■ I _ ■. . v . . . < ; 1 1 1 • r •' \ ' ■ 1 ■jt ' , v/ R^3 •ii^§M §§wii &ft o-. .##— . -*» ♦ »•»» Article 1. The Library will be open for the delivery and return of books every Saturdai| from 3 to 4 o'clock in the afternoon, and from 7 to 9 o'clock in the eveninof. Art. 2. All residents of Topsfield, above the age of 12 years, shall have the right to take books from the Library. Art. 3. No person shall be allowed more than one volume, and no family more than three volumes at any one time ; and no book shall be kept out of the Library more than fourteen days, while the time may be limited to seven days when the book is in great demand. Art. 4. Any person retaining a book longer than the specified time, shall incur a fine of Jive cents for every week it is so retained. Art. 5. All injuries to books, and all losses, shall be made good by the person responsible for the book. Art. 6. All books shall be returned to the Li- brary for examination ten days before the annual Town Meeting, under penalty of a fine of fifty cents. Art. 7. No person owing a fine or forfeiture shall receive books from the Library until the same is paid. ( r Salem Gazette Presi. TUFTS UNIVERSITY LIBRARIES 3 9090 013 418 542 ( Slninr. school Of veterinary JMine at Tutts University 200 Westboro Road North Grafton, MA 01 536 #s-^. THE HORSE'S FOOT, AND HOW TO KEEP IT SOUND iDitl) lUnatrationa. BY WILLIAM MILES, ESQ. FROM THE THIRD LONDON EDITION. NEW YOEK: C M. SAXTON & COMPANY, Agriccltubal Book Pcbushkrs, 140 Fwzoy St. 1856. \o^^ PREFACE f n^^e, bren induced, at the solicitation of several friends, who have deplored to me their total want of any- thing like useful or practical knowledge upon the subject of shoeing, to embody for their guidance some rough notes which I had made upon soundness of the horse's foot in general, and on shoeing in particular. In offering them to the public, I beg to premise that I have not the smallest intention of what is called writing a book, — least of all, a scientific book. My sole object is to communicate, in the most familiar language the subject will admit of, the result of several years' observation, and of much tedious experi- ment, undertaken w^ith a view of ascertaining what mode of shoeing, system of stabling, and quantity of exercise, promised the fairest prospect of preserving the foot of the horse in soundness and comfort to himself, and usefulness to his owner for the longest period. I disclaim all pretension to any nev/ discovery in th.e art of shoeing ; — amateurs' discoveries are, for the most part, of small value. I have preferred unscrupulously availing myself of the labors of professional and practical men, — - by carefully examining their systems — trying their plans — and ultimately adopting that which appeared the best calculated to ensure success. If, in what follows, I am 4 PREFACE. accused of entering too minutely into matters of detail, m]» answer must be, that I write exclusively for the informa- tion of the uninformed, including those who are unwilling, as well as those who are incompetent to wade through the various elaborate and conflicting treatises already published upon the horse's foot, and who are of necessity compelled to yield implicitly in all such matters to the eocperience of others, — w4iose ex'perience will generally be found to re- solve itself into untiring 'perseverance in one unvaried plan for a series of years. My aim has been, by keeping out of view every thing not essential, and presenting only those things that are practical, to render a hitherto difficult and little under- stood subject familiar and easy. If I have in any degree succeeded, I shall feel myself amply repaid for whatever pains it may have cost me. CONTENTS. pxax Description of the foot 7 Tile horny crust 7 The sole 8 The frog 9 Tlie bones of the foot 10 The lateral cartilages 11 The sensitive sole 11 The sensitive frog 12 The elastic cushion or fatty frog 12 The coffin joint 12 The navicular joint 12 The natural form of the foot 13 Removing the old shoe 13 Preparation of the foot for receiving a new shoe 13 Rasping the crust 14 Paring the foot 14 Reasons for varying the paring out of fest at different seasons 14 Different feet require different treatment 15 General directions for preparing the foot 15 *' Opening out the heels" condemned , 15 Reasons for never allowing a knife to approach, the frog 16 Weight of the shoe 18 Width of the web 18 Objections to shoes *' well set off at the heels" 18 The effect of such shoes upon the navicular joint 19 The foot does not receive its form from the shoe 20 The situation of the nails determines the form of the foot 20 The form of the shoe 21 Objections to thick-heeled slices... 21 The toe turned up out of the line of wear 21 Steel at the toe objectionable 21 A clip at the toe desirable 21 The shoe should not be too short 22 A flat surface for the crust to bear upon 22 The nail-holes in the flat surface, and not partly in it and partly in the seating 22 The seating 22 Tiie ground surface 22 No objection to the application of a hot shoe to the foot to ascertain its bearings 22 Reasons for removing the shoes every two or three weeks 23 Number and situation of the nails 23 More nails than are necessary not merely useless , , 24 1* 6 CONTENTS. TAaM Five naiis employed,— but six recommended , 25 Reasons for recommending six nails 25 How expansion of the foot is permitted by one-sided nailing 26 Corns cured by one-sided nailing with five nails 27 Evidence of a commercial traveller in favor of one-sided nailing with five nails only 27 Remarks upon shoeing with leather 28 The hind shoe considered 29 Objections to the general use of " Calkins" 29 Clips 30 The cause and prevention of " forging" 30 •' Overreach' ' how produced and how prevented 31 A plan for detecting the exact part of the shoe with which a horse ** cuts" 31 Reasons against shoeing horses in the stable, away from the forge 32 General observations upon shoeing hunters, and plating race-horses 33 The situation of the nails a common cause of horses losing their races 34 The effect of the loss of one inch upon each stride in running over the Derby course 34 The advantages of a loose box. 35 The disadvantages of stalls shown in the number of horses cast by cavalry regiments G6 The objections commonly urged against loose boxes 38 The bet t mode of converting stalls into loose boxes 38 The real — but unurged — objection to loose boxes 38 Horses having always been kept in stalls, no argument against its being hurtful to them 33 New form of muzzle recommended, instead of the two objectionable forms in common use 40 Meaning of the word " sound," as applied to horses' feet 40 A foot afflicted with inflammation and pain— not sound 41 '* Pointing" — not merely a trick— but a symptom of unsoundness 41 Perfectly sound feet among horses in work very rare, and not absolutely essential — nevertheless very desirable 42 The importance of regular daily exercise to the soundness of horses' feet . . 42 Treatment of the foot in the stable 44 A useful hoof ointment 44 The best mode of applying moisture 44 Morning the fittest time for the application of cold water to the feet 45 Stopping the feet at night recommended 45 Cow-dung a good stopping 45 No fear of producing thrushes by moist stopping 45 Bad shoeing the real cause of thrushes 45 Two cases of thrushes cured by standing on wet sawdust without shoes ... 45 Standing on wet sawdust in a loose box preferred to turning out 45 Va.ue of a general warranty considered ♦ 49 THE HORSE'S FOOT, &c. In describing the various parts which compose the horse^s foot, it shall be my endeavor to avoid, as much as possible, all minute anatomical details and scientific technical terms, and to confine myself to a plain description of those parts only, a general knowledge of which is essential to the full understanding of what is right, and what wrong, in the for- mation and application of the horse's shoe. The hoof is divided into horny crust or wall, sole, and frog. The horny crust is secreted by the numerous blood-vessels of that soft protruding band which encircles the upper edge of the hoof, immediately beneath the termination of the hair ; and is divided into toe, quarters, heels, and bars.* Its texture is insensible, but elastic throughout its whole extent ; and, yielding to the weight of the horse, allows the horny sole to descend, whereby much inconvenient concussion to the in- ternal parts of the foot is avoided. But if a large portion of the circumference of the foot be fettered by iron and nails, it is obvious that that portion, at least, cannot expand as be- fore ; and the beautiful and efficient apparatus for effecting this necessary elasticity, being no longer allowed to act by reason of these restraints, becomes altered in structure : and the continued operation of the same causes, in the end, cir- cumscribes the elasticity to those parts alone where no nails have been driven, — giving rise to a train of consequences destructive to the soundness of the foot, and fatal to the use- fulness of the horse. The toe of the fore foot is the thickest and strongest por- tion of the hoof, and is in consequence less expansive than any other part, and therefore better calculated to resist the • Page 47, figs. 1 and 2. 8 THE HORSE'S FOOT, effect of the nails and shoe. The thickness of the horn gradually diminishes towards the quarters and heels, particu- larly on the inner side of the foot, whereby the power of yield- ing and expanding to the weight of the horse is proportionably increased, clearly indicating that those parts cannot be nailed to an unyielding bar of iron, without a most mischievous interference with the natural functions of the foot. In the hind foot, the greatest thickness of horn will be found at the quarters and heels, and not, as in the fore foot, at the toe. This difference in the thickness of horn is beautifully adapted to the inequality of the weight which each has to sustain, {he force with which it is applied, and the portions of the hoof upon which it falls. The toe of the fore foot encounters the combined force and weight of the fore hand and body, and consequently in a state of nature is exposed to considerable wear and tear, and calls for greater strength and substance of horn than is needed by any portion of the hind foot, where the duty of supporting the hinder parts alone is distributed over the quarters and heels of both sides of the foot. The bars are continuations of the wall, reflected at the heels towards the centre of the foot, where they meet in a point, leaving a triangular space between them for the frog. The whole inner surface of the horny crust, from the cen- tre of the toe to the point where the bars meet, is everywhere lined with innumerable narrow, thin, and projecting horny plates,* which extend in a slanting direction from the uppei edge of the wall to the line of junction between it and the sole, and possess great elasticity. These projecting plates are the means of greatly extending the surface of attach- ment of the hoof to the coffin bone, which is likewise covered by a similar arrangement of projecting plates, but of a highly vascular and sensitive character ; and these, dovetailing with the horny projections above named, constitute a union com- bining strength and elasticity in a wonderful degree. The horny sole covers the whole inferior surface of the foot, excepting the frog. In a well-formed foot it presents an arched appearance and possesses considerable elasticity, by virtue of which it ascends and descends, as the weight above is either suddenly removed from it, or forcibly applied to it. This descending property of the sole calls for our especial consideration in directing the form of the shoe ; for, if the shoe be so formed that the horny sole rests upon it, it • Page 48, fig. 2. AZ^D HOW :0 KEEP IT SOUND. 9 cannot descend lower ; and the sensible sole above, becoming squeezed between the edges of the coffin bone and the horn, produces inflammation, and perhaps abscess. The eriect of this squeezing of the sensible sole is most commonly wit- nessed at the angle of the inner heel, where the descending heel of the coffin bone, forcibly pressing the vascular sole upon the horny sole, ruptures a small blood-vessel, and pro- duces what is called a corn, but which is, in fact, a bruise. The horny frog occupies the greater part of the triangular space between the bars, and extends from the hindermost part of the foot to the centre of the sole, just over the point where the bars meet ; but is united to them only at their upper edge : the sides remain unattached and separate, and form the channels called the "Commissures."* The frog is evidently designed for very important uses ; but, as our object is purely practical, and not speculative, we will not stop to inquire, whether its chief office is to expand the foot, and prevent contraction or not — which is debatable ground — but proceed to consider it in a point of view bearing more usefully on our subject, viz., as the part which offers us the best criterion whereby to judge of the effect of our shoeing upon the foot generally ; for no part undergoes so much change from bad shoeing, or exhibits it so soon, as the frog. If we carefully observe the form and size of the frog in the foot of a oolt of from four to five years old, at its first shoeing, and then note the changes which it undergoes as the shoeings are repeated, we shall soon be convinced that a visible departure from a state of health and nature is taking place. At first it will be found large and full, with consider- able elasticity ; the cleft oval in form, open, and expanding, ■^ith a continuous, well-defined, and somewhat elevated boun- cary ; the bulbs at the heels fully developed, plump, and rounded ; and the whole mass occupying about one-sixth of the circumference of the foot.f By degrees the fulness and elasticity will be observed to have diminished; the bulbs at the heels will shrink, and lose their plumpness ; the cleft will become narrower, its oval form disappear, the back part of its boundary give way, and it will dwindle into a narrow crack, extended back between the wasted, or perhaps obliter- ated bulbs, presenting only the miserable remains of a frog, such as may be seen in the feet of most horses long accus- tomed to be shod. Page 47, fig. 1. t Ibid. 10 PHE horse's foot, The bones proper to the foot are three in number, viz.-«-« the coffin bone, the navicular bone, and part of the coronet bone : they are contained within the hoof, and combine to form the coffin joint ;* but the smallest of them, the navicular bone, is of far more importance as connected with our subject of shoeing, than either of the others ; for upon the healthy condition of this bone, and the joint formed between it and the tendon, which passes under it to the coffin bone, and is called the navicular joint, mainly depends the usefulness of the horse to man. This small bone,f which in a horse sixteen hands high measures only two and a quarter inches in its longer diameter, three fourths of an inch at the widest part of its shorter diameter, and half an inch in thickness in the centre, its thickest part, has the upper and under surfaces and part of one of the sides overlaid with a thin coating of gristle, and covered by a delicate secreting membrane, very liable upon the slightest injury to become inflamed ; it is unfortunately so placed in the foot as to be continually exposed to danger ; being situated across the hoof, behind the coffin bone, and immediately under the coronet bone ;:]: whereby it is compelled to receive nearly the whole weight of the horse each time that the opposite foot is raised from the ground. The coffin bone§ consists of a body and wings ; and is fitted into the hoof, which it closely resembles in form. Ita texture is particularly light and spongy, arising from the quantity of canals or tubes that traverse its substance in every direction, affi^rding to numerous blood-vessels and nerves a safe passage to the sensitive and vascular parts surrounding it ; while the unyielding nature of the bone effectually pro- tects them from compression or injury under every variety of movement of the horse. In an unshod foot the front and sides of the coffin bone are deeply furrowed and roughened, to secure the firmer attach- ment of the vascular membranous structui'e, by which the bone is clothed ; but in the bone of a foot that has been fre- quently shod, this appearance is greatly changed, the furiow? and roughness giving place to a comparatively smooth surface This change I imagine to be produced by the shoe limiting if not destroying, the expansive power of that part of the horn to which it is nailed ; whereby a change of structure in the membrane itself, as well as absorption of the attaching por- • Page 50, fig. 6. t Page 50, fig. 5. t Page 50, fig. 6. § Page 49, fig. 4 AND HOW TO KEEP IT SOUND. 