, at length, the flames decay, Flashing now here, now there, and die away. Lo I now, the scene! the whole vast plain outspread, Black as the pall that shrouds the coffined dead! No tree, no shrub, no living thing is seen; No blade of russet grass or springing green: Black desolation broods o'er all the plain, That seems as blasted ne'er to bloom again I And yet not all:-for lo I the wondering eye Beholds a forest pointing to the sky.Full in the midst of all the dreary waste Some magic art a sacred grove has placed: A thousand times the circling flames have swathed The enchanted grove, yet left the grove unscathed. Full, round and fair its swelling curves appear, No tree is blasted, and no limb is sere. Is it the elves-the sylvan deitiesKeep watch and ward around these sacred trees, Protecting them by some mysterious power That e'en the scathing flames may not devour? I say not, I; although hard by I've seen Strange circling foot-prints on the dewy green.Perchance the red man truly may avow The kind, protecting care of Manitou. Howe'er it be, yet this, at least, is true;The grove in beauty looms upon the view, Seeming " an island in an inland sea," O'er which some demon power in wicked glee Or wrathful spite his powerful charm had cast, And changed the circling flood into the blackened waste Oh, who can tell from any present hour What future suns may rise, what storms may lower I 92 TITSTORY OF KALAMAZOO COUNTY. Or, from the color of his present state Predict the changing hues of the mixed web of fate! How oft we pass along life's pleasant vay And cull the fairest flowers from day to day; And little deem how soon the bursting storm May change the prospect, and the scene deform! So, too, when all around seems dark and drear, And the lone wanderer sinks in grief and fear, The parting clouds, dissolving, melt away, All nature smiles and balmy breezes play. And this vast plain that wasting fires have charred, All life evanished and all beauty marred — A few returning suns and vernal showers, And lo! one broad expanse of opening flowers First the blue violets ope their dreamy eyes, And bathed in purple the whole prairie lies;Alternate colors bloom and disappear In quick succession through the varying year. All earthly glories pass away at last:Faded and rustling in the Autumn blast, Summer's bright children shrink and pass away;Oh, sad monition to the young and gay And where but late their sweet perfume was shed The tall rank spike-grass waves its bristly head. Such, 0, most beauteous prairie, such wert thou Before the white marn marred thee with his plow; And to appropriating instinct true Long lines of barriers on thy bosom drew. Now the pleased eye o'er all thy vast domain Sees grazing herds and fields of waving grain; And thy gay tessalated face adorn The blooming clover and the tasseled corn. And still the eye in wandering o'er the scene Delighted turns to that round, swelling greenThat grove preserved so many rolling years;And when the day-god in the east appears, As if rejoiced, imparts his kindling glow, Tinging with ruddy light each lofty bough; This salutation o'er, declines his rays, IIISTORY OF KALAMAZOO COUNTY. 93 And bright with glittering light the village steeples blaze: And hark! a voice the green-wood bowers among Pours forth this rustic, dithyrambic song:PRAIRIE RONDE AT HARVEST-TIME. "Ye in crowded cities pent, With dust and toil and turmoil spent, In a way Heaven never meant I am fearful; Would ye see a pleasant sight That will give more heart-delight Than the gayest gala-night And more cheerful? Know ye aught of Prairie Ronde? What it is and where 'tis found? ' Tis the very biggest prairie 'Twixt St. Jo. and Sault St. Marie;'Tis a broad and fertile plain Where the farmer raises grain; By gay greenwood surrounded; By leafy rim adorned and bounded;Yet so distant is the fringe That it wears a purple tinge; And when the setting sun With its softened light is shining; Its mellow, yellow beams With the purple haze entwining, Ye well may gaze admiring, At the magic scene before ye, For the prairie seems encircled By a diadem of glory! How it came to be so big Without tree, or bush, or twig, -Saving only In the very middle of it, As designed for show or profit, Stands "the Island," grand and lonely, — Every scientific prig can resolve it:How by wonderful upheaval, 94 HISTORY OF KALAMAZOO COUNTY. In the ages medieval, Or some far-away time now incog., By gradual slow gradation To its present elevation It was raised from a lake or bog. By your leave, most learned sages, The wonder-working ages Have performed no such marvelous luctation; The matter in a fog ye more involve it:The land was fashioned,-never doubt it,Just like all the land about itA grand old forest waved its branches proudly o'er it: How the forest passed away, Never to burgeon here again, Leaving open to the day This broad and level plain, Need we seek for causes higher Than the whirlwind and the fire? But see! o'er all the extended plain, See the yellow, waving grain: And the sturdy, hardy yeomen, Like inexorable foemen, How they sweep it! How they reap it! How, with every kind of engine That the busy brain has fashioned, They attack it in their fury Like a host of foes impassioned! Here, a band of strong cradlers, with regular sweep; See how, like a cadence, the motion they keep: The long swath grows behind them, the grain sinks before, Oh, the band of strong cradlers! what art can do more? And here come the busy binders; How they toil and struggle after: No time for merry song, No time for idle laughter: With ready rake and nimble fingers They tie the stately sheaf; Ill luck to him that lingers, Little hope of near relief. But Hark! the rattling "Reaper;" HISTORY OF KALAMAZOO COUNTY. 95 Here it comes with noisy din, And the grain sinks before it Like good intentions before sin! One rides upon the Reaper Waving oft the Reaper's wand, And every pass he makes Lays a sheaf upon the land. Now, now, 0 busy binders! Now bind with might and main, For the ground must all be cleared Ere the Reaper comes again. Thus in ever lessening circles Round and round the field they go, Nor must the weary, panting horses Yield a jot to failing forces Nor slacken to a pace more slow. 0, band of strong cradlers, with regular sweep; Your vocation is gone; -'tis the Reaper must reap. Now ever as the fields are shorn, And studded thick with shocks of corn, Comes and goes the laboring wain, Groaning 'neath the loaded grain; While with heedful care, alone, The stacker builds the lofty cone; Until complete, the tapering stack Defies the tempest and the rack. But yonder, lo! what huge machine? Drawn by steeds at least sixteen: Two by two in lengthened line With even step their strength combine: Four mounted drivers guide their course And win from each an equal force. Now they turn the hither corner, And from the Island near How the echoes of its music Strikes shrill upon the ear! What does the noisy monster Among the waving grain? Here, step upon the platform Where you can see it plain: 96 IISTORY OF KALAMAZOO COUNTY. A sack hangs at the hopper And a steady stream runs in; And the tyer must tie nimbly To be in time again. See you what the mighty " Harvester" Does among the grain? How, with wide, majestic tread, Ever feeding, never fed, It moves along the plain'; A waving field before it And stubble all behind; The wheat given to the sack, The chaff given to the wind! O, Prairie Ronde at Harvest time; Is it not a merry place? And less so may it never be Through right and Heaven's grace! May its peaceful fields and happy homes Remain forever, far From the proud oppressor's step And the iron hoof of war: But yearly be the strife renewed O'er all the outstretched plain, With all the various enginery Upon the yellow grain." Such is the song that greets the harvest morn Where smiling Plenty fills her golden hlorn: o may we see, throughout this pleasant land, The rich, ripe fruits of Freedom's toiling band. ERRATTA.-On page 78, read 27.000 acres in Prairie:ollnde. instead of "2,700 acres" as printed. On page 81, speaking of the removal of the Indians, read 1840, instead of 1842. HIISTORY OF K ALAN1 AZ00 COUNTYi. 9 9 7 CHURCHES AND SOCIETIES. FT i t -Is'r P R>%ES B XTE1RIAN CHUR11CHi. On the 218th, of April, 18441, a Congrregnational Church was organized l)y Rev. Jolni S. Kidder, who hadI conmmenced his lalbors here Oct. 21st, 1843. The Chuitrch consisted of 10 mem hers. Solonion (Granit and Albert I)welley were choseii Deacons. Before the year closed the. church numnbered 25" mnembers. For a timie they lheld1 their services in the school house; and then obtained the use of the hail in. the public house, where they remained till1 it burned(i ownr. fRev. Mr. Kiddler left in the Fall. of 18416. For sonic time the Church seemns to have been without a minister,; but finally, Rev. M.Nr. Hollis Rutssell1 was secuired. On the 21-st of -April, 1849, the Chiurch. changed its form of government to 1Preslbyteriain. It then consisted of 80 members, but 500o1 after received ain accession of about 25 more. Daniel C. Briggs, and Anthony Styles were chosen Elders, and soon after J1. F. MuNbrray,and John Gault, and Jutnes Bates, Deacon. In 18150, they bulil~t a very comnfortable house of worship. Rev. Mr. R-1ussel. (lied in Akugust,1 850. His successors have beenRev. Albert L. Payson, fronm Jan., 1851, to Jami., 1856. Rev. Seth Smalley, from April, 1856, to Nov., 1857. Rev. Preston Traylor, from Jani., 18,58, to June, 1831. Rev. Martin Post, from Sept., 1861, to Sept., 1865. Rev. E. J. Stewart, from Jan., -1866, to Aug., 1866. Rev. Win. G. Hubbard, since March, 18-67. rfhe present officers are: Elders, Alexander McColl, Enos Miller, and Franiklin Dentler. Deacon, James Bates. Trustees 13 98 IISTORY OF KALAMAZOO COUNTY. of the Society, Win. H. Patton, Daniel Struble and David Woodruff. The last annual report presents the following: Present membership, 29; Sunday School, 75. Benevolent contributions, $87.00. Congregational expenses, $1,643.00. METHOD)IST EPISCOPAL CHURCH. The first organization of the Church was on what is called Gourd Neck Prairie, in the year, 1840 by a localpreacher living there by the name of A. J. Eldred, and early in the Spring of 1841; a class was formed in the village of Schooleraft by a brother Shaw (given name not known) who was, at that time, preacher in charge. The class consisted of nine members. In 1851, the Rev. S. Clements, who was the pastor then, built tle Church which now stands here. At present the Society is in quite a flourishing condition. Present membership, 83. Number in Sunday School, 100; number of teachers, 12; Superintendent of S. School, Thomas Griffiths. FIRIST BAPTIST CIIURCH. The First Baptist Church of Prairie Ronde, Michigan, was organized May 4th, 1839. A house of worship was erected in 1851. Present number of communicants, 38; present number of Sunday School pupils, 50. Its pasto)rs-in the order below given-have been: William Taylor, A. A. Ellis, Hr. S. Fish, R. R. Prentice, H. M.Jones, J. L. McCloud, A. M. Buck. E G. Wood, John Booth, and A. L. Vail. ODI FELLOWS. Prairie Ronde Lodge No. 15, was instituted July 6th, 1846, by D. G. M., A. J. Clark, assisted by P. G. Goodman, Selkrig, Kendall, D. S. Walbridge and Joseph Miller. CHARTER MEMBERS.-A. H. Scott, E. L. Brown, Jonas Allen, D. L. Kimberly, S. S. Cobb, Wm. Stokes, Oliver Eldred, F. W. Hatch, Charles Henry, R. Russell, George Rowley, Charles Sellick. FIRST OFFICERS.-E. L. Brown, N. G.; D. L. Kimberly, V. G.; A. H. Scott, Secy.; Jonas Allen, Treas.; S. S. Cobb, P. S. HISTORY OF K(ALAMAZOO COUNTY. 9 99 PRESENT OFFICERS.-C. C. Gingles, N. G.; G. RI, James, V. G.; T. Tweedy, Secy.; Peter Oman, Treas.; William lReaser, P. S. Present membership, 715. Meetings are held every Saturday evening-, in Odd Fellows' Hall, on Grand Street. GOOD TEMPLARS. Schoolcraft Lodge, No. 388, was instituted May 29th, 1866), with 45 Charter Mlembers, and the following Officers: R1ev. J. D. Bornham, W. C. T.; S. Fisher, W. V. T.; Win. Fisher, W. F. S.; Wmn. H1. Fox, W. S.; Rev. A. A. Dunton, W. C.; J. H. Justus, W. M.; G. H. Justus, W. A. Al.; Elizab Vickery, W. T.; S. B3. Fox, W. A. S.; Mattie Allen, R. H. S.; Jein nie, Dycknian, L. I-I. S. PRESE'NT O1FFICER5%.-W~m. B. Tryler, WV. C. T.; Hattie MNyers, W. V. T.; P. It. laldy, WV. S.; Helen Underwood, W. T.; Frank Dentler, XW. MN.; Emmia Purdy, W. I. G.; Juliett Purdy, XV. R. H. S.; Lillie N'ichols, WV. L. II. S.; Rev. William Rice, WV. C.; Rebecca Bogardis, WV. A. S.; H-orton Langdon, W. F. S.; Carrie Hatch, WV. 1). M D 1avid Stuart, W. 0. G.; Trhom~as Griffiths, Lodge Dept.; Ilatty Myers, Organist. P~resent number of members 151. Meet every Tuesday evening, in Odd Fellows' Hall, on Grand Street. MASONIC. There is one Lodge in Schooleraft. It is called "1Schooleraft Lodgre N o. 118." The Charter Members were: Ht. A. Rays, WV. Al.; XV. 11. Fox, S. XV.; C. Ousterhout, J. XV.; J. Earl, Sec.; E. K. Purdy, Treas.; J. XV. Baker, S. 1).; B. Burden, J. D.; Win. Dickinsosi (deceased), Tryler. 0. It. Hatch was the first person initiated. Since the formation of the Lodgye, the following named persons have been elected and presided as XV. M.: R. A. Rays, J. W. Baker, J. Struble, D. Duncan Jr., and C. F. Wheeler. On the 17th of December, 1866, 14 members were demnitted for the purpose of forming Brady Lodge. The Chapter is now in a flourishing condition, and there is much interest now manifested in the prosperity of the Lodge, and its condition is as prosperous as can be desired. 4 100 HISTORY OF KALAMNAZOO COUNTY, COMSTOCK. The township of Comn-stock, oile of the richest anid most productive provinces of the County wa~s, also, one of tile first to attract the aittention of the eairliest pioneers. It lies onl 1both) sides of the Kalamiazoo river which. mieanders through. nearly the centre of the to wnship, wvithi here anid therc a. b~eid to the southward. One of' thle hiandsomest prairies inl thle Count~y lies just west, of' the p)retty village of Galesburoa ai(1 niorth of' thie river, emibracing about 1,000 acres. Nortlh of thle vill:age and p)rairie is a ranlge of hills comnposed of' openinig lanlds, extenlding east and west across the townshiip andi iiorth to the I1ichland line. In fitet, this lbluff begins to show~~ it~clf boldly at Autgusta, at the distance of ab~out half a mile hrorn the river, and ends at the edgre of the river in thle villagre of Kalamazoo, or rather, we should say, takes anl albrupt turn to the northward andl follows the fbr-tunes of~ that beautiful stream. A simailar ele~rit~ionl commenices near the east p)art of the towuiship Oni tbe, south side of thfe river. These hills are the steps to the, s1lenldid t'able hands that rise from the narrow river b)ottomis and i.,re a characteristic feature of the snrfkce of the coulity, most of the land beinig high andI aralble. Th1is prairie, that lies Upon1 thwe Dmargin Of the river, is almiost perfectly level, anid is divided amiong a numilher of farmers, who justly rank among thle best, most thorouigh and intelligent in tile country. There is secarcely atiy p)oor land within the township, and a large proportion of the soil is unider cultivation. The towniship) of Comstock was first surveyed in Januwary, 12,by Robert Al. Clark,~ Jr, and designated as township nurnber 2 south, of rangre 10 west. About the same timne all the, towns within this and adjoining counties were surveyed and numbered, Schoolcraft and other southern towns being surveyed HISTORY OF KALAMAZOO COUNTY. 101 in the sunmmer of 1826 by John Mullet, one of the co-laborers of Lucius Lyon -in this early field of public service. The first settler in the town was William Tolland, who came to the )prairie ill the fall of 1829; but, while that beautiful and fertile spot has ever since been called his prairie, it does not appear that he ever acquired title to a rod of it, though he lived there several years. Early in the following year, Nathaniel Mlathews, Ralph Tuttle, Sherman Cummings, George Townsend, Caleb Eldred, Salltiet Percival, Lovell and Hiram Moore, Leland Lane, Linus Ellison and William Harris arrived. Land wIas taken up in 183() by AMr. Harris and by a Maljor G. Van Dwryer, the latter entering the west half of the south-west quarter of section 13, and the former taking up the same description upon section 17. In 1831, entries of land were made by II. 11. Comstock ( very extensively ), Caleb Eldred, T. A. Merrill, Mumnford Eldred, Stephen Eldred, Leland Lane, and others. IMr. Lane first settled on what is now known as the l)illenbeck flar-n; Nathaniel AMath ews, on the south-east quarter of the south-east quarter of seetion 13; Ialphl Tuttle, on the east half of the south-west quarter of section 13; Sherman Cummings, on the east half of the south-east quarter, and George Towulsend on the west half of t}le south-east quarter of section 14; Natha.n Cothren, on the south half of the south east quarter of section 13. 1H. I. Comstock, Caleb Eldred, Samuiel Percival and others settled where the village of Comstock stands. Rtoswell -Ran1somr and Cyrus Lovell were amnon, those who camne in 1831. William Earl caine in 1832. In 1833, Seaman, Bristol, Charles Galligan, Lynan Tubbs, George Wheeler, Joseph Flanders, Jesse Springstead, Hugh Shafter, Ezra Rice Solomon Cuykendall, James Burnett, and, I think, Harvey Keith, Martin Turner, and a few others, arrived. The first birth in the township was tlhat of Elizabeth, daughlter of Ioswell Ransom, Esq., born on Tolland's prairie, on the 2nd day of December, A. 1)., 1832. (She is now Mrs. Sutton, wife of Joseph Sutton, of Kalamazoo.) The first marriage was in the summer of 1833, the parties to which were Charles Whitcomb and Catherine Earl, the ceremony being performed by the 102 HISTORY OP KALAMAZOO COUNTY, Rev. Thomas W. Merrill, the pioneer Baptist missionary of Kalamazoo county. The first religious meetings were held at the house of Caleb Eldred in Comstock village, in 1831; subsequently, meetings were held, in the fall of 1833, at the house of Lovell Moore. The first death was that of Ethan Bradley, who died in the fall of 1836. The township was organized in 1834. Previous to the organization of the town pursuant to the act of the Territorial Legislature, it had been, since 1830, included within the limits of the township of Arcadia, then embracing the whole of the north half of the county. In 1830, Horace H. Comstock, Caleb Eldred and Samuel Percival settled at the junction of Comstock creek with the Kalamazoo river, and endeavored to make at that point a village and place of importance. Here one of the very first saw mills in this county was built and put into operation, in 1831, by Caleb Eldred; and, soon afterwards, Mr. Comstock and Mr. Samuel Percival built a grist mill, near by-supplying a need which the settlers in this section of country were beginning sorely to feel. In the first pages of the history of Kalamazoo will be found the record of a township meeting, and in the list of officers chosen will be found the names of several of the Comstock settlers. Few villages have had more active, liberal and devoted patrons-more munificent founders, than was Horace H. Conmstock (though there may have been wiser ones) to the village of his name. Mr. Comstock first came here in 1831, made large purchases of land, and returned to his home in Cooperstown, N. Y. He was engaged in the Detroit and Chicago trade (Indian and traders', and military supplies, etc.), and while on his way romn the East, in 1832, he was attacked in Detroit with cholera, fionm which, however, he recovered after a very severe illness, and came again to Comstock. He seems to have been determined fiom the first, to have his place made the county-seat, though he was aware that it had already been established at " Bronson," and to this end he directed every effort, devoting to that project his abilities and no small amount of his considerable wealth. One of the first things he did was to make a point against Bron HISTORY OF KALAMAZOO COUNTY. 103 son village by making it appear that the river was navigable to his. place for large boats, and in 1832 he built a warehouse and landing on the river at Comstock, and, soon after, he erected at the mouth of the Kalamazoo river, a storehouse for the protection of goods which were to be shipped to and from the fiture city of Comstock. This warehouse was the first one built at Saugatuck, and must have felt lonely in that wild place so long alone. The next season he brought a stock of goods to Comstock, and established the first store in the town. The sa.me year he erected a school house at his own expense, simply asking in return that the people should call the village and township, " Comstock," a name which had already become attached, to the village by popular consent; and, really, the prospects of the little town in that year were quite auspicious. In April, 1833, the second "legal" annual meeting in the wide township of Arcadia was held at the house of Caleb Eldred. In several ways " Comstock " was a formidable rival to " Bronson," and there is little doubt but that, had the latter place remained under the exclusive control of Titus Bronson a few years longer, the untiring energy and influence of Mr. Comstock would have secured, for a time at least, a very prominent position for his village and township. Mr. Comstock enjoyed a very fair trade with the settlers in the surrounding country, who made the little village quite lively by their frequent calls for lumber, for store supplies, and with grists to grind. He erected a very fine residence there, with handsome grounds, which gave the place an air of refinement that left a pleasant impression of the whole place upon the beholder. Mr. Comstock also found time for a great deal of land speculation in Kalamazoo and other towns. In 1835 he was elected to the Legislative Council, being the first Senator from this county, and it was he, who, at the organization of the township of Cooper, gave it that name in memory of his wife, who was a neice and bore the name of the great novelist, author of the " Leatherstocking Tales." But the effort to make the village of Comstock a larger town than Kalamazoo soon failed. The removal of the Land Offices to Kalamazoo in 1834, and the influx of strangers to attend the 104 TIISTORY OF KALAMAZ(O COIUNTY. land sales: the influence and shrewdness of the proprietors ol "Bronson,' Messrs. Burdick, Sheldon & Lyon, and its natural advantages, gave this place a start which soon put all its rivals to rout. In 1838, we find Comstock described as a village and post oflice, pleasantly located on the north bank of the Kalamazoo river, with a flouring mill, two saw-mills, a store, physician and two lawyers. The physician was Dr. King, who came to that place, from Oxford, Canada, in 1834, and took up considerable land in the township. The "Marshall and Allegan Railroad" was located ( on paper) through the village about that timebut the hopes it raised were never realized. In 18:37, Mr. Corn, stock bought a one-quarter interest in the plat of the village of Kalamazoo, from Justus Burdick, paying for the same $17,000, In 1844, he moved to Kalamazoo, and in 1845 purchased of Col. Edwards the property now owned and occupied by Stephen S. Cobb, Esq., and which that gentleman has so greatly beautified. In February, 1846, IMrs. Comstock, a most estimable woman, died ( while at her tea table apparently in good health ), and not long after, Mr. Comstock disappears from the scenes of our history, and but a few years since, saw the last of earth, kfr away from the fields of his ambition, his hopes and his projects. The first meeting of the electors of the township of Comstock after being set off from Arcadia township, was at the house of James Burnett, on the 7th day of April, 1834, the township at that time embracing l" all that part of Kalamazoo county comprised in townships 2 south, in ranges 9 and ten west, and town 3 south, range 9 west." At this meeting, Lovell Moore was chosen Moderator, and Leland Lane, Clerk, The following officers were elected: Supervisor, William Earl; Assessors, Charles W. Spaulding, Daniel O. Dodge, Edwin MI. Clapp; Clerk and Collector, Leland Lane; Highway Commissioners C. W. Spaulding, Charles Andrews, George Townsend; Constable, E. A. Jackson; School Commissioners, Stephen Eldred, Sherman Cummings, Samuel Percival; Directors of the Poor ( an office that must have been a sinecure in those days), Jabez Rodgers, James Burnett; School Inspectors, Daniel O. Dodge, Thomas W. Merrill, C. W. Andrews, Lovell Moore, and Leland IISTORY OF KALAMAZOO COUNTY. 105 Lane. For Overseers of Highways and Fence Viewers, the fol. lowing persons were appointed: Leland Lane, District No. 1; John Moore, District No. 2; Jabez Rodgers, No. 3; Joseph Flanders, District No. 4; A. A. Smith, District No. 5; Alva Earl, District No. 6. The compensation voted to these last named officers was 75 cents for each day while employed in the discharge of their official duties. Leland Lane, Ralph Tuttle, and Stephen Eldred were clothed with the dignity attached to the position of pound-master, though there seems to have been no pound or appropriation for one. It was also voted at this meeting " that all fences in this township shall be five feet high, and sufficiently tight to stop hogs weighing 20 pounds." The first bridge built over the Kalamazoo river was the lower bridge, so-called, below Galesburg. It was built on the 4th day of July 1834, the timbers of which were elm logs cut upon the banks of the river above, hauled to the river and floated down. It was a concerted affair, or as it was then termed, "a bridge-building bee," to which all the yeomanry of the town had been invited to attend. The call was very liberally responded to, and a merrier and more memorable celebration of our National birthday, never since occurred in that township. MIen came with teams, with axes, ropes and other needed articles: while many worked upon the land, others stripped off clothing and worked in the water catching the logs as they came down and, notchling the ends, then lifting them into place, the piers being( formed by cribs of logs. The work was so far completed that day that a few men could finish it speedily. The "creature comlforts" were by no means wanting on this occasion. every conler brl)inging his basket of contribtutions to the general stock. The upper bridge was built in 1836. The first school house in the east part of the town was one com1posed of logs, and stood on the wl of the s. wj of section 13; was 12 x 14 feet, and 8 feet high. The first school teacher was a daughter of the Rev. AIr. White, in 1834; the first male teacher was Ebenezer Flanders. The school of Miss White in the old log house referred to consisted of twelve pupils. The school 14 10(1; HIISTORIY OF KALAMAZOO COISTY. -at Comstock village was nearly a year earlier, and Nwas taullght. the writer thinks, b)y one of Mir. Percival's daulgliters. A few years after, a. very good school,buildinrg was erecte(t near the corners west of the village, which also served the I)lrposes of church, town hall etc., for many years. Thlle following are among the early mech'inics of' (aleshulrg: Samuel Wilkerson, l)lacksmith; S. Bliss, carl)enter; - Slingstead, shoemaker; (1harles IL. Keith, wagon maker; R. Blackett, tailor. I)i. Ezra Stetson was one of the early physicians; Philip Gray l)uilt the filst tavern, in 1835, and was landlord of the same. The first store in Galesburg Nwas openel in the suillmnerof 18.37 bly this same Gray: lie seemsl to have been an extensive dealer, with a touch of the sensational in his niatulre-lbr it was hlis wont to purchase a whole wagon-load of goods at one time, and when they came, he would put out a bulletin in fiont (f his little store with these words: "T'l'is store will be close ( for three days to enablle the proprietor to mark anld arrange his very large stock of new goods!" WVXe have spoken of events as transpiring in Galesblulrg before it had a name, and was merely a hamlet of very modest pretensions. But very suddenly, in the ftll of 183(i, its peaceful rest was broken lby wild dreams of greatness an d its waking moments filled with gorgeous imaginings-like some rustic sleel)er, who has heard, fiaintly told, a tale of the glories of sonme fir offt city. but deeming it aIn idle story, hears in his slumbers thie din and 1bustle, the nimusic and the ear-delightimng sounds, sees the splendors and tastes the deli(hts of a great metropolis, till hlis heart is stirred with a strange joy and his soul filled with wonder and the emotions of a new existence that make his past life seem an unworthy, dispicable and hideous thing. Hle is aroused froin his entranced slumbers by the voice of a strange lman, who announces himself as a magician, to whom is given the power of converting the waste places into precious " corner lots," thle }humble cottages into " brown stone fronts," the little shops into immense manufactories, the highways into thronged avenlues of' commerce, the river into a stream of gold; in short, lie will make the rustic's dream a literal reality. The listener hears and be H ISTORIY OF K ALAMAZOO COUNTY.10 10 7 lieves! Iii plaini prose, Mr. George IL. Gale, ain erratic genius. with somne nioney aend much 'assurance, purchases considerable land at Galesburg, and proceeds to lay out the "city " to whjich hie affixes his naine. The ground is surveyed, streets staked out. lots numblered, a mill race partly dug across a b)end of the river, and1 the erection of a mill comimenced, as the initiatory steps in the formnation of the "city." It appears from the plat on record in the Rtegister's oflice, heairingr date January 9th., 1887, that thle original proprietors of, Galesbtirg were George IL. Gale, W~m. liarI-is, _Nathian Coth rca, Gideon Matthiews, James Reynolds and Alonzo Matthewvs; surveyor, F. J1. Littlejohn. Mr. Gale expended con1siderable money, but aft-er a year or two he abandoned the 1)ro~iect: what, there was of the mill was remnoved to Ka~lamiazoo aii1d converted into a distillery, ( adjoiningr Whitcomb's mill ) In 18839. hie came to) Kalamazoo aend practiced law for a timne: thea hie went to Paw Paw. It is said that, when hie took the benlefit of' thle bankrup~t act, his liabilities were up~wards of one huindred thousand dollars. M1.r. GIale left, 1aw Paw for (.'aliform1ia, about, the time so mvany from Mlichigran went thithier. Thle growth of Galesburg h~as beeni steaidily advancing, since the Mfichig-an Central Railroad was finished to KIanlaazoo. For1 at longr timie it has held] the rank of beingr the largest villiage inl the county with the exceej)tion of Kalamiazoo; but since the compiletion of the railroad to S(,hoolcraft, that village has tak~en a. start iorw ard aned n~uts in a claim for pre-enuiinence. T"he relaitive size and1 population of' these grrowing- villagres may be- ascertamned by refi'rence to the directory of' each. Galesburg hias a1 finie wvater-p~ower maide by carrying the wv-,ter of G4ull Creek througLh a long canmal int~o and] through the village. It was comnpleted in 18483, by David Ford1 and Ira Bacon, Who, the scame yea,111 er-ectcdtl at~ saw l mil anid soon (after a gYrist mill. The fioutringr miull of Winog &7 Mason is a, lafrge and excellenta one; the situnatiou. of the ri ver there, is suich, that lan extensive Nvater-power (an be obta-inied by a Judicious imnproveenilt tni that, streami. G~alesburg' was incorporlated byv an order of' thle Board of Sa pelvisors,.Janivary.mth, 18(61, aad Win. A. Blake, Roswvell Ransum and John Flint were appointed inspectors of election. The 108 IHISTORY OF KALAMAZOO ('COUNTY. first election for village officers was held at the (Galesburg House, on the first Tuesday of March of the same year. In 18i7 the boundaries of the village were enlarged by an act of the Legislature, January 22d. Galesburg lies within two townships, Comstock and Charleston, though only a small portion is within the latter township. It has several dry goods stores, five groceries, a hardware store drug stores, two cabinet stores, two hotels, three saloons, and a good number of tradesmen. A driving park, with a half mile track, has been opened during the past year near the village. In another place we give a history of the churches and leading benevolent societies. The schools are excellent. The professsions are also well represented. Galesburgh has a very pretty railroad depot and telegraph office. In 1843, one of those moral philosophers, who occasionally come to the surface and inflict their vagaries or " reforms " upon a community, came to Galesburg. His name was Shetterly and Dr. was his professional title. Fourierism was his hobby and the people of Tolland's Prairie and other parts of the county were the victims. The story of this bubble is too long for these pages. The large building that was erected, and the farm that was purchased, for the "Alphadelphia Society," are the same now owned by the county and used as the Poor-House and Farm, the property having been purchased in 1849, after the society aforesaid had " gone to the dogs." It is on the southwest part of Tolland's Prairie. On the farm of Mr. James Hopkins, many years ago stood an Indian village, in the midst of which grew an immense appletree, still thrifty and bearing an unfailing crop of really choice fruit for a number of years after the first settlers came; but the Indians destroyed it before they were removed West. It was from this village on the edge of the prairie that, many and many a year ago, the incident occurred that gave the beautiful name to our river. We have not space for the tradition in full, but the point of it is, that a wager was made that an Indian could not run to a certain place upon the river bank and return before the water then boiling in a little kettle upon the fire should have IISTORY OF KALAMAZOO COUNTY. 109 b)oiled away. The race was successfully accomplished, after a at great many trials by the fleetest runners in the tribe, and hence the name conmmemorating the event, KE-KALAMAZOO, " The Boil'ing Poft," or, " where water boils in the pot." In the great crisis of our nation's fate the town of Comstock was true to the last requirements of patriotism. The first call for troops found her brave sons ready and responsive, exchanging tile pleasures and comforts of home for the perilous scenes of the battle-field, the hardships of the weary march and the discomforts of the bivouac; the pains of the hospitals, the horrors of rebel prisons, and all the evils of grim-visaged War-and the last rallying cry in the gloomy winter of 1864, found the yoemanry of the town undaunted and as determined as ever to flock to the standard of the Union; while the aid societies were ever busy in their work of providing comforts for the soldier. Under the various calls Comstock contributed nearly two hundred and fifty men to the armies of the Union. CHURCHES AND SOCIETIES. THE CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH. The Congregational Church of Galesburg was formed from a previously existing Presbyterian Church. Rev. Thomas Jones was its first pastor, and so continuing for a number of years. Under his ministry the church acquired a numerous membership. On the 18th of March, 1860, the church building was burned by incendiaries; the torch was lighted by rum. In October, 1861, the present sightly church building-valued at $10,00-was finished, through the indefatigable efforts of both pastor and people. In August, 1862, Rev. Thomas Jones resigned, since which time the Church has been served by Rev. Mr. Dox and others. The present pastor ( 1868) is Rev. J. W. Allen. Membership, 207. 110 HIISTORY OF KALAMAZOO COUNTY. THE BAPTIST CHUIRCI. The Baptist Church of Galesburg was organized in April, 1832, with the name of the " First Baptist Church of Arcadia," composed of eight members, three males and five females, one of whom, the venerable Judge Eldred, of Climax, is the only surviving individual. In 1833, the name was cllanged for the i First Baptist Church of Comstock," and in February, 1846, the name was again changed for the " Galesburg Baptist Church." At the time of its organization it was the first Baptist Church west of Ann Arbor in Michigan. Its field of operations embraced the territory now occupied by the Kallamazoo, Plainwell, Otsego, Climax, Battle Creek and South Battle Creek Churches. Their meetings were holden at Plainwell, Gull Prairie and Climax, as well as in the town of Comstock. Since that time there has been received into their fellowship, by letter and baptism, 400 members; '230 have been honorably dismissed, and removed to other places, and to form other churches; 76 have been exeluded or have died. At the present time it is a weak church of less thlan a hundred members, but still maintains a regular ministration of tle gospel. During the time, this church has had 13 pastors, viz.: Adam:s, Munger, Bly, J. Gilbert, Dunham, P. F. Jones, Binghaim, Roberts, Cell, N. J. Gilbert, Everts, Beals. and H1. B. 1uller, tlhe present incumbent. AMETHODIST EPISCOP'AL CU11I l('1 I. The Methodist Episcopal Church, at Galeslmirg, wtas organized in 1835' by the Rev. R. Williams. The Church building was erected in 1851, Rev. J. Abbott, pastor. In 1 s(;, the Church was repaired and enlarged, under the labors of the present pastor, Geo. VW. Sherman. Tlhe number of menblers lwhlen th'e Church was organized, 5; lnumlber in 1 16S, 1,016. Rev. P. Potts is Superintendent of thle Sabbath School. Nulmber of officers and teachers, 17; nurnmer of scholars, 100. Thle following are the lnames of pastors alppointed by the Michigan Conference since 1834: Revs. R. Willi.las, J. C(olclasier, E. Kellogg, H. Bears, -Hudson. 11. Richards, It. l'arker, HIITOIIY OF KALA.MAZO( COUNTY. 11 — Bush, — Bryer, II... Yonng, V. G. Boynton, F. Farnsworth, C. Mosier, A Wakefield, A. A. Dunton,.,. Abbott, F. (vre, 11. S pl, S. Steele, A. Bliings, H...Joy, W. W. Johnson, A. J. Van Wytck, S.C..Woodard, G. W. Sherman. MASONIC. P IIT I LOI),Dl.: No. 92, F. &t A. Masons. Held its first session r. D)., January 11th, A. ). 18)56. The first officers were:W\in. P. Sutton, AV. M.; Joseph M. Kidd, S. W.; E. II. Billings,.J. W.; J. C. Blake, Treas.; W. A. Blake, Secretary; E,. C. Sterne, S. D.; I). L. Johnson, J. 1).; 1). E. McClelland, Tyler. At their next regular session, Feb. 2)th, 1856, three gentlemen were initiated in tlhe following order: L. J. Barber, E. W. (Gale and 1. S. (arnier. Since that timie the Lodge has been presided over by the fol lowiIng officers: 1856. E. C Sterne, W. M 1857,\ V. P. Sutton, 1858., D. L Johnson, 1859, Geo. B. Peters, " 18;0, W. A. Blake, 18(1, W. A. Blake, 1862, 0. F. Burrougchs, 186:, D. L. Johnson, 18t(4, W. A Blake, 18l;5, M. W. Alfred, 18;66, M. W. Alfred, l 1867, M. W. Alfred, J. S. Kenyon, S. W. C. E Dean, J. W. D. L. Johnson, G. B. Peters, W. A. Blake. Job H. Aldrich, O. F. Burroughs Is ac Corey, A. B. Sumner, A. B. Sumner, A. B. Sumner, R. S. Vanvleet, Wm Schroder, I. Corey, " " I. Corey, " E. W. Gale, " A. Bartholomew," U. W. Cole, " C. W. Cole, " ' A. Bartholomew," S. C. Wilkinson," "i R. S. Vanvleet, " L. J. Barber, " E. S. Cogswell, " Saturday evening on or P'resent membership is 69. Rlegular Communications are held on next preceeding each full moon. GALESBtRII 1( CIHAPTER or RoYAL AR Cn MASONS. The First Regular Convocation was held May '27th, 1868. Officers: M. W. Alfred, H. P.; O. R. Smith, K.; J. L. Wheeler, S. Present number of members thirty. Regular Convocations on Friday evening, on or next preceedilng the full of the moon in each month. 112 HISTORY OF KALAMAZOO COUNTY. GOOD TEMPLARS. Galesburgh Lodge No. 303, chartered with thirty-three members, January 11th, 1866. PRESENT OFFICERS-A. D. Beckwith, W. C. T.; Mary J. Warren, W. V. T.; Mary Batt, W. S.; Mrs. Geo. Smith, W. T.; William H. Hunting, W. M.; Sarah Dunning, W. I. G.; Mrs. IR. Barber, It. H. S.; Henrietta Imus, L. H. S.; Frank Warren, W. C.; J. H. Imus, W. A. S.; L. C. Minor, W. F. S.; Arthusa Dunning, W. D. M. Present membership 75. Meets on Monday evening, each week, at 7 o'clock. ALAMO. The township of Alamo is in the northwest corner of Kalamazoo county. The land is elevated, slightly rolling, timbered with oak, beech, maple, hickory, etc., well watered, having several streams, and some ten lakes, large and small. On the west line of the township is a portion of a large swamp that extends into Allegan and Van Buren counties, and through which into Alamo runs a branch of Pine creek. The soil is a sandy loam, very fertile and easily worked, and is admirably aldapted for fruitraising as well as for the cereals. Alamo embraces no village within its boundaries. At Alamo Centre are two churches, (Presbyterian and Methodist,) built during 1868. Trle postoffice was removed to Otsego in September last because there was no one that wanted the office. The township was organized in 1838, and was named in honor of the heroic Texans who made the battle-field of Alamo so renowned in story and song. The first sttlers in Alamo wiere: Solomon Case, WVm. Finch, Julius Hackley, the Whitlocks, Robert Densmore, Mahlon Everett, George Kirtland, in 1835; R. D. Iill, John ilawkins, Dan HlISTOR~Y OF KALAMAZOO COU7NTY. 11-I) iec1 Pomneroy. Hiramn Doan, Ephraim Lee, A. Rood, 1836; 0. ii. Gregory, 0. Belbee, G. W. Reynolds, 1.837. A great nmany description~s of land w:ere, taken up a.t an early day lby non-residents and speculators. rihe p)rogress in thie settlement was slowuntil. 1.842-3, sinc.,e which time it hias found favor in the sight ofthose seekingr desirable lands fbr newA farms. In 1 860, the( town contained 187 dwN~ellings, and 943 inbalbitants: it h1a( 81. fiarmis, with 5,271 acres, improved, and 8,f2 unmrvd;rie 28,~845 buishels of wheat; 31,40.2. of corn); 9,818 of )ot~atoes; 1,818 of buckwhelat; 3,7083 of' oats, and some barley and rye: 4,739 lbs. of wool: 15,890 lbs. of butter;,479 lbs. of cheese 5,() 87 lbs. of' maple sugar, some fruit and other lpro(ducts; it had two saw millq, and $2.0,77 3 worthi of farmi ngipe nt and machinery. Estinmates at this time would show a la-rge increase in the population, wealth and development of Alamo. Alamno, e(liually in lproportion with her sister towns, contribUte(1 Men and means to put down th~e Rebellion. B R A-DYe The historv of Schiooleraft, includes the earliest annals of B3radl -. In 1842W it was organized as a separate towiiship, after thie extinction of the Indian title to the large reservation, a large portion of wh~ich was included in what is now Brady. Among those who settled in Brady in 1835, were Lorenzo Stowell, a Ylr. Anderson, Benij. Tiuttle, Bradley Williams, Elisha. DOMn. lDr. ii. A. Baker commenced the practice of inedicine in 1838. M11r. rDoan erected the first saw mill in the town, on Bear- Creek. Nelson Wilcox was the first supervisor. Thie surface of thec township is quite level; the east part heavily timbered, and the west half oak openings-soil excellent aind productive. It 114 114 HISTORY OF KALAMIAZOO COUNTY. has numierous streams of water, chief of which is the Little Portage of the St. Joseph. Farms are worth, upon ani averagre, $50 per acre. In the south cast part of the tow":nship there is quite a larcre settlement of Pennsylvania-Germans. There.-Ire a numher of Indian inouiids in the towii. One upon the farmi of Mr. Bradley Williams had1 an oak tree growing upon it that was two feet in diameter. The mound was opened, and it was found to contain a hitunan skeleton, and the same debris that characterize tall the mounds. iThe village of Brady is a sinart, growing little place. rIhle Gratid R~apids and Indiana R'ailroad is locatedl througrh the villag-e and within a short time the loconiotive will shriek its hoarse refrain througrh that part of the county. Thievillagyehas churcesi-~, miills,lhotels, nianiulactor-ies, a g(-ood' -water power, and aii excellenitIhrminig counitry arouind it. There are a itumber of splendid 11brins in the town; timber is large and abundant, and several mnills, are employed in the inanufiaeture of lumlber. Trle post-office is in Brady village. A handsome and spacious hotel also is now nearly c-ompleted for Andrew Chard. The population of' Brady township is about 1,800. 'Its war record is excellent. About one hundred men were furnished by Brady for the Union armies. M- ASON IC. BRADY LOD)GE, N~o. 2)08) ' &. A. MK. Instituted 1December 21sqt, 1866, by D. D. Ijunc~an, with the following officers: John 'W. B3aker, W. -ML Daiiiel P. Anderson, S. W.; Eldridge (G. Iemnnning, J. WV.; hfenry Smnith, Sec'y; Jacob Kradcr, Treas.; Isaiah 13. IHamplton, S. D.; Joseph Lemon, J. I).; Charles Brown, Tryler. First candidate for initiation was, John IDowney. PR1E'SENT OFFICERS:-John WY. iBaker, W'. G )m In, S. W.; Robt. Frakes, J. W.; Albee Norton, Sec'y; Daniel P. Anderson, ril-eas.; E. A. Strong, S. D.; Austin -Martin, J. ID.; Jacob Krader, Tyler. Number of members at the present time 61. Regular MNeetings, Saturday on or before the full moon. -Lodge Room on M1ain Street, over Ramsdell Bro's Store. hI1STORYN OF KALAMNAZOO COUNTY.11 115 GOOD TEMIPLAYZS. BRADY LJODGE No. 444. InstitutedI December '21st, 18(6, bY I). I). (G. W. C. T. G(eo. ML Buick, with the following officers: John Long. W. C. T.: Hattie Leland, AV. V. T.; J. A. Shafer, W. S.; Edwvard Cotton, W. T.; Mkay E. Finley, W. I. G.; Chas. Lewis, 'W. 0. G.; Louisa Long, W. A. S-; W. P. Beach, W. F. S.; Tj. II. Wilson, W. M.; Herman. Baker, WV. Chap.; Sarah. L. L-eland, W. 1). ML; Mlary F. Brown, W. Bk. S.; Mary K. Baily, W. L. S. Number of members including officers 22G. PRESENT OFFTICERS:-M. II. Burr, AV. C. T.: Jennie K. Shafer, W.V. T.; C. L. R''ood, W. S.; Mrs. E. Smith. WV. T'. Celia, Corwin, W. 1. (4.; John Lono, W. 0. G.; Gertrude Mlartin, W. A. S.; Eugrene Burr, W. F. S.; E. T. Tr~immner. W. Ml.; J. Strickland, W1. Chap.; II'. Ml. Smith, W. D). Ml.; Elizabeth Smith, W1. It. S.; Mrs. N.L 11. Burr, W. L. S. Number of members in good standing 82. Mfeet on Moniday evening each week. Lodgre Room) over the, Store of TIa.vlor Co., COOPER. The township of Cooper was organiized in 1836. It lies on thie nor-thbor-de~rof thie count~y, cast of Alam-o. It takes its name from the wife of the, late lHon. Ilorace 1I. Comstock, whose maiden name Was Cooper. The Kal~amazoo river flows thirough the town in a northerly direction, dividing it into two nearly equal. parts. Numinerous durable streams of' water flow into the Kalamti~azoo. the principal of which are Silver creek (and Spring brook, from, the easzt, and Collar brook from the w"est: one of thieTwin Lakes lies in the south-west corner of the township. In1 some of the highest parts of the town, water is only attail) 11N IIISTORY OF KALAMAZOO COUNTY.:ble 1by digging to the depth of from 50 to 100 feet. The surface of the central and northwestern part is generally level. The river valley, averaging alout one mile in width, is low; level, and, in the south part, siwampy and covered with timber. Bordering the valley and in the eastern and southern parts, it is hilly or undulating. The soil in the eastern, northern and north western parts is generally a sandy loaim; that of the remainder is more intermixed with clay and gravel. The river bed is mostly comlposed of pebbles, gravel and( sand. In some parts where the current is rapid it flows over a soft, porus rock formed l)y the deposition of carbonate of lime, and known by geologists as (calclareous tufa. A rocky formation of' a similar character is found near the west bank of this river, on land belonging to Mr. Jaames Ferguson. The waters of a spring flowing from a hillside form a calcareous coating on mosses and other vegetable substances thlrough which they flow. l'his gradually consoli(lal ilg has formned 'a soft, porus rock many feet in thicknesls. AN.\TIrQ.[TlEs.-On the school section the remains of three an(ienlt fortifications were found,:'nd near then were two small nounlds which, on beingl opened by the early settlers, were found to contatin large quantities of humtlan bones. Trhe fine residence of A. V). Chappel occupies the site of one of these fortifications. A; sinilar mound was also discovered on -what is known as the "Governor T'lhroop farm" east of the river. Large numbers of flint arrow-heads and spear-heads are found in the vicinity of these works. The oldest Indian could give no account of their origiln. S}i:'rTrllENT.hThe first settlement was nmade in Afarch, 183-1, y I)r. 1). E. )ernming, accompanied by his brother C. P. Detaming. They were fiom Hlinesburg, Vt. They came b)y the way of the Erid canal and lake Erie to Detroit, thence with an ox team to the farm on which the I)octor now resides, oil section one, east of the river. IHere he built a board shanty without using a nalil, except for the door. 'The following season h:e built a frame(l house, which constitutes a part of his plresent residence. Allen Sniith settled west of the river, on the tarm now ownedl by Jarnes Ferguson, February, 1835; he was from Ohio. The followingl season, Patrick Bunberry, Mr. Mason Mathew and HTISTORl' OF KALAMAZOO COUNTY. 117 MAiartinr Tift, and a Mr. Elsie, settled east of the river, and Joseph Skinnler, Ephllraim D)elano, Jason Parnmelee, John lEandall, Tlhomas: )rayton, Tlholnas Cha.mberlain, Nathan Allen, Nathan.Lyinan, IlIenry Babcoek,.lamnes Good-in and Barney Earl, settled west of the river. Tliese people were mostly fromr New York and the New England States. Among the other early settlers to whose industry, energy and perseverance Cooper owes nluch of its present prosperity and wealth, were-Lewis A. Crallne, Truln Averill, Plhilo Vradenburg, Vilroy M1unroe, I(chtabodl. IIlart, William Skinner, George Delano, John XValker, Alexander Glenn, Luther Chanmberlain, HIenry Skinner, Samuel lBoyd, Mfiltoni (Gregory and Elias Easton. TIle first settlers east ot the river o)bltaincd their sul)plies mostly fiomn Cornstock an(l Kalamazo(o. Those west of the river fiom Kalamazoo, Grand Plrairie and Pine Creek. Their dwellings -were board shanties or the log-houses common in new settlements where timnier is plenty; mostly furnished writh clay or stone fire-places atn(d stick chiml-neys built on the outside. J.oseplh Skinner states tlhat his wife cooked during the first summer by a fire out doors, )built:at'ailst a stump. The first town meeting was iheld April, 1837, I)r. D. E. I)emmingfr was elected Supervisor; E)llrair I)Delano, Trown Clerk; and Lewis A. Crane, Justice of the Peace. An inclident connected with that town meeting, may here be noticed. I)r. I)emnling and his neigllbor Lewis A. Crane, were retulrnilng lOlme, OIngratUlating themselves no doubt on their escape fromn the perils of Salt river so justly dreaded by politicians, but the Kalalmnazoo AwNas before them and there was no bridge. 