OCTOBER. 1911 CATALOGUE No. 33. MACHINEH SadcOers and ilarne; Makers ^1 Thtt.. British United Shoe IMachinery Go. UNION WORKS, »-'M«Teo. LEICESTER, England. Depots. BRISTOL. DUBLIN. GLASGOW. KETTERING. LEEDS. LONDON. i No. 2891. London NORTHAMPTON. NORWICH. RUSHDEN. STAFFORD. MACHINERY FOR Saddlery, Belts, Harness, Brushes, Trunks, Footballs, Bags, Braces, Purses, Horse Clothing, Cycle Saddles, — Also for — Leather and Cloth Work for Road and Railway Carriages, Motor Cars, etc. .. The British United Shoe Machinery, Co., Ltd., Union Works, Belgrave Road, Leicester. Telegrams:— ^ Telephone:— "Prominent," Leicester. No. 1757.-6 lines. All previous Catalogues are cancelled. 3 o ti) ^-w -, 18" x 3", runs at 1'20 revolutions per minutes. Net weigh:. 1088 lbs. Gross weight. 1247 lbs. Floor space. 64" X 36" Height. 56" JiKlTISH UNITED SHOIC MACHINERY Co., LEICESTER. Ltd. No. 2 Rapid Cutting Press. Alieavier driving wheel and re-designed driving arrangement have increased the value of this press to the manufactui-er by at least 25 per cent. The speed has been increased, and its freedom from repeating makes it a safe press to use. For cutting small pieces of leather of any shape from offal or good stock the press has no equal for rapidity of working and ease of manipulation. The machine is supplied to be operated by a foot lever, as illustrated, or in place of the foot lever, a hand lever can be provided. Some manufacturers prefer the latter on account of the additional safety to the operator. Price ... ... £17 10 Receivin.ti pulley, 16" x ih". runs at 3.50 revolutions per minute. Belt. 4" Net weight. 604 lbs. Gross weight. 720 lbs. Floor space. 31" X 34" Height. 64" BRITISH UNITED SHOE MACHINERY Co., LEICESTER. Ltd, No. 3 Ideal Clicking Press. IN place of the usual bed or platen, the Ideal Press is provided with a swing: beam or arm, which is swung to either side while the knife is placed on the leather, and is afterwards brought over the knife when, on depressing the handle, the driving motion is put into gear, the swing beam makes one stroke and then, comes to rest. The advantages of this arrangement are ; — Safety to the operator,, and the better placing of the knives on the leather. At the present time there are over 5,000 of these Presses in use, doing work which, previous to its intro- duction, was done by hand. For cutting purses, tool bags, and any other shapes,. this machine has no equal for rapidity and accuracy. Price £25 Receivint^ pulley, 16" x 4", runs at 3.50 revolutions per minute. Belt. 4" Net weight. 1350 lbs. Gross weiyht. 1540 lbs. Floor space. 39" X 50" Height. 19" 10 IJKllISIl UNI'l-|-:i) SIIOI". MACIIINI'IKY Co., Ltd. Li<:i(:i-:sTi':i<. No. 3 Ideal Clicking Press. With Cover-all S'wing Beam. SOMETIMES, when using a large knife, if it is placed at an angle with the ^_edge of the block, the regular swing beam does not cover it properly. To o\'ercome this difficulty, the Cover-all Swing Beam has been devised. This consists of a swing^beam, like the regular swing beam, but having attached to it a swing plate which may be adjusted to co\-er the knife at any angle. Th^ cover plate is readily adjusted, and the press is operated with practically the same facility as the regular Ideal Press. The press is used extensively for cutting football sections, cycle tool bags, and other shapes of similar size. Price £27 10 Receiving pulley, lb" x 4". runs at 3:"0 revolutions per minute. Belt, i" Net weight. 1350 lbs. Gross weij-ht. 1540 lbs. Floor space. 39" X 50" Height. 11 BRITISH UNITED SHOE MACHINERY Co., Ltd., LEICESTER. Ideal Block Planing Attachment. IN order to obtain the best results from the Ideal Clicking Press, or any other press using a wood cutting block, it is necessary to keep the surface of the block level, and the Ideal Block Planing Attachment is designed for this purpose, It is attached to the swing beam of the Press, which is swung backwards and forwards, the knife being automatically fed so that it cuts in an advanced position at each stroke. If not too badly worn, a block may be levelled by this- means in half an hour. Price £5 12 UKiiisii i;xiri-:j) SHOK MACHIXKRY Co., LEICICSTKK. Ltd. The Magic Press. IN general design and principle of working the Magic Press is the same as the Ideal, the difference between them being that the Magic is smaller. The press is used for cutting small pieces cf leather of any shape, in doing which it works very rapidly. Many of these presses are being operated by boys and girls, the height of the block being arranged with a \iew to the emplo^'ment of youth- ful labour. Price ... ... JE20 Receiving; ;;ulle\', 16" x -t". runs at 3.50 revolutions per minute. Belt. 4" Net weight. 920 lbs. Gross weifjht. 1100 lbs. Floor space. Height. 27" X 36" 60" 13 BRITISH UNITED SHOE MACHINERY Co., Ltd. LEICESTER. lA Press. T HE Buffer or platen is 11" in diameter and is adjustable in height so that cutting blocks and cutters of different thicknesses and depths may be used. The uprights admit of pieces of leather 20" wide passing between them. Price with treadle or for belt power Price with both treadle and pulleys Sliding tray with handles, extra £12 13 7 6 Receiving pulley 1-2" x 3" runs at 225 revolutions per minute. Belt, 21" Net weight, 1064 lbs. Gross weight. Floor space, Height. 12S8 lbs. 45"x33" 52' 14 liRITlSn UNITED SHOE MACHINERY Co. .'Ltd. LEICESTER. T Four-Pillar Box-Bed^ Presses. HE style of platen adopted in these presses allows of much larger cutters being used than with the Buffer Press. The pressure is distributed evenly throughout the platen by means of the four steel rods or pillars which are reciprocated by an eccentric shaft. The presses are very strongly made, and the height of the platen is adjustable. No. 8. Press, 20" bed, for either treadle or power No. 9. ,, 25" No. 9a. ,, 33" If made for both treadle and power, £1 extra each. A sliding tray is included in the above prices. Receivinii l-uHey, 1'^" x 3". runs at -Z-Zo revolutions per minute. £17 a 19 25 s^o. Net weight. Gross weight. Floor space. Height. 8 1204 lbs. 1428 lbs. 48" X 48" 48" 9 1281 lbs. 1505 lbs. 54" X 48" 48" 9a 1596 lbs. 1848 lbs. 62" X 48" 48" 15 BRITISH UNITED SHOE MACHINERY Co.. Ltd LEICESTER. Revolution Presses. WHEN large quantities of leather have to be cut up by means of a press, a Revolution Press is the most economical press to use. It is more speedy and more economical in the power required to drive it. One reason of its greater out-turn is, that the whole block may be covered with a side or other large piece of leather and the press knife is used from one end of the block to the other without it being necessary to move the leather. These presses are used for cutting out cycle saddles, cycle tool bags, gear cases, and they are now used in most wholesale saddlery and harness factories, and in railway workshops where leather is used. 3 ft. 4 5 machine £37 42 47 52 Receiving pulley for 3 ft. and i ft. Presses, 24" x 4i", runs at 2-2.5 revolutions per minute. Receiving pulley for 5 ft. and 7 ft. Presses, 27" x 42", runs at 225 revolutions per minute. Press. Belt. Net weight. Gross weight. Floor space. Heigh 3 ft. 4" 2562 lbs. 2590 lbs. 48" X 70" 68" 4 ft. 4" 2626 lbs. 2660 lbs. 48" X 82" 71" 5 ft. 