■mi TUFTS UNIVERSITY LIBRARIES Webster Family Library of Veterinary Medicine Cummlngs School of Veterinary ft/ledtcine a! Tufts University 200 Westboro Road North Grafton, MA 01536 ANNULLING- ALL PREVIOUS LISTS. Edward E. Bradley, President. Erastus A. Doolittle, Secreian. PRICK LIST 2sro. ^^. J^leu/ Ha\/e9 U/^^eel Co. MANUFACTURERS OF Usual StyleSi Englisli Sharp Edge, Sarven Patent, Warner Patent, Patent Banded Hub and Fire Dejjartment Wheels, — ALSO — American Axle and Wheel Co's Patent Axle and WJieel, NEW HAVEN, CONN., U. S. A. 18S9. SECOND GROWTH EASTERN TIMBER A Specialty in our Manufactures. DEIA-LERS IN Miller's Patent, Steele's Patent, Half Patent and other Axles. y^H:EJEijS OF JlLL sizbs tired — AND — Axle Boxes accurately set in Hubs whenever desired. GONTEISTTS. Page. Usual Styles Wheels, ...... 7 Sulky Wheels, ....... 7 Sarven Patent Wheels, ...... 9 Warner Patent Wheels, ...... 11 Kenney Patent Banded Hub Wheels, .... 12 Patent Back Bands for Hubs, . . - . . 13 Spokes, Rims and Hubs, ...... 14 Ironing (Tiring, Boxing, etc.), ..... 15 American Axle and Wheel Co.'s Patent Axle and Wheel, 1 6-19 Axles (Half Patent), . . . . 20 Axles (Miller's Patent), ...... 21 Axles, Half Patent Collinge Collar, 22 Axles (Steele's Patent), ...... 23 TUTTLE, MOREHOUSE & TAYLOR, PRINTERS. EST-A-BXjISHEID 184:5. New Haven Wheel Company. TO OUR PATRONS: AVe take pleasure in presenting the trade with our 1889 Price List herewith and trust it will be found entirely satisfactory. No changes to speak of have been made in the prices of goods here- tofore qvioted. A few more sizes of wheels have been added this year, also a new axle and wheel which are mentioned more particularly below. We never felt better prepared to serve our customers in every department of our business than at present. It will be our constant and utmost endeavor in the future, as in the past, to give our customers perfect satisfaction ; and the added improve- ments which the experience of nearly forty-five years in the business has suggested, give us faith to believe that our success in so doing is beyond experiment. We have now on hand a very large stock of seasoned second growth Hickory and White Oak, and with the best modern machinery and long experience in the business feel that we are enabled to furnish the best ivheels made for the prices charged. We challenge a comparison, at equal cost, with any and all other makes of wheels, for style, durability and strength. We desire to call particular attention to our light wheels. They are all made of pure second growth Hickory spokes and rims and Elm hubs, carefully seasoned and put together, nicely finished and the prices for them will be found very reasonable. It seems hardly necessary for us to especially notice our unpatented styles of Wheels, which include English, and Common styles, they being so thoroughly well known already. A steadily increasing trade from 1845 down to the present time attests the care we take with them, and their consequent value. It is our intention, and will be our constant endeavor in the future, to excel in these lines of work. We make but two qualities ("Extra" and "No. 1") of Wheels having Sharp Edged (English Style) Spokes. Of the usual styles Wood Hub Wheels, we make four qualities, viz : Extra, No. 1, No. 2, and No. 3. We have very desirable Spoke Patterns, etc., for light wheels for road wagons and other light driving vehicles. We ask a special trial for these, believing them to be the most stylish and durable wheels of the kind made. NEW HAVEN WHEEL COMPANY. We make four grades of the light sizes of the genuine "Sarven" Wheel, designated A, B, C and D respectively. We shall continue to pay special attention to the first class (A) Sarven Wheel, which has been adjudged by the public, after more than thirty years' use, the best patent wheel made. The lower grades are made in order to supply the constant demand for good durable wheels at mod- erate prices. As such we confidently recommend them. We also make four qualities of the Warner Patent Wheel, designated XXXX, XXX, XX and X respectively. This wheel has now been before the trade for some twenty years, and has been accepted and approved on its merits. It is a favorite wheel, very reliable, and its use is quite widely extended. Of the Kenney Patent Banded Hub Wheels we also make four qualities of the light sizes, designated XXXX, XXX, XX and X respectively. This excellent wheel has been thoroughly tried, is very popular and continues to grow in public favor. During the jjast four years we have manufactured the wheels sold by the American Axle and Wheel Company of New York, and through this experience have carefully observed the growth and character of their trade. The great merit both in their axle and wheel, as well as theu- superior lubricating device, have led us to arrange with that company to offer their goods to our trade, which we do in this issue. They make but one grade of these goods, and that strictly the best. For the purpose of meeting a demand both at home and abroad, and especially in those places where properly skilled labor, pertaining to this branch of business, is not readily attainable, we some years ago added to our wheel business the tiring, boxing and banding of wheels ; also the furnishing of axles. Our customers are thereby enabled to procure their wheels simply finished in the wood, or to procure them tired, or tired, banded and boxed, and with any usual style or make of axles they desire. This department is gieatly appreciated by many of our customers, who use it frequently and find it of great convenience and advantage. We ask a fair trial for al! our work. Thanking our many friends and customers for generous favors in the past and trusting to receive and merit such in the future, we remain, with great respect. NEW HAVEN WHEEL CO. New Haven, Conn., U. S. A. January 1st, 1889. NEW HAVEN WHEEL COMPANY. N. B. — The price of Screwing or Riveting rims of all styles of wheels is given on page 7, and is governed always by the width of treads Be particular to give all dimensions possible when ordering wheels, as all omissions will be supplied by us, and customers must take the risk of their being right. No wheels warranted unless length of tenon is greater than width of spoke at shoulder after hubs are cut out for axle boxes. Printed blanks or blank books for ordering wheels furnished on appli- cation. MAXIMUM SIZES. If height of wheels (all styles) exceeds 4 feet front and 4 feet 8 inches back, on sets, or 4 feet 4 inches on pairs, they will be subject to an addi- tional charge of 50 cents per inch per wheel for all such excess. If width of tread exceeds width of spokes at hub an extra charge may be made. If Depth of Rims exceeds the following an extra charge may be made. f to li in. spoke-wheels inclusive, not more than ^ in. deeper than spoke is wide l|tol| " " " " I " lfto2J " " " " i " 2fto3 " " " " f " Common or usual Style Wood Hub Wheel. Sarven" Patent Wheel. NEW HAVEN WHEEL COMPANY. Section showing Usual Style Wood Hub Wheel. Usual (New York) Style Wheels at $15,00, $13.00, $9.50, and $7.00 per set. NEW HAVEN WHEEL COMPANY. Not Patented Wheels. Be particular to give quality, also height and all other dimensions possible. Usual Sttlb Wood Hub Wheels. Shakp Edge Spokrs, English Style. Extra. No.l. No. 2. No. 3. Extra. No.l. With li in. Spokes and under. $15.00 $12.00 $ 9.50 $ 7.00 $16.00 $13.00 " IfV and li in. Spokes. 16.00 18.00 10.00 8.00 17.00 14.00 " 1^ 16.50 13.50 11.00 8.50 17.50 14.50 " If 17.90 14.00 12.00 9.00 18.00 15.00 " 4 18.00 15.00 12.50 9.50 19.00 16.00 " H 19.00 16.00 13.00 10.00 20.00 17.00 " 4 20.50 17.50 14.00 10.50 21.50 18.50 " If 22.00 19.00 15.00 11.00 23.00 20.00 " 4 23.50 20.00 16.00 12.00 24.50 21.00 - u 25.00 21.00 17.00 13.00 26.00 22.00 " u 28.00 24.00 20.00 15.00 29.00 25.00 " 2 30.00 26.00 22.00 18.00 31.00 27.00 " 2i 33.00 29.00 25.00 21.00 34.00 30.00 " H 38.00 33.00 29.00 25.00 " n 42.00 36.00 32.00 " 3 46.00 40.00 36.00 - 3i 52.00 46.00 42.00 Of Sharp Edge Wheels we make only the two qualities above quoted. Sulky Wheels— Best. SPOKES NOT EXCEEDING 114 INCHES IN WIDTH. tTsual Styles. Warner Patent and Kenney Patent. Sarven Patent. 