W7^ D'R 5TATJO NCR.', Jjlrmtcv. )\ TUFTS UNIVERSITY LIBRARIES 3 9090 013 412 016 Webster Family Library of Veterinary Medicine Cummings Schooi of Veterinary Medicine at Tufts University 200 Westboro Road North Grafton, MA 01536 The Kennel [Stud Book THE KENNEL STUD BOOK VOLUME THE SECOND CONTAINING THE ENTRIES OF SOME OF THE MOST CELEBRATED PACKS OF FOXHOUNDS FROM THE TIME OF THE FIRST VOLUME EDITED BY CORNELIUS TONGUE (CECIL) EDINBURGH PRINTED BY BALLANTYNE AND COMPANY 1875 SF PREFACE TO THE SECOND VOLUME. When the first volume of the " Kennel Stud Book " was issued it was ''intended to publish every two years the entries of young Hounds." That, however, from various causes, was not carried out. At the earnest request of many influential Masters of Hounds, the second volume is now produced, containing the entries of some of the most celebrated old-established Packs from whence Sires are principally sought, and so arranged that all pedigrees of both sexes can readily be traced to their ancestors in the original work. It is confidently hoped that this volume may be considered of value, and meet with sufficient support as to warrant a reproduction of a similar work in future every two or three years. HOLD ON TO THE LINE EXPLANATORY NOTES. The figures in line with the names refer to pages in the original " Kennel Stud Book," where further pedigrees will be found. The dates over the names of Sires and Dams denote the year when those were entered whose pedigrees previously appear in this work. The few Hounds not traceable direct to the first volume will be found at the end of the respective entries. In all cases Hounds are understood to belong to those Kennels where they were entered^ whether bred at home or procured from other establishments ; thus their pedigrees are readily found. The Duke of Beaufort';? Houndjs. THE BADMINTON ENTRIES. NAMES. SIRES. 1865. Battledore . . \ b Battlement Bruiser . Brunswick b Brunette b Brussels b Bruta . Bruges . Chaser . Consort . Congress B Constance B Convert. Firebrand Fireman Firelock Firefly . B Firework Gamester Gaylass . B Harpy . Hasty . Hapless. b Haughty b Hartshorn b Hairpin Luxury . Lucifer . Mentor . . ■! 9 1858. Prodigal . Brutus, 30 DAMS. REMARKS. Baroness, 29. Fatima, 33. Challenger, 34 . Termagant, 31. Contest, 29 Finder, 45 Guardsman, 33 . Hector, 31 Bramham . . Kifler, 213 . Bramham . Kifler, 213 . Ld. Portsmouth's Monarch, 295 Bashful, 34. Blissful, 31. Saucebox, 31. Waspish, 32. Hazardous, 34. Lucy, 32. His Lenient, 295. The Duke of Beaufort'? Hound?. THE BADMINTON ENTRIES. NAMES. SIRES. DAMS. REMARKS. 1865. 5 Sentinel b Sensitive . B Secrecy . Sedulous . ■1 ii Grove . Barrister, 189 } Sentiment, 33. Solitaire Forester, 33 . Merry Lass, 33. 3" Telegraph . Paradox, 31 . Trifle, 30. Vanity . . Vagabond, 30 Harriet, 29. 1866. b Charity . . Challenger, 34 Hyacinth, 36. B Freedom . B Frenzy . :} Forester, 33 . Merry Lass, 33. Hazardous . Halifax, 34 . Careful, 32. b Hollyhock . Hollyfox . :} Archer, 29 Homily, 34. Harmony . Havelock . .s Harborough •l Challenger, 34 Hostess, 31. 5 Larkspur . Lawyer . :} Ld. Portsmouth's Lincoln, 294 •} Lucy, 32. Lady . . Granby, 31 . Lofty, 32. Prodigal Provident . :} Wizard, 35 . Precious, 30. Perilous •I Tidworth . Prompter . . } Rosalind, 35. Resolute . .s Regulus s Reveller ■l Hector, 31 Rattle, 35. Seamaid Challenger, 34 Sorceress, 37. ^ Sampson . 10 Forester, 33 . Saucebox, 31. The Duke of Beaufortjs Hounds THE BADMINTON ENTRIES. NAMES. SIRES. DAMS. REMARKS. 1866. Token . . . ' Tomboy >■ Fencer, 32 . Toilsome, 32. Torment Warning . > Flagrant, 34 . s Wardrobe . . Whipcord, 35. Warrant . . J 1867. Boisterous . Bodyguard Borderer - Bondsman, 29 Homily, 34. B Bonny Lass . Cardinal . . ] ^ Caliban . . Carmelite . . \ Weathergage, ( 5G Careful, 32. Castaway . Caroline Farrier . . } Farthingale . J Waterloo, 33 . Furbelow, 34. .s Foreman Founder Forger . Forester, 33 . Tidings, 36. Forelock . Graceful . . ) Gracious . . j Gran by, 31 . f Countess, sister to Berkeley Winifred, 151. Hotspur . . \ b Hostile . 1 Hopeful . . j Racer, 35 . . Hostess, 31. Harper . . < Belvoir Senator, 334 . } Harpsichord, 34. Hermit . . . \ Heedless . . j Hector, 31 Lucy, 32. Loiterer . . < Belvoir . . Senator, 334 . } Lofty, 32. . 11 The Duke of Beaufort'^ Hound$. THE BADMINTON ENTRIES. NAMES. SIRES. DAMS. REMARKS. 1867. Minister Miniature •| • Highflyer, 36 Mischief, 32. s Nathan b Namesake A •J Belvoir . . ) Nathan, 351 . j Hypocrite, 36. Palafox - Partisan b Paragon Belvoir . . ) Nathan, 351 . j Picture, 35. Parody . Rasper . Rainbow Rakish . ■1 • + Forester, 33 . Rachel, 35. Rapture '■. Vary Trickster, 31 . Vanquish, 36. Senator - Servitor Sediment Sedulous > Forester, 33 . Sentiment, 33. b Sensible Serious . • , Wisdom Wizard, 35 . . Fortitude, 34. Wanton B Wary . • ► Waterloo, 33 . . Waspish, 32. Weatherbit B Wearisome Welladay . . ► Weathergage, 36 Nosegay, 31. Weatherglass . _ 1868. Bellman . . " Beadsman Beauty . B Beeswing • :j - Bertram, 32 . Sentiment, 33. 12 The Duke of Beaufort'js Hound^. THE BADMINTON ENTRIES. NAMES. SIRES. DAMS. REMARKS. 1868. 1865. Bridegroom B Bridesmaid } Weathergage, 36 Brunette. Beatrice Bergamot . } Weathergage, 36 Bedmaker, 36. Coxcomb . Comet . Costly . . I J Bertram, 32 . . 1865. Convert. B Careless B Cautious . } Halifax, 34 . . Careful, 32. Columbine Marplot, 42 . . Countess, 37. Favourite . Waterloo, 33 Fatima, 33. Ferdinand . Ferryman . Fennimore Festival Hamlet Hazard . 1 \ J } Racer, 35 . Wizard, 35 . » . Fervent, 34. 1865. Harpy. Highlander Hippolyta . Matron . } Highflyer, 36 Marplot, 42 . . Waspish, 32. I860. Firework. Rattler . Random Ranger . ) Racer, 35 . . . 1865. Bruta. Rallywood . Ravisher . } Racer, 35 . . . Homily, 34. Safety . B Sanguine . b Sandal . . I ) Forester, 33 . Sorrowful, 37. Solomon Sovereign . b Sophistry . 13 } Sulphur, 37 . . Rachel, 35. The Duke of Beaufort'^ Hound$. THE BADMINTON ENTRIES. NAMES. 1868. Sexton . b Toilet . Topic . Waverley s Wildfire Windsor 1869. b Brenda . Bluecap Bluebell Captain Crier s Cottager Coroner b Confidence Courtesy- Comrade 5 Comus . Cornet . Falconer b Fanciful Farthingale 5 Galloper Ganymede Harlequin 14 SIRES. Sulphur, 37 . Guardian, 36 Waterloo, 33 . Waterloo, 33 1865. Telegraph . Bramham . . ) Sportsman, 209 J Ld. Portsmouth's Captain, 297 Mr Colmore's Contest, 98 . Conqueror, 34 1866. Larkspur . 1866. Reveller . Bramham Gainer, 211 . 1866. Larkspur . . DAMS. 1865. Sensitive. Toilsome, 32. Hypocrite, 36. Winifred, 37. 1865. Bruta. 1866. Their Bluebell. 1865. Bramham. Dulcet. His Glory, 96. 1867- Bonny Lass. 1865. Constance. Fatima, 33. Their Stately, 209. 1865- Hairpin. REMARKS. The JDuke of Beaufort'^ H0UND3. THE BADMINTON ENTRIES. NAMES. SIRES. DAMS. REMARKS. 1869. Hannibal . 1866. 1865. Harkaway . Harborough . Battlement. .s Halifax . . 6" Hardwick . ;} 1866. 1865. Handmaid . Regulus . Hartshorn. Havoc . 1866. Lancaster . Ladybird . :} Larkspur . 1866. Bashful, 34. Marmion . Marigold . :} Larkspur . 1866. Marchioness, 33. 1865. B Remnant . ■1 Reveller . Brussels. B Relish . . ■ i 1866. Ringwood . 5 Rifler . . Richmond . •I Belvoir . Ringwood, 334 1 J Bramham. Whimper. Seaman :} 1865. 1865. s Seagull . . Sentinel . Brunette. Sepoy . . 1865. b Susan . Sulphur, 37 . Haughty. Sportsman . \ Bramham . . } Their Sportsman, 209 Charmer, 207. Watchman . • ) Warbler .} Waterloo, 33 . Winifred, 37. Wanton • 1 1870. Bluecap •{ Grove . Barrister, 189 1866. ] 1868. Blankney. Portia. Bluster . ■{ Milton . . . Bluster . . } Their Hoyden, 171. 15 The Duke of JBeaufort'$ Hounds THE BADMINTON ENTRIES. NAMES. SIRES. DAMS. REMARKS. 1870. Beadle . . . j Milton . Bertram, 170 ! 1866. Their Rapid. Chanticleer Chancellor . 1866. Champion . . - Racer, 35 . . Charity. Chatterer . . B Chastity 1865. Corporal . . ) Columbine . . J Belvoir } Blankney. Contest, 336 . Petulant. 1866. Cricket . . . < Belvoir Contest, 336 . 1865. I i Blankney. Gaiety. Fanatic . . . ) Fabian ... J Milton . . . } Their Saffron . . Fallacy, 170. 1867. Fretful . . . | Milton . . . Sailor . . } 1865. Their Fretful. Glitter . . . j Cottesmore Glider . . . 1866. I J Milton. Lady, 172. 1865. Harborough . Sampson . . Harpy. Harmless . . < 1866. Milton . . . Bluster 1 } 1868. Their Harmony. b Lavish . \ s Landlord . . > Lapwing . . j 1866. 1865. Larkspur . Brunette. 1867. 1865. Ladyblush . . < Blankney . Vanquisher . ! Their Lady. 16 The Duke of Beaufort'^ Hound^. THE BADMINTON ENTRIES. NAMES. SIRES. DAMS. REMARKS. 1870. Major . . Marquis Magnet . . 1865. Milton . . . Major . 1867. 1 1 1866. Their Reticule. Pensive . b Peevish :} Grove . Fairplay . I 1 Blankney. Pensive, 64. 5 Proselyte . Prosody ■I Belvoir Senator, 334 . 1866. I / Blankney. Prosody, 64. Playful . . •{ Grove . . Druid . I 1 Blankney. Paragon, 64. Rasselas Rattlebone Rhapsody . ;} 1865. Milton . . . Major . . 1865. } Their Rainbow, 170. 1865. Rifleman . :} Belvoir 1 Milton. Ringleader . Dexter Rifle. Sullivan Suppliant . :} Sunbeam, 37 . 1865. Battlement. Saracen •{ Milton . . . Sampson, 171 } 1866. Their Daphne. b Sontag . . / Milton . . . Timon, 173 . J 1865. Their Sontag. Vanish . ■{ Blankney . Regulus, 67 . 1 ) 1867. Their Vanish. 17 The Duke of Beaufort'$ Hounds THE BADMINTON ENTRIES. NAMES. 1870. Verity . Veteran B Venemous Venial . Verger . b Welcome b Welfare Woodlark 1871. B Bounty . Bellman b Brenda . Caroline b Caramel Commodore Cupid . Delicate Dexterous 18 SIRES. 1867. Blankney . Warrior 1866. Blankney . Sampson . . Blankney . Saladin, 63 . Cottesmore Woodman 1866. Wardrobe . Wynnstay . . Raglan, brother toArrogant,410 Bramham Stormer m . ) ,207. | 1867. Caliban 1867. Berkeley . . Cottager . 1865. Berkeley . Caliban . . Berkeley . Desperate, 150 DAMS. 1866. Their Verity. 1866. Their Vernal. 1865. Their Welfare. 1867. Blankney. Varna. 1867. Bonny Lass. 1865. Berkeley. Betsy. 1867. Their Bridesmaid. 1869. Remnant. 1865. Their Rapid. 1867. Their Curious. 1867. Their Remnant. REMARKS. The Duke of Beaufort'js Hound$. THE BADMINTON ENTRIES. NAMES. SIRES. DAMS. REMARKS. 1871. Forester ■I :j 1867. 1865. Fortitude . Fortunate . Foreman . Secrecy. Freeman . Freshman . :} 1866. Regulus . 1868. 1866. Frenzy. 