H?^- oawfeoS«.-,«JS!z;oa,cy«(»E-'>»^>H Hinds* Farriery and Stud Book — Neiv Edition. FARRIERY, TAUGHT ON A NEW AND EASY PLAN; BEING A TREATISE ON THE DISEASES AND ACCIDENTS OF THE HORSE; WITH INSTRUCTIONS TO THE SH0EING-S5IITH, FARRIER. AND GROOM. PRECEDED BY A POPULAR DESCRIPTION OF THE ANIMAL FUNCTIONS IN HEALTH, AND HOW THESE ARE TO BE RESTORED WHEN DISORDERED. BY JOHN HINDS, VETERINARY SURGEON. WITH CONSIDERABLE ADDITIONS AND IMPROVEMENTS, PAR- TICULARLY ADAPTED TO THIS COUNTRY. BY THOMAS M. SMITH, Veterinary Surgeon, and Member of the London Veterinary Medical Society. WITH A SUPPLEMENT; COMPRISING AN ESSAY ON DOMESTIC ANIMALS, ESPECIALLY THE HORSE, WITH REMARKS ON TREATMENT AND BREEDING; TOGETHER WITH TROTTING AND RACING- TABLES, SHOWING rHE BEST TIME ON RECORD, AT ONE, TWO, THREE, AND FOUR MILE HEATS ; PEDIGREES OF WINNING HORSES, SINCE 1839 ; AND OF THE MOST CELEBRATED STALLIONS AND MARES; WITH USEFUL CALVING AND LAMBING TABLES, &c. &c. BY J. S. SKINNER, EUilor now of ttie Farmers' Library, New York ; Founder of tlie American Farmer, in 1819 aud of the Turf Reg:ister and Sporting Mag:azine, in 1829 : being the first Agricul- tural and the first Sporting Periodicals established in the United Sta'es. PHILADELPHIA; J. 1^ L I P P I N OTT & CO. 1807. Entered according to the act of Congress, in the year 1848, by JOHN GRIGG, m the clerk's office of the district court of the United States, to and for the eastern district of Pennsylvania. PREFACE. Whatever person would consult these pages with profit s.jould previously read the first book with care ; for in it he will find laid down the principles upon which all the subsequent details are founded, how the process of nature is carried on in health, and the cure is to be effected in every species of derangement. Indeed, he should study it hard, if he would become proficient in 'Uhe Art of Farriery," and not rely implicitly upon other people's pre- scriptions for the cure of any alleged disorder, which have been composed for the most part witiiout any such prepa- ration. From this neglect, also, symptoms of one disorder are conlounded with those of another, when the proposed reme- dies can not possibly eti'ect the cure. If he be imbued with the proper thirst after knowledge, be his station in life about the horse what it may, he had best to comply with the advice strenuously urged at the very outset, to examine the iniernal parts of dead horses, as often as opportunity presents itselt, which, in the neighbourhood of large towns and hunts is frequent enough. For this is the manner m which i was myself mainly instructed; as well as by noting down wnatever then appears worthy of observation, con- nected wiT.n the previous disease of the deceased subject. Such was my manner of proceeding for several years. And next about the present volume, how I came to write it., and what were my views in the manner of executing the task that was rather imposed upon me by the booksel- lers than sought after by me; and which was, in efl'ect, oc- casioned by the nature and quantity of veterinary facts and observations I had a long time been in thehaoit of heaping together. But I had already been an author nearly a quar- ter of a century, having partly translated the manual of La I* iV PREFACE. Fosse, at the request of another bookseller, Mr. Badcock, of Paternoster-row. I claim no credit for that performance, and have already stated my present opinion of its degree of usefulness, atpao;es 133 and 135. Proceeding with my *' literary history," I may here add, that a few communi- cations in the (old) Sporting; Magazines,* to the Monthly Magazine,! to the Weekly Dispatch newspaper, and other such publications, on topics connected with animal medi- cine, preceded the essays on the structure of the horse, which comprise the first book of this volume, and found place in a newer and much more brilliant publication. An accumulation of materials for these pages lay by me, with a i.itent hope of publication, when the mammon of a '^ ten pound prize," for their insertion in the Annals of Sport- ing, and some cheering commendations that attended the appearance of those essays, from time to time, induced me to finish the design of a complete pocket manual for owners, grooms and aspirants after the knowledge of horse-medi- cine, of every degree. Like all other practitioners of the old school, or rathei no school, my late father had long amassed together and preserved, in an immense and shapeless volume, entitled his '' Receipts," all the alleged remedies recommended as eligible and found good in every variety of case: I believe lie may have tried the efficacy of each, though I am now tolerably well convinced that some must have failed of com- plete success. Yet was the manuscript preserved like a family treasure; and destined to fill my pockets at some dis- tant day, its contents were secluded from vulgar eyes, though it contained notliing but prescriptions. As usual with all similar accumulations, the proper remedies were therein stated, without a word as to symptoms or those anomalous cases that frequently baffle the utmost vskill, for tlie practice of medicine in any of its departments is but an imperfect science, even when we can ascertain the precise ailment under which the patient labours. This necessary preliminary is not always possible in veterinary practice wp are more frequently baffled than assisted in our inqui- ries. Notwithstanding all this, my revered parent sus- * For Nov':ml:)er and December, 1820, on " Fever in the foot," in refuta- Uon of Mr. Cherry, in which was described the successful treatment of a na* t»elonging to Mr. Bowley of Covent Garden. t January, 1821, &c. PREFACE. tained a high character for successful practice; his close ob- serv^ition of the symptoms and attention to the operation of his physic, supplying the want of a *' regular education," which no one farrier could at that time iDoast of: indeed, few of them could even copy their own receipts, which they preferred to carry in their memory. At a very early period I endeavoured to repair this apparent defect by study; with what success the reader may judge, and I will endeavour in the next pages to make him comprehend how my task has been executed. The reputation of our name induced the bookseller just named to ask my father's opinion and mine (among others), of a certain manuscript beheld in his hand, which upon in- spection turned out to be a treatise on the rationale of horse- medicine, with very plain directions for ascertaining the true symptoms of dieases before attempting to apply any remedy, howcA^er estimable. As the expositions of the writer agreed mainly with our own ideas, it was impossi- ble to withhold approbation. Finally, Mr. Badcock also consulted with W. S. Rickword, of Moor-lane, and other veterinary surgeons of the college, and resolved upon the spirited publication of his new purchase, notwithstanding he had received the uncheering disapproval of Bracy Clark, of Smithfield, who gave for answer that "no one could learn the treatment of horses' diseases from printed books.'' Yet has Bracy Clark since then printed many books. The great success of the publication alluded to, which was James White's " Com.pendium of the Veterinary Art," justified our oj)inions of its merits, and gratified my vanity at tlie early share I took in its promulgation, and the revision of many passages with a view to simplifying the terms (in particular); in which commendable quality, by the way, Mr. White is not deficient, though, in other respects, a lapse or two which have since fallen out, come unler notice m the course of the following pages (viz. pp. 39, 83, 111, and 154). No man can be perfect; howfewamong us know every thing that pertains to themselves. Even at this moment preceding the birth of my volume, I am not certain but 1 may be found similarly tripping — to have expressed myself obscurely, when 1 fancied my Ian guii2;e most completely understandable by the meanest capa- city; and 1 douht thaf my familiar style may frequently ap- })oai vulgar to more polished eyes and ears than mm 2. But I VI PREFACE. take credit for having sedulously avoided the use of technical plirases, terms of science and learned dissertation, as well as the crime of over-refinement with which 1 have rebuked two cotemporaries, whose laughable sublimations are ideal- ized at page ibb. Candour and ability for the task are not always found combined with willingness, even among our best friends, to amend certain slips of the pen, or to curtail such exuber- ances as the more animated writers are liable to fall into; and I am free to aver, that the friendly assistance I have obtained in this respect, the nature of which may be infer- red from the note at bottom of page 50, has not always se conded my plain meaning, nor adequately fulfilled m}^ wish es, though 1 am grateful for these and every act of kindness After all my care, repetitions have crept in, and owing to the length of time occupied in the composition, or rather the manner in which the various particles of information were collected together, and digested into form, great va- riety of style may be discovered, though unity of purpose, and the desire to instruct^ pervades every page. The ar- rangement is at least obvious; the principles being taught in the first book, the details of practice follow in natural order in the second and third books, and seem to arise out of the preceding "observations on the animal system of the horse, as regards the origin of constitutional disorders." The references from the latter chapters to the former, ope- rate as exercises with those students who may have neglect- ed to acquire and retain sufficient intimacy with the prin- ciples laid down in the pages so referred to. The diseases of brute animals are few and simple, and easily cured when the symptoms can be distinctly traced up to their causes; for the remedy then consists in little more than putting the animal upon a direct contrary course to that which brought on the disorder (though not too rudely), and health follows. For example, heat, inflammation, fever, is the most general cause of constitutional derangement in the horse: in a state of nature, he seeks out and employs the remedy himself; when domesticated and pampered, or at least denied the use of green food, we judiciously set about reducing the licat by cooling medicines and factitious regimen, and the fever subsides. Again, hard work occa Rions lameness, rest restores the feet to their wonted state PREFACE. VII m incipient attacks, topical applications effect the remain- der in Dad cases. For the same reasons few medicines are necessary in ve- terinary practice, but certain modifications of these add to their efficacy in particular cases; though the school in which I was first initiated, as well as the modern writers, White, and the Lawrences, quite overwhelm their readers with the quantity and apparent contrariety of their prescriptions, that frequently possess no essential variation from others that may be applicable to a whole series of disorders. Under such circumstances, I have been extremely chary of puzzling the reader by merely altering the vehicle when the active material of the prescription had been already compounded for a similar disorder; therefore 1 have avoid- ed repetition of such (mostly purgatives) by referring the reader to the page where these may be found. Notwith- standing the apparent difficulty of this mode, yet has it cer- tain advantages that outweigh the trouble, and compensate for the moments thus expended. During my noviciate, and long intercourse with persons employed about the horse^ in almost every capacity, I noticed that all those who con- sulted the books respecting any actual disorder, did little more than turn to the prescription which was recommend- ed in their particular case, and it was made up and given to the animal without once more reading over and comparing *'the symptoms," and notwithstanding they already had the same medicine upon the shelf. By this blind manner of proceeding, they did but adhere more closely to the old system of their *'book of receipts," to the entire neglect of the anomalous symptoms, and risked the mistaking of one disease for another, in many cases. To compel the inquirer to study his case before he applies the remedy, 1 at one time thought of adopting the method of La Fosse, and others, who have thrown their prescriptions all together, and referred to each numerically; but, after due considera- tion, I adopted the middle course, and simply avoided re- petition in this respect, as that which best suited with my views of instruction. In some cases, the remedy is men- tioned in general terms only; for example, at page 170, 1 said, <' blistering ointment may beapplied," &c. The read er will of course, in this and all similar cases, consult the Index; and under ''Blistering," he will find himself ref^^.r red to page 76. VJU PREFACE. Throughout the volume, though I naturally evaded all r-ontroversy, yet in a few instances it seemed necessary to advert to certain existing errors and authorized mistakes; to disabuse the public mind, to negative the mischiefs these were calculated to spread of themselves, and to assure the reader that I was not wholly unmindful of the dissonance of opinion betwixt the authors mentioned and myself. To the ** Annals of Sporting," a monthly publication much devoted to the natural history of animals, I have frequent- ly referred, and often quoted; because in the course of its earlier volumes many desirable facts, some good and useful hints, and valuable suggestions, appeared from time to time; some new opinions and statements were started, and met with repulse, or were more securely placed upon their pro- per bases. * In these respects a favourite project, first com- municated to me by Mr. Badcock in 1802, and partially acted upon,t was therein realized, viz. of collecting together the scattered opinions, remarkable cases, and fugitive sug- gestions that should occur to various isolated practitioners throuo;hout the kingdom, in the same manner as had long effected so much progressive good for human medicine. He had engaged me and Mr. Rickword to assist him in this undertaking, and w^rote to Mr. White and others for their contributions; but it failed at that period, like many other projects of a similar nature; and I observe that the last- named gentleman, in every successive edition of his "Com- pendium," constantly inserts his correspondents' letters on various topics at length, though it was clear to me that dis- * In that useful publication ordinary passing events are recorded monthly, under the head of "Horse Intelligence," with brief comments, accompanied at intervals with exhortations to veterinarians to contribute their experiences lo the same stock. In one instance, a vivid appeal, in the number for Sep- tember, 1824, page 191, produced several valuable communications concern- ing hydrophobia, that are embodied in the present work, and acknowledged at page l()2-3. The intelligent papers of Mr, Perry, of Svvafl'ham, and others, also owe their origin to the same stimulus to publicity and the desire to establish a name for ingenuity in their profession to the writers. 1 1 took occasion to advert to that project in my preface to La Fosse's Pock- et Manual, and to lament that "the want of a more liberal practice is felt as an insuperable bar to iinjirovement in the art of farriery, which would behest served by communications of the discoveries made, and the mode of treatment most successfully followed by various practitioners. This it is which of late years has done, and is still doing, so much for other branchesof medicine, and which, for the sake of humanity, it is devoutly to be wished could be extended •X) this branch also." Pacje vi. PREFACE. 1\ cussions like these rather belong to periodical publications, such as the ^^ Annals" professes to be (where they admit of refutation), than to a *' Compendium." For my part, 1 was early induced to enter into the spirit of those periodi- cal investigations, and the inquiries set on foot in that work, and occasionally to furnish the materials for an article, or the argument in point for a controverted doctrine, or dis- puted *' improvement." An offer of two premiums of ten and live pounds for the best and second best of an *^ Essay on the Structure of the Horse," had first induced me to la- bour in the pages of the Annals. The award of the highest premium to my paper* encouraged me to hearken to pro- posals for its enlargement, and the present volume is the result, t The volume has been a long time at press, and in October last was fully announced by advertisement. The author could not, therefore, satisfactorily account why his title was adopted by another in the month of April of the pre- sent year * Divided into magazir.e-like portions, and inserted as convenience offered in many successive numbers of the Annals of Sporting, for the years 1822, 3, 4, 5. tThe second premium vi^as followed by the like result: the writer of it, Mr. Percivall, (1 presume) having since then pubhshed his volume on the Principles of the Veterinary Art." The utility of such periodical worka that devote their pages to the promotion of useful arts, is thus manifest in the fact that to those premiums the public owe two volumes at least on animal medicine. London, July, 1827. IXTRODUCTIOW. As the value of the Horse is daily beeoming more mani fes% it is presumdd that any attempt to reduce mto a sys- tem, the art of preservmg it in health and of removing dis- eases will not be unacceptable. It is certain that at no period in the history of this coun- try, has the horse stood so high in general estimation, or by the display of his various powers, rendered himself an object more worthy of our consideration. As greater attention is now paid to the breeding of horses ior theditferent purposes of the turf, the road, &c. ; so should our anxiety for their preservation increase. The object of this publication, is to render as plain and fa- miliar as possible, a subject that has for a length of tunc remained in obscurity: the want of a work possessing prac- tical facts and illustrations, has long been severely felt and acknowledged. Under this conviction I am induced to lend my aid, in bringing forth the present volume, with such alterations and additions as an extensive practice in this city may warrant. To remove long standing prejudices, I am aware is a dif- ficult task; still 1 venture to hope, that a careful perusal of these pages will excite in some degree, the feelings of hu- manity, in respect to the many sufferings to which the generous animal is frequently hable from unmerited cruel- ty and injudicious treatment, and that mankind may be in- duced to view his sufferings with an eye of sympathy and tenderness, and have recourse to a rational mode of prac- tice, when accident or disease may require it. 1 am not aware of any publication having issued from the 2 XU INTRODUCTION press in this country, in which the Veterinary Science, or Art of Farriery, has been laid down in such a manner as to be clearly understood; the present work is so familiar in its composition, as to render it at once interesting and intelligible to every one who may think proper to peruse it. To such persons who are removed at a distance from those places where the assistance of a farrier can be had, in cases of emergency this work must prove highly useful, as such rules for the discovery of disease, and such a plan of treat- ment is recommended, as, if judiciously followed, will res- cue from the danger of blind experiment, the noblest and nciost valuable quadruped in creation. THOMAS MOORE SMITH. VETERINARY SURGEON Philadelphia February I 1830. CONTEXTS. BOOK L Page The Origin and Seats of various Diseases in the Horse explainedf with a view to their Cure or Mitigation, Introduction. The necessity and advantages of veterinary know- ledge, and the means of acquiring it, as regards prevention and cure 1 Explanation and practical use of the skeleton ----- 4 Cu;*PTER I. External formation or structure of the horse, and the dis- orders originating therein -------- 5 Chapter ii. Concerning the horse's inside, of its conformation, the fvinctions of the organs of lifp, and the diseases to which each is lia- ble ; together with outlines of the principles upon which the cure is to be effected -----21 Chapter hi. General observations on the animal system of the horse, with reference to the origin of constitutional diseases: recapitu- lation and further development of veterinary practice, upon the prin- ciples before laid down --------54 BOOK II. The Causes and Symptoms of various Bodily Diseases incident to the Horse ; with the most approved Remedies in every Case. Chapter I. Of internal diseases ------ 59 Chapter H. Of external disorders — abscess and tumours - - 11 Chapter m. External disorders — purulent tumours, diseases of the glands - - .... . - - 129 BOOK III. Of the Ijcg and Foot of the Horse ; or, Shoeing-smitk's Guide. Chapter i . Structure and physiology of the foot ; mode of studying rt advantageously - - - . . , - . Ifir* XIV CONTENTS. Chai'Tkr II. Disorders of the foot and leg ----- 170 Chapter 111. Shoeing -------- 17i Chapter iv. Diseases of the foot --..-- 188 Chapter V. Of strains generally ---.--- 194 On A.cute Founder .-------. 209 PLATES. I. Skeleton of a horse - - Frontispiece. aS and 3. Anatomy of the ioot - • 1G9 Terms used COI FARRIERY TAUGHT OJS AN IMPROVED PLAN BOOK I. niE ORIGIN AND SEATS OF VARIOUS DISEASES IN THE HORSE EXPLAINED, WITH A VIEW TO THEIR CURE OR MITIGATION. Introduction. — The necessity and advantages of veterinary knowledge^ and the mearis of acquiring it, as regards prevention and cure. Ai.THOPGH it can not be denied, that "'tis better, in a humane point of view, to prevent diseases than to cure them ; " yet, looking at the fact as a veterina rian, without forgetting my feelings as a man, I do not hesitate to say, "this is a consummation we can not reasonably hope to arrive at, whilst the horse is compelled to exert himself to the utmost of his power for our daily profit," whereby he acquires a constant disposition to create disorders. Nor would I be thought to maintain, that "preventives ought never to be employed:" the succeeding pages fully disprove such a conclusion. I merely mean to in- culcate, that, under existing circumstances, they can not be resorted to gene- rail v : and this 1 say, notwithstanding it will be found I have here noted very manv occasions, when rest, alteratives and regimen, might be often substituted for active medicines, more economically, (in my opinion,) both of rime and ex- pense. The hour is not arrived, however, for me to insist too strenuously upon an entirely new mode of treatment of the horse in health and in disease, since that course would appear rather too theoretical for a Treatise designed to be wholly practical. Those are the reasons which have induced me to keep in view the readiest wav of enabling the sick animal to return to his work again, according to the long beaten track of my practice ; whilst my main purpose is to show, by an examination of his powers-and his parts (external and internal,) that a mode- rate mode of treatment, in sickness and in health, would be not only more hu- mane but more profitable, as preventive of many of those evils to which thou- sands of horses prematurely fall victims every year. More conducive, also, to H profitable result to their labours would it be for the owners of horses, instead of studying how to " physic" their property, were they to put themselves in a condition, as near as may be, for rejecting, with some degree of certainty, not only such horses as are offeretl to them actually diseased, but such also as, by their awkward built or structure, and consequent ill-formation of the internal parts, can not fail to possess some inherent bad quahty, and thereby a prone- t.ess to its corresponding affliction to the end of their days. This ou4>,ht tc 2* U HOW TO PROCEED UTTH DISSECTION. constitute every horseman's first step to horse knowledge, whether he under- lake it as an owner or as a farrier, the latter most especially; of him 1 may justly add, thai he can not be said to exercise his calling honestly as he ought, who sullenly neglects to learn those rudiments of art and practice that teach a knowledge of the animal economy and the functions of the horse in particular. 1 do not hesitate to insist upon the examination of the animal's internal parts, as constituting one main item of those rudiments; and I would not avoid giving this operation the proper name of dissection, but that I fear to alarm the gene- ral reader with an apparent difficulty where none exists in reality. Hovv without that previous knowledge, durst he venture to pronounce what parti cular ailment, out of the numerous catalogue that pertain to the horse, his pa lient labours under? How can he ascertain the degree, or quantity and quality of the attack, so as to know when it may be increasing in malignity, or its virulence is expended? Least of all can he succeed in the cure, when so much uncertainty hangs about his means of discriminating between one disorder and another, — to say nothing of the usually attendant ignorance of the mode in which medicines operate upon those internal parts that lie concealed from his view, but upon one or the other of which they are, nevertheless, destined power- fully to act. If it be allowed, that no two horses are ever aflected exactly alike an those disorders that depend upon the secretions, as 1 shall show at the end of this chapter, how is it possible 'hat such neglectful men could ever reduce the symptoms of any disorder, without reducing, at the same moment, th« power or functions of the part upon which their strange and ever-violent mix tares expend their force, and thus entail upon the animal a disposition to ac- quire some other disorder. Every man who would make himself proficient in the knowledge of diseases should open his own dead horses, and as many more as he can obtain access to, and attentively examine the state of the stomach, the liver, the lungs, the heart, kidneys, and bladder. If the animal be recently dead, this profitalile inquiry will be far from disagreeable, unless the cause of death has been ol the putrid kind, spoken of in Book II. Chap. 1. as Typhous, but which rarely happens. In the pursuit of this necessary first step to veterinary knowledge, he will proceed in this manner. The horse being on its back, two legs on the Kan)e side are to be elevated by a cord passing round the fetlock of each, and fastened to a nail in the ceiling or elsewhere aloft. Then with a sharp knife, of the common shoemakers' kind, he will draw a straight cut all the way from the first rib or breast bone, at the intersection of O with 21 in the picture, to the sheath, or thereabouts. If the cut be not too deep, the skin will recede a little, and expose the membrane ; cutting through this the intestines will pro- trude, and drive forth a thin expansive membranous sac, apparently unattacli- »h1, being designed for holding the guts, and preventing friction. This soon 'jursts, and the blind gut (or ccecum)^ described at section 48, appears. He will slit open this pouch, and examine its contents before he quits the subject, probably ; but his first business is with the stomach, which is depicted in tlie annexed plate, ds situated at the conjunction of IKL with the figures •2(i — 29. Herein will be found the last drench that sent him out of life, or the last food, that gave hopes of a prolonged existence ; and on its surface, vulgarly termed the coats of the stomach (when turned inside out), may be discovered the havoc committed by the farrier's unskilfulness : according to the strength of the poi- sons so administered, will the coats show the dilapidation, or at times a nole will have been perforated, that is the cause of instant death. The young operator will keep in mind what is said of those parts at sec- tions 45, 46, &c., if he do not turn to and read them over once more before he takes up the knife. With the same precaution as to re-reading section 52) Vc he will proceed to examine the state and ai»pcarance of tht liver and kiij APPEARANCE OF THE msiDE. 3 neys. The description of these will be found at sections 52 and 53 respective- ly ; and they are delineated as situated in the picture, the liver hetween the parallels of J — N, 22 — 28, and the kidneys at 11, 29, 30. Returning forwards, the operator will find his way to the heart and lungs obstructed by the midriif, (see })late at 22 to 28, ascending slantwise from L to H) that divides and keeps asunder these from the first-named parts, lest the guts and liver should ob- struct the action (functions) of the heart and lungs, and I'z'ce versa. Its ap- pearance has been described (sect. 35.) as resembling a drum-head ; and like it, if pricked with the knife, the cavity of the chest is instantly laid open — an immense vacuity, that [)roves to what a vast extent the lungs must fill at every inspiration of fresh air, to occupy so great a space, and further spread out the ribs to the utmost extent of the intercostal muscle that holds them together. In the plate the lungs are depicted in a quiescent state, at J to N, and 15 to 22; but when filled they occupy all the vacant space above, in addition to their lateral width. Hence, the im})ortance of this viscus (as they call each of the vital parts above named), to which 1 have attached such high consideration in the sequel, will at once be seen and ap.{)reciated. See sections 31 — 3(5. Concerning the Heart, its structure and functions, — so much has been said m another j)lace, and so minute is the description of each, that I shall add no more here, than refer to the sections, where the reader may find ample in- structions for examining this main-spring of animal life. See sections 37 to Ml. In the annexed picture, it is delineated as lying near the lungs [LMN, <9 — 21]; to the upper part whereof it is attached, as described hereafter. By pursuing this course of inquiry, the operator will discover what is, or •ught to be, the healthful state and appearances of the main functions of the jnimal system, — he will perceive the auxiliaries and their uses, — he will liave .ntbrmed himself (it is hoped) of the treatment any horse has received previ- ously to its death; and he may thus store up in his mind, or better still, upon paper, what dread eflects may be produced by the drenches, cordials and diu- retics that stimulate but to destroy the vitals of the animal.* He will see and compare the animals that die in health (accidentally), or after a short illness, with those which die after protracted illness; upon the healthy ones that are doomed, a few hours ]>reviou5ly, he may try the experiment of some favoured farrier's celebrated mixture, and subsequently send him the stomach to prove its eflicacy in "killing all disorders." Happily, the cause of humanity may be served, and the interests of his own- tjr promoted at the same time, by our (first) ascertaining the nature and amount of the horse's powers by his make, shape, or built; and, thereupon, demanding of him no more, in the way of service, than is clearly proveable to iic within his power, or putting him to those labours only to which his capa- bilities are best adapted. In the neglect of this plain rule lies the root of all error as regards i)reserving the health of horses. Some materials for making d tolerably good estimate as to this head of information, are arranged in the first chapter : the .second being well pondered, and the facts ?ind observations it contains rightly stored up in the reader's mind, he will learn what functions belong to each part of the animal in health; or, these being deranged or ob- Btructed, he \\\\\ know in how much the horse is affected : and the third chap ter being read with reference to both, I entertain the well founded hope, thai this course will enable the general reader to form tolerably accurate notions of the nature, origin, and tendency of the animal's internal and constitutional diseases, upon which all the others depend, but which have hitherto received but little attention any where here, and, consequently, are but imperfectly Known among us. Not only so, but the reader may, by these means, by study and close observation, enable himself to demonstrate nearly to a certainty, when & cure is hojieless ; and further the cause of humanity, and the interest* 4 EXPLANATION OF THE PLATE. of its owner at the same time, by ordering the horse to be destroyed at once, rather than by fruitless delay, and at a heavy expense, prolonging the animal's 8ufterings to no worthy purpose. 1 have not confined my -/esearches to disease only : in the first chapter, the skoeing-smith will find explained the principles upon which depend deformi- ties of the hoof, and he may fashion his work accordingly; whilst the choice of a horse may be undertaken with some confidence, if f/ie purchaser keeps in mind the practical advice and information here collected together from various sources, and added to my own observations, and long, extensive, and success- ful experience, in all matters of this nature. Explanation and practical use of the Skeleton annexed. T[iK references that are made to the annexed plate, and which will neces- sarily be found rather numerous in the chapter on conformation, are so made by means of letters and figures, corresponding with similar letters and figures upon the })Iate. The letters direct tfie reader's eye across the picture, the figures from top to bottom ; when he is referred both by letter, and figure, the place of intersection is the point to which his attention ought to be directed. Thus [G. 37.] which, by placing a flat ruler, or a piece of paper, across at "G." and running the finger downwards from the figure "37," would be found to intersect each other at the insertion or commencement of the horse's tail ; whilst [Y. 40.] would bring us to the hindermost pastern. Again, [K. L. M. N. 14, 15, 16.] or [K— N. 14—16.] directs the readers attention to the shoulder-bone ; at [M. 20.] is his heart, and at [H. 29.] his kidneys are placed. The reader will please to observe, that the Frontispiece is meant to l)e, less what is termed "a pretty picture" than a practically useful one, calculated to facilitate his comprehension of what is said in this treatise about the living horse, his structure, and internal formation; of his capabilities, and all of the diseases arising tVom their misa|)plication. To this end, a mere elevation of the skeleton was requisite; and, that this should be rendered more practically u:-;eful, it is diviiled into squares, for more ready reference. The figure itself, is that of a rather long bodied horse; the blade bone having been lowered to show the continuity of the vertebrsc, or backbone, between the shoulders, and the elltuw being bent forward for that purpose, so that the shoulder-bone is hrouglit to form its sharpest angle. This position of the limb, of course, rrndercd the subject of the plate lower before than he would bf. were those bones more straight up and down than they are. See Section 8. He will observe, too, that the situation only of some internal parts was re- quired for the purpose of elucidation; thus, the heart seems unsuspended by its vessels, as its pericardium and part of the lungs are removed; and it fol- lows, that whoever ex[)ected to find a delineation of everv viscus, [jerfect, has deceived himself. — if any such there be. Respecting the poll, or bones of the head and neck, the reader will find some remarks in Section 16. Furlher, the references my readers will meet with in the midst ofthe text ire necessarily as brief as they are useful, and are made to the sections, or oarts, into which the first two chapters are divided after the manner of verses. This mode of reference will be found liighly serviceable in his inquiries by '.he attentive reader, who is unused to study things of this nature, but who must soon perceive the great practical advantages to be derived from so inii mate an ac(|uaintance with the subject as this method of learning it will fur ■mAi him the means o^ acquiriikg. If, in tlie prosecution of his studifcji, he EXTERNAL FORMAITON, DISORDERS, &c 9 happen to forget what has been before said, lending to the same point of in formation, or he be at a loss whereabout he should look to refresh his memory, these references supply him with the ready means of overcoming the difficulty. By adopting this method, 1 have likewise avoided the repetitions inseparable from a work of this nature, and have thus saved room. CHAPTER I. External formation or structure of the Horse, and the disorders originating therein. Section 1. — Scarcely any man who is in the habit of seeing many horses perform their labour, and observing their capabilities of several kinds, but ac- quires, thereby, some insight of the properties conferred on the animal by such or such points of conformation. He can tell, at first sight, nearly from this habitude, " what a horse can do ;" but few men reduce their observations to writing, least of all to principles, upon which we may afterwards reason, or draw conclusions with any degree of certainty, as to what duties a horse can not perform properly, when wanting those points of excellence, and which duties ought, therefore, never to be required of him ; or, being so imposed upon him improperly, are productive of certain disorders that invariably attend such misapplication of his powers. No doubt it has happened, that a horse with a radical defect, — in the shape of his hind quarters, for example, — yet having a corresponding defect before, the one makes up for the other, and such horses may occasionally perform well for a short time, but then they are no lasters ; all the while they may thus be at the full stretch of their physical powers, straining to the utmost the immediate coverings of the bones, some thing or other is going to wreck — of muscle or tendon, of ligature or sinew. Sooner or later so much excessive fatigue of the deformity runs along the solids, and reaching the vitals, occasions constitutional disease, or leave behind it an incurable malady of the limbs, mostly descending to the feet. Equally true is it, that we find out new properties, or hidden powers in a horse, which had never hitherto been known to his owners ; but, then, as I shall particu- larize by and by, no such latent powers were ever discovered in any horse, without his possessing certain just proportions of the bones taken altogether.* What these proportions are, as well as what they are not, I come presently to lay down : the integuments (or coverings) ever adapting themselves thereto, in one.case produce what is called symmetry; but if the limb be disproportioned, the coverings adapt themselves to that particular defect, and enlarged muscle at these particular places becomes visible to the common observer. The acquiring a ready mode of discovering when a horse of the one or the other formation is presented to our notice, forms the perfection of art in pur- chasing a horse. 2. But the horses's achievements, or "what he can do," under certain cir- cumstances of shape and make, would ill employ my pen at the present mo- ment — valuable as the investigation must always be in itself — were it not for the practical application I mean to make of it shortly, by way of illustrating the direct contrary^ or defective shape a' -l make, as being the harbinger of ■ Eclipse, a horse whose very name is used as synonymous for speed, had none of the pro- nonions generally deemed indispensable to great speed, and he was cast, by the Duke of Cum- eerland. for his apparent deformities when a colt; but his defects in one panicular were amply RUjiplied by excesses in another, and, taken altogether, composed the very best bit of bone, kIcmmJ, and muscle ever produced. His lineage, lateral consangainity, and liie lend of cross \j wlucli he was got, demand the breeders' serious attention. S THE LEGS OF A SKimSII HORSE. Miveral radical disorders of his frame. Nor is this all ; some are so evidently ill-formed in the chest and carcase, from the moment they are foaled, that no art of ours is equal to preventing the return of certain disorders which are sure to attend a horse of that particular formation all his life time. As the one is known and inevitable, so the effects of the other may be foreseen, and, in some degree, alleviated, if so much trouble and expense be not greater than the value of the horse. This is all that can be done for such an animal ; and since the resources of art are not equal to the obstacles of animated nature, so no man ought unreasonably to expect, least of all, to force his beast, to per- form any species of labour or exercise for which nature or the accident of birth hath rendered him anywise unfit ; although it must be allowed, as a general axiom, that it is only by pushing the animal to the extent of his pow- ers, that we can find out the most he is capable of performing at any given work. In this way it was the fast-trotting powers of the Phsenomena mare (which was before then a butcher's hack) were discovered ; for people of this trade generally try the utmost their nags can perform in the trot. To be able to judge of a horse's defects as to what he can not do, undoubtedly it seems necessary to ascertain what constitutes a fine figure, or a perfect one, that can do every thing ; but when it is considered that the exposure of those defects is intended to apply wholly to the origin of disorders for which he will require medical treatment, if he does not deserve rejection in toto, I shall find less occasion for adverting to any known horse, entirely without error in his form or built. In most cases, however, good symmetry being accompanied not only by the power of achieving great feats, but a good portion of health also, or, at any rate, the absence of the diseases incident to a bad form, I may be allowed, while exposing his faults, to deviate a little, and to contemplate some few of his perfections also. 3. The most obvious physical truths are those which can be explained upon the principles of mechanics; upon such a basis, even the most abstract can be securely grafted : that intelligence which is derived from experience, from ob- servation, experiment, and acute reasoning, is rendered more easily understood when conveyed with mechanical precision ; and however strange it may ap- pear to some, the gift of speed, if not of all progression, depends more upon mechanical principles than is commoidy understood to be the case. See farther onward at Section 9, where the details are given. In all compound bodies, whether animate or inanimate, intended for our active use, it is above all other things requisite that they should stand well upon their bases or legs. A horse, or a joint stool, evidently defective in this particular quality, would be shunned as insecure ; and the one is sometimes endued with movements as little suited to one's ideas of getting on safely as the other, both being indebted to their original bad built (or chaipenJe, as Lafosse calls it) for the defect. Cover them both, the one with muscle and skin, the other with drapery, how you will, the faulty legs are faulty still. A good stable aphorism has it thus — " a horse that does not stand well can do nothing well ; and by natural inference, the horse that walks well can perform other paces well." A much better example, however, may be found in a four legged table, of which every horseman knows there are many of difTerent sizes and ol various workmanship, some for heavy or rough usage, others more for show and to sustain light weights. But, if the fore and hind 'egs bend towards each other upon the ground, any car- penter may see that this first clement of an ill-for ination must sooner or later, produce a fall; he will know that more strength tor supporting great weigiits would be found by making all four legs perp^nidicu MECHANICAL EXPLANATION. TREAD OF THE FOOT. -^ •ar. Bu* fi horse not being like a table, immoveably fixed upon its legs, but being required not only to bear up but to proceed with his load, — which is sometimes eflected with difficulty on account of ils weight; then must his powers ol pressing onwards be estimated by the positions in which he can place the bones of his hinder part, the legs particularly, since it is to these the propul sion of his body forwards is chiefly indebted. In his efforts to accomplish this duty, the position of his hind legs will resemble those of the second table in the margin, stretched out constantly as these are, and each leg alternately twice as much beyond his body ; while his fore legs will bend under him alternately also, like those in the first table. In both movements his legs are stretched to their utmost when the drag is up hill, because the resistance to be overcome is then greatest, and we can thus form an opinion how much "he has the free use of his legs." When this is the case, all horses step short ; but, upon even ground, the hind leg, to be perfect, should come finely forward in the walk, and occupy the identical spot which the fore leg had just quitted. See further at Section 8. As the horse gets old, is tired, disordered, or over-much laden, he ceases to do this as usual, in the exact ratio that he is affected the one way or the other. 4. Mares, occasionally, and skittish horses, frequently bring their legs to- gether, much resembling the first figure, and are insecure roadsters as well as poor draught horses. The second sketch is the walking motion of an unladen cart-horse or a coach-horse standing still ; these, as well as hunters, take the same position, which indicates that they have the free use of their limbs. In the drag, the former bring their fore legs under their bodies, the principle be- mg ap[)licable to any quadruped performing the like task ; and such a horse would consequently fall down forward but for the resistance of the load he draws. But this accident seems provided for, by the power the horse has of contracting the muscles (see Section 10), and drawing up quickly the lower part of his limb, in time to get it out of the way of his hind leg, both motions forming each a separate effort toward progression. I still have in view a walk ing pace, all other paces being no other than modifications of the walk ; and, in fact, "a horse that walks well can do any thing else well," an aphorism that is atwin with one equally well founded in the preceding section. With some horses, the hind foot, instead of coming forward, as described at (he bottom of the last section, upon the spot of ground marked by the fore one, falls short of the mark. — These never turn out fast ones, although their fault does not always consist in the shape or disproportion of the bones, bjt in the contraction of the muscle or tendon (see this tendon described under the head of "Foot"); at times it is owing to the relaxation of the immediate coverings of the bones, described at Section 16. Such horses may be well enough to look at, but can not perform properly. The extreme of this misfortune is termed stringhalt ; but every approach towards it, however trivial, is good cause tor rejecting the animal. In case of the hind foot coming too far forward (in tho walk still) and striking the fore one, the fault lies in want of sufficient strength (or quickness) in the fore hg ; besides which see further at Section 10. If the hind foot comes down sometimes inside, at others outside, the just quitted situation of the fore foot, the animal has a disagreeable rolling in his gait from side to side, the fault being as often in the fore leg as in the hinder one, some- times in both. Such horses commence a journey with much apparent confi- dence, but tiring soon, they fall into their old error, and the security they have inspired is found to be deceptions : — many accidents are the consequence This fault I hesitate whether to ascribe to the fore leg or the hind one but it 8 PROGRESSION. ADAPTATION OF THE LLMBS. certainly originates in a disagreement between the fixing of the two upon the body, either as to the situation, or want of muscular strength at the place of joining. Such a horse is a stumbler, and when he trots away from us, we can see nearly as much of his fore legs as of his hind ones ; in the straight- built, well-set limbed horse, the fore legs are then concealed from our sight by the hind ones. I own this is with me a grand criterion for judging as to a horse's capability of going over the ground. In racing, or indeed any run- ning, the fore legs are then brought closer together, the hind legs rather wider (so in leaping), as we see in greyhounds, hares, deer, and all other fleet creatures. Such as I have described is the act of progression with all horses, but in various degrees, according to their sizes fas with the coach-horse, saddle-horse, poney ^ ; four such efforts having called mto action all the bones of the body, including more or less that of the head, tail, and neck, according to the pace or other circumstances. — See Section 11. Hence it must be clear, that to perform this duty of progression, or getting forward, properly, as regards either the length of time he sustains it, or the quickness of performance, weight, or velocity, the limbs must be adapted to the kind of work the horse has to perform and to each other, whether that be in harness, on the turf, the chase, or the road. 5. We do not find this adaptation of the limbs so much in the amount of covering the bones may have on them, as in the size and proportion of these, and the suitable manner in which they are fastened together ; as may be seen in those horses (blood) where tendon supplies the place of muscle, and most strength resides in the smallest compass ; and, as may be proved by the ob- struction to his paces, which is always observable in the horse burthened with very muscular shoulders. Equally true is it, that, after we have approved of the proportions of a pair of horses in respect to bone and built, certain powers of going or lastingness are frequently discovered to be possessed by one so much beyond his match, that we are compelled to admit those powers do re- side in something else than in his built. Superior health, sound wind, cour- ^S^i give this strength, with speed, and lastingness ; the bones being then well cased together and strongly supported by their immediate covering, have full and fair play.* But wherever they be fundamentally ill-adapted to each other, in whatever degree this escapes our observation, the muscles and tendi- nous parts adapt themselves in some measure to that lamentable kind of form, but which no filling up, or after-accommodation of the parts to each other, can completely eradicate, though it may he concealed from our view. The mus- cle that is so perverted rises up in the middle preturnaturally, as if some sprain or other had caused that appearance ; the contiguous parts, consequently, un- dergo greater fatigue than, in the event of finer symmetry, would have fallen to their share : and the extraordinary friction or working thereof, occasions, at a day more or less remote, the exhaustion of its powers (see Section 21), and the lodgement of acrimonious matter in the cellular membrane, which ap- pears in tumour, abscess, &c. This protuberant appearance of the muscle is most visible at the stifle [N. 30], and on the shoulder [M. 16], just above the elbow. A mure minute inquiry, however, on those points would lead me away — too far from my main purpose, at present ; I therefore return to notice, in the first place, the structure of the legs of such horses as, by their untoward posi- • Firing is supp«seu to restore derangement of the integuments, by causing inflammation end rcniraction thereof upon the bone, so as to embrace it more tightly. This is effected Ly much I 'f the muscle being taken up into the system, or sloughing off ia the cure ; as well as the Cimirsjiiion of the flexor tendon (back sinew] and its sheath. DEFORMED IJMBS. 9 lion, entail on them the chances of producing some one or other of those evils that are known to afflict certain horses, incurably, to the end of their days. Thus, some are known to tread on the inner quarter of the hoof, others on the outside, without the real cause being ever ascertained, and remedies are frequently appHed that have not the remotest chance of achieving any good, on that very account. Some horses " cut" in consequence of treading on the outer quarter ; on the contrary, by punishing the inner quarter in treading, others contract a disposition to "quittor and ringbone;" both instances of mal-formation, or bad built (as I call it), produce splcnts, diseases of the frog, of the sensible sole, and of the coronet, as the case may be : how the various modes of wrong treading are brought on remain to be examined into hereafter. Meantime, it may not be amiss to observe that the right mode and make may be discovered by noticing the proportions of those horses, that, by the acknow- ledged just synmietry of their bones, the agreement in size of one Hmb with another, and the faultless manner in which these are attached to the body, go tolerably free from any such diseases, until old age, accident, or the misap- plication of their powers,- brings on disease. 6. There are, then, three kinds of mal -formation, or bad shape, attendant on the limbs of horses, which I consider original faults, those others to which they give rise being but secondary ones, 1st. That wherein the leg is ill-form- ed in itself. 2d. When it is badly joined to the body. 3d. When the fore legs disagree with the hind ones in length or quantity. Each, being attended by its respective defect in going, as to safety, speed, or strength, and liable to incur one or other of the ills enumerated, as appearing on the legs and feet — is worthy of the reader's separate consideration ; although it frequently ha|)- pens that an individual horse is afflicted with all three faults at the same time, the two first being found together, subsequently producing the other also. But 1 have generally noticed that one of those faults sometimes accommodates itself to the other, amending it considerably; as, when a limb that is too long is set higher up on tlje body than is esteemed right construction, in the same manner as a horse lame of a log may be passed off for sound should the cor- responding leg of his body also fall lame.* Much the same is it with the third kind of disagreement, in the opinion of many people; Iwcause it has existed in some celebrated horses, and they would have us believe that this very disagreement was itself the cause of the celebrity those individuals ar- rived at. This, however, was not the fact. 7. The Phccnomcna mare, unquestionably the first trotter of her inches in our days, never did her work in style : nobody could account for her achieve- ments upon the view, and I had always my doubts whether hers was a fair trot, though I won upon her. In the trot she had an unaccountable shuffle. She was low before, but had the gift of taking lier fore feet out of the way of the hinder, which fell (in the walk) about half a shoe beyond that of the fore ones, the feet reaching the ground in successi()n. Laertes, a grey horse, hunted in Leicestershire, 1818, 1819,+ of no par- ticular powers any where, and confessedly clumsy in the forehand, without much fire, was yet in the habit of taking the ordinary six-feet leaps with ease, and clearing a ditch of twenty-tlve feet with pleasure, often exceeding those ailmeasurements by nearly a Iburth. Eclipse is known to all of us (as matter of history) for having had a low shoulder, which gave his fore quarters an awkward appearance : but this was compensated lor by the fine form of his hind quarter, which, being [jarticularly strong and muscular, threw his body * Certain dealers are known to liave iiidifteil lameness on the foot with Jiis view, flfwiu' •Ad disgusting as Is the relation, 'tis no less true, t At that time the property of Mr. Malxjily. 3 10 ECLrPSE~MAKE OF SHOULDER, forward at every leap, in despite of his Ioav fore quarter, — lor running 13 no other than the lea)) reiterated. One leading characteristic, however, denoted all three horses to be of the right stamp in the main : they stood even on their leg-bones and the soles of their feet; that is to say, straight op and down, nearly, from the elbow [N. 16] to the ground before, and from the stifie-pini FN. 30] to the ground behind, respectively ; both these ])arts, viewed sideways in the plate, bemg placed nearly horizontal, as regards each other, on the line [N] ; at least, this was the relative position of the stide and elbow, in the two first-mentioned animals, and of the third 1 do but presume that he was so, for " the history" of his form in this respect leaves us a little in doubt. But " the shoulder of Eclipse was a low one," say the published accounts of him ; yet, as this defect, real or supposed, consisted in the inclination of the shoulder-bone [K to N] above the elbow, by reason of the great freedom of the muscles which held it and the shoulder-blade in position, he would, when stepping out with the tore leg, rise higher than when he stood still; a particu- larity that is reversed in horses whose shoulder-blades are set on more nearly upright than those of Eclipse were. This accounts tor the vaulting manner he had, as we read in the printed accounts of his exploits; and his runnirig greyhound fashion, with his chest close to the ground, for he would thereby keep off the ground longer betwixt each leap, until the impetus received from his hind legs was nearer spent than it would have been but for thus holding up his fore feet. On referring to those parts in the annexed plate, they will be found thus drawn. 8. Viewed in front, the fore legs, upon which the safety and ease of the animal's going chiefly depends, should, to be perfect, be widest next the chest, Fig. 3. approaching each other gradually, until the e3'e, hav- ing compared that part with the pastern, scarcely perceives the difference. Here, the leg, taken by it- self, is smaller, though the interval between the knees and the feet does not differ, on account of the width and flatness which ought to exist in the well-formed knee, yet, taken on the outside, considerably more breadth will be found above than below. Such a knee, when flat and finely marked at the joint, is al- ways well covered in a healthy horse, (see section 15), he then throws it out with great freedom, and takes a firm step fairly on the entire bottom of his hoof; but, should the leg be ever so good a one in itself, yet placed too high upon the chest, where it is held, ,not by a socket or insertion of the bone, but by strong ^elastic muscle only, this throws the feet too near to- gether upon the ground ; the horse then treads on the outer quarter of his hoof, and wears away the wall ; and, when tired, is most commonly given to cut. Endeavours are used in shoeing to amend this fault, by paring away the inner crust ; but it is one of those defects in the built which no art can completely eradicate, and has been termed " i»igeon- toed." Nor is the matter rendered any better when, by reason of the knees turn- ing v.., the toes turn out, and the horse then treads on the inner quarter ; and, however those of the one or the other description may have the reputation of ffreat speed, it can be for a short distance only, because the action of such horses must be laboured and imuerfect, particularly one of the latter kind of make. He must, consequently," fatigue himself more at every step, and tire sooner than one of the same size, and formed in every other respect similar hut having legs that come nearer in shape to those in the annexed skptch [6g, SIfUlLDERS lAllUE.- ACTION. 1| 3]. That such knock-knre form is occasioned by weakness, is evident from the [>ositioM of the knees, when the aniiiiul stands at rest. This he doea oy supporting liimself at times like a dancing-master, with one foot before the other; and, no doubt, the twist with which his yiace is always attended when going, occasions certain di.scirders of the feet, which he seeks to ease by shift- ing the weight aUernately from one, to the other foot. He will, moreover, sooner "knock up," and ultimately "get done for" earlier in life, by reason .••f the origin of this species of mallbrmation being seated high up on the limb, theieby incommoding the action of the shoulder-mu.scles : the elbow, at N. M, by being pressed close to the ribs, having thrown in the knees, receives, at .very step the Irg takes, a kind of double motion, which, of course, doubly alle. Is the action ol those parts; and much fatigue, pain, and anguish succeed ."ach other, until it communicites to the cavity »,f the chest, or other internal jTirts. Such animals havt; frequently the shoulders unusually muscular, hid- ing, in a good m<'asure, the original d<'f ct from the eye and touch of a com- mon observer ; but it may, nevertheless, be ascertained to exist, by the s\'mp- tomsjust now mentioned, as well as by the appearance of the protruding nuiscle before noticed at Sect. 5. To knocked knees and inside tread, let me add the circumstance, that such horses have a broken pace, kicking loose stones before them, with a certain roUing from side to side, to the great annoy- ance of the rider. All this arises from awkwardness, by reason of the shoul- der's bad position, whereby the leg being thrown sideways removes the foot in an increasing ratio from the centre of gravity, and, instead of its being tlirown straight forward, describes part of a circle, more or less curved, ac- Fig. 4. cording to the amount of the original defect. The straiglit dotted line shows the space a well- formed foot, such as belong to the leg in our pre- ceding sketch (3), would take, being on paper just one inch ; the curved line shows the course, or nearly so, the foot is thrown which belongs to m ill-formed shoulder, contracted at the elbow: as this Une is an inch and an eighth (1 in. ^) in length, the horse so formed does an eighth more ivork than one with straight legs would do on going over the same ground. In addition to his other evils, a horse with such a shoulder (being muscular) IS most liable to contract " tistula in the withers ;" but, if not so muscular, *' strain of the shoulder" is likely to attend his twisted manner of treading, when hard worked. With such a built horse, "splents" are usually more tedious than with a straight-limbed one ; and strains of the sinews, i. e. of the tendon, as well as those of the coffin-joint, happen oftener, and appear with worse symptoms, in proportion as the limbs are more or less cross-built*. 9. Long and sloping pasterns [Y, 13 — 16, and Y, 34 — 39] partly denote the Arabian, are handsome to view, and make easy goers; but such horses soon tire, and, 1 may say, are generally weak, having the flexor tendon, or back sinew, considerably relaxed. The small pastern, or bone inserted at the hoof, always rises in a direct line from the hoof, both being about 45 degrees for saddle-horses, as at 6, (fig. 5.) and the large pastern is then several degrees nearer to upright. These hoofs stand of anovaX shape, a.id have small frogs. But some, as draught horses, have large frogs, the hoof round, and more upright by nearly ten degrees in early life, as at (c) in the annexed scale, in which case they are liable, if no change takes place, and they get older and weaker in the joints, to " knuckle over." But, getting aged, and the supply • I resen'e un'il a latter part of tlit \'olume what 1 shall have to say, respecting strain of the back sinew and of the coftiii-joint, which I have thus named in confomiity with the genera) vuigaricin;, in order to make myself intelligible to the meanest capacity.— Sec I-\ oL a seciioti of |2 HOOF, n'S SHAPE AND MARE. of nutriment for repairing wear and waste falling short, the horse becomef •«mmice-footi3d. The wall or crust is then lower; and as the bottom of Fi(T. 5. the foot grows convex, causing the ani- °" * ^ mal to slip about, so the front of the ^ ? hoof (a — e) grows concave, the toe (e) ^ ^.'--^'^ I almost turning upwards. Horses kept ^■^ \ \ for heavy draught have short pastern y^ \ \ j bones, tlie small one entering the hoof at '^Z \ \ I the coronet (c) in early life, but after- / \ c'\ \ I wards changes, as I say, to [a — d?) ; and ^ / w — \ \ \ I this new inclination, it will be seen, '/^s,^^ y^\^>^ \\ \ I must depress the bone, as the animal / />^\^^S. V-. \ « acquires the sort of hoof called pom- / yx^^^^^\ V *• • '-'i^'C-footed, and causes a constant strain- ^,Cy//\^^^^^^m\ \-.. \ ! ing upon the coronet ; hence, the crip- ///^^^^^^^\^^>0<- \ i pling, insecure gait, horses of this de- / / ( ^^^^^^^^^^^^^V<:.\ I scriplion acquire, even before they get I \. 1 ^^^^^^s^^^^^^^J old ; and hence those numerous disor- ^'— - V ^v ^ ^^"sS^Sii^ ^^ ^^ ^^^^ , ^j^j.^ j.^ which the feet are liable from '^ this one origin. Contracted heels of this or any other species of horse, being destructive of h.s capability of going, should be guarded against as much as any other in- dividual misfortune to which he is liable: a disposition thereto constitutes suf- ficient ground for rejection. When this is the case, the interval or cleft be- tween the heels, at (d) in the annexed scale, is found to be more or less tender, according to the progress of the disease ; the cleft will, in health, receive two fingers lain in, the part having in it nothing unusual in the feel. Soon, how- ever, the k.eat increases, the part hardens, and the cleft scarcely admits of a small finger ; the horse flinches as if you touched a sore, and nothing but time and proper treatment can restore him, if any thing can. Most commonly, however, the disease proceeds until the clefts of the heels meet and become rotten. Pressure upon the frog, is the certain preventive of contraction. See " Foot." When the pastern-bones (great and small) rise one above the other too up- rightly, the small one receives the whole concussion, and communicates th« jar to every minute construction of the internal foot. See Foot, section o£ The jarring of his pace is then very great, both to the horse and his rider. Such horses arc very liable to go lame occasionally, but they recover by rest. The ass and wild horse (poney) are thus formed ; but being hardy, and having less blood and less weight of body to carry about, suffer less by it than the horse. The just form or elevation of the hoof in front^ upon which mainly depends its form behind, has been discussed by various writers, but remains yet awhile uncertain and unsettled. Mr. B. Clarke judges 33 degrees of elevation from the ground to be the best form of the hoof, and Mr. White quotes him with a portion of approbation, but most unaccountably refers to his "plate iv," on which an inscription tells us the lact is not so, but 45 degrees is the best pos- sible elevation of the hoof: whilst those which are higher (/oicer he writes it, or "33"), "approach too near the perpendicular;" the figure on the plate itself differing with the diagram on the page of his book (305). My ideas, however, on this sul)ject are not so general; for 1 have found the best form of the hoof differ, according to the shape of the two pasterns, as :hey regard the hoof and each other; deeming that the best, in its particular case, wliere the small one follows the same declination as the hoof, and the large pastern ascends twenty d(^g\ees nearer to the upright, as before stated. CAT-IIAIVCMED, HOW CONTRACTED. 13 The prccerling figure (No. 5) shows the outhne of tljree feet of different (Ie« grers of elevation : b d describes the line of the coronet, or orifice, into whicL the thickest end of the small pastorn-bone sinks, and rests upon the sprii.gy eubstance attached to the inside of the hoof, and which bone, we naturally expect, should ascend out of, and take the same direction as, the hoof, whence Jt springs. Any departure from this rule of nature is clearly an approach towards tiisease. In tlie paragraph above, I showed what mischief might be derived from an upright small pastern, such as would suit the outline hoof (c) ; of course, this elevation, or a greater, would be a mis-shapen hoof as well as pastern. In like manner, we knew that the pommice-foot is out of point and diseased, and it follows that the best passible elevation of the hoof must necessarily lie in the medium of those extremes, which we know to be diseases in themselves : this it is to determine a contest mechanically, without once adverting to the well-known circumstance of the health and free use of its heels, which attends the horse whose hoof is, at any time of life, near 45 degrees of elevation or depression. Did we require more arguments to prove this to be the proper elevation, a conclusive one could be found in the well- known circumstance of those hoofs of horses which are very upright in early life becoming the lowest when the animals get old ; whilst those hoofs which come near the standard of excellence in youth (45 degrees), retain the same form, as nearly as the injuries of shoeing admit of, to an extreme old age. 10. So far as the foregoing observations on the fore-legs apply, they do be- long, in every particular, and with equal reason, to the hind legs also; with the exception, however, of what is said concerning the elbow of the fore-leg, and its adhesion to the chest, for which we must now substitute the stifle of .he hind-leg [N. 30] ; and add, instead of the kind of defect described as being occasioned by the contraction of the part, it is here owing to the expansion or spreading of the stifle from the sides. This throws the houghs together, and forms " cat-hammed horses," as they are termed ; the mode of going such animals are constrained to adopt, the circle their Fig. 6. hind feet describe, at every step, the additional fatigue they undergo, the awkwardness of their tread, and the consequent diseases communicated to the sole, lately described (in sec. 6.) as pertaining to the fore-leg, — most undoubtedly afflict the hind- leg also, with the additional fact, that this one is more liable to "grease." At rest, if an animal so built does not place one foot before the other, his houghs not unfrequently touch each other, — po- ney's and low horses more particularly so ; and it seems worthy of remark, that this species of mal- conformation seldom appears on the fore and hind- legs of the same animal. Indeed, I can not recol- cet having seen one instance, and I am thence led to conclude that this twist of the legs is a contri- vance of Nature to accommodate itself to the dis- proportionate length of legs before or behind. But, when it so happens that the strength of the parts resists this bending of the hough or of the knee, such horses walk higher behind than before, and vice versa, i. e. when one pair of legs seem to have outgrown the other pair; a defect which, though ,4 FORE LEGS SUORl.— LEAPING. often overlool/ ed, is no le?3 deserving of notice. The wound termeil "over- reach" is inflicted by the hind-leg of this formation upon the fore one. " Forg- ing" is, likewise, occasioned by the hinder toes striking the shoe or shoes of the fore-feet ; and is sometimes brougnt on by injudicious shoeing on feet of tlie very best construction, and a loose rein ; it is, therefore, to be corrected only by the contrary practice, keeping the hind-toes short, and the heel of the fore- foot low, and driving with the reins borne up. By these means, the fore- hoof will spread at the heel, and the animal be enabled to take it out of the way in time for the hind-foot to occupy the identical spot on the ground it had just quitted; for very few horses have the greyhound tread of Eclipse beforo- noticed, wherein the hind-feet tread much wider than the fore-feet. Neither is such a gift desirable to any but racers, perhaps: nor is it, indeed, compati- ble with the duties the generality of horses have to perform. The great additional labour horses with houghs so formed undergo, added to the pain and anguish of continuing it, occasion irritation of the whole hind quarter, that communicates itself to the region of the kidneys and intestines, and superinduce inflammatory complaints, which frequently terminate unfa- vourably. Constitutional diseases appear on the leg and foot behind oftener than before; and those of the Coronet, with Curb, Thorough pin, spavin, strains, windgall, scarcely fill up the cataloo[ue of evils caused by, or receiving aoforavation from, too much expansion of the stifle, with its attendant, the cat-hammed hough, and, consequently, a twisted tread of the hoof. No doubt exists in my mind that Eclipse would have been a cat-hammed horse had he been raced at two or three years old, as our practice now is: both he and Flying Childers were five years old before they started on the turf. Heavy long-legged children of our species, in like manner, become knock kneed men, by being put on their legs too soon ; this form of their knees deprives them of calves to thin ill-formed legs, and the thigh, too, seems wasted, when the deformity is great. 11. When the fore-legs are shortest, the horse, whilst going, nods his head up and down a good deal, as he does when these are either weak, tired, or tender of foot : when they are very feeble, without any other ailment, he car- ries the head high constantly; but he works his head from side to side when the same subjects of complaint assail the hind logs and feet. Poneys being ever out of point in one or other of these respects, afford unerring proofs of those remarks. The value and advantage of the straight position of a horse's houghs are never more apparent than when he rises upon his haunches to take a leap, a service which never was performed satisfactorily by a cat-hammed horse, because he seems to hesitate about what shall be the distance between his feet at the precise moment they are to leave the ground: a blunder which is most visible in the standing leap, when the feet are seen first to straddle to their utmost ; in an instant they are brought so close together as to lose all purchase, and he goes over from an intermediate spot, the whole transaction occupying as much time as does the counting of one, two, three, and away ! The motions of the head are always good indications of pleasure as well as pain. A horse will frequently throw up his head, almost in his rider's face (as if to rebuke his barbarity,) when he has been hit on the head or ears. (See Section 16.) He looks at his flanks dolorously when affected by a dull pain in the intestines ; if it be sharp pain, he turns about quicker : he thrusts hia nose towards his chest, when pain assails his lungs generally ; but when one lobe only is affected, he turns his head only to that side. If a horse be girthed loo tight he will sometimes (justly) bite his tormentor, for this operation re- tardslhe action of the muscles between the ribs and of the ribs themselves, so that the lun^s do not get room to play. (See Section 31, and Introduction, page 4. J old horse* contrive to avoid this punish.nenf by " holding tbcir LEADING LEG. FOUNDER. GROGGY. K> Vfind" (keeping the lungs filled) during the girthing; a fine proof this of Na- ture's dealinffs, for whicli they usually either get kicked under the belly, or hit about the head ; but both kinds of punishment are the harbingers of further disease, viz. the first of the blind gut, as descrilx'd at Section 48 and 49 ; and the other leads to poll evil, as described in Book 2. A horse is frequently found to have contracted lameness in the forc-ieg without showing any visible sign of its exact situation, and applications to the shoulder is the usual remedy in the hands of the generality of common far- riers. Some of them imagine the strain is situated lower in the leg ; but they are no nearer the fact, though they are to the spot. A defect in the conforma- tion of the limbs occasions the foot which leads to come upon the ground with more force than its fellow : the concussion of the hoof is greater, and is un- equally placed when the leg is a-twist than in the upright form ; the loading tires sooner, and the sensible sole becomes inflamed when the horse is con- stantly urged to step out with it, the atHiction barely showing itself between the frog and the toe, if any where. If a horse receives the impulse to {)roceed from the right hand or heel, he will step out with the fore-leg of that side, ac- companied by the hind-leg of the near side; but his rider, or driver, should early teach him to change the leading-leg, by sometimes touching him upon the contrary side. It is worthy of note, too, that the horse which executes this change with the least trouble, and oftenest, has most power and command of his limbs. [See Index — Fever in the feet.] When both legs before are at- tacked, the horse exhibits a crippling uncertain gait, not unlike that of a drunken man, whence the term "groggy" has lieen applied, and, if he is not timely indulged in rest and a run at grass, he is a ruined horse, and liccomes soon what is termed "foundered," of which disorder there are several kinds. The mistaking one kind of founder for another generally costs the animal his life, sooner or later, and the studious inquirer had better turn to the next Chapter (at sect. 21. paragraph 3), where he will find a few words on chest founder, many of the symptoms whereof are not unlike this of the feet. Horses full of feed, and requiring purgative physic, stand with the legs stretched, more than our second cut, at page 7, — inordinately at times. Old Gibson attributed it to vice, and a disposition to kick, when a horse holds his toe scarcely resting on the ground ; this is not always the case, for his fore- leg is as frequently so held a-trip a3 his hind one ; and I consider it the token alike of either sore feet, or of incipient founder. 12. Besides the disproportion the fore and hind legs bear to each other, another series of defects in construction exists between the length of the fore limbs and that of the trunk, being sometimes- most apparent at the btlly and flank, at others on the back, its tendency always depending on the turn taken by the latter. Although this is the old English way of judging of long car- cased horses, Lafosse (an old French farrier) took the measure of proportions more properly from the breast-bone to the buttock, in the annexed plate being from the parallel line 11 to 38; then comparing this with his height, he tells us "a good horse, as we can learn from experience, should be a tenth longer from the breast to the buttock than he is high from the top of the shoulder to the ground." The latter admeasurement will be found upon the annexed plate to extend from the line [D to Z] and, with the former, will compose a gquare rather wider than high, — the integuments being removed from the bones on all sides. My notions of just proportion, however, differ from the French standard, though they do not run into the contrary extreme ; for I can not help thinking inordinate length of body, as compared to a horse's height, a very great defect as regards his health, that form being invariably attended with meagre, washy flanKs, and a painful manner of going. But the Fiao- t6 ROACH BACK, AND HOLLOW BACK. ders and Norman breeds have all this tendency; and they are invariably of a sluggish nature, wlien the belly, also, hanijs low. The major part of our horses of this built have their sides falling in, more or less, towards the hind quarter, some few of them to such a degree that the flank appears as it it were fastened to the loins. These are remarkably poor feeders, have a good deal of short-lived vigour, without the gift of keeping it up at any kind of thing. Nutritious food, but less in quantity, does for horses which arc out in the first-mentioned point all that can be done, and that is very little : those of the second species of bad form can not bear long journeys, nor long privation, or they contract flatulencies and spasmodic cholic. Another s|)ecies of dis[)roportionate length, as compared to height, consists hi what is called " high mounted," the limbs having then much more length than the body; a defect that is rendered still more apparent when (as gene- rally happens) the horse is also roach-backed, like the first sketch of back Fig. 7. bone in figure 7; and it is still more striking when a little man is mounted anon it with a saddle that is ever sliding forward upon the withers. Such a form alwavs denotes weakness of limb, and want of freedom in the fore-hand ; nor can a horse of this built take a long step, or trot well, or thrive in the field, by reason of the difficulty he has in reaching the grass, which induces him to bend one knee forward, whilst the other leg is drawn back under him. A ludicrous story is even told among horse-dealers of a horse so formed having starved itself in the fields, while the food lay within an inch of its nose; and though such stories are no argument, they, nevertheless, convey the general feehng of the narrators, which is seldom completely wrong. 13. But a horse may be sh( rt in the carcase, which is not exactly "higli- mounted,'* in my view of the term; since much will depend upon the shape (or herd) of his back-hone, tj bring him under the one or the other descrip- tion. We h; ve seen what sort of character a roach back bestows on a horse. the direct co itrary form, or hollow hack -bone, [see the lowermost sketch in the last cut (cjj is no better, though budt upon long limbs, horses with this shaped bod length, and having filled it with pebbles of its own size, and tying the end tightly, a stick or club is proiluced of some degree of flexibility resembling a Umb and its joints. If the tying be not performed well, by bracing the st(Kk- ing to its utmost, the flexibility of certain parts (or joints) of the limb will be greater: it will possess less strength at the joints when bent, and be liable to give way or break unless supported by some other covering. It is easy to per- ceive that the horse which has those coverings in the highest perfection would move his limbs more correctly after the fashion they were designed for, than he which constantly strained them out of their places. He who was endowed with the first-mentioned quality in perfection would be considered a sinewy right-built horse ; the second kind 1 have already depicted in section 10, where rhe houghs are described as kee[)ing those integuments in a perpetual state i>l derangement, straining or twisting them in such a manner that constitutional enlargement at the joints is the consequence. At the ends of all bones, a yielding subi:tance, in appearance like bone it self, prevents friction, and by its elasticity rives a spring to the animal's steps. The ease of a horse's going mainly depends upon this substance, which re 5J0 SINEW y HORSE. CARTILAGE oeives the nann of cartilage, and is liable in some measure to be absorbed oi taken up into the system, or, in cases of diseased joint, to become stiff and bony. Consult sect. 23, &c. on those points of information. We may notice this absorption in very young animals, whose bones are all substituted by cartilage; until the blood furnisheth the means of forming a more substantial frame, such as I have been describing ; and teaches the validity of some re- marks I made in a preceding section (15) on the kind of attention we ought to pay to our brood mares while the fcetus^ or unborn animal, is being formed in the womb. Not only between bones, and embracing ever joint, but at the termination of the four legs in their horny feet, is this springy substance to be found, the whole being liable to wear out, to contract or to harden with age or disease. Besides this casing of the joints in cartilage, the ligaments connect or tie the bones together. These ligaments are seldom troubled with any ailment but that of great lassitude when the animal is tired, and occasionally to sprain. This accident takes place when the horse steps aside upon uneven ground, and the ends of the bones press laterally upon the ligaments. It follows, of course, that mis-shapen horses whose feet are always constrained to take an uneven tread must be subject to a constant strain, and must be more liable than others to incur permanent accident, — every step forming a trivial one. But the ligament demanding the student's most serious attention is that which suspends the neck bones, on the same principle as our old fashioned lamp-irons are suspended by a small one from above, only that the ligament lies closer, and covers the intervals of the upper side, as at a — b of the annex- ed sketch.* So placed, and passing from the skull to the backbones, to both of which it is fastened, it has the power, at the will of the animal, of bending down or ^ drawing up the head, which would, in fact, but for this support, fall to the ground. Horses in their last moments, when that will niay be supposed to have left them, always carft back their heads considerably, by reason of the contraction of this strong ligament dur- ing the paroxysms of departing Ufe. At a, however, where is the seat of poll-evil, it is usually thin, the cavity there found between the bones being mostly filled with muscle (s. 27); but this does not happen invariably, as some horses have little or no cavity to be filled with ligamenlary substance, or with muscle. Our frontispiece is the portrait ol a subject of this latter kind ; but the reader is referred to some subsequent observations and cases on " poll-evil • ' for more detail on this hitherto-neglected point of conformation. 17. At the joints formed by the bones and covered by cartilage, the whole are surrounded by a strong membrane, which wraps the bones tightly, and se- cretes an oil at the joints for its further defence from the effects of friction. Of this secretion, and of the membranes generally, some further notice is given in the second chapter at section 22. This strong membrane is not, however, confined to any particular part, but continues its close attachment, or embracement of the bone, over the entire frame of the horse. Throughout its extended course it serves as an excellent holdfast for the sinewy ends of the muscles (see sect. 27), which are attached to it above and below joints, whereby they act as levers to raise the lower bones of the Umbs, as described hereafter. • Called by the learned "cei-vical ligament" and "the cervicular." In operatioivs for th« poll-evil this ligament is frequently diviideJ by the unskilful farrier cutting it aerosB raihw: itaa lengthwise, which L"? the only right practice. MEMBRANES. THE HORSE'S INSIDE. ORGANS. yj According to the parts this membrane may cover, it has received from the iRdrned in hard words and many, a separate name for each, as it that course would further the cause of science; and whenever they speak of it as being found upon the joints, and skull, or the bones generally, they term it perichon- drium, pericranium, and periosteum, as the case may be : why, no one ex- plains. It has been considered insensible, because in health it has not < le sense of feeling so fine as other parts of the system, which are furnished witf more nerves (s. 30) ; but, the very few of these fine organs with which the membrane of the bone is furnished, renders the pain occasioned by disease, whenever it may be attacked, the more acute ; when flying from one n«rve to another, those well-known shooting pains are felt (by us) that are universally mistaken for pains in the bones themselves. We do not go too far in infer- ring that the horse is similarly affected. This takes place in splents and spavin, when the bone enlarging forces its way through this tightly-braced membrane, and causes inflammation, temporary lameness, and, at length, those well- known appearances 1 have just named. In the living horse this membrane is red, by reason of the fine blood-vessels with which it abounds ; but in the dead subject, the supply of blood being withdrawn, it then turns white. CHAPTER II. Concerning the Horse's Inside, of its Conformation^ the Functions of the Organs of Life, and the Diseases to which each is liable : together with Outlines of the Principles upon which the Cure is to be effected. 18. Such, as I have endeavoured to teach, being my view of the external frame or structure of the horse, which I have termed its built, 1 come, in the next place, to speak in a more particular manner of his inside; noticing, as I pass on from one part of him to another, the seats and causes of his diseases with a view to their cure, but referring you to the second book for the separate treatment each requires. In the third chapter will be found my reasons for fol- lowing up the principles herein laid down, by a line of practice, at variance, in some material points, with the present mode of treating the animal in health as well as in disease. Organs. — But, before I proceed to describe those several part? of the horse's inside, there appears to me an absolute necessity for previously makinir the unlearned reader better acquainted with a few general topics, that we°may proceed with the details smoothly and more intelligibly together ; viz. the names, uses or offices and powers, of that infinity of small organs which lie spread over most parts of the body, and belong in common to several of these parts in nearly equal degrees. The large organs, having the power of carry- ing on the animal system, first, as regards digestion, secondly, those employed in the circulation of the blood, and third, those of respiration, are too well known to the sight and touch to require explanation here; yet are they (the heart, kidneys, lungs, liver, &,c.) composed or made up entirely of those minor organs 1 mean first to describe. But the precise way in which these act in and upon the large ones, the great share they hold in furthei».ig the system of animal life, and the eminent rank their services maintain in restoring health when the system is any way disordered, has not received, in the practice of horse-medicine, that share of serious consideration the importance of the sub- ject imperiously demands. To these points, then. 1 shall shortly call the -eader's undivided attention ; meantime, as some cramp words and phrases an' 4 23 FUNCTIONS. SECRETIONS. applied by most people (writers and others) to those offices of the animal's or* gans, they stand in need of previous explanation. 