> "i ■i>2igt !^"%. j^^ffi /^ c 1 JOHNA.SEAVERNS 3 9090 014 559 716 W tokw Famiiy Ubrary of \fatennafy Mediciwe Curanwigs School of Veterinary Medicine at Tuf^s University 200 Westboro Road North Grafton, MA 01536 COLORED PLATE BOOKS AND THEIR VALUES Book G)nectofs Series No. t Colored Plate Books And Their Values sporting Books ^ Works on Natural History, Travels ^ etc., that are illustrated with colored plates. Selected from recent English and American Catalogues of Reliable Dealers in Rare Books with prices of each lot. TO WHICH IS ADDED The Remarkable Library of Colored Plate Books collected by the late William C. Dulles of Philadelphia sold at auction Dec. 10-12, 191 2, by the Anderson Auction Co. of New York, with their prices. A GUIDE FOR LIBRARIANS, COLLECTORS AND BOOKSELLERS EDITED BY FRANCIS p. HARPER PRINCETON, N. J. FRANCIS P. HARPER 1913 3 SELECTIONS WERE MADE FROM THE FOLLOWING FIRMS* CATALOGUES Bartlett.— N. J. Bartlett & Co., 28 Cornhill, Boston, Mass., U. S. A. Brown. — William Brown, 5 Castle Street, Edin- burgh, Scotland. Bumpus. — John & Edward Bumpus, 350 Oxford Street, London W., England. Commin. — James G. Commin, 230 High Street, Exeter, England. Edwards. — Francis Edwards, 83 High Street, Marylebone, London W., England. Goodspeed. — Goodspeed's Book Shop, 5A, Park Street, Boston, Mass., U. S. A. Harper. — Lathrop C. Harper, 437 Fifth Avenue, New York, U. S. A. Hill.— W. R. Hill & Son, 70 Charing Cross Road, London W.C, England. Hill, W. M.— Walter M. Hill, 831 Marshall Field Building, Chicago, 111., U. S. A. Hitchman. — John Hitchman, 148 Edmund Street, Birmingham, England. Hollings. — Frank HoUings, 7 Great Turnstile, Holborn, London, England. McClurg.— A. C. McClurg & Co., 221 Wabash Avenue, Chicago, 111., U. S. A. vi Selections from Catalogues Maggs. — Maggs Bros., 109 Strand, London W.C, England. Myers. — Myers & Co., 59 High Holborn, Lon- don W.C, England. Quaritch. — Bernard Quaritch, i Grafton Street, London W., England. Richardson. — C. Richardson, 10 Exchange Ar- cade, Manchester, England. Smith.— W. J. Smith, 41 North Street, Brighton, England. Thin. — James Thin, 54 South Bridge, Edin- burgh, Scotland. Walford.— Walford Bros., 6 New Oxford Street, London W.C, England. Young. — Henry Young Sons, 12 South Castle Street, Liverpool, England. INTRODUCTION SELECTIONS made from catalogues of reli- able dealers in rare books, who have devoted years of serious study to the demand and supply and are in touch with a large number of collectors and v/ho put their names behind these figures, are the most reliable guides we can have for the true value of rare books. " Colored Plate Books and Their Values " must not be considered in any way a bibliography or a fairly complete list of colored plate books. It is simply a labor- and time-saving aid to tell at a glance the present day value of certain books. The editor has made selections from various recent catalogues (both English and American) of such colored plate items as he thought would be valuable for reference. The list includes not only sporting books, but works on natural history, travels, genealogies, etc., in both English and foreign languages, alphabetically arranged by authors. The titles of books on botany and ornithology as well as travels that have colored illustrations are quite numerous, and will be of considerable help to those interested in these sub- jects. A feature that will prove of interest is the addi- tion of the name of the firm and the number or vii viii Introduction date of the catalogue in which the volume quoted appears — thus giving the reader an opportunity to order any item that may take his fancy. It was most fortunate that while this work was in press, the sale, by the Anderson Auction Co. of New York, of the remarkable collection of excessively rare and unique colored plate books made by the late William C. Dulles of Philadel- phia was announced. The sale took place on the evenings of December lo, ii, 12, 1912, and was largely attended by buyers from all parts of the United States. The prices that wealthy collectors are willing to pay for choice and unusual copies of this class of " picture books " will be found opposite each lot. It is the latest word regarding the values of colored plate items, from the Ameri- can collectors' point of view. As a general rule no lot is included that is worth less than five dollars, or one pound sterling. F. P. H. Princeton, 191 3. COLORED PLATE BOOKS AND THEIR VALUES Academy for Grown Horsemen (see Bunbury.) Ackermann (R.)* Costumes of the British and Indian Armies. 51 colored plates ( irregularly- numbered ) by W. Heath, Martens and others. Folio. Lond., 1840-60. (Quaritch No. 264.) £57. lOS. Ackermann's Costumes of the British Army. 15 colored plates. Large folio, new half crim- son levant morocco extra, gilt edges. Lond., R. Ackermann, 1855-58. (Maggs No. 279). £11. IIS. Ackermann. An Excessively Fine Set of his Publications. History of the Colleges of Winchester, Eton, Westminster. 1810. His- tory of Oxford, with portraits of the Founders. 2 vols. 1814, History of Cam- bridge, with portraits of the Founders. 2 vols. 1815, All illustrated with colored plates. 5 vols., royal 4to. Full contemporary russia extra, full gilt backs, gilt edges. Lond., Ackermann, 1814-16. (Maggs No. 261.) £78. Ackermann's History of the Abbey Church of St. Peter's, Westminster. Colored plates and full set of etchings for the colored plates (only two sets of the etchings were 'made). 2 vols., Colored Plate Books large 4to. Original half morocco, Uncut. Lend., 1812. (Maggs No. 261.) £10. los. • Another copy, colored plates. 2 vols., royal 4to. New half russia. Lond., 1812. (Maggs No. 261.) £3. i8s. Ackermann's History of the Abbey Church of St. Peter's, Westminster, its Antiquities and Monuments. S^ colored plates. 2 vols., large 4to. Full contemporary russia, gilt backs, mar- ble leaves. Lond., 1812. (Maggs No. 273.) £4. I OS. Ackermann's History of the Abbey Church of St. Peter's, Westminster. 70 colored plates. 2 vols., royal 4to. Half calf, gilt. Lond., 1812. (Edwards, Oct. 191 1.) £3- 5s. Ackermann's History of the Colleges and Schools. 48 colored plates after Pugin, royal 4to. Half morocco, gilt edges. Lond., 1816. (Edwards, Oct. 191 1.) £30. Ackermann's Cambridge University, History of, etc. Colored plates and portraits of the Founders. 2 vols., imperial 4to. Straight- grained morocco. Lond., 18 15. (Quaritch No. 286.) i24. Ackermann's Cambridge University, History of its Colleges, Halls, and Public Buildings. Nearly 100 colored plates, with the 33 colored portraits of the Founders. 2 vols., 4to. Half morocco, gilt tops. Lond., 1815. (Edwards, Oct. 1911.) £18. And Their Values Ackermann (R.)* History of the University of Oxford, etc. Portrait, 8i colored plates and 33 colored portraits of the Founders. 2 vols., ro3'al 4to. Half green morocco. Lond., 1814. (Quaritch No. 286.) £21. Ackermann (R.)* History of the University of Oxford, its Colleges, Halls and Public Build- ings. Portrait of Lord Grenville and 81 colored plates. 2 vols., royal 8vo. Old red morocco, gilt edges. Lond., 1814. (Edwards, Oct. 1911.) £14. Ackermann (R.)* History of the University of Oxford, etc. Portrait and 81 colored plates (without the portraits of the Founders). 2 vols, in I, royal 4to. Russia, gilt. (Quaritch No. 286.) ilO. IDS. Ackermann's Microcosm of London. 104 colored plates by Rowlandson and Pugin. 3 vols., 4to. Full calf. Lond., 1808-9. (Ed- wards, Oct. 191 1.) £20. Ackermann's Microcosm of London. 104 colored plates with text. 3 vols., large 4to. Contemporary full russia, rebacked, gilt edges. "Fine Copy." Lond., 1811. (Maggs No. 261.) £25. Ackermann's Repository of Arts, etc. Com- plete Set of the Three Series. About 500 colored plates. 40 vols., 8vo. New half red morocco by Morrell. Lond., 1809-28. (Ed- wards, Oct. 191 1.) £90. Colored Plate Books Ackermann's Repository. Second Series, Vols. 1 to 4. About 150 colored plates. 4 vols., 8vo. Half red morocco. Lond., 1816-17. (Edwards, Oct. 191 1.) £2. los. Adams (H.), The Genera of Recent MoUusca. Colored plates. Large paper edition. 3 vols., royal 8vo. (Pub. £9. 9s.) Lond., 1858. (Thin No. 169.) £3. 3s. Addison (C. G.). Damascus and Palmyra. Colored plates from drawings by Thackeray. 2 vols., 8vo. New half red morocco gilt, gilt top. Lond., 1838. (Commin No. 51.) ii. is. Affiches Etrangeres. Illustrees par MM. Bau- wens, Hayshi, La Forgue, Pennell, etc. 62 colored lithographs. Folio. Original illus- trated covers, uncut. Paris, 1897. (Maggs No. 279.) i2. IDS. Ainslie (Sir R.). Views in Egypt, Asia Minor, etc. 24 colored aquatint views. Large folio. Original boards, uncut. Lond., 1812. (Maggs No. 261.) il. IDS. Ainslie (Sir R.). Views in Turkey. 24 colored aquatint views. Large folio. Boards, uncut. Lond., 181 1. (Maggs No. 261.) ii. los. Airy, Osmund. Charles II. Portrait, illu- minated in gold and colors, and 49 photo- gravures. Large paper copy on Japanese paper. Duplicate set of plates (300 copies only). Proofs before letters. Lond., 1901. (Maggs No. 273.) i3. IDS. And Their Values Akerman (J. G.). Remains of Pagan Saxon- dom. Large paper, colored plates. 4to. Half green morocco, tooled, gilt edges. Lond., 1855. (Young No. 415.) ii. i6s. Alder and Hancock's Monograph of the British Nudibranchiate Mollusca. 82 plates (many colored) in 7 parts, complete in one volume. Folio. Half calf. Lond., Ray Soc, 1855. (Thin No. 169.) i2. 12s. Albin (E.). Natural History of English Insects. 100 colored plates. 4to. Crimson morocco extra, gilt, gilt edges. Fine copy. Lond., 1720. (Maggs No. 261.) £4, los. Ditto. Another edition. 4to. Calf, gilt. Lond., 1724. (Maggs No. 261.) ii. i6s. Alexander (Wm.). Picturesque Representa- tions of the Dress and Manners of the English, Austrians, Turks, Russians and Chinese. 274 colored plates, with descriptions. 5 vols., large 8vo. New half crimson levant morocco, gilt, gilt edges. Lond., 1814. (McClurg No. 38.) $75.00 Aiken (H.). (For additional Aiken books with colored plates, see Dulles Sale at end of this volume.) Aiken (H.). A Few Ideas; being Hints to all would-be Meltonians. 4 folio parts, with wrappers, 24 colored plates bound in one volume. Folio, calf. Lond., 1828-29. (Ed- wards, Oct. 191 1.) ^35- Colored Plate Books Aiken (H.). A Few Ideas; being Hints to all would-be Meltonians. 12 colored plates (the plates are dated 1826). 4to. Original wrap- pers. Lond., 1825. (Quaritch No. 261.) ^15. Aiken (H.). Analysis of the Hunting Field (see Robert S. Surtees). Aiken (H.). Beauties and Defects in the Figure of the Horse Delineated. First edition. 18 colored plates. Imp. 8vo. Calf extra, gilt top, uncut, original covers preserved. Lond., S. & J. Fuller, 1816. (Brown No. 189.) £1, i8s. Aiken (H.). British Proverbs. 6 plates, first edition. Oblong folio, original printed wrap- pers (back strengthened). Fine copy. Mc- Lean, 1824. (Myers No. 165.) £6. 15s. Aiken (H.). Ideas, Accidental and Incidental to Hunting and other sports ; caught in Leicester- shire, etc. Geunine first issue of all the 42 colored plates. Upright folio. In the pub- lisher's half morocco binding, with leather label on sides. Dates on plates, 1826-30. (Quaritch No. 261.) £84. *' Before copies had time to circulate, the stock of this first issue was partly destroyed by fire. By utilizing some undamaged plates and reprinting others, a small and inferior issue was brought out. These were bound in oblong folio, not, as were those of the first issue, in upright folio." Aiken (H.). Ideas, Accidental and Incidental to Hunting and Other Sports : caught in Leices- tershire. 42 colored plates. Folio. Full red And Their Values morocco, extra, gilt top, uncut. (Lond., 1900.) Reprint. (Edwards, Oct. 191 1.) iio. ids. The original was issued in four parts with different titles (1826-30) by Maclean. Aiken (H.). Illustrations of Popular Songs. 43 colored plates. Oblong folio. Half green morocco. Lond., 1823. (Quaritch No. 261.) £13. IDS. Aiken (H.). Illustrations of Popular Songs. 43 colored plates. Oblong folio. Original boards, uncut. Leather back. " An excep- tionally fine copy." Lond., 1822. (Edwards, Oct. 1911.) in. Aiken (H.). Life of a Sportsman. (See Ap- perley.) Aiken (H.). Life of John Mytton. Colored plates. Second edition. 8vo. Half red morocco. Lond., 1837. (Edwards, Oct. 191 1.) £10. los. Aiken (H.). Life of John Mytton. By Nim- rod. 18 full-page colored engravings by Aiken. Second edition. 8vo. Full crushed levant morocco, gilt edges. Original cover bound in. By Riviere. Lond., 1837. (Bart- lett No. 51.) $75.00 Aiken (H.). Life of John Mytton. By Nim- rod (C. J. Apperley). 18 colored plates by Aiken and Rawlins. Second edition. 8vo. Original green cloth, gilt edges. (Fore edges Colored Plate Books slightly stained.) Lond., 1837. (Harper No. 131.) $60.00 Aiken (H.). Life of John Mytton. Colored plates. Third edition. Royal 8vo. Cloth. Lond., 185 1. (Edwards, Oct. 191 1.) £8. Aiken (H.). National Sports of Great Britain. Text in English and French. 50 colored plates and engraved title. Folio. New dark green morocco extra, entirely uncut. Lond., 1820-21. (Quaritch No. 261.) ii20. Has the engraved title in both the first and second states. "The first state, dated 1820, is of the utmost rarity and I have only once before seen it." Aiken (H.). National Sports of Great Britain. 50 large colored plates. Folio. Red morocco. Lond., 1821. (Edwards, Oct. 191 1.) £90. Aiken (H.). National Sports of Great Britain. Large paper. 50 colored plates, with text. Folio. Original boards, leather backs, uncut. London, Thomas M'Lean, 1825. (Quaritch No. 261.) £36. Aiken (H.). National Sports of Great Britain. 50 colored plates. Royal 8vo. New red morocco, gilt edges, by Lloyd. Lond., 1825. (Edwards, Oct. 191 1.) £30. Aiken (H.). National Sports of Great Britain. Colored plates. Royal folio. Cloth. Lond., 1903. (Smith No. 150.) £2. 8s. And Their Values Aiken (H.). Natural Sports of Great Britain. 50 colored plates, with text. Folio. Cloth. Lond., 1903. (Commin, Feby. 1912.) £1. 15s. Aiken (H.). New Scrap Book. 20 colored plates, original coloring. 4to. Original boards, side label, back repaired. Lond., 1824. (Quaritch No. 261.) iio. Aiken (H.). Notions. 36 colored plates, origi- nal coloring (one plate neatly mended). Ob- long folio. Half morocco. Lond., 183 1-3. (Quaritch No. 261.) £32. Aiken (H.). Qualified Horses and UnquaHfied Riders. 7 colored plates, with engraved plate of letterpress. Driving Discovers. 7 colored plates. Some Do, and Some Do Not. 7 colored plates with the rare leaf of description. Some Will and Some Will Not. 7 colored plates, with the five leaves of description. In i vol. Ob- long small folio, half leather. Lond., S. & J. Fuller, 1817-21. (Brown No. 189.) £42. Aiken (H.). Real Life in Ireland. By a Real Paddy. 19 colored plates by Aiken, Marks and others. 8vo. Full green levant morocco, gilt, by Riviere. Lond., 1826. (Edwards, Oct. 1911.) £7. Aiken (H.). Real Life in London. 34 colored plates. 2 vols., 8vo. New calf, gilt, gilt edges, by Lloyd. Lond., 182 1-2. (Edwards, Oct. 1911.) £7. los. Aiken (H.). Scraps from the Sketch-book of Henry Aiken. 42 plates. 4to. Half morocco, lo Colored Plate Books uncut, emblematic tooling. Lond., 1821. (Ed- wards, Oct. 191 1.) ^3. Aiken (H.). Specimens of Riding near London. Complete set of 18 colored plates. Oblong folio. Half red morocco. Lond., T. M'Lean, 1823. (Edwards, Oct. 1911.) ii5. 15s. Aiken (H.). Specimens of Riding near Lon- don. 18 colored plates. Oblong folio. Origi- nal half morocco (binding worn). M'Lean, 1823. (Myers No. 165.) iy. los. Aiken (H.). Sporting Sketches. 36 colored plates. 6 parts. Oblong folio. " A fine copy." In the original wrappers, uncut. Lond., 1817-18. (Quaritch No. 261.) £21, Aiken (H.). Sporting Sketches. In six monthly parts. 36 large plates. Oblong folio. Half morocco. Lond., 1817. (Edwards, Oct. 1911.) £4. IDS. Aiken (H.). Sporting Sketches. 50 colored plates. Oblong 4to. Blue morocco, extra, gilt edges, by Root. Lond., n.d. (Quaritch No. 261.) £15. Aiken (H.). Symptoms of Being Amused. En- graved title and 41 colored plates. Oblong folio. Original half binding. Lond., 1822. (Quaritch No. 261.) £15. Aiken (H.). Symptoms of Being Amused. 47 colored plates and engraved title page to Popu- lar Songs and 16 colored plates bound in. And Their Values ii Oblong folio. Half bound. Lond., 1822. (Edwards, Oct. 191 1.) £14. Aiken (H.). Symptoms of Being Amused. 42 hand colored plates, including title. Oblong folio. Half morocco. Lond., 1822. (Bart- lett No. 51.) $30.00 Aiken (H.). Symptoms of Being Amused. First issue. 41 plates (usually 42) and vignette title-page. Oblong 4to. Original half calf (binding faulty). M'Lean, 1822. (Myers No. 165.) £S. Aiken and Sutherland. The High Mettled Racer. 6 large colored plates by Aiken and Sutherland. Each in sunk mount, with flap and colored water-color border. Lond., 182 1. (Edwards, Oct. 191 1.) iSO. Almack (Edward). History of the Second Dragoons ("Royal Scots Greys"). Colored plates of uniforms and other illustrations. 4to. Cloth. Lond., 1908. (Quaritch No. 264.) £2. I2s. 6d. Ambert (J.). Esquisses Historiques des differ- ents Corps qui composent I'Armee Frangaise. Colored frontispiece. 13 colored plates. Im- perial folio. Half morocco. Saumur, 1855. (Quaritch No. 264.) £4. los. Amiot (M.). (Translator.) Art Militaire des Chinois. Plates in gold and colors. 4to. Calf. Paris, 1772. (Maggs No. 261.) £6. 6s. 12 Colored Plate Books Anderson (Wm.). Pictorial Arts of Japan. Colored plates. 4 parts. Folio. Original cloth. Lond., 1886. (Richardson No. 63.) £6. Andrews (H. C.)« The Heathery; or a Mono- graph of the Genus Erica. Colored plates. Second edition, corrected and enlarged. 6 vols., 8vo. Cloth. Lond., 1845. (Harper No. 131.) $25.00 Andrews (H. C). The Heathery. 800 colored plates, with English and Latin Descriptions. 6 vols, in 3 vols., royal 8vo. Half calf, gilt. Lond., 1845. (Thin No. 169.) £4. los. Andrews (Wm. Loring). Bibliopegy in the United States. Examples in gold and colors. 8vo. Boards, uncut. New York, 1902. (Harper No. 131.) $i7-50 Andrews (Wm. L.). Bibliopegy in the U. S. Plates in gold and colors. Japan paper copy; only 36 printed. 8vo. Half vellum, uncut. New York, 1902. (Harper No. 133.) $30.00 Andrews (Wm. L.). Sextodecimos et Infra. Illustrations in gold and colors. i2mo. Wrappers. New York, 1899. (Harper No. 131.) $20.00 Angas (G. F.). New Zealanders Illustrated. 60 colored plates. Imperial folio. Half morocco. Lond., 1847. (Quaritch No. 286.) ii5. And Their Values 13 Angas (G. F.). South Australia Illustrated. 60 colored plates. Imperial folio. Half morocco. Lond., 1847. (Quaritch No. 286.) £9. Angelo*s Pic Nic, or Table Talk. Colored frontispiece by George Cruikshank. 8vo. Cloth. Lond., 1834. (Walford XIII.) ii. 5s. Angelo (Hy.). Reminiscences. Hand-made paper edition. 75 copies printed. Colored plates, with portfolio of 10 portraits in colors, and 2 extra colored mezzotints. 2 vols., 8vo. Lond., 1904. (Brown No. 189.) £3. 15s. Annals of Sporting (see Rowlandson). Annals of Sporting and Fancy Gazette. Por- traits and colored plates by Aiken and Cruik- shank. 13 vols., 8vo. New full red levant, extra, gilt top, totally uncut, by Riviere. London., 1822-28. (W. M. Hill No. 38.) $550.00 Apperley (C. J.). Life of a Sportsman. Origi- nal edition. " In very fine state." 36 colored plates by Aiken. Royal 8vo. Original pic- torial red cloth, gilt edges. Lond., Ackermann, 1842. (Young No. 415.) £25. Apperley (C. J.). Life of a Sportsman. 35 colored plates by Aiken. First issue of the first reprint. 8vo. Red cloth. Lond., Rout- ledge, 1871. (Edwards, Oct. 1911.) £3. 15s. Argnani (F.). Le Ceramiche e Maloliche Faen- tine. 20 colored plates. Small folio. Half 14 Colored Plate Books bound, top edges gilt (only 285 copies printed). Faenza, 1889. (Young No. 415.) £1. 5s. Armand-Dumaresq. Uniformes de Tarmee francaise en 1861. 56 colored plates. Large folio! Half morocco. Paris, 1861. (Ed- wards, Oct. 191 1.) ^6. IDS. Armstrong (Sir Walter). Gainsborough and His Place in English Art. 10 lithographic facsimiles in colors and illustrations. Royal 4to. Original cloth, gilt, gilt top. Lond., 1898. (Maggs No. 273.) £9- 9s. Armstrong (Sir Walter). Gainsborough and His Place in English Art. 62 photogravures and 10 facsimiles in color. Royal 4to. Cloth. Lond., 1898. (Edwards, Oct. 191 1.) £7. los. Arts and Letters: An Illustrated Review from its Commencement in Jan. 1888, to Dec. 1889. Numerous fine plates, mostly in proof state, and some finely colored. 8 vols., large thick 4to. Half green morocco, uncut. Lond., 1888- 89. (Maggs No. 273.) £7. 7s. Aspin (J.). Cosmorama, a View of the Costume and Peculiarities of All Nations. 70 colored plates. i2mo. Boards. Half roan back. (Edwards No. 305.) i8s. Aspin (J.). Naval and Military Exploits. 36 colored plates. Thick i2mo. Calf, extra, un- cut. Original covers preserved at end by Riviere & Son. Lond., 1820. (Brown No. 189.) £9. And Their Values 15 Aspin (J.). Naval and Military Exploits (in the), Reign of George III. Colored plates. i2mo. New polished calf, uncut, by Zaehns- dorf. Lond., 1820. (Bartlett No. 51.) $35.00 Atkinson and Walker. Picturesque Representa- tion of the Manners, Customs and Amusements of the Russians. Original issue. 100 colored plates. 3 vols, in one. Folio. Half morocco. Lond., 1803-04. (Edwards, Oct. 191 1.) £7. Audsley (W.). Polychromatic Decoration as Applied to Buildings in the Mediaeval Styles. 36 plates in gold and colors, with letterpress. (Pub. at £3.). Lond., 1882. (Commin No. 51.) 128. 6d. Audsley (W. & G.). Polychromatic Decoration, as Applied to Buildings in the Mediaeval Styles. 36 plates in gold and colors. Folio. Cloth. Lond., 1882. (Maggs No. 2.^^-) 12s. 6d. Audsley and Bevies. Keramic Art of Japan. Plates in gold and colors. 2 vols., folio. Half morocco, gilt tops. Lond., 1875. (Harper No. 131.) $40.00 Audsley and Bevies. Keramic Art of Japan. Plates in gold and colors. 2 vols., large 4to. Half morocco, extra, gilt tops. Lond., 1875. (Edwards, Oct. 1911.) (Pub. at £18. i8s.) £7. los. Audsley and Bowes. Keramic Art of Japan. Plates in gold and colors. 2 vols., folio. Half i6 Colored Plate Books morocco extra. Lond., 1875. (Commin No. 51.) i6. 15s. Audsley (G. A.). Ornamental Arts of Japan. Colored plates, heightened with gold. 2 vols., folio. New half dark green morocco, cloth sides, gilt tops. Text and plates mounted on linen hinges. Lond., 1882. (McClurg No. 35.) $80.00 Audsley (G. A.). Ornamental Arts of Japan. Illustrations in gold, silver and colors. 2 vols., imp. 4to. Full morocco, sides inlaid in blue and red morocco, in Japanese designs. Lond., 1882-84. (Richardson No. 63.) ii2. Audsley (G. A.). Ornamental Arts of Japan. 100 plates, 74 of which are colored and illu- minated. 2 vols., folio. In four cloth port- folios. Lond., 1882-85. (Edwards, Oct. 191 1.) (Pub. at £15. 15s.) £7. Audubon (J. J.). Birds of America. Fine clean tall copy. First octavo edition. 500 colored plates. 7 vols., 8vo. Half morocco. New York, J. J. Audubon, 1840-44. (Harper No. 131.) $375'0O Audubon (John James). Birds of America. 500 full page colored plates. Clean fine copy. 7 vols., imperial 8vo. New half dark green levant, blind tooling on the sides and back, gilt tops by Hertzberg. New York, J. J. Audubon, 1840-44. (McClurg No. 35.) $400.00 Audubon (J. J.). Birds of America. 500 colored plates. 7 vols., royal 8vo. New dark And Their Values 17 green half levant morocco, by Hertzberg, gilt edges. Fine set. New York, 1859. (Mc- Clurg No. 38.) $300.00 Audubon (J. J.) and Bachman (John). Quad- rupeds of North America. 155 colored plates. Original octavo edition. Fine clean copy. 3 vols., royal 8vo. Half morocco, marble edges. New York, V. G. Audubon, 1851-54. (Harper No. 131.) $60.00 Audubon and Bachman. Quadrupeds of North America. 155 colored plates. 3 vols., 8vo. Full morocco, gilt edges. New York, 1852. (Goodspeed No. y8.) $60.00 Audubon and Bachman. Quadrupeds of North America. 155 colored plates. 3 vols., royal 8vo. Dark green half levant morocco, by Hertzberg; gilt edges. New York, 1856. (McClurg No. 38.) $75.00 Auk (The). A Quarterly Journal of Ornithol- ogy. New series. Vols, i to 27. Numerous plates, some colored. 2y vols., large 8vo. New half morocco, gilt tops. 1884-1910. (Thin No. 169.) ii8. los. Auscher (E. S.). History and Description of French Porcelain. Translated and edited by W. Burton. Colored plates. Royal 8vo. Cloth. (Pub. 30S. net.) Lond., 1905. (Com- min No. 51.) 21s. Austrian Costume. Costume of the Hered- itary States of the House of Austria. 50 i8 Colored Plate Books colored plates. Folio. Red morocco. Lond., 1804. (Edwards, Oct. 191 1.) £2, Avicultural Magazine (The). The Journal of the AvicuUural Society for the Study of For- eign and British Birds. Colored plates. From its Commencement in 1894 to Oct. 1908. 14 vols., 8vo. Cloth. Lond., 1895- 1908. (Thin No. 169.) £6. los. Baes (Jean). Tours et Tourelles Historiques de la Belgique. 50 colored lithographs. Large folio. Full red morocco, gilt. Original illus- trative covers bound in. Bruxelles, 1890. (Maggs No. 273.) £2. 2s. Baes (J.). Tours et Tourelles Historiques de la Belgique. 50 colored plates, mounted on cards. Folio, in portfoHo. Lond., 1890. (Edwards, Oct. 191 1.) £1. 15s. Baker (S. W.). The Rifle and the Hound in Ceylon. Colored plates. 8vo. Half morocco, extra, gilt top, uncut, by Root. Lond., 1854. (Maggs No. 261.) • ii. 5s. Bailie (W.). A Series of 12 Colored Views of Calcutta. Large folio. Half morocco. Lond., 1794. (Maggs No. 261.) £10. IDS. Baring-Gould (S.). Iceland, Its Scenes and Sagas. Colored frontispiece, maps, etc. First edition. Royal 8vo. Cloth, gilt edges, as issued. Lond., 1863. (Maggs No. 261.) £2. ys. 6d. And Their Values 19 Barnard (George). Switzerland: Scenes and In- cidents of Travel in the Bernese Oberland. 26 tinted and colored plates. Large folio. Half morocco. Lond., 1843. (Edwards, Oct. 1911.) i2. Barron (Capt. R.). Views in India. 6 colored aquatint views, etc., mounted like drawings, by Havell, with descriptions. Large oblong folio. Original half morocco. Lond., 1837. (Maggs No. 261.) i2. 15s. Barrow (John). Travels into the Interior of South Africa, 1797-98. The second edition. With maps and 9 colored plates. Lond., 1806. (Quaritch No. 286.) £2. 5s. Barrow (J.). Voyage to Cochin China in 1792-3. 21 colored views, etc. 4to. Half red morocco, gilt top, uncut. Lond., 1806. From Wm. Beck- ford's Library. (Maggs No. 261.) £3. 7s. 6d. Bartolozzi. Imitations of Original Designs by Leonardo da Vinci, the Caraccis, and Claude Lorraine. 40 plates, in stipple and aquatint, with letterpress. Imperial folio. Original calf, rebacked. Lond., W. Bulmer, 1796-97. (Maggs No. 273.) £3. 3s. Bastir (F.). Armee Russe. 30 colored plates. Square i2mo. Full new poHshed calf, extra, gilt edges, original cover bound in, by Riviere. Paris, 1850. (Maggs No. 273.) £2. 7s. 6d. Bateman (J.). The Orchidaceae of Mexico and Guatemala. 40 colored plates. Atlas folio. 20 Colored Plate Books Half morocco, gilt edges. Lond., 1843. (Bumpus.) £13. 15s. Bates (H. W.) and Sharp (D.). Bibliogra. Centrali-Americana. Insecta, Cleoptera, Adeph- aga. 32 colored plates of insects. Vol. i, Parts I and 2, 4to. New half morocco, marble edges. ' Lond., privately printed, 1881-87. (Maggs No. 261.) ij. 7s. Baxter (W.). British Phsenogamous Botany (of the) British Flowering Plants. Colored plates. 6 vols., 8vo. Half morocco, gilt tops, uncut, wrappers bound in. Lond., 1834-43. (Walford No. XHL) £4- 5s. Bayeux Tapestry. Facsimile on double colored plates. 4to. Half morocco. Lond., Soc. of Antiquaries, 1819-23. (Edwards, Oct. 191 1.) ^3- 15s. Bayeux Tapestry. Elucidated by Bruce. Colored facsimiles. 4to. Boards. Lond., 1856. (Edwards, Oct. 1911.) i2. Beamish (N. Ludlov^^). Geschichte der Koniglich Deutschen Legion. Colored figures of military costumes, plans of battle, etc. 3 vols., 4to, Red morocco, gilt. Hannover, 1832-37. (Quaritch No. 286.) i9- 9s. Beau Monde (Le), or Literary and Fashionable Magazine. Vols, i to 5. Colored costume plates and dramatic portraits by De Wilde. 5 vols., 8vo. Half calf. Lond., 1807-9. (Ed- wards, Oct. 191 1.) £8. And Their Values 21 Beauclerk (Lord C). Military Operations in Canada. 4 colored lithographic views and plan, with notes. Folio. Original boards, un- cut. Lond., 1840. (Maggs No. 261.) £4. 4s. Beaumont (A.). Travels from France to Italy- through the Lepontine Alps. Map and 27. colored plates. Folio. Half calf. Lond., 1800. (Commin No. 283.) £1. 5s. Becker and Hefner. Kunstwerke und Geraths- chaften des Mittelalters und der Renaissance. 216 colored plates, some heightened with gold. 3 vols., folio. Half red crushed levant morocco, extra gilt, gilt top, uncut, by F. Bedford. Frankfurt am Main, 1852. (Maggs No. 279.) in. IIS. 6 Beckett (G. A. a). The Comic History of England. Colored plates by Leech, complete in the 20 parts as issued. Fresh as new. Lond., 1846-481. (Edwards, Oct. 191 1.) iio. Beckett (G. A. a). Comic History of Eng- land. First edition. 2 vols., 8vo. Half calf. Lond., 1847-48. (Quaritch No. 286.) £3.163. Beckett (G. A. a). Comic History of Eng- land. With 20 colored etchings by Leech. 2 vols., 8vo. Cloth. Lond., 1855-53. (Ed- wards, Oct. 191 1.) £i' i8s. Beckett (G. A. a). Comic History of Eng- land. Colored plates by Leech. 2 vols. Lond., 1847-48. Comic History of Rome. Colored 22 Colored Plate Books plates. I vol. Lond., n.d. First editions. 3 vols., 8vo. Green morocco, extra. Lond., 1847-48. (Quaritch No. 286.) £12. 12s. Beckett (G. A. a). Comic History of Eng- land. 20 colored plates by Leech. First edi- tion. 2 vols. Lond., 1847-48. Comic History of Rome. 10 colored plates by Leech. Lond., n.d. First edition. Together 3 vols., 8vo. Newly bound in polished crimson full morocco, gilt tooling, with sample of original paper part in each volume. (McClurg No. 38.) $60.00 Beckett (G. A. a). Comic History of Eng- land. 2 vols. 1847-48. Comic History of Rome, n.d., i vol. First editions. Colored etchings by Leech. 3 vols., 8vo. Original cloth, with gilt designs by Leech. Lond., 1847, etc. (Harper No. 131.) $50.00 Beckett (G. A. a). Comic History of Eng- land. 2 vols. Comic History of Rome, i vol. 30 colored etchings and illustrations on Japan paper by Leech. Edition de luxe. 3 vols., 4to. Cloth. Lond., n.d. (Commin, Dec. 1911.) £2. 15s. Beckett (G. A. a). Comic History of Rome. First edition. 8vo. Original cloth. Lond., n.d., 1848. (Quaritch No. 286.) £4. 4s. Beckett (G. A. a). Comic History of Rome. 10 colored plates by Leech. First edition. 8vo. Original cloth. Lond., n.d. (Harper No. 133.) $15.00 And Their Values 23 Beckett (G. A. a). Comic History of Rome. Colored illustrations by Leech. 8vo. Green cloth, gilt edges. Lond., Bradbury Evans & Co., n.d. (Edwards, Oct. 1911.) ii. Belgium. Costumes Belgiques Anciens et Mo- dernes. Civil, Militaires et Religieux, dessines par Madou. 124 colored lithographic plates, with text. 4to. Original covers, uncut. Bruxelles, 1830. (Maggs No. 273.) ig.gs. Bellasis (G. H.). Views of Saint Helena. 6 colored aquatint views. Oblong folio. New half morocco. Original wrappers bound in. Lond., 1815. (Maggs No. 261.) i3. 15s. Bemrose (Wm,). Longton Hall Porcelain. Colored plates. Imp. 8vo. Cloth. Lond., 1906. (Brown No. 189.) ii. is. Bennett (C). Noodledoo, The Sorrowful End- ing of, etc. 16 colored plates. Small 4to. Cloth. Lond., 1865. (Walford No. XHL) il. los. Bennett (C). Little Stories that Little Breeches Told. Colored plates. Imp. 8vo. Cloth. Lond., 1863. (Walford No. XIII.) £1. 12s. Bennett (C). Fables of ^sop and others, trans- lated into Human Nature. 24 colored plates. 4to. Boards. Lond., 1857. (Walford No. XIIL) ii. 5s. 24 Colored Plate Books Bennett (George). Gatherings of a Naturalist in Australasia. Colored and tinted plates. 8vo. New half levant morocco, gilt, gilt top, uncut. Lond., i860. (Maggs No. 261.) £1. 5s. Biardot (E. P.). Les Terres-Cuites Grecques Funebres. 54 .lithographic plates, some in colors. From the Janze Collection. Folio. In original portfolio, as issued. Paris, Didot, 1872. (Maggs No. 273.) £1. i8s. Bibliographica. Complete Set. Colored plates of bindings, etc. 12 parts, 4to. (Pub. at £6. 6s.) Lond., 1895-97. (Edwards, Oct. 191 1.) £2. 15s. Billesdon (Coplow). Indispensable Accom- plishments. 