T'^' m^% m^h .■■h,:--!,' -%w^ <^ JOHNA.SEAVERNS -f- hm\^ ^^^^^ ^^^^ worn Established 1H82. FRANK 0. WORTH LEY, Proprietor. mmMmm I 53 ELM STREET, BOSTON. Between Washington Street and Dock Square. \ f Telephone 244 Haymarket. h # CATALOGUE 1901. # 4' -f Webster Family Library of Veterinary Medicine ,-, .-.-;,,,. o:.h...-.; :v \'.-^onnary Medicine at v1 A 01536 TUFTS UNIVERSITV LIBRARIES 3 9090 013 407 073 Broad Gauge Iron Works, 5:1 Elm St., (Beiween Washington St. and Dock Sq.), Boston. WORTHLEY'S PATENT "SLOW FEED" CORNER MANGER. (Ti:m>i'. .\[Ai;h. i (Over 10,000 In Use.) 17.K17X6 deep, capacity 15 quarts, weight 25 pjunds, price each, $1.60 One hundred and ten are in use at tlie New Ridinc; Ci.uh, and tlie following parties also endorse them highly: — Philadelphia Item Stables, Philadelphia, Pa. CHicAt;o Exchange Stable, Chicago, 111. Boston Ice Co. C. J. Hamlin, Buffalo, N. Y. John P. Squire & Co. J. Malcol:m Forbes. Adopted by the United States Cavalry. It has Seven small cells, or pockets, from which the grain cannot be poked and which absolutel\' prevent waste, and also prevent a greejiy horse eating the grain too fast. N'o. 136. Protected Hay Rack, . . $2.40 Same Rack as No. i, but furnished with sepa- rate sub-shield. < 20 Rack Shute Framing Plan Of Second Story Floor Timber to be placed directly over stall partition; thus forming 20-incli shute space. Broail Gauge Iron Works, 53 Elm St., (Between Washington St. and Dock Sq.), Boston. REGULAR CORNER MANGERS. No. 12. 14x14x8 deep, with No. 10. 14 X 14 X 10 deep, weight, 21 lbs., . $1.10 19 lbs., . . . $i.OQ No. II. 15x15x12 deep, 1.75 i-in. Food Guard ; weig-ht. No. 13. 17x17x10 deep, with 2-inch' Food Guard, . $1.20 Oblong Manger. No. 4. 20x14x9 deep, . $1.50 Designed especially for wood Side "Slow Feed" Manger. Fire Dept. or Side Manger. Patented Sept. 8, 1891. 17x10x8 deep, 51.75 No. 152. 24x10x7 deep, $1.75 Cape Cod" Manger. No. 100. Weight, 28 lbs., capacity, 20 qts., size i8x 18x12 in., price, . $1.40 Side Manger. No. 6. 18x12x8 deep, With Food Guard, Fire Dept. Manger. $1.40 1.75 No. 153. 17x7x7 deep, $1.50 Cut Feed Guard for No. lOO. " Roll " Feed Guard Corner Manger. No. 162. For enlarging No. 100, No. 1,7,. Wall Sides 18x18 inches, depth 10 $1.00 inches, weight, 32 lbs., . . $i-75 Broad Gauge Iron Works, 5.5 Elm St., (Between Washington St. and Dock Sq.), Boston. Corner Rack. Corner Rack. No. I. Weight, 32 lbs., Rab- beted Top, with Wrought Iron Rods, height, 36 with 21x21 top, . . $1.50 No. 5. (Cast Iron), Height, 30 with 24x24 top, . #1.50 "Low Down Feeding" Corner Rack. No. 3. Horse feeds over the top, all Wrought Iron, H'ght, 30 with 24x24 top, $3.00 Low Down Feeding Corner Rack. Half Circular Rack. Corner Rack. No. 7. Horse feeds over the top. All Wrought Iron. (See another page.) H'ght, 30 with 24x24 top, $2.75 No. 8. Rabbeted Top, with Wrought Iron Rods, H'ht, 36 with 14x32 top, $2.25 No. 2. Rabbeted Top, with Wrought Iron Rods, H'ght, 36 with 25x25 top, $2.00 Nos. I, 2, 5 and 8 have Rabbet at top for Wooden Hay Chute. No. I is the favorite Rack, and is used in thousands of the best private as well as livery stables. We make No. i with 18-inch top if so ordered. We make other styles of Hay Racks to order, any size desired. Illustration .shows No. i Rack after being set in place. ► BFAIJJJMiHfr Manger Ramp. Style of year 1875. IVIanger Collar. Style of year i860. Long Manger. Style of year 1S65. ^ -L S ■pq No. 16. 46 inches wide, $1.50 No. 9. 41 inches higli, $1.30 No. 17. 48x16x11 deep, $3-75 Broad Gauge Iron Works, 53 Elm St., (Between Washington St. and Dock Sq.), Boston. "Newport" Gutter. Rear Gutters. Please notice Timber Construction for Gut- ters on another page. Wo. 419, Graded. Gutters inches wide, with Iron Strainer Cuver and ^°- ^^'^ Graded. Inclined Graded Valley, (J-inch to foot), price per foot, .f 1.30 Gutter 7 inches wide, havinu; Inclined Graded Valley, See method of laying as shown on other page. j-inch to foot, price per foot $ .60 No. 24. oi inches wide, li inches deep, per foot ,S .24 Regular lengths are 4 feet and 4 feet, inches. Eich piece with or without outlet spout, and with joint lip to connect with pieces to make any desired length. O A Nearly all builders now cover No. 24 Gutter with a plank cover to prevent ^'T' horses