19. Each kind of organ, whether small or larsfe, was designed by the great maker of all things to perform some office towards the preservation of the animal in health. When such office is i)erformed properly, as ordained, the organ is said to " perform its functions well." For example, the heart is given for the purpose of sending the blood through the arteries, all over the body ; but when the pulse beats low or irregularly, that organ is said to " per- form its function badly ;" when it ceases to beat, this function is lost or gone. So, certain of the organs are said to secrete something or other that is liquid ; the doing this is their function ; the power of doing so, that of secretion ; and the article secreted or collected together, is called the secretion of this or that organ. Thus, the kidneys secrete urine, and it runs off (sect. 53): the glands, under the jaws, secrete spittle (saliva), which passes oli' with the food by the intestines ; therefore are they properly considered as excretory also, seeing both the secretions are drawn together for the express purpose of being so sent away, this last by the grand canal (or gut), as the first mentioned is by the bladder, and the perspiration is through the pores of the skin. But some se- cretions are found that have no outlet visible to us weak mortals, though they find their way through the skin, sensibly enough at times ; and this then be- comes the sensible perspiration or sweat, but when we do not see it, this third species of evacuation is termed the insensible perspiration ; and in health, one of the two is always in action, — in disease not so. "When, however, it happens such functions are obstructed, or, on the other hand, too much of either secretion is furnished to the system, then disease be- gins ; as does, also, our duty of finding out what part of the vast machine has ceased to perform its office properly. For, without this previous information, no man can possibly know how to apply the remedy in restoring the disor- dered organ to the proper exercise of its function ; nor can any one hope to arrive at this desirable point of veterinary knowledge, unless he has acquired the means of ascertaining where, when, and in what degree the mischief has taken place, by patiently examining the action of those organs while in health, »nd comparing their appearance, after death, with the particular symptoms which preceded that event. 20. Secretion. — Although, as I say, the secretions just spoken of are im- portant in themselves, and of several sorts, as bile or gall by the liver, urine by the kidney, &c. yet the chief object of our present notice is the secretion of a fluid, more or less watery, which pervades the whole system. It differs in quality a little, and very httle any where, being ada})ted to the nature of the j/arts requiring its aid : 1st, In softening and enabling them to move freely over each other (as, between the ends of bones); 2d, Acting as a defence against injuries from extraneous bodies (as on the inner coat* of the intes- tines) ; and 3d, To prevent the parts from growing together (as the liver to the midriff), &c. Misfortunes these which invariably happen wiien the sup- ply of this fluid falls short of the quantity required for a long while together; and this is the case whenever the animal is worked until the fluid, at some part or other, is exhausted : a circumstance that strongly bespeaks the jiro- priety of allowing the worn-up poor creature more frequent supplies of water although this be done in smaller quantities. Inflammation, or fever, which Is occasioned by suddenly checking the secretion , eventually exhausts this moisture by its great heat. Both those disorders are therefore referred in the Tlie surgeons of human jiraclice will observe, that I liere transgress the doctrine of the sur- faces ; but they will ple;ise to recollect that my object is to make myself uncler!5.-oot' 1 v a certaiis class of carters, of which tlioy compose a very small art. USES OF SECRETIONS: REDUNDANT; AND DEFECTrVK 23 sequel to the same origin ; the first being local, or pertaining to some particular organ or part, whilst lever j)erva(Jes the whole system, and the solids in par- ticular. The total absence of perspirable matter marks both diseases On the other hand, when too much of this fluid is secreted, and remains unabsorbed, disease ensues ; upon the heart it forms " droi)sy of the covering of the heart;" on the covering of the lungs it becomes "dropsy of the chest;'- in the membrane of the belly it forms " ascites," or dropsy of that part, and usually falls into the scrotum. The powers of medicine have hitherto proved of no avail in the first description of ailments; and are but partially applicable to the last mentioned ; the operation of tapping too frequently disafipointsour hopes, to induce us to rely upon it as any other than a temporary relief, and it is, therefore, seldom or ever applied to the horse. Thus, in whichever way we view this important secretion, its eminence must strike us as quite equal to any other. Whenever obstruction in this part of the system takes plav'e in the horse, the consequent adhesion of the parts being invisible, he gets worse used by his inexorable master for his inability to perform his usual work, and he soon falls a victim to the lash, the spur, and the bit. At the joints, this fluid is considered to be an oil (cynovia); at the heart it is con- fessedly nothing but water: whilst it partakes of a mucous, or slimy nature at some other parts of the body. This is the case with the membranes of the throat and gullet ; on those of the nostrils, the heat of the horse's breath con- verts it into a ^^ viscid mu'cus;" when the secreted watery particles come oflf by sweating, it assumes a white or milky appearance, after a little time ap- pearing thicker and more slimy as the sweating continues, and the watery particles becoming less and less, its fluidity is also lessened. See membranes, sect. 26, 21. In all animals, the secretion of this watery fluid is carried on by the membranes, which are thin films placed between the various organs, over the bones and among the fleshy parts. These not only secrete, but sustain the fluid in its place, for the purposes above mentioned, and being of various tex- ture or fineness, the fluid that is so secreted and held to its pur[x)se by each, partakes more or less of water, is more or less slimy, or consists more or less of an oily nature, according to the use it may be designed for. Each kind of membrane, and its proper secretion, has received a learned name, — the first being called serous, the second mucous, the third fibrous ; but, having re- solved to abandon learned words, whenever the thing can be understood as well without them, I find less occasion for introducing them here than is ge- nerally practised. For, the peculiar nature of the horse having assimulated together, by its action, the three kinds of secretion more so than is the case with other animals ; and its habits contributing as much more to the hasty calling off of one kind of fluid from certain parts to the assistance of another part, which may have been exhausted of its kind ; and as the treatment of the horse in all cases of a disordered secretion of these fluids is the same through- out, the action of medicine upon one always affording the assistance to ano- ther (as 1 shall prove shortly), there is no such necessity for carrying the distinction farther in horse -medicine, although it may be so in the human practice. Perspiration is always at a great height in the horse ; it is one of th«* chief means of cure in most of his disorders, and consists in drawing tho watery secretions from all parts of the body. These pass to the surface 'eadily, coming through the membranes from the joints, the solidsj the bowels, and their coverings; as may be noticed in the case of hide-bound, apon open- ing the animals that die in this state of exhausted nature; the me>-entt:ry canal (hereafter described) is invariably discovered with yellowness, being, a« times, almost orange colour; but 1 have as constantly found the iacteals of a ^ EFFUSION. INSENSIBLE PERSPIRATION. fine coateil horse shine through as white as milk. Again, on over-working the horse, so much of the joint-oil is sometimes drawn off by perspiration, that he becomes stiff in the knees, for want of that softening quality which kept the parts supple ; we feel the same ourselves upon such occasions ; and in taking off the knee or the hough of a permanently " stiff-jointed" horse, 1 have invariably found the joint-oil affected ; in very bad cases it no longer existed. During life, the escape of this oil, by reason of wounds (as bad broken knees), leave the joint stiff. Further comment on its uses is unnecessary ; but those facts should teach his owners a practical lesson of moderation. On the subject of absorption of these secretions, I noticed many years ago, a very ingenious reason assigned for " lameness of the fore legs, of English horses particularly," in the great work of La Fosse, the elder, on what he calls " Hippo-|)athology," or the diseases of horses. He says, " The fluids which did lubricate the parts (the shoulders) and keep them supple, oeing reduced in quantity, the food flying off by sweat, the remainder gets thicker in consequence, and the solids of his limbs become stiff and dry." it happens, mostly in the fore limbs, and he calls it a cold or chill, and says, page 267, it resembles a " stroke of the shoulder," — " Chevalfroid et pris dans les epau- les.'' A species of founder, that is clearly not to be cured by external appli- cations, (as the oils, firing, &c). but by restoring to the part the function of secreting a sufficient supply of the fluid which had been so exhausted. In these few words are included the whole secret of my method of cure in such attacks; and, in this case, gentle sweating is that remedy which is best calcu- lated for restoring the function. 22. When the skin does not permit evaporation, and sends forth the secre- tion by perspiration, disease has begun, the hair looks staring near the part ttffected, and not a stable-boy exists, who, when he sees a horse with a rough coat, can not tell that "something or other is the matter with him." This arises from want of moisture within ; the skin itself not having the power of secreting or drawing towards it, by effusion, the moisture which is necessary to keep it supple, it shrivels up, and this important evacuation, which is second only to the urinary, is then stopped, so that even the insensible perspi- ration ceases. Some idea respecting the amount of this insensible evacuation may be formed, by placing a horse, that has been exercised, between ourselves and a well white-washed wall upon which the sun shines : when the shadow of the insensible perspiration may be seen upon the wall ascending in tolera- bly thick volumes, something very like steam from a boiling pot. Indeed, the insensible perspiration is, when cpmpared to sweating, the same as warm compared to boiling water. Yet, although we do not know the exact workings by which this internal effusion (as it is called) of the watery particles from one part of the animal to another takes place, we do know, accurately enough for our purpose, that abundantly perspirable matter lies in and upon the intestines; as any affec- tion of the heart, arising from the organs of sense (sect. 30), causes a sudden sufl'usion of blood in the skin, and induces heat and irritation there ;* so do I he intestines send forth their watery particles upon the slightest occasion, to the same place of exit, in order to moisten and render it more supple. Whether the very transparent membrane, called peritoneum, which sustains the bowels, or that other large part of it which covers these and all parts of " fear, for instance, of the dealer's whip often occasions the skin to contract and expand, so ax to cause the tail to shake with every alternate vibration of the heart ; and I once rode with a Jjw, a right-out jt.urney of forty-four miles, who whipped and spurred his hor&e to such a egroe, that the liairs actually fell oft' from his tail, ex<-epia few at the end, an occurrence that ia ttially a.scribed to scrophula on ihe horse's hide: a disorder it niisht have also laboared under, •* Hughl I know -.0 I'i.i contrary. PERSPIRABLE MATTER. t5 • he inside, is most concerned in this secretion and effusion, is not worth the trouble of inquiry here. But, in addition to what is said in the last section respecting tlie colour of the lacteal duct, as it passes along the mesentery in cases of hide-bound. 1 may be allowed to observe, that we may daily witness, the sensible perspiration from young and healthy horses tocontain more of wa- ter than is found in feverish, old, or generally unhealthy animals; and i^ at with these the sweat is more frothy, or becomes so much sooner, his mouth gets clammy, and his tongue dry and hot underneath, with less work than they; and that horses so affected are always found insatiably craving after water. Moreover, as regards the connexion that subsists between one part of the animal and another, 1 have many times found purging physic, given in the usual doses fail of the effect intended, and come off in the shape of profuse perspiration. Not only in those large and decided doses that are intended to produce much effect, but even milder ones, as alterative-laxatives often turn out of their course, and, as well as diuretics, not unfrequently disappoint us in the same way, the latter also coming off by the skin instead of urine.* It fol- lows, of course, that the less sweating a horse has got, the more he must stale, and accounts for the profusion of the latter kind of evacuation in winter, when he scarcely ever sweats, and perspires, but little, comparatively speaking. As a farther proof of this connexion between the secretions and evacuations, let any one notice a horse when he first stales in consequence of taking a diuretic, anil he will find a transparent water hanging in little globules at the end of each particular hair ot his coat all over his carcase. 23. We come now to speak of glands, nerves, membranes, absorbents, (be- ing 1st, lymphatic, 2d, lacteal,) and muscles, which are the names writers and practitioners of eminence have agreed upon to speak of those numerous minor organs that are employed throughout in carrying on the functions of animal life, and the uses whereof I shall come shortly to explain. The reader is al- ready aware of the sinews, of three kinds, that more immediately cover the bones and keep them in their places (sect. 16, 17), to which if we add the bare mention of the muscular, or fleshy parts, and refer to the "circulation of the blood" (sect. 37 — 44), for a description of the veins and arteries, he will have before him the names of all the integuments of a horse's body beneath the skin. Detailed particulars respecting all these follow next in their order; the larger organs of the inside being reserved to the subsequent sections of this chapter. By this course of proceeding he will be better enabled to comprehend, as we study those things together, why and wherefore these were given to the animal, anil what functions each has to perform in health ; or these ceasing, or being obstructed, we shall be led to consider in the next place, what species of remedy is proper to be applied for removing such obstruction, and thereby of restoring health; for he may rest assured, that not the least atomy of mat- ter has been conferred upon the animal form without intending that some good and demonstrable end should be answered by its creation. In addition to all which, there are many causes, incessantly operating towards the simply grand purpose of prolonging life, and of providing for the waste which is constantly going on in the animal system, that are far removed from our sight, and others almost surpassing our comprehension, but which are nevertheless known to exist by their effects; but, of all these several matters, more in their proper places; one instance of the insufficiency of human knowledge having been already adduced in the preceding section, as regards the unknown mode in which the watery secretions penetrate from one part of the body to another. * Tears or any other evacuation of the water that moistens the animal system, are liable to tb« tarp.e kind of compai alive remark. In man, when excessive salivary secretion attends (he loothach, the glands of the mouth and jaws cany off so much water as to affect the quantity ol urine vo^ided, and we may infer that a diuretic would reduce the inflanuTiation of the jawa So inudi for the compiar-uivs practice: but not woiihy of rejection on that atcouiit atoiis. 4* 36 SI m-TOMS— HOW LEARNED. THE THORAX AND ABDOMEN. 24 . All those important points of knowledge in the first principles of our arC lie within the compass of every man's capacity, who can read ; they are cer tainly open to his inquiries; and he who is constantly among horses can nor fail to learn (after studying the subject in the manner I now propose) to mak< himself as well acquainted with the symptoms or signs of approaching disease* as the generality of veterinarians. He certainly may render himself much superior to the old, ignorant set of farriers, who were bred up in the days ot stupidity that are just gone by — never to return. Let such an inquirer after knowledge bring to the task industry, patience, and good common sense, and he may soon acquire knowledge enough of the outlines of the art to be able to pronounce when a pretender is at work, or when it is that a man of judgment and real sound learning in his art has undertaken the treatment of this valua- ble animal in the distressful hour of sickness. On this head 1 am not ashamed, after the lapse of nearly half a century, to own that I once wept over the suf- ferings of a sick animal which died of the medicines administered by a stubborn .self-willed farrier, who could read, and write, and talk, give a drench, and drink himself — and nothing more: he could not think, of course could not compare one. disease with another, nor mark the difference that exists between two or more that are frequently and fatally mistaken for each other. And here, once for all, I can not refrain from thus early insisting most strenuously on one point, which therefore 1 shall not have to repeat when I come to notice certain barbarous practices perpetrated by some such men, and the not unguilty practice of other physic-giving horse-doctors ; and this is, in short, whoever of them dares to undertake the administering of medicines to this incompara- ble animal without paying especial attention to the subject matter that is handled in this chapter, commits an unpardonable act of inhumanity on his ♦suffering yjatient, and of gross dishonesty towards its owner. The remedy for a disease is not always to be found in medicine ; preventives never. Pur- gatives are not only the most obvious means of cure, but the best, the least dangerous, and those which promise in the readiest manner to dispose th most vital function to resume its wonted action. Alteratives are the safest anc. most effectual remedy for valuable horses, and those which can not be spared from labour ; they are indispensable in all cases of vitiated blood, and where found inefTectual nothing else can be of service. Bleeding is the very best, or the very worst auxiliary we can employ; its efficacy and precise periods of utility may be learned in the sequel (see sect. 37 to 44), where " the circula- tion" comes under consideration, also in the first pages of Book II, where the pulse is justly made a subject of primary consideration. 25. For the sake of making myself more clearly understood, I shall, when explaining- the formation and functions of the horse's inside (i. e. as much of it as will answer my purpose), consider it under two distinct heads; namely: 1st. The fore part, or throat part, as it is called from its neighbourhood to the throat, or gullet; and, 2d. The hinder part of him, being his belly, properly speaking, &c. Both of these parts have obtained learned names ; but that Is no busi.iess af ours. The fore part of a horse is that which lies between the rider's two knees, within the chest and true ribs. To the farthest of these is attached, as well as to the middle of the back bone, a natural division of the two parts, stretched tightly across his inside, like the head of a drum ; and it is also fastened to his breast bone, but admits of the gullet to pass through, as it does of the great vein and great artery which carry on the circulation of the blood of the ninder part. With these exceptions it is air-tight, and it bears resemblance to the oead of a drum in another particular — it is membraneous, except round the MEMBRANE. 87 edge next to the ribs, &c. where it is found somewhat fleshy. From its situa. tion in the middle, this natural division is termed the midriff, or skirt, and ap- pears to have been designed for keeping back the stomach and bowels of the hinder part, which ai: it is, when full, press it out of shape, not unlike that of a watch glass, and would, but for this barrier, interrupt the action of the heart and lungs. But by the present contrivance, as we shall see presently, this pressure from behind soon recedes, the midriff returns to its level, and the ribs, no longer contracted towards each other by the aforesaid pressure, ex- pand, thereby enabling the lungs to perform their function, of drawing in a iresh supply of air. Upon this principal agent in the function of respiration, see more in detail in the 35th section of this chapter. 26. After this necessary preamble, let us proceed, as before proposed, to consider the construction of The Membranes, Muscles, Glands, Absorbents, (i. e, 1st lymphatics, and 2d lacteals,) Nerves.* Of these the most universally dispersed over the frame, those which occupy, defend, or embrace every part, are the membranes. As well behind as before the midriff, not only inside, but on the outside and every part of the animal are these skinny films placed, for the purpose, 1st, of keeping those parts which they encompass in a compact state ; 2d, to secrete a fluid for protection (see sect. 21); and 3d, to prevent those parts from rubbing against and injuring each other, or adhering together. The better to accomplish these purposes they are admirably calculated for the secretion of a fluid, as I observed before (sect 20); but whenever the property of secreting such fluid is suspended, then disease begins, and according as the secretion may prevail, being either too little or too much, will be the kind and quantity of disease. Hereupon may be calcu- lated the importance they hold in the animal system: but of those matters I have already spoken higher up. Membranl^!. — To appearance they are nearly transparent, web-like, and of a strong texture ; some are simply film, having more or less of feeling ac- cording to their uses, and are those which, beino; interposed between one or- gan, or part, and another, prevent the interruption which would otherwise ensue; as the midriff, for instance, which 1 have just above adverted to (see sect. 31 and 35), which is the thickest of all, or the loose membrane that covers the lungs and divides them into two parts, so as each may act separately (see sect 32). The second species of membranes are finer, more transparent, and paler than the first mentioned, and possess the quality of containing in their cavities, resembling sponge, the matter deposited within them by the arteries for the purpose of repairing waste and adding new flesh ; these we term cel- lular membranes, from their sponge-like texture, and they are, moreover, so infinitely thin as to pervade all over the solids, or fleshy parts, without being in every case visible to the eye. They are nevertheless proved so to exist, from the circumstance of those being greatly distended, when the subject dies of being "blown," as 1 have shown lower down (sect. 35). Then, not only the forehand, but the hinder quarter, even down to the hocks, become inflated with the wind, which, by reason of the animals being strangled, the lungs had no power to discharge, and the cellular membrane admits it into its cells or .'.avities. Any one may perceive this membrane and its numerous cells to advantage in a buttock of beef, or leg of mutton, after being dressed ; up^n taking a slice between the fingers and straining it nearly asunder, tiic raeaj * For ligamenta, cartilages, tendons, &c see sect 16 17. 28 DISEASES OF THE CELLULAR MEMBRANE. MUSCLE. brane appears, but more evidently at the corners where two or more muscleu meet; and in summer time, particularly with over-driven beasts, the mem- brane between the muscles will be found charged with a dull brown sort of matter, that may be, and frequently is, scraped away with the knife. Another familiar illustration of the uses of the cellular membrane, first mentioned by old Dr. Bartlett, of Windsor, in 1764, is that of " the inside of a shoulder of veal, which butchers blow up with a tobacco-pipe, or quill, to delude their cus- tomers." When the animal becomes adult (or full grown), the membrane that is so capable of being blown up is filled with meat, and shows the im- propriety of pushing young animals in their work before those solids have I3ached maturity. When once divided, membrane of either species never again unites, but in case of a healed wound the granulations of new flesh hold the divided parts of membrane to their respective places ; the obstruction thus occasioned in the deposite of blood causes pain upon change of weather, when the new flesh cither expands or contracts, as it may be effected by heat, cold, or humidity. In the human physiology, another kind of distinction is made between the kinds of membrane (as 1 said before), tending to show whether their respective secretion is more or less watery, slimy, or oily ; but this view of the affair is not applicable to'the physiology of the horse. My reason for abandoning that course was given at section 21. I may, however, here aptly observe, regard- ing that species (the slimy or mucous) which lines the nostrils, throat, and in- testines, that its chief disorder is a cold, which shows itself in the cessation of the secretion ; soon after this, the parts being inflamed, throw forth a thin acrid discharge, which is greatest when the inflammation arrives at its height, sometimes producing a little blood, either upwards or ()ownwards ; when the inflammation wears off, these appearances are also lowered by the mucus be- coming more and more thick, until it reaches its usual consistency. The cure IS to be effected by lowering the inflammation ; but this is most frequently ef- fected by the natural discharge of the mucous matter just spoken of. 27. Muscles are fleshy bodies of various sizes and shapes, according to their ttses ; reddish, of a fibrous texture, easily separated, but more stringy at some places than at others : the last-mentioned are termed "coarse parts," or pieces, m the animals sent for our sustenance, and are those where the greatest strength lies. These fibres formed into bundles, and surrounded by the cellular mem- brane, are visible to the eye, if there be not attached to each fibre a continua- tion of the same membrane that is not visible. Several of those bundles, being further enclosed by a stronger membrane, form a muscle ; each whereof is attached by its two farthest extremeties to some other, or, to two different bones, upon one or the other of which it acts as a lever. A muscle accom- plishes this motion of the bone by expanding its belly or middle part, and con- tracting it towards the centre ; whereupon the bones to which the muscles' ends are so attached are drawn towards each other, and that which is farthest from the trunk is drawn forwards or backwards, at will. Thus, if we wish to bend our elbow, the muscle which is situated just above that joint, inside, contracts in length, and expands in breadth, till the fore-arm is brougiit up to touch the muscle itself. Fighting men (boxers) exhibit this muscle, as indi- cative of their strength ; and horses of good action show the same sign at every movement, whilst with those that are over-fed, the muscles are concealed in fat, that obstructs their movements ; whilst, with those which are impoverish ed, the muscles dwindle away, hang slack, and ill support the wonted action of the bones. When much compulsory exertion, in hot weather, has exhaust ed the secretions that keep these parts supple, aridity and stiffness follow, and the action becomes impeded, difficult and uncertain. All muscles of the limbs are long and narrow, when quiescent; those of TENDON: MUSCLE— ITS CONSTRUCTION. 29 the body are more wide than long ; in a good measure, squarish, oval, or tn- anguhir, according to their uses. They have heen compared, with good reason to the sha[)e of flat fish, some being long and narrow, hke the sole, others wide, Uke the plaice. At their ends, niuscles often terminate in a much stron- ger substance, closer in texture, inelastic, bending with facility, and insensible, answering the same pur|toses, but occupying much less room than muscle. These are tendinous, and the horse which is well kept, having the tendons strong and vigorous, is bi>ld, strong, and "sinewy," moves his limbs with agility, and gets over his work to admiration, by picking his feet off' the ground well and re[»lacing them (as you see while he is going) within a hair's breadth of the spot you may mark out for them to pitch upon. On the legs, tendon supplies the place of muscle, wholly so in blood-horses, less in the cart-horse breed. Muscle is constituted of blood deposited in the membrane, innume- rable small arteries, some of which are scarcely visible, terminating within each muscle, by a kind of doubling up, or curl, as shown in the margin; within each of these a correspondent vein is twined, and the whole being covered with the finest membrane, con- stitutes a gland. Herein it is that the veins commence their share in the work of circulat- ing the blood afresh, as we shall see in the se- quel, and the lymphatics obtain the watery particles into which the morbid matter of those solids are converted : those figures receive the name of " glands." In blood-horses (natives of hot climates), as we have seen, tendon supplies the place of muscle, or flesh, upon the limbs particularly, which are always finer than those of other breeds ; this accounts why our fleshy horses in sultry weather, or hot stables, feel the greatest lassitude, even to weakness, whilst those of full blooti seem invigorated by the same circumstance. When, how- ever, the atmosphere of the stable be moist as well as hot, both breeds suffer equally in one way or another ; laxity of fibre and profuse perspiration, with weakness, follow, and this producing an obnoxious effect upon the excrema- tory organs, occasions in stables those stinking ammoniacal vapours that de- stroy the lungs, by disposing them to contract inflammation. 28. Besides the Glands just alluded to, they are situated in and about tne solids and more secluded parts, and so small and concealed as to be scarcely exposed to the sight or touch, unless when inflamed and enlarged by disease, other larger and more evident ones occupy the hinder part of the animal, of which I shall speak in their place. They are, 1st the liver; 2d, the kidneys; ancj 3d, the testicles ; the functions of each being tolerably well known. See sections 52 — 55. All glands, of whatever size or shape, are employed in se- cretion, taking up and separating from other matters that quantity of watery particles which is constantly escaping out of one-part of the system into another, by means of the cellular membrane, as described at sections 21 and 22. The smaller glands, just now described, have each a small tube attached to it, which seems intended to hold the acrid, or otherwise noxious, matter which its lymphatic had refused to take up, as being at variance with its func- tion ; here it remains concealed, until the proper occasion arrives for carrying it off, which may be found by one of the three natural evacuations; but these failing, it is clear disease of one sort or other must ensue. Perspiration seems to be its most natural mode of passing off, unless the demand for that kind of evacuation happens to be low, and then it is drawn to the kidneys, (sect. 22). But, if the discharge by dung has been so copious as to afford too Httle of this acrid matter (essential probably in a certain degree) by means of the absorb- ents of the intestines, then, and in that case, it is taken up once more. Wheu the animal's spirits are low, the absorption imperfect, and this offensive matter 30 ABSORPTION AND CIRCtJLATION. lies a long time in the tubes of these small glands, a general languishmcnt of the beast takes place (called lentor by the old farriers) ; he perspires upon the least exertion, becomes unnerved, shows a rough hide, and refuses his meals. This constitutes " low fever," when the whole animal system is affected. This state of things, which is very common, points, out the impropriety of now re- sorting to diaphoretics (sweating powders) ; for it has been neglected so long, that tired nature, being offended thereat, refuses to part with those particles which occasion the greatest injury. "By the urine," be it said. I'his way offers the same difficulty, and the answer resolves itself into my plan of open- ing the principal evacuations first. (See what I shall offer concerning bleed- ing and purging in a subsequent page.) So much, however, seemed necessary to be advanced here, that the reader, who reads straight an end, should be at no loss as to what lately passed between us concerning secretion and effusion at sections 21 and 23. Of all the smaller glands, the best recognised are those termed salivary, situated near the jaws for the secretion of spittle, wherewith to moisten the food while descending into the stomach, and thus assisting di gestion in its first stage. The strangles and vives are disorders of these glands: the swelling at this part is a corresponding symptom of glanders, and sometimes attends farcy. But the largest of these minor glands is situated in the solids, and lies within the buttock, concealed near its centre, into which passes an immense quantity of blood for its size, since it is found in the dead subject most disposed to putrify, especially when the animal has been driven hard, as is the case with all the cattle killed in London for food. 29. Lymphatics are one of two species of absorbing vessels ; the other species (the lacteals) being reserved for description under the head of "diges- tion," at sect. 44. They are small tubes, with mouths that suck up or absorb the thin watery particles of the solids, one or more being placed on each gland of these parts. Some idea of the important nature of this part of the animal system may be formed from the circumstance that mercury applied to a glan- dular part of the body undergoes immediate absorption by the lymphatics, and is conveyed by this means through the jugular vein to the blood. Persons who may be unfortunately ordered to rub in mercurial ointment on the thighs will feel a fulness under the left ear in the course of a few minutes, according to the previous state of their bodies. How mercury acts upon the second spe- cies of absorbents — the lacteals, remains to be seen hereafter. The tendency of both is towards the heart, or rather the left collar-bone ; increasing in size and diminishing in number, until the lymphatic duct meeting with the milky juices of its co-absorbent in the thorax, the mixture soon becomes blood by the action of air in the lungs, as described at sect. 39. As the lacteals, it will be seen, absorb only nutritious juices, so the lymphatics absorb none but of- fensive ones, as the matter of diseases, wounds, spavins, broken bones, ulcers, and the useless part of the deposite made by the arteries as said at section 27 ; these being mixed, pass through the heart, there receive fresh vital pow- ers, as hereafter is described, and thence to the liver, there to be purged of its bad qualities, which, passing incessantly into the intestines is soon eliminated with the dung. At least, such is the natural course in health ; a change takes place when these organs do not perform their functions aright, and we can perceive this misfortune in the dung, when the absorbents are at fault, par- ticularly in the yellows! The importance of stimulating the lymphatics in all disorders of the outer surface, as mange, surfeit, farcy, &c. must be evi- dent : as it is, also, in cases of tumours, as poll-evil, fistula, &c. 30. The NERVES, like the glands, run in pairs, mostly, to all parts of the body ; they are the organs of sense, communicate immediately with the brain, and are thus principally concerned in the function of voluntary motion. That Uie horse entertains likes anc^ dislikes is certain ; he has a memory too, botb THE NERVES. RESPIRATION. THE LUNGS. %\ for persons and places, as every one knows ; he must, therefore, have percep- tion, and he is kind and docile in his nature, which entitle him to a kinder return from his master than he usually receives. I have often lamented that he was not endowed with one more faculty, even in the smallest degree, that he might distinguish hetween those who really love him, and those empirics who make a profit of his sufferings ; he would then be induced, probably, to kick some among them, as an example to all the rest ; and 1 never hear of one of those fellows, or their employers, being unhorsed, but 1 think of retributive justice. So, when the horse is girthed up unmercifully, in such a manner as to obstruct his respiration, he frequently attempts to bite the operator — and, "serve him right," I say. As the nerves of a horse are the seat of no dis- tinct disease, 1 shall content myself with adding, that they consist of small cords, white and roundish, like thread ; and are certainly the vehicles of pain, which vibrates from one to the other, pleasurable sensations l)eing conveyed by the same means to the sensorium, or brain.* The nerves a'-e closely con- nected with the circulation, and with the brain, where they originate. 31. Respiration is the act of drawing in the air by the expansion of the lungs, the cells whereof thereby become filled to their utmost, the ribs are dis- tended, and the midriff pressed back upon the stomach, liver, &c. This is in- spiration ; the expulsion of the air, forming the re-action, being termed expira- tion ; both together constitute what we call breathing or respiration, and the matter was before introduced (in section 8,) when I noticed that powerful auxiliary of this function — the midriff. Now, as I have always attached much importance to the act of respiration, seeing its close connexion with the f(;r- mation of blood, and the almost constant state of disease in which are found the organs that contribute to this great function of animal life, I shall enter into more minute particulars respecting these, than 1 have thought necessary for any of the preceding organs. By this course, the reader will be enabled to form more distinct notions respecting the forming and " circulation of the blood," and its concomitant, the formation oi chyle, commonly called " the di- gestive powers" — both of them functions most essential to health ; but un- happily, both together become, by contravention of those powers, the fruitful source of numberless ills, we thence call constitutional or bodily disease, as fever, abscess, farcy, &c. To this point tends all that 1 have hitherto said con- cerning the inside of the horse; and the inquirer after veterinary knowledge will find his labour in studying this portion of it amply repaid, by the just prin- ciples upon which he will subsequently conduct his practice. 33. The LUNGS, or lights, are two well-known spongy bodies (called lobes), having at their conjunction a small lobe nearer to where the pipe enters that is to inflate them. At the same place is fastened the ends of a thin membrane, oi rather two membranes, that enclose each one of the lobes : this membrane is termed the pleura, and seems designed to admit of one lobe performing its functions whenever the other may at any time be diseased Between the two * Conscience (consciousness), which agitates the nerves by the faculty of thinking, when ap- plied to the evils that are in the world, does sometimes caase the accession of fever to those deli Crtte organs in human nature ; but brute animals being denied those jwwers (or of memory, except as regards tlie means of prolonging life) are little likely to contract " nervous fever;" although that state of fretfulness some high-bred horses are prone to, partake of a good many eyinptomsof the human ailment, and may be cured by the same means. Sedatives, quiet, anc' a cooling regimen are those means. The loose stable recommended by John Lawrence, and cow much adopted, contributes much to sooth the fretful horse. When the same fretfulnesB or despondency comes over a horse, one of condition, or whose condition has been recerjtlv t«- duced he acquires slow fever. See what is said under this head in Book IL 32 THE PLEURA. THE WlND-PIPfi. lobes, the membrane (pleura) is double, and, from its situation in the midillvt (m medio) is called mediastinum : it forms a passaw for the great blood-vcsseis running near the sjjine, and it is very lial)]e to contract disease, which shows itself in "thick wind," or rather short wind. Sect. 36. In the pleura, then, are wrapped up, as in two silk handkerchiefs, the two lobes of the lungs, the upper part of that membrane l)eing fastened to the spine and ribs ; and on its surface is generated or s-^creted some of that fluid 1 before s[)oke of (sect. 20, 21), which is designed to keep the parts moist, and prevent their adhering to- gether. His powers of secretion, however, and those of this organ in par- ticular, often fail in the horse, in consequence of his very great exertions, com- bined with the heat of his blood, exhausting more than the secretory power can supply; and we frequently find the pleura growing to the ribs, the lungs, or the midriff, by reason of its wanting a due portion of this fluid : from the same cause (a defect in the secretion), we sometimes find the upper orifice of the stomach partially attached to the midriflf, evidently caused by inflamma- tion of the parts. But whichsoever of those misfortunes attend the horse, he is invariably " hurt in his wind," suffers much pain at the commencement of a journey, and subsequently, if y)ushed hard, dies of a locked jaw, through excessive suffering. Disorders of this nature were hitherto unknown to far- riers of any description, being mistaken for the worms by every one who has written a book upon horse diseases; and. by the most eminent veterinary au- thor of modern times, the last stages of this mal-conformation are vaguely no- ticed by the erroneous term of " debility," and "general debility," which may mean anything amiss. Whenever the animals that are slain for our suste- nance turn out to have been so aflected, their flesh is rejected by the Jews, under the denomination oi triJLer ; for the whole animal system is entirely af- fected by the horrid circumstance ; the secretory functions in general refuse to perform their share in the production of good and sufficient animal matter, and lentor, or slow fever, is the consequence, as mentioned higher up, in Sec- tion 28. 33. The wiND-piPK, as its name imports, is the pipe or tube for conveying to the lungs the air which every act of inspiration draws through it. Extend- ing from the throat to the lungs or lights, at their conjunction this tube di- vides into two branches, one penetrating to near the bottom of each lobe, and these again, having a dozen holes a-piece in their sides, inflate an infinite number of little tubes, or pipes, which compose the lungs much in the fashion of sponge. Except eight blood-vessels, which enter the horse's lungs, the intervals are filled with cellular membrane, and these being also connected with the same kind of membrane in all other parts of the body, accounts for a phenomenon, I shall take occasion to notice shortly (sect. 35), in the case of a blown horse. At his upper end, the wind-pipe is composed of strong cartila- ginous plates, connected together by ligaments, and put in motion by small muscles for producing the sounds expressed by the animal. Next to the throat these cartilages, which are there strongest, form a curious kind of cham- ber, termed epiglottis^ over which is a lid or valve, placed there to defend the passage into the air-tube, from the entrance of victuals, drink, &c. For, upon tne descent of any such substances, this valve shuts down like a trap-door, and they pass over it. No sooner, however, are they gone past, than up rises the valve again, lying back towards the mouth upon the palate, and being very large iti the horse, accounts for the gulps with which lie takes in water, and his peculiar mode of feeduig. For the same reason it is, that the liorse breathes only through his nostrils, between which and the wind-pipe th(!re is close affinity in some diseases, and accounts for his incapacity for bellowing like the ox, or vomiting like man. At this spot it is, that certain savages in human shape press the finger and thumb with brutal force, in order, as it in COUGHING. A COLU, ITS PROGRESS. 33 called, *' to cough him." No certainty, however, lies in this imagined test of his wind ; for, although a thoroughly broken-winded horse will not ccugh, yet one which is partially affected will do so in most instances; whilst the soundest horses do most obstinately resist the coughing ; and in a few, the cir cular cartilages so well defend the muscle, as to defy the inhuman effort, and seem to rebuke the ignorant attempt "to prove the goodness of his wind." 34. Farther towards its lower extremity, the wind-pipe becomes more mem- branous, but less sensible of injury, and the cartilaginous rings gradually lose their form : they no longer describe a circle, being composed almost wholly of strong elastic membrane, that it may bend out of the way when the gullet is distended with swallowing. Its internal surface is Uned with a membrane, which incessantly secretes a quantity of the mucous fluid spoken of in sec- tions 20 and 21, hereby defending its coats from the action of the air in pass- ing to and from the lungs. But this secretion being exhausted, sometimes by the very great exertions of the animal, he then coughs so as to shake his en- tire frame, as if to incite the membrane to make fresh secretions of fluid for it3 defence; or, in default thereof, the cold air still rushing in at each inspiration, he contracts a permanent cold, or catarrh, which, if suffered to continue, in- creases and runs along the membrane to the lower branches of the pipe, and ultimately communicates its baleful influence to one or both lobes of the lungs. If the attack be trivial, small green spots are found on the surface of the lungs, which afterwards form ulcers, increasing in size and number, according to the number of small tubes or cells that may be affected. These tubes lose their functions in consequence of the flrst attack, the animal's wind becomes worse every time he is hard pushed, and the cells burst into each other, until, per- haps, one lobe or half of his lungs is rendered useless. In process of time, it turns black as one's hat, infects the other lobe, and mortification ensues, which is rather accelerated by the cordials with which the poor creature is usually punished, and it dies. But when it so happens, that too much of the fluid is secreted in the wind- pipe, the animal snorts or coughs it off by a sudden natural effort; wherein, the midriff being made to press forcibly upon the lungs, by the sudden con- traction of the muscles of the lower ribs, out flies the wind through the nos- trils, carrying with it whatever may have adhered by the way. Whenever this is the case, the membrane that lines the nose inside becomes irritated, and fresh accession of its own secretion, thickened a little, is the consequence; in flammation of the part, ulcers, and a running of foul matter ensue — and this, if the blood be not in a good state, soon becomes that obstinate malady — the glanders. An instructive experiment may be made upon the pluck of a sheep — the relative situation and functions of these parts in all quadrupeds being the same, except that the sheep's lights, compared to those of the horse are not so long in proportion to their thickness. Take a pair of bellows, and having introduced the nozzle tolerably well into the windpipe, tie it round with a colv bier's end; then, blowing hard with one hand, while the other is employed in squeezing the pipe, to prevent the escape of the air back into the bellows, you may form an accurate notion of the effect of inspiration. The lights or lungs at first give out the whole of the air which has been driven in, and may be in- flated to an enormous size; but, if much force is used, the cells burst intoeacli other, some appearing on the surface thin and transparent, and refuse to give back their wind; this forms "broken wind" of one description, and is that wherein the expirations are slower than the inspirations — the pleura beiiig then affected in its thickest part, and the midriff also Out of the first part of this experiment may, likewise, be derived a more accurate knowledge of what is termed " second wind," among sportsmen : when the animal (or iw-in) 5 o4 MIDRIFI PALPn-ATlON. INFLAMED LUNGS* rias made great exertions, so as to fill all the cells of his lungs to their utmost, und then relaxes from the labour, he finds himself renovated, the cells being rendered more capable of distention and expulsion, when each inspiration and expiration also occupies more time and less labour. Sporting men, who are fond of our bear-baitings, Pecora-fights, and mon- kej' scratches, may daily witness a practical natural illustration of the same doctrine, in the conduct of the bear towards his antagonist. Seizing the d( g between his paws, he squeezes him up till he gasps for breath, when Bruin, being muzzled, rams his nose tight into the dog's mouth, and, blowing with all his might, you may hear the wind whizzing : the dog swells all over, by reason of the air entering the cellular membrane, and he dies unless timely pulled off. A dog which has " had a hurt" of this sort seldom regains his proper wind; he must be "a good one" to face the bear again, "as long as he crawls." Such is the polished language at those elegant places of town amusements. 35. The MiDRiFr has been already mentioned (ss. 25 and 31). It is term- ed diaphragm by the learned in hard words ; and we have seen how materially it is engaged in the business of respiration. But for the action of this drum head-like membrane, neither the lungs on one side of it, nor the stomach, bowels, and liver on the other, would obtain their full degree of motion, which is thus kept in tune, as it were, by those organs acting alternately upon each other ; the action of the heart, too, is in unison with that motion ; but when through agitation (occasioned by great exercise, affright, &c.) it does not keep time, the temporary disorder, termed })alpitation, is the consequence. We may infer that, when the lungs have discharged their contents, the lower or thinnest end of that organ, falling upon the muscular border of the midriif, is by it repulsed and excited to action. Any man can feel, when he has ex- pired all his wind, a kind of throbbing internally, lower down than the heart, until he inspires a fresh portion of air. When the lungs are in such a state of supineness, those of the horse are about three or four inches thick at the conjunction with the windpipe, and ten to thirteen inches from thence to each extremity, according to the size of the subject ; but, when fully inflated with air they together fill up the whole cavity of the chest, obstructing in a trivial degree the vibration of the heart : then do they reach to the enormous differ- ence of twelve or thirteen inches in thickness, and somewhat more in length. At least such were the dimensions of this organ in a horse which was opened by me in May, 1820: he was of the cart-horse breed, under sixteen hands, and healthy m other respects than having been blown by eating too much corn ; whereby nature was compelled to leave the lungs quite full at the moment of his death. The same subject is alluded to in the 26th sect, where 1 intended to illustrate the formation and functions of the cellular membrane. "No part of the animal has been formed in vain," as I before observed (s. 23) : quadrupeds and bipeds both press the earth which gave them birtl/ and which affords them the means of prolonging life ; accordingly this order of beings is furnished with a midriff, but fishes and insects, having no such occasion for this organ, are without it : neither have birds a midriff; but Mr John Hunter was of opinion, that the want of it is supphed by the hollowness of the bones, which not only increase their buoyancy, but the air contained y?3 them re-acts upon the lungs in the same manner as a midriff would do. 36 In health, as in disease, the midriff is liable to be affected by its neigh- bours, both before and behind it, the stomach often communicating its state of feeling to the lungs through the midriff; for it is by this medium that me dicines impart their beneficial effects upon the lungs, as may be experienced upon our swallowing cold water at a time when our lungs are heated — •he relative situation of those organs being much ahke in man anj] in thf NAUSEOUS EFFLUVIA. SIGNS OP DISEASE. APPEARANCR 35 norse. Immediately hereupon, a sensible difference takes place in the nnnv* her of respirations, and the quality thereof is also changed from a hot to a cooler temperature ; well be it, if the suddenness of the check do not occasior inflammation of the lungs: again, whoever swallows spirituous liquors feels an immediate disposition of the lungs to repel the heated air of the cells which lie contiguous l<* the midriff; the first breath which escapes the mouth being less heated than that which follows and finishes the expiration, and imparts a <5ensation wholly different from the vulgar belchings of an overcharged sto- mach. These come up by way of the gullet, and carry forth a nauseous effluvia; whereas air from the lungs is ever sweet, unless this organ be already in an advanced state of decay. This state of the case leads me to make one practical observation, which shall not be set down, as more curious than useful ; out of seventeen subjects, which successively fell to my lot to examine as to the immediate cause of death, only two, tolerably sound at the lungs, presented themselves; which I take to be the fair proportion of sound horses, as respects the lungs of all that live or die. All those cases occurred from February to May, a season when such an affection might not be considered most prevalent. Hence, (my reader may smile!) I conclude from all that has been said, that a tolerably good guess at the state of a horse's lungs may be formed, by smelling at his breath after a canter, in like manner as our Smithfield dealers smell the animal's nostrils in order to detect the glanders. From what has been said, it follows, that a diseased stomach may be pro- duced by diseased lungs and vice versa, and that the midriff suffers in either case : then does the midriff become livid, purplish and inflamed, with dark- coloured stripes, as if thickened at such places, the muscular border thereof as- suming a putrid appearance, and sending forth a villanous stench. When this is the case, or any other ailment prevents the midriff from performing its proper function of inhaling and -expelling the air from the lungs, that species of "broken wind" takes place which is known by the sort of breathing where- in the expirations are quicker than the inspirations ; being thus contradistin- guished from that other species of broken wind, which is occasioned by rupture of the air cells. A paralysis of the midriff, or the adhesion of the stomach to its lower side, is equally obstructive of its reaction upon the lungs: and I have this day (May, 1820), cut away an adhesion of this sort as wide as the palm of a man's hand. Unfortunately for the horse which is affected, either in the midriff, the lungs, in the pleura, or covering thereof, his doctors heal the whole series in the same manner, not unfrequently including in their uniformly mistaken practice, the affections of the stomach, liver, pancreas, &c. In all, the inflam- matory symptoms are predominant, and a cooling regimen presses itself upon our notice as more proper than the best of medicines, although having the same tendency ; whereas, the direct contrary is the practice mostly followed, and heating medicines, under the fascinating name of cordials, made of spices, ale, wine, &c. are administered daily. Or, at most, if a sedative or opiate, by chance, finds its way (properly enough) into the animal's stomach, this organ is thereby only rendered more susceptible of the heating mixtures which are again had recourse to immediately thereafter. The organs or respiration are liable to seven or eight several kinds of disease, mostly originating in the horse's having caught cold; they are do- nominated according to the particular place where he maybe affected, and iii one respect, according to the degree of attack. A cold (simply) or catarrh, produces that affection which denominates the patient "a roarer." Chronic cough brings on " broken wind," of which there are two sorts ; and consump- tion usually follows the long continuance of either. When either 1k»s ron 36 niSEASES OF THE LUJSGS. CIRCULATION OF THE BLOOI>. tin ued awhile, and reduced the animal's strength, he is said to bo in a ron <»umption; "worn out" is also a common y)hrase, as is "rotten;" " dcbilitaten, ' and "done for," stand a little higher in gentility ; but all mean, that there is small chance of his recovery. Pulmonary consumption is the only kind which may be attributed to con- stitutional defect ; i. e. heated blood, with viscidity, causing over-much action of the parts (see section 32), when the pulse becomes powerful and quickened, and the horse seems anxious and fearful. Should it subside by judicious treat- ment, or the natural strength of the horse, he commonly retains so much of it9 effects, as to cause great danger whenever he may catch cold, or be worked too hard. This attack is too frequently neglected, or put off with the remark, "only a little touched in the wind," unless by the addition of a cold, the dis- order comes on rapidly, when it is termed " inflammation of the lungs," and the animal goes off in four or five days, if he be not promptly relieved. On dissection, the [)arts are found spotted with a livid colour, and evident gan- grene; every variation indeed, is equally af)palling to humanity, and I have often wondered how the horse could have lived an hour under such horrid circumstances. A cold, simply, or catarrh, commences by inflammation of the lining of the windpipe, which may bo confined to some given ])art of it, or extends itself generally from the nostrils to the lungs both inclusive, much resembling "a cold" in man ; in either case, much matter is secreted, and thrown off by snorting: when the attack is confined to the upper part of the pipe, and lasts some time, the horse becomes a confirmed roarer, his groan bearing great re- semblance to the roar of some wild animals, and he is equally incurable. Chronic cough is that obstinate cough which remains and plagues the horse long after vain attempts at curing his cold ought to have taught his tormentors ♦.he inutility of their endeavours and the dishonesty of their prescriptions. Broken wind is of two sorts; the first is caused by the rupture of the air cells of the lungs by over exertion, in which the expiration being slower than the inspiration, he is, aptly enough, said to be "broken winded ;" the second kind of broken wind is known by a breathing the direct contrary, and is occasioned by the cold having settled upon the perforations of the branches, and enlarged them, so that the air escapes too readily. Thick wind, on the other hand, arises from the secretion of the pipe getting into the cells of the lungs, and affecting the orifices or perforations by thickening them, so that the air passes through with difficulty. Similar symptoms attend inflammation of the pleura (section. 15), particularly when it reaches to the mediastinum, or double part ; as they do when the muscular border of the midriff is affected. But these, though perhaps considered two different diseases at the commencement, in the horse, very shortly become one common affection, more or less, of all the organs of respiration; inflammation predominates over the whole series; and if the per- formance of his duties does not render them fatal, an injudicious treatment will fix upon him an incurable disorder, until the knife terminates his usefulness. Lafosse, junior, observes, that " flat-chested horses, are almost always subject to consumption, whilst (again") consumption narrows the capacity of the chest, and re-produces itself — there is no remedy for misconstruction." He further says, " Short wind is either produced by disorders of the chest, or it is a fault of construction, and both are irremediable. Such a horse is generally of less use than one that is thick-winded." 37. The circulation of the blood is carried on through all parts of tho 'H>dy, to which it affords the means of life and health ; or, being ill performed, IS the fruitful source of lingering, obstinate and incurable diseases, some whereof almost baffle our skill and care; and, while they induce us to admit rhat the practice of veterinary physic never will reach i»crfectioii, inspire the ACTION OF THE HEART. 37 hape that, by patient investigation, we may at least find out the means of alle- viating their evil tendency. These considerations should excite particular alttMition to the subject in hand, being that to which all other functions are but subservient or conducive; respiration and digestion being more closely connected with it than any other, and requiring a corresponding degree of at- tention. The heart, jointly with the lungs, occupies the cavity of the chest, rather incliniag towards the left side, against which its point maybe feltbea* ing, whenever the animal is agitated by exercise, or internally affected by in- flammatory complaints. Its figure is too well known to render description necessary : in size it approaches that of an ox, and, like it, is enclosed in a membraneous sac, but very thin, not unlike a tight purse. Another sac, called the heart-bag, less tight, surrounds the former, but is never so large, nor encumbered with fat like that of the bullock. On opening this sac there issues forth a fluid which turns to water, if it were not so already ; in the ox It is confessedly water, and rather more in quantity than in the horse; — the reason for which diflference I will show presently. So great is the stimulus of this organ, that its contractile power often exists long after the animal is dead, and the arteries cease to flow : a phenomenon that occurs when the horse is killed in full health, by an accident, or otherwise, while in full pos- session of its functions. In animals of much mettle or courage the heart at- tains to a great size, that of the famous horse EcUpse weighing 181bs. In some horses, the vessels that nourish this muscular organ lie exposed on the surface ; with others, they lie wholly concealed ; a fact from which I have yet found no opportunity of making any sure deduction, but apprehend it may arise from the breed, and conclude it must have considerable effects on his disposition. As the heart is the principal organ employed in converting into blood what is drawn from the finer particles of food sent into the system for that purpose, as well as iu renovating that which has been exhausted of its vital prin- ci[)le in the circulation, it may well be supposed full of small blood- vessels. Four large ones meet at its thick end, and suspend it, by being at- tached to the bones of the back and ribs : two of them, bringing the dark vi- tiated blood from the extremities of the fore-part and of the hind-part, are veins ; the other two large vessels are arteries, which, receiving the blood from the heart, just now refined by the process of nature, convey it with rapid con- tractions to every part of the system, there to give fresh vigour, and to impart health to the whole. These contractions constitute the pulsation, or pulse ; a criterion of health as of disease, which we investigate with primal anxiety, »s from it may be deduced the best prognostic of the state of disease, espe- cially of inflammatory ones, to which this noble animal is more than any other eubject, from causes to be explained hereafter. 38, Two large chambers (as I call them') and two small ones, each of the latter appended to one of the former, mainly contribute to the process of cir- culation ; these by their co-action, aid the contractile power of the heart, com- pelling the contents of the larger chambers to issue with much force into the arteries. But, before the blood can be thus again fit for circulation, nature has provided the means of rendering it so, by the action and re-action of • Ihexi four chambers (or cavities) in the heart, contributing to refine it for Lhat purpose; one large chamber, with its small one, being placed on the right side of the heart, and the like pair on the left side thereof. The blood from the veins flowing into the small chamber on the right side, irritates its inner coats, and they each contract upon its contents with nearly as much strength' and quickness as we can open and shut the hand ; — but certainly not so much- open, although there is a flap on the entrance of each small chamber, which thpv liken to "a dog's ear," and call by the Greek word auricley that being 5* 3(1^ RE-CONVERSION OF VENOUS BLOOD. an ear. At each of those closings or contractions, the blood is forced out of the small chamber into its large chamber on the same (right) side, through a small door-way, or valve, which opens only inwards, the door being too large for the door-way. By the way, these valves are very numerous in the animal system, principally as regards the circulation of blood in the veins ; and the reader will do well to recollect, when I speak of valves in future, the illustra- tion just given by comparing the same to a door-way, which bears a near re- semblance to the valve. In the performance of this office, the heart may be said to have three several motions belonging to it: 1st, a quick one, by the contractions of the smaller chambers upon their contents: 2d, the contractions of each large chamber upon its contents, being just half the number of throbs made by the first mentioned : and, 3d, the vibration or tremor of the whole heart in consequence of all those motions. Well, on the right side still, the large chamber being filled with venous blood through the valve, or door-way, from the small one, becomes in like man- ner irritated so as to contract upon its contents, and to drive it out somewhere or other. Back to the small chamber it can not possibly go ; the valve does not open the way, as I have just now said ; and therefore it issues with much more force through another valve into a short artery, which soon opens into two, like the letter Y, the heart being supposed at the bottom of the letter. Up rushes the blood to the top of the two branches — where it meets with — What! What do you think it meets with, gentle reader! Hefe, however, let him stop a little, and consider awhile ; for, upon his right- ly understanding what now becomes of the blood (thick, dark, and unservice- able as it is), and how, in a trice, it becomes healthy, of a bright scarlet colour, and invigorating, mainly depends his being able to comprehend, by-and-by, what I shall have to offer concerning the diseases to which a vitiated or cor- rupt state of the blood gives rise. He will not, otherwise, make out sufficient- ly clear in what manner the blood of an animal can contract and retain that morbid state which shall predispose it towards acquiring a constitutional dis- ease that, however differently named according to the parts whereon it may fix, has but this one common origin for the entire series. To this page, then, I shall frequently refer him when speaking to these points more in detail, here- after; and he had best, also, keep the book open at this place, whenever he may be endeavouring to comprehend what the learned veterinarians of the present day are striving to say respecting "the circulation," as they quaintly term it. Another of them, speaking upon the topic I have just brought to a conclusion, says, " The heart is divided into two cavities, termed ventricles, each having an auricle, resembling a dog's ear. The blood-vessels proceed from these [those] cavities, the arteries from the ventricles, the veins from the auricles, &c." All which is very true, but not very intelligible to the gene- rality of readers; and yet is the author, who thus speaks, (Mr. White, in vol. i. p. 63) said to be the plainest spoken among the moderns ; indeed, were he any thing else than a good one, I should not have deemed him worthy of this rebuke. 39. The Blood, as I have said, rushes out of the large chamber on the right side of the heart into an artery that soon divides into two branches; whereof one enters each lobe of the lungs, and there disperses, through certain cella^ the blood with which it is constantly supplied. Here lies the the secret! At this point it is, that health or disease (at least a predisposition to one or the other) is imbibed and engendered in the blood. The lungs having rcceivea the thick discoloured blood from the right side of the heart, and being the re- ceptacles of the air we all breathe, do, by means of that air, bestow upon tho blood afresh the principles of Ufe, and health, and vigour. The cells, or tubes, thr'^'ijjh which the bloo«.l passes in the lungs, termed pulmonary, are eight in EFJIECTS OF AIR ON THE BLOOD. 39 number, being double the quantity given to man, and show, from that circum- stance, the inimease circulation o( which they are the agents. A cruel and almost incurable malady, that attends most horses at this part of the organ.** of respiration, with many and variable symptoms, was alluded to higher up, at sect. 36; and is what we term from those vessels, pulmonary consumption. But then, it is clear, that the air which is so brought to effect those beneficial changes upon the blood in the lungs, must be fit for the purpose : — that is to say, it should be vital or atmospheric air, uncontaminated by any noxious stench (as the ammoniacal smell of the stable, or the stench and smoke of cities); no poisonous vapours (as burning brimstone, the gaseous fluid, smelt- ing of minerals*), nor infectious effluvia (as of cesspools or stagnant waters, producing fevers, glanders, &c.) can give to the animal's blood that healthy vigour which was designed for his well-being; but, on the contrary, every de- parture from purity, in the air he breathes, must be an approach towards dis- easet. Yet, how constantly is this simplest law of nature transgressed ! And '.vhat, in such a state of things, can be expected, but that the blood will assimi- late in character with the kind of air the creature is compelled to inhale7t Accordingly, we find in the domesticated horse, that previous disposition to certain diseases which we endeavour to meet by correctives and repellants, hut which by better treatment might have been prevented. Of these evils, ibscess, or ulcer, is the most prolific, showing itself now on the head, at others on the heels, under the varied denominations of poll-evil, quittor, fistula, &-c. ; but more frequently attacking, and making the greatest ravages on the in- ternal organs, where it is generally mistaken for the worms, and erroneously treated with hot and burning remedies, when evidently a direct contrary prac- tice would best assist nature in casting off" the evil.§ Ulcer upon the lungs, as it produces a staring coat, is too frequently mistaken for worms, and if the animal be not physicked and cordialled too much, a partial cure sometimes takes place, though in what way it is carried off is most inscrutable ; but, upon opening the dead subject, I have often noticed spots which had been corroded and gangrenous, where the cure had been effected in this spontaneous manner. As for ulcers upon the liver, also arising from the viscidity of the blood, if * Scarcely any truth is easier proved than this : Horses that are constantly kept in close rtables, in large numbers together, very soon become unserviceable, by the constitution throw- ing off some evil or other upon the surface ; as one proof whereof, thoae which are occasionally placed in the under-ground stables, at the Swan with Two Necks, Lad-lane, show evident Bigns of distress which subside upon being brought into the air. I hear from good authority, Uiat at New Orleans, in North America, where the atmosphere "exhibits a blue misty appear- ance," nothing is more common than a disease which affects the knee, hock or pastern joint, with abscess, or near those parts with cancer, and the limb actually rols off. The like kind of attacks were found formerly most common in Cornwall and in Wales, and are attributed by ftU to the arsenical vapour of the copper mines being inhaled: they are, however, much less frequent at the present day, owing to the higher state of cultivation to which the land has been brought, and to the change of situation horses now enjoy. The free use of sweet oil is a good preventive of this poison in human as well as in cattle medicine. t This is not the place for a finished dissenation on the communication of the glanders ; hut I must observe, in illustration of the text, that horses which have eaten glanderous matters without receiving the infection, no sooner smell it than they become diseased. t In cases of much sorrow or grief, our respiration is much increased ; and the presentimcnf of death awaiting ihem, occasions all animals to take harmful substances into the lungs. Piga. oxen, and even sheep, show signs of uneasiness, horror, or madness, at the effluvia of blood oi their own kind : and I have found in each kind of animal, upon slitting the trachea as far as tha bronchia, dust, dirt, or other rubbish, which they had snorted up in the last paroxysms of despair. § Four ounces of spirits of turpentine have been given with partial success: but such a dos« must go near to destroy not only worms, but the horse into the bargain, whilst it is not very tJear to me that the small worms we sometimes meet with are hurtful to the animal, but ar» designed to act as a stimulus to the intestines : and, if the doctor mistakes for wonnssome nvm •ertous disorder, the horse dies of this monstrous medicine, as sure as fate. 40 TIIE HEART; ITS SHAPE-PULSATION. they take place near its thin extremity, the common natural process is, that the part of the liver attaches itself to the gut, and the offensive matter will then slough off into the intestine, and come away by stool : a partial cure is the consequence : not produced by medicine acting upon the part, as is very clear, out by a common natural effort, aided by a more vigorous and healthy state of the blood than when the disease was engendered. To assist the circula- tion in regaining this state is clearly the duty of the medical attendant, and is the only manner in which he can be of any service to the animal in restoring it to health. 40, Inihe lungs, then, does the blood receive from the air its invigorating principle, and no sooner does this take place, than it drops into another shor blood-vessel (a vein), and, by it, is conveyed again to the heart : not the same small chamber on the right side, of course, but to a similar one on the left side. Here the contractions go on as before mentioned, only that the blood differs in quality ; this being now properly fitted to promote the purposes of life, and for imparting the vital principle, occasioJis the heart to assume that twisted shape we see in some animals, while in others whose bodily exertions and arterial functions are less laboured than those of the horse (the sheep's for example) it is more round : and, indeed, the heart of this last mentioned ani- mal is, from this circumstance, usually termed, in the London district, a "round heart." Out of the small chamber on the left side is the blood driven through a valve, as before, into the large chamber of the same side; which in its turn contracts, with much force, upon its contents, expelling the same into the great artery. This periodical rushing of the blood into the arteries, imparts to these vessels a motion we term pulsation, whereby the blood is propelled forwards, to the remotest parts of the body. Lessening in size, and increasing in num- ber, the branch-arteries, which receive this blood, become more sensitive as they are farther removed from the heart, and afford us, at certain places, the means of ascertaining by the touch the degree of heat at which may at any time be the state of the animal's blood ; the contractions of the heart being regulated, in quickness and force, by the degree of stimulation the heat of the blood may occasion it. This is termed the irritability of the heart, and the medical test of which I sj^eak, is called " feeling his pulse." Even in the tail may this contractile power of the arteries, and its effects, be seen to advan- tage ; when a colt is being docked, the blood squirts forth with frequent gushes, answering in a tolerable accurate manner to the state of his pulse, although the artery at that remote part is very small. But the blootl that is so changed in the lungs, as 1 have just said, is still found to contain certain parti- cles or properties, which would render it unfit for the purposes to which it is to be applied, or those particles are required to effect certain purposes else- where in the system. Accordingly, the major part passes into the liver, there to be refined of its bitterness ; whilst a portion is attracted to the kidneys, where it leaves its saline qualities, that pass ofi' by staUng, as the former is voided by dunging. See " Liver," farther onwards. 4L These purposes, however, are not always effected alike regularly, from several causes. Frequently, the blood comes to those organs in a state too vitiated for their utmost activity to cleanse; sometimes a diseased state of the blood, at others, languor of the parts, indispose them to the performam-e of their functions, and the blood is suffered to circulate, filled with humours that war with the constitution, and form what is termed " constitutional disease," or predispose him to receive disorders of varied malignity, according to cir- cumstances. I shall come to advert to this point when, shortly, the liver and kidneys claim our attention; but, the chie'est cause of disorders incident to the animal by reason of defective liver, is the great exertions he is put to, and iJieconsequent rapidity of thecirculation, whereby the blood is propelled through CONSTRUCTION OF ARTERIES AND VEINa 41 it with tremendous velocity : it then acquires inflammation, and becomes ul cerated (see sect. 391; a disposition which must be increased whenever the blood has been formed imperfectly, either as regards the lungs or the lacteala So much is this the case, that the blood drawn from a very aged patient of mine lately, that was iucapable of grinding his corn properly, showed evident proofs that particles of ill-digested food had entered into the circulation, and is an answer to those writers who aver that the lacteals reject the bile and suck up only the fine parts of the chyle ; whereas, all inquiring persons must know, that they take up the lighter parts of all substances whatever that pass through the intestines. 1( this were not so, how is it that the slow poisons just spoken of enter the blood 7 or how would it come to pass that so much good is performed by alterative medicines, that, m like manner, insensibly in- troduce themselves into the blood, and produce invisibly those permanently good effects we so much admire 7 The opposition of a few is no obstacle to this commendation of an obscure but safe and certain class of medicines, — to say nothing of an alterative regimen, which is mtre safe still, and certainly more natural, though slower and less positive in its effects than active medicine. How much longer is the horse to be treated with nothing else but violence 7 42. Blood-vessels, or tubes, I have already observed, pervade every part of the body, and are of two kinds, whose office is directly the reverse of each other. Arteries, it will be recollected, convey the vital fluid to all parts of the body, and the construction of these, it may easily be conceived, from what has been said, is simply that of a tube with great contractile powers : they are large near the heart, but soon branch out of a lesser size, until, entering the smaller organization of the solids, they become very minute, infinitely nume- rous, and more sensitive, thus affording the means of renovation, or growing to the flesh, bones, skin, hair, hoofs, &c. The large artery communicates with minor branches, soon after leaving the heart, by two rows of openings, like perforations, in its lower sides, at two or three inches asunder. Some one has likened the arrangement of these vessels to the stem, branches, and twigs of a currant-bush, and so might the veins that run nearly parallel to the ar- teries, through every part of the animal, but are so constructed and arranged, as to take up and reconvey the blood (which the arteries constantly deposit) back again to the heart; and the similarity will still further hold good, if wo extend it to the leaves of the bush, and compare these to the glands (see Sec- tians 27, 28), in every one of which an artery terminates, and deposits its nu- tritious contents, and where every small vein begins the absorption of what the artery has so left behind. This absorption, when obstructed, lax, or other- wise imperfect on the surface, may be restored by stimulating the parts with spirits ; when it is too high, and labouring greatly in consequence of the vis- cidity of the blood, local inflammation is engendered, and one or other of those diseases I shall hereafter treat under " abscess," is the consequence of this constitutional derangement. Blood that is thick, heavy, or viscid — call it which we like — causes heat, which being general, is fever ; the rapidity of the circulation increases violently, and the blood becomes more fluid than when the animal was in good health. Arteries may be distinguished from veins in the dead subject, by the property they possess, of retaining their tubulai shape after the blood is discharged ; whereas, the veins collapse, when empty. 43, If the arteries are plain tubes, lying for the most part concealed, the veins, on the contrary, are more frequently found exposed to the sight under the skin, next to the muscle. But, more delicate and more numerous, the veins perform their part of the circulation by a totally different means than i* found in the })ropulsion and contraction of the arteries. One of the means of effecting this purpose is by the obvious and simple movement of the bcxly and limbs, as well as by the act of breathing, whereby the blood is presieJ sy^ii 42 EFFECTS OF RESPIRATION AND EXERCISE ON TIIE BLOOO. of some one part or other of the veins into the ailjacent part; but these vessels being furnished with innumerable valves, within an inch, or less, of each other, the doors whereof open only towards the heart, the blood must neces- sarily force itself out that way, and no other. If we suppose that any given portion of the vein is hereby emptied ; what follows from the circumstance, but that the next-door valve, which kept back the blood contained in the adjoining portion below, while it was pressed upon from above, being thus relieved from the pressure, will now open 1 Then, in rushes the blood, and the space is again filled, but only to be emptied in a similar manner. It is with a view to accelerate the circulation through the veins, and to keep the blood warm in winter, that mankind betake themselves to forced exercises, as hunting, run- ning, or beating the arms athwart the chest, and that beasts with the same propensity gambol and frisk about, or rub themselves: both promote the same ends, by brea hing short, so as not to cool the lungs too much, or by drawing in the same warm air over again, in sheltered situations. 44. By the process just described, the blood being once admitted into the minuter veins, finds its way to the larger ones, which convey it to the heart; near to which, as the quantity becomes great in the large vein, it receives a powerful auxiliary in the filling and emptying of the lungs, and the working forward and backward of the midriff" as described before. Passing through it near the back bone, and, consequently, as its more muscular part, the great vein must at every inspiration receive from the midriff considerable aid in pouring forth its contents — to say nothing additional of the pump-like action of the heart itself At this part the vein acquires the appearance of a double tube, the outside thickened and muscular, the inner one membranous and col- lapsed, as if too big for the space in which it is placed. But the curious fact — how the blood which had been sent into circulation through the arteries, gets into the veins at first, deserves consideration ; as this must be eflfected labori- ously, when the fluidity of the blood is lessened, or else accelerated with fright- ful rapidity, whenever it so happens that fever prevails : local inflammation, by the same rule, must cause an unusual flow of blood to the part affected ; and, as most of the impurities of the system will then be drawn towards it, at that place must they leave the occasion of the most direful effects. In proof of this doctrine, it happens frequently, that when an animal is attacked with inflammatory complaints at two places at once, the greater evil of the two in- creases, while the lesser one " runs ofl^" as it is called, or gets cured of itself. So, on the contrary, when a diseased horse (glanderous, for example) is well fed and well kept, he not unfrequently overcomes his disorder without medi- cine, to the great wonder of the unknowing ; the solution whereof is, that the constant supply of new blood has quite changed the nature of the animal, hi3 disease has been " taken up," or absorbed, by the animal system, and ulti- mately carried oflTin the common evacuations. In short, absorption and efl^u- eion are the great internal secrets of animal life; although we can not say with certainty how they are carried on, it is no less a positive law of nature, that the veins at their commencement in the glands absorb or suck up, the blood that is deposited there by the arteries, and separated by the lymphatics; equally well known is it, that efl!'usion takes place, of arterial blood, into much larger veins, as well as from one part of the system into another, internally. These points are deducible from a multitude of facts and well-known opera- tions, some proofs of which the reader will find more in detail in the course of this treatise. In some parts, a positive connexion of the capillaries, or smallest blood-vesssels, is found to exist; in such a manner, that the secf^.on of one or more of these, and the consequent obstruction of the means of life to all the parts below it, which some would naturally expect, is hereby remedied. DIGESTION.— THE STOMACH. 43 45. The Prockss of Digestion, whereby the food is prcpand to be con- verted into blood, is no less curious than "the circulation" itself, is equally conducive to the support of life, and being obstructed, is also the harbinger of disease. If, on the two other great functions of animal life, depend hisinime diate existence, no less does the horse's capabilities, his present health, and the engendering of future obstinate, incurable, and often mortal diseases reach his vitals by way of his stomach and intestines, that comprise the organs of digestion. Every one knows that oats and hay are the chief sustenance of the horse iii a domesticated state, and these, together with one or two other similar i^roduc- tions, and water, are given to him for nutriment alone ; it therefore follows, that whatever substances are taken into his stomach, which act not to the same end, must operate injuriously, even though containing nothing hurtful in them- selves : these must obstruct, if they do no more. But. when matters obnoxious in their nature, and possessing strong powers and effects, are being adminis- tered to the horse, it seems but fair to examine whether such things are likely to agree with his common nutriment, with the blood that is made from it, or with his constitution, his habits, or the tasks he has to perform. Or whether, on the other hand, they do not prove destructive of the food itself, of the ves- sels that contain it, and of those which draw up its liner particles that are to be converted into blood. Let him who practises by violent means consider a moment the natural structure, formation, and functions of the organs on which his medicines are destined to act, and compare their altered state, that has been brought about by reason of the treatment the animal has received at his hands. Some pro- tection, doubtless, is afforded by nature in the secretion of the fluid so often mentioned, which defends the several organs against ordinary injuries; but these are often found insufficient in quantity (notwithstanding the supply which nmy be drawn by effusion from other parts of the body), and the fre- quent repetition of the monstrous mixture of the doctor's skil-less art, ulti- mately effects its purpose in destroying the tone of the fine vessels just alluded to (the lacteals), and then the symptomatic disease of the skin, called hidc- Dound, follows, as a natural consequence. 46. The Stomach is a bag, or pouch, with two holes in it; the one receiv- 'ng the end of the gullet, the other opening into the small gut. See it ; plate I — L, 26 — 29. It lies behind the midriff, inclining a little to the left, having the lungs contiguous on the other side that membrane, and the liver next be- aind or under it. This main organ of digestion is but small in the horse, as •-ompared to that of any other animal, being so designed to assist his fleetness, out which would be impeded by his receiving large quantities of food at a tinifc, and points out the reason why he requires to be feci and watered frequently ; he larger and more distended the stomach of any animal may be, the raori. sluggish and vicious he is. As one proof of this position, I formerly obtaineci the stomach of a man which was larger than that of any other subject I ever saw or read of, and its possessor in life had a heavy, slow and sordid manner, together with one or two other bad qualities which brought him prematurely to his end. At the upper orifice of the stomach, a membrane, nearly insensible, comnig from the gullet, enters it loosely, and sprca-Jing along its lower part, lines about one half of it, thus defending it from acrimo/iiousor poisonous substances, whilst the coat of the other parts thereof consists of striated muscular fibres, very sensible and given to contraction, and ruAning transversely to thoseof the in- sensible coat, a circumstance which has ^iven rise to the fanciful notion, tha^ digestion proceeds in the horse's stomach by what is termed "trituration," oi pounding; but, upon reference to the figure which illustrates another organ. 