6 colored plates by R. F., with i page of letterpress of four line hunting chorus, etc. Oblong foHo. Half morocco. Lond., 181 1. (Edwards, Oct. 191 1.) £10. Billets in the Low Countries (see Cruikshank, Geo.). Bing (S.). Artistic Japan: an illustrated Jour- nal of Japanese Arts and Industries. Edited by S. Bing. Colored plates. 6 vols., imp. 4to. Boards. Lond., 1887-90. (Edwards, Oct. 1911.) £S' los. Bing (S.). Artistic Japan. The German Edi- tion, with the same illustrations as the English. 6 vols, in 3 vols., imp. 4to. Half morocco, gilt top. Leipzig, 1890. (Edwards, Oct. 191 1.) ^3- 5s. And Their Values 25 Binns (W. M.). First Century of English Porcelain. Colored plates. 4to. Cloth. Lond., 1906. (Harper No. 131.) $9.00 Birch (S.). History of Ancient Pottery. Colored plates. 8vo. Full green morocco, gilt, gilt edges. Lond., 1873. (Commin, Feb. 1912.) £1. IS. Blackwell (E.). Herbarum Blackwellianum. 600 colored plates. 4 vols., folio. Calf, gilt. Norimbergae, 1757. (Maggs No. 261.) £6. los. Blackwell (John, F.L.S.). History of the Spiders of Great Britain and Ireland. Plates, partly colored. 2 parts, complete in i volume, folio. Half morocco. Lond., Ray Soc, 1861. (Thin No. 169.) £3. 3s. Blagdon (F. W.). A Brief History of Ancient and Modern India. With the two series of 65 colored aquatint views and six portraits. 2 vols., in one, large oblong folio. Half russia. Lond., 1805. (Maggs No. 261.) £6. I OS. Blake (Wm.). America. A Prophecy. 18 colored plates in exact facsimile of the original (1793). By William Muir. 50 copies issued. Folio, original wrappers, uncut. Lond., 1887. (Maggs No. 273.) £4. los. The coloring is entirely done by hand. Blake (Wm.). America. Muir's facsimile, colored by hand. Small 4to. (Edwards, Oct. 1911.) £4- los. 26 Colored Plate Books Blake (Wm.). Book of Thel. Muir's facsimile, colored by hand. Small 4to. (Edwards, Oct. 1911.) £3- Blake (Wm.). Marriage of Heaven and Hell. Muir's facsimile, colored by hand. Small 4to. (Edwards, Oct. 191 1.) £4. los. Blake (Wm.). Milton. A Poem, in 2 Books. 45 plates in colors, in exact facsimile of the original (1804). With preface by William Muir. Only 50 issued. 4to. Original wrap- pers, uncut. Edmonton, Lond., 1886. (Maggs No. 273.) £12. I2S. Blake (Wm.). Songs of Innocence, and Songs of Experience. 61 plates, colored in exact facsimile of the original (1789) and 1794). Preface by William Muir. Only 50 issued. 2 vols., 4to. Original wrappers, uncut. Lond., privately printed, 1884-85. (Maggs No. 273.) £12. I2S. All the outlines are drawn and the coloring is by hand. Blake (Wm.). Songs of Innocence and Experi- ence. 2 vols. Muir's facsimile, colored by hand. Small 4to. (Edwards, Oct. 191 1.) il2. Blake (Wm.). Visions of the Daughters of Al- bion. II plates, reproduced in colors in exact facsimile of the original (1793) by William Muir. Only 50 issued. 4to. Original wrap- pers, uncut. Lond., 1884. (Maggs No. 2y^.) £3. IDS. The coloring is entirely done by hand. And Their Values 27 Blake (Wm.). Visions of the Daughters of Al- bion. Muir's facsimile, colored by hand. Small 4to. (Edwards, Oct. 191 1.) £3. 15s. Blake (Wm.). Muir's fine series of reprints of exact facsimiles, colored by hand, 14 works bound in 5 vols., small 4to. Full dark red morocco, extra, by Riviere, with wrappers bound in, gilt top, uncut. Lond., 1884-90. (Edwards, Oct. 191 1.) £So. Blane (M. Charles). Grammaire des Arts Decoratifs, Decoration Interieure de la Maison. II colored plates. Thick imperial 8vo. Half crushed dark red morocco, uncut, gilt top. Paris, 1882. (Maggs No. 279.) ii. 4s. Bleecker (P.). Atlas Ichthyologique des Indes Orientales Neerlandaises. Parts i to 36. Complete (all published). 430 colored plates of fishes, with text. In the original wrappers as issued. Amsterdam, 1862-78. (Maggs No. 261.) £22. lOS. Bloch. Histoire Naturelle des Poissons. 160 colored plates of fishes. 10 vols., i6mo. French calf, gilt, gilt edges. Paris, 1801. (Maggs No. 261.) £3. los. Bossi (L.). Le Costume Ancien et Moderne des Scandinaves, des Suedois, des Norvegiens et des Danois. 19 colored plates. Lond., 1827. (Edwards, Oct. 191 1.) 21s. Boutovsky (V. de). Histoire de L'Ornement Russe du Xe au XVIe Siecle. 200 plates, 100 28 Colored Plate Books of which are in gold and colors. Large folio, in 2 original portfolios. Paris, 1873. (Maggs No. 279.) £8. 15s. Bowes (J. L.). Japanese Enamels. 20 colored plates. Imp. 8vo. Cloth. Only 200 printed. Lond., 1886. (Edwards, Oct. 191 1.) ii. los. Bowes (J. L.). Japanese Marks and Seals in Pottery, Illuminated MSS., etc. Numerous illustrations of marks, some colored, and map of Japan. Thick imperial 8vo. Original cloth, gilt top. Lond., 1882. (Maggs No. 273.) £1. 4s. Bowes (J. L.). Japanese Pottery. With notes. Edition de Luxe on Japan paper. 19 plates in gold and colors, and illustrations. Thick im- perial 8vo. Original half morocco, uncut, as issued. Liverpool, 1890. (Maggs No. 273.) £3. 7s. 6d. Bowes (J. L.). Japanese Pottery. With notes. Illuminated front., 16 full page plates and text illustrations. First edition. Imperial 8vo. Original cloth. Liverpool, 1890. (Maggs No. 273.) £2. 2S. Bowes (J. L.). Japanese Pottery. Map, 16 colored plates. Imp. 8vo. Cloth. Lond., 1890. (Edwards, Oct. 1911.) £2. 2s. Bowyer's Illustrated Record of Important Events in Annals of Europe. 10 colored plates. Folio. Half calf. Lond., 181 5. (Commin, Feb. 19 12.) £1. And Their Values 29 Boydell's Scenery and History of the River Thames. '^^ plates, colored like drawings. 2 vols., folio. Calf. Lond., 1794-96. (Ed- wards, Oct. 1911.) £12. los. Bradford. Sketches of the Country, Character and Costume in Portugal and Spain, in 1808- 09. Large paper. 40 colored plates and Sup- plement of Military Costume. 16 colored plates. Folio. Russia. Lond., 1810. (Ed- wards, Oct. 1911.) £3. 15s. Bradley (Edward). College Life. 24 plates, etched by Bradley, and colored by hand. Original issue. Small 4to. New half crimson morocco, gilt edges. Oxford, n.d. (McClurg No. 38.) $36.00 Brassington (W. S.). Historic Bindings in the Bodleian Library, Oxford. 24 colored illus- trations. 4to. Half green levant morocco, gilt, gilt top, uncut. Lond., 1891. (Young, Nov. 1911.) i3. 3s. Brassington (W. S.). Historic Bindings in the Bodleian Library. 24 colored plates. 4to. Boards. Lond., 1891. (Commin, Nov. 191 1.) £2. IDS. Brazil. Voyages dans la partie Septentrionale du Bresil, 1809-15. Traduits de I'Anglais par M. A. Jay. Colored plates of costume. 2 vols., 8vo. Original half calf, gilt. Paris, 1818. (Maggs No. 261.) £1. IS. Bree (Chas. R.). History of the Birds of Europe not observed in the British Isles. 30 Colored Plate Books 238 colored plates. 4 vols., royal 8vo. Cloth. Lond., 1863. (Thin No. 169.) £2. los. Another copy, with plates of Eggs only. 4 vols, in 2 vols., royal 8vo. Half morocco. Lond., 1859. (Thin No. 169.) ii. is. Breton (M.). China: Its Costume, Arts, etc. Colored plates. Large paper copy. 4 vols., 8vo. Boards, uncut. Lond., 1812. (Maggs No. 261.) ii. Breton (M.). L'Espagne, le Portugal; ou, Moeurs, Usages, etc. Two sets of plates, colored and plain. 6 vols., i2mo. Half morocco, uncut. Paris, 181 5. (Maggs No. 261.) £1. 14s. Bridgens (R.). Costume of Italy, Switzerland and France. 50 colored plates, drawn and etched by R. Bridgens. 4to. Half bound. Lond., 1821. (Edwards, Oct. 191 1.) £1. Bridgens (R.). Sketches Illustrative of the Manners and Costumes of France, Switzer- land and Italy. 50 colored plates. 4to. Half morocco. Lond., 1821. (Maggs No. 273.) £2. 5s. British Dance of Death. Full page colored plates, frontispiece by Robt. Cruikshank. First edition. 8vo. Calf, yellow edges, by Riviere. Lond., n.d. (Bartlett No. 51.) $20.00 British Military Library, A Complete Body of Military Knowledge. Folding maps and battle And Their Values 31 plans, and the series of colored portraits, illus- trating the uniforms. Best issue, with the fac- ings in gold. 2 vols., 4to. Calf, gilt. Lond., Goddard, 1801. (Edwards, Oct. 191 1.) £15. Brooke (D. A.). Gardens of England. 27 colored plates. Folio. Half morocco. Lond., 1858. (Edwards, Oct. 1911.) £s. Buchanan (F.). A Journey from Madras. Map and plates, some colored. 3 vols., 4to. Calf, gilt. Lond., 1807. (Maggs No. 261.) £1. Buckler (Wm.). The Larvae of the British Butterflies and Moths. 164 colored plates. 9 vols., 8vo. Lond., Ray Soc, 1886-1901. (Thin No. 169.) £g. Buckler (Wm.). The Larvae of the British Butterflies and Moths. Edited by H. S. Stainton. Colored plates. Vols. 1-3, 8vo. Cloth. Lond., Ray Society, 1886-89. (Brown No. 189.) £1. 2S. Budge (E. A. W.). The Lives of Maba Seyon and Gabra Kresto. With English translation by A. W. Budge. 92 colored plates. Thick 4to. Original full maroon morocco, blind tool- ing, gilt top. Lond., W. Griggs, 1898. (Maggs No. 273.) £5. 5s. Budgen (L. M.). Episodes of Insect Life. By Acheta Domestica. Colored plates. 3 vols., post 8vo. Cloth, gilt edges. Lond., 1849-51. (Maggs No. 261.) £1. 5s. 32 Colored Plate Books Buller (Sir W. L.). History of the Birds of New Zealand. Colored lithographic plates. 2 vols., folio. Half red morocco, gilt edges, as issued. Lond., published by the Author, 1888. (Maggs No. 261.) £g. i8s. Buller (W. L.). Birds of New Zealand. Sec- ond edition. 48 colored plates. 2 vols., folio. Half morocco, gilt top. Lond., 1888. (Thin No. 169.) £9. 108. Buller (W. L.). Supplement to the Birds of New Zealand. 12 colored plates. 2 vols., small folio. Paper covers. Lond., 1905. (Brown No. 189.) £6. 6s. BuUiard. Dictionnaire Elementaire de Bo- tanique. 10 colored plates. Folio. Half calf, gilt, uncut. Paris, 1812. (Maggs No. 261.) £1. IDS. (Bunbury, H.). Academy for Grown Horse- men. 12 colored copperplates. First edition. Small folio. Half roan, leather label on side. Lond., 1787. (Brown No. 189.) £5. 15s. Buonainti (M.). Italian Scenery, Representing the Manners, Customs and Amusements of the Different States of Italy. 32 colored engrav- ings by J. Godby. Folio. Purple morocco, gilt, gilt edges. Lond., 1806. (Commin, Feb. 1912.) £2. 2S. Burchell (W. J.). Travels in the Interior of South Africa. Map and colored plates. Vol. And Their Values 33 I only, 4to. Original half calf. Lond., 1822. (Maggs No. 261.) £6. 6s. Burlington Fine Arts Club Illustrated Cata- logue Exhibtion of Bookbindings. 113 plates, mostly colored. Atlas 4to. Red morocco, ex- tra. Lond., 1891. (Quaritch No. 286.) ii.6. Another copy. Bound in buckram. (Quaritch No. 286.) £14. Burlington Fine Arts Club Illustrated Cata- logue of English Embroidery. 30 plates, 10 colored. Atlas 4to. Buckram. Lond., 1905. (Quaritch No. 286.) £6. 6s. Burton (W.). English Earthenware and Stone- ware. 24 colored plates. Royal 8vo. Cloth, gilt, gilt top. Lond., 1904. (Hill, Dec. 191 1.) £1. 6s. Bury (Mrs. E.). Selection of Hexandrian Plants Belonging to the Natural Orders Amaryllidae and Liliacae. 50 colored plates. Imperial folio. Full green morocco, gilt, gilt edges, by Wright. Lond., 1831-34. (Bum- pus.) £11. lOS. Bury (T. T.). Sixteen Colored Engravings of the Liverpool and Manchester Railway, with Descriptive Letterpress. Complete copy with the double plates. Large 4to. New half morocco. Lond., Ackermann & Son, 1833. (Edwards, Oct. 1911.) £21. 1 34 Colored Plate Books Bury (T. T.). Colored Views on the Liverpool and Manchester Railway, with plates of the coaches, machines, etc. First edition. 13 colored plates. Royal 4to. Boards. Lond., Ackermann, 1831. (Quaritch No. 286.) ii6. 16. Butler (Arthur G. and Others). British Birds, with their Nests and Eggs. Colored plates of eggs. 6 vols., 4to. Cloth. Lond., n.d. (Brown No. 189.) £1. 15s. Butler (Sam!.). Hudibras. 12 colored plates by Clark. 2 vols., 8vo. Blue morocco, extra, gilt edges. Lond., 1822. (Edwards, Oct. 191 1.) £3. IDS. Caldecott (Randolph). Complete Collection of Pictures and Songs. Lond., 1887. Complete Collection of Contributions to " The Graphic." Lond., 1888. Illustrations in colors. 2 vols., 4to. Buckram, as issued. (Edwards, Oct. 1911.) £3. 3s. Caldecott (Randolph). Complete Collection of Caldecott's Contributions to the " Graphic," 1876-86. Numerous colored plates. Folio. Cloth, uncut, gilt top, as issued. Lond, 1888. (Maggs No. 273). £2. 2s. Caldecott (Randolph). Some of ^sop's Fables. Colored designs by Caldecott. 4to. New full polished calf, gilt, gilt edges, with the original cloth sides by Riviere. Lond., 1883. (Mc- Clurg No. 38.) $24.00 And Their Values 35 Calderwood (W. L.). Salmon Rivers and Lochs of Scotland. 250 copies made. Colored plates. Thick 4to. Half buckram. Lond., 1909. (Hitchman, Michaelmas, 1910.) £1. los. Calvert (F.). Lessons on Landscapes. In three parts. Numerous plates, some colored. Ob- long folio. Half calf. Lond., 181 5. (Ed- wards, Oct. 191 1.) 17s. 6d. Cameron (P.)« Monograph of the British Phy- tophagous Hymenoptera. 84 plates, those of caterpillars colored. 4 vols., 8vo. Cloth. Lond., Ray Soc, 1882-92. (Thin No. 169.) £3. lOS. Campbell (J.). Travels in South Africa. Large paper copy. Numerous full page colored plates. 2 vols, in one. Royal 8vo. Lond., 1822. (Maggs No. 261.) f I. los. Carey (David). Life in Paris. First edition. 21 colored plates by Geo. Cruikshank. Large paper copy. Royal 8vo. Half calf. Lond., 1822. (Edwards, Oct. 191^1.) £20. Carey (David). Life in Paris. 21 colored plates, designed and colored by Geo. Cruik- shank. 8vo. Full polished calf, gilt edges, by Riviere. Lond., 1822. (Bartlett No. 51.) $50.00 Carey (E. F.). Channel Islands. 76 colored reproductions from paintings by Hy. B. Wim- bush. Edition de luxe, 300 copies, numbered 36 Colored Plate Books and signed. Thick 4to. Original cloth, uncut, gilt top. Lond., 1904. (Maggs No. 261.) £1. i6s. Carr (J.). The Stranger in France; or, a Tour from Devonshire to Paris. 12 colored aqua- tint views. First edition. 4to. Half calf. Lond., 1803. (Maggs No. 273). £3. 3s. Carver (Capt. J.). Travels Through the In- terior Parts of North America. Third and best edition. Maps and colored plates of na- tives, portrait, etc. 8vo. Calf. Lond., 1781. (Maggs No. 261.) £2. 7s. 6d. Cassone (F.). Flora Medico-Farmaceutica. 600 colored plates. 6 vols., crown Svo. Cloth. Torino, 1847-80. (Bumpus.) £2. 8s. Catesby (M.). Natural History of Carolina, Florida and the Bahama Islands. Text in English and French. Colored map and 220 colored plates. First edition, with the supple- ment. 2 vols., folio. Calf, gilt. Lond., 1731- 43. (Commin, Feb. 1912.) £9.93. Catherwood (F.). Views of Ancient Monu- ments in Central America, Chiapas and Yuca- tan. 25 colored lithographs, map and descrip- tions. Large folio. Original half morocco. Lond., 1844. (Maggs No. 261.) £3. los. Catlin (George). North American Indian Port- folio. 25 folio colored plates on heavy card- board. Folio. In cloth portfolio, as published. And Their Values 37 Lond., George Catlin, 1844. (McClurg No. 38.) $120.00 Cavalcade Religieuse a rOccasion du Jubile de 850 ans celebre avec grande pompe en rhon- neur de Notre Dame d'Hanswych a Malines. 19 colored plates, containing hundreds of fig- ures (margin of plate 4 slightly damaged), nearly 30 feet by 6 inches. Oblong folio. Cloth. Lond., 1838. (Myers No. 165.) ^3. 3s. Cellarius. Fashionable Dancing. With designs by Gavarni. Full page colored plates, with colored borders. Small 4to. New half levant morocco, gilt top, uncut, by Riviere. Lond., n.d. (Bartlett No. 51.) $20.00 Cervantes. Decameron of Boccaccio. Trans- lated. Vol. I, with 4 colored plates, only. Crown 8vo. Boards. Lond., 1822. (Ed- wards No. 305.) ii.5s. Cervantes. Don Quixote. The 24 colored en- gravings by L H. Clark to illustrate Don Quixote. Large paper copy. Imperial 8vo. Original boarded portfolio, with paper label, as issued. Lond., J. McLean, 1819. (Maggs No. 273.) is. 5s. " Challenger " Expedition. Report of the Sci- entific Results of the Voyage of H.M.S. '' Challenger," 1873-76. 3500 chromo- lithographic plates, etc. Complete set. 50 vols., 4to. Cloth. Lond., 1880-95. Pub. at iio2. I2S. (Maggs No. 261.) £52. los. 38 Colored Plate Books " Challenger " Expedition. Report of the Sci- entific Resuhs of the Voyage, 1873-76. 3500 chromo-Htho. plates, maps, etc. 50 vols., 4to. Cloth. (Bumpus.) £52. los. Chalon (J. J.). Costume of Paris. 24 subjects, designed, drawn and colored from nature. Folio. Half morocco, gilt top, by Zaehnsdorf. Lond., 1820-22. (Edwards, Oct. 191 1.) ii8. Christening of Prince Taffy. 24 humorous colored plates, about S}i by 5 inches. New full calf, gilt top, uncut, original covers bound in, by Zaehnsdorf. First edition. Lond., 1842. (Bartlett No. 51.) $15.00 Chrysal, or the Adventures of a Guinea (see Johnson, Charles). Clark (I.). Views of Scotch Towns. 37 colored aquatint engravings, from drawings by I. Clark. Oblong folio. Half morocco, uncut. Lond., 1825. (Edwards, Oct. 191 1.) £50. "Only one copy has been sold at auction during the last 23 years, and that copy had but 30 plates." Clark (I.). Views in Scotland. A series of 32 uncolored aquatint engravings of the chief towns in Scotland, reprinted from the original copperplates. Elephant folio. Paisley, 1882. (Edwards, Oct. 191 1.) £2. los. Clark (J.). Glances at Character. 8 colored plates by J. Clark. i2mo. New half morocco, extra. Lond., 1814. (Brown No. 189.) £1. I2S. And Their Values 39 Clark (J. H.). A Practical Illustration of Gil- pin's Day. 30 colored plates. Folio. Half morocco. Lond., 1824. (Edwards, Oct. 191 1.) Coleman (E. T.). Scenes from the Snow- fields. 19 colored lithographic views. Large folio. Original cloth. Lond., 1859. (Maggs No. 261.) £2. 2S. Coleman (E. T.). Scenes from the Snow- fields of the Upper Ice World of Mont Blanc. Colored plates. Folio. Half Morocco. Lond., 1859. (Edwards, Oct. 1911.) £2.25. Ceilings (S.). Chesterfield's Principles of Politeness. 4 double plates, original colored impressions. Oblong 4to. New half green pol- ished morocco, gilt top, by Riviere. Lond., 1791. (Maggs No. 273). £2. los. Combe (Wm.). Dance of Life. 26 colored plates by Thomas Rowlandson. First edition. 8vo. Original maroon cloth, uncut. Lond., 1817. (Harper No. 133.) $45.00 Combe (Wm.). Dance of Life. 24 colored plates. Royal 8vo. Original boards, uncut. First edition. Lond., Ackermann, 1817. (Qua- ritch No. 286.) £9.95. Combe (Wm.). English Dance of Death. 2 vols. (1814-16). Dance of Life, i vol. (1817). Colored engravings by Thomas Rowlandson. 3 vols., royal 8vo. New polished calf, extra, gilt edges. Lond., 1814-17. (McClurg No. 38.) $180.00 40 Colored Plate Books (Combe, Wm.?). History of Madeira. Colored plates. Imp. 8vo. New half French levant morocco, gilt edges. Lond., R. Ackermann, 1821. (Brown No. 189.) £3. los. Combe (Wm.). Life of Napoleon. 30 colored plates by George Cruikshank. Royal 8vo. Full levant morocco, gilt, gilt edges, by Riviere. Lond., 1815. (McClurg No. 38.) $115.00 » Combe (Wm.). Life of Napoleon. 30 colored plates by Geo. Cruikshank. First edition. Royal 8vo. New full red morocco, extra, gilt edges, by Riviere. Fine copy. Lond., 1815. (Edwards, Oct. 191 1.) £15. • Combe (Wm.). Poetical Sketches of Scar- bough. 21 colored plates by Rowlandson. 8vo. Boards, uncut. Lond., Ackermann, 1813. (Harper No. 131.) $20.00 Combe (Wm.). Syntax's Three Tours: Pic- turesque eighth edition, 18 19. Search of Con- solation, first edition, 1820. Search of a Wife, first edition, 1821. All with the colored plates. 3 vols., royal 8vo. Dark green levant morocco, extra. Lond., 1819-21. (Quaritch No. 286.) £12. I2S. Combe (Wm.). Tours of Dr. Syntax. Colored plates by Rowlandson. Vol. i, third edition; vol. 2, the second edition; vol. 3, the first edi- tion. 3 vols., 8vo. Fine full old calf, gilt edges. Lond., Ackermann, 1820. (Bartlett No. 51.) $65.00 And Their Values 41 Combe (Wm.). Tours of Dr. Syntax. 80 colored plates by Rowlandson. 3 vols., royal 8vo. Cloth, uncut. Lond., Nattali and Bond, n.d. (Smith No. 150.) £2.25. Combe (Wm.). Dr. Syntax's Three Tours. Colored plates. 3 vols., 8vo. Half morocco, Lond., Nattali and Bond. n.d. (Goodspeed No. yS.) $10.00 Combe (Wm.). Tours of Dr. Syntax. Com- plete Set of the Miniature Edition. Colored plates by Rowlandson. First editions of this issue. 3 vols., i2mo. Full crimson morocco, extra, gilt top. Lond., Ackerman, 1823. (W. M. Hill No. 38.) $40.00 Combe (Wm.). Tours of Dr. Syntax. Com- plete Set of the Miniature Edition. Colored plates by Rowlandson. 3 vols., i2mo. New half calf, gilt, gilt tops, by Riviere. Lond., Ackermann, 1823-28. (Harper No. 131.) $25.00 Combe (Wm.). Tour of Dr. Syntax in Search of the Picturesque. 30 colored plates by Row- landson. " Tall copy of the Second Edition." 8vo. Calf, waterstained. Lond., Ackermann, 1812. (Commin No. 271.) £1. los. Combe (Wm.). Tour of Dr. Syntax in Search of the Picturesque. Colored plates. Royal 8vo. Half red morocco, gilt. Lond., 1813. (Smith No. 150.) £1. los. 42 Colored Plate Books Combe (Wm.). Tour of Dr. Syntax in Search of the Picturesque. Fifth edition. Colored plates. Imp. 8vo. Boards, uncut. Lond., 1813. (Walford No. XIII.) £2. ys. 6d. Combe (Wm.). Tour of Dr. Syntax in Search of the Picturesque. Sixth edition, with an en- tirely new set of the plates. Colored engravings by Rowlandson. Royal 8vo. Boards, uncut. Lond., Ackermann, 1816. (Hollings No. 84.) ii. lOS. Combe (Wm.). Tour of Dr. Syntax in Search of the Picturesque. 31 colored plates by Row- landson. Eighth edition. 8vo. Half calf. Lond., Ackermann, 1819. (Harper No. 131.) $9.00 Combe (Wm.). Tour of Dr. Syntax in Search of the Picturesque. Ninth edition. Royal 8vo. Boards, uncut. Lond., 1819. (Quaritch No. 286.) £1. los. Comicalities. A series of humorous hand colored plates by Robert Cruikshank. First edition. Oblong 32mo. New half morocco, gilt top, uncut, by Riviere. (Bartlett No. 51.) $15.00 Commercial (The) Tourist, or Gentleman Traveler. Colored engravings by J. R. Cruik- shank. Second edition. 8vo. New polished calf, gilt top, uncut, by Zaehnsdorf. " Fine condition." Lond., 1822. (Bartlett No. 51.) $25.00 And Their Values 43 Condy (N.). Cothele, on the Banks of the Tamar. 17 colored plates. Folio. Original half binding. Lond., n.d. (Commin, Feb. 1912.) i2. 2S. Congreve (Maj.-Gen. Sir W.). A Treatise on the General Principles, etc., of the Congreve Rocket System as compared with Artillery. 12 folding colored plates. 4to. Original boards, uncut, with paper label. Lond., 1827. (Maggs No. 279.) £6. 6s. Constantinople and the Mosque of Aya Sofia, as recently restored by the Sultan. 26 colored plates, mounted on cards, with descriptions. Folio. Half morocco portfolio. Lond., 1854. (Edwards, Oct. 191 1.) £4. los. Cooke (M. C). British Desmids. 66 colored plates. 8vo. Half calf. Lond., 1887. (Thin No. 169.) £2. 5s. Cooke (M. C). British Fresh-Water Algae. 130 colored plates. 2 vols., 8vo. Lond., 1882- 84. (Thin No. 169.) £^. los. Cooke (M. C). Mycographia sen Icones Fungorum. Figures of Fungi from all parts of the World. 113 colored plates. Parts i to 6, forming vol. i, royal 8vo. Sewn. Lond., 1875-79- (Bumpus.) £3. 3s. Cornman (F.). Some Olde London Shope Signes and Streete Tablets. 100 colored illus- trations. Only 30 printed. Presentation copy 44 Colored Plate Books from the author. Small 4to. Original cloth. Lond., 1 89 1. (Maggs No. 261.) £1. Costello (Louis S.). Specimens of the Early Poetry of France. Hand colored plates. Crown 8vo. New poHshed calf, gilt top, un- cut. Lond., Pickering, 1835. (Bartlett No. 51.) $15-00 Costume of the Lower Orders of the Metrop- olis. 22) colored plates of the Costumes, Cries, etc., of the Lower Orders. 8vo. Full morocco, gilt, gilt edges. Lond., (1819). (Maggs No. 273.) ii. 6s. Costumes des Pays Bas. 20 colored lithographs by Villeneuve after Greeven. Folio. Half calf. Paris and Amsterdam, (1820). (Maggs No. 273.) £4.45. Costumes des Provinces Septentrionales du Royaume des Pays Bas. 20 colored plates by Greeven. 4to. Half morocco. Lond., 1828. (Edwards, Oct. 191 1.) £4. Couch (J.). History of the Fishes of the British Islands. 252 colored plates. 4 vols., royal 8vo. Half morocco. Lond., 1862. (Thin No. 169.) i3-3s. Couch (J.). History of the Fishes of the British Islands. 250 colored plates. 4 vols., royal 8vo. Cloth, uncut. Lond., 1867. (Maggs No. 261.) £3. los. And Their Values 45 Country Seats, Views of, of the Royal Family, Nobility and Gentry, of England. After Original Designs by W. Westall, Gendall, etc. 146 colored engravings. 2 vols., 8vo. Full polished calf, gilt edges, by Riviere. Lond., 1830. (Bartlett No. 51.) $65.00 Cousin (Charles). Racontare Illustres d'un Vieux Collectionneur. Many of the plates in gold and colors. Special issue on Japan paper. 4to. Half red morocco. Paris, 1887. (Maggs No. 2^1). £2.28. ! Cox (David). Treatise on Landscape Painting and Effect in Water Colors. 32 colored and tinted plates. 2 vols., oblong folio. Lond., 1841. (Maggs No. 279.) £5. 15s. Craig (G.). Facsimiles of Old Bookbindings in the collection of Gibson Craig. 19 colored plates. Folio. Half morocco. Only 25 copies privately printed. Lond., 1882. (Quaritch No. 286.) £2. 2S. Crawshay (Richard). The Birds of Tierra del Fuego. Colored plates and photos. Imperial 8vo. Half morocco, gilt top. Lond., 1907. (Thin No. 169.) £3. 13s. 6d. Cross (Thos.). The Autobiography of a Stage Coachman. 43 colored plates. 2 vols., royal 8vo. New half crushed levant morocco, gilt top. Lond., 1904. (Young, Nov. 191 1.) £4. lOS. 46 Colored Plate Books Cross (T.). The Autobiography of a Stage Coachman. 500 printed. 42 colored plates. 2 vols., 8vo. Cloth. Lond., 1904. (Brown No. 189.) ii. i8s. Crowquill (A.). Grotesque Christmas Pieces. 6 colored plates, with wrappers. Folio. Half morocco, (i860). (Edwards, Oct. 191 1.) £2^ Crowquill (A.). How He Reigned and How He Mizzled. 8 colored plates. Oblong 8vo. Pictorial paper wrapper. Lond., 1849. (Wal- fordNo. Xm.) i8s. 6d. Crowquill (A.). Sketches of Character and Costume. 12 colored lithographic plates. Folio. Original wrappers. Lond., 1833. (Maggs No. 273.) £2. 2s. Cruikshank (Geo.). Billets in the Low Coun- tries, 1814 to 1817. 4 colored etchings by G. C. Original boards, uncut. Lond., J. J. Stockdale, 1818. (Edwards, Oct. 191 1.) £2. I2S. Cruikshank (Geo.). Comic Almanacks. Com- plete set uncut, with the covers bound in. 19 vols, in 6 vols. Full morocco, extra, gilt tops, uncut. Lond., 1835-53. (Edwards No. 305.) £18. Cruikshank (Geo.). Comic Almanacks. Com- plete set, 1835-53, with the colored and other etchings. 19 vols, in 5 vols., i2mo. Roxburgh, uncut. Lond., 1835-53. (Edwards, Oct. 191 1.) £4. lOS. And Their Values 47 Cruikshank (Geo.). Comic Alphabet. A sheet 6^ feet by 5 inches wide, 26 letters with colored humorous illustrations. Folded and mounted in brown wrapper. i6mo. De- signed, etched and published by George Cruik- shank, 23 Myddelton Terrace, Pentonville, 1837. (McClurg No. 35.) $14.00 Cruikshank (Geo.). Comic Alphabet. Colored etchings. New full poHshed calf, extra, by Lloyd. Lond., 1837. (Edwards, Oct. 191 1.) £2. 15s. Cruikshank (Geo.). Greenwich Hospital. A Series of Naval Sketches, etc. 12 full page 4to, colored plates by George Cruikshank. In the sheets, entirely untrimmed, enclosed in cloth case. Lond., 1826. (Harper No. 131.) $35.00 Cruikshank (Geo.). Greenwich Hospital. 2 sets of plates, plain and colored by G. C. 4to. Half blue morocco, gilt top. Lond., 1836. (Walford No. XHL) £3. i8s. Cruikshank (Geo.). The Greeks, "tenth" and twelfth editions ; The Pigeons, first edition ; Fashion, fourth edition; Modern Beaux, first edition; Modern Belles, first edition; and The Ton. Complete set, 36 colored plates by G. C. 7 vols., i2mo. Half russia, gilt, plain edges. Lond., J. J. Stockdale, 1817-18. (Ed- wards, Oct. 1911.) ii6. Cruikshank (Geo.). The Humourist. 40 full page colored plates, drawn and engraved by 48 Colored Plate Books George Cruikshank. 4 vols., i6mo. New polished full calf, gilt, extra, gilt edges, by- Riviere. Lond., J. Robins & Co., 1822-19, 19-20. (McClurg No. 38.) $140.00 All are first editions except the first volume. Cruikshank (Geo.). Humourist. Colored plates. 4 vols., i2mo. Calf, extra, gilt backs, by Bedford. Very fine copy. Lond., 1822-19, 19-20. (Quaritch No. 286.) £26. Cruikshank (Geo.). Illustrations to Popular Works. Part One. Large paper copy. The six etchings by G. C. in two states, colored and plain. Imperial 8vo. Half morocco, extra, wrappers bound in. Lond., 1830. (Edwards, Oct. 1911.) i2. lOS. Cruikshank (Geo.). Phrenological Illustrations. First issue, 1826. Plates in two states, colored and plain. Oblong folio. Half morocco. Lond., 1826. (Edwards, Oct. 1911.) £3. Cruikshank (Geo.). Points of Humor. Parts I and II, complete, with the plates by George Cruikshank, finely colored by hand. New full red levant, gilt top, uncut, by Riviere. Lond., 1823-24. (Bartlett No. 51.) $50.00 Cruikshank (Geo.). Points of Humor. Both parts. First edition, with illustrations in two states, india proofs and colored. 8vo. Polished levant morocco, gilt edges, by Morrell. Lond., 1823-24. (Brown No. 189.) £g. 15s. And Their Values 49 Cruikshank (Geo.). Points of Humor. 2 parts in I. 20 full page colored etchings. Royal 8vo. Blue morocco. Lond., 1823-24. (Qua- ritch No. 286.) £8. 8s. Cruikshank (Geo.). Progress of a Midship- man. Original issue. Title and seven colored plates. Oblong folio. New half morocco. Lond., 1821. (Edwards, Oct. 191 1.) £15 Cruikshank (Geo.). Scraps and Sketches. First issue. Colored copy of the 4 parts in i volume. Oblong folio. New half red mo- rocco, extra. Lond., 1828-33. (Edwards, Oct. 191 1.) £14. Cruikshank (J. R.). Lessons of Thrift. Title and 12 colored plates by J. R. Cruikshank. 8vo. Calf, extra, gilt edges. Lond., T. Boys, 1820. (Brown No. 189.) £4. los. Cruikshank (J. R.). My Cousin in the Army, etc. By A Staff Officer. Title mounted. Colored plates by J. R. Cruikshank and C. Williams. Royal 8vo. Half morocco, em- bossed sides, silk end leaves, uncut. Lond., 1822. (Hollings No. 84.) £3. 15s. Cruikshank (J. R.). Poll Book for Electing Two Representatives in Parliament, etc., June 1 8th- July 4th, 1818. Folding colored front. Original boards, uncut. Lond., J. J. Stock- dale, 1818. (Edwards, Oct. 191 1.) £2. los. Cruikshank (Robert). Comicalities of Robert Cruikshank. 24 colored plates. i2mo. New 50 Colored Plate Books half morocco, by Riviere. (Lond., 1830.) (Harper No. 133.) $15.00 Cruise (R. A.). Journal of a Ten Months' Residence in New Zealand. Colored front, of Native Chief. From the Beckford Library, with MS. notes by Mr. Beckford. 8vo. Half morocco, gilt edges. Lond., 1823. (Maggs No. 261). ii. i8s. Curtis (H.). Beauties of the Rose. 38 colored plates. 2 vols., 4to. Half calf, gilt, marble edges. Bristol, 1850. (Maggs No. 261.) ii.5s. Curtis (John). British Entomology. Author's Own Copy, corrected for publication, with the complete series of 770 original water color drawings. (Edwards, Oct. 191 1.) ^105. The drawing in neat cases, and text in 6 8vo covers, with ties. Lond., 1824-37. Curtis (Wm.). Botanical Magazine, or Flower Garden Displayed. From its commencement in 1787 to 1867, with Index. By Curtis, Hooker, etc. Nearly 6000 colored plates. Vols. I to 93 bound in 62 vols., and Index. Royal 8vo. Half green morocco and cloth. Lond., 1787-1867. (Edwards, Oct. 1911.) £68. First Series, 53 vols., 1787-1836; Second Series, 17 vols., 1827-44; Third Series, vols. 1-23, 1845-67. Curtis (Wm.). Botanical Magazine. Vols, i to ^2, hundreds of hand colored plates. ^2 vols. And Their Values 51 bound in 30 vols., 8vo. New half morocco. Lond., 1787-1846. (Bumpus.) £48. los. Another set. Vols, i to 60, 8vo. Old calf. (Bumpus.) £14. Curtis (Wm.). Flora Londlnensis. Nearly 450 colored plates. 3 vols., folio. Russia, gilt. Lond., 1777-98. (Bumpus.) £S. los. Another edition, with the rare supple- ment. 5 vols. Folio. Half calf, binding broken. Lond., 1817-28. (Bumpus.) £23. lOS. D*Avernes (Prisse). Decors Muraux Plafonds, Mosaiques, etc. 100 full page plates, in gold and colors. Small folio. New half red tur- key morocco. Paris, 1885. (McClurg No. 35.) $12.00 Dagley (R.). Takings, or the Life of a Col- legian, a Poem 26 colored etchings. 8vo. Boards, uncut. Lond., 1821. (Edwards, Oct. 1911.) £1. IDS. Dalyell (J. G.). Powers of the Creator Dis- played in the Creation. Colored plates, also the Supplement. 3 vols., 4to. Roxburgh. Lond., 1851-58. (Brown No. 189.) £1. 15s. Dalyell (J. G.). Powers of the Creator Dis- played in the Creation. Colored plates. 3 vols., 4to. Boards, cloth backs. Lond., 185 1- 58. (Thin No. 169.) ii. los. 52 Colored Plate Books Dalyell (J. G.). Tracts on Scottish Antiquities. 4 illuminated plates. 