4" 3506 lbs. 3566 lbs. 50" X 99" 72" 7 ft. 4" 4116 lbs. 4172 lbs. 50" X 123" 74" 16 liRITISH UNITi:!) SHOE MACHINERY Co., Ltd. LEICESTJiR. Sectional Press Blocks. For Revolution Presses. ONLY the iinest quality of American Rock Maple Sectional Press Blocks are stocked. The sections are glued together under great pressure, and each transverse joint is grooved and tongued so that each block is like one solid piece of timber, but is infinitely superior in that it will not split or warp. Banded. Not Banded 72" X 14" X 10" 56/ 44/- 52" X 14" X 10" 40/- 31/- 48" X 14" X 10" 37/ 29/ 40" X 14" X 10" 32/- 25/- 28" X 14" X 10" 22/ 16/6 24" X 14" X 10" 19/ 14/- 40" X 14" X 6" 23/- 16/- When sent by rail blocks should be banded. Half-price allowed for com- plete sets of bands and bolts, if returned in good condition, carriage paid. 17 A BRITISH UNITED SHOE MACHINERY Co., LEICESTER. Ltd. Circular Press Blocks. CIRCULAR Blocks are generally used with the No. 2 Rapid Cutting Press,, the Al Buffer Press, and each of the Four-pillar Box-bed Presses. They are also used for cutting out pieces of leather with handled cutters and a mallet. They are made in various sizes, the most usual size being 14" diameter by 3" deep. Diameter, Thickness. Per dozen. Diameter. Thickness. Per dozen 13" X 3" 9/ 14" X 3J" 11/6 134" X 3" 9/6 14" X 4" 13/ 14" X 8" 10/- 14" X 4i" 14/6 14i" X 3" 10/6 14" X 6" 16/ 15" X 3" 11/- 14" X 5^" 17/a i5r X 3" 11/6 14" X 6" 19/ 16" X 3" 12/ Other sizes at proportionate rates. Iron Bands for above sizes ... 3/6 each. 18 r.R ITISH UNITI-:!) SIIOI': MACHINI'LRY Co., Ltd. lI':icI':sti-:r. Hand Cutting Boards. T HE usual size for these boards is 36" long by 18" wide by 4" thick, and'othe prices below refer to boards of these dimensions. Larger boards are supplied when required. Pine Boards — Wood Clamped ,, ,, — not Clamped Lime Boards — Wood Clamped ,, ,, — not Clamped ... 14/6 each 13/9 „ 15/6 „ 14/9 „ damped Boards are always supplied unless they are ordered without clamps. 19 BRITISH UNITED SHOE MACHINERY Co., Ltd. LEICESTER. Knives, Cutters and Punches. KNIFE making is a very important branch of our business. Among the knives;- we are constantly making, we may mention those for cutting saddle flaps, skirts and eaves, winkers, fronts, carriage pad tops, tugs, safes and crupper bodies and docks, breast plates, martingales, rein billets, hip straps, trace points, buckle chapes, accoutrements, rug straps, bag handles, purses, footballs, brace ends, washers, pump leathers, cycle saddles, tool bags, gear cases, hats, hat boxes, cap quarters and peaks ; dress collars, facings, shoulder pads, shields, and many other purposes. Knives for straps, buckle chapes, brace ends, washers, etc., are frequently fitted with stitch prickers and punches, so that the pieces cut are pricked, punched and cut at the same time. When required, these knives are made so that the cut piece is automatically ejected, instead of each piece having to be stripped from the prickers, punches, etc., by hand, and thus a very considerable amount of time is saved. Knives for some of these shapes are sometimes made with handles and used together with raw hide or wooden mallets. These knives are also frequently fitted with prickers and punches. We shall be glad to quote for any knife or punch on receipt of paper- pattern of the shape it is required to cut, and we guarantee the quality and accuracy of all knives or punches we make. 20 i;Kriisii rNiTi'-.i) SIIOI'- MACIIIM'KY Co, [.K IJCICl'lSTICK, Press Knives for Fancy Leather Work. ■21 BRITISH UNITED SHOE MACHINERY Co., Ltd. LEICESTER. Press Rivivcs for Fancy Leather Work. 22 BRITISH UNITED SHOE MACHINERY Co-.H^td. LEICESTER. A Bevelling or Skiving Machine. handy little machine for skiving straight or waved edges for any purpose. For raised and half-round work it acts splendidly. Price ... 10/6 each. Extra knives, 4/- each. Osborne's American Splitting Machines. THESE machines are used for the same purpose as those described on page 24, but are of a different pattern. We can strongly recommend them as- being good, reliable machines. 5" machine 6" 7" 8" 9" 10" 12" £1 1 E.xtra knife 8 fr 1 2 6 9,fr 1 4 . 11 /fr 1 7 6 . 13/6. 1 9 6 . 15> 1 13 6 . 16/a 2 18 . 25/ 23 BRITISH UNITED SHOE MACHINERY Co., Ltd. LEICESTER. T Saddlers' Splitting Machines. HE base of this machine is very substantial and does not spring when a strap or other piece of leather is being pulled through. The handle is used to open the space between the knife and roll to :admit the strap, etc., and is also adjusted to regulate the thickness to which the leather is to be split. The space between the knife and roll may also be opened by means of a treadle supplied with the machine, by using which both hands are at liberty to -control the leather. One end of the Roll Carrier is graduated to shew the thickness to which the machine is adjusted to split. The machine is used for splitting or levelling straps, etc., and is also used for cutting tapered ends for splicing. A guard which also keeps the leather in contact with the roll is not shewn in the illustration. It has been removed in order to shew the knife and roll more clearly. 6" machine £1 12 Extra knife 7/6 S" 2 2 ,, 9/6 Net weight. Gross weight. Bench Space. Height. 6" M/c. 16 lbs. '23 lbs. 12" X lOJ" n- .■8" M/c. 19 lbs. '27 lbs. 14" X lOJ" n" 24 BRITISH UNITED SHOE MACHINERY Co , Ltd. LEICESTER. 7i-ii\ch Summit Splitting Machine. A common fault with Splitting Machines is that both the knife and frame are too light, and spring when a piece of leather is being split, the result being that the leather is not split evenly. The Summit Splitting Machine is designed to overcome this difficulty, the frame being very substantial and the knife being clamped so that it does not spring under any reasonable condition. An indicator is provided to show the thickness the machine is adjusted to split. The machine is usually made to be driven by belt power, but when required, is also made to be worked by hand. Price ... £15 Receivin.iS pulley, 10" x 'ig', luns at 240 revolutions per minute. elt. Net weiMht. Gross weisht. Bench space. Height. •21" 206 lbs. '270 lbs. 21 V X 17" IS" 2.5 BRITISH UNITED SHOE MACHINERY Co., Ltd. LEICESTER. New Model Splitting Machines. THE illustration shews a convenient form of Splitting Machine which is made in 3 sizes for equalizing leather of every description, harness leathers, gig and riding saddle flaps, etc., also made specially for the trunk and bag trades, and for splitting piping, bag-frame leather, etc. The scale and pointer enable the machine to be readily adjusted to split any required thickness. To work by hand. To work by power No. 1. To split up to 7" ... ... £6 £7 No. 3. To split up to 13" ... ... 10 11 No. 4. To split up to 19" ... ... 14 15 The above prices are for bench machines. Strong iron stand, 20/- extra. Receiving pulley, No. 1 machine, 9" x 2" runs at 1'20 revolutions per minute. I. ,. No. 3 and 4 ,, 12" x 2" „ „ Belt. Net weight. Gross weight. Bench space. Height, ISlo. I'm/c, 2" 99 lbs. 137 lbs. 17" x 13" 15" No.;8_;m/c, 2" 252 lbs. 322 lbs. 28" x 15" 18" KIo. 4 m/c, 2" 328 lbs, 392 lbs. 40" x 18" 18" 26 liKI'l'ISII UN'l'riCU sHoi'; MACiiiN'icRV c:o., r.td.,. LiaCKSTF.R. Osborne's Lap Skiving Machine. Dixon's Patent. |_l OR cutting tapered ends on straps for splicing, etc. The machine may als» be used for sphtting straps to a uniform thickness. The machine is adjustable for cutting splices of various lengths, and is \'ery easily operated. A pressure bar, not shewn in the illustration, keeps the leather in contact with the cam. Price £2 10 Net weight. Gross wsitiht. Bench space. Heifiht. 