'rhe ice lhad afiorded them a safe passalge in the nlorning, but during the (l)ay they had been lotaded with political honors, these added to the weighlt of their own physical corporations proved too much ftor the strengtll of thle ice. and when about " half seas over," it blroke lteneath their feet, and they were preciplitated into tfle ice (cold rwaters of the Kalamazoo. r'he Doctor bearing a heavier load tthan his companion sunk deeper, but after considerable flounderin(g, succeeded in reaching the shore; here he sat down on a log, and proceeded very cooly if not deliberately to divest himself of his dripping garments; having wrung the water from 118 HIISTOIY OF KALAMAOO ('COUNTY. these he replaced them on his shivering person, and the two proceeded to their respective homes, filly conscious now that the path of the politician is not only slippery but sometimes dangerous. The first religious meeting was held at the house of Dr. I)emming, in the winter of 1835-6, Rev. Win. l)aubeny, (Methodist), was the first preacher. He was ever faithful in the perfobrmance of his ministerial duties, received no pecuniary compensation, and his memory is still fondly cherished by the early settlers. The first religious society (Methodist) was organized west of the river in 1836. Their first preacher was a Mr. Williams, he was dressed in a suit of homespun, made up just as it came from tlhe loom The first school was taught at Cooper Center, by Miss Adeline Iicks, now Mrs. George lart, in the summer of 183f6. She had about twenty scholars. Tlle first Post-office was established at Cooper Center in 1836, Barney Earl was the first 1'ostmaster; Joseph Skinner carried the first mail, using his vest pocket for a mail bag, and when this was not sufficiently capacious, used his pocket handkerchief for the same purpose. Tile first mill was bulilt by a Mr. Fitts, on the west bank of the Kalamazoo, east of Cooper Center. Asa Norton kept the first tavern. The first store wras kept at the house of Joseph Skinner, Dr. Ransom furnishling the goods. T'he first bridge across the river was built by sub. scription in 183S8, near where Ir. Borden now resides. D)r. Coats, of Otsego, was the first physician. Tl'e diseases were mostly of a billious character. John )emming, born September 25th, 1834, was the first white child born in Cooper. The first marriage was that of Mr. George Nicholds and MIiss Cllarlotte Crane, daughter of Lewis A. Crane. On this ocisiolln a Justice in Cooper was called on to tie the nuptial knot, lie however courteously but positively declined; not on account of any thing objectionable in the character or circurstlnces of either of the parties, for both were highly respectable. His objections arose from other considerations, greenbacks and boots were not as easily obtained then as now, and our justice thoiglh now ITSTORIY OF KALAMAZOO COUN'TY. 119 ameonlg tile wealthy men of Cooper had no boots. IHis manly pri1de reNvolted at the idea of' officiating at a wedding barefoot, aqnd lie reluctantly relinqluished the job to some more fortunate dignitary. The bridegroonl with the same perseveralnce that lhad enabled him to will the heart of the fair plioneer now made appllication to a magistrate ill the ad. joining County of Allegan, lie of course had no jurisdiction in KIalamazoo; in this dilemma the ca;lldidates for matrimonial f'elicity soon crossed the county line, tlle justice met theni in the woodls and tlle knot was soon tied to the satisfaction of all parties. C1 IA('TrEnI, I'NcIDEN'I'S, &(c'. —The pioneers of Cooper township were a class of people who hla(d circumstances required it, would have been ready to dare almost any danger, enduire any toil, and stifer:lny p)rivation, for the accomrplishment of an imi)ortant ol)ject; and the energy and enterprise characteristic of the citizens of Cooper at this time may be attributed in part to the influence of her early settlers. Ephraim I)c;lano says there was not a lazy man among us. Joseph Skinnller says, "for a time it was olllr custom to devote one day of each week to working on the roads." All were considered neighbors within the distance of three or four miles. They were mostly poor or in moderate circumstanlces, and as nmutual (lependence conduces to mutual fiiendslhilp, the settlers were onil tile most firiendly and fillniliar terms. \WromenI would walk the distance of tlhree or four miles to visit thle sick. Trhe businless of a Justice of the Peace could not have been very remunerative, and a lawyer would have starved for want of business. Ephraim Delano says he does not recollect b)ut one law suit among the early settlers west of' the river in tenll years. George I)elano states that during eight years servic(e as Justice of the l'eace, he did not -have a: conteste(d suit oriiinatingr in Cooper. A justice would occasionally get the job of fastening a matrimonial yoke on two willing necks, and sometimes then had to take his pay in work or barter. Alexander Glenn married one couple, and took a beetle for pay. Another was paid in splitting rails. Thle people were generally temperate; even at raisings, liquor was not generally used. The Sabbath was generally observed in a becoming 120 IIISTORY OF KALA1\%AZOO CUOUNTY. manner. 'The Indians, of whom a few f:tmilies reinained, Nwerel very friendly to their -white neighbors, firequently supplying tlhem with fish and venison; these they would sometimes exchanlle for flour or bread, at other times they would accept notling in exchange, or, as they expressed it, " no swap." When Ephriam Delano was unloading his first load of goods, an Indian was sitting on his pony, near by, observingr lhim very intently. The next day the wife of this Indifln, and tthree otlher squaws, accompanied by several children, came, each, bringing a piece of venison; these they severally placed on the table, saying as they did so " no swap, no swap." Elijahl Cllamberlaill relh:tes that an Indian called at his father's.and asked for a p'iece of bread, Mrs. Chamberlain generously gave him a whole loaf; a few days after the same Indian again called, bringing a fine hanl of' venison; this he presented to.Mrs. Chamberlain saying: " yo0 gave me bread, Ine give you venison." Ephriam 1)elano says lie never needed to fasten his doors against an Indianl. Wrolves \ere nunmerous, and the settlers sometimes sufifered from their depredations. Snakes were not very troul)lesome, tltough sometimes inclined to be more ihmiliar with. the settlers than was desirable; Joseph Skinner and his wife, on returning,one eveIling, from visiting a sick neighbor, fitund a large niassasauga coiled behind the door. Of the settlers of 1.834 tand 1835, Dr. Demming, C. P. Demming, Patrick Bunberry, Josepht Skiilner and Ephriam Delano still reside in Cooper. T'ley have lived to see the wilderness converted into well cultivated fields, and the smnoky wigwam of the Indian and the rude cabin of the Ipioneer. give place to the beautiful, convenient residences of our eliterprising lfairmers. Dr. Demming has represented hlis district in the State Senate, and Barney Earl was the first representative in t le Legislature friom this town. Where, thirty years ago tile wild wolf made night hideous with hIis howling, the shlrill whistle of' the locomotive is now heard, as it speeds its thundering way over our trembling valleys, bearing in its train the plrod(llcts of our fertile and well cultivated soil. T'he assessed valtiation of real estate is $250,905, of personal property $70,300. Paid bounties during the late war to the amount of about -2(),000, withlout in HISTORY OF KALAMAZOO COUNTY. 1 21 curring any debt. The population is estimated (on the basis of the vote given last November-329 ) at about 1700. Cooper Centre has two churches-Congregational and Methodist, one store, a tavern, blacksmith shop, wagon shop and about twentyfive houses. Two miles west of here, about twenty-five years ago an attempt was made to manufacture pottery, hence the n'ame Jug Corners. Cooper Cemetery, half a mile south from Cooper Center, deserves notice; it is well fenced, bordered by maple trees, and beautifully ornamented with evergreens. Its orderly arrangement, and the care with which it is kept, are creditable to our sexton, D. R. Newton. CHURCHES AND SOCIETIES. THE CONGREGATIONAL CHUI-RCH. The Church was organized March 8th, 181-3, by Revs. Ma.son Knappen and Ova P. Hoyt. The following are the names of those uniting at its organization, viz.: John Borden and Betsey his wife, Mase S. Borden and Nancy his wife, John A. Borden, Matilda 1)elano, Fidelia I-. Pratt, Wm. Lyman and Susan his wife,' Mrs. Eliza Earl and Lydia Hart, Mrs. Laura Blanchard and David E. Demming, A. A. Monroe and P'hoebe his wife; the two last on profession. The whole number uniting with the church since its organiza tion is 150. Of this number 16 have died, 54 have been dismissed by letter, and three have been excommunicated. Present number 80. The following is a list of the Pastors of tile Church, with the years in which they comnienced their pastorates: 1843, Rev. Mason Knappen. 1847, Rev. - Fuller. 1850, B F. Monroe. 1856, Preston Taylor. 1858, Lucien H. Jones. 1860, T. C. Hill. 1861. Rufus Apthorp. 1863, L. E. Sykes. 1866, Wm. M Campbell. 1868, John Scotford. 16 122 HISTORY OF KALAMAZOO COUNTY. The present Church edifice was erected in 1856, before that time the church worshiped in the old school house which stood some thirty rods south of the present one. In 1862-3, the society purchased for a Parsonage, the house and grounds now occupied as such by their present Pastor. The Sabbath School numbers 100, and has six teachers. Levi B. Fisher, is the present Superintendent. METIODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH. The first society of the Methodist Episcopal Church il the township of Cooper was organized at the house of Mr. Joseph Skinner, by Rev. S. S. Williams, in Iay of 1836, consisting of Mr. Allen Smith, his wife and sister and Mrs. Gregory. Rev. Mr. Williams was appointed to Kalamazoo circuit by the Indiana Conference in 1835; preached the first sermon in Cooper in February, 1836. The first Quarterly Meeting in the township, was held in the summer of 1838, in the barn of Mr. J. Skinner, Rev. J. Ercanbrack, presiding. It is estimated that on Saturday there were present about two hundred persons, and on the Sabbath about five hundred; twenty lodged with Mr. Skinner over night. A log school house was built in the fall of 1836, which was occupied by the society as a meeting place, until a more commodious one was built by the district. The society continued to occupy the school house as a place of worship until the 8th of August last, when they dedicated a beautiful house of wor ship, 34 by 50 feet, with tower 8 by 12; it is neatly frescoed and furnished with bell and necessary furniture, the whole costing about $4,300. The society now numbers forty-two mem. bers; the circuit own a parsonage, worth $2,000, located near the church. The society bids fair for future prosperity and usefilness. Rev. Mr. Daubney, a local minister of the M. E. Church, preached the first sermon, on the east '-Ide of the river, in Cooper, in 1838, near Dr. Demming's, where he continued to preach HISTORY OF KALAMAZOO COUNTY. for a number of years. Rev. F. Gage was the first travelling minister to preach in this place. No certain date can be found of the organization of the society. In 1861 the society numbered but eight members, now there are twenty-four members, with good prospects for the future. MASONIC. UNITED LODGE NO. 149, F. & A. M., held at Cooper, Kalamazoo County, Mich., commenced work under a dispensation from the Grand Lodge of F. & A. M. of Michigan, on the 15th of October, 1863, and received its Charter January 14th, 1864. The first officers were: E. H. Glenn, W. M.; E. S. Wicks, S. W.; Lafayett Hart, J. W.; E. C. Adams, Treas.; J. M. DeLano, Sec.; L. 1. Newton, S. D.; N. H. De Lano, J. D.; Joel Lillie, Tyler. United Lodge holds its meetings on Saturday evenings, the Regular Communications being held on the last Saturday evening preceding the full of the moon in each month; and has ever been characterized by the fraternal feeling of its members and the perfection of its work. It now numbers 63 members. and is in a prosperous condition. PRESENT OFFnICERS:-E. H. Glen, W. M.; Lafayett Hart, S. W.; A. Carpenter, J. W., Geo. Ie Lano, Treas.; John Albertson, Sec.; C. H. Adams, S. I.; E. P. DeYoe, J. D.; John Holmes, Tyler. CHARLESTON. The surface of this township is generally level, in some parts slightly rolling, and is very picturesque and beautiful. From the territorial road north to the river, which flows diagonally HISTORY OF KALAMAZOO COUNTY, across the north-west corner, the ground is level, sloping easily to the river. South of this road the ground rises, and is broken into undulations. There is some heavy timber in the south part as well as along the river margins; but most of the town is iine oak openings —on sections 3 and 4, on the road from Augusta, south, are handsome bur oak plains-and a rich productive soil. The town is well watered, numerous streams emptying into the Kalarnazoo river, and one of the Portages of the St. Joseph rises in this town. There are seven lakes in Charleston, and about 900 acres of Climax Prairie lap over into its limits. It is one of the beat towns in the county for 'agricultural purposes, having little or no waste land. The township was settled at an early day, pioneers striking their axe into its virgin borests as early as 1831; rearing their rude cabins in thle wilderness solitude, and preparing to let in the light of improvement and civilization. In June, 1831, Wm. Earl, from Western New York, arrived and " took up" 254 acres of land on sections 17 and 20. HIe was followed, very soon after, by Asa Gunn, who settled on section 15; Wm. Harrison, on section 36 (Climax Prairie); Lovell and Hiram Moore, 480 acres on section 35, Potter and Win. Eldred, on section 34 and 35; Robert Blurdick and his sons Langford, Charles and Alvin, located on sections 3 and 9i; Robert and Joseph Whitford, on section 9; E. M. Clapp, on sections 19 and 30; Dr. James lHarris, on section 8; Jabez Rodgers, on section 18; Ambrose Cock and Charles M. Nichols, on sections 10 and 11; Chas. T. Clark, on section 26; T. P. West, on section 11; Abram Aldrich, on section 1i; Joseph Flanders, on section 32; Thomas MNead, on section 1; Wm. and Andrew McClary and their father, on section 17; Daniel and Warren Spaulding, on sectiOll 31 alnd 29; H-enry Pixley, Sherman Wesley, Worden Wells, Win. Eidred, Aaron Wells, Orlando Miller, John Flint, Moses McClellan, Ansel Shaler, Henry Hopkins and his sons George, John, James, Robert and Albert, the Austins, Ebenezer Flanders, Alva Tubbs, James Simons, Martin L. Cole, were among those who had become citizens of Charleston up to 1837. MI. Gunn's house, which all old settlers remember, was on IISTORY OF KALAMAZOO COUNTY. 125 the Territorial road about one and a half miles south from Cock's corners, was at an early day a lodge for the pioneers seeking a home in this section of the territory. When the Burdicks and Whitfords came with their families in 1833, they all took refuge with Mr. Gunn in the small shanty in which he was domiciled. After they had built their houses and moved into them, one day the shanty of the hospitable Gunn was discovered to be on fire, the flames making such headway with the straw roof, that it would have been useless to have attempted to save it. Whether the fire was the work of an incendiary is not reported, but certain it is that before many days, his friends above named, had replaced the cabin with a substantial and commodious log house, which for many years served as a home for Mr. Gunn and his family. Surrounding this old homestead is one of the oldest orchards in the county, and the writer of this remembers as far back as 1842, the excellence of the great and luscious rare ripes that "AbaLgail used to gather ficnm the trees, for his delectation, as he trudged by, a ' wee bit bairn,' to the Post-office at Uncle Ora Bush's." The first Post-office in the township was "kept" by Charles M. Nichols, on section 10. Mr. Nichols first erected a rude log cabin on section 10, on the knoll that appears about half a mile north of Cock's corners, on the road to Augusta; soon after, however, lie built a new framed house, on the Territorial Road, on section 11, which was the third fiamed house in the township. The post-office was here for a number of years, and the residence of Post-master Nichols was, in those days, considered palatial. Mr. Nichols was a man of considerable prominence in all local aftairs. In 1844 or '45 he removed to Wisconsin. In 1842 the post-office "stage exchange" was removed to Bush's residence, and this place was retained as township headquarters until the Central Railroad was completed to Kalamazoo. This house so prominent in all matters connected with the history of Charleston is worthy of a passing notice. It was on the Territorial Road, very near the center of the township, on the west one-half of the north-east quarter of section 16; it was 126 HISTORY OF KALAMAZOO COUNTY. the place where the township meetings and elections were held, the news depot, &c. Mr. Orra Bush purchased the place of the State in the fall of 1841, but it had been occupied and used as a tavern, by H. P. Fletcher, (and after him by Mr. Fulton) who put up a fiamed house and two log stables, in 1836. Soon after Mr. Bush moved in he erected a large framed barn, 35 by 45 feet, and in 1851 a new brick house, the first in the township. The great rush to Charleston of emigration was in 1836 and 1i37, when 30 or 40 families came in; and from that time, for a number of years, the growth and settlement of the town was rapid. The township was organized in 1838, and the first meeting was held at the house of H. P. Fletcher. At this election Charles M. Nichols was elected Supervisor, and among the other officers we find Orrin N. Giddings, Justice of the Peace. Potter Eldred was the next Supervisor, and for many years was at the head of municipal affairs of the township, while Joseph Whitford was Clerk for upwards of 11 years. Schools were established at an early day; the first male teacher was Claude Rowley, who gathered a school of 30 pupils in one of Nichols' old log houses, near the east line of his farm, in 1841. Soon after, the town was divided into districts, the above school house being in the first. The second district had a school house near Whitford's, built in 1842. The third district was on the Augusta road, on the north side of the river, in the Merrill and Rodgers settlement. The fourth was in the Flanders neighborhood; fifth had its school house on section 28; sixth was the Climax district, in the Harrison, Eldred, Cole and Moore neighborhood, section 32. The first crop raised in the township was upon Climax Prairie in 1832, by Hiram Moore; Wm. Harrison and William Earl' were next, and then farms began to multiply. Settlers depended upon mills at Comstock for flour, and saw mills in different parts of the country for lumber. A saw mill was established at an early day in the north east part of the town. A meeting-house was built on section 34, by the Methodists in 1840, and then as now, preaching was supplied by Circuit preachers. HISTORY OF KALAMAZOO COUNTY. 127 At an early day there were several Indian camping-grounds in the township, and adjoining them their burial-places and corn fields; the principal of these were on the Toby farm, west of Mr. Bush's, and another near the river on section 28, at the latter place there were a number of corn-pits. The Indians returned to these grounds every year in quite large numbers until 1840, when they were removed by the Government beyond the Mississippi. Charleston now contains a population estimated at 1,400. There is no village in the township, if we except a small portion of Galesburg. The Post-office has been removed to Augusta, in Ross. Charleston contributed first and last to the Union armies one hundred and five men, and paid bounties to the amount of $20,000. CLIMA X. This township was surveyed by R. Clark, Jr., in June, 1826; the greater part of Climax is similar in topography to that of Charleston. The face of the country is level, the northern part particularly so, and is covered with a growth of white and bur oak. The prairie is on the north line, and, altogether, occupies about 4,000 acres-some 900 acres lying in Charleston. This prairie is very level; is skirted on the north and west by oak openings, and on the south and east by timbered land of beach and maple, which extends to the township line. There is but one small lake in the town, but it has a number of small streams, all of which run in a southerly direction mostly into Pavillion, one flows into Wakeshma, which lies south of Climax. The township has a great deal of excellent wheat land and is famous for excellent farms, orchards, &c. The farm of Mr. J. D. I 128 HISTORY OF KALAMAZOO COUNTY. Adams of this town took a premium at the State Fair, for being among the best in the State, a few years since. Among the early settlers in Climax, were Judge Caleb Eldred and his sons, Stephen B., Caleb, Jr., Nelson, and his son-inlaw, D. Lawrence; the Lefevres, the Lovells, the Scramblins, Wm. Richards, Isaac Pierce and sons, the Coes and others, who settled upon the prairie. Over in the timbered land, the Harrisons, Johnson Grimes, James Powers and sons, and others, locacated. The "Corners" at the prairie were, and are now, the "head-quarters " of the town, where a store or two, mechanic shops, a tavern, the post-office and some of the town offices were established. Now the place is a neighborhood of about two hundred farmers, mechanics, business and professional men, &c.; has churches, schools, stores shops, and a hotel is soon to be opened. A new building for a high school is nearly ready for use. The township was organized in 1838. Before that time it had been included within the limits of Comstock. The first meeting of the electors was held at the house of Daniel B. Eldred, the same year. The list of officers, elected at this meeting, the writer of this sketch has been unable to obtain. The history of Climax contains no episodes or thrilling points, of interest. The settlement of the township was not quite as early as some others, and was longer in getting a " start in the world," but since 1839-40 it has improved very much; about that time a class of men were added to those already there, who gave impulse and character to the settlement and improvement of Climax. The origin of the name is said to be this: A pioneer had been looking at various parts of the county, pleased with all he saw; on arriving at the handsome prairie in this township, which lay in its virgin loveliness, gemmed with flowers of every hue, and skirted with timber, exclaimed, as his eye roamed over the lovely scene, " Well, this is the climax!" and Climax it became. Year after year the wilderness has retreated before the encroachments of man; farms have increased in size by the enclosure and improvement of adjoining lands; till now the citizens of this township may point with pride to their broad 1111S)TOII OF KALA.NAZOO COUNTY 1. 129 nIeres, and ask to be shown any finer or more carefully cultivated. Theie are many traces hiere of the former habitations of' thie Indians; a large mound is yet to be seen, albout a quarter of a. mile south of' the corners. The popul-ation of Climax is about, 1400. It wvas nobly represented in the Union armies, over one hundred men havingr been raised. under all the calls, by the township. The Peninsular Rlailway is surveyed through Climax, touchim-r the " corners.' O S'l[T E MO. Oshtemo is an Indian word, signifying " head wvaters," significant of the fact that it has a high elevation, there being, scarcely a runningy stream in the whiole township. Springs are nu. emoiros in the outskirts of the township., ironiwhic small streamis t~ake then'r risc-and a 1eN% small lakes, some with outlets, others wNithiout. are scatteired f liroughi the townv. A proof ot its 0Irreat eleVation. is foun11d in th~e Iact that thie Michithan Cciitral It'kailroad, reaiches one of' its h~ioliest al1tituldes in pa"ssing. thiroughd the soutlhcrn tier of' sections of' Oshtcnio —the highiest p)oint lbeingr ab~out 200 fluet abov-e the river'. Oshtemo was set off fromi Kalamnazoo and orgranized as ain independent township in thie spring of 18038, hav~ing been authorized by the Legislature of the preceeding winter. Sev~eral names,havNing been urge(-1d with which to christen the n1ew township. our1 nlember-, to showv no partiality, declined them all, and gave the present name it is supp1osed to hiaxe been namied by Mr. Hammond, cashier of the B~ranch of the Dank of Mlichiganl then in operation at Kalamazoo. Thie first settlements masde in this town were made about the same time on (4raud and Genesee Prmairies; and about the year 17 Io0 IMlSi'(TfR OF K(AL~AMAZOO (OFXTY, S2!)-80, Enroch HTarris ad fimily settled on Genesee Prairie, niakino' the first selection of a (pIarter section in 18 29, Ibrinting t)aple seed withl him fironi whlich lie raised his present orchard7 which is probably the oldest orcha'rd in tlie cointy. The next settlers on Genesee Prairie were three youIn. menl f'rom GenIesee county, N. Y., who gave the name to the prairie. These three men who took tile balance of the prairie were eelias Cooley. Anthlony Cooley, and a brother-in-law of the latter, Mr. Smith. The new comers found themselves in the dilema of each wishing tlie first seleotion, Ibut the matter was finally disposed of by referring tlle division to AMr. aIIlrris, 1who was very successfil i i satisfying 'all parties-Mr. Smith taking tlle part that is now in possession of the I'rice fanily; Elias Cooley took whiat was sulsequently known as the Norris firtn, and Anthony Cooley took the land adjoinino north, now owned by Balch and Iinds. AMr. Harris and wife are now iln a ripe old age, with plenty of the comforts of this life to help themn in the down grade. Mr. Ifarris belongs to th e prescribed race, but he enjoys the respect and regard of his neighbors. Tlhe subsequent early settlers on this Prairie were John Hlascall (father of Volney Hascall, Esq., of Kalama. zoo,) and family. whose frin is now occupied by I-. Bal(ch; 1r. Hulnt, who sold in 1836 or 1837 to Niel Hinds alnd Clark lKello,, g:.Mr. Wild. and Mr. Atwater, fither of (). C. Atwater. Mlr. I. lascall and IMr. Atwater have beell de(ad nla1lly yea:rs. N early contlected with thle settlement of tilis prairie, are tlie early )ioiieers, Is:aac. Gibbs atnd his brother, W in. C. (Gibbs, \wlose imp)rovemenlts make tlle connection between this and Grand Prairie on the northt; their first settilerent was on the south end of (Gran1d Plrairie, and mucln of the original purchase is still il their finily. Wn. C. (ilbs and wife have been dead many years. The first settlement on Grand Prairie in Oshltemo, was made by Benjamin )trake, formerly from I'e1nnsylvania, inl 13()}; Mr. Conway, of l)exter in this State, squatted on tlie claimrl a fbw months previous, and on tle arrival of Mr. l)rake, sold his chance to him, it is the same spot that is now occul)ied by the same owner. The Potawattomie Indians cultivated landl in tlie Iis-'ronlt (OF 1, ALAMAZOO CO. VNT'Y. 131 same enclosure -hlich Mir. I)rake first made, having a previous possession; they were not disturbed, but remained until they voluntarily removed, the convenience of the tinbered land to themi for the mainufalcture of nmaple sugar was largely improved. as it was subsequenitly by the white settlers. The great difliculty of obtainingr water ft-) culinary purposes was overcome in the sap-running season by the use of sap for cooking and ot her purposes. The manIufacture of sugar was, fbr many years, an important. business with those who owned timlber on tle west of the Prairie. Daniel Wilm.arth, Wim. Duncan and Mr. Fellows pre-empted tie lands north of AMr. Drake's soon after. M1r. Vilma.rtlh haviing settled on Prairie Ronde, afterwards removed to (Grand Prairie, about 1 30, and remained (with the exception of a few years absence Lat Terre Haute ) on the prairie until lis death, in September, 1851. John P. Marsh took up a firmi on the south of 5Mr. Drake's about 18135, thle same now occupied by Albert llatta. IMr. Keyes also settled south of Mr. Drake on land now owne( by George A. Goodricdge. East of the Osltemo line on Gr'and lPrairie, and making part of the settlement we have been describing, was the early settlers, Setll Taft ( on propcrltv now own1ed by, Jonath'ant Tailltor), Jlames lPar;ker ( onl tih ftl-ml llow owIned' bvlll(l lch letchler), ) ld Joln 1'. Malrsh and Salmuel lI. I sIllollSmn ( on tlle itrm subsequelntly ownel(1 anld occu'pied(1 1v. V. (. (Crtellius as C'arly as 1iSR:)-, id 1iow occupied bv C. (1. (Curtenius. Mr. Taft remSoved to S!alit Laike Valley with tlhe exo(dus,f tie IMorm1olns, an id died since 'i 'O();.Joln 1. Marsh also died( about. tile same timie. This 1) bino's ouir brief history down to thli lland sp)eculation mania tliat culminatedt in 18S7-S. Settlements w\ere beiing pushed into tile openini s we st of the plraiirie as early as 1830. Augustus and Austin lBuell and Charles II. IIurd, took upll land one mile west of the prairie, and still occupy it. excelpt liM. Iliurd, whose farni is now owned by Isaac S. Detan. Henry Sparks and Ethan MI. Lake took ulp land next west. ThIe next op)ening was that of Win. Thayer, near the west line of the town. ''e "Pottersfield" had received its name from tlhe circumstance of the burial of twins of a squatter fhinily by the na:me of Willi:amsi, who spent a short time there I. j,.32 11INTORtY OF KALAMAZOO COUNTY, on. puiblic land, then built a shanty., then vacated it., and the land was suibsequently enter-ed by 1). J. IPiersons. MrI.- Piersonls was~ also a resident of the southfi end of Gr'ia-nd P~rairie, as wvas also Mlr. Dunn, who subsequently sol d to the Gibbs brother-s. Aaron and Lovett Eamnes settled on the prairiei in 1S835, and Aaron f~ames set the first orchard thereon. Tlo the fiunily of' Mrf. W\ilmarth is the county indebted for the first white child bor-n in) the county. Allen and Ira Smith occupied the farms since owned by Kingsley, Baker aend H1arr-is. Alonzo Wyan Hen1ry Montague, AMoses Kingsley, Nathan and 'Solomon Forbes, aInd. Ansel Snow. all settled on the northi end of' the prairie in 1.837, all of whora are still living except -Mr. Snow, who died in October, 18(4 —and the year following John -Baker, T. Strong, and H1. Randolph came. IDewit Ransom aend -Mr. Bushnell were the originial settlers of Pottersfield. Until alboit 18150, Oshtemo hrad neither.. church, tavern, store, mill, clergyman, physician, lawyer, or Ipost-office ----except that a small tavern was kept on the territorial lroadi, near Oshtemo, sttoknown as thie "White House, and owned by Col. 1Huston. At the present time 1 Oshtemo Station'" is a small place of some pretensions, with a neat, commiodiousiMethodist Church. a post-office, several stores, and the usunl mechantici shIops. Tho proximity of the eastern porticn o'flthe tow~nshtip to) Kalamniizou is such that muchi of the imneclautical as wellc ais 1wof(.Ssiouial 1)11siness is done there. Ini matters of cdtiticatiomi. 'little hiad been done till 1 8271-8, thme only orgainized school, district. Ave4 of' hal11 — ama111zon (now villacre C Mbraced Grand and Gecnesc- P rai ties., aInd as far west, as there were settlers. Ak log, schiool. house w\as., built on D)rake's land as early as I w ~hic h was all thle schoolhouse the townl Could Claim till adist i( t 'x as formied on Gene1Csee P1-rtirie Under the auspices of Iric itHaIscall, Gibbs, Kellogg, Hlinds, Atwater and others. In 1 4S4() new house wa bil by Wyman, Curteniuis, Montagule Str owr, Randolph 1)Eanies. Wilmarth. and Kingrsley on Grand 1rai iti by subscription, and a new impetus was griven t~o the cauise of eduication by the thene increasing poipllatioii the house then lbuilt was used 2s," years when it was removed to givepce to the model schbool-houise liiSTOilY OF 11'-UAMAZOO C:OUNTY'. 1 133: )ft tlie county ( outside of the village ), built of brick, with baseenlt:ndl furnlace, ald furnished with all the modern improvemnclts andl convenliences. The fiamne school house of 1840 cost about $.004), wlichl at that dltay w as s great an effort as tile building of the present house aIt a cost of $4,000. District No. 3, was olrganized in the IIurd and 13Bell settlement when there were but eight scholars in it; 'a rude log dwelling answered tie double purIpose of a schoool-house and town-house for a number of years, being ulsed for holding elections as well as schools, until thle school population outgrew its dimensions and seven enterpr'ising citizens united and built the framned school house which was lrepl.ced in 1 07 by a lmarge, spacious and convenient brick edifice, haiving had for the past 10 to 15 years the largest school census of any district in the townr-the present edifice cost 84,000. Districts were organized as the town became settled and the demand was pressing for educational ftcilities until the town numbers 13 districts; nearly all of them have embraced the princi)al of sustaining education by direct taxation of propertv, and some of the more advanced have taken the additional step in dispensing with the requirement of the teacher " boarding around."7 Tiere be'il no burial roiundl neaer tihan 1Ka1la:nazoo., ill 1 &44 ilO\ (CIveieIlt w\as originlated wvitlh tlhe settlemlent on Grand lrai-,ie fto) seculrillg a sui:tabie piece of land for tlhat purplose, wh}ich,,!t, lhou-'1 lbeil' sittuate(l in Kalamazoo, is occulpied mainly by tlie citizlns of Osliteino as a cemetery, and florns p1attt of the history of ()shltell)-a piece of gorolnd wals obtained of Moses ilv(islev: ill 1 —41, wvliich wns laid offt into lots and alleys, and lots numfbered, and an org:lifzation vwas efltected in accordance with tlhe laws of the State. Ebenezer Askins was the first persoin buried in tle newly consecrated ground in August, 18S43; Mrs. l,oomis, soon after, and on the 12th of January, 184,14, Mrs. Hannah Kingsley (two children had previously been buried on the firni of Aloses Kinlgsley; one, his infant son, was removed to the new cemetery and buried by the side of his mother, 18-14 ). These three persons were buried previous to the organization of the Grand I'Pair ie Cemetery Association. Tre ground was I 04 18-f ll!5TOlt"Y OF KA LAMIAZOO COUNTY. sulbseqiuently enclosed, land now contains 200 graves. For several years this wvas th-e only cemetery in this viclinity, cid burliials were m'acic here of deaths which oeccurred miles distant. A cemetery was set apart onl Genesee Prairie, about the same timie. and since then, maotbier on sec. 18, inl the wvest part of the town. Benjam-in Drake took possession of his fiarmI inl September. 1 888, on Grand P~rairie, followed soon after by Laiban Keyes', Al. len and Ira Smith. Mr. Drake's faiunily clatim- to have named Pottersfield " from the circumnstan-ce of'Mr. Buslimell, thle first stleriaving~ made rude articles of cliy found there fo)r domnestic use. Mr. Drake p)loughedi the first furrow onl Graiid P~rairie. Daniel XWilm-arth quarried stonie and m-acie rude grind-stones. The first school taught in Oshtemo w~as by Mi,_Ss ILois Smith, at the north end of the prairie; the teacher is still a. resident of' the county. The first milling was done at White Pigeon. at mill was soon afterwards built at Flowerfield, then one at Colnstcand in 1.886, Anthony Cooley's new Ynill at the bridgre in Kalamazoo relieved the early settler of distant trips to mill. A small mill was built by Esq. Barber in 188'-)4, on the site of the. mill. now owned by Merrill & MeCourtie, on the south line of this town-with S'tonles made of our common -field stones, a centre revolving stone, sua la n hp. 8ichslno.1 inches in diainueter at thle 1 (ase did sonie luisiness-, wviil)out a ibolt. The first deathl of a white peisomi in Oslhtenilo was 11n imnflut sonl cof-1Moses lKingsley, who(, (laid in. April, 1 88.'7. 13en jamniui irake bulilt the firstban In 188S.8-9 produce was very low; seed wvheat:amid oats in 188.37 cost $2 per' bushiel-the (crop sold fromn S_)c to 75c. Jrciu anid nails sold for l5c per pomiuld; the settlinigs ot' molasses sold for sug(ar at 215c. per' Ib; it required8 to 41 bushels of' wheat tc) buy 1 11). of tea. Hardware and groceries wvere. held fom' cash omily while dry goods would sell for produce. Whe~at was as lowv as 8l11 cents per bushel, corn, 15; P~otatoes, 1 2-1,~ Pork~- 1I to I "c per poiund. Mfoney commanded -to to 50. per csent. interest (thle writer lpaii 1)0th pr-ices to persons now living in Kalamazoo the cashe market for wheat w\as at St. Joseph, where it broucght 621 cents per b~ushel. Ii1'I)TORY (F KALAMAZOO C'OUNTY. The population of Oshtemo is estimated at 1650. Fronl Sep)l.enber )9tll, 1S(;3, till the close of tle war, tile towinslipi ftlrnislhed 91 )-men for tile armny. Thl'e number of its enlisted men previous to t.hat time is estillmated at ronilm 20 to 2.). CHURCHES AND SOCIETIES. TIIE METIODI)TST EPISCOPAL CHURCH. Tlere is but one religious society in Oshtemo, viz.: Tlle 5Methodist Episcopal. Oshtemo circuit was organized in the tfll of 1853; George Wilson the first preacher. The church edifice (at Oshtemo Side-Track) was built in 1861; D. 11. Latham is tlhe )present pastor. There are three other preachingplaces in the town, viz.: at the Hurd school-house, the Coleman schoolhouse, 'and at the Overacker or Bukhllout school-house. Also, one in Portage tlat is supplied fiom Oshtemo. Number of members in the society, 105; seven Sunday Schools with 480 s(holars. PAVILI(ON Tllis towxnshii) lies west of Climax and south of Comstock; is level, and is generally timnbered land. There is a strip about one mile wide commenciing on the north wNest corner and runining east, of heavy timber, consisting of leech, maple, basswood, el1m, etc.; and there is another belt of timber of similar character along the valley of a creek runningi in from Climax, in a westerly then soutIherly direction, emptying into Indian lake. In the south and west parts of the town are oak openings. The soil 1it) I,-TORY OF J ALAMAZOO (0.OUNTY. of the timbered land is clayey; there are a Inulbnler of excellent farmss in the township, amonlg which is tile fnarm of the late Hon. D. S. Wallridgoe. The first settler in Pavilion was Caleb Vorce who located on section 2, in thleyear 1834. Next after himi was Chester Johnson, who built a cabin on section 6, but only remained a few weeks, and then sold out to the third comer, Mr. Elijal Smith. (who came in June, 1835 ). Mr. Smith, father of Elijah L.. many years supervisor, and prominent in the local affairs, of Pavilion,-entered land on sections 6 and 7. Jacob lRansdell and G. MI. Blodgett came in the fall of the same year. The next who came into the town were, John Francisco, Charles Ackerly, Warner Walker, David icKaini. l, nm. a l, d sons, A. and 11. Chipman, Gould Richardson, A. B. Nash, and others. A family by the name of Calhoun arrived in 183G; the faitlher and mother were taken sick and died soon after, and were buried on the north shore of Indian Lake. The sons and daughters then returned to the east. The township was organized in 1836, and included the then unorganized township of Portage. The first election was held at the house of Moses Austin in Portage. The first election in Pavilion was held at the house of A.. U. prsol. on sectiol 2)!. now owned 1}y E. Osbornl. Th'l first sch(ol was tuglt, in I Si). at Me lain's Corners, bty Miss Olive Smithl ( lnow i s. Chlamllberlain), the school numlbering 17 pupils. Mc.Kaitil's Cor(er. s (on-1 tain a school-house, wagon and blackslnith shlops, )post-ofli(c,:; physicihm (Dr. Bradshaw ), &c. T'here are eig1.ht school districts in the town; a grist mill, near the east line; and a saw inill (known as the Lyman EIarl Inill). The lpolulation is estilmated at 1,800. There is a ste.ady influx of new settlers, and the inlquiry bor lands, and houses, is quite active. T'le line of tlhe Peninsular Railway is surveyed through the Walbridge Tfarn. Ninety men were furnished by the town for the army during the Rebellion. The average value of land, per aIcie, is ablout $50 per acre. There are seven lakes in tlhe town. H11IST Y O F.AILAMAZ/() ('01 N I'Y. 17) P T A G ( 1. Il' irtag(c liS (lieirectlc! sitlh o(f Kil:ilazoo tlte corners of tIli Ifour l(owsl. (Comst)ock, l':tviiiol, 1'ortage and ( 1 Kalall:zlIoo, conlillg together. lmake t le exact: geograiph)li(l celtlre of the county. P'ortag0T ow'es its i11ie to P]ort'tag creek whllich flows tlhrollgll it. so called b)ectause it was foimerl i used bv the I]ndialis aiid fur traders, fi'om wh\\lich tihe el('iar1ked a:nd tra'sported their ca-,noes to soile' e nighlborigl lake or creek. auind thus passed bletwee\\ tlhe Kalalillzo( an1( St. Josepll rivers. 'The stream emp,ties inito tillt li\:til.zoo,;ltter I)iii, nul ierl'()lsly dalmlll ed, tlurn'in' the wl eels oft hialf t-dozen mills,:and umakin itself otherwisc usefil. T1he town is generally level, with sofmle lills; oak ope - ings is tile prevailing cihaacter of' its sulrface. It }has a nulllber )of ltar1e lakes, atnil is otlchrwise well w\atered; soil, geierally a sandy loa:u. 1, \ery odtc tive. Dry Plrairie aild indian Fields are ill Portlage,:nd tlheilr naes sufficiently describe their character. lThe lirst settleenltlt in tlte tow\nship seems to have been made as early as 1S3). a man i niaed Ilerring having erected a cabin near the west line oftlhe town\ in that year. The s:uae season a ArI. 3IMcad b})ilt a log tavern in tllat vicinity which he kept for several years. Williamtl Ilarris moved from Kalamazoo into the same lieighllborhood. In 1S1 a8il settlement was commenced on Indian Fields, b1y Jonas WAVoodard, - -1Butler, and Job Meyers. Tl'he same yCea, Jo111n E. hIoward.and his sons RIloceter and Stephen';id Arad ail d dTh'lolms Cooley, settled on Dry Prairie and were joined thle next season by Caleb Sweetland, Deacon Eastlaud anld his sons Joseph, S:nMtuel and John; Mloses Austin and his sons, Williani G. and lBenjamin F'., settled at Austin's Lake, where, in the sumiimer of 1S338, M. Austin erected a log tavern. IS I J 188 ~~IiST'Ru 0FO K ALAMiAZ/( 01 T an1d kept it for many ye-ars. -A public hourse is still open thlere. TIhomas1 ChaIc~e settled on the Indliani Fields in 1882.In 1 888, Rus1sell. hfarris. Eli jahl Root, Estes Bahrlowl Page land Lot Northi. with theirfmies arrived aind settled iii the vicinity of P~ortag~e Creek,' west of iniditali Fields. I'Lu Iel tar, I~ac Ddoand Otis P'itts caime ablollt the samie timie. Phe following are somie of the early settlers of Portage:Alisoin Kinne, MAartin Lothrop, E'lilin R`ussell. Islaa~c A. Brooks, Widlow Wattles and her SOnS Mvrtl e, Stephen and George; Marmon Sherwood, Josephi BeckIlcy-, Ebenezer Diiurkee, C11ar es. Cu~tler, Samnuel. Crooks. the Trumnbutl Is, Enoch French. Thie pioneers hiad mnany difficulties to Contend wvith. M.ost of' them1 Were wee~ks On their way;and, arriving at their (lestiriation, were Obliged to occupy the same lodging they hadt had dutringr the long journey, namiely, inl the cm'ere(1 wagonm, or, by it's. side, onl the o'round cooking their epast with facnrots I-lvn, iii the woods, and leadling a. canip-lifi~, uintil. they hadl laid upt a l o ()-cab in fo rt aresidence, Inl this shanty, consisting of one,apartment, with fiurniture correspondIing wNithl the Style Ofarui tectuire, the pioneer and his faumily of fromn three to six found accomnuodation, and even trav'ellers were lodged when thiey askJed -for it; sometimes two or three families would find shelte-,; ill these primitive habitations until other cab'ins could be constructed. Wolves were very troublesome. Mr. Thomas Cooley went to a neighibors, (JRamisay's ) about three miles distant, one..afternoon; Jnst at evening he start~ed for homwith a quarter of venison which the hoys had just brought in and dressed. He had not proceeded fair when he saw several wolves coining after him. To escape them he cut off picees of venison and threw down as they approached too near, and while they wvere qutarrelling over the meat he would make the best use hie could of his legrs. When hie reached Mr. Allison Kinne's house the shoulder of'venison had all been fed out to the savage beasts. The progress of the settlement, and cultivation of the soil was slow and attended by many hardships. Eli~jah~ R1oot's saw mill was started in 1884 and was a great convenience to the early settler. A small grrist inill was built, soon tafter by a Mfr. Barber, ii; soT I OV K\AL.AMkV/Ol (a; NTY 18 I 1119 on al.)rnchot lihe I ort'i(re, n:1(1,rain has oftenl been carried to haut mill, oti mcin s shoulders, to be ground, and then carriedl hiome ii) the Sanme lvxv Ti rhc first school w~as taughit, inl I 8~4, at finldia111c(l. )v a \Ir I ansdell. Losette Harris is said to he tile first w hite chilhi born1 ill Portacr. Th'le first, ma.-rriageowvas that. of' M.'ultin ILothro01 anid E'lizaihetil h1)oot ( the cerenlioiiy havinig beeii perfoirined hyl Cyrtus Lovel Elsq.). in 14.Joint 1-Lejuika, ( Iiviio- iii the south part, of Kalam~azoo township ), J. E'. Dod sonl a11(1 others establishied religious services. class meetils, (at 'tin early day. The flirst preaching xN'as by El~der Merrill. 11ie first po(Tt-Officie was established at Carpenter's Corners.~.ahboui the vear 1 >-lJ. Ilhe toll-Ieh11) was set oil from Pavilion and or-anizedl ii)I 85 tile first meetilu- being, held( at the house of, Elijahl Rboot. The lpopulllatioll of.1ortagre, inl 1 -60 was. (97-4 and there wvere 187 (1wv eI lings iIt i's believedl that. the lpolpulation 110W is about. I 1iThe lKalaimazo() &, Schoolcraft R1ailr 01d.1 tiums through-1 the town (laid dow ii, i 86- 7 ), and there is a station a1t Drk Portagec contributed liberal ly in men aInde money to sustainl thle Union and crush the Jv~ebelliomi. Thie total as-sessed valuation of meal mnid p('rsonml pr)olperty ill Portagne in the vrear 1868, _S- Nv~w,-',87,S R I C- 1 LI- A N I). This township. desigfnated as towvn one south, mang~e tenl w17est. and also knowvn as Gull iPrairie, is one of the oldest settled townvs, in the county. It isplleasta1ntly situated six miflesniorthi of the Michigian Central 11ailroad at (3alesburg", and eigh-t mile's north-east of' Kalamazoo bounded niorth by iPrairieville in Bary Cmit! (estbirRos township-1) and Gull lake, south by Comstock, and Nvest by Co oper. rnli suriacwe is gently undula 1 —0( 1.40 iiHISTORYi Or KALAMAZOO COUNTY, tillg; t le soil exceediin,' ly rich:ld ( proilucive; thiere are some 1l'hree or tour tillousalnd acres of prairie lalnd ill the townIlsilip. tile balaunce consists of oak openings and mars1is l:lnd. ( 11ll lake. a l)eaultiftil shleet of water, some ftoir il illes ill lewgtth. liortl alnd south, b1y tVwo miles in widtli, lies uilpoi thIe (east side of the town;lmd occuplies a portlol section s 1 andl 12. This lake aboullds in fish of all kinds usllilly found in western waters. aind is a popu1::r resort for lovers of tlhe sport tduring' the fishinul seasonl; an island in t le lake of twenty a(cres or more in extenlt nimalkes a splendid camping groulnd for parties wlio desire to rema;in over niilaht.. smlall steamloat rins fiom Yorkville, *it thle outlet of tlie lake. to Thlomas' mill which stands att the lhead of the lake. Gull Prairie, so-called, occupies a large portion of the town1, and, wiitlh a soil of -wolderful fertility., ma: well be calledl " the g1arden of tlhe \West." It was or'iinally tle sit.e of two very extensive Indian v'illa:es, and occlupied by a tlrilhe calfled Pottowattomie, until tlhe first settleimenlt by tlhe lwhites in lI,X). Th'lese Iiidians remilained ill large numblers in tile vicinity, lothl to leave their ancient lhunting mlounds, until removed bl tlie 17nited States Goverlnment in lS4t0. Extensive "garden beds,' so called, andl some six o) niore mounds were foundc by the first settlers of' the to-lwnsip. ''hese w\ere evidently of ancient formation, as large trees were 'rowilng upon them. The Indians could give no accounllt of themn as by whom made, or for what purpose, aLnd thleir origin has perplexed antiquariafns to this day. 'lle order of settlement was as follows: In May, IS'0, Colonel Isaac Barnes and family, consisting of his wife, his four sons. Carlos, George, Lucius and Lester, and two da ughters, I-arriet and Julia, arrived fiom Medina, Ohio. They settled ol tlie iorth-west corner of section 14, in tlie vicinity of tlie " mounlds,".and built a substantial log house. Soon after (the smlle season) c.ame William Giddings (father of IHon. Marsh Gi(ddings, of Kalamnazoo ), wife and fLamily, consistingr of his sons William Pitt. Ely, Jon, [Marsh. DeGraff; Czar an(l Sinilius, and dlaugh-ters Jane, Louisa, Emman - and Eusebie, from Connecticut;.ohn Barnes and family, from Hudson, Ohio; Seldon Norton 1WT4OZY OF KALAMAZOi.) ('01'NTY, I141 ai1d flinjiNi from n Aurora, ( )hio DI.eacon James Porter ii( Orivx i1lle Blarnles:11Iani l Cornelitis 'Noi thlir O an111 yhn 1) ai tc Iloa- alld familly ( Quakers), fromn Vermiont Orlan lo Wee a 1 d fhmilv, i)avid S. I illie and fxmilx XX ilhiam L.o)'iiil auil fam11-ily;XWilliamn Jones anh iatmilyx aid 'a Dr. Hiompsou.Iliese all set~tled on the.1r~airie that seamson, and 1~Iuilt lo(, houlses, maiios, whiat Nvos cal led - Pitat ci aims. r1 ne 1:111( did not- coilie 1into mlarket until Jutm, 1 KH1 Also, the sam e year (1 c, cai-ne John F. (4ilke(y, xx ho1) pe emniptioned a larcre tracmt. iii the inorthm part, of' time tow n MuAiniford ElIdied Jr., Levi S.X ie CalviNn White, John (b)umncv Adams (not, time P~resident~ )all single minc N, who made c(1wm manmd returne-d timhe next yeal' Iii thme sprin-1 'iiid mnimifer ot f 4 therI NvrW (ImtCei(c51l5 to time new settlement, a. fol6o1vs Deacon S,-am-uel 1_31oN xvii, xx'iP~ tdsisDaupl:h in S munmcl, Joseph, I u~ssell ami C arle s, and datu"lmter's Malry, Licum xEI innir Cartliilotte amid Elizamleth 1Deamcon Simeoni MAill xI S, N mmmR, d soins E'Ii, Sanmuel land Chiarles, and (1a-ug11tiers Sarah, 01mOlvm Mariittc and Ahiria IDeacon IsaIac, fBrigogs amid famnily of' foam chIildr en; Dac mon lPhilip Gr~a.y;Philip Corey and fi-mmily Deacon Samuel boxyles aind famnily, and William PI~mnmer. Drn tis xc ar (I 1).31 a post-office wvas estalblislie(l unider the imaine of' Oc lostem at thec house, of Coloimel Isaac B3arnes, he receiving the aippointirtent as post master, \vhich office lie held until 141 i-i whein hie was succeeded lby Muin11-ford E'ldred Jr. Also this yeari ( 183 I), the first white child b)ormm in towxn in the flaimly of' Seldeni Norton. lie was namnedl Selden \N.ortonm. Jr. The first school opened this year in a lo" house. fit I 832, time nmumbier of' settlers xvas larg-ely jimereased. Asa n.lLoyal Joiies l 1enrxr L-ittle tiand fhinmily W Villard, Aug'ustus, limmotihy and Sylvester Mills, birotihers of De~acon S. Mlills; Dea(On Sanmuel Woodrufll and fimmily;1e~acon Edxvin Mlason and f~amily; Rlev. Levi White and fam-ily; a M~r. Cole and Mr. Cumm11n-ings. -At time raising of' a barn this season (32 —tihe first firare omme), time toxx'ii xa's, named R 'ichhand "-namre suggested by TDeacon M~ills. The first store aind hiaclismith shop opened 1-1 iIt s(rol O!' ii:p Kl,.-.A If/,.A 0 ( I'.N' 'Y,. tlis ve;air. Also. tlhe same,season. occ limedl the tfallouls B1lack IIaw-k war,1 wlicll cllased m1uch apl:reIension to tl1e new settlement. the wvoods Ieilii literally ftll of' Indlinils. 1mlt was qu1ite allayed by the capture of' Black Ihwk. Colollcl. Ba.tlrnes received the first appoltlintlmeit ( t is year. 1S3;2 ), of' Prolbate.Jldlg'?e. ind was a tlso Jlistice oi the Pea(ee in the coanity. 1 I 1S,.- first hotel openeid hy Timtlotliv- Mills: also 1 stag'e and -mail route northward( to G(irand lapi.ils. Villlage was commenced( at the " Corrsels. In 18X34, thle first mieetiin,,r lhousle ( lliol ) er (te. lint nTever finislhed. In IXS7, the first Iresl)yterian ineetin, ' hoouse erected at, the Corners. I Rev. Callvin Clark iiist:lledl:as pastor; sue' ceede(l by vlev. Milton -1)radley in 1s-13. In l;54. " iPrairie SemnliimIir y ilcorporated anld a tine buildill erect ed. In 18(il. tlthe lpresentt 1iew ell c edifi (ce ( IPresl)tterlia ) erected 11rpon site of the on-e built iln i,. Swhiclh was sold tothe Methodists. This is a very tine bulildin, e(,able of seating aboutt 6)0 people. Rev. ML. 1radlev is still l:istor, havimi held that rel!ation since 1 848. 