11 tlons of the bone, is induced ; for it is an invariable law of the animal economy not to continue to unemployed structures the same measure of efficient reparation that is extended to parts constantly engaged in performing their allotted tasks. The shoe restricts or prevents expansion ; while Nature, as the secret influence is called, immediately sets to work to simplify the apparatus for producing the expansion, which art has thus rendered impracticable, and substitutes f jr it a new structure, less finely organized, but admirably suited to the altered condition of the parts. The wings extend from the body of the bone directly back- wards, and support the "lateral cartilages" of the foot. If a coffin bone be placed upon a flat surface, it will be seen that the whole of the front of the toe is considerably raised or arched, as if a notch had been cut out of it, giving it almost the appearance of an imperfect bone.* I consider this to be one of the numerous provisions of nature for dimin- ishing the concussion to which the horse's foot is so constantly exposed ; for if the toe of the bone corresponded exactly with the toe of the hoof, a shock would be communicated to the whole foot each time it struck against a stone or other pre- lecting substance ; whereas this intervening space, by break- ing the connection of the parts, almost entirely prevents the transmission of the jar. This conjecture is greatly strength- ened by the fact, that the coffin bone of the hind foot, where the jar would be less felt, presents no such deficiency at the toe. The coronet bone is nearly square ;f its breadth from side to side exceeds its height by about one-fifth ; it is situated partly within, and partly without the hoof;:]: it supports the pastern bone, and rests upon the coffin and navicular bones. The lateral cartilages are attached to the upper edge of the wings of the coffin bone, and project backwards beyond the bone, giving form and substance to the heel. About half of each rises above the hoof as high as the pastern joint, and can be distinctly felt under the skin. The sensitive covering to the coffin bone is a prolongation of the coronary substance : it is firmly attached to the surface of the bone, and is collected into numerous little plaits or folds, which run in parallel slanting lines down its sides. The sensitive sole, or, as it is sometimes called, the fleshy sole, is about the eighth of an inch thick, and is almost entire- • Page 49, %. 4 t Page 40, fig. 3. t Page 50, fig. G. 12 THE horse's foot, ly made up of blood-vessels and nerves ; it is one of the most vascular and sensitive parts of the body, and is attached to the lower edge of the sensitive covering of the coffin bone, — to the bars, — and point of the frog, — and also with great firmness to the whole of the arched under-surface of the coffin bone. The sensitive frog includes not only the part corresponding to the sensitive sole, but also the peculiar spongy elastic sub- stance which intervenes between it and the navicular joint, and fills the space between the cartilages. The proper sen- sitive frog is thicker, and less finely organized, than the sen- sitive sole, possessing fewer blood-vessels and nerves. The coffin joint is formed by portions of the three bones of the foot meeting together within the hoof;* and is furnished with all the parts necessary to constitute a perfect joint. It is rarely, if ever, the original seat of disease. The navicular joint.*]" — the least injury to which entails such disastrous consequences. — is merely a sort of false joint, or bag, formed between the under surface of the navicular bone, and the upper surface of the tendon of the muscle, whose office it is to bend the foot, by acting upon the coffin bone. It is situated beneath, and somewhat behind the coffin joints and is lined throughout by a delicate secreting membrane^ for the supply of the fluid necessary to the even sliding of the tendon over the bone, after the m.anner of a pulley. Any diminution in the quantity of fluid, either from inflammation of the membrane, or other cause, must produce friction of the sides of the bag upon each other, and lay the foundation for that train of fatal effects which must ensue, under such cir- cumstances, to a part so constantly and vigorously emploj^ed as the navicular joint ; — viz. first, — inflammation of the membrane, — then ulceration and absorption of the gristle, — and lastly, disease of the bone itself — a speck of v.'hich, no larger than a pin's head, produces lameness that defies all the powers of man to cure, and dooms the horse to a life of pain and misery for the remainder of his days. Before treating of the preparation of the foot for the recep- tion of a shoe, it is desirable to correct the generally received, but erroneous opinion, that the shape of a perfect foot is cir- cular, or very nearly so. It is this opinion that leads the generality of smiths to direct their energies towards reducing the foot to that shape as soon as possible ; indeed so impatient are some persons to commence this work of setting nature * Page 50, fig. 6, t Ibid AIMD HOW TO KEEP IT SOUND. 13 right, that they cause their colts' feet to be "put in order," — as the mischievous interference is called, — long before the process of " breaking" has rendered the evil of shoeing neces- sary. There are very few things so little varied in nature as the form of the ground surface of horses' feet ; for whether the hoof be high-heeled and upright, — or low-heeled and flat, — large or small, — broad or narrow, — the identical form of ground surface is maintained in each, so long as it is left entirely to nature's guidance. The outer quarter, back to the heel, is curved considerably and abruptly outwards, while the inner quarter is carried back in a gradual and easy curve.* The advantage of this form is so obvious, that it is matter for wonder it should ever be interfered with. The enlarged outer quarter extends the base and increases the hold of the foot upon the ground ; while the straighter inner quarter lessens the risk of striking the foot against the oppo- site lesf. It should surely be our object to retain these valuable qualities as long as we can, and not lightly sacrifice either of them to a false notion of what may be considered a prettier form. Whenever we observe nature steadily persevering in one form, or one plan, depend upon it, it is not within the range of man's ingenuity to amend it ; and he will better serve his own interest in accommodating his views to her laws, than in attempting to oppose them. In this spirit let us proceed with our subject. Before the foot can be prepared for receiving a new shoe, it will be necessary to remove the old one ; in doing which great care should be taken to raise all the clinches,*}" and every approach to violently wrenching it off should be scru- pulously avoided ; dragging the nails with their turned down ends through the crust, not only inflicts pain upon the horse by their pressure on the sensitive parts within the hoof, — as is evinced by his flinching and struggling to free his foot from the grasp of the smith, — but separates the fibres of the horn beyond what is necessary, and interferes with the future nail- hold. If the shoe resist a moderate effort to displace it, one or two of the nails, that appear to retain it the most, should be partly punched out : by this small trouble much future in- convenience will be saved, the enlargement of the nail-holes prevented, and the crust left in a firmer and sounder state to nail to. • Page 47, fig. 1 t Page 48, fig. 2, 14 THE horse's foot. The foot being relieved of the shoe, should have the edges of the crust well rasped : to do this effectually requires a de- gree of force calculated to arouse the fears of the uninformed, and to make them suspect something like wanton destruction of the hoof. It is, however, only removing those parts which in the unshod foot would have been worn away by contact with the ground. The practice is further beneficial in de- tecting any stubs that may chance to have been left in the nail-holes. The operation of paring out the foot is a matter requiring both skill and judgment ; and is moreover a work of some labor, when properly performed. It will be found that the operator errs much oftener by rem.oving too Utile, than too much ; at least it is so with the parts that ought to be re- moved, which are sometimes almost as hard and unyielding as a flint-stone, and in their most favorable state require con- siderable exertion to cut through : the frog, on the other hand, offers so little resistance to the knife, and presents such an even, smooth, clean-looking surface when cut through, that it requires more philosophy than falls to the share of most smiths, to resist the temptation to slice it away, despite a knowledge that it would be far wiser to leave it alone. It vould be impossible to frame any rule applicable to the paring out of all horses' feet, or indeed to the feet of the same horse at all times : for instance, it is manifestly unwise to pare the sole as thin in a hot dry season, when the roads are broken up, and strewed with loose stones, as in a moderately wet one, when they are well bound and even ; for in the for- mer case the sole is in perpetual danger of being bruised by violent contact with the loose stones, and consequently needs a thicker layer of horn for its protection ; while the latter case offers the most favorable surface that most of our horses ever have to travel upon, and should be taken advantage of for a thorough paring out of the sole, in order that the inter- nal parts of the foot may derive the full benefit arising from an elastic and descending sole ; a state of things very essen- tial to the due performance of their separate functions. Again : in horses with upright feet and high heels horn grows very abundantly, especially towards the toe ; and such are always benefited by having the toe shortened, the heels lowered, and the sole well pared out ; while in horses with fiat feet and low heels horn grows sparingly ; and the toe of such feet, being always weak, will admit of very little short- ening. Such heels bein^ already too low, should scarcely bo - AND HOW TO KEEP IT SOUND. 15 touched with the rasp ; and the sole presents such a small quantity of dead horn, that the knife should be used with great discretion. In the first case the thickness of the sole prevents the due descent of the coffin bone, when the horse's weight is thrown apon the foot ; and it requires in consequence to be pared iown thinner and rendered more yielding ; while in the lat- 'er case it is already so thin and unresisting, that it can with difficulty support the coffin bone in its proper place, and offers at best but a feeble resistance to its downward ten- dency. The consideration of the foregoing circumstances will show the impracticability of prescribing general directions, capable of meeting the exigences of all feet ; and the futility of at- tempting to establish one particular mode of paring out all feet— one particular mode of applying the shoes — or one par- ticular form of shoe. They must, each in its turn, be varied to meet the degree of deviation from what may be called a perfect foot. Perfect feet, or indeed tolerably well formed feet, with a fair growth of horn, should have the toe shorten- ed, the heels lowered, and the sole well pared out ; that is, all the dead horn removed, and, if need be, some of the living too, until it will yield, in some small degree, to hard pressure from the thumb. The corners formed by the junction of the crust and bars should be well pared out, particularly on the inside ; for this is the common seat of corn, and any accumulation of horn in this situation must increase the risk of bruising the sensible sole between the inner point or heel of the coffin bone and the horny sole. I very much doubt either the utility or wisdom of leaving the bars projecting beyond the surface of the sole ; it cannot possibly increase the power of resisting contraction, and this projecting rim is left exposed to the danger of being broken and bruised by contact with stones and other hard substances ; and it is further attended with the disadvantage of making the cleaning out of these corners a work of con- siderable ingenuity with so unwieldy an instrument as a com- mon drawing-knife. I prefer paring them down to a level with the sole, or very nearly so ; avoiding however every approach to what is called " opening out the heels," a most reprehensible practice, which means cutting away the sides of the bars, so as to show an apparent increase of width be- tween the heels, which may for the time deceive the eye ; but it is a mere illusion, purchased at the expense of impaired 16 THE horse's foot, power ot resistance in the bars, and ultimate contraction of the feet. It is self-evident, that the removing any portion from the sides of the bars must diminish their substance, and render them weaker, and consequently less able to resist con- traction. If it were not for the unaccountable prejudice in favor of carving the frog into shape at every shoeing, I should have had very little to say about it in this place : my only direc- tion, as a general rule, would have been, to leave it alone, and never allow a knife to approach it: but this far-spread prejudice renders it necessary for me to explain why the knife must be so entirely withheld from the frog, while its liberal application to the other parts of the foot is shown to be so beneficial to them. First, then, the frog has naturally less power of producing horn than any other part of the foot ; and the effect of shoeing seems to be, still further to diminish this power by obstructing the expansion of the hoof, and thereby exposing the membrane which secretes the horn to undue pressure : indeed in the generality of feet it would appear almost to check the growth of the frog altogether ; for if we compare the size of the frog with the circumfer- ence of the foot in a horse long accustomed to be shod, we shall find the space occupied by it will not exceed one-tenth or one-twelfth of the whole circumference ; whereas, in the natural and unshod foot it occupies about one-sixth. Now this dwindling down to one-half its proper size is the direct effect of shoeing and paring ; but I believe that much the larger portion of the mischief is attributable to the unneces- sary evil of paring, rather than the necessary one of shoeing. The reason assig-ned for further mutilatins: this fast diminish- ing organ at every shoeing, is a most unfounded dread that it would run all over the foot, if it were not for the controlling influence of the drawing-knife : and so general is this belief, that it is entertained more or less by almost every smith, notwithstanding the daily, nay hourly, evidence that is pre- sented to his senses of the gradual but certain diminution of the frogs of nearly all the horses which he shoes. I have horses in my possession whose frogs have not been touched by a knife for five years, and yet it has never oc- curred to any one that they are overgrown ; but every one is attracted by the evenness of surface and fine expanded cleft which they present. Perhaps about one in a thousand may form an exception ; where a large loose-textured frog may require a little paring once or twice in a year. The AND HOW TO KEEP IT SOUXD. 