15^ lbs. ■21 lbs. lOJ" X 61" sr BRITISH UNITED SHOE' MACHINERY Co., LEICESTER. Ltd. Splicing, Scarfing or Bevelling Machine. THE machine illustrated above is designed for splicing, scarfing or bevelling leather belting for producing a neat joint, uniform in thickness, and with a perfect bevel. The splices are quickly cut, and the machine is adjustable to different lengths of splices. They are used in the belt making industry, and in factories, mills, workshops, etc., using leather. belting. They are made in four sizes. Siz 5 of Machine. Price. cwts. Approx Net qrs. lbs weight, cwts. Gross qrs. lbs. Width of knife, 7" single geared ... £6 3 3 22 „ „ 10" „ ... 8 7 6 1 1 S 1 2 14 „ ,, 10" double geared... 9 10 1 1 18 1 2 24 ,, „ 15" „ -... 17 17 6 3 26 4 14 „ „ 24" „ ... 28 10 7 2 21 9 2 SPARE KNIVES. Size of knives. Price. 7" wide £1 5 10". „ 1 10 3 15" „ 2 10 24" „ 4 2 6 SPARE SPRINGS, per pa r. Size of machine. Price. 7" wide 3/ 10" „ 4/3 15" „ 6/ 24" „ 12/ 28 liKllISH UNITKD SIIU1<: MACIIINl'lRY Co., Ltd. li:i("msti:k. Belt splicing &! Leather Splitting Machines. THE illustration represents a Combined Splicing and Splitting Machine with which perfect results may be obtained. Any length of splice may be cut, finished with either a feather edge or any thickness of edge that may be required, without risk of tearing the leather. A most useful feature is the arrangement of the knife, which may be sharpened without removing it from the machine. The necessary adjustments for changing the machine from a splicer to a :splitter, or vice versa, are effected in a few^ minutes, and the machine is capable of equally good work for either purpose. The machines are also made for splicing only, and for splitting only. 12" 16" 24" 32" 40" 60" The prices are for hand-power machines. Splitting machines from IG" and upwards are also made for belt-power at an extra charge of £5 each for the 16" -and 24" machines. Splicing Splittin a Combined Machines. Machine s. Machines. £17 10 £12 10 £18 10 22 10 17 10 23 10 27 10 22 10 28 10 35 27 10 37 10 45 32 10 47 10 60 50 62 10 70 60 75 130 135 29 BRITISH UNITED SHOE MACHINERY Co., Ltd. LEICESTER. No. 7 Friction Feed Amazeen Skiving Machine. I HE knife spindle is driven by a belt and includes a friction device which-; A allows of the knife running at full speed on straight work, and permits of ' the speed being retarded when skiving curved edges and corners, etc. It is. particularly useful for skiving the tops and bottoms of blocked leggings, and anv - other work when a fine skived edge is required. Price, with power transmitter £28 10 Receiving pulley, Ig" x '2§", runs at 1500 revolutions per mtnute. Belt. t\" round. Net vveifiht. 50 lbs. Gross weight. 70 lbs. Bench space. 17" X 11" Height- 16" 30 HKITISH UNITFJ) SIK)]': MACJIINI'IKY Co., Ltd., LIUCICSTICR. Over-arm Marvel Skiving Machine. PRACTICALLY the whole of the working parts of this machine are enclosed within a substantial cast iron casing which effectually protects them from ■external injury. Only a small portion of the knife is exposed at the point where the ski\-ing is done, so that there is no risk of injury to the operator from this •source. The machine will skive edges, and the scarf may be varied from i" to 1" wide, or a groove may be cut down the middle of a piece of leather up to 16" Avide, the width and depth of the groove being varied as required. Two grind- ing stones are included in the machine which act on both sides of the knife, thus -ensuring a perfectly true and keen edge. The machine is capable of skiving all kinds of leather used in the fancy leather trades, including the finest and softest, and is used for levelling leather to s.n even thickness. Price ... ... £32 Receiving pulley, S" x '2", runs at 1,'200 revolutions per minute. Belt. Net weight. Gross weight. Bench space. Height above bench. 1*" 110 lbs. 140 lbs. 20" x 14" 12" 31 BRITISH UNITED SHOE MACHINERY Co., Ltd., LEICESTER. Universal Skiving Machine. ^UITABLE for ranging strips of leather for belting, also for bevelling the- ' edges of stout leather. Price ... £7 10 Receivinf^ pulley, 9" x 2", runs at 130 revolutions per minute. Belt. Net Weight. Gross weight. Bench space. Height. U" 77 lbs. 125 lbs. 28" x 16" 17" IlKITISll UNITICJ) SHOIC MACIllNICRY Co., li<:icI':stI':r. Ltd. Strap Punching Machine. THE illustration represents a machine for punching holes in straps, etc., wliich is in general use by leather goods manufacturers. The machine is operated by d hand-wheel, and can also be used by power; round punches from 1 to 10, and oval punches from 19 to 25 are used. The distance between the holes can be regulated as required from §" to 2" apart. Twin guides are provided which are simultaneously adjusted to equal distances on either side of the punch, so that the holes are always punched along the middle of the straps. Price, including six punches Price, round punches Price, oval punches Net weight. 55 lbs. Gross weight. 8'2 lbs. Bench space. 16" X 12" ... £10 each 8 10 Height. 18" Hose Pipe Punching Machine. FOR punching holes along the edges of hose pipe leathers, a special table is: provided. With soft material, the leather may be folded and both edges are punched together, thus ensuring perfect register. The distance between the holes, from the edge of the leather, being varied as required. Made for fixing to a bench. Price, to work by hand ... Price, to work by power Net weight £12 12 10 84 lbs. 33 BRITISH UNITED SHOE MACHINERY Co., LEICESTER. Ltd. Open end Strap Cutting Machiivc. FOR cutting large quantities of straps this machine is a great time-saver. It is open at one end so that straps may be cut from a whole hide, and there is absolutely no wasle between each strap cut. Makers of leather straps of any description, and of belt laces, will find it a great acquisition. Cloth, plush, etc., may also be cut into strips for binding edges, etc. By straightening one edge of the hide, the machine will cut at one operation as many strips as the machine has cutters. The heavy hand-wheel either by hand or power. is grooved so that the machine may be operated The greatest width the machines will cut is 8", but they are more generally used for cutting straps and laces as per widths given below and intermediate sizes. A great imprc^'ement has been added to this machine, which enable the rolls and cutters to be changed as required in a few minutes. Width of Strap. '2" No. of Cutter. 