-!'^ "-■«. '^o. ^ '^ ■"? -v w ^^^1 > ^ To insert or remove sheets, pull out catch at end of Binder and raise the cover. THE BENTON M'F'G Zt MAKERS OF LOOSE LEAF GOODS 8 ABINGDON SQUARE NEW YORK CITY. W. A. CHAPLIN SYSTEM CO.. HEW EHGLAHD AGEHTS SPRINGFIELD. MASS. iiiiiHiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiinMiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiMi 3 9090 013 407 057 ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE NUMBER SEVEN Ranno Saddlery Co. SOLE MANUFACTURERS OF THE Ranno Harness MANCHESTER, NEW HAMPSHIRE, U. S. A. Webster Family Library of Veterinary Medicine Cummings School of Veterinary Medicine at Tufts University 200 Westboro Road North Grafton, MA 01536 .1^ ANNOUNCEMENT. ^TT^E take pleasure in presenting ) ou this, our number r 11 SEVEN Catalogue of RANNO HARNESS. In its preparation we have spared neither time nor expense in giving our patrons illustrations that will show every detail, as each cut is an exact reproduction from photo- graphs taken in our own plant. In our many years of experience we have made a careful study of the wants of the horse owner, and feel safe in saying that our present line of harness is second to none in STYLE, WORKMANSHIP, and DURABILITY. We use nothing but the very best OAK LEATHER and employ only skilled labor, and for that reason think we have a right to claim the superiority of RANNO HARNESS. MAIL ORDERS A SPECIALTY— We have taken great pains in preparing this Catalogue to make everything very plain so as to enable our patrons to make their selections intelligently without the aid of a salesman. All orders mailed us will receive our immediate and careful attention. Thanking our many custoiners for their liberal patronage in the past, we hope by strict attention ti> their wants to merit a continuance of the same. Yours truly, RANNO SADDLERY CO. TERMS. QET CASH 60 DAYS or a discount of 2% will be allowed if paid strictly within 10 DAYS from date of invoice. Bills overdue subject to sight draft without further notice. No goods sent on consignment. All goods billed F. O. B. Manchester, N. H. After delivery of goods to EXPRESS or RAILROAD COM- PANY, and obtaining their receipt therefor, our responsibility ceases. CANCELLATIONS. On receipt of orders our rule is to fill from stock immediately as far as possible. Where goods have to be specially made in pursuance to orders a countermand or cancellation must reach us before the goods are made, other- wise we cannot release the purchaser. It is understood that all orders imply an acceptance of above terms. No. 120. SINGLE STRAP HARNESS. Campbell Machine Stitch. BRIDLE — K inch box loop cheeks, track bhnd, patent leather front, metal rosettes, flat overdraw check. REINS — Black or russet, J x IJ inch spring billets. BREAST COLLAR — Single leather. If inch wide. NECK STRAP— Single leather, 1 inch wide, | inch points. TRACES — Single leather, 1| inch wide, sewed on to breast collar, waved point, lined at butt, three holes. SADDLE — 3 inch straight skirt, short track tree, enamel leather pad, machine laced 1 inch back bands with dee at top, covered pug seat, | inch billets. SHAFT TUGS — 1 inch with dee and i inch billet. . GIRTHS— Inside single leather with | inch layer. Outside, flat running through loops. BREECHING— Single leather, U inch wide, H inch short layer, flat bearers, f mch' single hip straps, | inch side straps. TURNBACK— Waved and lined 11 inches, crupper sewed on. Nickel or Brass wire I Imitation Rubber $ Genuine Rubber I No. 121. SINGLE STRAP HARNESS. Campbell Machine Stitch. BRIDLE — I inch box loop cheeks, track blinds, 5 inch throat lash, patent leather front, metal rosettes, flat overdraw check. REINS — Black or russet | .x 1^ inch, spring billets. BREAST COLLAR— Single leather, 2 inch wide. NECK STRAP— Single leather, IJ inch wide, | inch' points. TRACES — Single leather, IJ inch wide, sewed on to breast collar, waved points, lined at butt, three holes. SADDLE — 3i inch straight skirt, short track tree, enamel leather pad, machine laced, 1 inch back band with dee at top. covered pug seat, | inch billets. SHAFT TUGS— 1 inch with dee and I inch billet. GIRTHS — Inside single leather with | inch layer. Outside flat running through loops. BREECHING — Single leather. If inch wide, H inch short layer, flat bearers, f inch single hip strap, 1 inch side straps. TURNBACK —Waved and lined 11 inches, crupjjer sewed on. Nickel or Brass wire Imitation RvibVicr . Genuine Rubber SPECIAL No. 37. SINGLE STRAP HARNESS. Hand Stitch, 8 and 9. Heavy Oak Leather. BRIDLE— I inch box loop cheeks, track bhnds, patent leather front, metal rosettes, flat overdraw check. REINS— Black or russet 1 x 1^ inch, spring billets. BREAST COLLAR— Single leather, -2 inch wide. NECK STRAP— Single leather, H inch wide with | inch points. TRACES— Single leather, li inch wide, sewed on to breast collar, waved point, lined at butt, three holes. SADDLE— 3i inch straight skirts, short track tree, covered pug seat, enamel leather pad, hand laced, 1 inch back band, i inch billets. SHAFT TUGS — 1 inch with billet, box loops. GIRTHS— Inside, folded with layer. Outside flat running through two loops. BREECHING— Single leather, 1| inch wide, li inch waved short layers, fiat bearers, f inch single hip strap, | inch side straps. TURNBACK— Waved and lined 12 inches in center, f inch crupper buckle on. Nickel or Brass West End * Solid Nickel " " ^ Genuine Rubber ^T No. 175. FOLDED BUGGY HARNESS. Campbell Machine Stitch. BRIDLE — J inch box loop cheeks, track bhnds, patent leather front, metal rosettes, flat overdraw check. REINS — Black or ntsset J x 1^ inch, spring billets. BREAST COLLAR — Folded with 1^ inch waved layer, safe under buckle, box loop. NECK STRAP — Folded with waved layer to match breast collar. TRACES — Ij inch, raised, double and stitched. SADDLE — 3 2 inch straight skirts, leather lined, short track tree, covered pug seat> enamel leather pad, hand laced, 1 inch back band, | inch billets. SHAFT TUG— 1 inch with billets, box loops. GIRTHS — Inside folded with a layer. Outside flat running through two loops. BREECHING — Folded to match breast collar, flat bearers, f inch single hip strap, I inch side straps. TURNBACK — Waved and lined in center 1 1 inches, i inch crupper buckle on. Nickel or Brass wire f Imitation Rubber $ Solid Nickel wire $ Genuine Rubber $ No. 275. FOLDED BUGGY HARNESS. Campbell Machine Stitch. BRIDLE — h inch box loop cheeks, track blind, patent leather front, metal rosettes, flat overdraw check. REINS— Black or russet J x IJ inch, spring billets. SWISS BREAST COLLAR— Plain leather, left open at bottom, 2^ inches wide, IJ inch straight layer, box loops. NECK STRAP — Split with | inch double and stitched points, rein terrets on side. TRACES — If inch, raised, double and stitched. SADDLE— 3i inch straight skirts, leather Hned short track tree, covered pug seat, enamel leather pad, hand laced, 1 inch back band, I mch billets. SHAFT TUGS— 1 inch with billet, box loop. GIRTHS— Inside folded with layer. Outside flat running through two loops. ^ BREECHING — Folded to match breast collar with waved layer, flat bearers, f inch single hip strap, | inch side straps. TURNBACK— Waved and lined in center 11 inches, i inch crupper buckle on. Nickelor Brass wire 5 Imitation Rubber ^ Solid Nickel wire 5 ~ Genuine Rubber $ ~ No. 275X. FOLDED DOCTOR'S HARNESS. Campbell Machine Stitch. BRIDLE — i inch box loop cheeks, track bhnds, patent leather front, metal rosettes, flat overdraw check. REINS — Russet or black | x 1-^ inch, spring billets. SWISS BREAST COLLAR— Plain leather left open at bottom, 2^ inches wide, 1^ inch straight layer, box loops. NECK STRAP — Split with f inch double and stitched points, rein ferrets on side. TRACES — ll inch, raised, double and stitched. SADDLE — 2i inch straight skirts, leather lined, short track tree, covered pug seat, enamel leather pad, hand laced, 1 inch back bands, | inch billets. SHAFT TUGS— 1 inch with billet, box loop. GIRTHS — Inside folded with layer. Outside flat running through two loops. BREECHING — Folded to match breast collar witli waved layer, four | inch bearers, I inch side straps. HIP STRAP — Single leather, split with f inch points. TURNBACK — Waved and lined in center 11 inches, J inch crupper buckle on. Nickel or Brass wire . . . . , $ Imitation Rubber $ Solid Nickel Wire $ Genine Rubber $ 10 No. 176. FOLDED CARRYALL HARNESS. Campbell Machine Stitch. BRIDLE — I inch box loop cheeks, track blinds, patent leather front, metal rosettes, flat overdraw or round side check. REINS — Black or russet | x 1^ inch, spring billets. BREAST COLLAR — Folded with H inch waved layer, safe under buckle, box loops. NECK STRAP — Folded with waved layer to match breast collar. TRACES — IJ inch, raised, double and stitched. SADDLE — 4: inch straight skirts, leather lined, short track tree, covered pug seat, enamel leather pad, hand laced, IJ inch back band, 1 inch billets. SHAFT TUGS — H inch with billets, box loops. GIRTHS— Inside folded with a layer. Outside flat running through two loops. BREECHING — Folded to match breast collar, flat bearers, f inch single hip strap, 1 inch side straps. TURNBACK— Waved and lined in center 1 1 inches, f inch crupper buckle on. Nickel or Brass wire $ Imitation Rubber $ — Solid Nickel wire $ Genuine Rubber $ ■ 11 No. 276. FOLDED CARRYALL HARNESS. Campbell Machine Stitch. BRIDLE — I inch box loop cheeks, track bhnds, patent leather front, metal rosettes, flat overdraw or round side check. REINS — Black or russet | x 1^ inch, spring billets. SWISS BREAST COLLAR— Plain leather left open at bottom, 2| inch wide, U inch straight layer, box loops. NECK STRAP — Split with | inch double and stitched points, rein ferrets on side. TRACES — IJ inch, raised, double and stitched. SADDLE — 4 inch, straight skirts, leather lined, short track tree, covered pug seat, enamel leather pad, hand laced, 1^- inch back band, 1 ,inch billets. SHAFT TUGS— li inch with billets, box loops. GIRTHS — Inside folded with layer. Outside flat running through two loops. BREECHING — Folded to match breast collar with waved layer, flat bearers, J inch single hip strap, 1 inch side straps. TURNBACK — Waved and lined in center 11 inches, | inch crupper buckle on. Nickel or Brass wire $ Imitation Rubber $ Solid Nickel wire $ Genuine Rubber $ 12 No. 276X. FOLDED CARRYALL HARNESS, Campbell Machine Stitch. BRIDLE — f inch box loop cheeks, track blinds, patent leather front, metal rosettes, flat overdraw or round side check. REINS — Black or russet | x H inch, spring billets. SWISS BREAST COLLAR— Plain leather left open at bottom 2f inch wide, li inch straight layer, box loops. NECK STRAP — Split with f inch double and stitched points, rein ferrets on side. TRACES — li inch, raised, double and stitched. SADDLE— 4 inch straight skirts, leather lined, short track tree, covered pug seat. enamel leather pad, hand laced, H inch back band, 1 inch billets. SHAFT TUGS— H inch with billets, box loops. GIRTHS— Inside folded with layer. Outside flat running through two loops. BREECHING — Folded to match breast collar with waved layer, four | inch bearers, 1 inch side straps. HIP STRAP— Single leather, split with | inch points. TURNBACK— Waved and lined in center 11 inches, | inch crupper buckle on. Nickel or Brass wire S Imitation Rubber " $ Solid Nickel " $ Genuine Rubber " $ 13 No. 118. LIGHT DELIVERY HARNESS. Campbell Machine Stitch. BRIDLE — I inch, box loop cheeks, f inch track bhnds, long layer on crown with gags to buckle on, chain front, metal rosettes, round side check. REINS — Black or russet i x IJ inch, spring billets. SWISS BREAST COLLAR— Plain leather, left open at bottom, 2| inch wide, H inch straight layer, box loops. NECK STRAP — Split with | inch double and stitched points, rein ferrets on side. TRACES— H inch, flat, double and stitched. SADDLE — 4 inch, straight harness leather skirts, leather lined, short track tree, plain leather covered seat and jockey, plain leather pad, hand laced, 1 J inch ring back band with metal skirt loop, 1 inch billets. SHAFT TUGS— li inch with a billet, box loops. GIRTHS — Inside folded with a layer. Outside flat running through two loops. BREECHING — Folded with 1^ inch waved layer, f inch bearers, box loops, 1 inch side straps. HIP STRAPS— Single leather, split with | inch points. TURNBACK — Coach style, single leather, I inch billet, | inch crupper buckle on. Nickel or Brass wire $ Solid Nickel " Above harness with patent leather saddle if desired. $- 14 No. 172. FOLDED BUGGY HARNESS. Campbell Machine Stitch 10 and 11. BRIDLE — i inch box loop cheeks, track blinds, folded crown, patent leather^front, metal rosettes, flat overdraw check with five buckles. REINS — Russet or black, | x IJ inch with spring billets. BREAST COLLAR — 1^ inch fancy waved layer with one long wave in center, best fold leather, safe under buckle, box loops. NECK STRAP— Folded, with layer to match breast collar. TRACES — l-j inch, raised, double and stitched. SADDLE — 3 or 3iJ'inch straight coupe skirts, short track tree, covered seat and jockey. enamel leather pad, 1 inch bearers, | inch billets, patent leather skirt loops, pug seat. SHAFT TUGS— 1 nich with a billet, box loops. GIRTHS — Inside, folded with layer. Outside, flat running through two loops. BREECHING — Folded to match breast collar, flat bearers, | inch single hip strap. TURNBACK- |Mnch side straps. -One long wave lined 1 5 inches with four rows stitching back of hip strap, flaxseed crupper to buckle or sew on. Nickel or Brass West End $ Solid Nickel $- Genuine Rubber 15 No. 173. FOLDED CARRYALL HARNESS. CampbeirMachine Stitch 10 and 11. BRIDLE — -| inch box loop cheeks, large track blinds, folded crown, leather front, metal rosettes, round side check. REINS — Russet or black, | x 1^ inch with spring billets. BREAST COLLAR — \\ inch fancy waved layer with one long wave in center, best fold leather, safe under buckle, box loops. NECK STRAP— Folded, with layer to match breast collar. TRACES — 1\ inch, raised, double and stitched. SADDLE — 4 inch straight coupe skirts, short track tree, covered seat and jockey, enamel leather pad, 1^ inch bearers, 1 inch billets, patent leather skirt loops, pug seat. SHAFT TUGS — H inch with a billet, box loops. GIRTHS — Inside, folded with a layer. Outside, flat, running through two loops- BREECHING — Folded to match breast collar, flat bearers, | inch single hip strap. 