'There are two societies —ttle (dd FIellows:ai{i (r(oo1 Te1mplars-wlhic(h are well sustained. Trhere is now ( 1869) in town, two (ch1ur1lches, teni shclol houses, two stores, twwo groceries, two hotels, two xwagro slhops, four blacksmithl shiops, one saw Inill, one grist mill, t(wo physicians, 1,, lawyers, three shoerlakers, two pl:ainrters and one harness maker. Whole number of )pupils belonging to publlic schools,.1)1; whole number of voters, 310( population ini 8I9i!, estimated at 1,550; total assessed value of real and lersoiall prol-perty in 186<8, $84.5,327. Pichland, at an early day, took the lead of othler settlelments in the county, in respect to population, reliygious matters, and general progress. Coloiel Barnes' colon- wa s considered a model one for those (lays. The village of Geloster, laid out and( platted in 1 S1, has not greatly increased its original proportions. Tiere( are tew, if any, towns in the county whi(ch have a more 1T1'1')O:V )1,' i\F.ALAMAZAH) *'):N I'V. i 43 interestiin histiory thaln ichland. She has furniisled( tie c.onty and State wit.h ulit'erol's pubillic len'. lanid lhas always hee 1ma-rked for thle exciu llence of Iher citizells. )During t ie rebellion she promptly flurilished 1 her lopelnilgs," lbut is genlleally level. Tlere is a little heavy tiinl,(i in larts of the town. 1lher'e are several streams, ainl( sixteen lakes in the tow\\nsii); a 1 lranchl of tile Kalattazoo-lI or'ta, e hlas its solrce nlear tlhe east line of tie town. Aino11ll t!ie first settlers in this tow\lshilp ( 3 soulth of raiige 12 west,) were: WVilliani Harris, the M1cLinins, Eli.)ouglas, the 11ixes, 0. C. Atwater, Archibald Fee, Ephraimn Payne, Isaac Gage, II. N. Snow, John Snyder, 0. C. Hill, Abial Stanley, C(lar1k Kellogg, A. G To 1ers. Jolin.. HIowan-rd,.Jaimes X,eed, ltie McElroys, Hlopes, Wagers. Brigs, i Barbers, Abiel Fellows,.T. II. Ilogshed, Riha1 1i:d Iholmes, Wiin. Bishop, Levi Luce and S. 0. Wells. A l'irge (.uantity of land was t aken up in 1 36, in Texas, by XV. A. Toinlinsonl of New York City. 'Prldence Wattles,,J. NV. Noris, J. & V. C.Gilbbs, J. 1). l amsay, John 1)avenport and othlers entered land thered albout thle same time. Mrl. Barber planited tl}e first, or(chard in tile township, and whiei it canme into 1,ear1ing, was m1uch aniioyed by the predatery visits )of the "boys," who liad sucl h a likeing for tile fruit, that they would take the lion's slhare leaving Mr. Barber scarcely appl-les enoulgh for a taste. Ilis dying request was tllat lie should be buried in tlie old orchard under a fvoiorite tree, so tllat his spirit iliight keep the boys fiom stealing his frlit. The town was organized in 138, thle first meeting of electors being held at the ihouse of A. G. Towers. T'here is no village in the township, and its early history is similar to that of other towns. The pioneers have been men of intelligence, of determined character, and have labored successfilly in making Texas a prosperous and productive region. It is rapidly increasing in wealth and improvenments. Its population may be counted at this time at about 1,400. Its valuation of real and personal property for 1t68, was $227,896. Average piice of land in the township is wortlh $() per acre. It furnished for the war its full quota of men, and with patriotic response met every call that was made either for men or for aid to the soldiers in the tieWl and thei fiamilies at ]1home. There is not a church, store, shop, mill or grog shol in tlhe town. The vote polled at the last election was 278. 150F 15(1 ~~ISiTOIWY OF K(ALAMAZOO~ C~OUNTYi' W A K ES1 i M A. Thlere is lno township in tile county,of\ whicli there is so little known as of' Wakeshma. In past years it was only heard otf or any interest mlanifested in its existence, wlhen the returnls of an election were being waited d f sometimes weeks wes oull elapse before "fhll returns fi'onm Wakeshlma" were b)roughlt il. The vote of thlat townl has been a stmading jest for tlhese many years, and a great ste)pping stone to let downil the tfll of a de fe'ated party. It has ieeCn looked upoi aa w\ilderness and fitsaken place urnbragou's andl am.ligu'ttous. with here and t here a squatter. It is therefore a great p)leasure for us to add our testimoily to thllt of others whlo are takinllo tlhe stand in its favor; that iln man:ly respects it is the best town iln the county, and l(is a destinly mwhich even n1ow is t hro wing l)Iog shadows before. 'There is sc'arcely:any where ill western MAichignu1 to b(e iound a handsomer country than in tills township. It is nearly a'll timbered land, black walnut, wliitew\ood, basswoo1d, eli, ibeech. naple, cherry, etc. but it is liighl and dry, clhaaacteirized by long valleys and low sloping hiills, clear running streams, down to whiose very ma'rgin the land is hard Iand dry. Within the past ftw years a great change hlas occurred in tlhe character of tlie settlers. Enterprise, intelligence, capital, and well directed labor, has h)egunl a work entirely adapted to tlhe development and plrosperity of the town. Schools have been improved, and a new lite and interest givenl to thenm by the employmnent of excellent teachers, and tlie building of new houses; religious influences have been spread andl encouraged, manlufactures have been promoted, and the l)opulation has wonderfilly increased and improved. There are numerous rills, botlh steanm and water p1ower, in the town, and two little villages have HISTOR1Y OF KAl1AM A/00 COUlNTY, 151 started, tlhe latest being W\:akeslhlla Centre. The population of tile town1 is labouLt 1.000i. It may ftirly lbe said( tlhat tins excellent townslhil) is gettinlg (Alt, of) the woods, anll will soon take its jlCace alnmoig tile most iposperous tow\is ill tle county. Wakeslhlna lies ill tlhe soutlh-ea:st corller of the coIuntiy, and is lesignated as town 4 south of r:ange 9 west. Assessed valuationl of real and personal property in 1868, $125,275. Of tile 3,322 men furnished by Kalamazoo County during the war, akeshma coltrilbutel its full roportionl. TIe l'ost office is iat thle Cent're. and there arr'e stor-les. shlops, )&('. in t.le place. - ---—. ---- --- NOTICES OF ENTERPRISING BUSINESS MEN. S iS. /1/f,, l to, I (T/'('i//,s /lls )i. O. N. &', T1'. (F. GitI)N';s, Iteal Kstaate and Insuirance Agents, at 10) Main Street, 1began business h}ere at their present office last July, though both genltlemenf, fattlher aid son, have been residents of Kalamazoo fo)r manly years. Mi. 0). N. Giddings has been a resident of' the county since 1836, having beenI one of the leadillg citizens (of' Chalrleston in tllis county, which township he represented ini tlie State Legislature, and afterwards the town of lRoss in the ]board of Supervisors. 1-emnoving to this village in 18538, oil his election to tile office of Treasurer, he lias ever since been closely identified with its interests. There is scarcely to b)e fo)und, within tile county, a person so conversant with the title, value and bearings of Ileal Estate, as Mr. Giddingls, as his position as Treasurer, Supervisor, etc., has broulglit him imnnediately in contact witli such business for the past 30 years. Thcron F. Giddings, the jullior member of the fimn, has had admirable experience in the Real Estate and Insurance business-having been connected with the Auditor General 's office, and1 being perfectly ftmiliar with Insurance. For this business they arte the right men in the right place. 15'2 TIIIS'TOII.'i OF KALAIMAZOO (COUNTY. 1Itb:l:'T 1. IIJ.oVl,), D)ealer in Ilardware, Stoves and Tinw\are, at No. 13,8 MIainl Street, )bean. l )usiness liere ill 185l)S, under the firm name of Standart & I eloward —their first location beingt in a store on Burdic k Street, which they occulpied hlowever but a slhort tine. Their trade so increasing, as to require larger quarters, they removed to the store 142 Main Street. Ii 1862, the firr moved into thle store now occul)ied by M1r. Howalrd, and the next year Mt1. Standart retired, leaving the business to the present lpr1opIietor. The further history of this well known establishlment is, that it is pol)lar, successfiul, and, is always well stocked w ithl eve( article of goods desired in this department of trade. Mlr. Howard\ is one of our lealdinll citizens and business men. F. S. STONE, Wholesale and Rletail dealer il (Groceries and(l Provisioins, No. 150 Main Street, dedicated thle splendid new\ store, corner of Main and Hose Streets. to the l)purI:ose oft tra(le, having leased and moved into the same n(:) its comllpletion in Octoberl, 18s8. The store is very handsonlely anld a)pp)opriately fitted tor the purposes of a first-class grocery store, as it is. MAr. Stone c(ame to Ka:larnazoo in 1868 at(ld purcllased a very handsome property. His tfrmer' experience in lthe trade in(luced him to enbark anew\ in the business, (he wras in the same trade 27 years, in Oswego, N. Y.) and lie seems to have fallen at. once into the regards and flavor of the lpublic, for lie is doing a ltarge and continually increasing business. AMr. Stone is assisted in the business by his two sons, E. C. and I'. A. Stone. About tlhe whole establishment there is the appearance of fimiliarity on the part of those in charge with all the details of the grocery trade, the quality of the goods and their disposal 'upiOn the shelves, &e., shows taste and experience. MUNI:(4: & CUA.MPLIN-Not to know this energetic and excellent firm of Merchants, and admirable store is to argue oneself unknown. Althoutghl a comparatively new firm as such, both the gentlemen comnposing it have for years been known to the people of Kalamazoo as first class business menn Mr. Mungeri having i)een for a long time connected with the firm of Babcock, Cobb & Co.. (predecessors of Mtunger &t Chlamplin), and Mr. \1 `~ 1 1 111SJ'0RY OF KALAMAZOO COUNTY. 158,) ( ham pl in1 liaviii beeni an esteemed member of' thle firm of' Gee0. (Colt & (' [. he iiexv, fiiin eoninreneced businiess.Januai', 8(S amid at. oi( 1,01111(1 ~)pl.)1:1i ' tavxer with tl le pubdlic, and their. suc'es's lII~s 1 eeii ii iiie'st iiiiexaImpled. 1eW Ileii alie lbetter'eli i ed, either by t"'iSte or experienece, fbir successfdly olv eoiidueiiig a flust, (1as (1) ( Goods bulsiness thlu'au essirs. MXULlo'Ci' &- (ilamrpliui. n1hii stoie is1 a f~ih~isi-mialIe i-eseit foi' liaoise- wlO dlesire thle ilic-est tliin's iin the wvav of' I-ress Good-s and Silks of' the la-test dlesioiis. Tlieit' sto.ck of' Do~mestifc andl Foi'eigln Dr-y G'oods, Cai'pet and lohi- i vr lar-ge, and is kep upwith t11 itniost (ale:111(1:attention to the clhainge iii styles ando qu~alities..1. heir. stor-e is tile sp leiididl brlvwn stonle fr-ont, N o(. 1.31 \l aim StrIeet..Ji SN&Si i ElleN.wx dealer~s iii ID)ru-s and A ediciiies, at 14-I M~aill Str-eet. 1begraii business hiere inl 1 8412. siicceedhiii E1. B". B~ooth, ili the samle locality. [They have Succeedede. hv thor-oughi knlow ledoge of' their lbisiness. hv entei'})iise an1d by fiii r dealin~g. iii building u iiia trade t-hat is alr-eadiv vei'y hugoe. aild vet, is steadil iN' mcreashiig Mli-. Johiisoii is a jphlisic'iaii of' skill and eniineli(ce. anId has had -anl extenlsive exp~erience inl his husinless. Mr. ~'Sheldon is aI young m.an of siijeerioi business qilal11ific('atiolis. These gentlemen enljoy the (confidence of' the public, as behing Diuggists. sci'nIpnlous, aiid cai'efuil. both in thle quality o)t' the iroods, they pur-chase aend thle pr1esci'iptionis they pr-epare. MA.essi's..Johnsoii & Shleldon, in additioii to theii' retail tr~ade, do an extensive hbusiness inl jobbing goods. JximsGia;J.-N, Manutiteaturci' -and Dealeir iii Harness, Sladdles.,Turiks, ete,, at N\o. 838 N.oi-th. 1urdick Street.. Ainir Grieenl is oiie of' ouir oldest citizens, haivino' come to Kalamiazoo in P.188(1 in 1842 he commeiiced inl the Harness business -with William Stuart, east ifain Str-eet. In 18G60, Mr. Green built a stoice onl Ihiiclick sti'eet which bie occupied, in his business, Until last August 18(18 when he wvas bhm'riedlly ejected by the thry elemient. which coiisumned his stoice and a por-tion (of his stock. With charaM-eti'istie energ'y lie immnediately comm111enced1 in Connection With in~r. Woodliais the erection of' a tine brick stoi'e onl the site of' the fibrvner oiie-:20 by 100, thitee stomies high alnd wvell appointed. 154 IIISTORY OF KALAMAZOO COUNTY. 'This new place of business is now firnished with an excellent stock of goods in his line. Mr. Green is the oldest hlarness maker now doing business in Kalamazoo, and is a most skillful and expert workman. lIe made the first wooden (not the Trojan) horse in Kalamazoo. wlich he has continued to use for 30 years. H. L. I3NX(I[AM. Plhotographic Artist, at No. 112 Main Street. One of our very best artists-a most tlhoroughl picture maker, and one that loves, and is devoted to his art. lie took the first premium at the State Fair held in D)etroit in 1867, after a most spirited contest. At the Kalamnazoo County Fairs of 1865 and 1866 lie was also awarded the prize of superiority. His rooms are very pleasant, and his specimens of ink and colored photographs are very fine. Mr. Bingham commenced business here in 1865 and has an established reputation as a first class photographer. C. S. T'AICAMBllAL, dealer in Drugs and Me edicines, No. 132 Main Street. Mr. d'Arcambal commenced trade in Kalamazoo in 1850, in the Cosmopolitan I-otel, now the Burdick House. He has changed locations several times since then, but has kept almost continually in the trade. In July, 1867, he moved to his present bjout of a store (fitted up expressly for him under his direction) than which there is not a neater, or prettier drug depot anywhere. His stock is very choice and select. Mr. d'Arcambal's ability and experience as a druggist and prescriptionist are the result of education and years of the most complete practice. The taste displayed in his neat and model store is an index of the character of the quality of goods and CJIARLEY ' skill in this business. WILLIAM SIAKEslPEARE-an appropriate name for a dealer in books, for what is there more suggestive of literary store and feast than " Shakespeare." William, whether or not a descendant of " nature's sweetest bard," is undoubtedly a bookseller, who loves his business and takes a commendable pride therein. Mr. Shakespeare, for a young man, is one of' our oldest citizens, has had just the training to make a good bookseller, having graduated from a printing office after going through the entire carri II,SIO1HY (.F. KAL.AMAZ/OO) COUNTrY cululin fionm " devil's" stool to tle editorial tripod. Mr. Shakespeare coinnienced tra(le in 18(7 at his present quarters, sueceedinlo A. J. Gibsoii. I-Ie has already received a large trade. his stock beingi always fall and adapted admirablly to the wants of this people. School )0ooks and stationery of every kind and description. S. O. IBENsNxr & SO\s, Manlufaeturers and L)ealerss in Bloots anld Shoes, a.t No. 111 1Alain Street. T'1his firm blegan bulsiness under this name in January, 118(i6. Air. S. 0. Bennett, however. came here in 18-59, and begani trade in the fall of that year. In Dec., 186i7, the store w\lic(h lhe llad purchased and fitted up, -No. 111 Mlain Street, was d(estroyed by fire, but with characteristic enterprize he beg.ran, in April and finished in August, the handsome and corlnodious brick store now occupied by the firm, No. 111,linll Street, \which is a favorite and popular place for tile purchase of sole: Goods of every kind. AIr. S. O. Bennett has been a most valaulble citizen, contriilltiini by his enterprize and lib)erality to the wealth and beauty of' Kalamazoo. The firm is composed of S. (). Bennett ( fthller) and James C. and Jolihn (sons), gentlemen thoroughly versed in the conduct and requirements of thle Shoe trade; and citizens of position and influence. J. L. Si:B, RiN, & Co., Gra"in and Prodluce Dealers, 103 AIain Street, are among the most active and extensive grain dealers in Kalamazoo. They are known throughout the country as first class business men, thoroughly acquainted with the business and enjoying a reputation both as buyers and sellers equal to any firm, in the same business, in the country. Their purchase of wheat, wool, pork, &c., for the past three years has been immense. They have a large warehouse and elevator. The firm is composed of James L. Sebring and Peyton IRanney, and both are men of extensive capital and an intimate acquaintance with the grain producers N-who employ Kalamazoo as a market. They commenced operations as a firml in 1864; though Alr. Ranney had been successfllly engaged in the grocery trade for a nuinber of years prior to that date. 1.)(; HISTORY O{' KAL AM iAZO}( ( CO1NT'I. CI(. I, S 1t.RANKISll,..3 North Burdick Street, (su ccessor to W\illinn Green,) dealer ill Saddlery alnd Saddlery IllardNware, hns,ut recently esta:blished hlimself il business, having pIurchased the stock and trade of W illiam (Green. lie is a young maln, well acquainte(l with thle business and tllrougl ly skilled ill tile prac.tical workings of the Saddlery and Ilarness business. lHe lias a complete andl most excellent stock and is determined to win his way to popularity and success lby (lose alpplication to business, and by selling the best of goods at the most satisfactory prices. Don't forget him in looking abolit forI any article. or articles in his line. Ll,\\Av i & L'lI lU'Ux, D)ealers in WVatchells, Jewelry, Silver and Plated-ware, No. 1'2 Maiin Street, (successors to Wm. I1. Snow). This is a new firm but a popular one-the gentlemen composing it being thoroughly psostedl in all the del)artmnents of the jewelry trade. They pay special attentionl to relpairin'g engraving, &c. Messrs. Leavitt & L'heureux are recently from.Vermont, and hlave had years ot experience in all the branches of their business. They have added a splendid stock of ne\w goods, and their store is a nodel of ne.atness and taste. SBELL & D)AYTvON, at 119 Main Street. This well knownil anld favorite shoe firm receive, every day tllroughout thle year, evi dence that they know how to keep a Shoe Store, in their steadily increasing trade, and the popular ftvor which they meet vwith. Messrs. Isbell & Iayton commeneced trade as co-partners in 1867, in the Parker Block, though Mr. Isbell has been in trade here since 1861, when he became a partner in the house of H. S. Parker & Co. Mr. D)ayton has had nma.ny years experience as a merchant, in Connecticut. The store of this firm is a very handsome one, thoroughly adapted to the large business which is carried on therein. 3lessrs. Isbell & Dayton manufacture largely, but also keep their shelves well stocked with the latest styles and most fashionable make of boots and shoes for ladies' and children's wear. Those who cannot find at Isbell & Dayton's foot-covering to suit their taste, must be very particular indeed. 'Their reputation as shoe dealers is all that could be desired. 111i-i'ORiY OF" KALAMAZOO COUNTY.15 157 Trrs.(. u DIi)e.d irii Crockery and Glassware, at No. 102. Mtain S,,treet. Mf ( C1)1) liegan busine'ss- in this departmient of trade inl 185,5, associatingr with hini Mr. Datvid Fisher. 1No firm. ini Kalainazoo Couinty were b~etter knowNn and more widely I~optilat' than Cobb) & Firsher, nior was there a stoice where ens8 -1 otners found m-ore honor'nbe (icalers or m-ore liiberal and grenial l)roiprietors. The goods were just, as they shouild be inl qutality, M;tyle and mianidiachire.,and their store a model of' neatness and orIder-. fn 186(i, this finn erected the elecnint marble building no(w occulpied by M\1 Cobb, (A.Mr. Fish~er having retired ml Auguvst, 1 868), which is one of the principle attractions of Kalaimazoo, and is the finest Crockery, Store, in the State. It is buLilt up~on the site of the formier store occulpiedl by Cobb. and Fisher, in the same bus~iness..13. M. & I1). Pioxi,1roprietors of the. " Centiral Flour-ing -Mills" and dlealers, in -Feed, NTo. 182 Mlain Street. These grentlemlen.l whose new buit extenisive,and fivxorite Flouring Mill, at (Comstock, haive ma-de their tina-es, a houisehold word with the tiarniers of the counlty, have recently established a F1 lour, Grain and l'eed Depot on the cor-ner of' Chuirch. and Maiin Streets. They keep) the lbest qutality of flour, meafl, &c., as well. as make this plalce their headquarters for the, purchaise and sale of g-rain, coMin oats, &(', Ci'i'v I1-Jrii,..- Kalamnazoo is deservedly fiamous for good hotels and landlords, that know how to keep them-who live up to the injunction to "Welcome the coming, speed the parting guiest." Amongc the hotels of this place, the " City " is one of the most fiauvorably quoted, arid " Mine hlost " of the same tuirns no one from his doors hungry or dissatisfied, but " on the contrary quite the reverse;", Robert Horn is his name. le owns anid runs the house, having become its proprietor, and landlord in- Jfune, 18638. After expending a large amount of money in overhauling it a1nd supplying it with all the comforts and conveniences of a, first-class hotel. 'Mr. I-orn formerly kept the Tremonxt Houise. Ilie has been "1before the public " here since.1854, as a caterer for the public stomnach, and show us a man that know~s his b si ness better. 1 5S IIIST'OY OF KALAMAZOO C'OUNTY. Fisn & CLANE, dealers in Groceries and Provisions, Fruits, Flour and household stores. This is one of the most reliable grocery firms in town. Both members of the firn are young men, sharp buyers, clever sellers, enterprising and wide awake as business men, and just the fellows one likes to deal with right along." For four years they have remained in their present quarters, being almost the first to venture business on South Burdick Street, their success, in fact, contributing greatly to bring trade to this now butsy avenue. The seeker after good things, which the world gives, need not go about with a lantern, for he can supply himself readily at Fish & Crane's. GEo. W. WINSLOW & Co., Dealers in Marble Monuments, &c., at No. 15 & 17 Portage St. Mr. Winslow, the senior member of this firm, has a name tlat is as familiar to the people of Western Michigan as that of any business man that hlas ever been among us. He commenced the business in which he is now engaged in 1848, on Eleanor Street, his establishment being one of the, very first in this part of the State. A practical mechanic. a gentleman of taste and culture, there are very few men better adapted to the business (requiring so large a knowledge of the finer arts) than Mr. Winslow. IIe has been here since 1835, and has been actively engaged in trade since that time. MIr. Miller, his partner, is also a practical marble-worker. The firm are doing a very large business, employing steam works. They use the Vermont Italian Marble, said to be the best in use for monumental purposes, being susceptible of a very high polish. yet very hard and durable. The machinery in their works is very complete, and their facilities are most extensive and perfect in all respects. The finest work in this part-of the State is done at their manufactory. A very large marble yard is attached to this first-class establishment. FIRST NATIONAL BANK.-This institution was organized in December, 1863, with a capital stock of $50,000, limited to $500,000. The present capital is $100,000. The officers are Latham Hull, President; J. A. Walter, Vice President; Chauncee Strong, Cashier; Charles A. Hull, Teller; A. S. McAllister, Book-keeper; Hiram Moore, Assistant Book keeper. The man Iiis'roT\' ItV KAL.AMAZOO M(IN'r'~Y. 159 ner in which the bank of the people is managed has done much to make the system of National Banking so popular here. AsiinY3 & Goss, dealers in Groceries and Provisions, at No. 14 South Burdick Street. The'se gentlemen have a well selected stock of grocer's wares and are active in disposing of them at the cheapeslt rate, to their numerrous customers. Both these gentlemen are young men, whose motto seems to be in all their business transactions " the greatest good to the greatest number." An excellent and reliable firm. JolINSON & SHiE;MAN., Proprietors of' tle City Marble Works, at 98 North Burdick Street. This firm hlas rapidly won its way into popular favor. The specimens at their shop manifest genius in design and execution. As an artist and sculptor, Mr. Johnson has few supelriors. M[any " gems" adorn our cemeteries, the result of' his labor. They employ the finest marble and give the closest attention to the wislies of patrons in the execution of orders. BAss.I'I"r, BATEs & Co(., Wholesale Grocers, N1o. 100 Main Street. The history of this firm is the record of admirable business management and unusual prosperity. Originally it was Walter &( Bassett; Mr. Bates coming into the firm il 1853, the name was changed to Walter, Bassett & Bates. Since 1854, the firm has been Bassett & Bates, and no business house in Western Michigan has become better or more widely known. In 1867, Bassett & Bates moved into the new and spacious store erected by them in the new marble block west of the Kalamazoo House, where they have continued business until the present time. On the 1st of May, 1868, Mr. Robert M. Ross, a well known and popular salesman of theirs, was taken into the business, and the firm name became Bassett, Bates & Co. The great success with which this firm has met, may be mainly attributed to the liberality and energy which Messrs. Bassett & Bates have ever shown in all their business transactions. They have dealt largely in real estate and are now the owners of the Humphrey block and several fine stores besides the one which they occupy, and a large amount of other business property. The business of this house from 1841 to 1846, was about $10, 160 160 ~It I5TORY OF KAL[AMAZOO, COUNTY. 000 per annumi frloml I 846 to 1 85, $20,000 per a 11nnum frota 1851 to 18,54, $40,000 per year; fromn 1854 to 1857, $1830,000 per ye~ar; froyn 18157 to 186 4. about $140,000 to $ 0()per year; from- 1864 to 1868, from $240,000 to $8350,000 pei yearl. Mt1CtIto(A N NATIONAL 13 BAN N-This I~ank was ororanized a(~s a National Bank hi 1 86)5, wNithl a capital of $1 00(0)0, lim-ited to $00,000. Previous to this time, since 1 856) itha been a private banking house, but had alwvays enjoyed the utmtost contidence of the people. As a National. Batikit business has grieatly tiii creased and now there are few it' any baniks in the St-ate b~ettler managed or more est~eemied than this. Tule officers, ate: WI. A. Wood, President; Alleti Potter, Vice P~resident; J. WV. 'Taylor., Cashier;- E. J. Phelps, Ass~t Cashier. Dta)c'I u RET.J. P3 Wloodbury, Allen Potter, W. A. W~ood, J. I'arsons, H-. Bishop., S. S. Cobb, J. C. Bassett. F. W. Curtenlius. 1. 1). lBixbv. A. C. WORtTLEY, Dealer in XWatclies, Clocks, JewNelry, Silver and Plated-Ware, &c., No. 120 M11ain Street. A- large alid hit every respect first-class estalblisbitnent. Mr. Wortley has 1t(cceeded admirably in ascertaining just the wa~nts atid tastes oft the people of' this section, and as a consequettce lie keeps aI supply of' the richest andI most, elegrant groods to lbe obtained in the market, for our people always buy the best.' In clocks, wvatches, in silver-ware, in bronzes and in jewelry, Mr. XWortlev is always on the look out for the newest anid niost tasteful de(signs, and the purest of material. His trade is already very large and rapidly increasing. Every thing new in the Easteril market is at once represented at XWortley's. In W~atclhes, and Silver and Plated-ware, lie has the best fheilities for supplying the most superb patterns, arid otders arc taken for any special design or device. In February 1868, MI~r. Wortley's stock was rushed off at less than cost, and his store nearly destroyed by fire. His stock on hand is entirely new, arid is a rich assort, ment of rare and beautiful goods, and the store itself' is a Ynodel of taste, elegance and luxury. DEWING & KENT'S Sash, Door and Blind tiictorv. Atriong our manufacturing firms none stand better, are more widely, known or have greater facilities for doiiig the wvork for which II SO'roY OF KALAMAZOO COUNTY. 1(n., they have 1reparedt themselves. The association is WV. G. 1)e wilg, James A. Kent, and W. S. )ewilng, all long-tine resideiits of' Kalamlazoo, and " live," thorough-going business men. 'The Planilng Mill and factory for the al)ove nanmed articles is a model of effectiveness; siupplied witlh the best and most improved Inachinery, employing none but the best workmen, and using only tie best material. They have won golden opinions fromn all sorts of patrons, and will never do any thing to forfeit it. The history of tils firm begins with 1857, when it was Dewing & Scudder. In 1858, the present firm was established. In June, 180(5, as our citizens will remembler their building was entirely consumted b1y fire, and was rebuilt in the fill of the same year. The planing mill building is GC feet square and two stories hi'rh, of 1brick-their warehouse is 25 by 80 feet, of brick also —same height. They have besides a large salesroom ol Kalalnazoo Avenue. where they keep glass, paint, oils, sash, dooirs, &c., &(c.. The averagn e ntumberl of' lhan1ds elmploye(l y1 tlhis finn is 5,). Sales in 1SiS about $}50,)000. IB.;m,:'. i: & FlNCt'x', Grocers, 1St} MIain Street. I)uringl the season of 186(8 this firm hlave erected a neat lookine' brick store on Main Street at the above Juiiimler; tlaken a pronminlent place amionlC tlie wide-awake blusiness inen of' Kalamlazoo, and are doinh' an excellent business. Botlh have lhad experience in tra'de. and the appearance of tile store durinig, business houirs, sufficiently 'proves that they.are poiltlar' in the quality of their goods, in their prices, and in their manner of doing business. WILL.AR) MORSE, Jr., Dealer and Jobber in Millinery and Fancy Goods, at No. 1:1 Main Street. As a dealer in the class of goods above mentioned, AMr. Morse is a success. He knows this market perfectly, and( the class of' goods, the styles, and all that, suited to the taste of our people are as familiar to him as the classics are to a Greek professor. He began business here first in the Humplhrey Block, in 1857, the next spring he removed to the building now occupied by Fish &c Crane, on South 13urdick Street. In 1859) le moved to 129 Main Street, and finding his business steadily increasing and the necessities for enlarged facilities, he removed to his )present large and commo21 16i ) W2 iitiswjtt 01I KALAMAZOO (OVNTiY. lious roolns in 18);, occupying two stories. le employs a large number of' hanlds.:and:ill delpartments of the Inillillery trade are conducted in a mnanner that adds conitnually to lsis well earned reputation, -and his abundant success. Ite has built ilp a very extelsive lusiless ill the Jolbbinlg of MAillinery:and Fa'ncy Goods, which lie ha's made a specialty. Iis store is a model of its class-order, neatness, beautty, avuiety aiid the most excellent taste being cverywhere aplparl et. There al e, in fact, tew, if any stores in Kalamazoo, where so much of the uartistic and beautifil is to be seen, and but few of our (citizens have 'any idea of tlle extent and nagrnitude of the business wwhiclh \tr. Morse carries on. IHe is aided by a coi1)s of assistants who} thoroughly understand their several departments. Tr'itly tlis is:a comllete and deservedly popular establishmenit. 1MIllri: O1x:(:. Co., is one of the manufahcturing institutionls of Kalamazoo, which reflects credit upon its name and its nechalnics. This Company commenced operations ()October 1st, 1867, andi the excellence of the Musical Instirumients which they send out achieve for the makers success, esteem anid patronage whilch otlhie manltlllfac.tilers lhave not lbeei:dlle to aclqulire in y3ears. The firn is coi)posed of' G. eorge li.?g)ott, lkobeit 1). Sees and E1dwa'd 1P. Johnson., all experienced and p)ra(ti:cal O()rgan:ind Melodeon makelrs. lr. l'igg'ott was foim11erly iot'mal in tlhe Melodeoi l'actory of Bllakeman & Phlliliips, a: n tlhelre is not:i morte skillful or1 more thoiough t naster. of' thlie t of mIlaki:i' lteed InstIrunients thain le,-a intl: ingenious, inventive, a:nd full of resources. These instrunients arle very lpopular, beillg superior in Nworkmanship, finish and tone. Mr. A. 1. Bl'tircl is the travelling agent of tie firm. (GR.IM ES & SWEETLANI), Dealer s in lumbelr,Line, Cioal, Stcctleo, &c., coirner of Willard anid Churchl Street. iMr. (G'rilles ca('ille to Kalamazoo as early as 1834. lie ls beelienidentilield itil tihe (growthl of the village, and lias taken al activte pl)at in local affairs. 11e commenced business at thei present stand ill 1S;.), and the year following lie associated Firanlcis Colman w ith him. Mr. Colman recently retired firom the firmi, and Mr. Calelb Sweetland, Jr., became al partnel. In the line of business car ill STORY 0" KALJAM AZOO COUNTY. 13 163 vied oni by these Lgentlemen, they deservedly enjoy a good share ot, pmilhlic patiroinage, alwaC-ys k~eeping, a Piill and excellent stock of' tle articles al)ove quioted. S.D. 4 co>x Practiclal Dyer. Scourer and R1'epairer, located au 71 Mlain Street. Mr. Jacobson coinlicnccld lousiness here in hew sp~ring of' It8(7. Ilis, Ihecilities, fir- doing work in his line are cmpl et'c. a)nd all1 orders cut rusted to his care wvill be f~itithtully e~xecuted. Tihe beauty and finish Of' lis wvork is winnlilng forIon a lag nnl increasing patronage. W. i-I. SA IN Ba~iairm', dealers in aill, kinds of Agricultural I1I ') Inpie IA elts. Mr. AN'. Landon, of this firmn, begai thie b~usinecss of keeping onl hand alnd supplying improved f~ain implements 'and iniacilinlerY to tie thr1-iners of' this County, lin 18(34. In 18(38 hlis brothier lecame a-ssociated wvith loin. rlhey supply the World's Realper,' the -Clham-pion ".Johnson's Self Raker. Also time celebrated(1Ball's Toiunado rflmasbei., Taylor's Sulkey l%'alkes, (4aiim DI)~ils, Cider Mills, Whieel Cultivators, Horse Foiks, &-e., &(c. T ite Mlessrs. Landon are enterprising mnen an(1 keep always along Nvith thme impioveiments of'the day. lBr'm AvI, Bolrms.\i-nufiacturers of' Carriages, Wagos n S-I cio~ls. Th'lese genit Iemnen occupy a hleh p)osit~ionl aniolig thle I ai i lctl cisof i a 1laioaiuoo. 'Ille l)115i iess wa11s estab lished as eIamly as 1887 by Waririn Buirell. iroim P~1 S to 18(37, the firm' was known as Hioglteoolmi Burrell, 'sometimes Greormge and so~(iietfinjes D~avit,,. Burrel 1 beiiig pnartiiei' ofM'. i-.ogeliooln. In I SM17, the pireseiit firn was foinied, 'onmposed of' DavidI a-nd (Ceoige Burrell. Thie building for wood wvork and ti'iianningr is 2-4xG2i, fo' office, storagre and painit ShIop i'J')x(.O, lblack-smitli sh ops, one 20(x40, tb e other 205x%25) building for- storingy lumbei' 20x(Y0 TIehy employ twenty-five men thi'oughout the year, and thieir business mnoic than keeps pace wvith the growth of' the villaure 'nd couintr'y, which requires time continual extension of thewir business fI'cilities. The enviable i'eputation which theii' woirk enjoy s througthohit a- Nv'ide section of' country, is the cvidenc tha it ont but thie best iaatti'ia-l and workinen are eml-ployed iii their mmanul~ac~toi'y. Their' shops ai'e located at thle coiner of 2Iamn aiid P~ark stieets. I (;4 1 (4 ns'roiuyi (i' KALAMAZO*O C('[Nry. N. H. 13i1:ulIN(:,!..i, Proprietor of the Plllinlg INill, Sasll, Door and Blind Mlanlufactory, No. 98 Water, cor'leer of Nortthl Park St. Mr. Burlinlllam is one of our ol(lest business nmel. For many years he was prominent in the settlement anl progress of Comstock, to which place he came ill 1834: remiovillg to Kalamazoo he has been connected with a number of b)usiness enterprises. He began the business in rwhich lie is now enllgged. in 1864, since which time he has added many ranllches to his manufacturing facilities, such as Scroll and Veneer Sawingll Wood Turning, Mouldings, &c. All orders entrusted to Ills care will be executed with promptness and fidelity. GEORGEtl D)D(:.E, Steam Engine Works andl Agricultural Foundery. This is one of the largest manufactories in Kalamazoo. In 1855 Mr. Dodge commenced the business which lhas become so extensive, by the erection of a mainufacturing establishment on the corner of Rose and Eleanor Streets, from which, soon after, he began to turn out the celelrated Curtis I)lows. llt 1849 lie invented his tfLnous, so called, " No. '!O," whiclh las become the leading plow in this and several of the AWestern States. He still continues to manuifalcturl ttlhe Curtis plows, and several sizes of' plows of his original p)atlterns, fand other agricultural implements, making lhis F'ounderly a blusy relpublic of industry; new buildings soon became necessary, and( in 1861( the business otlice and Nwsarehouse were erected. In 1867 a new brick building was put up, anld another one in 1l(;8. Besides the office and large ware rooms, there are now the following buildings belonging to the establishment: Blacksmith Shop, 40 by 40-capacity six forges; Moulding Shop, 40 by 100) feet; Machine Shop, 40 by 40 feet; WTooding Shop, 40 by 40 feet, second story; Engine and Grinding Rooms, 25 by 40 feet; Sawing and Lumber Cutting Shops, 40 by 40 feet; Pattern House, 30 by 40 feet; Paint and Plow Shops, second story, 40 by 65 feet, besides buildings for lumber, coal, sand, &c. WVorkingl force of 1868, 40 to 55 men. Sales in 18(8 about $100,00(0. The Engine just now put up, is new and was built by Mr. 1)odge. Capacity 30 horse power. The boiler just put in, is also new56 inches in diameter, 14 feet long. iLIsUoitY OF KALAMAZOO COUNTY.16 16,11) D~jD6.EO0N & C~OBB, dealers ini Grain, Wool, Salt, Plaster and General P~roduce, No. 99 North iBurdieck Street. This is a first class, thorough-goingy and suceessful business firm, whose business is er exenive, eniploying alarge cap~ital. Mlessrs. Dundgeoni &Cobb heave two ware hioises andi an elevator' near the Central Depot, andl are amiong our greatest buyers of grain and other pr'odLueC. Mr. John D)udgeon cormmencled business near his present stand in 1848;- succeeding Munger &t Kellogg our first warehousemien. Mr. C. L. Cobb can-e to Kalamazoo in 1845, and was for yea~rs a ineniber of' the- firm. of S. S. Cobb & Co., and l~abeock, Cobb & Co. The present firm wvas formed in 865 Boh (enteme ar superior i,)usimmess men and enjoy the entire comntidonce of the people of Kalamazoo and adjoining counties, with whiom they hagve had businmess relations so many years. They arie also o-wners of a large aniount of village lots north of tie Cent ral II road 11. MA. STEVENs, dealer ini Crockery and Glass WaVre. at No. 1 Portagre Street, began business here in 1866. Ile still continues at the samle place, growing, in popular fatvor every day. IIhis store is admirably stocked with every variety of articles in his line of trade, emibracingr all. styles, from the lplaini and snlbstain tial to the graceful and elegant. An enterprising and thoroughly reliable dealer, Mr. Stevens' success in business is noteworthy — the result of'plersontil -application and attention to the w-ants ot the public. BEEE SCOTT, Mlerchant Tailors.-This firma occupy one of' the splendid stores in the new marble block of Ifenry B3 reese. rrhe firml- is com~paratJively new, hiaving been organized inl the spring- of 1867, but Mr. Rutfus Scott hias been connected withi the clothing tra~ie of Kalamnazoo for many years, and few, if any more actively and extensively. Before the present co partnership was formed with Mr. Beebe, a gentle man of capital and experienice, Mr. Scott was a member, of' the firm of' G. W. Taylor &t Co., and a salesman more experienced, more reliable, better posted as to the wants of custoniers, amid more esteemed than hie, hias scarcely been ]known hereabouts. Rufus Scott is a man who thorougimly undlemst-ands his business, and knows almost 21it 166 IHISTORY OF KALAMAZOO COUNTY. every man in this county by name. The store is admirably supplied with every species of desirable goods, and with the best of workmen. About thirty men are kept constantly employed. Sales the present year will probably reach $150,000. COCK & THIOMAS, Proprietors of the Steam Elevator and Flouring Mills, No. 111 North Burdick Street, This is one of the oldest and most favorably known business firms of Kalamazoo, and both gentlemen are old residents, Mr. Cock having come to this county as early as 1832, and Mr. Thomas in 1837. They commenced operations here as Commission and Forwarding Merchants as a business firm, in 1848, the association being H. F. Cock & Co., composed of Henry F. Cock, Alfred Thomas & Charles A. Sheldon, (Mr. Sheldon retired soon after,)-the warehouse being on Burdick Street, next South of the Railroad. In 1864 they sold their warehouse to Dudgeon & Cobb, and commenced the erection of their present capacious and effective elevator; and they have now completed their Steam Flouring Mills, which have a capacity to turn out 100 barrels per day. Messrs. Cock & Thomas were the first who furnished accommodations for farmers to store their wheat-the first to buy grain to ship by Railroad. GEO. W. PARKER, Staple and Fancy Dry Goods, Carpets, Cloaks and Millinery Goods. Mr. Parker has been most actively and prominently connected with the business interests of Kalamazoo for many years. In September, 1867, in connection with his brother, H. S. Parker, he began in the Dry Goods trade, which they carried on very extensively and successfully until January, when Mr. H. S. Parker withdrew, and the business in this department is carried on by Geo. W. Parker. His store is very properly known as the Mammoth Store, for the immense sales that are made there. Among the very best goods in the market are those kept by Mr. Parker, and his annual sales have made his store famous for marvelous bargains and advantageous purchases. Mr. Parker's experience as a merchant in New York, for a number of years, gives him increased advantages as a close buyer. Mr. H. S. Parker's famous hat, cap and fur store is in the same block-the finest store of the kind in Michigan. IISTORY OF KALAMA.0OO COUNTY. 167 J. MoonRE, No. 11 Portage Street. Mr. Moore came to Kalamazoo in 1855, and soon after, in 1,57, began to build up his present excellent trade in groceries. Twice he has built up his brick store (once destroyed by fire). Mr. Moore has been very successful in trade, and does a large business which is steadily increasing. DRa. MoLTERE-Magnetic Infirmary.. )r M., had successfully practiced his peculiar theory of healing, in Niles, Dowagaic and other western cities before coming to Kalamazoo, where his success has been more marked. Iis Medical Infirmary includes Hot Air, Vapor, Electric and Chemical Baths. Mrs. Moliere is a celebrated Clairvoyant, who delineates diseases without questioning the patient, and the Doctor then applies the remedies. R. W. SOUT LWIORTl, Painter, dealer in Paints, Oils, etc., No. 40 North Burdick Street. Mr. Southworth is an old resident, and one of our best known and reliable citizens. Orders left with him for work or material will be filled with prIomptness by the best workmen and the most select material in the market. Mr. R. Walsh, a most skillful sign and ornamental painter, occupies the same room with Mr. South worth. ALEXANDER MATIIESON, contractor for Cut Stone of all description, Flagging, etc., No. 99 Water Street. Mr. Matheson is a practical stone cutter, and employs the most experienced workmen, and keeps on hand the best quality of stone. He is the person to apply to for every kind of material or work in his line as a builder or contractor for stone. BRowN & HENDERSON, No. 13 North Burdick Street, Saddlery, Iardware and Trunks. A first-class establishment in every respect. Since Messrs. B. & H. have added to their establishment the manufacture of Trunks, they have greatly increased their trade. They make all classes of trunk ware and as good as the best in the East. REED & KELLOGG, No. 10 South Burdick Street, diffusers of the cloud-compelling weed in all its multiform preparations, Cigars, Pipes, Meerschaums, Tobacco, etc. Their establishment is the neplus ultra of Tobacco stores, and the virtues of the 168 168 HISTORY OF KALAMAZOO C'OUNTY. clever and poipular lprol)rietorIsyli1ke thle farneof their chOice c'igars, wvill live when they have passel. awvay.' LWE N C E' &, Co-These (Tentlenmen succeed Messrs. Gale & Robinson in the loag established and1 favoralbly known foundery an3Td machine works, corner of IRose an Wae Sret.rre will sustain its higih relputation and i make the old shop still more nisefnl to the public b~y conthined iniprovenments. W. 11. CODINliroN, No. 90 Water Street, oine of our most tasteful Architects and most extensive Builders. His work commends himi. Ile is the builder of a number of our very best residences. J. M. W]I'mi-s, No. t21 South Burdiek Street, Agent for Grover~ &- Baker Sewingr Machines. A grent.lemnon, and thoroughlly re-(, fliable ini all his engcag-ements. In Our notice of the Empire Orgran Yactory, we om-itted to mnention. one important fact, that Mr. A. F. B~urch is one of' the principals in thiis excellent and tuneful firmi. Uxnmawoos',Merchant T~ailors and Gents' Fturnishing, Goods, No. 27 North B3urdick Street. The grentlemnen composing this firmn are old citizens and comipletely versed in the, Clothingo trade in -all its departmients. JOEL J1. P1ER11! N & CO., successors to Ga-le, P~errin &- Co., IN-o. 122 Mlain Street. One of the largest I.letail Hlardware Stores in the West; admirably conducted and stocked with the most varied, comnplete and carefully selected assortment of goods iii this line. T~his establishment is favorably known throughout Western Michigran. T~he gentleinen comnposing the firm 'are J. J1. Perrin, Charles iJ1. Iluntngvt on, W. 11L Stoddard,-all young)( men, popular, energetic and thoro'uighly conversant, with the requirements of their tradle. T~he Press 'of Kalamazoo is wvorthily represented by thle DAIL ANvX D W1avTEmLEGRA1i, lPublished by the Stone Bro's, by the Wi,,~uyuvGZ1'rK Published b~y Lomnax & Clark, and-, by THE~ PREESENT AoiF, thje ogrgan of the Spiritualists, Published by Col. D. M. Fox, for the Spil-itual Association. rilese papeI's are ably conducted and en~joy ain excellent anid dreserved p~atronage. KALAMAZOO DIRE~CTORY.19 169 KALAMAZOO COUNTY OFFICERS. ShoerflL-JOIJN If. WFI''LIS (JounW1 Clerk-JAMES WV. JiOPIUKNS. Judge qf Probeatc-11JFNRY C. BEJU-IGS. County TrauerBlA31A I. WNILSON'. Register of Dceds-lITE'N 1Y WV.BU. Prosecutingq A ttornry-JULJAIS C. BilURIOWS. Circuit (Ouert Ur~n? uissioners-CIJA S. A. TIJ OMPSON, Jr., GCEORG1L1('E A!l. BUCK. Cou~nty 1Sio-rc7or-iFRANCIS 1I01)(;MTAN, (Galesburghl. C'ounty (7oroners-WTILJAAIINl FISITEI" J, LYITANT T. EARL ST7i11111' R 81ISOB A lanto-,Charles A. Rlansom.. Brady-Lewis C. K~inible. C~ope-Ueoge iela.no. ("rntstwck —o. F. Ba iou 1IL s. h/?arle%~tov-A\Xfl. (4. Kirbv. (11iu:r-laauPi erce. Osht~no —X~llit)C'. \vild. 1~ortic-Jo in lgiore. i~uvti~on-C1harles SM. Squires. Prai lri Role.ul-George Nesbit t. 1R()ss-,Stephen V. R'. Earl. RIch lund-li. TL Wa(,rn. fxas-Tiornas ID. I'lix. IVakets/hma-S. Frodelubulrgh. JIUSTT"CES OF rTlE PEACE. A1Alto-IHirain B. IRose, Samuel IL. Sinmmons, Garrett Van. Arsdale. Town Clerk,, James S. Tiarbell. ButADY-John. larlimi, John S. Buikd, J'acob Li. Phisket. Than Clerk, Roscloe SM. Fisher. CITARMEsTroN-A. Eldred, James P. Fowler, B'lonjamin F. Travis. Town, Clerk Elias Bavle. COM~STOCK-V. IT. SuMn11er, Galesburg; Sem-an I ristol, Gales 170 170 KALAM1AZOO DIRECTORY. burg; Ralph S. Van Viect, Galesburg; Eli B. Anderson, Comnstock. Town Clerk, A. D. Bieckwith. CLBI1Ax-Stephen T. Averill, Isaac Pierce, MNIoses Hlodgmian. Town Clerk, Eugene M. Eldred. COOPER-John Albertson, A. W. Ingerson, L. A. Crane. Town Clerk, A. D. Chappel. KALAMAzoo-G. P. Doane, Amos D. Allen, Win. W. Peck, William Fletcher. Town (Clerk, E. W. Deyoe. OSIIT~bo-A1ornzo Overacker, Clark Kellogg, Win. B Verity, Town Clcrk, ]i1. 0. Brownell. PORTAGE,-Levi Blackmner. Town Clerk, Chas. G. Weed. PAVILiION-Charles E. Morrison, George Eberstein. lbwn Clerk, William Armstrong,. PRAIRIE R1ONDE-Zechiariah Fletcher, George Ncsbitt. linen Clerk, Jaraes A. Pomeroy. toUAN-lerN PcJohn F. Hale, David Carson. Town Clcrk, M. S. Scovill. Ross-Oliver R. Smith, Hermal-n Ii. Peet, Simpson H~owland, Town, Clerk George Bliss. SCHOOLmCRAFT-Charles Ellis, Wesley Martin, Samuel H~awkins. Henry P. Smith. Town Clerk, Seneca Smith. TEXAS-Williami MAunson, Anson Jones, George Sprague. Town Clerk, Franklin Sw'an. WAKESIBIA-Henry J. Daniels, B~enjamin Mathers, Peter L, Rhinears~on, J. W. Codynan. Town. Clerk, G. 0. Byington. county AS~uperintendent's of P'oor-Thos. Brownell, E. B. Dykman, A. L. Mason. VILLAGE OFFICERS. J. W. BREESE, President; H1. E. HOYT, Clerk. Board of Trustess meet First Monday of every month. TituSTEEs —Charles IL. Cobb, Alex. Buell, I. D. Bixby, Wm. A. House, Chas. R. Bates, H1. Phelps, John Parker, N. Banmann. KALAMAZOO DIRECTORY. 171 STANDING COMMITTEES. COMMITTEE ON STREETS AND BIlDGES-H. Phelps, W. A. House, C. L. Cobb. COI.MMITTEE ON CLAIMS-Alex. Buell, I. D. Bixby. " HIIEALTIH-W. A. House, N. Baumann. " F FINlANCE —C. L. Cobb, J. Parker. " PRIlNTING-Alex. Buell, C. It. Bates. " "GAs-I. D. Bixby, N. BIaumann. " " LICsENSE-C. 1R. Bates, C. L. Cobb.: " I1RE AND \WATER —J. Parker, Alex. Buell and Nicholas Baumann. ASSESSORS FOR COIPORATIoxN —Ienry E. Hoyt, Alex. Buell, and William A. IHouse. CONSTABL.ES-A. C. Ba3lch, J. Wilcox, S. True and J. Galman. MARSIIAL-JOS. S. Davisson. HEAILTn D:PIARTMENIIST FORl TOWNSIP1 — H. E. opt, E. W. I)eYoe, G. P. Doan, A.. D. Allen, W. WV. Peck, and W. Fletcher. FIRE DI'IEPARITMENT. Thos. O'N'eill, Chief Engineer; Adolph Seiler, Ass't Engineer. BuRiR OAK, No. 1.-Albert RIandall, Foreman; Jacob 1. Campbell, 1st Ass't; Rlobert Simpson, 2d Ass't; Frank Wood, 38l Ass't. Iiram Day, Foreman of Hose Cart; 13. Earl, Ass:t. ExCerLSIonI, No. 2. — enry Gale, Foreman; Charles L. Cobb, 1st Ass't; F redelieck Bush, 2d Ass't; Charles Blrown, 3d Ass't. James HaIwley, 1 1'oreman of Hose Cart. GCEIMAA l. No. 3. —Joseph Weidncr, Foreman; John Unseld, 1st Ass't; Henry Furst, 2(1 Ass't. John Albraham, Foreman of Hose Cart. ILooKi AND LADI ID. —J)l:oin F. Spohll, Foreman; Joseph Muhlbach, 1st Assistant. '~-4 --- —-- - BOARD OF EDUCATION, 1S69. Tlic regu.laIr meetings of the Board are held on the tr' t ''Tuesday of'each month. looms in the Corporation Hall. 172 KALAMAZOO DIRECTORS', President, - ALLEN POTTER. & cetary, - - - - - - FRANK LITTLE. Superintnd nt, - - - - E. A. FEASER. Board of Eduication. — Alfied Thomas, Thomas S. Cobb, Latham IHull, 11. E. Hoyt. SCHOOLr S:rATIr'rTCs Fro 1868. No. of Children in the I)istrict, between the ages of five and twenty, August 1868;, 2,646-. Total receipts into the Treasury, $24,604.36. Total disbursements, $18,132.80. Cash balance in August, $6,471.56. Estimated current expenses, $1.4,510.00. Number of volum1es in District Library, 1000. Number drawn during the year, 3,259. Library in Corporation Iall. Frank Little, Librarian. SCHOOLS AND TEXACIhERS FOR 1869. Principal —R. 1. TR[vI). Assistants-Miss A. A. Champlney, Mary Gordon, A. Rudolph Bretzel. GRAMIMAR SCHIOOL. Lydia Coon, Emma A. Bryant, INrEMITERlDIATE DEPA.R TMENT. E. N. Ransom, Aurilla Everett, Marietta Coon, Lottie Barker, S. E. Beach. I' IMAR I t DEPARTMENT. Francis Hill, Lizzie Rollins, Julia S. Bryant, A. M Ingersoll, Miss Cornell, Miss Reynolds, Miss Billinghurst, F. E. Carpenter. NEw UNION, LOVEL STREEItT. Princccial-F. GIJRNSEY. Assistants-Emma L. Sebring, Mary Starr, Alethia Cobb, Susan A. Pratt, Sylvia Burgess, M. A. McNeal, Emma Bostwick, Ella C. Hogeboon, E. Tracey. WARD SCHooLs. Teachers-H. D. Anderson, D. S. Emmett, Emma J. Strimbeck, Anna Jannasch. K ALAMAZOO 1)1 RECTORY. 173 AMICIIIGAN ASYLUM FOR TIHE INSANE. No. 76 Asyluln Avenue. Tl,'ST,:m:s: Luther II. Trask, Kalamazoo; Z. Pitcher, M. D., Detroit; Daniel L. Pratt, 1:.illsdale; Charles V'. Penny, Jackson; V.. A. lTonllinson, Kalamazoo; Josephl Gilman, Paw Pal'. IRSIlsrNT O,(mc,,s: E. II. Van Deusen, 5M. D., Medical Superintendent; Geo. C. 'Palner, I. 1)., Assistant Phlysician; Edward G. Mlarslall, M. D)., Acting 2d Ass't Physician; Henry Montague, Steward. Rev. Daniel Ilutnan, Chaplain; F.,'W. Curtenius, Kalamazoo, Treasurer. FIRST BALPTIST CHURCIT. Orrganized in 18.3;. Present nenmbership 444. Samuel IIaskell, Pastor; William Carter, IIaskell Triskett, I)aniel Putnam, William Allis, Chas. 1). IIanscomb, Frederick WV. Willcox, Deacons; James P. Cadman, Clerk; Francis Coleman, Caleb Eldred, Wln. II. Hanfbrd, Willard Morse, Daniel T. Fox, E. G. IIuntington, Geo. E. Curtiss, Trustees; Daniel. F'ox, Treasurer. SUI:,MAY Sc'iJooL.