~II I ill 1 1i-J BOOKS BY THE S4AME AUTHOR "OUR INI,AND SEAS" Their Shipping and Commerce for Three Centuries A fascinating story of the development of transportation on the Great Lakes, with interesting side lights on history and bizarre tales of lost treasure and lost people, including the economic value of lake shipping. Crown, 8 vo., 380 pages, 70 ill. $1.75 Net A. C. MCCLURG & Co., Chicago, Publishers. "SEARCHLIGHTS ON SOME AMERICAN INDUSTRIES" A book full of the romance of our leading industries, yet satisfying, too, the sober requirements of accuracy. It traces the growth and development of each industry from the earliest times to the highly specialized systems of today. Crown, 8 vo., 300 pages, 4S ill. $1.50 Net. A. C. MCCLURG & Co., Chicago, Publishers. 'OLIVER HAZARD PERRY AND THE BATTLE OF LAKE ERIE" A true and faithful biography of the hero of Erie, related in a highly interesting style, unbiased and free from undue praise. It is a history of the naval operations on Lake Erie in 1S1.3, and of the subsequent military campaign in Canada, which resulted in the recovery of the Northwest Territory to the United States. Crown, 8 vo., 278 pages, 12 ill. $1.50 Net. JOHN PHELPS, Detroit, Publisher. I SAGINAW COUNTY COURT HOUSE, ERECTED 1884-5 HISTORY of SAGINAW COUNTY MICHIGAN Historical Commercial Biographical Profusely Illustrated with Portraits of Early Pioneers, Rare Pictures and Scenes of Olden Times, and Portraits of Representative Citizens of Today By JAMES COOKE MILLS Author of "Our Inland Seas "Searchlights on American Industries" "Oliver Hazard Perry and the Battle of Lake Erie" Saginaw, Michigan Seemann & Peters, Publishers Printers, Binders, Stationers 1918 Copyright, 1918 Seemann & Peters, Saginaw All rights reserved PRESS OF SEEMANN & PETERS SAGINAW, MICHIGAN U. S. A. PREFACE IXTY years ago, when the whole region of Saginaw Valley was little more than a wilderness, a printer by the name of Fox gave the scant population a "History of Saginaw County." It was a small pamphlet of about sixty pages, paper b)ound, set up and printed entirely by hand, but it contained valuable information for posterity. Unfortunately this book has become very scarce, and only a few copies are known to exist. In 1868 Mr. Fox published a new and revised edition of his history, containing eightysix pages, also hand made, which now is also rare. The first directory of Saginaw, published in 1866, contained a comprehensive and interesting history of early Saginaw, by Thomas Galatin; and eight years later AT. R. Bates presented his "History of the Saginaws." From these early histories, valuable in their accounts of pioneer days, of persons and events; from the files of early newspapers; from scrap books and albums of settlers who preserved records of primitive times; and from interviews with many old residents whose recollections were still keen, the historian has gathered materials for this history. It is the first work of the kind, to be dignified by the title of "History," published in thirty-seven years; and in its broad scope and purpose represents many months of research and study. The fund of information, containing stories of border life, narratives of personal adventures and public events, is almost inexhaustible. One might go on and on for years gathering true and faithful accounts, often musty and dim with age, but with plenty of color and atmosphere to lend interest, and filling volumes of interesting history. The human element never is wanting in Saginaw's history. Few sections of the country, at least in the Middle West, can produce such material, thrilling and often startling, and replete with heart interest. The difficulty experienced by the historian has been in the selection and elimination of his materials, for he has ever had in mind the use of that which casts a searchlight on human events, and lends the most absorbing interest. Romance is not lacking in the stories gathered, and possibly some of it may be reflected in the historical narratives. The purpose and aim of this History of Saginaw County, published in nineteen hundred and eighteen, is to give the people of Michigan a reliable, comprehensive and interesting story of our past and present life; to show the development of this industrial and agricultural center of the State from the once primeval forest; and to hand down to generations to come the facts of early history from which may be formed a proper conception of what pioneer settlers and others suffered in laying the firm foundation upon which our prosperity stands. This work will be a practical basis for the study of local history in the public schools, both in city and townships, and will be a reference book in public libraries here and elsewhere. This has been constantly in mind so that a proper balance between personal and material things might be maintained. Each subject has been treated as a separate and distinct monograph, with events and things arranged in chronological order. For the most part all matter pertaining to one general subject will be found together in its proper place, although in some instances, such as the romance of lumbering, interesting accounts will be found in the chapters on early pioneer life. This is because logging and lumbering operations were inseparably linked with the daily experiences of the pioneers, two generations literally growing up in the atmosphere of the pine forests, in the hum of saw mills, and the wild and reckless life of the frontier. The logical arrangement, therefore, necessitated a division of the whole work into four separate books, incorporated and bound into two volumes. The first book, Historical - comprises fifteen chapters (from I to XV, inclusive), and deals with our local history from the earliest times to the present, including many illustrations of town and river scenes, and portraits of early pioneers. The second book, Industrial History- (chapters XVI to XXV), is devoted to our manufacturers, mercantile and banking interests, in which pictures of factories (both outside and inside), wholesale houses, prominent buildings and street scenes, are interesting features. These two books are bound complete in Volume I, with convenient indexes of pioneer biographies and subject titles. The third book - Biographies of Representative Citizens -gives the life histories of the men whose collective efforts have made Saginaw the prosperous city it is today. The fourth book - Townships and Towns - comprises the local history of each township and biographies of leading pioneers, merchants, professional men, and progressive farmers who have developed agriculture in this county. Books three and four are bound complete in Volume II, with proper indexes. History and Biography are terms identical in meaning and purpose. They are words expressing practically the same thing, although in somewhat different form. History is a record of human events, political, economic or industrial. Biography is a record of purely individual endeavor, as expressed in the form of a life history, and treats of the more intimate affairs of a man's life. Both History and Biography, therefore, are essential to a complete and perfect record of any community or commonwealth. As treated in this History of Saginaw County, one is as necessary and important as the other. The closer and more intimate relations of our leading manufacturers, jobbing houses and banking institutions, as found in their individual histories appearing at intervals in Volume I, pages 461 to 774, are essential to a proper understanding of our commercial advancement. No history would approach completeness without them. A perusal of these accounts will be found interest ing and instructive, and to many will prove a surprise in the revelation of growth and importance of the industrial and commercial prosperity of this city. A summary of industries, in which Saginaw leads the State and in some instances the Nation, appears in Volume I, page 679. Likewise, the personal element interwoven in the biographies of our leading citizens, contains features of the highest interest. Their achievements in business and professional life are related in a modest and unostentatious style, befitting the character and lives of the subjects, yet are intimately and purely personal in treatment. Much of the most vital and important history of Saginaw County is told in these biographies. For instance, some of the most interesting history of lumbering in Michigan is incorporated in the sketches of Ammi WV. Wright, Charles H. Davis and others of that enterprising group of men, whose names are indelibly stamped on the history of the Northwest. The same is true of the simple yet dignified biographies of other business and professional men, a reading of which will reveal interesting sidelights on history. While this history has had the endorsement and encouragement of our leading and representative citizens and townsmen, a few have assumed a different attitude toward it. These men undoubtedly regard themselves as deserving a place among progressive men, but from extreme modesty or other reasons have refused to recognize the work by giving any information concerning their personal affairs. Generally such cases are forgotten. In some, however, because of pioneer antecedents or circumstances of importance, the historian has felt bound, in justice to those who have identified themselves with the work, to present an unbiased account of a man's life. But without information derived first-hand, it has been necessary to resort to such data as could be obtained from outside sources and which seemed true and reliable, but the veracity of which could not be substantiated. It is hoped that nothing has been published distasteful to the persons whose affairs are thus related. History in its highest form, it should be borne in mind, is selective and critical. For personal interest and aid in his researches and study, in the loan of old histories, scrap books, newspaper clippings, pioneer portraits and views, the historian is greatly indebted to Fred Dustin, Mrs. Aaron T. Bliss, Mrs. S. C. J. Ostrom, Fred J. Buckhout, Mrs. Ferdinand Brucker, William B. Mershon, Fred L. Eaton, Jr., John A. Coombs, William P. Powell, John F. O'Keefe, Benton Hanchett, Ezra Rust, Mrs. James B. Peter, Langley S. Foote, George L. Burrows, Jr., Miss Nellie Brown, William S. Linton, John Moore, George WV. Wallis, late chief of the fire department, Patrick Kain, chief of the police department, the commissioner of parks and cemeteries, W. W. Warner, superintendent of schools; and to Miss Harriet H. Ames, and her associate, Miss Blanche Topping, of Hoyt Library; Miss Dow of the Public Library; Miss Benjamin of the Butman-Fish Memorial Library; and the Detroit Public Library; and the Michigan Historical Commission. To all these, and many others who have rendered incidental aid, the historian extends his grateful acknowledgements. T. C. A. CONTENTS ILLUSTRATIONS CHAPTER I PAGE Pre-H-istoric Races...1................................. 1 CHAPTER II The Indians of Saginaw Valley.......................... 21 CHAPTER III The Advent of W\hite Men..............3......................... 34 CHAPTER IV The Treaty of Saginaw.................................. 51 CHAPTIER V The Coming of De Tocqueville, or "A Fortnight in the Wilderness'.... 66 CHAPTER VI Pioneer D ays........................................... 79 CHAPTER VII Organization of the County........................97 CHAPTER VIII The Rise and Progress of Saginaw City....................... 117 CHA PTE-I? R IX Founding of East Saginaw..................................... 137 CHAPTER X Reminiscences of Pioneer Citizens............................. 160 CHAPTER XI An Era of Prosperity............................................. 185 CHAPTER XII Some M unicipal Organizations..................................... 207 CHAPTER XIII The Consolidated Saginaws.................................... 237 CHAPTER XIV Our Educational Development. 2............................. 274 CHAPTER XV Religious and Social Life....................................... 313 THE INDUSTRIAL HISTORY OF SAGINAW CHAPTER XVI 1AGE T he Lum ber Industry............................................. 393 CHAPTER XVII T he Salt Industry................................................. 426 CHAPTER XVIII T he Coal Industry............................................. 447 CHAPTER XIX The Beet-Sugar Industry.......................................... 466 CHAPTER XX D ivTersified Industries..........................8............. 489 CHAPTER XXI Varied Com mercial Interests....................................... 603 CHAPTER XXII Developm ent of A griculture..............................I......... 681 CHAPTER XXIII T ransportationl.................................................... 703 CHAPTER XXIV Banks and Banking............................................... 739 CHAPTER XXV The B ench and B ar................................................ 775 INDEX OF PIONEERS AND INDUSTRIAL AND COMMERCIAL HISTORY INDEX OF SUBJECT TITLES (Sub Headings) BIBLIOGRAPHY VOLUME II Biographies of Representative Citizens............................... T ow nships and Tow ns............................................ Index of B iographies.............................................. G eneral Index..................................................... ILLUSTRATIONS Frontispiece PAGE Heavy Aboriginal Implements.................................... 3 Fragments of Ancient Pottery....................................... 4 Flint Implements Used by Mound-Builders........................... 6 Primitive Arrow-Points....................................... 9 Leaf-Shaped Blades.............................................. 11 Arrow and Spear Points........................................... 11 G reen Point M ounds............................................... 14 The Andross Urn................................................. 15 Pipe M ade of Sandstone............................................ 18 Fragmentary Specimens of Pipes.................................... 19 Primitive Ornaments and Charms.................................. 20 Semi-Civilized Indians of Saginaw in the '60's........................ 26 Shop-en-a-gons.................................................... 33 "Le Griffon"...................................... 37 Pere Marquette at St. Ignace in 1671, about to start on his journey of discovery of the M ississippi.................................... 41 A Map of the Region of the Great Lakes, 1747........................ 44 L ew is C ass.................................................. 50 Old Fort Saginaw, in 1822......................................... 61 M orass in the W ilderness......................................... 65 The Trail to Saginaw........................................... 73 View on Saginaw River, 1880........................................ 78 A u-saw -w a-m ic............................................ 83 E leazer Jew ett................................................... 85 Gardner D. Williams. 90 Ephraim S. Williams On the Cass River, near its M outh.................................. 96 Judge Elijah N. Davenport 99 Captain Joseph W. Malden................................... A lbert M iller..................................................... 101 Mrs. James Fraser 102 James Fraser Map of the City of Saginaw, 1837.................................. 104-5 The First Court House of Saginaw County, built in 1838-9........... 112 James McCormick } 119 W illiam R. M cCorm ick............................................ William R. McCormick Phineas D. Braley 194 H iram L. M iller............................... Charles H. Richman 1 MrsCarl........................................... Mrs. Charles H. Richman N orm an L ittle.................................................... 133 A Cam p in W inter................................................. 136 PAGE Site of Present City Hall, 1849..................................... 141 Curtis Emerson 146 M oses B. H ess.................................................. Jesse Hoyt...................................................... 151 Colonel W. L. P. Little.. 154 Charles D. Little Saginaw River Front, North of Johnson Street, in the Early Days...... 157 C harles W. G rant.................................................. 158 W. L. P. Little Family............................................ 159 Norman L. Miller. 162 Charles T. Brenner....1 O badiah C rane................................................... 165 William A. Crane. 167 Mrs. William A. Crane Adelaide Delisle Cushway Mary Hubbard Ide George Washington Davis..170 Thadeas De Lamorandiere George Streeb 173 Tohn W. Richardson Saginaw City in 1850................................................ 175 John Moore 176 Joseph A. Whittier........................ James F. Brown 10o Jam s F. B ore...................................... -....... Emil A. L. Moores f Lumbering on the Saginaw in the Fifties............................. 184 James S. Webber John F. D riggs............................................... U nion H all....................................................... 191 Laying Nicholson Pavement in Genesee Street, 1868.................. 193 The Bancroft House in 1865 The Crouse Block on Site of Eddy Building 196 Water Street at Foot of Tuscola....................... East Side of Water Street at Tuscola, 1860 William J. Bartow........199 Solomon Bond Bliss..199 William H. Sweet Myron Butman Newell Barnard.............................................. Daniel L. C. Eaton Hamilton Street, Looking South from Cleveland Street, about 1875 206 View on Saginaw River, Looking North from Mackinaw Street, 1875 Genesee Street, Looking East from Water Street Genesee Street, Looking West from Washington, about 1868 / Ruins of Jackson Hall, Burned May 26, 1873 209 Genesee Street, Looking East from Washington, about 1872 The Great Flood of 1873, Looking Across Genesee Street Bridge Water Street, Looking North from German Street, Flood of 1873 2 Genesee Avenue between Baum and Jefferson, about 1860............. 212 "Valley City" Boys, 1864................................... 214 PAGE V alley City N o. 3 Fire Station...................................... 217 V alley C ity B oys, 1915.........................................I.... 219 Active Hose, Hook and Ladder Company No. 1....................... 221 Hose House No. 13, Harrison and Van Buren Streets............. 222 Old Style Hose Reel and Fire Company, about 1881................... 224 The Cities of Saginaw at Height of the Lumber Industry............. 227 Loading at Holland's Dock, 1879 228 Saginaw River, Looking North from Michigan Central Bridge.... T. D ailey M ow er.................................................. 231 Zack Baskins, James P. Walsh, Patrick Kain, Elmer E. Bishop, T. McCoy 232 I-amnilton Street North from Court.............................. 235 Second Precinct Police Station, Adams Street.......................236 From the Roof of the Academy, Looking East, 1886 g39 From the Roof of the Academy, Looking Southwest, 1886 23 T he C ity H all................................................. 242 C ourt Street B ridge............................................ 244 Genesee A venue Bridge............................................ 245 Genesee Avenue During Saengerfest, in 1872...................... 247 Group of Old-Time Mayors of the Saginaws....................... Herbert H1. Hoyt, John G. Owen, John Welch, A. F. R. Braley, Lyman WA. Bliss, Frank Lawrence, John S. Estabrook, Henry M. Younians V iew s in H oyt P ark.....3......................................... 253 Scenes in B liss P ark.............................................. 254 M\ap of Ezra R ust Park........................................ 257 M ershon-W hittier Natatorium................................... 259 Views in Oakwood Cemetery..................................... 261 Views in Forest Lawn Cemetery.................................... 262 T he A uditorium................................................... 265 Street Scenes During the Great Flood of March, 1904.......... 267 Last Council of the City of Saginaw under Aldermanic System, 1913... 269 The First Council under the Commission Government, January 1, 1914.. 271 Hilem F. Paddock, Mayor of Saginaw, 1915-19.................... 273 Group of W est Side Schools.......................... 276 The John Moore School.........................27..... 279 The Arthur Hill Trade School.................................... 280 Some Shops in the Hill Trade School................................. 283 Arthur Hill 284 Wellington R. Burt J 2 -..4 T he O ld "A cadem y"................................................ 287 The Old Central School, Erected in 1866............................. 20 Group of East Side Schools......................................... 292 The Burt M anual Training School................................... 293 Interior of Burt Manual Training School............................. 295 The New Germania School, Completed in 1914...................... 296 Fac-Simile of Letter Written by Norman Little in 1837........ 298 and 299 The Butman-Fish Memorial Library................................ 301 Interior of Public Library, East Side................................. 303 The H oyt Public Library........................................... 306 PAGE Members of the Tuesday Club at Mrs. Buckhout's Home, 1885......... 309 The Presbyterian Church at Saginaw City........................... 314 First Presbyterian Church........................................... 317 Insert Reverend Harry Rogers Stark Old St. John's Church, Erected in 1853.............................. 318 St. John's Episcopal Church..........................................319 Reverend Emil M ontanus.......................................... 320 Jefferson Avenue, North from Hayden Street, 1886 ) Weadock Avenue, North from Thompson Street...... Father Vanderhayden............................................ 325 Old Methodist Church, German Street and Washington Avenue........ 328 Teffers Fountain................................................... 329 Portrait Gallery of Residents of Saginaw City, 1860-1875........330 and 331 Old St. Paul's Church, Erected in 1864............................. 334 Interior of St. Paul's Church............................... 335 The First Congregational Church, Erected in 18(0..................... 337 Group of Saginaw Churches............................... 340 H-oly Rosary Church and School.................................. 343 Church of the Sacred H eart.................................... 344 Some of Saginaw's Benevolent Institutions........................... 347 The New Y. WV. C. A. Building, Erected in 1912..................... 350 The Cafeteria of the Y. W. C. A.................................... 352 A Group of Prominent Citizens and Others in Front of the Saginaw Club, 1907 353 Club, 1907........................................................ 353 The New Y. M. C. A. Building on the West Side..................... 355 Swimming Pool, Y. M. C. A......................................... 356 Group of German Citizens, 1865.............................*.... 357 Somle Pioneer Members of the Germania Society..................... 359 The First Germania School...................................... 360 T he G erm ania Institute........................................... 362 Members of the Germania Building Committee...................... 363 The First Trustees of the Schmitz Endowment....................... 364 Franz Dreier and Some of the Turners, 1906.......................... 365 The Germania Maennerchor, 1905................................. 368 The Germania Damenchor, 1905................................... 369 The T eutonia H-all........................................ 371 Colonel Thom as Saylor...................................... 373 Enlisted Men of Company F, Thirty-Third Regiment, M. N. G., 1916... 374 The Armory, Erected in 1909...................................... 376 Saginaw Naval Reserves on Board the "Michigan," 1895............... 377 The East Saginaw Club........................................... 379 Saginaw's Grand Old M en in 1907.................................. 381 Henry C. Potter, Joseph A. Whittier, Thomas Merrill and Ammi W. Wright The Saginaw Country Club.................................... 382 Thirteenth Green......................... 383 Saginaw Canoe Club on Osakina Island.............................. 384 The Elk's Tem ple.................................385 E'" 385~~~~~'~~~'~~~~~ ~~ PAGE Pioneer Residents of Saginaw City.................................. 386 William Binder, Mrs. William A. Armstrong, Harvey Joslin, Mrs. Jennie Paine, Lorenzo Burrows, Jr., Teresa Jones, George L. Burrows, Mrs. George L. Burrows, Harry Miller Masonic Temple................................................... 388 Old-Time Portraits of Well Known Citizens.......................... 390 Charles R. Penney, John Weller, John Jeffers, Walter Gardner, Isaac Bearinger, Mrs. E. J. Ring, Isaac Parsons, Mrs. C. W. Wells, Frederick H. Herbert, Gurdon Corning and Ida C., Nicholas A. Randall, Doctor H. Williams, Judge L. C. Holden Genesee Avenue, Looking West from Jefferson, 1900 392 Washington Avenue, Looking North from Bancroft House, 1900 THE INDUSTRIAL HISTORY OF SAGINAW Choppers at W ork in Forest....................................... 395 ILoading on Sleighs 398 HIauling to Skidway........................ A Log Dump ) Rafting Logs.................................................399 Lumberjacks at Their Noon Meal in Depths of Forest.................. 401 "Snaking" Logs by Ox Team, 1860................................. 404 Interior of Bunk H ouse............................................. 406 Tables Spread il "Chuck" Shanty................................ 409 Business Cards of Leading Lumbermen, about 1874................... 412 Grinding Axes in Camp. 415 Drawing Water at Spring... Record Load Hauled by One Two-Horse Team.............. 418 Loading Long Timber for Ship Spars............................... 421 Saw Mill and Lumber Yard in the Car Trade......................... 422 Scaling and Sorting Lumber on the Dock............................ 424 The Tittabawassee at Riverside Park................................ 425 Salt Block and Mill Boom-Log End of Saw Mill................... 428 To Whom Honor is Due for the Discovery of Salt................... 431 Stephen R. Kirby, Sanford Keeler and George Wx. Merrill Saginaw River in the Eighteen-Nineties, at F. & P. M.. R. Bridge.... 434 Salt Block, Saw Mill and Cooper Shop of Charles Merrill & Co......... 438 C. M. Ireton..................................................... 439 Section of Settling Tanks, Salt Works of Saginaw Plate Glass Co...... 441 One of the Ten Concrete "Grainers," Salt Works of Sag. P. G. Co. 44 Automatic Rakes Dumping Salt, at Saginaw Plate Glass Company Hills of Salt in Huge Warehouse, Saginaw Plate Glass Company....... 444 Washington Street North from Janes, 1888 )44 Cass Street South from Tuscola, 1888..... The First Coal Mine in Saginaw County, 1896....................... 450 Loading Coal in Wagons at Caledonia Mine No. 1, 1905 453 Socialist Miners Just Up from the Mine, 1905 * - 4 Miners Setting Electric Short Wall Cutter......................... 456 Electric Continuous Cutter on Truck, Ready for Operation........... 457 Close-Up View of Short Wall Cutter, Showing Compactness of Construction.......................... 459 Electric Chain Cutter Operating in Entry Tipple and Power House of.. Wolverine Mine No. 2 of Consolidated Coal Company j 4 PAGE Tipple of Bliss Coal M ine, Swan Creek............................... 464 John T. Phillips and Clarence H. Brand at Bliss Coal Mine............ 465 Six Hundred Acre Beet Field at Prairie Farm.........4............... 469 Beet Wagons Waiting to Unload at Merrill Weigh Station............. 472 Carrollton Plant of Michigan Sugar Company........................475 The "Scroll," or Worm Conveyor at Carrollton Sugar Factory.......... 479 The Carbonators, in which the Impurities in the Juice are Absorbed.... 482 Pressure Filters, which Remove all the Purifying Agents.............. 483 Vacuum Evaporators, which Reduce the Purified Juice to a Rich Syrup 1 485 Syrup Boilers or "Strike Pans," in which the syrup is crystalized "Osmogenes," which purify the syrup for crystalization................ 487 A Portion of the Plant of the Saginaw Plate Glass Company............ 488 Wildman Brothers Boiler Works, 1885................................ 492 Maple Flooring Plant of S. L. Eastman Flooring Company.......... 495 Mammoth Plant of the Lufkin Rule Company........................ 498 Fac-Simile of Signatures to Original Articles of Incorporation of the B oard of T rade................................................ 501 Prominent Promotors of and Donors to the Saginaw Board of Trade.... 502 W hat Might Have Been a Familiar Sight............................ 505 Trustees of Merchants and Manufacturers Association, 1909 to 1913... 507 Plant of the Erd M otor Company.................................... 509 Extensive Works of the Saginaw Manufacturing Company............ 511 Former Shops of the Saginaw Sheet Metal Works.................... 512 Efficient Plant of the Saginaw Sheet Metal Works.....................513 Plant of the Saginaw Ladder Company.............................. 514 John G. Wolfarth, Founder of the Wolfarth Bakery.................517 T he W olfarth Bakery............................................. 518 F rank J. W olfarth................................................. 519 Batches of Dough, Mixing Dough, Mixing and Moulding, Fresh Bread from Ovens, Wolfarth Bakery.................................. 520 In the Office, Retail Sales Department, Wolfarth Bakery.............. 521 Salesmen of American Cash Register Company, September, 1916........ 522 Assembling "American" Cash Registers.............................. 523 Old Employees of Wickes Brothers in Front of Shop, about 1873....... 525 Erecting a "W ickes" Gang Saw.....................................526 Punch Erection Floor..............................................527 The Modern Plant of W ickes Brothers............................... 528 Group of Workmen in Wickes Brothers Iron Works, 1914............. 529 Present Plant of Wickes Boiler Company..53 The Wickes Water Tube Boiler ( **531 Type of Fire Tube Boiler........................................... 532 The Pioneer Iron Works of A. F. Bartlett & Company................ 533 Group of Mechanics and Moulders at the Bartlett Plant, 1879........... 534 Pit Lathe in Bartlett Plant Finishing off "Deck" for Saginaw Plate Glass C om pany..................................... 535 The New Modern Plant of the Jackson & Church Company........... 537 Machine Shop of Jackson & Church Company........................ 538 Original Shops of the Jackson-Church-Wilcox Company, and New Modern Plant Completed in 1917................................ 539 View in Jackson-Church-W ilcox Plant..............................540 The "Jacox" Steering Gear......................................... 541 Plant of Mitts & Merrill, a Business Established in 1854............... 543 PA (GE Foundry and Group of Moulders at the Valley Grey Iron Foundry Company.................................................... 546 Machine Shops of the National Engineering Company................ 548 Grinding Crank Shafts, National Engineering Company............... 549 Hermann W erner................................................ 551 Machine Shops of Werner & Pfleiderer........................... 552 The New Foundry and Pattern Shop, Werner & Pfleiderer Company.. 553 Interior of New Foundry of Werner & Pfleiderer Company............ 554 Universal Kneading and Mixing Machines........................... 555 Machinery and Ovens Used in Baking and Macaroni Industries........ 556 Emil Staehle................................................... 557 New Foundry of S. Fair & Son, Inc........................... 559 Electric Furnace at S. Fair & Son, Inc............................. 560 The Mammoth Plant of the Saginaw Plate Glass Company..... 562 and 563 Original Plant of the United States Graphite Company................ 564 Mexican Miners and Huge Piles of Graphite Ore................... 565 Present Plant of United States Graphite Company.................. I 566 Plant of William Polson & Company............................. 567 John H erzog...................................................... 569 Mammoth Plant of the Herzog Art Furniture Company............ 570 Making "Sonora" Phonograph Cabinets at Herzog Art Furniture Company................................................573 Plant of William B. Mershon & Company.....................574 and 575 Edw ard C. M ershon....................................... 576 New Standard 60-inch Band Resaw.............................. 577 Plant and Lumber Yards of Germain Manufacturing Company........ 579 The East Side Business Center from the Top of Bean Elevator...... 581 Plant of Saginaw Show Case Company........................ 582 The Saginaw M irror W orks......................................... 583 Flouring Mill and Elevators of Brand & Hardin Milling Company...... 585 Butter Making at Saginaw Creamery Company...................... 586 Clare H. Parker........................................ 587 Koehler Brothers Iron Works.............................. 589 W here W olverine Gloves are Made................................ 590 Bean Elevator with Illuminated Waving Flag........................ 591 Modern Printing Plant of Valley Printing Company................. 592 Printing, Binding, Engraving and Office Outfitting Establishment of Seem ann & Peters.............................................. 595 Making Feather Dusters at Blind Institution....................... 598 Blind Cobblers Making Shoes for Inmates of Blind Institution......... 599 Blind Girl at Tapestry Loom...................................... 600 Washington Street, Looking North from Genesee Street, about 1860.... 602 Old-Time Advertisements of Saginaw Business Men.................. 605 West Side Business Section, Looking South from Court House, about 1886......................................................... 60 8 Washington Street, South from Tuscola, 1887......................... 611 Franklin Street, South from Tuscola, 1887........................... 611 The Saginaw Naval Reserves, on Eve of Departure for the Atlantic Coast, A pril, 1917.................................................... 613 The New Hotel Bancroft, Opened in July, 1916...................... 614 Attractive Lobby of Hotel Bancroft............................. 615 P1'rAGE Magnificent Ball Room of Hotel Bancroft Cafe of Hotel Bancroft, Elegantly Appointed....................... 616 The South Side Business Center at Washington and Center Avenues.... 620 "Little Jake" Seligm an............................................. 623 The Bearinger Building, Erected in 1892............................ 626 Charles B. Mott C harles L. O rtm an I '.............................................. 6 Charles L. Ortman i 629 Wholesale (rocery House of Symons Brothers & Company............ 632 The Wholesale Establishment of George A. Alderton & Company..... 635 The Modern Structure of Lee & Cady, Saginaw Branch.............. 636 The Extensive Wholesale House of Melze, Alderton Shoe Company... 639 L ew is C ornw ell.................................................... 641 William C. Cornwell, Charles E. Cornwell, Elmer J. Cornwell and L. W. Cornwell.................................. 641 The New Plant of the Cornwell Company...................... 642 Saginaw Hardware Company.................................... 643 The Mammoth Establishment of Morley Brothers................... 644 Silverware and Art Section, Morley Brothers........................ 646 Hardware and China Section, Morley Brothers....................... 647 G eorge F. L ew is................................................... 64 P erry Joslin.............................................. 650 Fac-Simile of Notice of Meeting to Support the Daily Courier, 1868..... 651 E]. D. Cowles, in 1874..................................... 652 The Home of the Saginaw Courier-Herald............................. 653 Battery of Six Linotype T'ypesetting Machines....................... 654 The Hoe H igh-Speed 'Press........................................ 655 Tlle Certificate of Membership in the Associated Press................656 The New Hlome of the Saginaw Daily News......................... 658 Conmposing Room-Battery of Linotypes-Four-Deck Goss Hligh-Speed P ress..................................................... 59 Newsboys' Room - Managing Editor's Office- Business Office β€” lditorial Department - Library and Conference Room.............. 661 Printing Plant of the Saginaw Press.................................. (63 A lfred M. H oyt.................................................... 665 Some Old-Time Postmasters of the Saginaws........................ 666 James A. Hudson, William Moll, Levi B. Kinsey, George G. Hess, James N. Gotee, Charles P. Hess, George Lockley, Dr. J. S. Rouse, A.. V. Meredith The Federal Building at Saginaw................................... 669 Sam G. C lay....................................................... 672 A Saginaw Made Automobile, 1918.................................. 675 Office Building at Genesee and Jefferson Avenues.................... 676 Interior of Office Outfitting Store, The H. B. Arnold Company........ 677 Emil Schwahn -Charles A. Khuen Curt Schwahn................ 678 Genesee Avenue, East from Washington, 1918....................... 680 Corn is a Profitable Crop............................................ 683 Dairy Farming is Increasing in Saginaw County..................... 684 A Typical Farm Scene............................................ 687 An Example of Successful Fruit Growing............................ 689 Harvesting Grain on Low Lands................................... 692 Dredge Building Dikes at Prairie Farm.............................. 694 Gang Plowing by Tractor on the Prairie Farm........................ 695 Harvesting Grain on Large Scale at Prairie Farm. 696 Threshing Wheat on Farm in Frankenmuth Township PAGE Home of the Royal Bred Belgian Draft Horses β€” 698 the Best in America.. Sans Peur de Hamal, No. 3446, Owned by the Owosso Sugar Company } 699 A Granddaughter of Indigene du Fosteau and a True Production Maconvale Canary, No. 153,622, Saginaw Valley Stock Farm, Owner.... 701 Saginaw the Shipping Center of the Great Lakes Region.............. 704 Barge Towing Schooner in the Old Lumbering Days.................. 707 The "Skylark" loading at Saginaw................................... 710 Captain William Blyben } 713 C aptain M artin Sm ith........................................... Captain Martin Smith Steambarge "Maine" and Tow Barges............................... 715 The Popular Steamer "Wellington R. Burt" enroute from Saginaw to Bay City, about 1887........................................... 717 The "Wenona" which piled between Saginaw and Alpena.............. 718 A Once Common Type of Steambarge, called "Rabbits"................. 719 Peter C. Andre.................................................... 721 A Pioneer Engine, "William L. Webber," F. & P. M. R. R.......... 724 A W ay Station in the Forest W ilderness............................ 727 Union Station, and Depot Car Used in the Eighties.................. 730 An All-Steel Electric Train on the Michigan Railway................. 733 Constructing Stone Road through Sand Ridge....................... 735 Route M ap of Saginaw, M ichigan.................................... 736 The Saginaw Telephone Exchange of the Michigan State Telephone Co.. 738 Old Currency of the Saginaw City Bank, Circulated in 1837............ 743 Specimen of the Uncirculated Currency of the Bank of Zilwaukee....... 746 Script of the City of Saginaw, Circulated in the Eighteen-sixties........ 750 Note Script of the Tittabawassee Boom Company, in Eighteen-seventies 753 East Side Office of the Bank of Saginaw.............................. 756 Spacious and Conveniently Arranged Banking Office at 310-12 Genesee Avenue..................................................... 757 The West Side Office of the Bank of Saginaw........................ 758 The Second National Bank Building................................. 760 The Main Banking Office of The Second National Bank............... 763 The Perfectly Appointed Office of the People's Savings Bank......... 764 Modern Banking House, Erected in 1909............................. 766 The Conveniently Arranged Office of The Commercial National Bank.. 767 Interior of East Side Office of American State Bank.................. 768 The West Side Office of the American State Bank..................... 769 T he H ill B uilding.................................................. 770 Main Office of the Hill-Carman Companies.......................... 771 V W illiam W. W arner............................................... 772 The Well Appointed Office Building................................ 773 Offices of the People's Building & Loan Association.................. 774 Judge Jabez G. Sutherland.......................................... 777 Prominent Judges of the Tenth Judicial District, DeWitt C. Gage, John A. E dget...................................... 780 Well Known Judges of the Circuit Court, Chauncey H. Gage, Robert B. M cKnight, Eugene W ilber..................................... 785 Some Successful Lawyers of the Formative Period.................... 788 Timothy E. Tarsney, Chauncey Wisner, C Stuart Draper, William M. Miller, Augustine S. Gaylord, Daniel P. Foote, John J. Wheeler, Frederic L. Eaton, Sr. HISTORY OF SAGINAW COUNTY, MICHIGAN CHAPTER I. PRE-HISTORIC RACES The Work of the Mound-Builders - Earth-Works in the Ohio Valley -Finding Human Remains - Antiquities in Michigan - Copper Mining on Isle Royal - Ancient Fortifications Discovered-Unique "Garden Beds" - Village Sites in Saginaw County-Mounds and Ancient Relics-Pottery Exhumed-Caches and Workshops -Aboriginal Stone Weapons - Ancient Pipes - Ornaments and Charms. 'THROUGHOUT the region of the Great Lakes abundant evidence, often of the most interesting character, of the presence in by-gone ages of a peculiar race of men, has constantly been brought to light; and numerous and well-authenticated accounts of antiquities discovered in various parts, clearly demonstrate that a people civilized, and even highly cultivated, occupied this broad section long before its possession by the Indians. Our own State of Michigan, from the low monotonous shores of Lake Erie to the rocky cliffs of Lake Superior, has contributed, in numerous ways, some of the most remarkable relics and monuments of a people whose cranial affinities and evidently advanced civilization totally separate them from the North American Indian, and ally them to some race of men who inhabited another hemisphere in the remote past. But the date of their rule of this continent is so ancient that all traces of their history, their progress and decay, lie buried in the deepest obscurity. Nature, at the time the first Europeans came, had asserted her original dominion of the earth; the forests were all in their full luxuriance-the growth of many centuries; and nothing existed to point out who and what manner of men they were who formerly lived, and labored, and died in this land. Only the imperishable implements of their trades, crude and unwiedy though they be, and articles of domestic utility, together with the bones of the dead, has Mother Earth preserved to us through the ages. The oblivion which has closed over them is so complete that only conjecture can be indulged in concerning their mode and habits of life. They seem to have finished their work on earth before the real life-work of men and nations began, and left their monuments behind them to puzzle us with curious investigations and strange questions never perhaps to be answered. This race of men, belonging to a period antecedent to that covered by written history, is known as the Mound-Builders, from the numerous large mounds of earth-works left by them, which form the most interesting class of antiquities discovered in the United States. Their character can be but dimly perceived and only partially gleaned from the internal evidence and the peculiarities of their mounds, which consist of the remains of what were apparently villages, camps, fortifications, gardens and burial places. Their habitations must have been tents, structures of wood or other perishable 2 HISTORY OF SAGINAW COUNTY material, for had stone been used in their construction their remains would be numerous. They built their fortifications and erected their monuments on our principal rivers, particularly the Ohio and Mississippi, and their tributaries; but they left not a word, not a sign - nothing to betray their origin, nothing to reveal the secret of a great people long vanished from the earth. The scientific and educational value of these discoveries is far greater than our present knowledge of them; but in the past decade many of the antiquities have been destroyed by road building and less laudable enterprises. At what period this race came to this country is likewise a matter of speculation. From the comparatively rude state of the arts among them, it must be inferred that the time was very remote. Their axes and hammers were of stone, their vessels for cooking were of clay baked in the rays of the sun; and their raiment, judging from fragments which have been discovered, consisted of the bark of trees, interwoven with feathers. Their military works were such as a people would erect who had just passed to the pastoral state of society from that dependent alone upon hunting and fishing. Their ancient earth-works, moreover, are far more numerous than generally supposed, from the fact that while some are quite large, the greater part of them are small and inconspicuous. Along nearly all our water courses, that are large enough to be navigated by a canoe, mounds are aimost invariably found, covering the base points and headlands of the bluffs which border the narrower valleys. So numerous are the mounds that when one stands in such places that command the grandest views of river scenery, he may well believe that he is in close proximity to some trace, though it be invisible to his undiscerning eye, of the labors of anll ancient people. Earth-Works in the Ohio Valley At Grave Creek, in West Virginia, there is a mound seventy-five feet high and a thousand feet around at the base; at Miamisburg, Ohio, there is one sixty-eight feet high and eight hundred at the base, while at Cahokia, Illinois, is the great truncated pyramid, seven hundred feet long and five hundred wide. Enclosures are often protected by heavy embankments, formed of earth and stone, with buttresses and gateways, and are a most interesting subject of study. Inside, they are laid out into squares, circles and parallelograms, into figures of serpents, birds, and beasts, and often exhibit some degree of art. An enclosure in Adams County, Ohio, contains a huge relievo, in the shape of a serpent, a thousand feet in length, in graceful curves, the mouth wide open in the act of swallowing an egg-like figure, the tail coiled. In Ohio alone, ten thousand mounds are found and fifteen hundred ramparts and enclosures. In Wisconsin, Iowa, Missouri and on the upper lakes, many remains are found in the form of animals, birds, serpents and men. These wonderful works of past generations extend along the rivers throughout the Southern States, marking the existence and departure of a great people; but they left no traces in New England. It is curious to know, moreover, that this ancient race seems to have been actuated by the same motives and governed by the same passions, in locating their cities, that their successors were. They saw, as we have since seen, having trade and speculation in their eye, the commercial advantage of such physical locations as St. Louis, Cincinnati, and Detroit. They appropriated rich valleys, like the Scioto and the Grand, for life and business; and their works were not all a mere labor of defense, nor their occupation merely that of a soldier. They cultivated the soil and had work-shops (quarries) for the fabrication of useful articles and ornaments. PRE-HISTORIC RACES 3 Finding Human Remains The Mound-Builders were early pioneers, for the banks and streams upon which they built declare the fact. The river channels have been cut deeper since they laid out their grounds by the banks and built their cities thereon. Terraces have evidently been formed below their work since they passed away, for it may still be seen where the streams have destroyed a portion of their enclosures higher up. Skulls are found at the bottom, showing that mounds were raised over them, and that the body was not afterward buried in them, although subsequent burial remains of Indians are found nearer the top. Almost always there is the evidence of an altar having been erected, upon which the body was laid and consumed, with the rites and ceremonies over some great chieftain, now forever forgotten. It is through these skulls, more than by any other means, that physiologists have been able to determine that the Mound-Builders, whoever they were, were not Indians, the shape and outlines of the head being different and indicating an entirely distinct race of people. Although the cranial capacity of various specimens vary greatly, the average bulk of the brain is HEAVY ABORIGINAL IMPLEMENTS [from the Dustin collection] From left to right (one-third natural size): Grooved stone hatchet of fine symmetric form, broken off in groove; Stone hatchet, not grooved; Grooved axe, weight 1/4 pounds; Grooved maul, weight 31/4 pounds. close to the average Indian cranium, or eighty-four cubic inches. The average volume of brain in the Teutonic crania is ninety-two inches. Thus it will be seen that while the relatively large brain capacity of pre-historic man is indicative of power of some sort, it does not imply a high degree of civilization and refinement, since it is exceeded slightly by the degraded, brutal North American Indian. Still the crania of the Mound-Builders present some characteristics, which, in the language of Foster, "indicate a low intellectual organization." And the tibiae (the inner bone of the leg below the knee) present, in an extreme degree, the peculiar flattening or compression pertaining to the chimpanzee. Occasional discoveries of the skeletons of a gigantic race puzzle ethnologists to determine to what race they belonged. About 1875, in the Township of Cayuga on the Grand River, in Ontario, five or six feet below the surface, were found two hundred skeletons in a nearly perfect state of preser 4 HISTORY OF SAGINAW COUNTY vation. A string of beads was around the neck of each, stone pipes were in the jaws of several, and many stone axes and skinners were scattered around in the dirt. The skeletons were gigantic, some of them measuring nine feet, and few were less than seven feet, some of the thigh bones being six inches longer than any now known. The place had been cultivated for more than a century and was originally covered with a growth of pine. There was evidence from the crushed bones that a battle had been fought, and these were the remains of the slain. Decayed remains of houses had been found near this spot many generations before, indicating that the region had at some time been inhabited. Who and what filled this ghastly pit? Were they Indians or some other race? On the other hand, ornaments and implements made of copper, silver, obsidian, porphyry and greenstone, finely wrought, are found in various mounds in the region of the Great Lakes. There are copper and stone axes, chisels and knives, bracelets, pendants and beads, toys of bone and mica, elegant patterns of pottery, all showing a people not deficient in art and mechanical ingenuity, and exhibiting a style and finish beyond anything furnished by the modern tribes of Indians on this continent. Porphyry is a hard material to work and required a hard tool to cut it. Did the MoundBuilder know how to temper his copper tool as the Egyptian did? Obsidian, or volcanic glass, was used by the Mexicans and Peruvians for arrows and instruments, and is a product of the mountains of Cerre Gordo, in Mexico, and of a mountain in Yellowstone National Park containing a vast weapon and implement quarry. Does this indicate a communication and reciprocity between people wide apart -between that mysterious nation, whoever they were, who erected those wonderful buildings in Central America ages ago, and the people we know as the Mound-Builders? Or does it lead to the conclusion that these artisans and mechanics belonged to still another race of men, of higher intelligence and civilization, who dwelt here before or after the other race? These questions, and works of art left by an ancient people, perplex and instruct antiquarians. They examine them, theorize over them, solve the mystery today, upset their theory tomorrow, l)elieve and disbelieve, and finally retreat into darkness again and almost fancy they hear the chuckle of the old Mould-Builder at their discomfiture. FRAGMENTS OF ANCIENT POTTERY [from the Dustin collection] Rims of vessels showing varying ornamentation, being sections of tops of large and small pieces. Two-fifths natural size. PRE-HISTORIC RACES Antiquities in Michigan The Mound-Builders were also early pioneers in Michigan, and were the first miners in the Upper Peninsula. But how they worked, whether as members of a joint stock company on a percentage, or as individuals, every man for himself, no one can tell. WVe do know, however, that they went deep down into the copper ore, and dug, and raised, and probably transported large quantities of it, but by what means and where is shrouded in mystery. Some of the copper from these ancient workings found its way into the mounds of the Ohio and Mississippi Valleys, and the chain of evidence by which this is determined is the fact that the copper so found, or some of it, has little globules of silver attached to it, which, it is said, distinguishes no other copper in the world. The silver found in other copper ore is associated with the mass rather than with the copper itself, and is brought out only by fire. The ancient mining at Isle Royal, in Lake Superior, has excited the wonder and amazement of the scientific world. The island is about fifty miles in length, from five to nine miles in breadth, has a ragged, rocky shore cut up into deep gorges, and is covered with a growth of timber. The pits are from ten to thirty feet in diameter, from twenty to sixty feet in depth, and are scattered throughout the island following the richest veins of (,re with marvelous precision, showing that the pre-historic miners had great knowledge and skill in the art of mining. The pits were connected underground, and drains were cut to carry off the water. There is one deep cut in the rock, covered its entire length by timbers that have long since decayed, and is now a mass of rotten wood. At McCargoe's Cove there are nearly two miles of pits very closely connected; quantities of stone hammers and mauls, weighing from ten to thirty pounds have been found, some broken from use and some in good condition; and copper chisels, knives and arrow heads have been discovered. The copper tools seem to have been hardened by fire, but owing to corrosion it is difficult to determine their original workmanship, though there is evidence to show that they were originally of careful artisanship and polished. The working out of the copper was no doubt done by heating a mass of the solid ore, and then pouring on water -a very slow and tedious process. The rock being sufficiently disintegrated they then attacked and separated it with their great stone mauls. Even with a large force constantly employed in this labor, it must have taken a long series of years to accomplish the work exhibited. Although two hundred men with their rude methods of mining, it has been estimated, could not accomplish any more work than two skilled miners can at the present day, with modern pneumatic drills and high explosives, at one point alone on Isle Royal, the amount of labor performed exceeds that done on one of the oldest mines on the south shore of the lake, which has been operated with a large force for more than twenty years. When and by whom were these pits opened? Who can tell? Forests have grown up and fallen and mouldered over them, and great trees, three hundred and four hundred years old, stand around them today, counting so much, and only so much time in fixing the' age of these mines. Some of these trees, four feet or more in diameter, are now growing in the pits, on the sides, and on the excavated debris which surround them. In one case, the partially decayed stump of a red oak was found at the edge of a pit. This tree had not been blown down, but had grown and decayed where the stump stood, only the red, interior portion of the stump remaining sound. A careful enumeration of the annual rings composing the undecayed centre of the tree, gave the number of three hundred and eighty-four, to I 'U II 'U VI I I H 0 m 0 C) 0 c: I-i FLINT IMPLEMENTS USED BY MOUND-BUILDERS [from the Dustin collection] From left to right (one-half natural size): 1 to 3 inclusive, Perforators; 4 to 9, Drills 10, Delicate lance-like blade; 11, Eccentric form, perhaps a perforator; 12, Fine spear-like point; 13, Point with serrated edges, use unknown; 14, Small implement used for cutting or scraping; 15 to 17, 19 and 22-24 inclusive, Various patterns of knives and cutting blades; 18, Implement, perhaps unfinished; 20, Curious shuttle-shaped object of unknown use-perhaps totemic; 21, Fish-shaped implement, too thick for knife, possibly totemic. PRE-HISTORIC RACES 7 which was added two hundred rings, as representing the decayed outer portion of the stump, and five hundred and eighty-four years was arrived at as the period of its growth. Allowing for the time which may have elapsed before it commenced growing on this peculiar site, and for the number of years required for it to reach the stage of decay exhibited, it is probable that from seven hundred to eight hundred years would not be far from the truth. On removing this stump the debris beneath was found to consist of fragments of copper-bearing rock, thrown out from the adjoining pit, a large number of stone hammers, some perfect, others fractured from use, and, more interesting still, a knife made of copper. This only proves that the pits had not been worked within the time mentioned, and does not prevent the period of desertion of the works being placed back twice or even three times that distance. From another pit, beneath a third deposit of vegetable matter, the remains of a skeleton of a deer were exhumed, the bones so decayed that they crumbled to pieces. Another interesting relic discovered was a sheetlike piece of copper, which had apparently been exposed to the action of fire and then hammered into a bowl-shaped utensil. This exhibits the character of the copper generally sought by the primitive miners. It is manifest from the working of the veins that they followed the deposits of sheet-like copper, which varied from a quarter of an inch to an inch in thickness, rejecting as unmanageable the fragments of rock which contained even large-sized nuggets of the metal. These fragments are found in large quantities in the rubbish at the mouths of the pits, as well as within, they seemingly having been pushed behind those miners as they advanced in the exploration of the vein. With all these evidences of industrial activity, no hint or clue remains as to how and where the ore was removed, to what purpose so much of it was consumed, or where the laborers received their support in their work. No bones of pre-historic man have been found there -no evidence of commerce-no remains of vessels, or wharves, or houses, and yet vast amounts of copper have been taken out, not only there, but throughout portions of the Upper Peninsula, and the treasure no doubt exported to the central and southern sections of our continent. It must, in all probability, have been conveyed in vessels, great or small, across a stormy and treacherous sea, whose dangers are formidable to us now, often proving the destruction of our largest craft. This gives us a totally different conception of the character of the Mound-Builders, and dignifies them with something of the prowess and spirit of adventure which we associate with the higher races of men. Leaving their homes, these men dared to face the unknown β€”to brave the hardships and perils of the deep and the wilderness, actuated by an ambition which we today would not be ashamed to acknowledge. Ancient Fortifications Discovered Other interesting earth-works in this State are the pre-historic forts in Macomb County, which were discovered by the early settlers along and near to the north branch of the Clinton River. Mounds of earth and stone were first noticed and evidences of once cultivated lands of considerable area, but when three structures enclosing from one to three acres of ground were found, there was much speculation as to what purpose they were designed to subserve. The Indians living in the vicinity had no traditions of their origin or by whom constructed; all was garbed in mystery. Except for the ravages of time these ancient remains were in the same condition as when left by a once industrious race. The native forests had covered these works, trees of large size were growing in the areas, in the ditch, and on the embankment. The earth had been thrown up into a ridge several feet wide 8 HISTORY OF SAGINAW COUNTY at the base, and about four feet in height from the bottom of the trench; and there were gateways or openings, ten, twelve and fifteen feet in width, in the embankments. Surveys of these ancient structures were made as early as 1827 or 1828, before the axman had cleared the ground or the plow disturbed their outlines. The embankment of the north fort measured very nearly eight hundred feet in length, including the openings; and flat land to the southward showed signs of cultivation. A few rods to the east was a large circular mound of a height to overlook a considerable stretch of country; and a small brook flowed southeasterly near its south border. In a direct line, some three miles to the southeast, was the large or central fort, situated on elevated ground on the right bank of the river. This enclosure was twelve hundred and sixty-eight feet in circumference, and had an area of more than three acres, aside from a wing wall two hundred feet in length. Within the area was a small pond evidently to supply water to the garrison. Three openings in the embankment led across a wide ditch to lower ground, and were protected by small mounds within to shut off from without all view of the interior. Between this fort and the stream were a number of graves in an irregular cluster, each of which contained a single skeleton; and below was a large mound surrounded by small ones in the form of a circle. The embankments may have been crowned with palisades, and the interior' mounds served for observation, as well as for defense. A large quantity of broken pottery and other relics found seem to indicate a large population in the vicinity. About a mile and a half to the southwest was found the third fort having a circumference of eight hundred and seventy feet. This structure had four openings, two of twelve, one of fifteen, and a large one of eighty feet, which may have been an uncompleted wall, near which were extensive mounds and areas of once cultivated ground. The erection of such extensive embankments, without the aid of any tools with which we are accustomed, must have required thousands of workers for a considerable period of time. At Climax, in Kalamazoo County, are the remains of a pre-historic fortification which occupied the crest of a knoll -the highest ground for miles around. When the first settlements were made in this section in 1831, the knoll was covered with oak trees of good size, and the open country showed everywhere the evidences of former cultivation. Numerous mounds were found near by, some of which contained bones and other human relics. Around the summit of the knoll was a ditch two or three feet deep and ten or twelve feet wide, with earth banked up along its sides, making it very easily traced. Its form was that of a perfect ellipse, enclosing one and threetenths of the summit of the hill; and its longest diameter was three hundred and thirty feet. On the Rifle River, in Ogemaw County, and in Gilead, Branch County, are other so called fortifications, with numerous earth-works in the vicinity of the former, some of which are still undisturbed by excavations. Unique "Garden Beds" Found In the valleys of the St. Joseph and Grand Rivers, lying principally in the counties of Cass, Kalamazoo and St. Joseph, were found in the early days of settlement some very peculiar works of the Mound-Builders, of unknown age and origin, which have received the name of "Garden Beds." They were discovered by Verandrier, who, with several French associates, explored this region in 1748; and wrote that they were "large tracts free from wood, many of which are everywhere covered with furrows, as if they had formerly been plowed and sown." Schooleraft, in writing of his observations made in 1827, recorded the fact that "garden beds, and not the PRE-HISTORIC RACE S 9 mounds, form the most prominent, and, by far, the most striking and characteristic antiquarian monuments of this district of country." These relics constitute a unique feature of our antiquities, and are of especial interest to us, since they are confined to our State. The garden beds occupied the most fertile of the prairie land and burroak plains, and consisted of raised patches of ground, separated by sunken paths, and were generally arranged in plats or blocks of parallel rows. These varied in dimensions, being from five to sixteen feet in width, from twelve to more than a hundred feet in length, and from six to eighteen inches in height. There was much diversity of arrangement of the plats, some being in groups of two or more at right-angles to the adjacent plats; others in blocks and single beds of varying angles, having paths of the same width as the rows, and others with narrow paths, while some of the rows terminated with semi-circular heads. Wheel-shaped plats, consisting of a circular bed, with beds of uniform shape and size radiating therefrom, all separated by narrow paths, formed the most curious gardens of all. PRIMITIVE ARROW-POINTS [from the Dustin collection] Flint, agate and chalcedory heads (one-third natural size). Top row, common forms; Middle and bottom rows, eccentric forms. The tough sod of the prairie had preserved very sharply all the outlines of the beds; and it was the universal testimony of the pioneers that these gardens were laid out and fashioned with a skill, order and symmetry which distinguish them from the ordinary operations of agriculture pursued by the Indians. On this point Foster observes, that, "they certainly indicate a methodical cultivation which was not practiced by the red men." The principal crop of the Indians is maize, and this was never cultivated by them in rows, but in hills, often large, but always in a very irregular manner. Nor do these beds resemble the deserted fields of modern agriculture, but rather suggest the well-laid out garden of our own-day, while the curvilinear forms point quite as strongly to the modern "pleasure garden." These extensive indications of ancient culture necessarily imply a settled and populous community, although evidences of the numbers and character of the people are almost entirely wanting. Scarcely any of the usual aboriginal relics are found; no pottery; no spear and arrow heads; no implements of stone; not even the omnipresent pipe. Burial mounds are not uncommon in Western Michigan, but such as are found have no recognized 10 HISTORY OF SAGINAW COUNTY association with the race which cultivated these garden beds. It is probable that they were a people of peaceable disposition, of laborious habits; and that they lived in simple and patriarchal style, subsisting on the fruits of the earth, rather than by the chase. Their dwellings and their tools were of wood, and have perished; and the simple record of their labors is all, it may be, that will ever be known. It seems strange, indeed, that these garden beds, suggestive as they are, should be the only memorials of a race which left such an evidence of advanced agriculture, and was worthy of more enduring monuments. Village Sites in Saginaw County The entire territory draining into Saginaw River and along the shore of Saginaw Bay is rich in traces of a considerable habitation by pre-historic man. Village and camp sites, burial mounds, workshops where implements were made, pits for the storage of provisions, and caches or hoards of blades, have been discovered in this section, while the surface is strewn with various objects made or used by the aborigines long before the advent of white men. Village sites and mounds occur on both sides of the river, from its mouth to its source, and on its tributaries, and are located at frequent intervals, often less than a mile apart. From close observation of these remains of a primitive people it is evident that their villages and camps were more numerous than the cities, villages and hamlets of today, though the actual population was small compared with the present. During the hunting season they roamed over a large territory, moving their camps from place to place; but in winter and spring they always resorted to their home villages, the permanence of which is attested by the great quantities of camp refuse, the numerous skeletal remains, and the large number of implements and weapons continually being brought to light. Every stream was dotted with permanent villages whose camp fires glistened on its surface, and which was traced by countless canoes. On the lower river the first village to be noted was at Crow Island, which derived its name from the individual reserve of Kaw-kaw-is-kou, or the Crow. Directly across the river on the prairie was another settlement, where the remains of corn fields were to be seen years ago, and then known as the Melbourne Fields. Four miles up the river on the east bank, at a place called Te-waw-baw-king, or "hickory place," where a ridge extended south from a point where the Federal Building now stands, many unmistakable signs of primitive life were once plainly discernable. Another ridge, now designated as "The Grove," extending from the City Hall to the Belt Line tracks, was once the location of an ancient village, of which the remains are extremely numerous. South of the East Side Water Works to the forks of the river are evidences of a long-continued habitation of an extinct race. Many relics have been gathered at this place, which has been named the Mowbray Village. On the west bank, village remains have been noted from near where Bristol Street crosses the river, all the way to Shows-ko-kon, or Green Point, and many relics recovered in the past attest to the favor in which this location was held. At the confluence of the rivers the aborigines held their dances and corn feasts, and their camps stretched for more than a mile along the Tittabawassee, which for untold generations was a favorite dwelling place of the ancient race. Along its banks a number of fire-places have been discovered, buried under four feet of hard-packed sand which it is certain was not deposited in historic times. On the low land near Cass Cut and on a cleared field a mile above are to be found positive evidences of village life, while at the east approach of the Michigan Central Railroad bridge were the Andrews Workshops. Nearly opposite, near the home of the late A. B. PRE-HISTORIC RACES 11 '1 / I 1# t I I I I I Ib-r ~ i I v LEAF-SHAPED BLADES [from the Dustin collection] Symmetrical forms (about one-third natural size) of unfinished points, found on village sites in Saginaw County. implements, mostly arrow ARROW AND SPEAR POINTS [from the Dustin collection] Fine specimens of ancient handiwork (about three-fourths actual size) in symmetrical forms. The large implement was probably used as a knife. 12 HISTORY OF SAGINAW COUNTY Paine, and half a mile west on the high sand bluff, at the Frazer homestead, were once the camps of a forgotten people. Further up the Tittabawassee, on the farm of E. R. McCarty, at Ure's Island, and near the homestead of the late William Hackett were aboriginal camps, while at Freeland was the reservation of Black Birds' Village, which contained six thousand acres. On the Shiawassee River at Bear Creek is one of two settlements in the county still inhabited by red skins; and at Chesaning are extensive remains of a large village on the high bluffs on the west bank of the stream, while another great camp was on the east side. Near Oakley is one of the ancient lake beaches, and on a bluff the evidences of a large settlement may still be traced. At the intersection of the branches of the Bad River, in St. Charles, numerous remains indicating a large village have been found, and the high south bank of Beaver Creek has yielded some interesting relics. On Swan Creek, at a point a mile below the railroad bridge, the ground was once strewn with curious remains, and east of it were a number of smaller camps. The Cass River is noted for its pre-historic remains at and above Bridgeport, the Andross Village yielding many valuable relics, while at Cook's Corners and at Frankenmuth large settlements were located. On the Flint, and on Misteguay Creek, a tributary, interesting evidences of primitive life have been uncovered by the plow; and near Fosters' are the remains of a village where a large copper knife was discovered. At Taymouth is the other village of the red skins, consisting of about sixty persons. Mounds and Ancient Relics. To Harlan I. Smith, a native of Saginaw and an archaeologist of note, must credit be given for having explored many of these village sites and earth-works, and having called attention to the remains discovered. In the East Side High School there is an interesting collection of ancient specimens which he brought together, with various notes, maps and photographs, and which it is hoped will some day, not far distant, form the foundation of a local museum which would be of great value to students generally and to posterity. It was Mr. Smith who first discovered the group of mounds situated in the City of Saginaw, on what is now a part of Rust Park. The first mound seen by him, in 1889, was not large, but was a very typical example of the earth structures of the valley. It was about thirty-four feet in diameter and eighteen inches in height, although it was evident that it had once been much higher, having since been slowly reduced by natural forces. At the time its character was discovered it was covered with grass and flowers, and had much the appearance of a neglected flower bed. As the land in the vicinity was then occupied by a lumber yard and the location likely to be encroached upon by public improvements, he deemed it advisable to explore the mound; and the relics obtained, together with a photograph of the mound, were carefully preserved. The remains consisted of implements of defense, such as arrow and spear heads, knives and stone hatchets, utensils for domestic use, and culinary refuse in general. Some time after, workmen, while digging for the foundation of a salt block on the premises, about three hundred feet west of the mound and about one hundred and eighty feet from the bank of the bayou, came upon a number of human skeletons. The mound within which they lay was the largest and highest of the group, being about sixty feet in diameter and three feet in height; but owing to its being covered with a rank growth of shrubs, which also surrounded it, its true character was not realized and all the remains were ruthlessly destroyed, none being saved for science in their entirety. They were at the unusual depth of four feet, which possibly was due to the accum PRE-HISTORIC RACES 13 ulation of soil above the old surface, by the piling up of the light sand in long dunes, as had been done in the vicinity, by the wind. In these graves bear teeth, deer bones, and remains of other wild animals were found in abundance. From the large quantity of fish bones unearthed, one might conclude that the ancient people took advantage of the resources of this locality, and that much of their subsistence was obtained from its waters. Soon after this discovery Court Street was extended through the northern end of the property partially obscuring the site. Early in 1910 Mr. Fred Dustin, to whom science is indebted for exhaustive research of pre-historic remains in Saginaw County, made a rough survey of this locality from which he prepared blue prints accurately locating the several mounds. From his detailed description of these earth-works, to which he gave appropriate names, and which were officially adopted by the Park and Cemetery Board, there appear to be four mounds in the group. The first, which he has designated as Chippewa Mound, was recognized as being of ancient origin ten or twelve years ago, and the attention of the public was called to it. A sugar maple tree, about four feet in circumference, stands on the apex of this dome-shaped mound, which is about two hundred and fifty feet east from the shore of Lake Linton, and fifty feet south of the south curb of Court Street. In the fall of 1908, while grading the slopes to the street in Rust Park, its original form was inadvertently destroyed, a portion of it being leveled cutting a foot from its height, and revealing its secrets. The ridge at this point is alternate layers of sand, gravel and clay, the mound being of gravelly sand resting upon heavy clay, and is about fifty feet in diameter. Mr. Dustin carefully examined this mound and determined the bones unearthed to be human remains; and added many relics and implements to his collection. About one hundred feet southwest from the center of Chippewa Mound stand three oak trees nearly in line with the center of the large mound which Harlan I. Smith mentioned in his description several years before. It is now partly covered with a dense growth of sumac bushes and other shrubs, but its western edge still shows where it was cut away for the foundation of the salt block erected on its site in the early nineties. It has been named Ash-a-tah-ne Mound, after the abbreviated name of a full-blooded Indian - a relative of the noted Chippewa chief, 0-saw-wah-bon. The third mound is near the intersection of Court Street and Washington Avenue, and was fully described by Mr. Smith as the one he first discovered, and has been named after him. Close by the Smith Mound is the fourth mound of the group, and is slightly larger than the other being about forty feet in diameter and two feet high. It was first observed by Mr. Dustin nearly twenty years ago, marked by a large bitternut hickory tree, and has been named Saug-e-nah Mound after the Chippewa word from which the name "Saginaw" is derived. At the mouth of the Tittabawassee, on the favorite camping ground of the aborigines, called Shows-ko-kon or Green Point, are two very large mounds which were first observed by W. R. McCormick in 1836, and named Green Point Mounds. They are situated about three-fourths of a mile east of Riverside Park and five hundred and fifty feet north of the river, on very low ground subject every spring to overflow. When opened many years ago the whole interior appeared to be a whitish substance, evidently of decomposed human bones, which, owing to the lowness of the land and flooding by the river, had crumbled away much sooner than elsewhere. These mounds were examined and photographed by Mr. Smith, who also described them in his notes on archaeological remains of the valley. The larger or western mound is about one hundred feet in diameter and three and a half feet high, 14 HISTORY OF SAGINAW COUNTY while the smaller, the base of which is twenty feet east of the other, is about ninety feet in diameter and four feet high. It is probable that originally they were at least five feet in height, but being composed of loam mixed with the clay wash from the flood waters, the erosion in time of overflow must have been considerable. In July, 1910, Mr. Dustin made a careful surface exploration of these mounds, and collected fourteen human teeth, three perfect and two mutilated arrow heads, two bear's teeth, numerous flakes of flint, all of ancient origin, and also a rudely moulded musket ball, a small flat silver ring and one blue glass bead, of European origin but of use by the savages. On August 30 of the same year he had a trench dug, commencing at the northern edge of the east mound and running to the center due south by compass, about eighteen inches wide down to the original surface of the ground. As each shovelful of earth was removed he examined it carefully, but no human remains in ia::, GREEN POINT MOUNDS [from Photograph by Harlan I. Smith] These mounds are situated near Riverside Park, and were first described by W. R. McCormick in 1836. They are so old that all skeletal remains have long since crumbled into dust. entirety, or even a perfect bone, were found, nor were any implements or relics brought to light. It is his belief that the bits of skull thrown out belonged to successive generations, the remains of which were disturbed by repeated burials and the implements removed or scattered. Having carefully refilled the trench, the exploration of the second or larger mound was begun by digging a trench west from its eastern edge; and a hole was also sunk in the center of the mound. The results were as meagre as from the first trench, the only interesting find being the crumbling remains of a baby's lower jaw with some of the tiny milk-teeth still clinging to it, and which was returned to its resting place and carefully covered. From the surface of this mound many fragments of pottery and a number of human teeth were picked up. A few years before on the south edge of the east mound, the skeleton of a squaw was turned up by the plow. The remains had evidently been clothed in a rich robe of European manufacture, the front being covered with ornaments consisting of thin silver rings, bosses and scrolls, sewed on in regular patterns. Around the neck were masses of beads, of various colors, both large and small, the former being strung into necklaces, while the small ones had evidently been used in embroidery. At the side of the PRE-HISTORIC RACES 15 skeleton lay a rude iron tomahawk of the pattern furnished the savages two or three hundred years ago by the fur traders; and a small copper kettle, a glass bottle and other trinkets were unearthed. At a point four miles up the Tittabawassee, on the land which James Fraser settled when he came to the valley, was once a large mound thought to have originally been more than a hundred feet in diameter and five or six feet in height. It was situated on a large knoll where the river washes a high bank which had gradually been cut way by the spring floods and ice, so that human bones were exposed and fell into the river. In former times a brick yard was in operation at the foot of the knoll, and the clear sand of the mound was removed by the cart load, the fragmentary bones being cast aside in heaps, and the relics and implements of a by-gone race of men collected by the hundred. It is believed that this mound was the burial place of many generations of pre-historic man, long antedating interments of the savages, for the bones found were in all stages of decay. This mound has long since been entirely destroyed and its site obscured. About six miles from Saginaw, at the bend of the Cass River in the Village of Bridgeport, several mounds have been discovered, one of which rested on a high sand knoll between the cemetery and the electric power house. This mound was not prominent, as it had many times been disturbed by the plow, but curious and interesting relics have been uncovered, among them several bird stones or gorgets beautifully finished, one of which represented an otter. A pottery urn, of peculiar interest, is three feet nine inches in circumference, and must originally have been over two feet in height; and was named the Andross Urn. It was found inverted over the - head of a skeleton, and was well preFCourtesy of American Museum of Natural served for so large a pot, and one from History, New York] a locality where nature does not favor THE ANDROSS URN archaeologic specimens, but r a t h e r A rare specimen of ancient pottery un- sends frosts and moisture among other earthed in the Village of Bridgeport. Originally was about two feet in height. elements to do them damage. As late as April, 1912, a fragment about fifteen inches wide and twenty-four inches high, of a piece of pottery, was recovered here by Mr. Dustin. Many skeletons were removed from this mound, mostly in an advanced state of decay. It was said by the old fur traders that when they first penetrated this wilderness, there was also a regular earth-work fortification, comprising several acres in extent, below the hill about where the center of the village now is. The Indians then living in the neighborhood told them that these earth-works had been built by another race of men long before they came here, and that they were more like the "pale faces," and they made kettles and dishes of clay. However this may have been, civilization has now 16 HISTORY OF SAGINAW COUNTY obliterated all traces of the mounds and fortifications, the human remains have been scattered to the winds, and only the relics and implements of a iemote age, perhaps of an ancient race, remain. On the Flint River mounds are numerous, but only at Taymouth do they occur in this county. On the old Indian fields-the land given in an early day to the old pioneer, James McCormick, by the Chippewa chiefs, are four large mounds. They are situated on the bluffs at the bend on the left bank of the river, and there are several others on the flats below. The human bones unearthed here were very much decomposed, especially those on the flats; and a great variety of stone implements were plowed up at different times and carried off by relic hunters. On the Shiawassee River at Chesaning, and at the forks of the Bad River in St. Charles, are still to be seen the remains of several mounds, but no record of exploration of any of them has been made, although many relics have undoubtedly been taken from these sites. Caches and Corn Pits In his writings on aboriginal remains, Harlan I. Smith states that "it is very probable that there exist ancient quarries, where chert nodules of the sub-carboniferous series were formerly obtained, as this rock, which is the material of which chipped implements are most frequently made, outcrops in many places, not only along the bay shore, but also near the head waters of the tributaries of the river." A number of caches have been discovered in various locations of which records are preserved, but how many more have been plowed out and scattered without even a mention, is impossible to estimate. The blades found in caches were perhaps made at the quarries and transported to the villages by canoe, since most caches as yet found have been near navigable water. They were there stored or buried in moist earth, which kept them in a workable condition, where they could easily be obtained and worked into the various specialized forms as such implements were required for use. On the north bank of the Tittabawassee at its mouth a cache was found by Edward S. Golson, April 26, 1890O. It was at a point where a sluggish brine spring-from time immemorial a deer lick, and since the advent of white men resorted to by their stock-had by persistent tramplings caused the bank to be broken further and further back from the river, so that the high water of spring formed a continually enlarging blind cut, extending back into the prairie for about twenty-five rods. The cache was found in the east bank of this cut, about four feet below the surface, and yielded eightythree symmetrical chipped blades of chert, which were later presented to the Peabody Museum at Cambridge. Opposite this cache, on the east bank of the Saginaw, another deposit of the same nature was unearthed by Mr. Golson in 1892. The remains were about two feet below the surface, and consisted of fifty-nine blades of chert now preserved by the family. Two miles above Green Point another collection of one hundred chipped blades, known as the Merrill Cache, and at the Frazer Mound site a cache consisting of over three hundred blades, mostly of four different patterns, have been brought to light. Among the latter is one pattern of large leafshaped blades about eight inches long with delicate notched stems; another, similar implements about three inches long; and a third, small blades not yet worked up, while the last consists of a few of the three-inch blades specialized to form arrow heads. Only a few feet away another cache yielded one large black leaf-shaped implement of chert, and thirteen rubbed stones, but there is no record of their shape or probable use. PRE-HISTORIC RACES 17 Near the south bank of the Cass River two miles above its mouth, a cache was found very near the surface, consisting of twenty-two blades of various forms, and a dozen pieces of chert, the material of which the blades were formed. Nearly opposite this cache, in the marshy ground of the vicinity, another deposit was found, and named the Wille Cache. It comprised one hundred and seventy-five triangular-shaped blades and two celts, the blades averaging an inch and a half in length. Three miles above Bridgeport, on the north bank of the Cass River, seventy blades leaf-shaped of dark blue chert, and numerous chips and flakes, have been unearthed; and was named the Cass Cache No. 1. The Armstrong Cache was discovered while plowing in a level field about half a mile north of the Frazer Cache, and not far from the little settlement of Shields. The implements were carefully removed, and an inventory showed sixty-six chipped leaf-shaped blades, nearly all five and a half inches in length and one and a half to one and three-fourths inches wide, remarkably uniform in shape; and many were of black flint or chert, while others were grey in color. About twenty years ago Duane Lincoln, while plowing in James Township at a point about twenty rods back from the St. Charles road, which here runs east and west, struck with his plow a store of chert blades, which he carefully gathered up filling a ten-quart pail. At present only one specimen, three inches long and one and a half inches wide, leafshaped of grey chert, remains. This is practically a type of the whole lot, although a few were somewhat specialized by slight notches at the base. The rapid settlement of the county has destroyed nearly all evidence of cultural pits used by the aborigines for the storage of corn, smoked meats and provisions in general, but in Taymouth Township, on lands owned by S. Pettit, may be seen the depressions caused by the sinking of the old structures. They were simply excavations in the ground from five to ten feet in diameter, which were carefully lined with bark, and supported by a framework of poles or small logs, and roofed with the same materials. Their origin undoubtedly dates from a pre-historic period, although the remains which were discovered in various places by the early settlers may have been of a much later time, since the bark which lined the pits was often still intact, but crumbled to pieces upon being touched. It is evident from the structure of these pits that they were used by the aborigines as a winter storage of provisions and such game as they put away, to safeguard them from wild beasts and stragglers in the forest. During the hunting. seasons, when the natives left their camps for weeks at a time in quest of game, these cultural pits which they built with such care served as a safe place in which to conceal their rude yet useful stone implements, their perishable pottery ware, their cooking utensils, and such articles as they wished to preserve from theft. When absent from their wigwams or cabins, a pole or piece of wood placed against the door signified the fact to any visitors. Among their own people and friendly tribes, this simple notice was always held inviolate, but their enemies and strangers generally had no regard for the rights of private possession, and would often despoil their camps. Consequently, when they went away, it was their custom to conceal in the ground whatever of their belongings they needed to preserve. In Section twenty-one, Albee Township, about eighty rods from a shallow pond near Misteguay Creek, other remains of this character may still be seen, consisting of a series of corn pits. West of the Village of Freeland, on land owned by the late John P. McGregor, formerly a part of the Red Bird Reservation, numerous pits discovered at different times have now become almost entirely obliterated by cultivation of the soil. 18 HISTORY OF SAGINAW COUNTY Workshops The workshops, or quarries, where primitive man casually made his flint implements, are referred to by Mr. Smith as the "Andrews Workshops" and the "Albee Workshops." From these places it is supposed most of the material for their utensils originated, but there is not a village site that does not yield more or less of fragments from articles made there. At the east side entrance of Rust Park, and in Albee Township, near Misteguay Creek, fragmentary remains were quite numerous, while at Peon-i-go-wink and again at Me-no-quet's Village, but a few specimens have been observed. There is little evidence that the aborigines specialized in the simple arts practised by them, although it is probable that individuals skilled in stone cutting may occasionally have produced implements for trade or gift. Early records are lamentably deficient in description of the processes of their handiwork, and much has been lost by lack of interest in observing and recording simple facts. The remains of these workships consist of finished implements, chipped blanks, broken pieces of utensils and refuse. Chert nodules have been collected from these sites in all forms, some weighing four or five pounds. In James Township, on a sandy morainal ridge over which formerly ran an Indian trail, is a "blow-hole" about eighty feet long, [Courtesy of American Mu- forty wide, and four feet deep, which has revealed seum of Natural History, bushels of flint chips, arrow and spear heads, and PIPE MADE OF SAND- other relics. This place was examined by Mr. STONE Dustin in the summer of 1914, and five leaf-shaped From Mowbray Camp site, natural size. blades, five broken specialized blades, and o n e peculiar shaped blade, perhaps an unfinished arrowhead, were the rewards of his search. The sands drift at the lightest winds, and a few days before his visit, four good arrow-points and a spear-head were picked up by boys. Aboriginal Stone Weapons Ethnologists, in classifying the material remains of aboriginal races, separate all stone articles into three divisions; flints, celts, and miscellaneous. Under the term "flints" are classed all implements made of chert, chalcedony, agate, quartz and agatized wood, and covering such articles as arrow-points, spear heads, knives and small articles used for piercing and cutting. These have been treated of in the preceding pages. Under "celts" are heavier articles such as stone mauls, hammers, axes, hatchets, pestles, chisels and skinning stones. These implements and weapons were usually fashioned from sienite, greenstone, basalt, granite, or volcanic rocks brought hither by the glacial ice sheet, and thickly strewn along the ancient beaches in the southern portion of the county, or cropping out in the banks of the Flint River. In private collections in city and county are various examples of weapons, such as hammer stones, some of which are pitted so as to be grasped more firmly; and others of convenient natural forms, easily handled, and which would be impossible to identify were it not for the battering and wear they show from long use. Then there are skinning stones, scrapers and chisels, worked to proper shapes and rubbed and polished to a fine finish; heavy grooved stone mauls, fine hatchets or tomahawks not grooved, and grooved axes, some of unusual forms. Stones PRE-HISTORIC RACES 19 bearing deep grooves are sometimes found, which it is evident were used as rubbing or polishing implements in finishing arrow-shafts or ornamental articles. Other abrasive stones were used in polishing axes, chisels, and other celts, one of this character, nearly two inches square and ten inches long, being of peculiar form, but quite symmetrical, and appears to be of hard sandstone slightly tinged- with iron. W w m, FRAGMENTARY SPECIMENS OF PIPES [from the Dustin collection] From left to right (about one-third actual size). Very small pipe of argillaceous stone; Typical Micmac pipe, gray sandstone; Pipe of gray sandstone; Iroquois pipe of pottery ware; Mound pipe, pottery; Pipe of gray conglomerate sandstone; Monitor type (stem only); Modified Micmac type, argillaceous stone; Fragment of bowl of black shale; Unfinished pipe of yellowish stone; Stem of Atlantic Coast type, pottery ware. Ancient Pipes Of the "miscellaneous" group there are pipes fashioned from the same materials from which the pottery was made, one collection in Saginaw containing a dozen or more specimens. Occasionally a catlinite pipe is found, probably of Dakotan origin and left here in trade or captured in savage warfare. They are often of singular form and beauty, and were highly prized by their owners. The pottery pipes are usually short and rather clumsy in appearance, although exhibiting some degree of skill in the making. In the Dustin collection are a number of pipes, bowls and pieces of stem, representing no less than nine distinct types, including both Mound and Micmac examples. One is a perfect pottery pipe, without ornamentation of any kind, measuring on the outer curve from top of the bowl to end of the stem five and one-fourth inches, and in diameter of bowl one and a half inches. This interesting specimen was found in the summer of 1913 lying beside the skull of some old warrior, about two feet below the surface of the ground not far from Shields, near the western line of Saginaw Township. Another excellent example of primitive handiwork is a bowl from which the stem has been broken, of the Iroquoian type. The bowl tapers to the stem, and there are three ornamental lines around the top of the bowl, which is an inch and a quarter in diameter, and an inch and a half to the curve of the stem. The pottery ware is rather fine in texture, and appears to contain a tempering material. A third specimen is only the lower part of the bowl, the base nearly perfect, but the keel is broken off through the thong hole. The material is grey sandstone of fine texture. The stem hole is perfect, and the conical base of the tobacco bowl shows the marks of the rude drill employed in fashioning it. 20 HISTORY OF SAGINAW COUNTY Ornaments and Charms Ancient generations of Indians wore stone ornaments or charms, and of these there are many examples in this section of the State. They were usually made of slate, a banded variety being a favorite, and took various forms such as a shuttle, a butterfly, or other curious designs. It would seem that these odd forms possessed an esoteric significance, and may have been used much as certain societies employ symbols to convey various moral and spiritual lessons. Among other curious forms are those known as bird stones, well finished and polished effigies of sitting birds, perfectly symmetrical in form. It is quite possible that these animal forms were the "totems" or symbols of the various clans, of which the Chippewas had many. PRIMITIVE ORNAMENTS AND CHARMS [from the Dustin collection] From left to right (about two-thirds actual size) Figure of bear (totem) of banded slate; Tablet of same material, with three parallel grooves, of unknown use Figure of beaver (totem) of red pipe-stone; Tablet of banded slate. CHAPTER II THE INDIANS OF SAGINAW VALLEY Aboriginal Tribes in Michigan - Advent of the Ottawas - Their Assimilation with the Chippewas-Habits and Customs-Mode of Life-Spirit of RevengeThe Sauks and Onottawas-Derivation of "Saginaw"-Battle of Skull IslandExtermination of the Sauks- Chippewas Fear Revenge- Legend of the Lone Tree -Retributive Justice of the Savage -Anecdotes of Chippewa Chiefs and Braves. IKE all the vast territory of the Northwest, the land now embraced in the State of Michigan was once in possession of native Indian tribes, which very properly belonged to the third race inhabiting North America, but distinct from the former races in every particular. The primitive language which was most widely diffused, and the most fertile in dialects, was known to the French by the name of Algonquin; and was the mother tongue of those who greeted the colonists of Raleigh at Roanoke, and of those who welcomed the Pilgrims to Plymouth. It was heard from the Bay of Gaspe to the valley of the Des Moines; from Cape Fear to the land of the Esquimaux, and was spoken, though not exclusively, in a territory that extended through sixty degrees of longitude, and more than twenty degrees of latitude. Of the Algonquin nations, as fugitives from the basin of the magnificent river whose name commemorates them, were the Ottawas, who fled to Saginaw Bay and took possession of the whole north of the peninsula as of a derelict country. To the south of them were the Miamis, whose principal mission was founded by Allouez on the banks of the St. Joseph. They were more stable than the Shawnees in the valley of the Cumberland, who connected the southeastern Algonquins with the west; and their traditions preserve the memory of their ancient limits. "My forefather," said the Miami orator, Little Turtle, at Greenville, "kindled the first fire at Detroit; from there he extended his lines to the head waters of the Scioto; from thence to its mouth and down the Ohio to the mouth of the Wabash; and from thence to Lake Michigan. These are the boundaries within which the prints of my ancestors' houses are everywhere to be seen." And the narratives of the French explorers confirm his words. The forests beyond Detroit were at first found unoccupied, or, it may be, roamed over by bands too feeble to attract a trader or win a missionary. Between the lakes the Ottawas found a dense forest wilderness extending to the straits, abounding with game and with lakes and rivers teeming with fish. Beyond to the west and south of Lake Superior was the great nation of the Chippewas, or, as some wrote, the Ojibwas, the Algonquin tribes of whose dialect, mythology, traditions, and customs we have the fullest accounts. They held the country from the mouth of Green Bay to the head waters of Lake Superior; and adopted into their tribes many Ottawas, and were themselves often included by the early French writers under that name. Thus the two nations, by association and alliance, gradually became assimilated, and occupied the same territory along the upper lakes. As generations passed and they multiplied in numbers and in power, the Chippewa tribes predominated and history attached their name to the united nation. Two hundred years after, indeed, in our State papers the parties to 22 HISTORY OF SAGINAW COUNTY various treaties are spoken of as the United States on one side, and the Chippewas on the other, although there appear among the signatures the names of chiefs and headsmen who were of Ottawa descent. In their natural environment the savages were proud of idleness, and did little but cross their arms and sit listlessly; or engage in games of chance, hazarding all their possessions on the result; or meet in council; or sing; and eat, play, and sleep. Their greatest toils were to repair their cabins, fashion a boat out of a tree by means of fire and a stone hatchet, and make ready the instruments of war and of the chase. Woman was the laborer and bore the burdens of life. The food raised from the earth was the fruit of her industry. With no implement but a shell or the shoulder-blade of a buffalo, she planted the corn and beans, drove the blackbirds from the field, broke the weeds, and, in due time, gathered the harvest. She pounded the parched corn, dried the buffalo meat, and prepared for winter the store of wild fruits. She brought home the game which the warriors killed, she bore the wood, drew the water, and spread the feasts. When the chief laid the keel of a birchen canoe, it was the woman who stitched the bark with split ligaments of the pine root, and seared the seams with resinous gum. When the warrior prepared the poles of the wigwam, it was the woman who built it, and in journeyings bore it on her shoulders. The Indian squaw was his slave, and the number of his slaves was a criterion of his wealth. The aborigines depended for food on the chase, the fisheries, and agriculture. They kept no herds; and never were shepherds. The moose, the bear, the deer, besides smaller game and fowl, were pursued with arrows tipped with harts-horn, or eagle's claws, or pointed stones. With nets and spears fish were taken, and for want of salt were cured by smoke. Wild fruits and berries in abundance were found in their season, and girls with baskets of bark gathered the fragrant fruit of the wild strawberry. Wheat and rye would have been a useless gift to the Indian, since he had neither plow or sickle; but the maize sprang luxuriously from a warm, rich soil with little aid from culture, oustripping the weeds and bearing, not thirty or fifty, but a thousand fold. Maize was gathered from the field by hand, without knife or reaping tools, and when dried could be preserved for years. It became nutritious food by a simple roasting before a fire, and a little of its parched meal, with water from the brook, was often a dinner and supper. With a small supply of it in his leathern girdle, the warrior, with his bow and arrows, was ready for travel at a moment's warning. Famine often gave a terrible energy to the brutal part of their nature. What could have been more miserable than the tribes of the north in the depths of winter, suffering from want of food, driven by the intense cold to sit huddled in the smoke around the fire in the cabin, and to fast for days, until, compelled by faintness to reel into the woods and gather moss or bark for a thin concoction to relieve the extremity of hunger? Want stiffled their affections, with the result that the aged and infirm met with scant tenderness; and the hunters, as they roamed the wilderness, often deserted the old warriors to their fate. If provisions failed, the feeble dropped down by the trail and were lost, or life was shortened by a blow. The fate of the desperately ill, and those wounded in battle and the chase, was equally sad; and those who lingered, especially the aged, were often neglected, and sometimes, with the compassion of the savage, were put to death. The clothing of the natives was, in summer, only a piece of skin, like an apron, tied around the waist, but in winter they resorted to the protection of a bear-skin, or robes made of skins of the fox and the beaver. Their feet were protected by soft mocassins, to which were bound snow-shoes, on which they could leap like a roe. Of the women, a mat or a skin, neatly THE INDIANS OF SAGINAW VALLEY 23 prepared, tied over the shoulders, and fastened to the waist by a girdle, extended from the neck to the knees, leaving the head, arms, and legs uncovered. Their summer garments, of moose and deer skins, were painted of many colors; and the fairest feathers of the turkey, fastened by threads made of wild hemp and nettle, were curiously wrought into mantles. The claws of the grizzly bear formed a proud collar for the war chief; a piece of an enemy's scalp, with a tuft of long hair, glittered on the end of his war pipes. The skin of a rattlesnake worn round the arm, and the skin of a polecat bound round the leg, were emblems of noble daring. The warrior was also tatooed with figures of animals, of leaves and flowers, and painted with lively and shining colors. His dress was often a history of his deeds. The wild man hated restraint, and loved to do what was right in his own eyes; and, since he was his own protector, and as there was no public justice, every man became his own avenger. In case of death by violence, the departed shade could not rest until appeased by a retaliation. His kindred would go a thousand miles for the purpose of revenge, over hills and mountains; through swamps full of vines and briars, over broad lakes, rapid rivers, and deep creeks, and all the way endangered by poisonous snakes, exposed to the extremities of heat and cold, to hunger and thirst. Blood once being shed, mortal strife often involved tribe against tribe, which continued for generations, unless peace was restored by atoning presents in sufficient measure to cover up the graves of the dead. The Sauks and Onottawas Such were the nature and general characteristics of the Algonquins, and of those tribes which inhabited the basin of the Saginaw, three hundred years ago. Of the earliest tribes which tradition takes into account, the Sauks and Onottawas occupied the beautiful country from the bay to the upper tributaries of the river. Along the Saginaw the Sauks made their homes, built their camp fires, held their councils and smoked the calumet. They roamed the forests which abounded with game, they paddled their light bark canoes on its clear, smooth waters, and they fished the quiet pools. Their largest village was at the confluence of the rivers which formed the main stream, or Green Point as the place has been known for years; and there was a smaller village on the bluffs of the Tittabawassee, above the present settlement at Paines. On a gentle rise of ground along the Saginaw, six miles from its mouth, they had another large village in which were enacted some of the most stirring scenes in their traditional history. The Sauks were, indeed, so imperishably identified with our early history, traditional though it is, that their name has became indissolubly linked with our own. From their dialect the name Saginaw is unquestionably derived. It is a perversion of "Sa-gin-a-we, Sa-gin-a-gi, or Saug-e-nah," which freely translated means, "land, or place, of the Sauks." According to tradition the total number of Sauks living in this valley, at the beginning of the seventeenth century, was about sixteen hundred, a considerable population for a small section. Along the Cass and Flint rivers to their head waters roamed the Onottawas, whose warriors found the forest wilderness a delightful hunting ground. The woods were full of game, the streams teemed with fish, while wild fowl filled the marshy ground or flew high in the trees. Their principal village on the Cass was at the Great Bend, near the present town of Bridgeport, and their camp fires lined the stream to and beyond Tuscola. On the Flint their families, though more scattered, were especially numerous, and they spread over a long stretch of river country. Their largest village was 24 HISTORY OF SAGINAW COUNTY situated on the bluffs -about thirty miles above its mouth, and within the present City of Flint - a spot which was the scene of mortal strife in Indian history. The Chippewas Wage Savage Warfare But these friendly tribes, upon whom the Great Spirit had bestowed a hunting ground so plentifully supplied with all the needs and desires of their savage life, were not destined to occupy unmollested this favored country. Far to the north the warlike Chippewas had heard of the Sauks and Onottawas-of the beautiful country and rich hunting grounds they possessed, and they longed to gain them by conquest. The spies and scouts sent out by them returned with glowing accounts of the beautiful rivers and valleys, the abundance of fish and game found there, and told of the unprotected and unguarded state of the occupants. They therefore called a council of their tribes and allies, to be held on an island in the straits which connect the lake of the Hurons and the lake of the Illinois (Lake Michigan). At the appointed time the warriors from the Hurons on the east, the Potawatomies on the south, and the Menomonies on the west gathered at that place, and with solemn deliberation decided to wage relentless warfare on their weaker neighbors toward the south. Accordingly, a savage conflict was soon begun which resulted in the annihilation of the Sauks and their allies. The traditional accounts of the predatory incursions of the Chippewas, as handed down from generation to generation of their chiefs, was preserved by an early settler who came to this valley in boyhood. In later years, as a furtrader, his associations were chiefly with the Chippewas, whose language became almost as familiar to him as his own. He relates that there were several very old Indians living near the bay, and in 1834 he sought out and questioned one of them, named Putt-a-guas-a-mine, who, though reputed to be more than a hundred years old, still retained his mental faculties. He declared that the unwritten narrative of his tribe had been told and often repeated by his grandfather, who lived to a very old age, and who had received it from his grandfather, in order that the principal events in their history might not be lost. When asked for these traditions of his race, the old Indian said that the Sauks occupied the whole territory of the Saginaw and its tributaries, extending from the Au Sable River on the north to the head waters of the Shiawassee, on the south. Their main village stood on the west bank of the Saginaw not far from its mouth, from which they frequently sallied forth in warlike incursions on the Chippewas about Thunder Bay. They were also unfriendly to the Potawatomies, who occupied the country southwest of them along the southern shore of Lake Michigan. When the council of the Chippewas and their allies ended they fitted out a large band of warriors, which soon started in birch bark canoes for the main land. They came down the west shore of Lake Huron, and, in order to mask their movements, they stole along the shore of Saginaw Bay at night, and lay concealed in the bushes on shore during the day. At length they arrived at a point about ten miles from the mouth of the river which they called "Pet-obe-gong," where a portion of their band landed, while the remainder crossed the bay under cover of darkness, and landed on the east shore. In the morning, before it was yet day, both bands crept stealthily along the banks of the river, one on each side, to attack and cut off the retreat of their enemy. While these hostile movements were taking place, a great festival was being held by the Sauks in honor of the young chief "Raven Eye," who had that day been advanced for some daring feat of the chase. A large number THE INDIANS OF SAGINAW VALLEY 25 of warriors from the various villages and camps of the tribe were present, and also a few young Onottawa braves who had been invited to participate in the festivities. The day was a most delightful one in early autumn. The old chiefs threw aside their usual gravity, the young braves their fierceness, and all mingled together in gaiety, song and dance. The dark-eyed AMirni was there, the chieftain's daughter, to whom it was said Raven Eye was bethrothed, one whom many a young warrior would have suffered torture, to have won from her even the tribute of a smile. Evening came on,'soft, still and delightful. The full, harvest moon arose in splendor, and cast its mellow light over the happy scene; and the dim, wild wood around resounded with notes of merriment. It was late when the festival ended, and all of the gay throng, wearied with pleasure, sunk into peaceful, quiet slumber. The night wind sighed through the dark pines in mournful cadence, the guardian spirit of the savage hovered over the sleepers, with its low death chant, yet its warning notes were unheard: the sleepers slept on. Suddenly a wild, unearthly yell broke fearfully upon the still night, and awakened a thousand echoes. Aroused by it, the Sauks sprang to their feet, bewildered and dismayed, and were met by the fierce Chippewas, who commenced an indiscriminate slaughter. Some were tomahawked -women and children, and aged warriors too feeble to raise an arm in defense, not being spared - while some leaped into the river and were drowned. Others, more agile and fleet of foot, escaped and took their families, or what remained of them, across the river. On some high ground (at Portsmouth) they attempted to fortify themselves, believing that the enemy would follow up their conquest. Battle of Skull Island The whole valley of the Saginaw was now in a state of wild commotion and fear, as it was known that the Chippewas had commenced a bloody war of extermination. Their band that had crept up the east side of the river, seeing the defenseless condition of the Sauks, soon came up, and a fearful and desperate battle took place. Human bones of those killed in the fight may still be found in this hill. The Sauks were again defeated at this place, but the remnants of their once happy and contented band recrossed the river at night, and retreated to an island near the mouth of a small stream, which was afterward named Cheboyganing Creek. Although the land was low and marshy they here felt secure from attack, as their enemies had no canoes in the river; and they proceeded to fortify themselves. But soon after the river froze over with ice thick enough for the allies to cross, which they did in overwhelming numbers, and another massacre ensued. In the end the Sauks on the lower river were practically exterminated, only twelve squaws being spared. On account of the great quantity of skulls and bones found there in later years, the place was called Skull Island. The Chippewas and their allies then proceeded up the river to its head, where they divided their band, some warriors going up the Cass, some up the Flint, while others went up the Tittabawassee and Shiawassee and their tributaries. All the straggling bands of their enemies were located and every member of them put to death, leaving none to contend with them as to the possession of this hunting ground. The fiercest battle probably was fought on the bluffs of the Flint, at the village of the Sauks, in the present City of Flint, in which, tradition says, a reinforcement of their allies came from the vicinity of Detroit and met them. Mounds filled with bones scattered indiscriminately, indicating that the bodies had been buried hurriedly after a battle, can be located at this place even to this day. The waring Indians then came down the Flint and fought another battle on a SEMI-CIVILIZED INDIANS OF SAGINAW IN THE '60's THE INDIANS OF SAGINAW VALLEY 27 bluff one mile above the present town of Flushing, where mounds filled with bones still exist; and soon after exterminated a small remnant of the Sauks at a point sixteen miles below, where fifty years ago the farm of James McCormick was located. On the Cass River the allies came upon the principal village of the Sauks at the Great Bend, near Bridgeport, the inhabitants of which they captured and put to death. A small ridge, or earthwork, supposed to have been their rude fortification, was plainly to be seen here as late as 1830. The next important battle was fought on the Tittabawassee on ground just below the farm on which James Frazer settled when he came to the valley as one of its early pioneers. Having completed their bloody work of conquest, with the extermination of the Sauks, excepting the twelve squaws spared from the massacre on the lower river, a council of the allies was held to determine the fate of the survivors. Some of the warrior chiefs were bent on torturing them to death, others wanted to spare their lives and set them free to go wherever they pleased, while still others advised sending them far away beyond the "Great River." At last it was decided to place them among the Sioux; and a compact was made with that warlike nation that the tribes should not molest them, but offer them protection, an agreement which, according to tradition, was faithfully kept. Having assured themselves that they were indeed sole masters of the beautiful valley of the Saginaw, the Chippewas set about making preparations for a permanent stay there, at least as far as their disposition would admit. Their lodges soon rose from the ruins of the Sauk and Onottawa villages, and maize waved over the graves of the disinherited possessors of the soil. The Chippewa hunter pursued the wild wolf and deer through the hunting grounds of the Sauks without fear of interruption, and made his camp beneath the very trees where they had often reveled, or met in council. Many Indians who came to this valley, however, never returned to their tribes, nor were they ever after heard of, occurrences which filled their relations with deep dread and fear. At length it became a firmly fixed belief among them that the spirits of the dead Sauks still haunted their favorite hunting grounds, and took the lives of their enemies. It may have been that a few Sauks escaped the massacres, and still lingered around the camps, watching for straggling hunters and killing them whenever an opportunity offered. Years rolled on and the invaders grew in strength and power, and in the pride of their hearts boasted of their conquests, and vainly defied the Great Spirit. For a long time the Great Spirit bore with them; but a day of reckoning was hastening on. The pale faces came, bringing with them the seeds of discontent and strife, which they scattered broadcast through the valley of the Saginaw. They taught the Indians to quaff the deadly fire-water, and to curse and yell in tolerable English. The rich hunting grounds, which their forefathers had wrenched so fiercely from the defenseless Sauks, passed from their hands; and villages sprang up where the Chippewas had often tracked the bear and the elk. Many long years had elapsed since their ancestors had so wrongfully taken possession of the favored land, and sent the lonely and friendless squaws far away among strange tribes. The Great Spirit had, however, watched over them and directed their course in their new found home toward the setting sun. 28 HISTORY OF SAGINAW COUNTY A Ghost of the Sauks One day the Chippewas in camp at the head of the Saginaw were surprised to receive a visit from a strange Indian, whose dialect and dress differed from their own. By signs he made them understand that he came from a powerful tribe of Sauks, which lived many miles away in the west, where game was found in great abundance, and in whose rivers and lakes all kinds of fish abounded. He also told them that his tribe had not forgotten the great wrong that his ancestors had suffered from the hands of the Chippewas, and that they burned for an opportunity to avenge the murdered of his race. He had come, he said, to tell them that, although his tribe did not hope to reclaim their lost hunting ground, in an hour when their enemies least expected it, the avenging warriors would be upon them. After singing a wild, exciting song in his own tongue, and giving a fearful parting whoop, he bounded into the depth of the forest like a wild deer, and disappeared, leaving his hearers in a state of consternation and alarm. At intervals, since this event, the Chippewas received mysterious visitations of the spirit of the departed Sauks. Sometimes during sugar making, they would be seized with a sudden panic, and leave everything - their kettles of boiling sap, the mokuks of sugar standing in their camp, their ponies tethered in the woods, and flee to their canoes as though pursued by their ancient enemy. Not unfrequently opportunity would be taken of the stampede, by some bad Indians or stragglers, to rob the poor savages of what little they possessed. This led to the firm belief among them, upon cautiously returning and finding their camp despoiled, that the Great Spirit was visiting the sins of their forefathers upon them. An old Indian chief, named "Tong-do-gong," who died in 1840, told many times of having killed a Sauk while hunting when a boy. This happened probably about the year 1785, and as a result the Indians on the Saginaw to within fifty years ago still believed that there was a Sauk lurking in the vicinity of their camps. They had seen the place, they said, where he had made his fires and slept. For days at a time they would keep together in bands, and not leave their camp to hunt because they believed there was a Sauk in the neighboring woods, for some one of their band had seen where he had slept. Nothing could disillusion them of this fearsome belief. Shop-en-a-gons' Account Other old Indians, who clearly remembered the traditions of their race, as handed down from their grandfathers, related at different times the same story of the extermination of the Sauks, varying only in unimportant details which could have no bearing on the fact. Later old chief Shop-en-a-gons, who was so well known to some of our citizens of today, and who passed to his happy hunting grounds in December, 1911, told substantially the same narrative. In his account, however, as related in his ninetieth year, his tribe, which occupied the country north of the Au Sable River, had suffered grievous wrongs from straggling bands of the Sauks. Their camps had been pillaged during their absence on the hunt, and their women and children had been abused. These crimes they had borne patiently for several years, when, at the outbreak of the whole Chippewa nation, they gladly joined in the savage warfare. The band to which his tribe belonged, he said, crossed the Au Sable to the head waters of the Tittabawassee, which they followed to the various camps of the enemy, slaying them at every hand. On the bluffs of the river (at Paines) near its mouth, they fought a fierce battle in which the Sauks were all killed and their camp laid waste. They then THE INDIANS OF SAGINAW VALLEY 29 joined another band in their incursions up the Flint River, and participated in further battles on that stream. The memory of this old and friendly chief was generally very clear regarding the unwritten history of his race, but, like other merely traditional history, should be taken as probable rather than as actual facts. Legend of the Lone Tree Among the interesting legends told by Indian chiefs of the Saginaws, is one concerning a lone tree which once stood on the east side of the river, above Portsmouth. Alone and isolated on the broad prairie, it stood majestic in its loneliness; and a spirit of romance lingered about it β€”a whisper of past mysteries breathed through its spreading branches. A peculiar interest was imparted to it from its having been for years the abode of a white owl, whose dismal screeches fell mournfully on the night. The Indians had a great reverence for this tree, and believed that its occupant was a spirit-bird, or guardian spirit, of a dead warrior. The spiritbird, they said, sometimes personifies a dove, sometimes an eagle, or other species according to the disposition of the deceased. A fearless, ambitious, and untamed warrior's spirit-bird is an eagle; a blood-thirsty chieftain's spirit-bird is a hawk, while the friends of a gentle maiden who has passed to the spirit land, know that she is hovering near them when they hear the cooing notes of a turtle dove at morn or at eve. Many years ago, before the coming of the white man to this hunting ground, so the legend runs, Ke-wah-ke-won, a noble chieftain of the Chippewas, ruled his people with love and kindness. He was a patriarch among them, and greatly beloved for his gentleness, forebearance, and the mildness of his rule. He had been a great warrior in his day, but his youth had departed, and the languid pulse and feeble footstep told, only too plainly, that he would soon pass to the hunting grounds of the Great Spirit. The good old chieftain felt that he was about to die, and was desirous of once more seeing his tribes in council, and of bestowing upon them his last blessing. Around him quickly gathered, in mournful silence, all of his beloved people, eager to catch the last words of admonition from the lips of their dying chief -forming a melancholy death scene in the wilderness. At length the old man spoke, while the fire of his youth seemed rekindled in his dim eye, and his voice, though weak, was calm and clear. "My children," said he, "the Great Spirit has called me, and I must obey the summons. Already is the tomahawk raised to sever the last cord that binds me to my children; already my guide stands at the door to convey me to the hunting grounds of my fathers in the spirit land. You weep, my children, but dry your tears, for though I leave you now, yet will my spiritbird ever watch over you. I will whisper to you in the evening breeze, and when the morning comes you will know that I have been with you through the night. But the Great Spirit beckons me, and I must hasten. Let my body be laid in a quiet spot in the prairie, with my tomahawk and pipe by my side. You need not fear that the wolf will disturb my rest, for the Great Spirit, I feel, will place a watch over me. Meet me in the spirit land, my children - Farewell." They buried him in a lonely spot in the wide plain, near the beautiful river, with his face toward the rising sun; and was never disturbed by bird or beast, for so the Great Spirit had ordered it. Time passed on and a tree arose from his grave and spread its branches over it, as if for protection, while the great white owl - the spirit-bird sent to watch over it - came and 30 HISTORY OF SAGINAW COUNTY took possession. Though the tree has long since fallen before the woodman's axe, yet the spot upon which it stood has often been pointed out, and where sleeps Ke-wah-ke-won, the beloved chieftain of his race. Nay-o-kee-man and Pau-pem-is-kobe Long years ago on the banks of the Flint, fifty miles from Saginaw, there could be seen a small mound under the branches of a large oak. A Chippewa hunter, named Pet-e-bon-a-qua, in passing there one day stopped to rest, and upon being questioned about it said that, before the pale faces invaded his country, two braves had engaged in mortal combat upon that spot, and that one brave warrior slept beneath the mound. One of these, named Pau-pem-is-kobe, was the favored suitor of the beautiful daughter of a mighty brave, and this had enraged the fierce Nay-o-kee-man, who was also enamored of the dusky-eyed maiden. One day the two young warriors came together in the forest, and words of anger passed between them. Nay-o-kee-man nursed his wrath and some time later while hunting he saw his hated rival in the woods. Secreting himself he laid in wait. As Pau-pem-is-kobe passed in the narrow trail, the whizzing of a tomahawk warned him of an unseen foe. With characteristic agility he sprang for cover, but so true was the aim of the skillful Nay-okee-man that he received a slight scalp wound. For some time there was the usual dodging and feinting, each trying to get the advantage of the other. At length the assailant exposed his person unguardedly for an instant, when an arrow from the stout bow of Pau-pem-is-kobe struck him in the neck. Seeing that his foe was partially disabled, Pau-pem-is-kobe then rushed out to finish him; but the latter was still in fighting trim. As the two braves closed both drew their long hunting knives, and a death to death struggle ensued. Nay-o-kee-man was the more powerful of the two, and, though badly wounded, he finally succeeded in thrusting his knife into the vitals of his antagonist, thus sending him to the happy hunting grounds. The victor, fearing the wrath of his tribe, fled to another part of the territory, while the spirit of the dead Pau-pem-is-kobe haunted the spot where his life went out. Retributive Justice of the Savage In one of the revels at the camp of the Chippewas on the Saginaw, an Indian who had quaffed too freely of the white man's "fire-water," killed his squaw, and in order to conceal the crime threw her body into the fire. Afterward recovering from his drunken stupor, he realized that the signs of his guilt were still present, so he fled and took refuge in the camp of the Ottawas near by. The charred remains of the poor squaw were discovered soon after, the absence of the Indian noticed, and the cry for revenge was raised. The avengers pursued the culprit to the campfire of their neighbors, and in solemn council doomed him to the death which in the stern old Indian code was reserved for those who shed the blood of their kin. It was a slow torturing, cruel death. Placing a hatchet in the victim's hand, they led him to a large log that was partially hollow and forced him to dig it out still more so as to admit his body. This done he was taken back and tied to a tree. While the executioners smoked, and drank fire-water, evening came on, and they kindled fires about him. Then commenced the orgies peculiar to the savage on such occasions. They danced and sang in their wild, exciting manner, chanting the dirge of the recreant brave. The arrow was fitted to the ready bow-string, and often, with its shrill twang, it was sent into his quivering flesh; and to heighten his misery his nose and ears were cut off. The night passed in this fiendish manner, the victim still bound to the tree, THE INDIANS OF SAGINAW VALLEY 31 - bearing his punishment with a stoicism which nothing mortal could shake. Seven long and weary hours after did he stand there, enduring the most cruel torture, before his proud head dropped upon his breast, and his spirit passed to the hunting grounds of the Great Spirit. Then they took the mutilated body, wrapped it in a clean blanket, and placed it in the log coffin the victim had helped to hollow. His hunting knife was placed by his side that he might have some means of defense, his bottle of "fire-water" and his pipe and tobacco that he might find cheer on his long journey. The cover was then put on, stakes were driven on each side of the log, and the space filled with earth and brush. The murdered squaw was avenged by this stern act of retributive justice, and quiet reigned over the forest once more. O-ke-mos "Old" O-ke-mos, a nephew of Pontiac and once the chief of the Chippewas, was born on the upper waters of the Shiawassee, at a date unknown. The earliest account of him is that he took the warpath in 1796; and he was active in the battle of Sandusky, in 1803, which gave him his chieftainship and caused him to be revered by his tribe. Afterward he settled with his people on the banks of the Shiawassee, near the place of his birth, where for many years he engaged in hunting, fishing, and trading with the white men. In 1837, when small-pox broke out in his tribe, their families became scattered, and the sound of the tom-tom at council fires and village feasts, were heard no more along the pleasant river. O-ke-mos then became a mendicant, and many a hearty meal did he receive from his friends among the whites. He was only five feet four inches in height, but was lithe, wiry, and active, with the usual amount of Indian intelligence, and possessed bravery; but in conversation he hesitated and mumbled his words. Before the breaking up of his tribe his dress consisted of a blanket coat, with belt, steel pipe, hatchet, tomahawk, and a heavy, long, English hunting knife, with a large bone handle, stuck in the front of his belt. He painted his cheeks and forehead with vermillion, wore a shawl around his head in turban fashion, and covered his legs with leggings. He died in his wigwam near Lansing, and was buried December 5, 1858, at Shimnicon, an Indian village in Ionia County. Though his coffin was roughly fashioned, in it were placed his pipe and tobacco, hunting knife, and bird's wings, in accordance with the Indian traditions. Nau-qua-chic-a-ming Nau-qua-chic-a-ming, who was well and favorably known to all the early white settlers of the Saginaw Valley, was made one of the chiefs of his tribe upon the death of his father, and was then constituted head chief of the Chippewas. His honesty and friendship to his white neighbors was proven in numerous instances; yet he often declared that the vices of the Indian were all acquired by contact with the white race. The native Indian, he said, did not lie or steal and would not do a dishonorable act. In war he might be cruel and vindictive, but in peace he was kind and just. Before the pale faces came and robbed the red men of their wits with "strong water," and their lands, and taught them the vices of civilization, the Indian was brave and honest. No Indian ever locked his cabin lest some other Indian might break in and steal. When the owner of the wigwam or cabin went forth to war or on the hunt, he simply placed a stick against the door or entrance, as a sign that he was absent, and no one ever disturbed his belongings. The untutored savage believed in the Great Spirit, and was superstitous to a degree, but his native honesty was a firmly fixed trait of character, and in marked contrast to the Christian pale face. 32 HISTORY OF SAGINAW COUNTY In company with other chiefs and prominent white men of Saginaw, Nau-qua-chic-a-ming went to Washington in 1830, for the purpose of carrying out the provisions of the treaty negotiated in that year. He passed to the happy hunting grounds, October 26, 1874, at the advanced age, it was believed, of more than ninety years. His son, "Jim," who was also a good and respected Indian, died about 1892. O-saw-wah-bon O-saw-wah-bon, the famous chief of the Chippewas, was born in an Indian camp on the site of Saginaw City, in 1798. His mother's name was Ke-no-wah-nah-ah-no-quay, and the name she bestowed upon the infant savage was Kay-pay-yon-quod. While bearing this peculiar title he was generally ill, and as he grew older he came to believe that its change would lead to improvement of his health. He therefore cast it aside in regular Indian form and adopted that of his father, O-saw-wah-pon. He was always very friendly to his white neighbors -the honest traders, and was particularly attached to General Cass, and on this account used his oratorical powers in behalf of the government's plans for the settlement of his country. It was even said that he urged Tecumseh to desist from his purpose of opposing the Americans. He died in Isabella County early in 1859, and was buried with all the ceremony attending the funeral of an Indian chieftain. Shaw-we-nos-se-ga Shaw-we-nos-se-ga, a noted Chippewa, was also well known to the early settlers of Saginaw. At a very early age he took rank among the warriors of his tribe as a mighty hunter, and in after years, when the new settlers offered a bounty for wolf scalps, he was among the principal holders of bounty certificates. As late as 1857 he produced twelve wolf scalps before the board of supervisors, and in addition to the bounty paid him, his prowess was handed down to historic fame in a poetic tribute. Ma-say-nos One of the Chippewa braves, by the name of Ma-say-nos, by reason of an affair at heart, in which he became enamored of a beautiful maiden of his tribe, but who bestowed her affections upon another hunter, became a veritable Indian hermit. He lived alone and avoided the association of the tribe, being seldom seen by any of them, or by the trappers, and rarely spoke to anyone. He died in his desolate cabin, alone and unattended, a circumstance which shows that in some respects the red man was not unlike his white brother. Oge-maw-ke-ke-to Oge-maw-ke-ke-to was not a chief by hereditary title; but because of the high order of his accomplishments, his brother Indians conferred on him the title and privileges which belonged to Miz-co-be-na-sa, who was content to lead as chieftain of a band. It was said that both the hereditary and de-facto rulers were Indians of the most noble traits, requiting justice with lasting friendship for its dispenser, and punishing treachery with instant death. Miz-co-be-na-sa Miz-ce-be-na-sa, signifying the Red Bird, was a quiet, unassuming chief of the Chippewas, and possessed no desire whatever for fame - no aspirations after greatness. It was said of him that having his pipe and tobacco pouch well filled, and his bottle of whiskey at his side, he was perfectly contented and cared little about the affairs of the Indian state. He had, however, been THE INDIANS OF SAGINAW VALLEY 33 a mighty hunter in his day, but the fire of youth had passed away, and with it all the energies of a youthful spirit. It is a melancholy and lamentable fact, that as the country became settled by the whites, the native energy and spirit of the red man grew less and drooped, for he beheld the broad domains possessed by his fathers in the hands of the pale faces, and the cherished hunting grounds which he called his own melting away before the march of progress. As society advanced the red man receded and degenerated, despite the efforts made to civilize and enlighten him. While a feeble remnant of the bold and warlike Chippewas remain, their fate is not unlike that of the Sauks, in that they have been swept from the face of the earth before the advancing tide of civilization. The zealous cupidity of the encroaching white man has driven out the once proud possessors of the soil, has hewn away their forests, destroyed their lodges, and with ruthless sacrilege has desecrated the resting places of their dead. Chief of the Chippewas, a native of Saginaw, at the age of eighty-four was strong, active and keen-sighted. His father fought under Tecumseh, against the Americans, and received from the British the medals which "Shop" wears. The silver hat band was inherited from his wife's father, Chief Nau-qua-chic-a-ming, who had it from his forefathers. CHAPTER III THE ADVENT OF WHITE MEN Early French Explorations - Discovery of the Great Lakes - Coming of the Jesuits-First Christian Mission Established in Michigan-Pere Marquette Founds First Settlement-Did the Jesuits Visit the Saginaw River?-Primitive MapsEarliest References to Saginaw-Advent of the Fur Traders-Jacob Smith (Wahbe-Sins) Pioneer Trapper-Louis Campau, the First White Settler-Other Early Pioneers. ALITTLE less than three hundred years ago, preceding any permanent English settlement north of the Potomac, the footsteps of the white man penetrated the forests of our commonwealth. Years before the Pilgrims anchored within Cape Cod, Joseph le Caron, an unambitious Franciscan, the companion of Champlain, had entered into the land of the Mohawks, had passed to the north into the hunting-grounds of the Wyandots in Ontario, and, bound by his vows to the life of a beggar, had, on foot, or paddling a bark canoe, gone onward and still onward, taking alms of the savages, until he reached the rivers of Lake Huron. Wintering with the friendly Indians in their wandering hunter life, enduring all its hardships, and learning their language and ideas, he came at length to their palisaded towns near the shores of Georgian Bay. Thus was Le Caron the first of a civilized race to behold the waters of the Great Lakes, and to plant the cross on their shores. In the summer of 1615 he set up his altar in a new bark lodge he had built in the Huron town of Caragouha, which was situated within the present boundaries of Medonte Township in the extreme northern part of Simcoe County. There he began to learn a new and strange tongue, to study the nature of the savages, so as to teach the flock around him. Soon after he was joined by Champlain, on his return from the expedition against the Iroquois near the outlet of Lake Ontario. During the following winter they extended their observations to Lake Huron and visited the neighboring tribes, of whose habits and character Champlain made diligent study and wrote out the results with great minuteness and detail. In the spring of 1616 he returned to Quebec by the way of French River, Lake Nipissing and the Ottawa River, relinquishing further exploration to his subordinates. Le Caron continued his labors among the Hurons until the fall when he, too, proceeded to Quebec. Among the pioneers of the wanderers in the American forests, a class of men hardy, agile, fearless, and in habits approximating to the savage, was Etienne Brule, of Champigny, who had accompanied Champlain to the Huron villages near Georgian Bay. He spent three years in roaming through the vast forests of the North; and Sagard, in his Historie du Canada, published in 1634, mentions this bold voyageur, with a Frenchman named Grenolle, as having made a long journey and returned with a "lingat" of red copper, and with a description of a great inland ocean which was so large as to require nine days to reach its upper extremity. This body of fresh water was named Lac Superior, and defined as discharging its waters into Lake Huron by a fall, first called Saut de Gaston, and afterward Sault Ste. Marie. To him belongs the undisputed honor of being the first white man to give the world a knowledge of the region beyond Lake Huron. THE ADVENT OF WHITE MEN 35 In 1618 Jean Nicollet came from France and entered the service of the "Hundred Associates," a French fur company, under the direction of Champlain. For several years he traded with the friendly Hurons, and on July 4, 1634, was at Three Rivers, a trading post but recently established. Threading his way in a frail canoe among the thousands of isles which extend from Georgian Bay to the extremity of Lake Huron, he skirted the northern shore and through a narrow strait discovered a large body of water, which afterward received the name of Lac Illinois (Lake Michigan). Turning southward he continued his explorations and soon came to the Grand Bay, an inlet of the western shore, which he described as impressive by its length and vastness, and the dense forests that lined its shores. More than fifty years after the discovery of Lake Huron, or in 1669, the existence of a fifth large lake was made known, probably by Joliet, and named Lac des Erie, but the existence of the straits connecting these bodies of water was then a mere conjecture. That this most southerly lake of the group, extending to the east beyond the western end of Lake Ontario, should have been the last to be discovered by a civilized race was due to its lying in the recesses of a country guarded by the hostile Iroquois. On account of the treacherous and unyielding character of these savages, which were veritable tigers of the American Indian, the route of the French missionaries and the pioneer fur traders from Montreal to the western country was by the way of the Ottawa River to Georgian Bay, and was followed by the Hurons, with whom the French were on the most friendly terms. On the tenth of August, 1679, La Salle and his intrepid followers sailing on Lake Erie in the Griffin, the first vessel to unfurl sails to the winds of the inland seas, came to the mouth of a broad river. The following day the explorers entered the strait, which they named Detroit; and Hennepin was so much impressed with the beautiful scenery that he wrote: "The straits are thirty leagues long bordered by low and level banks, and navigable for their entire length; that on either hand are vast prairies extending back to hills covered with vines, fruit trees, thickets, and tall forest trees, so distributed as to seem rather the work of art than of nature... The inhabitants who will have the good fortune to some day settle on this pleasant and fertile strait will bless the memory of those who pioneered the way, and crossed Lake Erie by more than a hundred leagues of an unknown navigation." But their progress was slow, due to unfavorable winds, and four or five days elapsed before they cleared the river and entered a small lake. The calendar day was the festival of Saint Claire, and as they sailed serenely over the clear blue waters, La Salle named the lake after the patron saint, as also the broad river which flows into it. The Coming of the Jesuits About 1625, finding that the mission field in New France required an order bound to less scrupulous poverty than the Recollects, the office of converting the Indians to Christianity, and thus enlarging the borders of French dominion, was entrusted solely to the Jesuits. In that year Father Enemond Masse, with Charles Lallemand and John de Brebeuf, and others filled with apostolic zeal, came to America. The old opposition to their order was soon renewed, and the Jesuits found themselves homeless, but the Recollects opened the doors of their convent to them. A prouder sympathy was awakened among the devotees of the court of France, and under the patronage of the Duke de Ventadour, a nobleman of great piety, they soon began to build, and brought over men to swell the settlement and cultivate the ground, while they revived the missions which had been founded by the earlier order. 36 HISTORY OF SAGINAW COUNTY The Hurons were the first nation that cordially opened their hearts to the reception of the christian faith; and to their villages near Georgian Bay went the Jesuits Brebeuf and Daniel, soon followed by the gentler Lallemand and others of their order, bowing meekly in obedience to their vows. Joining a party of barefoot Hurons, who were returning from Quebec to their country, they journeyed by way of the Ottawa and the rivers that interlock, with it, for three hundred leagues through dense forests. All day long they handled the paddle or oar, or carried the canoe on their shoulders for leagues through the thickest woods, three score times dragging it by hand through shallows and rapids, over sharpest stones. At night there was no food but a scanty measure of Indian corn mixed with water, while their couch was the earth or rocks. Thus swimming, wading, paddling, or bearing the canoe across portages, with garments torn, with feet mangled, and weak and weary, yet with the breviary safely hung around the neck, the consecrated envoys made their way to the heart of the Huron wilderness, and settled in the rough bark cabin which had been erected by Le Caron eleven years before. Here, in the Indian village of Toanche, they founded the first Jesuit mission in Upper Canada. But the conversion of the Indians was a very slow process, and little progress was made before the restoration of Canada to France, by the treaty of St. Germain, in 1632, when the history of the great Jesuit missions begins. For sixteen years thereafter they continued their labors in the Huron villages, with calm impassive courage and unwearied patience, in the midst of privations, perils, sufferings and contumely, the details of which would fill a volume of thrilling interest. The First Christian Mission in Michigan It was fromn the Huron mission that the first missionary explorers were sent forth to instruct the Indians of our own territory. Early in the summer of 1641, at a feast held in the Huron villages there was present a company of Chippewas from the North, who, being deeply impressed with the sacred character of the black-robed missionaries, cordially invited them to visit their homes on the confines of a great lake, the charms of which they depicted in glowing colors. The missionaries, ever anxious to extend the dominion of the cross, joyfully accepted the invitation. For the leader of this first invasion of our soil, Charles Raymbault, who was thoroughly versed in the Algonquin language and customs, was chosen; and, as Hurons were his attendants, Isaac Jogues was given him as a companion. On the seventeenth of September, 1641, a birch-bark canoe, freighted with the holy envoys to the Chippewas, left the Bay of Penetanguishene for the straits that form the outlet of Lake Superior. Passing to the north over a wonted track to the French River, they floated onward between thickly clustering islands, beyond the Manitoulins, and, after a navigation of seventeen days, came to the Rapids of St. Mary. Here, in the forest wilderness, they found an assembly of about two thousand souls, who had never known-Europeans, and had never heard of the one God. The missionaries made inquiries respecting other nations to the West, as yet unnamed -warlike tribes, with fixed abodes, cultivators of maize and tobacco, of an unknown race and language. The chieftains of the Chippewas cordially invited the Jesuits to dwell with them, which inspired hopes of a permanent mission. A council was held. "We will embrace you," they said, "as brothers; we will derive profit from your words." Thus did the religious zeal of the French bear the cross to the banks of the St. Mary and to the confines of Lake Superior, and clear the way for the first permanent European settlement within the borders of our State, five years before Eliot had addressed the tribe of Indians that dwelt within six miles of Boston harbor. 19* A i I Il It Copyright 1910. A. C. McClurg & Co. LE GRIFFON First Sailing Vessel on Great Lakes, Built by La Salle, 1679. [from an old cut in Detroit Public Library] 38 HISTORY OF SAGINAW COUNTY Having fulfilled their chief object, Raymbault, late in the season, returned to the Huron mission, wasting away with consumption. In midsummer of the following year he proceeded to Quebec, and in October the self-denying man, who was the first apostle of Christianity to the tribes of Michigan, ceased to live; and was buried in the "particular sepulchre which the justice of that age had erected to honor the memory of the illustrious Champlain." Father Jogues, the companion of Raymbault, after suffering many tortures from the hostile Iroquois, while bearing a proposal to establish a permanent mission among the Five Nations, received his death blow at the hands of the Mohawks, on the eighteenth of October, 1646, his head being hung upon the palisades of the village, and his body thrown into the Mohawk River. Fathers Daniel, Brebeuf, Lallemand and other faithful apostles, who had braved the enmity of the terrible Iroquois, also suffered a martyr's death amid scenes of the most frightful and revolting atrocity. The Huron nation was vanquished, the tribes scattered, their villages destroyed, the Christian converts massacred, and by 1650 little remained in evidence of the labors and sacrifices of the Jesuits in Upper Canada. The Iroquois then reigned in proud and haughty triumph the whole region from Lake Erie to Lake Superior. Upper Canada was a desolate wilderness, and even the route by the Ottawa River was not safe from the war parties of these bold marauders. Nevertheless, in the summer of 1660, a large company of Ottawas, in sixty canoes laden with peltry, appeared at Quebec to trade with the French. They asked for a missionary, and the lot fell to Rene Mesnard. He was charged to visit Lake Superior and Green Bay, and on a convenient inlet to establish a resident mission - a place of assembly for the surrounding nations. Powerful instincts impelled him to the enterprise, and his departure was immediate with few preparations, for he trusted - such are his words - "in the Providence which feeds the little birds of the desert, and clothes the wild flowers of the forests." Behold, then, this aged priest, obedient to his vows, entering on the path that was red with the blood of his predecessors, making haste to scatter the seeds of truth through the wilderness. At every step subjected to the coarse brutality of his savage companions, he is compelled, in a cramped position, to ply the wearisome paddle, to drag the canoe up the foaming rapids, and at portages to carry heavy burdens. Want, absolute and terrible, comes in to enhance his sufferings. When berries and edible moss are exhausted, the moose skin of his garments are made to yield its scanty nutriment. Finally, with his breviary lost in deep waters, bare-foot, wounded with sharp stones, exhausted with toil, hunger and brutal treatment, supporting life on pounded bones, he reaches, on October 15, Ste. Theresa's Bay, probably what is now Keweenaw Bay. Here, amidst every discouragement and privation, and with no white brethren nearer than Montreal, he begins a mission and says Mass, which, he notes, "repaid me with usury for all my past hardships." Thus, was the first Christian mission established in the Northwest, on the soil of our commonwealth. During the long, bitterly cold winter on that inhospitable shore did this saintly man minister to the native Chippewas, baptizing the young and those who embraced the faith. A little cabin of fir branches piled one upon another, through which the wind whistled freely, was his only protection from the storms and cold, but it served the purpose, "not so much," he wrote, "to shield me from the rigor of the season as to correct my imagination, and persuade me that I was sheltered." Want, famine, came with its horrors to make more memorable this first effort to plant the cross within the borders of our State, but with the spring came relief from suffering, and hopefully did he labor on. THE ADVENT OF WHITE MEN 89 The band of partially christianized Hurons who, on the destruction of their nation, had sought refuge in these northern fastnesses, were at the Bay of Chegoimegon and sent to Father Mesnard to come and administer to them the rites of religion. It was a call he could not resist, although warned of the dangers that beset his path; and replied: "God calls me thither. I must go if it cost me my life." So he departed from his neophytes, and with one companion proceeded westward by the way of Portage Lake. On the twentieth of August, 1661, at a portage, while his attendant was. employed in transporting the canoe, he wandered into the forest, became lost, and was never again seen. Whether he took a wrong path, or was struck down by some straggling Indian, was never known. Undismayed by the sad fate of Mesnard, and indifferent to hunger and cold, to the wreck of frail canoes, and to fatigues and weariness, in August, 1665, Father Claude Allouez embarked on a fresh mission, by the way of the Ottawa, to the Far West. Early in September he passed the rapids of the St. Mary's River and entered the lake which the savages reverenced as a divinity. Pressing onward beyond the Bay of Ste. Theresa, seeking in vain for a mass of pure copper, of which he had heard, on the first day of October he arrived at the great Indian village, in the Bay of Chegoimegon. On the shore of the bay, to which the abundant fisheries attracted crowds, a chapel soon rose, and the mission of the Holy Spirit was founded. Admiring throngs, who had never seen a European, came to gaze on the white man; and during his sojourn of nearly two years, he lighted the torch of faith for more than twenty different nations. The Chippewas from the Sault pitched their tents near his cabin for a month; the scattered Hurons and Ottawas from the North appealed to his compassion; from the unexplored recesses of Lake Michigan came the Potawatomies, and the Sacs and Foxes travelled on foot from the country which abounded in deer, beaver, and buffalo. The Illinois, too, unaccustomed to canoes, having no weapon but the bow and arrow, came to rehearse their sorrows. Then, at the very extremity of the lake, the missionary met the wild, impassive warriors of the Sioux, who dwelt in the land of prairies to the west of Lake Superior. With his name imperishably connected with the progress of discovery in the west, Allouez returned to Quebec to urge the establishment of permanent missions, to be accompanied by little colonies of French emigrants. So glowing were his accounts and so fervent his plea, that in two days, with another priest, Louis Nicholas, for his companion, he was on his way back to the mission at Chegoimegon. Peace favored the progress of French dominion; the fur trade gave an impulse to Canadian enterprise; a recruit of missionaries arrived from France, -all of which aided fresh exploration and the extension of christian missions. Pere Marquette Founds First Settlement At this point in our narrative of human events a heroic figure, the illustrious Marquette, comes upon the scene. At an early age, imbued with an earnest desire to devote himself to a religious life, he renounced the allurements of the world, and entered the Society of Jesus. For twelve years he remained under the remarkable training and instruction of the order, and acquired that wonderful control, that quiet repose, that power of calm endurance, that unquestioning obedience to his superiors, that thirst for trial, suffering and death, that marked the Jesuits in this golden age of their power. Taking for his model in life the great Xavier, he longed, like him, to devote his days to the conversion of the heathen, and to die in the midst of his labors, alone, in a foreign land. Accordingly, at the age of twentynine, he sailed for New France, and arrived at Quebec September 20, 1666. 