8vo. Half morocco, gilt top, uncut. Edinburgh, 1809-28. (Maggs No. 261.) £1. i8s. Damberger (C. F.). Travels Through the In- terior of Africa. Colored portraits of natives, etc. 8vo. Original half calf. Lond., 1801. (Maggs No. 261.) £1. IS. Daniell (Saml.). African Scenery and Animals. 30 colored plates and 2 dedications. Large folio. Boards, leather backs. Lond., 1804. (Brown No. 189.) £31. los. Daniell (Saml.). Picturesque Illustration of the Scenery, Animals and Native Inhabitants of the Island of Ceylon. 12 colored aqua- tint plates, with descriptions. Large oblong folio. Half calf. Lond., 1808. (Maggs No. 261.) £5. 15s. Daniell (S.). Picturesque Illustrations of the Scenery, Animals and Natives of Ceylon. 12 colored plates (one missing). Royal folio. Half red morocco. Lond., 1808. (Edwards, Oct. 191 1.) £4. 4s. Daniell (T.). Views in Hindostan. 24 colored aquatint plates by Stadler, Fellows, etc., after Daniell. Large oblong folio. Half russia. Lond., 1802. (Maggs No. 261.) £6. 15s. Daniell (W.). Illustrations of the Island of Staffa. 9 colored plates. Oblong 4to. Origi- nal boards, uncut. Lond., 1818. (Maggs No. 261.) £2. 5s. And Their Values 53 Daniell (Wm.). Windsor Castle and the Ad- jacent Scenery. 12 colored aquatint plates, mounted like drawings. Large folio. Origi- nal half binding. Lond., 1825. (Maggs No. 261.) ii8. i8s. Daniell (W. B.). Rural Sports. 70 plates, 65. of which are colored by hand, and 2 frontis- pieces printed in colors. 3 vols., imperial 4to. Lond., 1805. (Quaritch No. 282.) ii8. i8s. Daniell and Ayton. Voyage round Great Britain, undertaken in the Summer of 1813, 1814-25. With 308 colored aquatint views. 8 vols, in 4 vols., folio. Half levant morocco, extra, gilt edges. Choice copy. Lond., 1814-25. (Brown, Feb. 1912.) £65. Daniell (T. and W.). Oriental Scenery — or views (etc.) in Hindostan. The 6 parts com- plete, with the Titles. 144 aquatint plates, colored in imitation of drawings. 3 vols., ele- phant folio. Half morocco, gilt, gilt edges. Fine copy, with the text published in 1816. Lond., 1795-1808. (Maggs No. 261.) £65. Daniell (T. and W.). Picturesque Voyage to India by way of China. 50 colored aquatint views. Oblong 4to. Calf. (Maggs No. 261.) £4. 4s. Dansey (J. C). The English Crusaders. Coat- of-Arms and illustrations in gold and colors. 4to. Morocco, gilt edges. Lond., 1850. (Ed- wards, Oct. 1911.) ^3- 15s. 54 Colored Plate Books Darwin (Chas.). Monograph on the Sub-Class Cirripedia. 40 plates, some colored. 2 vols., 8vo. Cloth. Lond., Ray Soc, 1851-54. (Thin No. 169.) £1. is. Dawkins (W. B.). Cave Hunting. Colored frontispiece. Svo; Half calf, gilt, uncut, gilt top. Lond., 1874. (Maggs No. 261.) £2. 2s. (De Foe). Robinson Crusoe. Illustrated by Stothard, engraved by Heath, full page hand colored plates. Crown 8vo. New polished calf, gilt edges, by Zaehnsdorf. Lond., 1858. (Bartlett No. 51.) $15.00 Deakin (R.)- Florigraphia Britannica, or De- scriptions of the Flowering Plants and Ferns of Britain. 1625 hand colored plates. 4 vols., Svo. Cloth. Lond., 1857. (Commin, Nov. 1910.) i2. IDS. Denton (Sherman F.). Moths and Butterflies of the U. S. East of the Rocky Mountains. 400 photo illustrations in the text, and 56 full page colored plates. 3 vols., royal 8vo. New half morocco, gilt, gilt tops, uncut. Boston, (1900.) Limited to 500 copies. McClurg No. 38.) $75.00 Detaille (Edouard). L'Armee Frangaise. Texte par Jules Richard. 60 full page plates in colors. Subscribers' edition. 16 portfolios as issued at £32. Paris, 1885-89. (Edwards, Oct. 1911.) ii3- And Their Values 55 Devil Visit (The). From the original manu- script, with notes by a Barrister. Plates by Robt. Cruikshank, in two states, plain and colored. First edition. i2mo. New full pol- ished calf, gih top, uncut, by Zaehnsdorf. Lend., 1830. (Bartlett No. 51.) $9.00 Dixon (C). The Game Birds and Wild Fowl of the British Islands. Second edition. 41 colored plates. 4to. Cloth. Lond., 1900. (iWalford No. XIII.) i8s. 6d. Dixon (Capt. G.). Voyage Round the World. Large paper copy, with plates of Natural His- tory colored. 4to. Full red morocco, gilt, gilt leaves, by Kalthoeber, with ticket. Lond., 1789. " Very fine copy." (Maggs No. 261.) £7. los. Dodwell (E.). Views in Greece. With de- scriptions. 30 colored engravings mounted on cardboards. Folio. Full russia, gilt. Original subscribers' copy. Lond., 1821. (Edwards, Oct. 191 1.) £4. Donovan (E.). Natural History of British Fishes. 120 colored plates. 5 vols, bound in 2 vols., 8vo. Full straight-grained contem- porary English morocco, gilt. Lond., 1802-6. (Maggs No. 261.) £6. 15s. Doubleday and Hewitson. Genera of Diurnal Lepidoptera. Parts i to 24 and Part 27 (about half the work). 50 colored plates. 25 parts, folio. Paper wrappers. Lond., 1846-49. (Walford No. XUL) £5. 5s. 56 Colored Plate Books Doyle (James E.). Chronicle of England B.C. 55 to A.D. 1485. Over 80 colored illustrations, printed by Evans. Royal 8vo. Cloth. Lond., 1864. (Edwards, Oct. 191 1.) £1. Doyle (R.). Overland Journey to the Great Exhibition. 12 folding colored plates. Ob- long post 8vo. ' Boards. Lond., n.d. (Wal- ford No. XIII.) i6s. Drayson (A. W.). Sporting Scenes Amongst the Kaffirs of South Africa. 8 colored plates. 8vo. New half morocco, gilt, gilt top, uncut. Lond., 1858. (Maggs No. 261.) £1. los. Dresser (H. E.). History of the Bjrds of Europe. Colored illustrations. 9 vols., royal 4to. Half green morocco, extra, gilt top. Lond., 1871-1896. (Thin No. 169.) i6o. Drouville (J. B.). On the Formation of British Lancers. 6 colored plates of Lancers. 4to. New half morocco, extra, gilt top, uncut, by Riviere. Lond., 1813. (Maggs No. 279.) £7. 7s. Drummond (James). Sculptured Monuments in lona and the West Highlands. 100 tinted plates in photo-chromolithography by Griggs. Thick 4to. Half morocco, gilt. Edinburgh, for the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland, 1881. (Edwards, Oct. 1911.) £2. i6s. Drury (Dru.). Illustrations of Exotic En- tomology. 650 colored plates. New edition, with additions by J. O. Westwood. 3 vols., And Their Values 57 4to. Half morocco, uncut. Lond., 1837. (Maggs No. 261.) £3. 15s. Drury (D.). Illustrations of Exotic Entomol- ogy- 650 colored figures of Foreign Insects. Edited by J. O. Westwood. 3 vols., 4to. Half morocco. Lond., 1837. (Commin, Feb. 1912.) £3. lOS. Dubourg (M.). Views of the Remains of An- cient Buildings in Rome and its Vicinity. 26 colored plates. 4to. Half morocco. Lond., 1844. (Edwards, Oct. 191 1.) ii. los. Dubourg (M.). Views of the Ancient Build- ings in Rome and Vicinity. 26 colored views, with descriptions. Folio. Full green mo- rocco, gilt, gilt edges. Lond., 1844. (Maggs No. 261.) £1. 5s. Dulwich Gallery. A selection of 30 colored plates, mounted on cardboards, in exact imita- tion of Original Drawings. Folio. Half mo- rocco. Lond., (1830). Edwards, Oct. 191 1.) £8. Duppa (R.). The Classes and Orders of the Linnsean System of Botany. 240 colored plates. 3 vols, royal 8vo. Half green mo- rocco. Lond., 1816. (Maggs No. 261.) ^ £1. I2s. 6d. Dutch and Flemish Schools. A series of 100 fine facsimiles in tints and colors of the origi- nals of Drawings in the Print Room of the State Museum at Amsterdam. Selected by the 58 Colored Plate Books Director, G. W. Moes. Large folio, in origi- nal 2 portfolios. Hague, 1904. (Maggs No. 273.) ^9- 5s. Dutch. Tableaux des Habillements des Moeurs et des Coutumes en Hollande au Commence- ment du Dix-Neuvieme Siecle. 21 colored plates (including front.), with descriptions. 4to. Original paper boards. Amsterdam, 1811. (Maggs No. 273.) i2. 15s. Dutch. Voyages dans Tlnterieur de la Hollande, fait dans les Annees 1807-12. 19 colored plates of costumes and 43 views. 3 vols., post 8vo. Half calf, gilt, Amsterdam, (1815). (Maggs No. 273.) i2. 28. Eckert et Monten. Les Armees d'Europe representees en Groupes. 400 colored plates. 3 vols., folio. Half red morocco, extra, gilt edges. Munich and Wurzburg, about 1836- 50. (Quaritch No. 264.) £52. los. Eckert et Monten. Les Armees d'Europe — L'Armee Russe. 54 colored plates ; La Lignee Suisse. 6 colored plates in i vol., folio. Boards, cloth back. Eckert und Weiss, Wurz- burg, (1840). (Quaritch No. 264.) £12. Eden (Hon. Miss E.). Portraits of the Princes and People of India. Title and 24 colored plates. Royal folio. Green morocco. Lond., 1844. (Edwards, Oct. 191 1.) £4. los. Edinburgh and Environs. Original panoramic view in colors, size 9^ by 82 inches, mounted And Their Values 59 on linen, and folded to oblong 4to. Cloth. Lond., (1820). (Maggs No. 261.) £2. 2s. Edwards (S.). Botanical Register. Complete Set from Commencement in 181 5, with the supplement, ** A Sketch of the Vegetation of the Swan River Colony," 1847. 33 vols., 8vo. Calf (some volumes slightly broken). Lond., 1815-47. (Bumpus.) £34. Edwards (S.). Botanical Register. Hundreds of colored plates. New series, vols, i to 12 (vols. 14 to 25 of the entire work), also the Index to the first 2^ vols., with 9 colored plates. Together 13 vols., royal 8vo. Cloth, uncut. Lond., 1828-39. (Maggs No. 261.) i8.i5s. Edwards (S.). New Flora Britannica. 133 colored plates. 2 vols, in i. 4to. Morocco, gilt, gilt edges. Lond., 1812. (Bumpus.) £1. 14s. Edwards (S.). New Flora Britannica. 133 colored plates. 2 vols in i, 4to. Full green morocco, gilt, gilt edges. Lond., 1812. (Maggs No. 261.) £i.8s. Egan (Pierce). Anecdotes of the Turf, the Chase, the Ring and the Stage. 13 colored plates by Theodore Lane. Royal 8vo. New full red levant, back richly gold tooled, gilt edges, by Riviere & Son. Lond., 1827. (Mc- Clurg No. 38). " Tall fine copy." $150.00 Egan (Pierce). Anecdotes of the Turf, the Chase and the Stage. First edition. 13 6o Colored Plate Books colored plates. 8vo. Calf, extra, by Riviere. Lond., 1827. (Quaritch No. 286.) £13.133. Egan (Pierce). Life in London. Colored plates. First edition. Large paper copy, en- graved title from a shorter copy. Royal 8vo. Red morocco, extra, uncut, by Riviere. Lond., 1821. (Quaritch No. 286.) £16. i6s. Egan (Pierce). Life in London. Colored plates by L R. and G. Cruikshank. Original issue, fine tall copy. 8vo. Full crushed levant morocco, emblematically tooled by Root & Son. Lond., 1821. (Hollings No. 84.) £12. 17s. 6d. Egan (Pierce). Life in London. Colored plates. First edition. 8vo. Half russia. Lond., 1821. (Quaritch No. 286.) i8. 8s. Egan (Pierce). Life in London. 36 colored illustrations by L R. and George Cruikshank. " Fine copy of the First Edition." 8vo. Full polished calf, gilt, full gilt edges, by Riviere. Lond, 1821. (Harper No. 131.) $50.00 Egan (Pierce). Life in London. 36 full page colored plates by L R. and George Cruik- shank. 8vo. Full calf, gilt edges. " Fine copy." By Riviere. First edition. Lond., 1 82 1. (Bartlett No. 51.) $50.00 Egan (Pierce). Life in London. Early issue. 36 colored plates and folding pages of music. 8vo. New full straight-grain red morocco, super extra inside dentelle, gold borders, gilt And Their Values 6i edges, by Broca. Lond., 1822. (McClurg No. 35-) $50.00 Egan (Pierce). Life in London. 36 colored plates and music. Full mottled dark brown calf, gilt, extra gilt edges, by Larkins. Lond., 1822. (McClurg No. 35.) $42.00 Egan (Pierce). Life in London. 36 colored plates and the music. Royal 8vo. Full pol- ished brown calf, gilt, gilt edges, by Riviere. Lond., 1822. (Edwards, Oct. 191 1.) £7. los. Egan (Pierce). Life of an Actor. First edition. 2^] colored plates by Theo. Lane. 8vo. Full polished calf, rough edges, gilt, by Larkin. Lond., 1825 (Bartlett No. 51.) $60.00 Egan (Pierce). Real Life in London. First edition. Colored plates by Aiken. 2 vols., 8vo. Green levant morocco. Lond., 1821-22. (Quaritch No. 286.) £14. Egan (Pierce). Real Life in London. Vol. i. Colored plates. 8vo. Calf. Lond., 1823. (Commin No. 271.) £2. 5s. Egan (Pierce). Sporting Anecdotes. Engraved frontispiece, 3 portraits, 3 colored engravings. 8vo. New polished crimson levant morocco, gilt, original covers bound in at end, gilt top, uncut, by Riviere. Lond., 1825. (McClurg No. 38.) $90.00 Egan (Pierce). Sporting Anecdotes. Original and Selected. Colored plates. 8vo. New full 62 Colored Plate Books polished calf, gilt, by Zaehnsdorf. Lond., 1825. (Bartlett No. 51.) $32.00 Egerton. Fashionable Bores, or Coolers in High Life. By Peter Quiz. Title and 12 colored plates. Oblong folio. New half morocco. Lond, McLean, 1824. (Edwards, Oct. 191 1.) ^7. los. Egerton. Scenes in the Life of a Sponge. By Peter Pasquin. 6 colored plates. Oblong 4to. Original wrappers. Lond., 1824. (Edwards, Oct. 1911.) i6. Elliot (Daniel Giraud). Monograph of the Paradiseidse or Birds of Paradise. 37 colored plates, with descriptions. 7 parts, complete with supplement. Original boards. Lond., privately printed for Subscribers, 1873. (Maggs No. 261.) £9. 9s. Elliot (Daniel Giraud). Birds of North Amer- ica. ^2 large colored plates. 2 vols., folio. New half morocco, cloth sides, gilt top, uncut. New York, published by the Author, 1869. (McClurg No. 38.) $100.00 Elwes (H. J.). Monograph of the Genus Silium. 48 colored plates. Folio. Morocco, gilt, gilt edges. Lond., 1880. (Bumpus.) £13. English Dance of Death (see Combe). English Spy (see Westmacott). European Delineator — Descriptions of Russia, Sweden, etc. 20 colored plates. Royal 8yo. And Their Values 63 Original boards, uncut. Leeds, 1815. (Maggs No. 273.) £4. 1 8s. Fashionable Bores, by Peter Quiz (see Egerton). Fayrer (J.). The Thanatophidia of India. — A Description of the Venomous Snakes of the Indian Peninsula. Second edition, revised and. enlarged. 31 plates (28 of which are in colors). Folio. Cloth. Lond., 1874. (Maggs No. 261.) £4. 4s. Ditto. First edition. Folio. Cloth. Lond., 1872. (Maggs No. 261.) £4.43. Fayrer (J.). The Thanatophidia of India. Sec- ond edition. Revised. Colored plates. Folio, Lond., 1874. (Thin No. 169.) £5. Ferguson (Sir S.). The Cromlech on Howth, a Poem. Colored and illuminated plates. Small folio. Cloth (plates a little spotted). Lond., i86r. (Young, Nov. 191 1.) £2. 5s. Ferrari (F.). Raccolta di Costumi dello stato Romano (Roman Costume). 22 colored plates. 4to. Cloth. 1826. (Walford No. XIIL) £1. IS. Ferrario (G.). Storia ed Analisi degli antichi Romanzi di Cavalleria e dei Poemi romanzeschi dTtalia. Large paper copy. Many plates, il- luminated in gold, silver and colors. 4 vols., royal 8vo. Half red morocco, by Bedford. 1828-29. (Quaritch No. 286.) £5. 64 Colored Plate Books Ferrario (J.). Le Costume Ancien et Moderne de la Russie d'Europe. 25 colored views. Folio. Boards. Lond., 1827. (Edwards, Oct. 1911.) £1. IS. Fielding (T. H.). Picturesque Description of the River Wye. 12 colored aquatint views. Large paper. TKin folio. Lond., Aekermann, 1841. (Edwards, Oct. 191 1.) £4. los. Fielding (T. H.). Picturesque Description of the River Wye. 12 colored plates. Large paper copy. Folio. Original cloth. Lond., 1841. (Maggs No. 273.) £4. los. Fielding (T. H.). Twenty-five colored aqua- tint views of Ancient British Castles, with descriptions. Oblong 4to. Half bound. Lond., 1825. (Edwards, Oct. 1911.) £4. Fielding (T. H.) and Walton (J.). Pic- turesque Tour of the English Lakes. 48 colored aquatint views. Folio. Half blue mo- rocco, gilt back, uncut, gilt top. Lond., Acker- mann, 182 1. (Maggs No. 273.) £9. los. Fletcher (W. Y.). English and Foreign Book- bindings. 126 colored plates. Both series. 2 vols., folio. Cloth, gilt tops. Lond., 1895- 96. (Edwards, Oct. 191 1.) £5. Fletcher (W. Y.). Foreign Bookbindings in the British Museum. 63 plates, in gold and colors, by W. Griggs. Folio. Cloth. Lond., 1896. (Commin No. 51.) £2. i8s. And Their Values 65 Fletcher (W. Y.). Foreign Bookbindings in the British Museum. 63 colored plates. 4to. Cloth. Lond., 1896. (Edwards, Oct. 191 1.) (Pub. £3. 3s., net.) i2. Florist (The), Fruitist and Garden Miscellany, from 1852 to 1861. Colored plates. 10 vols., 8vo. Half calf, gilt, marble edges. Lond., 1853-61. (Bumpus.) £1. 15s. Flory (S. P.). Fragments of Family History. Families of Collot D'Esury, Maret de la Rive, and Wilkinson. Portraits, coats of arms, etc., some colored and illuminated. Folio. Origi- nal cloth, uncut, gilt top. Lond., 1896. (Maggs No. 261.) £3. 3s. Flowers, Lithographic Colored Flowers, with Botanical Descriptions. Drawn and colored by a Lady. 40 colored plates. 4 parts. Folio. Half morocco, gilt, marble edges. Edinburgh, 1826. (Maggs No. 261.) £4.43. Forbes (Jas. D.). Norway and its Glaciers Visited in 1851. Maps and colored plates. First edition. Royal 8vo. Half morocco, gilt, gilt top, uncut, by Riviere. Edinburgh, 1853. (Maggs No. 261.) £2. 15s. Forbes and Hanley. History of British Mol- lusca and Their Shells. Large paper copy. Colored plates by Sowerby. 4 vols., thick royal 8vo. Half green morocco, gilt edges. Lond., 1853. Original issue. (Maggs No. 261.) £6. 6s. 66 Colored Plate Books Forbes and Hanley. History of British Mol- lusca and Their Shehs. Large paper copy, with the plates partly colored. 4 vols., royal 8vo. Cloth. (Pub. £13.) Lond., 1853. (Thin No. 169.) is- 5s. Forrer (Dr. R.). Geschichte der Europaischen FHesen-Keramik,- vom Mittel alter bis Jahre 1900. Colored plates. Thick 4to. Original half red morocco. Strassburg, 1901. (Maggs No. 273.) i4. 4s. Forssell (C). Album Pittoresque du Nord. Tableoux des Costumes, Moeurs et Usages des Paysans de la Suede. 15 colored plates. Folio. Original cloth, gilt edges, as issued. Lend., 1838. (Maggs No. 273.) £1. 5s. Forssell (C). Une Annee en Suede, ou Tab- leaux des Costumes, Moeurs et Usages des Pay- sans de la Suede, Suivis des Sites et Monuments Historiques les plus Remarquables. 48 colored plates. 2 vols., 4to. Original boards, uncut. Stockholm, 1836. (Maggs No. 273.) £1. i6s. Fortnum (C. D. E.). Descriptive Catalogue of Majolica Hispano-Moresco, etc.. Wares in South Kensington Museum. Colored plates. Thick imp. 8vo. Roxburgh binding. Lond., 1873. (Brown No. 189.) £1. 15s. Foster's British Gallery of Pictures, with de- scriptions by Tresham and Ottley. 25 stipple engravings, printed in colors and mounted on cardboard. Folio, full morocco, extra. Lond., 1818. (Edwards. Oct. 191 1.) £30. And Their Values 67 Fox-Davies (A. C), Armorial Families. A Directory of Gentlemen of Coat-Armour. 200 colored plates. Thick royal 8vo. Full red morocco, gilt edges. (Pub. £7. 7s.) Lond., 1905. (Commin No. 51.) £3. los. Frankau (Julia), An Eighteenth Century Artist and Engraver. John Raphael Smith, his Life and Works. Illustrated with large portfolio of 50 examples printed in colors and monochrome. 2 vols. Text imp. 8vo., plates Atlas folio. Original buckram, gilt, uncut. Only 350 copies issued. Lond., 1902. (Maggs No. 273.) £16. i6s. Frankau (Julia), William and James Ward; Their Lives and Works. 30 photogravure plates on Japan paper, with large portfolio of 40 engravings, printed in monochrome and colors. 2 vols. Text imp. 8vo., plates Atlas folio. Original binding. Lond., 1904. (Maggs No. 273.) £16. i6s. French Army in the Reign of Louis Philippe. 12 colored lithographic plates. Folio. Half cloth, 1840. (Maggs No. 273.) £1. i8s. French Costume. Recueil des Scenes Familieres et de Societe de Paris, par J. S , Pigal, etc. 21 colored plates. 2 parts. 4to wrap- pers. Paris, 1833. (Edwards, Oct. 191 1.) £6. 5s. Frohawk (F. W.). British Birds, with Their Nests and Eggs. Colored plates of the Eggs, 68 Colored Plate Books and other illustrations. 6 vols., 4to. Cloth, gilt. Hull, 1896-98. (Thin No. 169.) £1. i6s. Frohawk (F. W.). British Birds, with Their Nests and Eggs (first part), by A. G. Butler. 6 vols., 4to. Cloth. Lond., 1898. (Richard- son No. 63.) £1. i6s. Froissart (John). Chronicles. 2 vols., 1868. Illuminated illustrations by Humphreys. "^2 plates in gold and colors. 1844-45. To- gether 4 vols, in 3 vols., royal 8vo. Text in calf, plates bound in russia. Lond., 1844-68. (Quaritch No. 286.) £8. 8s. Froissart (John). Chronicles of England, France, Spain. Edited by Thos. Johnes, with the series of y2 illuminated plates. 2 vols., thick royal 8vo. Half red morocco, gilt, gilt leaves. Lond., 1868. (Maggs No. 2y;^.) £y. IDS. Froissart Illustrations. Illuminated Illustra- tions to Froissart. y2 plates in gold and colors. Original edition. 2 vols., royal 8vo. Half mo- rocco, gilt top, uncut. Lond., 1844. (Ed- wards, Oct. 1911.) £10. Froissart Illustrations. Illuminated illustra- tions of Froissart. Original edition. y2 plates in gold, silver and colors. 2 vols, in I, 4to. Calf, gilt, gilt edges. Lond., iW. Smith, 1844- 45. (Brown No. 189.). £9.93. And Their Values 69 Fullerton (Lieut.-Col.). Views in the Himalaya and Neilgherry Hills. 24 colored plates, with letterpress description, from drawings made in 1845-6-7. Oblong imp. 8vo. Cloth. Lond., 1848. (Myers No. 165.) 21s. Furber (R.). The Flower Garden Display'd, with the plates colored after nature. 4to. Original calf. Lond., 1734. (Maggs No. 279.) Gailhaband (Jules). L'Architecture du V"® au XVn™®. Colored chromolithographs. 4 vols., 4to. and one folio, half morocco, gilt. Paris, 1858. (Brown No. 189.) £5. 5s. Gardiner (S. R.). Oliver Cromwell. Portrait in colors, and photogravure portraits, etc. Special issue. 350 copies on Japanese vellum, with portraits in duplicate (except the frontis- piece). 4to. Full brown morocco, extra, un- cut, gilt top. Goupil & Co., 1899. (Maggs No. 273.) Fine copy. £5. 5s. Gardiner (S. R.). Oliver Cromwell. Colored portraits and 44 photogravures. 4to. Origi- nal wrappers, as issued. Lond., Goupil & Co., 1899. (Maggs No. 273.) £1. 14s. Garnier (E.). The Soft Porcelain of Sevres. 50 colored plates. Folio, cloth. Lond., 1892. (Brown No. 189). £3. 15s. Gauci. Sketches of Character. 30 colored plates. Folio. New half morocco. Lond., 1828. (Edwards, Oct. 1911.) ^3- 3s. 70 Colored Plate Books Gell (Sir ^ym.). The Topography of Troy and its Environs. Colored panoramic views. Folio. Boards. Lond., 1804. (Edwards, Oct. 1911.) ii.5s. (German Army). Das Preussische Heer unter Friedrich Wilhelm IV, mit besonderer Be- riicksichtigung der Neuesten Uniformirung und Bewaffnung aller Truppentheile. 30 plates in gold and colors. Folio. In 5 divisions, original wrappers, as issued. Berlin, 1843-45. (Maggs No. 273.) £5. 5s. Gerning (J. J. von). Picturesque Tour Along the Rhine from Mantz to Cologne. Map and 24 colored plates. Royal 4to. New half levant morocco, extra, gilt edges. Lond., 1820. (Brown No. 189.) i6. 15s. Gerning (J. J. von). Picturesque Tour Along the Rhine from Mantz to Cologne. Map and 24 colored plates. 4to. Morocco, gilt edges. Lond., 1820. (Edwards, Oct. 1911). £4.43. Gibson (W. S.). History of the Monastery of Tynemouth in the Diocese of Durham. Colored and illuminated plates. Original sub- scribers' copy of the best edition. 2 vols., 4to. Original half morocco, uncut. Lond., Wm. Pickering, 1846. (Maggs No. 261.) £3. los. Gilbert (Josiah) and Churchill (G. C). The Dolomite Mountains, 1861-63. 2 maps and 6 colored plates. 8vo. Cloth, uncut. Lond., 1864. (Maggs No. 261.) £2. IDS. And Their Values 71 Gilchrist (A.). Life of William Blake. En- larged edition. Illustrations, some in colors. 2 vols., 8vo. Original illustrated cloth. Lond., 1880. (Mags No. 2^1.') £2, i8s. Another edition. 2 vols, 8vo. Cloth. Lond., 1863. (Maggs No. 273.) £1. i6s. Gillray's Caricatures, with Historical and Politi- cal Illustrations. Original copy, bound from the parts, with wrappers bound at end. 81 colored plates. Oblong 4to. Half calf. n.d. (Edwards, Oct. 191 1.) iio. Gironi (Robustiano). Saggio Intoro alle Civili Costumanze dei Greci. 19 colored plates. Royal 4to. Half crimson morocco, uncut, gilt top. Milano Ferrario, 1823. Only 80 copies is- sued. (Maggs No. 273.) £1. los. Goddard's Military Costume of Europe. 96 colored plates. Large paper. 2 vols., imp. 4to. Contemporary morocco, extra. Goddard and Booth, Lond., 1812-21. (Edwards, Oct. 191 1.) Goldsmith (Doctor). Vicar of Wakefield. 24 colored plates by Rowlandson. Royal 8vo. New blue levant morocco, gilt edges. Lond., 1817. (McClurg No. 38.) $150.00 Goncalvez Missal. Missel Pontifical de Estevam Goncalvez Netto, Propriete de I'Academie Royale des Sciences de Lisbonne. 88 richly illuminated pages in gold and colors. Folio. 72 Colored Plate Books Full olive morocco, extra, richly gold tooled and inlaid, by Chatelin, Paris, 1879. (Maggs No. 273). il2. I2S. Gould (A. A.). Report on the Invertebrata of Massachusetts. Second edition. Colored plates. 4to. Cloth. Boston, 1870. (Good- speed No. y^.) $7.50 Gould (John). Birds of Great Britain. 367 plates, colored by hand. 5 vols., folio. Green morocco, gilt, gilt edges. Lond., 1862-73. (Commin, Feb. 1912.) £50. Gould (John). Birds of Great Britain. 367 colored plates. 5 vols., folio. Full dark green morocco, gilt, gilt edges. Lond., 1873. (Young No. 415). £yo. Gould (John). Birds of Great Britain. 367 colored plates, with text. 5 vols., large foHo. Dark green morocco, extra, gilt, gilt top. Lond., 1873. Original issue. (Maggs No. 261.) £60. Gould (John). Monograph on the Odonto- phorinae, or Partridges of America. 32 colored plates. Folio. New half morocco, extra, cloth sides, gilt edges. Lond., 1850. (McClurg No. 38.) $75.00 Grant (James). Tartans of the Clans of Scot- land, with historical note of each Clan. 71 colored plates of the Tartans, and arms of the And Their Values 73 Chiefs in gold and colors. Folio. Cloth. (Pub. at £5. 5s.) Lond., 1886. (Commin No. 51.) ii. 15s. Green (Wm.). A Series of 60 Colored Views of the Lake Scenery of Cumberland. Designed after nature by Wm. Green. Original im- pressions, oblong folio. Original boards, un- cut. Ambleside, 181 5. (Maggs No. 261.) £4. los. Green (W. T.). Parrots in Captivity. 81 colored plates. 3 vols., royal 8vo. Lond., 1884. (Thin No. 169.) ii. los. Grenadier Guards. Costumes of the First or Grenadier Regiment of Guards, from 1660. Illustrated with 12 colored plates. Oblong folio. Original cloth. (Quaritch No. 264.) £24. Greville (R. K.). Scottish Cryptogamic Flora. 309 colored plates. 6 vols., royal 8vo. Half morocco, extra, gilt edges. Lond., 1823-28. (Bumpus.) £4. 15s. Greville (R. K.). Scottish Cryptogamic Flora. 360 colored plates. 6 vols., royal 8vo. Half morocco, extra, gilt edges. Lond., 1823-28. (Thin No. 169.) £4- los. Griffith and Henry's Micrographic Dictionary. Fourth edition. 53 plates, some colored. 8vo. Cloth. Lond., 1883. (Thin No. 169.) £2. I2S. 6d. 74 Colored Plate Books Grindlay (Capt. R. M.). Scenery, Costumes and Architecture, chiefly on the Western Side of India. 36 colored engravings. Folio. Half green morocco, gilt edges. Lond., 1830. (Maggs No. 261.) £4.45. Grose-Smith (H,) and Kirby (W. F.). Rho- palocera Exotica (Butterflies). Colored plates. 60 parts 4to., as published. (Pub. £24. net.) (Thin No. 169.) £18. The same bound in 3 vols., 4to. Half russia. (Thin No. 169.) £19.43. Gruel (L.)' Manuel Historique et Bibli- ographique de L' Amateur de Reliures. 67 large plates, several being in colors. 4to. Half red levant morocco, gilt top, uncut, with origi- nal covers by Gruel. Paris, 1887. (Young, Nov. 191 1.) £4- 4s. Gruner (Lewis). The Green Vaults, Dresden. The Choicest Works in that Museum of Art. 28 plates in gold and colors, with descriptions. Large 4to. Half dark green morocco, extra. Dresden, 1862. (Maggs No. 273.) £2.53. Gruner (Lewis). Green Vaults, Dresden. 28 colored plates of jewellery, goblets, etc. Folio. Boards. Dresden, 1862. (Edwards, Oct. 1911.) £i- 5s. Guillim (John). Display of Heraldrie Coat of arms, colored by hand. Folio. Calf. Lond., 1638. (Commin, No. 271.) £2. 5s. And Their Values 75 Guillim (John). Display of Heraldrie. Fifth edition. Large paper, with the portraits colored, and coats of arms emblazoned. Folio. Old calf. Lond., 1679. (Quaritch No. 286.) il2. Hall (S. C). Baronial Halls and Ancient Edi- fices of England. Special edition, with 71 plates, colored. 2 vols. Crimson morocco, extra, gilt, gilt edges. An unspotted copy. Lond., 1881. (Young, Nov. 191 1.) £8. 8s. Hamerton (P. G.). Portfolio of Artistic Mono- graphs. Colored copperplates and other illus- trations. ID vols., royal 8vo. Half morocco, gilt, gilt edges. Lond., 1894-98. (Maggs No. 273-) ^5- 5s. Hamilton (F. W.). Origin and History of the First Grenadier Guards. Colored plates of uniforms. 3 vols., 8vo. Cloth. Lond, 1874. (Commin No. 271.) ii. 15s. Hamilton (Sir Wm.). Campi Phlegrsei. Ob- servations on the Volcanoes of the Two Sicilies (with supplement). Original edition. Map and 59 plates, colored like drawings. 3 vols, in I, royal folio. Full contemporary red morocco, extra, gilt edges. Naples, 1776-79. (Edwards, Oct. 191 1.) £8. IDS. Hamilton (Sir Wm.). Collection of Etruscan, Greek and Roman Antiquities from the Cabi- net of Wm. Hamilton. 520 plates, mostly colored. 4 vols., royal folio. Calf, gilt back. Naples, 1766-67. (Edwards, Oct. 191 1.) £8. 15s. 76 Colored Plate Books Hardy (J.). Picturesque and Descriptive Tour in the Mountains of the High Pyrenees. Map and^ 24 colored plates. 8vo. Contemporary straight-grain morocco, gilt edges. Lond., Ackermann, 1825. (Commin No. 283.) £2. 2S. Harleian Society. St. George R. The Visita- tion of the County of Cumberland in 161 5. Edited by J. Fetherston. Coat of arms em- blazoned in gold and colors. Imperial 8vo. Cloth. Lond., privately printed, 1872. (Maggs No. 261.) £2. IDS. Harley (C). First Principles of Landscape Drawing. 48 plates, some colored, and text. Small oblong 4to. Original half roan. Lond., Ackermann, 1829. (Maggs No. 273.) £3. 3s. Harris (M.). The Aurelian, or Natural History of English Insects. New edition, with addi- tions by J. O. Westwood. Colored plates. Folio. Half morocco. Lond., 1840. (Wal- ford No. XIII.) £1. 15s. Harris (W. C). Portraits of the Game and Wild Animals of Southern Africa. 30 colored plates. Imperial folio. Half morocco. Lond., 1840. (Bumpus.) £15. Harris (W. C). Wild Sports of South Africa. Map and 26 colored plates. Royal 8vo. Cloth. Lond., 1844. (Commin No. 283.) £2. 15s. Hartshorne (Albert). Old English (Drinking) Glasses. Colored plates. Thick royal 4to. And Their Values 77 Half vellum. Lond., 1897. (Hitchman, Michaelmas, 1910.) i2. 2s. Hartshorne (Albert). Old English Glasses. 70 tinted and colored plates. Royal 4to. Half vellum. Lond., 1897. (Edwards, Oct. 1911.) £2. Harvard (Hy.). Dictionnaire de I'Ameuble- ment et de la Decoration, depurs le XIII Siecle. Colored plates. 4 vols., 4to. Three- quarters polished levant, gilt top, uncut. 1887- 90. (Brown No. 189.) £7. 15s. Harvey (W. H.). Phycologia Britannica, or History of British Seaweeds. Colored plates. 4 vols., imp. 8vo. Cloth. Lond., 1846-51. (Walford No. XIII.) £3. i8s. Harvey (W. H.). Phycologia Britannica (Brit- ish Seaweeds). 360 colored plates. 4 vols., royal 8vo. Cloth. Lond., 1871. (Thin No. 169.) £3. 15s. Hassell (Jr.). Aqua Pictura, Exhibiting the Works of the Best Water Color Draughts- men. 74 plates in four stages, outline, tints and colors. Oblong folio. Half morocco* Lond., 1813. (Edwards, Oct. 191 1.) £5. Hassell (Jr.). Picturesque Rides and Walks, with Excursions by Water, 30 miles Round the British Metropolis. Large paper copy. 60 aquatint engravings. 2 vols., 8vo. Half mo- rocco. Lond., 1816. (Edwards, Oct. 191 1.) £12. 78 Colored Plate Books Havell (D.). Collection of 24 Colored Aqua- tint Views in India, Ceylon, Egypt, etc., from drawings by Henry Salt, with descriptions. Large folio. Half calf. Lond., 1809. (Maggs No. 261.) £4. IDS. Havell (D.). Guide to the Watering Places on the Coast Between the Exe and the Dart. 16 colored views, some folding, by Havell. 8vo. Half morocco. Lond., 1821. (Edwards No. 305.) £3. lOS. Havell's Panorama of London. Long colored aquatint engraving in y2 divisions, size ^/i ^ 140 inches. Lond., 1822. (Maggs No. 261.) £1. los. Havergal (Francis). T. Fasti Herefordenses, and other Antiquarian Memorials of Hereford. Illustrations, some colored. 4to. Cloth. Edin- burgh, 1869. (Maggs No. 261.) ii.8s. Hawker (Col. P.). Instructions to the Young Sportsmen (on) Guns and Shooting. Third edition, with colored plates and engravings. Royal 8vo. Full calf, gilt. Lond., 1824. (Commin, Apl. 1912.) ii. i8s. 6d. Hayes (W. and Family). Portraits of Rare and Curious Birds from the Menagery of Osterly Park. 100 colored plates. 4to. Russia, extra. Lond., 1794. (Brown No. 189.) £1.153. Heath (Chas.). Beauty's Costume. A Series of Female Figures in the Dresses of All Times and Nations. With descriptions by L. Ritchie. And Their Values 79 24 colored plates. 2 vols., 4to. Cloth. Lond., 1838-39- (Maggs No. 273.) £4. 