■I Smgrai i ^5*1^! 4m ALBERT PICKENS 134 KENRICK STREET BRIGHTON, MASS. ANNUAL SPRING SALE OF 100 HEAD OF Show & Saddle Horses & Hunters INCLUDING THE Entire Show Stable of Miss Jane Bancroft COHASSET, MASS. Monday Evening, April 17 Tuesday Evening, April 18 BEGINNING AT 8 P. M. TEL. ALG. 9732 COL. EARL B. THOMPSON AUCTIONEER FOREWORD It is with pleasure and confidence that we announce to the horse lovers of New England our annual Spring Sale of around 100 head of mannered Show and Saddle horses, hunters and ponies, Monday evening, April 17, and Tuesday evening, April 18. It has been our custom heretofore, and will continue to be our custom, to bring in animals suitable for the needs of the Eastern trade. This time we are striving to surpass all previous efforts in both numbers and quality of consignment. There will be about 25 to 50 head of show prospects and well- mannered park horses from the Marshal] Stables, Marshall, Mo., 25 head from William Overly, Sedalia, Mo., and 25 head of so-called acclimated and consigned horses. We mention especially the following show horses: From the stables of Miss Jane Bancroft, Cohasset, Mass. — The entire string of show horses, including "Likely Lady", "Peerless Princess", "Al Jolson", "Boots", "Treasure Box", and "Minute Man" — all nationally known horses. An offering from the stables of W. H. Rhoades, Lynn, Mass., in- cludes show and pleasure horses. We wish to thank our many friends for their attendance and patronage in the past, and assure you all a choice lot of horses for this sale. Ages, heights, marks and other characteristics are approximated by the consignor and are not necessarily guaranteed. Buyers and spectators are cautioned to take care of themselves while horses are being shown and sold. We urge all to keep behind the rail, for upon failure to do so and resultant injury therefrom, the Albert Pickens Co. disclaims all liability. Also this Company will in no way guarantee consigned or second hands horses, as we act as agents only. If an animal consigned is not paid for fully in cash or its equiv- alent, the consignor must receive it back as unsold, without attach- ing any liability to the Albert Pickens Co., and this also must in- clude the stoppage of payment by check. CONSIGNMENT OF MISS JANE BANCROFT COHASSET, MASS. 1 — "LIKELY LADY" (15594) — Mare 3 Gaited. Chestnut Mare, 15:1% — 9 yrs. Sire: "Guided By Love" — Dam: "Jane Ware". The property of Miss Jane Bancroft, Cohasset, Mass. "Likely Lady" stands supreme among the get of the famous "Guided by Love."... She is a beautiful chestnut with white markings, an outstanding saddle mare whose bloom has never faded and whose manners and individuality have joined together to make her one of the greatest horses of all time. She has rounded out the sixth year of her remarkable career, has participated in 44 major shows and has been passed upon by 41 of the 55 Am. Horse Show Ass'n judges. She has possibly been a competitor in more horse shows than any living horse. She has won scores of championships and stakes and possibly $20,000 in money. 2 — "PEERLESS PRINCESS" (18098) — Mare 3 Gaited. Bay Mare 15:314 — 7 yrs. "Peerless Princess" needs no introduction to the horse-loving public of the United States. She has been shown in practically every leading N. E. Show — Devon, Stamford, Brockton, Boston, etc., be- sides Cleveland, South Shore, Toledo and many others — has always been a winner, and for type and individuality is a hard mare to de- feat. I think if any one of the Bancroft horses has improved more than another in the past 2 years it has been "Peerless Princess." She is a good mare and every inch a show horse. 3 — "TREASURE BOX" — Mare 3 Gaited. Chestnut Mare, little white 14:1 — 9 yrs. "Treasure Box" has completed the 5th year of an unparalleled show ring career. She has participated in 29 major horse shows be- fore 33 different judges, more perhaps than any living pony. She has won 17 championships or stakes, 3 reserve championships and $4217 in money. She has been shown 86 times, winning 86 ribbons, 77 of which were championships or firsts; twice winning the national championship. 