40 HISTORY OF SAGINAW COUNTY The first year and a half he spent under the instruction of Father Dreuillettes in acquiring the native language; and early in 1668, in company with Claude Dablon, he repaired to the land of the Chippewas. At the rapids of the St. Mary's River, through which the waters of the upper lakes rush to the Huron, and which had been so admired by Raymbault, Jogues and Allouez, on account of its woody isles and inviting bays, they stopped and established the mission of St. Mary. The Chippewas received the religious teachings of Marquette with eagerness, and would gladly have been baptized, but the wise and cautious missionary withheld the rite until he could clearly instruct them in christian duty. In the following year the first christian church in the western wilderness was erected, which was the foundation for the oldest settlement begun by Europeans within the present limits of our State. But he was not long to remain on this first field of his labors, for, in obedience to the orders of his superiors, in the fall of 1669, he left for the Bay of Chegoimegon. For a whole month, defying the severity of the climate and constant perils of life, he coasted along the shores of the lake, contending with fierce winds, ice and snow. At length he arrived at the village of the Hurons, many of whom had been baptized, and, he says, "still preserve some christianity." It was here, in the depth of a northern winter, surrounded by his Indians, talking in a broken manner with an Illinois captive, that he conceived the idea of a voyage of discovery. He hears of a great river whose course is southward, and rejoices in the prospect, if the Indians will build him a canoe, of seeking its outlet. "This discovery," he wrote, "will give us a complete knowledge of the southern or western sea." While thus employed with his mission and plans of discovery, the fierce Dakotas, those Iroquois of the West, threatened to desolate the whole region of the lake. First the Ottawas left, then the Hurons, and without a spot they could call their own, turned their faces to the east. The devoted missionary longed to labor in that field made sacred by the blood of Daniel, Brebeuf, Lallemand and others, but the dreaded Iroquois were too near and too dangerous for such an experiment. So, with the faithful Marquette at their head, the fugitive tribes selected for their home the point known as St. Ignace, on the Straits of Mackinaw. Bleak, barren and inhospitable as this spot was, it abounded in fish, and was on the great highway of a growing Indian commerce. Here, in the summer of 1671, a rude church, made of logs and covered with bark, was built, and around it clustered the still ruder cabins of the Hurons, inclosed by a palisade, to protect the little colony against the attacks of predatory Indians. Thus did Pere Marquette become the founder of St. Ignace, as he had before been of Sault Ste. Marie, thirty years before Cadillac laid the foundation of Detroit. Further narration of the labors of this illustrious pioneer, of whom we have so high a veneration, his discovery of the Mississippi, his trials and sufferings, his fatal illness and heroic death, and his burial at the mouth of the stream in our State, that bears his name, fill the most glowing pages of our early history. But in this place it is suffice to note that his cultivated mind, his refined taste, his warm and genial nature, his tender concern for the souls in his charge, as well as his calm and immovable courage in every hour of danger, and his cheerful submission to the bitter privations and keen sufferings of the missionary life, his devotion to his faith and to the truth, all entitle him to that high place in the regard of posterity, which he has been slowly but surely acquiring. k, Qk rkw Pere Marquette at St. Ignace in 1671, about to start on his journey of discovery of the Mississippi. 42 HISTORY OF SAGINAW COUNTY Did the Jesuits Visit the Saginaw River? The early writers of our local history, almost without exception', assert that the Jesuit fathers were the first Europeans to visit the Saginaw Valley. Some even contend that they established a Christian mission near the mouth of the river, and that they lived and labored here many years, planting apple trees and cultivating the soil. For the most part these writers content themselves with merely making the statement, as of fact, as if the plausibleness were sufficiently convincing, and let it pass at that. One writer, however, has undertaken to advance some proof that our earliest pioneers were these black-robed missionaries, who actually planted the Christian faith among the Chippewas of this valley. The short paper he prepared on the subject was honored by publication in the Michigan Pioneer Collections, Volume XXII., page 245. In this article he states that Captain Whitmore Knaggs, in a talk with John and Peter Riley, half-breed natives of this valley, who were then fiftyeight and sixty years of age, was told by them that certain apple trees then growing on the banks of the river, and mentioned in the treaty of 1819, bore fruit when they were boys, and that their chief, Kaw-kaw-is-kaw, or the "Crow", said they were brought by white men wearing long black robes, who were known as Onetia. He also states that Faillon, in his History of Canada, refers to the Sag-ih-naw country, and the salt springs at the junction of two rivers, where Indians came from all parts; and also that in 1684 a large company of colonists and artisans came from France, a portion of whom were sent to the Sag-ih-naw river, and that there were five Jesuit fathers who were instructed to found missions in all this region. The information is vouchsafed that in 1686 the Jesuits Engelrau and Perrott established missions between Cheboygan and Lake Erie; and furthermore that Champlain in his map of 1611 had defined the safe harbor afforded by this river from the storms on the bay connecting two great seas, and showed the river with some degree of accuracy. However credible these statements may seem to the casual reader, and however satisfying to his sense of historical truth, they are easily and quickly disproved by certain undeniable facts directly connected with them. Anyone who studies this subject, and attempts to verify the theory of the early ministrations of the Jesuits in this valley, is at once confronted with a very singular refutation. He will quite naturally turn to the Jesuit Relations, those wonderfully complete, concise, and interesting narratives of the devout missionaries, for accounts of their labors in this field. But, however diligent and careful his research may be, however thorough his study of every manuscript, every page and line, of the original writings of the Jesuit fathers, he will find nothing - not a word, or even a hint that they ever labored here or that they even visited this river. Neither does the word Saginaw, or any of its derivatives, appear in any of the ancient documents, as if it had not in those times been coined. The word Saguenay, however, appears in connection with the founding and work of a mission on the river of that name, above Quebec, which may have confused our narrator in the supposition that it referred to the Saginaw River. Careful translators, historians, librarians and students of the early history of Michigan, have never discovered any record or even a trace of missionary explorers in Saginaw Valley, or at any point on the western shore of Lake Huron. They quite generally agree that the Jesuits could not have had a direct knowledge of this valley or its inhabitants. It is a fact, however, that the Jesuit Perrott, about 1686, was sent from the northern missions to Lake THE ADVENT OF WHITE MEN 43 Erie, to establish missions on its shores. Having a definite purpose and zealous to fulfill it, it is hardly probable that he deviated a hundred miles from his course to enter a storm-tossed bay to visit this valley, of which he could have had but meager knowledge, and that derived from the disconnected accounts of the savages. The same year the mission and fort of St. Joseph was established at the head of the St. Clair River, on the site of Fort Gratiot. As we have shown in the preceding pages, the pathway of the early French missionaries to the Northwest lay up the Ottawa and connecting streams to Georgian Bay, and while missions and settlements were slowly being established on the shores of Lake Superior, Green Bay and connecting waters, the whole lower portion of Michigan remained unknown and unexplored. Only along the eastern shore of Lake Michigan did the early explorers plant their primitive settlements, and only in one instance, the St. Joseph's River, did they penetrate the interior. Furthermore, from the middle to the end of the seventeenth century, the whole region of lower Michigan was a desolate and abandoned wilderness, rendered inhabitable to the Ottawas and roaming bands of Chippewas by the hostile incursions of the Iroquois. Although Detroit was founded as early as 1701, the first Jesuit mission was not established there until 1732. Cadillac, though a zealous Catholic, was bitterly opposed to the Jesuits, and it is improbable that any of them cut their way through the unbroken forest to the wilderness on the Saginaw. Knowing with what care and minuteness of detail the Jesuits wrote their narratives, it seems strange, if they did establish a mission on this river, or merely visited the shores of the bay, that they should have neglected to make an authentic record of their explorations, or at least a brief mention of the fact. In the Relations, their every thought and action, the labors and difficulties of their ministrations, as well as the results accomplished, are set down with striking fidelity. With all this before us, is it not incredible that they ever entered the Saginaw, much less founded a mission on its shores? Is it not far more credible that the story told Whitmore Knaggs was a mere myth - the thin and distorted remnant of an Indian legend? Although it is true that apple trees grew along the river, as mentioned in the treaty of 1819, before the coming of the first fur traders, or perhaps as early as the founding of Detroit, there is nothing to associate their origin here with a civilized race. It is known that fruit trees were cultivated by certain Indian tribes east of the lakes, and apple trees were found in the Ohio Valley by the earliest pioneers, hence, it seems more likely that the trees on the banks of the Saginaw, since they were set out in a very irregular manner, much as the Indians plant their maize, originated with them from seeds carried here. Moreover, no relics or remains of any kind to indicate a residence of the Jesuits, or even a brief sojourn here, have been found in the valley, although two silver crosses, of exquisite workmanship and evidently of European manufacture, have been unearthed, one at Bay City, and the other on the banks of the Shiawassee. It is supposed that, could they be traced to Jesuit ownership, they were lost by some Indian or early fur trader to whom given. The remains of pre-historic races and of Indian tribes are everywhere found in Saginaw Valley; why, may we ask, if the Jesuits came here at an early date, should they have vanished, leaving no written record, no relics, no trace, not even a clue, of their labors and ministrations. 3 6.l - ' 1B' km aCr,-z any&A Ak4 A;-A. o the -* I- e C Lnac ~ Of 1 - ARE of the it 0 4;, '1I 0 plly Copyright 1910. A. C. McClurg & Co. A map of the region of the Great Lakes showing want of information regarding the coast lines of Lake Huron. No stream to represent the Saginaw being indicated. From Colden's History of the Five Nationas, London, 1747. THE ADVENT OF WHITE MEN 45 Primitive Maps Although Parkman, Bancroft, Winsor and other historians deal very thoroughly with the explorations of the Jesuit missionaries in Michigan, they all are silent as to any early white settlement on the Saginaw. Nowhere in their works is this region even mentioned in connection with missionary labors, for the reason, we believe, that the Jesuit fathers never came to this valley, or, indeed, had any definite knowledge of the country or its inhabitants. The primitive maps drawn by the Jesuits and other explorers cast some light on this point, and in a measure confirm this belief. One of these very old maps is that of Jean Boisseau, which accompanied the Relations published in 1643. Though it shows the St. Lawrence country and Lac St. Louis (Lake Ontario) quite correctly, other sections are very inaccurate, indicating a superficial knowledge of the lake region. Lake Huron and Lake Ontario are connected, not by a large lake (Lake Erie), but by a series of rivers and broad straits extending from west to east. Lake Huron is too distorted to be of any value as determining a bay or river which could have represented the Saginaw, though one stream with tributaries somewhat resembling those of this river, is made to flow directly into the lake. Grand Lac des Nadoussian (Lake Superior) is defined, but Lake Michigan is not shown. Another old map which appeared in 1657 corrects some of the errors and omissions of the Boisseau map. In this more elaborate drawing Lake Erie is defined with some degree of fidelity, and the straits and Lake St. Clair are put down, but not named. But Lake Huron and a body of water probably intended to represent Lake Michigan are made to run together at a point in the former where Saginaw Bay should appear, entirely cutting off the upper portion of the State. It is perfectly evident that these coasts could not have been explored by the Jesuits at that early date, and what knowledge they possessed of their contours was probably obtained from straggling bands of Indians that came to the northern missions. The map of the Jesuit Franciscus Creaxius, bearing date of 1660, and published in his Historia du Canadensis, Paris, 1664, is fairly accurate respecting the lower lakes and the St. Lawrence. It shows a large indentation in the west coast of Lake Huron, which was probably intended to represent Saginaw Bay, but no river is indicated, and it is certain he did not know of its existence. Marquette's map of 1673-74, the original of which is preserved in the archives of St. Mary's College, Montreal, shows only lakes Superior and Illinois, and western rivers which he had known by actual explorations. Joliet's map, which was drawn at the same time while on the expedition with Marquette, though greatly distorted, shows all the Great Lakes, yet with little regard to proportion or true location. The only suggestion of a bay on the west coast of Lake Huron is a small cove or indentation, but no river is shown, indicating that he had no information as to the existence of such a river as the Saginaw. On the other hand, he puts down Sault Ste. Marie, Mackinac, Manitoulin Islands, Green Bay and connecting waters with fair correctness and minuteness of outline, proving that he had full knowledge of all parts that he had actually explored. In 1684 a map by Jean Baptiste Franquelin appeared, a reduced facsimile of which was made for Francis Parkman, and is now in the Library of Haryard University, which defines the Great Lakes in fair proportions, Lake Huron having an indentation, quite distorted, on the west coast, named Bay du Saginnam, into which two rivers flow. With slight imagination, one may be made to represent the Saginaw, while the other may be the Au Sable, 46 HISTORY OF SAGINAW COUNTY though no names are given. Minet's map, of date 1685, shows both bay and river, but far from their true form; Coronelli et Tillemon's map of 1688 defines bay and river flowing into it, without names, while Raffery's, of the same year, gives neither bay nor river, and the coast lines are much distorted. Hennepin's efforts to outline the Huron coast, in 1683, failed to show either bay or river, though later, in 1697, he put down a river flowing directly into the lake, very likely intended for the Saginaw. La Hontan's maps of 1703 and 1709 define both bay and river, though far from their true outlines, and named Bay du Sakinan. Later, in 1747, a map accompanying Colden's "History of the Five Nations," outlines a bay very inaccurately, but no stream flows into it, or on the whole coast of Lake Huron. In 1755 a map by John Mitchell describes a bay named "Saginnam" with fair accuracy, but it is difficult to identify the one small stream emptying into it from the southeast, as being the navigable Saginaw. From this evident lack of knowledge displayed by the Jesuit explorers respecting our coast line, and bay and river, is it not a logical conclusion that they never visited these shores? Earliest References to Saginaw The materials from which a history of the early explorations of Saginaw River and its tributaries, prior to 1819, can be compiled, or, in fact, references to this valley, are very few and very meager. From what little data and information can be gathered, it is evident that until the close of the eighteenth century, the whole territory west and north of Detroit was an impenetrable and unbroken wilderness. What settlements existed in 1800 were confined almost exclusively to the shores of the lakes and connecting straits; and only the native Indians knew or cared anything about the country to the interior. It was the general impression of settlers at Detroit that the land was full of swamps, impassable lakes and rivers, wild beasts, poisonous reptiles, and worthless for agriculture, fit only as an abode for savages in their wild, hunter state. Even the official reports and papers of the period touch but lightly the unknown territory; and in only one instance do the Haldimand Papers, on file in the Dominion archives at Ottawa, refer to the Saginaw Valley. But with all its natural wildness it was the paradise of the animals from which the choicest of fur was obtained, such as the beaver, otter, fisher, marten, mink and muskrat, also deer, bears and elk, while moose were found at the headwaters of the streams which unite to form the Saginaw. Large flocks of wild geese and ducks resorted to the streams to feed on the wild rice that grew in great abundance on their borders; and the waters were stored with bountiful supplies of the choicest varieties of fish. The fertility of the soil was such that, with slight cultivation bestowed by the Indians, it produced abundant crops of corn, that indispensable article of food for the red man. As an indication of the extent of the cultivation of corn in this valley nearly one hundred and fifty years ago, we find a letter from Major De Peyster, commandant of the post at Mackinac, dated May 13, 1779, written to General Haldimand, commander-in-chief of the British forces, the concluding paragraph of which is herewith transcribed, verbatim: "The Sakis & Reinards seems to be easy about the matter as appears by Gautier's Letter but they will soon open their eyes if it is possible effectually to restrain that trade. On that head as well as how I am to act in case Detroit is taken is what I hope I shall receive your full instructions about by a light canoe. If Detroit shall be taken it is evident we have but a dismal prospect however what can be expected from two THE ADVENT OF WHITE MEN 47 Subdivisions shall be done. I think I may with propriety call my hand full by that name when a part was employed at this Cannon having nine Pieces of Ordnance & only two Artillery men. I havte sent to Saglina to endcavor to secure six hlndred Bushels of Corn for,the Indians without wzhich our flour will run short by the fall of the year. "I have the honor, &c. (signed) A. S. De Peyster." Years afterward, at the conclusion of our last war with England, the reports from the Indian Department cast some light on the number and temper of the Indians residing on the Saginaw. In the Michigan Pioneer Collections, Vol. XV., page 553, we find: "Thirteen Indians of Naywash's band arrived at Burlington on the 9th of May from Flint River, and say that they are informed that two vessels and six gun boats, with about 300 men, had passed the River St. Clair, about the 22d or 23d of April (1814), for Michilimackinac, and that not more than about 250 men remained at Detroit. These Indiaiis report ithat there are about 500 men at Saguina Bay, cwho were ready to show their attachment to their Great Father, wzhenever his troops shall return." During this war the Chippewas were allied with the British, and made a great deal of trouble for the white settlers. Before the seige of Detroit a large band under Kish-kau-kou and his son, Che-mick, tramped from the Saginaw Valley and joined the British forces, raiding the white settlements, killing men, women and children, and burning their homes. Their savage warfare was chiefly directed against the weak and unprotected, and it was not until after the treaty of 1819 had been ratified that the whites in the sparsely settled portions of the territory felt secure from their depredations. This cowardly old chief of the Chippewas, who lived with his band along the lower stretches of the river, was conspicuous for his ugly disposition, particularly when drunk with "fire-water." He figured in many tragedies of the early days, and was proud and boastful of the number of scalps he had taken. In 1805 he was indicted for the murder of a white man, but evidently the capture of the fierce Chippewa was a duty which the marshal neglected, for a second warrant was issued September 24, 1807. It was drawn by Augustus B. Woodward, chief judge of the Territory of Michigan, and directed to William Scott, marshal of the territory, and was the first case against an Indian in the territorial supreme court. This interesting document reads as follows: "You are hereby commanded, as you have before been commanded, to take the body of Kisk-kau-kou, a Chippewa Indian, late of Saguina, in the Indian country, in the territory of Michigan, if he may be found within such territory, and him safely keep so that you may have his body before the judges of our supreme court at Detroit in and for said territory of Michigan, on or before the next ensuing term, to answer the United States on a bill of indictment for murder, found against him by the grand inquest of the body of the said territory of Michigan. And of his writ make due return." The return, which was scrawled on the back of the paper, reads: "I have taken the body of the above named Kish-kau-kou, an Indian, in obedience to this capias, on Sunday, the 31st day of July, and in bringing him to prison he was rescued from me by an Indian named Little Cedar, and his son, and other Indians unknown." Omitting some of the verbiage which is repeated, the true bill which the grand jury found against Kish-kau-kou sets forth his crime in the following curious manner: 48 HISTORY OF SAGINAW COUNTY "The jury upon their oath present, that Kish-kau-kou, a Chippewa Indian, not having the fear of God before his eyes, but being moved and induced by the instigation of the devil, on the ninth day of March in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and two, with force and arms in and upon one Antoine Loson, in the presence of God and of the United States then and there being, did make an assault, and with a certain steel knife of the value of fifty cents, which he in his right hand then and there had and held, felonously, wilfully and by his malice aforethought did hit, strike and stab, and did then and there give unto him, one mortal wound of the length of one inch and depth of three inches in and upon the back part of the neck of said Antoine, of which said mortal wound he, the said Antoine, did languish, and so languishing, thereof, died." The wily old chief, however, escaped punishment for the foregoing crime, and lived until after the first settlements were well started in Saginaw Valley. Of other offenses and "deviltries" that he committed more will be told in the following chapter. Advent of the Fur Traders The first white men to penetrate the wilderness of the Saginaw were probably coiircurs de bois - the renegades of Canada, or possibly voyageurs, a class of men described in English accounts of Detroit as, "generally poor wretches, a lazy, idle people, depending chiefly on the savages for subsistence, whose manners and customs they have entirely adopted." While this description was undoubtedly applicable to many of the rough characters seen about the settlements in early days, it is most unjust of the inhabitants generally. There were two distinct classes of these habitants. One was composed of the active, intelligent, honest tradesmen and farmers, some of whom were of noble birth and connections; the other comprised the voyageurs and colreiurs de bois shiftless half-breeds. Side by side, these two classes built their abodes and lived in harmony; yet each in his own sphere -each contented with his lot. The voyageur and farmer indulged in no dreams of the equality of man, and ambition never embittered his heart, while the land owner and merchant, jealous of no encroachment, was the indulgent and kind-hearted employer and patron. They were a gay, happy people, full of vivacity and graceful hilarity, honest among themselves, generous and hospitable. Surrounded by danger, they were of undoubted courage, but when the present peril had passed, their habitual gayety returned. Sorrow and suffering were soon forgotten, and privations laughed at, or cheerfully endured. Simple and frugal in their habits, contented with their place in life, they renewed in their forest recesses of the new world, the life of the old. Among the first of the hardy, adventurous traders to visit this valley was Jacob Smith, known to the natives as "Wah-be-sins," who for some years had followed the occupation of trapper. He came here, it is supposed, about 1810, to open trade with the Indians, leaving his family, composed of a white wife and several children, in Detroit. With the gain of a dollar ever before his eye, he traversed the tributaries of the Saginaw and entered recesses of the forest never before trod by civilized man, in quest of game and the Indian with furs to trade. That he found this broad valley a rich field for his labors is manifest by his having dwelt here the remainder of his life. By fair dealing and kind treatment of the Indians he soon won their lasting friendship, and for a long period was regarded by them, and especially their chiefs, as a brother. His influence over them was very marked, and, as we shall soon see, he exerted his powers to the utmost to his own gain. But he was brave and valorous, as he was kind and generous, and never failed to protect the weak and helpless, as the following incident shows. THE ADVENT OF WHITE MEN 49 Soon after the first settlement was started on the Saginaw, the United States government appointed David Henderson to fill the office of Indian Agent for this portion of the territory, and in due time he arrived with his family. Scarcely had they become settled in their forest home when he found it necessary to go to Detroit on business. During his absence the vicious old chief, Kish-kau-kou, appeared at his cabin, terrified the inmates, took them captive, and announced his intention to kill them. Jacob Smith, who was then at the settlement on the Flint, where he made his headquarters, hearing of the capture came with all possible speed to Saginaw, hunted up the old besotted chief, and demanded what his designs were regarding the wife and children of Henderson. "I am going to kill them," answered the blood-thirsty chief. "What,"' said Smith, "will you kill these little children who have never done you or anyone harm?" Nervously the chief replied, "Take them away, quick." "But," protested the trader, "it is no use for me to take the woman and her children through the woods. I shall meet some other Indians and they will take them away from me and kill them. You must give me some men to go with me to Detroit." Without further parley the chief gave Smith six of his braves to act as an escort of the party through the wilderness to civilization, and they arrived safely at Detroit. Here the Indians were made prisoners and confined in the fort, and only through the influence of Smith, their steadfast friend, were they at length released, supplied with rations, and sent in charge of a file of soldiers beyond the reach of danger from the settlers, who were then infuriated by the recent Indian outrages. Louis Campau, the First Settler Another of the early fur traders on the Saginaw was Louis Campau, who came to its shores in 1816. He was an intelligent, shrewd, far-seeing operator, a man who will be remembered by posterity as the first pioneer to break ground for the embryo settlement. On the west bank of the river on ground which is near the foot of Throop Street, he erected a massive two-story structure, of great strength and solidity. It was built of squared logs, and was evidently intended to subserve a double purpose- a pleasant residence overlooking the placid river, and a stronghold to afford protection to an armed and plucky family from an assault by the savages, and also as a warehouse for the storage of furs and of goods for trade. For many years this building was a somewhat cherished landmark, an ancient souvenir of the pioneer age. Long after it had been abandoned as a trading post, the residence portion was occupied by an old Frenchman, J. Baptiste Desnoyers, a relative of the Campau's and who was intelligent, voluble, communicative, and polite. Many of the early pioneers will readily recall the easy grace and refinement of manner with which he greeted them, preferring a pinch of Maccaboy from his well filled silver snuff box, and relating some tale of pioneer life, of Indian warfare, or of his experiences as trapper and trader. Shortly after the death of this antique French gentleman, which occurred early in the sixties, the old house fell a victim to the flames. Of other early trappers and fur traders along the Saginaw and its tributaries, Henry Conner, Whitmore Knaggs, G. Godfroy, Archie Lyons, and John Harson were the most prominent. All of these hardy, intrepid borderers, by adopting the wild life and habits of the savages, had ingratiated themselves into their favor, won their confidence, and by kindness and friendly good will opened the way for the first treaty for the grant of Indian lands, which was soon to follow. I I I CHAPTER IV. THE TREATY OF SAGINAW The Territory of Michigan Treaty of Detroit- Building the Council House at Saginaw - Opening the Council Oge-maw-ke-ke-to Speaks - The Influence of Wahbe-sins - Transcript of the Treaty- Military occupation- Hardships of Frontier Life -The Deviltry of Kish-kau-kou-The Second Treaty of Saginaw - The Treaty of 1838 and 1855. Y the ordinance of 1787 the civil authority of the United States was extended over the Northwest Territory; and in January, 1805, a part was set off by Congress as the Territory of Michigan. This was the first designation of a political division by the name of Michigan, and it embraced the southern peninsula, the eastern end of the northern peninsula, and a strip of land now contained in Ohio and Indiana. The old Northwest Territory was then known as Indiana Territory. In 1809 the Territory of Illinois was formed, which included a portion of the upper peninsula west of the meridian which ran near the present city of Menominee. This left the part situated between this meridian and the meridian of Mackinac as Indiana Territory, and the northern peninsula belonging to three territories. The State of Indiana was admitted in 1816, and the State of Illinois, with its present northern boundary, two years later. By an enabling act of Congress the remainder of the old Northwest Territory was made a part of Michigan Territory, which then included the present States of Michigan, Wisconsin, the part of Minnesota lying east of the Mississippi, and a narrow strip of Northern Ohio. In 1834 Michigan Territory reached its greatest extent, embracing all the territory of the United States west of the Mississippi as far as the Missouri and White Earth River, and from the State of Missouri to the British Possessions. This extension included the present States of Minnesota, Iowa, and the eastern portion of the Dakotas. The Treaty of Detroit The first treaty of importance which was made for the extinguishment of Indian title to the soil of this territory was entered into by William Hull, then Governor of the territory and Superintendent of Indian affairs, in 1807. This treaty gave the United States a possessory title to the southeastern portion of the State of Michigan, as at present constituted. The northern line of this grant was a trifle north of the southern boundaries of what are now Lapeer and Genesee Counties, thus leaving the valley of the Saginaw and its affluents in possession of the Indians, with the rights of the natives intact and unaffected. Although a few fur traders had come among them as the scouts or advanced guard of civilization, their favorite hunting grounds were left to them undespoiled until the Treaty of Saginaw, which was made in 1819. General Cass, who had won renown in the War of 1812, in the vigor of manhood and with a laudable ambition to achieve a national reputation, was commissioned to negotiate a treaty which would secure to the United States a most important addition to its territory. In this treaty we are 52 HISTORY OF SAGINAW COUNTY particularly interested, since the cession of lands then made by the natives, with the reservations therein provided for, include the rich and prosperous valley of the Saginaw and its tributaries. With his staff of interpreters and aids, the General set out from Detroit early in September, 1819, journed the whole way to Flint River through the unbroken wilderness on horseback, and thence down the stream to the little settlement on the Saginaw. The land along the Flint was an Indian reservation of Pe-won-ny-go-wingh - the tribal home of Chief Ne-ome and his successor Tone-dok-ane. Building the Council House at Saginaw One of the earliest white settlers to establish trade with the Indians on the Saginaw was Louis Campau, who came to the wilderness in 1816. He was a fine representative of the better class of French pioneers, a liberal, public spirited, and worthy citizen. To him General Cass entrusted the building of a suitable Council House, and the making of all arrangements for the reception of the Commissioner and his numerous company. At the same time the General despatched two government vessels, laden with stores for the subsistence of the party, around the lakes St. Clair and Huron and up the Saginaw to the frontier post in the wilderness. On one of these vessels was a company of United States soldiery, under the command of Captain Cass, a brother of the General, which had been ordered to the place of meeting for the protection of those in attendance. Campau and his workmen thereupon set about to construct the Council House, which was to be a spacious though rough edifice with open sides and ends, extending for several hundred feet along the bank of the river. It was situated on a slight knoll - a very commanding and pleasant place, a little east of what is now Michigan Avenue and north of Clinton Street. Trees conveniently situated furnished the columns of the house, while their boughs thickly interlaced above with other branches, and bark and moss, formed the simple roof covering. A platform made of hewed logs, and elevated a foot above the ground, to hold rustic benches for the accommodation of the Commissioner and his aids, occupied the center of the room. Huge logs in their natural roughness were then rolled in upon the remaining space to serve as seats for the native lords of the wild domain, when in solemn council. The bordering woods were dotted with wigwams and cabins hastily set up by the Indians for the comfort of themselves and families during the pending negotiations. Temporary yet convenient additions to his trading post were made by Campau, to afford space for a good-sized dining room for the officials, and also comfortable quarters for the distinguished Commissioner, who arrived with his company on the tenth of September. It was said the number of Indians present at that time was not large, although messengers had been sent among the different tribes, some quite remote from the place of meeting, to notify them of the council. When it was apparent that some tribes were not represented, runners were sent out in all directions to urge their coming. Opening the Council The negotiations were pending for ten or twelve days, and three councils were held. The number of Indians in attendance at the third council, which was the fullest held, was variously estimated from fifteen hundred to two thousand. At each formal council the chiefs, warriors, head-men and braves were called and admitted into the Council House. The sides and ends of the house being open the squaws and young warriors gathered in timid groups THE TREATY OF SAGINAW 53 close by as interested spectators of the solemn proceedings within. The negotiations involved no less than a full and final surrender of the ancient hunting grounds of their people, the fair and beautiful heritage of forest and corn fields, lake and river, and the burial places of their fathers; and also provided for their removal beyond the Mississippi. The eloquent appeal of General Cass, made known to the natives through experienced interpreters, failed to make a favorable impression on the native chiefs. He urged them to keep in mind the paternal regard which their Great Father at Washington held for them and their welfare, and expressed the hope that the peaceful relations which had existed between them since the war should be rendered perpetual. He reminded them of their condition as a people, the swelling of the wave of civilization toward their hunting grounds, the growing scarcity of game, the importance and necessity of turning their attention more to agriculture, and relinquishing the more uncertain mode of living by the chase, and the better condition they would ultimately be in by confining themselves to reservations, ample for the purposes of agriculture, to be provided for them in the proposed treaty; and the cession of the residue of the territory then occupied by those who were there represented, upon such terms and guarantees as their condition required, including therein stipulated annuities. He was answered by their chief speakers with a gravity and eloquence peculiar to Indian councils. Three chiefs of wide influence, Mis-hene-nanone-quet, Oge-maw-ke-ke-to, and Kish-kau-kou were particularly vehement in the treaty negotiations. The latter, however, was an Indian of violent temper, and in the excitement of drink was reckless in the commission of outrage. At the close of the first day of the council he had put himself out of condition for parley, and it was found that he was less dangerous in his wigwam quietly drunk than in the Council House tolerably sober. So he remained in a state quite unpresentable as a speaker for his tribe until the last day of the negotiations, when he was present merely to affix his totem to the treaty, after it had been engrossed for execution. Oge-maw-ke-ke-to Speaks The chief speaker, Oge-maw-ke-ke-to, opposed the treaty provisions with indignation, and it was said his speech was a model of Indian eloquence. He was then quite young, being scarcely twenty-five years of age, but was above the average height, and in his bearing was graceful and handsome. His band lived at the forks of the Tittabawassee; and like the famous Seneca chief, Sago-gewa-tha, he wore upon his breast a superb medal, which had been given him by the United States government. He addressed the Commissioner as follows: "You do not know our wishes. Our people wonder what has brought you so far from your homes. Your young men have invited us to come and light the council fire. We are here to smoke the pipe of peace, but not to sell our lands. Our American Father wants them, our English Father treats us better. He has never asked for them. Your people trespass upon our hunting grounds. You flock to our shores. Our waters grow warm. Our land melts away like a cake of ice. Our possessions grow smaller and smaller. The warm wave of the white man rolls in upon us and melts us away. Our women reproach us. Our children want homes. Shall we sell from under them the spot where they spread their blankets? We have not called you here. We smoke with you the pipe of peace." 54 HISTORY OF SAGINAW COUNTY To this clear recital of their opposition the Commissioner replied with earnestness, reproving the speaker for arrogant assumption; that their Great Father at Washington had just closed a war in which he had whipped their Father, the English King, and the Indians too; that their lands were forfeited in fact by the rules of war, but that he did not propose to take their possessions without rendering back an equivalent, notwithstanding their late act of hostility; that their women and children should have secured to them ample tribal reservations, on which they might live unmolested by their white neighbors, where they could spread their blankets and be aided by agriculture. The council for the day closed, and the Commissioner and his staff of earnest and devoted aids, distinguished in Indian councils, retired to their lodgings disappointed and anxious. There were Henry Conner, known to the Indians as "Wah-be-sken-dip," Whitmore Knaggs, known as "Oke-dayben-don," and beloved by them, Colonel Beaufait, G. Godfroy and John Harson, all with influence with the Chippewas. The chiefs and head-men of the natives retired to their wigwams in sullen dignity, unapproachable and unappeased. It was certainly an unpropitious opening of the great and important undertaking and trust which General Cass had in hand. The juncture was a critical one, and, for a full appreciation of it, a brief allusion to the relative status of the contracting parties to the treaty, but whose minds had not yet met, is necessary. The proposition for a cession of the Indian title came from the Americans, not from the Indians. Their possessory control by American recognition and action was as yet perfect. For any lawless or vindictive act upon the treaty grounds there would have been immunity from immediate punishment, and probably ultimate escape. The whites, comparatively, were few in number. The military company on board the schooner, anchored in the stream, was quite inadequate to successful resistance against an organized and general outbreak. Sufficient time had not yet elapsed to wash out the bitter memories of border fueds, of fancied or real wrong. Foot-prints were yet fresh upon the war-path; indeed, only the fifth summer had passed since that war had closed which had laid low many Chippewa warriors. The Commissioner and his staff of aids had placed themselves voluntarily within their stronghold upon the Saginaw, into which no pale-face had penetrated throughout the war, unless as a pinioned captive, with the exception of a single memorable instance wherein a daring trader had rescued from captivity the children of the Boyer family. Here, within a half-dozen summers, the Indians had trained themselves to war-like feats and prepared for those deadly incursions into the frontier settlements, and for those more formidable engagements when disciplined valor met their wild charge. After each bloody raid they looked to this valley as to a fastness, and to it returned with their captives and streaming trophies. And here, too, had been for generations their simple altar in the forests; their festivals where thanks went up to the Great Spirit for the yearly return of the successive blessings of a fruitful season, following to its source with direct purpose and thankful hearts the warm ray which perfected their slender harvest. Ne-ome, the chief of one of the largest bands of the Chippewas, occupied and assumed to control the most southerly portion of their then national domain. This portion lay along the Flint River and its northerly affluents which, by the treaty line of 1807, were left in full Indian possession. The river was called by the natives "Pe-won-o-go-wink, meaning literally the river of Flint, and by the early French traders, La Pierre. Trails upon the Flint and its tributaries, reaching to their head waters, all converging to the main THE TREATY OF SAGINAW 55 stream as a center, formed a net-work of communication which gave the Chippewas access by land, as well as by canoes upon the rivers, to the Commissioner in council. The advancing wave of white settlement had already approached, and in some instances had, without authority, encroached upon 'the southerly border of their net-work of trails upon the Flint. In point of location geographically Ne-ome and his powerful band stood at the door, the very threshold, of the large body of land which our Government, through its faithful and earnest Commissioner, wanted. Unless well disposed toward the treaty, Ne-ome, holding the beautiful belt of land lying westerly of the River St. Clair and Lake Huron, stood a lion in the path. But this chief was honest and simple minded, evincing but little of the craft and cunning of his race. He was sincere in his nature, by no means astute, was firm in his friendships, easy to be persuaded by any benefactor who should appeal to his Indian sense of gratitude; and was harmless, generous, and kind. In stature he was short and heavily moulded. He was a chief of patriarchal goodness, and his name was never mentioned by any of the members of his band, even at a remote day, except with a certain traditionary sorrow, more impressive in its mournful simplicity than a labored epitaph. The Influence of Wah-be-sins But there was a power behind the throne of native chieftains, which was greater than the throne itself. That power rested in the hands of a white trader with the Indians, who was known to them by the name of Wah-be-sins (meaning a young swan), and to the border settlers as Jacob Smith. So far as known he was one of the first white traders to penetrate the wilderness of the Saginaw. It was supposed that he came to the valley about 1810, for he had traded with the natives there before the War of 1812, and for a long time after. His principal trading post, which he afterward made his permanent one, was at the Grand Traverse, or fording place, of the Flint, in the first ward of the present city of that name. By long residence among the native tribe he had assimilated by degrees their habits and customs, and even adopted their mode of dress. He spoke their language fluently and with powerful impressiveness, and was generous, warm hearted, and kind. Though small of stature and light in weight, he was powerful as well as agile; and was intrepid of spirit. Skilled in woodcraft, sagacious and adroit, it was said he equalled, if not exceeded, the natives in many of those qualities which, as forest heroes, they most admired. Like most white men living upon the Indian frontier, he had become the father of a half-breed family, of which one was a daughter, named Mok-itchen-o-qua. Brought into almost daily contact and intercourse with the band of Chippewas upon the Saginaw and its tributaries, he ingratiated himself into the confidence of their chief, Ne-ome; and it is probable that of the one hundred and fourteen chiefs and head-men of the Chippewa nation, who were present at the council, there was not one with whom he had not at some time dealt, and to whom he had extended some act of friendship, either in dispensing the simple hospitality of the wilderness, or in substantial advances to them of bread or of blankets, as their necessities may have required. By kindness and fair dealing he had intrenched himself into their lasting friendship, and, at the time of the treaty negotiations, so closely had he identified himself with tle good old chief, Ne-ome, that each hailed the other as "brother." Even at a much later day, Sa-gas-e-wa-qua, daughter of Ne-ome, and others of his descendants, when speaking of Smith and the old chieftain, invariably brought their hands together pressing the two index 56 HISTORY OF SAGINAW COUNTY fingers closely to each other, as the Indian symbol of brotherhood and warm attachment. Upon the treaty ground the two friends, the white trader and the swarthy son of the forest, acted unitedly and in perfect unison. Although Smith was personally known to General Cass, he evidently looked with distrust upon the hardy borderer, as no position as aid to the negotiations, either as interpreter or agent, was accorded him. For days the most active and influential interpreters for the Government were ineffectual in conciliating Ne-ome, Oge-maw-ke-ke-to, and the other chiefs. Not a step of progress was made until Knaggs and other agents assumed, but with what authority is doubtful, to speak for the Government outside the Council House, had promised the faithful Ne-ome that, in addition to various and ample reservations for the different bands, of several thousand acres each, there should be reserved as requested by Wah-be-sins (Smith), eleven sections of land of six hundred and forty acres each, to be located at or near the Grand Traverse of the Flint. Eleven names as such reservees, all Indian, were passed to Knaggs on a slip of paper in his tent. Such progress having been made in the parley, due to surrender to craftiness of the white trader with the Indians, another council was called and was more fully attended by the chiefs and warriors. Many points of difficulty had been smoothed over, and the storm which at first threatened to overwhelm the best efforts of the Commissioner and his aids had passed. In its place a calm and open discussion ensued on terms and basis which a just and honorable treaty should be concluded. There was one more general council held, which was purely formal, for the purpose of having affixed to the engrossed copy of the treaty, the signatures of General Cass, the witnesses, and the totems of the chiefs and headmen of the Chippewas and Ottawas. One gPeat obstacle to the consummation of the treaty was the desire of the Government to remove the Chippewas west of the Mississippi, in addition to the cession of the valuable tract of land lying upon the Saginaw and its tributaries. But it was discovered by the Commissioner soon after his arrival in council that this provision endangered the treaty, and it was thereupon abandoned. This country had been so long occupied by the Indians, and was so well adapted to their hunter state in the remarkable abundance of fish in the rivers, lakes and bays, and in the game yet left to them in the forest, that they were not inclined to listen to any proposition of removal. Transcript of the Treaty Art. 1. The Chippewa nation of Indians, in consideration of the stipulations herein made on the part of the United States, do hereby forever cede to the United States the land comprehended within the following lines and boundaries: Beginning at a point in the present Indian boundary line, which runs due north from the mouth of the great Anglaize River, six miles south of the place where the base line, so called, intersects the same; thence, west, sixty miles; thence, in a direct line to the head of Thunder Bay River; thence, down the same, following the course thereof, to the mouth; thence, northeast, to the boundary line between the United States and British Province of Upper Canada; thence, with the same, to the line established by the treaty of Detroit, in the year one thousand eight hundred and seven; thence with the said line to the place of beginning. Art. 2. From the cession aforesaid the following tracts of land shall be reserved, for use of the Chippewa nation of Indians. One tract, of eight thousand acres, on the east side of the river Au Sable near where the Indians now live. One tract, of two thousand acres, on the river Mesagwisk. One tract, of six thousand acres, on the north side of the river Kawkawling, at the Indian village. One tract, of five thousand seven hundred and sixty acres, upon the Flint River, to include Reaum's village, and a place called Kishkawbawee. THE TREATY OF SAGINAW 57 One tract, of eight thousand acres, on the head of the river Huron, which empties into the Saginaw River, at the village of Otusson. One tract, of two thousand acres, where Nabolask formerly lived. One island in the Saginaw Bay. One tract, of one thousand acres, near the island in the Saginaw River. One tract, of two thousand acres, at the mouth of the Au Gres River. One tract, of one thousand acres, on the river Huron, at Menoequet's village. One tract, of ten thousand acres, on the Shawassee River, at a place called the Big Rock. One tract, of three thousand acres, on the Shawassee River, at Ketchewaundaugenick. One tract, of six thousand acres, at the Little Forks, on the Tetabawasink River. One tract, of six thousand acres, at the Black Bird's Town, on the Tetabawasink River. One tract, of forty thousand acres, on the Saginaw River, to be hereafter located. Art. 3. There shall be reserved for the use of each of the persons hereinafter named and their heirs, which persons are all Indians by descent, the following tracts of land: For the use of John Riley, the son of Menawcumegoqua, a Chippewa woman, six hundred and forty acres of land, beginning at the head of the first marsh above the mouth of the Saginaw River, on the east side thereof. For the use of Peter Riley, the son of Menawcumegoqua, a Chippewa woman, six hundred and forty acres of land beginning above and adjoining the apple trees on the west side of the Saginaw River, and running up the same for quantity. For the use of James Riley, the son of Menawcumegoqua, a Chippewa woman, six hundred and forty acres, beginning on the east side of the Saginaw River, nearly opposite to Campau's trading house, and running up the river for quantity. For the use of Kawkawiskou, or the Crow, a Chippewa chief, six hundred and forty acres of land, on the east side of the Saginaw River, at a place called Menitsgow, and to include, in the six hundred and forty acres, the island opposite to the said place. For the use of Nowokeshik, Metawanene, Mokitchenoqua, Nondeshemau, Petabonaqua, Messawwakut, Checbalk, Kitchegeequa, Sagosequa, Annoketoqua, and Tawcumegoqua, each, six hundred and forty acres of land, to be located at and near the grand traverse of the Flint River, in such manner as the President of the United States may direct. For the use of the children of Bokowtonden, six hundred and forty acres, on the Kawkawling River. Art. 4. In consideration of the cession aforesaid, the United States agree to pay to the Chippewa nation of Indians, annually, forever, the sum of one thousand dollars in silver; and do hereby agree that all annuities due by any former treaty to the said tribe, shall be hereafter paid in silver. Art. 5. The stipulation contained in the treaty of Greenville, relative to the right of the Indians to hunt upon the land ceded, while it continues the property of the United States, shall apply to this treaty; and the Indians shall, for the same term, enjoy the privilege of making sugar upon the same land, committing no unnecessary waste upon the trees. Art. 6. The United States agree to pay to the Indians the value of any improvements which they may be obliged to abandon in consequence of the lines established by this treaty, and which improvements add real value to the land. Art. 7. The United States reserve the right to make roads through any part of the land reserved by this treaty. Art. 8. The United States engage to provide and support a blacksmith for the Indians, at Saginaw, so long as the President of the United States may think proper, and to furnish the Chippewa Indians with such farming utensils, and cattle, and to employ such persons to aid them in their agriculture, as the President may deem expedient. Art. 9. This treaty shall take effect, and be obligatory on the contracting parties, so soon as the same shall be ratified by the President of the United States, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate thereof. 58 HISTORY OF SAGINAW COUNTY In testimony whereof, the said Lewis Cass, Commissioner as aforesaid, and the Chiefs and Warriors of the Chippewa Nation of Indians, have hereunto set their hands, at Saginaw, in the Territory of Michigan, this twenty-fourth day of September, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and nineteen. (Signed) Lewis Cass and one hundred and fourteen Indians. Twenty-three witnesses The execution of the treaty was consummated about the middle of the afternoon, and the silver that was to be paid to the Indians was counted out upon the table in front of the Commissioner. The Saginaw chiefs and headmen being largely indebted to Campau for goods furnished by him, had put themselves under a promise to him that he should receive at least fifteen hundred dollars of the amount in satisfaction of his just claims. The Commissioner informed the Indians that all the money was theirs, and if it was their will that Campau's debt should be first paid to him, to so signify and it should be done. Three other traders were present with goods for sale, and they were by no means pleased to see so large a proportion of the money thus appropriated. Wah-be-sins (Smith) was one of the three traders. He urged the turbulent and besotted Kish-kau-kou and his brother to object, and they addressed the Commissioner: "We are your children; we want our money in our hands." In accordance with this wish the Commissioner directed the money to be paid to them, and Campau received none of his pay from that fund. At that instant Campau jumped from the platform and struck Smith two heavy blows in the face. He was smart as steel and Campau was not slow; but Louis Beaufait and others got between them and stopped the fight. Campau lost his money and was thus cheated out of a good fight besides. But he had his satisfaction that night. Five barrels of whiskey were opened by the United States Quartermaster, for the Indians. Campau ordered ten barrels of his whiskey opened and two men stationed with dippers at the open barrels. The Indians drank to fearful excess; and at ten o'clock the General sent Major Robert Forsyth to him to say: "The Indians are getting dangerous, the General says stop the liquor." Campau sent back word to him, "General, you commenced it." A guard was thereupon detailed to surround his door. Soon after some Indians from the Bay came to the post, and the guard tried to keep them out with the bayonet. In the scuffle that ensued one of the Indians was stabbed in the thigh. The war-whoop was given, and in fifteen minutes the building containing the store room and the General's headquarters was surrounded by excited Indians with tomahawks in their hands. General Cass came to the door of his lodgings looking very grotesque, with a red bandanna handkerchief tied about his head, and exclaimed, "Louis! Louis! stop the liquor, Louis!" Campau answered him: "General, you commenced it; you let Smith plunder me and rob me, but I will stand between you and all harm." The General called out again, "Louis! Louis! Send those Indians to their wigwams." "Yes, General," came the reply, "but you commenced it." In recalling this incident, which is so illustrative of the state of things on the treaty ground, Campau said: "I lost my money; I lost my fight; I lost my liquor; but I got good satisfaction." The trading post conducted by Campau before and after the negotiation of the treaty stood on the east side of Water Street, on part of the site of Tright's mill. Many years after this event it served as a residence, its occupant being a genial old Frenchman, named J. Baptiste Desnoyers, who made the old house, with its rickety stairs and loose flooring, seem cheerful with his cordial welcome. For one year, 1820, Campau also had a trading THE TREATY OF SAGINAW post on the east side of the river near where the Methodist Mission House was afterward erected. But the Indians were discontented and would not trade with him there, saying, "We gave you the other side for trading, go there." So he was obliged to abandon this post soon after. In June, 1826, he turned his business over to his brother, Antoine, and travelled westward to the Grand River where, at the rapids or Grand Traverse, he established a trading post. In the autumn of 1819, Jacob Smith, better known as Wah-be-sins, whose influence over the Indians was ever on the increase, built a rough log trading post on the Flint River. He had profited much by his friendship with the native chiefs, through craftiness being granted eleven sections of land on the Flint, where the City of 'Flint is situated. For several years he traded there, but in 1825, after a lingering and pitiable sickness, due more, it was said, to neglect than disease, he died. A good hearted Frenchman, by the name of Baptiste Cochios, who was with him upon the trading ground in 1819, and was himself a fur trader, performed for the brave but unfortunate man the last sad rites of humanity. An Indian lad who had lived with Smith for several years, and who attended him faithfully in his sickness, was the only household mourner. A few Indians gathered in mournful groups about the grave as the remains of the unfortunate trader were committed to the earth. Ne-ome, his trusty and faithful friend, was there mute with grief. With that feeling of gratitude which is characteristic and which is a cardinal virtue in their untutored minds, the Indians proved true and faithful through his sickness to the last. A few days after the death of the old trader, a relative came from Detroit and gathered up most carefully the few remnants of the stores left by the hardy frontiersman, and took them away. Sa-gas-ewa-qua, the daughter of Ne-ome, expressed herself of this proceeding with sententous brevity, peculiar to the Indian: "When Wah-be-sins sick nobody come. Him sicker and sicker, nobody come. Wah-be-sins die, little tinker come and take all him blankets, all him cattle, all him things." Two years after, Ne-ome followed his friend Wah-be-sins to the spirit land. He died at his tribal home a few miles above the settlement of Saginaw, faithfully attended through a long and severe sickness by his children and relatives. He was enthroned in patriarchal simplicity in the hearts of his people, beloved and mourned. Military Occupation In the years 1821 and 1822 the Chippewa Indians on the Saginaw became restless and ill-tempered to such a degree that the war department, in the early past of 1822, ordered a detachment of the Third United States Infantry, then stationed at Fort Howard, Green Bay, to proceed to the Saginaw River, under the command of Major Daniel Baker. Shortly after, Doctor Zina Pitcher, having been appointed an assistant surgeon in the army, was ordered to report to Major Baker who, with two companies of infantry, would arrive at Saginaw about the twentieth of July. He therefore left Detroit with Captain Knaggs as guide, followed the Indian trail through the unbroken forest to the clearing of Oliver Williams, (which is now the pleasant little town of Waterford, in Oakland County), and thence by way of Flint River to the wigwam of the old chief Kish-kau-kou, which stood on the east side of the Saginaw River. They arrived just in time to see the troops disembarking on the opposite bank of the river near the spot now occupied by the Michigan Central station. 60 HISTORY OF SAGINAW COUNTY The vessels by which the troops were transported from Green Bay did not come up the river beyond the present location of Bay City, where the men and stores were transferred to canoes and flat-boats and conveyed to the landing at their destination. They at once pitched their tents along the slope of the hill and prepared for permanent residence. On the site of the present Hotel Fordney they erected a block house, surrounded it with a strong stockade, thus raising a fortress in the heart of the wilderness. Within the stockade were the company's quarters, the officers' quarters being on the north side of the quadrangle, while on three sides were the barracks for the soldiers and their families. There were about one hundred and twenty enlisted men, besides women and children - all told perhaps one hundred and fifty persons, including the surgeon, the sutler and his clerks. The companies were commanded by Captain John Garland, company K, Lieutenants Allen and Bainbridge; and Captain Stephen H. Webb, of company I, Lieutenants Brooks and Walker; and Adjutant Nelson H. Baker, a brother of the major commanding. Thomas C. Sheldon, Chauncey Bush, and Elliot Gray, all had business connections with the command. Louis Campau and family, Antoine Campau, Archibald Lyons, Indian interpreter, Mr. Provensal, Indian blacksmith, Mr. Corben, and Patrice Reaume, comprised the civil community. The trail from Smith's trading post on the Flint River to Saginaw was blazed in the winter of 1822-23, by a detail of soldiers commanded by Lieutenants Brooks and Bainbridge. Hardships of Frontier Life The winter of 1822-23 was very cold and much snow fell. When spring came the rapid solution of the ice and snow caused a great flood in the Tittabawassee and other tributaries of the Saginaw, so that most of the prairie between the post and Green Point was under water. The succeeding summer was very warm, with the natural result that it proved very sickly to the inhabitants. As early as July a very aggravated form of intermittent fever became the universal malady, and only one of the officers escaped an attack of more or less severity. Among the sufferers by the disease was the surgeon, Dr. Pitcher, who for several days was carried from his quarters to the bedside of his patients, and for whom he was the only person to prescribe. During this state of things Lieutenant Allen, Mrs. Baker, wife of the commanding officer, his daughter and a young son about fifteen years of age, and Lieutenant Nelson Baker, died, and one enlisted man only. Major Baker himself being on the sick bed, Captain Garland, next in command, made a requisition on Quartermaster Samuel Stanton for a surgeon to relieve Dr. Pitcher. On the twenty-ninth of August, Dr. J. L. Whiting, at a great personal sacrifice, mounted his horse in Detroit, and under the guidance of a soldier set his face towards the pestilential swamps on the Saginaw. On the morning of the second day after, he sat down to a bountiful breakfast at the quarters of Captain Garland, with whom he stayed for about three weeks. He was then taken sick with the same disease and removed to the officers' mess-house, where he spent, as he afterward declared, three of the most harassing weeks of his whole life, but through a kind Providence recovered sufficiently to leave the valley with the other members of the command. Thoroughly disheartened and discouraged with their innumerable hardships and sufferings, Major Baker reported to the Department that the climate was so unhealthy that "nothing but Indians, muskrats and bull-frogs, could possibly subsist here," and requested removal of his ill-conditioned troops to another post. In the midst of a howling wilderness, surrounded by untamed savages, whose nightly whooping and infernal pow-wow orgies OLD FORT SAGINAW, IN 1822 [from a drawing prepared under the direction of Fred Dustin from descriptions given by the late Norman L. Miller, J. W. Richardson and other pioneers, who well remembered the outlines and general features of the old fort] This old stockade fort stood in a clearing on the present site of the Hotel Fordney and adjoining buildings, including the old bank building on the east side of Hamilton Street which is about where the sally port and pathway are shown. 62 HISTORY OF SAGINAW COUNTY were far more appalling than even the cries of wild beasts, and exposed to the rigidity of a northern climate, together with its vicissitudes, they hailed with delight the order for the abandonment of the fort on the Saginaw, and their removal to Detroit. About the twenty-fifth of October the weakened command embarked on the schooner Red Jacket, Captain Walker, and another vessel commanded by Captain Keith, and sailed for Detroit where they arrived safely on the thirtieth of the same month. The Deviltry of Kish-kau-kou While the troops were stationed at the fort on the Saginaw, besides suffering many privations and inconveniences, they were subject to petty annoyances and insults from some of the Indians, who looked upon them as trespassers. The savages did not dare, however, to make any advances towards hostility, for they knew full well that the troops were prepared to meet anything of that nature with prompt retaliation. Still the "red-skins" lost no opportunity of reminding them that they were not at home upon ground claimed by themselves. Old Chief Kish-kau-kou in particular, whose wigwam was close under cover of the fort, was exceedingly annoying, at least to the soldiers, but more so to the sentry. Every night as he, on his accustomed round, would give the hour, with the usual "all's well," this rascally chief would mockingly reiterate the watchword, together with a taunting shout and whoop, making the very welkin ring again, and startling the inmates of the fort, who not unfrequently imagined, upon being so unceremoniously awakened, that an attack was at hand. The old chief had repeated this trick a number of times, when the soldiers determined to punish him a little, and at the same time enjoy some sport at his expense. Accordingly they loaded an old swivel to the muzzle, with grape and canister, and mounted it upon the pickets, pointing it in the direction of the savage's wigwam, but in such a position that the shot would merely rattle over his head, with no other effect than that of frightening him into silence, if nothing else. Night came and all was still, the heavy tramp of the sentinel, and the distant howl of hungry wolves alone being heard. The men were lying quietly behind the gun, while a match was ready to apply at the signal, which the old chief himself was unwittingly to give. At length twelve o'clock came, the hour usually selected by the Indian for his echo. "Twelve o'clock-all's well," sang out the sentry. "All well," echoed the savage, "ke-whoop-ke-kee-who-whoop," making at the same time a grand flourish after the war style of his forefathers - "ye-ye-ye-yeep-ke-who." At this instant a bright gleam of fire shot from the walls of the fort accompanied by a report so loud, so deafening, that the buildings shook with the concussion, while the grape and canister rattled fearfully over the wigwam and tore through the branches of the trees overhanging it. The old chief thought his end had indeed come, and called lustily upon all the gods in his unlettered vocabulary, and the medicine men of his nation, to save him. After this salutary rebuke no papoose in the tribe was more humble or deferential to the troops than this same Indian. He probably thought it advisable to keep on good terms with the men who repaid insult with thunder, lightning and iron hail. During the epidemic of fever in the garrison, a great Indian council was held at Green Point, according to Indian law, at which the old tyrant, Kishkau-kou, was present. A Delaware Indian, intermarried with a Chippewa woman, was on trial for the killing of a Chippewa Indian in a drunken brawl. THE TREATY OF SAGINAW 63 The offender had compromised the matter, and bought his life by paying the relatives a certain amount of furs, skins and money. But according to the custom of the Chippewa tribe, it was necessary that the pardon should be confirmed by a council. In this proceeding the delinquent was required to walk around in a circle on the ground, formed by the assembled red-skins, and if unmollested by any of the relatives of the murdered man, the matter was to be considered as finally settled, and not to be reopened forever after. He had quietly passed all the relatives, near and remote, and was therefore restored to his former standing in the tribe; but in passing the old tyrant, Kish-kau-kou, he rose and struck the offender dead at his feet. The whole circle was amazed at this audacious act, and the usual "Waugh" was uttered by the council. The hereditary chief, Min-non-e-quot, said: "What does this mean? It is contrary to Indian law." Old Kish-kau-kou deigned only the reply: "The law is altered." The council then broke up, and the old rascal took the body of the slain Indian into his canoe, covered it with skins and furs, and paddled away to his village at the mouth of the river, where it was buried. When on the way to Malden, to receive their annual presents from the British government, Kish-kau-kou, who was in the habit of travelling with thirty or forty blood-thirsty warriors, took advantage of the sparseness of the settlements, and levied contributions upon the poor settlers. If his demands were not readily complied with he would take what he wanted by force, such as cattle, hogs, and corn, thus subjecting the poor settlers to great suffering and continual fear. On one occasion, after his arrival at Detroit which happened a few days before payment, his men being very hungry, he applied to some of the authorities for food, saying, "Unless my young men get something to eat, it will be impossible for me to restrain them from robbing the settlers along the route." To this threat General Cass replied: "If your young men commit any depredations upon the settlers, I will send my young men to punish them." Notwithstanding this admonition, depredations were occasionally committed with impunity upon the helpless pioneers. Kish-kau-kou at length came to his end in a manner strikingly in keeping with his cowardly career. In April, 1825, while encamped at a place a little above Detroit, known as the Chene farm, he got into a drunken brawl on Water Street, on the site of the Grand Trunk Railway Station, and killed an Indian. The dead savage was taken to "Uncle" Harvey William's blacksmith shop, directly across the street, and an inquest was held, while Kishkau-kou and his son were conveyed to the fort. Feeling assured from contemplation of his past conduct that he need expect no mercy or lenity, from the hands of those whom he had so often outraged, he anticipated the action of the law by drinking the hemlock in his prison, and died before the trial was concluded. It was supposed that the poison was provided him by one or more of his numerous squaws. His son, who was no party to the crime, escaped. The successive chieftain of the Saginaw tribe was Oge-maw-ke-ke-to, whose name signified the "Chief Speaker." He was in every respect antipodal to Kish-kau-kou, being a high-minded and honorable Indian, and was an eloquent orator. Although he was not the head chief by birth, he was a great favorite with the white settlers, on account of the loftiness of his style, the beauty of his expression, and his powerful and commanding eloquence which always carried conviction with it. The place upon which the settlement of Saginaw was built was called by the Indians Ke-pay-showink, meaning "the great camping ground." 64 HISTORY OF SAGINAW COUNTY The Second Treaty of Saginaw In 1836 Henry R. Schoolcraft, Commissioner of Indian Affairs, drafted for the government a second treaty which was presented before an Indian council the same year. The friendliness and spirit of gratitude of the Indians, to those white settlers who were kind and generous to them, is well illustrated by an incident in connection with the making of this treaty. James McCormick, who was then settled among the bands on the Indian fields, received from his aboriginal neighbors a tract of six hundred and forty acres of land in recognition of his kindness to them during the prevalence of the small-pox epidemic. This valuable grant had gone into the possession of McCormick; but in the treaty presented by Schoolcraft there was no mention made of it. One of the Indian counselors demanded why this important item was omitted, merely gaining the laconic answer: "It can't be done." "Very well," said the Indian orator, "we will not sell our lands unless our white brother is provided for. We will not sign the treaty." The assembled Indians thereupon dispersed and the Commissioner was left to ponder over a new phase of the nature of the savage, in the deserted wigwam. In January of the following year the Commissioner invited the Indian counselors to meet him at Detroit, and on the fourteenth of that month they assembled in council. Schoolcraft then assured them that the treaty papers as presented contained full provision that McCormick would be continued as lessee of the lands in question. With this assurance on the honor of an officer of the United States Government, the children of the forest deeded away their hunting grounds, and also, as a few years proved, their munificent gift to their "white brother." The Commissioner never inserted an article guaranteeing the title of the land to McCormick, and as a result he was evicted from a home and farm which he had improved, which he well merited, and which was endeared to him by many associations. By this treaty the Indians ceded to the United States all the reservations mentioned in the first treaty of 1819. This treaty provided for the sale of these lands, and the sum so derived after deducting the expenses of survey and treaty, was to be invested under direction of the President, in some public stock and the interest thereof to be paid annually to the Indians. Certain sums were also set apart for the payment of their valid debts, and for depredations committed after the surrender of Detroit, in 1812. The Indians agreed to remove from Michigan to some point west of Lake Superior, or locate west of the Mississippi and southwest of the Missouri, to be decided by Congress. A supplementary article provided for the erection of a lighthouse on the Na-bo-bish tract of land, lying at the mouth of the Saginaw River; and a subsequent article to this treaty, concluded at Saginaw, changed the location of the lighthouse to the forty thousand-acre tract of land, on the west side of the river. The Treaty of 1838 A treaty was concluded at Saginaw, January 23, 1838, with the several bands of the Chippewa nation, comprehended within the districts of Saginaw, in which the chiefs represented, that at the sale of lands for their use a combination was formed and the prices per acre greatly reduced. The treaty then provided that all lands brought into market under the authority of the previous treaty, of January 14, 1837, should be sold to the register and receiver for two years from date of commencement of sale, at $5 per acre, which sum was declared the minimum price; provided, that should any portion of said lands remain unsold at the expiration of the two years, the THE TREATY OF SAGINAW minimum price was to be reduced to $2.50 per acre, at which price the remaining lands were to be disposed of; and after five years from date of ratification of the treaty, if any lands then remained, they were to be sold for the sum they would command, but none less than seventy-five cents per acre. The Treaty of 1855 On August 2, 1855, a treaty was concluded at Detroit, between George W. Manypenny and Henry C. Gilbert, Commissioners on the part of the United States, and the Chippewa Indians of Saginaw, Swan Creek and Black River, in which the United States agreed to withdraw from sale six adjoining townships of land in Isabella County, and townships 17 and 18 north, ranges 3, 4 and 5 east; agreed to pay the Chippewas the sum of $220,000, to be used for education, agriculture, building material; to build a saw mill at some suitable water-power in Isabella County, at a cost of not exceeding $8,000; to test the claims and pay the just indebtedness of said tribe of Chippewas; to provide an interpreter for said Indians for five years and longer if necessary; and said Chippewas ceded to the United States all lands in Michigan heretofore owned by them as reservations; and that the grants and payments provided in this treaty were in lieu and satisfaction of all claims legal and equitable on the part of said Indians, jointly and severally against the United States, for land, money, or other thing guaranteed to said tribes or either of them, by the stipulation of any former treaty or treaties; the entries of land made by the Indians and by the Missionary Society of the M. E. Church for the benefit of the Indians, in townships 14 north and 4 east, and 10 north and 5 east, were confirmed and patents issued. MORASS IN THE WILDERNESS Typical of the Saginaw Valley in the Early Days of its Settlement CHAPTER V THE COMING OF DE TOCQUEVILLE or "A Fortnight in the Vilderness" Voyage across Lake Erie to Detroit-Follow Trail to Pontiac-Pioneer Life in the Wilderness - Taking Trail toward the North β€”Encounter with Indian - Lost at Night in Forest-They Reach Flint River-Penetrate the Virgin Forest-Hardships of the Journey - Arrival at Saginaw River - Picture of Early Saginaw - They Shoot Wild Ducks Return to Civilization. ALEXIS DE TOCQUEVILLE, a distinguished French statesman and traveller, who explored much of this western country in 1831, was probably the first European to penetrate the wilderness of the Saginaw. In his memoirs, which were translated and published in London thirty years after, he states that he was most curious to visit the extreme limits of civilization, and even some of the Indian tribes which had preferred flying to the wildest depths of the forest, to accommodating themselves to what the white man calls the enjoyments of social life. With this object he traversed places celebrated in Indian history, he reached valleys named by them, he crossed streams still called by the names of their tribes; but everywhere the wigwam had given way to the log hut, and the log hut to the house the forest had fallen. Where there had been solitude there was now life; still he seemed to be treading in the steps of the aborigines. With a trusty companion, named Beaumont, he set forth from Buffalo on the steamboat Ohio at 10 A. M. on July 19, enroute to Detroit, a strong northeast breeze giving to the waters of Lake Erie the appearance of ocean waves. After skirting the southern shore of the lake and touching at Erie, they bore straight across the expanse of fresh waters to the mouth of the Detroit; and in the afternoon of the following day arrived, without unusual incident, at the town of that name. Detroit at that time was a town of from two to three thousand inhabitants, occupying a site cut out of the forest, and contained many French families. Although the settlement was on the frontier of civilization, it had already assumed the life and customs of the east. Almost everything could be found, even French fashions and caricatures from Paris; and the shops seemed as well supplied with goods as those of New York. The looms of Lyons worked for both alike. "Where you see that church, yonder," some one said, "I cut down the first tree in the forest hereabout." "Here," said another, "was a scene of the conspiracy of Pontiac and of Hull's surrender. But the Indians have gone beyond the Great Lakes, the race is becoming extinct; they are not made for civilization -it kills them." Other settlers, sitting quietly by their firesides, said: "Every day the number of Indians is diminishing; it is not that we often make war upon them, but the brandy we sell to them at a low price carries off every year more than our arms could destroy. God, by refusing to these first inhabitants the power of civilization, has predestined them to destruction. The true owners of the continent are those who know how to turn its resources to account." THE COMING OF DE TOCQUEVILLE 67 This only whetted the curiosity of the adventurous De Tocqueville, to satisfy which he must cross almost impenetrable forests, swim deep rivers, encounter pestilential marshes, sleep exposed to damp air in the woods, and perhaps encounter wild beasts. To subject oneself to such hardships if a dollar is to be gained, the early pioneers conceived worth while; but that a man should take such a journey for the mere satisfaction of curiosity, they could not understand. That the travellers should admire huge trees, or wild scenery, was to them incomprehensible. Upon inquiry of Major Biddle, the United States agent for the sale of wild lands, they were informed that the country beyond was covered by an almost impenetrable forest, which extended uninterrupted toward the Northwest, full of Indians and wild beasts. The government was opening a way through, he said, but the road stopped at Pontiac; and they must not think of fixing themselves further off. On the contrary, the travellers were overjoyed at the prospect of finding a place which the torrent of civilization had not yet invaded. Follow Trail to Pontiac On the twenty-third of July, therefore, they hired two horses, bought a compass and some provisions, and set forth with guns over their shoulders to make their way to the settlement on the far distant Saginaw. A mile from the town the road entered the forest and never left it. They observed that the ground was perfectly flat and often marshy. Now and then they came upon newly-cleared lands, the approach to which was usually announced by the sound of a little bell hung around the neck of cattle, and a few minutes later by the strokes of an axe. As they proceeded, traces of destruction proved the presence of man; lopped branches covered the path, and trunks half calcined by fire, or slashed by steel, still stood in the way. A little further on the woods seemed struck with sudden death, and in midsummer the branches looked wintry. This was a settler's first measure to prevent the thick foliage overshadowing the Indian corn, which he had planted under the branches. Next they came upon the settler's hut standing in a plat more carefully cleared than the rest, but in which he sustained an unequal struggle with nature. Like the littered field around it, thus rustic dwelling bore evidences of new and hasty work. Its dimensions were about twenty by thirty feet, and fifteen feet high, with its walls and roof composed of half-hewn logs, the interstices being filled with moss and mud. At the sound of their footsteps a group of children, who had been playing in the dirt, jumped up hastily and fled beneath the paternal roof; whilst two half-wild dogs came out of the hut, and growling, covered the retreat of their young masters. The pioneer himself then appeared, called off his savage dogs, and stepped forward to meet his visitors, holding out his hand in compliance with custom; but his countenance expressed neither kindness nor joy. He spoke only to question them, to gratify his curiosity. Hospitality to him was one of the painful necessities of the wildnerness, a duty of his position. Pioneer Life in the Wilderness Within the log hut they noticed a single window, before which hung a muslin curtain, while on the hearth, made of hardened earth, a fire of resinous wood lighted up the interior better than the sun. Over the rustic chimney hung trophies of war or of the chase, a long rifle, a doeskin, and eagles' feathers. On a rough shelf were a few old books, including a bible and Milton's poems. Beneath this in a darkened corner were rude bunks, chests for use instead of wardrobes, and some rustic seats, all the product of 68 HISTORY OF SAGINAW COUNTY the owner's industry. In the middle of the room was an unsteady table, with its legs still covered with leaves, upon which were an English china tea pot, spoons of pewter and wood, a few cracked cups, and some newspapers. "The pioneer," wrote De Tocqueville, "despises all that most violently agitates the hearts of man; his fortune or his life will never hang on the turn of a die, or the smiles of a woman; but to obtain competence he has braved exile, solitude, and the numberless ills of savage life, he has slept on the bare ground, he has exposed himself to the fever of the woods and the Indians' tomahawk. Many years ago he took the first step. He has never gone back; perhaps twenty years hence he will be still going on without desponding or complaining. Can a man capable of such sacrifices be cold and insensible? Is he not influenced by a passion, not of the heart but of the brain, ardent, perserving, and indomitable? "His whole energies are concentrated in the desire to make a fortune, and he at length succeeds in making for himself an entirely independent existence, into which even the domestic affections are absorbed. He may be said to look upon his wife and children only as detached parts of himself. Deprived of human intercourse with his equals, he has learned to take pleasure in solitude. "Look at the young woman who is sitting on the other side of the fire, preparing the supper. This woman is in the prime of life; she also recollects an early youth of comfort. The remains of taste are still to be observed in her dress. But time has pressed heavily upon her; in her faded features and attenuated limbs it is easy to see that life to her has been a heavy burden. And, indeed, this fragile creature has already been exposed to incredible suffering. To devote herself to austere duties, to submit to unknown privations, to enter upon an existence for which she was not fitted - such has been the employment of her best years, such have been the delights of her married life. Destitution, suffering, and fatigue have weakened her delicate frame, but have not dismayed her courage. "Round this woman crowd the half-clothed children, glowing with health, careless of the morrow, true children of the wilderness. The log hut shelters this family at night; it is a little world, an ark of civilization in the midst of a green ocean. A few steps off the everlasting forest extends its shades, and solitude again reigns." Continuing their journey the travellers reached Pontiac at sunset, and found there about twenty "very neat and pretty houses, forming so many well provided shops, a transparent brook, a clearing about a square half-mile in extent surrounded by the boundless forest." They were taken to the inn and introduced into the bar room, where all assembled to smoke, think, and talk politics on a footing of the most perfect equality. The owner was a very stout gentleman, "whose face had about as much frankness and simplicity as that of a Norman horse dealer." For fear of intimidating them he never looked them in the face when he spoke, but waited until they were engaged in talking with someone else, to consider them at his leisure. They were looked upon with surprise and interest, as their travelling dress and guns proved that they were not traders; and travelling for curiosity was a thing never heard of. De Tocqueville told the landlord that they came to the region to buy land; thereupon they were at once taken into another room, a large candle lighted, and a map of Michigan spread before them. "This country is not like France," said the host, "with you labor is cheap and land is dear. Here the price of land is nothing, but hands cannot be bought. One must have capital to settle here, only it must be differently THE COMING OF DE TOCQUEVILLE 69 employed. An acre in Michigan never costs more than four or five shillings, when the land is waste. This is about the price of a day's work. In one day, therefore, a laborer may earn enough to purchase an acre of land, but once the purchase is made the difficulty begins. The settler betakes himself to his newly acquired property, with some cattle, a salted pig, two barrels of meal, and some tea. He pitches his tent in the middle of the wood which is to be his field. His first care is to cut down the nearest trees; with them he quickly builds a rude log hut. The keep of the cattle costs nothing, as they brouse in the forest, not often straying far from the dwelling. "The greatest expense," he continued, is in the clearing which costs four or five dollars an acre; but the ground once prepared the settler lays out an acre in potatoes and the rest in wheat and maize. The latter is a providential gift of the wilderness; it grows in our marshes, and flourishes under the shade of the forest better than when exposed to the rays of the sun. Maize saves the settlers' family from perishing, when poverty, sickness, or neglect has hindered his reclaiming sufficient land in the first year. The great difficulty is to get over the first years which immediately succeed the first clearing. Afterward comes competence, and later wealth. "Cultivation, at first, of the soil of the forest is always a dangerous undertaking, and there is scarcely an instance of a pioneer and his family escaping the forest fever during the first year. Sometimes all the occupants of a hut will be attacked by it, who resign themselves and hope for better times. There is little prospect of help from neighbors many miles away, and the nearest doctor may be fifty or sixty miles off. They do as the Indians do, they die or get well, as it pleases God. "In the wilderness men are seized with a hunger for religion. Almost every summer some Methodist preacher comes to visit the new settlements. News of his arrival spreads, and on the day of meeting the settlers and families flock from fifty miles around towards the place. They meet in the open air under the arches of the forest trees, rough logs serving as seats in the rustic temple. The pioneers camp close by for three or four days, and scarcely intermit their devotional exercises." After receiving some other valuable information, the travellers thanked the landlord for his counsels, and assured him that someday they would profit by them, adding, "Before leaving your country we intend to visit Saginaw, and we wish to consult you on that point." At the name of Saginaw a remarkable change came over the features of their host. It seemed as if he had been suddenly snatched from real life and transported to a land of wonders. His eyes dilated, his mouth fell, and the most complete astonishment pervaded his countenance. "You want to go to Saginaw," he exclaimed; "to Saginaw Bay! Two foreign gentlemen, two rational men want to go to Saginaw Bay! It is scarcely credible." "But why not?" they asked. "Are you aware," continued their host, "what you undertake? Do you know that Saginaw is the last inhabited spot towards the Pacific, that between this place and Saginaw lies an uncleared wilderness? Do you know that the forest is full of Indians and mosquitoes, that you must sleep at least one night under the (lamp trees? Have you thought about the fever? Will you be able to get on in the wilderness and to find your way in the labyrinth of our forests?" "All that may be true," replied the travellers, "but we start tomorrow for Saginaw." By the way," they resumed, "have you never been there?" "Yes," he replied, "I have been so unlucky as to go there five or six times, but I had a motive in going, and you do not appear to have any." 70 HISTORY OF SAGINAW COUNTY They vouchsafed no explanation to this observation, whereupon the landlord took a candle, showed them a bed room, and left them after giving each a truly democratic shake of the hand. Taking the Trail Toward the North At dawn the next day they arose and made ready for the start, their host lending his aid and often reflecting in an undertone: "I do not well make out what can take two strangers to Saginaw." Until at last De Tocqueville said to him, "we have many reasons for going thither, my dear landlord," and with a wave of the hand they trotted off as fast as they could. Among the directions given them they had been advised to apply to a settler, named Oliver Williams, as he had long dealt with the Chippewa Indians, and had a son established in Saginaw. (This early pioneer was a great-grandfather of A. B. Williams, a resident of the West Side.) After riding some miles in the forest, they saw an old man working in a little garden. They spoke to him and found that he was the person they sought. He received them with much kindness, and gave them a letter to his son. They asked him if they had anything to fear from the Indians. "No, no," he replied, "you may proceed without fear. For my part, I sleep more fearlessly among Indians than among white persons." After leaving Mr. Williams they pursued their way through the woods; from time to time a little lake shone like a white table cloth under green branches. "The charm of these lonely spots," wrote De Tocqueville, "as yet untenanted by man, and where peace and silence reign undisturbed, can hardly be imagined. The solitude is deep, but the feelings produced are tranquil admiration. a soft melancholy, a vague aversion to civilized life, and a sort of savage instinct which causes one to regret that soon this enchanting solitude will be no more. Already, indeed, the white man is approaching through the surrounding woods, and in a few years he will have felled the trees now reflected in the limpid waters of the lake, and will have driven to other wilds the animals that feed on its banks." Encounter With Indian Still travelling on they at length reached a country of a different aspect. The ground was no longer flat, but thrown into hills and valleys. They noted with delight the rough grandeur of some of these hills, and in one of the picturesque passes they saw close to them, and apparently following step by step, an Indian warrior. He was about thirty years of age, tall and admirably proportioned. His black and shining hair fell down upon his shoulders, and his face was smeared with black and red paint. He wore a sort of very short blue blouse, and his legs were covered with a loose pantaloon reaching only to the top of the thigh; and his feet were encased with mocassins. At his side hung a knife, and in his right hand he held a long rifle, while in his left were two birds that he had just killed. To seize their guns, turn around and face the Indian in the path, was the movement of an instant. He halted in the same manner, and for half a minute all were silent. They could see that in the deep black eyes of the savage gleamed the fierce nature of his tribes. His nose was acquiline slightly depressed at the end, his cheek bones were very high, and his wide mouth showed two rows of dazzling white teeth, proving that the savage, more cleanly than the American, did not pass his day chewing tobacco leaves. He stood their scrutiny with perfect calmness and with steady and unflinching eye. When he saw that the travellers had no hostile intentions, he smiled, probably because he perceived that they had been alarmed. They then addressed him in English and offered him brandy, which he readily THE COMING OF DE TOCQUEVILLE 71 accepted without thanking them. Making signs they asked him for the birds which he carried; and he gave them for a little piece of money. They soon bid him adieu and trotted off. "At the end of half an hour," continued the narrative, "of rapid riding, on turning round, once more I was astounded by seeing the Indian still at my horse's heels. He ran with the agility of a wild animal, without speaking a single word or seeming to hurry himself. We stopped; he stopped: we went on; he went on. We darted at full speed; the Indian doubled his pace; I saw him sometimes on the right, sometimes on the left, jumping over underwood and alighting on the ground without the slightest noise. The sight of the strange figure, now lost in the darkness of the forest, and then again appearing in the daylight, and seeming to fly by our side, caused us to fear that he was leading us into an ambush." They were full of forebodings when they discovered, right in front of them in the wood, the end of another rifle. They soon came alongside the bearer, and at first took him for an Indian. He was an upright and wellmade figure, his neck was bare, and his feet were covered with mocassins. Coming close to him he raised his head, and they stopped short. He came to them, shook them cordially by the hand, and entered into conversation. The Indian rested nearby, and the settler observing him and being told of his having followed the white men, said: "He is a Chippewa, or as the French would call him a 'sautier.' I would wager that he is returning from Canada, where he has received the annual presents from the English. His family cannot be far off." As De Tocqueville and his companion resumed their journey, the pioneer called to them: "When you pass here again, knock at my door. It is a pleasure to meet white faces in this place." Some miles further on one horse lost a shoe, but not far off, happily, they met another settler who put it on again. He advised them to make haste, as the daylight in the forest was beginning to fade, and they were at least five miles from Flint River. Soon, indeed, they were enveloped in darkness, but were forced to push on. The night was fine, but cold; the silence of the forest was so deep, the calm so complete, that the forces of nature seemed paralyzed. Now and then they saw the distant gleam of a fire, against which they they could trace, through the smoke, the stern and motionless profile of an Indian. Lost at Night in the Forest At the end of an hour they came upon a place where the path separated, two trails opening in different directions. One led to a stream they could not tell how deep, the other to a clearing. Which to take was a difficult thing to decide. The moon just rising, however, showed them a valley of fallen trees, and farther on the dim outline of two huts. In order not to lose their way at such an hour they decided that Beaumont should remain to take care of the horses, while De Tocqueville with gun over his shoulder, should descend into the valley. He soon perceived that he was entering a little settlement. Immense trunks of trees and branches yet unlopped covered the ground, which necessitated his jumping from one to another to reach the stream. Happily, its course was impeded at this place by some huge oaks that the pioneers had doubtless thrown down to form a sort of rustic bridge. By crawling along these fallen trees he at last reached the other side. He warily approached the huts, which he could see but indistinctly, fearing they might prove Indian wigwams. They proved to be unfinished dwellings with doors open; and no voice answered his calls. 72 HISTORY OF SAGINAW COUNTY Returning to the edge of the stream, he admired for a few minutes the awful grandeur of the scene. The valley seemed a vast amphitheater surrounded on all sides by dark woods as if by a black curtain. In its center the moonlight played among the shattered remnants of the forest, creating a thousand fantastic shapes. No sound of any kind, no murmur of life, was audible. "At last I remembered my companion," writes De Tocqueville, "and called loudly to him to cross the rivulet and join me. The echo repeated my voice over and over again in the solitary woods, but I got no answer. The same death-like stillness reigned. I became uneasy and ran by the side of the stream till I reached the place where it was fordable. "When I got there I heard in the distance the sound of horses' feet, and soon after Beaumont appeared. Surprised by my long absence, he had proceeded toward the rivulet, and was already in the shallow when I called him. He told me that he, too, had tried by every means to make himself heard, and as well as I, had been alarmed at getting no answer. If it had not been for this ford, which had served as a meeting place, we should probably have been looking for each other half the night." They Reach Flint River They resumed their journey and in three-quarters of an hour came upon a settlement, consisting of two or three huts, and, what was still more agreeable, a light. A line of water in the valley proved that they had arrived at Flint River. Soon, a loud barking echoed in the woods, and they soon found themselves close to a log hut, with a fence between them and shelter. As they prepared to climb over it, they saw in the dim moonlight a great black figure rise before them, almost within reach of their arms, having wild, fiery eyes, its hot breath fanning their faces, showing as clearly as anything could its intention to give them a fraternal embrace. "What an infernal country is this," exclaimed De Tocqueville, "where they keep bears for watch dogs. If we attempt to get over the fence it will be difficult to make the porter listen to reason." They halloed at the top of their voices, and at length a man appeared at the window, who, after scrutinizing them by the light of the moon, opened the door and welcomed them. "Enter, gentlemen," he said, "Trink, go to bed. To the kennel, I say. They are not robbers." The bear waddled off, and the travellers got in almost dead with fatigue. They asked the settler if they could have some oats for their horses. "Certainly," he replied, and at once went out and began to mow the nearest field as if it were noon day. Meanwhile, they settled themselves as comfortably as they could and slept soundly. A wilderness of forty miles separated Flint River from the settlement on the Saginaw, and the trail was a narrow and hardly perceptible pathway. It was therefore necessary to procure guides, and two Indian boys who could be trusted were employed to show them the way. One was only twelve or fourteen years of age, and the other about eighteen. The latter, though he had attained the vigor of manhood, gave the idea of agility united with strength. He was of middle height and slendor, his limbs were flexible and well proportioned, and long tresses fell upon his shoulders. He had daubed his face with black and red paint in symmetrical lines; a ring was passed through his nose; and a necklace and ear rings completed his attire. His weapons consisted of a tomahawk, which hung at his side, and a long, sharp knife used by the savages to scalp their victims. Round his neck hung a THE COMING OF DE TOCQUEVILLE 73 cow horn containing powder, and in his right hand he carried a rifle. His eye was wild, but his smile was friendly and benevolent. At his side trotted a dog, more like a fox than any other animal, with a look so savage as to be in perfect harmony with his master. They asked him his price for the service that he was about to render, and the Indian replied in his native tongue, the trader informing them that what he asked was about equivalent to two dollars. They thereupon gave him the money and the Indian picked out from the stores a pair of mocassins and a pocket handkerchief, worth perhaps half the amount, but he appeared perfectly satisfied with the bargain. The trader, however, was ready to do justice to the savages, who were only beginning to understand the value of THE TRAIL TO SAGINAW things. "Trade with them becomes every day less profitable," he said. The Indian in his ignorant simplicity would -have said that he (the trader) found it every day more difficult to cheat his neighbor; but the white man finds in the refinement of language, a shade which expresses the fact, and yet saves his conscience. They Penetrate the Virgin Forest All being ready, they mounted their horses, wadded the river which formed the boundary of civilization, and entered the real forest wilderness. The guides ran, or leaped like wild cats, over the impediments of the path, a fallen tree, creek or bog, while the travellers groped blindly on, incapable not only of treading the labyrinth unaided, but even of finding in it the means of sustenance. At the top of the loftiest tree under the densest foliage, the children of the forest detected the game, close to which an European would have passed one hundred times in vain. 74 HISTORY OF SAGINAW COUNTY As they proceeded they gradually lost sight of the traces of man, and soon even proofs of savage life disappeared. Before them was a scene that they had long sought - a virgin forest. "Growing in the middle of the thin underbrush, through which objects are perceived at a considerable distance, was a single clump of full grown trees, almost all pines and oaks. Confined to so narrow a space, and deprived of sunshine, each of these trees had run up rapidly in search of light and air. As straight as the mast of a ship, the most rapid grower had overtopped every surrounding object; only when it had attained a higher region did it venture to spread out its branches, and clothe itself with leaves. Others followed quickly in this elevated sphere, and the whole group, interlacing their boughs, formed a sort of immense canopy. "Underneath this damp, motionless vault, the scene is different. Majesty and order are overhead -near the ground, all is chaos and confusion. Aged trunks, incapable of supporting any longer their branches, are shattered in the middle, and present nothing but a sharp, jagged point. Others, loosened by the wind, have been thrown unbroken to the ground. Torn up from the earth, their roots from a natural barricade, behind which several men might find shelter. Hugh trees sustained by the surrounding branches hang in mid air, and fall into dust without reaching the ground. In this solitude of America, all powerful nature is the only instrument of ruin, as well as of production. Here, as well as in the forests over which man rules, death strikes continually, but there is none to clear away the remains." Hardships of the Journey They had been riding for six hours, and the sun was already high, when the Indians stopped short, and the elder, named Sag-an-cu-isco, traced a line in the sand. Showing them one end he exclaimed, "Michi-conte-minque," meaning Flint River, and pointed to the other as the end of their journey; then, marking a point in the middle, he signed to them that they had travelled half the distance, and that they must rest awhile. They asked by signs if water was near, whereupon their guides showed them a spot, thirty paces off in the forest, where in the hollow formed by an uprooted tree, there was a little reservoir of rain water. At this place they ate a scanty lunch and drank of the brackish water; but they minded more other discomforts of the dense woods. "Add to this a cloud of mosquitoes," wrote De Tocqueville, "attracted by the vicinity of water, which we were forced to fight with one hand while we carried our bread to our mouths with the other, and an idea may be formed of a rustic dinner in the virgin forest." When they began to think of continuing their journey, they were dismayed to find that their horses had strayed from the path, and it was with some difficulty that they traced them, blessing the mosquitoes that had forced them to quickly resume the trail. The path soon became more difficult to follow, and frequently their horses had to force their way through thick brushwood, or to leap over large fallen trees that barred the way. At the end of two hours of extremely toilsome riding they at length came to a stream which, though shallow, was deeply embanked. At this spot (which was probably on the Cass River about a mile south of the present village of Bridgeport), they waded across and saw a field of maize and what looked like two log huts. As they approached, the huts proved to be Indian wigwams; but the silence in the deserted camp was no less perfect than in the surrounding forest. Sag-an-cu-isco stopped and examined attentively the ground and everything around him. He laid down his rifle and indicated in the sand that THE COMING OF DE TOCQUEVILLE 75 they had travelled about three-fourths of their journey. Then he arose and pointed to the sun which was quickly sinking into the woods; next he looked at the wigwams and shut his eyes. This sign language was easy to understand, but the proposal astonished and annoyed De Tocqueville and his companion. The solemn grandeur of the scenes, their utter loneliness, the wild faces of their guides, and the difficulty of communicating with them, all conspired to take away their confidence. "There was a strangeness, too," relates De Tocqueville, "in the conduct of the Indians. The trail for the last two hours had been even more untrodden than at the beginning, and everyone had assured us that we could go in one day from the Flint River to Saginaw. We could not, therefore, imagine why our guides wanted to keep us all night in the desert. "We insisted on going on, but the Indian signed that we should be surprised by darkness in the forest. To force our guides to go on would have been dangerous, so I had recourse to their cupidity. The Indians have few wants and consequently few desires." Sag-an-cu-isco had paid particular attention to a little wicker-covered bottle that hung from De Tocqueville's belt, a thing he had a sense to appreciate and admire. They at once signed to their guide that they would give him the bottle if they would take them on to the Saginaw. At this he seemed to undergo a violent struggle, looking at the sun and then on the ground; but at length he came to a decision, seized his rifle, exclaimed twice with his hand to his mouth, "Ouh! ouh!" and darted off through the bushes. They followed at a quick pace for two hours even faster than before. Still night was coming on and the last rays of the sun had disappeared behind the trees, and the travellers began to fear lest their guides would quit from fatigue and want of food, and insist on sleeping under a tree. At last darkness overtook them. The air under the trees became damp and icy cold, and the dense forest assumed a new and terrible aspect. The only sign of life in the sleeping world was the humming of mosquitoes, and now and then a fire fly traced a luminous line upon the darkness. The gloom became still deeper, but they pushed resolutely on and in the course of an hour came to the edge of a prairie. Arrival at Saginaw River Their guides then uttered a savage cry that vibrated like the discordant notes of a tam-tam. It was answered in the distance, and five minutes later they reached a river; but it was too dark to see the opposite bank. They dismounted and waited patiently for what was to follow. In a few minutes a faint noise was heard and a dark object approached the bank. It was an Indian canoe, about ten feet long, formed of a single tree. A man crouched in the bottom who wore the dress and had the appearance of an Indian. He spoke to the guides who took the saddles off the horses, and placed them in the canoe. As De Tocqueville was about to step in, the supposed Indian touched him on the arm, and said with a Norman accent, which made him start: "Ah, you come from Old France. Stop, don't be in a hurry." "If my horse had addressed me," wrote De Tocqueville, "I should not have been more astonished." Looking intently at the speaker, whose face shone in the dim moonlight like a copper ball, he said: "Who are you then? You speak French, but you look like an Indian." He replied that he was a "bois-brule," which means a son of a Canadian and an Indian woman. 76 HISTORY OF SAGINAW COUNTY De Tocqueville seated himself in the bottom of the canoe and kept as steady as possible. His horse, whose bridle he held, plunged into the water, and swam by his side. By this means they at length reached the west side of the stream, and the canoe returned for Beaumont. They then proceeded to a log hut, about a hundred yards from the river, that had just become visible in the moonlight, and which the Canadian assured them would afford shelter. They contrived, indeed, to make themselves fairly comfortable with the meager and rough furnishings of the place. The myriads of mosquitoes, however, that filled the house, annoyed them greatly, but fatigue at last procured for them an uneasy and broken sleep. "These insects called mosquitoes," wrote De Tocqueville, "are the curse of the American wilderness. They render a long stay unendurable. I never felt torments such as those which I suffered during the whole of the expedition, and especially at Saginaw. In the day they prevented us from sitting still an instant; in the night thousands of them buzzed around us, settling on every spot on our bodies that was uncovered." Picture of Early Saginaw The travellers went out at sunrise for their first daylight view of the village of Saginaw, which they had come so far to see. A small cultivated plain, bounded on the south by a beautiful and gently flowing river, on the east, west, and north by the forest, constituted at the time the territory of the embryo city. The house in which they had passed the night was at one end of the little clearing, and a similar dwelling was visible at the other end. Between them on the outskirts of the woods, were two or three log huts, half hidden in the foliage. On the opposite side of the river stretched the prairie, from which curled a column of smoke. Looking whence it came they discovered the pointed forms of several wigwams, which scarcely stood out from the tall grass of the plain. A plow that had upset, its oxen galloping off by themsleves, and a few half-wild horses, completed the picture. "The village of Saginaw," continued De Tocqueville, "is the farthest point inhabited by Europeans to the Northwest of a vast peninsula of Michigan. It may be considered as an advanced post, a sort of watch-tower, placed by the whites in the midst of the Indian nations. "Sometimes an Indian stops on his journey to relate some sad realities of social life; sometimes a newspaper dropped from a hunter's knapsack, or only the sort of indistinct rumor, which spreads one knows not how, and which seldom fails to tell that something strange is passing in the world. "Once a year a vessel sails up the Saginaw to join this stray link in the great European chain which now binds the world. She carries to the new settlement the products of human industry, and in return takes away the fruits of the soil. "Thirty persons, men, women, old people and children, comprised this little society, as yet scarcely formed - an opening seed thrown upon the desert, there to germinate. Chance, interest, or inclination had called them to this narrow space, no common link existed between them and they differed widely. Among them were Canadians, Americans, Indians and halfcastes." After breakfast they went to see the principal fur trader in the village, named Garder D. Williams, to whom they had a letter of introduction. They found him in his trading post selling to the Indians small articles, such as knives, glass necklaces, ear-rings and the like. His cordial welcome and open countenance showed immediately a taste for social pleasures, and careless indifference to life. In many respects he had the appearance of an Indian- Forced to submit to savage life, he had willingly adopted its dress THE COMING OF DE TOCQUEVILLE and its customs. He wore mocassins, an otter-skin cap, and carried a blanket. To fly to the wilderness he had broken every social tie, though he loved his own fireside; but his imagination was fired by novel scenes and he was seized with an insatiable desire for violent emotions, vicissitudes and perils. He had become almost a worshipper of savage life, preferring the savannah to the street, the fur trade to the plow. Encamped on the other side of the river, the Indians from time to time cast stoical glances on the habitations of their brothers from Europe. They admire neither their industry nor envy their lot. Though for nearly three hundred years civilization has invaded and surrounded the American savages, they have not yet learned to know or to appreciate their enemy. In vain, in both races, is one generation followed by another. Like two parallel rivers they have flowed for three centuries side by side towards the same ocean, only a narrow space divides them, but their waters do not mingle. "From the interior of his smoky hut, wrapped in his blanket, the Indian contemplates with scorn the convenient dwelling of the European. He has a proud satisfaction in his poverty; his heart swells and triumphs in his barbarous independence. He smiles bitterly when he sees us wear out our lives in heaping up useless riches. What we term industry he calls shameful subjection. He compares the workman to the ox toiling on in the furrow. What we call necessaries of life, he terms childish play things or womanish baubles. He envies us only our arms. If a man has a leafy hut to shelter his head by night, a good fire to warm him in winter, and to banish the mosquitoes in summer, if he has good dogs and plenty of game, what more can he ask of the Great Spirit?" They Shoot Wild Ducks After their visit to the trading post the travellers went a short distance up the Saginaw to shoot wild ducks. A canoe left the reeds and its Indian occupants came to them to examine their double-barreled gun. A fire arm that could kill two men in a second, could be fired in the wet and damp, was to them a marvel, a masterpiece beyond price. They asked whence it came, and the guide replied that it was made on the other side of the great water, an answer that did not make it less precious in their eyes. When evening approached they returned to their canoe and, trusting to the experience acquired in the morning, they rowed alone upon an arm of the Saginaw, of which they had had a glimpse. "The sky was without a cloud," relates De Tocqueville, "the atmosphere was pure and still. The river watered an immense forest, and flowed so gently that we could scarcely tell the direction of its current. The wilderness was before us just as six thousand years ago, it showed itself to the father of mankind. It was a delicious, blooming, perfumed, gorgeous dwelling, a living palace made for man, though, as yet, the owner had not taken possession. The canoe glided noiselessly and without effort: all was quiet and serene. Under the softening influence of the scene our words became fewer, our voices sank to a whisper, until at length we lapsed into a peaceful and delicious reverie. "The report of a gun in the woods aroused us from our dream. At first it sounded like an explosion on both sides of the river, the roar then grew fainter till it was lost in the depth of the surrounding forest. It sounded like the prolonged and peaceful war cry of advancing civilization." The next day De Tocqueville and his companion shot over the prairie which extended below the clearing. The prairie was not marshy, as they had expected, and the grass was dry, rising to a height of three or four 78 HISTORY OF SAGINAW COUNTY feet. They found but little game and, as the heat was stiffling and the mosquitoes annoying, they soon started on their return. On the way they noticed that their guide followed a narrow path, and looked very carefully where he placed his feet. "Why are you so cautious," asked Beaumont, "are you afraid of the damp?" "No," he replied, "but when I walk in the prairie I always look down lest I tread on a rattlesnake." "Diable," exclaimed De Tocqueville with a start, "are there rattlesnakes here?" "Oh yes, indeed," answered their guide, "the place is full of them." At five o'clock the next morning the travellers resolved to start on the return to civilization. Every Indian had disappeared and, as the settlers were busily engaged in the harvest, they were obliged to retread the wilderness without a guide. So they bid their friends good bye, recrossed the Saginaw, received the farewell and last advice from their boatman, and, turning their horses' heads toward the southeast, were soon in the depth of the forest. It was not without a solemn sensation that they began to penetrate its damp recesses. The unbroken forest stretched behind them to the Pole and to the Pacific. "We asked ourselves," observed De Tocqueville, in a prophetic mood, "by what singular fate it happened that we, to whom it had been granted to look on the ruins of extinct empires of the East, and tread the deserts made by human hands, we children of an ancient people, should be called upon to witness this scene of the primitive world, and to contemplate the as yet unoccupied cradle of a great nation. "These are not the more or less probable speculations of Philosophy. The facts are as certain as if they had already taken place. In a few years these impenetrable forests will have fallen; the sons of civilization and industry will break the silence on the Saginaw; its echoes will cease; the banks will be imprisoned with quays; its current which now flows on unnoticed and tranquil through a nameless waste, will be stemmed by the prows of vessels. More than a hundred miles sever this solitude from the great European settlements, and we were, perhaps, the last travellers allowed to see its primitive grandeur. So strong is the impulse that urges the white man to the entire conquest of the New World." VIEW ON SAGINAW RIVER CHAPTER VI PIONEER DAYS Retarded Settlement and Its Causes-The Fur Trade β€”Treaty Reservations to the Rileys - Indian Payment Days - Customs and Habits of the Indians - Character of Au-saw-wa-mic -William McDonald, the "factor" - Doctor Charles Little Eleazer Jewett-"Uncle Harvey Williams" - The Williams Brothers Encounter with Wah-be-man-ito-Story of the fearless Neh-way-go-Other early Pioneers. A LTHOUGH the treaty of Saginaw, which was negotiated with the Chippewas in September, 1819, granted to the United States a large portion of the territory lying between Lake Michigan and Lake Huron, and the land was opened for settlement on very favorable terms, immigration to the Saginaw Valley was slow in starting. The people of the East had still in mind the horrors of warfare and the barbarities and outrages suffered by the early settlers in Ohio and on the Detroit, and were reluctant to leave their homes and seek fortune in the western wilderness Only the most daring and adventurous spirits thought it worth while to risk life on the distant frontier, and nearly all settled along the Detroit and St. Clair rivers. The withdrawal of the United States troops from Fort Saginaw in the fall of 1823, by reason of the extreme unhealthful climate, as had been widely circulated, also deterred many emigrants from penetrating the interior; and De Tocqueville, in his memoirs, makes note of the fact that the land agents and others interested in the sale of lands directly west of Detroit, exerted every influence to discourage a permanent settlement on the Saginaw, and to direct immigration westward. Then, too, the fur traders, who were the only white inhabitants of the valley, with the future of their trade ever in mind, also opposed any settlement of the country which would inevitably exterminate or drive away the wild animals, upon which their trade was based. As a result of these conditions, for more than ten years after the treaty -was ratified, the number of white settlers in this valley could not have exceeded thirty; and there were only three or four hamlets between Saginaw and Pontiac. Nearly all the early settlers were engaged directly in the fur trade, the profits of which were large and was simply an exchange of commodities. An Indian would bring in rich furs, to him scarcely of any value, but worth perhaps ten dollars in London or Paris. He would receive in exchange a strong, keen-edged knife, worth in European cities about a half dollar, but to him worth ten times the furs. His joy was great as he showed the keen cutting tool which shaved down his bows and arrows so smoothly, in contrast to the laborious use of his hard stone implements. Imagine the delight with which an Indian woman, for the first time in her life, hung a stout iron kettle over her cabin fire. Would she not induce her "brave" to give up his scanty supply of furs in exchange for it? 80 HISTORY OF SAGINAW COUNTY From the "Voyage of Captain Richard Lode" a clear insight into the terms upon which exchanges were made with the Indians, is derived. Beaver skins were then the standard currency employed in trade, and values were based on them. The Indian gave in exchange for1 gun - - 10 beaver skills pound of powder - 1 beaver skin 4 pounds of shot - - 1 beaver skin 1 axe - - - - 1 beaver skin 6 knives - - -1 beaver skin 1 pound of glass beads - - 1 beaver skin 1 laced coat - - - 6 beaver skins 1 laced female dress - - 5 beaver skins 1 pound tobacco - - 1 beaver skin 1 comb and looking glass - - 2 beaver skins Treaty Reservations to the Rileys Among the reservees in the treaty of 1819 were John, James and Peter Riley, who were the sons of James V. S. Riley and Me-naw-cum-ego-qua, a Chippewa woman. According to early accounts of pioneer life the father by heritage came from excellent stock, and was a most fearless man of great strength and resolution. It is related of him that upon coming to Detroit in his youth, he refused to work on the King's highway, as ordered, and a file of soldiers was drawn up to flog him, but he dared them to do it. This defiant challenge was borne to Major Antrim, in charge of the British forces, who was so dazed by the Herculean mould and courage of the young frontiersman that he released him. The sons inherited much of their father's physical strength and intrepid spirit, and were of great aid to the Americans in the war of 1812. On one occasion one of them, probably John, guided General Cass, Judge Moran and others in repelling hostile Indians in the suburbs of Detroit, and shot a fierce warrior in the advance. The aid the Rileys gave the government was no doubt the cause of the generous reservations of land for their individual use in the treaty of Saginaw. The location of John Riley's land was within the corporate limits of Bay City; James Riley's grant formed a part of the site of East Saginaw, while that of Peter Riley was on the west side of the river. None of the Rileys ever took up a permanent residence here, their tribal homes being near the head of the St. Clair River. In 1836 James and Peter sold their lands here to Andrew F. McReynolds and F. H. Stevens, when their connection with local history ceased. Indian Payment Days One of the provisions of the treaty provided that in consideration of the cession of the territory named in the treaty, the United States should pay to the Chippewa nation of Indians, annually, forever, the sum of one thousand dollars in silver, and to pay all annuities due on former treaties to the said tribe in the same coin. Indian payment days of that olden time, long before the settlement on the Saginaw had attained any importance, was an interesting and picturesque event. About twelve hundred Indians of all sorts and conditions, from the papoose strapped to a piece of birch bark to the swarthy savage, were assembled early in the morning upon the lawn which sloped gently toward the river in front of the council house. Groups of Indian boys, some exercising with the bow and arrow, others wrestling, racing and making the woods ring with their gladsome meriiment, were collected in the vicinity of the tents. The river was covered with canoes in which many a dusky maiden demonstrated her dexterity in the use of the paddle. PIONEEIR DAYS 81 The money to be paid the Indians was placed on a table in the council room, in piles of ten and twenty dollars, each in American half-dollar pieces. Around the table sat the Indian superintendent, interpreter and clerks. A list of all the names of the heads of Indian families also lay upon the table. Commencing at the top of the list, the names were called off, the Indians presented themselves, were paid off, and stepped aside to make room for others. Each Indian invariably had a large number of friends on these occasions, and too often, the money soon disappeared. There was generally plenty of "fire water" to l)e obtained, despite the vigilance of the authorities, and drinking, rioting and carousing were characteristic features of this annual event. Customs and Habits of the Indians The Indians of the Chippewa tribe, as they appeared ninety or one hundred years ago, were well built, exceedingly swarthy, with prominent cheek bones, coarse black hair, but with no whiskers; and were not at all attractive in their personal appearance. They were usually attired in a calico shirt, woolen or buckskin leggings, and wore heavy mocassins. In the early days they wore no head covering whatever, but in later years they adopted the cap of the white man. The warriors at first wore feathers in their hair, and the chiefs were elaborately decorated in their councils and festivals. On the war path they painted their faces with red, black and yellow colors, in hideous and often diabolical manner, a custom which was also practiced on occasions of councils, feasts or other ceremonies. The squaws were almost without exception ugly in appearance and careless in their personal habits, although there were exceptions, and some of the half-breeds were quite pretty. The women usually wore calico dresses and mocassins, a very plain and simple costume, but one which answered the requirements. The papooses were strapped to narrow shingle boards or stout bark, and when travelling were carried on the backs of their mothers. In camp the boards were placed against a tree or post, a practice which caused the infants to grow straight. It was a universal habit among the Chippewas to loiter around the trading posts, staring at everything, and asking for anything that pleased them such as bread, pork, tobacco and whiskey. They did not steal, and were not quarrelsome unless crazed by drink, and altogether were as inoffensive as they were worthless. It was the contamination of the white men that blighted the character of the savages. They lived chiefly by hunting and fishing, in season picking berries for sale to the whites, and making baskets and mocassins. The painting of their baskets with gay colors, and the embroidery of their mocassins and leggings, were their only attempts at a crude though interesting art. They lived in wigwams, log cabins and bark shacks; and their only cultivation of the soil consisted of planting and weeding a little corn, a work which was done entirely by the squaws. The Character of Au-saw-wa-mic A mighty hunter of the Chippewas was the chief Au-saw-wa-mic, who 1)itterly opposed the treaty, and refused to attach his totem to the inscribed document. He lived in the vicinity of Sibi-way-ink, the Sebewaing of the present (lay, but afterward moved to a point about six miles from Saginaw; andl was noted for his prowess as a hunter, having killed many a bear singlehanded, and had run down a (leer. His figure was the personification of physical strength and manhood-the ideal aborigine, such as J. Fennimore Cooper immortalized in his Leather-Stocking Tales, or as the poet drew with his magic pen in Hiawatha. He was always attired with great care, and in 82 HISTORY OF SAGINAW COUNTY the strictly native garb, consisting of deerskin wampus, leggings and mocassins, all ornamented in the most elaborate fashion. A broad belt, artistically colored, encircling his waist, tall eagle feathers adorned his head, while his face was painted with as much care as that of a fashionable belle. His long rifle rested across his arm with unstudied grace. After the treaty had been consummated Au-saw wa-mic isolated himself from his tribe to a great extent, and never failed to taunt them for having bartered away their birthright. For years after he would present himself to the paymaster to receive his share of the annuity, and to show his contempt of his people and the general government, he would take his allotted stipend, walk majestically to the bank of the river, and contemptuously hurl the shining coins into the stream. The old chief never became contaminated with the vices of the whites, and infinitely more than any living member of the various tribes did he manifest a spirit of dignity, independence, and pride which never forsook him. William McDonald, the "factor." In August, 1824, the American Fur Company established a post at Saginaw City, with William McDonald as "factor", or agent. This post was located within the stockade and log houses of Fort Saginaw, which stood on the present site of the Hotel Fordney and adjoining buildings on Court Street and the old First National Bank building. McDonald was known among the dusky hunters as "White Cloud", and was probably more trusted and beloved by the red men than any of the early traders in Saginaw Valley. His life from early manhood had been spent in the service of the American and Hudson Bay companies; and he spoke with fluency many dialects of the various tribes with whom he came in contact, and his mind was well stored with the legendary lore of the tribes which roamed the vast region to the north. For years after his retirement from trade, late in the 40's, he was well known to all the pioneer settlers, whom he often entertained with recitals of the many stirring scenes which he had passed through during his life in the forests and among the untutored children of nature. Interspersed with his tales of border days were occasional incidents illustrative of the inquisitive nature of the savages. One bright afternoon in May, while enjoying a quiet smoke in front of the store of William H. Sweet, one of the early settlers of this valley, the giant figure of an Indian chief, with the customary salutation, "bon-jour", uttered in the deep guttural ejaculation of the native, entered, bestowing upon the proprietor a keen glance as if mentally interviewing him. Without further notice he proceeded to ransack the drawers, shelves and cases, taking from them in the course of a half-hour a variety of articles which seemed to invite his fancy. Having examined them very carefully his curiosity was apparently satisfied, for he replaced everything and departed, exchanging a few words in his own tongue with McDonald as he passed out. Naturally, this peculiar proceeding of the Indian, as well as his physical proportions and racial characteristics, which were unlike any of his race, aroused the curiosity of the storekeeper, and he enquired of McDonald the name which he bore. It was old chief Au-saw wa mic the renowned hunter of the Chippewas. To further satisfy his inquisitiveness he had inquired of McDonald the name of the storekeeper, how long he had been in the valley, and other things he desired to be informed of. The old fur trader further stated that it was a habit of the Indian chief to enter the cabin of any settler, particularly a new comer, and make a thorough inspection of the chattels and personal belongings therein, and that he might be expected to make a call PIONEER DAYS 83 at Sweet's house. It would be well, he said, for the storekeeper to inform his wife, so that she might not be alarmed, as the Indian was perfectly harmless, merely seeking to gratify his curiosity. The surmise of McDonald was soon verified, for one pleasant afternoon the shadow of the chief appeared at Sweet's threshold. His wife was sewing as the strange visitor glided noiselessly into the cabin, hideous in feathers and paint, and all the tawdry trappings of the native. For a moment she was startled at the sudden apparition, who without a word of greeting gave her a scrutinizing glance, and took a look at the sleeping babies with apparent pleasure. This brief interview was followed by a personal examination by Au-saw wa-mic of all the settler's property, including a number of colored lithographs of Indian chiefs, drawn by an artist named Catlin, who had visited many of the western tribes. The inspection of these p i c t u r e s afforded him great pleasure, which he evinced by various guttural exclamations which could not be misinterpreted. One in particular, the likeness of a chief of the Menominee tribe across Lake Michigan, an old friend of Au-saw-wa-mic, excited h i s wonderment, t h e recognition b e i n g so unexpected as to be a mystery the like of which he had never experienced. It was a revelation and delight to him to gaze upon the face of his savage friend, whom he never again expected to see. As he was about to leave he plucked from his crest an eagle feather and handed it to Mrs. Sweet, gave the sleeping babies and the pictures a parting g an ce, and quietly departed. Soon after this incident McDonald informed t h e storekeeper that the old chief had told him of AU-SAW-WA-MIE his discoveries in the settler's cabin, and that he wanted the picture of his old friend the chief who lived far away to the west. It is needless to state that Au-saw-wa-mic was duly presented with the portrait of his red brother, and for years it hung as a precious gift in his wigwam. To the settler the bestowal of the picture was a real pleasure; to its new possessor a delight, which manifested itself in the steadfast friendship of the native lord of the forest. For years after he remembered his white friend with many offerings of venison, duck, bear meat and other trophies of his skill as a huntsman. Long after Au-saw-wa-mic had passed to the happy hunting grounds, his rude though noble virtues were recalled by those who recorded the chronicles of the race. In those early days the Chippewas were quite numerous in the vicinity of the little settlement on the Saginaw; and there was a large village at Swan Creek, another at Taymouth, one at St. Charles, and one on Cheboyganing Creek in Buena Vista Township. It was then a common occurrence to see numbers of Indians in town trading their peltry, sugar, baskets, fish and other game with the whites for such articles as their rude tastes fancied. Despite their characteristic stoicism some were "wags" in their way. One 84 HISTORY OF SAGINAW COUNTY Chippewa brave, having given a trader some annoyance, was told that if he was ever again seen with a bottle, it would be taken from him and thrown into the fire. A few days later the Indian appeared at the trader's cabin, with his pint flash in his blanket as usual. The trader thereupon demanded the bottle, which the savage rather reluctantly yielded up and started for the door. The trader threw the flask into the stove, when there was a sudden eruption, the stove and windows being blown out, and the trader making a hasty exit through the largest opening. From this experience he learned that it was advisable before burning an Indian's whiskey flask to ascertain that it did not contain gun powder. Doctor Charles Little A sturdy pioneer who laid the foundation for early settlement on the Saginaw was Doctor Charles Little, who for forty-two years practiced his profession in Avon, Livingston County, New York. As early as 1822, having formed a favorable impression of the resources of this section of Michigan, he deposited the necessary funds to secure lands by government entry. He had passed over the site of Rochester, New York, at a much earlier day, when it was a sylvan waste, and had seen that and other localities, which could have been purchased at nominal prices, converted, as if by magic. into busy marts of trade. In the summer of 1822 and 1823 he visited the Saginaw Valley and traced all the principal tributaries of the main stream, and, acting upon a practical theory which had been impressed upon him, and with a foresight eminently wise, he made his entries which embraced the site of almost the entire East Side of the City of Saginaw, and other desirable lands. These entries extended for several miles along the east bank of the river, from a point near Crow Island all the way, with occasional exceptions, to Green Point, including the site of the Village of Salina. On the west bank of the stream the entries extended from the embryo settlement to the Tittabawassee and along that stream for some distance; and years after his descendents realized and appreciated his far-seeing sagacity. After a life of great usefulness Doctor Little died at his homestead in 1842. Eleazer Jewett Eleazer Jewett, the first surveyor to trace lines in Saginaw Valley, was a native of New Hampshire and came to the little settlement in the western wilderness in the summer of 1826. Attracted by the beautiful surroundings at the head of the Saginaw, he and Asa L. Whitney, who had preceded him to the valley, built a comfortable log hut on the bank of the Tittabawassee at the place known as Green Point. Here they passed the winter of 1826-27, in the employ of the American Fur Company. Whitney was accidentally drowned in the river near their camp in April of the following spring. That year Jewett succeeded McDonald as factor for the company, and at once established a post at the forks of the Tittabawassee, near the present site of the town of Midland. This proceeding somewhat displeased the Indians, and he was threatened by them with death if he continued business there. This threat, however, he treated lightly, not believing that the chiefs, with whom he had sustained the most cordial relations, woul(l permit their young men to molest him. One day he saw more than a hundred blood-thirsty warriors al)proaching the post along the narrow trail, the only thoroughfare through the woods in those (lays. They were all attired in full war dress, and the affair had a serious aspect. Jewett, however, was made of stern stuff and did' not pro E. JEWETT 86 HISTORY OF SAGINAW COUNTY pose to be bluffed into abandoning the business at this place. He appeared at the door with presents of tobacco to the chief, the stoical and savage Oge-maw-ke-ke-to, who refused to accept the gift. Being well conversant with the Indian character, he at once realized the gravity of the situation, and hastily retired within his stout cabin, bolted the door, and made ready for defense. He had a half-breed assistant with him and a large number of guns and plenty of ammunition. While the Indians were holding a confab outside, the occupants of the post loaded the guns and made ready to give the redskins a hot fight. Before a shot was fired, however, more than a score of tomahawks were launched against the heavy door of hewed planks in which they were half-buried. The moment for action having arrived, Jewett fired several shots over the heads of the savages, as he did not want to kill any of them if it were possible to avoid it; and then sent a few charges of fine shot into the legs of the red men, taking care not to inflict much harm, his object being to intimidate them. He knew that if one of the savages was killed they would become infuriated, and with the odds so overpowering in their favor they would speedily find a way to enter the post and slaughter the inmates. Seeing that the trader meant business and did not intend to give up the post without a fierce fight, the chief finally called off his braves, and made no further attempt to take possession of it. The old savage was always known to place high esteem upon personal bravery, and he was convinced that Jewett was no coward. The next day Oge-maw-ke-ke-to visited the post alone, was admitted and given a hearty meal which was always appreciated by the Indian. His visit was soon after repeated and a similar reception given him. On the third day he came again, and was given a bowl of his favorite soup. After his appetite had been appeased and he had enjoyed a smoke with tobacco which the trader had furnished him, the old chief for the first time spoke, addressing Jewett: "My pale face friend," he said, "I did wrong in seeking your life, but now it is all over and you and I are friends forever." And the red man was true to his word, and proved his sincerity by acts of kindness to his white friend. On October 22, 1831, Mr. Jewett was married to Miss Azubah L. Miller, a sister of Albert Miller who, in after years, was one of the prominent citizens of Saginaw and Bay City. She was born at Hartland, Vermont, of parents who belonged to an old Puritan family of that State. In the spring of 1831, having resigned her position as school teacher in her native town, she came with her mother to Michigan, and settled at Grand Blanc. Her wedding trip from that place to Saginaw took one week, the first part of the journey to the grand traverse of the Flint being by wagon, and the remainder by canoe fashioned from the trunk of a huge tree. In those days the Flint River was choked in several places with driftwood, and at times it was necessary to call in the aid of Indians to get them over the portages. Mr. and Mrs. Jewett settled at Green Point, but a few years after they built a hotel in the town, which they kept until 1859. In an interesting account of her experiences, Mrs. Jewett gives a vivid description of pioneer life from which the following paragraph is taken: "When I contemplate my social privileges, in the midst of a population of fifty thousand, containing hundreds of friends and acquaintances, that I can visit any day I choose - for, if they are too distant for a walk, street cars will carry me to their residences or near them, -I wonder at my contentment then with my nearest neighbor two miles and a half away, and with no means of travelling except by river, either on the ice or in a canoe; often many weeks would pass without seeing a female friend. We lived in a log PIONEEI-R DAYS 87 house, and nearly every stranger that visited Saginaw would come to our cabin for entertainment. There were very few conveniences for cooking; no cookstove, coal range, gasoline stove, only an open fireplace with but few cooking utensils. Men always came in groups; one or two would seldom come through the woods from Flint to Saginaw by themselves. Our life began to grow wearisome from entertaining people under disadvantages, and concluding that we could as well keep a hotel, in 1837 Mr. Jewett built one sufficiently large to accommodate the travelling public, for a number of years. When the plank road was built from Flint to Saginaw, in 1850, and steamboats came up the river, and a bridge was put across, only a small portion of the travelling community could be accommodated in the first public house that was built in the place." For a number of years Mr. Jewett kept a ferry and owned the only boat that would carry a horse across the river. He was the first surveyor in this county, and filled other positions of honor including the office of probate judge, of which he was the second incumbent. About 1860 the family removed to a farm in Kochville Township, where he died in February, 1875. Mrs. Jewett was an energetic woman of keen intellect whose generous and kind impulses were proverbial. In the early days she extended innumerable kindnesses to those who, as young men in the wilderness, were laying foundations for the business which made many fortunes. She was the mother of four children, Mrs. N. D. Lee, Alonzo, Oscar and Wallace Jewett. The daughter was born in the log house at Green Point, in February, 1834, and excepting one born when the United States troops occupied the fort at Saginaw, was the first white girl born in Saginaw Valley. Mrs. Jewett died at Saginaw, June 8, 1889, in her eighty-fourth year. "Uncle Harvey Williams" Another of the early pioneers to Saginaw Valley was "Uncle Harvey Williams", the eldest son of Alpheus Williams who emigrated from Concord, Massachusetts, to Detroit in 1815. As far as Buffalo the journey was made by wagon, but from there to the mouth of Detroit River on a schooner of forty tons burden, called the Salcmn Packet, commanded by Captain Eber Ward, Senior, the voyage requiring thirteen days. Detained by contrary winds the little vessel could not stem the current of the river, and Mr. Williams was compelled to cart his goods to Windsor and ferry over in a "dug out." In those days the rate for passage across Lake Erie was fifteen dollars, and five dollars a barrel for merchandise. In the same year, 1815, Harvey commenced blacksmithing on the ground where the Russel House stood for many years, making steel traps, axes, and doing regular custom work for the inhabitants. His business increased rapidly, and he soon added a small furnace, using charcoal for melting the iron, and a single horse to do the blowing. He commenced casting plows and was very successful, his product soon increased to three plows a day, when the fact was published broadcast as an "evidence of the great progress Detroit is making in her manufactories." The business grew from year to year until it exceeded $100,000 annually. He purchased, set up, and used the first stationary steam engine in the territory of Michigan; he built the first steam engine used in a saw mill in the territory, and his last work in Detroit, in his shop located on the triangular lot at Cass Street, Jefferson Avenue and Woodbridge, was the building of the twin steam engines for the steamboat Michigan. Late in the fall of 1822, the military authorities at Detroit found it necessary to transport supplies overland to the troops stationed at Saginaw, and, knowing the determination and indefatigable perseverance of Uncle Harvey, 88 HISTORY OF SAGINAW COUNTY they exerted every influence to persuade him to undertake the expedition. With reluctance he consented to make the attempt, and calling to his assistance John Hamilton, of Genesee County, the arduous journey was begun. After eight days of exceeding hard labor, in which they suffered every privation of the wilderness through which no road existed, they succeeded in carrying four tons of supplies from Detroit to the little fort on the Saginaw. In making this journey they were obliged to ford the Clinton River five times, and the Thread, Flint and Cass Rivers, as well as the Pine and the Elm, once each. It was indeed fortunate for the soldiers that the trip was successful, for when the supplies arrived the garrison was nearly famished, having been on greatly reduced rations for two days. From his own observations and from conversations with the officers of the post, he formed the opinion that at some future time the Saginaw Valley would become one of the important points in Michigan. For twelve years thereafter he thought much of this place, and in 1834 the inducements were sufficient to tempt him, with all his courage, to try living in a wilderness forty miles from the nearest habitation of white men. On arriving here his first labor was the erection of a steam saw mill at the foot of Mackinaw Street, the first steam mill operated in the Saginaw Valley. Afterward a run of stone was added to the mill for grinding corn. In 1836-37, he built for Mackie & Company, of New York, of which he had a one-fifth interest, the first steam saw mill on the east side of the river south of what is now Bristol Street, and afterward known as the Emerson mill. This was the mill of its day, and was operated by Uncle Harvey until the disastrous crash of 1837. This was a time when Saginaw became almost depopulated, but his faith in the ultimate prosperity of the valley was not shaken, though he went down in the general crash. In the following year his well known integrity of character resulted in his being employed by the State in the opening of new roads. He constructed the road from Flint to Saginaw, through Bridgeport Center, and in various enterprises for the improvement of communication to the valley, he was among the foremost advocates. Through his influence the light house at the mouth of the Saginaw was established, and for the first year was under his charge. About 1844 Uncle Harvey and his genial wife, who was Miss Julia Tourniaid before their marriage in 1819, removed to a new home at the mouth of the Kaw-kaw-ling, which he called the "Ogah-kah-ning", on Saginaw Bay, where he resided for twenty years. He was extensively engaged in the fisheries along the shores of the bay in the months of the spring, and in the summer and fall his operations were extended down the shore of Lake Huron. During the winter his trading with the Indians was extensive, amounting to the aggregate to hundreds of thousands of dollars. So fair and upright was he in all dealings with the natives that he secured to himself the unchanging regard of all, no man ever possessing a firmer confidence of the Chippewas than he. Those of the white settlers who sometimes shared the hospitality of his house upon the bleak shore of the bay, particularly in midwinter, when the winds from the north blow in wrath, learned to know and appreciate the warmth of his welcome at the threshold; the savory board, the profusion of which was only equalled by its neatness; the luxurious bed for tired, chilled limbs; and last, always grateful, that barrel of pure, crystal water from the bay, with its remarkably fine flavor, soft and palatable. PIONEER DAYS 89 The William Brothers Among the names which will go down to posterity, of pioneers who developed the early resources of this valley, that of Williams Brothers occupies a prominent place. The father, Major Oliver Williams, a descendant of Roger Williams, was born at Roxbury, Massachusetts, May 6, 1774. He came to Detroit in 1808 and soon after established a mercantile business, purchasing his goods in Boston, carting them overland in covered wagons to Buffalo and shipping thence by water to Detroit. During the winter of 1810-11 he built, at the River Rouge, a large sloop which he named Frienlds' Good Will, and in the summer of 1812 made a voyage to Mackinaw. There his vessel was chartered by the government to take military supplies to the garrison at Chicago, then a small military and trading post, and to bring back a cargo of furs and peltry. Upon his return to Mackinaw he was decoyed into the harbor by the British, who had captured the fort during his absence, by their flying the American flag, and he and the crew made prisoners of war. The vessel and cargo were taken possession of for the benefit of the British government, the name of the vessel changed to Little Belt, and it formed a part of the squadron captured the following year by Commodore Perry at the battle of Lake Erie. Mr. Williams was paroled, sent to Detroit under charge of British officers; was there at the surrender of the fortress and town by General William Hull, and, with other citizens, he was marched through the province to Kingston, as a prisoner of war. In due time he was exchanged, and made his way to rejoin his family at Concord, Massachusetts. In the fall of 1815 Mr. Williams removed with his family to Detroit, and found his business and personal property scattered to the winds. The town then contained from five to six hundred white inhabitants, and was overrun with eastern people, so he opened a hotel in his homestead at the corner of Jefferson Avenue and Bates Street, and gave it the name of Yankee Hotel, with the sign of a golden pumpkin. Three years later he disposed of all his property and purchased a half section of land about thirty miles northwest from Detroit, in the heart of the wilderness of Oakland County, at a place now known as Waterford. The land was beautifully situated in the vicinity of a large body of crystal water, which he afterward named Silver Lake. In a little clearing he built a comfortable house of hewed logs carefully laid up, fifty feet long and twenty feet wide, one and a half stories high, with a shake roof. Here the family commenced to make a farm among the Indians, mosquitoes, snakes, wild game, and fever and ague. He used to say, when asked if they had the ague, "Yes, we have a little about thirteen months in the year." The first years of pioneer life in the wilderness were full of dangers and hardships, and they suffered much from sickness, privations, and lack of comforts to which they had been accustomed in their eastern home. The Indians, however, were very friendly and kind during their sickness, bringing them wild game and berries of the choicest kind. So remote were they from civilization that six months would sometimes pass without the mother and daughters seeing the face of a white woman. In this wild life of the Michigan forests the sons, Gardner D. and Ephraim S. Williams, were reared, and where they attained to man's estate. Oliver Williams died on the farm at Silver Lake, October 11, 1834, in his sixty-first year. Mrs. Mary Williams, the mother, was a native of Concord, Massachusetts, born January 11, 1777, and died in Pontiac, April 1, 1860, at the advanced age of eighty-three. She was survived by seven children (of a family of fourteen), forty-two grandchildren, and sixteen great grandchildren. GARDNER D. WILLIAMS Born at Concord, Mass., Sept. 7, 1804. He arrived with others of his father's family, (Oliver Williams) at Detroit, Nov. 5, 1815. In the spring of 1828, Gardner D. came to Saginaw City, and with his brother Ephraim S. established a fur trade under American Fur Co. In 1829 he married Eliza Beach. Mr. Williams died Dec. 10, 1858. He was first Mayor of Saginaw City, 1857-1858. EPHRAIM S. WILLIAMS Son of Oliver Williams, and brother of Gardner D Williams came to Saginaw early in 1828, to take charge of a trading post of the American Fur Co. In a few years the Williams Brothers purchased the rights of the American Fur Co. and the interests of the Campau Brothers, and became the great fur traders of Northern Michigan. He was the first Postmaster of Saginaw City, in 1834 to 1840. PIONEER DAYS 91 In 1828 a Frenchman, named Reaume, an old Indian trader, was "factor" of the American Fur Company at the post in Saginaw. Between him and the Campaus there had existed personal difficulties of long standing, which had become an inveterate feud, creating unprofitable divisions among the Indians amounting with them to fierce partisan hatred. The current of savage animosity finally turned against Reaume, and, his personal safety becoming endangered, the trading post was kept closed too much of the time to be profitable to the company. To add to their difficulties, Dequindre, an active young Frenchman, who was sub-agent at the branch post at the forks of the Tittabawassee, had been driven away by a vicious Indian, named Wah-beman-ito, or the "White Devil", and barely escaped with his life. Taking to the woods he became lost in the labyrinth of forest, roaming about for several days with scanty supply of food, but at length reached the settlement with frozen feet. Judge Abbott, the company superintendent at Detroit, thereupon displaced the Frenchman, and appointed the Williams Brothers their successors on the Saginaw and its tributary. Gardner D. Williams, in assuming the duties of factor for the fur company, arrived in Saginaw in the spring of 1828, and thereafter made this place his home. With consummate tact and skill he proceeded to place the business on a firm basis, in order to recover the valuable trade which, since the abandonment of the post on the Tittabawassee, had been left wholly to the Campaus, who also had a small post there. He was born September 9, 1804, at Concord, Massachusetts, where his boyhood was spent and his early instruction received in the district school. Coming to the western wilderness with his parents, at the age of eleven years, he was reared among the friendly Indians, and trained to endure without flinching the hardships and privations of rough, frontier life. As he grew to manhood he learned to speak with ease and fluency the dialects of the various tribes in this section; and understood perfectly the Indian character. Owing to his dignity, his strength of will, and his taciturn, self-collected manner, his power over them was absolute; and in all his dealings he was honorable, just and liberal, traits of character which even the untutored savages quickly recognized and understood. Among all classes of inhabitants he exercised a wide influence through his kindly nature and the extent of his business in the valley. In the fall of 1828 he was joined by his elder brother, Ephraim S. Williams, who was born in the homestead at Concord, Massachusetts, February 7, 1802, and came to Michigan with the family in 1815. In early manhood he acquired an intimate knowledge of the Chippewa dialects, which he spoke with ready fluency, and had much influence with the Indians. He was a frontiersman of splendid physical proportions, being tall and erect, and with a commanding presence; and his mind was well stored with practical and useful information as a result of his observations and experience. Upon arriving at the trading post within the stockade of the old fort, one of his first duties was to reopen and restock the branch post on the Tittabawassee, and he chose for his assistants Jacob Graveradt and the two younger Roys. Although prudent friends endeavored to dissuade him from embarking in an enterprise so fraught with danger, even though the company's interests required the venture, he soon after set out with his assistants and re-established the post without serious interference of the savages. Only a short time elapsed, however, before the old warrior, Wah-be-man-ito, resumed his attitude of hostility, and only by the exercise of his native intrepidity and resolute spirit did the trader subdue the fiery temper of the Indian. and win his friendship. 