17 layer of horn that covers the frog is thinnei in substance and more delicate in texture than that of any other part of the foot, and, when once destroyed, is very imperfectly and sparingly reproduced. The first stroke of the knife removes this thin liorny covering altogether, and lays bare an under surface, totally unfitted, from its moist, soft texture, for ex- posure either to the hard ground or the action of the air ; and in consequence of such unnatural exposure it soon becomes dry and shrinks : then follow cracks, — the edges of which turning outwards form rags ; these rags are re- moved by the smith at the next shoeing, whereby another such surface is exposed, and another foundation laid for other rags ; and so on, until at last the protruding, plump, elastic cushion, interposed by nature between the navicular joint and the ground, and so essential to its preservation from injury, is converted by the mischievous interference of art into the dry, shrunk, unyielding apology for a frog, to be seen in the foot of almost every horse that has been regu- larly shod for a few years. The frog is provided within itself with tvv^o very efficient modes of throwing off any superfluous horn it may be troubled with ; and it is very un- wise in man to interfere with them : the first and most com- mon is the separation from its surface of small bran-like scales, which becoming dry fall off in a kind of whitish scurf, not unlike the dust that adheres to Turkey figs. The other, which is upon a larger scale, and of rarer occurrence, is sometimes called " casting the frog." A thick layer of frog separates itself in a body, and shells off — to the full as deep as a usual paring with the knife : but it is worthy of remark, that there is this very important difference between the two operations : nature never removes the horny cover- ing until she has provided another horny covering beneath, so that although a large portion of the frog may have been removed, there still remains a perfect frog behind, smaller it is true, but covered with horn and in every way fitted to sustain exposure ; while the knife, on the contrary, removes the horny covering, but is unable to substitute any other in its stead. My advice therefore is to leave the frog to itself — nature will remove the superfluous horn, and the rags can do no harm, and, if unmolested, will soon disappear altogether. In describing the form of the shoe, and explaining its ■details, I shall not hesitate to repeat any thing which I may have said before^ if it should appear to me that by so doing 1 2* 18 THE horse's foot, can render myself more intelligible. The first recommenda. tion I have to offer concerning the shoe itself has reference, not to its form, but to its weight, and is suggested by the prevailing idea that shoes cannot well be too light. A very little reflection will convince us that this notion must be founded in error, involving as it does two most objectionable properties in a shoe, viz., liability to bend, and insufficient covering. The inconvenience to a horse of an ounce or so of increased weight in each shoe is not worth a moment's consideration, compared with the discomfort to him of travelling upon a hard road with a bent shoe on his foot, straining the nails, and making unequal and painful pressure. The other evil arising out of light shoes, is a deficiency of width in the web,* which robs the foot of much valuable protection, and leaves the sole and frog exposed to numberless injuries, that a wider web would effectually prevent. For my own horses I not only have the web made wider fnan is usually met with, but I take especial care that the same width of web is continued throughout the whole shoe, back to the heels, giving increased covering and protection to the sole of the foot. The common practice is to get it narrow- er and narrower, until it dwindles at the heels into about half its original width ;-\ and the only reason assigned for this in- jurious practice is, " liking to see the shoe well set off at the heels."t I know that I have a very prevalent and deep-rooted preju dice to contend with in this manner ; still I do not despair of convincing some, at least, of my readers that it is both unphilo- sophical and detrimental ; it imposes upon the understanding by deceiving the eye, and is in the last degree hurtful to the horse's foot. When a shoe is thus set off at the heels, it im- parts to the foot an appearance of greater width than it really possesses ; but if the shoe happened to be made of glass, oi some other transparent substance, the deception would be ai once detected ; for then the outer edge of the foot would be seen to rest on the inner edge only of the shoe,§ and the whole of the remaining width of the web would be seen projecting beyond the hoof, forming a convenient clip for another horse to tread upon, but utterly useless as affording support to any part of the foot itself. A common observer, on taking up a foot with a shoe so fitted, looks only to the space between the * Page 52, fig. 8. t Page 60, fig. 15. I Page 53, fig. 9. § Page 54, fig. 10. AND HOW TO KEEP IT SOUND 19 heels of tlie shoe j and if he find that to be considerable, he does not stop to inquire what quantity of the foot is exposed by the opening, but seeing what he calls " a good open foot," is satisfied, forgetting altogether that his inspection never extended to the foot at all, but was confined exclusive- ly to the shoe. Having shown in what manner this practice is unphiloso- phical, I will turn to the consideration of it as pernicious, it beincr one of the commonest causes of a horse falling sudden- ly lame, or dropping as if he had been shot, — two phrases unluckily in much too common use to require explanation here. No portion of the foot needs protection from our hard stony roads, like those which are comprised in the space betv/een the heels ; for just in front of the cleft of the frog, immediate- ly over the centre of that space, lies the navicular joint,* which, it must be remembered, is compelled to sustain nearly the whole weight of the horse, alternately with that of the other foot at every movement he makes ; and is moreover the seat of nine-tenths of the chronic lameness to which he is liable. We must also remember, that this joint is formed by the navicular bone and the tendon which passes under it ; and we can readily imagine that its delicate membranes, be- ing jammed against their own bone by the weight of the horse and his rider on the one hand, and a stone resting upon a hard road on the other hand, must receive a most painful and distressing squeeze ; but if, as is too oflen the case, these membranes chance to be in a state of inflammation, our wonder may well cease that the poor animal should drop as if he had been shot ; for more exquisite torture it is not possi- ble to inflict upon him. Again : if we take the weight of the horse at half a ton, and that of his rider at eleven stone, and propel the combined weights with the whole muscular power of the animal against a firmly fixed stone, it would call for no great stretch of imagination to conceive that the collision might sometimes fracture so small a bone as the navicular bone, and produce mstant and incurable lameness. These things do happen ; and it is to obviate them, and the intermediate train of smaller evils, that I always employ a tolerably wide-webbed shoe, tnd bring in the heels of it almost close to the frog, so as to "educe the opening between the heels as much as I con- • Page 47, fig. 1. U // 20 THE horse's foot, veniently cai.: and, if in fitting the shoe, I observe a cornef pressing upon, or in any way interfering with the frog, I cause it to be cut off, rather than have the shoe opened out to let in the frog ; for in opening out the shoe, a portion equal to the objectionable corner must be thrust out beyond the hoof, which is very undesirable, as presenting a ready hold for stiff ground to pull the shoe off by. This plan of bringing in the heels, while it covers and protects the angles whence the bars are reflected,* at the same time draws the sides of the shoe nearer together, and opposes to the stony road a surface of iron instead of the unprotected foot, warding off thereby many a blow, that would otherwise prove highly in- jurious. There is a notion very generally entertained, that the foot receives its form from the shoe, — an inference, I take it, drawn from the feet of Chinese ladies, but totally unsupported by any thing which happens fo the foot of the horse : still it does exist, and I have no doubt tends in a great degree to keep up the prejudice in favor of open-heeled shoes. The truth really is, that the shape of the shoe cannot by possibili, ty influence the shape of the foot ; for the foot, being elastic, expands to the weight of the horse in precisely the same de- gree, whether it be resting upon the most open or the most contracted shoe : it is the situation of the nails, and not the shape of the shoe, that determines the form of the foot ; and whether the shoe be wide or narrow, if the heels and quarters of both sides be nailed to it, the foot will inevitably become smaller and smaller, and the heels more and more contracted. The most open shoe will avail no more than the narrowest. If the nails, on the contrary, be placed in the outside quarter and toe, leaving the heels and quarters of the inside, which are the most expansive portions, free,"]" no shape that we can give to the shoe can of itself change the form of the foot ; for, supposing the shoe to be too contracted, the foot will expand out over it, provided it be not restrained by the too backward placing of the nails. I would not however be understood to mean, that the shape of the shoe is therefore of no importance ; for I trust I have already proved the contrary, while con- sidering the mischievous tendency of that form whi ch is *Mvell set off at the heels" — inviting, as it were with open arms, every hard substance in the road "to come and do it3 worst;" as though the numerous ills the foot is unavoidably ■ • ' ■ ■ — - I. .. — I ■ — .-I . ■ — . .1 ■- , , ■ - ... I -, ■ .1 ■■ — ■■ I ■■ !■ m • Page 56, ag. 12. t Page 55, fig. 11. AND HOW TO KEEP IT SOUND. 21 exposed to, and which no ingenuity can avert, were not sufficiently distressing to the horse, or vexatious in their con- sequences to its owner. Seeing then that the shape of the foot is in no way changed by the form of the shoe, both wisdom and interest would prompt us to adopt that form which possesses the greatest number of advantages with the fewest disadvantages ; and such a form it shall now be my endeavor to describe in detail. The shoe must, as we have seen, possess substance enough to prevent its bending, and width of web enough to ensure protection to the foot ; — the thickness, like the width, of web, should continue precisely the same from toe to heel,* and not, as is generally the case, increase as it proceeds backwards, until at the heels it be- comes fully doubled. f This is a great evil for many reasons, and among others, that it throv/s the horse forwards upon the toe, and causes him to strike it against every projection which comes in its vvay. Now, as horses are quite sufficiently prone to do this without the assistance of high-heeled shoes, it should be our business to obviate it as much as possible ; and I find this is best accomplished by keeping the heels of an even thickness with the rest of the shoe, and turning up the toe out of the line of wear,:!: thereby imparting to the toe of a new shoe v/hen placed upon a flat surface, the same ele- vation from the ground line as that of an old one. In doing this we only carry out in the shoe what nature has already done in the foot ; she has arched the toe of the coffin bone,§ to diminish the effect of a jar at the toe ; and we do the same to the shoe, to lessen the cause of the jar. The common practice is just the reverse of this ; it welds a lump of steel into the toe, which not only increases its thick- ness, and the number of obstacles that it necessarily encoun- ters, but, being of a harder texture, is longer wearing down, and consequently exposes the foot to the greatest amount of concussion. Supposing a horse to wear his shoes so hard, that they v/ill not last a month, — much beyond which, as the foot will outgrow them, they had better not last, — then steel the toe ; but still let it be turned up as much out of the line of wear as possible. A small clip at the point of the toejl is very desirable as preventing displacement of the shoe backwards : it need not be driven up hard ; it is merely re- quired as a check or stay. The shoe should be sufficiently * Page 59, fig. 14. t Page 58, fig. 13. t Page 48, fig. 2. 4 Pago 49, fig. 4. II Page 51, fig. 7. 22 THE horse's foot, long, fully to support the angles at the heels,* and not, as is too often the case, so short, that a little wear imbeds the edge of it in the horn at these parts. f The foot surface of the shoe should always have a good flat even space left all around for the crust to bear upon ;{ for it must be remem- bered, that the crust sustains the whole weight of the horse, and needs to have a perfectly even bearing everywhere around the shoe. In this space the nail-holes should be punched, § and not, as is too often the case, partly in it, and partly in the seating. || In what is technically callea " back- holing the shoe," which means completing the opening of the nail-holes on the foot surface, great care should be taken to give them an outward direction, so as to allow the points of the nails to be brought out low dov/n in the crust. The re- mainder of the foot surface should be carefully seated out, particularly around the elevated toe, IT where it might other- wise press inconveniently upon the sole ; and I would have the seating carried on fairly to the point where the crust and the bars meet, in order that there may be no pressure in the seat of corns : the chance of pressure in this situa- tion will be further diminished by bevelling off the inner edge of the heels with a rasp. The ground surface should be perfectly flat, with a fuller- ing or groove running round the outer edge, just under the plain surface, whereon the crust bears.** The princi- pal use of the fuller is to receive the heads of the nails that secure the shoe, and prevent their bending or breaking off: — it is further useful in increasing the hold of the shoe upon the ground, and with this view I always have it carried back to the heels. The danger apprehended from the shoe being applied to the foot so hot as to burn the crust, and cause it to smoke, is utterly groundless. I would not have it made to burn Itself into its place upon the foot, without the assistance of rasp or drawing-knife, but I would have it tried to the foot sufficiently hot to scorch every part that bears unevenly upon it ; because the advantage of detecting such pro- jecting portions is very great, and this mode of accomplish- ing it is positively harmless. Indeed it is the only one by which the even bearing necessary to a perfect fitting of the shoe can be insured. * Page 61, fig. 16. t Page 60, fig. 15. t Page 51, fig. 7. § Page 61, fig. 16. || Page 60, fig. 15. IT Page 51, fig. 7. «« Page 52, fig. 8. AND HOW TO Wk.£P IT SOUND. 23 No shoe should ever be nailed to the foot until it has been ascertained that the pressure of the hands is sufficient to keep it steadily in its place, and preclude any appearance of daylight between it and the foot ; for, if the shoe does not accurately correspond to the surface of the foot, but is disposed to shift about upon it, the nails will be exposed to a constant strain in order to keep it in its place; whereas they should merely have to hold it to the foot, and not, as it were, to keep it there by force. The shoes should not be permitted to remain on the horse's feet more than two or three weeks without removal ; for in that time the heads of the nails will have become worn, and, from fitting the holes less perfectly than before, will admit of a trifling motion of the shoe upon the nails ; whereby the holes in the hoof will be enlarged, and the security of the shoe endangered. Another reason for re- moving the shoes, is the opportunity which it affords of paring away those portions of horn which in a state of na- ture would have been worn down by contact with the ground. The next circumstance to be considered is one of vital importance to our subject, as upon it depends the amount of disturbance that the natural functions of the foot are destined to sustain from the shoe ; viz., the number and situation of the nails which are to secure it to the foot. If they be numerous, and placed back in the quarters and heels, no form of shoe, be it ever so perfect, can save the foot from contraction and navicular disease. If on the contrary they be few, and placed in the outside quarter and toe, leaving the inside quarter and heels quite free to expand, no form of shoe is so bad that it can, from defective form alone, pro- duce contraction of the foot. Three years ago I commenced a series of experiments upon shoeing, with a view, among other things, of ascertain- ing how few nails are absolutely necessary, under ordinary circumstances, for retaining a shoe securely in its place. The subjects of my experiments were six horses of my own, and three belonging to friends ; the nine among them repre- senting very fairly the different classes of pleasure horses ; not indeed including hunters or race-horses, each of which require a separate and totally different treatment, but car- riage horses, ladies' horses, and roadsters ; and they also in- cluded the common variations in form and texture of the generality of horses' feet. When my attention was first directed to the subject of 24 THE HORSE'S FOOT, nailing, I was employing seven nails in each fore, and eight in each hind shoe. I then withdrew one nail from each shoe, thus reducing the number to six in .he fore, and seven in the hind shoes ; and finding at the end of a year that the shoes of all the horses had been as firmly retained as former, ly, I withdrew another nail from each shoe, leaving only five in the fore shoes and six in the hind. I found, however, that six nails would not retain the hind shoe of a carriage horse, without allowing it sometimes to shift ; so I returned to seven in the hind shoes, and have continued to employ that number ever since : but five have retained all the fore shoes as firmly during the whole of the last year and a half, as six had previously done. I have invariably directed and superintended the whole operation of shoeing during these experiments ; and have always been very careful to mark that the nails were not driven high up in the crust, but brought out as soon as possi- ble ; and that they were very lightly driven up before the clinches were turned down, and not, as is generally the case, forced up with all the power that the smith can hring to bear upon them with his hammer. I mention these cir- cumstances to show that my object really was to ascertain how little would retain a shoe, and to what extent the foot might be relieved from the evil of unnecessaiy restraint; a matter sometimes of great moment, and at all times desi- rable. The clinches should not be rasped away too fine, but turned dov/n broad and firm. The practice of rasping the whole surface of the hoof after the clinches have been turned down, should never be permitted ; it destroys the covering provided by nature as a protection against the too rapid evaporation of the moisture of the hoof, and causes the horn to become dry and brittle. Two of the horses alluded to above, worked for some time with only four nails in their fore shoes. I have detailed these experiments with a view to expose the groundless nature of the fear that expects to cast a shoe at every step, unless it be held to the foot by eight or nine nails, driven high into the crust. If the presence of a nail in the crust were a matter of no moment, and two or three more than are necessary were merely useless, there would be no great reason to interfere with this practice of making " assurance doubly sure ;" but it is far otherwise, — the nails separate the fibres of the horn, and they never by any chance AND HOW TO KEEP IT SOUND. 