44 INFI.AJSIMATION OF THE STOxMACII— INTESTINES. Cat section 5G), the reader will be able to form a more accurate notion, neai enough for his purpose, how the stomach contracts its sensible part upon it» contents. This sensible coat secretes a juice which, from its strong gastric nature, not only digests the food, but would also corrode the stomach itself (insensible though it be), were it not supplied with another fluid for its pro- tection, in the sahva or spittle that descends the gullet along with the food. This saliva is also secreted, in some measure, when the animal may not be feeding: but, whenever this supply fails, the gastric juice predominates so much as to cause a galling pain in the stomach, and occasion in the animal a ravenous desire for tilling it, if not with food, at least with some substance that may keep it distended, and perhaps carry off the painful superabundance. Horses so circumstanced, when in harness, gnaw the pole or shaft, or bite at each other, and soon learn to become crib-biters, gnawing any thing they can come near, as well as the manger ; litter, bits of old wall, and dirt, at length, are found by them agreeable to their palate. See further at section 49. The insensible membrane I spoke of, by its loose folds, forms, at the entrance of the stomach, a kind of valve, which prevents regurgitation of the food, like that of ruminating animals; and a similar contrivance at its termination in the lower or right oritice occasions a short obstruction until the pulp is mixed; for, when the stomach is filled, the relative position of the two orifices alters in a great degree. From these premises it seems apparent that any substance entering an empty stomach does not act upon the sensible part of it, but being soon mixed up with the gastric juice, it proceeds into the intestines, there to communicate its efifects — whatever these may be. Whether nutritive or medicinal, poisonous or beneficial, the intestines receive all with but little al- teration.* But when it so happens that the food does not pass readily out of the stomach, a fermentation commences, and the sensible part thereof being then distended, the ill efifects ascend the gullet, reach the head, and cause ver- tigo, staggers, &c. At times, a specific inflammation takes place, and com- municates itself in four or five days to the whole of that surface, taking its course downwards or upwards, according to the orifice that may be most af- fected ; this being all the way down through the intestines, blocking up the influx of gall (as described sect. 48), and causing yellowness of the eyes, until its appearance at the anus ; or, in the other case, it ascends up to the nostrils, making its appearance first about the head, and communicates either way to the skin and its coat. 47. Of the intestines, guts as they are usually called, it is miportant to keep in mind, that, notwithstanding the ai)pearance of great tenacity they assume, they are, nevertheless, extremely irritable, beingcomposedof two coats of fine muscular fibres that cross each other, the one circularly, the other lengthwise ; and having a lining which secretes a fluid for its protection, they admit in their intervals an innumerable quantity of absorbent vessels, that are constantl; sucking up the finer particles of their contents. This sort of conformation * At this place, for the information of those who would practise the veterinarjr art by com- parison, it may be useful to observe, that in the human stomach is digestion prmcipally per- formed, in the horse's very little ; in both, the small intestines appear to mix tlie food with tlie bile and other digestive juices ; but man having no cizcum, or blind gut, like the horse, to re- ceive the heavier parts of the food as they escape from the small intestines, his lactcals begin higher up than those of the horse, which lie wholly on the large intestines. It follows that, whatever is received into the stomach of man is felt through the system immediately ; witii the horse this does not take place uniil.it has reached the intestines. One other dissimilarity in the mode of digestion is worthy of notice: in man, the work of digestion is nearly finished when Ihe bile is mixed with the food — say at an average of twelve hours from its being taken, whilst the horse passes his feed into tlie intestines in about two hours, before it has well assumed an homogeneous appearance, which the bile seems to effect for him. With us liquid reraaine in (he utomach; the horse passes water immediately into the caxum. INTESTINES— DISEASES OF. (ft renJers the tiilestinal canal obnoxious to repeated strong drastic purges, par- ticularly aloes of the Barbadoes kind, that heat and irritate the parts by their coarseness. Inflammation is most likely to succeed such irritation, in sum- mer-time especially, and the animal is usually destroyed by the pretended rf> medics of the farriers; or, being pressed forward in his work during the attacK, goes until he drops down and dies. At the fundament may be seen the ear- liest indications of this species of over-physicking, in the disgusting protrusion of the inner coat whilst expelling the contents thereof; an ordinary effort of nature to get rid of what is offensive to it, which, considering the horizontal position of the horse, might appear wonderful to us bipeds, but for the well- known double operation of the coats of the intestines. From the top to the bottom of the canal a spiral motion is kept up by the alternate contraction of the two coats thereof, the one in circumference, the other lengthwise, resem- bling that of a worm, and appearing as if a corkscrew agitated its inside. By this means the mass is pressed backwards, and as it increases in quantity and becomes less and less clearable, the offended nerves excite the guts to renew- ed efforts for its expulsion, in which the lower part of the belly, with its cover ing, from the ccecum to the sphincter, concurs with all its powers of contrac- tion. Partial retention of the breath, and consequent pressure upon the mid- riff, and parts behind it, contribute to lessen the longitude of the intestine at every effort. This kind of excitement, if repeated too often, it is plainly to be seen, must keep up the irritation of the parts concerned in it, and dispose them to contract inflammatory complaints. 48. In length about thirty yards, the intestinal canal has in its course two or three different offices to perform towards digestion, whereof the smallest gut nearest the stomach is for receiving the gall, or bile that has been formed in the liver for that purpose. At the termination of that small gut, at the end of twenty yards, an immensely large one occurs, called the sac (coecum), or blind gut, where the contents are prevented from issuing too soon, by reason of the internal coat of the small gut getting into ft)lds, as it were. We may as well consider this as another valve ; and that it was provided by the Author of Nature to correct the animal's propensity for transgressing his laws against repletion, as well as to prevent the contents of the coecum from returning up- wards, when this latter is compressing the large intestines backwards, in the act of dunging. But inflammation sometimes, obstructions oftencr, produce at this place more tedious affections than is generally imagined. When it so happens that the stimulus of the bile is insufficient (as in diseased liver), and acrimonious particles are left behind, or the half-masticated food inflicts in- juries on the very sensible surface of this passage, then the noisome effluvia reascends to the stomach; the bile, too, enters it soon after, by reason of the intestines having lost their power of compression and elongation, when the corkscrew motion downwards is changed to an upwards motion, and all be- comes disorder in that region. Loss of appetite, fever and dullness, with droop- ing as if in pain, and a staring coat, follow each other in succession ; for the secretion of bile, which I shall come presently to describe, as affecting the skin, is thereby vitiated. These appearances it has been a fashion to considei " symptoms of the worms," or of " debiUty " (another term for low fever) ; and the practice of administering bitter medicines, that are supposed to kill the worms, is only successful on account of their restoring the tone of the stomach, and by supplying to the intestines a congenial stimulus in the place of hue This was the rase with Mr. White's statement, in vol. i. p. 170, where he says, "I have sometimes succeeded in destroying worms by giving aloes, onu dram and a half, every morning until purging was producal." That is to say, "the horse became well ;" but whether he had any worms to be destroyed ie another question ; and then, if a dram and a half would succeece, which tliey treat as if local; when, alas! these are seated in the ve-^ vitals of the animal, sometimes in the most delicate parts of the mesentery. Heating, or cordial medicines, as well as those other untoward mixtures, which corrode, or blunt, the mouths of the finer lacteals, thereby dispose them to receive materials improper for the making of good blood; the consequence whereof is, that tubercles frequently are found, which fill up the cavities of the lacteal duct. The matter of these tubercles is usually hardened, and resem- bles the yolk of a hard boiled egg. The disease appears in a staring coat, is commonly considered to be the worms, and treated as such, with more heating or drastic medicines, winch but increase the evil. Other obstructions are thereby formed, and if a solitary worm or two are found on dissection (as fre- quently happens), they have been generated in the obstructed part, but have not caused any disorder. Of the mesenteric canal, it may be useful, as well as curious, to remark, that 1 have always found its state of health or disease to correspond with the appearance of his coat ; when this is smooth, the former is full and free from obstructions; when rough, the contrary. In hide-bound, thiscanal is yellow; in farcy, red, as well as the bowels; these appear bluish, when the horse dies in consequence of being worn out, though at the same time, the flaccid lac- teals still preserve their healthy white, if no other cause to the contrary pre- vails. But, upon such further particulars as are connected with the study of digestion, as influencing or influenced by res|)iration and circulation, I shall take occasion to say more hereafter; adding thereto a few cursory remarks, that were not absolutely necessary for the present illustration of the animal system, but will be found more in place in the succeeding section. The Liver with its sweetbread, the Kidneys, and the Bladder, being liable to certain diseases peculiar to each, besides the property of affecting one ano- ther readily, as well as being at all times mainly instrumental in maintaining anu restoring health to the other parts of the whole system, now claim our undivided attention. I shall, therefore, proceed at once to a brief description •;if the uses and functions of each, and accompany the same with a fow gene niE LIVER: ITS SITUATION. 49 ral, but pertinent remarks on the present received mode of ^Jeating the disor- ders incident to the several parts that impede those functions, reserving par- ticulars regarding the causes, sympsoms, and method of cure, to a subsequent part of the volume. Consult the Index. 52. The Liver is a very important and immensely large glandular body ol a dusky red colour, almost divided, like the lungs, into two lobes, having two smaller subdivisions; and is attended by its pancreas or sweetbread, a small flat part thereof, which has the property of secreting a sweet kind of saliva. This secretion was noticed before, as entering the gut near the stomach, along with the bile from the liver: both are therefore conveniently situated under- neatt the stomach and behind the midriff^ to the skirt of which the upper part ?{ the liver is attached ; but the exact functions of this pancreas, or its diseases, are no farther known to us, except that it partakes a good deal the appearance of its joint neighbour, and that it is indeed sweet to the palate. Before he proceeds farther, the reader had better consult the place of a skele- ton as to the situation and extent of this important organ (important in a curative point of view), as relates to the midriff, stomach, and kidneys, where it will be seen included between the squares marked K — N ais intersected by the lines numbered 21 — 27. The side view therein presented is necessarily the left or near side, but the other lobe or right is of greater length and more substance, it touches the right kidney, and its upper surface is contiguous to the diaphragm, which presses upon it at each inspiration of the lungs. This tendency of the liver to the right side seems to have been designed by nature to counterbalance the leftward position of the heart, and of the lower part of the stomach ; the pyloric orifice of which is seen at the intersection of the lines K and 26. In a former page (sec. 27.), 1 took occasion to describe the minute glands with which the extremities are furnished, and to advert to the secretory glands, all which are formed by arteries that deposit their contents, and which is again taken up into the veins; but the liver, the largest of all glands, and a secretory organ, differs from the others in one great and signal respect : it is formed of an assemblage of veins only. Its structure, in other respects, is much the same as that of the smaller glands. Into the liver is brought the blood which has been sent from the heart to circulate and nourish the whole system (except a portion which the kidneys attract) ; a service that is performed by means of a great blood-vessel they call vena porta, that passes along the right side of the spine. In size very large, and always filled in health, a sight of this vessel shows how busily em- ployed the liver must be, in separating from so great a quantity of blood the tiitter qualities it has obtained by having passed through the animal's system, and imbibed whatever might there lurk of the offensive, the diseased, or the infectious. It proves, also, that any disease with which it may be attacked, must be proportionably violent in its progress, and tedious to cure, inasmuch as both will depend upon the state every other viscus may be in, through which the blood happens to have passed. Are the kidneys, or either of them, inflamed? the blood which has recently passed through them comes to the liver to get rid of its noisomeness, in the form of bile. Is an abscess to be dispersed, and the acrid matter driven from the part, to be taken up by th« lymphatics (see sect. 29), at the liver it is strained off, and here must be im- parted a portion of its baleful quaUties. It follows of course, that whatever medicine is directed towards the liver must go thither by means of the circu- ^ation, i, e. through the absorbents : for schirrous liver this is best accom- plished by the lymphatics ; for inflamed liver by means of the lacteals ; ir other words, these are the internal and the external modes of exhibition, and the preparations of mercury are here mostly kept in view. I'he secretion of too mu-'h bile, and the consequent inability of the vessel* 6» 50 OF BILE-EXCESS AND DEFECTIVE; SYMPTOMS AND CURE. to carry it offj it may easily be foreseen, would be the harbinger of jaundice; an»l its approach may be discerned by the yellowness of the eyes, by the in- creased number and thinness of the animal's dungings, and the constant emp- tiness of its belly, which both feels and looks loose and flabby. On the con- trary, too little bile, must leave the intestines without the requisite stimulus to expel their contend which, soon getting dry and hard, a constipation usually follows, that defies the remedy by purgatives: nor is the operation of backraking with clysters always of effectual service. Whichever extreme af- fects the liver, the patient becomes weak: but in case of deficiency, though he may look more brisk for a few days, stretching his hind legs out when un- employed, he afterwards becomes feverish, hot under the tongue, sluggish and dull in the eyes. Schirrous liver — a corrosion or rustiness of its fine surface, accompanies this deficiency of bile, and when it recurs often, the disease be- comes permanent; but whether caused by, or causing the same, I am unable to ascertain. Ulcerated liver is occasioned by a too great heat in this organ: if occurring upon its thin extremity, the disorder cures itself by a natural operation, i. e. by adhesion to the gut, and passing oR by stool ; but when seated higher up, it terminates fatally, by wholly debihtating the system, and sooner or later destroys the patient. The preparations of mercury, before alluded to, act variously upon the sys- tem, according to the mode of exhibition the practitioner may adopt : in the form of calomel it assists the liver to discharge its functions by lowering its tone ; the blue pill (pilul. hydrarg.) is finely adapted to solve the crudities of stomach and bowels in carnivorous animals, but has never been extensively tried on the horse. For any disease of the whole system, or "bad habit of body," as Richard Lawrence properly calls that predisposed state of it which ultimately produceth tumours, grease, fistula, farcy — mercury, in all its va- rious shapes, is the only specific. Too great a secretion of the bile, although it pass oflf, produces a roughish meagre coat first about the belly ; the patient becomes languid, especially after being compelled to any great exertion, when he perspires too readily on the carcass, his manner is uneasy, and after a while, partial hide-bound commen ces under the chest. Should the bile be of a less acrimonious nature, those symptoms are then perceptible lower down (i. e. farther back), and when his eyes appear yellowish, it is then a confirmed jaundice ; but in very bad cases, producing death, people vulgarly call it "broken hearted," because commonly brought about by bad usage*. Inflammation of the liver generally accompanies those appearances; but we can not be certain, though it is to be presumed, that inflammation is always consequent upon an over-quantity of secretion. After much procrastination, medicinal remedies are of little avail when tried on the most extensive scale, although no disorder to which the horse is liable is easier of cure, if it be taken m time : the patient requires only a treatment directly the reverse of that which brought on his ailments, and he gets well, almost of course. Regular work, moderate feeding, and tolerable behaviour comprise these na- tural remedies : they are usually found efficacious in the earlier stages of the disorder, and then only. But those natural remedies being neglected, and al- teratives (the assistants of nature) never thought of, languor of the whole system prevails sooner or later, and the best of medicines fail to act by reason of that languor. The absorbents are then accused of not performing their * Snice writing the above, I have ascertained upon the view, that a horse, ranlcling undei tl.n effects of maltreatment, absolutely broke the cells of his heart through high-spirited cha grin. The case is described much at large in the " Annals of Sponing," for July 1822, a pape* which I was induced to draw up at the instance of my friend John Bee, Esq., who was preseij- HI the death ndtheilissection FOUL HABIT, HOW PRODUCED j HOW CURED. KTONEYS. 51 function properly ; or, if they do so, then the liver and the kidneys fail in re- fining the blood sufficiently, so that, at its getting to the extremities once more, those particles which ought to have been carried off are there deposited, and form the nidus of those external maladies that are mistakenly considered local diseases, and treated as such, instead of correcting the foul habit of body which is thus plainly indicated. Of the whole series of tumours or abscess, grease is the only one which people in general think of taking up into the system ; the matter that proceeds from the pustules that form grease is so pal- pably composed of urea, or the principle of urine, which ought to have been attracted to the kidneys, that every body who would cure the grease, very properly, as if by instinct, administers diuretics ; and when this means of cure is adopted early, always with a proportionate degree of success. But of these things more in the following sections. 53. The Kidneys, although the seat of only one disorder (inflammation), yet are they so intimately connected with the cure of other diseases, which are constitutional, that a right knowledge of their functions can not but prove highly serviceable in the judicious administration of the universally approved method of cure, by the urinary passage. Diuretics, or urine balls, are so con- stantly in the hands of grooms and others, that I would admonish them thus early to reflect a little on the consequences of going on from day to day in urging these fine glands to over-exertion, whereby they are kept in a constant state o( irritation, are rendered incapable of acting their part, or literally be- come rotten. They are situated, one on each side of the spine, close to the last two ribs (see plate G, H, as intersected by figures 28 — 30), where they are attached as well by the blood-vessels which belong to them, as by stout cellular membranes which cover them underneath. With this exception the kidneys of horses seldom have the covering of fat, termed suet, which wc find in other animals, owing, no doubt, to the very great action of the parts. Mr. Richard Lawrence must have been thinking on the ox or sheep's kidneys, when he wrote his 289th page. For my part, so little of this fat on the kid- neys has been noticed by me, that this book was already at press before I was convinced they were ever covered ; and yet I have assisted in opening and noting the state of as many horses, 1 believe, as any man in England who ever wrote a line on this subject : in France, I have reason to conclude, they are more industrious in this respect. The left kidney lies close to the ribs; the right one farther forward, is loose, and is connected with the right lobe of the liver ; which being much longer than its left lobe, seems to extend itself backward for that purpose. Excitement, no doubt, is the mutual intent of this connexion ; and that deviation from her true system, which nature al- lows in the effusion from one part to another, takes place, when either the one or the other may be diseased, obstructed, injured, or destroyed. On no other grounds can we account how it is brute animals so long survive the total destruction of some vital part, as we frequently find.* One consequence of this loose situation of the right kidney is, that inflammation generally makes its appearance upon it earlier than on the left, a circumstance which is partly derived from its proximity to the liver; it also imparts some of its own feel- ing to that organ, when inflamed ; two facts these which ought to be well kept in mind, when we wish to excite unusual secretion in either. In shape, the left kidney approaches the angular more than the right one ; from which 1 infer that, although the functions of the two must be so nearly the same, ?Ji affectivjris they differ ; at least a gall or slight blow will aflfectthe left much sooner than the right kidney. • Latterly, Mr. Travers ha.-? given the public the »p?ultsof many curious experiinentfl 5*1 ibis subject 52 THE PRINCIPLE OF URINE. M The section of a kidney, which should be performed lengthwise, wiR show in the centre its pelvis, in which the tube (or ureter) that carries off the water to the bladder takes its rise : in this pelvis stone is sometimes formed, that often finds its way to the bladder, unless it remains in the ureter, or comes away entirely.* The ureters communicate immediately with the bladder, and the water they convey is formed by the outermost red part of the organ draw ing the blood into it, and through which it is filtsred by the vascular or whitish part which lies next withinside ; here numerous little tubes convey it to the centre one, or ureter, that enters the cavity of the pelvis at H I, 33, 34, of the plate of a skeleton. The blood, which has been so filtered of its water, is absorbed by a vein, which is plainly visible in the section of the kidney ; and the whole function shows how rapidly circuitous any medicine must act, which being poured into the stomach is found, in so short a space as two or three hours, to have work- ed its passage through the bowels into the lacteals, thence through the heart and arteries into the kidneys, filled the bladder, and caused a staling of the noxious water, which is to carry off disorders of one sort or other. Here it is worthy of remark, that the operation of internal medicines is much more cer- tain in the horse, when directed against the absorbing vessels and the kidneys, than when intended to act chiefly on the stomach ; for, as hath been observed, nis stomach being one half of it insensible to stimulants, we are not certain of producing upon it any effect whatever. In all swellings of the legs, the good properties of diuretic medicines may be discerned almost immediately, by reason of the connexion which subsists between the functions of lymphatics and of the kidneys ; so likewise, diaphoreiic medicines no sooner excite the lacteals to a performance of their function, than the skin shows evident signs of its good effects. But both means of cure msiy be abused, as 1 shall show more particularly in the sequel : the first, being administered too often, wears out the functions of the kidneys; the second, being carried on too long, at length refuseth to act upon the skin. 55. An idea respecting the deposition of water in the membranes was thrown out in the twentieth section ; and another, as to variation in the pro- portions of urine and perspiration in summer and winter, at the bottom of section the twenty-second, to which the reader may refer. On this topic a foolish notion having got abroad as to the small quantity of acrid matter con- tained in the urine of the horse, induced Dr. Thomsont to submit a portion • I was called in to examine a horse, whose diseases had baffled the skill of many clever farriers. He had been long declared to have " a complication ; " that is to say, none icnew his disease, lor he occasionally voided blood with his urine, in great pain ; they had thei-efore given him diuretics to such an excess, that he could not bear the h;ind's passing along his back over the kidneys: his sheath showed signs of oedematous swelling, and upon that region being pressed he became unruly. I, however, saw enough to ascertain, by the heat and tension of the pcul, that it was inflammatory, and as his pulse was high, his tongue hot and dry, I pro- posed to bleed him, and to foment the part ; the operation, however, was scarcely performed when its owner resolved to take no further trouble, and the horse was slain. On examination I found his kidneys were rotten, and as pervious as dough : ulcers appeared upon both lobes of the liver, and the neck of the bladder was inflamed a little. The sheath presi.Tved its size ; and on the top of the penis a small shapeless stone, the cause of all this mischief, lay buried under the cuticle; and would, I should apprehend, have come away in the course of a day or two fpcn'.aneously. How it got there is most inscrutable. t or Edinburgh, in his Annals of Philosophy, for August, 1820. By the way, on this sub- ject it is worthy of remark, that for seven or eight years past, the French and Italian doctora Oave made a gi-eat fuss about this I'uree (nrea),"or proportion of the principle of urine, calling 'R "a discovery ; '" whereas our own people, in every branch of medicine, have been aciing up> un the same doctrine for better than forty yearS; to my certain knowledge. Some have regu- 'ated their practice (human) by the appe^irance of the water, with various success; and I have ^ great notion, that this test of the state of the horse's health may be added la those other g^-mp wmsby which we endeavour to ascertain the ailments of an animal which aatureliasforbiddeo GLANDERS. CONSTRUCTION OF THE BLADDER, 53 i>f it to chemical analysis in order to decide that point. "The result was, ih?t it contains an unusually large })roportion of that principle, so that without be iiiiT concentrated by evaporation, it yielded crystals of nitrate of urea, very readily on the addition of nitric acid." This fact being thus satisfactorily as- certained, accounts for the strong ammoniacal vapour of stables that affects the eyes of the attendants, and being inhaled (as said in sect. 39.), is clearly the harbinger of several diseases in the horses confined in them — glanders among the rest. 56. Thk Bladder, or receptacle for the redundant water of the whole sys- tem, as it is separated from the blood by the kidneys, is situated within the hollow of the pelvis, at tlie intersection of H 1 with 33, 34 on the plate of a skeleton, with its outlet or neck turned towards the place of exit, varying a little according to the sex. It consists of three coats or layers, the outer two being muscular, and having their fibres crossing each other — (as may be seen upon split- ting asunder a stale bladder), the better to enable it to contract upon and expel its contents. The inner coat is membrane- ous, sensible on distention, and secreting a mucous fluid to protect itself against the elfects of the urine. When, how- ever, the bladder becomes full, the secretion is insufficient foi its protection, and irritation commences in order to induce the muscular coats to concur in the expulsion of the urine. This desire must be very great in the horse, for the reason assigned at the close of the preceding section, and shows the necessity of permitting him to void his urine upon his first intimating an incHnation thereto. The shape of some horses' bladders differs a good deal from that of others, — particularly about the neck, those of the female being considerably wider, and shorter, than those of the male, a circumstance to be remembered when I come to treat of the disorders incident thereto ; since in inflammation of its neck, for example, in one sex we are obliged to have recourse to instru- ments, in the other the urine may be discharged by the fingers. But it so happens that horses are more liable to the disorder just named than mares. My reader will also please to note, that the thin membrane which defends the whole intestine against the friction of the surface, (termed peritonajum,) reaches backward to only half way over the bladder; so that it offers no obstruction to our operations upon its neck in cases of disease. 57. To recur once more to the subject of a preceding section (the 55th)— the principle (of urea) that resides in any given quantity of urine evacuated by the horse, it may be here observed, that when the animal, on a journey, has been pushed onward, and thus prevented from staling for a considerable time, he at length produces it of a deeper colour and less in quantity than usual, a change which has been effected by the great heat of his body having taken it up again, by the absorption and effusion which nature has provided, of aqueous particles from one part of the system to another. The principlcj or urea, however, remains in the bladder, and produces one of two evils; either the inner or sensible coat becomes inflamed, and loses, after an attack of dia- betes, some part of its function of secreting the mucous fluid for its defence, if it does not terminate fatally; or, being less severe, but often repeated, a de- *c complain. Whatever practitioner should undertake to judge of the horse's diseases by it« urine, must prepare himself to undergo a good deal of ridicule, and may expect some calumny ; he would not, however, be far from the ri'glit path towanis making a proper estimate of th» quantitj or violence of its ailment, though lie might not so readily ascertain the precise nature rf the disorder. The terms "nephrin," and "uric acid," the oldest and the newest forth^ principle of this evacuation, show the assiduity of which it has lieen dieu'ed worthy, in tha* practice where it is confessedly of less importance than it is in ours. 54 DISEASES OF TIIE BLADDER: OPERATION. position of earthy particles takes plaee, which is generally converted into stone or gravel. J-*alsy of the Madder is induced from frequent repetitions of thus neglect lug the calls of nature, as well as from injuries of the spine; in both which cases the nerves having lost their sensibility, the coats do not contract suffici- ently, and some water is always left behind. In all diseases of the bladder, a disposition to fill speedily manifests itself: and in palsy, this is the leading symptom. When this evil takes place, the horse, while staling, seems un- willing, or is incapable of discharging the last drops of each voidance ; and, if the usual practice of giving diuretics be adopted, the animal is ruined, if he does not burst the fundus of the bladder and die immediately: rather, the contrary method of discharging, instead of filling the bladder, should be sought, and the readiest way to effect this is to introduce the hand into the funda- ment, which having emptied, the bladder may be felt much distended. In this case, we are told, " too much pressure might terminate fatally ; " but by smoothing the bladder gently witti the tops of the fingers, from its neck for- wards, is usually successful. In fact, I never should have thought of its fail- ing, but for what is said in one of the books on diseases of horses (White, vol. i. p. 121), where we find a good number of pages bestowed upon "suppres- sion and retention of urine," which are not diseases in themselves, but the effects of disease; the first arising in defective secretion of the kidneys, the second in the bladder, or its neck. At all times a good deal of sympathy exists between this organ and the kidneys, and the kidneys with the liver; inflam- mation of either being soon communicated to all three, in a degree propor- tioned to the animal's general state of bodily health previously to the attack. CHAPTER III. General Observations on the Animal System of the Horse, with Reference to the Origin of Constitutional Diseases; Recapitulation and further Development of Veterinary Practice^ upon the principles before laid down. Seeing that a recapitulation of the preceding chapters, and a few general observations arising therefrom, would be necessary, before we examine into the particular diseases to which they have reference, 1 shall here adJ the no- tice of such minor parts of the horse, as may seem to have been overlooked ; and then draw such conclusions from the whole, as to the principles upon which veterinary medicine may be most successfully conducted, as appear to me best adapted to your acquiring those just notions of the theory as lead to favourable results in practice. The animal system* (which has been so often mentioned) whereby life is rx)ntinued and strength renewed, diseases are contracted, and the disposition lo throw them off is constantly manifested, and by which the ordinary wear and waste of the various component parts of the body is unceasingly supplied with new and healthy matter, has been shown, in the foregoing brief account of the separate parts that contribute, by their united actions, to make up this system. A system that, although api)arently complex and infirm, is, in re- aliiy, simple, magnificent, and robust. It is we (mankind) who derange the ii-. action of those parts,- by oui vanity, our wants, and seU" will; or, by our A Rvstem is a coui-se of action, according to some known rule or law of nature; and Ui'» /m has been applied to Bome of man's connivances cilso, not very hiappily. ANIMALS' SYSTEMS DIFFER. LESSER PARTS DESCRIBED. 6ft our ignorance, put the whole system out of repair, when we endeavour to control nature, instead of humbly following her track, and working after her fashion ; and every mechanic knows, that a system, or a machine, being once put out of order in its minutest part, incurs the danger of complete disorga- nization in those that are more material to the performance of its functions as a whole : an observation that applies as well to a watch or steam-engine, as to a worm, to n»an, or the horse ; but which, of course, I intend should be ap- plied to the last mentioned animal particularly. Our Creator, however, as if prescient of the barbarities his image would fall into, in the exercise and abuse of the power he gave us over the living things of the earth, hath, in his goodness, conferred on brutes the means of supplying from one part of the system the losses which accident may occa sion in another part : a subject well worthy our patient scrutiny, as furnish ing the means of effecting cures in desperate cases, and not to be disregarded in first attacks of malignant diseases. But " the animal system," as a term, or in fact, may be taken to imply as well that of all animals as particular kind of animals — descending sometimes (not improperly) to individuals of those kinds. Some persons, however, de- scend still lower, and the term " system" has been sadly misapplied, and ban- died about from one thing to another, until it is brought to describe particular parts or portions only of the individual's system. The dog kind, the horse kind, and mankind, are good and proper distinctions, for the system of animal life differ in all three: they are not in every case moved in a similar manner by the same class of medicines; whereby we first perceive that their systems differ, and we examine the dead subject of either kind (as in the preceding chapter), to find out how this takes place, and in what degree, and we regu- late our practice conformably to the discoveries so made. The several indi- viduals, too, of the same kind, have particularities in their respective systems, arising from habit, from country or climate, or from crosses* that demand our serious analytical reasoning, in the application of similar remedies, and adapt- ing their proportions to the removal of similar symptoms. So, a sensible difference is known to exist between the constitution of a cart-horse and a blood-horse, between a galloway and a hunter; each requiring accurate dis- crimination in ascertaining the state of disease,t and this consideration ought to inspire us with carefulness in applying the ren^edies, since that which re- stores the one might be injurious to the other. Among those four breed.s, we frequently find individuals variously affected from the same causes according to their built, shape, or make (see pages 2, G, and 18), according to the con- stitution and co-adaptation of the dam and sire ; as age may come on, acci- dents have taken place, or chiefly as the individual may have been mistreated Wy his unworthy master, the sordid fiirrier, or unfeehng ostler, ''""o all which important distinctions in the state of his patient's particularities, 1 beg to call the studious reader's most serious attention, while examining his case, in ordei to apply the rr medy most appropriate to the degree of attack. In the two preceding chapters of this treatise, more of the animal mignc undoubtedly have been described, or the same subjects considerably enlarged upon, and move parade of learning might have been displayed, but the readci would not have benefited one jot by that course of proceeding : he migh.t, probably, have bewildered himself (as many do) in the mazes which would then surround him ; whilst the description of those parts of the animal, which * The system of the same individual, also, may undergo changes by time; so that a medi- cine may operate ditTerently now from what it formerly did. t The surest barometer of healtli, the pulse, would indicate an approach towards fever ir one individual, which might be the certain standard of neaith in another. s>ec The Pulse,' MpaseGO. 56 DOCKING. FTRING. TH^ FOOT. THE SKIN. contubuU but infpj-iorly to the system I had in view to illustrate and explain, might have led him to look upon these in a light, too important for the func- tions they perform — as regards my pur[)ose. The eyes, the tongue, the ears, the skin and hair, the tail, the genitals, and the hoof, or foot, though each deserving our most sedate attention, for many good reasons, yet, as they do not originate disease, 1 then purposely avoided taking particular nolice of them.* Nevertheless, I do not mean to deny, that they all, according to each its functions, accurately indicate the existence of disease, as they do of health, and the degree of both is marked on them with wonderful ])recision. Hence it was easy to conclude, even though we did not know the fact to a demonstration, that they are subject to some deplorable maladies that are peculiar to each, arising out of constitutional defectiveness, to say nothing of accidents, nor of the fancied improvements man presumes to make upon the works of his Maker. Under this last reproach lie all those farriers and others, who give pain un- necessarily to the animal in the indispensable operations. Among these, I class that of docking, notwithstanding the gibes of our continental neighbours (the French) conveyed to us in something like the following couplets, about the period of king James's abdication. Proud Englishmen avaunt, barbarians as ye be, Who cut your monarchs' heads off"— -oiT horses take the queue! We Frenchmen, better bred, who reverence the law, Never meddle with our kings' heads, arid let our horse-tails grow. Although of no moment in themselves, these verses show the then French .ustoms, and mark the period when docking and nicking came up among us in England, to be in the early part of the seventeenth century. But I put it to the reason of any, the most strenuous advocate for this custom, whether he ever contemplated the proba>bility of a horse being subjectetl to this operation three or four several times ; yet it is no less true, that at a market dinner-table, in the town of Watford, in May, 1820, 1 heard of a horse which had been so served five several times, from no other authority than that of the last owner of the unfortunate creature. 1 took occasion to show, in a precpf the blood must we endeavour to correct any derangement of the system of •inimal life, whetherof quadrupede orbipede; for the workingof the system in making of new blood and cleansing the old is the same in ail, though differing in degree, whilst mainly agreeing in the process. AVould any one demand how it comes to pass, that quadrupeds draw so much substantial nourishment from herbaceous vegetables, whilst man can only extract a watery juice, do- void of all nutritious qualities? let h'.ni l>e answered, tliat all depends on th« 7 fi3 COMPARATIVE STRUCTURE. digestive powers, these being greater in the brute, than in man. It even ap- pears plainly to me, that the animal food taken by man is the same as the her- baceous taken by quadrupeds, only that it has meantime undergone the pro- cess of digegition, sanguification and deposition in the solids, &c. and hence arises the difference in the practice of the curative art as applied to the one animal and the other. Every disease is in fact a compound, varying in cif- ferent constitutions, and the composition of the remedy should be adapteelJular membrane, to supply the waste that is unceasingly go- ing on there. The reader would do well to read over again what is said con- cerning this process of the animal system at page 48, with the references there made to page 37, to page 23, and, in fact, to the whole tenor of the second chapter. But this supply soon fails, as necessarily it must, when it is not re- plenished at the source, and wasting of the solids succeeds of course, unless nature is assisted by our art judiciously ; — the right application of this art is what we are now in search of. One of the immediate consequences of the horse being hard worked, or high fed and physicked with stimulants, is the constant heating or feverish state of the blood. Increased action of the heart and arteries accompany and keep up this state of irritation, which may be further accelerated by the animars being allowed to take cold whilst in that state, whereby the perspiration is checked of a sudden, and the blood which may then fill the smaller vessels is detained there< to the further ajiiioyance of the larger ones: he then contracU CO FEVER. ABSCESS. t;OLl>. inflammation ot all the solids and organs of life, or, more properly, /e.^r. But when only a certain part of the system, or a single organ is thus check- ed, we consider the affair under tlie name of inflammation of that part, as of the lungs, the kidneys, &c. ; always keeping in mind, that, by continuance, these extend their baleful affections to other organs, with which a certaii. sympathy is known to exist. In like manner, when external muscular parts swell and secrete matter, this is in like manner an inflammation of that parti- cular part, or tumour, or abscess, with a great variety of names, according to the place where it may be seated : poll-evil and fistula are among those external complaints to which I allude. The latter, or local kind of inflammation, is the effect of the former or con- tinued internal fever, and whenever such a tumour or abscess makes its ap- pearance near the surface, the general inflanunation or fever subsides; when it discharges offensive matter, the fever is cured. If such a tumour appear without previous general fever of the system, we repel it, so that it may dis- perse and pass off by stool. It may usually, however, he considered as an effort of nature to relieve itself of offensive viscid matter that lurks in the sys- tem ; and in this case only, when v^'ell ascertained, would that reduction of the system which 1 shall shortly insist upon as proper in all inflammatory at- tacks, be least advisable, as nature would then require aid to assist her in hei efforts, rather than subtraction from her [)owers, by the bleeding, purging, e aptly made in this })lace, which may 8tand instead of much discussion hereafter. As fever is a necessary conse- auence of any inflammation whatever, so without fever there would be no in- animation. Every run you give a horse heats or inflames his blood, quick- ens his pulse, and he sustains lemi)orarY fever. Wliilst in this state, 'f any TV Piles FEVER. BLKEDING AND PURGING— RESTORATIVEa ffi ▼Bcas, or organ, that constitutes a vital part of his system, receive such a check or daniper as 1 have described, obstruction of the finer blood-vessels en- sues — as, of the lungs, by their drinking cold water, or mere affusion of ilon the chest, and inflammation is the name : if the whole body of an animal cr its entire surface be so affected, the evil consequences are similar, and fever is the name by which we designate it. Horses out of condition, or already in a low state, though feverish, with quickened pulse, do not require further re- duction ; since this is evidently "low fever," which I have treated of under a separate head; as I have also "Typhus fever," or the affection of the whole system which arises from a vitiated or corrujrt, state of the blood. But, in all cases, the best guides to the practitioner for his prescriptions, and indeed all his operations, are the causes, the symptoms, general health and peculiarity of cor>stitution of the animal ; when it so happens that such particulars can be extracted from those about him ; as will be the case in all studs of a superior cast. If the feverish affection arises from inactive kidneys, the diuretics re- commended lower down will be all the treatment that is requisite in such a case ; if a dull heavy pulse and the state of his dungings show that the bowels only are at fault, purgatives alone will restore health. So of any other vis- ceral obstruction, when these give pain fever ensues, and is best removed by the exhibition of mercury ; if the internal irritation continues, rowelling is the remedy most appropriate to such cases, and the state of the pulse will tell the doctor when and why he should bleed. This will bring us to an early con- sideration of "the pulse," its indications and general rules. In all cases of inflammation, whether of the whole system, or fever, or of particular organs, let bleeding be resorted to immediately, in quantity proportioned to the amount of heat, which is ascertained by the temper of the pulse. "Open the prima vice" also, is a good maxim of a late respected lecturer on those subjects, meaning thereby — purge the bowels or chief canal, and keep them open. Co- pious clysters of warm water-gruel assist the latter materially, particularly if a solution of salts be added, according to the nature of the case; but rather than delay the clyster through want of the ingredient being at hand, use simple warm water only. Very often, in slight attacks, the animal requires no other treatment, if resorted to in time ; but delay is dangerous, for with every hour the symptoms increase in a three-fold ratio, and the animal be- comes weaker and weaker every moment, and therefore less able to bear up against the attack. In all cases, be quick, for ruin is going on with rapid strides, whenever the animal shows signs of great internal pain. Fresh air, diluting liquids, and clysters, in all cases of inflammation whatsoever, are found of as much service in the restoration of health, as the best active medi- cines that can be administered; the first mentioned most positively so, unless the animal perspire greatly at the time, or it suffers under a fit of shivering. Danger is to be apprehended in the latter case, and the fresh air need not then be admitted ; but if shivering is succeeded by sweating, or even a small degree of moist heat, it may be considered as the crisis of the disorder, when something has taken place that is favourable to the cure — of which more par- ticulars in the proper place. Continued shivering, by the way, denotrs the termination of all inflammatory diseases — in death; cordials then may do good, but more frequently accelerate the catastrophe, whilst the diluting liquid — water-gruel, will afford relief in some measure, but can do no harm. But resh air, that issues not in streams, is of all other restoratives that upon which 1 place the most rehance; even removal to a fresh stall, or up and down the stable, effects great changes in the animal's spirits, that can not fail to strike the eye of an attentive observer, and bespeak, more than words can ionvey, the vital necessity of a cool atmosphere. The Pulse — Being thechiefest criterion forjudging of the state of the cir Ca PULSE, STATE OF-FEELING THR culation of the blood, and as I have sat down with the notion that my book will be read straight-an-end at first, let the reader attend a moment while I say a word or two on this preliminary topic. "Without an accurate knowledge of this touch-stone of the main spring of life, no one can form a judgment fit to be acted upon as to when it is necessary to bleed or of the quantity to be taken : thus, in cases of fever, the groom begii. j very properly by bleeding ; but he almost invariably takes too little, or in case of increased action of the pulse, through over exertion of the animal's powers, he bleeds when such a course is detrimental, and almost always administers cordials, thus reducing with one hand, and increasing the action with the other. — See pages 33, et seg. When in health, the pulsations or strokes are from thirty-six to forty in a minute; those of large heavy horses being slower than of the smaller; and of old ones, they are also slower than of young animals. When either may bejustoflf a quick pace, the strokes increase in number; as they do if he be alarmed, or terrified, or hear the hounds' familiar cry. Fever, of the simple or common kind, usually increases the pulsations to double the healthy num- ber; hence the propriety of ascertaining the state of this index of health, while the animal is still free from disease, goes to prove over again the pro- priety of my plan of teaching the curative art in animals by closely examin- ing the indications of health, and setting down in one's mind every deviation therefrom as the approach of illness, that ought to be met and combated at the threshold. In this vievyr of its utility, why might not the attendant groom, or horse- keeper in more humble establishments, keep a register of the state of every horse's pulse, when it comes first under his care, and renew the same exami- nation at intervals of a week or ten days 1 This practice alone would ren- der him expert in all cases of imminent danger; to say nothing of those other indications, the dungings and the water voided. On this latter point the reader will turn back to what is said of " Urine" in page 53, 53. As the fever increases in violence, likewise, when the animal is in great pain from inflammation of the intestines, &c., the pulse beats still higher, and reaches to 100 in a minute, or more. The danger is then great, and less than three or four quarts, drawn from a large orifice, would do harm rather than good, by increasing the action of the blood, and the hardness of the artery would also be increased. To ascertain either state, the attendant should ap- ply the points of his fingers gently to the artery which lies nearest the sur- face. Some prefer consulting the temporal artery, which is situated about an inch and a half backward from the corner of the eye. Others again, and they are the greater number, think it best to feel it underneath the edge of the jaw-bone, where the facial artery passes on under the skin only to the side of the face. In either case, too great pressure would stop the pulsation alto- gether, though by so trying the artery against the jaw bone, will prove whether It be in such a rigid state of excitement as attends high fever; or elastic and springy, slipping readily from under the finger, as it does when health prevails and the strokes follow each other regularly. TUe presence of high fever is further indicated by a kind of twang, or vi- oration, given by the pulse against the finger points, resembling much such as would be felt were we to take hold of a distended whipcord or wire between the fingers, and cause it to vibrate like a fiddle-string, sharply ; whereas, in health, a swell is felt in the vibration, as if the string were made of soft ma- terials, and less straightened ; — facts these which owners would do well to as- certain by practising upon the pulse of their own horses. Languid or slow puise, and scarcely perceptible in some of the beats or strokes, indicate low- acss of spirits, debility, or being used up : if this langue drawn, and that from a large orifice. Should this rigidity, or hardness of the artery continue, notwithstanding the bleeding, a quantity that shall cause faintness or tottering might be taken, or rather a repetition take place of the same o\>e- ration in lesser quantities, until that hardness of the artery is no longer felt. Some skill, derived from practice, is required in watching for this last men- tioned symptom ; but whatever is to be done, let there be no delay in the first operation : twelve hours should intervene between the two bleedings. Immediately hereupon, let a mild purgative be administered, adapting this, as well as the amount of bleeding, to the size of the horse, if he belong to either extreme of exceeding large or very small. For one of the moderate coach-horse kind give the following Purgative Ball. Aloes, 7 drachms. Castile soap, 4 drachms. Oil of caraways, 6 drops. With mucilage sufficient to form the ball for one aose. fn all cases of fever arising from accidents, hard runs, &c. which may beoon- ■idercd as temporary excitements only, the above treatment in its mildest fonn (if INFLAMMATION: SYMPTOMS. wi^ waca befim. DANGER OF RALAPSB. ^ a cnterion for jud^ng and acting promptly. He will evince languor and dul> ness, with half closed eyes, and a small discharge from them, as if tears es raped ; sometimes, this last will happen in cases of mere debility or starvation also, when it is not too much to suppose the animal may be deploring his hard fate. Consulting the pulse, however, vvill settle any doubt as to which ail- ment the animal labours under; for this main characteristic of health will, in the latter case, partake of his debility, and strike now hard and then soft, a few beats each : in this case a feed of corn or water gruel, would probably re- store a more healthful even pulse, whereas bleeding would go to destroy the patient. It has l>een termed low fever, though not very properly; and lentor or more justly lenteur (slowness, dulness, heaviness) by the French veterina- rians; yet, having no better name for it than "low fever," under that head, 1 shall shortly bestow a few lines on this s[)ecies of systematic debility. The dung and urine are always good indications of the state of the body; if the former fail, fever is the cause, it subtracts also from the quantity of urine,, and if he stale small quantities at short intervals, some internal inflammation has taken place. See Inflammation of the Kidneys. In fever, the mouth and tongue become drier than ordinary; and if any saliva be secreted, it is tough and ropy. If the animal be in condition, upon lifting the eyelid an uncommon redness appears; if he be out of condition, or in a low state, this does not al- ways happen ; so this indication may be reckened among the uncertain symptoms. If the remedy and the symptoms of fever are thus pressed forward together upon the reader's notice, as exemplifying the assiduity he should display in repeUing the attack, let him know that his work is but half completed when he finds the heat and acceleration of the pulse reduced by his endeavours to the ordinary standard. The tone of the patient's stomach and the whole di- gestive process require restoration, and this with a careful hand, that the bow- els may not again get overloaded; because why, a second attack of this sort would be more difficult to surmount than at first ; for the bowels have partly lost their function of expelling their contents, through the violence of the dis- ease, if not by the harsh action of the remedies employed. Hardy working horses, of course, recover their appetite as soon as the fever abates; and no further care is required for such than an occasional laxative or purgative, ac- cording to the amount of obstruction. The ball prescribed at page 63 may be given at intervals with the fever powders ; and subsequently, the fever drink prescribed below for all other descriptions of the horse recovering from fever. Fever Powder. No. I. Powdered nitre, 1 ounce. Emetic tartar, 2 drachms. Mix for (me dose. No. 2. Powdered nitre, 6 drachms. Camphor, 2 drachms. Calx of antimony, 1^ drachms. If either be deemed more desirable in the form of a ball, this may be eflected by mixing the powder with mucilage and meal; but in the form of powdef mixed with his corn is most eligible, as the medicine then acts earlier, wher»' ^ the ball presently descends into the great gut. Fever Drink. Cream of tartar, I ounce. Turmeric, 1 ounce. Diapente, 1 ounce. $B LOW FEVER. SYMPTOMS. Mix ill pcwder, and add to a pint of warm gruel, to be given once or twice a day. This is a good cool stomachic, and restores the appetite, at the same time that the disposition to the return of fever is kept down : if found of marked Bervice, the doses may be repeated to three or four times a day for a week. LOW FEVER. Together with typhus, or putrid fever, and rheumatic fever are diseases .ncident to the horse, though attempts were long made to deny the appUca- fion of these terms to any of his numerous afflictions, by those who dread, in- ordinately, the falling into analogies with the human practice; a fear that may be carried too far, notwithstanding all our care should be employed in separat- ing this from the veterinary practice. Cause. — Of low fever, under the idea of debility, a few words fell on the preceding pages: and truly, if "high fever" may be produced in a subject that IS full of blood or condition, by over-exercise, and the other causes thereof set down above (pages 59, 60, see also Book 1. at page 42, &c.), these same causes, operating upon a horse out of condition, or which has not sufficient blood in his frame to receive inflammation, necessarily occasion that languor which attends debility of the ei. Jre system. The reader will, perhaps, oblige me by turning to book I. at page 40, and reading over again what is there said as to some causes of low fever. But the respective terms we give to the various kinds of attack would signify much less than they deserve, were it not for the danger we should otherwise fall into of treating one disorder for another, when the symptoms (some of them) so much resemble each other. This dan- ger is more likely to come upon us in cattle medicine than in the other, since we are under the necessity of finding out what is the matter with our pa- tients, whilst the human doctor receives the information at once, in words. As inflammatory fever is more prevalent in the spring and summer, owing to the high condition of most horses when first attacked, so does low fever, or irritation of the animal system of a horse in low condition, mostly prevail in autumn and winter. We owe this latter in great measure to the debility or weakness brought on by the shedding of his summer coat, when the autum- nal equinox sets in. Being then much exhausted by the heat of the season just gone by, he sweats profusely on the least exercise ; then his coat becomes dry and husky when at rest, and his skin sticks tight to his ribs, slightly re- sembling hidebound. The animal having lost much of his natural covering and no care being taken to palliate this loss, he is more liable to catch cold if exposed and still pushed in his work. If not relieved from its severity, coach- horses in particular become unserviceable in great numbers, to an alarming degree, resembling much the distemper of the spring season. Too often it happens, such knocked-up horses are considered as done for, and the owner sells oflf; whereas ex [^riencc tells us, that a nourishing regimen would re- store them to their wonted vigour; for the serious or watery part of the blood (chap. 2, sect. 20, 21 ) having been drained off by the violent perspiration they were exposed to by their summer work, the muscular fibres become too rigid, and the blood too thick for circulating in the finer vessels ; it therefore re- mains rioting in the larger ones, distending their capacity and increasing the irritation. Working horses are then usually deprived of their corn, because they can not work ; this only adds to the irritation of the vascular system and Bolids which constitutes the low fever we ure now considering. Si/mptoms. — Parallels, or distinctive characteristics, of such diseases as somewhat resemble each other, are therefore very [iroper, inasmuch as they prevent those dangerous mistakes in practice that hapiien oftener (even in thv human practicel) than suits me even to hint at in this place. They are most REMEDY. FENTBR OF FUNCTIONAL DERANGEMENT. 6'7 (Miiticularly serviceable to veterinarians : for this reason it is I recommentl the reader to compare what is said of the symptoms of high fever, just above, with the present page, as regards the symptoms of low fever. They are placed near together for that purpose, as I then said (at page 64). The pulse in this case never mounts high during an entire minute, but beats quick a few strokes, and then slow, and so low as scarcely to be perceptible ; this denotes, that though fever be present, there is not strength sufficient to bring it to a crisis. The artery feels rigid, at intervals only, and again becomes supple, if not elastic, to the touch; his flanks are agitated more than usual, and his hind quarters and ears become cool if not cold. As in high fever, his eyes are dull and heavy, and water will occasionally fall from them. Though in the former species of fever he evince considerable pain, in this no such symp- tom appears, but despondency assumes its place. Remedy. — Unless his body be already too open, give the laxative draught, as under : and as he will still feed, diuretic powders may be mixed occasion- ally with his feed, consisting of nitre and rosin, of each about one ounce Should the urine appear turbid, or come off with difficulty, in small quanti- ties, the diuretic ball is indispensable ; and these, with good gruel and care, accompanied by tonics, will restore to the animal a comparative portion of health. Time and moderate usage will accomplish the remainder. Laxative Draught. Aloes and carbonate of potash, of each 2 drachms, Mint water, 4 ounces. This will correct the urine also, and its laxative quality may be increasfti by adding to the quantity of aloes. A Diuretic Ball. Turpentine and soap, of each 4 drachms, with mucilage to form the ball. A good restorative for lowness, occasioned by the moulting fever of autumn, is recommended by J. Clark, of Edinburgh : he says, "the end of autumn E roves very severe to those horses whose flesh and strength are exhausted by ard labour. In this low and spiritless state the moulting season comes on, and carries off numbers that good nursing and feeding, with rich boiled food, at this season might have preserved. Carrots and potatoes recover some horses surprisingly ; it renews their flesh and the fluids generally, and promotes the secretions ; it operates upon them nearly in the same manner as spiing grass, and its effects are presently visible on their coats." Many stable men give oatncieal mixed up into bergue, or crowdie, for horses that evince signs of lan- guor and lowness of spirits, after fatiguing work in winter : if made into stiff gruel, i. e. boiled, the restorative effect is found still more desirable, and a smaller quantity of oats then sufficetL. A gradual return to hard food does all for the horse's working condition which can be desired. Fever is brought on, in some degree, whenever it comes to pass that either .if the vital organs may be deranged in its functions. Not unfrequently it happens that a diuretic is all the patient requires, which may be judged of by the state of his pulse after the medicine has operated. When this is the case, the feverish symptoms owe their origin to suppression of urine, and the re- absorption of the contents of the bladder into the system. See Bladder and "Suppression of urine;" and, after treating the attack simply as such, a cor dial ball should then take place of all further treatment, as the immediate tail iJS COSTIVENESS; ITS CAUSES, SYMPTOMS, REMEDY. ing down of his pulse to a healthy standard will show. Too free use of urin* balls, however, in the hands of horse keepers, spoils the action of the bladder. See chap. ii. page 51. The French give a bottle of their routine wine made warm, and most of our farriers administer a quart of ale with the same view. Those are mostly wagon-horses, full of flesh, that so absorb the aqueous par- ticles of the urine, and ultimately the principle thereof (termed urea), and light up the fever anew. Another cause of feverish attacks, generally of the slighter kind, but liable to prove fatal, if neglected, is the retention of his dung, or constipation, which means costiveness. COSTIVENESS May be considered an original disease, and as one producing as well as being produced by fever. That is to say, hardness of tJie faeces generally attends a fever, and is frequently the chief cause of it : like the preceding ailment, we have only to remove the cause, and the effect ceases. See also " Diseases of the Liver." Cavses, — ^Want of the necessary or usual evacuation by stool, that is some times occasioned by the bowels having lost the power of exf)elling their con- tents, as described in the second chapter, page 45. Simply speaking, the in- dividual having been a long time dosed with purgatives, any neglect hereof causes the dung to harden and obstruct the contractile functions of the intes- tines : heat ensues, and re-absorption takes place, as in case of retenti a of urine, until the dung loses all moistun; and becomes as hard as baked clay, forming in the rectum (or straight gut), small round lumps. The same kind of big fleshy horses as are liable to suppression of urine, are also principal sufferers by constipation or costiveness. Hard food and hard work in warm weather is very productive of this malady, which is often mis- taken for inflammation of the bowels, the means of prevention, therefore, are obviously the direct contrary mode of feeding, and also keeping ^ good watch on the dunging of each horse in the team. Symptoms. — When constipation attends general fever, it is then but a cor- responding symptom of that disorder, and the reader is referred back a few pages to what is thei-e said on this head. But, when the pulse is not so high as to warrant us in pronouncing it fever, and the dung is ascertained to be hard, there is no difficulty in treating it as simple costiveness. It may be dis- tinguished from colic and from inflammation of the intestines, by the quiet state of the animal when he is down, which is not the case with either of those disorders, in which pain of the bowels is most evident ; whereas, these do not appear to suffer from the costiveness, though the brain and the whole of the nervous system, become more or less affected from sympathy with the stomach, and ultimately producing delirium and frenzy. His eyes offer the earliest symptoms by their duiness, contraction, and expansion, succeeded by sleepi- ness ; he refuses his food, he will not work, the mouth becomes hot and dry, the ears cold, and the breathing difficult or nearly imperceptible on account of the pressure of the stomach and bowels upon the midriff. See page 34. The pulsation usually increases, if he be in a tolerably good condition ; but ttiis increase is ever inconsiderable until fever comes on, and marks the period when blood-letting would be necessary. A dull heavy pulse is more common, until the paroxysms of madness may render this symptom a little sharper and quicker for a short period. At length he tumbles down, regardless of the situation, and the action of the head shows how greatly this part is affected, antil stupor and death ensue, if the sufferer be not relieved. Remedy. — Purgatives are not always the most eligible medicines even in th*> i-arlirst stages of the disorder ; for, if the constipation has lasted » con? INFLAMMATORY DISEASES. $^ siderable lime, great injury would be done to the intestines by forcing a pas- sage, whereby a commotion might be raised in the stomach, but would act in efficiently where the evil chiefly lies, viz. in the large intestines and rectum. As soon as it is ascertained that the animal has not dunged for some days — when he seems uneasy, a fulness is perceptible towards the flank, the funda- ment, &c. and unusual dryness and tightness is discovered at this latter part, the operation of back-raking should be resorted to. Castor oil, one pint, would indeed find a passage in the first stages of the attack, but good part of the evil usually remains behind ; in the more advanced stages, especially when the patient drops, nothing else will relieve him but back-raking. Let the operator strip his arm bare, and having well anointed it with soft soap, lard, or butter, (the first being the most eligible,) he will bring his fingers to a point, and gently introduce the hand and wrist, when he will feel and draw forth a portion of the indurated faeces he will there meet with, in lumps harj and dry. This he may repeat three or four (or more) limes, and leave the animal to himself a little, whilst a drench is preparing. Trivial as the relief may seem which has been thus afforded to the patient, he will immediately evince proofs of its benefits, by a more sane conduct, by licking forth his tongue, opening the half shut eyes, by looking about him, and sometimes by getting upon his legs. In this latter case, plain water gruel, as warm as a person might take it without inconvenience, may be administered in the quan- tity of two or three quarts, if he will take so much; but if the animal be ex hausted, and does not get up without diflliculty, or without help, one half the drench may be ale or porter. Although he will seem recovered, and may pro- duce a stool, his bowels must next be emptied. In order to this, give a Laxative Draught or Drench. Castor oil, half a pint. Aloes, 2 drachms, Prepared kali, 2 drachms. Water gruel, 1 pint. Repeat this next day, leaving out the oil, and doubling the quantitj cf aloes; or, after an interval, give the usual purgative ball, containing seven oi eight drachms of aloes, as prescribed at page 63. Inflammatory dtseases of every sort leave behind them a good share of weakness, which full feeding will not always amend. We must therefore restore the tone of the digestive powers by the aid of medicine, that may be repeated according to circumstances, and the returning strength of the a n- valescent animal. Tonic Ball. No. 1. Jesuit's bark, 7 drachms. Prepared kali, 2 drachms. Mucilage sufficient to form the ball for one dose. In ordinary cases, one of these per day for a week will be found to tiAvt ♦Jone as much for the animal as could be desired. But should the coal stil' appear rough and staring, give the following : fl TYPHUS FEVER; I IS SYMPTOMa Tonic Ball. No. 2. Salt of steel, or sulphate of iron, Col umbo root, and Bark, of each 3 drachms. With mucilage to form the ball. Great precaution is necessary to prevent a relapse, which would render the patient's case more dangerous than at first; the animal being less capable of Bearing up against a fresh attack, by reason of the reductions he has been sub- jected to. Soft or sodden oats, fine hay, clover, a few vetches, carrots, grasg cut fresh from a sloping ground, may succeed each other in small quantities, until he may be returned to oats and hay as usual. If the heat return at in- tervals, as usually happens towards nightfall, give him A Cooling Decoction. Linseed, 2 quarts. Coarse sugar, 2 ounces. Water boiling hot, 6 quarts poured upon the seed. Let it simmer three or four hours, and pour off the liquid for use when nearly cold. The linseed will bear another water, less in quantity ; but some horses will take the seeds also, which may be permitted. Give the whole in the course of the day, at two or three intervals, and repeat the same decoction once or twice more. TYPHUS, OR PUTRID FEVER, Is caused by long-continued debility, or slow fever, as much as by the in- judicious use of medicines administered for the cure thereof Of these, the most common error consists of cordial medicines, diapente, wines, &c. ; which, as they give a short -Uved vigour to the animal, are supposed to have done some good, and are therefore persisted in, until the digestive and secreting parts of the system are spoiled. — See chap. 2, page 22, &c. Symptoms, the same as those in slow fever, mark typhus fever, only the pulse is accelerated upon taking the medicines just alluded to: its irregularity IS also greater, until, by continuance of the disease, it ceases to denote any particular state of the body long together. Hence, the supply of new blood carries with it similar effects : the vitals lose their tone, and the muscular part of the system wastes and becomes rotten on the bones, and if the same stimu- .ating treatment has been kept up until the animal dies, its flesh will be found on dissection to have acquired an uncommonly bright purple colour, not only on the surface, but wherever incision is made. Putrescence, in a high degree, has already taken place ere that catastrophe seals the suflTerer's fate! I mention these mmor circumstances to prove Tso far as I can do so) the real existence of this main type of putrid fever. Another symptom of typhus goes to the same proof, namely, delirium, which follows a continuance of the stupidity discoverable in slow fever. A well-marked case is reported in the Annals of Sporting, for Nov. 1824, to which work I have since been some months attached; and, although I was precluded by absence from examining the subject, I have reason to rely on the report afterwards made to me by Mr. P.>rd that its flesh was putrid in an extremely offensive degree, and wholly anlit even to be cast to the dogs, Frora the very unaflccted and detailed account of the narrator, it appears MAD STAGGERS.— RHEUMATIC FEVER. 71 plain that unskilful persons might be led to apprehend such paryoxisms de- noted hydrophobia ; but a short inquiry into the habits of the horse previous to its last delirium, would go a gotxl way to relieve the anxiety usually instil- led into a neighbourhood by such events. None can say, however, until the experiment be tried, whether animals fed on such meat might not acquire ra- bies thereby. The mad staggers, as the term is, which has never been satisfactorily ac- counted for, can be no other than this delirium of the typhus fever, brought on by pushing the animal in his work although labouring under slew fever. None but common or ordinary cart-horses are lost in the staggers ; whilst none but a very ordinary owner would so force his cattle to the last extremity dur- ing illness. As the above is all I shall find it necessary to say of staggers, I must here remark on the singular impropriety of Mr. Richard Lawrence's considering this as an attack of apoplexy ! Since one pang alone denotes ihe death so to be named. Rheumatic Fever is one of those disorders in the horse, upon the existence of which doctors disagree ; but doubtless the vicissitudes of heat and cold to which the horse is subjected, whereby the whole system is checked so as to occasion general fever, is equally likely to check the circulation in one or two limbs only. And the pain the animal would thus labour under in the per- formance of its duties would constitute one of the causes assigned higher up for simple fever. Little good, however, would ensue by my considering it separately ; so I shall content myself with referring the reader to the head of simple rheumatism. Epidemic fevers — Distemper. Cause. — When these appear, from time to time, they may fairly be ascribed to the season ; for the kind of attack is not of a nature to become communica- tive, unless by continuance putridity follows: then, indeed, infection may be- gin, as it would also happen in any of the preceding species of fever. A rainy spring after a mild winter producer an epidemic catarrh, as well as sudden chill, among horses that are out at pasture whilst shedding their coats, and the most delicate receive this influence earliest. We may as well consider, that whatever may give one horse a cold, or aifect his lungs, singly applied to him, would, if applied to many, in like manner affect the whole : this constitutes epidemy, or the distemper. Cloudy weather and cold easterly night winds, when the weather is warm or murky by day, is more likely to check the ac- tion of the lungs or of the whole system, than when a colder season has pre- pared the animals to withstand the influence thereof. An epidemic prevails sometimes in autumn ; but, happen when it may, horses at grass acquire it less often than those which are kept in, upon hard food. Symptoms. — As just intimated, a cold, that harbinger of so many other evils, is what marks the epidemic in every case ; in addition to this, the animal will labour under the other symptoms of fever before described, according to ifs actual state of body at the time of attack. Thus, if the horse be in full Cesh and vigour, his veins quickly fill with the stream of fife, inflammation of the blood wiil ensue, or rather, to speak more accurately, of the vessels which contain it; hence, simple fever, or fever of the whole system follows, as before described, pp. 62, 63 , but, be he poor, with little blood to receive inflamma tion, low fever is that particular affection which accompanies the original cold or catarrh Hence, 1 feel no hesitation in classing the epidemic — at least all those which have happened in my time, with one or the other of those diseases, and re- ''ommend treating it accordingly. At its earliest stage, of course, as it assuriicii 72 TREATMENT OB PULMONARY PATIENTS. Ihe shspe of a catarrh or cold (which in the more malignant cases become* "Inflammation of the lungs,") I should treat it as such; but if not called in until this attaf'k had extended to the animal's whole system, and catarrh had subsided into general inflammation, no reason exists why we should consider it a different disorder, merely because the patients may be more numerous than ordinary! The reader had therefore best proceed on to the next head of information, for the details as to the sufferings and cure of a single animal, which I apprehend will instruct him how to treat the many ; for, neither the name nor the character of the disorder can be changed by this circumstance^ however tlarming its extent. INFLAMMATION OF THE LUNGS. Catises. — Like all other of its class of disorders, inflammation of the lungs is occasioned by a sudden check being given to the circulation, by cold when the animal is heated, either by exercise, food, or close stabling, as before de- scribed. How it happens that this organ of animal life is much more fre- quently deranged than any other, the reader who has well studied the second chapter, pp. 31, 32, will be at no loss to account for; adhesion of the pleura, or of the lungs, to the ribs, &c. as described at section 3'2, being very common : the labour of action, not to call it pain, is greatly increased thereby, and a certain degree of fever is thus engendered and kept up. The animal is in this manner always predisposed to acquire cold or catarrh ; and ultimately inflammation of the lungs comes on, if the cold be neglected. Excessive ex posure to the rougher elements, added to the changes in our humid atmo- spheric temperature, accounts for the prevalence of affection of the lungs. Out of the same causes arise several minor evils, to be considered here- after; as, Simple cold, or catarrh. Broken wind, of three kinds. Roaring. Chronic cough. - The symptoms of inflamed lungs rapidly follow each other; shivering, dif- ficulty of breathing, loss of appetite and sluggishness, with drooping of the head, become visible in quick succession. In a few hours, if the animal be in good keep, longer, if out of condition, those symptoms increase, with un- usually quick action of the flanks, accompanied by hot mouth and hectic cough. Its ears and legs become cold, and he cares not to lie down, or being down, he rises languidly, as if mourning his fate. Sometimes the progress •jf this monstrous disease is accelerated by its previous habits, if the animal's constitution be predisposed towards inflammation. The cure is sometimes mainly effected by the effusion of water in the chest, which frequently takes place upon bleeding the patient; the practitioner has little more to do than place himself in the situation of the handmaid of nature, and all will go on well towards perfect restoration. How this effusion is per- formed, iione can know. Suffice it for our purpose, that such is the case, as 1 have shown in the second chapter, where 1 undertook to in ve:=ligate the ani- mal functions separately, and imagine I can not be misunderstood : See sec- tions I'J. 20, 21, in particular, at pages 22, 23. We may a^^certain when v„«b riiuistou l.jis taken place, by an evident remission of the desponding symp- t()ms just set down: the flanks cease to heave so much as hitherto, the animal AmJis up more cheerfully, he tries to eat a bit, the cough almost ceases, and the warmth of the ears returns, all in a partial degree; but the roughness of HEAT, HOW REDUCBD. 73 fiiscoat, which always accompanieg inflammation, does not so soon return toit« original suppleness but assumes the first symptoms of hide-bound. When those favourable symptoms appear, much assiduity in the minor helps to ro* covery should be kept up, though further bleeding will be evidently unneces- sary. 1 have presumed that the patient has been already blooded in this as in all other inflammatory attacks, and that to an amount commensurate to the vi- rulence of the attack, even to the amount of five or six quarts, if the animal is of full habit Of this proportionate degree, or quantity, let the reader more precisely inform himself by turning back to what is said on this head and the pulse, under general inflammation, or fever, at pages 63 and 64. The ope- rator will of course follow up the bleeding with the purgative ball prescribed at page 63, in the case of general inflammatory disorders. Were 1 to repeal over again such general instructions, however diversified in language, 1 should add no new information. In every case of bleeding a laxative should follow, as l>efore directed, and clysters or water-gruel be administered in aid of both, at intervals of three or four hours. Neglect not tolerably warm clothing ; and by good hand rubbing, beginning [gently, for 'tis sore] at the neck and chest, and so proceeding towards the hind quarters, endeavour to obtain ex- ternal heat, if not perspiration. When these appear, it is a sign that effusion has taken place, in a greater or less degree, acct)rding to the quantity of per- spiration. This may be assisted in some degree, after the laxative and clyster have well subsided, by administering a ' Sweating Ball. Take tarter emetic and asafoetida, of each one drachm. Liquorice powder and syrup, enough to form the ball for one dose. Repeat the same in twelve hours, unless much perspiration has supervened in the meantime, when there will be no necessity for repetition. Thin water- gruel will assist the expected perspiration; or, if the animal be a fleshy one, a bran mash may supply its place: either must be given blood-warm. The heat of the lungs, which is the immediate cause of the disorder, is vi- sibly reduced by every inspiration of fresh air the animal takes. Naturally, then, this air should be fit for its purpose, or pure ; at least not the confined air of an over-filled stable, replete with noxious effluvia; nor, on the other hand, a current of air that issues by doors and windows to the r*ght and to the left, particularly in cold weather, or even in warmer weather whilst the animal is yet sweating with the diaphoretics just now recommended. As in most other affairs of life, the best will be found the medium course; for the noxious stable air having irritated and so predisposed the lungs to receive the blighting influence of the cold air, it follows that either extreme of stimulat- ing, or bracing overmuch, must do harm one way or the other. A tuil and free inquiry into the best means of employing this main auxiliary in the re- storation of health in inflammatory disorders would be well worth the labom of any veterinarian competent to the task ; but as regards myself at present, such a course would ill suit my views in writing this too brief treatise. 1 shall, therefore, content myself with observing here, that since it is to this want of ventilation in stables, and crowding many horses together, that we jwe all pulmonary complaints and most fevers, the subject is worthy consider- afion as a preventive as well as a remedy. Formerly, the general practice was to clothe the animal almost to suffoca- tion, and to close up every aperture by which air might enter the stable; tht, consequence of which mistaken notion was a severe attack of the lunas that. 8* 74' AIR- VENITLATION OP STABIJJS. usually proved fatal, wherever these addenda to stable management could be employed in supposed perfection. Not so the poor man's or the dealer's horses under inflammation of the lungs, or the more dreaded •' epidemic distemper;" his stables being more or less pervious, and his horse clothing without the nap, it was no uncommon thing to find these had recovered, whilst the more pampered and more valuable animals fell victims to every spe- cies of inflammatory diseases. These results were known to many, in various circles, about the time of the establishment of the Veterinary College ; and the mutual communications that thence resulted, proved the impolicy of the old plan of adding heat to heat, and increasing the disposition to acquire disease, of the lungs in particular. A revolution which had recently taken place in the human practice regarding the treatment of inflammatory and febrile disorders, also contributed to open the eyes of our veterinary practitioners in this respect, and they adopted the direct contrary practice in its greatest extremity. Mr. Colman advised turning the horse into a loose box, leaving open the apertures, without clothing or paying any regard to the seasons. Nought, however, could be more absurd than to sup[)ose that a disease which is produced by cold should have the continuance of cold prescribed for its cure. My practice has been to aflford the animal as much fresh air to breathe as could possibly be allowed consistently with keeping out a draught or current; taking care also that none whatever should be directed towards his body, nor any enter the stable from the windward in stormy or cold seasons. With these precautions, in a loose box and well covered up about the chest, but not tight- ly, he would ever be found turning round to that side where the most air was .0 be obtained, as if by instinct, knowing whence the readiest natural relief from his sufferings was to be found. In one case, of an aperture being made into an adjoining shed, the patient was frequently discovered inhaling the little air which was to be drawn thence, though the orifice was no other than a dis- placed knot of the wood partition. In general, the disease bends before the remedies proscribed; the hand- rubbing must be continued, particularly of the legs, which in the worst period of the disease are uncommonly fine, but should it last him some time they swell, and in either case prove they are the barometer of the disorder, as well as the necessity of rubbing them. On the other hand, should the pulsation increase after bleeding, and no favourable symptoms appear (as indeed they can not be then expected), this necessary operation must be repeated to the same amount as at first, or up to a state of tottering as recommended before, at page 63: this necessity will occur but seldom, and that always with patients in previously high condition. Therefore, no danger can be apprehended from this copious discharge; for, at the end of twelve hours or less, which is the period at which 1 should again resort to the fleam, the blood would have re- turned tcits former courses in every respect ; the continuance of fever up to the same original height of the pulse, shows that the particular animal then under treatment, possessed an uncommon quantity of blood, and therefore that an unusual quantity should be taken away in order to alleviate the heat that is de- stroying it, and will destroy it, if the heat be not subdued at this second bleeding; for, should this fail, I expect little good from further attempts, though it is desirable to try what I always consider as the forlorn hope. Should those remedies fail, suppuration takes place usually in six and thir- ty hours, and the animal is lost. Occasionally, however, it happens with low- prieed animals, that the inflammation fixes itself and terminates with de- struction of one lobe only of the lungs, generally that on the right side, the jther performing all the functions, but how perfectly, or for how long time, ) ha(! no means of ascertaining. At this point of his inquiries, the studioua fader had better consult over ajrain what 1 thought it necessary to say upon th* INFLAMED LUNG3. BLISTERING AND ROWELUNG EMPLOYED. 