ful "' R I s ';~": Y SVANS;REN COUNTY GAZETTEER D)ECATUR Flouring Mills. ABBOTT & MATTHEWS, Proprietors. MIII,0 OR1 N MAlONM AI) MILL1 FEED ALWAYS ON HAND, FOR SAL.E o C &IN3A2TG-E. HIGHE0ISTV~[ M[API(T 1P RIl(~ PAID FOR WHEAT. Office at the Mills, George St., near M. C. R. R., DECATUR, MICH. Nm~ rr ' L - II -ý *OWN mama7~T Lra EI~ 1)- -- PRO I -~p----- 0 war 91 I C _ _ I _ L _ VAN \ I:IwN CHINT GAZETTEER AHE GiREAT WAROBE I(N OF TILE LTVE YANKEE!! B. EICHELMAN, PRop n, KI,' P IS CON 'TAN UN W\ HAN1) One of the Largest and Best Selected Stocks CLOTHING! C L 0 TI H I N G IN TVE I N IICII1 \AN,;NM \V l 11( WI I II SELL AT PRICES THAT DEI'Y COMPETITION! (hiaratee Pcrfre ct Satisf actliin! SPAOIALTY 1 4 1 14 Ni SELL ATl PRIC@ES THAT DEFY COMP~ETITION!N Cwstan \W ork (done III 1 lth e h cý-t, stv ie.ua rnd IT's wnrar itced eveirv tinm e rsoIns plucharina lo (bill( X 1 will ha ve it (lit 16 them F111%EI 1(o particlul;lr wl ilook 1r tlhe Sign( of tI e '- Live Yankee, thei *youi camnmot imiss thie laee _ C _ _ _ __ __ _ _ I _ ~ _ _ ~ 5~"-'-~ c~1 1, c c: n F r: r, r, r, 3 E ts, i= ~1. Cr, t~ Z ii " c' S ~cl rt i r.13 1_3: ^~~ c~-~ Y /I --t % -re Ci r, ~-~ ~ CS I~ "c"" -/1 cc nw C, s;4 z % --~ % -~ ln -i R 3 tr, %:If -G - " /j 7 =--1 C1 ~3~ cl-1 j rr/ i ~;~:C: C3 I ~ ~ ~,rg: "~ Ic r, 7: `v j: sS; CY C+ -. ~~-r ~ " L4 rr -* C-r i r ~r, ~ - Lc = ct --r C~ r, J 3 RL " ~i r+,i W C % c 5r %",T~ L c" i -- c" -I: c r, 3~ ii -c. 3 r-r i i~, --~ -~ - 5 r-re ~ ~-~ CC c~ s L ~Ir -~ ~-c % -~ ~ r I~%: % n h h I-~1 C- C "-h It -~4 ei- 4C: i ^~ % (, "~' r3 I: r ~II~ i vv ~21~3 r3 5 r-, ~--1 - -_ c h IS ci n,-z c_, j 7; C1 -e I-J z, $-- r R i-i 3 -e r r "i 3~ i ct -? 1 r, t: r, r, r, o ~ cc i (-3 c~-t r; ct. cr rp c; r/i ~j 3 "i r~ n 3 c rz S - -j =maw *MOEN* "NNW ~~ iI,_;b~l(?i ~,c;:r.I! ti~ili~i M tC i:I~i~ri t3 '~~ M I~ Y, r;ci S C) 0 C) U 0 CD =I~ CD~ CD3 0 CD o r r CD CD > CDq cr CD C/ý CD -I: JIM P 1 Im=3 0 H I - ' ~` r_ I -- - - -- -- ---- _ __ ~ _ ~_ I~ __ I ~ __ VAN BI)IIEN C)OUNTY (ItAZE'TTEER URANDAL N R RO, Resident Dentists, Off ice QYer Cln(d wiCktW,' Store, D zCATUR, MIJ.F. TEEFR EX FIA('TEI) XV V7110&i AIN 4 /44 I) /44ruI4. Sp'ci('I1 ittenio 001 to pVe'0 1n) 1 i 1 i 0111 Flijit 414 48 enI I I it Examination Free of Charge. WeI~ take ph I asui~ r e~ inl referr~i ngf thos~c whoii w~ishr or~ll serv-ices s to thec follow~Di. XWi. 11evs, oad S. (. Ite Sni geoii lboti'i, Duncombe House, DECATUR, MICH. H. GALLOWAY, Proprietor. ill ill as pai t4lnns loam polform eli th a l v0w S.l l o t ' 1 lteds lpitch It- Iets ftbsbe el unse hogot o ýpreseAll t E RI8ZE E-T A. O I To and ll rotiI tli ( Cars. alid miagglu.1 ''e (arricd Urce. Charge il oh'drate. a emshntion Ftre oi f it iiha 14g e' 41 tely We l anke ply dc ourte ll refe re atment..lia(! Q G w o h ( tmaS nerie d! I(A the l Dico)11(- -cnbtec t wit I ti' H e i 1'. Seii.Ie 1lV1 this o11use 1 duily tor tow K aelfi, Mlillbtu2. B nt 1 1H ro1*11 1 a1111 St. 1e4 4 h1. DOWNS HOUSE, DECATUR, MICH. It. e. DOWNS. noiRmI'ron.t. P, o\ VAT I B Ra 83Sf it; z /TUEBOR E-4E ic GAZETTEER - ANDi - t Z 1USINDESS )IRECTORY. CONTAININf Z HISTORICAL AND DESCRIPTIVE SKIETCUIES OF TILE SE VERAL TOWN51I1P IN THE COUNTY, AND A DIRECTORY OF THiE MNE4) AND OCCUPATION OF THE zM z A,~lL~III i m7 SERCANTS. FAMtI1ERS AND) MANUFACTURO ~ERS TLHOIHIOUT THl1E (COUNTY. To WHICHI1. ARE ADDEl) S.a COMPLETE CL.ASSIFIEI) D)IREC7TOIRY 0 liST OF P081 AND MONEY ORDE4 ) OFFICES --IN TIHE - STATE OF MICHIIAN. bie COMPIILED l AN) PUBLISHEDI) BY C I-IIILL & VLE EANTT \TS, DE('kTIURH, MICH. W ~1860,. N- OPPOSITE M. C. R. R. DEPOT, And Conivellieint to STHE BUSINESS PART OF TOWN. I _ __ ~_______ _ _~~_ ~__ E. A. BLACKMAN, Printer, DEGCATUR, MICH. 1__ _ _____ _ __ _~_ ___ ____ ___ _ _~_____ _L AND BUSINESS DIRECTORY. untrobuttor2. In the march of events it is desirable and proper occasionally to pause and look about ourselves, and discern, if possible, what and where we are and whither we are tending. The development of our country is making gigantic strides; yesterday a forest-to-day a town-to-morrow a city. The photographer fastens the image of the present upon his plate and preserves it for future generations. The book we now present to the public is intended as a sort of typograpb of Van Buren County for 1869. Retrospects are profitable. Posterity should remember its antecedents. To this end we have been at great pains to procure accurate and reliable information as to the present status of the County-its resources, population, growth and business facilities. We have diligently searched Township and County records, conversed with early settlers and " oldest inhabitants," and in short have availed ourselves of all known resources of information to obtain accurate sketches of the towns and villages. We have sought faithfully to rescue from oblivion the most interesting incidents of the early settlement of the County. If inaccuracies and imperfections have crept into our typoglraplh, it is partly because Young America was too restless to sit for his picture, and partly because the whirligig of events has" sometimes rudely jostled our camera, and not because of any inattention to business on our part. In presenting the VAN BUREN COUNTY GAZETTEER AND BUSINESS DIRECTORY to the public, we trust that a little modest self-gratulation will be admissible. We have no hesitation in saying that we have done the public a service and rendered an equivalent for all the money we shall receive for our labor. Important statistics are here gathered in a compact and valuable shape, suitable for the archives of Township and County. That as an advertising medium it has met a want of the business community, is abundantly attested by the liberal patronage which that department has received. The mechanical execution of the work speaks not only for itself, but speaks loudly for the printing establishment of E. A. Blackman. where the printing was done. Our thanks are due to a host of friends and patrons, who have sustained and encouraged us in our undertaking. and especially to the press of the County, which has from time to time made kindly mention of us. Decatur. May, 186(9. TIIE PUBLISLEuS. 10 VAN BUREN COUNTY (AZETTEER GEN ERLAL IN DEX. A lbreviat ions................................................... lead of each 'ITown ship Alneita, list rIical and descriptive sketch of..................................... 177,AntNwerp, historical and descriptive sketclh ofi..................................... 95 Arlington, historical anid descriptiive sketch of..............................18 I iugoir, historiical anII descriptive sketch of............................ 23 Bang'or street direc ory................................. 25 mangor villagoe direct iory................................................9 1Breedl sville street directory............................................. Bleedlsville village dlirectory............................................ 1 Bloomnitiglale. Iistoric.icl aril dCescriptive sketch of....................179 Classified IBusities s Directory...............................................335 Columbia, historical at11d descriptive sketch of.................................... 29 Decatur, h[istorical an 1 lescriptive sketch of....................................... Decatur Vilbulge, historical 1nd descriptive sketch of..................... 38 D)ecatur street directory.............................4................................. 45 Decatur village directory........................................... 46 Deerfield, historical and descriptive sketch of..............................181 ( enteva, hi istoricalt anid Ilescriptive sketch of........................................ 18 Ilamniltoim, historical and ldescript ive sket chi of...........................182 Hartford, historical and dlescriptive sketch of................................... 8 HI frtford street lirectoryY........................................................72 Hart1for0 village directory................................................. 72 Inliex. general............................................................... 10 Inldex t o a~lve~t~isemien t I,.............,,.,,,,.,,,......,.....11, Index to adver1t isements................................................................. 11 I n11 trodlietory...................................4........ ý Keeler, historical and descriptive sketch Ii of..................78................ 78 Keeler street directory..................................................... 7 Keeler village directory.............................................7t Land owners and farmers directory........................................186 La renice, hisitorical and l descriptive sk(et -l' (Of............................ 82 Lawrmence set elt directlory............................................................ Lawrence village directory.............................................................87 Lawtoiu. historical anl lescriptive sketch of................................. 95 Law ton street directory................................................................ 98 LawNton village directory.......................................................I... t ( List of Post Offices ill the State of Alichigimai......................................:1 MattN-awan, historical andl descriptive sket chi of...................................117 Mattarwan street directory.............................................117 Mlattawan village lirectory.............................................................118 Paw Paw, historical andtl Ilescriitive sketch of................................... 1 2.51 Paiw Paw street directory..............................................128 Paw Paw village dlirectory......................................................129 Pine Grove, historical and descriptive sketch of............................18 Porter, historical and descriptive sketch of................................184 South Haven. historical and ldescriptive sket ch of'..........................148 South Il aven street dirlectory.............................................1. South Haven village directory.......................................15 Van Buren County, historical and dlescriptive sketch of........................ 21 Van Buren County, early history of...................................................177 Van Buren County Officers for 186............................................ 22 Waverly, historical andl descriptive sketch of...................................185 AND BUSINESS DIRECTORY. INDEX TO ADVERTISE1MENTS. 11 A (.-RICULT1UIAL I1MMPLEAMENTS. Blowers & lodges..................... 42 Gilson,.J. I............................108 Kinney, Adams & Co. (col'd page) 99 Moore, J. M. & Co....................209 Thomas, S. N........................... 61 Whitney & Koons..................... 34 Wrighit & Co............................104 ARC HIT ECTS AND) BUILDERS. Cornwell & Taylor....................120 Crowley, J. F...........................168 ATTORNEYS.S Cole, Ilia.......................... Galligan,, IE. (patent.)............334 Lillie, 11. M...........................18 IParkhurst & Foster......... Phillips, BD. A........................168 ipton & Tucker..................... 5 1 BA RkKE [RIE1"S. uIidwrig & )ikeian.............. 162 B.AR11IE R[S. )hIanlIon, 1.)........................... 57 IBILLIAID HIALLS. (Cross.. II...............................1(D 7 BLACKS~llTlS. Hodges & Odbert.....................1If5 Quint, 0. W....................... 0 -BOOTS AND SIOES. Abbott Bros., (cold patge).......... 44 Arnold, 1. & Son...inside back cover ('10ger & Strope, (cold page).....152 lMorrill, C. M., (cold pa ge,)......100 BREWERIES(rif iti. William......................217 CLOTHING AND GENTS' FURNISILING GOODS. Abbott Bros., (col'd page).......... 44 Eichelman, B., (col'd page,)....... 4 Frankenberg & Rosecnberg......... 53 Marshall, H. M., (col'd page.).... 85 Townsend & Haynes, (col'd page)151 CROCKIERY AND (LASSWARE. Dodge, T. F....................top lines Dowd, J. S. & Co................top lines DENTISTS. Crandall Bros., cold page, next title page. Holmes, A. J...........................341 McFarland, L. R...................119 M1illspangh, 0. L.................... 8.) Rowley, C. S. & Son, (col'd page) 5 DRESS MAKERlS. uriggs & Swift. Misses................342 1) H UG GISTllS. LaRule & Bake.........................28 Leavens, D. Y 20, (cold page 4i,) 81, 94. 176). Fitch,. \. L. cL..............top lines Mlanley, C'. E.................... 71 Smith, George P.., (cold page)....100 l)RIY (CI)D)S. A bbott Bros.. (col'd page).....44, 8'42 Arnold, ii. & Son, inside back cover. lurlingame, E. S......................157 Conger & Strope, (col'd page).....152 Fitch, L. A. & L.-C.........top lines Hathaway, A. S..................... 5 Knowles, W. I..........................32 _ I ___ _ _ __ 12 VAN I UREN COUNPY (IAZETVEEIR La Rue R& Baker....................... 28 Marshall, H. M.. (col'd page)..... 85 I'lPhelps Br3os., (cold page).......... 73 Reynolds, A. E., (col'd page)...... 74 Russell, F. G....................top linesq Scrirnger & Son....................... 80 Wright & Lounsbury.................164 FEED, SALE AND LiVERY STABLES. Seymour & HSigh..................... 47 FORIVWA R1)1INTG ANiD COMMi ISS ION. Kinney, Adams & Co., (col'd page) 99 IHaynes, James........................ 14 FOUNDRIES AND M1ACHINE SHOPS. Whitney & Koons..................... 4 Wright & Co............................104 FRUIT FARMS. Coan. R. S...........................168 'FURNITURE[ ROJ)(OMS. Allen. NP. P.............................3 Hlowe, Frank...........................170 MNorrill, C. 1., (col'd page)........100 Noble, L.................................235 GENERAL STORES. IHill, W. S.........................1-.. 77 Johnson & Tirrell...................103 Marshall, ii. I..(cold page)...... 85 Sherman, A. 4'Co....C..............14P3 Wright 4 Lounsbury.................164 GRAIN SEPARATORS. MclKinney, N. B. Co...............255 GB RST AND FLOURING 1M1LLS. Abbott ' -M atthews........inside front cover. Nyman,.J........................... 24 Sheriman Ross....................148o Trowbridge Mace...................265 GRIOCERIES. Abbott Bros., (col'd page)....44, 842 Arnold, H. 4' Son,..inside back cover Church, 11. C. 4 E.................... 47 Conger & Strope, (col'd page).....152 Dowd, J. S. & Co...............top lines Durkee & Warner....................156 Fitch, L. A. & L. C............top lines Higgins & Squier..............top lines Glidden, W. H...................top lines Knowles. WI..I............... 32 La iRue & Baker.................... 28 Ludnlwig & Dikernan................... 162 Marshall, Ii.., (cold page)...... 85 Phelps Bros., (cold page).......... 78 Reynolds, A. E., (col'd page)...... 74 Scriruger & Son........................ 30 'Trowbridge & Hill, (cold page 2, 42, 84 andl 176. Wright & Lounsbury.................1 64 IIAIRDWA RE. Carpenter, W..................... 71 (Gilson, J. H1........................108 Kinney, Adams Co. (cold page) 99 Moore, J. M. ( Co...............9.....426 Sunderlin. II. H........................844 Thonmas, S. N......................... 67 HIAINESS AND SAJ)DLERY. Micad, II......S...................... 54 Mlead,.Villiamn......................... 4( IH)BSE FAIRIIERS. Quint,.................. HOTELS. Bowen, II. F......................I.160) Breed,. 1............................27 'Downs, It. J...............on title page Galloway, 11., cold page next title page. Jacksm, C. CM.......................... 7) Mather, S. G., (col'd page)......... 86 Robinson, L. K...................161 Shermian, C. A.........................124 Willard. 5. 11..........................119 AND BUSINESS DIRECTORY. 13 INSURANCE AGENTS. Blowers 4 Hodges.................... 42 Bryan, W. P........................168 Huston, J. WV. 4 Co..................134 Potter, J. B............................. 86 INSURANCE COMPANIES. Continental Life.........................352 JEWELERS. IIHawks, E. L., top lines and........ 7 Fitch, M. J, & L................163, 172 MASONS. Maxwell, F. I.........................138 MERCHIANT TAILA)RS. -Arnold, II. & Son...inside back cover Eichelman, B., (cold page)........ 4 Marshall, 11H. M., (col'd page)...... 85 Wachsmunth, John....................168 MILLINERS. Barney, Mrs. L. M....................348 Burlingame. E. S........................157 Russell, F. G...................top lines Waffle, Mrs. A..........................8l48 NEW'S DEALERS AND STATIONERS. Glidden, P. A....................107, 184 Manley, A. Al.................to)p ilnes NEWS PAPERS AND JOB PRINTVan Buren County Republican,...84, I11 and 1706. PHOTOGRAPHERS. Boughton, G. B....................... 49 D)ey, Mrs. S. E.......................107 Millspaugh, O. L....................86 Newman. L. R......................159 PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS. Briggs, Thomas H1...................110 Dunning, E. B. o.....................119 Engle, W. A............................ 71 IGriffiin, 1. S..........................106 Moulton, A. N..........................168 Thompson, Albert.....................168 PIG IRON. Michigan Central Iron Co.......... 97 PLANING MILLS. Harwich, II. V........................105 Humphrey, J. hi.......................199 Nyman, J. II........ 0........... 24 Prentiss 4 Rawson....................259 Scrim ger, W. J...................... 30 A11AILROADS. Paw Paw, Railroad Co.............147 SA1LOONS, Knights 4 Perkins............850 SASH, DOORS ANI) BLINDS. Hiarwick, if. V................105 Humphrey, J. 11.................. 199 Nyman, J. If............................ 44 Prentiss 4 Rawson....................259 SAW MILLS. Nymran,.1.......................... 24 Scrimger, W. J....................o STAGE LINES. GCiraves, V..........................ti.2, 1t(1 STUMP EXTRACTORS. Galligan, Charles E...............84 IVAGON AN1) CAlCARIAGE NAlAKERS TANNERIES. Rathbone, E............................166 Cornwell & Taylor...............-.120 Hodges & Odbert...................1.65 WALL PAPER. IlHiggins & Squier................top lines Leavens, I, D W....................... 20 WOOLEN MILLS, Nyman, J, II........................ 24 KALAMAZOO ADVERTISEMENTS Munger & Champlin................271 Parker, H, S............................281 _I ___ I~ _s _ __ _ 14 V M ItJLREU C)IJNUY GVZ ET'rE E3 WilI~l.Ed;ALE DEkiLR iN Grain and Produce, \IAN 1FACTURER(1 1 AN[Ii DEA f IN LUMWBER, LATH, and SHINGLES. L A1 L l'A A T U), 'fTflli KNICKERBOCKER Office on Sherwood St.. opposite M. C. R. R. Depot, DECATUR, MICH. I AND BUSINESS DIRECTORY. 15 LIST OF POST OFFICES -IN THESTATE OF MICHIGAN, ARRANGED BY COUNTIES. A star * denotes Money Order Offices; [c. h.] County Seats. Alcona Alcona, Harrisville Allegan. -Allegan (c. h.) New Casco Bradley New Salem Cheshire Otsego Douglas Overisel Ganges Pine Plain Graafschap Plainwell Gun Marsh Proctor Hopkins Rabbit River Leighton Saugatuck Manlius Silver Creek Martin Wayland Moline West Casco Monterey Alpena. *-Alpena (c. h.) Ossineke Antrim. Antrim City Rootville Elk Rapids (c. b.) Torch Lake Barry Bay. Arenac Au Gres *Bay City (c. h.) Portsmouth Wenona Benzie. Almira Inland Benzonia (c. h.) Joyfield Homestecad Berrien. Avery Laketon Bainbridge Millburgh Benton Iarbor New Buffalo Berrien Centre New Troy ' Springs(c.h.)*Niles Bertrand Pipestone Buchanan Royalton Chickaming *Saint Joseph Coloma Sodus Dayton Three Oaks Au Claire Watervliet Galien Weesaw IBranci. Algansee Kinderhook Batavia Mattison Bethel Newstead Bronson's Prairie Noble Centre Butler Orangeville California Quincy CColdwater [c.h.] Round Lake East Gilead Snow Prairie Gilead South Butler Girard Union City Assyria Baltimore Barryville Blair Cedar Creek Fillmore Gull Lake Gun Lake *Hastings (c.h.) Hickory Corners Irving Johnstown I Maple Grove Merritt Middleville Milo Nashville North Irving Orangeville Mills Prairieville Woodland Yankee Spring .~,, -~;----. ------~- - --I------:...~._L--- 16 IVAN BUREN COUNTY GAZETTEER C'alhoun. Abscota East Leroy -Albion Homer Athens Marengo *Battle Creek *Marshall (c. h.) Bedford Neivwton Burlington Partello (C'eresco Pine Creek Clarence Seeilla Clarendon Centre Tekonsha Convis Centre West Leroy Cass. Emmaet. Barnard Charlevoix Bear River Lit. Traverse(c.h.) G-I Argentine Atlas Clio Davison Elgin Fentonville `TFlint (c. h.) Flushing Gaines' Station Genesee Village Goodrich Grand Blanc I I enesec. Kipp's Corners Linden Montrose Mt. MAorris Station Mundy O)tisville Pine Run Richfield Swartz Creek Thetford Centre Whitesburgh I Adamsville Brownsville Calvin Cassapolis (c. h.) aDowagiac Edwardsburgh J effersonville La Grange Little Pra. Ronde Marcellus Model City Newburgh Pokagon Shave Head Sunimerville Union Vandalia Volinia Williamsville Grand Traverse. Dunbar Silver Lake Grand Traverse *Trav. City (c.h.) Hopkinsville White Water Mapleton Yuba Monroe Centre Grat iot. C/hebooygan. Duncan (c. h.) Burt Ch/ipewa. Sault de Ste. Marie (c. hI.) Clinton. Alma Beaver Creek Bridgeville Elm Hall Forest Hill Ithaca (c. h.) La Fayette Monticelle Newark New Haven Centre North Shade North Star Pompei Saint Louis Spring Brook Stella Bath t Bengal Dallas De WIitt Du Plain Eagle Elsie Eureka Geary Lyon's Mill Maple Rapids North Eagle O)vid Riley *St. John's (c.h.) Shepardsville Victor Wacousta WYestphalia Delta. Delton Garden Esconawba (c.h.)Nalmn Ford River hEaton.l 1Jillsdale. Amboy Moscow% Cambria Mills Mosherville Camden North Adams Cass Osseo Edinburgh Pittsfort Frontier Ransom *Hillsdale (c. I.) Reading Jefferson Somerset Jonesville South Wright Litchfield Sylvanus Morganville Wheatland Centre Hloughiton. (alumet *Houghton (c. h.) Hancock L'Ance Huron. Caseville Port Austin Forest City Port Hope Huron City Rock Falls New River Sand Beach (c.h.) Ora Labor Sebewaing Pinnebog White Rock Bellevue Brookfield Carlisle Centre *Charlotte (c.h.) Chester Delta East Walton Eaton Rapids Elmira, Grand Ledge Kalamo Mud Creek Olivet Roxana Spicerville Sunfield Vermontville West Windsor Windsor _ ~ II__ _ __ ___ ___~ _~____~___ __~ ~~ I _ __~_ I__ AND) BUSINESN DIRECTORY. 17 Alverson Aurelius Bunker Hill Dansville Eden Felt's Fitchburgh LANS1INC Leslie Locke IJgham. Mason ( North A Okemos Ononda Red Br Stockbr Webber White C William Winfiel Kalamazoo. c. h.) Alamo Oshtemo urelius Augusta Pavilion l Brady Portage ga Climax Prairie Richland idge Comstock Schoolcraft 'idge Cooper Wakesama ville *Galesburgh West Climax )ak *Kalamazoo (c. h.)Yorkville stown Ken. Kc nt Algodon Campbell Danby Easton H-Iubbardston *onia (c. II.) Kiddville Kossut li Lyons Maple M therton Muir North Plains Orange Ionia. Otisco Palo Patterson's Mills 1Pewamo Portland Rix Ronald Ceutre Saranac Sebewsa Smyrna South Boston South Cass Wheatland Ada Caledonia Alpine Cannonsburgh Alto Cascade Alton Cedar Springs SAshley Celsus Austerlitz Cody's Mills Bostwick Lake Cortland Centre Bowne Cuba Buck Creek Englishville Fallassburgh North 'Brownville Gainesville North Byron *Gr'dRapids(c.h.)Oakfield Grandville Pleasant Grant Rockford Grattan Sparta Centre Indian Creek Spencer's Mill Kelloggsville Vergennes Lisbon White Swan Lowel Whitneyville Nelson Alabiastet Al Sable Ea st Texas 'Tawas City (c. Ke-ecao. h.) Clifton Eagle River (c.h.) Copper Falls MinePenn Mine Copper Harbor Phwnix Eagle Harbor Layer. xa1el Ia. Craw l) rd labella (c. h. Salt River NWiotaI JackIvon. Arland Baldwin's Mills Brooklyn Columbia Concord Franciscoville Grass Lake Hanover Henriettia %Jackson (c. h.) Leoni Liberty Michigan Centre Napoleon Norvell Otter Creek Parmla. Pulaski Ritves Junction Sandstone south Jackson Spring Arbor Springport Tompkins W aterloo Almont Black's Corners Burnside Columbiaville I)ryden Farmer's Creek Goodlandi Hladlev flaslepr luntter's Creek Imlay *Lapeer [c. 11.] Marathon Metamora Mill Station North Branch Pool Thorn ville Leleenaw. Emnpiire Glen Arbor Good Harbor Leland Mrlelville Mtichaoi Northport [c. h.] North Unity Omena Bay.utton'i I~ _ ___ ~ _ ~ i____ I - - -~ -- ` IS VAN BUREN COUNTY GAZETTEER Addison *Adrian [e. h, Attica Blissfield Cambridge Canandaigua Clayton Clinton Deerfield Dover Fairfield Geneva *Hudson Lake Ridge Macon Brighton Cohoctah Conway Deer Creek Fleming Fowlerville Genoa Green Oak Hamburgh Hartland Howell [c.h.] Lenawee. Medina.] Morenci Oakford Palmyra Ridgeway Riga Rollin Rome Seneca Springville Tecumseh Tipton Wellsville West Ogden Woodstock ivingqston. Josco Madison Marion Middletown Oak Grove Osceola Centre Parshallville Pickney Plainfield Tyrone Unadilla Mason. Fairview Ludington Indian Town Riverton Lincoln [c. h.] fecosta. Big Creek Millbrook *Big Rapids [c.h.]Paris Hersey Satterlee's Mills 'Mecosta Menomonee. Cedar Fork *Menomonee (c. h.) AMidland. Midland (c. h.) Monroe. Athlone London Dundee Loranger East Raisinville Milan Erie *Monroe [c. h.] Exeter Newport Grafton North Raisinville Hamlin Oakville Ida Ottawa Lake Lambertville Petersburgh La Salle Whiteford Centre Montcalm. Amsden Greenville Bloomer Centre Lakeview Bushnell Centre Pierson Cato Sheridan Clear Lake Sidney Crystal Stanton [c. h.] Ferris West Bloomer Muskegon, Black Lake Ravenna Casnovia Slocum's Grove Forest City Trent Howard Whitehall Montague White River *Muskegon [c. h.] Newaygo. Ashland Ensley Big Prairie Fremont Centre Bridgeton Home *Croton *Newaygo rc. h.] Denver Ponama Oakland. Austin Novi Ball Mountain Oak Hill Big Beaver Oakland Birmingham Oakwood Brandon Orion Clarkston Ortonville Miackinaw.. Mackinaw (c. Ih.) Malcomb. Armada New Baltimore, Cady New IIaven Disco Ray Fraser Ray Centre Macomb Richmond Meade 'Romeo Memphis Roseville Milton Utica '.Mt Clemens[c.h.]Waldenburgh Mount Pleasant Warren Mount Vernon Washington Manistee. Bear Lake Pleasanton -*Manistee [c. h.] Stronach Norwalk Manitou. Saint James [c. h.] Clarksburgh Greenwood Harvey Ishpeming uMfarquette. *Marquette [c. h.] Morgan Negaun ee ) __ L~~ __ I ~^ _____~~ _I 19 AND BUSINESS DIRECTORY. 1 Saint Clair. Oakland--Continued. Commerce Oxford Davidsburgh *Pontiac [c. h.] Drayton Plains Rochester Farmington Rose Four Towns Royal Oak Franklin Southfield Groveland South Lyon Highland Springfield 4IHollv Spring Mills Jersey Stony Run Kensington Strait's Lake Lakeville, Summit Mahopac Troy Milford Walled Lake Niw Hudson Waterford North FarmingtonWest Novi North Oxford White Lake Oceana. Alice lesperia Benona Otto Blackberry Ridge Pa Pa Me C(lay Bank [c.h.] *Pent Water Cob Moo Sa Thelby Flower Creek Smith's Corners Golding Thomas ITrt Ontonagon. Greenland Rockland Ontonaýon [. h.] Berlin Ltamont01 Bi0 spring Nuniea Blendon Port Sheldovi Coopersville Robinson Dennison Six Corners Eastmansville Spring Lake Ferrysburllgh Tallinadge Georgetown Ventura. HG'd Haven[e.h.] Vriesland HIollanId Zeeland Scqirnaw. Blumfield Frankenlust. Blumfield J unction Frankenmuth Bridgeport (Centrellavana Carrollton Jay Cass Bridge. Saginaw [c. Ii.] Chesaning Saint Chliarles Deer Lick South Saginaw Easit Saginaw Taymouth Elk Zilwaukee Algonac Bell River Berville Brockway Brockway Centre Capac Casco China Clyde Mills Columbus Fair Haven Jeddo Kenockee Lake Port Lynn Marine City Marysville Memphis Merrillsville *Port Huron Riley Centre Rtuby *St. Clair [c. h.] *Saint Mary's Smith's Creek Thornton Wales West Berlin Saint JosepA. Burr Oak Mendon Centreville [c. hIi.]Mottville Colon Oporto Constantine Park Fawn River Parkville Florence Sturgis Flowerfield "Three Rivers IHowardsville White Pigeon Leonidnas Sanitac. T',!I fsl V":trnle ~'o Fnorestvllý e Forrester *Lexington [e Marlet teo Minden Nwi Pine HiI Port. sanilac,ichmnondivill h.]Steven' ILanding Tyre MoRistique Antrim Bennington Burn, Byron *Corruna [c, h.] Fremont Ilartwellville HIazelton Laingsburgh Mungerville North Newburigh North Vernon Owosso Perry Pittsburgh Vernon West lHavon Woodhull i_~~__~_~~_. --~--~-- ------~. i I i L - -- -~ I I - II I I 20 VAN BUREN COUNTY (GAZETTEER Tuscola. Akron Pine Grove Denmark Richville East Dayton Tuscola Centre Elkland Unionville Ellington Vassar [c. h.] Elmwood Wahjamega Fair Grove Watertown May Watrousville Millington Worth Newbury SVan 3Buren. Almena Keelersville Arlington Lake Meill Bangor Lawrence Bear Lake Lawton Bloomingdale Mattawan Breedsville *Paw Paw [c. h.] C overt Pine Grove MIills Decatur Prospect Lake Forest Home South Haven Glendale Waverly Hartford West Geneva Hooker W1ashfteniaw. -Ann Arbor [c.h.]Paint Creek Base Lake RItiver Raisin Benton Salem Bridgewater Saline WIlIshtenact- Continhed. Chelsea Dexter Fredonia Freedom Gravel Run Lima Manchester Belleville Brownstown Canton Catville Cherry Hill Conner's Creek Dearbornville *Detroit [c. h,] East Nankin Ecorse Elm Gibralter Greenfield Huron Station Inkster Mead's Mills Nankin Scio Stony Creek Sylvan Webster Whitmore Lake Ypsilanti York VWayne. Northville Oak Perrinsville Plank Road Plymouth Rawsonville Redford Romulus Smithville South Plymouth Taylor Centre Trenton Wallaceville Wayne Wyandotte Yew exford. exford. Ut Wt LVAAVE NS ----DEA1LER IN---- PALN TSI T, OILS, DYE STTUFFS, STATIONERY, WALL PAPER, PERFUMERY, COSMETICS, TOILET ARTICLES, &c., Physicians' Prescriptions Carefully Csompounded. Night Calls Promptly attended to. West Side Phelps Street, IDE COA. TTYTIR, T0IV OH _ __ __ AND BUSINESS DIRECTORY. 21 Descriptive Sketch of Van Buren County. VAN BUREN COUNTY lies in the south-western part of Michigan, between the 42d and 43d degrees of north latitude, and on the 86th meridian of west longitude. It is bounded on the north by Allegan County, east by Kalama. zoo County, south by Cass and Berrien Counties and west by Berrien County and Lake Michigan. It is divided into timbered lands and openings, the former largely predominating, especially in the northern part of the county. Its timber is various and valuable, but consists chiefly of pine, oak, walnut, whitewood, ash, beech, maple and elm. The surface of the country is generally undulating, rarely assuming a dead level, and still more rarely rising into abrupt hills. It is besprinkled with a hundred beautiful lakelets, which greatly relieve its otherwise rather tame and monotonous scenery. These small bodies of water vary in extent from twenty acres to one thousand acres. The soil in the openings is a light sandy loam, but very productive, especially of cereals and fruits. That of the timbered lands is a stronger soil generally of a darker loam and better for the production of grasses. Geologically, Van Buren County has as yet developed nothing of special interest; Geologists class it in the Huron Groupe, Devonian Period. One of its great;wants is stone for building purposes. Even clay suitable for making durable bricks is rarely found. Its material wealth consists chiefly in its splendid timbered and fruit Slands, its productive soil and the energy and enterprise of its inhabitants. As a wheat producing district, both as to quality and quantity, it stands preeminent in the State, and for quality, indeed, may safely challenge the world. As a fruit growing County, Van Buren is second only to Berrien. It produces a great abundance and of the best quality; peaches, apples, pears, quinces, grapes and all kinds of small fruit. That portion of the County lying on Lake Michigan, is part of the world-renowned Michigan Fruit Belt. The climate is equable, and the winters mild, as compared with other sections of the country in the same latitude. Probably the influences that modify the temperature along the " fruit belt " extend in a limited degree across tlie County. Of the commercial interests of the County, that of grain stands first, the fruit interests second and that of lumber third. Our grand old forests are i ~___ _ _ I __ ~_ ~___ __ __ ___I__ I " -------1 -- 1`-1-- -- 22 VAN BUREN COUNTY GAZETTEER rapidly disappearing, hundreds of acres are cut down every year to fill the ravenous maw of the steam saw, shingle and lath mill, and worse still, acres on acres of stalwart beeches are being felled and burned in funeral piles, to make way for the greedy grain grower. Is it not vandalism to despoil one kind of wealth to make way for another? The County is watered by Paw Paw and Black Rivers and their tributaries, in addition to its numerous small lakes. The principal villages are Decatur, South Haven, Lawton, Lawrence, Mattawan, Paw Paw, Breedsville, Bangor and Hartford. Of these, Decatur, Lawton and Mattawan are on the Mich. Central R. R., thus placing the County in direct communication with the outer world. In South Haven we have a seaport town, which, in the summer season, puts us en rapport with Chicago. The County has also one Railroad which is exclusively its own, whereof Lawton and Paw Paw are the termini. It is, perhaps, safe to say that no County in the State is improving more rapidly in agricultural wealth, growth of its villages, and in the education and intelligence of its people. In 1864 the population of the County was 17,820. To - day it probably exceeds 30,000. Van Buren County Officers. Senator in the State Legislature, 18th District. NATHAN IL BITELY. Representatives in State Legislature. 1st District-JONATHAN J. WOODMAN 2d District-W.. H. HURLBURT Sheriff-WILLIAM R SIRRINE County Clerk-ORAN W. ROWLAND. Judge of Probate-GEORGE W. LAWTON. County Treasurer-EDWIN BARNUM. Register of Deeds-DON C. ROGERS Prosecuting Attorney-JOHN B. UPTON. Circuit Court Commisioner--ASHBEL HI. HERRON. County Surveyor-A. J. PIERCE. County Superintendent of Schools, EDWARD CLEVELAND. Coroners, THOMAS A. GRANGER. GEORGE L. SEAVER j ~ ____~ __ ~_ ~ ___~~~___ ___~__~_~~~__~_J AND BUSINESS DIRECTORY..23 BANGOR. Historical and Descriptive Sketch of Bangor. THE present township of Bangor is a part of territory which was organized in the winter of 1836-7, as the township of South Haven. It comprised what are now the townships of Columbia, Bangor, Geneva. South Haven and Deerfield. At that time, the whole territory contained only eight residents, and only one of the eight resided in what isnow Bangor. This one was Chas. U. Cross, who located what is now a part of the village of Bangor, in July, 1834. He in company with J. R. Monroe, in the spring and summer of 1835 opened a road from Paw Paw to South Haven. In 1837, Cross built the first Shouse in the township, and moved his family into it on the 8th day of March of that year. Although situated miles from any neighbors, they saw plenty of company in the shape of land-lookers. During the same season, three other families moved in, viz John Southard, C. M. Northrup and M. M. Briggs. It was not until 1853, that Bangor was organized into a separate township, and received its present name. In 1846, C. U. Cross and his brother Calvin Cross, built a saw-mill on the site now occupied by the mills of J. H. Nyman, Esq. The first store was opened in 1852, by A. Comstock & M. P. Watson. The first school was taught by Miss Mahitable Northrup, in 1845. The township was covered with a heavy growth of timber, consisting principally ot beech. sugar maple, whitewood. walnut, pine, hemlock, elm, &c. It is well watered by Black River and its tributaries, Maple Creek, Crooked Creek, Butternut Creek and Cedar Creek. The soil is various, but a heavy loam predominates. It is well adapted to wheat and Indian corn. The village of Bangor is situated in the south-east corner of the township. on the Black River, which furnishes at that place the second best water-power in the County. It is now owned by J. H. Nyman; his manufactories consist of a saw mill. planing mill, sash, blind, and woolen factory and grist mill. Besides these, the township contains two water saw mills, two steam saw mills, and one grist mill. As an agricultural township, it ranks among the first in the County. Its present population is about 1400, Number of voters, 300. [The publishers return their thanks to Chas. U. Cross, Esq., for valuu)le info:mation, and for the interest he has manifested in their work.] See advertisement of J. H. Nyman, [at head of Bangor directory,] J. H. Breed, [in village directory] and H. H. Sunderlin, [in classified business list]. _ L __ 24 - 2VAN BUREN COUINTY GAZETTEER BANGOR WOOLEN MILLS WILL EXCITAN(VE Cloth, Yarn, Clothing & Socks "FOR."WOOL CLOTHING MADE TO ORDER. A LARGESTOCK OF0 C OTHS ON HAND! And a Lar e variety of Latest Fashionable Styles. -,---.A.TL SODGrist and Flour Mill. CUSTOM WORK DONE TO ORDER AND 8ATISFACTION CUARANTIED. LUMBER AND LATH, For Sale. Lumber Dressed to Order, and kept on hand. SASH, DOORS AND BLINDS MADE TO ORDER. All of which he will sell Cheaper than you can buy in Chicago or New York. "Ready Pay" '"Makes the Mare Go." *VCall and sec for yourself, don't take another's word for it. cT. "E3L. NYMAJ~W, IBangor, Mickh. AND BUSINESS DIRECTORY. 25 BANGOR DIRECTORY. AB- _LEITTATIOINS. agt.......................................................agent nr............................................near ave............................................avenue n s.................................north side bds................................................... boards opp............................................... opposite bet...............................................between phys.................................physician clk......................................................clerk propr.................................. proprietor cor...................................corner R. R.................................. railroad e................................ east se.......................................secretary e s..................................east side s................................................... south h....................................... house orhomne s s................................................ outh side lab.................................................laborer supt.................................. superintendent mi ach............................................ m chinist treas....................................... treasurer M. C R. R.............Michigan Central Railroad w....................................................w.. est mnfr.......................................manufacturer w s.............................west side......................................................... orth w ks.............................................. works. Bangor Street Directory. Arlington St. begins e town line runs w to village limits. Bangor St. 1 n Main begins at Third, runs e to village limits. Cass St. begins e town line runs n w to village limits. Charles St. 1st s Monroe, begins e town line runs n w to village limits. Clark St. begins Cass runs s to village limits. Division St. begins Monroe runs s to village limits. Douglass St. begins e town line runs w to village limits. First St. 1st e Second begins Main runs n to village limits. Geneva St. 1st e First, beoins Main runs n to village limits. High St. 1st n Bangor begins Third runs e to village limits. Main St. begins Third runs e to village limits. Main St. (Cross' Addition) begins Monroe runs s to Cass. Maple St. begins Charles runs s to village limits. i Mill St. begins Monroe runs n to village limits. Monroe St. begins e town line runs n w to village limits. North St. 1st n High, begins Third, runs e to village limits. Pine St. begins Mill, runs e to village limits. Second St. begins Bangor Mills runs e to village limits. Shepard SPt. begins cor. Charles, Union and Walnut runs n to Monroe. Third St. 1st w Second begins Main runs n to village limits. Union St. begins cor. Clark and Shepard runs w to village limits. Walnut St. begins cor. Charles and Union runs s to village limits. 2( VAN BUREN COUNTY GAZETTEER Bangor Village Directory. Alchen. J. M. wks J. H Nyman, bds James Slinger. Baker, Levi, shoemaker, shop s s Main St., 1 w Second, h s s Bangor St. BANGOR HOUSE, J. H. Breed, Propr. cor. Monroe and Mill. Bangor Union School, C. L. Brown, Principal, Mrs. C. L. Brown, Ass't. I)ist. No. 1, Cross Addition. Bangor Post Office, J. H. Nyman, Post Master. Office hours from 7 a. m. to 8 p. im. Mail daily by Decatur and South Haven line of Stages. Bisby, Valentine, laborer, h cor. Main and Union. Blaisdell, John, farmer, h n side Monroe, 3 e Main. BREED, J. H. Bangor Hlouse, cor. Monroe and Mill. Brown, C. L. principal Bangor jGraded School, bds J. S. Brow)n. Brown, Mis. C. L. ass't teacher in lBangor Graded School, bds J. S. Brown. Brink, (Geo. W. blacksmith, opposite Nyman's saw mill. Brown, J. S. farmer, h n s Monroe st. 4 w main. Burch, John M., wks J. H. Nyman's stsh door and blind factory, h e s First 1 n Main. Camp, Chas. 1H., farmer, Ih s s Monroe I w Division. Charles, D. K. dry goods and groceries, opp Bangor House, h s s Monroe 2 w Main. Chidester. Dennis, carder, wks J. II. Nyman, h n Bangor w Second. Cook, IHarnion, sawyer, Nyman, h cor. Main and 3d st. CROSS, CHAS. U. h a s Monroe 2 w Bangor House. Dillman, Adam, farmer, h cor 3and 1st n of Main. Ferguson Bros. (E. B. & J. E.) general store ri s Main 2 e Second st. Ferguson, E. B. (Ferguson Bros.) h n s Main 2 e Second st. Ferguson, J. E. doctor, (Ferguson Bros.) h n s Main 2d e Second st. Fogleson, John F. manufacturer earthern and stone ware, h n s Monroe qt 2 e Main. Gray, Frank, wks J. II Nyman, h a village limits. Hammond. Edward, sawyer, wks J. HII. Nyman, house corMain and First. 1Hammond, Mordecai, (saw mill.) wks J. H. Nyman, h n s High 2 e First. -- ~Ii*~ I I _; I~ AND BUSINESS DIRECTORY. 27 EBA.LTG-OR0 I-O TTSE, J. H. BREED, Proprietor. FIRST CLASS ACCOMMODATIONS FOR MAN AND BEAST. Stages Leave daily for Decatur, South Haven, Lawrence and Breedsville. BANGOR, Van Buren Co., Mich. Haskins Sara, wks J. H. Nyman, bds J. McFarland. Hubbard, W. H. boss weaver. wks J. H. Nyman, h s s Bangor st. Jones, Joseph, wks J. H. Nyman, h near Nyman's grist mill. Lawrence, Win. weaver, wks J... Nyman, h s Bangor w Second. Loveless, Charley, student, bds Bangor House. i McFarland, Jesse, weaver, wks J. H. Nyman, h cor Bangor and Third. McLacklin. A. J. carpenter and joiner, cor Main and 3d st. MIethodist Church, cor 3d and Main st. Miller, Daniel M. miller, wks J. H. Nyman, h u s Main 2 w Third. Miller, John, wagon maker, h n s Monroe 2 w Main, shop e s Mill st near Nyman's mill. Mott, S. B. sash factory, wks J. H. Nyman, h cor Second and Main. J. H. NYMAN, propr Bangor woolen mills, grist and saw mills, also mnfr of sash, doors and blinds, h near mill. Nyman, R. C. foreman, J. H. Nyman, h n s Mai n 2 3d st. Percival, Franklin, wks J. H. Nyman. Pipher, (eo. wks J. 11. Nyman. Robbins, Arlan, blacksmith, h cor Bangor and Third st. Ruthruff---, farmer, n w village limits. Russell, Clark, carpenter, h e s Main 1 s Monroe. Sackett, Benj. A. teamster, h as Monroe 3d w Main. School House, as Main st near village limits. Shepard. Alonzo, mason, h n s Monroe 3 e Main. Shepard, Martin, carpenter, h w s Second. Siddell, Isaac, sawyer wks J. H. Nyman, h cor First and High. Skinner, Rev. Hiram, Pastor Methodist Church, h s s Bangor 2 e Third. Slinger, James, Weaver, wks J. H. Nyman, h cor Main and First. _ I ------ I I I VAN BURJIEN COUNTY GAZETTEEIR Starkey, James L. carpenter, hIi n Main 2 w Second. Stewart Brothers, (F. T. & N. S.) boot and shoe xmakers, shop cor Second and Main, h same. Stewart, F. T. (Stewart Bros.) h cor Second and Main. Stewart, N. S. (Stewart Bros.) h cor Second and Main. Stannard, Francis, farmer, h cor Third and First, n of Main. Sullivan. Michael, tailor, wks J. 11. Nyman, h on Second near n village limits. SUNDERLIN, H. H. tin, stoves and hardware, store cor Main and Monroe, h same. Taft,. B. dry goods and groceries, e as Mii, h near store. Todd, Carrie, wks J. 11. Nyman. hds same. Todd, France, wks J. H. Nymnan, bds same. Tripp, Henry, wks and bds Bangor House. Tripp, Wni. teamster. h ns Monroe 1 e Main. Tubbs, 1H. C. wagon and cabinet shop cor Second and Main, h on town line road cor Bangor. Whiting.-, carpepter, hi w Second. LARUE & BAKER, -----DEALjERS IN------- ODRY GOODS, GROCERIES, North Side Lake Street, BREEDSVILLE, MICI. ~ I-L AND BUSINESS DIRECTORY. 29 COLUMBIA. Historical and Descriptive Sketch of Columbia. The township of Columbia is one of the northern tier of towns in Van Buren County, and lies between Geneva, on the west, and Bloomingdale, on the east. It has two post offices, one at the flourishing village of Breedsville and one at Bear Lake. The first settlement of the township was made in 1835, by Silas Breed, J. N. Howard, A. Babot, and Samuel Watson, on the present site of Breedsville. In 1836 J. W. Hinkley purchased the water power and erected a sawmill on the site now occupied by A. S. Brown. Mr. Hinkley afterward became one of the permanent settlers. In 1837 Elijah Knowles, and a man named Barrows, built the first tannery, and during the same year a school house was built and a school taught by Lorenzo D. Cate. A post office was also established the same year. The first child born in the settlement was Nancy, daughter of J. N. Howard. The first death was that of Sarah Taylor, adopted daughter of Silas Breed, in the winter of 1835-6. In the autumn of 1837 Samuel Watson died alone in the woods on his way home from Paw Paw. The first marriage was that of Geo. Cochran to Sarah, daughter of Samuel Watson. The southern and eastern portions of the township, being hard timbered lands, were settled first. The northern and western portions are still lnsettled, being timbered with valuable pine and hemlock, for lumbering purposes. The surface of the township is rolling, and well watered by small streams and numerous lakes. The lakes and streams abound with fish. Columbia has a rich soil, ranking second to none in the county in the production of cereals and grasses. There are now in successful operation in the township, two water and three steam saw-mills, one water and two steam power tanneries, one grist mill, and three shingle mills. Breedsville has five dry goods stores, one grocery, four blacksmith shops, one wagon shop, three shoe shops, and one furnace and machine shop, and first-class engine lathe. It has two daily mails, one from Decatur and one from South Haven. Among the live men of the place, those to whose enterprise it is indebted for its prosperity, it is proper to mention the name of W. J. Scrimger, of Scrimger's mills, Scrimger & Son dry goods men, W. H. Knowles dry goods, La Rue & Baker, drugs and dry goods, O. W. Quint horse farrier and blacksmith, and Messrs. Whitney & Koons dealers in agricultural implements. [The compilers desire to acknowledge their obligations to Chns. B. IHurlburt, Esq., for the main facts in the above sketch of Columbia.] 30 VAN RUREN COUNTY GAZETTEER BREEDSVILILE STEAM SAW MILL! WM. J. SCRIMGER, Proprietor. SAWING, PLANING " MATCHING Done to Order and on the immost Reasonable Termns. DR2J SSIED IUB8R Constantly on hand, for sale and in exchange for SA-"W I 1OG-S13reedsville, Eich. ----DEALERS IN IH-ATS, COA.PS, FTJT7FS, BOOTS, SHOES, CLOTHING, CROCKERY, HARDWARE, DRUGS AND MEDICINES, PAINTS, OILS & DYE STUFFS, IHIGIHEST CASH PRICE PAID FOR OOUls"E'I PB0DU08. W..T. SCRIIGER. HENRY SCRIMGEB. WC. J'. SCRIAIGER. HTENRY SCRIMGnER,, __ AND BUSINESS DIRECTORY. BREEDSVILLE DIRECTORY. -A-BBlT6EW:VIATIO1\TS 31 agt.....................................................agent ave...............................................avenue bds...........................................boards bet.............................................between clk.............................................clerk cor...................................................corner...............................................east e s....................................... east side h...........................................house or home lab............................................laborer mach...........................................machinist M. C R. R.............Michigan Central Railroad mnfr.......................................manunfacturer n.............................................north nr........................................................near n s...............................................north side opp...................................opposite phys...........................physician propr.................................proprietor R. Rt...................................railroad sec'y........................................secretary s.s....................South. s.........................................outh side supt.................................superintendent treas.............................................treasurer w...................................................west w s................................................west side wks............................... works. Breedsville Street Directory. Harrison St. 1st e Pine, begins Howard runs s to Lake. Howard St. 1st n Lake, begins Pine runs c to Harrison. Lake St. runs from e to w viilage limits. Mill St. 1st e Pine. begins Lake runs s. Pim' St. runs from n to sa village limits. Breedsville Village Directory. Adams, N. H. (Adams & Tuttle) h si s Lake 8 e Mill. Adalms & Tuttle (N. Adams, J. S. Tuttle) tannery, w s Mill 1 s Lake. Baker, Robert (La, Rue& Baker) cor Lake and Pine. Belden, W. H. blacksmith, shop e s Pine St. near Lake. Bogardus, Joseph, shoemaker, b w s Pine Ot. 3 n of school house, shop cor- Mill and Lake. Boyd. Wim. J. tanner, bds hotel. Bradenburg, -, laborer, hi w Pine St. near n village limits. Breedsville Graded School, w s Pine St. at head of Howard st. Breedsville Post Office, Robert Baker P. M. Mails daily by Decatur and South Haven line of stages. Office hours 7 A. M. to 8 P. M. Bridges, Wm. h e s Pine 3 n hotel. Brookins, W. i. stage driver, bds T. P. Page. Brown, A. S. saw mill, e s Mill st. h e Pine near hotel. I--~-_.-._._..I~___._..__:.____~_. __I_~__ _: ~ -- ~ -------- - 39:VAN BUREN COUNTY GAZETTEER WMV1 HL- KILTEOWLS, ----DEALER TIN-- IiaATS, CA&PS, BOOTS, SHOES CLOTHING. South Side Lake Street, J3reedsville, iMlich. Brown. Amsey M31. farmer, h s s Lake 7 w Pine. Brown, Frederick H. restaurant s s Lake, h same. Brown, Mrs. hIw s Pine st. near s village limits. Brown. Wells (. farmer, h as Lake 7 w Pine. IBurch, Harvey. stage driver South Haven and Decatur line stages, h cor Lake and Pine. Capen, C(. R. tinner, h ass Lake 6 w Mill. (hirneyv, Jacob, sawyer, hds T. P. Page. Chapman, -, blacksmith, bds Z. Whitney. (Clow, Laura. h ns Lake 3 w Pine. (Conant & SpriggsA, (A. M. Conant, Thomas Spriggs) blacksmith shop near tannery. Cornell, Thomas, farmer, ha s Lake w Pine. Cox, Solomon, farmer, bds A Hnngerford. Cushman, John S. clk Wm Knowles, h a s Lake 1 e Gray's store. Delaplaine, B. F. physician, h cor Pine and Howard. D)odds, Bartholamew, carpenter and farmer, h sa Lake 4 w Pine. Dodds, M. R. clk J. M. Gray, h as Lake 4 w Pine. Eastman, A. G. lawyer, bds John S Cushman. _ I I I I I I AND BUSINESS DIRECTORY.. "W'. Q IT T, 33 FARRIER AND BLACKSMITH. All Kinds of Job- Work Done to Order, AND SATISFATION GUARANTIED. SHOP EAST SIDE PINE ST., THREE DOORS SOUTH OF LAKE. BREE1)SVILLE, MICH. Eckler, Peter, sawyer, h e s Pine 2 n hotel. Eckler, Peter, laborer, bds Page's Hotel. Enos. A. D. tanner, wks Adams & Tuttle, w Mill st 1 s Lake, h e s Pine near hotel. Flint, J. W. butcher, h w s Pine nr n village limits. Gesler, Adelbert, tanner, wks Adams & Tuttle, h Lake. Gleason, James, shoemkaer, h e s Pine, 4 n Howard. Gray, Joseph H. farmer, h w s Pine 3 n Lake. Gray, J. M. general mdse. store n s Lake 3 e Pine, foundry. Gray, W. RI. sawyer, h n s Lake st. 5 e foundry. Harold, Christopher. tanner, h n s Lake 2d e foundry. Hawley, G. A. sawyer. wks Wmn. Scrimger, h Lake limits. lHoag, Orthniel, fartmier. Hungerford, Albert. carpenter and joiner, h w Pine st. h n s Lake 4 e near e village I n of school house HURLBUT, CHAS. justice of the peace, h n s Lake st. near e village limits. James, Abraham, shoemaker, shop cor Mill and Lake, h same. June.. C. laborer. h e s Pine st. near tannery. Keene, Wm. E. tanner, wks Adams and Tuttle, KNOWLES, WM. H. dry goods, groceries, boots and shoes, ready-made clothing, etc. s s Lake 2 e Pine, h e s Pine 3 n hotel. Koons, Daniel (Whitney & Koons) h n s Lake 1 e shop. Lafferty, Alexander. harness maker, shop s s Lake near Knowles' store. I - - L _ __ VAN BUREN COUNTY GAZETTEER ZADOC WHITNEY, DANIEL KOONS. BREEDSVILLE FOUNDRY. WHITNEY d( KOONS, Proprietors. MANUFACTURE PLOWS, CUTIVATORS, SHOVEL PLOWS, DRAGS, &e., &c., &c. QA.STINGr- DOTE TO OERDEIR.Lapham & Waterbury (Joseph Lapham. Aaron Waterbury) tannery, w s Pine st. near creek. LA RUE & BAKER, (Jas. R. La Rue, Robert Baker) dry goods and druggists n s Lake st. near Pine. La Rue, Criness, bds Laura Clow. La Rue, James R. (La Rue & Baker) h n s Lake 3 e foundry. SLa Rue, Peter, farmer. h n s Lake st. n e village limits. Lytle, Alexander, farmer, h s s Lake near e village limits. May, Wesley, student, bds J. R La Rue. McCaffrey, Barney, tanner, wks Lapham & Waterbury. bds Bridges. Mc Cue, Wilson, farmer, bds La Rue. Moore, IHinckley, farmer, h ss Lake 5 w Pine. Moore, Jas. farmer, s s Lake 5 w Mill. New, John N. agt. for Lapham & Waterbury, h w s Pine next to hotel. Niles, Lewis, farmer, h n s Howard 2 e Pine. Page, E. farmer, h ws Pine, near n village limits. Page, T. P. hotel,e s Pine st. near s village limits. Page, John T. wks T. P. Page, bds same. Painter, L. lumberman and vessel owner (South Haven) has Lake, 4 w Mill. Perkins, W. H. sawyer h s s Lake 2 w Pine. QUINT, O. W. blacksmith and farrier, shop e s Pine near Lake, h s Lake 7 w Pine. Roscoe, A. F. tanner, h w s Pine. Roscoe, Adanirum, tanner, wks Lapham & Waterbury, bds S. S. Roscoe. Roscoe, Andrew, tanner, bds Jas. Moore. Rawson, Geo. tanner, wks Adams & Tuttle, h w s Pine 2 e Lake. I - - I iii ~-""I----~----I~-- - II - AND BUSINESS DIRECTORY. 35 Roscoe, Stephen, clk W. H. Knowles, h w s Pine 2 s Lake. Richards, James, farmer, h w s Pine near Page's hotel. Robinson, Geo. moulder, bds Daniel Koons. Rockwell, J. II. sawyer in Brown's mill. Rockwell, James H. teamster, bds N. H. Adams. Rockwell, Jas. sawyer, h w s Pine near n village limits. Ross, John A. wagon maker, h s s Lake 2 e Mill, shop near Page's hotel. Rossman, Geo. tanner, h w s Pine 2 n Lake. Rouse, -, carpenter and joiner, h w s Pine 2 n of school house. Ruggles, W. F. farmer, h e s Pine near n village limits. Scrimger, Alfred, farmer and engineer, h e s Pine near n village limits. Scrimger, John, wks Wm. Scrimger, h e s Pine 2 s Lake. Scrimnger, Henry (Scrimger & Son) h n s Lake 4 w Pine. SCRIMGER & SON, (Winm. Scrimger, & Henry Scrimger) general merchandise, cor Lake and Pine. SCRIMGER, WM. J. saw mill s s Lake 2 w Pine. Secoy, Jesse G. bds Nicholas Secoy. Secoy, Nicholas, dentist, h s s Lake 3 w Pine. Sherwood, F. E. sawyer, bds S. Brown. Siddell, W. P. carpenter and joiner, h e s Pine. 3 n Howard. Smith, Charles D. furnacman, h n s Lake 2 w Pine. Smith, Geo. K. bds Charles D. Smith. Snyder, Isaac R. shoemaker, h r, s Howard 3 e Pine, shop cor Mill and Lake. Stetson, Geo. tanner, bds Christopher Harold. Sweiller, Louis, farmer, cor Mill and Lake. Taber, Miss Ella, ass't. teacher in graded school. Udell, Mathew, laborer, h s s Lake 7 w Mill. Veeder, Lewis, tanner, wks Lapham & Waterbury, bds Page's hotel. Waldron, Fred, student, bds A, Hungeford. WHITNEY & KOONS, (Zadoc Whitney, Daniel Koons) foundry & blacksmiths, n s Lake 3 w Gray's store. Whitney, Zadoc (Whitney & Koons) hs s Lake opp shop. Wood, Edward, fhrmer, bds Smith Brown. 3111 1 L - L Irr * rr -~~ -` r - r--l VAN BUREN COUNTY GAZETTEER DECATUR. Historical and Descriptive Sketch of Decatur. The first settlement in Van Buren County, was made in what is now in the township of Decatur, on Little Prairie Ronde, in 1829. On the 26th day of March, of that year, Dolphin Morris and Henry D. Swift were guided thither by one Squire Thompson, of Pokagon Prairie. Dolphin Morris settled on the farm which he now occupies, and Swift selected the farm now owned by LeGrand Anderson. For two years they were the only settlers in the County. About the year 1832, Samuel Morris, brother of Dolphin, Le Grand Anderson, David Curry and George Tittle, settled in the neigborhood, and in 1833, one Eckenberger, a hunter and trapper, settled on the place known as the old Charles farm. The year 1835 brought Thomas Scott, Wm. Wilson, Joseph VanHise and McKinster, to the settlement, and after that time the township filled up rapidly. Many anecdotes of thrilling interest are related by the survivors of those primitive days. How they fought with poverty and wrestled with famine and destitution, how when starvation stared them in the face, the very elements took sides against them, and how nearly they fell victims to the blighting frosts and destructive storms of those unproductive seasons, how they stood in peril of wild beasts and how they were menaced by Indians, are all themes upon which those gray haired and honored pioneers love to dilate. In December, 1830, death came to the settlement and removed a son of Dolphin Morris. The first wedding was that of Elijah Goble to Miss Eliza Tittle; the first hirth was that of Jonathan Curry. Of the pioneers we have mentioned. Dolphin Morris and Le Grand Anderson still survive, and in a hale old age, enjoy the fruits of their early privation and toil. But the visitor of to-day, at Little Prairie Ronde, partaking of their generous hospitality, and viewing their princely estates, embodying all the material comforts and blessings of life, finds it difficult to carry his imagination back to the time when his host wrestled with privation and had very nearly his match in keeping the wolf from the door. Nevertheless, the retrospect is profitable, and it is meet that we should ever hold in grateful remembrance those who paved the way for the comfortable times which we enjoy to-day. When we go to bed in a palace sleeping car for a comfortable sleep to wake up in Detroit, let us not forget that, to them, this was a perilous and toilsome journey of weeks. And when we take a cushioned seat, upon steel springs, for a pleasant drive upon a plank road across I i-----i. ii.;_~_;_I -: ~~~-- -- - ` r AND BUSINESS DIRECTORY. 37 the swamp, let us go back forty years and remember those who waded that swamp with bare feet. in imminent peril of the deadly moccasin and massasauga. The independent farmer of to-day who walks with complacent pride among his well stabled and well fed flocks and herds, his granaries and cribs, his storehouse full of agricultural implements with all the modern improvements, will feel his complacency enhanced by contrast if he will but let his memory go back to the days of the sickle and the wooden plowshare, to the times when flocks and herds and crops were alike shelterless, and grain wis beaten out of its husk with a flail, or trodden out by oxen with only the bare earth for a threshing floor. And if inclined to smile at the primitive johnny cake manufactured from corn, cracked with a wooden pestle, in a hollow excavated in a stump, let it be a reverent smile, for it was those early struggles and toils and privations ot our grandfathers ond grandmothers which made possible those beautifully white wheaten loaves from Abbott & Mathews' best XXX superfine which we so enjoy to-day. The first school taught in the county was opened in 1835 in the house of Dolphin Morris, with about twenty pupils. It was taught by Wm. Alexander, a Virginian and a relative of Le Grand Anderson. The Methodists were the first religious denomination to gain a foothold in the county. They held their first quarterly meeting at the house of George Tittle on the 27th of July 1834. The primitive character of the dwellings of the early settlers may be inferred from the fact that no mill for the manufacture of lumber was built until 1846. In that yeai Hubbel Warner built one in the south-western part of the town. For years the nearest grist mill was at Niles. The year 1832 seems to have been one of peculiar trial to the early settlers. In the spring of that year the corn having been twice destroyed by frost, Dolphin Morris sent a man by the name of Kirkendall and John Tittle, a boy of fifteen, with a pack horse one hundred miles to Fort Defiance, on Maumee River, for two bushels of seed corn. They returned on Saturday night, and on Sunday morning the settlers turned out en masse and planted it. That was the only corn raised in the settlement that year. There was an Indian alarm in the spring of the same year, -and the able bodied settlers were all ordered to report forthwith at Niles, armed and equipped and with ten days rations. It does not appear, however, that any of them lost their lives, or were detained from home for any great length of time. In 1435' (June 20th) the settlement was again visited by a destructive frost. Decatur and Porter were together organized a.s a township in the year 1837......... ":'...... -- --- -: --- --- -...... ~.. -II r --p- ~llr - ---- ~r 38 VAN BUREN COUNTY GAZETTEER Porter was set off as a separate township about the year 1845. The township of D.catur derives its name from our country's celebrated naval officer of that name. A belt of swamp land one and a half miles in breadth stretches across it from N. E. to S. W. This belt is heavily timbered with tamarack, black ash, etc., and is as yet almost entirely unimproved. With this exception the township has a fine soil and is in a good state ofcultiMation. There are a few sections of dry timbered land, but it originally consisted chiefly of openings. The soil is mostly sandy, productive and exceedingly easy of cultivation. About one-fourth of the townshiplies south-east of the belt of swamp and embraces a portion of Little Prairie Ronde. It is watered by Dowagiac creek and several lakes, the largest of which is called Lake of the Woods and lies partly in the township of Hamilton. Decatu Village. The village of Decatur, the principal station on the Michigan Central Rail Road in Van Buren County, sprang into existence in response to the first scream of the locomotive in 1849. Previous to this, however, Chas. T. Tucker had settled on the present site of the village and built a house. This was in 1847. In 1848 L. R. Barker built a hotel on the site now occupied by Moore & Lisk, corner of Phelps and Sherwood streets. The following year the late Col. Phelps opened a store on the lot now occupied by the Downs House. For a year this was the only store in town. The first school house in the village was built in 1848. It was the building now fitted up and owned and occupied by the Baptist Society for religious worship. A school was opened with about twenty pupils, which was taught by Miss Sarah Cook. in the winter of 1848-0. The site of the village of Decatur was originally obtained of the U. S. Government by Messrs Beers & Sherwood, of N. Y. City, in a grant, to them of 5,000 acres. These gentlemen, though never residents of the place, seem to have left their impress upon it and to have, to some extent, given character to its institutions. In 1850 they built a steam saw mill in the south-western part of the village, on land now occupied by Anthony McKay. This mill was afterward converted into a distillery, which, in its turn, has happily disappeared, leaving only rank grass to mark the spot it once defiled. In 1854 the present business centre of the Village was occupied as follows: Ira Nash kept a dry goods store on the corner now occupied by Abbott Bro's. Trowbridge & Harris kept a general variety store on the corner now occupied by Aaron Hathaway; W. C. Tucker, a general variety store, on that now occupied by Trowbridge & Hill, and Henry Canoll, a drug store, where Higgins & Squiers now keep a grocery store. The village was first incorporated by the Board of Supervisors in Oct. 1859, and afterward rechartered by the Legislature, by an act approved March 16th, 1861. The first president of the corporation was E. Parker ill; the first Recoder, Orrin T. Welch. Since its incorporation the village has - ---^---j _ I AND BUSINESS DIRECTORY. 39 grown rapidly, and more especially since the close of the late war. Village lots have been and are in constant demand and new plots being constantly laid out and put in market. It is safe to say that no town on the line of the AM.. R.R..enjoys a greater degree of material prosperity. It now contains a population of two thousand five hundred.' Among its notable institutions there is none of which it is more justly proud than its Union Graded School. It consists of five departments and employs one male and five female theachers. The school building is a massive brick structure, occupying a most eligible site, overlooking the whole village, with ample and delightful play grounds ornamented with beautiful shade trees. A more particular account of the school, its organization and gradation will be found in its appropriate place in this book. The village contains four church edifices, viz: Prbyterian, Methodist, Universalist, and Baptist, and one (Catholic) in process of erection. It also contains seven dry goods stores, two drug stores, six grocery and provision stores, two halrdwares, three clothing stores, three shoe stores, four hotels, three harness shops, one banking house, two meat markets, one livery stable, one photograplier, three millinery shops, four dress makers, two barber shops, one bakery, one flour and feed store and two jewelry stores. It has a first class printing office and weekly newspaper (VAN BUREN COUNTY REPUBLICAN) a new and splendid flouring mill (Abbott & Matthews'), two planing mills, a stave factory, a heading factory a steam saw and grist mill, a tannery, cabinet shop and a carriage manufactory. Therre are nany institutlons, enterprises and business operations in progress in the village that are deserving of especial notice and commendation. but lest the distinctions we light make should appear invidious we forbear. We have, however, taken the liberty of printing in capitals, in the village list, the names of those business men and women to whom the village is mainly indebted for its prosperity. Town Board. Eril Beebe. Supervisor. Lewis D. Roberts, Clerk. Chauncey Hollister and 1I. C. Millard, Justices of the Peace. Corporation Board. E. Parker Hill, President. Ward T. Gerowv, Recorder. Elias D. Clark. Treasurer. Orville S. Abbott, Myron Hlinckley, Joseph S. Dowd, Ransom Nutting,. L, Hawks,. I. H. iggins. Trustees. Wm. Mead, Marshal. Board of Education. i. P. Hill, Moderator. O. S. Abbott, Director. R. Nutting, Assessor. D. II. Manley, I. B. Higgins, Wmn. lHodges, Trustees. Day Police. Wim. Mead, M. D)e Hart Mattison, John Steele. Warren Botsford. j--;------~-.__-_- __ ~-------.--.---1-" 11-1I-_- __-_1~-11 - _ _~ ~L _I I II, - -- - 1 VAN BUREN COUNTY GAZETTEER Night Police. Aaron Sweet. Decatur Graded School. Edifice built in 1863-4 at a cost of $12,000. J. H. Bishop, Principal. Miss Carrie Roberts, 1st Assistant. Miss Emma Minor, 2d Astistant. Miss Helen Bradford, 1st Intermediate. Miss Emma lHewson, 2d Intermediate. Miss Helen Beattie, Primary. Fletcher Coney, Janitor. Banks. Joseph Rogers (private), w s Phelps st. Libraries and~Reading Rooms. Decatur Literary Association, cor Phelps and Sherwood. Decatur Graded School Library, cor Delaware and Phelps. Associations. DECATUR LITERARY ASSOCIATION. O.S. Abbott, President. A. B. Copley, Vice-President. Geo. A. Northrop, Secretary. H. C. Church, Treasurer. J. M. Moore, D. W. Leavens, N. Foster, Rev. T. T. George, Executive Committee. Meets Tuesday evenings of each week at Haynes' Hall, cor Phelps and Sherwood sts. DECATUR DRAMATIC ASSOCIATION. E. D. Hitchcock, President. Dick Lyon, Vice-President. James F. Crandall, Secretary. Chas. IH. Crandall, Treasurer. Gives select entertainments once every four weeks during the winter season. DECATUR CORNET BAND. John M. Steele, President. C. iH. Crandall, Vice-President. E. D. Hitchcock, Secretary. Wm. Mead, Treasurer. Members: Stewart W. Davis, 1st Eb. Chas. H. Crandall, 2d Eb. E.D. Hitchcock, Bb. Dick Lyon, Solo Alto. John Steele, 1st Alto. Wm. Mead, Baritone. Daniel Knights, B Bass. Henry Seymour, Tuba. Frederick Sevmour, Bass Drum. Wm. Beals, Tenor Drum. Public Halls and Offices. Haynes' Hall, cor Phelps and Sherwood. Masonic Hall, Poore's Block. Good Templar's. Hall, Poore's Block. Duncombe House Hall, cor Phelps and St. Mary. Chadwick's Hall, w s Phelps. U. S. Internal Revenue Office, O. S. Abbott collector Van Buren County, cor Phelps and Delaware sts. S. T. Conway, Assessor Van Buren County, office w s Phelps, 4 n Sherwood. Van Buren County Prosecuting Attorney, John B. Upton. office cor Phelps and Delaware. - -- ~ ---)---------~I-- mom_ AND BUSINESS DIRECTORY. 41 Churches. Catholic (foundation of) cor Delaware and Mills. Baptist, located cor St. Marys and School sts, organized Feb. 10th, 1869. 26 members. Rev. Nelson Crandall, Pastor. First Mjtho list Episcopal Church, located n s Delaware between Phelps and William sts. Built 1860-1. Cost $4,000. 125 members. Rev. T. T. George, Pastor. First Presbyterian, located n s Delaware between Phelps and George. Organized Feb. 1st, 1852. Built 1868. Cost $6,500. Rev. E. M. Toof, Pastor. Universalist Church, located s s St. Marys between Phelps and George sts. Organized May 12th, 1868. 27 m rs. Rev. J. Merrifield, Pastor. Secret and Benevolent Societies. Decatur Lodge, No 99, F. and A. M. E. R. Farmer W. M., James Haynes S. W., W. T. Gerow J. W., C. S. Cockett Secretary, J. S. Dowd Treasurer, Fred. Minnes, S. D., Wm. Codman, J. D., H. W. Botsford, Tiler. Regular meeting on Tuesday evening on or next preceeding full of the moon, at Masonic Hall, Poor's Block. Sprague Lodge, No. 113, I. O. O. F., Wm0.O Van Hise, N. G, Clayton T. Tittle, V. G., Almon W. Eck, Sec'y, Homer S. Mead, Treas. Meet every Friday evening, at Odd Fellows Hall. Poor's block. Decatur Lodge, No. 245, I. O. G. T. H. B. Clapp, W. C. T., Mrs. John Haynes, W. V. T., Mrs. James Haynes, W. S., Mrs. L. M. Barney, W. T., A. W. Eck, W. F. S., William Tucker, P. W. C. T., Joseph Pardee, W. M., Miss Ida Brooks, W. D. M. Cemeteries. SDecatur Cemetery, e s Phelps n village limits. Harrison Cemetery, s e village limits. Newspapers. VAN BUREN COUNTY REPUBLICAN, published weekly by E. A. Blackman. Terms, $1.50 per year, in advance. Office in Poor's block. Post Office and Mails. Decatur Post Office, n s Sherwood, 4 w Phelps. Office hours from 7 A. M. to 8 P. M., on Sundays, open from 12 M. to 1 P. M. ARRIVAL AND DEPARTURE OF MAILS. Arrive from North, 7 P. N. Close for North, 6:30 j. Nl. Arrive from South, 12 M. Close for South, 11 A. M. Arrive from East, 5 A. M., 4 P. M. Close for East, 9:30 A. M., 7 P. M. Arrive from West, 10 A. M. Close for West, 3 P. t. Seth H. Phelps. Ass't P. M., MRs. E. PHELPS, P. M. -- I -I --~---- ---------~~~-- ~--- -~ ---------- ~--- ~~--~ ---- VAN BUREN COUNTY (AZETTI'EER Telegraph Company. vesztern Union. Office in M4. C_ R. R. depot, Miss J. Brown, operator. Transportation Companies. MIchigainL Central Railroad. Freight depot,e s public square. American and Merchants' Union Express Company,w s Phelps, 3 n Sherwood. Northrup &R Cockett, Agents. D)ecatnr and South Ha ven Stage line. Delos Ells, Agent, Duncombe House. Declatur and St. Joseph Stage line. Lawrence Express. W. M. I-LOWERS, WM HI1OD(EIS. BLOWER & HODGES, _)r l R- U01Ri k k 1%, Represent the Following Reliable Companies: NOR1TH AM ETICA IRA, Phil dei phit. SECU11ITY. FIRIE. New York. 11OME, 1111E, New Hatveu. S(11IH AN STATE F[1HE. Adrian. A HNE EM A1N L 1. (.levelas. (hi Also Agents for BUCKEYE MOWER AND REAPER, SWEEPSTAKES THRESHINC MACHINES, HORSE HAY FORKS, CRAIN DRILLS, &C. N. Side Sherwood St., Opp. 1. C. R. R. D epot, IDIoCArETTTI, M10V8IC L MhiIees1e anhdl LRetail GR OC Ec, 1, 1, I HF), F Vb - I L OROO RCD Xv iil 1,9x Aer tPrellp S j#anld iDe"TAiW,. fkre 0,Sftw DHOATU, rI- Q i;_i;-'::::::::__-::::~:-:_-;~-~~;:~;_i---i::: -:::: ~~::~;~'-.; ~I -r;.:::-:: ": ~~~-::i: i~;ii:~ I'-PP~:,:!~-,-2--: _: -: ~_-ji AND BUSINESS DIREOTORY. Note by the Compilers. This page was reserved for D. W. LEAVENS, our principal Druggist in Decatur, and paid for by him; but his business has so far increased that he thinks he has no use for it. We deem this explanation necessary to account for a vacant page. HILL & L EA IVTNR. 44 Now" OMPOOMMOWN"W"m VAN BUREN COUNTY GAZETTEER ABBOTT BROTHERS, - DTEALERS IN-- DRY GOODS! CLOTHING, HATS, CAPS, BOOTS and SHOES, FURS, HOSIERY, ETC. Corner Phelps and Delaware Streets..II--~- -\ -T. I a Thankful for liberal patronage in the past, we feel warranted in assuring our patrons that our new buseness connections with the East, added to our former facilities, lead us to believe that we can offer goods at as low, or lower, rates th thnthey can be purchased in this or adjoining towns. We shall keep in stock a complete assortment of Dry Goods, Groceries, Crockery and Glassware, Clothing, both Custom work and Ready Made, Cloths and Cassimeres, Boots and Shoes, Hats and Caps, Furs, Notions, etc., etc., of which, both as to Styles and Prices, we solicit a careful examination from cash or prompt pay customers. Please e give us a call. Corner of Phelps and Delaware Streets, Decatur, Mich. Respectfully. 0. S. ABBOTT, T at A. A. ABBOTT.! _I I AND BUSINESS DIRECTORY. DECATUR DIRECTORY. ABRTI.V IATIO~IS 45 agt.....................................................agent ave...........................................avenue bids...................................................boards bet...............................................between clk...........................................clerk cor....................................................corner e...................................................east e s....................................... east side h........................................house or home lab..................................................laborer mach..........................................machinist M. C R. R.............Michigan Central Railroad mnnfr......................................manufacturer n.......................................................north nr.........................................................near n s..............................................north side opp....0............................................opposite phys............................................physician propr.....................................proprietor R. R................................................railroad secly..............................................secretary s.................................................south a s....................................... south side supt......................................superintendent treas.................................treasurer w.......................................................west w a................................................west side wks..................................................works Decatur Street Directory, Beers St. 1 s M. C. R.R. commencina at Mills, runs n e to George. Bloughton St commencing at Wheeler ave, runs s to Delaware. Bronson St. 1st s Beers, commencing at Mills runs n e to George. Cedar St. 1st n Pine, commencing at Phelps runs s w to Pine. Champion t. 1st s Mason, comnmencing at George runs w to village limits. Clark St. 1 s Pine, commenecing at William runs n w to village limits. D)elaware St. 1st s St Mary's, commencing at western village limits, runs n e to Paw Paw road. East St. 1st e George, commnencing at Wheeler ave. runs s e to village limits. East Decatur Road s M. C. RH. R. commencing at George runs ne to village limits. George St. 1st e Phelps, commencing at Wheeler ave runs s e to village limits. John St. 1st w William, commencing at Sherwood, runs n w to Pine. Mason St. 1st s Bronson, commencing at George runs w to village limits. Mills St. 1st w John, commencing at Beers runs n w to village limits. North Lake St. 1st n Wheeler ave. commencing at Phelps, runs e to j school. I-: - -- --- -- i `- ' -'~ -----I I I -- VAENBUREN COUNTY GAZETTEEft MS. ME. MANLEY, News Dealer, Book-Seller and Stationer, Decatur. Wm. MeE.AD, -- DEALER IN SADDLES, WHIPS, LASUIES, TRIUNKS, VALISES, &c Particular Attention givenl to Fine work. Job Work and Repairing Promptly attended to. FRANK MILLER'S HARNESS Oil, for sale. SALESROOM1 E. SIDE DEPHELPS ST., OPP. DOWNS IIOUSE, Parkhurst Ave. 1st n Wheeler ave, commencing at Rogerst runs e to villae limits. Phelps St. 1st w Ge(,rge, commencing at Bronson runs n w to village limits. Pine St. commencing at Phelps, runs s w to William thence w to Lake. Prospect St. commencing at George, runs e to East. Rogers St. comumencing at Wheeler ave. runs n to village limits. School St. commeneing at St Mary's, ruNs n to village limits. Sherwood St. 1st n MI. C. R. R., commencing at village limits, runs n e to village limits St. Marys St. 1st n Delaware, commencing at western village limits. runs n e to Boughton. Wheeler Ave. commencing at Phelps, runs e to Paw Paw road. William St. 1st w Phelps, commencing at Bronson runs n W to Pine. Decatur Village Directory. Abbott, Albert A. (Abbott Bros. and Abbott & Matthews) h s e cor Delaware and William. ABBOTT BROS. (Orville S. & Albert A.) dealers in staple and fancy dry goods, boots and shoes, hats caps, clothing, crockery, glassware, etc., s w cor Phelps and Delaward. [see adv.] ABBOTT & MATTHEWS, (Albert A. Abbott, Ross Matthews.) proprietors Decatur Mills, cor George and M. C. R R. [see adv.] f AND BUSINESS DIRECTORY. 47 I. C. & E. C8. TT.UCI, -DEALERS INGROCERIES AND PROVISIONS IMIN -_________ 0 EI I...s STONE, WOOD AND WILLOW WARE. West Side Main St., Decatur, Mich. SNEl D, SANL8 ALWTD LIYI3RY aa SEYMOUR & HIGHL Proprietors. Feed for Horses, Tame Hay, Oats and Corn constantly on hand. West Side Public Square, near Depot, M, M }. SEYMOUR,A R1 M JAS. Lt. HIGH. --, -;~--~-- ------------ -- --- ----~-.1 *- -..c- I I:8 SVA.N BUREN COUNTY A.tZETTEER SNehool, Miscellaneous, Blank and Toy Books, Sheet Music and Toilet Articles, etc. at MANLEY'S, Decatur. Abbott, Orville S. (Abbott Bros.) bds A. A. Abbott, cor William and 1 )ela ware. AckkIy, Sterling, h ss (Cihampion 1 w G(eorge. Adams, James, lab, bds Charles Cox Allerton., John, pumnip-maker, bds Tittle House. ARNOLD, H. & SON, (.9(orace and Edward,) dealers in dry goods, groceries, hats and caps, boots, shoes, clothinr, etc., es 1Phelps 4 n Sherwood, [see adv.] Arnold, Horace, (H. Arnold & Son.) h over store. Arnold, AEdward, (11. Arnold & Sou.) h over store. Ashley, Miss Ida, (Cady & Ashley.) h s s Delaware I w Phelp. Austin, Leslie W. butcher, h cor Phelps and Beers.. Bach, Philip, (Williani G. Tibbals & Co.) h Ann Arbor. Baker, Chas. T. physician and surgeon, h and office eor Delaware and George. Baker Horace. hostler D)uncombe House, bds same. Bailey. JIames. porter )Downs House, bds same. 1Baels, Addison, elk R. D. Cuddeback, h a s Sherwood, 3 e East. Baldwin, Samuel, h w s Phelps, 3 n Delaware. Barney, Austin M., h cor Sherwood and William. BARNEY, Mrs. LOUISA M., Millinery and Fancy Goods, Salesroom, e s Phelps, 3 n Sherwood, h s s Delaware, 5 e Phelps. [see adv.] Barney, Miss Ella, milliner, bds and wks Mrs. L. M. Barney. Bartlett, John W., Billiard Hall. Poor's block, h n s St. Mary's:3 w William. Bashford, T. P., carpenter, h s s Sherwood, near w village limits. Beach, Orange J., lab, h w s George, s s Bronson. Beals, Eli, h n s Sherwood, 3 e East. Beals, Horace, engineer, h George. Ieebe, Eri, mill owner, h cor Wheeler ave and School. Beebe, W. Scott, bds Eri Beebe. Beechner, Conrad, lab., h s s Delaware, 5 e George. Bennett, George, (O'Rourk & Bennttt), h mile n village near brick yard. Bennett, Lyman H., student, bds E. D. Clark's. _ ~ I __ I _ AND BUSINESS DIRECTORY. 49 Buy Your (locks, Watches and Jewelry rof E. L. HAWKS, Decatur. 41. C. B. BoucHToN, Qhot Ear Tp mr A PHER DECATUR, MICH. India Ink Work, Copying, Views, &c. Beruen, James, engineer, wks R. D. Cudderback, h ' village limits. Berkhold, William, lab., h East Decatur road, 3 e George. Berkhold. Charles, lab., h East Decatur road, 3 e George. Bigelow, William, carpenter, s s Wheeler ave. 1 e East. Bierce Eli D., cabinet-maker, wks L. Noble. bds Palmer Rawson. Bishop, J. ff.. principal graded school, h ns St. Mary's, w vill. limits. BLACKMAN, EDGAR A., editor and prop'r VAN BUREN COUNTY REPUBLICAN, bds H. Cole. [See adv.] BLOWERS & HODGES, (W.N M. Blowers, Wm. Hodges) insurance agents, Sherwood, 2 e Phelps. [see adv.] Blowers, W. M. (Blowers & Hodges) h cor St. Mary's and East. Bond, Wm. O. h es PPhelps 2 n Delaware. Botsford, Curtis, clk J. S. Dowd & Co. bds H. Wi. Botsftrcd. Botsford, Albert, bds H. W. Botsford. Botsford, 11. W. mason and well digger, h w s Phelps 2 n Cedar. Botsford, Smith. (Wm. G. Tibbals & Co.) hi Detroit. Boughton, B. F. blacksmith, shop cor Sherwood and William, bda ixrthur Young. BOUGHTON, GEORGE B. photographer, Poore's Block, Phelps st., h cor St. Mary's and Boughton. [see adv.] Bouoghton, Noble, h cor St. Mary's and Boughton. Bowker, Gideon R. h n s Sherwood 1 w George. ~Bradford, Miss Nellie, teacher in graded school, bds Fred Smith. Bray, H. A. (Nearpass & Bray) ih coi Delaware and John. Brooks, John, h near n village limits. Brown, C. B. lab, h s s Sherwood nr e village limits. Brown, Henry, firmer, bds Peter Costello. __ ___ __ 50 VAN BUREN COUNTY GAZETTEER For Books, Stationery, Newspapers and Periodicals Call on M. M. MANLEY, Deeatur, Mieh. Brownbridge. Thomas, meat market w s Phelps 7 s Delaware, h same. Browning, T. druggist, w s Phelps 3 n Sherwood, h s s Delaware 4 e Phelps. Burch, Mrs. Jennie, milliner, w s Phelps 4 n Sherwood, h same. Burkhart, F. H. well driver, h n s Sherwood 2 e Williams. Burnett, Aaron, barber, h s s Delaware 3 e George, shop cor Phelps and Delaware up stairs. Burnett, Daniel, stave cutter, bds W. Burnett. Burnett, William, carpenter. h s s Bronson back of tannery. Codman, William, teamster, h n s Prospect, 1 e George. Cady & Ashley, (Miss Lucy Cady, Miss Ida Ashley), dress makers, s s Delaware, 1 w Phelps. Cady, Miss Lucy, (Cady & Ashley), h s s Delaware, 1 w Phelps. Cannon, John, lab., bds Tittle House. Canoll, Mrs. C., h cor Beers and William. Carpenter, Mrs. Nancy, h n s St. Mary'-, 4 w William. Carney, Edward, (Carney & DeBolt), h e Decatur road, 6 e George. Carney & DeBolt, (E Carney. Wm. DeBolt), meat market, e s Phelps, 6 n Sherwood. Carmen, James, lab., h n s Beers, 3 w William. CARY, MARSHAL A., tinner, wks S. N. Thomas, bds Willard E. Cary. Cary, Myron W., elk S. N. Thomas, bds Willard E. Cary. Cary, Willard E., tinner S. N. Thomas, h n s St. Mary's, 2 e School. Case, Harvey S. farmer, h s s St. Mary's, 1 w Phelps. Catholic church, foundation of, n s Delaware, 7 w John. Chadwick, E. E. & J. L., (Evard E. & John L.), dry goods etc., w s Phelps, 5 n Sherwood. Chadwick, Frederick M. elk E. E. & J. L: Chadwick, h s s Sherwood, 2 w William. Chadwick, John L., (E. E. & J. L Chadwick), h n s Delaware, 2 w George. Chapman, -, wid h n s Sherwood, nr e village limits Childs, Jefferson, bds S. Kurtz. CHURCH, H. C. & E., (Harry C & Edwin), grocers, w s Phelps, 3 n Delaware [See adv.] Church, Edwin, (H. C. & E. Church), h e s Phelps, 2 n St. Mary's. I --. _ _ I _ I ------------------ -"--"------~--~~I-------)-- AND BUSINESS DIRECTORY. 