5SJ become united again, but continue asunder and unclosed, until by degrees they grow down with the rest of the hoof, and are ultimately, after repeated shoeings, removed by the knife. If the clinches should happen to rise, they must be re- placed without delay ; as such rising imparts to the nails a freedom of motion which is sure to enlarge the size of the holes, — and this mischief is often increased by the violent wrenching which the shoe undergoes from side to side in the process of removal by the smith. Now as these holes cannot possibly grow down, and be re- moved under three shoeings, it will be found that even with seven nails, the crust must always have twenty-one of these separations existing in it at the same time ; and as they are often from a variety of causes extended into each other, they necessarily keep it in a brittle unhealthy state, and materially interfere with the security of the future nail-hold-. Un- luckily the common practice under such circumstances is to increase the number of nails, with the view of ensuring the security of the shoe, while on the contrary it increases the evil. My object is to show that these shaky places, as they are called, may be relieved by the omission of one or two of the nails, without endangering the security of the shoe. Suppose the number employed to be seven, — to gain such an end they may be safely reduced to five, which is the largest number I have employed for more than two years ; and until I discover some good reason for increasing it, it is the largest I intend to employ. But I am far from advising the general adoption of this number ; for if from imperfect fitting of the shoe, misplacement of the nails, neglect of removing in proper time, or from any other cause, the horse should chance to cast a shoe, the whole blame would be attributed to the five nails, and the poor beast in all probability be doomed to eight or nine for the remainder of his life. I do, however very strongly advise the adoption of six, knowing them to be fully sufficient for retaining the shoes of all pleasure horsea under all circumstances, except perhaps hunters. Since the foregoing was published. Colonel Luttrell, master of the Somersetshire fox-hounds, has informed me that the horse which he rode most frequently last season was shod with six nails only, — not one of which, in consequence of his cut- ting a good deal, was placed in the inner quarter, — and thai he experienced no inconvenience whatever from the plan. If I had entertained the smallest doubt about their efficiency, 3 26 THE horse's FOOT, it would have been entirely removed on the arrival of the Thirteenth Light Dragoons last year in Exeter ; for among till? horses of that regiment, I found, through the kindness of Lieut. Col. Brunton, who allowed me to inspect the shoeing, the strongest possible confirmation of the truth of my posi- tion. Here were horses with every variety of feet shod with six nails only, and these all placed in the outside limb and toe of the shoe, all the remainder of the shoe remaining free and unattached to the foot. Mr. Legrew, the very intelligent veterinary surgeon of the regiment, informed me that he had not employed more than six nails for nearly two years, and that the loss of a shoe was a very rare occurrence with them, even on a field-day, than which there is scarcely any work more trying to the security of horses' shoes. Any mode of fastening that has proved itself eiqual to retaining the shoes through a long field-day, in stiff ground, may very safely be recommended as fully sufficient for all ordinary purposes. The question of the efficiency of six nails for road work is settled, I should think, to the satisfaction of the most skep- tical, by the fact of the Thirteenth having done the Queen's escort duty during their year at Hounslow without the loss of a single shoe. Any one acquainted with the rapid pace at which her Majesty invariably travels on the road, will readily admit the sufficiency of the test. During the last six months I have arranged my five nails upon this " system of one-sided nailing," recommended and first practised by Mr. James Turner; and the result has been most satisfactory, — the shoes have not only been firmly, but easily held to the feet, as is evidenced by the clinches not having risen in one single instance, — a clear proof that the struggle between the expansion of the foot and the re» sistance of the shoe is entirely overcome by this mode ot fastening. A further experience of nine months since th« publication of the first edition, has fully confirmed the above conclusions in every particular. This very desirable end appears to be attained in the following manner : the outer side of the foot, being the only part nailed to the shoe, carries the whole shoe with it at every expansion ; while the inner side, being unattached, expands independently of it, whereby all strain upon the nails is avoided, and the foot is left, with respect to its power of expansion, as nearly as possible in a state of nature. An unexpected benefit has arisen to one of my horses frora this plan, in the total disappearance of two very troublesom« AND HOW TO KEEP IT SOUND. 27 corns : they had existed in his feet for ten years, during seven of which I tried every plan that I had ever heard of as likely to effect a cure, — both in form of shoe and local application, — without, however, any decided advantage ; but the adoption of this plan of fastening the shoe to the foot, by removing all restraint and pressure from the part, has acci- dentally achieved that which I had so long sought in vain. Since writing the above, I learned that a commercial trav- eller, who was detained in Exeter on account of an accident, had for some time past employed only five nails, placed in the outer limb and toe of his horse's fore shoes. Upon hear- ing which, I made a point of seeing him ; and he informed me, that he always performed his journeys on horseback ; that they averaged full five thousand miles a year, and that his comfort necessarily depended very much upon the freedom of action and safe going of his horse ; that about fourteen weeks ago he found him stepping short, and going tenderly, and con- sulted a veterinary surgeon about it, who advised his being shod with five nails only upon the one-sided plan of nailmg, asserting, at the same time, that he had recommended and employed that plan very extensively with most beneficial results. It was accordingly tried, and he very soon had the gratification of feeling his horse move under him with a firm and confident step, most unlike that to which he had lately been accustomed. He told me, that further experience had only confirmed his first impression ; and that he should con- tinue to shoe upon the same system, with the same number of nails ; that the first pair of shoes set at rest all his doubts and fears about the insecurity of the plan, for he had occasion to ride his horse, in the new shoes, thirty miles a day for the first six days in succession ; and that they were as fiimly attached to the feet at the end of one hundred and eighty miles, as they were at the commencement of the journey ; and that they continued firm, until the horse was reshod, which did not happen for five weeks. He also told me, that he has found five nails retain a shoe, with leather between it and the foot, for an equally long period. I have, likewise, myself tested their capability of holding a shoe with leather under it, having shod a horse in that manner for the last two months ; and although I have not permitted the shoe to re- main on for five weeks without removal, I have satisfied my- self that they are fully equal to retaining the shoe as long £is IX ought to remain on. i The horse in question is as unfavorable a subject for the 28 THE borse's foot, experiment as cauld have been selected, being twenty jesna old, with large, flat, brittle feet, and high action. He is^ moreover, of a nervous temperament, and occasionally knocks his feet about very much : I have, nevertheless, continued to shoe him in leatlier during the nine niontbs which have elapsed since the publication of the foregoing, and the result has shown the plan to have been eminently successful : the character of the horn has changed from brittle and shaky tc firm and tough, and affords secure nail-hold in every part» His shoes, which were removed three weeks ago, are now en- tirely worn out, and I thought it might prove interesting ta those who, like myself, wish to know how little will retain a shoe, when it has been once accurately fitted to the foot, if I recorded the particialars o>f the examination which I made of them this morning. 1 found them securely held to the feet^ and the clinches unmoved :— not one of the five nails, which constituted the only fastening of either of the fore shoes, had penetrated quite an inch up the crust, befare it was brought out and clinched down ; and the last on the inside, which was five inches and three-quarters from the heel, barely ex- tended three-quarters of an inch up the crest. Lighter fast- ening than this cannot be conceived, and, I take it, could only succeed, where the horn has become solid, and the shoe has been fitted with great care. The sip.allest uneven bearing of the crust upon the shoe, or the least .projection of the shoe beyond the hoof, at the quarters or sides of the heels, would to a certainty endanger its security. I may here remark, that the habit of encumbering the sols and frog with a thick layer of tow between them and the leather, is very objectionable r it causes unnecessary heat and pressure, and should for these reasons be avoided. The principal object of tow is to block up the openings, through which gravel and dirt would otherwise insinuate themselves between the leather and the foot ; its presence should there- fore be confined to the clefl of the frog, — ^the commissures, — - and the angles between the heels and the bars. These parts should be filled to a level with the body of the frog, so as to enable them to share the pressure with it ; but none should be permitted to rest upon the frog itself. The Jong straggling ends should be collected together, and spread over the sole — the ends of one side being made to overlap those of the other. By this plan they will become fixed in the tar and grease, with which the foot ought previously to have been liberally AND HOW TO KEEP IT SOUND. 29 Pressed, and will materially assist in overcoming thfe .endency tliat the tow has to work itself out. Much of the inconvenience supposed to arise from shoeing with leather, is caused by the injudicious placement of the tow. I believe that many horses derive great comfort from liaving leather inserted between the foot and the shoe ; par- ticularly when the surface of the roads is broken up, and strewed with loose stones. Its use is sometimes objected to on the ground that it rots the frog ; but this is altogether a mistake : what appears to be decayed frog, is nothing more than aii accumulation of the natural exfoliation of horn, which the presence of the leather has not allowed to escape. In the first edition I omitted to say any thing about the treatment of the hind foot, because I considered it of less importance than that of the fore foot ; but as I was repeatedly assured that a few general remarks upon it would not prove altogether mnacceptabie, I availed myself of the first oppor- tunity that offered of appending them. The hind foot certainly does not demand the same meas- ure of attention as the fore foot, inasmuch as its position in the horse and the nature of its office render it less liable to injury, and consequently, less frequently lame. It is, how- ever, by no means entirely exempt, nor does it ahvays escape disease of its navicular joint; for I have myself found dis- ease in a navicular bone taken from a hind foot. This being the case, then, we should endeavor to guard against it by interfering as little as possible with its expansive power ; and that will be best done by keeping the nails on the inside as far removed from the heel as we conveniently can, to which end I recommend the employment of seven nails only, —four to be placed in the outer and three in the inner side of the shoe. The holes in the inner side are to be punched closer together, and kept more towards the toe than those on the outsMe, which need to be more spread out, as affording greater security of hold to the foot. The shoe should be carefully fitted to the hoof all round, particularly at the heels, which are too commonly left without any support whatever ; and the mischievous custom of turning down the outer heel only must be avoided, because it throws the weight entirely wpon the inner quarter, which is the part the least able to bear it, and causes much uncomfortable strain to the fetlock joint above. Calkins, even though they may be turned down of perfectly even lengths or. each side, which, however, is very rarely done, are objectionable appendages, and had better be 3* 30 THE EOESS'S FOOTy dispensed with, excepting, perhaps, for very heavy draft, where their ends, by entering the ground, may prevent the foot from slipping backwards, and may thus enable the toe to obtain a firmer hold. For carriage and riding horses I much prefer to have the shoe, for the last two inches, made gradu- ally thicker towards the ground surface, the last inch being plane with the ground ; and I believe that such a form often prevents strains of the back sinews, when a horse is suddenly stopped with his hind feet far under him, or when he has to hold back a carriage against a steep hill. The toe being the part of the hind shoe which is exposed to the greatest wear, requires to have considerable substance given to it, and should always be accompanied by a strong narrow clip turned up in front of the hoof, to obviate the dan- ger of the shoe being forced back upon the foot, a circum- stance very likely to happen where a clip is not employed^ Clips on the side of the foot are of very doubtful advantage in retaining the shoe, and are decidedly objectionable, as occu- pying the place of nails, which would perform the duty much more efficiently, and inflict less injury upon the horn. The common objection urged against a clip at the toe, viz. that it causes the unpleasant noise called " forging," arises from the abuse rather than the use of it ; for if we consider for a mo- ment how " forging" is occasioned, we shall see that a stout narrow clip, properly let into the horn at the toe, is not at all likely to produce it, although a broad clumsy one, extending from side to side of the toe, occasionally may. Before a horse can advance his fore foot, he must disen- gage it from the ground ; — to effect this he is obliged to raise it in a direction inclining upwards and backwards, and, if he happen to dwell in the performance of this preliminary move- ment, the hind foot, which is propelled forwards and down- wards, to be deposited beyond the spot that was the moment before occupied by the fore foot, comes into collision with it, and forces the toe, clip and all, into the hollow of the fore foot turned up ready to receive it. Now in doing this the clip is not brought into immediate contact with iron, but is struck against either sole or frog, as the case may be, and cannot produce any very audible sound : the truth is, that the offensive noise is caused by the meeting of the edges of the two shoes at the points, where the hind shoe is stopped from entering further into the opening of the fore shoe. These points of contact are almost always indicated by a bright spot on each side of the rim of the hind shoe, and ar® AND HOW TO KEEP IT SOUND. 