from standing in the Gutter and avoid breakage in case the Gutter is not laid in a firm flooring. No. 26, Extra Heavy. fii inches wide, 14 inches deep, per foot $ .33 For 12 feet we send two 52-inch and one 40-inch piece. No. 23, Extra Deep. CO 8 inches wide, 2| inches deep, 5-inch Valley, per foot $ .35 No. 25, Extra Heavy. — ^ With Iron Stu.vinku Co\ eu. 7i inches wide, li inches deep, per foot $1.00 Price without cover 55 No. 18, "Wellington" Extra Heavy. iBEfi&iiiii^^^^^^^^ ISMBS^IW^^ '••i inches wide, 1| inches deep, per foot $ .32 ^ The price of Gutter includes the Joint Bolts, Cement and Worthley's End Stops for the Kear Gutters. n Q To make 18 feet we send one 5- feet and three 4-feet, 4-inch pieces. k. O Center Outlet Gutters and 5 x (i Gutters made to order. Cesspool Gutter y>^^ ^ ^ Outlet Trap. 25 /ffi'M^'flH Broad Flange, Extra Heavy. '"- ■ ' - . . -^ W /J No. 327. often used lo receive ^O- 218. Nos. 23, 24, 25, 26, 419 or 9i inches wide, with "VVellington" Valley, per "WELLINGTON' No. 18. 420 Gutters, $2. .50. foot S .55 inroad Gauge Iron Works, 53 Elm St., (Between Washington St. and Dock Sq.), Boston. ^924. 25 >/P2J INCLINE CHANNEL GUTTERS, a^^'-inch wide, for Level or Inclined Stall Floors. No. 20. 5 feet, graded with Incline Valley, " 21. 6 " " " " " u 22 7 '^ '^ '^ ^^ ^^ " 194. 9 " 6 inches, graded with Incline \'alley " 195. 12 " graded with Incline Valley, $ -50 .80 1. 00 1.50 1.80 m^n^ ' ■g.'^^^\:.':r. This illustration shows method of joining Gutters and End Stop with Bolts. An order for I2 feet would take three lengths of Gutter. For 13 feet we send two 4)<2 feet and one 4 feet length, together with End Stops and Bolts. Orders should state if outlet is desired in each length, also mention if it is to be used with Soil Pipe Fittiug.s. Broad Gauge Iron Works, 53 Elm St., (Between Wasliington St. and Dock Sq.), Boston. WORTHLEY'S "ODORLESS" IRON STALL FLOOR. For Detachable Bevel Slats in Duplicate Sets. Give your horse a Change of Slats daily by Washing and Airing the Duplicate sets. Prices, Not Including Plank Slats. No. 220, 5 feet, 6 inches X 2 feet, 5 inches, $ 8.75 222, 6 ' ' I X 2 5 12.00 124, 6 ' ' 10 X 2 4 15.00 125, 6 ' ' 10 X 2 10 18.00 126, 6 ' ' 10 X3 4 21.00 127, 8 ' ' x3 4 29.00 Weight, 20 pounds per square foot. Each floor is fitted with a Wrought Iron Front Flange, to hold planks in place without the use of screws. No. 222 is the popular size. Large Box Stalls or- dinarily require two of the No. 222. The incline in the channels is one inch. One Slat and Slat Lifter with each order is included. See page S for elevation view. The ease with which the wearing slats of a stall can be removed from these iron basins renders it possible to keep a Stall F'loor water-tight, dry, and free from odor. Our broad No. 118 or other gutters are recom- mended for use with these Floors. See page 5. Attention is invited to forty of our Floors in useatlshburg & Company's stable, also in the Bos- ton, Newton, Brookline and other Fire and Patrol stables. CAST IRON "QUICK DRAINING SANITARY" STALL FLOOR. With Hinged Rock Maple Slats, Practically Self- Cleaning. No. 232. With Hinged Slat z£'^«r Flooring. 6 ft, I in. X 2 ft., 6 in., . . . $15.50 No. 233. Price without Maple Slat Floor- ing, ....... 11.00 Subject to ... Discount. Illustration shows slats lifted to wash the iron pan. If larger size than No. 232 is used for Box Stalls, then the Framing headers are usually of 8 inches x 4 inches. Box Stall Pans are usually set in center of stall. No. 236. 6 ft., I in. 5 ft., 6 in. (for Box Stall,) , I35-00 Price Without Maple Slat Flooring, . 22.00 The Slat Flooring, when worn by use, can be easily REVERSED. See another page for one method of Timber Construction. We furnish a blue print. PRICE also includes Iron Lifter, Flush Brass Link Hinges and Brass Screws with Maple Slat Flooring, Bell Trap Strainer, and Extra Long Out- let Pipe. The Iron Part of the No. 232 weighs 225 lbs. The above cuts show the general shape of the Iron Part of the Floor Trough. Please notice the Double Rim. I: Broad (Uaige Ircii Woikf, 53 Elm St., (Between Washington St. and Dock Sq.), Boston. (Scale, 2 inches to foot.) SHOWING THE "QUICK DRAINING, SANITARY" STALL FLOOR. 