I£ a Horse CouldTalk Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2009 with funding from Boston Library Consortium IVIember Libraries http://www.archive.org/details/showingwhyourgroOOchic Showing Why Our Grooming Machines Save You Money IF A HORSE COULD TALK with what enthusiasm he would tell how much better he feels after a good grooming .... But being just what he is, he says it in his equine way, As Plainly as he can .... mostly by gestures But that isn't all; he continues to feel better right along. — He is better. the friction increases the blood supply in the skin surface and Stimulates the action of the sweat glandg — makes them throw off waste matter that would otherwise cither overwork the kidneys or clog them up. Now its An All Fired Job to properly groom a horse the old fashioned way — in fact it takes about — well, you know. But with our improved Groom- 1. Morse in position on the left side of the machine, tail tied up. ing Machine (and one man) it takes About Five Minutes . . . Less than that — and its done very much better. Yes, the 2. Maneithrown over, left hand keeping it in place, brush following left hand, grooming right side of neck. horse looks better — his coat fairly shines. We have seen 30 and 40 horses beautifully groomed in an hour by two men and our double (power) machine. Our revolving brush (1200 3. Groominti right side, back and inside right front leg. revolutions a minute) gives a pleasing and refreshing sensation. The horse likes it, (no curry comb is needed.) The revolving brush doesn't drive the dirt through the hair — it just whirls it out. 4- Grooming right side of body, start stroke at shoulder and end at hind foot The Horse, we repeat, not only feels better he is better; does more work; lives longer; is worth more. Recommendations such as these (appended) tell the story — weVe |^j|yLmj!>i ^ji I^JjHH ^^'ftf/f'^tl^i ■;^ '^ . ^ Ip^nl ^ it .'■■-« %.^. pi ?*^ i ' 1 i "' Jk ')\^IQBL I if OH ■12 1 ^ *t(|t ^^ 5. Cleaning right flank. hundreds as good that we will be glad to show you. Grooming machines save labor expense, increase the value, and the working power of your horse — and (larger stables notice it) lessen your feed bill 25 E mssi^a ■ 1 1 li^H«3^Hl^^K liP^' I ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^M^t iMyj 1 H BBUIfei 6. Grooming outside back and right hind leg. per cent. Just Think what all this means. Suppose you have 60 horses and suppose you only save, two men, that means $70 or $80 a 7. Grooming right rump month .... nearly $1000, a year— and this saving is equal to — 5 per cent on an investment of $20,000 — but our machine only 8. Grooming left side of neck, right hand following mane and brusn following hand. costs you $125.00 and, mind you, this doesn't include the still greater saving in the increased value of your horse. 9. Grooming^left side of body, note position of shaft in left hand. Can You Afford to be without it? Those who have tried them don't think so. Its a paying investment if it -J 10. Grooming right front leg, front of necV and breast and entire left front leg cost you three times as much and thousands who have tried it will gladly say so. We shall be glad to tell you more about them. II. Groom belly; then finish same as other side With This Improved Double Grooming Machine two men can clean from 30 to 40 horses in an hour and do it properly. 12. Improved Double Grooming Machine. Two minutes for each horse! That's why a local express com- pany says it has saved them $2500 a year in their pay roll to say nothing of the increased value and working power of their horses. The machine is built to last a lifetime — the brushes about 6 months. Price Improved double machine and countershaft $125 Single Improved machine and countershaft $75 Combination balance arm machine $50 Chicago Flexible Shaft Co, Cor. La Salle and Ontario Sfj. Chicago I/. S. A., HALLIDAY HAY COMPANY Dealers in HAY Delaware, Ohio., January 15th, 1903 Chicago Flexible Shaft Co. Chicago, 111. Gentlemen:— .... I find that grooming darkens and enriches the eolor and gives an appearance impossible to get by hand. My work horses shine like race horses and are fresh and lively. Horses that had bad puffy legs are now clean and sound; Its all in the grooming. They work better and on 25 per cent less feed. More work can be accomplished in twenty minutes than any groom can do in six hours.— for the first cleaning. Your machine has been more valuable to me five times over, than in warm weather, as I have been able to put my horses in shape much earlier, lay their rough coats and realize on them quickly. Two men with double machine groom 35 horses in an hour —sometimes more. Yours truly F. J. Halliday. A. F. EARL Livery and Undertaking Cor. Washington and Michigan Sts. Michigan City, Ind. Febuary 17tb, 1903 Flexible Shaft Co. Gentlemen:— In reply to yours, I will say the groomer Is invaluable tome. I use it for sixty horses daily. They look far better than by hand, and it is done in one quarter of the time. It works perfectly and keeps in good order. I think it saves me two men, and in addition it is worth more than cost io clipping. I am greatly pleased with it— it is all right. Very truly, A. F. Earl