4 . . Machine complete with one set of Cutters. £11 10 Extra rolls, per pair complete with Cutters and Stripper. £2 ir 5 11 15 2 3 6 1*" 6 12 2 7 il- 7 12 5 2 10 6 l- 8 12 10 2 14 s'' 9 12 15 2 17 6 5 11 13 5 3 2 6 nil 5 13 13 15 3 7 6 i" 15 14 2 6 3 16 5 IS 14 15 4 5 i" 28 16 5 5 10 -fV" 40 18 6 15 When ordering, please send sample strap shewing exact width it is required to cut. Receiving pulley, 12i" grooved, runs at 90 revolutions per minute. Round belt. Net weight. Gross weight. Bench space. Height, i" 145 lbs. 206 lbs. 26- x 22- 14J" .94 BRri'isii rxiri:!) SHOE IVIA(lllNI';kV Co. LI'.iri'.si'lCK. Strap Cutting Machine. THE grooves in the lower roll a.re liable to receive dust and small particles of leather which is compressed by the cutters, and in course of time the grooves ecome filled with hard compressed dust, etc., which takes oH the keen edges, of the cutters and sometimes causes them to chip. To overcome this difficulty we provide "groove cleaning fingers," which are shown in the above illustration. Each finger has a thin blade fixed in it, which enters a groove and scrapes out any dirt that gets into it, and so presents the groove becoming filled up. The fingers are adjustable to any width, and mav be used with anv number of change rolls. 35 BRITISH UNITED SHOE MACHINERY Co., Ltd. LEICESTER. Sewing Machitves. WITH the exception of the No. 4 Leather Belt Sewing Machine, all our Sewing Machines are supplied either on stands, as illustrated, or with- out stands, so that they may be fixed on a bench and run by power, in which case a Po^vcr Transmitter is required. The Special Power Transmitter is a simple piece of mechanism by means of which the working of a machine is controlled, the starting of a machine being effected by simply pressing the foot- plate, while releasing the pressure causes the machine to stop instantly. The No. 4 Belt Sewing Machine is fixed on a stand on which it is worked by power or by treadle. The following machines are also made to be run by power on their own stands, at an extra cost of 35/- each; Nos. 1 and 2 Saddlers' Machines, 18" Machines, Nos. 1 and 2 Coachmakers' Machines, the Al Machines, and also the No. 6 Harness Makers' Machines. The following price list of Shafting, etc., has been compiled for the con- venience of customers who may wish to provide means of running their machinery by power when they are fixed on benches. These parts are always kept in stock. s. d. Ij" Bright Steel Shafting ... ... ... ... ... per foot 1 I5" Bright Collars, with safety set screws Ij" Adjustable Self-Oiling Bearings 1 J" Couplings, with safety set screws Split Grooved Pulleys, according to size, from each 1 6 6 1 Sparc Parts. It is always advisable for machines sent abroad, that they be accompanied by an assortment of spare parts, including needles, shuttles, springs, screws, etc., and we are prepared to make up what we consider to be the most useful assort- ment for from £1 10 to £2. Sec pages 44 to 47. 36 Al Wax-Thread ScAving Machine. lefc trimmins. footballs, riding saddles, etc., in all parts of the MANUFACTURERS of horse clothin i^'and general harness work, carriage 8 world are using this machine. Special presser feet are supplied with the machines according to the work to be done. ScJia^The machines use thread up to 5 cord No. IS, and make stitches from 4 to 16 per inch, and sew leather to a thickness of j^". 8oMJ2The Al Special Machine, for light saddlery and harness, has interchangeable pricking feet similar to those on our well-known "No. 6 Machine." For general repair work the machine is indispensable. The accessories supplied include a special binding gauge which is capable of turning wide binding equal on both sides or wider on the top or bottom, as may be required. The Al Ordinary Machine is provided with bottom feeder only, and with a non-vibrating presser foot, it is used on army accoutrements, leggings, and any light leather work. The Coach and Carriage Builders' Machine is specially made for plain sewing, welting, lace cording, cushion making, etc. The Al Ordinary Machine, for accoutrements, leggings, etc., on stand £10 10 ,, ,, ,, for light saddlery and harness ... 12 10 ,, ,, ,, for horse clothing, rugs, etc. ... ... 12 ,, ,, ,, for coach and carriage builders, etc. ... 14 10 Any of the above supplied without stand, deduct ... ... 1 10 No. G Power Transmitter, see page 36 ... ... ... ... 15 Double-grooved receiving pulley, 6" and i", runs at .5(X) to 600 revolutions per mini te. Net weight. Gross w-eight. Floor space. Height. M/c. head 47 lbs. 67 lbs. 1 M/c stand 101 lbs. 140 lbs. i 37 33" 41" BRITISH UNITED SHOE MACHINERY Co., Ltd. LEICESTER. No. 1 Wax Thread Sewing Machine. For Coach and Carriage Builders. THIS machine is fixed on a special stand for sewing the outside and inside- rows of wings and dashes (it will not sew centre bars). Brougham .seat borders can be welted in 30 to 35 minutes ; an apron in 50 to 60 minutes ; a head valance in 30 to 45 minutes ; a pair of brougham door wings can be sewn in 30 to 40 minutes ; a brougham dash can be sewn (with exception of the middle bar)' in 30 to 45 minutes. A wax pot is included for waxing thread with cold wax solution, or the thread may be used dry, as required. Price of machine on special stand for treadle, and complete with all necessary appliances to suit above-mentioned work ... ... £18 10 0' Note. This machine is also provided with the necessary appliances to do the work of the Al machine (see page 37). Arranged to work by both foot and power, extra ... ... 115 Qi "Without stand, to fix on a bench, deduct ... ... ... 2 0-- No. 6 Power Transmitter (see page 36) ... ... ... ... 1 5 ft' Receiving pulley, 6" and 8" diameter, runs at 300 to 400 revolutions per minute. Belt. Net weight. Gross weight. Flocr space. Height, g" round Head 97 lbs. 217 lbs. I Stand 216 lbs. 244 lbs. I 32" X 19" 44" 38 IMxITISII UNITiaJ SHOE MACIIINICKY Co., LEICESTER. Ltd. cj^y No. 2 Wax Thread Scw^ing Machine. For Coach and Carriage Builders. THIS machine is the same in general principle to No. 1, but is made stronger and has a clear space of 18" under the arm, thus enabling centre bars of dashes and wings to be sewn up to that distance from the edge. Will also sew welting. A wax pot is provided for waxing the thread with cold solution wax, or the thread may be used dry, as required. Price of machine on special stand for treadle Arranged for both power and treadle, extra Without stand, to fix on bench, deduct No. 6 Power Transmitter, to suit any bench (see page 36) .. £21 10 1 15 ..2 1 5 Reneivin.i^ pulley, 6" and 8" diameter, runs at 300 to 400 revolutions per minute Floor space. Heijjht. 