^lEDMONT Hounds ysp2, ^.JL TUFTS UNIVERSITY LIBRARIE 3 9090 013 411 Webster Family Library of Veterinan; Me Cummings School ot Veterinary Medicin Tufts University 200 Westboro Road North Grafton, MA 01536 Piedmont Hounds 1914 Kennele of The Piedmont Foxhounds and Piedmont Beagles at Huntland, Middleburg P. O., Virginia. 62 Couples A.. Year Bought or Entered Name Sire Dam 8 7 6 1909 1909 1913 SPORT BROWNIE KING Mr. Jacobs' Leader His Flirt 5 1911 TIM Leader Mr. Ashby's Music 4 1912 HATCH Middleburg Rover Mr. Sands' Shine Age Year Bought or Entered Name Sire Dam 3 1912 DRIVER Mr. McCrea's Hunter Mr. Skinker's Nett 3 1912 HUSTLER Driver Mr. Walkers Speckle 3 1913 BLAZE Mr. Sands- Brownie Mr. Haxalls Flora 3 1913 BOSS Mr. Pierson's Jock His Lady 3 1913 TROOPE Mr. Pierson's Jock Mr. Cornwell'!- Music 3 1913 RAMBO Mr. Pierson's Jock His Lady Age Year Bought or Entered Name Sire Dam 3 1914 BARNEY Mr. Pierson's Lead His Muse 3 1914 BRUTUS Mr. Hume's John Mr. Norman's Dutchess 3 1914 BAILEY Mr. Eastham's Bugle Mr. Menefee's Bailey 3 1914 FLIPPER Mr. Ashbvs Bruce Mr. Brown's Grace 3 1914 JOE Mr. Browns King His Go-by Age Year Bought or Entered Name Sire Dam 2 1914 PEDDLER 2 1914 BAWLEY > Mr. McCrea"8 Ringwood Mr. Cooper's Belle 2 1914 BIG NOISE 2 1914 HARRY Mr. Johnson's Rattler Mr. Miller's Lize 2 1914 RAMBLER Mr. Woodward's King Mr. Smith's Music 2 1914 CROWDER Mr. Bailev's King Mr. Davis- Lady Age Year Bought or Entered Name Sire Dam 1 1914 JEFF Mr. Balls Driver Mr. Edwards' Bert 1 1914 PIEDMONT Our Our CROWN Jonah Minnie 1 1914 PIEDMONT Our Our FIDDLER Ring Thalia THE PIEDMONT Foxhound Bitches — 14 Couples Age Year Bought or Entered Name Sire Dam 9 1913 1909 1912 ROSE FLY FANCY 7 7 Mr. Kane's Roosevelt Mr. Tieman's Music 7 1912 RED MUSIC Mr. Bvwater's Mike Mr. Colvin's Carrie 6 1912 OLD BELLE Mr. Maddux's Jonah Mr. Burgess' Music 6 1913 QUEENIE Mr. Jacobs- Leader His Flirt Age Year Bought or Entered Name Sire Dam 6 1913 FLORA Mr. Jacobs' Leader His Liza 5 1912 FANNIE Mr. Kane's Rambler His Fancy 5 1912 RED GIRL Mr. Jones' Mark Mr. Eastham's Red Gal 5 1912 RED QUEEN Mr. Avlors Ring His Kite 5 1912 BETSY ^ Mr. Skinker'8 Rush Mr. ChadwelFs Fleet 5 1912 JULIE J 10 Age Year Bought or Entered Name Sire Dam 5 1912 KITE Mr. Bywater's Tough Mr. Colvin's Carrie 4 1912 COMEDY Mr. Skinker's Rush Mr. Elliott's Dido 4 1913 SING Mr. Bvwater's Tough Mr. Colvin's Carrie 4 1913 FAIRY Mr. Gordan's Driver His Music 4 1913 SADIE 3 1912 POLLY Mr. Sands' Bro^vnie Mr. Haxall's Flora 11 i9 lAVH-M JUa(/-, /'5'j' > Age Year Bought or Entered Name Sire Dam 3 1913 RACKET Mr. Pierson's Jock His Lady 3 1914 BELLE Mr. Hume's John Mr. Norman's Dutchess 3 1914 NANCY 1 f ^ 3 1914 QUEEN j Mr. Smith's 1 Simpleton 1 Mr. Brown's Rover 3 1914 DINAH Mr. Fulton's Bawley ^ His Dinah 