-Henry C. Briggs, Superintendent; Geo. E. Curtiss, Ass,t Superintendent; Peter Hof'rnaster, Treasurer; A. F. Woodha:ms, WV. L. Eaton, Librarians. Number of teachers, 27; number of attendants, 230. THE TABERNACLE BAPTIST CHURCH. This Church was formally recognized in 18(;5. The number of constituent members with those added since is about 90. Rev. James A. B. Stone, Pastor; Charles H-. Carter, Clerk; Samuel HI. Ransom, John Potter and Lorenzo J. Fox, Deacons; 174 174 KALAMAZOO DIRECTORY. John Potter, Win. 11. Woodhams, S. TM. Nichols, J. A. B3. Stone, S. H. Ransom, Trustees; L. Ml. Holmes, Trreasurer. John Potter, Superintendent of' the Sunday School; W. HI. Woodhams, Ass't Superintendent. Number of teachers, six; number of pupils, 60. Place of worship, in the Hail of Brown's Block, No. 208 South Burdick Street. CONGREGATIONAL CHUR.Ch. No. 16 Academy Street. Oliver S. Dean, Pastor; Latham Hull, George Colt, David B. Merrill, Win. A. House, George WA. Fish, Trustees; George W. Fish, Trreasulrer; George Colt, Clerk. Membership, 360. SUNDAY Sc'IIOOL-J 0. Seely, Superintendent; Number of' teachers, 24; number of scholars, 350. DUTCI- REFORMED CIIULRCH. A. Krickard, Pastor;- J. C. 'Waal, J. Vaii Zanten, MT. Lampe, A. Pyl, M. Lukasse, Elders; A. Schrier, i[. Ehelink, W. DeVisser, J. Kools, Deacons-. _N umber of communicants 200. SUNDAY Scriooi,.-Rev. A. Krickard, Superintendent. -Nurnber of teachers, 15; number of scholars 165. Located corner Academy and Church Streets. GERM,,VAN EVANGELICAL LU()'ThER_,1)AN ZION'S Organized July '1st, 1868. Rev. F. R1aible, lpresent Pastor. S~ervices in Willson's Chiapel, corner Lovel and Pine Streets. A. Albrecht, Superintendcint of Sunday School. Number of' scholars 30; number of' comiaumicants 50. METJHODIST EPISCOPAL CHUB Cli. Or-nied. ).1833'. Lovel Street, cre South Rlose. Nuimbter of comnmunicants 32.0. Rev. IL. hi. Pecarce, Pastor. J~ames Turner, Thomas C. Browvncll, E. A, Cardei', WmT.1 F. Miller,7 Rodniey Seymour, David J. l~icrsoi, He1nry Wood., KALAMAZOO DIRECTORY. 175 Albert Latta, R. M. Northrop, Trustees; II. D. Wilbur, Treasurer; G. II. Lyman, Clerk. SUNDAY SciIOOL. —Charles R. Brown, Superintendent; Ienry Wood, Ass't Superintendent. Number of pupils 175; number of teachers 20. Frank R. Taylor, Librarian. Volumes in Library 400. PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. Organized February 6th, 1849. Rev. J. V. Iilton, Pastor; L. H. Trask, W. A. Tomlinson, F. E. Woodward, M. IIeydenburk, I). O. Roberts, Session; C. W. Hall, J. Parsons, Deacons; W. A. Tomlinson, Treasurer; F. E. Woodward, C. H. Booth, William A. Tomlinson, F. S. lillhouse, J. Parsons, Trustees; William A. Tomlinson, President of Trustees; J. Parsons, Clerk. SUNDAY SCIOOL.-S. MI. Munger, Superintendent; Wm. H. Snow, Secretary. Number of teachers and officers, 35; number of pupils, 347. W. Parke and Edward Bixby, Librarians. Volumes in library, about 500. ST. JOHN'S CHURCI. Organized A. 1). 1860. No. 51 Lovel Street. Families belonging to the parish, 100; communicants, 135. Rev. C. A. Foster, L.L. )., Rector; John McKee, Senior Warden; Mr. Woodford, Junior Warden; J. K. Wagner, II. Underwood, S. 0. Bennett, Guy Penfield, WVm. Green, S. K. Selkrig, and A Knerr, Vestrymen: Guy Penfield, Clerk of Vestry; J. K. Wagner, Treasurer; II. Underwood, Chorister; Wm. Stacey, Sexton. SUNDAY SC100L.-J. K. Wagner, Superintendent; Robert Wilson, Librarian. Number of teachers 13; No. of pupils 120. ST. LUKE'S CHURCH. Organized A. D. 1837. Corner Main and South Park Streets. Families belonging to parish, 97; Communicants, 140; Rev. J. R. Anderson, Rector; Mr. IIenry Brees, Senior Warden; T. P. Sheldon, Junior Warden; II. G. Wells, Israel Kellogg, David 176 KALAMAZOO DIRECTORY. Fisher, John Dludgeon, J. 1. Burns, Charles Cobb, Dr. Chapin, Vestrymen; ):avid Fisher, Clerk of Vestry; David Fisher, Treasuer; John TMcKibben, Chorister; A — \ppleby, Sexton. S.xlxA SCioOL..-J. 1-R. Anderson, Superintendent; Robert F. Hlill, Assistant Superintendent; tMr'. E. EIdwarlds, Librarian. Nurnber of pupils, 1'20. WILLSON'S CAI:'IPEL. Tllis l)ea.utiful Chapel erected in 1867, bIy our p)hilanthropic townsman MaTrtin Willson, is situated on the com ler of Lovel and Pine Streets. At present there is no regular preaching. rT)le German Lutllerans are temporarily occiupying the small chapel in the rear. 1The Sabbath School is under the superintelndence of I)oct. ITomeri 0. Ilitchcoce, assisted by I). T. Allen; Number of teachers, 15; number of scholars, 120. UNITARAlTIANT Cl [IURC I. No. 25 South Park Street. ev. Clhrk G. Ilowland, Past,r. Number of members 44. SUDAY StIooL,.-Chas. S. May, Superintendent; Number of teacherls 9; Number of schollars 70. ST. AUGUSTINE CH1-URCHI. 'lhis new and splendid cliurch edifice is located l)on0l the corner of Kalallnmaoo Avenue and Park Streets. ]ev. Father Isidore Ant. Lebel, Pastor. AFiRICAN IMETHIODIST CItUIRCtI. Corner Water and Pitcher Streets. lev.. Cr. vry, Circuit Preacher; Calvin S. Montgue, Superintendent Sunlay) School; 12 teachers; 80 scholars. GANGERL, MISSION SC-IOOL. No. 110 Kalamazoo Avenue. William H Vioodlhams, Superintendent; 10 teachers; 55 pupils. KALAMAZOXO )IRE(CTORY. 177 MISSION W,OODS SA3BBATHI SCHOOL. Corner Ransom and North Burdick Streets. F. S. IH illhouse, Superintendent; G. Wilson, Assistant Superintendent. Sabbath session, half past 2 P. M. Prayer Meeting, Tuesday Evening, at half past 7 o'clock. YOUNG MEN'S CHRISTIAN ASSOCIATION. R-ooms No. 111 Main Street. Free Rleading Roorns open day and evening, Sabbatlls excepted. Daily prayer meetings at 8~ o'clock, A. M. D. O. RIoberts, President: -I. C. Briggs, 1st Vice Pres't; D. H. Ilaines, 2d Vice Pres't; C. Strong, Rlecording Secretary; J. K. Wagner, Corresponding Secretary; E..1. P elps, Treasurer. BOARDI OF DI):E(:C'oS.-S. M. Mun)ger, J. II Whilte, Ienlry Wood, C. D. Hanscomb, L. M. Holmes, Willis Rlansom. STANDING Co:.MrIT'rr-l;Sl.. —Oi ChYttrci'cs —C. tI. Booth, J. D. Sumner, Presbyterian; A. C. Stich, L. Cahill, Congregational; J. P. Cadman, R. II. Tripp, Baptist; IL. ). W Nilbor, C. R. Brown, Methodist; W. It. Woodhams, L. M1. Holmes, Tabernacle Baptist; J. Kt. Wagner. Willis Ransom, St. John's Episcopal; William Lucas, Ira Lucas, Dutch Rletformn. D)tvotfin(l —J. II. WhTite, S. M. Munlger, II. C. Briggs. Home Beefice:nce-C. D. Hanscomb, C. II. Booth,, F. S. 1Hillihouse. Lecturc-S. M. Munager, J. IK. Waagner, A. It. _)orris. Roloms and( Library —E.1. J. Ihelps Chauncey Strong, C. S. l)ayton. En]ployqmeant and Boar(lding-lot^sc —IL. AXV. Codd4ingtion, C. S. Montague, A. L. Lakey. YOUNG MEN'S LIBRA1- AY ASSOCIATION. RIooms No. 117 Main Street. R'ev. Clark (G. IIowland, 'President; John W. Breese, Vice ]President; D)aiiel 0. Roberts, Corresponding Secre(tary; Jam11es A. Hlopkins, Rlecording Secretary; Charles A. Iull, Treasurer; I1. C. Briggs, Libriarian; G. M. Buck, Collector; C. II. Booth, C. D. Hanscomb, J. I) Sumner, A. C. Wortley, Executive Committee. 23 178 KALAMAZOO DIRECTORY, LADIES' LIBIRARY ASSOCIATION. Rooms in Corporation Hall, 26 South Burdick Street. Mrs. T P. Sheldon, President; Mrs. L. Eames, Vice President; Mrs. D. M. Webster, Treasurer; Mrs. J. O. Seely, Secretary; Mrs. H. L. Wayland, Assistant Secretary; Mrs. Samuel Ransom, Mrs. J. A. B. Stone, Mrs. J. Pierson, Mrs. J. B. Cornell, Mrs. R. S. Babcock, Mrs. R. Gardner, Mrs. J. K. Wagner, Mrs. J. M. Hubbard, Mrs. J. S. Ayres, Mrs. Wm. G. Dewing, Directors. MASONIC. Kalamazoo Lodge No. 22, F. & A. M. Officers; H. J. Browncll, W. M.; Edwin Burdick, S. W.; S. G. Earl, J. W.; 1H. L. Bingham, S. D.; Chas. Bevins, J. D.; P. Hobbs, Treas.; WYm. Stacey, Sec'y; John Spohn, Tyler. Meets every Wednesday evening, at Masonic Hall, No. 107 Main Street. KALAMAZOO CHAPTER No. 13, R. A. M. Officers: C. H. Brown, HI. P.; L. C. Starkey, K.; W. C. Ransom, S.; H. J. Brownell, C. of H.; J. C. Stanton, P. S.; Ed. Burdick, R. A. C.; F. Henderson, Treasurer; Wm. Stacey, Sec.; S. G. Earl, M. of 1st V.; Emnmit Coon, M. 2d V.; H. L. Bingham, M. 3d V.; John Spohn. Tyler. Meets Tuesday evenings on or before the full of the moon, at Masonic Hall, No 107 Main Street. PENINSIlAR CONMMANDERY, NO. 8, K. T. Officers: A. T. Metcalf, C.; F. Henderson, G.; C. H. Brown, C. G.; T. C. Brownell, P.; IH. J. Brownell, S. W.; J. W. Hopkins, J. W.; J. C. Stanton, W.; John Spohn, Tyler. Meets first Friday of each month, at Masonic IHall, No. 107 Main Street. ANC1NTr AND ACCEPTED SCOTTISII RITE, F. & A. M. Brownell Lodge of Perfection, —The regular meetings are held June 24th, October 5th, and December 27th. Kalamazoo Council of Princes of Jerusalem.-Regular meetings, 20th day of the month Tebct; and 23d day of the month A dar. KALAMAZOO DIRECTORY. 179 Robinson Chapter of Rose Croix.-Regular meetings, Holy Thursday, Easter-1st Thursday after Easter, Ascension day, Penticost, All Saints day and the feast days of Sts. John. DeWitt Clinton Consistory.-Regular meetings, March 21st, June 25th, September 21st, and December 27th. ODD FELLOWS KALAMIAzoo LODGE, No. 7, 1. 0. of 0. F. Officers: A. Wilson, N. G; Alexander Cameron, V. G.; Charles W. Cobb, Sec'y; Henry Sterne, T.; William Green, Rep. Meets Friday night each week, at their Hall, No. 109 Main Street. GOOD TEMPLARS. KALAMAZOO LODG E, No. 304, 1. 0. of G. T. Present Officers: Geo. M. Buck, W. C. T.; Miss Fannie Lewis, W. V. T.; Leroy Cahill, P. W. C. T.; Miss Florence Lewis, W. S.; Malcom B. Duffie, W. T.; C. 1-. Lawrence, W. F. S.; Jas. 11. Mills, W. A. S.; M. J. Bigelow, W. C.; John Stich, WV. M.; Miss Alice Lyboult, W. D. M.; F. G. Shepherd, xV. O. G.; Miss Lodisa i)udbridge, WV. I. G.; Miss Thayer, WV. R. 11. S.; Miss Libbie DeYoe, W. L. H. S. This Lodge meets on Monday evening of each week, at No. 150 Main Street, 3d story. ARCADIA LODGE, No. 576, I. 0. of G. T. Present Officers: G. E. Curtiss, W. C. T.; Mrs. J. M. Riley, Vr. V. T.; Chauncey Strong, P. W. C. T.; A. D. MacGill. W. S.; WV. S. Janes, VW. T.; Mrs. G. E. Curtiss, W. F. S.; Miss Emma Fox, XV. A. S.: W. D. Woodhams, W. C.; E. C. Stone, WV. M.; Miss Lucy Garrett, W. D. M.; W. W. Peck, W. O. G.; Miss Sarah Price, W. I. G.; Mrs. W. S. Janes, W. R. 11. S.; Miss Cornell, W. L. H. S. This Lodge meets every Tuesday evening, at No. 150 Main Street, 3d story. ST. PETER'S LODGE, No. 6, F. & A. M. Albert Clay, W. M.; John 1H. Rolson, S. W.; Joseph McCanilus, J. XW.; Samuel Brown, Treas.; 11. Burton, Sec'y. Meets on MIonday evening of each week, at No. 140 Main Street, 3d floor. 180 180 RKALAMfAZOO DHUXT:CToc. STPREET DIPECTOPIY, Academny, fromn South Rose west, next south of Main. Allcott, from Portage xvest (Allcott's Mfill). Asyluni Avenue, from Lovel south, next west ot' Iavis. Axtell, frolm South West west, next south of Wheatoni Avenue. 'Balch, from South Bur'dick west, next south of 'Wall. JBukley, ft om Ialinl south, n~ext west of Thompson. but(hkfrni out Brdik wst next South ot, Vinle. IBurton, fr om South B-urdick east, next south of Johnson. C'armel ftrom Mlain siouth, next wvest of Catherine. (Catherine fromi Main south, next east of Carnnel. (Cedar, ftromn South lBurdick wvest, next south o-fLovel. Cherrty, ftrom P~itcher xvest, next south of'Main. thu ch tfromi Main north, next wvest of -North Rkose. Comsto( k Rtoad, foro east end Kalamnazoo Avenue east, 1text north Mfichio'"an Centr-al. R'ail R.oadl. Cooley, from Water north, next west ofN' North Park. lDavis, from Lovel south, next west of Locust. iDouglas Avenue, from- Mlain nor1th, next west of Stuart Avenue-. Duttonl fit01m JToinl west, next South of' W~alinut. East Aventue, fromt east end Kalamrazoo Avenue north-east4. -East Cedar, froml Pinle wvest, next south of Lovel. Edgcar, from Winsted wvest, next south of Jane. E (Iwads, fromn Cherr'y north, mtext west of Pitcher. E~le'inort from North Bitrdick wvest, niext north of'Water. EJ ni ftromn Main north, next west of North West. First, ftrom Porta~re ea-t next east o otg rde F om e4 ft om South West west, next ssouth of Axtell. IF ank, rotni Pitcher wvest, next north of North. Grnandl Rapids Road, from Junction of' North West and Northt, we(st to (corporation limnits. Gramt, ftrom Davis west, to Asylumi Avenule. Gull R-oad, from Hlarrison north-east, Inext west of Michliganl Femiale Seniinaty. Jiarrison, fromn Kal. Avenue rnorthi, next west of Kal. River. Ilenshaw, from Ilumnphr'ey south, east of Aich. Female Seminiiary. Henrietta, from Cherry south, next east of South Burdick. Humphrey, from ilenshaw east, east of Mich. Female Seminary..Jackson, from 1Portagre east, next south of-'Third. J"ane, fromn Winsted west, next southi of Lovel. Jasper, from Lovel south, next east of Pine. KALAMAZ00 DIlECORTORY. 181 John, from Lovel soutl, next east of South Burdick. Joh1nson. from John west, next south of Vine. Kalamazoo Avenue, fiom jucl:tion East Avenue and Comstock Road west, next south of Willard. Lake, fiom Portarge east, next south of Jackson. Locust, fromr Lovel south, next west of Oak. Lovel, ifrom Portage west, next soutl of South. IMain, fiom Kalamazoo Avenue west, to corporation line. Michigan Avenue, fiom lMain south-west, (road to Paw Paw). North, fiomn Iarrison west, next north of Rlansom. Nortl Burdick, trom Main north, next east of North Rose. North PIark, f1rom Mailn north, next west of Church. North Rlose, fromn Main nortll, next west of North Burldick. North West, fiom Mlail north, next west of Cooley. Oak, fiom ILovel soluth, next west of' Pearl. Par sons, from Porter west, next north of Frank. Pearl, from ILovel south, next west of South West. Pine, from Lovel south, next east of John. Pitcher, from Spring north, next east of Edwards. Portage, fiom Main south, next east of' South Burdick. Porter, from 5Main north, next cast of Pitchler. Potter, fiom Lovel south, next west of South Park. R]ansom, fiomn IHarrison west, next north of Willard. Reed, from Portage east, next soutli of' National Park. Second, ifrom ]Portage east, next south of' First. Seminary, fiom Kalamazoo Ave north, next east of Kal. River. South, fiom junction Ilenrietta and Cherry west, next south of A caldemy. South B1urdick, firom MIn south, next east of South Rose. South Park, from lMain soUth, next west of South Rose. Soutlh ose, from M ini south, next west of South Burdick. South West, fronm Main soutli, next west of Soutlh Park. Spring, fiom IPitcher west, next south of Cherry. Stuart Avenue, from Mlain north, next west of W'oodward Ave. 'Taylor, fromI Cherry soutl, next east of Henrietta. Thlird, fiom Portage east, next south of Second. 'rhompson, fifrom Main south, next west of Carmel. Vine, from Portage Creek west, next south of Dutton. Walbridge, firom Kalamazoo Avenue north, next east of Porter. Wall, from Southl urdick west, next south of Bur Oak. Walnut, fiom Pine west, next south of Cedar. Water, fiomr Kalamazoo Avenue west, next north of Main. Wheaton Avenue, fiomn South WVest west, next south of Vine. Willard, firom IIarrison west, next north of Kalamazoo Ave. Winstel, from Portage soutl, next east of Jasper. Woodward Avenue, from IMalin north, next west of Elm. 182 KALAMAZOO DIRECTORY. MUNBGER & CHAMPLIN, Jobbers and Retailers O F DRY GOODS, Io. 135 MAIfN STREET,. M.. MUNGER, E. M. CIAMPLIN. O. N. & T. F. GIDDINGS, Real Estate and General Insurance KALAMAZOO DIRECTORY. ABBREVIATIONS.-For Av., read Avenue; bds., boards; cor., corner; (col'd.) colored; h., house; manuf., manufacturer; manufy., manufactory; N., North; propr., proprietor; res., residence; S., South. The word Street is implied. A. Abbe Bessie, housekeeper, Burdick House. Abbott Dr. J. G., h. 33 South. Abbott George, farmer, h. 189 Asylum Av. Abels E. H., salesman, bds. 33 S. Burdick. Abendroth William, blacksmith, bds. 27 Water. Abraham Cornelius, porter, h. 17 Wall. Abraham John, groceries, 38 John, h. same. Abraham John M., tailor, h. 231 S. Burdick. Ackerley Darius, check clerk, M. C. R. R. Freight Office, bds. 92 N. Burdick. Ackerley John, farmer, h. 176 Portage. Adams Charles, laborer, 50 S. Burdick. Adams Frank, clerk, bds. 184 Main. Adams Henry E., student, Kalamazoo College, bds. 8 Michigan Avenue. Adams Jennie, (col'd) domestic, 50 Water. Adams John, carpenter, h. 45 N. West. Adams John, (col'd) h. 6 Seminary, Adams Lewis, farmer, with Betsey Hounsom. Adams Samuel, painter, bds. 57 N. Rose. Adriexanden Jacob, laborer, bds. 218 S. Burdick. Agen James, farmer, h. 39 Jackson. Agens Charles H., boots & shoes, 93 Main, bds. 189 Kalamazoo Avenue. Ahouse Garret, laborer, h. 70 N. West. Aikin Nathan J., physician, 116 Main. Ainsworth James, carpenter, h. 226 Main. Albrecht Anton, hats, caps & furs, 98 Main, h. 11 Cedar. Albrecht Max A., clerk, bds. 11 Cedar. Agents, No. 100 Main Street, 2d floor, Kalamazoo, Michigan. 184 184 KALAMAZOO DIRECTORY. Aldrich C. C., student, Kalamazoo College, res. Hickory Cor — ners Aldrich Judd B., law student, 145 Main, bds. 184 Main. Alexander Bella, bds. 110.Ransom. Alexander Luzern HI., tin, glass and earthen.-ware, 80 Water, h. 13 Walnut. Algeo Richard J., harnessmiaker, bds. City Hotel. Alla-rd Miss M., music teacher, bds. 111. Water. Allard Ross S., cabinet maker, h. 1 11 Water. Allcott Deborah, widow- William WV., h. 2(11 S. Burdick. Allcott Simeon P., h. 6 Allcott. Allcott Ward School House, 255 S. lBurdick-. Allen Amos D., Justice of the peace, 14 S. IBur-dick, h. 108 S. Burdick. Allen Caleb B., glove maker, hi. 10 Axtell. Allen Clarles, bds. 49 Water. Allen. Charles 0., cabinet manuf., 55 S. West, h. same. Allen Daniel, h. 40 Lake. Allen D)aniel T., farmer, h. 38 Lake. Allen E., (Hub~bard, 1)olloway & Co.,) bds. 11 South. Allen George, laborer, bds. 37 Water'. Allen George L., City IDining rooms, 89. Main, hi. 38 P ortagre. Allen James L., gunsmith, (formerly Sweet & A.,) h. 38 P~ortage. Alle Joh B.,boardingr house, 35 Mlain. Allen M-rs. James, milliner, h. 38Porta-eAllen Oscar Al., auction and commission, cor. N. Burdick and W~ateu., Ii. 180 Kalamazoo Ax. Allen Sarah, domestic, 3 Hlenrietta. Allen William I)., rail road contrac tor h. 49 Water. Allen William S., clerk, bds. 43 S 1Park. Allen Zenas E., furniture, 29 N. Bluridck, Ii 13 Walnut. Allinoc Lawrence, grocer, 165 Katlamazoo Av., h. same. Allingr Ralph, teamIster, Ii. 69 Ville. Allis Gardner S., clerk, h. 46 W-Aalnut. Allis William, carpenter, h. 43 Walnut. Almon Jane, I. 240 Pitcher. Almon John, laborer, bds. 20 Pitcher. Almon Mlark, laborer, bds. 20 P~itcher. Amnent E. S., patent i(right dealer-, Uds. 39 Main. American Express Co., James WV. 'Taylor, agrt., 7 S. Burdick. Ames A. IL., trackmn-an, AM. C. R. R,) bd(s. Union House. Ames ilenr-y C, veterinary surgeon, bds. l3urdick House. Ames James E., stencil. cutter-, ~9 Ma~1in, bds. 32 PortageC. Ames Thiomas G, peddler-, bds 615 Water. Amies William 11, peddler, bds 65 Water. 0. N. & T. F. GIDDINGS, RealI Estate and General Insurance KALAMAZOO DIRECTORY. Amperse Marenus, grocer, 66 Kalamazoo Avenue, h same. Anderson Delamere, school teacher, h. 31 N. West. Anderson Einmet, carpenter, h. 31 N. West. Anderson Lyman, blacksmith, h. 36 North Anderson Philander, machinist, bds. 12 Bukley Anderson Rev. Joseph R, Rector, St. Luke's Church, h. 34 Cedar. Andrews Barbara H., h. 19 Locust. Andrews L B, student, Kalamazoo College res. Bedford. Andrews W. H., student, Kalamazoo College, res. Bedford. Angel Lena, domestic, 34 Cherry. Anthony Isabella L., h. 59 Walnut. Anthony Worthington M., carriage smith, h. 59 Walnut. Antis Mary, bds. 102 S. Burdick. Appleby William W., gardener, h. 29 Davis. Appledorn, Mary, tailoress, bds. 71 Vine. Appledorn Nellie, tailoress, bds. 71 Vine. Appledorn P. B. & Sons, (Peter B. Rlyjer & William,) boots & shoes, 31 N. Burdick. Appledorn Peter B., (P. 1. A. & Sons,) h. 71 Vine. Appledorn Ryjer, (P. B. A. & Sons,) h. 151 N. Burdick. Appledorn William (P. B. A. & Sons,) bds. 71 Vine. Appleton & Bills, (John A. & Frank G. B.,) builders, 81 Water. Appleton John, (A. & Bills,) 81 vWater. Armstrong Augustus W., foreman Cold Stream Mills, h. 109 Portage. Armstrong IIiram J., carpenter, bds. 10 Axtell. Armstrong Susan, (col'd) domestic, 86 Academy. Armstrong Willard, carpenter, bds. 10 Axtell. Arnold Emanuel, laborer, h. 154 Portage. Arnold Hiram, h. Grand Rapids Road. Arnold Samuel, Ii. 135 Portage. Arthur Thomas, (col'd) hostler, bds. 127 Portage. Ash John N., teamster, bds. 10 Harrison. Ash Margarett A., h. 10 Harrison. Ashby Charles H., (A. & Goss,) h. 9 Bur Oak. Ashby & Goss, (Charles H. A. & Milo J. G.,) grocers, 14 S. ISurdick. Ashby Permelia, bds. 9 Bur Oak. Atchinson Phineas E., produce buyer, bds. 39 S. West. Athey James W., cooper, h. 38 Allcott. Athey Louis B., stone mason, h. 254 S. Burdick. Athey Thomas W., cooper, h. 38 Alcott Atkins Louis, mason, h. 36 Church. Atkinson James, butcher, bds. Rail Road Exchange. Atkinson Rebecca, domestic, 64 S. Rose. Agents, No. 100 Main Street, 2d floor, Kalamazoo, Michigan. 24 18; KALAMAZOO DIREhCTORY ClAS I iRANKiS1, (Successor to WM. GREEN,) Manufacturer and Dealer in HARNESS. Saddles, Bridles, Whips, SHEETS, dc. Particular attention paid to Repairing and general Jobbing. No.33 4t. Brtdikt Sta., KALAMAZOO, [ICH. Farms, City Lots, Dwellings and Wild Lands for Sale by 1KALAMAZOO TD1IVECTThY 18 18-1 Auberteri Lawvrence, jone 1h 22 Cooley. Austin Benjamin M., (A. & T omlinson,) h. 96 Michigran Av. Austin Frank G., dentist., bds. 3B S. Rose. Austin Mrs. Harriet, bds.. '3 S. Rose. Austin Rosa., domestic, 2,20 Main. Austin & Tonflinson, (Benjamin M. A. & William A. T., State Prison Contractors, ld() Main. Avery James T1., driver American Express wvaggon, bds. 26 Lovel. Axtell Laura A., student, 50 Seminary Axtell 0. A., bds. 84 Water. Ayer Joseph T., sash maker, h. 69 Cedar. Ayres A., bds. 67 S. Rose. Ayres Ebeinezer, dealer in agricultural implements, h. 1041 Love]. Ayres James S., physician, 1220 Main, h. 67 S. Rose. 13 l3aas Paul, gr ocer, 13 Wall, h. same. B~abcock Isaiah J., druggist, 3)1 N. B urdick, h. 3() Locust. Babcock Marvin, (B1. & Wagrar,) h. 4() Water. Babcck RbertS.,h. 95 Mlichigran Avenue. Ba~bcock & Wagrar, (Marvin B. & l)wclly W.,) blacksmiths. 222 N. Rose. Backus, Edward, stone cutter, bd(s. 6') Douglas Av. Bacon Annie E., student, 50 Semninary, res. Niles. Bacon Sheldon, h. 139 Ransom. Badg~er Cecelia, student, 50 Seminary, res.,Niles. Badger Hfenrya F., bds. l3urdick House. Beadger Mrs. T. A., bds. 9 S. Rose. Bailey lttrlow K., laborer, h. 12 Jackson. Bailey Rev. Silas, sen. P~rof Thoocia department, Kalamazoo College, h. 101 Lovel. Bailey Sarah, h. 55 D)utton.Baker Abner S., clerk, h. 40 Pitcher. B~aker Frank, teamster, bds. 53' Main. Baiker John, farmer, h. 47 N. Rose. Baker John I-T., musician, bds. 52.) N. West. Baker Luciuis, carpenter, hds. 47 N. Rose. B3aker Marcus, student, bds. 47 N. Eose. Balch Arad C., constable, h. 122) 5. B~urdick. Balch Confucius I., carpenter, hi. 33 S. West. B13alch Elizabeth, lds. 83 5. Burdick. Baich Florence E., bds 83 S Burdick. B3aich Nathaniel A,(Balch, Smiley & Balch,) h. 23 South. Balch Samuel It., farmer, h. 40 Grand Rapids Road. 0. N. & T. F. G4IDDINGS, No. 100 Main Street, Kalamazoo. 188 KALAM4AZOO DIRECTORY. Balch, Smiley & Balch, (N. A. B., M. J. S. & W. O. B.) lawyers, 3 S. Burdick, cor. Main. Balch Walter O., (Balch, Srniley & B.) bds. 23 South. Baldwin E., laborer, bds. cottage Hall Hotel. Baldwin Kate, student, bds. 28 S West, res. Cooper. Baldwin Schuyler C., photographer, bds. 124 Academy.:Balfour Albert C., carriage maker, bds. 6 Eleanor. Ball Carrie, cook, National Hotel. i3allhouse Ellen, domestic, 191 Main. Ballhouse XMinnie, domestic, 195 Main. Bandelier Augustus 0., mason, bds. 23 Edwards. Bannister Burr, dentist, 117 Main, h 21 Cedar. Barghouse Jacob, laborer, bds. 59 Water. Barker George, sawyer, h. 8 Dutton. Barker Lottie, school teachler, bds. 102 Lovel. Barkenbus Cornelius, carriage smith, bds 40 Locust. 1Barkenbus John, laborer, h. 40 Locust. Barkenbus Thomas, clerk, bds. 40 Locust. Barkhouse Peter, laborer, h. 100 Portage. Barlow Ashbel P., patent right dealer, h. 26 Cedar and 31 S. Park. Barnes Alex. (Barnes Bro's,) 11 S. Burdick. Barnes Brigham, silk peddler, bds 187 Kalamazoo Av. Barnes Brothers, (John L. & Alex.) game and fish dealers, 11 S. Burdick. Barnes John L., (Barnes Bro's,) h. 24 Pine. Barnes John, laborer, h. 11 Johnson. B]arnes Munson, afg't Howe Sewing Machine, h. 129 Lovel. Barnes William T., butcher, with Richardson & Wattles, bds. Sheridan House. Barrett Augusta W. H, bds 30 Pearl. I3arrett Charles A., machinist, h. 30 Pearl. Barrett Theodore 1t., printer, h. 176 Main. iBarrows William, carpenter, bds 107 Lovel B3arrow William P., blacksmith, 109 Lovel, h. 107 Lovel. Barry P'atrick, peddler, h. 67 Willard. ]Bartholomew William G., cabinet maker, h. 65 S. Park Bartlett Azel E., books and stationery, 142 Main, h. 83 Lovel. Bartlett Harriet E., bds. 83 Lovel. Bartlett IIorace, bds. Sheridan House. Barton Ezra, laborer, h 25 Third. Barton Josephine, student, 50 Seminary, res. Almena. Barton William T., trunk maker, bds 13 Cherry. Bass John, (col'd) barber, 108 Main, h. 16 Ransom. Bassett Annie, dress maker, with Mrs. HI. S. Wilbur, 131 Main. Farms, City Lots, Dwellings and Wild Lands for Sale by KALAMAZOO DIRECTORY. 189 Bassett, Bates & Co., (John C. B., Charles. R. B. & Robert M. Ross,) wholesale grocers, 100 Main Bassett Ettie, student, 50 Seminary, res. Allegan. Bassett George II., (Trowbridge & B.) bds. 5 Edwards. Bassett John C., (B. Bates & Co.,) h. 50 S. Burdick. Bassett Louise S., bds. 50 S. Burdick. Bates Charles R., (Bassett B. & Co.,) h. 29 Lovel. Bates Hannah J., housekeeper, 21 South. Bates James, h. 3 South. Bates Jennie, domestic, 21 South. Bates John H., bds. Burdick House. Barzema Peter, laborer, h. 27 Wall. Baumann N. & Co.. (Nicholas B, & William B. Clark,) brewers, 45 Michigan Av. Baumann Nicholas, (N. B. & Co.,) h. 26 Asylum Av. Beach Adella C., student, 50 Seminary, res. Battle Creek. Beach H-enry, tailor, h. 61 Cedar. Beach Myra, h. 29 Academy. Beach Sarah E., school teacher, h. 29 Acadeny. Bechs Michael, trackman, h. rear 53 Ransom. Becht Rosa, domestic, 3 South. Beck John, assistant foreman gas works, h. 62 Ransom. Beckwith Mrs. J. P., h. 51 Main. Becraft Henry L., carriage smith, bds. 196 Main. Becraft William F., carriage maker, bds. 35 N. West. Beechner Henry, laborer, h. 1 East Av. Beechner Lucy, domestic, 24 Pine. Beebe Darius, (13. & Scott,) h. 17 Elm. Beebe & Finch, (J. Allen B. & Daniel W. F.,) grocers, 180 Main. Beebe J. Allen, (B. & Finch,) h. 7 N. West. Beebe & Scott, (Darius B. & Rufus S.) wholesale cloths and clothing, 105 Matin. Beebee Don A., tinner, bds. 15 Dutton. Beebee Peter A., farmer, h. 15 Dutton. Beecher Silas, harness maker, h. 52 N. West. Beeman Frank A., carpenter, bds. 34 John. Beeman William M., carpenter, h. 34 John. Beers Harlow, tanner, bds. 27 Church. Beerstecher Augustus, printer, bds. 31 Lovel. Beerstecher Charles A., book-binder, 12 S. Burdick, h. same. Beerstecher, Eugene, wagon maker, bds. 35 Academy. Beerstecher Louise, milliner, (with lM. Israel & Co.,) bds. 29 S. Burdick. Beeson Lily H, student, 50 Seminary, res. Detroit. Beggs John, grocer, 82 Ransom, h. 80 same. O. N. & T. F. GIDDINGS, No. 100 Main Street, Kalamazoo. 190 KALAMNAZOO DIRECTORY. tManufacturers of STEAM ENGINES! Zinglo, Double & LM'Llay SAWN MTJL~LS Shingle and Lath Mills, Planers, Stickers, Drag and Circular Sawing Hachines, and all kinds of Mill Gearing, Mandrills, Fence Cap Augers, &c. grienu1turai jouu -tvyP AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS, Of every description, such as HWBSE HO[SJ OBAGS, Fft[D. BOLLEBS, And in fact nearly every Implement used upon the Farm. Castings or all kinds & Job Work promptly attended to. Agent for HOOTON'S CONDENSER & LIME EXTRACTING HEATER, which is acknowledged to be the best in use. corner L4J8 & s IwQu 4Ht R ALAMAZOO, MICHIGAN. 0. N. & T. F. GIDDINGS, Real Estate and General Insurance KALAMAZOO DIRECTORY. 191 ~ Behnke Frederick 11., laborer, bds. 29 Pine. Behnke Herman, laborer, bds. 29 Pine. Behnke Ida, domestic, 21 Academy. Behnke Mary, h. 29 Pine. Behrend Sam, clerk, bds. 40 Portage. Bekrens Christian, laborer, hI 80 Walnut. Belknap Lafayett, peddler, h. 174 Kalamazoo Av. Bell Charles, grocer, 124 Main, h. 9 Stuart Av. Bell Susan J., music teacher, bds. 190 Main. Bellinger Earll 1B, teamster, h. 13 IHenshaw. Blellinger John Paul, hostler, l. 98 N. Rose. Bellinger John Peter, laborer, bds. 98 N. Rose. Bender John, carpenter, h. 14() Kalamazoo Av. Benedict Calvin shoemaker, h. 224 Kalamazoo Av. Benedict Henry, trackman, bds. Union House Benedict Mary L., student, bds. 138 Academy, res. Ionia. Benedict Sarah, domestic, Burdick Iouse. Benn Michael, boot black, bds. Kalamazoo House. Bennett Edward L., (col'd) laborer, h 60 Edwards. Bennctt Eplhrailn, with Tilden & Co., New Lebenon, N. Y., h. 37 S. Park. Bcnnett Flora, attendant at Asylum. Bennett George, lalorer, h. 14 Walbridge. Bennett James C., ( S...Bennett & Sons,) h. 242 Main. Bennett John, ( S 0. Bennett & Sons,) h. 235 ]Main. Bennett Nellie, attendant at Asylum. Bennett S.. & Sons, ( Stephen O., James C & John,) boots and shoes, 111 Maiin. Bennett Stella, attendant at Asylum. Bennett Stephen O., (S. 0 Bennett & Sons,) h. 232 Mlain. Bennink John H., blacksmith, bds. 24 Pearl. Bentley Della A., bds. 5 Pearl. Berke Abram, carpenter, h. 46 Oak. Bermann Moritz, book keeper, bds 21 Academy. Berry Benjamin, laborer, bds. 59 Water. Berry Gottlieb, laborer, bds. 59 Water. 1erry Nicholas, laborer, b)ds. 59 Water. Berry Samuel M., h. 97 S. WVest. Bcuchel Bruno, machinist, h. 58 Michigan Av. Bcvans Thomas R., carriage smith, h 63 Walnut. Bevcrly Cornelius, shoemaker, h. 11 Ransom. Beverly Giles A., barber, h. 33 North. Bcverly William, laborer, bds 11 Ransom. Bibbs Charles, ( col'd) turnkey, bds. 10 S. Rose. Biddlecome William, carpenter, h. 41 Wall. 13idwell Iorace MA, h 69 GullRoad. Agents, No. 100 Main Street, 2d floor, Kalamazoo, Michigan. 192 KALAMAZOO DIRECTORY. Beebl & Finh, Dealers in CROCERIz S, ~SAee>n, h~/ed' < anneO, 1"28 MIN STbi E, KALAMAZOO, MICH. W. F. LEAVITT. S. H. L'HEUREUX. 0. N. & T. F. GIDDINGS pay Taxes, collect Debts, are Agents ^ |. m I _ KALAMAZOO DIRECTORY. 227 A ISCELLANEOUS AND SCHOOL, BOOHS, F4 t'-3 64 CDP E-1 J — Blank Books, Diaries, Pass Books. Albums. Bibles. Fancy Goods. Pocket Books. Gold. Pens. Card Cases. L itAI For the North America, Philadelphia, and other Ins. Co's. 228 KALAMAZOO DIRIECTORY. Farrell Bernard, h. 52 Church. Farwell George 0., drug clerk, bds. 93 S. Burdick. Faulkner W. C, engineer, bds. Kalamazoo House. Faxon Sidney W., post office clerk, bds. 184 Main. Fay Albert B., clerk, bds. 233 Main. Fay Francis C., builder, 92 Water, bds. 233 Main. Fay Julius W., builder, 92 Water, h. 233 Main. Fayerweather Edgar L., carpenter, bds. 107 S. Burdick. Fearna Abraham, laborer, h. 218 S. Burdick. Fearnides David, shoemaker, h. 113 North. Fearnsides Mary A., domestic, 30 Main. Feidel Cornelius, hostler, bds. 49 Water. Fellows Hattie, student, 50 Seminary, res. Prairie Ronde. FenDyke John, night watch, City Hotel. Fenijn Abram B., laborer, h. 12 Balch. Ferguson Gemima, bds. 9-1 Academy. Ferguson Sylvester, lumberman, h. 79 Vine. Ferris Timothy, laborer, h. 38 Oak. Ferry George, butchter, h. 44 North. Fiedell Johanna, domestic, 20 Elm. Field Darius W., fhrmer, h. 27 I)utton. Finch Aurelius S., physician, 49 S. Patrk, h. same. Finch Daniel W., (Beebe & F.,) li. 180 Main. Finley Isaac, student, Kalamazoo College, res. Ross. Finley Mary A., domestic, 66 South. Finley Mrs. Sarah,. 40 Grand Rapids Ioad. Finney, Mariette E., h 7 Carmel. Finney rhomas It., currier, bds. 27 Church. First National Bank, Latham Iull, Pres't; Jas. A. Walter, Vice -res't; Chauniey Strong, Cash.; Chas. A. Hull, Teller, 123 Main. Fish & Crane, (Edward II. F. & N. W. Sanford C.,) grocers, 13 S. Burdick. Fish Edward 11., (F. & Crane,) bds. 25 Lovel. Fish Edward J., with Geo. W. Fish, h. 25 Lovel. Fish George WV., local express, bds. 142 Kalamazoo Av. Fish George W., prop'r Fish's elevator,.51 Edwards, and flour and feed store, 86 Main, h. 57 Lovel. Fish Hannah, boarding house, 142 Kalamazoo Av. Fish Henry, student, bds. 114 Academy. Fish Hiram C., carpenter, h. 27 Ransom. Fisher Daniel, saloon, 1 Portage, Ih. 15 Cherry. Fisher David, bds. 199 Main. Fisher David A., auctioneer, bds. 58 S. Rose. Fisher Eliza, bds. 1l N. West. Fisher Helen, student, bds. 21 South, res. Three Rivers. (. N. & T. F. GIDDINGS have all kinds of Property to Rent KALAMAZOO DIRECTORY. 229 Fisher Jeannette, principal Michigan Female Seminary. Fisher John, cooper, h. 33 Allcott. Fisher William L., carpenter, bds. 73 North Burdick. Fiske Ira W., physician, 3 S. Burdick, h. 82 S. Burdick. Fitch Asa, h. 33 S. l-ose. Fitzgerald Eliza, bds. 15 Stuart Av. Fitzgibbon D1)avid, laborer, h. 159 N. Burdick. Fitzsimmons Anna, seamstress, bds. 12 Church. Fix Cresent, domestic, 6 Taylor. Flage Isaac, carpenter, h1. 1 Pearl. Flar, Isaiah I-., ag't Bixby Bros., h. 11 Stuart Av. Flagg Oliver B., bds. 54 S. Rose. Flanagan Lucy, bds. 21 Cooley. Flannagan Peter, laborer, li. 90 Ransom. Flemining Andrew, h. 28 S. Rose. Flesher John, sash maker, bds. 122 North. Fletcher Thomas, ( 1. Woold & Co.,) h. 35 N. West. Fletcher William G., lawyer, 12 S. Burdick, bds. 35 N. West. Flugle Giarrett, tanner, h. 7 Wall. Foegele George, (Limprec(tt & F.,) h. 123 Lovel. Fogt, Albert, brewer, bds 7 WValnut. Foley Jolhn, blacksmitl, bds. 84 Water. Follett James, teamster, lI. 11 Grand Rapids Road. Follett I. J., carpenter, h. Grand Rapids Road. Fondelnhook Jolhn, laborer, h. 102 Portage. Foquette John H., auctioneer, lI. 2G N. Park. Forbes Calvin, carpenter, Ii. 87 S. Park. Forbes Frank, fatrmer, h. 279 5Main. Forbes James P., carpenter, h. 6() S. Park. Forbles Orlin M:., cooper, lds. 106 Portage. Forlbes William A., carpenter, bds. 87 S. Park. Ford Ambrose, painter, bds. 31 Pitcher. Ford Johnll W., (col'd,) laborer, Ih. 125 Academy. Ford Lizzwie \., student, 50 Seminary, res. Lansing. Ford Martha, (col'd,) domestic, 19 Lake. Ford Minnie E., student, 50 Seminary. res. Battle Creek. Forlward Mary; tailoress, bds' 51, N. Rose. F'osdick Albert A., student, Kalamazoo College, res. Almena. Foster Julia A., h. 88 Lovel. Foster RIeginald C., clerk, bds. 53 Lovel. Foster Iev. C. A., L.L.D.. Rector St. John's Church, h. 53 Lovel. Fountain Eliza, bds. 1 Porter. Fowler A. B., teamster, h. 39 Cedar. Fowler James, waiter, 1 S. Burdick, basement. Fowler James, ( Claesgens & F.,) h1. 89 Edwards. Fowler S. Mills, book keeper, bds. 39 Cedar. Are Agts. for the Alna, Home, City Fire, and other Ins. Co's. 230 ~ ~~~~ KAAAO DRCOY 230 KALAMAZOO DIRECTORY. m TYl Gorver & Baker Family Sewing Machine IS AWARDED 5C C lg| oft ht he wod Th e.h st iP. ri. t. Ooer all ohlers, O. N. & T. F. GIDDINGS, Conveyancers, have Property to M - -- KALAMAZOO DIRECTORY. 231 KALAMAZOO DIRECTORY. 231 D Uealer In t PURE WHITE LEAD, OILS, VABNiLHES, TURPENTINE, PUTTY, GLASS, &c., GRAINING i& G-LAZIN G. ALSO, R. WALSH, Pqtt& IIt (tlltWl vS^ ii '^eI '( 1 ^ PAINTER,:ALAMAZOO, JICHIGAN.;if All Work promptly done at Lowest Rates. Rent, are Agts. for Underwriters, Security, and other Ins. Co's W 232 KALANMAZOO DIRECT'ORY. Fox Asa L., school teacher, bds. 9 Woodward Av. Fox Daniel T., ( Hurd & F.,) h. 9 Woodward Av. Fox I)oras M., editor The Present Age, 111 Main, l. 15 Stuart Av. Fox Ira B., student, bds. 9 Woodward Av. Fox Lauren F., fairmer, h. 13 Comstock Road. Fox Lorenzo J., carpenter, h. 14 Comstock Road. Fox Luman VW., iarmer, h. 103 Kalanmazoo Av.. Frall Bernard, cooper, h. 54 Church. Francoise Isaac, blacksmith, h. 70 Kalamazoo Av. Francoise William, painter, h. 61 Vine. Frankish Charles, harness maker, 3-3 N. Burdick, bds. 35 N. West. Fraser Charles, (col'd,) laborer, 206 M1ain. Fraser Elisha A., supt. public schools, )(ds. 199 Main. Fraser Henry, laborer, bds 82 N. 3Burdick. Free Albert A., machinist, h. 91 South. 'reilink Garrett, laborer, h. 74 Church. French J. Emmna, student, 50 Seminiary, res. HIomer. French Lucinda, 43 Walnut. French Mary, student, 50 Setninary, res. Buchanan. French Thomas, bd 4. 4 S. ose. Friedman Emil, agt. merchant tailor, 145 Main, h. 49 Main. Friedman Henry, bds. 49 Main. Frost Charles, bds. 143- Vine. Frost Lucinda, bds. 143 Vine. Frost Merrill A., tinner, bds. 57 S. Burdick. Fry Joseph, teamster, h. 71 Edwards. Fulford Mettie, bds. 53 N. West. Freligh lenry, currier, h. 31 Pitcher. Fuller Caroline, tailoress, lbds. 216 Kalamazoo Av. Fuller George, (F. & Sterling,) h 15 Forest. Fuller George S., carpenter, h. 57 Dutton. Fuller John, blacksmith, bds. 84 Water. Fuller & Sterling, (George F. & Oliver L. S.,) groceries and flour & feed, 91 Main. Furlargh Catherine, domestic, 59 Water. Furst Henry, (F. & Hotop,) h. 49 Water. Furst & Hotop, (Ienry F. & Frederick II.,) proprs. Accommodation Stables, 51 Water..: Gadsby George, carpenter, h. 39 Locust. Gaines Elizabeth, domestic, 108 S. Burdick. Gaines Maggie, (col'd) domestic, 79 Vine. O. N. & T. F. GIDDINGS pay Taxes, collect Debts, are Agents KALAMAZOO DIRECTORY. 23.3 Gale George H., bds. Burdick House. Gale N. Brooks, bds. 220 Main. Gale Nathan, pump dealer, bds. National Hotel. Gale William, carpenter, bds. 17 Church. Galligan John, clerk, bds. City Hotel. Galman Iattie, h. 3 Dutton. Galman John, carpenter, bds 5 Dutton. Galvin John, mason, h. 100 N. Rose. Garber John, h. 42 Ransom. Gardner Alice, domestic, 80 South. Gardner Ransom, Pres't. K. A. & G. R, R. R., and Sup't. St. Joseph V. R. R., h. 214 Main. Garland Annie, domestic, 80 S. Burdick. Garland John G., wood turner, 21 Main, h. 25 Main. Garrow Martin, blacksmith, h. 68 Ransom. Garrett Miss Lucy J., saleswoman, bds. 20 Cedar. Gates Chauncey, wool dealer, h. 228 Kalamazoo Av. Gates Fred R., carriage maker, bds. 228 Kalamazoo Av. Gault Charles N., groceries & confectionery, 166 Main, h. 35 N. Rose. Gault David, bds. 130 Kalamazoo Av. Geer Edla M., student, 50 Seminary, res. Menasha, Wis. Geisse Augustus H., (Stich, Cahill & Co.,) h. 8 South Geisse Philip H., clerk, American Express Co., bds. 8 South. General Agency of the Wheeler & Wilson's Sewing Machines, A. H1. Dorris Agt, 102 Main. George Willis, (col'd) mason, h. 92 Kalamazoo Av. German Fred E., turner, bds. 184 Main. Gernon James, laborer, bds. 96 Willard. Gernon Stephen, laborer, h 96 Willard. Gerow Elisha, (Geo. Colt & Co.,) h. 91 Vine. Gerow Hammond, tinner, bds. 91 Vine. Geukes Derk, milk man, h. 265 S. Burdick. Gibbs Charles, blacksmith, bds. 21 Church. Gibbs Charles, farmer, h. 27 Lovel. Gibbs Isaac, slate roofer, bds. 187 Kalamazoo Av. Gibbs Richard I-t., carpenter, h. 34 John. Gibson Edwin A., (Jones & G.,) bds. 35 Locust. Gibson James, mason, bds. 44 Main. Gibson Samuel A., paper maker, h. 54 Dutton. Gibson Sarah, bds. 8 Edwards. Giddings & Brown, (Marsh G. & Charles R. B.,) lawyers, 145 Main. Giddings I1on. Marsh, (G. & Brown,) h. 10 Cedar Giddings 0. N. & T. F., (Orrin N. & Theron F.,) real estate and insurance Ag'ts, 100 Main. For the North America, Philadelphia, and other Ins. Co's. 30 234 KALAMAZOO DIRECTORY. AIIIDT ca 685Is1 I I)eaier>- in i~abIAah i iZVNIa I TEAS, COFFEES, SUGARS, S.yritpls S& Molass3es, Stone, Wooden & Willow-Ware, ~REMt B\DRIEUS & VA1NNJvRD FRXIT CIa:/,zcides Emn d Nul-Its, Fis'h, Flour, Vegetables, &e, 0o. 14 SOUTH BURDICK STREET, ALAoZOO0 MIC., O. N. & T. F. GIDDINGS, Real Estate and General Insurance KALAMAZOO DIRECTORY. 235 Giddings Orrin N., (O. N. & T. F. G.) h. 50 South. Giddings Theron F., (O. N. & T. F. G.) bds. 184 Main. Giddings William M., h. 34 Dutton. Gitford Allen farmer, h. 73 Gull Road. Giftbrd Mary F., domestic, 30 Main. Gilbert Harry, bds. 27 S. Rose. Gilbert Henry, (Carder, G. & Co,) h. 27 S. Rose. Gileman Peter, warehouseman, h. 23 Wall. Giles Joel E., carpenter, bds. 80 Michigan Av. Gillespie Micajah T., bleacher, bds 220 Main. Gillespie Rev. Robert I., h. 81 Church. Gillett Elzard, bds. 28 Jackson. Gilman Ella, student, 50 Seminary, res. Paw Paw. Gilmer Nelson, cooper, h. 23 Jackson. Gilmer William, blacksmith, h. 14 Jackson. Gilmer William, Jr., carpenter, bds. 14 Jackson. Gitchel Emily, student, 50 Seminary, res. Niles. Glass John, painter, bds. 9 Grand Rapids Road. Gleason B. S., h. 58 S. Burdick. Gledhill William H., photographer, h. 28 Jackson. Glover George H., laborer, h. 7 Pitcher. Glover John G., h. 75 Walnut. Glover Mary J., bds. 118 Main. Glover William H., photographer, 118 Main, h. same. Glynn & Phetteplace, (John R. G. & E. H. P.,) prop'rs Kalamazoo House, 94 and 96 Main Gobert William, laborer, h. 31 Wall. Godfrey Erastus J., carpenter, h. 78 Walnut. Godley Joseph, attendant at Asylum. Godley Peter, attendant at Asylum. Goedeburke Addison, herdsman, at Asylum. Goffe Jennie E., student, bds. 44 S. West. Golden Owen, teamster, at Asylum. Gomar Mary J., h. 123 Ransom. Goodale Charles, contractor, h. 90 South. Goodale John C., show case manuf., 4 N. Burdick, h. 55 Gull Road. Goodenow Henry, music teacher, h. 27 Cedar. Goodrich Philo W., bds. 242 Main. Goodridge Edwin L, sale stable, h. 85 South. Good Templars' Hall, 150 Main. Goossen Charles, trunk maker, bds. 74 John. Gordon John, wheat buyer, h. 134 N. Burdick. Gordon Mary R., school teacher, bds. 23 South. Gordon Sarah H., attendant at Asylum. Gordon Thomas, bds. 23 South. Agents, No. 100 Main Street, 2d floor, Kalamazoo, Michigan. 236 KALAMAZOO DIRECTORY. Gore Mathew G., foreman with H. M. Johnson, h. 85 Portage. Gorman Anthony, h. 49 Eleanor. Gorman Hugh, laborer, h. 72 Ransom. Gorman James, bds. 72 Ransom. Gorman Mary, domestic, 30 S. Park. Goss Catharine C. E., h. 87 S. Burdick. Goss George, supt. K. A. &. G. R. R. R., 28 Main, h. 19 S. Park. Goss Milo J., (Ashby & G.,) h. 87 S. Burdick. Goss Samuel F., livery and sale stable, rear Burdick House, h. 96 Vine. Grabenster Mathew, cooper, h. 176 Kalamazoo Av. Grady James, laborer, h. 56 Michigan Av. Graham Alice, bds. 69 S. Burdick. Graham Archibald M., (Jeffrey & G.,) h. 78 Cedar. Graham George, laborer, h. 86 North. Graham John A., machinist, h. 35 N. Rose. Graham Noble, farmer, h. 21 Forest. Graham Robert, machinist, h. 18 Reed. Graham Sarah, domestic, 13 South. Grapdjean Gustave, (G. & Labar,) bds. 35 Main. Grandjean & Labar, (Gustave G. & William H. L..) prop'rs flouring mill, 54 Kalamazoo Av. Granger 1I. W., bds. 17 Cedar. Granger Reuben, book dealer, bds. 59 Lovel. Grannis Charles D., telegraph repairer, M. C. R. R., bds. 139 Ransom. Grant Almena, bds. 38 S, Burdick. Grant William M., bds. 38 S. Park. Graves James L., produce broker, h. 10 N. Rose. Graves Luther, produce dealer, h. 114 S. Burdick Green Clara, cloak and dress maker, 17 S. Burdick, h. same. Green Edmund, (col'd,) farmer, h. 39 Cooley. Green George F., machinist, 132 Academy, h. same. Green George W., mason, h. 25 Lake. Green Horace W., clerk, h 64 Academy Green James, harness maker, 38 N. Burdick, h. 121 Ransom. Green James F., harness maker, bds. 121 Ransom. Green John, carpenter, h. 113 Water. Green John, (col'd) laborer, bds. 70 South. Green John, (col'd.) laborer, h. 23 Third. Green Joseph, (col'd,) laborer, 122 S. Burdick. Green Sarah E., dress maker, bds. 17 S. Burdick. Green William, harness maker, h. 185 Kalamazoo Av. Greenbaum Isaac, clerk, h. 13 John. Gregg Corydon T., h. 32 Main. Gregg Eva F., student, 50 Seminary, res. Iomer. O. N. & T. F. GIDDINGS draw Wills, Deeds, Mortgages, Con KALAMAZOO DIRECTORY. 237 Gregg Theodore H., mason, h. 18 Forest. Gregory Frances P., groceries, 29 John, h. same. Gregory Philo, with H. S. Parker, bds. 16 Cedar. Griffin Charles G., switch tender, h. 116 Ransom. Griffin Elmore L., student, bds. 106 Academy. Griffin F. Octavia, student, bds. 6 Stuart Av. Griffin Geraldine, domestic, Kalamazoo House. Griffin Mary, seamstress, bds. 45 Walnut. Griffis George, clerk, 1 Portage. Griffith James J., train despatcher, M. C. R. R., bds. 199 Main. Griggs John L., teamster, h. 40 Michigan Av. Grimes Cecil D., (G. & Sweetland,) h. 11 N. West. Grimes & Sweetland, ( Cecil D. G. & Caleb S., Jr.,) 89 Willard, corner Church. Grimes Martin L., with Grimes & Sweetland, bds. 11 N. West. Grimes P. S., dentist, 123 Main, h. 48 S. Rose. Grimley John, carriage painter, h. 38 Water. Griswold Albert, laborer, h. 30 Main. Griswold A., student, bds. 11 South. Grobyn Jacob, carriage smith, h. 50 North. Groesbeck Denison E., (S. 0. G & Bro.,) bds. 81 Academy. Groesbeck S. 0. & Bro., (Seth 0. & Denison E,) grocers, 164 Main. Groesbeck Seth O., (S. 0. G. & Bro.,) h. 81 Academy. Groffert William, laborer, h. 25 Wall. Groom Edwin P., painter, bds. 17 N. Burdick. Grootemaat John, carpenter, h. 8 First. Grootemaat Johannis, sash maker, h. 77 Walnut. Grootemaat Mathew, carpenter, h. 116 North. Grosvenor Lemuel D., architect and builder, 78 Water, h. 54 Cedar. Grosvenor Rufus H., lawyer, 103 Main, bds. 18 Pearl. Grover & Baker Sewing Machine Agency, James M. Wells, agent, 21 S. Burdick. Guernsey Fannie O., school teacher, h. 34 Walnut. Guernsey George E., musician, h. 7 Locust. Guernsey Willard F., insurance agent, h. 34 Walnut. Gunn Comfort O., painter, h. 13 Pearl. Gunn Gillman, (Born & G.,) h. 13 Pearl. Gust Gottlieb, butcher, bds. 92 N. Burdick. Gustin Daniel W., painter, h. 3 Edwards. H Hiaar Lewis J., (Ederle & H.,) bds. 78 Main. Haberstich Jacob, tailor, h. 129 N. Burdick. tracts, &c., No. 100 Main Street, 2d floor, Kalamazoo, Mich. 238 238 KALAMAZOO DIRECTORY. Great Cetal:, ~oiit Ea1st. OI nom han of Cars bIw~on Kalamnaoo aod WiNEV X'IKCITYr, visa On arrival of trains of the Michigan Central, D)etroit and Milwaukee and Michigan Southern Railroads Four Express Trains Leave Detroit Daily: (Sundays excepted) for London, Paris, Toronto, Niagara Falls, Buffalo, Rochester, Ogdensburgh Burling-ton, Elmira, Albany, New York. Boston, Philadelphia, Baltimore, Washinglton and all intermediate places. IPhiladelphia, Baltimore and Washington Passengers will find this route via Rochester and Northern Central Railroad the shortest. and most direct to those cities. Only one Change of' Oars between Detroit and Baltimore. Fare always as low a%4 by other llnes. Baggage checked to all principal points. This is the only route via. Niagara Falls and the Mammoth Suspension Bridge. During the Season of' Navigation, Daily Connections are made with Lake Ontario Steamers nt Hlamilton and Toronto. By this Line Passengers have First Choice of Staterooms at Hamilton. PULLMAN'S 16 wheeled Palace Sleeping Cars run on all nighbt trains between Kalamazoo and Rochester. CHIAS. McCABE, Western Passenger Agzent, Detroit. JAS. CHARLTON, THOS. SWYNYARD, Gen. Agt., Hamilion, C. W. General Manager. A.. 9T. 1PIIIEN*T9LCEU, A,.gent_, 3Mv,3az&3nmzac~c~, 3.Zicc3b.. 0. N. &- T. F. GIDDINGS, Conveyancers, have Property to KALAMAZOO DIRECTORY. 239 Hadnett James R., clerk, bds 92 Willard. IHadnett William grocer, 83 N. Burdick, h. 92 Willard. Haenberg Cornelius, laborer, h. 200 S. Burdick. Haften Arie, laborer, bds. 119 S. Burdick. HIaften Ive, laborer, h. 119 S. Burdick. Hagerdon Wilhelmina, h. 65 Water. Hagide Peter, Shoemaker, h. 74 Kalamazoo Av. HIahar Tllomas, laborer, h. 76 N. West. HIaight Andrew, sash maker, bds. 50 Edwards. Haight Ansil, laborer, bds. 55 Michigan Av. Haight Latham, carpenter, h. 50 Edwards. Ilaihe John, tailor, with Weimer & Rummler. Itaines Austin D, miller, h. 215 S Burdick. Haines David 1-.: book keeper, with Merrill & McCourtie, bds. 184 Main. IIaines Mary J., domestic, 51 N. Rose. Haines William C., foreman Allcott Mill, h. 35 Allcott. Halbert S. Jennie, student, 50 seminary, res. Butternuts, N. Y. Hale Alonzo, mason, h. 17 Pine. Iale Iarriet E., tailoress, bds. 17 Pine. Hale Josephine, domestic, 141 Asylum Av. Hale Laura M., student, bds. 6 Michigan Av., res. Comstock. Haley Sarah, school teacher, bds. 5 Michigan Av. Haley Thomas J., street broker, h. 5 Michigan Av. Hall Beach A., clerk, h. 82 Lovel. Hall Curtis W, (H. & Adams,) h. 25 South. Iall Dennis, engineer, h. 60 Ransom. Hall Edmond E., engineer, bds. 44 Water. Hall Ella F., student, 50 Seminary, res. Battle Creek. Hall Emma, student, bds. 72 Academy. Hall Frederick C., clerk, bds 25 South. Hall Frederick W, book keeper, bds. 25 Lovel. Hall George D. B., news dealer and Ticket Agent Grand Trunk Railroad, 20 S. Burdick, bds. 72 Academy. Hall Henri P., clerk, bds. 72 Academy. Hall Hiram, music student, bds. 215 Main. Hall James B., engineer, bds. 51~ N. Rose. Hall John, (col'd) farmer, bds. 10 Water. Hall Mrs. HI. P., bds. 59 Edwards. Iall Rev. H. J., h. 72 Academy. IIalladay Rachel, bds. 45 Academy. Ham Mary, domestic, 27 Academy. Ham Thomas, gardener, h. 77 Asylum Av. HIame David H., book keeper, with Merrill & McCourtie, bds. 184 Main. Hamilton Christopher, trackman, bds. Union House. Rent, are Agts. for Underwriters, Security, and other Ins. Co's. 240 KALAMAZOO DIRECTORY. ala mazoo 11egan, AND GRANTD RAPIDS R. R. Open to Grand Rapids, March, 1869. NEW, RELIABLE & POPULAR ROUTE. Connects at ALLEGAN with Stages for Holland & Saugatuck. And at GRAND RAPIDS with Detroit & Mlilwaukee Railway FOR ALL POINTS EAST AND WEST. And with Stages for Muskegon, Newaygo, &c., &c. Two Daily Passenger Trains, Each way, Making Northern connections as above, and at Kalamazoo with *lvhtigan Gntlra R'all RBoaf, And St. Joseph Valley Rail Road, For all Points East, West and South. Freight shipped to all points without change, by "RED LINE" and "BLUE LINE" Cars. R. GARDNER, President. GEO. DAVIS, Gen. Fr't & T'kt Agt, GEO. GOSS, Sup't. C. W. CALKINS, Cashier. OFFICES in Depot, Kalamazoo, Mich. Farms, City Lots, Dwellings and Wild Lands for Sale by KALAMAZOO DIRECTORY.24 241 Hamilton George W., laborer, h. 135 Portage. Hamilton Hattie L., student, bds. 86 Academy, res. Tecumnseh. Hamilton Jamnes, enine,.98Rnsm 11am ilton Pool, laborer-, bds. 422 Main. H-amilin F. A., bds. 47 Main. Hammond Charles H., painter, h. 18 East Av. 1Hammond Lovett, ( col'd,) laborer, h. 15 Third. Hammns I.,laborer, h. 49 Michigan Av. Hancock Jtulia E., dress maker, bds. 49 S. Park. IHanekroot Thiomas, laborer, h. 15 Johnson. Hanekroot Yetze, domestic, 141 Vine. Hanford William 1H., action maker, h. 119 Water. Hianks George E., boarding house, 17 Church. Hainmer Irvingr, baggage master, M. C. R. B.., bds. 129 Vine. lhanimer Johin, carpenter, Ii. 129 Vine. THanrner Walter, painter, bds. 1129 Vine. Hiannan Mary, domestic, 43 Lovel. 1-hasom)ChresDboots & shoes, 143 Mlain, I. 32 S. WVest. Hansen JohnD, lalborer, hi. 15 S. Rose. Hlardimon Mlary A., hi. 176 Kalamazoo Ax'. liardingr Johin A.. butcher, h. 24 I-3tr Oak. Hare William. (1(rk, h. 1-24 Ranisom. IHarelbolt iHeit, lalborer, h. 38 Ransom. Hlarkins AnthIonly, foundrynian, h. 63 N -.Rose. Harlan Cecelia, bds. 8 Winsted. Harlan Frank, baker, 67 Maini, lh. 9 Jasper. Hairmon Edwvin, laborer, bds. 46 Water. Ilarl)cr John WV., laborer, bds. 42 Mlain. flarrigan 1)aniel, -warehousenian, Ii. 117 Portage. Iharrig~an. Johin H-., (raymnan, h. 16 M1ain. H-arrigtan Lawx'rence, laborer, bds. 99 Ransom. Harris- Almon C., exlpressmain, h. 14 Rleed. H~airis Chiarles, ma111sonl, bds. 44 Mlain. Harm s Fanny, dress maker, bds. 13 Pearl. Hlarris George A.., watch maker, h. 104 Willard. Iharm is Levi, milk man, h. 1211 Portage. Hiarris hussdll lUs. 14 Reed. IHarr ison A. D. attendant at Asylutm. 11arrison Andrew, mason, Ih. 55 Cedar. 1-arrison ELdwxin F., nioulder-, Ii. 18 Mlain. H~arrison Frm 'nkic, attendant at Asylum. H~arrison iLotsta, artist, painter, and teacher, bds. 184 Mlain. Harrison William, farmer, Ii. Grand Rapids Road. Hart Anna, domestic, 31 1Portage. Hart William, engineer, bds. 49 Portage. Hhart William, shoemaker, h..35 N. Burdick. 0. N. &ty T. F. GIDDIN;GS, No. 100 Main Street, Kalamazoo. 31 242 IKALAMAZOO) DIRECTORtY. STWELL, 0iRSETT & t0,, Wholesale Dealers in uBTliEE NBOTIiNS, Faney Good sCigm. igars.: &c. No. 10 Portage St., opposite Kalamazoo House, II. STO L. B C. OW LL. O.. C SE'. H. A. STONE. I S & DA O.11 N UFA(CTUHIIERS, Wholesale and Retail Dealers in BOOOTS & SHOES, B-U-i3BIEtR GOOIDS, &c., Nol. 19t MAIN t T T, KALAMAZOO, MICH. H. ISBELL. C. S. DAYTON. O. N. & T. F. GIDDINGS have all kinds of Property to Rent KALAMAZOO DIRECTORY. 243) Hartman Mary, (col'd) washervwonlal, h. 176 Kalamazoo Av. Ilartrop Kate, attendant at Asylum. -Hartsough P., student, bds. 10 Davis, res. Plymoutll. Hartsoughl Ursula, student, bds. 10 Davis, res. Plynlouth. Ilarvey Edward 11, student, Kalamazoo College, res. Richland. Harvey Lett, porter, bds. 26 Main. Harvey Littleton, porter, bds 42 Main. Hascall & Bullard, (Lucien A. H. & Zenas II. B.,) wholesale Liquors, 21 Portage. Hascall 11 E1., merchant mniller, 107 N. Burdick, 1 225 S. Burdick. IHascall Lucien A., (I-. &t Bullard,) li. a7 S. Blurdick. H-ascall 5:1. C., bank clerk, bds. 87 S Burdick. IHascall Volney, hl. corner Academy & Carmel I-ilclse;tek Frederick, saloon, 13 Main, h. same. Hasecnyer Henry, laborer, h. 66 Wiillard. Haskcil Rev. Samuel, pastor 1st Jtabtist Chlurch, h}. 