3-inch by 4-inch Slats as shown priced on following page, including Flush Brass Hinges, Bolts, Separators and 6 Maple Slats. Worthley's Improved Outside Edge prevents any warping of castings. side: ELElVAT ION SCALE! I" toft. r- 1; h .J I Lr ■ "I ^^ I I k -1 I J-> lJ Please notice that the wearing Lattice Slats are arranged for Level standing. Only the Rim of the Trough rests on 12x4 timber. Illustration of the "Newport" Gutter, with Milton method of laying two interior Stall Gutters. Ordinary method of laying the " Newport" Gutter. Broad Gr.iuje Iron Works, 5:i Elm St., (Between Washiagtou St. ami Dock Sq.), Uoston. SLOW FEED OAT MANGER Arranged with No. 7 Hay Rack, No. 115 Stall (Tiiard and No. 99 Stall Post. Where above .stjde Rack is used, a Wood Hay Chute is usually constructed^rear of the stalls. Not a desirable Hay Rack unless great care is taken to prevent horse pulling the hay on to the Ijedding. Broad Gauge Iron Works, 53 Elm St., (Beiween Washington St. and Dock Sq.), Boston. O: No. 99. 6-incli Hard Pine Post, 9 and 10 feet high, $2.50 " 50. 6-foot Stall Guard, .... 3-Oo " 70. Salt Rack, 4° " 69. Back Tie Ring, 10 Add $ .90 to price of Stall Guard if 14-inch is sub- stituted for 3-16-inch wire. Add $5.00 if No. 147, 5 feet, 8 inches, all iron post, is substituted for No. 99. No. 147. Iron Post (6-inch diameter) with Brass Moulded Rim Ball, . . $14-50 No. 350. Guard, with Iron Panel End (2 ft., 6 in. long), 8 ft., 6 in. x 2 ft, 6 in. high, 8.00 No. 129. 4 ft., 8 in.. Upright Wall Groove, .85 Deduct $8.00 if Iron Ball Top (see No. 47) is substituted for Brass. Figure E. 3 bo o a o o o u a 3 O »— < m •A o m No. 270 Box Stall Guard of ^g-inch Iron Rod, 30-iuch high, (Fig. E), riveted into I ^-inch channel iron. Painted two coats. No. 373. (6 lb. to ft.) Partition Cap- ping for 1 34 -inch plank, per foot, $ .40 No. 379. (10 lb. to ft.) "Pier Raised" Base Channel for 134-in. plank, per ft., .50 10 Broad Gauge Iron Works, 53 Elm St., (Between Washington St. and Dock Sq.), Boston. Ornamented Wrought Iron Stall Guards ??999399T iyfljllifffuollUfilr 9 999 9 8_A a 8 A a a a ii a a A a a a »k_& a ,k jt 4.g A ~ ™-g ^ra«9999 1 " <^?fff^ No. 422. ^-inch Round Rods, per square foot, $ .75 " 432- H " " " " " " .90 Wrought Wire SQUARE End Stall Guards. No. 50. 72x24, . - . . . I3.00 Larger sizes at proportionate rates. ROUND End Pattern. No. 49. 72x24, $3.00 Larger sizes at proportionate rates. Wrought Iron Wire BOX Stall Guard. No. 150. 72x24, Box Stall Door Guard, With Side Irons to mortise into Door Stile. $3.00 Wrought Iron Stall Square End Guard. J^-inch Round Iron Rods. No. 119. 72x24-inch, " 120. 72x30 " . . . ROUND End Pattern. J^-inch Round Iron Rods. No. no. 72X24-inch, " 112. 72x30 " Box Stall Guard. ^-inch Round Iron Rods. $7-50 9-75 17-50 9-75 No. 121. 72x24-inch, . . . $6.75 " 122. 72x30 " ... 9.00 Special sizes made to order of ^g or ^4-in. Iron. Wrought Iron Stall Guard. Finished Gloss Vermilion and Jet. No. 160. Per square foot, $ .;^;^ Length, 8 feet, 6 inches x 30 inches, with i ".4.' -inch p-rame. No. 114. Rods 'j-inch diameter, cast iron panel, . ^13.00 " 115- " >s " " . 14-50 Broad Gauge Iron Works, 53 Elm St., (Between Washington St. and Dock Sq.), Boston. 11 Cast Iron Water Troughs. (OUT.-^IDK MEASlKr.S.) ' i 1 -ff-' m iiiliiii 1 1 Fitted with Safety Overflow and Plug Outlet ('oupling. No. 234. 2.-) X 14 X 12 deep $4.00 " 335. Same, with Extr.a Higli Back 5.50 Wide Roll Edge Pattern. Safety Overflow and Plus. No. 338 3i; X 17 s 12 deep $ 5.73 " 330. With leg» 8.00 ■' 347. Same, with white enamel ... 14.00 With ISrass Outlet Pipe. Xo. 133 IS X 12 X 8 deep . Corner Patterns. No. 58. Sides 18 x 18 x 12 deep $4.75 " 346. 24 X 24 X 12 7.00 Safety Overflow and Plug Outlet. Screw Holes are drilled in top of Ijack rim. IG X li;, 10 inclics deep 20 X 14, 12 " " No. 51. " 52 " 524. 20 X 16, 12 " 53. 24 X 20, 12 " 54. 30 X 20, 12 •' 55. 36 X 21, 15 '• 56. 48 X 20, 15 . $ 3.00 3.50 . 4.00 . 4.75 9.50 11.00 No. 57. Fitted with Safety < >vertlow and Plug Outlet t'onpling. 30 x 17 x 12 deep, (roll edge) .$5.75 30 X 17 X 12 deep. Safety Overflow and Plug, (roll edge). No. 336. With bracket legs, (size like No. 57) $ 6.75 " .337. With legs and extra liiah back 8.00 " 369. Same as No. 337, enameled 18.00 Livery Stable Size, solid koli. edge. No. 343. 38 X 19 1„ x 12 deep. Safety overflow and Plug . 