15s. Heath (J. B.). Some Account of the Worship- ful Company of Grocers of London. Special Copy, with the Armorial Bearings Emblazoned in Their Proper Colors. Second edition. Royal 8vo. Full levant crimson morocco, ex- tra, gilt, gilt top, uncut. Lond., privately printed, 1854. (Maggs No. 261.) £2. los. Heath (Wm.). Art of Tormenting. 6 colored plates, containing 44 humorous designs. Ob- long folio. New half red morocco, by Zaehnsdorf. Lond., C. Tilt, 1831. (Edwards, Oct. 191 1.) £3- los. Heath (Wm.). Demonology and Witchcraft. 6 colored plates. Oblong folio. Half mo- rocco. Lond., n.d. (Edwards, Oct. 191 1.) £3. los. Heath (Wm.). Illustrations of Heraldry. 7 colored plates, containing 41 designs. Ob- long folio. New half red morocco, by Zaehns- dorf. Lond., T. M. McLean, 1828. (Ed- wards, Oct. 191 1.) £3. los. Heath (Wm.). Life of a Soldier. 18 colored plates. Imp. 8vo. Pictorial boards, uncut. Lond., 1823. (Quaritch No. 264.) £8. Heath (Wm.). Life of a Soldier. 18 colored plates. Royal 8vo. Half morocco, gilt edges. Lond., 1823. (Edwards, Oct. 191 1.) £6. 8o Colored Plate Books Heath (Wm.). Nautical Dictionary. Title and 6 colored plates. (Lond., 1830.) (Edwards, Oct. 1911. £1. 15s. Heath (Wm.). Omnium Gatherum. 6 colored plates, 137 designs. Oblong folio. New half red morocco, by Zaehnsdorf. Lond., C. Tilt, (about 1829). (Edwards, Oct. 191 1.) £2. Heath (Wm.). Trip to Margate by Paul Pry. 6 full page colored plates. Oblong folio. Half morocco. Lond., 1829. (Edwards, Oct. 1911.) is. Hendley (T. H.). Asian Carpets i6th and 17th Century. 6 parts, comprising 150 plates in chromolithography. Folio. In a box case. Lond., W. Griggs. (Pub. £18.) (Edwards No. 311.) £5. IDS. Hewitson (W. C). Colored Illustrations of the Eggs of British Birds. With Descriptions of Their Nests. 145 colored plates. Third and best edition. 2 vols., 8vo. Contemporary maroon morocco, gilt, gilt edges. Lond., 1856. (Maggs No. 261.) £4. los. Hill (John). Eden; or, a Compleat Body of Gardening. 60 colored plates. Thick folio. Russia, gilt. Fine copy. Lond., 1757. (Maggs No. 261.) £2. los. Hills (Robert). Sketches in Flanders and Hol- land. Numerous aquatint plates by Howell, Stadler and Hills. Including a series of colored costumes. 4to. Boards. Lond., 1816. (Ed- wards, Oct. 1911.) £1.155. And Their Values 8i Hipkins (A. J.). Musical Instruments, Historic, Rare and Unique. 50 plates in colors. 4to. Half morocco, gilt edges. Lond., 1888. (Ed- wards, Oct. 191 1.) is- 15s. Historic, Military and Naval Anecdotes of Personal Valour, Bravery, etc., Which Oc- curred to the Armies of Great Britain and Her Allies, etc. 40 colored plates. 4to. Mo- rocco. Lond., Orme, 1815. (Edwards, Oct. 1911.) £9- Historic, Military and Naval Anecdotes of Personal Valour, etc., Which Occurred to the Armies of Great Britain and Her Allies in the War terminating with the Battle of Waterloo, etc. 40 colored aquatint plates. Royal 4to. Half morocco, uncut. Lond., 18 19. (Maggs. No. 279.) £8. 15s. Historical Costumes. Book of 96 colored plates, chiefly of Female Costume, ranging from the 5th to the 19th Century. 4to. Cloth. Lond., 1870. (Edwards, Oct. 191 1.) £3. los. Hodson (T.) and Dougall (I.). The Cabinet of the Arts, a New and Universal Drawing Book. 60 large plates, 28 of which are finely colored. Thick 4to. Original calf. Lond., 1805. (Maggs No. 273.) £10. los. Hogg and Johnson's Wild Flowers of Great Britain. 440 hand colored plates. 5 vols., 8vo. Half calf. Lond., 1863-69. (Thin No. 169.) £1. IDS. 82 Colored Plate Books Hole, Dean. A Little Tour in Ireland, by an Oxonian. Colored folding etching and illus- trations by John Leech. First edition. Small 4to. Green cloth. Lond., 1859. (Hollings No. 84.) £1.75. 6d. Holland Costume. . Tableau des Habillements, des Moeurs et des Costumes en Hollande. 20 colored plates. Descriptions in Dutch and French. 4to. Boards. Maaskamp, 1803. (Edwards, Oct. 191 1.) £2. los. Holland Costume. Voyage par la Hollande fait dans I'Annee 1806. Views and colored plates of costume. 3 vols., 8vo. Calf. Amsterdam, 1807. (Edwards, Oct. 191 1.) £3. 15s. Holmes (R. R.). Bookbindings in the Royal Library, Windsor. 152 colored plates. 4to. Cloth, gilt. Lond., 1893. (Quaritch No. 286.) ^3- 3s. Holmes (R. R.). Bookbindings in the Royal Library, Windsor. 152 colored plates by Griggs. 4to. Cloth. Lond., 1893. (Edwards, Oct. 1911.) (Pub. £5. 5s.) £2. IDS. Home and Stadler. Description of Seringa- patam, the Capital of Tippoo Sultaun. 6 colored views, Atlas folio. Boards. Lond., 1796. (Maggs No. 261.) £7. 15s. Hooker (W.). Paradisus Londinensis. or Colored figures of Plants Cultivated in the Vicinity of the Metropolis. 117 colored plates. And Their Values 83 4to. Half morocco, gilt top. Lond., 1805-07. (Bumpus.) £13. los. Hooker (W. J.). British Jungermannise. 88 colored plates. 4to. Half calf, uncut. Lond., 1816. (Bumpus.) i6. I2S. Hooker (W. J.). Century of Ferns. Colored plates. Royal 8vo. Half morocco. Lond., 1854. (Thin No. 169.) £1. 12s. Hooker (W. J.). Garden Ferns. 64 colored plates. Royal 8vo. Cloth. Lond., 1862. (Bumpus.) ii.4s. 6d. Hooker (W. J.). Journal of a Tour in Iceland in 1809. Colored front, and plates. 8vo. Half calf, gilt. Yarmouth, privately printed, 181 1. Presentation Copy from Author. (Maggs No. 261.) ii.2s. Hooker (W. J.). Supplement to the English Botany of Sowerby, with descriptions by W. J. Hooker. Colored plates. Vols, i to 3, 8vo. Blind tooled calf. Lond., 1831. (Bumpus.) £12. lOS. Hooker and Baker. Synopsis Filicum; or, a Synopsis of All Known Ferns. 9 colored plates. 8vo. Cloth. Lond., 1874. (Richard- son No. 63.) £1. IS. Hooker and Greville. Icones Filicum. (Ferns.) 240 colored plates. 2 vols., folio. Half calf, gilt tops, uncut. Lond., 1831. (Brown No. 189.) £4.43. 84 Colored Plate Books Horsfield (Thomas). Zoological Researches in Java and Neighbouring Islands. 60 colored plates. 4to. Full red morocco, gilt, gilt edges. Lond., 1824. Fine copy. (Maggs No. 261.) ^3- 3s. Houghton (W.). British Fresh- Water Fishes. Colored plates. 2 vols., folio. Cloth, gilt edges. Lond., 1879. (Maggs No. 261.) il. IDS. Houghton (W.). British Fresh-Water Fishes. 41 colored plates. Folio. Half roxburgh, gilt top. Lond., 1879. (Walford No. XIIL) £1. 2S. Howitt (S.). Foreign Field Sports, with a Sup- plement of New South Wales, no colored plates. Folio. Blue morocco, gilt edges. Lond., 1819. (Edwards, Oct. 191 1.) £6. ids. Includes also 13 plates of Spanish Bull Fighting. Hughes (G.). Natural History of Barbados. Large paper. Map and 29 colored plates. Folio. Calf, gilt. Lond., 1750. (Commin, Oct. 1910.) £2. 2S. Hume and Marshall. The Game Birds of India, Burmah and Ceylon. About 150 colored plates. 3 vols., royal 8vo. Cloth, gilt. Cal- cutta, 1878-81. Fine copy. (Maggs No. 261.) £16. Humourist (The). A Collection of Entertain- ing Tales, etc. 40 full page colored plates by George Cruikshank. The genuine first edi- And Their Values 85 tion. 4 vols., i6mo. Polished crimson full levant morocco, super-extra, by Root, edges rough, uncut. Lond., J. Robins & Co., 1819- 20. (McClurg No. 35.) $260.00 Vols, I, 2, 3, on printed titles, the date 1819; vol. 4 dated 1820. Humourist (The). A collection, etc. 40 full page colored plates by Geo. Cruikshank. 4 vols., 8vo. New dark red half calf, gilt tops, uncut, by Hertzberg. Limited to 260 copies. Lond., Nimmo, 1892. (McClurg No. 38.) $30.CKD Humphreys (H. N.). British Moths and But- terflies and Their Transformations. 166 colored plates. 3 vols., 4to. Original issue. Half morocco, gilt, gilt top, uncut. Lond., 1849. (Maggs No. 261.) £4. IDS. Humphreys (H. N.). British Moths and Their Transformations. 124 colored plates. 2 vols., 4to. New half morocco, gilt. Lond, 1854. (Alaggs No. 261.) £3. los. Humphreys (H. N.). History of the Art of Printing Illuminated Letters, Borders, etc. Small folio. Original cloth, uncut. Lond., 1868. (Young, Nov. 191 1.) £3. los. Humphreys (H. N.). Illuminated Books of the Middle Ages. Plates in gold and colors. Folio. Original stamped leather binding, gilt edges. Lond., 1849. (Edwards, Oct. 191 1.) £g. I OS. 86 Colored Plate Books Humphreys (H. N.). Illuminated Books of the Middle Ages. Plates in gold and colors by Owen Jones. FoHo. Half morocco, gilt edges (slightly rubbed.) Lond., 1849. (Harper No. 131-) $40.00 Hussey (Mrs. T. J.). Illustrations of British Mycology. Colored plates. The second series wants title and plates 49 and 50 with descrip- tions. 2 vols, in one 4to. Half morocco. Lond., 1847. (Walford No. XIII.) £6. Ibis (The). A Quarterly Journal of Ornithol- ogy. Complete from its beginning in 1859 to 1910, with Index 1859-1904 (3 vols.). Colored plates. 56 vols., 8vo. Half mo- rocco, gilt tops. '' Fine Set." Lond., 1859- 1910. (Thin No. 169.) £95. Illustrated Record of Important Events in the Annals of Europe. (Also) The Campaign of Waterloo. 23 colored plates and 3 plates of various Generals. 3 parts in one volume. Folio. Half russia, rebacked. Lond., 1815- 16. (Maggs No. 273.) £4. IDS. Illustrations of the Five Senses. 5 colored plates, with descriptions. Oblong 4to. New half levant morocco, gilt edges. Original wrappers preserved, by Zaehnsdorf. Lond., 1852. (Edwards, Oct. 191 1.) £2. Impartial Historical Narrative, Momentous Events During 1816-23. 8 plates, proofs, 3 of which are colored. Large paper copy. Large And Their Values 87 > — ~— — — — """■ — ______^— — — ^ folio. Original boards, uncut, with label. Lond., Bensley, 1823. (Maggs No. 273.) i2. lOS. Indian Art. Journal of Indian Art. Numerous plates in gold and colors by Griggs. 8 vols. Half morocco. Lond., 1884- 1900. (Edwards, Oct. 1911.) ^i^. Irby (L. H. L.). The Ornithology of the States of Gibraltar. Colored plates. Second edition, revised and enlarged. Imp. 8vo. Cloth, uncut. Lond., 1895. (Maggs No. 261.) ii. i6s. Ireland. A Little Tour in Ireland (see Hole, Dean). Ireland. Real Life in Ireland, by a real Paddy. Frontispiece and 18 colored plates. 8vo. Full polished green calf, gilt top, uncut, by Zaehns- dorf. Lond., 1829. (McClurg No. 38.) $30.00 Ireland (Samuel). Works. Picturesque Views on the Rivers Thames, Medway, Upper or Warwickshire Avon, Wye, Inns of Court, London and Westminster, and Picturesque Tour through Holland, Brabant and Part of France. 214 fine colored plates. 8 vols., square 8vo. Full crimson levant morocco, extra, gilt top. Lond., 1792-1800. (W. M. Hill No. 38.) $275.00 Ireland (Samuel). Works. Picturesque Scen- ery of the River Thames (2 vols.), Tour Through Holland (2 vols.). Rivers Medway, 88 Colored Plate Books Wye and Avon. 190 aquatints, finely colored by hand. 7 vols., square royal 8vo. New full dark green crushed levant morocco, gilt edges. Lond., 1792-97. (Maggs No. 273.) ^35- Ireland (Samuel). Works. River Thames (2 vols.). Rivers Wye, Medway, Warwickshire Avon, and Inns of Court ^(i vol. each). Hand colored plates. 6 vols., 8vo. New half levant morocco, gilt tops, uncut, by Zaehns- dorf. Lond., 1792-1800. (Bartlett No. 51.) $150.00 Ireland (W. H.). Life of Napoleon Buonaparte. Folding colored plates; wants pages 259 to 262 in vol. 4. 4 vols., Svo. Half calf bind- ing, cracked. Lond., 1828. (Smith No. 150.) ^25. Isabey (Leon) and Leblan. Villas, Maisons de Ville de Paris Moderne. Styles des XVP-XIX Siecles. 55 colored plates, with text. Folio. Half crimson morocco. Paris, 1864. (Maggs No. 273.) ii. IS. Isle of Wight. Illustrated in a series of colored views in aquatint by Percy Roberts, from} drawings by F. Calvert, with historical de- scription of the Island. Frontispiece, map and 20 colored plates. 4to. Original cloth, gilt, gilt edges. Lond., 1846. (Maggs No. 273.) £6. los. Jacob (Wm.). Travels in the South of Spain, written in 1809-18 10. Map and 12 colored And Their Values 89 plates. 4to. Half morocco, gilt, gilt edges, by C Lewis. Lond., 1811. (Maggs No. 261.) ^Z' 15s. Jacquemin (R.)' Iconographie Generale et Methodique du Costume du IV® au XIX® Siecle. 200 colored plates. Large thick folio. Full red morocco, extra, gilt back, uncut, gilt top, by Chatelin. Paris, 1871. (Maggs No. 273.) i;. 7s. Jakuchu Masterpieces, with Biographical Sketch of the Artist by Shiichi Tajima. 30 illustrations of flowers, birds, fish, etc., some in colors. Large folio. Original illustrated cloth. Osaka, Japan, 1904. (Maggs No. 273.) £3. lOS. James (Captain). The Military Costume of India. Title and 35 colored plates, with letter- press. Folio. Half calf. Lond., 1814. (Quaritch No. 286.) £6. los. James (J. J.). Views in Russia, Sweden, Po- land and Germany. 20 colored lithographic plates, finished by hand and colored like draw- ings. 5 parts. Folio. Half russia, gilt, uncut, original wrappers bound in. Lond., Murray, 1836-37. (Maggs No. 261.) ^3- 3s. Janscha (L.). Collection de Cinquante Vues du Rhin. 50 colored plates. Large oblong folio. Russia, gilt, joints repaired. Text in French and German. Wien, 1798. (Maggs No. 261.) i88. los. 90 Colored Plate Books Jardine (Sir W.). Illustrations of British Sal- monidae. 12 colored plates. Atlas folio. Half morocco portfolio. Privately printed, Lond., 1839-41. (Walford No. XIII.) £4. ids. Jardine (Sir W.). Naturalist's Library. Com- plete Set of the Original Issue. 1000 colored plates. 40 vols., i2mo. New half polished morocco, extra gilt top, uncut, by Root. Edin- burgh, 1833, etc. (Maggs No. 261.) £g. Jardine (W.). Naturalist's Library. Complete Set. Colored plates. Original edition. 40 vols., i2mo. Cloth, uncut. Edinburgh, 1833, etc. (Smith No. 150.) £4. 12s. Jardine (W.). NaturaHst's Library. Complete Set. Colored plates. 40 vols., i2mo. Cloth. Lond., n.d. (Thin No. 169.) £3. 3s. Jeffreys (J. G.). British Conchology. 147 plates, 107 of which are colored. 5 vols., thick post 8vo. New half morocco. Lond., 1862- 69. (Maggs No. 261.) £4.45. Jeffreys (J. G.). British Conchology. Colored plates. 5 vols., 8vo. Cloth. Lond., 1862-69. (Bumpus.) £3. i8s. 6d. (Johnston, Charles). Chrysal; or, the Adven- tures of a Guinea. By an Adept. Colored plates. Large paper copy. 3 vols., 8vo. Origi- nal calf, binding poor. Lond., 1821. (Harper No. 131.). $37-50 And Their Values 91 (Johnston, Charles). Chrysal; or, the Adven- tures of a Guinea. Colored plates. 3 vols., i2mo. Full morocco, extra, gilt tops. Lond., 1822. (W. M. Hill No. 38.) $30.00 (Johnston, Charles). Chrysal; or, the Adven- tures of a Guinea. Colored plates. 3 vols., i2mo. New half morocco, gilt tops, uncut, by Riviere. Lond., 1822. (Bartlett No. 51.) $25.00 Johnston (R.). Travels Through Part of the Russian Empire and Poland. Colored plates. 4to. Red morocco, gilt. Lond., 18 15. (Qua- ritch No. 286.) £4.45. Johnston (R.). Travels Through Part of the Russian Empire (Poland and Southern Shores of the Baltic). Map and colored plates. 4to. Red morocco, gilt, gilt edges. Lond., 181 5. (Maggs No. 261.) £1. i6s. Johnstone (W. G.) and Croall (A.). The Na- ture Printed British Seaweeds. 300 colored plates. 4 vols., royal 8vo. Lond., 1859. (Thin No. 169.). £2. 5s. Jones (Owen). Examples of Chinese Orna- ment. 100 plates in colors, some heightened with gold. Small folio. Cloth. Lond., 1867. (Maggs No. 279.) £4. 7s. 6d. Jones (Owen). Grammar of Ornament. Original edition. loi colored plates. Imperial folio. Half morocco. Lond., 1856. (Ed- wards, Oct. 191 1.) £7- 92 Colored Plate Books Jones (Owen). Grammar of Ornament. 112 colored plates. Imp. 8vo. Cloth. Lond., 1868. (Edwards, Oct. 191 1.) £2,. Jones (Owen). Grammar of Ornament. Colored plate. Folio. Half calf. Lond., 1868. (Commin No. 271.) ii. i8s. Jones (Owen). One Thousand and One Initial Letters. 26 illuminated plates. Folio. Cloth. Lond., 1864. (Smith No. 150.) ii. 8s. Jones (Col. Wm. D.). Records of the Royal Military Academy, 1741-1840. Lithographic title page, and 9 plates, 4 colored. Folio. Cloth. Woolwich, 1851. (Quaritch No. 264.) ii3. 13s. Journal des Demoiselles. 1838-39-40-41. Colored plates of fashions. 4 vols, in 2 vols., royal 8vo. Half morocco, gilt, marble edges. Bruxelles, 1838-41. (Maggs No. 273.) ii. 5s. Kaffirs (The) Illustrated. 30 colored plates. Large folio. Half morocco. Lond., 1849. (Edwards, Oct. 191 1.) i20. Kellerhoven (F.). La Vie des Saints Illustree en chromolithographie d'Apres les Anciens Manuscrits de tous les siecles. Public par F. Kellerhoven. Texte par M. Henry de Raincey. 50 plates, printed in gold and colors. Small thick 4to. Full brown morocco, beveled boards, gilt edges. Paris, 1866. (Maggs No. 273.) i4- 15s. And Their Values 93 Kenrick (Thomas). The British Stage and Literary Cabinet. Complete Set. 64 full page etchings and engravings, mostly colored, of fa- mous actors and actresses in their favorite characters, by George and Robert Cruikshank and others. 5 vols, and 2 parts of vol 6, bound in 5 vols., 8vo. Contemporary calf, gilt. " Fine clean set." Lond., 1818-22. (Edwards, Oct. 191 1.) £52. The unfinished vol. 6 is very rare. Kent (W. Saville). The Great Barrier Reef of Australia. i8 chromo and 48 photo-mezzo- type plates. Royal 4to. Cloth. Lond., 1893. (Thin No. 169.) £1. 5s. Kingsborough (Lord). Antiquities of Mexico. 1000 colored plates. 9 vols., imp. folio. Half green morocco. Lond., 1831-48. (Quaritch No. 286.) £100. Kirby (W. F.). European Butterflies and Moths. Colored plates. Thick 4to. Half mo- rocco, extra, uncut, gilt top, by Tout. Lond., 1889. (Maggs No. 261.) £1.45. Knov^^les and Westcott. The Floral Cabinet and Magazine of Exotic Botany. Colored plates. 3 vols., 4to. Calf. Lond., 1837-40. (Walford No. XHL) £2.55. Konody (P. G.). The Art of Walter Crane. 8 photogravure and 16 colored plates, etc. Folio. Cloth. Lond., 1902. (Pub. at £3. 3s., net.) (Edwards, Oct. 191 1.) £1.33. 94 Colored Plate Books Konody (P. G.). The Art of Walter Crane, in Books, Painting and Decoration. Colored plates and photogravures. Folio. Cloth. Lond., 1902. (Rollings No. 84.) £1. 2s. 6d. Koster (H.). Travels in Brazil. Colored plates, map, etc. 4to. Full contemporary blue calf, gilt, marble edges. Lond., 1816. (Maggs No. 261.) i2.12s.6d. Another copy. 4to. Half morocco, gilt. Lond., 1816. (Maggs No. 261.) £1. 15s. Kottenkamp (F.). History of Chivalry and Ancient Armour. 62 colored plates. Oblong 4to. Cloth, uncut. Lond., 1857. (Maggs No. 273.) i2. 2S. Lacroix (P.). Arts au Moyen Age et I'epoque de la Renaissance. Original issue. Colored plates. Royal 8vo. Half morocco, gilt. Paris, 1869. (Commin No. 271.) ii. 2s. Lacroix (P.). Arts in the Middle Ages, etc. Colored plates. 8vo. Cloth, gilt top, uncut. New York, 1870. (Goodspeed No. 78.) $6.00 Lacroix (P.). Arts in the Middle Ages and Renaissance. Colored plates. Royal 8vo. New half morocco. Lond., 1870. (Commin No. 271.) £1.53. Lacroix (P.). XVHP Siecle, Lettres, Sciences et Arts: France, 1700-1789. 16 chromoHtho- graphs and 250 engravings. 2 vols., imp. 8vo. And Their Values 95 Full levant morocco, extra, gilt back and sides, gilt edges. Paris, 1878. (Maggs No. 279.) ^3- 3s. Lacroix (P.). XVII°^^ Siecle Institutions, Usages et Costumes: France, 1590- 1700. Colored plates. Royal 8vo. Half morocco. Paris, 1880. (Commin No. 271.) £1. is. Lacroix (P.). XVIIIth Century. 21 colored plates. Royal 8vo. Half morocco, as issued. Lond., 1876. (Edwards, Oct. 191 1.) £1. Lacroix (P.)- Manners, Customs and Dress During the Middle Ages. Colored plates. 8vo. Cloth, uncut. New York, 1874. (Goodspeed No. 78.) $6.00 Lacroix (P.)- Military and Religious Life in the Middle Ages, and Renaissance. Colored plates. Royal 8vo. New half morocco. Lond., 1874. (Commin No. 271.) £1. 5s. Lacroix (P.)« Military and Religious Life in the Middle Ages. Colored plates. 8vo. Cloth, uncut. Lond., n.d. (Goodspeed No. 78.) $6.00 Lacroix (P.)- Works. Complete Set of the Original French Editions, on Art, Science, Cos- tume, Manners, etc. Plates in gold and colors. 8 vols., thick imp. 8vo. Original half mo- rocco, gilt leaves. Paris, 1869-82. (Maggs No. 279.) £12. I2S. 96 Colored Plate Books Lacroix (P.). Works in English. Plates in gold and colors. 5 vols., 4to. New half red morocco, uncut. Lond., 1878, etc. (Harper No. 133.) $50.00 Lacroix (P.). Works on the Middle Ages, Renaissance and. the i8th Century. Complete Set of the English Translation. Plates in gold and colors. 5 vols., imperial 8vo. Half mo- rocco, as issued. Lond., 1876-79. (Edwards, Oct. 191 1.) £7. los. Laking (Guy F.). The Sevres Porcelain of Buckingham Palace and Windsor Castle. Colored plates. Royal 4to. Half leather. 750 printed, Lond., 1907. (Brown No. 189.) Lang (Andrew). Prince Charles Edward. Colored portrait and 47 photogravures. Large paper. Printed on Japanese vellum, with duplicate set of plates, proofs before letters. Only 350 printed. Large 4to. Original wrap- pers, uncut. Lond., Goupil & Co., 1900. (Maggs No. 2^1.) £3. los. Latrobe (C. J.). Journal of a Visit to South Africa in 1815-1816. Map, 16 colored plates, etc. 4to. New boards, uncut. Lond., 1818. (Maggs No. 261.) ii. los. Layard (A. H.). Monuments of Nineveh. With notes. 100 plates, some colored. Atlas folio. Half morocco, gilt. Lond., 1849. (Commin, Feb. 1912.) ii. 5s. And Their Values 97 Le Comte and Boisduval. Iconographie et Histoire Naturelle des Coleopteres d'Europe. 222, colored plates. 4 vols., 8vo. Cloth. Paris, 1829-34. (Bumpus.) £2. I2S. Le Comte (H.). Costumes Civils et Militaires de la Monarchie Frangaise, 1200 to 1820. 380 colored plates. 2 vols., royal 4to. Half brown morocco, uncut. Paris, 1820. (Quaritch No. 264.) £9.95. Le Gras (M. A.). Album des Pavilions, Guidons, Flammes des toutes les puissances maritimes. Colored plates, heightened with gold and silver, with descriptions. Half brown morocco, uncut, gilt top, by Riviere. Paris, 1858. (Maggs No. 261.) i2. 2s. Le Sage. Gil Bias. Translated by Martin Smart. 100 copperplates, colored by hand. 4 vols., crown 8vo. Full crushed levant mo- rocco, gilt edges. Lond., 1807. (Bartlett No. 51.) $100.00 LedermuUer (M. F.). Amusement Micro- scopique. 159 colored plates. 4 vols., 4to. Calf. 1764-1775. (Walford No. XHI.) i2. 2S. Leech (John). Follies of the Year, a series of colored etchings from Punch's Pocket Books, 1844-64. With notes by Shirley Brooks. Small folio. Half bound, as issued. Lond., 1865. (Edwards, Oct. 191 1.) ii. los. Leech (J.). Follies of the Year. With notes by Shirley Brooks. 21 colored plates. Ob- 98 Colored Plate Books long 4to. Original half morocco. Lond., 1865. (Walford No. XIII.) ii. is. Leigh's New Picture of London, with the colored costumes of the Lower Order, 1820. Planta's Picture of Paris, with the colored cos- tumes of the Lower Order, Lond., 1837. Arranged and bound in 9 vols., i2mo. Full polished calf, extra, gilt tops, uncut, by Mor- rell. (Edwards, Oct. 191 1.) i/. Les Evangiles des Dimanches et Fetes de I'Annee. Curmer's Fine Edition, with the Ap- pendix. Vol. I, each page richly illuminated, fine borders, etc; vol. 2, the Appendix contains the Text. 2 vols., thick 4to. Full red crushed morocco, gilt top. Paris, 1864. (Maggs No. ^7Z') ii4. 14s. Lesson (R. P.). Histoire Naturelle des Oi- seaux de Paradis et des Epimaques. 40 colored plates. 4to. Half morocco gilt, uncut, gilt top. Paris, 1835. (Maggs No. 261.) £1. los. Lessons of Thrift (see Cruikshank, J. R.). Levacher (J. C). Recherches sur les Costumes et sur les Theatres de toutes les Nations tant Anciennes que Modernes. 56 plates, including 45 colored full length portraits of Actors and Actresses. 2 vols., 4to. Boards, uncut. Paris, 1802. (Maggs No. 273.) £6. los. Levati (A.). Le Costume des Habitans des Isles Britanniques. 31 colored plates. Folio. Boards. Lond., 1827. (Edwards, Oct. 191 1.) 218. And Their Values 99 Lewin (W.). The Birds of Great Britain. With descriptions in EngHsh and French. 300 colored plates. 8 vols, in 4 vols. Folio. Half calf, gilt, uncut. Large paper copy. Lond., 1795-1801. (Maggs No. 261.) £4.45. Lewis (J. F.). Illustrations of Constantinople. 26 colored plates, mounted on thick cards in portfolio. Lond., 1835. (Pub. at iio. los.) (Edwards, Oct. 191 1.) £3. los. Lewis (J. O.). The Aboriginal Portfolio. 64 fine hand colored portraits of Indian Chiefs, with advertisements to the ist, 2nd and 3rd numbers. Small folio. Illustrated boards, leather back. Philadelphia, 1835. (McClurg No. 38.) $100.00 A complete set consists of 72 portraits. Lewis (M. G.). Tales of Terror. Second edi- tion, with engraved title and 3 folding colored plates. Crown 8vo. Boards, uncut. Lond., 1808. (Brown No. 189.) ii.2s. Libri. Monuments Inedits on peu connus, faisant partie du Cabinet de Guillaume Libri. 65 plates, mostly in gold and colors. Royal folio. Morocco, extra, gilt edges. Lond., 1864. (Quaritch No. 286.) £7. 7s. Lilford (Lord). Coloured Figures of the Birds of the British Islands. 421 colored plates. 7 vols., royal 8vo. Three-quarters levant mo- rocco, gilt top, each plate and leaf hinged separately on linen guard. Lond., 1891-97. (Thin No. 169.) £55. loo Colored Plate Books Lindley (John). Pomologia Britannica. 152 colored plates. 3 vols., royal 8vo. Half mo- rocco, gilt edges. Lond., 1841. (Maggs No. 261.) i4.12s.6d. Lindley (John). Sertum Orchidaceum. 49 colored plates. Folio. Full crimson morocco, gilt, gilt edges. Lond., 1838. (Bumpus.) £9. Litta (Pompeo). Famiglie Celebri Italiane. Several Thousand Engravings, the portraits colored like miniatures, and Arms emblazoned. 10 vols, and 39 parts. Folio. Milano, etc., 1819-1908. (Maggs No. 261.) £33. Livre d'Heures de la Reine de Bretagne, 1634. A reproduction. Text, within colored borders of flowers and about 100 full page plates in gold and colors. 4to. Half red morocco, gilt edges. (Edwards, Oct. 191 1.) £9. Lloyd (L. L.). Game Birds and Wild Fowl of Sweden and Norway. Second edition. 48 colored plates and map. Imperial 8vo. Cloth, gilt edges. Lond., 1867. (Thin No. 169.) ii. i6s. Lloyd's Natural History. A Series of Popular Hand-Books by Leading Authorities. Edited by Bowdler Sharpe. Colored plates. 16 vols., i2mo. Cloth. (Pub. £4. i6s.) Lond., 1896- 97. (Thin No. 169.) ii. is. Loddige. Botanical Cabinet. 2000 colored plates. 20 vols., small 8vo. Half russia, gilt, marble edges. Lond., 1817-33. (Smith No. 150.) ii6. And Their Values loi London and Middlesex Archaeological Society's Transactions, from the beginning in i860 to 1890. Many fine plates, some colored. 6 vols., 8vo. Cloth. Lond., 1860-90. (Edwards, Oct. 191 1.) £2. los. London Horticultral Society, Transactions of. Vols. I to 7. Colored plates of botany. 7 vols., 4to. Contemporary green morocco, extra, gilt, gilt edges. Lond., 1820-30. (Maggs No. 261.) London Plants, etc. Catalogue of Trees, Shrubs, Plants and Flowers for sale in the Gardens near London. Front, and 21 colored plates. Large paper copy. Folio. Calf re- backed and gilt. Lond., 1730. (Maggs No. 261.) £6. i8s. Loudon (J. C.)- Arboretum et Fruticetum Britannicum, or the Trees and Shrubs of Britain. Colored copy. 8 vols., 8vo. Cloth. Lond., 1838. (Bumpus.) ii8. i8s. Loudon's Ladies' Flower Garden. 298 colored plates. 5 vols., 4to. Half morocco. Lond., 1859. (Thin No. 169.) £3. 15s. Loutherbourg (P. J. de). Romantic and Pic- turesque Scenery of England and Wales. With descriptions in English and French. 10 colored aquatint views. Royal folio. Half calf, gilt edges. Lond., 1805. (Edwards, Oct. 191 1.) £6. Loutherbourg (P. J. de). Romantic and Pic- turesque Scenery of England and Wales. 18 102 Colored Plate Books colored plates from drawings made by P. J. de Loutherbourg. Folio. Half calf. Lond., 1805. (Commin No. 51.) £4. los. Louvre Gallery, Great blasters in. With text by Masson, Bouchot and others. 24 large colored plates. 12 parts folio in 2 portfolios. 250 copies pub. at £96 net (recent). (Com- min, Nov. 191 1.) i20. Lowe (E. J.). Ferns, British and Exotic. 479 colored plates. 8 vols., imp. 8vo. Half calf. Lond., 1868. (Walford No. XHI.) £2. 2s. Lucas (J. T.). Pen and Pencil Reminiscences of a Campaign in South Africa. 21 colored lithographic plates. 4to. Cloth. Lond., 1861. (Maggs No. 261.) £4.45. Lucas (T. J.). Pen and Pencil Reminiscences of a Campaign in South Africa. 21 colored plates. 4to. Cloth. Lond., 1861. (Quaritch No. 286.) £3. IDS. Lucas (W. J.). British Dragon FHes. 2^ colored plates. 8vo. Cloth. Lond., 1900. (Pub. at 31s. 6d.) (Commin No. 283.) £1. IS. Lycett (J.). Views in Australia. 50 colored plates and 2 maps. Oblong 4to. Original boards, uncut, roan back, as issued. '' Very clean copy." Lond., 1824. (Richardson No. 63.) £17. IDS. Lycett (J.). Views in Australia; or, New South Wales and Van Dieman's Land Delineated. And Their Values 103 50 large colored engravings. Oblong 4to. Half morocco, fore and bottom edges uncut. Lond., 1824. (Maggs Xo. 261.) £16. i6s. Another copy. One map missing, and corner off first leaf of text. Oblong 4to. Half morocco, Lond., 1824. (]^Iaggs Xo. 261.) iio. i8s. Lycett (J.). Views in Australia. 48 colored plates. Oblong folio. Original half binding. Lond., 1825. (Quaritch Xo. 286.) £14. 14s. Lydekker (R.)- Royal X^atural History. 'J2 colored plates. 6 vols., royal 8vo. Half mo- rocco. Lond., 1893-94. (Thin X^o. 169.) McKenney and Hall. History of the Indian Tribes of X'orth America. 120 colored plates. 3 vols., royal folio. Half morocco, gilt. Phila- delphia, n.d. (Quaritch X'o. 286.) £19. 19s. McKenney and Hall. History of the Indian Tribes of X^orth America. 120 colored plates. Bound in 2 vols., royal folio. Text in 2 vols., 8vo. Half morocco, gilt. Philadelphia, n.d. (Quaritch Xo. 286.) £14. 14s. McKenney and Hall. Indian Tribes of X'orth America. 120 colored portraits. 3 vols., royal 8vo. Choice copy in contemporary full dark blue morocco, gilt sides and backs, gilt edges. Philadelphia, 1848-50. (Harper Xo. 133.) $60.00 I04 Colored Plate Books McLean's Colored Plate Series. Complete Set, as follows : Don Quixote, 24 colored plates. 4 vols.; Gil Bias, 15 colored plates, 3 vols. ; Hudibras, 12 colored plates, 2 vols. Together, 9 vols., 8vo. New half crimson morocco, gilt, gilt tops, by Riviere. Lond., McLean, 1819. (Harper No. 131.) $85.00 McPherson (D.). Antiquities of Kertch, and Researches in the American Bosphorus. Colored illustrations of gold ornaments, etc. Imperial 4to. Cloth. Lond., 1857. (Ed- wards, Oct. 191 1.) i6s. Madeira, History of (see Combe, Wm.). Madou. Soixante-Dix Vues Pittoresques de la Hollande, de la Belgique. 150 colored litho- graphs. 2 vols., oblong 4to. Original boards, calf backs. Bruxelles, 1842. (Maggs No. 261.) £15. I5s.^ Malet (Lucas). Annals of the Road. 10 colored plates by Aiken. 8vo. Cloth, uncut. Fine copy. Lond., 1876. (Brown No. 189.) ^3- 15s. Malet (Lucas). Annals of the Road. 10 colored plates. First edition. Square 8vo. Half crushed red morocco, with devices in gold down the back, gilt top, uncut, by Root. Lond., 1876. (Hollings No. 84.) £3. 3s. Malpiere (D. B. de). La Chine. Moeurs, Usages, Costumes, etc. 180 colored plates. 2 And Their Values 105 vols., 4to. Half calf, uncut. Paris, 1825. (Maggs No. 261.) £4. 15s. Malton (Thomas). A Picturesque Tour Through London and Westminster. 100 aquatint plates, complete (178 pages of text). 2 vols, in i, folio. Half morocco. Lond., 1792. (Ed- wards, Oct. 1911.) ii5. los. Malton (Thomas). Views of Dublin, taken in 1 791. With history, engraved title, plans and arms, and 25 colored views. Oblong folio. Half levant morocco, extra, gilt edges. Dub- lin, 1792-97. (Edwards, Oct. 1911.) ii8. Mansion's Costumes of the British Army. 51 colored plates. Folio. Half morocco. Lond., 1830. (Edwards, Oct. 191 1.) ^85. Mareschal (A. A.). La Faience Populaire au 18™® Siecle. 1 12 colored plates. Imperial 8vo. New half dark blue crushed levant, gilt, un- cut, by Zaehnsdorf. Paris, 1872. (Maggs No. 273.) £2. 2S. Mareschal (A. A.). Les Faiences Anciennes et Modernes, leurs Marques et Decors. Se- conde edition. Colored plates. 2 vols., square imperial 8vo. Full dark blue morocco, extra, uncut, by Luichon. Paris, 1873-74. (Maggs No. 273.) £3. I2S. 6d. Marguard (C). Delineations of the Uniforms of the Officers of the British Army. 12 colored plates, showing the headdress and io6 Colored Plate Books tunics of 146 different regiments. Small 4to. Red morocco. Lond., 1819. (Edwards, Oct. 1911.) £25. Marshall (C. H. T. and G. F. L.). Monograph of the Capitonidse or Scansorial Barbets. 73 colored plates of tropical birds. 4to. Half morocco, extra, gilt top, uncut. Lond., 1871. (Maggs No. 261.) £7. 7s. Marshall (C. H. T. and G. F. L.). Monograph of the Capitonidae or Scansorial Barbets. 73 colored plates. 4to. Half morocco, gilt edges. Lond., 1871. (Thin No. 169.) £6. Marshall (H. and H.). The Cathedral Cities of France. 