59 Love] Haskell William, bds. 59 Lovel. Hastings Bridget, domestic, 75 S. West. IHastingis Conner, h 90 North. Haslinrgs Cornelius, bds. 90 North. Ilatilngs James, draymanl, Ih 79 N. Rose. I-astings Johanna. domestic, 24 S. Park. Itastfings John, carpenter, h. 126 Frank. Hastigmos John, draynman, Ih. 69 Ransom. Hastings Mlary., I domestic, 35 South. Hastings Thomas, (artnian, Ih. 64 North I astiigs Thomas, warehouseman, b1ds. 7 IHenrietta' llatfield (eorge AV., teamster, I. 10 Rlansom. Hlath}away Stephen C, civil engineer, bds. 35 Mail. -Hausle John, umbrella repairer, h. north end Porter. Havenl Cornelius, laborer, I 123 Plortage. Ia\'en1ga Edward.11, boarding house and saloon, 5119 Water. Havens Jessie R., farmer. II. 19 Comstock Road. Havens Thomas W., lawyer, 1i22 Main, h. 56 D)ulton. Haw croft (:George 11., tailor, hI. 52 John. Ilawes Josi;ah L., lawyer, and real estate and insurance Agt., 12(6 Main, h. 14 S. Park. Hawkins IHenry, laborer, bds. 39 Jackson. Ilawkins Seward, tin & copper smith, 178 Main, h i 6 Stuart Av. Hawley Caroline E.. school teacher, bds. 63 Grand Rapids Road. IIawley Edward, carpenter, bds. 63 Grand 11Rapids Road. IHawley E. JI., nursery agt. roomn 95 Main. Iawley Emmor, farmer, Ih. 63 Grand Rapids Road. Hawley Martha, domestic, 45 VWalnut. Iawley Sherman, flarmer, bds. 63 Grand Rapids Road. IHaynes Alon:'o F.. farmelr, I1. 41 Allcott. Are Agts. for the,Etna, Home, City Fire, and other Ins. Co's. 244 KALAMAZOO DIRECTORY. Hayes Charles J., livery & sale stable, 32 N. Rose, h. 40 Cherry. Hayes John, laborer, h. 116 North. Hayes John, laborer, bds. 98 Willard. Hayes John C., mason, h. 141 S. West. Hayes Mary, domestic, 80 Lovel. Iays Algernon S., clerk, bds. 45 Lovel. I-lays Sarah K., boarding house, 45 Lovel. Hays Thomas J., painter, bds. 72 S. Rose. Hayward Samuel )., steward, 220 Main. Hayward Sterling, laborer, 220 Main. Hayward Albert A., with H. S. Parkel & Co., bds. 16 Cedar. Head Abigail B., bds. 65 S. Burdick. Heagberg Peter M., tailor, h. 160 N. Burdick. Healy Azro, farmer, h. 27 S. Park. Hedgebeth Augustus, (col'd,) teamster, bds. 16 Walbridge. Hedgebeth Mary, (col'd,) washerwoman, h. 16 Walbridge. Iledgebeth Parthena, bds. 16 Walbridge. Hedgebeth Thomas, farmer, h. 16 Walbridge. Hedges Spencer, (col'd,) laborer, h. 60 Edwards. Ieff'ernon William, drayman, h. 99 North. Heilrnan John, mason, h. 121 S. Burdick. IHeilman Mary, tailoress, bds 121 S. Burdick. Heath Marcus C., painter, bds. 65 Water. Heithouse Garry, laborer, h. 11 Lake. IHeithhouse John, laborer, h. 11 Lake. Heithouse Margaret, domestic, 9 Cedar. Ilellinger Mary, domestic, Kalamazoo HIouse. IIelnstetter Philipp, butcher, 85 N. Burdick, h. same. IIemenover Joanna, h. 108 Vine. IIeminel Anna, domestic, 69 Kalamazoo Av. Henderson Frank, (Brown & IT.,) bds. 9 S. Rose. Henderson Henry, (col'd,) laborer, bds. 57 Main. Ienderson Samuel, laborer, h. 26 Ransom. I-enika IHosea, cabinet maker, h. 101 Water. HIenika James, builder, h. 42 South. IIenika Jane, bds. 184 Main. Ilenika John, farmer, h. 44 Walnut. IHenika Manuel, clerk, bds. 35 Main. IIenkee Michael, brewer, h. 3 Walnut. IHenion Harriet, bds. 25 Cooley. Ienry Albert, clerk, bds. 73 South. Henry James, U. S. Marshal, h. 73 South. Henry Mary E., (col'd,) domestic, 58 S. Rose. Henry Thomas, bds. 202 Main. Henry Willie, clerk, bds. 73 South. Hlenshaw Charles E., printer, bds. 25 Potter. O. N. & T. F. GIDDINGS, Real Estate and General Insurance KALAMAZOO DIRECTORY.24 245 Henshaw Edwin R., drayman, h. 25 Potter. Henshaw Dwight, fiunmer, bds. 137 Portage. Henshaw Frank, bds. 68 S. West. Ilenshaw George, draymnan, h. 198 K'alamazoo Av. Henishaw James, teamster, h. 10 Humphrey. Henshaw Jamnes S., draymnan, h. 27 John. Henshaw Joshua, joiner, Ii. (38 S. West. Herbert William H., carpenter, bds. 52 Main. Herkins John, watchman at Asylum. Hermenn Jacob, cabinet maker, h. 23 Bur Oak. Heron William, restaurant, 23 N. Burdick, h. same. Herrick Edward A., carpenter, h. 90 S. 11Burdick. Herrick Ephraim J., joiner, h. 95 S. Burdick. Herrink Garrit, baker, h. 22 Main. Herrlinger Leonard, groceries, 394 Portage, h. samne. H~eydenburk Martin, II. 45 S. Rose. Hibbard William RI., wheel maker, lbds. National Hotel. Hicks Carrie E., copyist, bds. 35 Lovel. hlicks Howard, kitchen assistant at Asylum. Hicks Levi, clerk, h. 127 N. IBurdick. Hicks Malancton S., carpenter, b. 49 Porter. Hicks Orrin, teamster, h. 130 Kalamazoo Av. IHicks Vanransalier, farmer, I. 7 Bur Oak. ilickey Thomas, laborer, h. 1-0 Wheaton Av. Wlet George, farmer, h. 338 Mfain. Hig-bee Charles P., h. 5 Pearl. higins Honorab, bds. 55 RAnsom. Hicgins MAf(rtin, laborer, li. (31 Porter. Higgins Nancy doraestic, 33 South. Hilbert Louisa, diress maker, bds. (31 S. Rose. hill Clarrisa, washerwoman, 11 56 Willard. Hill Frances, school teacher, bds. 49 S. Rose. Hill Oliver C., farmaer, h. 49 S. Rose. Ilill Rtobert F., lawyer, 14 S. B~urdick, bds. 2420 Maini. Hill William, (cold,) carpenter, h. 59 Michigan Av. Hfillhouse Frank S., (Roberts &: 11.,) h. 55 S. Rose. Hlindes Edward L., tiriner, hds. 30 N. Park. Hinsdale Ellen,,assistant teacher, 21 5South. Hips Catherine, ii. 140 Kalam-azoo Av. Hhirschfeld George, clothing, 118 Mlain, res. New York. Ifisel William, laborer, h. 14 Winsted. Hitchcock Ben jamin F., h. 148 Main. Hitchcock Homer 0., physician, 68 5. Burdick, h. 70 S. Burdick. Hitchcock Jennie E., dom-estic, 72 5. Rose. lhixson James P., cutter, h. 36 Cedar. Agfents, No. 100 Main Street, 2"d floor, Kalamazoo,'3Michigan. . )W 16KALAM,'AZOO DIRECTORY. ANUFACTUREIRS OF And Vehicles of every description, No. 192 Main Street, corner Park, KA L AX AZ 0. -JxCH1'5N )AINTING, TLJMMMNG ~TTEPAIRING, Do-ne at short notice and at reasonable prices. Ii. BURRELL. G. BURRELT.. 0. N. & T. F. GIDDINGS, ]Real Estate and General insuran-c KALAMAZOO Dl)lKETrOKY. 247 Hoag Charles, engineer, bds. 17 Church. Hoagland Otis, attendant t at Asylun. Hoagland Thoimas, en giieer, i ) (C,) telar. Hobbs Charlls MN., carpenter, h. 156 N. Burdli k. Hobbs Mlaliida E., bds. 84 S. S ose. Hobls Penuel, machinist, II. 84 S. Rose. -Iobhls Riley P., macliini-t, lids. ^4 S. lRose. Hodgrnan lHenry, shoemaker, I1. 157 Vine. Hodginan Helnrilqez, bllacksrnith, 29 N. Rose, h. 44 N. l'ose. Hoebeke Adrian, llack:l,lnithl, bds. 1 Wall. Hoebelle Williallm, sash imaker, bds. 1 Wall Hoedemnaker Jane, was!l;. wo'lclnl, h. -:36 Locust. IHoedemaker J(lln, grocer, 111 lansomoI Ii.,same. IHoedenaker Susan, whiplash braider, bds. 36 Lociust. Hoetther Louis J., piano tiner and repairer, bds. 199 Mlail. Ioek Job, car:lener, -)ds. I.Jonl. Hock Martha, II 1$8 Joln. Hoek Walter, carriage maker, h. 39 John. HIoelands Fina, li 44 Loeust. Hofer Leopold, boots & shoes, I4 altin, li. s;:i.me. Hotblnan Betty, domestic, 16 Spring. Hofrllan Dewitt, tinner, 1,ds. 1S4 Mlain Iofftian Join A., tinner, bds. 184 Main. Itoftinan J olin C:., laborer, h. 23 Pine. Hoffman John W. B., clerk, (bds. 23 Pine. Hoffrnnaster Petetr clek, h. 2'( l Kalanazoo Av. Hogan Anna, oniomestic, 205) Main. Hogan James, laborer, bds. 46 Willard. Hogebllnom Almira, b1. 8 S. West. Hogeboon Ellen C, school leacher, bds. S S. WVest. Hoke Andrew, grocer, 104 Northl, h. 1t;6 North. Holden William, carpenter, h. 30 Jolin. Hollander Garret, laborer, bds- 26 Wall. Hollander Johni, laborler, hl. '}6 Wall. H1ollanider Lawrence. (arriag;e 1maker, bds. i26 Wall. HIollister George E., paints, oils, glass and wall paper, 32 S. Burdlick h. 47 South. Hollister Willie M. clerk, b.s -7 SoLutl Holmes Lowell M1., h. 21 Church. Holoron Mary, domestic, Rail Road Exchange. Holtenhonse Johni, (Kellogg & 11.,) h 94 S. Bir1dick. Hood James C., student, bds. 80 S. Burdick. Hooker Albert C., currier, h. 81 S. Burdick. IIooper Isaac, tarmner, s1ds. 42 North. Hooper Joseph, groceries, 42 North. h. same. Hooper Joseph, Jr., farmer, bds. 42 North Agents, No. 100 Main Street, 2d floor, Kalamazoo, Michigan. 248 KALAMAZOO DIRECTORY. JA:MES CR.EEN, Man ufacturer of 3C3FIRST C3L.JSS WHIPS & HORSE CLOTHIlG tracts, No. 100 ain St t, 2 loo, lam oo, (Opposite Gale Block,) tracts, &c., No. 100 Alain Street, 2d floor, Kalamnzoo, AMieli. KALAMAZOO DIRECTO1RY.24 249 Ilooper Maranna, saleswoman, bds. 42 North. HOOPS Joseph, telegraph operator, bds. 184 M-Nain. Hopkins Ann, lids. 37 Cedar. Hopkins Curtis M., printer, bds. 19 Cedar. Hopkins George, peddler, bds,-. 169 Kalamazoo Av. Hopkins James W., county clerk, 153 Mlain, bds. 9 S. Rose. Hopkins Mathew, builder, h. 1.9 Cedar. Hopkins Robert, cooper, bds. 20 Jackson. Hopkins Sarah, IL 48 Water. Hopkins Susan A., seamstress, h. 52" Walnut. Hioran John, stone cutter, bds. 37 Water. Horn Elizabeth, table waiter, City Hotel. Horn Frank, (Rahlmeyer & II.,) Ii. 23 John. Horn George, restaurant, 25" N. B~urdick, hi. 6 Cherry. hlorn Hannah, domestic, City Hotel. Horn Robert, propr. City Hotel, 634 NT. Buirdick. Horton Harriison F., bds 21 ElM Hotop Fr ederick, (Furst & II.,) 11. -38 Water. Hotop Georig 11., h. 4(3 Wateri H-otop William, hostler, bds. 38 Water. Houglh Nancy A., student, Ibds-. 8(3 Acadlemy, res. East Saginaw. T-loughtailing Peter II., mill-wrig'ht, 11. 137 Comnstock R —oad. hiounsom Bets'ey, Ii. Hill ]-Road to Galesburg. House Bella S., Ids. 197 Main. H-ouse William A., (Booth & H1.,) It. 197 Main. Howard Charles, pafinter, bds. 32 Portatige. Howard Fanny, dress maker, lids 49 LoN'el. Howard IHenry.J., carpenter, hi. '38 North. HowardJohn J, carenter. h. 102 llortaoze. hlow~ard Lowell, painter, hi. 5 Carnmel. Howvard Mary, dress &- cloak mnaker, 185 Mfain, lids. 491 Lovel. Howard Mrs. Georgre, 1lIds. 75 Actademny. Howard Robert H1., hardware, 138, M-ain, bds. B~urdick 1-ouse. Howard Squire J.. carpeniter, h. 2' Johin. Howard NWilliarm G., law student, wxith B3aldh, Smiley & B~alch. Howe Newton WV., mnoulder, h. 7East Av. Howe P'eter J., forema,,n (4 izete office, li. 11 h'ine. H-owe Sidney It., telegrap)h opetwator, lds. 7 E'ast Av. lowland George XW.,h. 2";') Academy Howland Jennie. domestic, 21 5. West. Rowvla-nd Rev. C. G., pastor Ulnitariani Church, h). 15 Davis, Hoyt Charles T., printer-, h. 9 Chcrry. Hoyt Henry EC., village clerk, 2(3 S. Burdick, h. 500 5. Rlose. IHubbard Dolloway &, Co., (F1rank 11., 11. C. I). & E. Allen,) grocers, 219 N. B~urdick. hlubbard Elizabeth Ml., lids. 88 South. 0. N. &- T1. F. GII)DING'S 'No. 109 Mlaii Street, Kalamazoo. 250 KALAMAZOO DIRECTORY. S. 0. Bennett & Sons, Manufacturers and Dealers in BOOTS & SHOES, 1No. 111 IAINT STREET, KALAMAZOO, - - MICH. SA EAI AWKiN'8S JOB S TO F, Tin, Copper & Sheet Iron, PAS & STiEAM iFiIuT1TIJsP HOT-AIR FURNACES, Done on Short Notice. NO. 178 Main Street, opposite Court House, ALAMAZOO, JICHIGAN. O. N. & T. F. GIDDINGS draw Wills, Deeds, Mortgages, Con KALAMAZOO DIRECTORY.25 251 Hubbard1 Frank, (H. Dolloway & Co..) h. 24 Portage. H-ubbard James M., music teacher, h. 88 South. Hubbard Jeremiah, barber, h. 86 Frank. Hubbard Martha, domestic, 94 S. Burdick. Hubbard Silas, h. 43- Lovel. Hubbard Susan, h. 24 Portage,. Hub0bell E. 1T., with Bassett, Bates & Co., bds. Kalamazoo House. ilubet Adrian, blacksmith, bds. 5 Wall. Hudson Jacob), mason, h. 21 Edwards. Hluges Barnett James, painter, bds. 35 N. Rose. Hlughes Mary, domestic, 33 Oak. Huig Mena, domestic, 'a Jasper. I-ull letsey, bds. 45 South. hull Charles A., teller 1st National Bank, bds. 45 South. Hull Daniel WV., printer, bds,-. 29 Bur Oak. hull Edgar, clerk, bds. 45 South. Hull Lathamn, president First National Bank, h. 45 South. Ilume, Catharine B., bds. 22 Cedar. Humphrey Charles, cook, 17 N. Burdick. Humphrey Elijah O., farmer, h 92 Gull Road. H-umphrey Jamnes S., harness maker, bds. 84 Water. Ilunn E-iuraiim T., foreman Winslow's marble works, h. 11 Chierry. h-unt Allen D)., wagon maker, lbds. 14 Spring. hunt Lottie, domestic, Burdick House. Ihunt Moses, shoemaker, Ii. 122 Ransom. Hunter W~illiam- L., travelling agent Stowell, Corsett & Co., h. 81 S. Rose. Hiuntincrtou Walter 5, bds. 39 Mlain. HUNTINGTON CIIAS. E., (Joel J. Perrin & Co.,) h. 14 Cedar. Huntington Walter, bds. 14 Cedar. Hard Cha.-rles IT., (H. &k- Fox,) h. 45' Walnut. Hurd & Fox., (Charles 11. 11. & IDaniel T. F.,) butchers, -33 1'otter. hiuston Charles A., fireman, h 79 S. Rlose. Hluston Mlary A, h. 79 5. Rose. Iluston Mlinnie, saleswoman, bds. 79 5. Rose. Hutchins Edward, student, hds. 91 South. Hutchins Samuel, student, 1)ds. 91 South IIUTCHIINSON LEWIS J., B3urdick House saloon, bds. 56 Ransom. Hvd~orn Harriet L, bWs. 117 Water. ilydorn Sarah, bds. I117 Water. Ilygienic Cure, Drs. King & Warren, prop'rs, 220 Main. tracts, &c., No. 100 Main Street, 2d floor, Kalamazoo, Mich. KALAMAZOOQ DIJCTQRY, I1 Illich Ada, milliner, b. I Lovel. Illich Josie, milliner, h. 1 LoveL Ingals Gain, domestic, 33 Portage. IngerLsoll Addie, school teacher, bds. 83 S. Rose. Ingerson Allison, student, bds. 47 Portage. Ingle Silas, laborer, bds. 141 Asylum Av. IDngraham Henry, teamster, h. rear 103 Main. Innes Thomas H., tailor, 14 5. Burdick, h. 37 John. Inright Marg'aret, ho use keeper, 25 N. Park. Isbell &- Dayton, (Henry I. &- Chas. S. D.,) boots and shoes, 11 9 Main. Isbell Henry, (I. & Dayton,) h. 33 Dayton. Israel M. & Co., (M~rs. M. I., S. Rosenbaum, & Joseph Speyer,) dry goods, 147 Mlain. Israel Mrs. Mlannis, (MN. I. & Co.,) h. 37 5. Burdick. J Jackson Andrew, laborer, h. 134 Kalamazoo Av. Jackson liosea Q., clerk, bds. 65 Water. Jackson Isaac, (col'd,) blacksmith, h. 13 Walbridge. Jackson James, engineer, bds. 1~;7 Kalamnazoo Av. Jackson S. Lizzie, student, 50 Seminary, res. Ric~hland. Jacobs Elias, faniner, Ii. 40 Comistock Road. Jacobs Elias R., laborer, h. 30) Main. Jacobs Ella L., domestic, 122 S. B~urdick. Jacobson liermaun, clerk, bds. '20 Cherry. JACOBSON, SOLOMON E., dyer, scourer and repairer, 71 Main, h. samne. Jager John, laborer, h. 174 N. Burdick. James Emily, governess, 180 Kalamazoo Av. Jamies Franklin, machinist, bds. 117 Water. James Frank M., m11achinist, Ii. 117 Water. Janes Winfield S., painter, 69 Water, bds. 13. N. West. Jannasch Anna, school teacher, bds. 15 Main. Jannasch Charles F., gun smith, 65 Main, h. 15 Main. Jannasch. Ferdinand, gun smithi, bds. 15 Mlain. Jarvis Roman, shoe maker, h. 1 Water. Jarvis Roman, Jr., shoe maker, bds. 1 Water. Jeffrey & Graham, (Thomlas J. & Arch G.,) meat market, 3 Oak. Jeffrey James, laborer, h. 110 Gull Road. Jeffrey Thomas (J. & Graham,) bds. 78 Cedar. Jennings John D., merchant tailor, 8 Portage, b. 66 S. Rose. 0. N. & T. F. GIDDINGS pay Taxes, collect Debts, are Agents KALAMAZ)O DIRECTORY. 253 Jentsch Frederick, confectioner, 80 Main, h. same. Jewett Anzolette, student, 50 Seminary, res. Florence. Johnson Betsy, bds. 102 S. West. Johnson Charles G., h. 54 S. Park. Johnson Charles, mason, h. 106 Lovel. Johnson Danforth, h. 7 Potter. Johnson Edward P., (Empire Organ Co.,) bda 83 S. Burdick. Johnson Elevator, 28 Porter. Johnson F. A., attendant at Asylum. Johnson Frank A., student, bds. 215 Main. Johnson Henry M., grain merchant, 28 Porter, h. 41 N. West. Johnson Isaac, mason, h. 11 Edwards. Johnson James, mason, bds. 44 Water. Johnson Jessie, h. 215 Main. Johnson John T., (J. & Sherman,) 96 N. Burdick. Johnson John W., veterinary surgeon, bds. 17 Church. Johnson Josephine, bds. 58 Academy. Johnson Lawrence J., cabinet maker, bds. 184 Main. Johnson Lewis, painter, h. 6 Eleanor. Johnson Peter, laborer, h. south end S. Rose. Johnson & Sheldon, (William H. J. & Luther S.,) druggists, 144 Main. Johnson & Sherman, (John T. J, & Henry S.,) proprs. City Marble Works, 96 N. Burdick. Johnson Tobias, (Cliase & J.,) res. Flint. Johnson Webster, bds. 58 Academy. Johnson William E., carpenter, h. 63 Cedar. Johnson William H., (J. & Sheldon,) h. 7 Woodward Av. Johnston Peter, stone Cutter, bds. 6 Douglas Av. Johnstone Herbert, clerk, bds. 11 Portage. Johnstone Robert F., sec'y State agricultural society, h. 94 Academy..Jones David, teamster, h. 127 Portage..Jones & Gibson, (John B. J. & Edwin A. G.,) pump manufs., 6 Asylum Av. Jones Henry C., laborer, bds. 105 Water. Jones John B., (J. & Gibson,) h. 35 Locust. Jones John, farmer, h. 87 Grand Rapids Road. Jones John, farmer, h. 97 Portage. Jones John, (col'd,) cook, h. 14 Walbridge. Jones John L., cook, h. 25 Ransom. Jones Kittie E., student, bds. 114 Academy. Jones Lewis, carpenter, bds. 44 Water. Jones Mary, bds. 23 Edwards. Jones Rev. Thomas Z. R., h. 114 Academy. Jones William, shoemaker, h. 70 S. West. For the North America, Philadelphia, and other Ins. Co'& 254 KALAMAZOO DIRECTORY. W:. B. CLARK & SON, Wholesale & Retail Dealers in DRY GOODS, No. 131 Main St., opposite Burdick House, ALAMAZOO, JICHIGAN. WM. 13. CLAUK.AK. F. CLAIK. Poit:Lag'e.Stree, t..e.e'ry'' r.-o "\ — vJ. MZOORE, DEALER IN iROCERIES, ROVISIONTS, iin st iquorl. |igard, et 0o1rt, 'VUI3BS, PAILS, Churns, Brooms, Fishing Tackle & Notions, No.. I I Portag.e SItree., KALAMAZOO, MICH. (. N. &- T. F. GIDD)INGS, Real Estate and General Insurance KALAMAZOO DIRECTORY.25 '255 Jones William H-,joiner, bds. 105 Watei'. Joe 0DCWilliam.,J., drayman, li. 30 Elm. Jordan Monroe, (col'd) barber, bds. 10 Water. Jordan Nelson, clerk, Sheridan House. Joy Milford N., rectifier, 20 Water, Ii. 43 Academy. Judgue George, maister, 8-2 North, h. 80 North. Judson Robert F'., lawyer, 1.00 Main, h. 35 Asylumi Av. Kalamazoo College, 119 Academy. Kalamazoo Cornet Band, rooms- 11.7 Mlain. Kalamazoo couinty jail, 1.0 S. Rose, John II. Wells, Slerill' Kalamazoo Daily Telegraph, Stone Brothers, prop'rs, 24 S. Burdick. Kalamazoo Female College, 1'28 Lovel. Kalainazoo Femiale Seminary, 50 Seminary. Kalamazoo Gas Lighit Co., J. P. W oodbury, lies.; 0. 1-1. Perry, Supt.; 9 Spring. Kalamazoo Gazette, (weekly,) Lomax & Clark, editors ammd 1)rop'rs, 99 Mlain. Kalamazoo House, Glynii &- Phletteplace, propr's, 94 and 9.6 Mlain. Kalamazoo P~aper Co., Silas Hubbaird, Pi-es.; Win. A.Wood. rrmeas.; Ben~j. F. Lyon, Supt. Kalamiazoo Skating Rink, 15 N. West. Kallahan Bridget, domestic, 213 Main. Kasten Harmon C., tailor, h. 58 North. Katsman Adrianna, h. 62 Pitcher. Kaufman Levi, miller, h. 113 P~ortage. Kealcy William, foundryman, h. 46) Willard. Keehn Adolph W., tailor, li. 65 Vine. Keen Joseph, wheat buyer, h. 8 Edwards. Keen Sarah, bds. 8 Edwards. Keenan Alex., prop'r Rail Road House, 100 N. Burdick. Keeney William, mason, bds. 44 Main. Keep) Darius N., carpenter, h. 6 Pitcher~. Keith Edward R., pain~ter, Ii. ill Grand Rapids Road. Keller George, saloon, 74 N. Burdick, b. same. Kellogg Amasy, Jr., carpenter, bds. 44 Water. Kellogg~ Frank I., clerk, bds. 33 Portage. Kellogg George D., manager Western'Union Teerah (:and Reed & K.,) bds. 18 Cedar. Kellogg & Holtenhlonse, (Israel K. & John H.,) lumber dealers, and sash amid blind mnanufs., 56 N. Burdick. Kellogg~ Israel, K. & Iloltenhouse,) h. 33' Portage. Agents, No. 100 Main Street, 2d floor, Kalamazoo, Mlichigan. 256 KALAMAZOO DIRECTfOR Y. Brown & Eeader 0o ni JOBBERS & RETAILERS OF And all kinds oi Horse Clothing, VALISE & CARPET BAG A N UF A CC, i I Tn1UER, t ER]iig 'R, TO5) TRUNKS Made to Order and Repaired. No. 13 NORTH BURDICK ST., KAJLAMIAZOO, MHAC O. N. & T. F. GIDDINGS have all kinds of Property to Reit KALAMAZOO DIRECTORY, 5 257 Kellofgg James C., cigars and tobacco, 24 N. Burdick, h-. 20 Spring. Kellogg J. Ely, (K. & Sawyer,) bds. 199 Main. Kellogg Kirk nmoulder, h. 100 N. Rose. Kelly Johanna, h. 107 Ransom. Kelly Lawrence, laborer, h. 18 Hlumphirey. Kelly Maria, domestic, 19 Stuart Av. Kelly William, laborer-, bds. 107 Ransom. Kelley Eliza, domestic, 220 Main. Kelley Kate, domestic., 215 Main. Kelsey M. Lillian, student, 50 Semninary, res. Washington. Kendall Ann, bds. 215 Main. Kendall D. G., travelling ageint, bds. City Hotel. Kendall Walter, clerk, Mds. 35 Main. Kennicutt George W., h. 118 Ransom. Kent James A., (Dewing & K.,) h. 17 Douiglas Av. Kenward John, bds. 211 N. Park. Kenward Willi~ian M.,h21 N ak Kenyon Joseph, cutter, bds. 9 5. Rose. Kenyon Thomas B., Ii. 9 Edwards. Keoghie John, plasterer, bds. Union House. Kepper Isaac, joiner, h.34 Locuist. K-erivan James, painter, bds. 13 Cherry. Kerr Eliza, laundress at Asylum. Kersev Edward,. barber, bds. 193 Kalamazoo Av. Kersey Ephraini, (col'd,) porter, Kalamazoo House. JKersey Isaiah, mason, bds. 193 Kalamazoo Av. Kersey Rebecca, domestic, 13 5. Rose. Kersteen Henry, tailor, Ii. 157 North. Kersteen Hermnan, tailor, ht. 129 N. Burdick. Kervan Jamnes, pa~inter, Uds. 30 N. Park. Ketchuma George C., carpenter, h. 46 Oak. Ketchum Mlinnie G., student, 50 Seminary, res. Marshall. Kewnesslis Thomas, h. 55 D~avis. Kidder & Bruen, ( Geo. FK K. & Geo. T. B.,) dry goods, 103 Main. IKidder George F., (K. & Bruen,) Ii. 110 Lovel. Kilbourne Joseph H., book keeper, ht. 50 S. West. Killiarn Joseph M., cutter, bds. 9 5. Rose. Kimball Cotton M., h. 60 Walnut. Kimball Daniel W., clerk, bds. 18 Pearl. King Edward J., dentist, 109 Main, h. 126 Main. King Otto, tailor, h. 65 Vine. King Robert, (K. & Warren,) h. 2210 Main. King Thomas, bds. Cottage Hall Hotel. King & Warren,( Robert K. & Henry M. W.,) prop'rs hyieicCure, 2 Main, office 150 Main. Are Agts. for the Atna, Home, City Fire, and other InD. Co's. 258 KALAMAZOO DIRECTORY. IC,, S d&''ARC AMiBAL, pharmaceutist & Chemist, 132 Main Street, urdick House Block, KALAMAZOO, MICH., Dealer in Pure Foreign and Domestic b-rmggs an-d (hmitaI A Large Stock of Fancy and Toilet Articles, Lubin's Extracts, Farina Cologne, Perfumery BRUSHES, COMBS, SOAPS, &c., &c. go W. SIMONDS ANUFACTURER OF DEALER IN Fraen..b & Aimerte.n Co srsets, Zephyr Worsted & Fancy Goods, No. 1' So uthu Bturdik Sh tpr),ele, KALAMAZOO, MICH. (). N. & T. F. GIDDINGS, Real Estate and General Insurance KALAMAZOO DIRECTORY.25 259 Kingman A. C., student, Kalamazoo College, res. Cassopolis. Kinlgsbury William W., sash maker, b. 106 Water. Kinley James, h. 21 Ransom. Kinney Laura M., domestic, 13 Pitcher. Kipp Norman, laborer, 31 Southi. K1Cipp Reubin, cooper, Ii. 5 Oak. Kirlby Panmelia, student, 150 Seminary, res. Charlestonl. Kirby William, flarmier, bds. 45 Lovel. Kitson Richard, tailor, h. 6 Jasper. Kittredgre Chandler A., clerk, bds. 4.5 Lovel. Kittredge Hattie, student, 50 Seminary, res. Mason. Kinassen Johannas, mason,7 h. 33 Davis. Kiaekeet B3enjamnin, laborer, bds. 87 Portage. Klausen Michael, ma~son, h. 1,54 Vine. Klooster Ililbrand, baker, bds. 871 Portaae. Knapp Lina, student, h. G Michigan Av. Knapp L., caripenter, h. 127 5. B~urdick. Knapp William, slater, bds. 187 Kalamazoo Av. Knappen Rev. A. A., h. 15 Cedar. Knaupp Frederick, machinist, h. 91 Frank. K.%naupp Frederick, Jr., machinist, bds. 91 Frank. Knerr Amos, (A. & S. K.,) h. 217 Main. Knerr A. & S., (Am-os &- Stephen.) sash, door, and blind manuf's., 5 Cooley. Kiierr Samuel (G., tailor, bds. 113 Water. Knerr Stephen, (A. & S. K.,) It. 110 Water. Knighft Amanda, (col'd,) domnestic, '216 Mlain. Knight George RI., laborer, bds. 49 Water. Knighlt John T., cash. M. C. R. It. freigh-t oflice, bds. 184 MBain. Knoran Angreline, domestic, 75 5. JBurdiclk. Knowlton Henry, cooper, h. 10 Jackson. Koehie Christian, tailor, h). 72 Church. Koehler William, brewer, bds. 69 Kalamazoo Av. Kohie llerrardt, Ii. near south end of Jobim. Kools John, planer, h. 158 Vine. Korstarge Adrian, mason, h. 15 Wall. Kortenhoff E., shoe maker, h. 59 Cooley. Kraft Mary, domestic, 12 Walnut. Kra~ft John, shoe maker, h. 3 Edgar. Kramenburg A., attendant at Asylum. Krank George, saloon, 17 Porter, b. same. Krank George, laborer, h. 245 5. Burdick. K'rause Augusta, domestic, 84 Main. Krause Francis A., clerk, lbds. 33 Lovel. Krause Julius, domestic, 36 1)utton. Krause Mary L, h. 33 Lovel. Agents, No. 100 Main Street, 2d floor, Kalamazoo, Michigan. 260 KALAMAZOO IBRECTORY. Krause Pauline, domestic, 36 Dutton. Krause Wallace H., engraver, bds. 33 Lovel. KRICHB3AUM JOHN, blacksmith, 30 water, h. 27 Main. Kriekard Cornelius, student, bds. 17 South. Kriekard Lizzie, washerwoman, bds. 119 S. Burdick. Kriekard Peter, school teacher, h. 119 S. Burdick. Kriekard Rev. Adrian, pastor Holland church, h. 17 South. Kriss Philip, mason, h. 82 Kalamazoo Av. Kroegenway Cornelius, laborer, h. 32 Wall. Krom Andrew, lumberman, h. 34 Portage. Kroin George, bds. 34 Portage. Kroimdik Peter, laborer, h. 1 Johnson. Kroneulbitter Joseph, stone cutter, bds. 82 N. Burdick. Krum George, laborer, bds. 50 Parsons. Krum Gilbert, farmer, h. 50 Parsons. Kryger Henry, carpenter, bds. 129 S. Burdick. Krymer John Y., clerk, bds. 35 Dutton. Krymer Wellington, grocer, bds. 35 Dutton. Krymer Wesley, druggist, 6 Portage, bds. 35 Dutton. Krymer William W., grocer, 18 S. Burdick, h. 35 Dutton. L Laauw Abraham, laborer, bds. 139 S. Burdick. Labar Luther G.. miller, h. 128 N. Burdick. Labar William H., (Grandjean & L.,) bds. 5 Main. Labigang Benjamin, foreman Kellogg & Holtenhouses lumber yard, h. 140 Kalamazoo Av. Lachene Etta, student, bds. 6 Stuart Av. Lachene Frances, student, bds. 6 Stuart Av. Ladies' Library Association, rooms 26 S. Burdick. Lage Leonard, teamster, h. 95 John. Lage Mark, laborer, h. 156 Vine. Lage Philip, pop corn dealer, bds. 113 S. Burdick. Lage Stephen, grocer, 113 S. Burdick, h. same. LaGrave Clarence E., assistant P. M., bds. 51 Portage. Laine Jainett, h. 32 Walnut. Laine Mary K., student, 50 Seminary, res. Portage. Lakey Albert E., carpenter, bds. 13 N. West. Lamb Rockcinda, bds. 16 N. Park. Lamb William E., carriage trimmer, 192 Main, h. 16 N. Park. Lamper Marenus, laborer, bds. 33 Wall. Lanckton Albert J., h. 6 Davis. Landon Edward L., wheat buyer, h. 84 S. Burdick. Landon Frederick, (W. H. L. & Brother,) h. 72 North. 0. N. & T. F. GIDDINGS, Conveyancers, have Property to KALAMAZOO DIRECTORY. 261 Landon W.. & Bro., (Wm. H. & Frederick,) agricultural implements, corner Portage and Winsted. Landon William H., ( W. H. Landon & Bro.,) h. 146 Portage. Landon Elisha, veterinary surgeon, h. 84 S. Burdick. Lane Abigail, h. 6 Potter. Lane Ezekiel, mason, h. 144 Portage. Lane Helen M., bds. 25 Cooley. Langley Albert E., cabinet maker, h. 19 Henshaw. Langley Margaret, student, 50 Seminary, res. Centreville. Lapham Joseph B., (Lapham & Waterbury,) h. 18 Cedar. Lapham Susan, weaver, h. 68 Walnut. Lapham & Waterbury, (Joseph B. L & Aaron M. W.,) leather, hides, and shoe findings, 81 Main. Larimer Janett, domestic, 64 Academy. Lascelles Emily E., bds. 93 Main. Latham Henry, dealer in patents, bds. 22 Edwards. Lathrop Edgar P., carriage maker, h. 25 Cooley. Lathrop Van R., mason, h. 154 Portage. Laubenstein A. D., physician, 3 S. Burdick, h. 3 Lovel. Laubenstein Lena, dress maker, bds. 7 South. Laughland Mary, nurse, 94 S. Burdick. Laughlin Patrick, saloon, 100 Willard, h. 98 Willard. Lawless William A., bar tender, Kalamazoo House. Lawlor John, farmer, bds. Union House. Lawrence Clark H., (W. S. L. & Co.,) bds. 184 Main. Lawrence WV. S. &. Co., (William S. & Clark H.,) foundry and machine works, 21 N. Rose, cor. Water. Lawrence William, h 33 Oak. Lawrence William S., (W. S. L. & Co.,) h. 35 Walnut. Lay John, h. 41 S. Park. Lay J. M., bds. 47 Main. Lays C. & Co., (Charles L. & Gilbert Wilson,) trunk manufs., 95 Main. Lays Charles, (C. Lays & Co.,) h. 74 John. Leach George W., hats and caps, 143 Main, bds. 220 Main. Leatherman Eli, mason, bds. 42 Main. Leavitt & L'heureux, (William F. L. & Samuel H. L.,) jewelers, 128 Main. Leavitt William F., (L. & L'heureux,) bds. 9 S. Rose. Lebel Rev. I. A., pastor St. Augustine (Catholic) church, h. 25 N. Park. Lee Mrs. Johanah, domestic, Kalamazoo House. Lee Mrs. U. E., bds. 18 South. Lehmon'Caspar, dyer, h. 82 Kalamazoo Av. Leitcher Mary, domestic, 8 S. West. Lemke John, laborer, bds. 102 Kalamazoo Av. Rent, are Agts. for Underwriters, Security, and other Ins. Co's 262 KALAMAZOO DIRECTORY. H. M. JOHNSON, GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANT, And Dealer in all kinds of O IFFICE AT JOHNSON'S ELEVATOR, No. 28 Porter Street, T'A-R~ LS, MU) 'N( MANUFACTUREtt OF Furs, Robes, igittens, Gloves & Whiplashes. BS Ladies Furs imade to order, Repaired and ReTrimmed in the best style. No. 118 SOUTH BURDICK STREET, KALAMAZOO, MICH. Farms, City Lots, Dwellings and Wild Lands for Sale by KALAMAZOO DIRECTORY. 263 Lemon Cynthia, attendant at Asylum. Lemnpen Louis, drayman, h. 82 Kalamazoo Av. Leonard Edward, brick maker, h. 37 Humphrey. Leonard John R, machinist, bds. 102 Water. LeRoy Charles, hostler, bds. 37 Water. Lese Donkar, attendant at Asylum. Leslie William J., pattern maker, bds. 13 N. West. Letts Abraham, h. 130 S. Burdick. Letts George S., h. 44 S. Park. Letts Mortimer J., bartender, at 87 Main. Letts William, laborer, h. rear 55 Ransom. Levy Abraham, porter, bds. 52 Portage. Levy Isaac A., clerk, bds. 52 Portage. Lewis Frances E., dress maker, bds. 234 Main. Lewis Frederick, wheat buyer, h. 33 Cedar. L-wis George W., carpenter, h. 65 Cedar. Lewis Harriet, domestic, 1 Water. Lewis Henrietta, (col'd,) domestic, 25 South. Lewis Hiram L., farmer, h. 200 Main. Lewis James, bds. 32 Portage. Lewis Jeremiah, carpenter, h. 234 Main. Lewis Nellie, student, bds. 200 Main. Leys Johanna, h. 62 Pitcher. L'heureux Samuel H., (Leavitt & L.,) bds. 9 S. Rose. Lieffers John, laborer, bds. 87 Portage. Lilienfeld D & Bro., (David & William,) cigars and tobacco, 112 Main. Lilienfeld David, ( D. L. & Bro.,) h. 43 South. Lilienfeld Hannah, domestic. 37 S. Burdick. Lilienfeld Theodore, clerk, bds 43 South. Lilienfeld William, (D. L. & Bro.,) bds. 43 South. Limprecht & Foegele, ( Frederick L. & George F.,) saloon and billiards, 12 S. Burdick. Limprecht Frederick, (L. & Foegele,) h. 134 S. Burdick. Lincoln Shubael A., h. 8 Church. Linhean Michael, laborer, h 22 Reed. Lino Joseph, barber, Burdick House, h. 21 Pine. Little Frank, h. 63 South. Little Henry, h. 40 S. West. Little Lizzie M., domestic, 66 S. Burdick. Little Maria, domestic, Burdick House. Little Mary, pastry cook, Burdick House. Littler Elizabeth, attendant at Asylum. Littler Ralph, store keeper at Asylum. Livingston Moses, clerk, bds. 21 Academy. Lloyd John H., hostler, Kalamazoo House. (. N. & T. F. GIDDINGS, No. 100 Main Street, Kalamazoo. 264 KALAMAZOO DIRECTORY. DUDBENN & 0O33B DEALERS IN Fancy White & Amber W~ooL Rreossedl ogs, PSALT, OAL, WASTER, Clover Timothy Seeds, &c., &;c., Agents for Ohio White Stone Lime. Warehouses 99 & 106 North Burdick St., NEAR M. C. R. R. DEPOT., KALAMAZ00, - MICHlIGANO JOHN DUDGEON. C. L. COBB. O. N. & T. F. GIDDINGS draw Wills. Deeds, Mortgages, Con gALAMAZOO DIRECTORY, 265 Locher Barney, prop'r Kalamazoo brewery, 3 Walnut, h. 7 Walnut. Lochner Isaac, laborer, h. 57 Vine. Locklin John, laborer, bds. 99 Ransom. Lockwood Alfred C., clerk, bds. 45 Lovel. Lockwood Bradford, h. 21 Dutton. Lockwood Volney H., student, Kalamazoo College, res. Almena. Lodeman Augustus, select school, 28 S. Burdick, h. 11 S. West. Logg William, blacksmith, h. 13 Pine. Lohr Philip, trackman M. C. R. R., bds. Rail Road House. Lomax & Clark, (Joseph L. & Elijah J. C.,) editors and prop'rs Kalamazoo Gazette, 99 Main. Lomax Joseph, (L. & Clark,) h. 6 Henrietta. Long Maggie, dress maker, bds. 37 Water. Long Philip A., grocer, 128 Kalamazoo Av., h. 126 Kalamazoo Av. Longbottom Mrs. Isabella, h. 39 Portage. Longjohn William, laborer, h. 72 John. Looby Ann, bds. Union House. Looby Ellen, bds. Union House. Looby Lawrence, bds. Union House. Looby Michael, prop'r Union House, 77 N. Burdick. Loomis James C., blacksmith, h. 94 North. Loomis Mary, dress maker, bds. 7 South. Loomis Pettie C., student, 50 Seminary, res. Niles. Lorio Alexander, stone cutter, h. 27 Porter. Lounsbery Charles, butcher, bds. 69 S. Rose. Lounsbery John, weighmaster, h. 69 S. Rose. Lounsbery John W., harness maker, bds. 59 Walnut. Loveland George T., clerk, bds. 195 Main. Loveland Richard H., livery and sale stable, rear Kalamazoo House, h. 60 Main. Loy Cornelius, laborer, bds. 187 S. Burdick. Lucas James, teamster, h. 86 Grand Rapids Road. Lucas James, carpenter, bds. 72 Cedar. Lucas Ira, turner, bds. 72 Cedar. Lucas Jennie, tailoress, bds. 72 Cedar. Lucas Manlinus, laborer, h. 72 Cedar. Lucas William, harness maker, bds. 72 Cedar. Luchy Doretta, domestic, 70 South. Ludden Thomas, laborer, h. 61 Porter. Luker William, moulder, h. 7 East Cedar. Lukey Christina, domestic, 64 South. Lumbard Anna, h. 13 Church. Lumbard DeLos, stage agent, h. 23 Edwards. Lumbard George, produce broker, bds. 13 Church. tracts, &c., No. 100 Main Street, 2d floor, Kalamazoo, Mich. 34 266 KALAMAZOO DIRECTORY. PARSONS & w'0@, Wholesale & Retail Dealers in M f aM ra WVQ aU M ig STOVES, IRON, NAILS, &e., &o., No. 125 MAIN STREET, J. PARSONS. H. WOOD. Dr. N.OLTI.RN, Natural Healer and Magnetic IPI HYSTI C( I AN, Madam Florence MOLIERE, THE MEDICAL T BUSINESS CLAIRVOTYANTT, Have permanently located at the Magnetic Infirmary in Masonic Building, No. 107 Main St., Kalamazoo, Mich. O. N. & T. F. GIDDINGS, Real Estate and General Insurance KALAMAZOO DIRECTORY.27 "'" ) 6 7 Lutge Henry, lal)orer, h. 62 North. Lyboult Alice M., dress maker, bds. 80 Kalamazoo Av. Lyboult Jacob, teamster, h. 80 Kalamazoo Av. Lyboult James, teamster, h. 80 Kalamazoo Av. Lydes Jacob, laborer, bds. 64 John. Lyman George H1., book keeper, 1. 32 Oak. Lyman Henry D., blacksmith, 31 N. Rose, h. 4 East Cedar. Lynch Marion, student, 50 Seminary, res. Galesburgh. Lyon Benjamin F., Supt. Kalamazoo Paper Co., office 73 Main., h. 85 S. IBurdick. Lyon 'Brothers, (Frank M. & George S..) wholesale paper dealers, 73 Main. Lyon Frank M., (Lyon Brothers,) bds. 85 5. Burdick. Lyon George S., (Lyon Brothers,) Jbds. 85 5. B~urdick. Lyon George W., physician, 119.NMain, bds. 199 Main. Lyon John, trackrnan, bds. 142 Kalamazoo Av. Lyon Julia IL.. student,, bds. 114 Academy, res. Jackson. Lyon Rev. T1honmas, presiding elder Kalamazoo district, h. 57 S. West. Lyons James, tailor, h. 54 Pitcher. Lyons Maggie, tailoress, h. 54 Pitcher. Macdonald Theodore I1., machinist, h. 102 Water. Mace Charles, bds. 279 Main. Macfitrland Amasa, restaurant, 93 Main. MacGill Alexander 1)., ticket ag't M. C. 11. R., hds. 184 Main. Mack Fannie E., miusic teacher, bds. 102. Lovel. Mack Nancy, h. 102 Lovel. M~acklinda, Bridget, w-aslierwoman, hi. 64 Willard. Macomber William 11., joiner, Ii. 30 Oak. Macoy N~ancy, bds. 4 Edwards. Macoy Ilichard J., h. 4 Edwards. Mada Cornelius, butcher, h. 91 John. Mladdigan James, attendant at Asylum. Madison Mary E., (jJ.ess maker, bds. 67 5. Burdick. Maginnis Clar~a E., student, 50 Seminary, res. Fenton. Ma'guire Margaret: A., lh. 7 Pitcher. Mahar James, laborer, hi 109 (hull Road. Mahoney Cornelius, laborer, Ii. 35 North. Mahioney James P., laborer, 1)ds. 55 Ransom. Mahoney John, laborer, Ib. 56 Edwards. Mahoney Mary, domnestic, Kalamazoo H ouse. Mahoney Mary II., h. 55 Rltansom. Mahoney Richard, laborer, bds. 56 Edwards. Agents, No. 100 Main Street, 2d floor, Kalamazoo, Michigan. 268 KALAMAZOO DIRECTORY. Malin Catherine, h. 2 Grand Rapids Road. Malin Maria, hoop skirt maker, bds. 2 Grand Rapids Road. Mailer Mary, h. 70 Church. Maloy John, (M. & O'Neill,) h. 9 S. Burdick. Maloy & O'Neill, (John M &c Thomas O'N.,) butchers, 9 S. Burdick. Mallon Margaret C., furrier, bds. 36 Cedar. Manion James, butcher, bds. 9 S. Burdick. Manion Mary, h. 17 Bur Oak. Mann Loretta, compositor, bds. 4 Johnson. Mann Samuel H., wood & hay dealer, 20 Pine, h. 22 Pine. Mann Winslow C., clerk, bds. 22 Pine. Mansur Anna, student, bds. 21 South, res. Sandwich. March William, laborer, h. 61 Walnut. Markel & Steelman, (William M. & Albert W. S.,) wood turners and scroll sawyers, 20 Church. Markel William, (M. & Steelman,) bds. 16 N. Park. Marker Louis, laborer, h. 119 S. West. Marklee William, carpenter, h. 182 N. Burdick. Marring Eliza A., boarding house, 13 N. West. Marsala Frank G., barber, 92 Main, h. 21 John. Marsh Edgar T., carriage trimmer, bds. 35 N. Rose. Marshall E., conductor St. Joseph V. R. R., bds. Kalamazoo House. Marshall Edward G., M. D., acting 2d assistant physician at Michigan Asylum for the Insane Marshall Ellen, seamstress, h. 73 N. Burdick. Martin Carl, malster, bds 26 Asylum Av. Martin Charles, barber, bds. 127 Portage. Martin Charles, furrier, whip and glove mannf., h. 118 S. Burdick. Martin Mrs. Charles E., h. 62 John. Martin John S., blacksmith, h. 10 Oak. Martin M., bds. 154 Vine Martin Mary Ann, bds. 14 Cooley. Martin Phebe L., milliner and dress maker, h. 83 S. Rose. Martin Wayne, bds. 80 Lovel. Martin William, merchant, h. 83 S. Rose. Mason Almon, student, h. 131 Vine. Mason A. L., bds. 32 Portage. Mason Grace, student, bds. 245 Main. Mason Henrietta, h. 45 S. Park. Mason Ida, student, bds. 245 Main. Mason Lee A., foreman Fish's elevator, bds. 8 Edwards. Mason Rudolph, student, h. 131 Vine. Matheson Alexander, stone cutter, 94 Water, h. 6 Douglas Av. O. N. & T. F. GIDDINGS pay Taxes, collect Debts, are Agents KALAMAZOO DIRECTORY. 269 Maury Charles V., barber, h. 39 Wheaton Av. Maxwell Thomas, mason, h. 58 Dutton. May & Buck, (Charles S. M. & Geo. M. B.,) lawyers, 140 Main. May Hon. Charles S., (M. & Buck,) h. 28 S. West. May Hon. Dwight, Attorney General, 150 Main, h. 52 South and 14 S. West. May Rockwell, h. 51 Walnut. Mayo Egbert, mason, h. 6 Comstock Road. McAllaster Alna S., book keeper, 1st Nat'l bank, h. 64 Lovel. McAllaster Hathaway, h 52 Frank. McAmey Elizabeth, bds. with Smith L. Wood. McArthur Archibald, carpenter, h 249 Main. McArthur Charles E., clerk, bds. 249 Main. McAvoy Luke, mason, h. 43 Church. McBride John, moulder, h. 14 Cooley. McBride John R., harness maker, bds. 175 Kalamazoo Av. McBerty John, h. 134 Kalamazoo Av. McCaffiey Edward, carpenter, h. 17 First. McCain Benjamin H., jeweler, 144 Main, h. 76 Cedar. McCanlis Joseph, (col'd,) well digger, h. 193 Kalamazoo Av. McCarthy Charles, laborer, h 69 Willard. McCARTHY JOHN, BILL POSTER, Kal. Telegraph office, bds. 69 Willard. McClaren Samuel, wood worker, h. 110 Ransom. McClellen Maggie, dress maker, h. 20 Dutton. McClernon John, tanner, h. 23 Ransom. McConnell Charlotte, boarding house, 72 Edwards. McCormick James, builder, h. 55 Cedar. McCourtie William H., (Merrill & McC.,) h. 41 Cherry. McCracken Louisa, dress maker, bds. 21 Cedar. McCrumb James B., teamster, h. 58 Parsons. McCue John, mason, h. 64 Church. McCue John, stone mason, h. 102 North. McCue Lizzie, domestic, 39 Dutton. McCue Patrick, mason, h. 98 North. McDermot Cornelius, laborer, h. 80 Frank. McDonald Bessie, domestic, 9 S. Rose. McDonald David, clerk, bds. 26 S. West. McDonald Hugh, cooper, bds. 79 Church. McDonald Isabella, attendant at Asylum. McDonald Katharine, h. 79 Church. McDougal Angus, engineer, h. 18 Ransom. McElhenry Mattie, domestic, 88 S. Rose. McElvoy James, laborer, h. 73 Frank. McElwee Charles, trackman, h. 105 Ransom. For the North America, Philadelphia, and other Ins. Co's. 270 KALAMAZOO DIRECTORY. COCK & THOMAS' STEAM ELEVATYSR, AN D Flouring Mills. CustQm WQrk dnDC at No. 111 NORTH BURDICK all tirmes STREET, ALAMAZOO, MICHIGAN. It 4 Iv # L W, LADealeNOrs in B DeaIers in rW a 14 s 14 C)0 34 CD 2-3 tn Cr9 C1.s.I 0> And all kinds of Agricultural Implements, KALANA&Q)O Wm Farms, City Lots, Dwellings and Wild Lands for Sale by KALAMAZOO DIRECTORY. 271. McEvoy James H., telegraph operator, M. C. R. R. bds. 187 Kalamazoo Av. McEvoy Alfred, moulder, bds. Cottage Hall Hotel. McEvoy Charles P., blacksmith, h. 69 Church. McEvoy Thomas, railroad man, bds. Cottage Hall Hotel. McFadden Ann, laundress at Asylum. McFadden Samuel, laborer, h. 59 Edwards. McFarland Nellie, domestic, 95 Michigan Av. McGan John, laborer, h. 46 Pitcher. McGinese Mr. launderer, at Asylum. McGinn Carrie, domestic, 65 S. Burdick. McGoff Peter, ornamental plasterer, 167 Kalamazoo Av. h. same. McGrail James, laborer, h. 188 Asylum Av. McGrath John, laborer, h. 105 Portage. McGraw Francis, laborer, bds. 105 Portage. McGraw James C., clerk, bds. 32 Portage. McGregor Daniel, student, Kalamazoo College. McGuire Ann, domestic, 6 South. McGuire Ellen, domestic, 45 Lovel. McGuire Helen E., domestic, Union House. McGuire Michael, laborer, h. 68 Lake. McGuire Roger, laborer, h. 29 Cooley. McHugh Hugh, laborer, bds. 121 Frank. McIvor John E., painter, h. 94 Vine. McKay, Annie. (col'd) domestic, 23 Lovel. McKay Josephine, (col'd) seamstress, bds. 54 Willard. McKay Lucy A., (col'd) seamstress, bds. 54 Willard. McKee John, (Carder, Gilbert & Co.,) h. 212 Kalamazoo Av. McKee Hugh, clerk, bds. with William F. Miller. McKeel Eliza, domestic, 53 Lovel. McKenna Mrs. cook, 220 Main. McKibbin John, (T. P. Sheldon & Co.,) bds. 209 Main. McKinne James, stone cutter, h. 44 Eleanor. McKinstry Mary J., tailoress, bds. 82 Ransom. McLellan Mary, teacher, Michigan Female Seminary. McLin William H., butcher, h. 13 Cherry. McMahon Patrick H., painter, bds. Union House. McMeeken Miss dress, maker, bds. 29 Park. McMurray Carrie, domestic, 11 Stuart Av. McNaughton M. Belle, student, 50 Seminary, res. Jackson. McPherson John, porter, Burdick House. McQuin Nellie, domestic, Cottage Hall Hotel. McQueeney Mary, h. 136 N. Burdick. McRay Charles E., bag holder manuf. bds. 82 S. Rose. McRay Nettie F., school teacher, bds. 82 S. Rose. MRay Oliver P., h. 82 S. Rose. O. N. & T. F. GIDDINGS, No. 100 Main Street, Kalamazoo. 272 KALAMAZOO DIRECTORY. NATIONAL LIFE INSUPRANCE COMPANY Of the United States of America, Washinsgtons, D). C. Chartered by Special Act of Congress, approved Juily 25, 1868. CaLsh Cap[ital, W $.1,OOO.OOO, PAID IN FULL. Branch Office, First National Bank Building, Philadelphia, Where the general business of the Company is transacted, and to which all general correspondence should be addressed. CLARENCE H. CLARK. President. JAY COOKE, Chairman Finance and Exectitive Committee. HENRY Ilk. COOKE, Vice President. EMERSON W. PEErF, Secretary andi Actuary. This Company, National in its character, offers, by reason of its Large Capital, Low Rates of Premium and New Tables, the most desirable means of insuring life yet presented to the public. The rates of premium being largely reduced, are made as faivorable to the insurers as those of the best Mutual Companies, and avoid all the conmplications and uncertainties of Notes, Dividends, and the misunderstandings which the latter are so apt to cause the Policy-Holder. Several new and attractive tables are now presonrted, which need only to be understood to prove acceptable to the public, such ats the INCOME-PRODUCING POLICY and RETURN PREMIUK POLICY. In the former, the policy-holder not only secures a life insurance, payable at death, but will receive, if living. after a period of a low years, an annual income equal to ten per cent. (10 per cent.) of the par of his policy. I n the latter, the Company agrees to return to the assured the tetal amount of nmoney he hae paid in, in addition to the amount of his policy. The attention of persons c'ntemplating insuring their lives or increasing the amount of Insurance they already have, Is called to the special advantages offered by the National Life Insurance t omopany. Circulars, Pamphlets and full particulars given on application to tbe Branch Office of the Compny, r toS. A. KEAN & CO, Detroit, Michi., General Agents for Michigan aned Northern Indiana. GEOU W. SNOVER, Kalamazoo, Mich., Special Agent for Kalamazoo, Allegan, Van Buren. Berrien and Eaton Counties. W. B. JACOBS, Goshen, Ind., Special Agent for Northern Indiana. 0. N. & T,. F. GIDDINGS, Conveyancers, have Property to KALAMAZOO DIRECTORY. 273 Mclleynolds Samuel, R. R. contractor, h. 12 Pitcher. McSweeny Etta, domestic, 22 S. West. McSweeny John, gardener, 1i. 70 S. Park. McSweeny Tcrrance, blacksmith, 30 N. Iose, h. 169 Kal.rluazoo Av. McVey Frank, mason, h. 42 Locust. Mead Abel B., express messenger, bds. 28 N. Park. Mead Asa, h. 28 N. Park. Meadimber Matilda, domestic, 21 John. Mear Fannie, domestic, 12 Lake. Aear Fredrika, domestic, 22 S. West. Meara Julia, domestic, 41 Asylum Av. MIeerdink George, mason, h. 24 Pearl. Meellor Mary E., tailoress, h. 70 Church. Menard Augustus, stone cutter, h. 20 Oak. Mendi Ann, domestic, National Hotel. Mentlin Louis, stone cutter, bds. 17 Church. Merrick Marcus, clerk, bds. 44 Rose. Merrill Almira, domestic 199 Main. Merrill David 1., (M. & McCourtie,) h. 21 S. West. Merrill Frank, clerk, bds. 43 Portage. Merrill IToward S., farmer, bds. 21 Forest. Merrill & McCourtie, (I)avid B. M. & Wm. H. McC.,) merchant millers, 19 S. Burdick. Merrill, McCourtie & 1irown, (David B. I,, Win. I1. 1cC & Isaac A. Brown,) insurance agts., 19 S. Burdick. Merritt Elosa, student. 50 Seminary, res. Battle Creek. Merwin Melville, attendant at Asylum. Messamy Frank, machinist, h. 8 Winsted. Messenger Genevicve, student, 50 Seminary, res. Niles. Messmer George, (M. & Seiler,) h. 170 Kalamazoo Av. Messmer & Seiler, (George M. & Adolph S.,) saloon, 114 Main. Metcalf Abram T., dentist, 103 Main, h. 62 Cedar. Metler Charles K., foreman Kalamazoo Telegraph Job Office, h. 21 Bur Oak. Metler Mary, hoop skirt maker, bds. 21 Bur Oak. Metz Ilenry, peddler, h. 112 Water. Meyer Nancy, domestic, 42 S. Rose. Michigan Asylum for the Insane, E. II. Van Deusen, M. 1)., nedical supt., 76 Asylum Av. Michigan Central Passenger Depot. 81 Willard. Michigan National Bank, Wm. A. Wood, Prest.; Allen Potter, vice Prest.; John W. Taylor, cashier, and Edwin J. Phelps, teller, 117 Main. Midling Casper, laborer, h. 11 Michigan Av. Mildred Ann, bds. 114 Kalamazoo Av. Rent, are Agts. for Underwriters, Security, and other Ins. Co's 36 274 KALAMAZOO DIRECTORY. W, MUlWM, -Jr0 Wholesale & Retail Dealer in Millinery and Fancy Coods, No. 131 MAIN STREET, (opposite Bnrdick House,) LA-iWAZOOe1, 1atECr Ja L. SE!RIN. &, ~OO, ~rain andl roauce meaoers, KALAMAZOO, /ICHIGAN. J. L. SEBRING. P. RANNEY. CARRIAGE TRIMMER, In Burrell Brotlers Shop. Craenr Mtni & Park Str eta, KALAMAZOO, MICH. All1 WT'orlk. prcmaptly ottedcled tto. DOBEE.T F. HILL, Attorney at Law, Solicitor in Chancery, o. 14 SOUTH 3U1IDICK STREET, KALAc AZOOffl M.Eo 0. N. & T. F. GIDI)INGS draw Wills. Deeds, Mortgages, Con KALAMAZOO DIRECTORY. 275 Miles James W., machinist, bds. Sheridan House. Milham Almira A., student, 50 Seminary. Miller Alexander, laborer, bds. 65 Frank. Miller Anna B., bds. 199 Main. Miller Arthur S., student, Kalamazoo College, res. Bowne. Miller Charles E. clerk, h. 35 S. Park. Miller Charles, mason, bds. 37 Main. Miller Christie, domestic, Kalamazoo House. Miller Cornelius, (Waterbury & M.,) h. 182 Main. Miller Cornelius, soap maker, h. 9 Johnson. Miller I)uncan D., carriage maker, bds. <84 Water. Miller D., seamstress, h. 235 Main. Miller Elwin J., bds. 35 S. Park. Miller Frederick H., miller, h. 15 Jackson. Miller Henry G., (col'd) blacksmith, bds. 127 Portage. Miller Jessie, mason, bds. 25 Lake. Miller John P., marble cutter, h. 7 Jane. Miller John, laborer, bds. 30 N. Park. Miller John W., clerk, Sheridan House. Miller Katie, chamber maid, National Hotel. Miller Michael, boots & shoes. 21 N. Burdick, h. 10 Winsted. MILLER MIIES B, Sewing Machines & Musical Instruments, 131 Main. bds. 35 S. Park. Miller Mrs. Joseph, bds. 199 Main. Miller Teckla, domestic, Kalamazoo louse. Miller William F., farmer, Hill Road to Galesburg. Millpeck Joseph, carriage maker, h. 51 North. Mills Henry D., clerk, bds. 35 N. Rose. Mills Horace F., carpenter, bds. 71 Cedar. Mills James H., clerk, bds. 184 Main. Mills John E., firmner, h1. Olmsted Road. Mills Lizzie S., bds. 73 South, res. Richland. Mills Thaddeus, laborer, h. rear 18 Walbridge. Millspaugh Sidney S., carpenter, bds. 32 Portage. Milner Jonathan, sash maker, h. 28 S. Park. Milner Thomas, bds. 28 S. Park. Minear Etta, dress maker, bds. 79 Vine. Mintern Adam, carpenter, h. 40 Dutton. Miren Daniel, laborer, h. 12 Allcott. Miren Michael, laborer, bds. 12 Allcott. Miren Thomas, laborer, bds. 12 Allcott. Mish Isaac, with Geo. Hirschfeld, h. 12 Walnut. Mitchell Eineline J., dress maker, h. 2 Michigan Av. Mitchell Francis, laborer, h. 62 Cooley. Mitchell Jacob, h. 71 S. Burdick. Moerdyk Cornelius, laborer, h. 7 Burton. tracts, &c., No. 100 Main Street, 2d floor, Kalamazoo, Mich. 276 KALAMAZOO DIRECTORY. Moerdyk James, carpenter, h. 129 S. Burdick. Mofnatt Isaac, bds. 11 South. Mol Marinus, laborer, h. 41 Wall. Molhoek Leonard, teamster, h. 89 S. Park. MOLIERE FLO tENCE, clairvoyant, 105 Main. MOLIERE JAMES W, physician, 105 Main. h. same. Mtonckton Ellen, domestic, 190 Main. Monckton Mary domestic, 7 Henrietta. Montague Calvin S., (C. S. M. & Co.,) bds. 12 Thompson. Montague C. S. & Co., (Calvin S. 3I. & C. Eldred, Jr.,) photographers and photographic goods, 103 Main. Montague Henry, steward at Mich. Asylum h. 44 Asylum Av. Monroe George, (L. & G. M,) 55 N. Rose. Monroe J. 1R., student, Kalamazoo College, res. Leroy. Monroe L. & G., (Lyman & George,) l)ropls. National Hotel, 55 N. Rose. Monroe Lyman, (L. & G. M.,) 55 N. Rose. Monroe Sanfbrd. bds. 45 Walnut. Montam Mary, domestic, 26 Academy. Mook Eliza, h. 95 S. Burdick. Mooran John, hostler, bds. Sheridan House. Aloore Abbie, student, 50 Seminary, res. Chicago. Moore Addison C., peddler, h. 142 Academy. Moore Alice domestic, 67 I,ovel. Moore Ann, (col'd) h. 58 Willard. Moore George W., (col'd) barber, h. 52 Willard. Moore -Iiram W., clerk First National Bank, bds. 184 Main. Moore James, carpenter, bds. 33 Church. Moore John, hostler, bds. 148 Portage. Moore Joseph, groceries & liquors, 11 Portage, h. same. Moore Katie, attendant at Asylum. Moore lRebecca, domestic, 93 S. Burdick. Morgan Catherine, h. 65 Frank. Morgan Charles A., student, Kalamazoo College, res. Niles. Morgan Harriett, bds. 65 Frank. Morgan Rev. Henry HI., h. 8 Locust. Morley Mrs. William, Dress and Cloak Maker, 17 (Cherry. Morley William, Book and Job printer, h. 17 Cherry. Morris Elizabeth, domestic, 42 Main. Morrisey Kyren, laborer, bds. 90 Ransom. Morrisey Timothy, mason, h. 90 Ransom. Morse Adolphus, shoemaker, h. 18 Ransom. Morse Andrew J., night watch M. C. Depot, h. 18 Ransol. Morse Jennie, seamstress, bds. 20 Cherry. Morse Richard, mason, bds. 42 Main. Morse William H., (col'd) barber, bds. 12 Ransom. O. N. & T. F. GIDDINGS have all kinds of Property to Rent KA,LAMAZOO DIRECTORY. 277 Morse Willard, Jr., millinery and fancy goods, 131 Main, h. 20 Cedar. Moses Harvey J., clerk, bds. 32 Portage. Mosher Abram, R. R. Contractor, h. 39 Portage. Mosher George, mason, Ih. 48 North. Mottram William, physician, 60 S. Burdick, h. same. Muehleck Anthony J., boarding house, 34 Main. Muhlebach Joseph F., carriage maker, h. 59 North. Mukish James C., student, Kal. College, bds. 8 Michigan Av Mulholland James R., cooper, h. 16 Reed. Mulholland Mary, domestic, 72 S. Park. Mulholland Nellie, dress maker, bds. 13 Cherry. Mumford F. A., bds. City Hotel. Munger, Champlin & Co., (Samuel M. M., Egbert M. C. & Thomas S. Chittenden,) dry goods & clothing, 135 Main. Mlunger Rhoda, h. 6 Michigan Av. lMunlger Satnuel M., (M., Champlin & Co.,) h. 22 Cedar. Munger William L., student, h. 6 Michigan Av. Munn Mary, seamstress, bds. 99 S. West. Mlunn Mattie, domestic, 184 Main. Mlunsell Austin C., roofer, h. 16 East Av. Murdock John D., carpenter, h. 67 Lovel. Murnane Maggie, domestic, Kalamazoo House. Murphy Edward, painter, bds. 187 Kalamazoo Av. Murphy Dennis, engineer, bds. 35 Main. Murphy John, mason, bds. 68 Ransom. Murphy Levi, farmer, h. 17 Davis. lMurphy Margaret, h. 21 Cooley. Murphy Peter, laborer, h 22 Willard. Mlurphy William, carpenter, bds. 98 Lovel. Murray Frank B., (Halsey & A.,) bds. 33 S. Burdick. Murray James, laborer, bds. 95 N. Rose. Murray John, laborer, bds. 95 N. ]:Rose. M:urray Patrick, laborer, bds. 95 N. Rose. Murray Thomas, laborer, h. 95 N. Rose. IMusselwhite Amelia, domestic, 235 Main. Myer Jacob, laborer, bds. 100 Portage. Myer John, laborer, bds. 100 Portage. Myer Meno, laborer, h. 100 Portage. Nash Cleon D., Typograpical Artist, bds. 11 Pine. Nash Guy T., clerk, bds. 33 S. Burdick. Nash Ienry C., cooper, bds. 106 Portage. Nash Lysette, h. 106 Portage. Are Agts. for the.Etna. Home, City Fire, and other Ins. o's. Are A ts. for the Atna, Home, City Fire, and other Ins. Co's. 4 2;78 K{ALAMAZOO) DIRECTORY. And Manufacturer of All Hinds of WVigs Manufactured to Order. Orders left for DreSeiD(g Will he l~ro1I~ptly AtteII(l('d to. The finest assortment of Perfumnery and Toilet Articles always on hand. Ladies Hair Dressing andi Shainpoolil t", No 144 LAI [-N V21A7F ALAMAZOO, IMCHIGAN. Oysters, Clams, Sardines, Lobsters, &c. W Va mNu,e,, a Is at allr hours,, HOUSE7S BLOC0K, basemment, Corner Main and Burdick Streets, LLcA, - kMAxZ "i"O, MLAXII Farms, City Lots, Dwellings and Wild Lands for Sale by KALAMAZOO DIRLECTORY.27 279 Nash Mary, domestic, 24 Academy. Nason John, warehouse manl, Ii. 9 Mlain. Nason Mrs. John, h. 105 N. Rose. Nathanson Adolph, clerk, b)(1s. 45 Mlain. National Hotel, L. & G. Monroe, proprs., 55 N. Rose. National Park, 1151 P~ortage,. Naylor Edwin, tinnler, bds. 184 M.