■mmm - - NOTICE - - It IS particularly requested tl\at tl\e Dra\\;irigs iri tjqis Catalogue be riot cUt out, or ttie bool^ ii] ariy otl]er Way defaced, Eact] article listed herein l\as R DISTINCT CRTHLOGUE NUMBER. If you order by r|Urriber, We car] riot possibly inqaKe a n^istaKe, fill Former Prices are hereby Cancelled. Press OF HARRY W. MONTERi CO. ,90 LONG WORTH Street. C.NC TUFTS UNIVERSITY LIBRARIES 3 9090 013 409 111 rSTKBLISHeO 1565. G. S. ELI^IS & SON, MANUFACTURERS, EXPORTERS AND IMPORTERS OF FINE HARNESS, SADDLES i —TURF GOODS— Trotting and Running Horse Outfits, |-|0I^SE QLO|h|!|NJG, 5l^L^^IES, f^O^D, gi^EAt^l|NJG Ap 3pE:E:Dl|NG QaRTS, |-|01^SE f^Er^EDlES A[NlD /^LL gJppLlES FOR Th|E ^I^ACt^, Ro/\D, Stable ajsjd 5pc^^ P/\Rr^. H-i-i-'M-W^/-'/-H^H-5-i^ No. 178 Main Street, Cincinnati, O , U S. A iivr>E>x:, PAGE. Anti Snow-ball Pa'1 18 Automatic Safety Hitching Strap 82 Balling Iron G'5 Bandages 5*) Bitting Rig or Harness 45 Bits, all kinds o7-0G Check 62, 63 " Cribbing and Wind Sucking 63 " Coach 64 Colt 59 " Drenching 63 " Driving 50-64 " for Pullers and Luggers ;.. 00-63 Race ...113 " Riding 65 Stallion 60 Tongue Lolling and Easy Mouth 58-59 Blacking, Boot 119 " Harness 119 Bit Burnishers 114 Blanket Pins 70 Blister, Hagyard's Liquid 121 Body Roll^■rs 56 Boot Top Powders 119 Fluid 119 Boot Tops, Coachman's 110 Boots, Jockey 114 Breaking Carts 96 " Harness 97 Breeding Hobbles 44 Breeches and Glove Paste 119 Bridles, Cooling 83 Riding 98 Race 113 " Stallion of all kinds 81 Breeches, Jockey 114 Bruslies, Conipo 71 Crest 71 Dandy 71 " Dusting 72 " Grooming 71 " Horee 71 " Mane and Tail 71 " Root 71 Spoke....- 71 Water 71 Calk Covers 17 Caps, Jockey 114 Driv ng i^Ci Carriage Dusting Brushes 72 " ' Mats 72 Top Dressing 119 Carls, Road, Speeding and Breaking 93-97 Chamois 119 Check Ease 78 Hook 18 Clipping Machines 74-77 " Shears 77 Coachman's Boots : 110 Boot Tops 110 Colors, Jockey 114 Compress (Hock and Curb) 14, 18 Combs, Clipping 73 " Curry 73 " Mane and Tail 73 PAGE. Condjs, with Hair Shedder 73 Cribbing Muzzles and Straps 67 Crops, Riding 99 Curb Chains 65 Dash Watch and Rein Holder... 88 Driving Gloves 8S Jackets 86 Reins 85 Dusters, Feather and Wool 72 Elastic Dumb Jockey and Breaking Caveson 45 Embrocation 120 Flmmerts Check I*;ase 78 F;ye Shields 85 Fe^d Bags 67 Boxes 07, 08 " Measures C9 Fuller's Liiiillieilt Body and Leg Wash 12'1 Floats 7S Fly Nets 55 Gaiting Wheel 87 Gig Saddles 46 .Guards, Stallion 79, 80 Hair Shedders 73 Halters 83 Harness, all kinds 19-43, 97 " Breaking 97 " Barouche 33 Bitting ., 45 " Buggy, Single .' 19-31 Track 19-31 Russett, Single 28 " Single Express and Spring Wagon 35 " Coach and Double Carriage Harness, 36, 38, 39 Colt 30 " Double Driving 30, 37 (Single) Pony 41 " Double Pou3' 32 Exhibition 28, 29, 37 Coupe 34 " Double Team 40, 41 Goat 42 Harness Composition 11 '.i " Covering . SI " Dressing 119 Oils 119 " Punches 78 Head Bumper 82 Hoof Drefising 117 Expander 17 " Packing , 117 Remed}' .....117 Hooficure 117 Hoof Pad Springs IS " Picks 78 Hobbles, Breeding 44 " Trotting and Pacing 43 Horse Boots ". 1 to 16 Ankle Boots 3 and 4 Ankle and Pastern 13 Arm Boots 10 Arm and Knee Boots 10 Back Cord -. 7 Calking Boot '. 14 Calking Roll 14 1 N DEX.— Continued. PAGE. Coronet Boots, Front Leg 3 " HindLeg 12 Cord Boots, Curb Compress 18 Elastic Shin Brace 5 Stockings 5 Elbow Boot 11 Hitter 11 Fetlock Supports 15 Hock Boot, Stable 14 " Compress 14, IS " Truss 18 Inside Arm Boots 10 Interfering Devices ..„ S Kicking Boots 14 Knee Boots 9 Knee and Arm Boots 10 Knee, and Shin Boots 8 " Cap Boots 9 " Shin and Ankle Boots 8 " Shin, Ankle and Cord Boots 8 Poultice and Lawn Boots 14 Quarter Boots 1, 2, 3 " Rubber 2 Runiiing- Horse Boots 115, 110 Scalpers 11, 12 and I'astern 12 Shin Boots 4, 5 " Rolls 5 " and Ankle C " Ankle, Knee and Cord .7 " Ankle and Speedy Cut, with Hock Extension.... 13 " Braces, Elastic 5 " and Knee 8 " .^nkle and Pastern 13 Speedy Cut Boots and Attachments 13 Shoe Boil Roll 14 Soaking Boot 15 Tendon Boots 7 Toe Boots 11 Trotting Balls 3 Horse Clothing: 47 to 54 Blankets, Square and Shaped 51, 52 Blankets, Sweat and Cooling 47 Blankets for Stable use 51-52 Wallins' Patent 52 Coolers 47 Cooling Suits ..47, 49, 50 Hoods, Sweat and Cooling 53 Sheets and Flv Covers -50 Street Blankets 51 Suits, sqnare and shaped 47, 48, 49, 50 Cooling 47, 49, 50 Waterproof Covers 49 Working Suits 48 Horse Slings IS •' Tail Holders 84 " Shoe Pads 17 " Foot Remedy ■ 117 '■ Hoof Packing 117 Fancy Trimmed Suits 47, 48, 49 Ice Creepers 17 Jockey Outfits 114 Lap Robes and Lap Dusters 54, 55 Leggins, Riding 110 Lettering, Blankets and Suits 48 Liniments 118, 120 Lip Protectors 65 Meltonian Cream 119 Martingales, Race 113 Riding....?. 98 Metal Polish..... 119 Mats, Carriage 72 Muzzles, all kinds 06, 67 Nose Straps 62 Oat Sieves 69 " Cleaners 69 Pads, Harness 84 Pommel Pads, Race 113 Polish for Mountings 119 Pants, Jockey 113 Rubber Horse Suits 49 Rubber Horse Covers 49 Rubber Comb and Brush 73 Ruuiiing Horse Ooods 112-117 Reins, Driving 85 Rein Buttons 84 " Holders 85 Remedies, Specifics, etc 117, 118, 119 Riding Boots 110 Riding Leggins 110 " .Strap for holding down Trousers 99 Road Carts 93 to 97 Robes, Fur 54 " Lap 54 Rollers 56 Rubbing Cloths 56 Sashes, Jockey 114 Saddle Housings 109 " Pads 109 " Race 113 SAODLES, Riding 100 to 109 Saddles, Race and Exercise 112 Track 46 " for Bugg3' Harness 46 Saddle Furniture 113 Salt Sacks, Sweat 56 Scrapers 78 Si /...- ^ -"—'v— ^ y~T_^ c. 7^ — -C^ ^^€ ^ ^^^^ />^^l^c f-yiA-^ \.^^^^L<^^ y^iyt^». J. tEATHBBS, Tii'u ysarold Record , 2:16 1-2. In tairteen weeks traveled 7,000 miles, trotted on i-leven different tracts', .sixteen mtles from 2.W; to 2:21. tec of Uiem In 2-211 or better. No other two- year-old tias ever approached thlsshr-winsj. I LEXINGTON, KY. i,. RICHFIELD & LEATHERS, PROPRIETORS. «^\ LEXINGTON, KY-,- .-.•M^.^^.^. 1892 ^hi^^LA^^dixdl. SINCLAIR 8c MANN, BOSTON A^C/^ <^J^^cJ^ fxS.-^ (^ /T^ore parl^ T T T » T Jerre J^aute, \[)d,M^:^^y_t^T\8g^^ ^■"^"T^-l^ ^^^-^^^t/iy /U^ ^A:::^^^i^^^U-?x. RED ^VILKES. Owned by "THE HIGHLAND FARM," Lexington, Ky. W. C. FRANCE & SON, Proprietors. We respectfully refer to above parties as to the quality and prices of our goods. G. S. ELLIS &:SON. Iriterior View of Our Buildir)g, 178 main Stt^eet, Cincinnati, Ohio. IS^ F=EET DEEP. Thie Largest and Finest in tlie ^Torld ! '"e.^te^^^^-^^i"" imPORTAflT Since issuing our last catalogue we have made some very great improvements in all departments, more particular!}' in our Horse Boot and Harness department. We are now using in all our best grade of boots tbe very finest of California stock, are making our boots lighter M-eight, closer fitting and finer finished than any heretofore made by us or any other house in the world. In presenting this catalogue (which, by the way, is the most complete ever published) we desire to call your attention to the fact that we carry such an endless variety of goods, that it would be almost an impossibility to list every article that we have in stock, and should you fail to find listed herein the article you desire, kindly write us, giving a description, or let us know for what purpose the article is intended, and we can in all probability furnish you with it, as our aim is to carry in stock every article of merit that is used on, or connected with the horse. Our goods, which have been on the market, and been tested by many of the best horsemen in the country, for the past twenty-seven years, are second to none, and you will find our prices to be lower than 3'ou can buy the same quality of goods from an^^ other house in the world. All of our English, French and German goods are imported by us direct, saving the middle man's profit. In our workshops we employ none but the best of skilled labor, and use nothing but the verj' best material that money can procure. This, together with our long and practical experience and extensive dealing, enables us to furnish our customers with the most desirable goods, of a superior quality, and at reasonable prices We carry the largest and most complete stock of any house in the world, and are General Agents for the following articles: (Genuine Imported) Newmarket Racing, Exercise and Ladies and Gentlemen's Riding Saddles ; Whitman Saddle Co.'s Goods, Wellman's New York Riding School Saddles, Graham's, Lindsey's, Frazier Road, Speeding and Breaking Carts and Sulkies, Upington's Kentucky Breaking Carts, the new Sulkej-ette or close Hitch Track Cart, S. Toomey & Co.'s Sulkies, Chas. S- Caffrey & Co.'s Sulkies, McMurray «S: Fisher Sulkies, and all the leading patented novelties in this line. Soliciting correspondence and a continuance of the very liberal patronage which has been bestowed upon us in the past, for which we return to our mau}^ friends and patrons many thanks, we remain. Yours truly, G. S. KLLIS & SON. TERMS AND INSTRUCTIONS FOR ORDERING. Oiir terms are strictly cash. We will ship goods to any part of America subject to approval^ and if goods are not satisfactory they may be returned, a>id ivc ivill refund the money^ providing they are not used, and the purchaser first agrees to pay all express charges, so that we are put to no expense in case the goods do not suit him. HOin^ TO ORDER. In ordering goods please write your name, Post-Office address, also County and State in plain, bold letters, so that we will make no mistake in shipping; also, state whether you wish goods shipped by freight or express — if freight, what railroad you want them shipped over; if express, which express company you prefer. We do not send goods by mail, only on special order, and then at purchaser's risk. All export orders must be accompanied with money order or draft, otherwise will positively not be filled. If HMRNESS OR HORSE CLOTHING Of special size is wanted, state height and weight of animal. In ordering HORSE BOOTS Be particular to state which size is wanted, as we make five different sizes, which we designate as follows : S. S. Extremely small, for weanlings up to yearlings. M. Medium Size, for medium-size horses. S. Small Size, for yearlings and two year olds. L,. Large Size, for large horses. L. L. Extra Large for extremely large horses. Where no size is given, we invariably ship Medium. All orders will be filled by us with a desire to please the party ordering ; and where goods are not particularly specified, but left partly or fully to our discretion, we will always do the best in our judgment to satisfy the purchaser, but would at all times prefer the buyer to state plainly what is wanted. N. B. — During the past twenty-seven years, a large amount of goods have been ordered of us by parties in other cities to be shipped to them by express, C. O. D., which were never called for at their express ofiBce, consequently returned to us with express charges both ways for us to pay. To secure us against any such loss in the future, we request that at least $1.00 to $5.00 accompany each order, which amount will be deducted from the bill. Reliable parties can not object to this reasonable request. Hopsc Boot Dcpai^tment. We take pleasure in announcing to our friends and patrons that we have just completed an entirely new line of Horse Boots, which are far superior to any other make in the world, being the lightest weight closest fittine and finest finished boot ever made. This is a very broad assertion, but we have the boots to back it, and don't you forget it. Send us your order, and if not exactly as we represent them, return to us, and we will '^^^'"Read'w^arMr. Geo. Ketcham has to say in regard to our new boots; also, see Mr. Geo. Wilkes Simmons- letter on next page. 1. ^mMMm doycbo.QyL v-z^^-yd^'^^ff. L^ .iGEO. WILKES" SIMMONS, LEXINGTON, KY. ^^^j^t^^>y. _^/S9 ^^ <^^^&iM ^AMiUiU^^y- c^^ No. I. QUARTER BOOTS. No. 2. No. 3. No. No. 5. No. 1. Quarter Boot. A good, durable low-cut Boot, Felt lined Per pair, $2 50 No. 2. " " Close-fitting, medium-height, " " " 3 25 No. 3. " " A very close-fitting Boot for horse that strikes high and hard ; Elk-lined, made with 3 straps o. P. Quarter Boot. Same as No. S, only has steel plate inside lor extremely hard hitters " 7 00 No. 10. " " Double-acting ; made hinged at the sides '. " 5 50 N. B,— If any special pattern Boot is desired not listed herein, we will make them to order on short notice. ^^® J^.(S.£)lftJ 3f%m ^^ QUARTER BOOTS. No. II. Xo. 12. No. 13. Bio. 14. No. 11. Patent Rubber Quarter Boot. Covers the hoof and pastern joint completely; especially adapted to muddy tracks and winter use Per pair, f.5 00 No. 12. Bell Quarter Boot. With Chamois Roll " 3 00 No. 13. " " " Made of fine white English Wool Booting, for horse that brushes lightly, '• 2 75 No. 14. " " " Made of fine white English Wool Booting, Lambswool top; undoubt- edly the best colt Boot on the market " 3 50 No. 15. No. 16. No. 17. No. 17.V No. 15. Bell Quarter Boot. Made of fine white English Wool Booting, Lambswool top. Leather around bottom Per pair, $3 90 No. 16. Bell Quarter Boot. Same as No. 15, only has leather covering over Lambswool " 5 50 No. 17. Extremely light-weight Bell Quarter Boot. Made with one Kid Roll on top; lithtest weight and finest Bell Boot made " 5 00 No. 17i. Bell Quarter Boot. Same pattern as No. 17, only made entirely of white Elk-skin ; a very lightweight Boot " 5 00 No. 18. Marvin's Pattern Bell Quarter Boot. Made with 3 Kid Rolls on top " 5 40 N. B.— If any special pattern Boot is desired not listed herein, we will make them to order on short notice. QUARTER BOOTS, ANKI,E BOOTS AND INTERFERING DEVICES. Xo. 19, No. 20 XO. 21. No. 2 2 and 23. No. 19. "Roy Wilkes" Quarter Boot, for pacers only p No. 20. " — - ' No. 21. No. 22. No. 2.3. ^ ,^ „ - ^.- pair, $5 50 Front Coronet Boot, protects coronet perfectly ,. ., c^ Ankle Boot, made of Felt, Chamois bound for road use ' « " % • Ankle Boot, made of heavy Calfskin. A good plain boot for hard hitter, for road use.......' " 1 50 Ankle Boot. Same as No. 22, only made larger and heavier for extremely large horses " 1 7,5 Haughey's Interfering Device. No. 24. No. 25. No. 26. No. 27. No. 24. Straight Pattern, Kersey-Lined Ankle Boot, with elastic for front leg Per pair .^-t 50 No. 2.5. Hind Ankle, Elastic Heel Extend, Finest French Calfskin ' ' "4 00 No. 26. Trotting Balls. Rubber, 20c. each; Medium Size, Horn, 3.5c. each; Extra Large and Heavy, Horn g^^j^ ^^ No. 27. Haughey's Pat. Interfering Device. Guaranteed to break horse from interfering. Invalu- " able to horse raisers to use ou colts Per pair -^ 00 N. P.— If any special pattern Boot is desired, not listed herein, we will make them to order on short notice. ^^^Jh.^^^UU 3f%m -^ ANKLE BOOTS AND SHIN BOOTS. No. 29. No. 30. No. 31. No. 28. Fine French Calf Ankle Boot for Front Leg. Lightest weight, closest fitting and finest Boot made Per pair, $2 50 No. 29. Ankle Boot. Similar to No. 28, only curved for hind leg " 2 85 No. 30. Front Leg Ankle Boot. A very desirable Boot, made of Soft Oiled French Calf " 2-50 No' 31. Hind Leg Ankle Boot. Similar to No. 30, only curved for hind leg " 2 85 No. 32. No. 33. No. 34. No. 32. Ankle Boot. Made entirely of Fine White Booting, feather weight, either for front or hind leg Per pair, $:? 00 No. .'i3. Ankle Boot. Similar to No. 3"-', only has Leather Cap and Buck-Roll on top. Bouita Pattern, " 4 '00 No. 34. Kersey Shin Foot, to protect between knee and ankle " 1 .50 N. B.— If any special pattern Boot is desired, not listed herein, we will make tbem to order on short notice. c^^ %tc^ ^MMiiM ^>^ SHIN BOOTS, ROLLS, ELASTIC BRACES AND STOCKINGS. No. 37. No. 38 No. 3-5. Kersey Sliin Boot, to protect between knee and ankle. Made of Fine Kersey, -with Elastic, Per pair, $2 No. oil. Kersey Sbin Boot, to protect between knee and ankle. Made of finest White English Wool Kersey, with half-cord protection " 3 No. 37. Shin Boot. Made of finest and lightest French Calf, with Elastic " -I No. .38. Shin Boot. Same as No. 37, only has half-cord protection " 4 BWW^ien ordering any of the aljovf, please state whether they are to be used on front or hind leg. No. 39. Shin Rolls, to protect between knee and ankle. Made of finest Imported Kid. 3 Rolls Per pair, $2 50 tl Rolls Per pair, $4 4 Rolls " 3 75 8 Rolls " 5 No. 40. Elastic Shin Brace, for weak, injured or swollen tendons. Made of best heavy Black Elastic, " 3 No. 41. Elastic Stockings. Made of best heavy Black Elastic, without cord protection " 4 With cord protection, as shown in cut " 7 41. 50 50 00 50 N. B.— If any special pattern Bcjot is desired, not listed herein, we will make them to order on short notice. --^-%.S.^Ito ^-S/on ^y- No. 42. SHIN AND ANKLE BOOTS. No. 43. No. 44. No. 45. No. 42. Kersey Shiu and Ankle Boot for Front Leg Per pair, $2 50 No. 43. Kersey Shin and Ankle Boot, similar to 42, only curved for Flind Leg " 2 85 No. 44. Shin and Ankle Boot for front leg, made of finest English White Wool Kersey, with Elastic " 5 00 No. 45. Shin and Ankle Boot, similar to 44, only curved for hind leg " 5 50 Soft Shin and Ankle Boot No. 46. No. 47. No. 48. No. 49. No. 40. Soft Shin and Ankle Boot, made entirely of heavy English Wool Booting, Bound Per pair, $5 00 No. 47. Front-leg Shiu and Ankle Boot, made of finest French Calf, with Elastic, Lightest Weight, Closest Fitting and finest Boot made " 5 50 No. 48. Shiu and Ankle Boot, similar to 47, only curved for hind leg " 6 00 No. 49. Hinged Shin and Ankle Boot, made of Finest and Lightest French Calf, with Elastic " (i 00 N. B. — If any special pattern Boot is de.sired not listed herein, we will make them to order on short notice. — 6 — c^^ ^^oUt ^mMIbU^ TENDON OR CORD BOOTS. No. 50. No. 51. No. 53. No. 50. Shin and Tendon Boot. Made of finest French Calf. Lightest weight, best fitting and finest Boot made Per pair, $5 .50 No. .51. Tendon Boot. Similar to No. 50, only extends around leg further and protects ankle " 7 GO No. 52. Shin, Ankle and Tendon Boot. A good, substantial Boot. Same pattern as No. 53, only plainer and made of Kersey " 4 75 No. 53. Shin Ankle, with soft tendon protection. Made of finest and lightest French Calf, with Elastic " 7 50 No. 54. No. 56. No. 57- No. .54. Double Shin and Ankle Boot, with Soft Cord Protection. Made of finest and lightest French Calf, with Elastic Per pair, $8 25 No. .55. Shin, Ankle and Tendon Boot, with Half-Knee Protection. Finest and lightest French Calf, " 7 50 No. 56. Front Leg Boot. Protects back cord, heel and ankle " 4 86 No. 57. Hind Leg Boot. Protects ankle, foot of ankle, and shin " 4 85 N. B. — If any special pattern Boot is desired, not listed herein, we will make them to order on short notice. <^^Jh.§-&UA^ ^S/on ^ KNEE AND SHIN BOOTS. KNEE, SHIN AND ANKLE BOOTS. No. 58. PUo. 59. ISO. 61. No. 62. No. .58. Knee and Shin Boot. Protects Knee and Shin down to Ankle, made of Finest White English Kersey Per pair, S5 00 No. 59. Knee, Shin and Ankle Boot. Protects Knee, Shin and Ankle, made of Finest White English Kersey " 6 00 No. 60. Hinged Knee, Shin and Ankle Boot. Made of Finest White English Kersey, with Elastic, exactly like 61, only has no cord protection " 8 00 No. 61. Knee, Shin, Ankle and Cord Boot. Made of Finest White English Kersey, with Elastic ; has cord protection " 10 00 No. 62. Shin and Ankle Boot. With half-knee protection ; made of Lightest and Finest French Calf, with Elastic " 6 00 N. B.— If any speciul pattern Boot is desired not listed herein, we will make thim to order on short notice. c^^ ^y^ 5^oU^ ^MilUkM^ KNEE BOOTS. KNEE CAP BOOTS. NO. 63. No. 64. No. 65. No. 63. A Durable and Practical Knee Boot Per pair, $2 75 No. 64. Knee Boot (Electricity). Made of finest California stock. The finest and most desirable Knee Boot made " •'' ^^ No. 64^. Knee Boot. Similar to No. 64, only has Steel Plate inside for hard hitters " 6 00 No. 65. Knee Boot, Hinged Kentucky Pattern " 6 00 No. 66. No. 67. No. 68. No. GG. Knee Boot (Manon). Made of heavy English Booting, with Leather Cap Per pair, fo 00 No. 67. Soft White Felt Knee Boot. Very light weight, made of finest English Booting, for light brusher " 4 00 No. 68. English Pattern Knee Cap Boot. To be used on front of knee for jumpers, stumblers, or for stable use when horse strikes his knees against the stall " 4 00 Any of the above Knee Boots furnished with Elastic Suspenders at $1 00 per pair extra. N. B.— If any special pattern Boot is desired, not listed herein, we will make them to order on short notice. — 9 ^^©^J^.S.SIfy 3f%m ^^ KNEE AND ARM BOOTS. ARM BOOTS. Kio. 69. No. 70. No. 71. „ ,„ , . . „, . ,. J r T-- . ^ 1/- ■ o^ 1 I Without Suspenders, Per pair, $7 00 No. 69. Knee Boot, with Short Arm. Made of Finest California Stock 1 „,.,, ^ j „ „' ^ t With Suspenders ** •'" No. 70. Jointed Knee and Arm Boot. Kentucky Pattern, made of Finest white English Kersey... No. 71. " Adair" Knee and Arm Boot. Arm made of Finest and Lightest French Calf; Knee made entirely of Finest English Wool Booting ...•• 8 00 9 50 9 50 No. 72. I«o. 73. No. 72. " Kismet " Knee and Arm Boot. Made of Finest and Lightest Calf throughout Per pair, |10 50 No. 73. Short Inside Arm Boot " 4 60 N. B.— If any special pattern Boot is desired not listed herein, we will make them to order on short notice. — 10- c^^ P^i4^ ©/WttillM4^>- ELBOW BOOTS. SCALPERS. No. 75. No. 74. No. 74. Elbow Boot "Blaine." Made of finest English Wool Booting, lined with finest Lambswool, the most practical Elbow Boot made Per pair, $7 25 No. 75. Elbow Boot, Elk Lined " ^ ^'^ The above Boots are made of the tlne.st material throughout, and are priced complete with Suspenders. Jil jllv ^^ Vf ^ No. 76. No. 77. No. 78. No. 78J. No. 76. A good serviceable Plain Scalper. Made of solid California stock. Protects the front Per pair, f 2 50 No. 77. A good serviceable Plain Scalper. Made of solid California stock. Protects both front and side " 3 00 No. 78. "Palo Alto" Scalper. Made of the finest California stock. Protects the front. The best and most durable Scalper made "^ No 78*. Ellis' New Felt Scalper. Protects front. Made of White Compressed Felt. A very desirable and light-weight Boot ^ "^^ N. B.— If any special pattern Boot is desired, not listed herein, we will make them to order on short notice. — 11 — ®^ -^ . (S. C'Ifij ^ s^ ^ SCALPER'S TOE AND PASTERN BOOTS. CORONET BOOTS. ^^^^^^^^^^^ - '' ISO 79. No. 80. ISO. 81. ' ?«o. 82, No. 79. "Palo Alto" Side Scalper. Made of finest California stock; protects side; the finest and most durable Scalper made Per pair, $.3 No. 80. Front and Side Scalper "Sunny Slope." Protects front and side ; made oyinest California stock and is the finest Scalper made " 3 No. 81. Ellis' New Felt Scalper. Protects front and side ; a very desirable and light-weight Boot, made of White Compressed Felt " 3 No. 82. Palo Alto Toe and Pastern Boot. The most desirable Boot made for colts " 4 ^.l>i ^^^^W \ ^HHI^^^^B Hind Coronet Boot, No. 83. ISO. 85. ISO. 85A. ISO. 86. No. iSH. California Toe and Pastern Boot. Made of finest California stock Per pair, §•') 75 No. 84. Similar to No. 83, only has heavy English White Wool Booting Speedy Cut Attachment " 5 75 No. 85. Cnt Davis' Hoof and Speedy Cut Boot. The only Boot ever invented that will protect a hard, speedy cutter " 5 75 No. 85.1. Scalper and Speedy Cut Boot (Scalper part made of heavy white compressed Felt, like No. 81; Speedy Cut part, of heavy white Wool English Booting, padded " 5 75 No. SO. Hind Coronet Boot. Protects Coronet perfectly " 2 50 N. B.