75 Jissection of the lungs, in chap. 2, pages 31 to 34; but he will please to re- member, I am not at present prepared to maintain, that the real cause of a destroyed lobe, which I have just suggested, is more correct than that ven tured by me at page 33. Bleeding, though highly beneficial at first, when the animal system is in full vigour, is extremely dangerous after the inflammation has continued some time. When (the fever continuing) weakness is indicated by swelling of the legs, or nature seeks to relieve itself by a running at the nose, then bleeding will be harmful ; this latter was considered a most favourable indication of crisis in the epidemic fevers of my youth; but 1 sincerely hope that the groundless fears the rumour of such a plague engenders, never more will visit us with affright : the idea of infection, in such cases, is too ridix;ulous to admit of refu- tation. Weakness follows, of course, every attack of so vital an organ as the lungs, and is a necessary consequence of the great evacuations of each sort his ex treme danger has rendered indispensable. But cordial balls, or indeed, stimu lants of any sort, are very improper, and might occasion a partial relapse, if given before the animal is quite recovered. Good grooming, diet, and exer- cise, constitute the means of restoring his strength. Let him be well rubbed down, daily, and his nostrils s{>onged out clean and often, when the discharge takes place, which most commonly attends the cure; the same offensive mat- ter must be cleaned away from the stall and manger, and he may be led forth daily whilst this business is going on. Hand-rubbing the legs should con- tinue, so as to promote warmth , and they may be subsequently wrapped up, especially if the weather be chilly, with hay-bands, &,c. Exercise may be gradually increased as the patient gains strength and appetite. At first, good stout oat-meal gruel, sweetened with coarse sugar or treacle, alternating this with wheat-meal, in order to coax his appetite; then oats which have been steeped in boiling water may be given, and next put him to hay of fine odour, in small quantities at a time. If grass or green vetches can be procured, a little, and not too much, may be cut for the now convalescent horse, in order to keep open his body ; on the contrary, should he appear low spirited, a little malt occasionally will give him more vigour before leading him to the field every day, or leaving him there in clothing, whilst the sun may be out, if it shine at all. Blistering and rowellino are recommended by most veterinarians, a-s tending to divert inflammatory heat from the more vital part of the surface. The theory is good; in the practice of human medicine I believe blistering is universally adopted ; and this is one reason why I ever looked upon this means of cure with suspicion, even before I ascertained that the general heat or fever is always increased by the employment of either blister or rowel. Both are of the same nature; and the practitioner may learn how either citrates on the system by ascertaining the state of the pulse previously to the application, and comparing it with the increased action of that barometer whilst the remedy is taking effect. Subsequently, however, it must be con- fessed, the agitation of the pulse will subside; and although I seldom find oc casion for employing either blister or rowel, yet 1 am free to allow, that the manner in which inflammation of these organs sometimes terminates (namely nil abscess, or soft tumour under the skin), seems to invite an early adoption ^f artificial means to bring about the same ends. The hand-rubbing just re- commended effects this to a certain extent; and if it has been neglected, or Idzily performed, then will blistering become necessary to prevent suppuration within. As this tumour usually makes its appearance and marks the crisis of acute attack?, the practitioner may form an estimate of the probable beneficial of- 79 A COLD— WHAT! fects of blistering in any case, by comparing and noting the earliest symptom* of any two cases, in one of which the crisis has been subsequently attended with such a superficial tumour, and in the other not so. He will then v^- ploy blistering with more reliance on its efficacy than 1 have found nec'^ sary after the hand-rubbing. When this remedy is adopted for inflammation of the lungs, employ blister- ing ointment composed of cantharides and sweet oil, or hog's lard, or all three — or the following Blistering Ointment. Cantharides, powdered, 5 drachms. Hog's lard, 4 ounces. Oil of turpentine, 1 ounce. Mix, for one extensive application over each side of the chest ; which is a neater and more expeditious method of attaining the desired end than rowel- ling. When the latter method is adopted, let the tow used for the rowel be dipped in a mixture of sweet oil and oil of turpentine ; and the skin of the breast or belly, — if more than one such seton is employed, — be separated only just sufficient to admit the rowel, in order to increase the irritation , but if the surrounding parts swell to an inordinate size, change the tow for some which has been sodden in digestive ointment. Pleurisy, or inflammation of the pleura, a membrane covering the two lobes of the lungs (see chap. ii. p. 42) — has been described by Lawrence as a separate disease ; but, as the treatment is the same as the preceding, I can see no propriety in making the distinction he does, especially as we can not know the difference until after death discloses all imperfections. A COLD OR CATARRH. Causes. — If I sought much nicety of arrangement, the disorder termed " a cold," would have preceded the similar but more malignant attack I have de- scribed under "Inflammation of the Lungs." Both are occasioned by cold applied to the animal's organs of respiration at a time that he is most suscepti- ble of its influence, differing only in the part which may suffer. Thus, when the canal through which the air passes receives the check (before described), which is the immediate cause of inflammation, every one agrees in its being merely " a cold," though in most cases no attack is more replete with danger if neglected. But the origin and progress of such a check upon the functions of the membrane that lines this canal, having been already fully described in the se- cond chapter, pages 33, the studious reader must turn back to that part, if he would trace causes to their effects, and does not presently recollect all that is tnere said on this topic. One prolific source of the disorder termed a cold, is found in ihe shedding of the coat in spring and in autumn, a process of nature always attended with a certain degree of debility or general weakness. Hence it is that the animal sweats profusely upon the least exertion ; and being in this state suflered to stand (harnessed perhaps") in the open air to cool, the sweating is too suddenly stopped, and he gets a cold at least. That the lungs should suffer the soonest of any other organ is not at all astonishing : the very great exertions made by the lungs in the business of progression, is much increased by adhesions and other obstructions to the action of its several parts ; and this, added to theii exposure, externally, and the coastant inhalation of fresh, cold damp air • SYMPTOMS. 77 (i!*ogether, the prevalence of pulmonary affections in every vaned stage ought no longer to be matter of surprise to any person, however casually he may look at the matter. The horse is subject to cold or catarrh at every season of the year, and some animals retain chronic cough all the year round, and some during their natural lives. But the cold which is contracted in the spring differs materially from that of the uutumn. The former attacks the animal when he is full of hard meat and gross feeding — "full of humours," according to a homely but intelligent phrase, and a malignant sore throat or an inflammation of the lungs is the ultimate consequence, however slight the cold may have been at first. Sometimes access of all those symptoms of diseased lungs, which I have already or may hereafter take occasion to describe, will be found in the same animal, and he usually bends before the complication of evils and dies, unless speedily relieved by bleeding, &c. From its prevalence at some seasons, we then agree to call it "epidemic," and to recommend a treatment corresponding with the prevailing symptoms, if these be mild, as a simple cold ; which form the epidemic fever or distemper always assumes in its earliest stages. On the other hand, the cold or catarrh which the moulling animal acquires in au- tumn, finds his system reduced by the heat and labour of summer; his blood, in quality or quantity, is scarcely capable of being excited to inflammation, and the first attacks are more easily subdued. Neglect, however, increases the evil at all times, especially with the more valuable well-conditioned ani- mals, some of which are so tenderly managed, that they scarcely can stand the opening of a door or shutter after dark, without catching cold. Neither autumn or winter is the season for remedying this defect in stable manage- ment, — if ever it can be got over at all. Symptoms. — According to the precise part attacked, these vary not only as to appearances, but as to virulence or malignity, always increasing as the com- plaint descends lower and lower down towards the seat of vitality ; the danger being also greatly augmented when the animal is pre-disposed to acquire catarrh in its worst forms by some previous misfortune — as adhesion, &c. A simple cold consists in slight inflammation of the membrane which hues the nose, windpipe, &c. the functions of which membrane in health are described in the 34th section, chap. ii. together with the manner in which the disease is engendered. As we find in all other inflammatory disorders, variations in the symptoms occur, according to the previous constitution or evils of the in- dividual, and its actual condition — much more than is attributable to an ad- verse season, or the immediate cause of disease. For example, if two equal animals be exposed to a chilly night air, that horse which had performed a journey previously to turning out, would catch a cold for certain, — the other most probably would escape ; but, if both had performed the same journey, let us suppose, and one of them laboured under the constitutional defect of "adhesion of the pleura," (see page 32), he would acquire the more malignant cold, known as "inflammation of the lungs," — his less unhappy mate a simple cold. What horrid symptoms denote the former, 1 have attempted to describe ; the simple cold, at its first appearance, is too well known to require minute description. If the cold extend no farther than a check upon the mucous secretion of the membrane that lines the nose, a purulent discharge is first observed in the morning, its eyes become dull and a little bleared ; and, in twenty-four hours, a short cough denotes that the inflammation is creeping onwards, and has reached the epiglottis. The attack upon this point of conjunction between the throat and mouth, will be greatly accelerated by the injury most horses sustain which have been subjected to the brutal operation of beiug "coughed'* 79 SORE THROAT— RE&IEDIES. by the dealers; — an i/-jury that thus produces latent ejfTects, chough the pain were originally little, and that little long ago departed. We h'ear this kind of first attack termed " a cold in the head," the second symptom is "a cough," and feel no disposition to quarrel with either term. In proportion as the attack may be more severe, the symptoms increase, as does the danger. Passing the hand down over the windpipe, at the epiglottis, *he animal will shrink if it be sore within, and he will soon evince difficulty of swallowing, and refuse his food: inflammation has begun. When these are not preceded by a discharge from the nose, this symptom does not appear until the inflammation is lowered by bleeding and other remedies: the dis- charge is then an indication that the inflammation, or heat, has subsided and no longer demands the adjacent secretions. See page 33, for a more minute description how this demand takes place. With those symptoms of sore throat others become apparent, and the whole assume a malignant tendency proportioned to the severity of the attack and previous state of the suffering animal. As happens in all other inflammatory complaints, the pulse tells of the existence of fever, in its degree : accompanied by languid eyes, breathing quick and laboriously, and general heat of the skin without perspiration. In some cases the sore throat is substituted, in some measure, by enlargement of the glands underneath the jowl, which are also attended by soreness more or less ; and as this species of attack is occasioned by the humidity of a cold spring or wet autumn acting upon moulting horses^ great numbers feel its influence at once, and gives reason for veterinary writers to consider this general distemper as "the influenza," and an "epidemic." Enough has already been said under the latter head of information, therefore let us proceed to treat of the thing as it regards the individual patient. Remedy. — When the glands swell, as just mentioned, and there is no reason to doubt, according to the corresponding symptoms, that it is the effect of a cold — which may further be ascertained by their heat and tension, let some discutient application be used — as camphorated spirits of wine : but if the in- flammation be to a great degree, bran poultice may be applied to advantage. If those enlarged glands already contain matter the tendency to irritation vyill thus be reduced ; if merely sordid tumours, either application will effect relie^^ by reducing the size and tenderness of the part, so as the animal may take his medicines with less difficulty. Steaming the head for an hour, or applying hot flannels that have been steeped in boUing water, will be fouitd serviceable, taking care to dry-rub the coat immediately after, which also assists to reduce the swelling. If this symptom does not give way before those applications, and the throat is ascertained to be sore, blistering may be resorted to, taking care to extend it over the whole of the parts affected. See page 76. As in all other inflammatory diseases, bleeding to an amount proportioned to the violence of the attack, with purgatives and clysters, should accompany the foregoing external applications : and these, with plenty of bran mashes, sodden oats, and the fever powders prescribed at page 65, will reduce the symptoms. Similarly to those also will be the precariousness of his complete recovery, and so should be the care that the relapse, to which he is for a time daily liable, should not reach to a great height. 1 need not repeat the general precautions which are set down at page 70. Unwilling to leave the reader in a dilemma as to the mode of applying the bran poultice just recommended and upon the efficacy whereof I mainly rely, [ have taken the pains to sketch a bandage proper for that purpose, with its fewtenmgs, the ingenious contrivance of some Frenchman, whose naaie I L-o- !.*▼€! to have been Bourgelat. MODE OF BANDAGtMO. n It will be seen, that unless the remedy proposed is practically applicaole, the preparation thereof would l)e wholly unprofitable; therefore, when the poultice, the steaming, or the blistering, be found necessary, we should en- deavour to secure it in the best possible manner ; and as most persons are out poor horse milliners, I have undertaken in this instance, as well as in cases Df Strangles, Poll-evil, and Vives, to exhibit the best means of retaining the remedies in their proper places. The cloth to be employed should be of stout but supple linen, as Russia duck: or hempen sail-cloth; or in failure hereof, a fresh sheep-skin, or a piece of Shamoy leather might be substituted. Some recommend steeping the cloth in a solution of gummy substances, to render it water-tight ; but such contrivances only add to its unconquerable stiffness, and I should prefer oiled silk, such as used for umbrellas, if readily procurable, and not too dear for the pockets of those more immediately con- cerned. When spread abroad, the cloth will be of an irregular octagon shape, at each corner whereof it is to be strongly sewed on a piece of broad tape for the pur- pose of fastening to the girth, or round the neck, or to a breasting of broad web, which is supported by another piece, that passes over the withers, and which two should be previously fastened together by stitching the cross-pieco ends upon the breasting. The two extremes of the bandage will be the fillet across the forehead and the fastening at the girth ; therefore measure should be previously taken of the whole length proper for the individual patient, lest the tie, which would otherwise be necessary at the ears, might discommode tho animal, and occasion skittishness ; or on the other hand, the application would not be kept in its place properly. A single glance, however, at the cut will instruct a tolerably expert workman, or work-woman, how to manufacture such a bandage as would answer every purpose. THE COUGH Which accompanies this disorder will frequently remain afler the other symp- toms have abated ; in some cases a cough is the only symptom of catarrhal in- flammation that the animal suffers under, and in bioth we should apply our- irelves to reduce the inflammation of the wind-pipe, «fcc. which sceasions the t,0 REMEDIES WHEN VARIED, BENEHCTAL. covurh ; for -f not cured at once, it baffles all our efforts for a long while, and ultimately becomes what is denominated (from the length of time it has last- ed) a CHRONIC COUGH. But no absolute necessity exists for considering these as separate or distinct diseases, the one being but a prolongation or fastening of the other on the system, as described at page 85 below : therefore should Dur attention to the first attack be unremitted, and the remedies applied in turn to each variation of the symptoms. If these are accompanied by the swellings and soreness of the throat and glands, just spoken of, the cough will generally cease, when these symptoms are removed ; but if not, the cough must be considered as a simple disease, and be treated accordingly. By the way, seeing that after all our care and anxious examination, we can but imperfectly distinguish between some cases of ill-cured catarrh, or the chronic cough, and the incipient cough, or a fresh cold, the practitioner would do well, in cases of doubt, when he finds one of those remedies fail to afford the expected relief, to try another, and another, for example. When the cough continues, and there is reason to apprehend, from tne frequent and violent efforts of the animal to expel the mucous secretion, that this is thick or viscid, and does not come away, though the animal evidently sneezes for that purpose, — the lungs must be relieved by softening the agglu- tination; otherwise termed "cutting the phlegm." Venesection always ef- fects this end ; but, when blood-letting is not rendered otherwise necessary, the drenches Nos. 1 and 2 will afford relief. As the cough always becomes more and more troublesome as the discharge lessens of itself, or ceabes alto- gether, we may conclude some lurking virus that has fixed upon the lungs is the immediate cause of the cough. In order to enable the lungs to throw ofl this cause by a more copious discharge, give the Expectorant Ball. — No. 1. Sulphur, half an ounce. Asafoetida, 1 ounce. Liquorice powder, 1 ounce. Venice turpentine, 1 ounce. Mix foi four doses, and give one on each of four succeeding nights. See his exercise be moderate, and allow him the cooling regimen before referred to (page 67), as proper for convalescent horses after inflammatory attacks. Expectorant Ball. — No. 2. Powdered squills, 2 drachms. Gum ammoniacum, 4 drachms. Powdered ipecacuanha, 4 drachms. Opium, 4 drachms. Ginger and allspice, of each 1 ounce. Balsam of sulphur, 4 ounces. Mix, for SIX balls, with Castile soap, 2 ounces, beaten up with mucilage ; treacle, or syrup : to be given once or twice a day. If this regimen can not be followed by reason of want of attendants, his ^jowels at least should be kept in a proper open state by mild laxatives ; or, if costiveness prevailed when the cough first came on, simply opening the bowels will then procure ease, if it do not effect a cure. This muy be at- tained by giving, for three or four days, UILT ANU RE^JIMEN. '^1 The Laxative Ball. Aloes, one and a half drachms. Ipecacuanha, one and a half drachms. Mu N'*h liquorice powder and mucilage for one dose. Ti.vse rfiedicines, and every modification of them, which the experienced chemiw-t ran suggest, it is desirable should be tried in succession, as the seat of the disorder is so very various and uncertain, that the partial good which «»ne may effect, will frequently be aided by another. To this end the follow Ing ball and drenches have been prescribed and used with success — Diuretic Ball. Yellow resin, 2 ounce.s. Turpentine, 4 ounces. Soap, 3 ounces. Salad oil, 1 ounce. Oil of aniseed, half an ounce. Powdered ginger, 2 ounces. ICub the two last together in a mortar, with a little linseed powder. Melt the i^t three articles over a slow fire, and then mix in the powders. Divide the mass into eight balls, and give one a day until the water is affected. Drench. — No. 1 Vinegar, 8 ounces. Squills, 2 ounces. Treacle, 6 ounces. Bruise the squills and pour on the vinegar boiling hot; simmer these near the fire two or three hours, then strain off and add the treacle. Divide into three or four parts, and give a portion two or three times in the course of the day. Drench.— No. 2. Bruised garlic, 4 ounces. Vinegar, 12 ounces. Pour on the vinegar boiling hot ; let it simmer four or five hours, strain off and add six ounces of honey. Divide into three parts or four, and give in the course of the day at intervals. But no ultimate cure can be effected unless the diet and regimen is pro- Serly followed up; nor, if the animal be pushed in his work whilst the disor- er is virulent; and, after all our care, if the cough does not abate, but be- comes worse by reason of a new cold, it fixes upon the lungs, ami the animal drags out a miserable existence. This has been usually treated of as con- Buniption, by reason of its resemblance to the same disorder in human medi- cine, from the wasting away, or consumption of the animal system, which ac- companies a diseased state of the pulmonary arteries. Of tifie importance of this part of the system to animal life, to existence and health, the attentive reader can not fail to be sufficiently aware who has well perused that part of Ihe second chapter of this little manual, in which the functions of the organa of respiration are described with requisite care — page 31 to 35. The hopp- lessncss of bringing a!)()ut n cure, after the ruin h:is proceeded so far as w*) 9 nhOKEN WIND. nav just contemplated, must likewise be most apparent to him : I will not thertfore, pursue flirther in detail the last wastings of this vitally essential orghU of the animal system, but proceed shortly to notice some other efl»'cta of au ill-cured cold or protracted cough, BROKEN WIND Is already so minutely described, as to its causes and symptoms, in the second chapter, that I apprehend repetition in this place would prove worse than use- less. The reader will therefore turn to }»age 34, and the recapitulation of my treatise on the organs of respiration which imniediately follows, at page 35. Generally speaking, broken wind is brought on by inflammation of the organs of respiration, and acquires a difftirent name, though requiring but little variety of treatment, according to the part which may be the more im- mediate seat of disease ; for it must be clear, that although this may lie in the uppermost part or larynx, in the lowermost part or midriff, or more centrally — the communicable nature of inflammation is such, that the whole must |)ar- take in some degree of each and every partial derangement. And this de- gree will be proportioned to the excitability of the individual's organs of res- piration that may be the subject of attack: if the animal contract cold i>r cough in the vigour of age and health, he will experience its effects in the most frightful shapes; it proceeds to encroach on and obstruct the right func- tions of the lungs with rapid strides, and if the symptoms do not abate, he dies. But, being partially removed, it becomes a chronic disorder* to the en<^ of his days; and, agreeably to the part which may experience the attack, has it been the practice to denominate chronic cough either roaring — broken wind — thick in the wind — or asthma. Hereupon, however, the doctors disagree. How this difference arises may be worth a moment's investigation here, al- though so large a portion of the second chapter has been already devoted to the subject, and the reader must absolutely turn back to it. At page 34, the thickening of the midriff, in consequence of inflammation attacking the ad- jacent viscera, was minutely described : this thickening of the membrane also extends to every other part of the lungs, wind-pipe, &c. whenever cold or inflammation prevails; and in the event of its continuance, the thickening of the membrane remains long after the virulence of the disorder may be sub- dued. If this state of the organs of res|)iration extend over them generally, the patient may very justly be said to be "broken winded;" when this ex- tends to the thickening of the pleura only, he would then be thick winded, or short in the wind, as he would also in case of adhesions of the midriff, a^ described in page 34, already referred tq. Neither affection, however, can fairly be set down for broken wind ; though both those membranes being af- fected might properly enough be considered "a broken manner of drawing in and expelling the wind," for the inspirations and expirations are in this case extremely irregular, broken, or variable ; whereas, when the air-colls are really broken, or burst into each other through great exertion, then the air escapes with diflBculty, and the expirations are now slower than the ins}>ira- tions (as before observed), and both together constitute irregular respiration, or true broken wind. But of controversies there is no end. J. White and R. Lawrence were for some years at issue on these points ; White having taken up L^wfeqce rather sharply, and somewhat unjustly, if he meant to impute error to ll\0 • Chronic disorders are those which, liaving lasted a long time, become almost second nature, and plague the organs of respiration more than any other viscus : thus, a tickling cough niay «jck bvan animal for years, but it becomes worse upqn any great exertion, or on c^t^iiiiiff CONTROVERSY CONCERNING AIR CELLS. 83 atter, as re^^ards the symptom of respiration just spoken of, for each writei «ras right in his separate position: as they disagree as to what constitutes broken wind, so they could not of course agree as to the symptoms. See pages 150, 160, of White's first volume. This author also disorders his own positions at the same place, in two other instances, which I should not have noticed, but for his tart rebuke of R. Lawrence for attributing the terra broken wind to the thickening of the membranes. In this view of the case, it will be seen, I certainly can not agree with this very clear-headed veterina- rian; but I do not therefore, harshly refute a gentleman and scholar for not agreeing with me upon a simple term of science: it was this unamiable at- tachment to trifles tliat so long impeded the progress of chemical knowledge, until the plain-speaking Davy, Nicholson, Park, and Paris, came into voiiue, and drove Lavoisier from his prostrate coterie,— Dickson was put to silence, and Fourcroy's reveries were laid in the dust of oblivion. White says, " The lungs of broken winded horses that I have examined have generally been unusually large, with numerous air-bladders on the surface." p. IGO. Yet, in the next page, he opens a broken winded subject, and says, " The lungs were lighter [meaning less] than usual, and without the air-bladders, contrary to the state Mr. Lawrence describes." What Lawrence had snid was this: " The most common appearance of the lungs in broken windeecom 3 useless, or, upon sudden action and over distension, they burst at once. Cure there is none for broken wind, and therefore all that can be done bv way of alleviating its symptoms must be effected by management, or as it If more generally termed, by »^i REGIMEN FOR BROKEN WIND. Regimen. Of course, any person would avoid exposino^ the animal tofresb cold, and not push him too hard on a full stomach ; nor indeed, give away a chance of increasing the malady by the same means as I have just said origi- nally brought it on. lie will, on the contrary, follow an opposite course of treatment, and as much as [jossihie regulate his feeding and exercise upon moderate princi{)les, for the stomach and bowels are always affected by broken v.'ind. Hence it is, that flatulency accompanies broken wind of every kind, so that the animal in his endeavours to cough, usually breaks wind after an effoit or two. Much medicine is not requisite, and, in slight cases, far from desira- ble; tonics, bracing air, and regular hard meat feeding, broken or sodden, and fiven in small quantities, will do more for the horse than physic of any sort, 'or the first, Peruvian bark, or cascarilla in small doses, may be given occa- sionally adapting the quantity to the bulk of the animal. Tonic Ball. Cascarilla, \ i ,o 2 drachms of each, (jentian root, 5 Oil of Carraways, ten drops; with Mucilage enough to form the ball. If irritation of the bowels is indicated by a certain protrusion of the anus, add of opium 10 to 12 grains. When the cough is particularly troublesome, or the animal seems to laWai much in respiration, give the following Ball. Dried squills, powdered, 1 drachm. Gum ammoniacum, 3 drachms. Opium, 10 drachms; With mucilage sufficient to form the ball. If there is reason to apprehend the horse swallows his corn without grind- ing it, as commonly happens, bruised or sodden oats should be given, and the bowels discharged by purgatives, when alteratives may not be deemed equal to the urgency of the case. Those prescribed at pages 86, 87, are applicable in this case also ; inasmuch as the two disorders bear very near resemblance to each other in this respect. Give green food, succulent roots, and bran-mashes, as there recommended. Let the water be soft, not too cold, and given in small quantities at a time, and frequently. As broken wind produces disordered bowels, and is re-prod need by it, the connexion or sympathy between the two, thus plainly demonstrated, should be employed in the alleviation of the former in all its stages, when it has been of long standing. The means of attaining this object has been shown; and when the animal under treatment is equal to the care and expense, he fre- quently recovers so much of his former powers of free respiration, that his cure will seem for a short time fully effected. These appearances, however, aro completely illusive ; upon the least extra work he relapses into his former dif iiculties of continuing it, and the cough, the roaring, wheezing, or labouring of the flanks and chest, return as bad as ever. If the work be very hard, as always happens when the horse has been sold deceptiously, and the new mas. ter would try his utmost powers, the relapse is then worse than before; he hereupon becomes a confirmed roarer, by the wind and lymph being driven inside the membrane that lines the wind-j>i|)e, and causes inflammation of the very Inie blood-vessels that traverse it. Hence the number of lawsuits that ure instituted to ret;over the valuable consideration paid for broken vindew HEREDITARY ROARERS. 85 hoTsos that are returned upon the hands of the sellers as roarers, that never were known to either groom or stable-boy for roarers, before the day of action or trial. Hence, too, let us charitably suppose, the contradictory evidence often given, and the flat, downright cross-swearing that usually takes place on such occasions. For the horse having been partially made up for the pur- pose of sale, i. e. nursed, patched up, and to all appearance " right in all his part;?," the fact of his ^oing in pain comes out by way of his skin at first, and the new f)urchaser being generally desirous of trying all he can do, the ruin is effected, by pushing him too much, of driving the wind inside the membrane, as before described. Hereditary Roarers. Early in the present century, a question arose among breeders, whether the gift or the curse of roaring descended from parents to their i)rogeny. The decision was looked for with unusual anxiety among the breeders of farm-horses in Norfolk and Suffolk, where a famous well-built horse in every other respect was much sought after, even subse- quently to his being denounced a roarer prepense. Would his stock take after him ? was a problem very desirable to be set at rest, when Mr. Wilson, of Bildestone, late Sir T. C. Bunbury's, propounded the question to Mr. Cline, an eminent surgeon and anatomist in London. In reply, Mr. Cline said, " The disorder in a horse which constituted a roarer, was caused by a membranous projection in a part of the wind-pipe, and was a consequence of that part having been inflamed from a cold,* and injudiciously treated. A roarer was not therefore a diseased horse, for his lungs and every other part might be perfectly sound ; but when a horse was in strong action, his breath- ing became proportionably quickened, and the air, in passing rapidly through the wind pipe was in some degree interrupted in its course, and thus the roaring noise was produced. The existence of this in a stallion could not be of any consequence. It could not be propagated any more than a broken bone, or any other accident."t Unfortunately, however, for this opinion, and not exactly in accordance with my own, several of that horse's get became roarers, but we are left to guess whether hereditarily or acquired. An account of the horse in question appeared in the Annals of Sportitig for 1823 ; but the colouring given by an evident partisan of the stallion- master induces one to lament the absence of that candour, from which alone useful truths are to be drawn ; for, we are de- terred from indulging in pathological investigation where the grounds of in- quiry are so im])alpably sandy as were those adduced upon the occasion. CHRONIC COUGH Is already defined to be the remains of an ill-cured cold, which may or may not have been a cough originally. It bears close analogy to simple broken wind that is seated in the wind-pipe or its branches, of which it may be con- sidered a continuation, or the natural consequence of neglect, with more in- veteracy. How this effect would so accrue was described at page 80 ; and the analogy is still further corroborated by the fact, that the treatment for cough of long continuance is precisely that which is found serviceable for broken wind, the situation of the two disorders making the only difference in cither respect. Again, the symptoms of both may, by long and careful treat- ment, be so reduced as to seem cured, for a longer or shorter period, and both will retuin in the shape of roaring, upon the animal being put to sudden hard • Not always go, Mr. Cline. ' Our liunian anatoi n\Si is very nearly right as to an accident not being descendable ; but set* in.' 'hilt roaring did descend to the firsi generation, wp must infer that this was "anaccidenf o' livi'.;, " «vid iiot^a rnmracted one which might possibly go no farther, o * S6 0CCAS10N.iL AND PLETHORIC COUGtt work, as mentioned in the last pages. The corresponding symptoms of both are also so nearly alike, that I merely comply with custom while I recapitu- late these for the use of readers who might not choose to consider that horse broken winded, which to all appearance is only affected with "an old cold in the wind-pipe," But, let the first term appear to an owner ever so formida- ble in sound, the latter is no less dangerous in effect, and both are alike liable to terminate in roaring. The symptoms which indicate chronic cough are nevertheless so slight, that it is too often considered as but a small remains of the more alarming catarrh, which its owner vainly imagines will go off in time, as the other disagreeable symptoms have done. In this hope he is invariably disappointed, if the means of reducing it be deferred. After the more violent symptoms of catarrh have subsided, and the cure may reasonably be considered as complete, the horse returns to his usual feeding, and, as in the former case, eats voraciously ; he is denied water oftener than twice a day, perhaps not so much ; but, when at length he does drink, he gulps it up as if famished. This is commonly the cause, and the first indication of the cough which follows immediately after, but is often mistakenly attributed to his improving too fast after his long illness, and it is considered only fair that " he should be allowed to recover himself completely." Precaution is thus lulled in fancied security, and unless prompt relief be afforded before the damp season of autumn returns, the symptom in- creases to obstinate confirmation ; until time renders cure hopeless, alleviation or abatement of the coughing being all that lies within the power of medicine or stable management to effect for it — the aid of the former being then of little avail. Very few small proprietors of horses use timely precautions in this re- spect, and the disorder goes on : large owners having more experience, adopt early measures, and if pursued with proper vigour, these usually prevail in lowering the symptoms. An occasional cough is also brought on by high feeding, which, as it arises from the rapid production of fresh blood, is termed plethoric cough, by way of distinction. Of this symptom it would be needless to tell the better in- formed, perhaps, at an interval of six days, that we have but to take away the cause, and the effect ceases of course. This, however, does not always follow ; for the cough sometimes remains after the gross feeding has been reduced in quantity and quality. In this case, it must be considered as chronic cough, and treated as such, by emptying the bowels, &c. as above directed. Remedy. As in the case of broken wind of every other kind, the horse eats every substance he can come near, chronic cough being sometimes pro- duced by over feeding, as well as always producing that symptom. There- fore, vyhen a horse has a cough, occasionally, for two or three days, his appe- tite being good, we had best conclude he is too full and must be emptied by an alterative or purgative, according to the emergency of the case : if he be of gross haoit, or has failed in the proper evacuations ; if his heels swell of a morning, or his coat stare like hide-bound, the cough will vanish before the following Purgative BalL Barbadoes aloes, 8 drachms, Castile soap, 2 drachms, Ginger, 1 drachm. With mucilage sufficient to form the ball. Failing to stale properly, the patient's heels will swell, in addition to the cough, and both may be got rid of by a diuretic ball or two at farthest. If KCMEDIES FOR BAD HABIT. COUGH, PERIODICAL of each half an ounce, Y ellow resin, ^ ' Oil of aniseed, 20 drops. The oil should be first well mixed with the resin, and the whole given in a quart of water gruel. Recurrence of the same affection may be prevented in some measure by giving the same in another form, which is in general reckoned more convenient — namely, as a cough powder, substituting aniseeds, 1 ounce, for the oil, and pounding the whole together; mix with the corn. INFLAMMATION CF THE STOMACH AND INTESTINES. Whenever one of these organs is affected, with inflammation particularly, the other soon feels the effects of the attack. This arises from the proximity of the two; or the continuity of the digestive faculty, which is mostly carried on in the intestines, as the reader of tolerable recollection well knows was so described in Book I. page 44, &c. Corrosive poisons, indeed, carry on their work of destruction upon the internal or villous coat of the stomach until the ruin is complete; but, although horrid inflammation accompanies its ravages, I would not class such a species of accident under any other head than "Poi- son :" to call it by its symptom would be delusive. Neither is the inflamma- tion caused by worms, proper to be taken into consideration here, th«)Ugh in this case both organs are affected at the same time; but the bolt question in- volves other considerations, besides the best means of destroying them, of pre- venting the access of this irritating insect, or of alleviating the effects of its })ite and adhesion to the villous coat, alike of stomach and intestine. With those exceptions, there is no greater difference in the causes, symp- toms, or means of cure of inflammation in the stomach and intestines, than exists between those of the great and the small gut. Inflammatory pain in the smaller parts of the alimentary canal will ever be more acute than those which attack the larger ones; thus, when the stomach is the seat of disorder, the pains will be duller, the paroxysms less distinctly marked, and the pulso but little altered; but, when by continuance it reaches the small gut at the lower orifice of the stomach, then will the pain and anxiety of the animal in- crease greatly, and the symptoms thereof, visible in his manner (to be de- scribed shortly), will become more distinct, rapid, and vehement The pulse nicreases in number, in sharpness of vibration, and irregularity. Such is the tlifference also that is discernible between attacks u{)on the colon or great gut, and on the smaller guts. But all this refers to the first attack ; for after a while, if the means adopted are insufficient to che(;k its career, the ruin goes on to affect the wliolc abdomen, and ttie animal dies in f xcrucianng tor- menc5. now INCURRED, INTESTINAL ADHESION. S9 Causes. — Much the same as those which occasion fever in all orJinary cases; that is to say, a sudden check given by cold to the action of tne parts, while these may be in a state of excitement, or through over action, hard work, excessive heat of the weather, the operation of cordials, &c. By this latter means stallions and brood mares are sometimes destroyed prematurely, even without catching any cold, or this part of the system receiving any check whatever; in these cases, excitement has been carried to the utmost pitch by high feeding, and stimulating the male, until nature gives way, or rather. J might say, catches fire almost, and if not speedily arrested, the heat soon de- Btroys the functions of all the abdominal organs of life. To stage-horses, inflanunatory complaints usually prove fatal, from the same immediate cause ; the animal being fed high, and pressed forward to the accomplishment of his daily task, regardless of the first indication of this disease; and in summer time, we witness numbers of such dropping down in harness, sometimes whilst going along, seldom giving warning of approaching dissolution. But, whatever be the previous state of the animal's bodily health, he can rarely stand the maltreatment he receives from his driver : — viz. that of being driven through ponds and large rivulets, while he is yet perspiring greatly through fatigue and the heat of the weather. Long rests in currents of air, or unsaddling horses under similar circumstances, are alike productive of inflammation of those or some other ))art of the animal's inside, if it do noi bring on fever of the whole system — as before observed, p. 59. The kidneys or the liver are sometimes alone affected by this species of culpable neglect ; but in either case the effects are not immediately perceptible, and the disorder creeps on unheeded, or seizes the animal violently, so that it dies at the next going out. Neglect of the necessary evacuations, or the discontinuance of those which have been customary, even though injudicious, will occasion an accumulation of dung in the intestines when they are least capable of bearing it : upon this, pressing the horse in his work will bring on inflammation, as it will sometimes afler a heavy feed and water, which some injudiciously give on account of a hard day's work lying before him. The same happens to horses that are in- ordinately fat, when hard worked ; the dung that is then eliminated bears with it a portion of the slime or mucus that lines the intestines, and this appearance has obtained for this species of inflammation the term molten grease. 1 post- pone, for a few pages, the consideration hereof, in compliance with custom ra- ther than in obedience to propriety. Adhesion of the gut sometimes takes place, so as to cause partial obstruc- tion to the passage of aliment ; at others, tubercles are formed on the mesen- tery that holds the bowels in position ; and in either case the secret is dis- closed by a staring coat, which some mistake for the worms. Both those af- fections are the effect rather than the first cause of inflammation of the part, and may be distinguished from " the worms" by the state of the pulse, by the heat, tension, and soreness evinced by the patient on passing the hand over the belly. See page 46, book I. The reader will also perceive, upon turn- ing back to page 22 — 2i, in what manner this adhesion is effected, by the ex- naustion of the moisture that is designed by nature to lubricate the parts. Colic of long continuance, if the animal is worked while this is on him, is another prolific source of inflammation of the intestines ; as is the drinking cold water copiously, while in a state of perspiration, or after a trying jour ney, which is always attended with spasmodic colic of the stomach and bowelSj at first, and of inflammation sooner or later, according to the temperature of the individual. The necessity of getting rid of the lesser attack before it ac quires a permanent and dangerous aspect must be obvious; and as the treat- ment prooer for either, is at total variance with the other, the one re9uiriiiis 90 COLIC DISTINGUISHED FROM INFLAMMATION. ■R-oimrh and stinmlation, the other a cooling and reducing treatment, our first duty is to ascertain precisely the exact nature of the attack; for a mistake on this point wo'ild, ai.d does frequently, })rove fatal — ay, in human as weilasin horse medicine. Thei*efore it is, that i have judged it expetlient to set down here a table of the syn:ptonis that will enable the practitioner to distinguish between the two kinds of attack. For this mode of setting before the eye in parallel columns the discriminating symptoms of two s\ich app-irently similar disorders, 1 am indebted to Mr. Ryding, who inserted it in his "Veterinary Pathology," 1801, pages 86, 87; and it was copied by Whito into his " Comf)enl Colic or Gripes, and Ivjlammation of the Bowels, by the sT/mptoms tl:ut mark the character of each. Spasmodic or Flatulent Colic. Inflammation nf the Bowels. 1. Pulse natural, though sometimes 1. Paioc very quic-k and small. a little lower. 2. The horse lies down, and rolls 2. He lies down and suddenly upon his back. rises up again, seldom rolling upon his back. 3. The legs and ears generally 3. Legs anJ ears generally cold, warm. 4. Attacks suddenly, is never pre- 4. In general, attacks gradually, ia ceded, and seldom accompanied by commonly preceded, and always ac- any symptoms of fever. companied by symptoms of fever. 5. There are frequently short in- 5. No intermissions can be observ. lermissions. ed. Whilst marking these distinctions, which ought to be kept in mind while prescribing for disorders so nearly ahke at first view, but differing so widely in effect, the reader is earnestly requested to turn to the Index, and there find the page at which I have thought proper to treat pretty much at large of "In- flammation of the Kidneys," " Diseases of the Urinary Organs," &c. He will there perceive how fatally these affections have been mistaken for *' Colic;" he will learn that this unhappy error is likely to happen more fre- quently than would at the first glance be imagined; and he will observe tiiat the symptoms correspond in many respects with those in the second column above — therefore require an equal correspondent course of treatment, but that the deposite of the stone in the kidney is an incurable disorder that admits of no remedy. Furthermore, the reader will observe, that the whole of the article alluded to, on "Calculus, or Stone," requires his strict attention: and also bear in mind what is there said as to calculous sul)stances which are deposited m tho coecum or blind gut, producing symptoms so much like spasmodic colic, that much care is necessary in applying the appropriate remedy in each case, lest he hastens the patient's end. Of those symptoms the state of the pulse is the surest indication of the ap proach of an inflammatory attack of the bowels, or any other viscus; and the particular })art which is then sullering must be guthered from other circum- stances, if he has long suffered colic without relief, doubtless inflammation has taken place, and gangrene is likely to follow: this is the harbniger of death. Adhesion of the gut sometimes baffles the best treatment for c-olic CALCULUS IN TIIE BOWELS. 91 and soon devolves into inflammation. In either case, the remedies proper for colic must be abandoned, and others more adapted to the change of circum- stances be em|>loyed instead. Whenever the cause of inflammation of the bowels may fairly be ascrilv^d to the quantity or quality of their contents — without adding thereto by any extraordinary exertion, its approach will be very slow, and denoted by siujr- gishness and the refusal of food at first. As they are mostly working cattTo that are thus attacked, the evacuations are not sufficiently minded, or the at- tendant neglects to niake mention how these have discontinued in a great de gree, or changed their appearance — the dung being then hard and the urine high coloured ; hereupon the pulse increases, and the outrageous symptoiiis described in the second colunni of the table of symptoms go on to a frightful degree, endangering the lives of bystanders. Even in this stage, the progress of the disease may be arrested by prompt and vigorous measures, adapted to the kind of animal that may be the subject of attack, and the circumstances under which the present alarming symptoms may have been brought on. If a heavy lumbering wagon-horse, that owes his" disease to alimentary indul- gence, we shall find no higher operation necessary than emptying the over- charged canal by force of arms, i. e. back-raking; but the high-courar»- {>anng. 9<2 clyjstering. neglected costiveness. In ordinary cases, a voluntary stool will be produced at or soon after bleed ing, occasioned by relaxation of the tenesmus that constitutes the disease. If the dung comes forth in small quantity and small hard knobs, the anus musl, be cleared by the hand, according to the directions given at a preceding page, 69. And, when the constipation has endured for a long time, the hardened dung will not come away at all without this manual operation of back-raking, which must be performed the more assiduously as the difficulty may be great- er and the dung harder. Let a warm clyster be thrown up that is copious enough to fill the emptied gut, at the least. Clyster. Water gruel, from four to six quarts, Epsom salts, 4 or 5 ounces, Inject warm, with a large syringe, or ox-bladder and long pipe : perform this operation effectually. A second and third should follow, a little warmer than the first, and after an evacuation has taken place, the next clyster may be made without salt, and a small degree thicker than at first. Its effect will be to remain and nourish the parts nearly in the same manner as a poultice does an external inflamed wound. Too often, however, those early indications are entirely neglected; the ani- mal is harnessed in to his day's work, and the consequences are both dreadful and dangerous to behold. If he be a stage-coach horse, or destined to take his turn at a posting-house, his sluggishness and refusal of food is usually attri- buted to "a little overwork;" and the much abused cordial is commonly ad- ministered ; which brightens him up for the renewal of his daily task, and ac- celerates his fate, unless rescued as by a miracle that is very seldom wrought. In these cases, the first symptom perceptible to the driver is the horse's lean- ing against its next horse ; but, upon being touched up, it makes fresh exer- tions according to its quantity of courage, until it falls down with closed eyes, in excruciating torments, lashes out behind, and beats about on the ground, seldom having the strength to get upon its legs again. Bundles of straw should be placed for the afflicted animal to roll upon, and his head pressed down with the hand whilst the severest paroxysms expend their force. When at length he gets up — which may be considered a favourable sign, that proves his strength is not wholly subdued — he may be supported into a stable. Mean- time, however, an examination of the rectum must take place, and the manu- al operation of emptying it be employed — if need be ; that is to say, if harden- ed dung should be accumulated there. At any rate, water gruel in large quantities must be prepared, as well for administering by way of clyster as of drench ; in both, giving it now without the addition of salt, and in the latter manner nearly cold. By these means, the alarming symptoms will diminish greatly; but if there is still reason to apprehend that obstruction may prevail in the larger intestines, this must be got rid of by means of the oily laxative prescribed at page 91, and the repetition of clysters in quantities, and admin- istered with a vigour sufficient to reach the evil. Bleeding, of course, would be adopted to the amount of four, five, or six quarts, according to the exigency of the case and the size of the animal. If the blood become buffed, as it is called by some, or sizy on the surface, a second blood-letting is necessary to complete the cure. Low, but nourishing diet, should follow; as bran-mashes, stiff gruel, and afterwards sodden oats; the return to hay provender being made gradually, and then of good qu&Iity. In very bad cases, the return to full health and vigour will be slow, and a MOLTEN GREASE. PHVSIOLOGY OF. t'3 relapse is to be dreaded, as a fresh attack would prove much more obstinate than the first. The dung, by its quantity, consistence, regularity, and gene- ral appearance, will afford the best means of judging when the boweU are completely cleared of their offensive contents; for it not unfrequently happens that several tolerable stools may be procured by the help of medicine, and )e( some lumps, replete with danger, remain behind. The pulse, that great c i- terion of health or disease, by dint of low living, may have regained its natur il state, and so remain steadily for a tolerably long period : but watching the dung for a day or two will corroborate that main indication of health, or by its ir- regularity dispel an ill-founded reliance on the completeness of the cure. Yet will the administering of purgatives, or even alteratives, of aloes in particular, be found full of danger, as tending to irritate the bowels anew. The same may be said of all stimulants whatever, whether applied externally or given in the form of cordials, notwithstanding the animal may evince signs of return- ing pain, and these be ascertained by the corresponding symptoms of low pulse, warm legs and ears, to arise from spasmodic or flatulent colic only. For these returning pains are usually occasioned by the soft kind of regimen just recommended; to which the patient may have been subjected during thia illness for the first time since it was a foal. 1 have known a small feed of corn or two effect relief from lowness, in the case of horses which had been long time previously used to hard food : if these be devoured voraciously, this will tend to prove 1st, that the change is desirable, and 2dly, that the next feed should consist of broken oats — or a new disease will be engendered. Adopt the tonic system, recommended generally, at page 69. MOLTEN GREASE Is but a variety of inflammation of the intestines when the subject of attack happens to be very fat, and little accustomed to exercise; when marked by costiveness, it may be treated as such ; or, if attended by a looseness, may rather be considered as a spasmodic effort of nature to relieve itself of an un- natural load. The vulgar name given to this aflf'ection of the intestines is farther supported by the popular notion that the fat, or grease, which the in- dividual possessed in a superlative degree, had melted (or was molten) and passed into the guts, whence it was expelled with the faeces. This, however, is physiologically impossible, notwithstanding the support such a notion has received from some revered authors ; the appearance of slimy unctuous matter along with the dung, more particularly when this is much hardened, being no other than the mucous secretion described at pages 22, 23, as designed by na- ture to defend the surface of the intestines from the injurious action of hard substances that might be taken into the stomach. Indeed, this intention of nature in providing such a defence is demonstrable in the fact, that the harder the knobs ofdungmaybe that the animal presseth forth, the greater is the quantity of this greasy, unctuous, or mucous secretion that is eliminated along with it, and which gives name to the disorder. Probably, the secretion of thia grease may then proceed with more celerity ; its access may be greater, the more it is thus required by nature to defend the alimentary passage. This supposition is drawn from the fact just stated; but, whether the well-founded conjecture be too hastily hazarded, is for the more minute inquirer to conclude upon, or investigate farther, as may seem good to him. At any rate, the doctrine of effusion, or the passing of those secretions, whether mucous or aqueous, from one part of the system to another, as nature or accident may require the supply, is tolerably evident from another circunv ftauce that is often recurring in cases of molten grease. [The subject is more fully treated of at the page just referred to.] The perspiration t»f the two 8« 10 04 TREATMENT OF MOLTEN GREASE. COLIC. cretions in succession, here referred to, is pretty well recognised, and is easily provcable, in the manner there set down ; the unctuous, mucous, or greasy se- cretion (call it which we Hke) of the external surfaces following that of the more liquid, or watery kind, after any great exertion. Horses that contract molten grease are ever those which have been highly fed, without exercise suf- ficient to excite visible perspiration thereby ; and the feverish heat of the body occasioned by high living and indolence, in time exhausts the whole supplv of the aqueous secretion. So much is this the case, that the animal's dis charge of urine becomes less and less as its seclusion is continued, until the decided access of fever takes place, and we notice its colour is higher and highei as its quantity decreases. [Look again at sec. 55, page 52.] As before ex- l)lained, the secretion of mucous matter takes place within the guts, &c., or that surface which is next to the food ; on the other sidt^, and every other part of the animal system, the watery secretion destined to lubricate the parts, t| keep them supple and to prevent adhesion, takes place. On that side (which is popularly considered the outer surface!) good quantities of fat accrue, all along the whole length of the intestines, which is usually scraped from slain beasts, and preserved as tallow. From this source is derived that access of grease, which, as I have said, is greatest as the inflammatory symptoms may be higher. When this has long been the case, and stools are at length pro- cured, a long thin wormlike portion of this fat comes away with the dung; which would be of itself a sufiiciently alarming appearance, though wanting animation, but for the well known, but inexplicable, doctrine of effusion, or communication through the gut : this appearance, then, of a long tenacious fatty portion of thin membrane, which usually accompanies molten grease, should be considered as little more than denoting the crisis of the disorder. Let the system be reduced according as the state of the pulse may dictate —for which consult again page 62; as to bleeding, and page 68, 69, as to treating him for " costiveness" simply. If heat and irritation be perceivable to the touch and sight about the anus, without high pulse, the first symptom may be reduced by administering The Sedative Clyster. Camphor, 4 drachms, Spirits of wine, 3 or 4 drops, to promote the solution, and add Sweet oil, 2 ounces. Mix well, and then add thin warm water gruel, 2 or 3 quarts. As before intimated, molten grease is rather an effect than a cause of dis- ease, and partakes of colic in one of its forms and of inflammation in the other; the symptoms that enable us to distinguish when the one or the other prevails being precisely those set down at page 90, Allowing somewhnt for the feverish symptoms that always prevail with such fat and bloated animals as are subject to this disorder, the practitioner can not commit himself to the guidance of a better test than that just referred to, nor more safely ado|)t a treatment that is more likely to reinstate his patient in health. For the treat- ment which is proper in case of spasmoilic colic affecting fat animals, thp feader is referred to the next head of information. THE COLIC, GRIPES, or FRET. This disorder has been frequently referred to, under the preceding head of Inflammaiion of the Intestines, to which it bears great aflinity m some of it« COLIC— DEFIXmON AND REPRODUCTION OF. 95 point? — as already stated, the cause of both being nearly (he same in mnst cases, and lontr continued colic always ending in inflammation, if not effec- tually checked in time. Much of the difference that exists between the two kinds of attack depends on the previous state of the animal attacked : if it be a high fed and hard-worked animal whose digestive organs receive a sudden check, he contracts inflan»mation in ihe first instance; but one that is lower kc|)t, and therefore not so irritable in any part of its system, is soon troubled with spasmodic affection of the intestines, which receives the name of gri])esj or fret in diflTerent counties, as it does that of flatulent colic in most of the books that treat of animal medicine. Colic, however, is the general name given by most stable [)eople to every pain of the inside (of man and horse) that occasions writhing, or other demonstrations of that pain, which few can discriminate in their own persons ; much less in their horses. To this un- discriminating manner of naming disorders that require such very dilii^ren*. treatment at our hands, is to be attributed the loss of many lives annually, Into this anomalous manner of treating those disorders it is painful to notice one of the most scientific veterinary writers of our time has fallen. We do not find in Mr. Richard Lawrence's'" Complete Farrier" any reference what- ever to inflammation of the intestines: though under the head of " Colic or Gripes," he proceeds to describe the symptoms of inflammation in such a manner as might mislead ignorant or half-taught persons to treat both alike, and thus destroy their horses. A violent cold, or a slight one, will also determine the disorder one way or the other, when the individual's system may be of no decisive character at the time of contracting it. That a low state of the animal system is favourable to engendering spasms of the intestines, is inferred from the circumstance, that subsequently to a horse afflicted with inflammation undergoing the copious evacuations recommended in the preceding pa^es for the cure of that disorder, he is frequently visited with spasmodic affections that require sedatives and tonics to restore the patient to complete health. Causes. Next to drinking cold water, and catching cold by exposure to air or water whilst heated, the eating of bad, ill-got, or rank hay, is a prolific source of spasmodic cholic. If it lie in the intestines chilly and comfortless, and thus predispose the animal to acquire cold, the cause of epidemical colic is plainly attributable to such bad hay; for it then prevails usually over certain districts, and mostly among country cattle. Pushing a horse in his work when large lumps of undigested matters distend parts of the gut, will bring on spasms, torpor, and inflammation in succession. Horses that gormandize much, being worked hard, and the stomach becoming empty, occasions the fret, and inordinate action of the intestines expels the mucous secretion that is designed for their defence. This constitutes molten grease, of which I have treated largely just above, and am decidedly of opinion that the expulsion of oflTensive matters in all cases where the animal evinceth but small sensa- tions of pain, is but an effort of nature to relieve itself, and ought rather to be assisted than abated by hot or "cordial medicines." Strong astringent purgatives, oft repeated, or neglect during the operation, ire frequently succeeded by flatulent colic, that soon becomes inflammatory if the internal commotion be not judiciously arrested by sedatives. Cordial ^alls and drenches, as they impart a short-lived vigour, so when their stimu- lating effects die away, they leave beliind a debility that is more excessive as those factitious effects have been most intense ; in this respect, the cause and its consequences assimilate closely with those which succeed the disease of in- flammation, and the debility which follows the cure thereof, with spasmodic colic. Diaj.^nte, and other provocatives, that are given to stallions in the season, leave behind them the same species of debilitating effects aftei rover- 96 SYMPTOMS OF COUC. DISTINCTIONS. «ig, and would devolve into colic first, and infiammation afterwards, but that those horses' evacuations are well looked after, and the system of stimulants is Kept up by repetition. This treatment, however, can not always succeed, so we frequently find that stalHonsdie suddenly of inflammation in the intestines, in the spermatic cords, or other parts of generation. Cases of death, in acttLS coitit, from the same causes, are upon record. I mentioned this before, at page 18. All horses that have been pampered in the above manner, or oy being kei)t in close stables, or having their water chilled, when they come to be subjected to common usage, are most likely to suffer by colic in its worst forms. Horses that are made up for sale by dealers and cunning breeders, in order to give their coats a sleek appearance, upon passing into the hands of new owners, commonly undergo attacks, more or less acute, of spasmodic colic, if they do not at once fall ill of inflammation of bowels, kidneys, or bladder. With ani- mals so circumstanced, mere flatulency or looseness may be considered a fa- vourable termination of the making-up system before alluded to. Symjitom.s. These, as contra-distinguished from those which denote in- flammation of the intestines, will be found in the table of comparative symp- toms at i)age 90. In addition thereto, other symptoms, that mark the degree of spasmodic attack, require equal discrimination, seeing that treatment which may be highly proper in the more virulent attacks, would be injurious if em- ployed upon every slight occasion. Neither is it every horse which shows signs of pain in the inside that has the colic, even though the symptoms set down in the second column of the " table," at page 90, do not appear; for, he may be afflicted with pain in the kidneys, or inflammation of the bladder, which the attendant should ascertain before giving the stimulants that may be very proper in most stages of colic, but would accelerate the diseases incident to those " urinary organs." The careful reader should therefore turn to the subjects "Kidneys," and "Bladder," before he proceeds to treat the animal simply for colic pains. In its mildest state, flatulent colic first appears in the form of violent purg- ing, which is in fact no positive disease, as before observed, but an effort of nature to rid itself of a collection of offensive matter, either indigestible, cold, or irritating. Of what precise kind this may be at any time is ascertainable upon the view, and requires only to be assisted in coming oft', provided but little pain is evinced by the animal. If he be a crib-biter, pieces of extraneous matter are usually found among the dung, as bits of wall, of wood, litter, &c.; if an aged horse, or one that has been kept on bad hay, his food comes off un- digested ; if a very fat horse, the mucous secretion comes away as described under "molten grease," just above — and all these require at most some of the milder purgatives that are least likely to irritate the bowels. Whenever the ears become cold, after gripes have continued some hours, it is a certain indication that inflammation has taken place of some one or more or- gans, mostly cf the intestines. This is sometimes discovered when too late, to attend a rupture of the distended bowels through the peritonaeum (Vide Book I. page 46), when the protruded gut mortifies (as is found after death) in conse- quence of strangulation. After this, the pain seems to subside, and the ani- mal dies quietly. The ruin that has taken place is ordy told on dissection. Yet do most ignorant persons pronounce horses still alive to have a "twist in the guts," and stranger still, they prescribe a remedy for it, although it is in- curable. The ears act also as a good barometer, when inflammation of the kidneys may be apprehended, or inllammation of the bladder is more than sus- :>ected, ou account of the difficulty evinced by the patient in passing it.-, urine. !f the water come off high-coloured, it i.s a sure sign of inflammation, which \i .•"urther corroborated by cold ears ; if of its natural colour, the ears wiJJ be MANNER OF TIIE PATIENT. 9^ warm, and t!\e difliculty in staling is occasioned by the hard distended gut pressing upon the ureters and neck of the bladder: procuring a good stool or two, or a clyster, then restores the functions of the bladder. The earliest symptom observable in his manner, is when the horse luok« round at his flanks occasionally, whisking his tail at intervals ; he looks at the attendant, if there be any breed in him, seeming to implore help, lie stamps with his hind feet alternately on the ground, sometimes striking at his belly. As the pain increases, these symptoms are oftener repeated, and with more vehemence; he gathers his legs under him, as if preparing to lie down; which he at length eflects, rolling about in the stall and getting up again re- peatedly. It may here be remarked, that this roUing on the back is well cal- culated for affording temporary ease to the bowels ; but should inflammation have already attacked these, or at the kidneys, this rolling on his back would but increase the pain of the animal, and his jumping up instantly upon his legs, as if the spur or whip had been applied, goes to prove the existence of inflammation at one or the other viscus. Cure. Too much care can not be exercised in ascertaining the precise na- ture and amount of the disease; for, in error in this respect resides extreme danger of life, which is too often sacrificed to precipitancy, to ignorarice, and presumption. As soon as a horse is pronounced "ill of the colic," the atten- dants, without investigation, proceed to give "something to do him good;" which is ever of the stimulating class of domestic remedies. Warm ale, with ginger, peppermint water, gin and water, whiskey and pepper, are the com- mon popular remedies usually applied in this case; and, provided the disorder be really flatulent colic, relief from the pain must follow the exhibition of either one or the other. Frequently, however, it happens, that the doing good is carried too far, and inflammation is thus superinduced, if it do not already prevail. By such persons every internal pain is pronounced " tJie colic ;" and they all conclude that what has removed it once will remove it again, without being certain that it is the same disorder — as they do, that whatever is good in small quantities must needs be more so in larger ones. But I have already observed, that the removal of umbilical affections, whether flatulent or inflam- matory, by rough, harsh, or protracted means, scarcely ever fails to produce the other concouiitant disease, and the inflammatory symptoms no sooner sub- side, than the jaded vessels contract spasmodic affections, as do also the con- tinuance of flatulency, and some of the means of curing it superinduce inflam- matory symptoms. In whatever shape the horse is attacked with those disorders, the first and most obvious duty is the employment of clysters, to be repeated at short in- tervals, with this single variation ; viz. in cases of relaxation, where the ani- mal is already purged, the clyster is to consist of simple water-gruel only; but when the patient's bowels are overloaded with hardened dung, the addition of salts, as prescribed at page 92, will be found most effectual. In the ab- sence of Epsom salts (for no time must be lost), a handful of common culi- nary salt may be employed, in the quantity of four or five ounces. Back- raking, too, should be assiduously applied, when the body is in this state, as recommended in the case of inflammation at p. 91, with the laxative drench prescribed at the same page, or the simple salad or castor oil in default thereof In oidinary cases, when the attack is not of the most violent kind of either description of colic, that is to say, when neither purging nor constip:*tioc j^revail extremely, let the following be given. 10* 9^ TREATMENT. Colic Drench.— l^o. L Epsom Salts, 4 or 5 ounces, Castile soap, sliced, 2 ounces. Dissolve tnese in a pint of warm ale, and add Oil of juniper, 2 drachms, Venice turpentine, 2 ounces. Mix well together, and give it warm ; repeating the same in four or five h jurs^ and if the symptoms do not visibly abate, repeat once more. Tincture of opium is sometimes substituted for the turpentine to the amountof 4 drachms; but the drench is thereby rendered exceedingly nauseous, and should be given deliberately. Opium is, moreover, least proper when a tendency to costive- ness is discovered to exist. Colic Drench. — No. 2. Tincture of opium, 2 drachms, Oil of juniper, 2 drachms. Spirit of nitrous ether, 1 ounce, Tincture of benzoin, 4 drachms, Aromatic spirit of ammonia, 3 drachms. Mix together, and preserve the same in a bottle, and give in a pint of warm peppermint water. Repeat in three or four hours. When the case is not very alarming, a neater manner of giving opium, in the form of a ball, is reconmiended : — Sedative Ball. Asafoetida, 4 drachms. Opium, 4 drachms. Make into four balls with liquorice powder and syrup, and give one every two hours. The balls may be given along with the oily laxative at page 91; immediately preceding it, or before the laxative has operated. These balls are very serviceable to travellers on their journeys, and may be given to horses that are liable to contract spasmodic colic, which is the case with heavy, fleshy draught cattle, with post horses and the like. Colic is not often fatal, unless it terminate in inflammation; whilst it should be kept in mind, that colic always ends in inflammation if not removed in time. A day, or at most two, may pass away without danger and without relief, in ordinary attacks of spasmodic colic j and where a looseness takes place, a short time longer of neglectful carelessness might not terminate the life of the animal; but, when inflammation commences, a shaking or undu- lation of the tail is observable, with evident shivering of the whole frame. The danger is then great ; especially when each fit of shivering is not suc- ceeded by perspiration. If the costiveness is not well removed when those symptoms, with cold cars and legs, come on, let the belly be fomented with warm water by means of woolen cloths steeped therein. A horse rug may be used to advantage Tn this way by two men, one standing on each side the hor'.s and foment- ing the belly by bringing it nearly together across the back and supplying ivith warm water. After half an hour's application, or more, let the coat be well rubbed with dry cloths, and the animal wrapped in boagc 53- Causes. — I'oo constant use of the diuretic powders anil balls, commonly brings on inflammation of the kidneys, by the irritati<)n and over-action of the glands which are thereby occasioned. When one kidney only is aflectcd SYMPTOMS: BLOODY URINE 103 though in a mild degree, if suffered to continue, it soon communicates to the other, and sometimes proceeds with such rapid strides as to affect the intes tmes, when mortification and death ensue; but we have no means of ascei taining when this last incurable mischief has taken place until after the animal is dead — nor would the knowledge be made available for any present purpose; though finely instructive as to future cases; then it is the kidneys present an enlarged and rotten appearance and feel, their texture yielding to the slight- est impression of the finger-nails, which shows in what degree and how long they have been affected. A hard blow across the loins will injure the kidney on the side so struck, and, as is said before, soon affect the other also. Sudden transition from an open airy situation to a stable that is close and hot; violent riding or driving, or an ill-cured affection of the bovi^els, whether inflammatory or spasmodic, will affect the kidneys in more or less degree. Those causes all together com- bine to aflfect these parts more frequently than is generally supposed, the rea- son for which misconceit is nevertheless most apparent to me: it is owing to the neglect of a'l the milder symptoms; some persons imagining that unless bloody urine be produced, the defective staling is caused by something less re- mote than the kidneys, though in all obstructions of the liver, as we have seen above (page 101), the quantity of blood these send to the kidneys leaves some of its colouring pro[)erty to the water. This class of unreflecting people gene- rally fix upon the bladder as the seat of disorders that so alfect the quantity of water. They almost invariably give stimulating medicines, that do but in- crease the disorder and confirm the ruin it is their duty to prevent. Symptoms. — The most evident of these has been just now alluded to, and was formerly treated as a distinct disease, under the coarse title of "Bloody Urine:" it is, however, consiilered as happening more frequently to horned cattle than horses, and to the female rather than the male. When this symptom appears, it is accompanied by a corresponding symp- tom, viz. great tension and soreness of the part ; which may be ascertained by passing your hand along the small of the back, over the kidneys, when the animal shrinks from the touch. No doubt can then exist that this bloody urino indicates genuine inflammation of the kidneys; and of course that we should treat it as such, and nothing else — nor by any other name. If the pain and tension cannot thus be ascertained, then " bloody urine" is caused by obstruc- tion in the liver. Another symptom that may be relied upon is a stiflfness of the hind leg on that side which may be attacked first; afterwards, when both kidneys are affected, the animal becomes stiff' of both legs. This symptom does not occur in "inflammation of the bladder," and is a good distinctive mark to go by, when we may be labouring under doubt in some other point of resemblance between the two diseases. In all stages of this disorder, the horse stands as if he wanted to stale ; straddling, and making the most exer- tion when he voids the least urine (then generally bloody), which shows the destructive tendency of these efforts on the gland itself. The consequences are, that the kidneys waste away, and the disease communicates to the blad- der, until the final ruin — mortification, ensues. The practitioner, in this case, will not fail to look at what I have thought proper to say respectinj^ •' stone and other calculus," a few pages farther onward. " Suppression of urine" is also a sure indication of the genuine inflamma tion of the kidneys; that is to say, the capacity of secreting it is nearly ex- tinct, or it is performed with exceeding great difficulty, pain, and danger. Whereas, in affections of the bladder, the secretory function is not lost by the kidneys (or suppressed); but, when the urine has been sent into the bladder ihis latter has not the power to expel its contents. How this happens, »w fwge 53, &c. f04 PHYSrC AND REGIMEN. But the TTKi^t prolific source of diseased affections of the kidaeys, ami the least perceptible of any are ill-cured pains of the intestines and of the liver. These leave behind them certain morhid effects that are not immediately felt nor easily discoverable, but nevertheless work their ruin imperceptibly; for, as previously observed, when the kidneys lose their function of secreting urine, they enlarge, and after death scarcely bear the pressure of a finger point. Cure. — Seeing that strong diuretics are reckoned with trutli, among the causes of diseased kidneys, no man in his senses would think of administering any such, after he has ascertained that this organ is disordered in any way whatever. Such, however, is too often the practice of unskilful persons, who, after noticing the defective quantity of urine produced, think of restoring the animals capacity for producing more by medicines that stimulate the parts, which already 'abour under a disease of too much stimulation. "As in all other cases of inflammation or fever [how often have I not repeated the same words!] when the pulse is high, let the animal be bled according to the amount of attack." See general observations at the head of this chapter, pages 59 to 63. Give warm clysters frequently as there prescribed ; an(l with a similar view give him a loose stall, if the paroxysms are so acute as to cause him to lie down am^ get up again. Immediately after bleeding, give castor oil 18 ounces, provided the animal has not dunged during the last twenty -four hours, as commonly happens; less may suffice in general ; but a horse that has been much addicted to diuretics, though his bowels may be in a tolerable state, will not suffer aught from a small proportion of aloes: Mild Purgative Ball. Aloes, 4 drachms, Castile soap, 4 drachms, Mix, with mucilage enough for one ball. Should the symptoms abate nothing in consequence of this treatment, the bleeding must be repeated and the purgative too. Rub over his loins with a stimulant Embrocation. Spirits of wine, 2 ounces, Soap, 2 ounces, Camphor, 1 ounce. Mix and apply it with the palm of the hand to the loins; cover the animal up well, and be careful how it is subsequently exposed to the air. The mus- tard embrocation is equally efficacious: bein^ rubbed on soft sheep-skin, covei the loins therewith. Give the cooling decoction in large quantities, as at page 70 ; and if the animal is disposed to eat the sodden seeds, it may be permitted to indulge : they are little nutritious when the saccharine has been drawn out by the hot water. ' The food should consist of bran mashes, green food, and the cooling regi- men already recommended in all cases of inflammation at pages 61, 69, to which the reader is respectfully referred for some general directions for his rule and conduct, equally applicable in all such cases. DISEASES OF THE BLADDER. These are really much fewer than are commonly ascribed to it, the bladder bring but the vehicle or outlet for several evils that take their rise higher up ; INFLAMiVATION OF THE BLADDER. Kfy 1^11(1 among thfse I have already denounced the alarming appearance of "bloody urine" as a disorder of the kidneys and Hver, page 103. Neither is the " sup- pression of urine," nor its obverse "diabetes," ascribable to the bladder, but to the kidneys; for if these secrete none or imperfectly, little or none can be sent into or escape out of th# bladder ; but retention of urine may be a fault of the bladder, or collapsion of its neck ; and the means of procuring its escape was before recommended at page 53, &c. Inflammation OF THE bi.addfr, and consequent " incontinence of urine," are the same disorder ; the latter being the irritating effects of the inflamma- tion otdy, and this I shall consider separately, referring those other lipordera that are commonly ascribed to the bladder, to consideration under the h<-ad of "Diseases of the urinary organs, generally," Cause. Heat and inflammation of the kidneys communicate this effect to the ureters and bladder. It may be inllanied also by the irritation of stones or gravel concreted within it; or the excessive labour imposed upon it by the great access of diabetes, after these have ceased. Symptoms. Frequent desire to stale, the bladder contracting upon every drop of water, almost, that finds its way into it. A quick, sharp pulse, and small, accompanies, if it has not preceded inflammation of the bladder; yet bleeding would not be proper in this case, as it is the poorness of the blood which brought on the diabetes th:it caused the inflammation. When, how- ever, this symptom has not preceded inflannnation, the pulse will be more full, and bleeding to an amount proj)ortionecl to the state of the pulse (see page G2), would then be necessary. Remedy. — A slightly purgative ball sliould of course follow the bleeding, but employ neither in the extreme. Give the cooling decoction recommended in general fever, at page 70 ; administer clysters of the same, two or three times in the day. Should great heat of the' bladder continue, notwithstand- ing these remedies, give the fever powder, No % at [)age 65, and afterwards No. 2, made into a ball, daily. DISEASES OF THE URINARY ORGANS, GENERALLY. Besides the foregoing main diseases of the kidneys and bladder, there are several other conjoint affeclions of the same organs, or parts dependent there- on, which require notice, and deniaml attention, while we examine the dis- tinctions that ought to be drawn between the one set and the other. Mistakes as to the actual seat of disorders are more dangerous than the unskilful ad- ministering of medicines, for these might do good by accident, the former never can he applied properly : the l)etter the "receipt" may be, the worse for the horse. Few of these lesser disi>ases are original, but arise from some de- fect or ill-cured disorder in the other parts of the animal's system. They may be considered under the heads — 1. Diabetes, or excessive discharge of urine. 2. Bloody urine. 3. Calculi, or stone. 4. Strangury. 5. Suppression of urine. I am aware that the ingenuity of some doctors has subdivided these, and added to the number of diseases incident to the kidneys, ureters, and bladder; but, omitting those which attach to the organs of generation in breeding ani- mals, and also those seated higher up — the communication of acute pains to the more vital parts, by means of the emulgent and vena cava, to the heart itself This last, however, is so innnediately the precursor of dissolution, that no other benefit can arise from the doctor's skill in this respect, than bidding him to cease his eflbrts, to forbear to torture the expiring patient, and to pro- serve his medicines for a b'ss fttrlorn pur[iose : the pulse, by its extreme Ian guor, tells when hope itself must resign its place. >|^ DIABETEI^. DIABETES, OR EXCESSIVE STALING. The cause of animals discharging great quantities of urine can not in e'vcry case be traced to its right source ; but one thing always hafjpens, namely, irri- tability of the bladder, by reason of the absence of the mucous secretion that is to protect it against the saline efiects of the urine : see page 53. A defect in the mucous secretion of the whole system succeeds the disorder termed mol- ten grease, and the irritation just s[)oken of soon communicates to the kidneys, which are thus compelled to secrete urine to the utmost extent of their power, and to send it forward to the bladder. To an impoverished state of the blood, arising mostly from the use of strong medicines — for the cure of inflammatory diseases leaves more of lymph than of serum in the vital fluid, with an accel- erated tendency to increase that baleful difllerence — may be ascribed the chief cause of this obstinate disease. Bad dry provender, with ill-usage, and the denial of green food, in season, have a similarly evil etTect on the blood. Symptoms. — Of course, the most obvious is the discharge whence the dis- order derives its name, being frequent and in very large quantities. At first, the water is colourless, but occasionally comes ofl[" like jmddle. Constant craving after water, a staring coat, evident weakness, and weak quickened pulse, succeed each other, and increase as the disorder is suffered to proceed unchecked. Cure. — Change in the animal's diet, whatever they may have been. If the horse be labouring under the remains of some ill-cured disorder, attend to that first, and by removing it, the excessive staling, which in that case is but an effect thereof, will also cease. Give vetches, grass, sodden oats, water in small quantities and often. If the pulse be higher than ordinary, give the fever powders, page 65; and when the number of strokes per minute is reduced, let the oats be given dry, and resort to bracing medicines. In slight attacks, as well as for the less robust animals, the various preparations of bark will be found suflBciently tonic. Tonic Ball.—^o. I. SSil'L, I ofeach2J,.achms. Powdered caraways, half drachm, with treacle sufficient to form the ball for one dose. Give morning and evening. In the more formidable cases, where greater strength or more tedious symp- toms require to be combated, give the Tonic Ball.