31 generally to be found at the extremities of the toe on either side, just where the shoe begins to turn backwards, and they should be removed by the file : — indeed it is a good plan al- ways to make the front of the toe of the hind shoe to incline backwards, as it approaches the ground, so as to place the gro ad surface somewhat further back than the foot sur- face. There is one other circumstance connected with the toe of the hind shoe deserving of notice ; I mean that part with which a horse inflicts upon himself the injury called an " overreach," and which is erroneously supposed to be the front of the shoe at the toe, whereas it is invariably caused by the back edge of the web at the toe, which in an old shoe be- comes as sharp as a knife, and often cuts out a piece from the soft parts immediately above the heel of the fore foot as cleaD as any knife could have done it. To avoid this accident which sometimes produces very great inconvenience, the bacf -sdge of the web all round the toe should be filed away, unti it presents a blunt rounded surface, which, if it should fail J preventing the overreach altogether, will at least preserve tli» parts from being wounded. While treating of the hind shoe, I m^y perhaps be expected to give some directions for obviating the inconvenient habi.. which some horses have of " cutting ;" but as each individual horse has his own particular mode of doing it, any generai rule as applied to the shoe, must of necessity fail to meet the requirements of the great majority of cases. Oar first care should be to acquaint ourselves with the exact part of the shoe with which the injury is inflicted : — until this is clearljf ascertained we shall be working in the dark, an^ most proba- bly do a great deal more than is necessary. The plan I have always adopted has been to apply a boot covered with we^. pipe-clay to the injured leg, and then to trot the horse some little distance : — the result has been the transfer of a portior; of the pipe-clay to the offending part of the opposite shoe, thereby indicating the necessity of its removal. The smali extent, and little suspected situation of such part, is some- times truly surprising. I once, in a case of inveterate cutting, found the pipe-clay adhering to the outside toe. In this case the poor horse had been subjected to shoes of every conceiva- ble shape and deformity, without, of course, any other result than the torture arising from the twisting and straining con- sequent upon uneven bearing : but the moment the offend- ing part was discovered and removed, the cutting ceased ; 82 THE horse's foot, even bearing was then restored to the foot, and the horse thereby placed in comfort. Cutting with the fore foot is almost always to be prevented by one-sided nailing, and keeping the shoe a little within the edge of the crust on the inner side; but as this is generally overdone, by placing the shoe so much within as to depri e the crust of its requisite support, it will be advisable to as- certain, by the use of pipe-clay, the exact point with which the shoe strikes, when the part needing alteration at once dis- closes itself. The practice of shoeing horses in the stable, away from the forge, where there is no possibility of correcting any defect in the fitting of the shoe, is so utterly opposed to reason and common sense, that I should only have adverted to it as a custom of bygone days, exploded with the use of the but- tress, and the notion of chest founder, if I had not actually witnessed its perpetration four times within the last year, and that too in the stables of gentlemen by no means addicted upon other matters to yield their judgment a ready captive to other men's prejudices. Now if either of these gentlemen had happened to ask the smith "what he was doing?" the answer would in all probability have awakened him to a sud- den conviction, that he was giving his countenance to a most unphilosophical proceeding ; for the smith would have told him, that he was fitting a shoe to the horse's foot, which the gentleman would at once perceive to be impossible ; inasmuch as he had no means at hand whereby to effect the smallest change in the form of the shoe, however much it might re- quire it ; and the truth would instantly force itself upon him, that the man was fitting the foot to the shoe, and not, as he supposed, the shoe to the foot. To fit the shoe to the foot without the aid of anvil and forge is impossible ; and any one acquainted with the exactness and precision necessary to a perfect fitting, would not hesitate to declare the attempt to be as absurd as it is mischievous. Suppose, for example, the shoe to be a little too wide in any particular part ; this will throw the nail-holes rather further out than they ought to be ; but as there are no means of altering it, there the nails must be driven, and a constant strain outwards will be the inevitable consequence : if on the contrary it be too nar- row, the strain will be inwards, and press upon the sensitive parts of the foot : in either case producing uneasiness, and causing the horse to move with a feeling, undecided step. Again : if the crust have not an even bearing everywhere AND HOW TO KEEP IT SOUND. 8S upon the foot surface of the shoe, the part so deprived of support, being elastic, will be unable to resist the pressure from above, or the outward thrust of the parts within, and yielding to this twofold force, will drag upon the elastic union between the hoof and the internal parts of the foot at that particular place, and cause great uneasiness ; and this is by no means an unfrequent source of stumbling and broken knees. Although I do not mean to assert that shoeing at the forge will of itself ensure good fitting, I do assert that it is attended with this great advantage — that, if the smith be inclined to do it well, it supplies him with the means of indulging his inclination ; whereas in the stable, no quantity of zeal will enable him to do more than make the best of a bad matter. The only reason I have ever heard in defence of this practice, is the alleged liability of horses to take cold from exposure to the drafts in a smith's forge. I can only say in answer, that it has never happened to my own ; and I believe that a little care, and some extra clothing would ensure the same exemption for others. Although it is no part of my plan to enter upon the sub- ject of shoeing hunters, or plating race-horses, I may sUH perhaps be excused for offering a few general observations upon both, before I take leave of the subject of shoeing al- together. In reference to the hunter, I would advise, as soon as th^ hunting season is over, and the altered nature of his work will admit of it, that his feet be relieved, as much as possible by the substitution of longer shoes, with broader web, and fewer fastenings, particularly on the inside ; and that he continue to be so shod, until the return of the hunting season calls again for the hunting shoe. It is too much the custom to consider, that because a horse happens to be a hunter, he must therefore be shod all the year round in short shoes so firmly fastened to his feet that the foot itself would be as likely to be pulled off as the shoe. A far greater difference is made between the shoe of a hunter and the shoe of a hack than there need be, both in form and fastenings ; and many a valuable horse has been disabled for a whole season, if not ruined for life, because a shoe could not come off, and save the foot and leg from a fearful strain. When the wrencn is verv violent the shoe had better yield. With regard to race-horses, I am confident that a greater 34 THE hoese's foot, number lose their races from the situation and number of the nails employed in plating, than from any other causa whatever, not even excepting the trickery and tampering; sometimes practised, but oftener I believe unjustly suspected. The dread of casting a plate is so great, that it is no un- common thing to see them secured by eight or nine nails, ex- tended from heel to heel. Now it is impossible that a hoof so fettered can yield or expand to any force applied to it through the medium of the weight and power of the horse ; and it is also certain, that, if the hoof do not expand, the vio- lence with which a race-horse lashes the ground at every stride, must needs squeeze the sensitive parts very uncom- fortably between the bones of the foot and this unyielding hoof, and deter him in some degree from throwing his whole weight with all his heart into his feet, as he does when he has no apprehension of producing pain thereby. Now let us see what the effect of stepping short, say only one inch, upon each stride would be in running over the Derby course, (a mile and a half.) The estimated stride of a race-horse averages twenty. four feet: it would therefore require three hundred and thirty such strides to accomplish the proposed distance ; and the loss of one inch only upon each stride would give a total loss upon the whole distance of three hundred and thirty inches, or nine yards and six inches, — equal to rather more than three lengths of a horse sixteen hands high : but suppose the loss of distance to be four inches upon each stride, which it is much more likely to be ; then the loss would be thirty-six yards and two feet, or thirteen lengths ; fully enough to raise a cry of " foul play," " the horse is amiss," &c. Now no jockey in the world, however frequently he may have ridden a horse, could so exactly measure his stride, as to be enabled to detect a deficiency of one seventy -second part of it, which four inches would be ; much less could he detect the two hundred and eighty-eighth part of it, which one inch would be ; so that he could never make himself acquainted with the real cause of so signal and unexpected a defeat ; and the whole snatter would remain involved in mystery, casting suspicion and distrust on all around. How commonly do we hear that a horse performed his last gallop at a much better pace than he ran his race ; and what a catalogue of causes are conjured up to account for the fall- ing off in his speed ; not one of which in all probability has aay thing to do with the matter, .t would most likely be AND HOW TO KEEP IT SOUND. 35 found that he had taken his gallop in shoes to which his feet had become accustomed ; but he ran his race in new plates firmly nailed from heel to h^el, "making him quite safe," by putting it out of the range ot possibility that he should ever be enabled to "get into his best pace," for there is nothing more certain than the fact, that a horse cannot go his best pace unless his feet are allowed to expand freely to his weight at every stride, A ready way of permitting this ex- pansion would be the adoption of three-quarter plates extend- ing from the outer heel to the commencement of the inner quarter, which would effectually protect those parts most ex- posed to wear and tear in the generality of horses' feet, viz. from the inner toe across the foot to the outer-quarter. Such a plate might be very securely retained by six nails dis- tributed between the outer heel and inner toe, thereby re- serving to the whole inner side of the hoof its uncontrolled power of expansion. I turn now to the consideration of a subject of fully as much importance to the health and soundness of a horse's foot as good shoeing itself; I mean that inestimable blessing to him, freedom of motion in the stable. The advantages of a loose box are so little understood by horse-masters in general, that its usefulness is almost entirely limited in their estima- tion to sickness and disease : and it is no uncommon si^ht to behold two or three loose boxes untenanted, because, forsooth, there are no sick horses in the stud. I was first led to divide my stable into boxes instead of stalls from motives of compassion for my horse, and a desire to rid myself of the uncomfortable feeling it always produces in me, to see so docile and generous an animal subject to even greater restraint than a wild beast in a menagerie ; for the lion or tiger is permitted freely to traverse his small den, while the poor horse is chained by the head to a fixed point in his still smaller den, a prisoner twice imprisoned, and denied even the poor relief afforded by a change of position. I little thought, while thus solely bent upon ministering to my horse's comfort, how essentially I was furthering my own interest, until an accident brought me acquainted with Mr. James Turner's invaluable treatise on the foot of the horse, where I first learned, what subsequent experience has fully confirmed to me, the wonderful extent to which the usefulness of the horse is secured and prolonged by the free- dom of motion obtained in a loose box. We have already seen how materially his usefulness is impaired by th« 30 THE HORSE S FOOI, smallest injury to the navicular joint; and we have aim seen the beautiful provision nature has made for its pra- tection from injury in the elastic cushion interposed be- tween it and the horny frog. It shall now be my endeavor to show in what manner a loose box tends to keep this cushioD in a healthy state of elasticity. Nature fomis nothing in vain ; all her works are designed for specific purposes ; each organ has its separate function assigned to it ; and the only condition upon which she will consent to keep it in efficient repair, is the regular and periodical performance of that function. For instance, sup- pose an accident deprive a man of the use of his arm for a few months ; the muscles at the end of that period will be found visibly shrunk, and the whole arm considerably smaller than its companion, constituting, in horsemen's language, " a very bad match." Here the non-employment of the muscles has accelerated the process of absorption, while that of res- toration has been nearly suspended. The muscles of the other arm on the contrary, being regularly employed, have- earned and received their due measure of restoration, and retain their origrinal dimensions : and so it is with the elastic cushion in the horse's foot ; if we deprive the horse of the power of alternately expanding and contracting his foot, as nature intended he should do, this cushion will shrink and lose its elasticity ; but if we supply him with the means of doing so, he will avail himself of them, and its elasticity will be retained to a good old age. The almost perpetual movement of a horse in a state of nature, while grazing, greatly tends to preserve the different elastic parts of his foot in a sound and healthy condition, by the regular compression and expansion which they undergo,, according as his weight is thrown upon or removed from them ; but if we chain him to a post for twenty-two out of every twenty-four hours, we can scarcely wonder that so unnatural a proceeding should derange an organ that re- quires motion to preserve it in health. Take, in illustration of the mischievous tendency of this practice, the horses of a cavalry regiment : they have every thing in favor of sound feet except the stall and the rack chain ; they are entirely exempt from the hard work which is generally referred to as the cause of grogginess ; they have no oft-repeated and long journeys to perform at a fast pace on the hard road ; their exercise, shoeing, grooming, and feeding are all ad- ministered with clockwork regularity ; the litter is carefully AND HOW TO KEEP IT SOUND. . 