1865. Firefly . . Wildfire . . . Firework. Fugleman . •{ 1867. Bramham . . ) Fugleman . . J 1865. Their Wilful. Hotspur Hostess • i Weathergage, 36 1867. Hostile. Nailer . Nabob . . :} Weathergage, 36 1867. Namesake. Nameless . 1865. 1867. Painter . Sentinel . Paragon. Ragman Ranter . Racket . Wynnstay . . { Raglan, 410 . J 1868. Berkeley. Flighty. 1866. Regicide ■{ Blankney . . ^ Regulus, 67 . j Berkeley. Pastime. 1865. Rosebud . •{ Lord Coventry's ) Roman . . j Berkeley. Bluebell. 1866. Senior . . ■{ Belvoir . . ) Senator, 334 . J Berkeley. Tiny. 19 The Duke of Beaufort'^ Hound$. THE BADMINTON ENTRIES. NAMES. SIRES. DAMS. REMARKS. 1871. Tigress . •1 1868. Timbrel . Tinsel . . l : Wildfire . . . Tidings, 36. Timely . . • j 1867. Vaulter . i Berkeley . . ( Their ■\ Cottager . . j Valentine, 150. 1867. Volatile ■{ Berkeley . . | Pilgrim . . j Their Volatile, 150. 1868. Vexer . • i Blankney . . | Berkeley. Venus . • i Regulus, 67 . j Vengeance. 1872. 1867. 1868. Brigand Brighton . :} Wynnstay . ) Splendour . J 1869. Bridesmaid. 1867. Boaster Boxer . •I •J Bifler .... 1870. Bonny Lass. 1868. Benedict Beautiful . :} Proselyte . . . 1867 Beeswing. 1868. Careful . Nathan . . Careless. Collier . . ■1 1869. 1867. Comical Comedy :. Cottager . Wearisome. Courteous . •J Filigree . 1868. 1865. Finery . Wildfire . . . Firework. Firmament 1867. 1867. Forager Foreman . Hostile. Gambler .) 1869. 1866. Gaylass . . Galloper . . Frenzy. Gadfly . . J 20 The Duke of Beaufort'^ Hounds THE BADMINTON ENTRIES. NAMES. SIRES. DAMS. EEMAEKS. 1872. Hostage . . ) Homer . . . ;- Hopeless . . j 1867. Wynnstay . ^ Splendour . j 1866. Hollyhock. 1869. 1867. Handmaid . . Hardwick . Namesake. Prompter . 1868. 1865. Prophet Wildfire . . { Grove. Problem . . - Prudence. Proctor . . . Progress Ringlet . . . \ Ringdove . . > Rival ... J 1869. 1866. Rifler .... Freedom. 1867. 1867. Sempstress . < Wynnstay . ) Splendour . / Sensible. Saxon . . . ] Saffron . . . V Sailor . . . j 1869. 1868. Galloper . . Sandal. Splendour . 1867. 1869. Speakwell . . Speechless . Wynnstay . { Splendour . J o n n d. 6 ncc Speedy .... Senator . Sensitive . . Serious . 1867. Foreman . . . 1865. Secrecy. Serenade . Solomon . . \ Sorceress . . > Solitude . . j 1870. 1868. Proselyte . . . Sophistry. 1869. 1867. Waterwitch Galloper . . . Wary. Witness . . \ Winsome . . > Willing . . j 1868. 1865. Wildfire . . . Bruta. 21 The Duke of Beaufort'3 Hound$. THE BADMINTON ENTRIES. NAMES. 1873. Carver . Captive Consul . Convert Convict Comfort Coral Frequent Fresco . Factor . Falstaff. Fairy . Fancy . Gaiety . Harbinger Harvester Halcyon Harmony Hamlet . Harebell Laudable Lavender Prodigal Proserpine Provident Puritan . Pugilist Publican Purity . Putative 22 SIRES. 1870. Proselyte . 1869. Comus 1869. Galloper . 1869. Galloper . 1869. Hardwick . 1869. Halifax 1870. Landlord . 1870. Proselyte . 1868. Wildfire . DAMS. 1871. Caramel. 1870. Sonta°r. • 1869. Fanciful. 1871. Bounty. 1869. Brenda. 1868. Sanguine. 1868. Cautious. 1867. Wary. 1865. Grove. Prudence. REMARKS. The Duke of Beaufort'^ Hound$. THE BADMINTON ENTRIES. NAMES. SIRES. DAMS. REMARKS. 1873. Saunterer . 1869. 1870. Saraband > Halifax . . < Blankney. Sapient . _ Sapphire. Sarcenet Solon . ■ 1870. 1868. Songster Songstress * Proselyte . . Sophistry. Sonnet . • 1868. 1869. Subaltern Wildfire . . . Susan. 1869. 1870. Vengeance . . Hardwick . . . Venemous. 1874. Bedford 1869. 1869. Bertha . - Hardwick . . . Brenda. Beauty . Bella . Chaser . Charmer .' 1870. • Landlord . . 1870. Chastity. Comrade • Cornet . Cossack 1867. 1869. Coiner . Cobbler Wynnstay . ) Splendour . . J Confidence. Contest . Countess Falconer Favourite • 1869. ■ Galloper . . 1869. Fanciful. Garland • Gaudy . 1869. 1871. Garnish - Galloper . . . Bounty. Gainly . Garnet . 1869. 1868. Hasty . Hardwick . . . Toilet. 23 The Duke of Beaufort'3 Hounds THE BADMINTON ENTRIES. NAMES. 1874. Labourer Laureat Languisher Lawyer . Layman Lapwing Languish Pensioner Perjurer Petulant Penitent Peaceable Restless Roman . Sultan . Suitor . Sunshine Surety . Venturer Vehement Wedlock SIRES. 1870. Landlord . 1867. Wynnstay Splendour 1868. Wildfire . . 1868. Wildfire . . Lord Coventry's Roman . 1868. Wildfire . . 1869. Seagull . . 1869. Cottager . . DAMS. 1870. Welcome. 1870. Lavish. 1870. Peevish. 1869. Relish. 1871. Bramham. Riotous. 1869. Susan. 1870. Venemous. 1870. Welfare. REMARKS. PEDIGREE OF PRODIGAL. 1858. Prodigal 1855. Rapture 24 Prodigal, 38 . . Sir R. Sutton's Crowner . . Rapture. Rapid, 51. The Duke of T^utland'js Hounds THE BEL VOIR ENTRIES. NAMES. SIRES. DAMS. REMARKS. 1865. Diligent . . to Layman, 183 j Rosamond, 331. Needwood . . ) Nelly ... J Burton . . ) Dorimont, 68 j Niobe, sister to Nathan, 351. Proctor ... "j b Precious . . [ Promise . . [ Prattle ... J Pilot, 353. . . Blissful, 334. Reckless Nathan, 351 . . Ready, 331. Rufus . . . Champion, 352 . Rakish, 331. s Rubicon . . ) Rustic . . . ] Singer, 338 . j Royalty, sister to Render, 346. s Selim . . . \ Saffron . . . > Skilful . . . ) 25 Raglan, 347 . . Susan, 334. D The Duke of 1^uti_and'3 Hound$. THE BEL VOIR ENTRIES. NAMES. SIRES. DAMS. REMARKS. 1865. Sportsman . 5 Stormer b Syren . Sportly . . •1 i : •J Wynnstay . | Royal, 415 . j Sylvia, 333. 5 Warrior Waspish Welcome . Alfred, 342 . . Willing, 331. 1866. B Beauty . 5 Bloomer :} Singer, 338 . Blissful, 334. Bluebell . j 'I Grove . . . [ Barrister, 189 j Fairmaid, 333. Constant . Chanticleer, 339 Singwell, 336. Conqueror . Nelson, 351 . . Candid, 331. S Forester Flourish b Folly . . Milton . . . ) Forester, 175 j Redwing, 334. Harper . Hard wick . Milton . . . ) Harbinger, 176 j Comfort, 333. Lucifer . . Lavish . . :} Wrangler, 351 . Lucy, 333. ^ Marplot ^ Monarch Marmion . Milton . . . ) Marmaduke,170 / Nancy, 332. b Novelty Senator, 334 . . Nimble, 332. s Pirate . . b Parody . :'} Raglan, 347 . . Pliant, 336. b Prudence . Chanticleer, 339 . Pastime, 331. Ruby . . Stormer, 343 . . Riot, 331. Spinster 26 Saladin 331 . . Duchess, 337. The Duke of T^utland'^ Hounds THE BEL VOIR ENTRIES. NAMES. 1866. b Vocal . b Wanton B Wishful 1867. Agent . b Audible b Abbess . Caroline b Dewdrop Fireman 5 General Grappler Nelly . Nosegay b Phillis . B Prosody s Ruler . b Rival b Rosemary B Rapture b Speedwell b Solitude Seamstress b Susan . B Sportley Stentor . Sailor . Seaman Spangle . 27 SIRES. Brocklesby Vaulter, 420 . Milton . . . ) Harbinger, 176 j Alfred, 342 . . Falstaff, 352 . . Stripling, 343 . Ferryman, bro- \ ther to Fal- \ staff, 352 . j Milton . . . Gambler, 171 Noble, 335 . Stripling, 343 Pilot, 353 . Nelson, 351 . . Senator, 334 Stormer, 343 . Stripling, 343 DAMS. Sylvia, 333. Woeful, 334. Duchess, 337. Candid, 331. Dimity, 333. Betsy, 334. Fairmaid, 333. Susan, 334. Norah, 335. Blissful, 334. Rosebud, 335. Gay Lass, 335. Sylvia, 333. Comfort, 333. REMARKS. The Duke of T^utland^ Hounds THE BEL VOIR ENTRIES. NAMES. SIRES. DAMS. REMARKS. 1867. b Trinket . . B Transit . •I •1 Senator, 334 . . True Lass, 333. 1868. 1865. Barmaid Rubicon . . . Betsy, 334. b Bella . . b Blooming . Contest, 336 . . Blissful, 334. Byron . . Clasper . Senator, 334 . Comedy, 336. Druid . :} s Driver . b Delicate Nathan, 351 . . Dimity, 333. Furrier . Milton . . . ) Sampson, 171 J Fairmaid, 333. Fleecer . Flighty . . • i Falstaff, 352 . . Sprightly, 332. b Gertrude . o Governess . Gulliver : Contest, 336 . . Glory, 335. Gallant . •j s Nectar . . •1 Nestor . . Nimrod . . : Senator, 334 . Norah, 335. b Niobe . . i b Needless . Senator, 334 . . Nimble, 332. Pilgrim . 1 Grove . . } Nimrod, 180 . J 1865. 1866. Prudence. 1865. B Prodigy Stormer Precious. 1866. Rally, . . 28 Raglan, 347 . . Beauty. The Duke of Jutland'? Hound$. THE BEL VOIR ENTRIES. NAMES. 1868. B Ruthful B Ransom b Rhapsody ^ Rallyvvood Ranter . 5 Remus . .s 1 Rambler b Rosy Ringlet . Regulus 5 Singer . b Willing . Warrior . Winifred 1869. b Actress . Blissful . Benefit . b Blossom Castor . Charon . 5 Craftsman Candour Comfort Comely . Captive . Candid . b Concord £ Destiny. 29 siiM'is. Reveller, 351 Senator, 334 Milton . . . ) Forester, 175 . J Stripling, 343 Wrangler, 351 . Senator, 334 . Dryden, 335 . 1865. Stormer . . Contest, 336 Nectar, 350 Dryden, 335 DAMS. Abigail, 337. Remedy, 334. Rosebud, 335. Songstress, 333. Furious, 335. Woeful, 334. Abigail, 337. Bella, 333. 1867. Speedwell. Countess, 333. Sylvia, 333. REMARKS. The Duke of T^utjland'3 Hound$. THE BEL VOIR ENTRIES. NAMES. SIRES. DAMS. REMARKS. 1869. b Dorcas . B Dainty . Drayman Flasher . Freeman b Heroine b Nimble . Posy . . Primate . Rufus . Regent . s Romulus Raglan . Restless Trojan . Vicious . s Why not b Warfare Woodbine 1870. b Artful . Alice Blameless Bertram B Chantress 30 Ringwood, 334 1865. Rubicon . Stranger, 335 Wrangler, 351 Ringwood, 334 Nectar, 350 . 1865. Rubicon . Milton . . . Fencer . . . Falstaff, 352 . Senator, 334 . Wrangler, 351 Senator, 334 . Falstaff, 352 . Contest, 330 . Falstaff, 352 . Dainty, 332. Frolic, 337. Friendly, 336. 1865. Hopeful. Norah, 335. Pliant, 336. Redwing, 334. 1867. Trinket. 1866. Vocal. Woeful, 334. Comedy, 336. 1867. Abbess. 1866. Beauty. Bella, 333. Comedy, 336. The Duke of T^utland'^ Hound$. THE BEL VOIR ENTRIES. NAMES. SIRES. DAMS. REMARKS. 1870. Darter . b Dairymaid . •I -J Drayman, 352 . 1865. Fairy. Fortune Drayman, 352 1865. Friendly, 336. 1868. Fencer . Fairplay . . . Niobe. Fleecer . Falstaff, 352 . . Notable, 336. Foreman Ferryman 1865. Stormer . . . 1866. Folly. B Nightshade Needless •I •J Contest, 336 . . 1866. Novelty. Playmate Proctor . Prudence •1 • i Senator, 334 . 1866. Prudence. Purity . • J 1868. 1868. Render . Rambler . . . 1868. Prodigy. Royal . Rallywood . . 1865. Redwing, 334. 1867. Resolute Stormer . . . Rival. Skilful . Stranger, 335 Frolic, 337. 1866. s Saffron . Senator, 334 . . Parody. Striver . • l : :} 1865. Statesman b Selima . Drayman, 352 . Syren. 1867. Truelass Contest, 33G . . Trinket. 31 The Duke of ^utland'^ Hounds THE BEL VOIR ENTRIES. NAMES. 1870. 5 Woodman s Warrior. Woeful . Welcome Whimsey 1871. Denmark Dutiful . Danger . s Firebrand Fearless Falcon . Faithful Notable Narrative Plunder Portia Roman Rector Royalty b Ruby Racer Rosamond Relish . Redcap . 32 SIRES. Wonder, 336 1865. Dexter . . Wildboy, 334 Senator, 334 . 1865. Stormer . . 1865. Fairplay . Cottesmore . Seaman . . Cottesmore Primate . . 1868. Rambler . 1867. Ruler .... 