51 A General News Dealers Stocek to be found at MANLEY'S, Deeantur. Church. Harry C., (H. C. & E. Church), bds Downs House. Church, Lafayette, lab., h n s Champion, 1 w George. Clapp, H. B., land owuer, h cor Delaware and George. Clark, Doctor C. S,, botanic and magnetic physician, h n s Sherwood, 5 w Phelps. Clark, E. D., (J. S. Dowd & Co.), h cor George and Bronson. Clark, Nathan, elk Abbott Bros., h s s St. Mary's. 2 w East. Clark, P. G., porter and night watch, Duncombe House, bds same. Cockett, Charles S., (Northrup & Cockett), h n s Wheeler ave. Collacott, Thomas, blacksmith, shop s s Beers, nr depot, h next shop. Collacott, Thomas, Jr., blacksmith, works T. Collacott, bds same. Cole, Leonard carpenter, h coi Parkhurst ave and Paw Paw road. COLE, HIRAM, lawyer, h n s Delaware, 2 e George. Coleman, Jerome, notary public and real estate dealer, h cor Jhnu and Delaware. Combs, 0., h w s George, nr s village limits. Conway, S. T., ass't assessor int. rev., 2d district, office w Phelps, 5 n Sherwood, h n s Delaware, 4 w William. Conroy, W. R. harness maker, wks P. Pardonette, bds Galloway House. Conway, Thomas, saloon, e s Phelp, 3 s St. Mary's, h same. Cooper, Nathan L. trimmer and hainess maker, bds H. S. Mead. Cook. Darius, student, bds Fred Smith. Coonrad, Samuel, teamster, h s s Sherwood near e village limits. Costello, Peter. laborer, cor Beers and William. Cox, Charles P. h e s George 3 n Prospect. Cox, J. Albert, he s George 3 u Prospect. CRANDALL BRO'S. (Charles H. Crandall and Jas. F. C,'andall) dentists, w s Phelps 5 n Sherwood. [see adv.) Crandall, Chas. 1H. (Crandall Bro's.) bds Nelson Crandall. Crandall, James F. (Crandall Bro's.) bds Nelson Crandall. Crandall, Rev. Nelson, Pastor Baptist Church, h cor Delaware and Boughton. Crandall. Samuel N. bds Rev. Nelson Crandall. Crittenden, Mortimer, M. C. R. R. track hand, h s s Champion, 2 w George. Cross, Miss Sue, music teacher, bds Isaac Cross. j " r I ~ ~-.I---- - - -- -- - - - - ~ i-:-e c:~ ---~ ~1 - 52 lll ~ ~ ~ I__*_ 11... I..... VAN BUREN COUNTY GAZETTEER For Books, Stationery, Newspapers and Periodicals Call on X1. b. MANLEY, Decatur, Mieh. Cross, Isaac, h cor Prospect and Wheeler ave. Cuddeback, Rollin D. grist and saw milli s village limits near George. Davis, George, tailor, wks B. Eichleman, bds John Moy. Daniels, Martin, cooper, h n s Wheeler ave 5 e School. Davis, Stuart W. leader Decatur Cornet Band, bds W. B. Davis. Davis, W. B. h n e village limits. Dean Dexter H. farmer, h cor Delaware and John. DeBolt, Henry S. butcher, 2d h w depot. DeBolt, William (Carney & DeBolt) s s Champion., Decatur Cornet Band, Stuart W. Davis, leader, rooms cor Phelps and Sherwood. Decatur Dramatic Association, J. F. Crandall, Secretary. Decatur Graded School, cor School and George. DECATUR MILLS, Abbott & Mathews, propr's, e s George near M. C. R. R. [see adv.] DECATUR AND SOUTH HAVEN STAGE LINE, W. Graves, prop'r; Delos Ells, agt; headquarters Duncombe House. Dedrick, Philliu C. h East Decatur Road 2 e East. DeNoy, Charles, mason, s village limits. Devendorf" Mary L. widow, h cor Parkhurst ave and Paw Paw Road. Dodge, Joseph, h cor Phelps and St. Mary's. Doharty, Cornelius, M. C. R. R. hand, h cor Beers and William. Dounley, James, lab h s s Dela ware 6 e Phelps. Dowd, J. S. (J. S. Dowd & Co.) h over store w s Phelps 3 s Delaware. DOWD, J. S. & CO. (Joseph S. Dowd, E. I). Clark) groceries, crockery, and wooden ware w s Phelps 3 s Delaware. [see adv.] DOWNS' HOUSE, R. J. Downs, propr, cor Phelps and Sherwood. DOWNS' HOUSE Billiard Hall, R. J. Downs propr, cor Phelps and Delaware. Downs' House lBarn, R1. J. Downs propr, w s public square. DOWNS, R. J. prop'r Downs' House, cor Phelps and Sherwood. [see adv.] Duffin, S. boots and shoes, w s Phelps 6 s Delaware, h cor George and Bronson. DUNCOMBE HOUSE, H. Galloway, propr, cor Phelps and St. Mary's. Lsee adv.] i I --. U-I i I-- ~ c- -- I II---~ i_ _i~_ ~i_~:i I _:__*L:~~/_i~li - IC r. ~- ~--~--~- -~-~--~-i-~*~--l~~ r.,;l r;. AND BUSINESS DIRECTORY. 53i E. L. HAWIKS, Agent for the Howe Sewing MHachine, Decatur. THEB DEATUR COTHING EMPORIUM!1 Is the Best and Cheapest Place in the City, where you will alwvays find a Good Assortment of CENTS' FURNISHINC COODS, &C. Frankenberg & Rosenberg. Duncombe House Barn, ns St. Mary's 3 w Phelps. DUNCOMBE HOUSE1 Hi'ACK free to and from the cars. D)unning, Erastus F. h n s Delaware 2 e John. IDunning, John, farmer, h n s Mason. Dwight, A. E. cooper, h s s Delaware 2 w George. Dyer, Chliarles, lab, h n as Chamnipion. EastmanLU, Norman \V., carpenter, itss B-ers. 2 e Phelps. Eck, A. W., lab., bds Mrs. M. A. Eck. Eck, Mrs.. MA., wid h 1 w depot. Eckler, Noah, night watch, Downs Pouse, bds same. EICHELMAN, B., ready made clothing, Poor's block, Phelps st., h n e cor Phelps and )elaware. [See adv.] Eckenberger, John, painter,s a s Wheeler ave, 2 e East. Etilis, James, tanner, wks Nutting & Hlendryx, h next tannery. ELLS, DELOS, agent D)ecatur & South Haven line of stages, bds D)uucombe House. Fell, Alfred W., clk Duncombe House, bds same. Fergusona, Mariva, wid h East Decatur road, 3 e East. Fied, Charles S bds WaVlter A. Field. Field, Walter A,, saloon, as Phelps, 5 n Sherwood, h lsame. Fields, W. L., patent medicine manufacturer, Ih cor Beers and William. Fish, Moses, land owner, h cor Delaware and East. Fletcher, Lafayette, wks stave factory, h s a Delaware, 4 w George. Fortain, Jerry, foreman Prentiss & Rawson, h ns St. Mary's, 3 e George. Forsyth, H. D., shoemaker, es PIhelps, 3 n Delaware, hws Phelps, 2 n St. Mary's. 54 VAN BUREN COUNTY GAZETTEER Watches, Clocks and Jewelry Repaired by E. L. HIAWKS, Decatur. 8IL. S. "M E AD, Manufacturer and Dealer in Harnesses, Trunks, COLLARS, WHIPS, BLANKETS, ROBES, CARRIAGE TRIMMINGS, ---------&C., &C.------- ALL KINDS OF HARNESS, BOTH LIGHT AND IEA VY. CONSTANTLY ON HAND. One Door East of Post Office, Decatur, Mich. Foster, Newton, (Parkhurst & Foster), h cor Wheeler ave and East. Foy, James, lab., h nr e village limits. FRANKENBERG & ROSENBERG, (B. Frankenberg & Henry Rosenberg), clothing and gents' furnishing goods, w s Phelps, 5 s Delaware. [See adv.] Gall, Alexander, tailor, n s St. Mary's. 5 w William. Gall, Mrs. A., tailoress, n s St. Mary's, 5 w William. Galligan, Charles E., patent attorney and man:r patent stump pullers, h s s Delaware, 4 w George. Galloway House. Capt. J. Whitaker, propr, e s Phelps, 4 n Delaware. GALLOWAY, H., propr Duncombe HJuse, cor Phelps and St. Mary's. [See adv.] Gayner, Orrin, carpenter, h East Decatur road, 4 e George. Geer & Hinkley, (George W. Geer, Myron Hinckley), general mdse. Sherwood, opp M. C. R. R. depot. Geer, George W., ((Ceer & Hinkley), h Sherwood, opp M. C. 11. R. depot. George, Rev. T. T.. pastor 1st MI. E. church, h n s Delaware, 3 w William. Gerow, W. T. book keeper, h cor Sherwood and Johns GIES. GEORGE H, Foreman REPUBLICAN office, bds E. Lyon. Glue, Robert, wks Rawson & Co, h William s village limits. Goble, Elijah, farmer. h w s George near s village limits. Gontz, Frederick, carpenter, n East Decatur Road 2 e George. Gordon, George, lab, h e s Phelps 3 n St. Mary's. Greenman, Almon W. h cor St. Mary's and John. Greenman, George H. bds Almon W. Greenman. AND BUSINESS DIRECTORY. 55 A. S. HATHAWAY, --I)EALER INFancy Dry Goods, GROCERIES, HATS, CAPS, BOOTS and SHOES, C LOT0 I 1sT G, CARPETING, CROCKERY, GLASSWABRE, &c. Will as ever before be my motto, so let every man look to his own interest and call on HATHAWAY, before buying elsewhere. Thankful for past favors, I shall always try to merit a continuance of the same. sCorner Phelps and Delaware Sts.,a~ IDEOC.ATTTUR1, M10dI13L I - - ---b -"-- --~--- ~~-s - ~--~~i---~ _-- _ ---- II I~: ~ ':~ ' I~--------:. ~ -~~~~ ~- ----; -~------- ------- ~---".~~ ~----~ 56 VAN BUREN COUNTY GAZETTEER Genuine Waltham Watches for Sale by E. L. HAWKS, Decatur. Gregor, George, lab, h Parkhurst ave near Paw Paw Road. G uy, William, shoe maker, h cor St. Mary's and School. Hlall, Oscar F., land owner, h e s George, nr village limits. Hollenbeck, James HI., carpenter, h s s St. Mary's, next Universalist church. Hand, Patrick, tanner, h Sherwood, nr e village limits. Harbin, David, farmer, bds John Harbin. larbin, John, farmer, s s Beers, nr w village limits. tHarbin, G-ranvill, farmer, h s s Beers, or village limits. Harden, John, carpenter, h Rogers, 2 n Wheeler ave. Harlan Theodore, wagon and blacksmith shop, s s Delaware, 2 w William, h next to shop. HIarlan, William, blacksmith, wks and bds T. Harlan. HIaskins, Chester H., auctioneer and life insurance agent, h11 n s Wheeler ave, 1 e School, office with Upton & Tucker. HATHAWAY, A. S., Dry Goods and Groceries, cor Phelps and Delaware, h same. Hawley. J. HI., gunsmith, Phelps, 1 n St. Mary's, h same. HAWKS, E. L., Clocks, Watches and Jewelry, w s Phelps, 4 s Delaware, h n s St. Mary's, 2 w Boughton. [See adv.] HAYNES, JAMES, Produce and Commission Merchant, an s Sherwood, 2 e Phelps, h s s Sherwood, 2 e George. [See adv] Haynes, John G., h cor George and Prospect. Haynes, Joseph H., elk, E. E. & J. L. Chadwick, bds Galloway house. Haynes, Norman D., elk, James IHaynes, bds samne. HENDRYX. 11. J., (Nutting & Ilendrvx), h oeor Sherwood ancd Williatun. HIGGINS & SQUIER, ([. B. Higgins, I)avid A. Squier), groce(rs, &c., cor Phelps and Delaware. [see adv.] Higgins, 1. B., (Higgins & Squier), h w s School, 2 n St. Mary's. High, Nathan, h w s George, 3 s Beers. High, James, (Seymour & High), h cor Sherwood and Johns. Hill, E. P., (Trowbridge & lill), h s s Delaware, 2 w William. HILL & LEAVENS, (Delos L. Hill, Charles A. Leavens), directory publishers, office cor Phelps arnd Delaware. Hill, Delos L., (Hill & Leavens), bds E. P. Hill. Hitchcock, E. D., traveling agt, h e s School, 1 n Wheeler ave. ___________________________ - -- I II 'I I I AND BUSINESS DIRECTORY. 57 2IR AM C OLME Attorney and Counselor --ATNotary Public, Conveyancer and REAL ESTATE AGENT. Office cor Phelps and Delaware Sts., up stairs, DECATUR. parkhurst & Foster, -AND-- C OTT rJ~ S E T 0iR S AT I.A'VW, Solicitors in Chancery, Notaries Public, Bounty, Claim and Real Estate Agents. J. G. PARKHURST, E. Side Phelps St, up stairs NEWTON FOSTER. ( Decatur. I pton & a& h3ea? Attorneys & ounselors - AT--- Solicitors in Chancery, Notaries Public, INSURANCE AGENTS, &C. Office cor Phelps and Delaware Sts., Over Trowbridge & Hill, DECATUR. JOHN B. UPTON, W. H. TUCKER Doyle O'Hanlon, ---ANDIEAIR? DERESSBEJI, SHOP E S PHELPS, 4 S DELAWARE. [Note from the publishers of this work.] We have personally tried Mr. O'Hanlon's work and know him to be a superior workman, and cheerfully recommend him to the patronage of a discriminating public. j Hill, L. Dana, student, bds E. P. Hill. Himmel, Edward, tailor. wks B. Eichelman, bds same Hinkley, Marvin, stave cutter, bds H. Hinkley. Jlinkley, Myron. (Geer & Hinkley), h s s Delaware, 3 e Phelps. Hitchcock, Edgar D., artist, bds E. 1). Iitcheock. Hodges, D. h n s Delaware 4 e East. HODGES, ORRIN W. elothing, boots and shoes, w s Phelps 3 n Sherwood. Hodges, William, (Blowers & Hodges) h n Delaware 3 e East. Hollister, Chauncey, Justice of the Peace, office cor Phelps and Delaware, h cor Delaware and George. Howland, Patrick, lab, h s s Beers, nr tannery. Hubel, R. C. harness maker, wks H. S. Mead, h n s Sherwood 2 w Phelps. HUIPHREY, J. H., planing mill, George 1 s M. C. R. R.. h cor Beers and George. Isham, William E. lab, h e s George nr s village limits. JOHNSON, ANDY B. printer, REPUBLICAN office, bds Jacob Johnson. I ______________________________.1___ 58 VAN BUREN COUNTY GAZETTEER Watches, Clocks and Jewelry Repaired by E. L. HAWKS, Deeatur. Johnson, Enoch G. h Paw Paw Road 1 n Delaware. Johnson, Eugene, farmer, bds L. T. Rawson. Johnson, Jerry, wks L. Noble, bds J. S. Johnson. Johnson, Jacob S. carpenter, h n s Sherwood nr e village limits: Johnson. Joe, barber, cor Phelps and Delaware, bds Aaron Burnett. Johnson, Nathan, h e s Delaware 2 e John. Johnson, William L. carpenter, h n s Sherwood nr e village limits. Jolly, Wilson, student, bds Fred Smith. Jones. Solomon, W. carpenter, h u s Wheeler ave 7 e School. JONES, WWM, B. reporter and guitarist, bds S. W. Jones. Jordan, Dennis, wks stave factory, h e s George, 2 s M. C. R. R. Jordan, Thomas H. tailor, over Abbott Bros., h n s St. Mary's. Keables, Alonzo F., (Nash, Keables & Nicholson) h s s St. Mary's 1 e St. John Keables, Dr. J. T. physician and surgeon, office n s Delaware 1 w Phelps, h same. Keeler, Mrs. h n s Delaware next Methodist Church. Keenhold, George, carpenter, h cor George and Sherwood. Kissel, Jacob, groceries and provisions, n s Sherwood 5 c Phelps. KNIGHTS & PERKINS, (Anson B. Knights, Geo. N. Perkins, Toledo Ale Depot, e s Phelps 3 s Delaware. Knights, Anson B (Knights & Perkins) h n s Delaware 4- e Phelps. Kontz, Frederick, lab. Kurtz, Adelbtrt J. elk J. W Rogers, bds S. Kurtz. Kurtz, S. painter. h n s Delaware next M. E. Church. Laberdy, Chas., lab, h n s Wheeler ave 4 e School. Laudglin, John, lab, h e s George 4 s M. C. R. R. Leavens, Chas. A. (Hill & Leavens) bds D. W. Leavens. Leavens, Edward, bds D. W. Leavens. LEAVENS, D. W. druggist, w s Phelps 2 s Delaware, h n Delaware 2 e Phelps. Night calls promptly responded to. [see adv.] Leavens, Walter C. elk D. W. Leavens, bds same. Lee, Bennett, farmer, h Paw Paw Road nr Delaware. Lee, Calvin, thresher, h s s St. Mary's 2 e Phelps. Lee, Daniel J. farmer, h Paw Paw Road n Delaware. Lee, George, teamster, bds Calvin Lee. AND BUSINESS DIRECTORY. 59 Gold Pens, Pocket Cutlery and Optical Instruments for Sale by E. L. HAWKS, Decatur, Mich. Lee, Hiram, teamster, h n s Sherwood nr e village limits. Lee, Irving, teamster, bds Calvin Lee. Lee, Ralph A. teamster, bds Calvin Lee. Leffingwell, Ira, constable, h cor John and Sherwood. Lisk, Cassius, carpenter, bds Levi Lisk. Lisk, Israel, broom maker, bds Levi Lisk. Lisk, Jacob, (Moore & Lisk) h at Lawrence. Lisk, Levi. wagon maker, h n s Delaware 4 w John. Lumbard, James M. h cor Delaware and John. Lurkins, Henry, land owner, h n s Delaware 2 e East. Lusk, Henry W. carpenter, Delaware e village limits. Lyon, Eli, farmer, h n s Sherwood 1 e East. Lyon, Hobart, clk Rawson & Co., bds Jeremiah Teed. LYON. RICHARD H. musical genius, bds Eli Lyon. I Mahoney, James, M. C. I. R. hand, h cor Beers and William. Mahoney, Lee, gunsmith, Phelps 1 s St. Mary's, h same. Mahoney, Michael, lab h cor Beers and Phelps. Manley, David H. h s s Delaware 4 w Phelps. MANLEY. MERRITT M. dealer in books and stationery, Poore's block, bds D. H. Mauley. [see adv.] IMapes, Marvin D. h w s Phelps 3 n Cedar. Mason, Henry, (Reed & Mason) h as Mason 3 w George. Matthews, Billings, teamster, h s s Beers nr depot. Matthews, Daniel W. teamster, s s Beers nr depot. Mathews, Ross, (Abbott & Mathews) h e s George nr s village limits. Mattison, Almonson M. money broker, h cor Phelps and St. Mary's. Mattison, M. DeHart, bds A. M. Mattison. Mattison, Merritt J. school teacher, bds A. M. Mattison. Murray, Henry, blacksmith, bds John Vincent. Maxham. Thos. wks M. C. 1. R. depot, bds w s Phelps 2 s St. Mary's. Maxham, Walter, wks M. C. R R. depot, bds w s Phelps 2. s St. Mary,s. M. C. R. R. Freight Depot, e s Public square, C. Wheeler, freight agent. M. C. R. R. Passenger Depot, s s public square, C. Wheeler, agent. McClure, Henry C. bds Galloway House. II I I I I I; _~ 60 VAN BUREN COUNTY GAZETTEER Buy Your Watches, Clocks and Jewelry of E. L. HAWKS, Decatur. McClung, Thomas, painter, wks T. Harlan, h n s Sherwood nr e village limits. McCormick, George, mason, h s s Delaware, 2 e George. McDonald, Alexander, turner, 3 h w depot. McDonald, Win. H. tanner, bds Alexander McDonald. McKay, Anthony, lab, h Delaware nr w village limits. McKay, David, lab, h Rogers 1 n Wheeler ave. McKay, Geo. blacksmith, h cor Delaware and William. McKay, John, lab, bds Rogers, 1 n Wheeler ave. McKay. Peter, blacksmith, wks B. F.' Boughton, bds Geo. McKay. McKelvy, William M., (Ross & McKelvy), bds William Ross. McKenzie, W. H. engineer. wks Abbott & Mathews, bds W. E. Cary. Mead, Charlie, harness maker, wks Winm. Mead, bds same. MEAD, H. S., harness maker, n s Sherwood, 2 w Phelps, h same. [see adv.] MEAD, WILLIAM, harness maker, cor Phelps and Sherwood, h w s School. [See adv.] Minnes, Frederick, cooper, h East Decatur road, 1 c George. Methodist church, n s Delaware. between Phelps and William. Merrifield, J., pastor Universalist church, h n s Wheeler ave, 6 e School. MOORE & LISK, (J. M. Moore and Jacob Lisk), hardware & stoves, cor Phelps and Sherwood. [see adv.] Moore, David F., elk, Moore & Lisk, bds Galloway house. Moore, John M., (Moore & Lisk), h w s School, 1 s Wheeler ave. Moore. William, shoemaker, wks J. Shaad, h w s School, 2 s North Lake. Mosher, Hiram N., farmer, h n s Beers, 2 w William. MoIrey, Almeron, lab, h s s Mason, 2 w George. Moy, John, lab, h cor George and St. Mary's. Myres, Jarvis L., mason, h s s Mason, 4 w George. Nash, Keables & Nicholson, (Ira Nash, A. T. Keables, R. E. Nicholson), dry goods, groceries, &c., Poo)r's block, Phelps. Nash, Ira, (Nash, Keables & Nicholson), h e s George, nr s vil. limits. Nearpass & Bray, cabinet makers and architects, n s Delaware, 2 c Phelps. Nearpass, Wm. HI., (Nearpass & Bray), h s s St. Mary's, 1 e George. Nichols, George, wks Nutting & Hendryx, bds Nutting. 11 ---- - --- ~-~------ -~-------c-^---^-3\.r..;.. I ~--~;--i-: ~-L---;---- --;~-; ~'~'~-~ -' - ":- - - ~~~~ XD BUSINEats maYRCrro-. m,1 s. N T. WITO M AS, --------- I it IN------ 0 V M r rn Z M; o a( xm SHELF HEAVY HARDWARE! Kalamazoo, Dowagiae and South Bend Plows. EAST SIDE PHELPS ST,, I_ DEOCA.TTUTIR, M /IOHC Nicholson, Horace W.. bds Mrs. S. E. Nicholson. Nicholson, R. Eugene, (Nash. Keables & Nicholson), h coi St. Mary's and John. Nicholson, Mrs. S. E., h cor St. Mary's and William. NOBLE, L., furniture dealer, n s Sherwood, opp 3f. C. It.. deoot, hns St.. Mary's, 1 w Phelps. [see adv1.]3 North, Wmi., builder, bhs s Sherwood, I w Phelps. Northrup & Cockett, (H. A. Northrup & C. S. Cockett), Am. express and insurance agents, ws 1Phelps, 4 n Sherwood. Northrup. Charles, billiard saloon. w s Phelps, under Chadwick's store. heC ('eorge, 1 1 1M. C. R. R. Northrup, Daniel, farmer. hos Phelps, In North Lake. Northrup, Geo. A., bds Galloway house. Northrup, H. Alonzo, (Northrup & Cockett), h e s George, 4 a Beers. Nutting & Hendryx, (Ransom Nutting and If. J. Ilendryx), tanners, s asBeers, opp depot. Nutting, James. elk, M. C. R. R. fr't depot. h cor Phelps and Beers. Nutting, Lucius, h n s Delaware, ur e village limits. 62 VAN BUREN COUNTY GAZETTEER F. G. RUSSELL, Vholesale dealer in Ladles' Hats, Bonnetts, Frames, Plumes, Ribbons, Flowers, etc., Decatur, DE:C~.. T TT "U r -AND1 SOUTH HAVEN STAG8E LTI tE! W. GRAVES, Propr. This old and reliable line having been reorganized and restocked, presents to the traveling public as good facilities for getting to and from the Lake Shore, and intermediate points, as can be found in the State. Express matter and light freight carried at reasonable rates. Perfect satisfaction guarantied. Each village on tLe route has a gentlemanly agent who attends to the welfare of the passengers and Express matters. Nutting, Ransom, (Nutting & Hendryx), h n s Sherwood, opp M. C. R. R. fr't depot. Nutting & Rathbun, (Miss Nellie Nutting, Miss Emma Rathbun), dress and mantilla makers, over Leavens' drug store. Nutting, Miss Nellie, (Nutting & Rathbun), h n s Delaware, nr e village iimits. Olds, Almond, farmer, h n s Wheeler ave, 3 e School. Olds, 7I. T., carpenter, h East Decatur road, 5 e East. O'HANLON, DOYLE, barber, es Phelps, 3 s Delaware, h same. O'Leary, John, drayman, h s s Beers, 3 w William. O'Leary, Thomas, drayman, h s s Sherwood, nr w village limits. O'Rourke & Bennett, (3M. O'Rourke, Geo. Bennett), brickmakers, yard S mile n of village. O'Rourke, Michael, (O Rourke & Bennett), h w Phelps, 3 n St. Mary's. Palmerton, Mrs. Jane, weaver, car St. Mary's and Williiam. Palmerton, Reuben, lab, h Pawt Paw Road n Delaware. Pardee, Joseph D., stock broker, office e s Phelps 6 s Delaware, bds L. W. Austin. Pardee, Mrs., h cor George and St. Mary's. Parker, S. S., tinner, Moore & Lisk, h cor John and St. Mary's. Pardonette. Peter, harness maker, shop e s Phelps 4 s St. Mary's, h same. Parkhurst, Johnathan G., (Parkhurst & Foster) h cor Delaware and East. PARKHURST & FOSTER, (Jonathan G. Parkhurst, Newton Foster), attorneys, office e s Phelps 2 s Delaware. ~-~---------- 111_1~ 111_-__1_1- ----._1-1-1~_ II - I --- -- I __ C I L I_ ^ I _~ AND BUSINESS DIRECTORY. 63 F. G, RUSSELL, Dealer in Fancy and * taple Dry Goods, Notions, Millinery Goods, Boots and Shoes and Fur Goods Decatnr. Pearson, Jesse, farmner and carpenter. hw village limits nr M- C. R. IR. Perkins, George F., (Knights & Perkins) hie Phelps 3 s Delaware. Phelps, Mrs. Elmina, Post master, n s Sherwood 4 w Phelps, h" 5 w Phelps. Phelps, Seth IH., as'st postmaster, bds Mrs. E. IPhcelps. IPoore, Charles N., insurance agt, office Phelps 1 1i Poore's biock, h same P-owers. Albert, bds G- W. Powers. Powers, George M. bds G. W. Powers. Powers, G( o. W. horse farrier, s s Pine. Powers, Monroe T. trader, bds Duncombe House. Prentiss, J. I., (Prentiss & Rtwson) h s s Sherwood 1 w Phtlps. PRENTISS & RAWSON, (Jerome 1. Prentiss, Lyman 1. Rawson) planing mill, e William nr M. C. R. R. [see adv.] Pre4byterian Church, n s Delaware bet Phaips and George. Rev. E. M. Toof, pastor. Prieste, Jacob. wagon nmaker, h s s Champion. Prieste, Mrs. Jacob, tailoress, hss Champion. P'ritchard, Wn. H1. carpenter, h e s East 1 n St..Mary's. Pntney, Orville, student, bds Fred Smith. Rathbun, Aide, wks Seymour & High, bds IT.M. Seymour. Rathbun, Frank, clk, Downs house, bds same. Rathbun, Miss Emma, (Nutting & Rathbuiin). ih s sSherwood, 2 w Phelps. Rawson & Co., (Lyman T. Rawson, A. W. Rogers & Joseph Rogers), luminber and produce dealers, w end public square. R'awson, Judson R., mason, e s orge, 2 n Prospect., C I. n Prospect. Rawson, Palnmer, i s s Sherwood, 2 w Seymour & High's livery. Rawson, Lyman 1T., (Rawson & Co.), he George. ur s village limits. Rawson, Lyman, cor St. Mary's andl Johns. Reed & Mason, (John Reed & Henry Mason), heading factory, nr s village limits. Reeod, -John, (RIccd & Mason), hI ii s village limits. Reed, Mrs. J. S., milliner, rooms over Abbott Bros. RIteeves, )aniel, bds Lyman A. Roberts. Reynolds & Spencer, (B. H. Reynolds. James V. Spencer) blacksmiths, cor Del aware and William. ~~i __:: I.~ ^ -_ ^ -11-~ ----ii~--i~- - ~- ----iii-: -il~---l ~~-~~-(i- -i-~-~-~~-- -~~ - i~;i~riL; 64 VAN RUREN COUNTY GAZETTEER F. G, RUSSELL, Dealer in Dry Goods, Notions, Millinery Goods, Boots, Shoes, Hats, Caps, and Fur Goods Deeatur. Reynolds, B. H., (Reynolds & Spencer), h cor Delaware and William Rider, James, teamster, h n s St. Mary's, 2 w East. Roberts, Lewis D., elk, Abbot Bros., h n s St. Mary's, 2 w William. Roberts, Lyman A., farmer, h William, ur s village limits. Robinson, Mrs., h s graded school house. Robinson, Miss Jennie, tailoress, wks T. H. Jordon, bds same. Rogers, Albert W., (Rawson & Co.), bds Jeremiah Teed. Rogers, Don C., county register, h n s Sherwood, 2 w William. Rogers, Dr. G. W., eclectic physician, h s s Delaware, 1 e Phelps. Rogers, Henry A., h s s Delaware, 2 w George. Rogers, Joha, groceries and provisions, e s Phelps, 2 n Sherwood. Rogers, Joseph, (Rawson & Co.), bds Galloway house. Rogers. J., banker, w s Phelps, 4 n Delaware, h Dowagiae. Ross & McKelvy, (Win. Ross, Wm. M. M. McKelvy), physicians, office e s Phelps, 4 n Sherwood. Ross, William, (Ross & McKelvy), h e s Phelps, 4 Sherwood. Rosenberg, Henry, (Frankenberg & Rosenberg), bds Galloway house. Rowley, C. S.. dentist, office e s George, s M. C. R. R., h same. Ruggies, Eli, farmer, h s s Wheeler ave, 1 e School. RUSSELL, FREDERICK G., dry goods, millinery, etc., w s Phelps, 2 n Delaware, h same. [See adv.] Russell, Walter, wagon maker, h cor St. Mary's and William. Ryan, Martin, lab, s s Beers, 2 w William. Ryan, William, lab, bds Michael Mahonv. Sanborn, Wallace, carpenter, h w village limits nr M. C. I R. Schweizer, Christopher, blacksmith, wks and bds T. Har:en. Schoder, Jacob, baker, wks and bds J. S. Waldron. Scott, Anson D. farmer, h East Decatur Road nr e village limits. Scott, George, teamster, n s St. Mary's 2 w East. Scott, James, mason, h n s Sherwood, 2 w George. Seymour, Frederick S., tinner, wks Moore & Lisk, bds M. M. Seymour. SEYMOUR & HIGH, (M. M. Sey'-our, James High), livery and sale stables, cor Sherwood and Phelps, nr depot. [see adv.] Seymour, M. M. (Seymour & High), h n s Sherwood, nr w vil. limits. Simpson, H. L., dep sheriff. Sirine, Mrs. Sarah, h s s St. Mary's, 1 w William. _ _ __ AND BUSINESS DIRECTORY. 65 Buy Your Flour, Feed and Salt of HIGGINS & SQUIER, Decatur. Shaad, John, boots and shoes, e Phelps, 3 u Sherwood, h same. Shaeen, Patrick, lab, s s Beers, 2 w William. Shannah, Jeremiah, lab, s s St. Mary's, 1 e John. Shier, Miss A. L., millinery, over Abbott Bros., h same. Shupe. L. A-, eik, J. W. Bartlett, bds same. Slick, Peter, miller, wks Abbott & Mathews, h s s Delaware, 3 e East. Smith, Frederick, jeweler, w s Phelps, 2 n Sherwood, h s s Delaware, 5 w Phelps. Smith, George, lab, h East Decatur road, nr e village limits. Smith, Harvey B., mason, h Phelps, nr cemetery. Smith, Mrs. Irene, h n s Sherwood, 2 e John. Smith, Miss Kate, milliner, F. G. Russell, bds same. Smith, Orson B., mason, bds Harvey B. Smith. Smith, Samuel W., elk, Galloway house, h ss St. Mary's, 2 w William. Southwell, Henry, blacksmith, wks and bds T. Harlan. Spencer, James W., (Reynolds & Spencer), bds B. H. Reynolds. Sprague, Benjamin, wks Seymour & High, bds James High. Squiers, David A., (Higgins & Squier), h w George, nr s vil. limits. Starr, Mrs. M. C., s s St. Mary's, 2 w John. Steel, Charles, mason, h n s Wheeler ave, 3 e School. Steele, John M., carpenter, n Prospect, 2 e George. Sterling. David, miller, wks R. D. Cudderback, bds John Goble. Stewart, George, carpenter, h n s Delaware, 2 w John. Stockwell, Alexander, land owner, h n s Sherwood, nr stave factory. Stoddard, William W., shoemaker, h w s William, 1 n St. Mary's. Stove, Thomas, carpenter, bds Win. H. Pritchard. Sutfin, David, student, bds Austin M. Barney. Sutherton, Henry, carpenter, bds Granvill Harbin. Sweet, Aaron, night watch, h e s George, 1 a St. Mary's. Sweet, Lyman, fireman, wks Abbott & Matthews, h s s Beers, 3 e Phelps Sweet, Samuel, lab, h n s Sherwood, nr e village limits. Swift, A. B., carpenter, h n s Sherwood, 2 c George. Sylvester, Seymour, blacksmith, wks T. Harlan, bds H. Case. Taber, John T., blacksmith, h n s Delaware, 3 w John. Tarbell, Grosvenor, street broker, office e s Phelps, 3 n Sherwood, h s s Delaware, opp M. E. church. II - r ~ ~ - - -r - ~- -r -,66 VAN BUREN COUNTY GAZETTEER J. S. DOWD d& Co., General Dealers in Groceries, Croekery, Lamps and Glassware, Deeatur. Taylor, Mrs. Amelia, tailoress, h s Beers, opp depot. Teed, Henry C., h Sherwood, opp M. C. R. R. depot. Teed, Jeremiah, h Sherwood, opp M. C. R. R. depot. Thompson, George, hostler, Galloway house, bds same. Thomas, Nathan S., h e s Phelps, 4 n St. Mary's. THOMAS, SELA N., hardware dealer, e s Phelps, 4 s Delaware h cor Phelps and St. Mary's. Tibbals, Charles E., elk, William G. Tibbals & Co., bds W. G. Tibbals. Tibbals, William G., (William G Tibbals & Co.), h e s George, 2 n St. Mary's. Tibbals, William G. & Co., (William G. Tibbals, Smith Botsford. Philip Bach), proprs Decatur stave factory, cor East and Sherwood. TITTLE, C. T., prop Tittle house, n s Sherwood, opp M. C. R. R depot. Toof, Rev. E. M., pastor 1st Pres. church, h s s Delaware. opp churchToof, S. Gridley. dentist, bds Rev. E. M. Toof. Torrance, Stephen T., tinner, s s Wheeler ave, nr w village limits. Townsend, Robert L,, harness maker, wks H. S. Mead, bds same. Trowbridge. Edward, restaurant, w s Phelps. 4 s Delaware, h same. TROWBRIDGE & HILL, (Wm. E. Trowbridge. E. P. Hill.) wholesale and retail grocers, cor Phelps and Delaware. [see adv.] Trowbridge, Wm. E., (Trowbridge & Hill), h cor Delaware and George. Trowbridge, Theodore, elk, Trowbridge & Hill, bds Wim. E. Trowbridge. Tucker, Win. H.. (Upton & Tucker), h cor Sherwood and William. Tuttle, Joseph H., h n s Delaware, nr Presbyterian church. Tuttle, William H., h n w cor Delaware and East. TUTTLE, Wm. H., printer, REPUBLICAN office, bds J. H. Tuttle. Tyler, James, shoemaker, n s'St. Mary's, 2 e East. shop e s Phelps 2 s St. Mary's. Tyler, James, shoemaker, h w s School, 3 s North Lake. Universalist church, s s St. Mary's bet Phelps and George. UPTON & TUCKER, (John B. Upton, Wm. Tucker). attorneys and counselors at law, cor Phelps and Delaware. [See adv.] _ __ AND BUSINESS DIRECTORY. 67 HIGGINi & SQUIE 4 Sell Groceries and Provisions Cheap, Decatnr Upton, John B., (Upton & Tucker), h w s School, opp graded schoo house. Valleau, Frank, bar keeper, Downs house, bds same. Van Pelt. John, night watchman, M. C. R. R. depot, h cor George and St. Mary's. Van Sickel, G. A., carpenter, h w s George, 2 s Beers. Velcourt. Joseph, painter, h s village limits. Vincent, John W., cabinet maker, h n s Delaware. 5 w Johns. VOKE, Geo. M., printer, REPUBLICAN office, bds E. Lyon. Vought, James A., teamster, h ss Delaware, 2 e East. Waldron, Edward, bds James S. Waldron. Waldron, James S., baker, e Phelps, 2 s Delaware, h s Delaware. Walker, Charles G., peddler, h s s Delaware, nr e village limits. WALLACE, JOHN H., lumber, lath, shingles, etc., office n s Sherwood, 2 e Phelps, h n s Delaware, 2 w William. Walley, L. M., carpenter, h n s North Lake, 1 e Phelps. iWalton. J. W., manfr milk safes, bds Duncombe house. Warner, Jasper P., saw mill propr, h e s George, nr s village limits. Warner, Josiah S., lab, h w s George, nr s village limits. Webster, Norman, carpenter, h s s Delaware, 2 e East. Wells, Aldrich, farmer, bds J. M. Wells. Wells, John M., carpenter, h n s Beers, 4 w William. Wenner, Michael, harness maker, wks Wmi. Mead, h cor St. Mary's and Phelps. Wheeler, Carleton, ticket and freight agent, M. C. R. R, h same. Wheaton. Mrs. Eleanor, h n s Sherwood, 3 e George. Whitaker, J., propr Galloway house, e s Phelps, 4 n Delaware. Whitaker, L. P. T., clk, Gallowaw house, bds same. Wilkinson, Almond, farmer, h w village limits, nr M. C. R. R. Wilkinson, George A., dancing master, bds A. Wilkinson. Wood, A. M., mechanic, bds Lucius Nutting. Wright, Charles, carpenter, s Pine. Wright, Frank, carpenter, h w s School, nr graded school building. Wright, Henry S, student. Wright, Louisa B., wid Sylvester, h George, 1 n Prospect. Young, Arthur, carpenter and joiner, h n s Sherwood, 3 w William. Young, Perry, elk, Charles Northrup, bds same. 68 VAN BUREN COUNTY GAZETTEER HARTFORD. Historical and Descriptive Sketch of Hartford. HARTFORD-Town 3 south, range 16 west-is situated in the western part of Van Buren county, and is gently undulating in surface, and was originally very heavy timbered with black walnut, white wood, ash, basswood, beech and maple, and more or less interspersed with butternut, oak, elm and hickory and some small sections of good pine. The town is generally well watered, being traversed from east to west by the Paw Paw river and numerous tributaries. The soil is a rich sandy loam, unsurpassed in productiveness in all the fruits and cereals of this latitude. In common with ail this region of country, there is but a moderate supply of stone and those, too, of a poor quality for building purposes. There is a very good bed of marl in the south part of the town, from which good lime is manufactured. On the farm of the writer, near the west line of section twelve, there is a pure white sulphur spring, issuing from the top a mound of about four feet above the level of the adjacent land. Springs impregnated with iron and other minerals, are found in various parts of the town, and strong indications of petroleum are found along the whole extent of the Paw Paw valley. The town was organized and named in 1840. It was first agreed to call the town Hartland, after the town from which Mr. Olds, the first settler, emigrated, but when it was found there was another town in the State by that name, the wish of Mr. Olney to call it Hartford was acceeded to. The first town meeting was held in April, 1840. at the house of Smith Johnson, and B. A. Olney was elected supervisor. The first couple married in the town was Thomas Kemp to Mehitable Cone. September, 22, 1844. Mr. Kemp was one of the first settlers in the town of Bangor, and the bride was a sister of Mrs. Olds. The first death in the town was James Spinnings, May 2, 1841. The first male child born in the town was Luke Conklin, son of Thomas Conklin, born December 3, 1838. The first road laid out in the town was what is called the Watervliet road. in the spring of 1837, by the commissioners of Lawrence. The town was first settled on the north east quarter of section 29, by Ferdino Olds and family, consisting of his wife and daughter, at that time 18 months old. Mr. Olds left his family at the house of Lyman G. Hill, the nearest settler, until he could put up a rude shanty for their reception on his own land. About the 25th of Tanuary, 1837, they were fairly settled, where they remained until the death of Mr. Olds in October, 1856. There was, and there still is, a remnant of the Potawatamie Indians in the neighborhood, and at that early day they had a great curiosity to see every -1 --. -~ -:---.: - ----.: -- AND BUSINESS DIRECTORY. 69 new comer, and being of a shy, wild nature, they had a habit, when they approached a white man's shanty-chee mow ker man's wigwam-of walking entirely around it and looking in at the windows, and then approaching the the door carefully, with the still step of moccasins or bare feet, and open it slyly, just wide enough to admit the head, which is quickly thrust in at the opening, and the face turned in every direction to see what is inside. It was after an occurrence of this kind, when Mr. Olds had gone to St. Joe to work for money to buy a cow, that Mrs. Olds made up her mind to leave the shanty with her child and take refuge at the house of Lyman G. Hill, distant about five miles, until Mr. Olds returned. She accordingly wrote on the door for the edification of Mr. Olds, when he returned, what her intention was, and when the Indian was fairly out of sight, she took to the woods with hej child, to carry out her intention of going to Mr. Hill's. On her way, it was necessary to cross Pine creek, which she expected to do on a log where she had crossed before, but in her hurry and fright, she missed the trail, and came to the creek at a new place where there was no chance to cross, and in her excitement, she dropped down her child and ran along the creek for a considerable distance to find the log, but when she returned the child was gone, and the mother, perfectly frantic, ran up and down through the brush to find her. She presently discovered her lost one in a thicket of brush, picking squaw berries, quite contented and happy. Pursuing her waly, she reached Mr. Hill's in safety, just before dark. This child, Miss Julia Olds, is now the wife of Ansel E. Reynolds, Esq.. one of our most respected citizens, a leading merchant of Hartford Centre. The next settler in the town was Henry Hammond and family, consisting of his wife and two small children. Mr. Hammond's went to work to put up a shanty, and in one week he had it so far completed that they moved into it with all their effects. They lived in their shanty till some time in May, and then Mr. and Mrs Hammond, without any help, rolled up a good log house, 16 x 22 feet, and in the course of the summer, they chinked and mudded and finished it so that it was quite comfortable. On the 3d day of January, 1838, there was born in this house Miss Catherine Hammond, the first child born in the town of Hartford, and now the wife of Hiram E. Stratton, Esq., of this town. The first school house was built in the spring of 1842, and the first school was taught that summer by Olive Pool, for one dollar and twenty-five cents per week, with only five scholars. The next settlers were Burrell A. Olney, Thomas Conklin and James Spinnings, who arrived on the 14th day of March, 1837. Messrs. Olney and Spinnings by the 1st of June, had six acres of heavy timbered land all cleared off and planted. Messrs. Olney and Conklin brought on their families the latter part of September, the same year. Mr. Olney in a pre-eminent degree, combined that physical and mental energy which was peculiarly adapted to such emergencies as were likely to arise in the settlement of a new country; a vigorous, athletic man, with that unyielding ambition which 70 VAN BUREN COUNTY GAZETTEER never relaxes an effort until complete success is achieved. Mr. Olney settled on the west half of section 33, without any team or wagon or plow, in fact, without anything except his land. In the fall of 1838, he purchased a pair of three-year-old steers on credit, and kept them about ten years, during which time he logged up and cleared over 200 acres, with no other team. Hezakiah Olds, Smith Johnson and Alexander Newton settled in 1837. Mr. Newton settled on section 13, and Mr. Johnson on section 17. The next year, Richard B. Everett and Peter Williamson settled on section 26. In the latter part of March, 1839, Joseph Ruggles and family settled on section 31. They canfe from Huron county Ohio, with a yoke of oxen and wagon. Mr. Ruggles put up on this place in the spring of 1842 a frame barn, and in 1844 a frame house. These were among the first frame buildings erected in the town. In the spring of 1840, Ira Allen, a wounded soldier of the war of 1812, settled on section 21. Mr. Allen still lives in the town, and still carries the British bullet in his hip by which he was wounded in 1813 on the Niagara frontier. Josiah Hill and Cornelius Williams bought out Mr. Newton and settled there. Mr. Hill still resides there, one of our oldest and most respected citizens. The other settlers of that year were Levi M. Drew and Alva DeLong. In the fall of 1841, Charles P. Sheldon settled on section 2, the first settler north side of river, and brought on his family in the spring of -1842, and his nearest neighbors for a long time were two large families of native Americans-Wawbimlito and family. of the Potawatamie tribe, and Commooteah, a war chief of the Ottawas, and his sons Paw Paw, Pikwaxie and Ottawawwadsh. These two Indian families were kind, good neighbors, and formed a strong attachment to the Cheemowkerman. In the spring of 1843, Mr. She'don was elected Supervisor, and at his instance a tax was voted at that time to build the first bridge across the river, on the line between sections 9 and 10. He held the office several times. He also held the office of Justice of the Peace for eleven (11) consecutive years, and was elected Representative in the State Legislature in 1852. It was about this time that Felix and Surell Rassett and Edward Eber became permanent settlers in the town. Felix Rassett built a frame house on the Watervliet road, in the fall and winter of 1843, which is supposed to be the first framed dwelling built in the town. In the following spring, 1844, Bartholomew Shorra settled at Hartford Centre. It was during this year that Howland C. and Emory O. Taylor and Austin Beaman settled. When the writer came into the town in May, 1844, there were but two settlers on the north side of the river in the town-Charles P. Snelden and Paul Weibar. Sheldon sold out to Eri Beebe, and moved to Cedar county, Iowa, in 1855, at present writing, being a member of the Iowa Legislature. The other settlers who came in about the same time were G. W. Springer, Abram Young, Clark A. Lapham, Pollard Taplin and Martin Allen, son of Ira Allen. In the fall of 1843, Mr. William Thomas bought out Smith Johnson, and settled where - ~- r r* r I Il 3 r I r --- r r r Ill AND BUSINESS DIRECTORY. 71 he now resides. Mr. Thomas was elected Supervisor, and has held the office of Justice of the Peace most of the time since he came into the town. The writer purchased a site for a water power on the river, on the north-west quarter of section 12, and commenced the improvement of the first water power improved in the town in the autumn of that year, and about the 10th of April, 1847, completed the first saw mill built in the town. At pres nt the population of the town 1800, the number of voters 350, and the estimated valuation of the personal and real estate of the town is $1,000,000. The village has four dry good stores, two hardware stores, two groceries, one jeweler and one hotel; one steam saw mill and one beautiful church, post office and two physicians. To Hon. Fabius Miles, the writer of the foregoing historical and descriptive sketch, we tender of our sincere thanks for the aid he has given us, and interest he has taken in our work. A. -W. CA"IPE N"T.I, ------DEAER IN-------- HARDWARE, TOVES INWARE Jobbing and Repairing Done with Neatness and despatch. EAST SIDE CENTER ST., 2 WEST MAIN, HARTFORD, MICH. C;. M..INTL "Y, ---DEALER IN-- DRUGS & MEDICINES, Paints, Oils, Dye Stufft, Perfumery, Cosmetics, Toilet Articles, Confectionary, Books, Stationery, Patent Medicines, &c. Pure Wines and Liquors for Medicinal use. Physicians c s Precriptions Carefully Compounded. East Side (Center 2d HWest Mwfi. - HAR TFORD, MICH. WASHINGTON A. ENGLE, PIHYSICIA-N^T ATND STTUIBSrEONJ. Graduate from Medical Department, Mich. University. Will attend to professional calls at all hours of the day and night. Office at Residence on WEST SIDE CENTER ST., 4 Doons NORTH OF COR. HARTFORD, EMich. 72 VAN BUREN COUNTY GAZETTEER HARTFORD DIRECTORY. ABBE IEVIATIONTSagt.............. *................................ agent nr.....agen...................................... near ave.......................................... avenue ns.........................................north side bds.................................................boards opp............................................... opposite bet............................................ between phys..........................................physician clk......................................................clerk propr.........................................proprietor cor................................................ corner R. R....................................................railroad e..........................................................east sec'y.............................................. secretary e s................................................east side s......................................................south h...........................................house or hom e s s.............................................south side lab................................................laborer supt................................... superintendent m ach.........................................m achinist treas.............................................treasurer M. C R. R..............Michigan Central Railroad w....................................................west mnfr..................................... anufacturer w s................................................ west side n....................................................... north w ks.......................................... works Hartford Street Directory. Center St begins n village limits runs to s village limits. Hart St.,- st n Main, begins at Center runs e to Haven. Haven St, 1st e Center, begins at South run to West. Hillsborough St, 1st n Main, begins at Center runs w to Maple. Main St. begins e village limits runs to w village limits. Maple St., 1st w Center, begins n village limits runs to s village limits. Shepard St., 1st s Main, begins at Maple runs e to Haven. South St.. 1st s Shepard, begins at Maple runs e to Haven. Hartford Village Directory. Abel, Harcy, blacksmith, shop s s Main, h cor Main and Haven. Bartlett, Mrs. Harriet, h n s Main next to school house. Blake, Byron S., wagon maker, h w s Center T s Main. Blake, James C., elk Joseph C. Blake. bds same. Blake, Joseph C., hardware dealer and auctioneer, cor Main and Center, h w s Center 2 s Main. Boynton. C. H.. elk C. Boynton, bds same. Boynton, C, hardware and Dry goods, cor Main and Center. h cor Main and Haven. Boynton, Mortimer, carpenter, h w s Haven 2 s Main. Brainard, Henry, farmer, h e s Center 3 s Main. AND BUSINESS DIRECTORY. 73 i-----------i--t-----------~ 7 -W. A. PHELPS. E PSBRO'9 I P. PIELPS. 1P^ PHELPS BRO'S, "---- EALERtS IN--- STAPLE ANB Fancy Dry Goods, CoLO ITHr -, IEIATS, CAPS. BOOTS and SHOES, R I0 C: EB II E S, (1ROCKERY, GLASSWARE, &C.. &C. TO OUR PATRONS:-It will always be our aim to offer to the Public, the best goods at the Lowest Prices. With our increased facilities for purchasing directly from manufacturers, and importers, andl buying for Cash Only, we are confident that we can sell any Goods in our line at. prices that defy competition. With a large and well selected stock always on hand, We invite all our old customers and the public generally, to Call and Examine for themselves. CORNER MAIN AND CENTER STS., fARo -OS IF U TIf _ I _ __ I__I__ _I _ _ I_ ~~~_ _ _~__(_ I_ I 74 VAN BUREN COUNTY G.AZETTEERII SFARMERS' HEADQUARTERS! A. E. REYNOLDS, - DEA LE R 1 ----r HATS, A IIPS, Boots and Shoes, EADY MADI)E CLOTHING S(eneri1ail Assortment of all G(oods used hv F;n e i ris. 'leoseo,ivo mneo A1 Iefore pui rch sing el hr fo. li i we Wit Not be 1b ncdersold In Vain lUnei (1Couity. The IProprietor is alwaysi t ome ol' I oread pleasedl to wait upon Is (ICustomers. BUTWBJI?, 2J GC~+S DERIIED ITI'RUTrS VWil lle ikeni iii cEx Ihaiige for (Goods, fii i'which Ithe II igi t Market 'Price will be paid. MAIN ST., 3 DOORS EAST OF CENTER, HARTFOIE D, V1ITOK iI--. ~~- - -- i; ~-~- ----~ -------- ---- -------------------- AN)D BUSINESS DIRECTORY. 715 HATOIRD IHOU.SE! Cor. Main and Centre Sts., Hartford, Mich. C. M. JACKSON, Propr. FIRST CLASS ACCOMODATIONS FOR BOTH MAN AND BEAST. Bridges, S. C. clk Phelps Bro's, bds W. A. Phelps. Carbine, 1., teacher, h cur Center and SheDard Carleton, Geno..., farmer, h s s NMain 3 e Haven. CARPENTER, A. WT., st)ves, tin and hArdware, w s Center 2 n Main, h cr H1.aven aid M iple. [see adv.] Chapin, L. S., bds Hartford House, cur Centerand Main. Cole. D)oct., farmer, h s s Main nr e village limits. Cook & Doty (S. Cook, Charles Doty) steam saw mill nr n village limits. Cook, Solomon (Cook & Doty) h n s Maple nr e village limits. Crandall, J. C., carriage and wagon maker, bds J. 1I. Van Ostran. Crandall, Edward R, carpenter, h opp Union church. Crager, Milo, lab, bds P. Stratton. I)D.ty, Charles (Cook & Doty.) Earl. seph, rmer, s Main, nr e villrige limits. Engle, 1. f i.fJusttice of the Peace, h cor Maiii and Maple,. Engle, John. bds. W. A. Engle. ENGLE, WT. A., physician anid surgeon, post master h n s Center, n Main. freerifield., lirati. elk IHirtford House, bds same. Sreern, Wi. I'. firmer. IhI es Center 2 s South. G oodenougl & ()lneyv (D. W. (G-oodenough LIH. M. Olney) dry goods and groceries, s s Main 2 w Center. Goodenoueh, 1). AV. (Goodenough & Olney) hi cr Center and south. G unn, Willard, shoemaker, wks S. G. Tyler. Hart, E. J. fhrnier, h es ('center or n village liniits. H art, E. J., Jr., farmer, bds E. T. Hart. Hart, Roswell, h e s Center nr n village limits. HARTFORD HOUSE, C. M. Jackson propr, cor Center and Main. [se.. adv.] Hartford District School, ni s Main opp TUnion church.. Hartford Post Office, W. 1R. M ills dep. P. M. es Center 2 n Main. Hilliard, C. W. farmer,b h w s Center 3 n Main. I __111-111^1 ~~~~-------~---- I [ Yllllll~t- I------- - --------, I i~_ _ ~_ _ ___ ~C I TG VAN BUREN COUNTY GAZETTEER HIilliard, W. cabinet maker, h w. s Cencer 4 n Main. Hubbard, John W. boot and shoe maker, shop cor Main and Center. Irish, Robert D. farmer h w s Center 2 s Shepard. JACKSON, C. M., propr Hartford House, cor Center and Main. Jones, Charles H. saloon, h s s Main 2 e Haven. Ketchum, Mrs. Mary, milliner, cur Main and Center. Ketchum, Richard W., carpenter, h w s Center, 2 s Main. Kilby, Aaron, blacksmith, bds Allen Kilby. Kilby, Allen, blacksmith, h e s Main, 3 n Maple, shop e s Center. Kingsbury Bros., groceries and provisions, s s Malin, 4 w Center. Kingsbury, C. A., (Kingsbury Bros.,) h cor Main and Haven. Kingsbury, C. S.. (Kingsbury Bros.,) h cor Main and Haven Kingsbury, II., farmer, h cor Main and Haven. Lindsley, L. 0., farmer, h s s Main, or -e village limits. MANLEY, C. E., drugs and medicines, e a Center 2 n Main, h cor Maple and Maiin. [see adv.] McNitt, Thadeus, clk A. E. Reynolds, bds same. Mills, W. 11., dep. post master, jeweler, I vw s Center 3 s AMain. Morse, Geo. HI., harness maker, shop ss Center 2 wx Main, h same. Morse, Win. G., tailor h s s Center 2 wA Main. Odell, WValter, insurance agt., bds H artford House. Olds, Harry. farmer, h e s Main 2 n Maple. Olney, H1. M., (Goodenough & Olney.) h over store. Packard, Hugh- lab, h e Haven 2) s aMin. Palnmer, Milton F., physician andl surgeon, h cor Main and Center. PHELPS BROS., (Wim. A. Phelps. 11I. P. Phelps,) dry goods, groceries, hats, caps, boots, shoes and clothing, cor Main and (Center. [see adv.] Phelps, H. P.. (Phelps ros..) bds Win. A. Phelps. Phelps, Wm. A., (Phelps Bros.,) h e s Center 3 s Main. Pierce, lLeonard (., friner, II a ain 1 ( Inion Chureb. Quackenbush, Geo., hostler, Hartford Hflouse bls same. REYNOLDS, A. E., dry goods, groceries, boots, shoes and clothing, n s Main 3 e (Center. h Ceor Center and Shepard. [see adv.] Shepnard, W. W.. carpentelr and joilner, h cor (Center a nd Shepard. Smith, James, blacksmith.I hw.s Center 2 11 Main. Steadman, Albert, firemian, wks Cook & I)Doty. L _ _~~~____~~ __ ____ ~_~___~~__ ___~~ AND) BUSINESS DIRECTORY. 77 Stowe, Freeman, farmer, h cor Center and Shepard. Stratton, Philander, farmer, h w s Main 3 s Maple. Stratton, T., farmer, h w s Main 2 s Maple. Tamlin, -., lab h car Haven and Soutlih. Taplin, Pollard, meat market. e s Center 1 n post effice. Thomas, Ira W., lab, h cor (Center and South. Traverse, John, fiarmer, h ass Main nr e village limits. Tyler, E. W., silversmith, h n s Main 2 e Center. Trnumbull, Julius. wagon maker, shop e(s Center. Tyler, Kimball, lab hI e s Center 3 n M31ain. Tyler, Samuel G., shoemaker, shop e s Main 3 s Center, h cor Shepard and Maple. SUnion Church, Rev. -. Beard, s s Main 4 e Haven. Van Ostran, J. II., farnieri, h car Main ani Ihaven. Va"n Ostran, C. IE., farmer, h s s Main 2 e Haven. E. L. HAWKS. -----DEALER IN---- Watches and Clolts -W '"Pi T -j --E;Zj Y3E WEXLE.7Y, Silver and Plated Ware, CENUINE WALTHAM AND ELCIN WATCHES. AGENT FOR HOWE SEWING MACHINE, DECATUR. MICH 7TW V. S1. H11.-NLL, a ---MALErc a INe-- General Merchandise, COI. MAIN AND l)DECATITR STSr., KEELER, MICHI __ _I__ ~ 78 VAN BUREN COUNTY GAZETTEER KEELER. Historical and Descriptive Sketch of Keeler. The township of Keeler occupies the south -western corner of Van Buren county. Its western boundary is less than sixteen miles from Lake Michigan. The surface is generally level, and as an agricultural township it is second to none in the county. The soil is of a fine sandy loam and produces the finest wheat in the world. The timber is chiefly oak, or, what is better known as "oak openings." Some portions of the township were originally covered with nothing but scrubby oak, and the impression obtained among the early settlers that land which produced such dwarfed and stunted trees, must be valuless. But experience has demonstrated that they are among the most productive lands we have, especially for cereals. The town is nearly all in a high state of cultivation, and the farmers are rapidly accumulating wealth. The township was first settled in 1835, by W. II. Keeler, from whom it derives its name, and Tobias Byers. In 1836, W. II. Keeler, built a hotel on the place now owned and occupied by John Rosevelt, and L. G. Hill opened a shoe shop the same year. Doctor Z. Sykes commenced the practice of mcdi cine in 1838. The first school was taught in 1838-9 by Mrs. Williamson, with twelve pupils-the whole number of pupils in town being only twelve. In 1847, G. Leach built the first saw mill. The township was organized in 1839, and then consisted of " towns 3 and 4 south of range 16 west." The first postoffice was established in the settlement near where John and Tacob Rosevelt now live. The following ire some of the principal officers elected at the first township meeting in 1839,;i which only 29 votes were cast: Supervisor, James Hill; Town Clerk, E. II. Keeler; Justices of the Peace, L. (. Hill, B. F. Chadwick, B. A. Olney al.nd R. B. Everett; Collector, Thomas Conklin; Highway Commissioners, W. It. Keeler, R. B. Everett and Tobias Byers. It has now 331 voters and about 1600 inhabitants, witl ten school districts, averaging fifty pupils each. At the centre of the town tihere is a flourishing villaige of four or five hundred inhabitants. The name of the post office is IKeelersville, but the place is better known as Keeler Centre. It contains two finechurches, three stores, a blacksmith shop, a carriage shop, two cooper slhops, a cabinet shop, two shoe shops and a milliner shop. It has a Free Mason's lodge nnd a Good Templar's lodge. The following are the officers of the Masonic lodge: S. W. Duncombe, W. M.; W. S. Hill, S. W.; J. E, Sweet, J. W.; R. Holmes, Secretary; Charles Duncombe, Treasurer; H. B. Babcock, S. D.; L. D. Robertson, J. D.; L. J. Wheeler, Tyler; F. E. Robertson and C. E. George, Stewards, and William Campbell, Chaplain. (The publishers hereby acknowledge their indebtedness to V. S. Hill, Esq. for the above information.) __ __ ANTD BUJSINESS DIRECTORY. KEELER DIRECTORY. A~EBBIFEVIATIOlTS. 79 agt...........................................agent ave...............................................avenue bds..........................................boards bet.......................................between clk..............................................clerk cor......................................corner e........................................................east e s..................................................east side h.....................................house or home lab............................................laborer mach....................................mnachinist M. C R. R.............Michigan Central Railroad mninfr.................................manufacturer n.................................................north nr.........................................................near n as.................................north side opp................................................opposite phys.......o............................physician propr................................... proprietor R. R................................................railroad sec'y...........................secretary s.........................................................south. s................................................south side supt....................................superintendent treas.............................................treasurer w..........................................r.............west w s............................................... west side wks.................................................works Keeler Street Directory. DI)ecatrll st runs from eastern to western village lillits. First st, I1 w Main, begins at )Decatur, runs s to St. Joseph. Main st. runs from northern to southern village limits. Second st. I w First, begins at D)ecatur, runs s to St. Joseph. St. Joseph st. 1 is lDcatnr. begins at Main, rutins w to village limiits Keeler Village Directory. \ler.lc Illlomas. fiaimerll. i cm -a Second and Territorial road. Baker. Mrs. A.. Ii w s Main. Bartholtomey, GA-eorgo, phhysician and surgeon, h es Main, 7 s Decatur. Beard, Rev. E.. pastor M. E. church, h e s M1ain. 1 s church. Bovd, O)liver, masonI, h w s Main, 2 s St. Joseph. Brown, ). L.. larmer. h e s Main, 6 s Decatur. Burt, W11illiam. farmer, hw I s Main, 3 s St Joseph. Campbell, Wim. R., teacher, bds Win. M. Campbell. Camlpbell. Rev. William M., pastor Congregational church, h e sMain, s village limits. Case, James, cabinet maker, shop es Main, S8s Decatur, hIi same. Congregational Church, built 1865, dedicated 1866. cost $3.500, 40 inmembers, Rev. William M. Campbell, pastor. Conklin,. IM.. butcher, h e s Ma;in. 9 s Decatnr. 80 VAN BUREN COUNTY GAZETTEER Couch, F. H., lab, h cor Decatur and Second. Dopp, James, farmer, h e s Second, 3 s Decatur. Duncombe, S. W., land owner and post master, h w s Main, nr s vil. limits. Duncombe, Charles, land owner, h cor Main and Decatur. Durden, J. E., shoemaker, shop s s Decatur, 2 e Main, h same. Eberhart, Lorenzo, harness maker, shop over Klett & George carriage shop, bds Christopher Klett. Everett, R. B., farmer, h e s First, 1 s Decatur. Foster, Ira, land owner, h e s Main, nr n village limits Fowler, David W., mason, h e s Second, 2 s Decatur. Fulkerson, W. H., farmer, h cor Main, and St. Joseph. George, William, painter, shop over Klett & George carriage shop, hw s First, 3 s Decatur. George, C. Edwin, Klett & George, h e s Main, 5 s Decatur. Hackett, O. A., carpenter, h cor First and Decatur. Havens, William, farmer, h w s Main. Havens, Wm. H., carpenter, h w s Main, 3 n Decatur. Haynes, Merritt, gunsmith, bds Jas. 11. Haynes. Haynes, James H., carpenter, h cor Second and St. Joseph. HILL, W. S., dry goods groceries, boots and shoes, and notions, Scor Main and Decatur, h same. Hill, J., farmer, h n s Main, opp hotel. Hill, Frank, farmer, hds J. Hill. IHolley, Joseph, general mdse. cor Main and Decatr. h cor First and Main. Holmes, Richard, Lgeneral mdse. cor Main and Decatur, h n s Decatur w2 w Main. Hurlbut, Albert, ftarer, bds Chas. Duncombe. Irish, Amos, farmer, bds R. Irish. Irish, Justus, mechanic, h n s Territorial road. 2 w Second. Irish, R., farmer, h w s Main, 4 s St. Joseph. Keeler Cemetery, e s Main, r s village limits. Keeler post office, S. W. Duncombe, post master, cor Main and Decatur, mails tri-weekly. IKennicott, Mrs. Hannah, h w s Main. Klett & George, (Christopher Klett. Charles E. (.eorge), carriage and wagon makers, shop w s Main, 2 s Decatur............................................................................................ _~I ___ I AND BUSINESS DIRECTORY. 81 Klett, Christopher, (Klett & George), h w s Main. Knights, Amos, farmer, bds S. W. Duncombe. Knights, A. N., farmer, hi n s Decatur, 2 w Main. MNcMillan & Merritt, (Stephen McMillan, M. M. Merritt), blacksmiths, shop w s Main. MeMillan. John, blacksmith, h cor Second and St. Joseph. McMillan,. Stephen, (McMillan and Merritt), h es Main. 3 s Decatur. Merritt, Marcellas M., (McMiilan & Merritt), h as Main. Methodist Church, Rev. E. Beard, pastor, cor Main and Decatur, built 1860, dedicated 1861. Owen, G. XW., groceries and provisions, a s St. Joseph, 1 w Main. bds Edward Georre. Parmelee, Mrs. S. E.. h w s Main, 2 s St. Joseph. Peters, James. farmer. h ss St. Joseph, head of First. Peters, P. D)., faiirmer, h ws Main. 4 n Decatur. Putney, Charles H., fzirmer, h s s Decatur, 1 e M'ain. Roberts, L. H., teacher, bds R. B. Everett. Roderick, John, lab, b n s St. Joseph, nr w village limits. Rosevelt, George, farmer, bds Orman Rosevelt. Rosevelt, Orman V., farmer, h e s Main, r s village limits. Rupert, James, cooper, shop s s St. Joseph, nr Second, h same. Rupert, Michael, lab, bds Jamnies Rupert. Sill, Joseph, carpenter, h w s First.. 2 s Decatur. Sweet, J. Elliott, physician, h s s St. Joseph, head of First. Thompson, Albert, farmer, bds Nathan Thompson. Thompson, Nathan, h w s Main, nr s village limits. Wheeler, L. 1, mason, hws Main, 2 n Decatur. Wilson, Thomas. fatrmner. bds Orman Rosevelt. Zimmermian, Stephen, shoemaker, h cor Main and St. Joseph. D. W. LEAVENS -DEALER INDRUCS & MEDICINES, Paints, Oils, Stationery, Perfumery, Cosmetics, Toilet Articles, &c., WEST SIDE PHELPS ST.. DEGA TUR, JMICH. I~ _ __ _ _ ( i_ _ _~_ __ ~ _I __ ____ ~_ ~___ 82 VAN BUREN COUNTY GAZETTEER LAWRENCE. Historical and Descriptive Sketch of Lawrence. On the first day of September, 1835, James Gray, with his wife and six children, started forth from Tecumseh, Lenawee county, in a lumber wagon, drawn by two yoke of oxen. With them they took what provision and household goods could be conveniently stowed away in the wagon, also a cow. After a march of ten weary days, during the last five miles of which they were obliged to cut their own road through the trackless wild, they at last reached the present site of the village of Lawrence. Finding Brush creek too much swollen to cross, they extemporized a rude bridge of fallen trees, and walked over with a little bedding and camped for the night. Next day they commenced the task of constructing a rude shanty of logs, ten by fifteen feet in size, whereof the floor was mother earth and the roof the boughs of trees. In this primitive temple, for six weeks, dwelt a family of eight souls. It is astonishing what small apartments suffice us when necessity compels, and how our wants expand with or means of gratifying them. This pioneer family felt no particular sense of discomfort, and found the means not only of supplying their own pressing wants, but of answering the demands of strangers upon their hospitality. At this time the wilds of Van Buren county were alive with land lookers, and one night as many asj seven of them applied to Mr. Gray for lodgings. They were all accommodated, not indeed as inside lodgers, for a portion of them appropriated the lumber wagon box, and a heavy shower in the night, demonstrated the fact that the inside lodgers had but little advantage over those on the outside. SCotemporaneoutsly with James Gray, or very soon afterward, the following persons settled in the township, viz: John and George Reynolds, Dexter SGibbs, Win. Williams. Eaton and Israel Bra'nch, John R. and Joseph Haynes, John D. Freeman, Stephen Fountain, E. Taylor and an Englishman by the name of Ganton. A log house built by Dexter Gibbs, in dimensions sixteen feet square, was the abode of three families. A hotel and a store were opened, both in the same log building, the former kept by Dexter Gibbs. and the latter by John Allen. with E. Taylor as clerk. Among the most serious wants of those early settlers were mills to grind their grists, and supply them with lumber, though there were times when they even lacked the grists themselves, and it is related that there were families who subsisted for days upon leeks and such small game as they might chance to capture. Going to mill was not accomplished in a dlay, but was the work of days-sometimes more than a week-and getting disappointed in the grinding of it, was a calamity that involved hunger. The nearest grist mill was at Flowerfield. AND BUSfINESS DIRECTORY. 83 When that was out of repair, grists were sometimes carried to Three Rivers. This scarcity of mills sometimes drove the people to novel expedients for furnishing themselves with meal. One was to burn a cavity in the top of a stump, fill it with corn, and pulverize it with a heavy weight attached to a spring pole. St. Joseph was their market town, and provisions were brought up the river from thence in boats. Like nearly all Michigan towns, the early settlement of Lawrence was attended by miasmatic fevers. These sometimes assumed a virulent type; some died from exposure and want of care and proper nourishment. Thus in the midst of' peril, hardship, sickness and distress began the settlement of Lawrence. It appears that the township was organized about the year 1837 for the first town meeting was held in the spring of that year, at the residence of lHorace Stimson. A post office was established in 1836, with Horace Stimson, post master, but in 1837, the appointment was changed to John R. IHaynes, who held the office till his death in 1856. In 1837, a school house was built and a school opened,taught by Truman Foster. The Presbyterians were the first denomination to establish a church. They organized in 1837 with Rev. Mr. Humphrey as pastor. The first marriage was that of William Williams to Betsey Gibbs in 1836. It was solemnized at the house of John D. Freeman, near Crystal lake, by a Justice of the Peace from Prairie Ronde. The first birth was that of Sarah E. Revnolds, on the 21st of March, 1836. Stages commenced running between Kalamazoo and St. Joseph on the 15th day of January, 1836. The township of Lawrence is designated in the United States survey as town three south of range fifteen west. It has a beautifully undulating surface and a rich sandy soil which is very easy of cultivation. It was originally very heavily timbered with beech, maple, whitewood, basswood, elm, ash, black walnut and butternut. It is well watered by Paw Paw river and its tributaries, together with numerous small lakes, the most important of which is Crystal lake, on the stage road to Decatur. This lak! is about two miles long by a half a mile in width. Its name indicates the character of its waters. It abounds in fish and is a place of much resort for pleasure parties. Lawrence is being rapidly settled, and its farms are fast assuming a high state of cultivation. It contains about 500 voters, and an entire population of 2500. The village of Lawrence contains about 1,000 inhabitants- It is centrally located in the county, and also in the township, and is not unlikely to become the county seat at no distant day. It has two daily mails, being on the stage route from Decatur to South Haven, and also on the route from Paw Paw to St. Joseph. It has three church organizations-Congregationalist, Rev. E. Cleveland, pastor; Baptist, Rev. Mr. McGregor, pastor, and Methodist, Rev, J. R. Skinner, pastor. The Congregationalists have a fine church edifice of brick, and the Baptists one of wood. A fine Union school house of brick, costing $10,000, is nearly completed. I_..._.__-- _______ __ ____ __________ ______ __________ _ _ ___ ____ 84 VAN BUREN COUNTY GAZETTEER The village has also two secret societies, viz: Good Templars and Free Masons. It has two public halls, five dry goods stores, two drug stores, one hotel, one insurance and general collection office, one boot and shoe store, three grocery stores, two hardware stores, one cabinet and chair manufactory, one plaining mill, four saw mills, one grist mill. together with the usual professions and trades, and lastly, a paper railroad from Paw Paw to St. Joseph. (The compilers desire to acknowledge their obligations to John B. Potter, Esq., for an exceedingly well written history of Lawrence, from which the above sketch is extracted, and to express their regret that their prescribed limits required its elimination.) BUY YOUR GROCERIES OF Trowbridgo e Hill, - DEALERS INGROCERIES --AND-- PROVISIONS Wholesale and Retail. CORNER PHELPS AND DELAWARE STS., I DEOCAT-TUIZ, MTIICHIvSubscribe for the VAN BUREN CO. REPUBLICAN. "A LIVE LOCAL PAPERV " ONLY81.50 PER YEAR. JTOB PMIl \I3rTTTI ST C3 -NEATLY AND PROMPTLY DONE AT THE LOWEST PRICES. E. A. BLAACKMAN, Publisher, DECATUR, MICH. ~- --~------- --- AND BUSINESS DIRECTORY. 85 H. M. MARSHALL, --DEALER IN--N READYmMADE OLOTHINO, 1-1:A. T S7 P 0 T -:an B~OS Cloths, Cassimeres, Vestings, Hosiery, Gloves, Cravats, ~.A. EEE N IOTIOMTS, And all other j Goods usually kept in a country store. A full stock always on hIand, at low figures, for ready pay only. A good Tailor in attendance. Store in Centre of Phenix Block, West Side Paw Paw Street, LAWRENCE, MICH. ~---~~----- g I I`-"C- erp--- --~qlt---- ----~-C '-~- -- ~C----~~ '--~III~---.-~ - - CL 86 VAN BUREN COUNTY GAZETTEER JOHN B. POTTER, #otay Afirjublic.o, unbt anucer, suranut AND COLCLECTINC ACENT. Insurance Effected in the Best Fire, Life and Live Stock Insurance Companies COLLECTIONS of all kinds of CLAIMS PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. Offiee over Ridion Phelp's Store, LAWRENCE, MICI. DIENTALAND PHOTOGRAPH-ROOMS!. Over J. L. Phillips Store, Phoeix Block, PAW PAW STREET, -- --- ------c.~--i ~ I-t:- I ___--_-----. I1-_---- -- - - --____----- _ _I Lawrence Hotel, LA WIE:?81Tcx8, MV1ICI STAGES Arrive frouw and I)Depart for the following places: Dec'itur, Paw P aw. South Haven, Breedsville, hantgor. Hartford. Watervliet. St TJosepbh- and Milthunr'h0. F I A L.AL k STABLES ( VETE) with the 110 TEL. ___~_ ____ AND iBUSINE8SS DIRECTORY. LAWRENCE DIRECTORY. ABEREWTIATTIOlTS. 87 agt......................................................agent ave..............................................avenue bds...................................................boards bet.............................................between clk.......:..............................................clerk cor...................................................corner e..................i..................................east e s..................................................east side h............................................house or home lab...................................................laborer mach............................................machinist M. C R. R.............Michigan Central Railroad mufi...................................... manufacturer n.......................................................north nr...............................................near n s........................................north side opp.................................................opposite phys...............................................physician propr......................................proprietor IR. Rt................................................. railroad secy..............................................secretary s e........................................................south Ss................................................South side supt......................................superintendent treas.............................................treasurer W........................................................west w s................................................ west side wks................................... works Lawrence Street Directory. Baker avenue, 1 n St. Joseph, begins Paw Paw, runs e to Main. Blackman st, begins cor St..Joseph and Malin, runs s to vill ge limits. Cross st. 1 n Baker ave. hegins Paw Paw, runs e to Brush creek. Elizabeth st, begins cor MIain and Baker ave, runs s to village limits. Exchange st, I e Paw Paw, begins Cross, runs s to village limlits. Fifth st. I w Fourth, hbegins St. Joseph, runs n. First st,.I w Paw Paw, begins St. Joseph, runs n. Fourth st, 1 w Third, begins St. Joseph, runs n. Front st. 1 n Cross, begins Paw Paw, runs e to Maain. Livermore st, 1 s St. Joseph, begins Paw Paw, runs e to Blackman. Main st, beogilns Front, runs s e tto St. Joseph. Paw Paw st. irns from, northern to southern village limits. Second st. 1 w First. begins St..Toseph, runs n. Sixth st I Iw Fifth, begins St. Joseph, runs u. St. Joseph st, runs fromin eastern to western village limits. Third st, 1 w Secoind. be2]ins St. Joseph, runs n. Lawrence Village Directory. Allen. Jatos E., Lawrenee. Anderson, Robert, Lawren se. Andrews, George.I., lab. h cor IAiverlnore and Elizabethi. Anderson, Edgar, wks Wrin. Anderson, bds same. I -- I IIC' I~II I I I ~ _ I I 88 VAN BUREN COUNTY GAZETTEER Anderson, Julian, wks Wmi. Anderson, bds same. Anderson, William, grist mill, e s Paw Paw, hI cor Cross and Exchange. Anderson, W. Hi., wks Wm. Anderson, bds same. Baker, O. H. P., h e s Main, nr Anderson's mill. Baker, R. W., clk H M.. Marshall, bds 0. H. P. Baker. Bates, Thomas, lab, bds John Foreman. Baptist Church, cor St. Joseph and Exchange. Barrows, E. F., clk Fisk & Barrows, bds Lawrence hotel. B3arrows, James, h cor St. Joseph and Paw Paw. Barrows, John W., (Fisk & Barrows), h cor St. Joseph and Black man. Barlow, Samuel, wagon shop, w s Paw Paw, h n s St. Joseph, 3 e Paw Paw. Heach, C. H., clk, E. E. & J. L Chadwick, bds Lawrence hotel. Blowker, Charles J., shoemaker. wks E. C. Hurd, bds Lyman Williams. Bowen, Patrick shoemaker, over Riddon & Phelps, h ws Paw Paw, nr s village limits. Bowles, Georec, mason, hI s St. Joseph, nr ftir oround.s. Bridges. Charles ML., (Bridges k Sweet), h e s Main, head of Cross. Bridges & Sweet, (C. M1. Bridges. T. O. Sweet). blacksmiths, eS Paw Paw. Brooks, Simeon, hds Jacob Parrish. Bunnell, Harvey, I e s Mair, head of Exchange. Bunnell. Isaac C.. farmer, h Paw Paw. unnell, J1. C(., harness and saddlery is Paw Paw, h e First Carberrv, Mrs. Maryr h ns St. Joseph, 2 w Fourth. Carroll, P. H., clk, H. k,. 1Marshall, hds Lawrence hotel. Cash, Stephen, carpenter, h e s Elizabethi, 2 s Livermore. Clark, Holland B., farmer, h s s St. Joseph, w village limits. Clay & Roe, (Wirn. H. Cla. Joseph S. Roe). painters, shop, w s Paw Paw. Clay, William II., (Clay & Roe), h cor St. Joseph and Third. Cleveland, Rev. Edward, pastor Congregational church, county superintendent of schools, h e s Blackman, 2 s St. Joseph. Cleveland, Edward S.. physician, bds Rev. E. Cleveland. Cleveland, C(harles HI., bds Rev. E. Cleveland. AND BUSINESS DIRECTORY. 89 Chadwick, B.. Y., h cor Paw Paw and Cross. Chadwick, C. H. & T. A., hardware dealers, e s Paw Paw. Chadwick, C. 11., (C. II. & T. A. Chadwick), h es Main, nr St. Joseph. Chadwick, EI. E. & J. L., (E E. Chadwick, John L. Chadwick), dry goods, groceries, &c. w Paw Paw. Chadwick, E. E, (E. E. & J. L. Chadwick). h cor St. Joseuh arind Elizabeth.i. Chadwick's iall,. E. E.& J. L. Chadwick, prprs, w s Paw Paw over Chadwick. T..A., (C. H. & T. A. Chadwick), bds C. H. Chadwick. Chatfield, Wayren, lab, h cor Paw Paw and BreAdsville road. Chatfield, Philander. lab, bds Warren Chatfield. C mnstock, Mrs. A. A., niilliner and dressmaker, h w Paw Paw, 1 s St..Joseph. Cook, ()rlin, carpenter, hws Elizabeth, 2 s Livermore. Cook, William, tinner, bds R. Webster. Coon, IHiram, chair manufactory. es Paw Paw, hie s Exchange, 3 s Livermiore. CongIregational (Church. Rev. E. Cleveland pastor, w s Exchange, 2 n St. Jo seph. Cornell. Irvinzr H1.. horse trainer, h es Paw Paw, 4 n B3reedsville roadl Cornwell, 1H1.L, (Ridn, Phelps & Co), bds LaArence hotel. Cranit & (ross, (Samuel E. Crane. Charles Cross), wagon and carriage makers. e % Iaw Paw. Crarne, ISamuel., (Craoe & (Cross), h cor St. Joseph and Third. Crissey, N., 11 cor (Cross and Exchange. Cross, (Charles 3M.. (Crane & Cross), h s s St. Joseph, opp Fifth. Cross, G. A., groceries and provisions, e as Paw Paw, h n s St. Joseph, 2 w First. Cunninygham., Charles, mason, bds Lyman Williams. Pane, Lyman, J., foundry, s end Exchange, h ws Elizabeth, 3 s Liv)arling, Amos, flarmner, bds Lawrence hotel. DeLavcrgne Mrs., h w s law Paw, 4 e Paw Paw river. D)eLavergne, M. M., clk, E. E. & J. Chadwick, bds E. E. Chadwick. Dell, James, photographer, wks 0. L. Millspaugh, bds w village limits. Dereamer, William, mason, bds M. A. Howe. _ ~II~~ I I --------~ - 90 VAN BUREN COUNTY GAZETTEER Dellinbreck, W. Levi, farmer, h nr s e village limits. Doane, John T., painter, h e s Paw Paw, 2 n Breedsville road. Doxtater, Abram, farmer, h w s Blackman, nr s village limits. Draper, L., h e s Main, head of Baker ave. Draper, A. H, teamster, h e s Main, head of Baker ave. Dunnivan, John, hostler, Lawrence hotel, bds same. Edmonds, Henry, meat market, e s Paw Paw, h cor Paw Paw and Breedsville road. Edmonds. Marvin L., lab, h n s Baker ave, 3 e Paw Paw. Edmonds, Thomas, farmer, h s village limits. Edmonds, T. J., carpenter and joiner. Everett, D. H., livery stable, e s Paw Paw, h cor Elizabeth and Livermore. Fairbanks, Saxton, teamster, h cor Cross and Exchange. Feegles, H. C. (H. L & H. C. Feegles), bds H. C. Feegles. iFeegles, H. L., (H. L. & I. C. Feegles, h e s Main. Feegles, H. L. & H. C., billiard room and restaurant, e s Paw Paw. Fisk & Barrows, (R. C. Fisk, J. W. Barrows), druggists and jewelers, w s Paw Paw, in Phoenix block. Fisk, C. W., general mdse, cor Paw Paw and St. Joseph, h cor Exchange and Baker ave Fisk, J. M., h cor St. Joseph and Exchange. Fisk, R. C., (Fisk & Barrows), h cor Main and St. St. Joseph. Flagg, Jacob, farmer, h n s Breedsville road, 3 e Paw Paw. Foreman, Edward, lab, h w s First. Foreman, John, lab, h s s St. Joseph. Fowler, Caleb, h cor St. Joseph and Fifth. Fuller. S. S., farmer, h e s Paw Paw, nr n village limits. Gage, Elisha, farmer, h nr se village limits. Gates, Daniel, clk, C. W. Fisk, h n s St. Joseph. Gates, Delos, farmer, h n s Breedsville road. Goodenough, Mrs., h cor St. Joseph and Biackman. Gray, James, lab, cor Baker ave and Exchange. Hall, Edmond, lab, h s s St. Joseph, 2 w Paw Paw. Harris, Elias, general mdse, e s Paw Paw, bds Lawrence hotel. Harris, Henry, farmer, h e s Blackman, 1 s Livermore. Haskins, A. S., physician, h car St. Joseph and Sixth. Hawley, Andrew, harness maker, wks J. C. Bunnell, bds same. AND BUSINESS DIRECTORY. 91 Hayes, Charles T., carpenter, h ss St. Joseph. -Haynes, Misses L. J. and A. A., millinery and dress mrking, over Phillips' store, h s s St. Joseph. Hendrick, E. B., tanner, wks I. B. Hendrick, h Breedsville road. Hendrick, Isaac B., tannery, nr Paw Paw river, hi nr tannery. Hibbard, Lang, clk, C. W. Fisk, bds same. Hicks, A. D., tailor, wks 11. M. Marshall, bds Mrs. Lambert. Hill, George, carpenter, bds M. A. Howe. Hodges, Ch:irles 11., shoemaker, h e s Exchange, 2 s Livermore. Holmes. O. E., shoemaker, shop s s Paw Paw, h same. Hope, Mrs. Bell, tailoress, wks 11. M. Marshail, bds Mrs. Lambert. Howe, M. A, moving buildings, h e s Main. Howe, S. J., farmer, h cor Paw Paw and Livermore. Hoxey, Mrs., 11 s s St. Joseph. ilurd, E. C., boots, shoes and clothing. w s Paw Paw, h cor Paw Paw and Livermore. Jenrnings, Solomon, lab, h w s Paw Paw, 3 s Livermore. Johnston & Roab, (J. B. Johnston, George Raab), furniture dealers, s s St. Joseph. Johnston, J. B., (Johnston & Raab), h si s St. Joseph, 2 e Exchange. Kelly, J., grocery and restaurant, w s Paw Paw, 11 over store. Kingsworth, James, lab, h e s Elizabeth, 3 s Livermore. Lammion, Mrs. I. E., h cor St. Joseph and First. Lawrence Cemetery, w s Second. Lawrence Fair Grounds and Race Course, s s St. Joseph, or w village limits. LAWRENCE HOTEL, S. G. Mather, prop, cor St. Joseph and Paw Paw. Lawrence Post Office, John B. Potter, post master, office in Phillips' store. Lisk, Jacob, (Moore & L isk), h s s St. Joseph, nr fair grounds. Lisk, Solomon, clk, Moore & Lisk, h over store. Lyman & Pollard, (T. H. Lyman, G. W. Pollard), wagon and carriage makers, shop e s Paw Paw. Lyman, T. Ii.. (Lyman & Pollard), bds E. W. Parks. Mainer, HFlenry, carpenter, h cor Livermore and Exchange. MATHER, S. G., propr Lawrence hotel, cor Paw Paw and St. Joseph. [See adv.] 92 VAN BUREN COUNTY GAZETTEER MARSHALL, H. M., dry goods, groceries, clothing, books, stationery, &c., w s Paw Paw, h cor Exchange and Baker ave. [See adv.] Mentor, Frank W., mason, bds George B. Taplin. Mentor. IT. ID., blacksmith, h cor Cross and Exchange. Merrill, B., (Sutton & Mlerrill), h s s St. Joseph, nr mill. Merrill, Pulaski, (Sutton & Merrill), Ih s s St. Joseph, nr Fourth. MILLSPAUGH, O. L., dental rooms and photograph gallery, up stairs, Phoenix block, bds Lawrence hotel. Montgomery, M., blacksmith, shop n s Breedsville road, h next shop. Moore. J. M., (Moore & Lisk), h Decatur. MOORE & LISK, J. Ml. Moore, Jacob Lisk, stoves, tin and hardware, w s Paw Paw. [See adv.] Morrison, M.rs. A. B., h11 s s Breedsville road. Musson, 3Miss M. J., dressmaker, over Chadwick's store. New Tammany IHall, C. W. Fisk, propr. cor Paw Paw and St. Joseph. O'Grady. Bartlett, billiard saloon, e s Paw Paw. Orr, Ford, teamster, h w s Third, 2 St. Joseplh. Osgood, Roland, teamster, h w s Paw Paw, 5 n )Paw P)aw river. Parks, Edwin, carpenter, h cor Livermore and Exchange. Parrish, Jacob, cooper, ho 'or St. Joseph'and Fourth. Payne, John, shoemaker, h es Exchange, 4 s Livermore. 1Peabody, George W., harness maker, wks J. C(I. Bunnell. Perbody, Jefferson, harness maker. h e s Paw Paw. nr s village limits. Pollard, G. WV., (Lymian & Pollard), h cor St.,Joseph and Seeond. Poole, lMrs., 11 es St. Jtoseph, opp Fourth.ll. POTTER, J. B., post master, insurance agt, notary public, office over 1,idlon, Phelps & Co., h w s Paw Pw, 4 s Livermore. Phelps, A. I., farmer, h cor St. Joseph and Paw Paw. Phelps, Edward II., livery, I cor ]Baker ave and Piaw Pa'w. Phelps, Orlando, (Riddon Phelps & Co.), bds Lawrence hotel. Phillips, AlbertI H., gunsmith, bds J. L. Phillips. Phillips, J. L., grocer, w s Paw Paw, h s s 'St. JIoseph, 3 e Exchange. Pond, IH A. hbds Lawrence hotel. Prosser, Mrs.. C.., e s Paw Paw, nr n village limits. Raahb, George, (Johnston & Raab), h cor Livermore and Elizabeth. Randall, Benjamin, blacksmith, shop) w s Paw Paw, h n s Breedsville road, 2 e Paw Paw. I ~I _~ _ _ __ ___ _ ANDT) BUSINESS DIRECTORY. RInsoIn. Stephen, carpenter, hi cor Livermore and Elizabeth. Rice, Charles IH., farmer, h r ni s village limits. Ridlon, J. M1., (Ridlon. lhelps & Co.), h cor Paw Paw and LivermOre. Ridlon, Phelps & Co., (J. M. Ridlon, Orlando Phelps, H. L. Corn well). general mdse. C s Paw Paw. Robb, Daniel, harness shop, w s Paw Paw. h w s Paw Paw, 2 n Paw Paw river. Robb, Joh n, lab, w IPaw Paw, n village limits. Robinson, James A., meat market, h c s Paw Paw, 1 n river. R1ockwell. Charles. ftriner. bds J C Bunnell. Roe, Joseph, (Clay & Roe), h cor St Joseph and Fourth. IRowe, utifus MI., tfarm er, h w s Blackman. Rowe, I)octor S., (Rowe & Wakefield), h. es Exchange, 2 s St. Joseph. Rowe & Wakefield. (1)r. S. Rowe. F. A.Wakefield), drugs and medicines, e s Paw Paw. Rowland, Eber. miller, h e s Paw Paw. nr n village limits. Rowland, Henry E.. clerk..a.er, Adam. lab, h cI r St. Joseph and Fourth. Shaver, 4G. - lR. farmer, bds T. Shaver. Shaver, Taleott. earpenter. h w s;Paw iPaw, 3 n Paw Paw river. Skinner.. IR.,pastor 1. E. church, h ws Paw Paw, 2 s Livermore. S fnuires. Mrs. Janoe. hIe s Paw. G n Breedsville road. S ith, George I., teamster., h cor St. Joseph and Second. Stebbins. IlHenrmY. miller, Ii cor Paw I'aw and Front. Stephenson. A. I'., clk, Moore & Lisk. bds Jacob Lisk. Stephenson.D; ianiel. tinner. wks Moore & Lisk. Stevens..Joh n. lab, -l(Is E. IForeman. Stebbins, J. JB. _M., elk. Lawrene hotel, Ils.samne. Swan, John t 11cr, hw s IPaw I ow, s village limits. Swift. Chauncey, cooper, hi ur s village limits. Swift, William., hostler. Lawre 3ce hotel. hds samne. Sweet, Job,. cr pntel. shop ws Paw Paw, h oer St. Joseph and ExSweet, Joho M.,lab. lobds T. Sweet. Sweet. Thomas (0., blcksmith. hI n s Baker ave. 2 e Paw Paw. Sweet, VWilliam, shoemaker, h cor Elizabeth and Livermore. Sutton, C. S.. (Sutton & Merrill), h s s Paw Paw, nr graded school. - ---- I II I I 1. I I I 94 VAN BUREN COUNTY GIAZETTEER Sutton & Merrill, (C. S. Sutton, B. Merrill, P. Merrill). s;iw and planing mill, s s St Joseph, nr e village limits. Taplin, George P., mason, h e s Blackman, 3 s St. Joseph. Taylor, William N., farmer, h w s Paw Paw, 2 s St. Joseph, Tillou, Rufus, farmer, h cor St. Joseph and Fifth. Townsend, Loren, farmer, h w s Paw Paw, nr s village limits. Trumbull, Joseph E., fhrmer, h cor Livermore and Blackman. Trust, EVdward, barber, e s Paw Paw, bds Lawrence hotel. Van Fleet, Norris, bds Jacob Parrish. Vibber, Bleiss, firrner, h e s w aw, 3 n Breedsville road. W1affile, Mrs. A., millinery, over Chadwick's store. bds Sam8uel Ealrlow. Wakefield, Francis A.. (Rowe & Wakefield), hs s St. Joseph, opp Fifth. Watterman, E., bds Lawrence hotel. Webster, R., cerpenter, h cor St. Joseph and Elizabetli. White, John IH., justice of tlihe peace, h c(r Paw Paw and Liverinoi.1 Wiggins, O. B., physician. office over Ridlon. Phelps & Co.. 11h cor t. Joseph and Elizabetli. Williams, 1Ion. Buel M., notary public and convexuancer. office with (. W. Fisk, bds Lyuman Williamis. Williams, Lyman, farmer, h s s St. Joseph. nr Third. Wooden, William, h St. Joseph. Youngs, Ransom, chliair maker, 11hss St. Joseph. 