1 inch side straps. TURNBACK — One long wavC: lined IS inches with four rows stitching back of hip strap, flaxseed crupper to buckle on. Nickel or Brass West End S Solid Nickel " " $ Genuine Rubber S 16 No. 179. FOLDED BUSINESS OR DOCTOR'S HARNESS. Campbell Machine Stitch 10 and 11. BRIDLE — f inch box loop cheeks, track bhnds, folded crown, patent leather front, metal rosettes, i inch throat lash, flat overdraw check with five buckles. REINS — Russet or black, i x 1^ inch with spring billets. SWISS BREAST COLLAR— Plain leather left open at bottom, 2^ inch wide, H inch layer with one long wave in center, box loops, neck strap split with I inch double and stitched points, rein ferrets on sides. TRACES — IJ inch, raised, double and stitched. SADDLE — 3J inch straight coupe skirts short track tree, covered seat and jockey, enamel leather pad, 1 inch bearers, I inch billets, patent leather skirt loops. SHAFT TUGS — 1 inch with a billet, box loops. GIRTHS— Inside, folded with a layer. Outside, flat, running through two loops. BREECHING— Folded to match breast collar, flat bearers, | inch single hip strap, I inch side straps, box loops. TURNBACK — One long wave lined 15 inches with four rows stitching back of hip strap, flaxseed crupper to buckle or sew on. Nickel or Brass West End $ Solid Nickel " " « Genuine Rubber 5 17 No. 522. FOLDED BUGGY HARNESS. Campbell Machine Stitch. BRIDLE — I inch box loop cheeks, track blinds, patent leather front, metal rosettes, flat overdraw. check, with five buckles. REINS — Russet or black | x 1| inch, spring billets. BREAST COLLAR — Plain leather folds with IJ inch straight layer with point on trace. NECK STRAP — | inch, sewed into breast collar and buckle on top with a light fold on top of neck. TRACES — 1 3-16 inch, single leather, attached to breast collar, lined at butt, three holes. SADDLE — 3 inch, Kay pad, straight skirts, short track tree, bevel edge, covered pug seat, 1 inch bearers, | inch billets. SHAFT TUGS — 1 inch round or with billets, box loops. GIRTHS — Inside folded with layer. Outside flat running through two loops. BREECHING — Plain fold with 1 inch straight layer to match breast collar, flat bearers, f inch hip strap sewed in one side and reef one side, | inch side straps. TURNBACK — Waved and lined in center 11 inches, crupper sewed on. Gilt and Imitation Rubber $ ■ Gilt and Rubber $ Genuine Rubber $ Enamel Fold extra net $ No. 523. FOLDED BUGGY HARNESS. Made same as No. 522 only with 3 inch flexible saddle with enamel leather tufted pad. , Gilt and Imitation Rubber $ Gilt and Rubber $ Genuine Rubber $ Enamel folds extra net $ 18 No. 90. FOLDED BUGGY HARNESS. Campbell Machine Stitch 10 and 11. BRIDLE — I inch box loop cheeks, track bhnds, folded crown, round throat'^'lash, 'patent leather front, metal rosettes, flat overdraw check with five buckles. REINS — Russet or black, | x 1^ inch with spring billets. BREAST COLLAR — Plain or enamel, best fold leather with IJ inch fancy layer, one long wave in center, and a point running down on trace. NECK STRAP — | inch attached to breast collar and buckle on top, light fold 14 inches long on top. TRACES— H inch, double and stitched, attached to breast collar with three holes in butt. SADDLE — 3 inch Kay pad, straight skirts, short track tree, bevel edge, covered pug seat, 1 inch bearers, | inch billets. SHAFT TUGS — 1 inch, round or with billets, box loops. GIRTHS— Inside, folded with layer. Outside, flat, running through two loops. BREECHING — Folded to match breast collar, flat bearers, | inch single hip strap sewed in one side and reef one side, | inch side straps, box loops. TURNBACK — One long wave lined IS inches with four rows stitching back of hip strap, flaxseed crupper sewed on. Gilt and Rubber $ ' Genuine Rubber 19 No. 165. FOLDED DOCTOR'S HARNESS. Campbell Machine Stitch. BRIDLE — i inch box loop cheeks, | inch track blinds, folded crown, round throat lash, patent leather front, fine metal rosettes, i inch flat overdraw check with five buckles. REINS — Fine russet or black, | x 1^ inch, lined in center, spring billets. SWISS BREAST COLLAR— Enamel or plain leather folded 2 inches wide, 1|- inch fancy layer with one long wave in center, box loops, safe under buckles, four J inch studs. NECK STRAP — Short fold in center to match breast collar, two ^ inch double and stitched points, each side to buckle into studs, 1^ inch rein terrets each side. TRACES— H inch, flat, double and stitched. SADDLE — 3 inch English saddle, straight skirts, four rows stitching, jockey plugged, pug seat, covered crupper loop, English enamel leather pad, 1 inch flat running back band, J inch points, terrets set in front, coupe hook. SHAFT TUGS — 1 inch, round, raised on inside, box loops. GIRTHS — Inside, folded with layer, safe under buckle. Outside, flat, to wind shaft. BREECHING — Folded with 1^- inch layer to match breast collar, four i inch bearers with 2i inch box loops, | inch side straps. HIP STRAP— Split, double and stitched with ^ inch billets. TURNBACK — One long wave, lined whole length with four rows stitching back of hip strap, crupper sewed on. Brass and Rubber Mountings $ Silver and Rubber " • $ Genuine Rubber " $ — 20 No. 200. FOLDED BUGGY HARNESS. Cambell Machine Stitch 11 and 12. BRIDLE — J inch box loop cheeks, brilliant track blinds, folded crown, round throat lash, patent leather front, fine rosettes, flat overdraw check with five buckles. REINS — Russet or black, | x 1^ inch, lined in center 30 inches, spring billets. BREAST COLLAR — 1| inch fancy waved layer straight and narrow in center, best fold leather, safe under buckle, box loops. NECK STRAP— Folded, with layer to match breast collar. TRACES— H inch, flat, double and stitched. SHAFT TUGS— 1 inch, raised on inside, box loops. GIRTHS — Inside, folded with layer, safe under buckle. Outside, flat, running through two loops. SADDLE — 3 or 3h inch, straight coupe skirts, short track tree, covered pug seat, bevel edge skirt with four rows stitching, enamel leather pad, 1 inch back bands, | inch inserted billets. BREECHING — Folded with fancy layer to match breast collar, flat bearers, f inch double hip strap, J inch side straps. TURNBACK — One longwave lined whole length, figure each side of hip strap, flaxseed crupper sewed on. Nickel or Brass West End $ Solid Nickel " " $ Genuine Rubber $ No. 201. FOLDED BUGGY HARNESS. Made same as No. 200 only has a 3 inch Kay saddle, 1^ inch traces sewed to breast collar. Nickel or Brass West End $ Solid Nickel " " $ Genuine Rubber $ 21 |._jj5.^^.^i-JSrrsSiS5i4j-iv<^S»ik,' ■'^• ^-'On-'fltJOHSMBaSS No. 202. FOLDED CARRYALL HARNESS. Campbell Machine Stitch 11 and 12. BRIDLE — f inch box loop cheeks, large track blinds, long layer on crown with gags to buckle on, round winker brace, round side check, | inch fancy leather front, metal rosettes. REINS — Russet or black, | x 1^ inch, lined in center 30 inches, spring billets. SWISS BREAST COLLAR— Plain leather left open at bottom, 2| inches wide, \\ inch layer with one long wave in center, box loops, neck strap split with I inch double and stitched points and rein terrets on sides. TRACES — H inch, flat, double and stitched. SADDLE — 4 inch straight coupe skirts, leather lined, short track tree, bevel edge skirts, enamel leather pad, \\ inch bearers, leather loops, 1 inch billets. SHAFT TUGS— 1^- inch, raised on inside with billets box loops. GIRTHS — Inside, wide fold with layer, safe under buckle. Oustide, flat running through two loops. BREECHING — Folded with fancy long waved layer to match breast collar, j inch studs, hip strap split, double and stitched with % inch points, 1 inch side straps, box loops. TURNBACK — One long wave lined whole length, figure each side of hip strap, flax- seed crupper. Nickel or Brass West End $ Solid Nickel " ". $ Genuine Rubber $ 22 No. 521. FOLDED ROAD HARNESS. Campbell Machine Stitch. BRIDLE — I inch box loop cheeks, track bhnds, patent leather front, metal rosettes, flat overdraw check with five buckles. REINS — Russet or black 1x1^ inch, spring billets. BREAST COLLAR— Plain leather fold with 1 inch straight layer. NECK STRAP— Folded to match breast collar with J inch straight layer and points to reef both sides. TRACES — 1 1-16 inch, single leather, attached to breast collar, lined at butt, three holes. SADDLE — 2J inch, flexible, treeless track saddle, enamel leather tufted pad, | inch bearers with dee at top, | inch billets. SHAFT TUGS — | inch, round, box loops. GIRTHS— Inside folded with layer. Outside flat running through two loops. BREECHING— Folded with straight layer to match breast collar, flat bearers, i inch hip straps to reef both sides, f inch side straps. TURNBACK— Waved and lined in center 11 inches, crupper sewed on. Gilt and Imitation Rubber $ • Gilt and Rubber $ Genuine Rubber $ Enamel leather folds e.x.tra net S No. 520. FOLDED ROAD HARNESS. Made same as No. 521 only with a 2 J inch Kay Saddle. Gilt and Imitation Rubber $— Gilt and Rubber $ Genuine Rubber $ Enamel leather folds e.xtra net $ 23 v.,> No. 510. FOLDED ROAD HARNESS. Campbell Machine Stitch 12. BRIDLE — I inch box loop cheeks, k inch track blinds, folded crown, leather front, metal rosettes, flat overdraw check with five buckles. REINS — Black or russet | x 1^ inch, spring billets. BREAST COLLAR — Plain or enamel, best fold leather IJ inches wide, 1 inch straight layer with point on trace. NECK STRAP — Swiss style with short fold in center to match breast collar, two ^ inch double and stitched points each side to buckle into studs, 1|- inch light rein terrets. TRACES — 1 inch, single leather, attached to breast collar, lined at butt, three holes. SADDLE — 2| inch Kay pad, short track tree, bevel edge skirts, coupe end, | inch flat back band, -J inch billets, pug seat. SHAFT TUGS — | inch, round and stitched, box loops. GIRTHS — Inside, folded with layer. Outside, flat, to wrap around shaft, running through two loops. BREECHING — Folded with 1 inch layer to match breast collar, flat bearers, J inch hip strap reef both sides, f inch side straps, box loops. TURNBACK — One long wave lined IS inches in center, flaxseed crupper sewed on. Gilt and Imitation Rubber $ Gilt and Rubber $ Genuine Rubber $ 24 No. 440. SINGLE STRAP ROAD HARNESS. Campbell Machine Stitch 12. BRIDLE — i inch box loop cheeks, h inch track bhnds, folded crown with leather loops, J inch round throat lash, patent leather front, metal rosettes, flat overdraw check with five buckles. REINS — Fine russet or black, f x IJ inch, front part beaded, solid leather, spring billets. BREAST COLLAR — Single leather, 1| inch wide, light narrow layer whole length. NECK STRAP — Single leather, 1 inch wide, with | inch points, reef in dees both sides. TRACES — Single leather, 1 inch wide, attached to breast collar with three holes in butt. SADDLE — 2f inch Kay pad, short track tree, bevel edge skirts, coupe end, | inch flat back band, | inch billets, pug seat. SHAFT TUGS — I inch, raised inside, box loops. GIRTHS — Inside, folded with layer. Outside, flat, to wrap around shafts, running through two loops. BREECHING — H inch, single leather with long layer to match breast collar, flat bear- ers, ^ inch hip strap to reef both sides, | inch side straps, box loops. TURNBACK — One long wave lined 15 inches in center, with figure each side of hip strap, flaxseed crupper sewed on. Gilt and Rubber $ Genuine Rubber $ No. 441. SINGLE STRAP ROAD HARNESS. Same as No. 440 only with 2^ inch flexible saddle, enamel leather tufted pad. Gilt and Rubber $ Genuine Rubber $ 25 No. 450. FOLDED ROAD HARNESS. Campbell Machine Stitch 12. BRIDLE — h inch box loop cheeks, J inch track bUnds, folded crown with leather loops, i inch round throat lash, patent leather front, metal rosettes, flat overdraw check with five buckles. REINS— Fine russet or black, f x H inch, front part beaded, solid leather, spring billets. BREAST COLLAR— Plain or enamel, best fold leather with one inch fanc}^ layer, one long wave in center. NECK STRAP— Folded to match breast collar, | inch straight layer and points to reef both sides. TRACES— 1 inch, flat, double and stitched, attached to breast collar, three holes m butt. SADDLE — 2J inch Kay pad, short track tree, bevel edge skirts, coupe ends, | mch flat back band, | inch billets, pug seat. SHAFT TUGS — I inch raised inside, box loops. GIRTHS— Inside, folded with layer. Outside, flat, to wrap around shaft, runnmg through two loops. BREECHING— Folded to match breast collar with 1 inch fancy layer, flat bearers, h inch hip straps to reef both sides, f inch side straps, box loops. TURNBACK— One long wave, lined 15 inches in center, with figure each side of hip strap, flaxseed crupper sewed on. Gilt and Rubber $ Genuine Rubber * No. 451 FOLDED ROAD HARNESS. Same as No. 450 only with 2i inch flexible saddle, enamel leather tufted pad. Gilt and Rubber S- Genuine Rubber * 26 No. 160. FOLDED ROAD HARNESS. Campbell Machine Stitch 12. BRIDLE — J inch box loop cheeks, h inch track bUnds, folded crown, f inch round throat lash, narrow band froht, fine metal rosettes, f inch flat over- draw check with five buckles. REINS — Russet or black | x 1^ inch, front part beaded, solid leather, spring billets. BREAST COLLAR — Enamel or plain, best fold leather with 1 inch fancy layer, straight in center. NECK STRAP — Folded, with layer to match breast collar. TRACES — 1 inch, flat, double and stitched attached to breast collar, three holes in butt. SADDLE — 2J inch Kay pad, short track tree, bevel edge skirts, four rows stitching, covered pug seat, | inch running back band, rawhide lined, | inch billets. SHAFT TUGS — I inch, round, raised on inside, box loops. GIRTHS^Wide soft fold with double safe on each end, extra long billet attached to end of girth to wind shaft. BREECHING — Folded with layer to match breast collar, flat bearers, J inch double and stitched hip strap, f inch side straps. TURNBACK — One long wave, lined whole length with figure each side of hip strap, crupper sewed on. Gilt and Rubber Mountings $ Silver and Rubber " $ Genuine Rubber " $ 27 No. 163. FOLDED ROAD HARNESS. Campbell Machine Stitch' 12.j BRIDLE — ^Tinch box loops, 5 inch track blinds, folded crown, round throat lash, patent leather front, fine metal rosettes, f inch flat overdraw check with five buckles. REINS — Black or russet. |- x 1| inch, front part beaded, solid leather, spring billets. BREAST COLLAR — Plain or enamel, best fold leather with 1 inch fancy layer, one long wave in center. NECK STRAP— Folded, with layer to match breast collar. TRACES — 1 inch, flat, double and stitched, attached to breast collar with three holes in butt. SADDLE — 2i inch Kay pad, short track tree, bevel edge skirts, four rows stitching, covered seat and jockey, | inch running back band, | inch billets, pug seat . SHAFT TUGS — I inch, round, raised on inside, box loops. GIRTHS — Inside, folded with layer, safe under buckle. Outside, flat, to wind shaft. BREECHING — Folded with 1 inch fancy layer to match breast collar, flat bearers, ^ inch double and stitched hip strap, f inch side straps. TURNBACK — One long wave, lined whole length with four rows stitching back of hip strap, flaxseed crupper sewed on. Gilt and Rubber Mountings $ Silver and Rubber " $ Genuine Rubber " $ 28 No. 109. FOLDED ROAD HARNESS. Campbell Machine Stitch 12 and 14. BRIDLE — J inch box loop cheeks, 5 inch grain track blinds, folded crown, f inch round throat lash, fine leather front, gold rosettes, | inch fiat over- draw check with five buckles. REINS — Fine russet or black, | inch, beaded bit parts, solid leather, spring billets, 1^ inch boarded hand parts. BREAST COLLAR — Fine fold leather, good width with 1 inch fancy layer, straight in center. KECK STRAP — Folded to match breast collar, f inch points. TRACES — 1 inch, double and stitched, raised both sides, attached to breast collar, three holes in butt. SADDLE — 2f inch Kay pad, short track tree, no loops, heavy skirting, bevel edge with four rows stitching, | inch running back band, | inch points, pug seat. SHAFT TUGS — J inch, round, raised inside, box loops. GIRTHS — Inside, wide soft fold extending under buckle with layer. Outside, flat, running through two loops to wind shaft. BREECHING — Folded to match breast collar, with fancy layer, round bearers, i inch double hip strap, | inch side straps, box loops. TURNBACK — ^Waved to match layers, lined whole length with figure each side of hip strap, flaxseed crupper sewed on. Gilt and Rubber Mountings $ Silver and Rubber Genuine Rubber 29 No. 108. FOLDED ROAD HARNESS. Campbell Machine Stitch 12 and 13. BRIDLE — J inch box loop cheeks, J inch grain track bUnds, folded crown, round throat lash, fine leather front, high grade rosettes, | inch flat over- draw check with five buckles. REINS — Russet or black, f x 1-|- inch, front part beaded, solid leather, spring billets. BREAST COLLAR — Enamel or plain best fold leather, fancy layer, straight in center. NECK STRAP — Small rounds attached to breast collar and buckle on top with a small fold, TRACES — 1 inch, double and stitched, raised both sides, attached to breast collar, three holes in butt. SADDLE — 2h inch Kay pad, short track tree, no loops, heavy skirting, bevel edge with four rows stitching, | inch running back band, I inch points. SHAFT TUGS — I inch, round, raised inside, box loops. GIRTHS — Inside, folded with layer, safe under buckle. Outside, flat, running through two loops to wind shaft. BREECHING — Folded to match breast collar, round bearers, \ inch round hip strap, I inch double side straps. TURNBACK — One long wave, lined whole length with crupper points rounded, flax- seed crupper sewed on. Gilt and Rulibcr Mountings $ Silver and Rubber " $ ■ Genuine Rubber " $ 30 No. no. FOLDED ROAD HARNESS. Campbell Machine Stitch 12 and 13. BRIDLE — A inch box loop cheeks, i inch grain track bhnds. folded crown, f inch round throat lash, fine leather front, gold oval rosettes, fine overdraw check, front part rounded, balance flat, with five buckles. REINS — Fine russet or black, bit parts rounded with spring billets, 1^ inch boarded hand parts. BREAST COLLAR — English enamel leather fold with fancy layer, straight in center with points down on trace, J inch studs for neck strap with loop above buckle. NECK STRAP — Rounded whole length, sewed into ring on top and buckle with studs in breast collar, small chafe under ring on top with short billet to attach to check hook. TRACES — Cut 1 inch, run into breast collar fold and rounded 4| feet flat at butt with three holes. SADDLE — 2i inch Kay pad, long track tree with terret stops, heavy skirting, bevel edge with four rows stitching, | inch running back band, I inch points, small T hook and light bevel band ferrets. SHAFT TUGS — | inch, round raised on inside, box loops. GIRTHS — Inside, enamel leather folded with layer, safe under buckle. Outside, flat running through two loops to wind shaft. BREECHING— Folded to match breast collar, round bearers, -i inch round hip strap, f inch double and stitched side straps. TURNBACK — One long wave, lined whole length with crupper points rounded, flaxseed crupper sewed on. Gilt and Rubber Mountings $ ■ — Silver and Rubber " $ ■ Genuine Rubber " $ 31 No. 400. FOLDED TRACK HARNESS. Campb.ll Michia: Stitch 12. BRIDLE — 7-16 inch box loop cheeks, ^ inch track bUnds, folded crown, | inch round throat lash, fine leather