1867. Ruler .... Ringwood, 334 . DAMS. 1867. Susan. 1868. Bella. 1868. Delicate. Frolic, 337. 1865. Fairy. Stately, 336. 1868. Niobe. 1867. Transit. Bella, 333. 1868. Ruthful. 1868. Rhapsody. 1867. Rival. REMARKS. The Duke of Jutland'? Hound$. THE BEL VOIR ENTRIES. NAMES. 1871. 5 Regulate Sparkler Solon . Stella . Warbler Wanderer Wisdom Wizard . 1872. Albion . Admiral Anodyne Bashful . Careful . Chanter Careless 5 Cardinal Cruiser . Damsel . Dashwood . Discord . 33 •I SIRES. 1868. Nectar . Contest, 336 . Senator, 334 . Wonder, 336 . Wonder, 336 . Wildboy, 334 1868. Rallywood Contest, 336 . Contest, 336 . Contest, 336 . 1865. Stormer . 1865. Dexter . 1866. Pirate . DAMS. Remedy, 334. 1867. Solitude. 1866. Wishful. 1867. Susan. 1867. S portly. 1865. Syren. 1867. Audible. 1869. Blossom. 1869. Warfare. 1867. Susan. 1869. Concord. 1867. Rosemary. 1869. Dainty. REMARKS. The Duke of T^utland'^ Hound$. THE BELVOIR ENTRIES. NAMES. 1872. Duster . Dimple . Frantic . Finder Furrier . Grecian . Garnish . Graceful Hermit . Hector . Noble . Prompter Prior Prodigal b Prophetess Reyulus Roguish Rachel . Samson . Wildrose SIRES. Wary 34 Mr Muster's Romulus . 1866. Forester . 1866. Forester . 1867. General 1865. Stormer . 1865. Selim . 1868. Blankney . Prompter . 1868. Rallywood 1868. Rallywood 1865. Stormer . 1865. Stormer 1865. Stormer . 1868. Rallywood DAMS. 1869. Dorcas. 1869. Destiny. 1868. Rosy. 1865. Dexterous. 1869. Heroine. 1868. Needless. 1868. Delicate. 1868. Prodigy. 1867. Rapture. 1867. Rival. 1868. Ransom. 1866. Wisbful. 1866. Wanton. REMARKS. The Duke of T^utland'^ Hounds THE BEL VOIR ENTRIES. NAMES. SIRES. DAMS. REMARKS. 1873. Abbot . . Adamant . } 1866. Forester . 1868. 1870. Artful. 1867. Absolute . Rallywood Abbess. Barlow . Barrister . J 1868. Rallywood 1868. Blooming. Countess . Columbine . } 1869. Craftsman . 1870. Chantress. Dutchman . Diligent } 1865. Stormer . 1868. Delicate. Drummer . Dashaway . I 1865. Stormer . . . 1870. Dairymaid. Fatal . . Frenzy . . } 1866. Forester . . . 1868. Needless. Gambler . Gaiety . . I ) 1867. General 1868. 1867. Trinket. 1865. Hotspur Rallywood Hopeful. Nero . . Nosegay .} 1869. Whynot . . . 1870. Nightshade. 1867. Parody . . Contest, 33G . . Phillis. Partner . ) 1870. 1868. Patience Warrior Prodigy. Primrose . 35 The Duke of T^utland'3 Hound3. THE BEL VOIR ENTRIES. NAMES. 1873. Rainbow Rocket . Redrose Rapid . Ringdove Rhoda . Ruthless Termagant , Watchful Waspish 1874. Ambrosia Baronet . Brasher Dorimont Dealer . Decorate Drastic . Dauntless Dagmar Dabster . Desperate . 36 SIRES. 1867. Ruler . . 1868. Rambler . 1868. Rambler . 1868. Rambler . 187^. Cardinal . 1868. Rallywood 1868. Rallywood 1870. Saffron 1870. Warrior 1869. Whynot . 1867. Ruler DAMS. 1866. Prudence. 1868. Rhapsody. 1870. Selima. 1868. Ransom. 1867. Transit. 1868. Willing. 1869. Actress. 1868. Blooming. 1868. Delicate. 1870. Dairymaid. 1865. Dexterous. REMARKS. The Duke of T^utland'^ Hound$. THE BEL VOIR ENTRIES. NAMES. SIRES. DAMS. REMARKS. 1874. Flourisher . Fiver . . 1871. 1869. Factor . • " Firebrand . . . Dorcas. Foreman . :J Fervent . Fallible . . Federal . . Fashion . 1869. Milton Furrier . 1872. Prophetess. Fancy . . • Gallant . Garland 1867. General 1869. Nimble. Grateful Gravity . 1869. Whynot . . . 1868. Gertrude. Harlequin Harriet . 1868. Driver .... 1869. Heroine. Needwood Norma . 1867. General 1866. Novelty. Ritualist Ringworm 1869. Romulus . 1868. Ransom. Rhymer Rarity . 1868. • Rambler . . 1867. Dewdrop. 1866. 1871. Rarely . . . Pirate .... Ruby. Richmond . Romeo . 1868. 1869. Reckless Remnant ► Rallywood Dainty. Rosalind 37 The Duke of T^utxand'^ Hound^. THE BELVOIR ENTRI ES. NAMES. SIRES. DAMS. REMARKS. 1874. Templar Twilight . Toilsome . •1 1 : 1871. Regulate . 1867. Trinket. Trifle . . •j Woldsman . . ) 1866. 1869. Windsor Pirate .... Warfare. Wakeful . 1870. 1868. Wellington Warrior Prodigy. Watchman . Woodbine . :} 1869. Whynot . . . 1870. Nightshade. 38 The Lord Fit^hardinqe'^ Hound?. THE BERKELEY ENTRIES. NAMES. 1865. Agnes . Bluecap Boaster Barrister b Bravery B Barbara Buxom . b Betsy . b Bauble . Bacchanal Bondsman Bajazet b Bluebell Cruiser . Candid . b Careless 5 Caliban . Climbank b Crony . Columbine Casket . Fugleman s Fairplay .s Foreman Limner . Pilgrim . Powerful Plenipo . Pilot . b Prudence 39 SIRES. Cotswold . Abelard, 95 . Milton . . . \ Bluecap, 17G . J Milton . . . ) Bluecap, 176 . j Lusty, 162 . . Clinker, 145 . . Grove . . . ) Barrister, 189 J Bramliam . . ) Rifler, 213 . j Reveller, 146 . . Cambridgeshire } Gambler, 24 . / Lusty, 162 . . Ottoman, 162 Prodigal, 164 . DAMS. Festival, 146. Woodbine, 146. Dinah, 146. Benefit, 147. Rosalind, 145. Curious, 150. Comfort, 147. Cheerful, 146. Frantic, 148. Cymbal, 147. Policy, 148. Whimsey, 148. REMARKS. The L b Dairymaid . . j Dissolute, 150 . Twilight, 151. Fallacy . . . ] B Flighty •.. b Favourite . . ) Badminton . ( Bennington, 35 j Frantic, 148. Gamecock . Desperate, 150 . Gravity, 150. Prancer . . . \ Patron . . . j Reveller, 146 1866. Pastime. 42 The JL Comedy . . ) Comfort 1871. Pillager 1867. Cottager . 1867. Concord. 1871. Folly. Clinker . . . " Comrade Cheerful . . • Crimson Candid . . . _ 1866. Carver .... 1871. Wary. Clara ... 1 Crafty . . . j 1866. Carver .... 1871. Volatile. Frantic . 1867. Fireman . 1867. Rakish. Fatima . . . i Fallacy . . . ' Faithful . . ( Liberal . . . \ Linkboy . . j 1867. Fireman . 1870. Duke of Beau- [ fort's Landlord j 1871. Ransom. 1869. Namesake. 50 The L^ord Fit^hardinqe'$ riouNDg. THE BERKELEY ENTRIES. NAMES. 1874. Leveller Lexicon Lavender Lively . Lovely . Ladybird Pilgrim . Painter . Regent . Redrose Sportsman Senator . Sontag . Safety . Sunset . Warlock Warlike Watchman Woodman Winifred SIRES. Lord Coventry's | Vampire . 1867. Pilgrim 1867. Cottager 1867. Fireman 1871. Wonder 1871. Wonder DAMS. 1871. Laura. 1871. Rival. 1870. Rosebud. 1871. Sonnet. 1869. Susan. 1868. Victim. REMARKS. 51 Mr Chaplin'^ Hound js. THE BLANKNEY ENTRIES. NAMES. SIRES. DAMS. REMARKS. 1865. Freedom Furious . i Lord Doneraile's 1 Foreman . j His Freedom. General Guider . Gamecock Grayling Goneril . - Regulus, 67 . 1 Gamesome, sister to Goosecap, 58. b Gravity . Governor b Gertrude i- Regent, 67 . Gambol, 58. Landsman b Lady b Lucy \ >■ Foeman, 70 . { Liberty, sister to Larkspur, 72. Noble . Norah . Nosegay .'1 Brocklesby Norman, 436 . 1861. Proserpine. Nelson . ■\ Brocklesby Norman, 436 . 1 1858. Concord. Pelican . b Petulant ■ > Pilgrim, 69 . Goosecap, 58. Pleader . Pillager . Playmate Proxy . Dorimont, 68 1861. Phyllis. b Purity . Pleasant Polish . B Phoebe . ■ > Pilgrim, 69 . f Gossip, sister to Gracious, 58. ^ Romulus . Remus . J Regent, 67 Gracious, 58. Scandal •1 Belvoir Statesman, 353 \ Tuneful, sister to Titian, 67. 52 Mr Chaplin's Hounds. THE BLANKNEY ENTRIES. NAMES. 1865. Screamer s Striver . Smuggler B Sportive Trueman .v Templar Tribune B Tidings . Trophy . B Welfare . Winifred 1866. B Barbara Clovis . s Clinker . Costly . Cruiser . .s' Damper Dexter . Drover . b Drapery b Diaper . b Gaiety . Garnish b Lavender Lounger s Lexicon . 53 SIRES. DAMS. Regulus, 67 . . Sontag, 58. Stormer, 70 Cerberus, 7 1 . Brocklesby Lexicon, 417 . ( Lord Doneraile's Foreman . Lord Doneraile's [ Foreman . . ( Tomboy, 63 . . Truelass, 66. Wisdom, 60. Their Beauty, 418. His Clara. Cowslip. Crimson, 61. Dorimont, 68 . | Wisdom, 60. Regent, 67 Holderness Denmark, 244 Gambler, 69 . Larkspur, 72 . Victor, 67 Dolly, 62. Their Gertrude, 242. Captive, 58. Spiteful, 60. Laundress, 59. REMARKS. Mr Chaplin' 5 Hound 3. THE BLANKNEY ENTRIES. NAMES. 1866. Lancer . Languish Liberty . B Novelty Peevisli B Rosebud B Rhoda . Royal Roman . Reveller Rosemary s Sampson Truant . Trustful Vampire Vandal . Vulcan . Vanguard Verulam Vexer . Verity . b Vernal . 1867. Agatha . Bushman />• Bounty . b Bashful . n Blameless 54 SIRES. Victor, 6' DAMS. Lyric, 01. | Holderness m, • r oqo Regulus, 67 . . Gladsome. B Rapture . . ) 1866. 1866. Rupert . Clinker Rosebud. 1866. 1868. b Solitude Sampson . Pastime. Saunterer . . 1 Statesman . Snowdrop . . \ b Spangle. b Sunshine . . J Holderness ) Lincoln . . f Sempstress, 63. 1867. 1865. Welcome . . Reginald . Welfare. 1867. 1867. Whirlwind . Warrior . . . Violet. 1872. Champion . . ) Carver . . . j 1867. Guardian . 1869. Chastity. Dealer . 1866. 1867. Delicate. Dulcet . b Doubtful . . Grove | Druid . . . ( b Dorothy 63 Mr Chaplin's Hound 3. THE BLANKNEY ENTRIES. NAMES. SIRES. DAMS. REMARKS. 1872. Denmark . . | Daffodil . . J 1865. Templar . 1867. Dimple. Flasher . . . ( Fretful . . . j 1867. Guardian . 1869. Fractious. Guardsman . \ 1867. 1868. Gaylass . Guardian . Barmaid. Guileful . . 1 Glowworm . . ( b Graceful . . j 1866. Sampson . Sempstress, G3. 1868. 1870. Lawyer . Prompter . Linnet. Rambler . . Brocklesby | Random, 419 J 1867. Relish. b Remedy Brocklesby ( Random, 419 ) 1868. Gaudy. 1866. 1868. Solomon . Sampson . . . Ruthless. s Sportsman . . | b Singwell . . ( 1866. Sampson . 1868. Pastime. Stentor . ) Spanker . . j 1865. Striver .... 1866. Novelty. 1865. 1870. Traitor . Templar . . . Bramble. 5 Tapster . . . \ 1865. 1865. B Truemaid . . - Templar . . . Petulant. b Trifle ... 1 64 Mr Chaplin's Hound 3. THE BLANKNEY ENTRIES. NAMES. SIRES. DAMS. REMARKS. 1872. 1871. 1868. b Transport . Druid .... 1867. Tempest. 1867. Vocal Vanquisher . Bounty. 1873. Bluecap Blossom :} 1866. Grove (_ Druid ... | 1867. 1869. Bracelet. 1867. Conqueror . Vanquisher . Cora. 1867. 1869. Frolic . . Vanquisher . Fairstar. Gossamer . ■) 1867. 1870. Gondola •[ Guardian . Pamela. Gossip . •) Guider . Gratitude . :} 1867. Guardian . 1866. Novelty. Patriarch . Parasol . Promise ■1 : 1868. Prompter . 1865. Petulant. Penitent • j Reveller Rival , 1867. > Vanquisher 1868. Racey. Sinecure . 1 1865. Senator . 1867. Symphony . Sanguine . Scornful :l 1 Striver .... 1868. Volatile. 1871. B Sacrilege . Boxer .... Sunshine. G5 " 1 Mr Chaplin'^ Hound 3. THE BLANKNEY ENTRIES. NAMES. SIRES. DAMS. REMARKS. 1873. 1868. 1868. Trickster Tarquin . :} Prompter . Tempest. Voyager Valentine Vincent •1 1 • 1 1867. Vanquisher . 1870. Primrose. Vandyke •J 1867. 1870. Vestryman Velvet . • i ■ J Vanquisher . Prudence. Viceroy . Valiant . 1867. Vanquisher . 1870. Ringlet. 1874. Brenda . Buxom . :} 1869. Bowler. 1870. Cherub. Danger . - Dancer . Dexter . Duster . Dahlia . 