87 removed from under their feet during the day ; the veterinary surgeon is always at hand, to attend to the first symptom of lameness ; and still there are more horses cast as un- serviceable every year from disabilities commencing in the foot, than from all other causes combined. The rest, and not the work^ has wrought the ill. Now let us see how loose boxes are to prevent these evils. When a horse is free to move, he very rarely remains long in the same place or the same position ; he is perpetually turning himself about, either to catch a distant sound, or observe an approaching footstep : every thing attracts him ; every thing interests him ; and, what is of far greater moment, every thing causes him to move ; whereby each foot is benefited to the extent of some four or five expansions and contractions ; and the sound of the corn-bin at feeding-time will produce at least fifty such. It is far otherwise with the poor beast chained up in a stall ; he is attracted by the same sounds ; hears the same step approach ; and feels the same interest : he pricks his ears, bends his head, and strains his neck ; but alas ! he does not move ; his feet are not expanded ; turning about he knows to be impossible, and therefore he does not attempt it ; even the sound of the corn-bin, though it excite him to jump and play, will scarcely cause him to expand his feet ; the excitement inclines him to rush forward, while the wall forbids him to comply ; and he is forced to collect himself, so as to throw his weight upon his hind quarters, almost to the entire exclusion of the fore feet. Horses ac- customed to a loose box generally acquire a slow, deliberate movement in it, allowing their weight to dwell evenly and fully upon each fore foot ; while those kept in a stall for the most part move in it with a quick, sudden, catching motion, scarcely ever intrusting their whole weight to either foot for more than an instant. In speaking of the baneful effects of stalls, Mr. Turner says, " I firmly believe, that if every valuable horse in this kingdom were to be forthwith turned into a large box, night and day, besides the continuance at his ordinary work, i1 would prove the worst event for veterinary surgeons that haa ever happened in the horse world ; because it would teno more to cut off our supply of groggy lameness and its at- tendants, than any circumstance or single cause that haa ever yet been published or even named." With the expression of my entire concurrence in this opinion, I will proceed to consider the objections commonly 4 *» SB THE horse's foot, urged against loose box<^s, which for the most part are so weak, that I cannot conceive their prevailing much longer against such vast advantages : the only serious one is want of space ; and that is often pleaded where it has no real ex- istence. Most modern stables are built with stalls from six to seven feet wide, with plenty of room behind the horses to allow of passing without incurring the danger of being kicked : — in such a stable, sink a second heel-post at just sufficient distance from the wall to allow a free passage ; and take the space, so gained, into the stall ; close it with a gate, and you will have a very fair substitute, in the absence of a better, for a loose box, and that too without sacrificing a standing for a horse : but, if a stall can be conveniently spared, a four-stalled stable may be converted into three very good boxes by shifting the divisions, and taking in the space in the rear of the horses.* Upon the whole, I very much prefer this kind of arrange- ment (with, of course, as much space as can be afforded to each division) to boxes separated from each other by walls ; for the horse is naturally a social animal, and his enjoyment is greatly increased by seeing, as well as hearing, his com- panions. The best kind of partition between such boxes is " brick noggin," cased on each side with board, and sur- mounted by iron rails : the former may be about five feet in height, and the latter about two. But as the wall approaches the manger, its height should be increased, and that of the rails diminished, so as to prevent the horses watching each other while they are feeding. When one horse can over- l£)ok another, while they are both feeding, it is very apt to cause them to swallow their food without properly mas- ticating it, either from the hope of participating in their neighbor's share, or the fear of losing some portion of their own. The question of space may be fairly left to itself; for, if there be positively none, there ends the matter ; and if it be doubtful, that trite adage, " where there's a will, there's a way," will give the horse the benefit of the doubt. But the real objection, — that which lurks at the bottom of all the others, — is the power a loose box gives to the horse of lying down, and " dirting" himself, after he has been made clean for the day ; this is the insurmountable objection that has hitherto so stoutly withstood the pleadings of humanity for • Page 64, fig. 18. AND HO"W TO KEEP IT SOUND. 89 the poor horse : and perhaps, while the question rested solely upon that ground, the groom might be in some degree ex- cused for striking the balance between his trouble and the horse's enjoyment in his own favor; but now that the blessing of sound feet is shown to be involved in it, there can be very few grooms, indeed none worthy the name of groom, who would not willingly incur twice as much trouble to secure such a benefit to their horses: and, when horse- masters once become thoroughly alive to the importance of this matter, — when they remember that the natural life cf a horse is from thirty-five to forty years, and that three- fourths of them die or are destroyed under twelve years old — used up, with scarcely a foot to go upon, — I take it they will be very apt to transfer their sympathies from the groom and his trouble to their own pockets and their horse's welfare. The apathy which prevails upon this subject, and checks any thing like energetic and well-directed efforts towards amending the treatment of the horse, is attributable to the false notion, which is too commonly entertained, that if a horse performs his work moderately well for five or six years, he has done all that could reasonably have been ex- pected from him ; and therefore, as the phrase goes, " he owes his master nothing." It is quite true that five or six years' labor is an ample return for the treatment received by most horses ; but when they have been the subjects of judi- cious management, double the length of service may fairly be expected from them, — indeed, any thing short of that period should be considered as leaving them their master's debtor. A favorite arorument with that numerous class, who are contented to follow in the track of their neighbors, is — that horses have always been kept in stalls : therefore, say they, it cannot hurt them. This is very like the argument about skinning eels. Custom may proclaim them to be used to it ; but each individual experiences the selfsame torture as its predecessor, whether it be the eel deprived of its skin, or the horse of the soundness of its foot. Unluckily, the prog- ress of disease in the horse's foot is, for the most part, so gradual, as to escape the notice of common observers almost entirely, until it is forced upon their attention in the form of palpable lameness, when the real cause is naturally enough overlooked in the desire to fix it upon some recent occur- rence. If the advocates for continuing the use of stalls will 40 THE horse's foot, inquire among horse-masters in general, whether they have ever been obliged to part with a horse for lameness, the cause of which they could never distinctly trace ; the answer they will assuredly obtain, coupled with the foregoing observa- tions, I will venture to hope, may lead some of them, at least, to suspect that the time-honored stall may very fairly be charged with a considerable share in the mischief. The real fact is, that nothing short of a miracle can save a horse, which is habitually confined day after day to one spot, from most destructive changes in the delicate and' complicated, mechanism of the foot. The greatest amount of care and attention that we can bestow upon the form and fastening of the shoe, will avail him little, if the foot to which it is at- tached be not permitted to move. Frequent and regular motion is absolutely essential to a sound and healthy condition of the horse's foot ; and any expectation of retaining per- fectly sound feet with stalls and rack-chains involves an impossibility, and never will be realized. It is sometimes alleged as an objection to loose boxes, that they offer great facilities to gross-feeding horses to eat their beds ; but as this evil naturally suggests its own remedy, I should not have noticed it, except for the purpose of calling attention to a particular form of muzzle that I invented some years ago, and have found to be eiTectual in preventing this evil, (for a very great evil it unquestionably is,) while it secures to the poor beast his free breathing.* The two muzzles in common use are extremely inconve- nient and objectionable. A horse soon learns to eat through the open one ; while the closed one, usually called a setting muzzle, is so insufferably hot and suffocating to wear, that it amounts in fact to an instrument of torture. Having said thus much about keeping the feet in a sound and healthy condition, it may be well to inquire what precise meaning attaches to the expression " sound feet," as it is met with in common use ; because perhaps there is no word in the English language which, in its true and legitimate signi- fication implies so much, and in its almost universal accepta- tion means so little, as the word sound, when applied to horses' feet. The great latitude extended to the meaning of words in horse-dealing transactions has shorn the one in question of every attribute which gave it value, and has reduced it to a miserable cheat, conveying no other guarantee than that • Pages 65, 66, figs. 19 and 20. AND HOW TO KEEP IT SOUND. 41 .••Jie horse is not palpably lame in one foot only ; for if he should chance to be lame in both fore feet, the pain of allow- ing the weight to rest upon either will cause him to pass it as quickly as possible from one to the other, and not only save •nim from condemnation, but most probably gain for him the reputation of being a quick stepper. The truth is, that a foot afflicted with inflammation and pain sufficient to deter a horse from bearing a fair share of his weight upon it, cannot be considered to be in a sound condition ; and so long as the disability continues, so long is the foot unsound. The various degrees of ^^ pointings" ranging between the occasional partial withholding of the weight from the heel without advancing the foot — perceptible only to the most practised eye, — and the habitual thrusting out of the whole leg to the front — palpable to every beholder, — are so many indications of pain in the foot ; the intensity of the pain being marked by the degree of pointing : and in spite of the determination to consider them as mere variations of a trick, they are unequivocal symptoms of unsound feet. The horse is far too wise an animal ever to inconvenience fiis whole frame, merely to gratify a particular trick ; and I take it, his reason for pointing will be found, upon investiga- tion, to have much more to do with a desire to relieve him- self from pain than an inclination to indulge a caprice. The act of pointing calls upon him to withdraw half the support from half of the base on which his body stands, and that too at a part where it can least be spared, — where his head and neck overhang it, and tend to throw a great increase of weight very unevenly upon the remaining support ; thus foi'cing him to equalize the pressure as soon as he can, by dividing it between the remaining support and the leg of the opposite side behind. Experience has taught him that this is best effected by adjusting the balance, before the removal of the suffering foot from the ground ; and we accordingly ob- serve him commencing the process by withdrawing the sup- port of the hind leg, and then, having arranged the balance to his mind, he raises the foot intended to be rested, and car- rying it forward, deposites it at such a distance from the base as shall ensure to it perfect exemption from sustaining any of the weight. We can readily imagine that an animal formed to stand upon four legs, would find it an irksome business to support himself for any length of time upon two : and so in practice the horse finds it to be ; for his muscles ■oon become weary of their increased work, and he is driven 4* 42 THE horse's foot, to seek relief from the new pain by a change of position, which again calls forth the old one, — and thus the poor beast is doomed to a perpetual alternation of painful sensations. His courage enables him to bear a great deal of pain without flinching, particularly when it increases upon him in the stealthy manner that usually marks the course of unsound- ness in the feet. There is, however, a point beyond which his endurance cannot be stretched, and the progressive na- ture of unsoundness is sure in the end to find it out ; and although he may contrive, by shortening his step and striking the ground less forcibly with his feet, to put off the discovery, and may continue to work upon very unsound feet even for years, still he is at last compelled to yield. Sinking his head and neck at every step, to remove their weight from the foot at the moment it meets the ground, he declares by signs no longer to be mistaken that he is decidedly lame ; and this, in all probability, is the first intimation which the master receives of any thing being amiss with his horse's foot. He then, in his innocent astonishment, begins recalling to mind the events of the last few days, vainly hoping to find in them the cause of this unlooked-for calamity. Few circumstances appear to arouse a horse-master's in- dignation so much as an imputation upon the soundness of his horse's feet ; but surely this extreme sensitiveness is not very philosophical, where the tendency of the whole treat- ment of the animal is to make them unsound. It would be more rational to admit the unsoundness, and adopt measures for removing it, than to deny its existence, and persevere in the treatment that caused it. A horse in work with perfectly sound feet is of much rarer occurrence than is generally supposed ; but, fortunately, per- fect soundness of foot is not absolutely essential even to the performance of a vast deal of work, in what is called very good style, as is proved by the feet of a great majority of the horses that perform wonderful tasks to the entire satisfaction of their masters : it is nevertheless a very desirable attribute, and will amply repay any trouble that we may take to ensure it, not only in the extent to which it prolongs the horse's usefulness, but also in the free, willing, and agreeable manner in which his work is done, — carrying conviction on the face of it that it is unaccompanied by pain. The influence of regular daily exercise upon the health and well-being of the horse is generally much too lightly es- teemed both by masters and grooms, — who seem for the most AND HOW TO KEEP IT SOUND. 