4 feet 4 4 4 4 4 5 inches high, per pair, $ 9.50 10.50 11.50 12.50 13.50 14.50 15.50 $10.00 11.00 12.00 13.00 14.00 15.00 16.00 $10.50 11.50 12.50 13.50 14.50 15.50 16.50 Second quality Sulky Wheels cost $3.00 per pair less than prices quoted above. We make but two qualities of Sulky Wheels. Size of Spokes in above lists is taken as basis of price. Other sizes should be in proportion, otherwise the wheels will be hable to an extra charge. NEW HAVEN WHEEL COMPANY. Section showing interior of genuine "Sarven" Patent Wheel. Sarven Patent Wheels at $17.00, $14.00, $11.50, and $9.00 per set. NEW HAVEN WHEEL C03IPANY. B — Is the square bed of axle, conforming in shape and size to the common axle. A — Is the neck, its diameter equal to the cornerwise thickness of the bed. O — Is the arm or bearing ; its diameter being considerably greater than the neck. C— Is collar or sand band, of malleable iron, forced upon the neck. Enter- ing between back end of hub and box, as shown, it helps to form the annular recesses "31 and N" to fill with spent grease and exclude sand, grit, etc. J) — Is axle box of best quality gray iron. It is without taper inside and outside and is forced into the malleable iron hub. This box has a flange " e" cast solid inside near its front end and the leather washers '■/ andg" on either side cushion the end of the axle arm and the flange " d" of the nut in either direction. H — Is axle nut of malleable iron, hollow as shown, and screwed into the hollow end of axle arm. I — Is malleable iron cap screwing on end of box, preventing loss of axle nut or escape of lubricant and excluding all dirt or grit. G — Is supply of grease filling hollow of arm. By removing cap I, insert key through ''J" in the nut into socket in piston "P" and turning forward the grease is expelled through "/i" and along groove in top of arm to the bearing. To use oil remove the piston "P" entirely, clean out all grease from the chamber and holes in top and bottom, put on the wheel screw in the nut and with ordinary oiler inject the oil through "j" in nut whence it will run to the bearing. In using oil the leather washers "'/ and gr" should be thick enough to prevent end play but not bind. In using grease the washer or packing shown in the sand collar may be omitted or not, and washers "/ and g" should be free enough to allow a little end play. These axles are made right and left the same as others. The wheels are not, but the caps on front end of hubs are all threaded right hand. Other- wise all corresponding parts in each size are made interchangeable. We prefer and advise but little dish in our wheels. Our spokes are driven quite firm and -wall not draw much in tiring, so do not "draught" the rim too much. Set the axle with very little if any front gather, as the arm is straight. Set the bottom of arms so as to give " plumb spoke" as in other wheels. Do not heat the axles near the collars — give the set in the center. When ready to grease screw out the piston P, carefully clean the same and the grease chamber to get all sand and grit out of the threads ; also the collar, the hub and all parts. Now fill the chamber fidl of grease, screw in the piston 1 inch to IJ inch from the end, far enough to let the axle nut be screwed well home. Put on wheel, screw in the nut securely, insert the key through j and turn forward three or four revolutions, spinning the wheel at same time. It is important to see that the foregoing instructions are complied with. Watch the running carefully the first few days or week, then turn out a Little fresh grease upon the arm, after which every two to four weeks will be often enough to turn out more. Too much will show at the collar. A little care and experience will be your best guides in this. Getting started ofl" all right will be a great saving in the future and afford much satisfaction in all respects. NEW HAVEN WHEEL COMPANY. American Axle and Wheel Company's Patent Axle and Wheel. NEW STYLE. OLD STYLE. The cuts above accurately represent this axle in contrast with one of the ordinary style and of the same size of bed. The relative size and strength is clearly and fairly shown. This axle bed is in all cases the same size and shape as in the common axle, but there all similarity ceases. In the common style the arm, at the collar, where it usually breaks, contains only three-fourths of the metal (76 per cent.) which is in the square of the bed, and at this point it is relatively weaker because of being cut down at a right angle, from which form, the pounding of the wheel causes the metal to crystallize and break, while this axle, beginning some distance back from the arm or bearing, enlarges to a neck with a diameter equal to the cornerwise thickness of the bed, and this neck always and necessarily contains double the metal, and consequently more than double the strength of the common axle-arm, and being made without a square cut shoulder it will never crystalhze or break. NEW HAVEN WHEEL COMPANY. 19 American Axle and Wheel Company's Patent Axle and Wheel. PRICE LIST. N. B.— Only one "Grade" of Goods Made. AXLES. WHEELS. Price List No. Size Diam. Pattern No. No. Spokes Size of per Set. of Bed. of Arm. of Hub. in Hub. Spolies. 10 14 f $50.00 1 f It 19 16 f 50.00 20 14 i 50.00 2 li 29 30 16 14 1 50.00 50.00 3 1 ^ If 39 16 1 50.00 40 14 1* 50.00 4 H If 49 16 H 50.00 50 14 li 55.00 5 li 2i 59 16 li 55.00 „ 60 14 If 60.00 6 It 2i 69 16 If 60.00 70 14 1+ 65.00 7 li 3i 79 16 U 65.00 80 14 If 70.00 8 If 2f 89 16 If 70.00 90 14 If 80.00 9 If 3 99 16 If 80.00 100 14 If 90.00 10 H 3 109 16 If 90.00 110 14 2 100.00 11 2 Sir 119 16 2 100.00 120 14 2i 110.00 12 2i H 129 16 2i 110.00 3f 130 14 3^ 120.00 13 2^ 139 16 3* 120.00 4 140 14 2f 135.00 14 2| 149 16 2f 135.00 150 14 3 150.00 15 3 4i 159 16 3 150.00 N. B.— No extra charge for Coach Bed Axles. N. B.— No Banding, Boring or Boxing is required. Wheels are ready for use, except Tiring. N. B.— No extra charge for Wrenches, Washers or Lubricator. N. B. — For extra-height wheels, for extra-sized rims, and for screws or rivets in rims, the customary extra charge is made. N. B.— Spokes for re-filling, finished ready to drive, may be ordered by '' Pattern No. of Hub." 20 NEW HAVEN WHEEL COMPANY. • Swelled Half Patent Axle. SOLID FACED NUTS. PLAIN OR FAN TAIL BEDS. Bessemer Steel Solid Collar Axles. No. Swelled, Half Patent. Short Bed, . Long Bed, . Wrought Iron Case- Hardened Boxes, extra. i&f 14.25 5.25 1.60 4.25 if&l 4.50 5.75 2.12 iiV&ii 5.00 6.50 n If u 6.00 8.00 7.75 10.25 10.00 13.00 3.70 6.25 8.30 H 12.75 16.25 Coach Beds to IJ, 30 cents ; 1} and larger, 60 cents advance. Best Quality Steel Converted Iron Solid Collar Axles. No. Swelled, Half Patent. Short Bed, , Long Bed, . Wrought Iron Case- Hardened Boxes, extra, *toi il&l 14.25 4.50 5.25 5.75 1.85 2.12 l^&l* 5.00 6.50 .62 u n u If 6.00 8.00 7.75 10.00 10.25 13.00 12.75 16,25 3.70 6.25 8.30 If 16.25 20.25 Coach Beds to IJ, 30 cents ; IJ and larger, 60 cents advance. Medium duality Iron Solid Collar Axles. Swelled, Half Patent. Short Bed, . Long Bed, . ftol n n If n If If 2 $3.13 3.88 3.75 4.63 4.50 5.63 5.75 7.25 7.25 9.50 9.25 12.25 11.75 15.50 15.00 19.50 2i 19.00 24.00 Case-hardening, f to If, 60 cents ; If and larger, $1.12. Coach Shape Beds to IJ, 30 cents ; li and larger, 60 cents advance. Second duality Iron Solid Collar Axles. No. Half Patent. 13 Plain, ) 01 j. -n i 131^ Swelled, 5 Short Bed, % swilled, 1 Long Bed, itol $2.75 3.50 li I li 3.25 4.00 4.13 5.13 1| 5.25 6.75 li 6.75 8.50 If 8.75 10.75 14 11.00 13.25 13.50 16.25 2i 17.00 20.50 Case-hardening, | to If, 60 cents ; 1| and larger, |1.12 additional. Coach Beds, to li, 30 cents ; IJ and larger, 60 cents per set additional. NEW HAVEN WHEEL COMPANY. miller's patent axle. PRICES OF Miller's Patent Axle. SOLID FACED NUTS. PLAIN OR FAN TAIL BEDS. Bessemer Steel Solid Collar Axles. No. Short Bed, . Long Bed, . Wx-ought Iron Case- Hardened Boxes, extra, l&i H&l it&l $4.50 5.50 1.60 4.50 5.50 1.85 4.75 6.00 2.12 ItV&H li If u 5.25 6.75 2.62 6.25 8.25 3.70 8.00 10.50 6.25 10.35 13.25 8.30 H 13.00 16.50 Coach Beds to li, 30 cents ; li and larger, 60 cents advance. Best Quality Steel Converted Iron Solid Collar Axles. No.! 43 Short Bed, . 44 Long Bed, . Wrought Iron Case- Hardened Boxes extra. ftol if&l iiV&H li If li $4.50 5.50 1.85 4.75 6.00 2.12 5.25 6.75 2.62 6.25 8.25 3.70 8.00 10.50 6.25 10.25 13.25 8.30 li If 13.00 16.50 16.50 20.50 Coach Beds to li, 30 cents ; li and larger, 60 cents advance. Medium Quality Iron Solid Collar Axles. No. ftol 45 Short Bed, 46 1 Long Bed, $3.13 3.88 liV & H 3.75 4.63 li 4.50 5.63 If 5.75 7.25 u If 7.25 , 9.25 9,50 12.25 If 2i 11.75 15.00 I 19.00 15.50 19.50 24.00 Case-hardening. | to 1|, 60 cents ; If and larger, $1.12. Coach Shape Beds, f to li, 30 cents ; li and larger, 60 cents advance. NEW HAVEN WHEEL COMPANY. Half Patent CoHinge Collar Axles. Bessemer Steel Solid Collar. No. Inch. i&l i^e & li li If 1* If 71 72 Short Bed Long Bed, Plain or Fan Tail, Wrought Iron C.-H'd Boxes, Extra $6.50 7.50 2.12 i 8.00 9.00 2.62 9.50 10.75 3.70 12.00 13.50 6.25 15.00 16.50 8.30 19.00 20.50 Coach Beds to li", 30 cents ; li" and larger, 60 cents advance. Best QrUality Steel Converted Iron Solid Collar. No. Inch. 73 Short Bed, 74 Long Bed, Plain or Fan Tail, Wrought Iron C.