— If any special pattern Boot is (lesircd not listed herein, we will make them to Older on .slioit notire. ANKLE AND PASTERN BOOTS. SHIN, ANKLE AND SPEEDY CUT BOOTS. No. 87. No. 88. No. 89. No. 87. Pastern Boot. Protects pastern perfectly Per pair, $2 "jO No. 8S. Ankle and Pasteru Boot. Made of Finest French Calf " -^ -'0 No. 89. Ankle and Speedy Cut Boot. Made of Finest French Calf. A very desirable Boot " tJ "0 -<^ No. 91. JSo. 94. No. 94U No. 90. "Susie" Shin, Ankle and Speedy Cut Boot. Made of Kersey, for hind leg Per pair, $4 65 No. 91. Shin, Ankle and Speedy Cut. Made of Finest White English Kersey, and California Stock or Finest and Lightest French Calf, as desired " 9 00 No. 92. Shin, Ankle and Pastern. Made of either Finest White English Kersey and California Stock or Finest and Lightest French Calf " 9 00 No. 93. Shin and Pastern Boot. Made entirely of Finest English AU-Wool Booting " 5-50 No. 94. Ankle and Speedy Cut Boot, Hock Extension. Finest and Lightest French Calfskin " 1100 No. 9-lJ. Ellis' new pattern Shin, Ankle and Speedy Cut Boot, with Ilock Extension, Finest and Lightest French Calf " 11 00 N. B. — If any specitii pattern Boot is desired, not listed herein, we will make them to order on short notice. — 13 — -^^.S.£)lfli 3f%m ^ Calking Roll. Hock Boot. Kicking Boot. Elastic Hock CorriDress. No. 95. No. 97. No. 98. No. 95. Full Hock Boot, for Stable Use Per pair, S5 -50 Ne. 96. Side Hock or Kicking Boot. To prevent injury to the hock-joint when horse kicks the same while being groomed " 4 75 No. 97. Elastic Hock Compress, for Blood Spavin or Thoroughpin ' fi 00 No. 98. Calking Roll. To prevent horse standing with one foot on other in stable Each, 2 75 S hoe Boil Roll. Calking Boot. Poultice or Lawn Boot. li ra _ No. 99. Nos. 100 and loi. No. 102. No. 99. Calking Boot, with Soft Roll on Top, for same purpose as No. 98 Per pair, $2 75 No. 100. Shoe-Boil Roll. To prevent horse from getting calk of his shoe under |arm while lying down, causing a shoe-boil. Made of best enameled leather, and stuffed with hair Each, 3 00 No. 101. Shoe-Boil Roll. Similar to No. 100, only made of web " 150 No. Ufl. Poultice or Lawn Boot. Used on feet to apply poultice ; also put on horse to prevent tramping down lawn Pei pair, 4 50 %{. u.—if any -special pattern Boot is desired not listed herein, we will make them to order on short notice. c^^ 5^oUt ^4MUieM^^>^ PLAIN SOAKING SWAB, SOAKING BOOT AND COLT FETLOCK SUPPORT. Colt Fetlock Support. SoakltiK Boot. 'With Frog Pad. No. 103. Mo. X04. Xo. 105. No. 103. Plain Soaking Swab. Covers lioof complete, but has no bottom ?er pair, ?1 40 No. 104. Soaking Boot. Made of Heavy Felt, with Rawhide Frog, Tad lined with Sj onge " 3 00 No. 10.5. Ellis' Fetlock Support, for colts with weak limbs " 7 00 N. B. — If any spaci U patt th Boot is desired, an listed herein, we will make tliem to order on .short notice. ©> -^ . (S. &KU 3^ S/on ^>- TOE AND SIDE WEIGHTS. //^y- iff iiigijiiiipp-^ ^ — a^jij No. io6. No. 107. No. 108. No. 106. The Chicago is a welded spur weight. The Spur A being welded to the shoe, takes all concussion off the hoof, and leaves the hoof in its natural condition. Sizes, 2 to S ozs. Complete with Spurs Per pair, $2 00 No. 107. Security Toe Weight. The Spur A is secured to the hoof by small screws, the lower end of spur resting on shoe, takes all strain from the screws. The spur can be allowed to remain on the hoof, or can be removed. Can be used on horses whether shod or not. Sizes, 2 to 10 ozs. Complete " 2 00 No. 108. Stick-Fast Toe and Side Weights. Sizes, 2 to 10 ozs. Complete " 2 00 Pocket Toe 'WeiRht Side -Weigtit. AND SPUR? '^ No. ro9. No. no. No. 112. No. 109. Mitchell Toe Weight, Complete Per pair, 2 00 No. 110. ^Pocket Weight. Made of Leather, and filled with Sheet Lead. Can be changed to weigh any weight desired within a minute ? " 1 50 No. 111. Dot Side Weight, Leather filled with Sheet Lead " 1 50 No. 112. The "Duplex" Side Weight. To be used on scalper. Sizes, 2 to S ozs " 150 cx^ .P^Ue ©44|ilM4 ^^-» Dr. Roberge's Patent Hoof Expander The "Boss" Patent Horse Shoe Pad. Ice Creepers Bio. 114. No. 115. :no. 1 16. The " Boss" Patent Horse Shoe Pads. Made entirely of Rubber and Cork, the Cork being put in to lighten the weight. Prevents and cures Lameness, Contracted Feet, Corns, Quarter Cracks, Laminitis, etc. Sizes, Nos. 1 to (i Perpair, 75 cts. -TESTIlVIONIAliS.- T.'j Willow St., Lvnn, Mass., August 17, ISSS. One of my horses "went lame" for a year and a half. I put a pair of your Pads on him a year ago last spring, and used them on him about nine months. His feet then looked so well that I decided to try him without them. He has been used in the livery business ever since, and has as "sound" a foot as I ever saw on a horse. W. A. Brav, Sale Stables. !)14 Brown St., Philadelphia, Pa., Feb. '2, 1S8S. The Rubber and Cork Pads are superior in practical value and economy to any protection for the horses' feet that I have ever seen, for work on our hard pavements. In economy they will make a saving of at least 1(1 per cent, in horse-shoeing bills, and in se> z'/ce, a horse can travel fifteen miles with the Pads easier than he can travel ten miles without them. They will spread the foot, thereby relieving contraction, and prevent, or rem- edy, at least, many of the diseases to which the horse's foot is subject. By preventing concussion, and adhering to the surface, they ^h'c the horse conjidence , causing him to extend his gait, and improve his general appear- ance. J. A. Martin, Veterinary Surgeon. Schenectady, N. Y., August 15, 1888. The principle of the Pads, creating a Irog-pressure, is strictly correct, that being Nature's remedy for, as well as preventive of contracted heels. Their pi-act ica I value should give them an extensive sale, and their universal use would be a great saving to owners of, as well as a great mercy to, horses generally. D. G. Christie, Supt. Schenectady Street Railway Co. No. 114. Calk Cover. To be placed over the shoe and over the sharp calks when in stable, thus preventing injury to the horse Per pair. No. 115. Patent Ice Creepers. A perfect temporary or permanent arrangement for slippery and icy roads. It is easily and quickly adjusted, and fits any size shoe. The only parts that wear are the points, and they can be renewed at a nominal price. Very durable Per set, No llfi. Dr. Roberge's Patent Hoof Expander. Cures Corns, Contractions, Quarter Cracks, etc. It is the best invention for expanding a contracted fool, and keeping a foot hOund and in its natural shape. It is used and approved by the leading horse owners of the New York Driving Park, such as Robt. Bonner, Frank Work, and hundreds of other gentle- men of repute. In ordering, send diagram of foot Per pair. MR. Bii.VNEK say.s: "I have used the Roberge Hoof Expander on Maud S. and other horse.s with good ri suits, instniment for expanding the hoof when properl.v applied." Robert Bonnei:. 2:00 llent ^Jh.S.^Ui^ 3f8m ^^ Truss for the Radical Cure of Bog Spavin and Thoroughpin. Veterinary Curb Compress. Bovies Pat. Hoof Pad Springs. No. ii6J. No. 117. No. 118J. No. 116J. Professor Baker's Truss for the radical cure of bog spavin and thoroughpin Each, 10 00 No. 117. Bovies Pat. Pad Springs. For Winter and Summer use. As a substitute for snow shoes they are invaluable, being far superior to anything in the market. By using pieces of felt held in the foot by these springs, you have an elastic movement that prevents the accumulation of snow in the feet They are needed for stable use just as much in Winter as in Summer, as moisture freezes out of feet quicker than it dries out. Price Per pair, $1 00 Directions — Get two small sponges, place the wet sponge in the foot, slip one end of spring under one side of shoe and press together till the other end slides under the opposite side, ran he put in with the single point toward the toe or the reverse. If not convenient to get sponges, take wet cloths or piece.s of heavy felt. These springs will hold anything iu the loot. Two sizes, Kos. 1 and 2. No. 1 fits any foot up to a No. 3 shoe, and No. 2 tits No. 4 shoe and upwards. No. 118. Anti-Snow Ball Pad. Sizes as follows, measured across the Pad: No. 2, 25 inches; No. 3, 3inches; No. 4, 31 inches; No. .'5, 35 inches; No. 6, 4 inches. Price Per pair, $2 00 No. 1181. The Veterinary Curb Compress. Cures curb by pressure, in from 5 to 10 days, without injury to the hair or horse, or the infliction of any suffering to the animal Each, $10 00 Horse Sling, Kimball's Patent Safety Check Hook. No. X19. No. 120. No. 119. Horse Sling. For use in cases of broken or injured limbs. Price, complete Each, $25 03 No. 120. Kimball's Patent Safety Check Hook. The most practical and least complicated Clici k Hook ever offered to the public. 1st. A horse can not become unchecked. 2nd. This hook will not break; ordinary ones do. ord. It raises the saddle from the horse's back, instead of pulling it down, as is the case with the ordinary hooks. Endorsed by many of the best horsemen in the United States as being the des/, the cheapest^ and the simplest Check Hook ever offered. Nickel or Imitation Rubber Each, 6Lc. c^^ %ut dMiwam ^>^ THE BEST SINGLE STRAP BUGGY AND TRACK HARNESS IN THE WORLD FOR THE MONEY.— Hand Sewed. XO. X2I. No. 121. Single Strap Harness. For Buggy use. Is maile of good Oak-tanned Stock throughout, hand-sewed and is, without a doubt, the best low-priced Harness ever offered to the public. Description- -Bridle, i inch Box Loop, either overcheck or side rein, good dark-green leather front or chain if desired, or with open bridle if preferred; Flat Lines, j inch fro tits, 1^ inch hand parts, spring end billets; Breast Strap, single strap, with 1| inch good solid traces ; Flat Martingale, 22 or 3 inch Saddle, leather bottom, and laced in by hand. All the edges on this harness are taken off, so that they will not chafe, and they are finished up nice and smooth throughout. Full Nickel or Davis Hard Rubber Mountings throughout Price, |14 75 Genuine Rubber Mountings throughout " 18 65 No. 122. Harness for Track or Sulky use. Same as above, only ferrets are set down lower on Saddle, and lines are made with shorter front parts, bringing splice nearer the ferrets. Full Nickel or Davis Hard Ruliber throughout '. " 14 75 Full Genuine Rubber throughout " 18 65 — 19 — ^^'Jh-S.^lU^ ^-S/on ^>- HAND-MADE TRACK AND BUGGY HARNESS. No. 123. No. 12o. Single Strap Buggj^ Harness. Best Quality Full Nickel or Davis Hard Finish Rubber Mountings throughout Price, $19 75 In this Harness we use' the celebrated Gallery Oak-tanned Leather (Backs), throughout, and do all the stitching by hand, which makes it a solid and substantial Harness, and one that we can heartily recommend to our friends. Description— J-inch Box Loop Bridle, fancy creased loops, either with overcbeck or side rein as desired, or good open bridle if preferred, loop end lines IJ-inch throughout; 2-inch Breast Collar, with IJ-inch trace, made of extra solid stock ; Flat Strap Martingale, either 2^ or :S-inch hand-laced leather-bottom saddle, with leather-covered seat; round hand-sewed stays on breeching. The edges of this Harness are beveled and burnished up smooth and rounded inside, to prevent chafing. No 124. Harness for Sulky or Track use. Same as above, only terrets are set down lower on saddle, and lines are made with shorter front parts, bringing splice nearer the terrets. Best Quality, Full Nickel on Composition or Davis Hard-Finish Rubber throughout Price, $li) "•> — 20 — c^ 5^oiH ^AMUie/u ^>^ THE CELEBRATED "ELLIS" $23.50 FINE CUSTOM-MADE TRACK AND BUGGY HARNESS. EQUAL TO ANT OTHER MANUFACTURERS' $35 00 GRADE. ?io. 125 No. 12.5. Single Strap Harness for Buggy use. Finest Genuine Rubber Mountings throughout Price, $23 50 This Harness is made of extra selected stock, the best of Cullerj'.s Backs, and is stitched by hand throughout nice and neat. The bridle is K-inch. ade with an elegant creased loop, our own original design, either overcheck or side rein, as desired, or fine open bridle if preferred. Spring end lines, ^ hand parts and % fronts. Flat strap martingale, Jl-incn, leather-lined saddle, with leather-covered jockey, and back band running in one piece from aft tug to shaft tug. flat hip strap, solid turn back, with extra large softstufl'ed flaxseed crupper that will iiot chafe the horse. Breast collar is 2 inches ide. traces I'd, worked down so that there is positively no stretch to them. Flat stays on breeching, with two rows of stitching, l'J'4 breeching, edges iveled, burnished smooth and rotinded inside throughout so as not to chafe. No. 12fi. Harness, for Sulky or Track use. Same as above, only terrets are set down lower on saddle and lines are made with shorter front parts, bringing splice nearer the terrets. Finest Genuine Rubber Mountings throughout Price, $23 50 .\'. B.— If a lighter weight harness is preferred, we can furnish either of the above with 2}airing locomotion, which can not'be obviated with any other style of breast collar. Traces, IH'i^ solid leather, double and stitcned at end. saddle, 3 inch long jockey track with reversible lerret stops mid jockey tips, leather pad and welt, heavy pate leather skirts, leather jockey and covered seat, ei tended flap, tufted and well made throughout. Shaft tugs, box loop, double and stitched, regul track style. Belly Bands. Maud 3. regular track style, wide folded and stiched billet to wrap around shalt. Breeching. l?4-inch single strap wi scaJloped .stitched and raised layer, solid turnback ; 3 ring round breechijjg stays, band.some blocKed hip strap, %inch breeching straps with box looi Martingale, solid leather, genuine rubber beaded rings. Hand-stitched and finely finished throughout. No. 128. Harness for Sulky or Track use. Same as above, only terrets are set down lov^er on saddle, and lines are made with shorter front parts, bringing splice nearer the terrets. Finest genuine Rubber Mountings throughout Price,'S35 00 THE CELEBRATED "ELLIS" FINE CUSTOM MADE FOLDED TRACK AND liUGGY HARNESS.") No. 129. No. 129. Harness for Buggy use in either first quality Full Genuine Rubber throughout, or close Silver Plate. Any other mountings, if desired, made to order Price, $48 50 The above illustration shows our folded track harnes.s upon which we liave gained a national reputation. The harness leather used in this harness is the finest leather made, viz.: Ihe celebrated David Molliit .t Co.'s. Breast t oUar. Breeching. Crown Piece on Bridle, Neelc Layer and Bellv Band are made of the very finest of Neat's Calf fold Leather (which is so suft and plinble that it is almost an impos- sibility to chafe) or finest handbntled Knameled Leather if prefexred. Bridle. '.iiKli i.raiu Leather Blind, either overcheck or sidi rein as desired, or fine round Open Bridle if preferred; Lines, IH-inch hand jiarts, "„-incli innit,<: Breast Collar folded and soft: Traces, IVg- iiich at ends, tapering down to '; inch in center; Genuine K saddle, made with liaik liami running in one piece from shaft tug to shait tug: Belly Rand, very wide and folded so as not to chafe; Hip .Strap flat. Breeching soft and folded. Crup))cr extra large, flax seed stuffed. These are a fine enough Harness for anybody, being hand-sewed. 1*2 to the inch throughout, and as finely finished as can be. No. 130. Harness for Track or Sulky use Same as above, only terrets are set down lower on saddle, and lines are made with shorter front parts, bringing splice nearer the terrets Price, 48 50 N. B —Any one desiring a fine harness will make no mistake in ordering the above, as they are asfine as most manufacturers sell tor $75 00. — 23 — ^^ -^ . (S. §lfe ^' %m ^ "BERMUDA" TRACK HARNESS. Pio. 131. No. 131. "Bermuda" Harness, for Track or Sulky use. Kither Close Plate Silver, Finest Genuine Rubber or Aluminum Bronze Mountings Price, $75 00 Made of the celebrated David Moffat's Leather (Backs), which is acknowledged throughout the world as the best that money can buy. Biidle either J or J-inch, as desired, with or without blinds, as preferred, overcheck or side rein, genuine Daniels bit, fine flat or beaded lines, traces J or 1 inch, with three holes to take up at whiffle- tree. P'ine "K" Saddle, either 2.\ or .'5 inches, as desired. Back band runs over saddle in one piece from shaft tug to shaft tug ; soft folded belly band, that will not chafe. The edges throughout this harness are all finely beveled, burnished smooth and rounded inside to prevent chafing. In fact, a strictly first-class article in everj- respect. Entire weight, 10 to 11 lbs. No. l:i2. Harness, for Buggy use. Same quality as above. Either Close Plate Silver. Finest Genuine Rubber or Aluminum Bronze Mountings Price, $7-5 00 c^ ^H ^Mt^UiU^i^ BIRCIIWOOD" TRACK HARNESS. No. 133. No. 133. " Birchwood " Sulky Harness. Entire weight, 8i to 9 lbs. Either close Plate Silver, finest Genuine Rubber or Aluminum Bronze Mountings Price, $100 00 Made of the finest selected (David Moffat's) Backs, which is acknowledged throughout the world as the best that money can buy. The stitching is very fine and neat (all hand-work), with new and handsome designs that are original with us. Loops are all handsomely hand-creased. Bridle, | or Jiuch, Open or Blind as preferred, with genuine " Daniel" Bit, fine beaded or flat Lines, as desired. Traces, |-inch or 1-inch, extra fine genuine K saddle, 2j-inches ; Back Band runs over saddle in one piece from shaft-tug to shaft-tug. Soft folded Belly Band that will not chafe. The edges throughout this harness are all finely beveled, burnished smooth and rounded inside, to pre- vent chafing. In fact, an extremely fine harness in every respect. No. 1.34. Similar in style to above, only made for Buggj' use Price, SlOO 00 --^ Jh . §. &iii^ 3^ S/CH\ ^>- ALLERTON" TRACK HARNESS— FOR EXTREME SPEED. SAME AS WE BUILT FOE MR. C. W. WILLIAMS LAST SEASON, FOR THE PHENOMENAL ■ALLERTON," ^Wfl^. ENTIRE WEIGHT. SEVEN TO EIGHT POUNDS. / No. 135. The above haniess is made of the finest material throughout that money can procure, and is as finely finished as can be. Traces, Breast Collar and Breeching are Single Strap, either Open or Blind Bridle, as desired. Furnished with either Close Plate Silver, Genuine Rubber, Leather-Covered or Gold Mountings as desired Price, $135 00 — 26 — ^^ ^^out ^MMie/u^^ 'DIRECT" TRACK HARNESS— FOR EXTREME SPEED. THE LIGHTEST WEIGHT AND FINEST SULKY HARNESS EVER MADE IN THE WORLD. ENTIRE WEIGHT, COMPLETE, SIX POUNDS. SAME AS WE BUILT LAST SEASON FOR MR. MONROE SALISBURY, FOR THE.PHENOMENAL "DIRECT," 2:06. z No. 136. We can furnish the above harness with either Close Plate Silver, Genuine Rubber, Leather Covered or Gold Mountings, as desired Price, S150 00 -^-^.(S.fi)lfij^S/c>n ^>- "ELLIS" SINGLE RUSSET EXHIBITION HARNESS. No. 137. No. 137. Single Russet Exhibition Harness. A very elegant and attractive Harness to show horses in. Made of Russet or Fair Leather, with finest Nickel on Composition Mountings throughout Price, §14 80 No. 138. Similar in style to No. 137, only finer throughout " 20 00 No. 139. Sitailar in style to No. 138, only finer throughout " -■' 00 No. 140. Similar to No. 139, only finer made and has 3 J inch saddle (full padded), Round Blind Bridle, l{-inch double and stitched Traces, fancy wave folded Breeching, and with Collar and Hames, Collar light colored Calf to match Harness, Hames full Nickel Plated " 3.') 00 Any of the above grades can not fail to please you, as they are well made and handsomely finished throughout. — 28 — cx^ %t4^ ©/UlJjitt£^ ^-^ EJllis' White Rubber Mounted E^xhibition Harness. SOMEXHINGvENTIRELYNEW All the mountings in this Harness are Genuine White f^ubber. ©^si.s:LyQ) No. 141. "Ellis" White Rubber Exhibition Single Harness. The Handsomest Harness made. Shows a horse off to greater advantage than any Harness yon could show him in. Made of the very best Oak-tanned (Blagk) Leather throughout. Bridle, f-inch box loops, spring end lines, with 1^-inch hand parts, |^-inch fronts. Single Strap Breast Collar, Traces and Breeching. Saddle, 2^ or 3 inches, as desired, hand-laced and leather lined. PER SEX, - - . ^ - - .$28.00. ^-^^.S.^UaA 3fSm ^>- ELLIS" CUSTOM-MADE YEARLING COLT HARNESS. ^o. 142. No. 142. Yearling Coll Harness. Made in proportion throughout to fit yearling Jcolts. Bridle, J-inch, Blind or Open, as desired; Lines, 1 inch; Single Strap, Breast Collar, Breeching and Traces; Saddle, 2 or 2i-inch Hand-Laced, Leather Bottom. The above harness are made of strictly first-class oak-tanned stock throughout, stitched by hand, and are a good strong and durable harness. Best Quality Davis Hard Finish Rubber Mountings throughout Price, Sl'> 00 No. 143. Yearling Colt Harness, Made identically like our celebrated §2.3 50 regular size track Harness, upon which we have gained a world-wide reputation, only in proportion throughout to fit yearling colts. Equal to any other manufacturer's $So 00 grade. Price, $23 50 Best Quality Genuine Rubber Mountings throughout N. B.— For Yearling Colt Carts, see Inrtex. cC" ^^m^ ^MiWiii/u^^ 'ELLIS" SINGLE PONY HARNESS. No. 144. No. 144. Russet Pony Harness. This Harness is made of fine russet or fair leather throughout, with fine nickel, on composition trimmings, and makes a very elegant, as well as durable Harness Price, $14 00 No. 145. Russet Pony Harness, similar to above, only finer finished throughout " 20 00 No. 146. Russet Pony Harness. Similar to No. 145, only made with Fancy Folded Breeching and Breast Collar, Double and Stitched Traces, and much finer finished throughout " 25 00 N. B— Please state height and weight of pony when ordering. We make all of tbe above harness in proportion throughout to fit piniea properly, and either with Single Strap or Fall Padded Saddle; but, when not specified, we iavariably put in the Single Strap Saddle, as it is the most practical. We can also furnish any of the above harness in black harness leather throughout if desired, at same price ; but we consider the rnsset the handsomest, and invariably send them unless otherwise ordered. If Collar and Hames are wanted instead of Breast Collar, we will furnish them with any of the above at S2 00 additional. ^-^Jh.S.^WU 3f%m ^ "ELLIS" DOUBLE PONY HARNESS. No. 147. No. 147. Double Pony Harness. Made of best quality Russet or Fair Leather. Doufele and stitched traces to buckle. Fine Nickel on Oomposition Mountings throughout Price, $24 00 No. 148 Similar to above, only made with single strap traces and finer finished throughout. Makes a much finer and neater Harness than No. 147, as they are much lighter and less bulky, and are the most desirable to buv " 30 Ul> N- B.— When onlLTiiis Pony HarriL'ss. please state height .and weight of jjonies. We can furnish either of the above grades in BUu-k Harness Leather if aesirerl, anl also wit 1 Collar and dames, at Sime price, lint iuvariaWy send ihe Russet in Breast Collar nnUss other- wise ordered. c^ ^^ FRENCH ROCKAWAY OR CITY BAROUCHE HARNESS. No. 149. No. 150. Barouche Harness. Equal to anj' other manufacturer's $35 00 Harness Price, |24 60 Bridle, %-mch box loops, round side reins, winker stays, fancy or plain stitched blinds, fauov front. laycT .?.