92 HISTORY OF SAGINAW COUNTY One day, while on his way with his outfit to the trapping ground, somewhat loaded with "fire water", Wah-be-man-ito stopped at the door of the little trading post in the depth of the forest, and in an insolent and defiant manner, which only a half-drunken Indian can assume, he demanded, "Mish-sha-way," (William's name, meaning Big Elk), "give me whiskey." It was refused. He placed his hand upon the handle of his tomahawk, and repeated the demand more fiercely than at first, and was met by another refusal as defiant as the demand. The infuriated savage then sprang at Williams with his tomahawk uplifted and aimed a blow at his head, which had it not been dexterously avoided would doubtless have been fatal. With a well-seasoned hickory club the trader defended himself, knocking his savage assailant to the ground. He was about to continue the punishment when the discomfitted red skin begged for mercy. Upon getting to his feet and recovering somewhat from the effects of the stunning blow, he walked out of the trading house and sat down in front of it, apparently in deep thought. He soon called to the determined and resolute trader and very humbly expressed great sorrow and mortification over the outrage he had attempted; and to attest his sincerity, he promised that he would bring his next furs to his new friend Williams. This promise he kept faithfully, and became the fast friend of the man at whom he had aimed a deadly blow. The Williams Brothers soon after took over the business of the American Fur Company, which was growing to large proportions, and the following year purchased the trading post of the Campaus, the elder, Louis Campau, having gone to the Grand River in 1826. These moves quieted the dangerous spirit of rivalry that had already culminated in some serious affrays between the Indians and those who had become parties to the feud, and peace once more prevailed in the valley. Thus the brothers controlled the fur business of a large portion of Michigan; and about 1830 and for several years thereafter occupied the red warehouse at the foot of Mackinaw Street. Personally, Gardner D. Williams, like others of the family, was generous and hospitable, as many of the old residents, who have sat at his table and refreshed themselves after a long journey through the woods or by the river, have testified. As a husband and father he was kind and considerate, a thoughtfulness which he extended to relations and kindred who sought his aid. His influence in the community was considerable, and was exercised with judgment as consistent with his views of justice and right. During his useful life he held many public offices, both under the federal and State governments, in all of which, as well as those of a local character, he acquitted himself with honor. At different times he held the office of Indian farmer and interpreter, for the duties of which he was well fitted. He was a commissioner of the first board of internal improvements, appointed March 21, 1837; was county judge of Saginaw County for several years, was elected senator from the Sixth district, in November, 1844; and received the office of circuit court commissioner of this county during the same year. In 1840 he was appointed to the office of postmaster which he held for many years. Mr. Williams died at his residence in Saginaw City, December 11, 1858, in his fifty-fifth year. Mrs. Elizabeth Beach Williams, widow of G. D. Williams, died September 27, 1862. Ephraim S. Williams, who also occupied a conspicuous place in the business and social history of the Saginaw Valley for a number of years, was closely associated with his brother in all trading operations, and lent his aid in developing the resources of the country. In addition to the extensive fur trade conducted by the brothers for about twelve years, lumbering in the virgin forests contiguous to the Saginaw occupied much of their atten PIONEER DAYS 93 tion, and they were the pioneers of that industry in this valley. In 1834 they caused to le erected the first saw mill on the river, their cousin, "Uncle Harvey Williams", installing the machinery and putting it in running order. For several years this mill was of more than sufficient capacity to supply all local needs in building material, and some of the lumber cut here was shipped in sailing vessels to the market in Chicago. Mr. Williams, like his brothers, was a life-long Democrat of the Jacksonian school; and in 1834 was appointed the first postmaster of Saginaw City. This office he held until 1840 when, upon removing with his family to Flint, in Genesee County, he resigned the office to which the brother, Gardner D., was then appointed. He was also prominent in Masonic affairs, being a Knight Templar. Socially, he was peculiarly affable, with fine conversational powers; and his knowledge of Michigan history was often said to be encyclopedic in volume and accuracy. For many years he was an active member of the Michigan Pioneer Society, to whose archives he contributed some of the most valuable historical papers. On March 13, 1825, he was married at Auburn, Oakland County, to Miss Hannah M. Gotee, who was born at Aurelius, New York, June 5, 1809. She came to Michigan from Buffalo on the first trip of the steamer Superior' in May, 1822. After rearing a family of six children, three sons and three daughters, she died in Flint, on February 12, 1874. Mr. E. S. Williams. after leading a life of high integrity and usefulness in his home town, died in Flint, on July 20, 1890, in his eighty-ninth year. Among the agents employed by the Williams Brothers, who at different times lived at Saginaw or the immediate vicinity, was Sherman Stevens. To a recognized ability he united a rare vein of romance and sentiment which made him a genial companion and a real acquisition to the social set. He was a master of the Chippewa dialects and spoke the language fluently. Another trusted agent, who was identified with the history of the valley before the treaty of 1819, was Archie Lyons. He was a fine penman, well educated, and was a musician of skill, playing the violin very effectively. He lived at the Little Forks of the Tittabawassee, now known as Midland. and in skating down on the ice one winter's day, for the purpose of playing for a dancing party, he was drowned. His tracks were found upon the ice next (lay, to the edge of a hole into which lhe had plunged. His widow, a bright and agreeable woman of French and Indian extraction, who formerly had an almost unpronouncal)le name of Ka-ze-zhe-ah-be-no-qua, afterward married Antoine Peltier, of Pine-ne-con-ning, again freeing herself from a remarkable Indian name. Me-je-au, an Indian of quarter blood, was one of the successful traders employed by the Williams Brothers, and, although he could neither read nor write, he was an accurate clerk in keeping the simple accounts of the time. Thousands of dollars passed through his hands yearly without loss. His system was very simple. A straight mark symbolized one dollar; one 0 a muskrat skin or a quarter of a dollar; two O's a half dollar. Instead of the name of the Indian with whom he traded being put down, his totem was drawn, sometimes in fantastic fashion, at the top of the page which recorded the transactions. The totem of Oge β€”maw-ke-ke-to was a long fish, like a spotted pickerel, which lie made with some skill; another's was a beaver, other's were a bear, (leer, elk. moose, and various kinds of birds. The Fearless Neh-way-go In the history of the Chippewas it would be difficult to find a character so magnificently stoic, or so rashly courageous, as that of Neh-wvay-go, the young brave whose name was immortalized b)y Ephraim S. Williams. He 94 HISTORY OF SAGINAW COUNTY was described as a model of native strength and grace; and in early life made his camp at Green Point. About 1829, while engaged in an altercation, he killed the son of Red Bird who lived on the Tittabawassee reservation, and the relatives demanding a forfeit of his life, he went to the mourner's wigwam, where the warriors of the family had assembled, for them to strike at his heart. He bared his bosom, and took a position for the selected number to pass by him and inflict the knife thrusts. Having imposed, as they hoped, the mortal wounds, Indian custom, according to their laws, was satisfied, and he was allowed to depart. While making his way as fast as he could, with his streaming wounds, to his own wigwam, he was struck in the back by a cowardly Indian, receiving a severe stab, but, like the others, not fatal. He was yet able to reach his wigwam, some distance off, where his young squaw was waiting scarcely expecting to see him alive. She dressed and bound up his wounds and, after frightful suffering, he was partially restored to strength. Soon after this incident he moved his camp to the mouth of Kaw-kaw-ling. On one occasion, when he had come up the river with his squaw to trade with the Williams Brothers, some unfriendly Indians sent word to O-sawwah-bon's band, then camping at Green Point, that he was at the trading post. The Williams were well aware that if they and Neh-way-go met there would be a dreadful tragedy. They therefore placed a watch for any Indians coming from that direction. It was not long before O-saw-wah-bon and two braves were seen approaching. While Neh-way-go was still standing by his canoe, leaning on his paddle for support, he was told to get into his canoe and make away. This he indignantly refused to do, saying he was no coward, but would await the expected attack. O-saw-wah-bon had meanwhile been met by E. S. Williams, and told that he must go inside the post, as he wanted to see him. When he was inside, the door was closed and barred, and he was told that they knew his business, and that he must now give up his knives. After some parley the wily old chief reluctantly drew a long knife from its sheath and handed it to Williams, who immediately demanded his other knives. He then pulled out another which he had concealed in his back. When they asked him if he had any more, he said "No." E. S. Williams then said they would have to search him, which he refused to submit to. Although O-saw-wah-bon was a very powerful savage, Williams clinched him, and with the assistance of his brother, Benjamin, and some others, they threw him on the floor. Holding him fast, Williams commenced the search, and inside one of his leggings found a still larger knife, a very formidable weapon, and almost as keen as a razor. As it was being drawn out very carefully the Indian caught it by the blade and refused to give it up; and before they could wrench it from his grasp it had nearly severed his hand. They then let him up and dressed his wound. While this was transpiring others slipped out the back door, found Neh-way-go still standing on the shore leaning on his paddle, while his squaw was sitting in the canoe crying. Taking him up by main force they put him into the canoe, shoved it off from the shore, and ordered the woman to paddle him home, and not to come back. Returning to his home on the Kaw-kaw-ling he soon after fully recovered from his old wounds. Some time afterward finding upon his hunting grounds the cowardly Indian who had inflicted upon him the wound in the back, he visited him summarily with savage vengeance, death. On Indian payment day, when the braves were assembled in large numbers at Saginaw, an altercation ensued between Black Beaver, an Indian of considerable note with the PIONEER DAYS 95 various tribes, and the fiery Neh-way-go. The former reproached him with the outrage upon the Indian who had struck him in the back, whereupon Neh-way-go defended his act as brave and just; the reproof was repeated, and upon the instant he slew Black Beaver. This tragedy took place in the camp of Black Beaver and his band, which was near where the old "middle bridge" crossed the river (now Bristol Street), and near the old Emerson mill, in the vicinity of the present City Building. On the west side of the river, in the open plains, near where the residence of Clark Ring now stands, Neh-way-go and his band were encamped. After his bloody deed Neh-way-go crossed to the west side of the river among his own tribe. A warrant was at once issued by Colonel Stanard for his arrest, acting as justice. Upon hearing of this action Neh-way-go fled to the east side, and, accompanied by a trusted friend, secreted himself in the dense woods which stood upon a part of the business section of the East Side. He preferred to trust himself to the fury of the tribe whose leading warrior had been struck down by his hand, rather than to endure the mortification of arrest and punishment by the white man's laws. At nightfall he sent to his white friends, Antoine Campau and Ephraim S. Williams, asking them to come to the woods in which he was hiding, when by giving a signal he would come to them. This they did and he soon appeared. He said he had sent for them for advice; that the white man's punishment was only fit for cowards; death by the hands of his own race was glorious in comparison, if any relative of his last victim should choose to make it cause for vengeance. They advised him to cross back to his own camp, present himself to his people, and let the affair take the course warranted by Indian usage. The arrest by the officer was waived, and the undaunted brave appeared at his own camp openly. The hour for the burial of Black Beaver arrived; and a great number of Indians, from two to three thousand, the old narrative relates, assembled as mourners and spectators. The place of burial was just below the old Campau trading post on the brow of the hill, very near the present residence of Benton Hanchett, and almost within the encampment of Neh-way-go and his band. The body of the slain Indian had been placed in a rude coffin; and the relatives with their faces streaked with black paint had gathered around it. The few white settlers then in the valley were there as spectators, as the fearful outrage so near their own doors had absorbed and engrossed the attention of all. While the solemn Indian rite was in progress over the remains of their favorite warrior, Neh-way-go was seen approaching from his camping ground. He was dressed in full and careful costume, tomahawk and knife in his girdle, and a small canteen of whiskey at his side, his whole appearance imposing and gallant. He made his way with a lofty and majestic step to the center of the mourning group, even to the side of the rude casket. With perfect composure he placed upon it his tomahawk and knife, filled his calumet with kin-a-kan-ick, lighted it, and after taking a few whiffs himself, he passed it to the chief mourner. It was disdainfully refused. He passed it to the next, and the next, with the same result. He then passed his canteen of whiskey with the same formality, and received a like refusal. Each and all declined to partake. He then unloosed the collar of his hunting shirt, and bared his bosom, seating himself with calm dignity upon the foot of the coffin. Turning his face full upon the chief mourners, he addresed them: 96 HISTORY OF SAGINAW COUNTY "You refuse my pipe of peace. You refuse to drink with me. Strike not in the back. Strike not and miss. The man that does, dies when I meet him on our hunting ground." Not a hand was raised. Upon the (lark and stoical faces of that throng of enemies by whom he was surrounded, no feeling found expression except that of awe; no muscle moved. He rose from his seat on the foot of the rude coffin, and, towering to his full height, exclaimed in thundering tones: "Cowards! Cowards! Cowards!" As composedly as he had taken them out, he restored, unmolested, the tomahawk and knife to his girdle, and, with his canteen at his side, he walked away from the strange scene as lordly as he came. He had awed his enemies, and evidently was master of the situation. Away from the scene of his feuds and fearful exploits, he soon after fell upon the hunting ground, in a personal encounter with a relative of one of his victims. They sat down and drank together, talked over old times, and then, to see which was the better man, drew their knives and struck each other to the death; both fell. Thus ended the brave Neh-way-go, a forest hero, as fearless as Rob Roy, as chivalrous as Rhoderick Dhu, and worthy the pen of a Sir A\Walter, a J. Fennimore, or the epic verse of \Whittier or Longfellow.::::::::.i -::: L ON THE CASS RIVER, NEAR ITS MOUTH CHAPTER VII ORGANIZATION OF THE COUNTY Some Features of the Olden Time β€”To Whom Honor is Due-Elijah N. Davenport - Albert Miller -James Fraser -Organization of the Township - Organization of Saginaw County- Proclamation and Legislative Act-Locating the Seat of Justice- Building the First Court House-The First County Bond-The First Criminal Trial-The First Probate Case-Official Proceedings. F ROM the earliest period of colonization pioneering has been the chief occupation of the American people; and the experiences and actualities of pioneer life proved a liberal education without parallel to anything the present affords. The pioneer was a man with a purpose. It may have been the love of adventure, to better his condition, to make a new home, or to achieve an ideal; or an aversion to social shams may have impelled him to seek the more agreeable environment of a new country. For two centuries settlements moved slowly westward. Land was the attraction, as from it all sustenance and wealth is derived. The soil must produce before a people can contrive to live. Glance at some of the features of the olden times, eighty or ninety years ago, when men had time to live and die in their own homes. The epoch of haste had not come; the saddle was the emblem of speed; the canvascovered wagon was the ark of progress, and the turnpike was the leading artery of trade. The stage coach was a swift inland means of travel, and a day's journey was a short distance. From east to west was the pilgrimage of a lifetime; from north to south was a voyage of discovery. Before the steam saw mill had begun to devour the forests, no one ever dreamed that the screech of the locomotive would disturb the solitude of the wilderness. When the land was lighted with tallow candles after nightfall, domestic or household industries were the rule, and the spinning wheel hummed the tune of prosperity in every thrifty farmer's home. No house had a sewing machine, but nearly all were full of children. Brain and brawn were united in the same person, the toiler was the thinker; and the man who owned a half-section of land was the foremost citizen. Young persons of the present day can form no adequate idea of the selfsacrificing life of the pioneers, nor realize the hardships and privations which their grandparents suffered in laying the foundation of our prosperity. Everything is changed. Ox yokes and ox "gads", axes, axe-helves, beetles and wedges for rail splitting, hand spikes for log rolling, harrows made from crotches of trees, sap-troughs and neck-yokes have long since disappeared as implements of husbandry in Saginaw County. Log houses with shake roofing and split flooring, a vast improvement on the bark wigwams of the native Indians, are of the past. There is more civilization, and with it, bolts and bars, locks and keys, vices and crimes, than when the buckskin string, tied to the wooden latch on the inside and passing through a hole in the door to the outside, was pulled to gain admission to houses and their hospitality. There was less schooling, but no lack of education in the practical object lessons of nature and life, during the pioneer period. For those who do right, life is better worth living now than then; while for those whose bent is evil the opportunities for wrong are greater now. 98 HISTORY OF SAGINAW COUNTY Of the agonies of the past are born the blessings of the present, and from the difficulties of the present spring the hopes of the future. To Whom Honor Is Due It was great to have been a pioneer. The name itself is the synonym of western progress; and we have reason to be proud of our inheritance. The early settlers, who laid the foundations of civilization in this wilderness, except a very few whose silver hairs and feeble footsteps remind us of passing years, have passed from the scenes of their activities. Among those who were here in the early 30's, aside from those previously mentioned, were David Stanard and Charles McClean, who came in the winter of 1828. The former settled on the old Court farm, and owned a run of stone for grinding corn, which was operated by horse power. McClean settled on a tract of forty acres adjoining the Bacon farm, and was the first man to sow wheat in the county. In 1829 Lauren Riggs and John Brown, natives of Avon, Livingston County, New York, came to the valley and settled on land one mile above Green Point, on the banks of the Tittabawassee. A son of the former, named John Riggs, was born in November, 1829, and was said to have been the first white boy born in Saginaw County. The father owned the first two horse lumber wagon ever brought here, and conducted a trading post at Green Point. Stephen Benson came at about this time and located on the banks of the Saginaw, opposite from the Bacon farm. Edward McCarty and son Thomas arrived in August, 1830, and settled on the Tittabawassee, several miles from its mouth. Another of the prominent settlers was Grosvenor Vinton, who came from Avon, New York, early in 1830, and settled on land in recent years owned by Benjamin McCausland. The first summer he worked for Riggs & Stanard, going on to his own land in the fall, where he continued to live until December, 1834. At different times during these years he made trips to Pontiac to mill, that being the nearest point, by ox team, the journey taking nine days. In the winter of 1831 the territorial legislature organized the Township of Saginaw, and at the first meeting in April there were fifteen voters, of which Vinton was one. He was married August 25, 1831, to Miss Harriet Whitney, sister of Abram and Asa L. Whitney; and were the first white couple married in this county. Their first child, Sarah Vinton, afterward Mrs. Samuel Dickinson, was born May 9, 1833. Thomas Simpson, better known as "Elixir Boga", who was a witness to the totems of the Indian chiefs in the treaty of Saginaw, was a conspicuous figure among the early settlers. He came to this territory at an early day and settled at Pontiac, where in 1830 he commenced the publication of the Oakland Chronicle, the first newspaper in Michigan, north of Detroit. After a precarious existence in the struggling settlement it was discontinued, probably from want of sufficient patronage. About 1832 he came to Saginaw and took up his quarters in a small log house within the old fort. He was a man of talent, though addicted to the excessive use of whiskey, and when under its influence his belligerent propensities were greatly increased. The peculiar soubriquet was given him on account of a phrase used by him when threatening an assault: "I will give him the Elixir Boga." He was intensely Democratic in his politics, and during an election at Lower Saginaw, in 1836, while acting as clerk, his morning's libations having taken effect, he struck George W. Bullock, one of the Whig delegation, a stunning blow in the face. Bullock was a quiet man, and considering where the blow came from, passed quickly out of reach. He had apparently given no offence, but his assailant probably thought he was preparing to "JUDGE" ELIJAH N. DAVENPORT Who floated down the Flint River with his family in two flat boats in 1834. He was Sheriff from 1836 to 1840. CAPTAIN JOSEPH W. MALDEN Who kept a log tavern in Saginaw from 1835 to 1838. Afterwards was lighthouse keeper at Island of Mackinac. loo00 HISTORY OF SAGINAW COUNTY say something of a partisan nature. A severe wind and snow storm prevailed that day, and, although the polls were kept open the time required by law, only five votes, two Whig and three Democratic, were cast. After supper at the Globe Hotel, which had recently been opened as a public house by S. S. Campbell, the parties started on the return trip. The only house on the way was one built of logs at Carrollton, then occupied by Joseph Holtslander and family, where the whole party stopped to warm before a rousing fire in a clay fire-place with a mud and stick chimney. Everyone was in good spirits and jokes freely passed. Another pull brought them to their homes about midnight. The next day finished the election, between one and two hundred votes being cast in Saginaw, of townsmen and farmers, the Democrats being fairly beaten, no one on that ticket being elected except Elijah N. Davenport for sheriff. In 1847 Simpson kept the lighthouse at the mouth of the river. He died in Saginaw a few years later, leaving one son, John Simpson, who lived here a long time after. Elijah N. Davenport E. N. Davenport, who for many years bore the title of "Judge", in this county, came to Michigan in 1831 and settled on an eighth-section at Grand Blanc, in Genesee County. Later he went to the crossing of the Flint, on the site of the present City of Flint, purchased two hundred acres of land on the east side of the river, and built a small log house near Hamilton's saw mill. Soon after he left this place and returned to his farm at Grand Blanc. In 1834 he removed his family to Saginaw. Packing his household effects and stock into two flat boats, he and his family floated down the river, every few miles finding their progress impeded by floodwood, which, owing to the narrowness of the stream, completely filled it. To pass the obstruction he was compelled to hitch his oxen, with which he was fortunately provided, to the boats and draw them over the land to where the river was clear again, and relaunch them in the river. For seven long, weary days did they pursue their way before reaching the settlement on the Saginaw, each day being fraught with difficulties that required no ordinary degree of perseverance and hardihood to surmount. Soon after landing here he commenced keeping tavern in an old block house, which stood on what is now the northeast corner of Court and Hamilton Streets, at present occupied by the Bauer Block. It was a long, roughly built structure, formerly used by the soldiers in 1822, while they were building the fort, and afterward for the officer's mess. The only sleeping apartment was in the low attic, which was reached from below by a steep ladder. Through the entire length of the center was a passageway between rows of beds, barely wide enough for persons to pass in going to the beds they were to occupy. If there were any women guests they had to go to bed first. Opposite this rough log house was the old stockade fort, which occupied the ground on which the Hotel Fordney now stands and a part of the block east, including a section of Hamilton Street. At that time it was quite an elevation, but with the laying out of streets to take the place of the roads and trails, it was graded down and brick blocks now cover the spot. For four years following 1836 Mr. Davenport filled the office of sheriff, and afterward was elected county judge. He died October 10, 1863. Mrs. Davenport, who was Miss Martha Cronk, before her marriage in Niagara County, New York, in 1828, continued a resident of this city for a period of fifty-six years, or until her death on February 24, 1890. She was the mother of George Davenport, an ex-State senator, Porter Davenport, Julia Davenport, and Mrs. H. R. Hardick, Mrs. J. E. Wells, Mrs. P. S. Heisrodt, Mrs. Henry Moiles and Mrs. D. WV. Gooding. ORGANIZATION OF THE COUNTY 101 Albert Miller Albert Miller, an early settler of Saginaw Valley, was born at Hartland, Windsor County, Vermont, May 10, 1810, and was descended from the old Puritan stock of New England. His childhood and youth were spent in his native town, where he had the meagre advantages of a pioneer school education. Being but seven years of age when his father died, he had to make his way in the world; and in his twenty-first year he came west, arriving in Detroit, September 22, 1830. Saginaw was his destination, but at Grand Blanc he met acquaintances from his native town who persuaded him to purchase a farm in the vicinity and remain there. In May, 1831, his mother and his two sisters joined him in the new home in the wilderness. In October of the same year his younger sister was married to Eleazer Jewett, and removed to Saginaw. On Mr. Miller's first visit to Saginaw in 1832, he formed a very favorable impression of the place. In his broad view of the wilderness lay the tranquil river, skirted by dense forests and beautiful prairies with rich, fertile soil, with the waters teeming with fish, the banks swarming with wild fowl, and the forests abounding with game. This entrancing reality ex-..actly corresponded with the imaginary picture he had previously formed of the locality, and he decided to have a home on the banks of the SagCoinaw. In the fall of that year he accordingly sold his farm at Grand Blanc, and, in preparing for a new home bought a plot of ground from the government on the east side of appointethe river at the junction of the Shiawassee a n d Tittabawassee Rivers. In February, 1833, he removed the family to the new locality; and for m a n y years he lived at different ofpoints within a short distance of the beautiful stream. In the winter of 1834-35 he taught school in a portion of the old barracks erected by the soldiers in 1822, h ving in attendance from twelve to twenty scholars, some of BERT MILLE whom were half-breeds. This was the first school taught in Saginaw County. It was quite in contrast with the present elaborate system, if one can imagine the little dingy room, made of hewed logs with mud and moss filling the crevices, and with oiled paper covering the windows, where were gathered all the children within two or three miles around, instructed by one teacher, for a few weeks in winter. Upon the organization of Saginaw County, in 1835, Mr. Miller was appointed Judge of Probate and a justice of the peace, which offices he held for many years. He was a member of the Legislature in 1847, and held other offices of honor and trust in township, county, and State. He was the first president of the Michigan Pioneer Society, elected February 3, 1875; and in the following years contributed a number of interesting and valuable papers to its archives. MRS. JAMES FRASER One of the noble women who bore all the hardships and privations of pioneer life in the wilderness. JAMES FRASER A pioneer of Sag-inaw County wvlio settled on the Tittabawassee in IS::3, and was one( of its prominent residents. ORGANIZATION OF THE COUNTY 103 Early in life he was married to Miss Mary Ann Daglish, a native of England, who, on coming with him to the wilderness, shared the hardships and compensations incident to pioneer life. She was a devoted, careful mother, a true, sincere friend, an excellent worker with the needle, and was ever courteous and kind. Upon removing to Bay City, in later life, she and her husband were among the founders of the First Presbyterian Church, and for many years were staunch supporters of its good work. Mrs. Miller died at the residence of her daughter, Mrs. C. L. Collins, at Bay City, April 23, 1904, at the age of ninety-one. After rounding out a life of great usefulness and helpfulness to others, Mr. Miller died at his home in Bay City, September 19, 1893, in the eightyfourth year of his life. James Fraser In the early part of 1833 James Fraser, having purchased some land on the banks of the Tittabawassee not far from the settlement on the Saginaw, concluded to remove his family there. He had recently married Miss Busby, a native of London, England, who had come with her father's family to Detroit in 1830. Her father kept the Eagle Tavern, on Woodward Avenue just below what is now Grand Circus Park, but was then only a mud hole filled with water after a heavy shower. As the location was unhealthy and cholera raging fearfully in the town, the elder Busby was prevailed on to move to the newer country. He therefore sold out his business, and accompanied the Frasers to their forest home. In the party was Joseph Busby, one of the sturdy settlers of this county. They drove a small herd of cattle and a few horses, and so rough was the trail through the woods that they were three days in covering the distance of seventy miles to the Flint River, camping out at night on the damp ground. At the crossing of the Flint they stopped with John Todd, who had the only house in the place, and proceeded the next day to the Cass River, where they arrived after dark. An old Frenchman, who lived on the opposite bank of the stream, took them across in his canoe and provided a hot supper, when they were glad to lie down on the rough floor in front of a good fire and sleep until morning. After breakfast they recrossed the river, found the horses and cattle browsing near by, as they had been too tired to stray far, and, swimming them across, resumed their journey. Toward noon of the fifth day they came to the broad Saginaw, at a point opposite Green Point; and here they met Albert Miller and his brother-inlaw, Eleazer Jewett, who helped them in getting their stock across the stream. Miller was then quite a young man and lived with his mother, whose kindness of heart and hospitable welcome to new comers was well remembered and highly appreciated. Having secured their cattle they proceeded on their way, and arrived at their destination before nightfall. The Busby family soon after settled on the place opposite the Fraser's, so that the families could be near each other. The following year James Fraser went back to Detroit to purchase some stock for his farm on the Tittabawassee. While driving in from Flint to Saginaw, on his way home, the cattle became confused and would not keep to the narrow trail. He chased them about in the thick underbrush which lined the path on either side, until he was tired out, when he took off his coat and after carrying it awhile, and getting near the trail, as he supposed, he hung it on the lower branch of a tree. He then started to head off some of the cattle, and in doing so lost the location where he had left his coat, and could never find it. He used to say, in after years, that this was the greatest loss he ever had, as all the money he possessed, about /11 "If/ j THE "CURRIER" P~ OF Courtesy of S. 13 BG - OF SAGINAW, 1837 106 HISTORY OF SAGINAW COUNTY five hundred dollars, was in a pocket of that coat. There was a great hunting for the coat, but it never was found. It was supposed the wolves, which infested the country, pulled it down and tore it to pieces. Murdock Fraser, who was born at Iverness, Scotland, in 1812, and came to Detroit with his parents, John and Elizabeth Fraser, in April, 1834, soon after set forth on horseback to explore the Saginaw Valley with the view of locating some lands. He passed the Flint River in safety and crossed Pine Run Creek, when he became lost in the wilderness. For seventy hours he traversed the forest, hungry, fatigued and anxious. He lost his horse, which made his situation more desperate, and packs of gaunt wolves threatened him, yet he pushed onward toward the north, and finally reached the primitive dwelling of a settler named Kent, located on the Cass River. After resting and repairing his torn clothes, he resumed his journey to Saginaw. Later he returned to Detroit, and in June, 1835, married Miss Isabella Goulding, a native of Edinburgh, Scotland, who was born August 17, 1817. They then made their way to Saginaw on Indian ponies, and for a time lived at James Fraser's house, on land which in after years was known as the A. B. Paine farm. Soon after they settled on a piece of land on the banks of the Tittabawassee, which had been located by Duncan McLellan, and where they lived for many years in the enjoyment of the highest reputation for cordial hospitality, which was a feature, and a pleasant one, among many trying scenes of pioneer life. Mr. Fraser died in 1876. His widow, after a residence in this county of fifty-three years, died April 30, 1889, survived by nine children. Organization of the Township These were the sturdy pioneers, together with those mentioned in a foregoing chapter, who created the township of Saginaw, and afterward were instrumental in organizing the county. Oakland County, lying to the south, was organized in 1819, and in 1824 the territorial government empowered that county to levy a sufficient tax to defray the expenses of that county. As yet the settlement on the Saginaw had not known a tax collector. In the same year, the unorganized counties of Saginaw, Lapeer, Sanilac and Shiawassee, were attached to Oakland for judicial purposes. In 1830 an act was established organizing the township of Saginaw, embracing within its limits the entire county. This act took effect April 4, 1831, when, at a meeting of the settlers held in the block house of the old fort, Gardner D. Williams was elected to represent the township on the County Board of Oakland; Ephraim S. Williams was elected township clerk; A. W. Bacon treasurer; and David Stanard, Eleazer Jewett and Charles McClean, overseers of the three districts of Saginaw, Green Point and Tittabawasaig. Eleazer Jewett was appointed deputy surveyor of Oakland County. In the same year an act establishing a seat of justice at Saginaw City was passed, and Gardner D. Williams and David Stanard were appointed justices. An act defining the boundaries of the county was also adopted, within which were thirty-two townships, embracing portions of Gladwin, Midland and Tuscola Counties. The modest township board administered the civic affairs of a territory larger than some of the eastern states, and accomplished its duties so efficiently that within four years the Territorial Legislative Council organized the district into a county. Organization of Saginaw County On January 28, 1835, an act was passed organizing this county, provided that the township board sit and act as a county board until such time as there should be three organized townships in the county to elect a board of ORGANIZATION OF THE COUNTY 107 supervisors, and conferred upon said board authority to transact all business, as by law was conferred upon boards of supervisors. Embraced within the limits of Saginaw County was a territory now known as Bay County. For the first time in the history of the county did the local authorities impose a tax upon its inhabitants. No record exists of the levying of any prior tax. The proclamation of Lewis Cass, Governor over the Territory of Michigan, and the legislative acts, organizing the county, are herewith transcribed: "And I have thought it expedient to lay out the following county, that is to say: "All the country included within the following boundaries: beginning on the principal meridian, where the line between the fourteenth and fifteenth townships north of the base line intersects the same, and running thence south to the line between the eight and ninth townships, north of the base line; thence east to the line between the sixth and seventh ranges east of the principal meridian; thence north to the continuation of the line between the fourteenth and fifteenth townships north of the base line; thence west to the place of beginning, shall form a county, to be called the county of Saginaw. "And I hereby declare that the county herein 'laid out', to-wit: the county of Saginaw, shall be organized whenever, hereafter, the competent authority for the time being shall so determine, and that until then the said county shall be attached to, and compose part of the county now organized, in the following manner: "The county of Saginaw shall be attached to and compose a part of the county of Oakland. "In testimony whereof, I have caused these letters to be made patent, and the great seal of the said territory to be hereunto affixed. "Given under my hand, at Detroit, this tenth day of September, in the year of our Lord, one thousand eight hundred and twenty-two, and of the Independence of the United States the forty-seventh. "LEW. CASS." By the Governor: Secretary of Michigan Territory. "Be it enacted by the Legislative Council of the Territory of Michigan: "Section 1. That the county of Saginaw shall be organized from and after the taking effect of this act, and the inhabitants thereof entitled to all the rights and privileges to which by law the inhabitants of the other counties in this Territory are entitled. "Section 2. That all suits, prosecutions, and other matters now pending before the courts of record of Oakland County, or before any justice of the peace of said county, shall be prosecuted to final judgment and execution; and all taxes heretofore levied and now due shall be collected in the same manner as though the said county of Saginaw had not been organized. "Section 3. That the circuit court for the county of Saginaw shall be holden on such days as shall be provided by law. "Section 4. That it shall be the duty of the sheriff of the county of Saginaw (until public buildings are erected in said county), to provide a convenient place, at or near the county site, for the holding of said court. "Section 5. That the township board for the township of Saginaw shall, until there be three townships organized in said county, sit as a county board for said county, and are hereby authorized to transact all business now incumbent on the board of supervisors in the respective counties in this territory. "Section 6. That this act shall take effect and be in force from and after the second day of February next. "Approved January 28, 1835." Platting the Town As early as September, 1822, James McCloskey, son-in-law of Gabriel Godfroy who aided in negotiating the treaty of 1819, and his associate, Captain John Farley, entered a portion of the land on which Saginaw City was builded. Other entries were made the same month by Doctor Charles Little, Jonathan Kearsley and Louis Campau; and Justin Smith entered land in 1823. The lands entered by McCloskey and Farley, comprising one hundred and thirty-six acres, were surveyed by John Mullet, the State surveyor, who platted a portion under the name of "Town of Sagana." 108 HISTORY OF SAGINAW COUNTY This town on paper comprised twenty blocks with the river lots on Water Street, extending four blocks from the river, with its southeast corner near the foot of what is now known as Clinton Street. It embraced the ground upon which Louis Campau in 1816 erected the first trading post on the river, and also the council house where the first treaty with the Indians was negotiated. James McCloskey soon after sold his undivided half-interest to A. G. Whitney, of Detroit, who later sold it to Doctor Charles Little. Only six lots of the original town plat were sold by Farley & Company, of which lot No. 77 was sold May 8, 1823, for twenty-five dollars. Near the northern limits of the town was a street named Farley Street, which years after became known as Bristol Street. When the town prospered and became well settled, some of the lots of this original plat were purchased by prominent citizens, who erected pretentious residences thereon. The second platting of the town was made by Samuel W. Dexter, on December 3, 1830, and comprised all the land which he had entered in 1825, extending west from the river at Cass Street to Harrison, and north on that street to Jefferson (now Cleveland Street), and thence east to the river. Of the lots represented by this plat only eight were sold that year. On July 18, 1835, he disposed of all his interests to Doctor Abel Millington, of Washtenaw County, excepting twenty-four lots previously sold by him, and the public square which had been located as the seat of justice. The following year, having lost faith in the prospects of the valley, the doctor transferred his property, on April 26, to a company composed of Norman Little, John T. Mackie, Samuel Oakley and William Jennison, Junior, for the sum of fiftyfive thousand dollars. Under the direction of the new proprietors, who were enterprising men with ample capital, an entirely new platting of the town was made, and named the Currier Plat. This plat was a very extensive one, and embraced lands on the east as well as the west side of the river, showing four hundred and seven blocks, and bore the date of February 1, 1837. Streets on the west side of the river were laid off and named, a comprehensive map was drawn and printed for circulation throughout the eastern States, and an elaborate plan of improvements was prepared. As a result about nine hundred persons were attracted to this place before the close of 1837. Then the crisis came, and by 1841 only three entire blocks and fifty-eight single lots had been sold; and on April 9 of that year all their property was sold to James Hunt, for a consideration of two hundred and twenty thousand dollars. Locating the Seat of Justice In the selection of the village of Saginaw as the seat of justice for the county, there hangs a tale which illustrates the fact that the acts of public officials in pioneer days were not always free from the curse of personal gain. The story was told many years ago by Thomas A. Drake, a member of the Legislative Council of Oakland County, who, with an associate commissioner, named Frost, came to the Saginaw to locate a site for the county seat. Here they found Judge Dexter, and an engineer and surveyor by the name of Risdon, engaged in platting Saginaw City. Dexter approached the commissioners with his skeleton map in hand, designated one of the lots as the "court house lot", and very abruptly informed them that if they located the site for the seat of justice on that lot, he would donate it to the county, and would give to each of the commissioners one lot, perhaps two. The third commissioner was entirely satisfied with this proposition, and from that moment looked at nothing but the lots Dexter proposed to give him. Drake, however, was inclined to treat Dexter's proposition with contempt, and for a time Frost took the same view, and together they looked at other places. ORGANIZATION OF THE COUNTY 109 Where East Saginaw was afterward located there was an uninhabitable forest, and it was said that the whole country back from the river was a morass and utterly impassable. They resolved, nevertheless, to inspect it for themselves, and, with Eleazer Jewett for a guide, they traversed the country up and down the river, and back from the stream, until they were satisfied they had found the best place for a court house. Drake and Frost fixed upon a site, drove a stake to indicate the spot selected, and took measurements from different points on the river, with such bearings as would enable anyone to find it. They agreed to meet the next morning and make their report. Drake then went to Jewett's house at Green Point to spend the night, while Frost went to the block house inside the fort, where he would find their associate commissioner. The next morning it was learned, to the great surprise of Drake, that during the night Frost had been overcome by drink, demoralized, and influenced by the third commissioner to sign a report locating the site on the lot selected by Dexter. Through the love of whiskey by Frost, and the love of gain by the other commissioner, the county seat was located at Saginaw City. and the first court house was built on the site of the present county building. Building the First Court House The first sessions of the circuit court in Saginaw County were held in the old school house, which then served as town hall, church, lecture room, and as a place for social gatherings. But after the increase in population in 1836, and public improvements had been begun, it was thought by the leading men that it was incumbent on the county officials to erect a court house that would be an ornament to the city, that it was expected would soon rise. In January, 1838, the county board consisted of Ephraim S. Williams, township clerk; Jeremiah Riggs, supervisor; and Albert Miller and Andrew Ure, justices of the peace, four public-spirited men who laid the plans for the building that served the county for nearly fifty years. In determining the plan the board was largely influenced by Judge Riggs, in adopting the plan of the court house in Livingston County, New York, in which he had sat as an associate judge. He obtained a plan of that structure, specifications were made and proposals for its construction advertised for. At a meeting of the board held March 2, 1838, a resolution that a building for the use of county officials be constructed, was introduced; and the bids for the construction of the building were then opened. There were four in all, and the amounts ranged from eleven to twelve thousand dollars. As the lowest bid exceeded the amount appropriated, and all the bidders were present, it was decided to let the contract then and there to the lowest viva zoce bidder. After some spirited bidding it was struck off to Asa Hill, a brother-in-law of Ephraim S. Williams, for $9,925, reducing the amount of his written proposal nearly sixteen hundred dollars. On March 3, the contract was signed for the erection of the building, which was deemed suitable for the needs and requirements of the public and its officials for a long time to come, and a structure of which all could feel proud. Accustomed to meeting in private houses, or in small, inconvenient halls, it was natural that they should regard the plans and specifications, and not long after the building which grew out of them, with a considerable degree of satisfaction. The First County Bond From the dim and dusty records of the township board it appears that the Saginaw City Bank, which had recently been organized under the general banking law, proposed to loan the county on its bond the sum of ten thousand dollars with which to build the court house. In the preceding January 110 HISTORY OF SAGINAW COUNTY the county board had convened in the township clerk's office (which was also the postoffice), on the upper floor of a two-story building on Water Street (now Niagara), north of Mackinaw, and signed a county bond in that amount, payable in ten years, with interest payable annually. It was given to the bank and the bank officials negotiated it with the Superintendent of Public Instruction, and obtained the sum of ten thousand dollars. The contract for the building of the court house stipulated that all the money advanced should be expended in the purchase of material and in the payment for labor, and that all material purchased should become the property of the county. A building committee was appointed to see that the terms of the contract were complied with, and the collecting of the material proceeded with energy until midsummer, when Hill, the contractor, was prostrated with a malarial disease and died in the following October. As a result of this unfortunate occurrence, and the failure of the bank soon after, together with the general financial depression, all operations on the building were suspended for some time. Meanwhile, the material collected for the building lay on the ground and likely to go to waste, so something had to be done to save it. Many discussions were held by the settlers in reference to reducing the cost of construction, and it was proposed to dispense with the columns on the east end of the building. At that time there was but one house east of the site of the court house, and it was contended by others, who opposed any change of plans, that it would be unfair to the owner of this house to deprive him of a view of the ornamental columns. At length, Eliel Barber, a reliable mechanic, was hired by the county board at two dollars a day to take charge of the material and prosecute the work, so far, at least, as to save the material from waste. He hired carpenters at one dollar and twenty-five cents a day, and laborers at a dollar a day, and went on with the building operations until the outside was finished and all the rooms on the lower floor were made ready for occupancy. A large room intended for the grand jury was used for a long time as a court room; and it was not until fifteen years after the contract had been let that the court room on the upper floor was finished. It was said that when first occupied the members of the Saginaw County bar were justly proud of the fine appearance of their court room. Before the county bond for ten thousand dollars became due, the managers of the state finances claimed from the county the full amount with interest, but the county, having received only a portion of the money, while willing to pay that sum, refused to acknowledge any further liability on account of the bond. It was contended that the bond was only a guaranty on the part of the members of the board individually that the county would pay the bank the sum of ten thousand dollars. However it may have been, in 1842, the cashier of the bank which was still defunct, proposed to turn over a certain tract of land at five dollars an acre, to pay its indebtedness to the county, provided the amount was agreed upon and a settlement soon made. Evidently this proposal was not accepted, for on January 19, 1844, the county board adopted a preamble reciting in substance that the bank was indebted to the county in the sum of $4,667.25; that it repudiated the claim; that by a recent decision of the Supreme Court it appeared that collection could not be enforced; and that the bond for ten thousand dollars was held by the commissioner of the State land office; and the board appointed a committee to negotiate with the commissioner on the subject of the bond. On March 4th following, this committee reported that they had agreed upon a settlement, by which the county should give a bond payable in four annual installments for $5,257.75, and also interest to July 1, 1844, amounting to $1,208.25, which was ratified by the county board. ORGANIZATION OF THE COUNTY 1ll It was claimed by some persons that exhorbitant charges were made against the county by some of the parties who were authorized to make a settlement, for their services in effecting it. No records, however, exist to substantiate any accusation of this nature, and, judging from the usual compensation granted to public officials of that time, they were not paid more than the service warranted. It would be impossible at the present day to ascertain what the sums paid on account of the bond, and for finishing the court house, amounted to, but it was the belief of Albert Miller, who made record of the above facts, that it was not so largely in excess of the contract price, as was generally supposed. The First Criminal Trial The first intimation in the records of the commission of crime in this county was in November, 1838, when the sheriff informed the board that he had a prisoner in custody and did not know how to keep him, no place having been provided for that purpose. After some discussion he was authorized to lease of A. Butts the blockhouse for one year, with the privilege of erecting two cells therein. The prisoner was probably held on some minor charge, as he was never brought to trial, so far as the records show. The first criminal trial in the circuit court was not called until nearly three years later. In 1841 William McDonald, who traded in furs in the old red warehouse, received a cargo of goods in a vessel commanded by Captain West. The mate who had charge while in port was a young man very well connected in the State, while the sailors were Willard Bunnell, a young married man who had lived here for several years, a Frenchman named Dezalia, and a young Englishman whose name is forgotten. While unloading the cargo the sailors had free access to the cellar of the warehouse where the goods were stored, and particularly Bunnell, who was well known and trusted by the trader. On the last day the vessel was at dock, Bunnell made a discovery in an old barrel partly filled with rubbish, of a box of silver coins that McDonald had hidden away for safe keeping. Taking his companions into his confidence, Bunnell made an errand into the cellar late in the evening, and placed the box of money on the ledge of the window, which was protected on the outside by a grating of oak stripes an inch square. Late at night when all was quiet they cut the grating, took the money on board the vessel, and proceeded to divide it by having the Englishman pass a certain number of coins to each in succession. But Bunnell and Dezalia, during the time of division, frequently put their hands into the box, to ascertain, as they said, how the money was holding out, with the result that in the final count the Englishman and the mate had but $130 each of the $800, the amount stolen. The robbery was soon discovered and suspicion rested upon the parties responsible for it, but no arrests were made until the following winter, when the Englishman, having brooded over the trickery of two of his companions in crime, went before Justice Williams, at Detroit, and made oath to the facts concerning the theft. The mate of the vessel and Dezalia were soon apprehended and held for trial, but Bunnell, who was one of the first in Saginaw to hear the news of the confession, at once disappeared. He was suspected of lurking in the vicinity, and a sharp watch was kept for him. Late one winter's night the culprit was seen in the neighborhood, the sheriff was informed, and a posse of resolute men determined on capturing him, quickly gathered at McDonald's store, and started out before daybreak. At a place on the east bank of the river near what is now the foot of Emerson Street, there was a deserted wood cutter's shanty, in which Bunnell had taken refuge for the night. Just at break of day he had kindled a fire and THE FIRST COURT HOUSE OF SAGINAW COUNTY BUILT IN 1838-39 [from an early print drawn by an old pioneer] ORGANIZATION OF THE COUNTY 113 was thawing out his mocassins preparatory to putting them on, when he heard his pursuers close upon him. He eluded them for a time by quickly passing out of the door with his mocassins in his hand, and an exciting chase ensued. Being fleet of foot he would probably have escaped had not a sharp crust, which had formed on the snow, lacerated his feet so as to cripple him, and he was forced to surrender. As there was yet no jail in the county the prisoner was taken to Jewett's tavern, where his feet were dressed and cared for by his father, Dr. Bradley Bunnell, who pronounced them in very bad condition, and kept them bandaged for some time. Henry Pratt was sheriff and acted as guard at the hotel, while waiting for his prisoner to improve so that he could be taken to the Genesee County jail at Flint. At length he was pronounced convalescent, though apparently in great pain and unable to stand. The day for his departure was set, and the evening before, after all his friends had taken leave of him, his brother and sister (Mrs. Lester) and wife were admitted to his room for a final interview. The sheriff occupied a room the door of which opened directly opposite that of Bunnell's, so that he could watch all the movements of the prisoner. About nine o'clock Mrs. Lester passed out of the room leaning heavily on the arm of her brother, bowed and stricken with grief at parting with a brother under such painful circumstances. A short time after, Pratt called at the door to terminate the interview between the husband and wife. The door was opened and he saw the sufferer tossing his sore feet, and heard him groan. The wife begged for a longer interview which was rather reluctantly granted. At midnight Pratt, being tired of his vigils, knocked at the door which was quickly opened. Instead of groans from his footsore prisoner, he was greeted with a merry laugh by Mrs. Lester, who told him that her brother had been gone three hours, mounted on the fleetest horse in the town. As the sequel showed, Bunnell went first to Lower Saginaw, where he secreted himself for a time, and then sought refuge in the depths of the forest, living at the Indian camps until summer, when he made his way around the lakes and across Wisconsin to La Crosse. Later he was joined by his wife, and they lived there respectably for many years. Sheriff Pratt was greatly chagrined at the ruse which had spirited away his prisoner, and in order that the law might be vindicated, he caused the arrest and examination of Mrs. Lester on a charge of assisting a prisoner to escape. The examination, which was before three justices of the peace, as the law then provided, excited considerable interest in the community and the court room was crowded. When it was adjudged that Mrs. Lester must give bonds for her appearance for trial before the circuit court, every gentleman in the room offered to be her bondsman. The bond was made acceptable and she was discharged; but was never called upon to appear for trial, and so the matter ended. The real culprits who had been apprehended did not, however, escape so easily. The young Englishman turned State's evidence, and after he had testified in the case there was no doubt as to the guilt of the prisoners. In giving sentence Judge Whipple spoke feelingly to the mate, but as he had had charge of the vessel, and could have prevented the theft, he said he considered him the most culpable of all, and gave him three years at hard labor. After a few month's imprisonment, however, the convicted prisoner was pardoned. Dezalia stood up and received his sentence with perfect composure, but soon after was seen weeping bitterly. Being asked if he considered the sentence too hard, he replied, "Oh, no! but the disgrace of being tried by such a hard-looking jury, is what grieves me." 114 HISTORY OF SAGINAW COUNTY The First Probate Case The old territorial law under which Saginaw County was organized, required that some learned person should be appointed in each county to the office of Judge of Probate. At the time, Albert Miller was teaching the first and only school in the county, and in order that the requirements of the law might be fulfilled, he was appointed to that office; for, as his friends said, "Who could be a learned person if the school teacher was not?" Ephraim S. Williams was recommended for county clerk and register of deeds; and Andrew Ure, Gardner D. Williams and Albert Miller for justices of the peace. While balloting for justices, an old Frenchman very pertinently exclaimed: "I throw all the pape for justices of the peace in the fire; I don't want any in this county. I once lived on Connor's Creek, where all was peace and harmony till they got a justice of the peace in the settlement, and then they began to sue each other and quarrel, and then there was no more peace." But notwithstanding his protest justices were appointed, and he had a great deal of litigation before them. The first business transacted in the Probate Court for this county is of more than passing interest, as it involved some very peculiar circumstances. In the summer of 1833 a young sailor, named Charles Cater, came to this valley and purchased land at the forks of the Tittabawassee; but instead of remaining to cultivate it, he returned to his occupation on the high seas. The following year Abram Cater, a brother of Charles, came and settled in the vicinity of Saginaw, and married here in 1835. Not long after he received news that his brother had been cast away and had died at sea. In due time he was appointed administrator of the estate of his brother Charles, but before the estate was fully settled Abram Cater died. Charles had lived in Ohio before proceeding on his last voyage and had left personal property there. His estate was administered in Ohio and converted into cash, which was remitted to the Judge of Probate for Saginaw County, to be paid to Abram Cater's widow, who, in the absence of any other heirs, was considered the person best entitled to it. The manner of remitting funds in pioneer days was very cumbersome compared with the methods of today, when exchanges are so easily effected. The bills were cut in halves, one half remitted by mail, and the other half retained until notice of the safe arrival of the first half was received, when the other halves of the bills were sent. In the Cater case the letter containing the first half of the bills was mis-sent and went to Mackinaw by the winter mail, causing considerable delay, but it finally reached its destination, and in due time the other halves of the bills were received; and all was paid over to Mrs. Abram Cater, who in the meantime had taken another husband. Soon after the payment of the money to Abram Cater's widow, a letter from the administrator of Charles Cater's estate in Ohio was received by the court, expressing some anxiety about the matter, as Charles Cater had appeared there and demanded his property. The Judge of Probate for Saginaw County could do nothing in the matter, except to forward the receipt for the money which he had paid over according to directions. Upon investigation it proved that Charles Cater's land and the estate of Abram Cater were in the part of the Township of Saginaw that remained in Oakland County, after the boundaries had been changed upon organization of the county. Charles Cater thereupon took out letters of administration in Oakland County on Abram's estate, and the tables were turned in respect to heirship, Charles Cater becoming the heir of Abram. ORGANIZATION OF THE COUNTY 115 Official Proceedings The history of human events in the early days of the county would not be complete without some mention of its official proceedings, the dusty records of which disclose the way in which the foundation of civil government was founded, and upon which its future super-structure -civilly and morally-was reared. A portion of the record of township and county is therefore presented: First meeting of the board October 2, 1835, at the house of Elijah N. Davenport, in the village of Saginaw. Present, G. D. Williams, supervisor; Albert Miller, A. F. Mosely, justices of the peace; and E. S. Williams, town clerk. Board allowed in payment of officer's fees $71.60, included in which was the sum of fifteen dollars for attorney's services for the year 1835. For township expenses - - $93.94 For building bridges - - - 100.00 For collector fees - - - 9.69 Total - - - - $203.63 1836. Amount voted to be raised for the year was $2,400.62, which included an item for building jail, $1,570.59. 1837. Amount voted to be raised for all purposes, $2,279.04. At an election held the people voted to issue bonds in the sum of $10,000 for the purpose of building a court house. 1838. Jeremiah Riggs succeeded G. D. Williams as supervisor, otherwise the board remained as at its first meeting. Board met February 20th and adopted a plan for the court house, and advertised for bids for its construction. The board allowed the sum of $9.20 for making the census of the county, "being at the rate of one dollar for every one hundred persons." (This shows that the population of the county at this time, assuming the statement to be correct, was 920.) At the October session of the board the following sums were voted to be raised, viz.: For wolf bounties - - - $28.80 For interest on court house bonds - 700.00 For State tax - - - 1,709.00 For support of poor - - - 100.00 Town expenses - - - 646.81 Total - - - - 3,184.61 November 19, 1838, Duncan McLellan, Cromwell Barney and James Fraser were elected board of county commissioners to hold office for three years. 1839. At a meeting held October 9, the board appointed three superintendents of the county poor. On October 12, the board made appropriations as follows: To pay expenses of the February term of the Circuit Court - - - $77.06 To pay expenses of July term - - 241.07 To pay for school expenses - - - 80.64 To pay township expns - - 512.73 Total - - - - -- $911.50 116 HISTORY OF SAGINAW COUNTY For the first time the records disclose the fact of an assessment of property, the valuation of real and personal property being then given at $621,652.75. At this session of the board bids were solicited for making a copy of the assessment roll of the county; several bids were submitted and the job was let for $24.50 to Timothy Howe, the lowest bidder. The bids ranged from that amount to $35. 1840. Commissioner's meeting July 15. Board appropriated $40 to pay year's salary of prosecuting attorney. October 9, board made appropriations as follows: For expenses of Town of Saginaw - $673.64 For State tax - 604.50 For county expenses - - - 544.63 For making assessment roll - - 30.00 Total - - - --- $1,852.77 The board rejected the assessment roll of the township of Tuscola for irregularities, doubtless to the great relief of the citizens of that township. At this session of the board license was granted to Gardner D. Williams to operate a ferry at any point within one mile north or south of Mackinaw road, at the following rates: Each foot passenger - - - 12'2 cents One man and horse - - - - 25 cents One man, wagon and horse - - 37I2 cents One man, wagon and two horses - - 50 cents Cattle and horses, each - - - 10 cents Sheep and swine, each - - - 65 cents 1841. July 12, the board held its first meeting for the purpose of equalizing the assessment rolls, three townships having been organized, namely, Saginaw, Tuscola and Tittabawassee. 1842. Taymouth appears as a township. On July 6, the board equalized the township assessments, as follows: Value of real and personal property in Saginaw, $125,190.50 Value of real and personal property in Taymouth, 27,791.25 Value of real and personal property in Tuscola, 13,090.04 Value of real and personal property in Tittabawassee, 57,259.86 Total $;223,241.65 CHAPTER VIII THE RISE AND PROGRESS OF SAGINAW CITY The McCormick Family- Joseph Busby β€”Difficulties and Privations of Pioneer Life - Benjamin Cushway- Phineas D. Braley - Hiram L. Miller - The First Steamboat on the Saginaw- Extract from Mrs. Richman's Diary- Charles H. RichmanSaginaw City in 1837 -The Northern Canal Project-The Enterprise of Norman Little-The Old Webster House-The Bubble Bursts-Anthony R. SwarthoutHorace S. Beach. Asturdy pioneer of Saginaw Valley, who aided very materially in the development of its resources, was William R. McCormick. He was born at Bethlehem, New York, August 16, 1822, and spent his early boyhood on the homestead farm. As early as 1832 his father, James McCormick, emigrated with his family to this territory, landing in Detroit on the first of August, after a voyage across Lake Erie in the steamboat Superior. By the advice of John R. Williams, a former resident of Albany, New York, then living in Detroit, he decided to go to Saginaw, and soon after set out with his two elder sons to traverse the northern wilderness. At the crossing of the Flint they stopped to rest, and were so impressed with the rustic scenery of the place that the father purchased one hundred and twenty-five acres of land, a half-breed title, on the north side of the river and east of what is now Saginaw Street, comprising at present a portion of the first ward of the City of Flint, for one hundred and twenty-five dollars. They soon built a log house near where the north end of the bridge now is, and moved the family from Detroit to their new home in the forest wilderness. At that time there were but two other houses at this place, one being on the south bank of the river and west of the trail, and occupied by John Todd, while the other was the old trading post of Jacob Smith, known to the native Indians as Wahbe-sins, and located about forty rods below on the north bank of the river, then the home of Judge Stowe. After getting his family settled, the father started out to secure provisions for the winter. There was plenty of venison to be had from the Indians, but there was no pork in that vicinity, so he and George Oliver paddled down the Flint in a canoe for the settlement on the Saginaw. After several days spent in reaching their destination, he purchased what meat was needed; and on the return trip up the river they camped on the old "Indian field," about seven miles south of the bend in the Cass, now known as Bridgeport, and about fourteen miles from Saginaw by the present road. He took a great fancy to this field, which contained about one hundred and fifty acres without a stump or a stone, and ready for the plow, where, he believed, he could raise enough crops to support his family. The Indians had abandoned the land years before, because grub-worms had destroyed their maize; and it was their belief that the Great Spirit had sent them as a curse on the land. In the fall of 1832 Rufus W. Stevens moved with his family from Grand Blanc to Flint; and James Cronk built a log house about half way between the Flint and Thread Rivers. In the log house which had been built by Elijah N. Davenport, and later abandoned by him on his return to Grand Blanc, the first school in Genesee County was started, and was attended by William R. McCormick, his three sisters, and the children of the other settlers. 118 HISTORY OF SAGINAW COUNTY James McCormick soon sold his place at Flint to a son of Jacob Smith, the Indian trader, for six hundred dollars, thinking he had made a great speculation. Yet, so great have been the strides in the development of the country that at the present time this property collectively is probably worth a million dollars, or more, an increase in eighty-odd years from one dollar an acre to eight thousand or possibly ten thousand dollars. He then moved his family down the river to the Indian field, where they arrived at sundown of the second day, and camped for the night with only a tent made of blankets, to shelter the mother and little children. In two or three days they had put up a comfortable shanty to live in while building a log house, which they soon commenced and had finished by the time winter set in, and where they lived for many years. The first year's crop was excellent, and the second year they sold one thousand bushels of corn to the American Fur Company, for the Indians beyond Lake Superior. The greatest difficulty of their rough pioneer life was in getting to the grist mill on the Thread River, to have their grain converted into flour. They had to take the grain in a canoe up the river about thirty-five miles, get it drawn one and a half miles to the mill, and back to the river and thence by the river home. This trip, requiring the hardest kind of labor, usually took four days, camping out every night, and the work always fell to James J. and William R., whose feet became very sore from walking in the winter over sticks and sharp stones, in getting their heavily laden canoe over the rapids of the stream. When winter set in they could not go to the mill, as there was no road through the unbroken wilderness, so in the long evenings the boys took turns pounding corn in a home-made mortar, fashioned by hollowing out the end of a three-foot section of a log, similar to that used by the Indians for the same purpose. There was nothing but a trail, or bush road, between Flint and Saginaw in those days, and part of the year it was impassible, and nearly always so for women, consequently most of the travel went up and down the river in canoes or skiffs, though it was a very laborious and tedious journey. In the fall of 1837 William R. was sent by his father to Saginaw to attend school, boarding with Major Mosley who kept a sort of tavern in one of the old blockhouses inside the stockade. The school house stood near the location of the old jail, and the teacher was Horace S. Beach. He was a kind-hearted man, but very firm and determined, qualities which were necessary in the conduct of that school, as he had a hard lot of boys to manage. He was equal to every emergency, on one occasion requiring Walter Cronk and William R. McCormick to saw and split seven cords of wood, instead of administering the usual flogging as punishment for fighting. That winter Mr. Beach kindly offered to teach his pupils to sing, if they would form an evening class. This they glady did, and six boys and six girls met regularly for singing lessons. The McCormick family continued to live on the old Indian field, which they called the "Garden of Eden," until 1841, when the father and son James J. bought an interest in the old Portsmouth steam mill and removed to that place. They soon commenced the manufacture of lumber in this mill, the second built on the river, and shipped the first cargo of lumber, consisting of forty thousand feet, that ever went out of the Saginaw River. It ran sixty per cent. uppers, and was sold in Detroit to James Busby, a brother-inlaw of James Fraser, for eight dollars a thousand feet, one-third down and the balance on time. Lumbering did not produce fortunes in those days, but it opened the way for those who came later to accummulate riches. James McCormick, the father of James J. and William R. McCormick, died in 1847. JAMES McCORMICK Who settled on the old "Indian Field" on the banks of the Flint River, with the idea of planting a silk wormi industry in this valley. It did not prove successful. WILLIAM R. McCORMICK Younger son of James McCormick, who came here in 1837 and attended the first school in the county, boarding with Major Mosley in the old 'fort. 120 HISTORY OF SAGINAW COUNTY As years passed, William R. McCormick, who had grown to manhood, assumed the management of the ever increasing lumber business established by his father and brother, and became one of the leading progressive citizens of Bay City. He erected a commodious and pretentious home on a slight knoll near the river at Portsmouth, which for many years was a landmark of the olden times. Joseph Busby In the early part of 1833 there arrived at the trading post on the Saginaw, a young man named Joseph Busby, who was born in London, England, April 26, 1812. His father was a dairyman and kept a store in London for the sale of butter, cheese, eggs and milk; but in 1830 he sold out his business, bid farewell to the friends of a lifetime, and sailed for America in a packet ship of five hundred tons burden - a large vessel in those days. From New York they travelled westward to the Michigan wilderness, by the way of the Erie Canal and lake steamboat, a journey of two weeks duration. After engaging in the hotel business in Detroit for two years, they removed to Saginaw and settled on land bordering on the Tittabawassee, opposite the present Paines farm. At that time the only habitation nearer than Green Point, was a log house on land adjoining theirs, which was occupied by a family named Tuft, with whom they lived while putting up a house of their own. James Busby, a brother of Joseph, who was a mechanic by trade, came from Detroit, and assisted in cutting logs for the house, which was to be twenty by thirty feet in size, and hewed them on two sides. They then invited the neighbors for miles around (and it took all there were) to the raising, and they got the walls up that day. The shingles were brought from Detroit by water, and were laid on split oak ribs, and nailed fast, so they had a good tight roof. The floors were made of heavy planks cut from green pine with a saw brought from England, Albert Miller being the lower portion of the human machinery, or the "pitman," while Joseph Busby was the other half, or the "topsawyer"; and was said to have been the only saw running in the valley at that time. When the house was completed the family had a regular old-time house-warming, with music and dancing; and they felt some security, and pride, too, in the possession of a home, though a rustic one, in the depths of the wilderness. While living at Tuft's (who was a very superstitious man), they were awakened one night by him in great alarm, and called to get up as the world was coming to an end. They at once got up and went out doors and witnessed a very beautiful sight, the meteoric shower of 1833. They watched the grand display until daylight, afterward declaring that it was a spectacle never to be forgotten. Soon after they were settled in the new house there was a happy event in the family, the marriage of James Busby and Miss Susan Malden, eldest daughter of Joseph W. Malden. He was formerly a sea captain, but from 1835 to 1838 he kept a log tavern in Saginaw, afterward receiving the appointment of lighthouse keeper at the Island of Mackinac. The young couple were married by Judge Albert Miller, an associate at all their social gatherings, and was the third marriage ceremony performed in the county. As the judge was not very familiar with the proper ceremony for such occasions, the family produced a prayer book of the Episcopal Church, and the service was read by Mr. Miller, much to his relief. Mr. Busby and his young wife then went to Detroit where they lived for several years, but in later life returned to Saginaw City where they died, survived by Thomas W. Busby. THE RISE AND PROGRESS OF SAGINAW CITY 121 In 1835, when the father moved into town, Joseph Busby took the farm to run on his own account. The following spring he had some very promising crops on the low bottom lands, but the water rose and overflowed the banks thus destroying them. Waiting until the ground became dry enough to work, he replanted everything, but soon after the water rose a second time so that he could paddle with his canoe all over the ground. This discouraged him and he gave up farming, and came into the village to engage in other business. Difficulties and Privations of Pioneer Life At times they were much annoyed by wolves and often kept awake at night by their howlings. Sometimes it seemed that there must be fifty or more of them, generally after they had been chasing deer. The bears also were troublesome at times, their chief depredations being the killing of hogs. One of their neighbors one night heard a great commotion among his hogs, and upon going out to ascertain the cause, saw in the moonlight a huge bear making off with a fat hog weighing about two hundred pounds. Upon being pursued, the bear dropped the hog which he had killed, and made off in the woods. Among their other troubles was the great pest of blackbirds, which destroyed the crops, especially the corn just when it was soft and milky. They would flock in the fields by the thousands, requiring all the farmers' time and attention, until the corn got hard, to keep them off. Day after day, for several hours after sunrise and again for two hours before sunset, they had to run up and down the field firing at and hallooing at them to keep them from alighting, and by so doing would drive them over; but they would come, one flock after another. The farmers finally built stages some distance apart, and beat with a stout stick on a barrel, a tin pan, or anything to make a great noise, thus keeping the birds on the wing so they would pass over to the wild rice fields until towards evening. Another great pest was the mosquitoes, which were so thick and troublesome that the farmers had to keep fires burning around the house to keep them off by the smoke, but often it seemed that the insects could stand as much smoke as they could. They had to cover the door and windows, screen their beds, and even cover the fireplace with a sort of netting, to live in any degree of comfort. They also suffered many privations in those days, when all supplies had to be brought from Detroit by water, and there was only one small sailing vessel available. Late in the season it would get frozen in the ice on the bay or river, and then they would have to wait until the ice would bear a team, to haul the goods to town. Meanwhile, they would be without flour, meal, and other necessaries of life, but those who had food cheerfully divided with those who had none. At such times the small grist mill, which was attached to the Williams Brothers saw mill, would be run to grind the wheat, corn and buckwheat that was raised by the farmers in the vicinity. But this means of obtaining food supplies sometimes failed by breakdowns of the crude machinery, and the settlers would be without bread for days. Although the Indian camps were very numerous along the Tittabawassee for several miles above Green Point, the pioneer settlers were seldom molested by the red men, with whom they were on friendly terms; and they often traded with them for venison, fish, cranberries, and the skins of animals they had killed. Sometimes the Indians would pitch their wigwams near the log houses of the settlers, and then they would get little sleep. The braves would hold a pow-wow and keep it up all night, with a monotonous drumming and singing, after their fashion; but beyond this annoyance they were not troublesome. At one time two big braves came 122 HISTORY OF SAGINAW COUNTY to the Busby house late at night, and asked for some whiskey, saying one of them had a little papoose at his wigwam. Although they seldom let the Indians have liquor, this seemed a special occasion so they gave them some, whereupon they seemed in no hurry to go home, but stretched themselves on the floor and slept until daylight. They then left very quietly. On Sunday Joseph Busby usually went from the farm to town to get the mail, which came on horseback from Flint once a week. The mail carrier used to cross the river at Green Point, the only crossing at that time. On one occasion, when Mr. Busby met him at the Point, he had some errand to a settler up the river, and not wanting to carry the mail bag back and forth, he tossed it into the bushes until he should return and proceed to town. At that time, 1834, the mail was seldom heavy, as the population of the county did not exceed one hundred persons. Benjamin Cushway Many of the older residents of the valley still remember one of the pioneer mechanics, Benjamin Cushway, who was appointed by General Cass, then Territorial Governor of Michigan, as United States blacksmith for the Chippewa Indians. He was born at Grosse Point, Detroit, February 7, 1810, and was a son of John B. Cushway, a native of Canada and of French parentage. During his boyhood Benjamin worked on his father's farm, his early education being obtained by attending night schools in Detroit. At the age of seventeen he began the blacksmith's trade with "Uncle Harvey Williams," who was afterward prominently identified with the lumber industry in Saginaw Valley, and continued this work for seven years. In 1834 he received the official appointment as Indian blacksmith, and came to Saginaw, making his headquarters in a block house within the old fort. He was removed by the treaty of 1837 to Bay City, where he held the same position until 1844. While there he purchased large tracts of land and other property, and acquired a competence. About 1848 he returned to Saginaw City and built a house on the lot where the Miller block was afterward erected, on the southeast corner of Court and Hamilton Streets. He lived there until 1866, when he purchased the Wendall farm near the city on the Mackinaw road, where he resided for several years. At one time he owned the Brockway farm and other parcels of land in different parts of the State. On July 15, 1833, Mr. Cushway was married to Miss Adelaide Delisle, who was born at Detroit in 1812, and was a cousin of the Campaus, the first white settlers in Saginaw Valley. Her first visit to this place was in 1827, when the settlement consisted of only two block houses. Fourteen children, nine boys and five girls, were born to them. Mrs. Cushway died in 1878 at the age of sixty-six years. After an active and useful life Mr. Cushway died at his home in Saginaw City on May 25, 1881, in his seventy-second year. He was well known and respected for his sterling qualities and hospitable nature. Phineas D. Braley In an account of pioneer life in the thirties, Mrs. Eleazer Jewett relates that at a late hour one night, when alone in her cabin at Green Point, there was a call from the opposite side of the river, some man wanting to come across. She informed him that there was no one to set him over. He then said he had ridden all day, was utterly exhausted and sick, and unless aid reached him he would lie down and die. This appeal touched the heart of Mrs. Jewett, and although she had never paddled a canoe across the river and the night was very dark, she resolved to make an attempt to get him over. Putting a candle in the window for a beacon in coming back, she took THE RISE AND PROGRESS OF SAGINAW CITY 123 a canoe, and after stemming the current and often calling to know where to land, she at length succeeded in reaching the opposite shore. There she found a traveller who had been taken with fever and ague, and was so ill that he could scarcely get into the canoe. By leading his horse by the side of the little boat, they finally reached the west bank of the stream at the hour of midnight. This early pioneer who arrived here in such an unfortunate plight was Phineas D. Braley, who afterward was one of the best known lumber jobbers in the valley. He was born in Berkshire County, Massachusetts, April 17, 1811, and came with his parents to the Michigan wilderness in 1835. They settled on a tract of land on the Tittabawassee where T. C. Ripley afterward lived, the family, including that of an uncle, Ephraim Braley, numbering seventeen persons. The wagon by which they had travelled the greater part of the long journey from New England, was one of the first wheeled conveyances brought to this place. The first winter Phineas lived there he cut two hundred cords of wood and put it on the bank of the river for "Uncle Harvey Williams," at thirty cents a cord. He often told an amusing incident in connection with his wagon. "Harvey Williams came and hitched his ox team to it one day, and refused to return it, saying he wanted to buy it; but I refused to sell. He paid no attention to what I said, but put his hand into his pocket and drew out a handful of bank notes, and gave it to me without counting it, remarking as he left that if it was not enough he would give me some more. I counted the money and found there was just one hundred and seventy dollars in currency." In August, 1833, Mr. Braley was married to Miss Rebecca Hubbard; and to them three children were born. Mrs. Braley died, and some times after he married Miss Jane Blewer. After her death he married on December 18, 1842, Mrs. Olive Hubbard Grout, who was born at Oxford, Ontario, December 28, 1819. Her parents came to Saginaw in 1831, being among the early settlers here. About 1867 Mr. Braley built a comfortable home on Washington Street, Saginaw City, and at that time was one of the most pretentious houses in the town. Mr. and Mrs. Braley lived to rear a family of nine children, and were survived by Phineas J., Fred J., Mrs. Henry Snider, Mrs. G. W. Bennett, Mrs. Charles A. Lee, and Mrs. F. A. Farmer. Having spent a useful and well regulated life, Mr. Braley died December 9, 1887, Mrs. Braley surviving him until April 17, 1890, when she died at the home of her daughter, Mrs. G. W. Bennett. Ephraim Braley, who came to this valley with his brother Phineas, in 1835, was born in Berkshire County, Massachusetts, March 29, 1813, and died at his home in Saginaw Township October 11, 1886. Hiram L. Miller Another of the early pioneers who left the stamp of their individuality upon the dim memories of the past was Hiram L. Miller, one of the first ordained preachers to impart Christianity among the settlers. He was born in January, 1804, obtained his early education at Morristown and Basking Ridge academies, and took a three years' theological course at Auburn, New York. His first pastorate was at Buffalo, New York, whence he went to Lockport and later to Avon, in the same State. In 1830, while pastor of the Presbyterian Church at Avon, he was married to Miss Adaline Little, the fourth child of Doctor Charles Little, one of the early explorers of Saginaw Valley. She was born November 30, 1810; and was educated at the Ontario Female Seminary, founded in 1825 at Canandaigua, New York. PHINEAS D. BRALEY One of the hardy pioneers of Saginaw, who brought the first wagon to the forest wilderness, and afterward was one of the prominent lumber jobbers. HIRAM L. MILLER Who organized the first church society, the Presbyterian faith, in Saginaw Valley in 1836. THE RISE AND PROGRESS OF SAGINAW CITY 125 Mr. Miller removed with his family to Saginaw City in 1836, at a time when there was a great accession to the population of the place. In the fall of that year a Presbyterian congregation was organized, which was presided over by him as pastor for about two years, and a marked improvement was made in the religious and social status of the inhabitants. A Christian mission was also established among the Indians, many of whom were converted to the white man's religion. Albert Miller relates that in looking pine lands in 1846, far up on the Tittabawassee, he started from camp one morning at daybreak, and while paddling his canoe down the river his ears were greeted with familiar music wafted from the recesses of the forest. He was never more charmed than while listening to the sweet notes of a hymn tune sung in the wilderness by a family of Indians at their morning devotions. Besides the ministrations of Christianity to his fellow-men, Mr. Miller evinced a deep interest in the material side of life and in civic affairs in general, and exerted a powerful influence for the upliftment of the community. At different times he served the county in official positions, was one of the first justices of the peace, and was conected with the first newspaper printed here. He was chairman of the first board of supervisors, organized in 1842, and was twice a member of the legislature, in 1841 and in 1844, and served on the State Board of Education. Familiarly known as "Priest" Miller, he was long looked upon as one of the foremost men of the county. The offices of register of deeds, county treasurer, and county clerk were held by him at different times. In later years he expressed regret that his life, though a long and useful one, had been so diversified, his preference being a life devoted to a single object. Mr. Miller lived to the venerable age of ninety-two years, going to his reward on May 16, 1896, after a residence here of sixty years. He was preceded by Mrs. Miller who, after a long life marked by decision of character and fidelity to principle, and unostentatious generosity, died July 27, 1889, in the seventy-ninth year of her life. They left one son, Norman L. Miller, and three grandchildren, Mrs. John J. Spencer, Frank Miller and Mrs. H. L. Brintnall. With E. S. Williams and Albert Miller he completed the trio of illustrious men who bore the heat and burden of the early pioneer days, and whose influence for good extended far beyond their lives. The First Steamboat on the Saginaw. Not all the early pioneers in coming to the wilderness on the Saginaw broke through the dense forest, a journey always attended with innumerable dangers and hardships. Some preferred to brave the perils of lake navigation and took passage in the frail and incommodious vessels of the period, for a voyage across Lake Huron and Saginaw Bay. In 1836 a small party of prospectors arrived here in the first steamboat that ever plied the waters of the Saginaw, an event of surpassing interest to the settlers and natives of the forest. It was in the month of July that Albert Miller and James Fraser, accompanied by Eleazer Jewett, then county surveyor, and an assistant, were making a preliminary survey of a tract of land, upon which the town of Portsmouth was afterward built, for the purpose of making a plat of it. While at dinner one day at Leon Tromble's place, a small log house on John Riley's Reserve, near the corner of Fourth and Water Streets, Louis Tromble, then a boy about ten years of age, came running in greatly excited crying, "A steamboat! A steamboat!" They all went out to see what the boy had mistaken for a steamboat, and were greatly surprised and delighted 126 HISTORY OF SAGINAW COUNTY to behold the vessel slowly making headway against a south wind and the current of the river. They hailed the steamboat, which proved to be the Governor Marcy, commanded by Captain Gorham and piloted by Captain Rhodes, and chartered by Norman Little in behalf of himself and Mackie, Oakley and Jennison, who proposed to invest in and built up the town of Saginaw. The surveying party went out to the steamboat in their canoe, and with some difficulty got on board, Mr. Jewett losing his compass staff in the effort. They then steamed up the river, when, for the first time, the white owls on the Lone Tree, the wild ducks on the river, and the fishes in the stream were disturbed by the noise of steam propelled machinery. The settlers at Saginaw were greatly elated at the arrival of the first steamboat at their town, and the next day an excursion was run up the Tittabawassee to test those waters for steamboat navigation. Nearly every person in the place turned out and the boat, which was a logy old tub of only sixteen tons burden, steamed up the river about two miles beyond Green Point, when its progress was impeded by overhanging branches. Among those on the boat were Doctor Charles Little, who was then visiting his daughter, Mrs. Hiram L. Miller, and George W. Bullock, who for many years occupied a prominent place in business circles of Saginaw. A few days after, the Governor Marcy left for Detroit, and continued to make regular trips between Buffalo and Saginaw during the remainder of the season, and during the season of 1837 and a part of 1838. Her first commander, Captain Gorham, was a perfect dandy who dressed in fantastic style, and was known to have changed his clothes three or four times after entering the river, before reaching the landing at Saginaw. He would perch himself on the wheelhouse and motion with his arms in a most grotesque manner, as if piloting the vessel, Captain Rhodes, the pilot, who was an old navigator of the river, paying not the least attention to him, or to his commands. In passing the rapids at the head of the St. Clair River, the utmost power of the little steamboat was steadily employed for a time. There was a big stump on the Canadian shore opposite the strongest current, which passengers were accustomed to watch in gauging the progress made. The boat would push boldly forward for a few rods and get ahead of the stump, then, through some slight deviation from a direct line, the current would cause her to fall back, and the stump would be ahead. But by repeated trials and perseverance the steamboat always won out, and left the rapids and the stump on shore far behind. There were no tugs in those waters at that time, and sailing vessels often had to lay to and wait for a favorable wind to help them over into the lake. On one occasion, when the steamboat was about to stem the rapids, the captain of a vessel hailed her, came on board, and gave her captain one hundred dollars for a tow into Lake Huron. Some passengers on the vessel stepped on board the steamboat for a short ride, and the towline had just been made fast, when a fresh breeze sprang up, the vessel hoisted sail, the line was cast off, and she sailed proudly through the rapids into the lake, leaving the steamboat to struggle with the swift current. After getting into the lake, the vessel hove to and waited for the steamboat to come up, for her passengers to get on board. Extract From Mrs. A. M. Richman's Diary Among other hardy spirits, who arrived on the Governor Marcy, in 1836, were Charles L. Richman and family, consisting of his wife and one son, Charles H. Mrs. Richman, a daughter of James Sibley, one of the earliest settlers of Ontario County, New York, was born at Canandaigua, January THE RISE AND PROGRESS OF SAGINAW CITY 127 9, 1807. She was one of the noble pioneer women of the west, and one of the best known and most highly esteemed residents of Saginaw City. A graphic account of what this place was when she came here is imparted by an extract from her diary of early date: "We arrived at old Fort Saginaw on Saturday morning October 1, 1836, in a drizzling rain, amid the cheers of the settlers and the waving of a table cloth, which to us, who on the last day of the voyage were on an allowance of pork and hard tack, was at least suggestive. We were very kindly and hospitably received by Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Miller, who had been here a short time, having come down the Flint River in a canoe. Things in general seemed the newest of the new, and the prospect was dreary in the extreme, but then we reflected on poor 'Robinson,' and took heart. I went into the store to write back my 'first experience,' and met my old friend Peyton R. Morgan, of Avon, New York, who suggested that I wait until morning; but I didn't. That letter was preserved in the family as a gem of the west. "The question now arose, where were we to find shelter? Very fortunately a kind and over-ruling Providence sent us to the 'old block house,' and to the unwearied attention of Major Mosely and his dear wife. The morning after our arrival, which was Sunday, a good portion of our colony met at the house of H. L. Miller, who was a Presbyterian minister, to return thanks to our loving Father for our safe passage after our many perils of the lake. "The old block house stood inside the fort stockade, partially surrounded by the original pickets. But few buildings were left of the old fort, and this was the best. They were all occupied, as was every nook and corner, even to standing boards from the pickets, as we, when children, made play houses. One of the buildings was used as a hotel, kept by Mr. Tibbetts, with the modest name of Saginaw City Exchange. That same old block house has welcomed many a pleasant gathering, for they were the very souls of hospitality, and how we feasted on wild game, on trout, sturgeon and white fish, which was brought from the bay corded as they do wood. Cranberries were so plentiful that vessels on their return trips were ballasted with them. Neither did we sweeten them with Indian sugar-ah! no. During the ever remembered and pleasant winter we passed in the old block house, there were many arrivals in town, so that our society was good and intelligent; and, as in our isolated condition, we were dependent upon each other for our mutual comfort and happiness, the memory of that winter is a green spot.' "On the first of January, 1837, we introduced the eastern style of calls, with 'hot coffee and cake.' The calls were so numerous as to be oppressive; the constant repetition gave a sameness. The gentlemen had a sleigh, and as they laughingly expressed it, they 'called and returned it.' Some thought they were called for, but the finale was at a place of pleasant memories, the old block house of 1836." Long after Mrs. Richman had beheld and endured the sufferings and privations of early settlement, and had witnessed the subsequent growth and prosperity of the place, she died at her home on March 16, 1877, at the age of seventy years. Charles H. Richman Captain Charles H. Richman, for forty-seven years a resident of Saginaw City, who came here with his father, Charles L. Richman, in 1836, was born at Canandaigua, New York, September 28, 1828; but his boyhood, and, in fact, the greater part of his life, was spent in this valley. 128 HISTORY OF SAGINAW COUNTY At the outbreak of the civil war he raised a company of soldiers, called the "Saginaw Rangers," which were attached to the Tenth Regiment of Volunteer Infantry, designated as Company B, of which, upon being mustered into service on October 1, 1861, he was made captain. He served with his regiment in the field until February 6, 1865, when, having contracted acute neuralgia while in line of duty, he was mustered out. During this long service he saw much hard fighting, his regiment being engaged in several severe battles. For some months during the winter of 1863-64 he was attached to the staff of General J. D. Morgan, commanding the First Brigade, Second Division of the Fourteenth Army Corps, as Inspector General, and participated in that capacity in the action at Tunnel, Hill, near Dalton, Georgia, on February 25, 1864. His conduct on that occasion was such that he was complimented in the official report by his commanding officer. After Sherman's march to the sea, in which he participated, he proceeded to Sister's Ferry, Georgia, fifty miles from Savannah, where overcome by illness, he was sent back to that city, mustered out, and sent home. In 1871 he removed to Chicago and engaged in the hotel business, but eight weeks after was burned out in the memorable fire of that year, and thereupon returned to Saginaw. Afterward he leased the Rust House at Farwell, which he conducted for two years. Returning to Saginaw he joined the staff of the old Courier, as Saginaw City reporter, a service which he performed faithfully and acceptably for several years. About 1880 he leased the Jewell House at Vassar, where he remained for a year, but his health failing he removed to a farm on the Bridgeport road, near East Saginaw. Surrounded by every comfort, and with all the care and medical skill of the time, he gradually failed, and it was soon seen that restoration was hopeless. He was a man of genial, happy temperament which made him friends in all circles, and there were many sincere and saddened regrets at his death, which occurred June 17, 1883, in his fifty-fifth year. Mrs. Charles H. Richman, who was of the highest type of womanhood, of fine motherly qualities, and purity of every thought and action, was born in Oswego County, New York, January 28, 1838, and came to Michigan with her parents when quite young. They first settled at Northville, but in 1847 removed to Saginaw, where she was married to Mr. Richman. She died March 7, 1891, at the age of fifty-three; and was survived by two daughters, Mrs. James H. Norris, and Miss Kate Richman, who afterward married W\illiam C. Phipps, of this city. Saginaw City in 1837 On the nineteenth of June, 1837, E. L. Wentz, in company with Alfred Hovey, left Binghamton, New York, with a view of finding employment in the west. After a journey of twelve days filled with varying experiences they arrived at Detroit on July 1st. There they saw some flaming-red posters advertising low fares to Saginaw City by the steamboat Governor Marcy, which was a temptation to further adventure, so they took passage to this port arriving on July 3, 1837. Their first view of the struggling settlement was a disappointment, as they had expected to find a city of at least ten thousand inhabitants, whereas they had landed in a little hamlet of scarcely fifteen buildings, and not over one hundred persons residing therein. "At the extreme south end of the town," writes Mr. Wentz, "on the bank of the river was a steam saw mill, with one upright saw that if closely watched might have cut one thousand feet of lumber in twenty-four hours. A short distance from the mill and a hundred yards from the river, was a red building where the Millers kept store. Gardner D. Williams had a residence about a thousand feet back from the river at the extreme south end of town. CHARLES H. RICHMAN Who came to Saginaw on the first steamboat, the "Governor Marcey," to navigate the Saginaw River. This was in 1837. MRS. CHARLES H. RICHMAN Who is remembered by our older residents as a woman of the highest character and motherly qualities. 130 HISTORY OF SAGINAW COUNTY Near the red store were two or three small buildings, in one of which was the postoffice. At that time the mail came to Saginaw but once a week on horseback by way of Flint and the old Indian trail. About a thousand feet from the postoffice down the river and immediately on the bank was a warehouse, directly back of which at the foot of the bluff was a small building, in which someone kept a stock of Indian goods, and still further back on the top of the bluff was the old government stockade. Two hundred feet north of the stockade was the old log tavern, kept by an Englishman by the name of Malden. Six or eight hundred feet further north, and a hundred feet further back from the river, was a small building where Henry Pratt kept a shoe shop, and still further north was Richman and Lyon's store, a little north of which and immediately on the bluff was a dwelling. At the extreme north end of town Mr. Jewett had a nice residence in which he kept a hotel. There was also a very nice residence in the southwest part of the town occupied by Mr. Little. "The prospect of finding employment in this place was not very cheerful, but we went to an old log tavern and engaged board at two dollars and fifty cents a day each. The sleeping room was overhead, entrance to which was up a ladder through a hole in the floor; and it contained about thirty single beds with the numbers chalked on the logs at the head. After getting our baggage stowed away we went back to the river, and followed the bank to the saw mill and sat down on a log to talk over the situation. Mr. Hovey counted his money and found he had just two dollars and fifty cents. I had no money to count. We were perplexed to know what to do. I suggested that we could cut wood, as there was plenty of it in the country. Hovey said, 'yes, but there are no people here to burn it,' which was indeed a fact. "While we were further debatting the matter, we saw a large canoe-like craft coming down the river, propelled by twelve oars, and when it got opposite to us it turned in and landed directly in front of where we were sitting. The first man to step out of it was Charles F. Smith, the chief engineer of the Northern or 'Bad River' Canal, then being projected. He had come down from the woods at Bad River, bringing his whole corps of engineers and camp equipage to celebrate the Fourth of July. I had worked with Smith for some time on the New York and Erie Railroad, and knew him intimately. He soon told me that he had work for both of us, and we took hold with a will and helped to pitch the tents on the bank of the river near the northeast corner of the old government stockade; and my first night in Saginaw I spent in a tent with the engineer corps. The party was held in Saginaw several days to allow some of the men to sober up from their celebration; and we were then sent to the woods at Bad River. In travelling to and from the canal work we were compelled to use canoes, there being no roads or trails, and the country was low, flat and wet, with numerous streams and bayous to cross that made it almost impossible to get there except by the rivers." The Northern Canal Project The first constitution of Michigan, adopted in 1835, made it the duty of the government of the State to encourage internal improvements, and of the legislature to make provision by law for determining the proper objects of improvements in relation to roads, canals and navigable waters, and also to provide for an equal, systematic and economical expenditure of all funds appropriated for these objects. Among the various improvements projected during the formative period of our State, was the Northern or "Bad River" Canal, intended to connect the waters of the Bad River with those of the Maple, and by improving the rivers to open a waterway from Lake Huron by way of the Saginaw and Grand Rivers to Lake Michigan at Grand Haven. THE RISE AND PROGRESS OF SAGINAW CITY 131 The settlers of Saginaw Valley anticipated great results from this improvement, by its opening up a waterway west into a portion of the interior of the State that was known to contain some of its richest lands for agricultural purposes, and would also furnish a shorter route across the peninsula than by the course of the lakes. Early in 1837 surveys of the canal were made and specifications prepared for the first section extending west from the forks of the Bad River. The report of the survey was regarded as exceedingly favorable, showing the existence of a remarkable depression extending westward from the waters of the Saginaw to those of the Maple, and that these waters, flowing in opposite directions, were only three miles distant from each other at one point, and that between them the highest elevation necessary to be crossed was only seventy-two feet above Lake Michigan. It was along this valley and across this low summit that the engineers located the route for the canal, with certain slack-water improvements to be made east and west of it. Contracts for grubbing and clearing of the route were let in 1838, and work was commenced in that year. The contract for excavating the site was let soon after to Norman Little, of Saginaw, and another part of the work was undertaken by Alpheus Williams. Great expense and hardship attended the prosecution of the work, as it was located in a wilderness fifteen miles from any white settlement, thereby adding to the difficulties of transporting materials and supplies. But under the management of the energetic contractor. it was continued with vigor, about one hundred Irishmen being employed in excavating; and a large quantity of timber was cut and lumber brought in for the construction of coffer-dams. The canal as projected was to be twenty miles long, ninety feet wide, with nine feet depth of water. The work on the canal continued until July, 1839, when it was suspended and the project abandoned. The immediate cause of the failure was the inability of the State to meet the monthly estimates of the contractor, according to the terms of the contract, for the reason that the Morris Canal and Banking Company, which had taken the $5,000,000 State loan, had failed before the whole amount had been paid over. The timber intended for the construction of the locks and dams remained to rot on the ground, and remnants of some of them were plainly visible within the last twenty-five years in Chapin Township. When the payment of wages and materials stopped, and the Irishmen were dismissed from the job without their last wages being paid, they came to town and for two or three days paraded the streets threatening all those who had had anything to do with the canal. Timid persons feared mob violence, but when the matter was fully explained so that the laborers understood the cause of the non-payment of their wages, they left without doing any damage to anyone. The sums expended on the canal project, and which were a total loss to the State, were, in 1838, $6,271.12; in 1839, $15,985.69; a total of $22,256.81. Ten years after the abandonment of the canal project by the State, the legislature of Michigan, by act approved March 30, 1849, incorporated a company composed of Gardner D. Williams, James Fraser, D. J. Johnson, of Saginaw, and other parties in the State, "to enter upon the canal commenced by the State, as their property, at the forks of the Bad River, and upon lands on either side, and through which the said canal may pass, to the bend of the Maple River, a tributary of Grand River, and so far on that river as may be thought proper; to construct a tow path and concentrate the water for canal use, and to dig, construct or excavate the earth; to erect or set up any dams, locks, waste-weirs, sluices, feeders or any other device whatsoever, 132 HISTORY OF SAGINAW COUNTY to render the same navigable with boats, barges or other craft." The company was duly organized under the name of Saginaw and Grand River Canal Company, with a capital of $200,000, and its stock was offered for sale. The revival of the project reawakened hopes that the Maple River was at last to become part of a navigable waterway between the two great lakes, and the people indulged in the most visionary and impracticable notions in regard to the water courses of the State. Having no railroads or even wagon roads leading to the interior, the Indian trails being the only means of communication between the scattered hamlets, it was perhaps natural that they should have held greatly exaggerated ideas of the value of their rivers as highways of commerce. No work on the old canal was ever done by the company organized here, and finally the enterprise was definitely abandoned, never to be again revived. With a better understanding of the economics of transportation, the impractical schemes of visionaries today meet with little encouragement or support, particularly in an age when the facilities for communication to the remotest parts of the State are entirely adequate to the needs of commerce. The Enterprise of Norman Little Of all the energetic and progressive men who came to this valley at an early day, Norman Little must be regarded as having been the most enterprising. Partaking of the public spirit of his father, Doctor Charles Little, he came here with him in 1822-23, but with others of the party returned to New York State after their explorations were completed. In 1836, having enlisted the financial support of Mackie, Oakley and Jennison, of New York City, in a project for the building up of the village of Saginaw, he took up his permanent residence here. He thereupon chartered the steamboat Governor Marc, and, with a party of prominent citizens of Detroit and a number of emigrants, made the first voyage by steam power to the Saginaw, and proudly steamed up the river to this place. Soon after this important event he established a regular steamboat line between Buffalo and Saginaw, and, by extensive advertising in eastern cities, started the tide of emigration to the then remotest point on the western frontier. His broad scheme of exploitation embraced the erection of a number of costly buildings, and the making of certain public improvements; and the expenditures of Mackie & Company, of which he was a member, in carrying out their designs, amounted to a large sum. They first purchased the military reservation, comprising the old fort and adjacent land, which is now the center of the business section of the West Side, and proceeded to improve it. After the United States troops had been withdrawn from the fort in the fall of 1823, this property was sold to Samuel Dexter, of Washtenaw County, the consideration being seven thousand dollars. In 1832 Eleazer Jewett surveyed and platted the land for Mr. Dexter, who then gave the place the name of Saginaw City. That portion south of Cass Street was then owned by Gardner D. Williams and Ephraim S. Williams, and they had it platted at about the same time. Mr. Dexter designed to exploit the advantages of this village as a business center of a large territory rich in natural resources, and to build it up for a desirable place of residence. But his efforts in this line were not very successful, and in 1835 he sold his interests here to Doctor Millington, of Ypsilanti, for eleven thousand dollars. The following year, when the more progressive men from the east, with abundant capital at their command, arrived to exploit its wonderful resources, the value of this property had apparently risen over night to an unheard of figure in the history of settlement of the wilderness, for they paid fifty-five thousand dollars for it. NORMAN LITTLE The 'projector of Sag'ina w Clity and founder of K;ast Sag inaw,. 134 HISTORY OF SAGINAW COUNTY Upon the inauguration of Mr. Little's extensive plan of improvements, and the expenditure of large sums of money, there was a great change in the appearance of Saginaw City. A large influx of population soon commenced, and a speculative mania seized all the ardent, enterprising men (as it did adventurous spirits throughout the United States between 1835 and 1838), and an era of speculation set in which was unequalled in the history of the State. Property here changed hands from day to day at fabulous prices, and the pioneers began to think that the consummation of their hopes of seeing the Saginaw Valley a rich and populous country, was near at hand. Some lots, so the records show, sold as high as two thousand dollars, while an eighty acre plot of ground, within a mile of the river, brought eighty thousand dollars. Nearly the entire section of the county, bordering on the east side of the Saginaw and Shiawassee Rivers to the south side of the Cass River, and extending a mile or more along the north bank of that stream, was platted and offered for sale. Some of these plats covered acre upon acre of land submerged at all seasons of the year, the only occupants being the muskrat, bull frog, and wild fowl. In 1837 a new plat of Saginaw City was made by Mr. Little, which embraced all the smaller plats previously drawn, including the "Town of Sagina" and the Dexter plat, and spread itself into magnificent distances taking in a great deal of territory. However extravagant such a plat may now seem, the entire land then platted, after a lapse of fifty years, was covered with stately edifices and beautiful homes. Afterward Yates and Woodruff acquired a considerable portion of the platted territory, and, being men of wealth, they commenced improvements which could only have been inaugurated under the influence of a mania of speculation. Attracted by the beauty of the location and of the surrounding country, with its bountiful forests and water communication to the east, these men sought to build up a beautiful city. The Old Webster House Among the improvements made by this syndicate was the building of the WVebster House, a large hotel located on the northwest corner of Walshington and Jefferson Streets, the site of the present residence of Mrs. George Grant, Jr., the streets now being known as Michigan Avenue and Cleveland Street. Like other structures projected by these speculators, this hotel was of spacious proportions, three stories in height, having a Grecian portico, with fluted columns sustaining the entablature, and broad verandas, a fine basement, and was of sufficient size to accommodate the ordinary hotel necessities of a town of ten thousand inhabitants. For a long time it was the most pretentious and best conducted public house of any in Michigan, and, as the center of the social life of the town, it helped to spread its fame in other sections of the State. The projectors also constructed a capacious warehouse, about one hundred feet in length by sixty feet in width, having three floors, on the margin of the river at what is now the foot of Cleveland Street. Soon after the Webster House was opened to the public, in 1838, E. L. Wentz, who during the previous year had lived at Malden's log tavern, moved over to the new hotel, and at times assisted Mr. Harring, the proprietor, in the office. In this capacity he became well acquainted with the people who stayed there; and many years after told an amusing incident illustrating a peculiar custom of the time. "I have a vivid recollection," said he, "of a high lark that Henry Pratt and I had at the Webster House a short time after it was opened. There was some doings that brought all the people of the country into town, and THE RISE AND PROGRESS OF SAGINAW CITY 135 they all stopped at the Webster House. The country guests all took off their boots, shoes and stockings in the office and left them there, going up stairs bare-footed to bed. After all were in bed and the house quiet, Pratt and I went to his shop, got some shoe brushes and blacking, returned to the hotel and blacked one of every pair of boots and shoes we could find in the house. We worked at it until daylight, then blacked one of our own in the same way, and went to bed for about an hour. I came into the office early to see the effect of our night's work. "When the people began to come down the fun commenced. Everyone tried to get a pair of polished boots or shoes, some didn't know their shoes and looked half an hour for them, some accepted the joke and laughed, while others cursed a blue streak, threatening to kill the person who blacked their boots, if they could find out who did it. During the day nearly every man to be met on the streets had on one polished boot or shoe, and that was evidence that he was a guest of the Webster House. Pratt and I kept very still and had our laugh all to ourselves. Saginaw at that time was very dull, and anything that created a little excitement was enjoyable." The Bubble Bursts The general inflation of values caused by speculative mania finally pro(luced an abnormal condition of affairs throughout the country. In 1838 the huge bubble of speculation collapsed. But few banks in the United States survived the disaster, and those that did, suspended specie payments. Then followed several years of broad-spread commercial and mercantile depression. For a long time the business of the country was paralyzed, finding but little relief until the passage of the bankrupt law by Congress, in 1842. For several years after the collapse very little progress was made in the valley of the Saginaw. Evidently the projectors of the realty boom, and of the improvements referred to, had anticipated a large influx of population and a corresponding increase in trade, for they were strong in the faith of ultimate success, a quality indispensable to the pioneer, and men of ideas and energy. But with the suspension of the Saginaw City Bank, a "wildcat" concern organized by Norman Little and others, and of all construction work, many mechanics and laborers were thrown out of employment, and a large number returned to the East. Instead of speculating as to the quickest way of making a fortune, the people had to turn their attention to the best means of obtaining bread. Had it not been for the abundant resources of the country, many who remained might have come to want; but with plenty of game in the forests and the choicest of fish in the waters, and a productive soil on the alluvial bottom lands, all that stayed here managed to obtain a livelihood. Many who had been in other business resorted to farming, which hastened the clearing of the land, and aided in the development of the country. Anthony R. Swarthout Captain A. R. Swarthout, who gained his title in the Pottawatomie and Black Hawk wars, was born in Seneca County, New York, in September, 1796. He was of Dutch descent, some members of the family being noted for longevity, his great grandmother having attained to the remarkable age of one hundred and seventeen years. His boyhood was passed in his native place; and in 1816 he was married to Miss Hannah Rose, and removed to Steuben County, New York. In 1826, having heard much of the opportunities of settlement in the territory of Michigan, he made a tedious journey to the then "Far West"; and in the following year moved his family to lands he had located near Ypsilanti. 136 HISTORY OF SAGINAW COUNTY After the Indian wars, in which he was enrolled in a company of riflemen known as "minute men," were ended, Captain Swarthout ventured the journey through the almost unbroken wilderness to the trading post on the Saginaw, arriving here on September 26, 1835. At the first township meeting held in the spring of 1836, there were seventeen votes polled, and he was elected one of the township officers -that of highway commissioner, which he held for sixteen years. In this capacity, with the aid of Abram Butts, another early settler, he laid out and established most of the public highways of this and adjoining counties then embraced within the limits of Saginaw County. He also served a term as supervisor, and was township clerk for fourteen years without intermission. A man of unquestioned integrity and generous hospitality, Captain Swarthout always commanded the respect of his fellow townsmen. He died in 1881 at the age of eighty-five, survived by four sons and three daughters. Horace S. Beach One of the oldest and most respected of the pioneers of this county was Horace S. Beach, who was born in New York City, January 16, 1806. Most of his young manhood was passed in his native State, but in 1837 he came to Saginaw. During that and the following year he taught the first school opened in the county, being preceded as master only by Albert Miller. As a surveyor, a profession which he soon after adopted, he made many of the early surveys, and was engaged in this work until 1855. In 1849 he moved to a farm in Tittabawassee Township, on which he lived and died. His first vote was cast for John Quincy Adams, but in late years he became a firm and consistent advocate of the principles of the Republican party. He served the county in several official positions, in 1842-43-44 as register of deeds. In 1840 he was married to Miss Catherine Malden, sister of Mrs. James Busby, of Saginaw City; and to them four sons were born. Firm in his convictions he had the iron will of a strong man, yet preserved the tender sympathy of a woman. He died in 1881. A CAMP IN WINTER CHAPTER IX FOUNDING OF EAST SAGINAW Convivial Habits of the Pioneers-'Uncle Jimmy", the Fiddler-Anecdote of Major Mosely-Plague of Blackbirds-Primitive Settlement on the East SideOriginal Plat-Curtis Emerson Comes upon the Scene-His Eccentricities-Lays out Village of Buena Vista-Norman Little Founds East Saginaw-Builds Plank Road to Flint-His other Enterprises- William L. P. Little-Charles David Little. C HRISTMAS among the pioneers of the West, especially those of French extraction, was always observed as a holiday, to be celebrated in a manner congenial to their ideas and tastes. This generally took the form of carousals among the rougher element, and milder champagne parties among the "select", and in our frontier settlement this was no exception. Liquor flowed freely on all occasions of jollity and merry-making, drinking being one of the chief recreations of the male portion of the inhabitants. So abundant was the supply that in unloading a cargo of supplies at the dock, it was observed that there were about four barrels of whiskey to two barrels of flour and one of pork; and some persons used to wonder where so much flour and pork went to. In those early days they were wont to say that strong drink was a necessity to life, and considering the wet and marshy condition of the ground and the malarial tendencies of the climate, they were probably right about it. In New England, whence a number of our prominent residents hailed, but little attention was paid to the Christmas festival, Thanksgiving day being the great holiday of the year; therefore many who had emigrated from those States kept steadily at their work or business, as on any other day. And they resented any interference in their established custom. On one Christmas day in the olden time Albert Miller, in company with his brothers-in-law, Eleazer Jewett and Harvey Rumrill, who were natives of Vermont and New Hampshire, after working until near the close of the day, took a large canoe and paddled down the river from their homes at Green Point to the "Fort", where they had business at the trading post of G. D. & E. S. Williams. On entering the store they were confronted with the rough and boisterous element of the little settlement, the door was quickly locked and guarded to prevent their leaving, and they saw that they were in for a hot celebration. Jewett, at once taking in the situation, gave his companions the wink to be ready to escape the moment an opportunity offered. On looking through the crowd they found that nearly all the male population, after carousing all day, had gathered at the store to have a night of it. The New Englanders thereupon entered into their sport with such pretended zeal, that their captors soon relaxed their vigilance over them, when, upon edging toward the door, it was suddenly opened and they darted out and ran for their canoe. In an instant a dozen or more stalwart men were after them, making in all haste toward the river, and the foremost one was about to grasp the prow of their canoe as they shoved off from shore. Being determined to prevent their escape, he waded into the water until it reached his waist, which at that season of the year was not very enjoyable holiday sport. Failing in their first attempt, they quickly manned a large batteau and started 138 HISTORY OF SAGINAW COUNTY in pursuit, and it was stated that no water-craft ever before passed over the two miles to the Point in a shorter time than those two canoes on that Christmas night. It was an even race all the way; and when they landed. instead of going to their cabins, Miller and his companions ran to the woods where they concealed themselves in the thicket. The racket soon raised by their pursuers around their houses, and a boisterous threat to tear down one of them, frightened their families, so they came out of the woods and faced them. The roisterers then attempted to force them into the canoe to carry them back to finish the night in revelry, but they began a good-natured scuffle with them, which, with their exertions of paddling their canoe, partly sobered them, so that they were soon willing to take to their canoe and return home alone. Besides these carousals there were more select parties whenever there seemed occasion for them, the arrival of some friend of a resident, or some person contemplating settling here, an advantageous sale of property or any family event, being considered an apportune time for convening a champagne party. These parties were entered into for the desire for social enjoyment, and for keeping up the reputation of the village for hospitality and good cheer, which was proverbial. The flow of champagne soon loosened the tongues for song, anecdote and smart speeches, the conviviality continuing until morning when the company dispersed, some with "sair heads." The last one of these participated in by Albert Miller was in February, 1838, soon after his marriage, and was gotten up for the purpose of "laying him out", as he expresses it. The incident is told in his own words: "On the morning after a night spent in social enjoyment with a large party at the opening of the Webster House, I was awakened by a number of voices calling to me from outside of my house. Suspecting what was intended, I was too well acquainted with the company to think of shirking the ordeal. I quickly rose and met the company of about a dozen men at the door, when they took me into Jewett's Hotel, which was next door, and presented me with a bottle of champagne; not waiting to uncork the bottle I broke the neck of it on the stove and put it to my mouth and allowed the contents to run down into my boots. I told them that if they would allow me to finish dressing I would go with them wherever they desired. "We started in sleighs and drove to every place in town where liquor could be obtained. I generally took the lead, called for the bottle, and prepared myself with a bumper of cold water to drink with them when they had their glasses filled. I feigned drunkenness, which I could easily do for I had plenty of patterns before me, and in the afternoon, when I went with the company to my own house to partake of some choice wines that I had, my wife and mother were greatly shocked at my apparent condition of inebriety, but were not more surprised a short time after when I returned without a show of liquor about me. I had scarcely swallowed a drop of liquor during the day, and was not in the least under its influence, but my companions were all ready to retire from the field before night. I became convinced of the folly of such actions, and as the hard times came on, after the general financial crash of 1838, the people generally, if they had the disposition to do it, had not the money to spend foolishly." "Uncle Jimmy", the Fiddler But it must not be supposed that drinking bouts, or Saginaw "trains" as they were usually termed, were the only form of conviviality indulged in by the early settlers. During the long months of winter they often had dances, and when one was all arranged to be held at the house of Mrs. G. D. Williams, Mrs. E. N. Davenport, Mrs. James Fraser, Mrs. Eleazer Jewett, FOUNDING OF EAST SAGINAW 139 or others, a messenger was dispatched through the woods some thirty miles to the cabin of James W. Cronk, to notify him that his services as "fiddler", were required at such a time. There were other persons nearer by who could supply the music for such occasions very acceptably, but the old citizens of Saginaw were too aristocratic to have any one play for them but their old friend and pioneer, "Uncle Jimmy", who always at the appointed time put in an appearance with a fiddle-box under his arm and his rifle over his shoulder. These were the only parties the old fellow would condescend to play for, but he never failed his old friends, and no one contributed so much to the enjoyment of the evening as he. James WV. Cronk afterwards volunteered in the Mexican war and received a captain's commission. He died some time after, together with his son, Norton, of yellow fever, at Vera Cruz, Mexico, deeply regretted by all the early pioneers. He was a man of more than ordinary ability, and one of the most genial of companions, as well as a great favorite among his associates. Anecdote of Major Mosely In the days of the fur trade the American Fur Company had a small sloop named the Savagc, which brought in goods for trade with the Indians, and provisions, clothing and sundry articles for the settlers, and carried away the quantities of furs which had been collected. This little sloop of only twenty-eight tons burden would leave Detroit and touch at several points on the St. Clair River, taking on such goods as were needed in trade, including some demijohns of very fine whiskey, brandy and rum. There was at this time an old lawyer named Major Mosely, who lived in one of the block houses inside the stockade and kept a sort of tavern, who had been appointed custom house officer. When the little sloop arrived at her dock, the old major would go aboard with all the pomposity imaginable, and in going down into the diminutive cabin, he would say in an authoritative manner: "Nothing must be touched until I examine the cargo." Then the captain would give him a glass of brandy, and he would go on deck and tell the owners "It is all right; no smuggled goods aboard." One night just after the vessel came in, the old major said to William R. McCormick, then a boy who lived at the tavern while going to school, "I don't want you to go to bed very early tonight. Something will be left for me at the back door, and when you hear a knock, you and Amanda (the servant girl) go and get it and carry it up stairs." Sure enough, about eleven o'clock they heard a knock at the back door, and on going there found three sailors with as many demijohns of different kinds of liquors, which they carried up into the garret. This was repeated every time the little sloop arrived, until at the close of navigation the major had twenty-one demijohns of "good things", the very choicest liquors. WXhat became of all this was told by Mr. McCormick many years after. "About four o'clock in the afternoon a sleigh would drive up to the back door of the old block house occupied by the major, and the driver would knock and go in, saying: 'I want a demijohn of whiskey, one of rum, and one of gin, for the party at so and so's place tonight.' One day when he came the major was out, and I told him I had no authority to give any, and that he must see the major. 'That is all right,' he said, 'the major furnishes all the liquor for the parties, and what is left is always brought lack in the morning.' So I went out and found the major, and he said: 'Yes; only tell them to bring back what is left in the morning.' 140 HISTORY OF SAGINAW COUNTY "The next week there would be another party at the house of some other pioneer, when the sleigh would come around again for the supply of liquid refreshment. All the major's friends knew how he got his liquor, and as they were all one social circle it was no more than right that it should be equally distributed. Such enjoyment at parties I have never seen since; whether it was owing to the kindly feelings that existed among those few families, isolated from the world, or the good effects of the excellent liquor of the major's, or everything combined, I am unable to say. I am inclined to think it was owing to the kindly feelings that existed among the early pioneers, and will continue to exist as long as memory lasts." The Plague of Blackbirds As previously mentioned, blackbirds were a great pest in the primitive days of agriculture in this valley, and they came in flocks of thousands. The Williams Brothers had a small field of oats back of the fur company's store, which they had cradled and were about to get it in to save it from the birds, when another brother and some friends came to visit them. The oats were forgotten for the time being, but the birds came heavily reinforced that day to finish them. As they kept coming by the store, one of the party proposed that they see how many birds they could kill with one shot. Ephraim S. Williams had a fine, large single-barreled duck gun which he loaded with mustard seed shot, and commenced firing from the door, as the others drove them from the oats. After firing ten shots and his brother one shot, the boys picked up the dead and wounded birds and put them in a pile in front of the store. As the result of eleven shots they gathered five hundred and forty-five birds, and for days after, in the road and at the edge of the river, there were hundreds that had crawled to the river for drink and died there. This story is given as a strictly true one. About 1836 the board of supervisors passed a law giving a bounty of two cents per head for blackbirds. The heads were taken to any justice of the peace, whose duty it was to destroy them and give a certificate which could be exchanged for a county order. These orders were worth in those days about fifty cents on the dollar, and redeemable only in store pay. There was one old justice who lived in one of the block houses inside the fort, and to him the boys used to take their bird heads, for a very good reason. He was in the habit of throwing the heads into his back yard, after counting them, for the hogs to eat, instead of destroying them according to law. After the boys would get their certificate, they would ask the old fellow to go down to Captain Malden's and take a drink, which he was never known to refuse, when another of the boys who had kept out of sight would slip into the justice's back yard, pick up the heads and put them into a bag. By the time he got back again to his office, the boy would have the same heads at his door to get another certificate from him. The boys exonerated themselves by saying that, since county orders were worth only fifty cents on the dollar, they had to sell the birds twice to get what the law contemplated they should have. The consequence was that this old justice got all the business in blackbird heads, and numerous drinks thrown in. Primitive Settlement on the East Side The first habitation of white men on the east side of the Saginaw River was the branch trading post established by Louis Campau in 1820. It was a rough log cabin situated on the bank of the river, where the Methodist Mission House was afterward erected. This was near the northeast corner of Water and Fitzhugh Streets, so long occupied by the residence of Norman Little. But the Indians would not trade with the enterprising Frenchman 1 - SITE OF PRESENT CITY HALL, 1849 142 HISTORY OF SAGINAW COUNTY.~~ ~ ~ ~ -- - --- -..... _ at this place, and he was obliged to abandon the post the following year. No further efforts at settlement were made for several years, and the solitude of the wilderness was unbroken save by the howling of wolves and the occasional whoop of the red men. In 1832 Albert Miller, while on a visit to his sister, Mrs. Eleazer Jewett, located land at the junction of the Shiawassee and Tittabawassee Rivers, opposite Green Point. On a beautiful spot along the gently-sloping bank of the stream, he erected a comfortable log house; and in the following spring was joined by his mother and sister, who moved from Grand Blanc. For several years they lived in this primitive fashion, but amidst the most attractive surroundings, being the first white settlers on the east side of the Saginaw River. The first attempt to form a permanent settlement was made in 1836, when "Uncle Harvey Williams,,' in association with Mackie, Oakley and Jennison, of New York City, purchased a tract of land south of what is now Bristol Street, and erected thereon a saw mill, a stable, and two or three dwellings. At the time this enterprise was regarded by the settlers on the west side as one of doubtful utility, since the capacity of the mill far exceeded the consumption of lumber in the village, and shipping it to other markets at a distance was not dreamed of. The promoters, however, had broader plans than the mere creation of a single industry in the unbroken wilderness. They had visions of a large and prosperous city springing up along the east side of the river; and they proceeded to survey and lay out an elaborate plat, embracing no less than one hundred and five blocks. The Original Plat The original plat was published in the "Map of the City of Saginaw"' dated February 1, 1837, a reproduction of which appears on pages 106 and 107; and covered all the land along the river for a space of nearly a mile, and extended back about three-quarters of a mile. Beginning at the southern limits, which was about at the northern entrance to Hoyt Park, there was a street named "First Street" running east and west and intended to cross the low, marshy ground (now a part of Hoyt Park) to the high ground beyond. The next street to the north was "Second Street", the lines of which are probably followed quite closely by Holland Avenue; and then came "Third Street", now called Bristol Street. Continuing toward the north were ten other streets, bearing numerical names in consecutive order until "Thirteenth Street" was reached at the northern limits of the town. The lines of this street were probably staked very near the present location of Hayden Street. Each block was three hundred feet long north and south, and the streets were sixty-six feet wide; and the total length of the plat was forty-four hundred and fifty-eight feet. The first street along the river, beginning at "Third Street" (Bristol), was named "Water Street", and the next, which was two hundred and forty feet to the east, was named "Pearl Street", each of which was sixty-six feet in width. Then came "Broad Street" ninety-nine feet wide, which corresponds to our Washington Avenue, and followed by "Marshal", "Clay", "Calhoun", "Branch", "Barry", "Eaton", and "Ingham" to mark the eastern limits. About where "Branch Street" was laid out, or twelve hundred and forty feet east of the center line of "Broad Street", now runs Jefferson Avenue, but the present lines would not coincide with those of the old plat, which was never adopted or its streets opened up. It is interesting to note that the projectors had in mind the laying out of a Public Square, which was to be on either side of "Broad Street" at "Sixth Street." Had their plans materialized this square would have been FOUNDING OF EAST SAGINAW 143 located on our Washington Avenue very near to McCoskry Street. All of the blocks now occupied by the City Hall and the gas wvorks, were reserved by the proprietors for their saw mill and allied industries. But in 1838, following the collapse of the speculative bubble, with the consequent shrinkage of capital and credit, the whole enterprise fell flat, the saw mill was shut down, and the well formulated plans of founding a city on this site were temporarily abandoned. The inscription at the foot of the map of 1837 reads as follows: "The City of Saginaw lies in the heart of Michigan, at the head of steamboat navigation on the Saginaw River, which is formed by the confluence of the Flint, Cass, Shiawassee and Tittabawassee Rivers, all diverging into a rich farming country, and navigable for small craft. The Shiawassee may easily and doubtless soon will be connected by a short canal with the Grand River, by which the trade of all that country and much from the western shore of Lake Michigan will center at Saginaw. It will open a water communication from Chicago and Michigan City to Lake Erie, 500 miles shorter than the dangerous navigation through the northern parts of Lakes Michigan and Huron. Building materials of every description, wood, brick and stone, may be procured on the spot, a great advantage over most other places. Many buildings are now being erected, a Court IHouse, Gov't Land Office, and it is expected a Bank also will be located here this season. The large number of mechanics and others employed in the improvements of the place, will create a brisk business and afford a ready market for the surplus produce of the surrounding country. In short, Saginaw possesses advantages superior to any other new place in the State, and promises to become one of the most important cities of the West." As we look at the location of this prospective city, after a lapse of seventy-five years, and compare the high, dry ground to the east and south of the City Hall, with the low, unsightly and malarial-breeding ground upon which very much of East Saginaw was originally built, we cannot but feel that the section from Holland Avenue north to Holden and east as far as Warren Avenue should have been the site of the business section of the East Side. It is true that the narrow strip of ground east of Washington Avenue would have presented some objection, but of scarcely more consequence than those of the bayou which once crossed Genesee Avenue at Baum Street, and which are still in evidence. In the former site the ground on all sides is much higher than the level of the present site of the business section, and is above the reach of the highest floods. The selection of the site of East Saginaw in a bayou and marsh ground shows that the location of village sites in a new country is often largely a matter of circumstance and enterprise, rather than of consideration of the natural advantages and convenience. Curtis Emerson Comes Upon the Scene For ten years following the financial panic of 1837-38, the village of Saginaw City suffered all the after effects of a speculative boom, and little was done in building or improvements. Many mechanics and laborers, who had found employment in the various enterprises inaugurated by the projectors and land owners, left the valley and the village settled down to a quiet, dormant existence. About the only residents that remained were those who had invested interests in the place, in the way of land holdings which could not be sold, or in stocks of goods the demand for which was largely curtailed. All, however, shared the earnest conviction that eventually the place would again prosper and become one of the important cities of the State. 