mimTOWN CARRIAGE CD dd o TUFTS UNIVERSI1 3 9090 013 408 972 O ISC WECT0Wt(MIAGE-(9' - CARRIAGE BUILDERS - 1870 CATALOGUE, 190Q WATERTOWAl, 7^EW YORK.U.S.A. 31 A Pair of Prize Winners Hitched to Our Little Wonder. INDEX OF STYLES Style No. Page. Sty] ■ No. Page. Style No. Page. 40 Suburban Wagon 92 240 Buckboard 27 44* San Francisco Business Wagon 59 4* Suburban Wagon lent under) 93 240M Buckboard 27 45° Concord Road Wagon . 60 45 Catskill Wagon 94 242 Buckboard 2 S 4? 5 Punt Concord . 61 05 Delivery Wagon 95 2 4 2!iP.uckboard, Natural Wood 2* 456 Thomas Concord 62 no Delivery Wagon us *43 Buckboard 2* 46° Main Punt °3 1 12 Queen Cabriolet , 243HKuckboard, Natural Wood 28 465 Three Perch Concord 64 113 Cabriolet, Full Coach Gear 244 Buckboard 2^ 470 Panel Side Concord 65 ■ 17 Cabriolet, Extension Top 4 246 Buckboard 20 471 Panel Side Concord 66 118 Light Half Platform Cabriolet ; 247 Burkboard X) 472 Pacific Coast °7 no Miniature Cabriolet 6 248 Buckboard *0 471 Pacific Coast, t-inch job. '.o-inch body 67 I2-. Miniature Cabriolet 6 250 Newport Buckboard t" 475 Pinnacle Park Wagon 68 im LightOne Horse Cut-under Surrey, Panel Triumph Buckboard 3' 4;'' Pinnacle Park Wagon, Canopy Top 68 Seats 7 152 Stiver Boulevard Wagon 32 4S0 Pinnacle Park Wagon, Spindle Seat 68 !22j$Light One Horse Cut under Surrey 3 >S Top Buggy 484 Triumph >pin5 Gentlemen's Driving Wagon 47 539 Runal t Cushion Tires So Seat 16 4l6 Panel Seat Driving Wagon 48 54° Knockabout Wi-nn 82 194 Light One Horse Surrey. Fxtension Top 16 417 Panel Seat I truing Wagon 4» 541 Knockabout, with Top S3 195 Light One Horse Surrev. Stick Seats 17 424 Runabout 44 542 Saratoga Cut-under 86 202 Close Top Stanhope 18 42s Runabout 50 s4.< Lenox Cut-under 87 207 Stanhope Roll up Top 10 426 Road Waeon 51 544 Ridgeticld Cut-under Ss 2^8 Light Stanhope 20 4-*7 Runabout 52 55° Cushion Tire Buckboard. Three Pen 1 8| 212 Medium Stanhope 21 430 Triumph Road Wagon Si 552 Cushion Tire Buckboard. Triumph S| 213 Cushion Tire Stanhope 2, 431 Boston 1 loncord 54 SO" Bolster Bike. Concord .. 84 216 Storm Wagon 4,2 Boston Concord 54 572 Cushion Tire Concord. Three Perch 85 22S Buckboard 433 Bo ton 1 loncord 54 573 Cushion Tire, Side Spring 9' 229 Buckhoard ; 3 Heavy Collector's Concord 55 576 Cushion Tire, Concord. Triumph 85 230 Buckboard. Natural Wood 2j 435 Imperial Concord, Js-inch job 5" 589 Elliptic Top Buggy, Cushion Tire 89 232 Buckboard 436 Imperial Concord, i-inch job 5° Triumph Gear and Wagon Jack 96 232 J2 Buckboard, Natural Wood .5 440 Business Concord, r B -inch job 57 Poles 97 233 Buckboard 25 441 Business Concord, i-inch job 57 Telegraph Code 98 99 100 234 Buckboard 26 445 Kooniv Concord, H-inch job 5 s Guarantee 07 235 Buckboard 44" R ny Concord, i-inch job 58 Wood Spring Bars furnished in place of Bailey Hangers, if desired. No. 1 1 3. Queen Cabriolet, Full Coach Gear. No. I 18. Light Half Platform Cabriolet. fiiW^ No. 119. Miniature Cabriolet. No. 120. Same as above on three Springs No. I 29. Ladies' Park Surrey. No. 1 58. Light Surrey. in No. 1 90. Canopy Top Surrey. No. 193. Light, One Horse Surrey, Panel Seats. No. 1!«';. Same as No. 193 with Stick Seat Front. No. 194. Same as No. 1,93, onlj with Leather Extension fo[ No. 207. Stanhope. No. 208. Light Stanhope. 20 No. 2 1 2. Medium Stanhope. No. 213. Same as above, only l' s inch Cushion Ti 2] No. 216. Storm Wagon. No. 228. Buckboard. No. 22'.). Same as above on Shulcr Springs. No. 230. Buckboard. No. 232. Buckboard. No. 232,'^. Same as above, onlj finished in Natural W, X,,. 