^u ^■'IJ'''"^^""*'"'''*'''*^' leather-lined and welt, fancy stitcbed baclf bands, covered seat, leather jockeys; hreeciiin Btitched, double open scallop hip straps, with box loop tugs, scalloped and stitched turnback, round crupper: bhidfTuKs. wilh dee^ riuuhled and stitclied, with bos loops, folded belly bands; Traces, doubled and stitched, Ui-ineh ; Lines, all fair leather to buikle. l.H.p I.elore and after buckle; Martingale, folded, with forks, celluloid rings; Trimmings, best quality nickel on Compostion, or best rubber; iSV ,'t iJ Pateut leather; Hames, ful nickel or Dayis rubber, to match trimmings, with patent leather haraetiigs, made also with breast eollar, folded, wave stitched, with layer, box loops. No. 150. French Rockaway Harness. Mountings Finest Quality Nickel on Composition throughout, Price, fo5 00 „>,-. S'.'fl'';.?*"'"''!^ box loops, round reins and winker stays, white silk stitched blinds'; Hames, full plated nickel wire ball; Saddle, 3«-inch, «!♦ 1 Ki J 'i .'•. V 5 made, patent leather bottom, French pattern, doubled and stitched back batd, two rows .stitching ; Breechipg iKnelish) S,1Vv..Sl V 1, K ^'i ,^,'?,''J''"n''^®'''P*^,"^P^''''"'-'y patent leather drops, double reyerse turnback, with buckle crupper; fchaft Tugs, box loop, patent ikth ' '"^^*' IJiinch, hand raised, round edge, doubled and stitched ; Lines, black, flat, buckle and billet; Collar, full 11 erowii ; Saddle. :'.'..-inch, folded, si-allnped and wave -^®-^.(S. 3^ 8m ^ ENGLISH COl'PE HARNESS. No. 151. English Coupe Harness Price, S38 00 fllv ISaiifis Hi.-., nil, ^, cfnuri-r: .M.irlilr^al.'. Collar, line beiil top, iii I paten I leather ( full jilated best of 'a«k Hands, two rows itli lltiU'ii box loops, li-rais.ii round odKe. ;, best iiuality Nickel Desciuptiox.— Bridlf, '^ inch llutid \h'S 1oo|is. ruiu Nickel on Composition : Sart.lK-, limb band iiia.U- or I ofsttebing: .shaft-tugs, bo.x-looii, with Dtrs. I '.^-inch 1 doubled Hip Straps, doublf reverse turnback « ith buekl' doub e and stitebed : t.ines, black flat, buckle and billet on composition tbrougbout. No. 152. English Coupe. In best of Nickel on Composition Mountings throughout Price, $50 00 No. 152. Finest Close Plate Silver throughout " 65 00 DEScRtPTioN.— l-Jridle, "'^ inch Englisb small loops, double nickel chain front, round reins and wiukcr stays, nose-piece and jaw-band, round nickel metal-rim blinds, Liverpool liit : i^as before and after buckle, doul)lc fancy bip-sttaps with patent leather ornaments, double re- verse turnback with imekle crupper; Marti nuale. new iiattern chain ; Traces. 1'4-irich. hand-raised and ron-nd edge, doubled and stitched: Llues, fair, buft'ed band ]iarts. buckle and billet, loops before and after buckle: Collar, full patent leather bent top coupe. No. ^b^^. Similar in style to No, 152, only much finer throughout. Made of the world-renowned Moffat's Leather, and trinnned with the finest of Close Plate Silver moitntings. .\11 hand-made and finely finished. As fine a harness as other makers generally sell at Slim.OO Price, ^^75 110 — 34 — c^trP^Ut ^AiUiUeJu^y- GROCERY WAGON OR CITY EXPRESS HARNESS. 1 BJo. 155. 3Sro. 154. Express Harness. Similar to No. 1.5.5, only not made of as good stock, and has l^-inch traces • ^, ,rr ^ lowtop hames Price.$14 00 No. I0.5. Express Harness. In Plain Mounting " 17 uO Express Harness. Brass Mounting throughout ......!"""!.!.'. " 20 00 Bridle, '4 inch Ixix 'oops, patent leather blinds, round reins and wmker stag's: Hamcs, wood, red C plate, ball top, piveted to traces, 1%-iiioh, wiih iron link 1 Saddle, 4-inch express, harness leath^ skirts with ker.sey-li.ned pad leather welt, iron' jockevs, I'viuchi' Exactly like No. 155, only heavier throughout; has 5-inch saddle and back-band, l-ini-h billeis; Shaft-tugs, with dee, doubled aiid stitched, "one forded "belly -band ; Breeching, folded with-lay, a^-inch double nip straps with box loop tugs, Ps-inch breeching straps, '^„-inch turnback, round dock- Collar, black kip: Lines, heavy. Hat, 1> ' No. 1.56. Express Harness. ^ l-i-iuch traces. Plain Mounting Price, $20 00 Brass Mounting Price, $23 50 - ~ Express Harness, Complete, with Wood Hames " 30 00 Express Harness, Complete, with Iron Hames " 32 00 N. B.— If yoa prefer traces to buckle with cockeye at end, we can furnish them at an additional i-ost of i» cents per set. Bridle, Vinch, box loops, heavy front, round tornor express blinds, round reins: Lines l'„xl'_i-inch, all black buckle ends: Hames, :\h'\ Collar lietivy \\ ool face express : Traces l}4-in< h, doubled and siiiched, ■y liii'd, liMhl l.ici'd. I'.^-inch back-band with dee: bhaft-tugs, IJvtnch. with u, Miiid i.i.iy, iHi. ),)> ;ind stitched, fancy split hip-straps, %incli points, 1J4 No. 157 tubular iron or with screw cock •dee, bar tug bu id tr ^l>ress tu ' make, and we think it can not be beat. ^-^.(S.£)lft^ 3^8^ ^>- GENTLEMEN'S LIGHT POLE HARNESS. No. 158 Harness is our finest Light Pole Harness, which we furnish at $190.00 complete in any weight, with traces f, I, 1 inch, 1 J or IJ inches wide, other parts in proportion, and trimmed with Rubber, Silver or Gold Mountings, K Collars, etc., the best that can be produced. The above engraving does not convey any idea of quality, simply something of the style. Our Harness will appear very much finer than the cut could possibly show. If something cheaper is desired, we manufacture Harness the same style at prices to snit the purses of all buyers, viz.: $li.'M, SlT.S.^j, $20.00, $23.50, $28,00, $.35.00, $43.75, $50.00, $65.80, $7-^00, $87.25, $102.50, $117.00, $125.00, $135.00, $1.50.00 and $16S.C0 N. B.— We can also furnish any of the aht 1 Brea.st Collar, if desired, at same price as Collar and Hames. c^^ ^^ ELLIS' RUSSET DOUBLE EXHIBITION HARNESS. No. 159. No. 159. Double Harness. Made entirely of Russet or Fair Leather Price, $28 00 Bridles, |-inch box loops, overcheck, chain fronts, russet leather blinds; Breast Collars, single strap, full nickel plated patent breast collar irons ; Traces, 1 J-inch single strap, connected to single strap breast collar, three holes in the ends ; Pads, russet, with padded housing, covered facings, flat side pieces, fancy-stitched turnback round crup- per; Lines, fair leather, flat spring-end, Jxll-inch; Pole straps with plated buckles, flat belly-bands; Trimmings, best quality full nickel on composition throughout. No. 160. Russet Double Harness similar to No. 159, ofaly finer throughout Price, $35 00 No. 161. Similar to No. 160, only finer in every detail " 50 00 No. 162. "The Latest Fad." Ellis' White Rubber Mounted Exhibition Double Harness. The hand- somest harness ever off'ered to the public. Will make your team look 100 per cent, better than if shown in any other harness. Made of first-class black oak-tanned leather. Bridle, |-in. box-loops, spring end lines, single strap breast collars and traces. All the mountings in this harness are pure white genuine rubber. Just the proper thing to show a fine pair ot light roadsters in " 50 00 Any of the above grades made with collar and hames if desired, at same price. — 37 — <^^Jh.S.&Ui^ <^S/on ^ FINE DOUBLE COACH OR HEARSE HARNESS, WITH BREECHING OR HIP STRAP AS DESIRED. ESPECIAI,LY ADAPTED TO r'NDERTAKERS AND LIVERYMEN'S USE— THE BEST IN THE WORLD FOR THE MONEY. No. 163. In Hip Strap... Price, |4fi 70 No. 164. In Hip Strap '• .'i2 00 No. 165. In Hip Strap " ' 62.50 No. 166. In Hip Strap Price, $"•') OO No. 167. In Hip Strap " 87 00 No. 168. In Hip Strap " 100 00 Any of the above grades fnrnished in Breeching at $5 60 extra. All of the above grades are made similar in style, the difference in price being in quality of Mountings, Leather and Finish. o 5 t§ik ^ m M ■o 'i ^ •g (U -- > o 5 ■ 15 I? Pi s 1 o o < X ^ '5 M J2 "Si o I- ^ 9 - ^ i < o c o C 5 S 4; 1 2 7 o p^ o o a 1 3 ■^^ 7 f « S* >» z O 2 O f o w o o w a o f > CA CC" ^^Ut ^AMiUiU^>^ ^ DOUBLE CITY TRUCK OR BREWERY WAGON HARNESS. Pio. 171. Bridles, | inch, plain harness, leather blinds, ■round reins. Lines, 1 inch, all black, 18 feet long, Hames, Boston Concord, fancy ball top, iron bound. Collars, heavy Scotch, all kip, wool face. Traces, 1| inch, with centre stitch, with hooks, wrought butt chains. Backs, folded, fancy swell inserted housings, with U-inch lay, double and stitched points, ornaments. Breeching, extra wide fold, li-inch lay, 1-inch hip straps, IJ-inch turnbacks, with long side straps. Breast Straps, buckle, IJ inch, with snaps and slides. Choke Straps, Ij inch. Made with breeching only. Price, complete $40 00 — 41 — ^^^.S.&iiiA 3f%m ^ GOAT HARNESS. ? We make any of the above grades in either Bed, Black, or Fair Leather : Inu invariably send the Ked, nnles.s otherwise ordered, as they are the showiest, and generally please the children the best. No. 17.'). Double Goat Harness. Complete S7 7-'), SIO 00, $12 00 and :?]•') 00. cx^ %i^ ^AMJiim ELLIS' LATEST IMPROVED TROTTING AND PACING HOBBLES. Of Great Value in Teaching Youngsters to Trot or Pace as Desired Recommended and Used by many of the Leading Trainers. Our Hobbles are the most practical and best in the market and are so constructed as to convert a pacer to a trotter or z'ice versa. Directions. — If you desire ynur horse to trot, cross the connecting straps running from front to hind legs. To make the horse pace, change the connecting straps so that they run parallel, namely, have connecting straps in a straight line from right fore-leg to right hind-leg and from left fore-leg to left hind-leg. No. 176. Trotting and Pacing Hobbles. Made plain, of good solid oak-tanned leather, no covering. ..Price, § 7 oO No. 177. Trotting and Pacing Hobbles. Same as above, only has fine lambswool covering sewed bn, so as not to cha e " 5) 80 No. 17S. Trotting and Pacing Hobbles. Similar in style to No. 176, only made of extra selected stock and has finest lambswool covering made to lace on so that it can be taken off, cleaned and put back at your pleasure " 12 00 No. 179. The Celebrated Pat Downing Trotting and Pacing Hobble's. Same as worn last season on Pat Downing '1:\?>\, Bermuda Boy and many others of the best horses in the world. Made of finest Moffat's stock and hand-buffed English fold Leather. The best hobble made " 15 OO — 43 — ELLIS' IMPROVED CALIFORNIA ANTEROS SERVICE HOBBLES. [Patent Applied for.] THE iSAFESTjAJVO BEST IN THE WORLD. ENDORSED AND USED BY THE OWNERS OF ANTEROS, RED WILKES, ANTEEO, AMBASSADOR, ONWARD, JAY BIRD, ALFRED G., WILLIAM L., AND MANY OTHER NOTED SIRES. NO STOCK FARM CAN AFFORD TO BE WITHOUT THEM. No. 1 80. No. 180. Ellis' Improved California Anteros Sendee Hobbles. To be used on mares when being served. Complete Price, 50 DiBECTioNS— Before taking the hor.se ont of stflU, unsnap the rore« from straps and buclile straps on the mare's hind lees, leaving the rings directly in front of her hock joints and the buckles on the outside of her legs, buckling the longest sirap just above her hock joint, and the short one below. Then lead Ihe horse out; and if the mare proves to be in season, lead4he hoise away ioi a few moments, and slip the neck piece over marc's neck like a brca.st collar bringing the part with pulley attached between her fote h gs under her belly, and attach the snaps on rope to rings on straits around her hind legs. Then take hold of the strap under her belly, draw it up short, and buckle so that the hind legs are drawn well under the body of mare. She is then ready to be served, with no danger of accident. — 44 — c^^ ^(^oUt OaMUsU^^ BITTING HARNESS. Xo. i8i. 1st Quality $15 00 ind Quality $12 00 3rd Quality $10 00 4th Quality $8 00 oth Quality $5 00 No. 182. BLACKWELL'S ENGLISH PATENT WHALEBONE AND RUBBER DUMB JOCKEY AND BREAKING CAVESSON. Colts aud untractable horses broken by kind and gentle treatment, temperate and easy mouthed by using Black- well's Patent Whalebone and Gutta Percha Jockeys, with rubber springs (of any length by tying the inside cord), and for exercising in frost, in boxes, and in stalls ; on led horses to prevent falling and broken knees. They yield easily if a colt rolls over on his back, and he is not iujured as with the old wood or iron jockey. Used by the first breeders and owners of horses in England. Above 5,000 in use. The dumb jockeys should not be kept on the colt more than half-an-hour at a lime, as he is apt to turn sulky, and it can be put on several hours in a day. Made with two dees on the side. The lunge reins are passed to the bit, and the horse may be driven or lunged round. This plan is adopted by most of the large breakers, and very little lunging is done. Breaking tackle of all kinds; cavessons, lunge-reins, improved straight mouth slide cheek breaking bits with players from 1 to 4 lbs. By placing two bags of shot weighing about 1 lb. each on the rings of the bit the weight is increased to 3 lbs. or 4 lbs. When this bit is used, the colt will not allow the weight to rest upon the lower jaw, but puts his nose in, until the weight is thrown entirely on the head, by which means he forms a fine crest, without pull- ing at his mouth and spoiling it. Double spring hooks to attach the bits to the cavesson or head-collar in the stable ; the}' save the colts ears being pulled about, as the head collar forms the bridle head. Prices — Dumb Jockey with Crupper and Elastic Side Reins $3-5 CO Cavesson, with Lunge Rein 10 CO Complete 4-') 00 ^.S.&m^ 3^8m THE CELEBRATED " ELLIS ' TRACK SADDLES. IPOX WHICH WE HAVE GAINED A NATIONAL REPUTATION. We make these Saddles in three styles, desiguated as follows : Style A — Combination of Full Track and Buggy Tree. Can be changed in one minute from Low Terret to High. • Style B— Full Low Terret Track Tree. Style C— Half Track Tree, Terrets being placed at a point between the Full Track and Buggy Tree. Note. — All of our Track Saddles have bearers or Back-bauds running clear over Tree in one piece from Shaft-tug to Shaft-tug, and are so constructed as to require no terret-holes to' be cut in the Bearer, thus leaving its strength unimpaired. No. 183. No. 184. No. 185. No. 186. No. 187. No. 188. No. 189. We also IVo. x86. Track Saddle, Style C, 2^ or2;j-in., Split Skirting, English Leather lined, jap. seat, 1st quality.. ..Each, $ 5 50 Second Quality " 4 60 Track Saddle, Style B, -li or 3-in., best quality Split Skirting, English Leather lined, covered Seat; Finer made than No. 183 " " "'O Track Saddle, Style A, 2| or 3-in. Same as No. 184, but has extra terret holes " 8 .'jO Genuine K 2J, 23 or 3-in. Track Saddle, Style B or C " 10 00 Genuine K 2.;, 2^ or 3-in. Track Saddle, Snle B " 14 00 Genuine K 2J, 2^ or 3-in. Track Saddle. Either Style A, B, or C, as desired. Extra cjuality Grain Skirting, English Collar Leather lined, hand-stitched 14 to inch, Billets lined and stitched 4 rows, 14 to inch " -0 00 E-xtra fine K Saddle, either 21, 2:;, or 3-inch. The finest we keep in stock '' 27 Ot/ make an extensive line of Buggy Saddles, which we can furnish at same prices as above, in same quality. 46 — c^r- SWEAT AND COOLING BLANKETS. SWEAT BLANKET. COOLING BLANKET. SWEAT BLANKETS. No. 190. Fancy Plaid Sweats, 90x%, All Wool «: (j 4-5 No. 191. Extra Fine Sweats, 90x96, All Wool 7 90 No. 192. Superfine very heavy Sweats, 90x9-!, exquisite patterns 11 3.5 No. 193. Fine California All Wool Sweats, entirely new patterns, 90x96 ■ \2 r,a No. 194. Finest California All Wool Sweats, entirely new patterns, 90x96 I.5 OO COOLINO BLANKETS. No. 19.'). Fair Quality All Wool Cooler, 90x96 $ 4 0.5 No. 190. Good Quality All Wool Cooler, 90x96 4 75 No. 197. Superior Quality All Wool Cooler, *90x96 ,5 oO No. 198. Fine a'l-Wool Cooler, 90x96 6 00 No. 199. Extra Quality All Wool Cooler, *90x96 ,5 ,50 No. 200. Finest Quality California All Wool Cooler, 90x96 6 8-5 No. 201. Cotton Flannel Cooler, 84x90 1 15.^ No. 202. Nice Pattern Cotton Flannel Cooler, 84x90 2 •'50 No. 203. All Wool Cooler, 84x90 2 75 No. 204. Good Quality All Wool Cooler, 84x90 3 50 No. 20.5. Fine Quality All Wool Cooler, ®84x90 4 oo No. 206. Extra Fine Quality All Wool Cooler, "84x90 4 ,50 No. 207. Superfine Quality All Wool Cooler, 84x90... ,5 oO No. 208. Finest Quality California All Wool Cooler, 84x90 .-, ,so In the above, the Blankets marked with an asterisk (*) are mostly used. The Nos. 200 and 208 are finer than are generally called for, while the Nos. 201 and 202, not being made of wool, are not verj- desirable. Note— "Suits composed of Sciuare Blankets, with riood.s to match, are taking the place of .Suits with shaped Blankets in trainin" stables, as the square Sweat blank^;t serves a double purpose. When such suits are desired, order the Blanket by catalogne numlur and Hood to match. Price of Hoods to Match Blankets. Long Hoods, two-thirds the price of Blanket, Short Hoods, one-half the price of Blanket. All Sweat Hoods made to button ; all Cooling Hoods made to tie. Cooling Hoods, as above, to button, 2.5 cents extra. -^^Ji.(S.§lto 3f8m ^y- FINE HORSE SUITS. KA.NCY TRIMIVIKD >^ALKING SUITS. No. 209. Superfine all-wool suit, made of plain or fancy pattern California all-wool goods as desired, elaborately ornamented and braided. An exquisite suit for fine horses on exhibition or for presentation. Three pieces, long hood blanket and roller cloth Each, $50 OO No. 210. Extra fine fancy pattern or plain, as desired, all-wool suit, elegantly trimmed and ornamented, very fine, but not as fine as above, long hood, blanket and roller cloth " .35 00 No. 211. Fine wool suit, fancy pattern, cloth bound two rows braid, 6 fancy ornaments braided. An elegant suit " 25 00 No. 212. Fine wool suit, similar in stvie to No. 211, only not as fine " 20 OO No. 213. Fine wool suit '. " 17 40 No. 214. English fawn-color or fancy plaid, 4-piece suit, boot-web bound, all-wool " 15 00 No. 21-5. Same as No. 214, but 2 pieces, long hood and blanket " 10 50 No. 216. Plain or fancy plaid, all-wool suit " 7 50 No. 217. Similar to No. 216, only not as fine " 6 -50 WORKING SUITS. No. 21 H. Plain trimmed, 4-piece suit, blanket, long hood, short hood, and throat hood, made of fine all-wool imported goods Each, $15 00 No. 219. Plain trimmed, 4 pieces, similar to 218, only not as fine " 13.50 No. 220. Plain trimmed, 4 pieces as above, domestic goods '• 9 50 Note — The above arc made of heavy goods, .similar to Sweat Blankets and Kerseys, and should not be eonfonnded with the light Cooling Suits. LETTKRING SUITS. We letter suits at the following prices: Plain Letters Each, $ 12i " " braided " 20 Old English Capitals braided " 35 Please state whether letters are desired on both sides of the blanket ; in the absence of instruction both sides will be lettered. Be careful to write the naitie plainly so as to avoid errors. Fancy Dress Suits made to Order for Presentation Purposes. We make a specialty of Extra Fine Fancy Dress Suits J'o> Presentation Purposes. The material used is the finest quality of Silk Plush, Broadcloth, or other appropriate goods, and is elaborately ornamented with gold or other costly fabrics. The lettering ornaments and other trimmings are artistically embroidered or appliqued upon body of suit, thus giving same an appearance of richness and elegance combined. Full description of suits furnished upon application. Prices ranging from $7-5.00 to $500.00. — 48 — c^^ ^^oU€ ^AiMieM FINE HORSE CLOTHING. a>-» No. 224. No. 22''i. No. 227. No. 228. No. 229. No. ■>:iO. No. 281. No. 2:?2. No. 2;«. No. 234. No. 28.5. No. 286. No. 237. No. 288. LIGHT COOLING SUITS (Hood and Sheet.) SUPERFINE IMPORTED WOOLEN PLAID SUITS, COMPLETE. No. 220i. Finest Liglit Weight Suit made. Cloth layer and back, scalloped and braided, six large fancy ornaments, inlaid and braided Price, $2) 00 No. 221. Cloth laj'er and back, scalloped and braided, six large fancy ornaments, inlaid and braided... " 16 00 No. 222. Wide cloth layer, three rows of braid, large fancy ornaments, braided.. .A " 14 50 No. 228. Cloth layer, six fancy ornaments, inlaid and braided " 12 50 Above Extra Large, made 45 in. deep and proportionately longer for large horses, $2.00 extra. EXTRA FINE WOOLEN, SOLID COLOR SUITS, COMPLETE.— (Red, Blue or Fawn.) Trimmed like No. 221 above Price, $12 00 Trimmed like No. 222 above " 11 00 Trimmed like No. 228 above , " 9 00 Extra Large, as defined above, $K75 extra. EXTRA FINE COOLING SUITS, PLAID. Trimmed like No. 221 above, only not as fine goods Price, $11 25 Trimmed like No. 222 above, only not as fine goods " 10 00 Trimmed like No. 223 above, only not as fine goods " 9 -50 Bound, braided ornaments " 8 75 Above, Extra Large, as defined, $1.50 extra. FIJJE COOLING SUITS, PLAID. Trimmed like No. 223 Price, $ 7 25 Cloth layer, braided ornaments " 7 00 Boot web binding, English brace, braided ornaments " fi 00 Third-quality, trimmed like No. 22.3 " 6 00 Third-quality, trimmed like No. 2.83 " 5 25 Third-quality, trimmed like No. 234 " 4 50 Third-quality, bound, braided ornaments " 4 00 WATKRPROOF" HORSE CLOTHING. RUBBER SUITS FOR TRACK USE. No. 239. Ellis' Waterproof Horse Cover for track use, 2 pieces, sheet and hood, made ol finest quality of rubber on plaid linens, braced at neck, made to tie. Very light, elegant and dur- able, as shown above Price, per suit, $9 50 RUBBER HORSE COVERS FOR ROAD DRIVING. No. 240. Lustre Sheeting Bod) Covers, extend from collar to tail, each, No. 241. " " Hood to match above No. 242. " " Hood Covers, head to tail No. 248. Lustre Drill Body Covers Collar to Tail No. 244. " " Hoods to match above No. 245. " " Hood Covers, Head to Tail No. 24(1. Enameled Sheeting Kody Covers, Collar to Tail No. 247. " " Hoods to match above No. 248. " " Hood Covers, Head to Tail No. 249. Enameled Drill Body Covers, Collar to Tail No. 250. " " Hoods to match above No. 251. " " Hood Covers, Head to Tail OILED WATERPROOF HORSE COVERS, BLACK. FOR WORK HORSES. No. 252. Heavy Sheeting Body Covers, Collar to Tail Each. No. 258. " " Hoods to match above No. 254. " " Hood Covers, Head to Tail No. 2-55 Heavy Drill Body Covers, Collar to Tail •■ :; so No. 250. " " Hoods to match above " 1 10 No. 2-57. " " Hood Covers, Head to Tail " 3 00 — 49 — No. 239. Rubber Track Suit. $3 50 1 85 4 75 5 00 2 35 50 00 •> .50 5 10 50 2 75 --^Jh.S.