2 v wPaw xvlaw, D. W. LEAVENS. --- AER IN - DRUCS & MEDICINES, Paints, Oils, Stationery, Perfumery, Coslnetics, T'lolet iArtticles, &e., WEST SIDE1PHELP ST. I DECA I'Vit". ' il-ICH I AND BUSINESS DIRECTORY. 95 ANTWERP. Historical and Descriptive Sketch of Antwerp. The township of Antwerp, in the south-eastern part of Van Buren county, is designated in the United States survey as -town 3 south of 11. 13 west." It consiste(d originally of what is generally known as " oak openings." with a soil of fine sandy loam, though mixed in some portions with clay and gravel. This was its general character, but it also contained about a thousand acres of timbered land, in the south-eastern part, and a strip of timber on the line of the Michigan Central Railroad, near Lawton. It, is is watered by a fine stream running from south-east to north-west, which furnishes a water power for several mills. Being exceedingly easy of cultivation and remarkably free from swamp and waste lands, this township was rapidly settled, and to-day ranks, in an agricultural point of view, among the very wealthiest towns in the county. Among the first settlers were Andrew Longstreet, Jesse Abbe, R1. olmes. Joel Tonlinson, John K. Bingham, Joseph Woodman, Daniel arnd Harmon VanAntwerp, Philip Williams, Joshua Bangs, John Hill, John Lyon and Lyman Lawrence. The township was first settled in 1835, and the first house of any importance was built by Jesse Abbe, and kept. as a house of entertainment for some- time. 11. Holmes built thefirst framne house, and Joshua Bangs the first framnie barn. The township was first organized in 1837, andi received its name from ]armon Van Ant werp, at that time the oldest inhabitant. At the first town meeting, heldl at the house of Philip WNilliamns, the following among other officers were chosen: Supervisor, Andrew Longstreet; Clerk, Iohn K. Bingham; Justices of the Peace..Joseph o\iWoodman, 11. HlIoli es, John K. Binighatn and Andlrew Longstreet. Samuel W\ells built the first saw mill aes early as 18,83, and not long afterward another was built by.lJohn K. Binlgham. Thlie great want of ihose times were mills, and especially grist mills. Illustrative of this inconvenlience, (Coloniel Lotngstreet relates that lie once speat sixteen days, with two yo(ke of oxen ini getting thirty bushels of wlhea.t ground at Whitmanville, a dlistaLce of t entiy-five mtiles from lionie, having had to go four times after his grist. This was in 188.5. In 18.58, Solomion and Benjiamnin Phillips built thile grist miill, now i\vine1 by J... utton, a:t a cost of about $61,O000, and in 1864, Cowgill & McKeys built their niotitor flouring mill at a cost of S15,000. In 1868, they also built a saw mill costing $1,800. In 1849), the Mi ligan Cent al Railroad was built through Antwe rp and tthei Village of Lawton begtan its oxistence. The depot buildings were erected that year. At that time, Lawton contained no other buildings, excepting one or two log houses. 96 VAN BUREN COUNTY GAZETTEER Colonel Longstreet built the first frame house, and H. McNeal opened a small store. In 1851, Doctor Shanklin built the first steam saw mill. A post office was established, with Colonel Longstreet as post master. The lands on which the village is located were owned by Nathan Lawton. Esq., of Watertown, New York, hence its name. The village grew slowly until 1867, when the Michigan Central Iron Company located its works for the manufacture of pig iron there. Since then, its growth has been rapid, and it is now one of the most active business villages in the county. It contains at present a population of about S2,000. It has three church organizations. The Methodist Episcopal Church was organized in 1855, with eight members, Rev. S. Simmons, pastor. Its house of worship was erected in 1862, at a cost of $2.500. It has now a membership of 215: Rev. J. W. Miller, pastor. The first Baptist Church was organized November 11, 1865, with twelve members, Rev. E. P. Dunham, pastor. The church was built in 1867, costing $1,500. Its present membership is twenty-six. The First Presbyterian Church was organized December 15, 1868, with eighteen members, and now hold religious meetings at Morrill's Hall, corner of Main and Second streets. Lawton has a fine Union School house, erected in 1867, at a cost of S10,000. It also contains two hotels and numerous stores and business places, together with the usual professions and trades which are well represented. But the great institution of'Lawton, and the one that pre-eminently maes it, and assures its permanent growth and prosperity is the Michigan Central Iron Works. This concern' was organized in the Autumn of 1866 and went into operation in December, 1867. It is established on a permanent basis, and numbers among its stockholders the President of the United States, General Gilmore, General Porter and several other distinguished names. It gives employment to a large number of workmen, and cannot but contribute largely to the material prosperity of the c'onmmunitv in which it is located. 1lThe publishers desire to acknowledge their inlebtedness it c. M. Morrill, Esq.. for the basis of the foregoing sketch, awil foi r the assistance he has so cheerfully rendered from time to time. lduring hle canlvass of this work. Secret and Benevolent Societies. EUREKA LODGE, No. 309, I. O...T. Mcets every Friday evening. at the Masonic Hall, corner of Main and Union. Officers. L. M" Waldron, W. C. T.; Mrs. L. M. Waldron, W. V. T.: A. Jennings. V. W. R.: DeWitt C. Smith, W. F. S.: Henry Ford, W. T.: W. W. Robbins, W. A. S.: Frank Cowgill, W. M.: Miss Florence Sandford,. W. i. M.: B. K. Dewev, P. W. IRON CITY LO)DGE, I. O. G. T. G. M. Green, W. C. T.; Ida Wildey, W. V. T.: A. II. Niles. W. R.S.;C. A. VanAntwerp, W. A. S.: J. S. Jones. I I s I _ - ANDI BUSINESS DIRECTORY. 97 W. F. S.; Hiram Barnes, W. T.; A. R. Griffin, P. W. C. T.; Eugene Mc Neil, WV.. Lizzie Prince, WV. D. M. Meets at Masonic Hall, corner Main and Union streets, every Tuesday evening. LAWT(ON LODGE, No. 216, F. Iand A. M. F. B. Adams, W. M. Charles Muinger, S. WV. O. D. Simmons, J. W. S. WV. Day, Secretary. A. Longstreet, Treasurer James Atwell, S. D. Harvey Harper, J. D. Regular meetings on or before the full of the moon, each month, at Masonic Hall, corner of ' Main and Union streets. LAWTON LODGE, No. 83, I. O. 0. F. Platt Nims. N. G. N. V. Finch, V. G. G. R. Castner, R. S. Frank Baker, P. S. IH. V Ferguson, Treasurer. Representatives to G. L., L. F. Moore, T. J. McKinney. MONITOR ENCAMPMENT, No. 16, I. 0. O. F. J. L. Wilcox, C. P. 1H. V. Ferguson, H. P. George N. Alexander, S. W. L. C. Harrington. Scribe L. T. Moore, Treasurer. Representative to Grand Encampment, T. J. McKinney. MICHIGAN CE1T11AL IRON CO,, --t---. AN( FACTURERS8 OF--- LAKE SUPERIDR Charcoal Pig Iron! No. I-Soft. No. 2-a little below a chill. No. 33-1 to ( inch chill. No. 4-1- to inch chill. No. 5-Lo@ttled. No. 6(-White. Works Near M. C. R. R., - - Lawton, Mich, MA.J. GEN'L, Q. A, GILUIORIE, President. GEN. II. G(. WRIIGIIT, Treasuretr. D. VAN NOSTR1AND, Secretary. J. iH. CONKLIN. Superintendent. HENRY FORD, General Agent. It. B. JACKSON, Book-keeper. I...~..~..,..~... __........~_.._..... _~...__., _._...._..__._._.... _..~..__.~,~~~_~__~ _ __ __ __ ___ 98 VAN BUREN COUNTY OAZETTEER LAWTON DIRECTORY. ABBIL8V~IATIIONWS. agt...............................................agent nr............................................near ave.............................................. avenue n s...............................................north side bds.....................................................boards opp.................................................opposite bet.................................................between phys.............................................physician clk......................................................clerk propr.................................. proprietor cor....................................................corner R.R................................................railroad e..........................................................east secy.....................................secretary e s..................................................east side s.........................................................south h............................................house or home s................................................south side lab...................................................laborer supt......................................superintendent mach............................................machinist treas.............................................treasurer M. C R. R.............Michigan Central Railroad w.........................................west mnfr....................................... manufacturer w s................................................ west side n........................................................north wks........................................ works Lawton Street Directory. Adams St., 1st e Franklin, begins at section line runs s to NWashington St. Antwerp St., 1st w West, begins M. C. IR. R. runs s to Union. Bitely St, 1st s Washington and Fifth, begins Main runs e to nursery. Brant St., 1 n Lincoln ave, begins Main runs w to Seward ave. Durkee St., 1st s Bitely, begins M ain runs e to Nursery. Fifth St., 1st s Fourth, begins Main runs e to Rail Road ave. First St. begins at Fremnont runs w to Franklin, thence westerly to Rail Road ave. Fourth St., 1st s Third, begins Plug ave runs e to Fremont. Franklin St. 1st e Rail Road ave, begins M. C. R. I1. depot runs s to Washington. Fremont St., 1st e Hfamilton, begins at section line runs s to Washington St. Hamilton St. 1st e Adatis. begins at section line runs s to Washington St. Liberty St., 1st e Rail Road ave, begins Bitely runs s to Morrill. Lincolu ave, 1st n M.. R. R., begins Main runs w to Seward ave. Main St. runs from n to s village 1imits. Morrill St., 1st s Durkee, begins Main runs e to Nursery. North St., 1st s section Vine, begins Franklin runs to Fremont. Nursery St., 1st e Fremont, runs from n to s village limits. __~ __ _I __ _~_I ~__ I AND) BINE:S DIRtEC[ORY. 99 HARDWARE!I HARDWAREI! HAR)WARE! KINNEY, ADAMS & Co., -- 1)lAIER S N-- HARDWARE,! Stov0s & Tcinware. Cor. Main and Union Sts., LAWT ON, MICH. A Complete Assortment Const intly on hiand ofu 11 kinds oft SI-IEL~Fl C00 IS7 COOK AND PARLOR STOVES, STEEL, IRON, NAILS, AXES, CLASS, PUTTY, SHOVELS, SPADES, HOES, HAY, A)3 POTATO FORKS, &C.,&C. VLdt Full iLinie of r1?inwvvare. NWe IVi;i t in experiencld Workniim wii whi in n Iaittt ires all o ur Tinware in m i Oii, ate t teimmetr to purc it Repairing done with Neatness and Despatch. RIeEMEUB El? THE PLA (P.E, W. I) KINNEYIiINNEY. 4ADlAMS & Co.. F. I. ADAMS. C'. XItin andt Union Sts...oINs mILtNo. LMWTON. MIt H. KINNEY, ADAMS & CO., ortuarbiwg &mntission ar amnts ------- IEALE. RS IN---- JPrWanc tupbes, S-kin LATH, PLASTER, &C., Warehouse near R. R. Depot, - ILAWTON, MICII. 0cE0. r.P. S2VWI8T, D1 U G G 1[ itZ _ DEALER IN 0 _ GLASS, WALL PAPER, H NOTIONS, PERFUMERY - P-[FANCY GOODS,]-- Z -I POCKET CUTLERY, Oc~ _ c D)ENTIST'S SUNDRIES, H m DYE STUFFS, BRUSHES, &C. m r 1-'. S.-Prescriptions Carefully Compounded at all hours of Sthe Day or Night hby a person that has had Twelve Yearis experience in the Business at the XLCIOR DRUC STORE, -West Side Main St., LAWTON, MICH. I ~-- - _ I AND BUSINESS DIRECTORY. 101 Plug ave, 1st w West, begins Union runs s to village limits. Rail Road ave, 1st e Main, begins A. (C. R. R. depot runs s to Morrill. Second St., 1st s First, begins Main runs e to village limits. Seward ave, 1st w Main, begins M. C. R. R. runs n to White Oak. Third St., 1st s Second. begins Main runs e to Fremont. Union St. 1st n Fourth, begins Main runs w to IM. C R. R. Walker St., 1st w Seward ave, begins M. C R. R. runs n. Washington St.. 1st s Fourth, begins Franklin runs e to Nursery. West St,, 1st w Main, begins M. C. R. R runs to Fourth. White Oak St., 1st n M. C. R R., begins Seward ave runs w to villaute limits. Lawton Village Directory. Abbott, George F., lab, h cor Second and Fremont. Abbott, Mrs. Mary, millinery, s s Main, 2 s Third, h same. Adams. D)exter. Adams, Frank, (Kinney, Adams Co.), h cor Third and Adams. Adams, James, h w s Adams, 2 bi Fourth. Alexander. George, (Waldron & Alexander). h cor Fifth and HamilAllen, Joseph, teamster, h cor Hamilton and Durkee. Ashman, W. H., harness maker, wks MecElhury, bds Lawton hotel. Atwell, J. W., watchmaker and jeweler, e s Main, h e S Railroad ave, 2 s Fourth. Avons, T. W., shoemaker, h s s White Oak, 1 w Paw Paw Railroad. Agnes, Henry, chief engineer, Mich cen iron works, bds William Harrison. Babcock, Isaac; furnaceman, h s s Washington. 2 e Franklin. Babcock, James. BADLAN, OTIS G., physician and dentist, w s lain, opp Robinson hotel, h same. Baker, Charles W. Baker, Franklin. Baker, Lucius farmer, h w s Main. Baker, Silas R., farmer, h over J. S. Cowrill's store. Ball, Charles E. Baptist Church, Rev. E. S. Dunham. pastor, cor Third and Fremont. K-- ~ ---------------...~------ ----------- --- =!I i _ ____~ _ ___ 102 VAN BUREN COUNTY GAZETTEER Barker, Miss E., milliner, wks Mrs. Smith. Barker, W. L., h cor Fourth atnd Hamilton. Barnes, Doctor George, physician and insurance agt, office over Munger & Bro, h cor Railroad ave and Fifth. Barnes, Henry, furnaceman, h cor Main and Union. Barnes, Hiram, furnaceman, h cor Main and Union. Barnes, John W. Barnes, William C., teamster, h w s Main, or n village linits. Bathrick, Walter, clk, Johnson & Tirrell, bds same. Beals, E. L, lab, h n s Seward ave. Beals, William, h e s Main, 2 n Fifth. Beardsley, Udney A., blacksmith, wks E. A. Smith, h cor Main and Third. Beardsley, U. N., physician, h cor Main and Third. Belcher, Adam, Blacksmith, h n s Bitely, 2 w Nursery. Bender, Joseph. Bishop, Joshua, teamster, h cor Second and Quincy. Bitely, Daniel, sawyer, h cor Freicont a nd Fourth. Bitely, N. 11., senator 18th district, h s s Washington head of Fremont. Bitely, Stephen. Bowdish, F. 11H. Bradner, David G., elk, J. H. Gilson, bds same. Bradt, G. Briggs, George W., carpenter. h w s Seward ave, nr M. C. t. tR. Briggs, Roswýll, lab, bds Stephen Briggs. Briggs, Stephen T., teamster, h n s M:I. C. R. R., or w village limits. Brott, Aaron. Brott, John M. Brott, William, furnaceman, h w s Main, 2 n 3M. C. R. R. Bucklin, S. ). Burch, Ezra. Burlington, James \V. Burnett, S. J., h e s Main, 3 s Third. Buskirk, H. S., (Buskirk & Dennison), h cor Fourth and Franklin. Buskirk, A. C., tailor, wks L. Stearn & Co. Buskirk & Denison, (ii. S. Buskirk, William C. Denison), groceries provisions, crockery, &c., w s Main. AND BUSINESS DIRECTORY. 103 G. 1). JOHNSON. C. S. TIRRELL. THE BEE HIVE!..-.. DEALERS IN..---...... r A TS, CA. FS, BOOTS, SHOES, CLOTHING, CROCKERY, GLASSWARE, I~TOTIO~ITS, &O. HIGHEST MARKET PRIJE PAID ~ PRODUIEI XN B.-THE BEST TREATMENT AND GOOD BAR. GA INS ALIWA YIS GUARAANTIED TO CSUNTOMEIRS. WVest side Main St., SL.AWTO21T, MICH. 1. I J i 1 104 VAN BUREN COUNTY GAZETTEER C. E. WRIGHT. 0. W. LAWTON. C. D, LAWTON. WI? IaC+T &t Co., PROPRIETORS OF LAWTON FOUNDRY AND MACHINE SHOP, MANUFACTURERS OF PRIMARY AND UNION SCHOOL SEATS, PLOWS, COLUMNS ~c. 1%, Old Iron Wanted. 6[ LAWTON,...- -. - - - MICII. Butler, George C., carpenter, h cor Railroad ave and Bitely. Cable, Mrs., h cor Fourth and Franklin. Caldman, Charles, lab wks Waldron & Alexander. Cameron, John, shoemaker, wks Dennis O'Brien, bds S. F. Mullen. Campbell, F T. (Shepard & Bitely) h cor Rail Road ave and Bitely. Campbell, Robert B., stick dealer, bds F. T. Campbell. Carman, -, shoemaker, wks Ford & Freeman. Capron, W., h e s Rail Road ave 3 s Third. Carman, Martin, h s s Third 2 w Hamilton. Cussady, Jacob, 1-b, h s w village limits. Casterlin, DI). H., carpenter, h e s Adams 2 n Fourth. Chase, J. L., liquor dealer, h w s Main 2 w Union. Cheeseman, David B., elk, S. B. Cheeseman, bds same. Cheeseman, S. B., general mdse, w s Main, h cor Fourth and Adams Clark, Lewis J. Cleveland, Harvey, furnaceman, h cor West and Union. Coddington, W. R, builder, h cor Rail Road ave and Third. Colvin, M. G., constable. h cor First and Adams. Collins, Barney, lab, h cor First and Fremont. Comstock, Geo., telegraph operator, h cor Franklin and First. Conklin, Jas. H., supt at M. C. Iron Works, 1h cor Washington and Conklin, Jas. H. Jr., wks M. C. Iron Works, bds Jas, H. Conklin. Fremont. Conklin, Jonathan, wks M. C. Iron Co., h n M. C. R. R. on Iron City St. Conklin, Lorenzo D., wagon maker, h n s Third 2 w Hamilton. Conklin, Matthew, furnaceman, h cor Rail Road ave and Second. Conklin, Robert, wks M. C. Iron Co., h n M. C. R. R. Iron City St. _I i t -------~II~-~---~---~~-~1~-~---11~I L - -I - ---------~------- - -- -- ---`II AND BUSINESS DIRECTORY. 105 LAWTON PLANING MILL, H. V. HARWICK, Proprietor, MANUFACTURER OF 'All kinds of TURNING executed in the best style. PLANING and SAWING promptly attended to. Satisfactory prices guaranteed. LAWTON,:::: MICHIGAN. Conklin. Samuel, furnaceman, h n s Morrill nr s village limits. Cornell, Lafayette. Courtwright, John A., carpenter and cooper, h cor Adams and Fourth. Cowgill, J. S., grocery and provisions, w s Main bds Robinson House. Cross, M. II., agt M. C. R. R., h at depot. Cramer. Charles, lab, h cor Fremont and First. Daily, Hiram. Davis, Charles. teamster, bds Mrs. Mosier. Davern, Timothy, carpenter, h e s Main 3 s Morrill. Day, David M. Day, S. C., mechanic, h cr Hamilton and Fourth. Dennison, Asahel B. Dcnnison, Win., grocer, bds E. Tracy. Dcsenberg, B (L. Stern & Co.) h cor Union and Antwerp. Dewey, B K., painter, h n s Seward ave. Dey. Geo. W., dentist, opp Robinson House. DEY, MRS. S. E., photograph gallery, opp Robinson H )se. Ddge, Herman, lab, h e s Fremont 1 s Babtist Church. Doolittle, C. W. Dolliver, (Geo.. R R. mian h e s Rail Road ave 2 s Fourth. Dolliver, Meuzo, moulder, bds Geo. Comstock. Dowland, James, furuaceman, h n s -M. C. It. R. nr Iron works. Dougherty, John. Douglass, H. S., carpenter, h cor Fourth and Hamilton. Drake, Amos I1. Drew, John A., furnaceman, bds 1). Bitely. Drowley, James, mechanic, h cor Fremont and Third. Dunham, IT. 106 I I VAN BUREN COUNTY GAZETTEER R. S. GRIFFIN, iM. D. Has removed to his New Building, where he is prepared to attend to all professional calls. Special attention given to all CHRONIC DISEASES, and to the DISEASES OF WOMEN. Chronic Diseases may be examined by the urine. West Side Main Street,: LAWTON, MICH. Dunham, E. S., pastor Babtist Church, h cor Fremont and Third. Durkee, Calvin, Justice of the Peace. Dustin, Able, lab, bds Anson Flinn. Eckert, Benjamin, lab, h n s Biteiv 3 e Rail Road ave. Ellison, James, laborer, bds Joseph Ellison. Ellison, Joseph, mechanic, h cor Adams and Second. Elmore, Oliver. Erskine, Nathaniel, furnaceinan, h cor West and Third. Ethridge, Dexter. Fenner, Chas., furnacerman, h cor West and Third. Ferguson, H. V. Finch, Nathan V., painter, bds Robinson House. Fink, Levi. Finley. R. H.. harness maker, h nr n village limits. Fish, T. Fletcher, Mrs. L A., bakery and eating house, w s Maii). Flick, Alphens P. Flinn, Anson, horse fiarrier, h n s White Oak, Follett. Jas., brick maker, h w s Rail Road ave, 2 s Fourth. Ford & Freeman (S. Ford, D. B. Freeman) boots and shoes, w s Main. Ford, Henry, sup't M. C. Iron Works, h cor Washington and Nursery. Ford, L. J., physician and surgeon, office with Ford & Freeman. Ford. S., boot and shoe dealer, h e s Franklin 2 n Fourth. Ford, Win., machinist h s s Washington nr Adams. Fox, Joseph, laborer, h n s White Oak 4 w main. Frazer, Charles O. Freeman. David, shoemaker, h cor Rail Road ave and Fourth. Garrison, James. Garrison, Smith. Geiser, Earnest. Gerring, R. M. Giddings, Henry E,, blacksmith, h n M. C. R. R. Iron City St. I I AND BUSINESS DIRECTORY. 107 Mrs. S. E. DEY, P. A. GLIDDEN, Stationer and Ncews Dealer, OPPOSITE ROBINSON HOUSE, IN POST OEFICE BUILDINGS, LAWTON, MICH. PAW PAW AND LAWTON, MICHIoAN. Photographs, Ambrotypes, Porcelain and Gem Pictures Of all Sizes, and in the most approved Styles, at low prices. Gilbert, David W. Gildersleeve, E. B., lab, h on West. GILSON, J. H., hardware, stoves and Tinware, ts Main, opp brick building, h cor Third and Hamilton. [See adv.] Glover, A. 11., lab, wks Waldron & Alexander. Glover, J. H., lab, wks Waldrin & Alexander. GLIDDEN, P. A., news room in post office building, resides at Paw Paw. [See adv.] Gre(gg, Samuel, clk, J. S. Cowgill. Gregg, Simeon D., engineer, h cor Second and Adams. Green. Ebenezer. Green, George, blacksmith, h s s Union. 3 w West. Green, HIenry, furnaceman, bds (Ceo. P. McNeil. Green, Lewis, turnaceman, bds G. P. McNeil. Green, Peter, engineer, h cor West and Union. Green. Richard, butcher, h w s Railroad ave, 2 s Bitely. Green, 11. J., wagon maker, wks E. A. Smith, h cor Third and Adams. Griffin, lRaimsey, black4smith, bds James Wilcox. Griffin, Thomas. GRIFFIN, R. S., physician and surgeon, w s Main, h cor West and Union. [See adv.] Grinage, William, lab, bds Silas R. Baker. Gunn, Spencer, clk, R. O. Wilcox. bds Robinson house. Harper, Harvey, farmer, ht cor Durkee and Liberty. Harvey, Henry C. Harrington, -, harness maker, wks 0. S. Sweet. Harrinton, Charles, shoemaker, h cor Third and Franklin. 108 VAN BUREN COUNTY GAZETTEER J. I-T1. G(a L 0 \T DEALER IN HARDWARE, STOVES, Tinware, INails, Glass, Doors, SASH, AGRICULTURAL IMIPLEMENTS, The Celebrated Mlishaatk CRUB HOES, AXES &C., &C. M.ANUFACTURER OF All kinds TIN, COPPER and SHEET IRON WARE. Builders attention is called to this house for BUILDERS' HIAID WARE. All kinds of COOPERAGE. at atmy shop at rear of store. If any one is in want of a good drive well, ple-ase call on the undersigned. J. H. GILSON. East Side of Kain Street, Headst Ideof Unilon Street, } LAWTON, Mich. tiarrington, 11. B., blacksmtith, wks Wilcox, h e s )lain, 1 1 3, C. R. R. Harrison, W., machinist. wks Wrirght & Co., h es Fr, enmont, at head of Fourth. HARWICK, H. V., piopr Lawton planing mill, nrr M. C I I, on Franklin, h cor Hamiilton and WVashington. Hlarwick, Warren V. Hawkins, Anthony. Haskins. John. Hawley, Atwell, student, bds 1. Tracey. Haydon, I. bM., wagon mnaker. h nr e villajre limits. Hayes, Richard, hostler, Robinson house, bds same. Haynes, Medoni, furnaceman, h cor Fremont and Second. HIelford, Henry. Ilerrington, George R., elk, Mungcr bro, bds C. C Ierrington. tight, Barclay, lab, h w s Walker, or village limllits. Hll, Georre B. A. Hinckley, Gilman. Hitchcock, Jared, mechanic, h u s Biteley, 3 w Nuruery. AND BUSINESS DIRECTORY. 109 Iitenticock, J. HI., tinner, wks J. H. Gilson. Hitchcock, Frederick, tinner, bds J. Hitchcock. Hoag,, Jacob B. Hoffman, John. Hiogland, Thomas. Holmes, P. B. [ ope, Thomas. atchlikiss, A. S. HIouse. Frederick N. Hiursen, S., painter, wks E. A. Smith, h or n village limits. Husted, P. J., carpenter, h n s Morrill nr s village limits. Ihliig, [Lay, (tAlrkle & [ihli') bdl Ltwton h)tel. Ihlin, John, sup't P. P. It. It. (Kinney, Adams & Co.) h cor Main and 31. C. I. It. Jackson, H. P., clk at iron works, bds at H. Harwicks. Jewell, John A. Jeffe-rson, John, furnacemann, h cor Bitely and Nursery. Jiser, A.. lab, h. n AL. C. i. h 1. grounds. Johnson, Frank, watchmaker and jeweller, w s Main, bds R bins ai [House. Johnson, G. 1). (Johnson & Tirrell) h s s Second 2 w Franklin. JOHNSON & TIRRELL, (G D. Johnson, C. S. Tirrell), dry g0oods, proceries, boots, shoes,ttc., w s Main opp st office. Johnson, John W. Johnson, Mirs. Mary, h cor oecond and Hamilton, Jones, Alhln. Jones, Alvin 1). Jones, Frank, student. bds Mrs. )loshier. Jones, Marvin, farmer, h cor Seeond and Nursery. Jones, Stephen, faruler, h cor FIremnont and Seco.nd. Jourdan, Joseph, brick maker, h cor Liberty and Durkee. Kennedy, P. G., twlegraph operator, i s s Second 3 w Franklin. K ibbee, J. N., carpenter, h 1co Rail Road ave and Fifth. Knapp, Daniel. Ktn pp, Ezra. KINNEY, ADAMS & Co., (Warren D. Kinney, Frank Adams and John hhling), hardware, stoves &c, forwarding and commission merchants, cor Main and Union. f 1 __ i _ __ ___ __~_ 110 _ _ _1_1 VAN BUREN COUNTY GAZETTEER Kinney, Warren D., (Kinney, Adams & Co). h cor Third and Adams. Knox, Henry, tinner, h cor Third and Franklin. Koons, H., cabinet maker, bds T. N. Avons. Lanioraux, Robert, furnaceman, h n s Union. 2 w Antwerp. Langdon, Elias H., shoemaker, wks Ford & Freeman, h s s First, 3 e Railroad ave. Lapper, William, meat market, h e s Main, 2 s Morrill. Lattin, Henry M. Lawrence. Myron P. Lawton, C. D., civil engineer, (Wright & Co), h cor Main and Fourth LAWTON, GEORGE W., (Wright & Co), judge of probate attorney and counsellor at law, office over Munger Bros, h w a Main, 2 n Fourth. Lawton Hotel, E. B. Town, propr, s M. C. R. R. depot. Lawton Post Office, Andrew Longstreet, post master, I s Robinson house, 4 mails daily-2 e, 2 w-post office hours, 7 A M to 8 P M. Lee Charles E. Leonardson, John, wagon maker, wks E. A. Smith. Longstreet, James, M. C. R. R. hand, h e s Main, 2 n M. C. R. R. Longstreet, Jesse M., h cor Washlington and Nursery. Longstreet, Samuel, justice of the peace, office e s Main, h cor Main and Second. Longstreet, Andrew, post master. Love, E. T., h s s Second, nr school house. Love, Mrs. G., dress maker, w s 3Main. Logan, Richard, bds Samuel Logan. Logan, Samuel, lab, hIi n s Bitely, 2 e Railroad ave. Markle & Ihling, (Elias Markle and Henry Ihling), meat market, w s Main Markle, Elias. (Markle & Ihling), h cor Fourth and Adams. Marsh, James G. Matthews, Gideon, physician, bds Lawton hotel. McConley, Alva, lab, h cor Railroad ave and Fourth. McElheny, A. L., harness maker, opp Robinson house, h cor Washington and Hamilton. McKinney, John, h e s Washington, head of Franklin. McKinney, M. V. B., physician, office in Munger's block, h cor Railroad ave and Third. - ---I -C----~--~--- ~I__ -- -~--~-~------- ~ ____~-__ I I AND BUSINESS DIRECTORY. 1i1 McKinney, N. B3., (N. B. McKinney & Co), h cor Main and Third. McKINNEY, N. B. & Co., (N. B. McKinney, Henry Ford, M. D. Williams), manufacturers grain separators, on Franklin, nr M. C. R. R. McKinnev, Thomas J., drayman, 11 e s Railroad ave, 4 s Fourth. McKinney, W. J., mechanic, h e s Railroad ave 3 s Fourth. 31IcMann. Chas.. bds M rs. Mosier. AMcNitt, Chas. -1 McNitt, Geo. P., carpenter, h cor tMain and Fourth. Merritt, Albert B. M)ethodist Church, es Franklin bet Third and Fourth. MICHIGAN CENTRAL IRON CO,, H Ford, supt, wks located a s M. C. R. R. nr w village limits. Miles, Mrs., h w s Nursery nr Union school. Millard, Barnum W. Millard, John. Miller. J. W., pastor Nl.. C-hurch, h cor Fourth and Hamilton. Mitchell, David, blacksmith, bds 0. Robinson. Mitchell, John, lab, h e s Liberty 2 n Durkee. Mitchell, Nathan, lab, h cor Second and Adams. Mofitt. Jas. F. Moore, C. I.. painter, bds L. T. N.-Moore. Moore, L. T., publisher Masonic, Odd Fellows and 1. 0. G. T. charts, h cor Main and Bitely Moore, Oscar 1H. Mooreland, Mrs. Eliza, h cor Hamilton and First. Moritz, B., clothing,, w s Nlain, h same. MORRILL, C. M., (C M. Morrill and Co.) n as Second 2 e Main. MORRILL, C. M. & CO., (C. M. Morrill & John B. Morrill) boots, shoes and furniture, es Main. Morrill, J. B (C. \. Morrill & Co.) bds C. M. Morrill. Morrill, Geo. N., h s s Second 2 e Main. Morrill, J. W, manufatcturer of pop corn, h cor Main and Mlorrill. Morton, Peter. Morecy, DeLos. Uiosier, Albert. Mosier. John W. - 112 VAN BUREN COUNTY GAZETTEER Mosier, Mrs., h opp M. C. R R. depot. Mullen. M3. R., clk W. A. Twichell, bds same. Mullen, Robert, elk, h e s Main 3 n Fifth. Mullen, S. F., eating house, wv s Main. Munger & Bro. (Win. & Chas. R.) drugs, groceries, etc., w s Matin. Munger, Chas. R., (Munger & Bro) h back M. C. R. R. buildings. 3iMnger. WV. (Munger & Bro.) h cor 3Mail and Bitely, M3,unsell. J. W., wagon and carriage maker, shop e s Railroad ave 2 s Second, h e end Third. AMunson, Geo., blacksmith, bds Jas. Wileox. Munson, John, wagon maker, wks E. A. Snmith. Murphy, Henry. Myers, Isaiah. Neff, Newton. Nevers. Truman, bds J. Y. Courtwrighlt. Nice, Vender S. Nichols, Win., mason, h cor Rail Road ave and Fourth. Niles, Albert, wagon maker, bds Jas. Wilcox. Niumms, P)lat, carpenter, h cor Second and lHamilton. O'Brien, Dennis, shoemaker, w s Main, bds Robinson House. Parker, Frank, engineer, Wright & Co., bds Emnory Parker. Parker. Emory, mechanic, h cor White Oak and Walker. Parker, George, farmer, h over J. S. Cowgill's store. Parker. James J. Parker. L. J, carpenter, hI e s Railroadl ave, 2 s Fifth. Page, Nathaniel, lab, h n s White Oak, 5 w Main. Patrick. Kingsley. hI cor Hamilton and Morrill. Pattingill, Clark, L., lab, h n s Second, nr school house. Patterson. William If. Perrin, Mrs., h ai s White Oak, nr w village limits. Perkins, Lorenzo II., elk, Robinson house. bds same. Perrin., enry. Perry, tHarmon. Perry, Theodore, (Perry & VanaDuzer), lh cor Third and Adams. Perry & VanDuzer, (Theodore Perry, Albert VanDuzer), dry goods &,rrceries. e s M3ain Pete, Oscar, drayman, h cor Main and Morrill, Pettingill, William, lab, h cor Third and Franklin. - I I I I I 1 111 1 AND BUSINESS DIRECTORY. 113 Pitcher, George, clk, 3Munger & Bro. bds Chas RI Munger. Plhillips, S. G, clk, Buskirk & I)Denison, h over store, Potts, lW. H., manfr fanning mills. h cor Second and Franklin. 1owell, 1)avid, ca-:penter, h cor Main and Fourth. Poweil, James A. Powell, Mrs., IhI es Main. 2 s Fourth, Powers, A. II. carpT e ter-. h w s H1-fatmnilton, 2 n Fourth. Prentice,.. 1.. teamstor. i n s Tbhird, or e village limits. IPrice, William E, painter. shep n s Third, bds Harvey Harper. Prince, folin Sen, ctrpenter.i hs s Union, 4 w West. IPritchard, Philo, I cor A\damsi and Second. Pui'slev, Georo-o hake, Frank. futrneoemia, hbds George GUeen. Ralf, Thomas. N. Randall, William. Ray, U uy C., blacksinit h ws Maini, h cor Railroad ave nid Second. R~eynIolds. J t\ N., wks depot Ii Hamilton and Third. Roberts, Joseph, htrness iimaker, wks A. L. McElheny, bds - Mosier. Robbin, Lorin P. Robbilis, W. N., blacksmith, wks E. A. Smith. Ihss Washington, htiead of' Adams. Robinson, Alexander, livery stable, h s s First. 2 e Railroad ave. Robinson. George IV.. propr Robinson house. e s MAain. 1Robinson Hlouse. George W. Robinson. propr, e s Main. RB binson. Jaiies C., barber, e s Malin, bds Lawton hotel. R, binson, O.. blacksmith, shop e s Main. ur Second. Robinson, Orrin, frnaeenan. Ii s s Uniion, 2 w West. IRvbinson & 1Perkins, (Georgie V.. R')binson, Lore lz) H. Perkins), livery stable, connected with Robinson house, Rockwell. Abel. Rogers\ William R0.ose John. Itowe, Nicholas B. Rutnour, Micihael M -llisbury, Joseph, teamster Ir s s Second, 1, w Hamilton. Salisbury, W11arren E. Scott, Robert, shoemaker, cr hcoHamilton and Bitely. Shepard & Campbell, (Z. Shepard, F. '. Cambell), meat market, opp _I~__ ~ ~_ ____ ____~__ __ _I ~__ 114 VAN BUREN COUNTY GAZETTEER Robinson house. Shepard, Z., (Shepard & Campbell), h opp Robinson house. Shuit, J. M, furnaceman, h n s Morrill, nr s village limits. Simmons, Ellis D., carpenter h n s White Oak, nr P. P. 11. R. Smith, Amos T., hi cor Railroad ave and Second. Smith, D. C., blacksmith. wks E. A. Smith, bds same. Smith, E. A., propr Van Buren Co premium wagon shop, e s M-ain, h cor Main and Fifth. Smith, 1E. IE., clk. G. P.'Smith. Smith, Harvey, h cor Main & Fifth. SMITH, G. P., drugs, medicines, toilet articles, notions &c, w s Main. Smith, Joseph M. Smith, M. H., manfr. fanning mills, cor Railroad ave and Third, h Smith, Mrs., milliner, over S. B. Cheeseman's store. Smith, William H. Smith, Valentine. Snyder, H-enry, machinist, bds J. tHitchcock. Snyder, Wallace Southwouth, G. B., farmer, h cor Franklin and First. Spicer, Daniel, billiard roomnis, w s Main. nr Robinson house, h same. Stern, henry, (L. Stern & Co), bds L. Stern. Stern, L. (L. Stern & Co), h cor Union and Antwerp. Stern, L. & Co., (L. Stern, B. Desenberg, H. Stern), dry goods and clothing, w s Main. Stern, Mris., h cor Second and Adams. Still, Nelson. Stillwell, Isaiah. Stillwell, Ira J., farmer, h over J. S. Cowgill's store. Stillwell, James, farmer, h n s P. P. R. R11., 3 w Main. StillwelB, William G. Streeter, B. M., groceries and provisions, e s Main, h same. Storker, James. Stuart, Chester V. Sweet, John C. Sweet, O. 5., harness maker, e s Main, ihi cor Railroad ave and Fifth. Taber, L. A., attorney and counselor at law, office over Munger & Bro, I AND BUSINESS DIRECTORY. 115 h s s Third, nr Union school. Tanner. Thaddeus. Taylor, Horatio N. Tenny, Edgar. inoulder, Wright & Co. Tenny, Edward, moulder, h s w village limits. Tenny, L. HI., inouldar, wks Wright & Co, h w s Franklin, nr M. C. R. R. Tenny, W. E lab, la he -e Liberty, nr Bitely. Tillou. J., blacksmith, wks Guy C. Ray, bds same. Tirrell, C. S., (Johnson & Tirrell), bds G. D. Johnson. Tihmnas, Spencer, drover, h e s Main, 4 s Third. Thonupson, E. L., teamster, h cor Railroad ave and Bitely. Thompson, M.,.farmer, ds Mrs. Perrin. I Thornten, Dudley, farmer, h cor Second and Hamilton. Town, E. B., propr Lawton hotel, s M. C. R. R. depot. T tacy, E., cabinet maker, h cor Franklin and Second. fracy, Edward, lab, h cor Third and Quincy. Tubbs, Jane, hli cor Bitely and Nursery. Turner, Dillon, lab, h cur WVest and Union. Twell, Joseph. Twichell, W. A., 1general m dse, w s Main, h same. Tyler, Iarry, w s Main. Underwood, R., blacksmith, wks E. A. Smith. VanAnthrop, 11. M.. moulder, h ear Franklin and Third. VanAntwerp. Charles. elk, post office, bds Andrew Longstreet. VanAntwerp, William, h s s Second, 2 w Adams. \Vanderbogart, Peter. VAanDuzer, Albert, (Perry &- Van'Duzer), bds Robinson house. VanMNeter, John II. V anOcker, Henry, teamster, h n Bitely. 4 e Railroad ave. VanSickles, John W., lab, h cor F*irst and Railroad ave. VanSickles, Reuben, h cur First and Railroad ave. VanSickles, Sim1on. V anVehten, Charles. VanWinkle, Edward. Waite, Stephen E. Waite, W. G., carpenter, h cor Liberty and Morrill. Wager, James, mechanic, h cur Washington and Fremont. r I _ _~__I __ ---"----------------- -- __ 116 _____ VAN BUREN COUNTY GAZETTEER I-; Waldron & Alexander, (L. M. Waldron, G. N. Alexander), saw mill, nr M. C. R. R. Waldron, L. M., (Waldron & Alexander), h cor Washington and Adams. Wallace, G. T., planing mill, h cor Adams and First Ward, Thomas T. Wells, G. V., carpenter, h s s Washington. head of Adams. Wells, J. M3., h e s Adams, 2 s Third. Wilcox, J. L.. blacksmith and carriage maker, nr M. C. R. R. depot, h cor Railroad ave and Second. Wilcox, Nelson, bds Reuben Wilcox. Wilcox, Reuben, manfr tomb stones, e s Main, h e s Fremont, 2 n First. Wilcox, R. 0., billiard room, w s Main. Wildberg, Lewis, tobacco and cigars, w s Main, h same. Wildermhth, Adam, baker, w s Main, h cor North and Fremont. Wilkins, Thomas G. Willard, John, lab, h e s Main. Williams, Miles D., carpenter, h cor Adams and Third. Wilson. Robert. lab, bds Reuben VanSikles. Winkle, Evan, painter, h s s Second, 2 e Franklin. Winters, William, collier, h n M. C. R., nr w village limits. Whipple, Edward. White, George, farmer, h w s Main. nr n village limits. White. Orrin, furnaceman, h js Third, nr e village limits. White, Seth. furnaceman, h cor Railroad ave and IBitely. Whitehead, Lewis, h s s Union, 3 w West. Worden, George R., teamster, h cor Railroad ave and Morrill. Wright, Adelbert. h a s Bitely. 2 w Nursery. WRIGHT & Co., (C. E. Wright, G. W. & C. D. Lawt on), foundry and machinists, nr Paw Paw railroad. Wright, C. E., (Wright & Co). Youmans. Samuel, lab, bds blaae Babcock. nan uren oauntp epublican Only $ 0 a Yeagr, ink Adv amge, E. A. BLACKMAN Publisher,, I -I-"~~'~~~^Ix-:_ ~~~"-~-~---~~- - AND BUSINESS DIRECTORY. 117 M[ATTAWAN DIRECTORY. ABJETATFITIO2TS. agt.....................................................agent nr........................................................near ave...............................................avenue n s..........................................north side bds....................................................hoards opp............................................. opposite bet...................................... between physp.............................................physiian clk...........................................clerk propr.......................................proprietor cor.............................................corner. 1............................................ railroad............................................east secy........................................secretary e s..................................................east side s.........................................................south h............................................house or hoine s s..............................south side lab..............................................laborer supt......................................superintendent minach.................................n.machiniist treas.............................................treasurer M. C R. R.............Michigan Central Railroad w..................w..................................west mnfr............................. nianufacturer w s...................................n.......west side n...........................................north wks.........................................works Historical and Descriptive Sketch of Mlattawan. MAattaw.tn is a hine growing village in the township of Antwerp. It lies on the Michigan Central Railroad. 154 miles west of Detroit, and 130 east of Chicago. This village was located, in 1849, by Charles W. Scott. and owes its existence to the Michigan Central Railroad. John Cronkhite built the first building ini 1850. This was a grocery and provision store. A post office was established the same year, and James Murray was appointed post master. J. J. Bliss built his warehouse in 1856. The first religious organization in the place was the Methodist Church. This denomination built their present place of worship in 1867, at a cost of $4,000. It has a membership of forty. The First Congregational Church was organized in 1867, atnd in 1868 built a house of worship at a cost of $4,000. Like most Michig:tn villages, Mattawan is alive to the interest of education, and in 1867 built a fine Union school house at a cost of $9,000. Besides the above public buildings, the village now contains several stores and two hotels, and the usual professions and mniechanical trades. It has a population of about 800. Mattawan Street Directory. Alvord st., begins Itailroad st, runs n to village limits. Armuena st, 1 s M. C. R. R., begins at Main, runs e to Railroad st. ou rth st., 1 n Third, begins Alvord, runs w to village liuiits. Front st., 1 n M. C. R. i4. begins Main, runs to w viilage limits. _I _ 1___ ~I ____ _ _ ___ I 118 VAN BUREN COUNTY GAZETTEER I Buy my Dry Goods, Clothing, Hats and Caps of L. A. & L. C. Fitch, Mattawan, Michigan. Kinne st, 1 s Armena, begins Main, runs e to Railroad st. Main st, runs from northern to southern village limits. Murray st, 1 w Pine Grove, begins Front, runs n to village limits. Pine Grove st, 1 e Murray, begins Second, runs n to Alvord. Prairie Ronde st, 1 e Main, begins Armena, runs s to village limits. Railroad st, 1 e Prairie Ronde and Welch, begins Kinne and runs n to Alvord. Second st, 1 n Front. begins Main, runs w to village limits. Scott st, I w Murray, begins Front, runs n to Third. Third st, 1 n Second, begins Alvord, runs w village limits. Webster st, 1 n M. C. R. R., begins Main, runs e village limits. Welch st, 1 e Main, begins Webster, runs n to Alvord. Mattawan Village Directory. iAckley, Uriah, lab, h cor Welch and Alvord. Adams, Joseph B., lumber dealer, h cor Scott and Second Adams, Miss Mary L., telegraph operator, M. C. R. R., bds cor Scott and Second. Andrews, H. S., lab, h ss Second, 2 e Scott. Austin, Daniel, lab, h opp Methodist church. Babcock, Miss, milliner, e s Main, 2 s Webster, bds same. Baker, Chester, M. C. R. R. night watch, h nr s village limits. Barney, James P., farmer, h n s Alvord, nr Third. Baker, Mrs. Nellie, tailoress, h cor Armena and Railroad. Bass, R. R., lumber dealer, h e s cor Main and Armena. Bassett, C. W.. elk, VanVcchten & Fitch, bds C. D. VanVechten. Baxter, C. M., agt M. C. R. R., h w s Main. 1 s Railroad bridge. Beacham, Silas, harness maker, wks James McCarter, bds same. Beardsley, Ransom, carpenter, h nr n village limits. Beardsley, Philo H., carpenter, h n s Alvord, 4 e Murray. Beebe, R. O., (Kelsey & Beebe), bds Willard house. Bedell, E. R., elk, L. A. & L. C. Fitch, h s M. C. R R. Bcllinger, Andrew J., butcher, h cor Murray and Second. Blyth, G. W., jeweler, shop with Moore & Wilder. BRIGGS, Thos. H., physician and surgeon, office cor Front and Murray, h cor Murray and Third. __ I I -- AND) BUSINESS DIRECTORY. 119 Physician's Prescriptions Carefully Compounded by L. A. & L. C. Fitch, Mattawan, Michigan, PHTYSI 0IAN ~ ýj:i J ---XN -ANDSURGEON! OFFICE C(OR. FRONT AND) M1URAY STS.. MIATTAWAN. MICHII. DR. LEE McF ARLAND OFFICE ON FRONT ST. FIRS' IDOOR E. OF NEW )RUG STORE, MattawLmin, Mii(h. Teeth inserted from1 one to an ntilire set oa rubber and ll metals. Teeth filled, clean(d and regulated in the most workmanlilke manner, 4ifficult jobs soIcited. I can please all, call befoice coing elsewhere. All operat on warranted. Prices withiu the reach ol iall. E. B. Dunning, M. D., =-=E-YSIC I AN-I -ANDSURGE ON, OrFFICE on Front St., over K isey & Beebe's II f tiwtroe Store. RIENE Co ner Armena and Prairie Ron le Sts., Mattawan, Mich. WILLAIII) HOTEL! S. H. WILLARD, Propr. NORTH SIDE FRONT ST. MATT A WAN, MICH. Bick. GWilliain. lab, h e s Main, 3 s Front. Brott, A.. wks M. C. R(. his U Phcenix hotel BIiAtt. Ira, wks MI C1.. ) R I b is IPl(e.ix hotel Browin, Abl, p st mist)r. II er Htin and S.cond. Brown, David, physician and surge.on.ia h IT Hpkins' planin.g mill. B13rown, Orson, student, bdsI Abel Browln. Buck. J. S., clk, fC, R It.bds C M. Baxter. B0aell, E. W., hostler, Willard house. 3nn1, -1, lab, lh nr n village liliits. Bardick. Williamn, shoe uAtker, I cor Main and Alvord. Bulnhamu, Albert. wks hEn5s S. Stevens, bds samne. Butler, (1., teallster, h nr n village limits. Canom, George, bds Pheenix hotel. Carlisle, Thomas, fruit grower, h or a village limlits. Casad, Lafayette, auctioneer, hi cor Alvord and Main. Clark, James W., carpenter, h cor Webster and Main. Colby, Oliver B., carpenter, h.or Webster and Welch. I _I - ------ --- 120 VAN BUREN COUNTY GAZETTEER Everybody buys their Sugars, Teas, Drugs and Medicines of L. A. & L. C. Fitch, Mattawan, Michigan. WAGON MAKERS CARPENTERS CORNER MURRAY AND SECOND STS., MATTAWAN, MICH. WAIll Orders attended to with promptness and dispatch. Congregational Church. ii s Webster, 2 e Main, Rev. 31. Q. McFarland, pastor. COR 'NWELL & TAYLOR, wagonu and carriage makers, shop cor Murray and Second. (Cornwell, L. G-., (Cornwell & Taylor), h n s Xlvord, 2 w Main. Danielson, M. B., produce dealer, h cor Murray and Third. Darling, A., bds Phoenix hotel. Dillon, John, tinner, wks Kelsey & 3sBebe, bds Willard house. Drake, Amos, h nr n village limits. DUNNING, E. B., physician and surgeon. h cor Armena and Prairie Ronde. Durkee, H. S., propr Phoenix hotel, billiard saloon and livery stable, w s IMurray, I n Front. Eaton, Charles L., principal graded school, bds Willard house. Edgerly, F. T., blacksmith, shop nr cor Third and Murray, h coi Third and A:vord. Farr, S. B., tailor, h nr n village limlits. Finch, Frederick, engineer, M. C. R. R.. h nr -n village limits. i Fitch. Charles L., attorney, office Front, with l)r. Dunning. FITCH, L. A. & L. C., (Lyman A. and Lyman C.), dry goods, groceries, drugs, medicines &e, cor Front & Murray. Fitch, Lyman, A.. (L. A &. L. C. Fitch), h w s Prairie Ro nde, 2 s Armena. Fitch, Lyman C., (L. A. & L. C. Fitch), h n s Front, 2 e Murray. Fitch, Mrs. Martha, h n s Front, 2 e Murray. Flummerfelt, A., farmer, h cor Main and Webster. Ford, Thomas, hostler, Phoenix hotel, bds same. Forsythe, -, engineer, i w Pine Grove, nr n village limits. Foster, D. C., manfr. patent bed bottoms, h cor Scott and Second. Freeman, Mrs, h n as Alvord, nr Third. Gates, Jesse A., harness maker, h cor Armena and Railroad. j~__ _ ~ ~___~_~___i AND BUSINESS DIRECTORY. 121 We buy all our Boots, Shoes, Crockery and Glassware of L. A. & L. (C. Fitch, Mattawan, Mich. U ilma, A. 0., farmer, h nr s village limits. Gilman, O. IE., 1mason, h s s Webster, 3 Main. Goodrich, G. 11H., carpenter, h.Main, nr s village limits. HjLayes, S. A., blacksmith, wks F. T. Edgerly, bds same, Harrison, A, mason, h cor Main and Alvord. Harrison, George P1, mea. t manrket, 1 e Willard house, h n s Webster. ur graded school. Hayward, John Ml., h cor Scott and Second. H;yward, L. A., lumuiberman, h cor Scott and Second. Heath, Adelbert, wks A. Shafer, bds Phwenix hotel. litchcock, Marcus. mason. h n s Front, 2 w Scott. Hopkins, Josiah, planing mill, on M. C. It.., nr w village limits, h s s Armena. iHowelH, N. 13., justice of the pacee, baot and shoemaker, shop cor Second and Pine Grove, h 1 e shop. Huff. 11, shoemiaker, wks N. B. Howell, 1h nr s village limits. Huiattn, Bmnj min W., draymian, h cor Murray and Fourth. Ide, 1). 13., h cor Third and Pine Grove. Ide, I)aniel. h e s Main, 2 n Webster. Ide, J. B., dry goods anud groceries. n s Front, 1 w Willard hotel. Jackson, John, wks Fitch & VanVechten, h cor Front and Scott. Johnson, Julius J., wagon maker, h cor Murray and Third. Joiner. Miss Nellie, dress imaking, over Kelsey & Beebe, bds J. C. Joiner. I Kelsey & Beebe, (Charles Kelsey R. 0. Beebe), hardware, n s Front, 2 w Main. Kelsey, Charles, (Kelsey & Beebe,), h cor Second and Pine Grove. Kinne. E. -G., saw mill, bds David Brown. Labadie, Gregory, blacksmith and wagion maker, shop w s Murray, 1 n IPhoenix hotel, h cor Scott and Second. Labadie, Joseph, lab, h n s Alvord, 3 e Murray. Lewis, James, blacksmith, wks (. Labadie, bds same. Lewis, l., basket maker, hi w s Scott, 2 n Front. Libby, Alonzo, farmer, h e s Murray, nr n village limits. Long, Stephen, teamster, h cor Murray and Fourth. Love, B. V., farmer, h cor 1Main and Alvord. Love, B. V-- -YI.-.-------._____ 122 VAN BUREN COUNTY GAZETTEER I buy my Dry Goods, Clothing, Hats and Caps of L. A. & L. C. Fitch, Mlattawan, Mich. Mattawan Graded School, cor Webster and Prairie Ronde, C. L. Eaton, principal;,Miss Laura Woodhliull, 1st asst; Miss Lottie Joiner, 2d asst. Mattawan Post Office, Abel Brown, post master, mail front the east, 3:15 P.M.; mail from the west, 10:32. Office hours, 7 A. M to 7 P. M. Matthews, Lyman, h nr n village limits. Mattox, George, cooper, h or Hopkins' planing mill. McCarter, James, harness maker. shop t s Front, 2 e W1illard hot.l h same. McFarland. G. D)., painter, bds M. Q. MIcFarlaid McFARLAND, L. R., dentist, office 1 e Moore & Wilder's drug store, bds M. Q. McFarland. McFarland, Rev. M. Q, pastor Congregrational church, h n s Front. 2 w Murray. McIntyre, Alexander, Inb, h cor Webster and P rairie Ronde. Merrill, David, blacksmith. h n s Alvord, 2 e Murray. Merrill, J. 1)., fatrmer. h cor Murray and Alvord. Merrifield, A. M., h s s Second, 1 w Murray. Methodist Episcopal Church, cor Scott and Third, Rev. G. W. Gosling, pastor. Moore, E., (Moore & Wilder). h1 n s Front, 3 w 2Murray. Moore & Wilder (E. Moore, -- Wilder), druggists. s Front. Murry, James, h cor Third and Pine Grove. Mutchler, MNartin, lab, h e s Prairie Ronde. Ostrander, James, lab, hes M:Lin, 2 s Front. Payne, Amos, lab, h M3lurray, or n village limits. Perkins, Henry, lab, h nr n villaoe limits. Peck, Joseph F., blacksmith, bds Phoenix hotel. Phoenix Hotel, 1: S. ]Durkee, propr, ns 3Murray. 1 n Front. Phoenix Lodge I. O. of G. T, No. 212, muieets every Saturday night, in Good Templars' all, Yrs. C.D. VanVetchten, W. C.; Miss L. Butler. W. V. S.; G. XW. Gosling, P. W.; Henry Sage, W. S. Mrs. Darling, IV. F. S.; L. Butler, W. S. Porter, Joseph, carpenter, h s s Webster, 4 e 3Main. Preston, J. A., bds Willard house. AND BUSINESS DIRECTORY. 123 We buy all our Boots, Shoes. Crockery and Glassware L. A & LC. Fitch, Mattawan, Mich. Putnam, Edward, farmer, bds Win. H. Burdick. Reynolds. Mrs. E. J., h cor Third and Pine Grove. Reyn,olds, Mrs. Margaret, h cor Murray and Fourth. Richards, Undrei, carpenter, bds Willard house. Roberts, Henry, clk, L. A & L. C. Fitch, bds L. C. Fitch. Rose, John, carpenter, h cor Third and Pine Grove. R)yal, Melvin, harness m tker, h s s Front, nr w village limits. Royal, Peter, farmer, h cor Front and Scott. Ryan, Thomats, M.. C. tR hand. h nr Ho)pkins' planing mill. Salge, Johrn S, farmer, h cor Third and Pine Grove. Scott, Mrs. A. C., tailoress, h cor Murray and Third. Scott, C. W., farmer, nr n village limits. Scott, Thomas. h s s Third. nr Alvord. Shafer, Aleek, eating saloon, cor Murray and Front, bds Phoenix hotel. Shapley, M. C., peddler, bds HI. Andrews. Sheldon, Enos, farmer, h n s Armena. Slack, M., clk, Phoenix hotel, bds same. Slack, Magnei. carpenter, h n s Second, 2 w Pine Grove. Smeed, Thomas D., wks M. C. R. R., h n s Armena, 2 w Railroad. Soules, G. W., carpenter, h cor Third and Alvord. Stephenson, George, farmer, h cor Main and Third. Stevens, Edson F., wks Fitch & VanVechten, bds E. S. Stevens. Stevens, Enos S., farmer, h cor Main and Alvord. Taylor, James A., carpenter and wagon maker, h n s Alvord, 5 w Main. Tim, John, farmer, h nr w viilage limits. Titus, J. M., farmer, h nr n village limits. VanAernam, William, lab, h cor Murray and Second. VanVechten, Charles D., (Van Vechten & Fitch), h s s Armena, 2 e Main. VanVechten & Fitch, (C. D. VanVechten, Morgan L. Fitch), general mdse, lumber and produce, cor Main and Front, and on M. C. R R. Waterman, James, shoemaker, shop e s Main, 3 s Webster, h w s Prairie Ronde, s village limits. -- --I 124 VAN BUREN COUNTY GAZETTEER - _~______ _ 1____1___ _ ____1__-_1 _ 1__-- ________ _________________________ Everybody buys their Suaars, Teas, Drugs and MHedicines of I,. A. e L. C. F itch, Mattawan, Mich. Welch John E., wagon maker. h cor Main and Welch. Welch, Julius M., carpenter, h e s Main, 2 s Alvord. Withey, Alonzo, farmer, ht ur n village limits. Withey, Alonzo, Jr., farmer, h nr n village limits. Willard, A. D., clk. Willard house, bds samnie. WILLARD HOUSE, S. H. Willard, pripr, n s Front, 5 w Main. WILLARD, S. H., propr Willard house, n s Front 5 w Main. Williams, Lloyd, lab, h nr n village limits. Wilson, Egbert, lab, h e s Main, 3 s Front. Wimple, John. farmer, h n s Front, 2 w Scott. Dyokman House, iC. A ~ S ERMAN, Propr", Cor. Mlain andd Kalamnazoo Sts., PAW PAW, MICH. No exertions will be spared by the Proprietor in his endeavors to render the "DYCKMAN" what it was originally designed it should be-in all respects A FIRST CLASS HOUSE. Stages leave this house daily for St. Joseph, South Haven and intermediate points. AND BUSINESS DIRECTORY. 125 PAW PAW. Historical and Descriptive Sketch of Paw Paw. The first settlement in this township was made by Pierce Barber and Rodney Hinckley, sometime in the year 1832. Mr. Barber commenced the erection of a saw mill on the power new owned and occupied by HI. & HI. S. Ismon, in this village, but soon disposed of his interest to Job Davis and Mr. Hinckley. In the summer of 1833, Peter Gremps and Lyman I. Daniels visited Paw Paw. and purchase, the mill property, rebuilt the mill, and laid out the present village of Paw Paw, During the years 1833-4, the following persons, with their families had settled in or near the village, to-wit: Mr. Agard, Mr. Bullinger, Wm. Gunn, ~Vm. Ackley, Archibald Buys, E. L. Barret, David Thorp, John Thomas and D. O. Dodge. Besides these there were of single men: A. Taylor, E. Shultz, Mr. Kimble and Dr. Barret. U p to this time, nothing had been done in farming except by Mr. Gunn, and that on a small scale, the settlers assigning as a reason that it cost more to grow grain than it did to purchase it from the prairies. The first hotel was opened by D. O. Dodge, in 1834, in a small building about 16 x 24, and was so embowered with standing oaks as to be visible but a short distance, and it was quite common, even as late as 1835, for travelers to stop at the hotel and inquire for the village of Paw Paw. In the summer of 1835, Mr. Gremps settled permanently, with his family in the village, and Richard Hutchins, John Lyle, J. K. Pugsley, Hugh R. and Frank Jones, Asa G. Ilinckley, Joseph Luce and E. Barnum settled on farms west of the river. About the same time, or a little later, several mechanics took up their residence in Paw Paw, among whom were George Smith, tailor -C. G. Harrington, shoemaker-Archibald Stewart, blacksmith-W. Mason, R. Avery, William Prater, Rufus Currier and R. E. Churchill, carpenters and joiners. The first store was built and opened by P. Gremps and E. Shultz, in the summer of 1835. The first religious meeting attended by the writer, was held in Rodney Hinckley's blacksmith shop-a building, perhaps 12 feet square-in the spring of 1835, wherein the services were conducted by Elder Jonathan Hlinckley, and the choir led by David Thorp. If I recollect right, there was no renting of slips nor reserved seats in the gallery. The first physician located in Paw Paw was Dr. Warner, but of what "pathy" the writer hereof never knew. The first school was taught by the Doctor's daughter, in a log cabin, near Mr. Parker's tannery, a few rods I - -- --I ~------------~- --- ---- -------- -"------+ 126 VAN BUREN COUNTY GAZETTEER north of where the oil well would have been, provided the borers had struck oil. The first town meeting was held at the hotel of D. 0. Dodge, on the first Monday in April, 1837, and L. H. Warner, D. O. Dodge and E. Barnum were chosen Inspectors of Elections, and declared the following persons elected, to-wit: Supervisor, D. O. Dodge-Justices of the Peace, J. K. Pugsley, drew for one year, L. H. Warner, for 2 years, E. Barnum, for three years, and J. H. Simmons, for four years-Collector, C. G. HarringtonConstable, David Thorp-Clerk, Edwin Mears. (The publishers are enabled to place before the public the foregoing authentic historical and descriptive sketch of Paw Paw, through the kindness of Edwin Barnum, Esq., our present County Treasurer.) Corporation Officers. E. O. Briggs, President. A. J. Sortore, Recorder. Charles Avery, Treasurer. A. Sherman, C. F. Allen, E. A. Park, G. J. Hudson, W. H. Randall, Charles Avery, Trustees. Board of Education. John R. Baker, Moderator. Dr. Josiah Andrews, Director. G. J. Iludson, Assessor. N. D. Richardson, E. G. Butler, E. O. Briggs, Trustees. Paw Paw Graded School. H. D. Harrower, Principal. Miss Nellie T. Thompson, Mrs. U. L. Harrison, Mrs. Frank Pugsley, Miss Lettie Edson, Miss Kate Ocobock, Assistants. Banks. FIRST NATIONAL BANK. A. Sherman, President. E. O- Briggs, Cashier. Public Halls, Offices and Buildings. Court House, s s Main. County Jail, n s Paw Paw. Office County Clerk, at court house. Office County Treasurer, do Office County Register, do Office Judge of Probate do Sherman Hall, cor Main and Kalamazoo. New School Buildings, (foundation of ) head of Main. I I! I Churches. Christian, cor Oak and Niles, Rev. J. R. Frame, pastor. Presbyterian, cor Pine and Kalamazoo, Rev. O. H. Barnard, pastor. Methodist, cor Main and LaGrave, Rev. J. I. Buell, pastorBaptist, Main, Rev. L. Q. Galpin, pastor. Baptist, (Free Will), cor Main and VanBuren, Rev. G. P. Blanchard, pastor. __~_~I_ I ------------------------- -- c--- ---7~-- -- ~- I-I--` -~ -- ~-. - -~--- -~---- -- ~ AND BUSINESS DIRECTORY. 127 Secret and Benevolent Societies. PAW PAW LODGE, No. 25, F. and A. M. G. J. Hudson, W. M. Ela Curtiss, S. W. Wm. Dole, J. W. A. J. Sortore, Secretary. John Rosseau, Treasurer. A. M. Harrison, S. D. S. S. Hall, J. D. Charles Selleck, Tiler. Regular meetings, Tuesday evening, on or before the full of the moon, each month. PAW PAW CHAPTER, No. 31, of Royal Arch Masons. T. O. Ward, H. P. Samuel Holmes, K. H. Fitch, S. T. H. Stephenson, C. H. O. D. Glidden, P. S. P. HI. Gremps, R. A. C. A. H. Harwick, M. 3d V. N. Cressy, M. 2d V. S. Shaeffer, M. 1st V. A. J Sortore, Secretary Joseph Kilburn, Treasurer. Charles Selleck. Sentinel. Regular meeting Monday eveniig, on or before the full of the moon, each month. PAW PAW LODGE, No. 18, I. 0. of 0. F. C. W. Young, N. G. W. R. Sirrine, V. G. Jas. M. Servoss, S. N. P. Conger, Treas. ENCAMPMENT No. 30. I. O. of 0. F. E. Martin, C. P. J. W. Free, H. P. B. Odell, Scribe. C. Lich, Treas. J. M. Brown, S. W. G W. Koons, J. W. Cemeteries. EVEIIRGREEN, west side Paw Paw River, nr n village limits. ANTWERP, nr e village limits. Lodges. PAW PAW LODGE, No. 38, I. 0. G. T. C. W. Young, W. C. T. Miss Lettie Edson, W. V. T. MissStoughton, W. S. C. K. Tuttle, W. F. S. J. Kelly, Treas. Meets Monday evening of each week, at Good lemplars' Hall, e s Kalamazoo St. GOLDEN RULE LODGE, No. 310, I. O. G. T. R. Butcher, W. C. T. Mrs. Julia Freeman, W. V. T. Miss Mattie Shilling, WV. S. Mrs. Randall, W F. S. R. B. Lane, W. T. Meets Saturday evening of each week at (Good Templars' Hall. Newspapers. TRUE NORTHERNER, (rep.) published weekly by Thos. 0. Ward. Terms $1,50 per year in advance. Office cor Paw Paw and Kalamazoo. VAN BUREN CO. PRESS, (dem.) published weekly by I. W. VanFossen. Terms $2,00 per year in advance, office s s Main. Transportation Co's, PAW PAW RAIL ROAD, depot nr s village limits. Henry Ismon, Pres't. A. Sherman, Vice Pres't. Thos. H. Stephenson, Sec'y and Treas. (See history at end of Paw Paw Village Directory.) Paw Paw and St. Joseph Stage Line, Miles Crager, Propr, Paw Paw and Bloomingdale Stage Line, - Carney, Propr. 128 VAN BUREN COUNTY GAZETTEER PAW PAW DIRECTORY. agt..................................................agent nr.........................................................near ave.....................................................north side bds....................................................boards opp.................................................opposite bet.................................................between phys...................................physician clk......................................................clerk propr...........................................proprietor cor....................................................corner R. R..............................................railroad e.......................................................east sec'y.................................6.......secretary e s.............................east side s.................................sonth h............................................house or home a s................................................south side lab..................................................laborer supt......................................superintendent mach...........................................machinist treas.............................................treasurer M. C R. R.............Michigan Central Railroad I w............................................... west mnfr.....................................manufacturer w s.............................................west side n.............................................. north wks.................................... works Paw Paw Street Directory. Berrieu st, 1 s St. Joseph, begins at Paw Paw river, runs e to village limits. Brown st, 1 e LaGrave, begins at Paw Paw river, runs n to village limits. Cedar st, 1 n Pine, begins at Gremps, runs e to village liminits. Dyckman st. 1 e Van Buren, begins at Paw Paw River, runs n to Pine. Elm st, 1 n Oak, begins at Gremps, runs e to village limits. Gremps st, 1 w Kalamrnazoo, begins at Berriel. runs n to villa e limlits. Hazen st, 1 w Paw Paw river, begins at. Mlain, runs n to villare limits. Harris st, 1 w Miller, begins at Main, iur s n. Kalamazoo st, runs from n to s village limits. LaGrave st, 1 e Niles, begins at Paw Paw river, runs n to village limits. Liberty st, 1 e Dyckmian, begins at Paw Paw river, runs n to Territo. rial road. Lord st, 1 w Harris, begins at Main, runs n. Madison st, 1 e Dyckman, begins at Territorial road, runs n to Pine. Main st, runs from e to w village limits. Miller st, 1 w Hazen, begins at Main, runs n. Niles st, 1 e Kalamazoo, begins at Water, runs n to village imits AND BUSINESS DIRECTORY. f129 You can Save 20 per cent. by Buying your Crockery and Glassware at DODGE'S Crockery Store, Paw Paw. Oak st, 1 n Main, begins at Gremps, runs e to Territorial r ad. Paw Paw st, 1 s Main, begins at Gremps, runs e to village limits. Pine st, 1 n Elm, begins at Gremps, runs e to village limits. St Joseph st. 1 s Paw Paw, beginis at Paw Paw river, runs e to village limits. Territorial road, begins cor Main and Van Buren. runs e to village limits. Van Buren st, 1 e Brown, begins at Paw Paw river, runs n to village limits. Water st, 1 s Berrien, begins at Niles, runs e to Paw Paw river. Woo(Xidman st, 1 e lMadison and Liberty, begins at Paw Paw river, runs n to Pine. Paw Paw Village Directory. Aldrich. Charles, firmer, h s s Main, 3 e Van Buren. Allen, C. F., h cor Main and Brown. Allen. J. D., wks M. P. Allen, bds same. ALLEN, M. P., furniture and cabinet ware, ware rooms n s Main, opp court house, shop s s Main. 3 w LaGrave, h cor Main and LaG rave. Anderson, David R., photograph gallery, s s Main, 1 c court house, h cor Main and Brown. Andrews, J., physician, office over Kilburn & Hudson's drug store, h cor Main and Lagrave. Andrews, L. D., elk Kilburn & Hudson, bds Dr. Andrews. Aonable, Miss II., (Annable & Sinclair), bds store. Annable & Sinclair, millinery and dress making, cor Main and Kalamazoo. Anson, Geo. R., wks Dyckmau house, bds same. Avery, Chas. R., (E. Smith & Co.,) h cor Niles and Elm. Avery, Frederick E., elk Van Auken, bds Richardson Avery. Avery, Richardson, carpenter, h cor Kalamazoo and Oak. Bailey, Win., weaver, wks Warren Kinney, bds same. Baker, Edward, teamster, h Ismon's row, nr w village limits. Baker, J. R., (Baker & Richards.) h cor Main and Niles. I I _ I 130 Buy yo VAN BUREN COUNTY GAZETTEER ur Groceries at W HI. GLIDDEN'S, East Side Kalamazoo St. Paw Paw. Baker & Richards, (J. R. Baker, Chandler Richards), attorneys and counselors at law, s s Main, 1 e court house. Baker, Wm., foreman, saw mill, h cor Paw Paw and LaGrave. Ball, J. W., undertaker, h cor Paw Paw and Gremps. Bangs, Joshua, farmer, h n s Territorial road, nr e village limits. Bangs, Mrs., 11 n s St. Joseph, 3 w LaGrave. Baptist Church, cor Main and LaGrave, Rev. L. Q. Galpin, pastor. Baptist (freewill) church, cor Main and Van Buren. Barker, Rev. D, h cor Oak and Van Buren. Barnard, Rev. O. H1., pastor Presbyterian church, h w s Kalamazoo, 4 n Cedar. BARNUM, EDWIN, county treasurer, h w s Niles, 2 n Oak. Barnum, Isaac E.. attorney, (Blackman & Barnum.) hds Edwin BarBarton, Ezra, (Barton & Smlith.) h s s Berrien, 2 e EJaGrave. Barton & Smith, (Ezra Barton. Juinius Sm;th,) blacksmiths, shop s s Main, 4 e Niles. Bennett, James, eating saloon, w s Kalamazoo, 3 n Main. Bigelow, Lewis, engineer, h cor Niles and Main. Bishop, William. h cor Kalamazoo and St. Joseph. Bitely; Eugene, physician. office at house, h w s Kalamazoo nr n village limits. Bitely, Mrs. L., h cor Kalamazoo and Elm, Blackman & Barnum (Samuel HI. Blackman, Isaac E. Barnum) Attorneys at Law, n s Main opp Court lIlouse. Blackman, S. H., (Blackman & Barnrum) h c(or Niles and Cedar. Blanchard, Rev. G. P.. pastor F. WV. Baptist church, h cor Kalamazoo and Cedar. Brown, R. C., miller, h s s St. Joseph 3 w Gremps. Bragg, P. I., (Martin & Bragg.) Briggs, E. 0., cashier 1st National Bank, h n s Oak 2e Van Buren. Brewer, Lawrence, h cor Kalamazoo and Pine. Brown, J. M., architect and builder, h cor Dyckmian and Elm. Bryan, P. I, flour and feed store, h cor La Grave and St. Joseph. Bryan, R. P., clk James Burnett, h cor Niles and Cedar. Bryan, Wm. J., clk Geo. W. Longwell & Co., bds R. P. Bryan. AND BUSINESS DIRECTORY. 131 You can Save 20 per cent. by Buying your Crockery and Glass. ware at DODGE'S Crockery Store, Paw Paw. Buck, Frank, (Harwick & Buck) bds Mrs. Mary Durkee. Buell, Rev. J. I., pastor Methodist church, h cor Cedar and La Grave. Buchanan, Win., clk, bds Peter Gremps. Bullard, Peter, wks Ismon's saw mill, h s s Main nr saw mill. Burdick, C. V., drayman, h n s Oak 2 w Niles. Burns, William, lab, h cor Brown and St. Joseph. Burns, Win., Jr., bds Wm. Burns. Butcher, R., harness maker, e s Kalamazoo 2 s Main, h cor Niles and St. Joseph. Butler, E. G., groceries and provisions, w s Kalamazoo 2 n Main, h cor Kalamazoo and St. Josaph. Butler, Henry, clk E. G. Butler, bds same. Butler, Wim., clk E. G. Butler, bds same. Cemetery (Old) at head of Niles and La Grave n village limits. Chapman. David, lab, h w s Gremps nr n village limits. Chapman, P. J., butcher, s s Berrien 2 w Niles. Cheney, Robert, peddler, h w s Gremps nr n village limits. Christian Church, cor Niles and Oak, Rev. J. R. Frame pastor. Clapp, John T.. fatrmer, h w s Hazen, 3 n Main. Clark, W. M., foreman, True Northerner office, h Main, nr w village limits. Clay, Cassius M., mason, h e s LaGrave, 3 n Cedar. (Clement, -., h cor Pine and Brown. Clifton House, Koons & Rosseau proprs, w s Kalamazoo, 2 s Main. Codozoe Charles M, barber, wks L. R. Roberts, bds same. Corkasey, Winm., blacksmith, h cor Brown and St. Joseph. Cole, Easton, student, bds O. F. Parker. Coleman, Mrs. AM. A., h cor Pine and LaGrave. Collins, Mrs. A., dress making, n s Oak, 2 e Brown. Conger, F. P., farmer, h cor Niles and Water. Conger, N. P., carpenter, h cor Niles and Water. Conner, Isaac B., grocer, s s Main, h w s (Gremps, head Cedar. Coon, C. R., h cor LaGrave and Pine. Coon, Edward, lab, h a s Paw Paw, e village limits. Cook, John, hostler, Dyckman house, bds same. Cox, Sidney, farmer, h e s LaGrave, nr s village limits. 132 VAN BUREN COUNTY GAZETTEER Buy your Groceries at W. H. GLIDDEN'S, East Side Kalamazoo St. Paw Paw. Crane, E. J., mill wright, h s s Main, 2 w Niles. Crane, Harmon, h cor Paw Paw and Niles. Craft, James, glove maker, h Ismon's row, w village limits. Crane, James. clk A. Van Auken. bds L. Crane. Crane, L., h cor Niles and St. Joseph. Cross, Ira S.. sawyer, bds nr s village limits. Cummings. Horace, cabinet maker, wks Tirrill. h ns Cedar, 2 e Niles. Cummings, Jay, clk F. W. & W. J. Selleck, bds H. Cummings. Daniels, Wallace, moulder, wks M. Snow, bds same. Daniels, Wm., deputy sheriff, h w s Niles 3 n Ced;r. Darling, Edgar, mas)n. h cor Dyckman and Territorial road. Douchy, John, lab, h w s Gremps opp Grove. Davey, Joseph, carpenter, h cor Elm and La Grave. Delamater, DeWitt C., (agt Rice, Pratt & Co.,) c)r Main and Kalamazoo, bds Dyckman House. Dillon, David, lab, h cor Brown and St. Joseph. Doane, A., cooper, bds John Roper. DODGE, T. F., crockery, glassware, lamps, etc., s s Main opp National Bank. Dodge, D. H., h cor Main and Gremps. Doughty, Charles, farmer, bds Geo. W. Doughty Douglass, Eli, teamster, cor Miller and Main. Doughty, Francis, tinner, bds Geo. W. Doughty. Doughty, Geo. W., h 1 e cemetery n village limits. Doughty, Geo., farmer, bds Geo. W. Doughty. Doughty, J. R, boots and shoes, s s Main 2 w Kalamazoo, bds Geo. W. Doughty. Doughty, Washington, boot and shoemaker, bds G. W. Doughty. Durkee, Mrs. Mary, boarding house, cor Main and Niles. Dunning, Charles, teamster, wks H. & H. S. Ismon, h s s Main nr sawmill. Dunning, E. G., teamster, h cor Miller and Main. Dubois, P. B., shoemaker, bds W. R. Surrine. DYCKMAN HOUSE, C. A. Sherman propr, cor Main and Kalamazoo. Dyer, James, lab, h w s Kalamazoo 3 n Cedar. 1 I! __ AND BUSINESS DIRECTORY. 133 You can Save 20 per cent. by Buying' your Crockery and Glass. ware at DODGE'S Croekery Store, Paw Paw. Eames, E. 1). & F. W., spoke and hub factory, Elm nr e village limits. Eagles, Charles, currier, h e s Hazen, 3 n Main. Eggleston, Harry, elk Rice, Pratt & Co., h cor Pine and LaGrave. Ellenwood, W., watch maker, shop with W. H. Glidden, Kalamazoo, h w Kalamazoo, 3 s Main. Elson, N., tobacco and cigars, bds Dyckman house. Emmons. T. D., harness maker, bds Dyckman house. Emnory, Dr. J. W., alapathic physician, h cor Paw Paw and Brown. Emory, P. B., livery and boarding stable, Gremps, head of Paw Paw, h n s St. Joseph, 3 w LaGrave. Everett, John C., carpenter, h n s Main. 2 w Hazen. Felker, Jeremiah, h s s Paw Paw, 3 e Niles. Fitch, D. C., clk H. Fitch, bds same. Fitch & Freeman, (Henry Fitch & J. H. Freeman,) lumber and commission merchants, office nr P. P. R. R. depot. Fitch, Henry, (Fitch & Freeman,) h cor Kalamazoo and Cedar. First National Bank, n s Main, 3 w Kalamazoo, Alonzo Sherman, president, E. O. Briggs. cashier. Flaoger. M. L, boot and shoemaker, h e s LaGrave, 2 n Elm. Forsyth, J. J., wagon and carriage maker, shop s s Main, 5 w Gremps, h cor Brown and Elm. Forsyth, P. J., blacksmith, h cor Paw Paw and Gremps. Fowler, W. W., (E. Smith & Co.,) h cor Elm and LaGrave. Frame, Rev. J. R., pastor Christian church, h u s Pine, 2 e LaGrave. Free, John, h w s Gremps, nr n village limits. Free, John W., (A. Sherman & Co.,) h w s Kalamazoo, 1 s Presbyterian church. Freeman, J. H., (Fitch & Freeman.) h s Elm, 2 e LaGrave. Galpin. Rev. Leman, pastor Baptist church, h cor Niles and Pine. Gilbert, Ela L., (L. Gilbert & Son) h over river, w village limits. Gilbert, James, butcher, h e s Hazen 4 n Main. Gilbert, L. & Son, (Luke, Ela L., blacksmiths, n s Main 2 w Gremps Gilbert, Luke, (1L. Gilbert & Son) h s s St. Joseph 2 w Gremps. Gilson, M. A., insurance agt, h cor Paw Paw and Van Buren. Glidden, G. W., painter, h n s Paw Paw 2 w La Grave. Glidden, O. D., elk. Sherman & Co., h s s Oak 2 w Niles. I I, ~' -=~ 134 VAN BUREN Buy your Groceries at W HI G P. A. GLIDDEN, Stationer and NVews Dealer, IN POST OFFICE BUILDING, PAW PAW AND LAWTON, MICHIGAN. COUNTY GAZETTEER ULIDDEN'S, East Side Kalamnazoo St. Paw Paw. J. W. HUSTON & CO., General Insurance Agents, Ofice over 1st Nat. Bank, PAW PAW, MICH. GLIDDEN. P. A., news dealer, postoffice building, bds 0. F. Parker. Glidden, Mrs. Susan, h cor Kalamazoo and Paw Paw. GLIDDEN, W, H., grocer, e s Kalamazoo, 1 s Main, h cor Kalamazoo and St. Joseph. Godfrey, Stafford, millwright, h ccr Main and Brown. Gorton, 0. P., carpenter and joiner, h n s Elm 2 e Kalamazoo. Granger, T. A., h cor Niles and Main. Gremps, Peter I-T., farmer, h cor Main and Gremps Grey, Wells, farmer, h a s Territorial road nr e village limits. (Grover, Nelson, carpenter, h cor Kalamazoo and Cedar. Hagerman, Charles, lab, bds Alonzo Hagerman. Hagerman, Alonzo, cooper, h s s Berrien, 3 w Niles. Hall, L. L., farmer, h w s Kalamazoo, onr n village limits. Harrington. Delos, (Harrington & Forsyth,) h cor Cedar and LaGrave. Harris & Lindsley, (H. S. Harris, A. E. Lindsley,) wagon and carriage makers, shop s s Main, 4 w Gremps. Harris, HI. S., (Harris & Lindsley,) h s s Oak, 2 e LaGrave. Harrison, Alexander M, elk A. Van Auken, bds 0. F. Parker. Harrison, C. A., (Harrison & McKinney), bds M. C. Wheaton. Harrison & McKinney, abstract of titles, office court house. Harrison, Geo. M., elk E. Smith & Co.. bds Dvckman house. Harrison & Wheaton, (T. R. Harrison, M. C. Wheaton), druggists and grocers, s s Main, 4 e Kalamazoo. Harrison, T. R., (Harrison & Wheaton), h s s Main, 3 e Kalamazoo. Harrower, H, D., principal graded school, bds E. A Thompson. ---- - - - --- AND BUSINESS DIRECTORY. 135 You can Save 20 per cent. by Buying your Crockery and Glassware at DODGE'S Crockery Store, Paw Paw. Tllrwick & Buck, (Andrew H1. HIarwick, Frank Buck), livery and sale stable, n s Oak, 3 w Niles. Harwick, A. H., (Harwick & Buck), Ih n s Oak, 2 w LaGrave. Hardy, Augustus E., h n s Paw Paw, 2 e Niles. Hastler, John, wks RI. R. office, bds Dyckman house. IHathaway, Elias P., insurance agt, cor Niles and Berrien. HIathawav, Frank. clk F. W. & W. J. Sellick, bds Dr. Hathaway. Hlatllaway, W. Bj ass'st P. M, & insurance agt, bds E. P. Hathaway. HIathawaly, XW. B, physician, h cor Kalamazoo and Cedar. Hatt, S S., gunsmith, h cor Paw Paw and Van Buren. Hawkins. W. R., brokers office over Kilburn & Hudson's drug store, h cor LaGrave and St. Joseph. Hawks, J. L., teamster, h s s St. Joseph, nr river bank. Hawley, Mrs 0., boarding house, n s Elm 2 e LaGrave. Hayes, Abner, h e s Niles, 3 n Cedar. Hayes, A. F., clk A. F. Moon, bds A. Hayes. Hayes, Edmund, painter, wks Henry Lucas, bds same. Htayes, Fennr, printer, bds Abner Hayes. Hiaynes, E. H., noulder, wks WV. H. Randall, h cor Paw Paw and N iles. Heffron, Mrs.. h cor Pine and Brown. HIendricks, T. E., Justice Peace, h cor Niles and Oak. Hennesey, Mrs.. h n s, St. Joseph, opp depot. tHarrington & Forsythe, (DeLos Harrington, Philo Forsythe), bakers, s s Main, 3 w Kalamazoo down stairs. tHerron. Ashbel H., attorney and counselor at law and Circuit Court Commissioner, office at court house, h cor Main and Van Buren. Hicks, Benjamin, teamster. h w village limits. Hill, William, drayman, h w s Gremps nr Oak. Holt, Benj., blacksmith, h cor Van Buren and Berrien. Hoodemaker, WV. M., blacksmith, wks W. H. Randall, bds same. Hlopping, Charles, h cor Kalamazoo and Paw Paw. Hopping, Silas, (Mosier, Hopping & Co.), h cor Kalamazoo and Paw Paw. Hopping, HIenry, cigar maker, h cor Gremps and St. Joseph. House, E. E.. dentist, cor Main and Kalamazoo, bds Dyckman house 111~--~.. __ __ ~ ~ _ _ __ 136 VAN BUREN COUNTY GAZETTEER Buy your Groceries at W. H. GLIDDEN'S, East Side Kalamazoo St. Paw Paw. House, E J., bds Mrs. Bitely. House, Frederick A., millwright, bds Dyckman house. Howard, Eugene, cigar maker, bds J. R. Robie. Howard, Titus. sawyer, wks Willard's mill, h s Kalamazoo nr s village limits. Howe, W. H., hardware, stoves and tinware, s s Main 3 e Kalamazoo, h ss Elm 2 e Gremps. Hoyt, Mrs. T. E., millinery and fancy goods, over E. Smith, bds cor Niles and Elm. Hubbard, G., h cor Pine and Dyckman. Hudson, Gilbert J., (Kilburn & Hudson), h s s Territorial road 1 w Van Buren. Hudson, Milan, student, bds L. Brewer. Huggard. Thomas, billiardist, bds Dyckman House. Hulburt, H. H., carpenter, h s s Paw Paw 3 w Van Buren. Hunt, Joshua, miller. Hunt, Wm. E., farmer, h cor La Grave and Oak. Hutchings, James, carpenter, h s s Main 3 e Van Buren. HUSTON, J. W, & CO., (J. W. Huston, T. H. Stephenson. John Knowles), insurance agts, office over bank. Huston, J. W., (Stephenson & Hiuston) attorney at law, bds 0. Y Parker. Irwin, T. B., boots, shoes, hats and caps, opp court house. h s s St. Joseph, 3 w LaGrave. Ingram, Alfred T., butcher, h n s Paw Paw, e village limits. Ismon, H. & H. S., grist and saw mill and lumbermen, a s Main, nr Paw Paw river. Ismon, H. (H. & HI. S. Ismon.) h n s Elm, 2 w Kalamazoo. Johnson, Harmon, lab, bds N. Johnson. Johnson, Nehemiah, h e s Gremps. nr depot. Judson, E. h e s Kalamazoo, 3 n Cedar. Kaywood. Jacob, h cor Niles and Cedar. Kelley, F. B., clk F. W. & W. J. Sellick, bds Mrs. Durkee. Kelley, John, (Phillips & Kelley), h w s LaGrave, 2 n Cedar. Kelley, J. R., carpenter, h e s La Grave, 4 n Cedar. Kelsey, Daniel, shoemaker, h cor Berrien and Niles, shop e s Kalamazoo AND BUSINESS DIRECTORY. 137 You can Save 20 per cent. by Buying your Crockery and Glass. ware at DODGE'S Crockery Store, Paw Paw. Kidder, Miss E., printer, wks Northerner office, bds Asa S. Kidder. Kilburn & Hudson, (J. Kilburn, G.J. Hudson), drugs, medicines and groceries, s s Main, 3 w Kalamazoo. Kilburn, Joseph, (Kilburn & Hudson), h cor LaGrave and Eim. King, Mrs. H. milliner and dress maker, h cor Paw Paw and Van Buren. King, H., bakery and restaurant, e s Kalamazoo, 2 n St. Joseph, h cor Paw Paw and Van Buren. Kinney, Warren G., woolen factory, s s Main, nr river bank, h w s Kalamazoo, 4 n Cedar. Kirkwood, Wmi. h s s Paw Paw, 2 e Niles. Klemmer, T., wagon maker, bds Dyckman house. Klisner, John, wagon maker, wks Harris & Lindsley, bds Dyckman house. Kline, John, wks Dyckman house, bds same, Knowles, John, (J. W. Huston & Co.,) bds Dyckman house. Koons & Rosseau, (Geo. W. Koons, John C. Rosseau), harness and saddlery, n s Main, opp court house. Koois & Rosseau (Geo. W. Koons, John C. Rosseau), proprs Clifton house, w s Kalamazoo 2 s Main. Koons, George W., (Koons & Rosseau) h w Kalamazoo 2 n Pine. Koons, Herbert harness maker, h e s La Grave 2 s Berrien. Koons, John, deputy sheriff, auction and commission merchant, s s Main 2 w court house, h cor Gremps and Elm. Lamont, H., h n s Pine nr village limits. Lamont, Samuel, wks spoke and hub factory, bds IH. Lamont. Lamphere, Allen, teamster, h Ismon's Row w village limits. Lamphere, Asa, groceries, flour and feed, e s Kalamazoo 3 s Paw Paw, h w s Pine 2 e Niles. Lamphere, Irving B., student, bds Asa Lamphere. Lane, R. B., safe builder, h s Paw Paw 2 w La Grave. Larribee, Nathaniel, wks Peter Gremps, bds same. Lee, G. G., wagon maker, wks Phillips & Kelley. Leech, James, (Voke & Leech) h n s Main 1 w Hazen. Lewis, John, farmer, bds Dyckman house. Lich, Conrad, tailor, over A. Sherman & Co.. h cor La Grave and Cedar. 138 VAN BRUREN COUNTY GAZETTEER Buy your Groceries at W H. GLIDDEN'S, East Side Kalamazoo St. Paw Paw. F.h II3 AXWTWELL, PLAIN AND ORNAMENTAL PLASTERER, Brick and Stone Mason, Kalsomining and Whitewashing done to order on short notice. PAW PAW, MICHIGAN. Lindsley, A. E, wagon maker, h cor La Grave and Berrien. Lindsley, Clarence, dentist, bds A E. Lindsley Lindsley, Linus. farmer, h c)r Paw Paw and La Grave. Loveland, Geo. B., cJoper, h s s St. Joseph nr e village limits. Loveland, Wilson G.. lab, h s s St. Joseph nr e village limits. Longwell. Geo. &. & Co., (Geo. W. Longwell, A. Sherman) druggists and grocers, n s Main 2 w Kalamazoo. Longwell, G. W. (G. W', Longwell & Co.), h w s Gremps nr Oak. Longwell, J. 3M., h cor Elm and Niles. Loveland, John, blacksmith, h e s Brown 2 s St. Joseph. Loveland, J. I., bds Mrs. O. Hawley. Loveland, Lucius, cigar maker, bds Robert Chapman Low, Bancratz, carpenter, bds J. R. Raker. Lyle, John, bds Russ Parker. Lyle, Miss Sarah, milliner, wks F. W. & W. J. Sellick. Lynch, Michael, bds Dyckman house. Lucas, Geo.. cabinet maker, bds Henry Lucas. Lucas, Henry, furniture rooms, up stairs opp court house, h cor Pine and LaGrave. Lucas, Miles, cabinet maker, h s s Paw Paw, e village limits. Luce, Joseph, h e s LaGrave, 2 n St. Joseph. Maccalley, Julius, wks Northerner office, bds T. O. Ward. Mack, Win. blacksmith, bds Dyckman hoube. Marks, Joseph, cooper, h w s Gremps, 2 s Main. Martin & Bragg, (Edwin Martin. P. I. Bragg), meat market, cor Oak and Kalamazoo. Martin, Edwin, (Martin & Bragg), h e s Kalamazoo, 2 n Oak. Matthews. G. W., book keeper, h n s Pine, 2 w LaGrave. MAXWELL, F. H., mason, h cor Elm and Brown. Maynard, C. S., (Mosier, Hopping & Co.,) and physician and surgeon, office over Mosier, Hopping & Co., h cor Niles and St. Joseph. AND BUSINESS DIRECTORY. 139 You can Save 20 per cent. by Buying your Crockery and Glass. ware at DODGE'S Crockery Store, Paw Paw. Maynard, H. C., bds Dr. Maynard. McCabe, Henry, lab h cor Paw Paw and LaGrave. McCulloch, Wim., blacksmith, wks Harris & Lindsley, bds Dyckman house. McFarland, D)r. J. W., surgeon dentist, s s Main, opp bank. McGrady, John, printer, wks 1. W. Van Fossen, bds same. McKellar, D., tailor, shop over A. Van Auken, h cor Elm and Brown. McKellar, Wni., tailor, shop over A. Van Auken. McNeal, A. F.. (Miller & McNeal), h w s Kallamazoo, over river. Mead, Mrs. Sarah, h n s Elm, 1 w Dyckman. Mead, W. H., bds D)yckman house. Melchor, T. WV., jeweler, h cor Niles and Pine. Merriman Marcus, farmer, h cor Kalamazoo and Cedar. Methodist Episcopal Church, cor Main and LaGrave. Miller, Alonzo W., (Miller & McNeal), h n s Berrien, 2 e Niles. Miller & McNeal, (A. W. Miller, A. F. MeNeal), blacksmiths, w s Gremps, hel.ad Paw Paw. Miller. James II.. lab, h s s 'Main, 4 w Van Buren. Moon. A. F., billiard room. saloon. n s Main, 1 e Dyckman house, residlence c villaae limits. Moon, Mrs., h cor Niles and Pine. Monroe. John, wks at jail, h. n s Main, nr e village limits. Moreland, Iarnard, lab, h w s Miller, 2 n Main. Morrison, Mrs., h n s Territorial road, 2 e Dyckman. Moses. Mrs. A. M., h cor Paw Paw and Niles. Mosier, Charles, (Mosier, Hopping & Co.,) h cor Kalamazoo and St. Joseph Mosier, Hopping & Co., (Charles Mosier, Silas Hopping, C. S. Maynard), cigar mnfacturers, s s Main, 1 n court house. Munger, J., wks 1. Butcher, bds Ira Munger. Munger, Mrs. h cor Madison and Territorial road. Munger, Newton, bds Mrs. Munger. Munaer, Samuel, conductor P. P. R. R., h w s Kalamazoo fr s village limits. Munro, John G..1 h e village limits. AMurdock, B13. M., farmier, h cor Brown and Pine. ___ ~ 140) VAN BUREN COUNTY GAZETTEER Buy your Groceries at V H. GLIDDEN'S, East Side Kalamazoo St. Paw Paw. Murray, Truman, mason, h cor Kalamazoo and Paw Paw. Nash, Chas. G., lumber dealer, office cor Kalamazoo and Berrien, bds Dyckman house. Nelson, H. P., carpenter, h cor Territorial road and l)yckman. Norris, Richard, lab, cor Brown and Berrien. North, J. W.. carpenter and joiner, h e s Kalamazoo 2 n Cedar. Ocobock, Charles, wagon maker, shop s s Main 3 e Niles, h cor Niles and Pine. Ocobock, Chauncey, wagon imaker, h s s Elm 2 e Kalamazoo. )cobock, Geo. Henry, cik Winm. Glidden, bds Geo. W. Ocobock. ()cohock, Geo. W.. wagon maker. shop s s Main 3 e Niles, h s s Main 2 e Niles. Ocobock, P. Jr., physician, h e s La G(rave 2 n Paw Paw. Odell. Barnabas, printer, bds C. M. Odell. Odell, C. M.. (hloInecepathic) physician and dentist, ih e s Niles 2 n Oak. O)dellt Mrs. 11. R. milliner, hi e s Niles 2 n Oak. Olds, Frank, carpenter, h cor Brown and Berrien. Osborn, Daniel, carpenter, h s s Territorial road 1 e D)yckmnan. Osborn, Mrs. C. A. & L. W., milliners, over Longwell's store. Ostrander, Harmon, carpenter, cor Oak and La Grave. Otis, Mrs. V. E., h w s Niles 2 n Cedar. Pahlke, F. W., tailor, wks C. Lch, bds Frank Parker. Palmer, Elisha (C., carpenter, Ii cor Kalamazoo and Pine. Palmer, Jared, miller, h n s Main, 2 e Niles. Parcell, James A., bds S. HI. Blackman. 