1 1867. 1871. • 1 Guardian . Desperate. Dalliance Damsel . Dewdrop 1867. 1868. Governor . Guardian . . . Pastime. Purity . • • ) Patience 1867. 1870. Guardian . Pamela. Pansy . . ) 1868. 1868. Procter . . Prompter . Tempest. 1867. 1867. Ransom Rock wood Volatile. GG Mr Chaplin' 3 Hound 3. THE BLANKNEY ENTRIES. NAMES. SIRES. DAMS. REMARKS. 1874. Syren . Solstice . :} 1867. Vanquisher . . 1871. Solitude. Sylvia . Sprightly . :} 1870. Sailor .... 1865. Petulant. Sentinel 1868. Boxer .... 1871. Spangle. Tyrant . 1872. Tapster . . 1872. Graceful. Wanderer . Woldsmau . Wonder 1 1867. Warrior 1868. Anguish. 1861. Proserpine Phyllis . BLANKNEY PEDIGREES. Cardinal, 65 . \ Pliant, sister to Policy, 68. 1860. Countess 1854. Redrose Charon, 70 Rosy. Contest, 65 . . I Rosemary. 67 Mr Chapmn'3 Hound 3- BLANKNE Y PEDIGREES. NAMES. SIRES. DAMS. REMARKS. 1858. Concord . { Belvoir ) Chaser, 339 . j Flourish. 1855. Flourish Contest, 65 . Filigree. 1850. Filigree . { Belvoir \ Falstaff . . / Remedy. 1845. Remedy . i Grove ) Royal . . j Remedy. 1839. Remedy . ( 1 Mr Osbaldes- j ton's Flasher, - 461 ... J Rarity. 1839. Royal . Prompter, 195 . Riot. 68 Mr Qeorqe J_(Ane Fox'$ Hound$. THE BRAMHAM MOOR ENTRIES. NAMES. 1865. S Chanter Champion B Dahlia . B Dulcet . Fairplay b Frolic b Guilty . Roman . Rubens . 5 Roderic Romulus b Relish . Racket . Rosebud Ruby . Restless Sovereign Wellington s Watchman Woodman b Wanton b Woodbine b Winsome Waspish B Wilful . B Wisdom 69 SIRES. ; 1857. > ' Chanter . . I Lord Poltimore's ) I Warrior, 289 / Fencer, 209 . . Rocket, 210 . . Roman, brother | to Rifler, 213 j Burton (_ Regulus, 67 . j Roman, brother j to Rifler, 213 j l Burton ( | Regent, 67 . J Rocket, 210 . . ( Burton ( I Regulus, 67 . / Rifler, 213 . . DAMS. Tuneful, 204. Dimity, 201. Caroline, 204. Guilty, 204. Seamstress, 206. Helen, 205. Lovely, 206. Rally, 206. Riot, 204. Crony, 205. Sanguine, 206. 1860. REMARKS. Roman, brother -, v - - c j r 4. ua oio > \\inilred. to Rifler, 213 J Mr Qeorqe L,ane Fox'$ Houndjs. THE BRA M HAM MOOR ENTRIES. NAMES. SIRES. DAMS. REMARKS. 1866. 5 Advocate . . | B Affable . . . / Lord Poltimore's ) Archer, 290 j Beauty, 206. b Bounty . . . Rifler, 213 . . Baroness, 205. Barrister . Boaster . b Bluebell Blameless . Fencer, 209 . . 1857. Blowsy. b Cecily . \ s Conjuror . . J Rifler, 213 . . Cecily, 206. Crafty . . . j Lord Poltimore's ) Archer, 290 . j Clara, 206. Forester . . | Foreman . . j Furrier, 212 . Crazy, 205. b Governess . . | Gambler . . | Rocket, 210 . . Gaylass, 208. Lucy Lexicon, 210 . Columbine, 207. Romeo . Rocket, 210 . . Helen, 205. Tuneful . . Rifler, 213 . . Tuneful, 204. Topsy . . . I b Timely ... J Lord Wemyss' 1 Hector . . . ) Timely, 207. Workman . . ] Wildboy . . i B Whimper . . [ B Watchful . . J Rifler, 213 . . Willing, 206. 1867. Alfred . . . ] Albion . . . ! Actor . . . [ Sailor, 208 . . Active, 208. Adelaide . . J 70 Mr Qeorqe JL(Ane Fox'$ Hound$. THE BRAMHAM MOOR ENTRIES. NAMES. SIRES. DAMS. REMARKS. 1867. b Bridesmaid . \ Grove 1 Barrister, 189 j Welcome, 207. b Cheerful . . ) Charity ... J Gainer, 211 . Captive, 206. s Fugleman . . ) b Fatima . • ■ J Furrier, 212 . Genius, 208. Factor . . . 1 s Fleecer . . . [ Foiler . . . f Fencer, 209 . . Seamstress, 206. Fairmaid . . 1 Frenzy . Furrier, 212 . Gamesome, 206. Gaylad . . . | Governor . . > Rocket, 210 . . Gaylass, 208. b Gapeseed . . ) b Lavish ... I Lufra ... f Larkspur, 209 Baroness, 205. 1859. s Rallywood . . ) Rocket, 210 . j Rosamond, sister Rosamond . . j to Rifler, 213. Ransom e . . Rifler, 213 . . Lovely, 206. Ruler . . Royalty b Remnant . - Rocket, 210 . . Lawless, 208. Rosebud b Ruin ... 5 Statesman . . ] 6" Striver . . . ! Sportly ... j Sprightly . . J 71 Gainer, 211 . . Stately, 209. Mr Qeorqe J^ane Fox's Hound3. THE BRAMHAM MOOR ENTRIES. NAMES. 1868. Acrobat Bowler Despot . Forester Fanciful Fairy Falstaff . B Fugitive b Fretful . Ganymede B Gauntlet Gladsome Glory . Herald . Lincoln . b Liberty . Lucy . Rhapsody Resolute Reginald B Ruby Sinbad . Solomon 72 SIRES. Grove ^ Barrister, 189 j Brocklesby I Bachelor, 418 ) Grove Barrister, 189 Fencer, 209 . Fencer, 209 . \ Gainer, 211 . r Brocklesby j Harbinger, bro ther to Help- mate, 435 . J Ld. Portsmouth's | C j Lincoln, 294 j DAMS. REMARKS. I Sportsman, 209 . Rifler, 213 . . Stripling, 207 Sportsman, 209 . 1865. Their Abigail. 1865. Their Harpy. Their Dewdrop, 182. Seamstress, 20 G. 1865. Wilful. Speedwell, 209. 1865. Their Flourish. Toilet, 209. Rally, 20G. Columbine, 207. Truelass, 207. 1865. Winsome. Mr GfEORQE I_• Syren . Senator . s Sampson b Solitude Woeful . Wishful 1870. Bashful . Bountiful b Concord ^ Danger . 5 Dashwood Dowager 5" Doncaster . Flamer . Freeman Falstaff. . Fatal Fearnought 74 SIRES. DAMS. Stormer, 207 . Sportsman, 209 . Belvoir ^ Senator, 334 . j Fencer, 209 . . 1867. Fugleman Sportsman, 209 . 1866. Grove ) Druid . . . / 1866. Grove \ Druid . . . j 1866. Grove Druid . . . Fencer, 209 . Fencer, 209 Fencer, 209 Ringlet, 208. 1866. Bluebell. 1866. Governess. 1865. Wilful. Blossom, 207. 1866. Cecily. 1865. Woodbine. 1865. Wilful. 1 1867. Fatima. Songstress, 209. 1866. Whimper. Speedwell, 209. REMARKS. Mr Qeorqe JL(Ane Fox'$ Houndjs. THE BRAMHAM MOOR ENTRIES. NAMES. 1870. Fenian . Foreman Frisky . Ladybird Languish Levity . b Primrose Prosody Seaman . 6' Singer . b Spiteful Starlight Sunbeam B Sympathy Truelove b Whimsey Wrangler Wrestler 1871. Bluecap 75 SIRES. 1867. Fugleman . 1867. Fugleman . Fencer, 209 . Lictor, 208 . 1867. Fugleman . Sailor, 208 . Stormer, 207. Sportsman, 209 Stormer, 207 . Belvoir Tarquin, 337 . 1867. Fugleman . 1867. Striver . Grove Bluebeard, 182 DAMS. 1865. Frolic. Streamlet, 209. 1865. Wanton. Truelass, 207. 1865. Dahlia. Lawless, 208. 1866. Watchful. 1865. Wisdom. 1867. Bridesmaid. Gaylass, 208. Welcome, 207. Willing, 206. 1867. Cheerful. REMARKS. R GfEORQE J_(ANE Pox'3 HoUNDg. THE BRAMHAM MOOR ENTRIES. NAMES. 1871. Countryman Chanticleer b Charming . Chan tress . Corporal Driver . Dreadnought Fly-by-Night B Favourite Friendly Marmion Matchless b Musical . s Marquis 5 Manager Marplot b Magic . v Mountybank Random Rustic . b Rampanl b Rapid 7G SIRES. DAMS. 1865. Meynell Chorister . 1865. Meynell Chorister . 1866. Blankney J ' Damper 1867. Fugleman . 1867. Fugleman . Mr Leigh's Merryman Mr Leigh's Merryman Mr Leigh's Merryman Mr Leigh's Merryman 1865. Rod eric 1867. Rally wood 1867. Rallywood 1867. Remnant. 1865. Winsome. 1867. Ruin. 1868. Fugitive. 1865. Wilful. 1867. Lavish. 1866. Governess. Streamlet, 209. 1866. Affable. 1867. Fatima. Speedwell, 209. 1865. Wisdom. REMARKS. Mr Qeorqe I_(Ane Fox'$ Hounds THE BRAMHAM MOOR ENTRIES. NAMES. SIRES. DAMS. REMARKS. 1871. 1867. 1868. b Rushlight . b Riotous . :} Rallywood 1867. Liberty. 1865. Sifter . . ' Striver .... Relish. 1866. Singwell Stormer, 207 . 1865. Bluebell. 1868. Trimtrash . J Blaukney 1 ' ( i Templar . . j Fretful. 1866. Tidings . . Stormer, 207 . . Timely. Victor . Vengeance . 1867. . ) Blaukney ) . J | Vanquisher . j 1866. Watchful. 1872. Archer . ■ i 1866. Artful . . Actress . . :j Sportsman, 209 . Affable. Anxious 1866. 1867. Claimant . Conjuror . Ruin. Fickle . . Frantic . :} 1867. Fleecer 1867. 1865. Wanton. 1868. Frolicsome . Fleecer 1869. Gauntlet. 1869. Gallant . . Guider .... Roguish. 77 Mr Qeorqe I_• Woodbine 84 SIRES. Nathan, 435 . Nelson, 417 . Freeman, 418 Freeman, 418 Vaulter, 420 . Harbinger, bro- ther to Help- mate, 435 Latimer, 417 Vaulter, 420 . Burton Regulus, 67 . Singer, 417 . Burton Foeman, 70 . Fencer, 418 . Norwood, 419 . DAMS. Abigail, 417. Freedom, 416. 1858. Ardent. Violet, 417. Fearless, sister tc Freedom, 416 Nelly, 419. Nosegay, 419. Rakish, 419. Faithful, 418. Famous, 418. Verity, 418. Venus, 416. Wishful, 417. REMARKS. The Earl of Yarborouqh'^ Hounds THE BROCKLESBY ENTRIES. NAMES. SIRES. DAMS. REMARKS. 1866. s Bluecap Blucher . . } Lexicon, 417 . Beauty, 418. Craftsman . { Lord Poltim ore's Archer, 290 . 1 Bramham Clara, 206. ^ Cruiser . Cheerful Comfort ) Mr Scratton's Chaser . I 1 Nelly, 419. Granby . b Gaiety . ] Mr Scratton's Gimcrack . I Famous, 418. Gamester . 5" Gaylad . } Gallant, 417. 1860. Courtly. Honesty b Harmony . } Helpmate, 435 Rakish, 419. Harlequin . Hannibal, 418 Crimson, 416. Newsman . B Nicety . } Helpmate, 435 Norah, 419. 1858. Playful . . Pillager, 418 . Ardent. Promise Pillager, 418 . Vocal, 416. Sprightly . Singer, 417 . Guilty, 419. Tippler . . Testy . . \ Mr Scratton's Tapster } Nosegay, 419. Vanguard . ■ ) Virulent ■ ) Hannibal, 418 Venus, 41G. B Varna . Wrangler . Wisdom :} Hannibal, 418 Wishful, 417. b Whimsey . Wanton b Welcome . •1 Belvoir Wrangler, 351 } Artful, 417. 85 The Earl, of Yarborouqh'^ Hound$. THE BROCKLESBY ENTRIES. NAMES. 1867. Artist . Audible B Affable . Bedford Bashful . Blissf id . Castor . Flyer Foreman Fingal . s Forester Hermit . Landlord Lounger Laundress Lusty . s Lifter . Nectar . b Nancy . Rustic . Remus . Singwell b Syren . 86 SIRES. Mr Parry's ) Beadsman, 286 j" Feudal, 416 . . Mr Scratton's Byron, 365 Wynnstay Chaser, 410 . Grove Barrister, 189 Vaulter, 420 . . Milton ) Forester, 175 J Vaulter, 420 . . Grove | Layman, 183 J Layman, 417 Milton Forester, 175 Nelson, 417 . . Wynnstay ) Chaser, 410 . / Burton ) Regulus, 67 . J Burton ) Stormer, 70 . / DAMS. Abigail, 417. Beauty, 418. Columbine, 419 Rival, 420. Famous, 4 IN. 1865. Flourish. Novelty, 419. 1865. Harriet. Wishful, 417. Nosegay, 419. Lavish, 417. Vanity, 419. Restless, 420. Freedom, 416. Graceful, 419. REMARKS. The Earl of Yarborouqh'^ Hound$. THE BROCKLESBY ENTRIES. NAMES. 5 Neuter . Noisy 87 1867. Votress . Varnish Volatile B Vicious . 1868. Albion . Actor . i - Agent . s Bentinck Betsy Bloomer b Brilliant Bonnylass Cowslip Crafty . b Fervent s Hymen . B Haughty Harlot . Handsome Hecuba . Heroine Helen . 5 Linguist . > SIRES. Vaulter, 420 Wynnstay Chaser, 41 Wynnstay Chaser, 410 Belvoir ^ Senator, 334 . J Bachelor, 418 . Bachelor, 418 Nelson, 417 . . Nelson, 417 . . Nelson, 417 . . Harbinger, bro- \ ther to Help- \ mate, 435 . I DAMS. Burton Sorcerer, 63 . Nelson, 417 . 1865. Fatima. Vocal, 416. Victory, 416. Abigail, 417. 1865. Harpy. Faithful, 418. Caroline, 419. Fury, 418. 1866- Harmony. 1865. Flourish. Lavish, 417. 