^UiA 3^8^ ^ LINEN HORSE SUITS, SHEETS AND FLY COVERS. LINEN SUITS, INCLUDING SHEET AND HOOD. No. 266. Fly Suit adapted for walking or stable use. Much cooler than a sheet. Note. — The figures in parenthesis indicate the number of inches in depth of Sheets. No. 258. Plaid Cotton (38) Bound Each, $1 45 No. 259. Imported Plaid Lineu (38) Boot-web binding and pockets " 2 60 No. 2()2. Fine White Linen (40), Boot web bound " 4 25 No. 260. Fine Plaid Linen (40), bound, braided pockets " 3 .50 No. 264. Superfine Plaid Linen (40), cloth binding, wide web front and back, braided " 5 00 No. 263. Extra fine Plaid Lineu (45), bound, braided pock- ets " 4 50 No. 261. Brown Russia, white trimmed (45) " 3 70 No. 265. Same as No. 264, only has boot-web binding and ornaments inlaid " 5 20 No. 266. Fine Eureka (open network) Fly Suit (45) English brace at neck " 3 00 SHEETS. No. 268. Twilled Plaid Cotton, bound, cloth pockets Each, $ No. 267. Cream Plaid Sheet, hemmed " Ne. 269. Twilled Plaid Cotton, bound, braided pockets " No. 270. Extra Heavy Brown (38), hemmed " No. 302. Fine Linen Stable, boot-web bound " No. 271. Plaid Linen, bound, cloth pockets " No. 272. Fine Plaid Linen (38), bound, cloth pockets " No. 274. Extra Fine Plaid Linen (40), bound, braided pockets " No. 27.5. Superfine Plaid Linen (40), boot-web binding and pockets " No 276. Superfine Plaid Linen (40), bound, cloth pockets... " :Ni>s. 281 and 282. Fly Cover. Reaches from Head to Tail in one piece. Ko. 283. Cover. The accompanying cut illustrates Cover No. 2.S3,which is the most popular pattern with running-horse owners. It is very desirable wheu walking the horses. No. 277. Superfine Plaid Liuen (40), boot-web binding, wide web front and back, 6 orn'aments inlaid and braided Each, $3 00 No. 278. Fine Plaid Linen (4.5), boot-web bound " 1 75 No. 279. Superfine Plaid Linen (4.5), bound, braided pockets " 2 65 No. 273. White Duck, white boot-web, trimmed (40) " 1 75 COVKFfS. No. 280. Cream Plaid Cover, from head to tail (36) " 90 No. 282. Fine Eureka Fly Cover (36), from head to tail " 1 90 No. 281. Fancy Plaid Scrim Fly Cover from head to tail " 90 No. 283. White Sheeting Cover (4.5), from head to tail " 1 45 Note — We carry in stock and make to order special suits, known as Extra Larpe. to fit horses from 16-2 and over. These suits are made larger, deeper, and longej in neck and hood than regular. Trice, lo.OU and upward, according to number of orna- ments and quality of goods. c^^ ^^Ut ^AMUieU G)^ THE CELEBRATED BURLINGTON STABLE BLANKETS AND SHEETS. USED BY NEARLY ALL THE LEADING STABLES. ::^EBURLINGTON BLANKET STABLE BLANKET No. 284. Burlap, extra strong and heavy, uiilined Each, $1 50 No. 285. White or brown 8-ounce Canvas, for Shetlands " i 75 No. 28(3. Brown or white 8-ounce Canvas, unlined " 2 75 No. 287. Strong Burlap, lined with heavy part-wool lining " 3 00 No. 288. White, 12-ounce Canvas, extra weight for stallions " 4 50 No. 289. Eight-ounce brown Canvas, lined with heavy part-wool lining " 4 25 No. 290. Guaranteed all-wool o-lb. Blanket, a perfect sweat " (j 50 No. 291. Eightounee brown Canvas of the finest quality, lined with a 42-lb. all-wool blanket. Without doubt the best and warmest blanket ever made for a very cold climate or a clipped horse, " 8 00 No. 292. Very light check Fly Sheet for summer use " 1 75 No. 293. Fancy Stripe, very light and elegant (Fly Cover) " 2 00 No. 294. Fine Check, Pure Linen " 2 75 Regular stock sizes on all Burlington Blankets are 20, 22, 24, 26, 28 and 30. All blankets larger than'Size 30 will have to be made to order at an additional charge of $^3 00 per dozen. Size 20 is suitable for yearlings and two year olds. Size 22 will fit a horse weighing from 760 to 900 lbs. Size 24 will fit a horse weighing from 900 to 1,050 lbs. Size 26 will fit a horse weighing from 1,050 to 1,2-50 lbs. Size 28 will fit a horse weighing from 1,2-50 to 1,400 lbs. Size 30 will fit a horse weighing from 1,350 to 1,500 lbs. In ordering please state size wanted. WHAT HORSEMEN THINK OF THE ABOVE GOODS. Racine, Wis., February ■>. Is'.iL The three dozen blankets I purchased of you last Fall have been used durinj^ the past Winter aud have given perfect satisfac- tion. As a matter of comfort to the horse and economy to the owner, they can not be beaten. Yours truly, J. I. CASE. Chicago, January 2, 1892. 'lENTLEMEN— I have noted with pleasure by your advertise- ments in the horse papers tha„ you have chosen Faustino as a horse on which to display your most excellent blanket. Faustino feels greatly complimented by it. .\s he stands in his stall blanketed to-day, he looks exactly as he does in the picture. In this_ connection allow me to tell you what I think of your blanket. You know that when you first commenced to make them (I think something over one yeir ago), 1 bought a lot of them, and I want to say, after an experience that has thoroughly tested them, that I believe them to be the most practical, the most economical and the best blankets ever used on a horse. I am using none other aud am satisfied that every owner and horseman will be of the same opiniou as I am after Ihey have used them. Wishing you every success, aud again thanking you for the compliment of selec- tion. Faustino, I am, Yo\irs truly, FRANK S. WATERS. ^^Jh.S.&iU^ 3f&^ ^>- WINTER HORSE BLANKETS. Wallins' Patent Blanket. Genuine Baker Patent Horse Blanket. Bio. 310. HORSE BLANKETS, SHAPED. CHEAP AND DURABLE FOR SHIPPING. Each Ko. 295. Hemp, Fancy Stripe, light, cool and strong, for summer or demi-season !?0 63 No. 290. Hemp, Fancy Stripe, light cool and strong, for summer or demiseason 1 00 No. 297. Small Check, suitable for winter (58 No. 298. Small Check, suitable for winter, figure 4 stay, full size O.") No. 299. Kersey Blanket, cotton binding 1 No. 322. " " 6 lbs., wool 2 65 No. 323. " " 5 lbs., 76x80 inches, wool... 3 OO No. 324. " " 5 lbs., 76x80 inches, wool... 3 501 No. 325. '■ " 5 lbs,, Fawn, 76x80 inches, 3 50 No. .326. All Wool, 5 lbs, 76x80 inches, wool 4 50 No. 327. Extra Quality Fine Lamb's Wool, 5 lbs., 76x80 inches. Fancy Plaid 5 00 No. 328. Square blanket, 7 lbs., 84x90 inches 4 -50 No. 329. Square blanket, 7 lbs , Fancy, 84x90 inches, wool 4 80- No. o.'W. Extra Quality Fine Lamb's Wool, Fawn 6} lbs , .84x90 inches 5 00 No. 331. All Wool, 84x90 inches 5 80 No. .3.32. Extra Quality Fine Lamb's Wool, 7 lbs., 84x90 inches. Fancy Plaid 7 .50 No. 333. Same as No. 330, only heavier; weighs 8 lbs 7 90 No. .'?34. Finest Quality Street Blankets, for city use, exquisite patterns, 84x90 inches 10 00 No. .'5.35. Same as above, 90x96 inches 11 50 NOTF.— We carry Nos. :'01, 802 and 304 in stocii in extra .'^mall coll sizes to fit yearlings' and two year olds. ijnarter Blankets tor carriage teams kept in slock and made to order. STABLE, JOWEL, SWEAT, COOLING AND GOCxGLE HOODS. Long Hood. Short Hood, Kllis' White and Grey S-weat Hoods are i-nade of Kxtra Kine All Wool Goods. Goggle Hood. No. S36. Fancy Plaid Throat or Jewel Hoods. 1st Quality, $1 25; 2iid Quality Each, $1 No. 337. Throat or Jewel Hoods, W hite or Gre^-, all wool " 1 No. 338. Throat or Jewel Hoods. Made of Finest White or Grey California Wool Goods " 1 No. 339. Fancy Plaid Sweat Hood, short, all wool No. 340. Short White or Grey Sweat Hood " 2 No. 341. Short White or Grey Sweat Hood. Made of Finest California Wool Goods No. 342. Fancy Long Plaid Sweat Hood, all wool No. 343. Long White or Grey Sweat Hood "•■ No. 344. Long White or Grey Sweat Hood. Made of Finest California Wool Goods No. 345. Cooling Hoods, long, to tie, $.H 00 ; to Button No. 346. Cooling Hood, short, to tie, $2 00; to button No. 347. Goggle Hoods, for Bolters. Made of Canton Flannel No. 348. Goggles applied to other Hoods, extra Per pair, 1 Sweat and Cooling, made to match Blai.kuts. Long Hoods, two-thirds the price of Blanket ; Short Hoods, one-half Note— Hood; price of Blanket. — 53 — ^-^ Jh ■ s. &^ K s^ ^^ FALL AND WINTER LAP ROBES. No. 349. No. 3.50. No. 351. No. 352. No. 353. No. 354. No. 355. No. 356. No. 357. No. 358. No. 359. No. 360. No. 361. No. 362. No. 363. No. 364. No. 365. No. 366. No. 367. No. 368. No. 369. No. 370. No. 371. No. 372. No. 373. No. 374. No. 375. No. 376. FALL ROBES. Common Mixed Wool and Cotton Robe Each, Fancy Pattern Woolen Lap Robe " Woolen Lap Robe, Reversible. Scotch Robe, fancy pattern, or plain, all-wool, warm and elegant " Elegant California Wool Robe, Fall weight " Elegant California B'ine Wool Lap Robe, large, heavy, exquisite pattern, suitable for inside carriage or outside wear " N. B.— Nos. :!r)U, ;;51, ami ;ir>L', make excellent Robes for Undertakers and Liverymen's use. PLUSH AND CLOTH LAP ROBES. Gray Reversible Plush Lap Robe, (genuine Chase) Each, Black or Green Plush Lap Robe, Reversible, genuine Chase " Scarlet, " " " " " " Fancy Reversible or plain Ruby Reversible Double Plush Lap Robe, (genuine Chase) " Elegant design. Double Plush Lap Robe, (genuine Chase) " Extra large size, elegant design. Double Plush Lap Robe, (genuine Chase). Pat. Rubber Lined, " " " " " " " Elegant design, " " " " " Grand Duchess, " " " " " " " Fiiie English Mohair Plush Lap Rope Double English " " Extra fine Lap Robe Superfine " " " Lap Robe Extra quality Silk Plush, Imported Lap Robe Beaver Cloth Lap Robe, dark green Lined, dark green. ANIMAL SI<;iNS. ANGORA GOAT ROBES. $ ] 20 2 10 2 50 3 25 3 90 4 50 8 00 6 50 10 00 $ 1 78 2 50 2 50 3 25 4 85 5 50 6 50 8 .50 7 50 9 50 14 00 18 50 25 00 35 00 48 65 4 .50 6 50 8 50 15 00 Buffalo, Fox, Wolf, Wildcat, and all varieties of Fur Robes kept in stock and made to order. Quotations on application. No. 377. Gray Japanese Wolf Robes Each, f 2 88 No. 378. Fine gray. Ruby plush lined, Japanese Wolf Robes, 1st quality " 6 OO No. 379. Same as above, only extra large size and finer skins, " 10 00 No. .380. Black Japanese Wolf, Felt-lined " 5 00 No. 381. " " •' Plush-lined " 7 50 No. 382. " " " " " Extra large, selected skins " 11 65 GENUINE BEAR ROBES. No. .383. Fine Australian natural-color Bear Robes. Very soft and fine 115 00, $18 -50, $22 35, $25 00 No. 384. Fine Australian Bear Robes, dyed black, $18 00, $22 50, $25 00, $30 00, $35 00 c^^ P^Ue ^MtlUieU ^5^ LAP ROBES AND DUSTERS. B-OR SUMIVIER, SPRING AND KALL USE. LEATHER FLY NETS. MOMIE LAP DUSTERS. Note.— The I'ollowingnamed dusters are beautifully ornamented, the quality and quantity of the ornaments varying according to the price. As the style of ornaments change every year, it is not prac- tical to describe them While the numbers and prices remain un- changed, the latest stvles will always be offered and equal values substituted. Each No. 38.5. Plain, with border, no ornaments $ 4,3 No. 386. Fine quality, ornamented, good cloth 75 No. 387. Plain Plaid, with borders, no ornaments.. 90 No. 38S. Fine quality, branch and flower orna- ments, good heavy cloth 1 00 No. 389. Extra quality, plain, no ornaments 1 2.5 No. 390. Fine quality, ornamented 1 25 No. 391. Extra quality, assorted grounds, no orna- ments 1 35 No. .392. Fine quality, ornamented 1 65 No. 393. " " " 1 90 No. 394. " " " 2 25 No. 39.5. " " *■ 2.50 No. 396. " " " 3 00 No. 397. " " " 3 50 No. 398. Extra fine quality, beautiful ornaments... 4 00 No. 399. ' ' elaborate " 5 00 WOOLEN DUSTERS. Each No. 400. Plain green, blue, brown or drab, single layer S 1 ,S0 Plain green, blue, brown or drab, double layer ■ 2 .50 Fine blue, green, brown or drab 3 00 Fine Plaid Cloth, beautiful shades, trim'd 4 .50 Extra fine green Broadcloth, trimmed... 6 00 No. 401. No. 402. No. 403. No. 404. No. 405. No. 406. Superfine green or grey Broadcloth. 10 00 No 400 is a very desirable Robe for Livery use. LINEN LAP DUSTERS. The following are very nice patterns and excellent quality, varying, of course, according to price: Each No. 407. Fancy stripes, fringed ends $ 47 No. 408. " ■ ■• " ab No. 109. " " " " 82 No. 410. " " " " 1 00 No. 411. ■' " . " " 1 25 No. 412. ■' " " " 1 7,5 LEATHER NETS. No. 413. Flank Net, 5 ribs, 28 lashes, plain ends.... $1 2:i No. 414. " " 5 " 35 " " " ... 1 85 No. 41.5. " " 5 " 40 " " " ... 2 -50 No. 416. " " o " 50 " " " ... 2 85 No. 417. Flank, 5 ribs, 40 lashes, braided ends 2 50 No. 418. " 5 " .50 " " " 3 00 No. 419. " 5 " 60 " " " 3 7. No. 420. Flank, extra fine, 5 ribs, .50 lashes, braided ends 4 -50 No. 421. With Breast, 5 ribs, 40 lashes 1 50 No. 422. " " 5 " .50 " 2-50 No. 423. " " 5 " 60 " 3 25 No. 424. With Breast, Extra Fine, 5 ribs, 80 lashes, braided ends 4 80 No. 42.5. To Head, 5 ribs, 60 lashes 3 00 No. 426. " 5 " 72 " 4 00 EXTRA FINE QUALITY FRENCH CALF-SKIN LEATHER NETS. Each No. 427. 5 Bar, -50 Lash, Flank $4 00 No. 428. 5 " 60 " " 4 80 No. 429. 5 " 60 " Body and Breast 4 75 No. 430. 5 " 80 " " " " 6 00 No. 431. 5 " 90 " " Neck and Breast 7.50 Besides the above, we carry a full line of Cotton Nets, upon which we will furnish prices and descrip- tion on application. ^--^Jh.S.&Uii 3^%m ^>- SURCINGLES, BODY ROLLERS, DERBY BANDAGES, LIVERPOOL SALT-SACKS. N. 4; 3. N. r.i. Nu 4; 5. No 4: 6. No 4. 7. ENGLISH BODY ROLLERS. English Body Roller, 4 inches wide, 1 strap Each, $ 3 00 " " " 4 " " "2 straps " 3 .>0 .-) ■• " 2 " " 4 50 " " " (5 " " 2 or 3 straps Each, $•> -iO and 6 00 Same as No. 437, but Cotton Each, 8 00 English Body Roller, 7 to S inches wide, fine Worsted, 3 straps, solid horse shoe buckles " 10 00 Nos. 435, 436 and 437 made extra long for Norman and Percheron horses. Roller Cloths kept in stock and made to order. Prices from $2.00 each, upward. SURCINGLES AND SWATHES. No. 4: 8. 3-inch Web Swathe Per dozen, $1 75 with Pad, cloth bound Enameled, bound and buttoned Each 1 strap, pad, leather bound, elastic ends 1 " " " " 1 " " " " " 2 straps, " " " No. 4: 9. No. 440. No. 441. 4-inch No. 442. No. 4':3. No. 4-: 4. No. 4-^5. " " 2 " " " " No. 4'6. " " 2 " " " " Saddle Girths and Surcingles of every description kept in stock and made to order. 3 00 ach. 40 65 85 1 00 90 1 25 1 50 Q^HUlNMMPORTEtj LIVERPOOL ^ALT SACKS. Iflu DERBY BANDAGES. ^,,,..,.^.^ No. 447. Finest quality white Derby Bandages, 9 feet long, and wide (4 to a set) Per doz. sets, $6 00 No. 448. Finest quality white Derby Colt Bandages, (4 to set) Per doz. sets (. do No. 449. Finest quality Imported Worsted Bandages . ^. ^ ■ I No. 450. Rubber Bandages for use on Sprains, Fractures, Bog Spavins, Curbs, etc., 12 feet long, 3 inches wide Each, ENGLISH LIVERPOOL SALT S.ICKS. No. 451. Genuine English Liverpool Salt Sacks for Rubbing Cloths. Largest size and best quality Per dozen, $4 20 No. 4.50. English Rubbing Cloths Each, 50 CxC^ %l^ ©44jritt£^^^ DRIVING BITS. No. 459. Half-Cheek Brt-All Hand-Forged Steel. No. 461. Xo. 460. Dexter Trotting SnafBe. Each. No. 453. Dexter Best Steel Forged, Jointed (Gen- uine Daniels English) extra heavy $3 .30 No. 4.54. Dexter Best Steel Forged, jointed (Gen- uine Daniels English). Same as above, only medium heavy '. 3 00 No. 4-5.1. Dexter Best Steel Forged, Jointed (Gen- uine Daniels, English). Same as No. 4-54, only lighter 2 .50 No. 4.50. Same style Bit as No. 453, best Ameri- can make 2 -50 No. 457. Same style Bit as No. 454, best Am. make, 1 75 No. 458. Same style Bit as No. 455, best Am. make, 1 25 Half-Cheek Bit— All Hand- Forged Steel. Each. No. 4.59. Fine Nickel, 1st quality, either stiff or jointed SI 50 Fine Nickel, 2nd quality, either stiff or jointed, 1 00 Fine Nickel, 3rd quality, either stiff or jointed, 75 No. 460. Dan Mace SnafBe. 1st quality Each, $3 -50 2nd quality " 2 7-5 3rd quality " 1 25 Jointed Dexter Ring Bit. No. 451. Best Steel Hand Forged Dexter Ring Bit. 1st cjuality only. Extra heavy $2 -50 Medium " 1 75 Light 1 25 No. 462. Ring Bits, stiff or jointed. 1st quality Each, SI -50 2nd quality " 100 3rd quality " .50 I No. 462. TONGUE-LOLLING AND EASY-MOUTH BITS. PJo. 463. No. 411.". Tongue-Lolling Bit. First Quality, Each, |.3 00 Second Quality " 2 00 Third Quality'. " 125 Xo. 464. Tongue-Lolling Bit. First Quality..'. Each, S2 75 Second Quality " 1 50 Third Quality " 75 Fourth Quality " 50 No. 465. No. 465. Stiff Rubber Mouth Bit. First Quality Each, $1 75 Second Quality " 125 Third Quality '• 75 Fourth Quality " 25 // B{o. 466. No. 466. Leather Mouth Bit. On wrought chain, making a yery strong and safe Bit ' Each, $2 50 First Quality Each, |3 00 Second Quality " 2 50 ThirdQuality " 150 P{o. 468. Rowley's Rubber-coyered Bit. Flex- i le or Stiff Dexter Mouth. First Quality Each, $1 50 Second Quality " 75 No. 469. Flexible Rubber Track Bit. Large, soft rubber, flexible for tender-mouthed horse Each, f3 00 No. 470. No. 470. Squier's Hercules Flexible Mouth Rub- ber-covered Bit. First Quality Each, |2 .50 Second Quality " 1 50 c^^ Jo. 485. No. 48.5. W. Mouth Bit, for Pul- lers Each, $2 SO No. 486. W. Mouth Twisted Severe Bit, for Pullers. 1st Quality, Steel Forged Each, $3 25 — 60 — a>^ BITS FOR PULLERS AND TONGUE LOLLERS. I«(o. 487. No. 487. The Woodmansee Bit, for Side Pullers. 1st Quality Each, $1 50 2nd Quality " 90 IVo. 490. No. 490. The Baldwin Bit, for Pullers and Side Pullers. 1st Quality Each, |3 75 2nd Quality " 2 75 8rd Quality " 150 Xo. 492* No. 492. The Britt Bit. Guaranteed to stop any Puller Each, SIO 00 T>io. 489. No. 489. Victor Bit, for Side Pullers, Tongue Lollers and Pullers Each, $.3 00 No. 491. Ne Plus Ultra Bit. Especially to im- prove the speed of I rotting and running horses. "The best Bit in the world lor hard pulling horses," is what Budd Doble has to sav about it. This Bit is lor con- trolling running, trot- ting, and all kinds of hard or bad-mouthed horses, and it works "^o Aai eq'ially well with •^^ t^ ' horses having good months, all of .which is acknowledeed by many trainers, drivers and riders who are now using them everyday on all the running and trot- ting race courses in New York and viciuity; and this Bit has become a great necessity with many of the most prominent owners and trainers in the racing and trotting business. This Bit controls run- away horses and hard pullers of any kind, so they become verv ea«v andsafe drivers, in a very few days, which is not the case with anv other Bit. It stops horses pulling on one rein or lugging on the Bit. It will prevent any horse getting the tongue over the Bit. and lolling it out of one side of the mcmtli. It very soon teaches lugging horses to carry their heails woU "p. drive niee'y with a very slight poll on the lint's, without the check rem. It breaks horses from boltirig or shving. Ladies can hold and manage a hard-pulliug horse with this Bit muih easier than a strong man can dowi'h auyother Bit. This Bit is very \iseful when two or more horses are driven together, « here one work's out ahead of his mate. This Bit put in the mouih of the free horse, will equalize their pnd so they will drive all right \a most cases. Parties orilering these Bits should plainly state Ihe fan't they wish to cure, so directions may go with the Bit, how to adjust it iii the month. First Quality only Each, $5 00 ^-^.(S.C^Ifo ^S/on ^>^ BITS FOR PULLERS. OVERCHECK BITS. No. 493. 1 J' Solid Stiff Cheeks, 2 Loops 1st Quality ::::;:::::.':::.' Exactly as above, ^nd Quality Exactly as above, 3rd Quality^..^. ....;• - ^SrsSS; ^g|:::: .Each, i 3 00 1 50 4 75 3 OO 1 50 No. 519* No. 516. No. 515- ^*»' 5'** . T „=. Cheek Genuine Dauiels English Steel. No. 512. Buxtou Coach Bits Sliding Mouth I^^^^^^^ No 513. Same as above, with Stiff CheeW,rid.m ^°- "^- f ^?^i^rBndt:i^s::;:srcSn|:eDa;(eis English ^-ei........... .....•••■•;•;;•: Similar to above, but shorter Cheek ■■•■ Siinilarto516, best American make. Same as No. 517, but :!rd Quality .Each, No. 515, No, 51G. No. .'iH. No. 518. ?7 50 00 4 50 4 00 4 00 3 00 1 2-> 2 5» No. 518. Same as No. 51 . , but .>m ^"^">^^Engiish Steel No. 51tl. Pulley Bradoon, Daniels Genuine nng — 61 — o^ %U^ ©44jrttl£^^^ RIDING BITS, ETC. 9(0.520. No. 522. 9(0.524. No. 520. Daniels' Genuine (English) Steel Port Bit Each, $3 00 No. 521. Same as above, best American make. , First quality Second quality Third qualit}* No. 522. Same as No. 520, only has Chin-loop. Genuine Daniels' (English) steel No. 523. Same as No. 522. Best American make First quality Second quality Third quality No. 524. Similar to 520, but 4 rings, no loops. Genuine Daniels' (English) steel No. 526. Same as above, best American make. First quality Second quality Third quality No. 526. Pclham Riding Bit. First quality, jointed mouth Each Second quality, " " Third quality, " " English Riding Bradoon, First quality Kentucky Racking Bit, curved cheek. First quality Second quality Third quality No. 529. Whitman Riding Bit. Nickel plated No. 530. Whitman Officer Bit. Brass plated No. 530i. Patent Lip Protectors. One of the most humane devices ever invented. Prevents laceration of inside of cheeks by teeth; cures sore mouths , stops side and hard pulling, and makes safe and pleasant drivers out of the most stub- after a few days use Per pair 9iO. 526. No. 527. No. 528. 2i25 1 50 70 3 50 2 50 1 75 1 00 4 00 3 00 2 00 1 25 ach, $3 00 2 00 1 00 1 25 2 50 1 75 70 3 00 3 50 born 2 50 English Steel Curb Chain. No. 531. First quality Each, Second quality Third quality — 65 — ^--^^ Jh . S . &iii^ 3f8m ^ HORSE MUZZLES. No. 533. Patent Removable Bottom Muzzle. No. 535. No. 536. No. 532. Common Leather Shipping Muzzle Per dozen, §12 00 No, -V^o. Wire Muzzle. Made of woven wire, galvan- ized after shaping, uniting everj- wire and prevent- ing all rust. Bound with fine Lamb's Wool, and is provided with fine leather straps Each, $2 25 No. 5.S4. Similar to No. .5S3, only has throat latch run- ning overhead, and made with a brow band " 2 75 No. o'Ao. English Square Bottom Leather Muzzle " S 00 No. 536. Fine English Oval Leather Muzzle. 1st Quality " 5 00 2nd Quality " 4 00 Patent Link Apron Blanket Muzzle. Easily Attached to Halter. I can eat, drink and breathe i£ I can't get at my blanket. No. 538. No. 537. No. 537. Patent Removable Bottom Muzzle. Made of the best Russet Leather, with Metal Bottom Price, $4 00 Canjbe instiintly changeci into a olosefl or open muzzle without removing from the horse's head. Allows eating hay. grain, etc., with the bottom'removed; "vet absiiliUelv prevents all vicious use of the jaw. fJuaranteeil to jivevent any horse from tearing blankets or other wearing ap'parel with'the teeth, gnawing the manger, biting himself or attendant, and cure the worst oases of erilibing. Jivery stallion should wear one in the stable. It prevents nipping and biting, and you can handle and care for them with perfect safely. It is the only devfce ever made that compels slow eating and consequent proper mastication of all food. There are no sharp edges to cut or lacerate the lips. The hole in the bottom is of such shape that chaling the lips while procuring food is iiuimssible. The removable bottom can be instant y attached from the onlside. converting it into a closi d muzzle, to prevent eating without removing the muzzle from the hi-ad. Directions— Ad.iust the muzzle so that when it hangs loosely on the head the end of the lips will be about !,'<■ inches from the bottom. No. 538. Patent Link Apron Blanket Muzzle. The best blanket protector made. Can not absorb filth. It cleans itself, follows every movement of the head, and does its work Each, $2 00 c.^ @>-. CRIBBING MUZZLES, FEED BAGS AND BOXES. Patent Cribbing Strap 1 CRIBBBING MUZZLE Adjustable Feed Bag. No. 539. No. 540. No. 541. No. 540. No. 541. Cribbing Muzzle. A sure preventative against horse cribbing the mangers, and yet so inge- niously constructed as to allow them to eat their hay and grain with ease. Also used on a biting or vicious horse. Complete with leather straps Each |2 00 Patent French Cribbing Strap. The best in the world " 7 00 Patent Adjustable Feed Bag. Automatically adjusted. Remains in position and allows the horse to lift his head and breathe freely, and can not spill his feed " 1 OO FEED BOXES. ,^ No. 542. 1^0. 544. No. .542. Ventilated Feed Bag. Extra heavy duck Each $ 85 No. .543. Canvas Feed Bag. Not ventilated .."