9 9.00 " 344. With Extra High Back". . 11.00 ■' 345. With Back and Legs 13.00 Safety waste overflow and plug outlet coupling. All except No. 133 have Top Relief Clean-ont. and Overflow is connected. No. 255. 36 X 21 X 15 deep Sll.OO " 256. 48x20x15 " 12.50 Including Legs, Safety Overflow and Plug Outfit Coupling. 12 Broad Gauge Ivon Works, 53 Elm St., (Between Washington St. and Dock Sq.), Boston. ^>. Claifin Method of framing for the Sanitary No. 232 Floor Iron. CONCORD" STALL FLOOR. I'-A." No. 322. Size, 5 feet, 6 inches x 2 feet, 4 inclies, price, " 324. Price, per set, withont Wood Slats, Description of No. 322. (See also Page showing Gutters.) Four Inclined Channels. 4 '/i feet. No. 26. Rear Gutter (with or without outlet) Maple Top Slats, i 's Soft Pine Intermediate Flooring. The Iron channels can be easil\- cleaned with the stall hoe. (F'ig. 97 in catalogue.) Used by Boston Police Patrol Stables ; Hon. Frank Jones' Stable, Portsmouth ; Hiaiu Richer & Sons, Stable and Farm Barn at Poland Springs. $7-00 4.00 Broad Gauge lion Works, 53 Elm St., (Between Washington St. and Dock Sq.), Boston. 13 STALL POSTS. No. 99. Hard Pine Wood Post, 6 inch, diam., grooved, 9 to 1 1 feet long, . . $2.50 No. 98. Hard Pine Wood Post, 6 inch, diam., 2.25 No. 47. Iron Stall Po.st, 5 >^ inches diameter, 4.75 ii)^-inch base, extra heavy and is provided with four lag screws, also with iron projecting groove fitted for 2-inch finished plank. A 3^-inch bolt with heavy sill washer extends from top of post to nnder side of joists. Groove is 4 feet, 4 in. Smuggler Vane. 31 inches long, $20.00 With Spire, Letters and Ball complete. 24 inches long, ..... i5-°o Initial Banneret. 24 inches long, 30 36 " " 42 " 48 $15.00 20.00 30.00 40.00 50.00 147 • 149 No. 147. Heavy BRASS Monlding Ball Top Post, with 6-inch extra heavy Iron Base, and 14 inch Bed Plate, 4 feet, 6 inch Groove, No. 118. Same, 30 inches higher for Box Stalls, Deduct $8.00 if IRON Ball Top is sub- stituted for Brass ; add $1.00 if with Brass Pillar Ring. No. 149. Is same post as No. 47, but fin- ished with Iron Ball Cap, No. 151. P'inished with Iron Ball Cap and 5 feet, 4-inch colunui. Arrow. $14.50 17-50 4-75 5-75 12 inches long, $ 4.00 30 inches long, $10.00 18 " " 6.00 36 " " 15.00 24 " " 8.00 42 " " 18.00 48 inches long, . $20.00 "Congress" Vane. Any initial letter can be cut in banneret as ordered. Subject to Discount. List of 100 styles of vanes mailed to any address. 30 inches, $18.00 14 Broad Gauge Iron Works, 53 Elm St., (Between Washington St. and Dock Sq.), Boston. No. 355. Trapless, . . . . $ .60 6-inch .square top, 3^ thick. Spout, 5 inches long, 3j4 outside diameter. 4-inch .Strainer, }i Mesh. No. 356. Same as No. 355, 9-inch square top, same Spout as No. 355, 3^-inch thick. Strainer, yja-inch diameter, . . $1.25 No. 132. Bell Trap Cesspool for Concrete Washstands, .... $3.00 12-inch square top, 3^ thick. Anchor edge adds 2 inches. 10-inch Strainer, }( thick, ^ slotted Mesh. 9-inch interior Sub-strainer, ^ Mesh. The Bowl is 6 inches deep, Spout is 4^ inches long, outside diameter, 3-inch. No. 357. Trapless, 9-inch (Bath and Hospital Size), #4.25 J^-inch mesh Brass Strainer, 3-16 thick, 7- inch diameter attached with Brass Machine Screws. 7 )4-inch Galvanized Bowl, 2 ^-inch deep. Depth of Bowl and Spout, 6 in. In- terior of Spout, 33^ inches for 3-inch pipe caulking. Exterior of pipe 4J2in. diameter. For method of caulking see Figure No. 232. No. 358. Anchor Clip, . . . $ .10 For use in securing more firmly the Iron Cess- pool Casting in Concrete or Asphalt. SPECIAL. SIDE OUTLET BELL TRAP CESSPOOLS. Jl^^We inspect carefully the Iron Sea/s of the Traps. "^H M 00 n c n- ( ^"i"^h Mesh Strainer, 71/8-inch diam. Casting, ^-inch thick. Depth over ." ■ "' ' \ bowl and pipe, 6 inches. Outlet Spout, 3-inch internal diameter. Bowl, 7^- l inch diameter. Pipe diameter, (outside) 3 j5^-inch. i^-^-inch Mesh Strainer, Casting, ^^-inch thick. Depth over bowl and pipe, Sy, inches. Outlet Spout, (graded) 4-inch internal diameter. Fitted for 4-inch extra heavy soil pipe. If possible, orders should state if for Wood or Concrete. Broad Gauge Iron Works, 53 Elm St., (Between Washington St. and Dock Sq.), Boston. 