1865. Vestal. REMARKS. The Earl of Yarborouqh'^ Hounds THE BROCKLESBY ENTRIES. NAMES. SIRES. DAMS. REMARKS. 1868. Nigel . . . ) b Needful . . J Vaulter, 420 . Notary, 419. 5 Proctor ... 1 Pilot . . . | Pillager, 418 . 1865- Woodbine. Rufus . . Random, 419 Graceful, 419. 1865. Racer Vaulter, 420 . Remnant. Saffron ... I b Sempstress . / Burton Saladin, 63 . 1 Nosegay, 419. Vigilant . . \ Vamper . . > Vaulter, 420 . Nelly, 419. b Venom . . . 1 1869. Countess . . ) Costly . . . J Belvoir Contest, 336 . } Nelly, 419. 1865. b Flighty . . . Hannibal, 418 Favourite. Frantic . . < 1865. Belvoir Stormer . I 1865. Fatima. Finder . . . Falstaff, 420 . Novelty, 419. Hebrew . . Harper, 419 . Niobe, 418. Herald . . . < Belvoir Senator, 334 . } 1865. Harpy. s Nailor . . . Nettle . . . b Novice . Pillager, 418 . Nosegay, 419. Necklace 88 The Earl of Yarborouqh'^ Hound$. THE BROCKLESBY ENTRIES. NAMES. SIRES. DAMS. REMARKS. 1869. 1865. 1865. Harriet. b Roguish . . ) b Rachel ... J Belvoir Rubicon . I Ready . . . < Duke of Grafton' Boniface, 224 '} 1865. Reckless. ^ Rampart . j Rasper . > Random, 419 Fury, 418. 5 Royal . . . j Sultan . . . j Sailor . . . > Stately ... I Seaman . . . < Belvoir . Senator, 334 . Belvoir Senator, 334 . } J 1866. Varna. 1867- Syren. Wrangler . . \ 1866. Wrestler . . > Warble . . . J Villager, 420 . Welcome. 1870. s Aider Ajax • • • [ s Ambrose Belvoir Senator, 334 . } 1865. Adamant. Anguish Beeswing . Bertha . 1865. 5 Blazer . . . - Bachelor, 418 Flourish. Brusher 5 Brutus . 1866. Clasper . . . ) Cromwell . . J Cruiser Captious, 418. Dainty . ■ ■ \ Duke of Grafton'!: Danger, 225 . 'I i 1865. Remnant. Factious . . < Holderness Farmer . . 1 1 1866. Gaiety. 89 The Earjl of Yarborouqh'$ Hound$. THE BROCKLESBY ENTRIES. NAMES. SIRES. DAMS. REMARKS. 1870. Factor . . . ) Fleecer . f Holderness Farmer 1865. } 1866. Whimsey. Layman Hector . Liberty, 420. Lively . J b Lucy . > b Lufra . . . ) b Lydia . . . X Random, 419 Holderness Lincoln } Lofty, 420. 1865- Vestris. Nabob . . . ) Nightshade . J Duke of Grafton' Senator, 225 . i 1867- Nancy. Vagrant Random, 419 Vengeance, 420. b Vanquish . . < Cotswold Barrister, 100 I ( 1867- Vicious. Witchcraft . . < Belvoir Senator, 334 . } 1865. Woodbine. 1871. Archer . . < 1865. Belvoir Fairplay . . } 1865. Adamant. Bellman . . 1 Bluster ... J 1869. Royal . . Bridesmaid, 418. Fickle •• • { 1865. Belvoir Fairplay . . 1 1865. Woodbine. Farmer . . . \ 1867. Belvoir Ruler . 1 1 1865. Fatima. 90 The Earl of Yarborouqh'^ Hound$. THE BROCKLESBY ENTRIES. NAMES. 1871. b Gipsy . b Gaudy . b Garland Gertrude Glory . Hasty . Herod . B Heedless Rosebud Rater S Raglan . Rutland Royster . Ranger . s Rocket . b Ringlet . Racket . Spangle . Songstress Sontag . Vexer Vixen Wamba . 91 SIRES. Random, 419 Bachelor, 418 Random, 419 1867- Belvoir ) Ruler . . . ) Random, 418 Random, 418 Random, 418 Belvoir I Senator, 334 . / Valiant, 419 . . Random, 418 DAMS. REMARKS. 1866. Gaiety. 1866. Harmony. 1865. Harriet. 1867- Vicious. 1869. Novice. 1868. Venom. 1867- Syren. 1868. Fervent. 1869. Rachel. 1866. Whimsey. The Earl of Yarborouqh ; $ Hound$. THE BROCKLESBY ENTRIES. NAMES. 1872. Arthur . Gimcrack Grappler Goosecap Leader . B Linnet . Lutist . b Lawless Nathan . Nettler . Norah . Niggard Norman />• Namesake Nimble . Peevish . Songster Singwell Scandal Vandal . Varlet . Vocal . Virtue . Virgin . 92 SIRES. 1869. Rampart . 1869. Royal . 1866. Gaylad . . 1868. Linguist . 1866. Gaylad . 1868. Asrent 1867. Forester . 1868. Proctor 1869. Rampart . . Cottesmore Seaman Random, 419 DAMS. 1865. Adamant. 1866. Gaiety. 1868. Haughty. 1868. Venom. 1870. Lucy. 1868. Needful. 1869. Novice. 1867. Vicious. 1867 Syren. 1868. Sempstress. 1870. Vanquish. REMARKS. The Earl of Yarborouqh'$ Houndjs. THE BROCKLESBY ENTRIES. NAMES. SIRES. DAMS. REMARKS. 1873. Ardent . . . Actress . . . 1 Artful ■ • • [ 1870. Ambrose . 1865. Harpy. Alice ... 1870. 1867. Actor . . Brutus .... Affable. Dexter . . . 1 Oakley ) Driver ... J Duke of Grafton's Bountiful. 1867. 1868. Faustus . Forester . Sempstress. 1869. 1865. Flamer . . Nailor .... Fatima. Gambler ■ Glider . Gladsome 1870. 1866. Gloomy. Gracious '•\ Aider .... Gaiety. Gaily . Gadfly . Noble . Norval . :1 1869. Royal .... 1866. Nicety. 1868. 1868. Precious Proctor. . . . Brilliant. Rifler ■ • ■ ) 1869. Ringwood . . > Random, 419. . Roguish. Rosy . . . J Scornful . . < 1869. Milton ( Selim . . . j 1867. Vicious. 1874. Alfred ■ • • ) 1870. 1871. Agnes . . . '■ Active . . . ) Ambrose . Garland. 93 The Earl of Yarborouqh'3 Houndjs. THE BROCKLESBY ENTRIES. NAMES. SIRES. DAMS. REMARKS. 1874. Furley . Famous . Fortune. Fancy . Guilty . Gleaner . Graceful Garnish Hotspur Lancer . Lounger Lictor Lasher . Nosegay Norma . Piper Primate . Pleader . Remus . Redwing Woodbine Wanton . 94 1869. Nailor . . 1870. Ambrose . 1867. Lifter . . 1869. Nailor . . 1868. Proctor 1870. Ambrose . 1870. Bel voir Woodman . 1868- Proctor 1868. Proctor 1868. Belvoir Rally wood 1870. Belvoir Woodman . 1870. Belvoir Warrior 1869. Flighty. 1871. Gipsy. 1871. Gaudy. 1871- Heedless. 1872. Linnet. 1870. Lydia. 1869. Novice. 1872. Lawless. 1868. Haughty. 1872. Namesake. 1871. Ringlet. 1866. Gaiety. The Earjl of Yarborouqh'$ Hound5. BROCKLESBY PEDIGREES. NAMES. SIRES. DAMS. REMARKS. 1860. Courtly . ■{ Burton 1 Clasper . / Purity, 438. 1852. Clasper . Contest, 65 . Beauty. 1847. Beauty . Grove ) Albion, 201 . j Brilliant, 66. 1858. Ardent . Vaulter Adelaide. 1855. Vaulter . Sportsman Violet. 1854. Adelaide Admiral . . Paragon. 1852. Sportsman Hector .... Sophy. 1852. Violet . . ■{ Grove | Roister, 184 . J Volatile. 1848. Admiral •{ Grove ) Albion, 201 . j Relish, 438. 1849. Paragon RaUywood, 433 . Phoenix, 439. 95 THE j_(ORD GfALWAY3 Hounds. THE GROVE ENTRIES. NAMES. SIRES. DAMS. REMARKS. 1865. Archer . 5 Abelard Active . b Abigail . •1 1 ■f :j Lord Poltimore's ) Archer, 290 . j Dulcet, 179. Artful . ■1 Lord Poltimore's ) Archer, 290 . j Dainty, 179. Baronet B Barmaid B Blithesome Gambler, 180 . Bracelet, 189. Bashful . Barrister, 189 Bravery, 179. Chanter Chimer . Chirper . Challenger Countess ■ 1 ■ 1 • j Brocklesby (^ Vaulter, 420 . j Cheerly, 179. Dexter . Gambler, 180 . Destiny, 179. Flagrant Furrier, 180 . . Lapwing, 179. Guider . Guider, 193 . . Flourish, 179. Larkspur b Laundress :} Damper, 189 . . Lively, 183. b Lavender Lightning Legacy . ■1 :j Limner, brother I to Layman, 183 J Rosamond, 178. b Parody . b Prudence :} Furrier, 180 . . Playful, 178. Ranter . Rapid Ruin b Songstress . 96 ■1 •i Barrister, 189 Wynnstay ) Royal, 415 . ) Rarity, 181. 1860. Singwell. The J_(Ord Qalway'$ Houndjs. THE GROVE ENTRIES. NAMES. SIRES. DAMS. REMARKS. 1865. Trueman •{ Belvoir Stormer, 343. } Their Truelass, 333. 1866. 5 Bellman b Bauble . . :} Gambler, 180 Blameless, 181. Bounty . . Barrister, 189 Flourish, 179. Cruiser . . General, 179 . . Conquest, 182. s Druid . . s Duster . b Damsel . . Barrister, 189 Dulcet, 179. b Dashaway . b Diligent :} Belvoir Stormer, 343 . } Dowager, 180. Factor . . Fleecer . Fearless Wynnstay Guider, 413 . I ) Friendly, 181. Fencer . Furious . • i ■ i Gambler, 180 Frailty, 179. Gallant . . Ganymede . Governor . ■} Wynnstay Guider, 413 . } Banquet, 182. b Gadfly . . •i b Glory . . Garland Gossip . . • Gambler, 180 Bravery, 179. 5 Lucifer . ■1 Brocklesby Vaulter, 420 . I ) Lapwing, 179. Nimble . . f ■ i Wynnstay Painter, 411 . } Needless, 180. Notable 97 Gambler, 180 Novelty, 180. N The hoRD Qalway'3 Houndjs. THE GROVE ENTRIES. NAMES. SIRES. DAMS. REMARKS. 1866. b Racket ... Brocklesby Vaulter, 420 . I J Rosebud, 179. Statesman . Roderick, 181 Sprightly, 181. Sultan ... | b Scandal . . J Wynnstay Statesman, 410 J Spiteful, 180. Vanguard . . | Vocal ... | Brocklesby Vaulter, 420 . } Ruthless, 181. 1867. Bachelor . . \ Southwold Dealer . . ) Blossom, 182. Bertha . . Gambler, 180 Bravery, 179. Benedict . . ) Bluecap. b Blissful ... 1 Wynnstay Painter, 411 . 1 J Banquet, 182. b Chaplet. . . | Crafty . . . / Southwold General . . } Cheerful, 182. Damper . . ] Darter . . . j i" Dreadnought . \ Driver . \ Barrister, 189 Dulcet, 179. Dorothy . . j Darling. . . J Dealer . \ b Dauntless . . \ Daisy . . . ) Southwold Dealer . i Blameless, 181. 6" Fairplay . . \ Finder . >■ b Festive . . . ) Furrier, 180 . Ringlet, 181. Gamester . Gambler, 180 Destiny, 179. Gaudy . . . [ B Gladsome . . j Southwold General } Dowager, 180. 98 The I_ Furrier, 180 . . Abigail. Frolic . . ) Feudal • • • I B Fairmaid . . / Meynell ) Fairplay, 254 J Dewdrop, 182. Guider . | Gossamer . Guilty ... J Mr Parry's 1 Tomboy . . J 1867. Gladsome. * 1866. 1866. Gulliver Druid .... Gadfly. Limner . . . | b Languish . . J Leader, 180 . . 1865. Barmaid. 1867. 1865. Lavender . Fairplay . Lavender. 1865. Nestor . Nimrod, 180 . . Laundress. Niobe . . . ) b Norah . . . j Brocklesby | Nelson, 417 . | 1865. Prudence. Screamer . Shiner . Sanguine . . \ Sempstress b Sylvia . Mr Parry's | Tomboy . . J 1868. Sibyl. Tomboy . . | Trojan . . . > Tragedy . . J Mr Parry's 1 Tomboy . . f 1866- Dashaway. Benedict . . < Belvoir 1 Contest, 336 . J Their Bella, 333. 102 The J^ord Qalway'5 Hound3. THE GROVE ENTRIES. NAMES. SIRES. DAMS. REMARKS. 1871. 1868. Acrobat Reveller, 182 . 1865. Actress. Armourer . f Belvoir ) Dexter . . . j 1865. Abigail. Bismark • | Blucher 1866. 1866. Bouncer ■ Bellman Dashaway. Blowsy . Bountiful . i ■J Basilisk . ! Ld. Portsmouth's \ Render, 298 . | Blameless, 181. 1868. Corsican Carver, 182 . Bluebell. Despot . •1 1865. 1867. Dryden . Dairymaid . Belvoir \ Dexter . J Gladsome. Destiny . • j 1866. 1868. Lightning . Lucifer. Cowslip. 1868. Larkspur Leader, 180 . . Active. Musical . i Ld. Portsmouth's { Major, 296 . j 1869. Rarity. Render . ■1 Ld. Portsmouth's \ Render, 298 . 1 1865. Barmaid. Rummager . • * 1866. Rapid . i Reveller, 182. . Scandal. Restless .' i 103 The JhOhd Qalway'$ Houndjs. THE GROVE ENTRIES. NAMES. 1871. Rallywood Ransom . Rantipole Rival . B Ruby Skilful . Wonder . 1872. Bentinck Bluster . Bounty . Charity . Dorcas . Delia Delicate Diligent Dimity . Dorothy Dulcet . Gaudy . Gipsy . 104 SIRES. 1868. Belvoir Rallywood 1865. Belvoir Selim . Belvoir Wonder, 336 . 1868. Brock! esby Bentinck . . 1866. Bellman 1868. Belvoir Rallywood Mr Parry's Regulus 1866. Druid 1868. Belvoir Rambler . 1867. Blank ney Guardian . DAMS. REMARKS. Banquet, 182. Dewdrop, 182. 