!! " ' 50 No. 543i. Feed Box. Made of very strong sheet iron, galvanized, all seams thoroughly joined, stout iron hooks without bars n 7 75 No. 544. Same as above, with ("patent-applied-for") removable bars, as shown in cut, to prevent the horse from throwing out his feed tt- I fur the balance in full for the three boxes. \g since had we tested the boxes earlier, but ' put the boxes up and test 'hem. We rec- immend them very highly. Shall eommence working our racing tables some tiiric during February, and you may make us, ay 1st of February, a price on a dozen boxes, and we may pur- hase them, and later on may bfiy boxes for each horse in racing. Yours most respectfully, SCOGGAN BROS. D^ar .'?ire.-— Some ti FKEII KOXKS. we h.ivi rrihitted for th it ■•n,' a two. since wriiiii',' »i isfaciorv. ami now icit Should have remitted I not until recentlv did Cy^ 5^ue ^AMUm ^>^ RASPER'S SELF-ACTING OATS CLEANER. PATENTED ]VSE 8, 1S,S6. Feed All Horses Clean Oats by Using e RASPER'S ^ Self -Acting Oats Cleaner FOR STABLE USE. Ouer Jeo JJ^ousarjd (?l^ar)er5 fiow IT) Use. FEED MEASURES. No. 547. No. 548. No, 547. Galvanized Iron Feed Measure - ind 4 quarts.... Each, $ 50 ^HIS Cleaner will remove a bushel of No. o4«. Galvanized Iron Feed Measure 2 4 ^ dust, dirt and impurities from every and 6 quarts " 75 twenty-five or thirty bushels of the best white oats. No. 546. Not one quart of oats or grain can be drawn without being cleaned. This is the most perfect grain purifier ever known. Can not get out of order and will last for years. No power necessary. It saves sickness among horses, money, time and trouble. The oats and grain are cleaned as they pass through the cleaner. All farms, private, livery, boarding and teaming stables should have them. Poplar Cleaners, Japanned Trimmings. 6x12, 7i feet long, for private stables Each, $25 00 8x12,7 " for medium stables " 25 00 10x12, "i " for large stables " 25 00 18x12, "i " for very large stables " .'■55 00 8x12,6 " for low ceiling stables " ' 25 00 10x12, '6 " " " " '• 25 00 18x24,12 " for extra large stables " 75 00 Hardwood Cleaners, with Bronze Trimmings. 6x12, 7J feet long, for private stables Each, S40 00 8x12, 7i " for medium stables " 41 00 10x12,71 " for large stables " 42 00 8x12,6" " for low ceiling stables " 40 00 10x12, 6 " " " " " " 41 00 Hardwood Cleaners finished in Oak, Ash, Cherry' Georgia Pine, or any kind of wood desired. With Hard Oil Finish. Special sizes not named made to order. No. 549. No. 549, Oats Sieve Each, $ 50 SOAKING TUB. No. 550. No. 5.50. Soaking Tub. Made of extra heavy and strong sheet iron, galvanized Each, 12 50 STABLE PAILS. ■^ WOODEN STABLE FORK. No. 551. No. 555- No. 551. Flush^jottom Stable Pails, plain Each, $ .50 No. 552. Oak Stable Pails, :i hoops " 85 No. 553. Red Cedar Stable Pails, .'i brass hoops " 1 15 No. 554. Red Cedar Stable Pails, 4 brass hoops, flush bottom " 1 40 No. 555. First Quality Hand-made Stable Forks " 85 Second Quality " 60 STABLE BROOMS. No. 556. No. 556. Push Stable Broom, drawn with wire. Will stand hot water. Made of fine quality Basswood or Cane, and guaranteed to wear well. 12 inches, with 4 rows Each, ?1 00 No. 657. Same as No. 5.36, only 14 inches, with 4 rows " 1 !■> No. 558. Stable Broom. Very heavy and strong. Has heavy sheet-iron stiffening " 50 Blanket Pins. >to. 559. No. .5.59. Lindsay's Best Blanket Pins. Large size Per doz., f S') — 70 — ^^ ^ WHISK BROOMS. No. 580. No. .580. Whisk Brooms. 1st quality Each, $0 .3-5 2nd quality... " 25 3rd quality " 15 FEATHER DUSTERS. No. 582. Genuine Ostrich Feather Dusters. 10-inch Each, $0 90 11-inch " 1 25 12-inch " 1 75 14-inch " 2.50 No. 5Sli. Wool Dusters. Long wool, variegated colors ; will not scratch Each, |0 50 DUSTING BRUSHES. No. 584. No. 5S4. Dusting Brush. Very full, grey stock, stained handles ; an excellent brush for livery stables. 8-inch Each, $0 35 8.^inch " 4.5 9-inch " .50 9Jinch " 65 CARRIAGE MATS. No. 585. Carriage Mats. English sheepskins, best quality long wool. 1 12x28, Extra Fine ... " 2 50 A 13x25 ... " 2 75 fe^ 14x26 ... " 3 75 A 16x27 18x30 ... " 4 25 ... " 5 .50 ^^ vjt'^ ^^^^'■^i%^ No. 586. East India Skin Carriage Mats. ^^i'\' . '> 12x28 ...Each,S2 00 Nos. 581 and 582. No. 581. Turkey Feather Dusters. 16x27 18x30..'. ... " 4 00 10-inch 12-inch ....Each, fO 35 .... '• SO No. 587. Velour Carriage Mats. 14-inch .... " 7-5 12x20 12x24 ...Each, $0 75 16-inch .... " 1 00 ... " 1 00 c^S" PATENT HAIR-SHEDDER AND COMB. ^^' IVo. 588. No. 688. Patent Hair-shedder aud Curry Comb. This device positively removes the loose hair from horse in moulting season, and prevents the same from blowing into the face and upon the clothing of the driver. The hair-shedder is combined with a fine steel curry comb Each, S 40 CURRY COMBS. No. 590. Genuine English, eight bars, closed back, oval face double knocker, straight shank. The best Comb in the market Each, $ 'So No. 591. Similar to above, only best American make " 25 No. 592. Same as No. 591, only smaller size " 20 Note.— Abovt* are desirable cnmVis. We carry a variety, ranging from .W c\s. per iliizeii up^vards, from which dealers can select such as suit their trade. Only the best are listed herein. PATENT RUBBER COMB AND BRUSH. ■Patented ouni.25,W^- No. 589. No. 589. Patent Rubber Curry Comb and Brush. Cleans all dirt from horse. By being perfectly flex- ible it enables the groom to curry and clean ever)' part of the horse. Can be used on the most sensitive horse, as there is no metal to sciatch Each, 3 MANE COMBS. miiiiij isii.iiiiii 1111,11 iS'iii i!iiiiiii'i!i'Ss\ No. 59:5. Horn Mane Comb. 15 and 20 cts. each, ac- cording to size. \o. 594. Rubber Mane Comb Each, $ 25 CLIPPING COMB. .. Vo. 595. Rubber, with handle " 50 No. 593. ping Comb " 50 No. 596. ^-^Jh.S.&ita^ 3^&m ^ AIR-POWER HORSE-CLIPPING MACHINE. THE UNANIMOUS OPINION OF A NUMBER OF PRACTICAL HORSE CLIPPERS: " Of the many improvements in power horse-clipping machines brought out by you in the past twenty-six years, we do not hesitate to say that your Air-power Machine leads the world." No. 599- No. 599. Air Power Horse Clippiug Machine. Complete, with two square-end handles, with 1.5 feet of hose to each handle Price, S85 OO We have j'et to show this machine in operation to an experienced horse clipper in search of a power machine without finding a ready and willing purchaser. This machine may be run by either steam, water, or electric motor power. Suspended by a platform above the horse's head, it occupies less than two square feet of space, and with from \o to 2.'i feet of hose to each handle, has a tremendous range, and will easily perform double the work of any other power machine on the mar- ket. This machine is very simple in construction, of the best material and workmanship, has self-oiling bearings and is adjustable to all wear. — 74 - POWER HORSE CEIPPING MACHINES. 1 PJo. 600. No 600. Power Horse Clipping Machine. This is the perfection of a horse clipper; the first ever invented and the best ever made. It combines perfect freedom of motion, with extensive range. The connection for con- veyino- power from the bov who turns to the cutter in the handle is positive, and there is the least possible waste'of power. It is easily kept in order. With this machine the purchaser can have a handle with rotary or vibrating cutters, at his choice. The rotary cutter is much the best for shearing the head and legs, and works nicelv on the body of the horse ; but some prefer the vibrating cutter, because it cuts faster. Price, complete ^^>^ CO Rotary Comb, Rotary Cutter. Price, $3 oO each. Price, $2 00 per doz. Xo. 601. No. 602. No. liOl. The cutters and handles of this machine are precisely the same as those of No. (iOO. The machine is made on the same principle, but the parts which convey the power to the handle are shorter, and, conse- quently, the operator can not reach as far, and is obliged to move the machine oftener to clip all parts of the horse. This machine is first class and will give the best of satisfaction. Price complete $50 00 No. ti02. Same size as No. tiOl, but has only vibrating cutters. The power is conveyed by a belt from balance arm to handle, which is not as convenient as are Xos. tiOO and (501. Price, complete $35 00. In ordering Nos. 600 or 601 machines, state whetlier Rotary or Vibrating Cutters are desired. EXTRA PARTS.— Handles. Small Rotarv Handle, complete, with 1 Comb and 12 Cutters Price, $24 00 Vibrating Handle, complete, with 1 Comb and Cutter " 23 00 Vibrating Comb and Cutter " 3 00 Combs and Cutters. Small Rotary Combs Price, each, $3 50 Large Rotary Combs " 4 00 Large Rotarv Cutters Price, per doz., $3 OO Small Rotary Cutters " " 2 00 Full directions for setting up and operating the Clipper are sent with each machine. Note. — Parties desiring to do very rapid work upon the bodies of horses can obtain an extra handle with rotary comb three incties in diameter. Large Handle, Comb and Cutter, complete. ..Price, 25 00 The Large Comb and Cutfr will not fit the handles supplied with the machines. Parties ordering should make no mistaJie. -^Jh.S. &KU 3^ %- CLIPPING MACHINES. Horse Clipper. Newmarket Horse Clipper. ^o. 603. :no. 604. Glober,Reversible Bali-Bearing Horse Clipper. Pocket for Newmarket Horse Clipper. No. 60.3. French Horse Clipper. The best low-priced niachiue ever offered ....I'er pair, $1 • No. 604 Newmarket Patent Horse Clipper (genuine). Wm. Bown's English make. Complete, with ^^ ^^ ^^ leather pocket Extra plates furnished for Newmarket Clippers Bottom plates, fl 25 ; top plates, $1 00 each. ^^ No. 6O.5. Clark's Celebrated Horse Clipper, first quality No. 606. Globe Reversible Horse Clipper (ball bearing) 00 4 .50 ^^ 5^oU€ ^MiMim^ TOILET CLIPPERS. La Belle Toilet Clippers. Clark's Toilet Clippers. Newmarket Toilet Clippers. No. 607. IVo. 609. ■ No. 610. No. (107. Toilet Clippers. A good durable clipper. Best American make Per pair, $2 00 No. tiC.S. La Belle Toilet Clippers " 2 75 No. 609. Newmarket Toilet Clippers " 2 .50 No. 610. Clark's Celebrated Toilet Clippers " 4 00 No. 611. Best English Clipping Shears, leather-covered bows " 1 25 SINGEING LAMP. CLIPPING SHEARS. Nos. 6x1 and 612. Bio. 613. No. 612. Best English Clipping Shears, fine nickel plated bows Per pair, SI 00 No. 61.3. English Singeing Lamps Each, 2 00 No. 614. English Singeing Lamp, has no stop-cock on handle, as shown on No. 618 " 1 2-5 No. 61.5. Gas Singeing Lamp, with tube, complete " 7 2o Clippers sharpened Per pair, 1 00 ELLIS' IMROVED ADJUSTABLE TOOTH RASPS OR FLOATS No. 617. Blade. No. 616. Fine nickel, first quality (the above Rasps have moveable tiles, and are the best in the market), Each, Second quality, polished No. 617. Fine nickel, jointed handle, first quality Extra Blade Files EMMERT'S PATENT CHECK E.\SE. STIFF TOOTH RASP. i2 50 1 50 3 00 25 No. 619. No. 619. Check Ease, nickel plated Each, $1 00 Hard rubber center " 1 50 Hard rubber center, gold ends " 2 00 HOOF PICK AND HAMMER. No. 618. Stiff Tooth Rasp Each, HOOF PICK. No. 621. 21. One Instrument Hoof Pick Each, SO 25 Two " " " and Cork- screw " 50 Three Instrument Hoof Pick Har- ness, Punch and Corkscrew " 1 00 ELLIS' HAND MADE HORSE SCRAPERS. No. 620. No. 620. Hoof Pick and Hammer (steel) Each, : SPRING HARNESS PUNCHES. No. 625. No. 625. First quality, plain Each, }0 15 No. 626. " " painted " 25 Pat. Combination Sweat Scraper and Curry Comb. No. 624. No. 622. Steel Spring Harness Punch, 1 tube, Each, S .50 No. 626. No. 623. " " " " 4 tubes, " 100 No. 626. Fine brass or nickel Each, $ 75 No. 624. " " " " 6 tubes, " 125 Plain black " 50 c^^ 5^oiu ^AiMieU ^>^ THE KENTUCKY STALLION SHI-ELD. THE BEST SHIELD IN THE WORLD. LIGHTEST WEIGHT SHIELD M.^DE, .\ND GI'ARANTEED TO GIVE SATISFACTION OR MONEY WILL BE REFUNDED. Can not possibly injure the horse iu the least and at the same time is a perfect preventative against abuse. With this Shield on your horse he can extend his rod and urinate naturally, but can not abuse himself. Ko. 637. No. 627. Kentucky Stallion Shield Each, $5 00 ^^.(S.C)lto 3^%m ^^ STALUON SHIELDS AND SUPPORTS. IVo. 628. ISO. 629. No. 628. The New Perfection Stallion Shie'd. Made of Molded Rubber. No metal, rigid material, or tacks to torture the animal. They are flexible, simple, humane and clean, and do not interfere with nature's functions. Complete Each, S 6 00 In lots of h doz. or more Per doz. 60 00 No. 629. Ellis' Improved California Shield. The most popular Shield amongst running horsemen. ...Each, 8 50 STALLION SUPPORT. No. 631. IVo. 630. No. 634. No. 6.30. Springsteen Stallion Shield (the«)riginal one) Each, |6 00 No. 631. Ellis' Finest Rubber Stallion Support. The best made " 3 50 No. 632. Ellis' Finest Chamois Stallion Support. Same as No. 63], onlj' pouch is made of chamois in- stead of rubber " 3 50 No. 6.33. Rubber Stallion Support. A good, durable support " 2 50 No. 634. Stallion Chain. Best (juality genuine imported , " .50 — 80 — dyi-^ 7^^lM ^A\\^AkM^y- STALLION BRIDLES. NORMAN HORSE BRIDLES. BLOOD STALLION SHOW BRIDLES. Kentucky Lrad Bridle. I«o. 635. No. 637. I»io. 643. 3Vo. 645. No. 649. Each. No. 635. Percheron and Norman Horse Show Bridle. IJ Billets, brass buckles and rosettes, single scalloped cut-out cheeks as shown, with leading rein, no bar, chain or bit % 6 90 No. 636. Exactly as above, but with leading rein, bar and chain ; • ■■■■ 8 50 No. 637. Plain head cheeks and face piece as shown, enameled centre rosette, electro-nickel Victoria buckles, complete with leading and side reins, polished bar and chain, no bit 10 60 No. 638. Exactly as above, only leading rein, no chain 9 §•' No. 639. Style of No. 6-13, IJ-inch solid nickel horse shoe buckles, complete with head-rein 9 40 No. 640. Exactlv as above, leading rein, polished bar and chain 10 20 No. 641. Style o'f No. 645. Double ■ cheeks, nickel rosettes on cheeks, inlaid fancy fronts, nickel Victoria whole buckles, leading rein with polished bar and chain 9 30 No. 642. Exactly as above, but no bar or chain ■. 8 -50 No. 643. Swelled cheeks, parent leather rosettes on cheeks and head, j-inch international fronts, solid nickel horse slioe buckles, complete with leading and side rein, nickel bar and chain 8 25 No. 044. Style of No. 637. i-inch cheeks, lined and stitched heads and cheeks, stitched punch-holes of ihroat- latch, nickel Victoria whole buckles, fancy inlaid front, enameled silver roseites, patent-leather X face-piece, fancy stitched nose band, complete with lead rein, nickel bar and chain 10 60 No. 645. Double ; cheeks, nickel Victoria whole buckles, assorted silk fronts and rosettes to match, com- plete with leading rein ••.. 9 60 No. 646. White bleached buff, |-inch nickel Victoria whole buckles, silver rosettes on cheeks and head, white web leading rein, fancy front 8 60 LIGHT STALLION BRIDLES. No. 647. Light Stallion Show Bridle. White bleached buff, ;-inch cheeks, nickel buckles, white web lead rein, 7 feet long, with large buttons $ 6 00 No. ii4S. Light Stallion Bridle. Fine russet leather, London stain, |-inch cheeks, nickel or bronzed buckles, 7-foot lead rein, with large button 5 00 Note.— Bits aru not incluJed in above prices. We will furnisb line English or American Bits to suit either the blood or draft stallion bridles at SU.iH each. For Rollers, see page h6. These Show Bridles arc the flneslcver ottered in American markets. AMERICAN STALLION BRIDLES. No. 649. Kentucky Stallion Bridle Each, 5 4 00 No. (5 I. Stallion Bridle. All flat single swell front, scalloped cheeks, solid crown, lead rein 14 leet, with button on end " ^ SO No. 651. Similar in style to No. 650, onlj' made cheaper " - '-^ Bits are not included in the above. — 81 — --^-^.(S.^lfii <^§^ ^ SAFETY AUTOMATIC HITCHING STRAP. PATENT HEAD BUMPER. Xo. 652. No. 653. No. 652. The above cut represents the Safety Automatic Hitching Strap, a most desirable article of stable furni ture. It is so constructed as to take up all slack in the tie, thus rendering it impossible for the animal to be injured from being cast or thrown. The device is made of first quality iron and steel, with view to strength and durabilit}-. It is tastefully designed, and is an ornament as well as a useful and necessary fixture. No stable should be without it. Price Each, $1 75 No. 653. Patent Head Bumper. Made of flexible rubber. An absolute protection to injury against the horse's head when shipping or in the stable. Price Each, |2 50 — 82 — ^^ 5^u^ ^AiMim ^>o 1 looting Bridle. No. 655. PiO. 660. No. 662. No. 654. Cooling Bridle. Complete, with bit and chin strap Each, $1 50 No. 6.55. "Maud S." Track Halter. Either russet or black; very fine " 2 00 No. 656. English Ivcather Track Halter. Fine doubled and stitched " 3 00 No. 657. " " " " Superfine double and stitched " 4 00 No. 658. English Web Track Halter. Made of extra fine white web i-inch wide; very strong and fine, " 2 00 No. 659. Ellis' Exhibition Halter, ^-inch Wide. Covered with fine imported white linen ; the hand- somest halter made " 4 00 No. 660. Best Five- Ring Sewed Leather Stable Halters. All edges taken off" and burnished up smoothly so as not to chafe. Finelj' finished, and made of first-class oak-tanned stock. 1 inch wide Per dozen, $12 00 IJ inch wide " 15 00 1] inch wide " 18 00 No. 661. All Leather Riveted Halters. 1 inch " 9 00 IJ inch " 10 00 1} inch " 11 50 No. 662. Common Web Shipping Halters " 2 25 No. 663. Tubular Cotton Web Halters, with rope tie " 6 00 No. 664. English Halters. Tubular worsted web, with leather ties... " 12 00 No. G65. White Web Halters, with leather lay. Made with fine front and throat latch " 12 00 No. 666. Soft Folded Leather Halter. Finely finished with leather tie " 24 00 No. 667. Imported Stallion Halter. Made of fine white English buffing no- tie Each, 5 00 No. 668. Colt Halters, to fit weanlings, yearlings and two-year-olds, $Q 00, $9 00 and $12 00 per dozen. -^®>J^.(§i.C)lto ^S/on ^>- PATENT LAMB'S WOOL HARNESS COVERING. -TO LACE ON ■ No. 669. No. 673. No. 674. No. 669. Lamb's Wool Harness Covering — to Lace on. This covering is made of fine lamb's wool on the skin and lined with canvas. Hook lacers are securely fastened at each edge so that the covering can be laced on to breast collar, breeching or traces without trouble. A piece 'Ai feet long covers breast collar; a piece 3 feet long covers breeching. Put up in rolls of 2.5 feet. Horsemen will find this the most convenient means of covering their harness where it chafes. « SIZES AND PRICES. ' 2Hnch for 1 -inch Trace or vStrap Per foot, $ 2-5 3|-inch for 1] Strap Per foot, S 45 2| " " 11 " " 30 4| " '■ 2 " " 50 3i " " 1 J Breast Collar or Breeching... " 40 4| " " 2', " " ,60 5j inch for 2 J Strap Per foot, $ (35 No. 670. Fine Gig Saddle Pad. Oiled rawhide lined. Will not chafe Each, SI 00 No. 671. Fine Cloth Gig Pad. Elegantly trimmed " 1 50 No. 672. Gig Pad. Similar to No. 671, only not so fine " 75 No. 673. The Perfection Tail Holder. To tie up horse's tail in muddy weather ; made entirely of metal, " 25 No. 674 The Ulster Tail Holder; for same purpose as No. 673 " 25 REIN BUTTONS. No. 675. No. 676. No. 67.5. Cook's Patent Rein Buttons Per pair, $ 25 No. 676. The Monarch Rein Button. Can be automatically adjusted on any part of the line, while driving. Can be moved forwar^ COY'S IMPROVED DRIVING REIN. The Iinitroved Driving Rein, which is illustrated in this cit, is designed to meet a long felt want among drivers of horses, trainers, jockeys, etc.. and is especially appreciated by lady drivers. Everyone accustomed to driving has felt a cui'islaiit annoyance occasioned by the ordinary smooth rein gradually .slippint,' thrd'iL^h the" fingers, so that command of the horse is gradually relaxed. Till' iucoiu ciiiince renders it necessary either to wind the rcan about the hand to luild it, prtivide it with some kind of a hand-hold, like buttons or attached hand loops, or else renew the grip every few minutes by gathering up the slack. Driving under such circumstances is very fatiguing. To obviate the.se objections, a Driving Rein is now offered in which the hand-part consists of two strips or pieces instead of one, between which leather hand-loops are stitched as shown above. The two pieces are made from the finest stock, but being duplex are much lighter than would be suitable tor a single rein. Between these pieces a number of 'loops are stitched at convenient intervals, ranging from six to ten inches, to meet the requirements of various kinds of service. Trial has shown that the loops readily adjust themselves to the hand of the driver, and greatly relieve the strain on the fingers in driving. When the hand is removed the loops collapse or flatten down, so that the hand piece can be parsed through the bit-ring or terret without ditflculty. Another commendable feature about this rein is that in its natural position, when in use. it lies fiat on the horse's back, a point which all horse-drivers appreciate. These reins put vicious and hard-bitted horses under comjiSete control. Per jiair No. (KIT. Coy's Itnproved Driving Rein. All best oak stock, black or russet, hand-made. Style A, flat single reins, super dbl. stitched, $12 00 Style C, Style E, " Style F, round " Style G, flat Style H, " Style K, sulky " extra blind or channel st'ch. 9 00 S CO 8 00 () 00 5 00 8 00 Per pair. Style AA, flat double reins, •super-doub'e stitched $18 00 Style CC, ■' " " best lair-stitched 14 00 Style EE, " " " channel-stitched 12 50 St'vle FF, round " ' 12 00 Style GG, flat " " 10 00 Style LR, round bridle reins 3 00 StyleLF, flat " " 2 25 Style M, flat patent hand-parts, with buckle 4 00 Style N, " " " " " 3 50 REIN HOLDERS. ISO. 678. IMo. 682. No. (578. Folded Rein Holder. For road use. With layer and finely finished Per pair, $1 00 NOi G79. Similar to No. 678, only without layer and not so finely finished " '5 No. (5,S0. Track Rein Holder. Made of best quality line leather, flat single strap, long for track use, " 1 25 No. 681. Same as above, only made folded instead of flat " 1 50 No. 682. With self-adjusting Clasp, best Moffat's line leather, hand-part 1-1 in. long, for track use " 2 00 SULKY WHIP SPUR. THE LAMB EYE SHIELD. No. 683. The Lamb Eye Shield. Flexible, water-proof and non-heat conducting. Per pair $ 50 Protect your eyes from dust and other flying par- ticles, and from cold winds and snow in the winter season. The cheapest, lightest and most durable Eye Pro- tector ever presented to the public. Every one who drives a horse or rides a bicycle will appreciate its merits. The Lamb Eve Shield fits closely to the face, around the eyes, a soft perforated felt rim on the face side rendering it impossible for dust or any other substance to enter between it and the skin. Small perforations in the felt rim admit sufficient air for the eyes to retain their normal moisture. The lenses are formed of the clearest mica and are perfectly transparent. There is conseiiuently less liability of injury to the eyes with this .«hield in case of acci- dent than with other similar devices in which glass lenses are used. No. 684. No. 68-1. Sulky Whip Spur, each,«l 00 Spurs are .sogjetimes used upon sulky whips when the horse will not respond to the whip itself. This is more humane and quite as etTccttve as the wire cracker or lash. This spur is adjustable, and rests near the thumb button on the whip, so that when applying the whip both spur and whip touch the horse. ^J^.S.^I&i 3^%m ^^ ■ELLIS" SULKY CUSHIONS. DRIVERS' JACKETS. 