MR. JOHN E. ATKINS' CARRIAGES, HARNESSES, HORSES, AND STABLE OUTFIT. ^ J. E. CONANT & CO. OF LOWELL, AS AUCTIONEERS. ^ ^ ^ BOSTON, MASSACHUSETTS, i&99. Y ABSOLUTE SALE AT PUBLIC AUCTION, On Saturday, April 22, 1899, AT STABLE, 350 Newbury Street, BOSTON, MASSACHUSETTS. Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2009 with funding from Boston Library Consortium IVIember Libraries THE MOST ELEGANT AND PER- FECTLY EQUIPPED PRIVATE STABLE IN THE COUNTRY. In consequence of Mr. Atkins having taken up his permanent residence in New York City, a rare opportunity is presented to you. Not more than once in a generation would you expect to see so unique a collection of car- riages and harnesses offered at public sale, and all from the hands of celebrated makers. A faultless taste was shown in the selection of designs, and every detail of the make-up has been diligently attended to. Many of these carriages are entirely new and the others show no signs of wear and tear, so careful has been the usage given them. J. E. CONANT & CO. The Sale will take place regardless of the weather. Will begin promptly at half past ten o'clock in the forenoon, and will follow the catalogue in its order. Every number will be sold without limit or reserve. Purchasers must make a deposit with the Auctioneers of 25% of the amount of their purchase immediately after each number is struck of. Purchasers must not remove any property from the premises until it is paid for in full. Make all inquiries, by mail or otherwise at the ofifice of the Auctioneers. Covert Cart. Painting: body white, picked out in black; gear carmine. Upholstered in Bedford cord. Built in New Haven, Conn., is in good con- dition. Commissary Wagon. Painting: body and gear vermilion, with black striping. Upholstered in whipcord. Pole with splinter bar, and shafts; has been used three times, was built by the French Carriage Co., of Summer Street, Boston. Amazement and Amusement. The prize-winning geldings Amazement and Amusement were foaled in 1889, stand 15-2, are absolutely fearless of all objects, thoroughly broken single and double, free from stable tricks, have beautiful mouths, a woman can drive them and both have trotted full miles faster than 2.23. Amazement and Amusement have never been beaten in the Show Ring as a tandem or as Park-four-leaders. Mr. Atkins pur- chased this pair from Mr, Bates of New York. WINNINGS: At Monmouth County Horse Show, Long Branch : ist, Tandem; 2d, Amazement, (single); 2d, Amuse- ment, (runabout); ist, Leaders-Park-4; 2d, Pair, before Cabriolet; ist, Pair, before Mail Phaeton, White Plains: ist, Pair, beating both Beau Brummel and Adonis ; and Leader the Scotchman and Sir Gil- bert; 2d, Pair, (Coxey and Brown Donna, ist); 2d, Amusement, (Adonis, ist); 3d, Amazement, (Coxey, 4th ;) Four-in-hand Harness. By Adams & Ilsley, Boston. Beaded brass trimmings filed down by hand, has all parts necessary for two complete pair-horse harness, is in absolutely perfect condition and cost 1^1,200, Four-wheel Cocking Cart. Painting: body white, picked out in blue and black with ivory white striping ; gear blue, with ivory white striping. Upholstered in Bedford cord. Two seats, iron steps, pole with lead bars for unicorn, water-proofs, has been used a little more than one season, is in perfect condition. Was built by Brewster & Co., of Broome Street, N, Y., from special drawings by Mr. Atkins, and cost ^1,200. Is very elegant and attractive. Four-in-hand Break. Painting: body black, picked out with English vermilion; gear English vermilion, black striping. Upholstered in Bedford cord. Has three seats, with a box under two, carries seven persons, is medium weight, the body has full conveniences, with ice boxes, lunch boxes, glass trays and storage for horse clothing, water proofs, etc. Lead bars complete, extra bars, French ratchet brake, skid pan, extra handsome hand straps, Noble lamps, is very compact and is very stylish on the road. It is in perfect shape, has been used less than twenty times and was built from special design and drawings by Chauncey Thomas & Co., of Boston, at a cost of ;^2,ooo. Berlin Coach. Painting : body black with cane pan- els ; gear English vermilion with black striping. Upholstered in blue Turkey morocco and blue satin. Glass sides remova- ble, with enclosed racks for same in neck of carriage ; posts fold down, making carriage entirely open on both sides, extra swabs in blue satin for