-H'd Boxes, Extra i & 1 i-(V & li li ^6.50 7.50 2.13 8.00 9.00 2.62 9.50 10.75 3.70 1* i n If 12.00 15.00 19.00 13.50 16.50 20.50 6.25 8.30 Coach Beds to U", 30 cents ; li" and larger, 60 cents advance. NEW HAVEN WHEEL COMPANY. Steele's Patent Sand Box Axles. (See cuts on page 24). SOLID FACED NUTS. PLAIN OR FAN TAIL BEDS. Coach Beds to IJ inch, 30 cents ; IJ inch and larger, 60 cents per set, extra. Bessemer Steel. No. Short Beds, Long Beds, I to 4 $4.25 5.00 4.50 5.50 4.75 6.00 n 5.25 7.00 li 8.50 8.50 10.75 u 11.00 13.00 14.00 16.00 Best Quality Steel Converted Iron, Solid Collar. No. |to| 1 li li If li If If 2 2 Short Beds, . Long Beds, $4.50 5.50 4.75 6.00 5.25 7.00 6.38 8.50 8.50 10.75 11.00 13.00 14.00 16.00 17.00 19.75 Second Quality Iron, Solid Collar. No. Short Beds, Long Beds, f tol $3.00 3.75 li li .50 4.25 5.50 If 5.88 7.25 7.38 9.00 If 9.25 11.13 If 11.38 13.50 14.00 17.00 Add to List Price for Case-Hardening, f to If, 60 cents ; If and larger, $1.12 ; Steel Converting, f to If, $1.12 ; If and larger, |2.20. Common, Concord, IWiller's Patent Oil l^ut, Steele's Patent Oil Xnt, Full and Half Collin;?e, Half Patent Collinge Collar, Killam Patent Spring Waslier, Stiver's Long Swell Miller Patent and other styles of Axles furnished when desired. NEW HAVEN WHEEL COMPANY. Steele's Patent Sand Box Axles. ANNULLING- ALL PREVIOUS LISTS. Edward E, Bradley, President. Erastus A. Doolittle, Secretary. PRICE LIST ZSTo. ^^. New Haue9 ^l?^^! Co- MANUFACTURERS OF Usual StyJeSi English Sharif Edge, Sarven I^atent, Warnei' I*atent, Patent Banded Hub and Fire Department Wheels, — ALSO — American Aocle and Wheel Co's Patent Aocle and WJieel, NEW HAVEN, CONN,, U. S. A, 1889. SECOND GRONVTH EASTERN TIMBER A Specialty in our Manufactures. DEAI^ERS IN" Miller's Patent, Steele's Patent, Half Patent and other Axles, y^^HEELS OF JlLL SIZES TIRED — AND — Axle Boxes accurately set in Hubs whenever desired. OOISTTEN-TS. Page. Usual Styles Wheels, ..... . 7 Sulky Wheels, .... . 7 Sarven Patent Wheels, . 9 Warner Patent Wheels, . . 11 Kenney Patent Banded Hub Wheels, . . 12 Patent Back Bands for Hubs, . 13 Spokes, Rims and Hubs, . 14 Ironing (Tiring, Boxing, etc.), . 15 American Axle and Wheel Co.'s Patent Axl E AND Whee L, 16-19 Axles (Half Patent), . 20 Axles (Miller's Patent), . . 21 Axles, Half Patent Collinge Collar, . 22 Axles (Steele's Patent), .... . 23 TUTTLE, MOREHOUSE 4 TAYLOH, PRINTERS. EST-A-BLISHEID 1845. New Haven Wheel Company. TO OUR PATRONS: We take pleasure in presenting the trade with our 1889 Price List herewith and trust it will be found entirely satisfactory. No changes to speak of have been made in the prices of goods here- tofore quoted. A few more sizes of wheels have been added this year, also a new axle and wheel which are mentioned more particularly below. We never felt better prepared to serve our customers in every department of our business than at present. It will be our constant and utmost endeavor in the future, as in the past, to give our customers perfect satisfaction ; and the added improve- ments which the experience of nearly forty-five years in the business has suggested, give us faith to believe that our success in so doing is beyond experiment. We have now on hand a very large stock of seasoned second growth Hickory and White Oak, and with the best modern machinery and long experience in the business feel that we are enabled to furnish the best icheels made for the prices charged. We challenge a comparison, at equal cost, with any and all other makes of wheels, for style, durability and strength. We desire to call particular attention to our light wheels. They are all made of pure second growth Hickory spokes and rims and Elm hubs, carefully seasoned and put together, nicely finished and the prices for them will be found very reasonable. It seems hardly necessary for us to especially notice our unpatented styles of Wheels, which include English, and Common styles, they being so thoroughly well known already. A steadily increasing trade from 1845 down to the present time attests the care we take with them, and their consequent value. It is our intention, and will be our constant endeavor in the future, to excel in these lines of work. We make but two qualities ("Extra" and "No. 1") of Wheels having Sharp Edged (English Style) Spokes. Of the usual styles Wood Hub Wheels, we make four qualities, viz : Extra, No. 1, No. 2, and No. 3. We have very desirable Spoke Patterns, etc., for light wheels for road wagons and other light driving vehicles. We ask a special trial for these, believing them to be the most stylish and durable wheels of the kind made. NEW HAVEN WHEEL COMPANY. We make four grades of the light sizes of the genuine "Sarven" Wheel, designated A, B, C and D respectively. We shall continue to pay special attention to the first class (A) Sarven Wheel, vFhich has been adjudged by the public, after more than thirty years' use, the best patent vtheel made. The lovrer gi-ades are made in order to supply the constant demand for good durable wheels at mod- erate prices. As such we confidently recommend them. We also make four qualities of the Warner Patent Wheel, designated XXXX. XXX, XX and X respectively. This wheel has now been before the trade for some twenty years, and has been accepted and approved on its merits. It is a favorite wheel, very reliable, and its use is quite widely extended. Of the Kenney Patent Banded Hub Wheels we also make four qualities of the light sizes, designated XXXX, XXX, XX and X respectively. This excellent wheel has been thoroughly tried, is very popular and continues to grow in public favor. During the past four years we have manufactured the wheels sold by the American Axle and Wheel Company of New York, and through this experience have carefully observed the growth and character of their trade. The great merit both in their axle and wheel, as well as their superior lubricating device, have led us to arrange with that company to offer their goods to our trade, which we do in this issue. They make but one grade of these goods, and that strictly the best. For the purpose of meeting a demand both at home and abroad, and especially in those places where properly skilled labor, pertaining to this branch of business, is not readily attainable, we some years ago added to our wheel business the tiring, boxing and banding of wheels ; also the furnishing of axles. Our customers are thereby enabled to procure their wheels simply finished in the wood, or to procure them tired, or tired, banded and boxed, and with any usual style or make of axles they desire. This department is greatly appreciated by many of our customers, who use it frequently and find it of great convenience and advantage. W"e ask a fan- trial for all our work. Thanking our many friends and customers for generous favors in the past and trusting to receive and merit such in the future, we remain, with great respect, NEW HAVEN WHEEL CO. New Haven, Conn., U. S. A. January 1st, 1889. NEW HAVEN WHEEL C03IPANY. N. B. — The price of Screwing or Eiveting rims of all styles of wheels is given on page 7, and is governed always by the width of tread. Be particular to give all dimensions possible when ordering wheels, as all omissions will be supplied by us, and customers must take the risk of their being right. No wheels warranted unless length of tenon is greater than width of spoke at shoulder after hubs are cut out for axle boxes. Printed blanks or blank books for ordering wheels furnished on appli- cation. MAXIMUM SIZES. If height of wheels (all styles) exceeds 4 feet front and 4 feet 8 inches back, on sets, or 4 feet 4 inches on pairs, they will be subject to an addi- tional charge of 50 cents per inch per wheel for all such excess. If width of tread exceeds width of spokes at hub an extra charge may be made. If Depth of Rims exceeds the following an extra charge may be made. I to IJ in. spoke-wheels inclusive, not more than i in. deeper than spoke is wide Iftolf " " «' " I " lfto2i " " " " i " 2fto3 " " " " f " Common or usual Style Wood Hub Wheel. Sarven " Patent Wheel. NEW HAVEN WHEEL COMPANY. Section showing Usual Style Wood Hub Wheel. Usual (New York) Style Wheels at $15,00, $12.00, $9.50, and $7.00 per set. NEW HAVEN WHEEL COMPANY. 7 Not Patented Wheels. Be particular to give quality, also height and all other dimensions possible. Usual Style Wood Hub Wheels. Sharp Edgb Spokks, English Style. Extra. No.l. No. 2. No. 3. Extra. No.l. With U in. Spokes and under. $15.00 $12.00 $ 9.50 $ 7.00 $16.00 $13.00 " 1t\ and li in. Spokes. 16.00 13.00 10.00 8.00 17.00 14.00 " lA 16.50 13.50 11.00 8.50 17.50 14.50 " 11 17.00 14.00 12.00 9.00 18.00 15.00 " lA 18.00 15.00 12.50 9.50 19.00 16.00 " li 19.00 16.00 13.00 10.00 20.00 17.00 " h\ 20.50 17.50 14.00 10.50 21.50 18.50 •* 11 22.00 19.00 15.00 11.00 23.00 20.00 " IH 23.50 20.00 16.00 12.00 24.50 21.00 '• i¥ 25.00 21.00 17.00 13.00 26.00 22.00 " li 28.00 24.00 20.00 15.00 29.00 25.00 •' 2^ 30.00 26.00 22.00 18.00 31.00 27.00 " 2i 33.00 29.00 25.00 21.00 34.00 30.00 " s 38.00 33.00 29.00 25.00 " i 42.00 36.00 32.00 " r 46.00 40.00 36.00 " 3i 52.00 46.00 42.00 Of Sharp Edge Wheels we make only the two qualities above quoted. Sulky Wheels Best. SPOKES NOT EXCEEDING 1)^ INCHES Usual Styles. and Sarven Patent. IN WIDTH. Keuney Patent. 