1^: Xo. 690. No. 685. Stone's Sulky Case. In sending order for Ca,se, give dimensions of wheel and sulky gear.. ..Each, |].5 00 This is the finest thing for parties oampaigniii.a: trotters for their sulliios or fine road carts. These oases are made of canvas, to cover gear in one entire piece, buckling at the back, completely proteeliojg same from dust and from being marred. The wheels are protected, ea FRAZIER TRACK SULKY. No. 714. 14. The Frazier Track Sulky. Is made in different weights and sizes, to suit horses of auy proportion or peculiarity of gait. It has a high-arched axle, and the circle-bar is set back, permitting the horse to be hitched close up to the driver. It has great width of stifle-room. The Frazier Sulky will be found to stand all the tests. Upon the receipt of order, in the absence of particular instruction, we ship the medium size, and of about 53 pounds in weight. This weight of sulky is plenty stiff enough for half-mile tracks, and will hitch up right to a horse of 15 hands to 15} hands. Larger sizes carried in stock. Price, boxed, and free on board cars Each, SlOO 00 As we carry an immense stock of Sulkies of all the leading makes, we can furnish them promptly. U -^©J^.S.^Ito 3^%m ^^ THE CELEBRATED McMURRAY & FISHER SULKIES. STANDARD. NEW STYLE DOUBLE-AXLE. No. 714. No. 715. Standard Sulky. None but the finest material is used in the manufacture of this sulky. The axles are of the finest steel, with wrought boxes, and are imbedded in axle-beds of second-growth ash. The axle is arched 9 inches, allowing the horse to be hitched close to the seat. The shafts are of selected second-growth ash, and made extra wide at the point and at the stirrups, allowing plenty of room for horses of large action. The seats are caned and have silver rails. Boxed, on cars Price, $7.5 00 No. 71-5. New Style Double-Axle Sulky. Boxed, on board cars.. 90 00 The sizes of these Sulkies, for convenience in ordering, are known as Light, Medium and Heavy. The light sulky has 4-foot 5-inch wheels, and is branded 48 lbs. to 50 lbs. The medium sulky has 4-foot 6-inch wheels, and is branded from 52 lbs. to .55 lbs., and is proportionately larger in every way than the light sulky. The heavy sulky has 4-foot 7-inch wheels, and i-s branded from 5(i lbs. to 60 lbs., being proportionately larger than the medium sulky. These sulkies are uniform in the size of axle, width of shafts and track, the difference in weight being in the size of shafts and wheels. The light sulky is best for horses 15 hands and under. The medium will suit horses from 15 hands to 1.5-3,' and the heavy sulky will suit horses 16 hands and over. We would recommend the medium size as best for general use. N. B.— As we ( short notice. ry an immen*o stock of Sulkies of all the leading makes, we can furnish them I'romplly. Special sizes to order on cx^ ^^&iM ^MiMieM^^^ THE SULKYETTE, OR CHAMPION CI.OSE-HITCH SPEEDING CART. No. 716. IG. The Sulkyette, or Champion Close-Hitch Speeding Cart. Price, Complete Each, $4-5 00 PLEASE NOTE THE FOLLOWING POINTS OF EXCELLENCE: The spring is desirable for road use, and when speed- ing can be strapped down. Seats are cane-bottom or covered as desired. Swedes or Norway iron used for light iron work. Best grade compressed band wheels and steel tires used. Finished in plain wood, neatly striped or painted to 5uit the purchaser. Weight, SO to 100 pounds. We are now prepared to fill all orders for this vehicle. This Speeding Cart has all the points worthy of praise in a first-class sulky. You can hitch as close to the driver as in any of the standard sulkies. The axle is arched equal to any sulk}-. The rig is made without the common foot-rests in carts. The feet rest in stirrups similar to a sulky. The seat rests upon a transversed oil-tempered spring, which is attached at either end to the steel axle-arms. DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF THE GEAR. Design No. 1 gives a top view of the Sulkyette gear, show- ing exactly how close a horse can be hitched to the driver. No. 2 shows a bottom view of the same. With these two cuts we can give, to all who are interested, an exact and intelligent idea as to the construction of the Sul- kyette gear, showing truss bar, circle, bar, seat and stirrups or foot-rest for the feet, and as much room between the shafts as a Toomey Sulky. The seat rests upon a circle bar, and is supported by a light half-elliptic spring, as shown in designs. The axle is arched the same in pattern as the Caffrey Sulky. The gear, when complete, is as stiff and rigid as any first- class sulky. We feel that the above description gives a complete and comprehensive knowledge of the construction of all points of interest to horsemen. --^ Jh . S. &UiA 3^ S/on ^>- THE CELEBRATED FRAZIER ROAD AND SPEEDING CARTS. ACKNOWLEDGED BY ALL THE LEADING HORSEMEN TO BE THE BEST CART MADE. tR&iCoWFf^S No. 717. No. 717. Standard Road Cart. Ou board Cars Price, $45 00 Capacious seat for one person, corduroy seat trimming, mounted from step behind axle, steel springs of the Frazier patent, oil-tempered; nickel-plated seat rail, weight, 100 to 10.5 pounds. The lightest weight has -J tire, and is sent only when that width of tire is especially ordered; -;-inch axle, either banded wood hub or patent wheels; adjustably balanced by our patented device. Rubber boot for protection of the whole foot rest from dust and mud, shipped with cart. Seat-tray removable, very handy for carrying packages, etc , extra, SI .00. Hood or body of rubber duck for this cart, extra, f2.'25 Colors, dark green and carmine, striped. Other colors painted to order. The longest and biggest gaited horses can be driven up to speed in Cart No. 717 Standard. No. 718. Same as above, only made with double seat for two persons Price, $47 00 No. 717 Special. This Cart is made similar to the No. 717 Standard, only is much finer finished and lighter weight— 83 to 90 pounds. Wood axle-bed, fine wood hub wheels; nickel-plated seat rail, plush seat trimmings ; colors, carmine or malori green, striped. Aboard car " 60 00 No. 718jSpecial. Same as No. 717 Special, only has seat for two " 60 00 r-T!fnffje can furnish any of the above carts with interchangeable pole and shafts at $14.00 extra in Standard grade and $16.00 extra in special grades. THE FRAZIER C SPEEDING CART. A combination of track sulky and road cart. Width of track, 4-0. Wood hub wheels 4 feet 4 inches high ; wood-cased axle-bed, nickel-plated seat rail. Foot-rest, as shown in the cut, is in position for road work, the rear end being suspended by straps. It elevates at its rear, taking it out of the way of the horse's action when speed- ing on the track; stirrups directly in front of the cross- bar on the shafts, not shown in the cut, thus affording brace for the driver's feet. As finely finished as most track sulkies. This cart is well suited for the track and fine road beds, and is a favorite with gentlemen who speed their own horses, and who desire to drive through the streets to the form of a road cart, and when the track is reached, by a slight change, have practically a sulky for speeding purposes It is speedily becoming the train- ing vehicle of all well-appointed stables. Fine and ele- ^0«7I9« gant. Colors, carmine or malori green. Weight, 75 lbs. f No. 710. The Frazier C Speeding Cart. Crated, on board cars Each, $80 00 f^C" P^ue ^AiMiiM ^^ 1 ELLIS" COMBINED SPEEDING AND ROAD CART. No. 720. 720. This cart is highly finished, has a cane seat, ^-inch steel axle, extra quality wheels 52 inches high, long leather on shafts, painted either carmine or dark green, neatly striped, weighs about S5 pounds, and is a good and durable cart. It is pronounced perfection b}' horsemen. The foot rest can be removed in five seconds ; by strapping the center of the spring to the axle, you avoid all spring motion. Nothing has been put upon the market that compares with this cart as a speeder and road cart combined. Price $40 00 CUSHION, #3.50 EXTRA. "ELLIS" IMPROVED SKELETON WAGON. No. 72X. This is a very handsome wagon, made from second-growth hickory. Wheels have banded hub, full stagger spokes, I or J tire. Axles ^-inch finest steel (wrought chilled boxes), and are bedded into the axle bed, through from end to end. Seats caned. Silver rail. Color, carmine or Brewster green. All braces and irons are riveted to place. No bolts used where we can use a rivet. Track, 4 feet 6 inches. Weight, from 90 lbs. to 100 lbs. No. 721. Price, complete with shafts, boxed on cars $100 00 We can furnish the above, with both pole and shafts, at an additional cost of $1=. ^ ^^^J^.S.&lfe 3^%m ^>- BREAKING CARTS. :ko. 722. No. 722. Noyes' Celebrated Breaking Cart. Shafts three feet longer than their road cart. Seat wide enough for two persons. A good substantial cart Price, $40 00 FRAZIER No. 723 BREAKING CART. Has a .'!-5-inch seat, long shafts, and is extra stout throughout. It has especial adaptation in several partic- ulars for colt-breaking. Having loDg shafts, it guides easily for the colt, and their length is such that a kick- ing colt could not endanger the driver, nor could he even strike the cross-bar to bruise his heels or frighten himself. It is invalua- ble on a stock farm, and breeders and farmers frequently buy it for general road use. The seat is lower than upon other styles of Frazier Carts, and is supported upon arms of spring steel. It has an advantage over most breaking carts, inasmuch as it is a good road vehicle as well. It has a low-down detachable plat- form or foot-board, upon which the driver can step and ride be- fore he has confidence in his colt to warrant him mounting the seat. To be able to step on and off the cart so quickly is a fea- ture, the valuable nature of which will be appreciated by every man who has broken a colt. ]| Weight, about 160 lbs. Price, Crated, Aboard Cars Sl"i 00 KENTUCKY BREAKING CART. We desire to call vour attention to this valuable and justly celebrated Breaking \\ agon. The springs under shaft are attached to axle, thereby having elasticity and rendering the liabilitv of fracturing the shaft to a minimum, at the same time relieving the horse and driver from all jolting when driving over rough roads. The most unruly colt or horse can be broken to harness quicker (without injury to himself or wagon) in this vehicle than any made. Can not be turned over; colt or horse can not rear up and^fall back; impossible to^kick when properly harnessed.; I . >Io. 724. Vo. TiH. Kentucky Breaking Cart. Complete, with cushion Price, $65 00 No. 7"2"i. Same as No. 724, only smaller throughout, for yearlings " 65 00 ,);^5^.^S; No. 723. — 96- c^ 5^H ^AMWieM^^ WIGS. THE CELEBRATED PALA ALTO BREAKING HARNESS. ] 00 •-> 00. No. 726. No. 726. The Celebrated Pala Alto Breaking Harness. This harness is an exact duplicate of those used by Mr. Chas. Marvin at the Pala Alto Stock Farm, and are the best that money can produce. Price, complete $30 00 We also manufacture three other grades, as follows: No. 727 at S24 00 • No. 728 at $20 00 No. 729 at $14 80 Do not confound our Pala Alto Harness with those generally offered by manufacturers, as they are a much better harness than is generally sold. Any one desiring a good harness and doesn't want to put quite so much money in it as our Pala Alto Harness cost, will get a first-class article by ordering our No. 727 or 728. HORSE STANDARDS OR MEASURING CANES. These standard canes are a combination of a handsome walking stick and measure. No stable complete without one; a verj' necessary article for owners or purchasers of horses; arranged to measure from 10 to 17 hands, and also indicates correct height of ladies and gentlemen. Made in various stj'les and prices. Plain Heads Price, $2 90 Studded Heads or Plain Head with Silver Band " 4 00 Buck Horn, Silver Mounted Bamboo, or Buck Horn, Silver Mounted Malacca " 6 50 Carved Buck Horn, Silver Mounted " 7 50 Silver Head Malacca " 8 50 Gold Head Malacca " 10 00 ^-^.(S.<o 3f%m ^>- \7^ FINE ENGLISH RIDING BRIDLE FILLINGS. OUR OWN IMPORTATION. AFFLE, PELHAM. WEYMOUTH. No. 740. Flat Leather Suaffle. Good quality Each, S 2 2.5 No. 747. Same qualit)- as No 74i), oiiU' Pelham " 2 90 No. 748. Same quality as No. 74(5. only Weymouth.... " 3 30 No. 749. Flat Leather Snaffle. Fine quality " 3 .50 No. 750. Same quality as No. 74ft, only Pelham " 4 2.5 No. 75L Same quality as No. 749, only Weymouth " 6 20 No. 762. Flat Leather Snaffle. London stain, stitched nose-band and front, extra quality, covered buckles and rosettes " 4 .50 No. 753. Same quality as No. 752, only Pelham " 5 .50 No. 7.54. Same quality as No. 7.52, only Weymouth " fi -50 No. 755. Round Leather Snaffle. Hand-braided and stitched nose-band, covered buckles " 10 CO No. 756. Same as No. 755, only Pelham " 11 (10 No. 767. Same as No. 755, only Weymouth " 12 .50 No. 758. Warwickshire Brown Stained Weymouth " 7 .50 No. 759. Superfine Snaffle. Flat leather, silver buckles '.' 6 .50 No. 760. Same quality as No. 759, onlj- Pelham •' 7 .50 No. 761. Same quality as No. 759, only Weymouth " 8 50 No. 762. Flat White Linen Snaffle. Covered buckles " 3 00 No. 763. Same quality as No. 762, only Pelham " 5 .50 No. 764. Same qualit\' as No. 762, only Weymouth " 7 50 No. 765. Round White Linen Snaffle. Covered buckles ^. " 3.50 No. 766. Same quality as No. 765. Pelham , " 4 50 No. 767. Same quality as No. 7(>'). Weymouth " 75 No. 768. Round White Linen Snaffle. Si ver buckles, leather crown-piece, stitched with silk by hand, tassel on throat-latch " 5 OO No. 769. Fancy Rounded Snaffle. With hand-braided danglers on nose-piece, and fancy front " 10 OO' No. 770. Same quality as No. 769, only Pelham " 12 75 No. 771. Same quality as No. 769, only Weymouth " 14 OO No. 772. Flat Leather Pony Snaffle " 2 00 No. 773. Fancy Pony Snaffle ' " 3 60 No. 774. English Breast Plates to attach to Saddle, as shown in cut of Pelham Bridle " 5 00 Martingales to match bridles at SI 50, $10) and $2 50. For Stallion Percheron or Norman Horse Bridles, see page 81 ; Race bridles, see page 113 ; Riding Bits, see p. 65. Note.— '^naffle Briilles have single heart stall iind reins : Pclbam Briiil.'s have single head stall anil donble reins : Weymouth Bridles- have double bead stall and double reins. Martingales are extra, nils are not iiieluded in jirice of Bridles. c^?k/iM ^AiitiikM I^ADIES AND GENTS' ENGLISH RIDING CROPS. LADIES and GENTS' RIDING WHIPS or TWIGS. EXTRA QUALITY No. 77.5. No. 776. No. 777. No. 77S No. 779. No. 780. Buck horn or im. ivory handle Each, fl 50 Ivory or buck horn haudle " 2 50 Ivory or oxydized " 3 75 Ivor}- or oxjdized Ivory or oxydized, extra quality,. .. Sterling silver. Polo crook 5 00 7 20 S 50 In addition to the above, we carry an extensive assort- ment of Crops, with plain or elegant carved and ham- mered handles, either silver plated or rolled gold, ranging from S2.50 to SIO.OO. THOMPSON'S PATENT POCKET SPURS. Xo, 7.^1. Rawhide, covered with thread Each, i No. 7.*>2. Plain whalebone " 75 No. 7S3. Fancy bone handle, or plain (whale- bone) " 1 00 No. 784. Ivory handle " 2 00. No. 785. Ivory handle or buck horn, fancy carved " 3 00 No. 78(5. Similar to No. 785, only has more carving " 4 00 No. 787. Either ivory or buck horn, elegant designs " 5 00 No. 788. Either ivory or buck horn, elegant designs " 6 00 No. 789. Black handle and heavy gold mounts, elegantly carved " 7 00 No. 790. Elegant carved gold handle, 41 in. long, or ivory handle and heavy gold mounts, elegantly carved, 4.\ inches long " 10 00 RIDING SPURS. No. 791. No. 792. No. 793. No. 794. No. 795. No. 796. No. 797. No. 798. No. 791. No. 796. Riding Spurs. Oroide, Thompson's Patent Per pair, $1 25 Riding Spurs. Nickel-plated, " " " 1-50 Riding Spurs. Engraved " " " 2 00 Riding Spurs. Mexican " 1 75 Fine Plated, best American make, same shape as No. 796 " 1 .50 Best English steel Spurs '■ 2 50 Imported steel Box Spurs. Springs in box which is inserted'in heel of shoe " 3 .50 Ladies' Spur. Secret point or rowel Each, 3 00 READY RIDING STRAP. ^~ No. 800. Ready Riding Strap. The handiest arrangement for holdiug down trouser (''ll[(t[[fl'f[(lj4^f'^-^^^^ ^^SSS^SMI^^ii^^ll while riding. JjlJjgjijJj^jj^^^^'^^^l^^pP''^^"""" Price Per pair, .50 cts. No. 800. Reid's Patent Whip Rack. For English Coach, a^so straight whips Each, 50 cts. — 99 — ^^®>Ji.(S.€)lftj 3^8m ^ LADIES' RIDING SADDLES. Somerset Side Saddle. Morgan Side Saddle. No. 808 No. 809, No. 810, No- 811 No. 812, No. 813, No. 814, No. 815, No. 816, No. 81 Duck Seat, Full Pad, Somerset Side Saddle Each, $ 3 50 Duck or Creton Seat Somerset Side Saddle " 5 00 Either Plush, Hog Skin or Calf Seat, Leather Bound Cautle, Somerset Side i^addlc " 6 50 Fancy Plush Seat and Forepiece, Somerset Side Saddle " 7 50 Same as No. 810, only Large Skirts and Seat " 7 50 Same as No. 812, only Larger Skirts and Seat " 9 00 Either Calf or Plush Seat Somerset Side Saddle, Extra Large Seat and Skirts '' 12 00 Duck Seat Morgan Side Saddle " 5 50 Assorted Seats Morgan Side Saddle " 7 50 Assorted Seats Morgan Side Saddle. A very elegant and easy-riding Saddle " 16 00 vill furnish any of the above Side Saddle.^ in Misses' Size at 5 ' priee, if desired. <^^5^^ ^Mtti\ii/V^^^ ^ LADIES' RIDING SADDLES. Leaping Ho^n Bucliskin Eog-lish Pattern Side Saddles. The Celebrated Whitman Ladies' Saddles. - I No. 81S. Quilted mutation buckskin seat Side Saddle with extra leaping horn, full pad. with surcingle,Each, $ 9 00 With slippcT stirrup, till <-onts extra. No. 819. Similar to No. 818, only has larger skirt and is finer finished No. 820. Plain buckskin seat, quilted forepiece, buck covered slipper stirrup No. 821. Quilted imitation buckskin seat, extra leaping horn, seamed jockey, extra surcingle, and two girths, large skirt, full pad No. 822. Quilted imitation buckskin seat and forepiece with calf-bound cantle, extra leaping horn, with surcingle and two girths, full pad No. 823. Quilted imitation buck seat and forepiece, skirts and tailpiece inlaid and quilted, extra leaping horn, leather surcingle, two girths, full pad 10 oO 13 00 14 00 18 00 No. No. 82.'i. No. 82ti. No. 827. No. 828. Whitman Side Saddle Each, $17 00 ' " 2.5 00 " 30 00 " " 40 00 " " 44 00 No. 829. No. 830. No. 831. No. 832. No. 833. No. 834. Whitman Side Saddle. 25 00 50 00 55 00 60 00 65 00 75 00 85 00 No. 834 saddle is made of best pigskin, with entire pigskin or eave, buckskin seat and horns, quilted or not quilted, as preferred, with pigskin or buckskin safe; with horns, pocket and sides of saddle artistically ornamented ; safe reed bound, nickel trimmings, complete with girth, bearing strap; .'ilipper stirrup to match, or " Whit- man " nickel rubber-footed turn-toot stirrup. In this saddle special attention is given to the parts which are covered and unseen, but on which the durability of the saddle largely depends. Nos. .S31, s:;2, !S33 and SM are S."i u) less in Misses' Size: all others the We em furnish any of the above Saddles in Misses* Size, if desired same price as Ladies'. 101 ^ ^^^Jh.^.&Ui^ 3^8m ^ EXTRA FINE ENGLISH SIDE SADDLES. OUR OWN IMPORTATION. iVos. 836 to 841. Nos. 841 and 842. No. S36. English Levant Side Saddle, pig skiu seat Each, $34 00 ^o. 887. Fine English Levant Side Saddle, all over pig skin " 40 00 No. 838. Extra Fine English Levant Side Saddle, pig skin seat and iorepiece, finel)' quilted " 45 00 No. B'^'i'. i uperfine English Levant Side Saddle, pig skin seat and forepiece, finely quilled, with spring leaping-head and balancing strap " 60 00 No. 841. The Celebrated French Level Cut Back Side Saddle. Tree is cut out in front, so that it is impossible to hurt a horse's back. Made of the very finest pig skin all over. Seat is per- fectly level " 65 00 No. 84'2. fame style as No. 841, only finer. The finest Side Saddle we carry in stock " 85 00 Nos. 841 and 842 are without a doubt the best and easiest-riding side saddle made in the world. Adopted by many of the leading riding schools. Any one desiring a very fine and easy riding saddle will get the best that money can make by buying one of these saddles. c^%U€ iO'/iittitte^ \j A MORGAN AND TEXAS GENTS' SADDLES. MORGAN. / Texas. ?>iO. 850. No. 84.5. Morgan. Similar to S50, only not so well made No. 84*1. Morgan. Made on either horn or muley tree, similar to No. S-iO, only not so well made No. 847. Morgan. Made on either horn or muley tiee, similar to No. 850, only not so well made No. 848. Morgan. Made on either horn or muley tree, similar to No. 8.50. only not so well made No. 849. Morgan. Made on either horn or muley tree, similar to No. 8.">0, only not so well made No. 8.50. Morgan. Made on horn or muley kip, hide- covered tree, fair or black No. 851. Morgan. Similar to No. 850, only has skirts and fenders No. 8.52. Morgan. Made on either horn or muley tree, similar to 850, only lined bars and made much bet- NoTE.— We have .such an endless variety of Saddles, that it will be difference in price is in workmanship and stock. We will furnish any of Each. %\ 70 2 50 2 80 3 00 3 50 3 85 4 25 IVo. 860. ^ ^ Each. No. 853. Morgan. Made on horn or muley tree, similar to 850, only kersey-lined bars and made much better $ 7 25 No. 854. Texas Saddle. Made on kip hide-covered tree, lined bars 6 50 No. 855. Texas Saddle, full covered 10 00 No. 856. Morgan. Made on either horn or muley tree chetry or fair leather, full covered 10 00 No. 857. Texas Saddle. Made on kip hide, covered, solid fork tree, double rig, lined bars 12 OO With hair llap po.ket.s, 5:1 on extra. No. 858. Texas Saddle. Made on kip hide, covered, solid fork (genuine Stills tree), hair girths, dbl. rig, 16 50 No. 8.59. Texas Saddle. Made on kip hide, covered tree, wool-lined flaps, hair girths, double rig 18 50 No. 860. Texas Saddle. Made on kip hide, solid fork, (genuine Stills tree) wool-lined flaps, double rig, solid seat, hair girths 25 00 impossible to show cuts fif all. so we show only one of each style; the the above Saddles in boys' sizes at ten per cent, less than gents'. •103- A .S.&m^3s^%m ^- ' GENTS' SDMERSE' Somerset. D SHAFTOE SADDLES. Shaftoe Saddles. ISO. 871. No SOI. No SG3. Similar to No 802, only not so well made Each, ! Fair or black leather seamed Jocke}-, hog, enameled leather, or calf seat, plain or quilted " Similar in shape to No. ><6'2, only finer n aie. Fair or black No. 862. leather seamed Jockey, hog, enameled icather, or calf seat, plain or quilted, good, full pad, large skirls " No. 864. Knee and Thigh Puff Somerset, similar to No. H'l, only not so well made " No. Sfi."). Same as No 864, only has Roll Cantle " No. 8(i(i. Somerset. Plain skirt, with roll on Cantle, good full pad " No. 867. I'air or black leather Somerset. Seamed jockey, enameled leather, hog or calf seat, plain or (juilted extra large skirts; good full pad •. " No. 868. Similar to No. S()!(, only not so finely finished " No. 869. Fine pig skin seat, Engli.sh tree, with safety spring stirrup bars, full pad, steel stirrups " No 870. Similar to No. .S71. Enameled leather or calf Somerset. Full quilted roll cantle, knee and thigh puffs, large skirts, good full pad " No. 871. P'ull hog-covereil knee and thigh puff (Shaftoe), extra good pad, two good girths. This makes a fine gentleman's saddle " No. 872. Similar to No. 871, only finer ' We have such an endless variety of saddles, that it will be impossible to show cuts of all. so we show one of each style ; the difference in price is in workmanship and stock. Note. -Any uf tbc alwvf .Saddles furnished in boys' size at 1(1 per cent. less than gents'. 