— No. 2. Venice turpentine, 1 scruple, Giiger^*'^^^^^^ I of each 1 drachm. Mix, with liquorice powder sufficient for one dose, arid give twice a day for two or three days. After this, a return to the use of No. 1, would be desira- ble, until the disorder is subdued. Should costjveness ensue, give a clyster, which will also relieve the irritation of the parts ; castor oil, one pint, must also be administered, if the costiveness appear obstinate. Above all things, the horse-owner should avoid the use of such excessively Ignorant prescriptions as are recommended, in this disorder most particularly, by every village quack : they are mostly the horses of hard-working peoplp BLOODY URINE CALCULUS. 107 that are attacked with this disorder, and those people more than any other lie open to this kind of advice. Incontinence of urine is cf the same nature as the last-mentione what is tiiking place. He whose judgment tcina» htra neaf«'3C the real cause of pain being most likely to apply the proper recieay. 11» tid ABSCESS AND TUMOURS. dissolution of the functions of animal life. This is the most dangerous species of disorder, arising from calculous deposit, that I know of In the kidney, however, little danger to life is to be apprehended from the (Btonc, unless the animal is put to severe work, so as to produce the symptom of bloody urine before described. They are mostly fat horses that die with stone in the kidney ; in fact, all that I have ever seen or heard of, and these have been numerous ; for I have long made a point of inquiring after such cases of calculus, where they seldom escape notice, viz. the horse-slaughterers' yards, of which it is proverbially and truly said, that not a hair enters but is turned to profit. The probability is, that when the stone detaches itself and descends into the ureter, the fat which partly enveloped it and the residue of the kidney had been withdrawn, through disease or poor living, and the mem- brane which supported both had divided. I once thought Ihad made some ob- servations on this part of my subject which would be worthy of public perusal ; but these are not sufficiently mature to find place in this little volume, devoted as its pages are to matter of fact, and fair deductions therefrom, and wholly exclusive of theoretic speculation. Nevertheless, in aid of what others may think fit to say in any other place (out of a spirit of controversy), I would just add, that only one kidney is affected at a time, or one ureter ; that the calculi found in either of these are invariably of the hardest kind, whilst those of the bladder are softer, and those of the intestines softer still, or Htlle more than concrete earth. Lastly, that none of those horses which I have found troubled with either kind of calculous disorders suffered under a second at one and the same time. CHAPTER II. EXTERNAL DISORDERS. Abscess and Tumours. Swelling, with inflammation of the solids, the glands, or simply pustules on the skin, are all tumours, have been divided into eight classes, and accord in^ to their situation, are termed superficial, or deep seated abscess. Super- ficial are those which appear on the skin, as farcy, &c. — Deep seated are those which more generally are hidden amongst the muscles, ligaments, &c. as poll- evil, fistula, &c. — A few general observations on the remote causes thereof seem necessary to a right understanding of each particular complaint. All those disorders in common, together with several others, 1 have no hesi- tation in attributing their remote cause to constitutional defectiveness at least, or incapacity in the function of circulation, better known by the homely ex- pression, "a bad state of the humours," as before insisted upon, principally at pages 53—61. Both series are referable to the same predisposing cause. That epecies of inflammation of the whole system which we have agreed to term fever, frequently terminates by concentrating its latent humours, and deposit ing the same critically in some fleshy part of the carcass or limbs, producing rnattei (or pus,) which, with heat, constitutes the disease. Whether abscess or tumour supervene, both have immediate connexion with blood-vessels of no small^ consideration, though the disorder may have commenced with the finer (capillaries), as insisted upon at the pages above referred to; and hath TUMOURS, DEFINED. HI been repeatedly proved. First, as recrards tumours, these being probed, the patients have bled to death, with arterial blood. And secondly, in every case of abscess, in proportion as tiiey increase in size, so does the patient's strength invariably diminish. When nature makes an opening to the surface, after iong-protracted illness, the patient is usually so exhausted, and the parts ad jacent rendered so unfit to re-unite, that the strength of the constitution ap- pears to run off at the orifice : life is seldom preserved, health never com- pletely restored. Tumours sometimes appear of tolerably large size, that become imJolent, without feeling, and are moveable under the skin. These are caused by the same evil state of the blood, or its vessels, and the inflammation or irritation having ceased at some time or other, the enlargement remains, though the connexion with the system of animal life has long ceased. Although very unsightly, the animal feels little inconvenience from those protuberances: they receive the name of wen, and might be taken off by dividing the skin, and pressing out the wen : it is then to be drawn forth with the forceps, and the healing of the wound is effected by strapping down the skin with adhesive plaster ; the cure is thus said to be effected by the first intention. The usual precautions of taking away the hair, and afterwards keeping the patient's h^ad up for a few days, would of course be adopted. The genuine tumour is soft and tender, and is contained in a membranous case, or ccestus, that has been likened to the finger of a glove, or to many of them, when it acquires the distinctive name of fistula. The case, or ccestus, having been formed by the disorder, and matured by heat, acquires strength the longer it is suffered to continue unopposed, seeking its way inwards, until the knife alone can afford relief. At the shoulder the fibrous and membranous construction is exceedingly strong. Look at page 11. Generally speaking, all swellings of a circumscribed nature are tumours. Some objections which have been raised against the view I have taken of the origin of this whole series of diseases must not go quite unnoticed here, though I dislike controversy as much as any writer who has gone before me on either side the question. At the very commencement of this book (page 59), and without adverting to either set, or indeed thinking at all of the con- troversy, I assigned a reason why the apparently triumphant proof of Mr. White, at page 29, is no proof at all, but the contrary, as to the thickness or viscidity of the blood increasing with the continuance of inflammatory fever. Every writer on this subject allows that the swelling and discharge of matter that frequently occurs after a fever, or inflammation of the whole system, de- notes the crisis or termination of that disorder ; and insists that it must bo considered as but an effort of nature to throw off something that is offensive to the well-being of the animal. The same happens often after "inflamma- tion of the liver" has been reduced ; but this kind of occurrence, though it adds nothing material by way of argument, leads us directly to the point at issue. General inflammation (fever)j it is allowed on all hands, begets something of- fensive, and so does partial or local inflammation of any organ through which the blood passes, particularly of the liver and kidneys, through which the whole mass gets filtered, as it were : and nature's efforts to get rid of this of- fence against her rules are evinced in swelling of the external parts, in the in- flammation thereof, and subsequent escape of the offensive something, where by a cure is effected. All this is agreed upon by those who deny the necessary pre-existence of a general ill state of health, as well as by those who already know, or have yet to learn, that the liver, that acknowledged cleanser, permits much grosser ma terials to pass through it than those offensive matters, or gross humours, which we contend reside in the blood, and constitute disorder of one kind or other cv tl3 KIND OF HORSE MOST LIABLE TO TUMOURS. the surface, or at least predispose the animal to acquire such, according as cif> cumstances may cleteriniae one way or the other. Seeing that such gross sub- stances as bits of straw, chalf, &x*., have issued from a vein on blood-letting, it is too much to concede the ultimate point that the feculent humours, which constitute tumours, farcy, &c. may not in like manner escape into the circula- tion, and be detained at that particular part which is rendered by some acci- dent less capable of continuing the harmful matter in a 6uid state? A blow, a gall, a ligature, or bruise, are known to occasion this disability and bring on disease in one of its varied shapes. So does " a cold" produce fever in some animals sooner than in others; according as the circulation may be more lan- guid, or more predisposed to inflammation, or otherwise unfitted for its pur- poses; whilst some again acquire inflammation without any such accidents or cold, the fever being lighted up occasionally by warm stabling alone, though the air they breathe may be perfectly innoxious. How it is that those external diseases, enumerated at the head of this chap- ter, are generated, 1 shall not here re[)eat : the reader may consult the {)rinci- ples upon which my 0[)inions are founded in the twenty-ninth section of book the first, page .30: to which 1 will here merely add, that the tumours we per- ceive on the body that are not of a nature to break and discharge their con- tents — as farcy, grease, &c. — are usually, if not always, accompanied by cor- responding tumours on some vital organ, as the lungs, liver, &c. But single tumours, containing matter, as the whole tribe of fistula, &c. are designed to counteract and carry off obstructions and all baleful affections incident to the organs just mentioned, and of all others: an owner ought therefore to deem himself fortunate, when some inscrutable long illness of the inside terminates in this manner. The appearance of these latter on the surface may be taken as a good assurance that none then exist internally; nor, indeed, any other disorder whatever, the natural stn-ngth of the animal system enabling it thus to cleanse itself Again, we may remark in general, that as it is the better bred animals that are most lialile to affe(;tions of these organs, so is it the "country-bred cattle," without any breeding in them, that mostly suffer those external attacks. To the reflection of every man of experience I refer this material point of ilissonance between the two varieties of hi)rse, which serves to prove that those having great lumps of nuiscle at the parts liable to such at- tacks are most disposed to contract local inflammation, and that puffing up of gland or lymphatic which we call tumour of various kinils. Local inflam- nration alone, however, could not effect the evil, without some corresponding a use ; else, how comes it to pass that none but aged horses, that are heavy in the hand and low in blood, contract fistula or abscess; young and lively horses, and those with some breeding in them, never? Once more, — if the disorder reside not in the blood, how does it come to pass, that a horse having contracted one species of tumour, he is never known to undergo an attack of any other species — and there are a dozen at the least? For example, give a horse the poll-evil, and see how little he will be disposed to contract the glanders. Fleshy horses, those of the cart breed and of indolent habit of body, aro lT>ost liable to contract poll-evil, fistula, &c.; indeed i might say, the ready dis- Kosition thereto is confined to that breed, though either could be inflicted upon igher bred cattle, which might not be so |)redisposed by a bad habit of l)ody <»r by the gross humours before noticed. When the animals arc young, and feed ravenously, the strangles carry off those humours; when youth leaves them and more doltish habits comes on, these humours appear in some other varied shapes: besides those diseases just nanied, the farcy, grease, &c. all come on from the same indolent habit of body. They are always ravenous fatejts, gross feeders, and consequently lethargic in their movements, that ac- DISEASE OF IHE HABIT. lid quir** pollevil ; for they demand harsh treatment to keep them at their work which frequently devolves into ill-usage, unless the drivers possess the pa tience of Job, Hence the duty of attending to the health of such horses, as much as may be consistent with the avocations of the owner; of avoiding the infliction that is often the immediate cause of either species of ailment ; and, these being discovered of applying the necessary remedies for their instant dispersion — if the symptoms are mild, and thus promise success, a low regimen follows of course. But delay too often confirms the disease ; it approaches towa? ds ma- turity, and will not be repressed : then does the duty of " bringing it forward" to suppuration present itself as the only means of obtaining a radical cure; and 1 may add, that this is always the safest, the best, and the most certain means, when the disease yields not to the first efforts at dispersion. In ordinary cases of saddle gall, the swelling and heat will bend before an assiduous and early application of the repellent lotion; not so easily, however in case of "fistula in the withers," which lies deeper and is more obstinate. Least of all will con- firmed poll-evil give way before the strongest repellents ; or, if the resolution be apparently effected, the least external injury, or none whatever, will sub- sequently reproduce the disorder with more than its original virulence. Per- haps, in no part of the farrier's art has he the opportunity of evincing his judgment more, than in choosing the precise period when he will quit all at- tempts at suppressing the abscess or tumour, and set about bringing it forward to suppuration and a radical cure; when he will also quit the low regimen which was proper in the first attempt, and adopt a more generous diet, that is better adapted to the painful discharge his patient will now be compelled to undergo, either by dint of medicinal applications or the knife. Abscess in the more fleshy parts of the body, or under the belly, are far less dangerous or troublesome situations than on the parts just named ; they also prove to be symptomatic of the actual state of the blood, of which they then form the crisis or point of cure, and therefore the repression of such (as re- commended in other cases) should not be attempted, neither should the animal system be lowered, but the contrary. If, however, the tumour appears near a joint or just above it, as the hock, so as to impede its action, in which case it would soon assume an ulcerous appearance, by reason of the movement of the muscles of the limb in going, repression should then be resorted to with assiduity and skill. Artificial inflammation, excited upon the skin and cellu- lar membrane, near the part, by means of blistering, or rowelling higher up, has the good effect of drawing oflfthe heat and tension from the more import- ant joint, nor does the animal by this application undergo so much pain as he would were the tendon affected, whereby the limb would become irremediably stiff and useless. CRITICAL ABSCESS Is that swelling or tumour which is occasionally thrown out on the body oi hmbs from no apparent accident, but what may be traced to that derange- ment of the system we call fever, and is sometimes attendant upci protracted inflammation of the liver, when the disease appears on the fascia of the mus- cles of the belly, on the jowl, or other glandular parts. The cause and the effect thus become manifest together; and when great tenderness is evinced upon touching the parts in ordinary cases, nothing mora is required ^han to make an opening in the lowest edge of the swelling, and expressing the contents; the cure is effected by means of the common "di- gestive ointment," which is prescribed under the article " Poll-evil," farther down. But the proper time at whif^h the opening is to be thus made requires 11^ FORM OF BANDAGES close observation. In genera!, this may be ascertained by a change in the animal's manner : he will eat more heartily as the matter increases : which proves that the disease of his habit has accumulated at this precise spot. He should not be allowed long to remain in this state, lest the offensive matter should penetrate inwardly or laterally. If the disease is thus distinctly known to proceed from the remains of ill-cured fever or inflammation, poultices should be applied to bring it forward to the surface, and the animal receive increased feeds of dry oats, of beans, or sodden oats, according to his former habits, in order to encourage the access of matter ; for nature, exhausted by the violence or the continuance of the disorder, is incapable of expelling this last remains of the enemy, and stands in need of support. Should the horse have been lately laid up with fever, or for some time past shown languor in his gait, and heaviness about the eyes, or it may be concluded from his recent hard labour and hard mode of living, that he has been long ailing inwardly: in this case the abscess being evidently a critical symptom of the general evil state of his blood, nature must be assisted in getting rid of the offensive matter ; and for that purpose bring the tumour to a head by means of a poultice. The head is most commonly the seat of swelled glands. Drawing Poultice. White bread, the crum of a 41b. loaf. Onions chopped, 2 lb. Boil the onions in water, and pour the whole on the bread: mix to a tolerable consistency, and whilst blood-warm apply copiously to the parts in a cloth. Support the application by means of a bandage of stout linen cloth, with liga- tures tying over the forehead and across the poll thrice, as described in the annexed sketch. Some persons have recommended the use of a so- lution of gum to render the cloth impervious to liquids. See page 79. CRITICAL ABSCESS AND THE DEEt-SEATED. POIX-E\TL 115 Should circumstances require a more extended application, or that the patient yestlessness might rub off the bandage, let a more extended bandage be em- ployed. For such a one, and as to further particulars, the reader may consult page 79, where a bandage for sore throat is depicted. By those means the swelling will come to a head, and give signs of being about to burst, but which 1 have reason to believe seldom happens sponta- neously by reason of the thickness of the skin. Apply the knife, or bistoury, as directed much at large in the case of poll-evil ; give a mild laxative the same day, and lower his diet. When it so happens that the opening has been made too soon, before it has accumulated sufficiently, the orifice may be ke[)t open by means of a seton passing through it to the lowest or most de|)ending side, arid the running continued for several days, until it assume a healthy a[)pear- ance and the swelhng subsides. This plan must be always adopted with the slow or sordid tumour, which will not come forward, though heated with the onion poultice, and even with a blister : then let the seton be applied, chang- ing it daily and soaking the tape in the irritating mixture, as in case of poll- evil, page 119. That other critical abscess, called strangles, comes under a distinct head, farther down. Deep-seated abscess, under the fascia of the muscles of the belly, is scarcely ever curable, being seldom discovered to the eye uj)til too late to render assist- ance in bringing it to the surface by means of strong drawing poultices, as in case of obstinate poll -evil. On passing the hand over the part, the animal may be observed to flinch from the touch ; but this cyraptom is seldom at- tended to, and it makes its way inwards, bursts in the ravity of the abdomen, and kills the patient. POLL-EVIL. Causes. — Next to a diseased habit of body, as just al)ove noticed, which predisposes a certain description of horses to contract turajurs in various parts of the body, the poll-evil is frequently occasioned by a blow, or gall, of a very trivial nature, if it do not come on without this kind of excitement. The action of the head is very great with some horses, arising probably from an itching in the upper part of the cervical ligament, where it is attached to the vertebrae of the neck ; and this causing irritation, we need not hesitate long in accounting for the inflammation that affects the muscle which interposes between it and the poll-bone, in a cavity that is greater with some breeds of horses than others. This variance in conformation is exemplified in the whole length portrait of a skeleton which is prefixed to chapter i. wherein the cavity that should form the seat of this disease is scarcely perceptible; whilst the small figure, inserted at section 16 of that chapter, to illustrate the uses of the cervical ligament, has this cavity of the usual extent. Of course, this latter would be still more predisposed to contract poll-evil than the former, which was a peculiarly formed horse in another respect also ; and it is more than probable, that, if the two were to fall into an equally bad habit of body, whilst the latter might acquire poll evil thereby, the constitution of the former might throw off any offensive matters that might accrue by some other means.* The reader will do well to turn back to the section referred to (p. 20), as well as to the skeleton [at A 5J. The wheelers, in a set uf horses^ v^ill frequently throw back the head m * These might appear iii shape of grease and farcy ; but it has been generally obsei 7ed tnai a flisposition to farcy abates, if it do not subside entirely, upon the appearance of poH-evil. Again, horses that are most liable to contidct the grease, are precisely of the same dispositioo US ilicKe which are afflicted with tumours, Sir., viz. of indolent habit, heavy in the hand, and bJow of blood, flesb^' and dull; 116 cau.:e.s or ^oll-evil cure by dispersion. warm weather, or after lirit^k work, at feeling the reins that run through theif head-harness to the leaders : this action is performed, as the reader will have iearnl, by the action of the cervicular ligament, the upper end whereof termi- nates where the ear-band rests, and perhaps pinches the part. Horses that are given to shy are likely to contract poll-evil when hanging back, and throw- ing up the head with a jerk. But the most prolific cause of poll-evil I am inclined to attribute to the low stable door-way, whereby the animal gets many a trivial hit at going in and coming out; next in point of frequency is that brutal mode of attacking res- tive horses about the head with the butt end of the whip. Education of the lower classes has effected the abatement of this as well as many other unfeel- ing practices. Ofttimes, the edges of the ear-band, being sharp, create a painful itching, then soreness and irritation about the part, as does also the showy tip, or "cutting at a fly," practised by our flashy four-in-hand men, who may have discovered that touching up the animal in such a vulnerable part is "sure to make him go along." Stage-coach horses, however, do not now acquire poll-evil, so far as I can learn, like what they did formerly; for the great expedition these vehicles are constrained to, compels the proprietors to use better bred cattle than their predecessors — those that are less indolent, not so heavy in the hand, nor sluggish, consequently not so liable to contract dis- eases incident to a bad habit of body, or vitiated state of the blood, like poll- evil and its nauseous train of co-existent evils, that we shall proceed to take into consideration one after another. Symptoms. — At first the animal appears restless, throwing his head back and returning it to the former position, as if the efforts had oc(^sioned pain. Soon after, it droops the head, holding it now on one side, now on the other ; appears dull about the eyes, and becomes sluggish in its movements. In this state it continues a longer or shorter time (even weeks) as the violence may have been greater or less that brought about the evil ; the time depending alsc in some measure on the height of the pulse : a languid system making of course the slowest advances towards bringing the abscess to maturity. Thif uneasiness of manner is accompanied by heat, swelling, and shortly by ten- sion of the part, and increase in the pulsation. As it goes on, a disposition to flinch from the touch is evinced whenever the part is approached with the hand ; if the evil be deep-seated, the swelling is wide, but not so high ; but when nearer the surface, it presents a point, is circumscribed within a well- marked circle, and ultimately tells how necessary it is that the contents should escape, by a throbbing which may be felt at this point. Again, to ascertain that the matter is near the surface, apply two fingers alternately on the sides of the tumour, and the matter will recede from side to side. Let it out. Cure. — At first, this may be attempted, in the earliest stages of the disor- der, by repression or dispersion, provided the disorder be not deep-seated near the bone ; which will be the case if it has been brought on by violent means, or it be a second attack, when endeavours to repress it would be vain indeed. On the contrary, if we can trace the cause to a hurt of no long standing, or of trivial import, and we know the horse was in good health before the swelling took place, then oui duty is to carry off the evil through the animal system, by means of active physic. Foment the part well with bran and water, warm { rub it dry with cloths, and apply the Embrocation. Spirits of wine, half a pint, Camphor, 2 drachms, Goulard's extract of lead, 1 drachm POLL-EVIL> RADICAL CURE BY SUPPURATION. lyj Mix, and apply the same two or three times a day, gently rubbing the part ls much as the animal can bear. Give also at the same time the Alterative Ball. Aloes, 4 drachms, Castile soap, 2 drachms, Calomel, half a drachm. Mix with mucilage, and give one every third day, provided the embrocation ia applied so long. During these applications, a cooling regimen should be observed, the feeds being reduced to half the usual quantity of oats, and ultimately discontinued altogether. There will be no propriety in clothing up the patient, nor need he be exposed to the cold air, if it prevails. When the disorder has been brought on by simple compression of the ear-band, and is recent, I have never known the foregoing treatment to fail ; and in cases of vigorous constitutions, the swelling, heat, and tension have been reduced so quickly (i. e. in four or five days) as to leave certain careless observers in doubt whetner the animal had really laboured under a genuine attack of poll-evil. Remove the halter, and if the animal be put to work, contrive to keep back the ear-band. A good and valuable embrocation will be found in simple vine- gar three or four times a day, or the sediment of very stale beer. Old verjuice answers the same end ; and all this kind of embrocation must be laid on warm, by means of cloths soaked and applied repeatedly. ♦+* The same treatment and observations will apply to all the other species of abscess in its milder state, fistula, warbles, quittor ; but of these 1 shall speak more particularly under their respective heads of information. Second method of cure. — Very few cases present themselves to recollection of even recent poll-evil, that would admit of being completely dispersed, and a radical cure effected, by any means whatever; and it is due to candour to acknowledge, that some of the most stubborn attacks were found to bave re- lapsed after a v^hile, which proved that the cure so effected to all appearance was not radically good, but had leit a violent predisposition to renew its rava- ges afresh. Probably, the time of inflicting the injury had not been accurate- ly marked, nor its degree ingenuously reported to the owners in those cases of relapse. However this be, when the disorder is found to baffle the endeavours em- ployed to disperse it, the whole course of proceedings must be changed, as be- fore hinted in the concluding sentence of my general observations on this to- pic. Instead of putting back the swelling by those means, let us pursue a direct contrary course, in order to bring it forward : the mode of feeding must oe changed along with the medicines that now become proper to procure sup- puration, or a discharge of the offensive matter; a full habit being mainly conducive thereto, and proving how closely connected is this disease with a gross habit of body, which in all fleshy animals superinduces a diseased habit, vulgarly but accurately termed "full of humours." After having found use- less your efforts to disperse the tumour, or. mayhap, finding at the first view of it, or by the first touch, certain symptoms that prove it ought never to be dispersed, the practitioner will of course seriously set about permitting, or forcing, the offensive matter to escape. Every hour's delay in putting this^ resolve into practice serves but to render the ultimate cure still more difllcub ond hazardous; for the evil is all this while extending its baleful effects in- wards and sidewise, and forming around H. in every direction, the fistulous !'.ase or csestus before spoken of, wh'ch is a film, ur skin-like substance formi^d 12 118 BANDAGE FOR POLL-EVIL of the cellular membrane, thickened by the disorder. (See Book I. Sect. 27. page 28.) In this event, the tumour has become decidedly fistulous, and is to be treated as such, when the great length of <,ime it may have been suifered to make head, and its now extended surface^ warrant that conclusion. The knife is almost the only remedy, notwithstanding the superficial tumour will in some cases break and discharge matter of itself; this, however, never hap- pens with the deep-seated abscess, which lies close to the bone, and destroys not only it, but the muscular substance of the poll, and the end of the cervica. ligament also. In these series of abscess or fistulous tumour, nothing but the knife can ever reach the disorder, and it must be employed fearlessly, but with a commensurate share of skill, after the skin has been prepared with fomen- ta\ioiis, &c. Let the parts be softened and drawn with poultice of oatmeal, put on lukewarm, twice a day ; and if the effect be not visible to the eye and touch, as before described, increase the powers of the poultice by the addition of onion chopped and mixed with the poultice whilst warm. Or, a mere change may be adopted, and a bread poultice applied instead ; for, notwith- standing oatmeal is stronger, yet 1 have occasionally found the milder have more effect when the former had not succeeded entirely according to my wish. The poultice should be provided in sufficient quantity to cover the whole swelling two inches thick at least, having a small quantity of sweet oil, hog's lard, or oil of turpentine mixed therewith. Fix it on by means of a contri- vance that is sufficiently explained by the annexed cut, in which it will be seen that the girth is to have a web breasting, to which the lateral corners of the cloth are to be attached by broad tapes, as was explained in another simi- lar case at pages 79 and 114. I have here represented the bandage rather longer than requisite, under the presumption that it may occasionally be applied to other affections farther back ; a prolongation of the bandage may be affixed at either end, either plain or plaited, according to the amount of the swelling. When the symptoms above stated inform our senses that the matter ought to be so "let out," an opening is to be made the whole length of the abscess, a little below its centre; taking especial care that the knife do not pass cross- wise, lest the attachment of the cervicular ligament to the first (vertebrae) bone should be severed ; in which case the animal would droop its head ever after TIIE SETON, HOW APPLIED. H;) as may be learnt by consulting its construction at p. 20, of Book I. On the escape of the matter, after ascertaining by a probe whether it runs in pipe?, ot sinuse?, this way and that, or with small bits of diseased fibre or niembra.ie stretching across the cavity, so as nearly to divide it into unequal parts — let each be just touched with tlie knife or scalpel. There is no propriety in t!ie old practice of squeezing out all the offensive matter from this kind of abscess, although it be very proper in that deep-seated sort where no pipes, nor the small cavities just spoken of, are to be ft>lt or seen, for the following reasons : the first mentioned kind have the case or coestus before described, which von tains the matter, and if laid open before the evil be sufficiently ripe, it doe not come away freely. This, however, the operation efTectg in two or three days, if kept running by means of a seton, or other contrivance placed at the orifice; but the application of tow, or any other su'nstance, that obstructs the escape of this mattei, is ever to be avoided. On the contrary, when the ab- scess is verv deep, reaching to the bone, which may be felt, an of each 2 ounces. Rosin, ) Bees wax, 1 ounce. — Melt slowly, and mix in Spirits of turpetine, 2 ounces. Verdigris 6 drachms. Mix and pour into the orifice hot, and close it with stitches. The next two have the recommendation of being more scientific, and are withal better adipt- ed for penetrating into the sinuses. Scalding Mixture. — ^No. 2. Corrosive sublimate, 1 Verdigris, > of each 2 drachms. Blue Vitriol, ) Green copperas, half an ounce. Honey, or Egyptiacum, 2 ounces. Oil of turpentine, ) ^ , o rxi. • •i'^ ' > of each 8 ounces. 1 ram oil, y Rectified spirit of wine, four ounces. Mix, and apply as before directed. The difficulty of retaining this last in its proper place, is its only defect ; but Gibson appears to have prescribed a quan- tity sufficient to allow for spilling a good portion. Since writing the above, however, I have inserted the sketch of bandaging for poll-evil remedies at page 118, to which the reader will refer, when requisite, and introduce such modifi- cations as the nature of the applications may demand to prevent the loss of any part. Scalding Mixture. — No. 3. Oil of turpentine, 2 ounces. Verdigris, 1 ounce, Ointment of yellow resin, 6 ounces. Mix and apply as above. In using any of those hot mixtures, a y)irce of tow should be so placed as to surround the orifice and prevent its running over the •iound parts — which would be injured thereby, as would the operators fingers, &c. if he neglect the proper precautions. These he should not fail to take as regards the acrimonious discharge from the abscess, as absorption thereof might take place at the root of his nails; so, if the discharge be allowed to rest upon the sound parts of the horse, it will be found to corrode and produce ulcers. Frequently it happens — and I believe the old farriers always "repeated the dose," that a second application of the " scalding mixture becomes necessary, CONNEXION OF POLL-EVIL AND FARCY. 121 for tHoir cases were always very bad ones. In this event, opportunity is af- fordfd of employing both prescriptions in succession; but whichsoever is first adopted, let it remain undisturbed from sixty to seventy hours, if the stitching do not sooner burst. Sponge out the parts with warm water; cleanse away the adjacent filth, and either repeat the same or proceed at vato(l, where they will Imve sufficient norriture during the period of gestation, and can find occasional shelter from the weather. "By these means (says M. Dupuy) the disorder may be prevented in great mea- sure." The disorder he here si)eaks of he calls "scrophulous tubercle;" to which "all cattle whatever, bred in marshy situjttions with scanty allowance to the parents, are very liable." This disorder of the blood or breed, accord inc to M. Dupuy, "predisposes the horse to contract those diseases that arc known to us under the terms strangles, bastard strangles, forcy, and defluxions from the eyes ;" which latter, it will be seen, at page 127, is a corresponding symptom and never failing attendant upon the vives, as it is of all other glan- dular swellings about the jaws. The Frenchman thus converts a single symptom into a disorder! In England, moreover, we do not talk or write of scrophula in horses, or a disposition thereto, this being a symptom of a vitiated system in carnivorous animals. For, the mange in dogs, scurvical or scrophulous eruptions in man- kind, and the farcy or grease in the horse, although appearing very similar to the eye of a common itbserver, and all originating in a depraved state of the system; yet the immediate cause of each of these dtlfers greatly, by reason of the manifest diflerence in the structure of the capillary vessels or tubes that deposit the offensive matter of either kind, demand a very different treatment at our hands, and we reject the anomaly of M. Dupuy as inapplicable to horse-medicine. But when this gentleman represents the general predispos- ing cause as a " tuberculous or fistulous affection, that is capable of being al- leviated, prevented, and in some cases cured," he brings his arguments quite within the range of our conceptions; and 1, for my part, take all that he sub- sequently adduces, as being in perfect consonance with my own doctrine re- specting the predisposing cause of diseases. As to ancestry, and breeding from a good stock, in favourable situations, of which this writer appears to entertain correct notions, 1 had already anticipated him, as the reader may perceive at pages 18, 19, which is a part of my book that appeared in the Annals of Sporting for 1822. THE STRANGLES. The Strangles, as the name imports, is first indicated by a coughing, and difficulty of swallowing, as if the animal would die of strangulation. It is a disorder of youth (like our hooping cough), is inherent to the nature of the animal (as is our small pox) once only, and its virulence may be abated by inoculation, whereby we choose a favourable period for meeting the inevitable attack, after duly preparing the patient. Cause. — Repletion of the system of life, and the deposite of blood in the glands under the jaw ; which failing to be taken up and reconveyed back again into the system (called absorption — see book the first, p. 21), the glands become inflamed, swell, and burst, the discharge of the offensive matter being the cure. I have always considered it a critical disease, and treated it as such, encouraging the formation of matter, and assisting nature in throwing off a something that is evidently obnoxious to the constitution. Indeed, 1 have never heard of any other practice ; the impertinent attempts at repression, so frequently adopted at the request of proprietors in other cases of tumour, never having extended itself to this. Strangles, strictly speaking, are inci- dent to the young animal only — that is, from two years old, until five or near six ; when the circulution (as the blood is called) has attained its fulnebs, and, perhaps, slight cold has first detained any portion thereof in the glands,.where- oy the inflammation is engendered that constitutes the disease. When these ;{lands swell and discharge at a more mature age, the strangles must then hg OPERATION FOR SUFFOCATION. 1^1 Mnsv lered as the effect of constitutional depravation, and would as properly come under the general description of critical abscess, treated of at a former page, 113. S;/viptoins. — A swelling commences between the upper part of the two ja\v-l)ones, or a li-ttle lower down towards the chin, and directly underneath the tongue. A cough, and the discharge of a white thick matter from the nostrils, follow; with great heat, pain, and tension of the tumours, and cf all the adjacent membranes, to such a degree that the animal can scarcely swal- low. The eyes send forth a watery humour, and the animal nearly closes the h J ; this is mostly the case when it happens that the two larger glands under the ear are affected also, which frequently happens ; but when these latter are disordered without the animal having the strangles, we then say he has the vivos. The swelling increases and usually bursts of itself, sometimes with- out any medical aid whatever, and even without being perceived by any one. This last happens to colts and fillies at grass, when their wants are little at- tended to, and they seldom fail of doing well. Consequently, it follows, that those attacks which take place in the open air are of a milder nature than those more obstinate cases we so frequently meet with among in-door cattle, which serves to prove, once more, my doctrine as to the cause of all tumours or " tuberculous affections," as M, Dupuy has it. The horses that are kept in doors accumulate gross humours, by this mode of living on dry food and lying on soft beds, the exercise they take not being sufficient to carry of! the effects of either. Enervation generally accompanies this mode of treatment ; the glands and membrane suffer relaxation, the pampered animal is not ex- posed to the air sufficiently to occasion that check, or slight cold, which is ge- nerally the immediate cause of strangles, and the accumulation of these hu- mours proceeds, until they overcome the capacity of these organs, and the strangles then become a formidable disease. When this is the case, the feverish symptoms run high, loss of appetite fol- lows with constipation of the bowels, the horse can neither drink nor eat, and the pulse increases. The tumours in these bad cases will be found to have risen nearer the jaw-bone than they do in a mild attack, and are longer in coming to maturity than those which begin more towards the middle. The disorder is seldom fatal ; but when this does happen, the animal dies of suffo- cation, in which case it stands with the nose thrust out, the nostrils distended . the breathing is then exceedingly laborious and difficult, and accompanied by rattling in the throat. Cure. — For this last mentioned extreme case, no other remedy is found than making an opening in the windpipe, through which the animal may breathe. For this spirited oi)eration, I must refer to Mr. Field, the veterinary surgeon, who has performed it frequently, and says his practice was to cut an aperture the size of a guinea, which nature afterwards supplies in due time. With thia exception, perhaps, I might be justified in saying that we have little or no bu- siness to meddle with the strangles ; unless, indeed, unfavourable symptoms arise, and the previous habits of the horse, his present fleshy or gross habit of body, with the unfavourable situation of the tumours near the bone, give good reason for believing that the disease will turn out a tedious or dangerous case. And ye* I should be very loth to recommend purging or bleeding for stran- gles, as I have seen done with no good effect ; for, although the symptoms are thereby lowered, yet the continuance of the disorder is protracted to an un- measurable length, and 1 have heard of the strangles devolving into glanders by this course of proceeding — the subject of this case being a five year oU .nare. On the contrary, the disorder being constitutional, that is to say, an clfbrt of nature to relieve itself of some noxious matters, the strength of the animal 1353 OPENING THE TUMOUR, WHEN PROPER. system should be sustained in some degree proportioned to what it may ob- viously require. Therefore, horses that may be in good condition at the time of the attack, and withal highly feverish and full of corn, will only require opening medicine, whilst a brisk purgative might do harm by lessening the access of matter to the tumour, and the system would still retain a portion of the offensive cause of disease, which would break forth at a future period in some one or other of the correspondent diseases dependent on tubercular af- fections. In this case give the following Laxative Ball. ^'^f.^' }ofeach 3 drachms, Castile soap, ) ' Ginger, 1 scruple. Mix for one dose. If difficulty of swallowing is already perceivable, a drench would be found the more desirable form of arriving at the same end. Then give the Laxative Drench. Captor oil, 6 ounces. Water gruel, 1 quart. Salts, 6 ounces. Mix. Meantime, at the first appearance of the disorder, let the hair be clipped off close at the part affected, and a little way round, to allow of greater effect from any application that may be deemed necessary. The head being clothed, will restore as much warmth as hath hereby been abridged. Mild cases will re- quire no more than this, probably, and the assistance of a poultice and fomen- tation of marsh-mallows daily to the throat, to bring the swelling to a proper state for opening. This will be shown by its pointing, or becoming soft and peaked in the middle. But a premature employment of the lancet is to be avoided, for the reason before assigned, viz. to give lime for the whole matter to collect ; when this period arrives, the whole swelling will be soft and yield- ing to pressure, unless the animal be a very thick-skinned one, with a great chuckle-head. In these cases, the part should be rubbed with a stimulating liniment, and if the tumour is working its way inwards so as to threaten suf focation, blistering ointment may be applied. After each and either of these applications, the poultice is to be again put on with care; and as much of its efficacy depends upon its remaining in contact with the throat, the adjust- ing of it properly requires great pains and some adroitness for the thing. Much difficulty being experienced in making serviceable bandages, 1 have annexed a descriptive sketch of such a one as would be proper to keep on the ttpplications. It needs no further explanation than is given in cases of sore hroat at page 78, and of abscess, at page 114. Stimulating Liniment, Mustard, powdered, 1 ounce, Liquid Ammonia, 3 drachms Mix and apply assidously to the part. BANDAGE FOR STRANGLES. STRANGLES OF THE GULLET 133 The suppuration may be further promoted by steaming the head over warm water, or fumigating it as follows: give him bran mashes frequently, placing the vessel that contains this, well secured, in another vessel larger than the first, into which much hotter water can be introduced, so that the vapour may rise up all round the mash, and constantly envelop the head. When the tumour is ascertained to be ripe, and not before, an opening is made at its most depending part, and the matter expressed gently; wash it off clean with warm water, and if the sore appear healthy, it will heal spontaneously, or witn the application of adhesive plaster. Inoculation for the strangles has been recommended above and was par- tially practised. About 1802, M. La Fosse, the younger, mentioned the af- fair "in his Manuel d' Hippiatrique, which book I translated into English the following year, and we hear that two or three country practitioners in En- gland afterwards adopted the suggestion. The method was merely to scratch the inside of the nostril, and then smearing the sore with matter from the ab- scess of a diseased horse — it never failed. In careful hands the practice was feasible enough ; but great danger would accompany this imitation of variolous inoculation, inasmuch as the matter might Ukewise convey a disposition to farcy or glanders. Strangles of the gullet. Sometimes we find those symptoms of strangles reduced to one only, viz. an obstinate running at the nose, which usually lasts a long while, and occasionally ends fatally, by the animal wast- ing away in pulmonary consumption, as I am informed from good authority, i ut never witnessed such a termination of this species of strangles, which La Fosse calls "strangles of the gullet." Many people mistake this disorder for glanders, but it may be distinguished from that contagion by a rattling in the gullet, whence its French name ; also by the quality oi the running, whicii 13* 134 GLANDERS. SYMPTOMS OF THE TRUE GLANDERSi is neilher so white nor of so much consistency as the true sort; but watei ♦ and curdled. The animal scarcely ever is troubled with a cough, and then ' is very feeble , but to make up for this exhibits frequent contractions of th larynx. After the tumour is opened, give gentle physic, for which purpose the laxa tive ball recommended in page 132 will answer every desirable purpose ; a you may add thereto one drachm of emetic tartar, and give another ball aftei an interval of one day, unless the pulse is low. Bastard Strangles is a favourite term with some persons, who would soften down the real fact of their horses having the glanders, which it really is, and not strangles. But bastard or not bastard, it is always infectious, and the animal either dies of strangulation, or the disorder becomes the glandersj producing a sanious discharge from the nose when the cough ceases. Apply a Fumigation. Take the leaves and root of marsh-mallows, an arm-full. "Water, 6 quarts. Boil them, and put the whole into a nose bag, and hang it round the head of the animal to make him inhale the steam. The bag may be made of stout cloth, but hung with the upper part quite open, to avoid suffocarion. Leave the bag at the animal's nose until no more steam will arise. This will be found a very proper remedy in all cases of strangles, the lirst stage of glan- ders, and obstinate colds. GLANDERS. For aoout twenty years I apprehended that we had arrived within a short apace of finding the true cause of glandally prevails against an ordinary attack of farcy, and the cure is aided when it affects the fore-leg only, by a rowel inserted under the chest. But the absorption or taking up of the disorder into the system, and carrying it off by stool, is by far the neatest manner of managing the cure ; for this pur- pose give the following ball, after the animal has been reduced by the fore- going treatment. Alterative Ball. Camphor, Emetic tartar, Ginger, J "With mucilage sufficient to form the ball for one dose. Give one of these for tliree successive nights ; then stop one night between each dose, until the du* ease is removed. TmRD STAGE: MERCURY, A SPECmC. 141 If these efforts to absorb the disease prove insufficient to conquer it, recourbc must be had to the use of mercury, as recommended for the third or most viru- lent stage of the disease, which is also the most common of the three. Mean- time, we come to consider of that particular kind of farcy which is the least common of all three; and this is wherein the tumours are larger than usually happens, and smaller in number. The disease then partakes very much of the nature of critical abscess (page 113), and of the strangles (page 130); bo'h of which, the reader will perceive, are but the efforts of nature to relieve itsell of an accumulation of offensive matter; and, this escaping, the cure is effect- ed. In this second kind, or stage of farcy (as I call it), nothing more is requi site than to promote suppuration, as directed in the diseases just referred to, and follow it with the physic prescribed for the strangles. The third, most common and virulent kind of farcy, that which comes on quickest, lasts the longest, and requires the most powerful means for its re- moval, is that which is spread minutely all over the body and limbs, and has penetrated the whole system. In whichever manner the animal may have Hcquired the disorder, we may safely presume that the mass of humours is hideously depraved, and mercury, in one or other of its varied forms, is the only antidote to be relied upon for its extinction. Previously, however, the farcy buds and ulcers must be reduced to the state of common sores, by means of the actual cautery freely applied to each. When these slough off. and the sores assume a healthy appearance, less of the mercurial preparation will be required ; but if these retain a livid and therefore unhealthy hue, accompanied 6y a poisonous discharge that ulcerates the adjacent parts, a thorough course of mercury is the only certain remedy, and this must be managed with cau- tion. Mercurial Ball.— No. 1. ^thiop's mineral, 2 drachms, Opium, 10 grains, Liquorice powder and mucilage to form the ball for one dose. Give twice a day, until the patient's breath smells very offensive, and then discontinue the medicine a day or two, as you should also when the animal is found to stale inordinately, or the bowels be very much disordered. But, when the bowels are only slightly affected, increase the quantity of opium to twenty or thirty grains. Mercurinl Ball. — No. 2. grail Emetic tartar, half a drachm, Opium, half a drachm. Mix, with liquorice powder and mucilage sufficient to form the ball for one Jose. Give as before, at night and morning. Feed the patient generously during the operation of this strong medicine, watch its progress closely, and lessen the quantity, or discontinue it altogeth r a day or two when he is agitated greatly within, particularly if a kind of sick- liess or gurgling be discernible, and the horse is off his appetite. Let him be clothed completely. Malt mashes, sodden corn, and coarse sugar mixed with his corn, dry, are good assi.-;tants to the proper operation of mercury. That •8 a mistakerj notion, which induced jome farriers to give the edible "oots, *» 14 1 lij CAUTERIZING. ANTICOR— CAUSE, SYMPTOMS, CURE turnips, carrots, &c. to the horse under a course of mercury. They war with its operation, and cause that very commotion in tlie bowels we should most sedulously avoid. In recommending the free application of the actual cautery to the farcy buds, in the last page, I do but follow the common practice, being altogether the safest means in ordinary hands, who apply fire in many other cases, with much less reason than is done in that of farcy. Butter of antimony, or sul- phate of copper, effects the same end, and has the recommendation of being used exclusively by the French veterinarians. What La Fosse says on this point is emphatic, and shows his opinion of the predisposing cause of farcy: "Do not apply fire in any manner to lum[)s produced by farcy, under an idea of stopping the disorder. The disease being in the blood, treat it accordingly, and as for the lumps, cut them off: apply blue stone, dissolved in water." When he forefends the " idea of stopping the disorder," doubtless in saying this he only allows that to be the true farcy, which I have considered as the third stage, or confirmed kind. But the earlier or milder stages, which would ultimately end in the third or most virulent kind, if not stopped, being occa- sioned by the cessation of the lymphatic function — when the attendant glands refuse to communicate with the system (the blood,) can not have yet carried the consequence of that stoppage into the blood, in making this remark, I have not overlooked what was said of the practice in Morocco at a preceding page, 135, note. ANTICOR Is more prevalent in France than in this country, and is so named from its position, anti against, and cor the heart. The French words ante-ccevr have the same meaning, and are derived from the same origin. It consists in an inflamed swelling of the breast near the heart, and the name is extended to any other swelling from this part back under the belly, even unto the sheath, which also swells: in this event anticor is decidedly dropsical. Cause. — Full feeding without suflScient exercise, similarly to this whole train of disorders which I have been just above considering. Hard riding or driving, and subsequent exposure to the elements, or giving cold water to ani mals that aie very fleshy in the forehand, as is the case with the greater part of French horses; these, combined with a vitiated state of the blood, which is then sizy, produce those extended swellings that partake somewhat of the na- ture of swelled limb in grease, and yet terminate in abscess when the case is a bad one. Symptoms. — An enlargement of the breast, which sometimes extends up wards to the throat, and threatens suffocation. The animal appears stiff al)out the neck, looks dull and drooping, refuses his food, and trembles or shivers with the inflammation, whic*! may be felt. Pulse dull and uneven. By y)ress- ing two or more fingers alternately, the existence of matter, or a disposition to suppurate, may be ascertained (as in poll-evil) by its receding from side to side as the pressure is withdrawn. On the other hand, if the disease owes iti origin to dropsy, each pressure of the finger will remain pitted a few secondis after the finger is withdrawn. Consult " Poll-evil" in its two stages. Cure. — As in other cases of tumour, that do not partake of critical abscess after fever, &c., this disorder admits of being repressed, readily, by the means* before prescribed, or of being otherwise cured, as it may be allied to some disor- aer of the constitution. To repress the swelling, bleed the |)atient copiously; give purgatives and clvster him; give bran mashes, and let the chill be taken off his water. Foment the throat and breast with bran mash or marshmallows. ftvery four or five hours ; and when these have reduced the sym}>tGin>, give aw GREASE-OWING TO DEBIUTY, 143 Alterative Ball. Emetic tartar, 2 drachms, Venice turpentine, half an ounce. Mix. with liquorice powder enough to make the ball for one dose. Give one every eight-and-forty hours. On the contrary, if the sweHing depend upon dropsy, as aforesaid, let a fleam or horse lancet be struck into the skin at four or five places distant from each other, and in the lowest or most depending part of the swelling. From these punctures a watery discharge will take place, that relieves the patient of his affliction hourly, and the issue of matter IS to be promoted by keeping open the sores as directed in the case of fistula, &c. at page 119: again, when the swelling indicates the collection of morbid matter, let it be fomented, poulticed, and opened as directed in cases of critical aliscess, in poll-evil, fistula, &c.: the whole scries of these diseases are of the same nature, but differing principally as to situation, which sometimes affects the disease mainly. In this case, for example, the swelling sometimes ascends along the throat, and goes nigh to choke the patient : recourse must be had immediately to poultices, and let these be changed twice a day. The modes of bandaging may be learned by consulting those I have given sketches of, in other cases, at page 79, &c. GREASE. Causes. — This is another of the diseases that take their rise in a tardy cir- culation of the blood, and consequent indisposition to take up and carry back again to the heart that which has been sent into the extremities for their nour- ishment and renovation. In Book I. at bottom of section 44, this process of taking up, or absorption, is spoken of, whilst the few pages that are there be- stowed on the manner in which the circulation is carried on, show the im- portance of this function, and point out the principles that should guide us in promoting it, when aught has occurred to retard its action. "When great age and consequent lethargic habits cause the blood to circulate slowly, our art can but ill supply the remedy, though the evil may certainly be alleviated by stimulants. A small portion of beans given to aged horses admirably assists the circulation of the blood, especially towards the heels, whilst this very spe- cies of food given to young horses will promote humours of the hind legs in particular, where grease is mostly situate. That is to say, at the part of the animal that is remotest from the heart is the effect of a slow circulation most frequently recurring, and to heavy fleshy cart horses oftoner than to those that are lighter and freer from flesh about the heels. Trimming the heels of the hair, which was intended to keep them warm in winter, is a very prolific source of grease. Thorough-bred horses never incur this disorder, so far as I can learn ; and the chances in favour of those which are produced by crosses from blood stock, is in proportion to the amount of their breeding, A cold in the heels is caught by walking the horses through water whilst they are hot : or being put into the stable with wet feet at nights ; or lying in a stable that imperfectly keeps out the vyind ; all conduce to that stagnation of the blood, or tardy performance of its function, that causes the animal to generate this disease. They term it debility, but I think we had better sav •' want of ability," or of vigour to drive on the circulation of the blood ; so thai if the blood that is left behind in the fine capillary vessels be ever so good and proper (or its purpose at first, yet the very circumstance of its remaining idle sauses an inflammatory heat, that attracts towards itself all such congenia' Hi EXPERIMENT. WHITE FEET, LIABLE TO GREASE. particles of the blood which may have been sent through the arteries to the part for the propagation of new horn, or the supply of marrow — of the nature whereof the matter partakes. Indeed, I have very little doubt that the mar- row is concerned in the production of grease; for I have successively examinee^ twenty legs which were affected with grease at the time life was extinguished^ and the marrow was invariably confined to the lower part only, as if it were fallen down there for want of vigour, whilst the upper part of the bone was hollow, in every instance : healthy leg bones are always full to the top of each, and I have reason for thinking that this is the case with all debilitated horses. Again, the glutinous substance that pervades the surface of the coffin-bone, and to which I have attributed the formation of new horny matter of the hoof, is always found scanty in greasy-healed subjects. See my observations on the foot in the next chapter. One of those legs parted from the knee, having the skin removed, but other- wise untouched, was hung up in the yard whilst the sun was at 70 degrees (July, 1825). in three or four days the grease might be seen to give a colour to the lower part at the fetlock joint, and every day the greasy nature of the colour was evident to touch and smell, whilst the articulation of the large pas- tern and sesamoid bones remained unaffected in either way. Upon breaking the bones nine months afterwards, the marrow had all escaped without a puncture, i. e. through the bone. The following ingenious suggestion I find among much voluminous Vete- rinary Memoranda, but whether it be my own, or 1 owe it to some friend, I have no means at hand for ascertaining, nor does my recollection serve me sufficiently to say who. " Horses with one or two white feet are more liable to the grease in the feet that are white than in the others; and if the proposi- tion be true that white feet are weak ones, we come to the same conclusion, that the want of colour having occurred through want of vigour in the part: then weakness and grease have the same cause." Symptoms. — First perceptible by a swelling at the heels, mostly of the hind legs. This is occasioned by local inflammation, and is soon followed by a slight issue of greasy m.atter, whence the name ; but it is sometimes more wa- tery, ichorous, and offensive, which will depend principally on the constitu- tional health of the patient. The swelling sometimes extends much higher than the fetlock joint, even towards the hough, and occasions stiffness of th« limb and indisposition to move. He can not lie down, by reason of the un- bending nature of his joints, and therefore stands to sleep, which renders the disorder more virulent by the accession of fresh matter to the part ; the skin cracks at various places, and ulceration ensues. The hair sticks out like furze, the discharge is darker than originally, is thin, acrid, corroding, and stinking. Remedy. — The grease is one of those disorders about which we should em- ploy our ingenuity in prevention rather than the cure ; and this indeed is the case with nearly all the diseases that depend upon constitutional defective- ness, or rather inability of some of the organs of life to perforin aright the 1 unctions of nature. How these ought to act I have spoken at large in the second chapter of book the first; and pointed out the free circulation of the blood as the principal cause of health, as would also the want of a g"<)d circu- lation prove the harbinger of disease. Now this affair of grease being pro- duced entirely by such inactivity, it seems clear that exercise would be the best preventive of it ; and the horse-keeper should also keep the heels dry after work IS over, and hand-rub him a little with as much industry as he can afford. He should also let the hair remain on the heels of his heavy horses, and give to the large ones sufficient depth of stall and bed, so as to prevent such from throwing their long .egs half way out in the stable (as too often happens) upon kl.c cold floor, of winter nights. WASHES. M5 In slight attacks, a wash made of a solution of alum, as under, will correct the disposition to grease, and a dose of physic set all to rights in a short time; both, however, regulateil according to circumstances. When considering these, we should inquire into the preceding habits of the patient, as to his usual evacuations, and whether these have been stopped ; for it frequently happens that grease is caused by the suspension of the urine balls, to which many proprietors are so very much addicted, that they give them without rea- son, or suspend the giving through the same whimsicaHty. In this latter case give the diuretic powder, and the horse will require very little more physic. Again, if the animal require opening physic, give him the purging ball as under, and in-door exercise ; but should his debility be then very great, the commotion this would occasion might reduce him too much, and therefore, the alterative ball will do better, with the same attention to in-door exercises if he can bear it. Sonjetimes, however, the heels are so cracked and chapped, that every step the animal takes only makes the matter worse; we should then assiduously apply ourselves to keeping the heels clean, with water of which the chill has been taken off, and with a brush get rid of as much of the run- ning as possible; and after drying it well with cloths, use the alum wash of the stronger preparation ; provided always the inflammation be not too high at the time, but which the warm water without the alum wash has a tendency to alleviate. I will now set down the several articles just recommended above, premising this much as an apology for the numerous recipes here prescribed, that the grease requires we should be always doing a something for the animal, either of topical application, or in devising the means of carrying off the cause of the disorder by stool, by urine, or by perspiration. For, by keeping one or other of these evacuations a-going, we enable the animal system, to take up, or ab- sorb (as l)efore described) the watery particles of the lymphatics, which re maining indolent constitute the disease. Alum Wash. — No. 1.* Alum, 2 ounces. Blue stone, 2 drachm^ Water, 1 pint. Mix and wash the part two or three times a day. Strong Alum Wash. — No. 2. Alum, ^ Sugar of lead, > of each 2 ounces, Vinegar, ) Water, 1 pint. Mix and use as before. Strongest, or Mercurial Wash. — No. 3. Corrosive sublimate, 2 drachm^ Muriatic acid, 4 drachms, Water, 1 pint. Mix and apply in inveterate cases. of thia, the foUowing is preferred by some persons, and those good judfit !■• wSKrcrlor'- ^reachla^ad«n, Water, ] quart. Mix. 14* - U6 SWEATING AND URINE BALLS. ALTERATIVE REGIMEN. Diuretic Alterative Powder. Powdered resin, | of each 2 ounces. M'lx, and give in four doses, of mornings. To be conttMuetl until it« efTecif are visible. Purging Balls. Aloes, 9 drachms. Hard soap, 3 drachms, Ginger, 1 drachm. Mix with mucilage sufficient to form the ball for one dose. The Alterative Ball. Aloes, 6 drachms. Hard soap, 8 drachms, Ginger, 3 drachms. Mix with mucilage sufficient to form tlie mass, and divide it into four balls. Give one every morning until the bowels are opened sufficiently. The perspiration must be promoted by the following Diaphoretic Ball. Emetic tartar, 2 drachms, Venice turpentine, 4 drachms. Mix well, with liquorice powder sufficient to form the ball into one dose; anc give every other night for a week or ten days, taking care to clothe the patient, or put a rug on his body at least, regulating his sweats according to the weather. Some persons do not think it too much trouble to divide the forego- ing ball into two parts, and give one every night for tlic periods just mention- ed, which would bring the whole quantity of emetic tartar to the same amount in the end. Be careful to buy it genuine ; and if the horse be taken care of while in his sweats, it will mainly contribute to his getting well. The patient is not to have this sweating ball whilst he has other physic in him ; but it may be given alternately with the foregoing powder of nitre and resin ; and is better administered thus, when it happens that the individual requires to be set a sta- ling, and we think best to sweat him at the same time. If the medicine makes his bowels grumble, add to the ball Opium, half a drachm, which some do put into the prescription, whether or no. But then the opium having a tendency to bind the body, it counteracts our labour in this respect, md is not desirable in case the animal requires opening physic. Regimen. — A good generous feeding should be allowed, with a few beans for the elder patients only; and in all cases where the disorder has lasted a long w.ule and the cure is effected with difficulty, a run at grass is greatly conducive to complete recovery; especially if the convalescent can be allowed the onvion of a field, or covered shed, lying high and dry, or the advantages of the nomestead, with an allowance of corn and hay. Tliis change of regi men is greatly assistant of absorption when the physicking has ceased, espe THE RUNGE-ITS ORIGIN, 147 cially where the disorder has terminated with a tedious ulceration which causes lameness, on which event he should not be exercised ; but let the parts be poulticed with a turnip poultice, or it may be made of oatmeal and the grounds of stale beer, or both may be employed alternately ; and then the parts, if luxu- riant or thick, may be washed with a solution of blue vitriol in water, or the wash, No. 3. Dress the cracks with the following Ointment. Oil of turpentine, 3 drachms. Hog's lard, 6 ounces, Litharge water, half an ounce. Mix. This may be varied by substituting Venice turpentine, half the quantity of the oil. In these inveterate cases we have now under consideration, a change of medicine is desirable, if but for the change which it occasions in the animal's digestive powers; for this purpose the blue pill has been given as an alterative, as well as that other preparation of mercury, the well-known Cvlomel. Both act upon the kidneys, and set them in motion for ths production of urine; ?nd calomel chiefly effects this, by previously stimulating the liver, uhkh again u very desirable by way of change. Alterative Balls. Calomel, 1 1-2 drachms, Aloes, 3 drachms, Castile soap, 6 drachms, Oil of juniper, 40 drops. Mix ; make into three balls and give one daily for a week ; but should it gripe the animal, discontinue it, or add opium from half a drachm to a drachm. SURFEIT— MANGE. Both of these diseases of the animal's system, and the first-mentioned proves its connexion with the second by sometimes ending in the mange. Over- feeding, or too much of it, or gross feeding, as it is the cause of these twin dis- eases, so are the two appellations it receives in the different stages of the at- tack descriptive of the cause : both are of French origin, as I apprehend ; sur- fait or overdone, being tantamount to mange, in its imperfect tenses, the effect of eating too much, which has brought on the disease. A surfeit, or sur-fait, is not an uncommon disease with reasonable man, and is alike caused by eating improperly, if not too much, and sometimes from the preparation of viands that are over-luxurious for the stomach that is to receive it. and is in fact incapable of digesting it. This is a state of the stomach that is by no means uncommon, and up to a certain extent happens every day to the full feeders of every genus of created beings, if, during this full and over- replen ished state of the alimentary canal, and its then active state of lactification (o making of new blood), a sudden check be put upon the said process, by drink 'jic cold water for example, what happens but the rapid propulsion of somo part of the blood through the arteries, whilst the mouths of the offended lac teals close up for a period, and the blood, already filling the capillary vessels ot the surface, becomes extremely irritable 7 Perspiration ceases ; the lympha tics refuse to perform their office of absorption, and the blood so deposited iii a due coilrse of nature, forms innumerable small tumours under the skin, oi become seabby, and throw off a dry scurf. The first has received the appro t48 CAUSE AND REMEDY, CONNECTED. priate name of surfeit, the second is the more loathed mange, both having bu one common origin. They are of the class of tubercular diseases, spoken of by M. Dupuy quoted higher up (as partaking of glanders, &c.), are akin tt grease, and to other accessions of matter on the surface, diflering only as ti situation, and like the grease, require that we should promote absorption anc the application of repellants. The cause of surfeit is thus distinctly met by the means of cure. The symptoms, however, frequently announce the disorder that has taken place within but a few minutes ere they subside again, to the utter surprise of all oeholders. On such occasions mischief is supposed to lie in wait, and it is generally understood that the pustules, or tumours, only retreat from the skin U) infest some more vital internal organ ; but I always considered that such an attack had subsided through its own weakness, for nothing ever came of it after thus retreating spontaneously. Like surfeit in man, these tumours are attended with a pricking pain, the animal appearing restless, flinching from the touch, and looking round sharp at his legs and sides as if he were spurred trivially. Whenever he can bring the parts to bear against the stall, the bail, or the wall, the animal will rub violently, until the hair comes off, and the skin is raw. Instead of tumours that emit a sharp, acrid, and stinking hu- mour, like grease, a dry scurf apjiears, resembling scabs, and this is mange in some animals: whilst other subjects exhibit no eruption whatever, though eve- ry hair is affected in a small degree, the skin becomes dry, and he is then hide- bound. Cure. — Surfeit is easily removed by a cooling purgative ; but if the pulse be high, he should be bled also. Promote perspiration by means of the diapho- retic ball recommended at page 146, with the same precautions as are there set down. If the animal be fat, he must be reduced; give bran mashes, sod- den oats, and good exercise ; and should moisture be found to discharge from the skin, waoh it with the Surfeit Wash. Blue vitriol, 1 ounce. Camphor, half an ounce, Spirits of wine, 2 ounces. Mix in a quart bottle, and fill it with water. Wash with soapy water warm (as in grease), rub dry, and apply the above wash once a day, and at the samd time give one of the diaphoretic balls, as above. Let the diet be cool and open- ing, as scalded bran, sodden oats, or barley : and if the horse is low in flesh, mix an ounce of fenugreek seeds with his corn daily for a fortnight at leasft. THE MANGE Sometimes succeeds an ill-cured surfeit ; and is moreover an original disease, arising from filthiness, hard living, ill-usage, and the con^^equent depraved state of the system. It partakes of the nature of itch in ma , is communica- ble by means of the touch, by using the same harness, cloth, ig, &c. and pro- bably by standing in the same stall as a diseased horse may have left. The symptoms are stated in the preceding pages, and from its cause we may rest assured never attacks horses in condition. As in surfeit, the horse 's constantly rubbing and biting himself: great patches of the coat are thus rubbed away, and ulceration frequently supplies the places. Scabs appear at ♦he roots of the hair of mane and tail ; large portions whereof fall away. When eruptions appear, they form a scurf, which peels off, and it is sacceeded by fresh eruptions. HTOE-BOUND, CAUSED BY INlfcRNAjL TtJMOURS. 149 The cure is to be effected by topical applications of sulphur, and giving the same internally as an alterative ; but mercurials are mostly preferred by our moderns ; and there is not such a variety of opinions and prescriptions at this moment in practice for the most momentous diseases, as for this loathsome malady : neglect and ignorance having brought on the evii, ignorance and stupidity engage to effect the cure. 1 shall subjoin a few forms of those which are in most repute, and have been found effectual : even alteration is fre- quently found beneficial, though it may not at first seem to nave been for the besL Mange Ointment. Prepared hog's lard, 2 pounds, Sulphur vivum, 1 pound, White hellebore, in powder, 6 ounces. Mix with oil of turpentine sufficient to make a soft ointment, rub the animal wherever the eruption and scurf appear, with hair cloths, or a new besom, so as to get rid of the loose filth before applying the ointment. Rub it in well every other day, and give the following Alterative for the Mange. — No. 1. Tartarized antimony, 1 ounce, Muriate of quicksilver, 2 drachms, Ginger and ) jg^ed, of each 3 ounces. Anise seeds, \ ^ ' Mix, with mucilage sufficient to form the mass ; divide it into six balls, and give one every morning until the eruption disappears. Alterative for Mange. — No. 2. Antimony in fine powder, 8 ounceiJ, Grains of Paradise, 3 ounces. Mix, and add Venice turpentine to form the mas*, which divide into twelve balls. Give one daily whilst the rubbing is contin i^d. HIDE-BOUND. The cause of hide-bound is commonly the same as that which produced the iast-mentioned disease, viz. poverty, only that the particular animals may not both be in the same state of general health, and the more depraved would in- cur mange, whilst another would become simply hide-bound. This is less of an original disease than the effect of some other, and of bad digestion and con- sequent defective perspiration beyond all others, as may be inferred from what I have said concerning the intimacy that exists between those two operations of the animal system in my second chapter of book 1, at pages 23 — 25. The justness of this view of the cause of hide-bound was further proved by a series of dissections of this particular malady undertaken by me in May 1820. I invariably found tumours had formed upon the larger lacteal vessels of the peritonaeum, on the gut, or the like kind of attack en the pleura that covers the lungs. The formation of those tumours was no doubt the mediate cause of hide-bound, and had been brought on (I have every icaemi for believiiyj) b? 150 SYMPTOMS A^D CURE. the inordinate use of diaphoretics, the stimulating nature whereof, as is usual in all such cases, had thus defeated itself. Horses that are so affected with tumours, are they which become distressed easily, though in good apparent health, upon being pushed on a journey, or at a heavy drag, particularly when the belly is distended. Thus the cause of hide-bound exists long before we can perceive it, and is the reason why I re- commend the arsenical preparation hereafter prescribed, as a tonic, previous to administering the sweating remedies. The appearance of hide-bound is frequently ascribed to the worms, botts, &c. ; but in all those subjects examin- ed by me, amounting to half a score or more (for I kept no notes), no worms were to be found of any consequence, for it would be ridiculous to talk of two or three such stray insects occasioning such an extensive disorder, so remote '"om the seat of their supposed ravages. What is very well worth remarking (though such a thing is not very singular) is, that the writer who has most ustily cried out " Worms, worms ! " upon every occasion of disordered skin and staring coat, has recently suggested that after all, worms are necessary to the horse's digestion ; and the gentleman seems to think that these insects act upon the horse's stomach much in the same manner as popper on that of man- kind! Thus he blows hot and cold with the same breath, or rather worms and pepper with the same pen ; for, whilst the worms are so lauded in one volume of his works, the malediction remains uncorrected in the other. Sijmptoms. — As the word implies, the hide or skin seems bound or glued to the bones; the animal is always very low in flesh, or we might aver that the skin adhered to the flesh. The pulse is low, and great weakness is mani fest in every step the pat'ent takes. As the tightness is first observable at the sides of the animal's body, before it reaches the limbs, and every hide-bound subject examined by me proves the fact, I have no hesitation in ascribing hide bound to disordered digestion, which includes the negation of wherewithal to digest, or starvation and hard work. Again, one of two extremes attends the t)owels : they are cither relaxed greatly, or much constipated — usually flie former ; which may be the effect of a long fit of illness from inflammation or fever, and the use of strong medicine, or much of it. Cure the animal by the direct contrary conduct to that which brought on the illness. If its stomach be empty, as commonly happens, fill it nearly with food that is easy of digestion ; if it be too full, empty it; give aUerative laxa- tives and tonic alteratives afterwards ; restore the perspiration by the diaphor- etic ball recommended at page 146, and let the curry-comb and brush be assidu- ously applied to his coat. He may then be exercised, but not before, as it is nearly impossible without inflicting great pain. Besides which, forced exer- cise, or sweating, as hath been strongly recommended, would in this case only aggravate the disease; for if the animal did sweat, it would be caused by in- ternal pain ; probably the tubercles which had formed upon the membrane would suppurate and burst, and thus confirm the disorder internally by tlifl inflammation of the particular viscus where the disorder began. Alterative Laxative. Aloes, 8 drachms. Hard soap, 7 drachms. Anise seeds, powdered, 1 oz. Mix with mucilage suflficient to form the mass into four balls. Give day after day until they effect the purpose of bringing away a good stool. Then give the arsenical tonic alterative, thus proportioned for a large horse, witl TIIE WORMS-AN UNSETTLED QUESTION. l5| Tonic.— No. 1. Prepared arsenic, 10 grains, Ginger powdered, 1 drachm, Anise seeds, powdered, 4 drachms, Compound powder of tragacanth, 2 dr. Mix with mucilage sufficient for one dose. Give daily for a week, p^ecod^J and followed by mashes, and then give the bark, thus: Tonic— No. 2. Cascarilla, powdered, 4 ounces. Ginger, 8 drachms, Salt of tartar, 10 grains. Mix with mucilage sufficient to form the mass into four balls ; give them daily. If the preparation of arsenic in No. 1 is disliked, substitute the alterative ball at page 147, and follow it up with the bark as above (No. 2). The following ball is calculated to improve the coat, and will be found beneficial when the animal is recovering, if given in these proportions for ten days or a fortnight. Alterative Balls. Tartarized antimony, 3 ounces, Powdered ginger, 2 ounces. Opium, 5 drachms. Mix with mucilage sufficient to form the mass, to be divided into ten balls. WORMS. As remarked in a preceding page, 150, so many other disorders, external as well as internal, have been charged to the existence of worms in the intes- tinal canal by veterinary writers, that we find much difficulty in persuading ourselves that this is not the precise ailment which afflicts the animal when his coat becomes staring, and his skin sticks to his ribs. Most frcquejitly, however, that ugly appearance which denotes hide-bound, and other similai symptoms that depend upon suspended perspiration, arise from tubercular dis- eases of the mesenteric canal (see page 46), and not within the gut or stomach j fir the excess or the suspension of perspirable matter must alike depend upon tomewhat of a more general affection than worms, that fasten on this or thai part of the stomach or intestine (as we are told), and can only influence tiie part they immediately occupy. Unfortunately, we know of no specific cure for worms, the remedies that are usually prescribed being of a hot, burning and destructive nature, that are as likely to injure the intestine as the worm, it becomes our primary duty, therefore, to ascertain when the disorder he real- ly the worms, so as to prescribe the proper remedy when we have ascertained that the fact is so. It is very easy to say a horse " has the worms," and to give him worm medicine ; but much more difficult to ascertain the real fact, than to remove it when well authenticated. Our inquiries, then, shouid bo directed towards this ponit as much as to any other unsettled question — tlieen occasioned by some such natural means as the preceding. Some worms come away as soon as generated in the aliment, but if no other sign of their existence is manifest, the solitary fact should excite no uneasiness. When bolts, having been detached by similar natural means, leave the stomach — where they do not always cause inconvenience, we find them adhering to the large intes- REGFMEN. MERCURY, PRECAUTIONS NECESSARY. 15.1 ttnes and rectum, to which they adhere and cause the animal to rub his breech against the wall or upright of the stall. Should those symptoms continue, and the generating of worms remain unchecked, the horse falls into profuse sweats on the least exertion, and when these cease, he exhibits a weak and languish- ing condition, scarcely notices a brisk application of the whip, his skin adheres to his ribs and flanks — hide-bound has commenced. Cough more or less hec- tic according to his remaining strength, accompanies him to his end ; for, aa to a cure being practicable when hide-bound arising from such a cause has fairly laid hold of him, 'tis clean out of the question. Regimen. — As the commencement of this disorder is mainly attributable to the coarseness of the animal's food and consequent incapacity of its guts to eiipel the hardened materials, so will an entire change in the mode of feeduig him do more towards effecting a cure than all the medicine we can prescribe, and all that the most liberal hand would bestow. I think it would be too much to expect that generous treatment alone should effect a cure of itself, but 1 certainly have known worms voided after a few days' casual good keep ; and in these cases I apprehend we may attribute the coming away to the change or alteration that was so effected in the state of the patient's bowels. Hence the propriety of any change of his usual diet, as well as the advantages of alterative medicines. In the first place, try a run at grass, or give green food in-doors, or succulent and agreeable vegetables. If poor living has not been the origi- nal cause, some defect in conformation has; and the above change, with plen- ty of water-gruel, bran mashes, boiled potatoes, bruised corn, and the like, by 'ubricating the parts, may detach the worm, or at least assist the medicine, which ought to have the same tendency. Cwre.^-Since the worms are not always to be killed even by strong poisons, nor brought away by brisk purgatives, for a certainty, but are frequently dis- charged in a few days by an alterative regimen, reason dictates and nature reckons us to follow her course, in affording to the horse which can not be bpared from work, or a run at grass be obtained, to adopt the means nearest thereto that lie within our reach. Laxative alterative medicines then obtrude themselves upon our notice, and in all cases are found to do good, more or less as they may be addressed to the actual seat of the disorder: in pills, if the worms lie in the intestines ; in powd'^rs or liquid, if they occupy the stomach —in all forms alternately when we are uncertain. The various preparations of mercury and of antimony, with Barbadoes aloes, as being more drastic in operation ; also common salt, box, sulphur, savin (a vegetable poison), and sal Indicus, offer a sufficient variety for the bases of as many varied prescriptions ; and variation here is most desirable, inasmuch as some kind of worms which resist the effects of one subetance may be detached and hurried off by another. Water-gruel, as it relaxes the parts, and prepares them and the worm for receiving the antidote, should precede every other remedy, particularly the mercurials; a course of which should be followed by a purgative, but not be given together, as is commonly practised. For ascarides, which usually infest the large guts, I have found great service in calomel to the amount of a drachm or more, given over night twice, followed by a purgati\e next morning after the second. No. 1. — Mercurial Bolus. Calomel, 1 1-2 drachms, Anise seeds, 5 drachms. Mil with treacle for two doses. 15 IM CALOMEL AND MERCURY, GOOD. No. 2.