15 Iron Manure Scuttle Cover. Improved Square Manure Scuttle. Extra Heavy. No. 27. For 14-iiich opening, " 28. With Outside Collar Frame, 5i.20 No. 29. With Brass Hinges riveted to Iron 1.90 Frames, 18x16 in., (hard pine filling), $3.25 HEAVY BELL TRAP CESSPOOLS, FOR DRAINING BOX STALLS AND WASH FLOORS. No. 116. 16-inch (for 4-inch soil pipe), $3-00 " 115. 15 " same bowl as No. 132, but fitted for wood floor, . . . 2.75 No. 123. 28x20x15 inches deep, . 10.50 The latter is malt and slaughter house size as follows : Top Rim, ^-inch thick. Strainer, i-inch thick, i63.4;x24^-inch. Slotted, 3 /-inch Mesh. 4-inch Outlet Spout, 458-inch outside diame- ter. Length of Spout, 6 inches. No. 28. 12-inch, .... I2.50 Heavy Top, ^-g-inch thick. lo-inch Strainer, ^-inch Mesh, ii-inch Round Bowl, 9-inch deep. Spout, 2-inch long, 4 14^-inch outside diameter. No. 320. lo-inch, . . . $2.75 Top casting, '^-inch thick. 712-inch square Strainer, 14-inch thick, ^^-inch Mesh. 7-inch square Bowl, ^}4 deep. Spoilt, 5-inch long, 3-inch internal and 3 '< outside diameter. No. 109. 9-inch (for 3-in. pipe). Malleable Trap Strainer. Castings ',<-inch thick, $1.40 7-inch Strainer, ^-inch Mesh. 7 ; j-inch Bowl, 4>^-inch deep. 234^-inch outside Spout, i}4- long. No. 328. Drain Covers. No. 209. 9-in. Trap Cesspool, $1.80 • , i ;. Indestructible Hinged Malleable aa Strainer. ( Same bowl as No. 109). 3-inch special long Spout. Cast- ing is ^^-inch thick. 4-inch and 6-inch Cesspools for 2- inch pipe also in stock. No. 329. 5-inch Trapiess Strainer. 6-inch, 7 " $ -25 1 0-inch ■30 12 " •35 14 " .40 16 " 18-inch, $1.50 S .50 •65 .90 1-25 Light Weight Valve Box Covers. For Interior Use. With 6-inch frame, i-inch thick very short spout, 41^-inch diameter, i^-inch deep, $ .50 No. 291. 18-inch square. Casting, ^i-inch thick, 21-inch Frame. 52.50 16 Broad Gauge Iron Works, 53 Elm St., (Between Washington St. and Dock Sq.), Boston. II ' 1 II Worth LEY 8?^/ BRICK \^// Spruce floor HAY RACKS|^ ; J ^% MAY "SL-OW 17 inch , MAH6ERS XO PITCH TO GUTTER. .: 1 1^ ^ 1 1^ .o ■ AND five 1 P 1 i a N^ 172 i CO CO o- TUNNEL TOP GRAIN 1 i i TUBES. i---5 1 1 1--4* 1 Oi'-..f---4 m 1 I m ! -5'- fOST, o':--> ^mm. m m^^^m^m^^^m ^^mmm^^ ^s^^ N2 419 I'R.ON COVERED GUTTER- - GRiM)ED VALLEY. REiX TKAPl llRON GKATIMG. 16 Tie Rings. 1 N9431. 1 . 1 ^^ ' N2 5&0 HOSE RjNCK «JULbp=:^^ WATER. TROUGH cm% ^A N2 346 <- SL'-o'-Ai". 5£SJ{*^^ '^^'^ - CUPOU\. SHEl-F. ^HT i ■HflfaJ ^Hjyiik MANURE DOOR vPirrcH Straw TtACK.. Outside ^«"^j Hinged Grat/ng. BLA.WKET ROlXeST ( a 3 A- S * S C A I- E. EC ST' '-' a ^ Hz: » CfQ J- ^ S ►o o o 3 O O O Oi 3 O Q o o < ui re O i^ m >-^ o O p ►-t O X s P o 5 ^ Broad Gauge Iron Works, 53 Elm St., (Between Washington St. and Dock Sq.), Boston. 17 SHOWING THE ODORLESS STALL FLOOR. Dotted lines show position of Post and Gutter Cover. Broad Flange Gutter is also shown. Joists are put near together at heel to securely fasten Post and Gutter. Although the side floor of Stall is inclined, please notice that the wearing Lattice Slats are level on the top, although cut wedge shape to fit incline of iron. ANCHOR CESSPOOL TRAP STRAINER FOR CONCRETE FLOOR. r 1 POST I POST ^ ,SCAL& llft= 1 F T . No. 238. 9 inches square for 3-inch pipe, I1.65 Similar to those shown on another page, but fitted with Anchors to fasten in concrete. No. 247. Maple Lattice Wearing Floor with flush Brass Hinges, size 5 ft., 10 in. x 2 ft., bolted together, 5.25 IS Broad Gauge Iron Works, 53 Elm St., (Between Washington St. and Dock Sq.), Boston. Worthley's Overhead Safety Hitcher. Can be folded to ceiling when not in use. For carriage house. Adjustable to height and and length. No. 154. Japanned, price complete, $1.25 331. Brass mounted, 5.00 Worthley's Grooming Hitcher. No. 155. Japanned, price complete, $1.25 " 163. Brass mounted, " . 5.00 Prescott Wagon Jack. Standard size, Express " li.oo 1.50 Worthley's Automatic Clock-Work Grain Feeder. Brass Shuttle Tripper. Galvanized Iron Buckets. Seth Thomas Clock. ^-i- ^ 9 g ? One or twenty horses fed by one clock at any set time. No. 253. With Clock, .... $4.00 " 254. Without Clock and Lever, . . i.oo The latter are often used without the Clock for sim- ultaneous feeding. We have circular giving detailed description. Wrought Iron Wire Window Guards. Of various sizes in stock. Any size made quickly, with or without Hinges and Clasp. Price per square foot, . $ -30 Guards containing less than four square feet, $1.25 each. /vyyyYYY vaXaAAAA "1 X L" Wagon Jack. Leather Cushioned, $2.25 Broad Gauge Iron Works, 53 Elm St., (Between Washington St. and Dock Sq.), Boston. 