38" X 19" ii" Belt. Net weight. §" round Head 1'20 lbs Stand 21G lbs Gross weisht. '217 lbs. 2U lbs. 39 BRITISH UNITED SHOE MACHINERY Co., Ltd., LEICESTER. Nos. 1 and 2 Saddlers' and Harness Makers*^ Sewing Machines. THE ordinary No. 1 Machine was the first machine invented for using waxed threads, and a large number of them have been sold for sewing saddlery and harness, bags, footballs, dashes, wings, canvas belts, etc. All these machines are very strongly made, and are of simple construction., so that anyone unaccustomed to sewing machines may soon learn to work them satisfactorily. Many of them are being worked by women and girls. The No. 1 Ordinary Machine is provided with a bottom feeder only, and a vibrating presser-foot. It is a good machine for sewing plain work, such as- winkers, fiat and rounded straps, light traces up to gths of an inch thick, etc., Special pricking-up feet, such as are used with the Nos. 1 and 2 Saddlers' and Harness Makers' Machines cannot be used on this machine. Tiic No. 1 Saddlers' and Harne.'is Makers' Machine is provided with both top and bottom feeders working in unison, by which arrangement two or more thicknesses may be sewn together without risk of them sliding or moving out of position in relation to each other. Special pricking-up feet are supplied with this machine, by means of which each stitch is pricked up or moulded as it is made, and the sewing produced has. a very handsome appearance. This machine will do all the work that can be done by the No. 1 " Original '" Machine, and will sew traces up to nearly half-an-inch in thickness. The No. 2 Saddlers' and Harness Maker's Macliine is very similar to the No. 1 Machine, but it has a heavier cam wheel and the needle has a longer stroke. It is not quite so suitable for light work as the No. 1, but is better for heavier work. The speed of the above machines is about 400 stitches per minute, and the sizes of thread vary from 3 to 8 cord No. 18. Either of the above machines may be provided with our Hard-Wax Apparatus. A similar machine to these provided with both top and bottom feeders is. made with an 18" arm, for sewing splash boards, trunks, dress baskets, etc. 40 iiKirisii i;mii;|) SllOi: MACIllNliKV Co., LU\. lI':icI':sti-:r. Nos. 1 and 2 Saddlers' and Harness Makers' Sewing Machines. No. 1 Ordinary Wax-Thread Machine No. 1 Saddlers' and Harness Makers' Machine ... No. 2 Saddlers' and Harness Makers' Machine ... Machine with IS" arm If supplied Without stand, less ... No. 6 Power Transmitter, see page 36 £12 10 14 14 20 £1 15 1 5 Either of the above machines can be fitted with our Patent Bottom Hard "Waxing Apparatus at an extra cliarge of £4. If the Hard Wax Apparatus is required, state particularly whether it is to be heated by gas or lamp. DoubIe-t!rooved receivint; pulley, 6" and 8", runs at :-5()0 to 400 revolutions per minute. Net Weight. Gross Weight. Floor space. Height. M/c head 9Slbs. 217 lbs. I .3,,, ,o„ ,.„ M/c stand -216 lbs. 244 lbs. 1 ^ 41 BRITISH UNITED SHOE MACHINERY Co., Ltd., LEICESTER. No. 2 Trunk and Bag Makers' Sewing Machine. For illustration see pages 39 and 41. THIS machine is similar to the No. 2 Saddlers' Machine, and is used for general trunk work, etc. Overland trunk, Gladstone and brief bag handles are very successfully sewn, as also are welting, binding, and piping. The machines are made to use a broad-pointed needle, which makes a long, slanting stitch — the stitch that trunk makers prefer. Price of Machines on Stand for treadle : — 11" Arm £14 10 18' Arm ... ... ... ... ... ... 20 Double-grooved receiving pulley. 8" and 6", runs at 300 to 400 revolutions per minute. Belt. Net weight. Gross weight. Floor. Height. 3" round. 11" M/c head 95 lbs. 144 lbs. ) 09- -lo" aa" 11" M/c stand 158 lbs. 196 lbs. / g" round. 18" M/c head 161 lbs. 217 lbs. ) „o" .19" aa" 18" M/c stand 158 lbs. 196 lbs. ) 00 x xa 42 SIlOl' MACHINERY Co., Ltd. I.I-.ICICSTKK. No. 4 Leather Belt Serving Machine. Price, complete, as illustrated, with wa.xer, shuttle reel winder, and all necessary accessories, for belt power ... ... ... £60 Price, to work by foot power ... Price, to work by both foot and power Receivin.^i pulley. Bj". runs at '200 revolutions per minute. Floor space. 49" X 3-2" Net weij^ht. Gross wei.iSht Machine head 3S5 lbs. 487 lbs. Machine stand 360 lbs. 4G0 lbs. 60 62 Hei.i^ht. so- All necessary accessories included. Note, When ordering, state whether for gas or oil. See pages 44 to 47. 43 BRITISH UNITED SHOE MACHINERY Co., Ltd., LEICESTER. Nos. 4 ai\d 6 Belt Sewing Machines. THE No. 4 Machine, as illustrated on page 43, is a very strong and powerful machine which will sew from a single thickness of leather up to one inch thick, and is suitable for using thread from 10 cord to 20 cord No. 18. It is pro- vided with a Hard-Wax Apparatus of which two styles are made, one to be heated by gas, while the other is heated by a petroleum or kerosene lamp. Orders should state particularly which method of heating the wax apparatus is required. The feeding is accomplished by means of an awl, and th^re is no marking of the leather on either side. The shuttle is very large and the design of the machine is such that the shuttle thread is used to the best ad\-antage. A single reelful is sufficient to sew from 30 to 50 feet of double belting according to the thickness of the belt and the size of thread used. The accessories supplied with each machine include a separate waxer and winder for shuttle reels so that the reels mav be wound independently of the machine. The length of arm is such that the machine will sew in the middle of k BELT 30 inches wide. Some belt makers prefer the No. 6 Machine, which is made on the needle feed principle. The length of arm is such that the machine will sew in the middle of a belt 24 inches wide. For light belting the No. G Machine is much faster than the No. 4 Machine. Both machines will sew belts which have been raced or belts which have not been raced. In the latter case, the stitches are pressed into the leather to such an extent that there is no risk of them wearing through. Both machines are made for power driving or to be worked by treadle, as may be required, and they are also made to be worked by both methods, which is sometimes an advan- tage. These machines are easy to operate, and their adjustments are simple. They cost very little in repairs. We shall be glad to sew customers' samples on either of these machines or to shew them in operation at our works, by appointment. These machines are being used by the principle makers of leather belting in Great Britain and abroad. Sec pages, 43, 45, 46, and 47. 44 iiKi'iisii i:xni';i> SllOIi MACIIINEKV C(;., Ltd. LEICESTER. No. 6 Harness Makers' Sewing Machine. Price, complete, as illustrated, fitted with bottom (or dipping) waxing apparatus, thread winder, and usual accessories ... ... £30 Price, complete, but fitted with patent top waxing apparatus (see page 47) Price, complete, without hard waxing apparatus, to sew with drv thread or solution Without stand, and to fix on a bench, deduct No. 6 Transmitter to suit any bench, extra (see page 3G) Power Transmitter fixed to stand so that the machine may be worked either bv treadle or power ... 