'Park & Sortore, (E. A. Park, A. J. Saortore), tanners, office under National Bank. P'ark, E. A., (Park & Sortore), h n s Main, 2 e LaG rave. P'arker, O. F., post master and shoemaker, h w s CGremps, head of Oak. Parker, Russ, carpenter, h w s Hazen, I n Main. Parrish, Alfred, elk Dyckman house, bds same. Parks, Edward, tanner, h ns Main 2 e LaGrave. Patterson, Barnabas, bds C. M. Odell. Paw Paw Graded School. cor Kalamazoo and Pine. --1-- 1-1-- `~-- --- ---___- -_ J_ AND BUSINESS DIRECTORY. 141 You can Save 20 per cent. by Buying your Crockery and Glass. ware at DODGE'S Crockery Ptore, Paw Paw. IPaw Paw MNills, Sherin rm & I Rss, proprs, s head of Gremps. Paw Paw Rail Road, depot bet Kalamazoo and Gremps, nr river, John Thling, supt, Henry Ismon, prest, T. H. Stephenson, sec'y and treas. Pelton, John, grocer, store ss Main. down stairs, h w s 4lremps, ur cor Pine. Pelton, Win., clk John Pelton, bds same. Pelton, Zenas, bds John Pelton. Phillips. Albert, wks P. B. Emory. lhillips Jamines. (Phillips & Kelley). II cor Gremps and Cedar. Phillips & Kelly, (Jtames Phillips, John Kelley), blacksmiths, shop s s Main, 1 w Gremps. Pierce, Burt. wago)n maker, wks Harris & Lindsley, bds H. S. Harris. Pik'e, (hester, cooper, h cor Oak and Van Buren. Pike. Thlomans, carpenter, h cor Oak and Van Buren. Plopper, R., cooper, bds Mrs. O. Hawley. Post Office. e s Kalamazoo, 2 s Paw Paw, mails arrive from east at 8 a. in. and 4:30 p. mi., from west at 11:30 a. nm., 0 F. Parker, P. M. Prater, J. H.. photograph gallery, w s Kalamazoo, 2 n aMain, h same. Presbyterian Church, cor Kalamazoo and Pine. Price, Andrew, cooper, wks R. Quick, h n s St. Joseph, nr e village limits. Quick. I., cooper shop s s,Mlain opp Ihtnndryv. h cai.r La Grave and Berrien. Randall, Mrs. S. M., dress maker, h coir Paw Paw and La (-rave. Randall, WI,. IH., foundry and machine shop, n s Main 3 w Gremps, hI c0r Niles and St. Joseph. Redsall, J., carpenter, bds A. E. IHardy. Reed & Davey, (Wmin. Reed, Joseph 1avey). builders, shop s s Main 2 w Gremps. Reed, Winm., (Reed & I)Davcey) 11 ii s Oak I e Van Buren. Richardson, Milan, celk Register office, hi cor Paw Paw and La Grave. Richardson, N. )., butcheir, h cor Oak and La Grave. Rice, Pratt & Co., (E. 11.I Rice. C. S. Pratt, 1). Gibson, E. M. Aldrich), 1)eWitt IC. Delamater agt, hardware, cor Main and Kal i __ __I~~I __ f i ~ I C 142 1VAN BUREN COUNTY GAZETTEER Buy your Groceries at W H. GLIDDEN'S, East Side Kalamazoo St. Paw Paw. Rickard, John, tanner, e s Hazen 2 n Main. Rice, Norman, machinist, h s e village limits. Robbins, Burr, h cor Kalamazoo and St. Joseph. Roberts, Elias, barber, under Sherman's store, h same. Robie, J R., carpenter, h a s Paw Paw 2 e Gremps. Roberts, L. R., barber and hair dresser, opp court house, h s s Paw Paw 2 e Van Buren. Roberts, S. A., tinner, wks Rice, Pratt & Co., h cor Van Buren and Elm. Rogers, Don C, Register of Deeds, bds 0. F. Parker. Rogers, Geo., drug clerk, bds Mrs. Mary Durkee. Rogers, H. A., notary public and conveyancer, office under bank. Rogers, R, mechanic, h s s Elm 3 e La Grave. Ross- Thomas, (A. Sherman & Co.) h cor Niles and Oak. Rosseau, John C., (Koons & Rosseau), h w s Kalamazoo 2 n Pine. Rowland, Orr an W., County Clerk, h n St. Joseph 1 e Kalamazoo. Runyan, Jeremiah, horse farrier, h Ismon's Row w village limits. Russell, William, farmer, h cor Elm and Vanl Buren. Seeley, William, billiard room opp b:.nk, down stairs, h cor G remps and St. Joseph. Selleck, Charles, gun smith, II cor Main and Niles. Sellick. F. W. & W. J., general mdse, s s Main 2 w Kalamazoo. Sellick, Frank W., (F. W. & W. J. Sellick) h cor Niles and Elm. Sellick, Jas., bds 0. F. Parker. Selleck, L. A., wks P. B. Emory, h cor Paw Plaw and Niles. Sellick, Robert, elk F. W, & W. J. Sellick, bds 0. F. Parker. Sellick, W. J., (F. W. & W. J. Sellick) bds O. F. Parker. Servoss, Jas. M., miller, A Sherman & Co., h cor Niles and Cedar. Seward, C. II., printer, wks Northerner office, bds Mrs. J. R. Robie. Sherman, A., (A. Sherman & Co.) h n s Main 3 e La Grave. SHERMAN, A. & CO., (Alonzo Sherman, John Sherman, John W. Free), dry goods, clothing, boots and shoes, etc., cor Main and Kalamazoo. SHERMAN, C. A., propr I)yckman House, cotr Main and Kalamazoo. Sherman, Geo., bds Dyckman House. - --- -Sam I s_ AND BUSINESS DIRECTORY. 143 A. SHERMAN & CO., --I)VIALERS INHATS ANI) DCAPS, BOOTS, SHOES, INOTIO~TS, &0. COR. MAIN AND KALAMAZOO STS., EA W EAW, - MEIO I-. PAW PA1W MILLS. SHERMAN & ROSS, PROP'S. Manufacture and Keep Constantly on Hand EIWiJ:RAN8S Qf FAMILY FLOUR, BUCKWHEAT FLOUR, FE8D, 80M1ITY, &C., aiso. Pay tie Hiflgiest Ca:sh Price for Grain. RA W PAW, "MIO. Ii - -- II - -- ------I 144 VAN BUREN COUNTY G(AZETTEER Buy your Groceries at W H. GLIDDEN'S, East Side Kalamazoo St. Paw Paw. Sherman's Hall, A. Sherman & Co., proprs, cor Main and Kalamazoo Sherman, John D, clk A. Sherman & Co, h w s Gremps nr Oak. Sherman, John, shoemaker, bds A. Sherman. SHERMAN & ROSS, (Alonzo Sherman, Thomas L. Ross) grist mill, s head of Gremps. Shilling, Mrs. Maria, sewing and knitting, h cor Oak and Brown. Showerman, David, farmer, h Isnon's R;)w w village limits. ShIultes, Alonzo, elk Brewer's hardware, h cor La Grave and St. Joseph. Shute, J. W., carpenter, h n s Paw Paw 2 e Van Buren. Simmons, O. C:., printer, wks I. W. Van Fossen, Ih s s Pine bet Niles and La Grave. Si~nItrons, M3rs., ear Oak and Brown. Sirine, John, painter, bds GC. W. Glidden. Sinclair, 1H B. machinist, bds Mrs. L. Bitely. Sinclair, Mrs. Ii. B., bds MIrs. L. Bitely. Slash. E. S., machinist, h cor Paw Paw and Niles. Sly, Charles, farmer, h cor Kalamnaz:,o and C(edar. Smith, I). C., tinner. Smith, E. & Co., (Edmund Smith, C,. R. Avery, W. W. Fowler), general mdse, ear Main and Kalamazoo. Smith, Edmund, (E. Smith & Co.,) h cr Niles and Elm. Smith. (eo. VW., elk E. Smith & Co., bds I)yckman hlouse. Smith, Geo.. tinner, h w s Kalamazoo, 2 in Cedar. Smith, Geo., h cor Kalamazoo and Oak. Smith, John B., carpenter, h! coar Main and ]Brown. Smith, Junius, (Barton & Smith). bds Ezra Barton. Smolk. Charles, commission merchant, h cor Niles and Pine. Snell, Jacob J., tanner, h w s Niles, 4 n Cedar. Snow, Montraville, agricultural implements, w s Paw Paw river, n s Main, ih cor Kalamazoo and Elm. Sortore, A. J., (Park & Sortore), h cor Main and Niles. Spaulding, Oliver, hw s Hlazen, 2 n Main. Stanley. B..T.. farmer, h s s Elm, 2 e Gremps. Stearns, B. F., elk Geo. W. Longwell & Co., h cor Niles and Cedar. Steadman, IT. M., painter, h cor Gremps and St Joseph. -~-r -~--~ ~------- - --~ ---~ ~rCI- --~~--~II1I-~~~~~~---~ YI -C - -----~--~-~------I ----C~--LL~~ _..^ iY-l-- AND BUSINESS I)DIRECTORY. 1 11 You can Save O20 per cent. by Bnying your Crockery and Glass. ware at DODGE'S Crockery Store, Paw Paw. STEPHENSON & HUSTON, (Thos H. Stephenson, T. W. Hiiston), attorneys and counselors at law, office over bank. Stephens. Mrs. M. 11., ihi w s Niles, 1 i Cedar. Stephenson, Thos. If., (Stephenson & & luston), attorney at law, bds 0. F. Parker. Stevens, Fitz 1. lt AAmlerican and Merchants Union Express Co., 1bd4 Mrs. )Durkee. Stevens, Mrs. Laura A., h e s Niles, 2 n Cedar. Stickney, Isaac, N., boot and shoe minaker, shop over post office, bds Mrs. Shilling. Stoughton, James, fartmer, h n s Oak, 2 e Brown. Stoughtoin Miss R11., millinery, n s Oaki, 2. Brown. Strceter. C. II., shoe maker. bdM O. 1. Parker. Stuyvesant, C., tlriner, hwi s La(Grave, nr s village limits. Stuvvesant )Daniel, cabinet maker, h cor St. Joseph and Brown. Stuyvesant, Miss Cornelia, m illiner. wks F. W. & W. J. Sellick. Sweet, Chlarles. Sweet. lDivid, dra ulnaii and express messniffei, li cor Paw Paw and ''n Buireu. Sweet, Ezra, h or Paw Paw and Van Buren. Svke. Joh iiB.. gafrdener Ii s s W ater. ir river. Tanner, Mrs. Hannah, h cor LaGrave and St. Joseph. Taylor. F. 1.,I hss St. iJosepli, 2 w LaG(rave. 'IThomIpsonll, EI. A., enrolling clerk, II cor Niles and Oakt 'lThonpson. Mrs. L. A.. milliner and dress maiker. Ii s s Paw Paw, 2 e La( rave. Tirrill, Elisha, turner, bWs L. Tirrill. Tirrill, Lyvuan!, ab,, 11 hs St. Joseph, w (Gremps. 'Toolev, Silas, harness m:A1ker. wks Koons & Iosseau, h ii Paw w Paw, e Van Buren. Tone, Arnithony, cooper, bdis Jt. R. H bie. Tripp, B. II., carpenter, h s s Main, 2 e Van Buren. TRUE NORTHERNER, (republican), T. O. Ward, editor and propr, published every F1riday, terns, 81.50 per year in advance, cor PawPaw and Kalamazoo. Tuttle, Cyrus, caripenter, hI n s St. Joseph, 2. wLaGrave. _~_nl~ ~ __ __ _~1 __~~1_11 ~1~ I A,'a 146 VAN BUREN COUNTY GAZETTEER Buy your Groceries at W. H. GLIDDEN'S, East Side Kalamazoo St. Paw Paw. Tuttle, G. W., carpenter, h e s Kalamazoo, nr n village limits. Tyler, G. W., clk Harrison & Wheaton, bds T. R. Harrison. Udell, Miss L., printer. wks Northerner office, bds Horace Cummings. Van Auken, A., genl. mdse, store s s Main, 4 w Kalamazoo, h cor Niles and St. Joseph. VAN BUREN CO. PRESS, I. W. Van Fossen, editor and propr, published Mondays, terms $2.00 a year, s s Main. Van Buren, Martin, carpenter, h n village limits. Van Dorn, Win., wks Longwell, h e s Gremps, 2 n Cedar. Van Dusen, Henry, boot and shoe maker, shop over post office, bds 3Mr. Bangs. Van Dusen, Granville, h s s Paw Paw, 2 e LaG rave. Van Dyke, Frank, fireman, h e s Miller, 2 n AMain. VAN FOSSEN, I. W., editor and propr Van Buren Co. Press, s s Main, h cor Main and Brown. Van Fossen, Isaac, h cor Dyckman and Territorial road. Vickery, Manley, tanner, It e H lHazen, 1 n M!ain. Voke, Geo., (Voke & Leech), h cor Elm and Brown. Voke & Leech, (Geo. Voke, James Leech), painters, w s Gremps, 1 s Main. Yoke, Charles, printer. bds Ge(. Voke. WARD, T. 0., editor and propr True Northerner, h s s Paw Paw, 2 e Kalamazoo. Wallen, Russel, farmer, hws w La Gr;rave nr s village limits. Warner, Elam, farmer, h s s Paw 'Paw 2 w Niles. Warner, Jerome C., farmer, h cor Elm and Niles. Warner, Wilbur T., clk F. W. & W. J. Selleck, bds Mrs. Warner. Wells. Myron, miller, h s Main nr saw mill. Wheaton, I., (Harrison & Wheaton) h e s Kalamazoo nr n vil. limits Whiston, George, cigar maker, h cor Territorial road and Dyckman. Whitman, 1. A., marble works, e Kalamazoo nr Paw Paw, h eor Brown and St. Joseph. Whitney, Willard, head sawyer, Ismon's mills. Wickesal, Joseph, wks foundry, bds M. Snow. Wiley, Wim., boot, and shoe dealer, ss Main opp National Bank, h n s Oak 2 w Brown. _ ___ __ AND) BUSINESS lIRE(C'TO. 147 Willard. Isaac W, saw mill, h cor (Gremps and Elm. Williamson, Mason, planing mill. Main nr river. Williamison, Robert Brewer, h ws Kalamazoo nr s village limits. Wilsey, Win., lab, 11 s St. Joseph nr e village limrits. Wilson, A, D., gardenier, h ws Kalamnaz o or n village limits. Wilson,. (., hII cor La (Grave andI Beriien. Wilson, Loren. elk W. I. Howe, h cor K1alamazoo- and Paw Paw. 0Wood, Scott, elk n. Smith & Co.,) bds I 1...Conner. W Toodimta, Iavi)df, fariiier, It cor WaNter and La G rave. WTodman. J. J.. h n s Territorial road or e villa ge limnits. Young, J. M cearpenter and joineri bds Mrs. L. Bitely. Young. JLamles, cooper, h Ismuon's Row w village limits. Yon. Wiii.. milleri, Iaies Miller 3 n Main. PAW PAW RAIL ROAD. JJLSTORY OF THE ORGI AIZA T[ON' U'his s )- iyWS org0:c1ized unhe1'r the general railroad law of Alichigll. A oil 2xiith 13U57, withi a capitll of $20.00). John K. Pugsley, Elisha J. Hlouse, Franklin M.. Minning, Charles I. Morrill, Loyal Crane, Henry avnoi. an I Fitz I. tLevetns wxr' ninoal as Directoirs in the Articles of Associat ioo li'ioI a sextelsi fromi Lawto', on thie Mictiigian Centiral Railroad. to Paw Paw, a dliStalice of toiir miles. 'IThle assets of thlie conmpany having been expende'd an4 the road mnot coistructed, on thie -200t1 day of November, 1836, an association of the citizeas of' Pawv Pav anl a Jackson, in this State, wis formed, to whom0 all the piropprty and franchises of the Railroad coimpa.ny were trainsfcerie', aInld tile c'olipiny re origatniz'd with a capital of -75 00(1. The lin e of tihe rol was changed andl its consti'ruction coiinenced in i uiine, 1 86;7, iii'1 thii sup' rintn('l)ency of e 11, iriy Fitch. E!;iq., anii comtpleted November th 186(7, si i'iich itin t"train liiaye ben run regalaIly, connecttling vwiti all passenger ftrains on.tlie icigan cotral Railroad at Lawton. The officers for thlie present year-180--are Henry I smon, Pr'esidrlent-Alnzo Sherman, Vice Piesi ent --Thonias IH. Stepluensoln, Secretary 'l'd Trlieasrer-Johni Ihuling. S ipfrint en lent. 'Tl' EDirectors consists of' tlie officers above nalnmel a nItor I'er t,. IoS1.1n W. 1R. l% 'Inoldl s and il'les C1. 1slon, of' Jackson. TrI'NME (E ARD)-A811. Trains leave Paw Piyw fio' Lfxwto on. to11l connect wXvitu lMichigal Central Ra ilroad trains, as folloxws 7:00 A.m ]MVI. tlurn 1from u at 7:30.. 9:50 A. MI. c(oncts with Mail East, daily except Sundays. 220 P) M Connects withi Way Freight East. and with Mail:2 0.II.e 1 West, daily, except Sundays 8:50 P. Me Convect~s with Evening Express East, _ I II --- I 148 VAN BUREN COUNTY GAZETTEER SOUTH HAVEN. Historical and Descriptive Sketch of South Haven. South Haven occupies the northwestern corner of Van Buren county, its western border washed by the waves of Lake Michigan. Though territotorially the smallest township in the county, it is by no means insignificant in enterprise and business energy. As a point of trade, it is second only to Decatur. It is the only seaport town in the county, and is pleasantly located at the mouth of Black river. Its principal commercial interests are lumber and fruit growing-the latter increasing rapidly and destined to Srival those of St. Joseph. Its favorable location was marked as a point of importance in the Searly development of the country, but in its earlier years it experienced those up and downs, and peculiar vicissitudes, in an extraordinary degree, which have from time to time so interrupted the prosperity of the State. The site of the village was purchased of the government in 1834, by Judge Monroe, who built a log house on it and for a time resided there, but the tide of speculation running high soon after, the Judge took it at its flood, and sold out realizing a handsome profit on his investment. But a financial revolution soon after brought speculation to a crisis, and the town passed through what " Veritas," in the South Haven Sentinel, calls a " dark age" during which period it seemed to have been owned chiefly by non-residents. The beginning of the permanent prosperity of South Haven dates from about the year 1851. Among the men who devoted their energies to its upbuilding we find conspicuous the names of Marvin Hannah, Joseph 1. Sturgis, A. Blood, Capt. M. J. Mitchell, Horace S. Thomas, Joseph Dow, S. B. Morehouse, Alpha and Nelson Tubbs and several of the I)yckman family. In those early days, its forests were, of course, its chief present wealth. Its stalwart pines invited thither the lumberman, and its sturdy hemlock forests the tanner. The following passage from "lVeritas," in the Soutnt Haven Sen(til, of August 3d, 1867, will give the reader some idea of the place in 1851: " There pictured in memory, we see the narrow valley wandering dreamily between wooded bluffs, the modest river gliding into thle lap of the sea. the lone cottage nestled among the trees by the lake bank, the mill puffing by the river side, the emerald and blue waters reaching away to the sunset, the larger sail craft and all steam vessels passing by in utter scorn, while only the little ' Lapwing,' with her neat hull of clincher work, and her fore and aft sails venturing to pass the shoal water over the bar. Which bar every west wind will render emphatic by raising a ridge of sand quite across the entrance-a bar in the superlative degree, of such dimensions and solidity that a yoke of AND BUSINESS DIRECTORY. 149 oxen and a scraper are often used to open it and let the pent up river free. Such is a rough sketch of South Haven, as it appeared in the spring of the year 1851." The following tribute to Capt.. M. J. Mitchell, from the same versatile pen, properly belongs to the early history of South Haven: Capt. M. J. Mitchell, master of tile little schooner ' Lapwing,' was the first and long the only reliable navigator from this port. " From the coast of Norway, where lie was born, he had been ' all seas over,' and had added to native good sense a wide experience on the world of waters. His sunbrown face was as far removed as possible from all ideas ot superficial beauty; and his features, that so ran counter to all classic lines, usually wore an expression of peculiar solemnity. "Yet, beneath the rough exterior, there breathed a soul, gentle, warm and true, and not measured by the extent of his short person. Modestly it would look out of his eyes like refined starlight, or, when moved by some happy thought, would ripple in wave-like lines over his genial countenance. Those who had occasion to take passage with Capt. Mitchell, will not soon forget his kind and inobtrusive attentions. " When we heard that off the Kalamazoo river, in a terrible gale, a certain schooner was capsized, and all on board lost; and knew that the master of that boat was Capt. Mitchell, we were oppressed with sorrow-felt that we had lost a friend. That he was more than worthy of this poor tribute to his fair fame, cannot be denied: and that he was master of the first boat, engaged in regular trade with this port, is worthy to be reemembered." In 1853, the population of South Haven was only 200. Since that time, and especially since the termination of the late war, there has been a healthy growth in population and wealth. As an evidence of its present thrift and enterprise, and also of the fact that its business men discern the signs of the times, and appreciate their true interest, the compilers would call attention to their large representation in the advertising department of this work. It will be seen, that in this respect they are in bold and striking contrast with towns of more aristocratic pretensions. Township Board. K. W. Noyes, Supervisor.. I. B. Moon. 'Town Clerk. Calvin Fletcher. I W. lP. Bryan,.Jstices of the Peace. South Haven Graded School. Cost. 5,000. Mi. S. Hawley, Principal. Miss Selkrig. 1st Assistant. Miss IRogers. 2nd Assistaant. Banks. S. It. Boardman & Co., (private), capital $20,000, cor Main and Center. -~-~- -F~~--- -- ~-'-~ 150 VAN BUREN COUNTY GAZETTEER Public Halls, Offices &c. Dyckman Hall, cor Phoenix and Pearl streets. Patten's Hall, on Kalamazoo, nr river. Robinson Hall, cor Phoenix and Center. Churches. Baptist. Rev. William Hlewson, pastor. Congregational, Rev. Mr. Wirt, pastor. Methodist, Rev. Mr. Kellogg, pastor. Universalist, (organization.) Episcopal, (organization.) Cat holic, (organization.) Secret and Benevolent Societies. STAL OF THE L\AKE LODGE, No. 15, F. & A. M. L. IL. Bailey, W. 11. S. C. Shtfer, S. W. A. S. Nicols, J. T. A. A. ILaynes, Secretary. 1D. G. Wriiht, Treasarer. W. E. Stewart, S. D. John Pedrick, JJ ). 1). B. William n. l i R. R.glar moting, Ta aiy evotittg, on or htfore tIe full of tlie mlloon each month0. SOUT11 HAVEN CHIIAPTER, No. 53, Royal Arch MNasons. L11, Lll81, 11. P. George L. Soavrer, K. C. FietcherL S. Joseph W l anoa C It. AM. J. Fitch, P. S. V. II. Anlrews, R. A. C. ii. E. D)owoy, 1I 3 1 V. II. It. Dyckman. \I, -21 V. CG.. RogVrs.. 1st V. D. G. rgt, Trr'asrtr. E. 1). Con.r Secretary. D. 1. Williams, Sent ine Cemeteries. S) UTlI IHAVEN C IEMLETERAY, located oni CmO tery street. ur e vil. lihits. Newspapers. SOCUT1 f I1AVEN SCENTIN EL, (rtpablican) Wct in.. W.Stewart, editor and pro prietor, published oi n Satturdmay of each iveek. Torins, 2,t0 per year, in advance. Associations. SOUTH HAVEN TrEATrICAL TO E. Give entertainni entis at Dyckman hall, once eech week. Post Office and MVails. Office eor Phoenix and Pearl, D. C.Wrighit., post,master. Mails tadly by Decatur and South HaIlvelln line of stages. Tri-iweckly from Allegan and Saugatuck. Office honrs 8 A.. M. to 8 P. AM. Transportation Co's. Decatur and South I II st age line, daily, Col. G(aves, proprieto. Sugatauck and Soutlih HIvec line, tni-weekly, J. P. Billings, proprietor. Decatur and South Haven Express line, daily, Durkee & Warner, agents. C IA0 rI f ~fro 01 11 AND BUSINESS DIRECTORY. 153 SOUTH HAVEN DIRECTORY. ABEREVIA.TION\S. agt.................................agent nr..............................................near ave.................................................avenue ni s..............................................north side bds....................................................boards OP..p.............................opposite bet........................................between phlys.............................................physician clk.................................... clerk propr..........................................proprietor cor....................................................Corner It...................................railroad.............................................................secretary e s...............................east side s...............................t......south h............................................house or homnie s s................................................south side lab..................................................laborer supt........................uperintendent mach..........................................machinist treas.............................. treasurer 4. C R.It.............Michigan Central Railroad w........................................................west muIf.............................nmanufatcturer w s................................................west side n...................................................north wks...............................................works South Haven Street Directory. Blroadwlay, I e (CitrLe, begis it Ilack liver, ruls s to villabe limits. C(InnotIry st, l e H1bb1) trI, i fs at Blitck river. r 4uns s to villbae liti-iss I-sntle s. 1s Kia iw.0.h ii a Ilck rivel. runs s to villatze liitiits. C(rembers st, Ins Wil Wit, begins at (entre. 't runs e to village limits. (-Whest st.u 1 st. 1 e ake M lichi atan begins r at Erien, runs s to vil. limits. Chulcncl st, 1 in Phoenix, begins at Broadway, runs e to Prospect. (liotoln st. 1 s \Vani Huren av. begins at Lake Michigan. runs e to village limits. (Rnger st. 1 n Wilson, hePins at Prdspect, runs e to village limits. DiWitt st. 1 s llMurray, begins at Centre, runs e to village limits. Pycknan aer, 1 n Phcenix. beeins Broadway, runs w to Lake Michigan. Eagle st. hegins cor Paw Paw and Water, runs e to village limits. krim -t. 1 s Miehit&it ave. betgiins at Like Miehieai, riins e to villaie liiiit~s. IeI St. I s (IIiIIib t %s, teCi, it (.1ntr1. 1ls 0 to village limits. l1llhll4idi stdS. I Ie trspet. be,i s at 'iCoinger, runs s to viliage lintits. Hu Ill so. 1 s En.]lu. lpi - c.alr Maple aniIi Wa ~tir. iluIns e to villa-e( l{;ltli so t ot e PI iw 1 iPw. beain at Water st. wruns s to villhage liit. 154 VAN BUREN COUNTY GAZETTEERI La Grange st, I e Broadway, begins 'Murray. runs s to Bangor road. Lake st, begins at Black river, runs n to village limits. Main st. 1 e Lake, begins at Black river, runs n village limits Maple st, 1 e St. Joseph, begins Black river, runs s village limits. McDonald st, 1 s Phoenix. begins at Centre, runs e to village limits. Michigan ave, 1 s Huron, begins at Lake Michigan, runs e to village limits. Monroe st, 1 s Clinton, begins Litke Michigan ruins e to village liomits. Murray st, I s MctD)onald, b-,gins at Centre. runs e t ) villa.ge limits. North st, 1 n Dyckman, begins at Lake, runs e to village limits. Park st, 1 e Main, begins D1)kman ave, runs s to Black river. Paw Paw st, 1 e Maple, begins Water runs s to village linits. Pearl st, 1 e Broadway, begins at Church, runs s to 1Iurray. Phoenix st, begins cor Centre and Water, runs e to) village limiits Prospect st, 1 e Broadway, begins at Church, runs w to village limits South st, 1 n Black river, begins Lake. runs e to Black river. South lHaven st, 1 s Monroe, begins Lake Michigan. runs e to villaoge limits. St. Jioseph st. 1 e Chestnlut, beuins Black river, rulns s to villag.e litiits. Sturgis st, 1 (i Church. beains lroxdway, ruls e t )r,ect Superior st, 1 s Erie, bgins La e Miichiain, runs e to viliage liiits Van Buren ave.1 s Superior, begins LAke Michigtan, rluns to village limits. Water st, (or River st), I s Black river, begins Lake Michigan, runs to Centre. Wells st, 1 n Nort)h, begins Lake, runs e to IJiver. Wilson st, 1 n Phoenix. begins Prospectt. riuns e to village limtitx. Woodman st, 1 s lD)yekman ave, begins L ke mi. si to BlaIck river. South Haven Village Directory. Abele, Charles, barber, shop s s Phoenix. 1 w ravine, 4 sianie. Adams, E. S., carpenter, bds W. S. Williams. Amsden, J. F., blacksmith, bds McKoons. Anderson, John W1., sailor, hi MlurraIy. Andruss, John, lab h cor Maple and M31,nron. Andrews, W. H., elk U. Conger & Son, bds T1 K. Palmer. Bacon, Horace, jobber. --~- II-~-~~-I - -~ ICI~-- AND RiUSINESS 1DIRECTORY. mBankson, Levi, fhriner. Bailey, Liberty, Tarmcr, e s Bangor road, s village limits. Barnes, Robert. engincer., h s s IPhonix. 2 e Pearil. 1 Bartrow. G-ce., lumberman, h cor Maple and South Haven. Barney, IHenry W., lab, bds T. B. Hawley. Bat, (C D).. lab, hds John Sell. B Wattill, Im. P., carpenter, h cor Paw Paw and Huron. Beaessler, John G., lab, h Water, nr Lake Michigan. Boardsley, J., mechanic. hIi cor Broadway and )ewitt. BeckwitIh, Giibert, lab, h s w village limits. Bellows, Wim. F.. carpenter, ih cr Broadwa vand (Chambers. i'erridge. JolhnI. carpenter. 1idwll1, H1enry, firmer, li s s Michigan ave 2 w Maple. Wilhns. 11.. lablorer, h cor Maple and Van Buren ave. 1isp J.iG. C, w(agcn maker, shop cor I uron and Kalamazoo, e s Kalatmi zoo 2 0 Is Huron. Bislhop. Nols m, wagon maker. lBislIotp, Ti i(n th y, blacksmith, shop cor 1Huron alnd Kalamazoo, h1ns Micllhigan ave 2 e Kalamazoo Elack, 1.. fruit grower. h n Black River, w s Lake. Black, Daniel, fruit grower, h i Black River ws Lake. Black., W. L., blacksmith, hs Odberts. Blackman. A. A..., cAbint maker, h cr M3fichigan ave and Center. 1 Miss, Jelhni cairpeiter, h s Black River. Boardan, S. R & Co., (S. I1. L oartman, ('1. c. MNouroe) bankers, cor Pliemnix a'1d (IoCmieit. Boalrdm1an, S. I. ( S. BIoardnman. (.i) h cor McDonIald and Slchool. 1 1gairddusL s... in s hsIi s Leie 2 w Kalamazoo. I ontoev, 1I) L, 11So village litoits. BowernianM, (wirmiel iiis, has J(osoph 11 lewe r ma1. lowen, (George, bds Simoni Wilson. Bowerinan, J. H1. blacksimitih, shop ss Eagle h s Center 1 n Phonix. BOWIEN, H. F., propr Lake House, cor River and Kalamazoo. Branch, -., lab, h ns Superior, nr s village limits. Branch, IL. S., tifrmer. I cor Kalamazoo and Eric. IBreed, Emery. sailerh, bds John Mc)Donald. Breeolal, ElilAhu, fishlermnan, hi cor Michigan ave and Maple. I-- I - - - - - - 156 1VAN 3UREN COUNTY GAZETTEER E1\V.I:P I 1Rj Grocery and Provision Store! DURKEE & WARNER, KEEP CONSTANTLY ON HAND Tobacco, Cigars, lour, ett, alt, 1is6, arbon 111 Cordage, Willow and Wooden Ware, Fruits, Vegetables, &c. CASIT PA-ID F'OTEB COUNTRY PRODUCE. 2 DOOR sE. Nl7TiONA0 L Hf0 TEL, RIVElR S R T.. SOUTH HAVEN, MICH. W. H. DURKEE, M. F. WARNER. r. tj.GOods Delivered Free of Charge. Bridges, Benj. F., farmer, h n s McI)onald, 2 w B1roadway. Bridges. James, farmer, h w s 13Banger road, or x silloae limits BRIGGS & SWIFT, Misses, dress makeis. i hw s Broad 111way, 3 e,Phnix. Broadwell. Wm., tfon.irmer h hns Mlci)onald, 2 e Broodway. Brown, ii. II.K carpenter, s s Superi'or, 111r s village limits. 'row1) If.. oirmer, Ws Bangor road, or s villi02 limi*s. Brown. LI. R.. groceries zand provisions. n s Phoenix. 2 w ravine. h e end MV!iclhiva i axe. Brown, Tom,i h cor P aw Paw and Cliinton. Brown, Sam. h cor Paw Paw and Clinton. Brown. Ro. B.. -elk. wks L. R Brown.,his saim. BRYAN, W. P., st ice of the Ac. P lea ci e iver. I w HaI\ k. It s s Michigan ave, m-r w village limits. BURLINGAME, Mrs. E. S., d 'y soodl an( millinery. ii Phenix, 4 e (enter. h next st ne. Burlincrame, IenryIA W., hIn s -, Phoenix. 3 e (enter. Burlingate, Walter, lab, ii s s Phoenix, 3 e Pea rl. Buys, Cornelius. drayinai n.] across river.i nr Lake shore. I I I I L I - - - AND BUSIN E. S. Bu ------1 ESS DIRECTORY. 157 RLINGAME, GEALE IN--- GOODS DRY - AN West Side,Phcenix Street, Opposite New York Drug Store. SOUTH HAVEN, - - -- MICHIGAN. Byers, G. W., lumberman and mill owner, 3 miles s South Haven. Caldwell, E. 1., chair fictory, Ii cor Michigan ave and Kalamazoo. Calhoun, W., lab, s s Superior, or s villarrge limits. Calkins, Mrs. M. S., h cor Michigan ave and Kalamazoo. Carpenter, IL. C.. shoemaker. Carpenter, S. C. B., government agent. Cartland, A. L, frait grower, II n Black river, es Lake. Cartland, S. A., bookkeeper, George Hlannahs, bds Lake house. CHANDLER, A. H., attorney at law, office next door to bank. ii cor Maple and South Haven. Iiapman, Jeville, blacksmith, Ii II s Michigan ave, 4 e Kalamazoo. Chapnman, Deville, lab, h cor Centre and Michigan ave. Clark, E. S., (Moon & Clark. druggists), h ur q village limits. Clar k, Edwin, painter, h w s Bangor road, ir s village limits. (Ilark,. If, street broker, hIi as Msichigan ave. 4 w Centre. Clarkson, I). M., tailor, wks Wachsmuth's, bds Cornelius Buys. Clevelnd, Anson1 B, engineer, 4 across river, nr Lake shore. COAN, E. S., farmer and nurseryman, bds A. L. Cartland. Carpenter, Joseph, shoemaker, wks Michael Schaad, bds same. -- __1 I I ----~------------ 158 VAN BUREN COUNTY GAZETTEER Cobb, Henry M., captain schooner South Haven. Cook, Lawrence, laborer, hs w village limits. Collins, P., sailor, h s w village limits. COOK, L. D., carpenter and ianfr. of dulcimers, s s Monroe, 2 w Maple. Cook, William, sailor, bds- Davis. Conant, Phineas, labh s s Michigan ave, 4 w Centre. Conger, Eugene D., (Conger & Strope), bds U. Conger. Conger, Uzziah, real estate dealer, h w s Broadway, 3 n Phoenix. CONGER & STROPE, (Eugene D. Conger, George Strope), dry goods, groceries, boots and shoes, cor Broadway and Phoenix. Congregational Church, e s Pearl, 2 n Phcenix. Courtney, Austin, lab, bds Mrs. Rhodes. Crofoot, George N., millman, bds N. L. Crofoot. Crofoot, Norman L., shoemaker, shop n Black river, h next to shop. Cross, Albert, fisherman, h n s Michigan ave, 2 w Maple. Cross, Alpheus, sailor, h n s Michigan ave, 4 w Kalamazoo. Cross, Enoch, fisherman, h s s River, 2 e Lake house. CROSS & FEAGLES, (H. Cross, D. Feagles), billiard saloon, s s River, 3 w Centre. CROSS, H., (Cross & Feagles), h s s River, 4 w Centre. Cross, James, lab, h n s Superior, nr s village limits. Cross, Wesley, fisherman, h cor Paw Paw and Eagle. Crowell, James, millwright, bds - Stanton. CROWLEY, J. F., architect and builder, shop s s Huron, 2 e Kalamazoo, h n s Erie, 3 w Kalamazoo. Crowley. Timothy, earpenter, bds J. F. Crowley. Curran, P., sailor, h cor Maple and South Haven. Davis, H. W., sailor, h cor Paw Paw and Michigan ave. Davis, James H., lab, h s w village limits. Davis, I. W., sawyer, n s Monroe, 1 w Maple. Davis, Levi A., sailor, h nr w village limits. Davis, Peter, farmer, h n s Phoenix, e village limits. Davis. William, teamster, h River. Day, Francis M,, mechanic, h cor Paw Paw and Michigan ave. Dayton, C, sawyer, h e s Kalamazoo, nr s village limits. Delamere, Charles, elk, Stevens' store, h cor Pearl and McDonald. Dennis, Robert, lumberman. AND BUSINESS DIRECTORY. 159 L. Re NEW"lY AN, GALLER Y!! SOUTH SIDE BROADWAY, OIPPO SITE TIE "I REG ULA TOR." The Best Gallery in the West! PHOTOGRAPHS, AMBROTYPES, Porcelain Pictures of all Styles from Lookt to, Life Sizes, PI:-Ip O rr:To-.PI-Is FINISHED IN INK, OIL OR WATER COLORS. A INE COLLECTION OF OIL PAINTINCS AND WAX WORK On Exhibition and for sale at his Rooms.. Complete instruction given in the above Arts at refasonable rstes. A large stock of Picture Frames (oval and square,) a varietyv of Mouldings, lPhotograph Albtums, Stereoscopic Views, Engravings, &c., &c., g&On account of his SUPERIOR LIGHT hlie is able to guarantee galtisfaction in cloudy' weather as well as clear. A*-Call and E nainte hi Work.-4 160 VAN RUREN COUNTY GAZETTEERR ESrT.AB LIS-EEIDI 1868. LAKE HOUSE! ER, He BO~~a N, Prop Cor. River & Kalamazoo Sts., SOUTH HAVEN, MICH. STAGES Leave Daily for the Following Places: Bangor, Breedsville, Lawrence, Decatur and Paw Paw; on Thursdays and Saturdays for SAUGATUCK. SA Splendid View of the Lake. Dewey, Henry E., (Dickinson, 1Rogers & Co.). h w s Broadway, ur n village limits. Dickinson, Rogers & Co., (M. J. Dickinson, Samuel Rogers, George L. Seaver, II. E. Dewey. George T. Rogers). saw mill, ss iDyckmnan ave. nr river brid(-e. Dikeman, Judson J., (Ludwig & l)ikem an).h eor i'River and Kalumazoo. Dickinson, M. J., (Dickinson, Rogers & Co.), residence Aurora, Ill. Dolson, Frederick, bds John Andersmn. Dolson, J. H., fisherman. Dopp, Cyrus W., sailor. Doty, John F., fhrmer Dowd, Franklin 1I., carpenter, h s s DeWitt, 2 w Broadway. DURKEE & WARNER, (W. 11. Durkee, M. E. Warner), groceries and provisions, s s River, 2 e National hotel. Durkee, W. II., (Durkee & Warner), bds National hotel. Dvekman, A. Smith, fruit grower, he (s Blangor road. Dyckman, A. S. Jr., bds B. A. Dyckman. Dyckman, Barney A., (Lyle, Thompson & Co.), hi s s Michigan ave, 2 w Kalamazoo. AND BUSINESS DIRECTORY. 161 National Hotel, 44 Nt AMU INBON Proprel) Cor. IPhcenix and Center Sts., SOUTH HAVEN, - - MICH. The only First Class Hotel in town and a splendid view of the Lake. Extra Accomodations for man and beast. Charges Reasonable. Stages leave daily for Decatur, Paw Paw, Lawrence, Breedsville, Bangor, Hartford, &c. Semi-Weekly for Saugatuck and St. Joseph. Gilbert, N., lab, bds Edgerton Gflbert, W. T., lab. Goodroad, Charles, lab, h n Black river. Goodroad, Erederick, lab. Goodwin, Joseph,:ab. Goodroad, Lewis, teamster. Goodroad, W., sailor. Gray, John, sailor, h e s Broadway, 4 s McDonald. Green, Amos A., blacksmith, h ws Broadway, nr n village limits. Green, Orrin, shipper, h e s Broadway, 3 s McDonald. Griffin, Horace, sawyer, h n s McDonald, 2 e Broadway. Griggs. John, baker, wks Ludwig & Dikeman, bds same. Griswold, B. F., meat market, next door Lake house. Grover, David, bar-tender, National hotel, cor Phoenix and Center. Grover, Henry M., lab. Groff, David A., teamster, h nr se village limits. Hale, D. P. & Co., (D. P. Hale, M. Hale), general mdse, cor Phoenix and Center. Hale, D. P., (D. P. Hale & Co.), h cor Phoenix and Center. 162 VAN BUREN COUNTY GAZETTEER LUDWIG & DIKEMAN, CROCERS AND BAKERS CO2NTOW'ION7ER7Y", Tqbgase and VI'Mar* A First Class Restaurant in connection with the above. Cor. River St. and Kalamazoo Ave., SOUTH HAVEN, - - - MICgIGAN. Dyer, Judson A., deputy sheriff. Edgerton, Abel, caruenter, h on Bangor road, n s e village limits. Erkenbrick, Augustus, lumberman. Erkenburgh, Henry, land owner, h on lake shore, s w village limits. Ellsworth, Joshua, mason, h cor Maple and Monroe. Ellston, I., clk, S. A. Tripp, bds Win. Elkston. Emmil, Charles. sailor. Emmil, Conrad, sailor, h on lake shore, s w village limits. Erkenberg, Jacob, lab, h across river, on lake shore. Etmerrill, Cornelius, lab, h cor Broadway and Chambers. Fairlee, W. D., wag3n maker, bds - Odhert. Farnham, HI. C., nurseryman. Fayles, Delos F., painter, h s s Eagle st, 1 w Paw Paw. Feagles, DeWitt, (Cross & Feagles), h over saloon. Feeley, C., farmer, h cor Monroe and Maple. Fellows, William, fisherman, h e s Paw Paw. Fields, Samuel, carpenter, h wws Bangor road. Finch, William, sailor, h cor Center and Murray. Fisher, Mrs., h Superior, nr Center. AND BUSINESS DIRECTORY. 163 M. J. & L. FITCH, SOUTH HAVEN, MICH. Cor. Pholnix and Broadway. Fitch, Hiram D., jeweler, h e s Bangor road, nr s village limits. Fitch, Lewis, (M. J. & L. Fitch), bds 11. D. Fitch. Fitch, M. J., (M. J. & L. Fitch), residence over store. FITCH, M. J. & L., jewelers, cor Phoenix and Broadway. Fleshiem, Joseph, cigar maker. FLETCHER C. & SON, (Calvin Fletcher, C. H1. Fletcher), hardware, e s Broadway, 4 s Phoonix. Fletcher, Calvin, (C. Fletcher & Son), h cor Michigan ave and Broadway. Fletcher, C. H1., (C. Fletcher & Son), bds Calvin Fletcher. Foster, Misses T. & J., millinery, shop es Broadway, 3 s Phoenix. Foster, J., carpenter, bds Lake house. Fromley, Moses, lab, h s w village limits. Fuller, A. A., shipper, wood dealer, h s Michigan ave, 3 w Kalamazoo. Fuller, Chauncey, lab, h n s Eagle, 1 w Centre Gale, A. II., cabinet maker, bds II. Mallory. Garland, C. F., wks saw mill, bds E. A. Smith. Germain, Isaac, carpenter, h n s Erie, between Maple and Paw Paw. _C 164 VAN BUREN COUNTY GAZETTEER WRIGHT & LOUNSBERY, DEALERS IN G-ENEIR ALZ ME RCHANDJSE, SOUTH HAVEN, XIJICH. AND BUSINESS DIRECTORY. 165 HODCES & ODBERT, PROPRS., MANUFACTURERS OF BUGGIES, WAGONS, CUTTERS and SLEIGHS. Repairing Neatly Done in all its branches at reasonable rates. HERRICK HODGES, th RORERT E. ODBERT.J f1 IHale, Miss Frank, clk, S. A. Tripp, bds Mrs. Hale. Hale, G. W., clk, D. P. Hale & Co., bds Lake house. Hale, Homer It., farmer, h s s Phoenix, e village limits. Hale, Jerome, ship carpenter, h es Phoenix, e village limits. Hale, M., (D. P. Hale & Co.), residence Schoolcraft. Ilanmlin, Albert, sailor. Hlannahs, George, lumberman, land owner, real estate broker, office cor Water and Maple, hi cor Michigan ave and Maple. Harris, James, sawyer, s w village limits. Harrison, JToel, farmer, h s Phoenix, 1 e Pearl. HIarvey, -, farmer, bds Henry Hulburt. Hawkhead, William, engineer, h cor Kalamazoo and Erie. Hawley, Gilston, student, bds M. S. Hawley. IHawley, M. S., teacher in graded school. Hawley, T. P., cooper, h e Broadway, 2 s McDonald. Haynes, Alonzo M., (Townsend & ilaynes), h over store. s.s River, 5 e Kalamazoo. Heath, Elias A., lumberman. Hheaton. John. carpenter, h n s Erie, nr n village limits. Henry, William, fisherman, h lake shore, s w village limits. Hess, Mrs., h w s Bangor road, nr s village limits. Hlewson, Isaac A., bds Wni. Hhewson. Hhewson, Thomas J., clk, S. A. Tripp, bds Dr. Hhewson. Hewson, William, physician, h cor River and Paw Paw. Hill, Richard. lab. Hinsch, John F., sailor, bds William Henry. HODGES & ODBERT, (Herrick Hodges, Robert E. Odbert), wagon and blacksmith shop. e s Broadway, 2 n Phoenix. L_ 1G6 VAN BUREN COIJUNTY GAZETTEER SOUTH HAVEN TANNERY, E. RATHBONE, PROPR. DEALER IN Fur and Domestic Stock, Sheep Pelts, Tallow, SHOE FINDINGS,,c. HIGHEST CASH PRICE PAID FOR BARK AND HIDES. Office on the north side of Black river, near the Park. SOUTH HAVEN, - - - MICHICAN. Hodges, Herrick, (Hodges & ()dbert), bds II. E. Odhert. Holden, C. N., lumberman, bds Lake house. Holly, Henry, cooper, shop Broadway. HOLMES, Doctor A. J., dentist, ffice in Sentinel building, h s s Huron, 2 w Center. House, Chester, lab, bds Winm. House. House, George W., (NMayhew & House), bds Win. A. House. House, Hamilton 11., boot and shoemaker, shop n s RItiver, 1 w Ravine, bds Wmi. H ouse. Hous.e, Willianm N., fisherman. h ss Micihioan ave, 3 w Ravine House, William, shoemaker, h1 cor Michigan ave 3 w Maple. Howard, Daniel, f'armer, h n Black river. HOWE, FRANK, cabinet maker, s s Phcoenix, 2 w Ravine, bds Mrs. Dycknian. Howe, J., cabinet maker, wks Frank Howe, h s s Phoenix, 1 w Ravine. Hlughs.BUF., elk, 1). P. Hale & Co., bds ). P. Hale. Hunter, Henry If., clk and book keeper. Hurlbut, Ilon. Henry, representative 2d district, farmer, n s IPheenix, e village limits. Hurlbut,. B., carpenter, h ns Phl'nix, e village limits. Ingraham,( Capt. A. T., sailor, hi w s lPearl, 2 s Phoenix. Ingraham, Charlie, w s Maple, s village limits. Tngraham, Luciuq, sailor, boat i). G. Wright, h n IBlack river. Irish, B. R., lab. Isham, F. M., h e s River, 1 w National house. ISHAM, H. H. & Co., (1-. I1. Tsham, J. T. Ishami), hardware cor River and Center. Ishamn, Hi. I., (H. H1. Isham & Co ), h over store. _ _ AND BUSINESS DIRECTORY. 167 CROSS' BILLIARD HAll, H. CROSS. JR., PROPR. RESTAURANT ATTACHED. outh ide of River St. OUT AVEN MIC Half Block West of National Hotel. J OU V y Ml H. Isham, J. T., (H. H. TIsham & Co.), bds H. IH. Tsham. Johnson, Charles I., shoemaker, shop, w Broadway, h same. Johnson, George, lab. Johnson, William, mason, h n Erie, 2 w Center. Jones, David, shipper, cor IMcDonald and Phoenix. Jones, Edward M., lab. Joihnson, Frank lab. Juber, Henry, lab, h s w village limits. Kellogg, E. L., pastor 1st M. E. church, h ss sMichigan ave. 5 w Center. Keenholds, DeWitt, miller, wks G. C. & I. W. Sweet, bds John Rose. LAKE HOUSE, II.. IBowen, propr, cor River and Kalamazoo. Kemp, Albert, lab. h e s Kalamazoo, nr s village limits. Kendall, S. Willis, lab, bds Nichols. Kline. -, farmer, w s Bangor road, s village limits. Knox, 0. C., planing mill. h cor Huron and Kalamazoo. Knapp, Frank, painter, h s s Michigan ave, 2 w Paw Paw. LaFromway, S., lumberman, h e Maple, nr s village limits. Lane. Samuel, Sr., shoemaker, shop s s Water, nr Lake Michigan, h same. Lapham, Ira. Leach, Hiram, blacksmith, bds II. McCann. Leng, William J., carpenter, h s w village limits. LILLIE, H. 1., attorney and counselor at law, office 1 w bank, s s Phoenix, h cor Huron and Center. Lloyd, David, sailor. Lockwood, E J.. carpenter, h s e village limits. Lounsbery, E. Ii., (Wright & Lounsbery), h Bangor road. -I 168 VAN BUREN COUNTY GAZETTEER H. M. LILLIE. D. M. PHILLIPS, Attorney and Counselor ATTORNE AT LAW -AT LAW And Solicitor in C -~ A_1NC CE 1R"".4 Office n. side Phoownix, 1 w. of Banl SOUTI HAVEN, MICH, A. N. MOULTON, Physican and Surgeon, A Specialty made of Cancers, Inveterate Sor and Internal Tnumors. No CuRE No PAY. Office North Side River St., 1st Doo East Mrs. Burlingame's Millinery Store, South Havet. Mich. JoHN WArZ'SlllSM'UT, IMERCHANT TAILOR SOUTH HAVEN, MICH. Shop north side River St., 1 door w Mrs. Burlingame's Millinery Store. Satisfaction guaranteed in ever case. Old Clothes cleaned and RI paired. J. F. CROWLEY. -AND-- BUILDER. Buildings Erected on1 S/hort N.Vot6i -Plans. Specifications and M. terial furnished if desired. Shop south side Huron st., 2 doors Kalamazoo Ave., SOUTH HAVEN. - MICl -ANI)-- Justice of the Peace. k. OFFICE OVER THE REGULATOR, SOUTH HAVEN, MICH. ALBER.T THIOMPSON, e Physician and Surgeon. )r Office at the New York Drug Store, SOUTH HAVEN, MICH., P. BJRYAN, REAL ESTATE i. And Insurance Agent. Office North Side Phoenix y 1st door West Bank. e- SOUTH HAVEN, MICII. Fruit Farm for Sale. 272. acres of land north of South Haven, 172 acres cleared and under a higli state of cultivation; 600 apple, 200 peach, and thirty pear trees, and 500 Delaware grape vines, in excellent condition, to go with the farm. Also 10,000 yearling peach trees, to I- be sold with or without the above, as may be wished. A general nursery e. business attended to by the subscriber, E. S. COAN, ~r i South Haven, Micli. I ___.. AND BUSINESS DIRECTORY. 169 ne~atur and itfath Haven STAGE LINE, W. GR AVES, Propr., This old an( reliable line having been re-organized and re-stocked presents to the traveling public as good facilities for getting to and from the Lake Shore, and intermediate points, as can be found in the State. Express matter and Light Freight carried at reasonable rates. Perfect satisfaction guaranteed. Each village on the route has an agent who attends to express matter and the welfare of the passengers. Lovejoy, Charles, lumberman. Ludwig, Charles P., (Ludwig & Dikeman), h cor River and Kalamazoo. LUDWIG & DIKEMAN, (Charles P. Ludwig, Judson J. Dikeman), grocers, bakers and restaurant, s w cor River and Kalamazoo. Lyle, Mervin, (Lyle, Thompson & Co.), bds National hotel. Lyle. Thompson & Co., druggists, s s Phoenix, 5 w Ravine bridge. Lynn, J. R, sailor, h s s Erie, 2 e Maple. Mackay, John, carpenter, h cor Erie and Maple. Mallory, Chauncey, carpenter; h n s Black River. Mallory, Hiram, farmer, h w s Pearl, 4 s postoffice. Marchant, A., sailor, h s s Monroe. Marquette, John, meat market, h n s Phoenix nr ra ine. Mason, A. R, drayman, h ss Huron 3 e Paw Paw. Mason, Henry, sailor, h n s Erie bet Center and Kalamazoo. Mason, Marion, lab, bds A. R. Mason. Mayhew, Calyx (Mayhew & House) bds Win. A. House. Mayhew & House, (Calyx Mayhew, Geo. W. House) barbers, shop s River 7 w Center. Mayo, Hamilton, carpenter, shop w s Pearl s postoffice, h same. Mayo, J. G., carpenter, h cor Broadway and Dewitt. McCann, Henry. sawyer, h n s Erie 2 w Kalamazoo ave. McDonald, Donald, farmer, h n s McDonald 2 w Broadway. McDonald, John, sailor, h s w village limits. McFarland, A., artist, h s s McDonald 1 e Broadwny. McKendrec, Francis, cabinet maker, wks Frank Howe, bds Mrs. )Dycknan. - I;. -- ~- - 170 VAN BUREN COUNTY GAZETTEER FUER?,ITIWUR8 R00MiS. FU RN-TUR''RE! CABINET WARE MADE TO ORDER COFFINS AND TRTMMINGS on hand and made to order, at Salesroom on River at., 2d door west of the bridge. Ct4 r* Manufactory over Patton & Smith's Planiig mill. } out H e, McKoon, Wells, lab. hw s Broadway nr n village limits. MeMasters, M. D. L., h n s Black River. MeNeal, Thomas, sailor, h s w villae limits. Mead, Patrick, blacksmith, shop n s Phoenix, hi next Fitch's jewelry store. Means, John, cabinet maIker, wks Frank Howe. Merrill. Theodore, farmer, h n s Phoenix nr e village limits. Merryfield, Stephen, tinsmuith, h n Chanmbers 1 w Broadway. Methodist Church, cor Center and Michigan ave Rev. E. L. Kellogg PInst 11. Miles, E. Mills, Richard, carpenter, w s Bangor road s village limits. Millspaugh, Walter, bartender, bds Simon Wilson. Mitchell, John M., sailor. Monroe & Brazee, (James Monroe, - Brazee) saw mill, cn Dyckman & Woodman's addition. Monroe, (C. J,, (S. It Boardman & Co.) 11 over Bank. Montgomery, 1David, tailor. e ravine, shop same. MOON & CLARK, (Dr. E. B. Moon, E. S. C(lark) druggists, s s Phoenix 1 w postoffice. Moon, Dr- E. B., (Moon & Clark) h cor Center and McDonald. Moore, John, gardener and carpenter, hl ns Phoenix e village limits. Moore, Williami, sailor, bds John Moore. Moore, Frederick, sailor, bds John Moore. Moran, W. 11., harness maker, wks Webster. Morehouse, Mrs. Lucy, h cor Broadway and Murray. Morey, L. C., carpenter, shop cor Huron and Center, h cor Michigan ave and Paw Paw. I - 1-~" ~~1-"~-- - ~ -- '~-- ______ ~------ - ---- _- - -- --1-_-_.~----l_)_- -_ _ ) I ___1 AND BUSINESS DIRECTORY. 171 Morris, David, sailor, h s s Huron, 2 e Paw Paw. Moses, Hiram It., farmer, hi eor Broadway and M)cDonald. MOULTON, A. N., physician and surgeon, office n s River, 3 w Ravine, h n s McDonald, 2 w IBroadway. Mowrey, Stephen, boatman on river. Murray. Edward, sailor. i n s Erie, 2 w Maple. Mybrau, James, tanner, h cor St. Joseph and Erie. NATIONAL HOTEL, L. K. Robinson, propr, cor Phoenix and Center. NEWMAN, L. R., photographer, es Broadway, 1 n Phoenix, h same. Nichols, Anson S., farmer, h cor Broadway and Murray. Nichols, Georgre J., lumberman. Noble, S., cabinet maker, h cor M ichigan ave and Kalamazoo. Northrup, Lester, lab, bds James Sclkrig. Odbert, Robert E., (jodges & Odbert), h over shop. Olsbrow, -, carpenter, h s s Van Buren ave. Otmorol, Cornelius, lab, h w s Pearl, nr s village limits. Oudekirk, J. Carpenter, hi n s Black river. Overihant, H enry, brewer. Overiaut, u, brewer, hIsw village limits. Painter, Lorenzo, lumber dealer, bds Alonzo P. Haynes. Palmer, Thos. K., boot and shoe dealer, h w s Broadway 2 s Phoenix. Pancoast, (1. II., lumberman. Parker, E., sawyer, s s Monroe 2 w Maple. Parks, F. I., agt J. E. Stevens, hIa s Black River e s Lake. Patton, Wil. L., machinist, hi cor Huron and Kalamazoo. PIedrick, John WV., lumberman, h across river on lake shore. Penniman, A. F., wood and lumber, bds G. B. Pomeroy. Phelps, L. C., farmer, e s Bangor road s village limits. Phelps, iH. Nelson. glove maker, bds Daniel Black. PHILLIPS, D. M., attorney at law and justice of the peace, office over Regulator, bds U Conger, Pierce,. Lorinda, tailoress, h cor Broadway and IMcDonald. Pochan, J., planing mill, bds Knox. Poe, F. M., sailor. Ponmeroy, Geo. B., clk at Tripp's, h cor Broadway and McDonald. IPratt, AV., carpenter, h e s Pearl, 1 s Phoenix. 172 VAN BUREN COUNTY GAZETTEER M. J. & L. FITCH, SOUTH HAVEN, MICH. Cor. Phoenix and Broadway. Proutz, Alvin M., lumberman. Purdy, Mrs. Julia, dress making, h n Eagle 1 w Center. Rathbone, Howard, clk D. P. Hale & Co., bds E. Rathbone. SRATHBONE, E., tannery, n s Black River, h same. Reed, J. W., carpenter and joiner, h cor Michigan ave and Paw Paw. Reynolds, L., carpenter, h s w village limits. Retalic, Wm., clk, wks L. R. Brown, h n s Phoenix nr e village limits. Rhodes, Elizabeth, h across river on Lake shore. Rice. M. H., clk Wright & Lounsbery, bds II. E. Griffin. Rice, W. H., carpenter and joiner, h cor Paw Paw and Michigah ave. Robbins, D. S., sailor, h n s Maple nr Lake. ROBINSON, L. K., propr National Hotel cor Phoenix and Center. SRogers, Geo. L., (Dickinson, Rogers & Co.), h e s Broadway 5 n Phoenix. Rogers, Geo. P., carpenter, h w Broadway 2 s Dewitt. Rogers, Samuel, (Dickinson, Rogers & Co) h e s Broadway 5 n Phoenix Rose, Jackson, farmer, bds Daniel Howard. Rowland, James. carpenter, h s s Eagle 3 w Paw Paw. Rowland, Jesse, lab, bds James Rowland. AND BUSINESS DIRECTORY. 173 Saudkamm, John, cigar maker, bds T. B. Hawley. Schroeppell, William elk, Tripp's, h n a McDonald, 1 e Broadway. Scott. Arthur, lab, bds Gilbert Scott. Scott, Gilbert, cooper, h s s Erie, bet Paw Paw and Kalamazoo. Seaver, George L, (Dickinson, R)grers & Co.), h ws Broadway, nr n village limits. Seedik, John, lhIb. Selkrig. Charlie V., clk, J. Stevens. hds James Selkrig. Selkrig, James, minister of the gospel, h cor Broadway and DeWitt. Sell, John, livery stable, s s Phoenix, nr New York drug store. Shaad, Michael, boots and shoes, e end of Ravine hridge, b same. Shaff, Andrew J., riverman, h n s Black river. Sharin, L., lab, h e s Likc. Shaw, -, lab, h Ies Lake. Shaw. John IB.. boat builder, bds Cross. Shepard, Sears, carpenter, h Broadway. Shoemaker. 11 P., clk, Wright & Lounsbery, bds D. CG. Wright. Schruderi, William, inmsIIn, h cor lroadway and I)eWitt. Sibole, P. I.. h 2 e Lake houise. Slauhson, W., saw imill. ir. s;w village limitM. Smith, A. E., carpenter, Ititns Eagle, I e Kalamazoo. Smith, Conk, lab, bds Charles Abole. Smith, Il., blacksmithli, bds Odbert. Smith, i)Dennis, sailor, h1s. 9St. JosephI, ie E14rie. Smith, Jlames, sailor bds John McDonald. Smith, Joseph F., sailor. Smith & Patton, (Win. Smith, Wni. L. Patton), planing mill, ns Huron, between Kalamazoo and Center. Smith, Warren. boots and shoes, n s River, 1 e Center, h same. Smith, William, machinist, bds Lake house. Snell, Solomon. sailor, h I s n Michigan ave, 3 w Maple. South Haven Graded School, cor Michigan ave and School. Sperry, J. D., watchmaker, shop in Wallace's store, bds Thompson & Osnmer. Stanton, John, lumberman, b s s River, 1 w Paw Paw. St. Clare, MNrs. Ann, h s s Michigan ave, 2 w Center. Stennett, -, farmer, s village limits STEWART, ARCHIBALD, printer, wks and bds W. E. Stewart. I I L ~ -- --- I 174 VAN BUREN COUNTY GAZETTEER STEWART, Wm. E., editor and proprietor South Haven Sentinel, h n s Huron, 2 e Paw Paw. Stockwell, James, carpenter, h w s Pearl, between McDonald and Murray. Stout, John, fisherman, bds Thomas Weldon Stoughton, Joseph, shoemaker, h n s Phoenix, e village limits. Strong, Eli. Strope, George, (Conger & Strope.) Sullivan, Elisha, mason, w s Superior, n w village limits. Sutherland, -, broom maker, h w s Pearl, 3 s Phoenix. Swales. Edward H., sailor, h a s Michigan ave, 3 w Paw Paw. Swales, Frank, sailor, bds Edward Swales. bwartz, Michael, engineer, h n s Erie, bet Paw Paw and Kalamazoo. Sweet, G. C. & H. W., (Geo. C. Sweet, Hiland W. Sweet), grist mill, across river. Sweet, George C., (G. C. & H. WV. Sweet), h across river, nr lake shore. Sweet, H. V., (G. C. & IH. W. Sweet), h nr mill. Taylor, James, sailor, bds Peter Davis. Thomas, W. H., clk, D. P. Hale & Co., bds D. P. Hale. THOMPSON, Dr. A., (Lyle, Thompson & Co.,) physician, h n s Wells, 2 e Lake. Thompson, Howard & Co., (Robert Thompson, John Howard, Joseph Pochon, O. C. Knox), shingle and planing mill, on bank Black river. Thompson. R. B., (Thompson, Howard & Co.), h cor Huron and Paw Paw. Thompson, Z. S., boarding house and restaurant, s s River, 2 w Kalamazoo. Tobey, S. D., physician, bds Fuller's. TOWNSEND & HAYNES, (Evan P. Towrnsend, Alonzo M. Haynes), clothing and gent's furnishing goods, as s River, 4 e Lake House. Townsend, Evan P., (Townsend & Ilaynes), hi n s Eagle, 2 e KalamaZ00. TRIPP, S. A., gen'l mdse, cor Broadway and Phoenix, h over store. Trumbly, Alexander, scowman on river. I AND BUSINESS DIRECTORY. 175 Trumbly, Joseph, scowman on river. Trumbly, Moses, scowman on river. Tuttle, Benjamin, shoemaker, h across river, nr lake shore. Upham, Levi, night watch, h n River. Valyea, John, lab, h s w village limits. Valyin, John, lumberman, h n s South Haven, ur s village limits. Van Antwerp, G. W., painter, h s s Huron, bet Paw Paw and Kalamazoo. Van Beek, Rolliff, farmer, h cor Chambers. Van Brusel, C., lab, h w s Pearl, nr s village limits. Van Dyke, J. G., livery stable, h cor Center and Erie. VanTricht, John A., lab, h s s De Witt, 2 e Broadway. VanVliet, W. I., scowman on river. VaunWinnen, A., lab, h nr cemetery. Vreeland, Elihu, fisherman, cor Maple and Michigan ave. Vreeland, Isaac, carpenter, h n P Huron, 3 w Paw Paw. WACHSMUTH, JOHN, merchant tailor, n s River, 2 e Center, h same. Wade, I, 0., carpenter, h n s Michigan ave, 2 w Center. Waggstaff, John F., carpenter. Wait, Ezra, steamboat mnian, h u s River, 3 w Center. Waite, Isaac Z., carpenter, h cor Paw Paw and Eagle. Wakeman, J. P., cabinet maker, h e s Pearl, 1 n Murray. Walker, Philo D., carpenter, s s Van Buren ave. Wallace Bros, (S. D. & J. W. Wallace), general mdse, s s River, 4 w Center. Wallace, J. WV., (Wallace Bros), h over store. Wallace, S. D)., (Wallace Bros), bds Lake house. Warner, M. E., (Durkee & Warner), h n s Superior, 2 w Church. Wheeler, -, farmer, w Bangor road, 8 village limits. Whitaker. Wim, i., fruit grower. Whitney, Elmer, mechanic, h on bank Black river. WEBSTER, C. R., harness maker, shop e s Broadway, 2 a Phoenix, h same. ebster, Bobert, furniture rooms, s s IRiver, 2 w National hotel. Weldon, Thomas, fisherman, h cor Michigan ave and Maple. Wirt, Rev. D., hi cor Murray and IPearl. Williams, D. B,, farm and fruit grower, h w s Broadway, 1 s Phoenix. f __ 176 VAN BUREN COUNTY GAZETTEER Williams, W. L., lab, h w s Maple, nr s village limits. Wilson, Andrew, sailor, h w s St. Joseph, s w village limits. Wilson, Simon, billiard room, s s Phoenix, 1 e National hotel, h same. WILSON, S. P., wood dealer, h cor Broadway and Murray. Woodman, L. C., physician, office over Lyle, Thompson & Co's, h same. Wright, -., sailor, h cor Erie and Maple. Wright, A. D. Wright, D. G., (Wright & Lounsbery), h n s Phoenix, 2 e Pearl. WRIGHT & LOUNSBERY, dealers in gen'l mdse, cor Phoenix and Pearl. Young, John, fisherman, bds Albert Cross. D. W. LEAVENS, AT SIGN OF "' THIE 1)IRUG STORE," I)ECATTIR, - - MICII. SUBSCRIBE FOR THE VAN BUREN COUNTY REPUBLICAN $i1,50 A Year, DECATUR, -I - - MICH. Buy Your AND PROVISIONS OF TROWBRIDGE & HILL, Decatur. Mich. AND BUSINESS DIRECTORY. 177 VAN BUREN COUNTY. The county of Van Buren, at its first organization, was attached to the county of Cass, for judicial purposes, and was known as the township of La Fayette. A Supervisor was elected for the whole county, who met the Board of Supervisors in Cass, to transact the business of both counties, The two counties formed one Representative District, and sent two members to the Legislature. The deeds and mortgages of lands in Van Buren were all recorded in Cass county-since recorded in this county at public expense-and all issues at law to be tried by the Circuit Court were tried before the Cass county court. By an act of the Lagislature, approved March 18th, 1837, Van Buren was detached from Cass, and the courts were held at such places as the Supervisors might select-and Paw Paw was selected. By an act of the Legislature approved March 6th, 1840, the county seat was located permanently at Paw Paw. FIRST DIVISION INTO TOWNS. By Legislative enactment, approved March 11th, 1837, the county was divided into seven towns, to-wit: Clinch, comprising the present towns of Pine Grove, Almena, Waverly and Bloomingdale: South Haven. South Haven, Deerfield, Geneva, Bangor and Columbia; Lawrence. Lawrence, Arlington and Hartford; Covington, Keeler and Hamilton; Decatur. Deeatur and Porter: LaFayette, Paw Paw; Antwerp, Antwerp. The first election for county officers was held the first Monday in April, 1837, resulting as follows: Sheriff. Samuel Gunton, of Lawrence-Treasurer, Daniel 0. Dodge, of Paw Paw-Clerk, N. B. Starkweather, of LawrenceRegister of Deeds, J. H. Simmons, of Paw Paw-Judge of Probate, J. H. Simmons, Paw Paw-Surveyor. I1. P. Barnum, of Clinch-Associate Judges, Jay R. Monroe, of Lawrence; W. H. Keeler, of Covington-Coroners, Junia Warner, Jr., of Clinch; John R. Haynes, of Lawrence. Samuel Gunton and D. O. Dodge having resigned, a special election was held September 20th, same year, and Col. Andrew Longstreet was elected Sheriff, and Joshua Bangs, Treasurer. The two latter were of Antwerp. Almena Township. Almena, Waverly, Bloomingdale and Pine Grove were originally organized as one township, to which the name of Clinch was given, in honor of Judge Clinch, of Georgia. This was in 1837. The first white settler of the town of Almena, was Joseph Derosier, a Frenchman, whose wife was a squaw. I - - 178 VAN BUREN COUNTY GAZETTEER The township is six miles square and consequently contains thirty-six sections. It is watered by a branch of Paw Paw River, and several small lakes. The township is divided by a strip of low timbered land, which traverses it from north-east to south-west. This portion of the town is but little improved as yet, but is susceptible of becoming excellent pasture and meadow land. The town has one steam saw mill and one flouring mill, (both owned by S. W. Fisk), one water saw mill (owned by Lawrence Brewer), one sash and door factory (owned by Walter Wise), one blacksmith shop, one wagon maker, one shoe shop, two dry goods stores and one hardware. The soil in the southern part is sandy and productive. That of the northern part is clayey and much more heavily timbered. There are two church organizations-Free Will Baptist and Methodist-and seven school houses. The town has one post office, and a semi-weekly mail. The following are the names of the first permanent settlers who came in at about the same time. Juna Warner, jun., Willard Newcomb, Horace Bonfoey, Freeman Hall, John A. Ranney, Isaac Barnum, Henry Barnum, Asahel Downing, F. C. Annable, Nathaniel Livermore, Jacob Currier, Charles M. Morrill and Thomas Brown. Of these, only seven are now living, and two of them have returned to New England, from whence they emigrated. The first saw mill was built in the town by Jonas Barber, in 1835. A few of the Pottawattamie and Ottawa Indians held camping grounds in Almena, until 1845, when they were all removed west of the Mississippi by the general government, excepting a few families who had purchased land and claimed to be civilized. [NOTE.-We have extracted the foregoing facts from a very huIorous and racy sketch of tne town, furnished us by F. C. Annable, Esq., but which was unfortunately too voluminous for our purpose, to be used as a whole.-- CoMIPIlLERS.] Arlington Township. Win. Taylor was the first settler in Arlington. lie located on Sec. 8, in 1838, and was followed soon af'ter by Allen Briggs. In 1839, Maj. Heath, D. D. and E. O. Briggs and Wm. Bridges came into the township, and the next year (1840), the township began to fill up quite rapidly. In 1841, it was set off from Lawrence, and organized as a township. At the first town meeting, only fourteen votes were cast. Maj. Hleath was chosen Supervisor, Alvin Harris, Clerk, and Allan Briggs, Treasurer. The same year, Wm. Bridges built the first frame house. At this tim., James Stevens, an octogenarian, was the oldest inhabitant. To him was very properly conceded thle privilege of giving a name to the township. He selected the name of Arlington-, from a town of that name in Vermont, whence he had emigrated. Arlington is a fine agricultural district and is being rapidly brought into a good state of cultivation. The surface is undulating, some of the undulations coming not far short of big hills. The soil is of a rich sand nod _ I_ _ _ ____ _ _I_ _____ I_ _ _ _ I_ _ _ _ AND BUSINESS DIRECTORY. 179 clay loam, highly productive of the cereals and all crops grown in Western Michigan. In 1868, Mr. Hogmire grew seventy bushels of corn to the acre. But Arlington is perhaps most distinguished for its enormous growth of timber. None but those who have tried it can fully appreciate the herculean labor of transmuting those huge forests into productive farms. Trees of three, four and five feet in diameter are not at all uncommon. A black walnut grew on Sec. 17, in this township, to the enormous height of 140 feet, and measured at three feet above the ground, thirty-five feet and eight inches in circumference. The township is watered by Elizabeth Creek, and several smaller streams. Paw Paw River cuts off a portion of the south-east corner, the part thus cut off belonging to Lawrence. In the eastern part is a fine limestone quarry, which is believed to be the only one in the county. It is worked by Amentus Earle, Esq., who is producing large quanitities of excellent lime. The daily stage line from Decatur to South Haven runs through Arlington, giving the inhabitants a daily mail. Population, 1,700. Bloomingdale Township. On a bleak December day in the year 1837, Mallory II. Myers, with his mother, three brothers and two sisters, having penetrated the trackless forests of Van Buren county to a distance of seven miles from any inhabitant. halted, built a log heap, set it on fire, melted away the snow which was over a foot deep, extemporized a rude tent of poles, covered with quilts and blankets, and made their first night's lodging on the frozen earth. Their next work was to construct a house of logs, thirty feet by fourteen, with a single roof, covered with troughs, hewn out of trees and innocent of any floor or carpet whatever. Thus. in mid winter, commenced the first settlement of Bloomingdale, which at that time, together with Waverly, Pine Grove and Almena, constituted the township of Clinch. In 1842 Clinch was divided in the center---north and south-the western half receiving the name of Waverly. In 1845, the northernt half of Waverly wvas set off under the name of Bloomingdale. The pioneer family did not, however. dwell long in solitude. They were soon followed by Joseph Peck, Ashbel lIerron, Daniel G. Robinson, Henry Mower, Joseph Brotherton, IHarviland Thayer. Alanson Todd, Ira S. Frary, O. II. Newcomb and David Loveland. The first marriage in the township was that of James Scott, of Decatur, to Ruth A. Myers, in 1838. Their nuptials were celebrated at the house of Mallory II. Myers. The first death was that of William Brownal, in May, 1839. In December, 183), John Wesley Herron, son of Ashbel Ilerron, was born. This was the first birth in the townsh1ip. II I - -I LI- I ---^--~--~-~.----II 180 VAN BUREN COUNTY GAZETTEER The early interest of the inhabitants in education is shown in the fact that in less than a year from the first settlement, they had built a log school house, and supported a school for seven months with only seven pupils. Such devotion to the cause of education, in the midst of their toils and privations, is highly creditable to those veteran pioneers. This log school house in the forest was the nursery of piety as well as their education. In it was preached the first sermon in the township, by Noah D. Sweet, August 3, 1839. The prevailing forms of religious worship were Methodist and Free Will Baptist. The latter denomination have now a church in the vicinity, with a membership of 100. Elder W. H. H. Myers was pastor of this church for many years. He died in 1865. The Masonic and Good Templar fraternities are represented in the township. The following are some of the principal officers elected at the first township meeting: Supervisor, Mallory H. Myers-Town Clerk, Hiram T. Houghton-Treasurer, Ashbel Herron-Justices of the Peace, Wm. H. H. Myers, Ira S. Frary, Ashbel Herron. The surface of Bloomingdale is mostly level and the soil generally good for farming purposes. Some portions of the town are clayey, and others gravelly, but by far the greater portion is of a sandy loam. The timber is chiefly beech, maple, basswood, elm, ash, butternut, black walnut and white wood. The latter is very abundant. There are some pinelands and some timbered openings. The township is well watered by small streams and numerous lakes. It has two post offices-one at Bloomingdale Center, with a semi-weekly mail, and one at Goble's Corners, with a daily mail. It has three dry goods or general variety stores, seven mills and three blacksmith shops. It has also three physicians, three masons, four mill wrights, five carpenters and builders, one cooper, one surveyor and one lawyer. The present number of school districts is ten, and the average attendance of pupils, thirty-five. The present number of voters is three hundred, and the whole population about 1,500. Bloomingdale was well represented in the Union army during the late rebellion, and no less than nine of her sons yielded up their lives in the service of their country. It is meet that their names should be embalmed in the memory of a grateful people, and it is with pleasure that we record them in this brief history of the town they represented. Their names are as follows: Elijah Bush, N. Van Brunt, George Gay, G. F. Gault, Milton Drummond, Merrit Daniels, Charles Rheil, William W. Myers and J. Hudson. [NOTE.--The compilers acknowledge their indebtedness to M. H. Myers, Esq., for the statistics upon which the above sketch of Bloomingdale is based and regret that the limits to which they have confined their book, will not admit of using all the materials he has so generously placed at their disposal.] ~ ____1___ __11_1____1 1 AND BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Deerfield Township. Deerfield lies in the western part of Van Buren county, on Lake Michigan. Although belonging to the famous Michigan " Fruit Belt," no settler found his way to it until 1844. In that year, Benona Young made a settlement on section 15. Here he lived without a neighbor until 1852, when John Peters and Matthias Farnum came in. James Dobbin was added to the settlement in 1854, and Hiram Fish in 1855. These pioneers are now all living (1869), with the exception of Mr. Peters. In 1856, the township was organized, and the first town meeting resulted in the election of W. A. Dell, Supervisor, and Hiram Fish, Clerk. The plenitude of deer in the neighborhood suggested to Mr. Fish the propriety of calling the town Deerfield, which name was adopted by the Board of Supervisors. The first death in the township was that of George Farnum, son of Matthias Farnum; the first birth that of Marietta Young, and the first marriage that of Allen Fish to Jane Young in 1859. Deerfield is heavily timbered, and lumbering is the most important branch of industry at present. But fruit growing is destined to become the leading interest of the township. The soil is rich and sandy and produces in great abundance wheat, corn and potatoes. The surface is gently undulating, excepting near the lake shore, where it rises into abrupt and picturesque hills. Thunder mountain, on the coast, is a point of romantic interest and attracts many visitors. This wonderful pile rises in a regular slope from the lake to the height of 140 feet, and seems to have been thrown up by some natural convulsion. From its summit, the view of the lake and surrounding country is picturesque in the extreme. But while feasting his vision on the beauty of the sur:ounding prospect, the visitor's attention is arrested by hollow detonations and sounds as of distant artillery, and he feels himself transfixed with awe, as in the presence of the supernatural. These sounds are often, but not always, heard by visitors to this wonderful mountain. Their cause has never yet been ascertained. Besides Thunder mountain, Deerfield has several other curiosities. One is Bullhead lake, whose waters have hitherto proved unfathomable. Upon its shores, vestiges of Indian canoes are found, and its waters abound in fish. Another curiosity is an original beaver dam, in a good state of preservation. Deerfield has also its " deserted village.' St. Paul on the lake shore once boasted a population of seventy-five souls. Now, but a single inhabitant remains among its ruins to tell the tale of its former greatness. Its antiquity can hardly be regarded1 as fabulous as the antiquarian can only trace its existence back to 1857. I - I ~ - -I------------------- I- - 182 VAN BUREN COUNTY GAZETTEER The religious denominations represented in the township are the Methodists and Christians. Neither of them have a church edifice at present. Religious services are held in school houses. The Christians have a fine Sabbath school. The township is but sparsely settled as yet. It has but four school districts, and an entire population of only 600. Geneva Township. As early as 1.833, Clark Pierce settled on section thirty-one, in this township. In 1835, he was followed by Eri Eaton and Andrew Miner. The next settler was Philip Hoege, in 1848 or some thirteen years later. Next, Nathan Tubbs, in 1849, and Moses Welch, in 1850. Marvin Hannahs built the first frame house at a place in the township called Jericho, when he also located a tannery and other manufacturing establishments. The first birth in the township was that of Laura, daughter of Clark Pierce. The first death was that of Americus, son of Philip Hoege. The first wedding was a double one, celebrating the nuptials of Charles Eaton with Mary Eastman, and Orville Fellows with Jane Eastman. The Methodists were the first denomination to gain a foothold in the township. Religious services were first held at the private residence of Nathan Tubbs, in 1852. Up to 1854, Geneva was a part of the township of Columbia. In that year it was set off and organized, and the first town meeting resulted in the choice of Nathan Tubbs, Supervisor; Charles IIoege, Clerk, and P. M Brooks, Treasurer. Geneva is heavily timbered with beech, whitewood, ash and cherry, and in some parts with pine and hemlock. Its surface is generally level, but in the central part it is somewhat broken. It has a good soil for fruit and grain growing purposes, and is well watered by Black river and its tributaries. In 1862, Winban, Clark & Co., built their steam saw mill. The township now contains seven saw mills and one grist mill. It has also one tannery. one grocery and provision store, three blacksmith shops and two wagon shops. It has seven district schools, and several religious organizations. Nearly all the early settlers are now living, and the township is rapidly filling up with intelligent and enterprising citizens. During the last threeyears there has been an average influx of seventy settlers per year. Its present population is 1,500. Hamilton Township. IHamilton is described in the United States survey as township 4, south of range 15, west. It is one of the finest agricultural towns in Van Buren county, and is distinguished for the general thrift and prosperity of its farm I - AND BUSINESS DIRECTORY. 183 ers. The surface is slightly undulating, and is generally inclined to a level. The northern portion is heavily timbered-the central and southern portions are mostly oak openings. In the south-eastern part are several sections of low, unimproved lands. With this exception, the township is in a good state of cultivation. It has a rich and varied soil, partaking of the characteristics indicated by the timber in the different localities. There are no crops raised in western Michigan but what Hamilton produces in abundance. Like all the neighboring towns, it is well adapted to fruit growing. The northern part is watered by a branch of the Paw Paw river, on which the flouring and saw mills of Robert Nesbit are located. The south-eastern part is watered by a branch of Dowagiac creek, which rises in Lake of the Woods, a beautiful sheet of water about one and a half miles in diameter, lying between Hamilton and Decatur. The township also contains several smaller lakes or lakelets, the most important of which are School-lot lake, Knickerbocker Pine and Foster. The old Territorial road from Detroit to St. Joseph, Iuilt more than forty years ago, passes through Hamilton. Upon this road the first settlers located as early as 1832. Zebina Stearns located on section 17; Lewis Johnson ion section 16, and Pihilotus Hayden on section 16. In 1834, Aaron Barney located on section 30; Reason Comley on section 28, and Robert Nesbit on section 4. Soon after Calvin Fields and James Brooks located on section 33. In 1836, James Lombard located on section 15. Robert Nesbit built the first saw mill, in 1834. He also built the first grist mill, in 1856. The first. school was opened near what is now known as Brown's tavern, in 1837, with twenty pupils. Hamilton and Keeler were originally organized under the name of Covington, about the year 1837. In 1889 they were divided into separate townships. The first town meeting in Hamilton. vwat held at the house of Henry Coleman, who then kept what is now known as Brown's tavern. Of the above named early setflers, Lewis Johnson, Reason Comley, Robert Nesbitt, Calvin Fields, Jatnes Brooks anl James Lombard still survive Aaron Barney died about 1857. Philotus Rlayden was a man of large means and extended influence. During the late civil war, he distinguisled himself by his active patriotism and lively sympathy with the cause of his country. As a politician, his in fluence was felt in the politics of the State. As a neighbor, he was noted for his kindness of heart, and active benevolence, "nJl when he lied in 1866, he carried with hiim the benedictions of the poor. Pine Grove Township. This township derives its name from the extensive pine forests it contains. It is a heavily timbered region; pine, oak, beech and maple predominatitig. Whitewood, walnut, ash and cherry are distributed sparingly. I 184 VAN BUREN COUNTY GAZETTEER The surface is rather broken, the soil of a sandy loam, and adapted to the production of grain and fruit. It is well watered by numerous small lakes. Pine Grove was first settled in 1841, by Jerome Thresher and John Hawks. on section twenty-one. D. C. Lockman came in in 1842, and S. N. White in 1843. About 1845, Henry Veley located on section four. Henry Van Tassel, Harvey M. Babbitt and John Southard were among the next comers. In 1848, the township was organized. The first town meeting at which 23 votes were polled, resulted in the choice of C. M. Morrill. Supervisor; D. C. Lockman, town clerk, and Smith Dyckman, treasurer. The first school house was built in 1845, on section eighteen. Judge Dyckman and C. M. Morrill built the first steam saw mill, in 1847. The township has now one water and six steam saw mills, one steam shingle mill, and one extensive stave factory. The staple product is lumber, and will be for some time to come; but Pine Grove will ultimately take rank among the agricultural towns of the state. It has a population of 800. Porter Township. The township of Porter is situated in the south eastern corner of Van Buren county, and is bounded on the east by Prairie township, Kalamazoo Co., and south by Marcellas, Cass Co. It was originally heavily timbered with oak, beech, elm, basswood &c. It has a rich, sandy soil, and is perhaps excelled by no township in Van Buren county, in the production of cereals and grasses. It is watered almost wholly by small lakes with which it is most abundantly supplied. Scarcely a farm but has one or more of them. The larger and more important of them are named Banksons, Huzzys, Grass, Cedar and Gravel. Porter was set off from Decatur, and became an independent township in 1845. In 1830, Abner Mack made the first settlement. His house was then the only one between the two prairies. The next settler was Elijah Kinney. In the immediate neighborhood of Mr. Kinney, was at that time an Indian village, containing a population of about one hundred souls. With these Indians, Mr. Kinney always lived on the most friendly terms, and exercised over them an influence for good-settling their little disputes and differences. The white population soon began to increase. Among the early settlers the names of Elizabeth Gibson, a widow; Benjamin Reynolds, Stephen Kinney, Roderic Bell, Daniel Alexander and Matthew Lewis stand conspicuous. The township now contains one house of religious worship, built recently by the Methodist denomination. It has ten school districts, and an average number of fifty pupils to each, and an entire population of 1,500. [To Orsamus Williams, Esq., the compilers would respectfully tender their thanks for the basis of the foregoing sketch.] AND BUSINESS DIRECTORY. 185 Waverly Township. Waverly is one of the four townships that originally constituted the town of Clinch. It was first settled in 1837. by Reuben J. Myers and Merlin M. Myers, of the same family of Mallory H. Myers, the first settler of Bloomingdale. Loring Hulbert and Benj. Fink settled in the township in 1838, and William Murch, Isaac Brown, Amon Cary and Rezin Bell, in 1839. Leonard Lull, Phil@ Herron, --. Taylor, Almon B. Cary, Daniel Kelyea, Joseph Cox, Isaac Spaulding, J. C. Armstrong, Ebenezer Armstrong, Jonah Austin and John Scott were among the early settlers. The first marriage in Waverly, was that of William Murch to Sarah 0. Myers, in 1840. The first birth, that of John D., son of Isaac Brown, in 1839. The first death was that of a son of Rezin Bell, aged six years, in the spring of 1840. In 1842, Clinch was divided into Almena and Waverly, and early in the year 1845, Bloomingdale was set off from Waverly. The first town meeting held in and for the township of Waverly as it now stands, was on the 7th of April, 1845. The number of votes cast, was thirteen, and the following were some of the principal officers chosen, viz: Supervisor, R. J. Myers; clerk, Elisha Marple; Treasurer, Rezin Bell. The first frame house built in town was that of J. C. Armstrong, in 1846. The surface of Waverly is somewhat diversified, but is generally level. About three sections in the south east corner, consists of oak openings with sandy soil. West of this along the south line, the lands are swampy and timbered with black ash, elm, beech, maple etc., with some white cedar and pine. North of this there is a large whortleberry marsh, covering nearly three sections. The balance of the township is good farming land, heavily timbered with beech, maple. whitewood, black walnut, etc. A considerable portion of the township is under good cultivation. The soil is best adapted to the production of cereals, wheat being the staple. The township is well watered by the Paw Paw river and its tributaries, the big and little Bran. dywine, and by small lakes which, like nearly all Michigan towns, it has in abundance. The streams are not sufficiently rapid to furnish water power, but the township contains several steam mills. Waverly has two post oflices, one in the eastern part of the township, called Waverly, with a tri-weekly mail, J. E. Showermnan, P. M.; and one near the center of the township, called Glendale, with a semi-weekly mail, -. Lane, P. M. Notwithstanding it has no village, the township is tolerably well supplied with mechanics, artisans and tradesmen. The Free-will Baptists and Methodists are the leading religious denominations represented in the township. Waverly has a population of fifteen hundred, and three hundred and fifteen voters. L 186 VAN BUREN COUNTY GAZETTEER LA 1& D- OW WTE RS' - AND------ FARMERS' DIRECTORY, - FOR - VAN BUIREN COUNTY. A Abbey Eli W., land owner, see 7 Lawrence. Abbey Elisha, land owner, sec 2 Antwerp. Abbey E. P., land owner, sec 7 Lawrence. Abbey Geo., land owner, sec 35 Almena. Abbey Geo. W., Antwerp. Abbey Porter, farmer, Hartford. Abbott A. M., land owner, see 8 Hamilton. Abbott Chauncey H., land owner, sec 23 Almena. Abbott Daniel, land owner, see 30 and 31 Paw Paw. Abbott Darius A., land owner, see 12 Keeler. Abbott DeLos, farmer, Hamilton. Abbott Goram 0., land owner, sec 1 and 12 Keeler. Abbott J. D., farmer, Almena. Abbott James H., land owner and mason, sec 22 and 23 Geneva. Abbott John, land owner, see 4 Bangor. Abbott Ozem, farmer, Keeler. Abbott S. S., land owner, see 6 Hamilton. Abbott J, Wesley, land owner, see 1 Keeler. Abbott Win.. land owner, see 20 Waverly. Abernathy John W., firmer, Columbia. Abernanthv S. L., land owner, sec 8 Waverly. Able Daniel, land owner, see 19 Hartford. Abrams Daniel W., land owner, see 17 Paw Paw. Abrams James E., land owner, sec 20 Paw Paw. Abrams John, Jr., land owner, sec 18 Paw Paw. Abrams John, land owner, see 8 Paw Paw. Ackerman John, land owner, sec 23 Almena. Acker Chas. WI., farmer, Hartford. Ackley E. N., farmer, Waverly. Ackley Enoch W., Antwerp. Ackler Enoch M., farmer, Waverly. Ackley D., land owner, see 30 Columbia. AND BUSINESS [A] DIRECTORY. 181 Buy Your Groceries and Provisions of Higgins & Squier, Decatur, Michigan. Ackley Levi, farmer, Bangor. Ackley Whitifield farmer, Columbia. Ackley Wm. N., Antwerp. Adams A. A., land owner, sec 19 Hamilton. Adams Angeline, land owner, see 31 Bangor. Adams Baxter, farmer, Hamilton. Adams Chas. 0. A, South Haven. Adams Chester, farmer Hamilton. Adams E. E., land owner, see 32 Hamilton. Adams F. E., lumberman and saw mill, see 8 Pine Grove. Adams G. H., land owner, sec 31 Hamilton. Adams Geo. H., farmer, Hartford. Adams Homer, land owner, sec 20 Arlington. Adams John, land owner, see 2 Hamilton. Adams M. C, miller, Almena. Adams M. L., Antwerp. Adams N. H., land owner. sec 20 and 33 Calumbia. Adams Oscar A., South Haven. Adams Oscar A., land owner, sec 24 Keeler. Adams Prescott J., farmer. Keeler. Adams Royal H., farmer, Hamilton. Adams Thos, land owner, see 33 Decatur. Adams Wm., farmer, Decatur. Adams F. B., land owner, sec 13 and 14 Porter. Adams Uri, land owner, sec 24 and 25 Porter. Adkins Geo. A., land owner, sec 34 Porter. Adriance John, land owner, sec 11 Waverlv. Adsit Richard F., farmer, Pine Grove. Ndsit Roger, land owner, see 1 Pine Grove. Albright Hen ry, atrmer, Bangor. Albro Asa, land owner, see 10 South Haven. Alden James M., physician (Bear Lake) Columbia. Alden Jason, land owner, sec 20 Lawrence. Alden Lucius, land owner, sec 19 Lawrence. Aldrich Edwin, land owner. sec 23 Pine Grove. Aldrich Elias J1.. land owner, see 34 Pine Grove. Aldrich Oliver F., land owner, see 23 Pine Grove. ANd rich Stephen, farmer, Paw Paw. Alexander A., farmer. Keeler. Alexander A. F,, land owner, sec 2 Antwerp. Alt(er 0. M., l;tnd owner, see 3 Waverly. Alkenbcrg E. B., land owner, see 10 Pine ( rove. Alexander Daniel S., farmer, Porter. Alexander Margaret, land owner, sec 20, 29 and 30, Porter. Alexander Thoma-, land owner, sec 20 and 29 Porter. 