144 HISTORY OF SAGINAW COUNTY About the time that conditions began to improve there came to Saginaw City a young man by the name of Curtis Emerson, who, of all the queer characters who ever resided here, was the queerest. Old citizens still grow loquacious when relating his sayings, and smile and laugh with reminiscental glee over his grotesque eccentricities, witty expressions, violent prejudices, monumental profanity, and crackling humor. In person he was diminutive and slight, being not more than five feet two inches in height, and weighing about one hundred pounds, with a complexion midway between swarthy and sallow, keen, fierce, gray eyes, which glared with resentment or twinkled with fun, according to his ever changing moods. He was a plucky little fellow, full of energy and vitality, and when engaged in an altercation would tackle a man twice his size, but was not vindictive, and when worsted in wordy debates or fisticuffs would promptly extend his hand to his antagonist, and invite him and all the bystanders to liquid refreshments. He was always well dressed in the pink of fashion, and looked as if he had just stepped from a band box. "Curt", as he was generally called, was born at Norwich, Vermont, February 4, 1810. His boyhood was spent in his native town and in Windsor, the same State; and he was educated in the best schools of New England. His father, Thomas Emerson, who was a leading merchant and banker of Windsor, was a man of eccentric character, of violent temper, of kindest heart and bitterest prejudices, of unbending integrity and purpose, while his mother was a meek, quiet, pious and uncomplaining woman, who bore the crosses and burdens of life but a few years. But she blended in the son's nature many of her virtues and fine feelings, which offset, through his life, the peculiar and unpleasant traits of the father. Entering into business under his father's patronage, dislikes and personal quarrels soon rose between them, and "Curt" came west, arriving at Detroit on May 11, 1836. As agent of a large eastern land company, he travelled extensively for a time through Michigan, Wisconsin, and even west of the Mississippi, but made his home at the Michigan Exchange Hotel. Afterward he went into the manufacture of malt liquors, investing his father's capital in the first brewery in Detroit, situated at the southeast corner of Congress and First Streets, the firm name being Emerson, Davis & Moore. He continued in this business until 1845, when he went into copper mining enterprises, which were a speculative furore in those days. His Eccentricities While living in Detroit he was always surrounded by a group of friends, who laughed at his eccentricities and profited by his liberality. Utterly unconventional, he joined in any conversation he might overhear, and vented his ideas with freedom and emphasis. If he did not like the appearance of either acquaintance or stranger, he would without ceremony abuse him to his face. In the early '40s, during the Washingtonian temperance movement, when the evils of strong drink was a leading topic in all circles of society, a lecturer named Hyde delivered an open-air lecture on the subject, from a dry-goods box, when "Curt", who was among the auditors, exclaimed in a loud voice: "You're a ---- liar," adding an extremely insulting epithet. Hyde was not a meek and lowly character, and descending from the box, knocked him down. Emerson was a little dazed, but rising up, came to Hyde with his hand extended, saying: "You're a good man, sir. Shake hands. You'll get along in this wide world of sorrow and tears. Let's take a drink." FOUNDING OF EAST SAGINAW 145 He fraternized with the Irish element partly because they appreciated his witty sayings, and also because they were mostly strong Democrats like himself. On a St. Patrick's day he turned out in the procession with an abundance of green ribbons in his coat and hat, and ordered a supper in the evening at the Michigan Exchange. When Curt went into the dining room he thought it was not worthy of the occasion, and mounting the table he went from one end to the other knocking off all the dishes in his progress, and then held the supper in a restaurant. It was certainly a big affront to Dibble the landlord, but he didn't complain, for Curt always settled for the damages. One day his father, who was generally called the "Deacon", came to Detroit to see how his sons, Curt and John, were getting along. He learned that they had gone on a jamboree, and started out in search of them. At Dan Whipple's saloon on the west side of Bates Street, between Jefferson Avenue and Lamed Street, he heard a tremendous racket, and looking in saw his two sons endeavoring to outdo each other in destroying the bar room. There was no fight or quarrel, but pictures were being broken, mirrors smashed, glasses and decanters dashed to pieces, while Curt was making a frantic effort to over-turn the bar. The old gentleman smiled at this evidence of recklessness, and poking his head in the door, said: "Go to it, Curt! Go to it, John! I'm proud of you. Landlord, that will be all right." Curt was a great friend of Alfred Williams, always dubbed "Salt" Williams, because he was interested in the salt works at Syracuse, New York, and agent of its business in the WVest. At one time he engineered a successful corner in salt in this State and Wisconsin, gathering in nearly $100,000 in profits. He also was an eccentric character, of medium size and elegant in carriage, witty, fond of fun, and an inveterate joker. On one occasion when the two friends left for Buffalo on a steamboat, another steamboat forged up to them and an exciting race ensued. "Salt" knew the other boat and offered to bet one hundred dollars that it would arrive at Buffalo first. "Done," cried Curt. "No boat afloat can beat the boat I'm sailing on." In a little while the other boat drew ahead. Curt consulted with the captain and learned that there was a consignment of hams and bacon on board. "Put them down below," he said, "I'll pay for them." The captain objected to this, but Curt finally had his way, and several thousand pounds of perfectly good meat went under the boiler, Curt helping as stoker. The safety escape valve was fastened down, and the boat trembled under the increased speed, but when Curt emerged from below the rival steam boat was a mile behind. "Salt" didn't like to be beaten, so he offered to bet another hundred dollars that he could pick out the homeliest man on the boat. Curt, whose sporting spirit was thoroughly aroused, promptly took it, and each produced his man. Both were fellow passengers who entered into the fun. A jury was empanelled, and while they were examining the men it soon became apparent that Curt had won again. "Salt's" choice thereup began making diabolical grimaces to influence the jury, when his backer, who had an impediment in his speech and stuttered, exclaimed: "You, you n-n-needn't sc-sc-screw your urgly face. God has s-s-s-saved you the tr-tr-trouble." When the boat reached Buffalo all on board, captain, crew and passengers were in an advanced state of alcoholic sprightliness. CURTIS EMERSON Born in Norwich, Vermont, February 4, 1810. Came to Michigan in 1836 and to Saginaw City in 1846. Engaged in the lumber business and in 1847 located permanently on the east side of the river at Buena Vista, in a building at foot of what is now called Bristol Street. MOSES B. HESS Born at Verona, Oneida County, N. Y., in 1825. Came to Michigan in 1837; settled in East Saginaw, 1850. Previous to this he was Postmaster and State Librarian at Lansing; succeeded Morgan L. Gage as Postmaster at East Saginaw in 1853. FOUNDING OF EAST SAGINAW 147 Lays Out Village of Buena Vista As early as 1839 Curtis Emerson visited the Saginaw River, and in December, 1846, he became a permanent resident of Saginaw, being identified with its rise and progress for a period of thirty-four years. He at once engaged in the lumber business, but not prospering in that to his expectations, he removed in 1847 to the east side of the river, and erected a building near the foot of Bristol Street. On the property which he purchased at that time there was a saw mill, one dwelling, one boarding house, a barn and a small blacksmith shop, which had been built eleven years before by "Uncle Harvey Williams." In the spring of 1848, Charles W. Grant, another of the early pioneers of the East Side, brought some workmen from Flint, and, with Emerson, commenced the manufacture of lumber in the old saw mill which ever after was known as the "Emerson mill." That year Curt consigned to C. P. Williams & Company, of Albany, New York, the first full cargo of clear lumber ever shipped from Michigan. A store was soon opened and a permanent settlement begun, to which he gave the romantic name of Buena Vista, in honor of General Taylor's then recent victory over Santa Anna, in the Mexican war. A town was organized in April, 1849, and at the first election held in Emerson's house, nineteen votes were cast, Curtis Emerson being chosen supervisor, Charles W. Grant township clerk, Stephen Lytle treasurer; and Andrew Evart, George Oliver and Stephen Lytle were elected justices of the peace. The commissioners or highways were Aaron K. Penney, C. W. Grant and Sylvester Webber; the school inspectors were A. M. Hoyt and A. K. Penney; while the constables named were Archibald Campbell, David Joslin, George Miner and Erastus Vaughn. In 1850 Mr. Emerson built a two-story house, which he facetiously called the "Halls of the Montezumas", in which he made his bachelor home and was the scene of many rollicking assemblies during which his conviviality and profanity attained a local celebrity. He was the leader of the hardy pioneers, and many are the traditions of "good old times" that were witnessed in his house. It was burned in 1866, and Emerson mourned the loss perhaps more sincerely than any other, except the death of his favorite dog "Caesar." The old saw mill was dismantled in 1854, and two years after he closed up his lumbering operations and engaged in the real estate business, in which he prospered and in 1863 was rated a wealthy man. On July 4, 1864, he made a demonstration in honor of the day by setting fire to the ruins of his old mill which, it was said, made a very imposing bonfire. During the Civil War he was what was termed a "copperhead", and a very emphatic denouncer of the "nigger war." One day Zachariah Chandler came to Saginaw to address a political meeting, and when he stepped from his carriage at the Bancroft House there was a crowd, in which was Curt and his dog Caesar. The canine was short in stature and long in body, and, like his master, had an explosive temperament. Emerson and Chandler knew each other, but the former did not speak, merely addressing his dog: "Caesar, if you wag your tail at that man, I'll disinherit you." Although Curtis Emerson was of peculiarly slight physique, he was a man of wonderful energy, vital power, and physical and mental activity. His fondness for the social glass was his most serious fault, and that was not acquired, but was inherited. His command of language was remarkable, and under the influence of liquor he became a volcano of mingled wit, sarcasm, vituperation and blasphemy. In politics he was a strong Democrat, despising the "d - black Republicans" as he called those of the oppos 148 HISTORY OF SAGINAW COUNTY ing party; and many of the early conventions in this State were witnesses of his fitful outbursts. When he was in easy circumstances he was a prince in his lavish expenditure of money; but in his later years he was involved in litigation and law suits about his property, and met with severe losses which in the end left him a poor man. His last years were eked out in poverty, yet under all adversity there arose the strong individuality, the masterly spirit of independence and defiance, the untamed demon of inherited habit and desire. Full of quick, hateful, uncontrolled desires, eccentricities and faults, he fairly overflowed with charity, kindness, and warm hearted affection for his friends. No one who ever knew him could find in their inmost being a single trace of unforgiving hate; yet he was shunned, dreaded, despised, and in turn petted, honored, and loved by all. A demon now, and in an hour a man of sense, humor and business, his character was penciled in finer lines of light and shade than any other of our early pioneers. His final illness came gradually, with the least pain, and his quiet and easy death February 11, 1880, was the complete calm that follows life's fiercest tempests. Not a relative was present to smooth his pillow, but true friends stood by his bedside, and the last breath brought no struggle. Thirtyfive years have passed, but his memory is still green with those who knew him and yet remain. Norman Little Founds East Saginaw Norman Little, whose enterprise in the palmy days of speculation effected such development and improvement in Saginaw City, may well be called the projector and "father" of East Saginaw. Disappointed, but not discouraged, at the set-back to his fortunes on the west side of the river, he turned his attention to promoting and building up an entirely new town on the east side. In promoting his landed interests here, he started the early settlement upon the site selected more than twenty years before, and as if by magic a flourishing town soon rose in a bayou and marsh, which was a glowing tribute to his undaunted nerve and progressive spirit. In 18-0 he induced James M. Hoyt, of Eli Hoyt & Company, of New York City, and his son Jesse Hoyt, to become interested with himself, each one-third, in the site and business of promoting settlement of the lands originally entered by his father. The Hoyts had been business acquaintances and old friends of his family for many years, and came to know his worth and integrity of character. To consummate the enterprise two hundred and twenty acres of land upon the original site, and other property amounting to twenty-four hundred acres, all on the east side of the river, were purchased by the partners. Part of this land had previously been purchased by a man named Carroll and others, from Doctor's Little's estate, and some had passed to the Farmer's and Mechanic's Bank, of Detroit. From this enterprise inaugurated by Norman Little, backed by the capital of the Hoyts, East Saginaw entered upon its era of remarkable growth and development. The valley of the Saginaw was the natural outlet for the vast timber resources of a wide territory extending in all directions; and when this fact became generally known and recognized by ambitious people in the East, immigration flowed to this western frontier in increasing volume. Capital in turn was also attracted by the lure of riches easily gathered, and freely opened its treasure house to the expenditure of millions to reap the harvest that was ready, but the seeds of which it had not sown. The great pineries to the West and North were soon teeming with logging camps, the streams became choked with logs, long rafts filled the river and bayous, and the whirring saws completed the transformation of the standing timber to merchantable lumber. The saline resources of the earth were soon FOUNDING OF EAST SAGINAW 149 tapped and the refuse and wastes of the saw mills were utilized through the medium of steam to convert the brine into salt. At every hand there was industrial activity; and in due course agriculture gradually assumed an importanlt part in the general prosperity. In 1849 the only sign of habitation on the site of the primitive settlement was a shake-roofed log cabvin built by the American Fur Company, for the use of one of its agents, Captain Leon Snay. It stood on part of the ground now occupied by the Bancroft House, and in 1851 was used as a private school. A small clearing was made in the vicinity of this log house, the work being done by Seth and Thomas Wiley and their associates, including Otto H. G. Moores and Adonirarn Dann; and the lands were surveyed and platted immediately after the choppers passed over the ground. The first rude buildings of the little village sprang up on the bank of the river along what is now Water Street, between Tuscola and Germania. There was a steam saw mill, a boarding house, an office, a rough building called "the store", and a barn, together with a few board shanties, one story and an attic, used for dwellings, to form the nucleus of the settlement. An unbroken forest extended on three sides of the clearing, which was bounded by Washington, Tuscola and German Streets, and the rivler, but here and there were to be seen evidences of settlement in the smoke of a lonely hut in the woods, or burning brush heaps. A short distance below was another small clearing made by Gardner D. Williams, called the "farm" which was purchased about that time by Norman Little for agricultural purposes. It was not long before the ground was cleared as far as the bayou which crossed the Plank Road (Genesee Avenue) near the present location of Baum Street, and wooden buildings began to appear for the use of stores in the block between Washington Street and the river. The original plat of East Saginaw, known as the "Hoyt Plat", was surveyed by A. Alberts for Alfred M. Hoyt, and published December 12, 1850. The streets running east ancl west, beginning south of the twelve river front lots, at the north limits, were named Astor, Miller, Carroll, Fitzhugh, Johnson, Tuscola, Plank Road (Genesee Street), and continuing south German, Williams, Hayden, Millard, Thompson, Hoyt and Emerson. The streets running north and south, parallel with the river, were named Water, Washington, Franklin, Cass, Jefferson, Warren, W~ebster, Clay and Rockwell. It will be noted that only a few changes of names have been made in sixty-five years, and were rendered necessary in order to avoid duplication of names by the consolidation of the twin-cities of Saginaw, which took effect in 1890. Miller Street was changed to Carlisle; Williams to Janes; Cass to Baum; Webster to Weadock; Clay to Park; and Rockwell to Second Street. At the same time a few changes were made in the names of streets on the West Side, to avoid confliction with streets bearing the same names on the East Side. Franklin Street (the first north of Court) was changed to Hancock; Jefferson to Cleveland; Water to Niagara; and Farley to Bristol Street. The additions to East Saginaw since the date of the original plat have been made by well known citizens, some of which, though comparatively insignificant in area, are valuable on account of their central location and the large and important buildings erected thereon. Norman Little was a man of great foresight. He wlas also a good advrertis~er. The latent wealth of the valley, its productive soil and its great forests of timber., which had attracted him in former years, he now exploited throughout the East, and drew to its confines many a hardy, ambitious man with the true stuff of the pioneer. It is related by William H. Sweet, a well known lawyer, now deceased, that in February, 1850, he crossed the river from the west side with Mr. Little, at the site of the present Bristol Street 150 HISTORY OF SAGINAW COUNTY bridge, and walked down on the middle ground from that point to the little village of East Saginaw, the trail being through an almost unbroken forest. In his journey from Detroit to Saginaw, in January of the same year, he was not pleased with the appearance of the country hereabout, as it seemed to be a vast swamp. It was a wet, open winter, and the passage from Flint was made in a big uncomfortable wagon, sometimes through water and deep mud, but a part of the way between Pine Run and Saginaw was over corduroy roads. In his walk with Mr. Little he spoke of the unfavorable impression he had formed of the country, and expressed doubts respecting the future of Saginaw. Mr. Little thereupon drew from his pocket a map of Michigan, spread it out upon a fallen tree, and pointed to the various rivers rising on all sides in the interior. "Those rivers," he said, "are all tributary to Saginaw. When the great wealth of valuable timber growing adjacent to said streams shall be brought to Saginaw, when the salt and coal underlying the valley, and agriculture shall be developed and become important factors in the business of the valley, then you will know that my confidence in the ultimate growth of the valley is not misplaced. These rivers, like the ancient roads, 'all lead to Rome,' and if you live the ordinary life of man, you will see this valley occupied by a hundred thousand people." To Mr. Sweet this seemed like a prophetic vision of a speculative enthusiast. Time, however, has demonstrated the wisdom of Mr. Little's prediction. He Builds a Plank Road to Flint One of the.earliest and most important improvements inaugurated by Mr. Little was the construction of a plank road to Flint, a distance of thirty β€” two miles. In 1848 he applied to the legislature for a charter, but the scheme was considered a visionary one, and only after much opposition did he finally secure it. "There certainly can be no harm, one way or the other, in voting for a charter," the members at length agreed, "for it will never amount to anything. The idea of building a plank road through that swampy country is ridiculously absurd - might as well talk of building a plank road to the moon." But through the untiring efforts of Mr. Little the road was put through and completed at considerable outlay. It opened up a direct highway of communication with the outside world, the value of which was at once apparent in the rapid increase in immigration and settlement. As a result of this enterprise a post office was soon established, and a coach-and-four brought in and carried out a daily mail, while every day the cry everywhere heard was "still they come." At the lower clearing a large steam flouring mill, called the Mayflower Mills, with four run of stone, was built, which many conservative persons thought a very rash expenditure. Soon a large warehouse made its appearance on a substantial dock, and steamboats and sailing vessels began to visit the town. The only tavern then in the place was the Valley City Hotel, built in 1851 by William F. Glasby on Water Street about midway between Plank Road and Tuscola Street. As the village began to assume the appearance of a thriving and prosperous town, a pretentious hotel was deemed a public necessity, and soon a three-story frame building arose on the southeast corner of Plank Road and Water Street, covering nearly half of the square along the road, and was given the name of Irving House. Another grist mill was erected at about this time on the west side of the bayou on the site of the store now occupied by Woolworth; new docks were built along the water front, and a ferry was put in operation at the foot of Plank Road. The demand for village property JESSE HOYT HISTORY OF SAGINAW COUNTY then became clamorous, and lot after lot was taken up, fenced off, and a home or business house erected thereon. Business continued to increase, people to flock in, and houses sprang up almost mysteriously; yet no reaction set in. The man to whose enterprise and unceasing efforts this promising state of affairs was primarily due was Norman Little. He was born at Avon, Livingston County, New York, March 21, 1806; and was the eldest son of Doctor Charles Little, who made the first entry of government land on the Saginaw. His early boyhood and school days were spent in his native town, where he received a good education in the practical affairs of life. At the age of sixteen he came west with his father to prospect for lands suitable for town sites, and was with him in his memorable visit to the Saginaw River in 1822-23. But the time had not arrived for the unfolding of their plans of settlement, and they returned to New York State. In 1836, when the spirit of speculation swept the country, Doctor Little came to Saginaw on a visit to his daughter, Mrs. Hiram L. Miller, and was followed in July by Norman and a party of emigrants, among whom were Charles L. Richman and wife. They arrived on the first steamboat, the Governor Marcy, to traverse the Saginaw River. Doctor Little, who was born September 12, 1776, passed his declining years in Saginaw, where he died September 19, 1841, at the age of sixty-five. Having enlisted the financial support of Mackie, Oakley & Jennison, of New York City, in the project of building up a prosperous city on the Saginaw, Norman Little proceeded to carry out an elaborate plan of improvements on a new plat embracing all the previous plats on the west side of the river, and including an original plat on the east side in the vicinity of what is now Bristol Street. Something of his remarkable enterprise and achievement in promoting the upbuilding of Saginaw City, before the collapse of the speculative bubble in 1838, is narrated in the preceding chapter. In 1852, when his efforts in building up a new town on the east side gave promise of success, he removed his residence to East Saginaw, and settled in a new house on the northeast corner of Water and Fitzhugh Streets, where he lived the remainder of his life. To all the multiple business affairs of Jesse Hoyt, Mr. Little applied his genius as an organizer and promoter, and very much of the wealth that afterward accrued to the former was directly due to the enterprise and progressive spirit of the latter. While it was the capital of Mr. Hoyt that made possible the early improvements, including the laying of the plank road to Flint and the building of substantial structures, thereby declaring his confidence in the future of the place, it was the indomitable courage and energy of Mr. Little in directing the enterprises inaugurated, and the handling of the infinite details, that insured the success of their ventures. It should be remembered that Mr. Hoyt never took up a permanent residence in Saginaw, nor did he ever linger long in his periodical visits to the town; therefore, it seems eminently proper that, having left an enduring monument to himself in the splendid library which bears his name, the greater measure of credit and praise should be bestowed on his able lieutenant, who lived here and bore all the hardships, and privations of pioneer life. All honor to him who builded so well, even better than he knew. The people who now enjoy the fruits of his far-seeing wisdom, especially when they call to mind the struggles and sacrifices through which he labored, should cherish the memory of Norman Little with tender care. The courage with which he carried out his plans and the perseverance by which he brought them to a glorious fruition, should always be held in grateful remembrance. To great energy of character and physical endurance he united a mild and benevolent disposition, and was blessed with a truly social nature FOUNDING OF EAST SAGINAW 153 which rendered him, to the last moment of his life, an object of affectionate regard to those who were his juniors, and of uninterrupted attachment to his friends and associates of past years. To these he ever remained constant, for true friendship and a spirit of universal hospitality belonged to his nature and became substantial characteristics. After spending the best years of his life in founding our prosperous city, Mr. Little suffered a tragic death by drowning in the Saginaw River, this unhappy event occurring on the morning of November 8, 1859. Though scarcely fifty-four years of age, he left a name intimately associated with every pioneer movement in Saginaw Valley. William L. P. Little W. L. P. Little, better known to the early settlers of Saginaw as "Colonel Little", was born at Avon, New York, November 26, 1814. He was the second son of Doctor Charles Little, and spent his childhood and youth under the paternal roof, receiving such education as was afforded by the schools of his native town. In early life he developed to a remarkable extent the indomitable energy, rare financial capacity, and mathematical exactness in matters of trade and negotiation, which were distinguishing characteristics throughout a long and active business life. He came to Saginaw City in 1836 and for four years was actively associated with his brother, Norman Little, in the upbuilding of the town. After the financial collapse we find him engaged in the mercantile business with his brother-in-law, Hiram L. Miller, in which he continued for ten years. In 1851 Colonel Little removed to the east side and entered into partnership with Jesse Hoyt in general merchandising, occupying the premises at the foot of Genesee Street later covered by the Commercial Block. Their store was destroyed by fire on July 5, 1854, when they closed up the business. At this time the needs of the growing town for banking facilities became urgent, and on January 1, 1855, Mr. Little opened the banking office of W. L. P. Little & Company on the second floor of Hoyt's Block (now known as the Exchange Block), on the northeast corner of Genesee and Water Streets. For the first year he attended without great inconvenience to all the duties of the bank, but in 1856 James F. Brown came from New York and assumed the position of cashier. Three years after, Douglas Hoyt became an employee in the office; and in the fall of 1859 the bank was removed to the Bancroft House Block, in the room on Genesee Street so long occupied by the billiard room. The original vault for the safe-keeping of the specie and valuable papers of the old bank may still be seen in this room. On December 31, 1864, this bank went out of existence, its business being taken over by the Merchant's National Bank, which was then founded with Mr. Little as its president. During these years Mr. Little devoted a part of his time to real estate and general commercial transactions, to the development of the salt industry, and to the manufacture of lumber in which he became one of the heaviest dealers. To the many local improvements, both of a public and private character, then being promoted, he also lent his aid and encouragement. His principal business, however, and the prime object of his ambition was the bank which bore his name, and which, from his ability as a financier and unswerving integrity in every business relation, he was peculiarly fitted to be the head. At the first charter election under the act incorporating East Saginaw as a city, held in March, 1859, Colonel Little was elected to the Mayoralty by a large majority, notwithstanding the fact that the Democratic party, with which he was always allied, was then in the minority. The duties of his position he discharged with zeal and fidelity, and to the entire satisfaction COLONEL W. L. P. LITTLE Who came here in 1836, and in the early fifties with Jesse Hoyt, established the largest mercantile house in the northwest. In 1855 he opened the first banking office in this section of Michigan. CHARLES D. LITTLE The youngest brother of Norman and W. L. P. Little, who, about 1850, began the practice of law in Saginaw City. During the Civil War he was appointed Assistant Adjutant General on the staff of General R. S. Granger. FOUNDING OF EAST SAGINAW 155 of all the people. In 1857 he was appointed Receiver of the United States Land Office, Moses B. Hess being the Register; and it was mainly through their efforts that the transfer of that office from Flint to East Saginaw was effected. About 1854 he built a commodious residence, pleasantly arranged with luxurious appointments, on the northeast corner of Water and Johnson Streets. The house was of frame construction of a prevailing style of the period, with a large wing on the south side, and was painted a glistening white. It altogether was one of the pretentious residences of the town. ~Water Street north from Tuscola in those days was the most exclusive residence section, and the west side of the street between Johnson and the Mayflower Mills was an attractive little park slopping gradually to the water's edge. The fortunate residents thus had an unobstructed view of the river and its activities; and their back yards and stables faced on Washington Street, where are now some of our attractive residences. North of Colonel Little's house were the homes of Solomon B. Bliss, Charles B. Mott and Norman Little, all of which have disappeared excepting the old Mott House, on the southeast corner of Water and Fitzhugh Streets, so long occupied by Emil Moores, and now the home of William Glover Gage. When past the meridian of life, in full possession of every comfort and luxury wealth could provide, which came of years of unwearying toil, surrounded by associates ever ready to yield an unquestioning assent to the suggestions of his ripe judgment and well-tried experience, happy in the possession of an affectionate family and a devoted circle of friends, a dreadful malady seized his overworked brain, and in an instant of temporary hallucination his great energy of mind was turned to self destruction. On the morning of December 9, 1867, he died in his bed from a bullet wound, self inflicted. In this tragic event which closed his earthly career the ruling instincts that had swayed his life were all apparent, and he died as he had lived, fearless and with that unconquerable spirit of a man of intense action. Charles David Little Another well known member of the Little family, who came here at the beginning of the remarkable expansion of our industries and who lived here the remainder of his life, was Charles D. Little, the third son of Doctor Charles Little. He was born at Avon, New York, March 5, 1822, and passed his boyhood in acquiring a schooling, and later received a classical education with the intention of following his father's chosen profession. But his elder sisters had fretted over the strenuous life of their father in his efforts to relieve the physical ailments of the little community in which they lived, and persuaded their brother not to follow in their father's footsteps. Abandoning his original plan of life work, when yet a boy he visited Saginaw with his brothers in 1836, but soon after returned to his native State and later began the study of law in the office of Walter I. Hubbell, at Canandaigua. In 1842 he came to Michigan and settled at Flint, where he completed his legal preparation and was admitted to the bar. He then entered into partnership with E. H. Thompson of that town, and in 1846 was elected Judge of Probate of Genesee County. At the close of his term he came to Saginaw City, and followed the practice of law for twelve years. In 1862 he enlisted in the Twenty-third Michigan Infantry, of which he was appointed quartermaster, but upon going to the front he was made assistant-adjutant general on the staff of General R. S. Granger. On account of impaired health he was compelled to resign in 1863, and, upon being honorably discharged, returned to Saginaw and engaged in farming and in dealing in real estate. 156 HISTORY OF SAGINAW COUNTY Aside from his personal affairs Mr. Little always evinced a deep interest in public matters, from 1864 to 1870, being chairman of the board of supervisors. In 1868 he was elected to the State legislature, and was again honored in 1870 and later in 1878, and was one of the prominent Democrats among the law makers of the period. He was a fine parliamentarian, and his suavity of manner, his ready command of language, his dignity and uniform courtesy made him a distinguished member of any body of men with which he was associated. For years he was one of the leaders in the business and social circles of Saginaw City, to which his circumstances of comparative leisure eminently fitted him. Fraternally, Mr. Little was prominently identified with the Knights of Pythias, and was instrumental in founding Achilles Lodge in this city in 1874. Upon the surrender of its charter in 1889 he associated himself with Wolverine Lodge, No. 94, of which he was a member at the time of his death. In 1901 he attended the meeting of the grand lodge at Battle Creek, when he had the distinction of being the oldest past grand chancellor present. He was also a member of J. N. Penoyer post, No. 90, G. A. R., of which he was past commander. On November 29, 1853, he was united in marriage with Miss Pamela W. Webster, of Hartford, Connecticut. Four children were born to them, Charles H., recently deceased, Mrs. S. C. J. Ostrom, Mrs. Gilbert M. Stark, and William K. Little also deceased. For many years the family home, in the stately residence at 1019 Gratiot Avenue, built by Mr. Little in 1866, was a haven of hospitality, which a courteous, considerate gentleman and his highly intelligent and charming wife presided over to the enjoyment of their numerous friends. During his long life of nearly eighty-one years, Mr. Little was a close observer of the progress of the nation in the century which was the most remarkable in the world's history. Even when failing energies made close study and reading irksome, no subject of passing interest escaped his notice, and he was well informed on the current events of the time. On January 27, 1903, he laid down life's burdens, the last of a prominent family of hardy pioneers, who will be remembered as long as records of human events exist. Charles Wesley Grant Charles W. Grant, who came here in a canoe as early as 1849 and built the first frame house on the East Side, was born at Smithfield, Chenango County, New York, March 15, 1818. His father, a native of Massachusetts, was born in 1774 an!d served in the War of 1812, holding the rank of captain. He died at the age of ninety-two in Clinton County, this State, where he had lived for fifty years. The mother died when Charles was only seven years old. Mr. Grant came to Michigan in 1839 and settled at Ionia, where he owned and operated a saw and grist mill, one of the first in that county. In the spring of 1840 he removed to Flushing, where he started in operation the first circular saw in that section, and was also employed in a shingle mill for some time. The same year he went to Flint, where he lived until 1849, when he came down the river to this primitive settlement in a canoe. His first work here was placing a circular saw in the Emerson mill, which stood a little south of Bristol Street and west of the present City Hall. In the spring of 1850 he formed a partnership with Alfred M. Hoyt, and they erected the "Blue Mill" at the foot of German Street, and also a wooden building which was the first frame residence built in East Saginaw. It stood at the corner of William (now Janes) and Water Streets. This mill cut 0) z m Z Z 0:n z - z 0 o H,.i I 0 'n Crl H Z z en H z "n I m m r -, z -l) I r I. i_ 158 HISTORY OF SAGINAW COUNTY plank for the northern division of the Saginaw and Flint Plank Road. Later Mr. Grant sold his interest in the mill business to his partner, Mr. Hoyt, and then purchased a saw mill at Lower Saginaw (Bay City), which was destroyed by fire in 1860. In 1865 he purchased an interest in the Chicago mill, and operated it in association with Thomas Saylor, under the firm name of Grant & Saylor. The panic of 1873 brought reverses and nearly all the property of Mr. Grant was swept away. By the power of an indomitable will and perseverance he gradually recovered his fortunes, and in January, 1880, in association with a nephew, purchased the Callam mill below Carrollton, which was operated many years under the firm name of C. L. Grant & Company. A salt works was also operated in connection with the mill. In 1897 Mr. Grant retired from active business. In his prime Charles W. Grant was a wonderfully vigorous and active man, and during his eventful life witnessed the transformation of a dense wilderness into a prosperous and populated metropolis of all this section of Michigan. When he came here the log hut of Leon Snay, a pioneer trapper, was still standing on the site of the Bancroft, with native forest trees all round, and a swale or marsh extending to the very door. T.he little settlement centured on what is now one of the busiest thoroughfares of a prosperous city, was then tranquil in its primeval simplicity. At the first township meeting held May 1, 1850, the township of Buena Vista was organized, and he was elected township clerk and commissioner of highways, and afterward he served as supervisor. From 1856 to 1860 he was deputy United States Marshal, and was also deputy collecCHARLES W. GRANT tor of customs for one term. In 1885 he was elected sheriff of Saginaw County, an office he held four years. Covering a long period he was secrettary of the Board of Trade, and was actively identified with every movement for the upbuilding of the city. For many years he was corresponding secretary for Saginaw County of the Michigan Pioneer Society, and contributed many biographical sketches of our representative citizens to its historical archives. Mr. Grant was a generous man, and an excellent citizen, who did his share in promoting the advancement of Saginaw Valley, and in laying the foundation of a flourishing city. Personally, he was genial and companionable, and held the cordial respect of all. In the autumn of 1861, he was married in Genesee County to Electa Curtis, a native of Onondaga County, New York, and through all the changing years "they lived and loved together." Having finished his life's work, he died July 11, 1903, at his home at 1663 South Washington Avenue. The passing of this kindly old gentleman of the "old school", caused profound regret and sorrow in the hearts of those who knew him well and long. W. L. P. LITTLE FAMILY The child at the left was Minnie Little, who died at the age of sixteen years. The younger girl was Alice, afterward Mrs. W. H. Coats, well known in Saginaw. CHAPTER X REMINISCENCES OF PIONEER CITIZENS Recollections of Norman L. Miller- Oscar Jewett Located Old Business Houses -William A. Crane Experienced Hardy Pioneer Life - Mary Hubbard Ide Came in 1835 - William A. Williams Told of Lumber Days - John W. Richardson Once Lived in the Old Fort- George Streeb Was One of the First Merchants -What John Moore Found Here in 1851- Joseph A. Whittier Paid Tribute to Jesse Hoyt-James F. Brown Was the First Bank Cashier - Emil A. L. Moores Was Here in Pioneer Days East Saginaw in 1854. T O have come to the place that is now a prosperous city of sixty thousand people, when that place was a forest wilderness, abounding with swamps, reptiles and wild beasts, to have seen deer chased by wolves along trails that are now, and have been for many years, modern city streets, to have shot deer where fine residences and well-kept lawns now line the way, and to have lived to a good old age possessing memories that charm and please those who may listen, has been the experience of a number of entertaining "tellers of old tales." The first recollections of a few of these pioneer citizens, of the primitive settlement on the Saginaw, began in the thirties, and like other young boys, the novelty of their early life made an indelible impression upon their minds. The great woods, the winding rivers, and the denizens of the wilderness - a bear sniffing the air with curiosity as he detected the newcomers, and the howl of wolves at night, close to their doors, producing sensations of dread - were vividly recalled, as also the dense flocks of wild pigeons that darkened the skies, and the myriads of wild ducks, the sound of whose wings as they arose being like distant thunder, and the great schools of fish which were so numerous that they literally crowded each other in their watery retreats. In those times every man was a hunter and fisher, and every boy, as soon as he could shoulder a musket, emulated his elders in feats of the chase. Besides the great abundance of game and fish, there were other inhabitants of the dead waters, some with voices of amazing depth and power. An amusing incident of the olden time is related in regard to them. An eastern young lady was visiting here and was struck with the number of cattle that were owned by so few persons, for on arising in the morning, the first after her arrival, she told how in the night she had heard them bellowing, first far up the river, again directly across the stream, then far down the river. As there were very few cattle then owned by the settlers, the family enjoyed a good laugh at her expense before explaining that the supposed cattle were the huge bull-frogs that populated the bayous. They would commence their concert in Green Bayou, roar for awhile and subside. The chorus would then be taken up in the Emerson Bayou (Lake Linton) and brought to a proper pause; and it would be completed in the Davenport Bayou north of the town. Recollections of Norman L. Miller One of the most versatile and entertaining conversationists of our pioneer citizens, especially when in a reminiscent mood, was the late Norman L. Miller, who came to the primitive settlement in 1836. REMINISCENCES OF PIONEER CITIZENS 161 "My father and family arrived here," said Mr. Miller, "when I was only four years of age. It was a delightful day of early spring, and the river seemed like a mirror, so unruffled was its surface, while all nature was garbed in her brightest green. That day is one of the pleasantest memories of my boyhood. Our first night in Saginaw was spent at a log house located within the old fort stockade, which had been abandoned by the military force only twelve years before. Later we lived in a house on Hamilton Street, about four blocks north of the fort. "On the north side of Madison Street, about forty feet from the curb line of Hamilton Street, stands a bitternut hickory tree over two feet in diameter, which in my youth was a sapling three or four inches through at the base. At the foot of this tree was a spring from which the few settlers in the neighborhood secured their water for cooking and drinking. A short distance south and west, on ground now occupied by the residence of Mrs. W. P. Morgan, was quite a sand hill, where during the day the children played. At night it had other visitors, and the howling of the wolves is another distinct recollection of my boyhood. In the morning their tracks could be plainly seen in the soft sand. "The Indians were so numerous that they were scarcely noticed, and therefore created little comment or observation. Some of them, however, impressed themselves on my memory, and especially Tawas, a chief from whom the 'Tawases' took their name. He was a red man of mild character and demeanor, and was a common caller at my father's house, always being ready to partake of the hospitality of the settlers. He seemed to be possessed of an insatiable appetite, for he was always 'buck-a-tay', meaning hungry. "Another well-known Indian was Yellow Beaver, who was sometimes observed to be in mourning, with his face blackened in token of sorrow or dejection. Paints were much used by the redskins, yellow and red being the popular colors, and were laid on the face in blotches and stripes. They were picturesque figures in their mocassins and blankets, bare-headed, occasionally with a hawk's or eagle's feather twisted into their black hair. Their names were a variegated assortment of Bears, Beavers, Birds, Fishes and Frogs, to say nothing of the beautifully poetic and descriptive names, such as 'AlmostTouches-The Clouds', 'The-River-of-Stones', or 'The-Great-Rock.' "Deer and bears were frequently seen in what is now Michigan Avenue, while the wild pigeons were so plentiful as to be nuisances to those who might sow a little wheat. Saginaw was a great fur-trading point then, and had been one of the stations of the American Fur Company. In fact, every merchant was a fur trader. While in the employ of W. L. P. Little, who ran the store known as 'The Red Warehouse', I have seen twenty thousand dollars' worth of valuable pelts hanging in that place awaiting shipment. About 1848 muskrats brought eight to ten cents; coons, twenty-five to fifty cents; mink, sixty to seventy-five; marten, one dollar to a dollar and a quarter; fisher, one dollar and a half; beaver, one dollar per pound, and Indian tanned deer hides, the same price. "There were also red and gray fox, bear, lynx and other fur which went to provide the Chippewas with blankets, beads, firewater, powder and other necessities, real and imaginary. "At this time I was about sixteen years of age, and I well remember the Indians used to gather in hundreds for the payment of their treaty annuities. I have seen not less than twenty-five hundred here at one time, occupying the river front of what is now Rust Park in hundreds of their temporary wigwams, their canoes lining the shore, and the night rendered indescribably weird and picturesque by the reflected light of their camp fires. NORMAN L. MILLER A pioneer who was actively identified with Saginaw's interests for seventy-nine years. He contributed much interesting lore to the history of the valley; and lived to the age of eighty-three. CHARLES T. BRENNER An old resident of Saginaw City who came in 1850 and engaged in the manufacture of shingles and salt. He lived to the advanced age of ninety-eight years, or until 1909. REMINISCENCES OF PIONEER CITIZENS 163 "Houses were very few at that day and the most prominent buildings were the old fort, the 'Red Store' at the foot of Mackinaw Street, which was the American Fur Company's establishment, the 'Red Warehouse' at the foot of what is now Cleveland Street, and Campau's trading post near the site of Wright's mill. The residence of E. S. Williams was on the high ground now occupied by my own house, while Gardner D. Williams had a residence further south in the block now covered by the Hill Trade School. The old cellar of this house was plainly visible a few years ago, and marked the site of the home of a man who in the early days contributed much to the life and prosperity of Saginaw. "During primitive times a creek crossed Michigan Avenue at Cass Street, and was spanned by a bridge from which boys, including myself, were wont to fish. This little stream entered the river at about the foot of Adams Street, and it formed quite a gully at that point, which flanked the fort on the south, and gave a measure of protection to that frontier post. How He Shot His First Bear "It was a part of my duties to bring down the cows from a pasture in a small clearing near where the pail and tub factory now stands, and on these daily trips I always carried my gun and was accompanied by my dog which was very active in the pursuit of game, both large and small. One afternoon in the fall, while attending to this duty, the dog began a great barking, which was always indicative of game being near. At that time the road was approximately where Michigan Avenue is at present, and when I came out upon it I was met by my father, who said the dog had treed a bear. We made haste to follow the direction of the furious barking, and soon came up with the dog where indeed he had a bear 'up a tree.' The exact spot was near where Stewart B. William's house stood on South Michigan Avenue. "My gun was a small bore weapon, having been a rifle which had been re-bored for shot, and was so loaded. As quick as my father said 'bear', I began searching in my pockets for something heavier than shot, and found a slug made for a different gun, but by chewing it into shape I made it fit my own weapon, so that by the time the game was sighted the gun was 'loaded for bear.' My father, fearing the result, wished to do the shooting, but I could not see it in that light, and took a very deliberate aim at the bear's head, fired, and down came Mr. Bruin, dead as a hammer. He was not very large, weighing perhaps a hundred pounds, but it-was a pretty good exploit after all for a boy. "As I grew older I often hunted deer, and even after the Civil War these animals were killed within the limits of the present city. The land from the River Road, now the extension of Michigan Avenue, to the Brockway Road was nearly all covered with a dense forest; and on our farm, now the Morgan fruit farm, a deer runway crossed from north to south. One day while hunting on this tract I struck a deer trail and began to follow it. Soon noticing the print of mocassins following it, I concluded that the Indian was first in the field and thus entitled to the game, so I struck out for the Brockway Road with the intention of going home. I had not gone far when, near the Steltzriede clearing, I came upon another deer trail and followed it for a short distance, when a fine buck sprang up in front of me and was promptly shot. I had tied the head and legs together and made ready to drag the carcass out, when an Indian appeared, following the trail. He glanced at the dead buck, then at me, gave an expressive 'ugh'! and turning quickly away, disappeared in the forest. It was the same deer that he had followed for hours and had tired down to the point of causing it to lie down to rest, when it fell a victim to me who had so easily earned it. 164 HISTORY OF SAGINAW COUNTY "In those days the favorite method of deer-hunting was still-hunting. As soon as the snow fell in the fall, the hunter would search for tracks, and finding one would quietly follow it. If he was unable to come up with the game unawares, he still patiently followed the trail. When the deer became tired it would lie down, and if the wind was not unfavorable, the hunter stood a good chance of getting a shot when the animal started to its feet. On one occasion I tracked a deer for two days, taking up the trail in the morning where I left it at night, and at last got a single ineffectual shot, when I gave up the chase in disgust. Another time, when crossing a small clearing or 'slash', a young deer came bounding through at a range of only four rods. Although the gun I carried was an English, double-barrel shot-gun, 16-gauge, cap lock, I fired and brought him down, the pellets completely penetrating the small body, and hanging in the skin on the opposite side. "Here hangs a fine buck head," continued Mr. Miller, "a trophy of a hunt near Wahjamega in Tuscola County. On that occasion I was armed with two guns, the double-barrel shot-gun and a repeating Spencer carbine, the latter being of a kind used by some of the cavalry in the Civil War. A deer was started and I opened a rapid-fire with the Spencer, which proved ineffectual. I then seized my old standby - the shot-gun - aimed and fired, and the buck dropped in his tracks, death-stricken. "One of the party named Powell coming up, called out: 'Did ye git him?' He was told yes. 'Well, I thought so, fer I heard ye emptyin' yer arsenal!' I felt greatly chagrined to have wasted seven shots from the Spencer, but as the operation of working the mechanism was new to me, I was excused for shooting wild. "In the early days, wolves and bears were very plentiful, but appeared much shyer than the deer, and I never more than once or twice saw a wolf running wild, one of these occasions being when a wolf was seen pursuing a deer through what is now the heart of the business section of the West Side." Oscar Jewett Located Old Business Houses Another of those men closely associated with the settlement of the county, was the late Oscar Jewett, son of Eleazer Jewett the first permanent white settler in this valley. For many years Mr. Jewett lived on a farm not far from the northwestern limits of the city, and a few months before his death gave a glimpse of early affairs on the West Side. "I was born November 3, 1837, in Jewett's Hotel, located at what is now the corner of Throop and Niagara Streets. This was the first hotel ever built in Saginaw, and was put up by my father in 1833. He moved into it from the former home at Green Point, where Riverside Park is now. Father came here in 1826, and my sister, Mary Jewett, who became the wife of Doctor N. D. Lee, was the first white girl born in Saginaw County, which then ran clear up toward Mackinaw. "The hotel was a popular place at that time, and in 1839 every man, woman and child in the vicinity of the little settlement, gathered there for the Fourth of July celebration. A cannon had been packed up from Detroit on horseback for the occasion, and was fired off between speeches; and a great dinner was served. The other hotels as I remember them were, the Webster House, situated on Washington Street, with Lester Cross as proprietor; the Saginaw City Exchange, on Ames and Water Streets, conducted by Horace Douglass; the Shakespeare Hotel, kept by C. T. Brenner, at the corner of Adams and Hamilton; the Aetna House, by George Beeman, at the corner of Van Buren and Water; and C. F. Esche's Sylvan Retreat on Court Street. REMINISCENCES OF PIONEER CITIZENS 165 "Michael Dougherty's shipyard was located on Water Street; A. C. Paine's livery stable at the corner of Cass and Water; C. Wider's tannery at Stevens and Water, and John W. Richardson's harness shop, the steam spoke factory, and A. Fisher's cabinet and chair factory on Water Street.The dry goods houses were those of D. H. Jerome & Company, in the Jerome Block; George W. Bullock, G. T. Zschoerner, in the Woodruff Block; Ferin and Flathau and P. C. Andre, on the dock. The grocery trade was represented by J. Dowling, A. Andre, Myron Butman, George Streeb, William Binder, Jacob Vogt, on Water Street; and Michael Redman kept a restaurant at the corner of Hamilton and Jefferson (Cleveland) Streets. Mrs. Rice and Mrs. Hamilton supplied the needs of the women with millinery; and the tailors were John Mullcahy, M. Rathke and F. A. Leasia. Such was Saginaw City's business circle sixty years ago." In his declining years Mr. Jewett retained to a remarkable degree the vigor and strength of his early youth. He was a man of powerful frame, broad shouldered, deep chested, and in his prime stood six feet four inches, weighing more than two hundred pounds. William A. Crane Experienced Hardy Pioneer Life The name of Crane is a well known and honored one in Saginaw County, for there is an ex-Probate Judge, a'prominent lawyer and real estate man, two physicians and a prominent farmer, all the descendants of a pioneer boy whose father, Obadiah Crane, settled on the Tittabawassee River in 1831. The log cabin that first sheltered this early pioneer stood a little east of the Hackett Ravine, and it soon gave way to a substantial house of square-hewed logs, in which the first "town meeting" in Tittabawassee was held. This pioneer boy was William A. Crane, who was born in the "block-house" in 1835, and whose earliest recollections were of Indians, wild beasts, and all the wild surroundings of pioneer life. Directly across the river was the large Red Bird Reservation, so called after the chief, Red Bird; and here the family lived until 1843. In those times there were many feasts and dances in the Chippewa villages, and thrilling experiences and occasional tragedies which made a lasting impression on the mind of the little boy. Deaths by violence were by no means rare, falling trees, gunshot wounds, drownings or other casualties making a long list of deaths in the aggregate. OBADIAH CRANE "One of my earliest recollections," said Mr. Crane, "was the tragic death of a particular friend of my boyhood, Eli Benson, who was about my age. I was playing with him one afternoon, and on his return home to the west side of the river, was called by his father to drive a cow away from the vicinity of the place where he was felling a tree. By some mischance, the little fellow got directly in the path of the falling tree, and was killed. This happening made a deep impression upon my mind, and one which will never be effaced. 166 HISTORY OF SAGINAW COUNTY "Among the Indians who frequently visited my father's house was Green Bird, who evinced a particular fondness for me, and made for me bows and arrows, and brought eagle's feathers to stick in my hair and paint to daub my face. One day Green Bird engaged in a friendly scuffle with another Indian back of our house, and close to the water's edge. He got his antagonist down and held him in such a manner that he drowned. From that time my Indian friend was an object of terror to me who had been his favorite. On another occasion, when an Indian pow-wow was being held, a savage who had secured some of the white man's rum became drunk, and in some manner discharged a gun in the crowd, killing a squaw. The shooting was purely accidental, the gun being loaded for the purpose of firing a salute, and the woman was killed by the wad, which was heavy enough to do the mischief. "It often became necessary for my father to be away from home for a day or two, and on such occasions, my mother would pile the firewood against the door at night to keep the Indians from entering, for like most of the settler's wives, she stood in fear of them. Still they were very friendly, and many were the choice pieces of game that came from their hands. Their clothing in winter was more or less of deer skins, and they wore mocassins and used paint freely on their faces. Their canoes were familiar sights as they passed up and down the river, bareheaded, save for an occasional feather. They managed their cockle-shell craft with the utmost grace and skill. At times their rich voices were heard in the wild songs of the forest, and perhaps the boom of the drum rolled out across the stream, and at night their camp fires twinkled through the gloom. "One of the things the pioneer craved after providing a comfortable shelter for his family, was some means of educating his children. My father had built a log house for his sister across the ravine, and immediately on its banks, where for a time she and her husband lived. Later it was abandoned, and as there were now several families with children, scattered up and down the river, some rude benches were constructed and placed in the log cabin, a teacher named Elmore secured, and school begun. Mr. Elmore did not teach very long and was succeeded by Miss Agnes Ure, who is held in loving memory by the few living who went to her school. The log cabin was soon after superseded by a more pretentious structure in a different locality. "I recall an incident," added Mr. Crane, "which occurred while my aunt was living in the school-house cabin across the ravine. One evening the family dog, a fine large animal, began making an outcry in the hollow, when my uncle, hearing the noise, shouted, 'Shake him, Keep! Shake him!' From the sounds he knew it was a wolf that the dog was grappling, and believing that his dog was a master of any wolf, shouted to encourage him. But it was the wolf that was doing all the shaking, and when they came to the rescue poor Keep was dead. This ravine was a favorite runway for wild animals of all kinds, as it afforded them a covered passage to the water's edge and led far back into the timber." Mr. Crane, who has passed his eightieth year, was married in 1857 to Miss Purchase, a native of New York State, who came to this valley with her father's family at an early day. In April, 1915, they celebrated the fifty-eighth anniversary of their marriage, rejoicing that their five sons and two daughters are living. William E. Crane and Riley L. Crane are prominent members of the Saginaw County Bar, Doctor B. F. A. Crane is widely known as a surgeon, Doctor Milo A. Crane is practicing in Chicago, while Ambrose Crane is a farmer and business man of Midland. There are sixteen grandchildren and one great grandchild. WILLIAM A. CRANE TWho was born on the banks of the Tittabawassee in 1835, and spent the greater portion of his life on a farm opposite tle Red Bird Reservation. MRS. WILLIAM A. CRANE One of the noblle pioneer womien of Tittal)awassee, who bore all the privations of border life, and raised a family of honored men and women. 168 HISTORY OF SAGINAW COUNTY William A. Williams Told of the Lumber Days The last member of that sturdy family of pioneers, which was such an important factor in the upbuilding of this county, was William A. Williams. He was born here March 12, 1834, and had the distinction of being the first white male child born in the county. His father was Gardner D. Williams, a prominent fur trader and lumberman of the early days, and was afterward the first mayor of Saginaw City. For years William was a member of the lumber firm of George S. Williams & Brothers, and later owned and conducted a large farm. His eventide of life was spent in a cozy home with ample garden spot in the outskirts of the West Side. "In 1834, the year I was born," he said, "my father and Uncle Ephraim built the first saw mill on the river, and it was located at the foot of Mackinaw Street. There was not much demand for lumber then, and they sold better lumber for two dollars and a half a thousand feet than you can buy now for twenty dollars. Mill culls, they called them, but a man could get as good lumber as he wanted to put into a house out of mill culls. If an end of a board was a little shaky, it was graded as cull, even though the other end might be clear stuff. With all the wealth of standing timber in those days, I never thought I should see the time that we would use lumber in Saginaw shipped here from California. "About 1850, when Norman Little began to build up the east side of the river, my brother George and I took lumber on a lighter from our mill for the first frame building put up there. Jesse Hoyt had some sort of an office building then, but I don't think it was of frame construction. "You must remember our old house which stood on the corner of Michigan Avenue and Mackinaw Street. All the lumber in that house was whip sawed, except the siding which was brought from Port Huron. That seemed a long distance to bring boards, farther away than California is now. You will be surprised when I tell you that in the main chimney of that house there were nine thousand brick. It had five fire places and a bake oven connected with it. We didn't have any stoves in those days. My mother did all the cooking in an open fire place. We boys would haul in the wood on a sled, and put on more than a quarter of a cord to build a fire. "When a boy I have seen my father load eighteen thousand bushels of cranberries into the hold of a vessel. He bought them from the Indians who gathered them in the marshes, and they were worth about a dollar a bushel. They were good berries, too, and found a ready market in the larger ports along the lakes. There were great times here seventy years ago, and the fur business was immense. "WVhen I notice Saginaw's prosperous citizens riding by here in their automobiles, I think of the style that prevailed in the early days. I remember how I used to put straw and blankets into a dump cart, put the old pacing mare into the shafts, and then my mother, Mrs. Norman Little, Mrs. A. M. Richman, and perhaps some other member of their social circle, would get into the cart and drive out to the home of my uncle, Alpheus Williams. He lived on what is now known as the Vogt farm. They would get dinner there and then go across the river to the house of Albert Miller, where they generally stayed for supper. They enjoyed life just as much as people who ride in their motor cars today; but the old cart would look rather queer alongside some of the cars that pass here. "In 1850 I accompanied Uncle Alpheus and his family, including the son Gardner, to Pontiac when they started for California. They went through with horses and wagon. When we got to Pontiac they urged me to sell my REMINISCENCES OF PIONEER CITIZENS 169 conveyance and go along with them. Maybe I would have been better off if I had, but I am well satisfied to be right here in the place where I was born and reared." George Washington Davis One of the early postmasters of Saginaw City, who followed Ephraim S. and Gardner D. Williams, in the early fifties, was George W. Davis, a sturdy pioneer who is still remembered by our older residents. He was born April 20, 1819, and was one of eleven children, his father, Josiah Davis, being an owner and operator of canal boats on the Erie Canal. They removed from Schnectady, New York, to Michigan as early as 1837 and settled at Oxford, where the father entered government land as a pioneer settler and engaged in clearing the ground and cultivating the soil. In 1849 George W. Davis came to Saginaw City and opened a general store in the "old red store," which stood at the corner of Mackinaw and Water Streets. This business he conducted until 1855, when, upon the death of Mrs. Davis, he sold out and later operated a small packet on the river between here and St. Charles. The rivers at that period formed the only means of communication between the two places. About 1865 he went into the grocery business, under the firm name of Davis & Harrington, at the southwest corner of Water and Franklin (Hancock) Streets, directly opposite the water pumping station. Two years later he put up a wooden building on Water Street opposite the freight house, but it soon burned down and he built a brick block in which he kept a grocery store for some years. In 1870 he established a dray and freight cartage business, in which he continued to the time of his death which occurred February 11, 1890. Thadeas de Lamorandiere An old French gentleman, familiarly known in the old days as "Teddy," who it was believed came of an old and distinguished family in their native land, was Thadeas de Lamorandiere. He was born about 1823, and came from Canada to this valley in 1845, engaging in the fur business. When the fur trade declined he entered the employ of Daniel L. C. Eaton, in the insurance business, the office being in the Bernhard Block at the corner of Court and Water (Niagara) Streets. He died in 1900 at the age of seventyseven, survived by two daughters who reside at 820 Cass Street. Mary Hubbard Ide Came to the Wilderness in 1835 Mary Hubbard, who in later life was Mrs. Mason Ide, mother of Frank Ide, was a little girl seven years old when in 1835 her family removed from Lockport, New York. The trip from Buffalo to Detroit was made by boat, and thence to Saginaw by wagon. The leader of the party was the late Phineas D. Braley, and consisted of seventeen persons of whom the Hubbards counted seven. All of the party could not ride at one time, and even the children who were old enough to walk took their turns in picking their way among the stumps which covered the path through the forest. It was so obstructed in places with fallen trees and brush that the men of the party had often to use their axes to clear the way. The party was more than a week on the road from Detroit. At the Cass River they had the good fortune to meet the road crew that was cutting a way through to Saginaw, and were ferried across the stream in a large scow. "Just before reaching the scow," relates Mrs. Ide, "my mother, who had been walking, fell utterly exhausted, and was picked up by a man of the party and carried like a child on board the scow. She was very slight and the extreme fatigue of the unusual trip had worn her out. I well remember ADELAIDE DELISLE CUSHWAY (Mrs. Benjamin Cushway) MARY HUBBARD IDE GEORGE WASHINGTON DAVIS THADEAS DE LAMORANDIERE REMINISCENCES OF PIONEER CITIZENS 171 that the hickory nuts were falling, and think it must have been late September or early October. After leaving the Cass at Bridgeport Center, the road followed the Indian trail (now the extension of South Washington Avenue) to the present Mackinaw Street bridge, where there was a scow ferry by which we were taken across the river. At that time there was a building known as the 'Little Red House', near the corner of Niagara and Mackinaw Streets, in which we spent our first night in Saginaw, the children sleeping on the floor upstairs, while the men of the party sought shelter elsewhere. "Afterward my father and Mr. Braley located on the Tittabawassee River, the latter building a house which I think is still standing on the East River Road, on a knoll a little west of the Shattuck Creek and on the south side of the road. My father located on the river flats south of the Braley place, where he built a frame house on the bank of the river. Here we had numerous neighbors, some of whom were occasionally troublesome. The Indians were frequent callers, while bears, deer and wolves were so common that they soon ceased to be novelties. At night the howling of the latter was quite terrifying to the young children. "One day a big bear, that had gained the idea that fresh pork would be an agreeable change of diet, was observed making preparations to enter the pig sty where were several young pigs. My brother and another boy with their guns sallied forth and interrupted the feast, Bruin making off in haste, unhurt, however, except in his feelings. Incidents of this kind were of common occurrence, and many were the adventures told in front of the great fireplaces or around the old 'revolving stove.' This curious utensil of daily use was a treasured possession of the family, and was so arranged that the pots and kettles and pans could be severally brought over the fire by turning the top of the stove, which revolved on a pivot. The stove had no oven, the want of which was supplied by an arrangement consisting of an iron ring with suitable covers which was placed on top of the stove, thus making a portable oven in which we baked our bread or roasted meat. "The first year of my childhood pioneer life I well remember was one of privation, as there was but little to be obtained in the way of shoes, hats and clothing; and the mother was obliged to make shift as best she could in clothing her family. Some leather was finally obtained and the children were shod with a sort of mocassin of her own manufacture. "It was not long before my father found that he had made a mistake in locating on the flats, for after the country began to be settled up the streams were cleared of floodwood which held back the freshest waters, and the obstructions to boat and canoe navigation in the smaller branches were removed. This allowed the floods to come out with a greater rush, with attendant high water on the lower courses. Our place was flooded out, and we lost pigs, chickens, and a horse, and my father moved away from this original location." In young womanhood, Mrs. Ide taught school for several terms, her first school being located on the present site of the Thomastown cemetery, above the State Street Bridge on the West River Road. She was united in marriage with John Mason Ide in 1849 at Flint, where they lived until 1858 when they removed to Flushing. Mr. Ide died April 5, 1871, and two years later Mrs. Ide came to Saginaw, where she resided until her death in 1915. John W. Richardson Once Lived in the Old Fort It is not given to many to round out four-score years, and when we find a person still older who has passed almost his entire life here, we realize that he is a true pioneer and feel a quickening interest in him. This was particularly true of John W. Richardson, who came here in early boyhood and 172 HISTORY OF SAGINAW COUNTY lived a useful and eventful life covering a period of seventy-eight years in this community. He was born on the island of Cape Breton, June 23, 1833, and two years after came with his parents to America, locating first at Boston. Later they spent a year in Detroit, and came to Saginaw in the fall of 1837. He obtained an education such as the common schools of that day afforded; and in 1851 was apprenticed to the late Cole Garrett, then the only harness maker in Saginaw. Throughout his active business career, he always evinced a broad public spirit; and he possessed a keen memory which enabled him to relate many incidents of the early days in this valley. "On New Year's day, 1838," said Mr. Richardson, "we were living in the old barracks of the fort stockade, which stood on orf near the corner now occupied by the Miller Block, at Court and Hamilton Streets. It wasn't exactly that corner for the streets were not laid out when the log barracks were built, and the building probably stood partly on what is now the intersection of the streets. "No, there are not many people here who were residents as long as I can remember. William A. Williams, Oscar Jewett, Norman L. Miller and William A. Crane were schoolmates of mine. Miss Beach, afterwards Mrs. Samuel Shattuck, was my first teacher. She was an aunt, I think, of Emmett L. Beach, an ex-Circuit Judge. As long as I can remember there were only three German families here, so you see the pioneers of that nationality are generally junior to myself. "After learning the harness business very thoroughly," he continued, "I opened a shop of my own in 1854. It was located on Water Street where nearly all the business houses were then situated, and when they lined both sides of the street from Jefferson (Cleveland) Street to Mackinaw. I was a maker and dealer in harnesses, which was largely that demanded by the lumbering industry, and also in saddles, martingales and trunks, a business I conducted for fifty years. When the lumber business fell off, my trade was affected somewhat and I felt out of touch with the newer conditions, so I gave it up several years ago. "At different times during my active life I kept the books for certain lumber jobbers and attended to their business here, and some of them, on going to the woods for several months at a time, made a practice of leaving their money with me for safe keeping, rather than entrust it to a bank. This sounds rather queer in these days, when the solidity of our banks is unquestioned, but the conditions were very different then. The people had not gotten over their distrust of moneyed institutions, and the disasters attending the period of wild speculation and of the 'wild cat' bank days, were still fresh in their memory." In the late sixties Mr. Richardson built the business block at 115-117 South Hamilton Street, and his faith in the ultimate prosperity of Saginaw was shown in his investing at times in other parcels of real estate. In politics he was a staunch Democrat, and served the city and county as alderman and supervisor. He was the last city treasurer of Saginaw City, concluding his second term when the consolidation of the Saginaws was effected. On municipal and State affairs he was very well informed, and he acquired a general knowledge of world's events by extensive reading and study. On October 9, 1872, he was united in marriage with Miss Mary Kelley, of Belleville, Ontario; and was the father of William J. Richardson and Miss Alice Richardson. There is also one grandchild. He was a devout Roman Catholic and at the time of his death, February 13, 1915, was the oldest living member of St. Andrew's parish, of which he was one of its most liberal GEORGE STREEB ()ne of the first merclhants of Saginaw City, wllo hlas been engaged in tle: grocery business for sixty -two years, and is in his ninetyfourth vcar (19 15). JOHN W. RICHARDSON A pion'e'r whose recollections of Sag-inaw go back to 1838, wthen his father's family lived in the old stockade fort. He w-as one of the earliest to engage in the harness and leather business. 174 HISTORY OF SAGINAW COUNTY supporters. He was also the projector of "St. Andrew's Cemetery, and was its treasurer for many years. In his views he was very tolerant and was highly regarded by all who knew him. George Streeb Was One of the First Merchants Very few of our pioneer merchants now living have attained to such a venerable age and rounded out so many years of active business as George Streeb, the veteran grocer of North Webster Street. Though his eyesight and hearing have been somewhat impaired of late years, his heart is still merry with the spirit of youth. The keynote of his life has been activity, and even in his advanced years he is always busy. He has been engaged in the grocery business on the West Side for sixty-two years, and speaks entertainingly of his life and work. "I was born in Nurnberg, province of Bavaria, Germany, February 28, 1822, where my boyhood and youth was spent, but in 1850 I came to America. Soon after, I was married in New York to my childhood sweetheart, Margaret Beck, who had preceded me to this country about three years. We came direct to Saginaw, where my wife found employment in the Webster House; while I went to the woods and chopped wood at forty cents a cord. After three years we had saved a little money and decided to establish a grocery business, which we located first on Water Street, as that was the only business section of the town. The first permanent sidewalk in Saginaw was laid in front of my store. "After working up a good business we moved to our present location where for forty-four years I have continued the trade. At first it was the only store west of Washington (Michigan) Street, but since then the whole neighborhood has been built up with residences. I can well remember when the Emerson mill and office and boarding house were the only buildings on the east side of the river, and when the Indians and dog trains carried the mail to and from the northern settlements, long before the river became choked with logs, and the hum of the lumber industry was heard at every hand. "No, I can't see to read any more, but my daughters, Margaret, Johanna and Catherine read the newspapers, both German and English, and I am still interested in world's events, even though I am in my ninety-fourth year." What John Moore Found Here in 1851 Among the enterprising men who came to this valley at the beginning of its prosperity is John Moore, the father of the Union School System. In the sixty-fifth year of his residence here he is one of the few remaining links connecting the past with the present, and occupies the somewhat unique position of one whose counsel, for the last thirty-five years, has been esteemed because of the high place he attained in legal and municipal matters during his active life. His reminiscences of early days are always entertaining, and his clear, keen memory in the ninetieth year of his life brings out interesting incidents of long ago, and clothes the leading figures of our history with life and action, often picturesque and humorous. "I first came to Saginaw in May, 1851," relates Mr. Moore, "to look over the ground and to meet J. G. Sutherland, afterward circuit judge, who had been admitted to the bar in the same class with me three years before, and with whom I was considering a partnership. There was then no railroad to these parts, but there were stages running from Detroit to Pontiac, Pontiac to Flint, and Flint to Saginaw. The Mackinaw Road which the State had been constructing, with Mackinaw as its objective point, then stopped at Pine Run. SAGINAW CITY IN 1850 At tllhe l4ft is slho-wn Mackinaw Street and the WTXilliamns Mill, the first built in the valley. On the hill in the center is thle old Court I ouse and tht First Presbyterian Chlurchl-. Furtler north is the WTelhster House and the store of George TV. Bullock, opposite. while at tlhe extremle right is shown tile "reid warehouse," afterward converted into a saw and planing mill. JOHN MOORE One of the first lawyers to locate at Saginaw City, his residence here dating from 1851. He was the father of the Union School District and has been prominent in public affairs. JOSEPH A. WHITTIER One of the prominent figures in our e:arly history, of rugged honesty and Quaker simplicity. who spent a long life of usefulness and broad purpose, tlhe memory of whom remains alive. REMINISCENCES OF PIONEER CITIZENS 177 "The trip to Saginaw was a tedious and tiresome one as I came by my own conveyance, but I arrived safely and put up at the Webster House, then the leading hotel of the place. It was located on the northwest corner of what are now Michigan Avenue and Cleveland Street, and was the gathering place for the crowd. The following day was Sunday, but there was little religion here then, and the office and bar room of the hotel was a lively place. Drink was distributed freely and pleasantly. "It was Sutherland who suggested that we visit the Halls of the Montezumas. I didn't know to what he referred, but he said Curt Emerson lived there, and we started. We took a canoe and paddled across the river to the Emerson property, which was where the City Hall now stands. It was a frame building, much like the other frame houses of the place and well kept. Mr. Emerson I found to be of medium height, slim and sharp featured. I afterward came to know him very well. He was an educated man and very gentlemanly when sober. Unfortunately he could not resist temptation and a little liquor seemed to upset him. It was unfortunate for him and for the city that he was so intemperate. "I was introduced to him on this occasion and as was his custom he quickly offered us liquor. The sideboard was covered with bottles. I declined, however, and asked to be excused, as I did not use liquor. He had been drinking a little, although he was not intoxicated, and he made a demonstration as though about to force me to take it, when Mr. Sutherland interfered and told him that he knew I did not drink. Mr. Emerson straightened up. "'Do you think of coming here to practice law and not drink whiskey?' he asked. "'I think so,' I said. "'Huh!' he snorted. 'You come here and we'll have you drunk as a fool in sixty days.' "Nevertheless I transacted his business for him from the time I came here, and when a friend chided him for employing me, when I took no part in his convivial gatherings, he said: "'One d- fool's enough in business. I can do that part.' "I came to know him very well. When he was sober he was quiet, refined, gentlemanly, big-hearted and courteous. He was a man of fine ability, of energy and courage. But a little liquor affected him. When he had been drinking he liked to make speeches and to quote Latin. "Conditions here were different in those days. This was the frontier and the men were of the 'hail fellow well met' kind. I found in Saginaw when I came men of great ability, young, eager, energetic, capable -men who did things. It is always those of the greatest energy and hardihood who. lead in the frontier work. And they were all a convivial set. Everybody drank. There was a great deal more liquor consumed in those days than now. I sometimes think it curious as I look back at some of the leading figures of those days, able, dignified, honored, and yet they drank freely and enjoyed the conviviality of the times. They were not necessarily intoxicated; but they became mellow. "Alfred M. Hoyt was here developing the East Side when I came, and for a year after my arrival he made his home at the Webster House. There was little enough of the East Side then. It is hard for the eastsider today to realize what it looked like then, when it was solid forest from the river back to the bayou. The only road to Saginaw was the Mackinaw Road, 178 HISTORY OF SAGINAW COUNTY coming into what is now the South Side, but already they were working on the plank road from Bridgeport, which came into East Saginaw by what is now known as Genesee Avenue. "Norman Little was the man at the head of the East Side development. Back in 1836 he had been associated with three or four other men in a company that platted a part of Saginaw City, and altogether carried on an important work expending over two hundred thousand dollars by 1840, when they failed. There was nothing more done until 1849, when Mr. Little interested the Hoyts in building up a city on the Saginaw. Jesse Hoyt had some difficulty with the promoters on the West Side and announced his intention to develop an entirely new town on the east side of the river, then only a forest and swamp. Alfred M. Hoyt came on and was engaged in clearing off the land there when I came. I don't know what arrangements Norman Little had with the Hoyts, but he was the man of push and energy in the work. The Hoyts were behind him and furnished the capital. With the completion of the plank road, the East Side began to grow rapidly, and it soon developed into a thriving city. "Saginaw was only a small town in 1851. The census of 1850 showed that there were between two and three thousand persons in Saginaw County, which included what are now Bay, Tuscola, the east half of Gratiot, Midland, Isabella and Gladwin Counties, and extended north on the bay shore. On the west side of the river I suppose there were four hundred or five hundred persons. "Curt Emerson had one hundred and sixty acres of land extending from where the City Hall now stands to Emerson Street, and it was cleared back to the bayou. Alfred M. Hoyt owned the property north of that. It is a somewhat curious fact, illustrating conditions in those days, that the winter mail used to be brought down from Lake Superior by dog train." Joseph A. Whittier Paid Tribute to Jesse Hoyt Coming to this State when it was still undeveloped, and helping materially in its making, and prospering thereby, Joseph A. Whittier, an honored citizen, was one of the prominent figures in our early history. The rugged honesty and Quaker-like simplicity, which marked his long life of usefulness and broad purpose, are among the pleasantest memories of those who knew him best, and found expression in a letter he wrote several years before his death. It tells of the early days of Saginaw-and other interesting facts, and should be preserved in enduring form. "I came to Saginaw in October, 1856," wrote Mr. Whittier. The railroad terminus was at Holly, thence by plank road to Saginaw. The road between Holly and Flint was not completed. The first sight of Saginaw was after one emerged from the woods but a short distance east of Jefferson Street. Across the bayou from Jefferson to Franklin was an embankment of earth not much wider than was necessary for two teams to pass. There were two taverns at the corner of Genesee and Washington Streets, and 'one church- Methodist - which stood on German Street, just back of where the Vincent Hotel now stands. The residence part of the town was on Washington and Water Streets. The stores were mostly on Water Street; a few on Genesee and a few shops on the bayou, with long plank approaches to them. Jefferson Street, north, did not exist. South of Genesee it was an unmade road winding through the trees, with two or three small cottages on it. It terminated at the Hoyt Street school house, where a long elevated plank walk across the bayou connected with Washington Street. "The largest stores as I recollect them, were kept by Beach and Moores, John F. Driggs, Curtiss and Bliss, Copelands, and W. H. Beach. The mills REMINISCENCES OF PIONEER CITIZENS 179 were the Mayflower flour mill, Williams, Miller, Paine & Wright, the Chicago mill, owned, I think, by Whitney, a mill opposite the center of the town, afterwards bought by James Hill; Charles Merrill & Company, and the Westervelt mill at Carrollton. A mill just below the F. & P. M. was bought by D. G. Holland, who ran it for many years; and a mill built by Jesse Hoyt, was afterwards owned by C. H. Garrison. The Gallagher mill, which was bought and run for many years by Sears and Holland; the old yellow mill worn out and condemned, was built, I think, by Curt Emerson. Curtis & King had a mill at Salina, now South Saginaw. There may have been one or two more mills, but they do not occur to me. "The product of lumber was small; most of the logs were cut on the lower waters of the Flint and Cass Rivers. The quality of the lumber was very good, but the manufacture was poor, mostly done with upright saws. Miller, Paine & Wright had a round log gang, and the winter of 1856-57 C. Merrill & Company put in a flat gang, which sawed boards from cants. "But few logs had been cut on the Tittabawassee and its branches. If I recollect clearly, Thomas Merrill cleared the Pine River in the winter of 1856-57 from the Horse Race, a short distance above Midland, to St. Louis, so that logs could be driven, and that he cut some timber near St. Louis that winter. Two or three years after he cleared the Chippewa River. The Tittabawassee had logs driven out of it from where the Gerrish dam now stands. The quality of the timber on Pine River was equal to that of the Cass and Flint; that on the Chippewa not quite so good. The Tittabawassee afforded a large quantity of sound desirable timber. One has but to look over the statements of the annual production to ascertain the immense quantity of timber that was cut on Saginaw waters. As the business increased, the manufacture improved, until Saginaw lumber was acknowledged the best for quality of timber and nicety of manufacture. "As the years passed and the business increased Saginaw grew and became a place of note. No town ever had a better set of men to guide and to help its destiny, and first of all I wish to speak of Jesse Hoyt, who projected the town, bought the land when it was a forest, and with just discernment saw the opportunity to build a city. His large means were liberally used in building mills and vessels. He had one of the finest fleets on the lakes. He built the plank road to Flint, the Bancroft House, the Mayflower Mill, a planing and saw mill, and many other enterprises to help the city. His bequest to us of park and library will ever be a reminder how much we owe to his strong, forcible character." James F. Brown Was the First Bank Cashier An almost unbroken residence of fifty-seven years in Saginaw was the record of James F. Brown, who first arrived in August, 1853, and with the exception of one year, when he went west for Mrs. Brown's health and was glad to get back, he had resided here continuously. In 1856 he entered the employ of W. L. P. Little & Company, Bankers, in the capacity of cashier, a position he held for many years. When this private bank of which Jesse Hoyt was a partner, was succeeded by the Merchants National Bank, Mr. Brown was elected cashier and, upon the death of Mr. Little, in 1867, he was made president. A short time before his death Mr. Brown talked entertainingly of the old days and pioneers. "The first year when it was all woods where my office is now, I tell you we had to rough it and I became very lonesome for the more enlivening times of New York, whence we had come. But in time that wore off. Then there were only about three hundred persons in East Saginaw. The Irving House, at the corner of Water and Genesee Streets, was the first hotel. It was built JAMES F. BROWN Who was the first bank cashier in Saginaw Valley, having come from New York City in 1853. He succeeded Mr. Little as president of the Merchants National Bank, in 1867. EMIL A. L. MOORES One of the earliest residents of East Saginaw, coming here in 1849 and identifying himself with the Hoyt interests. For many years lie was manager of the Mayflower Mills. REMINISCENCES OF PIONEER CITIZENS 181 by Jesse Hoyt and run by Menzo C. Stevens. In the spring of 1854 we were a hamlet in the township of Buena Vista, and we got sixty-four votes towards organizing a village. There wasn't a brick building here then. The town extended only to Cass (Baum) Street; and there were a few buildings on Water Street, and nothing on the bank of the river. "In July, 1854, a fire burned our store and other buildings, and the first brick block on the east side was put up on the site of the Irving House. It was called the Buena Vista Block, and still stands, the property of the Hoyt Estate. The Bancroft House was built in 1858-59 and opened to the public September 7, 1859. "It was anything but a fashionable life in those days. We had to get our provisions from boats that came in from Cleveland and Detroit. Besides the dense woods which surrounded the town, there were bayous and it was very unhealthy. Every second man was continually shaking with the ague. We used to cross the bayou at Baum and Genesee on a bridge that was made by felling three big oak trees for stringers, then nailing plank to them with wooden pegs, and piling up small branches for railings. "But in the winter we had a jolly good time, the few of us that were here. The young fellows would hire the hotel dining room for the evening, then go around and get their girls and until 12 o'clock there would be a good time. Tom Willey was the fiddler and Joe Hatzel the harpist. Those who came from the other side crossed the river by means of a scow, pulled by a rope with an old German, named Fritz, as the man power. A pioneer of those days can recall any number of interesting events of early Saginaw." Emil A. L. Moores Was Here in Pioneer Days One of our oldest residents, who was associated with the Hoyts at an early day, was Emil A. L. Moores. He came here in 1849, at the very beginning of the settlement on the east side, did some hard work for a time, and then secured employment in the store of W. L. P. Little & Company. For many years he lived in the Mott homestead at the southeast corner of Water and Fitzhugh Streets; and was manager of the Mayflower Mills. He was thoroughly conversant with the history of the Little Company, which was backed by the Hoyts, and years after was wont to eulogize Jesse Hoyt when speaking of the early days. "The site of East Saginaw was picked out by Norman Little, who was acquainted with James M. Hoyt and Son, of New York. The old gentleman wanted to invest for his son, Alfred M. Hoyt, and purchased a large tract of land here from parties in Detroit. Seth Willey took the contract for clearing about two hundred acres of land along the river. Alfred didn't like the country very well, and when his brother Jesse came here, he returned to the East. Jesse then took control of affairs, and always kept it though he never lived here permanently. He was a fine man. East Saginaw began to grow and then to boom after he built a saw mill, a flouring mill, a plank road to Flint, and made other improvements in the place. He delighted in bringing in people to the new town in the wilderness; and he got W. L. P. Little interested in running a general store, and used to come out here frequently to visit us. He was a handsome man and a kind one. "When I arrived here the settlement was very small, but the west side of the river, or Saginaw City as it was then called, was well built up, was high and dry, and had several hundred permanent residents. There was practically no business district on the east side, and the country was largely water and swamps. Five years later, or 1854, in the block where the Tower Block now stands, between Plank Road (Genesee) and what is now Lapeer Street, at Jefferson, there was only one house, owned by a man named 182 HISTORY OF SAGINAW COUNTY Godard, and a lime-kiln operated by a Scotchman. The entire block and property could have been purchased for five hundred dollars. There was no Lapeer Street, and the land to the north was nearly all bayou. Where the Anchor House now stands was the toll gate, which was the end of civilization. "The only streets regularly laid out at that time were Water, Washington, Franklin, Tuscola and German, besides the Plank Road to Flint, with which Saginaw was connected by a stage line. There were no railroads then north of Holly, but the steamer Huron, a freight and passenger boat, made occasional trips between here and Detroit. There were only a few stores then, and some roughly built houses; but there was plenty of timber, and game and wilderness. "One day I was dealing with a customer," continued Mr. Moores, "and not having enough change I told him 'I will have to owe you a sixpence.' A gentleman standing near by heard me and said, 'I'll loan you a sixpence.' That was my first sight and introduction to Jesse Hoyt. Some time passed and I had forgotten the incident, but he had not, for one day he said to me, 'Young man, you owe me a sixpence,' and I had to pay it. "Jesse Hoyt was something of a musician, and was much interested in a singing society we had in the early days. Among his many enterprises, he had sailing vessels built here, and were named, Slunshine, Quickstep, H. C. Potter, Sunlight and others I have forgotten. His main object was to keep men employed. In the store we kept everything from a needle to a crowbar, and shipped goods to remote points in the State. "Yes, there were many Indians here then, and they comprised two tribes which roamed this section; but we did not have any trouble with them. They generally behaved themselves unless drunk with the white man's 'firewater'; and the troubles were due to the loafers, sailors, raftsmen and woodsmen." East Saginaw in 1854 A most interesting document relating to the early days is a letter written by Anson Rudd, when East Saginaw was only four years old. He was a farmer in Pennsylvania, and came here in 1854, the letter being written soon after his arrival. The property for which he paid six hundred dollars is at the corner of Washington Avenue and Tuscola Street. The letter follows: "East Saginaw, Vienna, Mich., 1854. "Worthy and Honorable Sir-After my best respects to you and family I would inform you I have bought a house and lot in the village of Saginaw, on the second street from the water, near the center of the town. The town is about four year's growth and covers an area of not far from three miles; is the most flourishing and enterprising place I ever saw for the time. I paid six hundred dollars for the house and lot; the house is not quite finished. We started the next Wednesday after Edwin and Marthy did. We came as far as Detroit by water; from thence we sent some of the heavy boxes to this place and came from there by land with the family wagon and horses, and drove the two cows on the way. We went a day's drive up Cass River to look for land; found a very fine country. Thought we were getting too far from market. From thence we turned about and came to Bridgeport, where we hired two rooms about a week. Did not like that part of the country as well as many other parts. The mosquitoes were confounded bad, now mind, I tell you. "While there we came down here to the wharf to get our boxes, calculating to go to some place to buy a farm, but on arriving here I was so well pleased with the place, and while here I inquired for a house and lot for sale REMINISCENCES OF PIONEER CITIZENS 183 and found this, which I have since bought; exactly suits my notion, as it is one street north of the plank road running to Flint, a distance of not far from thirty miles, and one street east of the street that runs along the river. I went to Bridgeport and informed Lurey of the circumstances and situation of the place; wanted her to come down and examine the place for herself, but she declined. Told me to suit myself; therefore Albert and I came down and bargained for the place. We calculate when we will get our addition finished, which is now in a state of progression, as I finished putting on the roof yesterday, and the joiners are making the doors and window frames (the addition is 20x28), to keep a boarding house. "I think the village is as handsome a place as ever I saw for the age of it. It is allowed to be the second best place of market in the State. There are forty-one steam mills in the distance of seventeen miles, mostly run night and day. Such immense sights of pine lumber on the wharfs. The pine logs are rafted down the tributaries that come in to Saginaw, a distance of from seventy to one hundred miles. There is but one log house in the town. As handsome looking land as ever I saw in any country. "There are two steamboats coming in here daily, and vessels and rafts of almost every description running to and from up and down the river, also hundreds of rafts of pine logs. There are two daily stages running from this to Pontiac - a distance of sixty miles. Albert drives team from this to Flint, a distance of thirty-two miles; he generally has a load both ways. Loduski is at work at a tavern in this place for two dollars a week, and is liked first-rate. "Provisions of all kinds are very high. Flour is ten dollars per barrel; corn one dollar per bushel; oats six shillings; pork one shilling a pound; beef eight cents; hams about-the same; butter eighteen pence; and potatoes six shillings per bushels. Crops of hay and grain to all appearances are coming in first-rate; for that matter crops of every description look well. Read this and send to Sarah; tell her I want her to write directly; also I want you to answer this as soon as possible after you get this. Don't forget it. Lurey sends her love and respects to you all. Tell me where Edwin and Marthy are. I want you to understand this is a lively place. "To Jobish Sawdy." "Anson Rudd." It is important that the reminiscences of our pioneers, who have seen a panorama of scenes and events covering three-fourths of a century and more, should be preserved in enduring form for the enlightenment of future generations, as well as our own. Beginning with savages and wild beasts, a frontier fort, fur traders, hunters and explorers, followed by permanent settlers with their farms chopped out of the primeval forest; then the saw mill with its yellow cubes of pine lumber on the docks, and the salt block with cargoes of snow-white crystals, this panorama spread itself before them in a kaleidoscope of human endeavor. From the day of the tallow dip, or pine splinter lighted with flint and steel, to the day of the electric light produced at the touch of a finger - all this has been accomplished in the span of one life. It is not possible that each individual may develop and be rounded out in a fullness of life and accomplishment equal to the material change that these old pioneers have witnessed. Only a few still living have seen this magic transformation. May they live out their century in honor and peace, for they and their fathers built well, and we of another generation and those to follow have profited and will profit by their works. >YS \I I LUMBERING ON THE SAGINAW IN THE FIFTIES Familiar scenes that remind the pioneer of by-gone days in the woods, at camp and of the activities along the river. CHAPTER XI AN ERA OF PROSPERITY Advent of Enterprising Men β€”Some Items of Interest -Early ConflagrationsExtracts From the Diary of James S. Webber -Incorporation of the Village and City -Incorporation of the Village of Salina -The Commercial Interests of East Saginaw in 1858 -Incorporation of Saginaw City-William Binder -Myron Butman - William H. Sweet - The Commercial Interests of Saginaw City - The Fish Trade - Summary of Trade in 1853-The Extensions of Trade to Hamilton Street. IN the eighteen-fifties a new life was infused into the business of the valley by the advent of enterprising, courageous men of public spirit, generous and forceful, possessing capital for the development of its industries. Among them were Ammi W. Wright, Ubel A. Brockway, Timothy and David H. Jerome, Thomas Merrill, John Moore, Frank Sears, Myron Butman, Joseph T. Burnham, David, John, Amasa and Ezra Rust, and Newell Barnard, who settled at Saginaw City; and Moses B. and George Hess, W. L. P. Little, Michael Jeffers, Jefferson Bundy, James Hill, Byron B. Buckhout, James S. Webber, James L. T. Fox, Chester B. Jones, Alexander Ferguson and others, at East Saginaw. The political, social, moral and business structure which the early pioneers of the valley had before reared, though of somewhat infantile proportions, was the deep-laid foundation upon which the newcomers reared a substantial superstructure, and the foundation thus laid stands an imperishable monument to the foresight, prudence and wisdom of the early pioneers. It would seem that these daring and hardy spirits, in spite of every difficulty that arose to dishearten and discourage them, were gifted with a sort of divination in their determination to make the valley a prosperous place of abode. They must have foreseen Saginaw a great, flourishing city, teeming with life and busy animation, and her bright river agitated with vessels and noisy steamboats. Some of these men, indeed, lived to realize their most extravagant anticipations, and doubtless felt amply repaid for their toil, trials and difficulties. Of the newcomers, however, who builded on the foundation already laid, many were better adapted to the effeminate and luxurious life of the city than to the hardships and stern realities of border life. But to their credit, be it said, they went to work with resolute and determined will of true pioneers, and deserve greater credit for their enterprise. Early in the fifties all was bustle and activity in the valley of the Saginaw, and the sound of the axe, the hammer and the saw rang merrily over the waters of the river, or echoed in the green woods around. One or two steamboats plied regularly between Saginaw and Detroit, barks and schooners came up the river to the towns, and more docks were built to accommodate them. The demand for lumber began to increase, and in every direction saw mills appeared along the banks of the stream. As early as October, 1853, there were twenty-three saw mills, some of small capacity it is true, in operation on the river, and twenty-one others in course of construction. 186 HISTORY OF SAGINAW COUNTY Nor was agriculture neglected. The dense forest which surrounded the primitive settlements began to melt away, and lands previously chopped off were cleared, fenced in, and dwellings erected thereon. Farming lands in the immediate vicinity were quickly located and settled upon, and tilled fields, fruit trees, and cattle soon gave evidence of rural industry. The eastern states were awakening to a realizing sense of the growing importance of the new country. Everything gave promise of great things. Some Items of Interest The ferry established by Elijah N. Davenport in 1851, at the foot of the Plank Road, now Genesee Avenue, became a paying enterprise the following year. The entire outfit consisted of a primitive-looking scow, propelled by poles, and attended by a curiously-fashioned "dug-out" to escape by in case the scow went under. Afterward a large rope was stretched across the river, as a better means of propulsion, and the operation of the scow then became more certain and safe, especially in times of heavy ice and flood. The course of this ferry was a line upon which the piers of the Genesee Avenue bridge now stand. Later a steam ferry was run at irregular intervals between the two towns. It was not until 1864 that the first bridge, operated by a company of citizens as a toll bridge, was completed and opened for traffic at Genesee Street. School was first taught in 1850 by Dr. C. T. Disbrow, in the upper story of Morgan L. Gage's residence, which stood on the north side of Plank Road, between Water and Washington Streets. The following year Miss Carrie Ingersoll opened a school in the log house which stood on the site of the Bancroft House. In 1852 Truman B. Fox established a select school in a small building at the corner of Water and Hoyt Streets, and soon had eighty-three scholars in attendance. The same year the "Old Academy" was built on the site of the present Hoyt School. Alfred M. Hoyt was the first postmaster at East Saginaw; and Moses B. Hess was the first mail carrier, having settled here in 1850. He succeeded Morgan L. Gage as postmaster in 1853. The first church was organized in 1852, and the first edifice used for religious services was a shanty near Emerson and Water Streets. The Saginaw Valley House, a pioneer hotel of East Saginaw, situated on Water Street, was completed and opened to the public in 1851. The organization of the first Methodist Episcopal Church was effected in 1852, with Reverend A. C. Shaw as pastor; and soon after a church edifice was erected on the southeast corner of Washington and German Streets. The first telegraph (the Snow Line) was in working order between Detroit and Saginaw on February 17, 1853, with Alexander Ferguson as local operator. The office was in Mr. Ferguson's jewelry, book and stationery store on Genesee Avenue between Washington and Water Streets. On March 20, 1853, ice broke up in the river and passed out into the bay; and on the 28th the steamer J. Snowz ran up the river, the first of the season. A saw mill and half a million feet of lumber at Carrollton, owned by Volney Chapin, was burned on June 9, 1853, with a loss of thirteen thousand dollars. On September 4, 1853, a camp meeting of Chippewa Indians was held at Swan Creek, about seven miles from Saginaw City, Rev. George B. Bradley presiding. JAMES S. WEBBER Fathler of \V. L. Webber, who came llere in.January, 1853, was a prominent merchant and land owner His first home was on the east side of Jefferson between Genesee and German Streets, the entire block having been purchased by him for six hundred dollars. JOHN F. DRIGGS ()e of the sturdy progressive pioneers of East Saginaw, was president of the village council in 1858, and later a congressman from this district. HIe was an active member of the volunteer fire fighting brigade and one of the organizers of the Twenty-ninth Regiment, M. V. I. 188 HISTORY OF SAGINAW COUNTY A quarterly meeting of the M. E. Church was held October 29, 1853, in the "Old Academy," services commencing at "early candle-light." The steamer Hluron struck a rock in the lower river, on a late trip November 26, 1853, and was seriously damaged; but no lives were lost. In December, 1853, the first newspaper in East Saginaw, "The Saginaw Enterprise," was established by F. A. Williamson and A. J. Mason, and edited with "tolerable ability." St. Mary's Church (Roman Catholic) was organized here late in 1853 by Father Shultz. Early Conflagrations Scarcely had the village of East Saginaw assumed any importance before it was visited by several disastrous fires, the first of which was on November 16, 1853. It was in the frame building of Burt and Hayden, on North Water Street, and entailed a heavy loss though it did not spread to adjoining property. The first big fire, however, which still lingers in the memory of the oldest residents, occurred on March 26, 1854. It raged for hours in the block bounded by Washington, German, Williams (Janes) Streets and the river, and destroyed the steam saw mill erected by Jesse Hoyt, and about three million feet of lumber with considerable dock. This property was situated on ground now occupied in part by the warehouse of Morley Brothers, at the foot of Germania Avenue. A number of dwelling houses were also burned, including the hotel on the southeast corner of German and Water Streets, which was kept by the father of William Barie. He vividly recalls the excitement at this fire and the heroic efforts of the citizens to stay the flames, with no other means than the primitive bucket brigade taking water from the river. This was a severe blow to the infant village; yet its motto was "never despair," and soon business went on as before. Rebuilding had scarcely commenced when another and far more destructive fire broke out in the very heart of the village, and swept everything in the direction of the previous fire. Before it had burned itself out, as the means of fighting fire were then entirely inadequate to check the flames, two entire blocks of buildings, including the Irving House, the extensive wholesale warehouse and dock of W. L. P. Little & Company, and several grocery stores and dwelling houses were burned. The principal buildings destroyed stood on the south side of Plank Road (Genesee) at the corner of Water Street, and for a time there was grave fear that the whole village was doomed. The scenes at this fire were very graphically drawn in the diary of James S. Webber, which has been preserved, an extract from which follows: "1854, July 5th: "This morning I was awakened by a person rapping at my door at about two o'clock, saying that the 'Irving House' was on fire. As my store was on the opposite side of the street, I was not long in dressing and getting there. I had a load of wood on my wheelbarrow standing at the door, and I turned it over as the quickest way to unload it and took it with me. A large company was already there. I unlocked my door and emptied the contents of the safe, as several persons had effects and books in it, into the wheelbarrow and started for home. Enjoining Mrs. Webber not to leave the house, I went back to the store, but, it being very still, it was not then thought the fire AN ERA OF PROSPERITY 189 would cross the street north; it was going south rapidly. A small building just west of my store was covered with carpets, blankets and so forth, and kept wet. My store being in a double building and a part of it occupied by Morgan L. Gage's family, we were in danger if the fire got into this small building, which was occupied by Seth Willey. Mr. C. B. Jones and my son had their offices over my store. They had emptied their offices at first, but by the lively use of pails and dishes in wetting these two buildings, the fire was kept out and the wind veering a little to the south about the time the frame of the 'Irving House' fell, the most of the danger was past. I returned the goods to the store again; and after sunrise the fire had stopped. Many boarders at the 'Irving House' were now at the mercy of the citizens, as well as Mr. Stevens and family, for breakfast. I sent word to Mrs. Webber to prepare extra and took a number with me for breakfast. By dinner time all had some place to go to. I have been thus particular in my statement, as this and the fire of March 26th were my first experience in fires, and the first that East Saginaw had suffered by." This fire was indeed a public calamity, and for a time everybody stood aghast, but not in despair. Before the embers had ceased smoking, workmen began clearing away the debris, and rebuilding was quickly begun. Soon a fine brick building, called the Buena Vista Block, occupied the site of the Irving House, and was the first brick block built in East Saginaw. It still stands at the corner of Genesee Avenue and Water Street, the upper floors within recent years having been refitted for use of the Bancroft House, of which it forms a part. The warehouse of W. L. P. Little & Company was at the foot of the street, on ground where the brick building, now occupied by the Hubbell Company, stands. Although the population of the village did not exceed three hundred, the sales of Little & Company the first year amounted to ninety thousand dollars, and the second year to a quarter of a million. This seems almost incredible, but when it is considered that Saginaw City, Lower Saginaw (Bay City), and the whole farming country adjacent to our rivers, were supplied with merchandise from this establishment, which was very complete in all its details, such a volume of business was possible. With characteristic energy and enterprise the burnt district was soon covered with substantial business blocks and dwellings, for the most part built of brick, and all traces of the fire were obliterated. Extracts from the Diary of James S. Webber 1855. Ice left the Saginaw River Saturday and Sunday, April 7th and 8th. Steamboat Huron first arrival for the season from Detroit, April 21. December 10: The ice on the river is very uncertain, the water being up to the top of the dock and frozen over so people cross on foot. One day a man crossed the ice with the mail by using two boards, occupying one while he shoved the other ahead of him; and he got over all safe. The ferry that was used for crossing Saginaw River was a large scow, Judge Davenport owning the right to ferry. The scow was propelled by means of a rope, each end of it being made fast to a post on each side of the river, the landing on the east side being at the foot of Plank Road (Genesee Street). Spring and Fall, when the ice was breaking up or forming, ferrying was very uncertain business. 1856. October 11: I commenced building September 13 a two-story house, being partly what is called a "balloon frame," but using posts and beams. The frame was raised Tuesday, September 30. Daniel L. Reding finished a cement cistern, holding over one hundred barrels, under my woodhouse floor. 190 HISTORY OF SAGINAW COUNTY October 13: My SOli has built a new house on the corner of Washington and Johnson Streets, which he bought from Dr. Lee, and moved into it this date. The lot is ninety by two hundred and forty feet. Foggy Fall. October 16: This morning smoke and fog so thick that objects could not be seen thirtv feet distant. October 18: Cleared so that we could see across the river. The cause of the smoke supposed to be the swamps and marshes that were on fire through these regions. The sun was hid from sight most of the time for several days. October 23: This morning a wind from the north with a light rain drove off the smoke; after a few more rains the fires were extinguished. October 25: My house was enclosed. In July I learned that a man was wishing to buy some lots on the west side of Jefferson Street directly opposite my house, to occupy them for burning lime. As I did not want a lime kiln there I bought four lots in Block 58 (all bayou lots) giving $350, paying over $80 down. I did not know what use they would be, but thought I would rather do this than have such a nuisance so near me. November 20: Thanksgiving. The last of this month the sand dock in front of my store on Water Street was finished. December 6: Snow in the woods eight inches deep. 1857. February 27: Ice mostly out of the river at night and water to the top of the sand dock. Ice said to be good below Zilwaukee and people crossing it with teams. March 12: Water fallen about four feet and new ice formed. Charlie Rod crossed it with a team and seven barrels of flour in safety. March 14: A channel cut for the ferry scow; it came across today. March 24: Ice said to be gone as far as Bangor. At 6:30 P. M. the steamboat Comet came up from Bay City where she had wintered. April 6: A snowy day and town meeting. April 11:- The steamboat Sain Ward arrived from Detroit yesterday. and today the Forest Queen arrived from the same port. April 26: Sunday morning, commenced snowing, stopping at 8 P. M. Suppose if it had not melted it would have been over a foot deep. July 1: Moved into my new house before breakfast. For dinner had green peas. Cool and rainy. July 24: Curtis Emerson's new steam ferry scow came down the river to the foot of Plank Road (Genesee Avenue) and back to his place on her first trial trip. This is the first steam ferry on the river. July 26: Sunday about 4 P. MI. Beach & Moores store on the dock (where W. L. P. Little & Company's store stood before the big fire) took fire and burned down. The fire engine was called out for the first time and did good service. October 8: Hard times in money matters, banks suspending daily and no exchange on New York to be had. October 15: These days money won't pay debts, for no one dare take it. About all the banks in New York suspended specie payment. I owed a New York debt and went several times into W. L. P. Little & Company's banking office to buy a draft, but I could not; they had rather not take any money. I wrote to the parties to ask what I should do; their answer was, "send your money by express and we will take what is good and send the rest back." So I just laid my money by till times should be more quiet, not being disposed to trust anyone with sorting my money. AN ERA OF PROSPERITY 191 October 28: I was able to buy exchange today and make remittance. December 1: Some banks still below par, yet I am able to close up with the New York creditors. I bought a draft of W. L. P. Little & Company, paying two and a half per cent. on Canadian banks, and ten and a half on western bank bills, and paid them all. November 19: This morning several inches of snow fell; a high wind for several days. Captain William Blyben, whose family is living in one of my houses, was on his way from Chicago with his vessel, the Quick Step, and had a severe time of it, but got his vessel into Bay City. The steamboat Forest Queen of Detroit made her last trip here. 1858. March 15: Warm and thawing, and ice floating down stream. April 16: Commenced my building for a hall on Lot 10, Block 58, Jefferson Street, opposite my dwelling. May 11: A great rain with wind from the north. May 25: Heavy rain today. Some boys having made a dam across the ditch so that water in the night wore a channel through, and this morning teams could not pass to the north into Genesee Street. UNION HALL Built by James S. Webber in 1858 on the site of the Schmelzer Apartments, and used by the First Baptist Church. Some years after, when the society built the present brick structure, the old hall was moved to the corner of Johnson and Second Streets, and has since been used by Zion Baptist Church (colored). June 4: The water has been over the sand dock for several days; and this morning the wind is blowing fresh from the south. About 9 A. M. Mr. Lord's ball alley gave way and went to pieces. (It was located on Genesee between Franklin and Cass Streets, south side.) June 8: Water is falling. Some of the mills started again as most of them had to stop in high water. It has been extremely warm for several days, and the mosquitoes very thick. July 2: Finished my 'Union Hall,' costing six hundred dollars unfinished. It was occupied by the First Baptist Church, they holding meetings on the third and fourth instant. July 7: A company left on the steamboat Magnet for Goderich, Canada, to railroad celebration to be held on the eighth. August 17: The Queen's message has been received by the Atlantic cable, and at night bon-fires, military and fire companies aided in the celebration. 192 HISTORY OF SAGINAW COUNTY August 23: Light frost in spots. A big celebration will be held here on the 29th, on account of the Atlantic cable. December 9: People crossed the river on the ice today. December 24: The gas works at the brick hotel of Jesse Hoyt's (the Bancroft) so far completed that this evening a few lights were lighted as a trial, with satisfactory results. 1859. January 2: This evening attended worship at Buena Vista Hall. It was lighted with gas for the first time. January 6: The ladies of the Baptist Church formed a sewing society at my house. January 11: Teams crossing the river on ice. This evening I crossed it for the first time since living in Saginaw. February 16: Ferry scow running today, after about ten days stopping on account of river being frozen for the crossing of teams. March 8: A small sail boat came up the river from below. The first city election held. George Ball and myself were two on the board. August 19: The first rail on the Flint & Pere Marquette Railroad laid at Saginaw River. September 7: The new brick hotel "Bancroft House" has been opened, and the stage stops here. Mr. Hobbs keeps the hotel. October 10: The steamboat Forest Queen brought up a six-pound brass cannon and carriage for the artillery company now forming in this place. The bark Sunshine is repaired and went from here about a week ago. October 22: Snow about three inches deep, and sleighs out this morning. Captain D. Lyon moved my ice house and cellar from the rear to the front of my lot beside my store on Water Street. November 10: Norman Little was buried, having been found drowned in the river, near Hoyt's mill, on the evening of the eighth. This was a very stormy day of rain and snow. Reverend J. S. Goodman and family arrived at my house at about one o'clock. Will it is expected occupy one of my houses until spring, having been settled over the Baptist Church of this place. 1860. January 19: Made my first visit to where they were drilling for salt. The well is 625 feet deep. January 21: At evening an old vacant house owned by C. Garrison, on the bank of the river above the mill, was nearly burned down. March 5: City election. The entire Republican ticket elected with exception of one constable. A fine day. I was elected director of the poor. March 7: An alarm of fire about six o'clock this morning at the gas works of Jesse Hoyt's, adjoining the Bancroft House; some damage done the works and building, will delay the operation of the gas works for a short time. The steamboat Traffic went to Bay City. Ice out of the river. March 10: About seven P. M. Jesse Hoyt's steam flouring mill was seen to be on fire in the upper story; supposed to have caught by the chimney burning out the previous morning, the fire lying concealed and burning down. No other buildings were injured, but a large amount of grain was burned and flour damaged. June 26: The East Saginaw Salt Company commenced boiling salt. I visited the works and got a sample of salt. Fifty kettles in a block. July 4: A small propeller named Star came from Detroit and commenced running as a ferry-boat from here to Saginaw City. AN ERA OF PROSPERITY 193 1868. September 10: The large Brick Central Market, being built by Anton Schmitz, on the southeast corner of Genesee and Cass (Baum) Streets, was opened today with stalls for vegetables by Mr. Turner and Mr. Charles Pendell. October 21: The Nicholson pavement is finished today; it was commenced at Franklin Street running west to the foot of Genesee Street across two blocks, then north on Water and Washington Streets to Tuscola, being one block north and south of Genesee Street. The cost of the pavement, including curb-stones, was $30,000; sand taken from Cass Street and the bayou. December 2: The gas lighted in street lamps for first time in East Saginaw. 1869. January 1: First Congregational Church, Washington and German Streets, was destroyed by fire. July 10: The trustees of the First Baptist Church sold the old church (Union Hall) to the colored Baptist Church, for $600, and moved it to the northwest corner of Johnson and Second Streets. This is the Zion Baptist Church, September 15: John G. Owen rebuilding the old Egleston, Champlin and Penney City Mill on Genesee Street into stores. October 10: Mr. A. Schmitz fell from his building, the Central Market, on Sunday; when picked up was dead. Incorporation of the Village and City East Saginaw was incorporated as a village in 1855, and its first legislative body met May 11, with Norman Little as president of the council; Charles B. Mott, recorder; S. C. Beach, treasurer; and A. L. Rankin, mar LAYING NICHOLSON PAVEMENT IN GENESEE STREET, 1868 194 HISTORY OF SAGINAW COUNTY shal. Under the incorporation act there were elected as trustees: W. L. P. Little, David Lyon, Jacob C. Voorheis, Clark M. Curtis and Augustus H. Mershon; and as assessors, F. R. Copeland and W. F. Glasby. In 1856 the council was composed of: Morgan L. Gage, president; C. B. Mott, recorder; trustees, William L. Webber, Augustus H. Mershon, Martin Smith, L. H. Eastman, W. F. Glasby; and attorney, William L. Webber; marshal, F. T. Hall; street commissioners, L. S. Keeler and A. Dann. In 1857 the councilmen were: Morgan L. Gage, president; W. H. Beach, recorder; trustees, William L. Webber, W. F. Glasby, C. M. Curtis, J. A. Large, S. Beach and William Gallagher. William J. Loveland was elected attorney, and L. S. Keeler, marshal and street commissioner, while W. T. Hoyt was the village clerk. In 1858 the councilmen were: John F. Driggs, president; C. B. Mott, recorder; trustees, S. C. Beach, W. F. Glasby, J. A. Large, G. A. Lathrop, S. R. Kirby and G. W. Merrill. William L. Webber was the attorney, M. L. Gage, marshal, G. F. Ball, street commissioner, and C. H. Gage, clerk. This form of government was sufficient for the needs of the community only four years, as in 1859 the village received a city charter, and was duly incorporated under its provisions. The first city officers elected were: W. L. P. Little, mayor; D. \V. C. Gage, recorder; W. J. Bartow, controller; James F. Brown, treasurer; F. A. Curtis, marshal; and the aldermen were, C. B. Mott, John S. Estabrook, Alexander Ferguson, W. F. Glasby, G. W. Wilcox; the city constable, A. L. Rankin; and the school inspectors, Asahel Disbrow, C. B. Jones, John J. Wheeler, G. J. Dorr, Volusin Bude and S. B. Knapp. On March 17, 1859, the first common council of the newly incorporated city met as a municipal legislative body. Incorporation of the Village of Salina As early as 1848 Aaron K. Penney located land on the east side of the river, a little above the settlement of Saginaw City, which he commenced working as a farm. In this occupation he was quite successful, as he was a practical farmer, but ten years later he sold his land to William Gallagher, who at once removed there with his family. After the discovery of salt deposits underlying the valley, Gallagher conceived the idea of laying out a town upon his farm, and in less than a year a pleasantly situated village was under way. Mills and salt works were soon erected, docks built, and general business enterprises inaugurated. In 1864 the East Saginaw Street Railway completed its line to the new town, thus connecting, and almost identifying, it with the flourishing city about three miles below. During the early years of its existence, this busy and progressive town had been known as Salina, but in 1866 it was incorporated as a village under the name of South Saginaw. Theron T. Hubbard was its first president; and the trustees were, Isaac Russell, Aaron Linton, William Nimmons, Hiram Dunn, John Ingledew and Nicholas A. Randall. These men met first as the village council, November 20, 1866. The village did not, however, retain its separate existence long, for in March, 1873, it became a part of the city of East Saginaw. This consolidation of interests increased the population of the city about three thousand, added three or four church organizations, one church edifice, and a fine graded school with five hundred scholars and seven teachers. The school building was a substantial structure costing more than ten thousand dollars. AN ERA OF PROSPERITY 195 The Commercial Interests of East Saginaw in 1858 Eight years after the founding of this enterprising city, the first "History of the Saginaw Valley" appeared, published by Truman B. Fox. It is a small pamphlet, five by eight inches in size, but it contains much valuable information relative to the commercial, professional and industrial affairs of the valley during the formative period. Several hundred copies of the history were undoubtedly printed, but after a lapse of fifty years they have become very rare, and only a few copies are now known to exist. From its pages we glean some interesting facts relating to the commercial interests of long ago, and of the men prominent in business life. Copeland & Bartow were "wholesale and retail dealers in staple and fancy dry goods, carpeting, clothing, boots and shoes, groceries and provisions, crockery and cutlery," and were located on Water Street, on the dock between Tuscola and Genesee Streets. John P. Derby was a dealer in groceries and provisions, boots and shoes, and Rockingham ware on Water Street; Franklin Copeland dealt in dry goods, groceries and provisions on the corner of Hoyt and Water Streets, while William Weeks kept a stock of ready-made clothing and furnishing goods on Genesee Street. Other dealers in groceries and provisions on Water Street, "near the ferrv," were, Curtis & Bliss, W. P. Patrick, J. S. Webber and J. A. Whittier; Peter Hiller was located on Genesee Street, and J. Greener, who also dealt in crockery, was on Water Street near Durfee & Atwater's mill. Sanborn & Tucker were wholesale and retail dealers in the same commodities in the Corliss Block, on Genesee Street; M. Minick added ready-made clothing to his grocery line, while Brown & Mumford dealt in "groceries and provisions, country produce, flour, etc., on Washington Street near Genesee." The hardware trade was represented by George Schram, whose shop was on Water Street, between Genesee and German Streets; C. M. Curtis, who was on Water Street near the ferry; and B. B. Buckhout, who announced that he was a "wholesale and retail dealer in iron, steel, nails, stoves and all kinds of hardware, farming utensils, cutlery, tin and sheet iron ware," and was located in the "brick block" on Water Street. In drugs and medicines we find Hess Brothers and Dr. J. K. Penney, who, in addition to attending to physicians prescriptions "with care and despatch," carried a line of fancy articles, perfumery, paints and oils. The Hess Brothers were in their own block on Genesee Street, while Dr. Penney was located on Water Street between Tuscola and Genesee. Books, stationery and jewelry stocks were those of Alexander Ferguson, who added fancy articles, on Genesee Street between Water and Washington; Sol Lathrop, on Genesee Street, and Fred N. Bridgman, who was located "at the Postoffice, Hess Block, corner of Genesee and Washington Streets." The professions were represented, in the law by William J. Loveland, an "attorney and counsellor at law, and solicitor in chancery," whose office was in the Hess Block, up stairs; James L. T. Fox, who announced "collections attended to in any portion of the State or United States," with an office in the Jeffers Block, on Water Street; 'Webber & Wheeler, whose office was in the brick block on Genesee Street; and D. W. C. Gage, with an office in Gage's Block, up stairs, on Genesee Street. In the practice of medicine were Doctors G. A. Lathrop, J. K. Penney, A. Bryce, Curtis and C. T. Disbrow. In the way of hotels the village was well provided, there being the Kirby House, kept by John Godley, at the corner of Washington and Genesee Streets; the Farmer's Exchange, XW. Wisner, landlord, corner of Washing THE BANCROFT HOUSE IN 1865 THE GROUSE BLOCK ON SITE OF EDDY BUILDING WATER STREET AT FOOT OF TUSCOLA EAST SIDE OF WATER STREET AT TUSCOLA, 1860 AN ERA OF PROSPERITY 197 ton and Genesee, "opposite the Kirby House;" the Forest City House, corner of Water and Genesee; the Franklin House, kept by John Leidlein, at the corner of Franklin and Genesee Streets; and the Buena Vista House, with John Jeffers as landlord, on Water Street near the steam ferry. W. L. P. Little & Company were bankers and dealers in foreign exchange, the banking office being in Hoyt's Block, up stairs, corner of Genesee and Water Streets. The United States Land Office, of which Colonel W. L. P. Little was the receiver, and Moses B. Hess the register, was located in the same block. The Saginaw Enterprise, the first newspaper established in East Saginaw, with Perry Joslin as editor and proprietor, was located on Water Street between Genesee and Tuscola. The Tax agency and surveying office was conducted by G. G. Hess and D. A. Pettibone in the Hess Block, on Washington Street. A millinery shop, "with all the latest styles in bonnets," was kept by Mrs. Morrison at the corner of Genesee and Water Streets, North. In manufacturing the village made a good showing, with Hoyt's Steam Flouring Mill in the lead. According to its announcement, it "grinds annually over fifty thousand bushels of wheat, fourteen thousand bushels of corn, its products amounting, in flour to nearly seventy thousand dollars, and corn meal to eleven thousand. This mill has four run of stone, and a powerful and magnificent engine. Corner of Water and Carroll Streets, on the dock." Wilcox's Steam Flouring Mill was on Water Street, "near the steam ferry," and "a large portion of the business of this mill is custom work, the total amount is probably fifteen to twenty thousand bushels of grain ground annually." There was also the City Mill on Genesee Street, "in the bayou," on the site of the building long occupied by D. B. Freeman and M. C. Murray. The foundry and machine shop business was represented by Warner, Eastman & Company, who were "repairers of steam engines, mill gearing, poney gangs, and other work in that line," with a shop on Water Street; George W. Merrill, who was a "manufacturer of steam engines, threshing machines, plows, steamboat and mill gearing, all orders pertaining to this business being promptly attended to. WVater Street on the dock;" Fred Koehler, blacksmith and repairer of machinery for steamboats, vessels, etc., with a shop on Tuscola Street, between Washington and Water; Birdsall & Brother, blacksmithing and horseshoeing done to order, with shop on Genesee Street, over the bayou; and I. E. Godley, manufacturer of horse shoes, and blacksmithing done to order, on Washington Street. The woodworking industry had Hosea Pratt, whose steam sash, door and blind factory was on Franklin Street, in the bayou; Ernest Feige, a manufacturer and dealer in all kinds of cabinet ware, upholstering, etc., on Water Street; and J. A. Large, with a furniture wareroom and manufactory of cabinet ware of all kinds, including "coffins made to order," on Genesee Street. James Lewis was also a manufacturer of sash, doors and blinds at his steam factory on Water Street, on the dock; and A. H. Mershan & Company operated a planing mill on Water Street, near the ship yard. Chester B. Jones was a leading dealer in lumber, shingles and lath, with an office in Gage's Block, up stairs, Genesee Street. John S. Estabrook was also a dealer in and inspector of lumber and shingles, his office being on "Water Street opposite the printing office." E. J. Mershon followed the occupation of inspecting lumber and shingles, and his office was in Hoyt's Block, up stairs. 198 HISTORY OF SAGINAW COUNTY In the stave and heading business, D. Shaw was a dealer and exporter of hogshead and butt staves, having an office on Water Street between Thompson and Hayden; Henry Woodruff was a dealer in staves for export, on Genesee Street; and Robert Pierson dealt in staves on Water Street. The diversified industries of the village included the business of M. L. Gage, manufacturer of harnesses, saddles, trunks, etc., on Genesee Street; H. Marks, manufacturer of hats, caps, furs, and furnishing goods; A. Eaton, maker of boots and shoes, on Genesee Street; and H. Schwartz and Casper Braden, makers of chairs and cabinet ware. 0. L. Glover and Hall & Loomis were the house, sign and ornamental painters, both having shops on Water Street, north. An extended list of the lumber manufacturers and their production at this period will be found in the chapter on The Lumber Industry. Solomon Bond Bliss Another of our old and esteemed citizens was S. Bond Bliss, who came to East Saginaw in the Spring of 1854. He was born at Brimfield, Massachusetts, April 17, 1828, and was the oldest of a family of five, four sons and one daughter. Without enjoying the full educational advantages of the time, he went to work at the age of twelve years, finding employment at Springfield and Boston. After his seventeenth birthday he went to Ohio, and located at Elyria where he was married in 1850 to a daughter of Dr. 0. L. Mason. They resided in Cleveland four years, when he came to this valley to transact some lumber business, and thereafter made this city his home. For a time he engaged in the grocery business with Curtis Brothers, but later purchased their interest and extended the business to that of a general mercantile character. He was also for some years interested in the lumber business; and he organized the Saginaw Valley Bank, in partnership with his brother, W. K. Bliss and B. M. Fay, under the firm name of Bliss, Fay & Company. This firm built the brick block at the southeast corner of Genesee and Washington Streets, which was long known as the Bliss Block, now the Mason Building. In 1862 he was elected to the State Legislature, and was postmaster of East Saginaw for a short term under President Johnson. For many years he was a leader of the temperance movement here, being president of the Reform Club. He was a member of the Saginaw Valley Pioneer Society, of St. Bernard Commandery No. 16, K. T., and was one of the charter members of the Unitarian Society. Kindness and generosity were prominent traits of his character, and he was wont to lend a helping hand to those in need, particularly worthy young men, those who were in his employ speaking in high terms of praise of his aid and personal interest in their welfare. Mr. Bliss was a genial gentleman with a smile and kind word for all acquaintances, and was held in high esteem by all classes. His death on November 12, 1884, was deeply felt by all citizens, particularly his older friends with whom he had shared the struggles, trials and final triumphs of pioneer life. Surviving him were Mrs. Bliss and one son, Walter B. Bliss, who continued to reside at the family homestead, at 320 North Water Street. The former died July 23, 1892, and the son, Walter, died in Chicago, April 26, 1905, leaving a widow and a son and daughter. Incorporation of Saginaw City From the official records of long ago it appears that.Saginaw City was never incorporated as a village, and to the year 1857 it was a part of the township of Saginaw. A city charter was granted which went into operation WILLIAM J. BARTOW One of our pioneer citizens whose enterprise aided in nmoulding the destinies of the city. HIe wAas nmaryor of ast Saginaw in 1860, and later succee(ded Charles B. Mott as representative of the Hoyt interests. For a number of years lie was vice-president of the Savings Bank of I1ast Saginaw. SOLOMON BOND BLISS Moved to Sagilnaw in 1854, and was a banker, mnerchant and lumberman. Was postmaster in 1866-67, city treasurer, and representative in State Legislature in 1863-64. Organized Saginaw Valley Bank, and built the Bliss Block at (Genesee and Washington Avenues. 200 HISTORY OF SAGINAW COUNTY in the spring of 1857, the first meeting of the common council being held April 11. Gardner D. Williams was the first mayor; Coe Garrett, recorder; E. H. Shiminond, treasurer; and the first aldermen were, John Moore, George W. Bullock, Jay Smith and David Hughes; John E. Gibson was marshal, and E. C. Newell, city attorney. Mayor Williams was elected the following year for a second term, but his death occurred on December 11, 1858, and Hiram L. Miller, then recorder of the city, acted as mayor until the election of George W. Bullock to the mayoralty, in the spring of 1859. In the early days of the incorporated city the most desirable residence section was on North Hamilton Street, and here were the homes of William Binder, Myron Butman, William H. Sweet, Newell Barnard, Doctor I. N. Smith and others whose names will be recalled by the older residents acquainted with our early history. William Binder For many years the home of William Binder was on the east side of the street, between Franklin (Hancock) and Ames Streets. It stood just north of the site of the three-story brick building, which was erected many years after by Barnard & Binder at the corner of Franklin. Mr. Binder was a resident of Saginaw for more than forty years, and during the era of prosperity was a prominent lumberman and salt manufacturer. For years he held the office of secretary of the Saginaw Barrel Factory; and was actively indentified in the promotion of industrial enterprises for the upbuilding of the city. When he removed to a new and pretentious house, which he had built at the northwest corner of Washington (Michigan) and Bristol Streets, his old home was converted into a place of business, and occupied for a long time by A. Siebel. During the panic of 1873 Mr. Binder met with severe reverses of fortune which was never regained. He was a public spirited citizen, and was the last controller of Saginaw City, relinquishing the office upon the consolidation of the Saginaws, which occurred in the spring of 1890. Shortly after, he returned with his family to the scenes of his boyhood at Hersau, Wurtemberg. Germany, where he passed his declining years, and died February 7, 1915. Myron Butman Among the oldest, best known, and highly esteemed lumbermen of Saginaw was Myron Butman, who was born at Milan, Erie County, Ohio, October 5, 1825. His father was John S. Butman, one of the early pioneers of Northern Ohio. He received his early education in the public schools of his native place, and afterward attended the Huron Institute, in a neighboring town, where he completed his schooling. Quite early in life he embarked in the retail lumber business in connection with a mercantile venture in Milan, and continued in this trade for about ten years. In 1854 he sought wider fields for his enterprise and went first to Chicago and thence, a year later, to Saginaw when blanket Indians were as yet no uncommon sight in the streets. Lumbering in this section was then beginning to assume large proportions, and he engaged in the general lumber business, which he conducted on a broad scale throughout his active career. In 1860 he entered into partnership with Samuel H. Webster, and the firm built a saw mill and salt works at Zilwaukee. They were pioneers in the salt industry of the State, as this salt block was the third erected after the manufacture of salt became an assured commercial venture in the valley. From a small beginning, they witnessed the remarkable expansion of the industry, in 1900 reaching a total production in Michigan of more than five and a quarter million barrels; and the initial price of three dollars a barrel reduced to fifty cents a barrel on the dock. AN ERA OF PROSPERITY 201 This partnership continued for three years, when Mr. Webster withdrew; and Mr. Butman then formed a co-partnership with Amasa Rust, under the firm name of Butman & Rust, which continued until the death of Mr. Rust in 1893. Meanwhile he dealt extensively in timber lands, the beginning of this business having been made with about four thousand acres of fine timber in this valley, which he had located just previous to his coming here. In 1871 the firm of Butman & Rust, in connection with Rust & Hay, purchased the old Watson mill at Bay City, which they remodled and operated under the name of Hay, Butman & Company until 1885, when Butman & Rust bought out the other interests. During the last few years of its operation this mill was one of the best on the river, its capacity running to ninety thousand feet per day, its timber supplies being drawn from the Tittabawassee River and tributaries. The firm acquired an enviable reputation as manufacturers of high-grade lumber, due in no small degree to the excellent judgment of Mr. Butman in the selection of timber; and special care was taken in manufacture, the element of character of the product being of greater consideration than that of quantity. Running largely to the better grades, it was eagerly sought by the trade, and commanded the highest prices in the market. Mr. Butman was married in 1848 to Miss Mary P. Adams, who was born and reared in Milan, Ohio. Mrs. Butman was a woman of quiet, refined tastes, and closely attached to home ties. She was a devout member of St. John's Episcopal Church, and was deeply interested in the work of the parish and of charitable organizations, in all of which Mr. Butman was thoroughly in sympathy. They had one daughter, Mary P., who inherited many of her father's sterling qualities and her mother's refinement and tenderness of heart, to which was united a benevolent disposition. Possessed of fine feelings, generous impulses, and sensitive to the misfortunes of others, it was but natural that her acts of kindness and helpful interest, always unostentatiously bestowed, should have been widespread. Unfortunately wedded to a man whose character, temperament and trend of thought were entirely antipodal to her noble qualities, her married life was marred by unhappiness and sorrow. She died May 7, 1912, preceded to the beyond by her mother who died April 24, 1907. In his active business life Mr. Butman did not confine his interests to lumbering, but associated himself with other industrial enterprises. He was one of the organizers of the Bank of Saginaw, which he served as president for many years; and he was interested in the Allington & Curtis Manufacturing Company and other concerns designed to supplant the lumber industry, which about 1890 had reached a period of decline. He was a man of deep sympathies, was broad minded and generous, and lived a life of usefulness in the community, marked by the highest integrity. He died January 10, 1901, in the city which for almost fifty years had known him as an honored citizen. William H. Sweet William H. Sweet, for many years one of the leading attorneys of Saginaw County, was born in New York City, October 13, 1819. At the age of two years his parents moved on a farm, where his boyhood was spent. But at eighteen years of age, his health being precarious, he shipped on a whaling voyage which continued for three years, during which time he visited nearly every port in the world. Returning to New York, he entered into a mercantile life, but after three years closed out his business, purchased a stock of general merchandise and in 1850 brought his goods to the western frontier on the Saginaw. WILLIAM H. SWEET MYRON BUTMAN NEWELL BARNARD DANIEL L. C. EATON AN ERA OF PROSPERITY 203 This business he conducted successfully for some time, but later sold out to engage in lumbering. While still a young man he studied law, in due time was admitted to the bar, and became associated with J. G. Sutherland, one of the pioneers of his profession in this valley. Mr. Sweet was mayor of Saginaw City for two terms, was prosecuting attorney of this county from 1861 to 1863, and was a member of the Board of the Union School District in 1891. By his first wife, who died in 1872, Mr. Sweet was the father of six children-three daughters, who upon marrying were Mrs. Martin, Mrs. Penoyer and Mrs. Pendleton, and Fred B. Sweet, one time county clerk, and William and Sumner Sweet. After a long illness Mr. Sweet died at his home in Saginaw, February 16, 1898. For many years the family home was on the northwest corner of Throop and Hamilton Streets, on or very near the site of the old council house used by General Cass in negotiating the treaty of 1819 with the Chippewa Indians. The Commercial Interests of Saginaw City In 1858, according to Fox's "History of Saginaw," the city boasted of "many beautiful buildings, several extensive warehouses, docks, etc. Nothing can exceed the beauty of the locality, especially in Spring and Summer. The streets are regularly laid out, are, in many parts, well shaded with locust and maple trees, and residences of many citizens evince great taste and refinement." At that time the city had a population of about twentyfive hundred. The business and professional interests were represented by citizens of sterling character, who left the stamp of their individuality upon the future city. In the dry goods line were D. H. Jerome & Company, who also dealt in clothing, groceries and provisions, in the Jerome Block on Water Street; George W\. Bullock, with fancy dry goods, staple groceries and provisions, at the corner of Ames and Hamilton; G. T. Zschoerner, in the Woodruff Block, Water Street on the dock; and P. C. Andre in the same general line, on Water Street on the dock. In groceries and provisions were J. Dowling, A. Andre, on Water Street; Myron Butman, George Streeb and William Binder, in the Woodruff Block, on Water Street; Jacob \Togt, on the dock; and M. Redman kept a restaurant at the corner of Hamilton and Jefferson Streets. The hardware trade was supplied by D. H. Jerome & Company, who also carried a stock of "iron, steel, nails, stoves, and hollow ware," at the corner of Water and Van Buren; and N. Gibson, who dealt in mill saws, chains, cutlery, etc., in Gibson's Block on Water Street. The merchant tailors were F. A. Leasia, "dealer in all kinds of garments, hats, caps, etc.," in the Mitchell Block, on Water Street; M. Rathkie, manufacturer and dealer in ready-made clothing, etc., on Water Street; and M. Mulcahay, in clothing on Water Street. The milliners were Mrs. Rice, who also carried fancy goods, on WXater Street, and Miss Hamilton, mantua maker, at the corner of Ames and Hamilton Streets. A. Fisher was the leading cabinet and chair manufacturer, with a shop on Water Street, then the principal business street. The tannery was owned and operated by C. W\yder, "tanner and currier, Stevens and Water Street, towards Green Point." J. W. Richardson was a manufacturer and dealer in harnesses, saddles, martingals, trunks, etc., on Water Street; and the shoe shops were those of C. Kull, C. Shultz, C. T. Brenner, G. Sanders, P. M. Hale, C. Fuche and G. Winkler, all on Water Street. 204 HISTORY OF SAGINAW COUNTY In drugs and medicines were Jay Smith, M. D., at the corner of Van Buren and Water; A. O. T. Eaton & Brother, at the corner of Court and Water; and D. F. Mitchell, in the Mitchell Block on Water Street. The physicians were J. B. White, whose office was at the corner of Lyon and Wrater Streets; N. D. Lee, on Jefferson Street; D. F. Mitchell; M. C. T. Plessner, on Water Street; Dion Birney, at Court and WVater; and S. Franke, at the corner of Franklin and Hamilton Streets. The legal profession was well represented by Moore & Gaylord, "attorneys and counsellors of law, and solicitors in chancery," office in the court house; E. C. Newell, the city attorney, at Water and Jefferson Streets; C. D. Little, at the corner of Washington and Madison; Hiram S. Penoyer, with an office in the court house; Sutherland & Benedict, at Court and Water; and William HI. Sweet, on Water Street. A livery was conducted by A. H. Paine, who "always keeps on hand all sorts of good vehicles, with first-class horses;" and the ship yard of M. Dougherty on Water Street, completes the list of tradesmen of that period. The Fish Trade For many years fisheries was a business of some importance in the valley; and in 1858 the value of this trade was about forty thousand dollars. Large quantities of fish were used in the town, and much was shipped to the East. The weight of fish then caught in the lakes, bays and rivers was: for Sturgeon, seventy to one hundred and twenty pounds; Trout, twenty to sixty pounds; Muskellunge, fifteen to forty pounds; Pickerel, six to fifteen pounds; Mullet, five to ten pounds; White Fish, two to five pounds; Perch, about one pound; Black Bass, one to three pounds; Bill Fish, one to three pounds; and Cat Fish, ten to twenty pounds. In those days the flesh of the sturgeon was called "Saginaw beef." "There was a time every spring," relates E. S. Williams, "when the Indians from Saginaw and the interior would congregate in large parties, for the purpose of putting up dried sturgeon, which made a very delicate dish when properly cooked, and was much used in those days by the first families of Detroit. We used to purchase considerable of it for our use. The Indians would select the best, flay the pieces, hang them across poles in rows, about four feet from the ground and two feet apart, then a gentle smoke was kept under them until they were perfectly dry, then packed up in bales of perhaps fifty pounds each. Where they accomplished this was on the Point Au Gres. "At a certain time every spring the sturgeon would come upon this point, which was very shallow a long distance out, and in the warm sun would work themselves to the shore until they would lie and roll like cord wood, perfectly helpless, and here the Indians would go among them and select the best. I have been on the point at these times and seen the sport. A little Indian will wade in to about a foot of water, find a big sturgeon (some are very large), strike a small tomahawk in his nose, and straddle him. The sturgeon will carry him through the water at quite a speed, the little fellow steering by the handle of his tomahawk, not letting him go to deep water, and when he tires of the sport he runs his fancy nag ashore." "In the spring of the year," continued Mr. Williams, "in high water, the ice being gone, the wall-eyed pike would run up the Saginaw in great numbers, running on the Shiawassee meadows which were overflowed for miles, from three to six feet deep. One beautiful warm spring morning, Major William Mosely and myself proposed to go up the Shiawassee about four miles and have a little sport, spearing in the evening by torch light. I took a large canoe, one man, a lunch basket, blankets, etc., expecting to stay over night. AN ERA OF PROSPERITY 205 "Arriving at the Indian camps the water for miles was like a mirror in the hot sun. We went out a short distance and found the water alive with fish. We speared a good many, with much sport. The Indians proposed if I would buy the fish they would go out and spear enough to fill our canoes. I agreed to do so, and in an hour or two they came in alongside my canoe. I would count the fish, taking each Indian's name and number of his fish in my pass book. We loaded the fish in our canoe, and I engaged two others, loaded them, and got home before dark, when we set men to work cleaning and packing for market. "Next morning the result of our day's sport was thirty barrels, then worth and sold for five dollars per barrel. These fish were in schools, and the water black with them. An Indian stood in the bow with a spear, while one in the stern would hold the canoe still on one of these schools, and the spearsman would fill the canoe, often bringing up three or four fish at a time. averaging from three to six and eight pounds each. We used to take a good many with seines in the Saginaw, opposite the city, but it was not a success, there being so much sunken floodwood." Summary of Trade of Saginaw in 1858 Fur Trade.............................. 30,000 Shingle Trade..$................ 30,000 Fish Trade......................- 40,000 Stave Trade....................... 30,000 Lumber Trade................... 872,000 Ship Yard Trade.................. 50,000 Lath Trade........................ 20,000 General Trade...................... 200,000 Total...........,272,000 T o t a l --------------------------------------------------β€”.-. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------β€”... The Extension of Business to Hamilton Street In the seventies a two-story brick building was erected at the corner of North Hamilton and Ames Streets, and some time after the space between it and the larger block on the corner of Franklin (Hancock), was filled by a two-story brick structure. The entire property was then owned by the late Arthur Barnard, and became known as the Barnard Block, where he made his home for a number of years. Mr. Barnard also acquired the property at the corner of Niagara and Hancock Streets, originally the Ritter Block, which was the second brick block erected on the west side of the river. This block was occupied for many years by the "Saginawian," the paper established by the late George F. Lewis. In those days the west side of Water Street, between Hancock and Ames Streets, was devoted entirely to business, and it was here that George Streeb, the veteran grocer, established the business which, about 1870, was removed to the present location on North Webster Street. Years after, the building at the corner of Niagara and Ames Streets was erected by Mr. Barnard, who owned the entire square. It was in 1871 that the most pretentious business building in Saginaw City was erected at Hamilton and Hancock Streets, and was the appropriate home of the newly established dry goods house of Dawson & Moore, which occupied the double store next to the corner which was used by John C. Ziegler with a fine stock of jewelry. The second and third floors were filled with offices, including the law office of Gaylord & Hanchett, which was composed of Augustus S. Gaylord and Benton Hanchett. Leading physicians and other professional men had offices in this prominent building. The depression following the panic of 1873 proved too great a handicap for the successful development of the dry goods business, and after a time Dawson & Moore retired. Ammi W. WNTright was behind the business, and he would not allow it to go down to failure, and for some years after the leading dry goods house in Saginaw City was maintained at this location. HAMILTON STREET, LOOKING SOUTH FROM JEFFERSON (CLEVELAND) ABOUT 1875 VIEW ON SAGINAW RIVER, LOOKING NORTH FROM MACKINAW STREET BRIDGE, ABOUT 1875 CHAPTER XII SOME MUNICIPAL ORGANIZATIONS The City Officials in 1868 -The Fire Department-First Volunteer FireFighters-Primitive Hand Engines-Rivalry of the Fire Companies-A Test of Their Mettle-Advent of Steam Engines- Reorganization of the DepartmentStewart S. Ellsworth Becomes Chief- George W. Wallis, Veteran Fire-FighterFire-Fighters of Saginaw City-Some Big Losses-The Great Fire of May, 1893 -The Holly Water Works-The West Side \ater System-A Consolidation of the Water Systems- The Police Department-Controlling the "Red Sash Brigade"Enter a New Element, Patrick Kain- When Changes Were Rapid-Saginaw an Orderly City. IN searching out and examining the dim records of the past, often musty and discolored with age, it is interesting to trace, step by step, the development of the municipal organizations which governed the two cities of the Saginaws. From the time of their incorporation as cities, in 1857 and 1859, to their consolidation in 1890, both enjoyed a period of uninterrupted prosperity. The timber and salt resources of the valley were producing wealth to many sturdy and energetic men of capital and brains: trade and commerce was creating competence to others; and the ablest men in the community were directing the business of the people. None, however engrossed in his private affairs, declined to serve the public, or refused to give of his time and means to promote enterprises and improvements calculated to advance the material interests of the city. The men at the head of the various departments constituting the city governments were the biggest, brainiest and most progressive citizens of their time, and they conducted the municipal affairs with probity and policies of conservatism. In 1868 the city officials of East Saginaw were: James L. Ketcham, mayor; Charles H. Camp, recorder; Albert R. Wedthoff. treasurer; C. V. DeLand, controller; Gilbert R. Chandler, marshal; Martin Smith, F. AV. Carlisle, B. B. Buckhout, aldermen of the first ward; Peter Geisler, George W. Morley, William Zimmerman, aldermen of the second ward; A. B. Wood, John G. Owen and L. H. Eastman, aldermen of the third ward. Hezekiah Miller, G. A. Flanders and E. A. Sturtevant were the justices of the peace; Noah C. Richardson, Egbert Ten Eyck and Volusin Bude were the sewer commissioners; Morgan L. Gage, Chester B. Jones and Charles V. Deland were the cemetery commissioners, and E. A. Moore was street commissioner. About this time the city offices were located in the Derby Block, on the west side of Water Street between Genesee and Tuscola. Public improvements were being made in the business section, which extended to Jefferson Street, stumps and rubbish being cleared away, side streets opened up and sidewalks laid. A good system of sewerage had been put in a few years before, and the bayous that formerly were so obnoxious to the eye and so detrimental to health were both drained and filled up. The most stringent measures were adopted to insure the good health of the city; and an efficient police organization, under the metropolitan system, was formed for the public safety. 