4 feet 6 inches high, per pair, . $ 9.50 $10.00 $10.50 4 " 7 ^' ^ ' u^ 10.50 11.00 11.50 4 " 8 11.50 12.00 12.50 4 " 9 12.50 13.00 13.50 4 " 10 13.50 14.00 14.50 4 " 11 " ■ " 14.50 15.00 15.50 5 u 15.50 16.00 16.50 Second quality Sulky Wheels cost $2.00 per pair less than prices quoted above. We make but two qualities of Sulky Wheels. Size of Spokes in above lists is taken as basis of price. Other sizes should be in proportion, otherwise the wheels will be liable to an extra charge. NEW HAVEN WHEEL COMPANY. Section showing interior of genuine "Sarven" Patent Wheel. Sarven Patent Wheels at $17.00, $14.00, $11.50, and $9.00 per set. NEW HAVEN WHEEL COMPANY. ^ — Is the square bed of axle, conforming in shape and size to the common axle. A — Is the neck, its diameter equal to the cornerwise thickness of the bed. Q — Is the arm or bearing ; its diameter being considerably greater than the neck. C— Is collar or sand band, of malleable iron, forced upon the neck. Enter- ing between back end of hub and box, as shown, it helps to form the annular recesses "M and iV" to fill with spent grease and exclude sand, grit, etc. X) — Is axle box of best quality gray iron. It is without taper inside and outside and is forced into the malleable iron hub. This box has a flange " e" cast solid inside near its front end and the leather washers •'/ and 9" on either side cushion the end of the axle arm and the flange "d" of the nut in either direction. J£—ls axle nut of malleable iron, hollow as shown, and screwed into the hollow end of axle arm. J— Is malleable iron cap screwing on end of box, preventing loss of axle nut or escape of lubricant and excluding all dirt or grit.' G — Is supply of grease filling hollow of arm. By removing cap /, insert key through "j" in the nut into socket in piston "P" and turning- forward the grease is expelled through "/«,'" and along groove in top of arm to the bearing. To use oil remove the piston "P" entirely, clean out all grease from the chamber and holes in top and bottom, put on the wheel screw in the nut and with ordinary oiler inject the oil through "J" in nut whence it will nan to the bearing. In using oil the leather washers ''/ and gf" should be thick enough to prevent end play but not bind. In using grease the washer or packing shown in the sand collar may be omitte'd or not, and washers "/ and gf" should be free enough to allow a little end play. These axles are made right and left the same as others. The wheels are not, but the caps on front end of hubs are all threaded right hand. Other- wise all corresponding parts in each size are made interchangeable. We prefer and advise but little dish in our wheels. Our spokes are driven quite firm and will not draw much in tiring, so do not "draught" the rim too much. Set the axle with very little if any front gather, as the arm is straight. Set the bottom of arms so as to give " plumb spoke" as in other wheels. Do not heat the axles ilear the collars — give the set in the center. When ready to grease screw out the piston P, carefully clean the same and the grease chamber to get all sand and grit out of the threads ; also the collar, the hub and all parts. Now fill the chamber full of grease, screw in the piston 1 inch to 1^ inch from the end, far enough to let the axle nut be screwed well home. Put on wheel, screw in the nut securely, insert the key through j and turn forward three or four revolutions, spinning the wheel at same time. It is important to see that the foregoing instructions are complied with. Watch the running carefully the first few days or week, then turn out a little fresh grease upon the arm, after which every two to four weeks will be often enough to turn out more. Too much will show at the collar. A little care and experience will be your best guides in this. Getting started off all right will be a great saving in the future and afford much satisfaction in all respects. 18 NEW HAVEN WHEEL COMPANY. American Axle and Wheel Company's Patent Axle and Wheel. NEW STYLE. OLD STYLE. The cuts above accurately represent this axle in contrast with one of the ordinary style and of the same size of bed. The relative size and strength is clearly and fairly shown. This axle bed is in all cases the same size and shape as in the common axle, bvit there all similarity ceases. In the common style the arm, at the collar, where it usually breaks, contains only three-fourths of the metal (76 per cent.) which is in the square of the bed, and at this point it is relatively weaker because of being cut down at a right angle, from which form, the i)ounding of the wheel causes the metal to crystallize and break, while this axle, beginning some distance back from the arm or bearing, enlarges to a neck with a diameter equal to the cornerwise thickness of the bed, and this neck always and necessarily contains double the metal, and consequently more than double the strength of the common axle-arm, and being made withovit a square cut shoulder it will never crystallize or break. NEW HAVEN WHEEL COMPANY. 19 American Axle and Wheel Company's Patent Axle and Wh eel. PRICE LIST. N. B.— Only one "Grade" of Goods Made. AXLES. WHEELS. Price per Set. List No. Size Diam. Pattern No. No. Spokes size of of Bed. of Ann. of Hub. in Hub. Spokes. 1 g 10 14 f 150.00 t i-t 19 16 i 50.00 3 i 20 14 1 50.00 i n 29 16 1 50.00 3 30 14 1 50.00 1 li 39 16 1 50.00 4 H If 40 14 li 50.00 49 16 H 50.00 5 li 2i 50 14 li 55.00 59 16 li 55.00 6 If 2i 60 14 If 60.00 69 16 If 60.00 ^ H 2i 70 14 H 65.00 ' 79 16 H 65.00 8 If 21 80 14 If 70.00 89 16 If 70.00 9 If 3 90 14 If 80.00 99 16 If 80.00 10 H 3 100 14 H 90.00 109 16 H 90.00 11 2 3i 110 14 2 100.00 119 16 2 100.00 12 2i n 120 14 2i 110.00 129 16 2i 110.00 13 2i 3f 130 14 3i 130.00 139 16 2t 120.00 14 31 4 140 14 n 135.00 149 16 21 135.00 15 3 4i 150 14 3 150.00 159 16 3 150.00 N. B.— No extra charge for Coach Bed Axles. N. B. — No Banding, Boring or Boxing is required. Wheels are \ ready for use, except Tiring. N. B,— No extra charge for Wrenches, Washers or Lubricator. N. B. — For extra-height wheels, for extra-sized ri ms, and for s crews or rivets in rims, the customary extra charge is made. N. B.— Spokes for re-filling, finished ready to drive , may be or dered by "Pattern No. of Hub." NEW HAVEN WHEEL COMPANY. Swelled Half Patent Axle. SOLID FACED NUTS. PLAIN OR FAN TAIL BEDS. Bessemer Steel Solid Collar Axles. No. Swelled, Half Patent. Short Bed, . Long Bed, . Wrought Iron Case- Hardened Boxes, extra, i&i il&l if&l IrV&H li If li $4.25 5.25 4.25 5.25 4.50 5.75 5.00 6.50 6.00 7.75 8.00 1 10.25 10.00 13.00 1.60 1.85 2.12 2.62 3.70 6.25 8.30 If 12.75 16.25 Coach Beds to IJ, 30 cents ; li^ and larger, 60 cents advance. Best Quality Steel Converted Iron Solid Collar Axles. No. Swelled, Half Patent. 15i Short Bed, . 8i Long Bed, . Wrought Iron Case- Hardened Boxes, extra, ftoi 14.25 5.25 1.85 it&l lA&H n 1| H If 4.50 5.75 5.00 6.50 6.00 8.00 7.75 10.25 10.00 13.00 12.75 16.25 2.12 2.62 3.70 6.25 8.30 If 16.25 20.35 Coach Beds to IJ, 30 cents ; IJ and larger, 60 cents advance. Medium Quality Iron Solid Collar Axles. No. 15 Swelled, Half Patent. ftol li Short Bed, . Long Bed, . $3.13 3.75 4.63 li 4.50 5.63 If 5.75 7.25 H 7.25 9.50 If 9.25 12.25 If 11.75 15.50 15.00 19.50 2i 19.00 24.00 Case-hardening, f to If, 60 cents ; If and larger, $1.12. Coach Shape Beds to 1^, 30 cents ; 1^ and larger, 60 cents advance. Second Quality Iron Solid Collar Axles. No. Half Patent. ftol H 3.25 4.13 4.00 5.13 5.25 6.75 u 6.75 8.50 8.75 10.75 If 11.00 13.25 13.50 16.25 3i 17.00 20.50 Case-hardening, f to If, 60 cents ; 1| and larger, $1.12 additional. Coach Beds, to li, 30 cents ; IJ and larger, 60 cents per set additional. NEW HAVEN WHEEL COMPANY. 21 miller's patent axle PRICES OF Miller's Patent Axle. SOLID FACED NUTS. PLAIN OR FAN TAIL BEDS. Bessemer Steel Solid Collar Axles. No. Short Bed, . Long Bed, . Wrought Iron Case- Hardened Boxes, extra, f&l H&i H&i lyV&li $4.50 5.50 1.60 4.50 5.50 1.85 4.75 6.00 2.12 5.25 6.75 2.62 li If li 6.25 8.25 8.00 10.50 10.25 13.25 3.70 6.25 8.30 If 13.00 16.50 Coach Beds to 1^, 30 cents ; \\ and larger, 60 cents advance. Best Quality Steel Converted Iron Solid Collar Axles. No. 43 Short Bed, . 44 Long Bed, . Wrought Iron Case- Hardened Boxes extra, ftoi $4.50 5.50 H&ll ixV&ii 4.75 ^ 5.25 6.00 6.75 2.12 2.62 li 6.25 8.25 3.70 If 8.00 10.50 .25 li 10.25 13.25 8.30 H If 13.00 16.50 16.50 20.50 Coach Beds to \\, 30 cents ; 1^ and larger, 60 cents advance. Medium Quality Iron Solid Collar Axles. n6. 45 Short Bed, 46 Long Bed, ftol $3.13 3.88 liV&H 3.75 4.63 li 4.50 1| 5.75 7.25 H I If 7.25 9.25 9.50 1 12.25 If 2i 11.75 15.00 19.00 15.50 I 19.50 24.00 Case-hardening, | to 1|, 60 cents ; 1| and larger, $1.12. Coach Shape Beds, f to 1^, 30 cents ; li and larger, 60 cents advance. NEW HAVEN WHEEL COMPANY. Half Patent Collinge Collar Axles. Bessemer Steel Solid Collar. No. Inch. Short Bed, Long Bed. Plain or Fan Tail, Wrought Iron C.-H'd Boxes, Extra i&l 1^ & n $6.50 8.00 7.50 9.00 2.12 i 2.62 I n .50 If 12.00 10.75 13.50 3.70 6.25 n 15.00 16.50 8.30 H 19.00 20.50 Coach Beds to IJ", 80 cents ; IJ" and larger, 60 cents advance. Best Quality Steel Converted Iron Solid Collar- No. Inch. I&l He & H u If u If 73 Short Bed, 74 [Long Bed, Plain or Fan Tail, Wrought Iron C.-H'd Boxes, Extra $6.50 7.50 2.12 8.00 9.00 2.62 9.50 10.75 3.70 12.00 15.00 13.50 16.50 6.25 8.30 19.00 20.50 Coach Beds to IJ", 30 cents ; li" and larger, 60 cents advance. NEW HAVEN WHEEL COMPANY. 