1866. Glory. 1867. Chaplet. 1869. Gaylass. 1865. Barmaid. 1869. Captive. 1867. Pleasant. Dewdrop, 182. 1868. Sibyl. The JL(ORd Qalway'^ Houndjb. THE GROVE ENTRIES. NAMES. 1872. Harbinger Hasty . Lexicon Nigel Painter . Proctor . Promise Prior Plunder Random Ringwood Royal Rupert Regent Roister Ruin Romulus Smuggler Sophy . Starlight 105 SIRES. 1868. Brocklesby Hymen 1866. Duster . 1869. Stranger . Oakley Prior . Oakley Prior . 1868. Brocklesby Hymen 1869. Brocklesby Royal . . . Prior 1865. Blankney Romulus . 1865. Belvoir Selim . . 1866. Bellman DAMS. Oakley I • • J 1868. Actress. 1867. Lively. 1870. Norah. 1869. Runaway. 1867. Placid. 1869. Playful. 1866. Glory. 1869. Rarity. 1868. Cowslip. 1868. Active. 1870. Sylvia. REMARKS. The J_(Ord Qalway'^ Houndjs. THE GROVE ENTRIES. NAMES. 1873. Comedy . Damon . Driver . Daphne . Darling . Gainer . Guider . Gadabout Garland Harold . Hector . Hermit . Harpy . Helen . Lounger Nancy . Pilot Pastime , Rattler . Pin «let . 10G SIRES. 1869. Brocklesby Royal . Oakley Driver . . . Oakley ) Driver ... J Ld. Portsmouth's Gainer . Ld. Portsmouth's ^ Gainer . . . j Oakley { Driver ... J 1868. Brocklesby } Hymen . . J 1869. Stranger . 1868. Nathan . . . 1868. Belvoir Rallywood 1 Ld. Portsmouth's ) Gainer j DAMS. 1867. Chaplet. 1867. Dauntless. 1868. Cowslip. 1869. Gaylass. 1869. Rachel. 1866. Glory. 1869. Captive. 1867. Lively. 1868. Gracious. 1869. Panzy. 1866. Racket. REMARKS. The I_(ORd Qalway'$ Houndjs. THE GROVE ENTRIES. NAMES. 1873. Reginald Richmond Rodney . Rustic . Rapture Rosamond l Spangle . Speedwell Lapwing 1874. Ajax . . Alfred . Ambrose Archibald Arthur . Alice Amazon Artful . Bachelor Bashful . Caroline Clinker Columbine 107 SIRES. 1868. Belvoir Rally wood Ld. Portsmouth's Gainer . Oakley Driver . 1868. Brocklesby Neuter . 1870. Brocklesby Ambrose . 1870. Baronet Ld. Portsmouth's Clinker Ld. Portsmouth's Clinker Ld. Portsmouth's Clinker DAMS. 1869. Rarity. 1869. Rosy. 1868. Sibyl. 1870. Their Lufra. 1866. Damsel. 1868. Cowslip. 1869. Rachel. 1869. Captive. 1871. Ruby. REMARKS. The I_(ORd Qal.way'3 Houndjs. THE GROVE ENTRIES. NAMES. SIRES. DAMS. REMARKS. 1874. Fanciful •{ 1867. Bel voir { General . . j 1870. Fairmaid. Limner . • ) 1867. 1870. Ladybird . Levity . . Dreadnought . Languish. Merlin . . Melody . . Modesty Marksman . Merry lass . ■l :/ Lord Coventry's ) Manager . . J Lord Coventry's \ Manager . . J 1868. Gracious. 1869. Runaway. » Milkmaid . ■{ Lord Coventry's \ Manager . . J 1869. 1869. Spinster. 1869. Songstress . Stormer . Playful. Whynot Wildair . . Watchful . Willing . . ■} • :J 1869. Belvoir {^ Whynot . . j 1868. Bridesmaid. 1860. Singwell 1853. Rosebud PEDIGREE OF SING WELL. Senator, 196 . . >cklesby ) ,422 . / Brocklesby Ruler. Rosebud. Brazen, 198. 108 The Meynell Hound 3. THE MEYNELL ENTRLES. NAMES. SIRES. DAMS. REMARKS. 1865. Arrogant . . Comus, 261 . Artful, 252. Alice . . . Agent, 254 . . Sylvia, 255. Chanticleer . < Belvoir ) Chanticleer, 339 j Hyacinth, 252. s Chorister . Comus, 2G1 . . Paragon, 254. b Columbine . Conqueror, 258 . Garland, 252. 6" Conrad . . . ) B Countess . . > b Cowslip . . j Conqueror, 258 . Hasty, 254. Draco . . ] Daffodil . . 1 Damsel . . . j Belvoir \ Stormer, 343 . j Dairymaid, 253. Heroine Conqueror, 258 . Hebe, 252. s Manager . . ) Marquis . . J Merrimac, 257 . Tuneful, 253. Nathan . . ) B Nimble . . . j Brocklesby ^ Nathan, 435 . j Gladsome, 253. b Pamela . . . \ Badminton ) Guardsman, 33 j Prudence, 252. Reveller . . j Roman . > b Redrose . . j Rock wood, 255 . Amethyst, 254. Victory . . . ) b Violet . . . j Badminton ) Vaulter, 33 . J Witchcraft, 254. Wanton Wanderer, 254 . Gertrude, 253. 1866. 5 Adamant . b Abbess . . b Adeline . . Agnes . 109 Rockwood, 255 . Amulet, 252. The Meynell Hound 3. THE MEYNELL ENTRIES. NAMES. SIRES. DAMS. REMARKS. 1866. b Ardent . Rockwood, 255 Artful, 252. s Alaric . Druid, 254 . Affable, 253. 5 Bachelor Baronet . I Druid, 254 . Beatrice, 254. Dorimont .s Dragon . |^ Grove / Damper, 189 . } Paragon, 254. Finder . Flasher . B Frolic . \ Alfred, 259 . Freedom, 254. Fallacy . Fleecer . ) Flyer . Forester V Forester, 252 Dairymaid, 253. Gaiety . Druid, 254 . Gertrude, 253. 5 Marmion Marplot i Merrimac, 257 Witchcraft, 254. Primrose Merrimac, 257 Purity, 253. Rival . Rockwood, 255 Amethyst, 254. Splendour Statesman Symmetry ( Grove Roderick, 181 } Syren, 255. b Trinket . . Merrimac, 257 Tuneful, 253. 1867. Albert . . Archer . I Agent, 254 . Beatrice, 254. b Fatima . j Belvoir • \ Falstaff, 352 . I Winsome, 254. b Mira . . Albion, 255 . Mira, 254. 110 The Meynell Hound 3. THE MEYNELL ENTRLES. NAMES. SIRES. DAMS. REMARKS. 1867. £ Needwood . . J B Needful . . V Norah . . . j Nimrod, 256 . Gladsome, 253. Ranter . . . ] Rustic . ! B Rachel . f Ransom . . J Royal, 253 . Lively, 255. Regan . . . { Rosamond . . j Regulus, 256 . Songstress, 255. b Rivulet . Albion, 255 . Ringlet, 256. Singer Sorcerer Stormer B Stately . Regulus, 256 . Syren, 255. b Wilful . . . Wanderer, 254 Dairymaid, 253. 1868. Abelard Absolute, 256 Laura, 255. Coaster . . . | b Caroline . . > Comely . . . j Conqueror, 258 Witchcraft, 254. ^ Challenger . . > Wynnstay Chaser, 410 . } Madcap, 256. Falstaff . . . ] Fugleman . . 1 Fairy . . f B Frantic . . .J Belvoir Falstaff, 352 . } Lively, 255. ^ Guider . . . ) Graceful . . / Gleaner, 255 . Artful, 252. Harbinger . . \ B Harmony . . ,- Harriet . . . j 111 Counsellor, 256 Hasty, 254. The Meynell Hound 3. THE MEYNELL ENTRIES. NAMES. SIRES. DAMS. REMARKS. 1868. b Milliner Albion, 255 . Matron, 256. Roderick . Ruby . . :} Royal, 253 . 1865. Columbine. b Sprightly . Conqueror, 258 Sanguine, 257. Wellington B Woodbine . :} Wanderer, 254 Dairymaid, 253. 1869. b Active . Agent, 254 . Purity, 253. Benedict . •{ Grove Comus, 179 . }' Beatrice, 254. Champion . 1 •1 Grove Comus, 179 . I J Sanguine, 257. .s Draco . •1 ■7 Dryden . Daphne Fairplay, 254 Dairymaid, 253. b Fairmaid . Fairplay, 254 Amazon, 255. Gamester . Gertrude . Gleaner, 255 . 1866. Ardent. b Lavender . b Lavish . ■ \ ■ ) 1865. Chorister . Laura, 255. Minstrel . b Madcap b Matchless . Fairplay. 254 Music, 256. Margrave . Margaret . Marigold . Grove Comus, 179 . 1866. ) Matron, 256. 1865. Marksman . Marmion . Columbine. 112 The Meyne^ Hound 3. THE ME Y NELL ENTRLES. NAMES. Vanquisher 1870. Admiral Amulet . Audrey . Amethyst Cardinal Chanticleer B Constance Crystal . Carver . .s Contest . Favourite Galloper Gossamer Leader . Lovely . 113 1869. Pilgrim . Pilot . . b Rapid . . . X s Rummaeer . . 'I B Winifred . . ^ b Winsome . . ( SIRES. Royal, 253 . Blankney Regulus, 67 . Fairplay, 254 1867. Blankney Vanquisher Rock wood, 255 1866. Alaric . . Grove Leader. 180 Counsellor, 256 Belvoir Contest, 336 Nimrod, 256 General, 255 . . Grove I Leader, 180 . f Grove [ Leader, 180 . j DAMS. 1865. Pamela. 1865. Cowslip. Ringlet, 256. 1865. Redrose. Witchcraft, 254 1866. Adeline. Abigail, 256. 1866. Abbess. 1865. Cowslip. 1866. Frolic. 1865. Columbine. Lively, 255. REMARKS. 1867. Mira. The Meynell Hound 3. THE MEYNELL ENTRLES. NAMES. SIRES. DAMS. REMARKS. 1870. Magic . s Miracle . Mischief ■1 Counsellor, 256 . Music, 256. Mariner Myrtle . . ■ \ ■ 1 Counsellor, 256 . Madrigal, 256. Nelly . . b Nosegay :} Nimrod, 256 . . 1865. Countess. Nigel . . Norman ■ i 1865. Chorister . . . 1865. Nimble. Selim . 1866. Marmion . . . Sanguine, 257. 1871. Albion . Alfred . . b Adelaide . •1 1867. Needwood 1866. Ardent. Comrade . Cheerful :} 1865. Chorister . . . 1868. Caroline. Dahlia . 1866. Dragon Madrigal, 256. Fatal . . B Faithful . Fearless •l :j Fairplay, 254 1867. Fatima. • Falcon . B Fancy . ■ \ ■ s Fairplay, 254 1865. Columbine. Governor . 1868. Guider .... 1865. Cowslip. Lexicon 114 . 1865. Chorister . . Lively, 255. The Meynejli, Hound 3. THE ME Y NELL ENTRIES. NAMES. 1871. Notary . Notable Rosamond Speedwell Sibyl . Welcome Wisdom Wildfire 1872. Admiral Affable Baronet Bertram Bluecap Bonnybell Buxom . Cameron Careful . Dorcas . Ferryman Florizel . Ladybird Larkspur 115 SIRES. Counsellor, 256 1867. Needwood 1868. Challenger Counsellor, 256 1867. Bramham Fugleman . . 1866. Adamant . . 1866. Bachelor . 1866. Bachelor . 1865. Chorister . . 1869. Draco . . 1870. Contest 1870. Contest . . DAMS. 1867. Needful. Ringlet, 256. 1868. Sprightly. 1867. Stately. 1867. Wilful. 1865. Columbine. 1869. Winsome. 1868. Milliner. 1865. Countess. 1868. Harmony. 1868. Frantic. 1869. Lavish. REMARKS. The Meyneu Hound?. THE MEYNELL ENTRIES. NAMES. 1872. Marquis Melody . . Mischief Needwood . Rallywood Regent . Rosebud Statesman Saucebox Scornful Spinster Saladin . Skilful . Sultan . Vanity . SIRES. 1865. Manager . 1868. Challenger 1868. Belvoir Rallywood 1865. Belvoir Stormer 1867. Belvoir Ruler . 1866. Bachelor . DAMS. 1869. Lavender. 1865. Nimble. 1866. Trinket. 1866. Adeline. 1867. Stately. 1865. Violet. Watchful . • ) 1865. 1867. Wishful ( Chorister . Wilful. Woeful . . 1873. 1866. 1869. Barbara Bachelor . . . Winsome. 1866. 1869 Bismark Bachelor . . . Madcap. 1866. 1867 Bondsman . Bachelor . . . Rivulet. Claimant . Captious . 116 ■ \ • / 1865. Conrad . . . 1867 Fatima. REMARKS. The M e y n e l l. Hound 3. THE AIEYNELL ENTRIES. NAMES. 1873. Durable Frisky . Furrier . Famous . Guardsman Lightfoot Linkboy Lucifer . Legacy . Levity . Rarity . Rattle . Render . Sportsman Sonnet . Stella . Vengeance Venus . Volatile . Wildboy Wrangler Wkimsey 1874. Ajax Anguish Banker . Boniface Brilliant 117 SIRES. 1869. Draco . . 1866. Dragon 1865. Chorister . 1868. Guider . 1865. Manager . 1870. Miracle 1869. Rummager 1870. Miracle 1869. Rummager 1870. Contest 1868. Challenger 1866. Bachelor . DAMS. 1868. Harmony. 1866. Frolic. 1869. Fairmaid. 1867. Rachel. 1869. Lavish. 1869. Rapid. 1866. Adeline. 1867. Stately. 1865. Violet. 1868. Woodbine. 1869. Active. 1871. Fancy. REMARKS. The Meyneu Hound?, THE MEYNELL ENTRIES. NAMES. 1874. Bentinck Blameless Candidate Cottager Cromwell Capable Dancer . Denmark Darling . Farmer . Firebrand Flagsman Fabulous Foreman Florida . Millicent Nestor . Remedy Warlike Wary . :j SIRES. 1868. Brocklesby Bentinck . 1865. Conrad 1869. Draco . . . 1869. Draco . 1869. Draco . . . 1870. Brocklesby Blazer . 1870. Miracle 1866. Bachelor . . 1868. Challenger 1869. Rummager 1871- Brocklesby Rocket . . . DAMS. 1869. Winifred. 1871. Faithful. 