208 HISTORY OF SAGINAW COUNTY The same year (1868), the city officials of Saginaw City were: Alfred F. R. Braley, mayor; J. B. Scheick, recorder; Emil Schuermann, treasurer; Edwin Saunders, controller; and J. T. Burnham, C. T. Brenner, N. D. Lee, G. R. Stark, S. B. Williams, M. T. C. Plessner, A. A. Brockway and J. S. North were the aldermen of the four city wards, each of which was entitled to two. At that date the city had a good school system, and besides several ward school houses had recently finished the new Union School, which, according to Fox, "is perhaps, in point of architectural beauty and convenience, the finest edifice in the west." A gas company had recently been organized, "which proposes to furnish the city with gas, soon;" the "Saginaw City Street Railway extends from the foot of Mackinaw Street bridge to the foot of Genesee Street, East Saginaw." A fire department, with a steamer and hook and ladder company, had been organized some time before. The Fire Department In the olden times the Saginaws, as villages, suffered all the losses by fire which usually befell settlements in the western wilderness. With no means at hand to fight fire, except the primitive "bucket brigade" taking water from the river, or wells and cisterns, very little could be done to check a raging conflagration, which generally burned itself out. The log cabins and first frame houses in the villages were widely scattered, and when a fire started it seldom spread to neighboring buildings; but the populace turned out and there was great excitement and confusion. The men and able-bodied boys quickly formed a line, and an endless chain of pails, pans and anything that would hold water, was kept in hurried motion between the nearest supply of water and the burning building. Meanwhile, the women hung blankets and quilts on the exposed sides of the nearest houses, and by the use of tin ware and dishes kept them wet. Other persons, no less active, removed the contents of nearby buildings, or made themselves useful in other ways. But there was no leader to direct the fire fighters, and their efforts were quite ineffectual. As the villages grew up after extensive improvements had been made, and houses and business blocks filled the vacant places, the danger of a conflagration was greatly increased, but no adequate protection was afforded to save valuable property. The villages had not yet had their first experience with a big fire. The First Volunteer Fire-Fighters The disastrous fires of 1854, however, awakened the leading men of both places to the necessity of some effective means of fighting fire. Discussions were held at various times and information was sought from eastern cities, but it was not until early in 1857 that any definite action was taken toward organizing an efficient fire fighting force. At East Saginaw this took the form of regularly organized volunteer fire companies, the first company taking the very appropriate name of Pioneer No. 1, with the motto "Always Ready." It had a membership of forty-one, and was provided with neat and attractive uniforms which, together with its engine, hose cart and other equipment, were kept in an engine house located on the southeast corner of Water and Williams (Janes) Streets. The list of charter members and officers of Pioneer Fire Engine Company, No. 1, is transcribed from Fox's History of Saginaw County, 1858: George J. Dorr, Foreman George Schram T. W. Hawley, 1st Ass't Foreman John Swift James F. Brown, 2nd Ass't Foreman A. L. Rankin Alexander Ferguson, Secretary J. Hutton F. N. Bridgman, Treasurer E. A. Moore GENESEE STREET, LOOKING EAST FROM WATER STREET GENESEE STREET, LOOKING WEST FROM WASHINGTON, ABOUT 1868 RUINS OF JACKSON HALL, BURNED MAY 26, 1873 GENESEE STREET, LOOKING EAST FROM WASHINGTON, ABOUT 1872 THE GREAT FLOOD OF 1873 ACROSS GENESEE SrREET BRIDGE WATER STREET, LOOKING NORTH FROM GERMAN, GREAT FLOOD 1873 210 HISTORY OF SAGINAW COUNTY Charter members of Z. AV. Wright B. B. Buckhout R. A. Eddy D. G. Holland O. J. Quinn J. H. Springer WV. C. Yawkey J. L. Hayden J. S. Estabrook G. W. Phillips F. P. Simpson C. Merrill James Lewis G. C. Warner William Weeks Pioneer Fire Engine 0. J. Phillips Company No. 1-continued: B. P. Derby M. Jeffers H. C. Burt James Hillier M. Wakeman A. Dann H. C. Sawyer G. C. Sanborn A\. H. Beatty F. H. Hall J. H. Humes G. F. Corliss Jesse A. Burdick Moses Garner Martin Smith As a component part of this company of fire fighters there was an organized hose brigade or "smoke eaters," named Pioneer Hose Company, No. 1, composed of the following members: J. E. Mershon, Foreman H. A. Pratt Sanford Keeler, Ass't Foreman S. A. Pratt James Ruan, Secretary C. H. Gage William J. Driggs H. Woodruff F. A. Van Antwerp C. H. Hayden John Weller Although the population of the village at this time did not exceed sixteen hundred, the spirit of co-operation was strong among all classes, and soon a second company, named Jesse Hoyt Fire Engine Company, No. 2, was duly organized. It had a membership of thirty, its motto was "Rough and Ready," and, like the first company, was fully equipped with appropriate uniforms, hand fire engine, hose cart and fire-fighting tools, all of which was kept in readiness for instant use in a separate fire engine house on the west side of Water Street at the foot of Tuscola. The members of this company were: T. A. McLeese, Foreman Thomas Coats J. E. Burtt, 1st Ass't Foreman Thomas Safal L. Newton, 2nd Ass't Foreman Henry Marks Charles T. Harris, Treasurer Thomas Garry Robert Haddon, Secretary Patrick Connor D. D. Keeler, Steward George Perkins Charles Allen Willis Abel Dennis McDonald Charles Blodgett Thomas Derry John Haggerty C. Tebo Henry Horton John Earow Hosea Pratt Albert Bates Lewis Causley Thomas Redson George Rowell Jasper Englehart Aaron Ketrich Samuel Allen James Perry Connected with this engine company was an efficient hose company, named Jesse Hoyt Hose Company, No. 2, with a membership of seven, as follows: Samuel Hewitt, Foreman John Connor E. Bissell, 1st Ass't Foreman Edward McGunn Thomas Abbott William Bodeno W. McGraff SOME MUNICIPAL ORGANIZATIONS 211 Not to be outdone by these energetic townsmen, other men, prominent in the business and social life of the place, formed a very necessary adjunct to the volunteer fire-fighting forces. This was the Rescue Hook and Ladder Company, No. 1, organized August 14, 1858, and was composed of twentyfive members, who were: William J. Bartow, Foreman W. L. NWebber, 1st Ass't Foreman L. H. Eastman, 2nd Ass't Foreman Charles B. Mott, Secretary Jay S. Curtis, Treasurer S. Bond Bliss Thomas Willey William H. Beach J. H. McFarlin Moses B. Hess J. C. Godley Seth C. Beach N. Whitney Clark M. Curtis John Sharp B. E. Brown P. Mumford Frank R. Copeland William Gallagher J. A. \Whittier John F. Driggs William Final Charles O. Garrison R. H. Loomis Charles W. Grant i i The Primitive Hand Engines The hand fire engines which afforded the first real protection against fire, were a unique feature of the volunteer forces and a source of great pride to the members of the respective fire companies. They were of mechanism wonderful to behold and when in action, manned by twenty stalwart men clad in bright red and yellow uniforms, they were an endless joy and delight to the small boys. The dimensions of the engines, as determined by S. R. Kirby, then chief engineer of the department, were as follows: Length of Brakes............................. Diameter of Cylinders........................... Area of Plungers..................... Average Stroke of 'Piston..................... Capacity of Cylinders................... Diameter of Suction Pipe β€”........... Diameter of Delivery Pipe.................... Diameter of Nozzle............................ No. 1 18'2 feet 7 2 inches 44 inches 6/2 inches 287 sq. inches 4 inches 2'/2 inches 7- 15/16 in. No. 2 20 feet 834 inches 60 inches 6 inches 36034 square inches 4I/2 inches 2 2 inches 7 - 1 1/16 in. When worked at their normal speed of sixty strokes per minute, the discharge of engine No. 1 was sixty-two gallons, and of No. 2 seventy-eight gallons, the ratio of capacity being one to one and a quarter. For sixteen years these engines were in active commission, and for half of that period, in conjunction with a third engine named Cataract Engine, No. 3, provided the only mechanical means of fighting fire. Rivalry of the Fire Companies Almost at the beginning of organized fire-fighting a spirit of rivalry and daring seized the members of the two engine and hose companies; and there were keen contests of speed and endurance between them, the first company to reach a fire and throw a stream being declared the winners. The companies drilled and practiced with great zeal, and were often called out to make a short run to an imaginary fire, when they quickly manned their engine, laid their hose, and threw water on somebody's house or barn. Each man thus became thoroughly familiar with his duties, so that when an alarm was sounded all responded promptly and worked with precision. I!I GENESEE AVENUE BETWEEN BAUM AND JEFFERSON, ABOUT 1860 SOME MUNICIPAL ORGANIZATIONS 213 After a while this practice grew irksome and they longed for a real fire to give zest and danger to the sport. As none occurred they proceeded to make their own - to order - huge bonfires in out of the way places. Some of the side streets, not far from Genesee Plank Road, were then being cleared of standing timber, and were littered with brush, bark and refuse, all dry and highly inflamable. This material the enthusiastic firemen gathered and piled in big heaps, and at appointed times applied the torch. One or other of the fire companies would then assemble at their engine house, the alarm would be given, the men fall in the traces and rush to the bonfire and quickly extinguish it, the hose company doing their part. A Test of Their Mettle The first real test of the skill and endurance of the volunteer firemen occurred on July 26, 1857, on the occasion of the burning of Beach & Moores' store, which stood on the site of W. L. P. Little & Company's warehouse, which was burned in the memorable fire of July 5, 1854. It was about four o'clock on Sunday afternoon when the fire was discovered, and had gained such headway that the building burned to the ground, though by hard work the firemen saved the adjoining property. After this exciting event the self-made bonfires palled on the doughty firemen, and they resorted to the actual thing for their sport. Some of our older residents still relate with reminiscent flavor, not devoid of humor, of the frequent fires, generally of a trifling nature, which occurred on the outskirts of the business section, after the Beach & Moores fire. Both sides of Genesee Street between Cass (Baum) Street and Jefferson, were then lined with one-story frame houses and shanties, of the most flimsy construction and of little, if any, value; and were occupied by a shoe shop, a paint shop, two or three saloons, a cheap clothing store, a small bake shop, and a few shacks used for dwellings. In one or the other of these rows of buildings there was a fire alniost every Saturday night. Late in the evening the various companies would meet in their respective engine houses and, clad in their bright uniforms, would stand in readiness for the alarm, all eager and impatient for the contest. At the first tap of the bell out they would come in a mad rush for the scene, and the company which had been informed in advance of the exact location of the blaze generally arrived first, and had the first stream playing on the fire. Such fires seldom entailed much loss, but after a time, when by their frequency it became apparent that they were caused by premeditated intent, a strict watch was kept and they then stopped. In justification of the practice the firemen used to say that, for the appearance of that end of the street, and as a preventative against a big fire, the little old buildings ought to be burned down. The owners and village officials evidently thought differently. The Advent of the Steam Fire Engine In 1865 East Saginaw attained a population of about six thousand and spread far beyond the original limits of the village. For six years it had enjoyed the city form of government, and during this time some important buildings had been erected, including the Bancroft House, the Bliss Block, Crouse Block, Little Jake Seligman's blocks, the Methodist, Congregational and Episcopal Churches, and St. Mary's Roman Catholic Church, and many pretentious dwellings. To safeguard this valuable property, and insure against a disastrous fire, it was deemed advisable to reorganize the fire department, purchase a steam fire engine, hose carts and complete equipment, and make it a really efficient fire-fighting machine, with minute men as its standby. Then, too, the novelty of the volunteer organization, with its 214 HISTORY OF SAGINAW COUNTY competitive element, had worn off, the men no longer assembled and practiced in fire-fighting for the mere sport of it, and it was becoming more difficult every year to keep the companies recruited to an efficient working force. The glitter of the uniforms had disappeared, and only stern duty and the need of protection remained. Early that year the common council entered into contract for the purchase of one No. 2 Rotary Steam Fire Engine, of Silsby's Island Works, Seneca Falls, New York, together with hose cart, hose and tools. The contract for the engine, the Valley City No. 1, provided that it should discharge five hundred gallons of water per minute, throwing one stream through one and a quarter inch nozzle, two hundred feet; through one and one-eighth inch nozzle, two hundred and thirty feet; through one thousand feet of hose and one-inch nozzle, one hundred and sixty-five feet; and two streams through three-quarter inch nozzles, two hundred feet. "VALLEY CITY" BOYS, 1864 Thomas Stolze Nick Raup John Kinney Charles Smith M. Mergen Eugene Draper Jesse A. Burdick Eddie Burdick Ben Potter Vick Heston The engine was delivered in November, 1865, and on the seventeenth the trial tests were held. In every test the engine more than met the contract stipulations, and accomplished the far more difficult feat of throwing a stream, through fifteen hundred feet of hose, with one and one-eighth inch nozzle, a distance of one hundred and forty-six feet eight inches. On the following Monday, in a trial for the purpose of initiating a new engineer, the "Valley City" threw a stream from one and one-eighth inch nozzle, two hundred and thirty-seven feet, taking water from the river. The committee on fire engines of the council, composed of Messrs. Jeffers, Lewis, Wickes, O'Brien, Keeler, Ward, Deitz, Buckhout, Hovey, SOME MUNICIPAL ORGANIZATIONS 215 Joslin and Swartz thereupon voted unanimously to accept the engine and hose cart and twenty-five hundred feet of rubber hose, the report to the council being signed by M. Jeffers, Chairman, and George F. Lewis, Secretary. To properly house the new fire engine, hose cart, hose and other equipment of the new company, together with three horses, a new brick fire station was built at the southwest corner of German and Cass (Baum) Streets. This was a small two-story structure, substantially built, with a lofty tower in which was hung a large fire bell. The fire engine horses were then always kept in harness, so as to be ready for action at a moment's notice, and the engineer, Jesse A. Burdick, and his family lived in the upper portion of the building, and he was required to be always on hand, or furnish an alle substitute during his absence. The other members of the Valley City Company were minute men, who were expected to respond quickly on call. Soon after the inauguration of the new company, the engine houses of Pioneer Engine Company, No. 1, and Excelsior Engine Company, No. 2, (formerly the Jesse Hoyt No. 2), were removed from their original locations to the lot adjoining the new brick fire station, and the department thus consolidated. Cataract Engine Company, No. 3, with its hand engine was also housed here. With all the passing years the old Valley City engine house, with its several additions, is still in use as headquarters of the department; and the old bell rings out the alarms as it did many years ago. In those days, long before the inauguration of the water works system, the fire engine took water from the river, and sometimes pumped through two thousand feet of hose to reach a blaze some distance back in the outskirts of the city. At big fires the old hand engines were brought out, manned with volunteer firemen, and pumped dry all the wells and cisterns in the vicinity. As the city expanded and the outlying sections needed better protection, large cisterns and tanks were placed under ground at suitable places, and kept filled with water by the steamer working at the bank of the river. Many disastrous fires were prevented by having an ample supply of water at hand, and a steam fire engine to throw steady streams. In the case of nearly all fires down town, the steamer would pump water from the river, furnishing one strong effective stream, but in some instances threw one stream on the fire and pumped water through another line of hose to one or two of the hand engines working near the fire. Labor at the hand engines was then compulsory, rendered so by State law, and every able-bodied man was required to work at the brakes, when called on by the chief. Byron B. Buckhout was chief of the department for a number of years and, though short of stature, was a picturesque figure at fires, clad in uniform with red helmet and belt, and carrying a huge speaking trumpet, which he used very industriously. On one occasion when a big fire threatened on Water Street, being short handed at one of the engines, he ordered a strapping lumber-jack to take a place at the brakes. Being refused by him in an insolent manner, the chief struck him a stunning blow on the head, knocking him down. This act had a salutary effect on the bystanders, and there was no further trouble in manning the engines. In those days nearly all the buildings were of wood of flimsy construction, and great quantities of saw dust and slabs scattered about, so that there were a good many fires for a small city. The firemen were often called out three times in a day, and once five times, but on an average there were about five fires in a week, and in summer four or five a month. There was no water works then, and the firemen often had to work with long lines of hose, and take water from the bayou, which was very muddy. Yet through all this hard and continual service, the "Valley City No. 1," as reported by 216 HISTORY OF SAGINAW COUNTY the engineer in 1869, "never gave out or failed to do its work in a perfectly satisfactory manner, and that all the repairs to it during the four years had not exceeded one hundred dollars; and it works just as well as on the day we got it." The engine was a part of the fire-fighting equipment of the city for about twenty-five years, although after the Holly Water W\orks was put in commission, in December, 1873, furnishing a direct pressure at the hydrants, it was kept in reserve. About 1890 the old steamer was sold to William Williamson, of South Saginaw. Reorganization of the Department As the city expanded and building operations assumed large proportions, the old central station system, with its one or two full pay men, and pipe and ladder men "on call," was deemed entirely inadequate for the protection of valuable property. In 1874, when George D. Walcott was chief of the department, a thorough reorganization was effected and five small hose houses were built and equipped in widely separated sections of the city. Each of these stations was provided with one hand hose cart, four hundred feet of hose, play pipe, wrenches and lantern. The station at South Saginaw had, in addition, the hand fire engine No. 2, three hundred feet of hose, brass play pipe, lanterns and wrenches, and one hook and ladder truck with five ladders, pole and grappling hooks, pick and chopping axes and speaking trumpet. In perfecting the organization, S. S. Ellsworth, foreman of Valley City No. 1, was appointed secretary of the department, and given a general supervision of all the auxiliary hose houses and equipment. Under his immediate command at No. 1 were a groomsman, six firemen and two hydrant men. Hose house No. 2 was located on Franklin Street, between Astor and Potter, and Henry Naegely was foreman with seven firemen; hose house No. 3 was located on Sixth Street, between Lapeer and Tuscola, and Charles V. Wrege was the foreman with six firemen; hose house No. 4 was located on Emily Street, between Hoyt and Merrill, and William Ellis was the foreman with nine men; hose house No. 5 was located on McCoskry Street, between Washington and Water, and George C. Merrill was the foreman with six men; and hose house No. 6 was located on Center Street, near Mackinaw, and C. C. Martindale was the foreman and had seven firemen under his command. Hook and Ladder Company No. 6, was also stationed at this house, and comprised eighteen members, including Charles P. Hess, Kasper Zeigin, H. Chriscaden, A. H. Starring, Peter Stine, Daniel Edwards and Henry Blankerts, all old residents of the South Side. The foremen of these hose companies, excepting No. 1, acted as janitors of their respective houses. reported on the condition of the equipment every week, and drilled the men in their duties. They were paid ten dollars per month, and the firemen six dollars per month, for their services "on call" in fighting fires. Stewart S. Ellsworth Becomes Chief Upon the resignation of Mr. Walcott, on March 31, 1875, Stewart S. Ellsworth was appointed chief engineer of the department,;ut he retained the position of foreman of Valley City No. 1, at a salary of eight hundred dollars a year. Under his able and wise management of affairs, covering a period of more than ten years, the department was greatly strengthened, the equipment improved, and the men attained a high efficiency. His economical handling of department matters was manifested on various occasions. At one time, when better protection was urgently needed at South Saginaw, he repaired the old hand engines, sold one to the village of St. Charles, and one to Vassar, applied the proceeds, by consent of the council, SOME MUNICIPAL ORGANIZATIONS 217 VALLEY CITY NO. 3 FIRE STATION Department Headquarter, Corner Germania and Baum. to the purchase of a new two-horse hose cart for Valley City No. 1, and transferred a good one-horse hose cart from there to Hose House No. 6, on Center Street. In the early eighties the old call system was gradually superseded by the full pay system, the number of men devoting all their time to the duties of the department being increased to about nineteen. This force included nine men stationed at Valley City No. 1, whose pay ranged from one thousand dollars a year for the chief engineer and foreman, three hundred and twenty to five hundred and sixty dollars for foremen who were also drivers of carts, to two hundred and forty dollars for pipemen, and one hundred and eighty for hosemen, the pipemen and hosemen, however, having other occupations close to the fire stations. These men lived and slept in the upper portions of the hose houses, which were made quite comfortable for them, and were thus always on hand to respond to alarms. To each hose house was allotted a foreman and two pipemen; and onehorse hose carts were substituted for the old hand carts previously used. Hose companies Nos. 2 and 3 were consolidated, and the station removed to Third and Potter Streets. In 1885 the Gamewell Fire Alarm System was introduced, with twenty-five boxes well distributed in all sections. This was a great advantage to the department and the city, and was very largely due to the efforts and repeated recommendations of the chief engineer. Mr. Ellsworth died December 15, 1885, shortly after extreme exertions at a fire in the Burnham and Still mill. George W. Wallis β€”Veteran Fire-Fighter The oldest man now in the department, in point of service if not in years, is George W. W\allis, who has seen thirty-seven years of continuous service to the city, twenty-eight of which he has filled the office of chief. On May 218 HISTORY OF SAGINAW COUNTY 24, 1878, he was appointed call man at Valley City No. 1, at the munificent salary of ten dollars per month. At that time there were only three fullpay men in the department, two of whom were attached to Valley City No. 1, and the third to Hose House No. 6, at South Saginaw. Afterward the pay of hosemen was advanced to fifteen dollars per month for call service; and the records show that in March, 1884, George Wallis and Thomas Passmore were appointed pipemen at twenty dollars a month salary. In 1887 Mr. Wallis was appointed chief of the department, and three years later was reappointed to the same position and responsibilities for the consolidated Saginaws. During this long and faithful service he has witnessed many changes in the East Side, and has endeavored to keep the department apace with the fire hazard of a growing and prosperous city. Soon after he took charge the fire-fighting force was put on a full-time, full-pay basis, and the number of men increased from time to time, so that now there are thirty-three men in the department on the East Side. The old wooden hose houses have been replaced by substantial brick buildings, in places calculated to best serve the sections in which they are located. All the one-horse hose carts have been replaced with two-horse hose wagons, carrying from seven hlundred to one thousand feet of hose and tools used in fighting fire; and the hand-drawn ladder trucks have long since been displaced by two-horse hook and ladder equipment. Even these will soon disappear in favor of motor propelled and motor driven fire engines, ladder trucks and water towers, thus greatly increasing the efficiency of the force. The City of Saginaw now owns five pieces of motor equipment, engine No. 3, introduced into the department in the fall of 1911, engine No. 13, stationed on the West Side, delivered in 1914, chemical engine No. 6, at the City Hall station, commissioned late in 1915, a motor-driven ladder truck and the chief's motor car. Other equipment will soon be added to the department; and eventually all the apparatus will be of the machine type. Of the older members of the force were Thomas J. Passmore, who entered the service February 16, 1880; George Scollen, in February, 1882; H. E. McNally, in April, 1882; Edward Taylor, in May, 1883; Fred Beck, in April, 1884; Duncan J. McIntyre, in January, 1886, and Frank Powd, in May, 1886. The only one of these now in the service is H. E. McNally, the captain of hose company No. 1. The six hose houses on the East Side are located and manned as follows: No. 1 -At Kirk and Fourth Streets, A. J. McNally, Captain, three men. No. 2 - At Fitzhugh and Sixth Streets, William Feeheley, Captain, three men. No. 3-At Germania and Baum Streets, William Brockless, Captain, nine men. J. Kreuzberger, Captain Hook and Ladder Company. No. 6-On South Washington Street, near City Hall, Angus McLeod, Captain, six men. No. 7 -On Perkins Street, near Genesee, H. E. McNally, Captain, three men. No. 8- On Center Street, near Fordney, Dave Schaefer, Captain, three men. The fire alarm system connecting all these houses has also expanded in the thirty years it has been in use, and there are now fifty-four boxes on the East Side. The service thus rendered, together with the aid of the two local telephone systems, with more than six thousand connections, is of the greatest advantage to the department and the city. VALLEY CITY BOYS, 1915 XVith Iliniler:3 1`no'ilne. an(l Chief Wallis and Ass't Chief Hudlnson. 220 HISTORY OF SAGINAW COUNTY The Fire-Fighters of Saginaw City Immediately after the incorporation of Saginaw City, in May, 1857, the earliest measures for fire prevention were introduced, and two Fire Wardens were appointed by the council, one for each ward. An ordinance relative to the prevention of fires was passed and approved by the mayor, Gardner D. Williams, on May 13, in which the duties of the fire wardens were clearly defined. The first fire wardens were Nathaniel Gibson and David H. Jerome, and it was their duty, or either of them, in the months of May and November, "to enter into any house or building, lot, yard or premises in said city, and examine the fire places, hearths, chimneys, stoves and pipes thereto, and ovens, boilers and other apparatus likely to cause fires, also places where ashes may be deposited, and all places where any gun powder, hemp, flax, rushes, shavings or other combustible materials may be lodged, and to give such directions in regard to these several matters as they may think expedient, either to the removal, alteration, or better care thereof." The penalty for neglect to comply with the directions thus given was fixed at thirty dollars fine, and two dollars per day after thirty days from date of notice. These measures were evidently regarded as sufficient protection to the infant city, for the primitive "bucket brigade" was still the only means of fighting fire. It was not until 1863, when the city had attained a population of about three thousand, that the first measures were taken by the council to organize a fire department and to equip it with engine, hose cart, hook and ladder truck, hose and tools. On January 7, 1863, a resolution was passed by the council for the purchase of such equipment, and the lease or erection of a suitable building for a hose house. For this purpose it was proposed to sell city bonds in the sum of two thousand dollars, which was approved by a vote of the people, and the bonds issued. In April the council authorized alderman William H. Taylor "to purchase for fifteen hundred dollars the best fire engine offered for sale by the City of Detroit, and for one hundred and fifty dollars the best hose cart, hook and ladder truck and other appurtenances," he having inspected fire engines there and in Cincinnati and other cities the preceding January. On May 4, aldermen Taylor and Paine were appointed a committee, "to purchase five hundred feet of new hose in addition to what has already been purchased for use of the fire department." The following month Augustus S. Gaylord was appointed the first chief engineer of the department, and Isaac Parsons, Jr., was appointed assistant chief. The engineer was then authorized "to expend five dollars for putting an attachment to the Presbyterian Church bell, to be used for fire alarms." On June 25, James M. Gale was appointed fire warden to succeed P. C. Andre, resigned. The fire department was thus organized under very auspicious circumstances, and the first company was styled the "Active Hook, Ladder and Hose Company No. 1." Its engine and hose house was situated on North Hamilton Street, in the middle of the block between Ames and Jefferson (now Cleveland) Streets, on the site of the present brick livery and sales stables. Adjoining it on the north was the blacksmith shop of Robert Wiley, and on the corner stood the original frame portion of the Kerby House, which is now a landmark of the West Side. Although the hand engine and other apparatus was second-hand equipment, the needs of the city were filled for a time, and the citizens no doubt felt some measure of security in their fire-fighters. That the company was well drilled and took a certain pride in their equipment is evident by their turning out and going to Bay City, on the occasion of the Fourth of July celelration, in 1863. SOME MUNICIPAL ORGANIZATIONS 221 Two years after, not to be outdone by their more progressive neighbors across the river, some of the leading men advocated the purchase of a steam fire engine, as a further safeguard of valuable property. The need of such additional means of fire protection was apparent, and soon a third-class Silsby rotary fire engine was added to the equipment of the fire-fighters. It was capable of throwing four hundred gallons of water a minute, and was regarded as a valuable acquisition to the department. Prior to the inauguration of the water works system, in 1872, this fire engine was used at nearly all fires, sometimes running for eight or ten hours without stopping. For forty-nine years it was continually in commission, and was only retired from service by the purchase of the motor driven fire engine No. 13, in the summer of 1914. The old steamer is now kept in reserve at Hose House No. 6, to be called out only under stress of extreme necessity.:l.:,fI f qwn,,, ACTIVE HOSE, HOOK AND LADDER COMPANY NO. 1 Saginaw City in the Early Days (Left to right) Robert Wiley, chief; John Lamont, John Sharrow, Frank Vondette. In 1869 Saginaw City attained a population of about seven thousand, with the western boundaries extended some distance back from the river, and it was deemed a public necessity to erect a new fire engine and hose house. The site selected was on the northeast corner of Harrison and Van Buren Streets, and a two-story brick structure with mansard roof and tower was soon completed and turned over to the department. For many years this was the headquarters of the "smoke-eaters," but in time it proved too small for the increasing needs of the city, and was rebuilt and enlarged. It is the most pretentious fire station in Saginaw, and houses Company No. 13, comprising ten men, with the latest type of motor-driven fire engine, hook and ladder truck (horse drawn) and complete equipment. 222 HISTORY OF SAGINAW COUNTY In addition to the new fire station, another precautionary measure was taken in the construction of four cisterns, or reservoirs, to hold twenty thousand gallons each. These cisterns were placed under ground below the action of frost, and were on Harrison Street at the intersection of Monroe, Franklin (Cleveland), Van Buren and Williams Streets. They were constructed entirely of brick and were twelve by twenty-four feet in size, and eight feet deep. The cost of these improvements was more than thirteen thousand dollars, and was derived from the sale of city bonds drawing ten per cent. interest. T. S. North was then chief engineer of the department, and Fred Clifton was engineer of Steamer No. 1. In 1874 and succeeding years George L. Burrows was chief engineer, and G. A. Lyon was the assistant chief. The department was then well organized and thoroughly efficient, comprising five hose companies, one hook and ladder company, three thousand feet of hose, and one steam fire engine. As years passed and the city increased in population, the old hand-drawn hose carts gave way to one and two-horse hose carts, the old time hook and ladder truck to more modern apparatus, and the force placed on full-time, full-pay basis. Later hose wagons supplanted the old reel hose carts. At present there are four hose companies on the West Side, located as follows: No. 10- On North Michigan Avenue, near Genesee, George Fradd, Captain, three men. No. 13 -At Harrison and Van Buren Streets, John Duncan, Captain, nine men. No. 15-On South Hamilton Street, near Lee Street, Albert Hudson, Captain, three men. No. 19 β€”At South Michigan and Sherman Street, Fred Schunecht, Captain, three men. Robert Hudson is the efficient assistant chief of the Saginaw Fire Department, and makes his headquarters at the hose house of Company No. 13. He is one of the few veterans of the department, having entered the service HOSE HOUSE NO. 13, HARRISON AND VAN BUREN STREETS Headquarters of Ass't Chief Robert Hudson SOME MUNICIPAL ORGANIZATIONS 223 April 1, 1887, and was appointed assistant chief on December 5, 1892. During his twenty-seven years of faithful duty, he has witnessed many changes and betterments in the department, some of which were made through his untiring efforts for improvement. Some Big Losses by Fire The first saw mill erected on the Saginaw River, operated by the Williams Brothers, was burned on July 4, 1854, the blaze being started by a firecracker. On May 7, 1861, a disastrous fire started in the Jeffers Block on Water Street, and wiped out twenty-three buildings and other property, entailing a loss of fifty-five thousand dollars. The steam grist mill of W. L. P. Little &Company was burned on May 10, 1860, the loss being thirty-five thousand. A. W. Wright's mill was wiped out on June 13, 1865, with a loss of eighty thousand dollars; and the Chicago mill at Carrollton was burned the same day, loss ten thousand. On Saturday, February 27, 1870, a fire broke out in Eolah Hall, in the Van Wey Block, adjoining the Taylor House, and spread rapidly. Mayor A. F. R. Braley sent a messenger to East Saginaw for assistance, and in a short time B. B. Buckhout and his fire-fighters appeared with the steamer Valley City No. 1. After a severe battle the flames were brought under control, but not without considerable loss to the property. The Crouse Block, which stood on the site of the Eddy Building, was entirely destroyed by fire in October, 1872, with heavy loss to merchants and other tenants. On May 26, 1873, Jackson Hall on South Washington Street, opposite the Bancroft House, was burned. William E. Pringle and P. A. Burns, pipemen of the Valley City Company, were stationed in an archway of the building when they had warning that the wall was falling. Burns jumped further under the arch and escaped injury, but his comrade jumped to the other side and was instantly crushed to death. The Janes, Mead & Lee planing mill, lumber yard, and a number of dwellings were destroyed June 20, 1873, with a loss of seventy-five thousand dollars; and on August 23 following, Paine's mill and salt block were burned with a loss of seventy thousand. On June 30, 1874, George T. Williams & Brother's saw mill burned, with a loss of forty thousand dollars; and on August 16, 1875, occurred the fire at Grant & Saylor's mill, which was totally destroyed with a loss of thirty-five thousand. On December 4, 1878, A. P. Brewer's saw mill, John G. Owen's lumber and salt sheds, Tuttle & Pease's saw mill and property belonging to B. B. Buckhout were destroyed, entailing a loss of two hundred and fifty-four thousand dollars. Sanborn & Bliss' mill at Carrollton was burned on August 20, 1879, the loss being one hundred and thirty-seven thousand. Wells Stone & Company lost sixty thousand dollars' worth of property on January 2, 1880; and A. D. Camp lost his saw mill and salt block by fire on November 24, the same year. On December 8, 1882, fire destroyed the large plant of the Saginaw Barrel Company, at the foot of Wayne Street, with a loss of two hundred thousand dollars. The Hoyt planing mill was totally destroyed on May 16, 1882, the loss being seventy thousand dollars; and on October 28, Hamilton & McClure's plant at Zilwaukee burned, loss ninety-three thousand. On April 4, 1884, the Michigan Saw & File Company's works, at the corner of Washington and Astor Streets, burned, involving a loss of ninety-five thousand dollars; and the same night St. Paul's Episcopal Church, at the corner of Lapeer and Warren Streets, was totally destroyed. In August, 1887, John G. Owen's planing mill was burned, the loss being one hundred and twenty-one thousand dollars; and on August 8, 1888, Lee's planing mill and a number of 224 HISTORY OF SAGINAW COUNTY residences burned, with a loss of one hundred thousand. On November 6, 1890, C. S. Bliss & Company's saw mill, at the west end of the F. & P. M. R. R. bridge, was destroyed, the loss being twenty thousand dollars. The Great Fire of May, 1893 At ten minutes after four o'clock on the afternoon of May 20, 1893, an alarm was turned in for a fire on the old "Middle Ground," in the abandoned saw mill of Sample & Camp. The wind, blowing a gale, carried burning embers to the Bristol Street Bridge, one-half mile distant, setting fire to it and the cooper shop adjoining. The fire spread rapidly to the square bounded by McCoskry Street, Washington Avenue, Atwater and Tilden Streets. While the department was trying to prevent it from crossing OLD STYLE HOSE REEL AND FIRE COMPANY, ABOUT 1881 Ben Smith, driver. (Left to right) John Frederick, Frank Vondette, F. Bush, John Lamont, Louis Sharrow. Washington Avenue, fire broke out in the Standard Lumber Company's property in the bayou; also at St. Vincent's Orphan's Home, at the corner of Emerson and Howard Streets, eight blocks away. The fire-fighters were finally driven off Washington Avenue, being compelled to abandon all lines of hose, and return to Hose House No. 3 for a new supply. At this time the conflagration was terrific. The wind was blowing a gale and carried huge embers long distances and started fresh fires in dozens of places. It seemed that no human power could stay the progress of the flames. The department made heroic stands at Holden and Tilden Streets, at three points on Jefferson, at Sheridan and Holden, Cornelia and Martha, Owen and Emerson, Emerson and Sheridan, and at the corner of Warren and Martha Streets. SOME MUNICIPAL ORGANIZATIONS 225' After a fierce and determined battle, aided by firemen and equipment from Bay City and Flint, the fire was surrounded, and the wind dying down, the fire was placed under control at 6:30 P. M. It had burned over an area of twenty-three squares, destroying two hundred and fifty-seven buildings, and rendering hundreds of families homeless. At six o'clock in the evening fire started from some unknown cause in the planing mill of Edward Germain, on Holland Avenue, about a mile from the center of the fire zone, and the plant was totally destroyed, together with a large quantity of lumber. The department was unable to respond to this fire until nine o'clock, owing to the demands of the big fire. The total loss during the day was six hundred and seventy thousand dollars, and the amount of insurance paid was four hundred and sixty-four thousand. On October 3, 1895, the Saginaw Box Company sustained a loss of thirty-one thousand dollars by the burning of their factory at the corner of Wheeler and Green Streets. The Central School on Court Street was damaged on April 15, 1896, to the extent of twenty-six thousand dollars. On November 3, 1896, Crume & Sefton's butter dish factory was burned, loss thirty-two thousand; and on December 30, Gebhart & Estabrook's planing mill, loss twenty-one thousand. The Bliss & Van Auken saw mill was destroyed on December 18, 1898, the loss being thirty-two thousand dollars. In 1899 the plants of F. G. Palmerton Woodenware Company, and Green, Ring & Company, were totally destroyed. Thomas Jackson & Company's planing mill was burned March 2, 1903, loss forty-two thousand; and on November 5, 1905, "Old Gray Pat," of Hlose Company No. 13, while on a run to a fire dropped dead in front of the new Jackson factory. This faithful old horse was twenty years old, and had been in the service for fifteen years. On December 15, 1907, at the fire at the Saginaw Produce and Storage Company, ten firemen were injured or overcome by the dense smoke. At a fire in the cooperage plant of Malcolm & Brown, on Queen Street, four firemen were seriously injured, one suffering a fracture of the right shoulder, and laid up for thirty-three days. The Holly Water Works Under the provisions of a special act of the State Legislature, approved February 28, 1873, it became the duty of the common council of East Saginaw to appoint five persons, residents and freeholders of the city, as a Board of Water Commissioners, to hold office for the term of one, two, three, four and five years from the first Tuesday in March, 1873. At its regular meeting held on March 3, the council thereupon appointed Wellington R. Burt, James G. Terry, John G. Owen, Conrad Fey and H. H. Hoyt, to fill the respective terms which were decided by lot. Their first meeting was held March 10, 1873, when they proceeded to elect officers for the ensuing year, John G. Owen being chosen president, Wellington R. Burt, treasurer, Ferd A. Ashley, secretary. On April 23 the board contracted with George D. Walcott to act as engineer and superintendent of construction. The first Board of Water Commissioners of East Saginaw thus organized was required "to examine and consider all matters relative to supplying the city with a sufficient quantity of pure and wholesome water for the use and convenience of all the inhabitants thereof, to be obtained from the Tittabawassee River, or such other source of supply as may be deemed expedient, and to so plan, manage and construct such water works as to provide for an ample supply to protect the city against fire and for other public and sanitary purposes, as the best interests of the city and its inhabitants may seem to require." 226 HISTORY OF SAGINAW COUNTY. For this purpose the board was empowered to borrow from time to time, as they might deem expedient, a sum of money not exceeding three hundred thousand dollars, and to issue bonds pledging the faith and credit of the city for the payment of the principal and interest, said bonds to bear interest not exceeding the rate of eight per cent. per annum, and payable at a period not exceeding thirty years from date of issue. Upon assuming control the commissioners found in their possession a tract of ten acres of land lying along the Saginaw River, near the mouth of the Tittabawassee, which the common council had purchased for the site of the pumping station, for one thousand dollars. On this land there had been constructed a pile and plank dock, upon which had been piled a large quantity of brick, for the construction of the water works building. There was also a contract made by the council with the Holly Manufacturing Company, of Lockport, New York, dated December 13, 1871, for all the machinery and pumps necessary to supply the city with two million gallons of water every twenty-four hours, including boilers, connections, auxiliary rotary pumps, shafting, gearing and couplings. In consideration for the specified machinery, the city agreed to pay the sum of thirty-two thousand dollars, in five monthly payments from May to September, 1872. There had been many difficulties and delays in prosecuting the construction work on the piping and buildings, and on assuming control of affairs, six months after the time specified for the completion of the work, the machinery was still lying at the works in Lockport, upon which only two payments had been made. The first duty of the board was to advertise for proposals for furnishing and laying the necessary iron water pipes and for building the water works structures according to plans and specifications which had been adopted. W. R. Coats was soon after awarded the contract for the pipe work, and William Grant the contract for the buildings, brick chimney, cisterns and all mason work. The carpenter work, including putting on the iron roof, was done by P. V. Westfall. The total cost of the completed water works ready for efficient service, was two hundred and seventy-three thousand three hundred and fifty-four dollars. The pumping machinery was completely installed and connections made to the mains about the middle of November, 1873, and during the month of December the works were put in effective condition for all ordinary purposes of fire protection. Their efficiency was practically tested at the fire in the Moores Building, on the morning of the twenty-fourth, a large amount of property being saved by their use. The official tests were held January 10, 1874, with the following results: Vertical Horizontal First- On Potter Street, six one-inch streams............ 80 feet 120 feet Second -On Sixth Street, six one-inch streams............. 90 feet 170 feet Third - On Hoyt Street, six one-inch streams..................100 feet 192 feet Fourth -At Baptist Church, one one-and-one-halfinch stream..............................................160 feet 200 feet Fifth -At Bancroft House, three one-inch, two oneand-one-eighth-inch, one one-and-seven-eight-inch stream s............... -.........................................125 feet Sixth and Seventh - Bancroft House, same pipes as above w ith four additional.............................................. 120 feet During the construction of the water works, including the filter beds, Mr. Burt was one of the most active members of the board, and in their first annual report to the common council, dated January 1, 1874, the other members expressed their appreciation of his services, in these words: THE CITIES OF SAGINAW AT HEIGHT OF THE LUMBER INDUSTRY Showing Burned Area of the Great Fire of Mlay 20, 1893, LOADING AT HOLLAND'S DOCK, 1879 THE SAGINAW RIVER, LOOKING NORTH FROM M. C. BRIDGE SOME MUNICIPAL ORGANIZATIONS 229 "The condition of the money market the past season, and more especially since the financial panic in October, has made the negotiation of our bonds a matter of extreme difficulty, as that class of securities felt most this financial stringency, And the board feel that they have been especially fortunate in being able to dispose of the large amount they have at so favorable a rate. The magnitude of the work to be done made constant demands for large sums of money to keep the work progressing steadily, and the balance of the board feel under great obligations to their treasurer, Commissioner Burt, for his untiring efforts to provide the necessary funds, and also for a large amount of time given to a personal supervision of the entire work." For the purpose of extending the piping system, the legislature in March, 1874, authorized the issue of fifty thousand dollars additional water bonds, and at a special election held April 6 a large majority of the electors voted in favor of such additional issue. The bonds were sold in sums of five hundred dollars each, payable twelve years from date. During 1874 and subsequent years to and including 1881, eighteen thousand nine hundred feet of three, four and five-inch mains were laid, making a total of eighteen and a half miles then in use. At that time there was a great accession to the population, and in 1882 the city issued bonds in the sum of fifty thousand dollars for the purpose of making needed additions to the pumiping machinery. A new Holly quadruplex compound condensing engine, capacity six million gallons daily, was installed and put in operation April 14, 1883. Three years later a further bond issue of seventy thousand dollars provided for extensions of the mains, which in 1890 were thirty-eight miles in length. In 1890 the Gaskill horizontal compound condensing engine, capacity twelve million gallons daily, was added to the pumping machinery, and has been in almost constant use since February 13, of that year. Pipe extension continued and in 1900 there were fifty-two and a half miles of mains in use. In 1910 the pipeage system had reached a total of sixty-three and a half miles, and 1915 it was more than seventy-four miles, mostly of six, eight and ten-inch pipe, the feed mains being sixteen, twenty and twenty-four inches in diameter. In 1913 a Meyer cross compound pump of six million gallons capacity was installed to provide additional fire protection. Two Wickes vertical water tube boilers, of three hundred horse power each, have been in use since 1911. Charles A. Scherping is chief engineer, and Charles W. O'Brien and Charles Pardridge are assistant engineers of the East Side station. The bonded indebtedness on the East Side pumping system has now been reduced to two hundred and thirty-eight thousand five hundred dollars. The West Side Water System The project for water works at Saginaw City, to afford ample fire protection and to provide a sufficient quantity of pure water for the use of its inhabitants, was launched and promoted in 1872. Early in May of that year the city issued bonds in the sum of sixty thousand dollars, bearing eight per cent. interest, and payable in fifteen to seventeen years. The pipeage system was planned and laid out by George L. Burrows, who for several years was very active in promoting better fire protection, and was then chief of the fire department. The pumping station was located on Water Street at the foot of Franklin (Hancock), and the machinery consisted of one Holly quadruplex compound condensing engine, of two million gallons daily capacity, auxiliary pumps and boilers. There was some discussion at the time 230 HISTORY OF SAGINAW COUNTY over the location of the pumping station, a number of citizens advocating a place up the river nearer the Tittabawassee, where the water was clear and free from sewage, but fire protection was the main issue, and the station was erected in the present location to afford a better direct pressure at the fire hydrants. It was planned to eventually take water from the Tittabawassee through a conduit put down from near its mouth to the pumping station, but in all the intervening years this much needed improvement has not been made, and is not likely to be made. In August, 1873, a further bond issue of fifty thousand dollars was made to provide for extensions of the mains, which were much needed, and were chiefly of four and six-inch pipe, with feeders of eight and ten-inch pipe. This work progressed as the city expanded so that by 1885 there were twelve miles of high-pressure water mains, some of which were twelve and sixteen inches in diameter. In that year bonds in the sum of twenty-five thousand dollars were floated to provide for a new Gaskill horizontal compound condensing engine, capacity four million gallons daily, which has been in almost constant service since. No further extensions were made until 1890, when about one-half mile of six-inch mains was laid, and one Rogers Brothers duplex horizontal compound condensing engine, capacity two million gallons daily, was installed. From 1890 to 1900 slightly more than thirteen miles of pipes were laid, making the total about twenty-six miles. During the next ten-year period the pipeage system was increased to forty-two miles, and in 1915 it reached a total of fifty-one miles, and some of the smaller mains were replaced with larger pipe. To provide for this needed improvement bonds were issued in November, 1893, to the amount of twenty-five thousand dollars; in July, 1894, for ten thousand, and in September, 1906, for five thousand. The total bonded indebtedness of the West Side water works is now one hundred and twenty-seven thousand four hundred dollars, all of which matures before March 10, 1924. In 1895 three Wood water tube boilers in separate arches, rated capacity one hundred and twenty-five horse power each, were installed, and Aube smoke consumers were added to the furnaces in 1911. In that year the pumping machinery was augmented by two Fairbanks, Morse & Company's compound duplex direct-acting pumps, of three million gallons daily capacity each, replacing the old Holly two million gallons capacity pump and the Rogers pump. This pumping station is capable of furnishing direct pressure for the ordinary needs of fire protection, excepting in the outlying sections of the city. A Consolidation of the Water Systems Since 1890 the question of consolidating the water works has been before the people, but in the Summer of 1915 the numerous problems connected with the project remain unsolved. The first definite plan to provide for one adequate and complete pumping station, together with a filtration plant to supply clear water, was put forth in 1905, but the bond issue necessary to carry out the project was voted down by the people. The question of location of the pumping station and the method of purifying the water were not thoroughly settled in the minds of the people; and besides, a large number of citizens were not satisfied that the source of supply (the Tittabawassee River) was the best, holding that Saginaw Bay furnished an inexhaustible supply of pure, soft water for all domestic purposes. Others, too, contended that the Ogemaw Springs water was by far the best for all purposes of the city and individuals. SOME MUNICIPAL ORGANIZATIONS 231 The Police Department In the early fifties all that was needed to keep the peace in Buena Vista Township, in which the village of East Saginaw was situated, was the services of one constable; and even after the city was chartered, in 1859, there was no regular police, the ordinances and by-laws of the city being enforced by a marshal and constables. At times, as occasion required, night watchmen were employed, and not until May, 1868, was the first police force organized and uniformed. The first chief was James A. Wisner and he had seven patrolmen under his control. In 1869 the city charter was so amended as to merge the two offices of marshal and chief of police and Mr. Wisner was appointed marshal. The force then consisted of one marshal, one captain and eight patrolmen. In the following year Peter McEachron was appointed marshal, and the force was increased to ten patrolmen, and it remained at this strength for three years. The act of 1873, amending the charter of the city, created a Board of Police Commissioners to consist of three members, comprising the Mayor, and two other persons to be appointed by the common council, who were given entire control of the police department. The first commissioners appointed were Frederick W. Carlisle, for a term of four years, and Charles F. Shaw, for two years; and the other member of the board was the mayor, William L. Webber. Bradley M. Thompson was attorney and clerk, and Benjamin B. Ross was surgeon. In the reorganization of the police force which followed, T. Dailey Mower was appointed chief of police. Under his command were James Connon, captain, James Nevins, George Major and Thomas P. Oliver, sergeants, sixteen patrolmen and one jailor. The force was divided into two divisions, one for day and one for night duty, the hours of duty being from eight o'clock in the morning until eight o'clock in the evening, and from eight o'clock in the evening until the same hour in the morning. The day force consisted of the chief, one sergeant and six patrolmen, while the night force was made up of captain, one sergeant and ten patrolmen, so stationed that at night nearly the entire city was patrolled. The oldest member, in point of service, then on the force was Captain Connon, who was appointed May 21, 1868; and the next oldest was Patrolman Henry H. Pries, who joined the force August 1, 1870. Sergeant Thomas P. Oliver was appointed June 16, 1871, and Patrolman James P. Walsh, who served so many years as captain of the T. DAILEY MOWER First Precinct, and as Chief of the department in 1914, was appointed July 22, 1872. Patrick Kain entered the service October 18, 1873, and in 1915 completed his forty-second year of continuous and faithful duty. The police headquarters in those days was located at the corner of Genesee and Cass (Baum) Streets, the office being kept open at all hours, with an officer always on duty to hear complaints and attend to them. In his first annual report to the Board of Police Commissioners, Chief Mower stated: "The present building erected at a cost of something over one thousand dollars, is amply large for the present wants of the city; it is well ventilated and very comfortable." ZACH BASKINS ZACH BSKINSJAMES P. WALSH PATRICK KAIN ELMER E. BISHOP TIMOTHY McCOY OUR GUARDIANS OF PUBLIC SAFETY SOME MUNICIPAL ORGANIZATIONS 233 Controlling the "Red Sash Brigade" These were the prime days of the "red sash brigade," recruited from the ranks of hardy lumber-jacks of the north woods, when a person could walk but a few blocks on the main streets without seeing a fight of some sort. And how these rough, ignorant woodsmen could fight. When the camps broke up in the Spring they would come to town in droves, and trail along from one saloon to another in Indian file, just as they tramped through the woods. In this fashion they would often meet with other files or gangs of reckless dare-devils, and then nine times out of ten a pitch battle would ensue. They fought as regularly as they ate, and if it was not with another gang they went at each other. Drunkenness, licentiousness and boisterous revels were the order of the day, and of the night for that matter, and the police were kept very busy in maintaining a semblance of order. That they succeeded in this was due to prompt and fearless execution of their duty on all occasions. Enter a New Element -Patrick Kain Potter Street and the vicinity of the Flint & Pere Marquette depot was then a hot-bed of turmoil and fistic encounters, and night was rendered indescribably fantastic, and sometimes tragic, by the numerous woodsmen who infested this section. Sanford Keeler was then master mechanic of the road and alderman of the first ward, and in 1873 he recommended for appointment to the police force a young Canadian, who-was employed as blacksmith in the shops. The recommendation was favorably acted upon, and in due course Patrick Kain became a patrolman and was assigned to Potter Street, working the beat in turns with John Wiggins. A new element and a new policy in handling the "red sash brigade" was thus injected into the service. It worked so well that the policy was soon adopted by the department officials, and has been pursued ever since in handling criminals. Patrolman Kain sized up the situation on Potter Street, and came to the conclusion that the first duty of an officer was to keep the peace. He trailed the rough, half-drunken woodsmen, and when they started a fight he jumped right into the thick of it and stopped them. But this was no picnic, as the jacks never hesitated to strike out, and, quite naturally, he got in the way of a good many hard blows. The scheme seemed to work though, and the number of arrests on the beat fell off one-half. Instead of having the record for the greatest number of arrests made in the city, or anywhere else for that matter, Potter Street became as orderly as any business street. This condition of affairs soon came to the notice of the commissioners, and they looked for the cause. One day Commissioners Carlisle and Shaw drove down to Potter Street, found the new patrolman with the advanced ideas, and questioned him as to how the number of arrests from his beat had fallen off. The officer thought he was to be reprimanded, and spent some very uncomfortable minutes explaining his mode of handling street fights, and the lumber-jacks in general. The commissioners said nothing until he had finished, and then they told him, much to his relief, that he was right and to continue that line of action. Shortly after this incident the police force was called together and Bradley M. Thompson, then city attorney, gave the men a talk, instructing them to always remember that a police officer is first in all qualifications a peace officer, that he should be alert, intelligent, well read, and a master of self. He should be a better student of mankind than the mere "husky," capable of overpowering the other fellow by brute force, and possess undoubted courage to act fearlessly on all occasions. 234 HISTORY OF SAGINAW COUNTY When Changes Were Rapid Mr. Mower continued as chief of police for nine years, or until 1882, when he resigned and James Adams was made head of the department. He was chief for about six weeks and then relinquished the office to James Connon, who had served as captain for several years. After filling the position of chief for eight months, Mr. Connon resigned and Mr. Mower was recalled and persuaded to remain as head of the police force. On January 6, 1883, Patrick Kain was made sergeant, his commission being signed by L. Simoneau, president of the board, and Ferd A. Ashley, clerk; and on November 6, 1883, he was promoted to first sergeant. Upon the retirement of Mr. Mower, on January 11, 1890, Sergeant Kain was made chief of police of East Saginaw, and on April 22 of the same year, was appointed chief for the consolidated Saginaws. After faithful and continuous service of twenty-four years, during which the force under his command made many important captures, not only for themselves but for the departments of other cities, Mr. Kain was retired on January 1, 1914. Captain James P. Walsh was then appointed chief by the new council, composed of Mayor Ard E. Richardson and four councilmen, and he remained at the head of the department until his death on March 11, 1915. During this period Elmer E. Bishop held the position of captain at the First Precinct station, detailed on day duty; and Lieutenant Timothy McCoy had charge of this station at the night detail. On March 30, 1915, Captain Zach Baskins, of the Second Precinct station, was appointed chief of police, and Lieutenant McCoy was made captain, in charge of that station. These appointments were in force, however, for only two weeks, for upon the organization of the new council, April 13, with Mayor Hilem F. Paddock in the chair, Patrick Kain was reinstated to the position of chief, Chief Baskins being reduced to the rank of captain, in charge of the Second Precinct. Captain Bishop was also reduced to first sergeant; and Captain McCoy was transferred to the First Precinct on day duty. Saginaw an Orderly City Despite its early reputation as a rough border town, wide open and given over to the lumber-jacks and river men, which has clung to it for years, statistics and facts show that Saginaw now compares very favorably with other cities of its class for orderliness. It has had a full quota of crimes, some brutal and revolting, as must be expected, but the records show an improvement from year to year. "Compared with other departments," Chief Kain said, "I think the men of the Saginaw force size up well for intelligence and efficiency, and they are faithful and conscientious, even if not yet perfect. I have always refrained from talking about arrests of the early days, because I can recall a number of instances where men who have served terms of imprisonment have started anew, and are now leading useful and reputable lives, and I do not propose to put any stone in their paths. "Thieves and criminals of the present day have, so to speak, kept pace with the general advancement. Their schemes are more ingenious in the larger crimes; they frequently show a remarkable degree of misdirected skill and cleverness, to say nothing of intelligence, and the needs of police departments of the present day correspond. The police must meet the changed conditions; each officer must be keenly alert, exercise careful judgment, and be a close student of human nature." Duriig his long and active career Chief Kain has met nearly every police officer of prominence in the United States and Canada; and has come into contact with crooks of high and low degree and made many important SOME MUNICIPAL ORGANIZATIONS 235 captures. A few years ago he was instrumental in bringing about the arrest of two dangerous New York crooks, who had perpetrated a great diamond robbery, and was warmly thanked by Chief Inspector Byrnes, of the New York department. Having a natural aptitude for the business of running down criminals, an unusually accurate memory and a reader of the workings of the human mind, his record as a sharp tracer of thugs and confidence men is well known to all police departments. His name is such a terror to a long list of crooks that they give Saginaw a wide berth. But the demands upon this efficient and capable chief of police are varied, by no means being confined to the ordinary routine duties of his office. The demands of the help-seeking public require that he shall be something of an attorney; something of a lecturer; a mind reader and several other things, as well as a friend to all in trouble. They all come to him with their troubles, and many matters are straightened out by the police that are far from the regular line of duty, but which is helpful to the individual and the community. In recent years the old horse-drawn patrol wagons, which served the department in making quick hauls, have given place to new motor propelled wagons having a wider range of service and far greater speed, which have added to the efficiency of the force. The department now has two motor patrol wagons of approved type, one stationed at each police station, and one motor car used by the chief. The First Precinct station, which has been in use for about forty years, is on Germania Avenue, adjoining Valley City Company, No. 3; and the Second Precinct Station, a more modern structure on the West Side, is located on the north side of Adams Street, between Michigan Avenue and Hamilton Street. The force on the East Side now (1915) numbers forty men, and on the West Side twenty-four men, a total of sixty-five, including the chief, in the department. HAMILTON STREET NORTH FROM COURT SECOND PRECINCT POLICE STATION, ADAMS STREET 'With the Officers and Some Patrolmen of the West Side CHAPTER XIII THE CONSOLIDATED SAGINAWS Intense Rivalry Between the Two Cities- East Saginaw Starts Public Improve-,nents Veto of the Electric Lighting Project β€”Consolidation the Only RemedyProvision for a New City Hall-Court Street Bridge-Other City Bridges-City Sewer Systems-Street Improvements-Cement Sidewalks-City Deep WellsThe Idea of Civic Beauty-Beginning of Our Park System-Bliss Park, the Ideal Playground-Board of Park and Cemetery Commissioners-Ezra Rust Park Improvements - Fordney Park- Jeffers Park- Federal Park - Small Parks- MershonWhittier Natatorium- Brady Hill Cemetery -Oakwood Cemetery - Forest Lawn - The Auditorium β€”City Government by Commission β€”The Present Council -City Officers in 1915. ROM the day that Jesse Hoyt crossed the river, and in a woody marsh located the site for a new city, which he intended should soon rise, a spirit of opposition to the enterprise possessed the leading men of Saginaw City. He had come to this place with an idea of investing heavily in desirable property, of making many public improvements to attract immigration to the valley, and, of course, to profit thereby. Backed by the ample capital of the Hoyts, he was in a position to erect substantial buildings, promote great industries, expand the natural resources of the valley on a huge scale, and build up an enterprising and prosperous city. He was exactly the type of man the land-poor, slow-going inhabitants of the village, to the number of five hundred and thirty-six, needed to put them on their feet. Yet, when he with ready money endeavored to buy property on an equitable basis - at a price attractive to capital - so unreasonable were these narrow-minded men in their demands that the great opportunity slipped through their fingers. So exorbitant and headstrong were they that Mr. Hoyt, unable to make any progress in his negotiations, gave up in disgust; and it seems was actually driven from the place. This unfortunate occurrence was a monumental blunder - one of a long series of blunders which illustrate the folly of some "west siders;" and the effects have been far reaching. It blasted all hopes of making a city which should be the metropolis of Saginaw Valley, and left the village in the hands of irrational men. It resulted in the founding and building up of another city on a low, undesirable site, and in dwarfing the efforts of a few enterprising men of the older village to promote the best interests of the community. From every sense of the fitness of things and the economics of creating commercial centers and pleasant and healthy places of abode, East Saginaw never should have been begun. There never was a practical or logical excuse for its existence. The level plateau arising from the west bank of the river from a short distance north of Green Point to the Penoyer Farm, and extending west to the Tittabawassee River, offered the one feasible site for the exercise of Mr. Hoyt's enterprise. In the early days of settlement, when the Government established old Fort Saginaw, this place was recognized as the ideal location for permanent residence in the wilderness, and it is now, as it was then, the best site for miles around for a great city. But instead of building here on the foundation already laid, a new settlement was dumped into a marsh. Capital, brains, enterprise and an idomitable spirit to do things were the elements which soon produced a thriving village and later a prosperous city. 238 HISTORY OF SAGINAW COUNTY But worst of all, the spirit of opposition and intolerance, kept aflame by commercial rivalry and bicker, engendered in the minds of the west siders a keen hatred of all persons in any way identified with the remarkable progress of East Saginaw. This feeling found expression in numerous ways, a favorite occupation of some of the "old fellows," who loafed in the office of P. C. Andre, or the store of George W. Bullock, being to denounce in brilliant and expressive language the activities of the hustling residents of "east town," and to curse in staccato tone the enterprise of Norman Little and his associates. That such enmity should have existed was incomprehensible to the inhabitants of the more prosperous city, and they generally treated it with mild contempt or indifference. As strange as it may seem, this feeling of petty jealousy has come down through two generations of men and women, even to the present; but is met with a smile and an expression of incredulity whenever manifested. East Saginaw Starts Public Improvements Along in the eighteen-eighties, about the time that the lumber industry was at its height, East Saginaw began a broad scheme of public improvements. For twenty years previous the city had been busy with its sewage and water systems, in opening up and grading new streets, laying sidewalks, and providing for fire and police protection. Having arranged all these matters satisfactorily, it was thought incumbent on the council to plan and order street paving on a moderate scale. Definite action was taken and in due time a new cedar block pavement was laid in Genesee Street, to replace the old Nicholson pavement, extending from the river to Williams (Janes) Street. Soon after Washington Street, north and south from Genesee, and several side streets in the business section, were improved with the same material. These improvements added greatly to the prestige of the city as the metropolis of the valley, and excited the envy of the backward city on the other side of the river. It is related that at this juncture in the affairs of the two cities, many of the more liberal minded citizens of Saginaw who owned stylish "turnouts," drove over in the summer evenings through the mud and saw dust of their streets to enjoy riding on the new pavements of their neighbors. In this pleasant pastime they noted, not without some degree of envy, the vastly improved appearance of the streets and public buildings, the new and attractive residences surrounded by well kept lawns and flower beds, and the tone of prosperity that pervaded the city. The streets were brilliantly illuminated at night with electricity furnished by the new plant of the Swift Electric Light Company, which was located in a three-story brick building on Water Street near Johnson. It was one of the show places of the city, in which the people were justly proud, as it was one of the first electric plants erected in this country for public lighting purposes. These evidences of enterprise and public spirit made a deep impression on the progressive men of Saginaw City, who had made money in the lumber and salt industries, and some conceived the idea of promoting like improvements in their city. They realized that progress in such matters was necessary if they were to grow and prosper, and could see in their minds Court Street, and Washington (Michigan) and Hamilton Streets, converted as if by magic from lanes of mud holes into beautiful boulevards lighted at night with brilliant electric arcs. Some day they would have a connecting boulevard with the well paved streets of "east town," a dream of municipal opulence in strange contrast with the niggardly policy that had been pursued in public affairs. FROM THE ROOF OF THE "ACADEMY" LOOKING EAST, 1886 FROM THE ROOF OF THE "ACADEMY" LOOKING SOUTHWEST, 1886 240 HISTORY OF SAGINAW COUNTY So these prosperous citizens, having ready money to pay their share of public improvements, went before the common council with a measure to provide for such pavements as they desired, and deemed necessary for the advancement of the city. Other prominent men, however, some of whom had exerted a large influence in shaping public matters, were strongly opposed to improvements on an elaborate scale, and only after much discussion was the paving of the streets in the business section, including sections of Washington Street, ordered by the council. This was one of the first moves for civic betterment in Saginaw City, and the effect was far reaching. But the old policy of blind conservatism, encouraged by a deplorable want of public spirit, was still dominant in the conduct of public affairs, and so insistent was it that the city came very near losing the county seat, in 1883. The old court house, which had served as the abode of justice for almost fifty years, was then deemed inadequate to the needs of the county, and a project for the erection of a new edifice was presented. As usual with such measures it met with little support by a certain element among the leading citizens, and for a time little progress was made toward the desired result. At this juncture East Saginaw, with its characteristic enterprise, came forward and offered to donate a suitable site and erect a large and stately court house, to cost not less than seventy-five thousand dollars, if the seat of justice was removed to that city. This proposition stirred the people of Saginaw City to strenuous effort to retain the county seat, which, more than sixty years before, had been gained by chicanery, but of which they were not responsible. At length, by making a bid exceeding that of their neighbor across the river, they preserved to themselves the honor of having justice meted out in their midst. They erected a very imposing court house, on the site of the old, which had been donated to the county by Samuel Dexter, at a cost of one hundred thousand dollars, provided by an issue of city bonds in that sum, all of which was paid by the consolidated city. Veto of the Electric Lighting Project Meanwhile, the more progressive men of Saginaw City were gradually getting control of public affairs, and early in 1884 they introduced a measure in the common council for the erection and operation of an electric lighting plant, to be eventually owned by the municipality. The only public lighting then afforded was by scattered gas lamps which, though they marked a way through the streets, accentuated rather than relieved the gloom. Contrast with the brightly lighted thoroughfares of "east town" was decidedly distasteful, and a latent spirit of civic pride was awakened among the people. They were almost ready to approve any public improvement which would aid them in keeping within measurable distance of their prosperous neighbors. The lighting project, however, failed through the action of one man the mayor of the city. The proposition presented to the council by the Van Depoele Electric Light Company provided for the erection of a generating plant equipped with all requisite machinery, five mast towers, one hundred and twenty-five feet in height, and one hundred pole lights distributed throughout the city. In all there were to be one hundred and thirty standard lamps completely wired and with all connections ready for use. Upon completion of the plant the company was to operate it for two weeks as a practical test, at their expense, when, the installations proving satisfactory, the city was to lease the property for a term of two years, and to pay the company within fifteen days the sum of eight thousand five hundred and twenty-three dollars. One year after the city was to make a further payment of nine thousand five hun THE CONSOLIDATED SAGINAWVS 241 dred and forty-six dollars, and at the expiration of two years a final payment of nine thousand and thirty-four dollars, with interest at six per cent. The city, having paid twenty-seven thousand one hundred and four dollars, was then to receive from the company a clear deed to all the property. The electric light committee of the council appointed to consider the matter was composed of D. C. Dixon, chairman, E. A. Kremer, C. F. Zoeller and Dan P. Foote, city attorney, who were among the more progressive citizens. This committee, upon thorough examination of the project and consideration of the proposition, reported unanimously in favor of it, and thereupon it was passed by the council by a vote of seven to four. Evidently the proposition was a very favorable one to the city, and it is certain would have provided a much needed improvement. But when the resolution came up to the mayor, Charles L. Benjamin, for his signature, the influences at work in opposition prevailed, for he vetoed the measure and the whole project fell through. This act of Mayor Benjamin, it was said, retarded the progress and advancement of Saginaw City for several years, the city settling back into its old time lethargic existence. Years afterward he admitted to a resident of the East Side that his veto of this measure was the greatest blunder of his official life. Consolidation the Only Remedy The rivalry between the two cities, often degenerating into bitter contests, finally reached a stage where the progressive men of both sides of the river concluded that consolidation was the only remedy for the conflict of interests. The question of consolidation had been brought before the State Legislature several times, but without success. There was a great diversity of opinion among the people as to the desirability of consolidation, and it is doubtful if a majority of the people of both sides would have voted in favor of the proposition at the time it was adopted. At length a number of leading citizens of the two cities met in conference, and after prolonged consideration, they resolved to appeal to the Legislature to pass an act uniting the Saginaws upon certain terms and conditions. Accordingly, a bill was drawn up and introduced in the Legislature of 1889, and after due deliberation it was passed as Act 455, of the Local Acts of the Legislature, and approved June 28, 1889. The consolidation of the two cities, which was thus effected, marked an important stage in the history of Saginaw, the beneficial effect of which exceeded the expectations of its projectors. On the first Monday in March, 1890, the officials and aldermen of the new city were duly elected to office; and on the twelfth of March the first meeting of the new council was held, with George W. Weadock, mayor, in the chair. The council was composed of Aldermen Daniel J. Holst, Charles M. Harris, William Rebec, John G. McKnight, Fred J. Buckhout, Henry Naegely, William C. Mueller, John Klein, John Elwert, Charles Ziem, James S. Cornwell, Joseph B. Staniford, Chris Maier, E. Everett Johnson, Michael Rellis, Joseph Provencher, Solomon Stone, John W. Wiggins, Joseph B. Clark, Charles Schaefer, Theodore R. Caswell, Aaron P. Bliss, James Higgins, Fred Stobbe, Emil Achard, John L. Jackson, Michael Klemm, Robert D. Stewart, James McGregor and Clark L. Ring. Provision for a New City Hall Among the conditions of consolidation was one fixing the location of the new City Hall, which, though near the geographical center of the city, is one mile from the business section of the East Side, and one mile and a half from the business section of the West Side. The location is convenient to i i 0:X THE CITY HALL THE CONSOLIDATED SAGINAWS 243 no one, being a compromise to satisfy the demands of some west siders; and the handsome edifice which soon rose is a monument to their folly. The City Hall, a large structure of brick and stone, was erected on the site of Curtis Emerson's house, which he facetiously called the "Halls of the Montezumas," at a cost of one hundred and seventy thousand dollars, the site alone costing fifteen thousand one hundred and fifty dollars. The building was completed and first occupied in 1893, the city offices being removed from the Schmitz Block of the Germania Society to the new and perfectly appointed quarters. The Court Street Bridge Another condition of consolidation was the building of three bridges across the river, to accommodate the growing population of both sides. At the time there was but one bridge free from street railway tracks, and it was not in a location to conveniently carry a large vehicular traffic. Although there was some difference of opinion as to when and where the new bridges should be built, it was conceded that Court Street would afford an unobstructed, popular channel of communication between the two sides. The leading business men of the city were working together harmoniously, and they exerted every influence to bear on the project to build a wide, modern bridge at the foot of this street, and a connecting roadway across the middle ground and Emerson Bayou to Washington Street. Their efforts were successful and in 1897 the new thoroughfare was completed and opened for traffic. During the intervening years it has been kept free from car tracks, and is largely used and appreciated by owners of motor cars, as well as by the general public. The cost of this improvement was met by an issue of city bonds in the sum of sixty-eight thousand dollars. The building of the other bridges was deferred for some years, partly on account of the policy of retrenchment in public improvements then pursued, and also because of the difficulty in deciding the exact locations for them. The bridge at the north end of the city, to connect with the Township of Carrollton, was constructed in 1904, the superstructure being the old Genesee Avenue bridge which was then being replaced by a modern lift bridge. Although in an out-of-the-way place, as respects population, this bridge serves the farming interests of both sides of the river; and it intersects North Washington Avenue at Sixth Street, hence the name of Sixth Street Bridge. The cost of construction was forty-three thousand dollars, provided by an issue of city bonds to that amount. The other bridge was an entirely new structure and satisfied the demands of the "south siders" for direct communication with the rapidly growing manufacturing district of the Nineteenth Ward. It spans the river at the foot of Center Street and meets an extension of Florence Street, which intersects Michigan Avenue at the Belt Line crossing. This bridge and roadway was completed in 1906 at a cost of eighty-nine thousand dollars, also provided for by a bond issue. Other City Bridges The first bridge put across the Saginaw River was at the foot of Genesee Street, and replaced the old and uncertain rope ferry, which had been operated by E. N. Davenport for thirteen years, except when ice and the weather prevented. The bridge was built in 1864 by a few enterprising business men, who organized the Saginaw River Bridge Company January 21, of the preceding year, and was seven hundred feet in length with a draw span to allow vessels to pass through. The roadway across the bayou at the west end of this bridge was constructed by the primitive method of laying slabs and bark to a width of about twenty feet and then covering the founda 244 HISTORY OF SAGINAW COUNTY COURT STREET BRIDGE, 1898 tion with layer upon layer of sawdust. When thoroughly packed down this material made a passable road, but at this place during spring freshets it was covered with water to a depth of four to six feet. The track of the street railway, which connected the business sections of the two cities through Washington (Michigan) Street, crossed the bayou on a trestle of piling, and thence by the bridge to the Bancroft House. In 1865, to afford further communication with the west side of the river, the same company built a bridge at Bristol Street, to cross which a toll was exacted. This bridge was considerably longer than the other, the distance from shore to shore being ten hundred and eighty feet, and had two draws, one near each end. It was conveniently located for the growing population of both cities, and about 1885 was purchased by the Central Bridge Company, rebuilt and used by the cars of the Union Street Railway to reach the business center of Saginaw City. Since that time it has been one of the main arteries of travel across the river. In the nineties a new steel swing span was placed at the west channel, to safely carry the increasing traffic and the travel to and from Riverside Park. In 1911 this bridge was entirely rebuilt by the street railway company, at a cost of about thirty thousand dollars, and on May 6, 1912, the ownership passed to the city, without consideration, the only condition being its maintenance by the municipality. The Mackinaw Street bridge was built in 1874 by the Saginaw Bridge Company, a corporation of which the officers were: David H. Jerome, president, Daniel L. C. Eaton, vice-president, and George L. Burrows, treasurer. The bridge and approaches were seven hundred and sixty feet in length and thirty feet in width, and formed a direct and convenient communication with the hustling town of South Saginaw. About fifteen years later the title and THE CONSOLIDATED SAGINAWS;S 245 ownership of this bridge passed to the city, at a cost of eighteen thousand dollars. It is now the oldest bridge on the river, having been in constant use for forty-one years, fifteen of which it carried the street cars which ran to and from the "south end." About the time the lumber and salt industries slowly approached the zenith of production, the west side of the river directly opposite East Saginaw was a very busy place, and a bridge at Johnson Street, the second north of Genesee, was deemed a public necessity. Accordingly, in 1878, a bridge thirty-two feet in width, having an iron swing span and two fixed spans of wood and iron, was built at this location. The cost to the city was eighteen thousand eight hundred and fifty-five dollars. For many years this bridge carried a considerable traffic, directly with the numerous mills and salt works along the river as far as Carrollton, but when these industries declined it fell into disuse. In 1912 it was condemned as unsafe for any other than pedestrian travel, and the following year was replaced by a modern steel girder, Scherzer Lift bridge, thirty-five feet five inches wide, having a total length of five hundred and twenty feet. The superstructure was built on solid concrete piers, and it is probably the best and most substantial bridge ever secured by the city for anywhere near the cost, the total expenditures on its account being within eighty-five thousand dollars. Contrary to the usual custom of issuing bonds for such improvements, the entire cost of this bridge was met by four annual items placed in the tax budget, beginning with 1910. During the intervening years since the construction of the original bridge at Genesee Street, this thoroughfare has been the main artery of travel between the two sides and will always remain so. As far back as the seventies the first bridge proved inadequate, and was rebuilt and GENESEE AVENUE BRIDGE, 1905 246 HISTORY OF SAGINAW COUNTY strengthened. Following the catastrophe in which the east approach collapsed under the weight of hundreds of persons, who were watching the progress of a fire a short distance up the river, a number being drowned, an entirely new superstructure was erected and general repairs made at a cost of eighteen thousand five hundred and ninety dollars. This bridge served the needs of the city until 1901, when it was condemned as unsafe for street car service, it having been weakened by heavy interurban traffic. In the Fall of 1903 the bridge was taken down, and a new modern bridge of the girder type, having a Scherzer lift affording a clearance of one hundred and nineteen feet, was begun to replace it. The new structure has a total length of four hundred and forty-one feet, a width of fifty-six feet, is paved with concrete and creosote blocks, and is borne on solid concrete piers of the most enduring character. Both approaches are of earth filling, tamped and paved. The leaves of the Scherzer lift are operated by electricity, and are quickly raised and lowered for the passage of vessels, with but slight interruption to traffic. The bridge was completed and opened to the public early in September, 1905, and the total cost exceeded one hundred and eighty-eight thousand dollars; which was provided for by the issue of city bonds in that amount. This sum was about thirty thousand in excess of the estimated cost of the bridge, and was due to many changes in the contract plan, including the raising of the superstructure about three feet above the predetermined grade, due to the great flood of 1904 in which damage resulted to other city bridges. The City Sewer System Since 1866, a year in which East Saginaw expended more than eighteen thousand dollars for the construction of sewers, almost continuous progress has been made in this department of public works. To and including 1889, before consolidation with Saginaw City was effected, this city paid more than half a million dollars for sewers, about one-half of which was assessed directly against the property benefited by the improvement. The expenditures between 1880 and 1889 were particularly large, and at the latter date the city was well drained, excepting in some of the outlying sections. Since 1890, moreover, the sewer system of the Eastern District has been greatly extended, and the total cost has reached the sum of seven hundred and fortysix thousand dollars. Four hundred and fourteen thousand dollars of this amount was paid by assessment on the property benefited. In providing for this very necessary public improvement Saginaw City was not far backward. From 1881 to and including 1889, the expenditures here reached two hundred and fifty-seven thousand dollars, only eighty-three thousand of which was paid by the property benefited. In the period following consolidation, to January 1, 1915, the mileage of sewers was greatly augmented, and the expenditures reached a total of six hundred and fortytwo thousand dollars. A change in the policy of apportioning the costs resulted in three hundred and twenty-four thousand dollars of the total amount being paid by the property benefited. On January 1, 1915, the total length of all main and latteral sewers in both taxing districts was one hundred and seventeen miles; and the total cost was one million three hundred and eighty-seven thousand eight hundred dollars. City bonds had been issued from time to time to meet the expenditures, but at the above date the amount outstanding was only three hundred and fourteen thousand one hundred dollars, showing that the city has paid in special assessments and through the general tax budget more than a million dollars for its sewer systems. II It I1 ^ *ip ItTr I "TTTTrvvfl ^~i;i f:? sf SIt P 'iiii:i β€”~ t-t.,-,F -: am W: 1 tiff ~: 1- ux lb t. to )1 GENESEE AVENUE DURING SAENGERFEST IN 1872 248 HISTORY OF SAGINAW COUNTY Street Improvements The one big item in our elaborate scheme for civic improvement is street paving, and it constitutes the largest expenditure the city is called upon to meet. City pavements are expensive necessities, and their cost adds appreciably to the tax burdens of the average citizen. In the beginning of street improvements cedar blocks, laid on one-inch boards upon a smooth bed of sand, was the material exclusively used, and it made a smooth and satisfactory pavement. But it was not a durable pavement, and although its cost per square yard, compared with brick or sheet asphalt, was small, it was soon discarded for more enduring materials. Of the several hundred thousand yards of cedar block pavements in the streets of both cities prior to consolidation, only fifteen thousand three hundred yards now remain, and the streets so laid are now almost impassable. Some cobble stone pavement was laid in the eighties, and some cedar with brick or cobble stone gutters, but it also proved unsatisfactory in a few years of use. The first brick pavement was laid in North Franklin Street in 1891, and though it bore heavy traffic for twenty-three years it was still in condition in 1914 so that resurfacing with sheet asphalt was all that was needed to make it a good pavement with the appearance of an entirely new one. The brick pavement in Washington Avenue, between Johnson and Janes Streets, was put down in 1893, and is still in fair condition. The first smooth enduring pavement of sheet asphalt was laid in Genesee Avenue, from Water to Jefferson Streets, and from Janes to Hoyt Streets, in 1896. It proved so satisfactory that in the following year a pavement of the same materials was laid by the Barber Asphalt Paving Company, in Jefferson between Genesee and Holland Avenues; and in 1898, in Jefferson between Genesee and Potter, and in Hoyt Street between Jefferson and Genesee Avenues. On the West Side, the first asphalt pavement was laid in 1897, in Harrison Street between Court and Gratiot; and in 1898, in North Hamilton Street between Court and Bristol Streets. Court Street, from the river to Bay Street, a distance of nearly a mile, was put down in 1899; and Hamilton Street between Court and Mackinaw Streets was likewise improved the same year. After a few years' satisfactory test of asphalt, this material with brick gutters became the standard for practically all of the city paving. While the total cost of the city pavements, which have a total length of seventy-two miles, has been enormous, the liquidation of the city bonds, which were issued yearly to pay for the improvements, has gone on steadily the maturing bonds being easily met by special annual assessments on the property directly benefited by the improvement. By this means the city merely uses its high credit to finance street betterments, for and to the aid of individual citizens. The total amount of all street improvement bonds outstanding January 1, 1915, was six hundred and sixty-nine thousand three hundred dollars, divided between the two taxing districts, the Eastern, four hundred and eighty-eight thousand seven hundred and fifty dollars, and the Western, one hundred and eighty thousand five hundred and fifty dollars. Building Cement Sidewalks In the early days of street improvements, if there were any sidewalks at all in a street, they were invariably of white pine planks, usually from twelve to sixteen inches wide and two inches thick, laid on stringers of the same material and spiked down. Along Genesee Street, in front of store buildings, the planks were laid crossways of the street, and after they had become warped and worn the walking was not good and easy, nor altogether safe. THE CONSOLIDATED SAGINA\TWS 249 In the residence streets the planks were laid lengthways of the road, from five to eight planks wide, and when new afforded very comfortable walking. But the average life of such walks was less than ten years, and some property owners became careless about keeping them in repair. Falls, broken bones and sprained ankles were of almost daily occurrence, and damage suits brought against the city for such injuries at length became very numerous. Late in the nineties the situation had become so serious that the mayor ordered all dangerous and defective walks torn up, and a thorough inspection was started in all sections of the city. So vigorous was the crusade of destruction that in about two weeks miles upon miles of bad sidewalks had been entirely removed, leaving in many instances hollows of soft muddy earth, into which persons stumbled or fell in the dark. There was a very general complaint of the conditions throughout the city; but the decree had gone forth that no more board walks should be laid anywhere. At this time the business sections of the city were quite generally provided with sidewalks of brick or artificial stone, as being more durable and economical, and many citizens laid hard walks in front of their residences. Concrete was an expensive material to use, and other citizens, through indifference or unwillingness to incur the expense of laying new walks, did nothing. A year or two after the decree went forth the situation was not greatly improved, and not until the council decided to pursue the same plan in building sidewalks, as had been followed for years in laying pavements, that relief was afforded. By this plan of bonding for special improvements, the property owner was ordered to lay a walk in front of his lot or lots, of specified materials. If he chose to disregard the order the city built the walk according to specifications, and assessed the cost to the owner of the property, the payments of the same with interest being divided into ten yearly payments, to fall due at the time of the city tax collections. This plan worked out very well and soon became the popular procedure, thousands of sidewalks in all sections of the city being built of concrete, strictly according to specifications and carefully inspected during the work. As a result the streets everywhere are lined with smooth, durable sidewalks, with cross walks of asphalt on streets paved with that material, and of stone elsewhere. The bonds are retired on the same plan as those issued for street paving, the amounts outstanding January 1, 1915, being, for the Eastern District, ninety thousand six hundred dollars, and the Western District, seventynine thousand two hundred dollars, a total of one hundred and sixty-nine thousand eight hundred dollars. The City Deep Wells Are Popular Before passing to a more important subject mention will be made of the City wells, which supply a large proportion of the population with good water for drinking and cooking purposes. No one uses, or should use, the water pumped through the city mains for such purposes, and it is scarcely fit for any domestic use, especially on the West Side. But many families, for want of a better supply, are forced to use it for washing and bathing, though for no other purpose. For culinary uses they resort to the water pumped from deep wells, either private or public. Years ago the city authorities and the people generally recognized the fact that river water was an exceedingly dangerous fluid to take into the human system, and measures were taken to supply clear, sparkling water from deep down in the earth. Many citizens of means put down private wells on their premises, and often supply their neighbors' needs, as well. But at best these could furnish only a small percentage of the water required by the whole city. HERBERT H. HOYT JOHN G. OWEN 1874 1870 JOHN WELCH 1879-81 'F A. F. R. BRALEY 1867-69 LYMAN W. BLISS 1879-80 FRANK LAWRENCE JOHN S. ESTABROOK HENRY M. YOUMANS 1883 1884-85 1886 SOME OLD-TIME MAYORS OF THE SAGINAWS THE CONSOLIDATED SAGINAWS 251 Long before the consolidation of the two cities, several deep wells were drilled at Saginaw City at the expense of the city for public use. They were located at Court Street and Michigan Avenue, Genesee and Michigan Ave nues, Niagara and Hancock Streets, Bond and Clinton Streets, Bristol and Hamilton, and Hamilton and Perry Streets. These wells filled such a public need that, in the nineties, several others were put down in convenient places. In 1900-01-02 nineteen more were drilled, and for ten years thereafter, an average of four was added each year. At the beginning of 1915 there were sixty-six deep wells on the West Side owned by the city. On the East Side municipal deep wells were first drilled in 1892, when wells at the City Hall, in Hoyt Park, at Washington Avenue and Mackinac Street, and at Genesee Avenue and Lapeer Street offered cool, refreshing water to the thirsty. Other wells were soon added, and from 1900 to 1910 they multiplied until at present there are eighty-five deep wells scattered over the city, maintained and kept in repair by the municipality. They may not furnish the best water that is easily available for culinary use, but they are certainly a valuable source of supply under the present conditions of our water works. There are now one hundred and fifty-one of these wells in use, and their depth varies greatly, the shallowest being eighty-five feet and the deepest two hundred and twenty-five feet in depth. The best water is not always found at the greatest depth, as is proved by the superior quality of some waters taken from shallower wells. The Idea of Civic Beauty In strolling through our parks and playgrounds and noting their beauty and charm, it is not easy to realize that they are a work of comparatively recent years. Cut out of the native forest they seem to have always existed, and it is a long stretch of the imagination to conjure up the wigwam of the red man on the spot where we linger in meditation of past scenes. The first concern of our pioneers was to make homes, to provide a living for their families, and the wilderness offered little choice of occupations. In the primitive settlements the struggle for existence was hard and long, and the village fathers were chiefly concerned in the business of grading streets and laying out new ones. Long after the cities were formed the problems of sanitation and public safety were urgent of solution; and afterward, the desire for street improvements led to the transformation of mud and sawdust towns into pleasant places in which to live. This awakened in many citizens a personal pride in the appearance of their homes and grounds, and a new tone of prosperity was everywhere apparent. Later, when public buildings and better facilities for communication between the two sides had been provided, the people settled back to enjoy a rest. But the rest was of short duration, for the idea of Civic Beauty -an aesthetic creation - asserted itself. The Beginning of Our Park System In the true narration of human events, Jesse Hoyt may properly be termed the "father" of our system of public parks. More than thirty years ago, perceiving that Saginaw was destined to become a large and prosperous city, its citizens appreciating the finer things of life which please and delight the eye, he bequeathed to East Saginaw a considerable tract of land in the James Riley Reserve, for park purposes. Then but little more than wild land, heavily wooded on the upland, and a waste of marsh in the low land, it was a very unsightly spot upon which to make a city park. Along the Washington Street front was a common board fence, of what use it is hard to conjecture, unless it was to keep the cattle, which roamed the streets at 252 HISTORY OF SAGINAW COUNTY will, from doing damage to the forest trees. The idea of Civic Beauty had not yet taken root in the public mind, and for several years nothing was done to improve the land, except to trim and thin out the forest trees. It was well along in the nineties that the first definite plan of improvement was formulated. The ground of the upland was graded and seeded, gravelled roadways were laid out, and the slopes cleared of brush and weeds. Afterward, flower beds were set out and a band stand erected, and the upland assumed the appearance of a real city park. As yet the low waste of marsh remained untouched, and was still the abode of bull frogs, muskrats and water snakes. By 1894 the cost of improvements in Hoyt Park amounted to twenty-five thousand dollars. Meanwhile the triangular spaces at Second, Park and Tuscola Streets, and at Weadock and Hoyt Street, were laid out, trees and shrubs planted, and made attractive at a cost of five hundred and one thousand dollars, respectively. With this modest beginning in beautification, Civic *Pride was thoroughly aroused, and the city entered upon an era of expansion and development of its park property. The rapid progress made in this direction is worthy of note, the results accomplished being a work of the last twelve or fifteen years. In the early years of this century the wild and unsightly bottom land in Hoyt Park was still in its native state, but about 1904 the ground was drained, plowed and leveled, and seeded to lawn. A roadway was built along the east side and connected at either end with roads leadling to the upland. At the north end a sump, or well, was constructed and a pump house with necessary equipment wvas erected, to drain off and pump out flood waters in the Spring. This was a work of two or three seasons, but when completed the results were very satisfactory. In place of wild marshy grass covering pools of slimy, stagnant water, fit breeding places of mosquitoes, a beautiful lawn greets the eye. Inclhding the slope from the upland, this lawn comprises more than twenty acres of the twenty-seven in the whole park. With the gently-rising, slope forming a natural amphitheater for thousands of spectators, this sward is an admirable parade ground and arena for games and sports. It has often been used for Masonic drills and maneuvers of the militia; and during the SemiCentennial celebration of 1907, it was a popular place for holding such events, and has been the scene of many brilliant gatherings. For the exhibition of fire works it could not be surpassed, as many as fifteen thousand people having witnessed displays on the evening of a Fourth of July. In these days of public playgrounds Hoyt Park has been given over very largely to such purposes. During the Summer it is popularly used for base ball games, and in the Fall for foot ball, while in Winter the bottom land is flooded to form a huge ice skating rink. Coasting on the hill is also a popular pastime, and it has been suggested that a portable toboggan slide be erected to enhance the enjoyment of this sport. Bliss Park-The Ideal Playground The transformation of the old Campau property, embracing the "Butchers Woods," in the Fourteenth Ward on the West Side, into a park of rare attractiveness, abounding with native forest trees and such a profusion of flowers as to charm the vistior, was equally noteworthy. It was made possible by the munificence of ex-Governor Aaron T. Bliss, who, in just pride of his home city, purchased the site for a park to bear his name, and not only gave a liberal sum for its improvement, but endowed the park for its future maintenance. The work of creating a beautiful park was performed during 1905 and 1906, a part of the cost, to the extent of ten thou 6ky"i ' ^"o "I VIEWS OF HOYT PARK 11.1 ',-1 I I,.j, 5 / SCENES IN BLISS PARK THE CONSOLIDATED SAGINAWS 255 sand dollars, being borne by the city under the terms of the grant. It was a happy circumstance that the donor thus realized the fruition of his plans in the beautification of a public resting place, which has become the most popular of our parks. Bliss Park is an ideal place for picnics and family parties, and almost every day from the beginning of warm weather until after the first of September, it is the scene of happy gatherings. The wooded section and playground is safely removed from the traffic of the streets, and mothers can rest in the shade of the trees or enjoy the flowers, while the babies and children disport themselves in the sand pile, or in the swings, teeters, slides and other play apparatus, with which the park is well provided. The flowers in the sunken garden are especially worthy of note, the large variety of peonies, phlox, asters, petunias and gladioli, oriental popies and many flowering shrubs, adding greatly to the beauty of the park. With its numerous groupings consisting of many varieties of plants, shrubs and trees, increasing in beauty from year to year, and lending the charm of their varied coloring to the landscape, it affords great pleasure and interest to visitors. Toward the close of the Civil War, the ground of this park and the vicinity was the scene of the organization of the 29th Regiment, Michigan Volunteer Infantry, of which Colonel Thomas Saylor was the commanding officer. Fifty years after, during the Summer of 1914, a large field boulder was placed in a prominent place at the junction of the main walk and the winding road, to mark the vicinity of the camp. On October 20 the appropriate monument was dedicated, the unveiling and exercises taking place before a considerable number of the survivors of the 29th Regiment, public officials and citizens. There was placed in the boulder a copper box containing records and souvenirs of the Regiment, and data and records about the city, and the occasion of the unveiling. On the bronze tablet in the face of the boulder is an inscription denoting its purpose, the date, and names of the donors of the monument. Creation of Board of Park and Cemetery Commissioners By an Act of the Legislature May 24, 1905, the parks of the city passed into the care and control of a Board of Park and Cemetery Commissioners. The original members of this board, appointed May 29, 1905, were Jamaes G. Macpherson, E. P. Waldron, Frank Plumb, Charles H. Peters and William B. Mershon. On December 31, 1906, Walter J. Lamson was appointed a member of the board to fill the unexpired term of E. P. WValdron, resigned; on January 17, 1910, John A. Cimmerer replaced Frank Plumb, resigned; L. C. Slade was appointed November 21, 1910, to fill the unexpired term of Charles H. Peters, deceased; and 0. R. Fowler succeeded William B. Mershon January 6, 1913, on account of expiration of term. The board was automatically retired January 1, 1914, by provision of the new city charter, and the commission form of government, which went into effect on that date. D)uring the life of this board, covering a period of eight and a half years, was witnessed the greatest progress in carrying out the idea of Civic Beauty, in the development of our park system. Great credit is due the members of the board, for their untiring and unselfish efforts to beautify the city, and in particular do our citizens honor William B. Mershon and James G. Macpherson, and cherish the memory of Charles H. Peters with tender care. Under the new city government William H. Reins, one of the five councilmen, was designated Commissioner of Parks and Cemeteries on January 2, 1914. His term expired April 11, 1915, but he was re-elected for a 256 HISTORY OF SAGINAW COUNTY two-year term, his conduct of the office on an economic basis of efficiency being eminently satisfactory to the city. Daniel H. Ellis, the superintendent of parks under the old board was retained, his valued services recognized by the new administration. Ezra Rust Park Improvements It was during the existence of the old board of commissioners that the great preliminary improvements were made to Ezra Rust Park. In the Summer of 1906 a survey was made of that part of the park lying between Lake Linton and the Saginaw River, including the waters adjacent thereto, and therefrom a grade was fixed for the filling, and an estimate made of the quantity of earth required. The year previous William S. Linton, who has ever had the interests of the city at heart, interested his friend Ezra Rust, in a project to secure title to the old "middle ground" lying in the river between the Bristol and Mackinaw Street bridges, and in time convert the unsightly ground into an attractive city park. It was a huge undertaking, but through the generosity of Mr. Rust the property was purchased and a proposal made to the city for its improvement. The property with several additions since made by the donor, now comprises one hundred and thirtysix acres in the heart of the city, and eventually will be one of its chief show places. By the terms of the proposal, which was accepted by the city fathers, the city contributed fifty thousand dollars, to which Mr. Rust added a like sum, for the cost of filling; and on September 24, 1907, a contract for the work of dredging and filling was awarded to H. W. Hubbell & Company for ninety-six thousand five hundred and twenty-five dollars. During the seasons of 1908-09 the work was vigorously prosecuted with a hydraulic dredge and a dipper dredge, under the direction of Mr. Hubbell, until the completion of the contract in December, 1909. The work of filling of the ground north of Court Street brought the elevation to five feet above city datum, and that south of Court Street to six feet, while the dredging of Lake Linton (Emerson Bayou) and the waters adjacent gave a depth of ten to twelve feet below city datum. Six hundred thousand cubic yards of filling was required for this preliminary improvement. Much further filling was required, however, to bring the elevation above flood waters, and this was provided during the Summer of 1914 by hydraulic dredges working in the river on a government contract for widening and deepening the stream. Upon the settling of the ground to a permanent level, this section of the park, comprising seventy-six and a half acres, will be in condition for the permanent improvements which contemplate the laying out of two base ball diamonds, a foot ball field and tennis courts, within a mile speedway, and an elaborate plan of beautifying the ground. The filled area has a water front of two and a half miles, and a water area of over thirty acres. The benefit of this improvement in converting a large area of swamp land and stagnant water into solid ground and living water, and the general benefit to the health of the people, cannot be measured by a monetary consideration. It is even greater than the improvements already made to the entrance and older portions of the park, improvements that please the eye, give a quiet restful tone to the whole neighborhood, and help to make life worth living in the city. To the parkings in the vicinity of Washington Avenue a peculiar interest attaches by the presence of a boulder marking the site of the camp of organization of the 23d Regiment, Michigan Volunteer Infantry, which was dedicated with appropriate ceremonies on September 11, 1913; and also by a smaller boulder bearing a bronze tablet, SJ1thLUaAoidmui pasodoad 2uimoT4S )*IVd isnfl v'Z3 -O dVV VItrtd -L n LL 0 / ----------- ri' L- - I ii "F",)A 0,r Leftrtg, 1 L.............. -.............. - -......J.......................... -......-1 -.............. -.....-... 111&dsllllllll~lIslll~arl~l1- ----- -C ~, I Les - --β€” --rr 258 HISTORY OF SAGINAW COUNTY to mark the spot upon Mound Hill on which once stood an ancient Indian village, which was placed by the Saginaw Chapter of the Daughters of the American Revolution, and dedicated by them on October 26, 1911. The Still fountain at the intersection of Washington Avenue and Court Street, is also a work of some interest. Fordney Park The use of this attractive park, which was presented to the city by Joseph W. Fordney, is very similar to that of Bliss Park, a neighborhood resting place, popular for picnics and a playground for the children. It is the latest acquisition to our park system, having come under the care and control of the park commissioners in 1913, and comprises ten acres of woodland, level green sward and a small pond. Conveniently situated in the southwest part of the West Side, adjoining the estate of the donor, it is of easy access to a large population, and its privileges are enjoyed by numerous parties and individuals during the Summer. Jeffers Park At the triangle formed by the intersections of Genesee, Germania and Warren Avenues there is a small park quite tastefully laid out with shrubs and flowers. A few years ago this property was covered with business blocks, but in order to leave a fitting memorial to his brother, the late Michael Jeffers, John Jeffers and his niece Miss Elizabeth Champe, cleared the ground and converted it into an attractive little park. To perpetuate the memory of the man who had done so much for the upbuilding of the city, Mr. Jeffers soon after erected an enduring monument, in the form of a large and ornate drinking fountain supplied with crystal water from a deep well close by. The park is situated almost in the center of the business section of the East Side, and, although small in area, is much frequented by the public. Federal Park Adjoining the Federal Building on the south, and between it and Hoyt Library, from Jefferson to Warren Avenues, there is a plot of ground exactly one acre in extent, which is called Federal Park. It was laid out and improved by the planting of trees and shrubs shortly after the government building was completed, and is now an attractive feature of a very pleasing landscape of stone edifices covered with ivy. In the center of this park is a soldiers monument and fountain erected about twelve years ago by Aaron T. Bliss, as a memorial to his comrades who fell in battles of the Civil War. The trees in this park are now of sufficient size to afford an abundance of shade - a feature of no little importance in providing a comfortable resting place down town. Small Parks Supplementing the park system there are a number of circles and cultivated spots at irregular intersections of streets, all properly cared for by the department, such as Germain Park, Second Street Park, Sheridan Avenue Park, Weadock Park, Park Place Park and Webber Circle. There are also two unimproved plots of ground, named Linton Park and Webber Park, which will probably be objects of city appropriations for improvements in future years. The total area of Saginaw's parks is two hundred and twenty acres, of which about one hundred and twenty-five acres are improved and a source of joy and pleasure to the people. As years pass by the section of Ezra Rust Park called Ojibway Island will be improved, and other betterments made, and eventually the city will have a park system unsurpassed by any city of THE CONSOLIDATED SAGINAWS 259 its class in the Middle West. The present expenditure for maintenance and improvements of the parks exceeds fifteen thousand dollars annually, and is increasing from year to year. The Mershon-Whittier Natatorium A fitting adjunct to our parks is the Mershon-Whittier Swimming Pool, which is under the care and control of the Commissioner of Parks and Cemeteries. This unique feature of the city's utilities was built and presented to the city in August, 1910, by Edward C. Mershon and Charles Merrill & Company, as a fitting memorial to Augustus H. Mershon and Joseph A. Whittier, both of whom were esteemed citizens of this city; men of great integrity who did much for its upbuilding and firm establishment. The site for this swimming pool is on the old Whittier mill property at the west end of the Johnson Street bridge, a very accessible location; and the records show that in 1914 the attendance was twenty-eight thousand eight hundred and seventy-seven, of which five thousand four hundred and eighteen were women and girls, using the pool on Tuesday and Thursday only. Under the terms of the grant the city furnishes river water for the filters, and provides for the maintenance and operation of the pool. All the water that enters the pool first passes through the filter, which has a capacity of two hundred gallons per minute, and thence into one or other of the two sections of the concrete basin. The first section is sixty-eight by sixty-one feet in size and ranges in depth from eighteen inches to four feet, while the other is sixty-one by thirty-one feet in size and has a depth of eight feet. These sections are separated by a concrete wall and railing, so that children unable to swim will not readily get into deep water. While the pool is in use the water is continually being changed, the overflow passing into a round, shallow pool in the center of the court, where all persons are required to wash with soap before entering the swimming pool. Around the walls of the court are benches, lockers and hooks for the use of the bathers, MERSHON-WHITTIER NATATORIUM 260 HISTORY OF SAGINAW COUNTY who may check their valuables with an attendant for safe keeping. A nominal charge for towels, bathing suits, lockers and similar privileges produces a small revenue of about five hundred dollars each season, which is used toward defraying the expense of operation. In 1914 the pool was in use one hundred and one days, an average of six hours each, using fortyseven thousand five hundred gallons of filtered water each day, and a total of four million eight hundred thousand gallons for the season. The City's Cemeteries The public cemeteries owned and cared for by the city, like the public parks, passed under the control of the Board of Park and Cemetery Commissioners, May 24, 1905. Brady Hill, the oldest of the city's burial grounds, comprising about twenty-two and a half acres, was first used in 1855. The first conveyance was from Alfred M. Hoyt to the Board of Health of the Township of Buena Vista, which, in 1882, by quit-claim, conveyed the same to the City of East Saginaw. The following year William L. Webber, executor and trustee of the estate of Jesse Hoyt, executed a release to the city of all the rights reserved in the original deed made by Alfred M. Hoyt, which perfected an absolute title in the city. With but limited revenue from the sale of lots, it was then almost entirely dependent upon city appropriations for its care and maintenance, no endowment fund having been created in former years for this purpose. As a result of a want of foresight on the part of the early board of health, and the parsimony of the city fathers thereafter, Brady Hill Cemetery was very much neglected for a number of years. But in 1908, with a vievw of adding to the finances of the cemetery, the commissioners had the unoccupied portion, at the corner of Holland and Jefferson Avenues, replatted into lots to be sold for burial purposes. This action brought forth a protest from the residents of the neighborhood, together with a proposition from them to make a gift of four hundred and sixty-four dollars, so subscribed by them, to the commissioners for the sole purpose of defraying the expense of parking the unused portions of the cemetery along Jefferson Avenue, and at its intersection with Holland Avenue. This proposition was accepted by the commissioners, and the improvements made at a cost of about seven hundred dollars. In 1914 the income of the Louisa C. Bartlett Endowment Fund for this cemetery became available, and about nineteen hundred dollars were spent that year in improvements about the family vault and the grounds immediately surrounding it. With this work completed and a small sum reserved for care and maintenance, the balance of the money from the endowment will be available for use elsewhere in the cemetery. The permanent improvements already made have added greatly to the appearance of the cemetery, and shows what can be done with intelligent use of the funds available. Oakwood Cemetery A very suitable plot of ground, although not conveniently situated, was purchased by Saginaw City for burial purposes in 1867. It is two miles beyond the present city limits, on the Gratiot State Road, and will never be encroached upon by the future expansion or growth of the city. As a place of burial it was opened in 1868, and is now the resting place of many pioneer citizens who were early identified with the growth and progress of Saginaw. Comprising ninety-eight acres withAa noble forest of oak, beech and maple trees, and with natural ravines insuring perfect drainage, it is an ideal location for a cemetery to endure for ages. VIEWS IN OAKWOOD CEMETERY I Am VIEWS IN FOREST LAWN CEMETERY THE CONSOLIDATED SAGINAWS 263 It is unfortunate that no endowment, or trust fund, has been established for Oakwood, a provision which is necessary if annual appropriations in future years for care and maintenance are to the avoided. The present conditions are such that the revenue from lot sales barely meets the current expenses. To put this cemetery on a self-supporting basis for the future should be the aim of interested lot holders, and could be accomplished by donations and bequests, left in trust, the income from which to be used for its care and perpetuity. Endowments also may be made by lot owners and deposited with the city for the special care of lots and keeping in repair the stones and monuments thereon. Forest Lawn In 1881 the limited number of lots in Brady Hill made it necessary for the city to secure additional burial grounds, and for this purpose the D. L. C. Eaton farm at the southerly limits of the city, containing ninety-seven and a half acres, was purchased at a cost of about seventeen thousand dollars. In the same year the noted landscape artist, Joseph Earnshaw, of Cincinnati, furnished plans, consisting of a general lot plan, drainage and platting plans, together with the staking out and numbering of thirteen hundred lots and five hundred and eighty single graves. Superseding the old and obsolete methods of small sections and sunken paths, which were not economical from either an income or maintenance standpoint, the new plans were drawn on modern lines, known as the lawn system or park plan. The observance and effect of this system with skill and taste in arrangement, produced a uniform and restful beauty throughout the whole cemetery. The Chapel and Receiving Vault, a durable and handsome edifice, well adapted for the purposes intended, was constructed in 1901, at a cost of eight thousand nine hundred dollars, and is held subject to the wishes of any persons who may need its use, at a nominal charge. The artistic setting of the chapel has been enhanced by the judicious planting of shrubs and evergreens around the building, which is of Byzantine style, the whole effect being very pleasing to the eye. In 1893 a Local Act was passed by the Legislature providing for a trust fund for Forest Lawn, consisting of "fifty per cent. of all moneys which shall from time to time be received from sale of lots and single graves in said cemetery, shall constitute a trust fund, the income from which, together with the remaining fifty per cent., shall be used for the general care and maintenance of said cemetery." The amount of this fund on January 1, 1915, was eighty-five thousand five hundred and eighty-four dollars, invested in our city or county bonds. As the income from this trust fund is used for the general care and maintenance of the cemetery, and not for special care of lots, monuments and mausoleums, a number of lot owners have made endowments, amounting to seven thousand two hundred dollars, for the care and improvements of their lots. The Jefferson Avenue entrance gates and parking were constructed and improved from a fund provided by W;\illiam L. Webber, and applied for these purposes through the sanction and interest of his daughters, the gate piers being of Bedford stone. The Washington Avenue entrance is now improved with wrought iron gates of graceful design, and with simple but massive granite piers that will endure for ages. Mr. 0. C. Simonds plan for planting at this entrance, when fully carried out, was very pleasing in effect. The public service building, combining rest room and sexton's office, which was built in 1913, covers a long desired necessity, and is artistic in giving a proper setting to the main entrance. 264 HISTORY OF SAGINAW COUNTY Besides the city's public cemeteries there are Calvary and St. Andrew's Cemeteries, which are owned and maintained by the several parishes of the Roman Catholic Church. Calvary is situated on the brow of a hill a short distance south of Brady Hill, and is reached by a winding road through Hot 'Park, and also by a lane from Jefferson Avenue. Though not a large burial ground, a number of Saginaw's pioneer and representative citizens have here a final resting place. It is a beautiful spot, well cared for, and commands a fine view of Hoyt Park and environs. The Auditorium More than twenty-five years ago, during a strike of lumber shovers, or "dock-whallopers" as they were called, Wellington R. Burt, in discussing the situation with another citizen, conceived the idea of establishing a large building where the people could get together and talk over matters in dispute, and thus more quickly come to an understanding. As time passed and the need of such a building, where conventions and public meetings could be held, seemed more urgent, a tentative plan gradually unfolded itself in his mind, and he resolved to put the matter before the people. He had just witnessed the completion of the Manual Training School, which had been made possible by his generosity and personal interest in the welfare of the rising generations, and he wanted to do something for the older people. The spirit of helpful co-operation and interest in the future prosperity of his home city, which he had known for more than fifty years, were strong within him, and he manifested it, as usual, in a practical way. About 1905 he accordingly launched a movement for a public convention hall, to seat from three to four thousand people. The site at first advocated was the parking between the Federal Building and Hoyt Library, but many citizens, wishing to preserve this attractive spot as a park, objected to this location, and for a time the project was in abeyance. The vacant corner at Warren and Germania Avenues was also suggested as a suitable site for a public building of this character, but the location likewise met with disfavor, the price asked being generally regarded as prohibitive. Thus the matter drifted until October, 1907, when Wellington R. Burt and Temple E. Dorr made a joint proposal to the city council, providing for the erection of a municipal convention hall. Their proposition was a very favorable one to the city, inasmuch as it provided for an expenditure on their part of seventy-five thousand dollars toward the project, the city to furnish the remainder of the cost of construction and equipment. The offer was duly accepted by the council, plans and specifications were prepared by W. T. Cooper & Son, and the contract for the erection of the building awarded to John H. Qualmann. The site finally selected was entirely satisfactory to the citizens in general, and has a frontage of one hundred and twenty feet on Washington Avenue, and extends one hundred and eighty feet on Janes. On April 24, 1908, the corner stone was laid with interesting ceremonies, and the construction work was rushed during the Summer, in order to have it completed in October, for the Fifty-sixth Convention of the Michigan State Teachers Association. On September 30 the large building was so near completion that the first public meeting was held, and on October 23 occurred the first formal civic opening, when the keys of the Auditorium were delivered by the donors to the trustees, who had been duly appointed to manage its affairs. The dedicatory ceremonies, taking the form of a grand musical festival, were held on October 28 and 29, and eclipsed anything of this nature ever attempted in Saginaw Valley. The great feature of the concerts was the New York Symphony Orchestra, directed by Walter Damrosch, aided by a mixed THE CONSOLIDATED SAGINAWS 265 THE AUDITORIUM Erected in 1908 through the munificence of Wellington R. Burt and Temple E. Dorr chorus of four hundred voices under the direction of John G. Cummings, and the great organ played by C. H. White, of Bay City. The soloists were Mme. Johanna Gadski, Mme. Isabella Boulton, contralto, and George Hamlin, tenor; and Earl Morse, violinist, and Frank LaForge, pianist, added greatly to the enjoyment of the concerts. The climax of the grand festival was on the evening of the twentyeighth, when Mendelssohn's Hymn of Praise was rendered by the chorus, orchestra and organ, in a manner surpassing any previous effort of the singers, and which still lingers in the memory of all music lovers who were present. On the following afternoon occurred the second of the orchestra concerts, and in the evening was given the complimentary concert to the teachers at the convention. More than four thousand were admitted to the great hall, yet many were unable to enter, so crowded was every corner of the structure. When Mme. Gadski learned of this condition, she kindly offered, in order that none of the teachers should be disappointed, to give an extra concert the following morning, which was held to an oVerflow house at the Academy of Music. On these occasions the great organ, a magnificent gift of Mr. Burt, was heard for the first time by throngs of citizens, and visitors to the city, all of whom were captivated by its tone and power. In the lofts at either side of the stage, and in the center of the ceiling, are the great, swell, pedal and echo organs, while the four manual console, electrically operating many hundred pipes of the fifty-five stops, is in the center of the orchestra pit. The organ is one of the great features of the Auditorium, and is heard to splendid advantage at the Sunday afternoon concerts during the Winter, and at musical festivals and other gala occasions. It was built and set up by the Austin Organ Company, at a cost of about twenty thousand dollars, and ranks among the largest and best in the State. 266 HISTORY OF SAGINAW COUNTY The Auditorium itself is a valuable asset to the city, and with its splendid equipment, thanks to the generosity of Messrs. Burt and Dorr, has cost the city only about fifty thousand dollars, the burden of which is spread over a number of years. The benefits accruing from this large and useful building are enjoyed by present generations, as well as it will be by those to follow, and is for the use of the people, not for any particular party, class or creed, but is open to the humblest citizen. It provides a suitable place for holding large public meetings, conventions, industrial expositions, musical festivals and theatricals, while the banquet hall above the lobby affords every facility for dancing parties, art exhibits, lectures and small gatherings. The Board of Auditorium Trustees is composed of William S. Linton, president, William Ferris, secretary, and W. R. Purmort, treasurer. Adjoining the Auditorium on the west is the new and well-equipped Armory Building, which houses the local company of the State Militia and the Second Division of the Michigan State Naval Brigade. This is a threestory and basement brick and stone structure, sixty by one hundred and twenty feet in size, of pleasing and appropriate style, and was completed in the Fall of 1909. It was built jointly by the State and the city, the legislative appropriations being twenty thousand dollars, while the city contributed ten thousand dollars additional, for its construction. Affording complete club facilities, with reading room, billiard and pool room, bowling alleys, gymnasium and drill hall, and shower baths, the new armory is much appreciated by the officers and men of the two companies. Directly opposite the Armory, at the foot of Janes Street, is Battery Park, on ground which was purchased by the city in 1909 for a municipal dock and water front park. It is an admirable drill ground for the militia, and affords convenient docking facilities for the naval reserve cutters and small craft in general. The municipal investment in this park and the improvements was about eight thousand dollars, the benefits of which will largely accrue to following generations. City Government by Commission As a whole the citizens of Saginaw, with all their progressiveness and enterprise, have been quite free in the past from adopting fads and fancies, seemingly being content to "let well enough alone." But in the matter of civil government they all at once discovered, or thought they had, that they were far behind the times, and, throwing traditions aside, they overturned the old party regime, with its cliques, combinations and frame-ups, and adopted a new and less cumbersome municipal government. Among the various causes for this revolution may be cited sectional strife and jealousy, party garb for spoils; it was charged there was wasteful and inefficient conduct of city affairs; and possibly the Genesee Avenue Bridge muddle, the gas franchise scandal, the electric lighting contracts, and disregard of the will of the people had something to do with it. As a matter of fact the city was not badly managed as many of our citizens imagined. At the time of transition to "commission form of government," Saginaw stood at the head of all cities in the United States of like population as to its general credit, rate of taxation, etc. Even granting the errors and omissions of former councils, a grave doubt existed in the minds of many conservative, yet progressive citizens, that the new form of government was any better than the old, or would deliver them from blunder in the future. The ideas of the reformers however prevailed, and the question of making a new charter was put to a vote of the people, and carried. In due course the charter commissioners were elected, and after many months of deliberation over the various provisions proposed, a new charter was com C,) m m H (I) 0 m z m U, 0 c z I m 268 HISTORY OF SAGINAW COUNTY pleted and presented to the people. At a special election held November 15, 1913, the charter was approved by a majority of nine hundred and ninety-two, and it took effect January 1, 1914. By the terms of the new charter, a primary election was required to be held on December first next following, for the purpose of choosing the nominees for mayor and four other councilmen, and ten supervisors at large. There was a large field of available material, for the most part eager to be retained or to get in public service, and great interest was aroused among all classes of the people. The campaign waxed warm and fifty-four candidates qualified for the councilmanic plums, and forty-three for the office of supervisors. The three candidates for mayor were Ard E. Richardson, Albert W. Tausend and Daniel Crane. From the first strong opposition was aroused to the candidacy of Mr. Tausend, chiefly among the leaders of his own party (politics still dominating the situation), and personal animosities entered in no small degree to heighten the interest. The Democratic party was dominated by the Beach-Lown faction, which insisted on simon pure Democratic timber for all public offices, and never forgave Tausend for a division of the offices with hated Republicans, especially certain city officials who were kept in office by the Tausend-Stenglein-Graebner combination in the council. This combination procured for the city a non-partisan body of city officials, at the head of which was George C. Warren, controller (Republican). Mr. Warren's efficiency is unquestioned. He placed the city's accounting upon a basis second to none in use in any municipality in the country. Mr. Tausend's (Democrat) effort for efficient non-partisan city administration cost him defeat in immediate future aspiration to office. The spirit of revolution was strong among the voters, and they determined to establish an entirely new regime in city affairs. A new square deal was what was needed for the best interests of the city. To change the system, as they had previously voted to do. and reorganize the city business, and then put back into control the men who were wrongfully charged by the press with having strenuously fought against any change, would be the height of folly as showing a lamentable want of common sense. An entirely new set of managers was what they wanted. The truth was many of the members of the old Council, including Mayor Tausend, were in favor of and voted for the new form of government. So the electors marched dutifully to the polls and registered their verdict, with the result that Ard E. Richardson was clcctcd mayor by a majority of fourteen hundred and twentytwo, carrying si.xteen of the twenty wards. The councilmen nominated at the primary were: William F. Jahnke, Robert F. Johnson, William Heim, William H. Reins, George Holcomb, Egbert H. Patterson, J. E. Runchey and Charles H. Peters. The election of the councilmen and supervisors was held December 22, 1913, and was merely formal as carrying out the expressed wishes of the people. Some surprising results obtained nevertheless, and most noteworthy being the strong following of William H. Reins, who led all the nominees. The vote was: William H. Reins, four thousand and twenty-one; William F. Jahnke, thirty-eight hundred and twenty-nine; George Holcomb, thirtyeight hundred and twelve; and Robert F. Johnson, thirty-six hundred and fifty-eight. The supervisors elected were: Charles F. Bauer, John J. Leidlein, Abe Van Overen, Leo J. Demers, Fred Bluhm, John B. Nauer, Adam Sharp, Fred E. Curtis, Julius C. Hahn and George E. Scollen. These men elected at large represent the entire city on the Board of Supervisors, and act with the mayor, councilmen, city controller, city engineer, city attorney, and the five members of the board of review, as representatives of the City of Saginaw on the county's governing board. This cut relresents the last Common Council of the City of Saginaw, under the old form of government, taken Iecember 31, 1913. On January 1, 1914, the new Council took charge under "Commission" form of government. 1-Albert W. Tausend, Mayor. 2-Henry J. P. Graebner, Alderman 16th Ward. 3-Joseph Seemann, Alderman 7th Ward. 4-John O'Neil, Alderman 11th W;ard. 5-Herbert S. Gay, Alderman 1st Ward. 6-Albert E. Braun, Alderman 2nd Ward. 7-A. Elwood Snow, City Attorney. β€” Rudolph Asbeck, Jr., Alderman 4th Ward. 9-John Walhier, Janitor City Hall. 10-W'm. F. Jahnke, City Treasurer. 11-John Southgate, Deputy Assessor. 12-Henry L. Schuch, Alderman 15th Ward. 13-Charles F. Schmidt, Alderman 6th Ward. 14-George T. Johnson, Alderman 14th Ward. 15-W-im.. Barton, City Clerk. 16-George Phoenix, Alderman 12th Ward. 17-Thomas D. Madden, Alderman 18th WVard. 18-Fred R. Strutz, Alderman 9th Ward. 19-Geo. C. Warren, City Controller. 20 β€”Otto E. Eckert, Assistant Engineer. 21-John A. Manwell, Deputy City Clerk. 22-Edward S. Golson, Assistant in City Engineer's Office. 23-Fred C. Trier, Alderman 20th Ward. 24-John Stenglein, Alderman 17th W'ard. 25 β€”Charles M. Martin, Reporter Courier-Herald. 26-Herbert A. Otto, Alderman 13th Ward. 27-Edward H. Hartiwick, Reporter Press. 28 ---Wm. H. Ferris, Alderman 5th WAard. 29-Frank Ardern, Alderman 19th Ward. 30-Herman W. Zahnow, Alderman 8th Ward. 31-Sebastian Nothelfer, Alderman 10th Ward. 32-Chester M. Howell, Reporter News. 270 HISTORY OF SAGINAW COUNTY The Present Council The new charter provided that the term of the first council should expire on April 11, 1915, and a new council elected for two and four year terms. At the primaries held on March 16, with a strong array of candidates in the field, Ard E. Richardson and Hilem F. Paddock were nominated for the office of mayor, George Holcomb was elected councilman (having received a majority), and the choice of six other nominees for councilmen and twenty for supervisors was consistent with the idea of good government. Political influences, however, were still strong in moulding public opinion and party lines were drawn close, especially in the contest for the mayoralty. The dominating faction of the Democratic party rallied to the support of Mr. Paddock, and conducted a quiet, inside campaign of great effectiveness. In this policy they were unconsciously aided by the supporters of Mr. Richardson, who adopted a blatant, laudatory method of conducting their campaign, featured by expressions so derogatory to the opposing nominee as to be almost vituperant in intensity. Other influences also were at work, reminding the people of certain acts of the chief executive, evidently prompted by the reformers of his party, including the disorganization of the police department, the fire department investigation farce, and other illadvised matters, which at the time met with wide public disapproval. Although many voters were not impressed by the administrative abilities displayed by the Mayor, they generally agreed that the city had never had a more conscientious and hard-working official - actuated by high ideals. The election was held on Tuesday, April 6, 1915, and resulted very happily to the supporters of Mr. Paddock, he being swept into office by a majority of ten hundred and fifty-three. All the other councilmen, William F. Jahnke, Robert F. Johnson and \William H. Reins were re-elected to office by substantial majorities; and the supervisors elected were: Charles F. Bauer, Fred Bluhm, Sr., John J. Leidlein, George Schulz and Adam Sharp, for the four-year term, and Charles A. Beckman, Fred E. Curtis, John H. Deibel, Julius C. Hahn, and Chester A. Howell, for the two-year term. City Officers, July 1, 1915 Mayor, President of the Council, Commissioner of Health and Safet...................................... Hilem F. Paddock Vice-President of the Council, Commissioner of Light, \Water and Sewers.............................Robert F. Johnson Commissioner of Finance -..... ---..............................................William F. Jahnke Commissioner of Public W Vorks ---β€”.....................................George HIolcomb Commissioner of Parks and Cemeteries.......................................... William -. Reins Controller................................................... ----.. George C. WNarren D eputy C ontroller...................................................................................erner T reasurer............................................................................................ lliam F. Jahnke D eputy T reasurer..................................................................H oyt H olcom b C lerk.............................................................................................................................H erbert S. G ay Deputy Clerk......................................................Frank Ardern Assessor..............................................................................Charles Spindler Deputy Assessor.................................................................... Charles Evans A ttorney................................................................................................R obert T. H olland Recorder and Police Judge...............................................illiam H. Martin Justice of the Peace................................................Arthur Clements Health Office r..................................................Dr. W. J. O'Reilly P h y sician............................................................................................................................. D r. F. W. E delm a n n Chief of Police.............................................Patrick Kain THE CONSOLIDATED SAGINAWS 271 Chief of Fire Department......................... Assistant Chief of Fire Department. Superintendent of Poor................................ Plumbing Inspector................... Citv Electrician.-..................... Inspector of Foods and Measures............. City Engineer.................... β€” Assistant Engineer......................... Superintendent of Parks............................................................George W. W allis.....................Robert B. Hudson......................... John Clark................................. Joseph Schrems -.. β€”............. James Niven................................... Noble R. Snell....................Herman H. Eymer...................................... Otto Eckert................................Daniel H. Ellis Board of Estimates Jacob Schwartz, President W. E. McCorkle M. W. Guider Fred J. Buckhout James G. Macpherson Board of Review George S. Lockwood, President James C. Cornwell F. C. Trier William A. Brewer Simon G. Koepke THE FIRST COUNCIL UNDER THE COMMISSION GOVERNMENT 1-Ard E. Richardson, Mayor 2-Robert F Johnson 3-George Holcomb 4-William F. Jahnke 5-William H. Reins 272 HISTORY OF SAGINAW COUNTY Mayors of East Saginaw 1859 -William L. P. Little 1860 -William J. Bartow 1861 _-Charles B. Mott 1863 -William F. Glasby 1864 -James F. Brown 1865 -Samuel W. Yawkey 1866 -Dwight G. Holland 1867 -Wellington R. Burt 1868 James L. Ketcham 1869 1870 -John G. Owen 1871 -Leander Simoneau 1872 -Charles L. Ortman 1873 -William L. Webber 1874 -Herbert H. Hoyt 18756 Chauncey V. Wisner 1876 1877 -Bradley M. Thompson 1879 1880 -John Welch 1881 J 1882 -Leander Simoneau 1883 -Frank Lawrence 1884 __ 1885 -John S. Estabrook 1886 1886 -_Henry M. Youmans 18887 1888 β€” William B. Baum 1889o Mayors of Saginaw City 1858 -Gardner D. Williams 1859} 1860 I George W. Bullock 1861 -John Moore 1864 1865 -Stewart B. Williams 1866 -William M. Miller 18671 1868 -Alfred F. R. Braley 1869J 1870 -William H. Sweet 1871 -George F. Williams 1872 -William H. Sweet 1874 -Benton Hanchett i87 t-Fred H. Potter 1877 1877 }-George F. Lewis 1879 -__Lyman W. Bliss 1880 1882 -Arthur Hill 1883 -Peter C. Andre 1884 Charles L. Benjamin 1885 1886 -Arthur Hill 1887 -John H. Shackelton 1888 -Lyman W. Bliss 1889 -Gilbert M. Stark Mayors of the City of Saginaw 18901 1891 β€” George W. Weadock 1892 J 1892 1893 -Wiliiam S. Linton 1894J 1895 I -William B. Mershon 1896 18961 to -William B. Baum 1904 19041 1905 ) -Henry E. Lee 1906 J 19061 1907 (-William B. Baum 1908 J 1908 1 to β€” George W. Stewart, M. D. 1912J 1912 Albert W. Tausend 1913 1915 -Ard E. Richardson 1915 -Hilemn F. Paddock HILEM F. PADDOCK Mayor of Saginaw 1915 β€”191 9 CHAPTER XIV OUR EDUCATIONAL DEVELOPMENT The Earliest Schools- A. S. Gaylord Takes Charge - The New "Union School"Expansion of the Schools-The Union School District-Modern Buildings -The Arthur Hill Trade School-The First School at East Saginaw-Building the "Academy"-Pioneer Teachers -Alonzo L. Bingham in Charge- Organization of Board of Education - Extension of the School System-Prof. Tarbell's Unique Action-The Burt Manual Training School-Sectarian and Parochial Schools - The First Public Library- The Public and Union School Library- The Butman-Fish Memorial Library-The Public Library-Hoyt Library-Literary and Reading Clubs β€” The Art Club. ONE of the chief drawbacks to pioneer life in the wilderness was the want of schools, which, with the hardships and privations suffered by the early settlers, was keenly felt. Scarcely had the woodsman felled the trees that supplied the logs for his house, and disturbed the soil for planting potatoes and corn, ere his thoughts turned to the education of his children. Coming from New England or New York where in boyhood he had received such instruction and training as was afforded by old established schools, he naturally brought the educational habit with him, and his early efforts to provide school instruction speak well for his intelligence. It is therefore eminently fitting that some account of the inception and growth of the work which was started by our sturdy pioneers, should be included in this narrative of human progress. The Earliest Schools The first school in Saginaw County, or in fact in this section of Michigan, was opened in the Fall of 1834 by Albert Miller. It was located in a portion of the old log barracks which had been erected by the United States troops in 1822. In the little dingy room, the walls of which were hewed logs with mud and moss filling the crevices, and the windows covered with oiled paper, were gathered all the children for two or three miles around, from eighteen to twenty-five in number, some of whom were half-breeds. Here, in the forest wilderness, on the border of a great unknown territory stretching westward to the Pacific, was planted the first token of advancing civilization. It was in strong contrast to our present elaborate system, with brick and stone school buildings perfectly equipped, corps of intelligent teachers and thousands of pupils. In 1837 School District No. 1, of Saginaw Township, was organized, and -the first school house, a small frame building, was erected on the south side of Court Street near the site of the court house. Some years later it was removed across the street to ground now occupied by the county jail. The first teacher of this organized public school was Horace S. Beach, of New York City, whose efforts to instill knowledge in the young members of the community evidently were successful, for he retained the position until 1840. During the following winter Henry A. Campbell and Dion Birney, the latter a brother of James G. Birney, followed as teachers, and in the Summer of 1841 the position was filled by Miss Catherine Beach, afterward Mrs. Samuel Shattuck. From 1842 to 1845 the school had several teachers succeeding each other, including Ira Bissell, of Grand Blanc; Daniel Woodin, OUR EDUCATIONAL DEVELOPMENT 275 of St. Clair; and Edwin Ferris, of New York. During the term of Mr. Ferris the number of pupils became too large for one room and one teacher, and the school building was thereupon enlarged and Miss Harmony Haywood employed as assistant. Shortly after Mir. Woodman, of Hamilton, New York, was employed as teacher for a few months. In 1845 Miss Harriet A. Spaulding, a young woman of fine education and accomplishments, came as missionary from Boston. In the public schools she found an excellent opportunity to advance good work among the young, and was so employed during that year and in 1846. Her mission was not in vain, for years after her pupils still cherished letters written to them after her departure, which prove her sincere regard for them. From 1847 to 1850 there were several teachers, including Miss Eliza Booth, E. C. Erwin, Miss Anna Dayton, Joseph A. Ripley, of Tuscola, Charles T. Disbrow, and Milo Woodward, of Ohio. In 1847, when the district school was in charge of Miss Booth, a private school was taught for several months by Miss Angeline J. Berry; but the public school from its beginning generally met the educational needs of the time. Augustine S. Gaylord Takes Charge Early in April, 1851, Augustine S. Gaylord came here from Ohio and was employed as teacher of the school, which then had an average attendance of fiftv-five scholars. In November of the same year Mr. Gaylord was appointed deputy county clerk, and relinquished the duties of teacher to Charles Johnson who filled the position until the Fall of 1853. At this time Saginaw City abolished the rate bill and made her school absolutely free, being one of the first towns in the State to take such action. The new "Union School," which had been in process of erection on the south side of Court Street, at the east corner of Webster Street, was completed late in 1853. It was a two-story frame building, divided midway of its length by a hall and double flight of stairs, and contained four rooms to accommodate about two hundred pupils. For sixteen years this school was the chief temple of knowledge to the rising generation, and within its walls many of the prominent citizens of Saginaw City received their early education. In 1868 the building was removed to the Fourth Ward, where it served the same cause for a number of years. It was afterward used as a parochial school by SS. Peter and Paul Church. The first teacher of the new Union School was Charles R. Gaylord, who received a salary of five hundred dollars for the school year of forty-four weeks. This was the highest compensation ever before given to a teacher in the Saginaw school. He was assisted by Miss Mary Rice, of Grand Blanc, and the attendance in two rooms was about one hundred and fifty scholars. In the following year the number of pupils increased to one hundred and eighty, necessitating the employment of a second assistant teacher. The studies pursued were the common English branches, natural philosophy, algebra and Latin. Mr. Gaylord was succeeded in 1855 by P. S. Heisrodt, who conducted the schools with characteristic vigor for four years. He was followed by A. L. Bingham, a life-long and successful teacher, whose memory is held in grateful remembrance by many of our older citizens. The principals who succeeded Mr. Bingham were: Isaac Delano, 1862-63; Lucius Birdseye, 1863-65; Joseph W. Ewing, 1865-69; C. D. Heine, 1869-72; Cornelius A. Gower, 1872-76, and Cyrus B. Thomas, 1876 to 1885. Among the well-known teachers at this period and for some years following were: Miss Sibyl C. Palmer, Miss Sarah L. Johnston, Miss Josephine E. Johnston, Miss M. J. Alexander, Mrs. Juliette Fonda and Mrs. Mary H. A GROUP OF WEST SIDE SCHOOLS Roeser Stone Durand Herrig Bliss OUR EDUCATIONAL DEVELOPMENT 277 Prentiss. In 1881 George Hempel was principal of the High School, and Miss Isabella Ripsom and Miss Mary E. Gelston were his assistants. The lower grades were taught by the Misses Annie and Minnie De Land, Mary E. Atwater, Fannie G. Lewis, Lucy L. Townsend and Maggie A. Durand. The German-English course, fifth and sixth grades, was conducted by Constantin Watz; and Misses Emily Barck, Florence E. Guillott and Anna Rose taught the primary grades. Other successful teachers were Misses Emily Case, Carrie Redman, Gertrude Lee, Rhoda I. Van Zile, Jessie Lee, Emma Plessner, Sadie Ketcham and Lella M. Lyon. Mr. L. M. Fetzer was instructor in German-English in the Fifth Ward School. Expansion of the Schools In 1860 the population of Saginaw City was nearly eighteen hundred, and the need of additional school facilities began to be felt. Immigration to the valley during this decade was so rapid that it was difficult for those in charge of educational affairs to provide accommodations for all the children who would attend school. Every few years the school board provided for the erection of a new school, but it was not until 1868 that the demand was fully met. The Sixth Ward school house, a two-story brick building, was erected in 1863 at a cost of three thousand dollars. Though of plain exterior, its two rooms furnished pleasant accommodations for one hundred and twenty pupils, who, after four years of primary instruction, were promoted to the Central School. In 1865-66 a new brick school house was erected in the Third Ward, at a cost of seven thousand five hundred dollars. It was a two-story structure containing two large and well-lighted rooms, a wide hall and ample cloak room. The first four grades only were taught here, the scholars then being sent to the fifth grade in the Central School. The First Ward School at the North End, or what was known as the Penoyer Farm, was a frame building, one story in height, was built in 1868, and enlarged in 1872. It contained three rooms in which the pupils completed six grades of school work before promotion to the Central School. The first really imposing school building in Saginaw City was built in 1867-68, and was called the Central School, its location being on the north side of Court Street, between Harrison and Webster Streets. It was constructed of brick and stone, three stories in height, with a basement, and was crowned with a Mansard roof above which rose a lofty bell tower. This school house contained twenty-seven assembly and recitation rooms, capable of seating about eight hundred pupils. All the grades were taught here, pupils remaining twelve years in the school before graduation. Afterward, the building was provided with steam heat and thorough ventilation, when it was exceedingly well fitted for the purposes of education. Twenty years ago it was gutted by fire, rebuilt along modern ideas, newly equipped, and given the name, John Moore School. The Fifth Ward School, occupying an entire square on Charles Street, one block north of Court, was a two-story frame building containing four rooms, and planned to seat about two hundred pupils. It was built in 1872 at a cost of five thousand dollars. Only the two primary grades were here taught, pupils being transferred at the end of the second year to the Central School. In 1870, when the population of the city had reached seven thousand five hundred, the official school census showed twenty-one hundred children of school age (from five to twenty-one years), and the number of teachers employed was twenty-five. The total enrollment for that year was four 278 HISTORY OF SAGINAW COUNTY teen hundred, and the average daily attendance was about eight hundred. Ten years later the population had increased to ten thousand six hundred, and the teachers numbered thirty-five, including Superintendent Thomas and special teachers in penmanship, drawing and music. The total enrollment of pupils was seventeen hundred and sixty-seven, and the average daily attendance for the year was twelve hundred and thirty-three. The Union School District By a special enactment of the Michigan Legislature in 1865, the Union School District was organized, and put under the exclusive control of a school board of six trustees. Under this special act the schools were carefully reorganized with three departments -primary, grammar and high school. Each of these departments covered four years, and a course of study was prescribed for the twelve years. The first class to complete the course graduated from the high school in 1870, and was composed of ten scholars, four boys and six girls. During these years the services of several public-spirited citizens, who gave time and attention to promote the advancement of learning, stand out boldly. Such services were rendered, as a rule, without adequate reward or appreciation, unless the consciousness of doing a good work may be counted compensation. In the earlier years Hiram L. Miller, Dr. Davis, Jabez Sutherland and Dr. M. C. T. Plessner were conspicuous. Later, John Moore, William H. Sweet, Benton Hanchett, Jay Smith, Dr. I. N. Smith, Dr. J. H. Jerome and D. B. Ketcham took an active and honorable part. In 1881 the school board was composed of David H. Jerome, president; Otto Roeser, secretary; George L. Burrows, treasurer; and the other trustees were D. L. C. Eaton, A. T. Bliss and A. W. Achard. In June, 1880, a committee of the Faculty of the University of Michigan, invited by the school board, visited the schools, and carefully examined into their organization and the methods and thoroughness of the instruction given. As a result the school was at once recognized as a preparatory department of the University, and its graduates of 1880 were admitted to the University classes without examination at Ann Arbor. Modern School Buildings In the last thirty years great progress has been made in providing proper and adequate facilities for education, and particularly in the erection of new and modern school buildings in convenient locations. The old frame structures, in which many of our citizens prominent in business and social circles, received their early training, have gradually been replaced by buildings of brick and stone, equipped with the latest and best appliances for training the youthful mind. Enlargement and improvement of these earlier school buildings is constantly going on, to keep pace with the increasing demands for space and better facilities. In 1915 the Union School District comprised ten modern schools, valued with their equipment at half a million dollars, in which convenience for students and teachers, and sanitary arrangements are prominent features. The John Moore School, very properly named after an honored citizen, who was a member of the first board of trustees of the Union School District, and who served many years after, is a modern brick structure erected on the foundation of the old Central School. It contains sixteen school rooms and the well furnished and equipped offices of the school board, which meets every month, all the business of the district being transacted through a competent clerical force under the direction of Arthur D. Bate. German is taught in eight grades in this school. OUR EDUCATIONAL DEVELOPMENT 279 THE JOHN MOORE SCHOOL The Stone School, named after Farnum C. Stone who served the Union School District as treasurer for many years, is located at the corner of State and Stone Streets. It is a modern brick building containing sixteen class rooms, office of the principal, teachers' room, and also a room equipped wvith the necessary materials for first help in sick cases. The eight grammar grades are taught in this school, the blackboards being graded. The Bliss School, named after Aaron T. Bliss who was president of the board for a number of years, is located at Bond and Bristol Streets. This is also a modern brick structure containing eight class rooms in which the first seven grades are taught. The Herig School is named after Dr. E. A. Herig, who for thirteen years was a member of the board, holding various offices and was chairman of the committee on teachers. This school is a substantial brick building completed in September, 1907, and has eight class rooms, ante-rooms, sanitary wardrobes, graded blackboards and other modern appliances in school house architecture. The first six grades, including German, are taught in this school. The Otto Roeser School, named after a prominent citizen who served the school district as secretary for many years, is a brick building remodeled with all modern appliances, and with heating and sanitary arrangements well carried out. There are eight class rooms in which the first six grades are taught, including German in the first and second. The Williams School, named in honor of the family of Gardner D. Williams, one of the early pioneers in this section, is situated at the corner 280 HISTORY OF SAGINAW COUNTY of Harrison and Williams Streets. It is a two-story brick building, and until recently four grades were taught by two teachers, but is not now in use. The Jerome School, named after David H. Jerome, one time governor of Michigan, is situated at the corner of Harrison and Dearborn Streets. It is a modern brick structure with all sanitary arrangements, and contains eight rooms in which the first seven grades are taught. The Durand School, situated at the corner of Grout and Joslyn Streets, is named after a long-time president of the board, Lorenzo T. Durand, in honor of his faithful and efficient service. This school, which is modern in every respect, was erected in 1904 and enlarged in 1915, and has sixteen rooms, principal's office, teachers' room, graded blackboards and other conveniences. German is included in the courses of study in this school. The Arthur Hill High School, in which is the office of the superintendent of schools, is situated at the corner of Court and Harrison Streets, and is a modern building in every respect and perfectly equipped. Three complete laboratories, chemical, physical and biological, render valuable and indispensable aid to the students in science. There are full courses in German, French, Latin and English, and a well-equipped business department prepares students for commercial work. The County Normal Training School, which prepares teachers for county schools, is also in this building. The high school is affiliated with a long list of universities and colleges, at which the graduates are accepted without examination, on presentation of their diplomas. The school is named after our distinguished citizen, Arthur Hill, who in 1893 established four scholarships at the University of Michigan. One is awarded each year to the graduate student standing highest in his work during the senior year, and is valued at one thousand dollars. 