188 VAN BUREN COU[~]INTY GAZETTEER Buy Your Crockery and Glassware of Higgins & Squier, Decatur, Michigan. Allen John, land owner, sec 10 Porter. Allen Lemuel H., farmer, Porter. Allen Amos S., land owner, sec 29 Bloomingdale. Allen Amos S., farmer, Waverly. Allen Cassius M., farmer, Bloomingdale. Allen C. F., land owner, se- 1 Paw Paw. Allen David P., land owner, sees 20 and 21 Arlington. Allen Edward R., Antwerp. Allen Edwin, farmer, Lawrence. Allen Erastus V., land owner, sec 30 Keeler. Allen Foster, farmer, Bloomingdale. Allen Geo. W., farmer, Lawrence. Allen Henry, farmer, Arlington. Allerton A. J., farmer, Hartford. Allerton Hiram, land owner, sec 8 Keeler. Allen Howard S., land owner, sec 13 Lawrence. Allen Ira W., land owner, sec 8, 16 and 21 Hartford. Allen James H., farmer, Keeler. Allen John, land owner, sec 24 Bloomingdale. Allen John H., farmer, Decatur. Allen Joseph J., land owner sec 15 Bloomingdale. Allen Mary C., land owner, sec 10 Hartford. Allen O. A., South Haven. Allen Reuben, land owner, sec 2 Waverly. Allen Sherwood D., farmer, Keeler. Allen S. P., land owner, sec 2 Waverly. Allen Truman, land owner, sec 2 Waverly. Allen Wallace, land owner, see 22 Lawrence. Allen Win. W., land owner, sec 14 Lawrence. Allerton A. J., land owner, sec 8 Keeler. Allgirs Lyman, land owner, sec 3 Geneva. Altman Lewis, land owner, sec 8 Bangor. Ambler Wmin.., farmer. Hartford. Ames Albert, farmer, Pine Grove. Ames Almerin D., farmer, Hamilton. Ames Chauncey, farmer, Hamilton. Ames Charles, land owner, sec 17 Hamilton. Ames Geo., land owner, sec 8 Hamilton. Ames I. B., land owner, sec 9 Hamilton. Ames Roswell, land owner. sec 17 Hamilton. Amic Geo.. land owner, see 22 Columbia. Amic James, land owner, sec 22 Columbia. Amphy Isaac, land owner, sec 2 Bloomingdale. Ampry Geo. W., land owner, see 27 Lawrence. Anderson A. B.. land owner, sec 24 Decatur. Anderson David, general store and saw mill, Bear Lake, Columbia. AND BTUSINESS [_, DIRECTORY. 189 Watches, Clocks and Jewelry promptly repaired by E. L. Ihawks Decatur. Anderson 1David, land owner, sec 24 Columbia. Anderson 1). f, tariner, Paw Paw. Anderson 1. II., physician and land owner, see 24 and 13 Columbia. Andeison lalon taruier, Keeler. \ndersin Fabius, hfomer. Keeler. Anderson(4 or01 (hrumerZ Waverly. Anderson Legrand, hlind owner, see 3 )Decatur. Anderssn L. '.. land owner, see 36 Decatur. A nderson Sophia. land owner, see 2-, 1Decatur. A nderson Sanniel, tl ier, Arlifjton. A ndersoi 'ElnThos.,Iand owme*, see 35 I eerfbhld. Andersoni Wni., thmmaer, Ieeatur. Anderson Williamii. hind owner. see 11 Keeler. Anderson Wiml., hi iii owner, see 10 Arlimintomi A nderson i liinin AnLtwrp. Anlerson elmnai la., hnd owner, see 30 P iter. Anderson 1 1.T.. hnd owner, see 15 Porter. A oderson Samuel W., farnier, Porter. Amidersoii Win. land owner. see 7 Porter. A idrews ChamlAs V., hfarnr. see 9 11artford Andrews John, land iowier, see 9 Hartford. Andrews Justin W.. AV hnd owner. ee IS Lawrence. A nmlrews Marm. tih iand owner, see 26 'Paw Paw. Anodrews Sa miinel. land )W ir, see 8 I(rtfcrd A ndruss -, land ownir. see 13 Deeatur. Adiiss. Al, U., firmner, see 24 1ecatur. AiidId I-uss I. F1'. idi ormr, see18 )Deeatutr A ni dtius E. L., hind owner, see 1- South IIHaven. Vncus E.. land owner. see 26 and 27 Waverly. ANNABEL, F. C., land owner. see 26 Almena. Anmiibel1 Wam men H.. Antwerpi nsuim William. h11l owmier, sie 28 Iainilton. Nustis ~Jamnes I tarimici. lPorter. Anstis iJ()S1ph P.. hiiner. ortem. A rbour I 1)..himrner. Kei hr. AmerIier Jeffersomi. iiald wur. see 14 and 231 uth Haven. Archibald Nichlhis, A mitwerp. Arnmstrong lI. Iland owiir. see 13 Bloomingdale. Armistrong- J. 'C., laiid owmer, sees 142 and 13 Waverlv. Armnstrong 4Joseph S., ftmier, Waverlv. Armstrong Ml. 1L.. hfr1er. Waverly. A rmistroig N. V. hlnd owner, sec, 13 Waverly. A rimistromig iMrs. P. L, laid owner. see 15 W)aveerly. Arimstrong MIrs.:1. S., laid owner, see 33 Antwerp. Armistronmg Samn uel I.1 lhrmner, Porter. Arndt Frank, land owner. see 17 Keeler. ----- -I I '- -I 190 VAN BUREN COU.]NTY GAZETTEER E. L. Hawks, Agent for the Howe Sowing Machine, Decatur. Arner Emily. land owner, sec 21 Keeler. Arner Winm. J., farmer, Keeler. Arnold Chas. M., Antwerp. Arnold James F., Paw Paw. Arnolds John S., land owner, sec 31, Lawrence. Arnold Newman, land owner, sec 13, Bangor. Arnold S. V., land owner, see 7 Bangor. Arso Samunnel, farmer. Bangor. Ash William, land owner, sec 33 Pine Grove. Ashley Adelbert, farmer, Lawrence. Ashley Ed. E., land owner, sec 2, Paw Paw. Ashley Horace, land owner, see 19 Lawrence. Ashman John, land owner, sec 16 Keeler. Ashley Mrs., land owner, sec 10 Hamilton. Ashley Sterling, Decatur. Ashtaby Francis, land owner, sec 6 Hartford. Ashworth Solomon, land owner, sec 33 Arlington. Atmore Matthew, land owner, sec 8 Pine Grove. Atwell Jason, land owner, sec 4 Porter. Atwell Nathaniel, farmer, Porter. Austin A. J., land owner, see 24 Waverly. Austin Arthur, Antwerp. Austin Charles, land owner, see 23 Keeler. Austin D. F., land owner, see 14 Waverly. Austin Frank, Antwerp. Austin G. I)., land owner, see 23 Waverly. Austin Irwin T., Antwerp. Austin Isaac, farmer, Hartford. Austin Jasper, farmer, Waverly. Austin Jonah, land owner, sec 24 Waverly. Austin Merlin, land owner, see 27 Antwerp. Austin Nathaniel, farmer, Bloomingdale. Austin Nicholas, Antwerp. Austin Pollard, land owner, see 24 Bloomingdale. Austin S. S., land owner, see 30 Bloomingdale. Austin Silas, Antwerp. Austin William A., Antwerp. Austin W. P., land owner, see 13 Bangor. Anuton Marvin, land owner, see 19 Waverly. Avery Richardson, land owner, see 26 Paw Paw. Ayers J. R., land owner, see 12 Antwerp. Aylward Edward, farmer, Porter. Im AND BUSINESS []3] DIRECTORY. 191 Higgins & Squier Sell Groceries and Provisions Cheap for Cash, Decatur. B Babbitt I. 31., land owner, sec 6 Pine Grove. Babcock Chas. B.. land owner, sec 19 Arlington. Babcock Ethan, farmer. Almena. Babcock Henry B., land owner, sec 7 and 16 Keeler. Babcock J. Wilson, land owner, sec 21 and 28 Keeler. Bachman Isaac, South lHaven. Bacon Thomas, Antwerp. Bacon Win.. South Haven. Bailey Charles, farmer, Keeler. Bailey Freeman, land owner, sec 24 Antwerp. Bailey Henry, Antwerp. Bailey L, H., land owner, sec 11 South Haven, Bailey Samuel, farmer, Paw Paw. Bailiff Silas, fhrmer, Lawrence Railey William, farmer, Paw Paw. Baird Asa W., land owner, sec 16 Hartford. Baird Edward J., farmer, Bloomingdale. Baird Josiah I)., farmer, Bloomingdale. Baird Sarah, land owner, sec 16 Hartford. Baird Wmi. H., land owner. see 14 Hartford. Baker Abraham, shoemaker, sec 28 Geneva. Baker Anderson. Antwerp. Baker Andrus, Antwerp. Baker Andrew, land owner, sec 20 Almena. Baker B. F., farmer. Waverly. Baker Casson, farmer, Hamilton. Baker Chauncey, land owner, sec 36 Antwerp. Baker Chas. E, firmer, Paw Paw. Baker Charles M., Antwerp. Baker Charles W., Antwerp. Baker Charles W., farmer, Waverly. Baker Clark, farmer, Keeler. Baker David, South tHaven. Baker 1). G., fArmer, ceneva. Baker H. S., farmer, Waverly. Baker Henry C., farmer, Decatur. Baker Henry, land owner, sec 3 Bangor. Baker Hiram & John, land owners, sec 2, 10, 13, 14. 23 and 24 Keeler. Baker Jacob, farmer, Bangor. Baker John R., land owner, see 22 Paw Paw. Baker John Sen., firmer, Waverly. Baker Joseph, Antwerp. _ _1 __ 192 VAN BUREN COU[13]NTY GAZETTEER Buy your Flour, Feed and Salt of Higgins d& Squier, Deeatur. Raker Levi, farmer, Arlington. Baker Lucius, land owner, sec 29 Antwerp. Baker Matthew, farmer, D)ecatur. Baker Milo I., Antwerp. Baker A., land owner, sec 5 Geneva. Baker Nathan, firmuer., Decatur. Baker Orson M., land owner, sec 16 Bangor. Baker Robert, farmer Decatur. 1Baker Robert, land owner, see 11 and 28 Columbia. Baker Richard, land owner, see 25 Antwerp. Baker & Richards, land owners, see 14, 15 and 11, Lawrence. IBaker Svlvannrus, farrner, Wavorlv. lBaker Sylvester. land owner, se 6, Aluiena. Baker Samuel 1., land owner, see 27 Geneva. Baker Stephen, land owner, see 12, Columbia. Baker Chauncey, lnd owner, sec 1 Porter. IBaker Charles At., land owner, sec 1 Porter. Balch John, land owner, see 25 Porter. Balch Luther C., land owner, sec 2 Porter. Banks Frank.P., farmer, Porter. Banks Jacob F., farmnler, Porter. IBanks W illiam S., land owner, sec 30 and 19 Porter. Baneroft L., land owner, see 4 HIartfhrd. Baneroft RIufus W., t.frmer, Lawrence. Rancroft I. W., land owner, see 22 Arlington. Bancroft Samuel W., land owner, see 20 Arlington. Bane Nicholas, land owner, sec 36 G(-eneva. B Ine Phillip, land owner, sec 34 (eneva. IBanemshire Ernst, land owner, see 31 Lawrence. Bangs Joshua, land owner, see 7. 16 and 17 Antwerp. Blangs,J.., land owner, see 5 Antwerp. Bangs N. Ii., land owner, see 5 Antwerp. Banker William, frner, me Waverly. Banks Jacob, land owner, see 25 1D)ecatur. Banks Smith, land owner, sec 35 Lawrence. Banks Thomats F., faroner, Decatur. Banta John, land owner, see 21c 1 ( olumbia. Baldwiu E. B., land owner, see 8 Antwerp. Baldwin Henry, land owner, sec 1 13Bloomingd ale. Baldwin J., land owner, sce 13 1)ecatur. Baldwin Moses. land owner. see 6 andl 7 Hlartf'rd. Baldwin N. 1.1, Antwerp. 1Baldwin Norman, fhrmer, Paw Paw. Baldwin S. II., land owner, sec 20 Pine ( rove. Baldwin W, II., firmer, 1)eeatur. Bale James, land owner, sec 3 and 10 Antwerp. - I -I II II 193 AND BUSINESS [13] DIRECTORY. Ball John, mason and land owner, see 21 Geneva. Balfey Henry E., Antwerp. IBalfour Hnarrison, Ila1nd owner, see 23 Banger. Balfour John, land owner, sec 16 Bang'or. BaIllard Janmes F.. fhtrner, Paw Plaw. IBanmblin Lewis liand owner, see 25 Hartford. |Barber Arthur, farmer, Columnbia. |Barber A. E., land owner, see 20, 31 and 33 (dolumbia. IBarber B., land owner, sec 16 Bloomingdale. 1,arber J J.. hrmer, Pine ( rove. 1Barber Jesse. land o )wner, se.(: 33 Co(lumbia. Barber Zethro, farmer, Columubia. SBarber John, land owner. see 12 Decatur. Barber L. A., lanId owner, see 16 Blooinfgda le. SBarber:Moses A.. firmer. Bloomningdale. Barber Naniiv, lind owner, see 1 B11oominodale. Barden John W, ftrmer, Biangvr. BIarden Stephen, thrmer, Almena 1 Barden Valenutiiine. trlinler, Bangor. Barker 1B. IF.. laind owner, see 5 Waverly. Barker 1). (G,. lanl owner, see 23 HaImilton. Barker lGeorge 11., land owner, sec 22 Deerfield. Barker Henry. groceries, sec 31 Bloolmingdale. lBarker.John i, land owner, see 2; and 23 Lawrence. Ba)rker er. J., frmer, Genieva. lBaIher.1John, laind owner, see 7 Porter. Blartlett Philander, liand owniter, see 25 1P orter. Barker tCharles IH., tarmer Porter. Barker John. land owner, see 9. 16 and 17 Porter. lBarker John Pt., land owner, see 29 lPorter. Biar ker Joseph, land.iowner, see 9 Portier. 1B:arker ()sear J., l.armer. Porter.! Iarker IPeter, ter. Poter. BI arker Tho'ints, farmer, Porter. I Barker Thonias. lind owner. see 9 Porter. Barker Wesley T., land owner, see 19 Porter IBarker William, land owner, see 20 and 21 Porter. Barrel James, land owner, see 3"1 Porter. Bartlett Samuel, land owner. see 25 Porter. I arnhart Henry, tfarnr, lGeneva. Barntnrd John W.. land owner, see 12 Columbia. IBarnard John, land owner. see 1 Lawrence. ]Barnes Anson W., land owner. sec 5 Lawrence. Barnes G I, land owner, see 4 Lawrence. jBarnes H enry W., South H aven. I 1rnes James, fiar nier. Altmena I arnes,James, South Haven. Barnes.James. Columbia. _ ~_ _____~,, ~ ~_, _~ _ _~_~_,,_ _, _ _ 194 VAN BUREN COU[iI NTY GAZETTEER Barnes Mlouroe, land owner, sec 16 South Haven. Barnes Truman S., land owner, sec 2 Geneva. Barnes William Mi., land owner, sec 32 Arlington. Barnes Warren, Antwerp. Barney A. M1., land owner, sec 30 Hamilton. Barney Ira L.. land owner, see 4 Bloomingdale. Barney James P., land owner, sec 12 Antwerp. Barney Nelson. land owner, see 20 Hamilton. Barnum Abigaii, land owner, sec 13 Hamilton. Barnum Edwin, land owner, sec 15 and 35 Paw Paw. Barnum EDias, land owner, sec 1 Hamilton. 1)Barnum John, land owner, see 1. HIamilton. Barnum John jr., land owner, see 11 iHamilton. Baruum John F.. land owner, sec 8 Lawrence. Barnum Orville., tfarmer, Arlington. Barnum W. -I., land owner, sec 13 )Hamilton. Barrett A. S., land owner, see 7 Pine (Grove. Barrett Charles., farnor, P.ine Grove. B-arrett C. W., land owner, sec 28 D)ecatur. Barrett E. L., land owner, see 36 Paw Paw. Barrett Patrick, land owner, see 31 Hartford. Barrett Simnion T.. Antwerp. Barrows Luther F., land owner, see 30 Lawri-nce. Barrow Joseph, fatrmer, Columbia. Bartholomew E., land owner, sec 10 and 15 I1am ilton., Bartholomew 0,, land owner. see 15 iiamilton. Bartlett James, faruier, Columbia. Bartlett Valentine, land owner, sec 4 Bangor. Bartly Francis, land owner, sec 11 )Deerfield. Bartlv Robert, land owner, see 23 D1eerfield. IBarton Carleton, land owner, sec 1 Pine Grove, Barton E., land owner, sec 1 Pine Gr ove. Barton Jesse, land owner, see 7 Almnena. Barton M. J., land owner, see 13 Hlanilton. Barton Williamn, land owner, see 7 Almena. Bartrand Joseph., land owner, see 4 Hartford. 1Bartrow John, land( owner, sec 4 Hartford. B'ashford C IP., blackstiith, Dfecatur. Bass Frank E., Antwerp. SBass Stephen, land owner, see 18 Keeler. Bass S, P., land owner, sec 22 Lawrence. Bass William W., farmer, Lawrence. Bassett G. S., land owner, see 21 )Decatni Bassin Bear, farmer. Hlartford. Bassett J1ames, fmer, P.Iorter. Bates Isaac, hlrine r, IPorter. Bates James L., farmer, Porter. Bates SolomIon, lhand owner, sec 11 Porter. - -- -- ~-- ~- C~`- - I I - '- - - 195 AND BUSINESS [131 DIRECTORY. Bauohiian Johnathan, land owner, sec 33 Porter. Bateman,William, farmer, HIamilton. Iatcs Edmund F., thrmer, G(nevrr. Bates Janmes. fariner, (Geneva. I ates Natha nt, hriner. Jo)eerfield. SBathricik J. 1., a1d11 ownrer, seS' 8 \Antwerp. Batise PIeter. fhrmemr, Iraigoir. IBaughirnan Addison. firmier, (Geneva. Liauhniian (. land owner, see 25 Bloominiigdoale. Baioriman Ednund, land odowner, sec 29 Bloomin dale. Bainuhnman H omuer., Llind( owner. see 29 Bloomingdale. Siaun hnr an W., frinmer ( neva. B ixter Alex., land owner, see 4)7 Pine (1rove. Baxter Paniel, fthrner, Bloomingidale. Baxter Edward. land owner, sec:34 Pine b rove. BIaxter1 E F., land owner. see 32) H1anilton. RBaxter James,. land owner see *30 Bloominodale. Baxter J. WA., land owner, see 21 and 28 Haimilton. Baxter John W., lanrd owner, sec 28 Bloomrinydaile. IBaxter Jh)I, ri. land ownter, see 7 and 28 HIaimilton. Baxter LA A., Vland owner, see 2 Ha11milton. -IhxtehOrIrlando S., tliner, 11arilton. b]Iaxt(r Wnillin ltnrd ownrrer, see 4 W'averlv. 1)ax ter XXWilliam X.. tirmer I-(ine yc. BiRlor IPatrick HI.,firmer, Km Iler. b xlor Peter, l;iri owner, cS K 8 KoIler. Beach Amos, (Bear Like ) Columbia.i 1Beac(,IiJ John, (Bear Lake) Columbia. Beach- Peter. (e1Br L ike) ( Columbia. I )ea, (c I Titbias, ur rid owner, see 1 Barrnor. Beais Alplhcs J., land owner. ste 18 looriingdale. Beals I W., laid owner. see 83 Lawrence iBeaman Helr. land owner, sec 19 IIartfhrd. IBeariara John T'.. harmld owner. see 9 Bloormiringdale. B1e) IIiJohn larrirer, Paw Paw. Beiar Pettr. ltarrier, Bangor. Beirdslev I)ewitt C.. arirer, Lawrence. ari.shVy A: Iaid utowier, see 216 1Bloominrgdale. Bc~irdsl cr i eardshcy.Jonatrhairin \ ritwvrtp.i Br'i)iele XXWilliajr I It, ri( rI )tor, Bloomintgd1ale. Bertlv tit trriicr (f, enevar. lBeittic Hlenrr, land ownerci se (6 Deeatur. 'Beattie Henryi, land owner, si c 11 lHamilton. Beattie John. hind owner. see 97 11artford. Beaich Albert, farran IPorter. Beach (CIha rles H1.. tarrrner. Porter. IBeachi,Jamnics, lthrriIrc, Porter. Beach Sperncer, land owner, sece 17 and 19 Porter. -- - - -- ---- I --~I - -- I C--~ll - I 10g0 VAN BUREN COU[L3]NTY GAZETTEER J. S. DOWD & Co., General Dealers in Groceries, Crockery, Glassware, &c., Decatur. Beach William, land owner. sec III lPorter. Bear -, farmer, Bangor. Becker A. J., farmer, Pine Grove. Becker J. T., land owner, see 11 (olumbia. Becker M. N., land owner, see 15 Pine Grove. Becker Samuel, land owner, sec 12 Pine Grove. Becker Stephen, land owner, see 13 Almena. Becker Sylvester, farmer, Pinee trove. Beckett Hiram, land owner, sec 9 Keeler. Beckett Nelson MN., land owner, see 5 and 9 Keeler. Beckwith Addison, flfrmer. Bangor. eckwith A.ddison., land owner, sec 22 Hartford. Beckwith Benjamin F., farmer, Bangor. Beckwith Smith S., fhrmer, Bangor. Beddo John, land owner, see 36 Bloomningdale. Bedell Nathaniel, land owner, see 23 Antwerp. Bedortha Bennett S., farmer, Decatur. Beebe AMl F., land owner,,ee 3 Antwerp. Beedle Eli, land owner, see 5 Pine Grove. Beedle James Mi., ftruler, Waverly. Beelis S. L.. ftrmer, iiartfbrd. Beebe Erander, land owner, sec 11 Porter. Beebe William A, land owner, see 1 Porter. Behnart Andrew, Iand owner, see 20 Ariington. Behnart Frederick, farner. Arlington. Belden George, land owner, sec 21 Columbia. Belden George VW., South Haven. Beldent Tam's J., Antwerp. Belden William I1., South 11 ayVen. Belden Jane, hland owner, see 2G Blooninidale. Bellf Hiram, land owner, see S An twerp. Bell -, land owner, see 22 Bloomingdale. Bell Eli, land owner, see 8 Bloomingdale. Bell Dwight. Lawrence. Bell Henry J., farner, Bloomingdale. B eIlIl lorace D., 'trm!o, I)Decatur. Bell James. land owner, see 4 Waverly. Bell Wa rren, lfriner. hlooniingdale. Bell William E., th rmner, Bloomingdale. Bellis Alvah. land owner, see 36 Lawrence. Bellis Erastus B., land owner, see 35 Lawrence. Bellis Jonathan, land owner, see 26) and 27 Lawrence. Bellville Henry, trmer, IBloominimmdalo. Boemis A. II., land owner, see Pine (9 rove. Benedict Nathan, aind owner, see 24 Lawrence. i AND BUSINESS [B] DIRECTORY. 197 Bengman Brown, farmer, Columbia. Benham George, land owner, sec 24 South Haven. Bennett Archibald, land owner, see 6 Almena. Bennett Bro's., saw mill property, see 2 Geneva. Bennett ID. C., blacksmith and land owner, sec 2 Geneva. Bennett Enri, land owner, sec 6 and 7 Lawrence. Bennett E. F., farmer, Geneva, Bennett George, land owner, sec 18 Decatur. Bennett G. B., farmer, Geneva. Bennett George H., carpenter, sec 15 Waverly, Bennett Hiram, farmer, Arlin'ton. Bennett Hiram, land owner, sec 9 Bangor. Bennett James land owner, see 1 Paw Paw. Bennett James, farmer, Waverly. Bennett John, land owner, sec 30 Hamilton. Bennett John, miller and land owner, sec 10 Waverly. Bennett Judson H., farmer, Almena. Bennett Richard, farmer., Hartford. Bennett Richard, land owner, see 33 Keeler. Bennett William, farmer, Waverly. Bennington M., land owner, sec 10 Bloomingdale. Benson Edgar, farmer, Geneva. Benson N, S., land owner, sec 15 Antwerp. Bentley David M., land owner, see 34 Lawrence. Benton Elias, Lawrence. Benton Sylvester, land owner, see 2 Antwerp. Benton T. C., land owner, see 2, 3 and 11 Antwerp. Benwill Peter, Antwerp. Beny Alexander, farmer, Hartford. Beny James, land owner, see 21 Hartford. Bentley Lorenzo, land owner, sec 12 Porter. Bentley Lorenzo 1., farmer, Porter. Bentley Solomon, land owner, sec 1 Porter. Bently Thomas, land owner, see 1 Porter. Berge Henry, farmer, JBangor. Berry John, land owner, see 10 South Haven. Berry William, farmer, Decatur. Bertu Henry, land owner, see 6 Bangor. Berzee Albert, land owner, sec 14 Columbia. Berzee Julius B., farmer, Hartford. Bessly L. F., land owner, sec 21 Columbia. Betts George F., land owner, sec 36 Lawrence. Bessley Albert E., farmer, Columbia. Betts G. F., land owner, see 21 Antwerp. Betts Jerry, farmer, Antwerp. Bewley Alonzo P., farmer, Columbia. Bewley G. W., farmer, Waverly. Bewley Jonathan, farmer, Columbia. __ 198 VAN BUREN COU[B]NTY GAZETTEER Money Savedk by Buying Crockery and Glassware of J. S. Dowd & Co., Decatur. Bewley George, land owner, sec26 Columbia. Bewley F. P., land owner, sec 27 Columbia. Bicket Hiram, farmer, Keeler. Biddle -., farmer, Columbia. Bidlack George XW., land owner, sec 23 Waveryv. Bidell E. K., land owner, sec 14 Antwerp. Bidlack L., land owner, sec 22 Hamilton. Bidwell William L., land owner, see 16 Lawrence. Bidwell George, Columbia. Bidwell H. E.. land owner, see 9, 10 and 16 South Haven. Bilby Robert, farmer, Lawrence. Bilbv Samuel, land owner, see 7 Lawrence. Billings James, land owner, see 10 South Haven. Billsborough Charles, land owner, sec 26 and 35 Almena. Billsborough William. farmer, Almena, Bier Samuel, land owner, sec 2 Bloominidale. Bigelow 1R. M., land owner, see 17 Arlington. Bigelow James, farmer, Arlington. Bigelow Lewis H., Paw Paw. Bigelow R., land owner, see 9 Decatur. Bigelow Samuel, land owner, see 21 Arlington. Bigelow William H., land owner, see 20 Arlington. Bilby Cyrenus, land owner, sec 22 Porter. Bingham H. G., land owner, sec 9 Columbia. Bippers John T, South Haven. Birdsell G. M., land owner, sec 35 Antwerp. Bird William, land owner, see 3 Hartford. Birdsall William H., Antwerp. Bisbee Floyd, Paw Paw. Bisbee Valentine, South Haven. Bishop A. H., land owiler, see 24 Bloomingdale. Bishop George W., land owner, see 24 Bloomingdale. Bishop James L., land owner, see 22 Paw Paw. Bitely Eugene, land owner, see 33 Antwerp. Bitely Eugene, land owner, see 12 Pine Grove. Bitely Hamilton, farmer, Decatur. Bitely Jacob, land owner, see 13 Decatur. Bitely N. H., land owner, sec 33 and 29 Antwerp. Bogardus B. F., mason and land owner, see 16 Geneva. Boland Thomas, farmer, Arlington. Booze Henry land owner, sec 25 Bangor. Booze H. XW., land owner, see 2 Lmwrence. Bonesteele John Q., land owner, sec 17 Arlington. Bonfoey C. R., and lowner, see 27 Almena. Bonfoey H. A., farmer, Almena. AND BUSINESS [13] DIRECTORY. 199 IE OAW ITTERJ STEAM PLANING MILL, J)"t utavU XVEREY, Preor"e DEALERS IN LUMBER, SASH, DOORS, Blinds, Door and Window Frames, JBASE, BAND, CRO WVN, PICTURE FRAMES AND MOULDINGS. t Cistom Work promptly attended to. Cor. George and M. (C. R. I. DECATUR, MICH. Bonfoey Horace, land owner, see 27 Almena. Bonfoey R. W., land owner, see 27. Mmena. Bonham Robert, South Haven Bovier James H., farmer, Hartford. Borrdish Asa, land owner, see I Paw Paw. Boss William, Antwerp. Bassard Christopher C., farmer, Decatur. Bostwick Ralf, Antwerp. Bow. G-., farmer, Bangor. Bowderman.John F,F7rmnc, Pine Grove. Bower George, land owner, see 22 Bangor. Bow Horace, lhnd owner, see 14 BaIngor. Bowker Gideon, lind owner, see 34, Decatur. Bowles George,en., land owner, see 7 Lawrence. Bowman Henry C., tarrm. Almena. Bowman Lewis, threr \Iington. Bowman Daniel R., fTrmer, Porter. BIowman George, tfirmer, Porter. Boyce George D., land owner, sec 1 and 12 Porter. Bovier Ward, land owner. see 14 Hartford. Boyd Oliver, Paw Paw. Boyer Israel, land owner, see 23 Columbia. Boyer M. L., land owner, see 18 Bloomingdale. Boyles Archibald, land owner, see 31 Hartford. Black Daniel land owner, see 3 South Haven. 200 VAN BUREN COU[B]NTY GAZETTEER Black Edward, land owner, sec 3 South Haven. Black John, farmer, Columbia. Blackman S. H., land owner, see 27 Paw Paw. Blackmer Daniel R., farmer, Hamilton. Blackmer John, land owner, sec 27 Hamilton. Blackmer John R., land owner, see 21 and 27 Hamilton. Blackwood William, land owner, see 10 Arlington. Blade Thomas. land owner, see 15 Decatur. Blair Robert W., farmer, Paw Paw. Blaisdell William, farmer, Arlington. Blake Joseph C., land owner, sec 4 Hartford. Blakeled.Ie James, Lawrence. Blakeman M. J., land owner, sec 12 Waverly. Blanchard Charles, land owner, see 9 Almena. Blanchard Volney G., land owner, see 33 Pine Grove. Blandon 0. H., lhborer, Lawrence. Blasdell John, land owner, see 32 Arlington. Bliss George, land owner, sec 12 Geneva. Bliss William C., land owner, see 11 Antwerp. Blodgett H. M., land owner, sec 23 Decatur. Blodgett Jared, Antwerp. Blood Henry, land owner, see 1 South Haven. Blodget Marion, farmer, Waverly. Bloss Jacob M. Paw Paw. Blossom Seth, land owner, Qec 5 Geneva. B lowers Abial, farmer, Lawrence. Blowers James M., land owner, sec 14 Lawrence. Blowers Martin, farmer, Lawrence. Blowers Warren M., land owner, see 23 Lawrence. Blue Abram, farmer, Hamilton. Blythe G. W., farmer, Waverly. Blygth George W., farmer, Porter. Bradford Brook-, land owner, sec 8 Porter. Bradford Calvin, land owner, see 34 Porter. Bradford Wirling, farmer, Porter. Bradt Frederick J., farmer, Porter. Bradt James, land owner, see 26 Porter. Bradt S. V. R., land owner, see 24 Porter. Bradt William H., farmer, Porter. Bradley D. C., farmer, Pine Grove. Bradley Edward D., farmer, Pine Grove. Bradley George H., land owner, see I South Haven. Bradley Gillis, land owner, sec 14 Paw Paw. Bradley H. A., land owner, see 26 Hamilton. Bradley Hartwell, land owner, see 33 and 34 Paw Paw. Bradley J. R., land owner, see 8 Decatur. Bradley Theodore, farmer, Pine Grove. Bradshaw Charles, farmer, Pine Grove. AND BUSINESS [B] DIRECTORY. Bradshaw William, land owner, see 4 Pine C rove. Bradt Garret, Paw Paw. Brady J. 3I, farmer, Bloomingdale. Brainard F. N., Antwerp. Brainard George E., land owner, see 7 Arlington. Brainard Henry, land owner, see 33 Hartford, Brar P. I.1 land owner, see 8 Antwerp. Bra T. J., Antwerp. Bragen Edwin Li., thtrumer, Hartford. Bramble Harrison, land owner, sec 30 Pine Grove. Bramble John, land owner. see 18 Pine Grove. Bramble Morcan L., land owner, see 30 Pine Grove. Branch Eaton, land owner, see 4 and 9 Lawrence. Branch Erastus, land owner, see 6 Hartford. Branch Francis, land owner, see 4 Lawrence. Branch Ira, land owner, sec 14 Hartford. Branch Israel, land owner, see 4 Lawrence. Branch Johi F., land owner, see 4 Lawrence. Branch Nathaniel J., farmer, Bloomingdale. Branch Stephen, farmer, Lawrence. Branch Vine, farmer, Bangor. Brand Aaron, firmer, IPine C rove. Brandt Erastus G., tirmer, Hartford. Braybrooks James, land owner, see 28 and 33 Lawrence. Brazee E. H., land owner, see 32 Hartford. Breck N. A., land owner, see 17 Waverly. Breed Albert, land owner, see 16 A)rlington. Breed Jared,. P. South Haven. Breed J. B., land owner, see 12 Waverly. Breed Silas, land owner, sec7 and 8 Alniena. Brewer William, thrmer, Almena. Brewster Timothy, land owner, see 17 Bloomingdale. Brewer C. K., land owner, see 8 Columbia. Brewer Lawrence, land owner, see 29 and 28 Almenta. Brickel Thomas, South Haven. Bridges Barton, land owner, see 23 Ailineton. Bridges George, thrmer, Arlington. Bridges Hosea, land owner, see 16 Hartford. Bridges James. land owner, sec 14 South Haven. Bridges Jeremiah, land owner, sew 17 Arlington. Bridges Lyman, farmer, Hartford. Bridges Wilson, thrmer, Hartford. Brigham G. A, land owner, sec 3 Lawrence. Briggs Allen, land owner, see 19 Arlington. Bigelow C. J., land owner, see 21 Arlington. Briggs 11))D., Iarnd owner, sec 9 and 4 Arlington. Briggs Davis, land owner. see 8 Hamilton. Briggs John, farmer, Almena. 201 ~II _~____ _ I _ I I ~ 202 VAN BUREN COUI1I]NTY GAZETTEER Briggs M. M., land owner, see 36 Bangor. Brink George W., land owner, see 4 Arlington. Britton 0.. farmer, Bloomingdale. Britton William H., Antwerp. Briggs David P., farmer, Porter. Briggs Stephen T., farmer, Porter. Broadhead A. D., land owner, see 25 and 26, Hartford. Brooks George, land owner, sec 17 Porter. Brooks Lysander. land owner, see 7 and 8 Porter. Brooks Martin, land owner, see 18 Porter. Brooks Alford, Lawrence. Brooks E.M., land owner, sec 12 Geneva Brooks Francis M., farmer, Geneva. Brooks H. S., land owner. sec 22 Antwerp. Brooks Harriett, land owner, see 21 Keeler. Brooks Hulburt, land owner, see 9 Pine Grove. Brooks James, land owner, sec 33 and 34 Hamilton. Brooks James H., farmer, Hamilton. Brooks James F, farmer, Keeler. Brooks John, wagon maker and land owner, see 2 Geneva. Brooks Malcom, land owner, sec 11 Geneva. Bronson David, land owner, see 18 Columbia. Bronson John, farmer, Columbia. Bronson W. Z., land owner, see 9 Pine U-rove. Brotherton Joseph, land owner, sec 33, Bloomingdale. Broton Joshua, land owner, see 35 Bangor. Brott Charles, land owner, sec 1 Geneva. Browell James, land owner, see 9 Bangor. Brown Adolphus, land owner, see 25 Paw Paw. Brown Asa, land owner, sec 21 Almena. Brown Alfred, land owner, sec 23 Hartford. Brown A. S., land owner, see 10, 11, 17, 32 and 33 Columbia. Brown Benjamin, land owner, sec 12 Columbia. Brown Charles, farmer, Bloomingdale. Brown Charles A., land owner, see 36 Arlington. Brown Charles W., land owner, see 18 Almena. Brown David, farmer, Hartford. Brown David, land owner, see 11, 14, 15 and 22 Antwerp. Brown David L., land owner, see 29 Keeler. Brown Daniel D., land owner, see 29 Pine Grove. Brown Dawson, land owner, sec 31 Paw Paw. Brown D. B., land owner, sec 29 Pine Grove. Brown Dolson, land owner, see 36 Lawrence. Brown Edwin, farmer, Almena. Brown E. M., land owner, see 31 Pine Grove. Brown E. P., land owner, sec 29 Pine Grove. Brown George, land owner, see 1 Keeler. Brown George, land owner, sec 4 Bloomingdale. AND BUSINESS [B] DIRECTORY. 203 Brown George H., land owner, sec 24 Lawrence. Brown Henry P., farmer, Decatur. Brown Henry, Paw Paw. Brown Hlenry, land owner, sec 15 Decatur. Brown H. W., land owner, sec 29 Hamilton. Brown James, farmer, Geneva. Brown J. R., land owner, see 10, 11, 17, 32 and 33 Columbia. Brown John, land owner, sec 23 Hartford. Brown John S., farmer, Bangor. Brown John F., land owner, sec 11 Bloomingdale. Brown John I)., land owner, sec 2 South Haven. Brown Joseph, land owner, sec 25 Bloomingdale. Brown Levi A., land owner, sec 23 Almena. Brown Lewis, farmer, Geneva. Brown Obediah, land owner, sec 11 Lawrence. Brown 0. S., land owner, sec 36 Bloomingdale. Brown 0. S., land owner, sec 12 Bangor. Brown Rufus M., farmer, Bloomingdale. Brown R. W., land owner, sec 34 Antwerp. Brown Simeon. land owner, sec 28 Almena. Brown S. G., land owner, sec 13 Waverly. Brown Stephen T., land owner, see 18 Almena. Brown Thomas, land owner, see 30 Hartford. Brown William, farmer, Bloomingdale. Brown William, farmer, Keeler. Brownell William H., farmer, Keeler. Brown Wells G., land owner, sec 8 Arlington. Brown Wells G., land owner, see 33 Columbia. Bruce J. F,. land owner, sec 24 Columbia. Bruce L. F., farmer, Columbia. Brummel Peter, land owner, see 35, Waverly. Brundage E. A., land owner, sec 1 Pine Grove Brush A., land owner, sec 11, Paw Paw. Bryant Albert, land owner, see 26 Lawrence. Bryant L. F., farmer, Lawrence. Bryant 0. T., land owner. sec 11 South lIlaven. Brydle George, land owner, sec 34 Almena. Bryant, Asahel, land owner. see 3 Porter. Bryant John, land owner, see 9 Porter. )Buckmaster Jeremiah, farmer, Porter. Burlington James W\., farmer, Porter. Burges Daniel, land owner, sec 12 Porter. Buck Charles, land owner. see 18 Waverly. Buck David A., farmer, Keeler. Buck.John, land owner, see 8 Waverly. Buck Lucius E., land owner, see 15 Keeler.. Buck Orrin, land owner, sec 21 and 28 Antwerp. Buck T. I)., land owner, sec 21 Bloomingdale. I _~__ 204 VAN BUREN COU[]]NTY GAZETTEER Buck William, land owner, sec 17 Waverly. Buckhout Henry, land owner, see 13 Decatur. Buckley C. P., land owner, see 1 Decatur. Buckley James M,, farmer, Arlington. Buckley John, land owner, sec 22 Geneva. Buckley Nathaniel, land owner, see 9 Paw Paw. Buckner Conrad, land owner, sec 18 Decatur. Buckner Martin, land owner, sec 14 South Haven. Burch J. A., land owner, see 23 South Haven. Buel Emerick, land owner, sec 4 Pine Grove. Buel Ela, land owner, sec 3 Pine Grove. Buell Erastus, land owner, see 28 Almena. Bull Henry, farmer, Decatur. Bugsby Mrs. Mary, land owner, see 28 Columbia. Bull Joseph, farmer, Decatur. Bullard John, farmer, Pine Grove. Bullard Joseph, farmer, Almena. Bulson Albert E., farmer, Blooumingdale. Bunday Aaron, land owner, see 13 Waverly. Bunn Robert V., land owner, sec 15 1Decatur. Bunnell C. W., land owner, sec 14 Deerfield. Bunnell I. C., land owner, see 16 Lawrence. Bunnell John C., land owner, see 16 Lawrence. Bunnell & Swift, land owners, see 15 Lawrence. Burbank Cortez, land owrier, see 33 Bangor. Burch John J., land owner, see 16 HLartford. Burch Wilson, farmer, Geneva. Burch Zebadiah, farmer, Hamilton. Burchard Lyman. farmer, Pine G rove. Burdan William, land owner, see 25 South Haven. Burdick George W., farmier, Columbia. Burdick John Q., land owner, sec 11 and 14 Waverly. Burdick S. V., land owner, see 17 Hamiilton. Burdick William, land owner, see 14 Antwerp. Burdick Wright C., Antwerp. Burg John, land owner, see 8 Geneva. Burger Francis, land owner, see 5 Bangor. Burger Ransom,. firmer, Bangor. Burgess Henry L., ftrmer, Hlartford. I Burget II., farmer, Columbia. Burget David, land owner, sec 1, 2,12, 4, and 14 Columbia. Burgitt John, farmer, Columbia. Burkholder A. W., blacksmith(. Columbia. Burley John M., Paw Paw. Burlingame William A., land owner, sec 28 Arlington. Burnap Jay, land owner, see 8 Waverly. Burnap, Rich & Merchant, steam Aaw mill, see 8 Waverly. Burnham Horace, Antwerp. AND BUSINESS [B] DIRECTORY. 2 05 F. G. Russell pays Cash for raw Furs, Dealer in Dry Goods, Notions, Millinery Goods, Boots, Shoes, &c., Decatur. Burnham John, land owner, sec 21 Deerfield. Burnett Albert, land owner, sec 3 Hartford. Burnett John, hand owner, see 34 Paw Paw. Burns Abel, land owner, sec 26 Almena. Burns Emory, farmer, Pine Grove. Burns Henry, land owner, sec 166 Decatur. Burns J., farmer, Geneva. Burns Micajah, land owner, see 26 and 22 Ainie ia. Burns William J., farmer, Waverly. Biirns W. IT., land owner, see 29 Geneva. Burns William, farmer, Almena. Burpie Daniel, Antwerp. Burr Hiram S., farmer, Pine Grove. Burr L II. farmer, Pine Grove. Burrell Charles land owner, see 23 Arlington. Burrell Franklin, land owner, sec 23 Arlington. Burrell Joseph, fatner, Arlington. Burt Chapin, land owner, see 7 Paw Paw. Burt Elijah J., land owner, see 6 Paw Paw. Burt & Lively, land owners, sec 20 Waverly. Burton W. S.. land owner, see 10 South Haven. I3ish TPaniel, ftrmer, Bloomingdale. Bush Eli land owner. sec 2 XWaverly. Bush Eugene. farmner, Waverlv. Bush George W., land owner, see 2 Waverlv. Bush George A., land owner, see 1 IWaverly. Bush Henry land owner, see 15 Bloomingdale. Bush John N., farmer, Bloonmingdale Bush John, land owner., sec 10 Bloominadale. Bush Johnson, ftirmer, Bloom in()dale. Buch Levi. land owner, sec 10 W)averly. Bush Margaret, land owner, see I Bloomingdale. Bush Orson A., fiarmer, Waverlv. Bush Philemon, fitrmer, )Waverlv. Bush Samuel, land owner, see 10 Waverly. Bush Sylvanus, land owner, sec 10 Bloomingdalu. Bush Willliam. farmer, Bloomingdale. Bush William II., farmer, Bloomingdale. Bushuell Charles 0., land owner, see 13 Columbia. Bushnell Horatio, firmer, Columbia. Bushncll L., land owner, see 23 Columbia. Buskirk Jamnes P., farnier, Lawrence. Buskirk John, land owner. see 28 Lawrence. Buskirk J. B. frmer, Pline Grove. Bunkirk Luke, tfrmer, Lawrence. Buskirk Samuel land owner, see 12 Lawrence. L_ I I __I __ _ ___1__1 __ 206 VAN BUREN COU[C]NTY GAZETTEER Buy your Groceries and Provisions of J. S. Dowd &- Co., I)ecatur. Buskirk Zachariah, farmer, Lawrence, Russ Horace B., land owner, sec 7 Bangor. Butcher Sarah, land owner, see 6 Lawrence. Butcher IR., Paw Paw. Butler Charles H., farnmer, Paw Paw. Butler I)Dmick. band owner, sec 26 Antwerp. Butler George E., Paw Paw. Butler James, farmer, Pine Grove. Butler L. L., farmer, Pine Grove. lButler Levi, land owner, see 13 Antwerp. Butler Milo. land owner, sec 32 Geneva. Butler Oraniel J., farmer, Paw Paw. Butler Sninuel G., land owner. see 10 Paw Paw. Butler S. L.. land owner, sec 24 Antwerp, Butler W. K., land owner, sec 8 Paw Paw. I Butts John W., Antwerp. B1utts Geiorge, land owner, sec 13 Almena. Butts Kestler, farmer, Almena. Butterfield E. W., land owner, sec 9 Waverly. Butterfield C. W`., land owner, sec 18 Waverly. Byers A. 8., land owner, see 26 and 27 Waverly. Byers & Co, South Haven. Byeris George W., land owner, sec 35 South Haven. ByIers Henry, farmer, see 19 Keeler. Byers Isaac J., farmer, Keeler. B ers Isaac, farmer, Waverl. Byers James, farmer, U eneva. Byers Jacob, land owner, sec 29 Hamilton. Bvron Latham B.. land owner, sec 10 Pine Grove. Byers Tobias, land owner, see 13 and 1.9 Keeler. Bvon XJohn, farmotr. Waverlv. C ( aebles Jc)roine Ji.. Irner, Pl'orter. Cable George, land owner, sec 10 and 15 Arlington. (aad C. P., Iland owner, D)ecatur. Cady F. R., land owner, see 6 Geneva. Cady George, teamster, Columbia. Cady Harrison, land owner, sec 4 H11aniltojn. ('ady M., farmer, D)eeatur. Cady Oscar F., land owner, see 8 Arlington Cady P., music teacher, Lawrence. Cady PIerry (C, land owner, see 35 Hamnilton. (Cadwell Calvin, farmer, Lawrence. Cadwell James E1., farmer, )ecatur. Cadwell Levi, farmer, Lawrence. AND BUSINESS C DIRECTORY. 207 Higgins & Squier Sell Groceries and Provisions Cheap for Cash, Decatur, Mich. Cadwell Timothy, land owner, sec 33 Keeler. Cagney AMr-., land owner, see 16 11Hamilton. Caid well J.1. 1., land owner, see 10 Deceatur. Caldwell James, ftrner, Decatulr. Caldwell Oscar, land owner, see 10 Deeattir. C(alhoun WV. Call Alonzo S., land owner, see 22 South Haven. Calvin Chester. farmer, Hamiltoi. ( sldwell.i Jamies, Ilhnd owner, see 13 Port em. C(napbell Alonzo, thrmue, 1Piter. Camfield, L. I). grocer and ('ianfield house, sec 19 and 16 Pine G-'rove. Cimp DIaniel S., land owner, see 10 Hlartford. Camp Charles, farmer, Mile Gj ove. (amp William, land owner see 12 and 15 Bangor. C(ampbell Alonzo. tfarmer, Bangor. ('Impbell Ed.. land owner, see 15 )Deeatur. Campbell Elivia. land owner, sec 15 Decatur. Campbell Henry Jr, farmer, Almena. Cmmpbel Henry, land owner, see 8 Almenemm. 'Ca mpbell John, land owner, see 12, Ahinena. Campbell John nJr., ftrmer, Alhnena Campbell John Wt.. Lawrence. Campbell.1 W.. tfarmer, Arlinhgroi. aipell Jolin & VCo., shingle mill. see 21 Pine Grove. C(ampbell Robert, la ml(owner, see 23 South 11aven. 'ampbell W. W., land owner, see 21 1Deeatur. C(amphell WilliamNL M. farmter, Keeler. Campbell Vance, land owner, see 25 Arlington. Canifield Washington B., firmer. Decatur. Canoni James. shoemaker. see 30 IPitie Grove. Canniff Jeremiah, firmier, 1loomiangdale. 'anning James, land owner. see 7 ODecatur. 'annon J ames, shoemaker, Bloomningdale. C(arby 11. N., land owner, see 1 (Gand 17 1awrenee. Carl John, South Haven. Carl John A., Antwerp. Ca,1l Oscar, land owner, see 30 Arlint on. Carlisle Arthur N., Atntwerp. Carlisle Myron II., Antwerp. Carlisle Mrs. N.. land owner, see 12 Amntwerp. Carlisle Robert 11., farmer, 11Hartford. Carlisle Thomas, land owner. see 14 and 35 Antwerp. Carmaady IVA., land owner, see 5 Geneva. Carman iRobert [., land owner. see 19 IlartfOrd. (arman I f. B., armer, Hartford. Carmichael Squire, land owner, see 17 Columbia 208 VAN BUREN COU[C]NTY GAZETTEER Genuine Waltham and Elgin Watches for Sale by E. L. Hawks, Decatur, Mich. Carney Daniel, land owner, sec 10 Decatur. Cams Henry A., farmer Lawrence. Carnes Thomas, farmer, Decatur. Carpe Willis L,.armer, Bloomingdale. Carpenter George D., land owner, sec 1 and 2 Bloomingdale. Carpenter John, farmer, Deerfield. Carpenter Joseph, farmer, sec 8 Deerfield. Carpenter Lewis, Paw Paw. Carpenter Peter, farmer, Decatur. Carpenter William L., farmer, Decatur. Carpp Michael, land owner, see 8 and 9, Hamilton, Carris H. A., land owner, sec 24 Lawrence. Carris John. farmer, Lawrence. Carroll James, land owner, sec 33 Arlington, Carroll Thomas, land owner, sec 33 Arlington. (Carr Charles, land owner, sec 23 Waverly. Carr George, land owner, sec 21 Waverly. Carr J. E., land owner, sec 27 Waverly. Carr Jacob, land owner, sec 23 and 24 Waverly. Carr William H., land owner, sec 23 and 24 Waverly. Caryl Charles, Antwerp. Caryl George W., Antwerp. Carter A. W., land owner, sec 24 )eerfield. Carter James )., farmer, Waverly. Cartwright Asa, farmer, South Haven. Cary Isaac, farmer, Decatur. Cary S. W., land owner, sec 10 Decatur. Carver John, land owner, sec 33 and 34 Porter. Castner A. J., land owner, sec 22 Porter. Castner Edward, farmer, Porter. Castner George R., land owner, sec 2 Porter. Castner George R., jr., farmer, Porter. Castner James B., farmer, Porter. Castner Merritt E., farmer, Porter. Casson James, land owner, sec 26 Hartford. Casad Martin U., farmer, Bangor. Casad Martin V., Antwerp, Casad Samuel, Antwerp. Casada Anderson, land owner, sec 31 Columbia. Casada E. K., land owner, sec 31 Columbia. Casada Isham C., land owner, sec 31 Columbia. Case C. J., land owner, sec 7 Bloomingdale. Case Hiram S., land owner, sec 9 Hartford.I Casey William Paw Paw. Cash Erastus, land owner, sec 10 Paw Paw. Castle Paleman, farmer, Decatur. AND BUSINESS [C] DIRECTORY. 209 Castleman George W., farmer, Hartford. Castleman Sylvanus land owner, see 14 Hartford. Castner G. R., land owner, sec 35 Antwerp. Cate George Antwerp. Caughey Andrew farmer, Bloomingdale. Caughey James, land owner, sec 6 Bloomingdale. Caughey John, land owner, sec 16 and 28 Bloomingdale. Caylor James, farmer, Arlington. Caville Philander, farmer, Geneva. Cecker Charles W., land owner, see 23 Hartford. CENTRAL HOUSE, John S. Nash, propr, Bloomingdale. Center Seth, land owner, sec 5 Keeler. (Chaffe Thomas J, farmer, Waverly. Challans William, land owner, sec 29 Bangor. Challans Clark, ftrmer., Bangor. Chamberlain A. N., land owner, see 5 D)eeatu'. Chamberlain C. B., land owner, see 23 Waverly. Chamberlain John, ftrmer, Pinegrove. Chamberlain J. M., land owner, see 23 Waverly. (1Chamberlain Nathan, Antwerp. Chamberlain Nathan, land owner, sec 27 Waverly. Chamberlain 0. W., land owner, see 27 Lawrence. Chamberlain Theodore, land owner, see 8 Porter. Chamberlain N. W., land owner, see 27 Lawrence. Chambers Leman. land owner, see 30 Columbia. Chambers Peter, land owner, see 8 Geneva. Chambers W\illiam, farmer, Keeler. Champion Mrs., land owner, see 20 Decatur. C handler Isaac, farmer, Waverly. Chapin Abraham, farmer, Keeler. Chapin Hiram, farmer, Antwerp. Chapin G. B., land owner, see 7 and 8 Antwerp. Chapman Alvin, land owner, sec 17 Arlington. Chapman B. F., land owner, sec 27 Geneva. Chapman ' DeWitt C., farmer. Decatur. Chapman 1DeWitt C., farmer, Lawrence. Chapman B. F., land owner, see 22, South Haven. Chapman John, farmer, Bloomingdale. Chapman Uriel H.. blacksmith, sec 16 Arlington. Chappel James, farmer, Decatur. Chappel Hiram, land owner, sec 19 Columbia. Chappel Johnson, farmer, Waverly. (Chappel Ransom, farmer, Columbia. Charles Austin, land owner, Decatur Charles D. K., land owner, see 24 Bangol. Charles J. J., land owner, see 13 Antwerp. Charles Thomas, Antwerp. Charles William J., Antwerp..... - -........................... -............... _ LC~ I 210 VAN BUREN COU[C]NTY GAZETTEER CHARLES, W. S., land owner, sec 23 Bangor. Chase Abel, land owner, sec 15 Waverly. Chase Johnso-i, land owner, sec 10 Waverly. Chatfield David, land owner, sec 18 and 19 Hartford. Chatfield Warren L., lab, Lawrence. Chenigo Alexus, land owner, sec 31 Bangor. Cheny Mrs., land owner, sec 33, Deerfield. Chermun Myron C., Antwerp. Cheesebro George N., land owner, sec 33 Columbia. Chetfield Henry, land owner, sec 11 South Haven. Chilson Chester, farmer, Pine Grove. Chilson J. B., land owner, sec 19 Pine Grove. Chilson Mitler, farmer, Pine Grove. Chilson George W., farmer, Decatur. Christie Albert L., farmer, Lawrence. Christie Charles, land owner, sec 26 Lawrence. Christie David, land owner, sec 35 Lawrence. Christie Daniel, land owner, sec 24 and 25 Hamilton. Christie Henry, land owner, sec 35 Lawrence. Christie James E., land owner, sec 35 Lawrence. Christie Samson. land owner, sec 33 Pine Grove. Chubbuck Asa B., farmer, Arlington. Chubbuck Frank, land owner, sec 36 Arlington Chubbuck Russell, land owner, sec 29 and 31 Arlington. Church Charles, Antwerp. Church Dayton, Antwerp. Church 1). C. S., land owner, sec 21 and 29 Pine Grove.. Church George, farmer, Geneva. (1hurch Jesse S., land owner, sec 14 and 15 Antwerp. Church Lafayette, farmer, Decatur. Church Oscar A., land owner, sec 25 Arlington. Church Timothy, land owner, sec 5 Bloomingdale. Churchill F. L.. land owner, sec 4 Pine Grove. Churchill Levi, land owner, sec 1 Antwerp. Churchill L. A., land owner, sec 5 Pine Grove. Churchill L. G., land owner, sec 15 Paw Paw. Churchill Polly, land owner, sec 15 Paw Paw. Claflin J. W., saw mill, sec 5 Hamilton. Clapp George T., land owner, sec 25 South Haven. Clapp H. B., land owner, see 21 Decatur. Clapp James, land owner, sec 35 and 36 Antwerp. Clapp John T., land owner, sec 2, 11 and 12 Paw Paw. Clark Ambrose, farmer, Bangor. Clark Andrew B., farmer, Hamilton. Clark Andrew U-., land owner, sec 24 Almena. Clark Augustus, land owner. sec 1 Bloomingdale. Clark Augustus. Jr., land owner, sec 6 Pine Grove. Clark B. R., grocer, sec 1 Geneva. I - - - __ I AND BUSINESS [C] DIRECTORY. Clark Benjamin W., farmer, Keeler. Clark Charles, land owner, sec 20 Lawrence. Clark Charles A., Antwerp. (Ilark (Chester, land owner, sec 13 Hamilton. (Ilark E. S., land owner, sec 15 South Haven. Clark Eli R., land owner, sec 12 Lawrence. C(lark Hiram A., land owner, sec 31 Pine Grove. C(lark Ira, farmer, Lawrence. Clark Israel G., farmer, Lawrence. ('lark Israel G., land owner, see 23 Arlington. Clark James, land owner, sec 9 Almena. Clark James J, land owner, see 28 Bangor. (Clark James F., farmer, IBangor. Clark James, farmer, Lawrence. ('lark Jeptha A., land owner, sec 5 Lawrence. Clark J. G.. farmer, Geneva. Clark John M., land owner, sec 27 Bangor. Clark Joseph, land owner, see 1 Geneva. Clark Levi, farmer, Bloomingdale. Ilark Locklin, farimer, Bangor. Clark Lucius H., land owner, see 32 Lawrence. ( lark & McKeel (B. R. Clark, Hiram McKeel) groc Clark Myron W., farmer, Lawrence. C'lark N. J.. farmer, Deerfield. ('lark Robert, tfriner, Almena. ('lark Samuel 1land owner, see 4 0 enova. ('lark Silas, farmer, Pine G(rove. (Clark St. John, farmer, Bangor. ('lark Thomas, land owner, see 2 )eerfield. C'lark T'honmas, land owner, sec 18 Almena. Clark Tlhonmas, jr. land owner, see S and 9 Almena. (Clark Thonas M., farmer. Almena. Clark William, farmer, Alnena. (larkk William, land owner, see 8 Almenn. (Clark William. land owner, see 6 Antwerp. (Clark William 1 i., land owner, see 1 Lawrence. (iark William, land owner, see 12 Waverly. Clark & Whipple. steam saw mill, sec 31 Waverly. Clark Willis, land owner, see 16 )ecatur. Claus Abraham, land owner, see 28 and 33 )Decatur.!laus Charles C., farmier, Hartford. Claus Christie, farmer, Decatur, Claus Jacob, land owner, see 2 Lawrence. (lauser Samuel, farmer, Keeler. C(Clement Charles, land owner, see 18 Pine Grove. Clement Daniel, cabinet maker, Lawrence. Clement (George, farmer, Waverly. C lement G. W., land owner, see 30 Almena. 211 ers, see 1 Geneva. 212 VAN BUREN COU[C]NTY GAZETTEER Clement Jamts, land owner, see 24 Bloomingdale. Clement James L., steam saw mill, sec 32 Bloomingdale. Clement S. N. & W. P., steam saw mill. Pine Grove. Clement S. N., land owner, see 20 and 19 Pine Grove. Clement Thomas, farmer, Pine Grove. Clement W. P., land owner, sec 20 and 19 Pine Grove. Clements George W., land owner, sec 14 Lawrence. Cleavland D., land owner, sec 12 and 13 Decatur. Cleveland Edward. land owner, sec 6 Geneva. Cleveland E., land owner, sec 1 Waverly. Cleveland H, land owner, sec 6 Bloomingdale. Classon Isaac, farmer, Antwerp. Cleveland James, farmer, Geneva Cleavland J. H., land owner, sec 14 Decatur. Cleveland J. 13., farmer, Geneva. Cleveland Josiah, farmer, Bangor. SClveland John C., land owner, see 13 Bloomingdale. Cleveland Henry, land owner, sec 18 Porter. Cleveland Jewett, farmer, Porter. Cleveland M., farmer, Bangor. Cleveland Peter. farmer, Lawrence. SCleveland William, land owner, sec 30 Bangor. Cleveland William, 'armer, Geneva. Cline D. H., South Haven. Clinard Davis, land owner, sec 8 Bangor. (Clinard Elisha, South Haven. (Clover, H. B., land ownor, sec 8 Keeler. Clow L. C., land owner, sec 29 Columbia. Clugston Mrs. C., land owner, sec 28 Pine Grove. IClum A. C., land owner, sec 34 Lawrence. (Clum Henry, land owner, sec 24 Antwerp. Clum R. G., land owner, see 34 Lawrence. C(lumb Alexander C., Antwerp. Clumb Lewis, Antwerp. Cobb Alvin, farmer, Pine G(rove. |Cobb C., land owner, see 16 Geneva. Cobb Charles, Antwerp. Cobb Chester, land owner, see 34 and 35 Pine Grove. Cobb Hiram, land owner, sec 27, 36 and 35 Pine Grove. SCoburn Abram. farmer, Arlington. Coburn 0. H., land owner, sec 4 Hamilton. Coburn Truman, land owner, sec 25 Waverly. Coburn William, Antwerp. Cochran Andrew M., land owner, sec 9 Arlington. Cochran James U., land owner, sec 9 Arlington. Cocks John L., farmer, Almena. Cocks William, farmer, Almena. Coddington James, farmer, Porter, AND BUSINESS [C] DIRECTORY. 213 You can save 20 per cent. by buying your Crockery and Glassware at Dodge's Crockery Store, Paw Paw. Code John, land owner, see 25 Hamilton. Code Michael, land owner, see 25 Hamilton. Coder Samuel, farmer, Hamilton. (Codey Warren, farmer, Bloomingdale. Cogswell Alanson. land owner, sec 28 Geneva. Cogswell George S., land owner, see 1 Paw Paw. Cogsgrove Patrick, land owner, see 28 Geneva. Colborn Eli, farmer, Waverly. (Colburn E. R., land owner, see 19 Almena. Colburn George 1H., post master, see 28 Waverly. Colburn ()range, ftrmer, Almena. ('olburn Ri. W, land owner, see 23 Waverly. (Colburn Z. A., land owner, see 28 Almena. Coldwell John Y., fhrmer, Keeler. Coldwell F. A., land owner, see 16 Bloomingdale. (Colbv Henry S., Antwerp. Colby XW. L., South Haven. Cole Alvin, land owner, see 14 Hartford. Cole Charles M., farmer, )ecatur. Cole Chester, land owner, sec 3 Hamilton. (ole l)avid, tarmer, Lawrence. Cole 1). I)., land owner, see 3 Hamilton. Cole Elijah M., farmer, Hartford. Cole Elijah M., farmer, Bangor. Cole Eleanor, land owner, see 32 Keeler. 01Cole lrastus, farmer, Geneva. C(ole Frank, farmer, Lawrence. Cole,J. HI., firmer, Almena. Cole John F., farmer, I)ecatur. Cole Levi, land owner, sec 16 Pine Grove. Cole L. M., farmer, Decatur. Cole Henry, ftrmer, De)catur. Cole Henry. farmer, Halanilton. Cole Iliram, land owner, sec 17 Decatur. Cole Horace, fhrmer, see 1.3 Hartford. Cole Nelson E., land owner, sec 33 Almena. Cole Samuel, land owner, sec 25 Hartford. Cole Sterling, land owner, sec 36 and 1 Lawrence. Cole Syrenus, farmer, Bangor. Cole W. Ii., land owner, see 8 Decatur. Coleman -, land owner, see 12 Bangor. ('olema n A bijah, farmer, A.rlington. Coleman (Calvin C., Antwerp. oleman 1). (C., land owner, see 18 Antwerp. Coleman Ileury. ftrmer, Arlington. (Colemln Simeon, land owner, sec 4 Pamw Paw. _~ _ ___~_ 214 VAN BUREN COI[C]NTY GAZETTEER The best and cheapest stock of Crockery and Glassware in the County at J. S. Dowd & Co., Decatur, Mich. Coleman Simeon, farmer, Arlington. Coleman Walter. farmer, Arlington. Coleman William, farmer, Arlington. Collins Henry, land owner, sec 13 Hamilton. Collins John B., land owner, sec 22 Pine Grove. Collins John H., farmer, Hamilton. Collins N. B., land owner sec 31 Bangor. Collins O. W., farmer, Columbia. Colvin A., land owner, sec 7 Bloomingdale. Combs A. G., land owner, sec 32 and 38 Arlington. Combs B. C., land owner, see 1 Geneva. Combs Benjamin C., farmer, Bangor. Combs Charles, land owner, see 20 and 21 Lawrence. Combs Giles G., steam saw mill. sec 28 Lawrence. Combs John, land owner, sec 2 Geneva. Combs John C., farmer, Geneva. Combs John D., farmer, Arlington. Comb R L., farmer, Geneva. Comeday John, land owner, see 31 Hartford. Comeway John, farmer, Hartford. Comeway Peter, land owner, sec 6 Hartford. Comly John, land owner, sec 27 and 28 Hamilton. Comly Frederick P.. farmer, Keeler. Comly Frederick, farmer, Hamilton. Comly Reason, land owner, sec 27 and 28 Hamilton. Comly James, land owner, sec 27 and 28 Hamilton. Commy E. S.. farmer, Columbia. Comstock George, Antwerp. Conant A. M., land owner, Columbia. Conarory William, farmer, Pine Grove. Cone Myron, farmer, Decatur. Conery George, land owner, sec 5 Pine Grove. Cones David, land owner, sec 13 Lawrence. Coney A. G., land owner, sec 26 and 27 Lawrence. Coney Charley, stage driver, Columbia. Congdon Daniel, land owner, sec 17 Waverly. Congdon George, farmer, Paw Paw. Congdon W. H., land owner, sec 16 Waverly. Conklin Amos, farmer, Hartford. Conkling Charles M., farmer, Keeler Conklin David, farmer, Hartford. Conkling Gilbert, land owner, sec 28 Hartford. Conklin George, land owner, sec 5 Lawrence. Conklin H. Mi., land owner, sec 22 Keeler. Conklin Josiah, land owner, see 16 Hartford. Conklin Luke E., land owner, sec 5 Keeler. I AND BUSINESS [Cl DIRECTORY. 215 Choice Family Groceries at J. S. Dowd & Co., Decatur. Conklin Nelson, Lawton. Conklin Reuben, land owner, sec 20 Hartford. Conklin Richard B., farmer, Hartford. Conklin Stephen A., land owner, see 5 Keeler. Conklin Myron B.. farmer, Hartford. Conklin Stephen A., farmer, Hartford. Conklin Thomas, land owner, sec 19, 20, 22 and 32 Hartford. Conklin S. M., land owner, sec 11 and 25 Keeler. Conklin Thomas, land owner, sec 4 Keeler. Conley Charles H., farmer, Pine Grove. Conly W. H.. land owner, sec 15 South Haven. Conner S. T., land owner, sec 9 Paw Paw. (onnor Charles, land owner, sec 35 Bangor. Connor William F., land owner, sec 34 Deerfield. Conrad Abram, land owner, see 24 South Haven. Conrad George, Lawrence. Converse -, land owner, sec 34 Deerfield. Converse C. A., land owner see 18 Geneva. Converse 0. H., farmer, Geneva. Converse Oliver A., farmer, Keeler. Convoy William R., Lawrence. Conway John, land owner, see 9 Hamilton. Conway Patrick, farmer, Hamilton. (Conway T. D., land owner, see 9 Hamilton. Cook A. A., land owner, sec 18 and 19 Arlington. Cook Alfred H., farmer, Keeler. Cook Casper R,., land owner, see 25 Paw Paw. Cook Charles, land owner, see 27 Lawrence. (Cook harles, ftarmer, Bangor. Cook-Charles, farmer, Arlington. Cook Clark, farmer, Lawrence. Cook 1)arius farmer, Hartford. Cook Edward M.. land owner. sec 33 Keeler. Cook E. T., land owner, sec 12 Waverly. Cook Francis M., farmer, Decatur. Cook Frederick land owner, see 3 Geneva. Cook Giles, land owner, sec 16 Hartford. Cook H. M., land owner, see 16 and 17 Antwerp. Cook James H., land owner, see 16 Bloomingdale. Cook John, land owner, sec 28 Almena. Cook Joseph 0., land owner, see 27 Arlington. Cook Lafayette, land owner, sec 16 Bloomingdale. Cook Ntlson P., land owner, sec 18 Arlington. Cook S. I., land owner, sec 11 Waverly. Cook Stephen, land owner, sec 26 Bloomingdale. Cook S. I., land owner, sec 13 Waverly. I_ _ _ _ _ 216 VAN BUREN COU[C]NTY GAZETTEER The best and cheapest stock of Crockery and Glassware in the County at J... owd & Co., Decatur, Mich. Cook Timothy B., farmer, Geneva. Cook W. F., land owner, see 7 Paw Paw. Cook XWilliam, land owner, sec 31 Bangor. Cook William, land owner, see 32 Almena. Cook William O., land owner, see 19 Keeler. (,ook Willis C., land owner, see 34 Antwerp. C('ool Benjamin, Antwerp. Cooley Chester, land owner, see 9 Bloomingdale. Cooley )avid M., farmer, Bloomingdale. Cooley ])aniel, wagon maker and blacksmith, Bloomingdale. Cooley Egbert, land owner, sec 9 Bloomingdale. ( ooley (Aeorge, land owner, sec 8, 9 and 16 Bloomingdale. Cooley lHarrison, land owner, sec 9 Bloomingdale. Cooley Harmon H., Columbia. Cooley JHuldah, land owner sec 5 Bloomingdale. Cooley M. D., land owner, sec 3 Bloomingdale Cooley Royal, farmer, Bloomingdale. Cooley Truman L., land owner, sec 10 Bloomingdale. Cooley Timothy, land owner, see 17 Bloomingdale. Cooley Wallace, land owner, sec 4 Bloomingdale, Cooley Warren, farmer, Bioomingdale Cooley Thomas, land owner, sec 22 and 23 Porter. Cooley Henry T., farmer, Porter. Cooley Miles, land owner, sec 22, 23 and 26 Porter. Cooley William nI. H., hfarmer, Porter. Cooper John E.. land owner and mason, see 21 and 28 Porte Coon Albert II., school teacher, Lawrence. Coon Albert H., thrmner, Hartf1ord. (,oon Carlton, I aw Plaw. (Coon Charles I., farmner, olumbia. Coon Edwin, land owner, sec 12 Pa a Paw. (oon lHorace, tarmer, Lawrenee. Coon1 Hiramv, Colmunbia. Coon Ransom, Farmer, (,,lnmbia. Cooper Atwell, land owner, see 23 Lawrence. (Cooper I). I., land owner, see 10 HIamilton ()ooper )ennis, land owner, sec 26 Lawrence. Cooper Freeman, farmer, Decatur. Cooper Freeman, land owner, see 20 Waverly. Cooper John, land owner, see 7 Bangor. Clooper lnyman, land owner, see:4 Lawrence. Cooper Nelson, land owner, see 10 Decatur. Clooper Orrin, land owner, see 7 Bangor. Cooper Richard B., farmer, Columbia. Cooper S. L., land owner, see 20, 29 and 30 Hamilton. Cooper Thomas, farmer, Lawrence. 'r. _ _~ _~~_~ __ _ __ __I_ AND BUSINESS [C] DIRECTORY..217 Decatur Brewery, XXX ALE, STOONK AND PRESENT USE Kept constantly on hand in quantities to suit purchasers. Copeland George M., Antwerp. Copeland Harvey, land owner. see 24 Bangor. (Cope John. fhrmer, Lawrence. (9pley A. B., land owner, sec 34 Decatur. (lCordner I)avid, land owner, see 1.0 Decatur. Cornell Alson, land owner. see 16 Almena. Cornell David, farmer, Paw Paw. (Cornino Anson, land owner. see 24 Columbia. Cornwell klson, farmer, Almena. (lornweII Williain N., land owner, sec 18 Lawtence. C(lorwine A.J., Iland owner. sec 29 Hamnilton, Coixrwin -11. B., fkrmer, Keeler. Corwiine cjeob, land owner. se e30 Hamilton. Corwine Jaco, Iland owner. see 24 an1 d 25 Kreeler. C(1nnely William, firmer Porter. (Cornish ihonipson, landi owner, sec 16 Porter. Conish I)ennison, land owner, see 31 Porter. (Cor'ey Edwaird S., fmrmer, PoIrter. Corey IHenry, ftarmer, Porter. (Crey IIenry J., 1trnier1. Por0r. Corev II N, tinier Porter. orex N eleoni aInd owner, sew 26)Porter. Core y)an trdo. land owner, see c 2 Porter. Corev A.i I.. lnd owner, sec 12 Waverly. Corey Luther, land owner. sec 4 Almena. Core1 M1. B., land owner. see 1 and 12 Waverlv. Cotton Williaum n%., land owner, see 21 Almena. Cotton Joshua. land owner, sec 25 Lawrence. Cotton Joshua, land owner, sec 31 Paw Paw. C(otton. Thomas, land owner. sec 24 Lawrence. C(ottrel Lemuel, farmer, Hamilton. Cottrel Thomas, land owner, sec 33 Hamilton. Coulson Alvin, land owner, see 35 Decatur. Counterman William, Antwerp. Coupland James, farmer, Lawrence. Courtwright John Z., land owner, sec 17 Pine Grove. 218 VAN BUREN COU[C]NTY GAZETTEER Buy your Groceries and Provisions of J. S. Dowd & Co., Decatur. Courtiand A. L., land owner, sec 3 South Haven. Covell Henry. farmer, Almena. Cowles Chandler, land owner, sec 23 Lawrence. Cowgill Edwin. miller. sec 26 Antwerp. Cowgill Frank J., Antwerp. Cowgill James S., Lawton. Cox Albert, farmer, Geneva. Cox Hillman W.; land owner, sec 17 Keeler. Cox Isaac J, land owner, see 35 Keeler. (ox L. J., farmer. Waverly. Cox Solomon, land owner, sec 3 Arlington. ()Cox William, land owner, sec 16 Paw Paw. Coy Andrew, land owner, sec 4 Arlington. Coy Colyn, farmer, Bloon-ingdale. Coy -Daniel, land owner, see 5 Almena. C(raft Charles D., land owner, see 15, 16 and 9 Bangor. Cragan Patrick, land owner, see 9 Hamilton. Crakes George, farmer, Geneva. Crakes William, land owner, see 2 Geneva. Cramer -, farmer, Hamilton. Cramer A., land owner, sec 30 Waverly. Cramer Andrew, farmer, Hartford. Cramer Rollin, farner, Lawrence. Crandall (lharles, farmer, Hartfiord. Crandall I. L., land owner, sec 36 Paw Paw. Crandill W. W., land owner, sec 31 and 32 Waverly. Crane E. E., land owner, sec 27 Paw Paw. (Crane Erastu-. land owner, see 21 Paw Paw. (rarne (George L., former, Paw Paw. Crane JTames, land owner, sec 15 Paw P'aw. Crane Noah l3., farmer. Paw Paw. C rae Thonms, ftirmevr, Batgor. Cranie 'Ihiomas I., land owner. see 14 Paw Paw. (Crannell 0. A., farmer,i lawrence. (Crannell N. IL., hland owner, see 22 La wrence. Cranton Abel, tarmer, Waverly C(rary C. Ii.. ftrm(r, Geneva. Craver Jacob, land owner, see 27 Waverly. Crawford Bartley, farmer, ILawrence. Crawford Aaron, land owner, see 1 and 2 Lawrence. Crawford Abramn, land owner, see 7 Hartford. Crawford tliramt, ftarmer, Lawrence. Crawford George W., land owner, see 1 and 2 Lawrence. (Irawford John, land owner, sec 27 Lawrence. Crawford Lester, land owner, sec 23 _Arlington. Crawford Lewis, land owner. see 1 Lawrence. I II AND BUSINESS [C]l DIRECTORY. Crawford Orrin, farmer, Lawrence. Creagan James, farmer, Hamilton. Credit Sylvester, land owner, see 11 Keeler. Cristy S. AV., farmer, Pine G'rove. (Crippin C., land owner, see 12 I)ecatur. (Crippin IRoswell, land owner, see 23 D)ecatur. (Crippin Thomas, land owner, sec 13 D)ecatur. (Irocker -, wagon maker and blacksmith, Bloomingdale. ('rocker W., wagon maker and blacksmith, sec 30 Pine Grove. Crocker E. T., saw mili (water) see 16 Bloomingdale. Croeker W. propr Travelers' Home, Bloomingdale. (Crocker Wilford, farmer, Bloomingdale. Crofoot Asa, land owner. sec 26 Almeia. 'rofoot I)aniel, hind owner, see 24 Almena. Crofoot imunel, tfarmer, Geneva. cronin MMichael, farmer, Arlington. C'ronin Daniel, land owner, sec 24 Arlington. 1ronin rIimothy, land owner, sec 34 Arlington. 'ronkhite A., land owner. sec 2 Antwerp. Croukwrighlit Major, land owner, see 2 Keeler. Crosby 0(., )trfiner, Geneva. Crosby SarahI, land owner, sec 27 D)ecatur. Crosby Seth, farmer, Geneva. Cross A.. land owner, sec 23 Geneva. (C'ross Calvin, land owner, sec 14 Lawrence. Cross Caroline, land owner, see 29 Almena. Cross Cornelius, farmer, Bangor. (Cross IElery, Paw lPaw. C'ross F1ranklyn, South Haven. (Crossfield C. ).. land owner, sec 12 Antwerp. Cross Hsenry, land owner, see 36 Arlington. Cross Ira, farmer, Almena. Cross James, land owner sec. 1{artford. C'russ Jobhn, Ia'Md owner, see 21 Bangor. Cross Merrit I., Antwerp. ('ross Samuel P., land owner, sec 36 Geneva. Cross Thomas, land owner, see 1.0 Bangor. Cross Wilson. farmer, Bangor. 1..,.1.,,...,.,,_1 -)I.ine~ ('rove.. ('row A. J., land owner, see 38 Pine Grove. (C'rowell irani, tfarmer, mr eneva. Crowell Jackson, land owner, sec 16 Geneva. C'rowell Samuel, land owner, sec 30) Waverly. ('rowl Jackson, ftrmer. U eneva. ('rowley Liymuan, f rmer. Porter. C(rowley 1Patrick, bl;cksmith, see 29 Porter. ('roy Phillip, Lawton. (Crumib )aniel i).. land owner, see. 33 Lawrence. C(rumib Jacksmon, Antwcrp. 219 _ ___ I 220 VAN BUREN COU[C]NTY GAZETTEER Cruell Reuben, farmer, Waverlv. Cruell William, farmer, Waverly. Cuddvback Hanford, land owner, sec 28 Paw Paw. Cuddeback R. D., land owner, sec 32 Paw Paw. Cuddeback Sylvester, farmer, Paw Paw. Cullman Michael, farmer, Deerfield. Cullow Anson B., land owner, sec 1 Lawrence. Cullow A. B., land owner, sec 1 Lawrence. Culver Asahel B., farmer, Lawrence. Culver Arvis B., farmer, Lawrence. Culver Ira Y., farmer, Lawrence. Culver Hiram, land owner, sec 9 Bloomingdale. Culver William E., farmer, Hartford. Cummings -., physician, Geneva. Cummings A. W., land owner, see 1 Paw Paw. Cummings Chauncey, land owner. sec 1 Paw Paw. Cumnmins C.. land owner, sec 4 Geneva. Cummings Elijah, farmer, Geneva. Cummins 0. B., land owner, sec 10 Geneva. Cummings S. V., farmer, Geneva. Cunningham J.. land owner, sec 29 Columbia. Cunningham William, land owner, see 21 Columbia. Cutler John W., land owner, sec 11 Lawrence. Cutler Erastus. mason and justice of the peace, sec 25 Arlington. Cutler Mason. land owner, sec 7 Pine Grove. Cutler T. G., land owner, see 5 and 7 Pine (rove. Curran James, land owner, see I South Haven. Curran W. P., land owner, sec 10 South Haven. Currier George, farmer, Almena. Curry Elizabeth, land owner, sec 34 and 27 Decatur. Currier George, land owner, sec 5 Almena. Curry Joseph Q., farmer, Decatur. Curry Jonathan, farmer, Decatur. Curtis Ezra, land owner, sec 32 Hartford. Curtis E., land owner. sec 11 Pa a Paw. C urtis A. HI.. land owner, sec 2 Porter Curtis Benjamin HI.. farmer, Porter. Curtis Daniel LH.. farmer, Porter. Curtis D)aniel, land owner, sec 32 and 33 Porter. Curtis Frank, farmer, lartford Curtis James H., land owner, see 32 Hartford. Curtis J. W.. farmer, Geneva. (Curtis, John T., land owner, sec 7 Pine GroveCurtis L. T., land owner, sec 23 Antwerp. Curtis L. W., farmer, Ueneva. Curtis Marcus, ftrmer, Geneva. Curtis Mrs. Julia, land owner, sec 22 Columbia. Curtis Orrin C., land owner, sec 3 Bloomingdale. I- --- " AND BUSINESS [D] DIRECTORY. 221 You can save 20 per cent. by buying your Crockery and Glassware at Dodge's Crockery Store, Paw Paw. Curtis Orrin, Columbia. Curtis William, farmer, Bloomingdale. Curtis W. H., farmer, Lawrence. Cushing David, land owner, sec 31 Lawrence. D Dalton Moses, land owner, sec 8 Paw Paw. Dage Joseph, land owner, see 16 Arlington. )Daggett Danford, farmer, Columbia. Daily Charles H., farmer, Decatur. Daily Charles W., land owner, sec 23 Keeler. Daily Clark, land owner, sec 31 Columbia. Daily Eugene, Antwerp. Daily George, land owner, see 32 Waverly. Daily H. land owner, see 2 Geneva. Daily Milo, land owner, sec 32 Waverlv. Daily Thomas, land owner, see 2 Geneva. Daily W. S., farmer, Almena Daily Ira H., land owner, see 23 Porter. Daily William. land owner, sec 22 Porter. Daily David N., farmer, Porter. I)alton W. L., iarmer, Deerfield. Danks David F., mechanic, Lawrence. Daniels Maria, land owner, see 35 Bloomingdale. Daniels Stephen land owner, sec 6 Almena. Daniels Earle, land owner, see 32 Antwerp. D)anoeffel Adolphe, land owner, sec 17 and 18 Keeler. Danoeffel John, land owner, sec 8 Keeler. Davenport J., farmer. Pine Grove. )Davern S., land owner, see 32, Antwerp. lavey James, land owner, see 4 Arlington. D)avidson Andrew L, land owner, see 9 Keeler. Davidson John, farimer, Bloomingdale. l)avidson George B., farmer, Keeler. Davis A. J., land owner, see 32 Bangor. Davis B M.. land owner, sec 33 Pine (Grove. Davis Charles, land owner, see 36 Antwerp. Davis E. A., land owner, sec 30 Antwerp. Davis Stephen W, farmer, Decatur. Davis Elind, land owner, sec 15 Pine Grove. Davis Edmund C., farmer, Pine Grove. Davis George, land owner, sec 16 Decatur. Davis John G., shoemaker, see 33 Pine Grove. Davis H. H., farmer, Geneva. Davis Peter, land owner, see 2 South Haven. Davis Offa, Antwerp. _-1 - ~I L~ 222 VAN BUREN COU[D]NTY GAZETTEER J. S. Dowd & Co. General Dealers in Groceries, Provision, Crockery, Lamps, Glassware, etc., Decatnr, Davis W. A., cabinet maker and land owner, see 4 Geneva. Davis William H., farmer, Decatur. Davy George, land owner, see 6 Lawrence. Davy William W., farmer, Lawrence. Davis Asher S.. farmer, Porter. Day Levi R, land owner, sec 14 and 15 Porter. Day George R., land owner, sec 10 Porter. Day Benjamin F., Antwerp. Day Catherine, land owner, sec 13 Geneva. Day Charles, land owner, sec 5 Pine Grove. Day, Dickinson & Co., sueam saw mill, see 2 Blo nmingdale. Day, Dummond & Co., saw mill, Bloomingdale. Day Jeremiah M., farmer, Bloomingdale. tDay Justin W, land owner, see 22 Bloomingdale. Day William 11., farmer, Hartford. Dayton Allen, land owner, see 8 Waverly. Dayton ID. H., land owner, see 22 Waverly. Dayley S., farmer, Almena. Darby Sylvester, land owner, see 23 Columbia. Darling Amos, farmer, Lawrence. Darling James H., land owner see 18 Almena. Daugtherty John, farmer, Arlington. Dawson Bro's. South Haven. Dean 1). H., land owner, see 34 and 26 IHamilton. Dean Hiram, land owner, see 33 and 34 Bangor, Dean Julius A.. land owner, see 28 Paw Paw. Dean Luther, land owner, sec 17 and 18 Paw Paw. Dean Monroe, land owner, sec 17 Paw Paw. D)ean Philetus, land owner, sec 28 Antwerp. ])can Porter A., land owner, see 18 Paw Paw. Dean IR. C., land owner, see 8 Geneva. D)ean S. P., land owner, see 18 and 19 Lawrence. De)can WVilliam W., firmer, Geneva. l)easah.John, land owner, sec 33 Hamilton. Decker Weller J., land owner, see 20 Keeler. I)eForest John, Antwerp. DeForest Jlohn, ftrmer, Paw Paw. DeFrise Edward, land owner, sec 13 Pine GCrove. DeFrise G-eorge F., farmer, Pine C rove. DeFrise John, land owner, see 12 Pine G(;rove. DeGraff Martin, land owner, see 4 and 33 Paw Paw. DeHaven Christiana, land owner, see 16 Arlington. DeHaven Joel, land owner, sec 14 Hartford. D)eHaven John, farmer, Decatur. DeHaven John, carpenter, Arlington. DeLaFountain S., land owner, see 18 and 19 Geneva. AND BUSINESS [rD] DIRECTORY. 223 You can save 20 per cent. by buying your Crockery and Glassware at Dodge's Crockery Store, Paw Paw. Deland Lyman, Paw Paw. ]Dedrick Philip, land owner, sec 3 I)ccatur. Delamater Jerome S., farmer, Decatur. ])elidei William, farmer, Porter. Dellmater Steohen, land owner, sec 12 l)Decatur. Iell James, land owner, sec 1 Hartford. DPlong Allen, land owner, see 5 Hartford. J)elong Arthur. land owner, see 4 and 5 Hartford. )oelong Edward S., land owner, see 24 Arlington. Delong George, land owner, see, 23 Arlington. Delong Henry, farmer, Hartford. I)elong -Henry, land owner, sec 1 Arlington. Delong Henry. land owner, sec 23 Arlington. 1Delongey Peter, farmer, Columbia. ])elong Silas. farmer, Iiartford. I)elona' William, land owner, see 24 Arlington. _I)emoss Jonah, land owner, Decatur. l)emerit Charles 0.. land owner, see 27 Lawrence. 1)emick S., steam saw mill, sec 27 Pine Grove. I)eming Amos, land owner, se 3 and 10 Paw Paw. I)eming Emmerson, Columbia. IDeming Roswell, (Breedsville) Columbia. Deoming William, land owner, sec 29 Arlington. Demorest William, farmer, Decatur. Dennis Charles W., tCrmer, Decatur. Deunison Ashabel, Paw Paw. Dennison F., land owner, see 32 Decatur. ])enoon Ignatius, farmer, Arlingcton. l)err John, farmer, Hamilton. Ierby Ira A, land owner, sec 6 Deerfield. Derer Reuben. farmer, Decatur. IDereman Earl F., farmer, Waverly. Dereman Theodore, farmer, Waverly. Deronme Earl, land owner, sec 35 Wayerly. lDerrin Asa, land owner, see 5 Bangor. Dersaters Daniel, farmer, Pine Grove. Deppy -, land owner, see 1 Deerfield. Deppe G-eorge, barmner, Geneva Deplidge Henry, South Haven. DePeu George, land owner, see 21 Hamilton. DePuy Benjamin, land owner, sec 9, 30 and 29 Pine Grove. Detron Phillip, land owner, sec 5 Arlington. Devir Edward, farmer, Bloomingdale. Dewaters Clark. land owner, sec 8 Waverly. Dewey Aaron, land owner, see 33 Keeler. l)ewey Aaron. Jr.. farmer, Keeler. I (____~I X____~_ _~~ _____~I_ _____~ ____~~____^I___ ____ _____-111111-1- ~__--1^--~-- 1 224 VAN BUREN COU[D]NTY GAZETTEER Buy your Crockery and Glassware of Higgins & Squier, Decatur Dewey Frank 0., land owner, see 4 Keeler. Dewey Henry, farmer, Keeler. Dewey Jared, farmer, Hartford. Dewey Lyman P., farmer, Decatur. Dewey L. B., land owner, sec 3) Porter. Dewey Rosil, farmer, Keeler. Dewey S. P., farmer, Decatur. Diamond William, farmer, Arlington. Dibble D. W., land owner, see 2 and 11 Waverly. Dibble Leroy, Paw Paw. Dibble W. F., land owner, see 14 Waverly. Dedrick Edwin, land owner, sec 36 Waverly. Dickinson Isaac, land owner, sec 18 Geneva. Dickinson, Rogers & Co., land owners, see 3 South Haven. Dickenson Thomas, farmer, Bloomingdale. Dickson Lewis, landowner, sec 15 and 16 Paw Paw. Diliey D. S., land owner, sec 14 and 11 Paw Paw. Dille Harris, land owner, sec 12 Geneva. Dille V. D., land owner, sec 12 Geneva. Dillman A., land owner, see 9 Bangor. Dillon John, land owner, sec 21 Waverly. Dillon John, Jr., land owner, see 26 Waverly. Dillson Michaei, farmer, Waverly. Dilts H., farmer, Bangor. Dilts William. land owner, see 36 Bangor. Dimick John L., land owner, see 2, 3 and 21 Keeler. Dimick Marquis, land owner, see 22 Keeler. Dine Adam, farmer, Dacatur. Dine David, farmer, Deccatur. Dine Edwin B., Antwerp. Dine Elijah, land owner, sec 13 and 14 Decatur. Dine Lewis, land owner, see 5 Porter. Direu Asa, farmer, Bangor. Di-bro D. W., land owner, sec 21 Bangor. Disbro Edward J., land owner, see 20 and 28 Bangor. Disbro James, farmer, Hamilton. Disbro Lavosier, land owner, see 28 Bangor. Disbro L. H., land owner, see 29 Bangor. Disbro L. W., land owner, sec 19 Bangor. Disbro Ludwick, farmer, Bangor. Disbro Peter J., farmer, Bangor. Dixso Isaac, land owner, see 24 Almena. Dobson Albert W., farmer, Hamilton. Dobson Alexander, farmer, Hamilton. Dobbyon Henry L., land owner, see 32 Deerfield. Dobson Joshua, farmer, Hamilton. ____ _~I I i I AND BUSINESS [D] DIRECTORY. 225 You can save 20 per cent. by buying your Crockery and Glassware at Dodge's Crockery Store, Paw Paw. Dobson William H., land owner, sec 16 Columbia. D)obson Myron, farmer, Hamilton. l)obbyon James, land owner, sec 32 Deerfield. I)odd Bartholomew, land owner, see 5 Arlington. Dodge Asel, farmer, Bangor. Dodge Daniel, land owner, sec 8 and 17 Antwerp. D)odge D. HF., land owner, sec 12 and 13 Paw Paw. I)odge George A., Antwerp. D)odge Joseph, land owner, sec 30 Decatur. D)odge Joseph, land owner, sec 26 and 27 Lawrence. D)oherty Samuel M., farmer, Bangor. Dokey John, farmer, Bloomingdale. Dlolber Abner, land owner, see 9 Waverly. D)ole William, Antwerp. D)olson G. B., land owner, see 24 Lawrence. Dolhur Charles, land owner, see 14 Antwerp. Dolson Isaiah, land owner, see 27 Lawrence. S)olson John W., farmer, Deerfield. Donald James 0., land owner, see 31 Columbia. Donald John W.. Lawton. Donahae Dennis, land owner, sec 28 Arlington. D)onahay Dennis, farmer, Arlington. D)onaldson Henry, land owner, sec 26 and 27 Lawrence. D)onaldson S. A., land owner, see 17 Lawrence. D)onaldson Thomas, land owner, see 11 and 14 Pine wrove. Donaldson W., fauner, Pine Grove. D)onovan Andrew, land owner, sec 34 Arlington. D)onovan Bartholomew, land owner, sec 29 Arlington. I)onovan.Johl. land owner, sec 33 Arlington. D)onovan John Jr., farmer, Arlington. 1)oolittle A. J., land owner, sec 10 Decatur. Doolittle cGeorge A., farmer, -)ecatur. D)oolittle N. R.. land owner, sec 32 Antwerp. l)oolittle 17. R.. land owner, sec 10 Decatur. l)oolittle S. A., farmer, Hartford. Dopp Amos, land owner, sec 31 Lawrenct. l)opp Harrison, land owner, sec 16 South Haven. D)opp Joseph, land owner. sec 33 Lawrence. D)organ C., farmer, Pine Grove. Dorgan Thomas, land owner, sec 19, 18 and 29 Pine Grove. Dlornian Christopher. land owner, sec 13 Almena. D)ormond Christopher P., farmer, Almena. Dorr Solomon, land owner, sec 31 Almena. Dota Mrs., land owner, sec 20 Columbia. Dotz John F., land owner, sec 12 South Haven. D)oty Charles, land owner, sec 3 Hartford. _ _ _ __ I 2299 VAN BUREN COU[D ]NTY GAZETTEER 25 per cent saved by buying your Groceries and Provisions of J. S. Dowd & Co., Decatur Dougal Frank W., farmer, Bloomingdale. I)ougal T. B., land owner, sec 13 Bloomingdale. Dougherty Cornelius, Antwerp. I)oughty George W., land owner, see 12 Paw Paw. D)oughtv Frank, Paw Paw. 1)oughty Isaac, farmer, Lawrence, Doughty Jacob, land owner, see 24 and 11 Paw Paw. D)oughty R., farmer, Paw Paw. I)oughty Thomas, Paw Paw. I)oughty Amos, farmer, Geneva. l)ouglass Charles, land owner, sec 1; 6Waverly. I)ow Charles N., Lawrence. I)owd B. L., Antwerp. *)owd Harrison W., land owner, see 9 Lawrence. 'Dowd Henry HI., land owner, see 13 Hlartford. Dowd Horace, land owner, see 24 Hartford. l)owd Jefferson S., land owner, sec 24 Hartford. Dowd Levi, land owner, sec 19 Lawrence. Downing Decatur, land owner, see 33 Almena. DI)owning A, land owner, see 28, 33 and 21 Alnen:a. D)owzer John, Antwerp. Doyle James, Paw Paw. D)oyle Mary, land owner, see 11 lHartford. D)rake Alexander, farmer, Lawrence. 1)rake A. T., land owner, sec 20 Bangor. D)rake Eugene. land owner, sec 6 Lawrence. D)rake George, farmler, Hartford. Drake i., land owner, see 32 Arlington Drake J,. U., land owner. see 30 A rlington. Drake Jeremiah E., land owner, see 30 Arlington. D)rake John, fatruer, Hartford. D)rake Mark, fatrmer, Lawrence. I rake Reuben, land owner, see 35 Bango-r. l)rake Reuben, farmer, see 2 HIartfor(d. I)rake William H., land owner, sec 16 Bloomingdale. l)raper Jlohn B.. land owner, sec 27 Arlington. )Draper T. J., land owner, see 23 Bloomingdale. D)rowvn Henry (., farmer, 1)eeatur. I)raper Willard E.. ftrmer, Hartford. l)rullinger Aaron, land owner, see 2 and 11 Keeler. I)rullinger Leander, farmer, Keeler. D)rowley Richard, land owner, see 28 Antwerp. )rury C(harles, land owner, sec 29 Antwerp. D)rcwery C(hauncey J., Antwerp. 1Drake D)avid, land owner, see 32 Porter. )unham E. S., land owner, see 4 Porter. I...1................ AND BUSINESS f1)] DIRECTORY. 227 You can save O20 per cent. by buying your Crockery and Glassware at Dodge's Crockery Store, Paw Paw. D)uell Charles, Lawrence. i)uell Shermnn, land owner, sec 2e3 and 24 Decatur. )ufrane Frederick, firnmer, Almena. Dunmonde 'Daniel AV., farmer, Bloomingdale. Dunham Ca4sper, land owner, see 4 Waverly. Dunham C., land owner, sec 16 Blooiningdale. I)unhniam Jobh, frmier, Keeler. )unnlhanm l oreinzo, Iaawrtnce. D)unhanm Lorin, land owner, seo 7 Paw Paw. unning Albert (C., frnier. DI)ecatur. 1)unning Albert. land owner. see 1 Aliiiena. Dunnino lbeirt, tlfrmer, Waverly. ID)unningo (C. B.. land owner, see 12 l)ecatinr. I)unse 1)David, land owner, see 2 Keeler. I)unnino J., fIIrnme, Pine ( rove. )innniiin Johnn lan(d owner. see 4 Antwerp. -Dunin n J onluJ, 11.,aw Paw Nv. T))unning lob rt, farmtner, Pine Grove. _Dunnin \W. S., land o wner, see 29 N )ecatur. D)unninioton John. land owner. see 34 Paw P!iw. iunningtuo Robert, land owner, see 34 Paw Paw. Dunwell Heory~ fatrmer, lPaw Paw. luratt Jrhn V., blacksmith, sec 19 Pine (Grove. IDuIrkee (;Calviin. band otwner, see 13 )Deceatur. Durkee (Calvin. nland owner, see 33 A ntwerp. D)urkee Elisha,. land owner, see0 20 and 30 Antwerp. D)urkee Harry S., land owner. sec 11, 22 a"nd 23 Antwerp. Durkee Mis., lanil owner. see 3 I1)eeatIr. D)urkee Wi. 11., firnmer, Souith li IIven. D)usenberrvy S. J, Land owner, see 5 enerv:,a juston Eugene, la rmer, Bloomingdale. I )ntton JJoltn, land owner. see 19 Lawrenee. ID)uttoni lirenzo, trellr. Paw Paw. I )utt0n 1Ixeonard, land owner, sec 33 Paw Paw. DI)utterrow hilip. ltirer, C.olumbia. D)uvoll L.. land owner, see 18 ( olumbia. D)yckman A..J., land owner. sec 22 Soutih Haven. )yckman 1B. 1., land owner, sec 10, 21 and 22 South Haven. Dyckman A. S., land owner,, see 3,. 10. 11, 221, 2 98, 329 3, 3nd 33 South IHaven. 1 )yckman Ea. B13., land owner, see 1 and' 2 South Haven. l)yckiman & Hlackain, ( E. B. I)yckmanin - 1aekam.) steam saw nmil Pine Grove Dyckman, ThI'liompson & I)yckman, land owners, sec 3 South Haven. )yckmn onWillianm, land owner, sec 10 South haven. )ycknmon & Woodman, land owners, see 3 and 10 South Haven. _~ _ ___1_~1~ _~_ __ _~_ I __ _ _ I _ 228 VAN BUREN COU[ TF]NTY GAZETTEER 25 per cent saved by buying your Groceries and Provisions of J. S" Dowd <& Co., Decatur. Dye Charles H., land owner, sec 32 Almena. Dye Marshall, farmer, Bangor. Dyer Andrew J., farmer, Bangor. Dyer Charles, farmer, Decatur. Dyckman E. B., land owner, sec 12 and 13 Paw Paw. Dyer L. L., land owner, sec 19 Bangor. Dyer Phoebe J., land owner, sec 35 Bangor. Dyer Horace, land owner, sec 28 Almena. Dyer David J., farmer, Porter. E. Eagan Dennis, land owner, sec 6 Keeler. Eagal Newton, farmer, Pine Grove. Eagles Charles, land owner, sec 12 Paw Paw. Eagle W. M., land owner, sec 8 Pine Grove. Eager Lewis, land owner, sec 23 Almena. Eager Lorenzo,.armer, Almena. Eames Aaron, land owner, sec 15 and 16 South Haven. Eames Isaac, farmer, Bloomingdale. Eradman Barney, land owner, see 5 and 6 Lawrence. Earl David, land owner, sec 9 Pine Grove. Earl Evelin farmer, sec 9 Pine Grove. Earl James. land owner, sec 9 Piae Grove. Earl John, land owner, sec 28 Keeler. Earl Joseph P., land owner, sec 15 Hartford. Earl Levi, land owner, sec 8 Lawrence. Earle Albert, land owner, sec 25 South Haven. Earle Alfred, land owner, sec 25 Arlington. Earle Amyntus, land owner, sec 24 Arlington. Earle Caroline, land owner, sec 36 Almena. Earle Charles, land owner, see 31 Almena. Earle Henry, land owner, sec 25 South Haven. Earle Palmer, land owner, sec 10 Hamilton. Earle W1. 1H.. farmer, Bangor. Earle Charles N., farmer, Hamilton. Earle John IT., land owner, see 10 Hamilton. Earle George P., farmer, Hamilton. Earle S. T., land owner, see 10 Hamilton. Easton Arago, Lawrence. Eastman Benjamin, land owner, see 32 Keeler. Eastman D. R., farmer, Pine Grove. Eastman George E., farmer, Geneva. Eastman George, machinist, sec 15 Geneva. Eastman J. M., land owner, sec 16 Decatur. Eastman Henry, farmer, Columbia. Eastman L. J.. land owner, sec 15 Geneva, _ I __ _~I AND BUSINESS [ l] DIRECTORY. "29 You can save 20 per cent. by buying your Crockery and Glassware at I)odge's Crockery Store, Paw Paw. Eastman L. I land owner, see 3 Decatur. Eastman L. D., farmer. Bangor, IEastmani Lewis, land owner. see 34- and 2S (1olumbia, Eastuman M. NI.. lanld owner, sec 21 (Geneva. Eastlman Williau W., land owner, see 5 Keeler. I Easton lEnos. land owncr, ece 3 tHartf'rd. l\Eastotn lJosiah,. land (owner, s.ee 22 ILartford.;aston Liziha, Ihrner, see 16 HIartford. Easton Pulaki, land. ower, see 2t6 IHartford. Easton W. R. P., 1land owner, see 26 Hartford. lEastwtc l (". W.. tland owner, see 15 G(neva.:Eastwood Abel, ttnerl. (Genea. Eaton ( lharles I., latind ovwner. see 21 (Geneva. iEaton (hauncey, land owner, sec 21 G(e leva. laton Ed ward i1.. land owner, see 8 Blooningdale. Eatont Eri, land )vWner. see 15 (eneva. Eaton iJaimes W.. ftharr, Pine rove. Eatn.J I., land owner. se- 3 and 4 Blooniingdale. Eaton Willian. ltnd owner, see 28 Arlineton. Eaton W. W., land owmer, sec 23 Geneva, Ebv (G. W. N.. land owner. see 6 Bangor..eketlerier Aaron, laid owner, seo 6 Pine Grove. Ehckler B..1), lan' d owner,. see 1G Arlin'toln. lickler i)nieli, tfarlliu (roCluibia. ckler Pliilip, laindt ownerlc, see 5 Arlilniton. Eckler Phillip. land ownerl, sec 32 Columbia. iEdg ar Thimts. laid towner, sec 23 P.aw Paw. Ed)cel iGeorgem, justice of tle Meaci a hnd land owner, see 17 Waverly. I]dgell H. J.. S,mth IInavelln. Edgicrtoit Aistiin, land owner. see 16 and 9 Bloomingdale. IEdgerton A. l., land ovier, see 1 Bloonming'dale. I1,dick IHenry, fhirier. IHamilton. 'dick Isiate, t nerie. lIamilton. IEdick iliclhard, thilter, 11aimiltotn. L'Edmuilinds Alpiieus. fl~riaer, Ilawrencei. Ediunuids Z. i., farniert, Lawrence. 