front, oval rosettes, flat overdraw check, 7-16 inch billets, f inch back end and five buckles. REINS — Fine black track, J x IJ inch, with large hand holders. BREAST COLLAR — Straight grain enamel leather fold, If inch wide, narrow straight layer. NECK STRAP — Folded, 1 inch wide to match breast collar, i inch layer and points to reef both sides. TRACES — I single leather, attached to breast collar, lined at butt with rawhide, I three holes. SADDLE — 2J inch flexible, Kay saddle, J inch back band with dee at end of jockey, I inch billets, light McKinney hook' and light wire terrets. SHAFT TUGS — | inch, round, raised on inside, box loops. GIRTHS — Wide, soft fold, with double safe and extra long billets to wind shafts, attached to fold. BREECHING — Folded, IJ inch wide to match breast collar, narrow layer, light flat bearers, f inch hip strap to reef both sides, | inch side straps. TURNBACK — One long wave, made heavy with f inch front end, lined IS inches with rawhide, crupper sewed on. MARTINGALE— Single, 1 inch wide with gilt rings. Gilt and Rubber Mountings $- 32 No. 401. FOLDED TRACK HARNESS. "TWO MINUTE ATTACHMENTS." Campbell Machine Stitch 12. BRIDLE— 7-16 inch box loop cheeks, i inch track bUnds, folded crown, f inch round throat lash, fine leather front, fine rosettes, flat overdraw check, 7-16 inch billets, f inch back end,^ with five buckles. REINS— Fine black track reins, | x 1^ inch, with large hand holders. SADDLE — 2i inch, flexible, Kay saddle, | inch back band with dee at end of jockey, I inch points, light McKinney hook and Hght wire terrets. SHAFT TUGS — | inch, round, raised on inside, box loops. GIRTHS— Wide, soft fold with double safe and extra long billets to wind shaft, at- tached to fold. TWO MINUTE ATTACHMENTS— Front set i inch, attached to a 4J inch socket on end of shaft and to reef into dee on saddle. Back set cut | inch, attached to whiffletree, and tapered down to f inch and reef into dee on saddle. TURNBACK — One long wave, made heavy with | inch front part, lined 15 inches in center with rawhide, crupper sewed on. MARTINGALE— Single 1 inch wide with gilt rings. Gilt and Rubber Mountings I 33 No. 325. FOLDED TRACK HARNESS. Campbell Machine Stitch 12 and 13. BRIDLE— 7-16 inch box loop cheeks, i inch grain leather blinds, folded crown, f inch round throat lash, fine leather front, gold oval rosettes, fine flat overdraw check with 7-16 inch billets, | inch back end and five buckles. REINS— Fine black track reins, i x li inch, with large hand holders. BREAST COLLAR — Fine straight grain enamel leather fold, 1^ inches wide, narrow straight layer. NECK STRAP— Folded, 1 inch wide to match breast collar. J inch layer and points to reef both sides. TRACES— J inch, double and stitched, made light, attached to breast collar, three holes in butt. SADDLE— 2i inch, flexible treeless track saddle, | inch, back band with dee at end of jockey, | inch inserted points, Enghsh enamel leather pad, wire laced, light McKinney hook and light wire terrets. SHAFT TUGS— I inch, round, raised on inside, box loops. GIRTHS— Inside, special, wide, folded, soft girth, with end extending beyond buckle to receive the extra long billet to wind shafts. Outside, short girth running through three stout loops, with buckle each end for shaft billots. BREECHING— Folded, H inch wide to match breast collar, with narrow layer, light flat bearers, | inch hip strap to reef both sides, | inch side straps. TURNBACK— One long wave made heavy with J inch front end full lined and flax- seed crupper sewed on. MARTINGALE— Folded, U inches wide, with layer and round prongs at top with gilt rings. Gilt and Rubber Mountings $- 34 No. 330. FOLDED TRACK HARNESS. "TWO MINUTE ATTACHMENTS." Campbell Machine Stitch 12. BRIDLE — 7-16 inch box loop cheeks, ^ inch grain leather track blinds, folded crown, I inch round throat lash, fine leather front, gold oval rosettes, fine flat overdraw check with 7-16 inch billets, | inch back end and five buckles. REINS — Fine black track reins, | x IJ inch with large hand holders. SADDLE — 2h inch flexible treeless track saddle, | inch back band with dee at end of jockey, | inch points, tufted English enamel leather pad, wire laced light McKinney hook and light wire terrets. SHAFT TUGS — I inch, round, raised on inside, box loops. GIRTHS — Inside, special, wide, folded, soft, girth with end extending beyond buckle to receive the extra long billet to wind shaft. Outside, short girth running through three stout loops, with buckle each end for shaft billets. TWO MINUTE ATTACHMENTS— Front set, f inch attached to a 4J inch leather socket on end of shaft. Back set, body part to attach to whiffle- tree, | inch with | inch billets to run to saddle. TURNBACK — One long wave, made heavy with f inch front end, full lined with flaxseed crupper sewed on. MARTINGALE — Folded, IJ inch wide, layer and round prongs at top with gilt rings. Gilt and Rubber Mountings This harness has been adopted by some of the leading trackmen of the country. 35 No. 209. PONY HARNESS. Campbell Machine Stitch. BRIDLE — h inch box loop cheeks, pony bhnds, full nose band lined, round winker brace, round side check, chain front. REINS — Russet or black | x | inch, spring billets. SWISS BREAST COLLAR — Folded, 1| inch wide, 1 inch straight layer, box loops. neck strap split with J inch double and stitched points, IJ inch terrets on side. TRACES — 1 inch, flat, double and stitched, 5i inches long. SADDLE — 3 inch, straight coupe pony saddle, leather lined, enamel leather pad, 1 inch back band, | inch billets. SHAFT TUGS — I inch, with billet, box loops. GIRTHS — Inside folded with layer 10 inches long. Outside, flat running through two loops. BREECHING — Folded, 27 inches long, 1 inch straight layer, flat bearers, f inch single hip strap, J inch side straps. TURNBACK — Waved and lined in center, crupper buckle on. Nickle or Brass Mountings $ Sohd Nickel Suitable size for Shetland Pony weighing from 400 to 450 pounds. 36 No. 211. PONY HARNESS. Campbell Machine Stitch 11 and 12. BRIDLE — i inch box loop cheeks, track bUnds, round winker brace, full nose band lined, long layer on crown with gag swivels to buckle on, round side check, fine rosettes and chain front, pony Liverpool bit. REINS— Russet or black, f x i inch, buckle billets. SWISS BREAST COLLAR — Folded, 2} inch wide, best enamel or plain fold leather, 1 inch straight layer, box loops, neck strap split with k inch double and stitched points, IJ inch terrets on sides. TRACES — 1 inch, flat, double and stitched, 64 inches long. SADDLE — 3J inch, straight coupe pony saddle, leather lined, enamel leather pad, 1 inch bearers, metal loops, | inch points, pug seat. SHAFT TUGS — 1 inch, round and stitched box loops. GIRTHS — Inside, folded with layer 15 inches long. Outside, flat, to wrap shaft, running through two loops. BREECHING— Folded H x 34 inches with one inch straight layer, J inch studs, box loops, I inch side straps. HIP STRAP— Single leather, split, with J inch billets. TURNBACK — Surrey style, single leather, | inch billet, i inch crupper buckle on. MARTINGALE— I inch, single leather with patent leather drop. Nickel or Brass West End $ ■ Solid Nickel " " S Silver " " ' • $ Above harness with hames same price, but no collar furnished. To fit Pony weighing about 650 pounds. 37 No. 206. STANHOPE HARNESS. Campbell Machine Stitch 11 and 12. BRIDLE — 4 inch box loop cheeks, track shaped blinds, folded crown, double and stitched winker brace, 1 inch chain front, metal rosettes, flat over- draw check with five buckles. REINS — Russet or black ^ .k 1| inch lined in center, spring billets. SWISS BREAST COLLAR— Plain leather left open at bottom 2f inches wide, IJ inch straight layer, narrow checked loops, neck strap split with | inch double and stitched points, ferrets on sides. TRACES— li inch, flat, double and stitched. SADDLE — 3 inch, straight coupe skirts, leather lined, enamel leather pad, 1 inch Ion running back band, J inch billets. SHAFT TUGS — 1 inch, round with dee in bottom, raised on inside. GIRTHS — Inside folded with layer and safe under buckle. Outside flat, running through two loops. BREECHING — Folded with heavy raise on inside, 1 inch straight layer, I inch studs, box loops, I inch side straps. HIP STRAP— Split, double and stitched with h inch points. TURNBACK — Full lined, coach style, f inch billet, i inch crupper sewed on. MARTINGALE — | inch, single leather with patent leather drop. Brass West End $ Solid Nickel West End $ Silver " " $ 38 No. 476. STANHOPE HARNESS. Campbell Machine Stitch 11 and 12. BRIDLE — I inch cheeks, narrow loops, | inch surrey blinds, i inch throat lash, long layer on crown with gag swivels to buckle on, double winker brace, patent leather face drop, full nose band, lined, round side check, fine rosettes and English chain front, elbow bit- REINS— Russet or black | x 1| inch, buckle billet. SWISS BREAST COLLAR— Plain leather left open at bottom, 2f inch wide, IJ inch straight layer, narrow checked loops, neck strap split with f inch double and stitched points and terrets on side. TRACES — 1^ inch, fiat, double and stitched, four rows. SADDLE — 34 inch, straight coupe skirts, leather lined, 1 inch long running back band, | inch billets, no skirt loops, enamel leather pad, pug seat. SHAFT TUGS — 1 inch, round with dee in bottom for back band, narrow loops. GIRTHS — Inside, folded with layer. Outside, flat, running through two loops. BREECHING — H inch, solid leather, raised both sides, | inch bearers, | inch side straps. HIP STRAP — Split, double and stitched with | inch billets. TURNBACK — Coach style, full lined, f inch billet, J inch crupper sewed on. MARTINGALE — I inch single leather, patent leather drop. Nickel or Brass West End $ • Solid Nickel " " $ Silver " " S Above harness with Hanies same price, but no Collar furnished. No. 376. STANHOPE HARNESS. Made same as No. 476 only with overdraw check bridle in place of coupe bridle. Nickel or Brass West End $ Solid Nickel " " $ Silver " " $ 39 No. 41. SURREY HARNESS. Campbell Machine Stitch 10. BRIDLE — I inch box loop cheeks, square coach blinds, long layer on crown with gags to buckle on, single winker brace, patent leather face drop, full nose band, round side check, chain front, elbow bit. REINS— Russet or black | x 1 inch, buckle billets. SWISS BREAST COLLAR— Plain leather left open at bottom, 2| inch wide, 1{ inch straight layer, box loops, neck strap split with | inch double and stitched points, ferrets on sides. TRACES— U inch, flat, double and stitched. SADDLE — 4 inch, straight coupe skirts, leather lined, IJ inch long running back band, 1 inch billets, enamel leather pad, hand laced. SHAFT TUGS— li inch, round with dee in bottom, box loops. GIRTHS — Inside folded with layer. Outside flat, running through two loops. BREECHING — Folded, 1| inch wide, 1^ inch straight layer, f inch studs, box 'loops, 1 inch side straps. HIP STRAP— Single leather, split with f inch billets. TURNBACK — Coach style, single leather, | inch billet, | inch crupper buckle on. MARTINGALE — I inch, single leather, patent leather drop. Nickel or Brass Swedge S SoHd Nickel " $ Above harness with hanies same price, but no collar furnished. No. 40. SURREY HARNESS. Made same as No. 41 only with ih inch saddle, IJ inch trace, and balance in proportion. Nickel or Brass Mountings S Solid Nickel " $ 40 No. 45. SURREY HARNESS. Campbell Machine Stitch 10. BRIDLE — f inch box loop cheeks, square coach blinds, long layer on crown with gags to buckle on, single winker brace, patent leather face drop, full nose band, round side check, elbow bit, metal rosettes, chain front. REINS — Russet or black, | x 1 inch, buckle billets. HAMES — 4 lb., full close plate, chain end, English draft eye, inside clips, short hame tugs, box loops, safe under buckles. TRACES— H inch, flat, double and stitched. SADDLE — 4 inch, straight coupe skirts, leather lined, 1| inch long running back band, 1 inch billets, no skirt loops, enamel leather pad,1'pug seat. SHAFT TUGS — 1| inch round with dee in bottom for back band, box loops. GIRTHS — Inside, folded with layer. Outside, flat, running through two loops. BREECHING — Folded, 1| inch wide, raised inside, 1^ inch straight layer, | inch bearers, box loops, 1 inch side straps. HIP STRAP— Single leather, spht, with f inch billets. TURNBACK — Coach style, single leather, | inch billet, f inch flaxseed crupper buckle on. MARTINGALE— 1 inch single leather, patent drop. NO COLLAR. Nickel or Brass Mountings Solid Nickel Swiss Breast Collar in above same price as Hames. 4 '-2 inch saddle, 35 extra, net. No. 44. SURREY HARNESS. Made the same as No. 45, only 3K inch Saddle, IJ inch Trace, balance in proportion. Nickel or Brass Mountings $ ■ — Solid Nickel " $ 41 No. 46. SURREY HARNESS. Campbell Machine Stitch 10 and 12. BRIDLE — I inch box loop cheeks, square coach bHnds, long layer on crown with gags to buckle on, single winker brace, patent leather face drop, full nose band, round side check, elbow bit, metal rosettes, chain front. REINS— Russet or black, J x 1 inch, buckle billets. HAMES — 4 lb., full close plate, chain end, English draft eye, inside clips, short hame tugs, bo.x loops, safe under buckles. TRACES — 1^ inch flat, double and stitched four rows. SADDLE — 4 inch, straight coupe skirts, leather lined, IJ inch long running back band, 1 inch billets, no skirt loops, enamel leather pad, pug seat. SHAFT TUGS — 1^ inch, round with dee in bottom for back band, bo.x loops. GIRTHS — Inside, folded with layer. Outside, flat, running through two loojis. BREECHING — Folded, 1| inch wide raised inside, 1| inch straight layer, f inch bear- ers, box loops, 1 inch side straps. HIP STRAP— Split, double and stitched with J mch billets. TURNBACK — Coach style, single leather, | inch billets, | inch flaxseed crupper, buckle on. MARTINGALE — 1 inch, single leather, patent leather drop. NO COLLAR. Nickel or Brass Mountings $ Solid Nickel " $ Silver " $ Swiss Breast Collar in abtive same price as Hames. 4', inch Saddle, .5.i cents extra net. 42 No. 49. SURREY OR RUNABOUT HARNESS. Campbell Machine Stitch 10 and 12. BRIDLE — I inch cheeks, narrow loops, square coach blinds, long layer on crown with gags to buckle on, single winker brace, patent leather face drop, full nose band lined, round side check, English chain front, elbow bit. REINS — Russet or black | x 1 inch, lined in center, buckle billets. SWISS BREAST COLLAR— No. 6 style, English straight grain enamel leather, 2| inch wide, IJ inch straight layer, narrow checked loops, neck strap folded to match breast collar, wide straight layer tapered to a | inch point each side, terrets each side. TRACES — 1^ inch, fiat, double and stitched four rows. SADDLE — 3^ inch, straight coupe skirts, leather lined, 1 inch long running back band, I inch billets, enamel leather pad, hand laced. SHAFT TUGS — 1 inch, round with dee in bottom, narrow loops. ■GIRTHS — Inside folded with layer, safe under btickle. Outside flat, running through two loops. BREECHING — 1^ inch, solid leather, raised both sides, f inch bearers | inch side straps. HIP STRAP — Split, double and stitched with f inch points. TURNBACK — Full lined, coach style, f inch billet, crupper sewed on. MARTINGALE — | inch, single leather, patent leather drop. Brass West End $ Solid Nickel " " $ Silver " " $ 43 No. 48. SURREY HARNESS. Campbell Machine Stitch 10 and 12. BRIDLE — |- inch cheeks, narrow loops, square coach Winds, long laj'er on crown with gags to buckle on, single winker brace, patent leather face drop, full nose band lined, round side check, English chain front, elbow bit. REINS — Russet or black | x 1 inch, lined in center, buckle billets. SWISS BREAST COLLAR ^Plain leather left open at bottom, 3 inches wide, H inch straight layer, narrow checked loops, neck strap split with | inch double and stitched points, ferrets on side. TRACES — 1\ inch, flat, double and stitched four rows. SADDLE — 4 inch, straight coupe skirts, leather lined, 1^ inch long runnin'g back band, 1 inch billets, enamel leather pad, hand laced. SHAFT TUGS — IJ inch, round with dee in bottom, narrow loops. GIRTHS — Inside folded with layer, safe under buckle. Outside flat running through two loops. BREECHING — If inch, solid leather, raised both sides, f inch bearers, | inch side straps. HIP STRAP— Split, double and stitched with f inch points. TURNBACK — Coach style, single leather, | inch billet, | inch crupper buckle on. MARTINGALE — 1 inch, single leather, patent leather drop. Brass West End $ Solid Nickel West End $ ■ Silver " " $ Above ha ness with Haines same price, but no Collar furnished 4^2 inch Saddle, 35 cents extra, net. 44 No. 13. LONG TUG BROUGHAM HARNESS. Campbell Machine Stitch 10 and 12. BRIDLE- inch, box loop cheeks, square coach bUnds, long layer on crown with gags to buckle on, double winker brace, patent leather face drop, full nose band, lined, round side check, elbow bit, chain front. REINS — Russet or black | x 1^ inch, lined and stitched couplings, buckle billets. HAMES — 7 lb., full close plate, link end, London anchor draft eye, long inside clips with face rivets, English style hame tugs, narrow checked loops, double and stitched safe, plain leather clip end. TRACES — Ij inch, flat, double and stitched four rows. PADS — Straight, raised top, swivel end dee, 1| inch double and stitched skirts, | inch market billets, four rows stitching. HOUSINGS— Fine chain to match front. GIRTHS— Inside folded with layer. Outside, flat, box loops. TURNBACK — Coach, single leather, I inch billet, | inch crupper buckle on. NO HIP STRAPS. MARTINGALES — 1 inch, single leather with patent leather drop. NO COLLARS OR POLE STRAPS. Nickel or Brass West End Solid Nickel " " Silver " " $- 74 No. 182. LIGHT SURREY OR RUNABOUT HARNESS. Campbell Machine Stitch U and 12. BRIDLE — I inch cheeks, narrow loops, square coach bhnds, long layer on crown with gag swivels to buckle on, double winker brace, patent leather face drop, full nose band lined, round side check, fine rosettes and English chain front, elbow bit. REINS — Russet or black, | x 1 inch, English style, lined in center, buckle billets. SWISS BREAST COLLAR— Plain leather left open at bottom 2^ inch wide, H inch straight layer, narrow checked loops, neck strap split with | inch double and stitched points and terrets on side. TRACES — 1^ inch, flat, double and stitched, four rows. SADDLE — 3 K inch English saddle, straight coupe skirts, bevel edge, leather lined, four rows stitching, enamel English leather pad, wire laced IJ inch long running back band, 1 inch double and stitched billets, covered crupper loop. SHAFT TUGS — 1^ inch, round with dee in bottom, raised on inside. GIRTHS — Inside, wide soft fold with layer, safe under buckle. Outside, flat, running through two loops. BREECHING — 1% inch soUd leather, raised both sides, four rows stitching, § inch studs, narrow loops, | inch side straps. HIP STRAP— Split, double and stitched with f inch billets. TURNBACK — Full lined, coach style, % inch billet, crupper sewed on. MARTINGALE — | inch single leather sewed into dee at bottom of patent leather drop. Brass West End $ Solid Nickel " ■■ I Silver <. >. I Above harness with Hames same price, but no collar furnished. 