~ain. Neahr Daniel, cIlerk, h. 12 Michbiian Av. Ncahir Jacob It., saloon and billiards, and deputy UT. S. MNarshal 87 Main, IL 45 Academy. Neahr John J., saloon,1 4 Portage, Ii. 46 Academy. Neasmithf Jamies M., county treasurer, 167 Mlain, Ii. 81 Vinte. Ncis~sitig D-irk, laborer, l)(Is. 24 Pearl. Nelson Henderson, (col'd) donicstic, 70 S. Burdick. -Nelson hlenry J., m1illwright, hi. 73 Academy. Nel~son Richa~rd, farm.-er, h. 99 Portageo. NUlsou Williamn, miller, bds. (99 1Portagre. Nes-bitt Maggie J., tailoress, bds. 73 N. Rose. Nesbitt Maria, 1A. 73 N. Rt'ose Nesbitt Williaml C., carpenter, li. 25 P~ine. NevillI Katie, domestic, B~urdick House. Newcaistle Cornelius, apprentice, bds. 3 Dutton. Newcastle G]'arret, harness maker-, bds.:3 Dutton. Newcastle Helen, tailoress, bds. 3 IDutton. Newell Elizabeth, h. 87 S. West. Newell John A., tkarmer, bds. 87 S. West. Newell.Joseph, T., farnier, bWs., 87 S. West. Newell Maggie, milliner, bls. 87 S. West. Newland John, laborer, h. 41 Davis. N ewland Will iarn, gardener, h..39 Davis. Ne\vnan John, shoemaker-, h. 13' First. Newninm MtinnieA. student., bds. 86 Academy, res. Winona,.Nwton Chiistopher, inoulder, h.;52.) Eleanor. Nichols Ches~ter WV., Woodworker, Ii. 31 Church. Nicholson Atnbrose, m-oulder, h. 7 East Cedar. Nicholson, Jonathan, laborer, bds. '26 Main. Nicholson Mlilton, (col'd) laborer. h. 94 Kalainazo~o Av. Nickles, George WV., (col'd) barber, 8 N. Burdick, It 12 1Ransoim. Nickols 1Evaline A., bds. 113 Comstock Road. Nickols Julia A, dress maker, It 79 Vine. Nitschke Ernest, shoe maker, Ii. 31 N. Park. Nitschke Jamnes W., apprentice, l)d5s. 31 N. Park.. Nitschke John F., printer, bd(s. 31 N. Park. Nixon -Justus E. A., b)oardingr house, 49 Water. Noble Edward T., cut-ter, h. 6 Oak. 0). N. & T. F. GIDDINGS, No. 100 Main Street, Kalamazoo. f.) A.8( 2~3U KALAMAZOO DIRECTORY. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL jjOACCONSTS TitE.Best CiganrsAND ~TO BACCO, 4'old by Bed K6I o Choice Brands Cigars, Fine Cut & Plug Tobacco. Meerschaum & Briar Pipes. BEST DOLLAR TOBACCO IN THE MARKET. IGN OF THE JNDIAN. N ol,- tO S oiuthUi Durd Ie k- tre,e-t t KALAMAZOO, MICH., 0. N. & T. F. GIDDINGS pay Taxes, collect Debts, are Agents KALAMAZOO DIRECTORY. 281 Nobles Antoinette, h. 125 S. Burdick. Nobles Henry C., engineer, h. 122 Raneom. Nockels John, tailor, bds. City H-otel. Noggle Ludwel!, night watch at Union Depot, h. 36 Porter. Nolan Peter, tailor, h. 51 Davis. Nolan Thomas, laborer, h. 56 Ransom. Norman John, harness maker, h. 3 Wall. Norman Leonard, trunk maker, bds. 3. Wall. Norman Louis, laborer, h. 3 Wall. Northrup Anna, bds. 87 S. Burdick. North Ward School, 114 Willard. Nye William, peddler, h. 58 Frank. Nyer Henry, peddler, h. 77 Portage. Nysse Derk, carpenter, bds. 24 Pearl. Nysse Jennie, domestic 57 S. Rose. Nysse Kate, domestic, 85 S. Burdick. Oaks David C., tinner, h. 61 Kalamazoo Av. O'Brien Agnes, domestic, 44 S. Rose. O'Brien Catherine, domestic 41 Asylum Av. O'Brien Eliza, domestic, 209 Main. O'Brien John, laborer, h. 54 Ransom. O'Brien John, blacksmith, bds. City Hotel. O'Brien Joseph. carpenter, bds. 13 Cherry. O'Brien Kate F., bds. 44 Academy. O'Brien Joseph, shoemaker, 11 S. Burdick, h. same. O'Brien Mary, bds. 17 Bur Oak. O'Brien Michael, carpenter, h. 12 Spring. O'Brien Nellie, saleswoman, bds. 20 Cherry. O'Brien Thomas, laborer, bds. Cottage Hall Hotel. O'Brien William S., clerk, bds. 12 Spring Officer Wm. E., (col'd) shoemaker, h. 94 Kalamazoo Av. Ogden Electa, attendant at Asylum. Ogden Elizabeth, bds. 38 S. West. Ogden Frank D., clerk St. Joseph Valley, and Kalamazoo, Allegan & Grand Rapids R. IR. Co's, bds. 35 Main. Ogden Loisa, attendant at Asylum. Oldrich John, laborer, h. 34 Ransom. Oliver Adam, landscape gardener, h. near Asylum. Oliver Thomas, mason, h. 6 Catherine. Oliver William (B. M. Ford & Co., Chicago,) h. 20 Walnut. Oliver William, landscape gardener, h. 288 Main. Olmsted Cadwell P., bds. with Luke Olmsted. Olmsted Charles A., bds. with Luke Olmsted. For the North America, Philadelphia, and other Ins. Co's. 37 282 282 KALAMAZOO DIRECTORY. Olmsted Luke, farmer, h. Olmsted Road. Olmsted Theodore, farmer, h. Olmsted Road. O'Mara James, laborer, h. 19 Allcott. O'Neil Bridget, h. 84 Frank. O'Neil John, laborer, bds. Rail Road ExchanDge. O'Neil John, clerk, h. 130 N. Burdick. O'Neil Patrick, laborer, bds. 176 Asylum Av. O'Neill Thomas, (Maloy & O'N.,) h. 30 Walnut. Oosting.Jennie, domestic, 86) Main. Orband Elizabeth, h. 45 Cedar. Orcutt Emily A., h. 40 Portage Orem George WV., miller, h. 8 Harrison Ormsbee Christopher, baker, h. 9 Lovel. Ore Oley, (col'd) laborer, bds. 9 Potter. Osborn Ella M., student, bds. 2 Michigan Av. Osborn Grover P., student, Kalamazoo College, Wds. '2 Aficligan Av. Osborn Lillian, student, lbds. 2 Michigan Av. Osborn Martha L., teacher Female College, bds. 1 I Carmel. Osborn Martin V., machineist, bds. 184 Main. Osborn B. F. S., hatter,7 46 Main, h. same. Osborne.John B., temtr h 6Klmazoo Av. Osburn Itobert, mnelodeon maker, bds. 13 N. West. Ossewaarde Catherine, tail oress, bds. 86 Walnut. Ossewaarde William, laborer, h. 86 Walnut. Ottman Peter L., sample room, 23~, N. Burdick. Overly Frances, table waiter, Sheridan House. Owens Eliza J., domestic, 17 Cedar. Owens Thomias, laborer, with Win. F. Mfiller. XA, Packard Cullen C., photographer, 137 'Main. Pactker Edward, bds. 48 Walnut. Paddock Emnia, student, Wds. -21 Southi, res Newaygo. P-almer Alfred B. F., carpenter, Ii. 32 Eleanor. Palmer Georgre C., M. 1)., assistant physician at Michitg -nA y him. for the Insane. Ay 1Palmer Philo B., toll gate keeper, h 84 G4rand Rapids Road. Papandiack Andrew, shoemaker, Ii. 7 Edaar. Paris Isaac T. blacksmith, 26 N. Rose, Ii. 65 N. 1B-Urdick. 1Paris James W., carpenter, h. 37 Dutton. Park David, carpenter, h. 116 Vine. Park House, N. B. Waters, propr. 148 Portage. Parke Mloses, farmer, h. 190 Asylum Av. Parker Georgre, car'penter, h. 8 Ibutton. 0. N. & Tr. F. GIDDINGS, Conveyancers, have Property to KALAMAZOO DIRECTORY. 283 Parker George W., dry goods, 139 Main, h. 22 S. West. Parker Henry, farmer, h. 183 Portage. Parker Henry L, clerk, bds. 49 S. West. Parker Henry P., with 11. S. Parker, bds. 16 Cedar. Parker 1I. S., hats, caps & furs, 137 Main, h. 16 Cedar. Parker Horace G., clerk, h. 106 S. Burdick. Parker Irving A, bds. Sheridan House. Parker John, farmer, h. 12 Lake. Parker Luther, turner, h. 49 S. West. Parker Matilda, h. 76 Walnut. Parker Nellie, student, bds. 6 Stuart Av. Parker William F., furrier, h. 64 S. Rose. Parks Ann, h. 109 Ransom. Parks Kittie, (col'd) washerwoman, h. 56 Willard. Parks Mary, domestic, Kalamazoo House. Parmenter Ada, saleswoman, bds. 65 Lovel. Parmenter Joanna. H., bds. 65 Lovel. Parmeter Sarah, h, 43 Locust. Parmeter William H., harness maker, bds. 43 Locust. Parrish Henry S., steward, Kalamazoo House. Parsons Della M., student, 50 Seminary. Parsons Ellen, bds. 70 South. Parsons George, bds. 19 Stuart Av. Parsons Jennie C., student, 50 Seminary. Parsons Jonathan, (P. & Wood,) h. 70 South. Parsons Mary, bds. 70 South. Parsons & Wood, (Jonathan P. & Henry W.) hardware, 125 Main. Passage Henry, carpeter, h 86 S. Park. Patrick Bessie F., select school, 21 South, h. same. Paterson Thomas, (Bush & P.) bds 29 South. Patterson Culver C., painter, bds. 65 Water. Patterson Eliza, domestic, Burdick House. Patterson George, h. 49 Dutton. Patterson W., painter, bds. 65 Water. Pattison Sarah, h. 14 Ransom. Pattison William G., (P. & Ward,) h. 68 Main. Pattison & Ward, (Wm. G. P. & John K. W.) stage proprs. office Kalamazoo House. Payne James C., clerk, h. 39 Main. Payne Mrs. I. L., ladies' hair dresser, 144Main, h. same. Peak Alice, domestic, 118 S. Rurdick. Pearce Christopher, moulder, h. 13 Church. Peck Horace M., farmer, h. 17 Cedar. Peck William W., lawyer and assistant U. S. Assessor, 127 Main, h. 3 Henrietta. Rent, are Agts. for Underwriters, Security, and other Ins. Co's. 284 KALAMAZOO DIRECtORY SAMUEL H. MANN, Dealer in WOOD Ae HAY, Office and Yard, No. 20 Pine Street, ^t-&M^ATOa 1MC(:L LAWRUENCE ALLiN, Manufacturer & Wholesale Dealer in Prepared Mustard, 1165 Kalana.-oe Avenue, KALAMAZOO, MIOH. The Place to Buy Groceries Cheap Is Air E. A. Boughton's TNew Store, Corner of N. West & Walnut Streets, KALAMAZOO, MICH., DR. J. SILL, HOMCEPATHIC PHYSICIAN & SURGEON, No, 150 AIN STREEU, Res. 30 Academy Street, AALAMAZOO, JICHIGAN. O.. & T, F. GIDDINGS have all kinda of Property to Rent KALAMAZOO DIRECTORY.25 285 Peckhamn Decius, tanner, bds. Farmers' Home. Peer Abram, farmer, b. 31 S. West. Peer Elsha, bds. 60 Cedar. Peer John, carpenter, Ii. 60 Cedar. Peer Perry A., post office clerk-, bds. 60 Cedar. Pendleton Maria, h. 6 Locust. Pendle'ton William H., agent for 1lalladay, h. 105 Lo%'el. Penfield Caroline, bds. 81 Lovel. Perifield Guy, hi. 20 Elm, Penfield Mlary, bds. 81 Lovel. Penland Dorah, domestic, 220 Main. Penny Richard, printer, bds. 30 N. Park. Perkinpine Joseph R, tinner, h. 16 Pine. Perkins Colby, cabinet maker, h. 29 Bur Oak. Perkins John C., foreman Blakeman & Phillips' Organ mantify. hi. 29 Bar Oak. Perkins, Samuel, (col'd1) barber, bds. 16 Ransom. Perrin & Bishop, (Levi W. P. & Henry L. 13.,) dry goods, 107 Main. Perrin Joel J. & Co., (Joel J. Perrin, Chas. E. Huntington& Win. H. Stoddard,) hardware, 122 Mlain. Perrin Joel J., (Joel J. Perrin & Co.) bds. Burdick house. Perrin Levi W., (P. & Bishop,) h. 51 South. Perrin Lewis, clerk, bds. Kalamaizoo House. Perrin Oliver C., book keeper, bds. Kalamazoo House. Perry &t Douglas, (Edgar 11. P. & Gayton A. D1.,) photographer~s, 116 Main. Perry Edgar 11., (P. & Douglas,) h. 87 S. Rose. Perry Lizzie, domestic, Burdick Houjse. Perry Mary, boarding house, 184 Main. Perry Oliver HI., supt. Kal. Gas Light Company, 146 AlIain, bds. 184 MAain. Per-shall Frances, saleswoman, bds. 63 Cedar. Pershall William, harness maker, rear 203 Portage, h. 19 Portage. P~eters Ernst, miller, h. 8 Harrison. Peters Jennie, domestic, 54 Dutton. Peters Wiepke, bds. 3 East Cedar. Petrie Mrs. George, h. 131 S. Burdick. Petrie William, bds. 131 S. Burdick. Petty Rosina, tailoress, h. 7 Davis. Pfeifer Andrew, mover of buildings, h. 131 Kalamazoo Avr. Pfeifer David, carpenter, h. rear 104 Kalamazoo Ay. Pfeifer Emil, book keeper, h. 48 Pitcher. Pfeifer Margaret, domestic, 65 Lovel. -Phelan James, moulder, Ii 12 Oak. Phelps Charles M., clerk, bds. 55 South. Are.Agts. for the AiLna, Home, City Fire, and other Ins Co's. 286( KALAMAZOO DIRECTORY. Phelps Edwin J., asst. cashier, Mich. Nat. Bank, h. 47 Academy. Phelps Horace, with Parsons & Wood, h. 55 South. Phelps Leonard, teamster, h. 32 North. Phifer Emil, teamster, bds. 7 Walnut. Phillips Ansel, laborer, bds. 62 Michigan Av. Phillips Betsy, bds. 125 Lovel. Phillips Byron, farmer, h. 14 Pitcher. Phillips Delos, (Blakeman & P.,) bds 184 Main. Phillips F. & Bro., (Francillo & George H.,) harness makers, 20 N. Rose. Phillips Francillo, (F Phillips & Bro.,) h. 12 N. Rose. Phillips George H., (F. Phillips & Bro.,) bds. 184 Main. Phillips George W., laborer, bds 141 Asylum Av. Phillips George W., mason, bds. 14 Pitcher. PHILLIPS JOHN L., stair builder, 35 Edwards, h. 94 Frank. Philow Mary E., student, 50 Seminary, res. Ricliland. Pick Thomas, laborer, h. 39 Wall. Pickard James, h. 79 Academy. Pickering Theodore F., propr. Burdick Iouse, 130 Main. Pierce Edwin, bds. 64 Academy. Pierce Mary A., h. 51~ N. Rose. Pierce Rev. L. H., pastor M. E. Church, h. 64 Academy. Pierson Rev. Job, h. 5 Cedar. Piggott Geo., (Empire Organ Co.,) h. 26 S. Park. Piggott William R., upholsterer, h. 15 Pine. Pike David, mason, h. 4 Dutton. Pike George, mason, h. 58 S. Park. Pitts Charles, omnibus driver, bds. 1 Cherry. Pitts John, laborer, h. 2 Michigan Av. Pitts John A., painter, h. 126 North. Pitts Mahala, tailoress, h. 9 Lovel. Plants Frank HI, (Plants & Co.,) bds. 20 Pearl. Plants George, (Plants & Co.,) h. 20 Pearl. Plants George W., (Plants & Co.,) bds. 20 Pearl. Plants & Co., bakers and confectioners, 134 Main. Platin Samuel, laborer, h. 75 North. Plating Dingman, mason, h. 53 Vine. Platt James, blacksmith, h. 27 Edwards. Plokhooy Adrianus, tinner, bds. 57 S. Burdick. Plokhooy Leonard, laborer, bds. 32 Wall. Plough Albert, laborer, h. 41 John. Plough Jennie, tailoress, bds. 41 John. Plough Susan, tailoress, bds. 41 John. Poil Jacob, laborer, h. 36 Locust. Pollard Rachael, (col'd) washerwoman, h. 29 Walbridge. Pomeroy Henry T., clerk, h. 49 Cedar. Farms, City Lots, Dwellings and Wild Lands for Sale by KALAMAZOO DIRECTORY. 2)87 Pond Almira, domestic, 199 Main. Pond Edward F., (T. S. Cobb, Son & Co.,) bds. 58 S. Rose. Pontis Jacob, laborer, h. south end S. Rose. Porter Adella, domestic, 33 S. Burdick. Porter Eugene M., engineer, bds. 35 N. Rose. Porter George W., peddler, bds. 65 Water. Porter Henri, clerk, bds. 72 Academy. Porter Moses, physician, 3 S. Burdick. Portage Nursery, George Taylor, propr., 180 Portage. Post Charles A., clerk, bds. 124 Academy. Post Ida, domestic, 36 S. Park. Post Office, Jas A Walter, post master, 22 S. Burdick. Post Rev. C. B., h. 124 Academy. Potter Alexander, carpenter, h. 22 Cooley. Potter Allen, vice prest. Mich Nat. Bank, h. 75 S. West. Potter Clark S., h. 75 South. Potter Edgar M., (Bragg & Potter,) h. 141 Asylum Av. Potter Harry C., book keeper, with Geo. W. Paiker bds. Kalamazoo House. Potter John, h. 97 S. West. Potter Juliett A., bds. 82 S Burdick. Potter Maria, h. 37 Cedar. Potter Nathan S., student, bds. 75 South. Potter Richard R., engineer, h. 99 Water. Potter William, carpenter, h. 116 Willard. Potts William, carpenter, bds. 244 Main. Potts William F., laborer, bds. 39 Main. Powelson Philip F., shoemaker, h. 132 Kalamazoo Av. lowers Ann Eliza, bds. 65 S. Burdick. Powers Emma, (col'd) bds. 127 Portage. l'owers Charles, baggage master, h. 46 Eleanor. Powers Mary, tailoress, bds. 64 Ransom. l'owers Michael, laborer, bds. Union House. Powers Patrick, tailor, bds. 64 Ransom. Pratt Foster, physician, 124 Main, h. 46 S. Rose. Pratt RIev. B Foster, bds. 46 S. Rose. Pratt Susan A., school teacher, bds. 46 S. Rose. Prehn Henry, laborer, h. 156 Kalamazoo Av. Prentice Alonzo T., Jr., watch maker, and general ticket agt. 116 Main, h. 35 Cedar. Prentice Minerva, domestic, 84 Water. Prentice Rebecca, domestic, 84 Water. Price A. B., student, Kalamazoo College, bds. 8 Michigan Av. res. Cassoppolis. Price Eliza E., domestic, 99 Lovel. Price Sarah J., bds. 99 Lovel. O. N. & T. F. GIDDINGS, No. 100 Main Street, Kalamazoo. '288 KALAMAZOO DIRECTORY. "Wortley's Jewelry Store!" A. C. WORTLEY, Dealer in i?.... ~.~ tICEH JEWJE:LRY, STERLIlNG SILVER-WAVRE, COIN SPOONS AND 7ORKS, Wedding Presents, Birthday Presents, French Clocks, Bronzes, Vases, Fancy Goods, Fine Table Cutlery, Castors, Tea Sets, OPERA GLASSES, SPECTACLES, Corner Main &; Burdick Sts., KALAA N., e a Gee IAN O. N. & T. F. GIDDINGS, Real Estate and General Insurance KALAMAZOO DIRECTORY. 289 Price William J., wheat buyer, bds. 21 S. West. Primmer Julia A., dressmaker, bds. 32 Portage. Prior Stoughton, builder, h. 72 Vine. Prouty Amnariah T., farmer, h. 220 Kalamazoo Av. Prouty Charles H., telegraph operator, bds. 220 Kalamazoo Av. Prouty Frank, laborer, bds. 220 Kalamazoo Av. Prusn Theressa, domestic, 27 Portage. Puls William J. H., laborer, h. 65 Vine. Pultz William, trackman, bds 94 N. Burdick. Putnam Hiram, h. ( Pitcher. Putnam Lycurgus H., bds. 6 Pitcher. Putnam Rev. Daniel, professor of languages, h. 99 Lovel. Pyl Andrew, mason, h. 115 S. Burdick. Pyl John, carpenter, h. 20 John. Quackinbush Ezra, laborer, bs. 37 Water. Quaif Stephen, mason, bds. 90 South. Quick Elizabeth, h. 7 Water. Quick Isaac, drayman, h. 80 Cedar. Quick Isaac J., barber, bds. 7 Water. Quick Joseph, gardener, h. 85 Walnut. Quick Joseph, case lnaker, h. 29 Pine. Quigley John, laborer, with Henry Van Meter. Quigley John, stave cutter, bds. 48 Ransom. Quigley Margaret, tailoress, bds. 64 Ransom. Quigley Mrs. Margaret, l. 64 Ransom. Quigley Mary, domestic, Kalamazoo Iouse. Quigley Patrick, cartman, h. 60 Ransom. Quigley rhomas, waiter, 1 S. Burdick. Quigley William, laborer, h. 48 Ransom. Quinby Adaline, boarding hlouse, 75 Academy. Quinn Thomas, laborer, h. 65 Willard. Quintal Katie, tailoress, bds. 90 Willard. ER, Rafter John, teamster, h. rear 99 Main. Ragotzy Charles, tailor, 89 Main, h. 16 Jasper. Rahlmeyer Henry, (R. & Horn,) h. 93 Vine. Raible Rev I., pastor German Lutheran Zion Church, bds. 8 Main. Itaifsnider William, traclkman, h. 37~ Main. lRail Road Exchange, Patrick Reynolds, propr. 81 N. Burdick. Rail Road House, Alex. Keenan, propr. 100 N. Burdick. Agents, No. 100 Main Street, 2d floor, Kalamazoo, Michigan. 38 290 290 KALAMAZOO DIRECTORY. Rand Grin B., architect and builder, li. 63 Kalamazoo Ay. Randall Albert 11., moulder, Ii. 1 Porter. R1andall Eliza, boarding house, 31 Pitchber. Ranifer Frederick, shoemaker, h. 11 Michigan Av. Ranney Alfred H-., grocer, 224 N. Burdick, bds. 51 S. Rose. Rainricy Mary E., student, 50 Seminiary, res. Trhree Rivers. Ranney Peyton, (J. L. Sebring & CO.,) Ii. 51 S. Rtose. Ransom Alexis, lumberman, h. 9 East Cedar. Rlansomn Celia L., Uds. 9 East Cedar. Rk"ansomn Ira A., clerk, bds 1841 Maini. Ransom James S., mail agt. bds. 9 East Cedar. R'ansomi Lilbbie N., school teacher-, hs atCdr Ransomi Lucia, h. 1-86 Mlain. 11anisom Samuel TI., h. 8 5. Park. Transom William B., tinner, Uds. 8 S. P~ark. Ransom Wyllys, h. 141 Vine. Ilapman Frederick, porter, City hotel. Rasemiann Louis C. E., cutter, with Mlunger, Champlin & Co., h. 17 John. Rathbnn Lucy, washerwoman, ih. 218 5. Burdick. Rathlbun Mary, domestic, 23:3 Main. Ratliftl' Robert, (col'd) porter, Burdick House. Ravell Abel, miason, bds. 43 John. Ravell. George, mason, Ii. 43 John. Ravell Jessie, mason, h. 7 Dutton. Ray Amelia M., h. 216 Main. Ray Mathew, laborer, h. 60 Frank. Ra1y Matilda, domestic, 37 East Av. Ray William A., carpenter, bds. Blaney House. Rayi-ond Cyrus R., sewinig machinie agt., h. 36 N. 'West. Raymond Eliza J., h. 11 South. Rlea John, groc(.er, 170 Main, hi. 13, Cedar. Rea Sarali, bds. 19 Lake. Riteamer Henry, moulder, Ii. 19 1Pine. R-easoner Fletcher, ]painter-, h. 37 Cedar. Reckteniwald Michael, Cooper, 77 North, h. 1032. TN. Burdick. Rledden Sarah, domestic, 15 Elm. Rkeddington Trhomas, tailor, h. 88 Water. Redmnond Tfhomas, saloon, 21 Porter, h. saine. Rledpath Jennie, bds. 78 Cedar. Redpath John V., b~ds. 78 Cedar. Rtedpathi Mary, domestic; 220 Mlain. Redpath William, clerk, bds. with HI. M. Brown. Reed Albert S., clerk, 134 Main. Reed Charles C., (Rt. & Kellogg,) train dispatcher, M. C. 1t. 11., bds. 184 Main. 0. N. &f T. F. GIDDINGS pay Taxes, collect Debts, are Ageints KALAMAZOO DIRElCToRYl.21 201 hee DwtCfareI l. 78 S. lBurdick. h1'eed.Joseph W., engineer, bds. 35 Main. hteed &- Kellogg, (Chai Ies C. I.& Geo. D. K.,) cigars and tobacco, 10 S. Burdick. Reed Mulford, fairrner, II. 144 Asylum Av. Reed Wilber FI mach)inist, bds. 8 Oak. Reese G'eoige, foi em in Loveland's livery stable,, bds. 1 Cherry. Reese Louisa, hI 210 Kdalanazoo Av. R1eese Olin 13., clerk, ds. 210 Kalamazoo Av. Reve Jaes aborer, lds. 118 S. Burdick. lRegis~ter~s Office of the County of Kalamazoo, 15:3 Main. R1eichie Clement, saloon, 82 N. Burdick, h. samie. R eichimann. Wilhelhnina, h. 3 East Cedar. R11eidsema Jacob, fXurniture, 85 Main, h. 99 S. B~urdick. Rernine Garret, laborer, II. 1.90 5. B~urdick. Remington Chauncey, planer, bds. Cottage Hall Hotel. Remington Thomas H., eng-ineer, bds. Rail R-'oad 1-ouse. Renchler Mary, h. 98 Kalamazoo Av. Rtepmnan John, laborer, h. rear 130 N. B~urdick. Repinman Timothy, laborer, II. rear 1:30 N. Bur~dick. Reynolds Daniel N., tinner, bds. 84 Water. Rleynolds James, tinner, bds. 84 Water. Rieynolds Mary, bds. Rail RofAd Exchiange. Reynolds Michael, cooper, hI. 220 Allcott. Reynolds Patrick, propr. Rail Road Exchange, 81 N. B~urdick. Reynolds Sarah, school teacher, bds. '220 Main. ]Rice Charles, clerk, bds. 33 Walnut. Rice E4ijah F., carpenter, rear 242 S. Burdick. Rtice Emm a, do iestic, Kalamazoo H-ouse. Rice Frederick-, Ih. 37 Portagre. R.-ice George, teamster, hI. 17 Oak. RZice George 1)., hI. 71 South. Rice Henry, hairness maker, bds. 17.5 Kalamazoo Av. R~ice Jennie, bds. 71 South. Rtice John S., hiorsze tamner, hI. 3"5 S. West. Rice Mrs. George D)., dress and cloak maker, 7 South, h. same. R'1ice Mrs. George W., ht. 33 Walnut. Rice P~arley IL, laborer, h. 4 Walnut. Richiardson Thlom~as, (Rt. & Wattles,) hi 47 John. R Zichardson & Wattles, (Thomas Y'L,. & Myrtle W.,) meat market, 37 N. Burdick & '21 5. Burdick. Richardson V. W., printer-, bds. 136 5. Burdick. Rtichie William, carpenter-, hI. 3.3 Church. R'ichm-ond Abel, porter, bds. 6 South. Rlichmaond Benjai F.Y, weaver, h. 177 Kalamazoo Av. I Richmond James A., shoemaker, Ii. 31 Cooley. For the Northi America, Phifladelphia, and other Ins. Co's. 292 KALAMAZOO DIRECTORY. O~RDniNQS & fUOWN~ D, 1!451 N AiWb SiREp lVT, s 1 4 N A I NS TJ-E KALAMAZOO, MICH., MARSH GIDDI)INGS. CHARLES R. BROWN. NEW 0 GROCERY, Is the Place to Buy Cheap, Corner S. West & Walnut Sts. KkA&LAMAZO 00E VICRDISANo DEWIONG & KEN,N Manufacturers of *OORS, ASH & LINDS Dealers In Glass, Paints and Oils, Burdick Street, near M. C. R. R. Depot. O. N. & T. F. GIDDINGS have all kinds of Property to Rent, KALAMAZOO DIRECTORY. 293 Richmond James B., shoemaker, h. 112 Willard. Richmond John, butcher, bds. 8 Balch. Rlichmond John, clerk, Rail Road House. Alichmond Julia, bds. 44 Eleanor. Richmond Martha, domestic, 47 S. Rose. Richmond Ralph, student, bds. 6 Michigan Av. Rlichmond Winefred, h. 8 Balch. Riddle Ami, farmer, hi. 154 N. Burdick. Rider Mary, domestic, 83 S. Burdick. Ridley Ella F., h. 81 S. Rose. Riemersma Henry, moulder, h. 19 Pine. Rigner Lizzie, domestic, 95 Michigan Av. Rlimner Mlary, tailoress, bds. 245 Main. Rior John, clerk, bds. 25 N. Burdick. Ripple Jeremialh, carriage maker, h. 96 Lovel. Ripple Wilber W., telegraph operator, bds. 96 Lovel. Risdorph Eugene, clerk, bds. 20 Spring. lRiver M'ills, (flouring) Grandjean & Labar, proprs., 54 Kalamazoo Av. Robbins Mrs. Frank, book keeper with H. M. Johnson, bds. 41 N. West. Robe Mlittie J., music teacher, bds. 40 John. Robe Rev. James T., h. 40 John. Roberts Charles, harness maker, bds. 84 Water. Roberts Daniel O., (R. & Hillhouse,) h. 30 S. Park. Roberts & Hillhouse, (Daniel 0. It. & Frank S. II.,) druggists and booksellers, 148 Main. Roberts Joseph, h. '36 Walnut. Roberts Joseph, Jr., harness maker, bds. 36 Walnut. Roberts Omer G., harness maker, bds. 84 Water. Roberts Thomas, (col'd) farnner, h. rear 62 Michigan Av. Roberts William S., carpenter, h. 8 Catherine. Rlobertson William D., h. 42 WVater. ]Robine John, h. 15-4 Vine. Robinson Albina V., domestic, bds. 65 N. Burdick. Robinson Alexander D., deputy U. S. Collector, 127 Main, h. 73 Cedar. Robinson George B., book keeper, Mich. Nat. Bank, bds. 184 Main. Robischung Henry B., machinist, bds. 29 Church. Robischung Joseph, cooper, 29 Church, h. same. Robischung Joseph F., cooper, bds. 29 Church. Robson J. & B1ro., (John & William L,) dry goods, 1-10 Main. Robson John, (J. It. & Bro.,) h. 73 S. Burdick. Robson William L., (J. R. & Bro.,) h. 49 N. West. Robyn Jacobus, blacksmith, h. 50 North. Are Agts. for the 2Atna, Home, City Fire, and other Ins Co's. 294 KALAMAZOO DIRECTORY. Rockwell Henry F., clerk, bds. 63 Lovel. Rocus Paulus, tailor, bds. 92 N. Burdick. Rodiger August, cabinet maker, 20 Locust, h. same. Rodiger Herman, cabinet maker, 13 Portage, h. same. Roe Jane, boarding house, 37 Water. Rogers Albert, farmer, h. 19 Lake. Rogers Alice, music teacher, bds. 19 Lake. Rogers Isaa-, grocer, 158 Main, h. 87 Edwards. Roller John, laborer, bds. 26 Asylum Av. Rolson Franklin G., barber, hds. 104 Kalamazoo Av. Rolson John H., barber, 140 Main, h. 104 Kalamazoo Av. Rolson John J. P. O. H., bds. 104 Kalamazoo Av. Rolson Ronzo D., barber, bds. 104 Kalamazoo Av. Rollins Hugh, h. 36 S. West. Rollins Lizzie, school teacher, bds. 36 S. West. Rlomaine Childs J., clerk, bds, 20 John. Rookus John, blacksmith, 58 N. West, h. 56 N. West. Rookus John, Jr,, printer, bds. 56 N. West. Rooney Ann, bds. 88 Ransom. Rooney James, blacksmith, h. 88 Ransom. Rooney Patrick, blacksmith, h. 140 Ransom. Root Frederick N.. omnibus driver, bds. 51 N. Rose. Root Lution E., hostler, bds. Sheridan House. Root Newton, ice dealer and propr. omnibus line, h. 51 N. Rose. Root Wilbur L., omnibus driver, bds. 51 N. Rose. Rosa Ira, carpenter, h. 89 Frank. Rose Alexander, teamster, bds. 35 Ransom. Rose Ananias M., carpenter, h. 57 Asylum Av. Rose Augustus, carpenter, bds. 113 Lovel. Itose Charles A., carpenter, bds. 57 Asylum Av. Rose John, mason, h. 35 Ransom. Rose Thomas, laborer, bds. 35 Ransom. Rosenbaum Sam., dry goods, 8 S. Burdick, h 20 Cherry. Rosenbaum Simon, (M. Israel & Co,) h. 21 Academy. Rosenberg Gustave, clerk, bds. 16 Spring. Rosenberg Moses, h. 40 Portage. Roos E. J., clerk, bds. 66 S. Burdick. Ross Frank, American Eating House, 55 N. Rose. RIoss Robert, clerk, bds. Earl & Treling's Restaurant. Ross Robert M., with Desenberg Bros. Ross William, clerk, bds. Earl & Trebing's Restaurant. Rossman William, carpenter, h. 20 Ransom. IRouleau Joseph A., shoemaker, h. 37 N. Park. Rouse Emma, domestic, 93 Main. Rowe Thaddeus H., clerk, Am. Express Office, bds. 45 Lovel. Rowley Colonel A., painter, h. 9 Jane. Farms, City Lots, Dwellings and Wild Lands for Sale by KALAMAZOO DIRECTORY. 295 Rowley Eliza, bds. 67 Lovel. Rowley James, painter, bds. 9 Jane. Royal Albert, carpenter, bds. 33 Cedar. Rubert Margaiet, h. 102 Water. Rudow Carl, clerk, with D. Lilienfeld & Bro. Rue Charles L., tinner, h. 5 Lovel. Rummnler Joseph J., (Weimer & R.,) h. 61 South. Russ Alfied, (col'd) h. 61 Ransom. Russell Ann L., boarding house, 57 S. Burdick. Russell Frank, clerk, bds. 57 S. Burdick. Russell Robert, (col'd) mason, h. 279 Main. Russell Roderick D., book keeper, bds. 55 Lovel. Rutow Carl, clerk, bds. Earl & Trebing's Restaurant. Ryan Cornelius, farmer, bds. Rail Road Exchange. Ryan John, blacksmith, h. 103 N. Rose. Ryan John, laborer, bds. 98 Willard. Ryan Martin T., foreman The Present Age office. h. 136 S. Burdick. Ryan Michael, laborer, bds. 12 Allcott. Ryder Joseph M.. cistern builder, h. 90 S. Rose. S Saflord Alonzo, farmer, h. Hill Road to Galesburg. Safford Sidney, bds. with Alonzo Safford. Sage Charles W., student, Kalamazoo College, res. Allegan. Sager George H., joiner, bds. City Hotel. Sager Maggie, domestic, 90 S. Burdick. Sager Mark, student. bds. 76 S. Burdick. Saoer Susan, domestic, 43 S. West. Sagur Ann, servant, 214 Main. Sagar Eliza, servant, 214 Main. Salisbury Marcus, miller, bds. 6 South. Sanders Estelle A., tailoress, bds. 2 Michigan Av. Sanders Simeon N., carpenter, h. 14 Wheaton Av. Sands Elizabeth, 35 Main. Sands John, laborer, bds. 59 Water. Santagar Carlos, laborer, bds. 122 North. Santeford John, teamstel, h. 95 Ransom. Sapp Dexter P., law student, bds. 184 Main. Sawyer Isabelle, student, bds. 33 Partage. Saxton Henry, h. 83 Vine. Scales George, printer, bds. 53 S. West. Scales Jane, domestic, 23 South. Scales Melvina E., h. 53 S. West. Schaberg Herman H., grocer and baker, 105 S. Burdick, h. same. O. N. & T. F. GIDDINGS, No. 100 Main Street, Kalamazoo. 296 KALAMAZOO DIRECTORY. R. C. DENISON, PROPTIETOR, AN D BOARDING STABLE, a orar Swrt ai-iLn NOuse, KALAMAZOO, MIC [. PHOTOGRAPHER, INVITES ATTENTION TO HIS NEW & SPLENDID ROOMS, Artistic DomRawe kytiqght, Producing the most beautiful & pleasing effect. ALLEN BLOCK, 29 North Burdick Street, Kalamazoo. O. N. & T. F. GIDDINGS draw Wills, Deeds, Mortgages, Con KALAMAZOO DIRECTOR~Y.29 29-A Schaberg Herman H. Jr., student, bds. 105 S. Burdiek.:Schaberg Johnt, baker, bds,,. 105 S. Burdick. Schad John G., sash maker, h. rear 56 Michigan Av. Scheiett Jacob, carpenter, h. 183 Kalamazoo Av. Scheiett iPeter, carpenter, bds. 183 Kalamiazoo Av. Schellers Jacob, mason, h. 1871 5. Burdick. Schilling Louis, (Weber & S.,) h. 135 Kalamnazoo Av..Schlick John F., clerk, bds. 23 Edwards. Schmidt Christian, butcher, bds. 45 John. Schneebcrger Jacob, shoemaker, bds. 91 N3. Burdick. Schomnaker Frederick, butcher, bds. 98 Kalamazoo Av. Schoonover Abner, laborer, 1'2 Lake. Schreves 1Peter, lblacksmith, bds. 149 Vine. Scbrier Adrian, carpenter, h. 88 Walnut. Sebrier Peter, painter, lds. 88 Walnut. Schrier Nellie, domestic, 47 Lovel. Schroeder Henry, propr. Frank's Brewery, 69 Kalamazoo Av. Schueikly Charles, cook, h. 5 Lovel. Schultz Emil, select school, 6 Church, h. 117 Ransom. Schweiger Jacob, miller, li. 16 Jackson. Scofield Sarah A., student, 50 Seminary, res. Calafornia.. Scotf'rd J. harvey, photographer, with H. L. Binghanm. Scott Adelbert, clerk, bds. 124 5. Burdiclk. Scott Charles, express messenger, bds. 47 Main. Scott Eugene, clerk, bds. 124 5. Burdick. Scott Fenner, whitewasher, h15W ibrde Scott Florence V., bds. 216 Kalamazoo Av. Scott H-. E., student, Kalamazoo College, res. Caledonia. Scott Ru,1fus, (Beebe & S.,) h. 124 S. Burdick. Scrier Anna, domestic, '148 V\ine. Scrier Betsy, domestic, -54 5. Rose. Sealy Cac-therine, bds. 184 Main. Sebring Horace W., teamster-, bds. 1 Cherry. Sebring J. L. & Co., (James L. S. & Peyton Ranney,) grain arid produce dealers, rear 103 Main. Sebring James L., (J. L. S. & CO.,) h. 91 5. Burdick. Sebring, sIrs. D. A.. millinery and dress making, 78 Main. h..32 P~ortage. Seedyk John, carpenter, bds. 13 Johnson. Seedyk Thomas, laborer, h. 1.3 Johinson. Seely Josephi 0., h. 102 S. West. Seeley Reed E., student, Kalamazoo College, res. Battle Creek. Seeley William H, lpainter, h. 113 Lovel. Sees Robert D., (Empire Organ Co.,) bds. 84 Water. Seifert Elizabeth, Ii. 99 Kalamazoo Av. Seiler Adolph, (Messiner & S.,) h. 34 Water. tracts, &c., No. 100 Main Street, 2d floor, Kalamizoo, Michl. 39 298 KALAMAZOO DIRECTORY. Seller William, barber, 12 S. Burdick, h. 20 Spring. Selkirk Nellie, milliner, bds. 31 Portage. Selden Lucretia, domestic, City Hotel. Select School, Bessie F. Patrick, principal, 21 South. Select School, (German Lutheran,) Rev. I. Raible, teacher, 114 Main. Seligman & Co., (Morris & He-nry M. S.,) clothing, 109 Main. Seligman Henry M., (Seligman &e Co.,) bds. 31 Walnut. Seligman Morris, (Seligman & Co.,) h. 31 Walnut. Seligman Solomon, clerk, bds. 31 Walnut. Sergent Lewis, carpenter, bds. 30 N. Park. Seubert Casper, painter, h. 36 Ransom. Severence Albert, shoemaker, bds. 25 N. Burdick. Severens & Burrows, (Henry F. S. & Julius C. Burrows,) lawyers 103 Main. Severens Henry F., (S. &r Burrows,) h. 24 S. Park. Seyfferth William F., brewer, h. 32 Locust. Seymour Harvey, driver Am. Express wagon, bds. 84 South. Seymour L., moulder, bds, City Hotel. Seymour Rodney, stage proprietor, h. 84 South. Shafer Albert, restaurant, 17 N. Burdick. Shaffer Catherine, domestic, 26 Asylum Av. Shafler Henry, teamster, h 19 Cherry. Shakespeare William, books and stationery, 126 Main, h, 80 Lovel. Shanehen Patrick, shoemaker, bds. 42 Water. Shanley Jennie, domestic, 75 South. Shanley Patrick, laborer, 19 Stuart Av. Shannessy Bridget, domestic, 31 Walnut. Shannessy Edward, laborer, bds. 90 Edwards. Shannessy John, laborer, bds. 90 Edwards. Shannessy Michael, laborer, bds 90 Edwards. Shannessy Patrick Jr., laborer, bds. 90 Edwards. Shannessy Patrick, carpenter, h. 90 Edwards. Shannessy Thomas, carpenter, bds. 9. Edwards. Shannon George, omnibus driver, bds. 51 N. Rose. Sharar Jacob, barber, bds. 8 Main. Sharar Jacob, porter, h. 8 Main. Sharar Philip, barber, bds. 8 Main. Sharp Joseph, (col'd) shoemaker, 74 Ransom, h. same. Sharp Robert, saloon, bds. 36 N. Rose. Sharpstein Myron, carriage maker, bds. National Hotel. Shattuck Lucina M., domestic, 17 Cherry. Shaw Marshal B., roofer, h. 55 N. West. Shaw William, night watch, bds. Cottage Hall Hotel. Shea Daniel, moulder, h. 43 Dutton. O. N. & T. F. GIDDINGS, Real Estate and General Insurance KALAMAZOO DIRECTORY. 299 Shea James, h. 20 S. West. Shea Mary, domestic, 35 Academy. Sheldon Frederick, laborer, bds. 19 Lake. Sheldon Luther, (Johnson & S.,) bds. Burdick House. Sheldon Minnie, attendant at Asylum. Sheldon Thomas M., h. 25 Walbridge. Sheldon T. P. & Co., (Theodore P. S., Henry Brees & John McKibbin,) bankers, 97 Main. Sheldon Theodore P., (T. P. S. & Co.,) h. 190 Main. Shepard Freedom G., watch maker, bds. 184 Main. Sheridan House, Stephen Wattles, propr. 152 Main. Sherman Alfied. cook, li. 44 S. West. Sherman Alonzo, miller, bds. Kalamazoo House. Sherman Caleb, propr. Spring Brook Mills, room 97 Main, bds. Kalamazoo House. Sherman Dallas D., marble cutter, bds. 135 Vine. Sherman Ienry, (Johnson & S.,) h. 135 Vine. Sherman James A., clerk, bds. 55 S. West. Sherlnan William H., harness maker, h. 38 Ransom. Sherwood Alphonzo E., wheat buyer, h. 8 Second. Sherwood Samuel P., clerk, h. 82 Water. Sherwood Thomas R., lawyer, 147 Main, h. 204 Main. Sherwood William, night watch, Burdick House. Shew Albert, laborer, h. 55 N. West. Shields Frank, laborer, bds. 1 Henshaw. Shields Jane, h. 1 Henshaw. Shigley William L., carpenter, h. 45 Porter. Shirneti Louis, cook, 23 N. Burdick. Shmodcer John, bds. 7 Walnut. Shoemaker Ella B., student, 50 Seminary, res. Grand Rapids. Shreeder Albert, tailor, h. 105 Main. Shults Charles, carpenter, bds. 102 Kalamazoo Av. Shultz Clarence A., school teacher, bds. 119 Ransom. Shultz Emil, select school, 6 Church, h 119 Ransom. Shultz John, carpenter, h. 111 North. Shultz John J. A., joiner, h. 111 North. Shurman Johnathan, (col'd) farmer, bds. 127 Portage. Shuster Julius, clerk, bds. 46 Portage. Sickels Caroline, h. 18 Locust. Siefert Henrietta, domestic. 40 Portage. Sigmont Gustave, printer. bds. 136 S. Burdick. Sill Joseph, physician, 150 Main, h. 30 Academy. Silver Jeremiah, bds. 48 John. Simonds John W., hoop skirt manuf., 15 S. Burdick Ii. 85 S Rose. Simonds Moritz, clerk, bds. 21 Academy. Agents, No. 100 Main Street, 2d floor, Kalamazoo, Michigan. 300 KALAMAZOO DIRECTORY. BEEBE & SCOTT, DEALERS IN 0iot x, H,1, I~atRps Gentlemen's Furnishing Goods, 105 Main St,, Breese's New Marble Building, KALAMAIZOOi w 0 I1IHGAN Garments Cut and Made to order in the most approved Style. Special Attentiou paid to Boys' Clothing. D. BEEBE. R. SCOTT. 0. N. & T. F. GIDDINGS, Conveyancers, have Property to KALAMAZOO DIRECTORY. 301 Simmonds William, clerk, bds. 20 Cherry. Simmons Dorius, domestic, 9 Cedar. Simmons Henrietta, domestic, 37 S. Burdick. Simpson Eliza, (col'd) domestic, 45 South. Simpson Henry J., (col'd) shoe maker, 26 Main, h. same. Simpson Mrs. Heny J., (col'd) boarding house, 26 Main. Simpson Robert, moulder, bds Rail Road House. Sinclair Charles, clerk, Cottage Hall Hotel. Sinex Christa E., bds. 249 Main. Sinon John, gaardener, h. 7 Wheaton Av. Sinon Katie, domestic, 55 South. Sinon Leonard, laborer, h. 7 Wheaton Av. Sittig Rosalie, bds. 61 South. Skinkle George II., tinner, bds. 31 Main. Skinkle Mary A., saleswoman, bds. 31 Main. Skinkle Sarah, h. 31 Main. Skinner Tabor, clerk, bds. 184 Main. Skutt Washburn, h. 87 Edwards. Slack Benajah, cooper, h. 126 North. Slater Belle, domestic, 51 S. Rose. Slater Sophia G., h. 121 Water. Slaughter L. W., travelling agent, with Blakeman & Phillips, bds. 47 S. Rose. Sleght Cyrus S., machinist, h. 27 Church. Slick John, clerk, bds. 23 Edwards. Slis Aaron, baker, bds. 196 S. Burdick. Slis Nellie, domestic, 20 Cedar. Slis Simon, laborer, h. 196 S. Burdick. Smead A. Amelia, teacher at Michigan Female Seminary. Sinead Jane W., teacher at Michigan Female Seminary. Smedley Mariah -I., h. 62 Dutton. Smiley George, wheat buyer, h. 8 Davis. Smiley Mitchell J., (Balch, S. & Balch,) bds. 23 South. Smiley William, agt. Blakeman & Phillips, bds. 72 S. Rose. Smith Andrew A., laborer, h. 55 S. Park. Smith Annie, domestic, 19 Stuart Av. Smith Benjamin F., bds. 36 S; Park. Smith Carrie, domestic, Burdick House. Smith Charles D., harness maker, bds. 132 N. Burdick. Smith Charles E., h. 39 Dutton. Smith Charles H., shoemaker, h. 27 Cedar. Smith Christian, laborer, bds. 45 MAain. Smith David P., train master St. Joseph V. R. R., bds. Farmer's Home. Smith Ellen, student, bds. 67 Cedar. Smith George, cooper, h. 37 Cedar. Rent, are Agts. for Underwriters, Security, and other Ins. Co's. 30o) KALAMAZOO DIRECTORY. Smith George C., cooper, bds. 76 Edwards. Smith Hamilton, carpenter, h. 117 Water. Smith Harriet S., h. 21 Cedar. Smith Jefferson, h. 72 Lovel. Smith John, cooper, h. 76 Edwards. Smith John, mason, bds. 44 Water. Smith John D., mason, h. 135 S. Burdick. Smith John H., cooper, bds. 76 Edwards. Smith John N., student, Kalamazoo College, bds. 6 Michigan Av., res. Antwerp. Smith Kirk A., agent, h. 7 Second. Smith Laura, attendant at Asylum. Smith Lucy E., nLilliner, bds. 31 Bur Oak. Smith Oscar, brakeman, bds. 187 Kalamazoo Av. Smith Perry D., yardman, St. J. V., and K. A. & G. R. IR. I., bds. 47 Main. Smith Peter WV., tailor, h. 24 Jasper. Smith Phineas M., carpenter, bds. 44 Water. Smith Rachel II., h. 79 Cedar. Smith Rebecca, domestic, 59 Lovel. SMITH R. S., agent American Fence & Terra Cotta Co's, bds. 105 Water. Smith I. & Son, (Robert & Robert W.,) painters, 120 Main. Smith Robert, (R. S & Son,) h. 31 Bur Oak. Smith IRobert W., (R. S. & Son,) h. 13 Axtell. Smith Samuel, bds. 47 Main. Smith Sarah, chambermaid, Sheridan House. Smith Sarah, domestic, 199 Main. Smith Sarah H., domestic, 9 N. West. Smith William H, patent bag holders, h. 79 S. Burdick. Smith Wim. H. Jr., bds. 79 S. Burdick. Snele Stoffer H., laborer, h. 140 Frank Snook Jerome M., clerk, bds. 17 Elm. Snover George W., insurance agent, bds. 216 Main. Snow Charles A., clerk, bds. 15 Elm. Snow E., painter, bds. 25 N. Burdick. Snow William H., Jeweler, h. 15 Elm. Snyder Emma, domestic, 52 South. Soerhide Henry, carpenter, bds. 59 Water. Soft Mary, domestic, Kalamazoo I-ouse. Sohlberg Alexander N., ' devil" Telegraph office, bds. 84 Water. Soles Adam B., drayman, h. 99 Kalamazoo Av. Soloman Thomas, teamster, bds. 42 Main. Somers Nicholas A., train dispatcher, M. C. I. R., h. 138 Ransom. Soursma Jacob, laborer, h. 10 Balch. O. N. & T. F. GIDDINGS have all kinds of Property to Rent KALAMAZOO DIRECTORY. 303 Southard William B., physician, 47 Lovel, h. same. Southcott Richard, clerk, bds. 184 Main. Southwick Albert, clerk, bds. 36 Lovel. Southworth Randall W., painter, 40 N. Burdick, h. 37 East Av, Spaulding Harvey, woolen manuf. Grand Rapids Road. Spencer Jacob, (col'd) mason, bds. 10 Water. Spendlove James II., (R. Wood & Co.,) h. 43 N. West. Speyer Adolph, clerk, bds. 21 Academy. Speyer Joseph, (M. Israel & Co.,) bds. 21 Academy. Speyer Seigmund, clerk, bds. 21 Academy. Spohn John F., trunk maker, h. 49 North. Spohn William, marble polisher, bds. 8 Portage. Sprague Charles,. bds. 78 South. Sprague H. Enlyn, student, 50 Seminary, res. Battle Creek. Sprague Mrs. Z., h. 78 South. Squires Charles, farmer, bds. 45 Lovel. Stacey & Case, (William S. & David S. C.,) blacksmiths, 37 Eleanor. Stacey William, (S. & Case. h. 13 Bur Oak. Stacey William Jr., blacksmith, bds. 13 Rur Oak. Stafford George W., barber, 150 Main, h. 5 Water. Stafford James R., barber, bds. 42 Main. Stagg George, mason, h. 13 Edwards. Staiger Leonard, tailor, 35 N. Burdick, bds. 184 Main. Staley Keziah, attendant at Asylum. Stanclift Julia M., student, bds. 224 Kalamazoo Av. Stanclift Ollie, student, bds. 224 Kalamazoo Av. Staniford William B., carpenter, h. 52 Cedar. Stanley Ira W., bds. 47 Main. Stanley Lester, bds. 47 Main. Stanley Nancy, h. 76 S. Rose. Stanley Norman, propr. Farmers' Home, 47 Main. Stansell Flora L., student, bds. 86 Academy, res. Pokagon. Stanton George, bds. 35 Main. Stanton Jed C., dentist, bds. 33 S. Burdick. Stanton William H., R. R. Contractor, bds. 35 Main. Stark William L., photographer, 29 N. Burdick, h. same. Starkey Lewis. carriage maker, 19 Eleanor; h. 66 Lovel. Starr Isaac, bds. 44 Water. Starr Julia E., student, h. 6 Michigan Av. Starr Mary, school teacher, bds. 23 Cedar. Starr Orrin, produce dealer, h. 23 Cedar. Stauffer Benjamin, butcher, bds. 1 Water. Stauffer Benedict, laborer, bds. 1 Water. Stauffer Catherine, h. 1 Water. Stauffer John, blacksmith, bds. 1 Water. Are Agts. for the AEtna, HIome, City Fire, and other Ins. Co's. 304 KALAMAZOO DIRECTORY. Stauffer John G., shoemaker, bds. 41 Main. STEARNS JAMES N., small fruit grower, h. 176 Asylum Av. Stearns Leopold, clothing, bds. 45 Main. Stebbins Carlos, clerk, bds. 17 Main, Stebbins, Eliza, h. 17 Main Stebbins Frank, clerk, bds. 17 Main. Stebbins Volney T., butcher, bds. 17 Main. Steelman Albert W., (Markel & S.,) bds. 16 N. Park. Steenman Frank L., carpenter, h. 142 N. Burdick. Steenman Lenhardt, cabinet maker, h. (20 Pitcher. Steketee Anthony, laborer,'h. 34 Locust. Stenard Delia, domestic, 45 Lovel. Stephens James, currier, h. 90 S. Park. Sterling John M., clerk, h. 43 Portage. Sterling Oliver L., grocer, 91 Main res. Gull Prairie Road. Stern Henry, clerk, h 36 Dutton. Stern Leopold, clerk, at 109 Main. Stevens Jerome P., drover, h. 9 N. West. Stevens Henry M., Crockery, 12 Portage, bds. 9 S. Rose. Stevens Pelick, boarding house, 199 Main. Stevens Richard, laborer, h. 80 Church. Stevens Tallmadge, farmer, h. 51 East Av. Stewart Benjamin, baker, bds 20 Main. Stewart Eliza G., millinery and fiancy goods, 143 Main, h. 88 S. Rose. Stewart George L., h. 88 S. Rose. Stewart Nathaniel H., law student, bds. 67 S. Rose. Stewart Washington, carpenter, bds. 42 Main. Stewart William, h. 26 Lovel. Stich Adolph C., (S., Cahill & Co.,) bds. 220 Main. Stich, Cahill & Co., (Adolph C. S., Le Roy C., Joseph II. White & A. H. Geisse,) proprs. Sticli Spring Bed Manlty. 32 Church. Stich John, carpenter, bds. 184 Main. Stiles Emma D., student, 50 Seminary, res. Battle Creek. Stillman Edger HI., clerk Burdick House. Stillwell Carrie, bds. 36 Cedar. Stilwell Bishop, bds. 53 Main. Stilwell Helen M., student, bds. 77 Academy. Stilwell Mrs. L., h. 77 Academy. Stilwell William T., physician, 53 Main, h. same, Stimpson John, h. 5 Bur Oak. Stimson Fancher, civil engineer, h. 26 Lake. Stinnard Delia, domestic, 106 S. Burdick. St. John Sylvester G., mason, h. 23 Church. Farms, City Lots, Dwellings and Wild Lands for Sale by KALAMAZOO DIRECTORY.30 305 St. Joseph Valley, Kalamaizoo, Allegan & Grand Rapids R. R. passenger and freight depot,-28 Main. St. John Garland B., Machinist, h. 121. Water. Stockwell Madalon L., domestic, 7 Woodward Av. Stoddard Bertha, student, Mds. 114 Academy. Stoddard Ella, student, bds. 114 Academy. Stoddard William 11., (Joel J. Perrin & Co.,) h. 52 S. Rose. Stone Adita T., wholesale liquors and cigars, 47 N. Burdick, bds. Kalamazoo Hlouse. Stone Brothers, (C. W., 11. 1-1. & James II1.,) publishers and proprietors Kalamazoo Telegraph, 24 S. Burdick. Stone Capt. C. W., (Stone Bro's,) Uds. 31 Lov-el Stone E. Clarence, wvith F. S. Stone, bds. 230 Kalamazoo Av. Stone Festus T., clerk, bds. 6 South. Stone ]Francis S., Grocer, 150 Main, h. 230 Kalamazoo Av. Stone George HI., teamster, h. 44 Eleanor. Stone Horace A., (Stowell, Corsett & Co.,) h. 1 South. Stone Horatio H-., (Stone Bro's,) bds. 31 Lovel. Stone James A. B., editor Kalamazoo Telegraph, h. 31 Lovel. Stone James 1-., (Stone Bro's,) bds. 31 Lovel. Stone Royal A., clerk, lids. 230 Kalamazoo Av. Storey Geo- rge1. machinist, bds. City hotel. Storrs D)clla, student., 50 semninary, res. Coopersville. Storrs Stella, student, 50 Seminary, res. Grand Haven. Stowell, Corsett & Co., (Henry H-. S., Oscar B3. C. & I-orace A. Stone,) wholesale notions, 10 Portagre. Stowell EuLgene, peddler, bds. 65 Water. Stowell Georgfe E., laborer, bds. 169 Kalamazoo Av. Stowell Ihenry H., (S. Corsett & Co.,) bds. 40 S. Park. Striebel Caroline, domiestic, 94 N. Burdick. Striebel David, laborer, bds. 94 N. Burdick. Striebel John J., saloon, 94 N. Burdick, h. same. Strike Josephine, domestic, 17 5. Rose. Strimbeck Emmia J., school teacher, bds. 27 Jackson. Strimbeck Francis M., civil engineer, h. 27 Jackson. Stringham. Mary, bds. 84 South. Strong Caroline R., h. 72 5. B~urdick. Strong Chauncey, cashier 1st National Bank, bds. 220 Main. Strong James C., bds. 2 Cedar. Strong Mrs. L. D., h. 2 Cedar. Strong- Samuel F., lumberman, h. 86 S. West. Strongr Willicam. H., bds. 2 Cedar. Struble Nellie,'bds. 38 Portage. Stuart Alexander, mason, h. 244 Main. Stuart Charles, physician, bds. 19 Stuart Av. Stuart Charles L., bds. 19 Stuart Av. 0. N. & T. F. GIDDINGS, No. 100 Main Street, Kalamazoo. 40 306 KALAMAZOO DIRECTORY. STONE BROTHERS, Publishers & Propr's, PFFICE OVE_ THE POST PFFICE, NOS 2.2 & 2 4, Blurdiek Stre et, KALAMAZOO, MICH. The Largest Printing House, IN WESTERN MICHIGAN, It s Presses, Type & Material Are of the Newest and Latest Styles. fri hind of Frinfinl, obh 3ooi & totoqRd Aor l Of every description done with celerity and neatness, 0. N. & T. F. GIDDINGS, Conveyancers, have Property to I I. j1 - - KALAMAZOO DIRECTORLY. 307 C) Ua ~~r/2 CDIt makes the best Seam for all kinds of Family work. --- -= tr" a.,;: P The ELLIPTIC an excellent bobbin machine, A"D THU A Superior Lock Stitch Family and Manufacturing Machine. The above are a few of the VERY BEST Machines in Use, and purchasers have a choice, with the privilege of Exchange. MM. B. MILL&3ER,9 Agenty 131 Main Street, Kalamazoo, MOd. Rent, are Agts. for Underwriters, Security, and other Ins. Co's. 308 KALAMAZOO DIRECTORY. Stuart & Edwards, (Charles E. S., & John M. E.,) lawyers, 147 Main. Stuart Eliza, domestic, 16 Cedar. Stuart Hon. Charles E., (S. & Edwards,) h. 19 Stuart Av. Stuart Margaret, bds Kalamazoo House. Stump Mary, chambermaid, Burdick House. Sturtevant Delia E., boarding house, 196 Main. Sucksdorf Charlotte, domestic, 7 Walnut. Sudworth Bishop B., physician, 22 Portage, h. same. Sullings Hervey, physician, 122 Main, h. same. Sullivan Jerry, laborer, h. 156 Kalamazoo Av. Sumner John D., with George Dodge & Co., h. 147 Vine. Sumner Ovid M., drug clerk, bds. 9 Edwards. Surdam George, clock tinker, h. 82 Vine. Sutton Nettie, domestic, 138 Ransom. Sutton William, laborer, h. 42 North. Swan George, carpenter, h. 222 Kalamazoo Av. Swartz Leah, domestic, 232 Main. Swain Mary E., attendant at Asylum. Swartwout Thomas, tanner, h. 103 S. West. Sweet Ezra S., gun smith, 13 N. Burdick, h. 2 East Cedar. Sweet John W., cutter, with Beebe & Scott, h. 49 S. Park. Sweet Reuben, pattern maker, h. 126 Ransom. Sweet Samuel, farmer, h. 4 Johnson. Sweetland & Brown, (Caleb S. & Heman M. B.,) restaurant and billiards, 99 Main. Sweetland Caleb, (S. & Brown,) h. 37 Lovel. Swick Carrie, domestic, 184 Main. Swift Albert 0., clerk, bds. 33 S. Burdick. Swift Mrs. Mary E., boarding house, 33 S. Burdick. Sykes Isabell, domestic, 63 Lovel. Syke Sebastian, farmer, h. 80 Michigan Av. T Talbott Norah, launderer, Burdick House. Talhuizen Ienry J., blacksmith, h. 168 N. Burdick. Talhuizen Hiram J., blacksmith, h. 71 Parsons. Tallman Jacob J., steward Michigan Female Seminary, h. 10 Henshaw. Tando Harriet, domestic, 46 S. West. Tandyke Hiram, laborer, h. 17 Grand Rapids Road. Tanis Edward, carpenter, h. 40 Locust. Tanis Peter, laborer, bds 74 N. West. Tannehill Altha, h. 26 S. West. Tannehill James D., clerk, bds, 26 S. West. O. N. & T. F. GIDDINGS draw Wills. Deeds, Mortgages, CoB, 309 KALAMAZOO DIRECTORY. Targee Albert, blacksmith, bds. 35 N. Rose. Taylor Anthony G., clerk, bds. 34 Cherry. Tayer Edward, engineer, h. 95 Portage. Taylor Frank R., foreman Parson & Wood's tin shop, bds. 51 Portage. Taylor George, propr. Portage Nursery, 180 Portage, h. same. Taylor George D., bds. 180 Portage. Taylor George W., h. 24 Academy. Taylor James, farmer, h. 34 Cherry. Taylor James W., agt. American Express Co., 7 S. Burdick h. 6 Taylor. Taylor John W., cash. Mich. Nat'l Bank, bds. 8 Cedar. Taylor Mary E., bds. 34 Cedar. Taylor Reuben J., (Taylor, Thackwray & Co.,) bds. 7 Lake. Taylor lRichard, (T. Thackwray & Co.,) res. Comstock. Taylor Rosanah, (col'd) washerwoman, h. 68 Willard. Taylor RIse, bds. 44 S Park. Taylor Simon, (col'd) laborer, h. 21 Porter. Taylor, Thackwray & Co., (Richard T., John T. & Reuben J. Taylor,) brewers, 6 Lake. Taylor Victoria, h. 53 S. Rose. Tecee Jolln, carpenter, bds. 11 Grand Rapids Road. Teed A J., student, Kalamazoo College. Temple Jacob, mason, h. 63 Church. Templeton Thomas G., master mechanic, St Joseph V. and K. A. & G. R. R. R. machine works, bds. Kalamazoo House. Tenent Elizabeth, (col'd) domestic, 31 Lovel. Terhaar John G., cutter, h. 70 Vine. Terkranus John, mason, bds. 96 North. Terry Edwin L., bds. 142 N. Burdick. Terry Edwin W., carpenter, h. 142 N. Burdick. Terry William HI., clerk, bds. 132 N. Burdick. Thackwray John, (Taylor T. & Co.,) bds. 7 Lake. Thayer Albert A., travelling agt. for Wheeler & Wilson Sewing Machine Co., h. 65 Lovel. The Present Age. (weekly,) Col. Dorus M. Fox, editor, Dean Clark, assistant editor, 111 Main. Thomas Alfred; (Cock & T.,) h. 49 Love!. Thomas James M., publisher, bds. Kalamazoo House. Thomas James S., carpenter, h. 111 Lovel. Thomas John, (col'd) yardman, Burdick House. Thomas Smith, joiner, h. 111 Lovel. Thomes Jennie, student, bds. 43 Lovel, res. Centreville. Thompson Albert II., clerk, City Hotel. Thompson Calysta II., milliner, bds. City Hotel. tracts, &c., No. 100 Main Street, 2d floor, Kalamazoo, Micb. I ( 310 KALAMAZOO DIRECTORY. DBiugha,~s Fine Art AND *HOTOGaAPHIC STUDIO, 3..e 112- MAIN STRIDEmY, ALAMAZOO, }ICHIGAN. The highest award of merit was given by the Michigan State Agricultural Society, to Hf. L. Bingham, for the BEST PHOTOGRAPHS IN THE STATE. Any person or persons wishing Fine Art in any Style, either Water Colors, India Ink or Oilfinish, can be sure to have executed at this Establishment A F3A1TUVTlL MTKEN:BS, Highly finished and as perfect a specimen of Art as can be had in the Country, that one need not be ashamed to submit to the severest Art Criticism. Mr. NOBLE, of Cincinnati, our Water Colorist, and Mr. SPRINGFIELD, of Rochester, our India Ink worker, stand each in their line at the head of Art. Specimens of this class of work can be seen AT BINGHAM'S STUDIO. We invite Art Critics to call and have a feast of fine Art, and we are sure they will go away pleased with themselves at having called, and highly impressed with the high class of work done at this establishment. |r Copies made from Old Pictures as perfect as life. Satisfaction in every case or no pay. 0. N. & T. F. GIDDINGS pay Taxes, collect Debts, are Agents I I KAAAO IRCOY 1 KALAMAZOOO DIRECTORY. 311 Exposition Universelle, Paris, 1867. WHEELER & WILSON, AW H E Eighty-two Competitors, FHIGHEST PREMIUM, I FOR PERFECTION OF Sewing Machines & Button Hole Machines, The ONLY GOLD MEDAL for this Branch of Manufacture. America )tug0,nd & Friio Now unite in proclaiming the Wheeler and Wilson The Best Sewing Machine in the World I WEST & COMLY, Gen'l Agts, 178 Jefferson AV., Detroit. F3ranch Office for VVestern Michigan, I I 102 Mdain St., Ktalamazoo, A. I. 1 DOLLIIS, A4>. For the North America, Philadelphia, and other Ins. Co's. I z I I,,;, Y 312 312 KALAMAZOO DIRECTORY. Thomipson Charles A., Jr., Circuit Court Commissioner, 167 Main, bds. 9 S. Rtose. Thompson George F., carpenter, h. 1'25 S. Burdick. Thompson Harriet, h. 125 5. Burdick. Thompson Sarah, h. 125 5. Burdick. Thornton Alonzo R., bds. 15 Jackson. Thornton Lyman, packer, h. 12 Jackson. Thorp B. Frank, marble engraver, bds. 42 Water. Tfhorp Frederick, mason, h. 61 Church. Thurman Christopher, laborer, bds. 4'2 Main. Trhulrman John, (cold) laborer, 12 Lake. Tibbitts Elizabeth B., student, h. 6 Michigan Av. Tichelar Jacobus, laborer, h. 96 North. Tieleman Cornelius, blacksmith, h. 192 5. Burdick. rrierney Patrick G., blacksmith, 32 Pitcher, Ii. 1712 Kalamatzoo A v. Tierney Mary, milliner, Mds. 172 Kalamazoo Av. Tiiik William, h. 14 First. Tink William, teamster, h. 49 Portagre. Titus Edlwin P., carpenter, h. 57 Cedar. Tfittis Franklin, carpenter, h. 55 Michigyan Av. 