35 27 2 1 1 15 Note. — When ordering state particularly whether for gas or lamps. Receivinfi pulley, 8" and 6" diameter, runs at 8tX) revolutions per minute. Floor space. Height. '■ 34" X 18" 49" Net weight. M/c. head 147 lbs. M/c. stand 172 lbs Gross weight. ■203 lbs. 2-24 lbs. 45 BRITISH UNITED SHOE MACHINERY Co., Ltd., LEICESTER. No. 6 Saddlers' and Harness Makers' Sewing Machine. THE large number of these machines which we have disposed of bear ex- cellent testimony as to their stability, and also to the quality of work they are capable of doing. They are being constantly being despatched to all parts of the world, in- cluding every country in Europe, Canada, the United States of America, Australia, New Zealand, South Africa, Egypt, China, Japan, South America, etc. A Patented Stand makes it easy to treadle, and an Improved Table for supporting the work is provided. This table can be instantly removed if necessary. The feeding is accomplished by means of the needle, which, after penetrat- ing the work, moves it along the length of a stitch. By this means the undesirable marking caused by corrugated feeders and presser-feet is entirely avoided. Special means are adoped to prevent the needle from springing or breaking while feeding. The length of stitch may be varied from 4 to 12 to the inch, and the change from one length of stitch to another is instantly effected. Any thickness of leather, from a single thickness up to three-quarters of an inch, may be sewn without any alteration of tensions. The shuttle is made as large as possible, and will hold sufficient thread to sew round the longest trace, and the machine is so designed as to use the shuttle- thread to the best advantage. The size of threads the machine will use range from 3 to 10 cord No. 18, and the thread-locking device will lock any thickness of thread equally well. The machines, when required, are supplied with a patented Top "Waxing Apparatus, by means of which the thread is waxed before it reaches the needle, and so efficiently does it wax the thread that there is no difficulty in meeting the requirements of Government inspectors of Army work in this respect. The Waxing Apparatus is generally heated by gas-jets, and a water jacket which surrounds the wax pot effectually prevents the wax from being burnt. When required, the Waxing Apparatus is made so that it may be heated by a petroleum or kerosene lamp. Provision is made in each machine for using cold solution wax. A separate winder, by means of which dry or waxed threads may be wound on to the shuttle reels, is supplied, so that the shuttle reels may be wound in- dependently of the machine. The speed of the machine, when worked by foot, is as fast as the operator can work it, and, when worked by power, thick traces may be sewn at the rate of 300 stitches per minute, while for light work the speed may be increased to 360 stitches per minute. A very large proportion of the saddlery and harness work made in Great Britain is being sewn on these machines, and they are also used by the leading saddlery and harness makers, 'bus, tramway, and railway companies throughout the world. 46 I'.KITISH UNITED SHOI-; MACI-nNKRY Co., Ltd. lkicI':sti-:r. No. 6 Harness Makers' Sewing Machiive. THE illustration represents the machine fixed on a bench and provided with our patent Top Waxing Apparatus, and with a No. 6 Power Transmitter fixed to the floor. Price ... ... ... ... ... £33 No. 6 Power Transmitter to suit any bench ... 15 Receiving pulley, 8" and 6" diameter, runs at 300 revolutions per minute. Belt. §" round. Net weight. 147 lbs. Gross weight. '203 lbs. Bench space. 29" x 16" Height. IT" Always state whether to be heated by gas or oil. See pages 44, 45, and 46. 47 BRITISH UNITED SHOE MACHINERY Co.. Ltd. LEICESTER. Pilot ScwiiYg Machine. THE Pilot Sewing Machine has been designed for sewing a large range of leather work with a dry thread, or thread waxed with cold liquid wax or melted hard wax. The machine will use thread from 3 Cord No. 30, to 7 Cord No. 18, and will sew leather from jV' thick to yV thick. The iron table which is used when sewing flat work may be instantly swung away from the arm when it is desired to use the machine for sewing shaped work. The arm has a clear length of lOJ" and a clear height of 6J". The needle works close up to the end of the arm so that sewing may be done in corners which it is imposible to reach with ordinary sewing machines. The machines are being used for sewing saddlery and harness; trunks, bags, and portmanteaux; for closing army and football boots, and for sewing footballs, etc. The machine is also provided with a heating apparatus for melting hard wax for waxing the thread, and with a transmitter for power driving. 48 IIRITISH UNITKD SHol-: MAC.HINHRY Co., Ltd. li-:h;I':st1':r. Pilot Sewing Machine. Our claims for this machine include : — Perfect Waxing of the Thread. Automatic Needle Feed. Perfect Lockstitch. Automatic Tension. Perfect Heating Apparatus. Automatic Thread Measuring. Machine complete for fixing to a bench — for using dry thread, solution wax and hard wax ... ... ... ... •■. »30 INIachine complete for fixing to a bench — for using dry thread only ... 27 Machine complete on stand — for using dry thread, solution wax and hard wax 33 ReceivintJ pulleys, 3" x i" diameter, speed 350 to .500 revolutions per minute. Belt, s" round. Net weight. •20.5 lbs. Gross weitiht. 259 lbs. Bench space. 31" X 12" Height. 21" Packing; case measures 33" x '24" x '23". id BRITISH UNITED SHOE MACHINERY Co., Ltd. LEICESTER. Needles. IVI THE I \M I BRAND. AS the results of experiments extending over some considerable time we have- now adopted a special make of needles for all our Harness Sewing Machines. The difference between the new and old needles is in the formation of the- grooves, eyes and poinrs, together with a more careful testing of the steel from which the needles are made. The superiority of our new needles is evidenced by their longer wear, and in the fact that a smaller needle may be used for the same size of thread than in any other make of needle; particularly is this the case when using fine thread. Also, by the introduction of new and improved machinery, the production of some of these needles has been cheapened and we are able to offer them at a lower price than formerly. NOTE. — All our needles are put up in packets hearing our well-known Registered Trade Mark. Al Wax Thread Machine Needles Per gross £0 13 Per doz. 1/2 No. 1 17 1/7 No. 2 and No. 5 18 1/8 No. 6 sizes 3 to 7 18 1/8 No. 6 sizes 72 to 9 1 1 2/0 No. 4 Millband Machine Needles 1 17 6 3/3 >> awls 1 1 i/ii; Pilot Wax Thread Sewing Machine Needles 15 1/4 50 BRITISH UNITI-:!) SHOE MACHINERY Co., LICICICSTICR. Ltd.. Machine Threads. THE best of Sewing Machines will fail to make good sewing if threads and needles of poor quality are used for them. The strength of the sewing depends upon the quality of the thread used, and it is not too much to say that the needle is the most important part of a sewing machine. "We are continually testing the quality of both needles and thread by using them in our machines and by other methods, and take every possible precaution to ensure stocking only those of the highest possible quality, and guarantee all ■our threads and needles to be of the best quality obtainable. Prices of "Saddle and Boot" Brand Threads. Black and Grey, 3 to 12 Cord. Number 16 18 20 22 25 30 •On 4 oz. spools In Balls 44/- 41/- 46/- 43/- 48/ 45/- 51/- 48/ 54/- 51/ 58/- per 55/- doz. lbs. Orange and Yellow Threads, 2/- per dozen pounds e.xtra. (Thread put up in 3 lb. packages.) No. 3 and 4 Cord No. 5, 6, and 7 Cord . No. 8, 9, and 10 Cord. ^ lb. Balls. 1 Millband Thread. 10 to 20 Cord No. 18 in balls, soft spun ,, ,, on 5 lb. cops, cabled 30/- per doz. lbs. 33/ 51 BRITISH UNITED SHOE MACHINERY Co., Ltd. LEICESTER. Pearson's Wax Solution. For Wax Thread Sewing Machines, in Quart Tins at 1/6. This Solution has been manufactured by us as a Speciahty for 30 years. It is- very rich in pitch and dries hand and waxhke. Pearson's Special Machine Oil. Put up in Quart Tins, for Sewing Machines. Price ... 