47 No. 180. SURREY HARNESS. Campbell Machine Stitch 11 and 12. BRIDLE — I inch cheeks, narrow loops, square coach bHnds, long layer on crown with gag swivels to buckle on, double winker brace, patent leather face drop, full nose band lined, round side check, fine rosettes and chain front, elbow bit. REINS — Russet or black, 1 inch, English style, lined in center, buckle billets. HAMES — 4 lb., full close plate, chain end, London anchor draft eye, inside clips with face rivets, English style hanie tugs with full lined safe, narrow checked loops, plain leather butt. TRACES — IJ inch, flat, double and stitched, four rows. SADDLE — 4 inch English saddle, straight coupe skirts, bevel edge, leather lined, four rows stitching, enamel leather pad, wire laced, 1-^ inch long running back band, 1 inch double billets. SHAFT TUGS — 1^ inch, round with dee in bottom, raised on inside. GIRTHS — Inside, wide soft fold with layer, safe under buckle. Outside, flat, run- ning through two loops. BREECHING — If inch, solid leather, raised on both sides, four rows stitching, | inch studs, narrow loops, 1 inch side straps. HIP STRAP— Split, double and stitched, with } inch billets. TURNBACK — Full lined, coach style, | inch billet, f inch crupper sewed on. MARTINGALE — 1 inch single leather sewed into dee at bottom of patent leather drop. NO COLLAR. Brass Solid Nickel Silver West End Swiss Breast Collar in above same price as Hames. 4y2 inch Saddle, 35 cents extra, net. 48 i No. 191. SURREY HARNESS. Campbell Machine Stitch 11 and 12. BRIDLE — I inch cheeks, narrow loops, square coach blinds, long layer on crown with gag swivels to buckle on, double winker brace, patent leather face drop, full nose band, lined round side check, fine rosettes and chain front, elbow bit. REINS — Russet or black, 1 inch, English style, lined in center, buckle billets. HAMES — 4 lb., full close plate, chain end, London anchor draft eye, inside clips with large outside rivets, English style hame tugs with full lined safe, three narrow checked loops, plain leather butt. TRACES — H inch, flat, double and stitched, four rows. SADDLE — 4J inch English saddle, straight skirts, heavy bevel edge, leather lined, four rows stitching, IJ inch long running back band, 1^ inch double billets, enamel leather pad, wire laced, pug seat. SHAFT TUGS— 1 J inch, round with dee in bottom, raised on inside. GIRTHS — Inside, wide soft fold with layer. Outside, flat, running through two loops. BREECHING — If inch solid leather, raised both sides, four rows stitching, f inch studs, narrow loops, 1 inch double and stitched side straps. HIP STRAPS — Split, double and stitched four rows in center with f inch billets. TURNBACK — Full lined, coach style, | inch billet, | inch crupper sewed on. MARTINGALE — 1 inch single leather, sewed into dee at bottom of patent leather drop. NO COLLAR. Brass West End $ Silver " " $ Full Rubber $ — ■ This is an English st^'le harness with all narrow hand creased loops. Swiss Breast Collar same price as Hames. 49 No. 193. LIGHT SURREY OR RUNABOUT HARNESS. Hand Stitch 11 and 12. BRIDLE — I inch cheeks, narrow loops, small square round corner grain leather blinds, long layer on crown with gag swivels to buckle on, double winker brace, patent leather face drop, full nose band lined, round side check, fine rosettes and English chain front, elbow bit. REINS — Russet or black, | x 1 inch, English style, buckle billets. SWISS BREAST COLLAR— Plain leather, left open at bottom, 2f inch wide, H . . . _ inch straight layer, narrow checked loops, neck strap split with | inch double and stitched points and ferrets on side. TRACES — IJ inch, flat, double and stitched four rows. SADDLE — 3^ inch English saddle, straight skirts, four rows stitching, jockey plugged, English pug seat, covered crupper loop, English enamel leather pad, wire laced, 1^ inch long running back band double whole length, four rows stitching, 1 inch double billets. SHAFT TUGS — 1^ inch, round with dee in bottom, raised on inside. GIRTHS — Inside wide single leather with layer. Outside, f^at, running through two loops. BREECHING — 1^ inch solid leather, raised both sides, four rows stitching, f inch studs, narrow loops, I inch double and stitched side straps. HIP STRAP — Split, double and stitched with four rows stitching in center, f inch billets. TURNBACK — Full lined, coach style, J inch billet, crupper sewed on. MARTINGALE — I inch single leather sewed in dee at bottom of patent leather drop. Brass West End $ Silver " " $ Above harness with Hames same price, but no Collar furnished. 50 No. 192. SURREY HARNESS. Hand Stitch 11 and 12. BRIDLE — f inch cheeks, narrow loops, square round corner grain leather blinds, long layer on crown with gag swivels to buckle on, double winker brace, patent leather face drop, full nose band, lined, round side check, fine rosettes and English chain front, elbow bit. REINS — Russet or black, 1 inch, English style, buckle billets- HAMES — 4 lb., full close plate, chain end, swing ferrets, London anchor draft eye, inside clip with face rivets, English style hame tugs with full lined safe, three narrow checked loops, plain leather butt. TRACES — \\ inch, fiat, double and stitched, four rows. SADDLE — 4^ inch English saddle, straight skirts, four rows stitching, jockeys plugged, English seat, covered crupper loop, English enamel leather pad, wire laced, 1^ inch long running back band double whole length, four rows stitching, 1| inch double billets. SHAFT TUGS — IJ inch, round with dee in bottom, raised on inside. GIRTHS — Inside, wide single leather with layer. Outside, flat, running through two loops. BREECHING — If inch, solid leather, raised both sides, four rows stitching, f inch studs, narrow loops, 1 inch double and stitched side straps. HIP STRAP — Split, double and stitched with four rows in center, | inch billets. TURNBACK — Full lined, coach style, I inch billets, | inch crupper sewed on. MARTINGALE — 1 inch single leather sewed in dee at bottom of patent leather drop. NO COLLAR. Brass West End Silver " " 51 No. 50. RUNABOUT HARNESS. Campbell Machine Stitch 11 and 12. BRIDLE — J inch cheeks, narrow loops, square coach bhnds, long layer on crown j^ with gags to buckle on, single leather winker brace, patent leather face drop, full nose band, lined, round side check, chain front, elbow bit. REINS- 'Russet or black | x 1 inch, lined in center, buckle billet. SWISS BREAST COLLAR— No. 6 style, English straight grain enamel leather, 2f inches wide, 1^ inch straight layer, narrow checked loops, neck strap folded to match breast collar, wide straight layer tapered to a f inch point each side, ferrets each side. TRACES — 1^ inch, flat, double and stitched four rows. SADDLE — 4 inch straight coupe skirts, leather lined, four rows stitching, IJ inch short running back band, 1 inch billets, loop at bottom of skirts for shaft tugs, enamel leather pad. SHAFT TUGS — French tugs, leather covered with 1 inch billet. GIRTHS — Inside folded with layer, safe under buckle, outside flat running through two loops. TURNBACK —Full lined, coach style, | inch billet, cmpper sewed on. MARTINGALE — I inch, single leather, patent leather drop. Brass West End $ ~ Solid Nickle " " $ Silver " " $ 52 No. 183. RUNABOUT HARNESS. Campbell Machine Stitch 1 1 and 12. BRIDLE — I inch cheeks, narrow loops, square coach bUnds, long layer on crown with gag swivels to buckle on, double winker brace, patent leather face drop, full nose band lined, round side check, fine rosettes and English chain front, elbow bit. REINS — Russet or black, | x 1 inch, English style, lined in center, buckle billets. SWISS BREAST COLLAR— No 6 style, English straight grain enamel leather, 2| inch wide, 1^ inch straight layer, narrow checked loops, dee for martingale, neck strap folded to match breast collar, wide straight layer on top, tapered to a f inch single point each side, double and stitched, terret dees on each side. TRACES — 1| inch, fiat, double and stitched, four rows. SADDLE — 3J inch Enghsh saddle, straight coupe skirts, bevel edge, leather lined, four rows stitching, 'English enamel leather pad, wire laced, IJ inch short running back band, 1 inch double billets, loop at bottom of skirt for shaft tug, covered crupper loop. SHAFT TUGS — French tugs, leather covered with 1 inch double and stitched billets. GIRTHS — Inside folded with layer, safe under buckle. Outside, double and stitched, narrow loops. TURNBACK — Full lined, coach style, | inch billet, crupper sewed on. MARTINGALE — | inch single leather sewed into dee bottom of patent leather drop. This is a strict Horse Show job. Brass West End $ Solid Nickel " " $ Silver " " $ 53 No. 195. RUNABOUT HARNESS. Campbell Machine Stitch 11 and 12. BRIDLE — f inch cheeks, narrow loops, square coach bUnds, long layer on crown with gag swivels to buckle on, double winker brace, patent leather face drop, full nose band lined, round side check, fine rosettes and chain front, elbow bit. REINS — Russet or black, 1 inch, English style, buckle billets. SWISS BREAST COLLAR— Plain leather, left open at bottom, 3i inches wide, H inch straight layer, narrow checked loops, neck strap split with | inch double and stitched points with terrets on sides. TRACES — 1| inch, flat, double and stitched, four rows. SADDLE — 4^ inch English saddle, straight skirts, heavy bevel edge, leather lined, four rows stitching, 1^ inch short running back band, 1^ inch double billets, loop at bottom of skirt for shaft tug, enamel leather pad, wire laced. SHAFT TUGS— French tugs, leather covered with IJ inch double billets. GIRTHS — Inside, wide, soft folded with layer, safe under buckle. Outside, double and stitched, narrow loops. TURNBACK — Full lined, coach style, | inch billet, | inch crupper sewed on. KICKING STRAP — 1 inch, double and stitched, buckle pieces each end. MARTINGALE — 1 inch single leather sewed into dee at bottom of patent leather drop. This is a fine grade harness with all narrow hand creased loops. Brass West End $ Silver " " $ Above harness with hames same price, but no collar furnished. 54 No. 84. COUPE HARNESS. Campbell Machine Stitch 10 and 12. BRIDLE — f inch box loop cheeks, | inch throat lash, square coach blinds, long layer on crown with gag swivels to buckle on, double winker brace, patent leather face drop, round side check, full nose band, heavy chain front, metal rosettes, Liverpool or elbow bit. REINS — Russet or black, 1 inch, English style, lined in center, buckle billets. HAMES — 4 lb., full close plate, chain end, London anchor draft eye, inside clip, short hanie tugs, box loops, safe under buckle. TRACES^lf irch, Hat, double and stitched, four rows. SADDLE — 5 inch, straight coupe skirts, leather lined, Ij inch long running back band, I5 inch inserted billets, plugged jockeys, enamel leather pad, pug seat- SHAFT TUGS — H inch,' round with dee in bottom for back band, box loops. GIRTHS — Inside, folded with layer. Outside, flat, running through two loops. BREECHING — Solid leather, raised both sides, | inch bearers, 1 inch side straps- HIP STRAP— Split, double and stitched, f inch billets. TURNBACK — Coach style, single leather. 1 inch billet, f inch crupper buckle on- MARTINGALE — 1 inch, single leather with patent leather drop. NO COLLAR. Nickle or Brass Swedge Sohd Nickel Silver 55 No. 85. COUPE HARNESS. Campbell Machine Stitch 10 and 11. BRIDLE — I inch box loop cheeks, f throat lash, long layer on crown, square coach blinds, gag swivels to buckle on crown, double winker brace, patent leather face drop, round side check, full nose band, heavy chain front, metal rosettes, Liverpool bit. REINS — Russet or black, 1x1^ inch, lined in center, buckle billets. HAMES — 5 lb., full close plate, chain end, London anchor draft eye, short hame tugs, box loops, safe under buckle, plain butt. TRACES — IJ inch, double and stitched, four rows. SADDLE — 5J inch, English saddle, straight coupe skirts, four rows stitching, jockey plugged. If inch long running back band, 1| inch billets, enamel leather pad, coupe hook. SHAFT TUGS — If inch, round with- dee in bottom, box loops. GIRTHS — Inside, folded with 1^ inch layer. Outside, flat, running through two loops. BREECHING — Heavy solid leather, raised inside, four rows stitching, X^ inch side straps, I inch bearers. HIP STRAP— Smgle leather, split with | inch billets. TURNBACK — Coach style, 1 inch billet, f inch crupper buckle on. MARTINGALE — 1 inch, single leather with patent leather drop. NO COLLAR Nickel or Brass Swedge $ Solid Nickel " $ Silver " $ 56 ^ 4^^ No. 88. COUPE HARNESS. Campbell Machine Stitch 10 and 12. BRIDLE — I inch box loop cheeks, f throat lash, long layer on crown with gag swiv- els to buckle on, double winker brace, patent leather face drop, \ inch round side check, full nose band, heavy chain front, metal rosettes, Liverpool or elbow bit. REINS — Russet or black, 1 x 1^ inch, lined in center, buckle billets. HAMES — 5 lb., full close plate, chain end, London anchor draft eye, inside clips with face rivets, short hame tugs, box loops, safe under buckle, plain butt. TRACES — \\ inch, flat, double and stitched four rows. SADDLE — S3 inch English saddle, straight coupe skirts, four rows stitching. If inch long running back band, four rows stitching, Ij inch billets, enamel leather pad, pug seat. SHAFT TUGS — If inch, round with dee in bottom, box loops. GIRTHS — Inside, folded with \\ inch layer. Outside, flat, running through two loops. BREECHING — If inch solid leather, raised inside, four rows stitching, \ inch bearers, box loops, \\ inch side straps. HIP STRAP— Split, double and stitched, \ inch billets. TURNBACK — Coach style, full lined, 1 inch billet, | inch crupper buckle or sewed on. MARTINGALE — 1 inch, single leather with patent leather drop. NO COLLAR. Nickel or Brass Swedge Solid Nickel Silver 57 No. 261. COUPE HARNESS. Campbell Machine Stitch 11 and 12. BRIDLE — I inch cheeks, narrow loops, square coach blinds, | inch throat lash, long layer on crown with gags to buckle on, double winker brace, patent leather face drop, full nose band, lined, round side check, chain front, elbow bit. REINS — Russet or black 1 inch, English style, lined in center, buckle billets. HAMES — 4 lb., full close plate, chain end, London anchor draft eye, inside clips with face rivets, English style hame tugs with full lined safe, narrow checked loops with plain leather butt. TRACES — If inch, flat, double and stitched, four rows. SADDLE — S^ inch English saddle, straight skirts, four rows stitching, covered crupper loop, English enamel leather pad, wire laced, If inch short running back band, four rows stitching, 1^ inch billets, skirt loops at bottom. SHAFT TUGS— French tugs, leather covered with IJ inch billets. GIRTHS — Inside folded with layer. Outside, flat, running through two loops. BREECHING — li inch, solid leather, raised both sides, | inch bearers, 1^ inch side straps. HIP STRAP— Split, double and stitched with | inch billets. TURNBACK — Full lined, coach style, 1 inch billet, f inch crupper sewed on. MARTINGALE — 1 inch, single leather with patent leather drop. NO COLLAR. Brass Solid Nickel Silver West End $- 58 No. 271. COUPE HARNESS. Campbell Machine Stitch 11 and 12. BRIDLE inch cheeks, narrow loops, square coach bUnds, long layer on crown with gag swivels to buckle on, double winker brace, patent leather face drop, full nose band, lined, round side check, large chain front and fine rosettes, elbow bit. REINS — Fine russet or black, 1 inch, English style, buckle billets. HAMES — 4J lb., full close plate, chain end, London anchor draft eye, inside clips with face rivets, English style hame tugs with full lined safe, narrow checked loops with plain leather butt. TRACES — 1| inch, flat, double and stitched four rows. SADDLE — 5 J inch English saddle, straight skirts, four rows stitching, jockey plugged English seat, covered crupper loop, English enamel leather pad, wire laced. If inch short running back band, four rows stitching 1| inch double billets, skirt loop at bottom. SHAFT TUGS — French tugs, leather covered with IJ inch double billets. GIRTHS — Inside, wide soft fold with safe under buckle, 1^ inch layer. Outside, double and stitched. BREECHING — If inch, solid leather, raised both sides, four rows stitching, | inch bear- ers, 1-g- inch side straps, narrow loops. HIP STRAP— Split, double and stitched with | inch billets. TURNBACK — Full lined, coach style, 1 inch billet, f inch crupper sewed on. MARTINGALE — 1 inch, single leather with patent leather drop. NO COLLAR. Brass West End $ Solid Nickel " " $ ■ Silver " " $ 59 No. 291. COUPE HARNESS. Campbell Machine Stitch 11, 12 and 13. BRIDLE- inch cheeks, narrow loops, square coach blinds, long layer on crown with gag swivels to buckle on, double winker brace, patent leather face drop, nose band lined full length, round side check, fine large rosettes and heavy chain front, elbow bit. REINS — Fine russet. 