'rituis Robert E., carpenter, h. rear 56, Michigan Av. rpitus Sarahl A., wevr hd.8 Ichgan Av. Tivriai Patrick, clerk, bds. R1ail Rtoad Exchanac. rrodd Enos S., farmer, h. 11 Comstock Road. TJodd Frank, clerk, Kalamnazoo House. Tolls F1. S., Laborer, h. Grand Rapids Road. Tomlinson William. A., (Austin & T.,) h. 72 S. Park. Toonder Isaac, laborer, h. 124 North. TORREY GEORGE, Compositor and Notary Public, h. 77 South. Tour'je Alba, blacksmith, bds. 27 N. Rose. Towns Mary, bds. 5 Water. Tracy Ellen, school teacher, bds. 129 5. Burdick. '1'iask Betsey, bds. 17 5, Rose. Trask Luther HI., h. 17 5. Rose. Trbi~ Charles W.. (Earl & T.,) h. 14 Walnut. Triestram Abram, team-ster, h. 9 Burton. Trimper Jacob, h. 39 5. Park. Tripp R-obert H., priincipal High School, h. 57 Cedar. Triskett Frederick F., clerk, bds. 9 5. Rose. Trowbridae & Bassett, (Jerone B. T. &- George 11. B.,) grocers, 104 Main. Trowbridge Jerome B., (T. & Bassett~) bds. 135 South. Trowvbridge Silas, farmer, h. 35 South. True Mrs. S., dress and cloak maker, 13 Pitcher. 0. N. & T. F. GIDDINGS, R~eal Estate and General Insurance KALAMAZOO DIRECTORY. 313 True Samuel, constable, h. 13 Pitcher. Tryon Mary, h. 5 East Cedar. Tucker William, (col'd) blacksmith, h. 72 Willard. Turnbull David, engineer at Asylum, h. 63 Asylum Av. Turner Anderson J., (col'd) barber, with George W. Nickles. Turner Charles P., baker, bds. 2 East Cedar. Turner Etta W., bds. 48 S. Park Turner George, carpenter, h. 9 Reed. Turner James, baker and confectioner, 13 N. Burdick, h. 74 South. Turner, Jerome B., clerk, h. I N. West. Turner Katie, domestic, 29 Lovel. Turner Martin, carpenter, h. 46 South. Turner Mary E., bds. 48 S. Park. Tuthill Oscar T., lawyer, 123 Main, h. 40 S. Park. Tuttle George, laborer, 9 S. Rose. Tuttle Nora, seamstress, 54 Willard. Tuttle Sears, laborer, h. 54 Willard. Tuttle William H., printer, bds. 136 S. Burdick. Tuttle Harvey carpenter, bds. 57 S. Burdick. Tuzee John, carpenter, bds. 11 Plank Road. Twohill John E., carpenter, bds 184 Main. Tyndall Anthony F., boots and shoes, 14 Portage, h. 76 S. Rose. Tyrrell & Button, (Constantine O. T., & Elisha B.,) meat market, 168 Main. Tvrrell Constantine O., (T. & Button,) h. 13 Dutton. Tyrrell Job, h. 13 Dutton. Tyson Herbert, butcher, bds. City Hotel. Ubbes Peter, laborer, h. 54 N. West. Uhl Edmond H., fireman at Asylum. Ullrich Jacob, h. 161 N. Burdick. Underwood Frank W., clerk, bds. 39 Lovel. Underwood Hiram C., clothing and furnishing goods, 27 N. Burdick, bds. 39 Lovel. Underwood Marinda, h. 10 Grand Rapids Road. Underwood Sarah A., Kalamazoo House. Union Hall, Chase & Johnson, proprs., 2 Portage. Union House, Michael Looby, propr., 77 N. Burdick. Unseld John, butcher, 60 Water, h. 45 John. Urry Jesse, mason, h. 17 Pearl. Urry John, mason, h. 17 Pearl. Utermarkt A., laborer, h. 75 Cedar. Utermarkt Cornelius, machinist, h. 35 N. Park. Utermarkt Jacob, clerk, h. 4 Oak. Agents, No. 100 Main Street, 2d floor, Kalamazoo, Michigan. 41 314 KALAMAZOO DIRECTORY. Valentine Jonathan, (Chapman & V.,) h. rear T. P. Sheldon & Co's Bank. Valkenaar Rev. John J., missionary, h. 38 Oak. Valin Norbart, stone cutter, h. 22 Cooley. Vanantwerpt John, laborer, hl. 5 Johnson. Van Antwerpt Richard C., shoemaker, h. 64 S. West. Van Bochove, Solomon A., porter, with Parsons & Wood, h. 52 John. Van Bochove Benjamin, carpenter, bds. 36 John. VAN BOCHOVE RICHARD, BUILDER, 36 John, h. same. Van Broeke Jacobus, carpenter, h. 4 Johnson. Van Brooks Adrian, tailor, h. 70 John. Vanceis Maggie, domestic, 147 Vine. Van Dam Iiram, laborer, h. 120 North. Vandeberg Netty, domestic, 32 S. West. Van de Giessen Henry, laborer, h. 141 Asylum Av. Van Dekreeke James, clerk, bds. 149 Vine. Van De Kreeke Jacob, tailor, h. 149 Vine. Van De Kreeke John, finisher, h. 145 Vine Van Delaare Cornelius, baker, h. 26 John. Van Delaare Henry, baker, h. 11 Wall. Van Den Boogard John, tailor, h. 51 Vine, Vandenhoek John, laborer, h. 102 Portage. Van De Polder Arie, tailor, h. 23 Wall. Van De Polder Arie, Jr, tailor, bds. 23 Wall. Van De Polder Jacob, barber, Sheridan I-ouse, h. 33 Wall. Van De Polder Klaus, bds. 23 Wall. Van De Polder Peter, mason, bds. 23 Wall. Vanderburg Annie, domestic, 206 Main. Vanderburg Cornelia, h. 22 Wall. Vanderburg Cornelius, mason, h. 24 Wall. Vanderburg Evert, laborer, bds. 22 Wall. Vanderburg Gertrude, domestic, 22 Cedar. Vanderburg Jacob, mason, bds. 22 Wall. Vanderburg Marenus. peddler. h. 88 Kalamazoo Av. Vandercook Michael, travelling agent, h 37 N. Park. Vanderdoff Thomas, painter, bds 45 John. Vandergoef John A., laborer, h. 33 Davis. Vanderhoeff William, laborer, h. 33 Wall. Vanderhook Jacob, trunk maker, bds. 3 Wall. Vanderhorst Jemima, bds. 63 John. Vanderlinder Abram, carpenter, h. 151 Vine. Vandermeyder Cornelius, laborer, h. 65 John. Vanderoelde Henry, carriage painter, h. 59 John. O. N. & T. F. GIDDINGS pay Taxes, collect Debts, are Agents KALAMAZOO DIRECTORY. 315 Van Deusen E. H., M. D, Medical Supt. Michigan Asylum for the Insane. Vandever Henry, carriage painter, h. 59 John. J;:-. VAN DEVOORT R. BALDWIN, boarding house, 105 Water. Van Devoort John H., h. 105 Water. Van Devoort Miss Loo., bds. 105 Water. Van Dewalker Mrs. Lawrence, h. 42 Portage. Van Dixhoorn Cornelius V., painter, bds. 16 Balch. Van Dixhoorn Josias, finisher, h. 16 Balch. Van Dreep DeLos, butcher, bds. 45 Walnut, Vandyke Alice, milliner, bds. 35 Main. Vandyke Hiram, laborer, h. 17 Grand Rapids Road. Vandyke William, laborer. bds. 17 Grand Rapids Road. Vaneest Henry, wagon maker, 11 Main, h. 9 Main. Vaneest Horace, sash maker, bds. 9 Main. Vanhaaften E., laborer, h. south end S. Burdick. Van Haust, Cornelius, laborer, h. 10 Humphrey. Van Holden John, laborer, h. 40 Oak. Vanhoover Peter, laborer, h. 68 N. West. Vanhousen Thomas, laborer, h. 33 Bur Oak. Vankersen James J., grocer, 40 Main, h. 38 Main. Van Kirk John S., overseer National Park, 151 Portage, h. samle. Vanlandegend Peter, finisher, bds. 13 Wall. Van Lente Cornelius, laborer, h. 64 John. Van Longhem A. W., kitchen assistant at Asylum. Vanmail John, tinner, h. 11 Potter. Van Meter Henry, wagon maker, h. rear 64 Pitcher. Van Meter William R., blacksmith, h. 46 Eleanor. Van Natter Hattie A., dress maker, h. 231 Main. Van Natter James B., trackman, bds. 231 Main. Van Neryn, domestic, 72 Lovel. Vanneryn Hendrick, laborer, h. 35 Wall. Vanpeenen William P., laborer, bds. 7 Burton. Vanreep Martin, laborer, h. 19 Wall. Van Vleet Peter P., clerk, bds. 184 Main. Vanwart Ellen M., milliner, bds. 17 Wheaton Av. Vanwart Reuben Z., bds. 17 Wheaton Av. Vanzant Iiram, farmer, rear 264 S. Burdick. Van Zee Frederick, h. 27 Bur Oak. Van Zemeren Cornelius, laborer, bds. 60 John. Van Zemeren Dirk, laborer, h. 60 John. Van Zemeren Dirk Jr., bds. 60 John. Van Zemeren Lavenas, bds. 60 John. Van Zile John M., teamster, h. 62 North. For the North America, Philadelphia, and other Ins. Co'a 316 KALAMAZOO DIRECTORY. BASSETT & BATES, Wholesale Crocers, Audt dealetB iR Yankee Nioelons, 100 MAIN STREET, KALAMAZOO, MICH. JOHN C. BASSETT. CHARLES R. BATES. T. S. OBB, SON & 00., Crockery, Glass-ware, Lamps, Chandeliers. Table Cutlery & louse-keeping Goods. PaperERangEngss, Bordeis, &c,, 102 MIAIN STIEET, 1Kalamazoo. T. 8. COBB. C. W. COBB. E. F. POND. Farms, City Lots, Dwellings and Wild Lands for Sale by KALAMAZOO DIRECTORY. 317 Van Zolenburg & Brother, (Reyer & Jacob,) grocers, 112 Ransom. Van Zolenburg Jacob, (V & Brother,) h. 112 Ransom. Van Zolenburg Reyer, (V. & Brother,) h. 112 Ransom. Vary Jacob, painter, h. 85 Edwards. Vastbinder Charles, currier, bds. 92 Ransom. Vastbinder Gilbert S., currier, h. 92 Ransom. Vayon Rosa, domestic, 35 N. Rose. Vedder Nellie, domestic, Kalamazoo House. Veeder Louis C., currier, h. 9 Cherry. Verberg Geerard, clerk, bds. 28 Axtell. Verberg Mary, domestic, 62 Lovel. Verberg Peter, laborer, h. 17 Johnson. Verberg Simon, laborer, h. 28 Axtell. Verceis Cornelius, planer, bds. 3 Wall. Vergan Martha, (col'd) cook, 184 Main. Verhage Adrian, planer, h. 63 John. Verhage Annie, domestic, 21 Elm. Verhage Jacob, painter, h. 85 Edwards. Verhage Martha, h. 63 John. Verhage Martin. miller, bds. 63 John. Verity James M., bds. 62 Parsons. Vickery J. W., variety store, 28 S. Burdick, bds. 33 S. Burdick. Vincent Edward B., builder, h. 111 Lovel. Vincent Iarvey, mason, h. 19 Locust. Vine Ellen, domestic, 11 Portage. Vledder John, carpenter, bds. 122 North. Vogel Catharine, domestic, 46 Portage. Vogel John, teamster, h. 11 Grand Rapids Road. Vogel John C., blacksmith, h. 122 North. Vondertl Thomas, carriage painter, bds. 59 John. Vonderon John RT, laborer, bds. 82 N. Burdick. VONHAKE OSCAR, VETERINARY SURGEON, 32 N. lRose, h. 46 N. Rose. Vonhosen Cornelia, h. 22 Wall. Voorhes Horace, bds. Cottage Hall Hotel. Vosburgh Alsa, dress maker, bds. 80 Kalamazoo Av. Vosburgh Albert T., wagon maker, h. 91 Edwards. Vosburg Elsie, seamstress, bds. 78 Kalamazoo Av. Vosburgh William B., farmer, h. 40 East Av. Vroeginde Abraham, laborer, h. 38 Locust. Waal James C., h. 47 N. Park. Wadhams Charles D., carpenter, h. 44 S. West. O. N. & T. F. GIDDINGS, No. 100 Main Street, Kalamazoo. 318 KALAMAZOO DIRECTORY. Wadsworth James A., h. 25 Cooley. Wadsworth Permelia, h. 71 Grand Rapids Road. Wagar Frankie E., student, 50 Seminary, res. Texas. Wagar Dwelly, (Babcock & W.,) livery and boarding stable, 28 N. Rose, bds. 17 Church. Wagner Frank, harness maker, bds. 92 N. Burdick. Wagner Jacob K., books and stationery, 141 Main, h. 31 Academy. Wagner William, harness maker, h. 22 Grand Rapids Road. Waite Henry G., carpenter, h. 92 Willard. Walbridge F. E., h. 61 S. Rose. Walbridge Samuel E., h. 33 S. Burdick. Walbridge Sarah L., h. 7 Lovel. Walden James, blacksmith, bds. 114 Kalamazoo Av. Walker Dexter, farmer, h. Grand Rapids Road. Walker Eliza, domestic, Kalamazoo House. Walker John W., carpenter, h. 14 Spring. Walker Mary, bds. 105 Lovel. Walker Matilda, h. 51 Ransom. Walker Sarah, domestic, Kalamazoo House. Walker William, teamster, bds. 59 South. VW.ll Clarence, student, 50 Seminary, res. Constantine. Wall John, laborer, h. 17 Grand Rapids Road. Wallace William, carpenter, h. 2 Michigan Av. Walsh Robert, sign painter, 40 N. Burdick, h. 71 Academy. Walsh Thomas, laborer, h. 15 Bur Oak. Walter Agnes S., student, 50 Seminary, res. Battle Creek. Walter Eliza J., h. 11 Jasper. Walter Emma, student, 50 Seminary. Walter Jacob, cooper, h. 59 N. Burdick. Walter James A., vice president 1st National Bank and post master, h. 44 Portage. Walter William, bds. 44 Portage. Walters Mary, washerwoman, h. 45 Portage. Walton Eulass L., painter, h. 7 Catherine. Walton Perry H., carpenter, bds. 17 Church. Wandrel Anna, domestic, 119 Ransom. Wanzo Sarah, (col'd) domestic, 57 Main. Ward Addie, school teacher, bds. 44 Walnut. Ward Charles H., (col'd) porter, h. 134 Frank. Ward John K., (Pattison & W.,) h. 50 Lovel. Ward Thomas D., clerk, h. 44 Walnut. Ward Walter, tanner, bds. 27 Church. Warkman John, carpenter, bds 87 Portage. Warn Sarah, student, bds. 118 Ransom. Warner Frederick D., clerk, bds. 47 Walnut. O N & T. F. GIDDINGS, Conveyancers, have Property to KALAMAZOO DIRECTORY. 319 Warner George I-., carriage maker, bds. 57 S. Burdick. Warner Horatio P., book keeper, h. 38 S. Park. Warner Libbie, school teacher, bds. 47 Walnut. Warner Martha C., school teacher, bds. 47 Walnut. Warner Thomas, groceries & crockery, 172 Main, h. 47 Walnut. Warren Eliza, h. 7 Lake. Warren Henry M., (King & W.,) h. 222 Main. Warren John, (col'd) laborer, bds 10 Water. Warren John, packer, bds. 7 Lake. Warren Miles L., baggage master, M. C. R. R., h. 12 Harrison. Warren Thomas, teamster, bds. 7 Lake. WVarren William, teacher, bds. 18 Pearl. Warren William H1., warehouseman, bds. 7 Lake. Warson Lafayette, farmer, h. 71 Grand Rapids Road. Waterbury Aaron M., (Lapham & W.,) bds. 65 S. Burdick. Waterburv Aubrey D., clerk, bds. 65 S. Burdick. Waterbury Daniel, (W. & Miller,) h. 65 S. Burdick. Waterbury & Miller, (Daniel W. & Cornelius M.,) meat market, 160 Main, and 39 N. Burdick. Waterbury William, leather dealer, 65 Main, h. 1 Porter. Waterman Dower, farmer, h. 75 S. Burdick. Waterman Ella M., student, 50 Seminary, res. Summit. Waterman Solomon S., farmer, bds. 50 S. Park. Waters Nathaniel B., propr. Park House, 148 Portage. Watkins Amos W., printer, bds. 97 Lovel. Watkins Augustus, farmer, h. 60 Church. Watkins Cyrus 0., farmer, h. 60 Church. Watkins William W., portrait painter, h. 97 Lovel. Watson Hiram C., carriage maker, h. 99 Water. Watson Jerry, conductor, h. 5 Second. Watson Mary, domestic, 45 N. Rose. Watson Louise, dress maker, bds. 77 South. Wattles Myrtle, (Richardson & W.,) h. 6 South. Wattles Stephen H, propr. Sheridan House, 152 Main. Wayland H. L., prof. Rhetoric, Kalamazoo College, h. 69 South. Weaver Louis, turner, bds 84 Walnut. Weaver Morris, cabinet maker, h. 84 Walnut. Webb Isaac MI., clerk, h. 20 Lovel. Webb James B., Iatent right dealer, bds. 32 portage. Webb Louis K., student, Kalamazoo College. Weber Christian, (W. & Schilling,) h. 45 Portage. Weber & Schilling, (Christian W. & Louis S.,) grocers, 13 Portage. Webster Arastina D., teacher, Michigan Female Seminary. Webster Charles L., clerk, bds. 73 S. Burdick. Rent, are Agts. for Underwriters, Security, and other Ins. Co's 9 320 KALAMAZOO DIRECTORY. Webster Chilion E., foreman Loveland's- Livery Stable, h. 3 Water. Webster Eliza, school teacher, bds. 63 S. Burdick. Webster James, bds. 148 Vine. Webster Julia, domestic, 27 Dutton. Webster Kyle, laborer, h. 3 Water. Webster Lucius H., carpenter, h. 25 Pine. Webster Maria, h. 63 S. Burdick. Webster Mrs. D. B., h. 29 S. Burdick. Wech Joseph, carpenter, h. 7 Dutton. Weeks James W., h. 71 Academy. Weidner Joseph, restaurant, 92 N. Burdick, h. same. Weimer Henry F., (W. & Rummler,) h. 5 Henrietta. Weimer & Rummler, (Henry F. W. & Joseph J. R.,) merchant tailors, 139 Main. Weis Mary, domestic, 10 Reed. Weis Phillip, laborer, h. 127 Frank. Welch Thomas, errand boy, bds. 6 South. Welch William, carpenter, bds. 45 Lovel. Wells Allen G., Ass't Supt. St. Joseph V. R. R., bds. Kal. Holuse. Wells Almer H., clerk, bds. 10 S. Rose. Wells Almond H., carpenter, bds. 39 Main. Wells Fannie, student, 50 Seminary, res. Constantine. Wells George, cooper, bds. 254 S. Burdick. Wells Hon. H. G., h. 9 Cedar. Wells James M., agt. Grover & Baker's Sewing Machines, 21 S. Burdick, h. 251 S. Burdick. Wells Jennie, student, 50 Seminary, res. Constantine. Wells John, student, bds. 75 Academy. Wells John H., sheriff h. 10 S. Rose. Wells John S., h. 30 Main. Wells Maria, dress maker, bds. 92 S. Burdick. Wells Mason, baggage master, St. J. V., K. A. & G. R. R. R., bds. Farmer's Home. Wells Mrs. P. C., nurse, 220 Main. Welsh & Hays, (William L. W. & Algernon S. H.,) cigars & tobacco, 93 Main. Welsh Mary, domestic, 199 Main. Welsh William L., (W. & Iays,) bds. 187 Kalamazoo Av. Wers Garrit, laborer, h. 37 Wall. Wesley Willis C., traveling agt., h. 102 Vine. West Charles, (col'd) laborer, h. 32 Pitcher. West Nancy, (col'd) domestic, 18 Cedar. Westbrook Milton, dentist, h. 216 Kalamazoo Av. Western Union Telegraph, George D. Kellogg, manager, 10 S. Burdick. O. N. & T. F. GIDDINGS have all kinds of Property to Rent KALAMAZOO DIRECTORY.31 321 Westfall P~eter V., architect & builder, h. 1'23 Vine. Weston.John, carpenter, h. 133 S. Burdick. Weston Vernium., telegraph repairer, M. C. RI. R., bds. 184 Main. Weyburn William W., physician, 6 N. Burdick, h. 18 South. Whaley George W., carpenter, h. 61 S. P~ark. Wheaton Albert IL., teamster, h. 65 S. Rose. Wheaton Charles S., student, Kalamazoo College, res. Cassopolis. Wheaton Mrs. William G., physician, 27 S. West. Wheaton Solon T., carpenter, h. 1 Michigan Av. Wheaton Ulysses, carpenter, li. 273 Main. Wheaton Warren, bds. 273 Main. Wheaton William (G., civil engineer, h. 27 S. West. Wheeler Charles, blacksmith, bds. 15 Pine. Wheeler Edwvard, gardener, h. 10 Reed. Wheeler George 11., teamster, h. 8 Ransom. Wheeler Michael J.1, moulder, h. rear 87 North. Wheeler Mrs. C. C., bds. 64 Academy. Wheeler Samuel R., h. 53 N. West. Wheeler Sidney, carpenter, h. 17 Oak. Whipple Albert, carpenter, bds. 60 N. Park. Whipple Frank, bds. 13 Lovel. Whipple George B., clerk, bds. 13 Lovel. Whipple (.W., custom boot manuf,. 35 N'. Burdick, h. 13 Lovel. Whitcomb Deliat, h. 42 S. Park. Whitcomib John, cooper, h. 74 Ransom. Whiteomb LeGrand, h. '28 Portage. Whitcomb Mrs. L. W., h. 31 South. White Alvah, laborer, bds. 42 Main. White George W., furnace builder, h. 40 Eleanor. White Henry, laborer, 53 5. Rose. White Josep)h H., (Dudley & White,) bds. 184 Main.' White Mar-tin, omnibus driver, bds. 1 Cherry. White M. Ann, bds. 10 Water. White Robert, (col'd) laborer, bds. 23 Lovel. Whitney E. W., toreman Kal. Paper Mills, h. 240 5. Burdick. Whitney Emma, tailoress, h. 4 Walnut. Whitney Estella B., dress maker, bds. 240 5. Burdick. Whitney Will., soap & candles, 10 Asylum Av., h. 75 Mich. Ay. Whittemore Benijamin, yardman, Sheridan House. Whitworth Matilda, h. 10 Water. Wilbor Henry D., h. 86 5. Rose. Wilbur H-enry L., clerk, bds. Burdick House. Wilbur Mrs. II1. IL., dress maker, 131 Main, bds. Burdick I-ouse. Wilcox Josiah, constable, h. 5 Main. Wilcox Mary E., milliner, bds. 5 Main. Wilke Lena, washerwoman, Sheridan House. Are Agts;. for the M~na, Home, City Fire, and other Ins Co'&. 42 322 KALAMAZOO DIRECTORY. Wilkins Matilda, (col'd) cook, bds. 16 Walbridge. Wilkinson Nelson J., butcher, bds. 187 Kalamazoo Av. Wilkinson Win. meat market, 19 Portage, h. 187 Kalamazoo Av. Wilkison Benjamin, (col'd) mason, bds. 127 Portage. Wilks Elias, mason, h. 117 S. Burdick. Willard Agnles, domestic, 57 Level. Willard Mary, domestic, 31 South. Willcox Frederick W., druggist, 141 Main h. 63 Lovel. Willet Nettie C., student, 50 Seminary, res. St. Louis. Willey Samuel, porter, Kalamazoo House. Williams Benjamin, painter, h. 6 Pitcher. Williams Bradley S., farmer, h. 102 S. Burdick. Williams Charles G, shoe miker, bds. 54 N. Park. Williams Charles 0., painter, bds. 6 Pitcher. Williams Edward, bds. 50 S. Park. WVilliains German, laborer, bds. 37 Humphrey. WilliLms Illarvey W., student, Kal. College, res. Prairieville. Williams Ienry A., painter, h. 31 Cooley. Williams John, painter, h. 5 Potter. Williams.John E., carriage trimmer, bds. 35 N. Rose. Williams Jonas B., painter, bds. 6 Pitcher. Willialms Mrs. Anna C., supt. domestic department, Michigan Felrn:le Seminary. Williamson Robert, clerk, b)ds. SO South. Willis Elizabeth, domestic, 8 South. Willison.I. Melvini, student, Kal. College, res. Hickory Corners. Willmnarth Eliza J., bdls. 2 Michigan Av. Willson Martin, h. (7 South. Wilsey Erasnmus, cooper, h. 108 Water. Wilson A. & G., (Alfied & Gilbert,) leather and hides, 95 Main. Wilson Alfred, (A. & G Wilson,) h. 42 South. Wilson Ann A., seamstress, bds. 101 North. Wilson Asaph, painter, h. 65 Michigan Av. Wilson & Brother, (Thomas & Jonathan,) proprs. Wilsol's Iron Works, 42 Eleanor. Wilson Gilbert, (A & G. Wilson,) h. 42 South. Wilson Hilton, h. 101 North. Wilson Jonathan. (Wilson & Brothel,) h. 8 Oak. Wilson Martha, seamstress, bds. 101 North Wilson Nellie E., dress maker, bds. 101 North. Wilson Orrin E., barber, bds. 42 Main. Wilson Robert J., moulder, bds. 101 North. Wilson Thomas, (Wilson & Brother,) h. 178 Kalalmazoo Av. Wilson William M., farmer, h. 114 Kalamazoo Av. Wiman Truman, insurance agt., h. 5 Catherine. Winans Joel E., carpenter, h. 43 S. Park. O. N. & T. F. GIDDINGS, Real Estate and General Insurance KALAMAZOO D1IRECTORY.32 323 Windoes J. Jr., leather manuf., h. 99 S. WAest. Wini Joseph B., teamster-, h. 70 Cedar. XVing.Julia A., h. 20 Portage. Winslow~ George C., surveyor, bds. 8-'3 Cherry. Wuislow G'corgre W. & Co., (Geo. WV. WV. & John P'. Miller,) Pr opi S. steam marb~le wvorks, 15 and 17 Portage. Winslow Gelcr~e WV., (Geo. W. Winslow &- Co.,) h. 33 Cherry. WXitt Tensine Aniei E., h. 73 N. B~urdick. N\~ ol(ott Addis E., bds. 31 Pitcher. Wolcott Edwvard G., carpenter, h. 2-122 S. Burdick. W~ol cott J clnici, bds-. 220 Al\'ain. WX'olcott Miiss Mt J., Uds. 228 Mlain. Wolcott Warren, bds. 24"2 S. Burdick. Wolf Andrew, tailor, IL 67 Vinie. WN'olfe' C~arrie St. F., student, 50 Seminary, res. Constantine. Wolter Peter, t~ailor, h. 172 N. Burdick. Wonzoir N"irQ1'inita, ( col'd) washerwornan, Ii. 45 Willard. XWood Albert P., hds. 42 S. Burdick. Wood E4liza, saleswomian, bds. 4'12 S. 1Burdick. Wood liizabeth, 1)ds. 89 North. Wood Emil, finue teacher, h. 42 S. B~urdick. Wood EGinima D., school teacher, bds. 114 Academy. Wood Francis, laborer, Ih. 89 N'orth. XWrood Gilbert, clerk, bds. 317 Water. Wood Henry, (1Parsons &- W.,) h. 72 South. Wood Ira, b ds. 56' South. Wood Juliat, domestic, 7 7 S. Burdick. Wood E-'. &l Clo., (1?umli W., James 11. Spendlove & Thomas Fletcher,) ptaints oils, glass, &rc., 59 Water. Wood I'tollin, (R. W. &- Co.,) bds. City Hotel. Wood Smith L., farmer, h. Asylum Av. Wood Suisan L., music teacher, hi. 42 S. Burdick. Wood Willilam, bds. 42") S. Burdick. Wood William A., Prest. Mlich. Nat. Bank, h. 56 South. Wood AVilliami P., warehouse man, II. 149 N. Burdick. W~ood,-rd Jonathan, h. 2 Michigan Av. Woodhridgre James, clerk at Asylum, h. 59 S. Wemt. Wo'odburv Caleb, bds. 91 South. Woodburv Edward, miller, I-ds. 191 Main. Woodhry.. P. h. 191 Main. Woodford M. D., Supt. Mich. Central Telegraph, bds. 78 South. Woodhamns Bro's, (Wni. H. &- Henry F.,) musical merchandise, 40 N. Burdick. Woodhams Edwin, machinist, bds. 21 ) Bur Oak. Woodhams Frank, bds. 19 Bur Oak. Woodhamns Frederick, h. 19 Bur Oak. Agents, No. 100 Main Street, 2d floor, Kalamazoo, Michigan. 324 KALAMAZOO DIRECTORY. Woodhams HIenry F., (Woodhams Bro's,) bds. 50 Water. Woodhains William H., (Woodhams Bro's,) h. 50 Water. Woodruff Mark, finisher, bds. 33 Cedar. Woodruff Nelson, painter, h. 33 Cedar. Woods Maila, h. 109 Water. Woods John, bds. City Hotel. Woods William P., laborer, bds. 34 Wall. Woodward, Earl, student, bds. 7 Second. Woodward Frederick E., insurance agt., h. 1 Woodward Av. Woodward Marion A., student, 50 Seminary. Woolsey Henry, shoemaker, bds. 20 Main. Wortley Alfred C., jeweler, 120 Main, bds. 35 South. Wortley J. Henry, bds. 33 S. Burdick. Wrey Jacob V., laborer, bds. 38 Locust. Wright Annie J., student, bds. 42 S. Rose. Wright Asbery, porter, bds. 42 Main. Wright Charles A., laborer, bds. 42 Main. Wright Charles H1., bds. 99 Water. Wright Esther, h. 66 Church. Wright Gilmnan, carriage maker, h. 61 John. Wright Henry C., book keeper, h. 18 Johnson. Wright John, laborer, h. 43 Michigan Av. Wright John, carriage smith, bds Cottage Hall Ilotel. Wright Joseph W., bds. 1 Woodward Av. Wright Marietta, seamstress, bds. 21 Dutton. Wright Miranda, h. 99 Water. Wright Silas, shoemaker, bds. 4 Edwards. Wrondick Ellen, domestic, 29 South. Wyckoff Joseph B., miller, h. 67 Lovel. Wyckoff Kittie, student, bds. 67 Lovel. Wyman Barney, blacksmith, h. 104 Ransom. Wyman Clark, brick maker, h. 267 Main. Y Yonkerman Garrit, laborer, h. 15 Wall. York Marvin C., dealer in patents, bds. 32 Portage. Young George L., harness maker, bds. City Hotel. Young Men's Christian Association Rooms, 111 Main. Young Men's Library Association Rooms, 117 Main. Yupa Cornelius, laborer, bds. 15 Grant. z Zeedyk Cornelius, laborer, h. 3 Burton. Zesing Frederick, engineer, h. 52 N. Park. Zimmerman James, R. R. contractor, 89 Main, res. Paris, Canuaa. Zopf Christopher, teamster, h. 38 Ransom. Farms, City Lots, Dwellings and Wild Lands for Sale by KALAMAZOO DIRECTORY. 325 A. JAL3BRNET Manufacturer and Dealer in FANCY FURS PRAOTICAL Hatter & Furrier. -.-.-. --- —-- _^^^~_^ ^ —. ----~ Repairing and Altering Furs, DRISSlBl BSIEINS, &e. -----------— l-,- ~ ~-.4m~ --- -~ Cash Paid for Shipping Furs. O. N. & T. F. GIDDINGS, No. 100 Main Street, Kalamazoo. 326 KALAMAZO DIRECTORY. LYONT BROTHERS, Print, Coloe e d, BAP3LRu jA~iDPPOSQ, Il)AE 'TO R ItER. Cash pzid for Rg1 ani Old Papors NTo. 73 IMAIN STREET, KLAQiLQi@, MCGK-, F. M. LYON. G. S. LYON. UNDERWOOD'S 'EWV SLOTHINTG TOPE ---- --------— a -L — --- - ------—. — AND DEALERS IN Gents' Furnishing Goods, No. 27 North Burdiek Sitreet, JALAMAZOO, JICHIGAN. 0. N. & T. F. GIDDINGS draw Wills, Deeds, Mortgages, Con BUSINESS DIRECTORY. ABSTRCACT OF TITLFE.S Burns R. & J. D., 1-47 Main. AGENTS-INSURANCE. Booth & House, 1.23 Main. Bostwick J. 1I., 147 Main. De Yoe Edwin W., 3 S. Burdick. GIDDINGS 0. N. &- T. F., 100 Main. Ilawes Josiah L., 126 Main. Merrill, McCourtie & Brown, 19 S. Burdick. Snover George W., 3 S. Burdick. AGENTS-REAL ESTATE. Booher Frederick, 12:3 Main. Booth & House, 123 Main. Bos-twick J. II., 147 Main. Burns R. & J. D, 147 Mlain. IDe Yoe Edwin W., 3. S. Burdick. GIDDINGS 0. N. & T. F., 100 Mlain. H1awes JTosiah L., 126 Main. AGRICULTURAL IM PLEMENTS, Dodge George & Co., 39 N. Rose. Landon W. I-I. & Brother, corner Portage and Winsted. Lawrence W. S. & Co., 21 N. Rose corner Water. ARt(hffTECTS AND BUILDERS. Appleton &- Bills, 81 Water. Budd Albert II., 257 Main. Bush & Paterson, 76 N. Burdick. CODINGTON HENRY W., 90 Water. IDame Woodbury, 98 Lovel. Essebaggers John J., 31 Pitcher. Pay Julius W., 92 Water. Fay Francis C.. 92 Water. Grosvenor Lernuel D., 92 Water. Henika Jamnes, 42 South. Hopkins Mathew, 19 Cedar. tracts, &c., No. 100 Main Street, 2d floor, Kalamazoo, Mich. KALAMAZOO DIRECTORY. Mc-TCormick James, 55 Cedar. LPrior Stougrhton, 72 Vine. Rand Orrin B., 63 Kalamazoo Av. VAN BOCHOVE RICHlARD, 36 John. Vincent Edward B., 111 Lovel. BAKIERS AND CONFECITIONERS. Amperse Marenus, corner Kalamazoo Av. and Water. G'ault Charles N., 166 Main. Harlan Frank, 67 Main. Jentsch Frederick. 80 Main. Plants & Co., 134 Main. Schaberg Herman H-., 1-05 S. Burdick, 'Turner Jamies, 13 N. Buirdick. BANKS. First National Bank, 123 Main. Michigran National Bank, 117 Main. Sheldon T. P. & Co., 97 Main. BARBERS. Howard A. & Co, 114 Main. Lino Joseph, Burdick Houise. Marsala Frank G., 92 Main. Nickles George WV., 8 N. Bttrdil~bk. Rolson & Bass, 1410 Main, basement. Seiler William, 12 S. BIrudick, basement. Stafford George W., 150 Mauin, basement. Van 1)e Polder Jacob, Sheridan House. BILL POSTER. MVcCARTII Y JOHN, Telegraph Office. BLACK~SMITHS. Babcock & Wagar, 22 N. Rose. B3arrows William P., -109 Lovel. Dce Kamn Antone, 141 S. Burdick. Francoise Isaac-,, 72 Kalamazoo Av. Hlodgman 11. C,, 29 N. Rose. KRICIIBAUM JOHN, 30 Water. Lyman henry D., 31 N. Rose. McSweeny Terrance, 30 N. Rose. Paris Isaac, 2..6 N. Rose. Ilookus John, 58 N. West. Stacey & Case, ~37 Eleanor. Tierney Patrick G., 32 Pitcher. 0. N. & T. F. GIDDINGS, Real Estate and General Insurance KALAMAZOO DIRECTORY.32 39-9 BLEACHER. Gillespie Micajah T., 131 Main. BOARDING HOUSES. Allen John B., 4335 Main. Budd Stephen, 9 S. Rose. Browvn Samuel, 42 Main. Bush Orra, 50 S. Park. Camp Sarah, 148 Vine. Campbell Elizabeth It, 29 S. Burdick, Christrnan.Mrs. J., 23 Edwards. Cook Waishingrton W., 30 N. Park. COOK JANE, 84 Water. Davis Asa, 44 Water. Decker Basilus, 102 Kalamazoo Av. Eagelton William, 65 Water. Eaton Annie 5., 11 Carmel. Fish Hannah, 142 Kalamazoo Av. Gault Charles N.,7 35 N. Rose. Ranks George E., 17 Church. Havenga Edward 11., 59 Water. H-ays Sarah K., 45 Lovel. Marring Eliza A., 13 N. West. McLin William HI., 13 Cherry. Muehleck Anthony J., 34 Main. N ixon Justus,7 49 Water. Payne James C., 39 Main. Perry Mary, 184 Main. Quinby Adaline, 75 Academy. Randall Eliza, 31 Pitcher. Roe Jane,7 37 Water. Russell Ann L., 57 5. Butrdick. Sebring Mrs. D. A., 32 Portage. Sherman Alfred, 44 5. West. Simpson Mrs. Henry J., (col~d,) 296 Main. Sleght Cyrus 5., 27 Church. Stevens Pelick, 199 Main. Sturtevant Mrs. Delia E., 196 Main. Swift Mary E., 33 5. Burdick. VAN DEMOORT R. BALDWIN, 105 Water. BOOK BINDERS. Beerstecher Charles A., 12 5. Burdick. BOOKSELLERS AND STATIONERS. Bartlett Azel E., 142 Main. Agents, No. 100 Main Street, 2d floor, Kalamazoo, Michigan. 43 330 330 KALAMAZOO DIRECTORY. Kennicotts, 40 N. Burdick. Roberts & IHillhouse, 148 Main. Shakespeare William, 126 Main. Wagner Jacob K., 141 Main. BOOTS AND SHOES. Agens Charles H., 93 Main. Appledorn P. B. & Sons, 31 N. Burdick. Bennett S. 0. &. Sons, 111 Mlain. Born Samuel, 42 Oak. Burns D., 65 Mlain. H~agide Peter, 74 Kalamazoo Av. H-atnscomb Charles 1)., 143 Main. Hofer Leopold, 84 Mlain Islbell & Dayton, 119 Mlain. Miller Mlichael, 21 N. Burdick. O'Brien Joseph, 11 5. Burdick. Sharp Josephi, (colld,) 74 Ransom. Simpson Henry J., (col'd,) 26 Mlain. Tyndall Anthiony F., 14 Portagre. Whipp)le George W., 35 N. Burdick. BREWERS AND MALTSTERS. Baurnann N. & Co,, 45 Mlichigan Av. JudgTe George, 82 Northi. Locher Barney, 3 Walnut. Schroeder Henry, 69 Kalamazoo Av. Taylor rrhackwray & Co., 6 Lake. CARPET WEAVERS. Lapham Susan, 68 Walnut. ]Richmond B~enjamin F., 177 Kalamazoo Av. Titus Sarah A., 87 Michigan Av. CARRI AGE AND WAGON 31ANUFACTIURERS. Burrell lBrothers, 192 Main. Cornell J. B. & Co., 14 Eleanor, Cor.. Rose. Starkey Lewis C., 19 Eleanor. Vaneest Henry, 11 Mlain. CHINA, GLASS AND EARTHEN WARE. Alexander Luzern H., 36 N. Rose. Bis,,ell, Son & Barrett, 1 74 Mlain. Cobb T. S., Son & Co., 102 Main. Stevens Henry M., 12 Portage. Warner Thomas, 172 Main. 0. N. & T. F. GIDDINGS pay Taxes, collect Debts, are Agents KALAMAZOO DIRECTORY.31 331 CIVIL ENGINEERS. Bryant Byron I-T., 35 Main. Hathaway Stephen C.. 35" Main. Stimson Fancher, 26' Lake. Strinibeck Francis M-., 27 Jackson. Tprask Luther, 1217 Main. Wheaton William G., 2.7 S. West. CIAPTUIERS AN I) MER(31ANT TAILORS. Beelbe & Scott, 10-.5 MNain. Cohin lMorris, 129 TXMain. Cramer Mleyer, 113 Main. 1Fried1man Emil, Ag-t,., 1451" M11ain. Hirschfeld G'eorge, 118 Mlain. Jenningrs John 1)., (S P~ortage. Seligmnan & Co., 109 Main. I~lndcrwo00(1, 27 N. IBurdick. XWeinliei & RUinaitler,1' 139 MAain. COOP1ERS. Giliner Nelson, 28'' Jackson. Reclktenwald M ichiael. 77 North. Wklhischllng Josep)h, 29 Church. Bannister I'Burr, 1.17 Mfain. Grimies 11. S., 1223 Mlain. Kinig Edward J., 109 -Main. Mletcalf Abrahamn r1 103 Main. Sullings H ervey, 12'2 Mlain. IDOORS. SASII ANID BLIN13S. Burlingrham N,. H1., 98 Water. )e wingI ( & Kent, 152) Kalatmazoo Av. Kellogg & 1-oltenhouse, 506 N. Burdick. Knerr A. & S., 50 Cooley. D)RESS AND) CL0AI( MAKEUS. Ames Mrs. Henry C., 14q Mlain. Beckwith Mrs..J. C., 51 M'ain. Cable Mrs. John, 67 5.Burdick. Coe Betsey E, '21 S. Buindick. Covell Enina E., 1121 Water. Dudbridge, Sarah B., 174 Main. Eldrigre Emnily G., 160 Main. Green Clara, 7 P~otter. Harris Fanny, 113 Pearl. For the North Amierica, Philadelphia, and other Ins. Co's. 330" 332 KALAMAZOO DIRECTORY. Howard Mary, 135 Main. MeClaren Mrs. Emma, 110 Ransom. McClellen Maggie, 20 Dutton. Mitchell Emeline J., 2 Michigan Av. Morley Mrs. William, 17 Cherry. 1Rice Mrs. George D., 7 South. True Mrs. S., 13 Pitcher. Wells Maria, 92 S. Burdick. Wilbur Mrs. H. L., 131 Main. I)RUGGISTS AND APOTHECARIES. Babcock Isaiah J., 31 N. Burdick. Clapham James P., 106 Main. Cornell Henry A, 116 Main. dI'Arcambal Charles 5., 132 Main. Johnson & Sheldon, 144 Main. Krym er Wesley, 6 Portage. Roberts & Ilillhouse, 148 Main. 'Willcox Frederick WV., 141 Main. DRY G0OODS, CARPETS, Erc. Clark William B. & Son, 131 Main. Colt George & Co., 127 Main. Israel M. & Co., 147 Main. Kidder & Bruen, 103 Main. AMunger, Champlin & Co., 135 Main. P arker George W., 139 Main. Perrin & Bishop, 107 Main. Robson J. & Bro., 140 Main. Rlosenbauni Sam., 8 S. Burdick. DYERS AND SCOURERS. JACOBSON SOLOMON E., 71 Main. FLOIJRU, FEED,,GRAIN, ETC. Allcott 'Mrs. Deborah, 1.0 Allcott. Bowdlear William A., 107 N. Burdick. Browne B. M. & Bro., 182 Main. Cock & Thomas, 111 N. Burdick. D)unbar Q. E & Co.,:30 5. Burdick. Fish George W., 86 Main. Grandjean & Labar, 54 Kalamazoo Av. Merrill & McCourtie, 19 5. Burdick. Sterling Oliver L., 91 Main. Sherman Caleb, Cooper Road. 0. N. & Tr. F. GIDI)INGS draw Wills, Deeds, Mortgages, Con KALAMAZOO DIRECTORY. 333 FURNITURE DEALERS AND CABINET MAKERS. Allard Ross, Corner Cooley & Eleanor. Allen Charles 0., 55 S. West. Allen Zenas E., 29 N. Burdick. Carder Giibert & Co., 133 Main. Garland John G., 21 Main. Reidsema Jacob, 85 Main. Rodiger August, 20 Locust. Rodiger Herman, 13 Portage. FUR DEALERS. Albrecht Anton, 98 Main. Martin Charles, 118 S. Burdick. Parker H. S., 137 Main. GARDENERS. Appleby William W., 29 Davis. Cave John, Jr., 125 S. West. Chapin William 1)., 114 Water. Dunkley Joseph, 32 Pearl. Oliver Adam, (landscape,) near Asylum. Oliver William, (landscape,) 288 Main. GROCERIES AN) PROVISIONS. Abraham John, 38 John. Alling Lawrence, 165 Kalamazoo Av. Amperse Marenus, 66 Kalamazoo Av. Ashby & Goss, 14 S. Burdick. Baas Paul, 13 Wall. Bassett & Bates, (wholesale,) 100 Main. Beebe & Finch, 180 Main. Beggs John, 82 Ransom. Bell Charles, 124 Main. Bissell, Son & Barrett, 174 Main. Bixby Bros., 89 N. Burdick. Boekeloo Ienry, 87 Portage. Bolles George N., 31 Cedar. Boughton Elmer A, 43 S. West. Chapman & Valentine, 82 Main. Clark Levi A., 231 Main. Daniels J. B., 25 Portage. Davis Asbury C., 47 Locust. Davis P. C. & Son, 136 Main. Desenberg B. & Co., (wholesale,) 115 and 121 Main. Desenberg Moses, 80 N. Burdick. Dodge Jasper N., 16 S. Burdick. tracts, &c., No. 100 Main Street, 2d floor, Kalamazoo, Mich. 334 KALAMAZOO DIRECTORY. Eagles Henry, 137 Portage. Ebeling Henry, 64 Walnut. Fish & Crane, 13 S. Burdick. Gault Charles N., 166 Main. Gregory Frances P., 29 John. Groesbeck S. 0. & Bro., 164 Main. Haadnett William, 83 N. Burdick. Herrlinger Leonard, 39 1-2 Portage. Hoedemaker John, 111 Ransom. 1-oke Andrew, 104 North. Hooper Joseph, 42 North. Hubbard, Dolloway & Co., 29 N. Burdick. Krymer William W., 18 S. Burdick. Lage Stephen, 113 S Burdick. Long Philip A., 128 Kaalnazoo av. Moore Joseph, 11 Portagte. Ranney Alfred H., 24 N. Burdick. ltea John, 170 AMain. Rogeies Isaac, 158 alill. Schaberg Herman 1, 105 S. Burdick. Sterling Oliver L., 91 Main. Stone Francis S., 150 Main. Trowbridge & Bassett, (104 Main. Vankersen James J., 40 Main. Van Zolenburg & Brother, 112 R:ansom. Warner Thonias, 172 Main. Weber & Schilling, 13 Portage. GUN SMITIIS, Allen James L., 13 N. Burdick. Jannasch Charles F., 65 Main. IARDWARtE, S'Tr:VES AND TINWARE. Alexander Luzern II., 80 Water. Coleman George W., 146 Main. Dudley & White, 146 Main. Hawkins Seward, 178 Main. Howard Robert R., 138 Main. Parsons & Wood, 125 Main. Perrin Joel J. & Co., 122 Main. HARNESS, SA)DDLES, &C. Cleenewerck Benjamin, 55 Water. Everard John H., 17 1-2 N. Burdick. Frankish Charles, 33 N. Burdick. Green James, 38 N. Burdick. 0. N. & T. F. GIDDINGS, Real Estate and General Insurance KALAMAZOO DIRECTORY.33 335 Pershall. William, 23 Portage. Phillips F. & Bro., 20 N. Rose. I-ATS, CAPS AND FURS. Albrecht Anton, 98 Main. Leach George W., 143 Main. Osburn B. F., 50 Main. Panrker 11. S., 137 Main. HOOP SKIRT MANUFACTURER. Simonds John W., 15 S. Burdick. HOTELS. Blaney House, 36 N. Rose. Buirdick House, 130 Main. City Hotel, 64 N. Burdick. Cottage hall Hotel, 5:3 N. Rose. Dollar House, 57 N. Rose. Farmer's Home, 47 Main. Kalamazoo House, 94 & 96 Main. National Hotel, 55 N. Rose. Park hfouse, 148 Portagre. Rail Road Exchange, 81 N. Burdick. Rail Ro'ad -House, 100 N. Burdick. Sheridan house, 152 Main. UnionfHouse, 77 N. Burdick. IRON FOUNDERS AND MIACHINISTS. Dodgre, Babcock &- Austin, 39 N. Rose. Green Georgre F., 132 Academy. Lawrence W. S. & Co.,.21 N. Rose. Wilson Brothers, 42 Eleanor. LAWYERS. Balch, Smniley & Baich, 3 5. Burdick. Breese John W~.) 100 Main. Briggs Henry C., 167' Main. Brown Arthur, 124 Main. Burns R. & J. D.,7 14 7 Main. Cutler Thomas C., 147 Main. Doan G. P., 123 Main. Edson Ruifus P., 126 Main. Fletch~er William G., 12 5. B~urdick. Giddingrs & Brown, 145 Main. Grosvenor Rufuis 11.,103 Main. Havens Th~omas W. 122 Main., 0. N. & T. F. GIDDINGS, No. 100 Main Street, Kalamazoo. KALAMAZOO DIRECTORY. Hawes Josiah L., 126 Main. Hill Robert F., 14 S. Burdick. Judson Robert F., 100 Main. May & Buck, 140 Main. May Dwight, 150 Main. Peck William W., 127 Main. Severens & Burrows, 103 Main. Sherwood Thomas R., 147 Main. Stuart & Edwards, 147 Main. Thompson Charles A., Jr., 167 Main. Tuthill Oscar T., 123 Main. LEATHER, FINDINGS, WOOL, &C. Lapham & Waterbury, 81 Main. Waterbury William, 65 Main. Wilson A. & G., 95 Main. 1.ME, PLASTER, &C. Bixby Brothers, 89 N. Burdick. Cock & Thomas, 111 N. Burdick. Dildgeon & Cobb, 99 & 106 N. Burdick. Fish George W., 86 Main. Gregg C. 1)., 29 Main. Grimes & Sweetland, 89 Willard. Kellogg & Holtenhouse, 56 N. Burdick. LIVERY AND BOARDING STAB1,ES. Denison Rollin C., Sheridan House. Furst & Hotop, 51 Water. Goss Samuel F., rear Burdick House. Hays Charles J., 32 N. Rose. LUMBER DEALERS. Bixby Brothers, 89 N. Burdick. Grimes & Sweetland, 89 Willard. Kellogg & Holtenhouse, 56 N. Burdick. Moore Ferguson & Gale. MARBLE WORKERS. Johnson & Sherman, 96 N. Burdick. Winslow George W. & Co., 15 and 17 Portage. MEAT MARKET AND BUTCHERS. Cave James, 2 Gull Road. Helmstetter Philipp, 85 N. Burdick. Hurd & Fox, 33 Potter. Jeffrey & Graham, 3 Oak. Farms, City Lots, Dwellings and Wild Lands for Sale by KALAMAZOO DIRECTORY. 337 Dr. A. D. LAUBENSTEIN, *HYSICIAN & PURGEON, Mo. 3 South Burdick St,, IRes. Io. 3 Lovel St., KALAMAZOO, MICH. H. H. SCHABERG, R30oER & BAKNER No. 105 SOUTH BURDICK ST., KIALAMZOO, MBU. O. N. & T. F. GII)DINGS, No. 100 Main Street, Kalamazoo. 338 KALAMAZOO DIRECTORY. N. BAUWAMN & CO., Proprietors, HALALAZOO STEAM BREWERY. Gash paid for Barley * Hops. MALT & HOPS FOR SALE. No* 45 Michig>an Avenue, KALAMAZOO, MICH. S. Ne JACOBSON'S STE AM DYE & SCOURING WORKS, INo. 71 Main Street, Alsio, Waarm, Cold and Steam Baths. Farms, City Lots, Dwellings and Wild Lands for Sale by KALAMAZOO DIRECTORY.39 339 Maloy & O'Neill, 9 S. Burdick. Richardson & Wattles, 21 S. Burdick and 37 N. Burdick. Tyrrell & Button. 168 Main. Unscid John, 60 Water. Wilkinson William, 19 Portage. Waterbury & Mille r, 39 N. Burdick and 160 Main. MILLINLRS AND DRESS MAIKERS. Cahoon Miss L. A., 8:3 Main. Sebring Mrs. D. A., 78') Main. MILLINERY AND FANCY GOODS. Cahoon Miss L. A., 83 Maini. Capen Charles C., 107 Main. d'Arcambal Agnes, 129 Main. Israel M. & Co., 147 Main. Morse W. Jr., 131I Main. MILL WHIGIITS. Broadwell Elias II., 50 S. Park. Capell Columnbus, 22 East Av. Capell F. HI., 8:3 Comstock Road. Iloughltail ingc Peter, 37 Comnstock Road. Nelson Henry J., 7 3 Academ-y. MUSICAL MERCHANDISE. MILLER MILES B., 131 Mlain. Woodh~ams Brothers, 40 N. Burdick. NEWS DEALERS. Hall George D. B., 20 S. Burdick. NEWS PAPER14. Kalamazoo Gazette, (weekly,) 99 Main. Kalamazoo Telegraph, (daily and weekly,) 24 S. Burdick. The Present Agre, (weekly,) 111 Main. NURSERYMEN. Braggr & Potter, 141 Asylum Av. Davis'Erasmnus, 15 Graint. Portagre Nursery, 1 80 1'ortage. STEARNS JAMES N., 16Ayu v OR1GAN% AND ME LODEON MANUFACrURERISe Blakeman & Phillips, 18 N. Rose. Empire Organ Co., 87 Main. 0. N. & T. F. GIDDINGS, No. 100 Main Street, Kalamazoo. 44 340 340 KALAMAZOO DIRECTORY. PAINTERS-HOVSE AND SIGN. Born & Gunn, 7 S. Burdick. Brainard & Brooktelt, 59 Water. Ilollister George E., 3'2 S. Burdick. Janes Winfield S., 69 Water. Smith R. & Son, cor. Main and N. Burdick. Southworth Randall W., 40 N. Burdick. Walsh Robert, 40 N. Burdick. Wood R. & Co., 59 Water. PHTOTOGRA PH ERS. Bingham Harry L., 112 Main. Glover William HI., 118 Main. Montagrue C. S. & Co., 103 Main. Packard Cullen C., 137 Main. Perry & Douglass, 116 Main. Stark William L., 29 N. Burdick. PHYSIC ANS. Aikin Nathan J., 116 Main. Ayres James 5., 122 MIainl. Chapin L. C.,:3 S. Burdick. Cornell J. It.) 223 Main. Finch Aurelius 5., 49 S. Park. Fiske Ira W., 3 5. Burdick. Hitchcock Homer 0., 68 5. Burdick. King & Warren, 150 Main. Laubenstein A. D.,7 3 5. Burdick. Lyon George W., 119 Main. MOLIERE JAMES W., 105 Main. Mottrarn William, 60 5. Burdick. Porter Moses, 3 S. Burdick. Pratt Foster, 124 Main. Sill Joseph, 150 Main. Southard William B., 47 Lovel. Stilwell William T., 53 Main. Sud worth Bishop B., 22 Portage. Suilings Hervey, 122 Main. Weyburn William, 6 N. Burdick. Wheaton Mrs. William G., 27 5. West. PRO DUCE AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS. Cock & Thomas, 111 N. Burdick. Dudgeon & Cobb, 99 & 106 N. Burdick. Johnson H. M, 8S Porter. Sebring J. L. & Co., rear 103 Main. 0. N. & T. F. GIDDINGS have all kinds of Property to Rent KALAMAZOO DIRECTORY. 341 PUMP MAKERS. Jones & Gibson, 6 Asylum Av. RAILWAY TICKET AGENTS. Hall G. D. B., 20 S. Burdick. Prentice A. T., 116 Main. ROOFERS. KELLOGG JAMES C., 24 N. Burdick. Munsell Austin C. 16 East Av. Shaw Marshal B., 55 N. West. SADI)DERY HARD!WARE. Brown & Herderson, 11 N. Burdick. Frankish Charles, 33 N. Burdick. SEWING MACHINES. Dorris A. H., 102 Main. MILLElR MILES B., 131 Main. Wells James M., 21 S. Burdick. SOAP AND CANDLE MAKER. Whitney Williamn, 10 Asylum Av. SPRING BED MANUFACTURERS. Stich, Cahill & Co., 32 Church. STONE YARDS. Johnson & Sherman, 98 N. Burdick. Matheson Alexander, 94 Water. TrAX.IDitERMiIS'r. Beerstecher Chailes A., 12 S. Burdick. TOBACCONISTS. Bretzel A. Rudolph, 121 Main. Cohn Adolph, 35 N. Burdick. Curnnings Frank M., 6 N. Burdick. Lilienfeld D. & Bro., 112 Main. RJannev Alfred H., 24 N. Burdick. Reed & Kellorg, 10 S. Burdick, Welsh & Hays, 93 Main. TRUNK MANUFACTURERS. Brown & Henderson, 11 N. Burdick. Lays C. & Co., 95 Main. UNDERTAKERS. Carder, Gilbert & Co., 133 Main. Are Agts. for the 2Etna, Home, City Fire, and other Ins. Co's. 342 842 KALAMAZOO DIRECTORY. vETrERINART SURGEONS. Ames Henry C., Burdick Liouse. Cole Myron, 32 N. Rose. Johnson John W., 32 N. Rose. Landon Elisha, 84 S. Burdick. VONHAKE OSCAR, 32 N. Rose. WASIJERWOMEN.V Coder Mrs. J. F., 65 N. Burdick. Hartman Mary, (col'd,) 176 Kalamazoo Av. Hedgebeth Mary, (col'd,) 16 Walbridge. Hill Clarrisa, 56 Willard. Hoedemaker Jane, 36 Locust. Macklinda Bridget, 64 XWillard. Parks Kittie, 56 W~illard. Pollard Rachael, 29 Wallbrid~re. Taylor Rosannah, (col'd,) 66 Willard. Walters Mary, 45 Portage. Wonzor Virginia, (col'd,) 45 Willard. WATCHES, JEWELRY, SILVERWARE, &c. Evits Myron H., 158 Main. Leavitt & L'heureux, 1'28 Main. McCain Ben~jamin, 144 Main. Pr-entice Aloazo T., 116 Main. Wortley Alfred C., 120 Main. WHIP AND GLOVE MANUFACTURERS. Martin Charles, 118 S. Burdick. Windoes J. Jr., 99 S. West. WVIGS, TOUPEES, &c. Dudbridge Alice L., 13 S. Burdick. Payne Mrs. H. L., 144 Main. WOOD ANN) HAY DEALER. Mann S. H., 20 Pine. Y4NKEE NOTIONS. Stowell, Corsett & Co., 10 Portage. 0. N. & T. F. GIDDINGS draw Wills. Deeds, Mortgages, Con. SCIOOLCRAFT DIRECTORY. -- Adair George, farmer, h. 80 Centre. Albers Garret J., bartender, bds. Prairie Ronde House. Alexander Pauline, bds. 40 Hayward. Allen Clarisa K., bds. 125 Grand. Allen George WV., h. 112 Grand. Allen Henry I., (Henry I. A. & Co.,) h. 125 Grand. Allen Henry I. & Co., (Henry I. A. & Kate A. Baldy,) hardware, 144 Grand. Allen Jonas, h. 52 West. Allen Josephine, domestic, 160 Grand. Allen Mary E., dress maker, 112 Grand, h. same Alien Sarah T., bds. 52 West. Allerton Huron T., farmer, h. 153 Cass Allison Ettie E., (A. & Smith,) bds. Eliza. Allison & Smith, (Ettie E. A., & Luie A. S.,) millinery and dress making, 154 Grand. Armstrong Francis S., clerk, h. 187 GraTd. A.ttlebury James, carpenter, h. 72 Lyon. Austin HIarrictt C., h. 82 Pine. Baldy Kate A., (Henry I. Allen & Co.,) h. 83 Eliza. Baldy Paul R., h. 83 Eliza. Baptist Church, Rev. A. L. Vail, pastor, 90 Cass, cor. Pine. Barber Samuel N., farmer, h. 40 Grand. Barks Rachel, domestic, Prairie Ronde House. Barney Bros., (Sullivan R. & Rush C.,) hardware, 98 Main. Barney Rush C, (Barney Bros.,) h. 85 Centre. Barney Sullivan R., (Barney Bros.,) h. 52 West. Barnum Bolivar, physician, 97 Cass, h. 93 Cass. Bass George W., (col'd,) barber, 139 Grand, h. same. Bauer Jacob, boots and shoes, 155 Grand, h. 159 Grand. Bawden Charles, blacksmith, h. 37 Pine Bawden Joseph H., printer, bds. 37 Pine. Beals Alex., mason, h. 115 Cass. Beals George, mason, bds. 115 Cass. Beals Thomas, mason, bds. 115 Cass. Beebe Mary C., dressmaker, bds 79 Centre. tracts, &c., No. 100 Main Street, 2d floor, Kalamazoo, Mich. 344 344 SCIIOOLCRAFT DIRECTORY. Beebe Nelson Mfarmer, bds. 79 Centre. Beebee Wealthy, bds. 68 Holmes. Bell John, drayrnan, bds. 61 Pine. Bell Lewis, laborer, bds. 38 Centre. Bell Porter, laborer, h. 61 Pine. Benedict Oscar, carpenter, h. 199 Grand. Benniett Bildad, h. 55 Eliza. Bennett Dewitt C., carpenter, h. 68 Cedar. Bennectt Hudson, laborer, h. 52W Eliza. Bcnntett Malon, laborer, h. 63 Cherry. Bessey Horace G., painter, h. 83 Pine. Bessey Othaniel MN., boarding house. 64 hayward. B~ogardus 1{elccca, saleswoman, bds. 15'2 Grand. Bon1focy Anson, carpenter-, h. '211 Grand. Bow Daniel, farmer, h. 39 Grand. Bowvman Henry C. Farmer, h. 79 Lincoln. Bowman Mlichael J., painter, hUs. 28 Hayward. Boyce Ann, washerwomnan, h. G0 Cherry. Brackitt William 11., painter, h. 86' Eliza. Braut William P., carpenter, bds. 64 Hayward. Breese AXbner, h. 58 Cherry. Briggs Finclimme, Uds. 671 Hayward. Briggs John AV., physician, 113 Grand, Ii. 105 Grand. Bro~~dwell Charles painter, Ii. 133 Cass. Brown Abner S., blacksmith, 72) Eliza, li. 51 Eliza. Brown Amelia A., bds. 38 Eliza Brown Charles A., Ii. 76 Vienna. Brown E. Lakin, farmer, h. 38 Eliza. Brown. 'William. HI., printer, bds. Prairie Ronde House. Brownlec Elizabeth, bds. 66 El~za. Brownlee Hellen, bds. 66 Eliza. Brownlee Margraret, bds. 66 Eliza. Brownlee Thomas, h. 66 Eliza. Budrow John L., carpenter, Ii. 8'2 Clay. Bunyan. Albert W., carpenter, h. 92 Eliza. Burgess Lucy, h. 85 Centre. Burlmans lIsaac, laborer, bds. 38 Eliza. Burnett NMarvin J., builder, 51 Hayward, h. 50 West. Burson Joseph WV., cabinet maker, bds. 16 Fine. Buxton Charles H., sash maker, bds. 84 Pine. Cane Eliza A., bds. 160 Grand. Caswell WilliL-m. cnrpenter, h. 82 Vienna. Cedar Park Seminary, William T. Smith, Principal, 61 Cedar. Chapmnan John, hostler, h. 199 Grand. Cobb Carrie B., student. bds. 45 Clay. Cobb Frank D., student, bds. 45 Clay. 0. N. &- T. F. GIDDI.NGS, lical Estate and General Insurance SCHOOLCRAFT DIRECTORY. 345 Cobb Jerome T., lumber dealer, h. 37 Cedar. Cobb M. R. & Co., (Moses R. C., E. R. Dyckman, Marshal Haley, Isaiah W. Pursel,) bankers, 130 Grand. Cobb Moses R., (M. R. Cobb & Co.,) h. 89 Grand. Cobb William B., clerk, bds 37 Cedar. Cole Elisha, laborer, h. 85 Pine. Cole James, laborer, h. 37 Clay. Cole William L., wheat buyer, h. 77 Lincoln. Collins Ann, tailoress, bds. 67 Pine. Conkling Hudson W., millwright, bds. 80 Cedar. Cook Alpheus, sawyer, h. 82 Cedar. Corbin Eliza, dress maker, h. 48 Pine. Cornell Albert, farmer, bds. 59 Centre. Cornell Emeline, h. 59 Centre. Cornell Laplate, farmer, bds. 59 Centre. Cressler Moses, peddler, bds. 80 Eliza. Crossen Charles, laborer, 103 Lyon. Cunningham Barney, tailor, 135 Grand, bds. Prairie Ronde House. Dale Almira, music teacher, bds. 38 Clay. Dale Frederick, h. 38 Clay. Daley John, laborer, h. 2 Eliza. David Jonathan B., carpenter, h. 9 Fine. Davis Mary, milliner, 118 Grand, h. same. Dentler Frank D., clerk, bds. 37 Cass. Dickson Mary W., boarding house, 72 Lyon. Dix Sally, h. 50 West. Dolman Edward, miller, h. 17 Mill. Dresskell William M., music teacher, h. 199 Grand. Duncan Amanda H., bds. 38 West. Duncan Henry E., Groceries and Crockery 135 Grand, h. 38 West. Dyckman E. B., (M. R. Cobb & Co., and Pursell & Co.,) h. 37 Clay. Earl John, (Pursel & Co.,) h. 37 Eliza. Earle Jesse P., Agent St. J. V. R. R., h. 75 Clay. Edkin George W., carpenter, h. 33 Mill. Eggleston Frederick. farmer, h. 68 Holmes. Ellis Charles, physician, h. 195 Grand. Ellis Hall, Charles Ellis proprietor, 166 Grand. English John, trackman, bds. 112 Eliza. Ellsworth Philip M., farmer, h. 50 Grand. Ellsworth Selim B., dentist, 150 Grand, h. 67 Pine. Fanckboner George C., h. 69 Holmes. Fellows & Brother, (Osro S. & Solomon,) founders and machinists, 9 Duncan. Fellows Osro S. (F. & Brother,) bds. 8 Duncan. Fellows Solomon, (F. & Brother,) h. 8 Duncan. Agents, No. 100 Main Street, 2d floor, Kalamazoo, Michigan. 346 SCHOOLCRAFT DIRECTORY. Felt Ella L., bds. 37 Cedar. Ferguson John, shoemaker, bds. 64 Hayward. Finlay R. Henry, prop'r Schoolcraft Herald, bds Prairie Ronde House. Finlay William, billiard saloon, 166 Grand, h. 99 Eliza. Finn Erastus, laborer, h. 86 Lyon. Fisher Ella L., dressmaker, bds. 131 Grand. Fisher Henry A., butcher, h. 88 Pine. Fisher William, constable, h. 116 Cass. Fisher William 2d, butcher, 132 Grand, h. 38 Centre. Foley Owen, trackman, bds. 300 Grand. Follett John, trackman, h. 300 Grand. Ford Louisa,. domestic, 50 Cass. Fox George E., clerk, bds. 69 Grand. Fox John J.. laborer, h. 73 Clay. Fox Julia, bds. 103 Lyon. Fox William H., physician, h 69 Grand. Francis David H., dry goods, groceries, hats, 152 Grand, h. same. Francis Lewis, salesman, bds. 152 Grand. Frank Henry C., farmer, bd(s. 36 Grand. Frank Stephen W., farmer, h. 36 Grand. Fredenburgh Charity, bds. 47 Cass. Freeman Mellalnthon, grocer, h. 58 Eliza. Fried Elizabeth. cook, lrairie Ronde House. Friedenburgh Andrew 0., mason, h. 103 Cass. Gadey Charles, engineer, h. 13 Mill. Gage William, teamster, bds. Prairie Ronde House. Gainsley Christian II., (Stuart & G.,) h. 187 Grand. Gee Charles W., physician, h. 42 Pine. Giddings George, laborer, bds. 64 Hayward. Gillet Lydia, domestic, Prairie Ronde House. Gingles Christopher C., carpenter, h. Prairie Ronde. Goodrich David S., h. 42 Hayward. Grannen James, laborer, h. 80 Lincoln. Grant Mary, milliner, bds. 84 Pine. Grant Sylvester, carpenter, h. 84 Pine. Griffiths Thomas, banker, 129 Grand, h. 47 Cass. Grimes Mary, domestic, Prairie Ronde House. Haines Eliza, bds. 56 Clay. Hale Hebert VW, bds. 45 Clay. Hale James M., salesman, bds. 45 Clay. Hale Marshal, (M. R. Cobb & Co.,) grocer, 128 Grand, h. 45 Clay. Hale Oliver A., salesman, bds. 45 Clay. Hall John, (col'd,) barber, 135 Grand, h. 59 Holmes. Hanes William, farmer, h. 60 Grand. Farms, City Lots, )Dwellings and Wild Lands for Sale by SCHOOLCRAFT DIRECTORY. 347 Hanks Ebenezer B., painter, h. 91 Centre. Harbou John W., bank clerk, bds. 47 Cass. Harding Jacob, carpenter, h. 19 Grand. Harper Robert, section foreman St. J. V. R. R., h. 112 Eliza. Hatch Henry B., clerk, bds. 60 Cass. Hatch & Miller, (Oscar R. H. & P. D. M.,) druggists. 146 Grand. Hatch Oscar R., (H. & Miller,) h. 60 Cass. Hawkins Levi, jeweler, 146 Grand, bds. Prairie Ronde House. Hawkins Samuel, cooper, h. 76 Centre. Hawkins Walter, (col'd), barber, bds. 59 Holmes. Hayes Ferdinand A. S., clerk, h. 67 Iayward. Hays Charles A., school teacher, bds. 64 Hayward. Hays John S., carpenter, h. 48 Hayward. Hays Robert, carpenter, h. 46 Hayward. Hemenway S. bds. 47 Cass Henderson John, laborer, h. 66 Centre. Hendricks Jacob E., boarding stable 138 Grand, h 81 Pine. Hepworth Mary, chambermaid, Prairie Ronde House. Herman Franklin A., carpenter, h. 9 Fine. Herman Lawson D., peddler, h. 133 Grand. Hiesrodt Lawrence, teamster, h. 57 Centre. Hiesrodt Martin, mason, h. 57 Cherry. Hiesrodt Samuel, student, bds. 69 Pine. Higgins Catherine, domestic, 38 Centre. Hilligis Osborne, mason, bds. 59 Centre. Hilt Anna, domestic, 69 Grand. Hilton Alby R., painter, bds. 235 Grand. Hilton George W., cabinet maker, bds. Prairie Ronde House. Hilton James M., carpenter, h. 91 Centre. Hilton John, farmer, h. 235 Grand. Hinckley Hiram, shoemaker, bds. 131 Grand. Hite Frank, teamster, h. 73 Lincoln. Hogsett James, bds. Prairie Ronde House. Hosley William H., hostler, h. 80 Vienna. Howard C. C., student, bds. 72 Hayward. Hubbard E., printer, bds. Prairie Ronde House. Hubbard Rev. William G.,pastor Presbyterian Church,h. 31 Centre. Hudson Richard, tinsmith, h. 74 Pine. Hunt William H., farmer, bds. 199 Grand. HIurlbut A. E., school teacher, bds. 49 Cass. Hurlbut Edward, carpenter, bds. Prairie Ronde House. Hynes Frederick R., carpenter, h. 89 Eliza. Ide Erastus E., millwright, bds. Prairie Ronde House. Ingram Fanny, bds. 90 Grand. James George R., druggist, 120 Grand, h. 20 Grand. Jenkins William C., carpenter, h. 71 Cherry. O. N. & T. F. GII)DINGS, No. 100 Main Street, Kalamazoo. 