23 Steele's Patent Sand Box Axles. (See cuts on page 24). SOLID FACED NUTS. PLAIN OR FAN TAIL BEDS. Coach Beds to U inch, 30 cents ; IJ inch and larger, 60 cents per set, extra. Bessemer Steel. No. Short Beds, Long Beds, ftof i \ 1 li U If li $4.25 5.00 4.50 4.75 5.50 6.00 5.25 7.00 6.38 8.50 8.50 10.75 11.00 13.00 14.00 16.00 Best Quality Steel Converted Iron, Solid Collar. No. f to| 1 H li If li H If 2 2 Short Beds, . Long Beds, $4.50 5.50 4.75 6.00 5.25 7.00 6.38 8.50 8.50 10.75 11.00 13.00 14.00 16.00 17.00 19.75 Second duality Iron, Solid Collar. No. f tol li li 11 li 1| If 2 1 1 Short Beds, . Long Beds, . $3.00 3.75 3.50 4.25 4.38 5.50 5.88 7.25 7.38 9.00 9.25 11.13 11.38 13.50 14.00 17.00 Add to List Price for Case-Hardening, f to If, 60 cents ; If and larger, .$1.12 Steel Converting, f to If, $1.12 ; If and larger, |2.20. Coinniou, Concord, Miller's Patent Oil Xut, Steele's Patent Oil Nnt, Fnll and Half Collinj^e, Half Patent Colling^e Collar, Killarn Patent Spring Washer, Stiver's Long Swell iniller Patent and other styles of Axles furnished when desired. NEW HAVEN WHEEL COMPANY. Steele's Patent Sand Box Axles. ANNULLING ALL PREVIOUS LISTS. Edward E. Bradley, President, ErasTUS a. Doolittle, Secretary. PRICE LIST 3^0. ^^. JNew Hauep U/l^eel Co. MANUFACTURERS OF Usual Styles^ English Sharp Edge, Sarven latent, Warner latent, Patent Banded Hub and Fire Department Wlieels, — ALSO — American Axle and Wheel Co^s Patent Axle and Wheel, NEW HAVEN, CONN., U. S. A. 188©. SECOND GROWTH BASTERN TIMBER A Specialty in our Manufactures. DEAI^ERS IN Miller's Patent, Steele's Patent, Half Patent and other Axles. WHJEELS OF ALL SIZES TIRLD — AND — Axle Boxes accurately set in Hubs whenever desired. OOlsTTEnSTTS. Usual Styles Wheels, ...... Pa&e. 7 Sulky Wheels, ....... . 7 Sarven Patent Wheels, ...... 9 Warner Patent Wheels, ...... 11 Kenney Patent Banded Hub Wheels, .... 13 Patent Back Bands for Hubs, . . - . . 13 Spokes, Rims and Hubs, ...... 14 Ironing (Tiring, Boxing, etc.), ..... 15 American Axle and Wheel Co.'s Patent Axle and Wheel, 1 6-19 Axles (Half Patent), ...... 20 Axles (Miller's Patent), ...... 31 Axles, Half Patent Collinge Collar, 22 Axles (Steele's Patent), ...... 33 TUTTLE, MOREHOUSE & TAYLOR, PRINTERS. EST^^BLISHEZD 1845. New Haven Wheel Company. TO OUR PATRONS: We take pleasure in presenting the trade with our 1889 Price List herewith and trust it will be found entirely satisfactory. No changes to speak of have been made in the prices of goods here- tofore quoted. A few more sizes of wheels have been added this year, also a new axle and wheel which are mentioned more particularly below. We never felt better prepared to serve our customers in every department of our business than at present. It wUl be our constant and utmost endeavor in the future, as in the past, to give our customers perfect satisfaction ; and the added improve- ments which the experience of nearly forty-five years in the business has suggested, give us faith to believe that our success in so doing is beyond experiment. We have now on hand a very large stock of seasoned second growth Hickory and White Oak, and with the best modern machinery and long experience in the business feel that we are enabled to furnish the best wheels made for the prices charged. We challenge a comparison, at equal cost, with any and all other makes of wheels, for style, durability and strength. We desire to call particular attention to our light wheels. They are all made of pure second growth Hickory spokes and rims and Elm hubs, carefully seasoned and put together, nicely finished and the prices for them will be found very reasonable. It seems hardly necessary for us to especially notice our unpatented styles of Wheels, which include English, and Common styles, they being so thoroughly well known already. A steadily increasing trade from 1845 down to the present time attests the care we take with them, and their consequent value. It is our intention, and will be our constant endeavor in the future, to excel in these lines of work. We make but two qualities ("Extra" and "No. 1") of Wheels having Sharp Edged (English Style) Spokes. Of the usual styles Wood Hub Wheels, we make four qualities, viz : Extra, No. 1, No. 2, and No. 3. We have very desirable Spoke Patterns, etc., for light wheels for road wagons and other light driving vehicles. We ask a special trial for these, believing them to be the most stylish and durable wheels of the kind made. NEW HAVEN WHEEL C03IPANY. We make fovir grades of the light sizes of the genuine "Sarven" Wheel, designated A, B, C and D respectively. We shall continue to pay special attention to the first class (A) Sarven Wheel, which has been adjudged by the public, after more than thirty years' use, the best patent wheel made. The lower grades are made in order to supply the constant demand for good durable wheels at mod- erate prices. As such we confidently recommend them. We also make four qualities of the Warner Patent Wheel, designated XXXX, XXX, XX and X respectively. This wheel has now been before the trade for some twenty years, and has been accepted and approved on its merits. It is a favorite wheel, very reliable, and its use is quite widely extended. Of the Kenney Patent Banded Hub Wheels we also make four qualities of the light sizes, designated XXXX, XXX, XX and X respectively. This excellent wheel has been thoroughly tried, is very popular and continues to grow in public favor. During the past four years we have manufactured the wheels sold by the American Axle and Wheel Company of New York, and through this experience have carefully observed the growth and character of their trade. The great merit both in their axle and wheel, as well as their superior lubricating device, have led us to arrange with that company to offer their goods to our trade, which we do in this issue. They make but one grade of these goods, and that strictly the best. For the purpose of meeting a demand both at home and abroad, and especially in those places where properly skilled labor, pertaining to this branch of business, is not readily attainable, we some years ago added to our wheel business the tiring, boxing and banding of wheels; also the furnishing of axles. Our customers are thereby enabled to procure their wheels simply finished in the wood, or to procure them tired, or tired, banded and boxed, and with any usual style or make of axles they desire. This department is greatly appreciated by many of our customers, who use it frequently and find it of great convenience and advantage. We ask a fair trial for all our work. Thanking our many friends and customers for generous favors in the past and trusting to receive and merit such in the future, we remain, with great respect, NEW HAVEN WHEEL CO. New Haven, Conn., U. S. A. January 1st, 1889. NEW HAVEN WHEEL COMPANY. N. B. — The price of Screwing or Riveting rims of all styles of wheels is given on page 7, and is governed always by the ividth of tread. Be particular to give all dimensions possible when ordering wheels, as all omissions will be supplied by us, and customers must take the risk of their being right. No wheels warranted unless length of tenon is greater than width of spoke at shoulder after hubs are cut out for axle boxes. Printed blanks or blank books for ordering wheels furnished on appli- cation. MAXIMUM SIZES. If height of wheels (all styles) exceeds 4 feet front and 4 feet 8 inches back, on sets,/or 4 feet 4 inches on pairs, they will be subject to an addi- tional charge of 50 cents per inch per wheel for all such excess. If width of tread exceeds width of spokes at hub an extra charge may be made. If Depth of Rims exceeds the following an extra charge may be made. I to IJ in. spoke-wheels inclusive, not more than i in. deeper than spoke is wide Iftoll " " " " I " IftoSi " " " " i " " <' . 3fto3 " - " " i " Common or usual Style Wood Hub Wheel. Sarven " Patent Wheel. NEW HAVEN WHEEL COMPANY. Section showing Usual Style Wood Hub Wheel. Usual (New York) Style Wheels at $15,00, $12.00, $9.50, and $7.00 per set. NEW HAVEN WHEEL COMPANY. Not Patented Wheels. Be particular to give quality, also height and all other dimensions possible. Usual Style "Wood Hub Wheels. Sharp Edge Spokks, English Style. Extra. No. 1. No. 2. No. 3. Extra. No.l. With li in. Spokes and under. $15.00 $12.00 $ 9.50 $ 7.00 $16.00 $13.00 " 1t\ and U in. Spokes. 16.00 13.00 10.00 8.00 17.00 14.00 " iS 16.50 13.50 11.00 8.50 17.50 14.50 " If 17.00 14.00 12.00 9.00 18.00 15.00 " 4 18.00 15.00 12.50 9.50 19.00 16.00 - il 19.00 16.00 13.00 10.00 20.00 17.00 " u% 20.50 17.50 14.00 10.50 21.50 18.50 " l{ 22.00 19.00 15.00 11.00 23.00 20.00 " IH 23.50 20.00 16.00 12.00 24.50 21.00 '• if 25.00 21.00 17.00 13.00 26.00 22.00 " H 28.00 24.00 20.00 15.00 29.00 25.00 •' 2 30.00 26.00 22.00 18.00 31.00 27.00 " 2i 33.00 29.00 25.00 21.00 34.00 30.00 " 3 38.00 33.00 29.00 25.00 " s 42.00 36.00 32.00 - 8 46.00 40.00 36.00 " 3i 52.00 46.00 42.00 Of Sharp Edge Wheels we make only the two qualities above quoted. Sulky Wheels— Best. SPOKES NOT EXCEEDING IJ^ INCHES IN WIDTH. Usual Styles. Warner Patent and Keuney Patent. Sarven Patent. 