3 1914 FLIRT Mr. Wood's Bailey Mr. Menefee's Fly 12 Age Year Bought or Entered Name Sire Dam 2 1914 ORRA Mr. Hume's John Mr. Norman's Dutchess 2 1914 PIEDMONT THIMBLE Our Ring Our Thalia 2 1914 KATE Mr. McCrea's Ringwood Mr. Cooper's Belle 1 1914 FLIGHT Mr. Atkin's Troope Mr. Bruce's Beauty 13 The Piedmont Foxhounds at Henry T. Oxnard's Estate, near Upperville, Va. pip:dmont beagles NOVEMBER, 1914 MRS. DANIEL C. SANDS, JR„ Master MISS CHARLOTTE H. NOLAND, Hon. Hunt Secretary ARTHUR KIRBY, Huntsman MISS EUGENIE PICHON i MISS CHARLOTTE H. NOLAND, I Hon. Whippers In JOSEPH B. THOMAS. I FRANK D. STUART, Kennels Manager KENNELS AT HUNTLAND, MIDDLEBURG, P. O., VIRGINIA 15 THE PIEDMONT Beadle Do^s— 5>^ Gouplei Age Year Bought or Entered 1913 DANDY'S DAN JUDGE HUSTLER Hempfield Little Dandy Spruce Ridge Auditor Rock Ridge Antidote Mox Dam Countess Kishwaukee Judy Mr. Taylor's Butch 16 Age Year Bought or Entered Name Sire Dam 2 1914 NESTOR Redland Scott Mr. Flammer's Boub 1914 SPOT Our Judge Kishwaukee Clover 1914 PIEDMONT TARTAR 1914 PIEDMONT TINKER Our Judge Our Swift 1914 1914 PIEDMONT TYRANT PIEDMONT TRUMP 17 THE PIEDMONT Beadle Bitches — 9 Couples Age Year Bought or Entered Name Sire Dam 6 1912 JUDY Hempfield Little Dandy Kishwaukee Florienne 6 1912 CLOVER Hempfield Little Dandy Lakewood Trip 5 1913 CHERUB Windholm Governor Their Vt'aitress 4 1912 SWIFT Spruce Ridge Auditor Kishwaukee Judy 4 1912 TEMPEST Hempfield Little Dandy Kate Favor 4 1912 JULE Rock Ridge Antidote Mr. Stuart's Fantail 18 Age Year Bought or Entered Name Sire Dam 1912 KEEPSAKE Rock Ridge Antidote Dr, Bohannan's Pen Bo 1912 GENEE Redland Storm Their Lady 1914 DUTCHESS Park wood Boy Powerful" s Judy 1914 TIP'S BESS Young Tippecanoe Gypsy's Dot 3 1912 SIMPLE Mr. Stuart's Lackey Mr. Stuart's Tess 3 1913 QUEENIE Rockfield Mox Mr. Taylor's Butch 19 Age Year Bought or Entered 1914 Name Sire Dam NOVICE Mr, Smith's Sir Novice Mr. Cruther's Lady NORDLY ROSE Rock Ridge Painter Nordly's Dolly RUBY Mr. Millers True Boy Fame's Bonnie SPRING HILL LAVISH Spring Hill Baffler Their Lonely PIEDMONT PEERLESS Rock Ridge Antidote Our Swift SPRING HILL GAUDY Spring Hill Boaster Their Guilty 20 SOME WINS OF THE PIEDMONT HOUNDS FOXHOUNDS 1913 Baltimore First Pack and a majority of all prizes. New York Washington 1914 New York Washington Bryn Mawr all firsts but one — 6 Packs competing. BEAGLES At the National Beagle Club of America field trials Bluemont, Va., November, 1914. Field Trials, 3 firsts, 1 second, 3 thirds and 4 fourths. Show 3 '' 3 " 3 " 2 " Winning the largest percentage of points of any pack competing. 21 ster Family Library of Veterinany Medicine imings School of Veterinary Medicine at 5 University VVestboro Road h Grafton. MA 01538 SYDNEY R. SMITH SPORTING E CANAAN NEW YORK 12029