'Eidmuiids (. ('., lain wiver, see 8 Lawreice. EItlldunds Judson, lanid towin, se0 16 Porter. Edildonlds Lydia C., land owner, see 8 Lawrence. EIddonds,Mart in. tf 'rer, Waverly. Ednio inson Thnhnis, land owner, s.e 11 lDecatur. iE1dwards (G. A., land owner, see 22 Ceneva. Edwards J. xW., land owner, see 23 and 14 Pinie (Grove. iEdwards Jolih, land owner, sec 18 Arlingtoi. I'ffner Harvey. farmner, hoomiii'ngdale. Iiiglestoni Albiert,.Antwerlp. I - - II I- = 230 VAN BUREN COU[{E]NTY GAZETTEER F. G. Russell, wholesale and retail dealer in Ladies' Hats, Bonnets, Frames, Pluines, Ribbons, Flowers, etc., Decatur. Eggleston -Mrs. A. C., land owner, sec 27 Paw Paw. Egaleston W., farmer, Bloomingdale. Eldred A. C., land owner, see 7 Bloomingdale. Eldridge James H., jr., faruler, Pine Grove. Eldridge J. H., Justice of the Peace and land owner, see 26, Pine Grove. iEllis Roland, farmer, Keeler.!Ellis Stephen. land owner, see 29 Lawrence. Ellis William 11. Columbia. Elliott J. TF., land owner, see 10 ( Geneva. Elliott Lorenzo, An twerp. Elliott Nathan, land owner, sec 3 HIartford. Elliott William, farmer, sec 3 Hartford. Elkenburgh Henry, land owner, sec 9 and 10 South Haven. Elmer (Curran, painter, sec 34 Pine Grove. Elmnore William 0., land owner, see 23 Antwerp. Elms Frederick, ftrmer, I'ine ( rove. Elms George R., farmer, Pine Grl've. Ellsworth A., fthrmer, Arlingtoln. Ellsworth James, land owner. see 4 Arlington. Ellsworth J. 11., land owner, sec 35 W\averly. Elyea John, land owner, see 33 Antwerp. Elwell Lewis, Lawrence. Emmons 1). W., land owner, see 1:a IHlamilton. Emerick William, land owner, see 30 Bloomingidale. Emmons Alexander, farmer, Arlington. Emmons Levi, land owner, sec 18 D)ecatur. Emerson William, farmer, Al mena. Emerling Anthony, land owner, sec 34 Arlington. JEmerson Charles 1., land owner, sec 5 ( Geneva. Engle Allen, land owner, sec 24 Paw Paw. Engle C. II., land owner, sec 3, 10, 11 and 16 lHartflrd. Engle Columbus, land owner, see 24 Paw Paw. Engle Eaton, land owner, see 24 -Paw Paw. Engle Fred S, farmer, Paw Paw. Engle George, lPaw IPaw. Engle John, land owner, see 17 HlartfOrd. Engle Silas, land owner, sec 24 Paw P'aw. Engle Thomas, farmer, Pine Grove. Engle William, land owner, sec 23 and 24 Paw Paw. English Martin, farmer, Almena. English \Wiliiam, farmer, Sout IIh aven. Enlow James, farmer, see 12 Deerficld. Enlow John, land owner, sec 12 l.)eerfield. Enright Patrick, land owner, see 5 Decatur. Eply Jacob, land owner, sec 28 Geneva. AND BUSINESS [4 D] DIRECTORY. 231 You can save 20 per cent. by buying your Crockery and Glassware at Dodge's Crockery Store, Paw Paw. Eply Oscar. fariner, Geneva. EsiIloher Hllenry, land owner. see 6 Hangae(r. Essinge' N ichlas land owner, see 10 Bangor. Estis 4James, Antwerp. Erkenbrick C., land owner, see 18 and 7 A ntwerp. Erkenbrick John NV., tarmer, Ainena. E-rkenbrick Jacob, land owner, see 25 and 36 Alnena. Erkenbrick Martin, farmer, Aliutena. Erwins Williani Ii.L, land owner, see 24 Lawrence. Eloga Frederick C(olullia. Evans -., landI owner, see 25 Paw Paw. Evans Barney, land owner, see 16 Lawrence. 14,Evans Charles WV., fiarmer, Paw Paw. Evans C. B., land owner, see 32 P aw. Paw. Evans -Daniel, land owner, see 22 Lawrence. Evans XWilliani 11., farmer, Lawrence. Elvans.J. W.. ftrmer, Geneva. Evans Joh n, land owner, see 5 Bloom)ingdale. ]'Evans J. K.. land owner. see 30 Keeler Evans Rlobert K.. latnd o wner, see` 27 Keeler. 1Evans 8. 0., tarner, Keeler. Evans Sarah. land owner, see 13 Hlanglor. Eva: ii Theodore, farmer, see 32 A rh ngton. lEverett Phiineas, farmIer, ID)eeatur. Evereltts Riclhan'd HF., larnd owner, see 25 art f6d. Everett Ihhbert H., Iland owner, see 21 -Keeler. Everetts 1. J., land owner, see 12 I)Deetur. Everest l XVise, saw mill, Pine irvc. F4verest & Wi-e ()avid O. Everest and Chaiuney Wise,) general store, Pine Grove. Evexrest )avid 4.. (Everst. & Wise, Pine Grove. Everest & Wise, lanid owners, see 433, 321, 3. 29, 28, 16 ine Grove. Ewell Alfred, land owner, see 2L3 Lawrence. EweNs Willialm C...ttCA nmler. 1a; w Paw. Ewing H. F., land owner, see 16. 21 and 7 Arlington. IExce n nFrederi ek. land owner. see 23 Antwerp. F Fails Sam nelo. fIaw IPaaw. Fairbanks Anmbrose L., laborer, Lawrence. Lairgailes John, land owner. see 5 Bangor. Faleny W. W., land owner, see 29 Almena. V'lkner crge W.. farmer. Pine Grtove..aning I lenry L., farmer, Bangor. Fanning,James, thrmer, Arlington. lanning Silas, land owner. see 4 Arlingtoin. ^a-- -~ -^-r---~l~~-----~~-~.--r~~?ga~i~Fp;-;r~r~~l-~iLI~-~c~e~i--P~ ia-i~ipl ^--ri~L~arlll~--~~~----I-~- -~3---~m~u -----~-i~; "' I~ ~CI CI- -- --- 2,") -) VAN BUREN COU[F]NTY GAZETTEER I Buy my I)ry Goods, Clothing, Mats and Caps of L. A. & L. C. Fitch, iattawan. Fargo Henry S., Paw 1Paw. Farley Erasmus, farmler, (eneva. Farnum A. C., land owner, see 14 South Haven. FarrinYgtom Lewis, farmier, Ariington. Farnsworth Joseph, land owner, see I Waverly. Farnsworth Philo A., (olumbia. Furnsworth Samuel, arminer, Waverly. Farn Solomon B., Antwerp. Farrow Edward, land owner, seee 12 Porter. Farrow JTames C., farmer, Porter. Farrow John, land owne r, see 12 Porter. Faulkner Lewis 1)., farmier, 1)ecetuir. Fancett James, land owner, see 4 Hlamilton. Fatusnautght Hencury, land owner, see 34 Geneva. Fa xon Adolphus, farmier, Alhnena. Fay Julia. land owner, so 35 Deerfifeld Feaucheyo Jackson, firmer, D)eerfield. lea)aus Robert W., ftarmer, s8c S Ailington Fee John, farmner, Pine,(rove. Fellow Jiihn. fhrnimVr, Pine Gri XNc. Fellows (George. land. owner, see S1 and 19 I artford. Fellows Orville, land owner. see 22 eneva Felt loratio 0., land owner, see 23 and 24 K 1 eeler. Fenner Foster, land owner., see 29 Pine (11 rov. Fenton William, land owner, see 3) Aniitwerp. Fenton William W.. ftrere, Porter. 1Ferdlun (Charles, tArier, Pirter. Ferguson Marshall, land ownen, sec 16 )looinile. her2As)I Philo N.. land owne, s 1' 2 41)oeat:ur. Ferris )avid, fanner. Liwnenei. Ferris DanIiel 1., land ow1iler, si' 27 Pui2ten. Ferry Williani 1., ftrmer, eur Fessenden Charles I1.. Antwerp. Fessond Jhen Jhi geelral s Wi, B oniiigdale. Fetzer ( ecirge, lanil owner, see 8 ZWaverly. Field (alvin, Lan1 I4iwner, see 33 Hamilton. Feler avid, ind owner, see 11 Pw Pw. Fields Frederick N., land owner. s-,, 12 Paw Paw. Field Ilerbite, ftrmer, 1amilton. Field TJaumes AN., tarer, Alneia. Flields Onrthaniel, ftrmier,I 1anilton. l'ield Oscar, ftrmer, HIamilton. Fields Samuel, land owne r, soe 5 (c nova. Field Warren, land owner, sce 21 arind 28 HIamilton. Finch A. J., land owner, see 25 Bloomnigdale. Finch C hauncy, blacksmith, soN 35 Pine. rove. AND RUSINESS [I 1] DIRECTORY. 233 Buy your Groceries of W. H. Glidden, East Side Halamitz.o trceet, Paw Paw. Finchli Elward, farmer, Almena. Iincih e1o1- rge. fiinrmer, Pine CGrove. FitiIley A. )LI.h nd oiwner, seC c 4 Baiiqor. FiiiIe eIiJames.hi tirner. A.nlenI 11inley J oh 1, An-1(-W c 1l1) 1"inlIeI L\awrene, Inlid iowniem'. see 12 1Alunena. Finle 'Aicichiael. Lind owner, sec 12 Almnena. Filniex' ';it rick, h(land1 wner, see 11 Hartford. 14inley Pa ntrihck iland owner,, see 35 Bangor. F"iONle hoa flivier. "Ahnuena. i rinley oJames. ilnd owner. see 15 Almena. Firdley Willinm W.. land iowner, see 2 Lawr nce. Finniey AnIsa, land owner, se' 28 Alniena. Fish Asa 8.. land owner, sec 6 Lawrence. Fish B1-3. N., land owner, see 7 Lawrence. lFi1h Ali- tfri i. 1Deerfield. Fish Draper, larndt owner. see 21 )Deerfield. Firh Hry tlrmer, Dl)eerield. iFish Mima hin I. land owner. see 32 Deerfield. 1ish NIiram, land owner, see 21 ')eerfield. Fish Natlianmm M. farmer HIlartford. 11isk S. IP.. landl owner. sec 7 Lawrence. Fisher Amirose. tfarmer. Keeler. 11isher Fa G '.. trmer, Arliingtonm Isihe 'Ihmn. larmer. Keeler. IFisher Wanzu. land owner, see 17 Keeler. i sk Arvimn. hind oWIi'wner, see 10 (olumnia. Fisk 1arles T' land owner. see 27 Almenti. Fisk lEr;ist s. land owner, sec 31 1Hamilton. Fisk 'iVaies ) L.rimer, Arlington. Fiisk John,. himln ownor. see 11 Columbiia. Iisk JohnB i. Law rnciic Fi'sk "ain mml IU.. fhimmer. Almim'ii Fisk S. W.. grist miill, sec 28. ml sawnll. see Alena. liic Clm mmi. lanimer. I iiThimfo. Fitch Ciyis. Liwieine. ritch L. A- hiid owner, see 8i3 and. 10 Antweip. Fitch M.. 1.. hlnd owner. see 1. 2, 11 and 12 Antwerp. Fitzpatrick Mary. land owner, see 11 Hartford. Fitzsimmnois B., land owner. sec 21 Antwerp. Fitzsimnmons Jaimes, land owner, see 5 Keeler. Fitzsimnmoms I'atrick, land owner, see I Porter. Fitzsinmnons William, land owner, see G Keeler. F0lahert ANlpholis, farnier. Lawrence. Flaherty Anmaziah tlarnier, Lawrence. Flaherty Jons, a land owner, see 22 Lawrence. _ _.... ~C i, 111 234 VAN BUREN COU[IF]NTY GAZETTEER Buy your Crockery and Glassware ofJ. S. Dowd * Co., Decatur, and you will Save 25 per cent. Flagg Jesse, farmer, Lawrence. Flagg Jacob A., laborer, Lawrence. Flaglor Morgan L., farmer, Arlington. Flanders Albert, farmer, Decatur. Flanders Albert, farmer, Paw Paw. Flanders Charles, land owner, sec 27 Paw Paw. Flanders Edward, land owner, sec 25 Keeler. Flanders Edwin, farmer, Keeler. Flanders Hiram, land owner, sec 14 Paw Paw. Flanders Ira, land owner, sec 28 Paw Paw. Flanders James, farmer, Paw Paw. Flanders Joseph, land owner, sec 33 Paw Paw. Flanders Milan, land owner, sec 26 Keeler. Fletcher -, land owner, sec 27 Decatur. Flanders Zebulon, farmer, Paw Paw. Fletcher Dorsey, land owner, sec 23 Porter Fletcher H., farmer, Geneva. Fletcher Hiram, land owner, sec 28 Columbia. Fletcher James, land owner, see 20 Columbia. Flick Jacob L., land owner, sec 1 Keeler. Fletcher M. B., farmer, Hamilton. Fletcher Thomas, land owner, sec 23 Porter. Fletcher Truman, justice of the peace and land owner, sec 14 Geneva. Fluett George, farmer, Pine Grove. Fluett Leander, land owner, sec 7 Pine Grove. Flummerfelt A., land owner, sec 15 Antwerp, Forbes Allan, land owner, sec 2 Bloomingdale. Folsom Becker, land owner, sec 10 South Haven. Foot Chester, land owner, see 14 Columbia. Forbes John, land owner, sec 13 Decatur. Ford J. B., land owner, sec 2 and 24 Antwerp. Forward Frank, land owner, sec 30 Pine Grove. Fordham William, land owner, sec 3 and 10 South Haven. Foster A. F., farmer, Geneva. Foster Granville, land owner, sec 6 Decatur. Foster Grief, land owner, sec 11 Hamilton. Foster G., land owner, sec 6 Decatur. Foster J. W., farmer, Geneva. Foster Joshua C., South Haven. Foster Martin, land owner, see 30 Waverly. Foster Mary, land owner, sec 14 South Haven. Foster Morris B.. student Keeler. Foster Seth, land owner, sec 10 and 11 Columbia. Fosdick Albert, farmer, Almena. Fosdick Harvey, land owner, sec 1 Almena. Fourtlett Nathan H., farmer, Keeler. _______ ____ _____________________ _ _______ AND BUSINESS [F] DIRECTORY. 235 L. frT OBLEm, MANUFACTURER AND DEALER IN CABINET WARE, Mattresses and Spring Beds, Mirrors, CHAIRS, BEDSTEADS, PICTURE FRAMES, PARLOR aud BEDROOM SETS in large variety. Also, COFFINS and CASKETS of all sizes, and all other articles in his line of trade. Warerooms, opp. M. C. R. R. depot, DECATUR, MICH. Fowler Charles L., farmer, Arlington. Fowler D., land owner, sec 27 Bloomingdale. Fowler George, farmer, Columbia. Fowler J. M., land owner, sec 19 and 20 Hartford. Fowler John R., farmer, Keeler. Fox A., farmer, Waverly. Fox Daniel F., Antwerp. Fox George. Antwerp. Fox James S., farmer, Waverly. Fox James L., land owner, sec 4 and 15 Waverly. Fox James W.. farmer, Almena. Fox Mrs. Sara, land owner, sec 29 Antwerp. Fox William R., land owner, sec 11 Columbia. Fozkett H. T., land owner, sec 6 Genevn. Francis Simeon L., farmer, Hamilton. Franklin David H., farmer, Decatur. Franklin F. W., land owner, sec 26 and 28 Decatur. Frasier John, farmer, Decatur. Frasier Orrin, firmer, Decatur. Frazier J. E., Columbia. Frazier John A., farmer, Bangor. Frary Marvin, farmer, Deerfield. Friend Levi, land owner, sec 11 Deerfield. Freelove Joseph, farmer, Hamilton. Freeman ---, farmer, Waverly. Freeman A., Antwerp. Freeman Albert H., Columbia. Freeman Albert H., farmer, Almena. Freeman Albert, land owner, sec 19 Pine Grove. Freeman B. G., farmer, Waverly. Freeman B G., land owner, sec 12 Columbia. Freeman John, land owner, sec 15 Pine Grove. Freer A. J.. land owner, sec 23 Waverly. Freeze Jacob, land owner, sec 16 Paw Paw. French Henry A., carpenter and land owner, see 13 Almena. French Mrs. L. A., land owner, sec 1 Decatur. ~__ _I_ _~~ ~_I~__ _~ I___~__l^_ii~ __ ____________i__il~ll____-~3t-~-----~llll 236 2 VAN BUREN COU[QjNTY IAZETTEER V~L UVI~II~ V X-]NTY (L "AZETTEER~.i~lI I Buy your Groceries and Provisions of J. S. Dowd Co., Decatur. French Warren F., land owner, sec 23 Alinena. French William, fEraer, South Haven. Frisby Seth B., land owner, sec 18 and 19 Almena. Fritz Cyrus, South Haven. Fritz Silas, South Hiaven. Fritzworth G. L-, South Haven. li'robenus Adam, land owner, see 8 cl)eatur. Fromis Williamu, Artinier. Banger. Frost Frank, land owner, see 1 Keeler. Frost Oscar B., land owner, sec 35 )Waverlv. Fry Daniel, land owner, sec 16 Geneiiva. Fry Samuel, land owner, sec 13 Baungor. Fubirman Levi, farmer, Lawrence. Fuller A. A., land owner, see 1 Antwerp. Fuller C. A, land owner, sec 23 Antwerp. Fuller Charles N., Antwerp. Fuller C. S., land owner, see 22 Arlington. Fuller Goodspeed. land owner, see 14 Geneva. Fuller Henry, land owner, sec 13 Aluenwa. Fuller H. C., fiarmer, Geneva. Fuller John, land owner, see 10 Bloominigdale. Fuller L. V., lanrd owner, sec 10 and 15 (Columbia. Fuller Otis, land owner, see 343 Porter. Fuller Warner, land owner, see 10 Bloollmingile. Fuller Williami, ftriter, Hamilton. Funk Bros., (John and Chriztopher,) grist and saw mill, see 2 Bangoll r. Funk Christopher, land owner, see 2.3angor. Funk Daniel, land owiiner, see 34 Geneva, Funk -John, land owner, sel 3 Bangor. Funk Malon, land owner, see 3-1 (GCeneva. Funk Martin, Ia1nd owner, see3 HBanoiir. Furbes Oscar, lainer, l)ecatur. Furhush Mrs. S. A., land owner, see 17 Waverly. G (Tabriel Tlionias, foriet, I11an ord (Iailhouse Benjamin F., firmer, Plorteir. ("ailhliouse John HI., 1land owner, see 33 Porter. GAailliouse Levi, land owner, see 33 Porter. Gailliouse Willian1, 'mier, Porter. '(a(e EAlisha W., lanid owner, see 15 Lawrenee. Guage (Iiles XN., C )lum1bia. U-age Giles, land owner, sec 12 Bloon1iingdale. Gao'e M., land owner, sec 16 Lawrence. Galfigan C. E., land owner, sec 27 Pawlaw. UAalligan James, farmer. PawPaw. AND BUSINESS [(3-] DIRECTORY. 237 You can save 20 per cent. by buying your Crockery and Glassware at Dodge's Crockery Store, Paw Paw. Galligan John 0., farmer, PawPaw. Galligan Thomas, land owner, sec 28 PawPaw. IGalloway W. A., farmer, South Haven. Gait D. H., land owner, sec 21 Antwerp. SGammner George W., land owner; sec 18 Keeler. Garg Enos, Antwerp. Garlic Oscar. farmer, Paw Paw.:Garmanl Henrry. land owner, sec Bangor. Garnett Stephen, land owner, sec 1 Geneva. Garnsay William W., farmer, Arlington. Garrison Daniel S., farmer, Decatur. Garrison Hiram, farmer, Porter. Garrison William HI.. farmer. Porter. Garrett William, farmer, Keeler. Garrett Rosa, land owner, sec 36 Keeler. Garver Isaac, farmer, Bloomingdale. Garver William, farmer, Columbia. SGarver Isaac, farmer, (Co)lumbia,:arver Mary, land owner, sec 25 Columbia. Ga rwick -, land owner, see 4 Bangor. aites Charles F., land owner, see 28 Bangor. Gates Ezr'a. land owner, see 2 Antwerp. Gates Frankk, land owner, sec 6 Lawrence. Gates Franklin D., ftrmer, Arlington. Gates Merritt 1), land owner, see 2 Antwerp. Gates Michael, land owner, see 2 and 3 Decatur. Gates lPolly E., land owner, sec 7 Lawrence. Gant Asa N., land owner, sec 8 Lawrence. iant Delos, farmer, Lawrence. Gant Jnathan, land owner, sec 25 Hartford. Gault William S., land owner, see 8 Pine Grove. Gage 1DeLos, thrnier, Lawrence. Gay George. land owner, see 27 Bloomingdale. Gay Seymour. land owner, sec 15 South Haven. (ayton Thomas, land owner, sec 28 Arlington. Gear Edward, Antwerp.| Geer G(eorge N., land owner. see 32 Hamilton. Geer G. V., farmer, Hamilton. Geer John E., farmer, Hlamilton. Gee:r Mrs., land owner, see 32 Hamilton Geer Oliver M.,farmer, Hamilton. Geer Prentiss, land owner, see 31 Hamilton. Geer R1oland E., farmer. Hamilton. IGeorge Charles C.. land owner, sec 17 Hartford. George H. M.. land owner, see 4 Waverly. George Robert, land owner, see 29 Antwerp. '_ j_~._~~__~. ~ __. __.~___ ~_~_ I II II I I I _ II 238 VAN BUREN COU[GW]NTY GAZETTEER J. S. Dowd & Co., of Decatur. sell Crockery and Glassware Cheaper than any other Firm in the County. George Samuel, land owner, see 25 Waverly. George Samuel, armer, Almena. Gesler Orville, land owner, see 28 Columbia. Ghalager Thomas, farmer, Columbia. Ghrist Thomas, land owner, sec 17 and 18 Antwerp. Gibbs Jay, farmer, Pine Grove. Gibney Ileary E., land owner, sec 30 Bangor. Gibson Charles, land owner, sec 21 South Havenri. Gibson George, land owner, sec 22 South Havetin. Gibson Elizabeth, land owner, see 20 and 14 Porter. Gibson Robert, land owner, sec 20 Porter. Gibson Washington, land owner, see 14, 23 and 24 Porter. Gilbert Albert, fitarmer, Hanmilton. (Gilbert. J., farmer, Bangor. Gilbert C(Iyrus, farmer, Geneva. (Gilbert D. P., land owner, see 13 Columbia. Gilbert I)avid, land owner, see 19 LHartfrd. Gilbert JTacksmn, farmer, Arlington. Gilbert Luke, land owner, sec 5 Paw Paw. (i1lbeiNt M1. W., land owner, sec 30 Bangor. Gilbert Warren I., farmer. Ba1ng r. Gild Eilhu. AiAntweIrp. Gillispie Lewis, Paw Paw. Gill Benjamin i'.. Paw Paw. (ikllanm William i, land owner, see 21 fArlington. CGillett Charles 11., farmer, Arlington. G-illett William, farmer, Almuena. 4Gil ama n & IRoot, saw inill, Porter. Sil1mn mm -, land owner, see 31 (olumbim C ilnman George W. Anlwerp. 'ilnman A. 0., land owner, see 13 Artwirmp. (iilnman Joseph. land owner, see 1,Paw Paw. GilInman Samuel R., Antwerp. Gilmnore Joseph, land owner. see; A mtwerp. Cilpin Caleb, land owner. sH' 1 Arlington. Gilpin W. T., tfrmer, see I Arlingtoll. G ilton M. A., land owner, see 10, 11I and 15 lPmw Paw. Gilson Marvin, farmner, Paw Paw. C ilson Samuel, land owner, see 24 Bloomingda.le Givers John, tarmer, Keeler. Glazier Philip, fitrmer, Hamilton. Gleason A. iM. land owner, se 5 )Deerfield. Gleason Harriett, land owner, see 5 Paw Paw. 4Gleason Richard, land owner, see 8 Paw Paw. C leason William, farnier, Keeler. Gleason William, land owner, see 32 Hartford. AND BUSINESS [G] DIRECTORY. 239 You can save 20 per cent. by buying your Crockery and Glassware at Dodge's Crockery Store, Paw Paw. Gleason William i 11., flhrmer, Paw Paw. Glidden Asa C., land owner, sec 8 Antwerp. CGlover Isaac C., frmnier, Arlington. Glidden Jehiel, land owner, sec 8 Antwerp. Glidden J. II., land owner, sec 34 Antwerp. Glidden L. A., land owner, sec 31 Waverly. G lidden Scott, land owner, sec 23 A ntwerp. G lidden Stephen, land owner, sec 25 Decatur. Gohble Elijah. land owner, see 34 D )ecatur. Goble 1E. H., land owner, sec 25 Bloomingdale. Goble E. P., carpenter and land owner, see 32 Pine Grove. Goble Hirami, land owner, sec 7 Almena. Guoble James II., land owner, sec 30 Pine Grove. Goble John, farmer, Bloomingdale. C0ob!e John, land owner, see 17 Decatur. (A oble Jonathan, land owner, seeC 32 WDecatur. Goible Pomeroy, farmer, Almena. Goble \ Warren, stave fAetorx, sec 35 Bloomingdale. aoble anrrlen, land owner, see 24 a in 23 Bloomin dale, bhle iWarren, farnier, Pine Grove. a0dfireN Albertt M.. land ownor. see 12 Decatur. Godfrey Stafford, land owner, see 14 Paw Paw. G (i)r N nocy V., lan;d owner, see 31 Paw Paw. G oin(s Staple, laund awner, scee 3 L awrence. G,f1 Dewtitt C( land owner ee 5 Arlington. (land Charles, moor. Alnena. a1lden.Jodin, laid owner, see 21 Alnim.n Golden John, Ant wrp. Gooch 1arrv, farmer, Waverly. Goodel u Johi, land ow1)0er see 2 G'Ueneva. odell IMarsh all land owner, see 8 Lawrenee. G1_olde itWilliani, fdrmier. Ahnenta. CG odell (.)Oliver 11 ln1d owner, see Lawrence. a(_aodenoa, ujC. C., land'owner, see 15 and 21 Hartford. G oodmolnte J. J., land ownler. sec 1 South Haven. (cOdich Enosih ln d owner, sec 34 CoIlumbia. (;oOiich eo II., ea 1land Owner, e' 13 Antwelrp 4 oodrich.Jaies, Coluimbia. (;Goodrichi( IJme1 laind owner, see 2 ACrlington. Goodrich (Jihn (C. d laiowner. see 3 Colmulbim. (oodrich Noahi, (Columbia. 0 Ic11 Reu1ben. land owner, see 35 4Columbia Good(rich W\illimn, Antwerp. (jood(icl h Ansel. land owner, see 32 Hi artlord. loodspeed Mertitt, fler, i eer, Ieneva. c)odspeed0l & Stratton, land owners. see 30 Hartford. 240 VAN BUREN COU[G]NTY GAZETTEER J. S. Dowd & Co., General Dealers in Groceries, provisions, Crockery Glassware etc., Decatur, Mich. Goodwin Charles, land owner, sec 5 Almena. Gordon Dennis, farmer, Decatur. G-Grdon George, farmer, Decatur. Gorham Allen, land owner, sec 18 Almena. Gorham BIradford C., land owner, sec 36 Arlington. Gorham Lorenzo, land owner, sec 9 Almena. Gorhamn W. B., land owner, sec 14 Antwerp. Gorman John P., South Haven. Gorton Quartus, farmer, Almena. Gosling George W., Antwerp. Goss Anson, carpenter, see9 22 Bangor. Goss C. B., ftrmer. Bangor. Goss Frederick, land owner, see 8, 17 and 18 Bangor. Goss Henry, shoemaker, sec 27 Bangor. Goss Hiram, farmer, Almona. G-oss John, land owner, sec 6 Bangor. Goss Ormand. land owner sec 22 Bangor. Goss Ormand, land owner, see 12 Paw Paw. Goston 1. H11., farmer, Almena. Gouber Peter, land owner, sec 4 Pine Grove. Gouber Peter, Jr., farmer, Pine CGrove. Gould Edwin G., farmer, I)ecatur. Gould E. J., tirmer, TYWaverly. Gould Frederick, farmer, Keeler. Gould Gilbert. land owner, sec 35 Keeler. Gould Ira. land owner, see 35 Keeler. Gould S. H., land owner, sec 29 Lawrence. Gould Horace. land owner, see 20, 29 and 32 Porter. G( ould T. T., farmer, Porter. Grahaim Abrahani, land owner, see 33 Paw Paw. (Graham l John, land owner, see 4 Decatar. G(raiham iJohu, farmer, Bloomingdale. Giranger John, farmer, Lawrence. (G raham WhTilliam A., land owner. see 32 Decatur. I raXham William, land owneri. see 4 and 3 Decatr. Grant George, land owner, see. 32 )eerfield. (Arav es Ansil, land ownerr, ee 3 IrlanLor. Grarves Charles F., f trmer, Paw Paw. rraves e. B., lamnd oxwner. sec 9 Soutthlb Haven. Gray A. J.,.ntwerpj r ray Charles It., ftr mer, angor. i-r ayhamn John, Coluibnhia.. Gray James W.. land owner, see 32 Arlintgrt-on. Gray Martin. flarmeir, Bangor. GrazIy Wells, land owner, sec 7 -and 18 Antwerp. Gray WTilliam, fthrmer. Bangor. AND BUSINESS [GI] DIRECTORY. 241 You can save 20 per cent. by buying your Crockery and Glassware at Dodge's Crockery Store, Paw Paw. Gregg & Miner, land owners, sec 17 Antwerp, Gregg Samuel L., land owner, see 28 Antwerp. Gregory Absolam, farmer, Pine Ujrove. Greoorv Albert E., land owner, sec 34 Keeler. Gregor George, farmer, Decatur. Gregory Henrv, land owner, sec 34 Keeler. Greoory James. land owner. sec 1 Pine Grove. Gremips Peter, land owner, sec 11, 12, 14 and 23 Paw Paw. Gregory W. H11., land owner sec 23 Pine Grove. Green ( lark 11., land owner, sec 3 Decatur. Green E. S.firmer. Pine Grove. Green i (. L., farmer. South Haven. Green John, fhrmer, -Hamnilton. Grecn M. farmer, sec 15 Deerfield. (G reen Orsimus, thlruier, Bangor. Green Thomas. land owner, sec 33 Columbia. GIreen William 11.. fhrmner, Bloomingdale. GreeC n. 11., land owner, see 8 Waverly. CGreein William, land owner, sec 15 Hartford. (Greenfield E. B., land owner, sec 27 Hartford. ( reeinhfield Hirai, farmer, Hartford. (Geetnan Almon \W., land owner, sec 22 Lawrence. Sreemnniin ( Christopher, farmer, Banoor. ((reeninan Briadley, land ownelr, sec 36 Lawrence. Greetmin (Chriistopher, farmer, I;irtford. G iieei (ij H-,lIii1 r, larliler, Banoor. (G e11Cnma 11H1 llett. land owner, sec 4 Hartford. (A I-eenllinal IJaiiies, land owner see 3 Banior. A rlell wood,Jhln, tifruier. see 8 Pine Griove. Grieen n 11 Ii I B., land owner, see 27 and 26 Decatur. (GrI(ee(nmn XW illiamni., land owner, sec 85 and 36 Lawrence. G reeiiaiver lan., d owner, see 18 South Haven. CGreeniriver & Worrells, land owners, see 22 South Haven. riffill. 11., land owner, sec 25 Antwerp. (IiAffifhn h11(.l(iles N, land owner see 26 and 35 Paw Paw. Sriffin (ICauiles N.. Antwerp. 6rffin C(ornelius, firmer, Decatur. G'riffin X William, land owner, sec 18 Decatur. (GAliffith C )., land owner, sec 23 Antwerp. Grills IHenry S., land owner, sec 24 Bangor. G(rills Isaiah, land owner, see 27 Columbia Grills Joscph, land owner, sec 24 Columbia ICIills Thomaits, lhntd owner. see 24 Geneva. i riun es Clhiirles, Columibia. Criimes & Hlackard, steam saw mill, see 6 Waverly. CGrimes1 P. C., Columbia. I I I I I - - I - -------- 242 VAN BUREN COU[T]NTY GAZETTEER ___ Clocks, Watches and Jewelry Promptly Repaired b Decatur. Grinage Jonathan, land owner, sec 6 Porter. Gring Jacob, land owner, sec 7 Bangor. Grist Thomas, Antwerp. Grosfant Benjamin, land owner, sec 10 Porter. Gross C. B., land owner, sec 5 Bangor. Groff Charles, land owner, sec 5 Pine Grove. Grout Albert, land owner, sec 22 and 27 Paw Paw. Grout George, farmer, Paw iPaw. Grout Mrs., land owner, see 22 Paw Paw. Grooms Edward, farmer, South IIaven. Grove Jaur. land owner, sec 18 Bloomingdaie. Grotsinger John G., farmer, Decatur. Groves Harvey S., farmer, Bloomingdale. Guff John M., fairmer, Waverly. Guild W. E., land owner, sec 20 Antwerp. Guiles Caroline, land owner, sec 19 and 33 Columbia. Guire George, South Haven. Gunn Millard, shoemaker, sec 16 Hartford Gurnsey Charles F., farmer, Lawrehce. Gurnsey David, land owner, sec 1 and 2 Lawrence. Gurnsev William, land owner, sec 36 Arlington. Gustin A. M., land owner, sec 35 Hartford. G ustin Reuben, land owner, sec 27 Hartford. Gu-stin William, land owner, sec 9, 21 and 22 Keeler. Guthrie James, South Haven. (Guy Lewis, farmer, Keeler. 4y E. L. Hawks, H Ilackard & Dyckman, landowners, sec 17 Pine Grove. Hackett Allen, fi.rmer, Keeler. Hackett LaFrancis, land owner, see 22 Bloomingdale. tHadden [Hiram, Antwerp. HIadlev & Cook, saw mill, (Saddle Lake), Columbia. H-1agar Elijah R., farmer, H:amiltoL. Hlagar Lewis 1H.. farmer, Hamilton. IlHagar 14. C., land owner, see 7 iHamilton. H1agmtr L. B., land owner, sec 28 Hamilton. IHagar Solomon, farmer, Hamilton. Hiagamnan Barney, farmer, Hamilton. Hiagerman J. W., land owner, see 12 Hamilton. i agdell VanRanselaer, farmer, Gereva. Hale Ansoni, firmer, Hamilton. Hale, Conger & Co., land owners, sec 3, 2 and 10 South Haven. Hale Homer R.. farmer, South Haven. Hale Marshall, land owner, see 2, 3, 10 and 11 South Haven. Hale Mrs. Amanda, land owner, see 11 South Haven. _ _~_ _ __ AND BUSINESS [jII] DIRECTORY.. 243 Physicians Prescriptions Carefully Compounded by L. A. & L. C. Fitch, Mattawan. Hale Mr's., land owner, sec 13 Hamilton. Hale R., land owner, see 36 Deerfield. Halfert John, farmer, Keeler. Hall Andrew, farmer, Porter. Hall Amos, land owner, see 21 and 28 Porter. Hall A. F.. land owner, see 33 Keeler. Iall Charles, farmer, Almena. Iall C. B., land owner, sec 4 Paw Paw. Hall David P1.. farmer, Porter. Hall Edward 1)., farner, Hamilton. Hall & Gates, steam saw mill, see 10, South Haven. Ha~ll George R., farmer, Lawrence. Hall George W., farmer, Porter. Hall Gideon, land owner, see 2 Geneva. Hall & Hitchcock, land owners, see 7 and 18 Lawrence. Hall Hiram, mason, sec 32 Pine Grove. Hall Isaac, land owner, sec 28 Porter. Iall James. land owner, sec 16 Porter. Hall James 11., farmer, Porter. Hall James T., land owner, see 10 Hamilton. HIall Morgan. land owner, sec 17 Porter. Hall Myron, farmer, Porter. Hall Richard Mi. J., farmer, Porter. Hall Robert J.. tinner, Lawrence. Hall Truman, land owner, see 26 Almena. Hall William W.. land owner, see 10 Porter. Hall Wesley, land owner, see 7 Porter. Halesy Mrs. Kit, land owner, see 7 Geneva. Halstead H. K.. land owner, sec 27 Paw Paw. Ha!stead L. L., land owner, sec 36 Paw Paw. Halstead L. L., land owner, sec 1 Decatur. Halstead Spencer, land owner, see 1 Decatur. IHalstead William B., farmer, Decatur. Hamilin Amos M., land owner, see 36 Arlington. HIamlin Eli. farmer, Arlington. Hamlin Elizabeth. land owner, see 36 Arlington. IHamilin Frederick, farmer, Arlington. Htamilton C., land owner, see 6 Decatur. Hamilton C. G., land owner, see 31 Paw Paw. HIamilton Edward, land owner, see 3 Keeler. Hamilton Rinaldo B., farmer, Decatur. Hamilton R. W., land owner, see 6 Decatur. hHamilton Robert, land owner, sec 31 Paw Paw. Hammond James, hind owner, see 15 Deerfield. Hammil John, land owner, sec 19 Hartford. Haminond Albert P., land owner, see 35 Hartford. 244 VAN BUREN COU[fI ]NTY GAZETTEER Hammond Henry, land owner, sec 34 Hartford. Hammond Henry, landowner, sec 1 Bangor. Handshaw George, land owner, sec 33 Keeler. Haney Robert, land owner, sec 35 Hartford. Haney Thomas, land owner, sec 36 Hartford. Hanmer Austin H., laborer, Lawrence. Hannahs George, land owner, see 2, 10, 12 and 13 South Haven. Hannan Bartley, farmer, Hartford. Hanolds Arter, land owner, sec 7 and 18 Keeler. Hanold Bowman, farmer, Keeler. Hanold Davenport, farmer, Keeler. Hanold Franklin, farmer, Keeler. Hanold Friend, farmer, Keeler. Hanold Garison, farmer, Keeler. Hanolds John, land owner, see 3 and 4 Keeler. HanGld Luban, farmer, Keeler. Hanold Philip H., farmer, sec 7 Keeler. Hanold Peter, farmer, Keeler. Haney Robert, Jr., land owner, sec 36 Hartford. Hanold Simeon N., land owner, sec 7 Keeler. Hlanselman J. M., land owner, see 2 Paw Paw. Hauseworth Levi, land owner, sec 6 Pine Grove. Harbolt John. farmer, Pine Grove. Hard Bartholomew, Antwerp. Hardy John, farmer, Paw Paw. Hardee John, Antwerp. Hardy Orange S., farmer, Hamilton. Hardy Reuben, land owner, see 7 Hamilton. Hare John, farmer, Hamilton. Harker A. A., farmer, Pine G rove. Harker E. I., farmer, Pine Grove. Harmon C. Leonard, land owner, sec 17 Porter. Harmon Elias, land owner, sec 21 and 16 Porter. IHarner Philander, Antwerp. Harper Harvey, land owner, sec 5 Porter. Harper James, land owner, see 22 Porter. Harper William S., land owner, see 5 Porter. Harper Samuel D., farmer, Porter. HIarris Alvin, land owner, sec 33 Keeler. Harris Alvinza, land owner, sec 19 Arlington. Harris Amanzo, land owner, sec 33 Keeler. Harris B. F., land owner, sec 5 and 6 Hamilton. Harris Daniel, farmer, Keeler. Harris Esther A., land owner, see 23 Porter. IHarris Frank, land owner, see 28 Paw Paw. Harris Fletcher, carpenter, sec 24 Bangor. Harris George W., farmer, Paw Paw. Harris Hendryx, land owner, see 4 Pine Grove. AND BUSINESS [fJ] DIRECTORY. 245 We buy all our Boots, -*hoes, Crockery and Glassware of L. A. & L. C. Fitch's Mattawan. Harris Henry E., farmer, Hartford. liarris Hudson, land owner, sec 6 Paw Paw. IHarris Ira, lahnd owner, sec 9 Pine Grove. Harris James, farmer, Lawrence. Hairris James, land owner, sec 27 Arliniton. Harris James, Paw Paw. Hiarris, Jarnes IH., 1farmer, Keeler. IHarris J..h land owner. see 19 Arling ton. Harris John S., land owner, see 27 Paw Pa w. HJarris R. S. farmer, Geneva Harris S. W., land owner, see 6 Paw Paw. lHaarris S. R., land1,wner, see 5 Hamilton. 1Harris S. 1., l.and owner, se 8 Hamilton. Harris W. T., land owner. sec, Hamilton. 11ret - zliii, blacksmith, sec 17 and 21 XWaverly. IHarrinton (C.. land owner, see 32 Antwerp. IHirr ii tin EI1ward. rn firuler, Pine Gxrove. arriunitin (G F., laiind owner, see 4 Paw Paw. Ilarintin Hlarry. land owner. sec 21 and 28 Lawrence. Hirriogti mHenry. land (wirer. see 23 Pine Grove. ari40n Rulssell, firmer, A I'rli ntoi. II l rri tiSn. R.. tinirer, 1 rtf oid. I lirniritori Tihonias. trtner.. Pine Grove. H1urrni tontI villin ii, ftrmer, Paw Paw. Harrison Airon, land owner, see 15. 16 and 22 Paw Paw. H arnrisoi Albert. Iand owner, sec 4 and 16 Paw Paw. Haii rrison C.( V. land owner. sec 12 Paw P aw. Harriruttori Heltnrv. land owner, see 4, 10 and 16 lPaw Paw. HIarrison.J. 14.. land owner, see 16 andl 17 Hamilton. 4i-hiiion.Jefferson, Antwerp. Harrison I'. i. land owner, seeC 11 Paw iPaw. H1arrow Johbn A., laborer, Lawrence. Hart WIiiliamr. laind owner, see 24 Almena. JIartuianr( C. R1., land owner, sec 29 D)eerfield. Hhatriranii JeremiaIih. i riner. Deerfield. IHrtaianiar Jolhn, Iland owner, sec 15 Bloonmingdale. Harvey E. P., land owner, sec 12 Hriangoir. Harvey George, land owner, sec 18 Bloomingdale. Harvey M. H.. land owner, sec 14 Hartford. Harvey Marshall, land owner, sec 30 Waverly. Harvey Martha. land owner, sec 24 Bloomuingrdale. Harvey Perry, irmer, Geneva. H1arvey S P., larid (owner. see 11 Bangor. Harvey vE. P., land owner, sec 7 anu0 18 Arlington..11Irvev 'C'hon\as Um., farnmer, Bangor. __ 246 VAN BUREN COU[I]NTY GAZETTEER Go to J. S. Dowd & Co., Decatur, for your Crockery and Glassware and you will save 25 per cent. Harwick Elias, Paw Paw. Harwick John, land owner, sec 16 Antwerp. Harwick Peter, land owner, sec 16 Antwerp. Hascall S. M., farmer, Bangor. Hase John, land owner, sec 30 Hamilton. Haskins -, farmer, Geneva. Hastings James, land owner, sec 5 Hamilton. Hastings R. W., land owner, see 7 Hartford. SHastings Thomas, land owner, sec 15 Decatur. Hatch Charles, land owner, sec 13 Hartford. Hatch Golden, land owner, sec 23 Pine Grove. Hatch Milo, thrmer, Decatur. Hatch Orlando, farmer, Hartford. HATHAWAY ANSON H., land owner, sec 16 Porter. Hathaway Charles, land owner, sec 19 Lawrence. Hathaway Philetus, farmer, sec 4 Arlington. Hathaway W. B., South Haven. Havens Andrew J., land owner, sec 22 Keeler. Haven Augustus, land owner, see 17 and 18 Bloomingdale. Haven G. W., land owner, sec 16 and 17 Bloomingdale. Havens Nelson, farmer, Almena. Havens W. C., land owner, see 32 Alnmena. Haven Warren, land owner, sec 17 Bloomingdale. SHawk Thomas, land owner, see 15 Deerfield. Hawks John W., Paw Paw. Hawk & Lambert, (Thomas H:awk and W. L. Lambert), steam saw mill, sec 15 Deerfield. Hawkins R. W., land owner, see 14 Almena. Hawley Eugene, land owner, sec 2 Porter. Hawley John, Paw Paw. Hawley John. land owner, see 2 Porter. Hawley J., land owner, see 15 Columbia. Hawley John, land owner, sec 24 Bloomingdale. Hawley Martin, land owner, see 3 Porter. Hawley M. S., land owner, see 30 Bangor. Hay J. W., land owner, see 7 and 30 Hlartford. ILytnes Albert 1H.Paw Paw. Hayes Edmund, farmer, Porter. Hayes F. D., land owner, sec 11 Waverly. Haves Ira, farmer, Decatur. Hayes J. S., land owner, sec 11 Waverly. SHayes Mrs., land owner, sec 13 Columbia. Hayes Orrin, land owner, sec 16 Decatur. Haves S. G., blacksmith, sec 19 Pine Grove. Hays Ira, farmer, Waverly. Hayes William, land owner, sec 2 Bioomingdaie AND BUSINESS [T] DIRECTORY. 247 You can save 20 per cent. by buying your Crockery and Glassware at Dodge's Crockery Store, Paw Paw. Hayden Alex, farrmer, Geneva. Hayden Bela II., fairmer, Almena. Hlayden E. W., land owner, sec 27 Almena. Hayden Tosiah, land owner. see 15 Waverly. HLaydlen Samuel. land owner, sec 34 Almena. Ilaydon A. W., land owner, see 7 and 18 Hamilton. Ilavdlon Christopher, ftrmer, D)ecatur. Haydon Edward. frllmer, Waverlv. Hayland George, land owner, see 283 and 24 Antwerp. Hayner Calvin, land owner, sec 19 Bangor. Hlayner Eliza, land owner, sec 29 Bangor. lHaywood Abijahi, land owner, sec 7 'Paw Paw. IHaynes John, land owner, see 10 Porter. IHaywood Johnson, ftrmer, Porter. Haynes Robert M., land owner, sec 13 IHartford. HIaynes Sani uel, land owner. see 8 Lawrence. Hlaywoo d Vivaldi, Antwerp. IHIazamd Asa 1.. firm1er, sec 28 Arlington. 11Ha/ird Er;mstus C.. ltrmter, see 30 Arlinoton. Ilazard Elijah (., flrmler, see:31 iArlinigton. IlHazard Erastus (C., land owner. see 4 Lawrence. HIhazard.J1hn. farmer, Arlington. Iiazelton (Charles. aLnd owner, see 19 ILawmrence. H azelton ID)avid. land owner, see 5 Porter. Hazel Edmonid, thirmer, Waverlv. 11alzieton J. T.. tfahriaer, Lavwrenee. IHead( S1lo)m1on, firtmer, Keeler. Hleadley Albert, land owner, see 1 and 2 Hamilton. IHeadley & C(ook. saw nmill, sec 10 Columbia. H-leadlev D). S., saw mill, see 10 Columbia. Hlealv Horace. ftirmer, Bloomicngdale. Heath Levi IV.. land owner, see 30 Arlington. Healy Milton L., land owner, sec 10 Bloonmingdale. Ielcy William. land owner, sec 13 BI3loomingdale. Hlealy Wiliama, land owner. see 30 Pine Grove. IHleeaMd Vernon. land owner, see 5 Alimena. IHath A., land owner., see 5 and 21 Arlington. Heath Charles E, land owner. see 23 Bangor. Heath Edgar, farmuer, Pine Grove. Heath Elias A., land owner, see 30 Arlington. IHeath E. J.. land owner, see 27 Pine, ( Arove. HIeath George W.. tarmer, Arlington. Heath Major, land owner, see 36 Bangor. Heath Michnael, land owner, see 23 Antwerp. Heaton A. 1I.. fi.rmer, Goeneva. Heaton Alonzo, larmer. Pine Grove. 248 V2 AN BUREN COU[[]NTY GAZETTEER Stone and Wood and Willow Ware at J. S. Dowd & Co., Decatur, Heaton Henry, farmer, Pine Grove. Heddon George H., land owner, see 36 Keeler. Hedges F. J., land owner, sec 36 Paw Paw. Heffron Michael, Paw Paw. Helms Abraham, farmer, Arlington. Helmes John, land owner, sec 7 Arlington. Hemley James, Columbia. Hendrick John, land ownr, sec 3 Porter. Hendricks W. O., land owner, sec 33 Bloomingdale. Henderson John, land owner, sec 10 Arlington. Henly Betsey. land owner, sec 10 Bloomingdale. Henry David, land owner. sec 22 Pine Grove. Henry E., land owner, sec 27 Waverly. Henry Edward, farmer, Arlington. Henry John, land owner, sec 27 Arlington. Henry L. S., farmer. Pine Grove. Henry Newton, Antwerp. Henry Thomas, firmer, Keeler. Henry Wilson. land owner, sec 22 Pine Grove. Henry W., land owner, sec 27 Waverly. Herboldsheimer Laranee, land owner, see 10 Pine (rove. Hercock Peter. land owner, sec 19 Bangor. Herrington Judson, farmer, sec 24 Arligton,. Herrihgton Oliver. land owner. see 16 Bangor. Herron Ashbel, land owner, sec 36 Bloomingdale. Herron Edwin W., land owner, see 36 Bloomingdale. Herron Harvy T., land owner, sec 36 Bloomingdale. Herron J. W., land owner, see 30 Pine Grove. Herron John W.. farmer, Bloomingdale. Herron Philo, farmer, Bloomingdale. Herron Philo, land owner, sec 3 Waverly. Herron l. M., land owner, see 11 and 12 Waverly. Hess Adam, land owner, sec 3 and 10 South tHaven. Hiession Patrick, firmner, Hartford. Hewitt James, lab. Lawrence. Hewitt J. A.. South Haven. Hicks E. B. D., land owner, sec 25 Arlingto,. Hicks John S., land owner, see 7 Geneva. Hicks Jewell, farmer, Hartford. Hicks Perry, land owner, sec 25 Decatur. High Albert H., farmer, Decatur. High Alfred, land owner, sec 33 Decatur. High Henry, land owner, Decatur. High Geronamus, farmer, Decatur. HiIgh Jacob, land owner, sec 5 Hamilton. Iligh Nathan, land owner, sec 29 Lawrence. ~-1~1111_~_ --_ ~ L I -1 - i~-------^~----- -1~--11--1----1-------_ AND BUSINESS [I] DIRECTORY. 249 Everybody buys their Sugars, Teas, I)rugs and Medicines of L. A. & L. C. Fitch, 1IMattawan. Higgins Peter, farmer, Hamilton. High William 11., farmner, Decatur. Hill Abigail, land owner, sec 21 Keeler. 1ills Charles 0., land owner, se. 35 and 36 Keeler. Hilll Gilbert W., fhrIner, Porter. lHill (1poroe ii., land owner, see 11 and 12 Porter. Hill 1. Ir fIineer, AlUIena. 11 ill Josidah. land owner, see 13 IHartford. Hill J1Joseph A., land owner, see 31 Alrmena..1 lill J. A hI iiner, Geneva. Hill J. M1., luand owner, sec 25 Bloomingdale. Hill L., Iianid owner, sec 21 )Deerfield. lHill., latid owner, sec 24 G'eneva. Hill MI. J., ftrerit, Iatingor. 1ill ().) P., land owner, see 11 Keeler. Hiill Stellphen Cl (, ftrner, Paw Paw. Hillitard E. F., ItrMier, HLartford. 11Hillyard Harris W., land owner, see 6 Lawrence. liiiadl (George W., hrmner, s ee 32 Arlington. 111111ai'd64cm-ure N, f( & I n t o n.~~ lld ~ ~W I~lW hiilliard I1. W.. land owner see 31 Arlington, 11imes AlotizO, land owner, see 16 Porter. h tinelher4 Eli 6., land owner, sc 3 H amilton. Ii1nkley AIbcrI-t, f'lrtnerI, Paw Pa w. 11inkleyv Asa G., ind owner, sec 32 and 33 Paw Paw. Hiiitikley Dwight. ftrimer, Decatur. Yi I linkle I G eorge, ltrnIeI, D)ecatuor. 11 inklev Ieurv. land owner, sec 29 Paw Paw. lHiIiklev lienry. land owner, sec 20 and 17 IDecatur. II inkl1ev IsaaIe, lau11d owner, sec 5 Geneva. [linklev J. N.. land owner, sec 24 and 13 Columbia. Iliinklev Lyman Ail., land owner, sec 29 Paw Paw. Hinkley M.,land owner, see 14 Columbia. IIi tkinkey IPihlihp, land owner. see 4 Antwerp. 1linklex Smiith, arner, Paw Paw. Hinkle xW. II. hrirmer. Almena. I i e 1(Iv, land owner, see 31 (Coli Iumbia. 111!i icthck. k D)., 1 land owner. see 1c7 1Decatur. HIitchtcock zGeocrge E., Akntwerp. Hitchcock Henry S., land owner, sec 7 Bloomingdale. Hanglaud William, hfriner, Blootningdale. Hoard Burnett, land owter, sec 15 Waverlv. Hoard (C., land owner.,see 31 AluIena. Hard Henry. thrier Laweice. 1 (aid IIra ( land ow ner, see 1 SLawrence. I I oard ()vander, tarmer, Altuen. IHf rid 'Vernoni thtiner, Iiiena. _I_ __ _ ___~I ____C _I 2I50 VAN BUREN COU[I-]NTY GAZETTEERl Buy Your Crockery and Glass Ware of J. S. Dowd & -Co., Decatur, 1i1dgeidia ( J)hIII arier. Blooinigdale. 1 iodgenan i Stephen, land o wner, see 15. 21 and 22 Bloomiingdale. 1Imhdgeorn Thomas, iand owner, sec 113) lii dalI IlHdgeI D C., lad nowdncr, see 12 (iSouth HIIaven. Hlodge Hiarve1y., land( owNier,. see 2() Porter. Ilodge HIorac, land owner, see (6 Puirter. 1 12012e W illiiiam. lanrd owner, sue '7 (cncva. HlidgCes (Ie. irge. tanmner. Al ica. HIdgcs IclHenry. land owner, see 5 l 3Alniean. H1odges J siazi, land 1ow ner. see 28 AlIrten. Hiodes Willia tinfarmer, Ainena. I idcigeson J. &j S. grist ill, seC 1 16 looingdale. 11Odgcson Thotas, imiller and Iaid owner. sec 16 Bloo:ini gdale. Hiodgeson Thomas, land owner, se, 1 Illobmirngdale. H~odll S. B.I landii ower, sce 1 kIZon-iingdale. IHdson M J.. fitrner, Bangomr. ee A. S., land owner, seec 12 Geneva. Hcge Chalirles. hland owner, see 3 (nrieva toce Philip, laid( owner. see 11 Geneva. NIVfilliimr land owier, see 35 Arlinun. Hoftinto Jaicob. land owrner see 5 Waver; ivev. Hlolnr J. in H1., mirter, K1ecler. IHofiLan n. S., black muithi, see 5 Waverlyv. HI ge Franklin,i hrd owner. see 38 1P rter. In IIririre 'harles IE. f rntnr, sec 2-1 Arlirigtion. llognrire Ianiel, land owner, see 21 Arlington. Ilogjire 11David. l1ari owner, sec 29 Arlin9ton. 11I11n0ire Edwin, Sland, owirner, sec 21 Arlington. Hiogin ire dElua, lainud ow ner, see 6 RIlouminingdale. I1og onire i-(,enry, landu owner. see S Arli ton. Hogmnire JonrathIan, land ow ner. see 20 Arliirig0ton. Ilog)lire Mitelell., nIrseuan, see 8 (and 2 A t Iin ton. Horinire Samumel, Farimer, Arlinrgton. [logroire Willia in, tiarnier, see 19 Arli1i rigt on. Hiden 1Edward, lard o.wner, see 20 H1avt'for.d. Itolden Josephl, itiroior, li urter,. Ioldenl Samuel.,. land owner sec 27 1iPorter. lidllanrd George P., tarmer. Pine Grove. Iolliday Joseph, landi owner, see 19 PI) -Iter. IHIolliday Tornuas, land owner, see 22 Porter. IHlllister Cyrus L., land owner, see 6 Paw Paw. Holly A. A., Iarid owner, see 23 Arlington. IHolly Henry, land owner, see 23 Arigtin. Holmes, land owner, see 15 Waverly. Halories Andrew E., fhrorer, Baingor I ~iones Alson, lhr rd owner, seeis 18 ine Grove. AND BUSINESS [TT] DIRECTORY. 251 You can save 0) per ceint. by buying your Crockery and Glassware at I)odge's Crockery Store, Paw Paw. Holmes Alvin. laind owner sec 36 Almena. Hodmes -Arney, Antwerp. Hobues f Chrles tuer, Porter. Hohnll1es Hr1'vey. Antwerp. IHnles -Lymazn K., ftri-mer, Bloomingdalde. HohesSamel (8 &L. K. Holmes). Bloo-minad-le. i i. K.i latd ownvuers. seet 13,12 and 11 iBloomingdale. 8obueS. & [ K., stei nsw inill. s c24 Bloomingdale. hd tneic s S. 1ji 1. K. s t, e, tw in]ilBio f!2~))3ln~:~ztc Hlines Wslev. fthrter, Pitcir. Hlsti'n W. j. II.. ftrmer. Deerfield. (ioover J fh i tfier.1: Hrtfowrl. Hove 'Admil. fthrtner, G(elInea. Ho0pe Alfred, fthrmr, ff Hartford. Ipe Charbnles,h land (owner, see 2 'Lawrence. 1.Ldwpe E d. 1ar ( l owter, sec 10 Keeler.. e 11 -All., 1n111d owneriS, seeC (iIneva. 11.oJeJoseph I Antw wrn. Ipliik kinis h- lad owner, see 14 Waverly. iI pkins inlyr nS. Id owner, see, 13 l)ceatur. ItI pkins Cyr t land ownn ler, see i?18 Porter. Sphkins Goe P., ibniner, Porter. Hopkinsi Geor e.and Vwner, SeC 1- Bloinuingdile. Iliph us I" 'ili:~tnyu V..1( Atiwlenp. s~ 6hoihI~r If nih G G(eioc N.. laud owner, sa 13 D)eeotur. I I( k iis H i iry. Antwerp. 111opki ns itio N., land owiner, Antwerp. pkIins 11'i. N.. hl ad ownier, see 1.8 Potter. lbHpkiHs Jerome 1B.. fhnner. L Bto.(min mdate. ik is.1 IitB. ufiner, B uanmor. 11kins & 1 iiiill l iind ovnvers. see 14 Antwerp. t[opkldi i ilcs, l Pinen sPorter. Ilopckis Orvill. Antwerp. 111 ppi' a ices )D., tanmer, Keeler. I-10,III Roet'r, lIIdIVAw IIr, see 20 and 17 1amilton. H ppii S i tl, laind owi5er see 5 and 8 Arli mgton. hoppo Tiihaiddeus, lin ( owner. see 16 South Haven. "loppeI1 F.. ritten I rlniilton. HiototIi lsai 1. l1dni owtier. see 21 IUtnailton. H.1tontit (IJ11hn A.. Atitwerp. Horto NNelson, liiumi oiner, see 5 Ai lena. Horton Thioms. laknd owner. see 2. 3Bangor. IlorIton WillimItn, l.tid owner. see 20 and 21 Ioninlton. I I Hoton mlWilliM I., Lititier, Iantor. Hoskins IrI. faitner, Bl'omindale. IIosmero Sylv 'tere, tuier,( eGevo. H erCalvin.,11,1d owner, See G) AnItwerp. 252 VAN BUREN COU[f{]NTY GAZETTEER Buy your Wall Paper of HIiggins & Squier, Decatur. I osner 1Plilander, land ownier, sec 25 Anitwerp. iosner S.' land owner, sec 5 Geneva. Hough A. H., land owner, see 28 awngir. )Hough Jac()b, land owner, sec 16 Almiena. HIoughton WVilliamni L., land owner, see 24 Blooniingdale. IHonsel John, land owner, sec 12 Keeler. Hlousell John, land owner see 7 IHaminlton. HIover Calvin. hrminer, Halmailton. Hover Ephraim. ftriner, Hamilton Hover Samuel B., land owner, see 15 Hamilton. Hovey 11. M.. land owne-r. seC 11 South 1Haven. Iowarild & Eiast wood, saw mill, sec 15 Geneva. IowI ard lEdson, taitier, Pine G) rOve. Howard II. 11, lahnd owner, see 4 Bloomingdale. IHowtard Janies. farmuier. Geneva. liowarid J. N, lan d (owner, sc 33 and 27 Columbia. Howard J. M.h land owner, see 4 Bloomingdale. Howard J P., land owner, sec 16 Bloomingdale. Ilowaid Lucius A.. fnarmer. Bloominimdale. Howard Turner WV '. frinier, Lawrence. Howard lZ. C, land owner, see 5 Bloomningdale. Howard Z C. & Co., steam saw mill. see 5 Bloomingdale.t Howe Henry. land owner, see 30 Arlington. H11owe Rodolplhus. land owne(r, see 8 Lawrence. Howe Harry T., land owner, sec 21 and A28 Paw Paw. Howland Freeman, land owner, see 19 Pine Grove. Howlanid Charles, land owner, see 5 Paw lPaw. iowlland George, land owner, see 4 Almena. Iowland IHenry, fhrmrer, Paw Paw. Hiowland James, land ownier, sec 4 1 Deeitur. iowland Patrick, land owner, see 30 Iartford. H1owland (Patrick. land owner, see 7 1)eatur. flowland Simeon. land owner, see 7 Paiw Paw. Hoyt George W., firmer, South Haven. Iloch O)rrin, land owner, -ec 23 South Ilaven. HIoxie Mrs., land owner, sec 13 Hhartfowd. leocr AV, (Ius1er, orer 11 ubbard Geore. fte, orter. Hubbard GeorjgeH., land owner, see 8 Decatur. Hubbard Gilbert, Paw Plaw. hI ubbard Horace J., fatrmner, Porter. Hubbard Luther, land owner. see 22 Paw Paw. Hubbard Roswell,Jr., farmer, Porter. Hubbard R., land owner, sec 29 Porter. Hutchins Edward, land owner, sec 1 Lawrence. Huchins Levi, land owner, see 23 Pine Grove. Hudson Charles, land owner, sec 21 Almena. _ ______^___II_~ ______ ____~_~__I__~_ _-------~-II_ AND BUSINESS [ ] DIRECTORY. 253 I Buy my Dry Goods, Clothing, Hats and Caps of L. A. & L. C. Fitch, Mattawan. Hudson Horace, land owner, sec 20 Almena. Hudson George, farmer, Almena. Hudson Gilbert H.. farmer, Paw Paw. 11 udson Gilbert, farmer, Columbia. Hudson John, land owner, sec 17 Porter. HIudson Maria, land owner, see 23 Columbia. Hudson Miles, farmer, Almena. lHuey Eli,, htrmer, Waverly. Huey Isaac, land owner, sec 23 Waverly. Huey Jacob, land owner, sec 14 and 15 Waverly. Huey Milo, farmer, Waverly. Huff, A. A., farmer, Bangor. Huff Albert, farmier, see 12 Pine Grove. Huff I)aniel, land owner, sec 22 Waverly. Huff E. G., ftrmer, Almena. IHuff hiram, land owner, sec 13 Antwerp. H Iff 'J., farnier, Almena. 14 iu tMarion, Ant werp. llHunhes James, land owner, see 1 Arlington. Hughes J. 13.. land owner, sec 12 Keeler..Hugohes Peter. land owner, sec 30 Keeler. liuhies hliilip, land owner, sec 30 Keeler. 11Hughes aii, South Haven. Alug1hnirI V., hind owner, sec 5 Waverly. ilulbert Allen, land owner, see 18 Paw Paw. tiulbert Cyprian-, land owner, see 6 Paw Paw. IIulbert L. H., ftarmer, Alumena. Iulbuitiri Lorin, 1 land owner, sec 33 Waverly. Hlulburt Ntiirhan, land owner, see 31 and 32 Waverly. Inull Anudrew J., lind owner, see 6 Arlington. 1Itull 11iran, hind owner. see 30 'Bloomingdale. 1Hul.J a kson '() Iolumbia. 1lulse I1. B., land owneri. see 26 and 23 Lawrence. Ilultz J. D., )land owner. see 25 Dcecatur. IiHniigetrford ICharltes, tfartmer, HlanIilton. 1un1er1tn rd C. r I.M.. land owner, sec 27 Ha rtford. 1111 igerb ird Jacob, land owner, see 26 XWaverly. Hunt A. P., land owner. sec 16 e( agor. Hunt Benjamin, farmer, )ecatur. lut IIeorge A., land owner. sec 25 and 26 Paw Paw. Hunt (. WV., Antwerp. H1unt Isaiah F.. Jr., land ownier, see 5 Arliiugton. Hiunt,Joli, land owner, see 1 Antwerp. Hunt Jolin A., land owner, see 25 )eerielid. lunllt.J. A., land owner, see 15 Antwerp. 11nu1t M1arcus, fa4rmer, Paw Paw. I _ --- - L - 254 VAN BUREN COIU[J]NTY GAZETTEER J. S. Dowd & Co., General Dealers in Groceries, Provisions, Crockery, Glassware, etc., Decatur. JHunt N. K., land owner, sec 1 Antwerp. Hunt T'heodore G., land owner, sec 5 Arlington. Hunt W. E., land owner, sec 26 Paw Paw. Iunt Wallace, land owner, sec 1 and 12 Pine Grove. Hiuntley C. C., land owner, see 25 Hartford. lHurd Bartnolomew, farmer, Dec.aur. Hurd Lorenzo C, Antwerp. H1 u, 1burt Allen., fathriner, Paw Paw. Hlur!burt Ellisha S., land owner, see 14 Lawrence. Hurlburt George, farmer, Porter. IHurlburt William, firmer, Porter. Hlurlburt W. H., land owner, sec 2 and 3 South Haven. IHusted M. J. 1)., land owner, see 33 Hartford. Hutchins A. G:., land owner, sec 18 Keeler. Hlutchins George ftrumer. Paw:Paw. Hutchinson James, South Haven. H utchins John L., land owner, see 29 Porter. Hutton John H, land owner, sec 22 Antwerp. Hlutchins John I.. farmer, Porter. Hutchins John R., tfrmur, Paw Paw. Hutchins Luther, farmer, P)ine Grove. iHutchilis Orange, land owner, sec 35 Deerfield. Hutchins Richard, land owner, sec 2 Paw Paw. Hutchins in John Ht., land owner, see 3 1Porter. Hutton B. W., 1xntwer)p. Hyde Rufts, land owner, see 12 Hartford. Hlyams Alson, land owner, sec 1 Waverly H1yams B3enjamin, land owner, sec 1S Almena. Hlynus \W. 1., land owner, sec 13 Waveily. Hyatt John, land owner, sec 32 and 33 HIamilton. I Ichus Henry, land owner, see 33 Porter. Ide Erastus, Antwerp. Ide Endelmer, Antwerp. Ide Royal A., Antwerp. Ide William, land owner, sec 16, 35 and 22 Antwerp. Ihling Henry, Antwerp. Ihling John, land owner, sec 32 and 34 Antwerp. lliff Stephen, firmer, Hamilton. Imlar John, farmer, Geneva. Impson Andrew, land owner, sec 9 Almena. Impson A. J., farmer, sec 17 Pine Grove. Impson Samuel, Jr., land owner, sec 4 Almnena. Impson Samuel, Sen, land owner, see 4 Almena. Ingalls Giles H., firmer, Lawrence. I-~ Il.-~~c.~--l -- - II---I-- --. - AND BUSINESS [I] DIRECTORY. 2,55 LAWTON, 1MICH. We are imanaitbetnrino an IV EROVP 0D 1 V D Grain Separator! (iPatente lAugust, 25, 1869.) FIr Thorourghness and Dispatch in Cleaning Grain it cannot be (A cillid. tt For State, Countv or Shop Bights, apply as above. SIn gils Tlhonas, land owner, sec 1 Pine Grove. 111nersoll DaIniel, latl owner, sec 17 Bangor. I ngrahain Alvinf, farner, Pine G-rove. Ingrahan1 Lyma1n. land owner, sec 32 Deerfield. Indiuen William, land owner, sec - Hartford. Ireland James ML la:nd owner, sec 27 Rloomning dale. Ireland Jamies, farnr3, r eneva. Ireland \Willia inA.. Iand owner, sec 25 ) Hanmilton. Ier Elv, land own r, see 29 Hartford. I J. MI.. laIlnd lowner, sec 21 IHartfiurd. Ir1i. J.h i[. 1a nd owner. s.c9 28 Ha 1-tfb rd. In'ey NVilIaIIm, land ownerVn, 17see 28 Hartford. I Irwinll James, Anitwcrp. Irwin John, lamner, I Ha rtfmrd. Iwin Pliny, 1Iand owner,; 6 WaverlV. Irwinv mW\illiami 1., t3armier, Lawrence. Isaacs CGeorge, fhrmer, Alunena. Ismnan &,Martin, saw imill, see 27 Bloouninudale. Isnioi II. S., lanl owner, see 12 Paw Paw. Iuga Frederick. fmtiro, Iomnirigdile. Ives.Altmnson, land owner, see 30 Arlinmgton. I ves (Catherino. land owner, see 29 Arlinqgton. I ves Chiarles V.. trminer, Arlington. I-1s 8Iosephl land owner. see 29 Arlinoton. - ~ --- I~ 256 VAN BUREN COU[J ]NTY GAZETTEER J Jackett Levi, farmer, Pine Grove. Jackson A., laud owner, sec 6 Hartford. Jackson Francis, farmuier, Bangor. Jackson iugh, friner, Pine Grove. Jackson James, frmner, Pine Grove. Jackson John P, land owner, sec 13 Bloomingdale. Jackson Joseph P., farmer, Bo13oiinigdale. Jacks'n J. 1l., land owner, sec 18 Pine Grove. Jackson Colonian. tanrmer, Almena. Jackson Thomas, land owner, sec 16 and 22 l)ecatur. Jacobs l., land owner. sec 26 Lawrence. Jacobs C., land owner, sec 26 Lawrence. Jacobs James A., land owner, sec 28 Lawrence. James 1. P., land owner, sec 1 South Haven. Jameson Samuel. thrmer, see 2 Deerfield. Japhee James A., land owner, sec 16 Pine Grove. Jaques A. A., land owner, sec 8 Hiamilton. Jelly Edward, land owner, sec 31 Arlington. Jelly Edward, ftrmier, Bangor. Jelly William, farmer, Porter. Jenkins Ira, farmer, Waverly. Jenkins 3l. D., farmer, Almena. Jenkins William, ftormier, sec 19 Arlington. Jenkins W. E., land owner, sec 19 Aihnogton. Jennings Burr, land owner, sec 25 Lawrence. Jennings Burr, farmer, Paw Paw. Jennings E., land owner, sec 13 Waverly. JeU1nins H1. H., land owner, sec 13 and 14 Waverly. Jennings Joseph, land owner, sec 15 Paw Paw. Jennings John, land owner, sec 27 Lawrence. Jennings Orville, land owner, see 5 Keeler. Jen nings Russ, land owner, sec 30 Paw Paw. Jennin-s William, land owner see 13 Lawrence. Jerenrie A., land owner, see 3 Deerficld. Jessie Joseph, land owner, sec 16 Hiartford. Jessup Enoch, land owner, see 36 Keeler. Jewell Solomon, land owner, sec 30 Pine GIrove. Jolly J. J., land owner, sec 22 Keeler. Jones Albert, farmer, Pine U6rove. Jones A. B., land owner, sec 32 Antwerp. Jones D. C., land owner, sec 10 and 25 South Haven. Jones & Co., steam saw mill, sec 16 Waverlv. Jones Charles 1i.. farmier, sec 16 IHartford. Jones Frank, land owner, sec 23 Pine Grove. Jones Frank, land owner, sec 3 and 4 Paw Paw. Jones F. Ml., land owner, sec 14 Geneva. --- AND BUSINESS [J] DIRECTORY. 257 You can save 20 per cent. by buying your Crockery and Glassware at Dodge's Crockery Mtore, Paw Paw. Jones John, farmer, Arlington. Jones Josiah, Antwerp. Jones Stephen, land owner, sec 33 Antwerp. Jones Sylvester, farmer, W"averly. Jones Sylvester, land owner, sec 29 Antwerp. Jones Thomas D., farmer, Waverly. Jones William, land owner, sec 23 Pine Grove. Jones William, land owner, sec 31 Arlington. Jacobs John S.. farmer, Decatur. Johnson W. H, frmer, Decatur. Johnson Charles L., farmer, Decatur. Johnson Abram, land owner, sec 4 Paw Paw. Johnson A. H., Antwerp, Johnson Andrew, farmer, Hamilton. Johnsin Alba A., farmer, Lawrence. -Johnson A. J., land owner, sec 13 Geneva. Johnson C. S., land owner, sec 26 Antwerp. Johnson C. H., ftrmer, South Haven. Johnscn alark, farmer, Hartford. Johnson Daniel, land owner, sec 36 Keeler. Johnson Elijah, farmer, Lawrence. J ohnso)n Elias V., Antwerp. Johnson Emily, land owner. see 1 Porter. Johnson Frederick W., land owner, see 35 Columbia. Johnson Foster. land owner, sec 34 Almena. Johnson Foster, Antwerp.,Johnson George, land owner, sec 26 Hartford. Johnson George. land owner, sec 36 Columbia. Johnson G. I), land owner, sec 32 Antwerp.Johnsmon Georgce W., farmer, Arlington.. Johnsonl Henry, Antwerp. Johnson Hiram, land owner, sec 1 Pine Grove. Johnson Isaac, ftrmter, Paw Paw..Johnson Ira H., land owner, sec 27 Almena. Johnson Jacob. farmer, Hamilton. Johnson Jesse, land owner, sec 36 Keeler. Johnsonu John, land owner, see 24 Hartford. SJohnson John, fhrmer, Lawrence. Johnson J. K., farmer, Decatur. Johnson John, land owner, sec 21, 12 and 28 Columbia. Johnson Joseph, land owner, sec 21 South Haven. Johnson Levi A., land owner, sec 3 Hamilton. Johnson Lewis, land owner, sec 18 Hamilton. Johnson Maria, land owner, sec 26 Hartford. Johnson & Mattison, land owners, sec 33 Lawrence. Johnson Milo, Antwerp. I - I 258 VAN B IREN COU - ]KJNTY GAZETTEER Physicians' Prescriptions Carefuilly Compounded by L. A. & L. C. Fitch,, Mattawan. Johnson Nathanu, fArmer, Hartford. Johnson Phillip. Antiwerp. Johnson R. l., 1l ind owner, sec 18 Bloomingdale. Jobhnson Russell 0.. ftarmer, llooninedale. Johnson Samuel P.. land owner, sec 16 Arlington. Johnson Stephen, land owner, see 30 Decatur. Johnson S. F., tarutner. Geneva. Johnson S., Antwerp. Johnrison Thomas J, tarmwr. in-rtford. Johnson T. F., land owner. sec 14 Sunth I Haven. Johnsoin Trii man. ta 'rmuer, Lawrence. Johnson W. ('.. land owner, see 14 South Haven. Johnson W. H., land ownier, sec 18 Columbia. Johfnson WV. V., land owner, see 31 Antwerp. Joiner J. C., Antwerp. Joiner bl. 0., land owner, see 15n Antwerp. Jordan Allan, farmer, Hamilton. Jordon Delos. Paw Paw. Jordan Dennis, land owner, sec 7 Decaiinr. Joslin Martin, atind owner, sec 2 Pine iX rovo. Joy David, land owner, sec 23 Bloo,-iingdale. Joy Elims 0., ftrmer, Blooiningdale. JoY E W., land owner, see 16 Bloominedale. Joy Hubbard. Colnumhia. Joy Obadiah, 1st, land owner, se.3 Bloomingd3le. Joy Obadiah, 2d, land owner, sec 33 Bloomintidale. Joy Oscar, farmer. Bloomingdale. Juan Alonzo A.. farmter Porter. J udson Alfired I, farmer, I)eerfieid. Judson L. L., land owner. sec 31 Deerfield. Judson N. L., la d owner, sec 12 Paw P i w. *Judson Richard. land owner., sec 13 and '24 )eerfield. Judson Warren, Antwerp. June David, firrer, Geneva Jtne Philip, farrmer, Columbia, Justus W. H., land owner., see 4 Bangor. K Kackac Stephen. farmer, Hartford. Kale Alfred B., tfarmer, Hamilton. Kaley Martin, ftrnier, Bangor. Kane Charles, land owner, sec 19 Antwerp. Kane Martin, land owner, s.ec 4 Waverly. Kay George R., land owner, see 31 Decatur. Kays Hugh, land owner, sec 10, 27 and 28 Keeler. Keath Cyrus, land owner, sec 31 Arlington. AND BUSINESS [K] DIRECTORY. 259 PRENTISS & RAWSON PROPRIETORS OF THE NEW seam exajing 11111 AND MAlNUFACTURERS OF Doors, Sash and Blinds, Door and Window Frames. Near Rawson & Co's Lumber Yard. Work Always D)one as Low as at any Shop in Van Buren County. 1. PRENTISS,) L.T. RAWSON.j vl --v. R14ev., land owner, sec 1 Waverlv. Keekoh (1dl1, land owner, see 32 Baneor. eeler William. f1a1rmer. Almena. Keeie Jaies hinieri Decatur. Keileli Willi, l1an( odwner. sec 5 )Alnieia. Keene Alvius. lind owner, Decatur. iKeeville E lwaid J., tffir(er, Bloomi ngdale. Keeville E. J.. iirUner, in (ie Grove. chreb( Jih. lin, Ilaiid owier, sec '(30 Keeler. IKeithi Anlrew 1 J.. firnor, Keeler. K--eeler ---. Cithrer, Geneva. Keith IF., Itrmier, Hartftrd. Keitli iHenry S., land owner, sec G26, 27 and 35,Keeler. Keith Ji1unius 0., land owner. sec 28 Deerfield. KeIith L.. ad Iiowner. see 33 Hartford. iKeith M, ln;id owner, sec 33 Hartiford. Kellev (George C., land owner. sec 4 Lawrence. Kelley James, land owner, sec 5 Pine Grove. Kelley Halsey, thrmer, Hartford. Kelley Hlenry, land owner, sec 4 Lawrence. Kelley Paitrick, fahrmer, Hartford. Kelly Ananias, Antwerp. Kelly Charles, land owner, see 33 Geneva. Kelly Frank, land owner. see 5 Lawrence. Kelly Freeman, farmer, lBangor. Kelly Freeman, farmer, Geneva. Kelly George. land owner. see 12 H Iartford. Kelly James, land owner, sec 25 DI)ecatur. Kelly John, land owner, sec 20) Decatur. Kelly Michael, land owner, see 7 and 8 Decatur. Kelly Nelson, land owner, cc 35 I)eerfield. Kelly Patrick, land owner, see 1 Hamilton. 260 VAN BUREN COU[' ]NTY GAZETTEER F. G. Ruisell deals in Staple and Fancy Dry Gbods, Boots, Shoes and Fur Goods, IDecatur. Kelley Royce, farmer, Hartford. Kelly Thomas, land owner, sec 31 Hartford. Keilogg Alexis, land owner, sec 14 Antwerp. Kellogg Benjamin, farmer. Almena. Kellogg Frank, farmer, Pine Grove. Kellogg Henry, land owner, sec 33 Porter. Kellogg Sylvonus, land owner, sec 16 lHamilton. Kellogg VW l., land owner, sec 33 Antwerp. Kellu --, land owner, sec 22 South Haven. Kelsey George, land owner, sec 11 Columbia. Keltner Abram, land owner, sec 3 Bangor. Kemp Amanda, land owner, sec 10 Hartford. Kemp James. Lawrenee. Kemp Thomas. land owner, see 24 Bangor. Kemp, William H., farmer, Almena, SKemp William, land owner. sec 27 Bangor. Kenda:l & Mills, (L. B Kendall, E. P, Mills), stave factory, saw mill and general store, sec 27 and 22 Pine Grove. Ke n dy Frinklin, land owner, sec 14. 15 and 16 Bangor. Kennedy P G.. land o(wner, sec 32 Antwerp. Kennedy R, bert. land owner, sec 11 Deerfield. Kenncv Wi litn. land owner. src 15 Deerfield. Kent Nathaniel, land owner, sec 5 Pine Grove. Kenyon John S, land owner, sec 5 Paw Paw. Keppler John D., farmer, Waverly. Kerinadu Albert, farmer, Pine Grove. Kern Luther S.. land owner, sec 11 Lawrence. SKern Manasseh. land owner, see 13 Porter. SKernes James M., farmer, Geneva. Kernes John P., farmer, Geneva. I Ketchum A. J., land owner, see 17 Pine Grove. Ketchum James. land owner, sec 9 Almena. Ketchum John, land owner, sec 16 Almena. Ketchum Oliver H. P., land owner, sec 16 Almena. Keyes Nathaniel, land owner, sec 5 Decatur. Kibbe E. M., land owner, sec 15 Geneva Kibbe Thomas B., land owner, see 20 Geneva. Kidder Asa S., Paw Paw. Kidder Frank J.. farmer, Keeler. Kidder Lynn, farmer, Arlington. Kidder James F., land owner, sec 27 Arlington. Kidder Lynn, land owner, sec 11 Paw Paw. Kidder Moses L., land owner, see 35 Arlington. Kidder Sherburn, land owner, sec 35 Arlingtoin. Kidney Byron H1., farmer, Porter. Kidney Marvin, farmer, Porter. _1__~______~ _11_1 _____~___ AND BUSINESS [EK] DIRECTORY. 261 Kidney Perry, land owner, sec 8 Geneva. Kidney samuiuel, land owner, sec 13 Porter. Kidney Warren G., land owner, sec 12 and 13 Porter. Kidney William, farmer, Geneva. Kiff James, farmer, Almena. Kilman Reuben, farmer. Hartfird. Kill William, ftrmier. Hartford. Killhelfer Henry, land owner, see G Bloomingdale. Killeffer & Son, (Henry and William,) dry goods and groceries, Bloominugdale. Kimball Ezekiel, former, Decatur. Kimball George W., former, Almena. Kimball George W., Antwerp. Kimball & Rich, mill property, see 32 Decatur. Kime Samuel. land owner, sec 11 Hartford. Killheffer William, former, BloomingdaleKimiiel & Rockwell, land owners, sec 1 Decatur. King Alfred, land owner, sec 25 Arlington. King ('-Chailes B., farmer, Geneva. Kiin- David, Jr.. South Haven. King )avid, land owner, sec 29 Pine Grove. K inu (g eOrge firmer, Columbia. Kin John, farmer, see 13 Hartford. Kini John, land owner, see 2 Columbia. NKII 1hiieas, An twerp..Kinsbu E., t'11y rmerR Iartftord. Kiinsburv G0eorge. land owner, see 1.9 Almena. Kingshury H11arvey, land owner sece 15 Hartford. KinHgsiiuiry Josiah, land owner, see 19 A.lmena. IKI sle I'.W.. South Haven. 1Ki*%, I S. 1.. land owner; see 17 Bloomingdale. 1K nistn,Jaes 1)., land owner, see 10 and 13 BangorKIt, Ii Willard, land owner, see 32 Columbia. K in I (Ilvin. laind owner, see 24 Porter. 1K inn Iv eY'nice, land owner, see 12 Porter. Kin inv IIiram. tfrmuler. Porter. Kinney~ i. I tifarmer, So uth Haven. Kinny Or( )in, land owner, see 25 Porter. K iiinne )t ise, c iarpenter, see 2 Bangor. Kin1ney Stephlien, land owner, see 24 1orter. Kinzie T 1ruman, tfiarminer, Porter. Kinney William M., land owner. see 12 Bangor. Kirk Ward, land owner, see 9 Bloomingdale. K1pp Nelson. aimd owner, see 17 Keeler. Kissell ]J. B. propr Union House, Bloomingdale. Kissell Johni., farmter, Bloomiongdale. -Kirtland. James 1)., land owner, see 34 Paw Paw, Kirkpatrick IHarvey J., farmer, Columbiia. 262 VAN BUREN COU IT NTY GAZETTEER Go to J. S IDowd & Co., for your Crockery, Glassware, Lampis, etc., I)ecatur. KE.i pp Cy rus, land owner. sec 8 3loouiirgdale. Klickner F.. land owner, see 16 S'outh Haven. Kltt Andrew, land owner, sec 20 Keeler. Klett John M., land owner, sec 17 and 20 Keeler. KIltt John, land owner, see 20 Keteler. Kiett Martin, land owner, sec 29 Keeler. Klein (George, land owner, see 5 TWaverly. Klinger William D.. fiirmner, B3anlor, K11n app Abraini, lanid owner, see 3 Lawrence Knpilp David land owner, sec I" CGeneVa. Kniip,Jabez. imnd owncer, see 30 Ail'injlton. KInearl Jotii Fi., land owner, sec 19 Keeler. Knappen R. I-1. land owner, see 11 Waverly. Knihlit,John. land owner, see 4 Waverly. Knoll Jacob, tnfi mer. Ha milton. Knowles Benj imin, land ownier, soc 10 Geneva. Knowles W. IH., land owner, see 32 and 9 C('olumbia. Knoulti)n J hI ii P., fatier, Keeler. Knox [o race, -outh iHlavenii. Krislcr Sanimel, imrooer, Genueva. Krisler Zera, fi1uner. G enca. Krogiman Hlenr-v. land owner. see 31 Geniieva. Koons George, Paw Paw. KCoons 11.. land owner. see 29 Anrwerp. K IiOJ(iihn, land owner, see(' 17 aud n()20 KNelie. Knunniel John, land owner, see 6 GXeIeva. Kuiise 1. A., land owner, see 4 Porter. Kurts Mrs. Ainn, luand owner, see 11 Pine Grove. Kunziman Sophia,, land see 1.9 Keeler. [L Lazbadio A- J.. Amfývwop. Labordv Edgar A., ftrumer.' Paw 1Paw. Labadie regor, -laud owner, s.!ue35 Alniena. Labadie G., Antwerp. Labardy John, fitrmer, 1Paw Paw. Labadic Joseph M., firrner, Almnena. lnabadie Joseph, firmier. Alnena. Labadie O. P., farnier, Alumena. 1Laberdie 0., land owner, see 29 Pine Grove. Laberdy William, land owner, see 33 Paw Paw. Ladd MNrs. Martha, land owner, see 29 Colunmbia. Ladoc John, land owner, see 19 Ilartford. Lafiy Edward, farmier, Hartfbrd. Lafferty A, land owner, see 20, 21. and 28 and 33 Columbia. Lafferty William, land owner, sec 20 Colunmbia. _ AND BUSINESS [L] DIRECTORY. 263 You can save 20 per cent. by buying your Crockery and Glassware at Dodge's Crockery Store, Paw Paw. Lafler John G., land owner, sec 27 Geneva. Larave Henry I)., forner, Paw Paw. LaGrave Joseph, farmer, Paw Paw. L Jbe Jlohn, land owner, sec 16 Bloomingdale. Lamb John, land owner, see 27 Clumbia. Lamiab Chai les. land owner, see 7 Hartford. ELamberson James, ftrmuer, Pine Grove. Lambson Benona, land owner, see 35 IDeerfield. Lambert Ira, IDeerfield. Lambort W. S., saw mill, sec 15 Deerfield. Lawmon Gilbert, land owner, see 13 Hartford. Lamont Anson, Paw Paw. l-auphere Albert, land owner, se 10 Paw Paw. Laumphere Allen, fanrmer, Paw Paw. Lamphear Elisha, land owner, see 17 and 20 Lawrence. Lamplhere Ethan, f thrmer, Paw Paw. Landphier E. W., land owner, s: 36 Hartford. lAM~lanson Trumania, land owner, see 10 Hartford. La 01here Gardner, land owner, sec 1 Bloomingdale. LawpIhear IHenry 11., farmer, Lawrence. L a llpheeJe J.. farmer. see 31 AliIngto,. Latiphear JhIn B 1, f1rmer. Lawrence. phere Lvsander, land owner, sec 36 11Hartford. anItpheAr L Fraiene, tare, Law rence. Ijamoihar Novec, farmer, Lawrence. Lamtphear 'T. R. land owner, sec 17 and 20 Lawrence. L1aiii phca r Thowas.J. farmer, Lawrence. Landon Daniel. landd owner, sec 29 Hartford. La'1don J.1 W. lanid owner. see -12 Decattr. I lonrt Willii. thraaer, Hartfor id. Lane Ahrawn 1., land owner, sec 5 an d 6 Antwerp. bane Edward J. carpenter, see 32 Arlington. Lanee Frederick lM.. tainer, Bloomindale. LanIe,(qrove C., Antwerp. ILanme H enry, trmer, Bloomingdale. Lane Irving 11, Anttwerp. L4ate I rvint, c land owner, see 32 Altiena. Lane John P., farmer, RBanogor. Lane Marcus, land owner, see 5 Bloomingdale. Lane Noah, ftrrmer, Bangor. Lanea S.. land owtner, see 16 and 17 Bloomingdale. Lane Sinuel, J'.. land owner, sec 15 South Haven. Lane S donont. land owner, see 31 Bloomingdale. Lane William 1)., land owner, sec 11 Paw Paw. Loatt0e William, grocer and post master, Glendale P. 0., see 17 and 21 Waverlyv. __ I __ 264 VAN BUREN COU [i]NTY GAZETTEER Buy your Clocks, Watches and Jewelry of E. L. Hlawks, Decutur. l[ang Jacob, ftriiier, sec 20 Arlington. Langr Jacob, Jr., f'rmer, Arlington. Lang Philip, land owner, see 1 South Haven. ILangdon Elias, land owner, see 12 Decatur. Langdon Joseph. land owner, see 7 Porter. Langdo n Samuel, firmer, Decatur. Lanning Joseph, land owner, see 12 South HIaven. Lainning Richard, Antwerp. LAphIuam Ira, Si,uth Hlaven. Llapham Sara A., land owner. sec 15 South Haven. Laplhamin Williani B., land owner, sec 16 Bloomingdale. LaRue Criness, Colujmbia. Laseelle Ralph, farmer, Hamilton. Lassalle Mlartha, land owner, see 19 Columbia. Last Thomnas, farmer. Pine Grove. Laughlin IHugh,. frnier, South Haven. Lawrence Ly man, Ant werp. Lawrence Charles, land owner, see 1 Pine Grove. Lawton Charles D., land owner, see 27 Porter. Lawton G. WV., land owner, see 29 and 33 Antwerp. Lay Catherine, land owner. see 9 Keeler. Lay Hosea B, land owner, see 10 Keeler. Leach (George, land owner, sce 35 1Iormningdale. leach Gilbert, land owner, sec 8, 9 and 16 Keeler. Leach S. G., land owner, see 4 and 9 Kecelr. Leathers Charles, saw mill, Columbia. Leathers C. C., land owner. sec 26 Columbia. Leaver Philip, land owner, sec 3 Arlington. Lee A. E., fthrmer, Bangor. Lee Bennett. land owner, sec 20 and 17 Decatur. Lee Charles F. Jr, Jr., Paw Paw. Lee C. S., firmer, see 11 Deerfield. Lee Columbus, fitrier, Arlington. Lee I)aniel, land owner, see 17 and 18 Decatur. Lee Daniel, t frmer, Hamilton. Lee George, firmer, Keeler. Lee George, land owner, sec 29 Keeler. Lee Hiram, firmer, Decatur. Leoe 1. W., Antwerp. Lee Isaac W., land owner, see 3 and 4 Arlington. Lee James H., land owner, sec 21 South Haven. Lee James F., land owner, see 16 Bangor. Lee James It.. farmer, Bloomingdale. Lee John W., land owner, see 2 Arlington. Lee Lorin, land owner, sec 29 Bangor. Lee Reuben. land owner. see 33 Deerfield. -.. --1 1 -- -- AND BUSINESS [L DIRECTORY. 265 I0- 3 31 E 1 vT CUSTOM AND FLOURING MILL TROWBRIDGE & MACE, Proprs., M.Lnufacture and keep constantly on hand the finest brands of Family Flour, Corn Meal, Feed &c.: also, pay the highest cash price for Grain. Lee U. C., land owner, see 22 Paw Paw. Lee Washington, land owner, sec 3 Arlington. Lee Wilson, land owner, sec 33 Paw Paw. Lee William, land owner, sec 12 and 13 Hamilton. Lee W. 1., land owner, sec 28 Paw Paw. Leedy Daniel S., land owner, sec 8 Arlington, Leet Mrs. Betsey, land owner, sec 23 Arlington. Leete Lorenzo W., land owner, sec 8 Decatur. Leete Navonia, land owner, sec 25 Decatur. Leet Frank. ftrmer, Arlington. Leet Wilson, ftrmer, Arlington. Leedy lenry C., land owner, sec 8 Arlington. Leever Jacob, land owner, sec 13 Bangor. Leighty Michael. land owner, sec 20 Paw Paw. iLe( rave E., land owner, see 25, 26 and 36 Paw Paw. Leni, n Aaron I.. ftrmer, Paw Paw..ILemon Geor'ge. teamster. Almena. Ljenlod William 11., fariner, A lmena. Leonarld J aimes, fatrmer, Columbia..Ieoinard John C., land owner, sec 36, Alnmona. Leonard William. Columbia. SLeonard William C., land owner. sec 2 Arlington. I Lent Champlin, land owner, sec 12 Antwerp. Len t Johl (C., land owner, sec 9 Bloomingdale. lelRoy William G1, Paw Paw. Leslie Eli, farmer, Paw Paw. Lesuer William 11, Antwerp. Lects)on Joseph, land owner, sec 11 South Haven. Leterick William, land owner, sec 1 Bangor. Lett Aquilla. land owner, see 23 Arlington. Lett Emanuel, land owner, sec 25 Arlington. Lever Yost, land owner, sec 35 Columbia. Leversee C. 31., land owner, see 14 Pine Grove. Leversee James, tfrmer, Pine Grove. Leversee James E., farmer, Pine Grove. Leweller Benjamiin F., farmer, Decatur. Lewellyn Frank, farmer, Decatur. Lewis Abram, land own(r, sec 17 Paw Paw. Lewis Amos, land owner, sec 23 South Haven. Lewis Asa WV., land owner, sec 6 Paw Paw. Lewis Brace, farmer. Porter. Lewis Elias, farumer, Keeler. _ __ ~__ _ __~ ~__ 266 VAN BUREN COU[L]NTY GAZETTE;ER Buy your Groceries and Provisions of J. S Dowd & Co., Decatur. Lewis Ephraim, firmer, Keeler. Lewis Henry, land owner, sec 22 Porter. Lewis Hiram, fitrmer. Lawre"lce. Lewis ira, trme, fluuer, Ha:tfird. Lewis Jamnes, land owner, see 7 Pine Grove. Lewis James, land owner, sec 30 Keeler..lewis J. W, land owner, sec 2 Decatur. TLewis John, land owner, see 28 Keeler. Lewis L. J., land owner, see 14 Geneva. Lewis Lawrence, land owner, 19 Keeler. ILewallyn Mrs., land owner, sec 26 Decatur. Lewis Richard, land owner, see 16 Almena. LIewis Stephen V., Paw Paw.,Lewis Sylvanus, land owner. see 16 Decatur. Lewis Thomas. land owner, sec 14 South Haven. Lewis William, land owner, sec 14 Hartfird. Lightf.)ot ----, farmer, Geneva. lightfiot Jacob, firmer, South Haven. Lilley Aaron, farmer, Deerfield. Lillie A. H., land owner, see 14 Waverly. Lillie Calvin, farmer,.Waverly. Lillibridge N. W., land owner, sec 20 Almnena. Ilimbeck Adam C., farmer, Keeler. tliinoln Betsey, land owner, sec 28 Alumena. Limbeek Charles A. land owner, sec 24 Keeler. Lindensmyer Christian, farmer, Keeler. Lindensmyner David, land owner, sec 20 Keeler. Lindensmyer G., land owner, sec 17 and 20 Keeler. lindensumyer William, land owner, see 20 Keeler. Linder George L.. farmer, Decatur. Linderman John, land owner, sec 24 1Hammilton. Lindsley Linus, land owner, sec 20, 17 and 16 Paw Paw. Lindsley L. O.. land owner, sec 15 Hartford. Lindsley William H., land owner, sec 6 and 7 Decatur. Litchfield L. L., land owner, sec 32 Keeler. Liveringhouse John, land owner, see 5 Waverly. Lober Sylvester, land owner, see 25 Bloomingdale. Lobdell Bethuell. land owner, see 33 Arlington. Lobdell Willis, land owner, sec 31 Arlington. Locke Sally, land owner, see 1 and 2 Porter. Lockhart Jacob G., farmer, Bloomingdale. Lockhart Matilda, land owner, see 30 Bloomingdale. Lockman Abel H., farmer, Almena. Lockman 1)D. C., land owner, see 9 Almena. Lockwood A. H., land owner, sec 24 Almena. Lockwood Charles E., land owner, sec 33 Deerfield. __ __ ~_ __ _T 11___1_ _ _ I~--I---------------- AND BUSINESS [L] DIRECTORY. 267 You can save 20 per cent. by buying your Crockery and Glassware at I)odge's Crockery Store, Paw Paw. Lockwood E. J., land owner, sec 11 South fHaven. Lockwood Henry, land owner, see 7 Keeler. ILoehr F. P., land owner, zee 32 Bloomingdale. Loehr Josiah, land owner, see 25 and 26 Columbia. Loehr Timothy, land owner, sec 19 Bloomingdale. Loehr W. G., land owner, sec 32 Bloomingdale. Lofland J. W., lab, I)ecatur. Logan Hlieuman, land owner. se3 28 Lawrence. Logan Horace, land owner, sec 28 Lawrence. Logan Jeremiah. lind owner, sec 23 Hamilton. Logan John M., farmer, Geneva. Loomis Freeman, farmer, Bangor. Loomnis John M., land owner, sec 24 South Haven. Loomiis Richard, land owner, see 29 Pine Grove. L-oomis Thomas, armuer, Pine Grove. LIon( A. B., farmer, Almena. l olg Alonzo, Antwerp. Long iLorenzo B., farmer. Almena. Long \VWlliam, land owner. see 18 Paw Paw. Longcoy Dean, land owner, see 11 Porter. Longcoy Alonzo, firmer, Porter. Logrcoy James, carpenter, Porter. loncgoy Wesley N., carpenter, Porter. LolJghouse Anthony, ftrmer, 1Iartford. Lonugstreet, J. M., farmer, Antwerp. Lonugwell J.., land owner, see 23 Paw Paw. Lord Fred, land owner, sec 18, 23 and 26 Paw Paw. Loudon F., iTirner, Hamilton. Love Charles N.. land owner, see 3 Decatur. Love 1. V., land owner, sec 11 Antwerp. Love Frank P., Antwerp. Lov\ejoy Johu, tflrimer, Deerfield. Lovtlace A., land owner, sec 11 Deerfield. Lovelace C., land owner, sec 11 Deerfield. Lvelaee S.,,land owner, see 11 Deerfield. Lo,veland (Charles J., Paw Paw. Loveland David, land owner, see 35 Bloomingdale. Loveland Enoch, land owner, see I P]aw Paw. Loveland Enoch A., Columbia. Loveland ltenry, Paw Paw. Loveland James Ii., land owner, see 24 and 36 Bloomingdale. Loveland William, land owner, see 19 Paw Paw. Loveridge John, land owner, see 10 Antwerp. Lowry (Gorge, land owner, sec 35 Lawrence. Lowry George, land owner, sec 25 Lawrence. Lowry James, Sr, land owner, see 25 Lawrence. 1 z MOO" I_ _ __ I I~ I 1 I J I I -----C---- 268 VAN BUREN Cou[L]NTY OAZETTEER Lowry James, Jr., farmer. Lawrence. Lowry James. land owner, see 35 Lawrence. Luce Charles W., land owner, sec 14, 23 and 24 CClunbia. Luce J. W., lad owner, sec 17 Paw Paw. Luce William, lanid owner. sec 23 Clumbia. Ludwick Charles, farmer. South Haven Ludwvig C. P., land owner, see 28 South Haven. Ludwig amuel, farmer, South Haven. Lull I)avid H., land owner, sec 36 Antwerp. Lull James L., Antwerp. ]Lull Samluel, land owner, see 25 Antwerp. Lull Slamuel \V., land owner. sec 11 Geneva. Lunibard James B.. fiarmer, Keeler. Lumbard J. 3M., land owner, see 13 Hamilton. Lucas Ira I)., land owner, sec 8 Decatur. Lucas Miles, land owner. sec 12 Paw Paw. Lucus Mary, land owner, see 11 Hamilton. Lunday John, land owner. see 8 Geneva. Lurkins Geor(g'e. land owner, sec 17 l)ecatur. Lurkins George. land (wner. see 29 Paw Paw. Lurkins Henry, land owner, see 2 Decatur. Lurkins Mr.. land owner, see 23 Hamilton. Lusk Alson J., farmer. Pine G-rove. Lusk William, land owner, sec 22 Pine Grove. Lusk Solotmon. land owner, sec 17 D)ecatur. Lusk HI. W'., carpenter, Decatur. llusk Washington. land owner, see 5 Bloomingdale. Lyle Archibald, land owner, see 26 Bloomingdale. Lyle John C., land owner, sec 36 Lawrence. Lyle John, Sen., Paw Paw. Lyle John, Jr., land owner, see 29 Paw Paw. Lyle Levi, land owner, see 33 Paw Paw. Ly le William, land owner, sec 4 Decatur. Lyle Williami, land owner, see 32 Paw Paw. Lyman E. WX., land owner. see 36 and 35 Paw Paw. Lynch James, land owner, see 25 Geneva. Lynch Mary S., land owner, sec 3 Lawrence. Lynch Michael, land owner, see 25 Geneva. Ly)ns Amasa, land owner, see 5 Arlington. Lyon David, carpenter, Bangor. Lyon Eli, land owner, see 17 Decatnr. Lyon George, land owner. sec 29 32 and Keeler. Lyon George, Antwerp. Lyon James, farmer, Keeler. Lyon James, land owner, see 29 and 32 Keeler. Lyon Lucy, land owner, see 15 Hamilton. Lvster A., land owner, sec 15 Columbia. IYTLE ALEX., land owner, see 19, 28 and 33 Columbia. I,.,..~i........_....;..-....... r- 1.:---- -- -;~~ ~ ~ --- ~~I I i; i-.- ~ - -- f-~-----~--~--~~------r AND BUSINESS DIRECTORY. 269 OFFIOE Or 3. He HOORM &0CF DEALERS IN Hardware, Stoves, TINWARE, CUTLERY, NAILS, --------- A, -A FARMERS' AND MECHANICS' EMPORIUM. D)ECA't'VIA ASD LAWRENI CE, APRIL, 1869. You Nwho want Stoves and Tinware can be supplied with every variety of Cook and Parlor Stoves,: and Tinware thereto belonging. You who want Plows. D)rags, Scrapers, Double Shovels, Horse and Hand Rakes, Shovels, Hoes, Forks, Cradles, ScytLes, &c., &c., You wbo want Iron of every variety and shape, Coal, Springs, Pipe, Boxes, llhubs, Spokes, Felloes, Wagon Cearing, &c., Ycu who want to build can find in large variety Nails, Knobs, Locks, Latches and Sielf Hardware, Sash, D)oors, Blinds, Glass, lPutty, lPaints, Oils, Varnishes, &c., &c. You who want Tools, Hand Saws, English or American, Barted's Celebrated Plane, and Moulding Tool- in large variety, Adzes and Broad Axes, Augers and Auger Bitts etc., Draw Shliaves, Champion, Lightning, and Auburn Cross Cut Saws, Mill, Circular and Drag Saws, Cistern and Well Pumps, &c., &c., which we offer you at greatly reduced prices. Come and see us at our new Store, Corner of Phelps and Sherwood Streets, near the Railroad Depot. J. M. MOORE, & Co. I - Now __ -~~- ----- F -~I I I ~ 0 ".. VAN B1UREN COU[ LLNTY GAZETTEER I. I. Manley, News Dealer, Book Seller and Stationer, )Decatur. Lytle 1). C., land owner, sec 4 iPorter. Lyster Ihrown, ftrmer, Coluwbia. M Mý.iberry WV. H., land owner, sec 12 1Bangor. labery XVilliani, ftruier, Geneva. Mack Michael, latnd owner, see 11 Pine (Grove. Maconchay Ruth, laud owner, sec 29 Bangor. Matlitt Andrew, Antwerp. Matlitt Calvin, land owner, see 29 Antwerp. MaMffitt (G. 1. la.nd 1owner, see 19 and 29 Antwerp. Macga Tsheik, trfnaer, llartfird. Ml.agoon Charles, land owner, sec 4 Paw Paw. Magoon Edwtard M., land owneie, see:7 Hartford. NMaloon Enierson, land ownier, see 9 Paw Paw. Mlaluatcks Jolhn, farmer, Bangor. MaGuire John, iand owner, see 13I Bllooumingdale. MaGuire Robert, land owner, sec 31 Almena. Ma(ulaoire Samuel, farmeir, Almena. Ma'uLitre Samuel, land owner, sec 36 Waverly. Mahiard Johnu, land owner, see 5 Poýrter. Mahoney Jautmes, Antwerp. Mahonev,John, land owner, sec t30 Porter. Makepeace ChrI- lesIW., imtrmer. Arlintton. Mallory Edwin W., Paw Paw. Mallory 11., land owner, see 3, 10 and 25 South HILven. Mallory S. 1I., land owner, sec 24 Hamilton. Manchester E. C., farmer, see 4 Hartford. NManee Henry, land owner, sec 16 Waverly. Mauguay Jackson, land owner, sec 19 Bangor. Mauguay Joseph, lanid owner, see 19 I'auntr. IAinly Alumira, land owner, sec 4 Keeler. Manly C. )., land owner, see 4 Keeldr. Manley Cashus. land owner, sec 34 4lrttford. Manley Jane, land owner, sec 16, 27 and 28 llartibrd. Manley Richard, land owner, sec 34 lartford. Mann Albert 0., farmer, Hartford. MAIaning Benjamin, farmer, Paw Paw. Manning F. G., farmer, Pine Grove. AManning F. M., land owner, sec 11 Paw Paw. Manning R. S. VW., land owner, sec 1 Paw Paw. Mansell Lewis F., land owner, sec 24 LjawrenDe.( Mantle Edmiond.E, land owner, sec 1 Hlartford. Manuel & Colton, land owners, sec 25 Lawrence. Manuel Daniel ftrmer, fawrence. Manuel Henry thriner, Hamilton. ----------- --- I 01* CM 1 Q - I i l) ~M ~nl U2 -zk, loe e c 43 T-) CL Q7 [U & NI j 3j - -- - --I I - - I~--- ~- ~- a _-_il~---~ --~~~LUd~-~ -- - - 272 VAN BUREN COU[JM ]NTY GAZETTEER J. S. Dowd & Co, General Dealers in Groceries, Provisions, Crockery, Glassware, Iamps, etc., Decatur. Manuel James, land owner, sec 21 Arlington. Manuel Mrs., land owner. sec 1 Hamilton. Manuel William J., farner, Arlington. Mapes M. ), land owner, see 13 Hamilton. Mapes W. R., steam saw mill, sec 22 Bangor Center. IMarcellus Andrew, farmer, Arlington. Martni Andrew M.. land owner, see 21 Lawrence. Martindale Bennett, farmuer, Hartford. 3Martin James, farmer, Arlington. lMarkillie Benjamin, land owner, sec 8 Almena. Markiliie George, land owner, sec 6 Almena. Markillie John, and owner, sec 17 Almena. Markillie Samuel, land owner, sec 8 Almena. Markillie William, land owner, sec 7 Almena. Markle David, land owner, see 31 Bloomingdale. Markley Benjamin, farmer, sec 17 Pine Grove. Markle George, land owner, sec 19 Keeler. Markle Jacob, land owner. sec 3 Porter. Marklev John, land owner, sec 9 Paw Paw. Marks Ebeneezer, Columbia. Marks Ebbon, farmer, Waverly. Marks Joseph P., Columbia. Marks Owen R., land owner, sec 11 Lawrence. Marks Robert, farmer, Lawrence. Marlett Gideon, South Haven. Marshall H. A., farmer, Waverly. Marshall Harvey, land owner, sec 16 and 17 Lawrence. Marshall James E., farmer, Paw Paw. Marshall Jerome B., land owner, sec 15 Lawrence. Marshall S. G., tarmer, Geneva. Marshall Orrin, painter, Lawrence. Marsellas Garrett, land owner, sec 34 and 35 Bangor. Martin Francis M., farmer, Lawrence. Martin Francis, land owner, sec 27 Arlington. Martin Harry, farmer, Waverly. Martin Horace, farmer, Keeler. Martin Henry H., farmer, sec 16 Keeler. Martin James, farmer, Geneva. Martin Lawrence, land owner, sec 30 Antwerp. Martin O. D., land owner, sec 31 Waverly. Martin Seth D., farmer, Lawrence. Martin William, peddler, sec 26 Arlington. Martindale, Bennett, land owner, sec 33 Bangor. Marquett Johu, land owner, sec 3 South Haven. Marvin H., land owner, sec 22 Deerfield. Mason Burr, farmer, Pine Grove. ~ _ AND BUSINESS [_M] DIRECTORY. 