60 colored plates by Marshall. Edi- tion de luxe. Only 100 printed. 4to. vellum, gilt. Lond., 1907. (Edwards No. 311.) £1. 2S. Martial Achievements of Great Britain and Her Allies, 1799 ^o 181 5. 52 colored plates by Heath. Imperial 4to. Half morocco. Lond., 1814-15. (Edwards, Oct. 191 1.) £7. Martin (C). Civil Costume of England from the Conquest to the Present Time. 61 plates, illuminated in gold and colors. 4to. Origi- nal cloth. Lond., 1842. (Maggs. No. 273.) £1. 14s. Martyn (T.). Figures of Nondescript Shells collected in different voyages to the South Sea since 1764. Colored front, and colored plates of shells, with preliminary letterpress. And Their Values 107 Royal 4to. Full calf, gilt. Lond., 1789. (Maggs No. 261.) £5. los. Martyn (Wm. F.). New Dictionary of Natural History. 100 hand colored plates. 2 vols., folio. Roan backs. Lond., 1785. (Thin No. 169.) £1. IS. Marvy (L.)* The Landscape Painters of Eng- land. 120 colored plates (wanting one), with descriptions by Thackeray. 4to. Cloth, n.d. (Edwards, Oct. 191 1.) £s. Mason (G. H.). Costume of China, and Pun- ishments of China. Text in French and Eng- lish. Colored plates. 2 vols., folio. Crimson morocco, gilt, gilt edges. Lond., 1806-08. (Smith No. 150.) £2. Mason (Dr. O. T.). Indian Basketry. 118 plates, many colored. 2 vols., royal 8vo. Deco- rated cloth, gilt top. Lond., 1905. (Edwards, Oct. 191 1.) £2. Masson (Frederic). Josephine, Empress and Queen. Colored portrait and 41 photograv- ures. 4to. Original wrappers, uncut. Lond., Goupil, 1899. (Maggs No. 273.) £2. 2s. Maund (B.). The Botanic Garden. Complete Set. 400 colored plates. Large paper copy. 17 vols., small 4to. Half green morocco. Lond., 1824, etc. (Bumpus.) £21. Mayer (L.). Views in Egypt, Palestine and the Ottoman Empire. Colored aquatint views. 3 io8 Colored Plate Books vols, in one. Large thick folio. Full con- temporary morocco, gilt, gilt edge. Lond., Bensley, 1804. (Maggs No. 261.) £3. 15s. Mayer (L.). Views in Palestine, with Descrip- tive Account. 24 colored engravings after drawings by L. Mayer. Folio. Boards. Lond., 1804. (Commin No. 51.) £1. is. Meadov^s (Landon). Dame Perkins and Her Grey Mare. First edition. 8 colored plates by "Phiz." 4to. New full polished calf, gilt, gilt edges. Original cloth covers bound at end. Lond., 1866. (Edwards, Oct. 191 1.) ii. i6s. Meehan (T.). Native Flowers and Ferns of the U. S. 4 vols., royal 8vo. Morocco, gilt edges. Boston, 1879-1880. (Bumpus.) £3. los. Menpes (Mortimer). Whistler as I Knew Him. 125 plates, many colored. Small 4to. Cloth soiled). Lond., 1904. (Edwards No. 311.) £1, Mercuri (Paul). Costumes Historiques 12® et 15® Siecles. 200 colored plates. 3 vols., 4to. Lond., 1860-61. With Continuation — Lecha- vallier — Chevignard (E.) Costumes Histo- riques i6% 17® et 18® Siecles. 150 colored plates. 2 vols., 4to. Together 5 vols., 4to. Half red morocco. Lond., 1860-67. (Ed- wards, Oct. 1911.) ^11. Many of the plates are heightened with gold. Mexico. A series of 33 colored lithographic plates. Costumes of the Upper and Lower And Their Values 109 Orders of the Natives of Mexico by Linati. 4to. Cloth, no title. (1840.) (Maggs No. ^n-) i3-5s. Meyer (H. L.). Illustrations of British Birds and their Eggs. 322 colored plates, with let- terpress. 7 vols., 8vo. Half morocco, gilt edges. Original issue. Lond., 1842-50. (Maggs No. 261.) £9. 15s. Meyrick (S. R.). Ancient Armour as it Existed in Europe. — From the Norman Conquest to the Reign of King Charles II. 80 colored plates, heightened with gold and silver. Original edi- tion. 3 vols., folio. Full russia, extra (newly rebacked), gilt edges. Lond., 1824. (Maggs No. 273.) i7. 15s. Meyrick (S. R.). Painted Illustrations of An- cient Arms and Armour. 100 plates in gold and silver. 3 vols., folio. Half morocco. Lond., 1824. (Edwards, Oct. 191 1.) £7. los. Meyrick (S. R.). Ancient Armour. 80 colored plates and 2'j initial letters, heightened with gold and silver. 3 vols., folio. Full red mo- rocco, extra, emblematically tooled. '' Very fine copy." Lond., 1842. (Maggs No. 273.) in. IIS. Another copy. 3 vols., folio. Original half red morocco, gilt leaves. Lond., 1842. (Maggs No. 273.) i7-i5s. Michaux and Nuttall. North American Sylva. 2']j colored plates. Both series. 5 vols., royal no Colored Plate Books 8vo. Half brown morocco, gilt edges. Phila- delphia, 1817-57. (Harper No. 133.) $110.00 The Michaux Sylva is dated 1817-19 and is the first edition. Michaux (F. A.). North American Sylva. 3 vols., royal 8vo. Half morocco. Philadel- phia, 1817. (Bumpus.) £9. IDS. Microscopical Science Quarterly, Journal of. Colored plates. First series complete in 8 vols. New series, vols, i to 15; in all 23 vols., 8vo. Half calf. Lond., 1853-75. (Wal- ford No. XHI.) ii4. 14s. Microscopical Society of London, Transactions of. Colored plates. 3 vols., imp. 8vo. Calf, by Bedford. Lond., 1844-52. (Walford No. XHI.) £3. i8s. Military Costume of Europe. 96 colored plates, no title pages. 2 vols, in one large 8vo. Half calf. Lond., 1822. (Quaritch No. 264.) £21. Millais (J. G.). Game Birds and Shooting Sketches. Colored plates. Imperial 4to. Original half morocco, gilt, gilt top. Lond., 1892. Fine copy. (Hill, Dec. 191 1.) £5. i6s. Millais (J. G.). Mammals of Great Britain and Ireland. Colored plates and photogravures. 3 vols., imperial 4to. (Pub. £18. i8s.) Lond., 1904-06. (Thin No. 169.) £13. Miller (P.). Figures of the Most Beautiful, Useful and Uncommon Plants. 300 colored And Their Values iii plates. 2 vols., large folio. Russia, gilt, mar- ble edges. Lond., 1760. (Maggs No. 261.) ^3- 3s. Miniatures. Collection of 80 Facsimiles of Selected Miniatures of the Middle Ages, 14th to 1 6th Centuries. With inscriptions, chromo- lithographs in gold and colors. Small 4to. Full vellum, gilt. Vienna, (1850). (Maggs No. 279.) £3. 15s. Moncrieff (W. T.). The March of Intellect, a Comic Poem. Plates by Robt. Cruikshank in two states, plain and colored. i2mo. New full polished calf, gilt top, uncut, by Zaehns- dorf. First edition. Lond., 1830. (Bart- lett No. 51.) $9.00 Moore (Joseph). Eighteen Views Taken at or near Rangoon. Colored folio. Half morocco, extra. Lond., 1825. (Edwards, Oct. 191 1.) £5. lOS. Moore (Joseph). Eighteen Views Taken at or near Rangoon. Colored after the original drawings. Folio. Half bound. Lond., 1825. (Commin No. 271.) £3. 15s. Moore (T.). Ferns of Great Britain. Edited by Dr. Lindley. 51 colored plates. Royal folio. Full crimson morocco, extra. Fine copy. Lond., 1857. (Commin, Feb. 1912.) £3. lOS. Moore (T.). Nature-Printed British Ferns. 120 colored plates. 2 vols., royal 8vo. Half 112 Colored Plate Books green morocco, gilt, gilt edges. Lond., 1859. (Maggs No. 261.) f I. i6s. Morin (E.). A Series of 53 Colored Illustra- tions of Scenes in '' Don Quixote." Small ob- long 4to. Original cloth. Paris, (1850). (Maggs No. 2^1.) 14s. Morris (B. R.). British Game Birds and Wild Fowl. 60 colored plates. Royal 4to. Lond., n.d., (1873). (Thin No. 169.) ii. 5s. Morris (F. O.). History of British Birds. First edition. 358 colored plates. 6 vols., royal 8vo. Full green scored calf, gilt. Lond., 1851-57. (Hitchman, Michaelmas, 1910.) £4. IDS. Morris (F. O.). History of British Birds. Fourth edition. 6 vols., 4to. Cloth. Lond., 1895. (Richardson No. 63.) £3. 5s. Morris (F. O.). History of British Birds. Colored plates. 8 vols., crown 8vo. Cloth. Groombridge, n.d. (Brown No. 189.) £2. 2s. Morris (F. O.). History of British Birds. 6 vols. Nests and Eggs of British Birds De- scribed. 3 vols. Together 580 colored plates. 9 vols., royal 8vo. Half polished morocco, ex- tra, emblematically tooled, gilt leaves, by Root. First editions. Lond., 1851-57. Fine Set. (Maggs No. 261.) £14. IDS. Morris (F. O.). History of British Birds. 358 colored plates. 6 vols., i860; also Nests And Their Values 113 and Eggs of British Birds. 225 colored plates. 3 vols., 1861. Together 9 vols. Royal 8vo. Cloth, gilt. Lond., 1860-61. (Thin No. 169.) £7. Morris (F. O.). Natural History of British Moths. Colored plates. 4 vols., royal 8vo. Cloth. Lond., 1872. (Thin No. 169.) £2. 5s. Morris (F. O.). Natural History of British Moths. Colored plates, complete in the parts. Royal 8vo. Lond., 1896. (Commin, Nov. 1911.) ii. IS. Morris (F. O.). Natural History of the Nests and Eggs of British Birds. 223 colored plates. 3 vols., royal 8vo. Lond., 1853-56. (Thin No. 169.) i2. 2S. Another set. Fourth edition, revised by W. B. Tegetmeier. 248 plates. Chiefly colored by hand. Royal 8vo. Lond., 1896. (Thin No. 169.) £2. 5s. Morris (F. O.)' Natural History of the Nests and Eggs of British Birds. Second edition. Colored plates. 3 vols., imp. 8vo. Cloth. Lond., 1879. (Walford No. XHL) ii. 12s. Morris (F. O.). Picturesque Views of Seats of the Noblemen and Gentlemen of Great Britain and Ireland. 240 colored plates. 6 vols., 4to. Cloth, gilt. Lond., n.d. (W. M. Hill No. 38.) $25.cx) 114 Colored Plate Books Moss (Dr. E. L.). Shores of the Polar Sea. The Arctic Expedition of 1875-76. 16 colored plates. Folio. Cloth. Lond., 1878. (Ed- wards, Oct. 191 1.) ii. Murs (O. des). Iconographie Ornithologique. 72 colored plates. Royal 4to. Half morocco, gilt top, uncut. Paris, 1849. (M^ggs No. 261.) £9. 9s. Musset (Georges). Les Fa'ienceries Rochelaises. 20 colored plates (No. 7 printed on Japan paper). Large 4to. Half calf, gilt, uncut. La Rochelle, chez Tauteur, 1888. (Maggs No. 273.) i2. 2S. Muther (R.). History of Modern Paintings. New edition, with 48 colored plates. 4 vols., small 4to. Cloth. Lond., 1907. (Edwards, Oct. 1911.) £3. 3s. Napoleon, Life of, by Dr. Syntax (see Combe, Wm.). Nash (J.). Mansions of England in the Olden Time. Original issue, with 125 tinted litho- graphic plates. 5 vols., large folio. Original half morocco, uncut. Lond., 1839-52. (Maggs No. 273.) £g. los. The above includes Windsor Castle, 1852. Nash (J.). Mansions of England in the Olden Time. Colored copy of the whole work, mounted on cardboard, with text in 4 port- folios. Imperial folio. Lond., 1839-42. (Ed- wards, Oct. 191 1.) £40. And Their Values 115 Nash (J.). Mansions of England in the Olden Time. 104 tinted lithographs. 4 vols., im- perial folio. Half morocco. Lond., 1839-42. (Edwards, Oct. 1911.) in. Nash (J.). Mansions of England in the Olden Time. Original issue. 100 tinted lithographs. 4 vols., large folio. Half morocco. Lond., 1839-49. (Maggs No. 273.) i;. i8s. Nash (J.). Mansions of Old England in the Olden Time. Reproduced exactly half size of the original work. Lithographic plates, and re-edited, with a new history of each mansion, by J. C. Anderson. 4 vols., imperial 4to. Cloth. Lond., 1869-72. (Edwards, Oct. 1911.) £3. los. Nash (J.). Royal Pavilion at Brighton. With History by Brayley. 30 colored plates like drawings, mounted on thick tinted paper, with set of proof outlines. Imperial folio. Half morocco, gilt, gilt edges. Lond., 1828. (Ed- wards, Oct. 191 1.) £4. los. Nash (J.). Royal Pavilion at Brighton. 28 colored plates mounted like drawings, with 2y duplicate outline plates. Folio. Full morocco, gilt, gilt edges. Lond., 1825. (Maggs No. 261.) £4. los. Nash (J.). Windsor Castle, Views of the Ex- terior and Interior. 25 colored plates. Atlas folio. Half morocco. Lond., (1848). (Ed- wards, Oct. 191 1.) £9 ii6 Colored Plate Books Nattes (J. C). Bath. 28 colored lithographic plates and 2 vignettes, with descriptions. Folio. Original half morocco, gilt. Lond., Miller, 1806. (Maggs No. 273.) £14. 14s. Naval Achievements of Great Britain, 1793 to 1 81 7. 57 colored- plates. Martial Achieve- ments, 1799 to 1815. 54 colored plates. 2 vols., royal 4to. Original half red morocco, uncut. " Fine clean set." Lond., 1816-1817, 1814-15. (Smith No. 150.) £21. Naval Achievements of Great Britain, 1793- 1817. Vignette, etched key-plate and 55 colored plates. Imperial 4to. Half bound, un- cut. Lond., 1816-17. (Quaritch No. 286.) il2. Naval Costumes of the Royal Navy and Marines. Colored plates, Nos. i to 15, heightened with gold, and portrait of William IV, in full naval dress. Imperial folio. Unbound. About 1820. (Quaritch No. 286.) £28. Nebel (C). The War between the U. S. and Mexico. With descriptions by Kendall. 12 colored lithographic plates. Large folio. In original portfolio. New York, 1851. (Maggs No. 261.) £4. los. Nesbitt (Alex.). Descriptive Catalogue of Glass Vessels in the British Museum. 21 colored and other plates. Royal 8vo. Half morocco. Lond., 1878. (Edwards, Oct. 191 1.) i6s. And Their Values 117 Nicholson (P. and M. A.). The Practical Cabinet-Maker, Upholsterer, and Complete Decorator. 104 illustrations, some colored. 4to. Half morocco, gilt. Lond., 1826. (Maggs No, 273.) £1. i6s. Nicolas (Sir Harris). Siege of Carlaverock. Special copy, with the arms emblazoned in gold and colors, and 3 copperplates of the Castle inserted. 4to. Full red levant morocco, gilt, gilt edges. Lond., 1828. (Young, Nov. 191 1.) £4. 45. Nolhac (Pierre de). Marie Antoinette: La Dauphine. Colored frontispiece of Marie Antoinette and :^y portraits, views and vignettes. Special issue on Japan paper, with a duplicate set of plates. Only 75 copies on Japan paper. 4to. Original wrappers, uncut. Paris, n.d. (Maggs No. 273.) £30. O'Hara (Kane). Midas: A Burletta, in Two Acts. Plates by Robert Cruikshank in two states, plain and colored. First edition. i2mo. New polished calf, gilt top, uncut, by Zaehns- dorf. Lond., 1837. (Bartlett No. 51.) $9.00 O'Neill (H.). The Fine Arts and CiviHzation of Ancient Ireland. 7 colored plates. Royal 8vo. Cloth. Lond. and Dublin, 1863. (Maggs No. 279.) ii.i5s. Oliver's Scenery of the French Pyrenees. 26 colored lithographic plates, mounted like draw- ii8 Colored Plate Books ings. Imperial folio. In original portfolio. Lond., 1843. (Maggs No. 261.) £4.45. Orlowski (G.). Russian Cries. 9 colored plates by Godby. Lond., 1809. Costume of the Rus- sian Army. 9 colored plates. Lond., 1807- 14. 2 parts folio. . Original wrappers, uncut. (Maggs No. 273.) is- 5s. Orme (E.). An Historical Memento. (Lon- don's celebration of the Peace of 1814).^ 6 colored aquatint plates. Large 4to. Original boards, uncut. Lond., 1814. (Maggs No. 273.) £2.28. Orme (E.). Essay on Transparent Prints and on Transparencies in General. 20 plates, 12 of which are colored. Folio. Original boards, uncut. Lond., 1807. (Maggs No. 279.) ^3- 3S. Ornithological Miscellany. Edited by G. D. Rowley. Colored plates. 3 vols., royal 4to. Half morocco, gilt tops. Lond., 1875-78. (Thin No. 169.) £4. los. Oxley (J.). Journals of Two Expeditions into the Interior of New South Wales in 1 817- 18. Illustrations, including a colored portrait of a native. 4to. Half calf, uncut. Lond., 1820. (Maggs No. 261.) £3. 3s. Paris. Souvenirs d'un Maneur de Paris. 11 colored costumes by E. F., chiefly street scenes. Folio. Half buckram. Lond., 1830. (Ed- wards, Oct. 191 1.) i6s. And Their Values 119 Paris. Tour Through Paris. 21 colored plates, with letterpress descriptions. Folio. Half rus- sia, gilt, gilt edges. Lond., W. Sams, (1822). Fine copy. (Maggs No. 261.) £13. 13s. Paxton (J.). Magazine of Botany. Complete set. Colored plates. 16 vols., 8vo. Half mo- rocco, gilt edges. Lond., 1834-49. ([Walford No. XHI.) £8. 15s. Peake (R. B.). Characteristic Costume of France. 19 colored aquatint plates, with text in English and French. 4to. New full pol- ished calf, extra, gilt edges, by Riviere. Lond., W. Fearman, 1819. (Maggs No. 273.) £7. lOS. Ditto. A large paper copy. Folio. Origi- nal half morocco gilt, gilt edges. Lond., W. Sams, 1819. "Very fine copy." (Maggs No. 273.) £13. 13s. Peaks, Passes and Glaciers. A Series of Ex- cursions by Members of the Alpine Club. Maps and illustrations, some colored. Both series, 3 vols., i2mo. Cloth, uncut. Lond., 1859-62. (Young, Nov. 191 1.) £4.155. Peaks, Passes and Glaciers. Edited by John Ball. First edition. The two series complete. 3 vols., post 8vo. Cloth, uncut. Lond., 1859- 62. (Maggs No. 261.) £4. los. Penafiel (Dr. Antonio). Monuments of Ancient Mexican Art, Ornament, Mythology, etc. 300 plates, some colored, i vol. of text, 2 port- I20 Colored Plate Books folios of plates. 3 vols., large folio. Original boards. (Pub. at ^45.) Berlin, 1890. (Maggs No. 261.) i20. Penley (Aaron). The English School of Paint- ing in Water Colors. Chromolithographic plates. Large folio. Cloth. Lond., 1880. (Maggs No. 279.) ii. IDS. Perrot (A. M.). Collection historique des Or- dres de Chevalerie. Colored plates. 4to. Morocco. Lond., 1820. (Quaritch No. 286.) £1, Philippoteaux. (Felix.) Regiments de France: Ancienne Infanterie Fran^aise. 152 colored plates. Royal 8vo. Full crushed morocco, gilt, gilt edges, by Zaehnsdorf. Circa 1856. (Maggs No. 273). £2. ys. 6d. Phillips (G. F.). Theory and Practice of Paint- ing in Water Colors. 14 plates, some colored Oblong 4to. Half morocco. Lond., 1838. (Maggs No. 279.) £1. i6s. Phillips (R.). Modern London. With the 31 plates of the Itinerant Trades of London. Finely colored by a contemporary hand. 4to. Original half calf, uncut. Lond., 1805. (Maggs No. 261.) . £5- 5s- Picture (A) of St. Petersburgh. 20 colored aquatints of the city, with text. Folio. Half morocco, gilt top, uncut. Lond., E. Orme, 1815. (Brown No. 189.) £7. 15s. And Their Values 121 Planche (J. R.). Cyclopaedia of Costume, or Dictionary of Dress. Best edition. 24 colored plates. 2 vols., 4to. Half morocco, gilt. Lond., 1876. (Edwards, Oct. 191 1.) £6. Planche (J. R.). Cyclopaedia of Costume, or Dictionary of Dress. Plates in colors, height- ened with gold. 2 vols., 4to. Original half morocco, gilt, uncut, gilt tops. Lond., 1876. (Maggs No. 273.) £5. 5s. Planche (J. R.). Shakespeare's Henry IV. Parts I and 2. 22 colored plates of costume, by Scharf. Post 8vo. Original boards, uncut. Lond., 1824. (Maggs No. 2']2^.) i6s. 6d. Planta (E.). New Picture of Paris. With the " Costume of the Lower Orders of Paris.'^ A series of 29 colored plates of the Cries of Paris. Thick i2mo. Full contemporary mo- rocco, gilt, gilt edges. Lond., 1831. "Very fine copy." (Maggs No. 273.) £5. i8s. Points of Humour (see Cruikshank, George). Pollard (A. F.). Henry VHI. Portrait illu- minated in gold and colors, and 40 photo- gravures. Large paper, with duplicate plates, proofs before letters. 250 on Japanese vel- lum. Thick 4to. Full crushed brown levant morocco, extra, Tudor rose on back and sides and Royal Arms. Uncut, gilt top. Goupil & Co., 1902. (Maggs No. 273.) £4.43. Pollard (A. F.). Henry VHI. Ordinary issue. Colored portrait and photogravures. Large 122 Colored Plate Books thick 4to. Original wrappers, uncut. Lond., Goupil & Co., 1902. (Maggs No. 273.) £2. 2S. Pope (A.). The Upland Game Birds and Water Fowl of the U. S. 19 colored plates. Large oblong folio. Half morocco. New York, 1878. (Thin No. 169.) £1. 15s. Porter (P. K.). Sketches in Russia and Sweden, 1805-1808. Plates, many colored. 2 vols, in I, 4to. Calf. Lond., 1813. (Quaritch No. 286). ii. IS. Potocki (Count J.). Sport in Somaliland. Translated from the Polish by J. Curtin. Colored and other plates. Only 200 copies made. Atlas 4to. Cloth. Lond., 1900. (Wal- ford No. XIIL) £2. 2s. Pottinger (Lieut. H.). Travels in Beloochistan and Sinde. Map and colored front. 4to. Half red morocco, gilt leaves by C. Lewis. (Beckford's copy, with 2 pages of MSS.) Lond., 1816. (Maggs No. 261.) £2. 15s. Poynting (Frank). Eggs of British Birds. 54 colored plates. 4to. Half levant morocco, original paper covers preserved at end. Lond., 1895-96. (Brown No. 189.) £3. 15s. Pratt (Anne). Flowering Plants, Grasses, Sedges and Ferns of Great Britain. 1500 colored plates. 6 vols., royal 8vo. Half mo- rocco, gilt, gilt edges. Lond., 1874. (Maggs No. 261.) £4.43. And Their Values 123 Ditto. Another edition. 7 vols. 8vo. Cloth, gilt edges. Lond., (i860). (Maggs No. 261.) £3. 15s. Pratt (Anne). Flowering Plants, Grasses, Sedges and Ferns of Great Britain. New edition. 315 colored plates. 4 vols., 8vo. Morocco, gilt edges. Lond., 1899-1905. (Walford No. XIII.) £3. 5s. Pratt (A.). Flowering Plants, Grasses, Ferns, etc., of Great Britain. Colored plates. 6 vols., crown 8vo. Half calf, gilt backs. Lond., Warne, n.d. (Bumpus.) £3. ids. Prichard (A.). History of Infusoria. Fourth edition. 40 plates, partly colored. 8vo. Half morocco. Lond., 1861. (Thin No. 169.) £i.8s. Pugh (Edward). Cambria Depicta. A Tour Through Wales. 70 colored plates. Thick 4to. Half morocco. Lond., 1816. (Maggs. No. 261.) £4.153. Pugin (A. W.). Glossary of Ecclesiastical Or- nament and Costume. Revised by B. Smith. 70 plates in gold and colors. 4to. Half mo- rocco. (Pub. at £6. 6s.) Lond., 1868. (Com- min No. 51.) £2. 2s. Punch and Judy. With an account of its origin. Second edition. Colored plates by Geo. Cruik- shank. Post 8vo. Cloth, uncut. Lond., 1828. (Walford No. XIII.) £1. 15s. 124 Colored Plate Books Pyne (J. B.). English Lake District. 25 colored plates, proofs mounted on cardboard. Atlas folio. Half morocco, gilt, gilt edges. Lond., n.d. (Commin, Feb. 1912.) £4. 4S. Pyne (W. H.). Costume of Great Britain. 60 colored aquatint plates by W. H. Pyne. Folio. Full contemporary straight-grain morocco, gilt, gilt edges. Lond., 1804. " Fine copy." (Maggs No. 273.) £s. ids. Pyne (W. H.). Costume of Great Britain. 60 colored plates. Special copy on large paper, with the plates in proof state; evidently the Artist's own copy, with special colorings for the printer. Folio. New full red levant mo- rocco, extra, by Zaehnsdorf. Lond., 1808. (Edwards, Oct. 191 1.) ii8. Pyne (W. H.). History of the Royal Resi- dences of Windsor Castle, St. James Palace, Carlton House, etc. 100 aquatint plates, colored like drawings. 3 vols., large 4to. Full crimson morocco, extra, gilt edges. Lond., 1819. (Maggs No. 273.) £28. los. Pytchley Hunt. A Distinguished Character in the Pytchley Hunt (Dick Knight). 8 colored plates, engraved by Jukes after drawings by C. Loraine Smith. Inlaid and mounted on card- board. First issue, published March 31, 1790, by F. Jukes, No. 10 Howland Street. Oblong folio. Lond., 1790. (Quaritch No. 261.) £32. And Their Values 125 Quaritch (Bernard). Examples of Book Illumi- nation During the Middle Ages. 113 colored plates, many heightened with gold (1889-92). Facsimiles of Bookbindings. 103 colored plates (1889). Together 2 vols., imp. 8vo. Half morocco. Lond., Quaritch, 1889-92. (Ed- wards, Oct. 191 1.) ilOi Quaritch (Bernard). Examples of Book Illumi- nation During the Middle Ages. 113 illustra- tions, principally illuminated in gold and colors, by Griggs. Small folio. Original half mo- rocco, gilt top. Lond., 1889. (Maggs No. 273-) i-7' los. Quaritch (Bernard). Examples of Historic or Artistic Bookbindings. 103 plates in gold and colors. Imperial 8vo. Red morocco, extra. Lond., 1889. (Quaritch No. 286.) £9. 9s. Another copy. Only 100 plates. Im- perial 8vo., Roxburgh. Lond., 1889. (Qua- ritch No. 286.) £4. los. Another copy. Only 98 plates. (Qua- ritch No. 286.) £4. 4s. Another copy. Only 93 plates. (Qua- ritch No. 286.) £3. i6s. Racinet (M. A.). Costume Historique. 500 plates, 300 in gold and colors. Large paper copy. 6 vols., folio. Three-quarters maroon levant morocco, gilt, gilt tops, by Tout. Paris, 1888. (Harper No. 133.) $100.00. 126 Colored Plate Books Racinet (M. A.). Costume Historique. Large paper copy. 500 plates, 300 in gold, silver and colors. 6 vols., folio. Fine half dark red mo- rocco, extra, gilt tops, uncut. Paris, 1888. (McClurg No. 35.) $150.00 Rackham (Arthur). Grimm's Fairy Tales. 40 full page drawings in colors. Edition de luxe, signed by the Author. 4to. Vellum. Lond., 1909. (Young No. 415.) £3. 3s. Rackham (Arthur). Gulliver's Travels. 13 full page drawings in colors. Large paper. 4to. White buckram. Lond., 1909. (Young No. 415.) £1.55. Rackham (Arthur). Ingoldsby Legends. 24 colored drawings and other illustrations by Arthur Rackham. First edition. 4to. Origi- nal pictorial cloth. Lond., 1907. (Young, Nov. 1911.) f I. 5s. Rackham (Arthur). Midsummer Night's Dream. By Shakespeare. Colored drawings. No. I of edition de luxe, signed by the Author. Royal 4to. Original vellum. Lond., 1908. (Young No. 415.) £4.45. Rackham (Arthur). Midsummer Night's Dream. By Shakespeare. Colored drawings. First edition. 4to. New three-quarters red levant, gold tooled. Lond., 1908. (Young No. 415.) £2. 5s. Rackham (Arthur). Undine. By De La Motte Fouque. 15 full page drawings in colors^ And Their Values 127 Edition de luxe, signed by the Author. Royal 4to. Original vellum. Lond., 1909. (Young No. 415.) ii.5s. Raoul-Rochette (M.). Lettres sur la Suisse. Numerous colored folding aquatint views in Switzerland, and colored stipple plates of cos- tumes. 6 vols., i2mo. Calf, gilt, gilt edges. ("Relie par Vanette, eleve de M. Bradel," with his ticket.) Paris, 1823. (Maggs No. 273-) ^3- 3s. Ravencroft (E.). Pinetum Britannicum. A descriptive account of Hardy Coniferous Trees cultivated in Great Britain. 53 colored plates. 3 vols., large folio. Russia, gilt, gilt edges. Lond., 1884. (Bumpus.) £17. los. Rawstone (Lawrence). Gamonia, or the Art of Preserving Game. 15 colored plates by Rawlins. Presentation copy from the Author. 8vo. Olive morocco, extra, gilt edges. Lond., Ackermann, 1837. (Quaritch No. 264.) iio. lOS. Rayet (O.) and Collignon (M). Histoire de la Ceramique Grecque. Colored plates. Large Japan paper copy, with double set of plates. Thick 4to. Full red crushed morocco double of red and dark blue morocco, silk end leaves, uncut, by Zaehnsdorf. Paris, 1888. (Maggs No. 273.) i7. 7s. Redoute (Pierre Jos.). Les Liliacees. Paper velin. Portrait and nearly 500 colored plates. 128 Colored Plate Books 8 vols., folio. Original half red morocco, un- cut. Paris, 1802-16. (Bumpus.) iioo. Redoute (P. J.). Les Roses. 170 colored plates. 3 vols., royal 8vo. Half morocco, gilt top. Paris, 1828. (Maggs. No. 261.) £6. 6s. Redoute (P. J.). Plantarum Succulentarum Historia. Grand papier velin. 144 colored plates. 2 vols, in one, royal folio. Morocco, gilt, gilt edges. Paris, 1799. (Bumpus.) £14. Reeve (Lovell). Conchologia Systematica, or Complete System of Conchology. 300 colored plates. 2 vols., thick 4to. Half calf. Lond., 1841-42. (Maggs No. 261.) £3. 14s. Rei (Bai). The Book of 100 Birds. 100 colored Japanese prints. Folio. Half morocco. Lond., n.d. (Edwards, Oct. 191 1.) £1. los. Repton (H.). Landscape Gardening and Land- scape Architecture. With notes, etc., by J. C. Loudon. Portrait and 250 colored engravings. Thick 8vo. Cloth, uncut. Lond., 1840. (Maggs No. 261.) £1. I2s. Repton (H.). Landscape Gardening and Land- scape Architecture. New edition by J. C. Loudon. Colored plates. 8vo. Half calf. Lond., 1840. (Walford No. XHL) £1.45. Repton (H.). Sketches and Hints on Land- scape Gardening. 16 plates, colored and plain, with movable slips, showing improvements. And Their Values 129 Oblong 4to. Half calf, gilt. Lond., 1794. (Maggs No. 261.) £8. 15s. Repton (H.). Fragments and Theory and Prac- tice of Landscape Gardening. Numerous plates, some colored. 4to. Half calf. Lond., 1816. (Edwards, Oct. 191 1.) £12. los. Repton (H.). Designs for the Pavilion at Brighton. 12 colored aquatint plates, some with additional movable decorations. Folio. Full contemporary straight-grain morocco, gilt leaves. Lond., 1808. (Maggs No. 261.) ^3- 3s. Reynardson (C. T. S. Birch). Down the Road, or Reminiscences of a Gentleman Coachman. 12 colored plates by Aiken. Square 8vo. Polished calf, gilt top, original cloth covers mounted and bound in. Lond., 1875. (Hol- lings No. 84.) £2. IDS. Rhead (G. W.). History of the Fan. 127 colored and other plates. Folio. Cloth. Lond., 1910. (Edwards, Oct. 191 1.) (Pub. at £4. 4s. net.) £3. Rhodes (Wm. B.). Bombastes Furioso. A Burlesque Tragic Opera. Illustrations in two states by Geo. Cruikshank, plain and colored. First edition. i2mo. New full polished calf, gilt top, uncut, by Zaehnsdorf. Lond., 1830. (Bartlett No. 51.) $9.00 Riepenhausen (F. and T.). Peintures de Polyg- note a Delphes. 38 colored lithoraphs to il- I30 Colored Plate Books lustrate the Description of Pausanias. 2 parts, large oblong folio. Unbound and uncut. Rome, 1829. (Maggs No. 279.) £3. 3s. Riverside Natural History. Edited by John Sterling Kingsley. 12 colored plates and other illustrations. 6 vols, in 12 vols. Buckram neat, gilt top. (Pub. at £6. 6s.) Lond., 1888. (Thin No. 169.) £2. 2s. Robinson (V. J.). Eastern Carpets. Both series, with preface by Sir Geo. Birdwood. 24 colored plates by W. Griggs. 2 vols., royal folio. Lond., 1882-93. (Edwards, Oct. 191 1.) £6. los. Robinson (V. J.). Eastern Carpets. Second series only. (Edwards, Oct. 191 1.) ii. 8s. Robson (G. F.). Scenery of the Grampian Mountains. 41 colored aquatint views, with descriptions. Large folio. Original half mo- rocco, gilt. Lond., 1819. (Maggs. No. 261.) £3. IDS. Rock (Rev. D.). Textile Fabrics, a Catalogue of Church Vestments, Dresses, Silk Stuffs, Needlework and Tapestries in the South Ken- sington Museum. 20 plates, some colored. Thick royal 8vo. Half morocco, gilt top. Lond., 1870. (Maggs No. 279.) £1. los. Romantic and Picturesque Scenery of England and Wales (see Loutherbourg) . Ross (F.). The Ruined Abbeys of Britain. 12 full page colored plates. Folio. Cloth. Lond., And Their Values 131 (1880). (Pub. at £3. 3s.) (Maggs No. 273.) i8s. Rouse (James). The Beauties and Antiquities of the County of Sussex. Special copy, with the plates colored by the Artist. 3 vols. The plates in 4to. vols, and the text in 8vo. Full contemporary russia, extra, gilt, gilt edges. Lond. Published by the Artist, 1825. (Maggs No. 261.) i2I. Rowlandson (Thomas). Annals of Sporting. By Caleb Quizem. Full page colored plates by Rowlandson. i2mo. New full morocco, gilt top, uncut, by Wood. Lond., 1809. (Bart- lett No. 51.) $50.00 Rowlandson (T.). Costume of the Lower Or- ders in Paris. Hand colored plates by Row- landson. Small i2mo. Full crushed levant morocco, gilt edges, by Riviere. Lond., n.d. (Bartlett No. 51.) $i7-5o Rowlandson (T.). Grand Master; or. Adven- tures of Qui Hi. First edition. Colored plates by Rowlandson. Royal 8vo. Crimson levant morocco, gilt top, uncut. Lond., 1816. (Brown No. 189.) £4. 15s. Rowlandson (T.). Pleasures of Human Life, by Hilarius Benevolus and Co. 2 frontispieces and 5 other colored etchings. Second edition. i2mo. Mottled calf. Lond., 1807. (Ed- wards No. 311.) £1. 5s. 132 Colored Plate Books Rowlandson (T.). Poetical Magazine. 50 colored plates. 4 vols., 8vo. Half morocco. Lond., 1809-10. (Smith No. 150.) £3. los. Rowlandson (T.). Sketches from Nature. 18 colored Etchings of Rural Scenes. 4to. Origi- nal half binding, with paper label on sides. " Fine copy." Lond., 1822. (Commin, Nov. 1911.) £10. lOS. Rowlandson (T.). Vicar of Wakefield. By Oliver Goldsmith. First edition. 24 colored plates by Rowlandson. 8vo. Green levant morocco, extra. " Fine copy." Lond., R. Ackermann, 1817. (Brown No. 189.) £16. IDS. Rowley (G. D.). Ornithological Miscellany. Colored plates. 3 vols. Royal 4to. Cloth, uncut. Lond., 1876-78. (Brown No. 189.) ^3- 3s. Roxburgh (W.). Plants of the Coast of Coro- mandel. 300 colored plates. 3 vols. Atlas folio. Russia, gilt (binding broken). Lond., 1795-1819. (Bumpus.) £15. los. Russell (P.)- Indian Serpents, Collected on the Coast of Coromandel. 43 colored plates. Large folio. Half russia. Lond., 1796. (Commin, Feb. 1912.) £1. los. Russian Army. Russia. 70 colored lithographic plates of Russian military costume of the vari- ous regiments with their colors. Folio. And Their Values 133 Original boards, uncut. Munich, (1830). (Maggs No. 273.) £7.73. Russian Costume. The Costume of the Rus- sian Empire. 20 colored plates, with descrip- tions in French and English. Folio. Red mo- rocco. Lond., 181 1. (Edwards, Oct. 191 1.) £1. lOS. St. Sauveur (J. G.). L' Antique Rome. Special copy, with the plates in two states, colored and plain. 4to. New half red levant morocco, extra, uncut. Paris, 1796. (Maggs No. 261.) £4. los. St. Sauveur (J. G.). Voyage Pittoresque dans les quatre parties du Monde. 320 colored plates. Small 4to. In the original 2y parts, with wrappers. Paris, 1804. (Maggs No. 261.) £4. los. Sabre Exercises. Mane jo del Sable. Por J. V. M. de P. Colored title and 40 colored plates of Sabre Exercises. Folio. Dark blue mo- rocco. Lond., 1819. (Quaritch No. 286.) £21. Saint-Hilaire (Jaume). Plantes de la France. 400 colored plates, with descriptions. 4 vols., thick imperial 8vo. Original boards, uncut. Paris, 1808. (Maggs No. 261.) £4. 15s. Saint-Hilaire (J.). Plantes de la France. 400 colored plates. 4 vols., royal 8vo. Half mo- rocco. Paris, 1808. (Bumpus.) £2. 