1 inch, English style, buckle billets. HAMES — 4i lb., full close plate, chain end, London anchor draft eye, inside clips with face rivets, short English style hame tugs, narrow checked loops, full lined safe and plain leather butt. TRACES — If inch, flat, double and stitched, four rows SADDLE — 5i inch, straight English saddle, English grain skirts, heavy bevel edge, leather lined, four rows stitching, 1| inch short running back band, wide whole girth attached to off side, IJ inch double and stitched billet near side, skirt loops at bottom for shaft tugs, English seat and jockey, wire laced, English pad. SHAFT TUGS — French tugs leather covered with safe back of buckle, H inch double and stitched billets, four rows. OUTSIDE GIRTH— H inch double and stitched four rows. BREECHING — 1| incli solid leather, raised both sides, four rows stitching, f inch studs, narrow loops, 1 inch double and stitched side straps four rows. HIP STRAP — Split, double and stitched with raised center, four rows stitching, f inch billets. TURNBACK — Full lined, coach style, 1 inch billet, four rows stitching, } inch crupper sewed on. MARTINGALE — 1 inch, single leather, sewed into patent leather drop. NO COLLAR. Brass West End $ Silver 60 No. 249X. LIGHT DOUBLE POLE HARNESS. Campbell Machine Stitch 10 and 12. BRIDLE — i inch box loop cheeks, patent leather track blinds, patent leather front' metal rosettes, flat overdraw check. REINS — Fine russet or black, 1x1^ inch, lined and stitched couplings, spring billets. HAMES — 6 lb., full close plate or Walker rubber compound, strap ends, short hame tugs, box loops, safe under buckle. TRACES — 1 inch, raised, double and stitched, 7 feet long. PADS — Straight raised top, 1^ inch side pieces, trace carriers raised, lined and stitched leather housings. GIRTHS— Folded with layer. TURNBACK — One long wave lined 13 inches in center, flaxseed crupper sewed on. YOKE STRAPS— li inch, single leather. MARTINGALE — I inch, single leather with patent leather drop. NO COLLARS. Xickle or Brass West End . S Gilt and Rubber S - Solid Xickel West End S Genuine RubVjer with Compound Hames . . . S No. 249. LIGHT DOUBLE POLE HARNESS. Made same as No. 249X only with a 1 inch whole trace attached to hames in place of buckle trace. Nickel or Brass West End S • Gilt and Rubber S Solid Nickel West End $ Genuine Rubber with Compound Hames . . . $ ■ 61 No. 152. DOUBLE BUGGY HARNESS. Campbell Machine Stitch 10 and 11 BRIDLE — J inch box loop cheeks, patent leather track blinds, patent leather front, metal rosettes, flat overdraw check. REINS — Fine russet or black, i x IJ inch, lined and stitched couplings, buckle billets. HAMES — 7 lb., full close plate. Walker rubber compound or full rubber, strap end. short hame tugs, box loops, plain leather clip ends, safe under buckle, TRACES — IJ inch, raised, double and stitched, 7 feet long. PADS — Straight raised top. If inch side pieces, trace carriers raised, lined and stitched. leather housings. GIRTHS— Folded with layer. TURNBACK- — ^Waved and lined 13 inches in center, crupper sewed on. YOKE STRAPS— li inch, single leather. MARTINGALE- — | inch, single leather with patent leather drop. NO COLLARS. Nickel or Brass West End $ Solid Nickel $- Genuine Rubber with Compound Hames Genuine Rubber with Rubber Hames 62 /■f No. 152X. DOUBLE CARRYALL HARNESS. Campbell Machine Stitch 10 and 11. BRIDLE — I inch box loop cheeks, f inch track bhnds, patent leather front, metal rosettes, flat overdraw check. REINS — Russet or black, ^ x 1^ inch, lined and stitched couplings, buckle billets. HAMES — 8 lb., full close plate, Walker rubber compound or full rubber, strap end, short hame tugs, box loops, plain leather clip ends, safe under buckle. TRACES — Ij inch, raised, double and stitched. PADS — Straight raised tops, 1| inch side pieces, trace carriers raised, lined and stitched, leather housings. GIRTHS— Folded with 1 inch layer. TURNBACK — Waved and lined 13 inches in center, crupper sewed on. YOKE STRAPS— 11 inch, single leather. MARTINGALE — 1 inch, single leather with patent leather drop. NO COLLARS. Nickel or Brass West End $ SoHd Nickel " " $ Genuine Rubber with Compound Hames . . . $ Genuine Rubber with Rubber Hames .... $ 63 No. 301. DOUBLE BUGGY HARNESS. Campbell Machine Stitch 12. BRIDLE — ?; inch box loop cheeks, track blinds, folded crown, round throat lash, patent leather front to match housings, fine rosettes, flat overdraw check with five buckles. REINS — Fine russet, f x 1^ inch, lined and stitched couplings, buckle billets, narrow loops. HAMES — 7 lb., full close plate. Walker rubber compound or full rubber, strap or link end, inside clips, short hame tugs with plain leather butt, box loops, safe under buckle lined and stitched. TRACES — 1^ inch, rai-sed, double and stitched, 7 feet long. PADS — Straight raised grain leather top, If inch side pieces, trace carriers raised, lined and stitched, patent leather housings. GIRTHS — Soft fold with layer, safe under buckle, box loops. TURNBACK — Full lined, with one long wave and four rows stitching in center, crupper sewed on. YOKE STRAPS— U i"ch, single leather, box loops. MARTINGALE — I inch, single leather with patent leather drop. NO COLLARS. Gilt and Rubber Mountings $ Genuine Rubber with Compound Hames . . $ Genuine Rubber with Rubber Hames .... $ No. 302. DOUBLE BUGGY HARNESS. Maile same as No. 301 onlj' with fine chain housings and fronts. Brass and Rubber Mountings $ Solid Nickel West End " $ Silver " " " $ " 64 No. 300. LIGHT DOUBLE POLE HARNESS. Campbell Machine Stitch 12. BRIDLE — 2 inch box loop cheeks, j inch track blinds, folded crown, | inch round throat lash, round winker stays, fine leather front and gold rosettes, f inch flat overdraw check with five buckles. REINS — Fine russet, | x 1^ inch, lined and stitched couplings, spring billets. HAMES — 6 lb., full close plate, Walker rubber compound or full rubber, strap end, inside clip jug terrets. TRACES — 1 inch, raised, double and stitched, 7 feet 4 inches long, riveted to hames with light patent leather chafe, three holes in butt. PADS — Straight raised top, 1-g- inch side pieces, light trace carriers, lined and stitch- ed, leather housings. GIRTHS— Folded with layer. TURNBACK — Full lined with long slim wave and four rows stitching in center, crupper sewed on. YOKE STRAPS— 1 i inch, single leather, bo.K loops. MARTINGALE — | inch, single leather, | inch billet and patent leather drop. NO COLLARS. Gilt and Rubber Mountings $ Genuine Rubber with Compound Hames . . . $ Genuine Rubber with Rubber Hames .... $ No. 300X. LIGHT DOUBLE POLE HARNESS. Made same as No. 300 only with short hame tug and one inch buckle trace 7 feet long. Gilt and Rubber Mountings $ • Genuine Rubber with Compound Hames . . . $ Genuine Rubber with Rubber Hames .... $ 65 No. 303. LIGHT DOUBLE POLE HARNESS. Campbell Machine Stitch 12 and 13. BRIDLE — 7-16 inch box loop cheeks, i inch grain leather blinds, folded crown, f inch round throat lash, round winker stays with lined points, fine leather fronts, gold rosettes, | inch flat overdraw check with five buckles. REINS — Fine russet f x 1^ inch, double and stitched bit parts, raised both sides, solid leather, spring billets, IJ inch boarded hand parts. HAMES— 6 lb., full close plate or full rubber covered, strap end, new jug ferrets, short clip with traces attached. TRACES — I inch, full double and stitched 7 feet 4 inches, raised both sides, riveted to hame, three holes in butt. PADS— Straight hand made, raised grain leather top H inch double and stitched " side pieces with light double and stitched trace carriers, leather hous- ings. GIRTHS — Folded with narrow straight layer, safe under buckle. TURNBACK— Full lined, made very light with waved center, crupper sewed on. YOKE STRAPS— 1 inch double and stitched, raised both sides. MARTINGALE— Light fold with layer, patent leather drop, f inch billets. NO COLLARS. Gilt and Rubber Mountings $ • Gold and Rubber " $ Genuine Rubber " $ " Silver " ^ 66 No. 305. LIGHT DOUBLE POLE HARNESS. Campbell Machine Stitch 12 and 13. BRIDLE — 7-16 inch box loop cheeks, i inch grain leather track blinds, folded crown, I inch round throat lash, round winker stays with lined points, fine leather fronts to match housings, gold oval rosettes, fine overdraw check with front split rounded, balance flat, steel bits. REINS — Russet or black, round bit parts, spring billets, fined and stitched couplings, IJ inch boarded hand parts. HAMES — 6 lb., full close plate or full genuine rubber. Strap or link end, jug ferrets, bolt draft eye with trace bolted to hame. TRACES — Round whole length e.Kcept 12 inches at butt, three dart holes, bolted to hame. PADS — Straight hand made, raised grain leather top, I^ inch English grain patent leather side pieces with round trace carriers, double billets, light leather housings to match fronts. GIRTHS — Folded enamel leather, narrow straight layer, safe under buckle. TURNBACK — Full lined, made very light, waved center, crupper points rounded with fine crupper sewed on- YOKE STRAPS — 1 inch, double and stitched, raised both sides. MARTINGALE — Light enamel leather fold with layer, patent leather drop, f inch billets. NO COLLARS. Gilt and Rubber Mountings $- Gold and Rubber " $- Genuine Rubber " $- Silver " $- 67 No. 154. DOUBLE SURREY HARNESS. Campbell Machine Stitch 10 and 11. BRIDLE — f inch box loop cheeks, square coach blinds, long layer on crown with gag swivels to buckle on. double winker brace, patent leather face drop, full nose band, round side check, metal rosettes, chain front, Liver- pool bit. REINS — Russet or black, i x 1 J inch, lined and stitched couplings, buckle billets. HAMES — 7 lb., full close plate, link end, London anchor draft eye, inside clips, short hame tugs, plain leather clip end. box loops, safe under buckle. TRACES 1} inch, flat, double and stitched. PADS — Straight raised tops, 1 J inch side pieces, trace carriers raised, lined and stitched, fine chain housings to match fronts. GIRTHS— Folded, with li inch layers. TURNBACK — Coach, single leather, narrow loops, | inch billet, f inch crupper to buckle on. YOKE STRAPS— Single leather 1} x 28 inches. MARTINGALE -1 inch, single leather with patent leather drop. NO COLLARS. Kickel or Brass West End S Solid Nickel " " S • Silver " " $ 68 No. 157. DOUBLE SURREY HARNESS. Campbell Machine Stitch 11 and 12. BRIDLE — I inch, narrow loops, square coach bhnds. long layer on crown with gag swivels to buckle on, double winker brace, patent leather face drop, full nose band, round side check, fine rosettes, chain front to match housings, elbow bit. REINS — Fine russet, I x 1^ inch, lined and stitched couplings, buckle billets. JIAMES — 7 lb., full close plate, link end. London anchor draft eye, swing terrets, inside clips with face rivets, short English style hame tugs, narrow checked loops, full lined safe, plain butt. TRACES — 1^ inch, flat, double and stitched, four rows. PADS — Straight hand made English soft bottom raised tops. 1| inch double and stitched '^ side pieces, trace carriers lined and stitched, 1 inch billets, plated crupper loops. HOUSINGS — Chain to match fronts. GIRTHS — Folded, with layer, safe under buckle. TURNBACK — Coach, full lined and stitched, i inch billets, crupper sewed on. YOKE STRAPS— U inch. flat, double and stitched, 30 inches long. MARTINGALE — 1 inch single leather with patent leather drop. NO COLLARS. Brass West End S- Solid Nickel " " S— Silver >> >> § 69 No. 258. DOUBLE SURREY HARNESS. Campbell Machine Stitch 11 and 12. BRIDLE — f inch narrow loops, square coach bhnds, long layer on crown with gag swivels to buckle on, double winker brace, patent leather face drop, full nose band, lined, round side check, _ elbow bit, fine rosettes, English chain front to match housings. REINS — Fine russet, | x H inch, lined and stitched couplings, buckle billets. HAMES — 7 lb., full close plate, link end, London anchor draft eye, swing terrets, short inside clips with face rivets, short English style hame tugs, narrow loops, full lined safe, plain butt. TRACES — 11 inch, flat, double and stitched four rows. PADS — Straight hand made, English soft bottom pads, raised tops, two screws, 2 inch English grain patent leather side pieces, lined and stitched trace carriers, double billets. HOUSINGS— Chain to match fronts. GIRTHS— Folded, with layer, safe under buckle. TURNBACK — Coach, full lined and stitched, ^ inch billets, crupper sewed on. YOKE STRAPS— li inch, double and stitched, flat, four rows stitching, narrow loops, 30 inches long. MARTINGALE — 1 inch, single leather sewed into dee at bottom of patent leather drop. NO COLLARS. Brass West End $ Solid Nickel " " $ Silver " " $ 70 No. 253. SHORT TUG COACH HARNESS. Campbell Machine Stitch 10 and 12. BRIDLE — f inch box loop cheeks, square coach bHnds, long layer on crown with gags to buckle on, | inch throat lash, single winker brace, patent leather face drop, full nose band. REINS — Russet or black 1x1^ inch lined and stitched couplings, buckle billets. HAMES — 8 lb., full close plate, strap end, London anchor draft eye, swing ferrets, inside clips, short hame tugs, box loops, safe under buckle, plain leather clip ends. TRACES — U- inch, flat, double and stitched four rows. PADS — Straight, raised top, 2| inch side pieces heavy lined and stitched trace carriers, 1^ inch billets. HOUSINGS— Spot to match fronts. GIRTHS— Folded with layer. TURNBACKS — Coach, single leather 1 inch billets, f inch crupper buckle on. HIP STRAP — 1 inch, double and stitched outside with two patent leather drops. MARTINGALES — 1 inch, single leather with patent leather drop. NO COLLARS OR POLE STRAPS. Nickel or Brass Swedge $ • Solid Nickel " $ Silver " $ 71 No. 254. SHORT TUG COACH HARNESS. Campbell Machine Stitch 10 and 12. BRIDLE — I inch box loop cheeks, square coach blinds, long layer on crown with gag swivels to buckle on. double winker brace, patent leather face drop, full nose band, round side check, Liverpool bit, chain front to match housings. REINS — Russet or black, 1 x 1| inch, lined and stitched couplings, buckle billets. HAMES — 8 lb., full close plate, link end, London anchor draft eye, inside clips, short hame tugs, box loops, safe under buckle, plain leather clip ends. TRACES — If inch, flat, double and stitched four rows. PADS — Straight, raised top, 2 J inch side pieces, heavy lined and stitched trace carriers, 1| inch billets. HOUSINGS— Chain to match front. GIRTHS— Folded with layer. TURNBACK — Coach, single leather, | inch billets, | inch crupper buckle