71 THE ARTHUR HILL TRADE SCHOOL OUR EDUCATIONAL DEVELOPMENT 281 The Arthur Hill Trade School Mr. Hill's efforts in matters educational in his home city did not end with his gift of scholarships. There was in his mind, as a part of our common school system, the need for the trade or vocational school where boys and girls could acquire something to aid them by training the hand and eye as well as cultivating the mind, to better equip themselves for work with the hands, and that it was desirable that they should acquire that knowledge during the school age rather than through apprenticeships after leaving school. Desiring to have this broader field entered at an early day, he bequeathed to the Union School District the sum of two hundred thousand dollars for establishing an industrial school. Seventy-five thousand was to be set aside as a permanent endowment toward the support and maintenance of the school, and the remainder to be used for the purchase of a site and the erection and furnishing of the school building. The courses of study to be taught in the trade school and the equipment to be used were in a general way determined before the plans for the building were considered, the intention being to provide a thoroughly practical plant and one economical to operate. Preliminary work in connection with securing the site, which is on the east side of South Michigan Avenue at Mackinaw Street, was begun early in 1911, and the building was completed and transferred to the Union School District, September 23, 1913. The school building was designed as a shop, but it also contains the necessary class rooms, library, drafting room, laboratory, exhibition space and administration quarters. The shops are centered about the power plant, in which are installed many types of stationary and marine engines, also electrical equipment for use in producing light and power for the building. All this is valuable for demonstration to the students of the school. There are also various types of machine tools, forges and pattern-making equipment, all of which are of use in courses of training common to stationary, marine and electrical engineering, or for special instruction and practice. The building trades, such as carpentry, bricklaying and plumbing are accommodated in shops designed especially for handiwork, and are equipped with the usual tools and appliances used in actual practice. There are also courses in elementary forestry, machine sewing, dressmaking, millinery, novelty work, drawing, trade mechanics, industrial history and English. As the school is for those who through choice or necessity elect to make their living through industrial and trade pursuits, in order to be of the greatest service to the community, there are, in addition to a day school, a continuation and a night school. The continuation school is intended to give boys and girls between fourteen and eighteen years of age, who are already engaged in a trade, an opportunity to complete their general school education, and also to improve their theoretical and practical knowledge of their trade. The night school is to help men and women engaged in a vocation to better their condition by increasing their knowledge and skill. In order to meet these conditions the school is kept open all the year round, and every day from eight to eleven-thirty in the morning, from one to three-thirty, from four to six, in the afternoon, and from seven to nine in the evening. Saturdays the school closes at noon; and holidays are observed according to law. The instructors for the trade work are men and women who have been engaged in practical work, specialists in their particular line, men of broad training, who know the requirements in the world of trade and industry, and who are able to appreciate what is best for the students. All cultural 282 HISTORY OF SAGINAW COUNTY subjects taught in the school are closely correlated with the vocation studied, and are taught by regular teachers who understand the boys in their period of adolescence. The aim of this school is in harmony with and is the same as the general aim of all education; but the specific aim is the development of trade efficiency and love of work, and with this the cultivation of those virtues which effectiveness of effort and love of work immediately call forth: conscientiousness, diligence, perseverance, responsibility, self-restraint and dedication to an energetic life. In addition to filling its purpose as an educational institution, the distinctive character of the gift as executed is a fitting memorial to Arthur Hill, whose interest and service were of such great benefit to the public schools of his home city. Mr. Hill was a man of broad culture, of exceptional vigor and ability, and was a philanthropist and philosopher. Notwithstanding his various activities he yet found time for extensive travel in America, Europe and Asia. He occupied many positions of public trust and made many gifts to public institutions, particularly of educational character. He gave to the University of Michigan, from which he graduated in 1865, a farm for forestry purposes, also a beautiful bronze bas-relief of President Angell, now in Memorial Hall, the work of the well-known sculptor Karl Bitter; and he left the university by his will a fund for the building of a much needed Auditorium, which was completed in 1914. He served upon the school board of Saginaw City for six years, most of which time he was its president. In 1901 he became a regent of the University of Michigan, which office he held at the time of his death, December 6, 1909. Taking a broad view of education, he was a firm believer in our free public schools, and sought in every way to broaden their scope to meet the changing needs of the age. The members of the board of the Union School District in 1915 were: Lorenzo T. Durand, president; Ernest A. Snow, vice-president; E. D. Church, treasurer; Charles A. Khuen, secretary; and Dr. E. E. Curtis and Harker \V. Jackson. In 1914-15 the total enrollment of pupils was thirty-eight hundred and sixty-three, and the daily attendance was thirty-one hundred and thirty-six; and the number of teachers was one hundred and nine. The First Schools at East Saginaw The history of the schools of East Saginaw commenced with the efforts of the early settlers to build a city, which was coincident with the clearing away of the forest on Hoyt's Plat begun in the Spring of 1850. The territory embraced within the limits of the little settlement was a part of the Township of Buena Vista, and it was by authority of the township board that Morgan L. Gage, director, engaged Dr. C. T. Disbrow to teach a school at his residence. This was a plain board house which stood on the northeast corner of Washington and Emerson Streets; and the school sessions were held in the upper story. Years after the house was remodeled and enlarged after the style of a "Gothic Cottage," and became the home of A. W. McCormick. It was an interesting landmark of this part of town, but was torn down about 1892 to make way for contemplated railroad improvements. The site is now occupied by the Michigan Central Railroad station. The pioneer children came flocking to this school faster than they could be cared for; and on March 10, 1851, School District No. 1, of the Township of Buena Vista, was duly organized, and a call issued for the first primary 41 "- I- *4 1 ; 'IL1-11 14., 4-r - I 7X -l ., I SOME OF THE SHOPS IN THE HILL TRADE SCHOOL Pattern Mlakintg Plurr~1ibing Forge Shop Mlachine Shop ARTHUR HILL WELLINGTON R. BURT Honored Citizens IWho Have Done Much for the Cause of Education in Saginaw OUR EDUCATIONAL DEVELOPMENT 285 school meeting to be held on the fifteenth. At this meeting of the qualified voters of the district, D. W. Norton was chosen director, J. T. Calkins, moderator, and C. G. Persons, assessor. From the minutes of this meeting we learn that the district officers were empowered "to make such arrangements as they think best for a school this season," and to carry out this purpose a resolution was passed "that forty dollars be raised by tax to provide for a suitable room for the school," and in addition "twenty dollars for purchasing globes, outline maps and other apparatus for the use of the school." Under these provisions a rough board shanty was built on the site of the Bancroft House, and Miss Carrie Ingersoll, sister of Mrs. C. T. Disbrow, was engaged as teacher. The attendance at this school varied from twenty to twenty-five pupils. At this time not more than six blocks of land had been cleared out of the dense forest, which covered the site of the infant settlement. But the progress under the able management of the Hoyts was rapid, and the development of the schools kept pace with it. Early in 1852 Truman B. Fox, the pioneer historian of Saginaw Valley, established a select school in a small building which stood on the corner of Water and Hoyt Streets. The whole number of pupils, he records, was about eighty about whom many pleasant memories were associated in his mind, with those days. During recess the children would gather wild flowers that grew abundantly in the green woods, within a few rods of the school house door, and bring them as peace offerings to their teacher, for those who happened to be a little tardy in coming to the call of the bell. Building the Union School, or "Academy" Among the other provisions of the primary school meeting was one for raising by tax of two thousand dollars for the purpose of building a school house within the district; and a committee, composed of Curtis Emerson, Morgan L. Gage and Norman Little, was appointed to select a site for it. After due consideration of this matter the committee reported that Alfred M. Hoyt and Curtis Emerson had offered to donate the block bounded by Jefferson, Emerson, Cass and Hoyt Streets, for school purposes. This liberal offer of public-spirited men was thereupon accepted, and upon the ground which is now the site of the Hoyt School was erected the first school house in East Saginaw, the forerunner of our splendid school system. At a school meeting held May 3, 1851, a plan of the new school building was presented by J. E. Voorhees, upon which the lowest estimate of cost was two thousand six hundred dollars. This amount being largely in excess of the tax levied for the purpose, the officials were in a dilemma until Norman Little, with characteristic liberality, offered to erect the building and finish it for two thousand five hundred dollars, taking the tax of two thousand dollars when collected, and a mortgage on the building for five hundred, payable in five years, in equal annual payments. This offer was unanimously accepted by the inhabitants of the new settlement, who displayed a commendable zeal and promptitude in providing for the education of their children. A contract with Mr. Little having been entered into, the work of assembling the material and erecting the building was at once begun, and it was completed in the Summer of 1852. Standing, as it did, on the highest ground in the township, it was conspicuous for its stately appearance, and soon became known as "The Academy." The pioneers who are still living remember it as a commodious, square building, resting on a stone foundation, and containing on the first floor two large rooms, one on each side of a broad hall. On the upper floor was one large room, or hall, with 286 HISTORY OF SAGINAW COUNTY recitation room and wardrobe annexed. It was used as a town hall, and for church services, all religious denominations in the absence of church organizations, irrespective of creed or church forms, worshipping together. At this time the only means of crossing the bayou, which lay west of the school and extended in both directions far beyond the limits of the settlement, was by a rude foot-bridge at Hoyt Street, and a plank walk connected it with Washington Street. When water filled the bayou, both teachers and scholars who lived upon the opposite side (and very few persons then lived east of it), had to be ferried over, or make a detour of Genesee Plank Road, which was then the only team bridge crossing the bayou. There was quite a hill from the west side of the school house to the margin of the bayou, and in winter this was the coasting ground for the boys and girls, and the bayou afforded fine skating all the way to Genesee Plank Road. Their playground was virtually unlimited, as the beautiful forest of Maple, Oak, Beech and Elm, approached to the east side of Jefferson Street. The Pioneer Teachers of the "Academy" Upon the completion of the "Academy" a competent teacher from the East was engaged as principal, and Miss Mary Rice, a teacher in the Saginaw City school, was employed as assistant at a salary of seven dollars a week. When the time came for the opening of the new school, the principal failed to appear, thereupon Miss Rice assumed the duties of that position "without change of salary." In an early report of the Board of Education, 1873, page 43, Miss Rice recounts her experience: "I could see the beautiful new school from my room at the Webster House in Saginaw City. Looking over toward it the morning I was to commence my duties there, and remembering that, instead of the comparatively easy work of assistant, I was to fulfill the more arduous task of Principal, I felt over-awed and timid. 'I never can do it,' I was beginning to sigh, when courage came back saying, 'Yes, you can.' So I went over resolved to be equal to my work, and to give myself entirely to it. The first day I was alone with a house full of pupils, large and small, untaught and advanced, all sorts and all sizes. "At my suggestion Mr. Morgan L. Gage, Director, secured the services of Miss Charlotte Messer (Mrs. Norman L. Miller, of Saginaw City), who was then teaching a private school there. After classifying our scholars so that she had about sixty primaries, I was still left with as many as the upper room would seat. So Miss Clara Dean, of Pine Run, was engaged as my assistant. Every boat landing at the wharf brought to the town new comers, and of children there was a fair share. Miss Messer's room was soon crowded to the utmost, and Miss Nellie Little (Mrs. Derby) was called to assist her. Our salaries were moderate, ranging from four to seven dollars a week, and were paid monthly. "We had 'company' almost every day and it encouraged and stimulated us greatly. It was not always easy to get to the school house. Jefferson Street, toward the north, was marked by a line of stumps, west was the bayou, and east and south dense woods. Such splendid woods! Full of mosquitoes they were, too. They came in clouds, if not thick enough to darken the air, yet thick enough to oblige us to build 'smudges' in daytime. We had a floating bridge over the bayou. Often when Miss Messer and I were crossing, our affectionate pupils would throng around us, and the bridge would sink two, three or six inches in water, so we often taught all day with wet feet. But we were young, strong and happy, and neither feared or minded a cold much." OUR EDUCATIONAL DEVELOPMENT 287 THE OLD "ACADEMY" The First School IHouse in East Sagiraw, Erected on the Site of the Hoyt School At the end of this pleasant school year, in the Spring of 1853, an exhibition and picnic was held. It was no easy task to bring to the school house such things as were needful for the occasion. James L. Webber, however, undertook to draw the lumber and to construct the seats for the visitors in the "grove" near the school house. The reader should not underrate such an effort made more than sixty years ago. Instead of driving due south as he could today, on well paved streets, he had to drive north, then east on the plank road, and south wherever he could find solid ground for his team and a passage through stumps and brush. But the exhibition came off in style, according to the report, and "there were refreshments and speeches, varying with declamations and music." An essay was read by Chauncey G;age, which received high commendatory notice, and the exercises were closed with an address delivered by William L. Webber. The Weekly Entcrprise of September 21, 1853, announced the opening of school under the guidance of J. 0. Selden, principal, assisted by Misses Emeline and Clara Dean. The school attendance for this year was two hundred; and the school was in session seven months, and the whole amount paid to teachers was four hundred and eighty dollars. Besides the common English branches, physiology, philosophy, botany, algebra, bookkeeping and vocal music, were taught in the school. School opened in the Fall of 1854 with J. C. Warner as principal and Miss Rice as assistant. He was a graduate of Yale and eminently qualified for his position, but his health was feeble and he died in September of the following year. His successor was Dr. R. H. Steele, who remained only a short time, being dismissed by resolution of the board.7 Other teachers at this period were: Misses Harriet Weller, Helen King, E. R. Burt, Clark, Parker, Jennie Frey, and Mrs. C. E. Stearns. 288 HISTORY OF SAGINAW COUNTY Alonzo L. Bingham in Charge On December 21, 1855, Alonzo L. Bingham took charge of the school, and thereafter it was "in successful operation," the new principal giving "general satisfaction." At the close of the winter term in 1856 there was a thorough examination of the school, to which the public was invited by Mr. Bingham. The schools in those days commanded a fair share of public attention, and the Union School is mentioned as having formed a part of the procession on the Fouth of July, 1857. The manner of equipping the school with books is shown by the calling of a meeting on September 28, for the purpose of voting a tax in order to procure a Webster's Dictionary. The school census of 1857 gives the number of children of school age (between four and eighteen years), as six hundred and forty-six, but the number in attendance is not given. Mr. Bingham continued as principal of the school until 1860. His work marked a new era, and gave a tone and discipline to the primitive school that had before been lacking. During the Civil War he served with honor, with the rank of Captain, and was present at the Wilderness, Spottsylvania and Petersburg, and returned, scarred by wounds, to live out a life of usefulness, and receive in death, which occurred in January, 1893, the tribute of our leading citizens. The moderators of School District No. 1- Township of Buena Vista, from 1851 to 1853 were: J. T. Calkins, H. B. Hubbard, Morgan L. Gage, L. H. Eastman, R. C. Newton, Chester B. Jones, W. H. Warner, Henry Woodruff and J. S. Curtis; and the directors were: D. W. Newton, J. E. Voorheis, Morgan L. Gage, William L. Webber, D. W. C. Gage, Charles T. Disbrow and George W. Merrill. Organization of Board of Education In February, 1859, an act to incorporate the Board of Education of the City of East Saginaw was approved by the Legislature, and the first Board of Education was organized March 22, a date which marks a distinctive period in the growth of our school system. These were changeful and stormy times, after the quiet progress of the preceding four years, and the board was embarrassed by the want of funds, and discouraged by the ill success of so many principals, following the able administration of Mr. Bingham. The fall term of 1860 began with D. B. Sturgis as principal, and four women teachers, but the total number of pupils enrolled was only two hundred and ninety-eight, and an average daily attendance of one hundred and seventyfive. Mr. Sturgis tried the experiment of "moral suasion," with the usual result, of that time, that he left at the end of the year. Beginning with March 1, 1860, the proceedings of the board were regularly published, Perry Joslin contracting to do this work for twenty-five dollars a year. From these proceedings it appears that the fall term of 1861 opened with C. J. Myers, a cultured man, of pleasing manner, as principal; and he taught the school successfully until the end of the spring term of 1865. Two of his assistants were Miss Mary Rice, the first teacher of the "Academy," and Miss M. Gillett who also achieved an enviable reputation as a popular teacher. At a special meeting of the board on March 13, 1862, occurred an interesting and novel event. This was the first "annual report" ever made to the board by its president. For sound judgment, admirable arrangement, keen insight, and comprehensive understanding of what the schools had done, and what they should do in the future, this report has not been surpassed. It was made by John J. Wheeler, and marked him as an intelligent OUR EDUCATIONAL DEVELOPMENT 289 and public spirited citizen, even if no other record of his work could be found. From the report we glean the fact that the number of children in the city of school age was eight hundred and fifty-one; the number of pupils enrolled was four hundred and fifty-nine, and the school rooms could properly accommodate only two hundred and sixty. As some of the citizens had expressed the opinion that "the schools cost too much," the report showed that the annual cost per pupil, taking the average daily attendance as a basis, was eight dollars and seventy-seven cents, which was very much less than the cost in many other cities. Extension of the School System As early as 1857 the "First Ward" school house, a small frame building of "cottage" style, was built near the site of the present Crary School, on Warren Avenue. In those days it had the name of being a very hard school. Eleven years later it was replaced with a two-story brick school house, containing four rooms with two hundred and sixty-five sittings. This building was afterward enlarged by the addition of four class rooms, to accommodate the demands of this growing section of the city, and is still in use. About 1863 the board purchased a site for a school on German Street, between Clay and Rockwell (Park and Second), on which was a large, barnlike unpainted house, containing two large, poorly furnished rooms. It was known as the "Old Tin Shop" school, the building in an earlier day having been used for that purpose. To meet the growing needs of the schools the board in 1866 built on this site a substantial brick building, which soon became known as the Central School. This school contained seven large rooms and accommodated five hundred and ten scholars. The cost of the structure was forty thousand dollars, a large expenditure for educational facilities in those days. For a number of years this was the largest school in the city, seven departments being conducted-the High School, Grammar, Intermediate, and four primary grades. The first principal of the Central School was William S. Tennant, afterward circuit judge, who had charge from April to July, 1866. He was succeeded by Professor Joseph Estabrook, under whose superintendency, covering a period of five years, the number of teachers in the four schools increased from sixteen to thirty-two. An important event was the incorporation, in 1870, of the German schools with the public schools. The "Germania School," a three-story brick structure, was built, but not completed, by the Germania Society in 1868. English and German were taught in this school by teachers employed by the society, but in the year stated it passed under the control of the Board of Education, on the condition that instruction in German be continued. At this time the number of teachers employed by the society was threetwo German teachers and one English - and the number of pupils enrolled was below one hundred. The teaching of German in the lower grades, at first confined to this school, increased until in 1893 the number of pupils who received primary German instruction was about eleven hundred. This department then required twelve teachers, one of whom, L. J. A. Ibershoff, acted as supervising principal. During the twenty-two years intervening, Mr. Ibershoff has served faithfully as principal of this school, which is one of the distinctive features of our school system. The German schools are graded and taught in the same manner as are the other public schools in which English branches alone are taught. It is not needful to here enlarge upon Professor Estabrook's work in connection with our schools, his career belonging rather to the history of the State. In July, 1871, he was succeeded by Professor H. S. Tarbell, who 290 HISTORY OF SAGINAW COUNTY THE OLD CENTRAL SCHOOL, ERECTED IN 1866 remained with the board until the close of the school year of 1877. During his efficient superintendency several important changes occurred, including the incorporation of the South Saginaw schools with those of the city. One of the principal problems with which the board had to deal at this time was that of providing sufficient room for the increasing number of pupils who desired to enter school, but it was solved in a manner characteristic of a progressive people. From 1870 to 1875 the extension of the school system was very rapid, not less than eight new school houses of brick and wood being built to accommodate the increasing demands of the growing city. The Potter School in the First Ward, and the Houghton School in the Third Ward, both wooden buildings of four rooms each, and containing sittings to the number of two hundred and thirty, were erected in 1870. Following these was the new Hoyt School built to replace the old "Academy," which was burned in 1871. The new school, a fine modern structure of brick, containing six rooms and sittings for three hundred and twenty-five scholars, was opened on November 11, 1872. About twenty years later this building was rebuilt and enlarged, requiring ten teachers to instruct the four hundred scholars it accommodates. The Emerson School in the Sixth Ward, a brick building containing four rooms and accommodations for two hundred and ten pupils, was added in 1872; and the following year the Salina School, a wooden building with four rooms, was incorporated in the school system by the village of South Saginaw consolidating with East Saginaw. In 1874 the Jones School in the Fourth Ward, and the Sweet School in the Seventh Ward, were built. Both of these buildings were of brick and added nearly four hundred sittings to the former capacity of the schools. In recent years all the old wooden buildings have been replaced with large modern structures, perfectly furnished and equipped with the best appurtenances for the training of the youthful mind. OUR EDUCATIONAL DEVELOPMENT 2931 - Professor Tarbell's Unique Action In 1874 the Board of Education made a contract with Professor Tarbell for three years service at three thousand dollars a year; and two years later, when the city passed through a period of financial depression, he sent the following communication to the board: "In recognition of the importance of making the burdens of the taxpayers as light as possible, and in hope that a concession on my part may aid in maintaining the several departments of the schools unchanged, and the salaries of the teachers untouched, I hereby suggest and consent that the sum of twenty-five hundred dollars only for the superintendent be included in the estimates for the coming year." This is the first, and probably the only, case upon the records of a man's salary being reduced at his ownz silggcstion. The Board of Education which, during this period of expansion, directed the improvements and additions to the school system of East Saginaw, was composed of some of the leading men of the city, and deserve honorable mention in this connection. In 1868 the members of the board were: Edwin Aiken, president; A. P. Brewer, John S. Estabrook, C. 0. Garrison; George W. Merrill, Leander Simoneau, inspectors; and George Maurer, secretary. The presidents of the board were: W. L. P. Little, 1859; W\. J. Bartow, 1860; John J. Wheeler, 1861-62-64-65; John B. Dillingham, 1863; Edwin Burt, 1866-67; Edwin Aiken, 1868; George C. Warner, 1869-70; Charles E. Doughty, 1871; George W. Morley, 1872; Chester B. Jones, 1873 to 1875; Henry M. Youmans, 1876 to 1878; Alex. G. Anderson, 1879; Edwin Saunders, 1880 to 1882. Mr. Tarbell's successor was Professor J. C. Jones, the principal events of whose superintendency were the establishing of the Training School for teachers; the erection of a new High School building in 1880; and the inauguration of the free text-book system in the Fall of 1885. While the necessary preparation for adopting the free text-book system was made under the supervision of Professor Jones, the details of its execution were carried out by Professor C. B. Thomas, he having been called to take charge of the schools on the resignation of Mr. Jones, in 1885. Probably no one measure ever adopted by the board has been productive of more beneficial results than this, and the example of Saginaw has since been followed by the principal cities of Michigan. The new High School which stands at the corner of Warren Avenue and Millard Street, was originally an eleven room, two-story brick building, in which but three rooms were used for assembling pupils, the others being used as recitation rooms. It was heated by hot air coal furnaces, a marked advance over the old method of heating the schools by wood and coal stoves; and it had sittings for two hundred and eighty-two scholars. In 1893 this building was remodeled and enlarged at a cost of thirty-two thousand dollars, increasing the capacity to six hundred pupils, and providing a chemical laboratory, a physical laboratory, and an assembly hall with gallery. Professor Thomas continued as head of the schools until late in 1890, being succeeded by Professor C. N. Kendall, and he by A. S. Whitney. From 1884 to 1890 the Hoyt, the Emerson, the Potter, and the Jones schools were all replaced with modern sclool buildings, built of brick, and equipped with the most approved systems of heating and ventilating. One entirely new school, the Washington, was built at South Saginaw; and modern methods of heating and ventilating applied to all the other schools. In more recent years the Longfellow School, and the new Salina School, both brick structures perfectly equipped, have been added to the school system. ~ laa~ lll~l~ --- β€”--- ~IL~ l~rrs nus~ IIa t U m mm woomm" Potter Longfellow A GROUP OF EAST SIDE SCHOOLS Houghton High Hoyt Salina Emerson OUR EDUCATIONAL DEVELOPM IENT 293 Under Mr. Kendall's supervision the Kindergarten was made a part of our school system, being gradually extended to the various schools of the city. Besides maintaining the work of all departments at the high standard attained by able instructors, special attention was then being directed to physical and moral training. Thus, by reaching out to form and develop the three-fold nature of the child; the moral, the intellectual, and the physical, it was believed that the schools would, in a wider sense than ever before, be the nurseries of good citizenship. The Burt Manual Training School Following advanced ideas, the course of study in our schools aims to be of such a practical character as to fit its students, so far as possible, for the actual work of life. Besides the time-honored subjects of instruction, there are modern enrichments of the course of study in drawing, music, nature study and manual training, with competent supervisors at the head of each department. The Saginaw High School with its splendid equipment, is particularly strong in its physical, chemical and biological laboratories, and its library is well supplied with needful reference books. Since 1879 this school has enjoyed the privilege of entering its graduate students in the University of Michigan without examination. In its facilities for manual training the teaching of trades and vocational occupations, the Saginaw High School is in a fortunate position. Through the noble generosity of Wellington R. Burt, the city schools possess a manual training department of unusual excellence. Imbued with the idea of affording a practical course of helpful studies to advanced pupils, Mr. Burt was the forerunner of manual training in the valley. As a result of his interest in the cause of practical education for the young, of all classes and creeds, and the contribution of a fund of about two hundred thousand dollars, there was opened in September, 1905, the magnificent Manual Training High School, which, with its complete equipment and swimming pool, represents an investment, including the city's share, of a quarter of a million dollars. Its equipment includes machinery and tools for wood and iron work for the boys, and sewing and cooking for the girls. THE BURT MANUAL TRAINING SCHOOL 294 HISTORY OF SAGINAW COUNTY On the first floor of the spacious building, which is built of paving brick and stone, and directly opposite the High School, are two rooms for woodworking, one for carpentry and joinery, and the other for wood turning and pattern making. In these shops thorough instruction is given in joinery and cabinet making, as well as in the use of the wood lathe, planer, drills and light tools. On this floor is also the clay modeling room, where opportunity is afforded for work in clay, a kiln for firing clay work being located in the foundry room. The foundry is thoroughly equipped for molding, also for casting in iron, lead and brass, having an iron cupola and brass furnace and a core oven. The forge shop has twenty Sturtevant down-draft forges, and the same number of one hundred and thirty pound anvils. In the machine shop are twelve lathes, including a Reed lathe with motor directly attached. There are also a Gray planer, shaper, Cincinnati milling machine, Stuart gas furnace, and Landis universal grinder. On the second floor are the two drawing rooms, one for mechanical and one for free-hand drawing, the mechanical and technical library and reading room, and the offices of E. C. Warriner, the superintendent of schools. A unique feature of this floor is the suite of rooms illustrating all the typical rooms of a house, for the teaching of domestic economy. This suite of rooms comprises a kitchen, butler's pantry, dining room, reception room and bed room. These rooms are all plainly but appropriately furnished, the bed room affording opportunity for instruction in the elements of nursing. The three sewing rooms are on the third floor and are equipped with tables, drawers, showcases, sewing machines and other appurtenances. The stenography and typewriting room and the bookkeeping department are also located on this floor. To afford physical training of boys and girls there is a splendidly equipped gymnasium, thirty-nine by seventy-four feet in size, with locker rooms for both sexes adjoining. Connected with this popular and valuable accessory to the school by a passageway, is the bath house and swimming pool. The pool is twenty-two by sixty feet in dimensions, with water three feet deep at one end and six feet at the other. In the bath house are tub and shower baths, with a hair dryer for drying women's hair. In the swimming pool instruction is given to High School pupils, as well as to those of the seventh and eighth grades, in the art of swimming. The pool is kept open during the summer months for the benefit of school children. As a further adjunct to practical education, evening classes are maintained in school each winter in machine shop practice, mechanical drawing, sewing, cooking, stenography, bookkeeping and woodworking. A complete course of this important branch of study is also given in grades below the High School. In the first four grades the work is done by the regular grade teachers, under the direction of a supervisor, and consists of paper folding, weaving with raffia and yarn, and basket making with raffia and reed. In the fifth and sixth grades the work is done by two special teachers who go from school to school, visiting each of these grades once a week. The work here consists of elementary sewing for the girls and knife work for the boys. In the seventh and eighth grades there are special teachers for cooking and bench work in wood. There are two woodworking centres for the seventh and eighth grades, one at the Manual Training School, and the other at the Salina School, and two cooking centres for the girls, one at the Central School, and the other at the Washington. The Board of Education of Saginaw (East Side), in 1915, was composed of the following members: Dr. William F. English, president; Gustav F. Oppermann, vice-president; J. Will Grant, Dr. Charles P. Stone, Frank E. Bastian, George H. Zuckermandel, Hamilton Watson, Henry ..'IMIii" 4 ~ i I INTERIOR OF BURT MANUAL TRAINING SCHOOL 296 HISTORY OF SAGINAW COUNTY THE NEW GERMANIA SCHOOL, COMPLETED IN 1914 Witters, William J. Johnson, Charles W. Thompson, John Gerhart and Bertram A. Wright. The secretary of the Board, who has served in that capacity for thirteen years, is William C. Klumpp; and the office of superintendent has been filled with marked ability by E. C. Warriner, for a period of twenty years. During the school year of 1914-15 the total enrollment of the Saginaw, East Side, schools was five thousand and forty-four; the average number belonging was forty-two hundred and fifty-two, while the average daily attendance was forty-one hundred and thirteen. The number of teachers employed, including special teachers and supervisors, was one hundred and fifty-five. The total valuation of the fourteen school buildings, the complete equipment and appurtenances approaches a million dollars. In the school year of 1914-15 the cost of maintaining the schools was two hundred and eleven thousand five hundred dollars, including purchase of new school site, renewals, library and new books, payment of bonds, etc., which amounted in the aggregate to thirty-four thousand dollars. Sectarian and Parochial Schools Besides the public schools there are a number of sectarian and parochial schools maintained by various church societies of the city. On the East Side are the Roman Catholic schools of St. Joseph's, St. Mary's, Holy Family, Holy Rosary and Sacred Heart churches, and the schools of St. John's, St. Paul's and Trinity Evangelical of the Lutheran body. On the West Side are the schools of Holy Cross and SS. Peter and Paul Roman Catholic Churches, St. Andrew's Academy, also of that body, and the Michigan Lutheran Seminary. These schools, in addition to the usual English and German branches, mathematics, history and the sciences, instruct the pupils in the strict religious tenets peculiar to their faith. The First Public Library Coincident with the beginning of education in this county arose the need for books, with which to instruct the youth and to enlighten the minds of older persons. The more intelligent pioneers had brought with them to the OUR EDUCATIONAL DEVELOPMENT 297 forest wilderness such of their books as they cared to preserve, and thus whiled away many of the dreary hours of winter. Although few in number, the books filled a niche in the life of the early settlers, and were made to do multiple service by being loaned about from house to house. When the school under Horace S. Beach was thoroughly organized in 1836, someone conceived the idea of making a collection of such books as the owners would donate, for the purpose of founding a public library. Though their means were limited and their possessions small, their interest in education was strong, and they responded liberally. In a short space of time a carefully selected list of books was prepared, and the volumes collected and shelved in the school house, which stood near the site of the present court house. From the dim and musty records of the past has come to light an interesting letter written the following year by Norman Little, in regard to books for the newly founded library of the Mechanics' Association. It was evidently the custom to request of newcomers a donation of books to the library, and in this particular instance the letter addressed to Daniel H. Fitzhugh, of Geneseo, Livingston County, New York, anticipated his taking up a residence here. He afterward moved his family to this valley, locating on land south of the Tittabawassee opposite Riverside Park, where he lived for many years. Written long before the days of steel pens, fading ink and rotting paper, this letter, manifesting the enterprising spirit of the writer, comes down to us well preserved and perfectly legible. Before the invention of the paper envelope a sheet of foolscap, upon which the message was written, was made to serve a double purpose. One-half of the back of the sheet was left blank, and the sheet was so folded that this was on the outside with the flaps within. It was then sealed with wax and addressed Postage stamps had not yet come into use, but the postage, which then was twenty-five cents, was indicated by figures placed in the upper right hand corner. This letter of Mr. Little's has been framed with glass over both sides of the sheet, and hung in the new Butman-Fish Memorial Library on the West Side. It is a unique message of a by-gone age penned by the founder of our city and of such unusual interest that it is reproduced in facsimile. The list of books comprising the Mechanics Library in 1837, which was included in the letter, embraced standard works of philosophy, history, biography, travel and religious subjects. There were "The Philosophy of Sleep," "Dick's Mental Illumination," "'Pierre's Study of Nature," "Theory of Another Life," "Shaw's Architecture," "McIntosh's England," "History of Italy," "Henderson's Brazil," "Plutarch's Lives," and works of Johnson, Burns, Goldsmith and Sterne. "Pilgrim's Progress," "Paul and Virginia," "Gil Blas," "Gregory's Letters to His Son," were also on the list with "Irving's Works," and the novels of Bulwer, Scott and Cooper. Other titles sound strange to devotees of present-day literature, and the contents of some books, though of deep and serious nature, would no doubt cause some merriment today. "Guide to the Thoughtful," "Treasury of Knowledge," "Spiritual Despotism," and "Hervey's Meditation" hardly fit in with modern thought and ideas, while "Mother at Home," "Father's Book," "Poor but Happy," "Beauty of Female Holiness," "Fireside Piety," "Placid Man," "Thinks I to Myself," and "Man as He is Not" are quite without the realm of good reading in this age. In all there were three hundred and ninety-one volumes in the collection, some of which are still to be found on the shelves of the West Side School Library. K:ii-i~~~ii: β€” 44-~~ ---:::: N 4 4 Pc >" 'N~ N> K INV I'4 'NN "i "< ^^ ^ /< / b 4 /t tl ' < t A/: '$ tz a,6 hK,ts.J / / ^^ ' ^AllY ^Z1^ //^. '" a: i GyU:/^ Ji IP1 K^ /c^ d a 11 7~/X /< / ~:7 A;p~~A -l7 12/ ~ 77 4t f 7 I -' 1 711, - It I/( - ' /,^ ^^" i i'. ri../ 7/~........... XE i4zr 6 7 - 7 4 4 d {~i ' ikr ~ 4 7, C' tcq 77 7!-t~ 7I 7 / Ia p~-7 -7 - /.. '7 ' FACSIMILE OF LETTER WRITTEN BY NORMAN LITTLE IN 1837 (The signature appears on the margin at the lower right hand corner.) /V ^.. I E, 300 HISTORY OF SAGINAW COUNTY The Public and Union School Library From this small beginning made by Norman Little and others nearly eighty years ago, has been developed the useful and efficient library on the West Side. The collapse of the speculative boom in 1838 was followed by a period of extreme depression in this valley, and not until 1849 did the four or five hundred inhabitants of Saginaw City notice any indication of returning prosperity. The school and the church had struggled along miserably, and not until several years after were these institutions of our social fabric thoroughly organized. In 1857 the early collection of books, augmented by personal donations from time to time, was re-established as a public library, and eight years later when the Union School District was organized it was turned over to the first school board. Thereafter it was known as the "Public and Union School Library of Saginaw City." When the Central School on Court Street was completed in 1868, the library was removed to a suitable room on the first floor of that building. In the fire of 1895, which nearly destroyed the imposing old school house, the books of the library were greatly damaged by water and smoke, but all those not rendered useless were carefully dried and cleaned, and removed temporarily to a room in the High School. During the reconstruction the library was conducted there, but upon the opening of the John Moore School, which replaced the old Central, it was removed to a basement room in the new building. Although a high and well ventilated basement, some damage resulted to the books from dampness, and the library was moved in September, 1900, to the Kindergarten building in the same block. It remained there until November, 1915, when upon completion of the new Butman-Fish Memorial Library building, it was installed therein. Since September, 1899, the library has been in charge of Miss Anna Benjamin, whose ability and fitness for the position are recognized by students and citizens generally. The Butman-Fish Memorial Library Several years ago, when the need arose for a suitable building to accommodate the Public and Union School Library, the interest and co-operation of some prominent families of the West Side were solicited to provide it. The idea was for one family to erect a library building, specially designed for present and future needs, as a memorial to those who have passed to the beyond. Among the persons of generous and philanthropic nature who were thus approached were Mrs. Myron Butman and her daughter, Mrs. Mary P. Fish. Through a life-long friendship with the librarian they knew the needs of the library, and also the possibilities of greater usefulness. After much thought and consideration they decided to provide a handsome edifice, which would stand for ages as a fitting memorial to husband and father, the late Myron Butman. Before definite plans could be formulated and put into execution both Mrs. Butman and Mrs. Fish were stricken by death. Fortunately for the library their ideas and often expressed wishes have been duly respected by the executors of the estate, for not long after their death the sum of twentyfive thousand dollars was made available to the trustees of the Union School District, for the purpose intended. Afterward, when it became evident that this amount was insufficient to complete the structure, the sum of five thousand dollars was added to the gift. While the total amount thus given has provided a very suitable and convenient library building, especially designed for the purpose, the needs of the future, owing to want of adequate funds, have been little considered. The sum regarded as necessary for the proper fulfillment of the project was fifty OUR EDUCATIONAL DEVELOPMENT 301 THE BUTMAN-FISH MEMORIAL LIBRARY thousand dollars. This amount was often named by the librarian in conference with Mrs. Butman and Mrs. Fish, on the subject, and it is believed that they fully intended to make a bequest to the library in this sum. Nevertheless, the stately building which has risen by their misdirected munificence, stands as a noble monument alike to the memory of one of Saginaw's foremost and upright citizens, and to his wife and daughter. The new library building is conveniently and appropriately situated on the John Moore School grounds, at the corner of Harrison and Hancock Streets. Built of dark paving brick embellished by trimmings of Bedford stone, the structure presents a rather imposing appearance. Entering through the wide portico, flanked by lofty columns of the Ionic order of architecture, a vestibule and hall leads direct to the librarian's desk and book stacks. The stacks are arranged around three sides of the bay, and rise to and above a gallery which is reached by short steps conveniently placed. For both reference and circulation the library now contains about eighteen thousand volumes, including the best of current literature. On either side of the hall are spacious reading and study rooms, admirably lighted and made cheerful by huge fire places at the ends. One of these rooms is intended for the exclusive use of children and the other for adults. From the vestibule double stairways lead to the floor above. Here was recently established a museum of prehistoric and Indian relics and antiquities of real value and interest. In the collection already assembled is the splendidly arranged group of Indian relics and curios of Mr. Fred Dustin, mention of which was made and some illustration given in the first chapter of this work. This is well worth a careful examination and study. The walls of the three rooms on this floor were designed for the hanging of paintings and other works of art, and special attention has been given to correct lighting to insure the proper effects. It is believed that eventually this division of the library will contain many public and individual groups of valuable paintings, works of art, curios and relics of a bygone age, to be handed down in proper form to posterity. 302 3HISTORY OF SAGINAW COUNTY The Public Library Like other collections of books for public circulation in pioneer days, the Public Library of the East Side had a small and insignificant beginning. As early as May 5, 1859, a committee was appointed by the school board to consider the subject of a library, and to make a report on an ordinance for government of same. This committee reported "that the whole library of the School District No. 1 of the Township of Buena Vista belongs to this board." The clerk of the board was thereupon instructed to ascertain and report to the board "the present condition of the library and the books now absent and in whose hands, and also to make a catalog of the books now belonging to the library." Morgan L. Gage was appointed librarian to take possession of the books. On September 13, 1859, the board requested the common council to raise by tax one hundred dollars for library purposes. Shortly after, the committee on teachers and books recommended that the library be removed to the Union School and that A. L. Bingham be appointed librarian. Evidently this was favorably acted upon, for on November 15 the committee reported that the clerk of the Township of Buena Vista had come and taken possession of the books of the library by charges thereon, and carried them off. An effort was then made to secure a settlement of the disputed ownership of the books by legal means. Meanwhile the money collected in the tax of 1859 for library purposes was diverted to other uses. In 1861 another fund of one hundred dollars was collected by tax and the purchase of books authorized. The books arrived in November, the expenditure being one hundred and ninety-one dollars; and the hours of opening, 2 to 5 on Saturday, were established. The annual report of 1862 states that two hundred and twenty-six dollars were spent on the library, and that there were one hundred and nine volumes on the shelves. Reference was made to the fact that the Buena Vista library was estimated to be worth three hundred dollars, but apparently no settlement had been reached as to the ownership. A few months after the books had increased to one hundred and seventy-five, and the circulation for seven months was five hundred. C. K. Robinson was the librarian, but was succeeded the following year by M. H. Allard. From this small beginning made under great difficulties has sprung the large and efficient public library, which is an important factor in our educational development. In 1872 a room in the Central School, opposite the superintendent's office, was fitted up for the library, and the library committee was authorized to make a new selection of books. Miss Louise Johnson was then appointed librarian at a salary of one hundred and fifty dollars a year, the library to be open on Wednesdays from 4 to 6 and on Saturdays from 3 to 7 o'clock. That year seven hundred and ninety dollars were spent for books, when the number of volumes increased to eleven hundred and thirty-eight. In 1874 the library was recatalogued and renumbered, and four hundred and forty-seven dollars spent for new books. It was then deemed necessary to secure larger quarters and adopt new methods to make the library more useful to the pul)lic. With this in view a proposition was presented to the board for the purchase of the books and property of the Library Association, which occupied a building on Washington Avenue. After much discussion of the matter, the real estate consisting of the so-called "library building" with twenty feet frontage, was taken over by Christopher Palm, and on October 18, 1875, the Library Association turned over its library and furniture to the Board of Education, for the consideration of one dollar. The board then leased of Mr. Palm the second floor of his building, at a rental of one hundred and twenty dollars a year, for a period of five years, for use of the library and board OUR EDUCATIONAL DEVELOPMENT 303 rooms. The library was then moved to the more central and convenient location, and merged with the other. The consolidation added eighteen hundred and thirty-five books to the seventeen hundred and seventy-eight volumes of the Public Library, making a total of thirty-six hundred and thirteen. Additional book shelves were provided, a catalogue recommended, and the public congratulated on possessing a "valuable library." In 1876 William L. Smith was the librarian, his salary being two hundred and fifty dollars a year. In 1878, in order to make the library still more useful to the public, the hours of opening were extended to eleven hours a week, namely, from 3 to 5 every day except Sunday, and from 6 to 8 every evening, except Sunday and Wednesday, and from 10 to 12 on Saturday morning. Up to this time the work had been done by some teacher or other person devoting only a small portion of one or two days a week, but from now on the librarian was expected to give her whole time to the work. Mrs. Emma I. Shaw was then appointed to the position at a salary of four hundred and fifty dollars a year. In 1881 a petition was received asking for a reading room and periodicals, and, since more room was needed for the uses of the library, it was removed in January, 1882, to the second floor of the building on South Jefferson Avenue, where it has since remained. On June 18, 1879, Mrs. Susan Cole was elected librarian. The number of volumes had increased to fortyseven hundred and twenty, and the circulation to thirty-three thousand five hundred. The number of cards was thirteen hundred and sixty-five, showing that the facilities of the library were more generally enjoyed by the public. Mrs. Cole served as librarian until July 1, 1886, when she was succeeded by Mrs. Lucy E. Houghton who continued in the position for a period of twenty-five years. During her efficient administration the library expanded greatly, so that at the time she relinquished her duties the number of volumes had increased four fold, and the library become correspondingly more useful. On July 1, 1911, Miss Mary E. Dow assumed charge of the library, and in a relatively short period has greatly increased its usefulness. The library in INTERIOR OF PUBLIC LIBRARY, EAST SIDE 304 HISTORY OF SAGINAW COUNTY 1915 contained twenty thousand volumes, and the circulation reached eightytwo thousand. In that year the second floor of the building was given over entirely to the use of the library, and remodeled to meet the growing needs of the time. The front is entirely of glass from floor to ceiling, affording an abundance of light; and the book stacks are arranged so as to be easily accessible to persons wishing to browse among the books. Besides the reading and study room at the front, there is a children's section supplied with low tables and chairs, and shelving with separate catalogue for juvenile books. There is also a mechanical branch in the Manual Training School, and books are distributed from three other schools. The library has a yearly income of about five thousand dollars, but after the usual expenses are deducted only a small sum - about three or four hundred dollars - remains for the purchase of books. This small amount does only meager service in supplying new books from the ever increasing literature of the age. The Hoyt Public Library Approaching the end of an honorable and successful life, Jesse Hoyt summoned to his home in New York City his counsel, Abraham Van Santvoord, and his Michigan attorney, William L. Webber, in order to arrange for the preparation of his will. His large properties and interest in Michigan necessitated the presence and advice of someone familiar with the laws of that State. During the conference and while the Michigan properties were under discussion Mr. Hoyt expressed his deep interest in Saginaw and his desire to do something for that city in permanent form which should be an evidence of his affection and a lasting token of his good will towards its people. The gift of Hoyt Park to the city had been considered and the establishment of a library for the benefit and free use of all the people of Saginaw was suggested. Mr. Hoyt felt that some portion of the expenses of a library should be borne by the city and finally gave the park under such conditions, benefiting the proposed library, as his executors should prescribe. Mr. Hoyt then said that he would give a site for a library building and one hundred thousand dollars as a fund with which to build the building, purchase books and carry on the institution. Mr. Van Santvoord, probably aware of the real requirements, suggested that the amount should be fixed at two hundred thousand dollars, but Mr. Hoyt replied: "No, that should be enough. If the people want more than that will accomplish they ought to provide it." The will was executed on June 26, 1882, and Mr. Hoyt died on August 12, 1882. On January 26, 1883, William L. Webber, Michigan executor and trustee of the Estate of Jesse Hoyt, conveyed the four lots upon which the library building stands to Henry C. Potter, Joseph C. Jones, Timothy E. Tarsney, Henry C. Potter, Jr., and James B. Peter, as trustees and paid to them one hundred thousand dollars. The trust deed empowered surviving trustees to fill vacancies and perpetuate the trust. The present trustees are Eugene C. Warriner, Gilbert M. Stark, James G. Macpherson, Fred Buck and James B. Peter. In the interval between the date of the deed of trust and the present time, William L. Webber, Aaron T. Bliss and Thomas A. Harvey were elected to fill vacancies and served as trustees until their deaths; Benton Hanchett and George W. Weadock were also elected to fill vacancies and served as trustees until their resignations. The officers of the Board of Trustees are: President, Eugene C. Warriner, who was preceded by Benton Hanchett, Henry C. Potter, and William L. Webber; Secretary and Treasurer, James B. Peter. OUR EDUCATIONAL DEVELOPMENT 305 Contemporaneously with the establishment of the library, in consideration thereof and of the transfer of Hoyt Park by the Estate of Jesse Hoyt to the city, the latter agreed to pay one thousand dollars annually to the trustees for library expenses and also agreed to pay all taxes assessed against the library property. The fund remained invested until 1887. During that and the following two years about fifty-six thousand five hundred dollars was used in the erection and equipment of the building and approximately twenty-five thousand dollars was used in the purchase of books. There then remained about fifty thousand dollars of the original bequest. In November, 1901, Alfred M. Hoyt, Samuel N. Hoyt, Estate of Mary N. Hoyt Pettit, Estate of Reuben Hoyt and Mary Hoyt each gave five thousand dollars, and in February, 1907, Samuel N. Hoyt gave twenty thousand dollars to the library; the whole forty-five thousand dollars so given being placed in a special fund, the income only derived therefrom being available for library uses. The income from the unexpended portion of the bequest and from the subsequent gifts, together with the annual payment by the city, constitutes the entire income of the library. The building was designed by Van Brunt and Howe, of Boston, who were appointed architects after a competition in which such eminent architects as H. H. Richardson, of Boston; McKim, Mead and White, of New York, and others participated. The accepted plans for the library resulting in a building of dignified and artistic proportions, with outer walls of stone from the Bay Port quarries, trimmed with Lake Superior red sandstone. The finish of the interior is of oak. All division of space was planned for the most convenient and economical use by librarian, attendants, students and readers. In the construction of that portion of the building in which the books are shelved protection from fire was especially considered; the shelving capacity being estimated at fifty thousand volumes. For the protection of the building the grounds are surrounded by a substantial but open iron fence, and with the trees, vines, shrubs and flowers are well kept and attractive. The name of the library was established by the deed of trust which also provided that the library should be for consultation and reference only. The selection of the first books purchased was by Professor I. N. Demmon of the University of Michigan and included about twelve thousand volumes, which number was increased by the purchase of about four thousand volumes by the librarian under authority from the trustees and by the acquisition of some two thousand volumes of governmental reports. Mr. Webber at that time also donated about five hundred miscellaneous books. When the library was opened it contained something over eighteen thousand volumes and now has approximately thirty-five thousand volumes, representing every department of research required in a well balanced library of reference. All subsequent purchases of books have been made by the librarian under authority and by approval of the trustees. Many valuable books, pictures and other things of historical value have been received as gifts from various donors. There are about two hundred periodicals, scientific, literary, artistic and miscellaneous, which include the best of English, American, French and German publications, many of which to be accessible are bound annually. The library was opened for free use by the public about November 1, 1890, under the care of Miss Harriet H. Ames, who came from Boston in 1888, was then appointed librarian and during the following two years completed the preliminary work of placing the library in order. Under her most helpful and satisfactory management, thankfully appreciated alike by the trustees and users of the library, its work has been ever since conducted. In addition to the librarian there are two assistant librarians and a janitor, this 306 HISTORY OF SAGINAW COUNTY THE HOYT PUBLIC LIBRARY being the entire salaried list. Excepting for the annual summer vacation of one month and on Sundays and holidays the library is open every day and evening and has an average daily attendance of over one hundred readers and students. The average annual income of the library is about six thousand four hundred dollars; the average annual expenses, including usual repairs, about four thousand six hundred dollars, leaving about one thousand eight hundred dollars. After payment for newspapers, periodicals and binding there remains available for necessary improvements, extraordinary repairs and the purchase of new books an average annual amount of less than five hundred dollars. In order to maintain the condition of the building, which as time passes requires more frequent attention and larger sums, less funds remain with which to acquire new books or to otherwise increase the efficiency of the library. This unfortunate situation is increasing and in all probability will be more marked when in the future, as will probably be the case, the rate of interest upon safe and desirable investments is reduced. No part of the trust funds of the library, either principal or interest, has ever been lost or its value impaired. The average annual expense of caring for the financial and accounting department has been less than one hundred and fifty dollars per year. The trustees appreciate that the usefulness of the work in their hands might be enlarged and increased. The library occupies a unique situation in that it is solely for study and reference and has no department of books for circulation. It is evident that provision must be made before many years for an increase of shelving capacity. The building was located as it stands with reference to possible future additions which might be required. The deed of trust contemplated the possibility of placing the City Library upon the grounds adjoining that occupied by the Hoyt Public Library, and ample room remains for a building to be attached to the present building, of the OUR EDUCATIONAL DEVELOPMENT 307 same material and architectural design. -Neither library would conflict with the work of the other and each would fill its respective field to the benefit of the public. The library should be open every day and evening of the year. In many cities a special department for young children has been very attractive and successful. Lack of and inability to command means has prevented the trustees from making improvements and carrying out plans the profit and success of which have been demonstrated in other libraries. The trustees are empowered to receive money or property from other sources and use the same for educational purposes without the restrictions attached to the bequest. The results of the years of its existence justify the foundation of the work which has stimulated and enriched the intellectual life of Saginaw. The name of Jesse Hoyt is linked in many ways with Saginaw and its history but in no more visible, enduring and useful way than through the institution which bears his name. -James B. Peter Time through the intervening years has mellowed the colors of the stone of this artistic building, and nature has outdone the architect by covering the walls with a luxurious growth of ampelopsis. Besides the rare trees and shrubs which adorn the grounds, there is a somewhat unusual hedge of hollyhocks, which in bloom is the special pride of the librarian. With the attractive little park adjoining and the Federal Building, this square is one of the beauty spots of Saginaw. The entrance to the library is through a broad porch on the south and west facades, the columns and arches of which are of red sandstone, and the entablature of the same material is richly carved. Opening from the double vestibule on the main floor are a cloak room, two large reading and study rooms, librarian's office and the stack room. Through faulty design the stacks are entirely shut off from the other rooms, and the books not being easily accessible to the public the library falls short of meeting its utmost usefulness. On the second floor is a lecture hall, now used as a stack room for government documents, including the "Globe" and other Congressional records and department reports, of which the library is especially strong. There are also on this floor a trustee's room and a smaller room used for study purposes. All the rooms utilized for study are spacious, well lighted and quiet, thus insuring an ideal place for students and readers. That the privileges of the library are appreciated by High School students is evidenced by the large number who frequent the study rooms during the latter part of the afternoon. To the literary and reading clubs the facilities for research afforded by this library are invaluable, and much of the successful work accomplished by the clubs is directly due to the earnest co-operation of the librarians. In times past Miss Grace Bush was the accomplished assistant to the librarian, and her years of faithful service are alike appreciated and remembered by the older patrons of the library. In more recent years the greater part of the detail work of the library has devolved upon Miss Blanche Topping, the able associate librarian, and Miss Mae Hebert, her assistant, whose untiring efforts to increase the usefulness of the library have added appreciably to its popularity. Literary Clubs In the broad and liberal view of education, the literary and reading clubs of Saginaw command a prominent place in her intellectual life. For nearly forty years women's clubs have been an important factor in the general scheme of education, and today their work is along lines of deep and thorough 308 HISTORY OF SAGINAW COUNTY research. In striving for higher culture β€”the object and aim of literary circles, the mind is broadened and one's views of life, under the influence of proper reading and debate, often undergo a corrective change. This has an important bearing upon the home life and tends to elevate the moral tone of the household. Among the very early clubs, the forerunners of our prominent literary organizations of the present day, was the Tuesday Club. It was a small but very exclusive club of women, all very close friends, who were prominent in the social and religious life of the city. They first met together in the early eighties, and the name was suggested by the choice of Tuesday as the weekly time of meeting. The membership was limited to fifteen, and there was always a waiting list of leading women eager to enter the inner circle of their friends. There was no very formal organization, and the charter members were not enrolled on vellum in letters of gold. The gold they sought were the nuggets of knowledge gleaned from thoughtful study and reading of the best literature. The picture on the opposite page, taken from a photograph made in 1885, probably embraces nearly, if not all, the original members. The members shown in the picture, which was taken on the steps of Mrs. Buckhout's home on North Washington Avenue, are: Mrs. Chauncey Wisner, Mrs. Farnum Lyon, Mrs. C. Stuart Draper, Mrs. Gurdon Corning, Mrs. Edward Mershon, Mrs. Henry D. Wickes, Mrs. William F. Potter, Miss Lizzie Thurber, Mrs. James F. Brown, Mrs. L. A. Clark, Mrs. Sanford Keeler, Mrs. Byron B. Buckhout and Mrs. John J. Wheeler. Mrs. Robert Boyd and another member of the club, not now recalled, were not present at the time this picture was taken. The work of the Tuesday Club was always conducted very quietly, without the least publicity, but its influence upon the intellectual life of its members, with reference to the sociological and philanthropic side of their natures, was very marked. Through death and removal from the city of its leading members the club at length disbanded, after an existence of more than twentyfive years, but the recollection of its good work still lingers with the few members still living. The Monday Club, the Tourist Club, the Carpe Diem and other literary clubs of later years, all accomplished an excellent work covering a more or less extended period, but for various reasons finally dissolved, and only the memories of pleasant and profitable hours spent in meeting remain for those who once were prominently identified with their work. The Winter Club Of the prominent literary clubs to retain their organization and continue research work, the Winter Club is the oldest. It owes its existence to an informal gathering of less than a dozen men and women in the autumn of 1877, for the study of English history. This band of studiously inclined persons numbered twenty at the close of the first year, but was increased to twenty-four in the second year. There was no formal organization, although a chairman was elected who appointed a committee to arrange a course of study, as required from time to time. In October, 1879, the membership was increased to thirty-two, officers were duly elected, a constitution and by-laws adopted, and a line of study mapped out. Meeting regularly each Monday evening, for seven months of the year, at the homes of members, the club was fairly launched into club life, with Julius K. Rose as first president. In 1880-81 George B. Brooks was president, and the first printed program appeared with the subject of Roman history, with appropriate readings from Shakespeare. The second part of the program contained the full list of officers and members, and it is interest rA [From a Photograph by Goodlridlge, 185.] MEMBERS OF THE TUESDAY CLUB AT MRS. BUCKHOUT'S HOME 310 HISTORY OF SAGINAW COUNTY ing to note that a quarter of a century after, eight of the thirty-two still retained active membership. George B. Brooks has the distinction of being the only charter member still active in the club work. Those who became members in 1878-79 were Mrs. Byron B. Buckhout; Miss Harriet V. Bills, now Mrs. George B. Brooks; Miss Fanny C. Farrand, now Mrs. John F. Boynton; Mrs. Henry C. Ripley, with Julius K. Rose, James T. Oxtoby, D. D., and John S. Estabrook. In 1881-82 Bradley M. Thompson was president, and the detailed program gave thirty evenings in Greece, in the study of the art and literature of that ancient civilization. The following year, with William H. Masker in the chair, the subjects took the members through sunny France. In their literary travels the members visited the ends of the earth and the isles of the sea; they traversed Siberian wastes and penetrated African jungles; they climbed lofty mountains and stocked aquariums from the depths of the sea; they sorrowed over the perils and sufferings of Arctic navigators, and they shuddered at the wickedness and horrors of war. Science and invention opened their secret doors to curious eyes; and the voices of the wizards Edison and Marconi awakened them to the possibilities of new forces, while the feats through the upper air of Santos-Dumont thrilled them, and they rejoiced in all their triumphs. In later years they studied the great lights of English, German, French and Italian literature; gave many original interpretations of the immortal lines of Shakespeare, entered heartily into reform work with Luther, Wyclif, Savonarola and Ballington Booth, indicated to the Pope of Rome a few errors in his theology, and gave their views regarding the care of alien races, the uplifting of the negro, and the civilization of the American Indian. The Winter Club is the only association in the city where men and women meet on a common footing, and is one of the very few clubs in the State to which men are admitted, on any terms. Besides those already mentioned there were Theodore Nelson, Franklin Noble, Warren F. Day, L. M. Woodruff, George Ht. Wallace and William H. Gallagher, the characteristics and distinctive attainments of each being treasured memories of members still living. Roswell G. Horr with his fund of humor added greatly to the pleasure of the club, during the short time he was a member. Among those who won national fame was Mrs. Alice Freeman Palmer, who was with the club two years during its programless period, and who died in 1903 in Paris, where she was studying with her husband. Two others of the High School were John 0. Reed and E. C. Goddard, who later, with Bradley M. Thompson, one of the charter members, filled places of honor in the University of Michigan. The club opened its thirty-ninth year on November 1, 1915, with a review of current events. In the meetings which followed general subjects were treated, the choice of topics being left to individual members. This plan has been successfully followed for some years, and, while the subjects chosen have no correlation, the papers are generally very thorough and comprehensive, as members choose subjects with which they are familiar, or at least, which appeal strongly to them. As a result the papers are highly interesting and instructive, and are enthusiastically received by all the members. Some of the subjects chosen this year were: China and Japan, Cavour, World Troubles of 1915, A Vacation in Alberta, Phil A. Sheridan, Literature of the War, The Criminal from a Medical Standpoint, The Isle of Fire (Iceland), William Morris and Prohibition of the Liquor Traffic. The officers of the club for the present year are: Julian A. Keeler, president; Mrs. William Glover Gage, vice-president; Mrs. William L. Whitney, secretary; Robert H. Cook, treasurer. OUR EDUCATIONAL DEVELOPMENT 311 The Saginaw Reading Club Organized in 1885 with forty-six members, the Saginaw Reading Club, meeting on the West Side, has contributed very largely to the literary culture of the city. Pursuing a very active and progressive policy it was incorporated in 1894, admitted as a member of the General Federation in 1893, and of the State Federation in 1895. It began its thirty-first year of study in the Fall of 1915, under the direction of the following officers: Mrs. Carrie Goff, president; Mrs. Maude Grigg, vice-president; Mrs. Jessie Johnston, secretary; Mrs. Augusta Tubbs, treasurer, and Mrs. Harriette Robertson, librarian. The current subjects of study were: Social Progress of the Present Age, Literature, Art, Music and the Drama. The club holds weekly meetings on Mondays at three-thirty, from the middle of September to the first of May, at St. John's Church Parish House. Its present membership comprises fifty-six active members, fifty-three associate members, and five honorary. The club collect -"Keep us, 0 God, from pettiness; let us be large in thought, in word, in deed. Let us be done with fault finding and leave off self-seeking. May we put away all pretense and meet each other face to face without self-pity and without prejudice. May we never be hasty in judgment and always generous. "Teach us to put into action our better impulses, straight forward and unafraid. Let us take time for all things; make us grow calm, serene and gentle. Grant that we may realize that it is the little things that create differences; that in the big things of life we are as one. And may we strive to touch and to know the great common woman's heart of us all, and 0 Lord God, let us not forget to be kind." The Saginaw Woman's Club Another of the leading clubs, and the largest in point of membership, is the Saginaw Woman's Club. This club was organized in 1899, federated in 1895, and incorporated in 1914. It has an active membership of seventy-five, an associate membership of the same number, and an honorary list of four. The subjects of study for its twenty-fourth year, which commenced on October 15, 1915, were: French Art, Modern American Literature, Music and Drama, Sociology and Political Science, Minor Nations in the War Zone. The work of the club is directed by the following officers: Mrs. Fanny Croley, president; Mrs. Mark S. Brown, vice-president; Mrs. John Langdon, recording secretary; Mrs. Walter E. Moore, corresponding secretary, and Mrs. Albert Bumgarner, treasurer. Club meetings are held Tuesdays at twothirty, from the middle of October to the first of May. The Research Club Although of limited membership the Research Club, organized in 1894, has always occupied a prominent place in literary circles of the city, and accomplishes a good work. It was admitted to City Federation in 1900 and to State Federation in 1901. The club flower is the scarlet carnation, and the club motto is "Qui non proficit, deficit." Meetings are held on Tuesdays at two- thirty, between October and May. The club study for its twenty-second year, which began on October 5, 1915, was miscellaneous subjects. The membership of the club comprises twenty-five active, twelve associate, and seven honorary members; and the work is directed by the following officers: Mrs. W. H. Minard, president; Mrs. David Nichol, vicepresident; Miss Edith Markey, secretary; and Mrs. William H. Granville, treasurer. 312 HISTORY OF SAGINAW COUNTY The Edelweiss Club Of later organization the Edelweiss Club, which came into existence in 1899, is also deserving of honorable mention. This club entered the City Federation in 1908 and the State Federation the following year. Its colors are brown and gold, and its motto is "He who does not progress, fails." Club meetings are held on Tuesdays at two-thirty. Beginning its seventeenth year in October, 1915, its work was directed by Mrs. George Hanks, president; Mrs. William Hoyt, vice-president; Mrs. Noel Laing, secretary; Mrs. Harry Tyler, assistant secretary; and Mrs. Charles Robbins, treasurer. The club numbers seventeen active, five social, and four honorary members. The Art Club Thirty years ago several young women of Saginaw City, desiring to delve into foreign art and to cultivate their taste for the beautiful, met together at their homes for studies in art. They were the pupils of John P. Wicker, a successful teacher of drawing and painting, who aroused in many of his students a fine sense of artistic values. Their studies eventually took them through realms little dreamed of in their school work. No very formal organization was affected at that time, but those most prominent in the affairs of the society, to which they gave the name "Art Club," were: Misses Winnifred Smith, Lucy Burrows, Ida Rust, Harriet WVood, Maude Penoyer, Louise Grout and Mrs. Edwin P. Stone. As the work of the club expanded and the interest increased, other young women with artistic tastes were admitted to membership, and the club became a recognized factor in the intellectual life of the city. In 1896 the club was Federated, and in the following year it was duly incorporated with twentynine charter members. The first officers were: \Winnifred Smith, president; Harriett Powell, vice-president; Carolyn Robinson, secretary; Henrietta Schemm, treasurer, and May Joslin, librarian, who also comprised the board of directors. In 1898-99 there were twenty-eight active and ninetyseven associate members, and in 1913-14, the last year of regular program work, there were twenty-three active and ninety-three associate members. The papers given at the meetings of the club were prepared with unusual care and thoroughness, and were rendered even more interesting by the exhibition of art pictures and lantern slide views, bearing directly on the subjects treated. With the passing years the collection of lantern slides has grown to considerable value, as has also the club library of art books, photogravures, and photographs of works of general interest to art. With a fine appreciation of their value as a factor in education, the club in recent years has placed its library, lantern and slides at the disposal of the schools, for lectures and exhibitions, and thus greatly increased the scope of its work and usefulness. Of late years the Art Club has discontinued the preparation of individual papers, and adopted a schedule of prescribed readings for members at home from art books and journals. This work is supplemented by lectures given from time to time by prominent artists and others; and the club gives art exhibitions each year which, open to the public free of charge, have been productive of awakening a general interest in art. The club owns a number of fine paintings of considerable value, which are loaned to one or another of the public libraries for more extended exhibition. The officers of the club for the ensuing year were: Miss Winnifred Smith, president; Mrs. William L. Whitney, vice-president; Mrs. William Glover Gage, secretary; Mrs. Julian Keeler, treasurer; and Mrs. George B. Brooks, librarian. CHAPTER XV RELIGIOUS AND SOCIAL LIFE Early Missionaries - Organization of the First Church- St. John's Episcopal Church -The Methodists of Saginaw City - German Lutheran Church- The Liberal Christians - First Baptists - St. Andrew's R. C. Church SS. Peter and Paul ChurchOther West Side Churches - The First Church at East Saginaw - St. Paul's Episcopal Church -The Congregationalists - The First Baptist Church - Warren Avenue Presbyterian - St. Mary's R. C. Church-St. Joseph's R. C. Church-Church of the Sacred Heart -St. John's Evangelical Lutheran Church-St. Mary's Hospital-St. Vincent's Orphan Home-Saginaw General Hospital-The Woman's HospitalHome for the Friendless-The Young Women's Christian Association-The Young Men's Christian Association-The Germania Society-The Arbeiter SocietyTeutonia Society β€” The East Saginaw Club - Country Club - The Canoe Club - The Elks - Masonic Orders -Other Fraternal Societies. THE religious history of Saginaw Valley began with the brief, but heroic labors of several ardent missionaries who came among the sturdy pioneers to this wilderness. As early as 1832 the Methodist conference sent out the Reverend Bradford Frazee to establish a mission among the Indians. The white fur traders, who because of their friendly relations with the savages exercised a certain influence over them, were opposed to the conversion of the Indians from their primitive and simple belief in the Great Spirit, and the efforts of the missionary were of little avail. In 1835 and 1836 the Reverend William H. Brockway spent some time at Saginaw and vicinity, his labors being artoWg the white settlers, by whom he was well received. After Mr. Brockway came the Reverend F. O. North and also a Methodist minister named Babcock, but they did not do much towards building up the church. In 1838 the Reverend Hudson, an earnest and faithful minister of the gospel, took up his labors here and was instrumental in placing Methodism on a solid footing in this valley. Organization of the First Church Swept along by the incoming tide of emigration of 1836 was the Reverend Hiram L. Miller and his wife, Adaline, a daughter of Doctor Charles Little. In early days he had enjoyed the ministrations of Albert Barnes, whose lectures under the title of "Barnes Notes on the Gospels," made his name familiar over the whole protestant world; and his theological instructor was Doctor James Richard, of Auburn Theological Seminary, whom he greatly revered and loved. These were the two men who moulded his spiritual life and gave shape to his theological views. His first pastorate was at Trumansburgh, New York. Soon after his arrival at Saginaw, filled with the zeal of a true missionary and actuated by the devotion to his faith, he set about to form a church society of the Presbyterian creed. This was the first church organized in Saginaw Valley. The organization was effected on March 1, 1838, in a carpenter shop which stood on the southwest corner of Washington (Michigan) and Madison Streets; and the little society numbered but twelve members who were: Norman Little, Jane A. Little, Elizabeth Rice, Thomas Smith, William Heartwell, Mrs. Harvey Williams, T. L. Howe, Mrs. T. L. Howe, Hinds Smith, Mrs. Julia Smith, Mabel Terrill and Mrs. Hiram L. Miller. This devoted servant of God first preached in the carpenter shop, then in the office of Norman Little and in Mechanics Hall on Washington Street, and at times in the homes of church members. Afterward the little band of Christians met in the first public building erected in the valley, serving as 314 HISTORY OF SAGINAW COUNTY THE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH AT SAGINAW CITY school house, town hall and court room, which stood in the rear of the old court house. In December, 1838, a series of revival meetings were held by the Reverend 0. Parker, with marked success, during which Albert Miller, one of the most public-spirited of the early pioneers, with others, joined the church. The pastorate of Mr. Miller continued for two years, and a noticeable improvement was made in the religious and social status of the inhabitants. The Reverend Harry Hyde supplied the church in 1842 and 1843. He was a strong Congregationalist, and prevailed upon the younger members of the church to change its government and connection to that of the Congregational body. Hiram L. Miller, who was present when the vote was taken, refused to unite with the new society, and stated that he felt that it would be his duty to organize a Presbyterian church as soon as one could be sustained. A new church was never organized. The old society, unable to maintain distinctive service, later merged itself into a miscellaneous congregation, uniting in the support of any minister of any denomination who proved himself acceptable. It was just at the revival of commercial activity in 1851 that the Reverend David M. Cooper visited Saginaw. On the evening of his licensure at Detroit the Reverend Calvin Clark asked him if he had ever thought of becoming a foreign missionary. He replied that he had often discussed the matter with his chum at Princeton, who had decided to go to India. "Well," said the reverend gentleman, "I have found you a field. I want you to go right up among the heathen at Saginaw." RELIGIOUS AND SOCIAL LIFE 315 Closely following upon this he received earnest letters from Saginaw inviting him to visit the place, and especially one from Charles D. Little, which he preserved with care. These invitations he persistently declined, feeling unfit for the work, and being desirous of continuing his studies under the direction of the Reverend George Duffield. But finding himself shortly after supplying the pulpit at Flint, he concluded to visit Saginaw and see for himself what manner of heathen these people were, what kind of clothes they wore, and what gods they worshipped. So he pushed on through sloughs of mud, the wearisome journey being alleviated by the company of Albert Miller, then of Lower Saginaw. "It was a little handful of people β€” ten resident members, of which number only three were men," said Mr. Cooper, "who had extended to me the invitation to visit them. A subscription for the erection of a church edifice was already in existence amounting to twelve hundred dollars, with the promise from the citizens of a bell in case theirs was the first church edifice erected in the place. They seemed importunate to have me remain with them. I considered. The subscription, unless speedily secured, would vanish away. They promised to put up the building themselves without burdening me with any of the responsibility. There was no church of our denomination nearer than Flint. It seemed impossible to find another man and so I consented to stand in the breach. "As I look back it seems presumptuous for me so young and inexperienced, and in every way so poorly equipped, to have undertaken the pastorate of a church upon the outskirts of civilization as Saginaw was at that day. That Sunday, April 6, 1851, when I entered upon my labors, I can never forget. No preacher ever stood up in a modern Gothic cathedral with its groined arches and stained glass windows and elaborate architecture, with as much pride as I stood up in that little school house, thirty by forty feet in size, its seats, after the old fashion, ranged on the sides, and preached Christ. My soul bubbled with joy to think that I was deemed worthy to preach the gospel, and that even a score of persons were willing to listen to my poor stammering. The walls of the room had been neatly whitewashed and festooned with flowers, and Welcome! seemed to shine on every face. My text was 1 Tim. 4:8, 'Godliness is profitable unto all things having promise of life that now is and of that which is to come.' "My first lodgement when I arrived at Saginaw," continued Mr. Cooper, "was at the renovated Webster House, but I soon found myself settled for housekeeping in a small one-and-a-half-story dwelling on Washington Street. An ingrain carpet for the parlor, a deal table; for curtains, cotton sheets suspended on forks; a kitchen stove, a barrel of flour, a cord of maple wood, an axe, a saw and sawbuck to exercise the wood with, Mrs. Miller to supply us with doughnuts and jumbles for dessert, a stock of four sermons and the prospect of four hundred dollars salary per year, comprised my total belongings and my equipment. But I entered upon my work with elasticity and joy. Like Mark Tapley, I was soon 'floored' by ague that never wholly remitted its attacks during my sojourn in the valley, and yet, like Mark also, I managed also to continue 'jolly.' " The promise made to erect a church edifice on condition of Mr. Cooper remaining with them was speedily fulfilled, mainly through the untiring energies of Mr. and Mrs. Miller. The former not only superintended its erection, but day by day might have been seen adjusting timbers, carrying stone, digging in the cellar, sometimes mounting on the roof - anything to hasten completion, while the latter, in the quiet of her home, was writing letters of appeal to old friends. As a result of her efforts a thousand dollars came from outside, another thousand was received from her personal solicitation in the village, and her own gift of a thousand more made a total of 316 HISTORY OF SAGINAW COUNTY three thousand dollars, which was a large proportion of the cost of the building. It was a handsome, commodious structure of architecture peculiar to the time, and was dedicated December 15, 1852. The most prominent feature of the new church was the pulpit, covering nearly one-third of the area and reaching up toward the ceiling, capacious enough, it was said, to accommodate a meeting of the presbytery. On either side of it was a winding stair, which required unusual exertion to surmount, so that by the time the pastor reached the top he was compelled to rest on a sliding hair-cloth sofa, and regain his breath before proceeding with his sermon. On the desk was a large cushion for the Bible, and the top was covered with cloth that hung in folds half-way to the floor, and was ornamented with cords and fringes and tassels, which were twisted and woven in the parsonage with a skill quite equal to that of Aholiab, the noted embroiderer, in blue, scarlet and purple, a combination of colors which ily comported with the sombre hue of the coverings. The material was of olivecolored broadcloth, which answered fairly well in daylight, but at night, in candlelight, it assumed the semblance of mourning and appeared more like a catafalque than a sacred rostrum. Afterward, in the interest of good taste, the pulpit of wonderful proportions was removed, and a low platform put in its stead. Until some time after the dedication of the new church Mr. Cooper acted as stated supply, but on March 3, 1853, he was duly ordained to the gospel ministry, the sermon being preached by Reverend R. R. Kellogg, and the charge to the pastor was given by Reverend Noah Wells. On March 20th he preached his first pastoral sermon, the text being, 2 Tim. 4:5, "Do the work of an evangelist, make full proof of thy ministry." At this time the church membership numbered eighteen, four men and fourteen women, and the average Sunday congregation was from eighty to one hundred. In 1859, having planted. the Presbyterian faith over this extreme northern outpost, Mr. Cooper was compelled by failing health to relinquish his charge; and was succeeded by the Reverend David H. Taylor. The Rev-' erend Jesse Hough was called to the pastorate in 1865, and in the following year the edifice was enlarged, refurnished and rededicated. The small and old-fashioned pews raised above the level of the aisles, and the high and boxlike pulpit, still remained, and something of the spirit of the founders of the church lingered to give inspiration to their faithful followers. Of this remarkable old church Mr. Hough long afterward wrote: "A precious building was that old church, representing an amount of faith and patience and loving sacrifice such as no other church that will ever adorn the valley, however costly and splendid, will represent." In 1883, when the church had entirely outgrown the accommodations of the primitive edifice, the present brick structure was begun on the site of the old, and finished in the following year. It was enlarged in 1902, during the pastorate of Dr. W. C. Covert. To keep pace -w-vith the demands of the time, in 1914 the basement was entirely remodeled, and another addition made, thus enlarging the stately building to its present proportions. Since the coming of Reverend David M. Cooper the First Presbyterian Church has been served by a long line of able and consecrated ministers, among whom were: Reverened 0. S. Taylor, 1868-69; Reverend George Duffield, D. D., 1869-73; Reverend R. P. Shaw, 1873-78; Reverend A. F. Bruske, D. D., 1878-92; Reverend Charles E. Bronson, D. D., 1892-1900; Reverend William C. Covert, D. D., 1900-05; Reverend Frederick WV. Lewis, 1905-09; and Reverend Harry Rogers Stark, D. D., 1910. Under the leadership of these earnest preachers of the gospel, the church has grown to be one of the strongest and most influential of the Presbyterian faith in our State. RELIGIOUS AND SOCIAL LIFE 317 FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH St. John's Episcopal Church As far back as 1836 there were in Saginaw Valley only three communicants of the Episcopal Church, and in them - Mr. and Mrs. James Busby and Mrs. Amanda L. Richman - was the nucleus of the present St. John's. They looked and labored for the time when the services of the Church might be established in Saginaw City, and in 1841 occasional services were held by the Reverend Daniel E. Brown, of Flint. After he had ministered to the little company of devoted church people for several years, the Reverend Mr. Rieghley, also of Flint, held frequent services in Saginaw. It is therefore to St. Paul's Parish of Flint that St. John's, the mother parish of the Episcopal churches in Saginaw Valley, owes a debt of gratitude for inspiration and encouragement to establish a congregation which was to take a prominent part in the religious and social development of the community. 318 HISTORY OF SAGINAW COUNTY St. John's Church was organized in 1851, and was the third church society formed in Saginaw Valley. The first settled clergyman was the Reverend Joseph Adderly, who, after a service of one year, was followed by the Reverend D. B. Lyon, of Grand Rapids, who also remained for a year. In 1853 the Reverend Voltaire Spalding came to St. John's as its rector at the munificent salary of three hundred dollars a year. Services were then held in the old school house at Court and Fayette Streets, and also in the old Court House. The number of communicants at this time was eleven, who were: Mrs. Eliza H. Williams, Mrs. A. M. Richman, Mrs. Lucy Spalding, Mrs. S. E. Westervelt, Mrs. Maria Wiarren, William Spalding, Richard Sibley, Mrs. Mary Sibley, Miss Caroline Wickham, William Hutton and Mrs. A. A. Hayden. Mrs. Ann Fitzhugh, of Lower Saginaw (Bay City), was also a communicant and attended services whenever it was possible to travel the fifteen miles from and to her home. OLD ST. JOHN'S, ERECTED 1853 On April 11, 1853, the corner stone of the first church edifice of St. John's was laid by Bishop McCoskry, but, owing to lack of funds the construction of the building did not progress very satisfactorily. In 1856 the need for a church home becoming more and more pressing, the Reverend V. Spalding went East and collected the sum of five hundred dollars from devoted churchmen, towards the building fund. Later, by the advice and consent of the Bishop, Charles L. Richman supplemented the efforts of the rector by visiting some of the large eastern cities, and succeeded in raising six hundred dollars more. There were also presented to St. John's a baptismal bowl and a communion set by Mrs. Ebenezer Hale, of Canandaigua, New York. The church edifice was at length completed, and on October 11, 1857, the first services were held in it. The Reverend Mr. Spalding resigned the rectorship May 2, 1858, the number of communicants at that time being twenty-four. Occasional services were held that year by the Reverend Mr. Swan, of Flint, and the Reverend O. H. Staples, of Grand Rapids, but on March 17, 1859, the Reverend Edward Magee, of the Diocese of Ohio, became rector. On May 9, 1860, the church was consecrated by Bishop McCoskry, a debt of four hundred dollars having been assumed by members of the vestry, who were Newell Barnard, William Binder, Myron Butman, N. D. Lee, David H. Jerome, L. Webster, George L. Williams, William H. Sweet, John Parish and Stewart B. Williams, the last two being the wardens. The Reverend Mr. Magee served as rector for two years, and at the time of his resignation the number of communicants was twenty-seven. The Reverend Osgood E. Fuller accepted the rectorship June 18, 1862, and at this time the first rectory was built. It was a small wooden structure of Gothic design, and much of the work of building it was done by the rector. In 1865 Mr. Fuller resigned leaving a communicant list of fifty-seven. In July of the same year the Reverend John Leech, of Elmira, New York, assumed the duties of rector. On July 16, 1866, the bell now in use was hung in the belfry of the church, and a bible and prayer book were given by the Ladies' Society. The baptismal font now in use was presented to the church by Mrs. Amanda M. Richman, in memory of her daughter, Kate Richman. Mr. Leech resigned in 1870, leaving one hundred and sixty-two RELIGIOUS AND SOCIAL LIFE 319 communicants in the parish. This notable gain in confirmations shows that the church was then keeping pace with the growing city, and that the sacrifice and devotion of the faithful few in the early days was beginning to bear its fruition. In December, 1871, the Reverend W. H. Watts, of Kalamazoo, entered upon his duties as rector of St. John's, and two years later the church edifice was enlarged at an expense of twenty-two hundred dollars. After serving for five years Mr. Watts resigned, leaving one hundred and eighty-six communicants in the parish. On December 3, 1876, the Reverend L. S. Stevens. of Toledo, Ohio, became rector, and under his charge St. John's grew in influence, if not in numbers. In 1878 a new rectory was built at a cost of thirty-five hundred dollars, which sum was raised largely by the women of the parish. Having served faithfully for five years Mr. Stevens relinquished his charge with a communicant list of two hundred and three. The New Church Edifice For a year and five months the parish was without a rector and the church work suffered. Though without a spiritual head the vestry, in the faith that a proper man would soon be found, formulated plans for the erection of a new church building. On April 17, 1883, the Reverend Benjamin F. Matrau, of Owosso, accepted a call to become rector of the parish, and on Sunday, May 6, he held his first services. The erection of the present church edifice of brick and stone was begun the following day, the building committee being composed of Newell Barnard, Ezra Rust, George F. Williams, Dudley J. Smith and David H. Jerome. The corner stone was laid July 12, 1883, by Bishop Harris. In 1887 and 1888 the parish house and the rectory were built of the same materials and in an order of architecture conforming with the church edifice. The Reverend Mr. Matrau served as rector for six years and six months, during which time the church membership reached its greatest number - four hundred and ninety-five. He was an indefatigable worker, a m an of strong individuality and personal magnetism, and was much beloved by all classes; and his name is much revered in hundreds of homes in Saginaw, even to this day. At this time St. John's established a choir of bovs and men, which was a leading feature of the church services, and under the able direction of Henry B. Roney soon came to be regarded as one of the best in the diocese, winning fresh laurels of praise and appreciation w h e n e v e r heard in neighboring cities. ST. JOHN'S EPISCOPAL CHURCH The able assistant to Mlr. Matrau in all his labors at St. John's was the Reverend George D. Wright, now of the diocese of Chicago, and the record of official acts in the parish register is abundant proof of the tireless energy of these two devoted servants of God. 320 HISTORY OF SAGINAW COUNTY By the earnest and zealous efforts of Mr. Matrau, Calvary Memorial Church, at Genesee and Hill Streets, came into being as a mission. The edifice was erected through him by a gift of Madame Le Brun, of Owosso, to whom Calvary Church is a memorial. For several years the services and mission work were conducted by the rectors of St. John's, but later was organized as a separate parish. St. Paul's Church at East Saginaw and Trinity Church at Bay City also owe their early existence to the mother church of St. John's. On April 30, 1890, the Reverend Dean Richmond Babbitt, L. L. D., entered upon his duties as rector. He was a very scholarly man of high attainments, possessing a brilliant mind and unusual power as a preacher. During his rectorship, which continued until February 26, 1893, he attracted much attention among the religious and intellectual classes by his splendid discourses on the gospels. He was succeeded by the Reverend Benjamin T. Trego, B. D., who assumed his duties June 1, 1893, and resigned in December, 1896. In the following Spring t h e Reverend Ralph H. Baldwin became rector and continued in charge for one year. Reverend Emil Montanus Becomes Rector. a year, and in May, 1899, the Reverend Emil Montanus, the present rector, took charge. Coming to St. John's at a time when the parish was thoroughly disorganized, its members discouraged, if not disheartened, he has by conscientious effort and the exercise of rare judgment, built up the parish to its proper sphere of influence and good in the community. The true mis- REV. EMIL MONTANUS sionary spirit is strong within him. Byv countless acts of kindness and benevolence, he is beloved by the poor, the sick, and the needy, and his name is a watchword in hundreds of humble homes in which formerly little was known of the true God. From a scant two hundred names on the list of communicants sixteen years ago, the number of professing churchmen and churchwomen has, by his efforts and influence, increased to three hundred and fifty-two, and is growing steadily. The Methodists of Saginaw City The earliest record of any effort to plant Methodism in this valley was of May 20, 1850, when the Reverend George Bradley, "Presiding Elder of Grand Rapids District," made a certificate appointing Andrew Bell, Stephen Lytlle, Levi D. Chamberlin and Louis Hart "Trustees of the Methodist Church in Saginaw County." This certificate was recorded June 24, 1850. The preliminary organization then created must have lapsed, as when John Moore came here in 1851 it had no active existence, and was never after recognized. 'Andrew Bell," said Mr. Moore, "must have been a minister who had prior RELIGIOUS AND SOCIAL LIFE 321 to that date preached here. None of the others resided here in the Spring of 1851, and there was no Methodist Church organization, no class, and no regular preaching. Occasionally, in the Summer of that year the Reverend George Bradley preached in that part of the court house then finished and used as a court room and for all public meetings." In the Fall of 1851, the Reverend C. C. Olds was sent by the Conference and remained here for one year. He organized a class consisting of Theodore Dean, his two sisters, and Mrs. John Moore, the only persons here at that time who professed to be Methodists. This was the first class formed and the commencement of the present church organization. Shortly after there were several persons of this faith residing near Shattuck's Mill, who met for worship as a separate class in Ure's school house, and were James N. Gotee and wife, Mrs. Shattuck, C. C. Batchelor, Mrs. Swarthout, and perhaps a few others. Dean and his sisters soon after moved away, and Mrs. Moore was left the sole resident survivor of the first class. Mr. Olds remained until the Fall of 1852, when the Reverend George Bradley was appointed to look after the straggling band of Methodists in the whole of Saginaw Valley, including Indian missions. He was followed in the Fall of 1853 by the Reverend A. C. Shaw, who resided at East Saginaw and preached in both villages. In July, 1854, a contract was made for the purchase of part of the ground upon which the church buildings now stand, and the interest on the purchase price and the taxes were guaranteed by John Moore. Soon after, the old school house was purchased and moved upon the lot, fitted up as a chapel, and so used until the more commodious church was built. The old building was then made over into a parsonage, which purpose it served until 1873 or 1874, when it was sold and moved off. On November 10, 1859, the stipulated price, two hundred and fifty dollars, on the lot, was paid and the title conveyed to James N. Gotee, L. B. Curtis, Major W. Hollister, Smith Palmer, I'dwin Saunders, George A. Davis and Abner Hubbard, as trustees. Additional ground adjoining was purchased the following year, and in 1866 fifty feet more was donated by L. B. Curtis and John Moore. The church building as first erected was commenced in 1859 or 1860, while the Reverend William Fox was pastor, and finished in 1861. Charles E. Miller was the builder. Afterward the church building was enlarged by the addition of thirty feet in the rear, and again by what was the lecture room. The parsonage was erected during the pastorate of Seth Reed, and his successors appreciated his self-sacrificing labors and hold them and himself in grateful remembrance. In the Spring of 1884 the church building with all its contents was destroyed by fire; and upon its site rose the stately edifice which, with its several additions, has filled the needs of the congregation for more than thirty years. Through a long line of able pastors, from the Reverend Mr. Olds and the Reverends Washburn, Hawks, Allen and Lovejoy to the present pastor, the Reverend E. 'P. Bennett, the Methodist church on the West Side has grown to be a large factor in our religious life, and its progressive policy promises well for the future. The German Lutheran Church As early as January 29, 1849, a few German Lutherans, J. A. Gender, K. F. Kull, J. J. Weiss, E. Weggel, J. M. Hancke, G. Dierker, M. Backer, M. Gremel, M. Winkler and J. M. Strauss organized a church society, and extended a call to 0. Homer Cloeter to become pastor. He accepted the charge and was installed November 30th by the Reverend F. Sievers. In 322 HISTORY OF SAGINAW COUNTY the same year the congregation bought a lot on the southeast corner of Court and Washington (Michigan) Streets, and in 1850 built a small church and parsonage thereon. Five years later the society bought a house and two lots for a parsonage, and the small house beside the church was thereafter used for a school. In 1857 Mr. Cloeter was succeeded by the Reverend J. A. Huegli, and two years later the Reverend M. Guenther was installed as pastor. In 1866 the society sold the parsonage and bought the present church property on Court Street, between Fayette and Harrison. They soon erected a new parsonage, and in 1868 built the present church at the corner of Fayette Street, at a cost of eighteen thousand dollars. The church was dedicated February 7, 1869. Following Mr. Guenther as pastor was the Reverend Joseph Schmidt and in 1875, when a new organ was installed the membership comprised one hundred and sixty families. This church deems it a duty to provide the children of its members with sound religious instruction, and therefore supports a well-conducted parochial school. In the early days the work of instruction fell upon the pastors, but in 1861 a school house was built and a teacher called. In 1868 the two-story frame school house was built on Court Street, and in 1872 a third teacher was employed, the number of school children having increased to one hundred and sixty. The Liberal Christians This society of professing Christians was organized in 1871, with the Reverend J. H. Burnham as pastor. The members at once resolved to build a church edifice, and within a few months their liberality and labors resulted in a brick building being erected for a house of worship. This church, which was dedicated July 18, 1871, still stands on South Michigan Avenue between Adams and Cass Streets. The society grew in numbers until there were about two hundred and seventy members; and in 1874 the trustees were: A. W. Wright, A. W. Thompson, Thomas L. Jackson, W. H. Sweet, James Hay and T. M. Hubbell. Later the organization was discontinued, the church building sold to the First Baptist Society, and the members left at liberty to attach themselves to any denomination of the Christian Church. The church building, which characterized its projectors, as well as their financial and religious liberality, served the Baptists as a house of worship for more than thirty years. First Baptists From the time of the organization of the Baptist Church at East Saginaw, in 1858, the followers of this faith on the west side of the river had been connected with that church. But in November, 1863, fourteen of them asked for letters of dismissal from the society in order that they might form themselves into a church in Saginaw City. These earnest church workers were: Valorous A. Paine, Mrs. Harriett Paine, Ebenezer Briggs, William M. Haskell, Eli Townsend, Mrs. Hannah Townsend, Mrs. Belinda Benjamin, Mrs. Nancy A. Cody, Mrs. Jane Low, Mrs. Matilda Miller, Mrs. Christina Ross, Mrs. Mercia B. Palmer and Hannah Briggs. In addition to these, Mrs. Julia A. Burrows brought a letter from the First Church of Rochester, New York, and Mrs. Jennie F. Paine from the church in Bay City. The meeting for organization was held in the home of Mr. Paine, on Court Street, in the place now occupied by the Smith Building. This house is still standing on the corner of Michigan Avenue and Adams Street. The Reverend J. S. Goodman was chairman of the meeting and V. A. Paine was JEFFERSON AVENUE, NORTH FROM HAYDEN STREET, 1886 WEADOCK AVENUE, NORTH FROM THOMPSON STREET 324 HISTORY OF SAGINAW COUNTY clerk; and the Articles of Faith and the Covenant were duly adopted. On December 3, William M. Haskell and Ebenezer Briggs were chosen deacons. The legal organization and incorporation of the church society was effected in July, 1864, the trustees being: Valorous A. Paine, George L. Burrows and William J. Bartow. For a time services were held in the jury room of the court house, but in 1865 a church building was erected by the society on the corner of Fayette and Franklin (Hancock) Streets. Thirteen years after, this building, then outgrown by the congregation, was sold to the Evangelical Association. The parsonage on the adjoining lot on Fayette Street was first occupied July 31, 1877, and is still owned and so used by the society. The Mission Chapel, on Fayette Street between Perry and Dearborn, was built during the pastorate of the Reverend W. W. Pattengill, and dedicated June 4, 1871. The church building on Washington Avenue (now Michigan), near Adams, was purchased by the Baptist Church from the Liberal Christian Society; and was dedicated on March 27, 1878, the sermon being preached by the Reverend Dr. Hotchkiss, of Buffalo, New York. This church edifice served the congregation for about thirty years. The present commodious and imposing structure of the Michigan Avenue Baptist Church, at the corner of Michigan Avenue and Adams Street, was erected in 1908 through the united efforts of Dr. W. P. Morgan, L. A. Burrows and other zealous church members. It is conveniently arranged to meet the needs of the various church activities, and contains large Sabbath School and society meeting rooms, the church office and pastor's study, arranged with outside entrances. The style is of a composite type of church architecture, and the materials were brick and concrete with facing of dark paving brick and trimmings of stone. The first superintendent of the Sunday School was the Reverend J. S. Goodman. He was succeeded by Dr. George Northrup, and he by Levi Clark. In 1871, Dr. W. P. Morgan assumed the duties of this office, a Christian work in which he was very successful and conducted for many years, imparting to teachers and scholars a large measure of his spirit of zeal and religious training. In September, 1880, Dr. Morgan was elected one of the deacons of the church. The Mission Sunday School was organized by the Reverend N. P. Barlow, who was the first superintendent. Afterward the office was filled by Messrs. Irving, Pattengill and Wood, the latter serving for six years. In 1875 the number of trustees was increased to seven, and in that year were: George L. Burrows, 0. C. Davis, N. W. Dennison, W. P. Morgan, A. B. Paine, William T. Tibbetts, and N. S. Wood who was then treasurer of the society. Of the earnest and devoted members of this church, who labored long for the cause of righteousness, were the late William P. Morgan and Latham A. Burrows. The former spent a life of service to mankind, and his influence in the church activities will be felt for years to come. Mr. Burrows was also a steadfast Christian - a seeker after the truth. He was a musician of more than ordinary ability and attainments, and for a long term of years served the church as organist and choir director. Among the early pastors who ministered to the congregation were the Reverend L. L. Fittz, 1867-68; the Reverend N. P. Barlow, 1868-70; the Reverend W. E. Lyon, 1870-73; and the Reverend W. W. Pattengill, 1873-81. Other devoted ministers no less able and beloved have carried on the work of the church through intervening years, the present pastor being the Reverend Francis C. Stifler, who assumed charge in the Fall of 1912. RELIGIOUS AND SOCIAL LIFE 325 St. Andrew's Roman Catholic Church The earliest record of ministrations of the Roman Catholic Church in Saginaw is of 1841, when the Reverend Martin Kundig came to establish a Catholic mission. In the month of May of that year he held the first services in the house of I. J. Malden, on Water (Niagara) Street, near the location of the first freight house of the Jackson, Lansing and Saginaw Railroad. Afterward, the Reverend Lawrence Kilroy was appointed to the charge of the mission, and for several years held services of the Church in the homes of his faithful followers. Father Monahan and Father Kendekens succeeded him, coming from Flint to hold services. The Reverend H. T. H. Schutzes, secretary of Bishop Burgess, was the first priest appointed to the special charge of the Saginaw Valley missions. The first church house of St. Andrew's parish was a carpenter shop, purchased in 1852, which stood on the west side of Washington Street, just south of Adams. The following year this rough building was moved to the corner of W\ashington and Monroe Streets, and used as a church for twelve years. Reverend Father Vanderhayden was appointed priest of the Roman Catholic missions at Saginaw City and East Saginaw, in 1862, and under his direction the first church edifice of St. Andrew's was built in 1865. Five years later the building was inadequate to seat the rapidly increasing congregation, and was enlarged, and the erection of a parochial school commenced. Later, a priest's residence was built adjoining the church. In 1866 the mission at East Saginaw was set off as a separate parish, and the Reverend Father Vanderhayden was appointed pastor of St. Andrew's Church. Thus St. Andrew's is the mother church of the Catholic parishes in Saginaw, its history antedating any other efforts of the Roman Church in Saginaw County. T h e first committee of St. Andrew's Church, elected in 1862, was composed of Patrick McCullen, F. H. Fish, John Schnecker and John W. Richardson. To all activities of the parish these staunch churchmen lent their aid and encouragement, the liberal support of Mr. Richardson for a period of more than fifty years, until his death in February, 1915, ) e i n g especially noteworthy.: I Father Vanderhayden w a s a very earnest and energetic priest, and his lalbors in Saginaw City were fruitful of increasing members in the fold. He established St. Alndrew's parochial school, which in its early years was conducted by the Sisters of D i v i n e Providence. Greatly beloved by his own people and citizens outside the Catholic Church, he continued his labors for thirty-nine y e a r s, or until 1901, when he retired from active work and returned to his old home in Holland. ^,.... \.Mnh........ rA i nI Cr- v l/AINU-r - Y Ut IN 326 HISTORY OF SAGINAW COUNTY The Reverend Father Vanderhayden was succeeded by the Reverend Joseph J. Vogl, whose pastorate continued for ten years. In 1911, upon the consecration of the Reverend Joseph Schrembs as bishop of Toledo. Father Vogl was transferred to the charge of St. Mary's Church, Grand Rapids, thus left vacant. It was during his ministrations at St. Andrew's that initiative was taken toward the erection of a new church edifice, and a large proportion of the subscriptions to the building fund was secured by his efforts. The old church was removed to a lot adjoining the priest's residence, on Hamilton Street, and the foundation of the new church was soon after laid on the old site. The present pastor is the Reverend H. P. Maus, of Grand Haven, Michigan, who succeeded Father Vogl. Soon after he assumed charge the new church edifice, which had been in process of erection by Father Vogl, was completed at a cost of about fifty thousand dollars. On Decoration Day, May 30, 1913, at 7 A. M., the magnificent church was consecrated by Rt. Reverend Edward D. Kelly, D. D., auxiliary bishop of Detroit. Pontificial High Mass was celebrated at 10:30 A. M., by Rt. Reverend Henry Joseph Richter, D. D., in which the new church was opened to the public, no less than twelve bishops and priests participating. In the evening a banquet was given to the visiting clergy, and toasts responded to by the Mayor and leading Catholic citizens. The old church building has since been remodeled into a useful parish hall, in which many events in the social life of the Church are held. Father Maus is a man of powerful figure and commanding presence, and is a very energetic priest with a firm grasp of the affairs of the parish, both material and spiritual; and is tireless in good work among his people. He is a strong and eloquent speaker, and his sermons are delivered with convincing manner and telling effect, thus drawing many persons outside the Roman Catholic faith. In all he is an able successor of unusually able priests in the Lord; and the church work of St. Andrew's advances with the material progress of the city. SS. Peter and Paul Church Twenty-eight years ago the increasing need of a new parish in the southern portion of the city, resulted in the formation of SS. Peter and Paul Church, and the erection in 1888 of a substantial brick edifice on the corner of 'Wayne and Fayette Streets. The Reverend Father Lefevre, who had served for many years as assistant to Father Vanderhayden in St. Andrew's parish, was largely instrumental in organizing the new church, the first trustees of which were: E. P. Austin, Hugh McPhillips, Patrick McManmon and F. J. Ruchser, now all deceased with the exception of Mr. McPhillips. The new church building was dedicated in October, 1888, by Bishop Henry Joseph Richter, of Grand Rapids, with a membership of two hundred and eightyeight souls. The first pastor of the church was the Reverend Father Lefevre, who, after a long and faithful service, still ministers to the congregation. Being of a strong and energetic nature, and zealous for the upbuilding of the Kingdom of Christ, he soon cleared the church of debt, and in 1889 opened a small school with three Sisters as teachers and eighty-six children. But the school grew so fast that every year to 1892, one room and one teacher was added to meet the needs for primary instruction and religious training. In 1892 the pastor's residence was built on Wayne Street, and in the following year an addition of two rooms was made to the school house. The congregation at that time numbered seven hundred and seventy-five members. RELIGIOUS AND SOCIAL LIFE 327 In 1909 a large new church school was begun and finished in 1910. Including a Sister's residence this school has twenty-one rooms, and cost with its furnishings twenty-five thousand dollars. On September 6, 1914, the school opened with twelve teachers in charge and three hundred and sixtyfive children; and the congregation increased to over thirteen hundred souls, now being one of the largest churches in the city. In that year a large addition to the church edifice was built, the interior redecorated and new furnishings installed, at a cost of twelve thousand dollars. The Fall term of 1915 opened very auspiciously with thirteen teachers and nearly four hundred children. In the past three years SS. Peter and Paul school has been affiliated with the Michigan University, and is in good standing in all its twelve grades. Other West Side Churches St. Paul's Evangelical Lutheran Church was organized November 30, 1851, by the Reverend Julius Ehrhart with twenty-two members. The first officers of the society were: William Barie and M. Strauss, deacons; J. P. Roller, H. Schnuphase and Dr. M. C. T. Plessner, trustees. In 1857 a church was erected at the corner of Harrison and Ames Streets. Twelve years later the present edifice was built at a cost of eight thousand dollars, and dedicated October 17, 1869. The first pastor of the church was the Reverend J. Ehrhart, who was succeeded in the early years by Reverends Christian Foltz, Conrad Foltz, C. Adam, Hugh B. Kuhn and Chris Eberhardt. The present pastor is the Reverend J. H. Westendorf, a native of this county, who was born and reared at Zilwaukee. He assumed charge in February, 1898, and in eighteen years of faithful service has witnessed a steady growth of the church, both in numbers and in spiritual life. From the time this church was organized a parochial school has been maintained to afford religious instruction to the children and youth of the members. It also offers elementary education in English and German. In the early days the pastors were also the teachers of the school, and the old church building, upon completion of the new edifice, was devoted to school purposes. In 1883 the present school house was built, but owing to greatly increased attendance, it was enlarged in 1892. Three teachers are employed, and the average daily attendance is about one hundred and twenty-five in the eight grades. The graduates of the school pass directly to advanced courses in the Arthur Hill High School. The Evangelical Association was formed in 1875 by the Reverend M. Heininger, of Flint, and Vincent Gaum, president; Daniel Haller, secretary; John Himmelbach, treasurer, and the Reverend J. M. Fuchs, pastor. In 1878 the old Baptist Church, at Fayette and Franklin (Hancock) Streets, was purchased by the association and improved for chapel purposes, for which it was used for nearly thirty years. The pastors of early years of the association were the Reverends J. M. Fuchs, C. C. Stiffield, W. F. Zanders and H. Schneider. In 1881 the membership had reached forty-five; and the Sunday School was in charge of John Himmelbach as superintendent, Barbara Stengel, secretary, and V. Gaum, treasurer. The First Church at East Saginaw To the Methodists belong the honor of having organized the first church society at East Saginaw, at a time when the place was but a hamlet, built upon a marsh. Previous to the Fall of 1852 there was no class or organization representing Methodism on the east side of the river, but at the conference of that year the Reverend George Bradley was appointed missionary for the Saginaw Valley. On the sixteenth of December, 1852, he organized 328 HISTORY OF SAGINAW COUNTY the "Methodist Episcopal Church of the Village of East Saginaw," making a certificate for the appointment of trustees. At that day there was not a man, woman or child in the village who professed to be a Methodist, so Mr. Bradley named Charles Johnson, then a teacher in the Indian Mission School at Kawkawlin, Samuel N. Warren and Henry T. Higgins, of Flint, himself, as Methodists, and Norman Little, Charles T. Disbrow and John Moore, trustees. The first Methodist sermon was preached by Reverend Bradley in the "Irving House," the leading hotel of the place; and services were held there for some time thereafter. The pastor meanwhile purchased some lots on Water Street as a suitable site for a church, but they were never used for that purpose. In the summer of 1853 John W. Griswold took up his residence in the village, and soon made himself known as an earnest Methodist. He was a man of some means, and acting with Mr. Bradley selected the lot at the southeast corner of Washington and German Streets, now occupied by a part of the Hotel Vincent, as a suitable site for a church building. Soon after he purchased the lot in his own name and his own cost, and deeded it to the church society January 20, 1854. Such an act of generosity attracted considerable attention in the village, but the donor soon left and his whereabouts were unknown. Reverend Bradley thereupon started plans for the erection of a church building; but in the Fall he was superseded by the Reverend A. C. Shaw, who had been appointed to the charge of the churches on both sides of the river. Reverend Shaw was a man of great energy, understood western life, and it was not long before he knew everybody on the river. He made a great stir, and early in 1855 had a church building under way. Many amusing stories have been told about this ardent missionary. He could preach and pray with the solemnity of a Bishop, could work on the church building with hammer and saw, cross the river on a saw log to meet appointments; and there was nothing reasonable or consistent with his following, that he could not, or did not do, in carrying on his work. The style of the church building was pleasing, it was said, to only one member of the board of trustees, Norman Little, who represented the Hoyt interests and had great influence in such matters. The church was at length completed and dedicated in the Fall of 1855; and the Reverend Samuel Clemens was sent to take charge of the work on both sides of the river. He remained for one year and was followed by Reverend Belknap, whose pastorate was of only six months duration as he was obliged to leave on account of failing health. In the Fall of 1857 the Reverend Mr. Mosher came, and during the two years of his labors there was a great revival and increase in membership. He was succeeded by the Reverend H. N. Brown who remained for two years, then the Reverend H. 0. 'Parker was pastor for one term. Late in 1863 the Reverend F. A. iWarren became pastor and remained for one year. During these years of hardship and sacrifice, worship was still held in the little brown church on Washington Street. It was not a fashionable congregation - Methodists, Presbyterians and BapOLD ME'rHODIST CHURCH tists -that gathered together in those early days; and they resorted to the use of candles to light the church for evening service, some brother or sister having the honor of holding the candle during the singing so that those around them could see the music of the hymns. Other sisters brought scissors to snuff the candles, JEFFERS FOUNTAIN The Federal Building and the Elk's Temple in Background i PORTRAIT GALLERY OF RESIDENTS OF SAGINAW CITY, 1860-1875 INDEX TO PORTRAIT GALLERY OF OLD-TIME RESIDENTS 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 Mrs. James Jerome Unidentified Charles E. Wheeler A. B. Paine Mrs. A. B. Paine David H. Jerome Mrs. D. H. Jerome Thomas S. Jerome Rev. Hough Mrs. W. H. Carpenter Mrs. Anna Palmer Dr. Smith Ezra Rust Mrs. Ezra Rust Bird Richman Mrs. C. L. Richman Wheaton Carpenter William H. Taylor } Sons of Mr. Taylor Mrs. G. K. Grout Harry Miller Mrs. Charles A. Rust Jay Smith Mrs. Jay Smith Dr. J. B. White Mrs. J. B. White Henry Miller D. L. C. Eaton Mr. Bostwick Miss Bernhard Miss Weigart John Moore Mrs. L. T. Durand Mrs. D. F. Paine 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 Mrs. John Moore Mrs. Purmort Augustine S. Gaylord Mrs. Isaac Parsons Mrs. J. H. Morley Mrs. A. S. Gaylord Amasa Rust Mrs. Amasa Rust Charles A. Rust E. G. Rust A. G. Van Wey Father Vanderhayden George T. Williams Mrs. Winder Dr. Plessner Libby Benjamin R. J. Birney F. R. Potter J. Blackmore Mrs. E. R. Ayres Mrs. D. W. Briggs Mrs. G. L. Burrows Ed. Behan J. W. Penoyer Winnie Smith Miss Nettie Ripley Unidentified Mr. Frazee L. W. Wade Unidentified Mrs. Bullock E. Ripley W. S. Green James G. Terry Mrs. J. G. Terry 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 Charles Burleson Newell Barnard, Sr. Mrs. Aaron Parsons Captain Slenaw Mrs. Hudson Jimmie Hay Mrs. W. H. Taylor Daughter of Mrs. Taylor Mrs. Ripley Mrs. E. Ripley Mary Ann Ripley Anna Ripley Henry Ripley Fred Ripley Sarah Ripley (Mrs. Fraser) W. D. Carpenter Mrs. W. D. Carpenter Frank Webster Nellie Keevy Hattie Wright Charles Stinchfield Rosetta Lewis (Mrs. Wellington) James Jerome Lizzie Merrill (Mrs. C. L. Ring) Mrs. Dr. Smith Daughter of Dr. Smith } Misses Bither Willie Armstrong Frank Purmort Widow Penoyer Mrs. Smith Palmer Mrs. D. F. Paine Mrs. J. F. Wider co co I-i H 0 t0 0 C 0 C; I ^ RELIGIOUS AND SOCIAL LIFE 333 thereby giving a little more light. The interior of the meeting-house was bare of carpet except in the pulpit and on each side of the altar, but the spirit of the Almighty was present, His power being displayed in the conversion of sinners and in the sanctification of believers. To afford better light for the pastor, a beautiful lamp was afterward presented by John P. Allison, for use on the pulpit; and soon after oil lamps replaced the candles. The Ladies Aid Society of the Methodist Church was organized in 1863. for the purpose of aiding the project for a new church. Mrs. A. M. Driggs was its first president and guiding spirit in years to follow. During the succeeding fifteen years, by personal solicitation, socials, church suppers and other activities, the society raised at least twelve thousand dollars, which was expended for furnishings, expenses and charitable work. During the Civil War its relief work for wounded soldiers was a notable feature of its labors; and in after years became the main stay of the pastors, and was an inspiration to the male workers of the church. For some years the society paid the insurance on the property, kept the organ in repair, paid the organist and sexton, bought fuel for heating the church, and dishes for the parsonage an(l the church kitchen. In 1864 the Reverend R. R. Richards was sent by the Conference, and he worked in good earnest. By his special request Mrs. Mary West became superintendent of the Sabbath School, which position she filled for many years. During his pastorate the little church became over-crowded with worshipers, and in 1868 the building and parsonage were sold to the newly organized Presbyterian society. Services were then held in Penney's Hall, on Genesee Street, and later in Jackson Hall, on Washington Street. Reverend Richards retired in 1867, and was followed by the Reverend J. H. McCarty. Meanwhile,the society purchased a new lot on Jefferson Street, and a subscription raised for the erection of a new meeting-house. The corner stone of the new church was laid by Reverend McCarty on March 27, 1867, but the building of so large and well appointed an edifice was a big undertaking, considering the resources of the society, and it was not until the fourth Sunday in August of the following year that the first services were held in the basement. The church was finally completed and dedicated by Bishop Haven, December 27, 1868, at which time there were one hundred and fifty members. The total cost of the edifice, including the spire rising to a height of one hundred and sixty-two feet, was fifty-one thousand dlollars. In 1870 Mir. McCarty was succeeded by the Reverend J. M. Fuller, and after two years of toil was superseded by the Reverend David Casler, who remained for three years. Other pastors of the church were: Reverend Castor, 1875-78; Reverend WV. E. Bigelow, 1878-79; Reverend J. N. McEldowvney, 1879-81; Reverend John Wilson, 1881-84; Reverend Charles H. Morgan, 1884-87; Reverend George W. Hudson, 1889-90; Reverend Camden M. Cobern, 1890-91; Reverend William Dawe, 1891-93, and six years as presiding elder; Reverend W. W. Washburn, 1893-95; Reverend George W. Jennings, 1895-98; Reverend J. S. Haller, 1898-1902; Reverend E. A. Elliott, 1902-07; Reverend A. B. Leonard, 1907-09; and Reverend C. B. Steele, 1909-11. The l)resent pastor is the Reverend Frederick Spence who came to this church in 1911, and will soonl conclude his fifth year of faithful service to the congregation. In his pastorate extensive alterations were made to the church edifice, and refurnishing and other improvements added appreciably to the attractiveness of the audience and Sabbath School rooms. The parsonage directly back of the church on Warren Avenue is a valuable adjunct to the property, and is a comfortable home for the pastor, from which the various activities of the church are directed. In 1916 the membership was five hundred and fifty in good standing. 334 HISTORY OF SAGINAW COUNTY In 1873, through the persistent efforts of the Reverend James Riley, the Ames Chapel Mission was established on Penoyer Farm. This mission, in the midst of a new settlement directly across the river from the business section of East Saginaw, occupied a comfortable chapel on Fourth (Hanchett) Street near Lincoln (Genesee) Avenue. As this section of the city built up a separate and independent congregation was formed from the mission, and regular church work and services have been maintained there since. The present pastor is the Reverend G. H. Curts who came to the church in September, 1912; and the membership is now one hundred and ninety. St. Paul's Episcopal Church St. Paul's Parish, like other Catholic churches, had its origin in a mission established in the early days of settlement of East Saginaw. It was in 1854 that the Reverend Voltaire Spalding, who had charge of St. John's Church at Saginaw City, organized this parish on the east side of the river. No other church than the Methodist society then existed, so that St. Paul's is next in order of seniority. Like all the others this little company of churchmen and churchwomen was for a time without a church home, and was dependent upon public halls in which to worship. At length Jesse Hoyt, who ever had the social, religious and cultural welfare of the city at heart, as well as it material progress, made the parish a gift of a lot at the northeast corner of Warren and Lapeer Streets, as a suitable site for a church building.. The location was then well removed, s from the center of the settlement, being on the edge of the almost unbroken forest, but the ground was firm and solid. Upon this site which is now close to the center of the business section of the East Side, was erected in 1864 the first St. Paul's, a wooden building of got of t h e medieval style, comfortably 4furnished, heated and lighted. It i Shad seatings for about four hundred persons and cost about twenty-two thousand dollars. Among the early rectors may be named the Reverend G. B. Eastman, the Reverend George W. Wilson, the Reverend L. S. Stevens and OLD ST. PAUL'S, ERECTED IN 1864 the Reverend William A. Masker who assumed the duties of rector May 25, 1881. In 1874, under the ministrations of the Reverend G. W. Wilson, the membership was one hundred and seventy, and the Sunday school numbered one hundred and. fifty. St. Paul's was then keeping pace with the growth of East Saginaw which was fast becoming a lumber port of considerable importance. On April 4, 1884, the parish suffered the loss of its church building by fire. This was a severe blow to the congregation, which was soon after enhanced by a disruption among the members over the selection of a more favorable site for the erection of the new church. After many heated discussions in which it was impossible to arrive at an agreement, the parish at length divided, the majority, comprising the older and more influential element supporting the old organization. RELIGIOUS AND SOCIAL LIFE 335 The other and more radical element of the congregation, which was composed very largely of "high churchmen," thereupon organized the new parish of All Saint's, and called the Reverend Father Radcliffe to the rectorship. He was an earnest and faithful priest and drew many persons into the fold. A very appropriate location for the new church edifice and rectory was chosen at the northeast corner of Genesee Avenue and Burt Street, and the erection of the building begun. In due couse it was completed and furnished at large sacrifice by the devoted members of the congregation. For several years All Saint's Church did a good work in the eastern part of the city, but the burden of debt which had been assumed at the time of building the church was too great to be carried, and the parish sold its property and dissolved. Some of the more active members then allied themselves with Calvary Memorial Church at North Saginaw, to the work of which they entered with their accustomed zeal and faithfulness. INTERIOR OF ST. PAUL'S CHURCH The old St. Paul's congregation, meanwhile, had chosen lots at Washington Avenue and Fitzhugh Streets, and in 1887, during the rectorship of the Reverend Isaac Barr, commenced the erection of a stone edifice for their church home. At this time Henry D. Wickes, his brother, Edward N. Wickes, John J. Wheeler and C. Stuart Draper were influential vestrymen of the parish, and gave most liberally of their time and means to forward the building operations. The beautiful new church was completed and dedicated in the Summer of 1888; and services of the Church have since been held within its walls. The Reverend Isaac Barr was followed in 1890 by the Reverend William H. Gallagher, a very able and devoted minister, who remained rector of St. 336 HISTORY OF SAGINAW COUNTY Paul's for a period of twenty years. His broad and liberal Churchmanship, sturdy Christianity and good deeds without number, soon brought him into prominence in the religious life of the city, and few clergymen have enjoyed the universal esteem and high regard in which he was held by all classes of citizens, irrespective of creed or religious belief. His preaching, though never sensational, was vigorous and masterful, and was marked by deep and thorough knowledge of the scriptures. He appealed to the reason and to the spiritual sensibilities of his hearers rather than to the emotions; and his beautiful reading of the church service will always be remembered with peculiar pleasure by the members of his congregation. The present rector of St. Paul's is the Reverend Thomas E. Swan, who has filled the churchly office for the last four years, and is carrying on the good work of the parish and Sunday School. The Congregationalists In the early years of Christian endeavor in Saginaw there were a number of persons professing the faith of the Congregational Church, but, for want of a separate organization they worshipped with the members of other churches. In Saginaw City they became strong enough in 1842, as we have seen, to change the established Presbyterian Church to their own organization, and, although the society later went back to its previous form of government, a few persons still adhered to the covenent and fellowship of the Congregational Church. Among these true and zealous Christians was Chester B. Jones, who was yet a devoted member of the First Presbyterian Church. In April, 1853, imbued with a true missionary spirit, he organized the first Sabbath School on the east side of the river, the sessions being held in the "Academy" on South Jefferson and Hoyt Streets. The few families which professed membership in the Congregational Church, like the Presbyterians and Baptists, worshipped with the Methodists whom they had aided in building the first church edifice at East Saginaw. At length it seemed advisable to have another church in this place, and the Congregationalists and Presbyterians united and began to look about for a suitable minister. In the Spring of 1857 Mr. Jones and a few others withdrew from the church in Saginaw City, in which they had labored for several years, and were instrumental in forming a new congregation on the East Side. On May 3rd the Reverend William C. Smith, of Lapeer, preached in the Methodist Church, which stood on the southeast corner of Washington and German Streets, and in the evening in Buena Vista Hall. He was immediately engaged by the society with much zeal, as their pastor, for one year; and services were held in the hall, which had been offered to the citizens by Jesse Hoyt, for public worship. On the first Sunday of the following June Mr. Smith and a few others formed a Sabbath School, Mr. Jones being chosen superintendent. Within a few weeks the school numbered about one hundred and fifty scholars, and had a library of six hundred volumes, many of which were the gift of friends at the East through John P. Allison. Mr. Jones held the office of superintendent for six terms, and was succeeded by Henry M. Flagler, the school at that time having three hundred and thirty-six scholars. After three years H. T. Collins was chosen to the office, and later was succeeded by Lucius C. Storrs. When the society had been well established some of the members desired a church organization, and a meeting was held Tuesday, September 11, 1857, to consider the subject. Those present were Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Warner, Mr. and Mrs. Jacob E. Vorhies, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Woodruff, Mr. and Mrs. RELIGIOUS AND SOCIAL LIFE 387 THE FIRST CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH Erected in 1860 at the Southwest Corner of Washington and German Streets George Morris, Mrs. Norman Little, Mrs. Menzo C. Stevens, Mrs. William L. WVebber, Mrs. DeWitt C. Gage, MIrs. Robert Pearson, Mrs. Stephen B. Knapp, Mrs. Nancy Brown, Mrs. George Elseffer, Mrs. William McKnight, Miss Catharine Lathrop, Solomon Lathrop, Edwin A. Moore, Horace B. Hubbard and Chester B. Jones. Having decided upon a church organization the form of government was determined by ballot, eighteen votes being cast for the Congregational form and four for the Presbyterian. The name chosen was "The First Congregational Church of East Saginaw;" and on October 7, 1857, an Ecclesiastical Council organized the church, the Reverend WVilliam C. Smith offering the Prayer of Organization. At this time Mrs. Smith, the wife of the pastor, and Miss Augusta E. Kimball were admitted by letter, and the Misses Helen R. G. Little, Amanda and Elizabeth WNoodruff by profession. The first Preparatory Lecture was given October 31, and the Sacrament was first celebrated November 1, 1857. After a faithful and honored service of eight years Mr. Smith resigned the pastorate and closed his labors here on Sunday, April 30, 1865. Following him was a line of able and consecrated servants of God, who were: Reverend John G. W\. Cowles, 1865-71; Reverend Joseph Estabrook, as supply in 1871 Reverend William DeLoss Love, 1871-76; Reverend William F. Day, 1877-82; Reverend Franklin Noble, 1883-89; Reverend George R. Wallace, 1890-94; Reverend William Knight, 1894-97; Reverend Andrew Burns Chalmers, 1898-1901; Reverend Nelson S. Bradley, 1901 to the present time. To co-operate with the church the First Congregational Society was formed September 7, 1857, and the following were elected trustees: Norman Little, DeWitt C. Gage, Chester B. Jones, Jacob E. Vorhies and George J. Dorr. Others serving later in this capacity were: W. L. P. Little, John H. Elseffer, Henry Woodruff, George W. Waldron, William C. Janes, Alfred T. Silsbee, George H. Newcombe, Henry M. Flagler, Dwight G. Holland, 338 HISTORY OF SAGINAW COUNTY Erastus T. Judd, Charles K. Robinson, D. Forsyth Rose, William H. Warner and Byron B. Buckhout. In 1911 the society and church were consolidated under the name of "The First Congregational Church of Saginaw." The first house of worship used by this church was built on the southwest corner of Washington and German Streets, directly opposite the Methodist Church; and the first effective work on it was performed in October, 1860. It was first used by the congregation for worship on February 3, 1861. The original cost of the structure was two thousand dollars, but in the following year additional pews were provided and the gallery enlarged, bringing the cost of the church property, including heating and lighting arrangements, to forty-five hundred dollars. In the Autumn of 1866, to provide for the increasing membership, measures were taken toward building the present church, and its dedication was held on Sunday, June 14, 1868. Professor Joseph Haven, D. D., of Chicago, preached the Sermon of Dedication, after which upwards of twentytwo thousand dollars was added to the subscriptions to the building fund; and in the evening the Reverend J. W. Hough preached, and more than six thousand dollars was added to the fund. The Prayer of Dedication was then offered by the pastor. In 1891 extensive repairs and alterations were made in the edifice and chapel, including a new elevated floor, new opera chairs, and perfect electric lighting and ventilating arrangements throughout. The organ was moved from the side to the center, back of the pulpit, thoroughly rebuilt, and a place provided for the chorus choir of about thirty voices. The total cost of the church property, including these improvements, has been seventy-seven thousand dollars. The Men's Club of the First Congregational Church was organized October 30, 1907, for church extension and social purposes, and has had a useful existence since that time. The original officers were: William P. Powell, president; Robert T. Holland, vice-president; Fred C. Roberts, recording secretary; Norman N. Rupp, secretary; William A. Brewer, treasurer. Among the general interest meetings that have been held may be mentioned those in which Wellington R. Burt spoke on "The Constitutional Convention," William B. Mershon on "Forestry," William S. Linton on "The Parcel Post," Professor R. C. Allen on "The Iron Mines of the Upper Peninsula," Frank C. Peck on "Railway Mail Service," Eugene Wilber on "Alaska," Professor Shull on "Eugenics," WVilliam J. Gray, of Detroit, on "The Federal Reserve System," C. W. Stive on "The Shipping Bill," and Bishop Charles D. Williams, of the Episcopal Diocese of Michigan, on "Taxation." The club has extended its membership to include others than those connected with the Congregational Church, and has added materially to the cultural life of the city. The First Baptist Church. The first Baptist Society was organized in 1853 with scarcely a score of members, but with zealous purpose of worshiping according to the tenets of their church. Their first house of worship was a small frame building erected by James S. Webber, on South Jefferson Avenue nearly opposite the present church. A picture of this primitive meeting house appears on page 191. The first meetings of the society held in this building, which was known as "Union Hall," were on the third and fourth of July, 1858. Ten years later, when there was extensive church building and other improvements in East Saginaw, the society acquired the lot at the northeast corner of Jefferson and German Streets, and soon after erected thereon a red brick RELIGIOUS AND SOCIAL LIFE 339 edifice with gray stone trimmings. In style the church building resembles the Methodist and St. John's German Lutheran churches, and has an audience room seating six hundred, noted for its excellent accoustic properties. The basement is divided into lecture and Sabbath school rooms and pastor's study. Even in the early days the church was heated by steam and lighted by gas; and the total cost was thirty-six thousand dollars. The erection of this substantial church edifice in so commanding a location was largely due to the indefatigable labors of the Reverend H. L. Morehouse, who was pastor for twelve years, and also to the liberal support of the active church members, many of whom were numbered among our most solid citizens. In 1873, the Reverend Theodore Nelson assumed the pastorate and under his able ministrations covering a long period of years, the membership, which was one hundred and seventy at his coming, increased more than two fold. He was followed by the Reverend Taber and other able ministers; and in 1908 his son, the Reverend Wilbur Nelson, was called as pastor and remained in charge four years. The present pastor is the Reverend Stuart Gordon Boone who assumed his duties July 1, 1912. In more recent years the church property has been greatly improved, the stained glass windows and large pipe organ being features appreciated by the large congregation. Other church societies of the Baptist faith are the Fordney Avenue Church, at South Saginaw, and the Zion Baptist (negro), at the corner of Johnson and Second Streets. Warren Avenue Presbyterian Among those who formerly united with the Congregationalists in sustaining preaching in East Saginaw, were a few persons who still adhered to the Presbyterian faith. These devout Christians withdrew in 1867, and on March 24th of that year organized the "First Presbyterian Church of East Saginaw," afterward changed to the Warren Avenue Presbyterian. On that day the Reverend L. J. Root preached and administered the Sacrament, and was assisted by the Reverend Calvin Clark, secretary of Home Missions. Alexander Mitchell and Alexander Ross, having been previously ordained, and duly elected ruling elders of the church, were regularly installed as pastors. Besides these devoted ministers and their wives, there were thirtytwo charter members of the society, including Mrs. Frances E. Spinney, Mr. and Mrs. William Allen, Mrs. Isabel Sutherland, Mr. and Mrs. David M. Austin, Orrin M. Stone, Mrs. Mary A. Hodson, David Taggart and Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Steele. The Reverend W. BW. Thorpe ministered to the congregation and was succeeded by the Reverend A. F. Johnson. In 1870 the Reverend S. E. Wishard became pastor and remained for two years, when the Reverend Thomas Middlemis took charge and continued his ministrations for five years. During his pastorate the society, which hitherto had not prospered, began a new life and built a substantial brick church building on the corner of Warren and Millard Streets. It was at length completed at a cost of twelve thousand dollars, and first used as a house of worship in the Fall of 1874, when the congregation comprised seventy-six members. In 1877 the Reverend David Van Dyke was called as pastor, and on July 1, 1880, the Reverend John T. Oxtoby, of hallowed memory, assumed pastoral charge. Under the ministrations of this able and scholarly minister the church grew in members and influence, and soon numbered among its staunch supporters some of our representative citizens. His pastorate covered a period of sixteen years, during which he endeared himself to thousands by his sturdy Christianity, strong character and' great sympathy for all in 'G LCS ERIP SCAL 1:uKRniS GROUP OF SAGINAW CHURCHES RELIGIOUS AND SOCIAL LIFE 341 distress. He retired in 1896 and was followed in March of that year by the Reverend Joseph Riley Tewell, who ministered to the congregation until his death in 1903. Mr. Tewell was an earnest and devoted minister of rare spiritual endowment, and an indefatigable worker. Through his efforts the church edifice was greatly improved, refurnished and redecorated, and a new heating system installed. But by a strange turn of fortune the house of worship was not again to seat the congregation, for on the very Sunday morning that it was to have been reopened for worship and joyful hymns of praise, a fire started around the furnace and the structure was entirely destroyed. Dismayed but not disheartened by the loss of their church home, the minister and congregation set about with commendable energy to rebuild the edifice along modern lines well adapted to present needs. In a remarkably short time the present building arose on the site of the old, and is a monument to the labors of Reverend Tewell and his able helpers in the congregation. By his influence and persistent efforts the entire debt on the property, including three thousand dollars for the organ, was liquidated shortly after the church building was completed. The strain of overwork, however, was too great for his enfeebled state of health, and he died on February 23, 1903, deeply mourned by all who had known him, or had come under his helpful influence. The present pastor is Reverend J. A. Dunkel who assumed charge September 1, 1903. Under his able direction of the church activities the membership increased to eight hundred and fifty, including a mission maintained in Buena Vista. The other church property consists of church house at 510 South Warren Avenue, and the Manse at 710 South Weadock Avenue, from which the religious work of the congregation is directed. Other churches of the Presbyterian faith are: Grace Presbyterian, at the corner of Dearborn and Fayette Streets; Immanuel, on Genesee Avenue between Hill and Hanchett Streets; and the Washington Avenue Presbyterian, at the corner of Washington Avenue and Williamson Street. St. Mary's Roman Catholic Church The beginning of St. Mary's Church, the largest and most influential of the Roman Catholic parishes of this city, was in a small mission established by Father Schutzes in the eighteen-fifties. He was one of a band of devoted priests of Dutch descent who came to the forest wilderness along the Huron shore, to establish missions among the pioneer settlers. At the mouth of the Saginaw River he first planted the Cross, but soon pressed on to the settlement of East Saginaw, where he formed a flourishing mission among the few followers of his faith. This good work he continued until 1863, when Father Vanderhayden, who the preceding year had assumed charge of the mission at Saginaw City, was assigned to the duties of both missions. The first church edifice of St. Mary's was built in 1863, and dedicated on Christmas day of that year. It stood on the site of the present imposing and churchly building, at the corner of Wells (Owen) and Hoyt Streets, and was capable of seating about six hundred persons. From 1863 to 1866 the parish was under the charge of Father Vanderhayden, who was then relieved of the duties of this church to devote all his energies to the upbuilding of St. Andrew's on the west side of the river. Father Vanderbom was deputed to the work at St. Mary's, which he continued for twenty-three years, and was greatly beloved by his flock. In 1874 the number of communicants was fourteen hundred and thirty-two, an illustration of the remarkable success of the early missionary priests of the Church. During the pastorate of Father Vanderbom the church property was greatly improved by the addition of the parochial school and priest's residence 342 HISTORY OF SAGINAW COUNTY on Hoyt Street. Besides the church services and pastoral duties his activities included the establishment of a branch of the Convent of the Immaculate Heart, consisting of four sisters, who taught in the school which numbered two hundred and seventy pupils. St. Vincent's Orphan Home, which cares for a large number of indigent children, was also established, very largely through the efforts of this devoted servant of God. In 1889 Father Michael Dalton was appointed to the charge of St. Mary's, and ministered to the spiritual needs of the congregation for over twentyfour years. He was born in County Clare, Ireland, February 24, 1852, and received elementary education in schools of his native land, where he finished his classical and philosophical studies. Upon coming to America he continued his preparation for the priesthood at Mt. St. Mary's Seminary in Cincinnati. He held pastorates at Sandwich, Ontario, Detroit, Ludington, Berlin, Grand Haven and Big Rapids, and came to Saginaw in the prime of his intellectual and spiritual power. It was during his charge of St. Mary's that the magnificent church edifice was erected with its many beautiful memorials and costly gifts, representing the sacrifice and loving devotion of the faithful in Christ. Father Dalton died October 9, 1913, greatly mourned by his congregation which then numbered more than twenty-five hundred souls; and the parish of St. Mary's with its many activities in religious and charitable work, is a monument to his consecrated life. The Reverend Edward A. Caldwell was then appointed to the charge of this prosperous church, the appointment being a high tribute to years of faithful service in minor parishes. Father Caldwell was born and reared in this city, and received his early education and religious instruction in the school of the church over which he now presides as priest. Before the altar at which he says mass and hears songs of praise, he received his first communion, and at the confessional in which he hears of the sorrows of the penitent, he first confessed his sins. To him his people are like one great family which he has known and loved for a lifetime, and which, having known him from boyhood, regard him as their very own. St. Joseph's Roman Catholic Church In 1872 a number of Catholic families connected with St. Mary's Church, among whom was Michael Jeffers, set about to form a new parish in the northern part of the city. This section of East Saginaw was then beginning to build up by railroad men in the employ of the Flint & Pere Marquette Railroad, and the church people saw an opportunity to plant the Cross on fruitful soil. They entered with zeal upon the task of organizing the new parish, and in the Summer of 1873 the Reverend Richard Sweeney was appointed to the charge. He was a young man of exceptional ability, and grew in favor with his people, so that soon the church numbered one hundred and thirty-five families. The commodious and churchly house of worship, which was begun in 1872 at the corner of Sixth and Sears Streets, was finished soon after Father Sweeney assumed charge, and has served the congregation to the present time. In due course a pastoral residence was built adjoining the church, and a parochial school and Sisters' house erected at the rear. From a small beginning made forty-four years ago, St. Joseph's parish has become one of the best equipped Catholic churches in Saginaw- Valley. Father Sweeney remained the beloved pastor of St. Joseph's, laboring long and late for the spiritual welfare of his flock, for forty-one years, and relinquished his charge only when, old in years, his enfeebled state of health compelled such action. This was much against the wishes of his devoted RELIGIOUS AND SOCIAL LIFE 343 'Slgn. w.. parishioners, many of whom he had baptised, communed, married and watched over as they grew from childhood to manhood, and became steadfast followers of the faith. This able and consecrated prelate was succeeded by the Reverend K. J. Whalen, who assumed charge January 1, 1914. He is a priest of commanding figure, a powerful preacher, a true friend of the poor and needy, and is endeavoring by spiritual grace to worthily continue the good work of his predecessor, and afford comfort and assurance to the two hundred families which comprise his flock. Church of the Sacred Heart Like St. Joseph's parish, the Church of the Sacred Heart sprang from the mother church of St. Mary's. On the fifteenth of January, 1874, the first meeting of the German Catholics of the old congregation was held to elect trustees of the new parish. A. Baumgarten acted as chairman and Arnold Nachtweih as secretary of the meeting. The trustees were: Adolph Schmidt, Alois Grohmann, Gottfried Fritz, Simon Frey, G. Schmitt, William Casparr, George Wirtz, Bernhard Berghoff, Caspar Echenbach, Joseph Hamburger and John Henrigs. The corner stone of the building intended for the use of the church and school was laid on August 24, 1874. The location, at the corner of Sixth and Cherry Streets, was most advantageous for steady growth of the parish, and time has shown the wisdom of its selection by the founders of this prosperous and influential church. At that time the congregation consisted of only forty-five families, but by personal efforts and large sacrifices they at length completed the building, at a cost of seventy-three hundred dollars. The school opened very auspiciously on December 14, 1874, with Miss Weiss and Miss Geisler as teachers in German and English. On Sunday, December 20th, of that year, the first service was held in the new church-school, the pastor being the Reverend Hugo Praessar. 