3 25- 00 6 50 7 50 S .50 10 00 11 50 13 50 15 00 17 .50 20 00 only c^P^Ue ©44|ilM4 ^^- (^4^ KILGORE SADDLES. KENTUCKY SPRING SEAT SADDLES. No. 873, No 874. No 875. No. 876. No. 877. No. 878. No. 879. No. 880. No. 881. No. 882. No. ,sS3. No. 884. Kilgore Saddles. .-Ml fair, black or red leather, full pad Each, $ 4 80 Kilgore Saddle. Similar in shape to No. 87.3, only finer " 6 00 Similar in shape to No. 874, only finer, with padded bars " 7 50 Kilgore Saddle. Finely quilted seat, with roll cautle " 10 00 Same saddle as No. 880, only has no spring seat " 9 00 Genuine Kentucky Spring Seat. Regular tree, calf quilted seat " 7 25 Similar to No. 878, only finer " 1' 00 Similar to No. 87i), only finer ... " 12 00 Finest Spring Seat Saddle we make on a regular tree. Has extended roll " 15 00 Ellis' (genuine) Leather Tree, Kentucky Spring Seat Saddle. Either fine calf or mouse-col- ored seating, hand-raised seat " 11 50 With Roll Cantle " 12 75 Similar to above, only finer finished " 15 00 With Roll Cantle " 16 .50 Similar to above, only finer finished, and has front and back roll " 22 .50 ^ ^^-^.(S.^lto 3f8m ^y- PAD SADDLE. SHAKELFORD SADDLE. P(o. 888. No. 885. No. 886. No. 887. No. 888. No. 890. No. 891. Gent's Pad Saddle. Made either of enameled duck or sheepskin Each, $ 4 .50 Fair Leather Plain Skirting, Roll Cautle, no tree " 6 50 Same as No. SSC, only finely quilted all over " 7 .50 Shakelford, full covered with fair leather, neatly stitched, gloss finish, ring and buckle girth. Made on kip hide-covered tree. First quality " 12 00 Second quality " 9 00 Princess. Similar to No. 888, only has large skirts instead of fenders. First quality " 12 00 Second quality " 9 00 Sport. Made similar to No. 888, only on the Sport tree, which is heavier " 15 00 Sport. Similar to No. 890, only has large skirts instead of fenders " 15 00 — 106 — c^^ c?^i4^ ^MXtiU£M^>^ GENTS' RIDINCx SADDLES. Whitman Pattern Closed Seat. Whitman Pattern Open Seat. No. 892. No. 89.3. No. 894. ■No. 895. No. 890. No. 897. Whitman Pattern Park Riding Saddle Each, $14 00 Similar to No. 892, only finer.. Similar to No. 89.3, only finer. . Similar to No. 894, only finer.. Similar to No. 89.5, only finer. Similar to No. 896, only finer.. 18 00 22 50 25 00 30 00 35 00 We can furnish any of the above saddles in either open or closed seat, as desired. Please state which is pre- -ferred when ordering. If you desire any of the above grades boys' sizes, we will furnish them at 111 per cent, less than gents'. ^ -^J^.S.§)lto 3^%m ^^ FINE GENTS' RIDING SADDLES. Genuine Engrlish Gents" Saddles— Our O-wtl Importation. The Celebrated Wellmau New York Hiding School Saddle. No. 898. The Wellman Saddle is made on a leather tree reinforced by steel tempered springs, better known as the French pattern. This saddle can be bent double and it will return to its original position. It possesses great elasticity and softness of seat, and is without a doubt the best and easiest riding saddle made in America. Third quality Each, $40 00 Second quality Each, $50 00 First quality Each, $65 00 No. 899. English Pig Skin Saddle, good furniture " 14 50 No. 900. English Park Saddle, good furniture " 20 CO No. 901. English Park Saddle, best furniture, similar to No. 902, only cot as fine " 25 00 No. 902. English Park Saddle, fine furniture, similar to No. 903, only not as fine " 28 50 No. 903. English Park Saddle, extra fine furniture, similar to No. 904, only not as fine " 30 00 No. 904. English Park Saddle, super quality furniture " 35 00 No. 905. Fine English Hunting Saddle, patent detachable strap bars, pig skin, superfine furni- ture Each, $40 00 to $50 OO No. 906. Fine English Saddle, all over and under, pig skin, extra fine furniture " .50 00 to 85 OO No. 907. No. 9()S. No. ;)Ui). No. 910. SADDLE HOUSINGS. Spencer's Graduated Housing, Shaped Saddle Housing. i I" ' ^' # No. 908. No. 910. 'Heavy Grey Felt Blanket, Graduated ..Each, $1 25 Heavy Grey Felt Blanket, shaped on back to fit horse i- " 1 50 Heavy Blue or Brown Felt, shaped on back to fit horse ».. " 1 75 Heavy Felt Blanket, shaped to fit saddle. First quality ,.. " 3 50 Second quality " 2 00 Third quality " 1 25 Berlin Patent Saddle Cloth. Gents' Saddle Housing. "No. 911 No. 911. Berlin Patent Saddle Pad No. 912. 00 Made of the best wool in a manner that gives ventilation. Will not slip from under saddle. Gives a good seat to the the rider and prevents galling. In fact, the only perfect saddle cloth made. It is fit for a king or a cowboy, the riding club or the military man, the jumper or runner Each No. 912. Extra Fine Felt Saddle Cloth. 1 st quality, $5.00 ; 2d quality, |3.50 ; 3d quality, $2.50 ; 4th quality, 1 50 Ladies' Saddle Housing. No. 91:!. Similar to No. 912, only imitation felt, fancy embroidered Each, $ 75 No. 914. Similar to No. 913, only plain border '' 60 SIDE SADDLE CLOTHS OR HOUSINGS. Good qualit)^ ornamented Side-saddle housing Each, $3 50 Very good quality Side-saddle housing... " 2 50 Fine quality Side-saddle housing " 3 50 Extra fine quality Side-saddle housing... 4 00 Superfine quality Side-saddle housing " 5 00 Saddle Cloths of every description made to order. No. 915. ^J^.(S.£)lto ^S^ ^^ RIDING LEGGINS AND BOOT TOPS. Corduroy Leggins to Lace. Ladies' Leggins. No. 921. Coachman's Boot Tops No. 925. No. 927. No. 930. No, 9'20. Leggins. Made of heavy brown canvas; to lace Per pair, $1 No. i>"il. Leggins. Made of grey corduroy ; to lace " 2 No. 9'22. Leggins. Made of grey corduroy, bound and finely finished. Fasten with steel springs, same as No. 92.5 " 3 No. 92.3. Leather Leggins. Made with steel springs. Same style as No. 92.'5, only not as fine " 2 No. 924. Similar to No. 92.5, only made of American stock and not as finely finished " 3 No. 9'2.5. Napoleon Leggins. Made of fine imported black grain leather, extend above the knee, shaped to fit around ankle perfectly, and fasten with steel springs " -5 No. 925. Similar to No. 92-), only made of fine russet stock " .5 rit any size leg, and can be put on or taken off quicker than any other style. Second quality, $6 00; first quality, " 7 Xo 9''S. The handsomest leggins ever offered for sale. Made of imported ooze calf, with patent button fastenings ■. ' '' No. 929. Ruber Leggins ■•■ ;•,• :'■."■■: No 930 Ladies' Leggins. Verv comfortable, neat and stylish in appearance. |U orn with or without Made to order in black and dark-blue cloths, lined and hand-basted, $5 00 to $10 00 " No. 931 No. 927. Patent Spring Leggins pants In ordcTii No. 931. 1;;, give size of inilile, fall' find tbigh. Coachman's Boot Tops, first quality. c-^ P^Ufi ©/uijrilto^^ STIRRUPS. Whitman. Whitman Turnfoot. Ladles' Victoria Stirrup. No. 932. No. 936. No. 938. No. 942. No. Ho2. Heavy Nickel-Plate Stirrup, rubber bottom Per pair, $3 -50 No. 933. Heavy Nickel-Plate Stirrup, heavy wide bottom •■ 2 50 No. 9.34. Heavy Nickel-Plate Stirrup, heavy wide bottom " 1 50 No. 035. English Spring Stirrup " 3 .50 WHITMAN'S RUBBER-FOOTED STIRRUPS. The Whitman Stirrup, elegant in appearance and of proper weight, has a neat rubber mat, countersunk in its foot-plate. A pair of these stirrups can be used for a good while, and then be made new again by simply re-nickel- ing the same and substituting a new rubber mat for the old one. No. 936. Whitman's Turn Foot Stirrups, nickel plated, flat legged Per pair, $3 50 No. 937. Whitman's Stiff Foot Stirrups, nickel plate, extra large, flat legged " 3 00 No. 938 Whitman's Stiff Foot Stirrups, nickel plate, medium, round legged, light or heavv " 3 00 No. 939. Whitman's Stiff Foot Stirrups, nickel plate, small, round legged ' " .3 00 No. 940. Whitman's Stiff Foot Stirrups, nickel plate. Same style as No. 936, but with stiff foot; officers' pattern, flat legged, light or heavy " 3 OO No.941. Whitman Ladies' Size Stirrup of No. 936. Flat legged Each, 1 75 No. Ml also makes a beautiful stirrup lor boys' saddles. Rubber Mats Per pair, 50 No. 942. Ladies' \ ictoria Stirrup. First quality, each, .'Jl 75; second quality Each, 1 io . „,. „ . Ladies' Scott Pat. Safety Stirrup. Ladies Slipper Stirrup. Ladies' Latchford Pat. Safety Stirrup. T»JO' 943- ^o. 944. ISO. 945. No. 943. Ladies' Slipper Stirrup First quality extra fine buckskin... Each, $2 50 Second quality Each, $ I 75 Third quality Each, SI 00 No. 944. Ladies' Latchford Patent Safety Stirrup. Steel, fine polished or nickel plated " 5 00 The above style of stirrup is too well known to need commendation. Safety to the rider being assured bv iLe ease wilh -vvhiilj the stirrup comes apart, as in ease of the rider being thrown, the part A remains attached to the stirrup leather "iuki B, on which the foot rests, separates from the other part, releasing the foot. No. 945. Ladies' Scott Patent Safety Stirrup Each J7 75 Fine nickel plated. No si)rings or any kind of mechanical contrivance to get out of order. The simplest, surest and most durable safety stirrup extant. In use by the Empress of Russia, the Princess of Wales, aud numberless leading equestriennes. — ni — J. ^Jh.S.&Ki^ 3^ 8m ^- GENUINE ENGLISH RACE AND EXERCISE SADDLES. OUR OWN IMPORTATION. Race Saddle. Exercise Saddle. Exercise Saddle. PIo. 948. Finest Genuine Imported English Race Saddles. 1] lbs. to 4 lbs. complete flach, ; Finest quality Genuine Imported English Exercise Saddles. .5 to 8 lbs. complete " Finest quality Imported English Exercise Saddles. Special- fitting cut-back tree. Especially adapted to horses with high withers. 8 lbs. and upwards " Finest quality Genuine Imported English Steeplechase Saddles. Serpentine rolls. All weights " Skeleton Race Saddle. Hide-covered tree. 3 lbs. and up- wards — First quality " Second quality " < mO 00 25 00 S.-) 00 ■2-) 00 7 .50 5 50 RBF»AIFiING. Our facilities for repairing Saddles of every description are unsurpassed'by any house in America. All work executed with the utmost dispatch^and lat reasonable rates. No. 950, SADDLE PADS, RACING BRIDLKvS, WEIGHT POCKETS, SADDLE FURNITURE, ETC. Weigrht Pockets. Saddle Fads. Pommel Pad. No. 951. No. 955. No. y51. Graduated Saddle Pad. Leather No. iioS. trimmed Each, $3 00 — :; No. 9o2. Saddle Cloth, felt bound " 3 00 No. 9")9. No. 9o3. Heavy German Felt Saddle Cloth, leather trimmed " 4 00 No. 900. No. 954. Light German Felt Saddle Cloth, No. 901. leather trimmed " 4 00 No. 902. No. 955. Pommel Pad. All fine wool knit.... " 2 00 No. 95:;. SADDLE FURNITURE. No. 956. Girth, Race, best Eng. worsted web..Each, $1 00 No. 957. Girths, Exercising, best English No. 904. worsted web " 1 50 No. 965. Race Bit. Surcingle, Race, best English worsted web Each, SI 50 Surcingle, Exercising, best English worsted web " 2 00 Stirrup Leathers, extra fine Per pair, 2 .50 Stirrup Webs, best F^nglish " 2 .50 Stirrups, Race, Ijest English steel " 2 50 Stirrups, Exercising, best English steel " 2 50 WEIGHT POCKETS. Regular size Each, $6 00 Larger, for 50 lb. load " 8 00 RACE AND EXERCISE BRIDLES. No. 906. Race Bridle, 1st quality, with full cheek or ring-bit sewed in Each, $7 No. 967. Race Bridle, 1st quality, to loop in bit, without bit '• 4 No. 9()S. First Quality Eng. Race Martingales " 2 No. 969. Breast Collar, with Martingale " 4 No. 970. Exercise Martingales Each, SI 50 and 2 EXTR.A PARTS OF BRIDLES. Reins Per pair. >1 Cheek pieces " 1 Crown piece Each, 1 Brow band " No. 971. Blinkers, Improved adjustable. ...Per pair, 5 ISO. 973' 00 No. 972. 75 No. 973 50 75 00 No. 974 ,■> No. 975 RACE BITS. Ellis' Full-cheek Hand-forged Steel Race Bit, Egg Butt Each, Ellis' Hand-forged Ring Race Bits. First quality " Second quality " Third quality " Flexible Rubber, English Race Bits, " Genuine Daniels English Full-cheek Egg Butt Race Bits " Genuine Daniels Large Ring Race Bit ■ " $2 50 2 50 1 75 85 2 50 3 00 3 00 --© J^.(S.§lftj 3f8m ^>- BIT BURNISHERS. JOCKEY OUTFITS. No. 987. No. 978. No. il77. Square Double-Link Bit Burnishers, Imported Each. $ 75 No. 978. Long Double-Link Bit Burnishers, Imported '■ 75 JOCKEY OU'TF'ITS. DESCRIBE COLOR AND SEND PANTS IVIEASURE. 3URES REFERRING TO Around Waist. Around Thigh. Around Calf. Outside Seam from top of Pants to Knee. Outside Seam from Knee to Gr Crotch to Ground. Around Hips. Around Knee. Around Anlile. No. 979. Plain Colors, Jacket and Cap No. 9,S0. Fancy Colors, Hoops, Polka Dots, etc No. 981. Sashes No. 992. Jockey Caps The above are made of the finest Racing Satins. JOCKKY BREECHES. No. 983. English Cashmere, the very finest, Per pair |12 .50 Second quality 10 00 RACE WHIF»S. No. 986. English Race Whip. Gut-covered, large button, leather handle Each, $5 00 No. 987. English Race Whip. Gut-covered, small button " 5 00 No. 988. American, linen-covered " 3 00 ETTERS ON DIAGRAM ABOVE. JACKET IVIEASURE. Size of Shirt Collar, No F. Around Breast under Arms. A. to W Collar Seam to Waist Seam. H. C. Centre Seam to Arm Seam. C. D. E. Arm Seam to around Elbow to Wrist. Per set, $10 00 Per set, $12 50 to 15 00 Each, 1 50 " 2 50 JOCKEY BOOTS. No. 984. Imported French Calf. 1st qual. per pair, $12 .50 Second quality " 10 00 No. 985. Bootjacks Each, 5 00 RACE SPURS. No. 989. Best English Race Spurs. Silver plated Per pair, $2 50 No. 990. Second quality, polished " 1 50 c^^ 5^&iM ^MMteU ^^ RACE HORSE BOOTS. ?{0. 28 R. ^o. 29 R. No. 30 R. No. 31 R- No. 28 R. Fine Calf Ankle Boot. Light weight, close-fitting and very fine Per pair, $2 50 No. 29 R. Fine Calf Ankle Boot. Same as No. 2S R, only extends back of heel " 2 85 No. .30 R. Feather Weight Ankle Boot (termed Knocker). Made of finest and lightest calf. " 2.50 No. 31 R. Feather Weight Ankle Boot. Same as No. 30 R, only extends back of heel " 2 85 r fio. 32 R. No. 33 R. No. 991 R. No. 992 R. No. 32 R. White Wool Ankle Boot. Extra thick goods Per pair, $2 .50 N0.33R. White Wool Ankle Boot. With leather cap " 3 00 No. 991 R. Fine Calf Ankle and Heel Boot. "Ellis" latest improved " 5 75 No. 992 R. Ellis' Latest Improved Heel Boot " 3 50 ->^J^.(S.§lftj ^S/on ^>- No. 47R. RACE HORSE BOOTS. I«o. 48R. No. 53R. No. 50R. No. 46R. Fine White Wool Shin and Ankle Boot Per pair, $4 00 No. 47R. Finest and Lightest French Calfskin^Shin and Ankle Boot, 2-2 to 3 oz " 5 50 No. 48R. Finest and Lightest French Calfskin Shin and Ankle Boot. Extends back of heel " ti 00 No. 53R. Finest and Lightest French CalfskinJShin and Ankle Boot, with soft cord protection " 7 00 No. oOR. Back Cord and Back of Ankle Boot. Made of finest and lightest French calfskin " 5 00 Mo. 993l^> No. 993R. Knuckler or Fetlock Boot No. 40R. Elastic Shin Brace. Extra fine rubber cloth.. No. 1)44R. Shin, Ankle and Hock to prevent swift cuts... No. 994R. .I'er pair, $6 00 . " 3 00 . " 7 00 c^ ^>-> CAMPBELL'S HORSE FOOT REMEDY. It removes soreness, brittleness, and diseases of all kinds from horses' .feet, and restores same to healthy- condition. Makes the hoof soft, tough and elastic. A great substitute for soaking and packing of horses' feet. PRICES : Per 2-Gallon Can 5 j 75 Per 1-Gallon Can 3 Oq PerS-Gallon Can ]3 75 Note.— This valuable preparation we have carried in stock constantly for the past three years, selling it on the guarantee given by the manufacturers, that if used as directed, and it failed to all that was claimed for it, money would be refunded. We have never been called upon to refund the amount of a single purchase, while trials also result m steady customers. Higher praise than this can no one give. It is not only a prevention, but also cures all ailments of the feet. It saves the labor and trouble of packing and soaking, and keeps the feet in perfect condition, and IS the cheapest and best article of the kind yon can put in your stable. It is used by the principal horsemen throughout the United States and Canada, and we take pleasure in recommending it to our patrons, confident it will give them the same good satisfaction it has hundreds and thousands of horsemen who have and are now using it. We will be pleased to mail a valuable pamphlet on the cure and treatment of horses' feet, which also gives full instructions for the use of Campbell's Horse Foot Remedy. Applications will receive prompt attention. G. S. ELLIS & SON. HOOKICURK. The best hoof packing ever offered to horsemen. Used and endorsed by Budd Doble, C. W. Williams, and all the leading horsemen who have ever used it. Put up in 5 lb. packages Per package, $ 50 Packed lA doz. in a case Per case, 7 50 CONTINKNTAL HOOF" OINTMENT. For softening hoofs, curing scratches, growing hair and new hoofs. Price, Per can of J pound .' 25 cts. .i Pound 40 cts. 1 Pound 75 cts. HOOP" DRESSINQ. Cladding's Pints, $0 50 Quarts ] 00 Mitchell Chemical Co. MITCHELL. SOUTH DAKOTA. -^-%.(S.§lto 3^ 8m ^y^ KITCHELL'S LINIMENT BODY AND LEG WASH. Large bottles, quarts Each, $0 75 Medium " pints " Kitchen's quarts are pack- ed one doz. per case 50 7 00 CHAMPION HEALING POWDER. For man or beast. Cures Scratches, Wounds and Sores. Prices, per box, small, 25c.; medium, 50c. ; large, $1 00. SOMERVILLE'S ANTI-FEVER MEDICINE. A certain cure for Chills and Fever, Sore Throat, Inflammation of Lungs and Bowels, Staggers, Colic, Pleuro- pneumonia, etc. Price, per bottle, $1 00. KENDALL'S SPAVIN CURE. Price, per bottle $1 00 PERUVIAN HORSE SALVE. Sure cure for Sore Backs and Shoulders, Rope Burns, Barbed Wire Sores, Scratches, Cuts and other Open Sores. From personal knowledge of the merits of this article, we recommend it to horse owners as the best cure for Cuts, Sores and Scratches that we have ever used. Price, per box |0 25 Put up for tbe trade in display cases of one dozen boxes each. SPARKALL'S SPECIFIC. The great remedy for Sprung Knees, Cockled Ankles, Lameness of all kinds, and Weak Backs. Price, per bottle $2 00 C. E. PERRIN'S REMEDIES. Spavin Cure. A positive cure for Spavin, Curb, Ring or Side Bone. Also for Distemper, Sore Throat, Cough, Lame Shoulder, Noises in the Throat, and for all deep-seated ailments. Price, per bottle, $3 00. Scratches Cure. Sure cure for Scratches, Speed Cracks, Chafes, Quarter Cuts, Sore Mouth, etc. Price, per bottle $1 00 DANIELS' REMEDIES. Anti-Fever Medicine. A positive cure for Chills and Fever, Sore Throat, Inflammation of Lungs and Boweis, Pleuro-Pneumonia, etc. Price, per bottle $1 00 DR. HERR'S BLISTER FLUID. For all Glander and Throat Affections, Distemper, etc., all Callous and Bony Enlargements, Splints, Spavins, Curbs, Bucked Shins, Shoulder Strains, Deep-Seated and Chronic Lameness, Sweeney, Sore Eyes, all Tumors, for Anointing Bowels and Seaton Strings, Fistula, Pollevil, etc. Price, per bottle $1 00 Colic Cure. An absolute cure for colic in the worst stages and affords immediate I elief. Per bottle $1 00 COLE'S OSSIDINE. An absolute cure for all Bony or Callous Lumps on horses, and a more powerful absorbent than firing. It never blemishes. Cures Splints, Ringbones, Curb, etc. Price, per bottle $3 00 BOYCE'S LEG AND BODY WASH TABLETS. Clean Legs, no Stockings, no Puffs, no Fever, no Speedy Cracks can exist where Boyce's Leg and Body Wash is used. 100 tablets in box, which is sufiicient to make 100 pints of leg and body wash. Price, per box |2 00 ELLIMAN'S EMBROCATION. For Sprains, Curbs, Splints when forming. Quarter Cuts and other abrasions. Cracked Heels, Wind Galls, Rheuma- tism in Horses, Sore Throat and Influenza, Broken Knees, Bruises, Capped Hock, Sore Shoulders and Backs. Price, per bottle $1 25 HARDIN'S PRESTO SALVE. GUARANTEED TO CURE OR MONEY REFUNDED. Hardin's Presto Salve is a positive cure for Scratches, Grease and Cracked Heels, Saddle and Harness Galls, Barb Wire Cuts and like diseases. The most stubborn cases cured in from one week to ten days' time. Price, per box, $1 00. XOTE.— Mr. Hardin is widely and favorably known among the promi- nent horsemen, breeders andtrainers in the country, and it is at their earnest solicitation that he now places his valuable remedy upon the market. After thorough and exhaustive experiment with some of the most stubborn cases of Grease and Cracked Heel. Srcraiches, etc., we can recommend it in the highest terras to our customers and friends as a remedy they should have at all times in their stable. CLARK'S CONDITION POWDERS. A sure cure for Pink Eye, Distemper, Coughs, Colds, Bots, Swelled Legs, Influenza, Costiveness, Loss of Appe- tite, Scratches and Worms. Destroys Vermin on cattle, and never fails to regulate and benefit the whole system. Per package $0 50 c^^ 5^oU€ ^AiMim ^>^ PROF. GOING'S REMEDIES. Worm Destroyer. Sure cure for worms or Bots...$l 00 Tonic Powder, for colic, scouring or inflamatiou of the bowels 1 00 Cough Powder, for coughs, catarrh, heaves and sore throat 1 00 DR. A. H. DIXON'S CONDITION POWDERS. These Powders prove an invaluable remedy in all cases of inflammatory action. Coughs, colds, epidemic influ- enza, bronchitis, pneumonia, heaves, urinary derange- ments, and all impurities of the blood. They readily correct all derangement of the digestive organs. Price per box fl 00 GOMBAULT'S CAUSTIC BALSAM. A safe, speedy and positive cure. Has been in promi- nent use in the best veterinary practice of Europe for the past twenty years. For curb, splint, sweeny, capped hock, strained tendons, founder, wind puffs, all skin dis- eases or parasites, all inflammations, all throat difficul- ties, all lameness from spavin, ringbone and other body tumors. Removes all bunches or blemishes, and many other diseases of horses and cattle. Far superior to a blister or cauterization in its beneficial effects, never leaving scars or blemishes. Price, per bottle |1 oO H HARNESS SOAPS. Genuine Imported Crown Soap (Chiswick Brand). The best. Put up in stone jars. Price, per jar, small size $ "lO Large size 1 OO Frank Miller's f-lb bars Each, $0 1-3 Phin Smith Harness Oil Soap (white) 1 lb. pans -•> .". lb. pans 1 00 iiiiimS 10 lb. pans 1 7-) PURE CASTILE SOAP. Warranted genuine, best quality, bars .3 to 4 lbs. Per lb 22 cts. SADDLE SOAP. Brecknell, Turner & Sons Per box, |0 r>0 Propert's " 40 PROPERT'S BREECHES AND GLOVE PASTE. Per box, large $1 2.5 DAY & MARTIN'S BLACKING. For Jockey and other boots Per jar, |0 -"jO CLARK'S BOOT TOP FLUID. For jockey and coachmen's boot tops. Colors, nut brown and white Per bottle, $1 00 HARNESS OILS. Frauk Miller's No.Ocan.half pt $ 20 No. I, pt 30 No. 2, qt 50 Half-gallon cans Each, I 25 Gallon cans " 2 00 MILLER'S CARRIAGE-TOP DRESSING. Small can, each. No. 2 $ 50 No. 3 1 00 No. 4 1 25 Half-gallon and I-gallon cases Per gallon, 4 00 HARNESS COMPOSITIONS. Harris', small Per box, $0 40 Large " 60 Jamison's, small " 50 Medium " PO Macfarlane's, large " 50 HARNESS DRESSINGS. Hathaway's Quart can, $0 50 Frank Miller's Pint " 35 Quart cans ?50 Gallon cans I 50 BOOT TOP POWDERS. Propert's, all colors Per box, SO 75 BROWN & SON'S MELTONIAN CREAM. For beautifying and preserving all patent and en- ameled leather, glazed kids, etc $0 75 SPONGES. Finest quality of unbleached Florida sheepswool and Nassau. Assorted in sizes to suit for stable and carriage sponges. Selected pieces, Florida sheepswool Per lb. $3 50 Selected Nassau " 2 25 For foot and carriage sponges respectively. Common sponge for packing horses' feet. ...Per lb. $0 75 CHAMOIS. Fine carriage chamois, domestic..