4 — "AL JOLSON" — Gelding — 5 Gaited. Chestnut Gelding — 15:3 — 8 yrs. "Al Jolson" is one of the cleverest horses both in harness and under the saddle that we have had the pleasure of selling for a good many months. He has been shown both in riding and driving classes in Stamford, Brockton, Springfield, Boston, etc. Has been ridden by Mr. Hugh Bancroft, Sr., quite a good deal — Mr. Bancroft being a heavy man — and this horse has carried him with ease through the par]' and over the bridle path. He is not only a show horse, but one of the best mannered pleasure horses in this sale. 5 — "MINUTE MAN" — Gelding — 5 Gaited. Roan Gelding — 15:2 — 6 yrs. "Minute Man" has won many combination and saddle classes the past year; was reserve champion to Lock Brown's "Belle Lee Rose" at Rochester and Springfield. He has a lot of quality and animation and can do five distinct gaits in form. In 1930 he was one of the best geldings along the coast and deserves a good home and a promi- nent place in any high class stable of show horses. 6 "BOOTS" — Gelding — 3 Gaited. Black Gelding, white markings 15 hands. "Boots" needs no introduction to the show horse world. Has repeatedly won numerous ribbons throughout New England and will make some youngster, either boy or girl, a desirable horse for the coming shows, and will win in many classes next season. 7 — CONSIGNMENT OF ALBERT PICKENS BRIGHTON, MASS. 8 — "GLORIOUS DAWN" — Mare — 3 Gaited. Bay Mare, little white — 15:1 — 6 yrs. "Glorious Dawn" has been a consistent winner during 1932. She is a nice mare in harness as well as under the saddle, has been ridden quite a bit by a girl, and we think is as good a prospect for the 1933 under 15:2 classes as will come out this year. She is de- serving of a good home and we trust will get one in a high-class sta- ble. CONSIGNMENT FOR WALTER JONES WARRENSBURG, MISSOURI 10 — "WEONA" — Mare — 5 Gaited. Bay and White Mare — 15:2 — 4 yrs. This is one of the flashiest, breediest green mares we ever had come in. To see her is to like her, and to say she is a winner for the coming shows is putting it mildly. A high priced mare. 11 — CONSIGNMENT FROM THE SUTHERLAND SHOW STABLES KANSAS CITY, MO. 12 — "FASTIDIA" — Mare — 3 Gaited Show Pony. Black Pony — 14 hands. "Fastidia" is really a good show pony. Mr. Sutherland writes us that she has won $3000 in one year. His 7-year-old boy rode her in several shows and has never been defeated, including twice at the American Royal, Kansas City, Mo. This is a pony fit to go in any real top stable and make himself conspicuous. CONSIGNMENT OF WILLIAM OVERLY SEDALIA, MO. 14 — "THE VAGABOND" — Gelding — 5 Gaited. Dun Gelding — a- bout 15:3 — 5 yrs. Truly a pretty horse, clever, well mannered and consistent in his gaits. An ideal pleasure horse for park or bridle path and at- tractive wherever seen. Don't overlook him. CONSIGNED FROM SLOAN BROS. CAMERON, MO. 16 "ARCHBISHOP" — Gelding — 5 Gaited. Brown Gelding — 15:3 — 5 yrs. "Archbishop" is one of the richest colored brown horses you have had a chance to look at for many days — really clever, and an attraction in any stable. Take him with you the night of sale. 17 — CONSIGNMENT OF L. K. NICKERSON DEDHAM, MASS. 18 — "BOOGER RED" — Chestnut Gelding — 3 Gaited — 14:3 — 7 yrs. "Booger Red" is really a little show horse, but with manners enough to ride with safety in the street or on the bridle path; has been successfully shown by a young girl ; has been in the ribbons both singly and in pair classes, and is ready to show today, tomor- i-ow, or next year. You can rest him a month and get right on him and ride. 19 — CONSIGNMENT OF MRS. T. B. GANNETT MILTON, MASS. 20 — "HOLLYWOOD BOY" — Gelding — 3 Gaited. White Gelding — 16 hands. "Hollywood Boy" has been shown only once and was in the rib- bons at that time. He is a safe, clever hack, gentle in the streets, has prompt walk, good easy trot and canter, and is an ideal pleasure horse suitable for lady or gentleman. 21 — CONSIGNMENT OF MISS BARBARA PHILLIPS PAWTUCKET, R. I. 22 — "RED LION" — Gelding — 5 Gaited. Bay Gelding — 16:1 — 7 yrs. This is a high class gelding; has been ridden by a 15-year-old girl through the bridle paths and on the roads ami is an ideal pleas- ure or show horse ; has been in the ribbons whenever shown, and is deserving of a good home in some prominent stable. 