273 You can save 20 per cent. by buying your Crockery and Glassware at Dodge's Crockery Store, Paw Paw. Mason Charles S., Antwerp. Mason Edwin, farmer, Pine Grove. Mason George W., farmer, Pine Grove. Mason John N., land owner, see 6 Pine Grove. Mason John W., farmer, South Haven. Mason Michael, physician, see 8 Pine Grove. Mason Ralph, farmer, Decatur. Mason Lee, land owner, sec 7 Pine Grove. Mason W., land owner, sec 12 and 23 Paw Paw. Massey David, land owner. see 7 Arlingt-n. Masters ). J., farmer, Geneva. Masters E. J., South Haven. Masters G. C., farmer, Pine Grove. Masters Orrin, land owner. sec 16 Pine Grove. Mather Charles I., farmer, Hartford. Mather IHirani, Antwerp. Mather Hleman, farmer, Hartford. Mather Joseph, Antwerp. Mather Reuben, land owner, sec 21, 22 and 27 Waverly. Mather Mrs. Sarah, land owner, sec 26 Waverly. Matthews -., land owner, sec 25 South Haven. Matthews James E., land owner, sec 9 Bloomingdale. Matthews Lorinda, land owner, sec 25 Porter. Mattison Alfred, farmer, Lawrence. MIattox Samuel, land owner, sec 36 Bloomingdale. Maxham Andrew J., ftrmer, Porter. Maxham Chase, Antwerp. Maxham Elisha, farmer, Porter. Maxham James. land owner, see 34 Porter. Maxon Orrin, land owner, see 26 Hamilton. lMaxwell James, land owner, sec 9 Hamilton. NMaxwell Jesse, land owner, see 32 Waverly. May Charles, land owner, see 11 Pine G-rove. )Iayber John, South Haven. Maynard G-. A., farmer. Geneva. Maynard R. F., farmer, Geneva. Mayo Charlotte, land owner. sec 23 Antwerp. IMayo E. B1, filrmer, Pine Grove. Mayo James, land owner, sec 1 South Htaven. Mayo Orlando, Antwerp. Mazoon Edward, t'hrmer, Pine G rove. MIcAdams William, land owner, Iecatur. Me Alpine.John, land owner, sec 26 Htamilton. McAllister Eli, land owner, sec 31 Lawrence. McAllister Ezra, land owner, sec 31 Lawrence. McAllister Ira. land owner, see 31 Lawrence. 111___1___4____1___1_ ~ __ ___ __ 1 _ _ __ VAN BUREN COU[ MN]NTY GAZETTEER atin on J. 8. BowWd & 4~o, eeatur, and get their Prieem on Crockery and -lassware beftre pnTrehasing Elsewhere. NMcBride Charles, firmer, South Haven. MIcBride William, farmer, South Haven. McCabe David, land owner, sec 31 Hartford. McCabe Daniel, land owner, sec 31 Hartford. 3McCabe Henry W., Antwerp. )McCabe John, land owner, sec 8 Decatur. S McCann Isaac, land owner, see 4 and 9 Antwerp. i cCardell Simon, land owner, see 32 Arlington. iMcCarthy James. carpenter, sec 10 Waverly. NMcCarty E. K., South Haven. McCarty H. C.. South Haven. McChinster Jeremiah. farmer, Porter. McClintock James. land owner, sec 18 Decatur. McClintock James. land owner, sec 1 and 12 Hamilton. MlcCollum Alfred, land owner, sec 36 Lawrence. McCollum Charles, land owner, sec 36 Lawrence. 3McCollum Clarence, farmner, Lawrence. McCollum John, land owner, sec 36 Lawrence. McConahue Robert, tfarmer, Bangor. McConaghy Joseph, land owner, see 36 Hartford. McComb. WVilbur, farmer, Keeler. McComnbs Lydia, land owner, sec 21;outh Haven. McConnell John, land owner, see 36 Deerfield. McConnell Moses, land owner, see 6 Hartftrd. McConnell William, land owner, sec 36 D)eerfield. McCowan Hugh, land owner, see 19 Keeler. McCowan Hugh, Jr., land owner, see 19 Keeler. McCowan James, land owner, sec 17 Keeler. McCracken W. B., saw mill, Arlington. McCrea Leander. land owner, sec 21 Geneva. McCrery Edwin A.. farmer, Deerfield. IMcCrery John, farmer, Deerfield. McCullough Angeline, land owner, sec 33 Bloomingdale. McCulloch Robert, land owner, sec 11 Keeler. McCullough D., land owner, sec 33 Bloomingdale. McCumber Jerome B.. Columbia. MeCumber Nathan, land owner, sec 31 Paw Paw. McCumber Nathan, land owner, see 36 Lawrence. McDaniels James, land owner, 36 and 25 Porter. McDole 0., land owner, sec 15 Decatur. McDonald Charles, land owner, sec 5 Paw Paw McDonald Donald, land owner, sec 10, 15 and 16 South Haven. McDonald George, South Haven. McDonald John, Antwerp. McDonald Omer, land owner, sec 36 Keeler. McDonald John, farmer, Hamilton. 1. I` - --- -- I--------- - ---------~- ~---~ AND BUSINESS [M] DIRECTORY. 275 You can save 20 per cent. by buying your Crockery and Glassware at Dodge's Crockery Store, Paw Paw. MeDuffin Ellis, Lawrence. McEntee S. C., land owner, sec 9 Antwerp. McFarland H. P., land owner, sec 6 Waverly. MeGaw John P., farmer, Almuiena. McGin James, land owner, sec 8 Pine Grove. McGinley Andrew A., farmer, Porter. McGowan E. D., land owner. sec 32 Lawrence. MIcGowan Georgce. farmer, Hamilton. McGowan George. land owner, see,1 Lawrence. McGowan Richard. fairmer, Keeler. MceGrady James. Paw Paw. MNe-raff Mlichael, ftarmer, Porter. McGregor M., land owner, sec. 2 dSouth Haven. MeGinley Jaines W., fitriner, Porter. MNcGuire John, tfrmrer, )Decatur. MceGunire Patrick, land owner, sec 4 Decatur. McG uire Philip, land owner, D)ecatur. Mclarness Joseph. land owner, sec 6 Lawrenee. Mcelarness William, land owner, see 31 Arlington. 1lcli(owell Gharlles, farmer, Waverly. IMcIntosh Cynthia, land owner, sec 30 Keeler. McIntoshl William, land owner, see 23 Geneva. McIntyre Cliarles, Antwerp. lclintvrec Newton, t fhrmler.1 Hamilton. Ic Kane D)avid, tarmer, Porter. 1ciane Jmnes. thrmer, Porter. McKay Thomias, 1-itd o()wner, sec 34 Porter. AMcK e eAndy, farmer, Pine Grove. e McKee Darwin. land owner. se- 1 24 Decatur. IMcKee Delos. fthrmer, Decatutr. McKee Patrick. land owner, see 18 Porter. McKeel lirani, (Clark & McTNeal). se 11 Geneva. MeKelvy -., land owner, see 9 Waverly. McKinney Alexander, farmer, Geneva. MeKinzie George, land owner, sec 36 Geneva. McKinney John, land owner, sec 5 Decatur. MeKinster Charles C., farmer, Keeler. McKinstrey John, fhruier. Columbia. McKinzie Alexander, land owner, sec 36 Geneva. McKnight John, land owner, sec 17 Waverly. McKnight Lafayette, farmer, Waverly. McKain Thomas, land owner, sec 20 Porter. McKeyes Juan, land owner, sec 26 Antwerp. McLane 1-. II., land owner. sec 15 Porter. MeLane John C., land owner, sec 15 and 14 Porter. McLane W. 11., land owner, sec 15 Porter. ji ___ _~__~_~.ifi _ _ _ _ ~_ ~_ 11_____ _____1_~_11_~_~_____ __1__~_____)_ l_~_i;~_____ 27G 2VAN BUREN COU[M,]NTY GAZETTEER Give J. N. Dowd & Co. DIecatur, a call whlen you are in v ant of Or oeerles and Provisions. McLaughlin A. J., cairpenter, sec 1 Bangor. McLaughlin John. farmer, Pine (Grove. MIcLindy Henry, Antwerp. McLouth Cyrus, farmer, Bloomingdale. McManigal James E., farmer, Porter. IlcM anns Jamies, farmer, South Haven. MecMann Perry. Antwerp. McMNInirial James, land owner, sec 10 and 11 Porter. 3McMe3kin James, land owner, sec 15 Bloomingdale. Mc 1eekins John, land owner, sec 15 13loniinudale. MclMeekin William, land owner, sec 15 and 22 Bloomingdale. MIcMillan William. Antwerp. McNiamary Michael, ftrmer, Pine Grove. McNeil Minard, land owner, sec 2 Porter. NcNess Jonas K., land owner, see 27 Columbia. McNett Charles, farmer, I-Hartford. McNett Elinor, land,wner, se 12 Banitor. McNett J. W., carpenter, sec 5 Bangor. McNitt John W., farmer, Bangor. McNitt Livera, land owner, sec 30 Hartford. McNitt Lyman, land owner, sec 6 Hartford. McNitt 0. F., land owner, sec 22 Hartfrd. McNitt Susan, land owner. sec 29 and 32 Hartford. McNitt William B, land owner. see 27 H9artford. McNeal William, land owner, sec 5 Decatur. 3McPherson Allen, land owner, sec 36 Almena. M cPhreson Hugh, farmer, Almena. McPhreson James, farmer, Almeena. McPhreson William, farmer, Almena. McSurley John, land owner, sec 16 Hartford. MceWilliams Alexander, )and owner. sec 6 I)ecatr. McWilliams E., land owner, sec 5 )ecatur. Meabon George, land owner. sec 16 and 17 Arlington. Machum David R, farmer, Arlington. Machum Francis. lan4 owner, see 16 Arlington. MIachum George, land owner, sec 16 Arliniton. Machum George, Jr., farmer. see 16 Arlington. Meacham John, land owner, see 19 Lawrence. Meacham John, land owner, sec 25 Hartford. Meacham Lafayette, land owner, sec 17 Lawrence. Meachum Simom, laborer, Lawrence. Meachum Sylvanus, farmer, Arlington. Meachum Sylvester J., farmer, sec 5 Arlington. Mead Gilbert, land owner, see 36 Lawrence. Meade John, Lawrence. Mead Lucius, land owner, sec 9 Geneva. ______ -- I I AND BUSINESS [M1] DIRECTORY. 2-7-7 You can save 20 per cent. by buying your Crockery and Glassware at Dodge's Crockery Store, Paw Paw. Means Andrew,, thrner, Keeler. Means Thonas I).. land owner, see 12 South Haven. Means W. J., land owner. see 2 Antwerp. Meachuni Charles. farmer. sec 5 Arlington. Melvin Austin, land owner, sec 8 Bloomingdale. Alempkins I.. ftrmer, Geneva. Merch Eber K., land owner, sec 35 Bloomingdale. Merchant Frankf, hrier, Waverly. Merfchaint John, land owner, sec 15 Waverly. M1erganthaler Matheew, land owner, see 21 and 23 Porter. Miarithew Philander. Columbia. lerriftield V., land owner, see 14 Columbia. M.errill -, land owner, sec IS i)ecatur. Merrill B. 31., land owner, see 3 D)ecatur. Merrill John, la nd owner, see 6 Colum1bia. Mernill P L, f mu ier. aw Paw. lMerrimian Burse, Ind owner, see 10 Bangor. IMerin ii oH tdarlowldo, d wner, see 10) Bangor. Alxhriill IPulaki. Antwerp. Merwi lLewis, Lawrence. Morwin Theodore, land owner, sec 4 Almena. lesser Reason.. firimer, Bloomin'duale. leseneri J.sper, l tirmernti Geneva. Alesner John. ifartner, D)ecatnur. Mesener J. 1L. farmer, Geneva. Messenger i.. land owner, see 6 Porter. Mlessenger N. S., land owner, sec 12 Decatur. Metcalf 1). W., land owner, see 10 Geneva. Metler Jesse, Antwerp. Aletz CIharlcs. t6rmner, Geneva. Metz Frederick, ftrmner, Geneva. Metz George. f`hrmer, Geneva. Michaels Matthias, land owner, see 6 Bangor. Michelson S., land owner. see 16 and 7 Pine Grove. Milan Williamt, firmer, Geneva..Millard.. artmer. Pine Grove. Mlillard II. (. laand owner, see 1 )ecatur. Millard 1. II.. land owner, see 1 D)ecatur. Miller Adam I., firmer, Porter. Miller A. fL., land owner, sOe GAntwerp. liiller Danniel W., IMnd owner, see 26 Antwerp. M iller Isaac I1., tfarner. P1orter. MYiller Jafitis i.. land ow ner, sec 1 aInd 12 Pine G rove. I filler Jeremiala, Antwerp. Miller JertemiahE, nmie Pine ("IyOVe. Miller Jobhn, wagon 1 ma1nker, scc 12 Banmor. CI I I 9 718 VAN BUItEN COUII\[NTY GA ZETTEER Buy your Groceries and Provisions of J. S. Dowd & Co, Decatur, iMIiler John XX.. tfanier, J1orter. Miller J. XW.. tarmer. Pine Grove. M illerL,John XX.. Iarid owner, sec 22 Keeler. Miller J. J.. land owner, sec 29 Blkoorninrdale. Miller Josiah. tiriiner, 3Barior. Miller Lewis, land owner, see 22 Hartford. miller Lewis, 1trnrier, Pine Grove. 'liller Lymani. land owner, see 3 South IHiaven. M11iller Mary, lanrid owner. see 9 Banrrgor. Miller Mrs., alnd owner, sec 32 Por ter. Miller Mrs Betsy. lirid owner, see 25 Antwerp. M11ier Nicholas, ftAriner, Pine G4rove. Miller P. WV.. W land i owner, sec 34 Pine Grove. Miller W1. 1. I, lan id owr r. see 7 Ljawrence. Miller William, land owner, sec 33 and 34 Geneva. MAiller Wilhliam G.. fa mier, Ba iýor. Miller W... f IItrrnier, Pine Gro Ve. Miles E., South HaR-ven. IMILES FABIUS, Ipropr saw mill arid land (owner, sec 1, 2. 11 and 12 Hlaritrd. Miles Josiahi, tirrnier, Hfartfrudl. Miles Sylvester, lanud owner, sec 14 lPaw Paw. Miles XViliian, land owner, see 18 Pine Grove. \[Iillriman Aatorion, land owner, sec 2 P ine (G.rove. Milleruman Bryant, land owner, sec 27 Deerfield. Millimran James, land owner, see 5 nPine Grove. Milliman John., fhrmer. Waverly Millihian John G.. land owner, see 6 Waverly. Milliian Lynman land owner, see 4 Pine G ro-ve. Mills E. P.. l and owner, sec 2 ard 3 Antwerp. Mills E. ), land owner, sec 35 and 34 Almena. Mills E. XA., land owner, sec 34 and 35 Almena. Millikin ltiia, land owner, see 30 Paw Paw. i illsaugh4 Jelinie. land owner, sec 22 and 32 Kee(ler. Minsliall Thomas, land owner, see 35 Blangor. Miocheil John, land owner, sel 2 11artifrtd. Misel William, firrmraer, South Haven. Mitchell Amuios, South IHaven. Mitchelson Chairles, land owner, sec 9, 4 and 16 Paw Paw. Mlitchell Gilbert, land owner, sec 25 Paw Paw. Mitchell John, Jr., land owner, sec 1 lHartfbrd. Mix John, land owner, sec 4 Hartford. Moden Edward, land owner., sece 5 Paww Paw. Modeo John, l trnd owner, sec 31 WXaverly. Moden William, land owner, sec 27 Arlington. Moffat George, land owner, sec 35 Bloomingdale. I I ~~~~ ~~ _ _ ___. _....~~, ~ ~ ~ ~ AND BUSINESS L [ DIRECTORY. 279 Buy your Flour, Feed and Salt of Higgiun & Squier, Decatur. Moffat Rev. W. C., land owner, sec 35 Waverly. Molby Benjamin, farnmcr, Waverly. Molby )Daniel, land owner, sec 17 Waverly. Molbv Isaac. farmer, Waverly. Molby(l Samuel. fhrtner, Waverly. 3lolby X., land owner. see 16 Waverly. Molyniux R. A., South Haven. Moon A., land owner, sec 13 and 14( Geneva. Moon Andreww J.. h irimer, Columbia. II oo0 AAlsonit, trier, (C>1umbia. Moon Betsy, land owner, sec 12 Columbia. 3Moon;. Franklin, land owner, see 36 Paw Paw. Mooney Gairdner, C(olumrbia. Moon 1. W., land owner, sec 16 Antwerp. Moon Henry, land owner, sec 4. 22 anQ 23 B3loomingdale. Mooin Horace S., land owner, see 29 Porter. AMooney II. JK, land owner, sec 10 and 19 Hartford. 31foon 4IJrhn taI-iner, Columbia. lmoorm Jorhn. land owner, sec 20 Lawrence. )Moon Maryl, land owner. sec 30 Lawrence. 31oo(n Or(rnin Antwerp. 3100 n Orrin. rthner, l)ecatur. 31Moo Peter, land owner, sec 30 Porter. Moon Thomas, tfrmer, sec 12 Columbia. Moore A. E., land owner, sec 24 Geneva. Mo(ore Alfred, land owner, sec 25 Paw Paw. Moore 10 Renjaminh lid owner, see 16 Geneva. Moonre James 1l., land owner, 1)mrrick. firmer, H1arttfod. Nwton Edward O., South Haven. Neville Patrick, land owner, see 5 Hamilton. Nightcngale A dkthony. firmner, Pine Grove. Nilhtcngalc Mrs. M. A., land owner, sec 7 Pine Grove. Nicholas Philip. land owner. sec 23 Arlington. Nichols Asa. Autwerp. Nichols George, land owner, sec 29 Arlington. Nichols lHarlow, land owner, see 5 Bangir. Nichols H. K., itrminer. South H aven. Nichols James A., land owner, sec 29 Arlington. Niehols Joseph, land owner, sec 4 Decatur. Nichols J. Henry, land owner, se 18 Bloomingdale INichols John A., fitrmer, Porter. Nichols John, land owner sec 21 Arlinrgt) n. NYchols John, farmer, Bangor. Nichols Rosanna, land owner, sec 18 Bloomingdale. Nichols Sherman. land owner, sece 22 Columbia. Nichols Thomas, land owner, sec 36 Keeler. Niles A., Iind owner, sec 24 and 11 Waverly. Niles Ezekiel, land owner, sec 21 Columbia. Niles Henry, Antwerp. Niles Jerome,., farmer, Columbia. Niles John W., firmer, Columbia. Niles J. H., land owner, sece 9 Almenia. Niles Joseph H., farmer. Almena. Niles T. L, land owner, see 15 Waverly. Nimnms Platte, Antwerp. Nixon Amos, land owner. sec 14 Waverly. Noble D. D., land owner, se- 16 and 17 Antwerp. Noble John, farmer, sece 2 Hartford. Noble Peter, South Haven. Noecker Jefferson, Paw Paw. Noggie A. J., farmer, Bangor. Noggle Thomas J., Jr.. farmer, Bangor. Noggle T. J., land owner, sec 20 Bangor. Nolan David, land owner, sec 28 Antwerp. AND BUSINESS [Q] DIRECTORY. 28) You can save 20 per cent. by buying your Crockery arird 0 are at Dodge's Crockery Store, Paw Paw. iNolan James, farnler, Hartford. Nolan John, ftirmer, IHnilton. Nooney Jaues, fiarmer, IHartford. Norran Ezekiel, fatrmer, Geneva. Norris Mrs. Francis, land owner, sec 19 Paw Paw. Noirris Moses S., ltnd owneIr. sec 9 and 10) Waverlv. Norris LRichard, Paw Paw. Nortlialam Edmund, farmer. Arlington. Northamur Henry '., land owner. see 23:and 25 Arlington. Nortlhanm Julius, land owner, sec 26 Arlington. North F. C., land owner, sec 26 Bloamingdale. Northrup -., land owner, sec 26 Hamilton. Northrup Andrew, land owner, see 1 Hartford. Northrup Alba, E, land owner, sec 36' Bangor. Northrup D)aniel, land owner, see IS Decatur. Northrnp 1)aniel P., land owner, I)ecatur. Northrop.J. L land owner, sece 3G Bangor. Northrup Mahitable, land owner, sec 1 Hartfbrd. N(mithIIirp) Orson M., tarmner. Bangor. Northrup t ruW., farmer, olorter. Norton Aar:)n 1H.. land owner, sec 16 and 21 Porter. Norton (barbs F.. farmer, Porter. Nortn G( eorgo fa iner, Bangor. Norton iaiMartin A-. butcher, La;wrence. Norton N I.. -f Drmer, aeeatur. INorton Ransom, land owner, see 11 Iortcr. Norton Walter, f hrtiner, 1)ecatur. Noirwood Abra. talriter, Hamilton. N1 ttin" house -Judson J., ftrmer. l1orter. N*~or a-wood Stephen, laind owner, sec 10 Hamilton. No rtrid Tnrner, land owner, sec 32 Lawrence. Noyes K. \W. land owner, see 1 South Haven. N utti t nIIAlbert. land owners, see 249 Bangor. N uttin Chester, land owner, sete 2!) Bangor. Nutting G(ilbert, frinter. Bangor. Nuott in' I irtanZ t1hr.riter. Ba t Nutt inIg LyntitI' n. m Iatr. IHartford. Nutting Theod(ore, landth owner, s(ec 31 Bangor. Nycle Rufus, land owneri. see 7 LawnrenteIe. Nye Jantes T, farmier. I)eeatuor. Nymttan A. J.1 Bangor. Nvrtan...f., Irmter.(4 Gereva C1) Oakes (1tyrus rE. Antwcrp. O)akes Gcorge II., Antwerp. ---- ------ -___~_ ~ _~ __ I I.186 VAN BUREN COU'OINTY GAZETTEER Never were Groceries and Provisions sold so (Cheap as they are by J. S. liowdA & (o, IDecatur. O Hkes Hiiratn. l nd owner. sec 13 Antwerp. Oaks Robert S, firiner, D)ecatur Okley &,let7, tanners, and safw null, sec 28 Geneva. Ocoboek Charles (C., Paw Paw. () Conner James, thrmer, D)ecatur. Odell 11. AW N land ownier, see 29 9Antwerp. )dell S. )., land owner, sec 10 iAlmena. O it Charles, tfarmer, Wtverlv. Ooden H1. \., An.tw.err. Ol'ott Ialthyette, land owner, 4ee 2 H artford. Olcott Orlin, land ow ner. sec 2 1artfford. O.cott William, ftrumer, Pine trrove. Olds A. A., land owner, sec 3 Keeler. Olds Albert J.. tarmer, iHartford. Olds Allen, land awner, sec 35 Hartford. Olds Andrew (J., fahmier, 1Hartftbrd. Olds Andeirs-n, land owner. see 27 IHartford. Olds Almond, land owner, see 18 and 19 HIartford. Olds Edwin ii 1., land owner, sec 27 Harrtdbrd. Olds Henry. farner, svee 18 H1larttbrd. )lds Ilernion J.. land owner, see 8 and 17 Paw Paw. Olds JHezekiah, farmer, Hartforid. (l1d: Ira, land owner. see 5 Keeler. Olds Ira, PJIr., ftrmner. Keeler. (lids Ira, thriner, Lawrence. Olds Ira M., farmer, Paw Paw. Olds Ira, Jr., ftruier, Hartford. Olds John B., land owner, sec 29l Harzford. (lds Moses, land owner, see 13 L J.wrenee. Olds Orson, land owner, see 23 Hartford. (lIds Ransom, land owner, sec 12 Hluartlhrd. (lid R`obert 1B., ftrmer, RKeeler. Olds Robert, land owner, sec 17 Hartford. Olds Van It., land owner, sec 3 Kee!ler. Oliver P. 11., land owner, see 2 Paw Paw. Olgee OgdenA M., ftrmer, Waverly. Olk John I., land owner, see 27 Bangor. 01k Mary C., land owner, sec 28 Bangor. Olk Matthew, land owner, sec 27 Bangor. Olmstead Charles, South Haven. (llnstead Charles, fahrmer, Bangor. Oluevy Luke, farmner, see 8 Pine Grove. Opfel Charles E., land owner, see 21 )Deerfield. Orford John, farmer. Keeler. Orford Richard, land owner, see 35 Keeler. Ormsby E. )., land owner, sec 11 Decatur. AND BUSINESS [0] DIRECTORY. 287 Ormsby Samuel D., land owner, sec 17 and 8 Decatur. Orr H ugh, fatrmer, Paw Paw. S Orr Robert, land owner, sec 28 Paw Paw. Orr Robert 2nd., farmer. Paw Paw. ()rr Samuel, land owner, sec 28 and 3 Paw Paw. Orr Seth, land owner, sec 33 Paw Paw. Orton Edwin P., land owner, sec 21 Arlington. Orton Ira, land owner, sec 20 Arlington. Orton Ira, hrmer. see 10 Columbia. )Orton Noble. land owner, see 20 Arlington. Orvis Joseph, land owner, see 7 Waverly. Osborn Albert, land,owntr, sec 29 Hamilton. O()ser Alfcd, South Haven. Osborn Benjamin, land owner, sec 20 Hamilton. Osborn Charles, land owner, sec 23 and 28 Hamilton. Osborn Daniel, land owner, sec 17 and 20 Keeler. Osborn Erastus, land owner, sec 30 and 31 Hamilton. ()sborn Gideon, land owner, sec 29 Hamilton. Osborn I orace, land owner, sec 32 Hamilton. )Osborn.Jacob, land owner, sec 5 Pine Grove. Osborn.J. H., laud owner, sec 17 Decatur. Os)born J. M., land owuer, see 21, 26 and 29 Hamilton. O(sb0rn John, land owner, see 26 Hartford. Osboru John M3., land owner. sec 5 Geneva. Osborn Asiah, land owner, sec 9 Bangor. O()born Rodolphus, land owner, sec 17 Decatur. (Osborn Stephen, land owner, sec 31 and 32 Hamilton. Osborn W. 11., land owner, sec 32 and 33 Hamilton. O)smer Albert, Antwerp. ()smer Mrs. Sarah, land owner, sec 17 Waverly. (sterhaut John, land owner, see 13 South Haven. )Ostiom Jacob. thml'er, Hartford. )Ostrader Charles L., laborer, Lawrence. ()strom Alber:r, farmer, Hartford. (Oswald William 1).. tarnier, Keeler. ()tte (Carlos, land,owner, sec 9 G0eneva. Otte Jacob, land owner, see 9 G4eneva. (Oustefhout Frank, Antwerp. )Otland Samuel, lanl owner., ec 36 Arlingt:)n. ()veracker Daniel, land own r, sec 13 Almena. OVERTON FRED U., land owner, see 16 and 17 Bangor. )vertonl H. M., land owner, sec 16 Bangor. Overracker Daniel W., ftrier, Alnmena. i )verracker Edwin. farumer, Ah:n a. S Owen Charles, frmer, Keeler. S OwensGeorge W., South Haven. Owen George W., Paw Paw. Owens 11ichard, land owner, see 18 (Columbia. d_ 288 \AN BURENIN COUT[IEI T.NTY GA ZETTEER re of J. s. I)owd & (Co., er cent. Buty your croekery. Lamps and Glasswau Deca'ur,andl you will save 25 p O(e n Terry 1.1 So.1Smith ayven. Iac kaird AIlfred. 1 mdl odtw ner, see 1 lDeerfield. Packard 1. S., land owner, see 35 IDeorfield. I'ackard Jos-eph, land own. r. see 8 Hlamilton. I'ackaird & Sons, (W\Vil!iai PaRckard, \Villiam O. 1Packard, Alfred S. Packard), stea.n saw mil, see 2 )eerfield. PIjker Hu h M., farmner, lartford. IPacker J. 1.. lan. d owner, sec 29 Hartford. Page,AImlbe h land owner,. see 28( Columbia. IPAdioek B. NV., Iland owmier, see 21 oenteva. Patlddock I. JP land owner. sec 21 Geneva. Paddock Jane. land owner, see 33 Porter. PaA e John. land owner, see 28 Columbbia. Paddcrk William I1.. land owner, see 2 32Porter. lPage (C:harles, lhind ow her, see 2 1Pine (rove. Page 11. E., land owner, see 2 Lawrenee Parge Frank. flirmer, Columnbia. Pager Nathaniel, land owner, see 19 Columibia. )Pae Reuben, Antwerp. IPage Wallatee IIa.. trnier. Lawrence. Page X L~., land (owiner. See, I artf. rd. Paine (G'eorge. land owier, see 26 A riington. Painter 1, land owner, sec 16, 21, 20. 32 and 38 Columibia. Paine William. land owner, sec 34 Ar1lmngton. Palmer Alfred B., land owner, sec 22 Arlington. Palmer Amos If.. land owner, sec 9 and 4 Paw Paw. Palmer (C. B., land owner. see 26 Almnena. Palmer Edward P.. Paw Paw. Palmer Geortge IR. land owner, sc 81 Pine Grove. Palmner Harvey, carpenter, sec 10 Waverly. Palner Henry It., land owner, see 6 Paw IPaw. Palmer Hiram, land owner, sec 80 Pine Grove. IPalmer John MN. land owner, Se1( 1 Iand 2 WaN verly. Palner M. W., tirmier. Waverly. Palmner '. K., 1land owner, see 21 SoutIi Haven Palmer William, land owner, sec 33 Bloomingdale. Palmer W. J., land owner, sec 1 and 2 Waverly. PIaucoast Phoebe A., land owner, sec 10 and 14 Soutli Haven. Parish -., land owner, see 9 Geuevna. Parish A., -1 rmer, Bangor. Parish Aaran, land owner. see 5 and 8 Almena. P1arish Charles WA., land owner, see 8 Geneva. Parish George, ithrmer, 3angor. Parish J. F., land owner. sec 25 and 26 P-orter. I I I ~ ~--------------------~------~I AND BUSINESS [p] DIRECTORY. 289 Yeu can save 20 per cent. by buying your Crockery and Glassware at Dodge's Crockery Store, Paw Paw. Parish Ira, land owner, sec 34 Bangor. Parish James W., atraer, Pine Grove. Parish Lewis, thruer, Pine Grove. Parish Lewis, ftrimer, Porter. Parish Lewis, Jr., farier, Porter. Pariish N. L., fIA mi(er, eneva. Iarish iP. J., farmer, Geneva. Parker Edgar, Columbia. Parker Emory, land owner, sec 31 Antwerp. ParkeL E. S., land owner, see 27 and 34 Decatur. Parker H. C., lhnd owner, see 24 Lawrence. Parker J. M., land owner, sec 2 Geneva. Parker John C., South Haven. Parker IRussel, land owner, sec 11 Paw Paw. Parker Truman, farmer. Lawrence. Parker ThomaA C., land owner, sec 2 Porter. IParker William S., farmer, Geneva. Parker W. S., shingle mill. sec 1 Arlington. Parks Leonard. fitrmer, Almnena. Parks Timothy, land owner, sec 9. Almena. -Parks William, land owiner, sec 28 AlmIauat. Parmtuter S., land owner, sec 30 Hamilton. Parmner Alonzo, land owner, sec 20 Bancuor. Parrisi i Aaron, farmer, Almena. I-arrish r'bAt A., A1nod owVIer, see 1 Pine Grove. Parrish Mrs. A., land owner, sec 1 Pine Grove. Iiirrott Samuel, Antwerp. P arshall Myron, land owner, sec 16 Almena. Pardshall Orrin. Columbia. PiTarshall Owen, Columbia. Parsons Jamnes C., farmer, Decatur. Parsons Levi, land owner, sec 4 Hartford. P1atavel Adami, Antwerp. Partridge Edwin I)., Antwerp. Patrick Walter, land owner, sec 15 Geneva. PkAtrick Kiingsley, Antwerp. Patherick Kinigsley, taruier, Waverly. Patterson D. R., farmer, Geneva. Patterson W., land owner, sec 32 D)eerfield. Patterson Wellington, tfarmer, Deerfield. Pattison William, land owner, sec 4 Paw Paw. Patton L. 1., land owner, Qec 12 Porter Paul --I, lind owner, see 6 Hartford. Paul Samuel N., land owner. sec 20 Lawrence. Paw Paw --, land owner, Hartford. PayneT John, land owner, sec 24 Paw Paw. ~ ~~~ I I - _ _ - - _ ----~----~---------~------ 290 VAN BUREN COu[p]NTY GAZETTEER Call on J. n. Dowde ~ Co., for your Choice Family Groceries, Iecatur, Payne P. R., land owner, sec 13 Antwerp. Pearson B. W., land owner, sec 33 Decatur. Peiron Jesse, land owner, sec 30 and 10 Decatur. Pease Enoch, land owner, sec 1 Geneva. Pease Henry. land owner, sec 11 Geneva. Pease Dennis, farmer, Geneva. Peaton William, land owner, sec 8 and 6 Paw Paw. Peck Abel R.. farmer, Columbia. Peck Abram, land owner, sec 20 Columbia. Peck Carlos, land owner, sec 6 Bloomingdale. Peck C. F., land owner, sec 1 Columbia. Peck Edwin S., farmer, Bloomingdale. Peck Elias, land owner, sec 14 Hartford. P,,ck Henry, farmer, Bloomingdale. Peck John A.. land owner, sec 20 Hamilton. Peck Joseph, land owner, sec 6 Bloomingdale. Peck William, farmer, Hartford. Peckham George, land owner, sec 1 Geneva. Peebks W. S., farmer, Pine Grove. Pelong Benjamin, farmer, Pine Grove. Pelton Hiram, land owner, sec 33 Columbia. Pendell E. W., land owner, sec 3 Arlington. Pender James, land owner, sec 14 Pine Grove. Peminger Daniel, farier, Geneva. Peminger Jacob, farmer, Geneva. Penniman A. T.. land owner, sec 2, 3 and 10 South Haven. Penoyer John J., farmer, Arlington. Penrod Isaac, Farmer, Geneva. Penrod J. S., land owner, sec 7 Bangor. Penrod Isaac, Saw Mill, sec 3 Bangor. Penroll Isaac, farmer, Bangor. Penroll John S., farmer, Bangor. Pepper Edwin, lund owner, sec 13 Columbia. Pepper Jacob, farmer, Decatur. Pepper Stephen. land owner, sec 3 Decatur. Peratt Peter, land owner, sec 19 Hamilton. Percival Cullen, farmer, Hamilton. Percival G. W., land owner, sec 25 and 26, Hamilton. Percival S. V., land owner, sec 25 and 26 Hamilton. Perham Albert, land owner, sec 6 Lawrence. Perkins Catherine, land owner, see 35 Antwerp. Perkins Chapman, Antwerp. Perkins David, Antwerp. Perkins George W., South Haven. Perkins J., land owner, sec 21 Geneva. Perrin Mrs. R., land owner, sec 11 Pine Grove. ~-... "-- '- ----..-~. ~ -'~--~-~--~ -.-- i--~i~~r---- _i I C - --~---. _ AND BUSINESS [p] DIRECTORY. 291 You can save 20 per cent. by buying your Crockery and Glassware at Dodge's Crockery Store, Paw Paw. Perry Stephen W., land owner, Decatur. Perry G. W., land owner, sec 10 Decatur. Perry Rollin, farmer, Keeler. Perry Stephen G., farmer, Bloomingdale. Peters Jacob. land owner, see 21 Columbia. Petre William, carpenter and mason, Deerfield. Peterson Lyman W., land owner, sec 21 Lawrence. Pettey Peleg, Antwerp. Pettingill Charles, farmer, Decatur. Pettengill William, land owner, sec 28, 31, 32 and 33 Antwerp. Pettuis Peleg, land owner, sec 24 IHartford. Phelps Charles A., farmer, Lawrence. Phelps E. T.. land owner, sec 34 Pine Grove. Phelps George, land owner, sec 21 Lawrence. Phelps John A., Antwerp. Phelps J. F., land owner, sec 33 Bangor. i Phelps Judson 0., land owner, sec 31 Hamilton. SPhelps Lyman, land owner, sec 30 Hamilton. Phelps Orrin, land owner, sec 29 Pine Grove. Shelps Samuel B., carpenter and lanil owner, sec 6 Geneva. Philjoh Justin, farmer, Bangor. SPhillips Aaron, land owner, sec 33 Decatur. Phillips B. F., land owner, sec 20 and 21 Antwerp. Phillips C. A., land owner, sec 28 Arlington. I hillips Charles, land owner, sec 15, 16 and 22 Deerfield. SPhillips D., land owner, sec 26 Antwerp. Shillips Frank, land owner, sec 15 Lawrence. Phillips Isaac V., farmer, Decatur. Phillips George, land owner, sec 20 Antwerp. Phillips John, land owner, sec 30 Bangor. Phillips J. C., land owner, see 8 Hamilton. Phillips Solomon, land owner, see 22 and 27 Antwerp. Phillips Thomas, Paw Paw. Phillips S. G., land owner, sec 29 Antwerp. Pickard William, land owner, see I and 12 Pine Grove. Pickwaxie Peter, land owner, sec 5 Hartford. Pier Stephen, land owner, see 36 Hartford. Pierce A. J., farmer, Geneva. Pierce Clark, land owner, sec 32 Geneva. Pierce Charles H., farmer, Pine Grove. Pierce Daniel T., land owner, see 14,outh Haven. Pierce Elisha, farmer Decatur. Pierce Irving W., land owner, sec 31 Geneva. Pierce Leonard ()., farmer, sec 15 Hartford. Pierce Oliver, land owner, see 7 Hamilton. Pierce Proctor, land owner, sec 15 Bloomingdale. 292 VAN BUREN COU[ ]NTY GAZETTEER Bay your Crockery, Lamps and Glassware of J. s. Dowd & Co., I)Decatur, Pierce W. B., farmer, 1)ecatur. Pierce William II., South Haven. Pierce William J., laiid owner, sec 12 HIlartford. Pierce Zibeon, Antwerp. Pifer Samuiuel, farmer. 1 ine Grove. Pike Charles A., Paw Paw. Pike tUeorge, land owner, sec 22 Antwerp. JPike Thomas, land owncr, sec 14 Puw Paw. 'Pingrere )David, land owner, sec 12 Bloomi nodale. Pinyard George,W.. faruer, BLangor'. Pingree Jewett. laud owner, sec 13 lioomiIngdale. Piper Samuel, Lawrence. Piphlier John, faruier, Geneva. P tcher Berrit I. land owner, sec 17 Pouter. Pitcher Freeman ID, land owner, sec 30 Keeler. Pitcher George F.. farmer, Porter. Pitcher H. L.. land owner, sec 11 Geneva. Pitcher Jasper M.. farmer, Keeler. Pitcher L. F.. lab, Lawrence. Pitts 0., farmer, Bangor. Pixlev Moses A., tfrmer. 1Hamilton. Place lowland, land owner, sec 19 Lawrence. Plopper Madison, farmer, Lawrence. Plopper Stephen, land owner, sec 24 Lawrence. Plopper William 1., farmer, Lawrence. Plowman George, land owner, sec 31 Deerfield. Plumb Myron, land owner. sec 19 Almena. Plumb Nelson. land owner, sec 19 Aluena. Plumb Winfield, farmer, Almena. Plumley Marshall farmer, Pine Grove Plumuer P., land owner, sec 4 Waverly. Pokayon Simon, land owner, sec 6 Hartford. Pollock George A., farmer, Porter. Pollock (4eorge A., Antwerp. Pollock John, land owner, see 5 and 8 Decatur. Polmanteer James, farmer, sece 5 Keeler. Polmanteer. John, land owner, sec 5 and 6 Keelor. Polmanteer Seth, farmer, sec 5 Keeler. Polston Joseph, farmer. I)ecatur. Pompey Allen, farmer, Keeler. Pompey I)ouglas, land owner, sec 34 Deerfield. Ponipey Dorson, land owner, sec 15 Deerfield. Pompey Joseph, farmer, Bangor. Pomeroy G. B., land owner, sec 11 South Haven. Pompey Lorenzo, land owner, sec 15 Deerfield. Pompey N. P., land owner, see 10 and 11 Deerfield. AND BUSINESS [7p] DIRECTORY. 293 You can save 20 per cent, by buying yaour Crockery and Glassware at Dodge's Crockery Store, Paw Paw. Pompey Washington, land owner, see 15 Deerfield. Papp Henry, land owner, see 33 Geneva. P'oppindick C. W.. land owner, see 19 Paw Paw. Posson James, land owner, see 24 Columbia. Post Albert, land owner, sece 24 Bloomingdale. iPost A. M., tarmer, Pine Grove. IPost Chauncey, farmer, Bloomiugdale. Post (Chauncev, land owner, see 18 1'ine Grove. PIost Harrison. farmer, Bloomingdale. Post Neal, land owner, see 19 Pine Grave. iPotes ). C., land owner, see 29 Hartford. Potes Georoge, ftrmer, Ha rtford. Potes J. M., land owner, see 29 Hartfbrd. Potter 13. F., land owner, sec 1 South Haven. Potter Gilbert WX. farnier, Porter. 1Potter Harvey. land owner. see 35 Ban1pgor. I )otter I. S., thlriner. Pine Grove. Potter James C. fthrnier, Waverly. Potter John01. t'(nn1ier. Pine Gro ve. Potter Robert F. ifrmer. Paw Paw. Potteri IP. F., land owner. sec 2 Columbia. IPott em Rulsh t., t riner. Bklnmmi ngdale. 1 otts JilmlaS, land owner. see 16 )Deeatuir. I otts.James. A rVAntwerp. PIowell tieorge XWV.. land owner, see 22 Pine Grove. Poweil William E., land owner, see 8 Aluiena. 1Powell MIrs. Martha. land owner. sec 30 Antwerp. Powell Orin. land owner, sec 22- Pine Grove. IPoweryi' (. W, land ownter, see 22 Porter. IP owell HenmiAy A. Aitwerp. 1Powers II11., 111lad owner, 'ee 30 Iaverlv. Powers Josiah, land >1wil r. see 3 Bloominzdumle. Powers IMoses, land owner, sec 5 Bloomingdale. Prnater George E., farmerI Paw Paw. Prater Giles 't.. farmer, rlingoton. Irater riles XW. 1Pw 'aw. Printer illian irt rernlaw Piw law. Pratt Amos, land owner, sec 15 South Haven. Pratt Elisha, farmer, Keeler. IPratt Johi, land owner, sec 15 South Haven. PIrentice Alonz(), farmer, Geneva. Preston Edmund M., land owner, see St1 Arlington. Prentice George. farmer, Hartford. Prentice George D., Antwerp. Ircntice eJamies, land owner, seen 20 Hartford. iPrentiss N. F., Antwerp. v~ _ _ ____1_~_~_ __1_.111-~lrr.~~~~_e____i._~ I~--TII --n~.1._X~^-.._~-~ 2941 VAN BUREN COU[fI-]NTY GAZETTEER Prentice W. L., farmer, Hartford. Price Edward, land owner, see 5 Porter. Price Thomas, land owner, see 33 Lawrence. Prindle Orrin C., Antwerp. Prindle 1. E., land owner, sec 28 Antwerp. Prince Gustavus. farmer, Hamnilton. Prince John. land owner, sec 32 Antwerp. Prince John, Jr., land owner, sec 35 Antwerp. Prince Matthew, fhrner, Hamilton. Prince P.. land owner, see 12 Geneva. Pritchett J. N.. land owner, sec 3 Arlington. Proctor Daniel, land owner. see 6 Alnmena. Prosser Thomas A., fhrmer, Keeler. Pugsley Geore. ftarmer, Paw Paw. Pugsley George IH., farmer. Paw Paw. Pugsley IH. M., land owner, see 7 and 6 Paw Paw. Pugslty John K., land owner, see 2 and 3 Paw Paw. Pugsley N. MN., land owner, see 10, 11 and 3 Paw Paw. Pugsley William H., farnier, Paw Paw. Putnam S. P., land owner, see 9 and 12 Decatur. Putner Jacob. land owner. sec 17 Aimena. Putney Chester A., land owner, sec 22 Keeler. Putney James, land owner, sec 21 Pine Grove. Q Qua Reuben, farmer, Waverly. Qua Samuel, land owner, sec 16 Waverly. Qua Samuel. Jr., farmer, Waverlvy. Qua William, farmer, Waverly. Quain Daniel, mason, sec 27 Bangor. Quackenbush John B., laud owner, see 8 Lawrence. Quackenbush Elihu, farmer, Columbia. Quackenbush J., land owner, see 34 Columbia. Quigenan John, farmer, Deerfield. Quin Patrick, laborer, Lawrence. R IRiagan Thomas, land owner. see 25 Hartford. Rainsford Julius, land owner, see 10 l)ecatur. Raleigh James W.. farmer, Paw Paw. Randall Clark, land owner, sec 33 Pine Grove. Randall George, land owner, see 27 Pine Grove. Randall R. R., land owner, sec 33 Deerfield. Randall Stephen, land owner, see 9 Waverly. Randall Thomas, land owner. see 28 Pine Gr ove. Randall V. F., land owner, see 16 Columbia. Randall William, farmer, Waverly. Randall W. H., land.owner, sec 26 Pine Grove. ~ 1 -..-.s - AND BUSINESS [H] DIRECTORY. 295 ii Gold Pens, Pocket Cutlery and Optical Instruments for sale by E. L. Hawks, Decatur. Randon Timothy, land owner, sec 30 Paw Paw. Randolph Henry, land owner, sec 9 and 4 Antwerp. Rankin John A., land owner, sec 17 Bloomingdale. Ransom Newton, farmer, Pine Grove. Rariden Timothy, farmer, Paw Paw. ]Rasbeck Chauncey, land owner, sec 27 Lawrence. Rasbeck Marcus T., land owner, see 27 Lawrence. Rasco John H.. land owner, sec 5 Bloomingdale. tasco & Sons, tanners, sec 36 Columbia. Rassett Cerell, land owner, see 11 Hartford. Rassett Felix. land owner, see 4 Hartford. tRassett John, farmer, Hartford. Rassett Joseph, land owner. sec 4 Hartford. Rassett William, farmer, Hartford. BRassett Sorrell, farmer, Hartford. iRassett Serrell, farmer, Hartford. Rathbone D)aniel, land owner, sec 10 Keeler. Rathbmne Lyman, land owner, see 9 Keeler. Raurn lDavid, tarmer, Arlington. Itaum Hienry, farmer, Arlington. Raum John, land owner, see 8 Arlington. BaLnum ILucius, cooper, Bangor. Rawley Wells, land owner, see 9 Paw Paw. Rawson C. P'.. land owner, see 24 Paw Paw. Rlawson Fayette A., Paw Paw. Rawson L. T., land owner, sec 20 and 29 Decatur. Rawson Zenus A., land owner, see 25 Paw Paw. Ray Benjamin, land owner, sec 19 Antwerp. Ray E., land owner, see 3 Decatur. Ray (Guy C., land owner, see 29 Antwerp. Bay aWilliam, land owner, see 3 Decatur. Raymond Foster, farnmer, Aluiena. Raymond James A., farmer, llamilton. Raymond J. A., land owner, see 30 Hamilton. RIaymond William H1., land owner, see 4 Bloomingdale. ]Raymo Ferdinand, ftrmer, Porter. Rea Johii. land owner see 2 Bangor. Rea William, land owner, sec 7 Arlington. Reagle John, farmer, Porter. Rean William, land owner, see 8 Bloomingdale. Ridiker G. B., land owner, sec 18 Porter. Ridiker William H., fthrmer, Porter. Redding William, f riner, Bangor. Redfield James, ftrmer, Lawrence. Redfield Sidney, land owner, sec 32 Lawrence. R]eed Armstrong, land owner, see 31 and 32 Lawrence. 1 I ___1_1_1.1~~ __~ _ __ __ _ __~ ___ ____ ____~____~_ ~__~ ____ __~ __ 296 VAN BUREN COU[JR]NTY GAZETTEER Iteed Frank, land owner, sec 28 Columbia. Reed E. A., tartner, Deerfieid. Reed E. T., Aut.werp. Iteed Jetfrey. lafrmer, i)eerfield. Reed John A., ftrmer, see 14 Deerfield. IReed John, land owner, sec 24 Waverly. Keud Phulo, land owner, sec 14 and 15 Antwerp. IReed Robert, iarluer, Keeler. Iteed Robert, lanud owner, see 28 Deerfield. 1eced btephen, Jr., laruier, D)eerfield. eeed Stephen, land owner, see 2 D)eerfield. fReeve F'ralUnk ln, land owner, see 22 Geneva. Iteeve George it., carpenter and land owner, sec 22 Geneva. iteeves Januw, South Hlaven. Iteeves James, breedsville, Columbia. Iteeve John Ji., land owner, see 2Z Geneva. RlCeile eltterson, land owner, see 17 Bangor. liieliali BeujanUlln, carpenter, see 6 Bangor. Reits CGeorge, laruiter, torter. Iemnu"ton uu. hE., farmer, Blioomingdale. itemlingtonl (U. A., laund owner, sec 16 Bloomingdale. lie{mington & Caltlwel, cabinet makers, Bloonmngdale. LIeuingtonU J. M., iarer, BNloomngdale. Rteynoids Aionzo, land ownutr, sec 4 Columbia. Itcynolds Ubenjaumi, land owner, see 15 Porter. eynoUlds Boellt land owner. sec 15 Porter. teyuunolds U. D., land owner, sec 21 Paw Paw. Iteynolds Chapin, land owner, sec 30 Bangor. Reynoids Uieorge, land owner, sec 10 Porter. Reynolds Joulb land owner, see 33 Columbia. Iteynolds Uiraut, land owner, see 14 Columnbia. iReynolds Jay 2N.,,faruier, Paw Paw. Reynolds John, land owner, see Z7 Porter. teynolds John, land owner. sec 35 Paw Paw. L~eynolds Joseph, land owner, see 23 Columbia. Reynolds J.., land owner, sec 24 Almena. Ieynolds Lewis F., farnmer, Bloomingdale. IReynolds Natha n, lad owner, sec 21 Arlinton. ltReynolds Oscar A., land owner, see 7 Arlington. 1Reynolds Oscar G., farmer, Bangor. Reynolds Paul S., land owner, see 28 Bangor. Reynolds Samuel, land owner, sec 16 Porter. Iteynolds Sinieon, land owner, see 18 Arlington. Reynolds Sylvanus, land owner, sec 28 Bangor. Reynolds W illiam H., land owner, see 21 Arlington. Reynoids William. land owner, see 7 Arlington. Rice Allen; land owner, sec 5 Lawrence. Rice Amos, land owner, sec 22 South Haven. AND BUSINESS [R] DIRECTORY. 297 You can save 20 per ceznt, by buying your Crockery and Glassware at Dodge's Crockery Store, Paw Paw. Rice Cicero, firmer, Bloomingdale. Rice J. L., land owner, see 5 Hamilton. Rice E. S., ftrmer, Waverly. Rice Iorenzo. farmer. Bangor. Rice Norman, l ind owner, sec 18 Autwerp. Rice Sewell. land owner, sec 9 Arlington. Rich J. H., farmer, Decatur. Ric:h Os.car, farmer, Waverly. Richards Charles T., farmer, Pine Grove, Richards Charles, farmer, Columbia. Richards David 11., land owner, sec 4 Pine Grove. Richards Chandler. land owner, sec 11, 14 and 15 Lawrence. Richards E. J., farmer, Pine Grove. Richards G., land owner, sec 28 Antwerp. Richards IHomer, land owner, see 3 Antwerp. Richards Robert M., land owner, sec 16 Pine Grove. Richards Samuel, South Haven. Richards 'Thomas, land owner, see 8 D1)ecatur. Richardson A., land owner, see 25 Bloomingdale. Richardson A., land owner, see 30 Pine Grove. Ilichardson Alvin, farmerU Almena. Ricllhrdson Benjamin, land owner, see 30 Hartford. Richardson Elmer tfirmer. Pine Grove. Richardson E. T., tfrmer, HIartfiord. Richardson.Jo,hn, farmwer, Almena Richardson Josiah, frtl'er, Pine ( rove. Richmrond.Andrew J,, farmer, Paw Paw. Richmond A. J, land owner, see 2:3 Columbia. Richmond Billings, land owner, see 16 Paw Paw. Richmond Charles, land owner, see 17 Paw Paw. Richmnond Henry, land owner. see 9 and 4 Antwerp. lRichmond Lyman J.. Antwerl. Richmh nd Irvin 1)., thrmier, hPw Paw. Rider Enoceh, land owner, set-c 14 Keeler. Rider Francis, land owner, see 16 Almena. Rider G. C., land owner, see 1.4 Keeler. Rider ( ideon, thrmer. Keeler. Rider.James, thrier, H muiltonj. Rider William, farmer, Almena. Rider William, land owner, sec 23 Keeler. Rider William, Jr., farrmer, Keeler. Riddle J. M., land owner, see 17 Pine rove. Riddle Thompson. land owner. see 23 Htamilton. Riddle Thompson, Jr, fhrmer, Hamilton. Riford A. B, land owner, see 19 Hamilton. Riggs Ransalaer, land owner, see 23 Porter. ---------_~_ __ I-Now_ LL~- ~"~"~ - I I 298 2VAN HUREN COU[J5 ]jNTY GAZETTEI ER Ct11 i JS.. mS. Dowui & Co., for elholee Fatmily Groceries, etc., Decatur. Righter Jacob, land owner, sec 20 Hartibford. 1itsnii Charles, t'riniier, W averly. Ritsn Chatrles. Iiand owner, see 8 A l ena. {ittuer I orlace, land owner., see 28 G'c1eneva. Rittenhuuse Aaron, tiriner, Geneva. Rittenlihouse James, land owner., sec 4 Geneva. Ilix George, land owner, see 21 Antwerp. Rixtord lOracc. Antwerp. Rixford William, farmer, Pine G0rove. Rhodes )Deborah, laud owner, see 28 Columbia. Rhodes Fernando, fartner. Arlington. Rhodes Frester,. land owner, sec 31 Arlinuton. Rhodes Henry \V., fatmenr, Paw Paw. RhodesI Henry, farmer, Columbia. Rhodes IHenry W., land owner, see 5 and 8 Paw Pitaw. Rhoad1 Johln, land owner, see 26 Pine Grove. Rhodes Orrin, land owner, see 25 )Almena. Rhodes Orrin, Tr.. farmier., Almena. Rhodes Peter, land owner, see 24 Almena. Rthodes Silas, land owner, sec 14 Pine 4 rove. Rhodes Williamll, fiarumer, Pine Grove. Rhodes W1illiam, farmer, Columbia. Robbins I. P., land owner, sec 28 Almena. Robbins James. land owner, sec 19 Columbia. Robbins John, land owner, sec 27 Arlington. Robbins Lysander, land owner, sec 13 Antwerp. Rthbins Thomas, land owner, sec 3 and 4 Arlington. Roberts Clarkston, fartmrer, Almena. Roberts Edward P., farmer, Almena. RIberts Jonathan, land owner, sec 8 Pine Grove. Roberts Mrs. J., land owner, sec 24 Aluena. Roberts Phoebe, land owner, sec 5 Hartford. Roberts Russell, fatrmer, Waverly. Roberts Silas B., farmer, Keeler. Roberts William H.. land owner, see 22 Kveler. tRoberts William, farmer, Vaverly. Robertson Francis, farmer, Keeler. Robertson J. M., land owner, sec 31 Bloomingdale. Robertson L. D., farmer. Keeler. Robertson Samuel, land owner, sec 9 Keeler. Robertson Samuel, Jr., land owner, see 9 Keeler. Robertson William 11., land owner, sec 10 Keeler. Robinson A. D., land owner, sec 10 Hartford. Robinson A. E., Antwerp. Robinson A. E., farmer, Columbia. Robinson Clark, Paw Paw. ~ r- I AND BUSINESS IR] DIRECTORY. 299 You can save 20 per cent, by buying your Crockery and Glassware at Dodge's Crockery Store, Paw Paw. Robinson E. S., land owner, sec 21 Hartford. Robinson F. B., land owner, sec 27 Bangor. Robinson G. W., land owner, sec 29 Antwerp. Robinson J. C., fatrmer. Geneva. Robinson James D., land owner, sec 29 Hartford. Robinson James, land owner, sec 21 Columbia. Robinson James, land owner, sec 5 Porter. Robinson John T., land owner, see 21 Bloomingdale. ItRobinson Joseph, land owner, sec 21 Antwerp. Robinson J. J., ftarmcr, Bloominngdale. t Robinson L., land owner, sec 24 Geneva. Robinson Louisa, land owner, sec 25 Bloomingdale. Robinson Rowland, land owner, see 34 Columbia. Robinson \falter P., Paw Paw. ]Rblay Lewis, land owner. sec 23 Pine Grove. Rock George P., firmer, Porter. IR)ck Peter, land owner, see 22 and 8 Porter. lRockwell -, land owner, sec 5 Geneva. JR-ock, well Byron B., thrmer, Decatur. Roekwell Jerome, land owner, see 28 Columbia. Rockwell Mentura, land owner, sec 21 Columbia. Rockwell Nathan, farmer, Columbia. Rockwell Nathaniel, land owner, sec 28 Columbia. Rodenboumh William, land owner, sec 25 Columbia. Rogers A. P., farmer, Waverly. Rogers 11. N., land owner, see 20 Antwerp. Rogeris James M., farmer Harttford. Rotogers Joseph. Co,lumbia. Rogers Joseph, farmer. Waverlv. Rogers John C., iand owner, see 4 and 9 Antwerp. Rogers Leroy, Antwerp. 11Rogers Lucius. land owner, sec 22 Waverlv. Rogers Perry G., South Haven. Rogers Samuel, land,)wner, sec 3 South Haven. Rogers Samuuel, ftarmer, Waver!y. Rogers WVilliam A., land owner, sec 27 W.averly. Rogers William C., Columbia. Rokenbaugh John, land owner, see 20 Keeler. Roof Henry, land owner, see 10 Keeler. I Rooker Byron B., tarmer, Geneva. Rooker Chester E., farmer, Lawrence. Rooker Charles E., farmer, Geneva. R:oker M. D., land owner, sec 1 Geneva. Root Alonzo 1)., land owner, see 36.Bangorw. Root Ambrose, farmer, Bangor. Root Charles, farmer, Lawrencc.._._...._.. _.. _..._ __...i... _. _.... _..._..._...... ___._..........~._.. ___. _ ___~ _I__ -- --- 300 3VAN BUREN, CO4[J[]NTYY (IAZETTEERI Root (Chester. farmer. Porter. Root Daniel -D., land owner, seC i3 and 14 Columbia. Root Edward, farmer, Waverly. Root Francis, ftrmier, Porter. IRoot Francis, farller, Latwrence. Root Henry D.,, Paw P;iw. H 11. D.) flarm1er, Waverly. Ioot J. 11. falr er, Waverly. Root Lorenzi, farmer, Pine Grove. Root Milo, lani owner. see 31 Bangor R nt Nelson. faitrwr, Wav'erlv. Root euen, thriner, Bangor. Root Reuben. land owner. see 12 Ha ftford. R tot Reubern, land owner. sec 7 Lawrence. Root S. V.. land owner, see I Waverly. Root Stephen, land owner, see 31 B;gmror. R ot Solon, farmer, Lawrence. Ruse John, land owner. see 11 Antwerp. Rise J. P., land owner, sec 31 and 32 Hartford. Rose Robert. fhrmer, sec 29 Hartford. *Rosin Joseph, farmer, Porter. Rosevelt Isaac S.. land owner, Keeler. Rosevelt Jaco1, land owner, sec 6 Hamilton. Rosevelt Jacob I., land owner, sec 12, 13, 24 and 25 Keeler. R o)sevelt John A., land owner, see 10. 11, 12, 13, 14, 25, 26 Keeler. 0 AHovelt 0. V., land owner, sec 22 Keeler. 1tosevoom Joshua, Lawrenace. RILosewarren William, land owner. see 36 and.35 D)ecatur. Ross Francis 0., farmer, Porter. Ross JTames I., land owner, sec 24 Arlington. Ross 0. L., land owner, see 6 and 7 Porter. Ross Orlando, land owner, sec 27 Dl)eerfield. Rossell Betnjamin. Antwerp. Rough Johnot farmer, Decatur. 1Ronady A. J., farmer, Paw Paw. Roundy Marvin, land owner. sec 27 Columbia. Rouse A. B., farmer, Bangor. Rouse George, land owner, sece 21 South Haven. Rowe George, school teachlier, Lawrence. Rowe Nelson, land owner, sec 32 Hartford. Rowe Rives, land owner, sec 3 Blootmiitgdale. Rowland Jane land owner, sec 13 Almena. Rowley JI. D., farmer, Hamiltort. Rowley A. J., land owner. sec 11 South Haven. Rowley Heman, Antwerp. Rowley James, Antwerp. Rowley J.J., land owner, sec 36 Paw Paw. Rowley Mrs., land owner, sec 22 Hamilton. i ---I-..1. --.~ --~-..~I-..-YI-.~- I-.. L:i i:_ _ _:i ~ ~_ i _ _ ~~ Ill~ _:~__~:_ ____~ _ ____ ~_ __ _~____~ ____~ _ i~ __~ _____~ _T;______ _~__ _ _I _ I --- - - - - - AND BUSINESS []] DIRECTORY. 301 Rowley Jonathan, farmer, Antwerp. Rowley Philester, land owner, sec 32 Hamilton. Rowley Theron, farmer, Hamilton. Rowan William, farmer, Bloomingdale. Rowland William, land owner, sec 13 Almena. Royal Albert, Antwerp. Royal Hiram, farmer, Antwerp. Royal Peter, land owner, sec 14 and 24 Antwerp. Royal William, sec 2 Antwerp. Rubert T., farmer. Pine Grove. Ruble Isaac, land owner, sec 8 Bangor. Ruble R. N., land owner, sec 2 Keeler. Ruggles C. D., land owner, sec 34 Bloomingdale. Ruggles Eli, land owner, sec 16 Decatur. Ruggles Joseph W., farmer. Decatur. Ruggles Sarah A., land owner, sec 17 and 20 Hartford. Ruggles L. W., land owner, sec 8 Hamilton. Rummel Peter, farmer, Keeler. Runmerfield Frederick, land owner, see 16 Hartford. Rummerfield Royal, farmer, Hartford. Rumsey Joseph, land owner, sec 32 Bangor. Rundall Bradley, land owner, sec 5 Almena. Rupert Margaret, land owner, sec 10 Geneva. Russell Aaron G., justice and land owner, sec 29 Arlington. Russell Alva, farmer, Porter. Russell Alvin, land owner, sec 13 Decatur. Russell Edwin, land owner, sec 10 Antwerp. Russell Edward, Antwerp. Russell Joseph, farmer, Bloomingdale. Russell John, farmer, Bangor. Russell John, land owner, sec 31 Arlington. Russell L. G., land owner, sec 27 Deerfield. Russell Stephen, land owner, sec 35 Keeler. Russell William, land owner, sec 18 Porter. Russell William, farmer, Geneva. Rutherford John B., land owner, sec 34 Porter. Rutherford William A., land owner, sec 20 Antwerp. Rutner Jacob, farmer, Almena. Ratner Richard, farmer, Almena. Roys Rufus A., farmer, Geneva. Ryan John, land owner, sec 13 Lawre'ice. Ryan John. farmer, Pine Grove. Ryan Lawrence, land owner, sec 21 and 28 Bangor. Ryan Michael, land owner, sec 26 and 27 Hamilton. Ryan Michael, land owner, sec 14 Antwerp. Ryan Michael, land owner, sec 3 and 8 Lawrence. Ryan Peter, land owner, sec 22 Pine Grove. Ryan Peter, Antwerp. i. ~- _ ____ 30o VAN BURQEN LOU[ ]NTY OAZETTEER J. S. Dowd d Co., General Dealers in Crockery, Lamps, Glassware, Groceries, etc., Decatur. Ryan Roger, farmer, Bangor. Ryan Roger. land owner, sec 9 Hartford. Ityan William W., land owner, sec 13 Lawrence. Ryan William, Antwerp. S Sabans James, land owner, see 9 Bloomingdale. Sackett Benjamin A., Paw Paw. Sacket F. P., land owner, sec 17 Pine Grove. Sage Henry F.. Antwerp. Sage John, land owner, sec 27 Bloomingdale. Sage Patrick, land owner, sec 13 Bloomingdale. Sage Patrick. Jr., farmer, Bloomingdale. Sage William H., land owner, sec 26 Bloomingdale. Salisbury Mrs. I., land owner, sec 2 Waverly. Salisbury Moses B., laud owner, sec 18 Almena. Salisbury Porter D., land owner, sec 17 Pine Urove. Salisbury Richard, farmer, Pine Grove. Slisbury Sampson, land owner, sec 34 Paw Paw. Salt William, land owner, see 18 Paw Paw. Sammons Daniel T., land owner, sec 32 Keeler. Sampson Clark, land owner, see 13 Hartford. Sams George W,farmer, Arlington. Sams George, lab, Lawrence. Sams James M., farmer, Arlington. Sams James, lab, Lawrence. Sanborn H. G., land owner, sec 14 Lawrence. Sanborn Leander, land owner, see 23 Lawrence. Sanborn Ransom, farmer, Waverly. Sanders John S., land owner, see 5 Bloomingdale. Sanders Joseph, Bangor. Sanders William, land owner, sec 5 Bloomingdale. Sanford Henry, land owner, see 12 South Haven. Sanger L. W., farmer, Bloomingdale. Sardenshie Theophilus, Paw Paw. Sawyer, C. E., land owner, sec 28 Columbia. Sawyer H. P., land owner, see 24 Paw Paw. Sawyer James, land owner, sec 4 Geneva. Sawyer John C., land owner, sec 24 and 25 Hamilton. Sawyer John, land owner, see 7 Geneva. Sawyer Thomas A., land owner, sec 24 Hamilton. Sawyer William, land owner, sec 24 Arlington. Saxten Hiram N., land owner, sec 10 Paw Paw. Saxten Joseph, land owner, sec 16 Paw Paw. Say James, land owner, see 34 Arlington. __ _ _ _1______ _I __ i _ ~_ I_ CII_ _ _ _~~ ~~_ __I~ ~___~ __~1_~__~__~__II __i____l AND BUSINESS [ i] DIRECTORY. 303 You can save 20 per cent, by buying your Crockery and Glassware at Dodge's Crockery Store, Paw Paw. Sayles Thomas, land owner, sec 20 Columbia. Sceto Joseph, farmer, Bangor. Schannan John, farmer, Hartford. Schemerhorn John, land owner, sec 4 Waverly. Schermerhorn Orton, land owner, sec 20 Arlington. Schermerhorn Thomas, farmer, Waverly. Schermerhorn William, land owner, see 8 Arlington. Schindoll William, land owner, sec 26 Pine Grove. Schoolcraft George, land owner, sec 28 Pine Grove. Schoolcraft James, land owner, see 23 Pine Grove. Schoolcraft William, land owner, sec 27 Pine Grove. Schuyler R. D., land owner, see 22 and 23 Columbia. Scott Charles W., land owner, sec 14 and 31 Antwerp. Scott Enos W., land owner, sec 27 Antwerp. Scott Daniel, land owner, sec 28, 29 and 32 Keeler. Scott George, farmer, Hamilton. Scott George P., lald owner, sec 20 and 29 Keeler. Scott Guilford S., land owner, sec 35 Arlington. Scott J. A., land owner, sec 34 Decatur. Scott J. W., farmer. Decatur. Scott John, land owner, sec 10, 15 and 11 Arlington. Scott John, land owner, see 27 Paw Paw. Schuyler Oliver, farmer, Decatur. Scott John C., farmer, Waverly. Scott John, land owner, sec 6 Waverly. Scott Joseph, land owner, sec 21 Paw Paw. Scott Linas W., land owner, see 20 Keeler. Scott Manley, land owner, sec 26 Arlington. Scott Robert, land owner, sec 35 Arlington. Scott William, land owner, sec 29, 20 and 10 Keeler. ScribLer John, farmer, Pine Grove. Scrimger W. J, land owner, sec 32, 33, 28, 17 and 29 Columbia. Searq David, land owner, sec 15 Pine Grove. Searls George C., farmer, Paw Paw. Searls Stephen D., land owner, sec 22 Paw Paw. Sebole Isaac, land owner, sec 28 Geneva. Sebring George, farmer, Porter. Sebring John, land owner, sec 9 and 10 Porter. Sebring Savannah, land owner, sec 16 Porter. Secord James, land owner, seo 25 and 36 Antwerp. Secord Robert, farmer Antwerp. Secord Thomas, Antwerp. Seeley James W., land owner, see 12 Lawrence. Seely J. W., land owner, sec 21 South Haven. Seely William, Paw Paw. Selby Lorenzo, farmer, Hamilton., ~,,,,,...:_ _ _............................_ _ _. _ _ _. _................ ---: /..':: __~_I~__ ~1____ _j~__l ____;~__ ___;___i___i _;~___I_ ~_ *___I ~__ ___~____~~.;_ ~_;r_~_________;______ ____;___ _ ~~ -- -~-r~-------~-~--- 304 VAN BUREN COU[l,]NTY GAZETTEER Selby Philo. land owner, sec 16 Hamilton. Selkworth George D.. farmer, Porter. SSell George, land owner, sec 24 Columbia. Sellick Frank, land owner, sec 16 Bloomingdale. Senson John, Antwerp. Service John G., land owner, sec 10 Keeler. Service Robert, farmer, Keeler. Servis Samuel, land owner, sec 32 Hamilton. Seton Joseph. farmer Bangor. Seymour Henry A, land owner. sec 16 Decatur. Shafer David T., farmer. Porter. Shaffer D. T., land owner, sec 34 Antwerp. Shafer Frank, Paw Paw. Shafer George, farmer, Decatur. Shafer George, Paw Paw. Shaffer J. B., land owner, sec 34 Antwerp. Shafer James B., farmer, Porter. Shaf'tr John J., land owner, sec 24 Hartford. Shafer John J., land owner, sec 19 Lawrence. Shafer Milton, farmer, Lawrence. Shafer M. J., farmer, Lawrence. Shafer Milton, land owner, sec 23 Hartford. Shafer Sugfried, Paw Paw. Shaunchen Jeremiah, land owner, sec 24 Decatur. Shannon Joseph W., farmer, Columbia. Shannon Joseph, land owner, sec 31 Columbia. Shattock H. W., farmer, Pine Grove. Shaul Norman, laborer, Columbia. Shaver John I., farmer, Waverly. Shaver William, farmer, Arlington. Shaw Abram, farmer, Almena. Shaw J. A., land owner, sec 26 Decatur. Shaw R. F., land owner, sec 12 Hamilton. Shaw Samuel, farmer, Decatur. Shaw Thomas, land owner, sec 6 Almena. Shaw W. V., land owner, sec 22 and 21 Waverly. Shawl A., farmer, Geneva. Shawl N., farmer, Geneva. Shea John, land owner, sec 26 Waverly. Shearer C. D., farmer, Hamilton. Shearer Charles D., farmer, Keeler. Shears J. H., land owner, see 9 Waverly. Shears James H., farmer, Waverly. Sheldon --, land owner, sec 24 Hartford. Sheldon B. C., land owner, sec 5 Antwerp. Sheldon Benjamin, farmer, Hartford. Sheldon Enos, land owner, sec 25 Almena. Sheldon Enos, Jr., farmer, Almena. _ _ _I__ __ ___ ___.'...- -~;...".....^^' '* AND BUSINESS [] DIRECTORY. 305 Higgins de Squier, sell Groeeries and Provisions cheab for eash, Decatur. Sheldon Henry S., land owner, sec 4 Pine Grove. Sheldon Horatio, Paw Paw. Sheldon James G., farmer, Paw Paw. Sheldon J. A., land owner, sec 5 Antwerp. Sheldon Julian, land owner, sec 9 Antwerp. Sheldon Julian, land owner, sec 6 Paw Paw. Sheldon L. B., land owner, sec 6 Paw Paw. Sheldon Mary, land owner, sec 4 Lawrence. Sheldon Mason, land owner, sec 14 Geneva. Sheldon O. H. P., land owner, sec 6 and 5 Antwerp. Sheldon Peter, farmer, Hartford. Sheldon William, land owner, sec 5 and 6 Antwerp. Sheldon W. P., land owner, sec 6 Paw Paw. Shenehan Jerry, land owner, sec 11 Decatur. Shenahan Joseph, land owner, sec 19 Porter. Shenahan Timothy, blacksmith. Bangor. Shepard Alonzo, land owner, sec 12 and 13 Bangor. Shepherd Henry, land owner, sec 2 Keeler. Shepard George W., land owner, sec 35 Hartford. Shepard Horace T., farmer, Paw Paw. Shepard Martin, carpenter, sec 1 Bangor. Shepard Norman, farmer, Paw Paw. Shepard N. W., farmer, Bangor. Shepard William M., land owner, see 7 Paw Paw. Shepard William, farmer, Paw Paw. Sherburne Albert, land owner, see 14 Deerfield. Sherburne A. R., land owner, sec 11 DWerfield. Sherburne Sherman, land owner, see 24 Decatur. Sherburne Charles, land owner, sec 11 Deerfield. Sherburne Sherman, farmer, Porter. Sherburne William, farmer, Porter. Sherman E M, farmer, Almena. Sheiman Elijah, land owner, sec 12 Hamilton. Sherman Isaac, farmer, Keeler. Sherman George I., land owner, sec 26 and 27 Keeler. Sherman G. W., land owner, see 24 Almena. Sherman Harry T., Paw Paw. Sherman Henry, land owner, see 22 Antwerp. Sherman M. C., farmer, Decatur. Sherman M. G., farmer, Almena. Sherman R. M., farmer, Almena. Sherrod David A., farmer, Paw Paw. Sherrod Daniel, land owner, sec 22 Paw Paw. Sherrod Frederick J., Paw Paw. Sherrod Fred, land owner, sec 30 Columbia. Sherrod George, land owner, sec 29 Paw Paw. 306 VAN BUREN COU[,4]NTY GAZETTEER Buy y our Croekery, Glasiwa -andII L -amps;of J. 1. Dowd A Co., Decatur. and you wti save 25 per cent Sherrod G. T., land owner, see 17 Paw Paw. Shierrod Hiram J., )and owner. sec 30 Paw Paw. Sherrod Jesse A., laud owner, sec 30 Paw Paw. Sherrod John Mi., land owner, sec 15 and 10 Paw Paw. Sherrod John, land owner, sec 28 Paw Paw. Siherrod John B., land owner, sec 16 and 21 Paw Paw. SSherrod John E., farmer, Paw Paw. Sherrod Lorenzo J., Paw Paw. Sherrod Philip, land owner, sec 29 Paw Paw. Sherrod )aniel, fhrmer, Columbia. Sherwood 11. S., farmer, Pine Grove. Sherwood M. E., farmer, Pine Grove. Sherwood Sylvester. land owner, sec 4 Hamilton. Shine George, land owner, sec 2 Bangor. Shinnefelt W., farmer, Bangor. Shiner Andrew, land owner, sec 19 Columbia. Shipman Frederick, farmer, Bloomingdale. Shirer John, South Haven. Shiver Francis, land owner, see 25 Hartford, Shivily Benjamin F., farmer, Almena. Shumiraw Peter, Mrs., land owner, sec 6 Hartford. Shoemaker Augusta, land owner, sec 12 Geneva. Shoemaker B., ftrmer, (Gneva. Shoemaker David, farmer. Geneva. Shelden James F., land owner, sec 16 Pine Grove. Shoemaker D. M., land owner, sec 14 South Haven. Showerman J. E., grocer, justice of the peace and post master, sec 12 S Waverly. Showers Jacob, Jr., Antwerp. Shoemaker Joseph, land owner, sec 3 Geneva. Shoemaker Samuel S, farmer, Porter. Shotwell D. L., land owner, sec 35 Waverly. Showerman Charles, farmer, Waverly. Showerman Charles, farmer, Almena. Showerman Julia, land owner, sec 7 Almena. Showers Jacob, land owner, sec 32 Antwerp. Shugar Solomon, land owner, sec 13 South Haven. Shugars S. V., land owner, sec 26 Decatur. Shugars Valentine, farmer, Decatur. Shults Edward, land owner, sec 1 and 12 Paw Paw. Shutters Henry, land owner, sec 23 Antwerp. Sibley Emery, South Haven. Sibole Henry, farmer, Geneva. Sigaforse Henry, farmer, Blooming dale. Sikes Orendo M., land owner, sec 17, 18 and 20 Keeler. Sike Zenns, land owner, see 20 and 21 Keeler...... I _ _~_~___ __.._ -- ~L------- I -------~I AND BUSINESS [S] DIRECTORY. 307 You can save 20 per cent, by buying your Crockery and Gins iware at Dodge's Crockery Store, Paw Patwi Sill Addison, laud owner, sec 8 An twerp. Sill Benjamin D., land owner, see 31 Keeler. Sill Daniel, land owner, see 9 Antwerp. Sill John, land owner, sec 27 Lawrence. Silver Jeremiah, land owner, see 27 Hamilton. Sims J. M., Columbia. Simonds Hiram, land owner, see 6 Lawrence. Simons L. WV., land owner, see 23 Waverly. Simmons Albert H., farmer, Lawrence. Simmons Bennett, land owner, sec 10 and 25 South Haven. Simmonds Dewitt C., land owner, sec 20 and 23 Lawrence. Simmons E. W., farmer, Deerfield. Simmons John, land owner, sec 9 Arlington. Simmons Leander, land owner, see 3 Pine Grove. Siummons Marvin, land owner, see 4 Pine Grove. Simmons S. It., land owner, see 1 Waverly. Siummonds S. A., South Haven. Simpson Emery If. land owner, see 13 and 24 Hartford. Simpson H. H., farmer, Hartford. Simpson H. 1L., laud owner, see 34 Decatur. Simpson Jacob, land owner, see 6 Decatur. Simpson John, South Haven. Siupson John F., farmer, Hamilton. Simpson William M., land owner, see 33 Deerfield. Sinclair Daniel, farmer, Waverly. Singua Williamn, land owner, see 5 Hartford. inkler B., farmer Ilartford. Sinkler George, land owner, see 34 Deerfield. Sinkler H. K., farmer, Bangor. Sink ler Nelson, farmer, Deerfield. Sisson George, ifarmer, Pine Grove. Sissions G. 1)., Antwerp. Sisson John WV., farmer, Pine Grove. Sisson Perry, Paw Paw. issmn Willlt'i, Antierp. Sivers Mitchell 1H, land owner, see 34 Deerfield. Skelton Mary N., land owner, sec 8 Lawrence. Skinaway Cocomuc, land owner, see 8 Hartford. Skinner Beuson, Antwerp. Skinner George, land owner, see 30 Hamilton. Skinner 11. D., land owner, see 17 Waverly. Skinner HI. HI., land owner, see 18 Waverly. Skinner Hugh, farmer, Hamilton. Skinner James, land owner, sec 12 Antwerp. Skinner Jarvis, land owner, see 18 Hamilton. Skinner J. NV., land owner, see 30 Bangor.! i 4 ~ " 1~---------CIII~I ~ 1_ 1~_~___ ___ ~r r ~ ~ --- _~__ II __ __ 308 VAN BUREN COU[S]NTY GAZETTEER Skinner Mark, land owner, see 27 and 28 Hamilton. Skimtmings WV., land owner, sec 34 Columbia. Slack David, farmer, Geneva. Slack George, farmer, Waverly. Slack Roswell, land owner, see 13 Almena. S.ater Joseph W., farmer, Keeler. Slater Jonathan, Jr., land owner, sec 32 Keeler. Slater Jonathan. Sen., fhrnner, Keeler. Slawson Millinutte, land owner, sec 21 Hartford. Sleeper Seymour, South Haven. Sloan Alexander, land owner, sec 14 and 23 Hamilton. Sloan G(eorge, land owner, see 21 and 28 Hamilton. Sioan Robert, land owner, see 22 Hamilton. Sloan Samuel, land owner, see 35 Waverly Sloan William, land owner, see 23 Keeler. Slocum John, land owner, sec 32 Bloomingdale. Slocum JoseAph M.. sailor, Lawrence. Siocum Joseph, lab, Lawrence. Slocum William, land owner, sec 28 Arlington. Slover John F., farmer, Pine Grove. Slover John F., farmer, Bloomingdale. Shaw H. H., land owner, sec 21 and 28 Bloomingdale. Smiley G. W., land owner, sec 25 Bangor. Smiley Rebecca, land owner, sec 4 Lawrence. Smolk Abram, An twerp. Smith Albert, farmer, Lawrence. Smith Albert, land owner, sec 25 Lawrence. Smith Allen H., farmer, Decatur. Smith Ann, land owner, see 28 Almena. Smith Augustus, land owner, see 16 Pine Grove. Smith Benjamin, land owner, sec 17 Waverly. Smith Burt, land owner, see 9 Hamilton. Smith Butler, land owner, sec 11 and 12 Bangor. Smith Charles H1., farmer, Porter. Smith Charles H.. farmer, Almena. Smith Chauncey, farmer, Bloomingdale. Smith C. S., farmer, D)eerfield. Smith Cyrus justice of the peace and land owner, sec 16 Waverly. Smith David, land owner, see 6 Almena. Smith David, land owner, sec 32 Bloomingdale. Smith David, South Haven. Smith D., farmer, Hartford. Smith De Witt, land owner, sec 3 Pine Grove. Smith Duncan, farmer, Columbia. Smith Edwin, farmer, Decatur. Smith E. C., land owner, sec 11 Bangor. Smith E. P., land owner, sec 31 Waverly. Smith Erastus, Paw Paw. __ ~ __~__ AND BUSINESS [S] DIRECTORY. 309 Smith Estel H., farmer, Keeler. Smith George, land owner, see 31 Bloomingdale. Smith George, farmer, Decatur. Smith tieor'e,. farmer, Deerfield. Smith George. land owner, sec 25 Arlington. Smith George, F., land owner. sec 24 Bangor. Smith G. 11H., land owner, sec 24 South Haven. Smith Geor!ge o., South Haven. Smith George W., land owner, sec 14 HTamilton. Smith Henry, land owner, see 13 Almena. Smith Henry, land owner, sec 34 Geneva. Smith Henry. land owner, sec 16 and 20 Hartford. Smith H. C., land owner, sec 3-1 Lawrence. Smith H. 1D., land owner, see 14 Bangor. Smith Hlomer B.. land owner, sec 11, 13 and 14 [Hamilton. Smith i1. P., land owner, sec 17 Decatur. Smith James, farmer, Almena. Smith James, land owner. see 6 and 7 Bangor. Smnith James A., thriner, Bangor. Smith James H., blacksmith, sec 16 Hartfird. Smith James [1., land owner, sec 15 Hlamilton. Smith James 0., fiirmer, Lawrence. Smith Jalles S., farmner. Pine Grove. Smitli Jedtediah, land owner, see 6 and 7 Porter. Smith John, Antwerp. Smith John, farmer. Ban.or. Smith John, faruier, Bangor. Smith Johnil, land owner, sec 1 Pine Grove. Smith iJohn. land owner, see 8 Porter. Smlith John. South Haven. Smith,Jonathan, land owner, see 17 Waverly. Smith John (., Ant\wrp. Smith John,Al farmer, Keeler. Smith John P., land owner, see 32 Arlington. Smith J. 1R, Paw Paw, Smith J. W., land owner, sec 11 Columbia. Smith Joseph, land owner. sec 17 Hlartford. Smith Lewis A., t'lrmer, Lawrence. Smith L. C., land owner, see 12 Hamilton. Smit h Luther, land owner, sec 12 (Columbia. Smith MAalcoum F., land owner, see 16 Keeler. Smith Marion, land owner, sec 15 Waverly. Smith M. J, land owner, sec 31 Columbia. Smith Nat han Ml., Antwerp. Smith Nathaniel, land owner, see 34 and 26 Columbia. Smith Orrin, land owner, sec 30 HIartf'rd. Smith Orson hP., farmer, Paw Paw. Snuith Peter, land owner, see 22 Waverlv. 310 VAN BUREN COU[ ]NTY GAZETTEER Groceries. Provisions, Crockery, and Glassware for sale cheap for cash by J.. Dowd & Co., Decatur. Smith P. M., land owner, sec 31 and 9 Antwerp. Smith P. N, Antwerp. Smith Robert. South Haven. Smith Samuel, land owner, sec 9 Arlivton. Smith Samuel, land owner, sec 26 and 35 Columbia. Smith S. P., farmer. Almena. Smith Silas A., Paw Paw. Smith Theodore, land owner. sec 31 Arlington. Smith T. B., farmer. Bangor. Smith Wallace S., Paw Paw. Smith William, farmer, Arlington. Smith William, land owner, see 17 Keeler. Smith William V.. Columbia. Smith W. W., land owner, sec 35 Columbia. Smith M. J., land owner, sec 7 Bangor. Smith M. J., land owner, sec 24 Decatur. Smith Zopher, land owner, sec 16 Hartford. Smolk John, land owner, sec 4 and 9 Antwervp. Snead William, farmer, Porter. Snell R., firmer, Pine Grove. Snyder -., land owner, sec 8 Hartford. Snyder Ilenry H., South Haven. Snyder Henry, land owner, sec 4 Bangor. Snyder Isaac B, land owner, sec 21 Columbia. Snyder William, farmer, Paw Paw. Snyder Valentine, farmer, Pine Grove. Soules Jerome, Antwerp. Southard Benjamin, land owner, see 15 and 22 Lawrence. Southard Charles A., land owner, sec 30 Arlington. Southard John W., land owner, sec 31 Arlington. Southard J. W., farmer, Bangor. Southard Oscar, land owner, see 30 Arlington. Southard O. M., land owner, sec 25 Bangor. Southward John, land owner, sec 29 Pine Grove. Southwell Hiram J., land owner, sec 16 and 21 Paw Paw. Southwell H. J., land owner, see 14 Lawrence. Southwell Joseph R.. farmer, Paw Paw. Southworth Albert, land owner, sec 16 Paw Paw. Sowers F. H., land owner, sec 6 Hamilton. Sowers Joseph M., land owner, sec 5 Hamilton. Sowers Mrs., land owner, sec 5 Hamilton. Sowers William I-., land owner, see 11 Hartford. Sozett --, land owner, sec 6 Hartford. Sparks Comfort, land owner, sec 26 Antwerp. Sparks William, land owner, sec 1 and 2 Bloomingdale. Spaulding A. N., land owner, sec 28 Hartford. - -. __ AND BUSINESS [S] DIRECTORY. 311 You can save 20 per cent, by buying your Crockery and Glassware at Dodge's Crockery Store, Paw Paw. Spaulding Isaac, land owner sec 16 Waverly. Spaulding Warren, land owner, sec 25 Hartford. Spear Martha, land owner, sec 21 Keeler. Spencis George S., Antwerp. Spencer Irving, farmer, Bangor. Sperry Lyman, laud owner, see 28 Arlington. Spicher Christian, land owner, sec 34 Bloomingdale. Spicher Elmer, farmer, Bloomingdale. Spicer George, farmer, Decatur. Spicher Joseph, land owner, see 33 Bloomingdale. Spicher Peter, land owner, see 34 Bloomingdale. Spriggs Thomas, blacksmith, (Breedsville,) Columbia. Springett James, land owner, sec 4 Bangor. Spillere D. C., land owner, sec 2 Bangor. Sprague Charles A., farmer, Almena. Sprague Charles W., land owner, sec 33 Keeler. Sprague Elucia, land owner, sec 32 Almena. Sprague Hobart, farmer, Almena. Sprague Peleg, land owner, sec 10 Hamilton. Sprague Texas, farmer, Almena. Spurbeck John, land owner, sec 8 Hartford. Sratten Hiram E., farmer, Hartford. Srackengast John H., land owner, sec 33 Lawrence. Stacey Anna, land owner, sec 31 Hamilton. Stacey William, land owner, sec 19 Columbia. Stafford Anson, land owner, sec 7 Bloomingdale. Stafford Jeremiah, land owner, see 28 Almena. Stage lienry, fa, mer, Bloomingdale. Staley Christopher, farmer, Arlington. Stamp Charles \V., land owner, see 15 Pine Grove. Staley George, land ownlr, sec 12 Lawrence. Stamp Daniel, land owner, sec 15 Pine Grove. Stanard N. A., farmer, Bloomingdale. Stanard N. Augustus, farmer. Columbia. Stanard James M., firmer, Columbia. Standish Jeduthan. farmer, Hartford. Stanley Charles, land owner, sec 8 and 17 Waverly. Stanley George K., land owner, sec 24 Deerfield. Stanley James S., farmer Waverly. Stanley John, land owner, see 19 and 30 Arlington. Stanley Patrick, land owner, sec 7 Waverly. Stanton Bryan, land owner, sec 34 Antwerp. Stanton B. W., farmer, sec 27 Almena. Stanton Daniel, land owner, sec 19 Arlington. Stanton Hollister H1., farmer, Paw Paw. Staunton John L., land owner, sec 6 Almena. i_.L1___-.-_--- ----ri ------- - -- - 312 VAN BURIT RN COU[S]NTY GAZETTEER Stanlton Theodore, farmer. Arlington. Stanton W\\illiam II., Antwerp. Starbuck Benjamin, tfrmer, Columbia. Starbuck Chandler, farmer, Columbea. Starbuck Elihu C., land owner, see 9 Arlington. Starbuck Johnl, land owner, see 33 and 32 Columbia. Starbuck Robert. tfriner, Columbia. Starr 11. W., land owner, see 5 Decatur. Starkey James L, carpenter, Bangor. Starks 1Roswell, farmer, Alhuena. Starks Samuel W., t farer. A lmena. Starks Samuel W. &. Co., land owners, see 32 and 29 Almena. Starks Wilson 1M., tfarer, Hartford. Stark weather A. M., land owner. see 4 Bloonmiugdale. Stairkweather Hiram A., farmer, Bloomingdale. Starkweather John, Antwerp. S tauffer Joseph, land owner, see 24 and 25 Columbia. Steadley Ayers, land owner, see 32 Bloomingdale. Stead;ian Albert, farmer, Keeler. Steadman E., farmer, Bangor. Steadman Enos J., farmer, Bloomingdale. Steadman Enos J., farmer, WXaverly. Steadman E. 1H., land owner, sec 4 Bangor. Steadman H. M., land owner, see 2 Waverly. Steadman H. L, land owner, see 31 Bloomnngdale. Steadman Morris, land owner, see 31 Lawrence. Stearns Charles J., Paw Paw. Stearns Charles Z., farmer, Hamilton. Stearns Laura, land owner, sec 23 Antwerp. Stearns Sidney, land owner, see 9, 16 and 17 Hamilton. Stearns Stacy N., land owner, sec 29 Lawrence. Stearns Willard, land owner, see 29 Lawrence. Stearns WV. W., land owner, see 9 Hamilton. Stearns Zebina, land owner, see 8 Hamilton. Stebbins George, farmer, Lawrence. Stebbins Horace, land owner, sec 25 Lawrence. Stebbius Lavoy, land owner, sec 4 Lawrence. Stebbins William H., land owner, sec 3 Lawrence. Steele A. L., farmer, Hamilton. Steele J. D., land owner, see 10 Pine Grove. Steele M. C., land owner, sec 3 Hamilton. Steele S. S., farmer, Hamilton. Steele S. W., land owner, sec 3 Hamilton. Stennett David, land owner, see 10 South Haven. Stembery William, farmer, Porter. Stephens B. W., farmer, Pine Grove. Stephens David, farmer, Hartford. Stephenson G. F., land owner, sec 11 Antwerp. j ) - --- - --------- ----- ---1 "1----~~--------~11-~-~~-~-~-~~'~ -- -- I ~ I __ -- AND BUSINESS [S] DIRECTORY. 31.3 You can save 20 per cent, by buying your Crockery and Glassware at Dodge's Crockery Store, Paw Paw. Stephens Hiram, farmer, Pine Grove. Stephens Jared A., Antwerp. Stephens William, land owner, sec 3 Bloomingdale. Sterritt Benjamin F., farmer, Hamilton. Sterneman Peter, land owner, sec 30 Bangor. Sterneman William A., land owner, sec 1 Bangor. Stevens A. A., farmer, Waverly. Stevens Archie, farmer, Hartford. Stevens A W., land owner, sec 25 Almena. Stevens B. F., land owner, sec 9 Almena. Stevens Enos S., land owner, sec 13 Antwerp. Stevens & Clements, lumbermen, sec 15 Pine Grove. Stevens James. farmer, Bangor. Stevens Jesse B., land owner, sec 13 Waverly. Stevens John, land owner, sec 30 and 32 Columbia. Stevens George T., farmer, Almena. Stevens Hiram, ifarmer, Hartford. Stevens N. D., mason, (Breedsville) Columbia. Stevens Oraane, land owner, see 24 and 25 Antwerp. Stevens Uriah, land owner, sec 14 Waverly. Stevens William H., land owner, sec 5 Almena. Stevens William, land owner, sec 1 Pine Grove. Stewart Charles. land owner, sec 29 Hamilton. Stewart Frederick A., farmer, Hamilton. Stewart James A., South Haven. Stewart Robert M., farmer, Paw Paw. Stewart Salmon. land owner, sec 36 Keeler. Stickling Henry, land owner, sec 23 Waverly. Stickney Oscar C., land owner, see 6 Hartford, Stickney R. W., land owner, sec 17 Hartford. Stickney Zephaniah, tarmer, Hartford. Stillwell Ira, land owner, see 27 Porter. Stillwell Isaac, Antwerp. Stillwell John, land owner, sec 9 and 16 Porter. Stinner George, land owner, sec 21 Waverly. St. Clair William, Columbia. St John, farmer, Hartford. St. John Keeler, landowner, sec 5 Hartford. St. John Charles, farmer, Hamilton. Stock will Alexandar, land owner, sec 30 Lawrence. Stockwell Edwin. land owner, sec 27 Pine Grove. Stocum Cornelius, land owner, sec 10 Hartford. Stoddard Charles, land owner, see 36 Deerfield. Stoddard Henry, farmer, Hamilton. Stoddard John I., farmer, Hamilton. Stoddard J. M., land owner, sec 1 Hamilton. --- -------- -~ ---------- -I ~1 -I-' r S14 VAN BUREN COU[I]NTY GAZETTEER Oman Stoddard Samuel, land owner, see 30 Arlington. Stoddard Stephen, laud owner, see 34 Arlington. Stoddard Willianim H., farnmer, Hamilton. S toddard William W., thrmcer, Arlington. Stone David. ftariner, Bloomingdale. Stuine Daniel, land owner, see 16 Blootmingdale. Stotle Laftayette, tarmer, Bloomingdale. Stone Stephen D., land owner, see 2 and 3 Bloomingdale. Stone Solonion R., farmer, Decatur" Stone William 1H., Antwerp. Stone William S., ftrmer, DIeatur. Stoner Martin. land owner, see 28 Antwero. Storey H1. 1'., South Haven. Storey W. t., land owner, sec 27 Alneisa. Storms Chester, land owner, see 8 Decatur. Storms E. W., land owner, see 2 Decatur. Storms Elizur, land owner, see 8 Decittur. Storms Edward, Antwerp. Story A., land owner, see 21 Pine Grove. Storey Hlenry Ck., justice of the peace and land owner, see 21 Pine Grove. Story John, land owner, see 17 Pine Grove. Story L. D., land owner, sec 17 Pine Grove. Story Riley W., land owner, sec 21 Pine Grove Stoughton F. F., land owner, see 36 Bloomingdale. Stoughton James W., land owner, sec 17 Aluiena. Stoughton Joseph, land owner, sec 2 South Haven. Stoughton Warren, land owner, sec 16 and 17 Aliena. Stover Orrin W., land owner, sec 1 Columbia. Stowe Freeman S., land owner, sec 16 Ilartford. Stowe George W., land owner, see 15 Hartford. Stratton Hirami L., land owner, see 29 Hartford. Stratton Hiram L., land owner, sec 21 Hartford. Stratton Philander, land owner, sec 16 Hartford. Stratton Truman, land owner, sec 16 Hartford. Stratton Willard, land owner, sec 7 Lawrence. Stratton Valentine, J., land owner, see 34 Hartford. Straw George F., South Haven. Straw J. F., land owner, see 5 and 6 Bangor. Straw Nathan, South Haven. Streater Cyrus H., farmer, Waverly. Streater F. M., land owner, see 13 Waverly. Streater P. T., land owner, sec 13 Waverly. Streeter William, land owner, see 32 Porter. Strickland Aaron P., farmer, Bloomingdale. Strong Eli, South Haven. Strong Elijah, land owner, sec 21 Almena. Strong Philip, mason, see 31 Pine Grove.! t _ _I ____~ __ _ ___ __:; ___ __ __ _________1_________1_I____IC____I_______ AND BUSINESS [S] DIRECTORY. 315 You can save 20 per cent, by buying your Crockery and Glassware at Dodge's Crockery Store, Paw Paw. Sturtevant Orman, land owner, sec 3 Lawrence. Stuart Frank, shoemaker, Bangor. Stuart James, land owner, sec 29 Bangor. Stuart J. W., land owner, sec 11 Hamilton. Stuart S. E.. land owner, sec 11 Hamilton. Stuckman Philip, land owner, sec 3 Hartford. Sturr Jacob J., land owner, sec 5 Pine Grove. Stuyvesant Azariah, land owner, sec 23 Decatur. S&uyvesaat J. W., land owner, sec 26 Decatur. Stuyvesant Sylvester, land owner, sec 22 Decatur. Styles Charles I1., land owner, sec 27 Paw Paw. Sullivan Michael, farmer, Arlington. Sullivan Michael, Paw Paw. Sullivan William, land owner, sec 31 Arlington. Sullivan William, farmer, Hartford. Summay Eri, land owner, sec 5 Bloomingdale. Sumier George \V.. land owner, sec 18 Lawrence. Samunier Jauris, Lawrence. Surdam Frederick, Antwerp. Surdam N L., land owner, sec 3 Antwerp. Surrine VWilliam R, Paw Paw. Sutfii John G., land owner, sec 13 Hamilton. Suthard D., land owner, sec 36 Geneva. Sutlcrby Benjamin, land owner, sec 4 Arlington. Sutton Amos, land owner, sec 22 South H1aven. Sutton C. S., land owner, sec 9 Arlington. Sutton C. J., land owner, sec 16 Bloomingdale. i Sutfin 1). V., land owner, sec 11 l amilton. Sutton Janette, land owner, sec 27 Antwerp. Sutton Luther, land owner, sec 21 Hartford. Sutton Oliver, tfarier, Decatur. Sutton O. W., South Haven Swain Mrs. M., land owner, sec 34 Pine Grove. Swan Alonzo B., farmer, Lawrence. Swan John, land owner, see 16 Lawrence. Swain John f., farmier, Arlington. Swartz Ge-,)re, Paw Paw. Swarthout Stephen. painter, Arlington. Swanger Michael, Paw Paw. Swanger James, Paw Paw. Swanger James M., farmer, Waverly. Swanger Michael, farmer, Waverly. Swant F., land owner, sec 12 Hamilton. Sweedler Lewis, farmer, (Breedsville) Columbia. Sweet Albert, land owner, sec 16 Columbia. Sweet Alfred, farmer, Pine Grove. '`~--~--'--- ----~~-~' -'----'-' '~--`CI--'~ -L"--~`~'~"-----~-C-~--~ 316 VAN BUREN COU[T]NTY GAZETTEER Sweet Alvin Z, mechanic, Lawrence. Sweet Charles N., land owner, sec 7 Lawrence. Sweet C. P., land owner. see 19 Antwerp. Sweet Dewitt C., land owner, sec 17 Lawrence. Sweet George. land owner, sec 33 Decatur. SSweet James L., land owner, see 10 Waverly. Sweet John A. land owner, sec 16 Lawrence. Sweet Martin V., Paw Paw. Sweet Reuben, farmer, Pine Grove. Sweet Sylvester, farmer, Pine Grove. Sweet S. S., land owner, sec 2 Decatur. Sweet Theodore, farmer, Pine Grove. Sweet Thomas, farmer, Geneva. Sweet Thomas, farmer, Lawrence. Sweet Wesley, land owner, sec 22 Lawrence. Sweet Zerah, land owner, see 16 Lawrence. Sweetland Louis D., farmer, Bloomingdale. Sweetland Orvis, farmer, Decatur. Sweetland Orvis B., farmer, Paw Paw. Swick Mrs., land owner, sec 5 Paw Paw. Swift Albert, land owner, sec 4 Keeler. Swift William, land owner, sec 10 Pine Grove. Sykes O. M., land owner, sec 18 Keeler. Sykes P. P., farmer, Keeler. Sykes Samuel J.. land owner, sec 17, 18, and 19 Keeler. Sykes William A., farmer, Keeler. T Tabor John, farmer, Pine Grove. Tacy John H., land owner, sec 29 Deerfield. Tacy John H., land owner, sec 36 Keeler. Tall William, land owner, sec 28 Antwerp. Tanner William, Lawrence. Taplin Hugh W., land owner, sec 3 and 4 Keeler. Taplin Pollard M., land owner, sec 7 Lawrence. Tappan A. R., land owner, sec 8 Porter. Tappan Merritt, land owner, sec 17 and 18 Porter. Tappan Sylvester, farmer, Porter. Taylor Alvin, land owner, sec 23 Decatur. Taylor A. H., land owner, sec 29 Columbia. Taylor A. S., land owner, sec 32 Bangor. Taylor Charles H., land owner, sec 14 Bangor. Taylor Char!es H., farmer, Pine Grove. Taylor David F., land owner sec 17 Bangor. Taylor Ephraim, land owner, sec 30 Lawrence. Taylor E. A., farmer, Lawrence. Taylor Fred S., land owner, sec 12 Bangor. Taylor H. C., land owner, sec 17 and 20 Hartford. _~ ___ __ AND BUSINESS [T] DIRECTORY. F. G. Russell Deals Extensively in Millinery Goo Promptly to Bleaching, Making, Trinming, ete Taylor James P., land owner. sec 6 Pine Grove. Taylor HIrace J., farmer, Bloomingdale. Taylor Jason R., land owner, sec 23 Hamilton. Taylor John F., farmer, Keeler. Taylor Lyman, farmer, Lawrence. Taylor Lyman, land owner, sec 31 Waverly. Taylor Lyman, land owner, sec 18 Paw Paw. Taylor Mrs. Marian, land owner, sec 29 Columbia. Taylor Nile, Paw Paw. Taylor Niles, South Haven. Taylor Noble S., farmer, see 14 Banor. Taylor Phoebe, land owner, see 14 Bangor. Taylor Robert, land owner, sec 33 Arlington. Taylor Semantha, land owner, sec 34 Antwerp. Taylor W. N., land owner, sec 28 Columbia. Teal A. 1., land owner, sec 1 and 2 Columbia. Teal Frederick,ftrmer, Columbia. 'Ieachout Henry, land owner, sec 32 Deerfield. Tedrow A. I., land owner, sec 32 B.loomingdale. Teed Lowell C.. clerk S. W. Fisk. Almena. 'Teed P. N.. land owner, sec 27 Almena. lTeness -., land owner, sec 6 HIartfird. Tenney Wilber E, Columbia. Tenant kamuel, farmer, Decatur. Terrill Charles S., Paw Paw. Terrell C. C., physician, sec 14 Geneva. Terrell George, land owner, sec 11 Geneva. Terreil Thomas, farmer, Lawrence. Terris David, land owner, sec 21 Lawrence. Terry Reed, farmer, Paw Paw. Thirston & \Warter, land owners, sec 4 Porter. Thayer Charles A., land owner, sec 36 Bloomingdale. Thayer Haviand, farmer, Bloomingdale. Thayer Horace, land owner. sec 28 Deerfield. Thayer James A.. farmer, Waverly. Thayer L. W., land owner, sec 1 Waverly. Thayer Philo M., land owner, sec '5 Bloomingdale. Thayer William, land owner, sec 4 and 9 Paw Paw. Thayer William M., Antwerp. Thayer Zary, land owner, sec 1 Waverly. Thomas Caleb, farmer, Geneva. Thomas Christy, land owner, sec 21 Keeler. Thomas David, land owner, se' 34 Geneva. Thomas Daniel, land owner, sec 28 Keeler. Thomas Dr, land owner, sec 36 Decatur. Thomas E., land owner, see 28 Uenova. 317,ds and Attends o., Decatur. j i 1 r i i i r __ I __ ____ __ __ _ ~-;~- --~~-;---~ -- -----r--r--~:~.~ -~;-I --~ ~ ----------~ ---~-;~--- ---------~~ -- - -- ~ -- ---- VAN BUREN COU[T]NTY GAZETTEER Thomas George I.. land owner, sec 28 Keeler. Thomas Henry B., farmer, Keeler. Thomas Jacob. land owner, sec 27 Geneva. Thomas James W., land owner, see 27 Keeler. Thomas Jessie, farmer, Hartford. I'Thomas John P., Columbia. iThomas N. I), land owner, sec 31 Porter. Thomas Samuel C., farmer, Keeler. Thomas S., land owner, sec 20 Hartford. Thomas W. L, land owner, sec 21 and 17 Bangor. Thomas William, land owner, sec 17 and 20 Hartford. 'Thompkins Augustus, Lawrence. Thompson Andrew, Antwerp. Thompson Amos N., land owner, sec 2, 11 and 12 Keeler. Thompson Arthur E., farmer, Keeler. SThompson Bela D, land owner, sec 10 and 15 Paw Paw. Thompson David, farmer, Hartford. I Thompson Daniel, land owner, see 14 Hartford. Thompson E. A., land owner, sec 27 Antwerp. Thompson Francis, land owner, sec 15 Arlington. Thompson H. M., farmer, Waverly. Thomas J. M., land owner, sec 4 Antwerp. I Thompson J. C., farmer, sec 20 Pine Grove. Thompson J. W., farmer, Pine Grove. Thompson Joseph, farmer, Decatur. Thompson Nicholk, Antwerp. Thompson O. H., farmer, Bloomingdale. Thompson Robert L, land owner, see 34 Lawrence. Thompson Robert, land owner, sec 3 and 4 Keeler. Thompson Thales G., justice of the peace and land owner, sec 15 Arlington. Thompson William A., farmer, Porter. Thompson William L., farmer, Lawrence. Thompson William W., farmer, Keeler. Thorn James, land owner, sec 6 Keeler. Thornton -., land owner, sec 10 Geneva. Thornton Andrew, land owner, sec 17 Porter. Thornton DeGraff, land owner. sec 16 Geneva. Thorpe S. W., land owner. sec 25 and 36 Antwerp. Thrasher George. farmer, Pine Grove. Thrasher Jerome, land owner, sec 29 Pine Grove. Threadgold Thomas, land owner, sec 33 and 34 Paw Paw. Throop Benjamin, Columbia. Throop Ira, land owner, sec 25 Hartford. Thurston Jonas, Antwerp. Tibbetts Allen, land owner, sec 5 Waverly. Tibbetts Daniel, farmer, Bloomingdale. Tibbetts Sylvester, land owner, sec 25 Bloomingdale. _ __~__ ----_111_1~-- ___ I AND BUSINESS [T] DIRECTORY. 