1/6. Machine Wax. For Waxed Thread Sewing M Ordinary Brown Machine Wax in 28 lb. tins Best Black Machine Wax, in packets „ Brown „ „ White 2id. per lb. 3Jd. „ 2id. „ 4d. White Wax can be used with Black, White, or Coloured Threads. 5-2 BRITISH UNITED SHOE MACHINERY Co. Ltd. LEICESTER. New Model Stitch Pricking Machine. A special feature of this machine is the small diameter of the prick wheels- by which both straight and curved edges are marked. The machine is- provided with an adjustable gauge to regulate the distance of the pricking from the edge, and will take any thickness of strap or trace, &c. The prick wheel may be changed in a few seconds. Price (with one wheel) £5 10 Prick wheels, 2/6 each. Net weight. 42 lbs. Gross wetiiht. 60 lbs. Bench space. 11" X 7" Height. 9" 53 BRITISH UNITED SHOE MACHINERY Co., Ltd. LEICESTER. Iron Jaws for Round Reins. Iron Jaws for Shaft Tugs. Stitching Horse. STITCHING Horses are now in general use, and their superiority over old- fashioned clamps held between the knees is \'ery evident. The work is held with a firm grip, and the workman is freed from the cramped position unavoid- able when using knee clamps. The result is that more and better work can be done within a given time. Price, complete as illustrated ... „ with side seat for women „ extra iron jaws for round reins, etc. „ extra iron jaws for shaft tugs £0 15 18 3 6 5 Net weight, 20 lbs. Floor s;iac". ■25" X 17" Height. 38" 54 I ;k nisi I I'Nrri':!) siioi: .MA(■|ll.\■^:K^' Co,, IJCICMSTKR. I.td Slicking Rolls. TRACES, straps, etc., are very much impro\-ed in appearance by being passed through these rolls after they have been sewn. The pressure is put on by means of a foot-lever. The arrangement of the wheels is such that any thickness of strap may be passed between the rolls without risk of the wheels being lifted out of gear with each other. The rolls are also used for graining small pieces of leather with fish-skin or copper plate. Price, complete with treadle £4 Net weight, 36 pounds. 55 BRITISH UNITED SHOE MACHINERY Co., Ltd. LEICESTER. No. 2 Wheel Creasing or Veining Machiae. Avery decided improvement in creasing is obtained by using a machine with a "hve" creasing wheel as arranged in the machine illustrated. The crease wheel revolves at a greater speed than the feed roll, and thus produces a highly polished crease or vein. The machine is used for cycle saddles, gear -cases, straps, brace ends, purses, &c., &c. The large gear wheel is grooved for power driving, or the machine may be turned by hand. Price £5 5 Extra veining wheels, single, 1/-; double, 1/6; treble, 2/-. Note. — We carry a stock of single, double, treble, and bevel wheels in sizes (1) fine; (2) medium; (3) coarse. When ordering be particular to state size and style. Net weight. 25 lbs. Gross weight. 36 lbs. Bench space. 15" X 11" Height. i5r 56 BRITISH UMIl'; SHOE MACHINF.RV C' LKICESTI'.R. Ltd. B Straight Iron Creasing or Veining Machine. RACE ends, purses, rug straps, trunk straps, flat straps, etc., are creased on •this machine. The creases are made at any required distance from the edge, and for straight work, two or four crease or vein marks made be made simultaneously. Different kinds of veining irons can be used by changing the irons. Ornamental rollers, such as are used by trunk makers, are also used. The irons are heated by gas, each iron being provided with its own gas burner, and the temperature of the irons may be regulated to a nicetv. The heavy hand wheel is gro\-ed so that the machine mav be dri\-en bv power \vhen required. Price ... ... £5 5 E.xtra irons, 2/6 each. Note. When ordering veining irons be particular to state size and style. We carry a siock of single, double, treble, and bevel, in sizes (1) fine: ('2) medium: (3) coarse. Osborne's Round Edge Creasing Machine. Single straps are run through this machine which forms a single crease on each edge, and at the same time rounds or moulds the edges. .Admits straps 1/, 5-, a« -i„ -|x„ -|i„ -,3,, -.j^„ Price (without gas burner) ... £5 A similar machine for creasing stitched work, same dimensions and price. Net weitsht. 42 lbs. Gross weiijht. 60 lbs. BRITISH UNITED SHOE MACHINERY Co., Ltd. LEICESTER. Inking Brush Avith Guard. THE guard springs away from the brush so that it is not soiled when the brush is dipped in the ink or stain. The screw in the guard allows it to be adjusted so that more or less of the brush projects beyond the guard as may be required. By using the guard the ink is applied where it is wanted, and the adjacent parts are kept clean. Price, complete ... 5,/- each. Re-fiils, 6d. each. Osborne's Creasing Machine. (Bellow's Patent.) THE upper roll is of steel. One half is made for creasing fiat straps of various widths, and the other half is for rounded straps. The rolls for flat straps are |", §", S", i" wide with single crease, and 1", 1^", IJ", and IJ" wide with double crease, and for rounded straps the same widths from J" to IJ" all arranged for double crease. The lower roll is of wood, and presses the straps into the upper roll, the pressure being regulated by a treadle. Price ... £6 10 Net weight. 40 lbs. Gross weight. 52 lbs. Bench space. 30" X 15" Height. 11" 58 lilxTriSlI UNITED SIIOI'-. MACHINERY Co., Etd,, IJllCICSTER. Union Scam Fimshing Machine. THIS machine cuts out welts and rubs down seams at one operaiion. It will also rub down seams without a welt. Used by legging and football manufacturers. Price of machine as illustrated... Ditto with power transmitter and driving pulley £12 13 12 Receiving; Pulley, -1™" f^roovad runs at 4C10 revolutions per minute. Belt. 3" round. Net Weiijht. 65 lbs. Gross Weifiht. 90 lbs. Bench Space. IS" X 14" Hei.^^ht. 1-2" 59 BRITISH UNITED SHOE MACHINERY Co., Ltd., LEICESTER. T Trace Trimming Machine. HE illustration shows how this machine is operated, the trace being pulled through it by hand. The four corners are trimmed simultaneously, and the knives are adjustable ■so that more or less is taken off the corners as may be required. The knives automatically adjust themselves to suit different thicknesses of traces, backhands, straps, etc., and the adjustment for different widths is readily obtained by means of the hand- wheel and screw. Spring adjusting devices cause the knives to accommodate themselves to any little variation either in thickness or width, so that the same amount of trimming is done notwithstanding such slight irregularities. Price ... £4 Extra knives, per set ... 6/- Net Weight. Gross Weight. Bench Space. Height, 9 J lbs. 16 lbs. 12" X er 6J" 60 ISKI'llSil UNITED SHOK MACHINERY Co., Ltd. LEICESTER. Trace Burtvishing Machine. USED in conjunction with the Trace Trimmer. Burnishing irons supplied with this machine are made to suit any thickness of trace or strap or any shape of edge which may be required. The irons are readily changed, and are heated by specially designed gas-jets. Both edges are burnished together. The adjustment for different widths is very readily made. A spring adjusting device causes the burnishing irons to accommodate themselves to any little irregularity in the width of the straps, etc., so that all parts of the edges are burnisned under equal pressure. Price, complete with one pair of irons £2 10 Extra irons, per pair 7 6 Net Weight. Gross Weight. 9 lbs. 16 lbs. Bench Space. 