49 part agreed that there is no great harm in a horse remaining in the stable for two or three days in succession without ex. ercise, provided that his legs do not swell ; but I trust that I shall have prepared many of my readers to believe with me, that it is far otherwise than indifferent to him whether he be imprisoned day after day, with the elastic machinery of his foot wasting and decaying from want of use, or be afforded the opportunity of keeping it in vigorous and healthy repair by due employment out of the stable for three or four hours every day. It w^ould be almost impossible to overrate the value of daily long-continued walking exercise to the health, condition, soundness of feet, and general usefulness of the horse ; and whoever habitually deprives him of these blessings, merely to save himself a little trouble, inflicts a cruel and lasting injury upon a generous and unoffending animal, and is un- worthy to be intrusted with the care of him. Old horses require less exercise than young ones ; but as the quantity usually allotted to horses of every age falls short of the por- tion necessary for the very oldest, there is little apprehension of any receiving too much. The perfect allowance for horsea in health, of from five to fifteen years of age, would be fou* hours a day — two in the early morning, and two in the after noon: but as it requires an extensive stable establishment »to carry this plan into effect, especially where there are many horses kept, it will be more to our purpose to consider the smallest possible quantify with which we can hope to keep cur horses' feet in a sound and healthy condition. This I should put at two hours a day, — and a pitiful allowance it undoubtedly is in a case where nature has dictated almost constant movement : but so niggardly are horse-masters in general of this most essential requisite, that they will scarcely ever allow their horses more than from half to three-fourths of an hour daily ; — and we find men, who are profuse in the expensive luxuries of excessive feeding, clothing, and pam. pering, turn wonderful economists in the inexpensive necessa- ries of air and exercise. Trotting a horse to and fro upon a hard road for half an hour, just to stretch his limbs and keep them from swelling, is too frequently considered to be fully sufficient exercise for the day : — and I verily believe, if men could ride better, and horses' legs did not swell from long-con- tinued confinement, many horses would never be exercised at all beyond their positive work : — but most men are very sensitive about the slightest appearance of swelling in theii 44 TEE HORSE S FOOT, horse's legs ;- — and nature has implanted in most horses such a lively mode of expressing their joy at the change from the close atmosphere of the stable to the freshness of the open air, that a kind of compact seems formed between pride and fear, to extort for the poor beast at least sufficient exercise to keep his legs fine and his exuberant spirits within ridable bounds. The only other subject requiring especial notice, is the treatment of the foot in the stable, — the directions for which are few and simple. The horny crust has a great tendency in almost all feet to become dry and brittle, and to lose its elasticit}^, which disposes it to curl inwards upon the internal parts of the foot. This we should endeavor to preverit, as much as possible ; and the best applications for that purpose are grease and moisture : I name them in conjunction, be- cause I think they should always be employed together that is, the use of grease should always precede the applica- tion of moisture. The latter will keep the horn soft and plia- ble during the continuance of its application to the hoof; but it is no sooner discontinued, than evaporation takes place, and the horn becomes as hard and brittle as before : whereas, if the hoof be well rubbed with some greasy mixture, so as to fill the small spaces between the fibres of the horn, before the damp is applied, the hoof will derive the full benefit of the cold, and be left, when the evaporation is over, in a tough and pliable condition. The following ointment will be found to answer the purpose admirably, and, if it be freely used to the hoof every nigh< and morning, will keep it in an elastic healthy state. To a pound and a half of lard add a quarter of a pound of tar, a quarter of a pound of honey, and a quarter of a pound of beeswax : melt the lard and beeswax together, and stir in ihe tar and honey, and if, when cold, it should be too hard, remelt it and add a little olive-oiL Whenever there is heat in the foot, the use of cold water for two or three hours at a time is often very serviceable, and the best mode of applying it is to olace three or four thicknesses of horse clothing together of nearly the depth of the hoof, and having sewn the top edge^ together, attach a small buckle and strap, and fasten it loosely around the pas- tern joint above the hoof: plunge the foot into a bucket of v/ater, and keep it there until the cloth is thoroughly saturated with wet ; then remove the bucket, and allow the wet cloth to remain on, rewetting it occasionally. This should never be done when the horse's foot is heated from recent exercise, AND HOW TO XEEP IT SOUND. 41 as the sudden chill at such a time would most likely bring on fever of the feet. The early morning suggests itself as the fitting time for the employment of this remedy, when the horse is nearly certain of having been at rest for many hours. Stopping the feet at night is a very beneficial custom ; and fresh cow-dung is perhaps as good a thing as can be employed for the purpose ; it retains its moisture longer than clay, which is often used, and when dry is less hard to the feet. The space within the shoe, between the sole and the ground, being thus filled with an elastic mass, affords an even support to the whole under-surface of the sole, resembling in some degree v/hat the unshod foot receives from soft ground ; and I believe the foot derives as much benefit from this slight, but even support, while the horse is at rest, as it does from the softening effect of the moisture upon the horn. The feai of causing thrushes by the frequent use of wet stopping is very much exaggerated ; for where the disease is produced by moisture once, it is produced by bad shoeing a thousand times : indeed, it is one of the commonest effects of the re- straint to the foot of bad shoeing, and never occurs, under any circumstances, where the foot is left free to expand by good shoeing. The surest and never-failing cure for thrushes, is " one-sided nailing," — in other words, permitting the fool to expand. I have cured two bad cases of thrushes of long duration, by making the horses stand for four months upon wet sawdust without shoes. The sawdust was not merely damp, but saturated with water ; — and the horses remained upon it all day, but were removed at night into a dry place to sleep. Neither the long-continued application of exces- sive moisture nor the gloomy predictions of friends could prevent the thrushes from getting well, when the foot was thus permitted to expand freely to the weight of the horse. I may observe here, that this kind of treatment is far pre- ferable to turning horses out either to grass or straw-yard, and should always be substituted for it, whenever from any cause they may require rest. Of course the continued use of wet sawdust will only bo needed where the feet are much amiss ; but I believe that every horse which is laid up with a view of obtaining perfect rest for him, will be benefited by standing without shoes upon it for two or three hours out of every twenty-four ; — un- less, indeed, he should happen to have weak flat feet ; in which case 1 would shoe him with leather. The soles of such feet being, for the most part, already too thin, would be rendered 46 THE horse's foot, less able to resist the weight from above by the softening effect of immediate contact with so much moisture ; I would not, however, on that account deprive the remainder of the foot of the benefit to be derived from it. The advantages of a loose place over turning out are too numerous to be enlarged upon in a work of this kind ; 1 may, however, mention a few of the most prominent ; the chief of which, as regards our object of obtaining entire rest, is the in- surmountable obstacle thus placed in the way of the violent galloping, which horses, from various causes, are apt to in- dulge in when at grass : it also prevents the incessant stamp- ing consequent upon the insufferable teasing of flies ; and it offers the further advantage of enabling us to regulate the food, both as to quantity and quality, — a matter deserving much more consideration than is usually bestowed upon it. In conclusion, I will beg to offer a few remarks upon the false estimate usually made of the value of a warranty. A general warranty, as regards the soundness of the horse, is valueless ; for, if he be unsound, it cannot make him other- wise. Its only worth, therefore, when stripped of its sup- posed mysterious, charm-like influence over his state, con- sists in the authority with which it invests the buyer to pro- ceed against the seller in a court of law, qualifying him to expend many times the amount of the purchase-money, to prove that he has been either wilfully or ignorantly deceived. Now, instead of placing implicit confidence in such an in- strument as this, or resting satisfied under its protection, it would be much wiser, upon making a fresh purchase, in ad- dition to the warranty, to have the horse examined by a vete- rinary surgeon, who will at once detect any 'palpable defects that may present themselves ; and then, being armed with the general warranty on the one hand, and the veterinary surgeon's certificate on the other, to set steadily and perse- veringly to work, by good shoeing, a loose box, and plenty of exercise, to endeavor to make him sound. AND HOW TO KEEP IT SOUND. 47 FIGURES I. AND II. Figs. 1 and 2 represent the left or near fore foot of a pony five years old, which was destroyed in consequence of an ac- cident. It had been but a few times shod, and is a very good example of what may be called a perfect foot. — I have care- fully preserved the relative position of the various parts to each other. Fig. 1. Tig. 1 — Shows the ground surface of the hoof prepared for receiving a shoe ; and marks very distinctly the difference between the curvature of the outer and inner quarters. o The toe — ^rasped away to receive the tumed-up shoe. a 1. The inner toe. a 2. Tlie outer toe. b 1. The inner quarter. h 2. The outer quarter. c 1. The inner heel. c 2. The outer heel. d d d. The sole. c e. The crust or wall of the hoot //. The bars. g g. The commissures. hkl The frog. h. The part immediately under the navicular joint* k. The oval cleft of the frogr. I. The elevated boundary of the cleft. t i. The bulbs of the heels. \ 46 THE HORSE S FOOT, Fig 2. Fig. 2 — Shows the outer side of the same foot with a shoe attached : — It also partially shows the interior of the hoof, which is more fully repre- sented in Figs. 21, 22, and 23. a. The toe of the shoe turned up out of the line of wear. h h. The shoe repiesented of the same thickness from toe to heel. c. The clinches. d. The hollow for receiving the coronary substance, which secret«i the horn. «u The Uiin hofsy plates that line the wall of the Yktxtt AND HOW TO KEEP IT SOUND. 49 FIGURES III., IV., v.. AND VI. Figs. 3, 4, 5, and 6, represent the detached bones of the foot, and also a section of the foot, exhibiting at one view the relative position of all its parts in the way of a map : the f('rmer I drew from the bones of the foot represented in Figs. 1 and 2, — and the latter from the foot of a young thorough-bred horse, rising four years old, in which shoeing and stabling had not had time to produce any material nhanges. Fig. 3. a. b. g. 3. — The coronet bone. The under surface, which forms part of the coffin joint. The upper surface, which forms part of the pastern joint. c. Roughened surfaces for the insertion of muscles. Fig. 4. fig. 4. — The coffin bone. a. The toe ; — showing its elevation from the ground line of th» sides of the bone, as also its notched appearance. h b. The wings. c c. Holes for the passage of the arteries, which supply the sensi- ble covering of the bone and the bone itself with blood. d d. Surfaces, which form part of the coffin joint. e. The body of the bone much roughened for the attachment of the sensible laminae, and thickly studded with holes for thd passage of blood-vessels. 5 60 THE HORSE S FOOT, Fig. 5. Fig. 5. — Two views of the navicular bone. a. The under surface. 1. The surface which forms — with the tendon passing under t— • the navicular joint. 2. A roughened surface for the insertion of a tendon. h. The upper surface. • 1. The surface by which the navicular bone is joined to the coffin boue. 2 2. The surface which forms part of the coffin joint. 3 A deeply roughened surface for the attachment of the strong ligament that binds the navicular to the coffin bone. Fig. 6 Fig 6. — A section of the foot 1. The coronet bone. a. The wall. 2. The coffin bone. b. The sole. 3. The navicular boue. c. The cleft of the frog. d d. The frog. e e. The fatty frog or elastic cushion. /. The sensitive sole. g. The sensitive frog. hhh. Tendons of the muscles which bend the foot. t. Part of the pastern bone. k k. Tendons of the muscles which extend the foot. I. The coffin joint. fn. The navicular joint. ru The coronary substance. 0. The seasible lamisis, or covering of the coffin bone> AND HOW TO KEEP IT SOUND. 51 FIGURES VII. AND VIII. Figs. 7 and 8 represent the upper and under surfaces of a near fore shoe : I have drawn them after the manner of a plan, fearing that a perspective representation of thickness might possibly mislead. Fig. 7. '^m ^F=2 Fig' 7 — Shows the upper or foot surface. a. The clip at the toe- a. 1. The outer toe. a. 2. The inner toe. b. 1. The outer quarter. i. 2. The inner quarter. c. 1. The outer heel. e. 2. The inner heel. d d. The seating. e e. The even surface for the crust to bear upon ' s The nail-holes. b% THB HORSE S FOOT, Fig. 8. Fig 8 — Shows the under or ground surface. a. The toe turned up out of the line of weijf, a 1. The outer toe. a 2. The inner toe. b 1. The outer quarter. b 2. The inner quarter c 1. The outer heel. c 2. The inner heel. d d. The web. e e The fullering. Si The naiUhol^ 4lND how to keep it sound. 53 FIGURES IX. AND XL Figs. 9 and 10 represent a near fore foot, shod on the ob- jectionable plan of having the shoe " well set off at the lieeis," Fig. 9. Fig. 9 — Shows this mode of shoeing, as it is usually practised ; — with the web at the heels only about half as wide as at the toe ; the heels so far separated, as to deprive the important parts lying between them of all protection ; and the shoe held on by seven nails, placed principally in tha quarters. 5* 64 THE horse's foot, Vis. 10. Fig. 10 — Represents the sarae foot with the shoe rendered transparent,— showing the very small and unimportant portion that receives protec- tion, compared with the large and important portion which is left ex- posed to all kinds of injury. a a a. The crust seen through the shoe. b b. The bars completely exposed. c c The outer edge of the crust, bearing upon the inner edge of the shoe. d. The situation of corns entirely unprotected. It will be observed that the heels of the shoe afford neither support nor protection to any part of the foot ; and that, if the inner side from just above where the asterisk or star is placed, back to the heel, be left thus projecting, the horse will be very apt, in passing over rough ground, to place the other foot upon the projection, and tear off the shoe. — The edge of the shoe should everywhere correspond to the edge of the crust. AND HOW TO KEEP IT SOUND. 6S FIGURES XI. AND XII. Figs. 11 and 12 represent the same foot as Figs. 9 and 10, but shod upon a plan which interferes less with the natural action of the various parts of the foot, than any other that has ever been suggested, and therefore most strenuously to be recommended. Fig. 11. Fig. 11 — Shows a shoe so applied: the web at the heels is as wide as at the toe : — the heels are brought in, so as just to clear the frog, and de- fend the foot, as much as possible, against injury: — the toe is turned up out of the line of wear : — the fullering is carried back to the heels, and the nails placed four in the outer, and two in the inner side of the shoe. — I carry the system a little further with my own horses ; and omit the ■ocond nail on the inner side, — employLig only five altogether. 60 THE HORSE S FOOT, Fig. 12. Fig. 12 — Represents the same foot with the shoe rendered transparent showing what parts of the foot are covered and protected by bfing < ing in the heels of the shoe a a a. The crust, with the shoe closely fitted all round. b b. The bars, protected by the shoe. c c. The heels, supported by the shoe. d. The situation of corns protected from injury. If we compare Fig. 12 with Fig. 10 we shall be struck with the disproportion in the utility of the two shoes, as de- ences for the horse's foot. In the one just described every atom of the shoe is made available for support or protection ; while in the other a very considerable portion is not only utterly wasted, by being thrust out beyond the hoof, but is actually converted into a source of evil, — receiving on the inner side the occasional tread of the other foot, — on the outer, that of another horse, — and on both, resistance to the withdrawal of the foot out of stiff ground, thereby risking the shoe being dragged off; for when the shoe projects beyond the crust it makes an opening larger than the foot can fill, and the clay curling over the ledges which are formed by the projecting portions of the shoe, offers a resistance to its return exactly proportioned to the depth to which it may have sunk into the ground : but where the shoe has been accurately fitted, the weight of the horse expanding the foot while it is still in the ground en AND HOW TO KEEP IT SOUND. 