on. HIP STRAPS — I inch double and stitched outside with two patent leather drops. MARTINGALE — 1 inch, single leather with patent leather drop. NO COLLARS OR POLE STRAPS. Nickel or Brass Swedge I Solid Nickel " S Silver " $ 72 No. 17. HEAVY SHORT TUG COACH HARNESS. Campbell Machine Stitch 10 and 12. BRIDLE — f inch, box loop cheeks, | inch throat lash, square coach blinds, long layer on crown with gag swivels to buckle on, double winker brace, patent leather face drop, full nose band, lined, round side check, elbow bit, chain front to match housings. REINS — Russet or black, 1 x 1| inch, lined and stitched couplings, buckle billets. HAMES — 10 lb., full close plate, link end, London anchor draft eye, inside clips, short hame tugs, full safe, narrow checked loops, plain leather clip ends. TRACES — li inch, flat, double and stitched four rows. PADS — Straight, raised tops, 2| inch double and stitched side pieces, four rows stitch- ing, heavy lined and stitched trace carriers, 1 inch billets. HOUSINGS— Chain to match front. GIRTHS— Folded with layer, safe under buckle. TURNBACK — Coach, full lined and stitched, 1 inch billets, f inch crupper buckle on. HIP STRAP — 1 inch double anii stitched outside with two drops, both buckle on. MARTINGALES — 1 inch, flat, sewed into dee bottom of patent leather drop. NO COLLARS OR POLE STRAPS. Nickel or Brass Swedge Mountings $ Solid Nickel " " $ • Silver " " $ 73 No. 13. LONG TUG BROUGHAM HARNESS. Campbell Machine Stitch 10 and 12. BRIDLE — I inch, box loop cheeks, square coach blinds, long layer on crown with gags to buckle on, double winker brace, patent leather face drop, full nose band, lined, round side check, elbow bit, chain front. REINS — Russet or black | x 1^ inch, lined and stitched couphngs, buckle billets. HAMES — 7 lb., full close plate, link end, London anchor draft eye, long inside clips with face rivets, English style hame tugs, narrow checked loops, double and stitched safe, plain leather clip end. TRACES — H inch, flat, double and stitched four rows. PADS — Straight, raised top, swivel end dee, 1| inch double and stitched skirts, | inch market billets, four rows stitching. HOUSINGS — Fine chain to match front. GIRTHS— Inside folded with layer. Outside, flat, box loops. TURNBACK — Coach, single leather, | inch billet, | inch crupper buckle on. NO HIP STRAPS. MARTINGALES — 1 mch, single leather with patent leather drop. NO COLLARS OR POLE STRAPS. Nickel or Brass West End $ Solid Nickel Silver 74 f No. 14. LONG TUG COACH HARNESS. Campbell Machine Stitch 10, 11 and 12. BRIDLE — I inch box loop cheeks, square coach blinds, long layer on crown with gag swivels to buckle on, double winker brace, patent leather face drop, full nose band, lined, round side check, elbow bit, fine chain front to match housings. REINS^Russet or black, 1 x IJ inch, lined and stitched couplings, English buckle billets. HAMES — 8 lb., full close plate link end, London anchor draft eye, swing ferrets, long inside clips with face rivets, long hame tugs, box loops, full lined safe. TRACES — If inch, fiat, double and stitched four rows. PADS — Straight raised top, swivel end dee, 2| inch double and stitched skirts, 1 inch billets, 1 inch market billets., four rows stitching. HOUSINGS— Fine chain to match front. GIRTHS^-Inside, folded with layer. Outside, flat, box loops. TURNBACK — Coach, single leather, | inch billet, f inch crupper buckle on. HIP STRAPS — I inch, double and stitched outside with two drops outside. MARTINGALE — 1 inch, single leather with patent leather drop. NO COLLARS OR POLE STRAPS. Nickel or Brass Swedge Solid Nickel Silver 75 No. 18. LONG TUG COACH HARNESS. Campbell Machine Stitch 10 and 12. BRIDLE — f inch box loop cheeks, | inch throat lash, square coach blinds, long layer on crown with gag swivels to buckle on, double winker brace, patent leather face drop, full nose band, lined, round side check, Liverpool or elbow bit, chain front to match housings. REINS — Russet or black, 1x1^ inch, lined and stitched couplings, buckle billets. HAMES — 10 lb., full close plate, link end, London anchor draft eye, long inside clips with face rivets, plain leather clip end, narrow checked loops, full safe. TRACES — H inch, flat, double ai:d stitched four rows. PADS — Straight raised top, swivel end dees, 2J inch, double and stitched side pieces four rows, 1 inch market billets, four rows stitching. HOUSINGS— Chain to match fronts. GIRTHS — Inside, folded with layer and safe under buckle. Outside, flat, box loops. TURNBACK — Coach, full lined and stitched, 1 inch billets, | inch crupper buckle on. HIP STRAPS — 1 inch, double and sliched outside with two drops, both buckle on. MARTINGALE — 1 inch. flat, sewed into dee bottom of patent leather drop. NO COLLARS OR POLE STRAPS. Nickel or Brass Swedge $ SoHd Nickel " '. . $ Silver " $ 76 No. 020. LONG TUG TRAP HARNESS. Campbell Machine Stitch 12 and 13. BRIDLE — 2 inch, long layer on crown, narrow loops in cheeks, special square track shape blinds, gag swivels to buckle on crown, light double winker brace, small patent leather face drop, 'full nose band, round side check, light Liverpool bit, fine rosettes and chain front. REINS — Fine russet, | x 1^ inch, bit parts, double and stitched raised both sides, hand parts boarded, buckle billets. HAMES — 7 lb., full close plate, link end, London anchor draft eye, long inside clips with face rivets, swing wire terrets, long hame tugs, narrow loops, double and stitched safe, patent leather clip ends. TRACES — \l inch, flat, double and stitched four rows. PADS — Straight hand made English soft bottom pads oval top, swivel end dees, 1^- inch patent leather skirts with four rows stitching, |inch billets, f inch market billets, fotir rows. HOUSINGS — Fine chain to match front. GIRTHS — Inside, folded with layer. Outside, | inch double and stitched. TURNBACK — Coach, full lined and stitched, f inch billets, | inch crupper sewed on. MARTINGALE — J inch, flat sewed into dee bottom, of patent leather drop. NO COLLARS OR POLE STRAPS. Brass West End $■ ■ Solid Nickel " " $ Silver " " S This harness makes a very swell ri?. 77 No. 29. LONG TUG BROUGHAM HARNESS. Campbell Machine Stitch 11 and 12. BRIDLE — I inch narrow loops, square coach blinds, long., layer on crown with gag swivels to buckle on crown, double winker brace, patent leather face drop, full nose band, lined, round side check, elbow bit, fine rosettes with English chain front to match housings. REINS — Fine russet, ^ x 1^ inch, lined and stitched couphngs, buckle billets. HAMES — 7 lb., full close plate, link end, London anchor draft eye, swing ferrets, long inside clips with face rivets, English style hame tugs, narrow checked loops, double and stitched safe, plain leather clip ends. TRACES — H ini-'h. A^t, double and stitched four rows. PADS — Straight hand made English soft bottom pads, raised top, two screws and round swivel end dees, 2 inch patent leather skirt outside, with a whole plain leather skirt inside, | inch market billets, four rows stitchr ing. HOUSINGS — 5 inches wide with f inch chain to match fronts. OUTSIDE GIRTHS— I inch, single leather with narrow loops. TURNBACK— Coach, full lined and stitched, I inch billets, crupper sewed on. NO HIP STRAPS. MARTINGALE — I inch, single leather with patent leather drop. NO COLLARS OR POLE STRAPS. Brass West End Solid Nickel " " Silver • " 78 No. 24. LONG TUG BROUGHAM HARNESS. Campbell Machine Stitch 12. BRIDLE — I inch cheeks narrow loops, small coach blinds, gag swivels to buckle on crown, double winker brace, patent leather face drop, full noseband, lined, round side check, light elbow bit, fine rosettes and chain front to match housings. REINS — Fine russet J x H inch, lined and stitched couplings, buckle billets. HAMES— 7 lb , full close plate, link end, London anchor draft eye, swing ferrets, long inside clips with face rivets, long English style, hame tugs, narrow loops, double and stitched safe, plain leather clip ends. TRACES — li inch, flat, double and stitched four rows. PADS— Straight hand made English soft bottom pads, raised top, two screws and round swivel end dees, 2 inch patent leather skirt outside, with a whole plain leather skirt inside, J inch market billets, four rows stitching, plain wire ferrets and pad hooks. HOUSINGS — 5 inch wide with f inch chain to match front. OUTSIDE GIRTHS— i inch, double and stitched. TURNBACK— Coach, full lined and stitched, | inch billets, | inch crupper sewed on. NO HIP STRAPS. MARTINGALE — J inch, single leather with patent leather drop. NO COLLARS OR POLE STRAPS. Brass West End Solid Nickel " " Silver • 79 No. 27. LONG TUG COACH HARNESS. Campbell Machine Stitch 11 and 12. BRIDLE — f inch long layer on crown, narrow loops in cl'teeks, square coach blinds, gag swivels to buckle on crown, double winker brace, patent leather face drop, full nose band, lined round side check, elbow bit, fine rosettes, fine chain front to match housings. REINS — Fine russet, 1 x 1| inch, lined and stitched couplings, buckle billets. HAMES — 8 lb., full close plate, link end, London anchor draft eye, swing ferrets, long inside clips with face rivets, long English style hame tugs, narrow loops, double and stitched safe, plain leather clip end. TRACES — If inch, flat, double and stitched, four rows. PADS — Straight hand made English soft Bottom pads, raised tops, two screws and swivel end dees, 2| inch patent leather skirt outside, with a whole plain leather skirt inside, 1 inch market billets, four rows stitching. HOUSINGS— Chain to match fronts. OUTSIDE GIRTHS — 1 inch, single leather with narrow loops. TURNBACK — Coach, full lined and stitched with | inch billet, | inch crupper sewed on. HIP STRAPS — I inch, double and stitched outside with two patent leather drops. MARTINGALE — 1 inch, .single leather with patent leather drop. NO COLLARS OR POLE STRAPS. Brass West End $ . Solid Nickel " " $ Silver .. .• g 80 No. 27X. LONG TUG COACH HARNESS. Campbell Machine Stitch 11 and 12. BRIDLE — f inch cheeks, narrow loops, | inch throat lash, square coach blinds, gag swivels to buckle on crown, double winker brace, patent leather face drop, full nose band, lined, round side check, elbow bit, fine chain front to match housings, fine rosettes. REINS — Fine russet or black, 1 x 1 J inch, lined and stitched couplings, buckle billets- HAMES — 8 1b., full close plate, link end, London anchor draft eye, swing ferrets, long inside clips with face rivets, long English style hame tugs, narrow checked loops, double and stitched safe, plain leather clip end. TRACES — If inch, flat, double and stitched four rows. PADS — Straight hand made EngHsh soft bottom pads, raised tops, two screws and swivel end dees, 2^ inch patent leather skirt outside, with a whole plain leather skirt inside, 1 inch market billets, four rows stitching. HOUSINGS— Chain to match fronts. OUTSIDE GIRTHS — 1 inch, single leather with narrow loops. TURNBACK — 1 inch full lined and stitched, 1 inch billet, | inch crupper sewed on. HIP STRAPS— 1 inch, double and stitched outside with two patent leather drops outside. MARTINGALE — 1 inch, single leather with patent leather drop. NO COLLARS OR POLE STRAPS. Brass West End $ Solid Nickel " " $ Silver " " $ 81 No. 27XX. LONG TUG COACH HARNESS. Campbell Machine Stitch 11 and 12. BRIDLE— f inch cheeks, narrow loops, | inch throat lash, square coach blinds, gag swivels to buckle on crown, double winker brace, patent leather face drop, full nose band, lined, round side check elbow bit, fine chain front to match housings, fine rosettes. REINS — Fine russet or black, 1 x IJ inch, lined and stitched couplings, buckle billets. HAMES— 10 lb., full close plate, link end, London draft eye, swing terrets, long inside clips with face rivets, long English style hame tugs, narrow checked loops, double and stitched safe, plain leather clip end. TRACES — \h inch, flat, double and stitched four rows. PADS— Straight hand made EngUsh soft bottom pads, raised tops, two screws and swivel end dees, 2J inch patent leather skirt outside, with a whole plain leather skirt inside, 1 inch market billets, four rows stitching. HOUSINGS— Chain to match fronts. OUTSIDE GIRTHS — 1 inch, single leather with narrow loops. TURNBACK— 1 inch, full lined and stitched, 1 inch billet, f inch crupper sewed on. HIP STRAPS— 1 inch, double and stitched outside, with two patent leather drops outside. MARTINGALE— 1 inch, single leather with patent leather drop. NO COLLARS OR POLE STRAPS. Brass West End $ Solid Nickel " " « ■ Silver " " $ 82 No. 22. LONG TUG COACH HARNESS. Campbell Machine Stitch 11 and 12. BRIDLE — I inch cheeks, narrow loops, | inch throat lash, square coach blinds, gag swivels to buckle on crown, double winker brace, patent leather face drop, full nose band, lined, round side check, elbow bit, fine chain front to match housings, fine rosettes. REINS — Fine russet, English style, 1 inch wide with long couplings, long buckle billets. HAMES — 8 lb., full close plate, link end, London anchor draft eye, swing ferrets, long inside clips with large face rivets, long English style hame tugs, narrow loops, double and stitched safe, plain leather clip ends. TRACES — If inch, flat, double and stitched four rows. PADS — Straight hand made English soft bottom pads, raised grain leather top, swivel end dees, 2^ inch patent leather skirt outside, with a whole leather skirt inside, 1 inch market billets, four rows stitching. HOUSINGS— Fine chain to match front. OUTSIDE GIRTHS — 1 inch, double and stitched, narrow loops. TURNBACK — Coach, full lined and stitched, 1 inch billet, finch large crupper sewed on. HIP STRAPS — 1 inch, double and stitched outside with two patent leather drops. MARTINGALE — 1 inch, single leather with patent leather drop. NO COLLARS OR POLE STRAPS. Brass West End . $ Solid Nickel " " $ Silver ■■ ■> » 83 No. 23. LONG TUG COACH HARNESS. Hand Stitch 10, 11 and 12. BRIDLE— I inch cheeks, narrow loops, | inch throat lash, square coach blinds, gag swivels to buckle on crown, double winker brace, patent leather face drop, full nose band, lined, round side check, elbow bit, fine chain front to match housings, fine rosettes. REINS — Fine English style, russet, 1 inch wide with long couplings, buckle billets. HAMES — 8 lb., full close plate, link end, London anchor draft eye, swing terrets, long inside clips with large face rivets, long English style hame tugs, narrow loops double and stitched safe, plain leather clip ends. TRACES — If inch, flat, double and stitched four rows. PADS — Straight hand made English soft bottom pads, raised grain leather top, swivel end dees, 2 J inch patent leather skirt outside with a whole plain leather skirt inside, 1 inch market billets, four rows stitching. HOUSINGS — Fine chain to match fronts. OUTSIDE GIRTHS — 1 inch, double and stitched, narrow loops. TURNBACK — Coach, full lined and stitched, 1 inch billets, f inch large crupper sewed on. HIP STRAPS — 1 inch, double and stitched outside with two patent leather drops. MARTINGALE — 1 inch, single leather with patent leather drop. NO COLLARS OR POLE STRAPS. Brass West End $ Solid Nickel " " $ Silver " " $ 84 No. 21. LONG TUG COACH HARNESS. Campbell Machine Stitch 11, 12 and 13. BRIDLE — I inch cheeks, narrow loops f inch throat lash, square coach blinds, gag swivels to buckle on crown, double winker brace, patent leather face drop, nose band lined full length, round side check, elbow bit, fine leather or chain front to match housings, fine rosettes. REINS — Fine English style russet, 1 inch wide with long braces, buckle billets. HAMES — 9 lb., full close plate, or full rubber covered link end, London anchor draft eye, swing terrets. long inside clips with large face rivets, long English style hame tugs, narrow loops, full lined safe. TRACES — If inch, flat, double and stitched four rows. PADS — Straight hand made English soft bottom pads, raised English grain top, swivel end dees, 2\ inch English grain patent leather skirt outside, with a whole plain leather skirt inside, 1 inch market billets, four rows stitching. HOUSINGS — Fine leather or chain to match fronts. OUTSIDE GIRTHS — 1 inch, double and stitched four rows. TURNBACK — Coach, full lined, 1 inch billets, four rows stitching, f inch crupper sewed on, extra large. HIP STRAPS— 1 inch, full lined and stitched four rows with three drops all buckle on. full lined trace carriers. MARTINGALE— 1 inch, double and stitched four rows stitching, sewed into dee of patent leather drop. NO COLLARS OR POLE STRAPS. Brass West End $ Silver " " I Full Rubber $ 85 No. 19X. LONG TUG COACH HARNESS. Hand Stitch 11, 12 and 13. BRIDLE — f inch, cheeks, narrow loops, | inch throat lash, square coach blinds, gag swivels to buckle on crown, double winker brace, patent leather face drop, full nose band lined, round side check, elbow bits, fancy rosettes, chain front to match housings. REINS — Fine russet, English style, 1 inch wide with long braces, long buckle.billets. HAMES — 9 lb., full close plate, link end, London anchor draft eye, swing terrets, long inside clips with large outside rivets, long English style hame tugs, narrow loops, full lined safe plain leather butt. TRACES — If inch, flat, double and stitched four rows. PADS — Straight hand made English soft bottom pads, raised English grain top, swivel end dees, 2 J inch English grain patent leather skirt outside, with whole plain leather skirt inside, 1 inch market billets, four rows stitching. HOUSINGS — Find chain to match fronts. OUTSIDE GIRTHS— 1 inch, double and stitched four rows. TURNBACK — Coach, full lined, 1 inch billets, four rows stitching, f inch crupper sewed on. HIP STRAPS — 1 inch double and stitched four rows whole length with three drops all buckle on, full lined trace carriers. MARTINGALE — 1 inch, single leather sewed into dee bottom of drop. NO COLLARS OR POLE STRAPS. Brass West End $- Silver " " $ 86 i No. 69. EXPRESS HARNESS. Campbell Machine Stitch. BRIDLE — f inch box loop cheeks, patent leather coach blinds, round winker brace. round side check, band front, ring bit. REINS— Black | x 1 inch, buckle billets. BREAST COLLAR — Folded 2j inch wide with If inch straight layer, neck strap split with I inch single points, fold on top. TRACES — If inch, flat, double and stitched. SADDLE — 4J inch, plain leather skirts, li inch running back band, 1|- inch billets, heavy serge pad, Nashua tree and hook. SHAFT TUGS — IJ inch with dee in bottom, large center bar buckle. GIRTHS — Inside folded with layer. Outside flat running through two loops. BREECHING — Folded with straight layer, | inch split hip strap, H inch side straps, express turn back with | inch billet, f inch crupper buckle on. Nickel or Brass Mountings $ Above harness with Hames same price, but no Collar furnished. 