^^^^#^"1^^^' i^.|^UNCORPORATED 1885 »^S JANUARY, 1890 ^^-^ Revised with New Additions ^:0 GKO. S. MOON, C. A. HUGGIXS, PRESIDENT- SECRETARY. — * THE ¥ ^-^^^^^-^ Seioto Buggy Company WHOLESALE MANUFACTURERS FOR THE TRADE Nos. 272-296^ . •r^i.^^ i_ _^ _ r\i^ : ^ r i rr TX ^f?^"^ NORTH XHIRD SXICKEX, -:« Colambas, Ohio, U.S. fl. *^SJ M NOT I C K fE use the full slotted Brewster Fifth Wheel with Derby Top on all double-perch regular livery Buggies. All axle nuts are full plated, either gold or silver, on regular livery Buggies. We use the Brewster Whip Socket on all regular livery vehicles. On our Phaetons we use the large Wing Dash, with an elevated driver's rail, and with or without lamps on dash. We put the handsome End-Rail Dashes on our Surrey Wagons. Also, large English Flange Lamps, with patent finger drop. We trim our regular livery Buggy Seats inside. Read page 2 carefully for full description of the material we use, and for guarantee, shipments, freights, etc. *T© * Ovn ♦ t^arnGNs* C7r0/^ yo"'' hearty encouragement last year we sincerely thank you, and in our present business ^h location, with larger buildings and improved facilities for promptly supplying the demands of trade, we hope to be able to give the most perfect satisfaction to all who favor us with their orders during the present year. Our goods are improved in many features over last year, and we have added new and handsome styles of the VERY LATEST DESIGMS. We assure the Trade the UTMOST CARE in the PAINTING and FINISHING of all goods, and that all shall be uniform in quality of stock used and have our splendid finish. We are located within three minutes' walk from the Union Passenger Depot, on North Third Street, near Naghten. Come and see us, or send for Price List. DESCRIPTIVE— THE KIND OF STOCK WE USE IN ALL OUR VEHICLES. IVood IVork— Our Bodies are each of tbem first class in every feature, made of tliorongbly seasoned yellow poplar and ash, well pined, serewed and plugped. Corners all mitered, and corner irons at top. Gearins: — With double bent drop perches, of best selected second-gniwth hickory. The best seasoned hickory used in shafts, single- trees, bend-block and axle caps. Iron 'Work— Genuine steel axles, double collar half patent fan tailed, made after a special patent. Our Springs are made of the best spring steel, oil tempered and warranted. Extension edge steel lire, Norway clips, and gear irons, clip kingbolts, wrought-iron steps. ■^VlieelS— Strictly first class in every feature, of clean second-growth hickory, Sarven Patent and Banded in style, Pinneo & Daniel's make, of Dayton. All "wheels of the latest artistic patterns, as we look for beauty in a wheel as mtieh as in any other part of a vehicle. We use the genuine Brewster Scroll on nil our gears, and our reaches arc all edged up neatly lictween bolt Hats, making a very neat and stylish gear. Xrliumings— No. 1 fancy hand-buffed leather or wool dyed cloth. All No. 1 hand-buffed leather in tops and side curtains, except in Surrey Wagons: these are genuine rubber. Tubular bow sockets, and in all three-ljow tops the sockets arc leather covered. We tise the genuincBrewster >\hi]» Socket, leather covered, with duralile sjiriug inside to hold whip. Inside of socket is leather liued— no cheap metal affair, to be crushed out of shape the first time the whip is taken bold of in getting into the vehicle. Velvet rug. Grain leather, four-bar dash. mountlnKS— Gold, Silver or Blacli— Leather liuckle loops on all vehicles. Handles on all Buggies are made in connection with seat irons, finished black, and the neatest we can possibly adapt, besides being strong and free from liability to become loose or pulled off. Painting— A rich black and Brewster green, with double fine line glazed stripes. Fancy painted gears, such as carmine and " cherry colored," made when so ordered. We shall give special attention to the Finish, Trimming, Shape and Proportions, mechanically, OF all ot'R goods. GI7 AR ANXEE— If it is proven ttat any part of onr work fails on acconnt of defective material or workmanship within one year, and said part is returned to ns, we will replace it and pay freight one way. Shipments— All vehicles carefully boxed and delivered F. 0. B. cars, when our responsibility ceases. Freights- In every case the very lowest possible rates will be secured, and through Bills of Lading obtained whenever possible. Gears in '^hlte— We make same of all our vehicles, with either style body attached, to any spring we use, for the benefit of those who desire to buy in this way. Extras— Pole and Neck Yoke ; Rubber or Leather Boot in rear, ; Rubber Hood,.... ; Lazy Back ; Leather Panel Toe Pads Send for onr Prices, Don't throw this sheet aside nntil yon have given the snbjeot-matter the oarefnl attention yon wonld any important business matter. IT MAY MAKE YOU MONEY, e --!