23 — CONSIGNMENT OF ALFRED MORRISSETTE FALL RIVER, MASS. 24 "POP OVER" Mare 3 Gaited. Brown Mare 15 hands, 8 yrs. "Pop Over" is truly a versatile horse, drives single and double, plays polo, jumps consistently and well, and is an all-around horse. She was first at Jacobs Hill, Portsmouth, and Newport last season, and will speak for herself on the night of sale. She is in the pink of condition and ready to show now. 2S — CONSIGNMENT OF T. W. RHODES LYNN, MASS. Mr. Rhodes is consigning the remainder of his stable of show and pleasure horses. He has always endeavored to keep animals suitable for the needs of the times and has been a prominent exhibi- tor in the local shows of New England, and his consignment will merit consideration. CONSIGNMENT OF MARSHALL STABLES MARSHALL, MO. Lack of space prevents us from cataloguing the entire consign- ment of the Marshall Stables. A few of the offering follow: 26 "REVELATION" — Gelding — Hunter — Heavy weight. Brown Gelding — 16:1 — 6 yrs. "Revelation" is indeed a real type of weight carrier. Safe to ride, and is taking his "jumps" in form, and with just a little more practice will make a reliable, heavy weight hunter. 27 — "SILVER STREAK" — Gelding — Green Hunter. Grey Gelding — 16:2 — weight about 1300. With a trot and canter as easy and ridable as a 900-lb. horse, a color the best in the world, and bone and foot to carry his weight, "Silver Streak" stands out as a perfect type of horse for a heavy man to hack or hunt. 28 — "IMPERIAL" — Gelding — Hunter. Bay Gelding — 16:2 — 7 yrs. How long has it been since you've seen a big horse with type "Imperial" has? Long, keen neck, nice head, good shoulders and heart girth — plenty of size to carry a big man — and a horse that really jumps as he should. 29 — "HUMPTY-DUMPTY" — Gelding — 3 Gaited and Hunter. Bay Gelding 15:3. "Humpty-Dumpty" is really a good horse, plenty of type and manners, lot of front and substance, and best of all, he is making a good jumper. 30 "BOOJUM" Pony 3 Gaited Gelding. Black Pony, white markings — 14:2. This is about the best marked pony you've seen — watch eye, blaze face and 4 white sox — imagine a color like that! — and clever as a sheep in harness. 31 — "FANCIFUL" — Mare — 5 Gaited. Pinto Mare 15 hands. A show pony for true. Set tail, head in the right place, and can she rack and trot! Oh boy, to see her is to say "She is mine." Don't overlook this one. 31A — "THE LEADING ISSUE" — Gelding — 3 Gaited. Brown Geld- ing, white star — 14:3 — 6 yrs. This boy can bounce off both ends like a rubber ball. He's fresh from the country and has never seen a show ring, but he's ready to do the job any time. CONSIGNMENT OF MR. ALLAN J. WILSON BOSTON, MASS. 45 — "GIRL O' MY DREAMS" — Mare — 3 Gaited. Grey Mare 3 white feet — 15 ij — foaled 1927. Bred by W. C. Van Hoy, Co- lumbia, Ky. By "Lawrence Rousseau" (2744) son of "Red Bird" — G. (1956). Here's the one for you boys who want real show horses. If you want one for the big stakes don't overlook her. One of Kentucky's horsemen who has worked "Nancy Highland" says this mare has ways a lot like her. A little thin of flesh, as she has been roughed all win- ter. 46 "WILD PATSY" — By "Wild Rex" — Mare — 3 Gaited. Bay. Mare 15 hands. A well known mare at most all the shows. Wonderful confor- mation. Well broken to ride or drive and i« being sold as we have another horse in the same class. 47 — CONSIGNMENT OF MISS MARJORIE DIEHL WELLESLEY, MASS. 48 — "RED ACE" — Gelding — 3 Gaited. Chestnut Gelding, some white 15:3. One of the nicest big geldings you will have a chance to buy for many months. An ideal park or pleasure horse up to carrying plenty of weight and with all the type any one horse needs. Digitized by the Internet Arciiive in 2009 witii funding from Boston Library Consortium IVIember Libraries littp://www.arcliive.org/details/annualspringsaleOOalbe 31B — "BEAU IDEAL" — Gelding — 5 Gaited. Chestnut Gelding; little white 15:3. This horse is all set for the coming shows. He is the type for lady or gentleman, broken to harness and saddle and is good enough to go anywhere with. Consigned from Hartford, Conn., where he has made himself conspicuous for several seasons. 