45 :348 SCHOOLCRAFT DIRECTORY. Johnson Jacob, cooper, 74 Centre, h. 78 Eliza. Jones Benjamin B., blacksmith, h. 86 Eliza. Justus George H., boots and shoes, 148 Grand, h. 13 Grand. Keel Abraham, carpenter, bds. 64 Hayward. Kester William S., clerk, h. 47 Cedar. Kimberly Daniel, bds. Prairie Ronde House. King Joshua E., carpenter, h. 76 Lyon. King Thomas R., carpenter, res. town. Schoolcraft. Kirby James F., farmer, h. 61 Eliza. Kline Lewis L., bds. 196 Grand. Knable Simon, music teacher, bds. 38 Clay. Knapp Helen A.. bds. 45 Clay. Knapp Lewis, farmer, bds. 160 Grand. Knight Godfrey E., (Smith K. & Vickery,) bds. 196 Grand. Knight John T., h. 196 Grand. Kohl Herman, billiard saloon, 167 Grand, h. 70 Holmes. Lambert Francis W., porter, Prairie Ronde House. Landing Horton, carpenter, bds. 64 Hayward. Larmer Wright, carpenter, bds. 64 Hayward. Larooy Cornelius, laborer, h. 65 Centre. Larooy Cornelius, Jr., laborer, h. 65 Centre. Lehr Matilda, domestic, 93 Cass. Ludevic Samuel, student, bds. 36 Grand. Lynch Richard G., carpenter, bds. 33 Mill. Lyon Anna, h. 72 Hayward. Mahan Peter, laborer, bds. 68 Main. Marchand August, cabinet maker, bds. 72 Lyon. Major James, carpenter, h. 41 Cedar. Mason Henry H., engineer, bds. 99 Eliza. Masonic Hall, 146 Grand. Matteson Alcina, domestic, 38 Eliza. McCall Alexander, h. 53 Clay. McCall James R., farmer, h. 76 Vienna. McClure Lyman B., shoemaker, h, 94 Centre. McCreary John, grocer, 127 Grand, h. 69 Pine. McCreedy Asa, planing mill, sash, doors, blinds, and lumber yard. 98 Eliza, h. 105 Eliza. McCreedy Gilson, planer, bds. 105 Eliza. McFee George W., cooper, h. 223 Grand. McKinstry Andrew, lawyer, h. 68 Centre. Merrill Carl A., livery, 153 Grand, h. 47 Grand. Methodist Episcopal Church, Rev. Wm. Rice, pastor, 81 Grand. Mills Mrs. O. C., h. 89 Pine. Miller P. D., (Hatch & M.,) bds. Prairie Ronde House. Miller Sarah, 38 Clay. Miller Vienna, domestic, 47 Hayward. O. N. & T. F. GIDDINGS pay Taxes, collect Debts, are Agents SCHOOLCRAFT DIRECTORY. 349 Molan William, trackman, bds. 300 Grand. Monroe Mary S., domestic, 196 Grand. Morrison Sarah J., h. 75 Lincoln. Myers H. B. & Sons, (George A., Charles E. & Henry B.,) furniture warerooms, 140 Grand. Mycrs Charles E., (H. B. M. & Sons,) bds. 16 Fine. Myers George A., (H. B. M. & Sons,) h. 16 Fine Myers Henry B., (H. B. M. & Sons,) h. 59 Hayward. Myers Mary A., music teacher, bds. 59 Hayward. Nevens S. S., blacksmith, bds 20 Grand. Newton George, blacksmith, bds. 47 Eliza. Nichols Lila H., bds. 37 Cedar. Noble Albert U., harness maker, 110 Grand, h. 53 Clay. Noble Horace C., tailor, 154 Grand, h. 39 Hayward. Odd Fellows Hall, 148 Grand. Orndorff John, h. 19 Centre. Osterhout Edwin, (Slowey & 0.,) bds. 81 Pine. Osterhout Peter, lumber dealer, 115 Eliza, h. 123 Eliza. Owen Jane, domestic, 37 Clay. Owen Noah W., laborer, h. 28, Hayward. Owen William H., laborer, bds. 28 Hayward. Parish James, laborer, bds. 68 Centre. Parmeter Asher, harness maker, 50 Eliza h. same. Parsal Albert, bakery, 100 Grand h. same. Patten William II., h. 58 Cedar. Perkins Henrietta, domestic, Prairie Ronde House. Perley James P., carpenter, h. 54 Centre. Peterson Alfred, laborer, bds. 84 Cass. Phillips William, blacksmith, 106 Grand, h. 47 Eliza. Pierce Joseph, carpenter, h. 59 Cass. Porter Dyson, farmer, h. 89 Eliza. Post Office, John McCreary, post master, 127 Grand. Prairie Ronde House, 145 Grand. Presbyterian Church, Rev. Wm. G. Hubbard, pastor, 49 Clay. Price C., bds. 33 Mill. Purdy Abihal, h. 84 Cass. Purdy Charles H., bds. 61 Centre. Purdy DeWitt C., clerk, bds. 89 Cass. Purdy Edgar K., gunsmith, bds. 84 Cass. Purdy Elijah K., gunsmith, h. 80 Grand. Purdy Hannah, domestic, 52 Pine. Purdy Richard J., h. 89 Cass. Purdy William H., carpenter, h. 61 Centre. Pursel Caroline S., school teacher, bds. 44 Centre. Pursel & Co, (Isaiah W. P, John, Earl & E. B. Dyckman) proprietors flouring mills, 2. Mill. For the North America, Philadelphia, and other Ins. Co's. 350 SCHOOLCRAFT DIRECTORY. Pursel & Co, (I. W. P., John, Earl & E. B. Dyckman) dry goods, crockery, boots & shoes, 126 Grand. Pursel Isaiah W., (M. R. Cobb & Co, and Pursel & Co,) h. 37 Cass. Pursel Peter F., farmer, h. 103 Lyon. Putney Abram, bartender, Prairie Ronde House. Putney James, planer, bds. 99 Eliza. Rath Alexander B., clerk, bds. 64 Hayward. Rawson Alexander, shoe maker, h. near flouring mill. Reed Benjamin B., h. 11 Fine. Reeser Mrs. M. M., milliner & dressmaker, 160 Grand. Reeser William, carpenter, h. 160 Grand. Repass Jacob B., harness maker, h. 105 Centre. Rice William, pastor M. E. Church, h. 52 Pine. Roberts Joseph, carpenter, h. 76 Eliza. Rouse German M., farmer, h. 19 Centre. Rouse Melisa, h. 90 Grand. Rue Charles L., tinner, bds. Prairie Ronde House. Schoolcraft Herald, R. Henry Finlay prop'r, 167 Grand. Schoolcraft Steam Elevator, Smith & Struble propr's, 131 Cass. Selleck Hubbard H., foreman Asa McCreedy's planing mill, h 93 Eliza. Sessions Julia A., h. 84 Vienna. Shirley Samuel H., planer, h. 68 Grand. Sidler Philip, student, bds. 37 kliza. Simmons John, joiner, h. rear 110 Cass. Slowey & Osterhout, (W. E. S. & Edwin 0.,) tinners, 133 Grand. Slowey William E., (S. & Osterhout,) tinsmith, bds. Prairie Ronde House. Smith Charles V., furniture and insurance agent, 150 Grand, h. 66 Eliza. Smith Edwin S., (S, Knight & Vickery,) h. 50 Cass. Smith Erastus, bds. 50 Cass. Smith Hannah, h. 43 Pine. Smith Henry P., farmer, h. 62 West. Smith, Knight & Vickery, (Edwin S. S., Godfrey E. K. and Stephen V.,) dry goods, 154 Grand. Smith Luie A., (Allison & S.,) h. 66 Eliza. Smith Lovina, school teacher, h. 110 Cass. Smith Mrs. M. A., h. 219 Grand. Smith Orrin, farmer, h. 89 Eliza. Smith Perry, teamster, h. 21 Mill. Smith Richard, shoemaker, h. 42 Eliza. Smith & Struble, (V. C. S. and Daniel S.,) proprietors Schoolcraft steam elevator office, 130 Grand. Smith Seneca, township clerk, h. 44 Centre. O. N. & T. F. GIDDINGS have all kinds of Property to Rent SCHIOOLCRAFT DIRECTORY. 351 Smith Thaddeus, farmer, h. 62 West. Smith Theodore W., farmer, bds. 44 Centre. Smith V. C., (S. & Struble,) bds. Prairie Ronde House. Smith William T., principal Cedar Park Seminary, and county Sup't of schools, h. 110 Cass. Snyder William H., clerk, h. 47 Hayward. Southworth Catharine, dress maker, bds. 79 Centre. Southworth George, farmer, h. 97 Grand. Spencer Joseph, miller, h. 70 Pine. Spitzer Garrett J., confectioner, 131 Grand, h. same. Spitzer Mrs. G. J., dress and cloak maker, 131 Grand, h. same. Sprague John, laborer, bds. 38 Eliza. Stabler Hettie, domestic, 103 Lyon. Stebbins John, carpenter, h. 20 Hayward. Stilwell Josiah, teamster, h. 54 Vienna. Stilwell Libbie, 37 Cass. St. Joe Valley Railroad Depot, 132 Cass. Stone Andrew J., barber, 128 Grand, bds. Prairie Ronde House. Strew John D., mover of buildings, h. 62 Centre. Strong William, marble dealer, 90 Grand, bds. 74 Pine. Stuart David R., salesman, bds. 69 Grand. Stuart & Gainsley, (William S. & Christian H. G.,) dry goods, 142 Grand. Stuart William S., (S. & Gainsley,) res. Gourdneck Prairie. Sweet Edward R., clerk, bds. 64 Hayward. Taylor Preston, h. 97 Grand. Taylor Walter, clerk, bds. 97 Grand. Tetteroff Sarah, domestic, 37 Clay. Thomas Nathan M., president village of Schoolcraft, h. 49 Cass. Titmar Thomas, laborer, h. 42 Eliza. Townsend Gilbert L., farmer, h. 56 Clay. Troxel Edmund, prop'r Prairie Ronde House, 145 Grand. Tupper William R., engineer, h. 44 Cedar. Tweedie Thomas, agent Grover & Baker sewing machines, h. 111 Cass. Tyler William, carpenter, bds. 44 Cedar. Underwood Charles. blacksmith, 47 Pine, h. 62 Cast. Underwood Theodore J., clerk, bds. 62 Cass. Unseld Mary, bds. 159 Grand. Utter James, cooper, h. 68 Centre. Utter Martha A., domestic, 45 Clay. Vail Rev. Albert, pastor Baptist Church, h. 42 Cedar. Vanderlinder Isaac, laborer, h. 56 Centre. Vansickler Walter W., carpenter, h. 75 Vienna. Van Steel John, laborer, h. 60 Holmes. Van Zandt John C., painter, h. 70 Pine. Are Agts. for the AEtna, Home, City Fire, and other Ins Co~s. 352 8CHOOLCRAFT DIRECTORY. Vickery Stephen, (Smith, Knight & V.,) bds. 38 Cass. Vickery Zila, h. 38 Cass. Virgil George, painter, bds. Prairie Ronde House. Ward Thomas W., miller, h. 80 Cedar. Wells Warren A., school teacher, bds. 74 Pine. Westervelt James D., photographer, 160 Grand, h. same. Westner Thomas, laborer, h. 41 Centre. Wheatley John B., millwright, bds. 76 Eliza. Wheaton William, civil engineer, bds. Prairie Ronde House. Wheeler Charles F., book keeper and insurance agent, h. 68 West. Wheeler Freeland, builder, h. 203 Grand. Wilkinson J. H., bds. 79 Centre. Wilkinson Mary C., dress maker, bds. 79 Centre. Wilkinson Sallie E., milliner, bds. 79 Centre. Wilkinson Samuel C., h. 79 Centre. Wilson Benjamin B., County Treasurer, h. 48 Cass. Wilson David A., sticker, h. 89 Eliza. Wiltse Benjamin, laborer, bds. 47 Grand. Wood Otis, carriage painter, h. 79 Vienna. Wooster Charles W., school teacher, bds. 105 Grand. Wright Henry J., carriage maker, h. 40 Hayward. Zane William T., blacksmith, h. 82 Lincoln. BERAS IYf MITfE, Dealer in all kinds of AABINET 3URFITURE, thairs, Taisles, ta ds, BUREAUS, BEDSTEADS, COUCHES, &c., Elegant Parlor and Chamber Sets. COFFINS A SPECIALLITY, Ready-Made & Trimmed to order in best possible manner. Metalic Burial Cases constantly on hand. SC O~~WL a AF e M 0ea. O. N. & T. F. GIDDINGS, Real Estate and General Insurance GALESBURG DIRECTORY. Adams Charles S., switchman M. C. R. R., h. 35 Maple. Alfred Harriett N., photographer, 127 Battle Creek. Alfred Moses W., physician, 162 Battle Creek, h. 133 Main. Allen Rev. Joshua W., pastor Congregational Church, hI. 231 Battle Creek. Althouse Elizabeth, tailoress, h. 62 Main. American Express Co., Henry Labbitt, agt., 99 Main. Armstrong Phebe A., domestic, 13 Pearl. Baptist Church Rev. Hiram B. Fuller, pastor, 142 Main. Barber & Brother, (Lewis J. & Richard H.,) grocers 150 Battle Creek. Barber Lewis J., (B. & Brother,) h. 5 Grove. Barber Richard H., (B. & Brother,) h. 228 Battle Creek. Barber William H., clerk, bds. 228 Battle Creek. Barton Samuel, cooper, h. 32 Washington. Batt William, h. 79 Main. Beach Lysander C., h. 118 Battle Creek. Beadle Sarah, bds. 70 New. Beckwith Alonzo D., clerk, h. 68 Main. Beckwith Ezra, drugs and dry goods, 101 Main, h. 76 Rail Road. Bennett Lavina E., bds. Prairie House. Bestor Horatio A., (Sage & B.,) h. 160 Battle Creek. Bestor Mrs. S. B., millinery and dress making, 160 Battle Creek, h. same. Birge Cornelius W., farmer, h. 219 Battle Creek. Blackburn Richard, merchant tailor, 154 Battle Creek, h. 52 Main. Blake George E., (Brown & B.,) h. 93 Main. Blake William A., (Gates & B.,) h. 12 Grove. Blanchard Samuel E., shoemaker, h. 6 Grove. Blass Andrew, farmer, h. 16 Division. Blass William, president village, h. 128 Battle Creek. Bogardus Henry W., farmer, h. 24 Washington. Bostwick George W., farmer, h. 217 Battle Creek. Bostwick Milo B., farmer, h. 217 Battle Creek. Agents, No. 100 Main Street, 2d floor, Kalamazoo, Michigan. 354 GALESBURG DIRECTORY. Brininstool Alanson, farmer, h. 104 Rail Road. Bristol J., blacksmith, h. 125 Main. Bristol S., justice of the peace, 110 Main, h. 106 Main. Brockway Albert A., clerk, bds. 101 Main. Brockway Daniel D., h. 101 Main Brown & Blake, (George H. B., & George E. B.,) blacksmiths, 89 Main. Brown George H., (B. & Blake,) h. 74 Battle Creek. Brown Sarah P., h. 95 Main. Burdick Andrew J., (B. Brothers.) h. 141 Main. Burdick Brothers, (Andrew J., & Wiliiam A.,) druggists, 112 Main. Burdick Lankford, farmer, h. 67 Main. Burdick Mrs. Alvin, bds. 1 Grove. Burdick William A., (B. Brothers,) h. 112 Main. Burrell Frederick R., wagon manuft 21 Mill, h. 169 Battle Creek. Burroughs Newell A., sawyer, h. 213 Battle Creek. Burroughs Orrin, physician, h. 129 Main. Bush Harvey M., clerk, bds. Galligan Hotel. Butterfield Zimri W., machinist, h. 1 Main. Byington Coral, cabinet maker, h. 30 Main. Byington Dorr, farmer, bds. 12 Grove. Carmer Peter S., saddle and harness Inanuf. 149 Battle Creek, h. 78 Main. Cassidy Annie, tailoress, bds. 54 Main. Cassidy Francis, trackman, h. 54 Main. Cassidy Luke, bds. 54 Main. Cassidy Luke, Jr., trackman, h. 54 Main. Cassidy Thomas, trackman, h. 54 Main. Chase Edmund, h. 159 Main. Chesebrough Lyman H., carpenter, h. 44 Rail Road. Clark Amanda, h. 62 Main. Clark Frank, packer, h. 5 Centre. Clark Frank E., bds. 6 Centre. Clark Nancy, h. 215 Battle Creek. Clark Sarah, bds. 215 Battle Creek. Clark Zuba, h. 6 Centre. Clements Frank, laborer, bds. Galligan Hotel. Coggan William, farmer, h. 215 Battle Creek. Cogswell Allen W., baggage master, h. 34 Rail Road. Cogswell Erastus T., station agt., h. 143 Main. Colburn George, barber, 106 Main, bds. 171 Main. Commings James R., farmer, h. Kalamazoo Road. Commings Sherman, bds. with James R. Commings. Conely William B., portrait painter, bds. 72 Battle Creek. Congregational Church, Rev. Joshua W. Allen, pastor, 1 Church. O. N. & T. F. GIDDINGS draw Wills, Deeds, Mortgages, Con GALESBURG DIRECTORY. 355 Cornell Edwin, clerk, Prairie House. Cornell Hiram K., shoemaker, h. 9 Washington. Cornell Perry, propr. Prairie House, col. Main & Battle Creek. Cornell Watson, clerk, Prairie House. Cory Clarles A., bds. 69 Battle Creek. Cory Franklin, bds. 69 Battle Creek. Cory Isaac, carpenter, h. 69 Battle Creek. Corey Joseph, tarmer, h. 56 Main. Crissey Theodoret W., principal Union School, h. 70 Rail Road. Cross Hull M., (C. & Russell,) h. 28 Mill. Cross Orange L., laborer, h. 98 Rail Road. Cross t- Russell, (Hull M. C. & Loomis W. R.,) wagon maunfs. 30 Mill. Crossett Corydon D., barber, 105 Main, h. 171 Main. Curtis Benjauirin F., farmer, h. Gull Road. Dakein & Bro., (Stephen M. & Thaddeus D.,) shoemakers, 147 Battle Creek. Daken Stephen M.. (D. & Brother,) h. 227 Battle Creek. Daken Thaddeus D., (D. & Brother,) h.154 Main. Daniels Cornelia, hoop skirt maker, bds. 103 Main. Daniels David IH., h. 103 Main. Daniels Jennie, hoop skirt manuf. 103 Main. Davis Mary, cook, Prairie House. Davis Salina, h. 211 Batttle Creek. Decker William, brakeman, h. 155 Main. D)ellenbeck Daniel, farmer, h. Kalamazoo Road. Ierby Sylvenus, painter, h. 98 Rail Road. Dewey Annie, bds. 137 Main. Dickey John, clerk, bds. 76 Rail Road. )ickey William, laborer, bds. Galligan Hotel. Dickie John H., clerk, bds. 68 Main. Dunning Levi, farmer, h. 86 Rail Road. Durkee Jason W., carpenter, h. 197 Battle Creek. Dwight I Iarriett N., domestic, 20 Rail Road. Earl Luella, domestic, 140 Battle Creek. Eastman Elias, h. 9 Grove. Eldred Henry, tinner, bds. 76 Rail Road. Engle Allie A., bds. 68 Main. Evers Diana, dress maker, bds. 22 Battle Creek. Evers Francis M., farmer, bds. 22 Battle Creek. Evers Frank 0., school teacher, bds. 22 Battle Creek. Evers James K., school teacher, bds. 22 Battle Creek. Evers John, farmer, h. 22 Battle Creek. Evers Olive A., school teacher, bds, 22 Battle Creek. Fink Jolin B., laborer, bds. Galligan Hotel. Fish Emma, chambermaid, Prairie House. tracts, &c., No. 100 Main Street, 2d floor, Kalamazoo, Mich. 46 It 356 GALESBURG DIRECTORY. Fish Melissa S., boarding house, 14 Grove. Forbush George, farmer, h. 78 Battle Creek. Fuller Rev. H. B, pastor Baptist Church, h. 208 Battle Creek. Galesburg Agricultural Association Grounds, North end Division. Galligan Charles P., propr. Galligan Hotel, 103 Battle Creek. Galligan Hotel, Charles P. Galligan, propr. 103 Battle Creek. Gates & Blake, (Lyman M. G. & William A. B.,) hardware, cor. Battle Creek and Main. Gates Lyman M., (G. & Blake,) h. 202 Battle Creek. Gillis Edwin, (Proctor & G.,) h. 53 New. Godfrey George W., carpenter, h. 32 Main. Good Templars' Hall, 118 Main. Gould Theresa, school teacher, bds. 136 Main. Gray Samuel S., joiner, bds. 234 Battle Creek. Greenleaf & Co., grocers, 93 Main. Greenleaf William, (G. & Co.,) h. 20 Rail Road. Gregory Seth, tinner, bds. 79 Main. Grimes Johnson, farmer, h. 25 Main. Guilfus Betsey, h. 39 Washington. Halsey Charles, bds. Galligan Hotel. Hall Charles E, harness maker, bds. 78 Main. Hall Henry, wheat buyer, h. 9 Grove. Harris Champlin, (D. & C. H.,) h. 124 Battle Creek. Harris Charles, clerk, bds. 124 Battle Creek. Harris Daniel, grocer, h. 148 Main. Harris Daniel, (D. & C. H.,) 144 Battle Creek. Harris D. & C., (Daniel & Champlin,) billiard saloon. 144 Battle Creek. Hawxhurst Claudius, dentist, 118 Main, bds. 79 Main. Hawver Frederick Y., ftrmer, bds 207 Battle Creek. Hawver Peter F., farmer, h. 207 Battle Creek. Higgins Abbie L., school teacher, bds. 82 Rail Road. Higgins William, farmer, h. 82 Rail Road. Hill Andrew H., mason, h. 48 Rail Road. Hoag Abel, painter, h. 13 Division. Hodges George S., livery, 18 Pearl, h. 66 Rail Road. Hodgman Francis, county surveyor, 165 Battle Creek, bds. 76 Rail Road. Holcomb Alanson R., h. 11 Grove. Holcomb Horace M., dry goods and groceries, 152 Battle Creek, h. same. Holden James P., drover, h. 137 Main. Holmes Hamblin, carpenter, h. 12 Washington. Hopkins Enos T., cabinet maker, 136 Battle Creek, h. 97 Battle Creek. Farms, City Lots, Dwellings and Wild Lands for Sale by GALESBURG DIRECTORY. 357 Horsefall Elizabeth, bds. 199 Battle Creek. Hubbard Albert, drover, h. 153 Main. Hunting Daniel L., farmer, h. 23 Washington. Illeck James, laborer, bds. 66 Rail Road. Imus Mortimer D., patent right dealer, h. 50 Main. Jacobs Burban, butcher, 146 Battle Creek, h. 31 Maple. Jenkins George, druggist, 112 Main, h. same. Johnson George L., druggist, bds. 1 Grove. Johnson Peter, h. 71 New. Johnson Russel F., h. 1 Grove. Johnson Sarah M., h. 10 Grove. Johnson Truman H., farmer, bds. 10 Grove. Joy Ira, farmer, h. 5 Battle Creek. Joy Ira, Jr., farmer, bds. 5 Battle Creek. King William H., carpenter, h. 74 Rail Road. Kitson Richard, tailor, h. 9 Pearl. Knapp William H., farmer, h. 223 Battle Creek. Labbitt Henry, agent American Express Co., 99 Main, h. 199 Battle Creek. Lane Charles H., farmer, h. 14 Main. Lane Peter T., blacksmith, h. 95 Main. Lay Alexis M., (Schroder & L.,) bds. Galligan Hotel. Lewis Lurinda, bds. 205 Battle Creek. Lewis Maxson F., mason, h. 205 Battle Creek. Lindsley Hiram, cooper, bds. 95 Main. Lockhart George A., blacksmith, 24 Mill, h. 204 Battle Creek. Lockhart George W., tinner, bds. 204 Battle Creek. Ludlow Caroline, domestic, 122 Main. Lynch James L., dry goods, groceries and crockery, 118 Main, h. 122 Main. Lynch Leslie J., clerk, bds. 122 Main. Lynch Matilda, bds. 122 Main. Lynde I. B., clerk, bds. Galligan Hotel. Mansfield Beulah, bds. 207 Battle Creek. Mason Anthony L., (M. & Wing,) 14 Mill. Mason & Wing, (Anthony L. M. & Benjamin F. W.,) millers, 14 Mill. Masonic Hall, 116 Main. Mathers William, stock buyer, h. 69 New. McCarty Alonzo N., billiard saloon, 140 Battle Creek, h. 66 Main. McClary James, mason, h. 52 New. McCollum George, carpenter, h. 72 Battle Creek. McGinnis Alice, domestic, 12 Grove. McGinnis William, bds. 12 Grove. Mead Hiram, trackman, h. 94 Rail Road. O. N. & T. F. GIDDINGS, No. 100 Main Street, Kalamazoo. 358 GALESBURG DIRECTORY. Meeker Thomas G., Grocer, 129 Battle Creek, bds. Prairie House. Metcalf George L., blacksmith, h. 195 Battle Creek. Methodist Episcopal Church, Rev. George W. Sherman, pastor58 Main. Michigan Central Passenger Depot, 104 Battle Creek. Milhanm Martin, clothing and furnishing goods, 105 Main, bds. 14 Grove. Mills Willard, tailor, 101 Main, h. 60 Rail Road. Miner Lewis C., laborer, h. 25 Washington. Morey Eli, painter, 70 Main, res. Augusta. Morton Mrs. R. & Baldwin, (Mrs.. M.. & Eleanor B.,) millinery and dress making, 105 Main. Muhlenberg Frank P., grocer, 158 Battle Creek, h. 5 Washington. Mundy George W., telegraph operator M. C. R. R., bds. Galligan Hotel. Munn Abigail, bds. 14 Grove. Newcomb Charles W., cooper, bds. 24 Washington. Newman Celia M., h. 52 Rail Road. Oatman Ezra P., night watch M. C. R. R., h. 62 Town line Road cor. New. O'Connor Patrick, trackman, bds. 54 Main. Odell Austin, trackman, h. 94 Rail Road. Odell Austin H., trackman, h 94 Rail Road. Odell John, laborer, h. 42 Washington. Odell Stephen E., blacksmith, bds. 94 Rail Road. Osgood Augustus B., jeweler, 105 Main, bds. 14 Grove. Palmer Frank M., bds. Prairie House. Pardy Heniy, laborer, h. 90 Rail Road. Perry James, clerk, bds. Prairie House. Perry Kate, domestic, Prairie House. Pierce Jefferson, laborer, h. 26 Main. Post Office, Henry D. Rogers, Post Master, 32 Mill. Potts IHenry, h. 139 Main. Potts Philip, farmer, h. 234 Battle Creek. Powers Susan, bds. 139 Main. Prairie House, Perry Cornell, propr. cor. Main & Battle Creek. Priest George L., laborer, bds. 18 Rail Road. Priest Harriet, bds. 18 Rail Road. Proctor A. H, (P & Gillis,) h. 64 Main. Proctor & Gillis, (A. H. P. & Edwin G.,) tinners, 148 Battle Creek Ransom Albert E., clerk, bds. 152 Main. Ransom Roswell, farmer, h. 152 Main. Reading Henry H., agent Signor & Reading, bds. 64 Main. Reading Washington L., (Signor & R.,) 158 Battle Creek. 0. N. & T. F. GIDDINGS have all kinds of Property to Rent GALESBUJRG DIRECTORY.35 359 Redding John D., farmer, h. 18 Rkail Road. Rice William 1F., miller, bds. 16 Division. Richardson George, 0., paint: —i, h. 93 Battle Creek. Rlichmond James B., shoemaker-, bds. 89 Battle Creek. Roberts Alvah C., printer, h. 19 Washington. Robinson Lewis.NL., carpenter-, Iit 67 New. Rogers Am-os 11., asst. post master and news dealer, 32 Mill, bds. 13 Pearl. Rogrers D. K., grocer, 9 P earl, h. 70 New. Rogers Henry D., Post Master, h. 13 Pearl. Rogaers Johin, bds. 223') Battle Creek. Rtogers Williain, bds. 710 New. Rowvland Polin-a, tailoress, h. 62 Mlain. Rowvley Clark, dentist, hds. 1 Grove. Russell Almon, wagI~on m1aker, bds. 30 Main. Rutssell Loomis W., (Cross & R.,) h. 46 Main. Russell Sarah J., h. 3)0 W.Ashington. Sagre & Bestor, (Luthier Ml. S. & Horatio A. B.,) boots & shoes, 156) Battle Creek. Sage Luther M., (S. & Bestor,) h. 71 Main. Scarbrough Eliza.J., domestic, 2.04 Battle Creek. Schramling Jonas, shoe maker, bds. 95 Main. Schroder Henry, fa~rnier, Ii. Kalamazoo 1Road. Schroder -John, dry goods, groceries and furs, 165 Battle Creek, h. 17-9 Bat tle Creek. 1Schroder & Lay, (William S. & Alexis M. L.,) dry goods, 116 Mlain. Schroder William. (S. & Lay,) bds. 17-9 Battle Creek. Scott William, harness maker, h. 11 Washing~ton. Searles Ira, laborer, bds. Galligran Hotel. Shafer Jamnes M., photographer, 101 Mlain, bds. 76 Rail Road. Shafter IHug,b fiarmer, l. north end Town line road. Slhafter Jam-es, farmer, h. Gull Prairie R'oad. Shiermnan Rlev. George WV., pastor Ml. E. Church, h. 59 New. Sherwvood Stephien B., h. 238 Battle Creek. Sherwood rrlalia, bds. 6`7 New%. Sig,-nor George A., (S. & R`eading,) res. Jackson. Sigrnor h-arriett, It 234 Battle Creek. Signor & Reading, (George A. S. & Washington L. R.,) cigars and tobacco, 15`8 Battle Creek. Simm-ons Mrs. George, h. 44 Mlain. Slack Benajah, cooper, bds. 5 Church. Smith Edward P., miason, h. 81 Battle Creek. Smith Emma J., school teacher, bds. 128 Battle Creek. Smith John G., cooper~, 17 Mlill, h. 5 Church. Smith Patrick, laborer, h. 40 Rail Road. Are Agts. for the A~tna, Home, City Fire, and other Ins. Co's. 360 GALESBURG DIRECTORY. Smith R G., clerk, bds. 79 Main. Southwell Martin L., cabinet manuf., 70 Main, h. 119 Battle Creek. Spalding Warren D., farmer, h. 60 Rail Road. Spaulding Mrs. W., h. 22 Main. Stanard Mr., farmer, h. 64 Town line road. Staring Benjamin F., mason, h. 230 Battle Creek. Stetson David R., salesman, bds. 1 Grove. Stevenson Obediah L., mason, h. 51 New. Stewart Erastus, painter, h. 229 Battle Creek. Stewart George, bds. 229 Battle Creek. Stewart George W., joiner, bds. 234 Battle Creek. Stone Cass, peddler, h. 69 New. Streator John Q., clothing, 103 Main, bds. 79 Main. Struble Charles W., clerk, h. 129 Battle Creek. Struble George, blacksmith, h. 44 Main. Struble Wesley, clerk, bds. 129 Battle Creek. Struble William, farmer, h. 31 Main. Sumner Alonzo B., lawyer and insurance agent, 110 Main, h. 144 Main. Sumner John, shoe maker, 103 Main, h. 34 Washington. Sumner William, mason, bds. 34 Washington. Sutton Frank T., carriage smith, h. 132 Main. Towsley Alverdo, bds. 148 Battle Creek. Towsley Charlie A., cabinet maker, 142 Battle Creek, h. 138 Battle Creek. Towsley Lenardo H., grocer, 148 Battle Creek, h. same. Towsley Susan, milliner, 138 Battle Creek, h. 140 Battle Creek. Towsley William, bds. 140 Battle Creek. Towsley William 0., h. 140 Battle Creek. Truax George D., carpenter, h. 38 Washington. Union School, Theodoret W. Crissey, principal, 180 Rail Road. Upjohn Uriah, physician, 182 Main, h. same. Ure William E., blacksmith, bds. Prairie House. Van Buren Anson D. P., insurance agt., 116 Main, h. 6 Washington Vandebogart John L. D., cooper, h. 31 Washington. Vandusen Julia, h. 67 New. Vanmeter Henry, wagon maker, h. 89 Battle Creek. Vansickler Jane, domestic, 12 Grove. Vansickler John S., farmer, h. 2 Battle Creek. Vansickler Melinda, bds. 2 Battle Creek. Vansickler Samuel P., farmer, bds. 2 Battle Creek. Van Vleet R. S., justice of the peace, 116 Main, h. 136 Main. Warren J. Franklin, farmer, bds. 115 Battle Creek. Warren Julius F., farmer, h. 115 Battle Creek. O. N. & T. F. GIDDINGS, Conveyancers, have Property to GALESBURG DIRECTORY. 361 Warren Mary J., school teacher, bds. 115 Battle Creek. Warren Mrs. George, teacher, painting & drawing, bds. 6 Centre. Wheeler Nathaniel B., drayman. h. 234 Battle Creek. Whitcom Charles, carpenter, h. 201 Battle Creek. Whitcom William, carpenter, h. 201 Battle Creek. Whitford Porter H., wheat buyer, h. 54 Rail Road. Whitford Theodore, tinner, bds. Prairie House. Whiting Ann, h. 93 Battle Creek. Whiting Ann & Josephine, millinery & dress making, 91 Main. Whiting Fannie, milliner, bds. 93 Battle Creek. Whiting George W., butcher, h. 128 Main. Whiting Josephine, bds. 128 Main. Wightman Eli P., tobacconist & confectioner, 162 Battle Creek, bds. 2 Rail Road. Wightman George R., physician, h. 2 Rail Road. Williams John W., bds. 202 Battle Creek. Willson Harriet, h. 14 Washington. Winans Abijah P., farmer, h. 15 Division. Wing Benjamin F., (Mason & W.,) h. 149 Main. Wing Betsey A., h. 224 Battle Creek. Wise Eli, miller, bds. 79 Main. Wise Levi, miller, bds. 79 Main. Wiseman Joseph S., peddler, h. 62 Main. Young Converse T., trackman, h. 109 Battle Creek. Rent, are Agts. for Underwriters, Security, and other Ins. Co's. AUGUSTA DIRECTORY. Alford Lyman T., machinist, bds. Augusta Hotel. Alvord Mrs.P., weaver, h. 13 Chestnut. Alvord Phineas, clerk, h. 13 Chesnut. American Express Co., C. W. Cock agent, 16 East Canal. Anderson Jennie, servant. 49 Webster. Anderson Rev. Joseph, pastor Congregational Church, h. 86 Van Buren. Andrews Charles, farmer, h. 6 Water. Andrews C. W., ( Crane & A.,) h. 35 Webster. Armstrong Alvin A., h. 82 Clinton. Ashley Otis G., harness maker, 28 Webster, h. 72 Van Burcn. Augusta Hotel, John L. Mc Cord prop'r,50 Fulton. Augusta mills (flouring,) E. W. Griffin, & Co. prop'rs, 2 East Canal. Auten Nathaniel, carpenter, h. 58 Convis. Baright Edwin D., (Stringham & B.,) h.112 Clinton. Batt Lewis D., ( Bracy & B.,) h. 83 Fulton. Bentley E. H., carpenter, bds. 95 Fulton. Bentley Isaac, shoemaker, bds. 60 East Canal. Bentley Isaac C., shoemaker, bds. 60 East Canal. Bovie & Church, (William B. & Charles S. C.) drugs & groceries 41 Webster. Bovie's Hall, 41 Church. Bowne John B., dry goods, 27 Webster, h. 102 Webster. Bowne Mrs.S. P., h. 3 Chestnut. Bracy & Batt, (Edwin C. B. & Lewis D. B.,) planing mill, 1 Chestnut. Bracy Cornelius, mason, bds. 35 Church. Bracv Edwin C., (B. & Batt,) h. 35 Church. Bradish C. M. C., clerk, bds 53 West Canal. Brown & Karcher, (Phoebe C. B. & Emelino K.,) dress makers, 11 Webster. Brown Lorenzo F., dealer in agricultural implements, h. 52 Fayette. Brown Luther J., grocer, 17 Webster, h. 18 Fayette. Brown Phoebe C., (B. & Karcher,) h. 18 Fayette. O. N. & T. F. GIDDINGS, Real Estate and General Insurance AUGUSTA DIRECTORY. 363 Burdick Charles, h. 26 Fayette. Burdick Harlow, h. 32 Cass. Burdick Ida, bds. 26 Fayette. Burnett William H., harness maker, h. Fulton. Burson Joseph W., carpenter, h. 97 West. Campion Michael, tailor, 28 Webster. Cannan Cornelius, trackman, h. 40 Fayette. Cannan William, trackman, bds. 40 Fayette. Carpenter Edward M., (E. W. Griffin & Co.,) res. Albany N. Y. Carpenter H., miller, bds. Augusta Hotel. Church Charles S., ( Bovie & C.,) bds. Augusta Hotel. Church Edwin B., groceries & billiard rooms, 23 Webster, h. 36 Fayette. Cock C. W. & Co., ( C. W. & John L. Cock,) forwarding and commission merchants, 16 East Canal. Cock Charles W., ( C. W. Cock & Co.,) h. 44 Clinton. Cock John L., ( C. W. Cock & Co.,) h. 90 Clinton. Coddington Edwin, farmer, h. north end Webster. Coleman Susan, (col'd) servant, 44 Clinton. Congregational Church, Rev. Joseph Andtrson, pastor, 58 Van Buren. Cook Warren, clerk, bds. 102 Webster. Cooley Elias, shoemaker, 105 Fulton, h same. Crane & Andrews, ( Lewis C. & C. W. A.,) grocers, 35 Webster. Crane Charles, butcher, bds. 41 West Canal. Crane Lewis, ( C. & Andrews and C. & Scudder,) h.41 West Canal. Crane & Scudder, (Lewis C. & Nelson S.,) Grocers, 34 Webster. Cross Alice A., Servant, 53 West Canal. Dean J. A. & Co., ( J. A. D. & George Weeks,) druggists, 29 Webster. Dean Josiah A., farmer, h. 110 Clinton. Delano Philander L., carpenter, h. 101 West. DeWolf Angeline, milliner, bds. 37 Webster. Dole Franklin, butcher, bds. 29 Church. Dole John, painter, h. 29 Church. Doyle Annie, cook, Augusta Hotel. Fisher John H., physician, h. 89 Fulton. Flint Joseph W., laborer, bds. 121 Chestnut. Foster Marshal, clerk, bds. 27 Webster. Gardner Calvin, laborer, h. 56 Washington. Geiger Charles H., harness maker, bds. Fulton. Good Temnplars' Hall, 51 West Canal. Gregory Richard, farmer, h. Battle Creek road. Griffin E. W. & Co., (Elias W., G. & Edward M. Carpenter,) prop'rs Augusta flouring Mills, 2 East Canal. Agents, No. 100 Main Street, 2d floor, Kalamazoo, Michigan. 47 864 AUGUSTA DIRECTORY. Griffin Elias W., ( E. W. G. & Co.,) res. Albany, N. Y. Griffin William A., cooper, h. 99 Fulton. Hale Lorenzo D., (Wood, Pool & Co.,) res. Ann Arbor. Hall Frank B., carpenter, h. 100 Webster. Hall George, harness maker, bds. Augusta Hotel. Harvey Henry, laborer, h. 22 Cass. Harvey John, wagon manuf. 53 Clinton. Havens Henry C., shoemaker, bds. 51 Cherry. Havens J. G., dentist, 39 Webster,h. 56 Chestnut. Hensell John H., farmer, h. 109 West. Hensell Margaret, h. 61 Church. Hensell William, laborer, bds. 61 Church. Hickox Charles, farmer, bds. 49 Webster. Hickox Hiram, cooper, h. 35 Fayette. Hickox Lemuel, clerk, bds. Augusta Hotel. Higgins William H., farmer, h. 83 West. Hitchcock Nancy L., millinery and dressmaking, 28 Webster. Holden George W., butcher, 43 Webster, bds. Augusta Hotel. Hollister Edwin J., jeweler, 29 Webster, h. 28 Webster. Hooper Anna, servant, 49 Webster. House George G., drayman, h. 102 Clinton. Hulce John h. 50 Cherry. Hulett Edwin L., bds. 46 Van Buren. Hulett Lowell, merchant, h. 46 Van Buren. Huntley Aaron W., millwright, h. 27 Washington. Huntley Elmer, clerk, bds. 27 Washington. Huntley Eunice, h. 27 Washington. Ives James, R.R. agent, h. 43 West Canal. Karcher Emeline, (Brown & K.,) h. Cherry. Karcher George S., farmer, h. 101 Clinton. Kavanaugh Thomas, cooper, h. 92 Clinton. Kent Benjamin T., clerk, bds. Webster. Kent Cephus, farmer, h, near north end Webster. Kilmer Cornelia M., h. 105 Clinton. Kilmer Ira, laborer, bds. 105 Clinton. Kilmer Jonas W., laborer, bds. 105 Clinton. King Ella, school teacher, bds, 60 Fayette. King John D., tinner, h. 60 Fayette. King Lucius, laborer, h. 113 Chestnut. King Maggie, domestic, 18 Fayette. LaBar Alanson, boots and shoes, 26 Webster, h. 56 West. Lane James, W., carpenter, h. 95 Fulton. Loomis Ellen, dressmaker. Mankie Louie, miller, bds, Augusta Hotel. Mason Eugene, carpenter, h. 54 Fayette. Mason Martin, physician, h. 26 Water. O. N. & T. F. GIDDINGS, Real Estate and General Insurance AUGUSTA DIRECTORY. 365 Masonic Hall, 29 Webster. McCord Hannah M., bds. Augusta Hotel. McCord John L., prop'r Augusta Hotel. McCray Barney, h. 41 Van Buren. McCray Robert, trackman, bds. Augusta Hotel. McElheny G. H., harness maker, h. 25 Webster. McKay Chauncy, carpenter, h. 10 Jefferson. McKay Daniel, carpenter, h. 64 West Canal. McPherson Helen, bds. 28 Chestnut. Mead & Palmiter, (Marvin M1. & Chas. P.,) foundry and machine works, 10 Chestnut. Mead Marvin, (M. & Palmiter,) h. 67 Jackson. Merrill Mrs. R. M., millinery and dressmaking, 37 Webster, h. same. Merrill Sarah, milliner, bds. 37 Webster. Methodist Episcopal Church, Rev. Augustus W. Torrey pastor, 100 Fulton. Michigan Central R. R. Depot, J. C. Pray agent, 2 Webster. Milspaugh Arthur, farmer, h. 28 Chestnut. Milspaugh Hiram E., bds. 28 Chestnut. Murphy William W., laborer. Moore William B., h. 35 Van Buren. Newton Seymour, farmer, bds. 49 Webster. Nichols Annie, servant, 50 Convis. Norton Mary,bds. 29 Church. O'Brien John, clerk, Augusta Hotel. Owen Charles W., employee M. C. R. R., bds. Augusta Hotel. Paliniter Charles, (Meade & P.,) h. 19 Fayette. Palmiter Hannah, h. 19 Fayette. Parks Henry, butcher, h. 72 West Canal. Patterson Caleb K., physician, 49 Webster, h. same. Peak Harvey, barber, bds. 17 Webster. Peer Samuel H., blacksmith, h. Battle Creek Road. Perry Alexander E., post office clerk, bds Augusta Hotel. Perry James S., carpenter, h. 20 Cass. Pettit R. C., painter, h. 113 Chestnut. Phelps, Charles S., painter, h. 27 Church. Phetteplace Jay, Post master, bds. Augusta Hotel. Pierson George B. mfller, h. 36 Fulton. Pool Henry D., (Wood, P. & Co.,) h. Van Buren. Pool Nathan F., blacksmith, 94 Clinton. Post Office, Jay Phetteplace, post master, 12 East Canal. Prater James H. photographer, h. 51 West Canal. Pratt Allen, farmer, h. Battle Creek Road. Pray Julian C., agent M. C. R. R. and telegraph operator, bds. 28 Webster. Agents, No. 100 Main Street, 2d floor, Kalamazoo, Michigan. 366 AUGUSTA DIRECTORY. Radley Joseph, cooper, bds. 49 Webster. Ralston James W., carpenter, h. North end Webster. Randall Sylvenas H., farmer, h. 105 West. Reynolds Job T., carpenter, bds. 61 Cherry. Rice John F., warehouseman, h. 28 East Canal. Ridley George W., carpenter, h. 26 Cass. Rorabeck George, clerk, bds. 53 West Canal. Saunders George W., wagon maker, 48 Fulton, h. 40 East Canal. Scudder John R., flour packer, h. 97 Webster. Scudder Nelson, (Crane & S.,) h. Ross Township. See Alanson H., carpenter, h. 61 Cherry. Seeley Nathan B., carpenter, b. 95 Clinton. Shotwell Mrs. S. P., tailoress and dress maker, 66 Van Buren. Shotwell Samuel P., boots & shoes, 52 Webster, h. 66 VanBuren. Silence David, (col'd,) barber, 17 Webster, h. Clinton. Skillman Edgar, laborer, h. 50 Convis. Smith Oliver R., justice of the peace, h. 64 Van Buren. Solomon Joseph, mason, bds. 26 Water. Solomon Jonas F., mason, bds. 26 Water. Soper Franklin M., blacksmith, 49 Clinton, h. 3 West Canal. Sprague Alonzo S., hardware, 39 Webster, h. 53 West Canal. Sprague Caleb M., farmer, h. 76 Jackson. Sprague Ferdinand, h. 66 Fayette. Sprague Lathrop S., clerk, bds. 53 West Canal. Stover Joseph, blacksmith, 50 Clinton, h. 27 Webster. Stringham & Baright, (William P. S. & Edwin D. B.,) groceries and crockery, 11 Webster. Stringham William P., (S. & Baright,) bds 112 Clinton. Sullivan Melissa, h. Church. Thompson Albert A., mason, h. 121 Chestnut. Thompkins Calvin E. h. 98 West. Tighe John D., shoemaker. Torrey Rev. Augustus W., pastor M. E. Church. Tripp John, laborer, h. 54 Convis. Vandercook John, R., moulder, h. 35 Fayette. Van Vleck John, farmer, h. 50 Convis. Van Vleck Philip, farmer, h. 69 Convis. Wait Adin C., clerk, bds. 66 Van Buren. Wakeley Eleazer, shoemaker, 28 Webster, h. 60 East Canal. Watson Sarah, milliner, h. 41 Webster. Webster & Co., (Alanson W., Lewis Crane, & C. W. Andrews,) produce and commission merchants, 35 Webster. Webster Alanson, wheat buyer, h. 27 Webster. Weeks George, (J. A. Dean & Co.) bds. 96 Fulton. Wells Almond H., livery and boarding stable, h. 81 Clinton. Wheeler Curtis B., cooper, h. 51 Cherry. O. N. & T. F. GIDDINGS pay Taxes, collect Debts, are Agents BRADY DIRECTORY. 367 Wheeler James L., miller, h. 89 Clinton. Whitford Wilber, lime burner, h. 5 Chestnut. Williams John, (col'd,) porter, Augusta Hotel. Williams John, cooper, h. 9 Webster. Williamson Robert J., deputy register, h 82 Van Buren. Winters Thomas, carpenter, h. 3 Chestnut. Wolcott Samuel, laborer, bds. 83 Fulton. Wood Herman E., blacksmith, h. 101 Webster. Wood Pool & Co., (Timothy C. W., Henry D. P., & Lorenzo D. Hale,) dry goods, groceries and crockery, 37 Webster. Wood Sarah A., school teacher, res. Charleston. Wood Timothy C., (W. Pool & Co.,) h. Fulton. Young Jacob V. W., harness maker, 25 Webster, h. 96 Fulton. Young Joseph E., bds. 96 Fulton. BRADY DIRECTORY. Ainsworth Fanny, seamstress. Anderson D. P., (Briggs & A.) Bacon C. J., saloon keeper. Baker Heman, farmer. Baker Horace A., hardware, flour and feed. Baker John W., miller. Baker Richard M., miller. Barker Elliott H., farmer. Barker W. H., blacksmith. Barnes Alanson J., painter. Barnes George A., farmer. Barnes John W., farmer. Barnes Mason, farmer. Barton Jennie, Union Hotel. Boddy Isaac, wagon Inanuf. Bodmer P. L., shoemaker. Bodmer Rosa M., dress maker. Boughton Isabella. Bowman Hannah. Brady Exchange Hotel, A. McComsey, proprietor. Briggs & Anderson, proprs. grist mill, saw and planing mill. Briggs Asa, (B. & Johnson.) ]3riggs Edmond, miller. Briggs George H., law student. Briggs & Johnson, (A. S. B. & John J.,) proprs. portable saw mill. Brown Mary F., dress maker. Brown Minerva. Burdick George W., farmer. Burdick James. laborer. Burdick Julia A., domestic. Burdick Silas R., carpenter. Burr Eugene, student. Burr Frank, student. Burr M. H., druggist & PostMaster. Burter Cynthia, domestic. Bush F. W. Butts Harvey, laborer. For the North America, Philadelphia, and other Ins. Co's. 368 BRADY DIRECTORY. Caruthers William, farmer. Chapman Oscar W., physician. Chard Elijah, cabinet maker. Clark H M., music teacher. Colwell Susan. Congregational Church, Rev. Mr. Kidder, pastor. Cook Edson W., liveryman. Cook Edwin W., farmer. Corwell Henry H., farmer. Corwin Cornelia A. Corwin Taylor, tailor. Cotton Edward, carpenter. Cotton John, (cold) laborer. Covell James T., sawyer. Davis William, carpenter. Day John S., butcher. De Armond Charles B., mover of buildings. De Armond John, laborer. Dering Eldridge G., carpenter. Finlay H., patent right dealer. Finlay Thomas B., farmer. Finley Artie. Finley & Barker, (Thos. W. F. & Wm. H. B.,) blacksmiths. Finley John M., farmer. Finley Thos. W., (F. & Barker.) Foley John, hostler. Garland William, butcher. Grahams Edwin F. Grovenberg Betsey. Grovenberg Maria. Guilford Alfred J., livery. Hackett Thomas, hostler. Jadsell Ann, school teacher. Hadsell O. D., school teacher. Hampton Isaac, wagon maker. Hampton I. B., wagon manuf. Hawkins John W., laborer. Hawkins Samuel, justice of the peace. Hawkins Wm. G., shoemaker. Hawkins Wm. T., shoemaker. Herson Uriah, blacksmith. Hice Jacob W., carpenter. Hill Erastus, wagon maker. Hill Julia, school teacher. Hill Lucy, school teacher. Hill Malcolm, physician. Hill Manfred, farmer. Hili Motram, falrmer. Hill Norman A., physician. Hitts Paul, miller. H-oward E. E., cigar maker. Howard John. Howard Jonathan J., miller. Hutsel David, farmer. Johnson A. J., (Briggs & J.) Johnson James, laborer. Jones Nelson V., tinner. Joslin A., foreman Briggs & Anderson's planing mill. Kauselman Richard, laborer. Kidder Rev. J. W., pastor Congregational Church. Kimber Nathaniel J., blacksmith. Kimble David, hardware. Kingsbury Greenlee, clerk. Kinyon James R., mason. Krader John, farmer. Leland Abner M., carpenter. Leland Edgar A. Lemon Clark, laborer. Long John, merchant. Lyon Hiram, blacksmith. Lyon Mary, school teacher. Martin Austin, groceries. Mason John S., (M. & Robinson.) Mason & Robinson, (John S. M. & Zenas N. R.,) dry goods and groceries. Mason Samuel G., commercial broker. MIcAlpine Joln W., carpenter. McComsey Andrew, propr., Brady Exchange Hotel. McElvain & Allen, (Joseph W. McE. & Josiah A.,) proprs. Union Hotel. O. N. & T. F. GIDDINGS have all kinds of Property to Rent BRADY DIRETOJTRY.36 369 Moffat Aaron, shoemaker. Moffat Albeit F., trapper. Mofthit Albert W., clerk..Mothit Levi, laborer. Moore Harrison, mason. Newton Lewis, laborer. Norton Albee, clerk. Norton Andrew T. Norton Andrew rr., Jr. Notley Francis, farmer. P~ackard James II., teamster, Parker Samuel G., laborer-. Parkhurst Byron, farmer. Parkhurst James. Post Office, M. H-. Burr, PostMaster. Ramsdell Orson, saloon. Rayner T., merchiant tailor, Rice John J., laborer. Richards Sidney, laborer. Richardson Solomon, groceries and boots & shoes. Reed Nicholas, farmer. Reky Lewis, laborer. R'.obinson Z. N., (Mason & R.) Rood Carrol. L.,,school teacher. R-oot William C., carpenter. Sanborn Martin E., carpenter. Saw and Planingr Mill, Briggs & Anderson, proprs. Schoon over Henry, Sawyer. Seymour Nettie, milliner. Shafer Jacob H. Shafer Jas. M., photographer. Shields It. R., carriage maker. Slater Aaron, shoemaker. Sliter Anthony J., la~borer Smith Betsey. Smith Ezra, physician. Smith George S., carpenter. Smith IL. IL., meat market. Smith Leonard L. Spatilding Lillis G. Springer Warren, farmer. Stone F., cigar maker. Stratton James, carpenter and painter. Strickland John A., farmer. Strongr I. A., school teacher. Strong JTames, gunsmith. Struble ]D~aliel, farmer. Stults Walter, painter. Traylor Joseph E. Traylor 0. E. & Co., (Oscar E. T. & Essingrton rTrim mer,) dry goods, groceries, clothing and boots & shoes. Taylor Oscar E., (0. E. rr. & Co0.) T~homnpson Seth, liveryman. Trrimmer Essimngton, (0. E. Traylor & Co.) U nion School. Vickers Grist Mill, Briggs & Anderson, proprs. Waters Alfred, laborer. Wilcox Emneline. Wilson James. Woodworth George, laborer. Woolverton. Win. C., farmer. Woolverton N. S., fanner. Worthington M., blacksmith. Yates Eden, sawyer. Yeornans IBenjamin, mnason. Yeomans Benona, mason. 'Yeomnans Mary E., domestic. Are Agts. for the Xthna, Home, City Fire, and other Ins Co's. COMSTOCK DIRECTORY. Anderson Edwin B., farmer. Anderson Eli B., farmer. Anderson Eli H., farmer. Anderson Thomas A., farmer. B iker William, wagon maker. Baldwin W. W., dry goods and groceries. Barnes Stephen, laborer. Beach William, laborer. Bigelow M. J., school teacher. Bigelow Nathan, farmer. Brown Alden, gunsmith. Brown & Co., (Warren D. & Myron M.,) merchant millers. Brown Mary. Brown Myron M., (B. & Co.) Brown Warren D. (B. & Co.) Butcher Ephraim, farmer. Carter Frederick, foreman farmer's mill. Central Flouring Mills, Brown & Co., proprs. Chase Francis H., miller. Colby John, laborer. Collins Clark, carpenter. Comstock Mills (Flouring,) G. W. Fish, propr. Crowell D. S., farmer. Croswell Lewis Cass, farmer. Crowell Oscar, farmer. Drake Aden D., shoe maker. Dunbar John, miller. Dunbar John L., packer. Ellsworth William W., sawyer. Farmers' Custom & Merchant Flouring Mills, G. E. Dunbar & Co., proprs. Fountain Lewis, laborer. Gould Daniel, shoemaker. Hayward Horace, miller. Hutchinson James, cooper. Hyde Hiram, sawyer. Kelley George, farmer. Latliam Rev. James, pastor Methodist Church. Leslie Martha A. Locy Fannie. Loveland Albert. Loveland David. Loveland Hiram, foreman Comstock Mills. Loveland Josiah, cooper, postmaster and grocer. Loveland Stephen, farmer. Mahoney Edward, trackman. Methodist Church, Rev. James Latham, pastor. Percival Montgomery, farmer. Pledge John, miller. Post ()ffice, Josiah Loveland, P. M. Price Alexander, cooper. Quinby Ephraim, blacksmith. Ryan Edward, trackman. Saw Mill & Cider Mill, Brown & Co., proprs. Seymour Charles, farmer. Shand Robert, miller. Sheldrich Lydia. Sidle John A., miller. Smith Clark, farmer. Smith Edwin G., butcher. Thompson Robert. Vincent George, mason. Waterman Zephaniah, miller. White Adam, farmer. White Gilman. Wilcox John, teamster. O. N. & T. F. GIDDINGS, Real Estate and General Insurance COOPER DIRECTORY. 371 COOPER DIRECTORY. Adams Charles H., clerk. Adams Clark, dry goods, groceries, &c. Adams Jarvis, carpenter. Adams Rev. Clark, farmer, Allen George W., carpenter. Allen Roena. Bass Jennie, domestic. Benson Ellen, domestic. Brundage Louisa, domestic. Carpenter Amos, farmer. Chappell A. D., farmer. Congdon Edmund D. Congdon Rev. T. J., pastor I. E. Church. Congregational Church, Rev. John Scotford, pastor. Crandall John, farmer. Crump Ross 0., carpenter. Delano Ephraim B., farmer. Delano George, farmer. Delano Nelson, farmer. Delano Samuel, blacksmith. Deyo Elijah P., farmer. Dome Frank, laborer. Dunham Seneca, farmer. Earl Augustus, carpenter. Earl Edwin, carpenter. Ferguson Charles E., propr. Farmers' Home. Glen Alexander, farmer. Glen Erastus H., farmer. Harrison Emma, domestic. Hart George, farmer. Hart Lafayette, farmer. Hicks Ellery. Hicks John B., farmer. Iolmes Alva, farmer. Iolmes John, farmer. Holmes Norton B., carpenter. Huntley Addison, farmer. Huntley Ashur G., blacksmith. Huntley Ezekel W., farmer. Huntley Hollis E., farmer. Huntley Minerva. Janes Nathan W., farmer. Lillie Amos P., farmer. Lillie Frank B., laborer. Mason George N., farmer. Mayson Melville E. Masonic Hall. Methodist Episcopal Church, Rev. T. J. Congdon, pastor. Mole Effie. Monroe Almon V., farmer. Montgomery Alonzo, farmer. Naragan Norton, laborer. Newton Milo, farmer. Peck Henry C., blacksmith. Phelps Charles, farmer. Platt Thomas, farmer. Priest Edwin, farmer. Priest Martin I., farmer. Rosa Horatio, laborer. Roundy Esther C. Scotford Rev. J., pastor Congregational Church. Seymour Sarah. Sherman Lucy R. Skinner Henry, farmer. Skinner James M., farmer. Skinner Joseph, farmer. Skinner Ray L., farmer. Skinner William, farmer. Smith Eugene, carpenter. Smith Ira, farmer. Street John, farmer. Strong Robert M., physician. Thayer Cyrus, farmer. Van Antwerp Oscar, farmer. Wall Aaron, school teacher. Wickwire Geo., wagon maker. Wing John, trackman. Agents, No. 100 Main Street, 2d floor, Kalamazoo, Michigan. 48 372 OSHTEMO DIRECTORY. OSHTEMO DIRECTORY. Alexander John, farmer. Allen Job, farmer. Allen William, farmer. American Express Co., O. F. Coleman, agent. Baker Andrew J., carpenter. Binder Anton, trackman. Bishop Asahel, laborer. Bolinger Jacob. Britton George, shoemaker. Campbell Patrick, blacksmith. Clapp Ashley, clerk. Clapp Charles H., dry goods, groceries, drugs and hardware. Colegrove Uri, farmer. *Coleman Oscar F., dry goods, groceries, boots and shoes, and station agt. M. C. R. R. Combs George W., planer. Combs George W., painter. Combs J. E., blacksmith. Combs Mrs. L. Crandall Benjamin F., wagon maker. Crandall Herman, carpenter. Dean William B., clerk. Dimmick Stoel, miller. Drummond J., wagon maker. I)rummond Wm., carpenter. French Calvin H., carpenter. Gage Dimick, clerk, Gamble Robert, laborer. Gibbs Isaac, farmer. Graves Edwin, saloon. Hale William M., farmer. Hall Edwin D., farmer. Hobden John, farmer. Hough Lydia. Johnson Charles farmer. Johnson Frederick, farmer. Kellogg A. S., (K. & Bro.) Kellogg & Bro., (James M. & Albert S.,) cradle manufs. Kellogg Clark. Kellogg James M., (K. & Bro.) Kempsey John, laborer. Lathan Rev. David R., pastor M. E. Church. Lee Charles W., track repairer. Lederer J. L., cabinet maker. Lesley WV. J., pattern maker. Linton James G., physician. Loring Rodolphus ). Methlodist Episcopal Church. Miller Franklin, farmer. Miller Peter, farmer. Owens Clinton, farmer. Payne Emery, farmer. Post Office, Oscar F. Coleman, Post AMaster. Ralston Almond, farmer. Renig Lewis, trackmatn Rickard Huldah. Rickard John, farmer. Rickard Wm. H., farmer. Rightmire S. 0., carpenter. Rowel Benjamin, painter. Schwean Henry, laborer. Seiler Peter, trackman. Shafer Adam, laborer. Snyder Drusilla. Taylor 13enjamin, laborer. Tuttle William, farmer. 0. N. &~ T. F. GIDDINGS, Conveyancers, have Property to GULL CORNERS DIRECTORY.37 373 GULL CORNERS DIRECTORY. Arrowsmith W., wagon makcr. Barnes A. B., (M. P. & A. 1. Barnes M. P., (M. P. & A. B.) Ba rnes M. P. & A. B., dry goods, groceries, &c. Bla-zo Hlarriet. Boles Robert, blackismith. Bradley Rev. Milton, pastor, Ptiesbyterian Church. Browvn Charles B., farmner. Brown Chester E., farmer. iBrown Sainuel. TI., fiarimer. Brvant Edwin, Laborer. Budl J. 11., bhmacksmith. Buiskirik, Jacob IL, lpainter. Carpenter Eliza A. Charles Abner, dry goods, etc. Chatrles Josephb E., clerk. Cntuninngs Seymouir S, flanrnier. Gmurtis Mlorcjn. IDimnick Keziah. D)oolittle WXm caraemaker. iDoonuam Mfvr-ie Eastnan Leoniard P., fartnme3r. E'astnian Nelson XV., laborer. E~therinoi-ton John, shoe maker. Griddinges Nancy F. Gilkey John L., fiarmer. Hl-ai~rht D. AlI.,harness maker. Hawley Reuibin S., p)hysician. JTackson. Stillninan, fa-rmier..Jewett (George N., carpenter. Jewett Nelson, shoemaker. Jewett Win. M., shoemiaker. JTones Charles WV., farmer. Jones E'phraim. Logran William L., farmier. Love Grove Chas. E., laborer. Marble Rev. Elisha, pastor Ml. E. Church. TM.irtin. John F., blackmisith.b Mason Edwin. Methodist Episcopal Church, Rev. Elisha Marble, pastor. Mlills Auigustus, fitrmer. Mfills Simleonl, farmer. Mlorse Charles P., blacksmith. Odd Fellows' Hall. Parker Amasa S., farmer. Parker Jiistis B., farmner. Parnialee Charles, blacksmith. IPatmm1rck Stephnen 13., carpenter,. IPeck E~ inier Al., farmner. Pos~t Offi e, N. II. Walbr-idge, 1P(st Mla'tcr. 1Presbyterian Church. Rev. Milton 13iradley, pastor. I'Veed Gil'bert E., lamrnner. Sc-ovi lle Minor S., clerk. Scoville W~allace H., Clerk. Select 6chool, A. L. Fox, ~riincilpal. Spaul dlng F,1ranklin B., fhlrmer. picer Minniie, mil liner. Suttliff S. A. &t A. BI., lr1pi-tP. sutlifi, hotel. Thlorlpe S. B., harness shop. Tucker Adam Ml., carpenter. Van Horn Alngeline. NV m ichardt ii., farmner. Wells Thomnas, laborer. West Malinida, milliner. Westley Otho, (col'd) la-borer. Whitney Normnan S5, farmer. Wood I3)enjaimin, carpenter. XXood Ed ward, carpenter. Wood George, farmner. Wood Peter, cooper. Vvood Susan. W~oodrufl Julia H. R~ent, are Agts. for Underwriters, Security, and other Ins. Co's. 374 CLIMAX & PORTAGE DIRECTORY. CLIMAX DIRECTORY. Arnold Isaac. Baptist Church, Rev. William S. Roberts, pastor. Bates Barney, farmer. Bates Erastus, farmer. Beebe John, shoemaker. Bonney Abner, mason. Brown Charles, peddler. Bucklin J. D., wagon maker. Canfield 13. J., carpenter. Chamberlain Joseph. Climax Post Office, Charles E. Hodgman, Post Master. Colton Sarah M. Cummings Joseph S., farmer. Eldred Alphonzo B., dry goods, crockery, groceries & hardware. Eldred Caleb. Eldred Stephen, farmer. Eldred Thomas B., farmer. Elwell Robert, farmer. Gould Archibald S., laborer. Gould Philetus, blacksmith. Guchess C. B1., carpenter. Hana John, farmer. Hodgman Charles E., Post Master. Hodgman F., photographer. Hodgman Moses, shoemaker. Hunt Nicholas, farmer. Lawrence Daniel, farmer. Lovell L. W., physician. Newman James, blacksmith. Pierce Isaac Preble George, laborer. Reasner John, blacksmith. Rose Thonas C., farmer. Seadorf John, shoemaker. Seeley Oscar F., physician. Shaver James S., sawyer. Sheldon George, farmer. Sinclair George F., clerk. Swarts Ianiel. Toby William, farmer. Tubbs William H., farmer. Wolcott Albert, farmer. Wolcott Hiram, farmer. Wolcott Hugh, farmer. Wolcott William, farmer. PORTAGE CENTRE DIRECTORY. Austin Harry, farmer. Cahill Arad. Chubb John. Curran Edward, farmer. Durkee Ebenezer, farmer. Fowler James, farmer. Hannah Robert, farmer. Hawkins Jesse. Hill Alexander, farmer. Johnson Orrin. Laning Samuel B., farmer. Lathrop Daniel. Marsh Jay, farmer. Matteson Julius, farmer. McComsey John, farmer. Perry Edward. Phillips John, farmer. Pike Nathan G., farmer. Primer S. B, farmer. Smith D. M., farmer. Trumble Walter, farmer. Trumble William, farmer. White E. N., farmer. Williams John, farmer. Zimerman Clayton. PRINTED BY STONE BRO'S, 22 & 24 SOUTH BURDICK ST., KALAMAZOO. ,-' 11 47'.,A-6 O'L"LT\k (..^ i I J -.. I c.; w1 - 0, i 4 1,.. Q q,. — .,t - %t KALAMAZOO DIRECTORY. ITY MA RB LE WORKS. -- __ -— C 'O 4a Z oTT SON E ti NO. 91 NORTH BURILDICKNG PURPOSES, FURNISHEDT, FO BUILDING PURPOSES, FRNISHED TO ORDER. ALL WORK WARRANTED! COMPETITION DEFIED I The Superiority of our Work is already known throughout the State. 4~3L ~it~tl\~~ti~2;~<>, ~ 4RCI~-t \:LaS \:;; P S 7 7 11 And Manufacturers of I Choiee oinfecti oerles,.+ Wholesale and Retail Dealers in BREAD, CRACKERS, IES Rooms: Pleasant and C e and Wiaiters attentive. C KES34, AINSTREE s,.F FUITS, NUTS, ICE CREAMS, SQOD WATERS ( AND EVERYTHING APPERTAINING TO A * FIRST CLASS IRESTAURANT! j Rooms: Pleasant and Centra * and Waiters attentive.: BURDICK HOUSE B t00K, KALAMAZOO, MICH. i I r -I —I ~f~jg:gI r - g rt i-~ x ~~E~1 x?:' -:s^=: ~ r5 ---iS~ _ -s _a-;.l:~As::