$0 35, $0 50, and $9 75 Fine French Oiled, dressed 75, and 100 BURNISHINE. For cleaning and polishing gold, silver, brass an 1 nickel carriage and harness trimmings. The best polish on the market Per can $0 25 DR. FULLER'S GELEBRflTED LINIRIENT. THE BEST J^ iB^ GUARANTEED Ii( dij and Leg Wash BHilV' o*^' M^^P '^'^ give Entire Satisfaction TVER OFFERED TO HORSEMEN. ^^^tW// \1^, ^^^^B OR MONEY WILL BE REFUNDED. ^:^u.lW fTKADE MARK.] p EWARE O F IMITATIONS. ^"-^ None Genuine ATs^ithout tlie above Trade-marlc. ^^^^ i^-J— <>.^_:J « ^-^ . . Sprains, Bruises, Cocked Ankles, Knee Sprung Horses, Enlarged Tendons, Swelled Legs, Enlarged Ankles, Galls, and Bruises, and is without doubt the best wash to use on a horse after a race. Put up in concentrated form, making it very convenient to carry when campaigning. PIIICE, FER BOTTLE, - - - $1.00 (The above Bottle will make Four Gallons of Liniment, when Diluted.) Packed, One Dozen in a Case, - . - - Per Ca.se, ^9 00 Also, Put up in Jugs for Stock Farms (when diluted, will make 32 galls. Liniment), - Per Jug, 5 00 SPECIAL RATES TO DEALERS. Prepared only by For Sale by G. S. EliUIS & SON- THE FULLER LINIMENT CO., Lock Box No. 536. CINCINNATI, O. DR. HAGYARD'S T.iqtiiH )k^ Blistcr. - A CURE FUR - Curbs, Splints, Sore Shins, WindpufFs, Strained Tendons, All Bony and Cutaneous Enlargements. Gives great relief in Distemper and Pneumonia 51.00 Per Bottle, or Six Bottles for $5.00. Special Prices to Trade. BOWERMAN BROS, write: "We applied Dr. Hagyard's Liquid Blister only once on a very large bog spavin and thoroughpin, efiFecting a perfect cure in less than a month. This case has been troubling us for over a year." Mr. F. V. R. HULL, trainer for A. J. Alexander, Woodburn Farm, Spring Station, Ky., says: "I have removed splints, curbs, bog spavins, and hard and soft enlargements from different animals with Dr. Hagyard's Liquid Blister, never failing in a single instance. It is the best blister ever used at Woodburn." S. A. BROWN & CO., Kalamazoo, Mich., writes: "With Dr. Hagyard's Liquid Blister we have reduced to normal condition some badlv enlarged tendons; also cured several curbs and splints with it." CRIT DAVIS, Harrodsburg, Ky., who gave records to Prince Wilkes, 2:14J ; Bonnie Wilmore, 2:141; Phil Thomp- son, 2:16] ; Maud Messenger, 2:16], and many other good ones, writes : " I have used Dr. Hagyard's Liquid Blister on several trotters for different purposes, and am highly pleased with results in every case. I pronounce it great." Z. E. SIMMONS, Lexington, Ky., writes :. " I had been treating a horse with enlarged tendon for some time, using numbers of remedies advertised as a cure, without success. I applied Dr. Hagyard's Liquid Blister, and in one month the tendon was sound as a dollar, no enlargement whatever. Also applied it once to a filly with enlarged hock, reduc- ing it to a normal condition in a very short time." Also have a number of high testimonials from the leading breeders in the land. Prepared by E, W. HAGYARD, V. S„ Sole Proprietor, Lexington, Ky. For Sale bv G. S. BLLIS & SON, And all prominent Harness Dealers and Druggists in America. "TO T^HK HORSKMKN hooficure: •* >r>^ • >( • -A HOMELY NAME THAT PLAINLY INDICATES ITS VIRTUE Is the result of long and careful experimenting with a remarkably fine quality of clay, of wonderful healing qualities, which as carefully prepared and placed on the market by us in a powdered form, will absorb one and one-half times its own weight in water when thoroughly mixed, and still be in solid form. It retains the moisture an incredibly long time, relieves pain, subdues lever; in fact, makes it possible to supply in the stable that sovereign relief which nature provides for the horse at pasture, making it the best hoof packing on the market to-day. -^CLAY IS NATURE'S REMEDY FOR A DISEASED HOOF.^- All that we ask is that you will try a FREE sample package, follow instructions carefully, and you will be convinced that Hooficure is all we claim for it. Teslimonial from Mr. C. H. Nekun, oientr nf tilt great stallion ''Nelson." Mitchell Chemical Co. Gentlemen ; The hoof packing called HooHcure is all you claim for it. We use it to pack Nelson's feet and the balance of my horses, and find that it fills the bill ; nice to handle and easy to prepare. Yours truly, C. H. NELSON. Watteeville, Me. E.'^pccially Adapted for Nail Punefuref. Chicago, 111., Nov. 11, IS'.n. Mitchell Chemical Co. Gents: Am using your Hooficure. It is the best remedy ever used for fever and brit- tle hoofs and fsprrially for healinej iround!' from nails. Can cheerfully recommend it to every horseman. C. .\. SKELTON, Veterinary for F. Parmelee Omnibus Stable. SEND FOR FREE SAMPLE TO G. S. ELLIS & SON. Mitchell Chemical Co. MITCHELL. SOUTH DAKOTA. Chicago, Nov. 10, 1891. Mitchell Chemical Co., Mitchell, S. D. Gentlemen ; Al ow me to speak a word of praise regarding the merits of your " Hoofi cure." It is decidedly the very best thing I ever saw for packing horses' feet, and io case of feverish and swollen tendons, pro- duced by long drives, I have bound it on taking out the fever and swelling of the ten- dons in three nights. Very respectfully yours, LESTER S. HILLS. Special Agt. Thomson, Houston Electric Co Detroit, Mich., Dec. 14, 1891. Mitchell (.'hemical Co.. Mitchell, S. D. Gentlemen : Having given the Hooficure a thorough practical test, I am prepared to give it my highest endorsement, and am free to say that it far supercedes anything in the line of hoof-packing that has ever come be- fore me. Very truly yours, P. M. CAMPBELL, Sec'y Detroit Driving Club. SEND FOR FREE SAMPLE TO G. S. ELLIS & SON. Mitchell Chemical Co. Manufacturers, ./7)itef7<^ll, $outl7 DaKota.. G. S. ELLIS & SON, General Agents, Cincinnati, O. S WEAT^ . COLLARS ■* Sold by G. S. ELLIS & SON. h<^ VOLUNTEeR 22. TV/fT'pvT A "\TT^ The "Midland" is made with brown or black i\±lUl^I\L\ i^, drill face and white drill back. These pads overcome any and all objections that can pos- sibly be raised against an all-white or an all colored pad, the white drill being against the horse's shoulder, alwaj-s presenting a nice clean appearance. The Midland goods are by far the most sightly ever offered to the trade, and have proven enormous sellers. Hav- ing been the first to introduce the Midland (brown drill face), therefore we lead in this line of goods, and as one new thing calls for another, we add the various colors above, making a line to suit the most fastidious. These goods are stuffed with prepared goat hair by process of new machinery. All goods guaranteed satis- factory, as each pad is carefully inspected by a competent foreman before being placed on the market. "Cincinnati 22" is made of white drill well stuffed with good stock) has three hooks) and is an excellent seller. "Climax " is made of a good quality drill mixed of good stock of hair, has three hooks, and is a good Pad where a cheap drill is desired. 1^AT?T^ r^A**^!^ " '^^"^ ^^^^ " '^ ^ ""^^^ stuffed, three- -Li--ri-JXJ_>' V_--ri.OXJ.. hook sheeting. Where a cheap Pad is desired, we would recommend this pad. Is made of the best white drill, stuffed with deer and goat hair, properly mixed by process of new machinery, taking out all bones, pieces of hide and all other foreign substances. Has three elastic steel hooks, as shown in the cut above, is thoroughly made throughout, and is the greatest scUer on the market. CINCINNATI. CLIMAX. VOLUNTEER 22 ASK FOR OUR NEW PERFECTION HAME-TUG 111 your Harness. It costs no more than other Tugs, and is interchangeable. The Clip in the NEW PERFECTION HAME TUG is made of refined wrought No. 6,:!. iron, and to conform to the bend in the draft eye of the Hame so the wear comes below the center of the bend in the Clip, which prevents any possibility of its straightening out. Cincinnati, O. Manufactured by MIDLAND MANUFACTURING CO. The Western Horseman v^^ PUBLISHED WEEKLY AT INDIANAPOLIS, y^ ^A IND., IS NOW IN ITS XVtH VOLUME. J"^ The Cheapest, Liveliest, Most Readable and Reliable Horse Paper Published. ^ S an advertising medium, it has no equal, going as it does to every nook and corner of the country, and is read by all live, enterprising horsemen. Its editorial and business departments are energetic and progressive. Correspondence from far and near on all turf subjects. Its race reports and other statistics are comprehensive and reliable. Subscription price only $2.00 per year. Send for sample copy. Address all Communications to WESTERN * HORSEMAN indianapolis, ind. OFFICE, JOURNAL BLDC, COR. MARKET AND CIRCLE STS. XTAUGHEY'S Original Pendant Improved Interlering Device ror Horses. In offering this Boot to the trade and public, I do so with a full knowledge of its great merit in preventing and breaking horses of the habit of interfering. And to show that I know what my position is, I offer $5.00 to the owner of any horse that will interfere with a pair of my Boots on. They cost but $2.00 per pair, and if a failure you get your money back and over two hundred per cent, additional. These Boots are well known, and where that is the case they recom- mend themselves. They are spreaders not trippers, as they swing loosely on the horse's legs, ever reminding him to travel wide; and after two or more weeks you rnay be able to dispense with them. They are adjust- able to right or left leg. They are indispensable in breaking yoimg horses, teaching them to travel wide at the time that it is most necessary — when first harnessed. By reason of the great benefits of this device, a number of infringers sought to share the profits with me ; all of tkem have been prosecuted. The latest one, Leopold Meyer, of St. Louis, who sold the goods, was defended by The Crane- Calhoone-Barnet Co., of Newark, New Jersey, who had made the infringing Boots. The court gra7ited a perpetual injunction against the wrong-doers, with costs, damages, and disbursements to be recovered. To avoid trouble see that the plates bear the patent date. All others are dangerous infringements. Honest dealers will handle honest goods. Sold at retail $2.00 per pair. SEND FOR THEM TO ■ G. S. ELLIS & SON, 178 Main St., Cincinnati, Ohio, Or to the Patentee, M. HAUGHEY, 1523 Market Street, St. Louis, Mo. As» YouH O..LCR OR s.ND FOR THL MORRIS M. HUMANE HORSE BLANKET ATTACHMENT. The best device for the comfort and protection of the horse ever made. See testimonials for the public's opinion of its merits. FOR SALE BY q. 8. ^liis 9 Soi?, Cincinnati, O. And all first-class dealers in the United States. Send /or Prices. Out of numberless testi- monials we submit the fol- lowing ; DR.W. F. GALBREATH. Lexington, Ky., Feb. 5, 1892. Morris M. Humane Horse Bla?iket Attach' I Co CHICAGO, ILI,. Gentlemen : It is very seldom that I am called upon to give my endorsement to an article that I so heartily and willingly com mend to all lovers of the horse, as the Morris M. Humane Horse Blanket Attachment. I had tlie attachment put]]upon the blanket of Ralph Wilkes, and must say that it is perfection. W. F. GALBREATH THOS.J. LOGAN. W. ARTHUR LEWIS. ♦ liOGAH & hECaiS* High-Grade Tailors 146 WHLNUT STREET, CINCINNflTI, OHIO. ■ 126 — WOODARD & SHANKLIN. BREEDERS' STANDARD . . SALES . . A SPECIALTY. BREEDERS' STANDARD . . SALES . . A SPECIALTY. THI?EE SAIiES EACH YEAt^ : Second Week in February, Strictly Standard. Middle of March, Standard, Non-Standard and Business Horses. October (^%^^r^!^^S^i^^ Strictly Standard. For further particulars, etc., address H Woodat'd & Shanklin ;; 20 ^ast /I\aip Str^^t, exip^toi), V^eptuct^y, NOTHING IN THE WORLD LIKE IT! THE ONLY PAPER OF ITS KIND ! . © Ke;ntucky^^'^$tock>^^Parm. # + + A 24- to 32-Page Weekly Journal, Published at i- + L-EXINGTON, • KY. ••• "Sl^e )^ub of tt?e Horse iJ[)iuer5e." ALL THE TROTTING HORSE NEWS AND NOTHING ELSE. Though published at lyCxington, Ky., and giving the equine events of the Blue Grass Region more fully, and accurately, and earlier, than any other paper, it is by no means local, but in g^^^ Ql^ap'aehep' v aod •> #ipeLilat:ior2 •:• SoiVep^al^ . As is the great and growing trotting horse industry. Correspondents everywhere keep the columns teeming with the latest news, while an able stafif of editorial writers and a clever corps of occasional contributors weekly render the paper interesting and instructive with articles, tables and lively dis- cussions. Those mentioning this advertisement will receive a sample copy free. Address DRAWER 848. KentucRy Stock Farm Pub. Co., LeXINGTON, KY. THE STimCiIS KITE TRACK ISTHE • FASTEST- IN THE- NORTH. ^ ® GRAND ® TVVEETINCS® ^ « IKT 1B02: » June ai to 34. August i to 6. Sept. 20 to 23. Oct, 17 to 22. $65,000 In Stakes 1 Purses (gOME TO OUR RACES. We have the finest Grounds and Buildings, and give the Best Races of any Association in the North. F. W. WAIT, Secretary. BLiUE BLiOOD ^^^^ ^ UIHI^EIN BROS. STOCK FARM, To BPeed to BliOE BliOOD. T '^'"'^XVI's^^'r^I!'''"'" TRUESDELL,WIS. . . . HOME OF THE . . . PREmiEU ALCAZAR a:20^ Sire of 5 in the 2:30 list, and 3 of them but 2 years old, and he but eight years old. The greatest showing of colt Trotters by any sire ef his age. He will be limited for the season of 1.S!I2 to '20 approved males at J4( 0. He has proven himself a sure foal getter, a sire of extreme speed at an early age, and where is there one, not bred iden- tically like him, anything like his equal in breeding? Alcazar was a game race horse, his sire, Sultan 2:24 (with 29 in the list and H daughters that have produced speed, including Regal Wilkes 2:172 3t •' years) was a race horse. As a producer, where is the equal of Alcazar's dam Minnehaha? She is not only the dam of 5 better than 2:30 but is the dam of Beautiful Bells, that has Produced 6 from 2:19', to 2:26J, and the oldest but 4 years old, with the great yearling. Bell Bird 2:26i. ALEBICON a:281 '9342. By Lord Russell (brother to Maud S. 2:8:| and Russia 2:28), sire of 10 in 2::W ; 1st dam Alice West 2:26 (dam of Altamura 2:.i0 at o years), by Almont ^^'^, sire of ol in the list. Lord Russell, sire of Allencon 2:28], has been paid the highest of honors by being placed at the head of the great Woodburn stud. The blood of Miss Russell is breeding on to such an extent it is needless for us to say more of Alencon. Service fee, $100 the season. 9IARVIIV 2!«8i 1 1359. By Electioneer (sire of Arion 2:10} at2years); 1st dam Bright Eyes (sister to Prussian Boy 2:2(5]), by Gen. Benton (sire of the dam of Sunol 2:083); 2d dam Prussian Maid 1:19], by Signal. For the blcod of Electioneer (with 100 in the list) it will be hard to find better than Marvin. $100 the season. SULXOPJIAP* 17631. By Sultan 2:24 (sire of Stamboul 2:11, Alcazar 2:20J and 27 others in the list and sire of dproducing daughters); 1st dam Linnie (2:2.5 at 3 years), by Egbert (sire of io in 2:30 list), one of Hambletonian's best producing sons. Sultonian is worthy the attention of any breeder, and will be allowed to serve a few first-class mares at $100 the season. MANIPULATOR 9341. By Nutwood 2:1 8J, the greatest living sire of trotters (77 better than 2:.30, 17 in 2:20 and the dam of Arion 2:104 at 2 years); 1st dam Gladyo (dam of Chiquirita 2:27; at 3 years, and Manipulator 2:37 at 4 years), by Hetzel's Ham- bletonian (full brother to Volunteer .5.5); 2d dam Jule B. (dam of Woodford Pilot 2:232 ^nd sire of 2 in the list), i -. ^yoodford Mambrino 2:21 (with 12 in 2:.30); .Sd dam Bruno (gr. dam of Romance 2:29J and Farce 2:29]), by Pilot Jr., sire of 9 in 2:39. The sons and daughters of Nutwooil are producing on second to none. Manipulator is an indi- vidual none can fail to appreciate, and the breeder has only to trace his antecedents. $50 the season. GOGEBIC 2:42. 8556. By Red Wilkes (65 in the list, and whose reputation as a sire is known to all); 1st dam by Brown Dick ; 2d dam Kate Smith (dam of Jonn R. 2:23), by Spauldings Abdallah. $.50 the season. KING PIEUMOIVT 10983. Is another none can deny is gilt-edged. By Piedmont 2:17] (9 in 2:::!0 list), by Almont 33 (34 in 2:.30 list); 1st dam Daisy D. (dam of Del Paso 2:24.1), by Electioneer (100 in 2::;o list); 2d dam Daisy C. (dam of Millard 2:23), by The Moor ; 3d dam Gray Dale (dam of Longworth 2:19 at 4 years). It was from Beautiful Bells by The Moor that Electioneer made his greatest reputation as a sire of trotters, and King Piedmont with another cross to Mambrino Chief must raise the quality. $.50 the season. ELECTRIFICATION 10982. By Electricity 2:17J-, one of Electioneer's fastest and best-bred sons ; his dam Midnight was also dam of Jay-Eye- See 2:10 and Noontide 2:20}. Electrification's 1st dam was Cecilia, by Del Sur2:24 (sire of 3 in 2:30 list; 2d dam Cecilia by Clark Chief 89 (sire of 6 in 2:30 list). It would be folly to think Electrification will not breed on. f .50 the season. STE'WART, 10219. By Pilot Medium (sire of Jack 2:12} and28 others in 2::'.0 list); 1st dam Mercedus (dam of Medomias2:.30),by Mas- terlode (sire of 24 in 2:.30 list). We look forward to Stewart being one of our most valuable sires. $-50 the season. TREVOR, 10222. By Gogebic S.556, by Red Wilkes; 1st dam Rose Shipnian 2:23 (trial 2:16), by Blue Bull ; 2d dam Beckey Smith, by Tom Hal :i000. Trevor is a fast, straight-going pacer, and to the many who like a pacing cross, we would ask where they can get it with the blood lines equal to Trevor. $25 the season HALSEV, 10225. By the grand young horse All So 2:20] at 5 years , 1st dam Sannie G. 2:27, by .'Vlmont 33. All So was by Black- wood Jr. 2:22, out of So So 2:17}, the fastest daughter of Geo. Wilkes and the greatest 2-year old in her day. It will be seen that Halsey in speed in blood lines ranks with the best. $25 ihe season. INCREASE, 9405. By Mambrino Patchen 58; 1st dam Little Gvpsey, bv Nomad; 2d dam Ina Lee, by Conductor. Will be allowed to serve 5 mares at $25 the season. ■^VERTHEIME, 9343. By AUandorf 7462, by Onward, out of the great dam .-Mma Mater (dam of 5 in 2:30 list); 1st dam of Wertheinie was Little Ggpsey, by Nomad 2:27; son of Almont .33, a sire of trotters and producers of trotters. AUandorf showed up well last year through his pacing son, Strong Boy 2:12, and that he will be a worthy representative of his great sire and dam none can doubt. No horse of equal breeding of Wertheinie was ever offered to the public at the low price of service we have placed him. $25 the season. Limited to 5 public mares. MARCANO. By Alencon 2:28} ; 1st dam Clara B., by Swigert (32 in 2::!0 list); 2d dam by Volunteer .55 (29 in 'Z:'M list). Swigert (sire of the dam of Marcano), sire of 32 performers, is also sire of 11 sires and 7 dams of 2:130 performers. A won- derful showing, and when mated with the rich blood of Lord Russell through Alencon, stamps Marcano born in the purple. $25 the season. Limited to 5 public mares. In ottering the services of our stallions to tlie public, we feel pcrfeet coi,tidence in claiming we can i)U afe the mosi fastidious breeder, and invite all to personally inspect the individuals. Free return privilege in 18ti3. if mare proveis not in fial, will be allowed to all the above. Young stock from producers on both sides for sale at reasonable prices. HENRY LAUGHLIN, SUPT. XTIHr.EIN BROS.. TRUESDELL, WIS. W.B.EDDY 8tC0 WHITEHAa NEW YORK U. S. A. "RADE MARK PRlCEfrsO PERBOTTir DELIVERED ENDORSKD BY HON. ISAAC. V. BAKER, Jr., Vice President National Breeders' Association. MILLER & SIBLEY, Pros- pect Hill Farm, Franklin, Penn. B. J. TREACY, Ashland Park Farm, Lexington, Ky. JAS. K. P. FLEMING, Freeport, Ills. JAMES GOLDEN, Bos ton, Mass. A. L. THOMAS, Caton Stock Farm. Joliet, Ills. S. HALE & SON, Idaho Stock Farm,Independ'ce, la. HON. J. L. CASE, Hickory Grove Farm, Racine, Wis. WM. B. FASIG, President Ohio Breeders' Association. M. L. HARE, Grasslands, Indianapolis, Ind. H. D. McKINNEY,- Sec'y Northwestern Breeders' As- sociation, Janesville, Wis. GEO. FLOYD JONES, Sec'y Fleetwood Track, N. Y. JOHN SPLAN, Famous Driver, Cleveland. CHARLES WHEATLY, Sec'y Saratoga Racing Ass'n. G. S. ELLIS & SON, Cincinnati, O LYFORD'S ORIGINAL Complete Set, $15. OO 4» LYFORU'S IMPROVED. -Complete Set, $20.00. LYFORD'S MODEL.-Complete Set, $25. OO. I^ijfords Imprcgnator's and Dilators FOR BARREN MARES. Book of forty pages on Barren Mares and Sterility of Stal- lions, with Treatment ; containing five colored plates of Generative Organs and two on Surgical Devices, sent post paid, --------- $i.oo For pamplets and particulars, address C. C. LYFORD, Minneapolis, Minn. Or G. S. ELLIS & SON, Cincinnati, O. Goods Will Not BE Sent Unless Money Ac COM paniestheObder loO — Jurf - Jimi9<5 - U/atel;^es llllllllllllllllllllllllllillllllll!llllll!illllllll'llllllllilllllllilllllll!lllllllNIIIIIII^ lllllllllllllllinillllllllllllllillllllNllllllliillllllliilllllll. Dian:ionds, Sterling Silver NoveltieB in Jew^elry. The Liflt^GEST STOCI^ in Cincinnati. / MAKE A SPECIALTY OF Horse Timers, in Silver 1 Gold Cases Split Seconds 1 Fly-Back Minute Repeaters CLEMENS HELLEBUSH, 77 W. Fourth St., Cincinnati, 0. Louisville & Nashville R. R. THE GREAT NORTH AND SOUTH • -TRUNK LINE ••• SOlilD TRAH4S AND QUICK TIJWE CINCINNATI TO NEW ORLEANS, Via Louisville, Nashville, Birrriirigliani, Montgonnery, Mobile, MaiTinnotln Cave. CINCINNATI TO iMEMPHIS, CINCINNATI TO ALL POINTS IN ^-i.^-^*a^-— Alabama, Geoi^gia and plomda— ^-^^^^--i -• KENTUCKV •• CENTRKL f DIXZISIOM. - THE POPULlAR Ull^E - - ■ Cincinnati to Lexington, Middlesborough, Cumberland Gap, Harrowgate, Xenn., and all points in the Blue Grass Regions of Kentucky. THE GREAT FOUR SEASONS HOTEL, HARROGATE, TENN., now open. Fcr partitu'ars, tall c u or ac'diiss any railwfy ajtiit in the United States or Canada; or Y. VAN DER BERG, S. F. B. MORSE, C. P. ATMORE, Traffic Mgr„ Louisville, Ky. P. P. A., Cincinnati. Gen! Pasf. Ag*., Louisville, Ky. — 132 — Gibson "House CINCINNATI. The Only First -Class American Plan Hotel. $3.00^1^:p^^S3.00 The Unequaled Advantages in Central Location, Liberal Management, Modern Appointments, Experienced Service and Perfect Cuisine, have Permanently Established the Gibson House as * THE niOST PQPULHR FIRST -CLflSS HOTEL IN DINCINNflTI. * ■sir 7UVEKLS 75 CENTS r • 1^ ) THE GIBSON HOUSE CO. _ „, ^ „ , _ .,_„,„ , , /■ H. B. OUNBAR, PREST AMD MGR. Extra (?l?an?e for parlors arjd I^ooms uj'itl7 Batt? /»ttaet?i?d. I l. b. reakirt, secy and treas Atnemcan Whip Co. NEW YORK. CHICAGO. SAN FRANCISCO. CMCTORV: rKPMCITV: STHNDHRD WHALEBONE, BHWHIDE 1 JflVfl WHIPS •f \t) Euery Styl(? aijd at Coiuest prices (^oijsisteijt uuitlp ••• A-1 Quality of Workmanship and Material. ^^- CORRESPONDENCE SOLICITED. ^^ 5176 l^eeord Brol^ep Our endeavors in past seasons Inave been so far distanced by our f bin^ • of • ^eeoPd • ^)Peat;era^ For this season tliat we rniist sirnply say, "Tlney were- not in it." * ' ^^^'^ 6° wmen ^^^^ • • We invite you to inspect our irnrnense stocK of CLOTH- ING, SHOES, FURNISHINGS and HATS as Well as our CUstorn Departrnent wlnere you will find tl^e rnost corn- plete line of Suitings and Pants Patterns in Cincinnati, and we guarantee you a perfect fit, as we enqploy none but tine best of tailors. WE SHUT OUT ALL COMPETITORS In S tyle s and Prices MABIvEY & CMEW, Opposite Fountain - - Ginciqiiati. )4eou Iilne of CoPdupoy Suits top Dpiving op Tpaining.