19 pROpO^EiD ■" ^-inch Tube, 7 ft. long, 30 inches of base, Base reinforced with No. 20 iron, $1.25 172. 2i/<-inch, per ft., .n 106. Tunnel for Tube, .3c 8-inch Projection. Japanned Shuttle Valve, with Safety Pin and Brass Slide. No. 179. For 4-in. Tube, $ .90 " 315. " 6 " " 1. 00 6-in. Projection. All cast Iron. No. 173. For 4-inch Tube, $ .70 No. 178 Brass Valve, Engraved, Polished Brass, including elbow for 4-inch Tube, each, ..... $5.50 Kasper's Patent Self Acting Combination Oat Bin Chute and Cleaner. Removes Dust, Dirt and Chaff. lo-inch X 12-inch X j 12 feet, the ordinary- or regular size, .... $20.00 17 " X 12 " X 7 'A " for a thirty or two hundred horse stable, . 27.00 8 " X 12 " x6 " for a three or twenty horse stable, . . . 20.00 10 " X 12 " X 6 " for a six or forty horse stable, .... 20.00 The 6 feet sizes are for stables having ceilings less than 8 feet. Size in inches at centre of Cleaner is given. Outside measure is 2 inches larger. Poplar Wood, with Japanned Trimmings ; Hard Wood with Bronze Trimmings, made to order at extra cost. 22 Broad Gauge Iron Works, 53 Elm St., (Between Washington St. and Doik Sq.), Boston. Fancy Brass Harness Combination Wood Groove Brackets for Holding a Hook. and Iron Rack. Complete Harness. For Straight and Bow Whips. No. 216. Polished, 6-inch, $2.00 Whip Rack. No. 105. 5 Sockets, " 106. 10 " $ -25 •50 4 to 5 ft. Back Tie Ropes. No. 135. Light, per foot, $ .08 " 136. Heavy, with extra heavy snap hook, .10 m ^iM^)©^ No. 137. Brass Mounted, ^- in., White Cord, each, $2.25 No. 217. Brass Mounted, Rubber Covered, 24.-inch size, . . [ $3.50 Post Tie Ring. Wrought Iron. 2-inch X 5-16 Ring. No. 69. Japanned, . $ .10 Giant Tie Ring. '1 No. 281. . . . $ .50 No. 64 Tie Ring. Wrought Iron, Japanned, $ .10 No. 67 Star Tie Ring. Japanned, . . . $ .20 Polished Brass Tie Ring. No. 65. Extra Heavy, Flat Back, . . . $ .75 No. 68. E X t r a H e a v y , Curved Back, . .75 Lantern Bracket. No. 94, Scarlet or Japanned $ -90 and Gilt. No. loi. "Ivondon" style, Vermilion finish, No. 214. Wrought Iron, $ .25 No. 138. Japanned, Are usually set 7 feet above floor of harness "case and about 21 $ .15 inches on centres. Broad Gauge Iron Works, 53 Elm St., (Between Washington St. and Dock Sq.), Boston. 23 No. 96. Washing Harness Hook, with Worthley's Original Hook Grip. Japanned and Rubber Cushioned, . . . 1-75 Bridle Bracket. Riding Saddle Bracket. No. 187. 20-in. projection, Jap'd, $1.50 Wood Harness Pins. Backless Harness Bracket. No. 61. Hook without Chain or Cord, . . . . $ .30 No. 60. With Pulleys, Cord and Cleat Grip, . . . .75 No. 93. Polished Brass, with Pul- leys, Cord and Brass Cleat Grip, 2.50 No. 94. Telescope Rod and Brass Hook, . . . . 2.50 No. 95. Brass Hook, without Chain or Cord, . . 1.50 No. 78. 8 in. with Iron Socket, $.10 " 79. 9 " " " '• .12 " 84.12 " " " " .15 No. 202. A Bracket with- " 89. 15 " " " " .20 out Back, (2 pieces), $ .60 Lantern with Reflector. Lamp and Safety Hooks. No. 158. 8x8 inches square, " 159. 9x9 " " " 161. 10x10 " " ^2.25 2.50 3.00 No. 203. Birch Riding vSaddle Pin, 18 inches, with Socket, $ .40 24 Broad Gauge Iron Works, 53 Elm St., (Between Washington St. and Dock Sq.), Boston. Blanket Roller Brackets. For 2-inch Roller. Corner Salt Box. Harness Hook. No. 59. 6x6, $ -40 No. 90. 7-inch, pei pair S 41) No. 91 Jap.inned Roller Enils. per pair, S .30 No 92 2-inch Haul I'mc Roll- er, having 1^' dowel, (ici ft.. .08 Double Roller Bracked No 293 Japanned, per pair, 8 .80 '■ 297 12-in Sn/ing Pattern, 2 r>0 Horse Head Roller Bracket. No. 36. 6-inch, Japanned, $ .07 " 38. 8 " " .08 Side Salt Box— Japanned. „ ^^ ^^ » u ^^ " 66. 6 " Brass, i.oo No. 87. 81^x614x3, . $.60 Jumbo Harness Hook. Soap Box. No. 83. 8x4, Galvanized, S'-'M) Japanned, ■50 •15 No. 63. loincli, Japanned, $ .25 Five Foot Stall Hoe. CAST IRON SPONGE RACKS. No. 82. I4x6>^x6)^ Jap'd, $ .70 No. 97. For Channels, $ .40 Implement Hooks. For Brooms, Shovels, Etc. No. 102. Japanned, per pair, $. 40 " 103. Polished Brass, per pair, . . • 3-5° Elbow Roller Bracket. No. 81. 