=- -■!'- — n PIo. 143. CVX-IJBIDER SVRREV -with Two Full Panel Back Seats. For description see page 5. — 3 — No. 143. CANOPY TOP CVX-UPJDER SURREY. For description see page 5. Description of Cut-Under Surrey. f HIS is a new design, and is a model ot artistic shape and lines. The body is 'ill concave sides and end, richly adorned with mouldings and medallions, extend- ing appropriately to the seats and seat backs, the rear seats having double swell panels. The vehicle hangs quite low, is extremely easy of access, has an abund- ance of room, and yet is very compactly built, possessing the merit of being light in its construction. We make them all with large fenders over both front and rear wheels, and large English flange lamps with patent finger drop. Drop front axle and four-bar end rail, grain front dash. — 5 — 1^ d'-^'c^- Via. 144. FOUR-PASSENGER EXTENSION-TOP CABRIOI^ET. For description see page 7. — 6 — Description of Four-Passenger Extension-Top Cabriolet. ■71 LATE pattern, and greatly admired for livery or family use. The body / hangs quite low, is easy of access, and very roomy. We can commend this vehicle to the Trade as makinsr The Best and Handsomest One-Horse Carriage in the market, possessing all the desirable practical features acquired in harmony of construction, and being entirely free from the time-worn objections of "Too heavy for one horse," "It hangs too high," etc. Made with drop front axle, spring back in rear seat, and large English flange lamps. Body, concave sides and ends, with appropriate mouldings and medallions. Four-bar end rail, grain dash. 7 — No. 2. CUT-UNDER SURREV, *iMii»^''*^;Miifel'-'y^i,f^i|j||!i'^^ *-^3 I IVo. 139. BEACH SIJRR.EV, hung on Elliptic Springs. — 9 - '/■ -0° J .o^V- <>5 ,C> f ^<^^ No. 136. RUSSIAN SURREY, witb Solid Back. Hung on Brewster Springs. — 10 — ^^ o 9d No. 137. RUSSIAIS PILLAR SEAT SVRREV. With round-cornered Russian Pillar Seats ; Body, concave sides and back ; Mouldings and Medallions on body and seats as shown in cut ; hung on Brewster Springs ; Dash is the end rail four bar, as shown in No 142. No. 140. Same as above, hung on Elliptic Springs. j^y .\V_ O A ^O. 14.2* Russian Concave Body, square stick Seats, with four bar curved Dash vifithout end rail. No. I4.I> Same as the above, hung on Brewster Springs. »,ii_ ^!i«- No. 19. X-WO-SPRIXG PHYSICIAN'S PHAETON. No. 20. THREE-SPRINCi PHYSICIAN'S PHAEXON. Made with Spring Back, with or without Lamps or Fenders, and on three , Springs. — '3 — J>!5^ J \0 r,- No. as. LOOP FRONT PHAETON, on Platform Springrs. No. 26. LOOP FRONT PHAETON, liung on Three Springs. — 14 — f .\] ^, -"^l *' 33b No. 21. EIVD-SPRIPiG PHAETON, with liVing: Dash. A new and handsome design. — 15 — *h c. o o r ISO. 15. XHREC-SPRIBiG PHAETON, with "Wing Dasti Lamps on Dash. All Phaetons made with springs in backs. i^ ss No. 18. Two-Spring Phaeton, Four-Post, Canopy Top. No. 17. Same as No. 18. Three-Spring. ALL PHAETONS MADE WITH SPRINGS IN BACKS. A vehicle easy of access, and a model of comfort for ladies or elderly persons. Hangs low, and has abundance of room in the seat. It is so well and favorably known that a lengthy description is unnecessary. Child'sseat put in front when desired. The Two-Spring Phaeton, for wear and general purposes, is certainly the leader for this class of vehicles. Our Canopy Top Phaetons are models of beauty and comfort. All Phaetons have single perch, and are made with round front. — 17 — ^^ 0" No. 78. JUMP-SEAT SVRRBV, with Canopy Top. Curtains, Lamps and Fenders. Hung on Brewster or End Springs — '^"" I*'**' 77- JUMP-SEAT SURREY, with Palling Top. Hung on Brewster or Elliptic Springs. — 19 — '/- Oo° ^ O ' n<> .o^- IVo. 97. CHIHF SPRUNG BUGOV, with Top. No. 96. Same as PJo. 97, -without Top. The Chief has many iiiiitaiions and infringers, but No Equals. jut^^ -^!^■ fV^ IVo. 86. BREWSTER SIDE-BAR WAGOBJ, ^ith Top. ^'- _vT^_ IVo. 88. BRE"WSXER SIDE-BAR WAGOIV, without Top. *,ii. ^!i^ IVo. 75. ELLIPTIC SPRIIVG BUGGY, with Top. No. 76. Same as No. 75, -without Top. / - 23 — O 4. / I*IO« 83. CORNING BODY, with concave sides and end, with moulding and medallions on both sides and end. No. 84. Same as No. 83, without Top. We also hang this Body on Brewster or Storm Springs. — 24 ■ ^1^ ^l^ ;>! "/■ -0° No. 8r. XIMKEX SPRIXG BUGGY, with Top. Xo. 82. Same as 81, without Xop. One of the easiest riding vehicles. The reputation this Spring has acquired speaks volumes, and every dealer knows ito value as a seller. 25 — 14^ 7