344 HISTORY OF SAGINAW COUNTY _ _.... _..... The priests' residence on Cherry Street was built in the Summer of 1878 by Father Joseph Reis, who assumed charge of the parish September 28, 1876. During his remarkable pastorate covering a period of forty years, he has witnessed great changes in the city and wonderful growth of the Roman Catholic churches. His congregation has grown steadily, and at present consists of one hundred and sixty families. The school has also kept pace with the advancement of Catholicism, and now has enrolled one hundred and forty-five scholars, divided into eight grades. At present the school is in charge of the Dominican Sisters. The present church edifice, which is an excellent example of true ecclesiastical architecture, was commenced in 1891. The high basement was soon completed and finished off, and used for church services for a number of years. Meanwhile the erection of the imposing -' superstructure was under way, and was com1;.,~_:^';y: i::-l0::;-t ';; 0 l pleted in 1911 at a cost of eighty thousand dollars. In this large and beautiful church the congregation worships, listen to songs of praise, and receives spiritual comfort from the scholarly discourses of their beloved rector, which are Po spoken in both English and German. Father Reis, the aged prelate who still ministers unto his people, directs the activities and l benevolent work of t h i s prosperous church. There are few priests of the Church in Michigan whose labors for the upbuilding of the Kingdom of Christ have been of longer duration; and the Church of the Sacred Heart, in both its material and spiritual establishment, is to a large degree a monument to t he patient, persistent and kindly endeavors of this consecrated priest. Other Roman Catholic parishes of Saginaw are: Holy Family Church (French), Father Louis M. Prud'homme, priest in charge, on South Washington Avenue opposite Hoyt Park; Holy Rosary Church (Polish), on Annesley Street between Thirteenth and Fourteenth Streets; Lady of Mt. Carmel Church (Italian), on Warren Avenue between Lapeer and Tuscola Streets; and St. Josaphat's Church in the northwest section, and its parochial school with two Dominican Sisters and one hundred and twelve pupils. St. John's German Evangelical Lutheran Church Another of the older church organizations is St. John's German Evangelical Lutheran, whose valuable property is situated on Germania Avenue between Second and Third Streets. The substantial brick church was erected in 1868, at a cost of thirty thousand dollars, and is of a style of architecture common to that period, and has a chime of bells in the tower. In later years a comfortable and attractive parsonage was erected on Second Street, adjoining the church, and in 1915 a large brick school house replaced the old wooden building on the corner of Germania and Third, which had served the needs of the society for nearly fifty years. The form of worship observed by this society is distinctively Lutheran as laid down in the rubrics of the Reformed State Church of Germany. The Reverend Conrad Volz was pastor of this church for many years, and was greatly beloved by the old and the young. Under his able ministrations the society increased in membership and in influence, and upon his death his son, the Reverend Frederick Volz, who for many years had labored in the church as assistant to the pastor, was called to the pastorate, and continues the good work of the church. RELIGIOUS AND SOCIAL LIFE 345 In addition to the older churches of the Lutheran faith there are: St. James German Lutheran, on the east side of Washington Avenue, south of Ortman Street; St. John's Evangelical Lutheran, on the southeast corner of Bliss and Elm Streets; St. Paul's Evangelical Lutheran, South Fifth Street, between Germania and Lapeer; Trinity German Evangelical Lutheran, cor, ner of Cherry and Ninth Streets, and Zion Lutheran at Hancock and North Mason Streets. Other denominations of the Christian Church are: St. Mark's Evangelical at Lapeer and Third Streets; the Michigan Avenue Evangelical; Church of Christ, at Genesee Avenue and Burt Street; Genesee Avenue Congregational, at 1815 Genesee Avenue; Free Methodist, at Clinton and North Harrison Streets; the First Methodist Protestant, corner of Farwell and Fourth; the Stevens Street Methodist Protestant, at Stephens and Fayette Streets; the First Church of Christ (Scientist) on Warren Avenue at Hayden Street; The Free Methodist and the Seventh Day Adventist, and the Hebrew Temple B'Nui Israel. The total valuation of all church property, including parochial schools, in the City of Saginaw, is placed at one and a quarter million dollars, and is increasing each year. St. Mary's Hospital This well known and admirably conducted institution was founded August 22, 1874, and incorporated as the "Sisters of Charity of St. Mary's Hospital, East Saginaw." Father Vanderbom, rector of St. Mary's Church, and Doctor B. B. Ross, a leading physician of this city, were largely instrumental in establishing the hospital, which was first opened in a private house on Washington Street, near Wickes Brothers plant. The location selected for the hospital building, on South Jefferson Avenue, was a most fortunate one, as it is the highest ground in the vicinity and permits of expansion to meet future needs. The first wooden building was completed in 1875, and accommodated from eighty to ninety patients. The Sisters of Charity of St. Vincent de Paul, by whom the hospital is conducted, is an ancient order of consecrated women with the mother house in Paris. In the United States there are two provinces governing the order, the mother house of the Eastern province, with which the Sisters of St. Mary's are connected, being at Emmitsburg, Maryland, near Baltimore, and that of the Western province at St. Louis, Missouri. The four Sisters who opened St. Mary's Hospital were Sister Mary Elizabeth Roche, deceased: Sister Cecelia Casey, now connected with the retreat at Dearborn, Michigan; Sister Agnes Bauer and Sister Regina Wren. During the forty-one years of the hospital's existence it has ministered to thousands of suffering humanity, and attained a high reputation for the excellence of its service and care of patients. In the days of extensive lumbering in this section of Michigan, St. Mary's came into prominence for its care of injured and maimed woodsmen. For a small individual fee paid to the hospital early in the logging season, as a sort of insurance premium, the Sisters agreed to care for and nurse back to health the holder of the insurance certificate, in case of accident or sickness. This was a noble work, and furnishing protection, as it did, to thousands of lumber-jacks in the north woods, brought a steady income to the Sisters of Charity. At length the demands upon them for medical and surgical treatment became so great that a new and larger hospital building was laid out on an extensive scale, providing for future as well as the present needs. To this end the south wing of a magnificently planned hospital was built in 1891. It is a substantial brick structure with a height of four stories and high base 346 HISTORY OF SAGINAW COUNTY ment, which is capacious and well equipped. At some future time the main building will be erected without destroying the architect's original scheme of noble proportions or beauty of design. At present the grounds are capacious with broad driveways and well-kept lawns, which are a source of pleasure to convalescent patients and to the public in general. The fine new hospital building was opened under the supervision of Sister Frances O'Connor, who ably conducted its noble service to mankind until 1905. She was succeeded by Sister Eugenia Gill, who still has charge of the institution. In 1916 there were twelve Sisters and thirty-three nurses in the training school, who cared for the ninety to one hundred patients, the normal capacity of the institution. The old hospital building, since the erection of the new structue, has been used as the nurses' home. St. Vincent's Orphan Home Another institution of benevolent character conducted under the direction of the Sisters of Charity of St. Vincent de Paul, is St. Vincent's Orphan Home. This institution was founded in 1875 by Sister Cecelia Casey, and was first opened in a small house in Hoyt Street. Soon after, the increasing demands on the Home and the liberality of Catholic churchmen, resulted in the erection of a wooden building on the corner of Howard and Emerson Streets, a very appropriate site affording ample play grounds for the children. This institution carried on a successful work for indigent children, continually growing in influence and public favor until the great fire of May 20, 1893, when the Home and its contents was entirely destroyed in the conflagration. Not discouraged nor disheartened by their great loss, the Sisters at once set about to rebuild a more substantial structure on the site of the old. To their appeals for aid in their inspired work, Roman Catholics and others not connected with the Church responded liberally, and in 1895 the present structure was opened. Sister Cecelia directed the activities of the Home until July, 1915, when she retired and was succeeded by Sister Marie Murphy, an able and competent director. At present there are about one hundred and fifty children cared for in the Home, requiring the devoted services of nine Sisters. The work of the Home is not confined to receiving and caring for children of Catholic families; all indigent children are welcomed, and no child under any circumstances is refused admission. As the noble work is very largely among the very poor and needy, or unfortunate class, very little revenue is received from the parents or natural guardians of children so entered, and the income is principally derived from the annual banquet given on the anniversary of Washington's Birthday, by the devoted women of the Catholic parishes. Citizens of all creeds and denominations of the Christian Church, to the number of about fifteen hundred, support this event with enthusiasm, and a considerable sum is derived for the support of this worthy institution. In addition to this source of income an annual collection in all Catholic churches is made thoughout the Diocese, for the support of St. Vincent's and a home of similar character in Grand Rapids. Aside from the physical care of children, mental and moral training is carefully attended to by the Sisters in charge. The little one's life is made as bright and cheerful as possible, and everything is done to care for those bereft of parents. In all eight grades of schooling are conducted by the Sisters, and instruction given in sewing, darning, cooking and house work, and domestic science to older children. Afterward the inmates are sent to industrial schools conducted by the Church, and prepared for the practical work of life. tkr. 1 is Xf ^f' ^^m^^t^ I. - -.I; β€” l;:- f:: I i4;2 as a da Is. S. - sff,:;: I I owkr I;II SOME OF SAGINAW'S BENEVOLENT INSTITUTIONS The Voman's Hospital St. Vincent's Orphan Home 'a H( oginaw General Hospital omrne for the Friendless 348 HISTORY OF SAGINAW COUNTY Saginaw General Hospital This public institution so well situated off the main travelled thoroughfare between the east and west sides, and looking on beautiful Bliss Park and the finegroup of buildings and grounds of the Michigan Employment Institution for the Adult Blind, is one of Saginaw's leading hospitals. It was incorporated May 4, 1887, and opened to the public in June, 1889. The main hospital building as originally planned soon proved too small for the demands upon it, and in 1897 the Amasa Rust Memorial Annex was built. Three years later another addition, the Farnam C. Stone Memorial Annex, was erected at the north end, providing for a model operating room which is well equipped for the large amount of work which comes to the hospital. The property now comprises three structures, the main four-story hospital building, the Christian Endeavor Hospital for contagious diseases, opened December 7, 1894, and the Davis Nurses' Home, opened in 1907. The main building has accommodations for twenty-four patients in the general wards, and there are twenty-one private rooms. One of these is maintained by the Martha Washington Chapter No. 113, 0. E. S., while others are cared for as memorials by some of our prominent citizens. A feature of the hospital is the visiting nurse system for the care of tubercular cases, which was established in 1905 under endowment of Mrs. Paul F. H. Morley. This has proved a most helpful and successful work, and led to a system of visiting nurses for general cases. In 1914, the city having taken over the work of caring for tubercular cases in its fine new hospital, erected especially for this purpose, this feature work of the hospital was discontinued, and the endowment fund transferred to the building fund for the new hospital. For several years Miss Anna Coleman was matron and superintendent of this hospital, and under her able direction it was brought to a high state of efficiency. Under her direct control were sixteen nurses and other necessary help for the conduct of the institution. The assistant superintendent and the head nurses are all graduates of recognized training schools, and under them are nurses in training in the efficient service of the hospital, who are graduated upon completion of their terms of training. The present superintendent is Miss Edith R. Jefferies, and has as her assistants an able corps of nurses. The medical staff is composed of sixteen of Saginaw's representative physicians, with Doctor E. E. Curtis, president, and Doctor J. W. Hutchinson, secretary. The organization of the hospital embraces fifty active members of whom Mrs. Wallis Craig Smith is president; Mrs. George L. Burrows and Mrs. S. S. Roby, vice-presidents; Miss Carrie M. Durand, secretary; and Charles H. Khuen, treasurer. The board of trustees comprises twenty-four members, in addition to the above named officers, meetings of which are held on the second Thursday of each month. There is also an advisory board composed of nine prominent citizens. To place the hospital on a firm and enduring basis, endowments have been made to it by interested citizens, and the total is now one hundred and fifty-eight thousand eight hundred dollars. The principal endowments are the Harriott F. Stone and Louise Miller Rust funds, of twenty-five thousand dollars each; the Helen Wells (Mrs. P. F. H. Morley) fund of thirty thousand, and the Arthur Hill fund for charity and relief of inebriates, of fifty thousand dollars. The total annual income, including hospital service earnings, is about thirty thousand dollars; and the total expenditures are about twenty-nine thousand dollars. The location of the hospital, a short distance from Michigan Avenue, is ideal for the quiet and seclusion of patients. Though they can see through RELIGIOUS AND SOCIAL LIFE 349 the park the traffic of the thoroughfare, they are sufficiently removed from it to escape its noise and confusion. The public demands on the hospital are increasing year by year, and it will soon be necessary to erect an entirely new and modern structure at this location. To this end the creation of a building fund is now under way, and in a few years a more commodious and adequate building will doubtless replace the old. The Woman's Hospital Pleasantly situated on Janes Avenue, at the corner of Seventh Street, is the Woman's Hospital. It was established in 1888 by prominent women of the city, and the association owns a substantial three-story brick building, with ample grounds, to which several additions have been built; and there is space for future expansion. The grounds are well shaded and neatly kept, adding attractiveness to invalids and patients. For several years the hospital was in charge of Miss E. A. Dark, who came from Buffalo, New York, in 1907, her wide experience in hospital work making her services a valuable acquisition. Under the matron of the hospital are fifteen nurses who are efficient and capable of caring for the sick. A training school for nurses is also conducted in connection with the hospital, and its graduates are eagerly sought for in medical cases. The hospital has a general ward which will accommodate five patients, and there are also several private rooms. There is also a large nursery capable of caring for a goodly number of infants. The entire building and annex are admirably laid out, and has a fully equipped operating room; and the hospital is well appointed for the great work it is doing for womankind. The average number of patients in this hospital is about twenty. The present officers of the Woman's Hospital A'ssociation are: Mrs. John C. Davies, president; Mrs. Emmett L. Beach and Mrs. William S. Linton, vice-presidents; Mrs. William Polson, recording secretary; Mrs. John A. Cimmerer, corresponding secretary, and Mrs. Charles A. Howe, treasurer. During its existence of twenty-eight years the hospital has found in Wellington R. Burt a true benefactor. Besides contributing to its general fund for operating expenses, on two occasions of pressing necessity he came forward with donations amounting to thousands of dollars, to lift the mortgage on the property and strengthen its financial condition. This is another illustration of Mr. Burt's wholehearted and generous interest in every project for the betterment and advancement of his home city. Home for the Friendless In order to care for infants and children either bereft of parents, or whose parents find it convenient or necessary to place them out of their homes while they are at work, the Home for the Friendless was established. In 1870 some of our leading women who were identified with local charities met together and organized the association, which controls and directs the institution through a board of managers. These women assume all responsibility of the maintenance of the home, and to provide necessary funds for the work, the annual rummage sale has become a regular event, the treasury being replenished by upwards of two thousand dollars thereby. The Home occupies a fine brick structure situated at the corner of Howard and McCoskry Streets. Surrounding it are spacious premises affording ample play grounds for the little ones. On the front is a well-kept hedge, and the lawns are maintained in the best condition. On an average there are from eighty to one hundred children cared for each year, all ages of the 350 HISTORY OF SAGINAW COUNTY homeless finding shelter and loving care within its walls. The Home is doing a noble work, and is capably managed by the matron, Sarah J. Graham, who has filled the position for a long term of years. The present officers of the Home are: Mrs. George W. Morley, president; Mrs. James T. Wylie, vice-president; Miss Elizabeth Gage, recording secretary; Mrs. William F. Schultz, corresponding secretary, and Mrs. John F. Boynton, treasurer. THE NEW Y. W. C. A. BUILDING, ERECTED IN 1912 The Young Women's Christian Association At a meeting of a few women interested in a good cause, held at the home of Mrs. William Callam, on October 13, 1891, the Young Women's Christian Association came into existence. The conditions surrounding girls and women in business life twenty-five years ago were not conducive to their comfort or happiness. There were no rest rooms or other place where they could go during their noon hour, and those who lived or roomed at some distance from their places of employment brought lunches, which they ate on dry goods boxes, behind their counters and office doors, often without even a glass of water. To correct these conditions and throw a helpful influence over working girls, this association was duly organized. The first board of managers was composed of Dr. Harriett V. Brooks, president; Dr. Della Pierce, vice-president; Julia Hoffman, treasurer; Elizabeth J. Stalker, corresponding secretary; Mrs. C. N. Kendall, recording secretary; and Mrs. Gurdon Corning, Mrs. Elizabeth J. Freeman, Mrs. G. B. Wiggins, Mrs. Fred Wolpert, Mrs. O. A. Sears, Mrs. I. Humphrey, Mrs. T. P. Whittier, Mrs. J. H. Simpson and Mrs. Thomas Merrill. On January 15, 1892, a few rooms were rented in the Chase Block, on North Washington Avenue, and furnished through the generosity of Mrs. Sears. In these rooms business girls and women were welcomed that they might have a cup of hot tea, cocoa or milk with their lunch. Miss Bernice Hunting, of Flint, was called as the first general secretary, and gospel meet RELIGIOUS AND SOCIAL LIFE 351 - ings were held every Sunday afternoon and on Friday evenings. A few classes for study also were formed. After two years of helpful work the finances were harder to meet, notwithstanding the liberal support of the founders and others interested in the association, and for a time things looked dark. With the coming to the association as secretary of Miss Carrie J. Woodhull, who assumed her duties on March 17, 1894, a brighter era for the association dawned. Under her wise management, covering a period of ten years, the association grew steadily in membership, which meant new life and activity. Larger rooms were soon necessary and on January 1, 1895, the association moved to quarters in the First National Bank building. Here the educational work began to grow, and Mrs. Grace Whitney Evans, of Detroit, brought to the association a religious interest, and her personal helpfulness during that year left a lasting imprint on the characters of the members. In 1896 the association again moved to more adequate rooms in the Brewer Block, on North Franklin Street, which were occupied for nearly sixteen years. Miss Woodhull's efficient work as secretary was manifested in the interest shown in the various lines of social, educational and religious work. An employment bureau was also established by her, to which many young women owe their start in business life. During the Winter of 1898-99 there were two hundred and sixty-six women enrolled in the evening classes, and thirty-three passed the international examinations. Doctor Ostrom delivered a series of lectures on "First Aid to the Injured," and fifteen of the thirtyfive enrolled in this class were given the Red Cross diploma on graduation. Many girls and women who were not privileged to enter and complete High School courses attended the association classes to study bookkeeping, arithmetic, English literature, penmanship, stenography, domestic science, physical culture, music and other branches. The classes in commercial arithmetic were taught by C. P. Colvin, in penmanship by Miss Ella Feige, and in stenography by Mrs. J. B. Howell, and these were perhaps the most successful. Mrs. Ellen K. I-ooker, whose personal influence meant so much to many girls, taught the English literature classes for two years; and Mrs. Alice Freeman Palmer gave several inspiring talks, her lecture on "Personal Reminiscences of Whittier, Holmes and Phillips Brooks," being recalled by those who were present. Thus the association grew steadily in membership and influence, and the quarters in the Brewer Block, which so long had seemed ample, were too inadequate to meet the expanding needs of the work. At this crisis in the affairs of the association, Wellington R. Burt, with characteristic generosity, offered to give the sum of twenty-five thousand dollars toward a fund for the erection of a suitable building, for the future as well as the present needs of the association. Bequests had previously been made by Mrs. Louise C. Bartlett, of one thousand dollars, Jennette E. Rose, of one hundred dollars; and Mrs. Grace Whitney-Hoff had sent two hundred dollars from abroad. Mrs. Mary Hanchett Stone solicited five thousand dollars in the city for the purchase of a building site, which was of her selection on South Jefferson Avenue, opposite Federal Park, a very commanding and convenient location. Additional funds were raised by the young business women and others connected with the association, in a spirited subscription campaign, and plans for the structure were speedily prepared. The corner stone of the imposing building was laid on June 6, 1912, with appropriate ceremonies. In the magnificent building which soon rose, with perfect appointments, gymnasium, rest roms, dormitory arrangements, and cafeteria which is open to the public, the association began its twenty-first year of noble work. 352 HISTORY OF SAGINAW COUNTY The spacious building is constructed of brick and reinforced concrete, with a facing on the street side of dark paving brick and Bedford stone, and is four stories in height with a high basement. On the first floor is a broad hall leading to the stairway and to the cafeteria, to the right of which are the reception and reading rooms, and to the left the offices of the association. On the second floor rising through the third at the front is the eymnasium. which is well equipped with all needful apparatus for physical training of women. Back of the gymnasium is the dormitory which also excends over the whole of the fourth floor, affording accommodations with most pleasant surroundings and helpful influences to many otherwise homeless young women. The present officers of the association are: Mrs. William J. Spencer, president; Mrs. Julian Keeler, Mrs. WV. H. Wallace, Mrs. H. B. Brooks, Mrs. F. E. Button, vice-presidents; Mrs. Peter Mitts, recording secretary; Mrs. C. L. Judd, corresponding secretary; Mrs. Charles T. Kerry, treasurer, and Miss Amelia Huss, general secretary. To Elizabeth J. Freeman's interest in the welfare of girls and young women, and her persistency, is largely due the establishment and permanent work of the association in this city; and to express the sincere appreciation of her labors for the betterment of conditions surrounding working women, Mrs. Freeman was unanimously elected President Emeritus, in 1910. Because of Mr. Burt's large heartedness in making possible a finely equipped building for the special needs and enjoyment of the girls and women of Saginaw, truly the present and future generations of his fellow citizens do and will honor him with their deepest gratitude. THE CAFETERIA OF THE YOUNG WOMEN'S CHRISTIAN ASSOCIATION A GROUP OF PROMINENT CITIZENS AND OTHERS IN FRONT OF THE SAGINAW CLUB [Froin a photograph taken in 1907 during the Semi-Centennial Celelration] 354 HISTORY OF SAGINAW COUNTY The Young Men's Christian Association The origin of this worthy institution in East Saginaw is not definitely known. It may have had its inception in the Young Men's Association, which was formed October 7, 1864, and organized August 18, 1865. This association was managed by a board of directors elected annually by the members, the first board being composed of Henry C. Potter, president; George L. Newcombe, vice-president; Irving M. Smith, treasurer; L. C. Storrs, recording secretary; George F. Lewis, corresponding secretary; and George B. Boardman, William L. Webber, George C. Warren, Chauncey H. Gage and S. W. Yawkey. It was closely allied with the East Saginaw Library Association, which had rooms on Washington Street; and every winter an interesting course of lectures was given, some of the best public speakers of the time being engaged. Any resident of the county above the age of eighteen years was eligible to membership, the initiation fee being two dollars and the annual dues the same amount. On October 18, 1875, the Library Association turned over its library and lease of its rooms to the Board of,Education; and it is probable that the Young Men's Association dissolved at that time. About 1886 a few earnest church workers at East Saginaw met together to organize a Young Men's Christian Association. There appeared to be a need for an organization of this kind in the rough lumbering town, and men of the leading churches became interested in it. A committee was appointed to search out suitable quarters, and after thorough inspection of available halls, vacant rooms in the Bates Block on Franklin Street were secured for this purpose. These quarters were nicely fitted up with reading room, office and bowling alley on the ground floor, and a well-equipped gymnasium and baths on the floor above. With additions of space and improvements from time to time, these rooms were occupied by the association for a number of years. Like nearly all associations of the kind the revenue derived from membership dues never met the annual expenses, and only by liberal subscriptions of interested business and professional men was the association kept alive. At length it seemed advisable to reorganize the association and erect a suitable building for its needs, in which the good work among young men and boys could be conducted on a larger scale. The rooms then occupied by the association, on the second floor of the Pere Marquette Building, were poorly adapted to its work which had languished, and there had been difficulty in getting competent men to conduct it. Finally the aid of prominent business men was enlisted in the new project and a whirlwind subscription campaign started. The old rooms of the association were closed and a vacant store at the corner of Franklin and Tuscola Streets rented for the campaign headquarters. Wallis Craig Smith was the chairman of the subscription committee, which comprised a number of representative young business men. After a spirited campaign of about three weeks duration the subscriptions reached a total of more than fifty thousand dollars, and the prospect of a successful issue of the campaign was very bright. But at this juncture differences arose among the workers and church members over minor technical questions of management of the association, a rupture occurred in the ranks, some of the larger subscriptions were withdrawn, and the whole project was abandoned. Shortly after this unfortunate occurrence, which was in 1905, the affairs of the old association were wound up and the organization dissolved. Since that time there has been no effort to re-establish the association on the East Side, and no concerted work among the young men and boys, outside of the church societies, has been attempted. RELIGIOUS AND SOCIAL LIFE 355 The Association on the West Side In the palmy days of the old association, when the membership included a number of young men of the West Side, a branch was established there. This department afforded practically all the privileges enjoyed at the parent association home, a n d accomplished a good work in that part of the city. Early in 1895 it was deci'ded to transfer t h i s branch to an independent organization to be known as the WVest Side Y. M. C. A. of Saginaw. The organization was effected and assumed the liabilities and took over all the assets of the old branch. The officers of the new organization were: AV. P. Morganl president; J. F. Barrows, vicepresident; S. S. Roby, secretary, THE NEW Y. M. C. A. BUILDING and L. A. Burrows, treasurer. These, with the following men, constituted the board of directors, J. D. Leland, C. H. Green, Thomas Jackson, D. W. Briggs, A. T. Bliss, E. T. Loeffler, Stewart Williams and T. C. L. Zandler. There were thirty-one charter members in all. At that time the work was carried on in rented quarters, and was much restricted on account of limited facilities. J. W. Whitney was the general secretary, but was succeeded April 1, 1895, by Stewart Williams, and he the following year by I. E. Baker. In 1898 an assistant secretary, John Hood, was provided to successfully carry on the increasing work of the association. On January 1, 1900, W. H. York became general secretary. About 1902' the association found itself in financial straits, and the house which had been acquired for its home was closed and the work discontinued. For about seven years very little was done, there being only an occasional meeting of the board of directors. Upon the death of Aaron T. Bliss, on September 16, 1906, the association became the beneficiary of a bequest of twenty thousand dollars, to be used toward the erection of a suitable building for its needs, or, in case a building was already provided for, the bequest was to constitute an endowment for its maintenance. On December 6, 1909, Arthur Hill died, leaving a provision in his will for twenty-five thousand dollars for the association. These liberal bequests made by public-spirited citizens resulted in the re-establishment of the association, and the splendid building which it now occupies attests their interest in the welfare of young men and boys. In March, 1910, J. M. Davis was engaged to promote a campaign for funds for a building, and the following May it was carried to a successful conclusion. H. L. Markell was engaged as general secretary in August; and ground was broken for the new building in April, 1911. On October 1, 1912, when John HIerzog was president of the association, the new building was opened to the public. The value of the property is approximately one hundred thousand dollars. The Y. M. C. A. building provides for all forms of association work. It has a splendidly equipped physical department, consisting of a modern gymnasium containing a complete line of apparatus, and a thirty-two lap running track, a hand ball court, and locker rooms for seniors, visitors and 356 HISTORY OF SAGINAW COUNTY business men. The swimming pool, which is one of the great features of the building, is one of the finest in the State. It is sixteen feet in width by sixty feet in length, and has a depth of three and a half to seven feet. Almost the entire length of the pool is under skylight; and there is a visitors' gallery along one side. The water for the pool passes through two efficient filters, a thousand gallons of fresh water being added daily, and a vacuum cleaner keeps the floor of the pool free of sediment. The social department of the association has commodious quarters on the lower floor, and is provided with three pocket billiard tables, one carom billiard table and two bowling alleys. On the second and third floors are forty-seven well furnished dormitory rooms, which are occupied most of the time by young men away from home. For the accommodation of the dormitory men and other members a self-serve restaurant is operated in a light, pleasant dining room on the first floor, the room also being used on occasions as an auditorium. The boys' department is an association within the association, and has its own entrance on Ames Street. A large social room with many games is provided for the boys, also a reading room, a special locker room and shower baths. More attention is given the boys than to the men, and within the department are many and various clubs for the physical, moral and mental training of boys. The reading room on the main floor is supplied with Saginaw and Detroit daily papers, and the best weekly and monthly magazines published. Mr. Markell continued the good work of the association until the Summer of 1913, and was succeeded by F. W. Boswell. He in turn resigned in September, 1914, and was followed by the present secretary, Phil B. Willis. Under him are assistant secretary F. B. Davis, physical director J. H. Fee, and boys' work secretary Doctor F. A. Poole. The present officers of the association are: P. W. Staffeld, president; M. N. Brady, vice-president; George L. Burrows, Jr., second vice-president; J. C. Graves, secretary, and N. G. Begle, treasurer. The board of directors comprise these officers and the following: B. S. Tefft, J. W. Johnson, A. D. Bate, J. E. Anderson, C. W. Alderton, Newell Barnard, W. P. Powell, B. G. Appleby, Dr. W. L. Crego and George B. Bliss. Upon the death of Latham A. Burrows, who was one of the most active workers in the association since its beginning, the Y. M. C. A. came into SWIMMING POOL AT Y. M. C. A. RELIGIOUS AND SOCIAL LIFE 357 possession of a beautiful tennis court situated about a mile from the building. This property consists of two very fine tennis courts, an indoor base ball diamond, and a well-equipped club house. In addition to the work which the equipment especially provides for, the association carries on other activities. In the course of the year many young men are directed to positions, movements of public interest are promoted, such as summer gardening, swimming campaigns and school play festivals. In the line of religious work there are Bible classes, and religious meetings are held regularly, the association co-operating with its controlling body, the Church. GROUP OF GERMAN CITIZENS, 1865 F. Ziegner F. Schade C. Watz C. Roseland P. Geisler J. Leidlein E. Bruske C. Schroeder F. Palm Otto Schmitz F. Wrege J. F. Frey A. Schmitz The Salvation Army Twenty-eight years ago the Salvation Army commenced work in Saginaw, first being located on the West Side. The barracks were on South Hamilton Street, and Captain Frazee was the officer in charge. Shortly after the work was extended to the East Side, the corps being located on South Franklin Street under the command of Captain and Mrs. Watts. Since that time the local army work has been in charge of Captain Hoare, Ensign Underwood, Captain Bouters, Captain Stocking, Adj. Mason, Captain Lawton, Ensign Porter, and Captain and Mrs. Atwood who are in charge at present. Evangeline C. Booth is commander of the Salvation Army in America, and Lieutenant Colonel A. E. Kimball is in command of this province. The work of the Army in this city is extensive, and those in charge are at the call of the distressed twenty-four hours a day. They help the needy in sickness and poverty, and no call of genuine need is ever turned down. Services are held every night in the year at seven-thirty, and on Sunday at ten-thirty in the morning, while the Sunday School meets at one-fifteen. Praise meetings are held at three oclock and Young People's meetings at six, followed by the regular evening gospel services at the usual hour. At Christ 358 HISTORY OF SAGINAW COUNTY mas two hundred and fifty baskets filled with the needful things for a family dinner are distributed to the worthy poor of the city, which otherwise would not know the good cheer of the gladsome season; and an entertainment is given to five hundred children who are freely supplied with toys, candy and nuts. All the various activities of the Army are supported by voluntary contributions of the rich and poor, that is, by the small offerings of the working class and by the larger sums of the wealthy. By this means the property at 130-132 South Baum Street, now occupied by the corps as a permanent place of worship, was secured, a large number of influential men of the city, among whom was Wellington R. Burt, making this possible by their generous financial support. The corps now has a small band which is making progress under the leadership of Ellis Metcalfe, and renders effective aid at the song services. The Sunday School is in charge of Oscar McClure, and the Young People's Legion is directed by Mrs. Metcalfe. Besides Captain and Mrs. Atwood, who have charge of all local army work, there are Cadet Lockwood, assistant, Herbert J. Reynolds, William Harbrom, treasurer, Daniel Smalley, secretary, and Miss Bertha Harmon, secretary of the Junior Salvation Army. In connection with the work there is a relief department and industrial store, in charge of Major Reynolds, where waste material is received and donations of various articles are used in the best possible way, distribution being made with a view of uplifting the needy rather than of pauperizing them. Rescue Missions The City Rescue Mission, at 117 Lapeer Avenue, another helpful institution to the poor of the city, was organized in 1905 by Melvin E. Trotter, of Grand Rapids, aided by A. C. White and other earnest churchmen. In the broad scope of its work it reaches out a helping hand to the down-trodden and unfortunate, and relieves much suffering among the very poor and needy. Its noble work extends far beyond the scope of modern church activities, and hundreds of "down-and-outs" have been given practical and sympathetic aid and encouragement to live better lives. Many of these men have been saved, and some have taken up mission work among their fellow men and conduct missions elsewhere. For its motto the mission has "Whosoever Will May Come." The first superintendent of the mission, when it was located at 111 Genesee Avenue, was George W. Trotter, a brother of the founder. By his earnest efforts the mission became thoroughly established, it grew in influence and endeavor, and was recognized as an important factor in evangelical work. Several years after the quarters were removed to Germania Avenue between Washington and Franklin Streets; and in 1913 the present hall on Lapeer Avenue was secured. There is increasing need for a mission building equipped with additional Bible class rooms and dormitories, and other facilities to make the work even more effective. A distinctive feature of the mission is the "open door," by which the missionary work of the churches is greatly broadened. Its doors are open from eight-thirty in the morning until nine at night, and persons come in from all walks of life, in every condition, some to be sheltered from the cold or receive material aid, others through curiosity, or because they heard the call to lead a better life. They all hear the gospel story, for every night in the year it is preached and salvation freely offered them. In 1915 four hundred and forty-one gospel services were held in the hall, with an average ,soft.......... 77 I I I A :]I p, I ti I I 'I, i z k 11-1. " 771. 0 k I Vlk II O -;s I i SOME PIONEER MEMBERS OF THE "GERMANIA" C. Watz William Barie A. Scliupp-I, A. L. Bingham Fred A. Koehler Jamnes C. Davenport V. Bade C. Opperma ann IDaniel Hoist Chauncey 1-i. G-ag β€”e 360 HISTORY OF SAGINAW COUNTY: attendance of forty-two, resulting in two hundred and eighty-six confessed conversions, and two hundred and three others who were enough interested in their own salvation to request prayer. Fellowship meetings of the workers are held at nine-thirty on Sunday mornings, and the mission Sunday School meets at three in the afternoon. The average attendance of the Sunday School is well above one hundred, John Deford being the acting superintendent. The men's Bible class meets at four fifteen under the instruction of Charles H. Dennison. There are also a girl's Bible class and the Women's Society which are doing a splendid work. Other activities of the mission included three hundred and ninety-two calls during the year upon the sick and needy, by the City Missionary, in which aid was extended in many ways, and more than one thousand articles of clothing were distributed and groceries and fuel placed in homes where most needed. Good homes were found for a number of children and old people, who were without the comforts of home, thus helping to preserve the morals of childhood and to relieve the sufferings of the aged. The city mission also conducts a free labor bureau, a relief work for boosting the THE FIRST GERMANIA SCHOOL under-dog, no less than two hundred and twenty-three men and fifty-one women having been aided in securing work. In every way the mission seeks to be a real friend of the man in trouble, always having in view the salvation of his soul. Our citizens who are especially interested in the City Rescue Mission, and comprise its board of directors are: Doctor T. E. Howson, president; C. H. Parker, vice-president; D. H. Ellis, secretary; B. F. Griffin, treasurer; Robert A. Allen, superintendent, and E. V. Stark, F. W. Hollister, J. W. Johnson, Charles H. Dennison, W. H. Meader, Mrs. J. K. Rickey, J. Smith and Doctor Martha Longstreet. The mission is supported entirely by voluntary offerings of earnest church workers and others interested in benevolent work, the revenues for 1915, amounting to about twenty-three hundr:ed dollars, being the subscriptions of four hundred and fifty persons. The Central Rescue Mission on the West Side, which is doing a splendid relief work among the very needy, is another worthy institution which merits the support of our citizens. It was founded in 1909 by the late George A. Newberry, and its hall was opened for services on July 13th of that year. Mr. Newberry had been engaged in Salvation Army work here, but upon closing of the barracks he was prevailed upon by Riley L. Crane and other RELIGIOUS AND SOCIAL LIFE 361 interested persons, to remain and establish a mission. Thus the Central Mission was organized with Mrs. May C. Bliss as president, V. L. Paxson, secretary, and John Wi. Foote, treasurer. The work of the mission is very similar to that of the City Rescue Mission, the relief given to distressed and suffering humanity being its chief concern. Mr. Newberry, its superintendent, was the soul of the institution, and hundreds of unfortunate and profligate men have been raised up and given a new start'in life. The most that the average "down-and-out" wants is a chance, and to give him honest employment and opportunity to make a decent living is far better than to extend to him the hand of charity. By thus aiding him he is not pauperized, and his self-respect is preserved. To very few mission workers, however, is given the spiritual power and grace to successfully reach the hearts and better impulses of degenerates. Along these endeavors Mr. Newberry was greatly gifted, and he exerted a wonderful influence upon young men and women on the downward path. His services every Sunday in the county jail were productive of great good, prisoners seeming to feel that in him they had a real friend. So marked was this impression in the minds of sinful men - some hardened by dissipation and crime, that upon his death they gave their last few pennies for simple flowers for his bier. In all his labors for the uplift of the down-trodden, he had the earnest and devoted co-operation of Mrs. Newberry, his able assistant in the mission. Their extensive Christmas activities for 1915 included giving a big mission dinner to the poor, to the number of two hundred and fifty, who otherwise would have gone unfed and without cheer, and also the Christmas tree festivities in which more than four hundred little children were made happy with toys and candy. A large share of the work fell upon the superintendent, and so weakened was he by his zealous adherence to his duties that a severe cold contracted the day after quickly developed into pneumonia, and he died on December thirtieth. His entire energies throughout an active and useful life were devoted to mission relief work, in which he was eminently successful, and few Christian workers in this city have been so universally beloved and esteemed. The present quarters of the mission, at 115-117 South Niagara Street, were secured by Mr. Newberry and the board of directors through a bequest of the late Thomas Merrill, of fifteen hundred dollars. The property was owned by Ezra Rust who, upon being informed of the desire of the mission workers to own it as a permanent rescue home, offered it at a very low price and donated one thousand dollars to the fund. Thus the mission came into possession of a two-story brick building with forty feet frontage, which was remodeled to meet the needs of the work and otherwise improved. The location is considered well adapted to mission work, and it is hoped that the mission will eventually change the character of the street in its vicinity. In its organization the mission has the co-operation as directors of F. E. Emerick, W. L. Case, L. Crane, Riley L. Crane, ~\I. E. Crane, J. E. Anderson and Frank Abel; and the trustees are Mrs. May C. Bliss, Mrs. J. E. Ferris, Mrs. F. A. Hicks, Mrs. D. F. Morgan, Mrs. Dr. Goodsell and Mrs. F. E. Button. The Reverend Emil Montanus, rector of St. John's Church, is also deeply engrossed in the work of the mission, giving generously of his time and energies in visiting the sick and poor, in investigating cases of poverty, and offering sympathy and substantial aid to the needy. He is a frequent speaker at the regular evening services at the mission, and in numerous ways proves that he is a true friend of all in distress. 362 HISTORY OF SAGINAW COUNTY THE GERMANIA INSTITUTE The Germania Of all the German Societies in Michigan, the Germania stands second to none in the State. Primarily the Society was organized as a Turn Verein. In the Spring of 1856 the following Germans met and formed a Turn Verein, viz.: Adolph Schill, Carl Stoecker, F. Ziegler, F. Lange, F. Palm, Johann Springer, Ed. Bloedon, Fred Koehler, F. A. Guenther, L. Baumgart, G. Richter and A. Alberti, and at a subsequent meeting negotiations were put on foot whereby entire block 58, Glasby's Addition to East Saginaw, was subsequently secured. This block is bounded by Lapeer, Third, Fourth and Tuscola Streets. Originally only a part of the block was purchased of Mr. Wm. F. Glasby, but permission was secured to use the entire block for turner exercises, provided the Society would "free the premises from stumps and underbrush." From an exclusive turn verein the association gradually added music, a kindergarten and a library, which latter is the largest German library in Michigan, comprising over eight thousand five hundred volumes. On the 26th of August, 1856, the Society adopted a constitution and by-laws, adopted the name "Germania," and the object to be "physical and intellectual development, social and musical entertainment of its members." On the 2nd of September of the same year the constitution was signed by all of its members. J. H. Springer was president; Jacob Schoen, vice-president, and Frederick Koehler, treasurer. The secretary's name does not appear. It was apparent that the Society, at the time of organization, did not contemplate to confine its membership to Germans, and does not at this date (1916). Among the names of signers of the constitution appear the following well-known Americans: Albert Bates, Truman Hawley, D. H. Nelson, G. L. Walker, Chauncey H. Gage, M. Y. Hood, George H. Richardson, James Rivard, W. H. Little, A. L. Bingham, B. B. Buckhout, Dan P. Fox, Sant Keeler, Jas. C. Davenport and Wm. Bordino. RELIGIOUS AND SOCIAL LIFE 363 Out of this simple Turn Verein Society grew what is today "The Germania." The original object of the society was considerably surpassed its singing section, the "Maennerchor," is very popular, not only in the State, but at national festivals it gathered laurels for the Germania. The Society is proud of this branch. The library, which is so extensive, eight thousand five hundred volumes, it having outgrown the Society, is at the disposal of our city school teachers, the scholars of our public schools and Germans, and those interested in German literature in general, regardless as to being members of the Society. In the matter of education the Germania was foremost in effort to introduce the teaching of German in our public schools. As early as 1859 the Society engaged Mr. J. H. Springer as its first teacher, a small frame onestory building was erected, which, as time passed was enlarged, and finally in 1868 the Society erected a three-story brick building on the northern half of the block, in order to accommodate the increasing attendance and demandthe Germania School. Financial conditions compelled the Society to place a fifteen thousand dollar mortgage on this portion of its real estate. In a few years after this school was in full operation, the demand for German teaching being on the increase and the city board of education taking notice of the desire of its citizens, and the board desiring to introduce German into various of its grades and schools, a proposition came from the city and the school was sold in 1873, with the proviso that teaching of German must be continued in the school. In the early development of education in Saginaw the Germania was foremost in its assistance. A sketch of the Germania would be incomplete without mention of the Society's benefactor, Mr. Anton Schmitz. Upon the death of Mr. Schmitz, October 10, 1869, which was accidental, he, while looking after the repair of a lightning rod on his building where the Barie department store now stands, fell from its roof and was instantly killed, his "beloved Germania" was bene MEMBERS OF THE GERMANIA BUILDING COMMITTEE Daniel Patzer E. Feige E. J. Heyde C. Beierle H. Melchers J. Nerreter G. W. Bruske J. G. Edelmann (/ I[V ( THE FIRST TRUSTEES OF THE SCHMITZ ENDOWMENT E. Anneke B. Haack F. AWreg-e P. Geisler H. Meichers ANTON SCITMITZ Dr)i. B. Hesse H. Vasold J1. Nerreter A. Eyrner R. Luster RELIGIOUS AND SOCIAL LIFE 365 ficiary of this property. The present Germania Block (The Wm. Barie Department Store) was erected by the Society in 1899, and is a parcel of real estate that has been advancing in value from time to time and is worth at least one hundred and fifty thousand dollars today. It is the income from this source that enables the Society to support its various branches, as not one of them is self-sustaining. Anton Schmitz's generosity, coupled with efficient management on the part of the various executors of his estate, have made the Germania one of the wealthiest German societies in the United States. The provisions of the Schmitz testament was undoubtedly responsible for the organization of the kindergarten. In April, 1876, Miss Henrietta Jahns, of Milwaukee, Wisconsin, (now Mrs. A. W. Barck), was secured as the first teacher, and on May 11, 1876, the school was opened with fifty-six children. One remarkable fact about this branch is that a majority of the little tots here are the children of American parents, and it is astonishing how readily and easily these three, four and five-year-old American children acquire the German language. This is a very worthy branch of the Society. The present average attendance is forty. The Germania, at the present day, January, 1916, has a membership of three hundred and ninety-eight, of which sixty-two are Americans. The Maennerchor comprises an average of thirty regular singers, but on occasions when district Saengerfests are held it often reaches over fifty. This branch is at present, and has been for some years past, under the efficient directorship of Mr. F. A. Berger, who has been in harmonious accord not only with the singers but with the Society in general. The turner branch comprises a total of one hundred and twenty members in all its divisions and has been for the past eighteen years under the able directorship of Mr. Franz Dreier, than whom there is none more able in the State. He is also physical director in our public schools. r. β€”:6, - -::ta '~ i:'~ -.... l FRANZ DREIER AND SOME OF THE TURNERS, 1906 366 HISTORY OF SAGINAW COUNTY The officers this year (1916) are: G. F. Oppermann, president; Franz Leitzow, vice-president; George A. Klette, secretary, and Joseph Maerz, treasurer. Our Arbeiter Vereins The Arbeiter Unterstiitzung Verein of East Saginaw is the parent German workingmen's association of the Saginaw Valley. In August, 1869, the first effort was made toward its organization, and on the twenty-sixth of the same month the actual incorporation took place. Its first incorporators were Adam Wegst, Conrad Fey, Christian Schlatterer, Heinrich Schmidt, Wilhelm Edinger, Johann Buckel, Doctor Friedrich Massbacker and Friederich Neidhardt. Christian Schlatterer (1916) is the only remaining living member of the original incorporators, Shortly after its incorporation the Arbeiter Verein was consolidated with the German Young Maenner Club. The latter was a society organized for social and musical purposes and comprised perhaps forty young Germans, and this acquisition at once gave the Arbeiter Verein an impetus which materially assisted in its rapid growth. The object of all Arbeiter Vereins in the State of Michigan, under the jurisdiction of the State Bund, is to assist its members when sick during a period of at least twenty-six weeks, at a rate of five dollars a week. In case of death fifty dollars is appropriated toward funeral expenses of the deceased, and in case of a member's wife dying a like amount is given for the same purpose. It is also the duty of the committee on sick to pay regular visits and to do all in their power to relieve distress. As is usual, the first object of a growing society is to secure a home and toward that purpose the best energy of its members was directed. In 1880 the society purchased a block located on the corner of Janes and Fourth Avenues, upon which a commodious hall was erected at a cost of over twenty thousand dollars, and the remaining space converted into a beautiful garden. That the \Verein of East Saginaw possesses suitable and beautiful quarters was evidenced by the fact that the State Bund has held its annual sessions here for four different years, 1871, 1884, 1898 and 1912. Beginning with 1870 and continuing for forty-one years, the local Verein expended for sick benefits the sum of forty-eight thousand three hundred and seventy-five dollars, and for death benefits, that is, funeral expenses, twentythree thousand three hundred and thirty-nine dollars; and during the same period paid into the State Bund one hundred and eighteen thousand three hundred and forty-seven dollars. From these figures it would seem that the local society is materially assisting the State Bund. The society at the present time numbers something over one thousand members, and its real estate is worth fully fifty thousand dollars. The entrance fee for young men from eighteen to twenty-five years of age is gratis; from twenty-five to thirty years, one dollar; from thirty to thirty-five years, two dollars; from thirty-five to forty years, three dollars; from forty to forty-five years, seven dollars. The dues are one dollar a month. The officers for the year 1916 are: John Leidlein, president; Albert Bender, vice-president; Ferdinand Heymann, corresponding and recording secretary; T. F. Reitz, treasurer; Doctor F. W. Edelmann and Doctor Karl Kanzler, physicians; Karl Reusch, secretary for the sick; William Oldenberg, Edward Beuthin and Simon J. Koepke, trustees, and Ray Corbin, flag bearer. RELIGIOUS AND SOCIAL LIFE 367 The society has a women's auxiliary which was organized in 1896 with forty-five members. The object of the auxiliary is to render whatever assistance they can for the benefit of the male branch, at the same time to render sisterly assistance in time of need or distress to its members. In 1912 this auxiliary reported a membership of over six hundred, the second strongest in the State. Its first president was Mrs. Augusta Walter whose energy and perseverance did more than any other influence to increase the membership of this worthy branch. They do not have any specified sum in case of sickness, depending entirely upon the circumstances of the case, but in case of death they allow the family two hundred dollars for funeral expenses. The Arbeiter Unterstiitzung Verein of Saginaw City On Easter Sunday, April 9, 1871, this society was organized and the committee appointed to work out the constitution and by-laws comprised F. Dengler, A. Ganschow, C. Radke and A. Kern. The first regular meeting of the society took place on Sunday, April 16th, of the same year under the chairmanship of F. Dengler. There were present fourteen members who signed the constitution and elected the following as their first officers: August Ganschow, president; Rudolph Kern, secretary; Friedrich Dengler, treasurer, and Theodore Krauss, physician. Two weeks later a vice-president was added in the person of Adolph Laue, and a corresponding secretary, Emil Schoeneberg. In the beginning of 1872 the society had increased to one hundred members, and in the following year a lot was purchased on the corner of Adams and Oakley Streets, for fifteen hundred dollars. Two years afterward, on the thirteenth of December, 1875, the society had erected a beautiful hall upon the site, and its dedication took place at that time. The society increased very rapidly and in 1908 reached a membership of one thousand and forty-seven, being the largest of any Arbeiter society in the State. Since the organization of the Verein the following amounts to 1908, were expended: Funeral expenses, thirteen thousand seven hundred and ninety-one dollars; sick benefit expenses, forty thousand four hundred and forty-five dollars; received from the State Bund, eighty-six thousand four hundred dollars; paid to State Bund, one hundred twenty thousand eight hundred and six dollars; and the number lost by death was one hundred and seventy-five. The present officers (1916) are: F. J. Plettenberg, president; J. L. Weigl, vice-president; John Broederdorf, secretary; Edwin Kersten, corresponding secretary; Henry Maier, treasurer; Albert O. Richter, Martin Fieger, John C. Krogmann, H. C. Reincke and William Geese, trustees; Emil P. W. Richter and L. Miller, physicians; August Borchard, chairman of the house committee; Emil Wagner chairman sick committee, and Edward Schrank, Phil Deibel and 'Paul Bohnhof, finance committee. The society also has a woman's auxiliary which was organized on the twenty-eight of July, 1898. Its first president was Mrs. Elizabeth Deibel, through whose efforts the auxiliary grew rapidly. The first officers elected were: Elizabeth Deibel, president; Louise Kessel, vice-president; Ernestine Bluhm, secretary, and Emma Heidmann, treasurer. A short time afterwards an executive board was elected comprising the following women: Mrs. Minna Ewald, Bertha Krukenberg and Anna Plettenberg. The membership in 1908 was four hundred and seventy-two, and the number of members lost by death was twenty-one. - Joseph Seemann. lip THE GERMANIA MAENNERCHOR, 1905 I X_ i r: ini,:S,1; S!:: ntyI I $ li )W0~; \ t:1' }i;I \r a 1: Hesi:f1L, S THE GERMANIA DAMENCHOR, 1905 370 HISTORY OF SAGINAW COUNTY The Teutonia Society This well known and popular society of West Side citizens was organized in December, 1869, by the amalgamation of three German societies. The first of these was the Turn Society, which had been organized in August, 1856; and the others were the School Society and the Library Society, which had been formed soon after. They held their meetings and enjoyed amusements in Ritter's Hall, at the northwest corner of Water and Franklin Streets (now Niagara and Hancock Streets), in a building which is still standing. When the Teutonia Society had perfected its organization, the members decided to build a new hall of their own, and a lot on South Fayette Street, between Court and Adams Streets, was purchased for this purpose. A school house at the corner of Harrison and Adams Streets, which had been erected by the former School Society for the purpose of teaching the German language, was moved to the newly acquired lot, and the new hall was built as an addition to it. This building was completed in January, 1871, and was used for meetings of members of the society and various amusements given by the various divisions. In these social activities the singing sections gave concerts, the dramatic section presented plays, held masquerade balls, and otherwise added materially to the gayety of the town. In the Summer of 1872 a fair was held in the new hall, which placed the financial condition of the society on a firm basis, and thereafter it assumed a permanent position in our social life. Several years later the wooden building in front of the main hall was replaced with a two-story brick building, which has since been used as a club rooms, thus greatly extending the scope and usefulness of the organization. Afterward a bowling alley was placed in the basement of the new structure, adding another feature to the social status of the society. The Teutonia has always been in a fairly prosperous condition, but in the last ten years has made efforts to interest the younger members, and in this it has met with fair success. Within recent years the society has shown great activity in the various branches of its educational and social life, and is today one of the favorite social clubs of the city. Its valuable property consists of one-half of the block in the center of the West Side, a spacious brick building for club and social rooms, and beautiful lawns and attractive flower beds which add much to the civic beauty of this section of the city. The building is conveniently arranged for the purposes of the society, the club rooms and buffet being on the main floor, with library, reading room, and large dining room, together with a ladies' club rooms on the second floor, while the large hall with gallery accommodates all the big social functions held on the West Side. Enrolled in the membership of the Teutonia are about three hundred men of the solid, substantial element of our citizenship, some of whom were identified with it in the early days and aided in giving it character and permanence. In 1907 a Grand Fair was held which resulted in providing a fund for expansion and giving new life to the society, with an incentive to further activities. The membership increased rapidly for a time, and in recent years little effort has been made to secure new members. The recent officers, with one or two exceptions, have served the Teutonia Society for the past six years or longer, and are: J. W. Ippel, president; Peter Bauer, Jr., vice-president; Frank Herrig, financial secretary; Hugo Schreiber, corresponding secretary; Charles A. Khuen, treasurer. The directors comprise the above and the following: Charles T. Schoeneberg, Adolph Roeser, Otto Stempel, librarian, and B. Gaertner, steward. The representatives to the Central Board are Louis Liskow, Otto Stempel and John Eib. RELIGIOUS AND SOCIAL LIFE 371 THE TEUTONIA HALL As it appears today and as it was thirty-eight years ago The Wah-wah-sums The famous boat club, the Wah-wah-sums, was organized December 12, 1868, the first officers being L. Burrows, Jr., president; G. A. Lyon, vicepresident; E. N. Briggs, secretary, and G. B. Grout, treasurer. It was a popular club in its day, the members were enthusiastic in their rowing exercises and practice, and eventually became very efficient in the art. Their peculiar cognomen was given them by Chief Shop-en-a-gons who, upon being asked to suggest a name for the rowers, asked, "Good men are they?" "Sure," replied Mr. Burrows. "Then call them 'Wah-wah-sum' - lightning on the water," said the old chief. The story of this famous water team is a romantic one. In the sixties there was a crew of "east town" oarsmen, composed of Frank Wilkins, Jim Mack, Met Brown, Pat Glenn, Joe Stringham and Frank Lawrence, and their boat was named the "Neptune," from which they took their name. These boys in their showy uniforms would frequently row over to Saginaw City, pulling a beautiful oar, and sport around in those waters in a very tantalizing manner. They would then go ashore and get some refreshments at the new Taylor House and other places, meanwhile, putting on, as some of the "young bloods" thought, unwarranted "airs." These actions so aroused some of the husky fellows over there that they got together and formed a rival crew. The first barge of the Wah-wah-sums, named the "Eclipse," was sixoared, and the boat house was directly south of the Mackinaw Street bridge. The stroke oar was Mr. Slenau, No. 2 oar was pulled by John Smith, No. 3 oar by Pat McElgunn, No. 4 by Henry Smith, No. 5 by Bert Payne, and No. 6 by Ed. Behan. Charles E. Wheeler, then with Rust Brothers, was coxswain. The rival teams first clashed in 1869, the Wah-wah-sums six and the 372 HIISTORY OF SAGINAW COUNTY Neptunes eight oars, and the former won. From that time these sturdy lumbermen won race after race by brawn and skill, not knowing the sting of defeat. Their first important event was in the regatta at Detroit in 1870, when they rowed in the six-oared barge race, making one and a half miles in eleven minutes forty-five seconds, and won the race. At Oconomowoc these oarsmen again showed their skill, and in the fourth annual regatta of the N. W. A. B. A. Association, held at Erie, Pennsylvania, July 10 and 11, 1872, they won the championship race with six-oared shells. At Toledo, in July, 1873, they won the championship race, and in the contests of the following year added to their honors. The career of this club was exceptionally brilliant, and continued to retain its high repute in boating circles for many years. In 1881 the officers were: Edward I. Peck, president; R. J. Birney, secretary; Henry Smith, captain; L. A. Burrows, 1st. coxswain; E. J. Fisk, 2d. coxswain. Upon decline of the sport, late in the eighteen-eighties, the club disbanded. Military Companies of Early DaysThe first military company in Saginaw was the Hampton Guards, organized at "East Town" in November, 1856, and was commanded by Captain Thomas. The Saginaw City Light Infantry completed its organization March 10, 1859, and on April 25th following the company appeared on parade fully equipped. The first officers were: Louis Franke, captain; Henry Miller, 1st. lieutenant; Hugo Wesener, 2d. lieutenant; Theodore Sceurus, 3d. lieutenant; C. A. Ranke, secretary, and Charles Miller, treasurer. The East Saginaw Light Artillery Company followed in September, 1859, with Captain A. D. Robinson, Jr., Lieutenant A. Ferguson, Sergeant A. L. Rankin, and Corporal R. H. Loomis, in command. Among the privates of this company were: F. N. Bridgman, James F. Brown, George F. Corliss, R. A. Eddy, G. F. Hobbs, J. H. Hilliard, Michael Jeffers, J. H. Mershon, J. E. Mershon, Sanford Keeler, Emil Moores, F. W. Wiggins, T. T. Willey, Z. W. Wright and A. F. Young. On April 13, 1873, the East Saginaw Rifles was organized, and immediately attached to the Third Michigan Infantry, as Company E. D. D. Keeler, A. L. Button and F. H. Doughty were the first officers of the company. The seventh anniversary of the company was properly observed in 1881 by a public parade, after which the veteran corps met in the armory and elected the following civil officers: C. F. Shaw, president; Theodore S. Hill, vice-president; W. S. Doughty, secretary, and A. L. Button, treasurer. The company then numbered seventy rank and file, fully equipped and drilled. Under the various enlistments for the Civil War in this county, the first company to leave for the front was the East Saginaw Light Guard, organized April 19, 1861, with Captain William Kremer and Lieutenant Emil Moores and John Leidlein in command. On the thirtieth of April the company, mustering seventy-nine officers and men, left for Detroit, the Flint & Pere Marquette Railway taking them to Pine Run, then the terminus of the road. From there they were conveyed by wagon to Fentonville, on the line of the Detroit & Milwaukee Railroad, and arrived at Detroit in the evening of the following day. On June 5th the company left for Washington as Company H of the 2d Michigan Infantry, the first three-year regiment which left the State. RELIGIOUS AND SOCIAL LIFE 373 The Hoyt Light Guards, under the command of Captain H. W. Trowbridge and Lieutenants William O'Donnell and Charles H. Hutchins, was organized April 24, 1861, with a strong desire to go to the front in the early days of the war. The military census of the county showed twenty-one hundred and thirty men fit for service, of which number six hundred and eighty-six were already enlisted in active service, in September, 1862, including the 23d Michigan Infantry mustered in on the thir'.... teenth of that month. During the y ear 1863 the county contributed three hundred and sixty-five men, making an aggregate of ten hundred and forty-one furnished since the beginning of the war. Enlistment continued through 1864, and the 29th Michigan Infantry was organized by John F. Driggs, July 29, 1864, and mustered into service six officers and men. Their canp ground present confines of Bliss Park, where a astone marker was erected by the survivors on the fiftieth anniversary, in 1914, and unveiled with impressive ceremonies. The t regiment left Saginaw October 6, 1864, u n d e r the command of Colonel Thomas Saylor. t d From October 31st until the close of recruiting on April 14, 1865, one hundred and thirty-four men enlisted, bringing the military representation of Saginawv to two thousand and thirty-nine, or about one front by the State. The aggregate expgndiCOLONEL THOMAS SAYLOR tures of the county for war purposes, up to and including the year 1866, was one hundred and fifty-eight thousand one hundred dollars; and the various sums granted to the families of volunteers amounted to eighty-one thousand. The donations of money, clothing and various articles was about seven thousand dollars which, added to the other expenses, made a grand total of two hundred and forty-six thousand one hundred dollars, a large sum of money considering the condition of the country at that time. A review of the military campaigns in which the Saginaw troops participated, and in which so many patriotic men won a soldier's crown, would take in every field contested in Southern States. As this has been quite thoroughly covered in Chapman's History of Saginaw County, 1881, copies of which are still in existence and may be consulted by interested persons, it does not seem necessary or desirable to repeat the accounts here. It is sufficient to add that through the brilliant campaigns which marked the progress of the terrific struggle, there was scarcely a black letter in the records of the troops furnished by Saginaw, unexcelled bravery and magnificent endurance marking their service in the defense of the Union. It is to be regretted that reliable information pertaining to the organization and equipment of the local military Companies C and D, (the latter now known as Company F, Thirty-third Regiment) of the Michigan National (uard, is not available for this work. A search of the early military records 374 HISTORY OF SAGINAW COUNTY of the State, in the Adjutant General's office at Lansing, divulged the fact that the former Company D, Third Regiment, was organized January 21, 1882. Company E, Third Regiment, located at East Saginaw, was organized April 13, 1874, and mustered out June 5, 1905. Many changes have taken place since those days, and great progress made in maintaining this defensive arm of the State. Not only have large and substantial armories been built in the largest centers of population, but the equipment and arms have greatly improved, and much attention is given the physical condition of the enlisted men. The spirit of the troops as a defensive force is excellent, as was manifested in 1913 when the entire guard was sent to the Upper Peninsula to restore and maintain order during the great strike of copper miners, a task which kept the troops on duty for several months. Nothing could be more conclusive of the general preparedness of the State troops than the prompt response to the call of the President, on June 18, 1916, for the mobilization of the National Guard. Within a few hours practically the entire Company F, like other companies throughout the State, had assembled in the armory in readiness for further orders. Recruiting was undertaken in an effort to raise the muster rolls to full strength of one hundred and forty, in anticipation of service along the Mexican border, but a true spirit of patriotism among the young men of Saginaw was evidently lacking, at a time when war threatened, and ninety-eight was the total enlistment of the company. On Saturday, June 24, the company and band entrained for the military camp at Grayling, where three entire regiments of the State troops mobilized on that day. Inspection, medical examination and mustering in the Federal Army service followed, in which about sixteen men of the local company were refused for physical defects or weakness. Interest in the military and naval defense arms is enlivened in Saginaw by the presence of the Thirty-third Regiment Band, which was reorganized here about six years ago. The members of this excellent and popular military band were recruited from the ranks of Saginaw's leading professional musi ENLISTED MEN OF COMPANY F, THIRTY-THIRD REGIMENT, M. N. G. [From a photograph taken in front of the Armory, June 20, 1916] RELIGIOUS AND SOCIAL LIFE 375 cians, a number of whom had swayed under the baton of Professor Reiss in his famous organization of years ago, and also under Professor William Boos. The band has a membership of thirty-six and is ably directed by Professor Arthur Amsden, who has served many years with the State troops in the capacity of band leader. So high is the reputation of this organization that wherever it is heard, as well as in this city, it is greeted with enthusiasm and applause. During the WVinter the Sunday afternoon concerts at the Auditorium, given by the Thirty-third Regiment Band, are largely attended, while in Summer the weekly concerts in various parks meet with the popular accord. The officers of Company F, Thirty-third Regiment, Michigan National Guard, in 1916 and for several years past are: William H. Martin, captain; Frank McCullagh, first lieutenant; William Bohstedt, second lieutenant. The Saginaw Naval Reserves It was fitting the geographical position of Michigan, surrounded as it is on three sides bv the waters of the Great Lakes, that the Naval Militia of the interior should have been founded on its shores. On February 28, 1894, a few enthusiastic yachtsmen of Detroit met and decided upon the formation of the Michigan Naval Brigade. Among them was Truman H. Newberry. destined in after years to hold the highest office in the Navy Department, and who was an indefatigable worker in the upbuilding of the Reserves. The first division of the brigade was quickly recruited to eighty members professional and business men- with the inborn sense of duty of the patriot. The object of the Naval Militia is to furnish the navy of the United States in time of war, with an auxiliary force of well drilled and seasoned crews, trained in navigation, engineering, gunnery and signalling, and familiar with and subject to discipline and ship routine. The organization has the same relation to the navy that the State militia has to the regular army; and is of great importance, since it is impossible to recruit trained bluejackets from the ordinary pursuits of life in time of need. From the beginning made in Detroit the movement spread, and in the Fall of 1894 Samuel F. Owen, Rollin A. Horr and others, who had some military training, organized a division in Saginaw. On December 6th about forty professional and business men representing the younger element, met at the Bancroft House, signed the articles of incorporation, and proceeded to effect a permanent organization. This division, which took the name of Second Division, Michigan State Naval Brigade, was soon recruited to more than sixty members; and elected officers as follows: Samuel F. Owen, lieutenant, commanding; Rollin A. Horr, lieutenant, junior grade; Lorenzo Burrows, Junior, and James H. Gilbert, ensigns, and Charles A. Wood, assistant paymaster. The petty officers of the division were: Fred J. Buckhout, boatswain's mate-first class; John R. Mearns and Arthur C. Perrin, boatswain's matessecond class; C. D. TenEyck, gunner's mate -second class; Ira D. Alden, quartermaster - second class; Edwin C. Peters, Charles A. Khuen, J. Will Grant, Herman A. Wolpert, coxswains; J. H. Goodby, Junior, Elmer B. Norris, gunner's mates -third class; and Frederick A. Dudley, quartermaster - third class. During the Winter of 1894-95 the reserves were drilled in infantry tactics, the handling of arms, in knotting and splicing, gunnery and general orders. The armory was located in the three-story brick building at 113 North Washington Avenue, the second floor being used for club rooms, office, locker rooms and storage for accoutrements, while the third floor with its high ceiling was a suitable drill hall. 376 HISTORY OF SAGINAW COUNTY Ct R Xi D Cd - it: X$ 0: 0 0; X f fE f;t7|0704;; 0 do fiSiDrST A::;::. 0 fs.: i- 0: A::: f:: i: A=: f f:.t A: C::: 0. i. 0 He:.:::::: i 7: 7:: BE: E i:,.:.::E of.. - fe 0 f f f:;: f = i,;E; i F E _ _ _ i 7E:::: | He f E: _ 7: E i 2 E r f:S: THE ARMORY, ERECTED IN 1909 In July, 1895, the division joined the second and third divisions, of Detroit, in a cruise in the vicinity of Mackinac Island, old Fort Mackinac being the headquarters of the brigade. The gunboat llichigani, manned by officers and bluejackets of the United States Navy, lay in the harbor, and each morning the reserves with their own officers, under Lieutenant Gilbert Wilkes, brigade commander, went on board the antiquated war ship. There they went through various drills, the handling of the thirty-two pounder guns, and were instructed in general ship routine, including "clearing decks for action," "all hands to quarters," manning the capstan to "up anchor," and "laying over the masthead" which consisted of climbing the ratlines on one side of the ship, crossing over the masthead, and coming down on the other side. In the evening the divisions returned to the barracks at the old fort. On the third day, before boarding the Michigan, two men from each section were detailed for target practice on shore. Ten rounds were fired in the morning and ten in the afternoon at the rifle range, the target being at a distance of two hundred yards. Coxswain Edwin C. Peters carried off the honors of the day in this practice, scoring sixty-one out of a possible one hundred points. On the Michigan, which steamed out into Lake Huron, the divisions were drilled in gunnery, the targets being placed three hundred rods from the ship. Special details were engaged in sub-calibre practice with the three-inch rifles. There was a heavy wind and a choppy sea, which interfered with accuracy of aim at the bobbing target nearly a mile away, and Fred A. Dudley was the only man to hit the mark. At a subsequent practice, when the sea was less choppy, Arthur Beese made three successive hits, being the best record of this cruise. RELIGIOUS AND SOCIAL LIFE 377 In 1896 the Second Division cruised in the old Michigan on Saginaw Bay, off Point Aux Barques, and in the numerous gun and boat drills added practical experience to their previous training in armory and on board ship. The weather during a greater part of the week of the cruise was stormy, and the amateur sailormen were confined closely to the ship's quarters, little shore leave being granted. Lieutenant Commander Leutze, U. S. A. commanded the old gunboat, and so severe and unyielding was he in the unpleasant duty of training the landsmen that the boys facetiously dubbed him "Old Rain-InThe-Face." Lieutenant Marble was another officer of the Michigan, whom the reserves disliked exceedingly. The following year the three divisions mobilized at Fort Mackinac for further instruction and drills on board the Michigan. During the Spanish War the Michigan Naval Brigade saw actual naval service and warfare on the Atlantic. To the number of almost two hundred and fifty officers and men, they comprised the crew of the auxiliary cruiser Yosemite in blockade duty off the coast of Puerto Rico, and were engaged in several bombardments of Spanish Forts. There were no casualties in the brief engagements, and the divisions returned when the war was over with the men in good physical condition. This was quite in contrast with the weak and emaciated condition in which the members of the State Militia returned home after their terrible experience in Cuba. Within the last ten years the naval militia has grown more rapidly, and there are now two battalions of six divisions comprising the Michigan State Naval Brigade. The total enrollment is four hundred officers and men. The fourth division of the first battalion is located at Benton Harbor, on Lake Michigan, while the divisions of the second battalion are located at Hancock, on Lake Superior, and Escanaba on Lake Michigan. The training ships manned by the brigade are the Don Juan de Austria, of eleven hundred and SAGINAW NAVAL RESERVES ON BOARD THE "MICHIGAN," 1895 Sibbald Khucn Williams Mearns Buckhout Martin Mills Plummer Fitzgerald 378 HISTORY OF SAGINAW COUNTY thirty tons, stationed at Detroit, and the Ya(itic, in charge of the second battalion and stationed at Hancock. The former ship is of historic interest, being one of the Spanish ships sunk by Admiral Dewey in the Battle of Manila Bay, which was afterward raised by Captain Hobson, repaired, and brought to this country. The Yanltic is one of the old frigates of the Civil War times, having been launched at Philadelphia, on August 12, 1864, and is of brigantine rig. The Saginaw Naval Reserves of today is an entirely different body of mien from that which perfected its organization and performed a useful part in the Spanish War. Another generation of young and enthusiastic patriots has grown up to take the place of those who by much personal sacrifice and hard work established the naval brigade. The conditions of service today are very different, too, from those of twenty or more years go. Instead ot rented halls ill adapted to the use and work of the reserves, the Second Division occupies a part of the perfectly appointed Armory at the foot of Janes Avenue, and facing Battery Park. Within this solid structure of paving brick and concrete is every facility for the proper training of citizen bluejackets. There are spacious club rooms well furnished for the comfort and enjoyment of the members, a perfect system of lockers, splendid equipment and arms, and a four-inch rapid firing rifle complete, for practical instruction in the handling of big guns. On the water front, only a few rods from the Armory is a boat landing, where are kept the small boats of the division. These comprise a completely equipped steam cutter, of a type used on modern war ships, an eight-oared barge, and whaleboats. With this equipment it is possible to supplement the practices at oars on the river, with short cruises up and down the stream and on Saginaw Bay, adding greatly to the efficiency and skill of the enlisted men. The present officers of the Second Division of the Michigan State Naval Brigade are: Warner L. Cooper, lieutenant, commanding; Guy Palmer, lieutenant, junior grade; John J. Spencer, Jr., and James F. Cooper, ensigns. The East Saginaw Club On Thursday Evening, April 18, 1889, a number of representative citizens met together at the old council rooms in the Schmitz Block, for the purpose of organizing a social club. Among these men was Oscar F. Wisner, who had been active in arousing interest in the project, and in securing subscribers to it. The first proceeding of the meeting was to call Mr. Wisner to the chair, and to appoint Ferd A. Ashley secretary. The club was thereupon organized with a capital of fifty thousand dollars, and the articles of association were drawn up and signed by forty-seven members. An election was then held and Oscar F. Wisner, William F. Potter, B. F. Webster, William Callam, William B. Mershon, George B. Morley, Robert M. Randall, J. Will Grant and John M. Brewer were elected a board of managers. This board then met and elected the first officers of the club, who were Oscar F. VWisner, president; William F. Potter, vice-president; A. H. Comstock, treasurer; and Ferd A. Ashley, secretary. A committee was appointed to select a suitable site for the club house, and after careful consideration of available locations recommended the purchase of the lots on Washington Avenue, having a frontage of one hundred and forty feet. This property was soon after acquired at a price of fortyseven hundred and fifty dollars; and plans for a pretentious club house were drawn by W. T. Cooper. In due course the contract for the mason work was let to William C. Mueller, and that for the carpenter work to Michael Winkler, and the work of construction proceeded with diligence. The cost of the building, including the heating and lighting arrangements, was about twenty-five thousand dollars. RELIGIOUS AND SOCIAL LIFE 379......:..~ THE EAST SAGINAW CLUB When completed the club had a home in which the members took a just pride. Everything that went into the construction was of the highest grade, and the furnishings and equipment were sumptuous and in good taste. Some of the fine leather furniture, in excellent condition after a service of twentyseven years, is still in use. The property of the club has always been kept in good condition, and affairs well managed. In the early years of the club the membership varied from two hundred and fifty to three hundred in number, but it was afterward limited to the former figure and then to two hundred and twenty-five. The low ebb in membership was in the period of 1898 to 1900, but in the succeeding ten years the city gradually regained its former prosperity, and the club acquired many desirable members from among the newcomers. It also took in a number of young men who, since its organization, had grown to manhood. The membership was then increased to about three hundred and fifty, with that figure as the limit. Through these years of prosperity and decline of the club and its gradual rehabilitation, Thomas A. Harvey was one of its most interested and helpful members. Few indeed, in a period of more than twenty years, did so much for its advancement, aiding every movement for its increased popularity. In 1905 additional property was purchased at the rear of the club house, and the building enlarged at a cost of about ten thousand dollars, providing for a grill room on the main floor and a roof garden above. In this, as in other improvements, Mr. Harvey was one of the foremost members, subscribing liberally with others, for the additional stock then issued. He also inaugurated the movement for the acquisition of art treasures, oil paintings and pictures of real value. In this department the club is indeed fortunate, possessing a number of paintings of more than usual interest. These were acquired from time to time by personal subscriptions of prominent members, the gift and list of donors being enrolled in the records of the club. There is a large full figure portrait of Shopenagons, the noted Indian chief, done by Couse, the well HISTORY OF SAGINAW COUNTY known portrayer of savage life, and two or three other paintings of Indian characters, which are of high order. A group of western cowboy pictures, said to be of very unusual interest, was presented several years ago by Arthur Hill. The present officers of the club are: Fred J. Fox, president; James E. Vincent, vice-president; A. H. Ale, secretary and treasurer; and R. Max Boyd, chairman of house committee. The president, vice-president and the following members constitute the board of directors: R. M. Boyd, E. A. Robertson, H. T. Wickes, E. P. Stone, H. S. Siebel, A. R. Treanor and H. R. Wickes. The membership is now about three hundred and eighty, with a limit of four hundred; and the value of the club property is placed at eighty thousand dollars. Um-zoo-ee Club In years long passed the Um-zoo-ee Club, an association of leading young men and women for the purpose of holding dancing parties, filled a prominent part in the social activities of the city. It was organized in the late seventies, at a time when the city was enjoying a phenomenal growth, and numbered among its members young men who have since become some of our most solid citizens. Its parties were the social events of the season, and for brilliancy and pure enjoyment have seldom been equalled since. In the Winter of 1880-81 the officers of this club were: Thomas A. Harvey, president; William B. Mershon, vice-president; Albert H. Morley, treasurer; and W. S. Conklin, secretary. The committee of invitations was composed of J. Will Grant, chairman; Misses Mamie Wickes and Kitty Penoyer; the committee of arrangements comprised George B. Morley, chairman, Miss Winnie Smith and W. S. Conklin, while that on the "German" was Albert H. Morley, chairman, Miss Lizzie Thurber and William B. Mershon. After a pleasant existence of more than twenty years, during which it was recognized as the leading dancing club, it at length disbanded, and only the recollection of brilliant and enjoyable events it promoted, linger with its one time active members. Saginaw Country Club The origin of the Country Club was in the gentlemens' game of golf, which was introduced into Saginaw about eighteen years ago. Charles H. Davis in his travels throughout the country had visited several prominent golf clubs, and had seen such men as Marshall Field, Robert T. Lincoln and other distinguished men climb high fences, break through minature jungles, and wade shallow creeks in quest of the elusive ball. He was seized with an overwhelming desire to follow their pursuit, and returned to Saginaw thoroughly inoculated with the microbe of this strenuous game. Golf as yet was unknown in this part of the State, no one, excepting Samuel C. Kimberly, having had the temerity to allude to the sport. Mr. Davis was determined to introduce the game into his home city, and accordingly laid out a nine-hole course at his farm on the Gratiot Road. When everything was in fine shape and the country clad in its richest verdure, he invited some of his friends and citizens out to the new links to see what the game really was. He was proficient in the game, and to those who realized its possibilities of out-door enjoyment, he instructed in the various strokes and rules of the game. Soon after, in the Fall of 1898, small groups of business and professional men might have been seen wending their way out to the Davis farm, where they spent a morning or afternoon in mastering the details and acquiring skill in the sport. SAGINAW'S GRAND OLD MEN IN 1907 H. C. Potter Josepl A. Whittier Age 85 Age 87 Thomas Merrill Ainmi WTV. Wright Age 92 Age 85 This remarkable picture was taken in Dr. Potter's Grounds on the occasion of his eighty-fifth birthday, July 15, li90 382 HISTORY OF SAGINAW COUNTY THE SAGINAW COUNTRY CLUB From this beginning emanated the Saginaw Country Club, which was organized March 24, 1899, the articles of association being signed by John S. Porter, Frank R. Judd, J. Will Grant, A. S. Whitney, C. W. Penoyer, W. J. Wickes, Willis T. Knowlton, E. C. Fisher, H. E. Cross, Gilbert M. Stark, Albert H. Morley, Charles A. Rust, Doctor F. Gaertner, Charles E. Mershon and H. T. Wickes. The following year the club purchased ten acres of the east part of the E. G. Rust farm, and erected an attractive club house and other buildings, leasing from Mr. Davis the nine-hole golf course. Ten years later the club purchased the course comprising about forty-seven acres of valuable land, and later added the property directly across the road, which was owned by Thomas A. Harvey and George B. Morley. This land embraced a picnic grove of large, natural-growth timber, and was fifty-one and a half acres in extent. Upon this tract a new nine-hole course was laid out and improvements made, so that the whole property is not only beautiful, but one of the best eighteen-hole courses in the country. The total land holdings of the club is one hundred eight and a half acres, and is piped with water mains and carefully tile drained. Twice in the life of the club has the State Golf Tournament been held at its links, the second being played on the new eighteen-hole course. This event was a very brilliant affair, and was referred to by visiting golfers as the best tournament ever held in the State, the perfect golf course, the club house, the hospitality of the members and the good management of the special committee in charge, being highly complimented. Again, in the Summer of 1916, the club entertained the State Golfers in a grand tournament, which added to the high reputation already attained. The club has been further honored by James T. Wylie twice winning the State Championship, and Arthur Hill Vincent was runner-up in the State championship contest in 1913. The past presidents of the club, the men who have been especially prominent in shaping the management of its affairs are: Charles H. Davis, James T. Wylie, George B. Morley and Clark L. Ring. During the past RELIGIOUS AND SOCIAL LIFE 383 year Lewis C. Slade was president, Gilbert M. Stark, vice-president, Edwin P. Stone, secretary, and James A. Montross, treasurer. The directors were George B. Morley, A. T. Ferrell, Amasa M. Rust, S. A. Sommers, Gilbert 1M. Stark, Wallis Craig Smith, Lewis C. Slade, H. J. Gilbert and Norman N. Rupp. The chairman of the Ground Committee was William B. Mershon; of the House Committee, Norman N. Rupp; of the Tournament and Entertainment Committee, S. A. Sommers; of the Ladies' Entertainment, Mrs. Mary E. Harvey; of the Tennis Committee, J. W. Symons, Jr.; of the Membership Committee, Whallis Craig Smith, and of Auditing, Gilbert M. Stark. The club has an active membership of one hundred and fifty-nine, and an associate and non-resident membership of about one hundred. The valuation of its property, including the valuable land holdings close to the city limits, is placed at forty thousand dollars. Saginaw Canoe Club This popular club composed very largely of the younger element of our best citizenship, holds a unique place in the social life of the place. It was organized to bring together young men, and to promote an interest in canoeing, boating and aquatic sports. To this end articles of association were drawn up on February 24, 1904, and signed by George L. Burrows, Jr., Fred L. Cribbins, W. H. Howland, George C. Potter, Edward T. Lindsay, V. E. Schwahn, James A. Griggs and Benjamin Farmer. Organization was perfected and the above members and Paul F.-H. Morley constituted the first board of directors. In the Summer of 1904 a small but attractive club house was erected at the west end of Riverside Park, facing the Tittabawassee. This was an ideal location for a canoe club, and it soon became a popular rendezvous of devotees of the sport. Members quite generally kept their canoes at the club house, as it was the most convenient point from which to paddle in the shade of overhanging trees along the banks, or through the "cut" into the Shiawassee... 3:;~~ I: THIRTEENTH GREEN Saginaw Country Club Golf Links HISTORY OF SAGINAW COUNTY The following year the scope of the club was extended to include dancing parties on the broad porch, and catering service was inaugurated. Afterward clay pigeon shooting was added to official sports, and a small stand was erected for the comfort of the members and their friends. A tennis court was later laid out to accommodate members devoted to this game. In all, the club has been prominent in promoting interest in wholesome out-of-doors sports and games. At length it seemed advisable to extend the privileges and usefulness of the club by building a larger and better appointed club house. The question of location was debatable for a time, but the appropriate grounds on Osakina Island of Ezra Rust Park offered the greatest advantages to the greater number of members, and was chosen to the general satisfaction of the club. The capital stock was increased to ten thousand dollars, and a campaign started for increased membership. This move was successfully made and in 1913 the large new club house was erected and furnished in rare taste. The following Summer the grounds were brought to grade, levelled off and seeded, and otherwise improved. A landing for canoes and boats was constructed on the river bank close to the side of the club house, and proper housing provided for all canoes owned by the members. A good catering service was provided and everything arranged for the pleasure and comfort of members, which generally identify well conducted social clubs. The dancing parties and social functions given by the club or by individual members, are among the brilliant social events of the year, and the popularity of the club is increasing. The members comprising the present board of directors are: Howard O'Brien, president; Archie Milne, commodore; Doctor J. A. Connery, vicecommodore; F. H. Jerome, secretary and treasurer, and Robert H. Cook, Herbert E. Cross, John Benson, J. C. Graves and T. A. Saylor. SAGINAW CANOE CLUB ON OSAKINA ISLAND The Elks Saginaw Lodge, No. 47, of the Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks, was instituted June 23, 1886, and chartered on December 12th of the same year. The objects and purposes of the association are to protect and aid its members and their families, and to promote friendship and social intercourse, and to accumulate a fund for that purpose. The articles of incorporation were drawn up and signed by fourteen members as follows: H. D. Norris, O. F. Stevens, William C. Bernard, C. E. Ring, Edward W. Henssler, Hamilton Bogardus, James G. Harris, Merritt H. Eggleston, John Prendergast, John P. Hemmeter, Edward W. McCormick, Charles C. Stevens and W. K. Kerwin. The lodge was thereupon instituted by John R. Sterling, District Deputy, assisted by members of Detroit Lodge, No. 34, with thirty-eight charter members. The regular sessions of the lodge are held every Thursday evening at the Elk's Temple. RELIGIOUS AND SOCIAL LIFE 385 The first lodge hall of the order was in the McLean Block, on the north side of Genesee Avenue between Baum and Jefferson. As the lodge increased in membership the quarters were moved to the Lloyd Block on Washington Avenue, which, upon reconstruction of the building by the late Michael Jeffers, were again moved to the Metropole Building on North Washington. But as the order continued to grow in numbers and influence a club house, built especially for the social needs of the lodge was deemed necessary, and the valuable property at the northwest corner of Germania and Warren Avenues was purchased for five thousand dollars. Plans were then drawn for an elaborate and perfectly appointed club house, which was erected in 1906 and 1907, at a cost of about fifty thousand dollars. The Elk's Temple is an imposing structure of paving brick and cut stone, two stories and high basement; and was dedicated on November 18, 1907, with appropriate ceremonies. It is the social center of the Elk's activities, and affords every facility for the exercise of those cordial and fraternal relations among the members, which have made the order famous throughout the country. There are bowling alleys, billiard and pool rooms, a perfectly appointed grill, reading room with current magazines, and a small library. an At the time the club house was projected there were about three hunimprdred members enrolled in the lodge, dut so successful has been the social Every Tuesdy and benevolent work of the club, that e l the membership in 1916 reached ~seleven hundred. As the building was THE ELK'S TEMPLE designed to comfortably accommodate three hundred and fifty to four hundred members, it has become greatly overcrowded, especially on occasions such as the annual Christmas tree festivities, and annual and special meetings. To meet the emergency a project was advanced in 1916 for the addition of another story to the building which, provided with casement windows, would serve as a roof garden in Summer, and a large auditorium in Winter. This improvement when realized will relieve the congestion on the other floors, Thnd afford space for private dining rooms and other conveniences greatly needed. Every Tuesday afternoon the dining room of the club is given over to the ladies of the members, and their friends, who quite generally avail themselves of the privileges extended, for the purpose of holding card parties, socials and teas. The Past Exalted Rulers of the Elks are: Rowland Connor, James Stewart, George A. Reynolds, Thomas A. Kerr, H. D. Norris, W. H. Winnie, C. J. Reynick, C. F. Schoeneberg, J. W. Messner, W. C. McKinney, Emmett L. Beach, Julius W. Ippel, Edwin C. Peters, C. E. Gage, C. F. Bauer, C. E. Lown and A. W. Ganschow. The present officers are: Alexander C. Sutherland, E. R.; Carl J. Bauer, E. Leading K.; Henry Naegely, E. Lecturing K.; Doctor Charles P. Stone, E. Loyal K.; Charles F. Nelson, Tyler; Robert T. Holland, Esquire; Herman Krause, Inner Guard; Rowland Connor, Secretary, and Henry Witters. Treasurer. William Binder Mrs. Jennie Paine George L. Burrows PIONEER RESIDENTS OF SAGINAW CITY Mrs. W. A. Armistrong Lorenzo Boirrows. Jr. Mrs. George L. Burrows liar vey Joslin Teresa Jones Harry Miller RELIGIOUS AND SOCIAL LIFE 387 Masonic Orders The Masonic Order in Saginaw Valley had its beginning in Germania Lodge, No. 79, which was organized in Doctor M. C. T. Plessner's house in March, 1854. The first officers of this lodge were M. C. T. Plessner, W. M., Count Solmns, S. W., and G. Liskow, J. XV., who with five members instituted the lodge and held meetings in the building at the corner of Cass and Hamilton Streets. Doctor Plessner was Worshipful Master from 1854 to 1862 and from 1865 to 1874; Otto Roeser, 1863-64; Count Solms, 1875-76. Afterward Henry Barnhard, A. W. Achard and Peter Herrig held the office. The present officers are Frederick G. Oppermann, W. M.; William Stange, secretay; Andrew Gosen, treasurer. At East Saginaw the organization under dispensation of Saginaw Lodge, No. 77, F. & A. M., was next effected. On June 23, 1855, the dispensation was granted by the Grand Lodge to Moses B. Hess, as. WV. M.; David Hughes, S. W. and James A. Large, J. WV. The other charter members were S. C. Munson, S. C. Beach, A. F. Hayden and David F. Hess. On the last day of July, 1855, the degree of E. A. was conferred upon Norman Little, \William L. P. Little, William L. Webber and Charles B. Mott. The charter was granted in January, 1856, and the lodge was dedicated on February 27th. Among the early Worshipful Masters of the lodge were James A. Large, William L. Webber, William J. Bartow, J. S. Goodman and Frank Lawrence. In 1868 the lodge had a fine hall, thirty-two by fifty feet in size, well furnished and lighted with gas. The present officers are D. A. Nicol, W. M.; Z. D. Ells, S. WV.; Harold XValz, J. NV.; H. A. Penney, treasurer; J. WV. Billing, secretary; Trustees, A. G. Ritchie, u. J. Winston and A. G. Meakin. Saginaw Valley Chapter, No. 31, R. A. M., received its charter January 12, 1864, with William L Webber, H. P.; Charles B. Mott, K.; S. W. Yawkey, S., and William J. Bartow, Ezra Rust, E. W. Lyon, L. IN. S. Leinheim, George WV. Merrill, J. C. Lowell, Charles E. Gillett, George F. Lewis, John J. Wheeler, R. H. Weidemann, A. P. Brewer, M. B. Hess, John S. Estabrook, I. M. Smith, Charles W. Grant and William Hodgson, charter members. The first meeting of the chapter was held on February 4, 1864. The officers in 1916 are: Frank W. Pohlman, H. P.; William A. Shackelford, K.; Doctor C. M. WVelch, S.; George E. Scollen, secretary; Harry Oppenheimer, treasurer. Saginaw Valley Lodge, No. 154 was organized under dispensation February 19, 1864, with D. M. Bennett, WV. M.; William McBratnie, S. W., and T. IL. Jackson, J. W. A charter was granted by the Grand Lodge on June 13, 1865, under which the same officers were installed. The present officers of this lodge are: Fred Dustin, XV. MI.; G. J. Brenner, S. W.; Richard XW. Atwell, J. W.; Charles AV. Khuen, treasurer; WVm. H. McBratnie, secretary. Executive Committee: Henry R. Witt and J. A. Huff. Saginaw Council, No. 20, R. S. M., was organized July 25, 1866, and soon attained a high place among Masonic Orders of the State. In 1881 its officers were: Fred E. Hoyt, T. I. M.; D. B. Reeves, D. M.; Charles Doughty, P. C. of W.; WV. Fitzgerald, C. and G.; D. Hoyt, treasurer, George B. Gage, recorder, and H. H. Cheeney and William Cole. The officers for 1916 are: R. K. Logan, T. I. M.; Fred Dustin, D. M.; Thomas Brown, P. C. W.; Frank Robinson, secretary; Henry Feige, treasurer; C. M. Welch, C. G.; Roy Rogers, C. C. St. Bernard Commandery, No. 16, K. T., was also organized in 1866, and at the annual conclave F. E. Hoyt was elected E. C.; T. E. Borden, general; George L. Remington, captain general; Edwin Saunders, prel; F. A. Ashley, S. W.; A. D. Macomber, J. W.; William H. Clark, treasurer; J. H. Woollacott, recorder; William Grant, St. B.; William H. Cambrey, 388 HISTORY OF SAGINAW COUNTY S. B.; Charles A. Lee, warden; William Cole, sentinel; William Williamson, C. W. Gray and 0. J. Hetherington, guards. The present officers of this commandery are: William H. Filbert, E. C.; William H. McBratnie, G.; James A. Griggs, C. G.; H. B. Fry, S. W.; Charles Koeppler, J. W.; Reverend Emil Montanus, P.; William Wallace, treasurer; Andrew J. Lynd, recorder. Joppa Chapter, No. 63, R. A. M., was organized January 13, 1869; and in 1881 G. K. Grout, Charles A. Lee, DeWitt C. Dixon, Frank R. Ganschow, George H. Durand, John Ballentine, Jira S. Martin, E. I. Peck, N. W. Wright, B. B. Bartlett, W. W. Knight and H. W. Whitney were most active in conducting the work. The present officers are: Burton S. Tefft, H. P.; Howard J. Gilbert, K.; Clarence Bauer, S.; L. J. Richter, treasurer; J. A. Huff, secretary. Elf Khurafeh Temple, A. A. O. N. M. S., meets at Masonic Temple on call. Of its officers Hiram A. Savage is Potentate; Floyd A. Wilson, C. R.; John O. Newberry, A. R.; Wm. H. Mead, H. P. and P.; Charles A. Khuen, O. G.; Harry E. Oppenheimer, treasurer; Wm. H. McBratnie, secretary. Arab Patrol has for its officers Otto F. Richter, president; Clarence M. Ireton, captain; Edwin C. Forrest, adjt.; William H. McBratnie, secretary. Ancient Landmarks Lodge, No. 303, F. & A. M., was instituted in the Spring of 1871 with C. H. Gage as W. M. Doctor B. B. Ross, Lawson C. Holden, Henry B. Roney, Charles F. Weber, J. M. Brooks, Douglas White and William Cole were prominently identified with it. The present officers are: Homer L. Blaisdell, W. M.; Guy D. Meston, S. W.; Otto E. Eckert, J. W.; Charles L. Bigelow, S. D.; Joseph S. Gerhart, J. D.; Charles J. Phelps, secretary; Frank W. Perry, treasurer. Apollo Lodge, No. 348, was organized in 1877 with W. W. Knight, W. M.; Byron B. Stark, S. W.; Reuben W. Andrus, J. W.; Oliver P. Barber, secretary; and Nathan S. Wood, treasurer; Thomas M. James, S. D.; and Charles E. Wheeler, J. D. Salina Lodge, No. 155, was instituted in 1867; Saginaw Valley Conclave, No. 4, of the Red Cross of Constantine was organized April 27, 1874, and East Star Lodge, No. 6 (colored) was chartered in 1862. Merlin Grotto No. 63 Mystic Order Veiled Prophets Enchanted Realm, was instituted under dispensation by Harold M. Harter, of Toledo, Ohio, the Grand Venerable Prophet, on April 15, 1915, with a charter membership of fifty-one. The first officers appointed at this time were: Lynn B. Emery, Monarch; J. A. Huff, of ceremonies; Charles J. Phelps, Secretary; Simon G. Koepke, Treasurer. On April 28th, the first Ceremonial and Initiation was held at the Academy of Music, the Degree being conferred by Zal-Gaz Grotto, of Ann Arbor, on eightyfive candidates. A charter was granted by the Supreme Council at the annual meeting held in Buffalo, N. Y., on June 9, 1915. The present membership is 385. MA TEMPLE The Grotto has for its purpose the bringing together of all Masons into one common body and promoting the spirit of good-fellowship. RELIGIOUS AND SOCIAL LIFE Other Fraternal Orders Of the Independent Order of Odd Fellows, Saginaw Lodge, No. 42, was the first to be instituted in Saginaw. On February 9, 1849, this lodge was organized by Charles D. Little, special D. D. G. M., and the following officers were elected: W. L. P. Little, N. G.; J. S. Woodruff, V. G.; J. B. Chamberlain, secretary, and J. Bookstaver, treasurer. Oriental Lodge, No. 188, meets Friday evening at 2710 South Washington Avenue. James P. King is N. G.; Roy W. Phoenix, R. S.; and Fraik Newvine, treasurer. The Star Lodge, No. 156, was the second circle of Odd-Fellowship organized in this city, with Charles Moye as N. G., in 1853. The lodge was reorganized in 1872. Its officers are G. J. Watkins, N. G.; William Parkins, secretary; Frank Maruna, treasurer. O-Saw-Wa-Bon Lodge, No. 74, was instituted at East Saginaw on June 2, 1855. Owing to the small population of the place and other causes, the lodge, whose first officers were Charles B. Mott, N. G., and Alexander Ferguson, V. G., gave up its charter two years later. It was reorganized in 1865 with J. S. Curtis, N. G.; K'A: Ferguson, R. S.; C. H. Barton, P. S.; and Wr. F. Glasby, S. This lodge has since become one of the largest and most influential in the city. The present officers are: John T. Dunn, N. G.; Edward J. Diehl, recording secretary; George E. Dunn, treasurer. Washington Encampment was instituted May 9, 1866, by M. W. G. P. Dennis, with thirty members among whom were A. G. Van Wey, W. McRath, D. H. Buel, A. O. T. Eaton, B. Rice and A. F. Rockwith. Valley Encampment, No. 20, was instituted May 10, 1866, with J. S. Curtis, C. H. Burton, A. Ferguson. T. E. Doughty, W. H. Southwick, J. M. Luther and J. H. McFarlin, charter members. The other lodges of this order are the Empire, organized August 12, 1874; the Buena Vista Lodge, on February 26, 1872; the Oriental, instituted in 1872 with LeRoy H. DeLavergne, N. G.; and the Magara Encampment, organized April 28, 1875. Saginaw Lodge, No. 10, Knights of Pythias, was organized March 28, 1873, with James G. Terry as C. C. This important lodge has been well maintained through the years, and its social and financial condition is une::celled. The present officers are: Charles \V. Light, C. C.; A. E. Goldsmith, K. of R. and S. and M. of F. Thesus Lodge, No. 119, meets every Wednesday evening at 413 Court Street. The officers are: Clinton W. Osborn, C. C.; Benjamin F. Eaton, V. C.; Charles WV. Ellis, prel.; John Ferguson, M. of A.; E. Baskins, trustee. The Achilles Lodge, No. 15, was instituted January 7, 1874; and in 1881 Charles D. Little, Robert J. Birney, Benjamin Geer, Thomas L. Jackson, Racine Purmort, C. M. Beach, and J. T. Burnham. all prominent citizens of Saginaw City, were its most active members. East Saginaw Lodge, No. 172, Good Templars, was established November 24, 1865, with Reverend B. F. Taylor, W\. C. T. Fountain Head Lodge was instituted May 19, 1875, with George Stevens, WV. C. T., and forty charter members. Among the older orders of which record is found was a lodge of the Daughters of Rebekah, known as Azure Lodge, No. 43, which was instituted in Saginaw in 1871. At present the order is represented here by Azure Lodge, No. 37, Ilah Lodge, No. 174, Magnolia Lodge, and Naomi Lodge, No. 270, all of which are in flourishing condition. OLD-TIME PORTRAITS OF WELL-KNOWN CITIZENS Cllarles R. Pelnney John WVeller.John.leffers \Waltter Gard ner c Isaac lea in ge M\rs. fE...Ring Isaac Par-sons Mrs. C. \V. WVells Frederick I1. 1HIreret Gurdon (C]orningL and Ida C. Nicholas A. tRandall Dr. H. Williams,lidge L. C. H-olden RELIGIOUS AND SOCIAL LIFE Court Valley, No. 232, of the Independent Order of Foresters meets in Foresters' Temple with C. E. Hamilton as C. R.; W. P. Stewart, V. C. R.; L. W. Hodgins, recording secretary; A. G. Mleakin, treasurer; H. J. Lemcke, financial secretary, and A. Robertson and William J. McDonald, trustees. Other lodges of this order are: Court Acme, No. 551; Court Mountaineer, No. 577; Court Starlight, No. 1024; Court Waldon, No. 529; and Court Wanigas, No. 4529. There are also four courts of the Lady Companion Independent Order of Foresters. The Macabees are a strong fraternal order in Saginaw, having no less than ten tents, namely: Allemania Tent, No. 114; Concordia Tent, No. 132; East Side Tent, No. 385; Gage Tent, No. 111; Italy Tent, No. 866; Jesse Hoyt Tent, No. 51; John A. Edget Tent, No. 430; Lincoln Tent, No. 113; Penoyer Tent, No. 204; and Saginaw Tent, No. 107. There are also nine hives of Ladies of the Macabees. The Prudent Patricians of Pompeii, of Washington, D. C., is splendidly represented here by nine primaries, which are: Peninsular Primary, No. 1; Paragon Primary, No. 3; Purity Primary, No. 5; Peerless Primary, No. 6; Pleasant Primary, No. 8; Puritan Primary, No. 16; Peerless Primary, No. 21; Philemon Primary, No. 29; and Penoyer Primary, No. 54; all of which are in flourishing condition. The Tribe of Ben Hur is represented by Saginaw Court, No. 85, of which J. B. Johnson is P. C.; John McDonald, Chief; Robert Schenk, Judge; E. Schenk, Scribe; and by Eros Court, No. 27, with Otto A. Weidemann, Chief; Clarence L. Hay, Judge; Anna B. Gray, Scribe; and also by Washington Court, No. 116. William H. Borrowman is Deputy. The Royal Arcanum has two councils in this city, Central Council, No. 29, having for its officers Elmer E. Bishop, P. R.; William E. Goodman, R; William Curtin, V. R.; J. C. Bauer, O.; H. J. Lemcke, secretary; J. H. Woollacott, collector, and Carl R. Rogner, treasurer. Saginaw Council, No. 33, meets at K. of P. Hall on the West Side, and is also in flourishing condition. The Royal League has one council, Saginaw Council, No. 44, organized in March, 1887. Gordon Robertson is archon; W. W. Grobe, scribe, and D. A. King, treasurer. The Royal Neighbors of America has Clover Leaf Camp, No. 157, and Woodbine Camp, No. 1549; the Royal Order of Lions is represented by Saginaw Den, No. 304; and the Protected Home Circle by Saginaw Circle, No. 133, and by Silver Leaf Circle, No. 243. The Loyal Guard has Saginaw Division, No. 21; the Loyal Order of Moose by Saginaw Lodge, No. 82; the Modern Brotherhood of America by Michigan Lodge, No. 1099, and Saginaw Lodge, No. 1255. The Modern Woodmen of America has three camps, East Saginaw Camp, No. 915; South Saginaw Camp, No. 4723, and Wheeler Camp, No. 4848. The Orangemen have Eden Lodge, No. 120; and the National Union, East Saginaw Council, No. 179. The Fraternal Order of Eagles is represented in this city by Saginaw Aerie, No. 497, with Fred L. Travers, W. P.; Charles C. Holmes, W. V. P.; E. B. Mowers, W. C.; H. J. Lemcke, secretary, and John N. Richter, treasurer. The Knights of Columbus have a strong council in Saginaw Council, No. 593, which has a fine building on North Washington Avenue for its club home. The membership is said to be about five hundred, comprising the foremost Roman Catholic citizens. There are also the Knights of St. John with District Commandery and No. 158; and Knights of Honor represented by Schiller Lodge, No. 837, organized January 1, 1878, which meets on the West Side. GENESEE AVENUE, LOOKING WEST FROM JEFFERSON, 1900 WASHINGTON AVENUE, LOOKING NORTH FROM BANCROFT HOUSE, 1900 THE INDUSTRIAL HISTORY OF SAGINAW CHAPTER XVI THE LUMBER INDUSTRY Predictions of First Settlers - Earliest Saw Mills - The "Williams" Mill - The First Mill on the East Side - Emerson Shipped the First Lumber - Evolution of Sawing Machinery - Logs and Booms - The Output of the Tittabawassee - The Famous Cork Pine of the Cass - Lumber Production of the Saginaw River - Experiences in the North Woods - Theology in Camp - "Captain" Naegely and the Lumber-jacks - Some Old-time Mills -A Model Establishment Saw Mills in the Eighties -Output of Saginaw Mills in 1892 - Saginaw Becomes a Distributing Market - Charles Merrill - John S. Estabrook -Samuel H. Webster-Benjamin F. Webster β€”Washington S. Green - Isaac Parsons - Characteristics of Ammi W. Wright - Ralph A. Loveland - William H. Edwards. T WHAT the Saginaw Valley is entitled to pre-eminence in a history of the lumber industry of the Northwest, is generally conceded, in view of the fact that from the earliest days of the State's development, it was the central figure around which the lumber business of a large section of Michigan revolved, while in the main its conditions were an index to those of the State at large. The Saginaw River is the effluent of a number of streams which penetrate the confines of the Huron watershed, and drain an area of thirty-two hundred square miles. The principal stream is the Tittabawassee with numerous branches extending to the North and West. At the confluence of this river with the Saginaw is the Shiawassee River running southward, while a short distance above are the Cass and Flint rivers, extending to the East and Northeast, with various creeks penetrating the pine forests of the "Thumb." The early settlers of Saginaw Valley of the period of 1830, while fully aware of the existence of vast forests of pine throughout this section of the State, did not fully comprehend their extent or value, yet knew enough to render them skeptical as to the possibility of their exhaustion in their own., or the lifetime of their children. The supply of timber in the illimitable, but accessible forests of Maine, was supposed to be sufficient with the most wasteful extravagance, to answer all the demands of the East for a century, hence the idea that the timber of Michigan could ever be in more than local demand, was preposterous. How correct these predictions; how short a time -scarcely more than half a century - it has taken to tell of the destruction of the vast pine forests of Michigan and Wisconsin, as well as those of Maine. Even the present timber resources of Canada would provide for the consumptive demand of the United States for only a few months. Later, when lumber was shipped by cargo to the Albany market, in active competition with the product of Maine, the views of the early settlers underwent a change; and late in the sixties it was foreseen that, at the rate the pine was then disappearing, before the close of the century the pine lumber business of Michigan would end. 394 HISTORY OF SAGINAW COUNTY The Earliest Saw Mills Albert Miller, in his interesting contributions to pioneer history, mentions that, on his first visit to Saginaw in 1830, he passed the saw mill of Rufus Stevens at the crossing of the Thread River, near Flint, and asserts that this was the first mill on waters tributary to the Saginaw. Another mill was that of Rowland Perry and Harvey Spencer at Grand Blanc, on the head waters of the Thread River. The first raft of timber floated on the tributaries of the Saginaw was out at the Stevens mill, and hauled to the Flint River, a distance of about three miles, where it was rafted. In 1830 an attempt was made by Alden Tupper to build a mill on the Flint below Flushing, but it never did any work. George Oliver ran the Thread River mill for Mr. Stevens, and a few years later a grist mill was added, and thereupon became known as the "Thread Mills." The first lumber at Saginaw probably was cut by Albert Miller in the primitive man-power method, he being the "pit" sawyer and Joseph Busby or Charles A. Lull the "top" sawyer. This was early in the thirties, and the lumber thus laboriously made was used for building their homes. The "Williams" Mill It was in 1834 that Harvey Williams, familiarly known as "Uncle Harvey," came to Saginaw from Detroit and built for Gardner D. and Ephraim S. Williams, his cousins, the first steam saw mill on the Saginaw River, thus inaugurating the lumber industry of this stream. This mill, which was first operated in 1835, was a very primitive affair, having a single gate saw driven by an engine of wonderful proportions, and calculated to cut about two thousand feet of one-inch boards in a day of twelve hours. The engine, originally built for the first steamboat, the Walk-in-the-Water, to ply the Great Lakes, had a cylinder six inches in diameter by forty-eight inches stroke, and afterward, following the wrecking of that boat in 1822, had been installed in the steamboat Superior, and rendered good service for more than ten years longer. Harvey Williams was an excellent blacksmith and all-round mechanic, and personally forged the main parts of the iron work for the mill, bringing it from Detroit when ready for use. He succeeded in adapting the peculiar construction and power of the engine to the uses and needs of sawing machinery; and afterward provided a run of stone for gristing. To Gardner D. Williams, who came to this forest wilderness in 1826, is honor due for being the first lumberman on the Saginaw. He was of the sturdy, progressive type of pioneer, fearless, and undaunted by the difficulties of border life. A strong man, physically and mentally, he became inured to hardship and privation, and in following the occupation of fur trader gradually assumed the customs and habits of the native Indians, whose true friend he was. (A portrait of Mr. Williams appears on page ninety.) In this connection an interesting tale is told by a well known lady of the East Side, who, coming to the settlement on the Saginaw when a mere child, lived with her family in the old block house, which had been a part of Fort Saginaw in 1822-23. "It was yet in the thirties," she said, "that one delightful day in Summer a young Indian girl appeared at the block house, with basketry and other articles of craftsmanship of her race for sale. Because of her beauty and grace of bearing, as well as by the fine texture of her dress, she everywhere attracted attention and was an object of my curiosity, though I was but a mere child. Instead of the loose and much soiled garments of the average Indian, she was clad in a beautiful robe, evidently of European manufacture, her stockings were silken, and instead of moccassins she wore fine THE LUMBER INDUSTRY 395 CHOPPERS AT WORK IN THE FOREST leather shoes of style and fit which betrayed a foreign origin. Her skin, though tanned by exposure to the elements, was soft and fair, her hands were shapely and without the appearance of toil or drudgery, and her luxuriant hair was carefully combed and dressed in some semblance to the style of the frontier. Her manner was gentle and her voice soft and musical, denoting care and patience in her training to young womanhood. I had never seen so striking a beauty among the Indian girls, and was eager to know her name and whence she came. "When she had gone I asked the woman who conducted the little tavern, who she was and where she lived. "'Why, have you not heard?' she replied, 'the little Indian girl is the daughter of the great trader, Gard Williams, whose Indian wigwam is on the banks of the Tittabawassee.' Afterward, I learned that the abode of the squaw who was her mother, and one among a thousand of her race, was indeed up the river on the site of an ancient Indian village. Within, it was lacking the tawdry trappings of the savage, but was comfortably furnished with home-like articles of real utility, and the clothing of the Indian woman was of the finest texture and weave." In extenuation, it may be said that in the earliest days of settlement of the wilderness, when the whites were so few and interspersed with renegades from Canada, the mixing of the races and rearing of Indian families by the traders, was not an uncommon occurrence, though frowned upon by the better element of the scant population. The mill of the Williams Brothers, at the foot of Mackinaw Street, was for several years of more than ample capacity to supply the wants of the few settlers who had made homes for themselves in the valley. A cut of two thousand feet per day was considered excellent, and required the engine to be run at its full power, with its ponderous sash or gate rising and falling with every revolution of the twelve-foot fly wheel, to which it was directly connected. With various improvements of equipment this mill was operated off and on for a number of years, but was finally burned July 4, 1854, having been set on fire, it was supposed, by a fire-cracker. It was rebuilt and oper 396 HISTORY OF SAGINAW COUNTY ated during the period of increasing production of lumber on the river, but was again destroyed by fire in the early eighties. Rebuilt by George F., William A. and Stewart B. Williams, sons of Gardner D., on a much larger scale and equipped with modern sawing machinery, with an extensive salt block, this mill was one of the largest at the upper end of the river, and continued in operation until the exhaustion of the pine timber resources of this section. At the close of the century the "Williams" mill, as it was commonly called, was for the third time wiped out by fire, and nothing remained to mark the location of a once prosperous business. The First Mill on the East Side In the Fall of 1836 "Uncle Harvey" Williams built a mulay mill on the east sideof the river for Mackie, Oakley & Jennison, of New York, in which firm he had a financial interest, and thus, with Norman Little began a new settlement. The mill was situated (see page 141) on rising ground just south of the present Bristol Street bridge, on the site of the gas works. When ready to commence operations in 1837, with an engine of ten inch bore and fourteen inch stroke, it was confidently expected that its capacity was fully equal to any demand for lumber for at least a quarter of a century. How little was it comprehended that within the lifetime of the pioneer lumbermen, the demand upon, and the production of lumber in the Saginaw. Valley would reach a thousand million feet in a year, as was the case in 1882. The mill was engaged in the first few years of its operation in cutting "long stuff" for the Michigan Central Railroad, then but recently commenced. After an uncertain existence of eight years the mill was closed down, and with three empty houses stood as a reminder of shattered hopes. Its usefulness was not ended, however, for under the influence of youthful energy and determination, and ample capital, its machinery was overhauled and again put into action. Curtis Emerson was the rejuvenating spirit of the old mill, who, in the Spring of 1846, in association with Charles W. Grant, purchased the property and one hundred and seventy-five acres of land in the vicinity, for six thousand dollars. Having spent ten thousand dollars in placing new boilers, engine and other new equipment, the mill was ready for successful operation; and was thereafter known as the "Emerson" mill. It was fifty-five feet by one hundred and twenty feet in dimensions, and had three upright saws of three thousand feet a day capacity, each; one edging table and a butting saw. The engine was of seventy-five horse power, with a stroke of four and a half feet, and the new boilers were eighteen feet long by forty-two inches in diameter. The annual capacity was about three million feet, working by day only. In those days no slabs or saw-dust were used as fuel, the refuse from the saws being hauled away to dumps at an expense of five dollars a day, though the boilers consumed seven cords of mixed wood in twelve hours, at a cost of two dollars a cord. In later years, when cord wood was not so easily obtained, a large part of the waste was burned under the boilers of the river mills. Emerson Shipped the First Cargo of Lumber The first cargo of clear lumber ever shipped from the Saginaws was loaded at the Emerson mill in 1847. It was consigned to C. P. Williams & Company, of Albany, New York, and was the first cargo of clear cork pine to reach that market. Its peculiar value quickly attracted attention, and an immediate demand for Saginaw pine lumber was created. This first shipment to a foreign market was the birth of the lumber business in the valley, and Emerson & Eldridge, who then operated the mill, projected better facilities for transportation. THE LUMBER INDUSTRY 397 In 1850 Charles W. Grant and Jesse Hoyt built the second mill on the east side of the river, at the foot of German Street. It was known as the "Hoyt" mill, and was successfully operated until March 26, 1854, when it was destroyed with a large quantity of lumber, in the great fire which swept from the river to Washington Street. The next mill in succession was that of Sears & Holland, erected in 1855, near the foot of Atwater Street. Meanwhile, the great flow of capital to the valley had stimulated investment in timber lands and building of saw mills, and by 1854 there were, upon the authority of John S. Estabrook, twenty-nine mills on the river, and nine others in process of building, with an estimated cutting capacity of one hundred million feet a year. At the upper, or Saginaw, end of the river there were in 1857 fourteen saw mills, and nine on the tributary streams, and these cut in that year sixty million feet. An authentic list of these,mills appeared in the first History of Saginaw County, published by Truman B. Fox, in 1858, and is herewith transcribed: East Saginaw Cushing & Company....................... J. H ill.................................... L. B. Curtis................................ D. G. Holland............................. Whitney & Garrison....................... Gallagher Mill, (W. F. Glasby).............. Copeland & Company.................. Atwater Mill, (Sears & Holland)............. Saginaw City G ang M ill................................. G. D. W illiams & Son..................... Millard Mill, (Curtis & King)................ Zilwaukee Cut 4,500,000 2,500,000 3,000,000 1,500,000 3,000,000 2,000,000 1,500,000 3,500,000 feet feet feet feet feet feet feet feet 7,000,000 feet 2,500,000 feet 3,500,000 feet Value $ 36,000.00 21,000.00 24,000.00 10,000.00 24,000.00 14,000.00 10,000.00 30,000.00 $ 30,000.00 21,000.00 30,000.00 35,000.00 10,000.00 35,000.00 $330,000.00 105,000.00 Johnson's, (John Drake)..................... 4,000,000 feet B. F. Fisher................................ 1,500,000 feet J. A. W estervelt........................... 4,000,00 feet 44,000,000 feet Tributary mills, including four water power, at St. Charles, Chesaning, Birch Run and Frankenmuth..........................16,000,000 feet Total............................. 60,000,000 feet $435,000.00 Average value, per thousand feet, seven dollars and twenty-five cents. Evolution of Sawing Machinery Up to this time the mills of the valley had passed through the evolution from the sash to the mulay saw, which was superseded in turn by the rotary, or "circular," as it was commonly called. Ten years later nearly all the mills had discarded both gate and mulay, and the circular with a few gangs did practically all the cutting, the former, of four to six gauge, having a capacity of about one thousand feet an hour. The Sage & McGraw mill, at the southern limit of Bay City, which was the largest mill on the river, had one mulay for siding down the large logs, (which were then quite common, and too valuable to be slaughtered on a rotary, the width of whose cut was limited), one rotary saw, two slabbing gangs, and two stock gangs of forty saws, each, making a seasons cut of about thirty million feet. 398 HISTORY OF SAGINAW COUNTY The rough edges of the lumber as it fell from the saw were removed by a single circular saw on a table at the side of the mill, which was operated by men who walked its length, returned, turned the board over and repeated the operation for each individual piece. But long in the sixties William H. Taylor, a lumberman of Saginaw City, conceived the idea that the circular saw was capable of cutting more than one thousand feet an hour, and made a wager with George Williams that he could cut double that quantity. On a given day a test was made in the presence of a large number of incredulous mill men, who came to be witnesses of Taylor's discomfiture. Imagine their chagrin when, in less than an hour the mill was piled full of unedged lumber, which the edging table could not take care of. The saw had cut more than four thousand feet of lumber in the hour, and demonstrated that its capacity was limited only by an ability to edge the lumber and remove it from the mill. Inventive genius was at once set at work, and in a short time Thomas Munn, of Bay City, introduced a double-edging table which, with mechanical feed, quickly trimmed both edges of the board at one operation. The double LOADING ON SLEIGHS HAULING TO SKIDWAY edger was at once received into favor by mill men, and within a few years was to be found in nearly every mill in the country. The limit of capacity of the circular saw was so greatly increased that twenty-four thousand feet per hour has been attained by a Texas mill, cutting Southern long-leaf pine. Improvement of the gang saw followed, and the great waste in the early cutting operations was largely eliminated. In this important advance the machinery firm of Wickes Brothers, composed of Henry D., Edward N., and Charles T. Wickes, performed great service to the lumber industry, and their perfected gangs have been the standard wherever lumber is manufactured. Today, their gang saws, adapted to every and particular need of the industry, are made in this city, and are sent to every country in the world. The first experiment in the use of a band saw for cutting lumber was made by James J. McCormick, in his mill at Bay City about 1858, but proved a failure from the multiplicity of wheels employed to secure a proper tension, and was discarded as impractical. At the Centennial Exposition of 1876 a band saw mill was exhibited by J. F. Hoffman, of Fort Wayne, Indiana; and he may fairly be called the father of the practical band-saw mill. It was not THE LUMBER INDUSTRY 399 - until about 1883-84 that the possibilities of the band saw began to gain recognition, and in a highly perfected condition has since found general acceptance in the saw mill world. The chief advantage of the band saw lies in its speed and thin kerf, thereby reducing the cost of operation and also the waste. Especially is this true in resawing, the facilities of which have been greatly increased by the line of perfected resaws manufactured in Saginaw by W. B. Mershon & Company. Starting about twenty-five years ago in a small way, by the making of a few resaw machines, the invention of Edward C. Mershon, for local trade, the business has grown to enormous proportions, and resaws for every purpose and need are made and shipped to every country on the globe. Logs and Booms The log product of the vast forests to the North and West was floated mainly to the mills of the Saginaw River, for the handling of which booms became a prime necessity. As the number of operators putting logs of various marks into the different streams, increased, it was necessary that some....'... i A LOG DUMP RAFTING LOGS central point should be established, at which the logs could be separated and each owner be enabled to claim his own. To this end boom companies were incorporated, and large sorting works erected at the mouth of the various main streams. At each banking ground where the logs were dumped into the stream, the end of each log was marked with a hammer containing the letter or device adopted by the owner as a distinctive mark. These marks consisted in many instances of a single letter, and in others of a device such as crossed keys, square and compass, a boot, an anchor, or a square or diamond enclosing an initial letter in capitals two or three inches long. Enough hammer strokes of the letter or character were struck upon each log to ensure that whatever side of the log floated upward, a mark would be visible. In this simple manner the logs of a score or a hundred different owners would be separated at the sorting gap, so that each owner could receive his own. The logs which had been dumped promiscuously into the stream at various points, were floated by the current to the head of the boom works, where they were diverted from the main stream into a large boom or enclosure 400 HISTORY OF SAGINAW COUNTY occupying one-half of the river and reaching for miles up its course. At the lower end was a narrow sorting gap, through which, as each log passed it was examined for the owner's mark upon its end, and run into a pocket containing logs of the same mark. As the logs of each owner accumulated they were rafted, by securing each by a slotted wooden pin driven into its side at the middle, through which a rope was stretched making "strings," or rafts, to be floated or towed to the mill boom of the owner. These operations, including the delivery of rafts to the mill booms, were performed by the boom companies. The Output of the Tittabawassee The Tittabawassee was the leading boom of the Saginaw district, as indeed of the State. The first boom on this stream was built in 1856 by Joseph A. Whittier for Charles Merrill & Company, and from that date until 1864 about one billion seven hundred million feet of logs were rafted out to supply the Saginaw mills. In 1864 the Tittabawassee Boom Company was organized to take over the business, and that year rafted out ninety million feet of logs, leaving six million in the boom. Two years later the company had twelve miles of booms, gave employment to about two hundred and fifty river men, expended twenty-one thousand dollars for rope to be used in rafting, and rafted out one hundred and eighty-six million feet of logs. In 1867 Joseph E. Shaw was president of the company, Joseph A. Whittier, secretary, Ammi W. Wright, treasurer, and Charles Burleson, agent; and the company sorted and rafted nine hundred sixty-seven thousand six hundred and ninety-five pieces, scaling over two hundred and thirty-six million feet. The high tide of the output of this famous stream was reached in 1882, when six hundred eleven million eight hundred and sixty-three thousand feet of pine saw logs were rafted and delivered to the owners. From that date the cutting of logs gradually fell off, until in 1895 only fifteen million feet were rafted, and in the following year ten million feet. The total output of the Tittabawassee and its tributaries aggregated eleven billion eight hundred and fifty million feet, figures which stagger the mind to grasp. No other logging stream has floated such an enormous quantity of logs, and the high record is likely to stand for generations. The Famous Cork Pine of the Cass Next in importance was the cork pine of the Cass River, the first cutting of which was as far back as 1836, on the banks of Perry Creek. During a period of fifty years, in which was witnessed the rise and fall of logging on this stream, the finest growth of cork pine timber in the United States was swept away, and a fine agricultural country has taken its place. While the stream was not as prolific of timber as some other Michigan rivers, it made a notable showing with one billion one hundred and twenty-six million feet, and its fame in point of quality will live as long as the annals of Michigan lumbering are preserved. The first saw logs from the Cass were cut in a little mill that had been put up by E. W. Perry, on the banks of the creek that bore his name, near the present village of Tuscola. The mill was constructed primarily to supply the local demand for lumber, that section beginning to attract settlers, but even its limited capacity was more than sufficient to supply the wants of the locality, and as the stock accumulated Mr. Perry sought other markets for it. Cass River at that time was obstructed by driftwood and snags, and before any attempt was made to clear the stream, this pioneer lumberman made up the lumber in the form of small cribs and ran them down the river. He succeeded in reaching Saginaw with the greater portion of his stock, and THE LUMBER-JACKS AT THEIR NOON MEAL IN DEPTHS OF FOREST 402 HISTORY OF SAGINAW COUNTY shipped sixty thousand feet to Cleveland on the schooner Loraine, Captain Pool, in which market it was sold and Perry received his pay. In 1839 he shipped another cargo to Detroit, but before he received payment for it the bankruptcy law of 1840 became effective, and the purchaser of the lumber paid for it in a bankrupt's notice. The first saw logs of any amount were rafted down the Cass River in the Spring of 1847. Curtis Emerson and James Eldridge, who were operating the old yellow mill which was near the site of the City Hall, sent a lumberman from Maine, named Daggett, up the Cass to make sellections of timber which it was proposed to purchase and stock the mill. Daggett went over this section and returned with a doleful story that there was not enough timber available on the stream to furnish logs for a saw mill to run three years. Nevertheless, one tract of timber that he said would furnish logs for one seasons' run, was purchased, a road cut through to the timber, a camp started and logging begun. The camp was located within eighty rods of the present court house at Caro. The inaccuracy of the old lumberman's estimate is illustrated by the fact that twenty-six years later more than one hundred million feet of logs were rafted out of the Cass in a single season. The difficulties of hauling supplies to that primitive camp on the Cass were herculean. Every pound of feed for man and beast had to be hauled from Saginaw, one-half of the distance being through a dense wilderness, with only a rough trail winding through the forest. There was no bailed hay in those days, and by the time a load of loose hay had been hauled many miles through the forest, a considerable portion of it was pulled away by the limbs of overhanging trees. But with all the trials and hardships, the early woodsmen were equal to the occasion, and a good stock of the famous cork pine was put into the stream, and in the Spring floated down to the mill at Saginaw. In later years, it having been demonstrated that logs could be handled by organized effort more effectively and economically, the Huron Log Booming Company was organized with a capital of twenty-five thousand dollars. In 1864, the first year of its operations, the company had three miles of booms and rafted about forty million feet of logs, and in 1867 handled nearly seventytwo million feet. During the season from sixty to eighty river men were employed on the booms and rafts, and almost nineteen thousand dollars worth of rope was used in rafting. The officers of the company were: C. K. Eddy, president; J. F. Bundy, secretary, and Edwin Eddy, treasurer. The largest output of the Cass in a single season was in 1873, when one hundred four million four hundred and fifty-eight thousand feet of logs were rafted out; and the prices of cork pine logs ranged from two and a half dollars to five dollars a thousand feet. Such lumber as these logs produced, clear without shakes or sap, would bring on the market today more than one hundred dollars a thousand feet. By 1885 the cork pine had been nearly cleaned up on this stream, but for about ten years longer hemlock and hardwoods were cut and rafted, but never exceeding five million feet in a season, ranging from one and a half million to three million feet, the logging operations being conducted by individual owners. One stand of cork pine, however, the last of its kind, consisting of two hundred and sixty trees, on a one hundred acre tract two miles east of Cass City, was held for thirty-five years by John Striffler and sold in 1907 to the Sterling Cedar Company, of Monroe, Michigan, for eighteen thousand dollars. The largest trees measured a little over five feet in diameter at the stump, while others ranged from four to two feet, the whole bunch cutting more than one hundred thousand feet of high grade lumber. THE LUMBER INDUSTRY 403 In 1865 the Bad River and tributaries contributed about twenty million feet of logs to the Saginaw mills; in 1866, twenty-three million feet, and in 1867 about nineteen million. During the same years the Flint River yielded thirty million, twenty-two million and five million five hundred thousand feet, respectively, mostly for John P. Allison, James Shearer & Company, William Hodgson nd J. S. Noyes. The rapid decline of production on this stream, of timber coming to the Saginaws, was attributed in part to the fact that a number of inland mills erected near the head waters of the river consumed a large portion of the output, and also to a combination of operators that existed to prevent logs from coming down. In 1897 only one hundred thousand feet of logs came out from the Bad and Flint Rivers, and the pine timber of these streams passed into history. Their output cut by the Saginaw mills was by no means inconsiderable, as nearly three hundred and nineteen million feet of logs were rafted from these streams from 1872 to the close of logging operations. Lumber Production of the Saginaw River Without delving too far in the realm of statistics, it may be well to include, for the sake of permanent record, the yearly cut of the Saginaw River mills, and the production of shingles, from 1851 to and including 1897, as follows: 1851 1852 1853 1854 1855 1856 1857 1858 1859 1860 1861 1862 1863 1864 1865 i866 1867 1868 1869 1870 1871 1872 1873 1874 Lumnler, feet 92,000,000 90,000,000 96,000,000 100,000,000 100,000,000 110,000,000 113,700,000 106,500,000 122,750,000 125,000,000 120,000,000 128,000,000 133,580,000 215,000,000 250,639,340 349,767,344 423,963,190 451,395,225 523,500,830 576,726,606 529,682,878 602,118,980 619,877,021 573,632,771 Shingles pieces 1875 1876 1877 1878 1879 1880 1881 1882 1883 1884 1885 1886 1887 1888 1889 1890 1891 1892 1893 1894 1895 1896 1897 Lumber, feet 581,558,273 583,950,771 640,166,231 574,162,757 736,106,000 873,047,731 976,320,317 1,011,274,605 938,675.078 978,497,853 728,498,221 798,826,224 783,661,265 880,669,440 851,823,133 815,054,465 758,610,548 708,465,027 585,839,426 481,244,039 433,683,083 316,797,879 339,991,000 Shingles pieces 124,030,240 204,316,725 167,806,750 153,999,750 218,934,000 241,075,160 304,925,590 295,046,500 242,126,000 261,266,750 222,953,000 227,463,000 196,983,000 297,224,000 220,786,250 221,839,000 222,607,250 182,315,200 112,856,000 85,602,250 52,845,000 38,180,000 48,276,000 60,983,000 104,104,500 119,843,500 178,570,000 187,691,000 159,001,750 218,394,558 208,489,500 22,930,757,551 5,580,535,223 The above table will give a fair idea of the advance in lumber production Irom year to year toward the maximum in 1882, and of the rapid decline both in lumber and shingles. No figures are available to show the shingle production previous to 1867, while no estimate can be offered regarding the minor production of lath and pickets, but the aggregate quantity of the former must have reached high figures. 