14x8x7 deep, Japanned, Galvanized, dJJ $ .80 1.40 .■t^%<.) J~j No. 162. Per pair, 4i<-inch projection, Japanned, $ .80 No. 166. Per pair, (brass), 3. .so " 169. 9-inch, (brass), ex- tra large size, per pair, 6.50 m-. No. 93. Japanned, . $ .20 Salt Rack. (Cast Iron). ~'i No. 80. 24x9x7 deep, Japanned, . . $2.00 Galvanized, 3.00 No. 70. 7 inches wide, .40 Broad Gauge Iron Works, 53 Elm St., (Between Washington St. and t)ock Sq.), Boston. 25 Grated and Glazed Iron Windows, For Horse Stalls. Stall Window Gratings. No. 243. j ( . : < f . Adjustable Upward Air Dr.a.ught. For Flush Window Frame. No. 243. To fit 8^'^xii Frame, (Glass is 8x10), I1.25 No. 245. To fit 11x19 Frame, . . 2.00 Malleable Hoof Pick. No. 74, $ .25 No. 86. Carriage Pole Brackets. 1 hook, per pair, .... 2 ""■'... . 2 u u u 4 " " " Rubber Cushions for same, per pair, No. 85. Shaft Brackets 8-inch, each, . . . . II " " . . . . 16 " " . . . . Rtiliher Cushions for same, per pair. •30 •45 .80 •30 No. 438. For Bottom Hinged Sasil ix3-i6-inch Iron. Prices from 60 cents to $1.00 per window. Assorted Sizes in .Stock. Panel Closed Side Ironed Stall Window Grating. No. 437 $4.50 For bottom hinged two light 9x13 Glass. Inside measure of grating, 22xi9-inch high. Cast Iron Hose Rack. 5 .50 ■85 ^•25 No. 360. Japanned, 5-iuch projection, . 1.70 •30 Brass Chamois Holder. I .40 No. 156. 12 inches long, " 157- 24 " •25 •75 26 Broad Gauge Iron'.Works, 53 Elm St., (Between Washington St. and Dock Sq.), Boston. Interior of cow barn at Westboro, Mass. Side space for each cow, 3 feet, 4 inches. Platform back of stanchion, 4 feet, 10 inches. No. 168 Cow Stanchion and also the Iron No. 341 Cow Water Box, (overhead supply). Prices on an- other page. Head Partition Post, with Fresh Air Inlet, Plastered Ceiling. Details can be furnished regarding irOH work for Cow Barns fitted with all Iron Stanchion Plates, Iron Gutters and Iron Water Trough, (continuoi^s pattern). Broad Gauge Iron Works, 53 Elm St., (Between Washington St. and Dock Sq.), Boston. COW STALL WATER BOXES. ^' No. 340. 12x9x7 deep, (fitted with Brass Plug Outlet), ........ $1.40 " 341. With Detachable Brass Staud Pipe Overflow, . . ■ • • . . . 2.25 " 342. 13x11x9 deep, fitted with 3^ -inch pipe coupling, (i box for every two stalls), weighs 27 lbs., 1.25 For overhead direct water supply, the No. 341 is the favorite. Adopted by the State Farm Barn at Westboro. Prescott Cow Stanchions are at use at this farm and also at Deerfoot Farm, Sonthboro. Self Locking, Prescott Pivoted Cow Stanchion. "Forestville" Cow Stanchion. Chain at Top. Chain at Base. PATENTED EEPIEMBER 12 1883. No. 325. Standard size. |i-50 $1.50 "Newton" Cow Tie Bow and Chain. 36-inch size. Safety Lock, Straight Bar Standard Adjustable Width, Hard Wood. No. 168. Steel Trimmed, 4 feet, 10 inches high. Can be set up in stalls having a width of 39 inches, .... No. 318. Iron Partition Ramp, 3 feet, 6 inches long by 3 feet high, . . i.oo No. 195. Iron Gutter, 14 inches, with Val- ley, II inches by 3 inches deep, per foot, i.oo No. 198. Iron Gutter, 22 inches, with Val- ley, 18 inches by 6 inches deep, per foot, 1.60 A\AriceR^pA.ce J*i TRI/N G6tt-. No. 288. I to 5 Ties with Bows, . . each, I1.70 6 to 24 Ties with Bows " 1.60 25 " 50 " " " " 1.50 -n'/z^ CatTL£ c5T/snCHioyN . Clip- 28 Broad Gauge Iron'. Works, 53 Elm St., (Between Washington St. and Dock Sq.), Boston. a; T3 fe — rt (U w -^ -»-> n1 a; ;-, ^ o cd a, CO OJ ^ ^3 f O Of 71 03 •LI a 03 CO u 03 O Broad Gauge Iron Works, 53 Elm St., (Between Washingto.i St. and Dock Sq.), Boston. 29 Highway Drain Strainers. No. 406. I '4-inch thick Strainer, lo-inch diameter. Depth of Frame, 6 inch, width of Frame Base, 14-inch, ............... $4.00 No. 408. Round, i ;>-iiich thick Strainer, i-inch mesh, 18-inch diameter. Depth of Frame, 5-inch, diameter of Frame Base, 32-inch, .......... 8.80 No. 409. I '4 -inch thick Strainer, 15-inch x 24-inch, oval form. Depth of Frame, 2-inch, widtli of Frame Base, 18-inch x 26-inch, ............ 4.50 No. 411. Concave, 20 x 17-inch, (xutter shape, square form casting, 2^-inch thick, mesh 2-inch. Frame 22 x 20-inch, 4-inch deep, ........... 8.00 Butts' Patent Overhead Revolving Carriage Washing Device. Saves great wear and tear of Hose. No. 402. 