233. Same as No SA2 on Shuler Springs. No. 234. Buckboard. No. 235. Same a- above on Shuler Springs. 26 No. 240. Buckboard. N... L'4ll',. Same as above, .inly Painted. No. 242. Buckboard. No. L'4L",. Same as above, only finished in Natural Wood. No. 243. Same as No. 'l\'l on Triumph Springs. No. :'4:-i',. Same as No. 243, only finished in Natural Wood. No. 244. Same as No. 242 on Shuler Springs. 28 No. 246. Buckboard. No. 247. Same No. 248. Same Triumph Springs. Lockwood Springs. No. 250. Newport Buckboard. Suspended on our Triumph Gear (Patented). 30 No. 251. Triumph Buckboard. Suspended on our Triumph Ciear (Patented). 31 No. 252. Stiver Boulevard Wagon. No. 324. Heavy Corning. Special Gear Construction. 33 No. 327. Gates Wagon. No. 325. Old Comfort Buggy. 35 No. 3 1 5. Three-Quarter Top Buggy. No. 345. Popular Corning. No. 350. Popular Piano. 38 No. 360. Bracket Front Corning. No. 365. Bracket Front Corning. Suspended on our Triumph Clear (Patented). Id No. 370. Triumph Corning. Suspended mi our Triumph ( iear i Patented I No. 371. Georgian Suspended on our Triumph Gear (Patented). \2 No. 380. Stiver Wagon with Top. No. 403. Stiver Road Wagon. No. 404. Same style as ab 46 No. 424. Runabout. 49 No. 425. Runabout. No. 426. Road Wagon. No. 427. Runabout. No. 434. Heavy Collector's Concord. (((((( i No. 435. Imperial Concord. No. 431,. Same as above, only 1 inch axles and 1 inch wheels. 56 No. 448. San Francisco Business Wagon. 59 No. 450. Concord Road Wagon. No. 455. Punt Concord. • ;i No. 456. Thomas Concord. No. 460. Maine Punt. 63 No. 465. Three-Perch Concord. No. 4H5. Same a^ above, suspended on our Triumph Gear (Patented). No. 470. Panel Side Triumph. Suspended or our Triumph clear (Patented) 65 No. 471. Panel Side Concord. 66 No. 472. Pacific Coaft. Suspended on our Triumph ( Seal i Patented I No. 4 7:> . Same as above, only 1 inch axle, 60 Suspended on our Triumph Gear (Patented I. No. 476. Same as above, with Canopy Top. No. 480. Same as above, with Spindle Seat. No. 475. " Pinnacle" Park Wagon. Suspended on our Triumph Gear (Patented . No. 4S4. Same as above, onb 1 inch axle, 62 inch bod 69 No. 486. Suspended on our Triumph Gear (Patented). No. 490. S u -|»-nd<-d on ,1.11 Triumph I iear I Patented I . No. 500. Two-Minute Speeder. No. 5 I 4. Little Wonder. No. 519. Bolster Bike. No. 520. Stiver Bik € No. 525. Caffrey Wagon. No. 538. Brewster Bike. $m No. 534. Full Stock Axle Bike. No. 550. Cushion Tire Buckboard. Same as above, suspended on our Triumph Gear i Patented No. 540. Knockabout Wagon. No. 541 . Knockabout, with Top. No. 560. Boston Bike Concord. No. 543. Lenox Cut-Under. No. 544. Ridgefield Cut-Under. No. 589. Cushion Tire? Corning Body if wanted. No. 512. Cushion Tire Bike Stanhope. 90 No. 573. Cushion Tire Side Spring. Piano Bud\ .1 wanted, Suspended on our rriumph lirar (Pate No. 40. Suburban Wagon. Natural Wood only. 92 No. 65. Crank Axle, Short Turn Delivery. No. f)6. Same as above, only 1 ' + inch axle* and wheel 95 TRIUMPH GEAR OUR TRIUMPH GEAR speaks for itself. Tt has more desirable features than any other side spring gear. It is so constructed that the center or bi springs serve a double purpose, i. e., both a brace and equalizer, conse- quently you get less side motion than on any other side spring gear. Put your whole weight on one step of the TRIUMPH and watch the result, then go through the same op- eration on any other side spring gear vehicle and you will find the TRI- UMPH goes down level, while the others ca side. There have been over 30,000 vehicles gear