1870. Constance. 1866. Frolic. 1868. Harmony. 1868. Frantic. 1869. Fairmaid. 1869. Matchless. 1870. Nosegay. 1871. Adelaide. 1867 Wilful. REMARKS. 118 The late Hon. Q. W. Fit^wixjjam's Hounds. THE MILTON ENTRIES. NAMES. 1865. 6" Bacchus Butterfly Comrade Caroline 5 Fencer . b Fretful . Fairplay Frolic . Hopeful Harper Hamlet Hesper s Major b Madam b Rifle. b Ruin Rummager Redcap . b Rachel . Ransome b Sontag . Syren . Sancho . B Susan . b Stella . Speedwell s Saffron 119 SIRES. Bachelor, 176 Bachelor, 176 Harbinger, 176 Forester, 175 Forester, 175 Harbinger, 176 Shiner, 176 . Harbinger, 176 < Harbinger, 176 . Marmaduke, 170 DAMS. Oakley ( Rustic . . . j Harbinger, 176 . Monarch, 168 Racket, 169. Spiteful, 169. Charmer, 170. Torment, 168. Troublesome,168 Fairmaid, 171. Hostess, 168. Ransome, sister to Runaway, 170. Bridesmaid. Sally, 168. Sylvia, 169. Runaway, 170. Songstress, 168. e voir i jj ero j ne iQg Statesman, ooo ) Sportsman, 176 \ Roguish, sister to Rosalind, 169 REMARKS. The late Hon. Gf. W. Fit^william'$ Hound?. THE MILTON ENTRIES. NAMES. 1865. Tempter Trinket . Tinsal . b Testy . 1866, Bluebeard Blueskin s Bluster . b Barbara Bella . b Balmy . b Bayleaf. Banish . Denmark Dolon . B Dagmar b Daphne . B Gadfly . Garland Hadrian Harpsichord Halcyon Harlequin b Harriet . Mayfly . Marigold Reaper . Ready . b Reticule Requiem b Regal . 120 SIRES. Regent, 170 . / Bluecap, 17G . DAMS. Tidings, sister t Troublesome,! 68. Trophy, 168. Bachelor, 176 . Rainbow, 170 Bachelor, 176 Burton Dorimont, 68 Gambler, 171 Harbinger, 176 Harbinger, 176 Harbinger, 176 Harbinger, 176 Marmaduke, 170 Belvoir Render, 346 . Margaret, 173. Festive, 170. Runaway, 170. Mistletoe, 173. Crystal, 170. Comely, 169. Racket, 169. Hostess, 168. Charmer, 170. REMARKS. The late Hon. Q. W. Fit^wiixiam'3 Hound?. THE MILTON ENTRIES. NAMES. 1866. B Rapid . Romulus s Remus . Rubicon />■ Rattle . Safeguard Saxon . Tippler 1867. Abbot . />' Agar b Audrey . Agnes . Agony . Albion . Babbler . 6" Boaster . Fashion Founder Freedom Gaffer . Lurcher B Lily . . Neptune Restless Rapine . 121 SIRES. DAMS. Belvoir Raglan, 347 Burton Regulus, 67 Regent, 170 Sailor, 170 Timon, 173 Forester, 175 Belvoir Alfred, 342 . Bertram, 170 Forester, 175 Regent, 170 . Gambler, 171 Burton Regulus, 67 . Belvoir Stripling, 343 Burton Regulus, 67 . Regent, 170 . Rosalind, 169. Redolent, 170. Telltale, 169. Abigail, 172. Rosewood, 170. Affable, 171. Duchess. Rainbow, 170. Thespis, 172. Fairy, 172. Songstress, 168. Lady, 172. Nora. Sweatnieat, 171. Frisky. 170. REMARKS. The late Hon. Q. W. Fit^wil xjam'? s. M0UND$. THE MILTON EN TRIE NAMES. SIRES. DAMS. REMARKS. 1867. Rhymer s Raffler . . . Rasper . - Robin . . Remedy Ranter, 170 . Faulty, 171. ^ Silence . . . ) Silvery . . . J Belvoir Senator, 334 . } Festive, 170. 6" Sailor . Sailor, 170 . Redolent, 170. Striver . . . ) Sweeper . . j Spaniard, 171 Hoyden, 171. "Woodman . . 1 B Wanton . . - Willing . . . j Forester, 175 . 1865. Madam. 1868. Active . . . Orpheus, 168. Affable, 171. Banker ... 1 Brennus . . , B Barmaid . . ) Bentinck, 172 1865. Susan. Boxer ... 1 b Bashful . . . B Bessie . . . ) Bentinck, 172 Handmaid, 172. b Duchess . . < Belvoir Drayman, 352 } Flexible, 170. Ferryman . . Forester, 175. Crystal, 170. Fickle ... | b Fervid . B Favourite . . ) Forester, 1 75 . Mistletoe, 173. Factor . j Fancy . j Forester, 1 75 . Hecate, 172. s Gambler 122 Gambler, 1 71 Alexandra, 171. The lai ^E Hon. Q. W. Fit^wjl, LJAJvTjS H0UND£ IS. THE MILTON ENTRI1 NAMES. SIRES. DAMS. REMARKS. 1868. Grappler . b Garland :} Gambler, 171 . Festive, 170. b Harmony . Orpheus, 168 Hearty, 172. Oscar . Orpheus, 168 1865. Rachel. 5 Ossian . •1 b Onyx Opal . . Orpheus, 168 Ringlet, 173. Olga . . 1 •J Roderic. b Rosy . . Ruthless s Roman . . •t •1 Ld. Fitzwilliam's ) Reveller . . J Ld. Fitzwilliam's ) Reveller . . J 1865. Stella. 1866. Dagmar. Rally . . Sampson, 171 1865. Rifle. Stentor . b Symphony. :} Sampson, 171 Redolent, 170. Shiner . . Sampson, 171 Fallacy, 170. 1869. Beauty . . Bentinck, 172 1865. Rachel. Brilliant Bentinck, 172 . 1865. Madam. b Barley . Bentinck, 172 Redolent, 170. Briton . Beatrice :} 1865. Bacchus . . . Hecate, 172. Bismark 123 Bertram, 170. . 1865. Testy. The late Hon. Q. W. Fit^wiluam'? Hound?. THE MILTON ENTRIES. NAMES. 1869. Champion Caroline s Furrier . Fowler . b Folly . B Festive . b Flavia . s Finder . Fillagree Flyer . Flourish Hector . Hamlet . B Hyacinth Messmate b Rarity . ^ Rubicon Richmond Rattler . b Reckless S Seaman . Snowdrop 5- Selim . Syren . B Spangle Singer . 124 SIRES. DAMS. Belvoir Contest, 336 . \ Forester, 175. Forester, 175 Orchis, 173. 1865. Ruin. 1866. Regal. 1866. Forester, 175 . . Bayleaf. Bertram, 170 1865. Major j \ Belvoir ) \ Ringwood, 33-1 j | I 1865. Belvoir ( Rubicon . . } Hecuba, 171. Faulty, 171. Fanny, 172. 1866. Gadfly. 1865. Forester, 175 . Stella. ( Belvoir I Senator, 334 . J Belvoir ) Senator, 334 . j 1866. Dagmar. Hemlock, 172. REMARKS. The late Hon. Q. W. Fit^wiujam'^ Hound?. THE MILTON ENTRIES. NAMES. 1869. Spartan Sinbad . Sago b Songstress Semele . Tidy . Timorous b Truelove 1870. Bella . Bonnylass . Bridget . . 5 Brusher Blazer . . b Blowsy . . Bravo . Bravery Crony . b Clio . . . Comic . Denmark b Dido Dimity b Delicate Dusky . 125 :)' SIRES. :} 1865. Saffron . 1865. Saffron . . Belvoir Tarquin, 337 1866. Bluster 1866. Bluster Bertram, 170. Bertram, 170 1865. Belvoir Rubicon . . Belvoir Contest, 336 . 1865. Bacchus . Sampson, 171 Belvoir Dexter, 334 . DAMS. Lady, 172. 1866. Balmy. 1865. Rifle. 1868. Harmony. 1867. Wanton. 1868. Bashful. Faulty, 171. 1866. Barbara. 1866. Gadfly. Crystal, 170. 1866. Dagmar. 1865. Rifle. REMARKS. The late Hon. Q. W. Fit^wiijjam'js Houndjs. THE MILTON ENTRIES. NAMES. 1870. Flasher . Magic . Maximus Minor . b Marcia . Smoker . 5 Stranger Sibyl . Standard Steersman b Sinful . Silvan . Sappho . Sequel . b Sordid . Syntax . 1871. Archer . Artful . 5 Bajazet . Blameless 126 :/ SIRES. 1865. Fencer . 1865. Major . . 1865. Major . . 1865. Saffron 1865. Saffron 1865. Saffron 1865. Saffron Sailor, 170 Forester, 175 Ld. Fitzwilliam's Solomon 1867. Boaster . . 1866. Bluster . . DAMS. 1865. Madam. Rainbow, 170. 1866. Reticule. Hearty, 172. Fallacy, 170. Alexandra, 171 1867. Audrey. 1865. Fretful. 1865. Susan. 1865. Stella. 1867. Agar. 1866. Daphne. REMARKS. The late Hon. Q. W. Fit^william'^ Hound$. THE MILTON ENTRIES. NAMES. 1871. Bustler . • • ) Bellman . . > b Bluebell . . I Bluecap . . j Benefit . . . ■ Bashful . . . ) b Comely . . Dexter Music b Niobe Nimble Bender . b Ruthless Rallywood Rosy Riot . . Rustica . .9 Sultan . Saracen . Sparkler Senator . Social . Sarah . Sophie . 127 SIRES. 1866. Bluster 1866. Bluster Belvoir Contest, 336 Belvoir Dexter, 334 1867. Raffler . . Belvoir Nectar, 350 1868. Belvoir Rallywood 1868. Belvoir Rallywood 1867. Sailor 1867. Sailor DAMS. 1868. Favourite. Lady, 172. 1869. Festive. 1868. Symphony. 1865. Madam. 1867. Lily. Fallacy, 170. 1867. Wanton. 1866. Rattle. 1865. Ruin. REMARKS. The late Hon. Q. W. Fit2;wj;lliam'j5 Hound^. THE MILTON ENTRIES. NAMES. SIRES. DAMS. REMARKS. 1871. Stormer b Sunshine . •1 1867. 1866. Scornful Starlight . b Spinster :[ •J Silence .... Bayleaf. Suitor . . Scandal . . •I •J 1867. Silence. 1866. Balmy. a Trimmer Tarquiu 1 Timon, 173 . 1868. Fervid. 1872. 1866, 1868. Brutus . Bluster . . . Symphony. • Brennus Buxom . } 1867. Boaster . . . 1869. Songstress. Barrister . ) 1865. 1869. Bridegroom i Bacchus . Flavia. Blossom ) Cardinal B Crafty . Comedy \ 1 Belvoir 1 Contest, 336 . j 1868. Barmaid. Dorothy Dawdle . 1 1866. Remus .... 1865. 1870. Dido. 1868. Dewdrop Bacchus . Duchess. Fleecer . ) 1867. 1868. Fatima . Silence .... Fervid. Flexible 1867. 1869. Foreman 128 Sailor .... Folly. The jlate Hon. Q. W. Fit^wijlliam'^ Hounds THE MILTON ENTRIES. NAMES. 1872. Glider . Goldfinch Gossip . Marigold Rodney . Rutland Rampart Rantipole Ransack b Rumsey Rustic . Rover . Regan . Rosamond Safety . Stormy . Sorcery . Somerset b Saucy . Stripling Wrangler Woeful . 129 SIRES. 1866. Bluster 1868. Roman . 1868. Roman . . 1866. Bluster . 1868. Roman . 1868. Roman . . 1869. Seaman 1866. Bluster 1866. Bluster 1867. Sailor . . 1869. Seaman 1868. Gambler . Belvoir Wonder, 336 DAMS. 1868. Garland. 1866. Gadfly. 1865. Madam. 1869. Rarity. 1867. Audrey. 1869. Festive. 1865. Ruin. 1869. Spangle. 1870. Sinful. 1869. Barley. 1866. Balmy. 1867. Wanton. 1866. Harriet. REMARKS. The jlate Hon. Gf. W. Fit^wilxjam's Hound$. THE MILTON ENTRIES. NAMES. SIRES. DAMS. REMARKS. 1873. Beauty . Bridesmaid Bounty . . 1866. Bluster . . . 1870. Blowsy. Bondsman . Bachelor Bluecap Brazen . Bertha . Clara . . •1 • 1870. Brusher . . . 1867. Boaster . . 1869. Festive. 1870. Clio. Fussy . . 1869. Finder .... 1870. Delicate. Harriet . 1868. Ossian .... 1866. Harriet. - Momus . . Mystery •I 1865. Bacchus . 1870. Marcia. Olive . . 1867. Boaster . . 1868. Onyx. Ruby Racer . :} 1866. Bluster . . . 1866. Rapid. Roguish 1868. Roman. . . . 1865. Ruin. Ruffle . . 1866. Bluster . . 1869. Reckless. Ranger . . Runaway . :} 1866. 1871. Comely. - 130 The late Hon. Q. W. Fit^wiluam'$ Hounds THE MILTON ENTRIES. NAMES. SIRES. DAMS. REMARKS. 1873. Solon . . . ' Sifter . . . 1867. 1867. Sulphur . . - Silence .... Audrey. Sempstress . . Stella .... Sportsman . . j 1867. 1869. Susan . . . V Snowdrop . . ) Silence. . . . Songstress. 1874. Baronet . . ] Bluemaid . . 1 Blameless . . [ 1869. 1869. Selim .... Barlej'. Bloomer . . j Balmy ... J 1871. 1868. Brevity . . . Sultan .... Bessie. 1867. 1871. Bumper . . I Silence. . . . Bluebell. Bangor . . . j 1869. 1872. Cruiser . . . Seaman Crafty. 1869. 1868. Fencer . Finder .... Rosy. Forester . . ) Friendly . . \ 1869. 1869. Furrier. . . . Songstress. Fretful . . . ) 1869. 1869. Harlequin . . j Harmony . . j Furrier Hyacinth. Ragman . . \ Reuben . . . / 1869. Rubicon . 1871. Spinster. 1869. 1872. Remedy Selim .... Rumsey. 131 The late Hon. Q. W. Fjt^wiijliam'js Houndjs. THE MILTON ENTRIES. NAMES. 1874. Richmond Rifleman Ransom Ringlet . Rival . Spiteful Scornful Sanguine Spartan . Sailor . Samson . Spanker Stately . Sophy . Shiner . Sprightly Troublesome SIRES. 1871. Sultan . 1870. Stranger . 1869. Rubicon . 1869. Seaman 1869. Seaman 1867- Silence . . 1867. Sailor . 1871. Bajazet DAMS. 1871. Ruthless. 