15s. 134 Colored Plate Books Saint Ursula, Legend of, and her Companions. 21 plates in colors, heightened with gold. 4to. Silk binding, gilt edges. Lond., 1869. (Ed- wards, Oct. 1911.) £2.53. Salerne (M.). L'Histoire Naturelle. Colored front, and 31 colored plates of birds. 4to. Fine copy in full contemporary French red morocco, gilt. Paris, 1767. (Maggs No. 261.) £6. i8s. Salt (Henry). Views in St. Helena, The Cape, India, etc. 24 colored aquatint plates. Large Atlas folio and 4to. volume of Descriptions. 2 vols. Half morocco, uncut. Lond., W. Mil- ler, 1809. (Maggs No. 261.) £5. Salwey (Mrs. C. M.). Fans of Japan. With introduction by Dr. Wm. Anderson. 10 chromolitho. plates. 4to. Cloth. Lond., 1894. (Edwards, Oct. 191 1.) i8s. Sand (Maurice). Masques et Buffons (Comedie Italienne), avec Preface par George Sand. With the 49 plates in two states ; one in bistre, the other in colors. 2 vols., thick imperial 8vo. Half green morocco, gilt edges. Paris, 1862. (Maggs No. 273.) ii.8s. Sander (F.). Reichenbachia. Orchids Illustrated and Described. 192 colored plates. Both series. 8 vols., imperial folio. Half morocco, gilt edges. " The Imperial Edition," with all the plates mounted like drawings. Lond., 1888. (Bumpus). £38. And Their Values 135 Saxby (H. L. and S. H.). The Birds of Shet- land. Colored illustrations. 8vo. Cloth. Lond., 1874. (Thin No. 169.) £1.43. Scenes in the Life of a Sponge. By Peter Pasquin (see Egerton). Schneider (G.). The Book of Choice Ferns. Colored plates. 3 vols. Thick 4to. Cloth, gilt, gilt edges. (Pub. at £3. 3s.) Lond., 1892. (Bumpus.) £1. IDS. Schiveiger-Lerchenfeld (A. von). Die Frauen des Orients, in der Geschichte, in der Dichtung und im Leben. 26 plates, some colored. Thick imperial 8vo. Original half morocco, as issued. Wien und Leipzig, 1904. (Maggs No. 273.) £i.8s. Schoberl (F.). Picturesque Tour from Geneva to Milan by way of Simplon. 36 colored plates. Royal 8vo. Original half binding, un- cut. Lond., Ackermann, 1820. (Commin No. 283.) £2. IDS. Seboth (Joseph). Alpine Plants. With text by F. Graf. 400 colored plates. 4 vols., square crown 8vo., Morocco back, cloth sides, gilt top. Lond., 1880. (Maggs No. 261.) £3. 15s. Seebohm (Henry). Colored Figures of the Eggs of British Birds. With text by R. Bowdler Sharpe. Colored plates of Eggs. Thick imperial 8vo. Calf, gilt, gilt edges. Fine copy. Sheffield, 1896. (Maggs No. 261.) £2. 15s. 136 Colored Plate Books Seebohm (Henry). Colored Figures of the Eggs of British Birds. Portrait and 60 colored plates of Eggs. Royal 8vo. Lond., 1896. (Thin No. 169.) ii. i6s. Seebohm (Henry). Colored Figures of the Eggs of British Birds. With notes by R. Bowdler Sharpe. Portrait and 60 colored plates. Royal 8vo. Cloth. Sheffield, 1896. (Commin, Feb. 1912.) £1. los. Seebohm (Henry). History of British Birds. Original edition. Colored plates. 4 vols., royal 8vo. Full morocco, gilt edges. Lond., 1883-85. (Thin No. 169.) £6. los. Seebohm (Henry). History of British Birds. With colored illustrations of their Eggs. 4 vols., royal 8vo. Cloth. Lond., 1883-85. (Young No. 415.) i5. Seebohm (Henry). Monograph of the Thrushes. 145 hand colored plates. 2 vols., folio. New half morocco, gilt, gilt tops. Lond., 1898- 1902. (Thin No. 169.) £12. ids. Segard and Testard. Picturesque Views of Pub- lic Edifices in Paris. 20 colored aquatint views of buildings, etc. 4to. Original boards, uncut. Lond., 1814. (Maggs No. 273.) ^3- 3S. Selby (P. J.). Illustrations of British Ornithol- ogy, Land and Water Birds. 221 colored plates. 2 vols.. Atlas folio. With text, in 2 And Their Values 137 vols., 8vo. ; together 4 vols, half morocco, gilt top. Lond., 1833. (Thin No. 169.) £22.. los. Semple (Miss). The Costume of the Nether- lands. Colored vignette on title and 30 colored aquatint plates, with descriptions in English and French. Small folio. Contemporary full morocco, gilt, gilt edges. Lond., Ackermann, 1817. '* Fine copy." (Maggs No. 273.) £4. los. Sharp, Champion, Blandford, etc. Zoologia, Class Insecta, Order Coleoptera. Vol. 4, Parts 3, 4, 5, 6. Plates of Insects, mostly colored. 4 vols., 4to. New half morocco, gilt, uncut, gilt top. Lond., 1889- 1907. (Maggs No. 261.) £7. I2S. 6d. Shaw (Henry). Alphabets, Numerals and De- vices of the Middle Ages. 48 plates, 25 of which are in gold and colors. Large paper copy. Folio. Cloth. Lond., Pickering, 1845. (Maggs No. 279.) £3. los. Shaw (Henry). Arms of the Colleges of Ox- ford, with Historical Notices by J. W. Burgon. 20 colored and emblazoned coats of arms and colored borders. 4to. Dark blue morocco, extra, gilt edges. Lond., 1855. (Walford No. XIIL) i4. 15s. Shaw (Henry). Dresses and Decorations of the Middle Ages, from the 7th to the 17th century. 94 colored plates, 98 colored initial letters. 2 vols., royal 8vo. New half wine-colored tur- 138 Colored Plate Books key morocco, gilt tops. Lond., 1843 i^^^ ^^~ issue). (McClurg No. 38.) $32.00 Shaw (Henry). Encyclopaedia of Ornament. 59 colored plates. Large paper copy. Folio. Full morocco, extra, gilt, gilt edges. Lend., 1842. Fine copy. (Maggs No. 279.) i3. 7s. 6d. Shaw (Henry). Illuminated Ornaments, Se- lected from ^Manuscripts and Early Printed Books from the 6th to the 17th Centuries. 59 plates carefully colored from the originals, with descriptions by Sir F. Madden. Original issue. 4to. Half morocco, uncut, as issued. Lond., 1833. (Maggs No. 273.) £4.43. Shaw and Nodder. Naturalist's Aliscellany. 1064 colored plates. 24 vols, and general index in 12 vols., imp. 8vo. Half morocco. Lond., 1790-1812. (Walford No. XHI.) £3.123. Shelley (G. E.). Monograph of the Nec- tarinudae (Sun Birds). 121 hand colored plates. 12 parts in i vol., royal 4to. Half morocco, gilt top. Lond., 1876-80. (Thin No. 169.) £6. Shoberl, Frederic (see World in Miniature). Silver (J. M. W.). Sketches of Japanese Man- ners and Customs. 28 colored plates. 4to. Cloth, gilt. Lond., 1867. (Edwards, Oct. 1911.) il-Ss. And Their Values 139 Silver (J. M. W.). Sketches of Japanese Man- ners and Customs. 28 full page designs in colors (a little spotted.) Imperial 8vo. Origi- nal cloth. Lond., 1867. (Maggs No. 273.) £1. 28. Silvestre (M. J. B.). Universal Palaeography; or, Facsimiles of Writings of All Nations and Periods. Edited by Sir Frederic Madden. Illustrations in gold and colors. 2 vols., large folio. Text in 2 vols., 8vo. Together 4 vols. Half red morocco, gilt edges. Lond., 1850. (Harper No. 131.) $I25.cxd Silvestre (M. J. B.). Universal Palaeography; or, a Collection of Facsimiles of the Writings of Every Age. 300 facsimiles in gold and colors. 2 vols., large thick folio. Half red morocco, gilt edges. Lond., 1850. (Maggs No. 279.) £22. los. Simplon (Le). Promenade Pittoresque de Geneve a Milan. 13 colored views. i2mo. Original illustrative boards, gilt edges, as is- sued. Paris, (1840). (Maggs No. 261.) £1. 15s. Singer (S. W.). Researches into the History of Playing Cards. Facsimiles of cards in colors. 4to. Boards. Lond., 1816. (Quaritch No. 286.) £2. 15s. Skelton (Sir John). Charles First. Portrait, illuminated in gold and colors, and 41 photo- gravures. Special issue on Japanese paper, with duplicate set of plates. Proofs before 140 Colored Plate Books letters. 500 copies only. Large 4to. Original wrappers, uncut. Goupil & Co., 1898. (Maggs No. 273.) £3. los. Ordinary issue. Original wrappers. Goupil, 1898. (Maggs No. 273.) ii. i8s. Skelton (Sir John). Mary Stuart. Portrait in gold and colors, and 41 portraits and plates. Large paper. Duplicate set of plates, proofs before letters. One of 300 copies printed on Japanese vellum. 4to. Original wrappers, uncut. Lond., 1903. (Maggs No. 273.) £14. Slade Collection. Catalogue of a Collection of Glass Formed by Felix Slade. 40 colored and other plates. Folio. Half morocco. Lond., 1871. (Edwards, Oct. 1911.) £7.75. Sleeman (W. H.). Rambles and Recollections of an Indian Official. 32 colored plates. 2 vols., royal 8vo. Cloth. Lond., 1844. (Com- min No. 283.) £1. 12s. 6d. Smibert (Thos.). The Clans of the Highlanders of Scotland. Colored plates of the tartans, and arms blazoned. Imperial 8vo. Cloth. Edinburgh, 1850. (Brown No. 189.) £1. 15s. Smith (C. H.). Costume of the Army of the British Empire, designed by an Officer of the Staff. 61 colored plates, including the frontis- piece. Imperial 4to., half morocco. (Col- naghi), 1815. (Edwards, Oct. 191 1.) £50. Smith (C. H.). Costume of the Army of the British Empire to 1814. Colored frontispiece And Their Values 141 and 60 colored plates. Folio. Half calf. Lond., 1815. (Quaritch No. 264.) £42. Smith (C. H.). Costume of the Army of the British Empire to 1814. 40 colored aquatint plates, including the four plates of the uni- form facings. Large 4to. Original half bind- ing. Lond., 1815. (Maggs No. 273.) £24. Smith (C. H.). Selections of the Ancient Cos- tume of Great Britain and Ireland, 7th to the 17th Centuries. 62 colored plates, with de- scriptions. Folio. Full contemporary straight- grain red morocco, gilt, with arms on sides. ''Fine copy." Lond., Bulmer, 1814. (Maggs No. 273.) £4.183. Smith (G.). The Cabinet-Maker and Upholster- er's Guide. 153 plates, some colored. 4to. New half morocco, gilt. Lond., 1826. (Maggs No. 273.) £3. los. Smith (Jas. E.). A Tour to Hafod, in Cardigan- shire, the seat of Thomas Johnes, M.P. 15 colored aquatint views. Atlas folio. Half mo- rocco, uncut, gilt top. Lond., 1810. (Maggs No. 261.) £2. i8s. Smith (W. and A.). Authenticated Tartans of the Clans and Families of Scotland. 69 colored plates. 4to. Half morocco, gilt edges. Mauch- line, 1850. (Brown No. 189.) £1. i8s. Smyth (Coke). Sketches in the Canadas. En- graved title and 22 colored lithographs. Royal 142 Colored Plate Books folio. Original cloth. Lond., (1840). (Maggs No. 261.) £4- los. Solon (M. L.). History and Description of the Old French Faience. 24 colored plates. Royal 8vo. Cloth, gilt, gilt top. Lond., 1903. (Hill, Dec. 1911.) ii. 5s. Solvyns (B.). A Collection of 250 Colored Etchings of the Manners, Customs and Dresses of the Hindoos. Original edition. Large thick folio. Calf. Calcutta, 1799. (Maggs No. 261.) £6.i8s. Solvyns (B.). Costume of Hindostan. With descriptions in English and French. 60 colored engravings. Folio. Calf, gilt. Lond., 1807. (Commin No. 51.) £1. los. Sotheby (S. Leigh). Principia Typographica. The Block Books. 120 facsimiles, some colored. 3 vols., imperial 4to. Roxburgh. Lond., 1858. (Edwards No. 311.) i8. los. Sotheby (S. Leigh). Principia Typographica. 120 facsimiles, some colored. 3 vols., royal 4to. Half morocco, uncut. Lond., 1858. (Quaritch No. 286.) £7.73. Sowerby (J.). Coloured Figures of English Fungi, or Mushrooms, with the Supplement incorporated. 440 colored plates, with Index in manuscript added. 3 vols., folio. Green calf, gilt, gilt edges. Lond., 1797- 1803. (Bumpus.) £15. And Their Values 143 Sowerby's English Botany. The first issue of the third edition, edited by J. B. Syme. Nearly 2000 colored plates. 13 vols., thick royal 8vo. Green cloth. Lond., 1873. (Bumpiis.) £16. Sowerby and Johnson. British Wild Flowers. 80 colored plates. New edition, with supple- ment. Thick royal 8vo. Cloth, gilt edges. Lond., 1882. (Maggs No. 261.) £2. 7s. 6d. Spanish Army. Album de la Infanteria Espa- nola, etc. 92 colored plates. 2 vols., small oblong folio. Full contemporary green mo- rocco, gilt, gilt edges. Madrid, 1861. (Maggs No. 2^2,.) £7. 7s. Spitzer Collection. Descriptive Catalogue, with Notices by Darcel, Molinier and others, in French. Illustrations, some colored, and many heightened with gold and colors. In the 6 original portfolios. Paris, 1890-92. (Ed- wards, Oct. 191 1.) i2I. Spix (Jean de). Simiarum et Vespertilionum Brasiliensium Species Novae, or Histoire Na- turelle des especes Nouvelles de Signes. 1817- 1820. 38 colored plates of monkeys, etc. Large folio. Full contemporary green mo- rocco, gilt, gilt edges. Monachii, 1823. (Maggs No. 261.) £9. 1 8s. Spooner's Costumes of the British Army. 53 colored plates, painted by Michael Angelo Hayes, engraved by Lynch, with duplicates of the 6th Dragoons and the 15th Hussars. 2 144 Colored Plate Books vols., imperial folio. Morocco, gilt edges. Lond., 1840-44. (Edwards, Oct. 191 1.) £180. A complete set of " Spooner's Oblong Series." Sporting Magazine, or Monthly Calendar of the Turf, Chase, etc. Colored plates. Vols. I, II. 2 vols., 8vo. Half calf. Lond., 1793. (Wal- fordNo. XIII.) ii.Ss. Stack (Lieut. F. R.). Views of Saint Helena. 6 large colored lithographic views, with de- scriptions. Large folio. Original cloth. Lond., 1851. (Maggs No. 261.) £2.53. Stainton (H. T.). Natural History of the Tineina. 104 colored plates. Text in Eng- lish, French, German and Latin. 13 vols., 8vo. Half morocco, gilt top, uncut. Lond., 1855- 73. (Maggs No. 261.) £4. i8s. Stainton (H. T.). National History of the Tineina. Colored plates. 13 vols., 8vo. Cloth. Lond., 1855-73. (Commin, Feb. 1912.) £4. i8s. Stall Plates of the Knights of the Order of the Garter, 1348-1485. 90 colored facsimiles, with notes by W. H. St. John Hope. Royal 4to. Half morocco. Lond., 1901. (Quaritch No. 286.) £4. I OS. Stanfield (Clarkson). Sketches on the Moselle, the Rhine and the Meuse. 30 colored litho- graphs. Original issue (published at £10. IDS.). Royal folio. Half morocco, extra, gilt edges. Lond., (1840). (Maggs No. 279.) £3. lOS. And Their Values 145 Steamers v. Stages; or, Andrew and His Spouse. Plates by Robt. Cruikshank. In two states, plain and colored. i2mo. New pol- ished calf, gilt top, uncut, by Zaehnsdorf. First edition. Lond., 1830. (Bartlett No. 51.) $9.00 Step (Edward). Favorite Flowers of Garden and Greenhouse. 316 colored plates. 4 vols., royal 8vo. Cloth. Lond., 1896-97. (Thin No. 169.) i2. 2S. Stephens (Geo.). Old Northern Runic Monu- ments of Scandinavia and England. Plates in gold and colors. 4 vols, in 3 vols., folio. Half morocco, gilt tops, uncut. Lond., 1866- 1901. (Brown No. 189.) £3. 15s. Sterne (Laurence). A Sentimental Journey Through France and Italy, by Mr. Yorick. 2 colored plates by Rowlandson. i2mo. Boards, uncut, paper label. Lond., 1809. (Hollings No. 84.) 15s. Stevenson (Henry). The Birds of Norfolk. Colored plates and portrait. 3 vols., 8vo. Cloth. Lond., 1866-90. (Maggs No. 261.) Stoddart (John). Remarks on Local Scenery and Manners in Scotland during 1799 and 1800. Map and 34 colored plates. 2 vols., 8vo. Full russia, gilt. Lond., 1801. (Harper No. 131.) $27.50 Street (G. E.). The Cathedral of the Holy Trinity, Dublin. 23 full page plates, some 146 Colored Plate Books colored, and vignettes on India paper. Folio. Original vellum, extra, gilt top, uncut, as is- sued. Lond., 1882. (Published at iio. los.) (Maggs No. 261.) i2. Strutt (J.). Dress and Habits of the People of England from the- Saxon to the Present Time. Colored plates. 2 vols., 4to. Full straight- grain morocco, gilt, gilt edges. " Fine copy." Lond., 1796. (Commin, Nov. 1910.) £3. 15s. Strutt (J.). Dress and Habits of the People of England. With notes by J. R. Planche. One of 25 copies with the 144 colored plates, height- ened in gold and silver. 2 vols., thick royal 4to. Original half morocco, gilt, gilt leaves. Lond., Bohn, 1842. (Published at £20.) (Maggs No. 273.) iio. IDS. Strutt (Jos.). Regal and Ecclesiastical An- tiquities of England, with the Supplement. A new edition, with notes by J. R. Planche. y2 colored plates. Thick royal 4to. Half mo- rocco, gilt top, uncut. Lond., 1842. (Maggs No. 279.) £2. i8s. Stuart (M.) en Kuyper (Jacques). De Mensch, Zoo als Hij Voorkomt op Den Bekenden Aard- bol. 42 colored plates, 2 plain ones; colored vignettes on title pages. 6 vols., 8vo. Original binding. Amsterdam, 1802. (Maggs No. 261.) £4. IDS. Studio (The). An Illustrated Magazine of Art. Hundreds of illustrations, some in colors. Complete from the Commencement in 1893 to And Their Values 147 1905, with General Index to vols, i to 21. In all, 34 vols., 4to. Cloth. Lond., 1893- 1905. (Maggs No. 279.) £S. 8s. Suckling (A.). History and Antiquities of the County of Suffolk, with A. L. S. of the Author. Illustrations, some colored. 2 vols. 4to. Half calf. Lond., 1846-48. (Walford No. XIII.) £9. Suinine (P.)* Sketches of Russia. 15 colored plates. 8vo. Half calf, uncut. Lond., Acker- mann, 1814. (Maggs No. 261.) £2. 2s. Sullivan (Dennis). A Picturesque Tour Through Ireland. 25 colored aquatint views. Oblong 4to. Original half red morocco. Lond., T. McLean, 1824. (Maggs No. 273.) £S. 15s. Surtees (R. S.). Analysis of the Hunting Field. Colored plates by Henry Aiken. First edition. '* In immaculate state." Royal 8vo. Cloth, gilt edges. Lond., Ackermann, 1846. (Hollings No. 84.) £15. 15s. Surtees (R. S.). Analysis of the Hunting Field. Colored plates by Aiken. First issue. New red levant morocco, extra, gilt edges, by Riviere. Lond., 1846. (Edwards, Oct. 191 1.) ii5. Surtees (R. S.). Ask Mama. First edition. 13 colored etchings by Leech. 8vo. Half calf. Lend., 1858. (Hollings No. 84.) £2. 15s. 148 Colored Plate Books Surtees (R. S.). Hillingdon Hall. 12 colored plates. First illustrated edition. Thick 8vo. Original cloth, gilt top, uncut. Lond., 1888. (Hitchman, Michaelmas, 1910.) £3. los. Surtees (R. S.). Mr. Sponge's Sporting Tour. First edition. 13 colored etchings by John Leech. 8vo. Full polished calf, gilt top, un- cut. Lond., 1853. (Hollings No. 84.) £4. 15s. Surtees (R. S.). Mr. Sponge's Sporting Tour. First edition. 8vo. Half red morocco. Lond., 1853. (Hollings No. 84.) ii. 17s. 6d. Surtees (R. S.). Sporting Novels. First Edi- tions : Sponge's Sporting Tour, 1853 ; Handley Cross, 1854; Ask Mama, 1858; Plain or Ring- lets?, i860; Mr. Facey Rumford's Hounds, 1865. Colored plates by Leech and Browne. 5 vols., 8vo. New red polished full levant morocco, gilt tooled, emblematic design, with specimen original paper wrapper bound in at end of each volume. Lond., 1853-65. (Mc- Clurg No. 35.) $200.00 Surtees (R. S.). Sporting Novels: Sponge's Sporting Tour, Handley Cross, Ask Mama, Plain or Ringlets?, Mr. Facey Rumford's Hounds, Hawbuck Grange. Colored plates by Leech and Brown. 6 vols., crown 8vo. Half red calf, emblematic toolings on back, gilt tops, uncut. Lond., Bradbury, Agnew & Co. (Mc- Clurg No. 35.) $27.00 Swainson (W.). Exotic Conchology. 48 And Their Values 149 colored plates. 410. Half morocco, gilt, gilt edges. Lond., 1841. (Maggs No. 261.) £1. i8s. Sweet (R.)- Cistinese, the Natural Order of Cistus, or Rock Rose. 112 colored plates. Demy 8vo. Half calf. Lond., 1825-30. (Bumpus.) £4. 5s. Sweet (R.)« Geraniacese, the Natural Order of Gerania. 400 colored plates. 4 vols., royal 8vo. New half green morocco, gilt, gilt tops. Lond., 1820-28. (Bumpus.) in. 15s. Swinburne (A. C). William Blake, a Critical Essay. Second edition. Colored and plain il- lustrations. 8vo. Half morocco, gilt top. Lond., 1868. (Maggs No. 273.) ii. 12s. 6d. Swinhoe (Col. C). Catalogue of Eastern and Australian Lepidoptera Heterocera in Oxford University Museum. Colored figures. 2 vols., 8vo. (Pub. £3. 3s.) Lond., 1 892- 1 900. (Thin No. 169.) £1. 5s. Swiss Costume. Collection of 44 colored plates of Male and Female Costume. Folio. New half red morocco. Lond., 1824, etc. (Ed- wards, Oct. 191 1.) £5. Switzerland. Picturesque Tour Through the Oberland. Map and 17 colored aquatints, with descriptions. 4to. Half morocco, uncut. Lond., 1823. (Maggs No. 261.) £3. 15s. Switzerland. Picturesque Tour Through the Oberland in the Canton of Berne in Switzer- 150 Colored Plate Books land. Map and 17 colored views. Royal 8vo. Original half binding, totally uncut. Lond., Ackermann, 1823. (Commin No. 283.) i2. lOS. Syntax. Dr. Syntax in Paris, or a Tour in Search of the Grotesque. First edition, with 18 colored plates by Williams. Royal 8vo. New full polished brown calf, gilt extra, inlaid red center pieces in back, by Zaehnsdorf. Lond., W. Wright, 1820. (McClurg No. 35.) $36.00 Taylor (John). Monsieur Tonson. Plates in two states, plain and colored. i2mo. New polished calf, gilt top, uncut, by Zaehnsdorf. First edition. Lond., 1830. (Bartlett No. 51.) $9.00 Temminck (C. F.). Verhandelingen over de Natuurlijke Geschiedenis der Netherlandsch. Colored plates. Thick folio. Half morocco, uncut. Leiden, 1839. (Brown No. 189.) £2. 5s. Temple (Sir R. C). The Thirty-Seven Nats. A Phase of Spirit- Worship in Burma. Colored plates. Folio. Cloth. Lond., Griggs, 1906. (Pub. £3. 3s.) (Edwards No. 311.) £1. los. Terry (D.). British Theatrical Gallery. Por- traits in two states, printed in colors and un- colored. Folio. Levant morocco, original label preserved, uncut. Lond., 1825. (Brown No. 189.) £7. 15s. And Their Values 151 Thackeray (W. M.). Christmas Books. Com- plete set, all first editions. Mrs. Perkins's Ball. Colored plates, 1847; Our Street. Colored plates, 1848; Doctor Birch. Colored plates, 1849; Kickleburys on the Rhine. Colored plates, 1850; Rebecca and Rowena. Colored plates, 1850; Rose and the Ring. Woodcuts by the Author, 1855. Together 6 vols., square 8vo. New full red levant, extra, gilt, gilt edges, with all the original advertisements and pictorial boards bound in at the ends. Lond., 1848-55- (W. M. Hill No. 38.) $300.00 Thames. Panorama of the Thames, from Lon- don to Richmond. Colored panoramic view, size 8^ by nearly 60 feet. Folded oblong, 4to. Original cloth. (Lond., 1840.) (Maggs No. 261.) £3. IDS. Thornton (R, J.). Temple of Flora; or, Garden of Nature. Colored portrait of Linnaeus, and 31 colored plates of flowers. Large folio. Half calf. Lond., 1799. (Maggs No. 261.) £6. 6s. Thornton (R. J.). Temple of Flora ; or, Garden of the Botanist, Poet, Painter and Philosopher. 29 colored plates. Large 4to. Calf, repaired. Lond., 1812. (Walford No. XHL) £1. 12s. Tour (A) Through Paris. 21 colored plates, with text. Folio. Half binding. Lond., W. Sams, (1822). (Brown No. 189.) £g. 15s. Townsend's Monthly. Selection of Parisian Costumes, with descriptions. About 200 152 Colored Plate Books colored plates. 2 vols., 4to and 8vo. Lond., (1828). (Maggs No. 273.) £3. los. Turkey Costume. Military Costume of Turkey. 30 colored plates, with description. Folio. Morocco. Lond., McLean, 181 8. (Edwards, Oct. 191 1.) £2. 2S. Turner (Wm.). Journal of a Tour in the Levant. Map and colored plates. 3 vols., 8vo. Crimson morocco, extra, " Choice copy." Lond., 1820. (Brown No. 189.) i8. ids. Tweeddale (Arthur). Ornithological Works. Revised by R. G. Wardlaw Ramsay. Portrait, map and 11 colored plates. Thick royal 4to. Half morocco, gilt top. Lond., for Private Circulation, 1881. (Thin No. 169.) £2. los. Twining (E.). Illustrations of the Natural Or- ders of Plants. 160 colored lithographic plates, with descriptions. 2 vols., large folio. Half morocco, gilt, gilt edges. Lond., 1849. (Maggs No. 261.) ii. los. Ditto. Another edition, colored plates. 2 vols., royal 8vo. Half morocco, gilt edges. Lond., 1868. (Maggs No. 261.) £1. 14s. Twining (E.). Illustrations of the Natural Or- ders of Plants. 160 colored plates. 2 vols., royal 8vo. Roxburgh, gilt edges. Lond., 1868. (Thin No. 169.) ii. is. Tymms (W. R.). The Art of Illuminating, with instructions by M. D. Wyatt. Illuminated And Their Values 153 title and 99 full page plates in colors, height- ened with gold and silver. Thick small folio. Original cloth, gilt edges. Lond., i860. (Maggs No. 2J}^?) i2. 2s. Ussher (R. J.) and Warren (R.). The Birds of Ireland. Colored plate, maps and illustra- tions. 8vo. Cloth. (Thin No. 169.) ii. 2s. 6d. Uzanne (Octave). Fran9aise du Siecle: Modes, Moeurs, Usages. 3 sets of the 22 full page plates. Proofs in colors, apart from the text. Plain proofs and colored, with the text. Spe- cial issue. Thick imperial 8vo. Original wrappers, uncut, in case. Paris, 1886. (Maggs No. 273.) i2. 15s. Uzanne (Octave). Frenchwoman of the Cen- tury. 10 colored plates. Royal 8vo. Half morocco. Lond., 1886. (Quaritch No. 286.) il. IS. Uzanne (Octave). Frenchwoman of the Cen- tury. Colored illustrations. 300 copies made. 4to. Cloth, gilt top. Lond., 1886. (Walford No. XIIL) £1. IS. Uzanne (Octave). Son Altesse La Femme. 10 full page colored plates. Large paper, with the illustrations in two states. Imperial 8vo. Full crimson levant morocco, extra, covers double by Zaehnsdorf. Paris, 1885. 100 copies on Japanese vellum. (Maggs No. 273.) i6. I2S. 6d. 154 Colored Plate Books Vade (J. J.). Oeuvres Poissardes, suivies de celles de I'Ecluse. Large paper. 4 plates, printed in colors after Monsiau by Clement. Proofs before letters. 4to. Original half mo- rocco, gilt, marble edges. Paris, Didot, 1796. (Maggs No. 273.) £56. Van Laar (C). Magazijn van Tuinsieraden of Verzameling. 190 colored plates of plans of gardens, etc. 4to. New half morocco, gilt. Zalt Bommel, 1802. (Maggs No. 261.) £1. los. Velten (Johann). Abbildungen der Regenten des FurstHchen Hauses Baden. Coats of arms and portraits in colors. Folio. Half morocco, gilt, gilt edges. (1840.) (Maggs No. 261.) £4. los. Vergnaud (N.). L'Art de Creer les Jardins. 24 colored lithographic plates, with movable slips. Large folio. Half roan. Paris, 1839. (Maggs No. 261.) £4. 1 8s. Vernet (Carle). Costume de Paris. 22 colored plates of the Lower Orders, Trades, etc. Mounted in folio volume. New half red morocco. (1830.) (Edwards, Oct. 191 1.) i4. Versailles Galleries. Les Galeries Historiques de Versailles. Publics par Ch. Gavard. Edi- tion de luxe, specially printed on large paper, illustrations on China paper and the Arms of the Crusaders illuminated in gold, silver and colors. 13 vols, and supplement, 6 vols. Bound in 18 vols. Red morocco, extra, richly And Their Values 155 decorated on back and sides with the initials of Louis Philippe of France on sides, by Niedree. Paris, 1838, etc. (Edwards, Oct. 1911-) £120 Vidal (E. E.). Picturesque Illustrations of Buenos Ayres and Monte Video. Colored plates. Large paper copy. Imperial 4to. Half morocco, gilt edges. Lond., 1820. (Quaritch No. 286.) £12. 12s. Vidal (E. E.). Picturesque Illustrations of Buenos Ayres and Monte Video. Colored plates. Royal 4to. Half morocco. Lond., 1820. (Quaritch No. 286.) £10. los. Viollet-Le-Duc. Dictionnaire Raisonne du Mobilier Frangaise de I'Epoque Carlovingienne a la Renaissance. Many of the plates in gold and colors. 6 vols., royal 8vo. Full brown morocco antique style, red edges. Paris, 1858. (Maggs No. 273.) £9.93. Vogiie (Le. Cte. M. de). Le Temple de Jeru- salem. 37 large plates, 10 of which are colored, and numerous woodcuts. Large folio. New half red morocco, gilt, uncut, gilt top. Paris, 1864. (Maggs No. 273.) is. 15s. Vosy (A.). Switzerland, as now divided into 19 Cantons. 50 colored plates. 2 vols. Calf, gilt, newly rebacked. Lond., 181 5. (Com- min No. 283.) £2. los. Walden (Arthur). List of Birds Known to In- habit the Philippine Archipelago. 12 colored 156 Colored Plate Books plates and map. 4to. Cloth. Lond., 1875. (Pub. £2. 2s.) (Thin No. 169.) £1, is. Walker (Mrs. A.). Female Beauty. Colored plates. Crown 8vo. Morocco, gilt edges. Lond., 1837. (Brown No. 189.) £1. 12s. Walker (G.). Costume of Yorkshire in 181 4. With text in English and French. 40 colored aquatint plates. Small folio. New half mo- rocco, extra, gilt edges, by Riviere. Lond., 1814. (Maggs No. 273.) £9.95. Wallace Collection. Paintings at Hertford House, by A. G. Temple. Two sets of plates and 10 full page plates in the colors of the original. All on Japan paper. 2 vols. Com- plete in 10 parts, as published. 4to. Lond., 1902. (Pub. at £40. net.) (Maggs No. 273.) £22. IDS. Wallich (N.). Plantse Asiaticse Rariores. (Un- published East Indian Plants.) 300 colored plates of plants and flowers, with descriptions. 3 vols., large folio. Half morocco, gilt, gilt edges. Lond., 1830-32. (Maggs No. 261.) £16. i6s. Wallich (N.). Plantse Asiaticse Rariores. (East Indian Plants.) 300 colored plates. 3 vols., large folio. Half morocco, gilt tops. Lond., 1830-32. (Bumpus.) ii5.ios. Wallich (Dr. Nath.). Plantse Asiaticse Rariores. (East Indian Plants.) Only 254 copies printed. 300 colored plates. 3 vols., folio. And Their Values '157 Half calf, uncut. '' Fine copy." Lond., 1830- 2^2. (Brown No. 189.) £14. 14s. Wallon (H.). Jeanne D'Arc: sa Vie et son temps. 14 colored plates and other illustra- tions. First edition. Royal 8vo. Half red morocco, gilt, gilt top, uncut. Paris, 1876. (Young, Nov. 191 1.) £1. los. Walpole (Horace). Observations on Modern Gardening. New edition, with notes by Horace (late) Earl of Oxford. 6 colored plates. 4to. Boards, uncut. Lond., 1801. (Maggs No. 261.) £3. 3s. Walton (E.). Bernese Oberland. 12 colored plates. Folio. Cloth. Lond., 1874. (Com- min No. 283.) i8s. Walton (E.) Coast of Norway, from Chris- tiania to Hammerfest. With text by J. G. Bonney. 12 colored views. Oblong folio. Cloth. Lond., 1871. (Commin No. 283.) £1. IS. Walton (E.). Peaks and Valleys of the Alps. With text by T. G. Bonney. 21 colored lithographs. Folio. Half morocco. Lond., 1868. (Commin No. 283.) £1, is. Waring (J. B.). Masterpieces of Industrial Art and Sculpture at the International Ex- hibition, 1862. 300 colored plates. 3 vols. Folio. Half morocco, gilt. Lond., 1863. (Commin, Feb. 1912.) £2, 5s. 158 Colored Plate Books Warner (G. F.). Illuminated Manuscripts in the British Museum. 60 plates in gold and colors of Miniatures, Borders, etc. The four series complete. 4 vols., folio. In the original portfolios. Lond., 1899-1903. (Maggs No. 279.) £10. los. Warner (G. F.). Illuminated Manuscripts in the British Museum. With text by Warner. Facsimiles in gold and colors. Complete set. Original and best issue. 4 vols., folio. Lond., 1899-1903. (Edwards, Oct. 191 1.) iio. Warner (G. F.). Illuminated Manuscripts in the British Museum. Second series. 15 plates in gold and colors, by William Griggs. Small folio. In portfolio. Lond., (British Museum), 1900. (McClurg No. 35.) $24.00 Warner (G. F.). Illuminated Manuscripts in the British Museum. Third series. 15 plates in gold and colors by William Griggs, in port- folio. Lond., (British Museum), 1901. (Mc- Clurg No. 35.) $24.00 Warner (G. F.). Illuminated Manuscripts in the British Museum. Fourth series. 15 plates in gold and colors by William Griggs, in port- folio. Lond., (British Museum). (McClurg No. 35.) $24.00 Warner and Williams. Orchid Album. 96 col- ored plates. Vols, i and 2. 2 vols., 4to. Wrappers. Lond., 1882-83. (Bumpus.) £3. los. And Their Values 159 Warner and Williams. Select Orchidaceotis Plants. 40 colored plates. Royal folio. Cloth. Lond., 1862-65. (Bumpus.) £1. i6s. Warwick (Earls of). Rows' Roll. Thys Rol was laburd and finished by Master John Rows of Warrewyk. Edited by W. Courthope. Arms illuminated and emblazoned in gold and colors. Royal 4to. Half roxburgh, gilt top. Lond., 1845. (Walford No. XIII.) iS- 5s- Wathen (James). Journal of a Voyage in 181 1 and 1 8 12 to Madras and China. 24 colored views. 4to. Half calf. Lond., 1814. (Ed- wards No. 311.) £1.43. Webber (J.). Views in the South Seas, 1776 to 1780. With text. Special copy. Plates in two states; colored (full set); tinted (four less). Folio. New half morocco, gilt, by Riviere. Lond., 1808. (Maggs No. 261.) £7. 15s. Webber (J.). Views in the South Seas. 16 colored plates. Imperial folio. Half morocco. Lond., 1808. (Quaritch No. 286.) £4. 14s. 6d. Westall (William) and (Owen Samuel). Pic- turesque Tour of the River Thames. Folding map, two vignettes and 24 large full page colored plates from drawings taken on the spot. 4to. Full dark red polished levant, super extra, gold toolings in the panels of the back and gold lines on the sides, by Zaehnsdorf. " In immaculate condition." Lond., Acker- mann, 1828. (McClurg No. 35.) $150.00 i6o Colored Plate Books (Westmacott (C. M.)). The English Spy. First edition. 72 colored plates. 2 vols., royal 8vo. Full red levant morocco, gilt, gilt edges. "Very fine copy." Lond., 1825-26. (Ed- wards, Oct. 191 1.) £30. (Westmacott (C M.)). The English Spy. Colored plates. First edition. 2 vols., royal Svo. Green levant morocco, extra, by Riviere. Fine copy. Lond., 1825-26. (Quaritch No. 286.) i34. Another copy. First edition. 2 vols., royal 8vo. Calf neat. Lond., 1825-26. (Qua- ritch No. 286.) £28. Westwood (J. O.). British Butterflies and Their Transformations. 42 colored plates. 4to. Half morocco. Lond., 1848. (Edwards No. 311.) £1. Westv^ood (J. O.). Illuminated Illustrations of the Bible. 40 plates in gold and colors, with text. Large paper copy. 4to. Original full green morocco, gilt back and sides, with fleur- de-lys, gilt edges. Lond., 1846. (Maggs No. 273.) ^3- 15s. Another copy. Small 4to. Half red mo- rocco, full gilt back, gilt leaves. Lond., 1846. (Maggs No. 273.) £3. 