4 feet 6 inches high, per pair, 4 " 7 " $ 9.50 10.50 $10.00 11.00 $10.50 11.50 4 " 8 11.50 12.00 12.50 4 " 9 12.50 13.00 13.50 4 " 10 13.50 14.00 14.50 4 " 11 14.50 15.00 15.50 15.50 16.00 16.50 Second quality Sulky Wheels cost $2.00 per pair less than prices quoted above. We make but tw-o qualities of Sulky Wheels. Size of Spokes in above lists is taken as basis of price. Other sizes should be in proportion, otherwise the wheels will be liable to an extra charge. NEW HAVEN WHEEL COMPANY. Section showing intei'ior of genuine "Sarven"' Patent Wheel. Sarven Patent Wheels at $17.00, $14.00, $11.50, and $9.00 per^et. NEW HAVEN WHEEL COMPANY. B — Is the square bed of axle, conforming in shape and size to the common axle. A — Is the neck, its diameter equal to the cornerwise thickness of the bed. O — Is the arm or bearing ; its diameter being considerably greater than the neck. C — Is collar or sand band, of malleable iron, forced upon the neck. Enter- ing between back end of hub and box, as shown, it helps to form the annular recesses "31 and iV" to fill with spent grease and exclude sand, grit, etc. X> — Is axle box of best quality gray iron. It is without taper inside and outside and is forced into the malleable iron hub. This box has a flange " e" cast solid inside near its front end and the leather washers "/ andgt" on either side cushion the end of the axle arm and the flange "d" of the nut in either direction. H — Is axle nut of malleable iron, hollow as shown, and screwed into the hollow end of axle arm. I — Is malleable iron cap screwing on end of box, preventing loss of axle nut or escape of lubricant and excluding all dirt or grit. G — Is supply of grease filling hollow of arm. By removing cap I, insert key through "j" in the nut into socket in piston "P" and turning forward the grease is expelled through "/«-" and along groove in top of arm to the bearing. To use oil remove the piston "P" entirely, clean out all grease from the chamber and holes in top and bottom, put on the wheel screw in the nut and with ordinary oiler inject the oil throiigh "j" in nut whence it will run to the bearing. In using oil the leather washers "/ and g" should be thick enough to prevent end play but not bind. In using grease the washer or packing shown in the sand collar may be omitted or not, and washers "/ and g" should be free enough to allow a little end play. These axles are made right and left the same as others. The wheels are not, but the caps on front end of hubs are all threaded right hand. Other- wise all corresponding parts in each size are made interchangeable. We prefer and advise but little dish in our wheels. Our spokes are driven quite firm and will not draw much in tiring, so do not "draught" the rim too much. Set the axle with very little if any front gather, as the arm is straight. Set the bottom of arms so as to give "plumb spoke" as in other wheels. Do not heat the axles near the collars — give the set in the center. When ready to grease screw out the piston P, carefully clean the same and the grease chamber to get all sand and grit out of the threads ; also the collar, the hub and all parts. Now fill the chamber full of grease, screw in the piston 1 inch to 1^ inch from the end, far enough to let the axle nut be screwed weU home. Put on wheel, screw in the nut securely, insert the key through j and turn forward three or four revolutions, spinning the wheel at same time. It is important to see that the foregoing instructions are complied with. Watch the running carefully the first few days or week, then turn out a little fresh grease upon the arm. after which every two to four weeks will be often enough to turn out more. Too much will show at the collar. A little care and experience will be your best guides in this. Getting started off all right will be a great saving in the future and afford much satisfaction in all respects. NEW HAVEN WHEEL COMPANY. American Axle and Wheel Company's Patent Axle and Wheel. NEW STYLE. OLD STYLE. The cuts above accurately represent this axle in contrast with one of the ordinary style and of the same size of bed. The relative size and strength is clearly and fairly shown. This axle bed is in all cases the same size and shape as in the common axle, but there all similarity ceases. In the common style the ar7n, at the collar, where it usually breaks, contains only three-fourths of the metal (76 per cent.) which is in the square of the bed, and at this point it is relatively weaker because of being cut down at a right angle, from wliich form, the pounding of the wheel causes the metal to crystallize and break, while this axle, beginning some distance back from the arm or bearing, enlarges to a neck with a diameter equal to the cornerwise thickness of the bed, and this neck always and necessarily contains double the metal, and consequently more than double the strength of the common axle-arm, and being made without a square cut shoulder it will never crystallize or break. NEW HAVEN WHEEL COMPANY. 19 American Axle and Wheel Company's Patent Axle and Wheel. PRICE LIST. N. B.— Only one "Grade" of Goods Made. AXLES. WHEELS. Price per Set. List No. Size Diam. Pattern No. - No. Spokes Size of of Bed. of Arm. of Hub. in Hub. Spokes. 1 u 10 f $50.00 19 s 50.00 2 1 20 i 50.00 1+ 29 i 50.00 3 If 30 1 50.00 39 1 50.00 4 40 li 50.00 If 49 H 50.00 5 50 H 55.00 2i 59 H 55.00 6 2i 60 If 60.00 69 i| 60.00 2i 70 U 65.00 ( 79 H 65.00 8 2f 80 If 70.00 89 H 70.00 9 3 90 14 If 80.00 99 If 80.00 10 3 100 n 90.00 109 H 90.00 11 3i 110 2 100.00 "^ 119 2 100.00 12 2i H 120 2J 110.00 129 2i 110.00 13 2i 3f 130 139 16 2i 2* 120.00 120.00 14 31 4 140 14 2f 135.00 149 16 21 135.00 15 3 4i 150 14 3 150.00 159 16 3 150.00 N. B.— No extra charge for Coach Bed Axles. N. B.— No Banding, Boring or Boxing is required. Wheels are ready for use, except Tiring. N. B. — No extra charge for Wrenches, Washers or Lubricator. N. B. — For extra-height wheels, for extra-sized rims, and for screws or rivets in rims, the customary extra charge is made. N. B.— Spokes for re-filling, finished ready to drive, may be ordered by "Pattern No. of Hub." NEW HAVEN WHEEL COMPANY. Swelled Half Patent Axle. SOLID FACED NUTS. PLAIN OR FAN TAIL BEDS. Bessemer Steel Solid Collar Axles. Swelled, Half Patent. Short Bed, . Long Bed, . Wrought Iron Case- Hardened Boxes, extra. i&i $4.25 5.25 {i&i 4.25 5.25 1.85 n&i 4.50 5.75 2.12 IrV&li 5.00 6.50 2.62 n If u ).00 J.OO 7.75 10.25 10.00 13.00 5.70 6.25 8.30 If 12.75 16.25 Coach Beds to li, 30 cents ; li and larger, 60 cents advance. Best Quality Steel Converted Iron Solid Collar Axles. No. Swelled, Half Patent. Short Bed, . Long Bed, . Wrought Iron Case- Hardened Boxes, extra. ftol $4.25 5.25 il&l lA&li li If 1* 4.50 5.75 5.00 6.50 6.00 8.00 7.75 10.00 10.25 1 13.00 1.85 2.12 2.62 3.70 6.25 8.30 If 12.75 16.25 16.25 20.25 Coach Beds to IJ, 30 cents ; li and larger, 60 cents advance. Medium duality Iron Solid Collar Axles. No. Swelled, Half Patent. ftol Short Bed, Long Bed, I $3.13 3.88 H li n n If If 2 3.75 4.63 4.50 5.63 5.75 7.25 7.25 9.50 9.25 12.25 11.75 15.50 15.00 19.50 2i 19.00 24.00 Case-hardening, f to If, 60 cents ; If and larger, $1.13. Coach Shape Beds to IJ, 30 cents ; li and larger, 60 cents advance. Second Quality Iron Solid Collar Axles. No. Half Patent. 13 Plain, } 1S}4 Swelled, j 6 Plain, } 6}^ Swelled, S Short Bed, Long Bed, Itol $2.75 3.50 H 3.25 4.13 li 4.00 5.13 5.25 6.75 li 6.75 8.50 If 8.75 10.75 If 11.00 13.25 13.50 16.25 3i 17.00 20.50 Case-hardening, f to If, 60 cents ; If and larger, $1.12 additional. Coach Beds, to li, 30 cents ; li and larger, 60 cents per set additional. NEW HAVEN WHEEL COMPANY. miTjLer's patent axi PRICES OF Miller's Patent Axle. SOLID FACED NUTS. PLAIN OR FAN TAIL BEDS. Eessemer Steel Solid Collar Axles. No. I&l Short Bed, . . . $4.50 Long Bed, . . . j 5.50 Wrought Iron Case- 1 Hardened Boxes, extra, 1.60 4.50 5.50 1.85 tl&l IxV&li 4.75 5.25 6.00 6.75 2.12 2.62 n 6.25 8.25 .70 8.00 10.50 .25 u 10.25 13.25 If 13.00 .16.50 Coach Beds to IJ, 30 cents ; li and larger, 60 cents advance. Best Quality Steel Converted Iron Solid Collar Axles. No. 48 Short Bed, . 44 Long Bed, . Wrought Iron Case- Hardened Boxes extra. itol if&l IxV&li li If n $4.50 5.50 1.85 4.75 6.00 2.12 5.25 6.75 2.62 6.25 8.25 3.70 8.00 10.50 6.25 10.25 13.25 8.30 n If 13.00 16.50 16.50 20.50 Coach Beds to 1 J, 30 cents ; IJ and larger, 60 cents advance. Medium Quality Iron Solid Collar Axles. No. 45 Short Bed, 46 Long Bed, ftol liV&H H It u If If 3 13.13 3.88 3.75 4.63 4.50 5.63 5.75 7.25 7.25 9.50 9.25 12.25 11.75 15.50 15.00 19.50 19.00 24.00 Case-hardening, f to If, 60 cents ; If and larger, $1.12. Coach Shape Beds, f to IJ, 30 cents ; 1^ and larger, 60 cents advance. NEW HAVEN WHEEL COMPANY. Half Patent Collinge Collar Axles. Bessemer Steel Solid Collar. No. Inch. Short Bed Long Bed, Plain or Fan Tail, Wrought Iron C.-H'd Boxes, Extra 1 & 1 Ue & li $6.50 ! 8.00 7.50 9.00 2.12 2.62 li If 9.50 I 12.00 10.75 13.50 3.70 I 6.25 li 15.00 16.50 8.30 H 19.00 20.50 Coach Beds to li", 30 cents ; li" and larger, 60 cents advance. Best Quality Steel Converted Iron Solid Collar- No. Inch. l&l Hs & H li $6.50 7.50 2.12 8.00 9.00 3.62 9.50 10.75 3.70 i| i u n 73 Short Bed, 74 Long Bed, Plain or Fan Tail, Wrought Iron C.