— Purgative Ball. Barbadoes aloes, 4 drachms, Gamboge, 1 1-2 drachms, Prepared kali, 2 drachms. Ginger, 1 drachm, Oil of amber, a tea-spoon full, Syrup of buckthorn sufficient to form the ball for cnr dose. Particular care should be taken of the horse, but he should not take any gruol for the two days that the mercury is in him, as directed by White, but give him bruised corn or other dry food with little water, the calomel not hav- ing entered the system. Neither does he require any of the exercises usually forced upon patients " in physic." Let a week elapse ere the same bolus and purge are repeated as before, when they seldom fail to bring away whatever worms he may have in him. Instead of the foregoing, some persist in the fol- lowing old method, by way of laxative mercurial, which, however, I must pre- mise, seems much too strong, notwithstanding the high character some be- stow on it. No. 3. — Laxative Alterative Balls. Quicksilver, 1 ounce, and Venice turpentine, 2 ounces. These being well rubbed together in a mortar, add Aloes in powder, 2 ounces, Ginger, 1 ounce. Mix with syrup of buckthorn, and form the compost into four balls, one to be given with intervals of five or six days. Water-gruel or a bran mash to pre- cede each ball, as before, and give the same when the physic may be working off. Some horses, however, can not bear the bolus No. 1, calomel having a ten- dency to gripe ; in that case the quantity should be divided into three balls and given on three successive nights, followed by No. 2, on the fourth morn- ing. In like manner, if the horse be not a very strong one, the above quantl ty of No. 3, may be divided into six or eight balls, and given at intervals of two days each until purging is produced. Indeed, neither of these medicines should be given, least of all continued, when the animal dungs loosely. From those precautions, it is manifest that my opinion, so often expressed regarding the misuse of strong medicines, remains unaltered ; and if I have been suc- cessful in impressing the reader with the same wholesome and humane truths, he will at once perceive the absolute necessity of attending to the symptoms, to assure himself that the patient really has the worms, and not some other affection of the liver, kidneys, caecum, &c. as remarked by me at the head of this article. Mistakes in these respects often prove fatal, or at least affect the animal's future health. li worms do actually exist, they can not fail to come away with the forego- ing course of naedicine ; and the patient, though a little weak at first, will come out of hand with a good appetite, brisk in his manner, and bright as a ruby. These considerations, however, should not influence us to neglect a trial of the milder medicines, before enumerated, as containing anthelmintic prope"-- tios, less powerful indeed than the foregoing, tut not th^-^refore lerium or brain, in which the animal drops down as if shot, lies motionless awhile, recovers slowly, and IS next day fit to go and do the same thing again, if pushed in his work. This disorder originated in a foul stomach, in one case that came under my care, and was at first a fit of the sleepy kind, which afterwards degenerated into megrims; the morbid state of the head, I apprehend, continued in a tri- vial degree, which any great exertion brought into activity. Sometimes these megrims are preceded by a short warning, when the animal rears up before it falls, or rambles hke a drunkard ; it then tumbles and plunges about with con- siderable danger to those who may collect around it. The muscles of the eye are usually affected, much in the way of horses in locked jaw, or the hu- man subject in a " falling fit ;" but all those symptoms disappear upon em- ploying the proper remedies, some of them so quickly and by such means as !o appear the effect of a simple mechanical operation. The cause of staggers, and the symptoms that distinguish the one kind from the others, being thus settled, without distracting the inquirer with need- less distinctions of agriculturists or the fanciful reveries of the doctors, let us proceed to the Remedies. — Farm horses that live much in the straw-yard, and work hard on bad hay, &c. will sometimes stand still at once, as if struck motionless in the rnidst of their work, which is a sure sign that some great leading function has been suspended for the moment by reason of the great exertion. The driver has nothing more to do in this case than let the tired creature rest for the space of a minute or two, and then proceed in his work a Uttle more lei- surely. Prevention is lietter than cure. In all ordinary cases of staggers, simply opening the bowels will effect a cure nine times out often ; and when the animal shows symptoms of a disor- dered stomach, the coming disorder may be warded off by a dose of physic. In violent attacks; let a clyster be first employed, of warm water, in which common salt has been dissolved, and the hardened dung brought away by manual assistance — as more fully detailed elsewhere — see the mude of doing CASE OF LOCKED JAW. 157 this etfeclually, at page 69. I have known violent cases of staggers cease by this remedy alone, and the cure was completed with a purgative ball, as pre- Bcribod at page 63. The fits that constitute megrim, or the more genuine staggers, will require the hncet, and let the quantity of blood taken be commensurate with the violence of the animal, his bulk and fleshiness. From four to six quarts will thus reduce his powers, and lided by the back-raking and purgative just re- commended, a cure is soon effected, LOCKED JAW fs rather the effect of other diseases, of the acute kind, than an original attack, and is symfitomatic of approaching death. A prick in the foot and docking the tail, are fruitful causes of locked jaw. Hot weather is most conducive to this manner of dissolution, which is brought about by great excitation of the nerves, and accompanied by imperfect digestion. The remedy would of course be found in restoring the tone of the former, and opening the main outlet of nature. I have seen a case of locked jaw proceeding from inflammation of the intestines, of a very aggravated nature. Symptoms. — The case to which I allude was that of an old horse, from twelve to fourteen years of age, just off from hard work, which seemed to have lived badly and suffered severely the ills of a protracted life. Date, May 14, 1820, when the weather was prematurely hot. As usual, it becran by the ani- mal thrusting out its nose and eating with some difl[iculty, which increased as the stiffness of the neck became worse. The ears stuck up, and the sufferer could scarcely move a foot, and this with the greatest pain. Thus, every hour the malady is found to extend itself towards the more vital parts, until reach- mg the heart, life is then extinguished. The brain appears to be affected at the very earliest period of the attack, when the animal evinces unusual appre- hension, and will neigh and prick up its ears at the approach of any one, as the last effort of nature to obtain the notice of man. The pulse is then in- creased to about 70 ; but in the future stages of the disorder it falls again be- low 40, and lower still until its final extinction. In a few hours, the balls of the eyes of the animal just alluded to were turn- ed back, showing the nerve which retained the ball in position in a very dis- gusting manner; he appeared to suffer much pain, respiration had ceased, the abdomen was drawn together, and immediate dissolution was expected mo- mentarily. When the subject was opened, I was struck with the inflamed state of the mesentery, and all the lacteals assumed a bloody appearance. Pre- viously to this catastrophe, I hit the animal hard on the forehead with ray fist, once: the blow shook his whole frame, which before was as stiff as if made of wood ; its eyes immediately returned full one-half way back again towards the proper situation, and I was not mistaken when I imagined that its jaws, which had been knit together, seemed to relax somewhat, and the rigidity of the neck gave way. Remedies have been prescribed, and Mr. Wilkinson of New-castle reports several cases of successful practice upon young horses which had acquired locked jaw by being nicked, or docked, or pricked in shoeing. The chief ob- stacle to the administering of any medicine being the closeness of the teeth, which defies the introduction of a horn, it may not be amiss to observe, that profiting by the foregoing experiment, I have in several cases caused a little relaxation in thia respect, by placing a piece of wood upon the forehead and striking a smart blow upon it with another piece or a small mallet. Some substance might then be placed between the teeth to prevent their return to ^be original closeness, whereby the remedies recommended by Mr. Wilkinson 15* 156 TREATaiENT OF LOCKED JJLW. may be emjployetl with much prospect of success, for he only failed in foa cases in which the jaws were immoveable by any means which he then knev • of; and as he has treated this particular subject more happily than any vete rinarian of our time, I think 1 can not do better than follow the example o. copying his account of a well-marked case successfully treated. When called in, he observes, " I found the symptoms were a spasmodic af fection of the muscles of the jaws, head, neck, back, hinder extremities, and abdomen, which occasioned them to become rigidly contracted, and the abdo- men was much drawn in ; the pulse was about fifty, with some irregularity, the breathing a little quickened, the jaws were considerably shut, but not so close but medicine might be administered as a drench with a small horn : the appetite not diminished, but she could not masticate hay ; the head somewhat raised, and on elevating it a Uttle more, the haws covered great part of the ball of the eye, the nose was thrown out from the chest, the nostrils expanded, the ears erect or perched up, a great stiffness of the neck and back, the tail a little elevated, and, upon a little fatigue, a shaking of it, a straddling of the hinder extremities : the animal was very costive, and the urine was somewhat diminished. The mare had been shoed about three weeks before, and the farrier had driven a nail into the sensible part of the foot while shoeing her. The lameness thus produced was soon removed ; and the disease came on after performing a journey ; that is, about three weeks after the injury in the foot had been inflicted. Two quarts of blood were taken off; a purgative drench and an emollient clyster were given ; considerable friction was used over the muscles of the jaws, head, neck, and back, particularly where they were found most rigid ; a stimulating liniment of turpentine, hartshorn, mus- tard and oil, was well rubbed over those parts, which were afterwards covered with sheep skins, as recently taken off the sheep as they could be procured, which soon brought on sensible perspiration. The diet was principally thin bran-mashes and oatmeal-grucl, of which she frequently took a little. The next day, pulse the same, breathing a little quicker, jaws not more locked; a constant perspiration had been kept up by the sheep-skins ; the purgative drench not operating, another clyster was administered, which promoted its action; the liniment was repeated. Next day (the ninth), symptoms nearly the same, perspiration copious : the purging having subsided, the anti-spasmo- dic medicine, composed of opium, camphor, and asafoetida, was given with a small horn morning and evening, and a similar mixture, with the addition of three pints of a decoction of rue, was administered as a clyster, morning and evening. The drench and clysters were repeated morning and evening till the 14th day; and during this, the quantity of opium, viz. 1 drachm, was increased or diminished according to the violence of the spasms, which at times were very severe. It was always administered in such a manner as to have its effects constantly in the system, without producing much restlessness ; during this time, there was also a most copious perspiration going on under the sheep-skins. The bowels becoming costive again, another purgative drench and an emollient clyster were administered. On the 15th, the d^nch not operating, a clyster was given which produced the desired effect. Pulse and breathing a little hur- ried and irregular, jaws not more locked, still perspires under the sheep-skins, appetite good ; but can not masticate hay. 16th, Pulse more regular, breathing more calm, perspires freely under the skins : the purging having subsided, the opium, &c. were administered as before, and continued until the 21st, when another purgative drench and emollient clyster were given. The jaws were now more open, and the mare could masticate hay; the muscles of the head, neck, back, and hinder extremities became considerably relaxed, and on rais- ing the head, the haws did not cover much of the eye. On the 23d day, the rurging having subsided, the anti-spasmodic raedicinti was again ^mpby^ HYDROPHOBIA. 159 until the 10th of April, when another purge was administered. On the 12th, the purging subsided ; the anti-spasmodic medicine was again used a few days longer, when she was completely cured of the complaint. After this, tonics were given, which, with a nourishing diet and suitable exercise, soon restor- ed the tone of the muscles, and the animal became as useful as ever." Of the twenty -four cases described, nine came on after docking or cutting off the tail, from ten days to a month after the operation. In such cases, the tail was fomented with warm water, and the sore dressed with detersive oint- ment. It should be remarked, that in all the successful cases the jaws were not so completely closed but medicine could be given with a small horn, or in- troduced as a bolus by means of the cane. In some instances, there appears to have been considerable difficulty in giving medicine at first, but by persevering carefully, both medicine and food were introduced in sufficient quantity. With respect to cold application, Mr, Wilkinson says, he has only tried it once, when the whole of a mare's body affected with locked jaw, except the nostrils, was im- mersed in snow for some time, without producing any relaxation of the muscles: on the contrary, the symptoms afterwards graduallj' increased, and she died on the third day. In four cases that terminated fatally, the jaws were so completely closed, that neither food nor medicine could be given by the mouth. On ex- amining these horses after death, there was some degree of inflammation in the lungs, stomach, and bowels. It was generally found on opening the spinal canal, that the membrane covering the marrow exhibited a very inflamed ap- pearance, and the marrow itself was tinged of a still deeper colour, whilst the membranes of the brain exhibited some marks of inflammation. HYDROPHOBIA. No notice whatever would have been taken of this dreadful malady, but foT ionic additions to the stock of information already before the public as to the means of discriminating the true from the false rabies ; which 1 am enabled to furnish from authentic sources. A disease confessedly incurable requires no more to be said of it ; but this having been at one time or other, the case with several other subjects treated of in this volume, I must not, consistently with the duty I have imposed upon myself, pass it by in silence. Even the names of authors who have written on canine madness would be serviceable to such of my readers as may be desirous of extending farther their inquiries concern- ing this melancholy and appalling disease. Preceding authors have all confined their information to the dog itself, with mere casual notices of his attacks upon other animals, and on man. Their researches extended not to the horse, or but trivially so. But, inasmuch as the symptoms of madness discoverable in dogs so affected are good to be known to those who would keep their horses out of danger, 1 am thus further induced to bestow a page or two on the dis- tinguishing character of the true symptoms, and add a hint or two as to pre- vention, since cure is nearly hopeless at present. Causes. — The bite of a rabid animal, universally of the dog, and in every case that I hear of, on the lip. The bull-dog, the hircher, the mongrel, the Danish dog, and the shepherd dog, are the kinds most disposed to run at horses, especially when so affected (the first-mentioned, on other occasions, usually fighting at the throat), jumping repeatedly at the horse until they get hold, and the two first pertinaciously holding fast a long time, even until kill- ed off, as we hear and believe.* This will happen mostly with horses tight * On the momiag of September 9, 1826, as Mr. Hawkerford, of Bilston, Staffordahiie, ma d. » -ng 'WO tadics &otn >V iUow-ball, a bull-dog, which was with hs maiter m the road wAwtm IfDEDi BATHING. ent rabies presses itself u[K)n our notice as the most efficacious measure fot warding off the disease. Six months is no unusual time for dogs to conceal rabid infection, a quarrelsome disposition being for a long time tne only indi- cation perceptible; but the horse seldom goes beyond the twentieth day in de- veloping all the symptoms before enumerated ; which shows that the peculiar- ly rapid circulation of the blood, noticed elsewhere (page 59) as the harbinger of inflammatory complaints of every kind in the horse, naturally demands early and copious bleeding as a good accessary remedy for this particular one. In this case alone we should not be solely guided as to the quantity of blood proper to be taken by the qui(;kness of the pulse, or actual inflammatory indi- cation, but its fulness, and habit of the patient's body : empty his body sub- Bequently, as directed in cases of fever, with a brisk purgative, as follovvs: Purgative Ball. Aloes, 7 drachms, Calomel, half a drachm, Hard Soap, 3 drachms. Oil of caraways, 12 drops. Mix with mucilage sufficient for one dose. If the animal seem not otherwise to require purging physic, omit the calomel, and omit it also if the bleeding has been trivial on accouut of the previous low state of the animal's system. The application of the plant Scutelleria laterifolia is lately reported from North America to have succeeded in several cases; but the symptoms do not accompany the report made to us, and we rest in doubt as to its efficacy. However, let it be tried. So we say of "any mineral acid," which a certain medical gentleman recommends may be applied — a few drops on tow to the wound whilst fresh. This may be tried in the form of oxygenated muriatic acid, which has the property of being destructively detersive; it decomposes the virus, and acts as a styptic. Salt water bathing has been employed upon a large scale, and has been loudly commended; then, let common salt be also tried to the amount of two or three ounces a day mixed with the patient's corn. It is but fair to add, that sea-bathing failed of effecting any good, when tried upon the canine under the best auspices. The king's stag-hounds, in 1823, being more than suspected of rabies, were taken to Brighton, and the ablution well performed under the directions of Mr. Sharpe, the huntsman, but to no good eflfect ; they were all destroyed. Dr. Fayerman, of Norwich, published a case in the spring of 1825, of the cure of hydrophobia in a man of forty-two years, by giving him superacetate of lead (Goulard's extract) in doses of from fifty to ten drops on lumps of sugar. He also bled the patient, who was at one time raging mad. Strong soap boilers' lye, or solution of potash, in either of its varieties, has been used frequently as efficaciously detersive of the virus left by the bite or bites inflicted by a ralnd enemy ; besides which, the seat of all the wounds may thus be discovered, as they usually lie concealed by the hair; and thus, if excision be deemed necessary, every injured part may be similarly treated : let the eyes l»e guarded against the lye, and the wounds should be quickly pressed and assiduously washed. An eschar forms and completes the cure. The once celebrated " Ormskirk Medicine " is unworthv of reliance. The subject of canine madness has been well handled by Mr. Gilman, in his "Dissertation on the Bite of Rabid Animals," 8vo. Mr. Daniel, in his •* Rural Sports," has made some good, sensible, practical observations on this subject. Mr. Thomas, in his "Shooter's Guide," is more pithy than commu- viraiwe ; be recommends immediate death being visited upon the victims of Wkrt-ERS ON HYDROPHOBIA. 163 the disease ; a very effectual mode of preventing communication, truly, but he seems not aware that premature judgments w^ould be very likely to consign to death many good animals afflicted with other disorders than rabies. Subse- quently, Mr. Johnson, in his " Shooter's companion," has printed some in teresting details of occurrences within his own proper sphere. Dr. John Pinckard's "Cases of persons -who ha"e fallen victims to the bite," arc well marked. But the labours of none are so much in point, as regards the horse, as the researches of my friend, Mr. John Surr, Surgeon, communicated to me, subsequently to 1810 ; in which year he published the result of his dis- section of several horses which had died of hydrophobia, partly under his own inspection.* The substance of all my friend's observations isembodiv^<4 in the foregoing pages. A writer, who adopts the signature of H. C. in addressing the publisher of the Annals of Sporting, has communicated much practical information on the subject of canine madness, that is well worthy the perusal of all persons interested in this order of created beings. 'Those papers appeared in the "Medical and Piiysical .Tournal," No. 131, and aeveralsuc cessive numbers: Mr. Surr being accompanied on one occasion by Dr. Adams and Mr l*ei«l srevf. 164 BOOK III. OF TlIE LEG AND FOOT OF THE HORSE ; OR SHOEING^MITII'3 GUIDE. CHAPTER I. structure and Physiology of the Foot j Mode of studying it advantageousiy Certatn disorders of the foot owe their origin to bad structure of the limb, and tne manner it is attached to the body, which influences the tread, or bear- ing, that the foot has upon a plane surfaced ground ; others arise from accident or hard work, and a good number from the errors shoeing-smiths fall into when they neglect to adapt their work to the circumstances peculiar to each kind of horse. Furthermore, almost every individual horse has its peculiar tread, and the scientific workman should place himself in a situation to ascer- tain whether this be owing to such original defectiveness, or to the evil accu- mulations of age and hard usuage: he must not pretend to counteract, but tc follow the first mentioned ; the second he may endeavour to correct, to amend, and prevent its evil effects. In order to effect these objects, he should study the form and structure of well-formed limbs, learn the uses of each bone, liga- ment, and tendon, and ascertain how it happens that deviations from symmetry in the limb always affect the sole of the foot, sooner or later. But so much space has been already occupied in the anatomical description of the leg, that it might properly be considered a waste of time to enter into new details to the same purpose. The reader will therefore turn back to the early sections of the first book (page 5, &c.) and he will readily perceive in what manner an originally defective limb, or the ill-adaptation of the parts to each other, or its awkward attachment to the body, may become the harbinger of one or other of the many diseases of the foot, which we come shortly to take into consideration. He will know, also, that besides this error of birth, as 1 call it, there are others of mismanagement : as, the employment of horses in work that is beyond their powers, or of that kind for which nature never de- signed them; cither of which is as likely to bring on distortion of the foot, and its train of disorders, as any accident of birth to which 1 before alluded. Na- tural defects go much farther than shape or make, and the distinction between these and the inflicted, or acquired, may be aptly illustrated by the fact, that white-legged horses, whatever be tneir shape, are more disposed to contract "grease" than those of any other colour. This is therefore a natural predis- position to that disease; whilst the animal which is suffered to contract the " grease " entirely through mismanagement suffers an infliction as much as another, which, being put upon hard services, throws out splents, spavin, curb^ &c. in consequence. Furthermore, the shoeing-smith who should inform himself of the primary causes of badly formed feet would carry on his business with the greatest emolument to himself, and with the most satisfaction to his employers; for he would ada[)t his shoes to the natural defects, whilst the acquired ones he would meml by degrees until he could control the horses' heels to a lieallhy shaiie. MK^SHAPEN FEET, HOW ACQUffiED. 165 mud thu« promote the regeneration of healthy horn. He should also accuctom himself to reflect on the various breeds of horses that are brought under hia care, their limbs and hoofs, produced in certain situations, climates, or coun tries, as we hear them denominated, each of which requires some peculiar contrivance or adaptation. Thus, horses bred in swampy situations have long flabby limbs and large flat hoof?, to say nothing more of their long washy car- cases, that predispose them to contract certain ills which come shortly to '^e enumerated. All those "countries" where ague prevails among mankind arc unfit for breeding good horses, as is proved by the thick spongy heel and soil foot. It was to this peculiar climate I objected some years ago, when I first printed the advice given at page 18, which has since been corroborated by the opinion of M. Dupuy, as quoted before at page 130. Brittle hoof is produced by a hot, sandy breeding country, as much as by the heat and dryness of the animal's constitution. But, to whichever extreme the individual belongs that may come under consideration, mis-shapen hoof is visible from the earliest years. Tnis increases as the animal is worked, and disease of one descri|> iion or another follows, which requires the care of the shoeing-smith to modi- fy, or of the doctor to cure. Thus the combination of ferrier (or iron-work er) and veterinary surgeon in the same person is not so very incongruous as at first sight may be imagined. In the anatomical treatise that occupies the first chapter in this volume, the reader will observe (at page 11) how strenuously I insisted on the proper shape or e.evation of the hoof; and he will not overlook the great service our shoeing- emith, ox ferrier proper, may derive from duly considering this shape and ex- ternal form, and of adapting his shoe to each deviation from the true form, as I shall show presently in detail. For that attendant upon and assistant to nature, who is neglectful of her deviations, or ignorant of the causes which produce them, is ill calculated for his office, whether that be ferrier or doctor; in fact, he is ever the most prizable workman of either class who is best ac- quainted with those deviations, accidents, or errors that, for the most part, are inflicted we know not how. The boot and shoe maker, for example, who can best suit the bumble-footed man, is a more ingenious mechanic than he who is wholly employed in making his cordovans for perfect-footed persons only. But then, the "shoe maker" of either genus should not be ignorant of well- turned feet, and the symmetry of the horse's foot should form an especial part in the education of an intelligent shoeing-smith ; else, how is he to work for ',he })reservation of the proper shape, of its restoration when time or circum- stances may have eflfected those alterations we deplore, and strive to amend if we can not fully restore? Let him examine nature itself in its fastnesses; let him investigate the njinute parts that constitute the whole foot, to which his operations are calcu- lated to aflJbrd support, or to eflfect alterations in its form. To aid him in his inquiries, I have annexed hereto the section of a foot of nearly perfect shape, prepared by myself, and })ublished some time l)efore these sheets, in order ta meet and correct the blunders intelligent shocing-smiths were every day led into by relying upon the misrepresentation of the subject contained in certain {»i!blications of the present day. I lamented this the more, because it is im- |M)ssible to withhold approbation from the leading parts o( the work in which the ill-conceived picture appeared, and therefore it is very likely to have diifu- ssed error more extensively than a less popular author could possibly inflict. As an antidote to all mistakes on this interesting topic, I would recommend every one who has occasion to meddle with horses' feet, as owner, groom, or IG 166 INTERNAL STRUCTURE OF THE HOOF. »hoeiriij-smith, to obtain a fresh lioof of a horse which has died in comparative health, and having softened it in warm water, proceed to make a section there otj in the same manner as I have here done. Fio. 1. Section op the Foot, This portrait of a section of the healthy hoof was taken from a freshly severed foot of a five year old horse, recently killed in full health. This latter remark veterinary readers will know how to appreciate, when comparing this with their own preparations, which may have been derived (as generally hap- pens) from the anatomy of diseased subjects, after the "blood" which should have supplied fresh secretory matter has been long turned aside, or converted to increase deformity. To the general observer, the foot of a horse inclosed in its hoof would, in- deed, seem hke a corpse shut up in its coffin : and there is, certainly, no mode of arriving at a knowledge how these act upon, and with, each other, than by dissecting the hoof By this means the whole arcana of its construction are laid open, but in no manner so intelligibly as by the section straight up and down from the toe up to the coronet, and throughout between the clefts of the frog and heel. This being done, the vessels which supply the juices for reno- vating the wear and tear of the whole exterior are plainly bared to the view: the ligaments, bones, and tendons, show their means and manner of action ; and, above all, the back sinew laid flat behind the smaller pastern-bone, and quite so at passing underneath the navicula, and at its insertion in the bottom of the coffin-bone. On entering the hoof it acquires the term tendo palmaris among the learned, but this course only serves to puzzle the general reader. At (a) on the coffin-bone, the general porosity thereof is much greater than at any other part, being the avenue or receptacle for the blood which is diffused throughout it, except on the surfoce, or border, at (bbb). The sha[)e of this bone at the toe (/) is worthy of note, as being that which is best calculated to give firmness of tread, fitting with the greatest nicety to the shape of the hoof; 01 rather, perhaps, we should say, that the shape of the hoof of a healthy ani- mal should ever partake of that which we have before us, and is evidently in- structive to the shoeing-smith in his final raspings, to keep clear at the toe. Deviations from this rule, bring the coffin-bone nearer the surface of the hoof, as is shown in fig. 3, plate 3, where the coffin-bone (c) and the wall of the hoof (§•) are in contact; and even this representation, the picture of the Col- lege, shows tnat the toe of the bone is much sharper than the horn, which they rasp away so much at (Z), that the new shod animals go a little groggy for a fhort time. MODE OF SEVERINO A FOOl. IffJ Between the hoof and the coffin-bone interpose an aggregation of secretory vessels, forming a juicy elastic substance, that prevents concussion, as would neci'ssarily happen at every step but for this providence of nature. 1 have marked it (cc); but this substance, in Uke manner, pervades the concurrence of all other" bones of the foot, only differing much in quality, and in structure a little : between the shuttle and coffin-bones it is more vascular, and the blood ia slid decidedly arterial. Underneath the coffin-bone at (ri), it becomes more elastic, thicker," and striated, resembling pale India rubber, which qualities in- crease towards the heel at (c). These latter rest upon the frog (ff), which is horny, or perforable with a point-knife, so far as (g), where it joms the toe of the hoof, more abruptly as the horse is most worked, or otherwise. The navicula (/j,) or shuttle-bone, as it has been called, moves in the midst of much elastic substance, resting upon and pressing the back sinew flat upon the strongest part of that substance, above the centre of the frog. This littl« bone, it will be seen, is well ada[)ted, by its shape, to traverse the lower sur- face of the small pastern (i,) and the lateral edge of the coffin-bone (a,) when- ever the back sinew (A:,) is drawn up to lift the foot, as it does from off the ground, always returning into its place as the foot comes down. At (Z) is the toe, (m) is the heel of tlie foot, and at (n) is the near side cleft of the insensi- ble frog. At (o) is the coronet, or coronary ring, as at (p,) the lowest end of the large pastern bone. At (a) when the bone is recently cut through, no difference of structure is perceivable, though upon stricter examination, it will be found at the central part more porous, than that which is adjacent to the other bones; the hard- ness increases towards the whole surface (b b 6), where the cutting presents a perfect enamel. But the contents of the receptacle at (a), I have proved by experiment to be unequivocally the same glutinous substance (in a state of preparation) as the hoof itself This process of nature is well explained by the old aphorism that, "arteries entering Iwne engender bone, thase of mus- cle create muscle," and so on ; and the blood deposited in the coffin-bone, and being dispersed over the internal part of the foot, partakes of all the qualities of bone, membrane, muscle, and skin — the whole combined becomes horn. If my advice be worth any thing — if my earnest exhortations to investigate the subject effect their object, every man who reads these pages, whatever may be his station in or about the stable or the smithy, will not fail to make a sec- tion, or cut down the middle of a hoof at the earliest opportunity. To effect this purpose, the now industrious operator needs little more preparation than to furnish himself with a cordwainer's knife, and a butcher's saw with fine teeth : if he can add to these the use of a carpenter's vice, in which tti fix his subject, he will much accelerate his labour. Having secured the foot upside downwards, he will cut down between the cleft at the heel until becomes to the bone at (6), and the wall, or horny part of the hoof (at g)^ where the la- lH)ur of sawing is to begin. The shuttle bone (/i) he will feel and hear rattle forward and backward at every stroke — the horn yields easily. As he pro- ceeds, he will find his trouble lessened and his views of the matter iri hand much enlargea by driving into the chasm his exertions have made, some two or three wedges of wood, whereby he will ascertain that the stiffest part of the horn is elastic, even though he should not have adopted the precaution of soak- ing his preparation, as recommended. He will thus be convinced., that the *i[)pIication of Bracy Clark's jointed shoe is n^t without its uses. But if our Inquirer ha? soaked his horn as directed, he will find that the warm water renders it more elastic, and he will conclude that the practice of permitting their horses to stand in the kciiiirls during the issue of hot water from brew fries, die-houses, rectifiers' promises, &c., must soften the hoofs, and indispose thorn for immediate concussion over the rough stones of our paved »treet& [08 HORN, HOW COMPOtlNDED: CONCOSSlONa He will also thus discern why I advise, in certain cases, the enveloping the whole foot whenever the appHcation of a poultice becomes necessary to any part of it. On completing the section, he will discover two branches of arteries which descend into the foot at the coronet near the quarters and supplied the coffin- bone (a), that occupies the cavity of the horny hoof, with fine blood for its re- production. In other words, the formation of new horn is derived from the blood, which is sent hither in good quantity, and pervades the internal part of the coffin bone in particular. In this bone the operator will perceive a cavity, or rather three hollows communicating with each other, in which the horny matter is generated. Or, probably, this is the reservoir for such particles of blood as are suited to the formation of hoof, as it may be required and called for by the process of nature, and the demands of wear and tear, of rasping and drawing inordinately, all which must subtract from its quantity, and leave the bone comparatively hollow, and less fit for resisting the hard concussions to which it is liable at every step. This fact may be ascertained by keeping a bisected foot for a few months, when the moisture having left it in great mea- sure, in the cavity of the coffin-bone will be found a yellowish glutinous sub- stance precisely of the same nature and colour as that which fills the space between the hoof and coffin-bone at cc^ in the section at page 166: without odour and nearly tasteless, its uses are evidently the supply of new hoof. Seeing this curious construction of the foot, we are compelled to allow that numerous accidents may also occur to prevent the supply of blood to the parts, to say nothing of its unfitness at times to carry on its proper purposes. The two vessels before noticed that bring this supply of new blood descend into the foot behind the small pastern bone, and pass with the back sinew {k) under- neath the shuttle bone (/i), as may be noticed in the section, at page 166. Here it enters the coffin-bone at the sole, by an indentation of the bone de signed for the protection of the vessels passing in and out. From the recep- tacle in the coffin-bone, after concoction, the blood issues forth — part of it to lubricate and nourish the shuttle-bone and its adjacent ligaments, the remain- der to eflfect similar purposes elsewhere, but the greater part is destined to supply the horny material of the hoof. Those "concussions" at every step, before spoken of, as affecting the action of the shuttle-bone upon the posterior point of the coffin-bone, occasion trivial injury at every step in quick motion ; more harm arises as the animal is much pushed in his work ; then heat and fever of the foot supervene, contractions follow, with a train of evils that have acquired diflferent names, thirty in num- l»er, but which I have reduced by three-fourths, with a view to simplifying the subject: most of these diflfer only in situation. Very hard concussions, or a single injury of sufficient magnitude, produce lameness at once, which most unaccountably received the name of "strain of the coffin-joint," and un- der which general misconception I shall shortly give it a moment's considers tion. The student who would push his inquiries farther will next turn his atten- tion to the muscles, ligaments, and tendons, that guide the foot ; that lift it up, and suffer it again to meet the ground ; that may perform these offices firm and effectively, or being relaxed, diseased, or ill-formed, they and their functions agree not with the well-being of the foot. Probably he will find it convenient to lay open this part of the arcana of progression by the horse's i«g (the lower part of it) previous to severing the foot itself, seeing thai the subject will then be quite fresh, and that one part may intelligibly illusirate m H SI ^ © °P © :i*M) =^ 1=3 o pHilliiln 1 t:^ ^ % M Si FOOT AND LEO DESCRIBED. 169 the other. This is more particularly the case with the flexor tendon, or back sinew; which he will ascertain is of great length, descending all the way from the hock, or back of the knee, behind both pastern bones, under the shuttle- bone, and is fastened to the bottom of the coffin-bone. With the following "description" before him, he will study the figures 2 and 3 of plate 3; and after removing the remainder of the integuments, and cleansing the bones, he will then perceive the articulation of these, the nian- •aer of their working in and upon each other; and as he proceeds to repeat the investigation, he will note the difference that exists in the shape of a leg taken from a thorough-bred horse and that of a cart-horse; the one small and riat-sided, or sharp before, as best calculated for speed, the other round and heavy, as being made for heavy draught, and to support a large, muscular, and bony frame. In giving this advice, I presume he has already examined the superior part of the limb, though the lower bones and their covering come more immediately under notice in this place. Description of Plates 2 and 3, of Anatomy of the Horse's Foot. These figures were not designed or corrected by me, with one exception^ viz. fig. 2, of jiate 3 ; they are, however, very fair representations of the sub- jects studied, and depicted by members of the College. I have here a small objection to make to their mode of enlarging the coffin-bone, which they in- variably draw much too big in proportion; why, I never could learn. In fig. 4 of plate 2, for example, where the whole of the integuments are supposed to be removed, the coffin-bone projects inordinately beyond the small pastern, which is not the case at all when viewed in front, or at the back. In other respects these figures s{)eak intelligibly without further explanation. Plate 2, fig. 1. Front view of a colt's foot, hoof, skin removed, and (a) the sesamoid bone, (6) the large pastern, (c) the coffin-bone, {d) the toe. Fig. 2. Back view of the same — a a the back sinew, or flexor tendon, as it appears above its ligamentary sheath and below it, descending flat into the foot underneath the coffin-bone at (c); d the coffin-bone, having the sensible sole still adhering to it, cc, the lateral cartilage; b is the sheath in which the back sinew is enclosed, and moves at every step, but part of the sheath has been removed in order to show the course of the sinew. Fig 3. The whole of the ligaments is here laid open by the removal of the flexor tendon, whereby is seen (at a) the smooth surface of the sesamoid bones over which the tendon is ordained to pass ; at bb, part of the sheath is turned back, at c is the hollow part of the sheath; at dd the ligament that connects the small pastern to the bone above is shown, with its insertion below at e, whereby the large pastern is kept in position ; ff the lateral cartilages ; g the bottom of the coffin-bone, h the toe. Fig. 4 is a front view of the same, but with all the integuments removed; aa the sesamoids ; b the large pastern ; c the small pastern ; d the coffin-bone, but represented rather wider than ordinary. Plate 3, fig. 1, back view of the bones, in which o the shuttle-bone, is secc that works loosely behind the conjunction of the small pastern, c, and coffin- bone, d ; but the small pastern (c) has been lifted or strained upwards inordi- nately, as the lower part of it lies concealed, as far as the mark (c) in the nealthy subject, behind the shuttle-bone. The shuttle bone may be seen at its middle or thickest part, in the " section of a healthy foot," at page 166 ; and by turning the cut sideways, the perspective will be found sacrificed to no useful purpose. Fig. 2. View of the foot, with the hoof only removed, showing the front of »he coffin-bone at 6, and the coronary ring just above it at c, in which the suh 70 AFFECTIONS OF THE LEG AND FOOT. Stance is treasured up that constantly supplies the material for new horn tc la* foot below. At aa the sesamoid bones, freshly severed at the fetlock joint. Fig. 3. A section of a foot, agreeing essentially with my subject, at paffo 1()G, but evidently drawn from a diseased foot, the elastic process marked cent that picture being wanting in this, and the shuttle-bone, sition, or absorf>tion has reduced the muscular parts to their former size, and restored their action. When three, or four, or five months of moderate laoour give reason for believing that these events have taken place, firing is likely to prove highly serviceable by hracing the whole together in a tight skin, much resembling, and greatly excelling the long bandage prescribed with embroca- tion No, 2, in p, 178, The reader of discernment will please to note, that if the said artificial bracing be found to lessen the lameness in that early stage of the disorder, no less will the bracing of the natural skin by firing be found beneficial when healthy action is restored, but not perhaps ^he former strength. CHAPTER III. SHOEING. Terms and phrases, in all matters connected with the arts of life should convey a good and most distinct notion of the thing spoken of. This does not always happen in our day, formerly never, and proved a vast stumbling-block to the advance of science; but whoever termed the horse-shoe an "iron-de- fence, was a happy fellow, and deserves well at our hands, inasmuch as hia appellation is goodly descriptive of the thimr intended, and tells plainly what a snoe ought to be in reality. If not made of sufficient quantity, and of o proper material, it proves inadequate to defend the hoof from injury; if made too hea^y, or ill-shaped, the shoe becomes the cause of grievous offence, of pain, heat and contraction of the horn, with its train of evils. Any workman may learn by practice, and therefore every one ought to know, at least, when too much or too little is applied. Some feet have the wall very thick, and the shoe will require a good bearing ; if very thin, it can not carry a heavy idO EDUCATION OF THE SMITH. FOREIGN SMITHS. slioe^ though it stand most in need of defence. Again, the horn of some horses' feet is so well-tempered and stout, that they might be permitted to go without shoes without danger, if not worked upon stony roads. Time, how- ever, and hard work, occasion brittle hoof, and distortions, with numerous disorders that attach to the foot generally, or belong to the sole only. When these ailments begin to show their eflects, the shoeing-smith must adapt his work according to the new pattern thus cut out for him, and here begins his ingenuity ; in some cases he will even have to adopt a different shaped defence for the same set of feet; but in all cases, and under every cir- cumstance, he nm.st fasten them on lirmly to the horny wall of the foot by nailing and clencliing. By paring the sole inordinately, the bones within are pressed out of position, and the wall having now no resistance in the horny sole to keep it expanded, it contracts and becomes shapeless and diseased. Partial parings overmuch produce partial accidents from without, and engen- der diseases within, which have received a great number of names according to the situation, but all having their origin in this or some such injury, and all producing contracted hoof and sole. The importance of avoiding this baleful practice may be deduced from the great anxiety of our ancestors to particu- larize, by so many different names, this single disease of the sole arising from contracted hoof For whenever constitutional diseases fall into the foot, they never aliect the sole, or any part of the bottom, unless attracted thither by accidents or contraction of the hoof, by reason of this paring and rasping away of the natural defence. Under each of these heads of information, I shall presently place before the operative reader a few plain and intelligent precepts, accompanied by some admonitions; for most assuredly, that teacher who contents himself with tell- ing the learner what is necessary to be done has but half performed his duty, if he leave uncorrected certain long standing errors, which he knows to exist, and to have received the sanction of ages that were confessedly working in the dark, as regards horse-shoeing above all other operations. But the method of performing this operation is avowedly not to be taught in its rudiments, upon paper. Practice is indispensable, manual labour requisite ; and much of it, conducted by an intelligent mind well versed in books, is necessary towards forming the proficient shoeing smith. Hitherto, however, from the nature of the black-smith's trade, its laboriousness, and the deficiency of general educa- tion down to a late period, most of the operatives in this branch of mechanical labour were precluded from acquiring the additional information that books contain, after they had once adopted their future calling. Error and prejudice laid fast hold of our ancestors, for ages; !»ut the prevailing national desire of acquiring the minor school endowments promises a different result at the pre- sent day, and on this occasion, when Science has been disrobed of her cloak and the niceties of Art are sought in language that all can comprehend. The shoes affixed to the feet of their horses by the continental farriers diflfer materially from our own and from each other ; which proves that no fixed principle is acknowledged by either of them; though the English and the French assimilate together the nearest of any, and are those, 1 apprehend, that approach nearest to perfection ; notwithstanding the controversies and bold assumptions of superior wisdom, and the "patents" that enabled a few persons here to give themselves airs, and to set up pretensions they have mi- serably failed to substantiate. The jointed shoe, for instance, of Goldfinch, and of B. Clark, which is the best modification of the old semi-oval defence for healthy feet, was preceded a whole century by the French author of "Lg Chi,i'al " a folio French work, noticed by Mr. Bee in the Annals of Sporting, fox 1823. FULLERING-A NEW METHOD. 18| Practical Precepts. rhe Shoe. In quantity or size, the common defence of the full-grown norse's foot is made nearly half an inch thick at the toe, but near the heel cne fourth lebs; here, also, it must be made narrower by the half than at the toe, where it is an inch wide, and so continues round to the quarters, lessening away towards the heel, where it is but half an inch wide. Very near the outer edge a groove is made, not too deep, but sloping from the side next the rim, in order to throw the heads of the nails slanting, when the final hammer- ing down takes place. A practice prevails of making this groove, called ful lering, much too close to the edge ; and to so great an extent does this mista • ken notion prevail, that he who could so make it nearest to the edge without cracking the rim was long considered the best workman. This, however, is not the most approved method of our times; for the nail-holes that are to be })unctured in this groove are thus brought too near the edge of the horn, so that the nails do not hold fast, unless driven and clenched high up on the hoof, which also is an exploded part of practice. Neither should the fullering l)e continued round the toe, nor to the quarters, lest you weaken the defence where its protection is most required. Iron is the only material proper, and the toughest is the best defence, as it affords a small degree of elasticity in action, is least likely to crack, and is ca- pable of being hardened at the wearing points at will. The toe alone is usu- ally hardened at the time of making, unless in winter, when it may be found necessary to turn down the heels, termed frosting, when these may also be hardened, or steeled. Some persons frost all their shoes in winter, by fullering them all over the ground surface ; but this rough soon wears away, or is of little service from the first. On turning the heel down, a cripphng gait is produced if the rough be long, especially with heavy horses, having low hoofs, which may be coun- teracted, so long as the roughing lasts, by turning down the toe also, and steel- ing both. But then the necessity of frequently removing the shoe, and thus impairing the wall or crust, may be remedied by making screw-holes in the ground surface of the heels, and providing a suitable supply of screws with steel heads, that may be applied and screwed on fresh every day if need be. Sizes of course would vary according to that of the horse and shoe. Shape. For sound feet, both surfaces of the English shoe are made per- fectly flat, the inner rim being thinner than the outer. The shoe extends all round the edge of the wall or crust, which it is desirable to defend, and termi- nates where the bar and crust join at the heel, A curve upwards, at the toe, to prevent tripping, though sanctioned by authority, and carried to an extreme by Goodwin, and others, is seldom desirable, even with heavy horses, or those which go close to the ground, and is well met by a modification of the Ger- man and French method, of forming the shoe wider than ours, and conse- quently less pointed at the toe. The toe being then rasped close to the shoe, no tripping takes place on that account. The French form, or shape, differs from our English shoe, in being made mder and approaching nearer to a semicircle, and instead of being flat next to the hoof, is hammered hollow, which renders the ground surface convex; 1 mode of proceeding that suits admirably with their coarse footed horses, and comparatively harmless roads fmeaning neir petit chemin, and the sides of their grand chemins], but is inadmissible in England, excepting perhaps with our agriculturist owners of the like ordinary cattle. They also make theii shoes as thick at the heel as at the toe, which is a transgression against the general precept, at page 180, that 1 can not reconcile with propriety : what ia more again<;t the French, they take little heed of hardening either toe orheel fj?2 - IMPROVED SHOE AND FULLER. A.n aJjustin-f curve iipwards, which they give to the toe, could add nothing lo tke security of a horse's going along safe on our roads, whatever it might do on theirs; but thair system of punching and nailing is altogether so excel- lent as to deserve imitation more extensively than it has hitherto been honour- ed with, and is described with due discrimination lower down. The horn at the toe would of course be made of a fit shape to receive such a form of shoe as the French ; and I have reason to believe that it affects the toe of the cof- fin-bone in process of time, which also becomes curved upwards, precisely after the form thus factitiously given to the horn, and doubtless gave rise to the discrepant representations adverted to at page 16G. On finishing off fine work, let the inside of the edge or rim of the hinder shoes be well bevelled off towards the ground, and rounded, to prevent the possibility of coming in contact with the fore foot: with horses that are apt t(j forge, the necessity of keeping the fore-shoe heel short, so that it may not project beyond the natural heel, should never be lost sight of. So, of the in- side of the fore shoes to prevent cutting : let these also be filed off, sloping, to- wards the ground, though not so far as the heels. An improved form of shoe, preferable to both the foregoing, has been re- cently introduced, whicli is an assimilation of the French and English shoes. Instead of adhering to the old practice of fullering the ground surface of the common English shoe, to admit of punching the nail holes therein, it is the improved practice to hollow that surface, and leave a shoulder towards the outer rim as a protection to the nail heads. This is performed by a tool re- sembling the head of a hammer, one face whereof is well represented by the aimexecl figure ; the lower part at (a) being placed on the work, as is b usual in fullering, but nearly a quarter of an inch from the edge; the /"■ hammer is ap|)lied at (6), which leaves at (a) the desired shoulder, and \J along that surface so far as nailing is necessary, a hollowness equal to a. the inner slope of the tool. This hollow is not in fact any more than a wider fuller, extending the width of the shoe, excepting the width of the rim left at the outer edge ; though some do further prolong the hollowing all round the toe, and to within half an inch of the heel, whereby they leave a slight caulk- ing that never incommodes the animal, but which may be increased in quan- tity and hardness towards winter. The operation of hollowing the ground surface just described, produces a slight convexity upon the foot surface three- fourths of the shoe's width, leaving the outer fourth still flat to receive the bearing of the horn. Hereby the distance between the sole and the inner rim is increased, and is moreover less likely to retain stones, gravel, or tilth, than is the usual flat surfaced shoe, and possesses all the advantages of the seated shoe of old Osmer, that has been claimed by some of our moderns. Moorcroft took great pains to recommend the seated shoe, but finding some difficulty in getting them manufactured, he set up a machine for puncturing out the hollows, that quite failed of success, because the power employed was only equal to cutting soft iron, and this was found inadequate to the required wear, we are told. Why he did not subsequently harden, or " steel" the toe and heels, seem surprising. Healthy feet are those alone which I have kept in view hitherto ; the bar- shoe, concave and seated shoes being contrivances for ill-formed and diseased feet, req'ire separate notice. Objec.lons have certainly been raised against this mode of forming shoes, that seem plausible enough at first glance: not so fast, however; for upon cool examination they vanish. The objectors aver, that because we can not im- part the desired freedom of expansion to the whole of the foot, forsooth, we are not to allow it at any part : if we can not get all we want, we are to reject whut is within our reach. One >f these, who is likewise the last, tells us, GOLDnNCIl'S JOINTED SHOE. 183 • In orJer to admit of expansion aiul relaxation of the hoof by a joint, it, \v..ult] l>e necessary to make the nail holes wide enough to allow suthrient play be- tween the shoe and the nails [!], thus producing an effect similar to the end play of carriage springs. But even supposing (says he) this provision were made, the shoe would soon tear out the nails." The jointed shoe. — A form of shoe was propounded for cutting the shoe into three or more several parts ; then lining the foot surface with leather, and fastening on the shoe in the usual manner, witU nails that were inserted into each part. But this contrivance though plausible, did not answer, inasiruch as the leather had not sufficient strength to stand the wear and tear. Mr, Bracy Clark may have been the real inventor of the jointed shoe that bears his name, for aught 1 know, but he labours under the disadvantage of being preceded by about a century, by a French author; so that his battered saying that his great discovery ! forms "a basis for the repose of the profes- sion," however elegant in expression, becomes nonsense to our ears, who con- cede nothing to simple gentility, and less than that to self-complacent egotism. "Clark's shoe," in its various modifications, differs nothing from the generali- ty of shoes, except in being divided at the toe, and fastened again by means of a pin, screw, or rivet. The toe would require to be made thicker than usual, let me suggest, to prevent the rivet's parting, and to secure each head of it in a counter sink; one half the thickness of the toe is to be cut away on one side at the ground surfece, and from the foot surface of the other half, re- sembling what is termed in carpentry, a mitre; and these being l>rought close together, a hole should be drilled or pnncheil through both, and let the rivet employed be the size of the hole. Whatever degree of rigidity the workman mightrestore to the entire shoe, it is ])lain that the great weight of the horse would very soon strain the rivet, so as to cause it to relax therefrom, and al- low the heels to expand by so much. That this -f^'^- 3. might extend over a larger jiart of the front of the hoof, Mr. Clark preferred nailiiit^ the shoe pretty far back towards the quarters, which I reckon among the mistaken notions of the whole class of improvers. But, mark the dissonance of our teachers! the next inventor or improver ran into the other extreme, er- roneously punching and nailing up intolerably near to his rivtes or pins, for he has two of them, as per marginal cut. This representation of the shoe invented by Lieutenant Colonel Goldfinch exhibits a modification of " Clark's patent." Like it, the necessity of making the shoe thicker at the toe than usual with the ordinary shoes is evident. The patent was enrolled in October 1821, granting to Lieutenant Colonel Henry Goldfinch, of Hythe in Kent, an exclusive right for fourteen years; and his s[)ccification of its advantages and novelty, and the manner of making it, ap- pears to be as follows : " The separation is to be made in any indented form, and the two parts fastened together with pins. It is further proposed to at- tach the shoe to the horse's hoof by driving the nails obliquely, as in the French manner of shoeing. With this view, the nail-holes are to be punched about one-thire cleared out by means of a knife having a sharp return at the extremity; but it must be evident that if the cleft has incurred no foulness, nor the frog grown luxuriantly, neither the one nor the other will require the least reduction. I will not say a word on the neces- sity of removing the rotten overgrown horn at the toe, and round to the quar- ters, so as to obtain a prober seat or bearing upon the shoe, this being an affair within every one's compass ; but the rasping should always proceed with the shoe before the workman's eyes, unless when he may find it necessary to take It to the fire for the purpose of making alterations. The habit of doing this to a nicety with a single heat may be acquired without going to the fire half a dozen times, as I have seen done ; least of all should the shoe be tried on hot, that the most ignorant of workmen may see where it bears most, or the least industrious lessen his labour by softening the horn. Ruinous consequences attend the application of fire to the feet, and yet I remember the period when it was the common practice to place a shovel of hot coals on brittle hoofs to ease the workman's labour! When a foot is fitted to receive the shoe, the bottom resembles somewhat the hollow and rim of an oval dish. On being placed on a plane surface, the frog and heels bear equally ; but when the shoe is applied, the frog is raised by as much as the thickness of the shoe may be at the heel. At the heels, for about an inch of its length, the rim of the shoe is to project beyond the out' «ide of the hoof. 18 19g PREPARED SOLE. NAILING. Take good heed that the inner edge of the shoe-heel bear not on the ground more Vhan the outer, but the contrary. Nailing, a very important operation, requires much previous study of the formation and functions of the internal sensible parts of the foot, many inju- ries being inflicted by penetrating those parts to the quick, and thereby occa- sioning them to fester, as we shall see presently, when treating of the diseases incident to the sole. A good aphorism has it thus — " If it were possible to keep the shoe in position without nailing, we should then have arrived at per- fection in the art of shoeing ; it follows that the less number of nails that are driven consistent with safety, is the most commendable practice." I believe it was Mr. Bracy Clark, in the plentitude of his many inventions, who once proposed to fasten on the shoe by enveloping the whole hoof in an iron de- fence, and fastening it by screws ; but the scheme failed for a most obvious reason — its weight increased the offence adverted to elsewhere (page 179). But I will not speculate on novelties, nor further object, simply contenting myself with taking the evil or puncturation as one that is inevilable, though capable of alleviation. All hands agree that the less nailing we could suffice with, the less chance there would be of driving into the quick — hence the firmer each nail is driven, the less liable is the shoe of loosening, and this good never can be effected unless the nails fit the holes so nearly as to prevent shift- ing, and also pass through a good portion of the horn. Doubtless, a couple of'nails on each side would be sufficient to retain a light shoe for a short time, if the work be not heavy, and allow that desirable expansion of the heel which all agree promotes the secretion of new horn, and the health of the foot; but we employ double the number in common work, and seven altogether in the *' improved shoe." As before remarked, the fullering usually practised upon the common shoe is so near the edge, that the rim sometimes breaks off of high-tempered iron: whilst, if it be soft, the punching inevitably drives out a bulge that the smith seeks to reduce by hammering, which again contracts the size of the nail- holes; the latter error occasions the nails to break off in driving; the former leaves the heads exposed to be knocked off, or readily worn away ; and by either the security of the shoe is diminished greatly and dangerously. Be- sides which objection to the old method of fullering, there is a corresponding necessity imposed upon the workman, of clenching high up on the hoof, which increases the danger of puncturing the sensible internal parts of the foot. This entire objection to the narrow fuller, or groove, is fully remedied by adopting the proposed manner of punching the nail-holes farther in from the edge, thus takintr firm hold of the whole thickness of the horn, and dnving out sooner and clenching lower than is ordinarily practised — say, within 3 quarters of an inch of the shoe in all cases. The nail commonly used is much too long in the shank for any kind of shoe, and too thin near the head ; but should be of the same thickness throughout from the head so far as the pointing takes place. The material must be of the toughest quality, equal to Swedish, insomuch as the nail may bear bending forward and backward half a score times without breaking ; it should have a counter-sink head to match with the second punch-holes, and the hammering which the head receives before, at, and after driving, sufficiently hardens it to resist the immediate effects of wear. Do not point the naiis too much, lest Ihev splinter in the driving, nor make two or three punctures before you drive home each nail : both these practices proclaim the clumsy workman. Punching. — As before intimated, the nail-holes should be punched at. fai from the ou.ei edge of the shoe as the v '1 is thick. A small punch of the pize of the nail's shank is to be first driven smartly and visibly through, but not so deep as to raise a burr on the hoof side. Then, open the hole with i NAILING SECURELY AND SAFELY. 187 pritchel ; and a large counter-sink punch, the size of the nail-head, is then tr be emploved, but not driven so deep as the small punch ; the first being of the size of the nail-shank, the second is to receive a small part of the head. This mode is, of course, best adapted to the "improved shoe" recommended at page 182, where a shoulder and groove supply the place of fullering. But in every form of shoe, and every modification of naihng, the manifest advantage cf ad- mitting the nail-head to a rest or protection from rude concussions agajrist the ground, must be evident, when the counter-sink part of the head is allowed to lie deep in the shoe. The number of nail-holes has hitherto been eight, but a better practice pre- vails in some forges of driving seven nails only, three on the inside, four out- side ; whereby the fourth nail outside is thrown so much farther back than the third nail inside. More play is thus allowed for expansion at the quarters : and if the pui.ching and driving be performed eflfectively, the hold thus ob- tained will be found fully adequate to any service to which the greater num- ber of nails is applied. The safety of the shoe depends more upon the nails' passing through good sound horn, and filling up the punch-holes in the shoe, ihan upon their number. A good workman can hear when the nails thus tellf by the sound of driving. After punching, the smith must not apply heat or a hammer to the shoe, with a view to reduce any bulge, or burr, which the punch may have occasioned ; for this exploded practice spoils the shape and size of the holes, upon the fitness whereof wholly depends the security of the shoe. Indeed, good and proper iron does not readily incur either of those ob- jectionable forms, nor will it break or chip off at the fuller-edge (when such a plan is adopted) like ordinary metal. Driving the nails home properly includes no small share of skill. Former- ly, he who could drive highest into the crust without occasioning lameness was reckoned the best workman, whilst the French method of driving both into sole and crust is an error in the contrary extreme, and argues no little slovenliness and disregard of the construction of the sensible part of the foot. As may be seen and accounted for by reference to the section at page 166, immediate lameness is not always likely to succeed the pricking of the sensi- ble part at cc, but matter may form underneath, and lameness ensue at a fu- ture day, unless upon removal of the shoe it issue forth at once in the shape of blood. The hoof, which may have lost the elastic substance of this sensi- ble part through age or infirmities, as represented at(g-) fig. 3, plate 3, is usu- ally " pricked to the quick" at once, and flinches, or goes crippling away from the smithy. According to the most improved modern mode of punching and nailing, the nail should enter at the conjunction, nearly, of the sole and crust, so as to pe- netrate almost the whole thickness of the crust,* and be driven slanting out- wards, so that the clinch be little more than half the usual distance above the shoe. If the nail-holes be punched too near each other, and the driving be performed by a workman who drives and draws his nails, and then peers into the punch- holes, then points his nail and drives again — however well his work may appear when put out of hand, he will but have prepared the hoof for fresh injuries at the next shoeing : after this treatment portions of the hoof are apt to come away, and the smith is thus compelled to fasten on his defence by the toe, or at the quarters, and so produce fresh offence and incurable lameness. Do not nick the hoof, as is too commonly practised, previous to turning the clenches; as most feet can not afford to lose so much of their natural support, and even tiie stoutest foot ought not to be subjected to the loss of so much of its main strength. Neither rasp off the clinch, by way of finish, for the sam« reason, but hammer it down like the head of a rivet. • As shown in the figure of Goklflnch'a shj^ at page 183, 188 NEW MODK DISEASES OF THE FOOT. Ml R. B. Teast recommends a construction of the foot surface, that seems rory well calcuhted to attain his object, the preventing contraction and amend- ing the several evils arising therefrom, by raising a ndge along the whole ex tent of the shoe so far as the heels, exclusively, thus making an inclined plane outwards of the thickness of the wall or crust of the hoof. The punching and nailing takes j)lace at this ndge, thus affording secure driving for the nails, and a safe hold upon the iron. Withinside, the shoe is convex on both sur- faces, but admits of modification, at will, on the ground surface. The hoof must be prepared to receive this form by paring away the horn lower on the inner part than on the outer side, or external edge of the wall ; in fine, so as to corresjjond with the form of the shoe. At least, this is what I understand in the course of reading a series of very obscurely written "Practical Obser- vations" on the subject ; for, although the plan seems admirable, none of my connexions have seen it in actual use, notwithstanding I called at his forge for that purpose. This was in 1821, soon after the promulgation of Mr. Teast's plan. By the means proposed, the hoof is spread outwards at every step, so as to afford expansion to the heels, and avoid pressure upon the sole; an advantage for such horses as are weak or thin-soled that is at once obvious and gratify- ing. His idea of giving pressure to the convex sole, by making his shoe with the whole foot surface inclining outwards, is more vague, since all that is re- quisite is attained by the first method. Notwithstanding the French method of punching has been spoken of in terms of approbation, and their mode of driving and clenching low is recom- mended to imitation, let it not be supposed that in other respects they make the best shoeing-smiths in the world, but the contrary. Their finest shoeing is sad, slovenly work to look at ; and this very excellence of theirs is more at- tributable to laziness than to design or plan. As one instance of this undesir- able quality, they assign two men to placing the shoe, a lacquey holding the foot and bringing the tools, whilst le marechal himself hammers it on with much pomp. In Portugal they employ three, which includes the gallegot^ or porter. CHAPTER IV. DISEASES OF THE FOOT. When these can not be traced distinctly to any specific cause, they are fairly attributable to ailment of the whole system dropping into the legs, and "fever in the feet" decidedly so, in my opinion, when both are so afflicted. Therefore it was that I noticed this disease along with "strain of the tendons,'' to which 1 attribute its origin, as much as to other causes of general heat of the foot. Indeed the whole structure of the foot of the horse is so peculiarly curious that it almost deserves a separate study, but we must always keep in mind, whilst considering its ailments, that the great irritation kept up by its extreme action is readily communicable from the one to the other, so that vye can not intelligib\y separate the leg from the foot, when speaking of the ail- ments of either, notwithstanding 1 have thought proper to begin this chapter with the disorders that are situated higher up, and mean to close it with such AS on'y make their appearance below. But there remains still another distinction that may as well be drawn here, IflRUSlI, OR FKUSII— CAUSE AND SYMPTOMS. 18. 18* 190 DRESSING FOR THRUSH. torn w'll then be nis tumbling down through acute pain. The cleft openi^ and an issue of a most offensive kind presents itself. Cure. — If not speedily taken in hand, canker will be the consequence of • neglected frush. But, as scarcely one in ten will take the precaution to as- certain, from the state of his pulse, when the horse is likely to acquire this or any other inflammatory disease, it may be deemed impertinent in me to say, tnatthe preventive of frush in its worse state may be found in purging phy- sic and a cooling regimen, as prescribed for general inflammatory and febrile complaints, set down at the commencement of book 2, pages 59,^ 63, &c. ; for this disease frequently depends on some untimely suppressed evacuation, as the urine, stool, or perspiration ; then let these be restored by giving the dia- phoretic powders, purging or urine balls, according to circumstances. A very much hurried pulse would of course point out the necessity of immediate bleeding ; for the animal so suffering in the vital function must necessarily contract disease of some kind or other; and that particular organ or member which may he least able to bear it is sure to feel its effects soonest. This is as likely to happen to a horse with defective frog, as to its size, texture, or shape, as to any other part of him. Then, let the careful owner examine and find out the least perfect part of his horse, let him watch it closely in all its weak- ness, and endeavour to detect the first symptoms of illness, that he may aid nature and restore her functions, before these run riot beyond the help of art. When the frog has been pared away, and the filth of the sore removed, wash it with a solution of vitriolated copper, and apply a pledget dipped in tar or turpentine at the opening. If the case be a bad one, the wash may be made stronger by the addition of a few drops of vitriolic acid to the solu- tion ; and the tar may be poured into the opening whilst warm. Place dry tow, and keep it in position by means of splints. Repeat this tar dressing every other day, until the injured parts slough off. Purging physic will tS necessary to complete the cure. CANKER. Evidently a corruption of the word cancer, as applied to a running sore in human ailments, it is yet well silently to permit the innovation, the better to keep the two practices separate, in small as well as more extended affairs. Causes. — Precisely the same as those which produce the frush, only making Hs appearance at various parts of the sole, frog, «fec. Sometimes the canker is but an aggravated frush a very bad or neglected cure becoming in my estima- tion a canker, and next to incurable ; whereas a frush, taken in time, is easily cured. Our French neighbours write of the two under the same head, of can- cer, let them be seated wheresoever they may. The symptoms are those of frush, extended also to the bars of the frog, the heel, the sole, &c. ; and so is the Cure ; with this addition, that the paring must be carried on to the extremity, baring all the diseased parts, though these extend over the whole bottom of the foot Cut away the proud flesh to the quick, and when it has bled a little^ apply The Powder. Sulphate of copper, 1 ounce, Corr. sublimate, 4 drachms. Prepared chalk, 1 ounce. Mix and sprinkle it over the exposed surface. If the disease makes a hollftW CANKER— TREATMENT. GROOVED SHOR 191 between the hoof and the coffin-bone, the powder must be introduced there by means of a spatula, or flat piece of wood, with a bit of tow on it ; but do not leave the tow behind, as that might produce a fresh disorder. Butter of anti- mony is preferred by some to the foregoing powder, because it is a hquid and acts more generally ; but it operates only for a short time before its effects cease, being killed by the moisture of the disease it was meant to destroy. Bind up the foot until the following day, when the application must be re- peated, after wiping away roughly as much as possible of the diseased parts. As it is found of some importance to the cure, that the foot should be kept as much as possible from wet and filth, and seeing that the mode of tying on a great bundle of tow in cloth, in the manner now in vogue, often fails, a light shoe, adapted to the present shape of the foot, should be put on, for the pur- pose of sustaining the dressings, &c. which may be found necessary to put on. The shoe has another advantage over the tying fashion, inasmuch as it allows of the animal to place his foot fairly on the ground, a position that mainly conduces to the cure by promoting the secretions, especially when at length he can move about. Let the shoe be narrow-webbed, with a groove ou the inside edge, so as to admit of a tin slider being shoved in and drawn out, when you desire to examine the under surface of the foot to change the dressings, &c. Such a shoe will obviate the complaints usually raised by our stable attendants, that they can not keep on the dressings, nor preserve the foot from damp, which always retards the cure ; for they are most of them bunglers at bandaging, owing to the very little practice which falls to the share of any one person among the whole fraternity. Splents of wood may supply the place of tin, when this latter may not be at hand. Whenever the cankered parts slough off, and leave a more healthy appear- ance, the powder need no longer be applied at those particular places. Upon these lay on a dressing of tar, in which has been introduced about a tenth part of blue stone, powdered. Let as much pressure be given to the sole as can be contrived, to prevent the granulation of new flesh coming on too lux- uriantly, which is otherwise very likely to happen, on the edges of the wound particularly. In this respect, the grooved shoe will be found eflfectually ser- viceable. If, notwithstanding all your care, the edges will grow too fast, touch that part with lunar caustic ; and in case the horny substance grows over the still cankered parts, it must be again pared away and laid bare. Perhaps the animal is young and vigorous in other respects, and his system probably would promote the secretion of new horn quicker than an older, or less healthy horse ; this difference should teach us to employ some digestive for the dressings, which has less tendency to promote the growth of new horn than tar has, which would be found more proper for old horses. For the younger animals, let turpentine be substituted, mto which has been mixed a small portion of vitri- olated copper. From what has been said, the reader will perceive the dressings require changing with some degree of judgment and discrimination, and that they should not be passed over or delayed, as he values the horse; for, upon this marked attention alone depends the cure, and such a cure as shall prevent a relapse. Of course he will not fail to take care of the evacuations, as in case of frush ; nor that the earliest exercise the animal takes be proportioned to the amount of disease he has undergone in an inverse ratio. Prevention. — As we have seen that inflammation is the immediate cause of all disorders of this class, and seeing that the irritation which produces this has been brought on by distress of the parts for the want of due pressure on the frog, any one whose eyes are open may see the necessity of paring down the heels so that the frog may have a bearing, when the horse is walked over field or turf for example. For hereby it will be seen, on turning to the brief 193 SAND-CRACKS; REMEDIES. description I thought proper to give at the beginning of this book, pages 167 1G9; &c. of the internal conformation of the foot, that the healthy action of the parts upon each other is only to be kept up by the pressure of the sensible frog. " When the frog is not sufficiently pressed upon, (says Mr. Coleman) it becomes soft from the accumulation of the fluid which it naturally secretes in great abundance from the fatty [elastic] substance, which lies immediately under the tendon." This view of the process tallies tolerably well with my own examination of the subject, at the pages just referred to, and elsewhere. SAND-CRACK. When suffered to continue, the cure is attended with great difficulty, and the disorder may therefore be divided into two stages or degrees, like many other affections of the horse. The name of sand-crack is derived from the worst of these states, when sand, gravel, or dirt, has got into the crack, which constitutes the disease. Cause. — Brittle hoof will occasion sand-crack of a very bad sort, but the ac- companying cause is the cessation of the function of supplying matter for forming new horn in the vessels leading from the coronet. This may aiise from an external injury at the coronet, or severe treatment for some other dis- order of the foot, as a running frush. As the hoof is always hot, one main cause of sa\id-crack is referred to heated roads, to travelling in deep, hot, sandy countries ; scantiness of water, and removal out of a cold to a very hot climate, as from England to India (East and West), are all known to cause the heat and brittlenoss which accompany sand-crack. Symptoms. — A split or crack in the hoof, on the inside quarter of the fore foot, for the most part, but often on the front of it, down towards the toe, and occasionally on the outside, and also near the heel. Sometimes it appears on the hind foot, on the front of it, and prevails with us generally in hot weather. Sand-crack is either superficial and easily remedied, or deep and extensive, requiring much attention, and an operation or two in its different stages. Cure. — It will be seen that a slight crack may, by working the animal, be- come one of the worst species. Pare away the rotten parts, if such be found, and make a transverse incision across the upper part of the crack ; wash out the sand or dirt, apply daily tincture of tar, with a pledget of tow, and give the horse rest. Bind round the hoof tight with listing, and stop up the sole with cow-dung, and this treatment will suffice in ordinary cases. But when the crack extends so high, that there is no room left for making this incision across, to stop the progress of the crack, the disorder has assumed its worst aspect : the edges of the crack internally now press upon the sensible part, or laminated substance that holds the coffin-bone and hoof together, and inflam- mation succeeds, if blood does not issue forth. If the crack affects the coro- net, you may draw one side of it down to the quick about an inch with good effect, but no farther, as that would occasion the hoof to divide more readily. Rest, however, will restore adhesion to the upper part of the crack, and when this has taken place extensively, the operation of cutting across, or of firing it across with one fine only, may be performed with every prospect of success ; for as t'ne hoof grows down, which it does from the coronet, this transverse ar- tificial crack you have made intercepts the material for forming horn, on its inside, and thus contributes greatly to fill up the chasm below. To increase ♦his supply of the horny material, let the coronet be anointed with a solution of tar and tallow and hog's lard daily, which should be extended to the horny part of the hoof Stopping has oeen mentioned as necessary to be adopted on the first o' CAUSES OF CORNS, HGG, &c l^ mildest attack, being very conducive to recovery of the lost function of seTet- ing the proper horny material. This, of course, will be attended to in every other stage of the disorder, whereby moisture is applied to the dry brittle hooi^ and conveyed to its most sensible part internally. On the uses and advan- tages of this simple remedy I took occasion to say a few words when speaking of frush at page 190, and reconmiend the application of a web-shoe grooved, as an excellent auxiliary to the cure, liy kee[)ing on such dressings as might be found necessary; and by allowing of speedy removal, it will also save much time and labour to that description of persons who are seldom inclined to be- stow too much of either. A number of other contrivances may be adopted to apply the same remedy — for aflToriling cool moisture to the hoof, the readiest of which is the leading him forth to a shaded place, and there tethering him up, where he might stand upon the natural sod, grass, clay, or soft ground, without a chance of running about to make the case worse, as would inevita- bly happen. In default of this convenience, a good substitute is the sponge boot, with bran poultice to cover the whole surface of the foot from toe to heel. In all cases remember to keep out the sand, gravel, or dirt, which is ever likely to insinuate '"'self and protract the cure, and, if not otherwise come-at- able, an opening must be made for that purpose by cutting down one side of the crack, as before recommended. Proud flesh will be found at this part of the opening, which must be dressed with a solution of blue vitriol. If the crack be near the heel, merely thinning the horn and taking off that part which bears upon the shoe, will assist the cure ; and whatever shoe may be put on, care should be taken to prevent the crack from bearing on it : the bar shoe for heavy horses is esteemed indispensable, and some ftrriers apply it invariably. Others again fire the foot, from the upper half of the hoof, above the crack, to the fetlock joint. This is certainly decisive practice, as the hoof is renewed with new horny matter, being so supplied as to thrust oft' the old one ; but all violent remedies should be avoided until the milder ones have been tried and failed, which will not be the case with those means I have re- commended above. The bearing of our EngUsh shoe being commonly on the outer surface of the hoof, promotes the crackling and chipping off" of the wall. Mr. Teast's shoe (see page 188) is admirably calculated to prevent this disorder, but is no- wise calculated to cure it, when once the ruin has fsiirly commenced. THE CORN. Causes. — I shall not repeat what is already said on the two first-mentioned appearances a few pages higher up, but merely add, that distortion and undue pressure on the sensible sole occasions that irritation which brings on inflam- mation of its edge, where the shuttle-bone, or heel-bone, presses down upon it at every step, and causes the utmost bending that the minute elasticity of the hoof allows of; but contraction of the heel, which accompanies hot, brittle, and inelastic hoof, prevents its bending duly and truly, and lateral pressure upon the quarters follows. The sole being thus unduly pent up, the circulation is obstructed in its passage to and from the cavity of the cofl!in-bone, and a de- posite of blood, which soon becomes offensive matter, is the consequence. Bad shoeing, whereby the heels are pinched, also when the ragged hoof is left, which may have contained particles of sand, will cause irritation, and end in corn, or figg. Symptoms. — The mischief thus commenced within shows itself between the bar and the crust, or wall of the hoof, in a dirty-red tumour, with greatly increased heat. Lameness, in a degree proportioned to the badness of the corn, is usually the first sympl-^m that directs our attention to the sole Figg 194 TREATMEN^f: DISCRIMINATION NECESSARY. STRAINS. is but another name for the same kind of corn when situated close to the bar of the fn»g, a little farther back in the hollow of the sole. Pain, very acute on ihe touch ; or, when the horse treads on a hard substance, he issues a moan, or grunt : it is that sound in which his voice is aptly likened to the complaint of the human sufferer. Cure. — Although oftentimes very troublesome, returning again and again when the farrier apprehends he has cured it radically, yet no affection is easi- er of a partial remedy, or effected by more ordinary means. Deceived by the name, perhaps, resembling the hard excrescence called a corn, on the human foot, they proceed at once to " pare the corn out to the quick, till the blood starts;" but they heedlessly put on the same shoe upon the same thick heel and hard hoof which first brought about the malady, and the lameness returns. Let the heel of the shoe be cut off on the side that is afflicted, or if both sides have corns, a bar shoe is recommended as giving pressure to the frog. The heels are then to be rasped away free from any contact with the shoe ; if they are thick and hard, this v^'ill give them play — if thin and tender, they will thus be freed from pressure. The thick heel is most commonly affected, and should be softened by an extensive poultice that is to cover the whole foot, after the corn has been pared and treated with butter of antimony. Tar is then a very desirable application, or Friar's balsam; and if inflammation is again discover- ed, poultice the foot once more. Fire is applied by some, but thehoof is perma- nently injured by the actual cautery ; and whatever good is achieved is thus counterbalanced by the evil. Vitriolic acid mixed, carefully, with tar, in the proportion of one-tenth of the former to nine-tenths of the latter, will promote the absorption upon which the cure depends. But in some desperate bad cases, the matter has already formed within, most offensively, and discharges at the coronet by means of that curious process of nature which I described at a preceding page, as affording the coronet the material for forming new horn to supply the wear and tear of the hoof. Upon paring away the horny sole, which now becomes necessary, the offensive mat- ter will be found to have spread itself underneath the sensible sole, which will ooze forth and give immediate relief to the coronet. Let so much of the horny sole as lies loose from the sensible sole be pared away, and a dressing of tar, or of Friar's balsam, be applied as before directed ; and if inflammation is again discovered, apply a poultice ; should the growth of horn be found too luxuriant, discontinue the tar. CHAPTER V. Of Strains Generally. STRAIN OF THE COFFIN-JOINT. Cause. — As previously observed, lameness of the foot does not consist in a strain of the joint within the hoof, but is refcrrible to general concussion of all the parts, and is rather a strain of the back sinew at its conjunction with thebotton? of the coffin-bone. Inflammation and accelerated circulation fol- low, and numbness of the foot succeeds : these, if not remedied betimes, arc followed by ossification of the tendon, of the ligament of the small pastern, and Jie cartilaginous process at (/), fig. 3, plate 2, also becomes bone. That the ioint of the coffin-bone with the pastern-bone may be strained, is very pro- bable; but no injury, blow, or concussion, can affect it, which does nM at the WHERE SEATED. SHOULDER, HOW AFFECTED. !