3s. Westwood (J. O.). Introduction to the Mod- ern Classification of Insects. Colored frontis- piece. 2 vols., 8vo. Cloth, uncut. Lond., 1839. (Maggs No. 261.) £2. 28. And Their Values i6i Westwood (J. O.). Palaeographia Sacra Pic- toria. 50 colored plates, heightened with gold. 4to. Original half morocco, gilt top. Lond., 1843-45. (Maggs No. 273.) £4.43. Whitaker (T. D.). History and Antiquities of the Deanery of Craven. Second and best edi- tion. Large paper copy, with the landscapes beautifully colored. Map and 50 other illus- trations. Folio contemporary full red morocco, gilt, gilt edges. Lond., 18 12. (Maggs No. 261.) in. IIS. Whitaker (T. D.). History and Antiquities of the Deanery of Craven in the County of York. Second and best edition, with aquatint plates by S. Aiken, with a duplicate colored set. Green levant morocco, by Holloway. Lond., 1812. (Edwards, Oct. 191 1.) iio. White (Gilbert). A NaturaHst's Calendar. With observations. First edition. Colored plates of " Hybrid Bird." Post 8vo. Boards, uncut. Lond., 1795. (Maggs No. 261.) ^3. 3S. White (John). Journal of a Voyage to New South Wales. 65 colored plates. 4to. Half calf. Lond., 1790. (Quaritch No. 286.) £2. 5s. Wilkinson (J. G.). Manners and Customs of the Ancient Egyptians. Both series, with the volume of plates, (many colored). 6 vols., 8vo. Original cloth. Lond., 1837-41. (Maggs No. 261.) i3- 15s- 1 62 Colored Plate Books Another edition. Revised and corrected by Samuel Birch. Colored plates. 3 vols., thick 8vo. Cloth, uncut. Lond., 1878. (Maggs No. 261.) i2. 5s. Willemin (N. X.). Monuments Frangais Inedits pour Servir a I'Histoire des Arts depuis le VP Siecle Jusqu'au Commencement du XVIP. 300 colored plates of Costume, Decorations, Arms, etc. 2 vols., folio. Half morocco, gilt, gilt top, uncut. Paris, 1839. (Maggs No. 279.) £5.55. Williamson (Capt.). Oriental Field Sports. 40 colored plates by Samuel Howitt. Origi- nal and best edition. Large oblong folio. Half morocco. Lond., 1807. (Maggs No. 261.) ii8. i8s. Williamson (Capt.). Oriental Field Sports. First edition. 40 colored plates. 2 vols, in i. Folio. Full claret-grained morocco, extra, borders of gold and blind tooHng and center ornament, gilt top. Lond., 1807. (HoUings No. 84.) £7. los. Wilson (Alexander). American Ornithology, or the Natural History of the Birds of the United States. With continuation by Charles Lucien Bonaparte and notes by Sir W. Jar- dine. Portrait and 97 colored plates. 3 vols., 8vo. New half dark green morocco, gilt tops, uncut. The original octavo edition. Lond., 1832. (McClurg No. 35.) $50.00 Wilson (O. S.). Larvae of the British Lepi- doptera and Their Food Plants. 40 colored And Their Values 163 plates. Royal 8vo. Half calf. Lond., 1880. (Commin No. 283.) £2. 2s. Wilson (S. B.) and Evans (A. H.). Aves Hawaiienses. The Birds of the Sandwich Islands. Map and 68 hand colored plates. 4to. Half morocco, gilt top. Lond., 1890-99. (Thin No. 169.) £5. los. Winston (C). Inquiry into the Difference of Style Observable in Ancient Glass Paintings. Numerous plates, some colored. 2 vols., 8vo. Cloth. Oxford, 1847. (Commin No. 283.) £1. 58. Winston (C). Memoirs Illustrative of the Art of Glass-Painting. Full page colored plates. Royal 8vo. Original cloth. Lond., 1865. (Maggs No. 273.) i6s. Wollaston (T. V.). Insecta Maderensia. (Ma- deira Insects.) Colored figures. Thick 4to. Lond., 1854. (Thin No. 169.) i2. 2s. Wood (Henry). A Useful and Modern Work on Cheval, Pole Screens, Chairs, Settees for Mounting Berlin Needle Work. 18 colored plates. Oblong small 4to. Original boards. Lond., Ackermann, (1846). (Maggs No. 273.) ii.5s. Wood (Henry). Designs of Furniture and Decorations in the Styles of Louis XIV, Fran- cis I, Elizabeth and Gothic. 24 colored plates, with descriptions. Folio. Original cloth. Lond., Pickering, n.d., (1840). (Maggs No. 273.) 2IS. 164 Colored Plate Books Wood (W.). General Conchology. 60 colored plates. Thick royal 8vo. Half morocco, extra, gilt edges. Lond., 1835. (Maggs No. 261.) £1. 4s. Wood (W.). Index Entomologicus : or a Com- plete Illustrated Catalogue of 2000 colored figures (of Insects of Great Britain). New and revised edition, with supplement by J. O. Westwood. Thick royal Svo. Half morocco, gilt, gilt top, uncut. Lond., 1854. (Maggs No. 261.) £3. 7s. 6d. Wood (W.) Index Testaceologicus, and Il- lustrated Catalogue of British and Foreign Shells. Revised edition. 46 colored plates. Royal Svo. Half green morocco, gilt top, un- cut. No title. Lond., 1856. (Maggs No. 261.) ii.4s. Woodville (W.). Medical Botany. Third edi- tion, with additions, 300 colored plates. 5 vols., royal 8vo. Publisher's half binding. Lond., 1832. (Bumpus.) ii.8s. 6d. Woodward (G. M.). Musical Mania for 1802. 6 plates. Original colored impressions. First edition. 4to. Half morocco, uncut. Lond., 1802. (Maggs No. 273.) £2. 15s. World in Miniature. Edited by Frederic Sho- bel and W. H. Pyne. Complete Set. 648 colored plates, etc. First editions. 43 vols., i2mo. Half wine colored polished calf, labels And Their Values 165 in blue, gilt top. Lond., Ackermann, 1821, etc. (W. M. Hill No. 38.) $175.00 Worlidge (T.). Select Collection of Curious Antique Gems. Large paper copy. The 182 illustrations finely colored by Worlidge. 4to. Full morocco, extra, blue silk linings. Lond., 1768. (Edwards, Oct. 191 1.) ii5. Yorkshire Costumes. The Costumes of York- shire. Original edition, with descriptions in French and English. 40 colored plates by Walker. Folio. Half morocco, uncut. Lond., 1814. (Edwards, Oct. 1911.) £9. 9s. Young (S.). Annals of the Barber-Surgeons of London. Illustrations, some illuminated. Thick 4to. Full red morocco, uncut, gilt top. Lond., 1890. (Maggs No. 261.) £2. 17s. 6d. Yule (Henry). Narrative of the Mission to the Court of Ava in 1855. Maps and colored plates, etc. Imperial 8vo. Cloth, gilt, Lond., 1858. (Edwards No. 311.) £2. 5s. Zoological Society of London. Proceedings of the Scientific Meetings. Complete Set to 1905. With indexes, 1830 to 1905. Colored plates. Bound in 68 vols., 8vo and small 4to. Half morocco, gilt. " Very fine set." Lond., 1830-1905. (Walford No. XIII.) £72. Zuid - Afrikaansche Gezichten. 4 Aquatints in Colors of African Scenery, etc. By L. Port- man. Large oblong folio, original wrappers. Amsterdam, (1810). (Maggs No. 261.) ii2. i8s. The Remarkable Collection of Colored Plate Books formed by the late William C. Dulles of Philadelphia and the prices they sold for, at the sale of his library held at the Anderson Auc- tion Company at New York, on December lo, II and 12, igi2 THE DULLES COLLECTION {The catalogue lot numbers are placed after the dates) Adventures (The) of a Post Captain. By Al- fred Thornton. 24 colored plates by Wil- liams. First edition. Royal 8vo. Blue levant morocco, gilt and inlaid back, gilt top, uncut, by Riviere. Lond., (1817). (526.) $52.00 Airy Nothings; or. Scraps and Naughts. By Olio Rigmaroll (M. Egerton). 23 plates in colors. Second edition. 4to. Original half morocco and boards, with paper label on side. Lond., McLean, 1825. (231.) $83.00 Alexander (D.). Boilly's Humorous Designs. 7 plates colored after the original drawings by D. Alexander. First edition. Folio. Original printed wrappers. Lond., 1823. (2.) $32.00 Aiken (Henry). A Cockney's Shooting Season in Suffolk. (In Verse.) 6 colored plates by Aiken. First edition. Folio. Half polished calf, gilt, gilt top. Lond., 1822. (21.) $150.00 Aiken (Henry). A Few Ideas, Caught on Easter Monday. 6 full page colored plates by Aiken. First edition. Folio. A portion of the original wrappers (front cover), with printed title, uncut, (new wrappers suppHed). Lond., 1828. (42.) $65.00 169 lyo Colored Plate Books Aiken (Henry). A Few Ideas; Hints to all Would-Be Whips. First edition, (with a col- ored portrait of Henry Aiken, pubHshed 1823, laid in). 6 full page colored plates by Aiken. Folio. Original paper wrappers, with printed title, uncut. Lond., 1829. (44.) $70.00 Aiken (Henry). A Series of 10 Circular Coach- ing Scenes. In colors by Aiken. Inlaid be- tween pieces of heavy cardboard, and hinged on linen. 4to. Full red polished morocco, gilt, inside borders, gilt edges, by Riviere. (Lond., ca. 1820.) (10.) $80.00 Aiken (Henry). Aiken's New Sketch Book. 6 full page colored plates of hunting and shoot- ing. Oblong 4to. Original paper wrappers, uncut. Lond., (1823). (28.) $30.00 Aiken (Henry). Henry Aiken's Scrap Book. 20 plates in colors by Aiken. First edition. Oblong 4to. Crimson straight-grained mo- rocco, gilt edges, original cloth covers and label bound in. Lond., 1824. (37.) $50.00 Aiken (Henry). British Proverbs. 6 colored plates by Aiken. First edition. Oblong 4to. Original printed wrappers, uncut (back worn). Lond., 1824. (33.) $30.00 Aiken (Henry). Complete History of the Mur- der of Mr. Weare, with Trial at Large. A Faithful Picture of All the Fashionable " Mod- ern Hells " and Black-Legs of the Metropolis. 3 colored plates by Aiken, and other illustra- And Their Values 171 tions. 8vo. Full polished calf, gilt, gilt edges, by Riviere. Lond., 1824. (34.) $65.00 Aiken (Henry). " Going A Pace." (Eques- trian Sketches.) First edition. 6 colored plates by Aiken. Taken from the original wrappers, re-edged, and bound without title. Oblong folio. Half poHshed red morocco gilt, by Root. (Lond., 1821). (12.) $55.00 Aiken (Henry). Going to Epsom Races. A panoramic hand colored view, 15 feet long, by Henry Aiken. Original cloth cover (2^2 x 5 inches). Lond, n.d. (55.) $145.00 Aiken (Henry). How to Qualify for a Melton- ian : addressed to all would-be Meltonians. By Ben Tally-ho. 6 full page colored plates by Aiken. First edition. Oblong folio. Original wrappers, uncut. Lond., 1819. (8.) $210.00 Aiken (Henry). Humorous Miscellanies. 23 colored plates. Flowers from Nature. 6 colored plates by Peter Pasquin; Good Din- ners dressed by W. Heath. 8 colored plates and colored title by Wm. Heath; Personal Qualities. 11 colored plates by D. T. Egerton. Bound in I vol., oblong 4to. Half morocco, rubbed. Lond., McLean, 1823-24. (31.) $50.00 Aiken (Henry). Hunting, or Six Hours' Sport, by Three Real Good Ones, from the East End, etc. 6 full page colored plates by Aiken. Ob- long folio. Original wrappers, title on side, 172 Colored Plate Books entirely uncut (back cover missing). First edition. Lond., 1823. (29.) $170.00 Aiken (Henry). Hunting Discoveries. 7 colored plates by Aiken. First edition. Choice copy. Issued without title-page. Oblong folio. Half red polished morocco gilt, gilt top, by Riviere. Lond., 1817. (6.) $75.oo Aiken (Henry). Hunting Sketches. 7 colored plates by Aiken. First edition. Oblong folio. Half red polished morocco gilt, gilt top, by Riviere. (Lond., 1821.) (11.) $65.00 Aiken (Henry). Hunting Sketches. 14 col- ored plates, mostly folding, by Aiken. First edition. A beautiful copy on narrow oblong vellum, re-backed by linen and mounted on tall folio sheets of heavy vellum, linen hinges. Tall folio. Full crimson levant morocco, gilt, wide inside borders, gilt edges, by Zaehnsdorf. (Lond., 1822.) (20.) $200.00 Aiken (Henry). Ideas, Accidental and Inci- dental to Hunting, and other Sports ; caught in Leicestershire. First edition. 42 colored plates by Aiken. Folio. Half cloth and straight-grain morocco, label with title on cover, gilt edges as issued, slightly shaken. Lond., McLean, 1826-30. (41.) $625.00 Aiken (Henry). Illustrations to Popular Songs. Including the colored title, " The Fox Hunt- ers at Breakfast." 43 colored plates by Aiken. Also, Studies from the Stage, or the Vicissi- tudes of Life. 19 colored plates by Aiken, And Their Values 173 etched by W. Heath. First editions of both works. Bound together in oblong foHo. Half straight-grain morocco and boards, leather label on side. Lond., T. McLean & W. Sams, 1822 (1823) and 1823. (17.) $37.50 Aiken (Henry). Indispensable Accomplish- ments; or. Hints to City Gentlemen. Four fine colored plates unsigned (plates are dated 181 5, wrappers 1824). Large oblong folio. Full green-brown levant morocco, gilt, corner fleurons, inside borders, figured silk doublures and end papers, original wrappers, rebacked on linen, inner edges extended. Lond., Edw. Orme (1815), 1824. (32.) $130.00 Aiken (Henry). Livoluntary Thoughts. 8 col- ored plates by Aiken. Oblong folio. Full polished calf, gilt, gilt top by Morrell, slight re- pairs to a few margins. Lond., T. M'Lean, 1824. (38.) $30.00 Aiken (Henry). Military Discoveries; or, The Miseries of Campaigning. Complete set. Col- ored plates by Aiken. First edition. Oblong folio. Original wrappers. Lond., 18 19. (7.) $115.00 Aiken (Henry). Moments of Fancy and Whim. First edition. 14 colored plates by Aiken. 2 parts in the original paper wrappers, title printed on side. Oblong folio. Lond., 1823. (30.) $145-00 Aiken (Henry). The National Sports of Great Britain. Emblematic frontispiece and 50 col- 174 Colored Plate Books ored plates by Aiken. Original edition. One of the very rare copies with the 1820 title in colors. Imperial folio. Half red levant mo- rocco, gilt paneled backs, gilt edges, by Riviere. Lond., T. M'Lean, 1820-21. (9.) $520.00 Aiken (Henry). The National Sports of Great Britain. 50 colored plates by Aiken. Folio. Contemporary green straight-grain morocco, gilt, gilt and blind tooled sides, gilt edges. Lond., 1825. (39.) $190.00 Aiken (Henry). Notions. 36 full page colored plates by Aiken. Oblong 4to. Half red mo- rocco, gilt top, uncut. Lond., Thos. M'Lean, 1832. (46.) $100.00 Aiken (Henry). Quahfied Horses and Unquali- fied Riders. By Ben Tally-Ho. 7 full page colored plates by Henry Aiken. First edition. Oblong folio. Original paper wrappers, title printed on side, entirely uncut. Lond., 1815. (3.) $120.00 Aiken (Henry). Real Life in Ireland; or. The Day and Night Scenes, etc., of Brian Boru, Esq,, and His Elegant Friend, Sir Shawn O'Dogherty. By A Real Paddy. Colored plates by Aiken. Large paper copy of the first edition. Royal 8vo. Full dark-green levant morocco, gilt, inside gilt borders, gilt top, uncut, one of the original paper covers bound in, by Riviere. Lond., 1821. (13.) $160.00 Aiken (Henry). Scraps from the Sketch Book of Henry Aiken. Engraved by Himself. 42 And Their Values 175 colored plates. First edition. 4to. Half blue levant morocco, gilt, gilt edges, by Zaehnsdorf. Lond., 1821. (15.) $50.00 Another copy. Oblong folio. Half red levant morocco, gilt, gilt top, by Larkins. Choice copy. Lond, 182 1. (16.) $50.00 Aiken (Henry). The Seven Ages of the Horse. 7 colored plates by Aiken. Oblong folio. Half crimson levant morocco, gilt, gilt top. Lond., 1825. (40.) $65.00 Aiken (Henry). Some Do and Some Don't; It Is All a Notion. By Ben Tally-Ho. 7 full page colored plates by Aiken. First edition. Oblong folio. Original paper cover, with title printed, entirely uncut, back cover missing. Lond., (1821). (14.) $125.00 Aiken (Henry). Specimens of Riding near London. First edition. With all the plates dated 1821 as usual. 18 colored plates by Ai- ken. Oblong folio. Half red levant morocco, gilt, gilt top, by Larkins. Lond., 1823. (26.) $85.00 Another copy of Specimens of Riding near London. First edition. Oblong folio. Half red morocco, by Riviere. Lond., 1823. (27.) $65.00 Aiken (Henry). Sporting Discoveries, or, The Miseries of Hunting. 7 colored plates by Aiken. Oblong folio. Original wrappers. Lend., (1816). (4.) $120.00 176 Colored Plate Books Aiken (Henry). Sporting Discoveries. 7 col- ored plates by Aiken. First edition. Oblong folio. Half polished red morocco, gilt, gilt top, by Riviere. Lond., (1816). (5.) $42.50 Aiken (Henry). Sporting Notions. 36 colored plates by Aiken. First edition " and believed to be the only known copy in tall folio, with title running lengthwise." FoHo. Half red levant morocco, gilt, gilt edges, by Riviere (a few repairs to the margins of one plate). Lond., 1831-33. (45.) $650.00 Aiken (Henry). The Sporting Repository. 19 colored plates by Aiken and I. Barenger, and engraved by G. Hunt and lithographed by Lahee. First edition. Large Svo. Full crim- son levant morocco, gilt, inside borders, gilt top, by Riviere. Lond., T. M'Lean, 1822. (18.) $440.00 Aiken (Henry). Sporting Scraps. Five series of plates: Hunting, Steeplechase, Coaching, Racing and Shooting. Together 20 full page colored plates by Aiken, engraved by J. Harris. No text or title. Oblong 4to. Green levant morocco, gilt, gilt edges, by Larkins. Lond., R. Ackermann, 1850-61. (52.) $50.00 Aiken (Henry). Sporting Scrap Book. 48 full page colored plates by Aiken. First edition. Oblong 4to. Original half red morocco, label on side, gilt edges. Lond., 1824. (35.) $75.00 And Their Values 177 Aiken (Henry). Sporting Scrap Book. By Henry Aiken 50 plates, designed and engraved by himself, all in colors. Royal 8vo. Three- quarters crimson levant morocco, sporting tool- ing on back, gilt top, original pink wrappers bound in, by Zaehnsdorf. First edition. Lond., 1824. (36.) $61.00 Aiken (Henry). The Stable, the Road, the Park, the Field. First edition. 6 colored plates by Henry Aiken, lithographed by M. and N. Hanhart. Oblong folio. Cloth, origi- nal wrappers bound in. Lond., 1854. (53.) $22.50 Aiken (Henry). Symptoms of Being Amused. Vol. I. 42 colored plates, including pictorial title, by Aiken. First edition. Oblong folio. Original half calf and boards, with leather label on side, as issued. Lond., 1822. (19.) $40.00 Aiken (Henry). Tutor's Assistant. 6 plates; Drawing Book. 3 plates ; Symptoms. 3 plates; British Proverbs. 6 plates; Involun- tary Thoughts. 8 plates; Military. 2 plates; Comparative Knights. 2 plates; and Flowers from Nature, etc., by "Peter Pasquin " (W. H. Pyne). 6 plates, and A Helping Hand. 5 plates by G. Hunt after M. E. All first edi- tions. Together 41 colored plates. Oblong folio. Cloth, calf back, slightly rubbed and cover loose. Lond., McLean, 1823-25. (25.) $60.00 Allison (Wm.). The British Thoroughbred Horse. Colored frontispiece and 10 other illus- 178 Colored Plate Books trations. Royal 8vo. Cloth, gilt top, partly uncut. Lond., 1901. (57.) $9.00 Annals of Sporting. By Caleb Quizem. 29 colored plates by Rowlandson after Bunbury, Woodward, etc. .Small 8vo. Full green levant morocco, gilt, gilt top, uncut, by Riviere. Lond., Thomas Tegg, 1809. (423.) $51.00 Annals of Sporting and Fancy Gazette. With the extensive and complete series of finely colored and plain plates by Aiken, Cruikshank and others. 13 vols, in the original 78 parts, entirely uncut, and containing all the adver- tisements and covers. In morocco sHp cases. Lond., 1822-28. (22.) $2,000.00 Note in catalogue: "The above set in parts is the only complete set known and the completing of this unique set took a former owner, a well-known English collector, almost 40 years. The set contains the June, 1828, num- ber, a copy of which recently changed hands at $500.00." Annals of Sporting and Fancy Gazette. An- other Set. With the June, 1828, number, v^ith part of the original wrapper and several ex- tra plates. " In exceptionally fine condition." 13 vols., 8vo. Red levant morocco, gilt and mosaic backs, gilt side ornaments, gilt tops, other edges uncut, by Riviere. Lond., 1822- 28. (23.) $700.00 Annals of Sporting and Fancy Gazette. An- other Set. With the June, 1828, number and several extra plates. " Choice set." 13 vols., And Their Values 179 8vo. Polished calf, gilt, gilt edges, by Riviere. Lond., 1822-28. (24.) $400.00 Apperley (C. J.). The Chace, the Turf and the Road. Colored portrait of the Author by Maclise, and 13 colored illustrations by Henry Aiken. First edition. 8vo. New half crim- son levant morocco, gilt, gilt top. Lond., Mur- ray, 1837. (50.) $20.00 (Apperley (C. J.)). Life of a Sportsman. By Nimrod. 36 colored plates by Henry Aiken. First issue of the first edition. With a few plates mounted as usual. Royal 8vo. Crimson levant morocco, gilt, wide inside borders, gilt edges, original blue cloth covers bound in, by Riviere. Lond., Ackermann, Eclipse Sporting Gallery, 1842. (51.) $242.50 (Apperley (C. J.)- Memoirs of the Life of John Mytton, Esq., of Halston, Shropshire, etc. By Nimrod. 12 colored plates drawn and etched by Henry Aiken. First edition. 8vo. Original cloth. Lond., Ackermann, 1835. (47.) $150.00 Another copy. First edition. 12 colored plates. 8vo. Crimson levant morocco, back and sides tooled in fillets and dots, with fox-heads in corner of covers and small round blue inlays inside filleted borders, gilt top. Lond., 1835. (48.) $126.00 (Apperley (C. J.))- Memoirs of the Life of John Mytton. By Nimrod. Second edition. 18 full page colored plates by Henry Aiken i8o Colored Plate Books — i and T. J. Rawlins. 8vo. Original cloth, gilt edges. Lond., Ackermann, 1837. (49.) $90.00 Atkinson (John A.). Sixteen Scenes Taken from the Miseries of Human Life. By One of the Wretched, Folding frontispiece, title vignette and 15 full page colored plates by John A. Atkinson. Oblong i2mo. Original half morocco, broken, ink stamp on margin of one plate. Lond., Wm. Miller, 1807. (71.) $15.00 Austrian Costumes. A series of 7 colored plates by Gerasch, illustrative of the costumes of the Austrian Army, Oblong folio. Cloth. Wien, 1849. (137.) $4.00 Bachelor's Guide to Life in London; its Sa- loons, Clubs, Theatres, etc. Colored title and 9 plates, several folding. i2mo. Full mo- rocco, gilt edges, in form of a pocketbook. Lond., (1838). (73.) $26.00 Badminton Library. Hunting. By the Duke of Beaufort and Mowbray Morris. Large paper copy. 250 printed. Colored frontispiece and numerous illustrations on India paper. 4to. Half morocco, uncut. Lond., 1885. (74.) $80.00 Badminton Library. Racing and Steeple- Chasing. By the Earl of Suffolk, etc. Large paper copy. 250 printed. Colored frontispiece and illustrations. 4to. Half morocco, gilt top, uncut. Lond., 1886. (75.) $8.00 And Their Values i8i Ball (Edward). Joan of Arc; or, The Maid of Orleans. Colored frontispiece by Isaac Cruik- shank of Mrs. Egerton in character. 8vo. Brown-paper wrappers, uncut. Lond., John Lowndes, (1822). (197.) $5.00 (Barrett, Eaton S.). The Rising Sun. A Serio- Comic Satiric Romance. By Cervantes Hogg. 3 folding colored plates. 3 vols., i6rno. Half red polished morocco, gilt tops. Lond., 1807. (83.) $20.00 Beauties of Sterne. 2 plates in colors by Row- landson. i6mo. Original blue boards, uncut. Lond., 1809. (425.) $7.00 Berkeley (Grantley F.). Reminiscences of a Huntsman. Colored frontispiece and illustra tions by Leech. First edition. 8vo. Cloth, uncut. Lond., 1854. (91.) $11.00 Blew (Wm. C. A.). Brighton and Its Coaches. A History of the London and Brighton Road. 20 colored plates. Royal 8vo. Cloth, gilt top, uncut. Lond., 1894. (95.) $8.00 Bunbury (H. W.). An Academy for Grown Horsemen ; also, Annals of Horsemanship. By Geoffrey Gambado. 29 finely colored plates by Bunbury. Laid in is a copy of Geo. Wash- ington's receipt for four horses received from England, 1790; and a one page A. L. S. from Edm. Tattersall, the sportsman, 1786. 4to. Calf, gilt, gilt top, uncut, joints weak, by Riviere. Lond., 1812. (loi.) $45.00 1 82 Colored Plate Books Burdett-Coutts (Mr.). The Brookfield Stud of Old English Breeds of Horses. Colored plates and other illustrations. 4to. Limp cloth, worn. Lond., 1891. (102.) $3.00 Burton (Alfred). My Cousin in the Army; or, Johnny Newcombe on the Peace Establish- ment. A Poem. By a Staif Officer. First edi- tion. 16 colored plates by I. R. Cruikshank, C. Williams, etc. Royal 8vo. Full poHshed calf, gilt, gilt top, uncut. Lond., 1822. (103.) $41.00 Cambridge Costumes. The Costumes of the Members of the University of Cambridge. A large panoramic sheet with 43 full length col- ored figures in the Costumes of the University. Folded to i6mo. Cloth. Lond., (1840). (138.) $8.00 Careless (John). The Old English Squire. A Poem, in ten Cantos. Large paper copy. 24 colored plates, in the manner of Rowlandson. Royal 8vo. Original cloth, with both paper labels, and totally uncut. Lond., 1821. (104.) $70.00 Carey (David). Life in Paris, etc. 21 colored plates and 22 woodcuts, all by Geo. Cruik- shank. Large paper copy. First edition. Royal 8vo. Red levant morocco, gilt, gilt top, uncut, original wrappers to one part bound in, by Riviere. Lond., 1822. (168.) $210.00 Another copy. Small paper. Half title extended at back. First edition. 8vo. Blue And Their Values 183 levant morocco, gilt, gilt edges, by Riviere. Lond., 1822. (169.) $87.50 Caricature Magazine; or, Hudibrastic Mirror. " Only complete set known." Containing the 499 plates which include the conclusion to vol. I, and all of the bicycling plates. 499 colored caricatures by Rowlandson, Woodward, Bun- bury, I. R. and George Cruikshank and others. 5 vols., folio. Half calf. Lond., Tegg, 1807- 16. (105.) $1,325-00 Caricature Magazine. Vol. 2, only. 56 colored plates, including the title by Rowlandson. Ob- long folio. Original half binding, slightly worn. (Lond., 1816.) (106.) $31.00 Chrysal; or the Adventures of a Guinea. By An Adept (Charles Johnson). 12 colored plates. 3 vols., i2mo. Full mottled calf, gilt, gilt tops, uncut, by Riviere. Lond., 1822. (309.) $27.50 (Clark (J. H.)). Foreign Field Sports, Fish- eries, Sporting Anecdotes, etc. 50 colored plates. Small folio. Half red polished mo- rocco, gilt, gilt edges, one page repaired. Lond., (1813.) (116.) $27.00 Collection de Douze Vues de Waterloo. Fold- ing map of the battle-ground, and 12 colored lithographic views of Waterloo by Gerard. Oblong 4to. Original wrappers. Bruxelles, (1842.) (360.) $11.00 Combe (Wm.). English Dance of Death. With colored illustrations by Rowlandson. 2 vols. 184 Colored Plate Books Lond, 1815-16, and Dance of Death, with colored illustrations by Rowlandson. Lond., 1817. Both sets with the text by the author of " Dr. Syntax." Together 3 vols., royal 8vo. Brown levant morocco, gilt tops, other edges uncut, by Riviere. A few margins repaired. First editions. Lond., 1815-17. (434.) $125.00 Another set. First editions. 3 vols., 8vo. Red levant morocco, gilt, gilt edges by Bayn- ton, 1815-17. (435.) $77.50 (Combe (Wm.)). The History of Johnny Quae Henus, the Little Foundling of the late Dr. Syntax. A Poem, by the author of the Three Tours. 24 colored plates by Rowlandson. First edition. Large 8vo. Mottled calf, gilt, gilt top, by Riviere. Lond., 1822. (441.) $34.00 Combe (Wm.). Complete set (all first editions) of the Syntax Tours. In Search of the Pic- turesque. Lond., 1812; In Search of Consola- tion. Lond., 1820; In Search of a Wife. Lond., 1821. Each volume illustrated with the colored plates by Thomas Rowlandson, and the printed list of plates. 3 vols., 8vo. Full blue levant morocco, gilt extra, gilt edges, by Riviere. Lond., 1812-21. (427.) $137.50 Combe (Wm.). Dr. Syntax (Three) Tours. First issue of the Miniature Edition. 80 col- ored plates by Rowlandson. 3 vols., i6mo. Half calf (recent), gilt tops, by Riviere. Lond., Ackermann, 1823. (442.) $27.00 And Their Values 185 Combe (Wm.) The Tour of Doctor Syntax Through London, or the Pleasures and Miseries of the MetropoHs. A Poem. By Doctor Syn- tax. 20 colored plates. First edition. 8vo. In the original 8 parts with all the wrappers, name of former owner on last five. With the rare announcement regarding the indisposition of one of the artists. Inclosed in morocco case, with silk inner cover. Lond., (1819) 1820. (124.) $165.00 Combe (Wm.). The Tour of Doctor Syntax Through London, or the Pleasures and Miseries of the Metropolis. A Poem. By Doctor Syn- tax. Vignette title and 19 full page colored plates by WilHams. First edition. Royal 8vo. Blue levant morocco, gilt, inlaid back, side ornaments, gilt top, other edges entirely uncut, by Riviere. Lond., 1820. (125.) $60.00 Combe (Wm.). Doctor Syntax in Paris, or, a Tour in Search of the Grotesque. 18 full page colored plates. First edition. Royal 8vo. Blue levant morocco, gilt, inlaid back, gilt top, other edges entirely uncut, by Riviere. Lond., 1820. (126.) $71.00 Comforts of Bath. 12 colored plates by Thomas Rowlandson. No text. Plates are inlaid. Ob- ilong folio. Full levant morocco, gilt, gilt edges, by Riviere. (Lond., pubHshed by S. W. Flores, 1798.) (420.) $101.00 Commercial Tourist (The), or. Gentleman Traveller. Frontispiece and four full page colored plates, designed and etched by I. R. 1 86 Colored Plate Books Cruikshank. Second edition, but the first with these plates. 8vo. Original boards, with label, uncut. Lond., 1822. (196.) $27.00 Cowper's Diverting History of John Gilpin. A large folding sheet, with 20 scenes in colors by Percy Cruikshank. First edition. Oblong 8vo. Originalcloth. Lond., (1856). (198.) $8.50 Crowquill (Alfred). Faust; A Serio-Comic Poem. 12 colored illustrations by Crowquill. First edition. 8vo. Half polished calf and boards. Lond., 1834. (143.) $6.00 Crowquill (Alfred). The Tournament, a Mock- Heroic Ballad. 8 colored illustrations by Al- fred Crowquill. First edition. i2mo. Origi- nal wrappers. Lond., 1839. (144.) $2.00 Cruikshank (Geo.). Comic Alphabet. Designed and etched and published by Geo. Cruikshank. Panoramic folding display of 24 colored humorous scenes. i2mo. Pictorial boards. Pentonville, 1837. (186.) $8.00 Cruikshank (Geo.). The Humorist, a Collec- tion of Entertaining Tales, Anecdotes, Epi- grams, Bon Mots, etc. 40 colored plates by George Cruikshank. First issues throughiDut, with Robins' advertisements on the verso of the hst of plates in each volume. 4 vols., i2mo. Full light-blue crushed levant mo- rocco, gilt backs, corner ornaments on sides, dentelle borders, gilt edges, by Riviere. Lond., 1819-1819-1819-1820. (156.) $360.00 And Their Values 187 Cruikshank (Geo.) The Jubilee of 1809. A Poetical Epistle from John Lump to his brother. Account of the grand entertainment at Cabbage Merchants' Hall, etc. Folding col- ored frontispiece by George Cruikshank. First edition. 8vo. Half morocco, uncut. Lond., (1809). (146.) $43-00 Cruikshank (Geo.) The Loyal Investigation and Radical Non Mi Ricordo. Colored front- ispiece by Geo. Cruikshank. Svo. boards. Cloth back. Lond., 1820. (158.) $8.00 Cruikshank (Geo.). The Metropolis Displayed; or, a Pilot thro' London. First edition. Col- ored frontispiece, " Picture of London," by Geo. Cruikshank. 8vo. Half polished calf, uncut. Lond., (1820). (161.) $51.00 Cruikshank (Geo.). The Northern Excursion of Geordie, Emperor of Gotham; and Sir WilHe Curt-his the Court Buffoon. Also, the Second Act of Kilts and Philibegs. 2 col- ored frontispieces by Geo. Cruikshank. First edition. 2 parts in i volume. 8vo. Brown morocco, gilt, gilt edges. Lond., (1822). (170.) $21.00 Cruikshank (Geo.). The Pigeons, Dedicated to all the Flats, etc. 6 colored plates by George Cruikshank. i2mo. Original wrappers, to- tally uncut. Lond, 1817. (153.) $17.00 Cruikshank (Geo.) Points of Humor. Both Series. 20 colored plates and 20 woodcuts by Geo. Cruikshank. 8vo. Red levant morocco. 1 88 Colored Plate Books gilt, gilt top, uncut, by Riviere. Lond., 1823-4. (175.) $41-00 Cruikshank (Beo.) The Progress of a Mid- shipman, Exemplified in the Career of Master Blockhead. 7 full page colored plates. Ob- long folio. Full blue levant morocco, gilt top, other edges uncut. Lond., July, 1821. (165.) $265.00 Cruikshank (Geo.). The Radical Ladder; or, Hone's Political Ladder, and His Non Mi Ricordo. Colored plate by Geo. Cruik- shank. First edition. Svo. Boards, cloth back. Lond., 1820. (159.) $7.00 Cruikshank (Geo.). The Radicals Unmasked and Outwitted. Colored frontispiece, ** Radi- cal ParHament," by Geo. Cruikshank. First edition. 8vo. Half morocco, uncut. Lond., 1820. (162.) $24.00 Cruikshank (Geo.). The Radicals Unmasked and Outwitted. Colored frontispiece by Geo. Cruikshank. First edition. 8vo. Boards, cloth back. Lond., 1820. (157.) $16.00 Cruikshank (Geo.). Rodolpho; or, the Tomb of Ferrados. A Scottish Legend. Folding colored frontispiece in colors (by George Cruikshank). From the Trueman sale. i2mo. Polished calf, uncut, the original wrappers bound in. Lond., (1807). (145.) $40.00 Cruikshank (Geo.). The Spirit of EngHsh Wit; or, Post Chaise Companion. Colored frontis- And Their Values 189 piece by Geo. Cruikshank. i2mo. Original boards, uncut. Lond., Thomas Tegg, (1818.) (154-) $12.59 Cruikshank (Geo.). The Tour of Dr. Prosody in Search of the Antique and Picturesque Through Scotland, the Hebrides, the Orkney and Shetland Islands. Frontispiece by Geo. Cruikshank and 19 colored plates by C. Williams. First edition. Royal 8vo. Blue levant morocco, gilt, gilt top, uncut, by Riviere. Lond., 1 82 1. (166.) $74.00 Cruikshank (Robert). Comicalities. 