1869. Spangle. 1872. Saucy. 1870. Marcia. 1871. Niobe. 1870. Sordid. 1871. Sunshine. 1869. Truelove. REMARKS. 132 |3lR W. W. Wynn'$ Houndjs. THE WYNNSTAY ENTRIES. NAMES. 1865. Adjutant b Careful . Charity . Clara 5 Contest Costly . b Cowslip b Fairmaid Falstaff . b Famous Ferryman Fisherman Frolic . Forester Foiler . s Furrier . Rambler 5 Rawcliffe s - Regent . Rockwood s Romeo . Rufus . Saffron . Sailor s Senator . Singer . b Spinster Spangle Spartan Tarquin 133 SIRES. Guider, 413 Stormer, 410 Milton Forester, 175 Grove Furrier, 180 Grove Furrier, 180 Milton Regent, 170 Warwickshire Saffron, 390 . DAMS. Grove Furrier rove ) , 180 . ; Guider, 413 . . Cha^oM52 } Royal, 415 . . Tuneful, 409. 1858. Actress. Charlotte, 407. Charmer, 409. Countess, 408. Caroline, 410. Rally, 408. Their Cautious, 392. Sylvia, 408. 1857. Scandal. REMARKS. giR W. W. Wynn'3 Hounds. THE WYNNSTAY ENTRIES. NAMES. 1866. d Bluecap Candid . Crazy . Cruiser . B Dainty . b Dewdrop Fancy . Flasher . Fugleman b Fairy . b Flighty . Factious Frantic . General Guardsman Gaylass Gladsome Hamlet . Handmaid Harmony Modish . Melody . Nector . Needless Pilot . Rally . 134 SIRES. Mr Drake's ) Raglan, 130 . j Grappler, 413 Comus, 410 . . Cruiser, brother { to Comrade, 408 j Denmark . Freeman . Freeman . . . Grove Furrier, 180 Bramham { Gainer, 211 . j Guider, 413 . . 1859. Ruler .... Sparkler, 414 General, brother ) to Guider, 413 / Nelson, 414 . . Grappler, 413 Royal, 415 . . DAMS. Barmaid. Caroline, 410. Constant. Gladsome. Barbara. Dubert. Nancy, 412. Promise, 411. 1865. Fairmaid. Pleasant, 411. Herbane. Helen. Magic, sister to Marplot, 409. Cheerful, 409. Pastime, 409. Lenity, 410. REMARKS. glR W. W. Wynn'3 H0UND3. THE WYNNSTAY ENTRIES. NAMES. 1866. Ranter . Restless Redcap . Ransome b Redrose Roderick Ruby . Skilful . b Vanity . 1867. Capable Clasper . 5 Challenger Chimer . Dorcas . Fencer . Finder . Gaiety . b Glory . Gadfly . Gossamer Gossip . Governor 135 SIRES. 1862. Caster Royal, 415 . . Royal, 415 . . Mr Greaves' ^ Ruler . . . j 1859. Ruler Stormer, 410 . Brocklesby ^ Vaulter, 420 . f Comrade, 408 Brocklesby ) Vaulter, 420 . j Mr T. T. Drake's ) Hector, 133 . j 1865. Furrier Brocklesby \ Vaulter, 420 . j Gainer, 411 . . Remedy, 412. DAMS. Rakish, 412. Nosegay, 410. Gratitude, 410. Ardent. Anguish. Chauntress, 407. Crafty, 407. Gratitude, 410. 1865. Careful. His Damsel, 129. Garland, 411. Governess, 411. REMARKS. Sir W. W. Wynn's Hounds. • THE WYNNSTA Y ENTRIES. NAMES. SIRES. DAMS. REMARKS. 1867. Grappler . . Gallant ... 1 b Gertrude . . [ b Gamesome . Guider, 413 . . 1865. Famous. b Notable Newminster, 412 Crafty, 407. b Paragon . . ) b Prettylass . . j Guider, 413 . Promise, 411. Remus . . . [ Romulus . . j Guider, 413 . . Ringlet, 411. Seaman . . j Grove | Sparkler, 182 / Comfort, 411. ^ Splendour . . 1 Sportsman . . [ B Sanguine . . [ Songstress . . j Statesman, 410 . Tragedy, 412. b Sportive . . ) b Stately . . . j Grove ) Sparkler, 182 j Caroline, 410. Viscount Villager . . Victory . . b Varnish Brocklesby ) Vaulter, 420 . j Relish, 409. 1868. 5" Bondsman . . 1 Grove ) Barrister, 189 J Pleasant, 411. Captain . . ] Conqueror . . j B Comely . - B Comedy b Captive. . . Chaser, 410 . . Prattler,-411. Clinker ■ ■ ■} Champion . . 1 Countess . . ) 136 Statesman, 410 . Caroline, 410. 1v Sir W. W. Wynn'3 Hound? THE WYNNSTAY ENTRIES. NAMES. SIRES. DAMS. REMARKS. 1868. Coroner. . . ) Comrade . . J Chaser, 410 . . 1865. Famous. Denmark . 1865. Romeo .... 1866. Dewdrop. Falstaff. . . 1 b Friendly . . - Fallacy . . . | Garland 1865. Furrier Gainer, 411 . . Vocal, 412. 1865. Careful. Gaudy . . . Gainer, 411 . Trinket, 412. Guider . . . Gainer, 411 . Ringlet, 411. Lofty • • { Grove ) Layman, 183. j Duchess, 411. Plunder Pleader . Playmate . . f Priestess . . J Painter, 411 . . Susan, 410. Solon . . . | Sylvia . . . > b Speedwell . . ) Statesman, 410 . Prudence, 412. 1869. Barbara . . ^ Bounty . . j Duke of Grafton's { Boniface, 224 j Pleasant, 411. Druid ..." /? Duchess Dauntless . . ( Darling . 1865. Senator . . Duchess, 411. Flourisher . . 137 The Albrighton ) Finisher . . | Their Crafty. s j3iR W. W. Wynn'3 Houndjs. THE IVY NN STAY ENTRIES. NAMES. SIRES. DAMS. REMARKS. 1869. Pilot • • Pilgrim . . . ! Prior . . . j Posy ... J Painter, 411 . . 1865. Fairmaid. Primer . . . Painter, 411 . . Tuneful, 409. Proctor . . . ] Prodigal Primrose . . > B Playful . . . j Purity . . . j Painter, 411 . . 1865. Cowslip. Pillager . . . " Prompter . . s Prizer . b Pleasant Ruby ... ) Rally . . . j 1865. Senator . . . 1865. Romeo .... 1867. Paragon. 1867. Gamesome. b Racket . . Ranger, 411 . . Trinket, 412. Symphony . . ) Social . . j ; Gainer, 411 . . 1865. Spinster. Shiner . Statesman, 410 . Tragedy, 412. Stormer . . | Striver . . . J Statesman, 410 . Caroline, 410. Streamer . . ] Scandal. . . i Sophy . . . B Sempstress . . J Statesman, 410 . 1866. Dewdrop. Sailor . Stripling . Spangle Solon . . . 138 Stormer, 410. . 1865. Famous. Sir W. W. Wynn'3 Houndjs. THE WYNNSTAY ENTRIES. NAMES. 1870. B Dagmar Dimity . Damsel . b Destitute Delicate Gaylad . b Gadfly . General . b Graceful Granby . Governor b Gaudy . Glory . Gossamer Gaiety . Grasper Gossip . Platoff . Partner . Primer . Premier . b Pliant . b Rosebud Rustic . 139 SIRES. Gainer, 411 . Gainer, 411 . Gaylad, 411 . Gainer, 411 . Gainer, 411 . Gainer, 411 . Statesman, 410 Painter, 411 . Painter, 411 . 1866. Milton Bluster . . . DAMS. 1866. Dainty. Comfort, 411. 1866. Flighty. 1867. Varnish. 1865. Famous. 1865. Spinster. 1867. Glory. Caroline, 410. 1865. Fairmaid. Remedy, 412. REMARKS. j3ir W. W. Wynn'3 Hounds THE WYNNSTAY ENTRIES. NAMES. SIRES. DAMS. REMARKS. 1870. Sultan . :1 Satellite 1865. 1866. Sepoy . . ■\ Senator Redrose. Syren . b Skilful . . •J b Susan . • ) 1867- Scornful Gainer, 411 . Sportive. Songstress . 1866. b Victory . Ranger, 411 . . Vanity. 1871. Chorister . Chanter. :} 1867. Challenger Remedy, 412. Comus . • ) 1867. 1867- Cruel . . ( Challenger Notable. Columbine . 1867. Cardinal Constant Challenger 1867. Susan, 410. 1868. b Charlotte . Candour :} Challenger Speedwell. Craftsman . Corporal :} 1867. Challenger 1856. Comfort, 411. 1868. Dimple . •{ Milton \ Bacchus . . ) Their Duchess. Prodigal b Prudence . :} Painter, 411 . . Caroline, 410. Rufus . . Raglan . Regal . •1 1865. Regent. . . . 1867. Sanguine. Rescue . J 140 J3ir W. W. Wynn's Hounds. THE WYNNSTA Y ENTRIES. NAMES. 1871. Ruler . Ranger . . Rasselas Ransome . Ringwood . Saladin . . b Solitude Singwell . 1872. Baronet . Boaster . . Bondsman . Bonnybell Conqueror . b Chantress . Cowslip Caroline Dashwood . Dreadnought Dexter . . Diligent Darling . Destiny. 141 SIRES. 1865. Regent . 1865. Regent . . 1865. Regent . 1865. Senator 1867. Splendour . 1865. Belvoir Selim . 1866. Bluecap 1866. Bluecap 1867. Challenger 1865. Regent . j I Painter, 111 . DAMS. 1867. Prettylass. 1868. Friendly. 1868. Captive. 1865. Cowslip. 1867. Stately. Grove Dewdrop, 182. 1868. Comely. 1867. Gertrude. 1866. Fairy. 1869. Duchess. 1870. Dagniar. REMARKS. (Sir W. W. Wynn'js Houndjs. THE WYNNSTA Y ENTRIES. NAMES. SIRES. DAMS. REMARKS. 1872. 1865. 1867- Racer . . . \ Ringlet . . . j Regent .... Stately. 1865. 1868. Rubicon Regent .... Comedy. Rosamond . . ) Remnant . . j 1865. Regent .... 1870. Skilful. 1865. 1869. Remedy . . Regent .... Pleasant. Random . . | 1865. 1867. Roderick . . ,- Rifler ... J Regent .... Sportive. 1869. Sunbeam . . < Grove ) Stranger . . j Caroline, 410. Spangle. . . < 1869. Grove ) Stranger . . ) 1869. Sempstress. Stormer 1865. 1867. Singer . b Stella . ' • Senator . . . Paragon. Scandal . ■ . Saffron . Sportsman Solon . ■1 1 • 1 1865. Senator Comfort, 411. b Susan . Sparkler Sophy . • J :} 1865. Senator . . . 1866. Red rose. 1867- 1870. Stentor . 142 Splendour . Rosebud. Sir W. W. Wynn's Hounds. THE WYNNSTAY ENTRIES. NAMES. SIRES. DAMS. REMARKS. 1873. Banker . Byron . . •I 1868. Bondsman . 1865. 1870. Susan. 1870. Chanter Contest . . . 1865. Gadfly. 1868. Chanticleer Rawcliffe . 1865. Comedy. 1869. Capable . Contest . . 1867. Duchess. 1871. Costly . . Challenger 1869. Prudence. Countess . Prizer .... 1867. Comfort, 411. 1870. Damsel . . Challenger Dagmar. Garland Gaylass :} 1865. Regent .... 1867. Gertrude. Governess . 1865. 1870. Gainer . Gamesome . Regent. . . . Gaudy. Platoff . . Plunder . Pleader . :1 • f 1865. Regent .... 1867- Prettylass. Purity . •J Poet . . . .) 1869. 1870. Prophetess . Parasol . :} Prizer .... Graceful. 143 J3ir W. W. Wynn'3 Hounds JVYNNSTAY ENTRIES. NAMES. SIRES. DAMS. REMARKS. 1873. Prompter . Prior Pirate . Princess Rector . Regent . Remus . . Reveller Ringwood . Rarity . Ruby Rosy 1874. Barbara Barmaid Baslif ul . Bridesmaid Blameless Bounty . Brunette Bluebell Buxom . Blossom Bracelet Beauty . Chieftain Chanter Comrade Charmer 144 1865. Regent 1865. Recent . 1865. Regent . 1868. Bondsman 1868. Bondsman 1868. Bondsman 1868. Bondsman 1867- Challenger 1869. Playful. 1869. Racket. 1870. Pliant. 1866. Redrose. 1868. Comedy. 1870. Victory. 1870. Dagmar. 1869. Racket. £>IR W. W. Wynn'3 H0UND3. THE WYNNSTAY ENTRIES. NAMES. 1874. Glider . Gameboy Gambler Garnish Gadfly . Grampian Glory . Gracious Generous Ottoman Orator . Oscar . Onyx . Orient . Ornament Statesman Splendour Smuggler Songstress Sprightly Stately . Sanguine Wildboy Willing; . Wisdom 145 SIRES. 1865. Rawcliffe . 1865. Rawcliffe . 1868. Milton Ossian 1868. Milton Ossian 1868. Milton Ossian 1865. Senator 1867- Milton Sailor . 1868. Badminton Wildfire . . 1868. Badminton ) Wildfire . . / DAMS. 1870. Gaudy. 1870. Gadfly. 1871. Charlotte. 1872. Chantress. 1870= Gertrude. 1867- Destitute. 1872. Stella. 1867- Paragon. 1871. Solitude. REMARKS. Sir W. W. Wynn'3 Hound$. WYNNSTAY PEDIGREES. NAMES. SIRES. DAMS. REMARKS. 1862. Caster . •/ ■{ :} Guider, 413 . . Captive. 1860. Comrade . Cruiser . 1853. Cruiser . . 1857. Panic . Badminton ) Cruiser . . J Remus, 40. Brocklesby I Harper, 449 . / Panic. Careless. Pyramid. 1859. Ruler . . Royal, 415 . . Pamela. 1858. Actress . Amazon 1852. Abbess . . Belvoir ) Singer, 338 . j Sacrifice . . . Abbess. Alice, 415. 1857. Scandal . Milton Sultan, 176 Rosalind. 14G Webster Family Library of Veterinary Weticm Cummings School of Veterinary Medicine at Tufc >ity 200 Westboro Road North Grafton, MA 01536