87 No. 70. EXPRESS HARNESS. Campbell Machine Stitch. BRIDLE — I inch box loop cheeks, patent leather coach blinds, round winker brace, round side check, band front, ring bii. REINS— Black 1 inch with buckle billets. HAMES — 5 lb., top spot iron express or low top wood, 1 J inch hame tugs, box loops, safe under buckles, TRACES— U inch, double and stitched. SADDLE — S inch plain leather swell skirts and jockey Ij inch stationary back bands, \j inch billets, heavy serge pad, Nashua tree and hook. SHAFT TUGS — 1| inch with dee in bottom, large center bar buckles. GIRTHS — Inside folded with layer. Outside, fiat, running through two loops. BREECHING — Folded with straight layer, | inch split hip strap, l-} inch side straps, express turn back with 1 inch billet, f inch crupper buckle on. NO COLLAR. Nickel or Brass Mountings . No. 71. EXPRESS HARNESS. Made same as above only with a 5j inch straight skirt saddle, 1| inch whole chain end trace with shaft guard, Dandy hames. Nickel or Brass Mountings $ 88 No. 73. EXPRESS HARNESS. Campbell Machine Stitch. BRIDLE — f inch box loop cheeks, patent leather coach blinds, round winker brace, round side check, band front, ring bit. REINS— Black 1 inch with buckle billets. HAMES— No. 8 Concord' bolt Dandy. TRACES — Long whole trace, 1| inch with chain in butt, three rows stitching, large shaft guard and trace girth. SADDLE — 6 inch, plain leather skirts and jockey, U inch stationary back band, li inch billets, heavy serge pad, Nashua tree and hook. SHAFT TUGS — 1^ inch with dee in bottom, large center bar buckles. GIRTHS — Inside folded with layer. Outside, flat, running through two loops. BREECHING — Folded with straight layer, 1 inch split hip strap, H inch side strap, express turn back with IJ inch billet, f inch crupper buckle on. NO COLLAR. Nickel or Brass Mountings 89 No. 7XX. EXPRESS HARNESS. Campbell Machine Stitch 6 and 8. BRIDLE — I inch box loop cheeks, f inch throat lash, plain leather cup blinds, | inch round side check, round winker brace, metal spot front, plain rosettes, nickel ring bit. REINS— Black, 1 x IJ inch with buckle billets. HAMES— No. 10 Concord bolt Dandy. TRACES— Long whole traces 2 inches x 6 feet with 12 inch chain in butt, four rows stitching, large shaft guard and trace girth. SADDLE — 7 inch, plain leather skirts, leather lined, If inch lip back band, IJ inch points, heavy serge or kersey pad, Nashua tree and hook. SHAFT TUGS — If inch with dee in bottom, three rows stitching, large center bar buckle. GIRTHS— Two separate fold girths with layer. BREECHING — Folded with layer, four rows stitching back of studs, IJ inch hip straps li inch side straps lined points, express back straps, 1| inch billets, I inch crupper buckle on. NO COLLAR FURNISHED. Nickel or Brass Swedge Mountings $ 90 No. 10. EXPRESS HARNESS. Campbell Machine Stitch 8. BRIDLE — I inch box loop cheeks, patent leather coach blinds, patent leather face drop with ornament, spotted nose band, round side 'check, peanut spot front, ring bit. REINS— Black 1 inch, buckle billets. HAMES — No. 500 high top tubular, long spot brass or nickel, bolt or clip draft eye. TRACES — \i inch, double and stitched four rows, attached to hame with a heel tug or chain in butt. SADDLE — 5^ inch, swell, plain leather skirts, patent leather jockeys with three pad screws, wide brdtes plate on skirts, if inch stationary back bands, 1^ inch billets, Nashua tree and hook. SHAFT TUGS — If inch with dee in bottom, large center bar buckle. GIRTHS — Inside folded with layer. Outside, flat, running through two loops. BREECHING — Folded with waved layer, four rows stitching back of studs, | inch double and stitched spotted hip straps sewed into ring on rump, 1| inch side straps, padded rump with 1 inch turnback. NO COLLAR Nickel or Brass Swedge 91 No. 63. EXPRESS HARNESS. Campbell Machine Stitch. BRIDLE — f inch box loop cheeks, with ring in bottom flat split face piece, patent leather sensible blinds, round side check, half cheek bit. REINS— Black 1 inch, buckle billets. HAMES— 5 lb., top spot, leather covered with clip draft eye. TRACES — H inch, three row stitch with chain in butt. SADDLE— 5^ inch, plain leather swell skirts, patent leather jockeys with three pad screws. If inch stationary back bands, H inch billets, Kersey pad, Nashua tree and hook. SHAFT TUGS — If inch with dee in bottom, large center bar buckle. GIRTHS— Inside folded with layer, Outside flat, sewed into one shaft tug and snap one end. BREECHING—Folded with straight layer. IJ inch side straps with snap, triaiigle rump with fold, 1 inch prongs, li inch turnback, double and stitched swell hip strap with 1^ inch points. NO COLLAR. Nickel or Brass $ ' No. 62. EXPRESS HARNESS. Made same as above only ring on rump with split hip straps ^ inch. Nickel or Brass ^ " 92 No. 65. EXPRESS HARNESS. Campbell Machine Stitch. BRIDLE — I inch box loop cheeks, with ring in bottom, flat split face piece, patent leather sensible blinds, round side check, half cheek bit. REINS— Black 1 inch, buckle billets. HAMES — Long spot. New York Scotch. TRACES — If inch, three row stitch with chain in butt. SADDLE — 6 inch, plain leather swell skirts, patent leather jockeys with three pad screws, li inch stationary back bands. Kersey pad, Nashua tree and hook. SHAFT TUGS — li inch with dee in bottom, large center bar buckle. GIRTHS — Inside folded with layer. Outside, flat, sewed into one shaft tug and snap one end. BREECHING — Folded with straight layer, 1| inch side straps, triangle rump with fold, 1 inch prongs, 1| inch turnback, double and stitched swell hip strap with 1| inch points. NO COLLAR. Nickel or Brass $ No. 64. EXPRESS HARNESS. Made same as above only ring on rump with split hip straps 1 inch Nickel or Brass $ 93 No. 1. DOUBLE AMBULANCE OR FIRE DEPT. HARNESS. Campbell Machine Stitch. BRIDLE — Fire Dept. style with | inch cheeks and f inch nose band sewed in ring, I inch throat lash and chin piece, bit snap in cheek ring, large ring bit. REINS — 1 inch bit parts, lined in center, buckle billets, IJ inch hand parts, Regans patent snaps. DRAW PART — Hame tugs H inch wide waved wear piece whole length, brass breeching loops, traces H inch, four rows stitching with heel tug or chain in butt. BREECHING — Folded with waved layer, 1 inch single leather split hip strap sewed into ring on rump, 1^ inch side straps to run to loop in trace, patent leather trace carriers, 1 inch split back straps, padded rumps. Less Collars and Hames, Nickel or Brass. Solid Nickel . . Berry's Patent Collars and Hames per pair Berry's Patent Hangers Pole Straps • ""...$- Nickel Hames extra over Black Brass " " " " If without Rein Snap deduct 94 No. 2. SINGLE AMBULANCE OR FIRE DEPT. HARNESS. Campbell Machine Stitch. BRIDLE — Fire Dept. style with | inch cheeks and f inch nose band sewed in ring, f inch throat lash and chin strap, bit snap in cheek ring, ring bit. REINS — 1 inch bit parts, lined in center, buckle billets, 1^ inch hand parts. TRACES — IJ inch double and stitched four rows with waved wear piece at hame, heel tugs or chain at butt. SADDLE — S inch, heavy straight skirts, leather lined, If inch stationary back bands, three pad screws, ring at bottom of skirts, enamel leather pad, special hook with ring in top. SHAFT TUGS — If inch with dee in bottom, billet on off side, short billet and snap near side. GIRTH — Folded with layer, buckle on end and ring one end. BREECHING — Folded with waved layer, | inch single leather, split hip strap sewed into ring on rump, IJ inch side straps, IJ inch turnback with padded rump. Less Collar and Hames Nickel or Brass j> >) Solid Nickel Berry's Patent Collar and Hames Berry's Patent Hanger Nickel Hames extra over Black Brass " " " " . If without Rein Snaps deduct . 95 No. 140. DOUBLE FARM HARNESS. Campbell Machine Stitch. BRIDLE — I inch box loop cheeks, plain leather sensible blinds, split face piece, leather front, both spotted, XC ring bit. REINS — Black | x 1 inch, buckle billets. HAMES — ^Wood, iron clad, XC long spot with ball, bolt draft eye. long hame tugs H inch, three narrow loops. TRACES — U inch double and stitched with cockeye. PADS — Harness leather housings, double and stitched with 1| inch spotted layer, double and stitched points to buckle into studs. BREECHINGS — Folded with straight layer, IJ inch side straps, | inch hip straps, 1} inch back straps. POLE STRAPS— IJ inch, single leather. NO COLLARS. XCor Jap. with flat pads per set $ XC or Jap. with stuffed pads per set $ No. 140X. DOUBLE FARM HARNESS. Made same as No. 140 only with If inch trace and balance in proportion. XC or Jap. with flat pads per set $ XCor Jap. with stuffed pads per set $ 96 No. 142. DOUBLE BARGE OR EXPRESS HARNESS. Campbell Machine Stitch. BRIDLE — I inch box loop cheeks, patent leather coach blinds, spotted nose band, patent leather face drop, round winker brace, round side check, peanut spot front, ring bit. REINS — I X 1 inch, buckle billets. HAMES — No. 8 long spot Dandy, bolt draft eye, long hame tugs with long box loops. TRACES — If inch, flat, double and stitched three rows, dart hole. PADS — Swell patent leather jack pads with yellow or white binding and bead, felt lined, spotted layer with double and stitched points. BREECHINGS — Folded with waved layer, 1 inch split hip straps, li inch side straps, Ij inch back strap with padded rump. POLE STRAPS— 1 J inch single leather. MARTINGALE — ^Long and split to run from bit to girth, spotted. NO COLLARS. Nickel or Brass Swedge No. 143. DOUBLE BARGE OR EXPRESS HARNESS. Campbell Machine Stitch. BRIDLE — I inch, box loop cheeks, patent leather coach blind, spotted nose band, patent leather face drop, round winker brace, round side check, peanut spot front, ring bit. REINS — I X 1 inch, buckle billets. HAMES — 10 lb., full close plate, strap end, London anchor draft eye, long inside clip with face rivets, long hame tugs with box loops, double and stitched safe under buckle. TRACES — If inch, flat, double and stitched three rows. PADS — Patent leather top with stuffed pad underneath, four pad screws and orna- ment on top, ring for back strap, double and stitched points to buckle into studs. BREECHINGS — Folded w-ith waved layer, 1 inch split hip straps, 1| inch side straps sewed into breeching and run to trace buckle, IJ inch back strap with padded rump. MARTINGALES — IJ inch single leather, 1 inch billet to -go around collar. NO COLLARS. Nickel or Brass Swedge $ 97 No. 144. DOUBLE TEAM HARNESS. Campbell Machine Stitch. BRIDLE — J inch box loop cheeks, plain leather sensible blinds, spotted split face piece, spotted front. REINS— I X 1 inch, buckle billets. HAMES — No. 8, long spot Dandy, bolt draft eye. TRACES — If inch x Sj feet with dee in butt, three rows stitching, flat girth. BREECHING — Folded with straight layer, 1 inch split hip straps, 1 inch split back straps, I inch trace carriers. 'SIDE STRAPS — If inch, long single leather with breeching hook and buckle in front, snap into breeching, 1 inch yoke strap. TIO COLLARS. Japanned Mountings . . . . $ No. 145. DOUBLE TEAM HARNESS. Combination Side Straps. Campbell Machine Stitch. BRIDLE — I inch box loop cheeks, plain leather sensible blinds, spotted split face piece, spotted front. REINS — I X 1 inch, buckle billets. HAMES — No. 8, long spot Dandy, bolt draft eye. TRACES — Hame tugs 2 x 20 inches with Newhall breeching loop, traces If x 40 inches with dee in butt, three rows stitching. BREECHINGS — Folded with straight layer, 1 inch split hip straps, 1 inch split back straps, I inch trace carriers. SIDE STRAPS — Combination, back set IJ inch x 6 feet, front set H inch x 5 feet with breeching hooks, yoke straps 1 inch. NO COLLARS. Japanned Mountings Same style harness as No. 146 on page 99. S 98 /m "^ ^^^ v^ v^ H&t / ^mi '« ( • \ ^:i» -^fe^- No. 146. DOUBLE TEAM HARNESS. Campbell Machine Stitch. BRIDLE — I inch box loop cheeks, plain leather sensible blinds, spotted split face piece, spotted front, large ring bit. REINS— 1 inch, buckle billets. HAMES — No. 10 long spot Dandy, bolt draft eye. TRACES— Hame tugs 2\ x 21 inches with Newhall breeching loop, traces 2 x 40 inches with dee or hook in end, three rows stitching, flat girths. BREECHINGS— Folded with straight layer, 1^ inch split hip straps, \\ inch split back strap, 1 inch trace carriers. SIDE STRAPS— Combination, back set \\ inch x 6 feet, front set If inch x 5 feet with breeching hooks, \\ inch yoke straps. NO COLLARS. Japanned Mountings $- 99 No. 147. DOUBLE TEAM HARNESS. Campbell Machine Stitch. BRIDLES — I inch box loop cheeks, plain leather sensible blinds, spotted split face piece, spotted front, large ring bit. REINS — 1 inch, buckle billets. HAMES— No. 10 long spot Dandy, bolt draft eye. TRACES — 2 inch, whole length with dee or hook in butt, three rows stitching", flat girth . BREECHINGS — Folded 3 inches wide, straight layer, IJ inch studs with safe back side, 1^ inch split hip straps, 1^ inch split back straps, 1 inch trace bearers. SIDE STRAPS — 2 inch double and stitched sewed into breeching ring and buckle in front with breeching hooks, 1^ inch yoke straps. NO COLLARS. Japanned Mountings ' : 100 No. 147X. DOUBLE TEAM HARNESS. Campbell Machine Stitch. BRIDLES — I inch box loop cheeks, plain leather sensible blinds, spotted split face piece, spotted front, large ring bit. REINS — 1 inch, buckle billets. HAMES— No. 10 long spot Dandy, bolt draft eye. TRACES — 2 J inch whole length with dee or hook in butt, three rows stitching, flat girth. BREECHINGS — Folded 3 inches wide, straight layer, 1^ inch studs with safe back side, 1| inch split hip strap, l^inch split back strap, 1 inch trace carriers. SIDE STRAPS — 2 inch, double and stitched, sewed into breeching ring, buckle in front with breeching hooks, I5 inch yoke straps. NO COLLARS. Japanned Mountings 101 No. 148. DOUBLE TEAM HARNESS. Campbell Machine Stitch. BRIDLES — I inch box loop cheeks, plain leather sensible or pigeon wing blinds, J inch throat lash, spotted split face piece, 1| inch spotted front, | inch team check, ring bit. REINS— 1 inch, buckle billets. HAMES— No. 10 long spot Dandy, bolt draft eye. TRACES — 2^ inch whole length with dee or hook in butt, three rows stitching, flat girth. BREECHING — Folded 3^ inches wide, stright layer, 1^ inch studs with safe back side, IJ inch split hip straps, IJ inch split back straps, padded rump, IJ inch trace carriers. SIDE STRAPS — 2\ inch double and stitched sewed into breeching ring, buckle in front, with breeching hooks, 1^ inch' yoke straps. NO COLLARS. Japanned Mountings $ 102 No. 149. DOUBLE TEAM HARNESS. Campbell Machine Stitch. BRIDLES — I inch box loop cheeks, plain leather, sensible or pigeon wing blinds, f inch throat lash, spotted split face piece, 1^ inch spotted front, | inch team check, ring bit. REINS— 1 inch, buckle billets. HAMES — No. 10 long spot Dandy, bolt draft eye. TRACES — 2 J inch whole length with dee or hook in butt, three rows stitching, flat girth. BREECHINGS — Folded 3j inches wide, straight layer, basket strap 2 inch sewed in one side and buckle one