-H'd Boxes, Extra 12.00 15.00 13.50 16.50 6.25 8.30 19.00 20.50 Coach Beds to li", 30 cents ; li" and larger, 60 cents advance. NEW HAVEN WHEEL C03IPANY. Steele's Patent Sand Box Axles. (See cuts on page 24). SOLID FACED NUTS. PLAIN OR FAN TAIL BEDS. Coach Beds to li inch, 30 cents ; 1^ inch and larger, 60 cents per set, extra. Bessemer Steel. No. Short Beds, Long Beds, ftof i 1 li li If U $4.25 5.00 4.50 5.50 4.75 6.00 5.35 7.00 6.38 •8.50 8.50 10.75 11.00 13.00 If 14.00 16.00 Best Quality Steel Converted Iron, Solid Collar. No. ftof 1 H li If U If If 2 2 Short Beds, . Long Beds, $4.50 5.50 4.75 6.00 5.25 7.00 6.88 8.50 8.50 10.75 11.00 13.00 14.00 16.00 17.00 19.75 Second Quality Iron, Solid Collar. No. Short Beds, Long Beds, f tol If li If u If If $3.00 3.75 3.50 4.38 4.25 5.50 5.88 7.25 7.38 9.00 9.25 11.13 11.38 13.50 14.00 17.00 Add to List Price for Case-Hardening, f to 1|, 60 cents ; If and larger, $1.12 : Steel Converting, f to If, $1.12 ; If and larger, $2.20. Common, Concord, Hiller's Patent Oil j\ut, Steele's Patent Oil x\ut, Full and Half Collin;?e, Half Patent Collinge Collar, Killam Patent Spring Waslier, Stiver's L.onir Swell Hiller Patent and other styles of Axles furnished ^vlien desired. H NEW HAVEN WHEEL COMPANY. Steele's Patent Sand Box Axles. ANNULLING ALL PREVIOUS LISTS. Edward E. Bradley, President, Erastus A. Doolittle, Secretary. PRICE LIST InTo. ^^. New Hauep U/l7eel Co. MANUFACTURERS OF Usual StyleSi English Siicirp Edge, Sarven Patent^ Warner Patentf Patent landed Hitb and Fire Department Wheels, — ALSO — American Axle and WJieel Co's Patent Axle and WJieel. NEW HAVEN, CONN., U. S. A. 1S89. SECOND GRO^A^TH BASTERN TIMBER A Specialty in our Mmiiifactures. DEALERS IN Miller's Patent, Steele's Patent, Half Patent and other Axles. -V^SJEELS OF JlLL SIZES TIRED — AND — Axle Boxes accurately set in Hubs whenever desired. COISTTEISTTS. Usual Styles Wheels, .... Sulky Wheels, ..... Sarven Patent Wheels, .... Warner Patent Wheels, . . . . Kenney Patent Banded Hub Wheels, . Patent Back Bands for Hubs, Spokes, Rims and Hubs, .... Ironing (Tiring, Boxing, etc.), . American Axle and Wheel Co.'s Patent Axle and Axles (Half Patent), .... Axles (Miller's Patent), .... Axles, Half Patent Collinge Collar, Axles (Steele's Patent), .... Page. 7 11 12 13 14 15 Wheel, 16-19 20 21 TUTTLE, MOREHOUSE i TAYLOR, PRINTERS. EST^^BLISHEID 1845. New Haven Wheel Company. TO OUR PATRONS: We take pleasure in presenting the trade with our 1889 Price List herewith and trust it will be found entirely satisfactory. No changes to speak of have been made in the prices of goods here- tofore quoted. A few more sizes of wheels have been added this year, also a new axle and wheel which are mentioned more particularly below. We never felt better prepared to serve our customers in every department of our business than at present. It will be our constant and utmost endeavor in the future, as in the past, to give our customers perfect satisfaction ; and the added irnprove- ments which the experience of nearly forty-five years in the business has suggested, give us faith to believe that our success in so doing is beyond experiment. We have now on hand a very large stock of seasoned second growth Hickory and White Oak, and with the best modern machinery and long experience in the business feel that we are enabled to furnish the best ivheels made for the prices charged. We challenge a comparison, at equal cost, with any and all other makes of wheels, for style, durability and strength. We desire to call particular attention to our light wheels. They are all made of pure second growth Hickory spokes and rims and Elm hubs, carefully seasoned and put together, nicely finished and the prices for them will be found very reasonable. It seems hardly necessary for us to especially notice our unpatented styles of Wheels, which include English, and Common styles, they being so thoroughly well known already. A steadily increasing trade from 1845 down to the present time attests the care we take with them, and their consequent value. It is our intention, and will be our constant endeavor in the future, to excel in these lines of work. We make but two qualities ("Extra" and "No. 1") of Wheels having Sharp Edged (English Style) Spokes. Of the usual styles Wood Hub Wheels, we make four qualities, viz : Extra, No. 1, No. 2, and No. 3. We have very desirable Spoke Patterns, etc., for light wheels for road wagons and other light driving vehicles. We ask a special trial for these, believing them to be the most stylish and durable wheels of the kind made. NEW HAVEN WHEEL COMPANY We make fom- grades of the light sizes of the genuine "Sarven" Wheel, designated A, B, C and D respectively. We shall continue to pay special attention to the first class (A) Sarven Wheel, which has been adjudged by the public, after more than thirty years' use, the best patent wheel made. The lower grades are made in order to supply the constant demand for good durable wheels at mod- erate prices. As such we confidently recommend them. We also make four qualities of the Warner Patent Wheel, designated XXXX, XXX, XX and X respectively. This wheel has now been before the trade for some twenty years, and has been accepted and approved on its merits. It is a favorite wheel, very reliable, and its use is quite widely extended. Of the Kenney Patent Banded Hub Wheels we also make four qualities of the light sizes, designated XXXX, XXX, XX and X respectively. This excellent wheel has been thoroughly tried, is very popular and continues to grow in public favor. During the past four years we have manufactured the wheels sold by the American Axle and Wheel Company of New York, and through this experience have carefully obsei'ved the growth and character of their trade. The great merit both in then- axle and wheel, as well as their superior lubricating device, have led us to arrange with that company to offer their goods to our trade, which we do in this issue. They make but one grade of these goods, and that strictly the best. For the purpose of meeting a demand both at home and abroad, and especially in those places where properly skilled labor, pertaining to this branch of business, is not readily attainable, we some years ago added to our wheel business the tiring, boxing and banding of wheels ; also the furnishing of axles. Our customers are thereby enabled to procure their wheels simply finished in the wood, or to procure them tired, or tired, banded and boxed, and with any usual style or make of axles they desire. This department is greatly appreciated by many of our customers, who use it frequently and find it of great convenience and advantage. We ask a fair trial for all our work. Thanking our many friends and customers for generous favors in the past and trusting to receive and merit such in the future, we remain, with great respect. NEW HAVEN WHEEL CO. New Haven, Conn., U. S. A. January 1st, 1889. NEW HAVEN WHEEL COMPANY. N. B. — The price of Screwing or Riveting rims of all styles of wheels is given on page 7, and is governed always by the width of tread. Be particular to give all dimensions possible when ordering wheels, as all omissions will be supplied by us, and customers must take the risk of their being right. No wheels warranted unless length of tenon is greater than width of spoke at shoulder after hubs are cut out for axle boxes. Printed blanks or blank books for ordering wheels furnished on appli- cation. MAXIMUM SIZES. If height of wheels (all styles) exceeds 4 feet front and 4 feet 8 inches back, on sets, or 4 feet 4 inches on pairs, they will be subject to an addi- tional charge of 50 cents per inch per wheel for all such excess. If width of tread exceeds width of spokes at hub an extra charge may be made. If Depth of Rims exceeds the following an extra charge may be made. I to 1 J in. spoke- wheels inclusive, not more than ^ in. deeper than spoke is wide iftoii " " " " I " IftoSi " " " " i " 2|to3 " " " " f *' Common or usual Style Wood Hub Wheel. Sarven " Patent Wheel. NEW HAVEN WHEEL COMPANY. Section showing Usual Style Wood Hub Wheel. Usual (New York) Style Wheels at $15,00, $12.00, $9.50, and $7.00 per set. NEW HAVEN WHEEL COMPANY. 7 Not Patented Wheels. Be particular to give quality, also height and all other dimensions possible. TTSTJAL Style Wood Hub Wheels. Sharp Edge Spokes, English Style. Extra. No.l. No. 2. No. 3. Extra. No.l. With li in. Spokes and under. $15.00 $12.00 $ 9.50 $ 7.00 $16.00 $13.00 '• 1t\ and li in. Spokes. 16.00 13.00 10.00 8.00 17.00 14.00 " 1t\ < 16.50 13.50 11.00 8.50 17.50 14.50 " If 17.00 14.00 12.00 9.00 18.00 15.00 '• 4 18.00 15.00 12.50 9.50 19.00 16.00 " H 19.00 16.00 13.00 10.00 20.00 17.00 " Ifv 20.50 17.50 14.00 10.50 21.50 18.50 " If 22.00 19.00 15.00 11.00 23.00 20.00 " Iri 23.50 20.00 16.00 12.00 24.50 21.00 '• If 25.00 21.00 17.00 13.00 26.00 22.00 " li 28.00 24.00 20.00 15.00 29.00 25.00 " 2 ' 30.00 26.00 22.00 18.00 31.00 27.00 " 2i 33.00 29.00 25.00 21.00 34.00 30.00 " n 38.00 33.00 29.00 25.00 " 3 42.00 36.00 32.00 " 3 46.00 40.00 36.00 " 3i 52.00 46.00 42.00 Of Sharp Edge Wheels we make only the two qualities above quoted. Sulky Wheels— Best. Warner Patent \ SPOKES NOT EXCEEDING 1^ INCHES Usual Styles. and ! Sarven Patent. IN WIDTH. Kenney Patent. 