57 larges the hole, and make a free passage for the return of the shoe. Again — on comparing the parts marked h. c. d. in both feet with each other, we shall find them in one, defenceless and exposed ; while in the other they are securely sheltered by a bar of iron, — which bar of iron, by its near approach to its neighbor, often saves the foot from alighting upon a stone with a violence that would thrill through horse and rider. 58 THE HORSE S FOOT, FIGURES XIII. AND XIV. Figs. 13 and 14 represent two near fore shoes, removea from the same horse at different times : — the first, which la full of defects, was replaced by the second, which is entirely free from them. Fig. 13. Pig. 13 — Is the portrait of as faulty a shoe as could be met with, — whose glaring defects we will endeavor to turn to a useful account by con- Bidering them first in detai"], and then in comparison with Fig. 14, where they have been corrected. a 0. The heels, — showing that the shoe becomes thicker and thicker, as it proceeds backwards, until it forms a perfect wedge, the base of which is fully double the thickness of any other part of the shoe. h h. Show the marks of the crust, bearing upon the shoe ; and prove, by the absence of a defined termination, that the shoe was too short for the foot, and had not reached to the heels of the hoof. c C. The seating, — discontinued just where its presence was most required, and a mass of iron left to project into the angles at the heels, where pressure should be particularly avoided, aa conducing to corns. d. Four of the nail-holes, punched entirely in the seating, in- stead of in the flat surface around the shoe. e. The last nail-hole on the inner side, placed so far back in tht quarter as to prevent the possibility of the foot expanding. AND HOW TO KEEP IT SOUND. 5G Fi2. 14. a b a. h. $ c. Fig \4 — Is the portrait of the shoe which replaced Fig. 13. The heels of an even thickness with the rest of the shoe Show the poiats at which the heels of the hoof terminated : they are however better shown in Figs. 15 and 16. The seating carried back, so as to clear the angles at tha heels, and leave the seat of corns free from pressure. d. The nail-holes placed in the flat surface which supports th« crust, where they should always be. «. The hindermost nail of the inner side at the inner toe, whereby the whole of the quarter and heel are lefi free ta e]q»and. 60 THE horse's FOOT; FIGURES XV. AND XVL I consider myself particularly fortunate in having obtained the shoe from which Fig. 15 in this and Fig. 13 in page 58 have been drawn ; seeing that it presents an illustration of nearly every defect a shoe could possess, without one redeem- ing quality to reconimend it. I have been tempted to add another view of it, because it enables me to show some of these defects to greater advantage than I could contrive to do in Figs. 13 and 14. Fig. 15. Fig. 15— -a. The thick wedge-shaped objectionable heel. b. The mark made by the bearing of the crust, showing thai the shoe had not extended far enough back to support the heel. c. The termination of the seating, and commencement of tlie mischievous projection of iron. d. The nail-holes punched in the seating, where they ought not to be. «. The flat surface, whereon the crust ought to have had an even bearing all round the shoe, and in which the nail- holes should have been punched : we shall, however, find, upon comparing this surface with the width of the marks of the crust at b, that it is everywhere narrower than the crust to be supported by it ; so that the whole weight of the horse must have been sustained by the outer half OQly AND HOW TO KEEP IT SOUND. 61 of the crust ; the inconvenience of which would be greatly aggravated by the four holes of the outer side being placed in the seating, causing a considerable strain upon the nails, whenever the weight was thrown upon the outside of the foot, as it would be in turning to the left. J /. The seating, everywhere overdone, excepting at the heels, where it was most wanted ; and there it is discontinued altogether. When a shoe is too much hollowed by seating, it defeats its own object by leaving space enough for a body of dirt, or even small stones, to work in and become im- bedded between the foot and the shoe, resisting the descent of the sole as effectually as an unseated shoe would do. Sufficient space to admit the point of a picker to pass freely all around between the shoe and the foot, is all that is necessary. The web of the shoe, it will be observed, is just twice as wide at the toe, where the cover might well have been spared, as it is at the heels, where protection was most desirable. Fig. 16. fig. 16 — a. The heel of an even tliickness with the rest of the shoe. h. The mark of the crust with the termination well defined, showing that the heel had been supported. c. The seating carried through to the heel. ff. The seating less hollowed than in Fig. 15, and the web ol equal width at the toe and heel. The shoe Fig. 15, I found on the foot of a horse which I purchased for a friend about two years ago ; and it is worthy of remark, that it was placed there by a smith who enjoys, 6 62 THE HORSE S FOOT, in a very extensive district, the reputation of being a particu- larly good shoer. If gentlemen could only be persuaded to inform themselves sufficiently to give their directions with the confidence that a knowledge of the subject is sure to en- gender, and to know, when the work is finished, whether those directions have been complied with, ♦hey would drive such men as these from their lamentable ignorance of the first principles of their art into something like a rational view of the subject : but where gentlemen are contented to remain without knowledge, smiths may be excused for not informing themselves. /»ND HOW TO KEEP IT SOUND. FIGURES XVII. AND XVIII. Figs. 17 and 18 represent the plan upon which I have lately converted a four-stalled stable into three loose boxes ; ana show that the space gained for the use and ccnifort of the horses is considerably more than doubled. Fig. 17. .JSFt^lTL. 6 — SFl 8fn. S !J J — tjFisnu - .sn din. i J't Fig ? t-^hows the space as origiaall^ *«id out for a foor-stalled stable a. The manger in each Btai?'. h The stalls. c. The heel-posts. d. Part of the saddlG-ionra. e. The door-way from the saddle-room to the stabla /. The door opctting towards the stable. g. The entrHRce to the stable. h. TW stable door opening from right to left 64 THE HORSE S FOOT, Fig. 18. a ,....7Ft 8M,,.... ZFt 8In. a S; g n .7Ft6I?i^. |5 -I- £Fe.^ & y d T Fig. 18 — Shows the same space turned to the best account for the horses. a. The manger undisturbed. h. The boxes. c 1. The original partitions and heel-posts of the stalls shifted bodily. c 2. The additional heel-posts : the upper part of the partition ex- tending from c. 1, to c. 2 in each box, is composed of iron railing, which enables the horses to see each other. d. Part of the saddle-room. e. The position of the door-way changed, so as to prevent the losa of space occasioned by the door opening towards the stable. /. The door opening back into the saddle-room, where it is out of the way. g. The entrance to the stable. A. The stable door hung to the opposite post, by which arrange- ment whenever it is opened it is made to close the entrance to the saddle-room, and prevent the possibility of the horses passing into it instead of the boxes. t. The door of the box, opening inwards so as to place it out of the way. k ^\, The doors of the other two boxes, opening outwards so as k) meet, and enclose a space behind them. m. The space so enclosed, receiving two buckets, a shovel, broom, dung-fork, and basket. n. The two buckets, and above them a seat, which acts as a shelf to deposite any thing upon. By this disposition of the space the horses receive the full benefit of every available atom of it, and instead of there being a waste of 23 feet 8 inches by 9 feet 5 inches, there is positively none at all ; for the 8 feet by 5 feet 3 inches, un- AND HOW TO KEEP IT SOUND. 65 appropriated to the use of the horses, is not more than is required for a free passage into the boxes, and the reception of the necessary stable implements. The doors which in Fig. 17 entail a waste of half a large circle of space in the open- «ig and shutting, are so arranged as only to traverse the space necessary for the passage ; and when open, to form sides to it, and become useful in directing the horses in and out of their respective boxes. FIGURES XIX. AND XX. Figs. 19 and 20 represent the muzzle mentioned at page 40. Fig. 19. Fig i^-*— Shows it in its position upon the horse's head. a X Mark the width of the opening — which should be determined by the distance from the nose to the jaw-bone, at about two or three inches above the angle of the mouth. It is not necessary that the head should go deeper into it than this, but it is essential that the bottom of the muzzle should hang fully three inches below the lips, as shown at c, be- cause the horse is thus obliged fairly to deposite the muzzia before 'le can be able to reach the bottom of it with hia lips ; in doing which, the weight of the muzzle, and tha 6* 66 THE HORSE S FOOT, pressure thus made upon it, will effectually flatten the straw out of his reach, and by disappointing his hopes, soon cause him to discontinue his fruitless efforts. But if the bottom of the muzzle be brought tight up against the lips, the head and the muzzle will act together, and the horse will eat just as much of his bed as he pleases. Its whole utility depends upon the horse's nose being so free of the muzzle, that he shall not be able to reach any part of it with his lips, without putting it down, when he instantly defeats his object. g ~ I Fig 20 — Shows the detail of the muzzle. a a. The upper rim, made of iron. b b. The lower rim, made of iron. eccc. Four iron uprights connecting the upper and lower rims, and riveted to them. d. An iron stay running across the bottom from front to rear. e. A cross-piece of iron riveted at the centre at d : the arms curving upwards are each riveted to one of the uprights, c, by which much additional strength is obtained, and the difficulty of feeding through the open spaces greatly in- creased. /. Shows one of the long wires coming through the upper rim, whence it passes straight down to g, through the lower rim, across the bottom to h, where it again passes through the lower rim on the opposite side, and is carried up to th« upper rim ; and is riveted through it at i. It is tied to the centre band of wire where it crosses it on either side. AND HOW TO KEEP '.T SOUND. 61 This description applies to each of the long wires, as does the followino: to the short ones. k. Shows one of the short wires commencing with a turn round the centre band of wire, and descending to the lower rim, through which it passes to be riveted on the inner side. m. Portions of the head-stall, with the mode of fastening them to the muzzle. nn. A pad to protect the horse's nose from the rim of the muzzle. It should be hollowed in the centre so as to prevent the weight resting entirely upon the bone. It has been suggested to me that a similar pad at the back p&rt, to protect the jaw-bone, would be an improvement. The frame-work should be formed of flat iron, three- eighths of an inch wide, and one-sixteenth of an inch thick ; and the wire — ^tinned iron of the size known as No. 11. 68 ?^ THE HORSE S FOOT, FIGURES XXL, XXII., AND XXIII. Fig. 21. Fig. 22. Fijr. 23. AND HOW TO KEEP IT SOUND. 69 Figs. 21, 22, and 23. — I have been induced to add these figures in consequence of meeting with the foot represented in Fig. 21. It presents such an admirable illustration of the effect of shoeing and stabling upon the frog and elastic cushion, that I could not resist the impulse to draw it and pla^e it by the side of the young foot, already represented by Fig. 6 ; and having done so, I was further led to add a sketch of the interior of the hoof, in the hope that bringing the three figures under notice at one view, might enable me to point out more clearly what changes have taken place, and how they have been brought about. Upon a careful comparison of Fig. 21 with Fig. 22, we shall be struck among other things with the great difference observable in the bulk of the elastic cushion or fatty frog in the two feet — both in the heel at Z», and in the portion immediately between the navicular joint and the horny frog at e. I found, however, a difference in the quality or texture of this part in the two feet of far greater importance than any diminution of quantity, — for while Fig. 22 presented a substance resembling throughout its whole extent a mixture of fat and tendon, and yielded to pressure from the point of a knife without being pierced by it — that is, sunk away before it — the corresponding part in Fig. 21, was of a close unyielding texture, offering the resist- ance of firm gristle, and, instead of sinking away from the point of the knife, resisted it with a grating sound : indeed I could perceive no difference between the sound produced by passing the point of the knife over this substance and over the horny frog. I have attempted to mark where the change of structure commences by a variation in the touch upon the figure, by which it will be seen that the texture of the sub- stance at h is pretty much the same in each foot, notwith- standing the great disproportion between their respective quantities. In Fig. 21, where it has suffered under bad treat- ment, and is wasted and dwindled to almost nothing, it soon assumes a close firm texture as it descends from h towards e — until (all its soft parts having been absorbed) it terminates in the hard mass marked in the figure by checkered lines. If we now turn to Fig. 23, and with its assistance contem- plate this part in its situation in the hoof, we shall obtain a clear idea of the relation it bears to the other parts of the foot in general, and the navicular joint in particular. a. Is a broad flat mass of horn, projecting upwards into the middle of the elastic cushion, and is called the " frog stay." b h. Are two horny projections rising into the cavity of the hoof 7D THB horse's foot, etc. formed by the commissures. — They each, at b, support the part marked b in Figs. 21 and 22. e c. Are portions of the same projections, and are situated just under the two ends of the navicular bone, and mark the point on either side where diminution in the natural elasticity of the fatty frog would be felt with the greatest severity by the na- vicular joint : for under the most favorable circumstances, the quantity of cushion between these points and the navicular joint cannot be very large ; and hence the importance of our doing all we can to preserve its elasticity as long as possible. Figs. 21 and 22, being sections of the foot, are calculated to impart a false idea of the extent of protection afforded to the navicular joint by the elastic cushion, if they are not considered in conjunction with Fig. 23 ; for the cushion, being cut through at the part occupying the hollow between c c. and dy which is its deepest part, would lead to the conclusion that the same quantity of protection was extended to the whole of the joint, if we did not observe that the projections of the commissures c c, Fig. 23, lie nearly on a level with the top of the frog stay, a, showing that there is not space for an equal quantity of cushion between them and the navicular joint, as there is between the navicular joint and the bottom of the hollow at d ; — and it is evident, that if the cushion at these places be not kept in a sufficiently elastic condition to guard the delicate membranes of this important joint from the consequences of being compressed between the navicular bone and these horny projections, injury to the joint must ensue, and unsoundness of the foot become inevitable. Having seen the changes that have occurred to the fatty frog of Fig. 21, we shall naturally be led to inquire if the sen- sitive frog has fared any better ; to which end we must first examine it in Fig. 22, where we shall find it distinctly mark- ed at g, and by tracing it over the frog stay, a, we shall see that it extends over the whole surface of the horny frog, be- tween it and the fatty frog : but we shall in vain look for it in Fig. 21 ; the constantly increasing compression it has received, between the gradually hardening cushion, and the horny frog, has by degrees so effectually caused its absorption, that not a vestige of it remains — as is shown by g^ Fig. 21. The diminution that has taken place in the horny frog of Fig. 21 will be made sufficiently evident by a comparison of the parts marked d andy', with the same parts in Fig. 22. THE END. All Ike Books on Ifiis Cataloyue scut by mail, k» any pau of the Uinon,fr*e of postage, upon receipt of Price. 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