9 feet long. Iron Arms, Brass Centre, ..... '' 403. Same, fitted for 44-inch pipe, with 10 feet of 44 -inch Hose, " 404. Same, all brass, with Hose, ....... Header of Plank is »ood con.struction above ceiliny. $15.00 16.50 33-50 30 Broad Gauge Iron Works, 53 Elm St., (Between Washington St. and Dock Sq.), Boston. No. 31 Cistern Covers. 14-inch, Pebbled Top, Coal Hole Cover, with iS'j-inch frame, $1.50 18-inch Cover (light casting), with 25-inch frame, . . 1.50 20-inch Cover, (casting is ^-inch thick), with 25-inch frame, 2.25 24-inch Cover, extra large size, with 32-inch frame, . 5.75 Trimmings for a- Summer Stable. Non-floored stalls. Finished in Black or Scarlet. Price, $13.00 to $15.00 per stall, according to size. " Myopia " Side and Front Stall Guards, Flat Top Partition Banding of Iron, Port Malleable Hinges, " Slow-Feed " Mangers, No. 181 Latches, Inclined Window Guard having Side Panels, Iron Band for Post Cor- ners. (Hay is put on the Turf Flooring.) FIRE HOUSE STABLE FITTINGS. EiiGtne Ibouse Jfloov ^rack. No. 6 32. Per foot, Si. 00. maeatber Dane. No. 351. IRON PARTITION GUARC With Iron Panel Head Shield. 8 feet x 2 feet, Iron PartUion Outside Guards, (style of No. 150,) Size, 8 feet x 2 feet, each .... Iron Slow Feed Side Mansjer, size, 17 inch x 10 inch No- 353- Door Light Grating, 25x12 inches, " 230. 4x2 feet. Slatted Hing-ed Floor, Floor Similar in style to No. 232. 6.00 2.00 1. 00 14.00 Thirty-six inches high, $30.00 Broad Gauge Iron Works, 53 Elm St., (Between Washington St. and Dock Sq.), Boston. 31 Box Stall Mortise Spring Lateh. Having WORTHLEV'S Iniproved Double Thick Ontside Raised Recess Plate. Distance from face of Latch Case to edge of Recess Plate is ii inch. ii Harness Sink, For Ilot water Faucet. Harness Ruubikg Shelf. (Folding). For 10 or 12 horse stables. No. 276. Galvanized Sink, 18x24-inch, with Iron Wall Brackets, .$4.50 No. 278. Folding HAitnwooD Siielk, 18x20-inch, on Folding Iron Brackets, 4.00 NON-FmCTION. No. 181. .Jap;iniiecl, with bevelled square end latch and striker, .$2.50 No. 183 With Polished Brass outside and Japanned in- side cup handles, latch and striker, .... 3.50 No. 184. With Polished Brass inside and outside cup han- dles, latch and strikers, 4.50 '*»iii)ii ""•"■*»"««rii No. 193. Brass Sliding Stable Door I.atch. liisht Hand, $3.00 " 493. Left Hand, 3.00 Worthley's Shaft Holder. No. 1()4. Rubber Cushioned, $ .50 No. 180. Left Hand Stable Door Lock .$2.00 " 190. Right. (Cut shows Right Hand), . . . 2.00 " 390. All Brass, with Flat or corner strike plate, . 5.50 " 391. Same, without key or cuii, . . . 4.00 Cut shows the Holders arranged on the wall when not in use. No. 2i;2. Bracket, • $ -80 Swinging Bracket, (For the CloUies wringer). I ! I I U 1 1 lU ■^=^ ■K^m lilliEil! i I ! ! K-ijis^ J m\ No. 317. 20 lb. size. §2.25 32 Broad Gauge Iron Works, 53 Elm St., (Between Washington St. and Dock Sq.), Boston. -' I M n "^ "^ '- PAGE PAGE Blanket Brackets, 24 Latches, 31 Bottom Rail, ' . 9 Locks, .... 3^ Box Stall Hinges, 20 Mangers, .... 1-2 Box Stall Latches, 31 Manure Scuttles, 15 Cap Rail, .... 9 Oat Cleaner, 21 Carriage Washer, 29 Oat Tubes, 21 Cesspools, 14 Overhead Safety Hitches, . 18 Cesspool Cover and Rim, 15 Plans, .... 7, 8, 12 16, 17 Channel Gutters, 5 Pole Brackets, . 25 Cistern Covers, 30 Posts, .... 13 Cow Fittings, 26-27 Riding Saddle Brackets, 23 Cow Stalls, 26-27 Salt Boxes, 24 Door Fenders, 20 Scuttles, .... 15 Feeders, .... 18 Shaft Holder, . 31 Fire House Fittings, . 30 Sink for Harness Room, 31 Floors, 6, 12 Sponge Racks, . 24 Footing, 9 Stall Cleaner, 24 Grain Shutes and Hoppers, 21 Stall Floors, 6, 12 Guard, 9-10 Stall Guards, 9-10 Gutter Hinges, . 8 Stall Gutters, ■ 4-5 Gutters, 4,5 Stall Posts . 13 Harness Brackets, . 22-23 Vanes, 13 Harness Hooks, 23-24 Ventilators. 25 Harness Pins, 23 Washer (carriage). 29 Harness Sink, 31 Water Troughs, II Hay Racks, 3 Wheel Guards, . 20 Hinges, 20 Whip Racks. 22 Hitching Rings, 22 Window Guards, • 18,25 Ho.se Rack, 25 Wringer Bracket, 31 Implement Hooks, 24 Webster Family Library of Veterinary Medicine Cummings Schoc! of Veterinary Medicine at Tufts Univ.:::.' . 200 WesiDoro Boad North Grafton, MA 01536 ^>>tf^-^> Mmm^- +/ii o PRONG FASTENER BINDER DOUBLE HINGE 1 :.rum' PRONG FASTENER L REFER JO NUMBER 448-15 'n4' !- ■■'^■p;. V^^PmB^W^^^KiW! vL Jt ""- « W'B'/