24 colored plates. First edition. Oblong i2mo. Half levant morocco, gilt top, uncut, by Riviere. (Lond., 1822). (200.) $36.00 Cuyer (E) and Alix (E.) Le Cheval Ex- terieur. Regions, Pied, Proportions, Vices, etc. Atlas of 16 folding colored plates of the muscular structure. 2 vols. 4to. Cloth, un- cut. Paris, 1886. (203.) $6.00 Dandy's Wedding (The), or. The Love and Courtship of Peter Quince and Phoebe Clove. 16 colored plates. First edition. 8vo. Origi- nal wrappers. Lond., 1819. (204.) $6.50 " Day (A) Journal of a Sponge." By Peter Pasquin (Wm. Henry Pyne). Six full page plates in aquatint by " Pasquin." Oblong 4to. Half red crushed levant morocco, original wrappers bound in, by Zaehnsdorf. Lond., 1824. (399.) $44-00 \\ 190 Colored Plate Books Doctor Comicus; or, The Frolics of Fortune. First edition. 15 colored plates by Illman. (Lacks printed title.) 8vo. Polished calf, gilt, gilt top, uncut. Lond., (1815). (211.) $23.00 Dolly and the Rat or, The Brisket Family. A Burlesque, etc. Frontispiece, '' Mr. Vale as Dickey Scrag," in colors by G. C. Frontis- piece mounted. First edition. 8vo. Half calf, uncut. Lond., 1823. (174.) $21.00 Egan (Pierce). Pierce Egan's Anecdotes — of the Turf, Chase, Ring and the Stage. 13 col- ored plates by Theodore Lane. First edition. Royal 8vo. Polished calf, gilt, gilt top, other edges entirely uncut, one of the original wrap- pers bound in, by Riviere. Lond., 1827. (228.) $100.00 Egan (Pierce). Finish to the Adventures of Tom, Jerry and Logic. 36 full page colored plates and woodcuts by Robt. Cruikshank. First edition. Royal 8vo., red straight-grain morocco, gilt back, gilt top, other edges en- tirely uncut, original front cover and back bound in, by Riviere. Lond., 1830. (229.) $250.00 Egan (Pierce). Life in London. 36 full page colored plates, etc. First edition in the origi- nal 12 parts, with all the original covers, and , advertisements and the extra leaf issued with ; Part 5 entitled " To the Subscriber to Life in London, The Author in Distress." Royal 8vo. And Their Values 191 Inclosed in morocco case, with silk inner cover. Lond., 182 1. (220.) $325.00 Egan (Pierce). Life in London. 33 full page colored plates and woodcuts by J. R. and G. Cruikshank. First edition. Large paper. Royal 8vo. Red levant morocco, gilt, gilt top, other edges entirely uncut, advertisements and specimens of the original paper covers bound in, by Riviere. Lond., 182 1. (219.) $102.50 Another copy. First edition. 8vo. Red levant morocco, gilt, gilt edges, by Riviere. Lond., 1821. (221.) $50.00 Egan (Pierce). The Life of an Actor. 2j col- ored plates by Theodore Lane. Large paper copy. Royal 8vo. Crimson levant morocco, gilt, gilt top, other edges uncut, by Riviere. Lond., 1825. (.27.) $116.00 (Egan Pierce). Real Life in London. By an Amateur. 34 colored plates by Allken, Row- landson and others, including the pictorial titles, and the two plates " Catching a Charley Napping," and " St. George's Day." First edition complete in the 33 original parts ('19 to Vol. I and 14 to Vol 2), 2 vols., 8vo, uncut. In cloth wrappers and morocco cases with ties. Lond., 1821-22. (222.) $415.00 (Egan Pierce). Real Life in London. 34 col- ored plates. 2 vols., 8vo. Red levant morocco gilt, gilt edges, by Riviere. (One frontispiece margin repaired.) Lond., 1821-22. (223.) $i25.c>0 192 Colored Plate Books -Another copy. 32 colored plates. First edition. Inner margin of one title repaired. 2 vols., 8vo. Calf, gilt, gilt edges, by Lloyd. Lond., 1821-22. (224.) $45.00 Egan (Pierce). Sporting Anecdotes, original and selected. Engraved frontispiece, colored plates, one folding, portraits, and woodcuts by Bewick and others. Svo. Blue levant morocco gilt, gilt top, uncut, original covers bound in, by Riviere. Lond., 1825. (225.) $75-00 Another copy. Svo. Red levant morocco, gilt, gilt top, by Sangorski & SutcHffe. Lond., 1825. (226.) $40.00 Evelina; or. Female Life in London. Frontis- piece and 6 plates in colors. First edition. 8vo. Green levant morocco, gilt, gilt top, some edges uncut. Lond., 1822. (237.) $110 Fairburn's Everlasting Songster, Being an Ex- tensive Collection of One Thousand Naval, Love, Comic, Hunting, Bacchanalian, Senti- mental, Scotch and Irish Songs. Colored vig- nette, titles and frontispieces in the manner of George Cruikshank. 2 vols., i2mo. Original boards (backs repaired), uncut. Lond., (1818). (155.) $16.00 Fancy (The) ; or. True Sportsman's Guide, etc., etc. By an Operator. To be followed by some^ Good Advice on Training etc. Colored title- pages and etched portraits of pugilists, hunt- ing scenes, etc. 2 vols., Svo, in the original 52 parts (25 to vol. i ; 27 to vol. 2) yellow wrap- And Their Values 193 pers, uncut and unopened (unique in this state). In cloth slip wrappers and morocco cases. Lond., J. M'Gowan, 1822. (240.) $332.50 Fox Hunting. A Day with the Duke. By Bumble Bee. Colored title page and 12 colored sporting plates. Oblong folio. Half red pol- ished morocco, gilt top, by Riviere. (Lond., ca. 1825.) (491.) $20.00 Fox Hunting. A Set of 12 Fox Huntings in colors, from drawings by F. C. Turner, to il- lustrate the Poem " Billesdon Coplow." Ob- long i2mo. Full poHshed calf, gilt, by Riviere. Knights, Sweetings Alley, Cornhill, 1835. (494.) $26.00 Fletcher (J. S.). The History of the St. Leger Stakes, 1 776-1 901. 4 colored plates and 32 other illustrations. Large 8vo. Cloth, gilt top, uncut. Lond., 1902. (295.) $3-5o Francis (Francis). Newton Dogvane: A Story of English Country Life. Colored illustrations by John Leech. First edition. 3 vols., i2mo. Original cloth. Lond., 1859. (326.) $10.00 Galerie Francaise de Femmes Celebres. 40 colored portraits of Queens and celebrated French women, engraved by Gatine after Lante. With life of each. Folio. Old brown morocco, gilt edges. (Paris, about 1830.) (250.) $31-00 Goldsmith (Oliver). The Vicar of Wakefield; a Tale. 24 colored plates by Thomas Row- 194 Colored Plate Books landson. First edition. Royal 8vo. Green levant morocco, gilt, gilt top, uncut, by Riviere. Lond., Ackermann, 1817. (439.) $150.00 Gambado (Geoffrey). An Academy for Grown Horsemen — also the Annals of Horsemanship, etc. 29 colored plates by Rowlandson. First issue of this edition. 8vo. Full polished calf, gilt, gilt top, uncut, by Rivere. Lond., 1809. (424.) $50.00 Grand (The) Master; or, Adventures of Qui- Hi ? in Hindostan. Folding frontispiece, en- graved title and 26 colored plates by Rowland- son. First edition, with the slip of errata. Royal 8vo. Blue levant morocco, gilt, gilt top, uncut, by Riviere. Lond., Thomas Tegg, 1816. (436.) $71.00 Great Exhibition of 1851. " Wot Is to Be," or. The Probable Results of the Industry of All Nations in the Year '51. By Vates Secundus (G. Augustus Sala). Folding colored pano- rama about 20 feet long. Folded to oblong i2mo. Original cloth wrappers. Lond., 1850. (445.) $7.50 Great (The) Glass House Open'd. Or the Ex- hibition Wot Is. A colored panorama about 20 feet long. (By G. Augustus Sala.) Oblong i2mo. Original boards. Lond., 1851. (446.) $11.00 Hanbury (Mrs. David). One Day in the Life of a Stag. Colored title and 5 colored plates And Their Values 195 by E. R. Smyth. First edition. Oblong 4to. Original cloth, uncut. Lond., 1847. (258.) $12.00 Hassell (John). Tour of the Grand Junction. 24 colored aquatints. First edition. 8vo. Contemporary red straight-grain morocco, gilt, gilt edges. Lond., 1819. (261.) $24.00 Hawker (Lt. Col. P.). Instructions to Young Sportsmen, in All That Relates to Guns and Shooting. Third edition. 10 plates, four of which are colored . Thick royal 8vo. Origi- nal boards, uncut, with label. Lond., 1824. (262.) $33.00 Heath (H.). Complete Set of Scenes in Lon- don. 47 colored plates, on heavy paper, several plates neatly repaired. Square i2mo. Half red levant morocco. (Lond., 1830.) {'2.6J.) $15-50 Heath (H.). The Sporting Alphabet. Engraved title and 24 plates in colors. i2mo. Crimson levant morocco, gilt, by Riviere (some text cut into by the binder). Lond., n.d., (1829). (266.) $42.00 Heath (Wm.) Domestic Bliss and Domestic Miseries. 12 colored plates containing many figures. 2 parts, oblong 4to. Original wrap- pers, in cloth folder. Lond., n. d. (270.) $15.00 Heath (Wm.). Household Servants. 6 large colored plates by Wm. Heath. " The finest 196 Colored Plate Books copy known." Folio. Original printed wrap- pers, with original sewing. Lond., Nov. ist, 1829. (268.) $70.00 Heath (Wm.). Parish Characters by Paul Pry, Esq. 10 full page colored plates. First edi- tion. Oblong 4tp. Half green morocco, gilt top, by Larkins. Lond., 1829. (269.) $20.00 Hinds (John). The Groom's Oracle and Pocket Stable Directory — Dialogues Between Two Grooms Engaged in Training Horses to Their Work. Colored frontispiece, " Two Grooms Exercising," by Henry Aiken. First edition. i2mo. New crimson straight-grained morocco, gilt, gilt top, uncut. Lond., 1829. (43.) $10.00 History of the Westminster Election. By Lovers of Truth and Justice. Second edition, with the suppressed preface to the Duchess of Devonshire and leaf of errata. 16 large fold- ing colored plates by Thomas Rowlandson. 4to. Half purple levant morocco, gilt, gilt top, by Zaehnsdorf. Lond., 1785. (419.) $47.50 Hood (Thomas). The Epping Hunt. First edition. Two sets of illustrations, one colored. i6mo. Half red polished morocco, gilt, gilt top, uncut, by Riviere. Lond., 1829. (288.) $16.00 Hunt (Henry). Investigation at Ilchester Gaol into the Conduct of William Bridle, the Gaoler. 6 colored plates by George (and Robert) Cruikshank. First edition. 8vo. Polished And Their Values 197 calf, gilt, inside borders, gilt edges, by Root. Lond., 1821. (167.) $22.00 Hunting Songs, Ballads, etc. By R. E. E. W., Esq., (R. E. E. Warburton). Portrait in col- ors of Joseph Maiden, and illustrations. First edition. 8vo. New polished calf, gilt, original covers bound in, by Riviere. Chester, (Eng.), 1834. (564.) $38.00 Jokeby, a Burlesque of Rockeby. By an Ama- teur of Fashion (John Roby). Frontispiece in colors. i2mo. Original boards, uncut. Lond., 1813. (416.) $5.00 Kemble (John Philip). Life of — ^with Family and Theatrical Anecdotes. Folding colored plate, signed L Cruikshank. (George Cruik- shank did some of the smaller figures.) 8vo. Half bound, stamp on title. Lond., 1809. (147.) $38.00 Kenrick (Thos.). The British Stage and Lit- erary Cabinet. Complete set, including the two numbers of vol. 6 (Jan. and Feb., 1822), but does not include the reprint of old plays. 60 portraits of Actors and Actresses, many col- ored, some by the Cruikshanks. 6 vols. Full crimson crushed levant morocco, gilt backs, gilt edges, by Riviere. Lond., 1817-22. (312.) $510.00 Kenilworth, or the Golden Days of Queen Bess. First issue of both parts. Colored folding frontispiece to both parts by George Cruik- 198 Colored Plate Books shank. 2 parts in i. i2mo. Half morocco. Lond., Hodgson & Co., (1823). (173.) $51.00 Lasinsky (T. A.). Views on the Rhine. Com- plete Set. 42 colored aquatints. Square 8vo. Half green morocco, gilt top, by Riviere. Lond., 1820. (551.) $32.00 Leech (John). " Coming Home " (from the Races). A comic panorama, drawn by John Leech. Large sheet, in colors, folded to ob- long i2mo. In original cloth covers, with de- signs by Leech on outside. Lond., (1850). (325.) $41.00 " Leicestershire Hunt." By J. D. Paul. 4 col- ored prints, all original impressions. Oblong folio. In mats. (Lond., ca. 1825.) (492.) $101.00 Lessons of Thrift, Published for General Bene- fit by a member of the Save-all Club. First edition, with the leaf of advertisement. En- graved title and 12 colored plates by Robert Cruikshank. Royal 8vo. Blue levant morocco, gilt, gilt top, uncut, by Riviere. Lond., 1820. (199.) $47.00 Linati (C.) Costumes et Moeurs de Mexique. 33 plates in colors. 4to. New half dark red levant morocco, gilt, gilt top. Londres, 1830. (328.) $23.00 Linguet (M.). Memoires sur la Bastille. Col- ored frontispiece, cut down. i2mo. Half calf, And Their Values 199 several leaves stained, Londres, T, Spilsbury, 1783. (84.) ' $6.00 Little Hydrogen; or, The Devil on Two Sticks in London. Colored plates by Williams. First edition. Small 8vo. Original boards, uncut, with label. Lond., 1819. (329.) $12.00 London Characters. 24 colored plates, designed and etched by (Robert and) George Cruik- shank. i6mo. Board covers. Lond., 1827. (181.) $23.00 (London Views). Select Views of London; with Historical and Descriptive Sketches, 'j^ colored plates (by J. B. Papworth). Royal 8vo. Full tree calf, gilt. Lond., Ackermann, 1816. (373.) $90.00 London Views. Select Views of London ; with Historical and Descriptive Sketches. 75 col- ored plates, some folding. Royal 8vo. Half blue levant morocco, gilt, gilt top, by Riviere. Lond., Ackermann, 1816. (550.) $90.00 Lover's Panorama; or, Cupid's Vagaries on St. Valentine's Day. Numerous colored plates by Robert Cruikshank, the last two by Geo. Cruik- shank. First edition. i6mo. Half morocco, uncut. Lond., (1824). (177.) $21.00 Lowth (Robert). Billesdon Coplow. A Poem on Fox Hunting. Second edition. 6 colored plates by F. C. Turner. i6mo. Original wrappers. Lond., 1833. (332.) $20.00 200 Colored Plate Books Magic Lantern ; or, The World as it goes. Nov. 1822, Dec. 1822 and Jan. 1823. All issued with folding frontispiece in colors to each number. 3 parts in i vol., 8vo. Half calf. Annotations in places. Lond., 1822-23. (^7^-) $23.00 Malet (Captain). Annals of the Road. To which are added " Essays on the Road " by Nimrod (C. J. Apperley). Colored illustra- tions. First edition. 8vo. Decorative cloth. Lond., 1876. (334.) $12.00 Mathews' Theatrical Budget; or, The Actor's Multum in Parvo. Folding colored frontis- piece of Matthews in 18 characters by Geo. Cruikshank. First edition. i2mo. Original printed boards, uncut. Lond., (1820). (163.) $5.00 Mayhew & Cruikshank. The Tooth-Ache, Imagined by Horace Mayhew and ReaHzed by Geo. Cruikshank. A long folding sheet, 43 colored illustrations by Geo. Cruikshank. First edition. i2mo. Original pictorial boards, in- closed in cloth case. Lond., (1849). (189.) $39.00 Meadows (Linden). Dame Perkins and Her Grey Mare. Frontispiece and 7 colored illus- trations by " Phiz.'' First edition. Small 4to. Original cloth. Lond., 1866. (341.) $5-00 Metropolitan Grievances; or, A Serio-Comic Glance at Minor Mischiefs in London and Its Vicinity. By One Who Thinks for Himself. And Their Values 201 Folding colored frontispiece by George Cruik- shank. i2mo. Full polished calf, gilt, inside gilt borders, by Tout. Lond., 1812. (149.) $12.00 Midnight Merriment, or a Nocturnal Tlamble through St. Giles. Colored frontispiece (prob- ably by Thomas Rowlandson). i2mo. Full poHshed calf, gilt, uncut, original wrappers bound in (margins of plate repaired). Lond., n.d. (1820). (440.) $10.00 Military Adventures of Johnny Newcome, with an Account of His Campaigns on the Peninsula and in Pall Mall. 15 colored plates by Rowlandson. First edition. 8vo. Polished brown calf, gilt, gilt edges, by Riviere. Lond., 1815. (430.) $26.00 Military Costume Plates. Militaire Costumen van het Koninkryk der Nederlanden, Opge- dragen aan Zyne Excellentie Willem Grave Van Bylandt. 88 colored plates, including 53 military costume illustrations of the armies of the Netherlands, and two plain portraits. Bruxelles, n.d., (1829). $40.00 Military Heroes That Have Distinguished Themselves During the Late Wars. 3 full- length equestrian portraits in colors. i2mo. Original half calf and boards. Lond., (1820). (358.) $18.00 Mitford (John). The Adventures of Johnny Newcome in the Navy. By Alfred Burton. 16 colored plates by Rowlandson. First edi- tion, with the pages of notes and errata at 202 Colored Plate Books end. 8vo. Blue levant morocco, gilt, gilt top, uncut, by Riviere (2 blank margins repaired). Lond., 1818. (431.) $75-00 Mitford (John). The Adventures of Johnny Newcome in the Navy. 20 colored plates by Williams (after Rowlandson), a few re-edged. 8vo. Full dark blue levant morocco, gilt and mosaic back, gilt top, uncut, by Riviere. Sec- ond edition. Lond., 1819. (432.) $48.00 Mitford (John). The Adventures of Johnny Newcome in the Navy. Third edition. 20 colored plates by WilHams, after Rowland- son. 8vo. Polished calf, gilt, gilt edges. Lond., 1823. (433.) $20.00 Moses (Henry). Sketches of Shipping. Drawn and etched by Moses. 57 plates in colors. Small folio. Half maroon polished morocco, gilt, gilt top, by Riviere. Lond., Ackermann, 1837. (353-) $25.00 Mounseer Nontongpau. 12 colored plates in the style of Rowlandson. i2mo. Original printed wrappers. Lond., 1813. (443.) $10.00 Naples and the Campagna Felice; in a series of letters addressed to a friend in England in 1802. Engraved title, 2 maps and 15 colored plates, mostly by Rowlandson. First edition. Large 8vo. Half green polished morocco, gilt, gilt top, by Riviere. Lond., Ackermann, 18 1 5. (429.) $40.00 And Their Values 203 O'Hara (Kane). Tom Thumb; a Burletta al- tered from Henry Fielding. 5 full page plates, and 2 vignettes in colors by Geo. Cruikshank, with a duplicate set of the full page plates in black. i6mo. Half red levant morocco, gilt top. Lond., 1830. (183.) $12.00 Old English Squire (The). Words by Stephen Oliver, music by D. Blake. 6 colored etch- ing by "Phiz" (H. K. Browne). i2mo. Original boards. Lond., 1838. (380.) $42.00 Oulton (W. C). Picture of Margate and its vicinity. Map and 20 colored views. First edition. 8vo. Pohshed calf, gilt, gilt top, un- cut, original wrappers bound in, by Riviere. Lond., 1820. (371.) $11.00 Oxford Costumes. The Costumes of the Mem- bers of the University of Oxford. A large panoramic sheet, with 19 full length colored figures in the costumes of the University. Folded to i6mo. Cloth. Lond., (1840). (139). $6.00 Panorama of London; from the Thames. Ex- tending from the Houses of Parliament to Greenwich. Colored folding sheet, 18 feet long. Folded to oblong 8vo. Cloth. (Lond., 1825). (372.) $5.00 Parisian Costumes. Costume of the Lower Orders in Paris (designed and engraved from Nature) by T. L. B. (Thomas L. Busby). 29 colored plates. i8mo. Half blue pohshed 204 Colored Plate Books calf, gilt, gilt top, by Riviere (some outer mar- gins stained). Titles of plates in French and English, n.p.n.d. (136.) $9.00 Paul Pry — as performed by Mr. Liston; with the Song of Cherry Ripe. Large folding plate in colors by Geo. Cruikshank. 8vo. Original wrappers, uncut. Lond., 1826. (179.) $5.00 (Philadelphia Views.) Views of Philadelphia and its Vicinity. 20 colored plates, wuth poetical illustrations by A. M'Makin. Text description by E. H. 4to. Red morocco, gilt sides, back repaired. Philadelphia, 1848. (379.) $20.00 Platts's Popular and Original Dances for the Piano Forte, VioHn, etc., with Proper Figures. Colored title by Rowlandson. FoHo. Half red levant morocco, gilt edges, by Broca. Lond., printed and sold by J. Platts, n.d., (ca. 1802). (421.) $21.00 Poetical Sketches of Scarborough. (By Wm. Combe.) 21 colored illustrations by T. Row- landson from designs by J. Green. First edi- tion. Royal 8vo. Blue levant morocco, gilt, gilt top, uncut, by Riviere. Lond., 181 3. (428.) $50.00 Poll Book for Electing Two Representatives in ParHament for Westminster June i8th, July 4th, 1818. Colored folding frontispiece by L R. Cruikshank. 8vo. Old half calf. Lond., 1818. (193.) $7-00 And Their Values 205 Another copy. Contemporary tree calf. Lond., 1818. (194.) $3.50 Portraits of the Winning Horses of the Great St. Leger Stakes at Doncaster from 181 5 to 1824 Inclusive. 10 full page colored plates of the horses and their riders, engraved by Sutherland after Herring. Elephant foho. Original boards, uncut. Doncaster, (1825). (387.) $420.00 " Procession to the Royal Exchange." A Pan- orama in colors, about 12 feet long, of the Grand Procession of Queen Victoria and Prince Albert. Folded to oblong i2mo. Stamped cloth. Lond., (1844). (390.) $21.00 Punch and Judy. The Wonderful Drama of Punch and Judy, and Their Little Dog Toby. By Papernose Woodensconce, Esq. Numer- ous illustrations in colors. First edition. Small 4to. Original wrappers. Lond., 1854. (398.) $2.50 Racing and Chasing. The Road, the River and the Hunt. 50 colored plates by Hablot K. Browne ("Phiz"). Oblong foHo. Green cloth, morocco back. (Lond., 1850). (381.) $15.00 RadclifFe (F. P. Delme). The Noble Science— on Fox Hunting. Portraits and illustrations colored by hand. First edition. Royal 8vo. 2o6 Colored Plate Books Half blue levant morocco, gilt top, uncut, by- Riviere. Lond., Ackermann, 1839. (407.) $21.00. Rawstorne (Lawrence). Gamonia; or, the Art of preserving game. 15 colored plates by J. T. Rawlins. First edition, with the slip of errata. 8vo. Original green morocco, gilt side borders, gilt edges. Lond., R. Ackermann, 1837. (409.) $70.00 Rebellion of the Beasts; or. The Ass is Dead, Long Live the Ass. By a late Fellow of St. John's, Cambridge. 4 colored plates. Small 8vo. Original boards, uncut. Lond., 1825. (410.) $4.00 Reynardson (C. T. S. B.). "Down the Road," or Reminiscences of a Gentleman Coachman. First edition. Colored lithograph plates, after Henry Aiken. 8vo. Decorative cloth, uncut. Lond., 1875. (54.) $12.00 Roadster's Album (The). Colored title and 16 full page colored plates by C. B. Newhouse. First edition. Folio. Original stamped cloth, with title in gilt on the sides. Lond., Messrs. Fores, 1845. (413.) $310.00 Roadster's Album (The). Title page in colors and 16 full-page colored plates by C. B. New- house. First edition. Folio. Original green cloth, title in gilt on the sides. Lond., Messrs. Fores, 1845. (119.) $275.00 Roberts (Samuel). The State Lottery, a Dream; also Thoughts on Wheels, a Poem, And Their Values 207 by James Montgomery. First edition. Col- ored frontispiece by Geo. Cruikshank in its first state, unlettered. Name on title. 8vo. Maroon calf. Lond., 1817. (152.) $26.00 Robertson (David). A Tour Through the Isle of Man. 8 full page colored plates by G. T. Parkyns (probably retouched by hand at a later date). Large paper copy. Royal 8vo. Half green morocco gilt, gilt top, uncut, by Riviere. Lond., 1794. (414.) $16.00 Rowlandson's World in Miniature. Colored plates drawn and etched by T. Rowlandson. 8vo. Complete in the original 8 numbers, un- cut, original printed wrappers and advertise- ments (the back cover of the last part supplied at a later date). Enclosed in morocco case, with silk inner cover. Lond., 1816. (437-) $185.00 Russian Costumes. Picturesque Representa- tions of the Dress and Manners of the Rus- sians. 64 colored plates. Square 8vo. Blue levant morocco, gilt top. Lond., 1814. (i34-) $8.00 Saint Caroline's Pilgrimage to St. Paul's, Her Devout Parade. Omitted Prayers and Real Designs and the Sixty Wise Men of Gotham. Engraved plate, " The Radical Reform," by Geo. Cruikshank, and colored frontispiece, " Brandenburg House," by F. Vincent. First edition. 8vo. Boards, cloth back. Lond., 1820. (164.) $22.00 2o8 Colored Plate Books Satiric Tales. Consisting of a Voyage to the Moon, etc. By Nicholas Lunatic. Folding colored plate. Small 8vo. Original boards, uncut. Lond., 1808. (451.) $5-00 Sauvan (M.). Picturesque Tour of the Seine, from Paris to the Sea. Map and 24 colored engravings from drawings by Pugin and Gendall. Royal 4to. Half brown levant mo- rocco, gilt, gilt top, edges scraped. Lond., 1821. (452.) $65.00 Scrope (Wm.). The Art of Deer Stalking, 1838, and Days and Nights of Salmon Fishing in the Tweed, 1843. Illustrations, some colored. First edition of each volume. 2 vols., large 8vo. Red levant morocco, gilt tops, uncut, original covers bound in, by Riviere. Lond., 1838-43. (455.) $95.00 Smollett (Tobias). Brambleton Hall. A Novel. Colored frontispiece by C. Williams, extended on inner margin. i2mo. Original boards (back missing), uncut. Lond., 1818. (468.) $10.00 Something Concerning Nobody. Edited by Somebody. 14 colored etchings. First edition. i2mo. Original boards, cloth back (later), uncut. Lond., R. Scholey, 1814. (469.) $7.50 South American Costumes. A collection of 47 colored plates, lettered. " Costumes d' Ame- rique." 4to. Half morocco, n.p., (1855). (140.) $10.00 And Their Values 209 Southern Hounds; or, Hunting in Its Infancy. 7 colored plates by R. Frankland. Oblong folio. Half crimson polished morocco, gilt top, by Riviere. (Lond., 1813-15). (248.) $85.00 Spanish Bull-Fights. Coleccion de las Princi- pales Suertes de una Corrida de Toros. Gra- bada por Luis Fernandez Noseret. Colored title and 12 colored plates of bull-fighting. Oblong 4to. Half leather and boards. (Ma- drid, ca. 1798,) (471.) $35.00 Spirit (The) of Irish Wit, or Post Chaise Com- panion. Colored frontispiece by George Cruikshank. i2mo. Original boards, uncut. Lond., Thomas Tegg, 1812. (148.) $21.00 Sportsman's Magazine (The), or Chronicle of Games and Pastimes. Frontispiece and plates, some in colors. 3 vols. In the original 21 parts, paper wrappers, entirely uncut, in mo- rocco cases. Lond., 1823-25. (502.) $240.00 Sportsman's Magazine (The), or Chronicle of Games and Pastimes. Complete set. Frontis- pieces, engraved titles, and plates, some in colors. 3 vols., i2mo. Polished calf gilt, gilt tops, other edges uncut, specimen covers bound in, by Riviere, Lond., 1823-25. 503.) $64.00 Stevens (Geo. Alex.). A Lecture on Heads, v^ith additions as delivered by Charles Lee Lewes. Folding frontispiece and 25 colored 2IO Colored Plate Books plates by Rowlandson. First edition with these plates. Small 8vo. Half morocco, gilt, gilt top, by Riviere. Lond., 1808. (422.) $21.00 Surtees (Robt. S.). The Analysis of the Hunt- ing Field. 6 colored plates and colored title after Henry Aiken, and 43 woodcuts in text. First edition. Royal 8vo. Full crimson levant morocco, gilt, gilt edges, original green wrap- pers bound in, by Riviere. Lond., Ackermann, 1846. (515.) $100.00 Surtees (Robt. S.). Jorrocks's Jaunts and Jolli- ties; or, The Hunting, Shooting, Racing, etc., of that Renowned Sporting Citizen, Mr. John Jorrocks. 12 illustrations by "Phiz" (H. K. Browne). First edition, with Spier's adver- tisements. 8vo. Original green cloth, uncut. Lond., 1838. (513.) $175-00 Surtees (Robt. S.). Jorrocks's Jaunts and Jolli- ties. Second edition, with the 15 colored plates by Henry Aiken. (The first to have these plates.) 8vo. Original green cloth, gilt, gilt edges. Lond., R. Ackermann, 1843. (514.) $300.00 Surtees (Robt. S.). Sporting Novels in the original parts with advertisements, etc. Mr. Sponge's Sporting Tour. (13 parts in 12.) 13 colored plates and woodcuts by John Leech (a few names written on front covers). Lond., 1853. Handley Cross ; or Mr. Jorrocks's Hunt. (17 parts.) 17 colored plates and woodcuts by John Leech. Lond., 1854. Ask Mama ; or. The Richest Commoner in England. (13 And Their Values 211 parts.) 13 colored plates and woodcuts by John Leech (name written on each front cover). Lond., 1858. Plain or Ringlets ? (13 parts in 12.) 13 colored plates and woodcuts by John Leech, with the pictorial title-page bound in last part. Lond., i860. Mr. Facey Romford's Hounds. (12 parts.) 24 colored plates and other illustrations by John Leech and H. K. Browne (''Phiz"). 5 vols., 8vo. In the original parts, as issued by Bradbury & Evans, laid loose in cloth covers, gilt. Lond., 1853-65- (516.) $670.00 Another Set. All first editions, with the addition of Hawbuck Grange, 1847, and Hill- ingdon Hall, 1888. Together 7 vols., 8vo. Green levant morocco gilt, gilt tops, uncut, original cloth covers bound in, by Riviere. Lond., 1847-88. (517.) $350.00 Surtees (Robt.). Sporting Novels. First edi- tions as follows: Mr. Sponge's Sporting Tour, 1853; Handley Cross, 1854; Ask Mama, 1858; Plain or Ringlets? i860; Mr. Facey Romford's Hounds, 1865. All illustrated with hand colored and other illustrations by John Leech. Together 5 vols., 8vo. New three- quarter oHve levant morocco, gilt, gilt tops, gilt edges, by Riviere. Lond., Bradbury & Evans, 1854-65. (518.) $125.00 Swiss Costumes. A collection of 80 colored plates of Swiss costumes, in miniature, de- signed by Reinhardt. To which is added a description in French and EngHsh. (This title repeated in French.) Square 8vo. Half 212 Colored Plate Books polished crimson morocco, gilt, gilt top, uncut, by Riviere. Lond., 1822. (135.) $40.00 Terry (D.). British Theatrical Portraits. 20 colored portraits. Small folio, half blue mo- rocco, gilt top, by Morrell. Lond., 1825. (520.) - $40.00 Tom and Terry in France; or, Vive la Baga- telle. Portrait in colors, '' Jemmy Green of Tooley Street," by I. R. Cruikshank. 8vo. Cloth (recent), slight repairs to several leaves. Lond., n.d., (1820). (195.) $10.00 "Trip (A) to Town." A roll about 29 feet long, backed with linen, of a series of humor- ous colored illustrations (by Thomas Row- landson). In a cloth box. n.p., n.d. (Lond., W. Sams, about 1816). (438.) $82.50 Triumphs of the Sons of Belial. In five acts. Folding colored frontispiece (mended in one fold) by (Isaac) Cruikshank. 8vo. Half brown polished morocco. Lond., 1810. On frontis- piece is written in the autograph of Geo. Cruikshank, " By my father, Isaac Cruikshank. G. E. C." (192.) $10.00 Tweedie (Maj. Genl. W.). The Arabian Horse, His Country and People. Plates in colors. Large paper copy (100 printed). 4to. Half green morocco, gilt, gilt top, uncut. Edinb., 1894. (545.) $13.00 Utopia Found ; An Apology for Irish Absentees. By an absentee, residing in Bath (Edward And Their Values 213 Mangin). 2 folding colored plates. First edition and presentation copy from the author. 8vo. Original boards, uncut. Bath, 181 3. (335.) $4.00 Valentine and Orson; or, The Wild Man of the Wood. Colored frontispiece (by Geo. Cruikshank). i2mo. Half levant morocco. Lond., (1824). (178.) $11.00 Vestris (Madame), Memoirs of the Life, Public and Private Adventures of. Portrait and 5 colored plates. First edition. Small 8vo. Original printed boards, uncut. Lond., (1825). (548.) $26.00 Vidal (E. E.). Picturesque Illustrations of Buenos Ayres and Monte Video. Folding frontispiece and 23 colored plates, some fold- ing. Large paper copy of the first edition. Large 4to. Original cloth (repaired). Lond., 1820. (549-) $51.00 Volunteer Rifle Corps. By A Rifleman. 14 full page plates in colors, drawn and etched by T. Onwhyn. First edition. Oblong 8vo. Full polished calf, gilt edges, original colored covers and advertisements bound in, by Riviere. Lond., Ackermann (1832). (365). $19.00 Warburton (R. E. E.). Three Hunting Songs. We Are All of Us Tailors in Turn ; A Word Ere We Part; Hard-Riding Dick. 4 colored plates, including the colored title by H. K. Browne (Phiz). First edition (only 250 214 Colored Plate Books copies printed). Oblong 8vo. Half red morocco, gilt, gilt top, uncut, original front cover bound in, by Riviere. Lond., 1855. (565-) $23.00 Westmacott (C. M.). The English Spy: Drawn from Life by Bernard Blackmantle. 'j2 col- ored plates by R." Cruikshank and Rowlandson. First edition. 2 vols., royal 8vo. Half citron levant morocco gilt, gilt tops, uncut. Lond., 1825-26. (570.) $305.00 Williamson (Capt. Thos.). Oriental Field Sports — an Accurate Description of the Wild Sports of the East. 40 large colored plates from the designs of the author by Saml. How- itt. Oblong 4to. Contemporary red straight- grain morocco, gilt, gilt, over rough edges. Lond., 1819. (571.) $91.00 Williamson (Capt. Thos.). Oriental Field Sports, etc. 40 colored plates, engraved by J. Clark after WiUiamson and Howitt. 2 vols., folio. Contemporary straight-grained moroc- co, gilt, gilt edges (possibly by Gosden). Lond., H. R. Young, 1819. (572.) $41.00 Woodv^ard (G. M.). Eccentric Excursions^; or. Literary and Pictorial Sketches of Counte- nance, Character, and Country; in different parts of England and South Wales. 100 col- ored humorous plates by Woodward, engraved by (Isaac) Cruikshank (father of George). First edition. '' One of the finest copies with wide margins." 4to. Full crimson levant And Their Values 215 morocco, gilt extra, gilt edges, by Riviere. Lond., 1798. (191.) $211.00 Woodward (G. M.). Pigmy Revels; or, All Alive at Lilliput. 8 folding colored plates, centers hinged on linen, etched by Sanford after Woodward. Folio. Half red morocco, by Tout. (Lond., S. W. Fores, 1800.) (575.) $38.00 Tufts University 200 Westboro Road llortr»GfBfton,MA 01536 ■.;v.M.q ■■■-■* %^ . ^ ^