404 HISTORY OF SAGINAW COUNTY "SNAKING" LOGS BY OX TEAM, 1860 Many million feet of pine saw logs were rafted from points on the Huron shore north of Tawas and from Lake Superior to the Saginaw River, of which no records are at hand. In 1892 there came from these sources sixty-three million feet of logs, and in 1894 about thirty-eight million feet. The pine forests of Georgian Bay also yielded a great quantity of logs for our mills, the inception of the bag boom in 1891 marking the first year of any considerable movement from Canada to this river. In that year eighty million feet of logs were towed across the lake, the rafts ranging from two to six million feet, and while a raft occasionally went ashore in a gale, the loss of timber was only about five hundred pieces to every seventy thousand pieces rafted. In 1892 there was brought from Georgian Bay to Saginaw River, one hundred eighty-four million five hundred thousand feet of pine logs; and in 1893, two hundred and seventy five million feet to Michigan mills, while in 1897, one hundred and sixty-seventy million five hundred thousand feet came to this river. The estimated value of the logs handled in 1895 was eleven dollars a thousand, and many Michigan lumbermen made large purchases of pine timber limits in Canada to stock their mills. Experiences in the North Woods An old time tale of actual experiences in the northern pineries was told some years ago by the late William Callam, better known as "Bill Callam,",ne of the best known lumbermen of the valley. He came to Saginaw in boyhood and grew up with Wellington R. Burt's big saw mill, his first job being to bundle lath, fifty pieces in a bundle. Every lath was made clean and sound in those days from the great slabs that came from the logs. Afterward he ran the lath saws, and as he grew stronger bolted the slabs, and finally became foreman of the mill in the sawing season, and foreman in the woods in the Wiinter. While directing the felling, skidding and hauling of the logs to the stream, he looked timber a little, and one day far away from camp, away uo the Chippewa, he found a most beautiful lbody of white pine timber. He THE LUMBER INDUSTRY 405 sized it up as it stood, fifty, sixty, seventy and even eighty feet to the first limb of some of the giants, and stumbled across the witness tree and the corner stake that had been planted by the government surveyors only a few years before. It read, "Section Eighteen, One West," and appeared to him a beacon to success. He was then twenty-three years of age, married, and had saved twentyfive hundred dollars from his earnings, which was deposited in the hands of his boss to his credit. At the end of the sawing season he quit his job at the mill, drew out his savings, and proceeded to carry out his cherished plan of making a start for himself. "Before sun-up the next morning, he said, "I started out with a few dollars in my pocket, taking along as a companion an old muzzle-loading rifle that had fallen to me in a previous Thanksgiving raffle, and set out on a tramp up the Tittabawassee. This was in '58, in the Fall of the year, and the weather was fine. A gun wasn't taken out just for ornament in those days, for you could stumble on to bears and cats and deer, wolverines and such like, almost anywhere. Now, bears never trouble a man unless it's occasionally an old she-bear, unless he gets cornered, and then he is likely to get ugly. I got up to the mouth of the Pine and arranged with an old chap who ran a store there for an outfit. I packed up just eighty pounds of pork, beans, flour, tea and salt, and the next morning started up the Pine and branched off up the Chippewa. "Before leaving Saginaw I had gone to the land office and had found that section eighteen. one west, still belonged to the government. I often wondered why, because it was a magnificent piece of timber, and logging operations had been going on up the Chippewa for several years. The next day I found the witness tree and the corner stake, and I spent a week in the woods up there pacing off forty after forty, and picking out the very best portion of the timber. I hadn't seen a soul, but about four o'clock one afternoon I saw tracks. They weren't Indian tracks either. I knew 'em. Tl:ey were landlookers tracks, and they were fresh, and I said to myself, 'Bill, if you get this land you have got to get a move on yourself.' Bill got. "It was sixty miles by trail to Saginaw, and I waited just long enough to hide my gun in a hollow tree, and started, and I never stopped. I didn't go home to see my wife, but staggered into the land office just as it was being opened up, and I gasped: 'Let me see the map covering eighteen, one west, again.' I got the map in my hand. The section was still unentered. I picked out two hundred and forty acres of the six hundred and forty of the section, and had the clerk enter them to me. I handed him twenty-five doliars and told him I would be back in fifteen minutes with the rest of the three hundred. You know we bought government land then at ten shillings an acre. I rushed into my house, tore up a corner of the carpet, grabbed a handful of bills and hurried back to the land office. The clerk was just signing my receipt when up in front rode my old boss' landlooker wit'1 his horse dripping with sweat and dead beat. I had beaten him in afoot by just fifteen minutes. "I bought six horses, hired fifteen French-Canadians, not one of whom could speak a word of English, bought supplies of fodder and provisions, axes, cant hooks and peavies, and loaded the whole outfit on an old sand scow that I chartered for the Winter. My wife went along. We poled that good hundred miles up the Saginaw, the Tittabawassee, the Pine and the Chippewa. On the upper river we would occasionally find a riffle, where we would have to unload the horses and drag the scow up to deep water again. Eventually we arrived at section eighteen, one west, and built a shanty of logs, roofed with rived shakes, partitioned off a little room in the rear for my wife's bedroom, and started camp for the Winter. G06 HISTORY OF SAGINAW COUNTY s:: "The boys slept and ate and fought and swore, and swore and fought and ate-al in French-Canuck-in the main part of the shanty. We built another shanty for the horses; then we made a few roads that were necessary, and started in felling and skidding logs. We all worked like Trojans. Those Frenclmen worked hard because I worked with them. My days were busy in the woods, and the evenings I spent in repairing harness or mending sleds, and making whiffletrees. My wife was the only woman in the camp, and \was the most popular person in it. Even out of the few materials at hand she conjured dainties for the men that they highly appreciated. "It was a great Winter. The snow fell early and stayed without a break-up. We did hustle lugs and in the Spring with the breaking up of the river, we started down a drive of one million four hundred thousand feet of cork pine logs, that averaged less than three to the thousand. The old sand scow was transformed into a cook house, and with my wife aboard, brought up the rear of the drive. We made a clean drive that Spring, and we got the whole bunch of logs safe and clean into the Green Point boom. "I owed everybody. I didn't have a cent left to pay my crew, but I coaxed Uncle John Estabrook-dear old chap-to advance me twenty-five hundred dollars and take his pay in lumber at seven dollars for culls, twelve dollars for common and forty dollars for uppers. Seven, twelve and forty was no slouch of a price for lumber in those days. Well, that was my start in lumbering on my own account, and I stuck to it as long as there was any timber left in these parts." INTERIOR OF BUNK HOUSE THE LUMBER INDUSTRY 407 Theology in Camp Years ago, among the hardy river drivers of this section, there was a noted character named "Silver Jack," otherwise John Driscol, who was a "tough" by nature and universally feared and dreaded throughout Northern Michigan. The incident embodied in this verse was given to the writer. Clarence H. Pearson, substantially as related, by one of Driscol's former associates: "I was on the drive in eighty, Workin' under Silver Jack, Which the same is now in Jackson, An' ain't soon expected back; An' there was a chap amongst us By the name of Robert Waite, Kinder cute and smart and tongueyGuess he was a graduate. "He could talk on any subject From the Bible down to Hoyle, An' his words flowed out so easyJest as smooth an' slick as oil; He was what they call a skeptic, And he loved to set and weave Hifalutin' words together Tellin' what he didn't b-leve. "One day while we all was waitin, For a flood we sat around Smokin' nigger-head toboccer An' hearin' Bob expound; Hell, he said, was all a humbug, An' he showed as clear as day Thet the Bible was a fable, An' we 'lowed it looked that way. "'Miracles,' said he, 'an' sich like Is too rank for me to stan'; As for him they call the Savior, He was jest a common man.' 'You're a liar!' someone shouted, 'An' you've got to take it back.' Then everybody started'Twas the voice of Silver Jack. "An' he cracked his fists together, An' he shucked his coat and cried, 'It was in thet thar religion Thet my mother lived an' died; An' although I haven't allus Used the Lord exactly white, When I hear a chump abuse him He must eat his words or fight.' "NcG this Bob, he warn't no coward, An' he answered bold and free: 'Stack yer duds and cut yer capers, For there ain't no flies on me.' An' they fit for forty minutes, An' the lads would whoop and cheer When Jack spit up a tooth or two, Or Bobby lost an ear. "But at last Jack got him under An' he slugged him onct or twict, An' Bob straightway acknowledged The divinity of Christ; But Jack kept reasonin' with him Till the poor cuss gin a yell An' allowed he'd been mistaken In his views concernin' hell. "Then the fierce discussion ended, An' they got up from the ground, An' someone fetched a bottle out And kindly passed it round; An' we drank to Jack's religion In a solemn sort of way, An' the spread of infidelity Was checked in camp that day." "Captain" Naegely and the Lumber-jacks In the good old lumbering days of the seventies and eighties, when all was bustle and activity on the river, the "red sash brigade" of lumber-jacks was one of the picturesque features of the border towns. Upon breaking up of the lumber camps in the Spring, these hardy woodsmen came to town in droves, bedecked in Mackinaw coats of many colors, red sashes, pacs and hurons, and with large rolls of money, the earnings of a Winter's work, which they spent freely in revelry and dissipation. Saginaw was a "wide open" town, and welcomed the reckless woodsmen with open arms, a condition which was exactly to their liking, and they did just about as they pleased. Some lumbermen, however, made their homes here, working in the mills in Summer and in the pineries in Winter. On quitting the camp the lumber-jacks were paid off in "camp orders" drawn on the lumber company, for the net amount due each one, and were payable at the company's office in the Saginaws. No money circulated in the camps, but the simple wants of the men, such as heavy, warm clothing worn in the woods, pacs, tobacco and pipes were supplied them from the company stores and charged to their account. Beyond these necessities there 408 HISTORY OF SAGINAW COUNTY was no way of spending money in the depths of the forest, and the men who stuck to the camp through the long Winter, came out with orders drawn for two to three hundred dollars, or even more. At that time "Captain" Naegely kept a hotel in the low two-story brick building, which is still standing, on the west side of Jefferson Street, near Tuscola. He was a "father," so to speak, of a large number of lumber-jacks who stayed at his house and enjoyed his hospitality, and he knew how to handle them. The wise ones who realized the pitfalls of the city, made him their banker, and he would cash their camp orders, either handing out a generous roll of bills or retaining the greater part of the amount in his safe keeping. This preliminary arranged, nothing would do but he should look after their physical comfort. A visit to Jerry's barber shop on Lapeer Street relieved them of a Winter's growth of hair and whiskers, and a hot bath made them tolerably presentable. Next, a call at Bendit's or Koch's clothing stores refitted them with new, clean outfits, including the inevitable red sash, and at Lenheim's or Warner's with new boots or pacs. After some minor purchases had been made and the woodsmen had filled tip on the feed provided by the "Captain," they were ready to "take in the sights of the town," and this they proceeded to do in characteristic fashion. Water Street from the depot at Potter Street to Sears and Holland's mill, near Bristol, was the principal trail of the lumber-jacks, one of their favorite haunts, the Riverside House, being situated at the corner of McCoskry and Water Streets. The main streets of the town were rendered indescribably gay and fantastic by the fighting woodsmen, the lives of law-abiding citizens often being jeapordized by their murderous outbreaks. Many reckless spirits lost their "wads" in one night by theft, others spent their all in a week or ten (lays, while a few wiser ones managed to "have a time of it," and still keep some of their hard earned wages. The truth was, the tradesmen were "out" to get the woodsmen's coin, and the rough element got the most of it, from Warren Bordwell's show house, on Washington Street, to the ever open row of resorts on Franklin Street. The scenes of revelry witnessed by those who were thrown much with the lumber-jacks and river men, will never be erased as long as memory lasts. In those days everybody was busy as there was plenty of work to do, and with money and spenders everywhere, many enterprising men were gaining wealth. The foundation of many a substantial fortune was laid in trading and less legitimate pursuits, generally at the expense of the dwellers of the north woods. As years went by, the "Captain," as the friend of the woodsmen, acquired a handsome competence and erected the three-story brick hotel, nearly opposite his old place, which for many years bore his name, and in which he continued to entertain the lumbermen and the traveling public. Some Old-Time Saw Mills Beginning at the lower end of town, at the railroad depot, and proceeding up the river one would come to the steam saw mill of Dwight G. Holland, capable of making five million feet of lumber annually and giving employment to eighteen men. Next in order was the ship yard of Jesse Hoyt, and then the extensive stave factory of C. & E. Ten Eyck, with a capacity of two million staves and employing ten men. Afterward the manufacture of shingles became the principal product of this concern. Jesse Hoyt's planing mill, working twenty men, came next, and its capacity was forty thousand feet of planed lumber per day. Above this was the Genesee Iron Works of Wickes Brothers, and the Mayflower Mills owned by Jesse Hoyt and operated by John Bradfield. Its capacity was one hundred and fifty barrels of flour per THE LUMBER INDUSTRY 409 day, and was considered one of the best equipped flouring mills in the country. 1.C. Whiting's saw mill came next, and had a capacity of three million feet anrnually, employing eighteen men. The saw mill of W. F. Glasby, of three million feet capacity, was next in order, with stave making machinery which turned out fifty thousand staves per day, and shovel handles and wood work generally, giving employment in all to thirty-six men. In the same establishment was the planing mill of A. H. Mershon, with a capacity of twenty-five thousand feet per day, and a pump boring machine capable of boring one thousand feet of pump logs in a day, and other machinery for cutting, sawing, boring and planing, requiring eighteen men. E. A. Wilder also had in operation at this mill a patent hoop machine, which turned out twenty thousand barrel hoops per day. TABLES SPREAD IN "CHUCK" SHANTY Above this factory was the mill of Penny & Quackenbush, giving employment to fourteen men and turning out about two million feet of lumber in a year. Next above was the large mill of G. C. Warner & Company, of six million feet capacity and employing twenty-eight men. Near by was the foundry and machine shop of Warner & Eastman, and the brewery of John Erd, which made three thousand barrels of ale and beer in a year. The iron foundry of George W. Merrill came next giving employment to ten men. Above the foundry was the immense saw mill of F. P. Sears & Company which cut seven million feet of lumber and manufactured staves for forty thousand nail kegs in a year, employing thirty-five men. In 1863 the combined capacity of the mills at East Saginaw was forty million feet of lumber, and large quantities of square timber, staves, shingles and lath. In other parts of the city were numerous works of various kinds, among which was the sash and blind factory of Hosea Pratt, on Hayden Street, which employed twelve men; the "City Mills," owned by 0. H. P. Champlin, with a capacity of fifty barrels of flour per day; the sash and blind factory of Allen & McLean, on Jefferson Street adjoining the hotel of H. Naegely, and the brewery of Charles Langlas, on the same street. 410 HISTORY OF SAGINAW COUNTY Near the upper limits of Saginaw City was the shingle mill of William IT. Tuttle, and near by the steam saw mill of Jerome & Taylor, with a capacity of five million feet of lumber. Next in order coming down the river, was the saw mill of Williams Brothers, cutting three million feet, and further down the gang mill of Millard, Paine & Wright, then the largest mill in the world. This mill had a capacity of ten million feet in a year, which was regarded as a phenomenal production. Waterman & Harrington, and Blanchard & Sons, had large factories, and N. R. Ramsey an extensive sash, door and blind shop. There was also a steam flouring mill, having two run of stone, owned by E. R. Shimmons, on Water Street, all within the limits of one mile. A Model Establishment In the seventies the saw mill of WV. R. Burt & Company, situated about seven miles below the city, was one of the most complete establishments on the river. Whether its sawing capacity, or its stave and heading mill, barrel factory, shingle mill or salt works, all combined under one management, was considered, and its carpenter and blacksmith shops, gas works, school house and public library-everything requisite for a community in itself-the guiding spirit of a master mind was everywhere apparent. The mill was completed in July, 1868, and the banks of the river at the isolated and barren location presented an almost unlimited space for boomage and dockage, and with a channel of a depth of eleven feet to the Bay. To reach Zilwaukee a roadway had to be made through the prairie on the bank of the river, but the principal mode of conveyance to East Saginaw, where Mr. Burt lived and had an office, was by boat. The investment in plant was nearly two hundred thousand dollars, a large capital for that time, and was exclusive of heavy investment in timber lands in adjoining counties. During the sawing season one hundred and fifty men were employed in the mill proper, which ran night and day with an average cut of one hundred thousand feet every twelve hours. There were two gangs, one circular and one upright saw, with edging tables and cut-off saws, a lath machine which made twelve thousand pieces in twelve hours, and stave machinery turning out seven thousand pieces and a heading machine eight hundred sets in the same time. The shingle mill employed twenty-five men and boys, who made fifty thousand shingles, and the cooper shop with fifteen men turned out three 1;hundred barrels daily. The salt works had a capacity of two hundred and seventy-five barrels per day, and gave employment to forty men. In all two hundred and thirty men were employed at this mill, and formed a community living in cottages erected and owned by the company, and in large boarding bouses, all on the premises. It was Mr. Burt's policy to employ married men whenever possible, as they were more steady and less excitable in time of strikes. In one instance, when nearly every mill on the river shut down on account of labor troubles, the Burt mill did not stop a day, the men being contented and well satisfied with conditions. A school house erected by the company was open to children of employees seven months in a year, and a well stocked public library was maintained for the benefit of the people. The lumber cut in this mill was shipped largely to Ohio ports, and the salt found a ready market at Chicago and Milwaukee. As an index of the volume of business transacted by this company, the shipments for the first half of 1874 amounted to fourteen million feet of lumber, one million two hundred and thirty thousand pieces of lath, forty-five thousand sets of heading, two million and seventy-seven thousand shingles, one hundred thousand staves, and thirty-one thousand barrels of salt. The office in Saginaw was on Water Street and was in charge of Frank Lawrence, afterwards an extensive real estate dealer and mayor of the city. THE LUMBER INDUSTRY 411 The Saginaw Mills in the Eighties About two miles below the Burt Mill, at Melbourne, was the large saw mill and salt works of Whitney & Batchelor; and above, at Zilwaukee, were the mills of Rust, Eaton & Company, E. F. Gould, Bliss, Brown & Company, and C. L. Grant & Company, while on the east side of the river were the mills of the Saginaw Lumber & Salt Company, Melchers & Nerreter and S. W. Tyler & Son. At Carrollton, coming up the river, was the saw mill and solar salt field of J. C. Lockwood, the mills and salt works of W.A. DeGrauw, Aaron T. Bliss, T. Jerome & Company, E. F. Gould, J. Riley, and the planing mill and salt works of William B. Mershon. On the middle ground opposite was the extensive plant of the Hoyt Estate, managed by William L. Webber, which included a complete planing mill on the east side of the river; the planing mills of Witham, Anderson & Company and J. J. Winsor, and the large plants of John G. Owen, comprising saw mill, salt works, and planing mill which also made sash, doors and blinds. At Florence, directly opposite East Saginaw, were located a number of lumbering concerns, including Backus & Binder, Whittier & Company (also making shingles), Charles Merrill & Company, the salt works of George E. Anthony, the saw and shingle mill of James Patterson, the shingle mill of George Davenport, and the extensive plants of C. K. Eddy & Son, J. H. Pearson & Son, and the shingle mill and salt works of Wylie Brothers. On the east side of the river were the mills of C. & E. Ten Eyck, Charles Lee, Warner & Eastman and Nelson Holland. Within the limits of Saginaw City during this prosperous period in our history, were the mills of A. WV. Wright & Company, the planing mill of Wright & Knowlton, the shingle mills and salt works of D. McLeod & Company and Brand & Hardin, the planing mill of D. Hardin & Company, the saw.mills and salt works of G. F. Williams & Brothers and N. & A. Barnard (the latter also operating a shingle mill), Cameron & Merrill and Green, Ring & Company. On the midde ground, now Rust Park, were the saw mills of Sample & Camp, W. B. Stillman and A. D. Camp, the shingle mill of D. S. Chapin, the saw mill of Burnham & Still, and the mills and salt works of Gebhart & Estabrook. At Salina, on the east side of the river, were the salt works of E. J. Ring, the planing mill of A. Linton & Son, the saw mills and salt works of Rust Brothers & Company, Eaton, Potter & Company and Wiggins, Cooper & Company. Above, near the head of the Saginaw, were the shingle mill of F. Kelly, the salt works of F. Beschkee and W. A. O'Donnell, the shingle mill and salt works of E. R. Phinney and John Creenie, the salt works of Redmond & Nolan; and the shingle mill of F. & L. Brucker, completes the list of sixty-one active lumbering and salt making concerns. The Output of the Saginaw Mills in 1892 The manufacturers of lumber, lath, shingles, staves and heading, in 1892, embracing a majority of the concerns enumerated above, employed eighteen hundred and ninety men in the saw mills, and two hundred and ninety-two in the shingle mills, and paid in wages six hundred twenty-six thousand six hundred and forty-four dollars in the saw mills, and seventy-three thousand dollars in the shingle mills. The value of the product was four million eight hundred and twenty-four thousand dollars for lumber, and three hundred thirty thousand five hundred and ninety-two dollars for shingles. The total cut of the Saginaw mills, in 1892, was three hundred twenty-one million eight hundred and thirty-one thousand feet of lumber; one hundred twenty million two hundred and fifteen thousand shingles; fifty-nine million seven ::' \\.Af'N+J:'te & r::: N:;[.V".;\N,.anaf and Circular &Sied Lumber North Watt (Cotr, Emersont, fnd North Wateer C ot;:, -.:.: Ut: -01' ^:-^ 1 LUMB EIt, TIIE, LATH,:: ______....... ^^ *.<.I....l.....l -. r kGF. - William9s & Bros.,| LUiBER 9.t, E1BEO, LAeTH _, r0,,. Shingles, Posts.'"' A iN. J.. -... * 0;:aol.M~s... yde &; Fr~e~l~ S", X* 1SLgT,......................: " β€”, -*.*..'... *... -..... BUHAPIN;BARBER:&co., CA:iD:: 'OF LAN UBMO T 61-^" "-0,:ST:':^....;.::........ '-'a,,,-iw '-'i% 'g"'~'~...............O Lnmber, Sash, Doors,.Bli nds, Mouldings, ^^ 8t:tel \TY 0~Siding, Flooring, Celing and H ar d Wood of.11 k.- " ^~, V 4.::-: iii:-ii:l::i i:ii: 14 11i-: i ii- iiiii'iiii- i~iii' i ~ ru~r ~, ~ r t*~g l, a8 J: -_ i ~iiiiii-ii~i-i -β€” _II-: β€”..- -iiiiiiii:::.:.: A. W. Wk1GH ca.,~r Shingles, Posts-, 0 f Alp 4'ii t~~ ~ AN JAf 1100 ~lj~: p cc - t~~: - ~~8In tt F:::-:~~ -R::A r rI?~"~~~~ MILLS A ND SALT WORKS IN FAST SAG-iiINAW-i-__.:i::~ii-i~ii:: 0k r " 'ri~i: β€”::: A A-A' T)U. -;-t,% XI 41:::::; β€”: ---:.-: Air W CITY,,ii: CtEf-E~:O ~ s a ~ ~ __ -:~:-.:-::i~iii~iTvi BUSINESS CARDS OF LEADING LUMBERMEN, ABOUT 1874 THE LUMBER INDUSTRY 413 hundred and seventy thousand lath; thirteen million two hundred and two thousand staves, and seven hundred and fourteen thousand sets of heading. Saginaw Becomes a Distributing Market Early in the seventies the necessity of adopting a general system of preparing lumber for use, previous to shipping it, became manifest, and serious consideration was given the subject of establishing planing mills and lumber yards in the Saginaws. The shipment of rough lumber, either green or dry, involved the transportation of a large percentage of waste material, as dry, dressed lumber weighs only half as much as rough green, and the bulk is twenty per cent less. Lumber must be seasoned and planed and otherwise prepared before it can be used for most purposes, dry kilns and planing mills doing the bulk of this necessary labor. It was evident that if they were located here, instead of at Ohio ports, and at Buffalo and the Tonawandas, and the debris and waste incident to their operation removed before any transportation costs were incurred, a great advantage would acrue to this market, and the shavings and trimmings could be utilized as fuel in the manufacture of salt, our other large staple. A discussion of this subject by A. H. Mershon, Inspector General of Lumber in 1874, was pertinent to the case, references from which are transcribed: "The dull state of the lumber market, slow sale, low prices, slight demand, causes the anxious manufacturer to ask what is the matter, and (what is more to the point) what is the remedy? * * * The consumers are, as far as we are concerned, the retail lumber yard men and the large builders, but we hardly recognize them in our trade. We have only sought to sell by the cargo or the million feet to the large city and lake port yards. Somebody must pay the yard and dock rents, the sorting and piling, the office and incidental expenses, that do not add one cent to the value of the lumber. What can't be added to the price and got out of the consumer, must be subtracted from the price paid the producer by the middle men who have made fortunes out of simply handling our hlmber. Heretofore the consumer has paid his share, and I think the manufacturers begin to realize that they have paid theirs, and unless they change their tactics they will, from this time on, pay the whole of it. "The consumers have found out that there are railroads to Saginaw and beyond. They have heard that lumber is cheaper than it was. One comes to Saginaw and tells us what he wants-perhaps a car load of twoby-fours, a car load of stock boards, one or two of selects or finishing lumber, a few uppers and a load of flooring, some siding and fencing. We patiently listen and say we can't bother with his order. We have a cargo or two of log run, or common and culls, or bill stuff, but as for selling in such driblets as half a dozen car loads, we can't bother with it; all is piled together and we can't pick it out for you. The country dealer from Ohio thinks he has come to the wrong place, and goes up the road to the little one-horse affairs, as we contempuously call them, and finds just what he wants-buys it and goes home. In a few days his lumber arrives by rail, without transfer, and is unloaded already sorted, directly in his yard, and he finds that he has saved several dollars per thousand, and the only expense he regrets is the cost of spending a day or two in Saginaw. * * * "Our railroad connections now are such that we can reach almost every section of the country. We have the advantage of being the largest manufacturing point of lumber in the world, and we would never know what hard times are if we worked the manufacturing business down to a fine point-do the work and sorting here, so that we can sell the cus 414 HISTORY OF SAGINAW COUNTY tomer just what he wants without compelling him to take a great surplus that he doesn't want. There is a demand for all we make, dry and dress it, do it here before it starts, and keep the fuel at home to make salt. * * * "What we want for the good of the trade and the good of the valley, is more labor put upon the lumber right here at home. Increase our population by giving more men work, and increasing the value of our production instead of the amount of feet. The argument that water freights are cheaper than rail 'won't wash.' You can't reach the consumer by water, and rough lumber as usually shipped by water weighs two tons a thousand feet, while dry and dressed lumber weighs one, and the different transfers are saved and the lake port charges and profits. Sort your lumber, sell your customers what they want, and you can get your price and your pay; almost anyone can buy a few car loads if he can get such as he wants. Sub-divide your common lumber, sell the coarse low and get its value for the finer grades." At that time (1874) several lumbermen had already established sorting yards, among whom was Jesse Hoyt, all his lumber being handled in this way, about one million feet of dressed lumber going from the planing mill every month. Wright, Tipton & Company, John McGraw & Company, Brooks & Adams, C. Merrill and several others were doing a prosperous business in this way. The distributing market, though slow in starting, began to increase in the eighties and at about the height of its trade, in 1892, there were eighteen concerns in the Saginaws doing a yard and planing mill business, namely: Bliss & Van Auken, Wright Lumber Company, E. O. & S. L. Eastman, D. H-ardin & Company, York & Tillotson, Briggs & Cooper, Gebhard & Estabrook, E. Germain, Linton Manufacturing Company, O'Donnell, Spencer & Company, Avery & Company, George F. Cross Lumber Company, XV. B. Mershon & Company, Ayres Lumber & Salt Company, Charles Lee, Saginaw Box Company, Charles Noll and L. C. Slade, a wholesale lumber yard only. These concerns employed an average of twenty-three hundred men and boys during 1892, to whom were paid eight hundred twelve thousand, four hundred and twelve dollars in wages. They also employed twenty-four commercial travellers. The value of their manufactured product was five million, two hundred and eight thousand dollars, which was four hundred thousand dollars more than the value of the product of the saw mills. Characteristics of Ammi W. Wright At a gathering of business associates of Mr. Wright, July 5, 1892, to celebrate his seventieth birthday, James H. Pearson, a partner in some of his numerous enterprises, gave a few of the peculiar and strongly marked characteristics of their host: "His motto was 'Early to bed, and early to rise.' He was a sound sleeper whether it be on the floor of a lumber camp, with his coat for a pillow, and a buffalo robe or blanket over him, with the temperature twenty degrees below zero; it was all the same to him. In one minute after his head was on the pillow he was sound asleep. He was the first man to arise and take a general survey of all the horses, oxen, bob-sleds, logs and camp equipments; find out how much pork, beef, flour and other supplies there were on hand; how many logs were banked, and how many skidded, and he would have the foreman of each department render an account before breakfast of everything that was going on in and about the lumber camp. "One little incident illustrates his hardy nature. I came over from Chicago some twenty-five years ago to spend a week with Mr. Wright in visiting the fifteen or twenty camps in which we were interested, THE LUMBER INDUSTRY 415 thereby making a circuit of two or three hundred miles with a pair of horses and a tote sleigh. We started on Monday morning and we rounded up on Saturday night at what they called old Daddy Wright's place, some ten or twelve miles above St. Louis. The snow was two feet deep or more, and the night we stayed there the thermometer was between twenty and thirty degrees below zero. Mr. Wright got up in the morning, put on his pants and a woolen shirt, and pulling up his pants as a boy would who was going to wade in the summer time, went out barefooted into the snow two feet deep to the barn to feed his horses. GRINDING AXES IN CAMP DRAWING WATER AT SPRING I think it must have been thirty degrees below zero; the snow creaked, and I thought it a most insane thing to do. "When he came back into the log house he went to his cold room, and with a dry towel wiped his feet perfectly dry for more than ten minutes, then he put on a pair of good, dry woolen socks, his boots, no overshoes for him; simply a pair of thick boots. 'Never go near the fire in cold weather,' he said, 'if you want to keep warm.' W\e drove fifty miles that day and I thought I should freeze, yet he said he was not cold at all. I was never so glad in my life to get to a warm house in Saginaw. "I mention some of these things that you may know, as I do, of his wonderful power and business capacity, his ability to endure hardships and to overcome all difficulties. He had a wonderful tact in dealing with all classes of men, and knew what to say and what not to say on all occasions; he was a good judge of human nature. I know of no man his equal to conduct a large business, and to comprehend the entire situation and to make a success of whatever he might undertake to do." Charles Merrill Among the prominent lumbermen of Saginaw Valley was Charles Merrill, vho was born at Falmouth, Maine, in February, 1793. With ripening years he engaged in the lumber business at Lincoln in his native State, where he operated a saw mill; and in 1836 visited Michigan and made some purchases of virgin forest lands on the St. Clair River. In 1845 he located permanently in Detroit, and began a series of investments in some large tracts of pine lands in Saginaw Valley, and was accounted one of the largest owners of timber limits in this section of the State. He purchased in 1854 the saw 416 HISTORY OF SAGINAW COUNTY mill which had been erected the previous year by Michael Jeffers, on the river bank opposite East Saginaw. The mill was rebuilt and improved from time to time, making it one of the best equipped on the river; and in the half century of its successful operation under the same ownership, its production reached a total of nearly half a billion feet of lumber. It was the policy of Mr. Merrill to admit to an interest with himself in the lumber business, such faithful and competent men as in his judgment would conduct his affairs with discretion. He supplied the capital, while they devoted their time, experience and best energies to the carrying out of his plans and policies. For more than forty years his interests in Saginaw Valley were in charge of the late Joseph A. Whittier, who was recognized as one of the leading lumbermen and an honored citizen of this valley. Mr. Merrill was pre-eminently a man of business, taking little interest in politics and politicians, while withal intelligent in his citizenship. Hle was a staunch Republican, and his influence was always consistent in the advocacy of those principles and measures which commended themselves to his conscientious judgment. Mr. Merrill was married in 1836 to Miss Frances Pitts, of Maine, and to them was born one daughter, who in womanhood became the wife of Thomas AV. Palmer. The death of Mr. Merrill in 1872, was universally regretted in the removal of a man of integrity and probity of character, enterprising in business, far seeing, and one who in the midst of many activities was not unmindful of the rights and interests of his fellow men, and of the community in which he dwelt. John S. Estabrook Few men connected with the early development of the Saginaws, had a n-more intimate knowledge of the lumber trade than John S. Estabrook, who was born at Alden, Erie County, New York, in 1826. He received a common school education in his native village, supplemented by a winter's course in a select school. In 1844 he was employed in a grocery store at Buffalo, but in June of the following year he took passage on the schooner Cambria, bound for St. Clair, Michigan, then one of the leading lumber ports west of Buffalo. He was here employed as tail sawyer in the mill of Wesley Truesdell, attending school in the Winter. The following Summer he was head sawyer in the same mill and spent the Winter in a logging camp. After other varied experiences he arrived at East Saginaw in 1852, and purchased for his employer, Willard Parker, one million feet of very choice cork pine from the Cass River stock, paying eight dollars for "quarters" and fifteen dollars for "uppers." From John Gallagher he bought an additional two hundred thousand feet of equally choice lumber at the same prices. The deals netted Mr. Parker in the Albany market a net profit of ten thousand dollars, and so pleased was he with this result that he gave outright to Mr. Estabrook the sum of two thousand dollars, and instructed him to return to this valley and search for other bargains on joint account. So successful was he in the selection of prime stock that he soon began an investment of timber on his own account, and in the Winter of 1853-54 lumbered a tract on the Cass River, bringing down three million feet of logs. The following year he operated on the Shiawassee, but without marked success, and became associated with Samuel W. Yawkey & Company, in the commission and inspection business. In 1862 he became associated with L. P. Mason, of this city, in the inspection and shipping of lumber and allied products, a partnership arrangement which continued for several years. His field of activities was enlarged in 1871 by the purchase, with A. Gebhart, of the Curtis & King mill at Salina, which they rebuilt and THE LUMBER INDUSTRY 417 commenced the manufacture of lumber on a commercial scale. In 1876 the firm began the shipment of their products by rail, the preparation of the stock requiring the erection and equipment of an extensive planing mill, and for years thereafter they sold direct to retail dealers in all sections of the country. Mr. Estabrook was married in 1854 to Miss Ellen R. Burt, of Ypsilanti, who died in January, 1863, leaving one child, Winnifred, afterward the wife of W. P. Powell, of this city. In 1865 he was married to Miss Helen C. Norris, who died in 1867 leaving two children, Justus Norris and Mary Elizabeth. On the third of September, 1889, he was married to Miss Harriet Sharp, of Jackson. Mr. Estabrook was prominent in social life, eminent in Masonic circles, and a staunch Republican, having held the office of mayor of Saginaw (see portrait on page 250) and other municipal positions of trust; and was twice elected to represent his district in the State Legislature. For many years he was an active member of the Board of Trade, and was a recognized authority upon all matters connected with the business interests of Saginaw Valley. In his declining years he still enjoyed the regard and esteem of all classes of the community, which he had done so much to mold, and died in peace on October 4, 1903. Samuel H. Webster A well known and highly esteemed lumberman of the old days was Samuel H. Webster, who was connected with its trade when the supply of pine timber was supposed to be inexhaustible, and lived to see the days of its decadence. He was born in New Hampshire, in 1822, and in his early years alternated between work on his father's farm and the district school. After following various occupations, in one of which he was associated with Ammi W. Wright, he turned his face westward, and arrived in Detroit in 1847, taking an interest in a grocery store. In 1855 he came to Saginaw and purchased some pine lands on the Cass River, which he lumbered and found a customer for his logs in McEwen Brothers, of Bay City. There were no boom companies on the rivers, and he found it necessary to supervise the work of running the logs down the river and delivering them to the mill boom. Mr. Webster continued lumbering on the Cass for several years, and then transferred his operations to the Bad and Pine rivers. In 1860 he became associated with Myron Butman, and the firm built a saw mill and salt works at Zilwaukee. Later he built a mill at Carrollton, having a capacity of seventy thousand feet of lumber a day, which was afterward sold to C. W. Grant & Company. During the sixties and seventies Mr. Webster owned and operated many large tracts of timber lands in Saginaw Valley and elsewhere, and eventually made the handling of pine lands his business. It was said that his knowledge of existing conditions and stumpage values was second to no other man in the State. In 1849 Mr. Webster was married to Miss Angeline Rice, of Vermont, and to them one son, Benjamin F., was born. Mr. and Mrs. Webster made their home at the Bancroft House for twenty-eight years, in which they were identified with the social activities of the city. In politics Mr Webster was a Republican, but was never an office seeker, preferring to devote all his energies to his business interests. He was a director of the First National Bank, and was connected with many mercantile institutions of the valley. Few men have exercised a more salutary influence over the business circles with which they have been connected. 418 HISTORY OF SAGINAW COUNTY RECORD LOAD HAULED BY ONE TWO-HORSE TEAM Benjamin F. Webster Benjamin F. Webster, only son of Samuel H. Webster, was born September 8, 1853, at Detroit, and may be said to have been "brought up" in the woods of the Cass and other logging streams of the Saginaw Valley. His father at the time was superintending his own camps during the winter months, and running the logs down the river in the Summer, and the lad was kept in the camps and on the drives until he was old enough to go to school. He then attended the common schools of Saginaw. When his schooling was completed he began working in his father's mill office, and to so good purpose that in a few years he became manager of the immense!umbering operations. In later years he became interested in Lake Superior and Georgian Bay timber limits, and also lands in Mississippi. He was a director of the First National Bank and of the Saginaw Valley Insurance Company; and commanded the respect and confidence of the business men of the valley. He was married in 1879 to Miss Leona Livingston, of Saginaw. Washington S. Green For more than thirty years W. S. Green was prominently identified with the lumber interests of Saginaw, his residence here dating from 1864. He was born at Leonardsville, New York, in 1814; and upon attaining manhood was engaged in making agricultural tools. Upon coming to Saginaw he, in company with Daniel Hardin, purchased the saw mill of Hale & Stinson, which was operated under the firm name of Green & Hardin, and in later years that of Green, Ring & Company, with an annual production of twenty to twenty-five million feet. Mr. Green was well versed in wood craft, and until well advanced in years had charge of the outside business of the firm, in the care of the THE LUMBER INDUSTRY 419 camps and the logging operations. He was interested in the Bradley-Ramsay Lumber Company, of Lake Charles, Louisiana, and also in a tract estimated to be one hundred million feet, in the State of Washington. In other industrial affairs he was prominently identified, generally in association with his son, Charles H., and was interested in the Bank of Saginaw in its early history. In later years he engaged in mining operations in the San Juan district of Colorado, and in the Kootenai district of British Columbia, in which he was very successful. As an ardent Republican Mr. Green never aspired to the calling of a politician, or to hold political office, but was content to hold a higher place in the esteem of his fellow citizens, having a more honorable record in all that pertains to good and useful citizenship. Mr. Green died November 11, 1897, in his eighty-fourth year. Isaac Parsons Another pioneer of the lumber industry in the Saginaws was Isaac Parsons, who came here in the early fifties and engaged in "looking" land for some of the leading lumbermen of the valley. He was born at Leyden, Lewis County, New York, November 19, 1829, his father being of English descent, sprung from Sir John Parsons who came to Massachusetts in the early colonial days, while his mother was Mary Brown Parsons, of Scotch descent. His boyhood was spent in his native village where he attended the district school, and upon attaining manhood he'came to Saginaw. With his brother, Aaron A. Parsons, he engaged in the real estate business at Saginaw City, and made the first set of abstract books for this county. While thus occupied he gradually acquired extensive holdings of land in and near the city, of which the Parsons Addition and the Gaylord & Parsons Addition represent the large tracts. He also at one time owned the larger portion of the river front of Carrollton; and he and Doctor I. N. Smith owned the farm which later comprised Union Park. About 1856 MIr. Parsons embarked in the lumber business, associated with William Little. It was a time when the pine forests were yielding fortunes to enterprising men, and soon after he formed a partnership with Alfred F. R. Braley, and still later with Aaron P. Bliss. The firm of Bliss & Parsons operated extensively in Wisconsin for some years, considerable profit accruing to each member. In later years Mr. Parsons secured mining interests in Montana and in Canada. On July 10, 1866, Mr, Parsons was united in marriage with Miss Helen Ackley, and to them was born one daughter, Helen A. Parsons. Isaac B. Parsons, a nephew, who resides at Haywood, California, was adopted by them in boyhood, and was as a real son to them. Mr. Parsons was devoted to his home and his business, and never cared for the honors of political office or of public life. He was counted as a Democrat, though for years he belonged to the class of independent voters who acknowledge allegiance to no party..rs a husband and father he was sympathetic, kind and generous, and as a neighbor and friend he was true and helpful. As a member of St. John's Episcopal Church he served as vestryman for many years, and was a liberal supporter of the good work of the parish. After an illness of about four years he died on Sunday morning, September 7, 1902, in his seventy-third year. Ralph A. Loveland The lumber business in the main has been carried on by men of rare intelligence and good citizenship, and Ralph A. Loveland, for many years at the head of the Saginaw Lumber & Salt Company, belonged to this repre 420 HISTORY OF SAGINAW COUNTY sentative class of lumbermen. He was born at Westport, New York, January 17, 1819, the son of Erastus and Lucy Bradley Loveland. In his youth he devoted his Summers to boating on the Hudson River and Lake Champlain, and his Winters to study at Essex Academy. Later he engaged in shipping on those waters, in which he was successful, but in 1863 he disposed of these interests and removed to Janesville, Wisconsin. There he was occupied in sheep raising and wool growing, a business which he followed for six years. In 1869, in company with D. L. White, S. W. Barnard, A. S. Page and A. G. P. Dodge of New York, he established a lumber yard at Chicago, with branches on the North Side and on the North Branch. Closing out this business in 1876, Mr. Loveland purchased a small mill with a tract of timbet in Montcalm County, Michigan, upon the exhaustion of which he bought lands on the Au Gres River in Iosco County, estimated to cut one hundred and fifty million feet of sawed timber. The logs were cut and rafted to the mill at Crow Island, four miles below Saginaw. The cutting of this tract continued until 1893, after which the mill was supplied with logs from Georgian Bay, towed across the lake in huge rafts. The Saginaw Lumber & Salt Company was organized in 1881, with James Maclaren, president, Otis Sheppard, Vice-president, R. H. Roys, secretary and D. L. White, Jr., treasurer. For many years the average cut of the mill at Crow Island was twenty million feet per year, and ten to twenty million feet in addition was cut at other mills on the river, for the company. The salt block connected with the mill had a yearly capacity of fifty thousand barrels, in the manufacture of which the mill refuse, formerly a source of expense in its removal, was made to pay a profit as fuel in salt manufacture. Afterward the mill plant was removed to Sandwich, Canada, opposite Detroit, where it was operated for several years and then again taken down and rebuilt at Georgian Bay, near the timber limits of the company. Associated with Mr. Loveland in these enterprises were his sons, Daniel K. and Ralph, who conducted the business long after his death. Mr. Loveland was married March 25, 1840, to Miss Harriet M. Kent, daughter of Daniel M. and M. G. Kent, of Benson, Vermont. She died at Saginaw, December 23, 1887. In March, 1894, he married Miss Helen Crittenden, of San Francisco, a lady of refinement and culture. He was interested in all public affairs that concerned the welfare of the city and State, and was a Henry Clay whig and afterward a Republican. In his religious convictions Mr. Loveland was a Baptist, and an influential member of that church. He was an excellent type of the average lumberman of past years, exhibiting enterprise and public spirit, qualities which characterized the lumber fraternity. William H. Edwards For many years prior to 1860 William H. Edwards was a prominent figure in the lumber trade of the Saginaw Valley. He was born at Huntington, Connecticut, in 1816, and enjoyed the limited privileges of the schools of the day, combined with employment in a woolen factory. At the age of eighteen he worked in a machine shop, acquiring a general knowledge of machines and tools. In 1848 he engaged in cutting lumber at Lockport, New York, adding a four-foot circular saw in 1852, one of the first in that section, and afterward began the manufacture of cut shingles. He gradually extended his lumbering operations, and in 1858 removed to East Saginaw, which offered a more extended field. From that time Mr. Edwards carried on quite an extensive business in logging from lands located on the Flint River, and on the Tittaba THE LUMBER INDUSTRY 421 LOADING LOG TIMBER FOR SHIP SPARS wassee. About 1870 he operated a shingle mill opposite East Saginaw, and later erected a circular saw miill in Ogemaw County, which was burned in the forest fires of 1875. Mr. Edwards was an enthusiastic Democrat, and was so devoted to the principles of the party that in 1870 he established the Saginaw Courier, a daily paper advocating those principles. Through constant advances of money in its support, it fell into his hands and drew heavily upon his fortune. Jovial in disposition, Mr. Edwards was a most genial man with a heart ever ready to respond to the claims of friends, or relief of the needy, and probably he never had an enemy during his long life, numbering eighty-one years. In 1857 he was married to Miss Harriet Beardsley, of Bridgeport, Connecticut, two sons and one daughter blessing the union. He died February 9, 1897, but the mental image of a good citizen and honored lumberman remain with all who knew him. Side Lights on Some Pioneer Lumbermen Among the numerous anecdotes related of our pioneer lumbermen, a few leave vivid impressions of the men connected with them. One in particular, concerning an honored citizen, illustrates the rapidity with which timber lands in those days increased in value, often without the owners being aware of the fact. Early in the seventies S. Bond Bliss, who built the four-story brick block, now known as the Mason Building, being in need of some ready money, applied to Wellington R. Burt, then one of the big lumbermen on the river, for a loan of four thousand dollars. The security he offered was ample, being a mortgage on the business block he owned, but Mr. Burt, with customary caution, hesitated a moment while debating the matter in his mind. Mr. Bliss said, "I own a section of timber land at the head waters of the lMuskegon, near Houtghton Lake, and will throw that in for good measure. 422 HISTORY OF SAGINAW COUNTY I have never seen the timber, but I think there must be some value to it." After a few minutes consideration the terms were arranged, the loan made, and the papers delivered. Nothing more w s thought of the matter, much less the timber land, for several years, but when the principal and accrued interest amounted to more than six thous nd dollars, Mr. Burt began to doubt the sufficiency of his security. He liad never taken the trouble to have the land "looked," to determine the amount of standing timber, as it was far removed from his lumbering operations, and there was no railroad anywhere near it; and so the matter rested. One day a stranger entered the office. He was a rough, hardy fellow with all the marks of having come down from the woods, evidently to get a job in town. At the moment of his coming Mr. Burt was very busy at his desk with some important business, and spoke without looking up. The man asked if he was interested in some timber land on the upper Muskegon, giving a description of the land. Mr. Burt replied that he was and that the land was for sale. "What is your price for it?" asked the stranger. Still intent upon his work, the thought ran through his mind that the fellow was a "timber wolf" who wanted an option on the land in order to sell it to some other lumberman, so Mr. Burt replied in a loud tone, as if to dismiss the whole matter: "One hundred thousand dollars is my price." The man waited a moment and then asked, "Is that your best terms?" "Yes, " snapped the busy lumberman, without glancing up, but hoping thus to be well rid of the intruder. "Well! We will take it," was the calm reply. The explosion of a bomb could hardly have produced a greater sensation. Awakened to the situation Mr. Burt wheeled in his chair and for the first time faced the woodsman. "Do you mean that?" he thundered, "Who are you anyway?" "Yes, I mean it," he replied, and added, "I represent Hackley & Humes of Muskegon. If you will have the deeds drawn at once, and sent to our bank in Muskegon the money will be paid over. The funds are there awaiting you." SAW MILL AND LUMBER YARD IN THE CAR TRADE THE LUMBER INDUSTRY 423 Never before in his all his varied Experience had such a deal as this been put through in such an amazing manner, but it was a bona-fide bargain and was closed according to arrangement. The land which Mr. Burt would have sold for five thousand dollars was worth a hundred thousand to those who could lumber it along with their Operations in the neighborhood. A handsome profit accrued to the Saginaw lumberman, and a well-known merchant and realty owner was again "put on his feet." When the country to the north and west of Saginaw was yet in its wild, primitive state, a large reservation was set off in Isabella County as a tribal home for the Chippewa Indians. 4n this almost unbroken wilderness the savages roamed, and fished and hunted, set up their villages and planted maize, unmolested by white men. But AVhen lumbering operations crept up the tributary streams and approached the boundaries of their retreat, covetous eyes were cast on the pine timber which covered the land. Soon "land lookers" were going among the Indians offering to buy the timber, giving in exchange trinkets dear to the untutored mind, necessities of savage life, and perhaps a little money. Not all were fortunate enough to pick up valuable timber in this way, and some got none at all. When the cutting of timber on the reservation lands actually began, it was observed that one company, headed by a leading citizen of Saginaw City, had title to the very choicest timber in the reservation, and in such an aggregate amount as to cause much comment and concern by their rivals in the business. Section after section of the best timber had been deeded by the Indians to the head of the comfany; and no hint or trace could be found as to when or how the deals with;the red-skins had been made. The old lumbermen spent many sleepless nights figuring out how the trick had been turned, and they had been check-mated in the game. One thing they learned, too, that increased their amazement and chagrin. It was the fact that insignificant consideration had been given for most of the choicest timber. In talking with the former owners of a valuable tract, the land lookers or agents would invariably 'ask, "What did you get for this fine clump of trees?" "Huh! Me get pint fire-water, gun, powder, blanket, all good," the Indian grunted. Another said, "Me get big pipe, much heap smoke, fire-water, red sash." "Us get pale face canoe (batteaux), look 'em fish, axe, knife," others said. It was apparent that little or no coin had been given, and the value of the stuff which attracted the Indians was very small and insufficient. With all their searching and questioning nothing which threw any light on the subject was ever discovered. Years afterward, when lumbering operations in this section had been brought to a close, the secret was told. There was an old lawyer and politician, named John Eaton, who lived in the forest settlements, and later settled at Clare. He had somehow "got wind" of the time and place of holding of the council, when the reservation lands were to be given over to the red-skins individually. Here was an opportunity, he believed, for some shrewd lumberman with means to get a decided advantage over his competitors. So he wrote to Arthur Hill, whom he knew quite well as one of the rising lumbermen of Saginaw Valley, to come up and meet him in the village at the appointed time. Without knowing what had been "cooked up" by the crafty lawyer, Mr. Hill went to the place of meeting in the woods, and put up at the little tavern which was the only lodging place in the wilderness for miles around. 424 HISTORY OF SAGINAW COUNTY SCALING AND SORTING LUMBER ON THE DOCK The following day the Indian Commissioners with their luggage arrived at the tavern, ready for the final council with the Chippewas. One piece of baggage in particular attracted the attention of the lumberman, and the lawyer guessed that it contained the official papers in the big deal. So they kept an eye on this valise and took note where it was stowed away behind the bar, which also served as the office counter of the border tavern. Late at night, when all was quiet in the place, the schemers lighted a candle, crept out softly in their bare feet, and slipping below lifted the valise from behind the counter and took it to their room. It was the work of only a moment to find the official list of Indian reserves, with the description of the land each was to receive. A longer time, however, was required to make a hurried copy of the list, when the original paper was replaced in the valise and it was put carefully back in its place. So stealthily had this been done that no one dreamed of the trick that had been put over the commissioners. To send competent and trustworthy land lookers through the reservation and pick out the choicest timber was the next move. Then the shrewd lawyer, with this information and the official list of reserves, checked up with it, did the rest. He knew many of the Indians personally, and it was not a difficult matter to get them "feeling good," and then by offering them the necessities of savage life they craved, to induce them to sign away their timber rights. When the truth was known and the story told, the whole affair was regarded as a huge joke on the other lumbermen, who were thus compelled to take the "leavings." In speaking of the good old lumbering days on the river, 0. E. Elsemore, one of the prominent log scalers and boom men of the time, recently said: "The famous cork pine of the Cass was indeed a wonderful timber, but some equally as good, though in small lots, was found on the Tittabawvassee and tributaries. I well remember one fine tract near Red Keg (Averill), which cut twenty-seven million feet of logs to a section; and one, t'-> ' THE LUMBER INDUSTRY 425 acre of especially fine trees, which I had measured and staked off, was cut and skidded separately to satisfy my curiosity. This one acre scaled more than one hundred thousand feet of logs, some of which ran two to the thousand, a record which has seldom been equalled. "I came to Saginaw in 1867 and went to work on the old Huron boom in the Cass River. It was a busy stream in those days, and from scaler I advanced to the position of foreman of the boom, which I held for thirteen years. The boom company was composed of such men as Sears & Holland, N. B. Bradley, Bundy, Brown & Little, Shaw & Williams, Edwin Eddy, Ketcham & Company, Avery & Murphy, Charles K. Eddy, James Tolbert and others. Those were great days. The memorable forest fires of October, 1871, destroyed a vast quantity of valuable timber, and in order to save that which had been killed, but not burned, the logging operations the following winter were on a big scale. As a result the logs rafted and delivered to the mill booms from the Cass, in 1872, reached a total of one hundred and four million feet, the greatest in its history. The following year the production fell off to about fifty-six million feet, and soon dwindled to fifteen or twenty million. By 1885 the pine and hemlock timber on this stream, including a territory many miles back on both sides, was entirely exhausted, though small rafts amounting in the aggregate from one and a half to five million feet, came down for several years after. "The Saginaw Valley lumbermen, as a whole, were as honest and straightforward a lot of business men as you would find anywhere; but, since you ask it, I will say that they all were looking after their own best interests. This sometimes resulted in coups, misunderstandings and hard feelings. No timber was stolen outright-it was too cheap for such tactics, but the timber itself was sometimes purloined and the loss not discovered by the owner for several years. In cutting a quarter or an eighth section here, or a quarter in an adjoining section, or another tract some distance away, which belonged to the operator, he was careful, you may be sure, in the absence of very definite lines, to get all the timber belonging to him, and if his cut extended well over on the land of his neighbor there was no one there to dispute or stop him, and he got away with it. Some men grew rich, I have no doubt, in following this practice, but it was not so universal as was at one time supposed. Wealth came easily to energetic men of ability and capital, and it was not necessary to encroach on the rights of others to gain a fortune. It was rather the traits of integrity, perseverance and hard labor which brought wealth to our lumbermen." THE TITTABAWASSEE AT RIVERSIDE PARK CHAPTER XVII THE SALT INDUSTRY An Essential Element of Life - Doctor Houghton Makes Early Discoveries - The State Bores for Salt-Failure of the Project-Granting a Bounty on Salt-Incorporation of the First Salt Company-Erection of the First Salt Block United with the Lumber Industry-Repeal of the Bounty Law-The State Reaps the BenefitsPurity of Saginaw Salt-Early Methods of Manufacture-Rapid Development of the Industry-Difficulties Beset the Manufacturers - Formation of the Saginaw & Bay Salt Company-The State Salt Inspection- Michigan Salt Company-Decline of Salt Production -Economies of Modern Salt Making-Utilization of Exhaust SteamThe Wilcox Automatic Rakes-Working Up the By-Products-Salt Production. F ROM its being one of the usual and necessary constituents of food and a component part of the blood, salt is an essential element of life, while the enormous consumption and variety of purposes to which it is applied in manufacturing operations, invests its history with a peculiar interest. In consequence of the great demand in the economy of human life, constant exertions have been made, both by public and private enterprise, to devise new sources for its production, either as a rock salt or in the form of salt brine. Salt also possesses an element of romance. The mining of it has been carried on in Austria for centuries, the mines in the wonderful salt country around Ischl being show places, through which tourists are conducted for a fee. In the valley of the Vistula, in Austrian Poland, there is an underground city hewn from rock salt. It was started a thousand or more years ago, and now has winding streets, railway stations, churches, restaurants and other features, both civil and industrial, of a prosperous community. Doctor Houghton Makes Early Discoveries Although the Saginaw Valley and a large portion of Lower Michigan is underlaid with an immense bed of rock salt, of inexhaustible proportions, which might be and indeed has been mined, the economical production of salt in this State, as at other points in the Middle West, is by the simple reduction of resulting brines. As early as 1837 Doctor Douglas Houghton, the State geologist, in his first report on the subject of brine springs, speaks of one at the mouth of Salt River: "On the Tittabawassee River, in Midland County, numerous indications of the existence of brine springs were noticed, extending from near the mouth of Chippewa River as far as I ascended the former stream, being a few miles above the mouth of Salt River. Upon either side of the Tittabawassee River, between the points noted, small pools of brackish water were observed, as also, occasionally, springs discharging a similar water in small' quantities; and although an examination showed the waters to contain large quantities of the salts of lime, and occasionally of iron, they were never destitute of more or less salt. "Springs, of a more decided character occur in the vicinity of the mouth of Salt River. The first observed occurs in the stream near the right batik of the Tittabawassee, a little below Salt River, *** and was found by actual measurement to discharge about seventy gallons of water per hour. Nearly a nile above this spring upon the same bank, and elevated from eight to ten feet above the water of the river, is a THE SALT INDUSTRY 427 - second spring, discharging a somewhat larger quantity of water. Near by, but at a greater elevation, several small springs of brackish water were seen issuing from the sloping bank of the river, which, upon examination, were found to contain a notable quantiity of salt. "The quantity of water discharged from these springs is small, but when considered in connection with those already noticed, they become matters of considerable interest, since they serve to show that the salines are not confined to one or two springs, but are widely dispersed over a large district of country. Brine springs are known to exist near the mouths of Flint and Cass Rivers in Saginaw County; but they occur in a flat country and the unfavorable season compelled me to defer examining them until some future time." In commenting on this report, Stevens T. Mason, the first governor of Michigan, in his message of January 4, 1838, to the Legislature, says: "The examination of the saline springs has been carried so far as to render it certain that we possess an extensive salt region, and that, with but a comparatively trifling expenditure, we shall be enabled to manufacture salt in sufficient quantities not only for home consumption, but that it must become an article of extensive export. The whole number of salines granted by the Act of Congress have not as yet been located, in consequence of a want of time to examine the northern region of the State; but such a number have been secured as to justify the Legislature in authorizing preparatory measures for bringing them to public use." In accordance with the recommendation.contained in the governor's message, the Legislature, by act approved March 4, 1838, directed the State geologist to commence boring for salt as soon as practicable at one or more of the State salt springs. He was authorized to employ a chief assistant well skilled in the practice of salt-boring, and other assistants as might be necessary, appropriating a sum not exceeding three thousand dollars to defray the expenses, to be paid out of the internal improvement fund. The geologist accordingly visited the principal salt wells of Ohio, Pennsylvania and Virginia, with a view of availing himself of the most recent improvements in the method of conducting the work. The salt springs of New York were so differently situated that a satisfactory comparison with them could not be instituted, on which point he said: "Any attempt to improve the water of our own springs upon the plan there pursued, would most assuredly prove valueless. The brine springs of our State, like those of Ohio, Pennsylvania and Virginia, emanate from a rock which lies deep, being covered with a mass of earthy matter, which it is necessary to penetrate. But the appearance of salt springs at the surface is of itself far from being evidence of water below. It is only a single link in the chain of facts.": The State Bores for Salt Two points were selected for test wells; one on the Grand River about three miles below the village of Grand Rapids, and the other on the Tittabawassee, at the mouth of Salt River. The appropriation foli this purpose was quickly expended in preliminary work, the country routndabout being a forest wilderness; but the following year the Legislature directed the geologist to continue the improvements, and appropriated. fifteen thousand dollars to defray the expenses thereof. In speaking of the well at the Tittabawassee River, Doctor Houghton in his annual report says: ' i. 428 HISTORY OF SAGINAW COUNTY SALT BLOCK AND MILL BOOM THE LOG END OF SAW MILL "In continuing the shaft commenced at this place much difficulty has been encountered from the influx of water; but the condition is such that this difficulty may now be easily overcome by properly sinking tubes. All is in readiness to proceed with rapidity, and the whole outlay for materials having been incurred, the remaining expense of completing the work will be comparatively small. "At a little less than fifty feet a continuous vein of salt water was opened, but so intermixed with veins of fresh water as to make it impossible to determine the absolute quantity of saline matter contained in it. *** Although this water is not of sufficient strength to admit of its economical use for the manufacture of salt, it nevertheless serves to add confidence to the hope before expressed, of eventual success in obtaining the object sought, if the plan proposed be carried out." The work at that time was suspended because the moneys appropriated could not be realized; and the report of the select committee called attention to the fact that seventy-two sections of land, amounting to more than five thousand acres which, apart from the special value in consequence of the salt springs, were worth five dollars an acre, must be regarded as a gift from the United States, in consideration of the testing of their value for the production of salt. "Your committee are fully aware of the opinion," the report reads, "that the prospects of success, offered by a continuance of the improvements in progress, are such as not only to warrant their continuance, but also that the best interests of the State demand it." THE SALT INDUSTRY 429 By act of March 30, 1840, the Legislature appropriated five thousand dollars for the improvements at the salt springs on the Grand River, and a like amount on those on the Tittabawassee. Under this act a contract was made with Ira T. Farrand, by which he agreed to sink the shaft upon the State salt lands at Tittabawassee to the rock beneath, and a well in said rock to the depth of three hundred feet from the surface, the price to be seventeen dollars per foot for the first fifty feet; and sixteen dollars per running foot for tihe remaining two hundred and fifty feet; and in addition the State was to pay for the tubing if any be used. The contract was confirmed on March 16, 1841, and the work, which for eighteen months had been suspended, was speedily resumed. At the mouth of Salt River, where the earth-boring was originally estimated at one hundred to one hundred and fifty feet, after nine months of continuous labor the contractor had only been able to reach a depth of one Hundred and thirty-nine feet. The results were disappointing, but the geologist restates the opinion that to obtain water at maximum strength the shaft should be sunk to a depth of at least six hundred feet, and recommends that the well be completed at an early. day. Failure of the State Project An appropriation of fifteen thousand dollars was approved February 14, 1842, to be expended upon the two wells already commenced; but further attempts to obtain water possessing qualities suitable for making salt proved unsuccessful. The salt lands of the State were then platted into lots and leased with the right to manufacture salt, provided that at least four cents per bushel of fifty-six pounds be paid to the State for the water. No further progress was made at the springs on the Tittabawassee, except to keep the machinery in repair; and some doubt was entertained as to the validity of the title of the State to the land where the salt well was commenced. The foregoing facts, comprising the principal action of the State toward the development of the salt springs in the Saginaw Valley, prior to 1859, were embodied in a paper prepared by the late William L. Webber, and read before the State Pioneer Society, February 2, 1881. The paper was honored by publication in the Michigan Pioneer Collections, Vol. IV, pp 13-22. Granting a State Bounty on Salt. In 1859, some citizens of Grand Rapids applied to the State Legislature for an appropriation of ten thousand dollars to be used for further testing the question of the existence of salt at the Grand River well. There was no proposition for continuing the experiment in the Saginaw Valley, and, as the State treasury had no great surplus, the Legislature would not make an appropriation to be applied merely for experiment. Knowing this fact, a few prominent men of East Saginaw having faith in salt, met at the office of Charles B. M1ott, on January 26, 1859, and after a general discussion of the whole matter appointed a committee, consisting of Norman Little, Morgran L. Gage, Doctor George A. Lothrop and William L. Webber, with instructions to petition the Legislature for such aid as in the opinion of the committee the Legislature would be most likely to grant. The committee believed it would be useless to ask for a money appropriation, but it was thought probable that a bounty would be granted contingent upon success. A petition to that effect was duly prepared and sent forward, and a bill proposing a bounty of ten cents on each barrel of salt made was sent to James Birney, then representing the Saginaw district in the Senate, to be presented to that body. The Legislature seemed to regard it as a harmless bill, and by way of ridicule some member moved to make the bounty ten cents a bushel, equivalent to fifty cents a barrel. Willing to 430 HISTORY OF SAGINAW COUNTY carry out the joke, the Legislature passed the bill in that form, and it was aproved February 15, 1859. The act as passed also exempted from taxation all property used in the business of manufacturing salt. Incorporation of the First Salt Company Encouraged by this act of the Legislature, and with no more doubt that the State would in good faith observe and keep its promises than that it would ultimately pay its bonds, the enterprising men of East Saginaw, including Jesse Hoyt, of New York, formed themselves into a corporation under the general manufacturing law as the "East Saginaw Salt Manufacturing Company," with a capital stock of fifty thousand dollars, consisting of two thousand shares of twenty-five dollars each. The whole amount was subscribed in two days and the articles of association were signed on April 16, 1859. The men to whom the Saginaw Valley and the State are indebted for the discovery of brine, and to whose risk and expense this industry, which proved of such great value, was created, were William L. P. Little, Webber & Wheeler, James L. Ketcham, George A. Lathrop, Dwight G. Holland, Moses B. Hess, Alexander English, John F. Driggs, William J. Bartow, William F. Glasby, Jesse Hoyt, Charles B. Mott, Henry C. Potter, Chester B. Jones and John P. Derby, each of whom subscribed for one hundred and twenty shares of the capital stock. William C. Yawkey and George W. Merrill each took forty shares; D. W. C. Gage and 0. P. Burt twenty shares each; and Chauncey H. Gage and Perry Joslin ten shares each. Doctor George A. Lathrop was elected president of the company, W. L. P. Little, treasurer, and William L. Webber, secretary; and these officers, with Messrs. Mott, Ketcham, Hess, Potter, Merrill and Glasby, comprised the board of directors. Organization having been perfected, Jesse Hoyt tendered the use of ten acres of land near the bank of the river for the boring of an experimental well, with an option in case of success to purchase the same at an agreed price. The location selected was north of Washington Street and just below the site of Carlisle's tannery. None of the men connected with the enterprise had any knowledge of the geological formation of the valley, or any experience concerning the boring of salt wells, so a committee, consisting of George W. Merrill and Stephen R. Kirby, was appointed to visit the Onondaga salt wells in the State of New York, and learn what buildings, machinery and tools were necessary for the boring of the well. After a thorough investigation of the matter by these practical mechanics, some of the tools and equipment required for the work were purchased at Syracuse and shipped by way of the Erie Canal and the lakes to Saginaw. In due course the work was commenced by the erection of a drill house, an engine was procured and the machinery set up and put in operation under the direction of Sanford Keeler, then a young engineer on the river. Other necessary tools and appliances were made or purchased, tubing for the earth boring was secured and the well begun. Soon after the work was well under way, Mr. Kirby, who had general charge of the enterprise, was called to the West to look after some of the Hoyt interests, and the direction of affairs and the whole responsibility of carrying on the operations devolved upon Mr. Keeler. He was equal, however, to every emergency, and the results obtained were due very largely to his ability and perseverance. The first well bored was four inches in diameter, carried through a layer of soil ninety-two feet in thickness, at which point a brown sand rock was encountered. From that the boring continued down through alternate strata of rock to a depth of six hundred and thirtythree feet, terminating in a fine sandstone known as salt rock. THE SALT INDUSTRY 431 Sanford Keeler ~ Who Drilled the First Salt Well Stephen R. Kirby George V. Merrill Who Planned the Operations Who Made Part of the Machinery TO WHOM HONOR IS DUE FOR THE DISCOVERY OF SALT The want of definite knowledge of the geological formations delayed the operations considerably. At Onondaga, the wells were carried down only to the salt rock, but here it was found necessary to penetrate the saline deposit; and in doing this a new difficulty arose. The drills which had been used in boring were not suited to working in salt rock, they would wear dull very quickly and then stick and break, on one occasion requiring incessant labor for three weeks to dislodge the parts and remove the fragments, so that operations could be resumed. On account of these delays, which taxed the patience and ingenuity of the young engineer, it was not until February 7, 1860, that the work on the well was completed; nor until that date did the board of directors declare the experiment a success. On the ninth of February public announcement was made of the discovery of brine of sufficient strength for commercial reduction to salt, and as stated in the Coriiicr of that date, the "news struck the community like an electric shock." In their report to the stockholders the directors said: "We have been aware of your natural anxiety for information during the progress of the work, but the board of directors at an early day adopted the policy of studiously withholding the facts developed from time to time, however encouraging, lest they might excite hope which the final results would not justify. We are happy now to assure you that Saginaw possesses salt water second in strength and purity, and we believe in quantity, to none in the United States." Erection of the First Salt Block Greatly enthused over the success of their experiments, the company at once proceeded to the erection of works for the manufacture of salt, consisting of two kettle blocks after the manner of those in use at Syracuse. Cord wood was used for fuel, and the manufacture commenced in the latter part of June, 1860. The production the first year was ten thousand seven hundred and twenty-two barrels of salt, consisting of five bushels each; and 432 HISTORY OF SAGINAW COUNTY in the second year-July 1, 1861, to July 1; 1862, the production of this company alone was thirty-two thousand two hundred and fifty barrels. As soon as the success of this experiment was thoroughly demonstrated, other companies were formed and wells commenced at various points on Saginaw River. In five years the production had reached five hundred and twentynine thousand barrels; and in 1880-twenty years after the discovery of brine -the manufacture was two million six hundred seventy-eight thousand three hundred and eighty-six barrels, being something over thirteen million bushels of salt. Experience demonstrated that the mode first adopted for the manufacture was not calculated to produce the best economical results. The East Saginaw Salt Company estimated that the wood used in 1862 cost twenty-five and a half cents for each barrel of salt made, and that each cord of wood used in the kettle blocks gave a product of about seven barrels of salt. Cord wood at that time could be procured at about one dollar and seventy-five cents per cord of average quality, but soon after the manufacture of salt increased the price was raised to about three dollars a cord, which brought the cost of fuel to about fifty cents a barrel of salt. The Salt and Lumber Industries United Saginaw River was then lined with saw mills producing vast quantities of sawdust and slabs, which could be utilized as fuel, far in excess of that required for the use of the mills. It was soon discovered that the quality of the brine was such that evaporation in vats and pans was more economically accomplished than in kettles. The heat in the exhaust steam of the saw mills, it was also found, could be utilized for this purpose; and by combining the two manufactures, salt and lumber, the fuel for the former could be obtained practically without cost. Thus the two industries were united, or rather, salt manufacture was largely developed by the lumber business. For the production of salt in 1880 the saving in fuel alone was one and a quarter million dollars, and the consumer received the benefit of this saving. In 1870 the average price of salt at Saginaw was one dollar and thirty-two cents per barrel, but ten years later it had dropped to seventy-five cents per barrel, or fifteen cents a bushel, at which price no one could manufacture salt in kettles without loss. Repeal of the Salt Bounty Law The Legislature of Michigan, having passed the salt bounty bill providing for a bounty five times greater than was asked or desired, with the object of encouraging private enterprise of a measure, in which public experiment had signally failed, soon discovered its mistake, and at its session of 1861 repealed the act absolutely. The result was that the East Saginaw Salt Manufacturing Company, at whose risk and expense this great industry was discovered and developed, received from the State as a bounty only the sum of thirty-one hundred and seventy-four dollars, which was paid by a compulsory writ from the Supreme Court. The payment was but a trifling compensation for the losses incident to the making of the discovery of brine, and testing all the experimental questions in the manufacture of salt, competing, meanwhile, for the market with a rival so strong as the Onondaga Salt Association which, to cripple the Saginaw industry, sold salt in competition at one dollar a barrel at the lake ports, when their retail price at Syracuse was two dollars and thirty-five cents a barrel. The changes in the method of manufacture were such that the stockholders of the East Saginaw Salt Manufacturing Company, who had paid in on the capital stock (which had been increased to two hundred and fifty THECI SALT INDUSTRY 433 THE SALT INDUSTRY 433 thousand dollars), the sum of one hundred and seventy-five thousand dollars, found themselves with practically a worthless property on their hands, their competitors, who had profited by their experience, keeping the price so low that no profit could be realized from the manufacture by their method. At least one hundred and fifty thousand dollars was sunk by this company for which no return was ever received, and the stockholders had to content themselves with the satisfaction of knowing that to them, and to their enterprise and expenditure, was the State indebted for this industry which assumed such enormous proportions within twenty years. The State Reaps the Benefits The advantages which the State received from the manufacture of salt on a commercial scale within its boundaries, were inestimable. From 1860 to and including 1881, the production of salt in Michigan amounted to eighteen million eight hundred sixty-five thousand three hundred and sixtynine barrels. Everything used in the manufacture and packing for shipment wvas produced at home, except the nails to hold the hoops and heads on the barrels, so that practically all the money received for the product added to the wealth of the State. At an average price of one dollar per barrel for all the salt produced in the twenty-one years, the total valuation was almost eighteen and a half million dollars. Prior to the discovery of brine, the price paid for salt by the people of Michigan was much higher than prevailed afterward; and on a basis of one bushel a year for each individual, the consumption in 1881 was about three hundred thousand barrels. If the saving to these consumers was only half a dollar per barrel, the total amount for twenty-one years was fully two and a quarter million dollars. In addition to this, the value of taxable property was greatly increased, thus lightening the burdens of other portions of the State. The Purity of Saginaw Salt At an early day in the development of our salt industry it was determined by practical tests that the quantity of brine in the Saginaw Valley was inexhaustible. Every new well bored produced an abundant supply, and excessive pumping reduced the strength only temporarily, the brine at once regaining the prime standard when the excessive drain was checked. The brine was perfectly clear and apparently pure when drawn from the wells, but by exposure to the atmosphere some impurities were precipitated, and in the process of manufacture others were developed and removed by careful treatment. Care in the process greatly enhanced the preservative qualities of salt, and the majority of the Saginaw manufacturers produced an article so pure and wholesome as to stand the test of most thorough experiment and investigation. As a result a high reputation was soon attained for Saginaw salt in all the markets it reached. Early Methods of Manufacture Almost at the beginning of the salt industry there were two modes of manufacture, one by the evaporation of the brine by artificial heat, the other accomplishing the same result by the heat of the sun. The mode first employed here was that evaporating by artificial heat, of which there were several processes, the original being the kettle process. A salt block consisted of fifty or sixty kettles and the stone or brick work in which they were set. The kettles were arranged close together in two rows, over two arches with only a dividing wall separating them, reaching from the mouth of furnace to the chimney. The arches in front were about three feet deep, the bottom gradually rising as they receded, so that under the back kettles the space was only ten or twelve inches. Each block was I SAGINAW RIVER IN THE EIGHTEEN-NINETIES, FROM THE WEST END OF THE PERE MARQUETTE RAILROAD BRIDGE THE SALT INDUSTRY 435 housed under a wooden building from seventy-five to one hundred feet long, and about twenty-five feet high in the center, with sheds on each side containing bins for the drainage of the salt as made. After remaining in these bins for two weeks the salt was packed in barrels for market. When the works were in operation, an engine at the well pumped the brine through pump logs to vats or cisterns close by, flowing in through a spout over the top. From these vats another set of pump logs carried the brine into the block, and along the top of the masonry between the rows of kettles, with a spout extending over each kettle. When the kettles were filled and the brine was heating by the rousing fire of four-foot cord wood beneath, before boiling commenced, a scum arose on the surface and was removed. After boiling a short time the crystals of salt began to form on the surface and fall to the bottom; and when boiled down about one-half the salt was dipped out with a long-handled pan and thrown into a basket placed over one side of the kettle, for draining: The "bitter water" thus drained off carried with it the Calcium Chloride and other impurities, the elimination of which was an all important point in this mode of manufacture. Solar salt, produced by the other mode of manufacture-evaporation by the heat of the sun, was made in shallow wooden vats, and was much purer than that first made in vats in the ground. A salt cover was eighteen feet square, and had an annual capacity of fifty bushels. The solar process was very simple and entailed but slight expense in operation. Late in March the water which had remained in the vats during the winter, to preserve them from the action of frost, was drawn off, and everything cleaned and put in order. As soon as the sun's rays began to have sufficient warmth, the brine was poured from the reservoirs into the hundreds of wooden vats, each of which was provided with a movable cover or roof, mounted on a trolley stage, so that it could be moved backward and forward over the vat to protect or expose the brine, as the state of the weather rendered desirable. The appearance of these acres of rows of wooden pent covers from a distance, gave the otherwise desolate marshes over which they spread the semblance of a barrack ground. On approaching them the illusion was quickly dispelled, and instead of a bugle call or sentry challenge. the sharp shriek of the engine whistle, calling the men to their labors, or the noise of the pumps, greeted the ear. The brine was allowed to remain in the vats from six weeks to two months to evaporate, according to the number of warm sunny days, when the salt was all deposited, drained off and dried, and at once packed in barrels for shipment. The works produced three crops of solar salt in a season, the first being gathered about the middle of July, the second in September, and the third the last of October. A small quantity, about a tenth of a crop was gathered in November, from the vats which produced the first crop. The middle crop was considered the most valuable due to the exceeding coarseness of granulation, by reason of its more rapid evaporation in hot, dry weather. This coarseness of solar salt gave it increased value, and it was highly prized by pork and beef packers, as it prevented the meat from packing too closely and permitted a free circulation of the brine. It is also peculiarly adapted for salting hides and for other purposes of like nature. The last solar salt works to be operated at this end of the river was that of Mitchell, McClure & Company, below Zilwaukee, but it was abandoned and fell into ruin about ten years ago. Rapid Development of the Industry By means of various processes in manufacture, such as kettles, solar and steam evaporation, pans, and Chapin's Patent which originated here, the production of salt at Saginaw increased very rapidly. In 1867 one and a 436 HISTORY OF SAGINAW COUNTY quarter million dollars were invested in the industry, which produced three hundred and fifty-eight thousand barrels of salt, and gave employment to four hundred and seventy-one men. The following table gives the names of manufacturers, location of works, production, number of men employed and the investment: George D. Lord, Zilwaukee................... 11,224 Western Salt Company, Zilwaukee...........35,000 Oneida Salt & Lumber Co., Crow Island......10,900 Orange County Salt Co., Carrollton............14,000 Saginaw Valley Salt Company, Carrollton......16,000 Chicago Salt Company, Carrollton............22,500 Empire Salt Co., Carrollton..................10,000 Elisha C. Litchfield, Carrollton............... 14,000 Haskin, Martin & Wheeler, Florence.......... 47,467 East Saginaw Salt Mfg. Co., East Saginaw......21,500 Buffalo Salt Co., East Saginaw................ 15,000 F. Briggs, East Saginaw......................11,049 Chapin, Barber & Company, East Saginaw......1,250 Burnham, Lawton & Co., East Saginaw........ 2,863 D. G. Whitney, Saginaw City................ 8,500 Mack, Schmid & Kull, Saginaw City.........11,550 Barnard & Binder, Saginaw City..............16,000 Green & Hardin, Saginaw City...............13,148 Heather & Allison, Saginaw City.............. 4,500 Forest City Salt & Lbr. Co., Saginaw City...... 9,219 N. B. Nye & Co., South Saginaw............. Ann Arbor Salt & Lbr. Co., South Saginaw.... 9,030 Rust & Ingledew, South Saginaw.............. 6,000 Allen Sutherland, South Saginaw............ 1,660 Steven, Cromwell & Co., South Saginaw........ 7,252 Medina Salt Company, South Saginaw........ Salina Salt Company, South Saginaw..........16,300 New England Salt Works, Buena Vista........ 3,000 Wayne County Salt Co., Tittabawassee........9,589 Albany Salt Co., Cass River.................9,000 Gordon, Penny & Co., Cass River............. Union Salt Works, Bridgeport................ 500 1 4 1 1 1 1 5 1 1 1 1 1 15 $100,000 40 82,000 11 35,000 20 75,000 14 74,000 30 30,000 14 50,000 18 30,00 50 70,000 75 140,000 15 35,000 10 18,000 3 7,000 6 25,000 13 28,000 8 10,000.0 25,000 10 12,000 1 10,000 9 15,0000 28,000 1 17,000 6 10,000 8,000 6 30,000 12,000 '5 30,000 6 5,000 9 5,000 5 85,000 30,000 6 10,000 1 1 1 Difficulties Beset the Manufacturers Along in the sixties the salt industry began to feel the effects of overproduction and the want of co-operation among the manufacturers in the matter of proper handling of the market demand. Experience was also having its effect in teaching the lesson of economy and perfection in all the processes of manufacture. From the excitement of the early years, caused by tapping an inexhaustible reservoir of wealth, leading too frequently to enterprises suggested by imagination rather than by calm judgment, the industry was getting down to the hard pan, which was reached when it was discovered that skill was required to make good salt, economy and industry to make cheap salt, and business tact and judgment to put it on the market in competition with Onondaga and Ohio River salt, so as to produce a profit. The combination of the salt block with the saw mill, peculiar to this valley, was a remarkable instance of mutual adaptation and co-operation between separate industries, the use of exhaust steam from the saw mills in evaporation of the brine, being an important economic measure, as the cost of fuel for this purpose was eliminated. T~HE SALT INDUSTRYI 437 THE SLT IDUSTY 43 Formation of the Saginaw & Bay Salt Company As a result of these economic changes in the salt business, an associative movement began in 1866, under the name of the Bay County Mutual Manufacturing Company. The following year the concern adopted the name of Bay & Saginaw Salt Company, and broadened its operations in an endeavor to market the production of the Saginaw Valley. Shortly after the company was reorganized under the name of the Saginaw & Bay Salt Company, with a capital of two hundred thousand dollars; and Henry M. Fitzhugh was president, Newell Barnard, vice-president, John S. Judson, secretary, and N. B. Bradley, treasurer. This was a long step in advance in the salt business, and its operations gave steadiness to the market, prevented speculation, and the absorption of the profits of manufacture by middle men. The company was organized on strictly mutual principles, its stock being held by manufacturers only, who chose the directors from their own number. It received all the salt made by the stockholders, giving liberal advances on the product on their docks, sold it on the best terms, and made monthly settlements of accounts due; and by circulars issued each month kept its members well informed of the entire situation and of the affairs of the company. It gradually extended its business with the largest markets, reaching many points never before touched by individual effort, and realized better prices as indicated by the appended table of average prices per barrel for 1867: May........................$1.77 September............... $1.73 June.........................1.77 October................ 1.75 July........................1.74 November...................1.85 August.......................1.78 December............... 2.16 These prices were net, covering all expenses, and paid in cash to the producers. In addition five cents a barrel was retained by the company to cover expenses of administration and incidentals, from which revenue a considerable surplus accumulated for the payment of dividends to the shareholders. The cost of producing a barrel of salt in Saginaw at this time was estimated as follows: Pum ping..................$.05 Labor........................$.30 B arrel.......................40 Fuel...........................50 Packing, etc...............0834 Interest and Repairs............15 Inspection...................01 4 $1.50 The number of men employed directly and indirectly in the manufacture of salt was about one thousand, and the average wage was two dollars a day. In 1868 the company sold and shipped three hundred eighty-two thousand two hundred and fifty-two barrels, the Chicago market receiving and consuming the larger proportion of this quantity. Its operations brought about a uniform system of inspection and introduced order and reliability into a business which, without such general regulation, had proved unrenumerative. The State Salt Inspection In 1869 a rigid inspection of Michigan salt was instituted, and in a few years fully realized the expectations of its originators. Owing to its established character Michigan salt met with steadily increased demand, and found a ready market throughout the country. Samuel S. Garrigues, a scientific and practical chemist of ability and reputation, was the first State Salt Inspector with an office at East Saginaw. In 1874 George W. Hill was deputy inspector at East Saginaw, I-I. Estabrook filled the same position 438 HISTORY OF SAGINAW COUNTY:,::-:::::::::::::: β€”::- -:::: RUM: SALT BLOCK, SAW MILL AND COOPER SHOP OF CHARLES MERRILL & COMPANY at South Saginaw, V. W. Paine at Saginaw City, James Hill, at Carrollton, and John Haight, at Zilwaukee. In later years Mr. Hill became the State Inspector, an office he held for an extended period. Four grades of salt were created, the product being packed in barrels of two hundred and eighty pounds, or fifty-six pounds to the bushel. No. 1, Fine, was for general use and all family purposes; Packers was suitable for packing and bulking meat and fish, one of the finest and best brands for such purposes; Solar salt, when screened and branded as"C Solar C" for coarse, and "F Solar F" for fine grades, was equal in all respects to New York solar salt; No. 2, Second Quality, was a grade intended for No. 1, of any of the above grades, but which for any cause did not come up to the standard tests, and was so branded and sold as such. It was good for salting stock, hay, hides and such purposes. During 1873 the distribution of Saginaw salt was three hundred and twenty-five thousand barrels to the Chicago market, one hundred and fifty thousand barrels to Milwaukee, fifty thousand barrels to Cleveland, one hundred and fifty thousand barrels to Toledo, twenty-five thousand barrels to Sandusky, and about seventy-five thousand to Michigan points. So high was the favor in which the local product was held that the managers of the exposition at Cincinnati awarded a handsome silver medal and diploma to the exhibitors of Saginaw salt, namely: Burnham & Still, for two barrels of fine steam salt; Bundy & Youmans, for fine kettle salt; T. Jerome & Company, for fine pan salt and packers; Thomas Saylor & Company, for exceptional quality of solar salt. This prize was awarded from a locality heretofore supplied by the Ohio River and Onondaga Salt Companies, and was a high compliment to Saginaw salt which attracted much attention at the exposition. In 1872, at the Union Fair at Grand Rapids, and at the State Fair the following year, Saginaw salt from the works of John F. Driggs took the first premium in competition with Onondaga salt. Fifty years of progress in the manufacture of salt in New York State, where it had been produced since 1797, did not equal the progress made in five years in the Saginaw Valley. THE SALT INDUSTRY 43'3 Michigan Salt Association The Michigan Salt Association - the successor of the older co-operative companies, which was managed so many years by Dwight G. Holland with great skill and energy, was a powerful factor in the business and constantly extended its field of operation by introducing its product into new markets. The Association was organized in 1876 and embraced as members all the manufacturers of salt in the State excepting thirteen. Its object was to secure united action among the many producers and to market their product through one channel, thus by a minimum expense of distribution obtain better net prices for its members. Taking their salt as fast as it was made and shipping it to the consumers direct, or to its different reshipping points, the Association made liberal advances on the monthly output and paid the manufacturers in full when sold. This method of handling such a large quantity of one commodity, proved such a success from the start that the members conceived the idea of building spacious warehouses at the large lake ports, for reshipping to the interior, those at Chicago, Milwaukee, Toledo, Detroit and Michigan City being the largest. The prices at which the salt was sold was fixed by the Association, and each member contributing received the same price per barrel, or per ton in bulk, no limit being placed on the output. The first officers of the Association, which was capitalized at two hundred thousand dollars, were: Wellington R. Burt, president; Albert Miller, vice-president; Thomas Cranage, Jr., treasurer, and Dwight G. Holland, secretary. The executive committee was composed of Wellington R. Burt, J. L. Dolsen, Thomas Cranage, Newell Barnard, and XV. J. Bartow. These officers were elected year after year and by their management the salt business of Michigan reached such gigantic proportions, the Association marketing from three to four million barrels per year. Wellington R. Burt held the office of president until 1894, when Thomas Cranage was elected to this position. In 1896 he was succeeded by E. D. Wheeler, of Manistee, who served two years; and in 1898 Walter S. Eddy was elected president and continued until 1914. The secretary of the Association was Dwight G. Holland, who served continuously from the organization until his death in 1903, a period of twenty-seven years. The office of secretary and treasurer were then consolidated, and C. M. Ireton, who was assistant secretary for many years, was elected to fill both offices which he continued until 1914. On January 1, 1914, C. M. Ireton and A. A. White associated together, and securing the assets and good will of the Association, are continuing the business of distributing and wholesaling salt, with offices in Saginaw. C. M. Ireton was born in Kalamazoo, Michigan, July 23, 1857, and came to Saginaw four years later with his parents. From the age of twelve to seventeen he worked during the Sum- c. M. IRETON mer in and around saw mills on the river, being able to "hold down" any job that was assigned him; and he attended the public schools in Winter. He then went to the Highland Military Academy, at Worchester, Massachusetts, from which he graduated with the class of 1877. 440 HISTORY OF SAGINAW COUNTY His business experience was gained through service with Morley Brothers, Avery & Company, and Eddy Brothers & Company; and through Wellington R. Burt he was appointed to a position in the office of the Michigan Salt Association.There by strict attention to business he has gained his present standing in commercial circles, being recognized for his integrity and sterling qualities. On December 11, 1878, Mr. Ireton was married to Miss Isabelle Fraser, daughter of Murdock Fraser, one of the earliest pioneers to this section of Michigan. The two children living as a result of this union are a son, Russell, and a daughter, Winifred. Mr. Ireton received a First Lieutenant's commission under Governor E. B. Winans, in 1892. Fraternally he is a 32nd degree Mason, Past Commander St. Bernard Commandery, K. T.; Past Potentate Elf Khurafeh, Shrine A. A. O. N. M. S., being organizer and captain of this Shrine's famous patrol. Decline of Salt Production The manufacture of salt, even at the height of the industry, was productive of very small profits, but the making of by-products from the waste bittern by new and economical processes gradually brought about a revolution in the business. The cost of fuel was the largest single item of expense of manufacture, and the effect of the decline of the lumber business, upon which the salt industry depended for its existence, was noticeable in the eighteen nineties. Without the once free exhaust steam from the saw mill engines, and refuse from the saws, no salt wells could be operated at a profit, and hundreds of pumps that in former years were active soon fell into disuse, and the salt blocks were dismantled. The industry was kept alive, however, by the development of the coal fields in Saginaw Valley, by which cheap slack coal was burned under the saw mill boilers to furnish steam for the brine pumps and salt blocks. Even this means of bolstering up a declining industry was not altogether successful, and the price of salt declining to forty-five cents or less a barrel, its manufacture here was rendered unprofitable. The industry in the Saginaw Valley has not failed absolutely, as in recent years the price of salt has risen to a more profitable plane. In 1916 the business at Saginaw was represented by six active corporations, five of which were engaged in wood-working, and one in making plate glass. They were the Bliss & Van Auken, Mershon, Eddy, Parker Company, S. L. Eastman Flooring Company, Strable Lumber & Salt Company, E. Germain Estate and the Saginaw Plate Glass Company. It was at the last named plant that the most complete salt-making works in the country were completed and put in operation in 1906, and since that time has been the largest producer in Saginaw County. Economics of Modern Salt Making In erecting this new salt block advantage was taken of all new devices, machinery, and methods of handling the product, so that one thousand barrels of fine salt packed ready for market, without the touch of a hand of lift of an arm, are produced in twenty-four hours. The cost of producing fine merchantable salt, moreover, has been reduced to a figure astonishing to all salt experts. The three factors that bring about this economy are solid reinforced concrete grainers, waste exhaust steam from the numerous engines of the glass-making plant, and automatic machinery by which no hand touches a crystal of salt. Only the master saltmaker and a few helpers are required to watch the machinery and keep it in perfect running order. THE SALT INDUSTRY 441 The salt brine is supplied by twelve wells about one hundred and fifty feet apart, ranging in depth from seven hundred and seventy-five to eight hundred feet, and penetrating the rock salt for some distance. The wells are encased with heavy tubing extending down into the rock, through which the saturated brine is brought to the surface; and above rise the drill houses with their high towers protecting the pumping machinery. Each well is equipped with a brine pump operated by a seven and one-half horse power electric motor, the current being furnished by generators in the power plant of the glass works. From the drill houses the brine is pumped to an elevated circular tank of two hundred barrels capacity. All brine is more or less impregnated with iron and other impurities; and to free it of these it is drawn from the elevated receiving-tank to one of a series of settling tanks, to which it flows by gravity. These tanks are built of solid concrete, each one hundred and seventy feet long by twenty feet wide, and seven and one-half feet deep, and are reinforced by long corrugated rods of iron. Every alternate dividing wall is provided with a narrow plank walk, so that the saltmakers can more readily examine the brine. The flow of brine through the troughs along the top and end of the settling tanks is controlled by a simple arrangement of gates, through which it may be made to flow into any of the tanks desired. In these settling tanks the brine is treated to a solution of lime, which precipitates the remaining impurities held in suspension, leaving the brine as blue as ocean expanse, and as pure and clear to the eye, but far more salty to the taste. The purifying of the crude brine through the agencies of the sun, air and chemical action, having been fully accomplished, the clear brine is ready for the next important operation-its conversion into crystaline form. This is the most interesting part of salt making. The clear brine is pumped into one of the salt blocks, a wooden building one hundred and eighty feet square, and conveyed to two concrete pre-heaters, where it is heated by steam coils and made ready for evaporation. SECTION OF SETTLING TANKS, SALT WORKS OF SAGINAW PLATE GLASS COMPANY 442 HISTORY OF SAGINAW COUNTY The grainers, ten in number, are the principal feature of the whole works, and were the first ever constructed of solid concrete. By this departure from the old method of using wooden planks, calked, the builders achieved a remarkable advance in salt-making. The grainers are long shallow tanks of concrete, each one hundred and fifty feet long, twelve feet wide, and twenty inches deep. The sides and bottom vary in thickness from six to ten inches, and rest upon a firm earth foundation, and so constructed with steel reinforcement that no damage occurs by reason of the constant expansion and contraction going on through the changing temperature of the mass. Through the entire length of each grainer are ten four-inch steam pipes, running close together through truss bars suspended about eight inches fiom the floor of the grainer, by means of wire cables secured to heavy lbeams above. The Utilization of Exhaust Steam All the engines of the large plate glass works exhaust into an elevated main, twenty-two inches in diameter, connecting the works with the salt blocks. This main is protected with asbestos covering and the steam is conserved for all the requirements of the salt-making processes. When the engines are not running live steam direct from the boilers is turned into the exhaust main, which is not an unduly expensive procedure since the boilers are fired with cheap slack coal from the coal mines of this valley. The main steam pipe enters the block at the rear end, and extends across the ends of the grainers at right angles to them. At intervals of fifteen feet along the main feed pipes branch off to the right and connect with the ten steam pipes in the grainers. This is done in such a way that there is equal distribution of steam to all, so that all the grainers may be operated at the same time. When the brine in the pre-heaters has reached the requisite temperature, it is allowed to flow into a grainer, nearly filling it. Exhaust steam is then turned on, and passing through the steam pipes in the grainer, continues the heating of the brine to the boiling point, when crystalization begins. This is a most interesting chemical action. Upon the steaming-hot surface of tIhe brine a pellicle of salt forms; it soon breaks and sinks down to be followed by another, and the crystalization proceeds rapildy throughout the grainer. It is the extreme rapidity of the process in the concrete grainers that astonishes the old saltmakers, who declare they have never seen anything like it before. "The secret is this," explained one of them: "the concrete becomes so extremely hot from the maintained temperature of the brine, that it acts as an oven and actually makes salt on its sides. Even after the steam is turned off the grainer goes on making salt for an hour or two. We have had to put on scrapers to remove the salt from the sides of the grainers; and is a device which saves the wages of three or four men." The Wilcox Automatic Rakes The salt accumulates rapidly on the floor of the grainer, and to remove it there were installed the Wilcox automatic rakes, which operate beneath the steam pipes. These are long rigid frames of steel, running the entire length of the grainer, of angle-iron construction, which slide backward and forward along a steel track which is bolted to the concrete walls about six inches from the bottom. At intervals of eight feet, beginning at the extreme back end of the grainer, are hung crosswise rakes of galvanized bar iron, about six inches wiide, hinged to turn upward and forward. This steel frame with the rakes ONE OF THE TEN CONCRETE "GRAINERS," WORKS OF SAGINAW PLATE GLASS COMPANY AUTOMATIC RAKES DUMPING SALT FROM GRAINERS ONTO CONVEYORS SAGINAW PLATE GLASS COMPANY 444 HISTORY OF SAGINAW COUNTY HILLS OF SALT IN HUGE WAREHOUSE, DRYING OUT FOR PACKING IN BARRELS, SAGINAW PLATE GLASS COMPANY is attached at the front end to a hydraulic cylinder, of nine feet stroke, so that with each forward movement of the piston rod the salt is gathered by the rakes and moved along the floor of the grainer nine feet toward the front end. The return stroke places the rake next in front one foot behind the little pile of salt, twelve feet long or the width of the grainer, the hinged rake slipping over, and the operation is repeated again and again. This goes on through the whole length of the grainer, a complete stroke requiring three minutes. The last rake of the series at the front end brings up the accumulated salt on an inclined table which drains off the brine and then dumps it over the edge into a wooden conveyor below. As the salt drops into the conveyors, which are twelve inches wide and twenty inches deep, automatic rakes carry it along to a series of hoppers, set in the bottom of the conveyor, at intervals of twenty-five feet. Beneath the hoppers are fast-running rubber belts, fifteen inches wide, which catch up every particle of the salt and carry it into the storage building adjoining. The salt, as it leaves the belt is caught up by vertical conveyors, lifted to the roof and deposited on other conveyors which carry it to any part of the big buildings desired, where it slips off, forming huge piles. The power to drive these conveyors is furnished by a number of electric motors placed at convenient places for the transmission. When the salt has been inspected it is branded with the company's trade brands, and is then ready for shipment. If loaded in bulk in cars, the operation is simply to run a pair of bucket conveyors into the car and in a short time thirty tons or more of the glistening white crystals are transferred from the hillsides of salt. The usual practice, however, is to ship in barrels, even though the package costs more than the salt it contains. Working Up the By-Products A further economic advantage to the Plate Glass Company in the manufacture of salt, lies in the fact that two of the constituents of plate glasssaltcake and soda ash-are by-products of saline brines. As the brine lies THE SALT INDUSTRY 445 in inexhaustible supply deep down in the earth's crust and under the immense plant, it is, of course, simply a matter of good business to bring the brine to the surface and work it up into the various products, some of which are essential to their other processes. The waste bittern, which remains after the salt has been taken from the brine, is here treated by chemical processes and converted into a dry solid-calcium chloride, which resembles salt. This chemical is used for a number of other purposes, and is in demand principally for refrigerating, cold storage, cooling, the making of artificial ice, and to take the moisture out of blast-furnace gases. It is also used on roads to settle dust, as it is cleaner and better than crude oil. About thirty tons of the substance are made per day in the chemical plant, adjoining the salt blocks, which is thoroughly equipped for the purpose. In each department of the great industry nothing is wasted. Within the last two or three years the chemical business in Saginaw has been augmented by a similar plant for the reduction of salt brine bittern, by S. L. Eastman Flooring Company, at their salt works adjoining the mapleflooring mill in Carrollton, about two miles below the city. Salt Production The production and value in Michigan for 1914, according to the last report issued, were greater than for any previous year, the total amount of brine and rock salt being eleven million six hundred seventy thousand nine hundred and seventy-six barrels, valued at three million two hundred ninetynine thousand and five dollars. The average price per barrel was twentyeight cents three mills, the highest since 1901 except in 1904 when it was thirty cents nine mills. From 1905 the average price per barrel has risen from nineteen cents six mills to the present figure. The following table shows the production and value of salt in this State during the last decade: Barrels Barrels 1906 9,936,802 $2,018,760 1911 10,320,074 $2,633,155 1907 10,786,630 2,062,357 1912 10,946,739 2,974,429 1908 10,194,270 2,458,303 1913 11,528,800 3,293,032 1909 9,966,744 2,732,558 1914 11,670,976 3,299,005 1910 9,452,022 2,231,262 Since the decline of the lumber industry in Saginaw Valley the manufacture of salt here has fallen off to a little more than three per cent. of the total output of the State; and in 1913 and 1914 was as follows: 1913 1914 Barrels Barrels Common fine.............. 95,478 $49,991 30,795 $15,065 Coarse....................266,579 105,053 367,272 176,003 362,057 $155,044 398,067 $191,068 In 1914 the production of Saginaw County was only three and four-tenths per cent of the State production, but in value it was five and seventy-nine hundredths per cent of the total amount received by the manufacturers. The largest proportion of salt output of the State is now derived from the immense salt works on the Detroit and St. Clair Rivers and at Manistee and Ludington, although Bay County still contributes a considerable quantity. WASHINGTON STREET NORTH FROM JANES, 1888 CASS (BAUM) STREET SOUTH FROM TUSCOLA, 1888 CHAPTER XVIII THE COAL INDUSTRY Primitive Coal Mining - Discoveries in Saginaw County - Early Mining at Sebewaing- First Mines il Saginaw - Expansion of the Industry - Arthur Barnard Begins Mining Coal - Labor Difficulties - Some Miners Become Operators - The Operators Take a Hand-Caledonia Wins Out β€”The Operators Regain AdvantageCharacteristics of Saginaw Coal - Development of Mines - Costs of Mining - Value of Coal Lands- Methods of Mining - Introduction of Mining Machines - Coal Production - The Output of Saginaw County - Consolidation of Coal Interests. T HE existence of coal beds in Michigan has been known for many years, almost since the early settlement of the State, but for economic reasons they were not developed until comparatively recent years. Fuel for the pioneers lay at their very doors, the wood from the forests which were leveled to make ready for agriculture, supplying all their simple needs. Timber was a waste product of advancing civilization and had to be burned to get it out of the way. As years passed and cities and towns took the place of primitive settlements, quantities of hardwoods, and the refuse of the saw mills which sprang up on every stream, were made to furnish heat for the inhabitants. Not until the timber supplies of the State began to fail, and other sources of fuel were sought, did enterprising men turn to deposits of coal in the earth. In 1856 the first coal mines in the State were opened a few miles west of Jackson, and five years later mines in the city were first worked by William Walker. The operations were conducted on a small scale, and in 1877 only four mines were worked, giving employment to about two hundred men and producing sixty-eight thousand tons of bituminous coal in a year. Later coal beds at Corunna were developed on a commercial scale, but the product was of poor quality, containing a high percentage of sulphur and ash, although running well to fixed carbon and volatile matter. There was yet but small demand for such fuel and slight incentive for capital to develop new coal fields. Discoveries of Coal in Saginaw County The first discovery of coal veins underlying the Saginaw Valley was made in 1859, in drilling the first salt well of the East Saginaw Salt Manufacturing Company. This well, it will be remembered, was on the east side of the river, just below the present site of Carlisle's tannery. From the diagram of the upper portion of this well, which was made at the time it was put down, it is seen that the drills passed through two coal bearing strata, one twenty-three feet in thickness, at a depth of two hundred and eleven feet from the surface, and the other ten feet in thickness, at a depth of two hundred and forty-six feet. Nothing whatever was done to examine these coal strata or to determine their extent, which is an illustration of the fact that the people had not yet begun to comprehend the great natural wealth and resources of this valley. A wealth of forest in all directions awaited their enterprise and energy to create fortunes therefrom, and lumbering was the one great industry. In drilling into the earth salt brine was what they were seeking, and the discovery and development of it occupied their whole attention. Very many salt wells afterwards drilled passed through various coal strata, but no efforts were made at the time to arouse any public interest in mining it. 448 HISTORY OF SAGINAW COUNTY In 1875 a vein of coal was discovered on the Shattuck farm, five miles west of the city, and created some interest among our enterprising citizens. In a report of the discovery made public at the time, it was stated that: "Two holes, one-fourth mile apart, were sunk to the depth of one hundred and sixty-four feet, resulting in finding a superior article of bituminous coal. During the past summer another hole was bored nearly a fourth mile distant from the others, and the following is the log of the borers: 'sand, sixteen feet; sandstone and slate, twenty-three feet; coal, four and a half feet; sandstone, slate and shale, twenty-four feet, and coal, seven feet, a total of one hundred sixty-one and a half feet.' "The following analysis was reported by the chemist to whom the coal borings were submitted: 'Carbon, seventy-three and three tenths per cent; ash, five and seven tenths per cent; sulphur, sixty-eight hundredths of one per cent.' "The almost entire absence of sulphur and the large preponderance of carbon render this, it is claimed by those who claim to be posted, fully equal to the product of the celebrated Blossburg and Cumberland mines." The report concludes with an account of the drilling at a point southwest of the holes mentioned, on the farm of William Badger on the banks of the Tittabawassee, in which a bed of coal seven feet in thickness was struck at a depth of one hundred and fifty-eight feet from the surface. As in previous discoveries of coal nothing was done to open up mines and as late as 1892, when coal was found at numerous places, south and southwest of Saginaw, from forty to fifty feet below the surface, with good roof, and in beds from five to seven feet in thickness, and of excellent quality, capital was still reluctant to develop the new fields. At that time it was believed that the whole Saginaw Valley was underlaid with rich deposits of coal, and it was confidently predicted by some enthusiasts that coal "would furnish an unlimited supply of fuel for the great manufacturing industries to be developed." Early Mining at Sebewaing Ever alive to the commercial interests of the valley, William L. Webber was the first to practically develop coal mining in this section. He made it the hope of the commercial and industrial development of Saginaw by opening a mine at Sebewaing, in Huron County, on the line of the Saginaw, Tuscola & Huron Railroad, of which he was president. In 1889 John Russell, a well borer, reported to Mr. Webber that he had drilled through a vein of coal about four feet thick, and submitted specimen of coal in fine particles, which was taken from this drill hole. Mr. Webber tested the specimen and finding good coal directed several test holes to be made at his expense. These holes revealed the presence of a bed of considerable extent, and he directed that a shaft be put down in order to take out enough coal to test its quality with other coal then sold in this market. The comparison proving satisfactory, a coal company was formed, of which Mr. Webber was the principal stockholder, and he was elected its president. Mining at Sebewaing by the Saginaw Bay Coal Company was actually commenced in the latter part of 1890, and soon reached a commercial scale, the product finding a market at Saginaw and other cities of the valley. The coal vein was about one hundred feet below the surface, and averaged four and one-half feet in thickness. The quality of the coal, however, was not what had been confidently expected; it contained a large percentage of sulphur, and in burning had a tendency to cake or run together and form a mass on the grates. For this reason it was found to be unsuited for steammaking purposes, and was little used by manufacturing concerns. The coal THE COAL INDUSTRY 449 weas thoroughly tried out in engines of the Saginaw, Tuscola & Huron Railroad, with only partial success; and later was tested by the Flint & Pere Marquette Railroad, but after several months of experiment it was abandoned as unfit for use in locomotives. This decision closed a wide market for Sebewaing coal, and thereafter it was in less demand. Meanwhile much trouble had been experienced in the mining operations by "flooding," and the scarcity of labor, and because of these and other adverse circumstances the Sebewaing mine was closed down in 1894. During 1892 there were mined and shipped from Sebewaing by this and another mine operated by Bay City capitalists, eight hundred and six cars of coal, being an average of sixty-seven cars a month. The amount of coal raised and shipped during the four years of its operation was about sixty-six thousand tons, but the sales did not compensate Mr. Webber and his associates in the mining project for the time and money expended in this experimental stage. The discovery then made and pushed forward proved an incentive for others to follow, and to Mr. Webber, perhaps more than to any other pioneer mine owner, is credit due for having inaugurated a great industry, with numerous mines scattered through the valley, from which thousands of tons of bituminous coal are being hoisted daily. Some years later the old Sebewaing mine was reopened by Thomas P. Whittier and others for the purpose of recovery of pyrites, a mineral which was abundantly associated with the slate. Mining operations were carried on for some time, but without very marked success, the production of coal being a secondary consideration. Pyrites is commonly of a bright brassyellow color, and is often found crystallized in cubes. It is very widely diffused, frequently being found in coal fields, the action of water and air changing into sulphate of iron, during which so much heat is devolved as to render some mines unworkable. The mineral is used for the manufacture of sulphuric acid and alum, and sulphur is obtained from it by sublimation. First Mines in Saginaw County Coal was first mined in Saginaw County early in the eighteen-nineties by local capitalists, who sunk a shaft at Verne, in Taymouth Township, about twelve miles south of the city. This was the original proved coal vein in the valley, and mining operations were conducted on a small scale there for several years. At first the coal met with a ready sale among the farmers and the villages within easy wagon haul of the mine, but gradually it found a market at Saginaw. The quality, however, was inferior to the Ohio and 'West Virginia coals then used in this city for steam and domestic purposes. and the production being limited it was never favorably known here. Later its production was used exclusively near the mine, when it could not be wrorked profitably and was abandoned. The first production of coal on a commercial scale in this county was at the old Saginaw mine, located on the Genesee plank road, in May, 1896. The company which controlled this property was promoted by William T. (Chappel, to whom is due the honor of having successfully inaugurated the coal industry in this city. This mine tapped the richest vein of coal on the east side of the river, and was operated at a good profit through miles of passages until very recent years. When the long distances the coal had to be hauled to the shaft rendered further operations unprofitable, the mine machinery was removed and it was closed. No other mine in this district has had so long a life, or produced so great a quantity of good coal. Expansion of the Industry Encouraged by the success of this venture in coal mining, capital was at last released for investment in the infant industry; and such astute - I m.1 a THE COAL INDUSTRY 451 business men as Harry T. and William J. WTickes organized a company, with Robert M. Randall as general manager, to prospect for and mine coal. As a result the Pere Marquette Coal Company sunk a shaft on the John P. Allison farm, near the Saginaw mine; and it was named Pere Marquette No. 1. Soon after a second shaft was sunk on the West Side, just beyond the city limits between Gratiot and Brockway Streets. This mine was known as Pere Marquette No. 2, and soon mining was commenced on a large scale. About 1899 the Standard mine, located a short distance south and west of the original mine, was completed and put in operation by other parties; and the coal business of the valley was fairly launched. The product found a good market close at home, and at a good profit in active competition with Ohio and West Virginia coals, which had to bear a freight charge from three to eight times more than that of the local coal. Arthur Barnard Begins Coal Mining An enterprising citizen early identified with the coal industry was Arthur Barnard, who first secured coal leases in Blumfield Township, about nine miles east of the city. On this land he soon after sunk a shaft near the line of the Saginaw, Tuscola & Huron Railroad, which formed an outlet for the product. This mine was successfully operated for a number of years, the coal taken from the entries being of very good quality, and was mostly consumed at home. The success of this mine and the prosperity attending the expansion of the industry led to further investments, and early in the present century he "Jimtown" mine, in James Township, the Riverside mine, south of the city on the Tittabawassee, the Chappell & Fordney mine, on the Belt Line near Gratiot Street, and the Barnard mine, on South Michigan Avenue, were sunk by enterprising operators, and the coal business in Saginaw began to assume large proportions. Meanwhile the Pere Marquette Coal Company was absorbed by the Saginaw Coal Company, which was composed of practically the same stockholders, and the mining operations of the company expanded to a huge scale. Besides sinking new shafts in proved coal veins, the company purchased several of the independent coal companies, whose operations had not proved entirely successful, and in a few years it practically controlled the coal business at Saginaw. Some of the older mines, such as the Pere Marquette No. 1, which had reached the end of profitable operation, were dismantled and abandoned. In others improved machinery, electric haulage, and modern equipment were installed, to place them on a better paying basis. For economic reasons the industry was gradually becoming consolidated, not only to better control the market and the shipment of coal, but also to fix the selling price. In this city the price was fixed on the basis of the price of Ohio and West Virginia coals at the mines, plus the freight charges to this point, and ranged from four to four and a half dollars a ton delivered. Labor Difficulties During the early period of coal mining in Saginaw Valley, the labor problem was the greatest difficulty encountered. At first there were no experienced miners here, and after the industry was fairly started it was necessary to go to Ohio and West Virginia coal fields for them. This was no easy matter to bring about, as the Michigan coal fields were almost unknown to the miners of the old fields, and they were reluctant to leave their homes to try out newer conditions in the Michigan field. It was necessary to send a good man with tact, judgment and patience into the coal fields, and corral every unemployed miner and as many others as could be induced to leave 452 HISTORY OF SAGINAW COUNTY their jobs, herd them together as a party in chartered cars for the trip to Saginaw. A close watch had to be kept over them at every place the train stopped, to keep them from wandering off; and even then a number of the recruits would desert their new "boss" at the first opportunity, although the fares and expenses were paid by him. It was altogether a strenuous job to land the greater portion of a gang of new miners in Saginaw, and actually get them started to work in the mines. In this work of bringing in miners Irank S. Spencer, for a number of years with the Saginaw Coal Company, was very successful. Some Miners Become Operators The operators in the Saginaw coal field, which includes all mines in this county, have experienced the usual labor troubles arising from disagreements, disaffection and the persistent efforts of the miners to improve working conditions. Added to these difficulties was the active influence of Socialism, which has many followers among the workingmen in Saginaw, and cries out against the employers with some bitterness. Some of the Socialist miners in looking around for something more practical than verbal expressions of hatred, conceived the general plan of the Caledonia Coal Company, a purely co-operative concern, which was organized in 1905. It was planned to make this essentially a workingmen's mine, the company to be composed of practical mine workers, each of whom was to have an equal share of the stock, and to be equally interested in the output. Every man would thus be working for himself, and whatever his ability and industry gained would be of direct value to himself, instead of going as profit to the capitalist class. The mine and the general business of the company was to be directly controlled by a superintendent, who was accountable to a board of managers; and the decision of this body was to be at all times subject to review by the general assembly of the miner-stockholders. To the socialist mind the plan had much charm, and many workmen were attracted to it. As organized the company consisted of one hundred men with a capitalization of fifty thousand dollars. A year later the number of shareholders and workers was increased to five hundred, and the capital stock to two hundred and fifty thousand dollars. The individual contributions were not large, and some workmen paid for their shares in labor, believing that if the co-operative plan was worth anything, it was worth the trial. The organization of the company was perfected with the utmost secrecy, and all arrangements quietly made for sinking a shaft. A little tract of forty acres in the eastern limits of the city, upon which the coal lease, originally held by one of the old companies, had been allowed to lapse, was quickly secured by the Caledonia Company; and only when actual work on the shaft was begun, did the coal companies and the public learn what was going on. The shaft was put down with surprising rapidity, and on September 1, 1905, coal was sold from the new mine, the entries of which were at a depth of one hundred and sixty-five feet. There still remained the work of clearing away the waste and rock, extending the entries, and erecting the necessary structure over the shaft; and it was late in the Fall before the company was ready to enter the market with its product. The Operators Take a Hand Meanwhile the operators had advanced the price of coal for the local trade, to the regular winter rate of four dollars and fifty cents a ton, although coal was sold at points a hundred miles or more away, with three times the freight charge, at considerably less. Thereupon the Caledonia Company began selling coal at four twenty-five a ton. LOADING COAL IN WAGONS AT CALEDONIA MINE No. 1, 1905 SOCIALIST MINERS JUST UP FROM THE MINE, 1905 454 HISTORY OF SAGINAW COUNTY This unheard-of proceeding aroused the operators to quick action. A conference was held at which they explained to the little group of socialist miners their painful duty. But the miners were not won over. "We must protect the public against extortion," they contended, a principle which fell on unheeding ears. The operators were firm. "You know the price of life," they said. The Caledonia reply was instant and unmistakable. The price of coal was dropped to four dollars, then to three-fifty, at which point it remained for several years. The action of the operators was equally positive. Coal was rushed to the new mine, at which most of its product was sold, and was offered directly in front of the Caledonia mine at the startling price of one dollar and seventyfive cents a ton. This action was kept as secret as possible, as it was hoped that the socialist miners would be brought to their senses, without wide publicity of the methods employed. The Caledonia Wins Out The effect was lacking, however, and when the public realized the situation the little mine was flooded with orders. It was soon evident that the operators were beaten, the supply of one seventy-five coal was withdrawn, and the general retail price for the city trade was fixed at three dollars a ton, delivered, fifty cents under the Caledonia price. But the little socialist mine with only forty acres of coal had already gained many friends, and these continued to stand by it. It was soon evident that the Caledonia mine was the key to the whole situation as only because of its competition was the low price conceded by the operators. If at any time through lack of support or any other cause the Caledonia had succumbed, the retail price would at once have advanced to the old figure. There were enough consumers in the city who realized this fact, and they kept the mine well supplied with orders. It thrived largely because of the difficulties that beset it. True to its promise the Caledonia mine ran regularly, even through the bituminous coal strike of 1C06, when every other mine in the State was closed down for several months. The owners of the mine worked it themselves, they had no labor troubles and were unaffected by labor disturbances outside. Every man was personally interested in the company, and eager to do his utmost for its success. They had the whole market to themselves, during the Summer, but the retail price of their product remained at three fifty a ton. The management was in the hands of strong, capable men. The wage scale of the company was based directly on the Michigan scale, but was applied to "mine run" instead of to the screened coal, as applied by the operators. This was a decided advantage to the miners, and, moreover, was based on a thirty-six inch vein of coal, although in other mines it was based on a thirty inch vein. Day men received ten cents [er diem above the price fixed by the Michigan scale. In 1906 the average wage paid in the Caledonia mine was two dollars and seventy-five cents a day. Realizing that their original forty acres of land, hedged in on all sides by the coal leases long held by the old companies, would not hold out very long, the Caledonia people soon after secured five hundred acres of good coal land on the outskirts of the city, and set about to develop it by sinking a new shaft. All the profits of the first mine, above the operating expenses, and the proceeds of the new stock issued to new workers under their plan, were used in this development; and the company prospered to a remarkable degree. Later another site for extended operations was located on the West Side, in the vein which had produced the best coal in the valley, and it was fully developed. THE COAL INDUSTRY The Operators Regain Their Advantage In January, 1910, discouraged by the continual opposition of the operators, who had become stronger than ever, the Caledonia Company entered into an agreement whereby their entire output was contracted for, covering a period of years, by the Consolidated Coal Company. The expected in regard to the city trade at once happened, the retail price being advanced to four dollars a ton; and in January, 1911, it was raised to four fifty, at which figure it has since remained. The entire production of the socialist mines has since been marketed by the Consolidated people, who, strange as it may seem, are the very "masters" the socialist miners regard with such inveterate hatred. Characteristics of Saginaw Coal According to a report of the State Geologist, the coal veins in Michigan thicken and thin, divide and unite, and pinch out so rapidly, or are cut out by sandstone beds or by erosion so often, that the finding of a thick bed at one place forms no proof that the same bed or other beds may be found a few hundred feet away. On the other hand, the absence of coal at a particular spot does not preclude the possibility of finding workable coal at astonishing short distance away. The beds are often of such local extent that it is never safe to attempt an exploitation of coal deposits without a proving of the area by thorough drilling, and even this is not always reliable. Too often a coal bed gives way to black shale horizontally or vertically, or its place may be taken by sandstone. Cannel coal and bone coal are often observed as gradations from coal to black shale. The Saginaw coal, one of the thickest and most extensive seams in the State, is probably the best vein in quality, though its coal is non-coking. Its thickness is often more than three feet and forms the base of most of the mining in this county. It is low in sulphur with a decidedly high heating power, and although leaning toward gas and coking types, the high content of moisture renders poor coke. Some of the later mined coals, especially of the Saginaw seam, running well above fifty per cent. in fixed carbon, with little or no sulphur, are much higher in grade. Saginaw coal in comparative tests with Hocking Valley, made by E. C. Fisher, of the Wickes Boiler Company, proved superior in several respects to that most famous steam coal. By tests the superior St. Charles coal, which comes from the same horizon, does not rank in efficiency with Pocahontas, but was better than several other coals, and nearly equal to the best Hocking Valley. Its good qualities make it a fine domestic coal and a steaming coal much in favor with railroads. A Rider is a small coal seam found as a cap to the lower and thicker parts of the troughs of coal, and is formed by the settling and compacting made by the fifty or sixty feet of peaty material in the process of forming the main seam, in which shallow basin the rider was made. The middle or Saginaw Rider is a seam of considerable thickness, and possibly the East Side mines have their shafts in this coal. No bed of coal was ever continuous over the basin, as sandstone often replaced the beds, showing that the coal was cut out after it was formed. Development of Mines There are some peculiarities in the occurrence of coal which have retarded and will continue to more or less retard its future development. Sometimes the roof is a porous sandstone or is full of fissures, allowing free circulation of water, but usually the water comes from the coal itself or from the foot walls. Heavy beds of sand and gravel in the drifts carry a great 456 4HISTORY OF SAGINAW COUNTY MINERS SETTING ELECTRIC SHORT WALL CUTTER deal of water, and are formidable obstacles in sinking shafts. Shale forms an impervious roof, but is likely to be weak and thus need considerable timbering if close to the rock surface. An impervious roof is all important in this valley, the amount of water to be handled often being a serious problem. The heavy cost of adequate machinery, and of raising the water to the surface consumes a large part of the profit in mining. For economical handling, shafts are sunk into the lowest part of the coal bed, so that all xwater will run towards the pumping shafts. To find the most advantageous point for beginning operations requires much preliminary drilling. Some of the larger mines have poor roofs of rotten shale or slate, and require much timbering; and frequently a shale roof slakes with exposure to air and scales off, rendering work extremely hazardous. With all these discouraging conditions the Saginaw operators may be thankful that fire damp and coal dust explosions in this field are hardly known, while noxious gases such as choke damp are not troublesome. The nines are too wet for dust explosions, and only a few miners have ever been injured by this cause in Michigan. Nearly all the casualities in local mines have been caused by falling slate and coal, due to weak and unsupported roofs. Costs of Mining Because of excessive water, quicksands, smaller workable areas, thin veins and lower grade coal, the expense of prospecting and proving up areas, of sinking shafts, of mining thin veins, of timbering bad roofs and of handling water is far greater in this valley than in Ohio and Indiana. Higher mining and wage scale and extra allowances for narrow work tend to swell the expense rolls. The average cost of placing a ton of coal on a car, in 1910, was one dollar and seventy-nine cents a ton, which was sixty to eighty cents more than the average cost in NATest Virginia. A larger part of the increased cost is keeping up the mines during the Summer, the water making it imperative that the pumps be kept working. Many operators continue mining throughout the dull season, marketing a THE COAL INDUSTRY 457 limited production at very slight profit, or even at a small loss. It is the cost of getting rid of the water in the local mines that enables Ohio operators, in dull times, to lay down at a small profit their excess coal at the very tipples of our mines, at prices ruinous to the operators. Freight rates on Saginaw coal to the markets it reaches run from twentyfive cents to seventy cents a ton, and the difference between these and the rates from mines in Ohio and West Virginia, which range from one dollar and forty cents to one dollar and ninety cents a ton, to the same markets, forms a protective tariff for our coal. Thus, there is a net margin of protection to Saginaw coal ranging from nothing to forty-five cents, or a little more for purely local use. But a ton of the best Ohio or West Virginia coal is worth in actual heating power slightly more than a ton of average Saginaw coal. The difference in quality, measured by British Thermal Units, has a money value of twenty to thirty cents a ton, therefore, Saginaw coal cannot compete with the former at the same prices. Value of Coal Lands Experience has shown that hardly half of the computed tonnage of a coal bed is ever realized in actual mining. This is due to incomplete and unreliable drilling, sudden or unexpected variation in thickness of the vein, or weak and treacherous roof. The first reduces the total amount of coal present; the second reduces the amount of workable coal, and the third the amount of available coal, as a large amount of coal must be left as pillars. A three-foot vein of coal should yield about three thousand tons to an acre, which at ten cents a ton profit gives three hundred dollars as the value of coal land. But undeveloped and unproved land is worth only about onehalf that of developed tracts, or five cents a ton as a base price. This figure, however, must be discounted according to the length of time before mining begins and number of years of life of the mine. The value of undeveloped but proven property is estimated at one and one-quarter cents a ton, giving a land value of thirty-seven dollars and fifty cents an acre for the coal. ELECTRIC CONTINUOUS CUTTER MOUNTED ON TRUCK, READY FOR OPERATION 458 HISTORY OF SAGINAW COUNTY In 1910 the average price received for coal was one dollar and ninety-one cents a ton, from which was deducted the costs of operation, or one dollar and seventy-nine cents, leaving twelve cents as net profit per ton. Some mines average better, some less, and a few have run at a loss. In Saginaw County there ar2 three thousand three hundred and ninety-seven acres of proven coal lands, estimated to contain nine million five hundred and fifty-six thousand five hundred tons of coal, and valued at three hundred fifty thousand nine hundred dollars. From these facts it is obvious that Saginaw coal lands have only slight value over and above their value for agricultural purposes. Methods of Mining The thin and variable seams of coal, the treacherous shale roofs, and the abundance of water are the factors determining the methods of mining in this State. In general operators must rely upon a thorough draining system and good pumps to keep the entries dry. The roof of most of the coal seams is a black shale, and often requires a great deal of support. Usually large pillars of coal are left standing for this purpose, but these cut out a great deal of coal per acre; and the low yield of about one thousand tons per acre is largely due to the use of the room and pillar system. Timbering is much resorted to, but adequate timber is so expensive, due to the exhaustion of the timber supplies near at hand, as to be almost prohibitive. From actual experience the mining of veins thinner than three feet is more expensive on account of narrow working quarters and greater amount of dead work. Naturally the average cost per ton of mining a four-foot vein is less than that of a three-foot vein. Veins less than two and a half feet in thickness cannot possibly be mined at a profit under present economic conditions. In mines working beds more than three feet thick it is often possible to extend operations into areas much thinner, providing the coal is of good quality and the roof is good. In the method characterized as "shooting off the solid" the only preparation consists of drilling the holes necessary for the explosive charge. Objection to this method has arisen because it is injurious to the mining property, in that the unusual charges of powder weaken the roof and pillars, which increases the liability to falls of roof and coal. Furthermore, it is a wasteful method in lowering the quality of the product. The heavy charges of powder necessary to blow down the coal, when it has not been previously undercut or sheared, result in the production of a much higher proportion of fine coal, and render the lump coal so friable that it disintegrates badly in handling and in transportation. This naturally creates dissatisfaction on the part of the consumer who buys lump coal and gets at best mine-run. Introduction of Mining Machines The large coal operators of the Saginaw Valley have kept pace with the manufacturing interests, realizing that the best methods and the best equipments are absolutely necessary for successful mining. This is shown by the large numbei of mining machines installed in local coal mines, and the large proportion of coal undercut by them. The first coal cutting machines were introduced in 1898, and materially increased the quality as well as the quantity of the coal mined. They were so successful that twenty-five machines were used in the following year, and the number gradually increased until a maximum of one hundred and twenty was reached, including seventeen punches, eighteen chain breast and seventy-two short wall or continuous cutters. Even this new equipment did not keep pace with the growth of the industry, as in 1910 the machine mined coal was only forty per cent. of CLOSE UP VIEW OF SHORT WALL CUTTER, SHOWING COMPACTNESS OF CONSTRUCTION ELECTRIC CHAIN CUTTER OPERATING IN ENTRY 460 HISTORY OF SAGINAW COUNTY the total production. The ratio, however, increased rapidly after 1910, and in 1914 nine hundred ninety-eight thousand nine hundred tons, or seventyseven and eight tenths per cent., were raised by machines; two hundred eighty-one thousand six hundred tons, or twenty-two and nine tenths per cent., were "shot off the solid," while only twenty-three hundred and seventy tons, or two-tenths of one per cent., were mined by hand. Coal Production It was not until 1896 that Michigan began to be reckoned among the coal producing states. There was a steady but extremely slow increase from twenty-three hundred and twenty tons in 1860 to about one hundred and thirty-five thousand tons in 1882, the one hundred thousand ton mark being realized in the years 1880 to 1882, inclusive. The panicky times immediately following completely demoralized the struggling industry, so that the production fell off to about thirty-five thousand tons. In 1894 it again declined to about forty-five thousand tons, or ten thousand tons less than in 1885. The sale of Michigan coal is limited mainly to its home markets, and coal mining wholly outstripped the growth of the cities which were its best customers, so that, in 1907, the production was much greater than their capacity to consume. The banner production of that year glutted the coal markets so that coal prices fell to points ruinous to operators; and the dull iron season of 1908 caused Ohio operators to seek new markets for their surplus coal. With cheaper mining facilities they were able to put their product at a small profit upon Michigan markets at prices that meant bankruptcy to our operators, if long continued. The year 1908 showed a decided falling off in local production, due to these causes, which has continued to the present. The total production of the State in 1914 was one million two hundred eighty-three thousand and thirty tons, valued at the mines at two million five hundred fifty-nine thousand seven hundred and eighty-six dollars. This was an increase of fifty-one thousand two hundred and forty-four tons, or four and sixteen hundredths per cent. in quantity, and one hundred four thousand five hundred and fifty-nine dollars, or four and twenty-six hundredths per cent. in value, over 1913. The Michigan production exceeded two million tons in one year only, 1907; since then decreasing steadily until 1912 when it reached the minimum for the decade. The decrease is attributed to the competition of higher-grade coals from West Virginia, and to the small demand for lump coal in manufacturing plants of the State, many of which are equipped with mechanical stokers and use slack coal obtained cheaply from the eastern mines. Michigan slack thus becomes a drug on the market, and the coal mines are obliged to depend almost exclusively on the domestic trade which requires lump coal. In Winter the demand for lump coal exceeds the capacity of the mines, and in Summer the production exceeds the demand. The Output of Saginaw County The growth of the Saginaw coal industry has been due to the central location of the field, extensive markets near the mines, and to the complete network of railroads to the large manufacturing centers of the State. Saginaw and Bay counties produce about ninety-two cent of the total amount of coal mined in the State; and out of thirty-seven mines, Saginaw County has sixteen and Bay County twelve. In 1914 the production in Saginaw County was five hundred eighty-four thousand six hundred and forty-eight tons, of which five hundred thirteen thousand nine hundred and eighteen tons were loaded at the mines for ship THE COAL INDUSTRY 461 ment; forty-eight thousand one hundred and ninety-four tons were sold to the local trade; and twenty-two thousand five hundred and thirty-six tons were used at the mines for steam and heat. The total valuation was one million one hundred ninety-four thousand four hundred and thirty dollars, an average value of two dollars and four cents a ton at the mine. The average number of working days was two hundred and fourteen, and the number of miners was eleven hundred and ninety. The coal production of Saginaw County in short tons from 1899 to and including 1914, the last year of which a report has been issued, is shown by the following table: 1899.................... 1900.................... 1901.................... 1902.................... 1903.................... 1904.................... 1905................... 1906.................... Analyzing the produc table by months: o ). O ~ 4- 1