side, back hip strap Ij inch double and stitched with place left open for basket strap, IJ inch split back strap, padded rump. 1|- inch trace carriers - SIDE STRAPS — 2} inch, double and stitched sewed into breeching ring, buckle in front with breeching hooks, 1^ inch yoke straps. NO COLLARS. Japanned Mountings $ 103 No. 30. DOUBLE TRUCK HARNESS. Campbell Machine Stitch. BRIDLE — I inch box loop cheeks, with ring in bottom, flat split face piece, patent leather sensible blinds, f inch throat lash, spotted front, XC bit. REINS— 1 inch, buckle billets. HAMES — Long spot Scotch, clip draft eye, inside loops. TRACES — If inch x 6 feet with 30 inch chain, waved piece at hame, three rows stitching. BREECHINGS — Folded with straight laj'er, 1 inch studs, box loops, triangle rump with fold, 1 inch prongs, 1^ inch back straps, 1 inch hip straps. BOSTON BACKERS— H inch double and stitched with large No. 84 snap both ends. NO COLLARS. Japanned Mountings $ Brass Swedge Buckles, Jap. rings $ No. 30. DOUBLE TRUCK HARNESS. Made with Belly Backers and Pole Chains. Japanned Mountings $ Brass Swedge Buckles, Jap. rings $ If with Black Scotch Hames deduct $ 104 No. 32. DOUBLE TRUCK HARNESS. Campbell Machine Stitch. BRIDLES — f inch box loop cheeks with ring in bottom, round spHt face piece, patent leather sensible blinds, f inch throat lash, spotted front, XC bit. REINS — Ifinch, buckle billets. HAMES — Long spot Scotch, clip draft eye, inside loops. TRACES — l-f inch x 6 feet with 30 inch chain, waved piece at hame, three rows stitching. BREECHINGS— Folded with straight layer, 1 inch double and stitcRed braces, 1| inch studs, triangle rurnp with fold, 1 J inch prongs, double and stitched, \\ inch back strap, double and stitched swell hip strap with 1^ inch points. BOSTON BACKERS — U inch double and stitched with large No. 84 snap both ends. NO COLLARS. Japanned Mountings $ Brass Swedge buckle, Jap. rings $ ■ Made with Belly Backers and Pole Chains. Japanned Mountings $ Brass Swedge buckles, Jap. rings $ 105 No. 34. DOUBLE TRUCK HARNESS. Campbell Machine Stitch. BRIDLES — I inch box loop cheeks with ring in bottom, flat spht face piece, patent leather sensible blinds, 1^ inch spotted front, XC bit. REINS — 1 inch, buckle billets. HAMES — Long spot Scotch, clip draft eye, inside loops. TRACES — 2 inch, heavy, 6 feet long with 30 inch chain in butt, waved wear piece at hame, three rows stitching. BREECHINGS— Folded with straight layer, 1 inch double and stitched braces, IJ inch studs, triangle rump with fold, U inch single leather prongs, l| inch back straps, double and stitched swell hip straps, 1^ inch points. BOSTON BACKERS— If inch double and stitched with large No. 84 snap both ends. NO COLLARS. Japanned Mountings $ Brass Swedge buckles, Jap. ring^ $ • 106 No. 33. DOUBLE TRUCK HARNESS. Campbell Machine Stitch. BRIDLES — I inch box loop cheeks with ring in bottom, round split face piece, patent leather sensible blinds, IJ inch spotted front, XC bit. REINS— 1 inch, buckle billets. HAMES — Long spot Scotch, clip draft eye, inside loops. TRACES — 2 inch, heavy, 6 feet long with 30 inch chain in butt, waved wear piece at hame, three rows stitching. BREECHINGS — Folded with straight layer, 1 inch double and stitched braces, H inch studs, triangle rump with fold, H inch prongs double and stitched, IJ inch back strap to buckle on rump, double and stitched swell hip straps, li inch points. BOSTON BACKERS— 1| inch double and stitched with large No. 84 snap both ends. NO COLLARS. Japanned Mountings $ " Brass Swedge buckles, Jap. rings $ • 107 No. 3. DOUBLE TEAM HARNESS. AROOSTOOK COUNTY STYLE Campbell Machine Stitch. BRIDLES — j inch box loop cheeks, plain leather sensible blinds, spotted split face piece with ring in center, round front, ring bit, team check. REINS— 1 inch, buckle billets, 22 feet. HAMES — No. 10 long spot Dand}^ Mule length, bolt draft eye. TRACES — 2h inch, whole, two ply with special hook in butt, piece riveted on for girth and pad. three rows stitching, folded girths, with billets on trace. PADS — Flat, double and stitched housings with 1^ inch spotted layer. BREECHINGg — Single strap body with long layer, 1 inch studs with safe back side, 1 inch split hip straps with spots at top, 1 inch split back straps, padded rump, 1 inch trace carriers. SIDE STRAPS — If inch single leather, loop into breeching, buckle in front with snap, 1 inch yoke straps. MARTINGALES— 1 J inch single leather with U inch billet at top. POLE STRAPS — If inch single leather with Iron slides. NO COLLARS. Brass Swedge Mountings $ No. 4. DOUBLE TEAM HARNESS. AROOSTOOK COUNTY STYLE Campbell Machine Stitch. BRIDLES — f inch bo.x; loop cheeks, plain leather sensible blinds, spotted split face pieces with ring in center, round front, ring bit, team check. REINS— 1 inch, buckle billets, 22 feet. HAMES — No. 10 long spot Dandy, mule length,! bolt draft eye. TRACES — 2h inch, whole, two ply with special hook in butt, piece riveted on for girth and pad, three rows stitching, folded girth with billet on trace. PADS — Flat, double and stitched housings with| 1| inch spotted layer. f .•• BREECHINGS — Single strap body with long layer 1 inch double and stitched braces, 1^ inch studs, single leather swell hip strap spotted at top, 1 inch split back strap, padded rump, 1 inch trace carriers. SIDE STRAPS — If inch single leather, loop into breeching, buckle in front with snap, 1 inch yoke straps. MARTINGALES— U inch single leather with 1^ inch billet at top. POLE STAPS — If inch single leather with Iron slides. NO COLLARS. Brass Swedge Mountings $ — 108 No. 5. DOUBLE BANGOR TEAM HARNESS. Campbell Machine Stitch. BRIDLES — I inch box loop cheeks, plain leather sensible blinds, spotted split face piece, round front, round braces, ring bits, team checks. REINS— 1 inch, buckle billets, 20 feet. HAMES — No. 10 long spot Dandy, bolt draft eye. TRACES — 2^ inch, whole with special hook in butt, piece riveted on with a dee for girth and side straps, three rows stitching, folded girths with bil- lets on trace. PADS — Flat double and stitched housings with a row of spots around edge, IJ inch spotted layer with billets around trace. BREECHINGS— Folded with straight layer, 1^ inch studs with safe back side, 1^ inch split hip strap, spotted. 1^ inch split back strap, spotted. padded rump, \^ inch trace carriers. SIDE STRAPS — Combination, back set H inch x 7 feet to go from breeching to ring in front strap, front set H inch double and stitched with ring both ends, extension strap in front with snap, billet in back ring to buckle into pad, 1^ inch yoke straps. MARTINGALES — IJ inch single leather with 1^ inch billet at top. POLE STRAPS — If inch, single leather with iron slides. NO COLLARS. Brass Swedge Mountings $ No. 3X. DOUBLE LEAD HARNESS. AROOSTOOK COUNTY STYLE Campbell Machine Stitch. BRIDLES — I inch box loop cheeks, plain leather sensible blinds, spotted split face piece with ring in center, round front, ring bit, team check. REINS— 1 inch, buckle billets, 30 feet. HAMES — ^No. 10 long spot Dandy, mule length, bolt draft eye. TRACES — 2J inch, whole, two ply with special hook in butt, piece riveted on for girth and pad, three rows stitching, folded girths with billets on traces. PADS — Flat, double and stitched housings with H inch spotted layer. TURNBACKS — 1^ inch to run to hame with f inch cruppers, IJ inch trace carriers to run through turnbacks. Brass Swedge Mountings $ 109 No. 1. SWISS BREAST COLLAR. Campbell Machine Stitch. FOLD— 31 inches wide, plain leather left open at bottom, IJ inch straight layer with dee for martinsjale, narrow checked loops, | inch bearers, narrow loops. Neck strap split with | inch points, soft fold on top, terrets set on each side above split. Brass Mountings . . , $ Solid Nickel Mountings $ Silver " ^ No. 2. SWISS BREAST COLLAR. Campbell Machine Stitch. FOLD— 3 inches wide enamel or plain leather folded in center and made soft, straight layer, dee for martingale, narrow checked loops, | mch bearers, narrow loops'. Neck strap same as No. 1. Brass Mountings ^ SoHd Nickel Mountings $ Silver " * No. 6. FOLDED SWISS BREAST COLLAR. Campbell Machine Stitch. FOLD— English straight grain enamel leather, 2f inch wide, H inch straight layer, dee for martingale, narrow checked loops. Neck strap folded to match breast collar, wide straight layer tapered to a J inch single point each side, double and stitched to buckle into studs, terret dees each side. Brass West End ^- Solid Nickel " " $- Silver " " S- No. 3. SWISS BREAST COLLAR. Campbell Machine Stitch. Same as No. 1 only box loops instead of narrow. Brass Mountings 5"" Solid Nickel Mountings $" Silver " 5" No. 3X. SWISS BREAST COLLAR. Campbell Machine Stitch. Same as No. 2 only box loops instead of narrow. Brass Mountings ^" Solid Nickel Mountings $" Silver " *" no No. 5. SWISS BREAST COLLAR. Campbell Machine Stitch. FOLD— 3^ inches wide, plain leather, left open at bottom, 1^ inch straight layer, dee for martingale, box loops, f inch bearers, box loops. Neck strap split with |- inch double points, terrets on sides Brass or Nickel Mountings Sohd Nickel No. 276X. SWISS BREAST COLLAR. Campbell Machine Stitch. FOLD — 2% inches wide, plain leather left open at bottom, 1^ inch straight layer, box loops, f inch bearers, box loops. Neck strap split with | inch double and stitched points, terret dees on sides. Nickel or Brass wire $ Solid Nickel $ No. 1. HARNESS LEATHER HALTER (5 Ring) 1| inch single leather crown and nose band, 1^ inch double and stitched side pieces, IJ inch double throat lash with snap, IJ inch double jowl piece with loop and ring, 1| inch chin piece to buckle. All laps hand stitched and cut from No. 1 stock. Per doz., less Rope, XC trimmings No. 2. HARNESS LEATHER HALTER (5 Ring) H inch double and stitched crown and side pieces, IJ inch single nose band, 1^ inch single throat lash with snap, IJ inch double jowl piece with loop and ring, IJ inch chin piece to buckle in. Per doz., less Rope, XC trimmings $ No. 2X. HARNESS LEATHER HALTERS (5_Ring) 1 inch double and stitched crown and side pieces, 1 inch single nose band, 1 inch single throat lash with snap, 1 inch double jowl piece with loop and ring, 1 inch chin piece to buckle in. Per doz, less Rope, XC trimmings $ No. 4. FANCY RUSSET OR BLACK HALTER. f inch single cheeks with ring top and bottom, crown J inch sewed into rings both sides, single nose band sewed in rings, | inch chin piece to buckle into rings with an IJ inch loose ring, | inch front sewed into rings at top, -f inch throat lash to buckle one side, laps all hand stitched 9. Solid Brass Mountings, per dozen. Ill No. 10. ROUND OPEN BRIDLE. Folded crown with metal loops for overdraw, solid round cheeks with I inch billets, solid round throat lash with f inch buckle in center, solid round front, | inch flat overdraw check. Less bits, per doz., Imitation Rubber $ Less bits, per doz.. Genuine Rubber S No. 11. ROUND OPEN BRIDLE. Folded crown with whole metal loops for overdraw, fore top guard, solid round cheeks with | inch billets, solid round throat lash with I inch buckle in center, solid round front, | inch flat overdraw check with five buckles. Less bits, per doz., Imitation Rubber Less bits, per doz.. Genuine Rubber No. 1. ROUND OPEN BRIDLE. Folded crown with whole metal loops for overdraw, round cheeks with i inch billets, round throat lash with | inch buckle in center, round front,' fine oval rosettes, | inch flat overdraw check with five buckles. Less bits, per doz.. Rubber Less bits, per doz., Nickel . No. 2. ROUND OPEN BRIDLE. Folded crown with whole metal loops for overdraw, round throat lash attached with f inch buckle in center, round cheeks, loop into bit with two loops and buckle on crown, round front, fine oval rosettes, f inch flat overdraw check with five buckles. Less bits, per doz., Rubber Less bits, per doz.. Nickel 112 Descriptions of above Bridles on Page 112 and 113. No. 4. ROUND OPEN BRIDLE. Folded crown, enamel leather with fore top guard, lined same as fold, leather loops for overdraw, round cheeks with | inch billet, loop front of buckle, round throat lash with | inch buckle in center, round front, fine gold or rubber rosettes, | inch flat overdraw check with five buckles. Less bits, per doz.. Rubber No. 5. ROUND OPEN BRIDLE. Fold crown, plain or enamel leather, leather loops for overdraw, heavy round cheeks with 9-16 inch billets, round throat lash with h inch buckle in center, round front, 7-16 inch flat overdraw check with five buckles. Less bits, per doz., Rubber Less bits, per doz., Nickel or Brass 113 No. 1. TWO MINUTE ATTACHMENTS. FRONT SET— 4^ inch leather socket for end of shaft with dee at top for billet, | inch billet sewed into dee, running through dee in saddle and buck- ling back near socket. BACK SET — Body part to attach to whiffletree cut | inch, billet f inch to buckle into dee in saddle. Price per set complete, Rubber $ Price for front set onlj' " $ No. 2. TWO MINUTE ATTACHMENTS. FRONT SET — ^^4^ inch leather socket for end of shaft with J inch billet sewed an to reef into dee in saddle. BACK SET — Cut | inch attached to whiffletree and tapered down to | inch and reef into dee in saddle. Price per set complete, Rubber $ Price for front set only " $ MOUTH SHUTTER. Enamel leather fold I inch wide extending around horse's nose with J inch layer, and buckle on back side, ^ inch billet on front extending to crown of bridle, split at bottom and attached to nose band. Price per doz $ ■ No. 1. COACH POLE STRAPS. Hand Stitch 10. Made If inch x 5 feet long, flat, four rows hand stitching 10 to inch, four narrow checked loops. Brass $ Silver $ No. 3. COACH POLE STRAPS. Machine Stitch 11. Made If inch x 5 feet long, fiat, four rows machine stitch 11 to inch, four narrow checked loops. Brass $ Solid Nickel $ Silver $ — ^ No. 4. DOUBLE SURREY YOKE STRAPS. Machine Stitch 11. Made H x 36 inches, flat, double and stitched four rows, three narrow checked loops. Brass $- Solid Nickel $ Silver $ ■ — 114 No. 1. IRISH COLLAR. Genuine long straw collar — ^heavy grain leather rim and fender — warranted curled hair face — finished with single patent fastener and heavy leather cap — 19 inch draft. Price per dozen $ No. 2. IRISH COLLAR. Heavy grain leather rim and shoulder — body 10 oz. duck — warranted curled hair face same as No. 1 Irish— 18 inch draft— finished with single patent fastener. Price per dozen $ 115 .^=. No. 6. BOSTON TRUCK COLLAR. Heavy grain leather rim and shoulder — heavy oil grain Kangaroo ■body— Wool face — Sole leather— pressed pad — 17 inch draft — fin- ished with single patent fastener. Price per dozen No. 24. BOSTON TEAM COLLAR. Heavy grain leather rim and shoulder — oil- grain Kangaroo body — wool face — sole leather pressed pad — 17 inch draft — finished with single patent fastener. Price per dozen $■ 116 No. 23. BANGOR COLLAR Grain leather rim and shoulder — oil grain Kangaroo body — wool face — sole leather pressed pad — IS J inch draft — finished with single patent fastener. Price per dozen $ ^ No. 26. BANGOR COLLAR. Grain leather rim and shoulder— oil grain Kangaroo body— wool face— sole leather pressed pad— IS inch draft— finished with double patent fastener. Price per dozen 117 No. 27. BANGOR COLLAR. Grain leather rim and shoulder — oil graiii Kangaroo body — ^wool face — sole leather pressed pad — 14i inch draft — finished with double patent fastener. Price per dozen $- No. 1. TEAM COLLAR. Black grain leather rim and shoulder — Russet face — sole leather pressed pad- — 1 5^ inch draft — finished with double patent fastener. Price per dozen $ 118 No. 1. KERSEY PIPE COLLAR. Heavy grain leather rim — heavy grain leather shoulder — regular » No. 50 white and blue striped all wool heavy collar kersey — warranted all hand made Price per doz. 16 inch draft $ " " " IS '• " $ " " " 20 " " $ 119 No. 30. KERSEY FACE TEAM COLLAR. Grain leather rim and shoulder — ^White and Blue Check Kersey Face — 1 5 inch draft. Price per dozen I KIP COACH COLLAR. All black grain leather — 2 Row stitched back — sole leather pressed pad — 14 inch draft — finished with single patent fastener. Price per dozen . $ 120 MANHATTAN EXPRESS COLLAR. All black grain leather — neats leather roll bound shoulder showing one row thread and one row thong stitching — 14J inch draft finished closed top. Price per dozen No. 8. PATENT LEATHER COLLAR Patent leather rim -patent leather turned edge shoulder-russet or black face. Sizeofdraft 9" lOi" lU" H^ 13^ 1^ Price per dozen 121 No. 2. CASE— PATENT LEATHER COLLAR. Patent leather rim and shoulder — russet or black grain leather face. Size of draft 9" lOi" IH" 12" 13" 14" Price per dozen No. 2. CASE— PATENT LEATHER COLLAR. All over patent rim, shoulder and face. Size of draft 9" lOJ" nV 12" 13" CuSgs school of veterinary Medicine at Tutts University 200 Westboro Road North Grafton, ^AA 01 536 14" 122 I Wissm ^frrfL''^*ii!v' li "^i^^' — ■'■-^IV.^'