14" X 4" Height. 6" 61 BRITISH UNITED SHOE MACHINERY Co., Ltd. LEICESTER. Rotary Bench Edge Setting Machine. FOR finishing edges in a satisfactory manner at a low cost this machine- cannot be excelled. The edge irons run at a high speed, and no gas is- required, as the heat is obtained by friction. The brush is run at a much slower- speed, which enables the operator to get a finished edge without risk of brushing; off the wax and destroying the polish. A wax-holder for stick wax can be supplied for this machine if required. Price ... £4 10 Receivin.iJ pulley, 3" x 21", runs at 2,000 revolutions per minute. Belt. Net Weight. Gross Weight. Bench Space. Height- s'' 75 lbs. 90 lbs. 21" x 12" 22" C)2 I'.KIIISII CNI'll.l) SIIOJ'! MACIllNEKY Cn.. l.id. LEICESTER. Raw Hide Mallets. lig lb. 2 lb. 31 lbs. 4'i lbs. 6J lbs. 8J lbs. 10 lbs. 12 lbs. 14 lbs. 5/- 7/- 9/ 11/ 13/ 15/ 17/ 19/ 21/- T HE heads of these mallets are made from discs of tough raw hide, wliich are compressed between two iron collars. The discs of which the handles are made are cut from tanned leather, and there is a solid steel core running right through the handle and head. To ensure solidity each mallet is subjected to a pressure of fifty tons. The result is these mallets will withstand any amount of hard work, and will last for many years. liipi Atmospheric Gas Heaters. FOR Hand Tools. This appliance turns off the gas as soon as the tool is taken from the flame, and re-lights it when the tool is again laid on. Saves its cost in gas in a short time. Price Weight 10/6 14 lbs. m BRITISH UNITED SHOE MACHINERY Co., Ltd. LEICESTER. Harness Loop Creasing Outfit. THE pipe loops are stitched into the harness in the same way as would be- done for hand-creasing ; the dies, which are made of gun metal, are used either cold or hot. Heated dies make better and more lasting impressions. Press, with three iron die blocks and two side plates Box for cheek loops Box for hame and breeching tug loops ... Box for shaft tug loops Price of dies per set of four, from £4 10 1 10 1 5 1 10 3 15 Net weight, complete 280 pounds. 64 I'.KiriSII UNITKD siioi'. mac:hinkkv (•<>., r.EICKSTKR. Ltd., Harness Loop Dies — Gun Metal. The following are always kept in stock : — Diamond Pattern. 5/ 5 x5r i" X 3i" 3" 4: x7" r xsr 1" X 4" ir X ir £0 18 li' X 3" 17 IS- X 2" 1 IS" x3* 17 U" x3f 18 13" x2g 17 1^" X 7" £0318 18 1 1 19 1 6 Send for impressions in leather from above dies. Special Pattern dies made to order at an extra cost of from 15% to 30% on above prices. 65 8b I BRITISH UNITED SHOE MACHINERY Co., Ltd. LEICESTER. Harness Loop Dies— Gun Metal. The following are always kept in stock: — Spear and Diamond Pattern. §"x5J" £0 18 IJ" X ir £0 17 X 3i" 17 li" X 3" ... 18 X 7J 10 ir X 2 18 x4" 18 ir X 3i" 1 X 6J" 18 IJ" X 21" 19 _ X 3^ 17 li" xSf 1 1" x4" 18 14" X 7" 1 6 Send for Impressions in leather from above Dies. Special Pattern dies made to order at an extra cost of from 15% to 30% on above prices. 66 r.i^i'iisii UNiTi-:]^ SHOE MACHINERY Co., Ltd. EIUCESTER. Blind or Winker Moulds. No. 1. No. '1. No. 8. Small Sensible Blind. Large Sensible Blind. Hatchet Blind (large) No. 4. No. 5. No. 6. Square Blind. Rounded Blind. Round Corner Blind. Prices: No. 1, 20/-. No. 2, 22/6. No. 3, 4. 5, G, 25/- Any style or size of Mould irade to order. Extra sets of tools required for each shape and size of head, at £1. Send for Samples of Studs, Spots and Work 75 BRITISH UNITED SHOE MACHINERY Co., Ltd., LEICESTER. Tubular Rivet Setting Machines. THE LEICESTER" No. 2. "THE LEICESTER- No. 1. Prices of Machines on application. 76 iiKri'lsii rNri"i-:i) SHOI'". MACHINERY Co., Ltd LEICKSTF.H. Tubular Rivet Setting Machines. THE LEICESTER" No. 4. 'THE LEICESTER" No. 3. Made in Txc:> Sizes. Prices of Machixks on application, BRITISH UNITED SHOE MACHINERY Co., Ltd., LEICESTER. The Leicester Self-Feeding Machine. Price of this Machine on application. BRITISH UNITED SHOE MACHINERY Co., Ltd. LEICESTER. > u z o N (0 (0 z w 6 z N ew BRITISH UNITED SHOE MACHINERY Co., Ltd.. LEICESTER. Tubular Rivets (Split). With Flat, Oval and Mushroom Heads, — MADE IN STEEL, BRASS and COPPER, and mav be had in Four Colours. STEEL JAPANNED BLACK (or any shade of Tan). TINNED. BRASSED. COPPERED. No. 1 SIZE LENGTHS '2 ^ 3 3i 4 4* 5 5i 6 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 Special Rivets made to order. Prices of Rivets and Machines on application. 80 BRITISH UNITED SHOE MACHINERY Co., I-td.. LEICESTER. u '^ Qh (0 tfi f-l o 09 z +J w O J > «*N a u fH ^ ^ s H H 81 BRITISH UNITED SHOE MACHINERY Co., LEICESTER. Ltd, Foot Power Lifvk and Washer Cutting Machine. WHEN power is not available or first cost is a consideration, we recommend the Machine illustrated above, which uses Dies similar to those used with the power Machine, each link or washer being cut complete at each stroke of the treadle. Price with one Die ... ... ... ... £10 Extra Dies per set ... ... ... ... 200 Countersinking Machine for power, to stand on bench... 1 10 Countersinking Machine on Stand for treadle ... 3 Net weight. 95 lbs. Gross weight. 117 lbs. Bench space. 7" X 15" Height. 18" 82 BRITISH UNITKl) SHOE MACHINERY Co., LEICESTER. Ltd. Power Link and Washer Cutter Machine. A complete link or washer is cut at each stroke of the machine, the link having two holes in it and the washer being cut on both the inside and outside circumferences. The machine is also used for cutting small strap billets and other shapes of similar size. The largest size of link we recommend the machine to be used for is 3" long by 1" wide, or washer, 2" outside diameter, and other shapes of similar size. The material cut by the machine include leather, leather board, asbestos, india rubber, insertion, cloth, &c. The links are used for link belting, doormats, &c., and the washers for many mechanical purposes including watertaps, steam taps, etc. As each part is cut it is automatically ejected from the die and falls clear of the machine. Price, including one complete die for either a link or washer ... £20 Extra dies per set ... ... ... ... ... •■• 2 5 Countersinking machine for power, to stand on bench ... ... 1 10 Countersinking machine on stand, with treadle ... ... ... 3 ReceiviiiH pulley 1-2" x -Iz". runs at 320 revolutions per minute. Belt. Net wei.i^ht. 2 J" 343 lbs. Gross weit^ht, 4.56 lbs. Floor space. 19" X 28" Heif^ht. 44- 83 BRITISH UNITED SHOE MACHINERY Co., Ltd., LEICESTER. F Gold Embossing Machine. OR stamping names or designs in silver or gold on purses, braces, etc. Will ork equally well on silk, leather, or cotton. The machine is made to carry two stamps, either of which can be brought into use instantly. Stamps to customers' designs are supplied at an extra charge. Price, without stamps ... £8 Net weight. 110 lbs. Gross weight. 150 lbs. Length. 18" Width. 18" Height. 84 i;i , I r lilted Slioe Machinery ( 1)9 Chmm W AUSTRALIA. GERMANY. )e Machinery 'I, Melbourne. Deutsclicj \iM : I. M huhmaschinen Gesellschaft, Main/cr Landsti.i (G.m.b.H ITALY. I SOUTH AMERICA. Machinery, C.o., 56 Via Solferino, M llano. 1 1 Shoe Machinery ( SPAIN. iiited Shoe Machin SWITZERLAND. ■ !i(;rKa, aith America. Uarceton.i "^ U.S.A. NEW ZEALAND. H. n. !f,>u.M ill ', CANADA. '1 1.,- OTlaliertv