31C — "IMPERIAL" Gelding — 3 Gaited. Black Gelding, little white 15:3. Here's an ideal family horse. Too much in his favor cannot be said. Safety and comfort in gaits his motto, and broken to the queen's taste with a combination of looks and size. 31D — "LOYOLA" — Mare 5 Gaited. Black Mare 15:2 i^ — 5 yrs. "Loyola" has been ridden by both ladies and gentlemen and can do five d'stmct gaits in form. With 30 days more feed and work, she's ready for the big ones. 31 E — "PLEASURE" and "PASTIME" — Geldings — 3 Gaited. Chest- nut Geldings, white markings — 14:3 and 15:1. Too much recommendation can hardly be placed on this pair of chestnut horses. Royally bred, both mannered to perfection and pretty enough to take the eye of the most critical observer. 31F "HALO" Gelding Green Hunter. Grey Gelding 16 hands — 7 yrs. One of the good offerings of the sale. Up to carrying weight| type enough for anybody, and oh boy ! will he take the jumps when he goes into them? Don't overlook him; he's a hard sort to find. 3lG — "PLUTARCH" — Gelding — 3 Gaited. Brown Gelding — 15:3 — 5 yrs. A real show prospect for some one. Can be ridden by youngster or grown-up, man or woman, and all the type in the world. Accli- mated in the West and shipped on just a short time ago, but is doing fine and will soon be in shape to show. 32 — CONSIGNMENT FROM JOSEPH LAKEY ODESSA, MO. 33 — "FRIVOLITY" — White and Tan Gelding — 15:3. What a front! What a trot! And look him all over for type and quality. Thoroughly acclimated and ready to work; hard as nails and pretty as a peacock. 34 — CONSIGNMENT OF JAMES L. BARNEY 35 "GENERAL CASTLEMAN" — Gelding — By "King Barrymore"; dam: "Margaret Castleman" by "Sir Bourbon"; granddam "Ev- elyn Nesbitt" by "Chester Dare." Foaled April, 1927. Stands 16:2 hands. Chestnut with some white. Safe for hacking anywhere. Looks the class. Owner must sell or this horse would not be your opportunity. Shows unusual apti- tude for jumping and if the occasion demanded would soon develop into a high class middle weight jumper. 36 — CONSIGNMENT OF OLIVER FERGUSON SOUTH BRAINTREE, MASS. 37 — "MITZIE LOU" — Mare — 3 Gaited. Chestnut Mare, white markings — 15:1 — 7 yrs. "Mitzie Lou" has been shown considerably throughout the N. E. states, having competed in pair classes and singly. Her record needs no elaboration as she has been a conspicuous figure in many local classes. Has been ridden in the last couple of years alm.ost ex- clusively by a girl and is a high class show mare deserving of a good home. 38 — CONSIGNMENT OF W. H. BALFOUR CHATHAM, MASS. 39 — "VIVACIOUS" Mare — 3 Gaited. Chestnut Mare, white mark- ings — 15:1 — 6 yrs. "Vivacious" has proven herself not only a reliable show pros- pect and a lady's or gent's saddle horse, but a brood mare of no mean ability. She has one of the nicest foals at home one sees in a long time. Royally bred, sired by "Arlethas Easter Cloud," a son of the great "Easter Cloud." CONSIGNMENT FROM THE WILLIAM TELL STOCK FARM 40 — "MYSTERY MAN" — Gelding — 3 Gaited. Black Gelding — 16 hands — 5 yrs. Here is a show prospect of the highest order. Clever to ride on path or in the park, always on parade, and an ideal pleasure mount as well as a candidate for the coming over 15:2 classes this year. 41 — "COPPER KING" Gelding — Hunter — Heavy Weight. Chest- nut Gelding — 16:3 — 8 yrs. A qualified hunter, a consistent jumper in any country, and what's more, a nice big horse. Don't overlook him if you're looking for a heavy weight hunter and man's size gelding. 42 — "RED ROCKET" — Gelding — Hunter. Bay Gelding — 16 hands — 6 yrs. A qualified hunter or hack for a woman ; type to let and ready to go right on to using now — in the hunt field or on the bridle path. 43 — "ENCHANTMENT" — Gelding — Hunter. Grey Gelding 15;2 4 yrs. Qualified and sound and the best dappled grey gelding his size you've seen for many a day. Built to stand the gaff and ready to do his part any time. 44 — t f 1 ei ■ 1 n I- 11^