319 Tillou Charles H., Antwerp Tillou George, Antwerp. Tillou James, land owner, see 27 Antwerp. Tillou Jacob, land owner, sec 23, 24, 35 and 36 Antwerp. Timmons Benedict, land owner, see 18 and 19 Keeler. Timmons John, farmer, Keeler. Timmons Lewis, farmer, Keeler. Timmuons Lewis, farmer, Hamilton. Tirrell James L., Paw Paw. Tisdale G., farner, Hamilton. Tisdale J., farmer, Hamilton. Tisdale L., land owner, ece 33 and 32 Hamilton. Titus F. C., land owner, sec 11 Antwerp. Todd Arthur, land owner, sec 13 Almena. Todd Gilmore, fhrmer, Bangor. Todd Th')mas, land owner, sec 16 Lawrence. Todd Tilomas, Jr., farmer, Lawrence. 'loles William hR., land owner, sec 10 and 15 Geneva. Tolis G. S., land owner, see 15 Geneva. Tompkins Warren, firmer, sec 16 Decatur. Toumpkins John, land owner, sec 16 Decatur. Toney Charles, stage driver, Columbia. Tlooney Charles, lab, Lawrence. Torrey Wilfred, land owner, sec 2 Pine Grove. Torrey \Villiam G., land owner. see 5 and 8 Lawrence. Towers E. C., land owner, sec 35 Almena. Towers Ed. C., land owner, sec 2 Antwerp. Traff,rd Horace, falimer, Deerfield. Traffrd H. D)., land owner, sec 26 Deerfiel I. Trafford William J., land owner, sec 26 Deerfield. Trappers Ezekiel, tirnmer, Deerfield. Travelers louie, Willizam Croaker, propr, Bloomingdale. Traver David, land owner, see 2 Porter. Traver Jeremiah I)., ftrmer, Porter. Travers Augustus S., land owner, sec 2 Hartford. Travers Morris S., land owner, see 2 Hartford. Travis William. firmer, Columbia. Travis John WV., land owner, sec 14 Hartford. Trimu Abner, land owner, see 27 Bloomingdale. Trim Eugene, firmer, Bloomiagdale Tripp Henry L. South Haven. Town Josiah, Lawrence. Town Ralph W., Lawrence. Towser William, land owner, sec 31 Hartfolad. Towquin Joseph, land owner. sec 25 Deerfield. Townsend Eli W., faramer, Pine (Grove. Townsend Peter C., farmer, Keeler. Townsend Rufus, land owner, sec 11 Pine Grove. i~____~_. 3 20 VAN BUREN 0OU[CT NTY GAZETTEER SFor Books, Stationery, News Papers and Periodicals call on M. M. Manley, Decatur. STownsey Dennis, land owner, sec 16 Lawrence. 'iTracy A. C.. tfrier, Geneva. Tracy Edward N., farmer, Porter. 'lracy Elisha, land owner, sec 4 Porter. Tracy 0. ii., land owner. see 4 Geneva. Tracy W. M W..,frmer, Geneva. Trafford Henry, farmer, Deerfield. Tripp James W., land owner, sec 14 Deerfield. TROWBRIDGE & MACE, grist mill, sec 6 Geneva. 'I rowbridge S. M., land owner, sec 5, 6 and 7 Geneva. I True James S., Columbia. True Simon. land owner, sec 35 Columbia. Truesdell Erastus, land owner, sec 31 Bloomingdale. Truesdell Evaline, land owner, sec 24 Geneva. Truesdell Frank. farmer, Bioomingdale. Truesdell Lemuel J, land owner, sec 25 Geneva. Truesdell Nelson, farmer, Arling ton. Trumbull Julius, farmer, Paw Paw. Trumbull Julius, land owner, sec 5 Hartford. Trumbull Levi, farmer, Hamilton. Tryan Benjamin, land owner, sec 11 Columbia. Tryan George, farmer, Hamilton. Tryan Levi, land owner, sec 28 Lawrence. Tryan Morris, Antwerp. Tryan William S., Antwerp. Tubbs Chester, farmer, Waverly. Tubbs 0. A., land owner, sec 20 Waverly. Tucamauga -., land owner, sec 6 Hartford. Tucker Abner, land owner, sec 24 Lawrence. Tucker E. L, cooper and land owner, see 8 Arlingtonl. Tucker Edwin A., farmer, Waverly. Tucker J. G., land owner, sec 22 South Haven. Tucker L. W., land owner, sec 22 Bloomingdale. Tuckey Philip, land owner, sec 35 Antwerp. Tuckwin, land owner, sec 6 iHartford. Tuckey John, land owner, sec 11 Paw Paw. Tumbling Harvey, farmer, sec 34 Hartford. Tunnecliffe W. Dr., land owner, see 12 Arlington. Tuttle Alvin, land owner, sec 7 Hamilton. Tuttle Alva, farmer, Hamilton. Tittle Dolphin, land owner, sec 35 Decatur. Tuttle F. R., land owner, sec 28 Bloomingdale. Tuttle George L., farmer, Paw Paw. Tuttle Grant W., land owner, sec 12 Paw Paw. Tuttle Hiram, land owner, sec 3 and 10 Keeler. Tuttle J. H., land owner, sec 19 and 20 Decatur. AND BUSINESS8[ ] DIRECTORY. 321 You can save 20 per cent, by buying your Crockery and Glassware Jodge's Crockery Store, Paw Paw. Tuttle J. S., farmer, sec 33 Columbia. Tuttle Lyman, land owner, sec 36 Paw Paw. Tuttle S. P., land owner, sec 13 and 14 Hamilton. Tuttle William, Jr., land owner, sec 26 Keeler. Tuttle William M., land owner, sec 22 Keeler. Tuxberry James S., Paw Paw. Twitchell David, land owner sec 16 Bloomingdale. Tyler Elisha, land owner, sec 16 Paw Paw. Tyler Ezra, farmer, Paw Paw. Tyler George, farmer, Paw Paw. Tyler Humphrey P., land owner, sec 34 Hartford. Tyler Hymbrick, land owner, sec 22 Deerfield. Tyler Laban, land owner, sec 36 Lawrence. Tyler Laban. land owner, sec 30 Paw Paw. Tyler Nathan A., Lawrence. Tyrrell H. A., land owner, sec 34 Lawrence. U Ulaganan John, land owner, sec 36 Deerfield. Ullery Jacob, land owner, sec 32 Arlington. Ulrey William, land owner, sec 25 Columbia. Ullery William, farmer, Arlington. Underwood Joel, land owner, sec 10 Arlington. Union House, J. B, Kissel, propr, Bloomingdale. Upham Joshua C., farmer, Porter. Upham Ezra S., land owner, sec 20 Porter. Upson Clark, land owner, sec 25 Aluiena. Upton Edwin, farmer, Waverly. Usborne John, farmer, Hartford. Usher Levi, farmer, Bangor. Utter David, farmer, Hartford. Utter Henry, farmer, Lawrence. Utter Henry, farmer, Geneva. Utter John, land owner, sec 32 Lawrence. Umberfield Harvey, land owner, sec 24 Hamilton. V Vader James A., farmer, Hamilton. Vallean Peter F., farmer, Waverly. Vallee Henry F., land owner, sec 15 and 17 Antwerp. Vallean J. D., land owner, sec 10 Waverly. Vallean T. W., land owner, sec 2 and 11 Waverly. Vallean William, farmer, Waverly. Vance W. T., farmer, Pine Grove. Van Amice Edward, Antwerp Van Antwerp Daniel, Antwerp. ~-~--- - __ -----^.-.- - ~~`---~' I '-- I 1' 1 111 ~ 322 VAN BUREN CO U[V]NTY GAZETTEER Van Antwc-rp H-arriet, land owner; sec 16 Porter. Van Aukenu lenjamin, land owner, see 35 and 32 Pine Grove. Van Auken D)aniel, land owner, see 34 Bangor. Van Auken Horace, farmer, Bangor. Van Auken Hortace. farnier, Geneva. Van Auken John, land owner, sec 3 Bangor. Van Beck -., land owner, sec 21 South Haven. Va-j Buren Martin. farmer, Waverly. Van Buskirk Andrew. land owner, sec 22 Hamilton. Van Buskirk John, farmer, Hamilton. Vailn Brunt J., saw vmill (water), sec 16 Bloomingdale. Van Brunt J. A., land owner. sec 16 Bloomingdale. Vandercar Henry, farmer, Almena. Vanderbogart J. L. D., Antwerp. Vanderhoof Herman, l.tnd owner, sec 24 Hamilton. Vandervere Elihu, land owner, sec 18 Paw Paw. Vandervere W. W., lana owner, sec 18 Paw Paw. Vanderhoof Williamu farmer, Hamilton. Vandervert Harriet, land owner, sec 25 Hartford. Van Duzer Charles, land owner, sec 31 Hamilton. Van l)oran William, Avtwerp. Van Dorn Lorenzo D., Paw Paw. Van Duzer Nelson, land owner, sec 18 Lawrence. Van Dyke A. J., land owner, sec 35 Bl,,oujingdale. Van Dyck J. B., land owner, sec 14 South Haven. Van Dyke Maria, land owner, see 6 Hartford. Van Fleet Warren, land owner, sec 13 Lawrence. Van Fossen I. W., land owner, sec 14 Paw Paw. Van Hise Jared, farmer, Decatur. Van HIise Joseph, land owner, sec 13 Decatur. Van Hise Orlando, farmer, Decatur. Van Htise Runyon. land owner, sec 25 Decatur. Van Hise William K., land owner, sec 14 Decatur. Van Horn Frank J., land owner, sec 16 Arlington. Van Lent John W., land owner, sec 13 Pine Grove. Van Ness George, land owner, sec 25 Paw Paw. Van Ness George J., land owner, sec 8 and 17 Decatur. Van Ness Henry J., farmer, Paw Paw. Van Ness John L., farmer, Almena. Van Ostran Charles E., land owner, sec 4 Hartford. Van Ocker H., Antwerp. Van Ostran John P., farmer, Hartford. Van Ostran Spencer, land owner, sec 24 South Haven. Van Riper --, land owner, sec 32 Decatur. Van Riper Charles, land owner, sec 30 and 31 Porter. Vansickle Benjamin, land owner, sec 17 Porter. Vansickle Eli, farmer, Porter. Vansickle Harmon, farmer, Porter. i ~ ' a ----- f---~--~ ------~--c---~-~- Il_-lrrr---------~ ---------r--r~-r-_ _~1~_._.~_~ I_~_~ __~ L ~ AND BUSINESS["W ] DIRECTORY. Vansickle Jefferson, farmer, Porter. Vansickle John T., farmer, Porter. Vansickle Mary, land owner, sec 16 Porter. Vausickle Miles, land owner, see 17 Porter. Vansickle Thomas J., farmer, Porter. Van Tassel Daniel S., farmer, Waverly. Van Tassel E., land owner, sec 35 Waverly. Van Vredenburg David, farmer. Columbia. Van Wagoner Joseph, farmer, Paw Paw. Van Wort Andrew, land owner, sec 15 Hartford. Van Wickle H. M, land owner, sec 29 and 32 Almena. Van Wickle W. B., land owner, see 28 Almena. Varney H.race A., Antwerp. Varilun John, land owner, sec 35 Antwerp. Vaughn C W., farmer, Bloomingdale. Vaughn George W., farmer, Almena. Vaughn Lorin, land owner, see 16 Bloomingdale. Vaughn M. C., land owner, see 15 Waverly. Veach D. R., land owner, Qee 17 Hamilton. Veber John, S uth Haven. Veley Charles, land owner, sec 21 Pine Grove. Veley John W., land owner, see 4. 9 and 7 Pine Grove. Veley William, land owner, sec 4 Pine Grove. Vickers Robert, land owner, sec 7 Waverly. Vickory Edward, land owner, sec 3 Pine Grove. Vickory Henry, land owner, sec 3 Pine Grove. Vickory Ira, farmer, Pine Grove. Vickery Manley, land owner, sec 12 Paw Paw. Vincent George, land owner, sec 11 Bangor. Vincent Horace, farmer, Columbia. Vincent John, land owner, sec 21 Porter. Vincent Mrs, land owner, sec 13 Columbia. Vincent Thomas, land owner, sec 32 Porter. Vogan John, land owner, sec 7 Porter. Voke Charles H., Paw Paw. Volkhert Frederick, farmer, Bangor. Voorhies Augustus, land owner, see 3 and 11 South Haven. Vose D. D., land owner, sec 27 Bloomingdale. Vose David A, land owner, sec 28 Bloomingdale. Vought Abram, )and owner, see 33 Decatur. Vought Benjamin, farmer, Decacur. Vought James, farmer, Decatur. Vought Samuel, farmer, Decatur. Vought Thomas A., farmer, Decatur. W Wakeman N. B., land owner, sec 32 Lawrence. Wade Timothy J., farmer, Hamilton. 323 I I i I i j....... ~ -.~.L........................................................... n I i liI~~I--- -I i....- -_ ~.--- ~----~-~-~----~-~~-----~ ~- -- --------'- -YILI r- -' -~ -I---1~ -I I -- - -- - 324 VAN BUREN COU[W]NTY GAZETTEER J. s. Dowd & Co., General Dealers in Groceries, Glassware Crocke. ry, ete., Decatur. Wagagowena John, farmer, Hartford. WVager Thomas, Paw Paw. Wagone John, land owner, sec 6 Hartford. SWaroner Joseph, land owner, sec 8 Hamilton. Wait Chester, farmer, Pine Grove. Wait C. W., land owner, sec 10 Bloomingdale. Wait Cullen, land owner, sec 15 Bloomingdale. SWait Ezra, farmer, South Haven. Wait Fulton, land owner, sec 9 Bloomingdale. Wait George, land owner, sec 10 Bloomingdale. SWaite Green, Antwerp. i Wait Greenwood, land owner, sec 10 Bloomingdale. Waite Henry, land owner, sec 5 Antwerp. Wait James, farmer, Bloomingdale. Wait John, land owner, sec 24 and 14 Bloomingdale. Wait L. 0., land owner, sec 34 Almena. Wait Noel M., land owner, sec 13 Almeua. Wait Plinny, land owner, see 15 Bloomingdale. Wait S. M., land owner, sec 15 Bloomingdale. Wakefield Hale U., farmer, Hamilton. Wakefield Mason, land owner, sec 5 Hamilton. Waldo George W., Antwerp. Waldo Lewis, land owner, sec 35 Porter. Waldo Lewis, farmer, Porter. Waldroeff Aaron, land owner, sec 5 Hartford. Waldroff David, land owner, sec 20 and 17 Antwerp. Walker Charles H., land owner, sec 1 Keeler. Walker Ephraim, land owner, sec 6 Hartford. Walker F. M.. farmer, Hartford. Walker George, land owner, sec 36 Paw Paw. Walker John H., land owner, sec 15 Paw Paw. Walker L. P., farmer, Pine Grove. Walker Mrs. A., land owner, sec 31 Hamilton. Walker Mrs. S., land owner, sec 26 Pine Grove. Walker Oscar,farmer, see 26 Pine Grove. Walmer Daniel, land owner, sec 6 Bangor. Wallack A., land owner, sec 30 Bloomingdale. Wallace A. T., land owner, sec 26 Arlington. Wallace Allen J., farmer, Hartford. Wallace John J., land owner, sec 25 Keeler. Wallace William, land owner, sec 26 Arlington. Walling George, land owner, sec 15 and 16 Hartford. Warne George P., land owner, sec 4 Lawrence. Walton James M., land owner, sec 8 Hamilton. Walton John, land owner, sec 34 Arlington. Walton Levi, farmer, Arlington. M-M-- 1 0-0-0 AND BUSINESS[W ] DIRECTORY. 325 You can save 20 per cent, by buying your Crockery and Glassware Dodge's Crockery Store, Paw Paw. Walton Thomas, farmer, Arlington. Ward Ans3n, farmer, Almena. Ward David 0., farmer, Hartford. Ward David. land owner, sec 1 Porter. Ward David O., Antwerp. Ward David M., Antwerp. Ward John C., farmer, Bloomingdale. Ward Reuben H.. land owner, sec 4 Bloomingdale. Ward Richard, land owner, sec 26 Porter. Ward William B., land owner, sec 15, 23 and 21 Antwerp. Warner Anson, land owner, sec 9 u-eneva. Warner D. H., land owner, sec 26 and 27 Waverly. SWarner A. M., farmer, Geneva. Warner Elon L., Antwerp. Warner Oliver, land owner, sec 6 Antwerp. SWarner Stoughton, land owner, sec 35 Pine Grove. Warner William, farmer, Geneva. Warner Zimri, South Haven. W Warrello & Wick, land owners, sec 27 South Haven. SWarrello H. S., land owner, see 5 Bangor. WVarren Dewitt C., land owner, sec 9 Keeler. SWarren Ephraim, land owner, sec 5. 8 and 9 Keeler. Warren S. F., land owner, sec 28, 33 and 34 Hartford. Warren Wright, farmer, Columbia. Washburn Horace, land owner, sec 30 Arlington. Washburn James, land owner, see 30 Arlington. Waters Asa M., farmer, Paw Paw. Waters Freeman M., Antwerp. Waters Harland P., Farmer. PawPaw. \Waters James. Antwerp. Waters S., land owner, sec 4 Decatur. SWaterman William, farmer, tamilton. Watkins Gilbert. A.. laid owner, sec 29 and 30 Plorter. SWatkins Henry, land owner, sec 2 Bangor. SWatkins James, land owner, see 6 Hartford. Watkins James, land owner, see 29 Porter. SWatkins John, land owner, see 3 Bangor. Watkins Levi, land owner, see 2 Bangor. Watkins Martin, farmer, Bangor. Watkins Napoleon, land owner, sec 2 Bloomingdale. Watkins 1Putnam, land owner, see 5 Decatur. Watkins Samuel, former, Arlington. Watkins Thomas, land owner, sec 11 and 2 Bangor. Watkins Silas, farmer, Arlington. Watson Allen, land owner, see 8 and 9 Almena. Watson Daniel W., farmer, Geneva. I _ ___ _____, 324 VAN BUREN COU[ ]NrNTY.GAZETTEER Watson John, land owner, sec 26 Decatur. Watson J. B., land owner, sec 2 Geneva. Watson Leonard. land owner, sec 4 Lawrence. Waukena James, farmer, Hartford. Weatherby Rodney, Antwerp. Weathcrwax George W., Paw Paw. Weaver James, farmer, Almena. Weaver Joseph, land owner, sec 28 Columbia. Weaver Joseph, farmer, Aluiena. Webb Anderson C., land owner, sec 21 and 28 Paw Paw. Webb David, farmer, Paw Paw. Webber Frederick, land owner, sec 14 Pine Grove. Webber George, land owner, sec 15 Pine Grove. Webb Jeremiahl B., land owner, sec 20 Porter. Webber John, land owner, sec 2 Pine Grove. Weber Paul, land owner, sec 11 Hartford. Webber Thomas, land owner, sec 23 Pine Grove. Webster Daniel, land owner, sec 9 Waverly. Webster E B., painter, 1)ecatur. Webster George W., ftrmer, Waverly. Webster Jacob, land owner, sec 4 and 3 Pine Grove. Webster Jesse, farmer, Hartford. Webster Lyman, farmer, Bangor. \Vebster Martin V., South Haven. Webster Robert, lana owner, sec 9 South Haven. Webster William, land owner, sec 1 Hartford. Wedge Sylvester, farmer, Pine Grove. Weed -., farmer, Geneva. \Weid r Michael, land owner, sec 2 Bangor. Welen Charles, farmer, Almena. Welch Charles & Co., gen'l store, sec 28 Almena. Welch Edmond, land owner, see 32 Bloomingdale. Welch John A., land owner, sec 35 Waverly. Welch Moses, land owner, sec 3 Geneva. Welch Nicholas, land owner, sec 35 Bloomingdale. Welch William, land owner, sec 3 Geneva. Welch W., Lawrence. Welcher Alfred, farmer, )Decatur. Welcher Isaac, land owner, sec 31 and 32 Decatur. Welcher Joha, land owner, sec 33 Decatur. Welcher Milo, land owner, sec 31 and 26 Decatur Welden Augustus, land owner, sec 17 Porter. Welden George, land owner see 3 and 10 Porter. Welden Lewis H., farmer, Porter. Welden Lewis H., land owner, sec 8 Porter. Welker Samuel, land owner, sec 22 and 23 Bangor. Wells George, farmer, Almena. Wells Henry A., land owner, sec 24 Arlington. i _I_ _ ___1__1_1 ~11_ AND BUJSINESS[W7] DIRECTORY. 327 We buy all our Boots, Shoes. Crockery and Glassware of L. A. & L. C. Fitch, Mattawan. Wells Hienry A., farmer, Lawrence. Wells Hiram K., farmer, Arlington. Wells Horace C, land owner, sec 24 Arlington. Wells Orange, land owner, sec 28 Almena. Wells M. D., land owner, sec 21 Decatur. Wells Warren W., fIrmer, Arlington. Wells Willard, farImer, Bangor. Welton Levi, farmner. ('eneva. Wenhan, Clark & Co., (H. Wenban, J. Clark, C. Thomas,) steam saw miill, sec 1 Geneva. Wenban H., land owner, ee 1 Geneva. Wertenhberger )., landc owner, sec 24 Pine Grove. Werteuberger CGeorge, land owner, sec 28 Geneva. Wesaw Samuel, farnmer, Bangor. Wesley J. H-., land owner, sec 11 Decatur. West Andrew, land owner, sec 30 Geneva. West Charles L., ftrmwer. Almnena. West Eliza, land owner, see 4 and 8 Lawrence. West Franklin, land owner, sec 10 Almena. West (1reeen, land owner, see 26 Arlington. WNest IH. F., farmer, Almena. West H[opkins, land owner, sec 26 Arlington. VWestbrou-k Wm, land owner, see 16 and 21 Pine Grove. Westcott Benjamin, land owner, see 8 Geneva. Westcott M. A. land owner, see 27 Waverly. \Westcott Lymana. farmier, Bangor. Westeott \VWi.. land owner, se 22 'and 28 Bangor. Western '..J. tfarmer, Bangor. Western Thonias, land owner, see 23 Arlington. Weston HIenry, farimer, IPine Grove. Weston James, fi1rmer see 16 Hartford. Weston Washington, land owner, sec 16 Hartford. Weston Yat, land owne-, see 5i Paw Paw. Weso Lewis, land ownerl, see 19 Bangor. Wetch Amos, iirnimer, iAlmena. Wetlherby Warren, fari(er. iPinie (; ove. Wetmore (. Vv oluiubi Whaley Ezra, land owner, see 1 Paw Paw. WAevant James A., South Haven. Whalon MI., land owner, see 27 Bloomingdale. Wheaton H-Horatio, farmer, Pine Grove. Wheeler Charles, land owner, see 16 Pine Grove. Wheeler David R., land owner, sec 11 Pine Grove. Wheeler Edward, fhrmer, South Haven. Wheeler Ezra M., South Haven. Wheeler John H., land owner, sec 1 Lawrence. 323 VAN BUREN COU[\JNTY V GAZETTEER Wheeler Miles, South H-aven. Whelpley Henry, land owner, sec I Waverly. Whelpley H. WV. tarner. Almena. Whelpley Isuac. land owner, sec 24 Arlingrton. Whelpley Samuel, land owner, sec 31 Pine G(rove. Whelply S. A. land owner see 14 Waverly. Whelpley Wes!ey, land owner, sec 6 Aluena. Whence Delos, ifarimer, Waverly. Whipple A. 0. ~farner, Porter. Whipple C. W. land owner, sec 30 Waverly. Whipple Geo., farimer, Hartford. WThipple Elias, land owner, sec 17 HIartford. Whipple Howard, farmer, Waverly. Whipple Isaac, fatlrner, Lawrence. WXhipple Isaac, tfiirner, Hartford. Whipple John, ftrmer, Ha-irtford. Whipple James 0., farmer, Hartford. Whipple Thomas J., land owner, seo 5 Hartfard. Whipple Willis H., Paw Paw. Whipple WV., land owner. sec 9 and 1.6 Hartford. Whipley George, ftrmer, Pine Grove. Whitaker Seth lI., farner. Bloniiingdalc. W hitheck Ellis L. Antwerp. AWhitcher W., land owner, see 31 Hamilton. WV hitcher William HI., fruit growers South H aven. White A. S., land owner, see 4 Antwerp. White )David, tartner, Pine Grove. White Ferrin J., Antwerp. White Henry laud owner, see 32 Columbia. White --, Israel, land owner, sec 20 Decatur. White Israel, ftruler, Keeler. White Janies E., land owner sec 2 Antwerp. White James, land owner, sec 13 flartford. VWhite M. C. land owner, sec 7. Pine Grove. White Nelson, farmer, Waverly. White (eo, land owner. see 29 Antwerp. WVhite Samuel, land owner, sec 10 Pine (Grove. White Seymour G. farmer, Porter. Whitford A. D., farmer, Waverly. Whitford Edward, tfarmer, Keeler. Whitford M. V., land owner, sec 10 Waverly. Whitford S. A., land owner, sec 2 Waverly. Whitelaw Edward, land owner, see 25 Bloomingdale. Whitlock Mrs., land owner, sec 29 and 32 Hamtwilton. Whice Orrin D., (Lawton) Antwerp. Whitman Amaziah, land owner, sec 4 Porter. Whiteman Andrew, land owner, sec 16 Arlington. Whitman Edward A., Antwerp. --31~MONSOON" AND BUSINESS[ W ] DIRECTORY. 329 You can save 20 per cent, by buying youear Crockery and Glassware Dodge's Crockery Store, Paw Paw. Whitman Noel, farmer, Porter. Whitney E. D., land owner, see 23 Almena. Whitney John, farmer, Pine Grove. Whitney XW. A., farmer, Pine Grove. Whitney Willard, land owner, see 11 Paw Paw. White:ling Nathan, farmer, Bangor. Whitaker Perry W., land owner, sec 35 Porter. Wick William, farmer, Bangor. Wicket HIenry, land owner, sec 26 Decatur. Wickens George, land owner, sec 19 and 20 Paw Paw. Wicksall Joseph, land owner, see 34 Paw Paw. Widner James, farmer, Bangor. Wightman George W., farmer, Decatur. Wightman George XW., Jr., farmer, Decatur. Wilcox Allen, farmer, Bloomingdale. Wilcox AsaI farmer, Porter. Wilcox Asa, farmer, I)ecatur. Wilcox Calvin, land owner, sec 4 Antwerp. Wilcox Calvin, Paw Paw. Wilcox D)aniel, land owner, see 24 Decatur. Wilcox Daniel, farmer, Porter. Wilcox Daniel, Jr., ftirmer. Porter. Wilcox Ephraim, farmer, Porter. Wilcox George F., land owner, sec 12 Paw Paw. Wilcox J. E., land owner, sec 23 South Haven. Wilcox John, land owner, sec 18 Arlington. Wilcox J. S., land owner, see 12 Hartford. Wilcox Sellick, farmer, Waverly. Wilcox Seth, farmer, Waverly. Wilcox W. Hi, land owner, see 23 South Haven. Wilcox W. T., land owner, see 28 Columbia. Wildey Abram, land owner, see 4 Almena. Wildey A. R., land owner, sec 9 and 5 Paw Paw. Wildey Charles, land owner, sec 4 Almena. Wilder Elmon 0., Antwerp. Wildey Mrs., land owner, see 33 Decatur. Wiidey Richard W., land owner, see 8 Almena. Wilder Wilson S., farmer, Keeler. WVilkins Henry, land owner, see 11 Paw Paw. Wilkins L. A., land owner, sec 23 and 24 Decatur. Wilkinson A. L., land owner, see 30 Decatur. Wilkinson Charles, farmer, Bloomingdale. Wilkinson George A., farmer, Decatur. Wilkinson H. H., land owner, see 29 Lawrence. Wilkinson John, land owner, see 25 Arlington. Wilkinson Miller, land owner, see 24 Arlington. _IT___ ___ _~I ____ __ ___I __ __ 330 VAN BUREN COU[\WT]NTY GAZETTEER Wilkinson W. W., land owner, see 36 Keeler. Willard Jane, land owner, sec 33 Bloomingdale. Willard I. W., land owner, sec 13, 12 and 24 Paw Paw. Willard Wells, fa:'rner, Bangor. Williston Mrs., land owner, see 34 Paw Paw. Williams Andrew, land owner, sec 7 Arlington. Williams A. E. land owner, see 21 South Haven. WILLIAMS A. H., land owner, sec 11 and 15 Hamilton. Williams A. H., land owner, see 35 Antwerp. Williams B. F., land owner, see 24 and 13 Antwerp. Williams Cantine, farmer, Antwerp. Williams C. H.. South Haven. Williams Daniel L., Antwerp. Williams 1). B.. land owner, sec 10 and 21 South Haven. Williams Edward C., farmer, Hartford. Williams Edgar A., land owner, sec 11 Lawrence. Williams Francis, farmer, Deerfield. Williams George W.. farmer, Hartford. Williams H. J., land owner, sec 20 Antwerp. Williams Gilbert S., farmer, Keeler. Williams G. P., carpenter and land owner, sec 33 Deerfield. Willians Henry S., farmer, Porter. Williams Henry D., farmer, Paw Paw. Williams Henry )., Antwerp. Williams John, land owner, sec 14 South Haven. Williams John, farmer, Waverly. Williams John, Antwerp. Williams Levi, farmer, Pine Grove. Williams L. S., farmer, Almena. WILLIAMS ORSAMUS, land owner, sec 2 1 and 28 Porter Williams S., land owner, sec 14 Antwerp. Williams S. B., land owner, sec 32 Almena. Williams Sebastian, land owner, sec 13 Pine Grove. Williams S G., land owner, sec 24 Antwerp. Williams Silas, farmer, Pine Grove. Williams Silas, farmer, Hamilton. Williams Silas, farmer, Almena. Williams Simon, farmer, Keeler. Williams Thomas, land owner, see 11 Lawrence. Williams William, farmer, Pine Grove. Williamson J. M., farmer, Almena. Williamson Peter, land owner, sec 26 Hartford. Willis Eli, farmer, Bangor. Willis N. J., farmer, Pine Grove. Willis Robert, farmer, Bangor. Willis Susan, land owner, sec 21 Porter. Willis Thomas, land owner, sec 5 and 9 Bangor. Willis W. H., land owner, sec 9 Bangor. ~ I I I -- I1 AND BUSINESS["7 ] DIRECTORY. 331 Willmot B. F., land owner, sec 15 Bloomingdale. Willmot Norris T., land owner, sec 15 Bloomingdale. Wilmot A.. land owner, sec 2 and 1 Bloomingdale. Wilmith H. J., land owner, sec 27 Keeler. Wilmon John, land owner, sec 12 Hartford. Wilmer Mrs., land owner, sec 13 Antwerp. Wilmouth William H., farmer, Porter. Wilsey Eli, land owner, sec 32 Bangor. Wilsey William, farmer, Lawrence. Wilsey W. S., farmer, Pine Grove. Wilson Charles, farmer, Almena. Willis Daniel, farmer, Pine Grove. Wilson Charles, land owner, sec 16 South Haven. Wilson Edward, South Haven. Wilson Erastus T., Antwerp. Wilson E. T. blacksmith, sec 27 Almena. Wilson H. B., land owner, sec 27 Almena. Wilson Henry, land owner, sec 5 and 16 Paw Paw. Wilson Henry, farmer, South Haven. Wilson Jacob L., farmer, Bloomingdale. Wilson James, farmer, Paw Paw. Wilson Jessie A., land owner, sec 27 Almena. Wilson John, farmer, Paw Paw. Wilson Julius A., land owner, sec 24 Almena. Wilson Levi, farmer, Porter. Wilson Levi, Lawrence. Wilson Purley E., land owner, sec 13 Keeler. Wilson Simon, land owner, sec 15 South Haven. Wilson Willet C., farmer, Porter. Wilson William, land owner, sec 1, 12 and 14 Porter. Wilson William, Jr., farmier, Porter. Wilson William, firmer, Porter. Wimple Dorcas, land owner, sec 14 Antwerp. Winans -., land owner, sec 25 South Haven. Winburn Enos, farmer, Decatur. Winburn John H., farmer, Lawrence. Winburn Thomas, land owner, sec 25 Lawrence. Winchel Walter, land owner, sec 31 Deerfield. Winchester John, land owner, sec 5 Hartford. Winden George, land owner, sec 5 Decatur. Wimmegua John, farmer, Hartford. Wise A. S., land owner, sec 14 and 9 Hamilton. Wise Chauncey, (Everest & Wise,) Pine Grove. Wise 1). D., (Walter Wise & Co.,) Almena. Wise David D., notary public and conveyancer, Pine Grove. Wise David, land owner, sec 32 and 28 Pine Grove. Wise Ephraim, farmer, Keeler. Wise John A., Antwerp. - ~I ~-- L ~ 1 ~Y 332 VAN BUREN COU[WV]NTY GAZETTEER Wise Milton G., farmer, Pine Grove. Wise Walter, land owner, sec 4 Almena. Wise Walter & Co., (Walter Wise, and D. D. Wise.) sash, doors and blinds, see 28 Almena. Wisner D. W., farmer, )eerfield. Wisner Frank, farmer, Almena. Withey King, land owner, sec 15 Pine Grove. Withey Isaac, land owner, sec 3 Antwerp. Withey Silas, land owner. see 34 Almena. Withey Silas, land owner, see 3 Antwerp. Witter A. S., land owner, sec 18 Porter. Witter A. A., farmer, Porter. Witter Byron 0., farmter, Porter. Witter Lyman M.,, fArmer, Lawrence. Witter 0.., land owner, see 23 Lawrence. Witter 0. J., land owner, sec 22 and 23 Lawrence. Ward Jacob, farmer. Porter. Wolcott B. P., Columbia. Wolcott James, land owner, sec 5 Hamilton. Wolcott Job, ftrmer, Hamilton. \Wolcott Warner, farmer, Almena. Wolfe Francis, South Haven. Wood A. L., land owner, see 20 Columbia. Wood N. A., land owner, sec 12 Antwerp. Wood Adeline, land owner, sec 8 Bangor. Wood Broox, land owner, sec 7 and 15 Bangor. Wood Cornelius O., South Haven. Wood Dallas, farmer, Bangor. Wood David, farmer, Bangor. Wood Edwin J., farmer, Columbia. Wood George, land owner, sec 16 Bangor. Wood Harrison, farmer, Bangor. Wood Henry, farmer, P)ine Grove. Wood Jay, farmer, Waverly. Wood Polk, ftrmer, Bangor. Wood Nathan A., land owner sec 17 Pine Grove. Wood Uriah, lab, Lawrence. Wood Urah, Columbia Wood Warren, farmer, Porter. Wood Robert, land owner, sec 17 Porter. Wood William W., farmer, Columbia Wooden Byron, land owner sec 29 Keeler. Woodhouse John, land owner, sec 7 Waverly. Woodhull Mary, land owner, sec 13 Antwerp. Woodman David, land owner, sec 13 Paw Paw. Woodman David, 2d, land owner, sec 19, 20 and 21 Paw Paw. Woodman Edson, farmer, Paw Paw. Woodman J. H., land owner, sec 28 and 33 Paw Paw. AND BUSINESS[ ] DIRECTORY. 333 Woodman J. J., land owner, set 12 Paw Paw. Woodman J. J., laud owner, sec 7 Antwerp. Woodmon Joseph, land owner, sec 7 Antwerp. Woodman L. C., farmer, South Haven. Woodman Peter, land owner, sec 9 Antwerp. Woodman W. D., land owner, sec 17 Antwerp. Woodman Wells D., land owner, sec 13 Paw Paw. Wooster Ralph W., farmer, Paw Paw. Wooster William, land owner, sec 9 Geneva. Woodruff E. D., land owner, sec 19 and 10 Decatur. Worthy George, land owner, sec 23 and 26 Arlington. Worthington W. W., machinist, sec 18 Geneva. Wright A. D., South Haven. Wright Eber, land owner, sec 17 Waverly. Wright E. B., land owner, sec 3 and 10 Antwerp. Wright D. G., land owner, sec 3 10 and 21 South Haven. Wright F. A., South Haven. Wright Frank B., farmer, Hamilton. Wright George, land owner, sec 36 Almena. Wrilit H. B., farmer, Almena. Wright Jennings, farmer, Hamilton. Wright John W. Antwerp. Wright Warren, land owner, sec 23 Columbia. Wright Willis, farmer, Hamilton. Wright William, Paw Paw. Wright Wellington, farmer, Arlington. Wygent J. C., farmer, Bangor. Wygent John, farmer, Hartford. Wygent Forman, land owner, sec 35 Bangor. Wygent William, land owner, sec 35 Bangor. Wyland H., land owner, sec 19 Bloomingdale. Wyman Jabez, land owner, sec 86 Porter. Wymer R., South Haven. Wynn Thomas B., land owner, sec 15 Deergeld. Wynn W. 11, farmer, sec 15 Deerfield. Wynans W. W., land owner, sec 18 Geneva. Y Yeckley G. G. B., land owner, sec 14 and 15 Hamilton. Yeider Michael, farmer, Bangor. Yetter D. farmer, Geneva. Yetter W., farmer, Geneva. Youells B. C., land owner, sec 27 Hamilton. Youells Elijah, land owner, sec 24 Hamilton. Youells N. H.. land owner, sec 32 Hamilton. Young Ann E., land owner, sec 20 Hamilton. Young Buena, farmer, Hartford. Young Bryant, land owner, sec 33 and 34 Decatur. If 334 VAN BUREN COU[ZINTY GAZETTEER _o1n's Chiles Jr, land owner, sec 28 Blooningdale. Youngs C(harles. land owner, sec 35 Blonominodale. Youns (Charles W. tfarmer, Paw Paw. Young 1)D-nil land owner, sec 8 Geneva. Y oung (eorge land owner. sec 14 Paw Paw. Yount u James. andi owner. sec 31 iPorter. Younng Juaies. fA ner, Hanilion. Y0ouin1 J unes. fIrmer, Bloomiine'dale. Foung Joh in Iland owner, see 1 HI rtfiurd. Young Jo lln. hILnd ownerLi, sec 1i HUamilton. Youn1 John iW. farmer, Decatur. Youno Riley, thrmer, Geneva. Youngi Willian, land owner, see 8 Geneva. Youngs W'illiam, land owner, see 34 Bloomingdale. Yun Ih Achl, land owner, sec 3. 4 and 10 Keeler. Z Zeuts Jeremiabh fltruiner, I-Iartford. Zelie J. II.. land owner, see 28 Almena. "THE CHAMPION." The B at S~amp Extraret IN TIlE WORLD. One Pair of Horses Equals 114 to 182. I challenge the world ibr C heapness, Simplicity, Durability. IPower and Activity in pulling stumps. Every Machine warranted to stand. This machine was awarded the First iPrize and Diplomna, at the Wisconsin State Fair in 1868. Price at Shop, $100 to $125, According to Size. Oe E GALIr AIX, PCo IDEO.A=TLT, E - - My I OI-IIG1 r.A.IT C. E. GALLIGAN, PATENT ATTORNEY. NO PATENT, NO PAY! No Money required until Patent is allowed. All cases of rejection taken up, no matter how long rejected. No pay without being successful, in every case. Decatur, Mich. BAR AND BUSINESS DIRECTORY. BLA 335 M. M. Manley, News Dealer, Book, Seller and Stationer, Decatur. Michigan. S LAs sI FI E BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Abstract of Titles. IHarrison & McKinney......Paw Pauw Auctioneers. Haskins, Chester..........D....ecatur Blake, Joseph C................Hartford Casad, Lafayette..............Mattawan Koons, John....................Pavw Paw Bakers. Schoder, Jacob.................Decatur Waldron,.James S................Decatur Tyler, Harry...................Law ton IHarrington & Forsyth....... Paw Pawv King, I..........................Paw Paw Wildermuth, -...............lPaw Paw Griggs, John...............South Hiaven Ludwig & Dikelnan, South Haven. Banks and Bankers. Rogers, J..........................Decatur First National.................Paw Paw Boardrnan, S. R. & Co., South Haven. Barbers. Ihirnett, Aaron..................Decatur O'lanlon, ]Doyle......Decatur Johnson, Joe.......................Decatur Trust, Edwvard...............Lawrence Robinson, J. C....................Lawton Codozoe, C....................Paw lPaw Roberts, Elias.................Paw Paw Roberts, L. It..............P....a Paw Abele. Charles............South Haven Mayhew' & Hou-0se.........South Haven Billiard Halls. Bartlett, John W...............Decatur Downs HIouse............Decatur Northrup, Charles..............Decatur Feegles, H. L. & H. C......Lawrence O'Grady, Bartlett............Lawrence Spicer, Daniel...................Lawton Wilcox, R. 0o.....................Lawton MIoon, A. F....................Paw Paw. Dyckmran House.....Iaw Paw Seeley, William.............. Paw Paw Cross & Feegles...South Haven Wilson, Simon..........South H aven Blacksmiths. Wilson, E. T......................Almena Chapman, U. II...............Arlington Brink, George W................. Bangor Robbins, Arlan....................Bangor Shantahen. Timothy...............Bangor Cooley, I)aniel............Bloomingdale Crocker, -................ Bloom ingdale Spriggs, Tihomas............Breedsville Belden,i W. 11I.................Breedsville Chaptan, -.................Breedsville Conant. & Spriggs...........Breedsville Quint, O. IV.,........Breedsville WVIaituey & Koons,. Breedsville Burkholder -..................Columbia Bashford, C. P...................Decatur Boughton, B. F..................Decatur Collacott. Thomas.......6.....Decatur Collacott. Thomas, Jr..........Decat ur 1Harlan, Theodore..............Decatur Murray, Henry...................Decatur ____ a -- -- I 336 ILA VAN BUREN COUNTY GAZETTEER BOO School, Miscellaneous, Blank and Toy Books, Sheet Music, Toilet Articles, etc, at M. M. Manley's, Decatur., McKay, George................Decatur McKay, Peter....................Decatur Reynolds & Spencer............Decatur Schweizer, C...................Decatur Soutu1well, Henry................Decatur Sylvester, S......................Decatur Taber, John T...................Decatur Bennett, D. C....................Geneva Abel, Harcy..................... fHartford Kilby, Aaron......................Hartford Kilby, Allen.................... I.Hartford Smith, James..................Hartford McMillan & Merrit............... Keeler Bridges & Sweet..............Lawrence Mentor, II. D................Lawrence Montgomery, M...............Lawrence Randall, Benjamin...........Lawrence Sweet, Thomas ()...........Lawrence Beardsley, U. A..................Lawton Belcher, Adam...................Lawton Green, George..................Lawton Griffin, R..............................Lawton Harrington, I. B.................Lawton Mihell, David....................Lawton Munson, George...................Lawton Ray, Guy C........................Lawton Robbins, W. W................ Lawton Robinson, 0......................Lawton Smith, D. C....................Lawton Tillou, J............................ Lawton Underwood, R...................Lawton Wilcox, J. L...................Lawton Edgerly. F. 'T..................IMattawa n Haynes, S. A..................Mattawan Labadie, Gregory.............Mattawan Lewis, James...............Mattawan Merrill, David..................Mattawan Peck, Joseph F...............Mattawan Corkasy, William............Paw Paw Porsyth, P. J.............Paw Paw Gilbert, L. & Son............Paw Paw Holt, Benjamin..............Paw Paw Hoodemaker, William........Paw Paw Loveland, John...............Paw Paw Maock William.................Paw Paw McCulloch, W..................Paw Paw Miller & M cNeal..............PPaw Paw Phillips & Kelley..............Paw Paw Crocker, W..................Pine Grove Duratt, John V..............Pine Grove Finch, Chauncey............Pine Grove Hayes, S. G..................Pine Grove Crowley, lPatrick...................Porter Amsden, J. F.............South Haven Bishop, Timothy..........South Haven Black, W.V.......H.......South Haven Bowerman, J. IH..........South Haven Chapman, Jeville.........South Haven Green Amos A............South Haven Hodges & Odbert, South Haven. Leach, Hiram............S outbh Haven Mend, Patrick.............South Haven Smith, HI....................South Haven Harritt, A..........................Waverly Hoffman, W. S.................Waverly Boot and Shoe Dealers. KNOWLES, WILLIAM H.Breedsville SCRIMGER & SON........Breedsville Abbott Bros................Decatur Arnold H. & Son.........Decatur Duffin, S............................Decatur SHodges, O. W.....................Decatur Russell, F. G...............Decatur Shand, John....................Decatur Phelps Bros...............Hartford Hurd, E. G.....................Lawrence Morrill C. M. & Co......Lawton Doughty, J. R.............Paw Paw Irwin, T. B.....................Paw Paw Wiley, William.................Paw Paw Conger & Strope..South Haven Palmer, T. K..............South Haven Shand, Michael...........South Haven 1 ---- ~_ BOO CAB 337 AND BUSINESS DIRECTORY. For Books, stationery, News Papers and Periodicals call on M. 11. Manley, Decatur. Smith Warren.............South Haven Boot and Shoe Makers. Baker Levi.........................Bangor Goss Henry......................Bangor Morgan, G. W....................Bangor Stewart Bros.....................Bangor Bogardus, Joseph...........Breedsville Gleason, Jamnes.............Breedsville James, Abraham............Breedsville Snyder, Isaac..............Breedsville Canon, James............Bloomingdale Forsyth, H. D...................Decatur Grey, William....................Decatur Moore, Villianr,..................Decatur Stodldard, W. W.................i.)Decatnur Tyler, James.....................Decatur Baker, Abram.....................Geneva Gunn, Willard................. Hartford Hubbard, J olin V.............Hartford Tyler, Samuel G................H artford Durden, J.. E....................... Keeler Zimmerman, Stephen............Keeler Burdick, William.........-....attawan Howell, N. B........o..........MattawanI Waterman. James...........Matt awan Blowker, Charles J..........Lawrence Bowen, Patrick............ Lawrence Hodges, Charles1 H...........Lawreuce Holmies, (). Ef..................Lawrence Pa.ynie, John..................Lawrence Sweet, William................ Lawrence Avons,?. w....................... Lawton Cameron, John....................Lawton Carmion,.....................Lawton Ford, S............................Lawvton Freeman, )David..................Lawton Harrington, Charles............Lawton Langdon,. II...................Lawton O'Brien. Dennis.................. Lawton Scott, Robert.....................Lawton Doughty, W......................Paw Paw )Dubois, P. )....................Paw Paw Flager, M.. L....................Paw Paw Kelsey, Daniel..................Paw Paw Parker, 0. F...................Paw Paw Sherman, John.................Paw Paw Stickney, I N..................Paw Paw Streeter, C. H..................Paw Paw Van Deusen, Henry..........Paw Paw Callnom, James............Pine Gr'ove Davis, John (...............Pine Grove Carpenter, Ii C...........South Haven Carpenter, Joseph........South Haven Crofoot, N. L..............South Haven House, Hamilton.........South Haven House, William............South flaven Johnson, Charles i......South Haven Lane. Samuel..............South Haven Stoughton, Joseph.......South Haven Tuttle, Benjamin.........South Haven Breweries. Gijifin, Williamn......Decatur Willianison, Robert...........Paw Paw Overhault, Henry..........South Haven Overhant, (................South Haven Brick Makers. O'Rourk & Bennett.............Decatur Fallett, James.................. Lawton Jourdan,Joseph..................Lawton Butchers. (See also Meat Jarkets.) Flinn, J. W...................Breedsville Austin, L. W......................Decatur DeBolt, Henry L................Decatur Conklin, H11. M....................Keeler Green, Richard...................Lawton Bellinger, Andrew J.........Mattawan Chapman P. J.................Paw Paw Gilbert, James.................Paw Paw Ingram, A. T....................Paw Paw Cabinet Makers. (See also J'Urniure.1ealers.) Tiibbs, I. C........................Bangor:~_L___ ~_~__ - ICI -- 33:i8 CAR VAN BUREN COUNTY GAZETTEER CAR Genuine Waltbaar andu Elgin Watebes for sale by E. L. Hawks, Deeatur.. Remington & Cadwell...Bloomingdale Bierce. Eli D..................Decatur Jones, S. W........................Decatur Nearpass & Bray................ Decatur Vincent, John W............... Decatur Davis, W. A.......................Geneva IHilliard, W..........................Hartford Case, James......................... Keeler Clement, Daniel...............Lawrence Johnson & Raab.................Lawrence Coon, Hiram...................Lawrence Youngs, R ansom...............Lawrence Koons, H....................... Lawton Tracy, E......................Lawton Cummings, Horace...........Paw Paw' Lucas, George...................Paw Paw Lucas, Miles....................Paw Paw Stuyvesant, D...............Paw Paw Blackman, A. G............South Haven Gale, A.......................... outh Haven Howe, Frank A.,.South Haven H1owe, J.....................South Haven McKendrie, Francis......South Haven Means, John............. South Haven Noble, S................... South Haven Wakeman, J. P............South Haven Carpenters and Builders. French Henry A............... Almena De Haven, John............. Arlington Lane, E. J....................Arlington Goss, Anson...................Bangor Harris, Fletcher.................Bangor Kinney, Otis.....................Bangor Lyon, David...................B....angor McLaughlin, A. J..............Bangor McNetts, J. W.....................Bangor Reist, Benjamin.................Bangor Russell, Clark..................Bangor Shepard, Martin..................angor Starkey, James L................Bangor Whiting, --............. Bangor Dodds, B................B.....reedsville Hungerford. Albert........Breedsville Rouse, --....................Breedsville Siddell, W. P................ Breedsville Bashford, T. P................... Decatur Bigelow, William......... Decatur Burnett, William............... Decatur Cole, Leonard.................D...ecatur Eastman, Norman W........... Decatur Gayner, Orrin...................ecatur Gontz, F...........................ecatur Hollenbeck, J. H................ Decatur Hardin, John................... Decatur Johnson, Jacob S...........Decatur Johnson, William L......... Decatur Jones, Solomon W................Decatur Jones, William B.................Decatur Keenhold, George..............Decatur Lisk, Cassius................... Decatur Lusk, Henry W.................. Decater Nearpass & Bray............... Decatur North, William................ Decatur Nutting, Lucius............Decatur Olds, L. T.........................Decatur Pearson, Jesse............. Decatur Putney, Orville................Decatur Sanborn, W.....................Decatur Steele, John M...............ecatur Stewart, George................ Decatur Sutherton, Henry............. Decatur Swift, A. B....................... Decatur Vansickle. G. A................. Decatur Walley, L. M.....................ecatur Webster, Norman............. Decatur Wells, John M...................ecatur Wood, A. M.......................Decatur Wright, Charles..........D.......ecatur Wright, Frank...................Decatur Young Arthur....................Decatur Petre, William................ Deerfield Williams, G. P................Deerfield Phelps, Samuel B................eneva Reeve, George H......................Geneva Boynton, Mortimer............ Hartford I ~- --------- --- - - - -- ---- --- ---- _ c CAR AND BUSINESS DIRECTORY. CLA 339 Buy Your Clocks, watches and Jewelry of E. L. Hawks Dectatur. Crandall, Edwin R............Hartford Ketchum. R. WV.................Hartford Shepard, W. W................Hartford Hackett, O. A..................Keeler Havens, William H...............Keeler Haynes, James H...............Keeler Irish, Justus........................Keeler Sill, Joseph.........................Keeler Cash, Stephen..................Lawrence Cook, Orlin.....................Lawrence Danks, David F................ Lawrence Edmonds, T. J................Lawrence Hayes, Charles T.............Lawrence Hill, George............. Lawrence Mainer, Henry.............Lawrence Musson, Ezra S..............Lawrence Parks, Edwin..............Lawrence Ransom, Stephen..............Lawrence Shaver, Talcott...............Lawrence Sweet, Job......................Lawrence Webster, Ri.................. Lawrence Briggs, George W............... Lawton Butler, George C.................Lawton Casterlin, D. H..................Lawton Coddington, W. R............... Lawton Courtwright, J. A..............Lawton Davern, Timothy................Lawton Day, S. C......................... Lawton Douglas,. S.....................Lawton Drowley, James.................Lawton Ellison, Joseph..................Lawton Husted P. J.......................Lawton Kibbee, J. N...................Lawton McNeil, G. P1.....................Lawton Nims, Plat".......................Lawton Parker, J. L.......................Lawton Powell, David.....................Lawtoa Powers, A. H.....................Lawton Prince, John....................Lawton Simmons, E. D....................Law,on Waite, W. G.......................Lawton Wells, G. W.......................Lawton Williams, M. D...............Lawton Beardsley, Ransom..........Mattawan Beardsley, Philo H......a....Mattawan Clark, James W..........0Mattawan Colby, Oliver B................Mattawan Goodrich, G. H................Mattawan Cornwell & Taylor..........Mattawan Porter, Joseph...........Mattawan Richards, Undrel.............Mattawan Rose. John.....................Mattawan Slack, Magnus................Mattawan Soules, G. W.......9........,-.Mattawan Welch, Julius..................Mattawan Avery, R........................Paw Paw Brown, J. M...............Paw Paw Conger, N. P................Paw Paw Crane, E. J....................Paw Paw Everett, J. C..................Paw Paw Forsyth, P. J.................Paw Paw Gorton, 0. P.................Paw Paw Godfrey, Stafford...........Paw Paw Grover, Nelson...............Paw Paw House, Frederick A..........Paw Paw Hulbert, H. H.*............-...Paw Paw Hutchins, James............-Paw Paw Kelley, J. R....................Paw Paw Low, Bancratz,................Paw Paw Nelson, H. P....................Paw Paw North, J. W.................P...paw Paw Olds, Frank....................Paw Paw Osborn, Daniel..............Paw Paw Ostrander, Harmon...........Paw Paw Palmer. E. C...................Paw Paw Parker, Russ..............Paw Paw Pike, Thomas.........*.......Paw Paw Reed & Davey...............Paw Paw Robie, J. R...................Pa w Paw Rogers, R.......................Paw Paw Shute, J. W....a............Paw Paw Smith, J. B...............Paw Paw Tripp, B. Ii.....................Paw Paw Tuttle, Cyrus..................Paw Paw Tuttle, G. W................Paw Paw V tn Bnren, Martin......Paw Paw I t __~ ____ j -- i 3-0 CAR VAN BUREN COLNTY GAZETTEER CAR J. S. Dowd &- Co, General Dealers in Groceries. Crockey, Glassware, Lamnps, etc., Decatur. Young J......................Paw aw Adams, E. S.............South Haven Battill, William P.........South Haven Beardsley, J..............South Haven Bellows. William F.......South Haven Berridge, John.............South IH aven Bliss, Jolhn.................South Haven Brown, B. B................South Haven Cook, L. D.,..........South Haven Crowell, James...............outh Haven Crowley, J. F.,....South Haven Day, Francis M...........South Haven Dowd, Franklin 11........South iHaven Edgrton, Abel.............South Haven Fields, Samuel............South IHaven Foster. J...................South Haven Geriain. ILsaac............South Haven SHale. Jerome...............South aven Heaton, John.............South Haven Hurlbut, J...................South Haven Leng. William J..........South Haven Lockwood, E. J............South Haven Mackay, John...........South Haven Mallory, Chauncey......South Haven Mayo, Hamilton..........South Haven Mayo, J. G.................South Haven Mills, RichardS............South Haven Moon, John.................South Haven Morey, L. ('................South Haven Olsbrow, -................ South Haven Oudekirk, J.............. South lHaven Pratt, W.....................South Haven Reed, J. W.................South Hafven Reynolds, L................ South Haven Rce, W, 'H.-............South IHaven Rogers, George P.........South Haven Rowland, James............ South Huven Shepard, Sears............South Haven Smith, A. E..............South Haven Stockwell, Jame s.........South Haven Vreeland, Isaac...........South Haven Wade, J. ().................. South Ha ve Waggstaff, J. F............ South Haven Waite, Isaac............... South Haven Walker, Philo D..........South Haven Whitney, Elmer...........South Haven Goble, E. P....................Pine Grove Longcoy, Jamres..................... orter Iennett. George H..............Waverly Palmer, H arvey..................Waverly McCart hey, Jatmes..............Waverly Carriage and Wagon Makers. Miller, John....................... Bangor Tubbsi, H. C.................... Bangor Ross, John A.................Breedsville 'ooley, Dai ie]............Bl oomingdale (rocker. -............... Bloomingdale Harlan, Theodore............... Decatur Lisk, Levi............................. Decatur Prieste, Jacob.................... Decatur Russell, Walter...............D. Decat ur Brooks, John.....................Geneva Blake, Byron S................a rtford Crandall, J. C................f.H art ford Trumbull, Julius............... Iat ford Klett & George................... eeler Barlow, Samuel............... Lawrence Crane & Cross................Lawrence Lyman & Pollard............ Lawrence Conklin, L. )...................L.. awton Green, R. J........................Lawton Haydon, J. M\I.................. Lawton Leonardson, Johnl............... Lawton AMunsell J. W..................... Lawton AMunson,.loln.................... Lawton Niles, Albert......................Lawton Smith, Edwin A.................. Lawton Cornwell & Taylor, Mattawan. Johnson, J. J...............M... attawan Labadie, Gregory...........Mattawan Welch, John E................Mattawan r __ (10)() AND BUSINESS DIRECTORY DEN 341 Buy y our Crockery and Glassware of J. S. Dowd & Co., Decatur. Forsyth, J. J...................Paw IPawv Harris & Lindsley............Paw Paw Klemmer, T'...................Paw Paw Klisner, John....................Paw Paw Lee. G G.......................Paw Paw Lindsley, A. E..................Paw Paw% Ocobock, Chairles..............Paw Paw Ocobock, Chauncey...........Paw 1Paw Ocobock, G. W..................Paw Patw IPierce, Burt..................P.aw Paw Crocker, WI.................Pine Grove Bishop, J. C.................South Haven Bishop, Nelson............'South Haven Fairlee, W. D...............South Haven HIodges & Odbert, South HIaVeil. Clothing and Gent's Furnishing Goods. NKNOWLEAS, WILLIAM I1. Breedsviile. SC III MOE I' & SON........Ireedsville -Abbott B13rothers,.....DecaltnAr-nold, IH. &`Soii,....ectur Elclhelman, B.,.........Decatur Frankenberg & Roseunber,........................Decatur Hlodges,. W..................... D)ecatur Plhelps Ir others.. Hart ford II111. 4E. C..................Lawrence M3arshall, U. iM.,......Lawrence Moritz, B......................Lawton Stern, L. & Co...............Lawtou Townselnd & Haynes, South IIavel. Coopers. aven. Lucius.......................Bangor l)aniels, Martin...............I)Decatur Dwcight, i. E....................Deratr Nlinnes, F.......................Decatu r Rupert, James....................Keeler IParish. Jacob.................. Lawrence Swift, Chauncey...............Lawrence Courtwright, John A...........Lawton Alattox, George...............Mattawan Doane, A........................Paw Paw Hagerman, A..............Paw Paw Loveland, George B..........Paw Paw Loveland, J. H.................Paw Paw Alark, Joseph..................Paw Paw Pike. Chester....................Paw Paw Plopper, pt...............Paw Paw Price, Andrew................. Paw Paw Quick, R......................Paw Paw Tone, Anthony.................Paw Paw Youngs, James.................Paw Paw hawley, T. B..............South Haven Scott, Gilbert.............South Haven Crockery and Glassware. Abbott Brothers,......Decatur Dowd, J. S. & Co.,.....Decatur Dl)odge, 'T. F.,...........Paw Paw Dentists. Sec v, Nicholas............Breedsville Crandall Bros......Decatur Rowley, C. S. & Son...Decatur MILLSPAGH, 0. L........Lawrence McFarland, L R.....MIatta wan Badlan, Otis (..........Lawton )ey, George W...................Law ton [louse, E.......................Paw Paw Ilindsley, Clarence...........Paw Paw A. J. HOLMES, ID EIST WIS'T. Odics in Sentinel B dTilng. SSouth HRaven, - - Mllels. Teeth extracted without pIain by use of Laughing or Nitrous Oxide Gas..Satisfaction guaranteed on PLATIE WORK i __1____1_____ ~ --------~~- --~_-~-~~- -~~ -- 342 DRTr VAN BUREN COUNTY GAZETTEER PLO Call on J.S.. Dowd & Co., for your Groceries and Provisions, Decatur. McFarland, J. WV..............Paw Paw Odell, C. Ml.....................Paw Paw Holmes, A. J........South Haven Dress and Cloak Makers. Cady & Ashley.................Decatur Nutting & RaItlibone............Decamrui Coinstock, Mrs. A. V........Lawrence Haynes, Misses. L. J. & A. A. Lawvrenee. Iusms ýn, iMary J...............Lawrence Love, IIMrs. (G...................Lawton Joiner, MiNss Nellie..........Mattawan Annable & Sinclair............Paw Paw Collins, M-rs. A...............Paw Paw King, Mrs. HI.................. Paw P1nw Randall, Mrs. M..........Paw Paw Briggs & Swift, Misses South Haven. Pardy Mirs. Julia.........South Haven Misses Briggs & Swift, Moore & Wilder...............Mattawan Harrison 4 Wheaton.........Paw Paw Kilhurn & Hudson...........Paw Paw Longwell, G. W. & Co. Paw...Paw Paw Lyle, Thompson & Co...South Haven IMoon J Clark.....South Haven Dry Goods. Knowles, William U., Breedsville. LaRue & Baker,...Breedsville Scrimger & Son,....Breedsville Abbott Brothers,..... Decatur ABBOTT BROS., -DEALERS INDry Goods, Groceries, B10 0 7S A ) ND8 HOES. HA T7S AN (CALIPS, Crockerq, ke. C'or. Phelps and Delaware Sts. DECATUR, MICi. Arnold, U. & Son.,..DI)ecatur Russell, F. G.,........... Decatur Boyntou,..................... Hartford Phelps Brothers,.... Hartford Marshall, II. M.,.....Lawrence Johnsoi & Tirrell,...Lawton Fitch, L. A. & L. C....Mattawan. Sherman, A. & Co.,.Paw Paw Burlingame, E. S., South Haven. Conger & Strope,.Sonth Haxen Wright & Lounsbury,.South Haven. Flour and Feed. Abbott & Matthews,.Decatur Church, H. C. & E.,..Decatur MAK ERIS, Oe Door South of J. -E. Ste.ený.' SOITTHI HAVEN, MICHI. Druggists. LaRue & Baker....B reedsville Browning, T.....................Decatur Leavens ID. W............Decatur Manley C. E..............Hartford Fisk & Barrows................Lawrence Rowe & Wakefield............ Lawrence Munger & Bro....................Lawton Smith, G. P...............Lawton Fitch, L. A. &, L. C. Mattawan ~_ _ _ __ __ __ ___ __ G EN AND BUSINESS DIRECTORY. GEN 343 Go to J. S. Dowd & Co.. for your Crockery and Giassware, Dencatur. Dowd, J. S. & Co.,.....Decatur Trowbridge & Hill,..Decatur Bryan, P. I......................Paw Paw Foundries and Machine Shops. Whitney & Koons,....BreedeVille. Dane, Lyman J................Lawrence Wright & Co...........Lawton Randall, W. H.................Paw Paw Snow, Montraville............Paw Paw Furniture Dealers. (See also Cabinet Makers.) Noble, L.,...................Decatur Johnson & Raab...........Lawrence Alien, M. P.,...........Paw Paw M. P. ALLEN, Manufacturer and Dealer in FUTRNITUHRE OF ALL KINI)DS. North Side of Main Street, PAW PAW, MICHIGAN. Ball, J. W......................Paw Paw Lucas, Henry.................Paw Paw Caldwell, E. L.............South Haven Howe, Frank......South Haven Webster, Robert..........South Haven General Merchandise. (Dealers in) Welch, Charles & Co............Almena Charles, I). K.....................Bangor Ferguson Bros..................Bangor Taft, A. B..........................Bangor Gray, J. M....................Breedeville Knowles, W n. H.,. Breedsville LaRue & Baker....Breedsville Scrinmger & Son.....Breedsville Fessenden, John.........Bloomingdale Killheffer & Son.........Bloomingdale Anderson, David..............Bear Lake Abbott Brothers........Decatur Arnold, H. & Son.....Decatur Chadwick, E. E. & J. L......Decatur Geer & IHinkley.............Decatur Hathaway, A. S.........Decatur Nash, Keables 4' Nicholson...Decatur Clark tMcKeel.................Generva Goodenough Oleny.........Hartford Phelps Brothers......Hartford Reynolds A. E.........h.artford Hill, W. S...........................Keeler Holly, Joseph...................Keeler Holmes, Richard..................Keeler Chadwick, E. E. & J. L.....Lawrence Fisk, C. W......................Lawrence Harris. Elias.............Lawrence Marshall, H. M.......Lawrence Ridlon. Phelps & Co.........Lawrence Cheesman, S. B..................Lawton Johnson & Tirrill......Lawton Stern, 1. & Co.................Lawton Twichell, W. A..............Lawton Ide, J. B........................Mattawan Van Vechten & Fitch.......Mattawun Selleck, F. W. &4 W. J.......Paw Paw Van Auken, A...................Paw Paw Sherman, & Co........Paw Paw Smith, E. 4 Co.................Paw Paw Camfield, L. D.............Pine Grove Everest 4' Wise...........Pine Grove Kendall, Mills 4' Co........Pine Grove Conger & Strope.South Haven Hale, D. P. Co.........South Haven Tripp, S. A............South Haven Wright & Lounsbury..South Haven. Lane, William.............Waverly Showerman, J. 1E................Waverly -L---~-------L- ~-~-- 'LI- ~ -1---- --~~ _ _ __ 34t ti VAN BUREN COUNITY GAZETTl`EEi IA II Buy your Groceries and Provisions of J. S. Dowd & Co.. Decatur. Grain Separator Manufacturers. 'McKinnuey, N. 11. k& Co......... Lawton Potts. W. 11....................L...awton Smn ith, M. II-..................... Lawton G( rocers. ville. Scritn ger & Son.....Breedsl1e Abbott Bro.4.................Pecalt Arnold. II. &1 Son......DecatrI Church I. C. & E...Decatur D)owd, J. S. & C1o........)eeatur Higgiins & Sitler....... Decatur Kissel..Jacob...................... Decatur iogef'1s, Johln Wi................). eatl. Trowbridge C& -1111... Decat III lKiii gshry Brosm...............llartford Owe, G.........................Keeler Cross, (. A.................... JLA 11ence Kellv. J..........................Lavrenllce Marshall, II. M.....Lawrence Phillips, J. L..................Lawrence Buskirk Dennison...............Lawwton Cowgill, J. S......................Lawton Dennison, William.............Lawton Munger & Brot heii.............Lawton Streeter, B13. M..................Lat on0 Eitch L. A. & L. C....Mlattawan Butler, E. G..................Pa-w Paw Glidden W. II..........Paw IPaw Harrison & Wheaton.........Paw P'aw Landphere, Asa............... Paw Paw Pelton, John.............Paw PawIV Brown, L. 11................South Haven Conger & Strope...South Haven Durkee & Warner, South Haven. Wright & Lounsbury, South Haven. Grist and Flouring Mills. Fi4k, Stephen W.................Almnena Funk Brothers....................Bangor NyInan J. II.................Bangor llodgeson, J. ' S........ 1SBlooni ugdale Abbotl t t iattlhews..-Decatur CuddebuAck, '. I).............. Decatur Trowbridge V Jlace..('Aeneva N esbit, R obeit................[.anmiltonl Andeirsonl, \Villiamn...........'Lawrcence ision, 1. H 1.............Paw Paw Shermanan k Ross,......law Paw Sweet, (G. C. & I. W....South Haven Gun Smiths. ilawley, J. I.,.................IDecstur Ma1honey. Leee.................. Decatur Ilaynes, Merritt..................Keeler Phillips, A-. I................ 1, W. I(reClle Ilatt, S. S.......................haw Paw Selleck, chorles............o...)aw C[a, Hardware. Sue lin 11. II..........Bangor Ho H. SUNDERLIN, --iiEiurR INTINWARE, STOVES BINGOR?, JJJIHI.. Moore & Lisk.............I)Decat ur Thomas S. N............. Decatur Blake, J oseph1................I artford Boynton, C......................H artford Carpenter A. W........Hartford Chadwick, C. HIi. L. A...Lawrence -- --'"3 L HXL It AND BUSINESS DIRECTORY. HOT 345 F. G. Russell Deals Extensively in Millinery Goods. and Attends Promptly to Bleaching, Making, Trimming, ete., Decatur Moore V Lisk............Lawrence Gilson J. It................Lawton Kinney, Adams c Co..Lawton Kelsey & Beebe.................Mattawan Howe, W. H..........1Paw Paw RItice, Pratt & Co..............Paw Paw Fletcher, C. & Son.......South Haven Isham, II, II. & Co. Soutli Hfaven. Harness Makers and Dealers. Lafferty, Alexander........Breedsville Conroy, V. It....................Decatur Cooper, Nathan L...............DI)ecatur liubel, 11. C........................Decatur Mead, TCharlie.................... Decatur Mead, I. S................ Decatur Mead, William.......... Decatur I'arjdonette. I......................Decatur Towllsend, Itobert...........)ecatur WV enn er. Michael.................)ecat ur Mornse, George I.................1hartford Eberlhart, Lorenzo...............Keeler Bunnell, J.................... Lawrence Hawley, Andrew..............Lawrence Peabody, George W..........Lawrence Peabody, Jefferson..........Lawrence Bobb, )Dan......................Lawrence Ashlinan, W. 11..................... Lawlto Finley, -I. H..................... La wt0on Iarlrington, At..................Lawton McEl hen y, A. L.................LaAwton R obert s, Joseph...................Lawton Sweet, 0.......................Lawton;eaclham, Silas...........Nattawnau Gates, Jesse A...................1.attawant McCarter, Jaimes.............Mat tawanll Royal, 1elvin................. Mattawan Butcher, 1.....B................Paw Paw Etmm1ons, T. 1)...................Paw Paw Koons & (Rosseau..................P% v1Paiw Tooley, Silas....................Paw Paw Morane, W. H.............South Haven Webster, C. R.....South Haven Horse Farriers. Quint, 0. W.............Breedsville Powers, George W..............Decatur Flinn, Anson.....................Lawton B1unyan, J.......................Paw Paw A. M. T. Sheppard............Paw Paw Hotels. Bangor House, J. Il. Breed, propr.............................Bangor Central House, John S. Nash, propr, Bloomingdale. Travelers Home. W. Crocker, propr, Bloomingdale. Union Iouse, J. B. Kissel, propr. Bloomingdale. IPage, 1'. 1....................Breedlsville Downs,House, R. J. Downs, propr............................Decatur I)uncombe IHouse, H. Galloway. propl......................Decatur Galloway I Hnise,.J. Whitaker, propr, D)ecat utr. 'Ilttle House,. T. ITlittle. propr, D)ecat ir. Hlartford House, A..L Jackson, propr, Hartford. Lawrence Hotel, S. G. Mather, propi..................... Lawrence Ltfwton Hotel. E. B. Town, propr, La wton. Robinson House, G. W. Robinson, propr, Lawton. IPluenix Hotel, HI. S. Durkee, propr. Mattawan. Willard House, S. II. Willard,.proprt.......................... at Iaw in Clifton House. Koons & Rosseau., prps Pa w Pa w. I _ _ _ __I _ __ 346 LAW VAN BUREN COUNTY (IAZETTEER lAM F. G. Russell. Wholesale and Retail Dealer in Ladies' Hats, Bonnets, Frainmes, Plumes, Ribbons, Flowers. etc., Decatur. Dyckman House, C. A. Sheritan, pr opr..................Paw Paw (autfield House, L. D1). Camfield, prop........................Pine Grove Morg;an & liranible.........iPine Grove Lake lHouse, IT. F. Bowen, po......................Souith avenr iVational Hotel, L. K. Robinstn1, prop..............South fHaven Insurance Agents. BIowers & Hodges...Decatur IHaskins, Chester.............Decatar Northrup & Cockett......D.....Decatur Poor. Charles N.................. Decatur Odell, Walter...................Hartford Potter, John B.......Lawrence Barues, George.................Lawton Gilson., M. A...................Paw Paw IHiathtaway, E. P...............Palw P1v HIathiaway, William B........Paw Paw Huston, J. W. & Co. Paw Paw Bryan, W. PI.......South Haven Jewelers and Watchmakers. Hawks, E. L...............Decattur Smith, F........................... Decatur Mills, W. It........................Hartford Tyler, E. W.................... lartford Fisk & Harrows................Lawrence Atwell, J. W...............Lawton Johnson, Frank..................Lawtton Blythe, G. W...................M attawan Ellinwood, W...................Paw Paw Melchor, T. WV.....................Paw PawI Fitch, Lewis...............South Haven Fitch, M. J. & L...South Haven Sperry. J. I)................South Haven Lawyers. Eastman, A. G...............Breedsville Cole, Hiram..............Decattur Linder, G.L L...........Decatur Parkhurst & Foster.Decat ur Upton & Tucker........Decatur LawV ton, George W... Lawton Taber, L. A.......................Lawton Fitch, Ctarles L................Matttawan IBaker & Richards.........Pa.... w Paw Blackmatn & Bartini.........Paw Paw Hlerron, A. H11...............Paw Pa w Stephenson 1& iustonl, Paw, aw. Chandler, A. HI...South Haveni Lillie, i. Mi.........Southl Haven Phillips, D. M.......Southlt iven Livery, Sale and Boarding Stables. Seymouir & High......l.Decatur Everett. I. I-1..................Lawre1nce Phelps, E....................Lawrence Rohinsoti, Alex...................Lawt ont Emory, P. I.................. Paw Paw Hiarwick & Buck................Paw Paw Sell, Moil................. South Ii naven Vandyck, 1. (............Souith laveti Lumber, Produce and Commission ILlerchants. 1 ainter, L......................1reelsville Hhaynes, James...........).ec atttr Rawson & Co......................Decatur Wallace, %. H.............Decatur Kinney, 4dams & Co. Lawton Adams. Jose pih B.............Mattawan Bass, 1. 11.......................Mattawan flayward, L. A.................Mattawan Van Vechten & Fitch.......Mattawan Fitch & Freeman.......... Pnw Paw Nash, Charles G................Paw Paw Sr.olk, Charles...................)Paw Paw Fuller, A. A................South HIaven MEA 347 MiAS AND BUSINESS DIRECTORY. F. G. Russell, Dealer in Staple and Fancy Dry Goods, Notions, Mil linery Good4. Boots, Shoes and Fur Goods. IDecatur. Green, Orrin...............South Haven Hannahs, George, South Ha2 -ven. Holden, C. N................South fHaven Jones, David..............South Haven LaFromway, S............South Haven Pedrick, John V........South Haven Penniman, A. T...........South Haven Stanton, Johln............South Haveii Valyin, John................South Haven Machinists. (See also FouEnlries and Jlcachine Shops) Eastiman. George................Geneva Worthington, W. W.............Geneva Ford, William..................... Lawton HIarrison, William...............Lawton Wright & Co.,............Lawton Rice, Norman...................Paw Paw Sinclair, 11......................1Paw Paw N Slash, S.......................Paw Paw Pat ton, Williamn L.........South IHaven Smith, W illiamt............South Haven Marble Works. Wilcox, Reuben.................Lawton Whitman, 1. A..................1Paw Paw % Masons. (Cuter, Erastns...............\r.lington Qnain, Daniel......................Bangor Shepard, Alonzo..................Bangor Stevens, N. 1)...................Columbia Botsford, H. XW............... l)Decatur Denoy, Charles...................Decatur,McCormick, George............ Decatur Myers, Jarvis L..................Decatur Rawson, Judson R...........Decatur Scott, James..............I)ecatur Smith, H........................Decatur Smith, Orson B..................Decatur Steele, Charles..................Decatur Petre, William..................Deerfield Abbott, James H...............Geneva Ball, John.........................Geneva Bogardus, B. F..................Geneva Boyd, Oliver........................Keeler Fowler, David.....................Keeler Wheeler,.1. L......................Keeler Bowles. George............Lawrence C unninghiam, Charles.......Lawrence Dereamer, William...........Lawrence Mentor, Frarnk W............Lawrence Taplin, George I............. Lawrence Nichols William..................Lawton Gilman, A. EI................Mattawan Harrison, A....................Mattawan Hitchcock, Marcus.........Mattawan Clay, C. M.....................Paw Paw Darling, Edgar.................Paw Paw Maxwell, F. H.................Paw Paw MIurray, Truman.............Paw Paw Hall, 11iram..................Pine Grove Strong, Philip..............Pine Grove Cooper, John E...................Porter Bogardus, 1B. F............South Haven Ellsworth, JoshIaI........South Haven Johnson, William.........South Haven Schrdll er, William......South Haven Sullivan, Elisha....South Haven Meat Markets. Brownbridge, T...............Decatur Carney & D)eBolt...............Decatur Taplin, Pollard...............Hartford Edwards, IHeniry.............La wrence Robinson, Jamtnes A.........Lawrence Lap.per, William............... Lawton 1larkle & Iiling.............Lawton Shepard & Campbell............Lawton Harrison, Georg-e P..........Mattawan Martin & Bragg..............Paw Paw Griswold, B. F............South Haven Marquett John............South Haven ~ -----,-'---~ - -- - -----! tl148 MIL v UHiREN COUNTY (AZETTEER NEW Higinis & Squier sell Groceries and Provisions cheap for cash, Decatur. Millers. (Se a/so (;,t milla.) Adtiis,. (......C................\lnena Miller, Daniel Ml.............. Iangor Slick, Peter.....................Decatur Iat t 11(ews, I oss.................Decatur i Sterling. David...................DecattitRowland. Eber...............Lawrence Stebbius. IHenry.................Lawrence Brown l. R.....................Paw Paw Bunt. loshua..................Paw P Paw\v Palmer..Itred.............P...aw Paw Servoss, J. 11....................Pa w Paw Youngs* William...............Paw Paw\ Keenholds, D)ewitt.......South IHaveti Millinery and Milliners. Ketchunm, Mrs. Ilary......... Hartford HBarniey, Mrs. L. M....Decatur MILLIUNERY EANCY ANT) Iv Store east side Phelps street, one door south 11. Arnold & Soit, Decatur, Micih. gE-A complete stock always on hand. Barney, Ella..................)Decatur Burch, Mrs. Jennie....I......Decatur Shier, MIiss A. L................Decatur Reed, Mrs. J. S..................Decatur Russell, F. (..............Decatur Smith, Miss Kate................)ecatur Coniomstock, Mrs. A. V........Lawrence Haynes, Misses L..J. & A. A.. Lawrence. YWaffle, nMrs. A........Lawrence MRS. A. WAFFLE, MILL IINERNY -- AN 0 -DRESS MAKING, OM-E(' CHADIWI(Ks SToRK, LAWNRENCE, AnIC11 Stamping and Embroidery patterns dlone to order. Abdott, Mrs. Mary.............. La t onI Parker, Iliss E...................LaNwtoon Smith, Mrs.........................Lawton Babcock, AMiss................ Nlatt awan Annable & Sinclair...........Paw Paw Ihoyt, Mrs. F. E...............Paw Paw King, Mrs. II.....................Paw %Paw Lyle, Miss Sara................Pa w Paw Odell, Mrs, 1-1. I..............Paaw Paw Oshorn, Ni4 sss ('C. A. & L1. W.), Paw Pa w. Stought von, Miss 11............Patw Paw St ny vesal t, Miss (.............Pa w Pawu 'liionipson, Mrs. L. A........Paw Paw Burlingame, E. S.........South ILavenr Foster. Misses 1. & J....Sottlh Ilave News Dealers and Stationers. ILeaevens, D. W....................Decaturt Manley, M.............Decat ur Glidden, P. A.............Lawton Glidden, IP. A............Paw Paw Moon & Clark......South Haven Newspapers & Job Printing. VAN BUREN CO(UNTY REPUBLICAN, (rep) published every Weldnesday, E. A. Blackman, editor _ __ I I ~ -------------------------------~'c"----- -I PA T AND BUSINESS DIRECTORY. PH Y 349 Buy your Crockery and Glassware of Higgins & Squier, Decatur. and proprietor; terms, $1.50 per year...........................Decatur TRUE NORTHERNER, (rep) T. O. Ward, editor and propr, published each Friday; terms, $1.50 per year........................Paw PLaw VAN BUREN COUNTY PRESS, (demni.) published each Monday, I. W. Van Fossen, publisher and proprietor; terms, $2.00 per year, Paw Paw. SOUTH HAVEN SENTINEL, (ind.) published every Saturday, William E. Stowart. editor and propr., terms. $2.00 per year South Haven Nurserymeln. Hlogmire, Mitchell II........Arlington ThIomas, Nathan S..............Decatur Coan, E. S.,............ South Haven Farnhanm, H. C...........South Haven Patent Attorney. Galligan, C. E...#.......Decatur Painters. Swarthbout, Stephen..........Arlington Eckenberger, John............Deca t ur Klurtz, S.....................Decatour McClung, Thomas...............Decal ur Velcouirt, Josepl)h.............Decatur Webster, E. B.................)Decatur George, William...................Keeler Clay & Roe...................Lawrence D)oane, John 1................Lawrence Marshall, Orrin................Lawrence D)ewey, B. K.....................Lawton Finch,. N. V........................Lawton Hlursen, s-........................ Lawton Moore, C. I.......................Lawton Price, W. E....................Lawton Winkle, Green.....................La.wt.on McFarland, G. D...........M...Mattawan Glidden, G. W..................Paw Paw Hayes, Edmund..............Paw Paw Surrine, John..................Paw Paw Steadman, H. M...............Paw Paw Voke & Leech.................Paw Paw Elmer. Curran..............Pine Grove Clark, Edwin...............South 1Haven Feegles, Delos F..........South Haven Knapp, Frank...........South iHaven Van Antwerp, G. W.....South Haven Photograph Galleries. Boughton, G. B.........Decatur Milispaugh, 0O. L....Lawrence Dey, Mrs. S. E............Lawton Anderson, D. R................Paw Paw Prater, J. I1....................Paw Paw Newman, L. R....South Haven Physicians & Surgeons. Ferguson, J. E...................Bangor D)elaplaine, B. F............Breedsville Alden, James...................Columbia Anderson, D. I.................Columbia Baker, Cliharles T.............Decatur Clark, C. S.........................Decatur Keables, J. T.....................Decatur Rogers,. 1................... Decatur Ross & McKelvey..............Decatur Cummings --...................Geneva Terrill, C. C.......................Geneva Shirer, James,........Haamilton Engle, W. A............Hartford Palm er, Milton F...............art ford Bartholomn ew, George............Keeler Sweet, J. Elliot....................Keeler Cleveland, E1dwardl S........Lawrence Haskins, A. S................. Lawrence Wiggins, O. B..................Lawrence Badlan, Otis G...........Lawton Barnes, George................. L..awton Beardsley. T. N...................Lawton Ford, L. J..........................L Jawto - ---- -- -- ----- -- -...,- -- __ I ___ _ _ VAN VAN UREN COUNTY GAZETTEER SA'W Buy your Fleur, Fe"4 and al of Higgins & Squier, Deentur. Griffliit, 1.,.....S............Lawton M1atthews, (ideon...............Lawton MeKinney, M. V. B.............Lawton BRIGGS, T1HOMAS 1H......Mattawan Brown, David................liattawan Dunning, E. B6.........Mattawan Andrews,.J...................Paw Paw Bitely, Eugene................Paw Paw1 Hathaway. W. B..........Paw Paw Maynard, C. S................Paw Paw Ocobock, IP.....................Paw Paw Odell, C. M.................Paw Paw Hewson, Williatn.........South Haven Moon, E. B................South Haven Moulton, A. N......South Haven ThomlpsonIA.,.....Sout h Haven Tobey. S. )................South Haven Woodman, L..........Soutlh Haven Mi:tson, Michael.........Pine (rove Planing Mills. (See slso Sash, J)oors and Blinds.) Nyny an,J. H.,...............Bangor Scrlmger, Wm. J...Breedsville Humphrey, J. H.......Decatur Prentiss & Rawson..Decatur Sutton & M errill............Lawrence Harwick, HI. V.......... Lawton Wallace,...'I................LawVton Hopkins, Josiah................Mattawan Malson, Williamson............Pawi Paw Knox, 0. C;...........Soiuth Haven Smith & Patton............South Haven Thompson. Howard & (Co., South IHaven. SalOonBS & Restauranets. (See also Billiard Halls) Brown, F. I.................Breedsville Field, WV. A. *................Deeantur Trowbridge, E..................Decatur uhigbhts & Perkins..Decatur Knights & Perkins, TOLEDO ALE DEPOT DECATUR, MICH. Jones, Chirles IHI..............Hartfordl Fletcher, Mrs. L. A.............Lawton MNlullen, S. F......................Lawton Stirfer, Alexander...........Mattawan Bennett, James..............Paw Paw King, H.........................Paw Paw M-oon, A. F.....................Paw Paw Ludwig & Dikeman, South Haven. T1hompson, Z. S...........South Haven Sash, Door and Blinds. (See also IPleningq Aills.) Wise, Walter & Co........Alnenta Nymnan, J. H...............Bangor Scriimger, Wmi. 1J..Breedsville PFrentits & Rltawson, )Decat ur Humphrey, J. H......Lecatur Harwick, H. V..........Law ton Saw Mills. Fisk, Stephen W..................Alniena Van Vechten & Fitch........ Antwerp Cobes, Giles G...............Arlington McCracken, V. 1.............Arlington Parker, -...................... Arlington Funk Brothers...................Bangor Mapes, WV. L.......................Bangor iNyman, J. H................Bangor Penrod, Isaac..............Bangor Brown, A. S................Breedsville Scrimger, Wm. J..Breedeville Clement, James L........Bloomingdale Crocker, E. F.............Bloomingdale Day, Dickinson & Co...Bloomingdale Day, Dummond & Co...Bloomingdale Holmem, S. & L. K......Bloomingdale ~___*1 ~~11..11~_ ~_ ~__~_ _ I_ STA AND BUSINESS DIRECTORY. TAN 351 Buy your Wall Paper of Higgins & Squier, Decatur. Howard, Z. C. & Co....Bloomingdale Ismon & Martin..........Bloomingdale Van Brunt, J...........Bloomingdale Anderson, Doctor............Columbia 1 adley, David..................Columbia Hadley & Cook.................Columbia Leathers, Charles...........Columbia Cuddeback, R. D................Decatur Kimball & Rich...................Decatur Warner, Jasper P..........Decatur Hawks & Lambert.............Deerfield Packard & Sons..............Deerfield Hall & Gates.................. Bennett Brothers...............Geneva Oakley & Metz....................Geneva Wenban, Clark & Co............Geneva Clafilln, J. W....................Hamlilton Nesbitt, Robert...............Hamilton Cook & Doty.....................Hartford Miles, Fabius............Hartford Sut ton & Merrill...........Lawrence Waldron c Alexander..........Lawton Kinne, E. G.....................Mattawan Ismon, 11. 4 H S...........Paw Paw Willard, I. W..................Paw Paw Adams, F. E................Pine Grove Clement, S. N. 4 W. P....Pine Grove Dimick, 8.....................Pine Grove Dycknian Hackman.....Pine Grove Everest Wise..........Piae Grove Kendall 4 Mills.............Pine Grove Gillman R oot.................Porter Clark & Whipple.............. Waverly Burnap, Rich & Merchant... Waverly Grimes I Hackard............Waverly Jones 4 Co.......................Waverly Byers, J. W...............South Haven Dickinson, Rogers 4 Co.South Haven Monroe 4 Brazee.........South Haven Slaughson, W..............South Haven Stave Factories. Goble, Warren............Bloomingdale Tibbals, William G. & Co....Decatur Kendall & Mills.............Pine Grove Stump Extractor. Galligan, C. E.*........Decatur Tailors. Sullivan, Michael...............Decatur Davis, George...............Decatur EIchelman, B............ Decatur Gall, Alexander...............Decatur Gall, Mrs. A.....................)Deeatur Himmel, Ediwardi............. Decatur Jordan, T. IH..................Decatur Prieste, Mrs. Jacob.............Decatur Robinson, Miss J...............Decatur Taylor, Amelia.................Decatur Morse, WIilliam G...........Hartford Hicks, A. )..................Lawrence Hope, Belle.....................Lawrence Buskirk, A. C....................Lawton Baker, Nellie................Mattawan Farr, S. B...................Mattawan Scott, Mrs. C...............Mattawan Lich, Conrad..............Paw Paw McKellar, William............Paw Paw Pah!ke, Williami............Paw Paw Clarkson, T. M............South Haven Montgomery, David...South Haven Pierce, Lorinda.....S...South Haven WaclsminUth, John, South Haven. Tanneries. Adams 4 Tuttle...........Breedsville Lapham 4 4Waterbury...Breedsville M1unger, A. D.......:.......... olumbia Rascoe 4Sons.................Columbia Nutting & Hendryx............Decatur Morrison, Robert M.........Deerfield Oakley. Metz..................Geneva Hendrick, Isaac B...........Lawrence Park. Sortore...............Paw Paw ------. ~_1111111111 __~~ _ ~_ ___ ~_~_____~ ~';-!~ i " ~~, -x 352 TAN VAN BUREM C 'Itathbon, E........South Haven T n(S o neris,.) Boyd, William J...........Breedsville Enos, A. P..........Breedsville Gesler, Adelbert............Breedsville Harold, C.............reedsvlle Keene, Will a a E..........Breedsville MCatlffre, 1..............Breedsville New,. Jon N..........""Breedsville Rascoe, A. F.o............Breedsville Razscoe. Adonirumn..........iBreedsville rascoe, 'Andrew...........Breedsvifle Rawson, Geprge............Breedsville Rossman, erge............Breedlsville Stetson. George...........l.reedville Veeder, Lewis,..........Blreedsville Ellis, lares.....................Decatur McDonald, Willini H.........Decatur Hand, Patrick..................Decatur Hendrick, E. B............... Lawrence Riickard, John..............Paw Paw Vickery, Manly................Paw Paw OUTNTY GAZETTEER WOO Tinners. (See also lCardware.) Capin, C. R...............-.Breedsville Cary, Marshall A......Decatur Cary, Willard E...............Decatur Pa.rker4 S. S................Deentur Symour, F. S8.................Decatur Torrence,,. H. T................Decatur Hall, Robert J...............Lawrence Cook, William.................Lawrence Stephenson, Daniel...........Lawrence Hitchcock, J. H..................Lawton Hitchcock, Fred.................Lawton Knox, Henry......................Lawton Dillon, John................ Mattawan Doughty, Francis............Paw Paw Roberts, 8,- A..............Paw Paw Smith, ). C......................Pavw Paw Smith, George..............Paw Paw Merryftield, Stephen......South Haven Woolen Factories. Nyanan, J. 1I................Bangor Kinney, Warren G............Paw aw 00 TE AL L-k LX10 RRslr'W)Rgel'ý) Ott, L~o NEWlasura cORe 0 TEN WINKEL & XcCUNE, Dotroit, Mich., Mianagers of Micohigan Branch. Profits of the Company Annually Divided. One-third of the Premium ayv remain as a LOAN. No Notes Required Organized on the MAtual Plan. Policies N xon-Fofrliabde. Thirty I)ays' Grace allowed( in Payment of Premiums. -After tdiree.years, wihen needed, assistance will he given in carrying the Policy to the amount of four-fifths of the 1Prewiuws already paid. Insured have the widesr liberty to travel without Extra Chafirge. No Poliev Fee required. POIfCIES INCJONTESTABLE for usual reasons. DR. GEO. BARNES, Lawton, Mich., Geneml Ageuit for tbeCounties of Allegan, Berrien, Cass, Kalamfazoo, Vaa Baren and tEato. WM. ROSS, M. D. Medical Examiner. ------ AND BUSINESS DIRECTORY. 353 0H. ARNOLD & SON, (iENERAL DEALERS IN IDRY GOODS! I ai- Rocn mC C=3 E I- s, C3- ae, 0 eatz & so, Which we offer to the public at the LOWEST CASH PRICES. We also keep coistantly on harid a hrgue and Cjoip1leta Assente~nt 4f Cas~ehexe kooo;1i~, e t' C1Gtltlr tix w-, e f-F: I g_ t,:tl AlsIo a lare a'ssortnmet of4 BROADCLOTHS, DOESEINS & BEAVERS. 0 -- -DONE IN THELATEST AND BEST STYLES. All desiring a 4OOD FIT should not fail to call on I..A.R~oI:8D &; S:OY, Before purchasing elsewhbere. East Side Phelps St. - - - Decatur, Mich. Orr " I i...,Li i. i ii.iJ iii4