winter use, waterproofs for box seat, is in perfect condition, never was har- nessed too a dozen times, was built from special specifications and drawings by Chauncey Thomas & Co., of Boston, at a cost of $i,8oo. It is one of the most elegant and luxurious carriages in this country. The lamps on this carriage are gold and are from the lamp department of Messrs. Brewster & Co., of New York. Cabriolet. Painting: body black, blue panels, and English vermilion striping ; gear English vermilion with black striping. Trimmings and lamps are gold. Upholstered in blue Turkey morocco and blue cloth. Pole and shafts. Folding seat, water-proof for box seat, is practically a new carriage, was built to order by Brewster & Co., of Broome Street, N, Y., is one of their latest, most attractive and stylish designs. Cost, $1,200. Brougham. Painting: body black, with deep blue pan- els ; gear black with English vermilion striping. Upholstered in light broadcloth. Stable shutters in English vermilion and black ; pole and shafts ; built by Brewster & Co., of Broome Street, N. Y., cost 1^1,400. Is the most lovely of Broughams and is in splen- did condition. Spider Phaeton. Painting : body and gear black with pea green striping. Upholstered in blue broad- cloth. This Phaeton is as good as new, was espec- ially built by Brewster & Co., of Broome Street, N. Y., cost $1,150. The most elegant car- riaece of its kind in Boston. Brewster Three-spring Buggy. Painting: body and gear blue with ivory white striping. Upholstered in blue broad- cloth ; pole and shafts; built by Brewster & Co., of Broome Street, N. Y., cost $800, has never been used, A more gorgeous carriage never came into the Commonwealth. Four-wheel Open Phaeton. Painting : body and gear green, with pea green and black striping. Upholstered in leather. Has two seats, back seat reversible, tail board drops, pole has steel four-in-hand crab, was built from special design, by Joseph F. Pray, Boston, cost ^800, is in perfect condition, in fact as good as new. Speed Sleigh. Built by Joseph F. Pray, Boston, and in excellent shape. Painting ; body, canary, picked out in blue ; gear, blue and gold ; blue silk plush lining, and ornamental carv- ing covered with gold leaf on rear panel. Cost. $300. Fonr-in-hand Skeleton Break. Finished in natural oak, pigskin trimmed, steel ratchet brake, seat turns over for low doorway, box holds 500 lbs. lead ; steel bars, lead bars and crab ; built to order by Ferd. F. French, Boston, is in prime condition, well coupled up and considered the best of its kind. Four-in-hand Harness. By Adams & Ilsley, Boston. Brass trim- mings, has been very little used and cost $600. Brougham Harness (Single.) By John Smith & Co., Boston. Brass trim- mings and in splendid condition. Heavy Buggy Harness. By John Smith & Co., Boston. Brass trimmings, never has been used. Pair-horse Harness. By Adams & Ilsley, Boston. Short tug, medium weight, brass trimmed, has never been used. A choice set. Gentleman's Pair-horse Road Harness. By Hanlon & Co., Boston. Brass trim- mings, new, never been used. Hanlon & Co., never made a better one. Extra work and stitching all through. Gentleman's One-horse Road Harness. By Adams & Ilsley. Princess metal trim- mings, and slightly used. One-horse Road Harness. By Adams & Ilsley. Silver trimmings. One-horse Exercising Harness. By Adams & Ilsley. Leather trimmed. Four-in-hand Exercising Harness. By M. C. Curry & Co., Boston. For Skele- ton Break. Note— Each Harness has Kay Collar, Bearing-rein and Bridoon, and extra enameled leather Hand-lines, folded and stitched. Extra Heavy Cleaning Horse, Made of cherry, with extra brass hooks, from special design ; legs fit into brass sock- ets, and is on wheels. Cost 1^225. Knock-down Harness Horse. This is very convenient, especially in travelling. Two Saddles and Bridles. For road and exercise work. Robes. An immense number of very elegant and expensive cloth, plush, silk plush, and silk robes. Coachman's Fur Caps, Capes, and Gloves. Pole Chains. French steel pole chains and bits; car- riages, watches, etc. Coach Horns and Whips. Livery, Complete sets of livery, also breeches, boots, waterproofs, etc. Horse Clothing. An immense quantity of inside and out- side suits, blankets, quarter blankets, hoods, etc. Pillareins, Stable Tools, Sundries, etc. October Farm Horse Books & Ephemera Route 2, Box 183-C Raleigh, N. Carolina 27610 FRESS OP THOMPSON A HILL kOWCLl^ MAse.