<)£ •ame time affect all the component parts of the foot. Thin hoof and sole are most liable to this injury. Symptoms. — Sudden lameness, that is always increasing, and has scarcely an intermission, without any appearance to account for it on the limb; and the persons who permit the horse to incur this disorder by their carelessness seldom have the candour to acknowledge that they know the cause to ho a tread, a rolling stone, or a stumble, and the doctor is left to "find it out." ii,.most every one imagines the lameness to reside higher up, as in the shoul- der or the hip joint. Great heat and tenderness of the part soon come on ; the latter symptom may be ascertained by striking the hoof in front with a key or small stone, when the animal will flinch considerably more than when the corresponding foot is struck in the same manner. When the horse wouW stand at ease, he usually does so with his toe pointing forwards, so as to keep the pastern in a straight line with the leg, and thereby take off the tension or pressure upon the back sinew and ligaments : the inflammation shortly after reaches the upper part of the sinew, as may be ascertained by passing the hand down over it when the patient flinches. Cure. — Blistering at the coronet and fetlock repeatedly will reduce the in- flammation within. A poultice covering the whole foot also tends to the same effect, which will be further assisted by paring the sole, if it be not already too thin : reduce the frog also, and do the same for the corresponding foot. Formerly they pared the toe tolerably close, and bled it there, by making a longitudinal incision : the usual application of tar, &c. then completed the cure. But this is an operation that is seldom performed with sufficient exact- ness, the incision being too often made unwisely deep, so that other diseases were thus generated at some future day. Others, again, passed a seton through the heel to the hollow of the frog, taking care not to touch the sensible sole. A third set apply the actual cautery, which comes least recommended of either of the remedies just described; especially when we consider that the actual disease is very often mistaken for some other ; a remark that implies how much caution should be used in first ascertaining the exact seat of the lameness, its cause and symptoms, ere we set about the cure by such violent means. STRAIN OF THE SHOULDER. Horses that are weak before, and low footed, with an unsteady tread, are most liable to contract this disorder, which consists in a twist or sprain of the strong muscles that attach the shoulder to the body. 1 think the horse is very liable to incur this disaster, in a petty degree, whenever his progression is ac- celerated to the utmost of his powers ; but we must guard ourselves against placing entire reliance upon the hastily-delivered opinions of empirics, who boldly pronounce when they hope to deceive, and expect belief from the cre- dulous. Cause. — Much the same as those which occasion concussions, blows, and numbness of the foot, with their consequences, which we consent to call "strain of the coflSn-joint," without the most distant possibiHty of knowing whether this misfortune ever has happened. When the horse is subjected to any rude accident, as a kick, or being thrown down, or slipping on pavement, ice, &c., or treading on a loose stone, he is very likely to incur strain of the muscles of the shoulder. See conformation of the shoulder, in chanter 1 n. 10. . F , p. Symptoms.— Bedded by swelling upon the chest, oi at the top of the shou- der ; but we think it desirable to ascertain whether the accident has taken place before this symptom becomes apparent. Lameness immediately suc- ceeding any or either of those accidents, which may be distinguished from a 196 SWIMMING FOR STRAINED LIMBS. Strain lower down by the animal's drawing his toe along the ground, from m ability in the part to lift it off the ground ; but when he throws out the foot in a semicircle, described by the segment at page 11, this shows that the hurt is chiefly confini^d to the lower part of the shoulder near the elbow. Taking up the foot and bending the limb will further prove the existence of strain in the shoulder, if the animal evince pain ; whereas, if it lie in the foot, and not in the shoulder, the lame leg can be moved as supple as the sound one. The difficulty of ascertaining the real seat of lameness is sometimes so very great, being entirely invisible, as to put us upon all sorts of expedients to find out the real seat of the disorder. For this purpose, hold up his head high, and after comparing and finding no difference in the shape of his two shoul- derj, let go the head, when he will be observed to flinch upon bringing it to- wards the affected side. Let a person rattle some corn in a sieve at a distance behind, now on this side, now on that, and he will be observed to evince pain at turning the neck so as to strain the affected side; not so it the pain be in the foot, of course. As the horse will step short, and also throw out his leg somewhat in a semicircle, when he has received a prick in shoeing, this latter rgn is not to be taken as finally indicative of " strain in the shoulder," until the foot has been examined, and the shoeing -smith questioned as to his skill and carefulness. Cure. — If the injury be considerable, as when the horse has been thrown down, he should be bled at once, in the plate vein when it is local, but in the neck when the injury has been more general. A laxative ball, or a purgative, must follow as a matter of course, proportioned to the actual state of his bodj at the time. A fotnentation of camomile flowers, or of scalded bran, should be applied largely and assiduously at the chest and inside the elbow, and these remedies, with rest from all labour and exercise, generally perfect the cure. When the swelling is great, but not extensive, as in the case of a kick, spi- rits of wine, in which a fourth of its weight of camphor has been dissolved, should be rubbed in. This will supersede the necessity of walking the horse too early, with the hope of recovering the '* use of his limb," by promoting the lymphatic absorption. A rowel is sometimes employed, when the heat and swelling are very high, v^ith good effect ; but the old system of previously boring and blowing, and laying on " a charge," is exploded as barbarous and inutile. On the symptoms abating, let the convalescent horse have a loose stall, and in proportion as his action may be free from lameness, so should be regulated his return to walking, to exercise, and to work. Before he can be fit for his former occupation, it generally is found best to give the horse a run at grass; but previously he may try his powers in a contracted plot of ground in the homestead, to prevent his indulging too freely in exercise, seeing that he is very liable to a relapse, which is generally more difficult to overcome than the original attack. Swimming the horse "for strain in the shoulder joint," was a favourite re- medy formerly, but is deservedly exploded, although we could be certain that the joint intended to be cured were the elbow. This accident, however, does not happen often : 1 never saw a marked case, and merely deem it pt^ssible ; yet has the practice still its advocates. And it may be serviceable in other re spects, as the muscles are thus brought into play, and the whole limb employ ed in quite different kind of action to that of walking on terra firma. Some persons submit their horses to bathing, by entire submersion ; an operation that was performed most adroitly, about thirty-five years ago, by a stableman named Denis Lawler, in the bay of Dublin. His manner was to ride his horse to a convenient depth of water, and then jumping forward suddenly on the animal's head, thus souse it head foremost to the bottom. The feat caused great marvel at the time ; but not so the total disappearance, upon one occa OF LAMENESS BEinND. STRAIN OF TIIE BACK. jO^ sion jf the performer: poor Denis is supposed to have received a kick ^o the Dottom, and his body drifted out to sea, as his Howth friends heard no more of him after that, though "New Harbour" underwent thorough repair since Lawler's last kick. STRAIN OF THE WHIRL-BONE (HIP-JOINT). A supposititious disorder, that is more frequently found to I e a tardy attack )f bone spavin, that is slow in coming forward, and upon which M. la Fosse n,is thought proper to be very facetious : "a horse has the spavin, or he has h not," says he; "for it is not hke a jack-in-a-box, that waits to make his appearance when you pull the string." Either sjiavin or strain of the whirl- bone, he concludes, must be the disorder of the hind leg, when the animal draws its toe along the road, as described just above as being a symptom of strain in the fore leg. When the animal has received injury in the region of the hip, the camphorated spirits recommended in a preceding page (I9GY should be applied ; but if the heat, swelling, and tension, do not abate by this treatment, blister the parts with the mild blister, No. 3, at yiage 179. This application, with rest, is adequate to any ordinary case of hip-joint accident. STRAIN OF THE STIFLE. Simple "lameness" would better designate this so-called strain. The same remedies as those prescribed for whirl-bone strani will apply to this part ; also fomentations, physic, and if the case be inveterate, a rowel, &c. k< 19 ic>8 FOUNDER, \'AR!aU.? NOTIONS AS TO ITS CAUSES. straight against each otlier, every capsule licing than filled with Us next cc.r- respoiuling convex bone. Symptovis. — A kind of separate motion for the hind quarter, compared tc the fore one, of which the exact perceptible division is the s^eat of the injuKy. Sometimes it appears as far back as the lonis, ))iit when farther forward than the twelfth spinous process, (at G. 2-1) on the frontispiece, it alTects the respi- ration, and with it other vital functions, and the animal suffers in his general health. It may be muscular or ligamentary, or compounded of both, in which cases the parts adapt themselves to the derangement that has taken place, by thickening their substance, and the first lameness decreases greatly: in this event the horse's condition is not at all affected. While stahng, his efforts are somewhat ludicrous ; as are also all attempts to make a trot of it when out of harness. These symptoms have deceived some jjcrsons into the belief, that the one or the other exertion has caused the stiain ; whereas it is only the earliest demonstration of it to the observer. Remedies applied tnu'ly may assist nature, but the lameness never can be cured completely, if the wrench or sprain has been of a violent sort, as in case of "strain in the shoulder," let the animal be bled to a good extent, i. e. from three to five quarts, according to the quantity or degree of viojence the animal has sustained; for it usually hap[)ens that it has been strained all over, in various parts. Two dray-horses, which were employed ;n pulling beer butts from the cellar of a public house, being backed too close to the steps, fell in, the weight of the hinder horse dragging in the fore one upon him. Much contusion vvas the consequence, as well of the accident itself as in dragging them out; they were in fact strained all over, so that they could scarcely stand for a while. Bleeding copiously, however, to the amount of six quarts, re- duced the tendency tcTinflammalion ; and although they might be pronounce I hurt all over, and the hind horse in particular, both did well after physicking, and a few days of light work. I have found a fomentation of hot vinegar of very great service, in a wel' marked case of recent strain ; the plan recommended by White, of administer ing it by means of a woollen cloth or rug, steeped and loosely wrung out, be- ing followed. A fresh sheep-skin, just tiaycd, was applied immediately, and the lameness sensibly lessoned, after two days, ap[)lying the fomentation four or five times. FOUNDKR Is a disorder, or rather a complication of disorders, of the fore feet. Some con- troversy has crept into our books of farriery latterly, as to what really is found- er : and whilst some would confine their consideration of the subject to the foot only, others follow the fashion of grooms, and ascribe the incurable lame- ness that has no visible specific cause, to an affection of the chest. Hence "chest founder" of the stables, and the "body founder" of White. "Shoulder- Ehook" is a provincialism of the smithy, when the farrier can perceive "no thing amiss" with the feet — so far as he can see, feel, or understand. Sur- hatiniT was another name given to the symptom we now recognise as founder, ot a tTme when it was the practice to divide and subdivide every disorder uiidei manv, useless, and unmeaning appellations. Oause. — Hard work, bad shoeing, age and ill-usage, eiUier of which pro- duce so many other disorders pertaining to the horse in his domesticated state, precede foundei ; for, we never meet with it unless the animal has been so treated or kept, and 1 look upon it rather as a com{)lication or elTect of several diseases of the foot. Some of these, we have seen, are liable to be mistaken for others; therefore do thev get maltreated, imperfectly cured, o' retain th« SYMiTOMS OF FOUNDEil. 1Q'^» se(.i3s of future disease ; and founder is the name given to that which is other- wise inscrutable, has no other origin, and is badly defined by all writers and talkers upon the subject. Out of this dilemma I do not at present attempt to -escue it: 1 care not for terms, unless insomuch as they can assist us to un- avel the character of a disorder. Contracted heel is the slow cause of most Cases of founder, whereby the quarters press on the coffin and shuttle iuinc And thus })revent the action of the latter, which is very great at every step, and is mainly conducive to the proper secretion of the horny material before spoken of pretty much at large. To "a chill" is generally attributed the im- mediate cause of founder ; and indeed the poor animal which has suffered severely at the hands (or spurs) of his master is most o[)en to acquire any il! which chill or coUl may inflict. When this chill takes place, the attack is sud- den and usually violent. Inflammation always attends the first symptom of founder, if it be not an immediate cause thereof, arising, 1 have no doubt, from the waste or destruction of the secretion marked (c) (c) in the cut at page 166. To this conclusion I am come the more positively, by reason of the absence of those secretory ves- sels in the feet of old, foundered or otherwise diseased horses; which secre- tions were designed to furnish the material for forming new horn and giving elasticity to the tread. Fig. 3, plate 3, at (g) shows the progress of incipient founder, where those vessels are represented as nearly dried up, and adhesion has begun of the inner surface of the hoof and the cofRn-bone. What nmst follow, but brittle hoof, battered feet, or surbating, want of elasticity in the sensible frog and tendon, accompanied by inflammation, which is a cause, if not caused by founder? But young hoi ses sometimes, while breaking in, by the violence that ia deemed necessary, are foundered by the rough rider, through the rupture ot forcing asunder the connexion between the hoof and coffin-bone, just spoker. of. l"n such cases, the animal being vigorous and the foot replete with juices, the coronet is greatly affected by oozing out there, in its blood and lyrnph state. If youth and general good health should bring the animal through his suffer- ings, its feet will ever after bear external marks of the internal injury. Si/mptoms. — Curved, wrinkled, or striated hoofs, ever attend those animals which have been so over strained in youth, appearing as if the horn had oeen carved or indented; which arises from the coronet furnishing the horny ma- terial too luxuriantly, before it has received sufficient concoction within the cof- fin-bone, as before described, at p. 168. Lameness in one or both fore-feet, with evident pain, and great heat in the whole foot, attend founder in every case. At the first attack of acute or violent founder, the horse is observed very restless in his fore feet, which he endeavours to ease, by alternately changing position, and lying down when he should be feeding. He brings his hind legs far under his belly for the same purpose, and if he is roused by hunger or mandate he lies down again. Considerable alteration takes place in the pulse, which indicates fever, and the patient breathes short with pain. The pro- gress of those symptoms is very rapid, seldom occupying more than a day ot two. The slower or chronic founder begins with apparently rheumatic pains and awkwardness of going, for which he usually receives the whip. After a while, nattcning sometimes appears on the front of the hoof, and the heels contract* the older animals have now short, brittle, shining hoofs, with the small pastern bone deeper sunk than heretofore; the hollow of the sole is converted into the convex, or pumice foot, so that the animal can scarce find foot-hold on the ground, but will slip and slide about. He is then considered groggy, that is to eay, "like a drunkard," and may last many years : this is chest founder, and iKleed the whole limb is usually affected up to the very ebest. 2C0 REMEDIES; JOLNTED SI JOE. Whethei the attack be of the acute or the chron.c Kind, it dies if not re licved; for the coffin-bone becomes rotten, and the hoof is cast off without the possibihty of ever being renovated. In some constitutions, nature lends its aid in critically raising a tumour at the coronet, the breaking whereof and the discharge of offensive matter effects a cure. The same sort of critical tumour as denoting the crisis of general fever, or inflammation, was noticed at page 114, "Critical Abscess." Remedy. — As soon as discovered takeoff the shoe, note well the condition of the sole, the heat, and other symptoms, for according as these vary, so must the remedies be changed. Draw the soles a little with the buttress if founJ too thick, not otherwise ; rasp the heels anil quarters, which will ease the pain occasioned by the binding of the hoof, and give room for the action of the foot; a fact that may be ascertained by !)ending it at the pastern, forwards and backwards, before the operation, and trying the same experiment afterwards. Apply a bran poultice warm to the whole loot daily, but do not add to it any greasy or oily substances as is too often practised. I'he sponge boot may be em- ployed with advantage, made large. After three or four days, that the horn has recovered hs former consistency, put on the shoe gently, and walk the patient, to try in how much he is now lame; and if the attack has been a slight one, he may recover with very little more treatment than a turn out in a meadow will afford. Otherwise the feet must be stopped, and kept moist and cool, as directed in case of Canker, at page 191. In all cases, (except where the foot is pumiced, or the sole is very thin), the jointed shoe of B. Clark, or of H. Goldfinch (page 183), will be found ser- viceable, as being well calculated for giving play or action to the parts of the foot, which jiroduce the secretion that is so salutary to the renovation of new hoof; but which the disorder we call "binding of the hoof" has sadly pervert- ed into an offensive and harmful matter. The proper secretion of the juicy elastic substance, for the formation of new hoof, being essential to the restoration of the horse, and as the lameness will not wholly subside unless this process goes on healthily, resort must be had to blistering, provided he still goes lame any. This should extend from the coro- net and quarters to the knee, and be repeated, taking care to keep the heels open and the sole stopped. The good effects to the sole that will be found to result from blistering, shows the connexion or companionship that exists be- tween the legs and feet, as I took occasion to observe at a former page. But, as to drawing the sole, as before recommended generally, there is one exception : if the lameness and other symptoms come on after an inflammatory fever of the whole system, then we ought to look upon it as an effect of the fever seeking to throw off its dregs thus critically ; and a swelhng and dis- charge at the coronet may be expected soon to take place that should be en- couraged, and treated as simple abscess, not fistulous. When this is the case the bar-shoe is better adapted to keep the parts in position, that the discharge may proceed temperately. In default of sending the sick horse to a meadow, he may be allowed to stand on a clay-made floor in an outhouse by day, or any slip of soft ground- but by no means adopt the plan of putting the patient upon litter that is damp, and is therefore half rotten and heating. A number of contriva))ces for af« fording coolness and natural pressure to the sole and frog, besides the forego kng, have been resorted to, and among these the admixture of vinegar, alegar, verjuice, or solution of nitre with the clay, with the stopping, «fcc. are well calculated to answer the purposes intended. Rubbing the knees with turpen- tine is also serviceable. Physic would not of course be neglected at the earliest stages of lameness, 4ceeds from defect in the hind leg, make him trot from you, and that leg which is longest in coming to the ground is affected in some manner or other ; and in either case the faulty leg is to bo closely examined, according to the instructions before set down, page 171 Even then, unless the person has great experience, he is liable to be imposed on, as the poor animal is often lamed of a fore and a hind leg, at the same time : an occurrence that may have been inflicted on one leg in order to coun- teract the first appearance of actual lameness in the other. To detect this cruel imposition, it becomes necessary to examine every leg. to turn up all the soles, and to ascertain whether the horse has not been pegged between the shoe and the sole, or his " heels opened," by the shoeing-smith for the purpose of sale. BLOOD-LETTING. Every one, almost, can bleed a horse in some way or other, and it is often found extremely desirable that the operation should be performed without de- lay. But, like many other excellent remedies in the hands of unreflecting persons, this one is frequently employed imperfectly, as well as too often. Each has its peculiar notions, either as to the fit part whence the blood should be taken, the time when it becomes necessary, or the quantity proper to be taken ; the latter being the more common error, as it is also the more excusable, inas- much as they can plead " authority " either way for what they do, is neverthe- less demonstrably ruled by wrong principles. The practice of bleeding at given periods, be the quantity taken ever so small, is most injudicious, to say no worse of it ; for, why should we employ a curative when there is nothing to cure? especially when we thereby substract from vitaUty itself. " Only bleed in cases of inflammation," say the French farriers, and then they take a large quantity, under the impression that taking a quart, or a little more, from a mass of two hundred and twenty quarts, which is fairly calcu- lated to reside in a middling-sized horse, " is but trifling with the disorder." The existence of inflammation, or fever, is to be ascertained by the state of the pulse, upon which I was tolerably minute whilst speaking of fever. &c. (pages 61 — G4) the number of beats, and the kind of vibrations, being well considered, previously to taking the fleam in hand, when the quantity drawn should be commensurate to the extent of the disorder. Keep in mind, how- ever, the exceeding danger of mistaking one series of febrile symptoms for another, as may be judged of by turning to those of "low fever," at page 67, when bleeding would destroy the horse. See also pages 68, 69. "Without question, if the operator entertains a doubt about the symptoms as indicated by the pulse, the least quantity he takes is likely to perpetrate the smallest amount of harm ; whilst, if he be correct in his observations, and has witnessed the good effects of bleeding in strictly similar cases, its inadequacy can effect no good whatever, nor repetition amend the matter one tittle, but the contrary. So that he must be wrong either way. For, as I proved at the pages before referred to, the disorders for which bleeding is found serviceable depend less upon the quantity of blood that may be in the system at the time of the attack, than upon the construction or "state of the blood,"* and the degree of irritation that may exist in the ves- Thal IS to say, the proportion of its then component part% which is mainly aflectad by Qm Base. MEASURE AND APPEARANCE OF COAGULUM. 20? eels that contain it; both which affections, or causes of disease, are more fre- quently to be moved by the manner of taking any given quantity than by the actual weight, or rather the measure thereof. If the blood, for example, be drawn from a small orifice, no matter how^ rightly judged the quantity mriy be, however consonant to the proportions 1 have prescribed at page t)3, yet the irritation of the blood-vessels, known by the rigid feel of the artery, will not be reduced, nor the animal recover, " He has been bled," is thrown in the ffiie of the doctor, " and is no better : we have even preserved the blood." But tne thing has not been performed with requisite skill. Among other absurdities, the operator will perceive the impropriety of permitting the blood to escape upon the ground, and then guessing at the quantity drawn ; than which no practice can be more slovenly and fallacious. A measure should be provided, marked with graduated circular lines, and numbered from the bottom by pints each. Glass forms the neatest vessel ; but pewter offers a less brittle material in horse-medicine. The blood should be preserved awhile in the vessel, that the form it assumes in coagulating may be noted and remarked upon; as commonly happens most indiscreetly by all bystanders, whether it be caught or not ; for very few can pronounce accu- rately, upon the view, the quantity of disease the blood indicates, particularly when it is on the ground ; nor yet when in a vessel, unless it be caught pro- perly. Let the vessel be ])resented so as to catch the blood fairly, and not tnckle down the sides, whereby the manner of its coagulation is affected. Blood that is drawn from a healthy horse, soon congeals in nearly one uniform mass, about one fifth of water only remaining at the top; from the residue you may wash away the red or colouring particles, and leave a pale thick coagulum or lymph. In a pound of such blood will be found these proportions — viz. 8 ounces of thick lymph, 5 ounces of the red or colouring particles, 3 ounces watery. If the operator keeps stirring the blood until it cools, the water does not separate, but the whole forms one homogeneous mass. In cases of great inflammation or fever, the watery proportion is much less, and the blood is then consequently more viscid or thick ; which proves that this viscidity is an accompanying symptom of the disorder, as maintained in various parts of this volume ; but, as the fever goes on, the animal loses appetite, and he makes no more new blood ; the blood then becomes thinner in consequence of the de- posite of lymph made in its circulation, and the red part predominates. On the contrary, in low fever and all languishing disorders of a tardy circulation, in cases of cedematous tumour, the watery part is found in the greatest pro- portion, and the red part is then almost extinct ; in inflammatory fever the red particles predominate, the water is nearly dried up, and the lymph greatly de- creases. Instruments. — The fleam and blood-stick have been attacked as remnants of the old school, but were unjustly stigmatized as a rude metnod of obtaining blood. In the hands of judicious persons, the fleam has been found equal to every purpose that was required, and when used adroitly no other means of blood-letting, probably, ever will supersede it. But during the rage for im- provements and new inventions, that prevailed a few years since, they sought to avoid a certain clumsiness of its application by introducing the lancet to general use. True it is, that the awkward method of making two or three aims with the stick, before striking at the fleam, occasions the horse to shy, especially whilst every vessel of the head is swelhng with olood, in c. msc- quence of the application of the ligature round the neck ; and equally true, that careless operators frequently cut through the vein, so as to cause subse- quent disorders ; though others, again, dangerously wounded the carotid arter^ 20 208 FLEAiM AND LANCET: LIGATURE. that passes uniler the vein ; yet are there insurmountable obstacles to the go« neral use of tlie lancet, that can never be overcome. Of those, I need mention but one objection, viz the time occupied in mak- ing the opening — seldom less than four or five seconds, which causes the ani- mal to move its head, and thus to defeat the intention of making a sufficient orifice, whereby the adipose muscle of fleshy animals is allowed to interpose, and the blood trickles down the neck, and part of it gets underneath the skin. By the way, this happens when the operator does not bleed sufficiently high up the neck, the skin and muscle being much thicker lower down. Upon large animals, likewise, the lancet is wholly incompetent to its purpose, owing to the very thick teguments it has to pass through, leaving entirely out of con- sideration the substance of the vein itself To remedy those objections, the spring fleam is more advisedly employed by less practised hands, and is found to combine the advantages assumed for the lancet, whilst it secures the requi- site orifice punctured by the fleam. Bleeding is now performed without previously applying a ligature, as it be- came apparent that the blood which was thus detained in both veins, distend- ed also the capillary vessels in the head, which pressed upon the brain. Hence it frequently happened that vertigo came over the animal, filling it with the apprehension of danger. Sometimes it fell down through compres- sion of the brain, and plunged ; whereupon the disconcerted oj^erator was known to give it up for a bad job, at the moment it became more than ever ne- cessary, charging the fault to account of the horse's restiveness, with an ex- pressed intemion of resuming the attempt at some more fovourable o[)portu- nity. But this was a promise he was seldom able to redeem cleverly; the alarm excited by striking the fleam again and again scarcety ever subsiding, for the tension of the vein would but increase with the continuance of the ligature, and caused it to slip aside more certainly. Apoplexy and death has ensued from the same cause, namely, the application of a ligature, and the consequent bursting of the fine blood-vessels of the brain, A large rein is more desirable to take blood from, as an evacuation that is to relieve the whole system, than a small one, and the jugular or neck vein, within a hand of the jowl, is ever preferable; because the small do not con- veniently admit of making so large an orifice, for the quick escape of the blood, upon which so much l>enefit dejjcnds ; nor for the same reason allow of draw- ing a sufficient quantity at one time, to effect any good upon the spasmodic tendency or irritability of the vessels. Local bleeding, in the plate vein for example, for a bruise in that region, does not enter exactly into my present view of the subject of blood-letting ; though as much service to the part aflected may l)e derived from drawing off from the circulation a^ the neck vein, as sj)raying a vein immediatt-ly at the seatof the evil. Bleeding in the foot is the only exception 1 should make: unless the practice of incising the bars of the mouth when the animal will not take his v^orn, be another, or at least not of importance sufficient to be men- tioned at all, even as an exception. The jugidar vein being sought for where it is largest and nearest the sur- face, this will be found upon pressing it with the finger, a band's breadth from ♦tie setting on of the heail, a very little below the place where a branch cornea from the lower jaw, and joins another from the upper part. The Frenchman instructs his marechal thus pithily on this topic, at on several others — ''Do not bleed your horse in the head, but as near to it as [lossiblc." Its situation behig thus found take the fleam between the fore-finger and thiunl) of the •eft hand, and pressing gently upon the vein below with the other fingers, the tffiinwill rise; then strike, with stick or spring, as the case may be, and con- nnue the pressure until the proper quantity of blood is drawn off. If this OF PINNING THE ORIFICE. ACUTE FOUNDER. 209 fettet necessary attendance is found inconvenient, the ligature may now be appliisd without danger, but with no additional advantage. Pinning up the orifice is the final part of blood-lettin 20ft Pleurisy, 77. Poll -evil, causes of, 115. , symptoms of, 116. , cure for, by dispersion, 116; by suppuration, 117. , form of bandage for, 118. , method of operating, in cases of, 118. f the seton, how applied in, 118. -, general remarks on, 121. -, and farcy, connexion of, 121. -, distinction between, 121. embrocation, 116. alterative ball, 117. irritating mixture, 119. digestive ointment, No. 1, 119. scalding mixture. No. 1, 120. ^.No.S, 120. , No. 3. 120. digestive ointment, No. 2, 121. Pulmonary patients, treatment of, 72. Pulse, observations on the state of the, 62, 206. — , a register of the state of the, recommended to be kept, 691 Purchasers of horses, advice to, 201. Uuittor, how caused, 125. , method of curing, 125. mild treatment of, recommended, ITSl INDEX. 3S1 first alterative ball, 126. second , 126. Rabies, incurable, 159. , means of discriminating the true from the false, l€Ol , progress of symptoms in, 160. — — — , nostrums recommended in, 162. Regimen and diet in cases of cold, 81. Relapse, danger of, in cases of strains, 179. Respiration, its close connexion with the formation of blood, 31. ' the organs of, liable to several kinds of diseases, 35. -, and exercise, effects c^ 42. Ringbone, causes, symptoms, and remedies, 172. Roarers, hereditary, Mr. CUne's opinion respecting, 85. Rules to be observed in bleeding, 209. S. Saddle galls, how caused, and remedy for, 124 Sand-crack, cause of, 192. , symptoms of, 192. ^ treatment in cases o^ 192. , remedies for, 192. Secretions, uses of, redundant and defective, 22. Shoe, shape of the, English, 181. ^ French, 181. , an improved form of described, 182. , the patent, remarks on, 180, 184. , the jointed, 183; Braey Clark's, 183; Goldfinch's jointed, 183; Cato- man's frog shoe, 184 ; Teast's, 188. , ruinous consequences of trying on the, hot, 185. , importance of the operation of nailing the, 186. Shoes, various, for diseased feet, 188. , cast iron, objection to the use of, 188. Shoeing, remarks on, 179, 185. J of preparing the hoof for, 184. , French method of, 187. Shoulder, conformation of the, 10. , lameness of ^ne, 15. See Strain*. ^ Sitfasts, how to remove, 125. f Skeleton, explanation and practical use of the, 4. Sole, danger of paring the, too much, 180, 185. Sores, French method of cleaning, 124. Spavin, varieties of, 173. , bone causes of, 173. , symptoms and cure of, 174. Splents, cause and symptoms of, 175. , remedies for, 175. ^ in some instances, occasioned by shoeing, 175l Liquid blister, 175. Stables, close, prejudicial to health, 39. , the necessity of ventilation in, 74. Staggers, origin of, 155 156. SS3 INDEX. Staggers, varieties of, 156. , remedies for, 156. , mad, a case of, 71. Staling, excessive, or diabetes, 106. Stallions, on the choice of, 18. Stifle. See Strains. Stomach, physiology of the, 43. , inflammation of the, 44, 88. Stone, cases of, found in the bladder, lOD. Strains, remarks on, 176. , of the back sinew and ligaments, cause of, 177. , symptoms of, 177. -, method of curihf 1781 -, danger of relapse in cases of, 179* Embrocation, No. 1, 178. , No. 2, 178. Blister, No. 3, 179. - of the coffin-joint, cause of, 194. ^ symptoms of, 195. -, remedies for, 195. shoulder, cause and symptoms of, 195. treatment in cases of, 196. whirl-bone (hip-joint) remedies for, 197 stifle, treatment of, 197. back, cause and symptoms of, 197. remedies recommended in, 198L Strangles, cause of the, 130. , symptoms o^ 131. , cure ofi 131. , bandage for, 133. - - , inoculation for the, 133. , of the gullet, 133. , bastard, 134. laxative ball, 132. laxative drencl^ 132. stimulating liniment, 133. fumigation, 133. Stringhalt, 7, 197. Surfeit, effects of, 147. , cause, remedy, and cure o^ 148L wash, 148. Teeth, description of the, 203. Tendons and ligaments of the foot, 1G8. Thoroughpin, cause of, and remedies for, 173L Throat, sore, remedies in cases of, 78. , method of bandaging for, 79. Thrush or "frush," cause and symptoms of, 189L , method of curmg, 190. Tongue, state of the, a health-guage, 56. Tonics requisite after inflammatory diseases, 60l> Tumours, internal and external, 42. INDEX. -223 Tumimi^ on the liver, 99. , definition of, 111. , how engendered, 111. , distinctions between the single and the varied, IIS^ , the kind of horse most liav^ to, 112. , on the joints, 113. , aud abscess, general observations on, lUb U. Ulcer on the lungs, frequently mistaken for worms, 39. Urinary organs, diseases of the, 105. Urine, secretion of the, 52. , chemical analysis of, 531 , a good indication of the state of the body, 65i. , suppression of the, 103. , balls, evil effects of, 104. , incontinence of, 105. , bloody, cause of, and treatment recommended, lOSi Veins and arteries, their oo-construction, 41. Ventilation of stables, the importance of, 74. Veterinary knowledge, the advantages ofi I. Vives, description, cause, and symptoms of, 126, 127. , its connexion with farcy and glanders, 127, , cure for, 127. , false, method of removing, 128. lotion, 127. W, Warbles. See Saddle-galls, and SU/asU, Water, no true test of rabies, 161. Whirl-bone, strain of the, remedies for, 197. Wind, broken, how acquired, 82. , varieties of, 82. , causes of, 83. , regimen in cases of, 84. tonic ball, 84. ball, 84. Windgalls, causes of, 173. . , temporary cure of, 173. Windpipe, construction of the, 32. Withers, fistula in the, 122. Worms, general remarks on, 151. , causes of, 152. , distinguishing symptoms of, 152. , regimen recommended in cases of, iSSt , cure for, 153. No. 1, mercurial bolus, 153. No. 2, purgative ball, 154. No. 3, laxative alterative balls, 154. 21* laxative powder, No. 1, 155. balls, 155. powder, No. ^ 156w T. if ellowst. See Jaundki, SUPPLEMENT TO MASON AND HIND'S POPULAR SYSTEM OF EARRIERY: COMPBISIWa AN ESSAY ON DOMESTIC -ANIMALS, ESPECIALLY THE HORSE; WITH REMARKS ON TREATMENT AND BREEDING; TOGETHER WITH TROTTING AND RACING TABLES, SHOWINO THE BEST TIME ON RECORD, AT ONE, TWO, THREE. AND FOUR MILE HEATS; PEDIGREES OF WINNING HORSES, SINCE 1839; AND OF THE MOST CELEBRATED STALLIONS AND MARES; WITH USEFUL CALVING AND LAMBING TABLES, ETC., ETC. BY J. S. SKINNER, iklitor now of the Farmers' Library, New York ; Founder of the American Farmer, in 18l» and of the Turf Register and Sporting Magazine, in 1829 : bemg the first Agricul- total and the first Sporting Periodicals established in the United States. PHILADELPHIA: J. B. LIPPINCOTT & CO, 1867. Entered, according to Act of Congress, in the year 1848^ b? JOHN GRIGG, in the clerk's office of the District Court of the United States ^f the Eastern District of Pennsylvania. DEDICATION Without going through the formality of asking leave to say " by his gracious permission," which, if sought, might have been withheld, this Supplement to Mason AND Hind's Popular Systems of Farriery is respect- fully dedicated to Col. Balie Peyton. It is not that a contribution so inconsiderable is deemed worthy of him, or the subject so interesting ; but that the Author would fain embrace any fair occa- sion to manifest to him, and through him to their com- mon friends at New Orleans, his grateful remembrance of their kindness when among them. There would be, moreover, an essential propriety in dedicating to Col. P. a more adequate offering of this sort ; as he is known to be a breeder and warm amateui of the high-bred horse ; and, in his own spirit and cha /acter, exemplary of what is best bred and most excel lent among men. J. S. S. Nbw Ybab's Dat, 1848. For the nonce at Annapolis, Md l3) PEETACE. Thu-ugh, 'iiider over fluctuating but sometimes pro pitious circumstances, the very climax of equestrian power may have been reached in a few cases in the United States, as in the country from which we derived our skill and material, is it not still worthy of all con- sideration how we may contrive to helay^ as the sailors say, what we have gained in that important branch of Rural Industry — not only as a means of individual en- joyment, but as a prolific, indispensable source of National power and wealth ? However serious and apparently insurmountable may be the difficulties that stand in the way of farther im- provement of domestic animals, and especially the Horse — either in the general absence of the necessary means and appliances, and of adequate encouragement for the care and expense attendant on the production of Horses of high qualities, there ought, surely, among well-in- formed men, to be no obstacle arising from ignorance of the art of breeding. Hence it is that in sending forth the JVinth Edition of this popular work on Farriery, while nothing seemed to be needed in the way of de- scription or treatment of the diseases of domestic animals, and while the author of this Supplement was only called on to extend the stud-book in a manner to embrace the pedigrees to which breeders and dealers might have occasion to refer, he could not forego the opportunity v5) n PREFACE. to offer some such additional matter as, to him at least^ seems to be of sufficient value to render it acceptable and useful. In the introductory remarks on the relations existing between Man and the animals destined for his use and amusement, and the obligations these relations impose, the writer has but expressed the sentiments he has ever entertained, of duty on our part to respect the feelings and comfort of the humblest among them; and has endeavoured to encourage continued exertions for their melioration by showing how successful and progressive such efforts have been, even up to the present time. To these observations of his own are appended those of writers of acknowledged judgment and authority — accompanied by such notes as appeared to be apposite and well-founded ; and to these, again, have been superadded a few tables and other items which might not elsewhere be conveniently met with. His undertaking, kind reader, < hath this extent, no more." All, then, that the author of the " Supplement to Mason's Farrier" has to ask of you is that you will bear in mind that there has been no engagement to write anything — much less a Book on Farriery: for that there was no call or necessity. With this intimation, the reader will please accept for what it is worth and with all due allowances, the little that has been volunteered — by one who may claim to have been all his life an amateur if not a connoisseur of the Horse. J. S. S. Edit. Farmers^ Library CONTENTS. i)n the relations between Man and the Domestic Animals, especially the Horsej and the obligations they impose, Pagf* 9 On the Form of Aniniuls 18 The Chest 19 The Pelvis 20 The Head 20 The Muscles 21 The Bones 22 On the Improvement of Form 22 On the Character of Animals 25 Examples of the good and bad effects of crossing the breeds 26 On the importance of more attention to the Principles of Breeding — the Stallion and the Brood Mare 31 An Essay on the Condition of a Stallion 41 Tables — Weights and Measures 49 List of Medicines 60 Apparatus for Compounding Medicines 5C Instruments 6C Calving Table 61 Lambing Table 61 Trotting 62 Best Trotting Time, at Mile Heats 63 At Two Mile Heats 53 At Three Mile Heats 53 At Four Mile Heats. 53 Racing — Best Time on Record at Mile Heats. 64 At Two Mile Heats 54 At Three Mile Heats 56 At Four Mile Heats 57 Tlie St. Leger 68 Average Speed for the Doncaster St. Leger 59 Pedigrees of Winning Horses, since 1839 60 Celebrated Stallions and Brood Mares 89 37 SUPPLEMENT, ETC, ON THE RELATIONS BETWEEN MAN AND THE DO. MESTIC ANIMALS — ESPECIALLY THE HORSE — AND THE OBLIGATIONS THEY IMPOSE. « La connaissance de la conformation exterieure du cheval est beau- coup moins repandu qu'on ne le pense vulgaireraent : elle repose sur dea etudes d' anatomie de physiologie, de mecanique, et d' histoire naturelle dont peu de personnes se font une juste idee." If animals were classified by naturalists in the order of their intelligence, docility and usefulness, the Horse and the Dog would occupy, in relation to Man, the jux- taposition they have assigned — on the ground of physical structure — to the impracticable baboon and the grotesque and chattering monkey ; and in lieu of groping in the darkness of antiquity for the period when they are sup- posed to have been entrapped or subdued, by fraud or violence, we should the rather conclude that Nature placed all the domestic animals where we have ever found them — in close association with Man, administering to his pleasures and wants ; lightening his toils and sharing his dangers. , and constantly advancing, like Man him- self, under the improving influence of civilization and the arts that belong to it. In contemplating the whole animal kingdom, doesnol Man — standing preeminently at the head of it, surrounded by the domestic races — present everywhere the most 10 ON THE RELATIONS BETWEEN MAN lusti ous spot on the varied map of living creation ? From the everlasting snov^^s of the north to the burning sands of tropical deserts, his faithful dog follows at his foot ; the horse is at his side — submissive to his will ; — the patient ox bows his neck to the yoke ; and the sheep and the hog are present to supply his clothing and his food. Far otherwise is it with untameable and predatory birds and beasts. Restricted to particular regions by an all- wise Providence, the absence of food and climate con- genial to their nature forbids them to roam beyond limits comparatively circumscribed. And do not these arrange- ments for our benefit, and which give us " dominion over all the earth and every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth," enjoin on us the duty of studying their habits, their economy, and all the laws of their existence — with a view to their improvement for our advantage, in every way consistent with kindness to them and with gratitude to Him, « Who in his sovereign wisdom made them all ?" And while these considerations teach us to be merciful ourselves, do they not convey the admonition «< Ye therefore who love mercy, teach your sons To love it too!" The very fact that to them has been denied the power of speech, and the necessity of uncomplaining submission under every hardship, ought to put us constantly on our guard against practising, or permitting to be practised, iny, the smallest measure of abuse or ill treatment. Thus every man of common humanity will study their com- fort in all things, consistently with the purposes for which they were designed, and will never even mount his faith- ful horse without seeing that whatever is needed has oeen done to give an easy set to his saddle — and, still more, tnat all is right about his feet ! AND THE DOMESTIC ANIMALS. 11 Doctor Rush, in a beautiful and benevolent eulogy op the Horse, in one of his lectures, related a touching anec- dote of a highly intelligent and successful Pennsylvania farmer, who, stricken down suddenly with apoplexy in his barn-yard, expired on the instant — with this last di- rection to his herdsman on his lips : " Take care of the creatures /" And the biographer of an eminent English Chancellor relates, as from himself, how his beloved son had preferred to him, in his very last moments, a petition in favour of his faithful terrier; ^^And Father^ youHl take care of poor Pitcher, wonH youV* Nevertheless, after all the care that can be taken, we should probably be amazed if we could know the amount of pain unwit- tingly inflicted on animals dedicated to our service, and some of whose bodies are at last consumed to afford us — as some would contend — superfluous nourishment, refer ring back as they do to that golden age when « Man walked with beast — joint tenant of the shade ; The same his table and the same his bed — No murder clothed him, and no murder fed." Even all unnecessary harshness of reproof should be avoided — for it is well known that some animals are even more susceptible of painful and violent emotions, from various causes, than some men, whose hardened nature and familiarity with vice, render them as insensible to the reproaches of others as to the stings of their own conscience. Those, for instance,who have studied the character and affections of the horse — with a view to his diseases and moral susceptibilities — need not be told that while sharp and threatening words will so disturb him as to quicken his pulse some ten beats or more in a minute,* * The natural constitution of different varieties of the same class of animals is worthy of close attention. In small and thorough-bred horses, !or instance, the pulsations of the heart are about 40 to 42 — while in the larger, cold-blooded cart-horse, they do not amount to more than 3C, But when ill-treated, as before suggested, their pulsations are increased, 37* 12 ON THE RELATIONS BETWEEN MAN oe ha^ ill very memorable cases been known to fall dead under the excitement of the sexual and other passions. That he is sometimes animated by the strongest spirit of rivalry, and a noble ambition to excel, has been occa- sionally evinced by violent attacks on his passing rivals on the turf— and very recently the case occurred with a noble animal which fell dead at the very winning-post, in vainly struggling for victory, on the Pharsalia course at Natchez. The contest which had this melancholy issue was between Col. Minor's Jenny Lind and Col. Bing- aman's Black Dick : " Dick was the favourite at odds. Some even bets were made that he would win at three heats — and some, if the heats were broken, would not win. Jenny drew the track, and after some little mancevring, they got off together, but Dick outfooted her and took the track on the turn ; at the half-mile post she had got her head to his hips, and they ran locked round the upper turn ; at the head of the front stretch she began to draw clear of him, and spurs were applied. < Then burst his mighty heart,' for he soon was seen to reel, but he still struggled on ; his jockey Mat, leaped unharmed from his back, and the noble animal fell dead within ten feet of the winning- post, which he had left not two minutes before in perfect health and the finest condition. No shout of triumph hailed the winner: all was sympathy and regret. Two say, ten in a minute. The natural circulation of the sheep is about 70 per minute. The average pulse of a full-grown ox, in a state of health, in England, is about 40 — but this increases in a climate of higher tem- perature. Doctor James Smith (Journal of Agriculture, vol. ii. p. 92.) finds that in the climate of Louisiana the pulse of the ox, in its natural n that Course even up to 1829. Has such a field of men and horseg come to that post since 1 In another pace — the trot — it was deemed marvellous that' old Top " ■hould go his mile with 150 pounds weight in 2.45. But Lady Suf- folk — well dashed with the old Messenger blood — has done hers '*a 2.28^, and is yet in full if not improving vigour. 18 THE FORM OF ANIMALS. of an able, industrious, and tasteful advocate and illus« trator of its advantages and uses, as long as W. T. Por- ter shall continue to animate and guide the " Spirit of THE Times." Extensive acquaintance and coextensive popularity — the just fruits of accomplished manners and an obliging temper — have made him the focus of a most varied and recherche correspondence: while his own tact, scholarship and nice appreciation of what is good in the literary and the sporting world, enable him to turn all his nch resources to the best account, for the enjoy- ment of his numerous and refined readers — for the most part, gentlemen of hlood and mettle. ON THE FORM OF ANIMALS, BY HENRY CLINE, ESQ. SURGEON. WITH NOTES BY J. S. SKINNER. The form of domestic animals has been greatly im- proved by selecting with much care, the best formed for breeding — but the theory of improvement has not been BO well understood, that rules could be laid down for directing the practice. There is one point particularly, respecting which the opinions of breeders have much varied, which is, whether crossing the breed be essential to improvement. It is the intention of this communication to ascertain in what instances crossing is proper, and in what pre- judicial ; and the principles upon which the propriety of it depends. It has been generally supposed that the breed of ani- mals is improved by the largest males. This opinion has done considerable mischief, and would have done more injury had it not been counteracted by the c^.esire of selecting animals of the best form and proportions, which are rarely to be met with, in those of the largest size THE FORM OF ANIMALS. 19 jExperience has proved that crossing has only suc- ceeded in an eminent degree, in those instances in which the females were larger than in the usual proportion of females to males ; and that it has generally failed when the males are disproportionally large. The external form of domestic animals has been much studied, and the proportions are well ascertained. But the external form is an indication only of internal structure. The principles of improving it must therefore be founded on the knowledge of the structure and use of internal parts. The lungs are of the first importance. It is on their size and soundness that the health of an animal prmci- pally depends. The power of converting food into nourishment, is in proportion to their size. An animal with large lungs, is capable of converting a given quantity of food into more nourishment than one with smaller lungs, and therefore has a greater aptitude to fatten.* The Chest. The external indication of the size of the lungs is the form and size of the chest; the form of which should * [In farther explanation of this principle, it may be added, from an au- ttior who had evidently read and relied on this able Essay of Surgeon Cline, that muscular exertion facilitates the return of venous blood to the right side of the heart, and in long continued and violent exertion, the respiration being quickened, the lungs — if small — are unable to arterialize and get rid of the blood as fast as it is pumped into them ; consequently, if there is not room for the blood, congestion takes place, and the horse becomes what is termed " blown" — the lungs being gorged irith blood, and sometimes the animal is destroyed by it. In England it is said to be " well understood that a majority of horses that perish under a hard press ' across the country,' are riarrow-chestea /" The conical form, not of the body, but of the chest, as laid down in the next paragraph, is very observable in the best paintings of Fashion. 7'here, and in her quarters and hocks, appear to us to lie the great sources at beryet in this country unequalled speed and stoutness.— T. S. S,"] 38 20 - THE FORM OF ANIMaLS. have tht? figure of a cone, having its apex situated between the shoulders, and its base towards the loins. The capacity of the chest depends upon its form more than on the extent of the circumference ; for, where the girth is equal in two animals, one may have much larger lungs than the other. A deep chest therefore is n9t capacious unless it is proportionally broad. The Pelvis. The pelvis is the cavity formed by the junction of the haunch bones with the bones of the rump. It is essential that this cavity should be large in the female, that she may be enabled to bring forth her young with less diffi- culty. When this cavity is small, the life of the mother and of her offspring is endangered. The size of the pelvis is chiefly indicated by the width of the hips and the breadth of the twisty which is the space between the thighs. The breadth of the loins is always in proportion to that of the chest and pelvis. The Head, The head should be small, by which the birth is facil- itated. Its smallness affords other advantages, and gen- erally indicates that the animal is of a good breed. Horns are useless to domestic animals. It is not dif- ficult to breed animals without them. The breeders of horned cattle and horned sheep, sustain a loss more extensive than they may conceive ; for it is not the horns alone, but also much more bone in the skulls of such animals to support their horns ; besides there is an addi- tional quantity of ligament and muscle in the neck w^hich is of small value. The skull of a ram with its horns, weighed five times more than another skull which was hornless. Both these skulls were taken from sheep of the same af;e, each be .ng J THE FORM OF ANIMALS. 21 lour }eLirs old. The great difference in weight depended chiefly on the horns ; for the lower jaws were nearly equal, one weighing seven ounces, and the other six ounces and three quarters ; which proves that the natural size of the head was nearly the same in both, independent of the horns and the thickness of the bone which supports them.* In a horned animal, the skull is extremely thick. In a hornless animal it is much thinner ; especially in that part where the horns usually grow. To those who have not reflected on the subject, it ma^ appear of little consequence w^hether sheep and cattle have horns — but on a very moderate calculation it will be found, that the loss in farming stock, and also in the diminution of animal food, is very considerable, from the production of horns and their appendages. A mode of breeding which would prevent the production of these, would afford a considerable profit in an increase of meat and wool, and other valuable parts. The length of the neck should be proportioned to the height of the animal, that it may collect its food with ease. The Muscles. The muscles and tendons, which are their appendages, should be large ; by which an animal is enabled to traveJ with greater facility. * [It is matter of surprise that among the varieties of cattle imported, no one should bring the celebrated Suffolk polled or hornless cattle. Be- sides the advantage here enumerated, valuable animals are sometimes killed by being gored. In respect of this breed, Youatt speaks very highly. He says they sometimes give 32 quarts of milk, and 24 is not uncommon, in a day — and adds: — "There are few short-horn cows ; although far superior in size to the Suffolks, and consuming nearly double the quantity of food ; that will yield more milk than is usuallv obtained from the smaller polled breed." Formerly the Suffolk police cattle were generally of a dun colour, and thence commonly called Suf- folk duns, but that colour has of late been repudiated. — J. S. S.] 22 THE FORM OF ANIMALS. The Bones, The strength of an animal does not depend upon the size of the bones, but on that of the muscles — Many animals with large bones are weak, their muscles being small. Animals that were imperfectly nourished diring growth, have their bones disproportionately large. If such deficiency of nourishment originated from a con- stitutional defect, which is the most frequent cause, they remain weak during life. Large bones, therefore, gene- rally indicate an imperfection in the organs of nutrition. On the improvement of Form. To obtain the most approved form, two modes of breeding have been practised — one, by the selection of individuals of the same family — called breeding in-and- in. The other by selecting males and females from different varieties of the same species ; which is called crossing the breed. When a particular variety approaches perfection in form, breeding in-and-in may be the better practice — especially for those not well acquainted with the princi- ples on which improvement depends. * * [Professor Youatt says, on this subject [breeding in-and-in] ; « It is the fact, however some may deny it, that strict confinement to one breed, however valuable or perfect, produces deterioration." By what he after- ward says, as will be seen, he must have meant confinement to one family or strain of the same breed. The rule should be this: that valuable qualities being once established, which it is desirable to keep up, should thereafter be preserved by occasional crosses with the best animal tc be had of the same breed, but of a different family, This is the secret which has maintained the bred Horse in his great superiority — for although, as Nimrod avers, the immediate descendants of eastern horses have, almost without an exception, proved so deficient of late years that breeders will no more have recourse to them than the farmer would go for immediate improvement to the natural or original oat ; yet ihe breeder is glad to cross his stock with one of another strain or family of the same blood, taking care never to depart from the blood of the souih. eastern courser which flows in the heart of all families of Horses of th» highest capabilities. THE FORM OF ANIMALS. 23 When the male is much larger than the female, the efTspring is generally of an imperfect form. If the female be proportionally larger, the offspiing is of an improved form. For instance, if a well-formed large ram be put to ewes proportionally smaller, the lambs will not be so well shaped as their parents ; but if a small ram be put to larger ewes, the lambs will be of an improved form. It is here worthy of remark that Nicholas Hankey Smith, who resided a long time among the Arabs, in a work entitled " Observations on Breeding for the Turf," gives as his opinion that colts bred in-and-in show more blood in their heads, are of better form, and fit to start with fewer sweats than the English turf-horsc ; but when the incestuous intercourse has continued a few generations, he says, the animal de- generates. This plan of breeding in-and-in, says Youatt farther, when speaking of cattle : " has many advantages to a certain extent. It may be pursued Until the excellent form and qualities of the breed are developed and established. It was the source whence sprung the cattle and the sheep of Bakewell, and the superior cattle of Colling — and to it must be traced the speedy degeneracy, the absolute disappearance, of the new Leicester or Bakewell cattle ; and in the hands of many an agriculturist, the im- pairment of constitution and decreased value of the new Leicester sheep and the Short-Horn beasts. It has therefore become a kind of principle tvith the agriculturist to efiect some change in his stock every second or ' 26 THE FORM OF ANIMALS. This nj'ay he illustrated in the breeding of horned axii- mals; among which there are many varieties of sheep, and some of cattle, that are hornless. If a hornless ram be put to a horned ewe, almost all the lambs will be hornless ; partaking of the character of the male rather than of the female parent. In some countries, as Norfolk, Wiltshire, Dorsetshire, most of the sheep have horns. In Norfolk the horns may be got rid of by crossing with the Ryeland rams ; which would also improve the form of the chest and the quality of the wool. In Wiltshire and Dorsetshire, the same improvements might be made by crossing the sheep with South Down rams. An offspring without horns might be obtained from the Devonshire cattle, by crossing with hornless bulls of the Galloway breed ; which would also improve the form of the chest, in which, the Devonshire cattle are often de- ficient. Examples of the good effects of crossing the breeds. The great improvement of the breed of horses in Eng- land arose from crossing with those diminutive Stallions, Barbs, and Arabians ; and the introduction of Flanders mares into this country was the source of improvement in the breed of cart-horses. The form of the swine has also been greatly improved, by crossing with the small Chinese boar. Examples of the had effects of crossing the breeds. When it became the fashion in London to drive large bay horses, the farmers in Yorkshire put their mares to nal form antl colour 1 It may be a reason why some of our very popu- lar stallions, being overtasked, have had so few of their get to rival them jn power and fame. Every reader may cast about for himself, for in- Btances, to see how far and to y:hat other animals the principle applies. After all, in an economico-agricultural view, it is much more important ihat the stallion should be all right because it is his bleod that '5 to be dillused far and wide. — J. S. y.] THE FORM OF ANIMALS. 2? much larger atallions than usual, and thus, did infinite mischief to their breed, by producing a race of smalJ chested, long legged, large boned worthless animals.* A similar project was adopted in Normandy, to en- large the breed of Horses there by the use of stallions from Holstein ; and, in consequence, the best breed of Horses in France would have been spoiled, had not the farmers discovered their mistake in time, by observing the offspring much inferior in form, to that of the native stallions. Some graziers in the Island of Sheppey, conceived that they could improve their sheep by large Lincoln- shire rams, the produce of which, however, was much inferior in the shape of the carcase, and the quality of the wool ; and their flocks were greatly injured by this attempt to improve them. Attempts to improve the native animals of a country, by any plan of crossing, should be made with the great- est caution ; for, by a mistaken practice extensively pur- sued, irreparable injury may be done. * [This was the effect experienced in Maryland, by the use of Exile, a Cleveland bay, of the highest breeding of his sort in England, imported by the late Robert Patterson about the year 1820. At three years old, he was advertised for sale, and stated to be then upward of 16 hands high. They may do very well, with their long legs, long backs and long tails, for the heavy, lumbering slow coaches of millionaires, to drive to church, and occasionally to make a swell in town, but they are not fitted for the country — and especially not for this country. True, for the coach-horse we want substance, but we want that substance well placed, deep, well-proportioned body, rising in the withers, and slanting shoul- ders, short back well ribbed home, and broad loins ; sound, flat, short legs, with plenty of bone under the knee ; and sound, open, tough feet* " In fact, coach-horses should be nothing more than large hackneys, varying in height from 15 hands 1 inch to 16 hands 1 inch." Such horses, of good colour, and well matched, will always <5ommard a higA figure from the swelled heads in our large cities — men who havp jrro«v3 rich as the conduits of exchange, between the producer and ine cof^ rumer of Agriculture and Manufactures.— T. S. S.] 28 THE FORM OF ANIMALS. In any country where a particular race of animals nas continued for centuries, it may be presumed that their constitution is adapted to the food and climate. The pliancy of the animal economy is such, as that an animal will gradually accommodate itself to great vicis- situdes in climate and alterations in food ; and by de- grees undergo great changes in constitution ; but these changes can be affected only by degrees, and may often require a greater number of successive generations for their accomplishment. It may be proper to improve the form of a native race, out at the same time it may be very injudicious to attempt to enlarge their size. The size of animals is commonly adapted to the soil which they iihabit ; where produce is nutritive and abun- dant, the animals are large, having grow^n proportionally to the quantity of food which for generations they have been accustomed to obtain. Where the produce is scanty, the animals are small, being proportioned to the quantity of food which they wTre able to procure. Of these contrasts the sheep of Lincolnshire and of Wales are examples. The sheep of Lincolnshire would starve on the mountains of Wales. Crossing, the breed of animals may be attended with bad effects in various ways ; and that, even when adopted m the beginning on a good principle ; for instance, sup- pose some larger ewes than those of the native breed were taken to the mountains of Wales and put to the rams of that country ; if these foreign ewes were fed in proportion to their size, their lambs would be of an im- proved form and larger in size than the native animals ; but tJie males produced by this cross, though of a good form, would be disproportionate in size to the native ewTs; and therefore, if permitted to mix with them, would be proJuctivc of a standing ill-formed prngeny THE FORM OF ANIMALS. 29 Thus a cross which, at first, was an improvement, would, by giving occasion to a contrary cross, ultimately pre- judice the breed. The general mistake in crossing has arisen from an attempt to increase the size of a native race of animals ; being a fruitless effort to counteract the laws of nature^ The Arabian Horses are, in general, the most perfect in the world ; which probably has arisen from great care in selection, and also from being unmixed with any va- riety of the same species, the males have therefore never been disproportioned in size to the females. The native Horses of India are small, but well propor- tioned, and good of their kind. With the intention of increasing their size, the India company have adopted a plan of sending large stallions to India. If these stal- lions should be extensively used, a disproportioned race must be the result, and a valuable breed of Horses be irretrievably spoiled. From theory, from practice, and from extensive ob- servation, whicn is more to be depended upon than either, it is reasonable to form this conclusion, that it is wrong to enlarge a native breed of animals ; for in proportion to their increase of size, they become worse in form, less hardy, and more liable to disease.* * [For this plain reason, our farmers should have recourse to well-formetl bulla of a smaller or middling size, rather than to those of a larger breod than the average size of their own cattle, and also why it is far better to employ compact, short-backed, well-formed, thorough-bred stallions, than cold-blooded stallions of larger size. Essential difference has been found, by analysis in France, beiween the hlood of the ordinary Horse and that of the aristocratic lace de- scended from the south-eastern courser. It is stated to be less serous than that of the common Horse. One cannot but admire the ardour with which, in France, they are now applying the sciences to enlighten all branches of agriculture, as it has been so much more and more suc- cessfully applied to other industries. A society of the first men of that country is devoted to the meliorution of the Horse, and they under take %o predict the time not distant when « la science du chevi,U' tb« 30 THE FORM OF ANIMALS. science of the anatomy and physiology of the Horse — wih be as well understood and agreed upon as any principles in Geometry. The reason that, in our country, agriculture has benefited so much less by the application of the sciences, is that the policy of the govern- ment has a tendency to disperse them, while it concentrates other classes Instead of compelling the consumer — the shoemaker, the tailor, the wheelwright, and all manufacturing consumers to come from abroad aa well as at home, and settle down nearest to them, the agriculturist! foster a policy which compels them — over bad roads — to expend hall Ih* produce in carrying it to the fashioner and consmner J. H. 8.] THE f jilNCIPLES OF BREEDING. 31 ON THE IMPORTANCE OF MORE ATTENTION TO THE PRINCIPLES OF BREEDING — THE STALLION AND THE BROOD MARE. To every lover of the Horse, possessed of a knowledge of his fine points and capabilities, it must be lamentable to perceive how miserably ignorant and careless the mass of breeders of that noble animal appear to be, as to all the precautions w4iich are indispensable to maintain him at the point of excellence which is known to be attainable — much less by well- digested and rational systems of breeding and rearing throughout the country, to meliorate his form and invigorate his constitution ; and on no one ^oint is there, seemingly, more pernicious indifference displayed than in regard to the condition of the stallions they employ, as set forth in the Essay w^hich these re- marks are intended to introduce. Well has it been said, in the introduction to the ^^An- nates des Haras et de V Agriculture ^'^'^ that if the import- ance of a question is to be measured by the number of those who are occupied with it, that of the multiplicat* and of the amelioration of the Horse ought to hold th-; first rank in Political and Rural economy. The traditions of antiquity — those of nations, whether barbarous or enlightened — writings the most ancient as well as the tiost modern — prove to us lie estimation which Man, in all times, has attached to this his most noble conquesty to use the expression of Buffon. The Horse, as there alleged, is in truth the most fruitful source of the riches of States, by his indispensable instrumentality in the cultivation of the soil. He is one of the most direct Hgents of their power by the use that is made of him in armies, whether in peace or in war ; and has contributed much moie than is generally considered, to the civiliza 39 32 THE IMPORTANCE OF ATTENTION lion of communities, by facilitating mtercourse betwerj. ihem and the individuals of whom they are composed. It is not, then, astonishing that in the abstract, so much importance should be attached to the multiplication and improvement of an animal so useful ; but is it not Amazing that this universal admission of his value, and the general interest of society in cultivating his finest qualities, should give rise to no association or system in our country, based on reason, and guided by scientific principles? On the contrary, everything is left to chance, to ignorance, and to narrow and sordid calculations of economy. True, we have societies that group the Horse with every other animal and thing, and offer petty pre miums for the mere exhibition of the best that may happen to be convenient to, or purchased for the show • but should not an object so important be made the sub ject of special associations, and of legislative encourage- ment, directed to a thorough investigation of the princi pies to be followed in all enlarged and judicious plans for the melioration of the whole race? Look at the amount of capital involved in the whole Union — 4,365,669 horses. Value these at an average of $50, and we have a capital of $218,283,450, which, with anything like judgment or system, might be brought to an average improvement of at least twenty per cent, in a few' years. What is the number lost by exposure to sudden vicis- situdes of weather — to lad shoeing — in short, to ill treatment and ignorar.ce of the management and the remedies prescribed in this work, no one can venture to estimate. Youatt sets down the loss of cattle by disease annually in England at $50,000,000 !— and the loss of sheep at one-tenth of the whole number; and though tJiere the veterinary art is taught as a science in the en- dow^ed colleges, and regular professors practise it throufihouc the kmgdom, he says it is difficult to say TO THE PRINCIPLES OF BREEDING. vvl /( ii is the greater source of this immense loss to tk agriculture of the country — " the ignorance and obstinacy of the servant and the cow-leech, or the ignorance and supineness of the owner. ^'' The Horse, in a state of nature, even the colt — until subjected to ignorant hand- ling and cruel management, is much healthier than after he comes under the hands of him who ought to be his kindest friend. If such be the immense mortality in England, what nust it be among Horses in this country, where not one farmer in a hundred knows how to tell the colic from the botts, or the thrush from the scratches — ignorant alike of symptoms and of treatment ? Properly appreciating the importance of a constant supply of Horses for their cavalry, as one of the most efficient arms of her military power — the French Govern- ment takes it upon itself to supply its thirty-six thousand communes with stallions, whose services are put at the lowest rate, the average being set down at 5 or 10 francs, (one or two dollars,) and these stallions are required to be not under a certain age — four at the least — nor under a certain standard of height, according as they are tho- rough-bred, half-bred, or slow draft: 1 m. 49 centimes, or a fraction over 14.2 for thorough-bred ; 1 m. 55 c. for half-bred ; and 1 m. 55 c. for heavy draft stallions — and undergo every year rigid inspection, to guard not only against palpable deformity of shape, but against any latent or transmissible diseases. Opposed as is the genius of our political institutions to regulations, too minute, of individual industry and concerns, yet it is hard to say why a planter's tobacco or his butter should be subjected to rigid inspection, and condemned and taken from him for bad quality or short weight, and yet that any fat, lazy, lounging rapscallion should be allowcil to set up a public stallion without spirit or action, ain< S4 IHE STALLION AND BROOD MARE. ^o often tainted with some hereditary disorder or defec, of body or temper — to deform and poison everything he .s allowed to touch. The Arabians, after having brought their breed of Horses to the highest degree of perfection of which they consider them capable, are said to have preserved their splendid qualities of great endurance with highly organized matter and natural soundness of limb, by prohibiting the use of stallions until approved hy a public inspector. ^< Breeders of all kinds of Horses," says Nimrod, <'but of the race-horse above all others, scarcely require to be cautioned against purchasing or breeding from mares, or putting them to stallions, con- stitutionally inferior. By constitutionally inferior is chiefly implied, having a tendency to fail in the legs and feet during their training, which too many of our present racing breed are given to — although the severity of train- ing is not equal to what it was some years back. It would be invidious to particularize individual sorts ; but, says he, we could name stallions and mares from which the greatest expectations w^ere raised, whose progeny have sacrificed thousands of their owners' money, en- tirely from this cause." After instancing numerous cases to show the heritableness of diseases — glanders among others — of horses, sheep, and cattle, "these conside- lations," continues an eminent French writer. Professor Dupuy, on the Veterinary art, " are to us of the greatest moment, since we have it in our power by coupling and crossing well-known breeds, to lessen the number of ani- mals predisposed to these diseases. Acting up to these ideas, our line of conduct is marked out. We must banish from our establishments, designed to improve the breed, such animals as show any signs of tuberculous disease or any analogous affection." Thus much have we felt called upon to say, introduc- tory of the following able dissertation on the condition THE STALLION AND BROOD MARE. 3ft of the staUion — anonymously written by some gentle- man who has evidently observed the precaution too often neglected ; to understand his subject, before he oegan to speak upon it. It is taken from the " Farmers' Library," for which it was written, and where, it may be needless to say, such WTiters wdll ahvays be truly t.elcome. As against the assertion of Surgeon Cline, with whom the author of this Essay agrees as to the pre- dominant influence of the male in characterizing the progeny, we have, in another place, arrayed the opinion of Mr. Johnson, it is but fair here to adduce, in support of the affirmative side of the proposition, the all-pow^er- ful testimony of Mr. Apperly, who says : <« Virgil, in his excellent remarks on breeding Horses, tells those of his readers who wish to gain prizes to look at the dam ; and until of very late years, it was the prevailing opinion of Englishmen that in breeding a racer the mare is more essential than the Horse, in the production of him in his highest form ; and we know it to have been the notion entertained by the late Earl of Grosvenor — the most ex- tensive though not perhaps the most successful breeder of thorough-bred stock that England ever saw. The truth of this supposition, however, has not been confirmed by the experience of the last half century, and much more dependence is now placed on the stallion than on the mare. The racing calendar, indeed, clearly proves the fact. " Notwithstanding the prodigious number of very highly bred and equally good mares that are every year put to the horse, it is from such as are put to our very best stallions that the great winners are produced. This can in no other way be accounted for than by such horses having the faculty of imparting to their progeny th^- peculiar external and internal formation absolutely essen- Ual to the first-rate race-horse ; or, if the tp.rm <■ blooa' 39* 36 THE STi^LLION AND BROOD MARE. be insisted on, that certain innate but not preternatura* virtue peculmrly lelonging to some horses, but not tft others, whicli, when it meets with no opposition from the mare — or, in the language of the stable, where « the cross nicks' by the mare admit of a junction of good shapes — seldom fails in producing a race-horse in his very best form." After all, when the reader shall have carefully perused the following disquisition, he will, w^e think, be apt to concur with us in the belief that incalculable loss and deterioration ensue from an almost universal want of attention to the condition of the stallion, and from igno- rance in what true condition consists. The maxim of the feeder of the ox may be embraced in the words warmth, cleanliness and quiet. Not so with the grazier of 5^ocA:-cattle — for they may be kept too warm ; nor with the owner of a Stallion ; yet too generally they manage him as if he had nothing to do but to eat, drink, and sleep — except when suddenly aroused to go through violent agitation to the opposite extreme. — On the subject of the comparative agency of the male and female parent in the modification of the progeny in form and character, as sir Roger expressed it " much may be said on both sides." There needs no citation of instances to show^ the influence of the male progenitor in modifying the exterior form and colour, of the off spring, aAd may we not infer it in regard to its intern?^ structure, its temper and character? Neither can we deny the share of the female parent in the same influences — see how often the calf, in its marks, exhibits an exact copy of its dam. But there are cases of what is called sitperfoetation, which go to show some extraordinary power of the male in transmitting his influence even to the second and third generation on the fruits of subst> i^iient conceptions from sexual intercourse bi, 2 38, (f 2 39, 2 38, i Beacon Course, N. J Trenton, N. J July 12, 1843 June — 1836, TWO MILE HEATS. Americus Americus Black Maria .... Confidence D. D. Tompkins. Dutchman Dutchman Edwin Forrest . . Edwin Forrest . . Hector harness saddle harness saddle harness saddle harness saddle harness James K. Polk . . Lady Suffolk.... Lady Suffolk.... Lady Suffolk Rinton • • 5 13, 5 11 5 17i, 5 17, 5 22 5 19i, 5 m .... 5 161,5 ItU, 5 10, 5 18, 5 25, 5 1Gi 5 11 5 16, 5 09 5 11,5 16 5 05, 5 06 5 17, 5 13, 5 17 . 5 24, 5 19, 5 17i 5 If), 5 16i 4 59, 5 031 5 10. 5 15 5 17, 5 19, 5 18 . 5 lOi, 5 121 ... . 5 07, 5 15 5 07, 5 15, 5 17 . Union Course, L. I Hunting Park, Pa. . Cambridge Park . . . Centreville, L. L . . . Centreville, L. Beacon Course, Beacon Course, Hunting Park, Hunting Park, Hunting Park, IJjiion Course, Centreville, L. Centreville, L. Beacon Course, Beacon Course, Hunting Park, Hunting Park, N.J. N.J. Pa. . Pa. . Pa. . L.I I. ... I.... N.J N.J, Pa. . Pa. . Oct. 8, 1846 Oct. 17. 184() June 18, 1845 May — 1841 Oct. — 1837 April— 1839 Oct. — 18.39 May — 1840 Oct. — 1838 June 2, 1846 Nov. 18, 1846 Sep. — IHIO Mav '- 1842 Mav 21, 1844 May - 1842 May — 1842 May -1842 THREE MILE HEATS. Columbus. .. Dutchman . . Dutchman . . Dutchman . . Dutchman . . Lady Suffolk llipton . . V. • harness saddle 7 58, 8 07 7 .321 7 41 7 541, 7 50, 8 02, 8^1 751,751 7 401. 7 56 8 00, 7 561 Huntins Park, Pa. . Beacon Course, N. J. Beacon Course, N. J. Beacon Course, N. J. Hunting Park, Pa. . Hunting Park, Pa. . Beacon Course, N. J. June Aug July Oct. — 1838 - 18.34 - 18.39 — 183!) May May Auj 1840 1841 18421 FOUR MILE HEATS. Dutchman Lady Suffolk Ladv Suffolk... Sir Peter Rllen Thompson, saddle harness saddle 11 19, 10 51 11 15, n.58 1122, 1134 11 23, n 27 11 55, 11 33 Contreviile, L. I. . . . Centrevill,-. L. I. . • Cambridge Park ... Hunting Park, Pa. Beacon Course, N. J. May Jtne Nov. Oct. Mav Illll RACING BEST TIME ON RECORD AT MILE KEATS. Name. Date. [Aduella Aduella Bendigo Bendigo Beta Big Alick Capt. McHeath. Cassandra Colt by Levia- than, Kenner'i Creath Croton Croton Dan. Mclntyre. Fred. Kaye Fred. Kaye . . . . Levia- ) D. F.\ t's, ) 1 48, 1 50, 1 49 1 50, 1 47, 1 52^ 1 50, 1 48, 1 49 1 48, 1 50, 1 48, 1 49 . 45, 1 45, 1 57, -2 01 . 1 57, 1 47i, 1 50, 1 51 ), 1 48, 1 50 148,149i 1 48, 1 47J, 1 50 Gildersleeve . . . Harden'd Sinner Ilouri, (Imp.) . . Jane Adams . . . Jim Bell John Hampden. Kitty Harris . . . Leda Little Trick . . . Lucy c. (Bu ford's) Mary Brennan Minstrel Miss Footo . . . Music Music Nathan Rice. . Prospect Sailor Boy .... Serenade t. Pierre Sunbeam Susan Hill .... The Duke Uncas Victor 148,148,146 151,154i, 149 1 49 150, 148, 151 1 50, 1 48i, 1 50, 1 53i, 1 52^ ( 1 52, 1 47i, 1 52, 1 48, ) 1 57i, 1 5Gi, j • ■ 1 51, 1 49, 1 53, 1 56 1 50, 1 48, 1 49i 147,153 147i, 152 151, 146 148,149, 153 148, 151,2 02 1 48, 1 48 148 149, 148,151 148, 149 1 48, 1 48 1 47, 1 49, 1 48, 1 50, 1 50 . . 1 50, 1 48 148i, 146i, 148 145,152 1 50, 1 48, 1 53 151, 149, 148 1 48, 1 55, 2 00 147, 156, 155 1 47, 1 48, 1 46i, 1 47, 1 47 . 1 55, 1 50, 1 48 . . . .- 1 48, 1 55i, 1 53i 1 4.5i, 1 48, 1 47i 150, 155, 148 New Orleans, La. . New Orleans, La. . Lexington, Ky. . . . New Orleans, La. . Nashville, Tenn... Louisville, Ky. . . . Columbus, Ga Washington, D. C. New Orleans, La. . New Orleans, La. . New Orleans, La. . New Orleans, La. . Georgetown, Ky. . Louisville, Ky. . . . New Orleans, La. . Versailles, Ky Jackson, Miss. ... New Orleans, La. New Orleans, La. Lexington, Ky. . . Orange C. H., Va. Baltimore, Md. . . Lexington, Ky. .. E. Feliciana, La. Bardstown,Ky. . . Cincinnati, Ohio. Louisville, Ky. . . New Orleans, La. New Orleans, La. New Orleans, La. Louisville, Ky. . . Trenton, N. J. . . . Cynthiana, Ky. . . Cynthiana, Ky. . . Orange C. H., Va. New Orleans, La. Havana Trenton, N. J. ... E. Feliciana, La. Kanawha, Va Dec. 25, 1842 Mar. 19, 1843 Sep. 24. 1840 Mar. 21, 1841 May 22, 1841 June 4, 1842 May 4, 1839 June 1, 1841 April 1, 1846 Mar. 27, 1842 Dec. 20, 1846 Mar. 15, 1846 Apr. 28, 1842 Oct. 9, 1846 Dec. 6. 1846 Sep. 18, Feb. 17, Mar. 18, Oct. 29, May 21, Sep. 18, May 17, May 19, Apr. 24, Oct. 12, Oct. 19, June 4, Dec. 12, Mar. 17, Dec. 29, Oct. 7, May 25, Oct. 25, Oct. 25, Sep. 15, Mar. 24, Apr, 30, May 31, Apr. 27, June 7, 1846 1844 1840 1845 1841 1839 1842 184 1844 1839 1839 1839 1841 1842 1844 1844 1841 li-39 1839 1841 1844 1843 1839 18441 1839 BEST TIME ON RECORD AT TWO MILE HEATS. Name. Alarick Ann Hayes . .. Ann Stuart Arralinc Attakapas Balie Peyto.i . Bee's- Wing . .. I Betsey Archy, filly, P'a'k-Nose . . . Brown K = ttv Buck-Eve [Butterfly filly . 3 54, 3 39 3 43A, 3 42i 3 50, 3 44,3 45 3 44i, 3 49, 3 49, 3 50 3 46, 3 52 3 54, 3 45 3 44, 3 47 353,344 3 491,3 45, ? 491, 3 44, 3 45 ... . 3 56, 3 40. 3 47 3 48i, 3 50, 3 40 ... . Lexinolon, Ky. . . . New Orleans, La. . Memphis, Tenn. . . Louisville, Ky. . . . Columbus, Ga Broad Rock, Va. . . New Orleans, La. . Washington, D.C. Georgetown, Ky. . New Orleans, La. New Orleans, La. Lexington, Ky- ••• Date. Sep. 26, 18-45 Nov. 21, 1844 Nov. 14, 1843 June 7. 1843 May 2, 1839 Apf. 26, 1839 Mar. 26, 1839 May 31, 1841 Sep. 18, 1841 Dec. 1, 1846 Mar. 18, 1841 Sep. 27, 1845 Continued on page 55. ■•5.) RACING. 56 BEST TIME ON RECORD AT TWO MILE HEATS. Churchill Consol Tunior .... Creath Creath Creath Croton Croton Croton Cub Earl of Margrave. Gazan George W. Kendall Governor Butler . . Grey Medoc Grey Medoc Hero Hornblovver La Bacchante Laneville Maid of Northampt'n Midas Miss Clash Motto Motto Music Music Music Nancy Clark Nannv Rogers Of' Ve Passenger, (Imp.) . . Purity Ralph Rirhard of York ... Richard of York . . . Robert Bruce Rocker Ruffin Ruffin •. Sally Shannon Sally Ward Sarah Bladen Sarah Washington. Senator Snag Sorrow, (Tmp.) . Stanley Eclipse Sthreshli'V Susan Hill Tailioni , Tarantula The Colonel .. . Treasurer Trenton Vertncr Viola Warfield's Too > Soon colt, \ Wellington West Florida . . . Will-Go Wilton Brown. . Young Whig . . . 3 49, 3 46, 3 47 3 4(), 3 53, 3 47 3 41,3 41 3 46, 3 42 3 40, 3 45 3 50, 3 44i, 3 50 . . . . 3 44i, 3 43i, 3 43i . . 3 47i, 3 46 3 45i, 3 44 3 46, 3 40i. 3 45, 3 45 3 50, 3 47, 3 45, 4 07 357,346 3 46, 3 49, 3 55 3 45, 3 55 3 45, 3 55 3 46, 3 51 3 41, 4 03 3 50, 3 45, 3 51i 3 45 3 46,3 46 3 46, 3 43 3 48i, 3 43 3 46, 3 48i 3 49, 3 46, 3 51 3 51,3 46,3 55 3 49, 3 45 3 46, 3 46 3 48, 3 46, 3 51 3 49, 3 46 4 10,3 53,3 44 3 50, 3 44 351,345 3 49, 3 46 3 46, 3 44 3 43,3 43,3 47 3 48, 3 46 3 49, 3 45i, 4 42i . . . 3 49, 3 46 3 50, 3 43 3 ,50, 3 41i 3 46 3 45 3 46, 3 46 3 48, 3 43 3 55, 3 43 3 44, 3 45i 3 43, 3 45 3 45,3 51 3 49, 3 46 3 48, 3 46 3 45, 3 50 3 47, 3 45J 3 46,345 3 46, 3 48 3 47,3 45 3 49, 3 45 3 56, 3 52, 3 43, 3 50 3 51i, 3 46, 3 53 ... . 3 46 3 52, 3 45 3 53. 