sold, and so far as we know there has ne a spring broken, and its riding qua " passed. It is justly entitled tc TRIUMPH. The Only Equalizing Side Spring Gear Ever Built HERCULES WAGON JACK BUILT in two sizes, buggy and surrey. The handiest and most useful tool around a stable or repository. One man can easily elevate a carriage with it, which is very convenient when oiling or washing. POLES I N A D D I T I O N to our regular line of vehicles, we build a line of high and medium grade poles, which are described below. In or- dering be careful to give the catalog number of pole, kind of shackles, Bradley, Bailey, or common eye, color and stripe and width center to center of eyes. No. 519, Single liend, for Hike vehicles, made o) strictlj second growth hickory, sword end singletrees, hand shaved neck yoke, ironing hand forged throughout, double stay braces with solid con- nections, best double lock, milled fit double and single tree plates, best grade bronze metal hand plated pole and yoke tips, neck yoke center, check and evener straps, best oak tanned leather, hand stitched; a ! Nos. 539, 415 and 151, Single in XXX stock. No. 115, Double Bend cabriolet pole, made from selected XXX slock, ferruli singletrees, nickel cockeyes, ironing hand forged throughout, double stay braces, best double lock, milled fit whiffletree plates, best grade yoke and pole tips hand plated, best second growth hickory, hand shaved neck yoke, neck yoke center, check and evener straps, best oak tanned leather, hand stitched. No. 40, Single Bend, ironed same as No. 151. Finished in natural wood, plated mountings, neck yoke, center check and evener straps hand stitched. No. 44, same as No. 40, only Double bend. Nos. 350, Single bend, and loo. I'. Grade, Double bend, made from XXX stock, ferrule end singletrees, iron- ing hand forged, double stay braces, plated mountings, neck yoke ictlv firs nd, mad r, check and evener straps hand Nos. 190, C Grade. Double Bend, and 350, C Grade, Single Bend, common surrey and buggy pole, made from XXX stock, nicely finished and a good, serviceable pole at a moderate price. Style TELI Word No. Word Aback .".... Ash Abduct Abridge Abate" 118 Wst 'W'-lf Air " Abai.d iEd mZ b % A \!,wc Ache Allow Abuta Albino Action Apt Adhere Admire Admit Agape Able Acetic Aisle m Alliance Allure Add '^08 Alma Alloe Album Against Deer " TELEGRAPH CODE, 1909 AXLES AND TRACK Track Beam "a incb Arc' Axles, it. Trad Track Beans Break Track Bird Bid Kite Track Busy •Roller. If Empire Ball lie armg Axle are wantet add th word "1 COLOR OF RUNNING PARTS TRIMMINGS Style No. i.'.imh Drop Axles 5 ft. Trick i,',. inch Arch Axles, ; ft Track i's inch Axles. 4-8 Track iH inch Axles. ; ft. Track ,% inch Axles. 4-8 Track ', inch Axles, s ft. Track TELEGRAPH CODE, 1909 WHEELS WITH STEEL TIRES Lock & Jewell Wheels, % inch tread, 40 and 44 inches high -Lock & Jewell * hee's, % inch tread, 40 and 44 inches high -Lock & Jewell Wheels, 1 inch tread, 40 and 44 inches high -Lock & Jewell Wheels 1 inch Lead, 42 and 40 inches high -Handed Wood Hub Wheels. H inch tread, 40 and 44 inches high -Handed Wood Hub Wheels, 3 /, inch tread. 42 and 46 inches high -Banded Wood Hub Wheels, % inch tread, 40 and 44 inches high -Banded Wood Hub Wheels, Ve inch tread. 12 and 46 inches high -Banded Wood Hub Wheels, 1 inch tread, 4= and 46 inches high -Banded Wood Hub Wheels. 1 ' » inch Cushion Tire. 40 and 44 inches high If Channel Tires are wanted on above Wheels, add word "Channels" Word Coan — Sarven Patent Wheels fs inch tread. 3S and 42 inches high Cap -Sarven Patent Wheels H inch tread, 40 and 44 inches high —Sarven Patent Wheels 3 4 inch tread, 40 and 44 inches high Calm -Sarven Patent Wheels -}£ inch tread, 42 and 46 inches high Coke -Sarven Patent Wheels ■ 6 inch tread, 40 and 44 inches high Cool -Sarven Patent Wheels, 7 & inch tread, 42 and 40 inches high Coal -Sarven Patent Wheels 1 inch tread, 40 and 44 inches hieh Clay San en Patent Wheels 1 inch tread, 42 and 46 inches high Clove —Sarven Patent Wheels 1 1 g inch tread, 42 and 4'' inches high Clamp —Sarven 1'atent Wheels 1 % inch tread, 42 and 4t> inches high If Rubber Tires are wanted on above Wheels, add word "I \. Leather Top, 3 Bows Erie 1 Leather Top, 3 Bows Knos . 2 Leather Top, 3 Bows 1 " .3 Leather Top, 3 Bows Effort ,,4 Rubber Top, 3 Bows, Leather Quarters and Hark Stavs Eagle TOPS No. 3 Leather Top, 3 Bows Engage English Canopy Tc No. Rubber Top, Hows Emblem Leather Extension N Rubber Top. Bows Eaves Rubber Extension Surrey Canopy To] Wagon Canopy Ti ... Embark Endure Endeavor POLES No. iqo, B Grade No 350, P, Grade No. 190, C Grade No 350, CGrad* Rubber Back Boot Leather Back Boot Welt Top Hood EXTRAS TELEGRAPH CODE, 1909 QUESTIONS ANSWERS Word Word HAKM-Ship.-ilnnce-l.se the axle words for style number, axle track, wheels, MAKT-Can ship at once-See code in our catalog for explanation. printiiv trimmina top pole or shafts. Mate— W e quote you price net cash -See code 111 our , utaloe. for explanation. HEAO-Can\ou ship-Use the code words for style and descriotion Meal-Wc quote vou prue three months note, or three per cent thirty days on- Hallett- Wire hest price— I'se the i ode words' for style and description. See code m our catalog for explanation. _ HEip-Wrife best price - Tse the code words for style and description. MEAT-Order not enough to fill car. Can we put in-See code in our catalog for HE, snTe S a;;ode;c"ip,ion akeSiSh,t ' raf, ' bm ^ ^^"^ "* ""^ '" Mat- P Roo„, in car for-See code in our catalog for explanation. Hand— Prefer as ordered, but if you cannot ship promptly send— Use codewords Mallet— What shall we send? Use code in answenng-See code in our catalog for style and description. Hall— If room in car, add to order-l'se code words for style and descr ption. Marks— Cannot fill order QUOTATIONS s described, but can ship— See code in our Word Word Rabbin *5"0 oo Range Race 400 oo Rank Rack .... .30000 Rancid 35 00 Word Raven 1 ' Raw Ray '° °° Rose Rear Reef Reel 8 00 Raft..! 100 00 Rant . Rap Qs 00 Rap 20 00 rs<*g. ^3 "" K .V Rage 90 00 Rapid Raid 85 00 Rare Rail So 00 Run Rain 75 oo Rash Kake .. 7° 00 Rat Rallv 65 00 Rate Ram 60 00 Rath Ramp 55 oo Rave Ranch. . 5000 loco Rent Rifle Slug Rink 25 EXAMPLE The following example will show how to use code: Code— Harm Aldine Meaning— Ship at once. Style No. 315, % inch A Code— Cave Meaning— Handed wood huh wlie.-ls, ".. inch tread, 42 and 4'' inches hied Belt Flag Dark green running part. OUR GUARANTEE Green cloth" trimmings. No. 1 top. We guarantee all our work one year from date of or faulty workmanshin, we will replace free of charge, when This guarantee does not apply to damages resulting fr NOTE— All parts returned must be properly tagged w original purchase. Breakage occurring within that time, by reason of defective n such part is returned to us for our inspection, charges prepaid, m accident, misuse or neglect, th shipper's name, as well as our name and address, and shipping bill mailed to us. """" No claim will be con sidered unless foregoing conditions are complied with. o ffian