3 44 Lexington, Ky. . .. Louisville, Ky. ... New Orleans, La. . Louisville, Ky. . . . Havana New Orleans, La. . New Orleans, La. • New Orleans, La. . Louisville, Ky. . .. New Orleans, La. . Lexington, Ky. ... New Orleans, La. . Camden, S. C New Orleans, La. . New Orleans, La. . Pineville, S.C Union Course, L. I New Orleans, La. . Fairfield, Va Washington, D. C. Baltimore, Md. . .. Louisville, Ky. ... Lexington, Ky. . . . Bardstown, Ky. . . . New Orleans, La. . New Orleans, La. . New Orleans, La. . Augusta, Ga Lexington, Ky. ... Richmond, Va. . .. Trenton, N. J Jackson, Miss Louisville, Ky. ... New Orleans, La. . New Orleans, La. . Cincinnati, Ohio. ., Trenton, N. J Lexington, Ky. ... Natchez, Miss Frankfort, Ky New Orleans, La. . New Orleans, La. . Orange C. U. Va. . Baltimore, Md. . . . Terre Haute, Ind. . Springfield, HI Trenton, N. J New Orleans, La. . Havana Pineville, S.C Nashville, Tenn. . ., Baltimore, Md. . . . . Trenton, N. J Union Course, L. I fiexington, Ky E. Feliciana, La. Lexington Ky. . . . Camdf n, N. J. . . Geor':eto\vn, Ky.. Broad Rock, Va. . Alexandria, D. C. Oakley, Miss Sep. 20, June 8, Mar. 24 June 1, Apr. 26. Apr. 13, Apr. 2, Apr. 16. Oct. 1, Mar. 23, May 23, Dec. 10, Nov. 21, Dec. 27, Mar. 18, Feb. — May 8. Apr. 3, May 20, Oct. 2, May 9, June 15, Sep. 26, Sep. — Dec. 22, Jan. 4, Dec. 25, Dec. 9, May 22, Apr. 16, Oct. 25, Jan. 28, June 5, Mar. 13, Mar. 24, Oct. 14, Mav 29, Sep. 21, Nov. 19, Sep. 7, Dec. 3, Mar. 17, Sep. 16, May 8, S.p. - Apr. 24, Oct. 30, Mar. 19, Apr. 28, Jan. 30, Oct. 4, Mav 4, May 28, Oct. 8, Sep. 21, Apr. 25, May 23, Oct. 26, Apr. 12, Oct. 2, June 5, Dec. 7, 1843 1843 1842 .842 1843 1845 1846 1846 1839 1842 1840 1841 1840 1840 1839 1843 1839 1845 1841 1845 1&44 1844 1844 1842 1842 1844 1844 1840 1846 1845 1839 1846 1839 1839 1839 18.39 1839 1843 1&45 1842 1846 1842 1841 1844 1844 1839 1845 1840 1843 1844 1844 1844 1840 1839 1839 1844 1846 184] 1839 1839 1842 1844 41 56 RACING BEST TIME ON RECORD AT THREE MILE HEATS. Name. Vilsey Scroggins. .. \ndre\vetta Argeiitile Aslor Black-Nose Black-Nose Blue Dick Blue Dick Blue Dick Bob Letcher Boston Clarion Creatli Creaih Creath Eliza Calvert Fashion George Martin George Martin Glorvina iHard Cider Isola James F. Robinson Jeannetton Joe (.hahners Kate Aubray Liz Ileujtt Louisa Jordan Maria Mariner Master Henry .... Midas Miss Foote Polly Green Ciueen Mary Red Bill Rpgistcr Ripple Rover Ruffin Sally Shannon Santa Anna Sarah Washington. . Sarah Washington. . Tazewell Ten Broeck The Colonel Treasurer Treasuier Tini< Wilton Brown. 5 57, 5 40, 5 54i 5 48, 5 42i 5 42,5 51 5 45, 5 44 5 48, 5 4»i 5 45,546 5 44, 5 38i 5 42, 5 3!>i 5 50, 5 46 5 52, 5 46, 6 12, 5 51 . . 5 46 5 45i, 5 57 5 57, 5 43 5 45, 5 44^ 5 44, 5 53 () OOi, 5 59, 5 46 5 43 5 40, 5 46 5 45i, 5 49, 5 52 5 45,5 51 5 41, 14, 5 55, 5 50 . . 6 04i, 5 45, C 02i 6 44 546.555 5 45, 5 38^ 5 48, 5 45 5 40,5 41 5 44i 5 39, 5 40 5 57, 5 44 5 46. 5 56 5 47i, 5 40, 5 56, 6 01 . 5 45, 5 58 5 59, 5 46 5 46, 5 48 5 37, 5 40, 5 40 5 40, 5 48, 5 49 5 45, 5 49 5 51, 5 47, 5 44, 5 52 . . 5 47, 5 48, 5 46, 5 52 . . 5 40i, 5 36 5 41i, 5 50, 5 57, 6 OJ . 5 43i,5 48 5 51,5 45 5 40, 5 45 54ti w Orleans, La. . Lexington, Ky. Pineville, S. C Broad Rock, Va. .. Baltimore, IVId. Rome, (ia I Louisville, Ky. Camden, N. J Union Course, L. I Union Cour.«e, L. I Alexandria, D. C. . Dite. Sep. — 184*J May 29, 1340 June 6, 1844 June 3, 1841 Sep. 24, 1840 Sep. 28, 1840 May 19, 1842 June 3, 1842 May 6, 1844 May 26, 1843 Apr. 27, 1839 Oct. 9, 1839 Oct. 15, 1841 Mar. 28, 1843 Apr. 29, 1843 Oct. 29, 1841 Oct. 16, 1846 Mar. 25, 1842 Mar. 17, 1843* Aur. 25, 1839 May 28, 1840 Sep. 19, 1843] May 20, 1841 Dec. 27, 1844 Nov. 15, 1843 Dec. 23, 1842 Oct. 28, 1843 Dec. 4, 1846 Apr. 26, 1844 May 21, 1841 Mav 10, 1830 May 16, 1844 Mar. 10^1842 Mav 2, 18.39 O, 17, 18.39 May 22, 1840 Oct. 20, 1842 Oct. 8, 1840 Srp. 24, 1844 Mar. 22, 1844 Sep. 21, 1842 Feb. 8, 1843 Apr. 21, 1842 May 19, 18431 Sei>. 16, 1840 June 2, 1842 Nov. 27, 184.T June 5, 1840 Oct. 5, 184^.; June 1, 1842 RACING. 57 • BEST TIIViE ON RECORD AT FOUR MILE HEATS. Name. Anrlrevvetta Ann Hayes Bandit Boston Eiitavv Eclipse Fashion Fashion Fashion Fashion Fashion Fashion Fas'iion George Martin Greyhead Grey Medoc lago Jerry Lancaster. . . . Jerry Lancaster.. .. Jerry Lancaster... . Jerry Lancaster. . . . Jim Bell Miss Foote Miss Foote Miss Foote Omega Peytona Peytona Reel Reel Rover Sarah Bladen Vashti Course. 40 Raleigh, N. C. ... :M)i, 7 42 1 New Orleans, La. 0-i, 7 44 1 Baltimore, Md. . . 13, 7 4(3, 7 58i ! Union Course, L. Washington, D. C. Union Course, L. Camden, N.J. ... Union Course, L. Camdon, N. J. .. . Trenton, N. J. ... Baltimore, Md. . . Union Course, L. Baltimore, Md. . . New Orleans, La. Lexington, Ky. . . New Orleans, La. St. Louis, Mo. New Orleans, La. New Orleans, La. St. Louis, Mo. . .. New Orleans, La. New Orleans, La. New Orleans, La. Lexington, Ky. . . New Orleans, La. Augusta, Ga New Orleans, La. Union Course, L. New Orleans, La. New Orleans, La. New Orleans, La. New Orleans, La. Baltimore, Md. . . , 01, 7 43 37i, 7 49,8 24 42, 7 48 32i, 7 45 38, 7 52i 3«, 7 49 35i 43i 313,7 51 33,743 45i, 7 50 35, 8 19, 7 42, 8 17 . . . 45,758 43, 7 40 38,8 14 55.745 51,743,808 37, 7 40 02, 7 35 42,740 3Gi, 7 39, 7 5]i 57, 7 45 45,748 39J, 7 45i 40,743 43i, 7 41 39, 7 39i, 7 51, 8 29 . , 45,740 53, 7 46, 8 19 Dale. Nov. 7, Mar. 23, May 15, May 13, May (3, May 27, Oct. 28, May 10, Oct. 29, Nov. 4, Oct. 20, Oct. 23, Mav 14, Mar. 29, Sep. 23, Mar. 20. June 24, Apr, 5, Apr. 12, Oct. 21, Dec. 5, Mar. 19, Mar. 2(), Sep. 25, Dec. 24, Dec. 11, Jan. 0, May 13, Dec. 11, Mar. 18, Dec. 28, Mar. 17, Ma/ 15, 1839 1844 1840 1842 1842 1843 1841 1842 1842 1842 1843 1845 \S4G\ 1843 1843 184]! x844| 1*^6 1845 1846 iS4r, 1842 1842 1842 1842 1840 1844 1845 1841 1843 1844 1841 58 KACING. THE ST. LEGER. The Doncaster St. Leger (m England prono'^nce Sellenger,) is the most important stake in Great Britain, amou' dng to froii eighteen to twenty-four thousand dollars, and is rurj for, annually, by three year old colts and fillies: the former carry 19 pounds, the latter 114. With these tables in view, a comparison of the ^peed of English and American horses can easily be made, having due regard to weight, age, and the distance run. The St. I eger is a race of one straight heat, and the horse has only to do his ' est for that single run. J. S. S. The following table will show the rea/ .i tb-? distance pet sec^d averaged by horses running at any disti ce : Time of running Distance per second one mile. Yds. Ft. In. 140 ^ 17 1 9| 141 ^ 17 1 3i 142 ^ 17 9» 143 - 17 3j 144 16 2 9i» 145 16 2 33 146 16 1 9| 147 16 1 4» 148 16 10§ 149 ^ 16 52 150 16 151 15 2 6-j^ 152 15 2 If 153 15 1 8^ 1 54 15 1 3| 155 , 15 Oil 156 15 6,-% 157 15 If^ 158 14 2 8f| 159 14 2 4j^2^ 200 14 2 RACING. 59 AVERA8E SPEED FOR THE DONCASTER ST. LEGER. Distance 1 mile 6 furlongs 138 yard*. rear. Name of Horse. "^j^^' Yds. mi M. a. minute. 1818 iLrveller 3 15 ^ 988 1846 Sir Tatton Sykes 3 16 ^ 983 ^838 Dt.rt John 3 17 978 _819 Ar.rtjnio 3 18 973 1842 Bit,* Bonnet 3 19 ^ 968 1835 Qu«5»n of Trumps 3 20 963 1836 Elia 3 20 963 1840 Lau«celot 3 20 963 1843 Nutwith 3 20 963 1847 Van fromp 3 20 963 1834 Touchstone 3 22 954 -841 Satirist 3 22 954 1837 Mango 3 23 949 1844 Faugh-a-ballagh 3 23 949 1823 Barefoot 3 23j 948 1825 Memnon 3 231 947 1827 Matilda 3 24 945 1826 Tarrare 3 25 940 1839 Charles XII.... 3 25 940 1845 ...... The Baron 3 25 940 1820 St. Patrick 3 26 935 1822 Theodore 3 26 935 1824 Jerry 3 29 922 1810 Octavian 3 30 918 1812 Otterington 3 31 913 1833 Rockingham 3 38 884 Mean speed 3 24 945 41* PEDIGREES ov WINNING HORSES, SINCE 1839. Being an Appendix to Mason^s Farrier A. AARON, b. h. by Tennessee Citizen, dam by Timoleon. ABBEVILLE, b. h. by Nullifier, dam by Gallatin. ABNER HUNTER, b. h. by Medoc, dam by Blackburn's Whip. ACALIA, b. m. by Luckless. ACHILLES, gr. h. by Boxer. ADELA, b. m. by The Colonel, dam [Imp.] Variella by Blacklock. ADELAIDE, b. m. by [Imp.] Leviathan, dam by Napoleon. ADELIA, b. m. by Mens. Tonson, dam by Sir Archy. ADRIAN, ch. h. by [Imp.] Luzborough, dam Phenomena, by Sii Archy. ADUELLA, ch. m. by [Imp.] Glencoe, dam Giantess by [Imp.] Le- viathan. ^SOP, ch. h. by [Imp.] Priam, dam Trumpetta by Mons. Touson. JETNA, b. m. by Volcano, dam Rebecca by Palafox. AHIRA, b. h. by Medoc, dam by Tiger. AILSEY SCROGGINS, ch. m. by Giles Scroggins» dam by Pirate. AJARRAH HARRISON, ch. m. by Eclipse, dam by Gallatin. AJAX, gr. h. by [Imp.] Leviathan, dam by Pacolet. A. J. LAWSON, b. h. by [Imp.] Hedgford, dam Kitty Fisher bf Gallatin. ALAMODE, ch. h. by [Imp.] Mai^rave, dam by Timoleon. ALARIC, b. h. by Mirabeau, dam by [Imp.] Tranby. ALATOONA, b. m. by Argyle, dam Viola by Gallatin. ALBION, [Imp.] bl. h. by Cain or Actseon, dam by Comus or Black lock. ALBORAC, b. h. by Telegraph, dam by Monday. ALDERMAN, ch. g. by [Imp.] Langford, dam by Sir Charles. ALLEGRA, b. m. by Stockholder, dam by Pacolet. ALLEN BROWN, ch. h. by Stockholder, dam by [Imp ] Eagle. (60) WINNING HORSES SINCE 1839. 61 ALEXANDER CAMPBELL, b. h. by Collier, dam by Koiciusko. ALEXANDER CHURCHILL, b. h. by [Imp.] Zinganee, dam by Bertrand. ALICE, b. m. by Conqueror, dam by Wild Medley. I b. m. by [/mjo.] Sarpedon, dam Rowena by Sumpter. ALICE ANN, gr. m. by Director, dam by Gallatin. ALMIRA, gr. m. by Eclipse dam by Stockholder. ALTORF, b. h. by [Imp] Fylde, dam by Virginian. ALWILDA, gr. m. by Monmouth Eclipse, dam by John Richards. AMBASSADOR, ch. h. by Plenipotentiary, dam [Imp.] Jenny Milli by Whisker. AMELIA, br. m. by Bluster, dam by Messenger. AMERICA, b. m. by Stockholder, dam by Democrat. ■ b. m. by [Imp.] Trustee, dam Di Vernon by Florizel. AMERICAN CITIZEN, b. h. by Marion, dam by Harwood. EAGLE, gr. h. by Grey Eagle, dam by Waxy. ■ STAR, ch. h. by Cramp, dam by Pulaski. AMY THE ORPHAN, ch. m. by [Imp.] Nonplus, dam by Comet ANDREWANNA, b. m. by Andrew, dam by Gallatin. ANDREWETTA, gr. m. by Andrew, dam by Oscar. ANDREW HAMET, b. h. by Sidi Hamet, dam by Trumpator. ANN BARROW, b. m. by Cock of the Rock, dam by Virginian. ANN BELL, ch. m. by Frank, dam Jonquil by Little John. ANN BLAKE, b. m. by Lance, dam by Blackburn's Whip. ANN CALENDAR, ch. m. by Eclipse, dam Grand Duchess by [Imp.] Gracchus. ANN GILLESPIE, br. m. by McCarty's Henry Clay, dam Susan by Sir William. ANN HARROD, ch. m. by Hickory John, dam by King William. ANN HAYES, b. m. by [Imp.] Leviathan, dam by Pacific. ArTN INNIS, ch. m. by Eclipse, dam (the dam of Mary Morris) by Sumpter. ANN KING, b. m. by [Imp.] Sorrow, dam Lady of the Lake by Henry Tonson. ANN STEVENS, ch. m. by [Imp.] Trustee, dam (an imported raave) by Muley. ANN STEWART, ch. m. by Eclipse, dam Kitty Hunter by Paragon ANNE ROYALE, br, m. by Stockholder, dam Alice Lee by Sii Henry Tonson. ANTOINETTE, ch. m. by [Imp.] Leviathan, dam Multiflora bv Director. ANTIPATOR, ch. h. by Tychicus, dam Club Foot by Napoleon. ANVIL, b. h. by [Imp.] Contract, dam by Eclipse. ARAB, b. h. by Arab, dam by Sir Archy. ARABELLA, b. m. by Collier, dam by Gallatin. ARABIAN MARK, b. h. by [Imp.] Fylde, dam by Sir Charles. A.RGENTILE, b. m. by Bertrand, dam Allegrante by [Imp.] Trufflf ARGYLE, br. h. by Mons. Tonson, dam Thistle by Ogle's Oscar. ARILLA, gr. m. by OKelly, dam by Medley. AJIKA.LUKA. ch. h. by [Imp.] Leviathan, dam SaUy McGehee 62 WINNING HORSES SINCE 1839. .AROOSTOOK, b. h. by Wheeling Rodolph, dam by Moses. ARRALINE, ch. m. by [Imp.] Leviathan, dam by Stockholder. ARRAH NEAL, ch. m. by [Imp.] Leviathan, dam Martha Wash ingtoa by Sir Charles. ARSENIC, ch. m. by [Imp.] Leviathan, dam Mary Farmer by Con queror. ASHLAND, ch. h. by Medoc, dam Lady Jackson by Sumpter. ASTOR, b. h. by Ivanhoe, dam Tripit by Mars. ATTAKAPAS, ch. h. by [Imp.] Luzborough, dam by Arab. ATTILA LECOMTE, b. m. by [Imp.] Glencoe, dam Extant by [Imp.] Leviathan. ATLANTIC, b. m. by Blood and Turf, dam Old Fly. AUNT PONTYPOOL, ch. m. by Bertrand Junior, dam Gold Finder by Virginius. AUSTER, br. h. by Westwind, dam by [Imp.] Leviathan. AUTHENTIC, ch. h. by [Imp.] Leviathan, dam Timoura by Timo- leon. B. BALD HORNET, ch. g. by Bald Hornet, dam by Bertrand. BALIE PEYTON, b. h. by Andrew, dam (Master Henry's dam) by Eclipse. BALTIMORE, b. h. by [Imp.] Luzborough, dam by Gohanna. BAND BOX, gr. m. by O'Kelly, dam Lucy Brooks by Bertrand." BANDIT, b. h. by [Imp.] Luzborough, dam by Virginian. BANJO BILL, b. h. by [Imp.] Sarpedon, dam byDarnaby's Diomed. BAND OF MUSIC, ch. m. by OKelly, dam by Oscar. BARBARA ALLEN, ch. m. by Collier, dam Lady Jackson by Sumpter, BASSINGER, bl. h. by [Imp.] Fylde, dam by Randolph's Roanoke. BAYWOOD, b. h. by Editor, dam by Pacolet. BEACON LIGHT, ch. m. by [Imp.] Glencoe, dam Giantess by [Imp.] Leviathan. BEATRICE OF FERRARA, m. by Stockholder, dam by Duroc. LEAU-CATCHER, ch. m. by Leopold, dam Cranberry. BEE'S-WING, ch. m. by [Imp.] Leviathan, dam Black Sophia by Topgallant. BELFIELD, b. h. by [Imp.] Priam, dam [Imp.] Bustle by Whale- bone. BELLISSIMA, b. m. by [Imp.] Belshazzar, dam Wingfoot by Rat tier. BELLE OF WINCHESTER, ch. m. by Stockholder, dam by Sir Archy. *- , ch. m. by [Imp.] Shakspeare, dam Cado by Sir Archy. BELLE TAYLOR, b. m. by Medoc, dam by Sumpter. BEN SARKLEY, b. h. by Push Pin, dam Miss Wakefield by Sir Hal. BEN BUSTER,b. h. by Cherokee, dam by Whip. BEN FRANKLIN, ch. h. by Flagellator, dam Medova by Ecl'pse. " ' — ch. h. by Woodpecker, dam by Franklitj Beamy WINNING HORSES SINCE 1839. 63 BEN FRANKLIN, cli. h. by [Imp ] Leviathan, dam by Stockholder BENDIGO gr. h. by Timoleon, dam by Sir Charles. b. h. by Medoc, dam by Sir Archy. BENGAL, ch. h. by Gobanna, dam Sportsmistress (or Gulnare) by Duroc. BERENICE, ch. m. by Skylark, dam Kathleen by [Imp.] Leviavhao. BETA, ch. m. by [Imp.] Leviatlian, dam by Kosciusko. BETHESDA, b. m. by Pacific, dam by Sir Henry Tonson. BETHUNE, br. h. by Sidi Hamet, dam Susette by Aratus. BETSEY COLEMAN, ch. m. by Goliah, dam Melinda. BETSEY COODEY, ch.m. by [Imp.] Leviathan, dam by Sir Charles. BETSEY HUNTER, ch. m. by Sir Clinton, ■ am by Hamiltonian. BETSEY' LAUDERDALE, ch. m. by [Imp.] Leviathan, dam by Sir Richard. BETSEY MILLER, gr. m. by [Imp.] Leviathan, dam Jane Shore by Oscar. BETSEY RED, ch. m. by Red Rover, dam Betsey West by [Imp.] Buzzard. BETSEY SHELTON, b. m. by Jackson, dam Harriet Haxall by Sii Hal. BETSEY WATSON, br. m. by Jefferson, dam bv Sir Henry Tonson. BETSEY WHITE, ch. m. by Goliah, dam by Sir Charles. BIG ALECK, ch. h. by Medoc, dam by Tiger. BIG ELLEN, b. m. by Medoc, dam by Old Whip. BIG JOHN, ch. h. by Bertrand, dam by Hamiltonian. BIG NANCY, ch. m. by Jackson, dam by Gallatin. BILLY AYNESWORTH, ch. h. by Traveller, dam Helen by Timo- leon. BILLY BLACK, b. h. by Volcano. BILLY BOWIE, b. h. by Drone, dam Agility by Sir James. BILLY GAY, b. h. by [Imp.] Hedgford, dam Mary Francis by Di rector. BILLY TONSON, gr. h. by Mons. Tonson, dam by Cherokee. BILLY TOWNES, b. h. by [Imp.] Fylde, dam by Virginian. BILLY WALKER, ch. h. by [Imp.] Valparaiso, dam by Sir Richa'^i BILLET, ch. h. by Mingo, dam by Mambrino. BILOXE, ch. h. by Dick Chinn, dam Extio by [Imp.] Leviathan. BLACK BOY, bl. h. by [Imp.] Chateau Margaux, dam by [In^] Chance. bl. h. by [Imp.] Chateau Margaux, dam Lady Mayo by Van Tromp. BLACK DICK, bl. h. by [Imp.] Margrave, dam by Pamunky. BLACK FOOT, ch. h. by Medoc, dam by Blackburn's Whip. BLACK HAWK, bl. h. by Industry. . bl. h. by Mucklejohn. BLACK JACK, bl. h. by Tom Fletcher, dam by Baronet. BLACK LOCUST, bl. h. by [Imp.] Luzborough, dam by Sir Aichy. BLACK NOSE, ch. h. by Medoc, dam Lucy by Orpnan. ELACK PRINCE, bl. h. by limp.] Fylde, dam Fantail by Sir Aiohy 64. WINNING HORSES SINCE 1839. BLACK RABBIT, bl.h. by [Imp.] Nonplus, dam (Fair Ellen's dam) by Virginius. BLACK ROSE, bl. m. by [Imp.] Leviathan, dam by Arab. BLAZING STAR, b. h. by Henry, dam by Eclipse. BLOODY NATHAN, gr. h. by [Imp.] Leviathan, dam by Pacolet. BLOOMFIELD RIDLEY, b. h. by Bell-Air, dam Cedar Snags. BLOOMSBURY, eh. ni. by [Imp.] Fylde, dam by Giles Scroggins. BLUE BONNET, gr. m. by [Imp.] Hedgford, dam Grey Fanny by Bertrand. BLUE DICK, gr. h. by [Imp.] Margrave, dam by Lance. BLUE JIM, ch. h. by Mucklejohn. BLUE SKIN, h. by Ms -mion, dam by Tecumseh. BOB BUSH, ch. h. by I^ tedoc, dam by Bertrand. BOB LETCHER, b. h. by Medoc, dam by Rattler. BOB LOGIC, br. h. by [Imp.] Langford, dam by Mambrino. BOB RUCKER, ch. h. by Eclipse, dam by Sir Charles. BOIS DARC, ch. h. by Eclipse, dam Hortensia by Contention. BONNY BLACK, bl. m. by [Imp.] Valentine, dam Helen Mar by Rattler. BORAC, ch. h. by Pacific, dam by Bagdad. BOSTON, ch. h. by Timoleon, dam (Robin Brown's dam) by Bail's Florizel. BOSTON FILLY, m. by Boston, dam by [Imp.] Priam. BO WD ARK, b. h. by Anvil, dam by Bagdad. BOXER, b. h. by Mingo, dam by Eclipse. BOYD M'NAIRY, ch. b. by [Imp.] Leviathan, dam Morgiana by Pacolet. BRACELET, ch. m. by Eclipse, dam [Imp.] Trinket. BREAN, ch. h. by Goliah. BRILLIANT, b. h. by Sidi Hamet, dam Miss Lancess by Lance. BRITANNIA, [Imp.] b. m. by Action, dam by Scandal. BROCKLESBY, ch. h. by [Imp.] Luzborough, dam by Roanoke. BROKER, b, h. by [Imp.] Rowton, dam Jane Bertrand by Bertrand. BROTHER TO HORNBLOWER, b. h. by Monmouth Eclipso, dam Music bvJohn Richards. BROTHER TO PEYTONA, ch. h. by [Imp.] Glencoe, dam Giantess by [Imp.] Levfathan. BROTHER TO VICTOR, b. h. by [Imp.] Cetus, dam [Imp.] My Lady by Comus. BROWN ELK, b. h. by Buck Elk, dam by Whip. BROWN GAL, br. m. by [Lnp.] Leviathan, dam by Virginian. BROWN KITTY, br. m. by Birmingliam, dam by Tiger. BROWN LOCK, br. h. by Pacific, dam by Sir Hal. BROWN STOUT, bi ... by [Imp.] Sarpedou, dam Feathers by Mons. Tonson. BROWNLOW, br. h. by [Imp.] Merman, dam (Glenare's iam) by [Imp.] Leviatlian. BRUCE, ch. h. by [Imp.] Nonplus, dam La.nbal'e by Kosciusko BUBB, b m. by Bertrand, dam by Whig. WINNING HORSES SINCE 1839. 65 imCK-EYE, b. h. by Critic, darn Ann Page by Ogle's Oscar. b. h. by Lafayette Stockholder, dam Old Squaw by Iq> dian. . BELLE, ch. m. by Medoc, dam by Sumpter. LAD, ch. h. by Bertrand, dam by a Son of Spread Ea gle. BUCK RABBIT, b. h. by [Imp.] Nonplus, dam (Fair Ellen's dam) by Virginius. BULGER BROWN, b. h. by Lance, dam by Jenkins' Sir William: BUNKUM, ch. g. by Hyazim, dam by Gallatin. BURLEIGH, b. h. by Sir Archie Montorio, dam Mary Lee by Con tention. BUSTAMENTE, ch. h. by Whalebone, dam Sarah Dancy by Timo leon. BUZ FUZ, gr. h. by Medley, dam by [Imp.] Luzborough. C. CADMUS, h h, by Cadmus. CALANTHE, b. m. by [Imp.] Leviathan, dam by Jackson. CALANTHE, ch. m. by Medoc, dam by Sumpter. CAMANCHE, ch. h. by Grey Eagle, dam by Rattler. CAMDEN, br. h. by Shark, dam [Imp.] InvaUd by Whisker. CAMEO, b, ra. by [Imp.] Tranby, dam by Buzzard. CAMEL, ch. h. by Birmingham, dam by Whip or Sumpter. CAMILLA, br. m. by [Imp.] Hedgford, dam (Picayune's dam) by S« William of Transport. CAPTAIN BURTON, br. h. by Cherokee, dam by Green Oak. CAPTAIN M'HEATH, ch. h. by [Imp.] Leviathan, dam Miss Bailej by [Imp.] Boaster. CAPTAIN THOMAS HOSKINS, b. h. by [Imp.] Autocrat, dam by Tom Tough. CAPTAIN (The) b. h. by Sir Archy Montorio, dam OpheKa by Wild Medley. CAPTAIN WHITE-EYE, bl. h. by Chifney, dam by Sumpter. CAROLINE MALONE, (Col. Thomas Watson's), ch. ra. by [Imp.] Leviathan, dam Proserpine by Oscar. (Col. J. C. Guild's), b. m. by [Imp.] Levia- than, dam by Sir Richard. (Col. Thomas Watson's), b. m. by [Imp.] L»« viathan, dam by Jerry. CASHIER, ch. h. by Goliah, dam by Sir Charles. CASKET, b. m. by [Imp.] Priam, dam by Constitution. CASETTA CHIEF, ch. h. by Andrew, dam by Wildair. CASSANDRA, b. m. by [I'np.] Priam, dam FiirtiUa Jr. by Sir Archy. CASTIANIRA, ch. m. by [Imp.] Leviathan, dam by Stockholder. CATALPA, b. m. by Frank, dam by John Richards. CATARACT, b. h. by Monmouth Eclipse, dam by John Richards. CATHERINE, b. m. by Bertrand, dam Black-eyed Susan by Tiger. CATHERINE FEN WICK, gr. m. by Mucklejohn, dam by Sax«. "Weimar 66 WINNING HORSKS SINCE 1839. CATHERINE RECTOR, ch. m. by Pacific, dam Mary Tonson. CAVALIER SERVANTS, gr. h. by Bertrand, dam by Andrew. CEDRIC, b. h. by [I'lip-] PiKim, dam Countess Plater by Virginian. CELERITY, ch."m. by [Imp.] Leviathan, dam Patty Puff by Pacolet CHAMPAGNE, b. h. by Eclipse, dam by Sir Archy. CHARLES, b. h. by [Imp.] Rowton, dam Leocadia. CHARLES ARCHY, ch. h. by Sir Charles, dam by Eclipse. CHARLES MALCOLM, ch. h. by Malcolm, dam by Albert Gallatin. CHARLEY ANDERSON, ch. h. by Medoc, dam by Mercury. CHARLEY FOX, b. h. by Waxy, dam by Buckner's Leviathan. CHARLEY NAYLOR, b. h. by Medoc, dam by Tiger. CHARLOTTE BARNES, b. m. by Bertrand, dam by Sir Archy. CHARLOTTE CLAIBORNE, b. m. by Havoc, dam by Conqueroc CHARLOTTE HILL, b. m. by Hpphestion, dam by Cook's Whip. CHARITY GIBSON, ch. m. by [Imp.] Leviathan, dam by Sir Charles. CHATEAU, [Imp.] b. m. by Chateau Margaux. dam Cuirass by Oiseau. CHEMISETTE, b. m. by [Imp.] Glencoe, dam by Arab. CHEROKEE MAID, gr. m. by Marmion, dam by Tecumseh. CHESAPEAKE, b. or br. h. by [Imp,] Leviathan, dam by Thaddeua, CHICOMAH, ch. m. by [Imp.] Leviathan, dam White Feather by Conqueror. CHICOPA, ch. m. by Tuscahoma, dam Fortuna by Pacolet. CHIEFTAIN, b. h. by Godolphin, dam Young Lottery by Sir Archy. CHOTAUK, br. h. by Pamunky, dam by Arab. CHURCHILL, b. h. by [Imp.] Zinganee, dam by Buzzard. CINDERELLA, b. m. by Pacific, dam Mary Vaughan by Pacolet. CLARA BOARDMAN, b. m. by [Imp.] ConsoCdam Sally Bell by Sir Archy. CLARION, ch. h. by Monmouth Eclipse, dam by Ogle's Oscar. CLARISSA, ch. m. by Monmouth Eclipse, dam (Clarion's dam) by Ogle's Oscar. CLEAR THE TRACK, ch. h. by [Imp.] Luzborough, dam bj Stock- holder. CLEUPATRA, b. m. by [Imp.] Leviathan, dam by Pacolet. CLEVELAND, gr. h. by [Imp.] Emancipation, dam by [Imp.] Levia- than. COAL BLACK ROSE, hi. m. by [Imp.] Leviathan, dam by Arab. COLUMBUS, Junior, b. h. by Columbus, dam by Bertrand. COMPROMISE, b. m. by Nullifier, dam by Anti-Tariff. CONCHITA, ch. m. by [Imp.] Leviathan, dam Miss Bailey by [Imp. Boaster. CONSOL, Junior, br. h. by [Imp.] Consol, dam [Imp.] The Nuu'» Daughter by Filho da Puta. CORA, [Imp.'] ch. m. by Muley Moloch, dam by Champion. CORA MUNRO, ch. m. by Hugh L. White, dam by Crusher. CORDELIA, ch. m. by [Imp.] Leviathan, dam by Sir Archy. CORK, b. h. by [lmp.'\ Leviathan, dam Caledonia by Jerry. (U)RNELIA, b. m. by Skylark, dam by Arab. « '/ORONATION, ch. h. bv Laplander, dam by Oscar. WINNING HORSES SINCE l839. 67 COTTON PLANT, gr. m. by Bertrand, dam by Pacolet. COWBOY, ch. h. by Medoc, dam by Virginian. ORACKAWAY, ch. h. by Marmaduke. CRACOVIENNE, gr. m. by limp.'] Glcncoe, dam [Imp.] Gallopade by Catton. CREATH, b. h. by [Imp.] Tranby, dam by Sir Archy Montorio. CRICHTON, ch. h. by Bertrand, dam by Phenomenon. CRIPPLE, gr. m. by [Imp.] Philip, dam (Gamma's dam) by Sir Ri- chard, CROCKETT, b. h. by Crockett, dam by Sir Archy. CROTON, gr. h. by Chorister, dam by Mucklejohn. CRUCIFIX, ch. m. by [Imp.] Leviathan, dam Virginia by Sir Archy. CUB, ch. m. by ?»Iedoc, dam by Sumpter. CUMBERLAND, b. h, by [Imp.] Leviathan, dam by Sir William. CURCULIA, ch. m. by Medoc, dam by Sumpter. CZARINA, gr. m. by [Imp.] Autocrat, dam Aurora by Arab. D, JjrANDRIDGE, b. h. by Garrison's Zinganee, dam by Walnut or La- fayette. DAN MARBLE, ch. h. by Woodpecker, dam (a sister to West Flo- rida's dam) by Potomac. DAN M'INTYRE, ch. h. by Medoc, dam by Sumpter. DAN TUCKER, ch. h. by [Imp.] Belshazzar, dam by Pulaski. DANIEL BUCK, ch. h. by Collier, dam by Pacolet. DARIUS, b. h. by Orphan Boy, darn bv Cumberland. DARKNESS, bl. m. by Wagner, dazi Sally Shannon's dam'i bv Sir Richard. PARNLEY, ch. h. by John Richards, dam Lady Gray by Sir Richard. DART, b. h. by [Imp.] Doncaster, dam Jane Gray by Orphan Boy. DAVE PATTON, ch. h. by Sumpter, dam by Hamiltonian. DAVID FYLDE, b. h. by [Imp.] Fylde, dam by Clay's Sir William. DAY DREAM, br. m. by [Imp] Luzborough, dam by Sir Archy. DAYTON, ch. h. by Tormentor, dam by Tuckahoe. DECATUR, ch. h. by Henry, dam Ostrich by Eclipse. DECEPTION, b. h. by Stockholder, dam by [Imp.] Leviathan. DE LATTRE, br. h. by [Imp.] Consol, dam [Imp.] Design by Tramp, DELAWARE, b. h. by Mingo, dam by John Richards. DELPHINE, ch. m. by Sumpter. DEMOCRAT, ch. h. by [Imp.] Luzborough, dam by Eagle. DENMARK, br. h. by [Imp.] Hedgford, dam Betsey Harrison by Aratus. DENIZEN, [Imp.] h. h. by Actaeon, dam Design by Tramp. DEVIL JACK, ch. h. by [Imp.] Leviathan, dam Lady Burton b> Timoleon. DIANA CROW, bl. m. by Mark Antony, dam by Botts' Lafayette. DIAN^A SYNTAX, br. m. by Doctor Syntax, dam [Imp.] Dia.ia bv Catton. DICK COLLIER, ch. h. by Collier, dam by Whip. DICK MENIFEE, br. h. by Lance, dam by Sir William of Transpot 42 68 WINNING HORSES SINCE 1839. DOCTOR DUDLEY, b. h. by Bertrand, dam by Robin Gray. DOCTOR DUNCAN, ch. h. by Cudinus, dam by Old Court. DOCTOR FRANKLIN, ch. h. by Frank, dam Althea by Big Archy. DOCTOR WILSON, ch. h. by John Bascombe, dam Bolivia by Bo livar. DOLLY DIXON, b. m. by [hnp.] Tranby, dam Sally House by Vir- ginian. DOLLY MILAM, b. m. by [7m/).] Sarpedon, dam by Eclipse. DONCASTER, [/mjo.] bl. h. by Longwaist, dam by Muley. DONNA VIOLA, b. m. by [Imp.] Luzborough, uam (Jack Downing'* dam) by Mons. Tonson. DUANNA, gr. m. by [7m/}.] Sarpedon, dam Goodloe Washington l.y Washington. DUBLIN, gr. h. by [Imp.'] Leviathan, dam by Jerry. DUCKIE, b. m. by [Imp.] Sarpedon, dam Mary Jones by Kosciusko. DUKE SUMNER, gr. h. hy Pacific, dam by Grey Archy. DUNGANNON, b. h. by Mingo, dam by John Stanley. DUN VEGAN, b. h. by [Imp.] Trustee, dam Jemima by Rattler. E. EARL OF MARGRAVE, b. h. by [Imp.] Sarpedon, dam Dncliess of Marlborough by Sir Archy. ECLIPTIC, ch. h. by Eclipse, dam (Rodolph's dam) by Moses. EDISTA, b. h. by [Imp.] Rowton, dam Empress. EDWARD EAGLE, ch. h. by Grey Eagle, dam by Director. EFFIE, b. m. by [Imp.] Leviathan, dam by Stockholder. EL BOLERO, br. h. by Stockholder, dam by [Imp.] Leviathan. EL FURIOSO, b. h. by [Imp.] Hedgford, dam Rattlesnake by Ber- trand. ELIAS RECTOR, b. h. by [Imp.] Luzborough, dam Kate Blair. ELI ODOM, br. h. by [Lyip.] Leviathan, dam Chuckfahila by Ber- trand. ELIZA CULVERT (or Calvert), ch. m. by Cymon, dam Lady Sum ner by Shawnee. ELIZA HUGHES, b. m. by Marmion, dam by Whip. ELIZA JANE, b. m. by [Imp.] Monarch, dam Big Jinny by Rattler. ELIZA ROSS, b. m. by Marmion, dam by Tiger or Whip (or Tigei Whip). ELIZABETH GRE ATHOUSE, b. m. by Masaniello, dam by Waxy. ELIZABETH JONES, m. by Pacific, dam by Mons. Tonson. ELLA, ch. m. by Young Virginian, dam by Harwood. ELLEN HUTCHINSON, ch. m. by [Imp.] Leviathan, dam by Ber traiid. ELLEN CARNELL, ch. m. by [Imp] Behhazzar, dam by [Imp., Leviathan. ELLEN JORDAN, b. m. by (Imp.) Jordan, dam Ellen Tiee bv Henry. ELLEN PERCY, ch. m. by Godolphin, dam by (Jw;).) Bedford. ■ ch. m. by Godolphin, dam by Financier. EJLLEN WALKER, b. m. by (Imp.) Consol, dam (Imp.) Plenty y? Emihus. BLLISIF, b. ra. by PlatofF, dam by Mucklejohn. WINNING HORSES SINCE 1839. 69 ELLIPTIC, ch. h. by Monmouth Eclipse, dam Amanda by Revenge ELOISE, cii. m. by (Imp.) Luzborough, dam Mary Wasp by Dou Quixotte. ELVIRA, ch. m. by Red Gauntlet, dam by Rob Roy. EMERALD, b. m. by (Imp.) Leviathan, dam (Imp.) Eliza by Ru bens. EMIGRANT, gr. h. by Cadet, dam by (Imp.) Contract. EMILY, ch. m. by Medoc, dam Spider by Almanzar. br. m. by (Imp.) Priam, dam by Tom Tough. (Imp.) b. m. by Emilius, dam Elizabeth by Rainbow. FAMILY SPEED, ch. m. by (Imp.) Leviathan, dam by Pacolet EMMET, b. h. by Bertrand, dam by Gallatin. ESMERALDA, b. m. by Pressure, dam by Murat. ESPER SY^KES, (Mp.) br. h. by Belshazzar, dam Capsicum by Emilius. ESTA, gr. m. by Bolivar, dam by (Imp.) Barefoot. ESTHER WAKE, gr. m. by (Imp.) Luzborough, dam by Stock- holder. ETHIOPIA, bl. m. by Dashall, dam by (Imp.) Expedition. EUDORA, br. m. by Jefferson, dam by Oscar. EUCLID, br. h. by (Imp.) Luzborough, dam by Sir Archy. EUTAW, b. h. by (Imp.) Chateau Margaux, dam by Sir Charles. EVERGREEN, ch. m. by Wild Bill, dam by Sir Charles. EXTIO, b. m. by (Imp.) Leviathan, dam (Imp.) Refugee by Wan- derer. F. FANCY, br. m. by (Imp.) Fylde, dam by Sir Archy. FANDANGO, gr. m. by (Imp.) Leviathan, dam (Imp.) Gallopade by Catton. FANNY, ch. m. by Eclipse, dam Maria West by Marion. (J. Guildersleeve's), bl. m. by Sidi Hamet, dam by Sump- ter. (Joseph Alston's), b. m. by Woodpecker, dam Fan by Trumpator. FANNY BAILEY, ch. m. by Andrew, dam by Bertrand. FANNY FORESTER, b. m. by (Imp.) Emancipation, dam by In- dustry. FANNY GREEN, b. m. by (Imp.) Trustee, dam Betsey Archy by Sir Archy. FANNY KING, b. m. by (Imp.) Glencoe, dam Mary Smith by Sir Richard. FANNY LIGHTFOOT, b. m. by Stockholder, dam by Sumpter. FANNY ROBERTSON, b. m. by (Imp.) Priam, dam Arietta by Vir ginian. FANNY STRONG, ch. m. by (Mp.) Leviathan, dam Sally Bell ly Sir Archy. FANNY WYATT, ch. m. by Sir Charles, dam by Sir HaL FAN TAIL, ch. m. by Waxy, dam by Sumpter. FAIRLY FAIR, ch. m. by (Imp.) Luzborough* dam by Peter Teazle. FAITH, b. rrx. by (Imp.) Tranby, dam Lady Painter by Lauc«» FASHION, ch. m. by (Imp.) Trustee, dam Bonnets O'Blue by ^ Charles. 7C WINNING HORSES SINCE 1839. FEATHERS, ch. rn. by (^Imp.) Leviathan, dam (George Kendall's (lam) by Stockholder. FESTIVITY, b. h. by (^Imp.) Leviathan, dam Magnolia by Mon& Tonson. FIAT, b. m. by (Imp.) Hedgford, dam Lady Tompkins by Eclipse. FIFER, b. h. by Monmouth Eclipse, dam Music by John Richards. FILE-LEADER, ch. h. by (Imp.) Barefoot, dam Saluda by Timo leon. FINANCE, b. m. by Davy Crocket, dam by Sir Henry Tonson. FLASH, b. m. by (Imp.) Leviathan, dam by Conqueror. FLAXINELLA, gr. m. by (Imp.) Leviathan, dam by Virginian. FLEETFOOT, gr. m. by (/wjjt;.) Barefoot, dam Dove by Duroc. FLETA (James L. French's) br. m. by (Imp.) Sarpedon, dam by Rasselas. (G. B. Williams's), ch. h. by (Imp.) Leviathan, dam by Clay's Sir William. FLIGHT, ch. m. by (Imp.) Leviathan, dam by Sir Charles. FLORA HUNTER, gr. m. by Sir Charles, dam by Duroc. FORDHAM, ch. h. by Eclipse, dam Janene by Sir Archy. FORTUNATUS, ch. h. by Carolinian, dam by Sir Charles. FORTUNE, b. m. by (Imp.) Tranby, dam by Maryland Eclipse, FRANCES AMANDA, ch. m. by Pennoyer, dam Sally McGrath. FRANCES TYRREL, b. m. by Bertrand, dam by Rockingham. FRED KAYE, b. h. by Grey Eagle, dam by Moses. FRESHET, ch. m. by Tom Fletcher, dam Caroline (or Catherine) by Pacific. FREE JACK, br. h. by (Im]}.) Luzborough, dam (Imp.) Tinsel by Napoleon. FROSTY, ch. h. by Eclipse, dam Martha Holloway by Rattler. FURY, bl. m. by Terror, dam by Smith's Bedford. (Col. Wade Hampton's), ch. m. by (Imp.) Priam, dam (Imp.) sister to Ainderby by Velocipede. GABRIEL, ch. h. by Napoleon, dam Harpalyce by Collier. GALANTHA, b. m. by (Imp.) Leviathan, dam by Jackson. GAMMA, gr. m. by Pacific, dam (Melzare's dam) by Sir Richard. GANO, b. h. by Eclipse, dam Betsey Richards by Sir Archy. GARRICK, gr. h. by (Imp.) Shakspeare, dam by Eaton's Columbus GARTER, b. m. by (Imp.) Glencoe, dam by Trumpator. GAS-LIGHT, br. h. by (Imp.) Merman, dam by Mercury. GAZAN, b. h. by Sir Leslie, dam Directress by Director. GENERAL DEBUYS, ch. h. by (Imp.) Leviathan, dam (Im-. Nanny Kilham by Voltaire. GENERAL RESULT, b. h. by (Imp.) Consol, dam by Timoleon. GENEVA, ch. m. by Medoc, dam by Arab. GEORGE BURBRIDGE, b. h. by (Imp.) Chateau Margaux, dam b) Mons. Tonson. GEORGE ELLIOTT, br. h. by (Imp.) Leviathan, dam by Lawrence UEORGE LIGHTFOOT, b. U. by Eclipse Lightfoot, dam Mh*7 Logan by Arab. WINNINIA HOUSES SINCE 1839. 7j GEORGE MARTIN, b. h. by Garrison's Ziiiganee, dam Gabriolla by Sir Arch v. GEORGE W. KENDALL, ch. h. by Medoc, dam Jemiy Devers by Stockholder. GEROW, ch. h. by Henry, dam Vixen by Eclipse. GERTRUDE, b. m. by (Imp.) Leviathan, dam Parasol by Napoleon GIFT, ch. m. by Dick Chinn, dam Milch Cow. GIPSEY, b. m. by Nul lifter, dam by Anti-Tariff. RLENARA, b. h. by (Imp.) Rowton, dam Nell Gwynne by Tramp. ..__ (Davis &. Ragland's,) ch. m. by (Imp.) Glencoe, dam Kitty Clover by Sir Charles. (Dr. Thos. Payne s,) b. m. by (Imp.) Leviathan, dam Jane Shore by Sir Archy. GLIDER, ch. h. by (Imp.) Valparaiso, dam by Clifton. GLIMPSE, b. h. by Medoc, dam by Tiger. G LOR VINA, ch. m. by Industry, dam by Bay Richmond. GLOVER ANN, gr. m. by (Imp.) Autocrat, dam by Bolivar. GOLD EAGLE, ch. h. by Grey Eagle, dam Eliza Jenkins by Sir William. GOLD FRINGE, ch. h. by (Imp.) Glencoe, dam (Imp.) Gold Wire. GONE AWAY, b. h. by (Imp.) Leviathan, dam by Virginian. GOSPORT, br. h. by (Imp.) Margrave, dam Miss Valentine by (Imp.) Valentine. GOVERNOR BARBOUR, b. h. by (Imp.) Truffle, dam by Holmes' Vampire. GOVERNOR BUTLER, ch. h. by Argyle, dam Mary Frances by Director. GOVERNOR CLARK, ch. h. by Medoc, dam by Old Court. GOVERNOR POINDEXTER, ch. h. by (Imp.) Leviathan, dam Eliza Clay (the dam of Giantess,) by Mons. Tonson. GRACE DARLING, ch. m. by (Imp.) Trustee, da?n Celeste by ■ Henry. GRA3IPUS, b. h. by (Imp.) Whale, dam by Timoleon. br. h. by Shark, dam by Mons. Tonson. GRATTAN, b. h. by (Mp.) Chateau Margaux, dam Flora by Mary- land Eclipse. GREY ELLA, (A. G. Reed,) gr. m. by Big Archy, dam by Bertrand. (A. G. Reed,) gr. m. by Collier, dam by Gallatin GREY^ FRANK, gr. h. by Frank, dam by Buzzard. GREY-HEAD, (J. L. Bradley's,) b. h. by Chorister, dam by Sumpter (J L. Bradley's,) b. h. by Chorister, dam by Muckle John. GREY MARY, gr. m. by Ben. Sutton, dam by Hamiltonian. GREY MEDOC, gr. h. by Medoc, dam Grey Fanny by Bertrand. GREY MOMUS, gr. h. by Hard Luck, dam by Mons. Tonson. GUINEA-COCK, br. h. by Merlin, dam by Grey-tail Florizel. GULNARE, b. m. by (Imp.) Sarpedon, dam by Sir William of Transport. RUSTAVUS, b. h. by Sussex, dam by Thornton's Rattler GUY OF WARWICK, ch. h. by Frank, dam by Ha ttiiltonian. 49» 72 WIHfSriNG HOKSES SINCE 1839. H. Hannah Harris, b. m. by Benrand, dam Grey Goose oy Pacolel HANNIBAL, b. h. by OKelly, dam Roxana by Sir Charles. HA'-PUNNY, b. m. by Birmingham, dam Picayune by Medoc. HARDENED SINNER, b. h. by (Imp.) Philip, dam by (Imp.) Bluster. HARD CIDER, b. h. by (Imp.) Tranby, dam by Sir Charles. HARK-AWAY, eh. h. by Emilius, dam (Imp.) Trapes. HARPALYCE, eh. m. by Collier, dam by Sea-Scrpent. HARRIET, ch. m. by Eclipse, dam by Shylock. HARRY BLUFF, bl. h. by (Imp.) Autocrat, dam by Pakenham. HARRY CARGILL, ch. h. by (Imp.) Leviathan, dam (Imp.) Flo- rentine by Whisker. HARRY HILL, b. h. by (Imp.) Chateau Margaux, dam (Imp.) Anna Maria by Truffle'. HARRY WHITEMAN, ch. h. by Orphan Boy, dam by Sir Archy. HAWK-EYE, ch. h. by Sir Lovell, dam Eliza Jenkins by Sir Wil- liam. HEAD 'EM, b, h. by (Imp.) Trustee, dam Itasca by Eclipse. HEALER, ch. m. by Monmouth Eclipse, dam by Sir Archy of Transport. HEBE, ch. m. by Collier, dam by Bertrand. HECTOR BELL, gr. h. by Drone, dam Mary Randolph by Gohanna. HEIRESS, (THE) ch. m. by (Imp.) Trustee, dam by Henry. HELEN, (Imp.) b. m. by (Imp.) Priam, dam Malibran by Rubens. HENRY A. WISE, br. h. by Dashall, dam by Hickory. HENRY CLAY. br. h. by Cock of the Rock, dam by Virginian. HENRY CROWELL, b. h. by Bertrand Junior, dam sister to Muckle- John Junior. HERALD, ch. h. by Plenipotentiary, dam (Imp.) Delphine by Whisker. HERMIONE, ch. m. by (Imp.) Non Plus, dam Leocadia by Virginian. HERO, ch. h. by Bertrand Junior, dam (Imp.) Mania by Figaro. HIT-OR-MISS, b. m. by (Imp.) Somonocodrom, dam (Imp.) Baya- dere. [These horses are owned in Canada.] HOOSIER-GIRL, ch. m. by (Imp.) Langford. HOPE, ch. h. by the Ace of Diamonds, dam (The Captain's dam,) by Oscar. HORNBLOWER, br. h. by Monmouth Eclipse, dam Music by Jehu Richards. HOURI, (Imp.) ch. m. by Langar, dam Annot Lyle by Ashtott. HUGUENOT, ch. h. by Convention, dam (Imp.) Marigold. HUMMING-BIRD, br. m. by Industry, dam Virginia by Thornton 'i Rattle . HUNTSMAN, gr. h. by (Imp.) Leviathan, dam by Pacolet. HYDE PARK, ch. h. by (Imp.) Barefoot, dam Saluda by Tlmolecii I. lAGO, bl. h. by Othello, dam (Sartin's dam,) by Timoleon. <.CETiAND, ch. h. by Medoc, dam Lady Jackson by SumpLer ILLINOIS^ b. h. by Medoc, dam by Bertrand. WINNING HORSES SINCE 1839. 73 /OWA, ch. h. by {Imp.) Barefoot, dam (Imp.) Woodbine. IRENE, ro. m. by Printer, dam McKinney's Roan. ISEE TURNER, cli. in. bv (Imp.) Leviathan, dam by Stockholdt;^ ISIDORA, b. m. by {Imp.) Blacklock. ISOLA, ch. m. by Bertrand, dam Susette. J. JACK DOWNING, b. h. by Pacific, dam by Mons. Tonson. JACK PENDLETON, ch. h. by Goliah, dam (Pliilip's dam,) by Tra falgar. JACK WALKER, ch. h. by Cymon, dam by (Imp.) Luzborough. JAMES ALLEN, ch. h. by {Imp.) Leviathan, dam Donna Maria by Sir Hal. JAMES CROWELL, br. h. by Bertrand, dam by Sir Charles. JAMES JACKSON, ch. h. by {Imp.) Leviathan, dam Parasol by Tiger. JAMES F. ROBINSON, ch. h. by Medoc, dam by Potomac. JAMES K. POLK, b. h. by {Imp.) Luzborough, dam Oleana by Tele- graph. b. h. by Telegraph, dam by Buzzard. ch. h. by Buck-eye, dam by Medoc. JANE ADAMS, b. m. by {Imp.) Tranby. JANE FRANCIS, b. m. by Gran by, dam by Tecumseh. JANE MITCHELL, ch. m. by {Imp.) Leviathan, dam by Conqueror. JANE ROGERS, ch. m. by {Imp.) Leviathan, dam by Sir Charles. JANE SMITH, b. m. by John Dawson, dam by Pacolet. JANE SPLANE, gr. m. by {Imp.) Autocrat, dam Helen McGregor by Mercury. JEANETTE BERKELEY, ch. m. by Bertrand jr., dam Carolina by Young Buzzard. JEANNETTON, ch. m. by {Imp.) Leviathan, dam by Stockholder. JENNY-ARE-YOU-THERE, ro. m. by Sir Archy IVIontorio, dam by Potomac. JENNY RICHMOND, ch. m. by Medoc, dam by Hamiltonian. JENNY ROBERTSON, b. m. by {Lnp.) Luzborough, dam by Marcus. JEROME, b. h. by {Imp.) Luzborough, dam by Sir Charles. JERRY, gr. h. by Jerry, dam by Blackburn's Sir William. JERRY LANCASTER, ch. g. by Mark Moore, dam Maid of Warsa^^ by Gohanna. JIM BELL, b. h. by Frank, dam Jonquil by Little John. JIM ROCK, ch. h. by Young Eclipse, dam by Potomac. JOB, b. h. by Eclipse, dam Jemima by Rattler. JOE, ch. h. by Medoc, dam by Sir Archy Montorio. JOE ALLEN, ch. h. by Goliah, dam by Sir Charles. JOE CHALMERS, ch. h. by {Imp.) Consol, dam {Mp.) Rachel by Partisan (or Whalebone). JOE DAVIS, b. h. by Eclipse, dam Virginia Washington by Saxa Weimar. JOE GATES, ch. h. by Marlborough, dam by Eclipse. JOE MURRAY, br. h. by Waxy, dam by Hamiltonian. ;0E STURGES, ch. h. by John Bascombe, dam by Thomas s ir Andrew. JOE WINFIELD, b. h. by John Dawson, dam Sally Dillard. M WINNING HORSES SINCE 1839. TOIIIN ANDERSON, b. h. by {Imp.) Luzborough, dam by Bagdad. cl). h. by Cadmus, dam (Kate Anderson's dainj by {Imp.) Gagle. JOHN ARCHY, ch. h. by Johi Richards, dam by Old Whip. JOHN BEl-L, b. h. by Shark, dam Kate Kearney. JOHN BENTON, gr. h. by {Imp.) Leviathan. JOHN BLEVINS, ch. h. by Tlie Colonel, dam {Imp.) Trinket. JOHN B. JONES, b. h. by Bertrand, dam by Director. JOHN BLUNT, b. h. by Marion, dam (Mary Blunt's dam,) by Alfred. JOHN CAUSIN, b. h. by {Imp.) Zinganee, dam Attaway by Sir James. JOHN C. STEVENS, ch. h. by Medoc, dam by Sumpter. JOHN DUNKIN, b. h. by Mucklejohn, dam (Coquette. JOHN FRANCIS, ch. h. by Francis Marion, dam Mary Doubleday by Sir Henry. JOHN HAMPDEN, eh. h. by Goliah, dam by Director. JOHN HUNTER, b. h. by Shark, dam Coquette by Sir Archy. 'OHN KIRKMaN, ch. h. by Birmingham, dam by Sir Henry Tonson. JOHN LEMON, ch. h. by Uncas, dam by Oscar. JOHN MALONE, ch. h. by {Imp.) Leviathan, dam Proserpine by Tennepsee Oscar. JOHN MARSHALL, b. h. by {Imp.) Luzborough, dam Lady Bass by Conqueror. JOHN R. GRYMES, gr. h. by {Imp.) Leviathan, dam Alice Grey by Pacolet. (Col. A. L. Biiigaman'.s,) gr. h. by {Imp.) Levia- than, dam Fanny Jarman by Mercury. JOHN ROSS, bl. h. by Waxy, dam by Topgallant. ch. h. by {Imp.) Leviathan, dam by Oscar. JOHN VALIANT, bl. h. by Valiant, dam by King's Archer. JOHN YOUNG, b. h. by John Richards, dam by Trumpator. JOHNSON, br. h. by Star, dam Vanity by Grigsby's Potomac. JOSHUA BELL, ch. h. by Frank, dam Jonquil by Little John. JOYCE ALLEN, b. m. by {Imp.) Emancipation, dam Leannah by Seagull. JULIA, b. m. by {Imp.) Rowton, dam by Roscius. JUl>IA BURTON, ch. m. by Gohanna, dam by Tom Tough. JULIA DAVIE, ch, m. by {Imp.) Rowton, dam by Kosciusko. JULIA FISHER, ro. m. by {Imp.) Luzborough, dam Polly Bellew by Timoleon. JULIUS, ch. h. by {Imp.) Luzborough, dam by Jackson. JUMPER, ch. h. by Timoleon, dam Diana Vernon by Herod. K. KANAWA, ch. h. by Medoc, dam by Rattler. KATE, b. f. by Monmouth Eclipse, dam Shepherdess by Apollo. KATE ANDERSON, b. m. by Columbus, dam Eaglet by {Imp.) Eagle. KATE AUBREY, gr. m. by Eclipse, dam Grey Fanny by Bertrand. KATF CONVERSE, b. m. by {Imp.) Non Plus, dam Daisj bv Kosciusko. KATE COY, b. m. by Critic, dam Nancy Bone by Susses. iCATE HAUN, br. m. by Stockholder, dam by Timoleoo WINNING HORSES SINCE 1839. 75 KATE LUCKETT, b. m. by Monmouth Eclipse, dam Shepherdess by Apollo. KATE NICKLEBY, br. m. by (Imp.) Trustee, dam by Teniers, b. m. by (Imp.) Glencoe, dam by (Imp.) Levia than. KATE SEYTON, br. m. by Argyle, dam Pocahontas by Sir Archy. KATE SHELBY, eh. m. by {Imp.) Leviathan, dam Maria Shelby by Stockholder. KAVANAGH, b. or ch. h. by Bertrand, dam by Director. KEWANNA, b. m. by (Imp.) Cetus, dam (Imp.) My Lady by Comua KITTY HARRIS, gr. m. by (Imp.) Priam, dam Ninon de I'Enclos by Rattler. KITTY THOMPSON, gr. m. by (Imp.) Margrave, dam Ninon de I'Enclos by Rattler. LA BACCHANTE, ch. m. by {Imp.) Glencoe, dam by Bertrand. LA BELLA COMBS, ch. m. by Andrew, dam by Director. LADY CANTON, gr. m. by (Imp.) Tranby, dam Mary Randolph b Gohanna. LADY CAVA, ch. m. by Bertrand, dam Betsey Echols by Archy Montorio. LADY FRANCIS, b. m. by Trumpator, dam (Pressure's grandam.) LADY FRANKLIN, b. m. by (Imp.) Luzborough, dam Sting by Con queror. LADY HARRISON, b. m. by Sir Henry, dam by Mucklejohn. LADY JACKSON, -. m. by Sumpter. LADY JANE, gr. m. by {Imp.) Leviathan, dam Lady Grey by Orphan Boy. LADY PLAQUEMINE, ch. m. by Little Red, dam by (Imp.) Eagle. LADY PLYMOUTH, b. m. by Flagellator, dam Black Sophia by Eclipse. LADY SKIPETH, m. by (Imp.) Leviathan, dam by Truxton. LADY SLIPPER, ch. m. by (Imp.) Leviathan. LADY STOCK, ch. m. by Stockholder, dam by Potomac. LADY SUSAN, b. m. by Cramp, dam by Pantaloon. LAFITTE, gr. h. by O'Kelly, dam Caroline Wilson by Timoleon. LANDSCAPE, b. h. by (Imp.) Margrave, dam by Sir Archy. LANGHAM, ch. h. by Medoc, dam by Cumberland. LANEVILLE, ch. h. by Eclipse, dam by Arab. LASSO, b. m. by Mucklejohn, dam by Gallatin. LAURA, b. m. by Medoc, dam by Moses. LAURA LECOMTE, b. m. by Tarquin, dam Sarah by (Imp.) S^. pedon. I AURETTE, ch. m. by Jerseyman, dam Maria Harrison. LAVINIA PIPER, ch. m. by (Imp.) Leviathan, dam by Murphy i Pacolet. LAVOLTA, b. m. by Medoc, dam by Blackburne's Buzzard. LAWYER McCAMPEELL, b. h. by Lord Byron, dam Warping Bars by Rattle the Cash. LED A, ch. m. by Tiger, dam by Sumpter. LEESBURG, ch. h. by Red Rover, dam by Tuckahoe. LEG-BAIL, ch. h. by Jackson, dam by Marshal Ney. LEG-TREASURER, ch. h. by Medoc, dam by Cumberland. ^6 WINNING HORSES SINCE 1839. LEHIGH, ch. K. by {Ivip.) Skylark, dam Nelly Webb by Industry. LENNOX, b. h. by {Imp.) 'I'rustce, dam {Imp.) Rosalind by Pawlowitz LESLIE, ch. h. by {Imp.) Leviathan, dam by Stockholder. LETTY FLOYD, ch. m. by {Imp.) Rowton, dam Palmetto by Rob Roy LEVI, -. h. by Star, dam by Walnut. LEVITHA, ch. m. by {Imp.) Leviathan. LEXPIHILI, ch. m. by Hugh L. White, dam by Pacolet. LIATUNAH, ch. m. by {Imp.) Aiiiderby, dam {Imp.) Jenny Mills jy Whisker. LIBERALITY, ch. h. by Maryland Eclipse, dam by Sir Alfred. LIBERTAS, ch. h. by Eclipse, dam by Director. LIEUTENANT BASSi\GER, br. h. by {Imp.) Fylde, dam by Roanoke. LIKENESS, {Imp.) ch. m. by Sir Peter Lely, dam Worthless by Walnut. LILY, gr. m. by Tychicus, dam Laura by Rob Roy. LIMBER JOHN, ch. h. by Kosciusko, dam by Moses. LIN WOOD, ch. h. by Wild Bill, dam by Pacolet, LITTLE BARTON, b. h. by Bertrand, dam by Hamiltonian. LITTLE BLUE, gr. h. by Marmion, dam by Tecumseh. LITTLE MISERY, b. m. by Anvil, dam {Imp.) Anna Maria by Truffle. LITTLE PRINCE, gr. h. by John Bascombe, dam Bolivia by Bolivar. LITTLE RED, ch. h. by Medoc, dam by Sumpter. LITTLE TRICK, b. h. by {Imp.) Tranby, dam (Occident's dam,) by Florizel. LIVE OAK, b. h. by {Imp.) Luzborough, dam by Pacific. LIVINGSTON, gr. h. by Medley, dum by Van Tromp. b. h. by {Imp.) Trustee, dam by Henry, LIZ LONG, br. m. by {Imp.) Merman, dam by Alplieus. LIZ TILLETT, ch. m. by Frank, dam by Medoc. LIZZY HEWITT, b. m. by Ivanhoe, dam Princess Ann by Mons Tonson. LOG-CABIN, ch. h. by Frank, dam by Hamiltonian. LONG TOM, ch. h. by Pacific, dam by Jerry. LORD OF LORN, br. h. by Argyle, dam Maria by Virginian. ■ br. h. by Argyle, dam Duck Filly by Virginias. LORD OF THE ISLES, gr. h. by Pacific, dam by Jerry. LORENZO, b. h. by Bertrand, dam by Whip. LORINDA, ch. m. by Havoc, dam by Conqueror. LOUISA JORDAN, ch. m. by {Imp.) Jordan, dam Betsey Marshal by John Richards. LOUISA WINSTON, b. m, by Waxy. LUCRETIA NOLAND, br. m. by {Imp.) Hedgford, dam Frances Ann by Frank. LUCY A. MEYER, b. m. by Pacific, dam by Sir Richard. LUCY BENTON, br. m. by Hugh L. White, dam by Moloch. LUCY DASHWOOD, gr. m. by {Imp.) Leviathan, dam Miss Bailey by {Imp.) Boaster. LUCY FULLER, ch. m. by Edipf^c, dam by Pakenham. LUCY LONG, ni. by John Richards, dam by Diomed. b, m, by Latitude, dam by Whip. LUCY WEP.B, ch. m. by Medoc, dam by Sumpter. WINNING HORSES SINCE 1839. '**? LUDA, b. m. by Mcdac, dam Duchess of Marlborough by Sir Archy LUNA DOE, ch. in. by (hnp.) Leviatiian, darn Telle Doe by Pucific L'ixVD HURST, ch. h. by {Imp.) Leviathan, dam by Wonder. LYNEDOCH, ch. h. by ilmjp.) Leviathan, dam by Wonder. M. MABEL WYNNE, b. m. by (Imp.) Rowton, dam by Sir Archy. MADAME ARRALINE, ch. m. by Medoc, dam by Cadmus. MAFFIT, b. h. by Frank, dam by Aratus. MAGNATE, ch. h. by Eclipse, dam Cherry Elliott by Sumpter MAID OF ATHENS, b. m. by {Imp.) Priam, dam by Arab. MAID OF NORTHAMPTON, gr. m. by {Imp.) Autocrat, dam bj Rattler. MAJOR BOOTS, br. h. by {Imp.) Merlin, dam by Alborak. MANALOPAN, gr. b. by Medley, dam by John Richards. MANGO, {Imp.) ch. m. by Taurus, dam Pickle by Emilius. MARCHIONESS, ch. m. by {Imp.) Rowton, dam (Fancy's da.ni) bj Sir Archy. MARCO, b. h, by Sir Leslie, dam by Lance. MARGARET CARTER, b. m. by Medoc, dam Lady Whip by Sii Archy. MARGARET BLUNT, b. m. by Eclipse, dam by Contention. MARGARET WOOD, b. m. by {Imp.) Priam, dam Maria West by Marion. MARIA, ch. m. by {Imp.) Jordan, dam Polly Powell by Virginian. MARIA BLACK, {Imp.) br. m. by Filho da Puta, dam by Smolensko, MARIA BROWN, br. m. by {Imp.) Luzborough, dam Brunette by Sir Hal. MARIA COLLIER, br. m. by Collier, dam by Gallatin. MARIA MILLER, br. m. by Stockholder, dam by Madison. MARIA PEYTON, ch. m. by Balie Peyton, dam by Tariff. MARIA SHELTON, ch. m. by Andrew, dam (Ajarrah Harrison's dam) by Gallatin. MARIA SPEED, ch. m. by {Imp.) Leviathan, dam by Pacific. MARIA WILLIAMS, ch. m. by {Imp.) Leviathan, dam by Napoleon MARINER, bl. h. by Shark, dam Bonnet's o' Blue by Sir Charles. MARION, b. m. by {Imp.) Autocrat, dam by Rob Roy. MARTHA BICKER TON, b. m. by Pamunky, dam by Tariff. MARTHA CARTER, ch. m. by Bertrand, dam Sally Naylor by Gal latin. ch. m. by Bertrand, dam by Oscar. MARTHA CALVIN, b. m. by Agrippa, dam by Walnut. MAR THA MALONE, b. m. by (Imp.) Leviathan, dam Tatchecant by Bertrand. MARTHA RANEY, b. m. by {Imp.) Luzborough, dam by Sumplei. MARTHA ROWTON, ch. m. by {Imp.) Rowton, dam Martha Griffin by Phenomenon. MARTHAVILLE, b. m. by Dick Singleton, dam Black-Eyed Susan MATCHEM, ch. h. by {Imp.) Luzborough, dam by P':nd Jackson. iMARTIN'S JUDY, br. m. by Young's Mercury, dam by Eclipse. MARTIN VAN BUREN, b. h. by Lafayette Stockholder, dam by I» diar MARY, gr. m. by Old Saul, dam by Free Mulatto. 78 '.VINNING HORSES SINCE 1839. MARY, gr. m. by {Imp.) Consol, dam Sally Bell by Sir Archy. MARY ANN FURMAN, br. in. by (Imp.) Sarpedon, dam by Bor- trand. MARY BEECHLAND, b. m. by Sir Leslie, dam by Potomac. MARY BELL, b. m. by Seagull, dam (Vidocq's dam) by Stockholder MARY BRENNAN, b. m. by Richard Singleton, dam by Hamiltonian. MARY BURNHAM, b. m. by Archy Montorio, dam by Stockholder. MARY CHASE, b. m. by (Imp.-) Felt, dam by Sir Archy. MARY CHURCHILL, b. m. by (hnp.) Barefoot. MARY DOUGLAS, gr. m. by Jerry, dam by Stockholder. MARY ELIZABETH, ch. m. by Andrew, dam by Gallatin. MARY ELLEN, b. m. by Woodpecker, dam by Sumpter. MARY HEDGFORD, br. m. by (Imp.) Hedgford, dam Mary Francic by Director. MARY JONES, ch. m. by (Imp.) Barefoot, dam by Eclipse. MARY LEWIS, ch. m. by (Imp.) Leviathan, dam Proserpine by Os car. MARY LONG, b. m. by (Imp.) Tranby, dam Lady Pest by Carolinian. MARY LUCKETT, ch. m. by Marion, dam (Charles Archy's dam) by Eclipse. MARY MASON, br. m. by Pirate, dam by {Imp.) Consol. MARY MEADOWS, ch. m. by Stockholder, dam by Timoleon. MARY MILLER, ch. m. by Arab, dam by Peacemaker. MARY MORRIS, b. m. by Medoc, dam Miss Obstinate by Sumpter. Mary OUSLEY, br. m. by King's Bertrand, dam by Pacolet. MARY PORTER, ch. m. by Mucklejohn, dam by Printer. MARY REED, br. m. by Industry, dam by Rattler. MARY RODGERS, b. m. by (Mp.) Hibiscus, dam Ten Brueck'a dam. MARY SCOTT, b. m. by Bertrand, dam by Blackburn's Whip. MARY SHERWOOD, b. m. by Stockholder, dam by (Imp,) Levia- than. MARY STEWART, b. m. by (Imp.) Valentine, dam by Henry. MARY THOMAS, b. m. by (Imp.) Consol, dam Parrot by Roanoke. MARY TRIFLE, ch. m. by Medoc, dam by Hamiltonian. MARY VAUGHAN, b. m. by Waxy, dam by (Imp.) Bluster. MARY WALTON, ch. m. by (Imp.) Leviathan, dam Miss Bailey by (Imp.) Boaster. MARY WATSON, gr. m. by Robin Hood, dam Bolivia by Bolivar. MARY WELLER, ch. m. by Sterling, dam Discord by (Imp.) liuzbo- rough. MARY WICKLIFFE, b. m. bv Medoc. MARY WYNNE, b. m. by Eclipse, dam Flirtilla Jr. by Sir Archy. MASTER HENRY, b. h. by Henry, dam (Balie Peyton's dam) by Eclipse. MAT. MURPHY, ch. h. by Pete Whetstone, dam by Rattler. MEDINA, b. m. by (Imp.) Barefoot, dam by Director. ME DOC A, ch. m. by Medoc, dam by Doublehead. ME DORA WINSTON, b. m. by Telegraph, dam by Pacolet. MELISSE BYRON, b. rn. by Cherokee, dam by Barnett's Diomed. MELODY, ch. m. by Medoc, dam (Randolph's dam) hy HaxaJl's Mosea MERCER en. h. by Woodpecker, dam by Hamiltonian WINNING HORSES SINCE 1839. 79 MERIDIAN, ch. h. by {Imp.) Barefoot, dam by Eclipse. METARIE, ch. m. by Frank, dam (Musedora's dam) by Kosciusko. ME TEOR, ch. h. by (Imp.) Priam, dam (Baltimore's dam) by Gro- hanna. McINTYRE, ch. h. by Medoc, dam by Sumpter. MIDNIGHT, bl. m. hy Sliark, dam Meg Dods, by Sir Archy. MIDAS, b. h. by (Imp.) Rowlon, dam by Roanoke. MILTON HARRISON, b. h. by Orange Boy, dam by Quicksilver. MINERVA ANDERSON, ch. m. by (Imp.) Luzborough, dam by Sir Charles. MINERVA PROFFIT, ch. m. by (,Imp.) Luzborough, dam Sophia Bess. MINISTER, b. h. by Medoc, dam by Alexander. MINSTREL, b. m. by Medoc, dam by Bedford's Alexander. MINT JULEP, br. h. by Godolphin, dam Isora by Dockon. MIRABEAU, b. h. by Medoc, dam Ann Merry by Sumpter. MIRIAM, b. m. by (Imp.) Autocrat, dam Laura by Rob Roy. MIRTH, b. m. by Medoc, dam (Minstrel's dam) by Bedford's Alexan- der. MISKWA, ch. m. by Dick Chinn, dam Linnet by {Imp.) Leviathan. MISSISSIPPI, b. h. by John Dawson, dam by Partnership. MISSOURI, ch. m. by Eclipse, dam by Director. MISTAKE, b. m. by Eclipse, dam by Timoleon. MISS ACCIDENT, {Imp.) h. m. by Tramp, dam Florestine by Whis- MISS ANDREW, ch. m. by Andrew, dam by Gallatin. MISS BELL, b. m. by {Imp.) Consol, dam {Imp.) Amanda by Morisca MISS CHESTER, b. m. by {Imp.) Sarpedon, dam Delilah by Tiger. MISS CLARK, ch. m. by Birmingham, dam by Cumberland. MISS CLASH, ch. m. by Birmingham, dam by Stockholder. MISS CLINKER, {Imp.) b. m. by Humphrey Clinker, dam Mani.. by Maniac. MISS FOOTE, b. m. by {Imp.) Consol, dam {Imp.) Gabriella by Oscar (or Oiseau). VILSS JACKSON, ch. m. by Oakland, dam by Diomed. MISS LETTY, b. m. by {Imp.) Priam, dam Patty Burton by Marion. MISS MACARTY, b. m. by Waxy. MISS RIDDLE, ch. m. by {Imp.) Riddlesworth, dam Lady Jackson by Sumpter. MISS WILLS, gr. m. by {Imp.) Zinganec, dam Sorrow by Rob Roy. MOBILE, b. h. by {Imp.) Consol, dam {Imp.) Sessions by Whalebone. MOLLY LONG, ch. m. by Tom Fletcher, dam by {Imp.) Janus. MOLLY WARD, b. m. by {Imp.) Hedgford, dam by Bertrand. MOLOCH, {Imp.) b. h. by Muley Moloch, dam Sister to Puss by Te niers. MONARCH, {Imp.) h- h. by Priam, dam Delphine by Wliisker. MONGRELIA, ch. m. by Medoc, dam Brownlock bv Tiger. MONKEY DICK, b. h. by Dick Singleton, dam by Sumpter MORDAC, ch. ii. by Eclipse, dam by Whip. MORGAN, ch. h. by John Bascombc, dam Amy Hamilton. MORGIANA, ch. m. by Red Gauntlet, dam by Joe Kent. MORTIMER, ch. h. by Monmouth Eclipse, dam by Ogle's Oscar 43 80 WINNING HORSES SINCE 1839. MOSELLE (Colonel Gavan's), b. m. by Telegraph, dam {Imp.} Jan* chore. MOSELLE (E. P. Dave's), b. m. by {Imp.) Luzborough, dam {Imp.) Jane Shore. MOTH, ch. m. by {Imp.) Glencoe, dam {Imp.) Jessica by Velocipede. MOTTO, ch. m. by {Imp.) Barefoot, dam Lady Tompkins by Eclipse, MOUNTAINEER, ch. h. by Yorkshire, dam by Kattler. MOUNTJOY, b. h. by {Imp.) Tranby, dam by Sir Charles. MUD, gr. h. by {Imp.) Leviathan, dam by Pacolet. MUSEDORA, ch. m, by Medoc, dam by Kosciusko. MUSE SANDFORD, b. h. by Hickory, dam by {Imp.) Contract. MUSIC, gr. h. by {Imp.) Philip, dam Piano by Bertrand. N. NANCY BUFORD, ch. m. by Medoc, dam by Thornton's Rattler. NANCY CLARK, b. m. by Bertrand, dam Morocco Slipper by Timo leon. NANCY DAWSON, ch. m. by Frank, dam by Voltaire. NANCY O., ch. m. by Flagg, dam Milly Tonson by Mons. Tonson. NANCY ROWLAND, b. m. by {Imp.) Rowton, dam by Rob Roy. NANNY, b. m. by {Imp.) Trustee, dam Miss Mattie by Sir Archy. NARCISSA PARISH, ch. m. by Stockholder, dam by {Imp.) Eagle. NARINE, ch. m. by {Imp.) Jordan, dam Louisianaise. NAT BRADFORD, gr. h. by Bertrand, dam Morocco Slipper by Ti moleon. NATHAN RICE, br. h. by Birmingham, dam by WhipRter. NED WELLS, b. h. by O'Conncll, dam by Stockholder. NEPTUNE, ch. m. by {Imp.) Jordan, dan Louisianaise. NIAGARA, ch. h. by {l7np.) Trustee, dam Gipsey by Eclipse. NICK BIDDLE, b. h. by Score Double, dam Highland Mary. NICK DAVIS, ch. h. by {Imp.) Glencoe. NICON, ch. h. by Pacific, dam by Jackson. NOBLEMAN, ch. h. by {Imp.) Cetus, dam {Imp.) My Lady by Comus. NORFOLK, br. h. by {Imp.) Fylde, dam Polly Peachem by Joiin Richards. NORMA, ch. m. by Longwaist, dam {Imp.) Novelty by Blacklock. NORTH STAR, ch. h. by Emilius, dam Polly Hopkins by Virginian. O. OCTAVE, b. m. by {hnp.) Emancipation, dam Polly Kennedy. OGLENAH, cli. h. by Medoc, dam Maria by Hamiltonian. OH SEE, ch. h. by {Imp.) Foreigner, dam by Mons. Tonson. OLD DOMINION, ch. h. by Eclipse, dam Isabella by Sir Archy. OLD MISTRESS, ch. m. by Count Badger, dam Timoura by Ti.no leon. OLEAN, ch. m. by {Imp.) Leviathan, dam by Truxton. OLEANDER, ch. m. by {Imp.) Glencoe, dam Aranelta by Bcrlruiid OLIVIA WAKEFIELD, gr. m. by Patrick Henry. OLYMPUS, ch. h. by Eclipse, dam Flirtilla Junior, by Sir Archy. OMEGA, gr. m. by Timoleon, dam Daisy Cropper by Ogle's Oscar. OMOHONDRO, ch. h. by Robin Brown, dam by Mason's Rutller. OREGON b. h by {Imp.) Philip, dam by {Imp.) Luzborough. ORIANA, br m. by {Imp.) Longwaist, dam {Imp.) Orleana by Bu* WINNING HORSES SINCE 1839. ^1 ORIFLAMME, ch. h. by Mons. Tonson, dam by Sir Hul. ORIOLE, b. m. by {Imp) Levinthan, dam Object by Marshal Ncy. ORLEANS, cli. h. by Cock of the Rock, dam by Timoleon. ORSON, ch. h. by {Imp.) Valentine, dam Ethelinda by Marshal Ber trand. OSTRICH, ch. h. by Collier, dam by Shakspeare. OSCAR, (Josiah Chambers's), ch. h. by Ulysses, dam by Bertrand. OSCEOLA, b. h. by Pacific, dam by Oliver H. Perry. ch. h. by Wild Bill, dam by Timoleon. — ch. h. by Collier, dam by Sumpter. OTHELLO, ch. h. by Waxy, dam by Hickory. OUR MARY, br. m. by {Imp.) Langford, dam Ostrich by Eclipse. P. PAIXHAN, b. h. by {Imp.) Felt, dam IVIary Hutton. PALMERSTON, b. h. by {Imp.) Merman, dam {Imp.) by Cadmus. Panic, ch. h. by Eclipse, dam Agg-y-up by. Timoleon. PARIS, bl. h. by {Imp.) Priam, dam Water-Witch. PARTNER, ch. h. by Medoc, dam by Doublehead. PASSENGER, {Imp.) b. h. by Langar, dam My Lady by Comus. . b. h. by Balie Peyton, dam by Pamunky. PASSAIC, {Imp.) ch. h. by Reveller, dam Rachel by Piloses. PATRICK H. GALWEY, ch. h. by {Imp.) Jordan, dam Duchess c/ Ashland by Shakspeare. PATSEY ANTHONY, b. m. by {Imp.) Priam, dam (Josephus's dam) by Virg-inian. PATSEY BUFORD, b. m. by Mazeppa, dam by Prattler. PATSEY CROWDER, gr. m. by Patrick Henry, dam Hillon by Antelope. PATSEY DAVIS, ch. m. by Count Eadg^r, dam Timoura by Timo- leon. PATSEY STUART, b. m. by Bertrand, dam by Redgauntlet. PEDLAR, ch. h. by {Imp.) Leviathan, dar.i by Pizarro. PEGGY HALE, ch. m. by {Imp.) Skylark, dam by Sir Charles. PENELOPE, {Imp.) ch. m. by Plenioo, dam Brazil by Ivanhoe. PENSEE, gr. m. by Lauderdale^ dam by Lightning. PEORIA, ch. m. by Medoc, dam by Whip. PETER PINDAR, ch. h. by {Imp.) Daghee, dam by {Imp.) Barefoot. PETER SPYKE, ch. h. by Eclipse, dam by {hnp.) Jack Andrews. PETWAY, b. h. hy{Imp.) G^encoe, dam Kitty Clover by Sir Charles. br. h. by {Imp.) Glencoe, dam by Sir Archy. PETVVORTH, b. h. by {hup.) Philip, dam (Kinlock's dam) by Shaw- nee. PEYTON A, ch.m. by {Imp.) Glencoe, dam Giantess by {Imp.) Levia. than. PHANIOM, b. h. by {Imp.) Contract, dam by Potomac. PHIL. BROWN, {Imp.) ch.h. by Glaucus, dam Bustle by Whalebone, PICKWICK, b. h. by Pacific, dam by Pacolet. PICOLO, br. h. by Lord Byron, dam Highland Mary "Nick Biddlc'K dam). PILOT, b. h. by Wild Bill, dam by Oscar. PLENIPO, {Imp.) b. h. by Plenipo, dam Polly HopKins by Virgui7»n POKEROOT, gr. h. by William Tell, dam by Citizen 82 WINNING HORSES SINCE 1839. POLLARD BROWN, b. h. by Wild Bill, dam Hippy by Pacolet. POLLY ELLIS, in. by (Imp.) Trustee, dam Rosalind by Ogle's Oscar POLLY GREEN, br. m. by Sir Charles, dam Polly Peachem by John Richards. POLLY HUNTER, ch. m. by Andrew, dam by Crusader. POLLY MILAM, b. m. by {Imp.) Sarpedon, dam by Escape. POLLY PILLOW, b. m. by {Imp.) Leviathan, dam by Sir Archy. POLLY PIPER, ch. m. by Count Piper, dam by Consul or Sumpter PONEY, ch. h. by (Imp.) Leviathan, dam by Stockholder. PONOLA, ch. h. by Hannibal, dam by Sir Archy. PORTSMOUTH, br. h. by (hnp.) Luzborough, dam Polly Peachenj by John Richards. POSTMASTER, (The) b. h. by (hnp.) Consol, dam Country Maid hy Pacific. POWELL, ch. h. by Medoc, dam by Alexander or Virginian. PRENTISS, (S. S.) b. h. by (Imp.) Fylde, dam by Washington. PRESTON, br.h. by Telegraph, dam (Olivia's dam). ' — b. h. by (Imp.) Leviathan, dam Parrot by Roanoke. PRIMA DONNA, b. m. by (Imp.) Priam, dam Lady Rowland by Ti riff. PRINCE ALBERT, ch. h. by (Imp.) Margrave, dam (Eutaw*s dam, by Sir Charles. PRINCESS, ch. m. by (Imp.) Priam, dam Sally Hope by Sir Archy. PRINCESS ANN, b. m. by (Imp.) Leviathan, dam by Stockholder. PRISCILLA MARTIN, ch. m. by (Imp.) Leviathan, dam by Arab. PROMISE, ch. m. by Wagner, dam by Lance. PROSPECT, ch. h. by Monmouth Eclipse, dam by (Imp) Expedition. ch. m. by (Imp.) Luzborough, dam Anvilina Smith by Stockholder. PRYOR, b. h. by (Imp.) Priam, dam Queen of Clubs by Virginian. PURITY, b. m. by (Imp.) Ainderby, dam Betty Martin by Giles Scroggins. PUSS, b. m. by (Imp.) Priam, dam by Virginian. Q. QUEEN ANNE, (Imp.) bl. m. by Cam'^I, dam by Langar. QUEEN ELIZABETH, br. m. by (Iw^.) Leviathan, dam by Sir Archy QUEEN MARY, ch. m. by Bertrand, dam by Brimmer. QUININE, ch. m. by Red Tom, d^ra by Bertrand. R. RAGLAND, ch. h. by (Imp) Leviathan, dam by Stockholder. RALPH, b. h. by Woodpe^Ker, dam Brown Mary by Sampler. RANCOPUS, ch. m. by rlagellator, dam Molly Longlegs. RAN PEYTON, ch. h. by (Imp.) Leviathan, dam by Stockholder. RAPIDES, ch. h. by (Imp.) Skylark, dam Margaret May by Pacific. Rasp, gr. h. by (J7np.) Fylde, dam by Director. REBECCA KENNER, b. m. by (Imp.) Skylark, dam Lady HaistoB by Bertrand. REBEL, ch. h. by Gohanna, dam (Ohio's dam). PED BILL, ch. h. by Medoc, dam Brown Mary by Sumpter. RED BREASl', ch. h. by (Imp.) Priam, dam Fanny Wyutt by Sii Charles. WINNING HORSES SINCE 1839. 83 flED BUCK, ch h. by \Imp.) Rowton, d:im Lidy Deerpond. RED EAGLE, br. h. by Grey Eagle, dam by Moses. RH^D FOX, cli. h. by (Imp.) Luzborouirb. RED GAUNTLET, ch. h. by (Imp.) Trustee, dam {Imp:) Vaga. RED HAWK, eh. h. by Medoc, dam by Sampler. RED FIE AD, b. h. by Woodpecker, dam by Whipster. RED MOROCCO, ch. m. by Medoc, dam Brownlock by Tiger. RED ROSE, br. m. by (Imp.) Leviathan, dam by (Imp.) Bagdad. RED TOM, ch. h. by Berlrand, dam Duchess of Marlborough by Sif Archy. REEL, sfi". m. by (Imp.) Glencoe, dam (Imp.) Gallopade by Catton. REGENT, b. h. by (Imp.) Priam, dam Fantail by Sir Archy. REGISTER, gr. h. by (Imp.) Priam, dam Maria Louisa by Mons. Tonson. RELIANCE, b. h. by (Imp) Autocrat, dam Lady Culpeper by Caroli- nian. RESCUE, br. h. by (Imp.) Emancipation, dam Louisa Lee by Medley. REVEILLE, b. ni. by Bertrand, dam Sally Melville by Virginian. ■ b. or br. h. by Young Virginian, dam by Harwood. REVERIE, b. or br. m. by (Imp.) Ainderby, dam by Giles Scroggins. RHYNODINO, gr. h. by Pacific, dam by Hamillonian. RICHARD OF YORK, b. h. by Star, dam by Shylock. RICHARD ROWTON, b. h. by (Imp.) Rowton, dam by Falstaff. RIENZI, b. h. by (Imp.) Autocrat, dam by Sir Charles. b. h. by (Imp.) Autocrat, dam Peggy White by (Imp.) Sy phax (or Diomed). RINGDOVE, b. m. by (Imp.) Merman. RIPPLE, b. m. by Medoc, dam Belle Anderson by Sir William. ROANNA, ro. m. by Archy Montorio, dam by Potomac. ROBERT BRUCE, b. h. by Clinton, dam by Sir Archy. ROBIN COBB, ch. h. by (Imp.) Felt, dam Polly Cobb. ROCKER, b. h. by Eclipse, dam by Virginian. ROCKE FT, b. h. by Sir Leslie, dam Miss Lancess by Lance. RODERICK DHU, gr. h. by Merlin, dam by (Imp.) Bagdad. RODNEY, br. h, by (Lnp.) Priam, dam Medora. ROSABELLA, b. m. by (hnp.) Shakspeare, dam by Timoleon. ROSA VERTNER, b. m. by Sir Leslie, dam Directress by Director ROSCOE, b. h. by Pacific, dam by Grey Archy. ROTHSCHILD, b. h. by (Imp.) Zinganee, dam by Tiger. ROVER, b. h. by Woodpecker, dam Sally Miller by Cherokee. ROW rONELLA, ch. m. by (Imp.) Rowton, dam Sally Hopkins by Kosciusko. RUBY, b. m. by (Imp.) Rowton, dam Bay Maria by Eclipse. ■ ch. ni. by Duke of Wellington, dam Lively by Eclipse RUFFIN, b. h. by (Imp.) Hedgford, dam Duchess of Marlborough by Sir Archy. S. (SAILOR BOY, b. h. by Jim Cropper, dam by Marshal. 6ALADIN, h. h. by John Richards, dtun by Henry. SALKAHATCHIE, b. m. by Vertumnun, dam Sally Richardson bj Kosciusko. SAL. STRICKLAND, ch. m. by (Imp.) Leviathan, dam bv Pacolet 84 WINNING HORSES SINCE 1839. SALLY BAKTON, ch. m. by Jackson, dam by Gallatin. SALLY BROWN, b. m. by Jackson, dim by G-illatin. SALLY CARR, b. m. by Stockholder, dam by SALLY CRESSOP, ch. m. by Eclipse, dum by Arab. SALLY DILLIARD (or MILLIARD), gr. m. by O'Kelly, dam bj Shawnee, SALIiY HARDIN, b. m. by Berlrand, dani Peggy Stewart by Wiiip SALLY HART, m. by {Imp.) Luzborough, dam Clear-the-Kitchen by Shakspeare. RAlLLY McGHEE, ch. m. by Gascoigne, dam Thisbe. SALLY MORGAN, b. m. by {Imp.) Emancipation, dam Lady Mor gan by John Richards. SALLY SHANNON, b. m. by Woodpecker, dam (Darnley's dam,) by Sir Richard. SALLY WARD, m. by John R, Grymes, dam by SAMBO, ch. h. by Equinox, dam by Aratus. SAM HOUSTON, b. h. by {Imp.) Autocrat, dam by {Imp.) Major. SANDY YOUNG, b. h. by Medoc, dam Natchez Bell by Seagull. SANTA ANNA, ch. h. by Bertrand Junior, dam Daisy by Kosciusko. SANTEE, ch. h. by Wild Bill, dam Sally McGhee by Timoleon. SARAH BLADEN, ch. m. by {Imp.) Leviathan, dam Morgiana by Pacolet. SARAH BURTON, m. by Pacific, dam by Timoleon. SARAH CHANCE, rh. m. by Lafayette, dam by Sir Archy. SARAH JACKSON, JUNIOR, b. m. by Piamingo, dam by Arab. SARAH MORTON, b. m. by Sidi Hamet, dam Rowena by Sumpter. SARAH WASHINGTON, b. m. by Garrison's Zinganee, dam bj Contention. SARTIN, br. h. by {Imp.) Luzborough, dam Julia Fisher by Timo. leon. SCARLET, ch. h. by Uncas, dam by Pacolet. SENATOR, ch. h. by {Imp.) Priam, dam Ariadne by Gohanna, SERENADE, b. h. by Woodpecker, dam by Cook's Whip. SEVEN-UP, b. m. by {Imp.) Chateau Margaux, dam by Arab. SHAMROCK, {Imp.) ch. h. by St. Patrick, dam Delight by R» veller. SHARATOCK, ch. h. by Medoc, dam by Trumpator. SHEPHERDESS, ch. m. by Lance, dam Amanda by Revenge. SIGNAL, bl. h. by {Imp.) Margrave, dam by Mons. Tonson. SIMON BENTON, ch. h. by Medoc, dam by Rattler. SIMON GURTY, ch. h. by Mark Moore, dam by Tiger. SIMON KENTON, ch. h. by Eclipse, dam by Rattler. SIR ARISS, g>. h. by Trumpator, dam Ophelia by Wild Medley. SIR ELLIOTT, b. h. by {Imp.) Leviathan, dam Lady Frolic by Sil Charles. SIR JOSEPH BANKS, b. h. by {Imp.) Luzborough, dam by Sir Archy. SIR WILLIAM, b. h. by Sir William, dam by Rattler. SISSY, b. m. by {Imp.) Leviathan, dam {Imp.) Gutty by Whalebone. SISTER TO THORNHILL, cli. m. by {Imp.) Glencoe, dam {Imp.) Pickle b) Emilius. SLEEPER, gr. h. by {Imp.) Sarpedon, dam Flora by Grand Seigfnor. WINNING HORSES SINCE 1839. 85 SLEKPER (THE), gr. h. by (Imp.) Stirpedon, dam by G. ' s Mea. heng-er. SLEEPY JOHN, b. h. by John Dawson, dam Sally Dilliira by Vir- ginian, (or Phenomena). • SMOKE, ch. h. by (hnp.) Trustee, dam Bianca by Medley. SNAG, ch. h. by Medoc, dam bv Rattler. SNOWBIRD, gr. h. by {Imp.) Chateau Margaux, dam Forsaken Filly by Jerry. SOPHIA LOVELL, b. m. by Sir Lovell, dam Eliza Jenkins by «il William. SORROW, (Imp.) ch. h. by Defence, dam Tears by Woful. SPLINT, ch. m. by Hualpa, dam by Phenomenon. STAClvPOLE, ch. h. by (Imp.) Leviathan, dam by Stockholder. STAGE-DRIVER, b. h. by Lance, dam by Bertrand. STANHOPE, ch. h. by Eclipse, dam Helen Mar by Rattler. STANLEY, ch. h. by (Imp.) Leviathan, dam Aronetta by Bertrand. ■ ch. h. by Eclipse, dam by Busiris. ECLIPSE, ch. h. by Busiris, dam by John Stanley. STAR, b. h. by (Imp.) Skylark, dam Betsey Epps by Timoleon. STAR OF THE WEST, b. m. by Bertrand, dam by Whip. ch. m. by {Imp.) Luzburough, dam by Ber trand. STEEL, b. h. by {Imp.) Fylde, dam Dimont by Constitution. STHRESKLEY, ch. h. by Medoc, dam by Paragon. S IRANGER, b. h. by Lance, dam by Whip. STOCKBOROUGH, ch. h. by {Imp.) Luzborough, dam by Stock- holder. ST. CHARLES, ch. h by {Imp.) Jordan, dam by Mercury. ST. CLOUD, ch. h. by {Imp.) Belshazzar, dam by Old Partner. ST. LOUIS, gr. h. by Altorf, dam Fleta by Jackson's (o/ Johnson's) Medley. ST. PIERRE, bl. h. by Pamunky, dam by Lafayette. SUFFERER, b. h. by Eclipse, dam Meg Dods by Sir Arch.y. SUFFOLK, b. h. by Andrew, dam Ostiich by Eclipse. SUNBEAM, ch. m. by {Imp.) Leviathan, dam Alice Grey by Mercury. ch. h, by (imp.) Langford, dam Gipsey, (sister to Medoc). SUSAN HILL, ch. m. by {Imp.) Glencoe, dam Susan Hill by Timo- leon. SUSAN TYLER, b. m. by (Tmp.) Sarpedon. SUSAN VANCE, ch. m. by Saladin, dam by Sir William. SWALLOW, b. m. by {Imp.) Leviathan, dam Object by Marshal Ney SWEET HOME, ch. m. by Medoc, dam by Hamiltonian. SWISS BOY, br. h. by {Imp.) Swiss, dam by Stockholder. SYLPHIDE, {Imp.) b. m. by Emilius, dam Polly Hopkins by Vir^ nian. SYMMETRY, b. m. by {Imp.) Priam, dam Phenomena by Sir Archj T. TABITHA, ch. m. bv Hualpa, dam by Phenomenon. TAGLIONI, ch. m. by {Imp.) Priam, dam by Sir Charles. TALLEY, ch. h. by Talleyrand, dam by Bertrand. TATiLULAH, ch. m. by Hyazim, dam by Gallatin. TAMERLANE, ch. h. by Cowper, dam by Director. 86 WINNING HORSES SINCE 1839. TAMMANY, b. h. by (Imp.) Trustee, dam Camilla by Henry. Tarantula, cH. m. by {Iinp.) Belshazzar, dam Mary Jane Davii by Stockholder. •TARLTON, b. h. by Woodpecker, dam by Robin Grey. TARQUIN, b. h. by (Imp.) Consol, dam Jeannie Deans by Powhattaa TATTERSALL, ch. h. by (Imp.) Emancipation, dam (Volney's dam,) by Sir Archy. TAYLOE, b. h. by {Imp.) Autocrat, dam Pegcry White. TAZEWELL, b. h. by {Imp.) Fylde, dam by Gallatin. TEA RAW AY, b. h. by {Imp.) Trustee, dam Jemima by Thornton'* Rattler. TELAMON, ch. h. by Medoc, dam Cherry Elliott by Sumpter. TELIE DOE, b. m. by Pacific, dam Matilda by Greytail. TELLULA, ch. m. by Eclipse, dam by Whip. TEMPEST, ch. h. by {Imp.) Trustee, dam Jeanette by Sir Archy. TEMPLAR, b. h. by {Imp.) Sarpedon, dam by Timoleon. TEN BROECK, ch. h. by Eclipse, dam by Bertrand. I'ENNESSEE, b. m. by {Imp.) Felt, dam Berenice by Archy Junior. TEXANA, b. m. by {Imp.) Hedgford, dam Goodlee Washington by Washington. TEXAS, b. h. by {hnp.) Fylde, dam by Potomac. THE COLONEL, ch. h. by {Imp.) Priam, dam {Imp.) My Lady by Comus. THE COLONEL'S DAUGHTER, b. m. by The Colonel, dam {Imp.) Variella by Blacklock. THE DUKE, ch. h. by Monmouth Eclipse, dam by {Imp.) Expedition. THE MAJOR, b. h. by Otliello, dam by Citizen. THE MERCER COLT, br. h. by {Imp.) Mercer, dam Miss Mattie by Sir Archy. THE PONEY, ch. h. by (hnp.) Leviathan, dam by Stockholder. THE POSTMASTER, b. h. by (Imp.) Consol, dam Country Maid by Pacific. THE QUEEN, (Imp.) ch. m. by Priam, dam Delphine by Whisker. THOMAS HOSKINS, b. h, by {Imp.) Autocrat, dam Minerva by Tom Tough. THOMAS R. ROOTS, b. h. by (Imp.) Tranby, dam Eliza Jenkins by Sir William of Transport. THORNHILL, ch. h. by {hnp.) Glencoe, dam (Imp.) Pickle by Emilias. TIBERIAS, b. h. by {Imp.) Priam, dam Fanny Wright by Silverheels. TIPPECANOE, ch. h. by Eclipse, dam by Rattler. TISHANNA, b. m. by Benbovv, dam Fidget by Eclipse. TISHIMINGO, b. h. by {Imp.) Leviathan, dam Maria Shepherd bv Sir Archy. TOBY, b. h. by Bertrand, dam by Eagle. TOM AND JERRY, ch. h. by Heart of Oak, dam by Lafayette. TOM BENTON, b. h. by Wild Bill, dam by Pacolet. TOM BUCK, ro. h. by Ump.) Glencoe, dam Lady Sykes by Timoleoi*. TOM CHILTON, ch. h. by (Imp.) Leviathan, dam by Childers. TOM CORWIN, b. h. by [Imp.) Emancipation, dam by Lottery. TOM CRINGLE, ch. h. by Carolinian. TOM DAY, b. h. by Bertrand, dam Sally Melville by Virginian. TOM MARSHAL, (Col. Biugaman's.) gr. h. by {Imp.) Leviathan, dan Fanny Jar man by Mercury. WINNING HORSES SINCE 1839. 87 TOM MAPSHAL, (Col. BufordsO b. h. by Medoc, dam by Sumpter. TOM PAINE, bl. h. by {Imp.) Margrave, dam (Emily Thomas's dam) by Tom Toiiglj. TOM THiJRMAN, b. h. by (Lnp.) Fylde, dam by Citizen. TOM WALKER, ch. h, by Marylander, dam by Rattler. TOMMY WAKEFIELD, ch. h. by Drone, dam by Eclipse. TORCH-LIGHT, ch. m. by {Imp.) Glencoe, dam Wax-light by {Imp. Leviathan. TORNADO, ch. h. by Eclipse, dam Polly Hopkins by Virginian. TRANBYANNA, m. by {Imp.) Tranby dam Lady Tompkins bf Eclipse. TRANSIT, b. h. by {Imp.) Hedgford, dam (Molly Ward's dam) by Bertrand. TREASURER, b. h. by {Imp.) Roman, dam Dove by Duroc. TRENTON, D. h. by Eclipse Lighifoot. dam by Tuckahoe. TROUBADOUR, bl. h. by {Imp.) Luzborough, dam by Stockholder. TRUXTON, b. h. by {Imp.) Barefoot, dam Princess by Defiance. TUSKENA, b. h. by Mons. Tonson, dam Creeping Kate. TYLER, b. h. by {Imp.) Trustee, dam Kate Kearney by Sir Archy. U. UNCAS, ch. h. by Diomed. b. h. by {Imp.) Jordan, dam by Pacific. UNITY, ch. f. by Genito, dam Lady Pest by Carolinian. V. VAGABOND, ch. h. by {Imp.) Ainderby, dam {Imp.) Vaga. VAGRANT, ch. h. by {Imp.) Trustee, dam {Imp.) Vaga. VANITY, b. m. by Traveller. VAN TROMP, h. by Van Tromp, dam by Mucklejohn. VASHTI, b. m. by {Imp.) Leviathan — Slazy by Bullock's Mucklejohn. VELASCO, b. h. by Shark, dam by Virginian. VELOCITY, ch. m. by (Imp.) Leviathan, dam Patty Puff by PacoieU VERTNER, ch. h. by Medoc, dam Lady Adams by Whipster. VETO, ch. h. by Eclipse, dam by Diomed. h, by {Imp.) Luzborough, dam Lady Washington by Wash* ington. VICTOR, br. h. by (Imp.) Cetus, dam (Imp.) My Lady by Comus. VICTORIA, gr. m. by Sir Kirkland, dam by Tippoo Saib. b. m. by (Imp.) Luzborough, dam by Timoleon. ROWTON, ch. m. by (Imp.) Rowton, dam by Pheno menon. VICTRESS, b. m. by Grey Eagle, dam by Royal Charley. VIDOCQ, br. h. by Medoc, dam by Stockholder. VIOLA, ch. m. by (Imp.) Leviathan, dam Mary Longfit by PacJIc; VIRGINIA, ch. m. by (Imp.) Leviathan, dam by Sir Richd Tonson. \ IRGINIA ROBINSON, b. m. by (Imp.) Luzborough, dam Becky by Marquis (or Marcus). VOLTAIRE, ch. h. by (Imp.) Leviathan, dam by Bertrand. W. WACOUSTA, ch. h. by .Terseyman. dam Lady Vixen. WADDY THOMPSON, ch. h. by (Imp) Emanoipaiion, dam by Tr» ia\gar. 88 WINNING HORSES SINCE 1839. WAGNER, ch. h. by Sir Charles, dam Maria West by Marioa. WALK IN-THE-WATER, b. h. by Collier, dam by Bertrand. WALTER L.. b. h. by (Imp.) Fylde, dam by Sir Charles. WANTON WILL, b. h. by Brunswick, dam by Prince Edward. WARSAW, ch. h. by Eclipse, dam by Arab. WARWICK, ch. h. by Stockholder, dam by (Imp.) Leviathan. WASHENANGO, ch. h. by (^Imp.) Sorrow, dam by (Imp.) Leviathan W A TKINS, ro. h. by John Richards, dam by Whip. WAXETTA, br. m. by Waxy, dam by Kennedy's Diomed. W EBSTER. b. h. by (Imp.) Priam, dam Fairy. WELLINGTON, b. h. by (Imp.) Sarpedon, dam (Volney's dam) b> Sir Archy. WESLEY MALONE,^. h. by (Imp.) Leviathan, dam by Sir Richard. WEST FLORIDA, b. m. by Bertram, dam by Potomac. WEST- WIND, br. h. by (Imp.) Chateau Margaux, dam Mambrina by Bertrand. WHALEBONE, b. h. by (Imp.) Cetus, dam by Gohanna. WHISKER, b. h. by (Imp.) Emancipation, dam by Walnut. WILL-GO, b. or br. h. by (Imp.) Luzbo rough, dam by Eclipse. WILLIAM R., b. h. by Goliah, dam by Sir Alfred. WILD BURK, ch. h. by Medoc, dam by (Imp.) Bluster. WILLIS, ch. h. by Sir Charles, dam by (Imp.) Merryfield. WILLIS P. MANGUM, b. h. by Shark, dam Aggy Down. WILTON BROWN, gr. h. by (Imp.) Priam, dam Ninon de I'Enclot by Rattler. WINCHESTER, ch. h. by Clifton, dam by Contention. WINFIELD (or WINFIELD SCOTT), ch. h. by Andrew, dam bj Eclipse. WONDER, b. h. by Tychicus, dam Nancy Marlborough by Rob Roy. WOODCOCK, b. h. by (Imp.) Emancipation, dam by Shylock. WORKMAN, ch. h. by (Imp.) Luzborough, dam by Timoleon. Y. VAZOO TRAPPER, ch. h. by Sir William. VELLOW ROSE, ch. m. by Andrew, dam Tuberose by Arab. YORKSHIRE, b. h. by St. Nicholas, dam Moss Rose by Tramp. YOUNG DOVE, gr. m. by (Imp.) Trustee, dam Dove by Duroc. YOUNG FRAXINELLA, gr. m. by (Imp.) Autocrat, dam by Virgi- nian. YOUNG MEDOC, ch. h. by Medoc. Z. ZAMPA, ch. h. by (Imp.) Priam, dam Celeste by Henry. ZEBA, ro. m. by Eclipse, dam Miss Walton by Mendoza, ZEMMA (or ZAMOUR), ch. h. by Ulysses, dam by Stockholder ZENITH, b. h. by Ecliuse, dam Belle Anderson by Sir William of Transport ZENOBIA, c^ m. by (Imp.) Roman, dam Dove by Duroc. 20E, ch. m. by (Imp.) Row ton, dam (Little Venus's dam,) by Si« William. 40RA?DA, b m. by Virginias, dam by ComeL CELEBRATED STALLIONS AND BROOD MARES. ■WWV JW> A. ABD ALLAH, b. h. by Mf.mbrino, dam Amazonia. ABJER, [Imp.] got by Old Truffle, dam Briseis by Beningbrough, gr. dam Lady Jane by Sir Peter Teazle — Paulina by Florizel, &c. — foaled 1817, died 1828. — Alabama. James Jackson. ADMIRAL, [Imp.] h. h. got by Florizel, dam the Spectator mare, (who was also the dam of Old imp. Diomed) — foaled 1779. — New York. J. Delancy. AFRICAN, bl. h. by [Imp.] Valentine, dam by Marshal Bertrand, ALLEN BROWN, ch. h. by Stockholder, dam by [Imp.] Eagle. ALL FOURS, [Imp.] got by All Fours, son of Regulus— Blank— Bolton Starling — Miss Meynell by Partner — Greyhound — Cur- win's Bay Barb, &c. imp. into Massachusetts or Connecticut. ALONZO, ch. h. by Eclipse, dam by Sir Archy. AINDERBY, [Imp.] ch. h. by Velocipede, dam Kate by Catton. ALTORF, b. h. by [Imp.] Fylde, dam Countess Plater by Virgin ia^n. AMBASSADOR, [Imp.] b. h. by Emilius, dam [Imp.] Trapes by Tramp. AMERICUS, [Imp.] b. h. got by Babraham — Creeping Molly by Se cond — General Evans' Arabian Cartouch — foaled 1775. William Macklin. ANDREW, ch. h. by Sir Charles, dam by Herod. ANDREW JACKSON, b. h. by Timoleon, dam by [Imp.] Whip. ANN PAGE, m. by Maryland Eclipse, dam by Tuckahoe. ARAMINTA, b. m. by JNIay-Day, dam Tripit by Mars. ARGYLE, br. h. by Mons. Tonson, dam Thistle by Ogle's Oscar. AUTOCRAT, [Imp.] gr. c. got by Grand Duke, dam Olivetta by Sli Oliver — Scotina by Delphi — Scota by Eclipse — foaled 1822. — ' New York. William Jackson. B. BABRAHAM, [Imp.] h. h. got by Old Fearnought (son of Godolphin Ar.) — Silver — imported into Virginia by William Evans of Surrey county, and got by the Belsize Arabian in England, and foaled 1759. — Va. 1765. William and George Evans. [//«ji.] b. h. got by Wiklair — Babraham — Sloe — Barr lett's Chiiders — Counsellor — Snake, &c. — foaled 1775. — Va 1783. Augustine Willis S9\ 90 CELEBRATED STALLIONS AND BROOD MARES. BALTE PEYTON, b. h. by Andrew, dam Pocahontas by Eclipse BAY MIDDLETON, b. h. by [Imp] Fylde, dam by Potomac. BELLE ANDERSON, m. by William of Transport, dam Butterfly BELSHAZZAR, limp.] eh. by Blacklock, dam Manuella by Dicii Andrews. BERNERS COMUS, [Imp.\ h. h. by Comus, dam Rotterdam bj Juniper. BERTRAND Junior, ch. h. by Bertrand, dam Transport by Virgi- nius. BETSEY MALONE, m. by Stockholder, dam by Potomac. BIANCA, m. by Medley, dam Powancey by Sir Alfred. BIG JOHN, ch. h. by Bertrand, dam by Hamiltonian. BILL AUSTIN, b. h. by Bertrand, dam by Timoleon. BIRxMINGHAM, br. h. by Stockholder, dam Black Sophia by Top gallant. BLACK ARABIAN, [Zwijo.]— Presented by the Emperor of Morocco to the United States' Government. BLACK PRINCE, b. h. by [Imp.] Fylde, dam Fantail by Sir Archy. [Imp.] bl. h. got by Babraham — Riot by Regulus — Blaze — Fox, &c. — foaled 1760.— New York. A. Ramsay. BLOODY NATHAN, ch. h. by [Imp.] Valentine, dam Daphne by Duroc. BOHEMOTH, Junior, b. h. by Old Bohemoth. BONNYFACE, [Imp.] (also called Master Stephen) dk. b. h. got by a son of Regulud out of the Fen mare, got by Hutton's Royal colt — Blunderbuss, &c. — foaled 1768. — Va. French, BOSTON, ch. h. by Timoleon, dam (Robin Brown's dam) by Ball's Florizel. BRITANNIA, [Imp.] m. by Muley, dam Nancy by Dick Andrews. BUFF COAT, [Imp.] dun h. got by Godolphin Arabian —Silver Locks by the Bald Galloway — Ancaster Turk — Leeds Arabian, &c.— foaled 1742.— Va. 1761. Joseph Wells. BULLE ROCK, [Imp.] got by the Darley Arabian — Byerly Turk, out of a natural Arabian mare, &c. — foaled 1718. — Virginia, 1735-6. Samuel Patton. BUSIRIS, ch. h. by Eclipse, dam Grand Duchess by [Imp.] Grac- chus. BUSSORAH ARABIAN — Imported by Abraham Ogden, Esq., of New York. BUTTERFLY, m. by Suirpter, dam by [Imp.] Buzzard. CADMUS, ch. h. by Eclipse, dam Di Vernon by Ball's Florizel CAMDEN, b. h. by [Imp.] Sarpedon, dam by Old Cherokee. CAMILLA, m. by [imp.] Philip, dam Roxana by Timoleon. CANNON, [Imp.] br. h. got by Dungannon — Miss Spindleshanks by Omar — Starling, &c. — foaled 1789. — Boston. Gen. Lyman. CAROLET, ch. m. by [Inip.] Leviathan, dam Peg Caruthers by Arab. Caroline, m. by Ecllpse, dam Miss Mattie. CELEBRATED STALLIONS AND BROOD MARES. 91 CARVER, [Imp.] b. h. got by Young Snap — Blank. — Babraham — AiKsaster Starling — Grasshopper, &c. — foaled 1770. — Norfolk county, Va, Dr. Charles Mayle. CETA, m. by [Imp.] Cetus, dam Harriet Heth by Mons. Tonsoa. CETUS, [Imp.] b. h. by Whalebone, dam Lamea by Gohanna. CHARLEY NAILOR, b. h. by Medoc, dam by Tiger. CHARLOTTE PAGE, m. by Sir Archy, dam by [Imp.] Restless. CHATEAU MARGAUX, [Imp.] dk. br. h. got by Whalebone, (best son of Waxy,) dam Wasp by Gohanna — Highflyer — Eclipse, &e.— foaled 1822.— Va. 1835. J. J. Avery & Co. CHEROKEE, h. by Sir Archy, dam Roxana by Hephestion. CHESTERFIELD, b. h. by Pacific, dam by Wilkes' Madison. CHIFNEY, ch. h. by Sir Charles, dam by Sir Archy. CHILTON, b. h. by Seagull, dam by Hazard. CINDERELLA, b. m. by Saladin, dam by Aratus. CIPPUS, bl. h. by Industry, dam by Randolph's Mark Antony. CIVIL JOHN, gr. h. by Tariff, dam by Pakenham. CLARET, [Imp.] got by Chateau Margaux, dam by Partisan — Silver Tail by Gohanna — Orville, &c. — foaled 1830. — N. Carolina. Wyatt CardweiL CLARINET, ch. m. by Kentucky Sir Charles, dam Mary Grindle by Eclipse. CLARION, cb. h. by Monmouth Eclipse, dam by Ogle's Oscar. COCK OF THE ROCK, b. h. by Duroc, dam by Romp. COLORADO, h. by Eclipse, dam by Sir Archy. COMMENCEMENT, m. by Arab, dam by Francisco. COMMODORE, b. h. by Mambrino, dam by True American. CORONET, [Imp.] b. h. by Catton, dam by Paynator. CORTES, h. by Old Rattler, dam by Jack Andrews. COUNT BADGER, ch. h. by Eclipse, dam Arabella by Hickory. COUNT ZALDIVAR, ch. h. by Andrew, dam by Timoleon. COUNTESS BERTRAND, m. by Bertrand, dam Nancy Dawson by Piatt's Alexander. CRIPPLE, b. h. by Medoc, dam Grecian Princess by Whip. CRITIC, ch. h. by Eclipse, dam by Eclipse Herod. CUSSETA CHIEF, ch. h. by Andrew, dam Virago by Wildair oi Wonder. CYMON, ch. h. by Marion, dam Fair Forester by [Imp.] Chance. D. DAGHEE, [Imp.] b. h. by Muley, dam by Arabian Sheik. DAMASCUS, h. by [Imp.] Zilcadi, dam Dido by [Imp.] Expedition. DANCING MASTER, [Imp.] b. h. got by Woodpecker— Madcap by Snap — Miss Meredith by Cade, &c. — foaled 1788. — S. Carolina. DANIEL O'CONNELL, gr. h. by Sir Henry Tonsoii, dam oy [Imp] Sir Harry. DAVY CROCKETT, h. by Constitution, dam by Sutton's Whip DEBASH, [Imp.] h. h. got by King Fergus— Highflyer— Madcap by Snap — Miss Meredith by Cade, &c. — foaled 17')2. Imported into Massachusetts. J.^nee. 44 92 CELEBRATED STALLIONS AND BROOD MARES. DECATUR, cb h. by Henry, dam Ostrich by Eclipse. DERBY, [7w/?.] dr. b. h. got by Peter Lely out of Urganda. fo/merln Lady Eleanor, she by MWo, dam by Sorcerer Jut of Twins, &c —foaled 1831. R. D. Shepherd. DIANA, m. by Mons, Tonson, dam by Conqueror. DIANA, [/m/).] m. by Catton, dam Trulla by Sorcerer. DIANA, m. by Mercury, dam Rarity. DONCASTER, [//n/).] b. h. by Longwaist, dam by Muley, grandam Lady Em by Stamford. DON QUIXOTE, [Imp.] ch. h. by O'Kelly's Eclipse— Grecian Prin- cess by Forester — Coalition colt — Bustard, &c. — foaled 1784. Imported into Va. DORMOUSE, [Imp.] dk. b. h. got by Old Dormouse, dam by White- foot — Silverlocks by Bald Galloway, &c. — foaled 1753. — Va. 1759. DOSORIS, ch. h. by Henry, dam (Goliah's dam) by Mendoza. DRONE, [Imp.] b. h. got by King Herod— Lily by Blank— Peggy by Cade — Croft's Partner — Bloody Buttocks, &c. — foaled 1777. — Duchess county, New York. ch. h. by Mons. Tonson, dam Isabella by Sir Archy. DUANE, br. h. by [Imp.] Hedgford, dam Goodloe Washington bj Washington. DUCHESS, b. m. by [Imp.] Coronet, dam by Tariff. DUCHESS OF YORK, [Imp.] ch. m. got by Catton, dam by Sancno —Coriander— Highflyer, &c.— foaled 1821.— Va. R. D. Shepherd. DUKE SUMNER, gr. h. by Pacific, dam by Grey Archy. DUNGANNON, ch. h. by Sumpter, dam by Duke of Bedford. £. ECLIPSE, (American,) ch. h. by Duroc, dam Miller's Damsel by [Imp.] Messenger. ECLIPSE THE SECOND, b. h. by Eclipse, dam Lady Nimble by Sir William. ELIZA ARMSTRONG, m. by Flying Childers, dam Gipsey by Flo- rizel. ELIZA MILLER, m. by Miller's Bertrand, dam Lucy Forester by Marshal Ney. ELLEN GRANVILLE, b. m. by [Imp.] Tranby, dam by Contention. EMANCIPATION, [Imp.] br. h. by Whisker, dam by Ardrossan. ENGLISHMAN, (Imp. by Mr. Walter Bell of Va., in his dam,) by Eagle (also imported) — PotSos — Pegasus — Small Bones byJuv tice, &c. — foaled 1812. ENTERPRISE, h. by John Richards, dam by Don Quixote. KUGENIUS, [Imp.] ch. h. by Chrysolite, dam Mixbury by Regului — Little Bowes by a brother to Mixbury — Hutton's Barb, &c.— . foaled 1770. fcX^LE, h. by [Imp] Leviathan, dam [Imp.] Refugee by Wand^jrei CELEBRAThID STALLIONS AND BROOD MARES. 93 FAIRFAX ROANE, [Imp.] (alias Strawberry Roan) ro. h. got by Adolphus, dam by Smith's Tartar (a son of Croft's Partner) g. dam by Midge (son of Snake) — Hip, &c. — foaled 1764— Va, — Fairfax. FANNY WRIGHT, m. by Silverheels, dam Aurora by Governoi Wright's Vingtun. FELT, [Imp.] b. h. by Langar, dam Steam by Waxy Pope. FESTIVAL, ch. h. by Eclipse, dam by Timoleon. PIFER, b. h. by Monmouth Eclipse, dam Music by John Richards. FLATTERER, [Imp.] b. h. by Muley, dam Clari by Marmion. FLORANTHE, m. by John Richards, dam Fanny Wright. FOP, [Imp.] gr. h. by Stumps, dam by Fitz James. FRANCIS MARION, ch. h. by Marion, dam Malvina by S.i Archy FRANK, ch. h. by Sir Charles, dam Betsey Archy by Sir Archy. G. GANDER, gr. h. by Wild Bill, dam Grey Goose by Pacolet. GANO, b. h. by Eclipse, dam Betsey Richards by Sir Archy. GENERAL MABRY, h. by [Imp.] Leviathan, dam Galen by Pacific. GEROW, ch. h. by Henry, dam Vixen by Eclipse. GIFT, [Imp.] b. h. got by Cadormus, dam by Old Crab — Second Starling, &c. — foaled 17G8. — New Kent county, Va. Colonel Dangerfield. GILES SCROGGINS, b. h. by Sir Archy, dam Lady Bedford by [Imp.] Bedford. GLENCOE, [Imp.] ch. h. by Sultan, dam Trampoline by Tramp. GLOSTER, b. h. by Sir Charles, dam by Alfred. GOHANNA, h. by Sir Archy, dam Merino Ewe by [/m;).]. Bed ford. GOLD BOY, b. h. by Industry, dam (Buck Eye's dam) by Medoc. GOLD WIRE, [Imp.] br. m. by Whalebone, dam Young Amazon by Gohanna. GOVERNOR HAMILTON, gr. h. by Sir Andrew, dam by Bonaparte. GRANBY, [Imp.] h. h. got by Blank— Old Crab— Cyprus Ar.— Com- moner — Makeless — Brimmer, &c. — foaled 1759. — Powhatan county, Va. Samuel Watkins. GRECIAN PRINCESS, m. by Virginian, dam Calypso by Bell-Aii — Dare Devil — Old Wilda.i — Piccadilla by Fearnought — Go- dolphin — Hob or Nob, &c. GREY EAGLE, gr. h. by Woodpecker, dam Ophelia by Wild Med ley. GREY MEDOC, gr. h. by Medoc, dam Grey Fanny by Bertrand. GROUSE, br. h. by Eclipse, dam by Erie. GUM ELASTIC, b. h. by Waxy, dam by Read's Spread Eagle H. HALO, h. by Sir Archy Montorio, dam Semiramis. HARD LUCK, gr. h. by Randolph's Roanoke, darn Lady Washing ton. 94 CELEBRATED STALLIONS AND BROOD MARES. H Al? WOOD, h. by [Imp.] Leviathan, dam Black Sophia by Topgal lant. HECTOR, [Imp.] bl. h. got by Lath — Childers— Basto — Curwia'a Bay Barb,&c — foaled 1745. Colonel Marshall. HEDGFORD, [Imp.] br. h. by Filho da Puta, dam Miss Craigie by Orville. (Young) h. by [Imp.] Hedgford, dam by [Imp.} Ea gle. HERCULES — a grey draft horse, imported into Louisville, Ky. HERO, [Imp.] b. h. got by Blank— Godolphin Ar. &c.— foaled 1747. — Va. John S. Wilson. HIAZIM, ch. h. by Sir Archy, dam Janey by [Imp.] Archduke, HIBISCUS, [Imp.] b. h. by Sultan, dam Duchess of York by Waxy. HICKORY JOHN, ch. h. by John Richards, dam Kitty Hickory by Hickory. HIGHLAND HENRY, ch. h. by Henry, dam Highland Mary by Eclipse. HORNBLOWER, br. h. by Monmouth Eclipse, dam Music by John Richards. HUGH LUPUS, [Imp.] b.b. by [Imp.] Priam, dam Her Highnew by Moses. I, IBARRA, b. h. by [Imp.] Hedgford, dam by Virginian. IBRAHIM PACHA, [Imp.] — a pure Bedouin Arabian — imported by Captain James Riley. J. JACK OF DIAMONDS, [Imp.] dk. b. h. by Cullen's Arabian— Par- ley Ar. — Byerly Turk, &c. — Va. 1763. Imported by Colonel Si-ottswood. Solomon Dunn. JACK PENDLETON, ch. h. by Goliah, dam by Trafalgar. JANE GRAY, m. by Orphan Boy, dam Rosalind by Ogle's Oscar. JEROME, br. h. by [Imp.] Luzborough, dam by Sir Charles. JESSICA, [Imp.] ch. m. by Velocipede, dam by Sancho. JIM JACKSON, ch. h. by [Imp.] Leviathan, dam by Conqueror. JOB, b. h. by Eclipse, dam Jemima by Thornton's Rattler. JOHN BASCOMBE, ch.h. by Bertrand, dam Grey Goose by Pacolet JOHN BULL, [Imp.] b. h. by Chateau Margaiix, dam by Woful. JOHN DAWSON, b. h. by Pacific, dam by Grey Archy. JOHN GASCOIGNE, h. by Randolph's Gascoigne, dam by Virgi nian. JOHN RICHARDS, b. h. by Sir Archy, dam by Rattler, gr. dam by [Imp."] Medley. JORDAN, [Imp.] ch. h. by Langar, dam Matilda by Comus. 'UNIUS, [Imp.] bl. h. got by Old Starling — Old Crab — Monkey— Curwin's Bay Barb— Spot, &c.— foaled 1754.— Va. 1759. JUSTICE, [Imp.] b. h. got by Blank, dam Aura by Stamford Turk, gi. dam by a b' other to Conqueror — Cliilders, &c. — Va. 1780. George Gould. CELEBRATED STALLI0N3 AND BROOD MARES. 95 /USTICE, limp.] got by 01.1 Justice (.-on of King Herod) —Old Squirt mare — Mogul — Cauailla by Bay Bclton, &c. — foaled 1782. — S.Carolina. Major Butler. K KANGAROO, ch, h. by Uncas, dam by Orphan. KATE NICKLEBY, m. by [Imp.] Trustee, dam Lady Mostyn by Teniers. KING WILLIAM, [Imp.] red sor. h. got by Florizel, dam Millinei by Matchem — Cassandria by Blank, &c. — foaled 1781. — Ches- ter county, Pa. Dr. Norriss. [Imp.] b. h. by King Herod, dam Madcap by Snap — Miss Meredith by Old Cade, &c.— foaled 1777. — Con- necticut. Skinner. KITTY BRIM, b. m. by Old Conqueror, dam by Gallatin ; gr. dam by Highflyer. L. LADY CLIFDEN, m. by Sussex, dam Betsey Wilson. LADY CULPEPER, m. by Carolinian, dam Flora by Ball's Florizel. LADY MORGAN, m. by John Richards, dam Matchless by [Imp.] Expedition. LADY MOSTYN, [Imp.] m. by Teniers, dam Invalid by Whisker. LADY NIMBLE, m. by Eclipse, dam Transport by Kosciusko. LADY SCOTT, [Imp.] br. m. got by Ardrosson, dam Dido by Vis- count — Brilliant by Whiskey, &c. R. D. Shepherd. LADY WHIP, m. by Whip, dam by Alonzo, gr. dam by [Imp.] Buz- zard. LAPAYETTE, b. h. by Conqueror, dam Julia by Sir Arthur. LANGFORD, [Imp.] br. h. got by Starch, out of Peri by Wanderer, her dam Thahstris by Alexander, out of Rival by Sir Peter — Home by Drone— Manilla by Goldfinder— foaled 1833. F. P. Corbin. LAPLANDER, ch. or br. h. by Flagellator, dam Medora. LEOPARDESS, m. by MedoJ, dam by Haxall's Moses. LEVIATHAN, [Imp.] ch. h. by Muley, dam by Windle. Junior, ch, h. by [Imp.] Leviathan, dam by Young Diomed. rJLY, m. by Eclipse, dam Garland by Duroc. LIMBER JOHN, ch. h. by Kosciusko, dam by Moses. LOFTY, [Imp.] b. h. by Godolphin Arabian— Croft's Partner— Blood> Buttocks — Greyhound, &c. — foaled 1753. — Virginia, Chesterfield county. Thomas Goode. LOUISA, ch. m. by [Imp.] Bluster, dam by Hamiltonian. LURCHER, [Imp.] gr. h by Grey Leg, dam Harpalyce byGohanna LUZBOROUGH, [Imp.] br. h. by Williamson's Ditto, dam by Dick Andrews. • Junior,. b. h. by [Imp.] Luzborough, dam by Sump' ter. LYCURGUS, [Imp.] ch. h. by Blank— Snip— Lath, &c foaled 170" — Va. 1776 Geo. H. Harrisoa 44 • 96 CELEBRATED STALLIONS AND BllOOD MARES, LYNEDOCH, ch. h. by [Imp.] Leviathan, dam Kosetta Dy Wilke* Wonder. M. MAGNUM BOjXUM, [Imp.] ro. h. by Matchem— Swift — Regulus- Dairy Maid by Bloody Buttocks, &c. — foaled 1774. — Hartford, Conn. F. Kilborne. MANALOPAN, gr. h. by Medley, dam by John Richards. MARIA DAVIESS, ch. m. by Sir Charles, dam Mary Grindle ly Eclipse. M \RIA VAUGHAN, m. by Pacific, dam Mary Vaughan by Pacolet. MARION, b. h. by Sir Archy, dam by [Imp.] Citizen. MARGRAVE, [Imp.] ch. h. by Muley, dam by Election. MARK MOORE, ch. h. by Eclipse, dam Lalla Rookh by Gabriel Os- car. MARMION, br. h. by [Imp.] Merman, dam by Crusader. MARPLOT, [Imp.] by Highflyer—Omar— Godolphin Arabian, «cc. MARTHA BICKERTON, b. m. by Pamunky, dam by Tariff. MARSHAL NEY, h. by Pacolet, dam Virginia by Dare Devil. MARY BIDDLE, m. by [Imp.] Priam, dam Flora by Mons. Tonson. MARY VAUGHAN, gr. m. by Old Pacolet, dam by Old Chanticleer. MASTER ROBERT, [Imp.] ch. h. by Star, dam a young Marske mare — foaled 1793. MASTER SOLOMON, b. h. by Reveller, dam by Lord Berners. MATCHEM, [Imp.] b. h. by Matchem— Lady by Sw^eepstakes — Pa- triot — Old Crab, &c. — foaled 1773. — S. Carolina. Gibbs. MATCHLESS, [Imp.] b. h. by Godolphin Arabian — Soreheel — Makeless, &c. — S. Carolina. MATILDA, gr. m. by Greytail Florizel, dam by [Imp.] Jonah. MAXIMUS, b. h. by Bertrand, dam Miss Dance by [Imp.] Eagle. MAYZOUBE — a gr. horse imported from Arabia by Captain James Riley. MELZARE, br. h. by Bertrand, dam by Sir Richard. MENDOZA, [Imp.] b. h. by Javelin — Paymaster — Pamona by King Herod. MERMAN, [Imp.] br. h. by Whalebone, dam by Orville. MERRY PINTLE, [Imp.] gr. h. by Old England, dam by Old Merry Pintle— Skipjack, &c.— foaled 1752.— Va. 1775. J. Strong. MERRY TOM, [Imp.] b. h. by Regulus — Locust — a son of Flying Childers— Croft's Old Partner, &c.— foaled 1758. MERCER, [Imp.] b. h. by Emilius, dam Young Mouse by Godolphin. MERWICK BALL, [Imp.] ch. h. by Regulus — dam a Traveller mar« — Hartley's blind horse — foaled 1762. MINOR, b. h. by Mons. Tonson, dam by Topgallant. MISS ANDREWS, [Imp.] b. m. by Catton, dam by Dick Andrews. MISS MATTIE, m. by Sir Archy, dam Black Ghost by Pantaloon. MISS ROSE, [Imp.] b. m. by Tramp, dam by Sancho, gr. dam by Co- riander, &c. — foaled 1826. R. D. Shepherd. MISS VALENTINE, m. by [Imp.] Valentine, dam by John Richards. M(*N ARCH, [Imp.] b. h. t.y Priam, dam Delphine by Whisker. ^ONMOU'i'H, b. h. by John Richards, dam by Duroc. CELEBRATED STALLIONS AND BROOD MARES. 97 f^^ONMOUTH ECLIPSE, ch. h. by Eclipse, dam Honesty by [Imp.'] Expedition. MONS. TONSON, gr. h. by Pacolel, dam Madame Toiison by Top- gallant. MORDECAI, [Imp.] b. h. by Lottery, dam by Welbeck. MORVEN, [Imp.] ch. b, by Rowton, dam Nanine by Selira, MOSES MARE (Chas. Buford's) by Haxall's Moses, dam by Cook'i or Blackburn's Whip. N. NANCY THATCHER, m. by Medoc, dam by Archy of Transport. NELL GVVYNNE, [Imp.] m. by Tramp, dam by Beningbrough. NETTY, [Imp.] ch. m. by Velocipede, dam Miss Rose. NICHOLAS, [Imp.] h. by St. Nicholas, dam Miss Rose. NIMROD, [Imp.] b. h. by King Fergus— O'Kelly's Eclipse— -Old Marske, &c.— Philadelphia. 1788. NON PLUS, [Imp.] b. h. by Catton, dam Miss Garforth by Walton — Hyacinthus, &c. — foaled 1824. — S. Carolina. R'd. Singleton. NORTH BRITAIN, [Imp.] b. h. by Alcock's Arabian—Northumber- land Arabian — Hartley's blin