4 feet 6 inches liigh, per pair, . $ 9.50 $10.00 $10.50 4 " 7 10.50 11.00 11.50 4 " 8 11.50 12.00 12.50 4 " 9 12.50 13.00 13.50 4 •' 10 13.50 14.00 14.50 4 " 11 14.50 15.00 15.50 5 *' 15.50 16.00 16.50 Second quality Sulky Wheels cost $2.00 per pair less than prices quoted above. We make but two qualities of Sulky Wheels. Size of Spokes in above lists is taken as basis of price. Other sizes should be in proportion, otherwise the wheels will be liable to an extra charge. NEW HAVEN WHEEL COMPANY. Section showing interior of genuine "Sarven"' Patent Wheel. Sarven Patent Wheels at |17.00, $14.00, $11.50, and $9.00 per set. NEW HAVEN WHEEL COMPANY. B — Is the square bed of axle, conforming in shape and size to the common axle. A — Is the neck, its diameter equal to the cornerwise thickness of the bed. O — Is the arm or bearing ; its diameter being considerably greater than the neck. C— Is collar or sand band, of malleable iron, forced upon the neck. Enter- ing between back end of hub and box, as shown, it helps to form the annular recesses "If and N" to fill with spent grease and exclude sand, grit, etc. 1> — Is axle box of best quality gray iron. It is without taper inside and outside and is forced into the malleable iron hub. This box has a flange " e" cast solid inside near its front end and the leather washers "/andgi" on either side cushion the end of the axle arm and the flange "d" of the nut in either direction. -H^— Is axle nut of malleable iron, hollow as shown, and screwed into the hollow end of axle arm. I — Is malleable iron cap screwing on end of box, preventing loss of axle nut or escape of lubricant and excluding all dirt or grit. G — Is supply of grease filling hollow of arm. By removing cap I, insert key through "j" in the nut into socket in piston "P" and turning forward the grease is expelled through "7i'' and along groove in top of arm to the bearing. To use oil remove the piston "P" entirely, clean out all grease from the chamber and holes in top and bottom, put on the wheel screw in the nut and with ordinary oiler inject the oil through "J" in nut whence it will run to tlie bearing. In using oil the leather washers "/ and gr" should be thick enough to prevent end play but not bind. In using grease the washer or packing shown in the sand collar may be omitted or not, and washers "/ and g" should be free enough to allow a little end play. These axles are made right and left the same as others. The wheels are not, but the caps on front end of hubs are all threaded right hand. Other- wise all corresponding parts in each size are made interchangeable. We prefer and advise but little dish in our wheels. Our spokes are driven quite firm and will not draw much in tiring, so do not "draught" the rim too much. Set the axle with very little if any front gather, as the arm is straight. Set the bottom of arms so as to give " plumb spoke" as in other wheels. Do not heat the axles near the collars— give the set in the center. When ready to grease screw out the piston P, carefully clean the same and the grease chamber to get all sand and grit out of the threads ; also the collar, the hub and all parts. Now fill the chamber full of grease, screw in the piston 1 inch to lir inch from the end, far enough to let the axle nut be screwed well home. Put on wheel, screw in the nut securely, insert the key through y and turn forward three or four revolutions, spinning the wheel at same time. It is important to see that the foregoing instructions are complied with. Watch the ninning carefully the first few days or week, then turn out a little fresh grease upon the arm, after which every two to four weeks will be often enough to turn out more. Too much will show at the collar. A little care and experience will be your best guides in this. Getting started off all right will be a great saving in the future and afford much satisfaction in all respects. NEW HAVEN WHEEL COMPANY. American Axle and Wheel Company's Patent Axle and Wheel. NEW STYLE. OLD STYLE. The cuts above accurately represent this axle in contrast with one of the ordinary style and of the same size of bed. The relative size and strength is clearly and fairly shown. This axle bed is in all cases the same size and shape as in the common axle, bvit there all similarity ceases. In the common style the ar7n, at the collar, where it usually breaks, contains only three-fourths of the metal (76 per cent.) which is in the square of the bed, and at this point it is relatively weaker because of being cut down at a right angle, from which form, the pounding of the wheel causes the metal to crystallize and break, while this axle, beginning some distance back from the arm or bearing, enlarges to a neck with a diameter equal to the cornerwise thickness of the bed, and this neck always and necessarily contains double the metal, and consequently more than double the strength of the common axle-arm, and being made without a square cut shoulder it will never crystallize or break. NEW HAVEN WHEEL COMPANY. 19 American Axle and Wheel Company's Patent Axle and Wheel. PRICE LIST. N. B.— Only one "Grade" of Goods Made. AXLES. WHEELS. Price per Set. List No. Size Diam. Pattern No. No. Spokes Size of of Bed. of Ann. of Hub. In Hub. Spokes. u 10 f $50.00 1 19 f 50.00 2 7 1 -1 , 20 i 50.00 i-i 29 i 50.00 8 30 1 50.00 If 39 1 50.00 40 li 50.00 4 • ll 49 H 50.00 5 50 li 55.00 2i 59 li 55.00 6 2i 60 1| 60.00 69 If 60.00 ^ 2i 70 14 u 65.00 ' 79 n 65.00 8 21 80 If 70.00 89 If 70.00 9 3 90 If 80.00 99 If 80.00 10 3 100 n 90.00 109 u 90.00 11 2 3i 110 2 100.00 119 2 100.00 13 2i 3i 120 2i: 110.00 129 2I 110.00 13 2i 3f 130 139 2i 2* 120.00 120.00 14 21 4 140 2f 135.00 149 21 135.00 15 3 4i 150 3 150.00 159 16 8 150.00 N. B. — No extra charge for Coach Bed Axles. N. B.— No Banding, Boring or Boxing is required. Wheels are ready for use, except Tiring. N. B. — No extra charge for Wrenches, Washers or Lubricator. N. B. — For extra-height wheels, for extra-sized rims, and for screws or rivets in rims, the customary extra charge is made. N. B.— Spokes for re-filling, finished ready to drive, may be ordered by " Pattern No. of Hub." 20 NEW HAVEN WHEEL COMPANY. # Swelled Half Patent Axle. SOLID FACED NUTS. PLAIN OR FAN TAIL BEDS. Bessemer Steel Solid Collar Axles. No. Swelled, Half Patent. Short Bed, . Long Bed, . Wrought Iron Case- Hardened Boxes, extra. l&f if&l if&l IrV&li 14.25 5.25 1.60 4.25 5.25 1.85 4.50 5.75 2.12 5.00 6.50 2.62 li If 1* 6.00 8.00 7.75 10.25 10.00 13.00 3.70 6.25 8.30 If 12.75 16.25 Coach Beds to IJ, 30 cents ; li and larger, 60 cents advance. Best Quality Steel Converted Iron Solid Collar Axles. No. SweUed, Half Patent. 15i Short Bed, . 8i Long Bed, . Wrought Iron Case- Hardened Bo:Ses, extra, ftol 14.25 5.25 il&l lA&li n 4.50 5.75 5.00 6.50 6.00 8.00 1.85 2.12 2.62 3.70 n H 7.75 10.00 10.25 13.00 .25 8.: If 12.75 16.25 If 16.25 20.25 Coach Beds to li, 30 cents ; IJ and larger, 60 cents advance. Medium Quality Iron Solid Collar Axles. Swelled, Half Patent. Short Bed, Long Bed, ftol $3.13 n 3.75 4.63 n 4.50 5.63 If 5.75 7.25 H 9.50 If 9.25 12.25 If 11.75 15.50 2i 15.00 19.00 19.50 24.00 Case-hardening, | to If, 60 cents ; If and lai'ger, $1.12. Coach Shape Beds to 1^^, 30 cents ; li and larger, 60 cents advance. Second Quality Iron Solid Collar Axles. No. Half Patent, ftol li li 13 Plain, ) 1314 Swelled, j 6 Plain, ) 6^ Swelled, \ Short Bed, Long Bed, ^2.75 3.50 3.25 4.13 4.00 5.13 5.25 6.75 1* If If 6.75 8.50 8.75 10.75 11.00 13.25 13.50 16.25 17.00 20.50 Case-hardening, f to If, 60 cents ; If and larger, $1.12 additional. Coach Beds, to li, 30 cents ; li and larger, 60 cents per set additional. NEW HAVEN WHEEL COMPANY. 31 miller's patent axle. PRICES OF Miller's Patent Axle. SOLID FACED NUTS. PLAIN OR FAN TAIL BEDS. Bessemer Steel Solid Collar Axles. No. Short Bed, . . . Long Bed, . Wrought Iron Case- Hardened Boxes, extra, f&l if&i if&l h\ & n li $4.50 5.50 1.60 4.50 5.50 1.85 4.75 6.00 3.12 5.25 6.75 2.62 6.25 8.25 3.70 If u 8.00 10.25 10.50 13.25 .35 8.30 H 13.00 16.50 Coach Beds to li, 30 cents ; 1^ and larger, 60 cents advance. Best Quality Steel Converted Iron Solid Collar Axles. No. 43 Short Bed, . 44 Long Bed, . Wrought Iron Case- Hardened Boxes extra. ftol $4.50 5.50 1.85 n&i ItV&H li 1| u H 4.75 6.00 5.25 6.75 6.25 8.35 8.00 10.50 10.35 13.35 13.00 16.50 2.12 3.62 3.70 6.35 8.30 If Coach Beds to IJ, 30 cents ; IJ and larger, 60 cents advance. Medium Quality Iron Solid Collar Axles. No. Short Bed, . $3.13 Long Bed, . \ 3.88 ftol liV&H li If U If If 2 3i 3.75 4.63 4.50 5.63 5.75 7.35 7.35 9.50 9.35 12.35 11.75 15.50 15.00 19.50 19.00 24.00 Case-hardening, f to If, 60 cents ; If and larger, $1.12. Coach Shape Beds, f to li, 30 cents ; li and larger, 60 cents advance. NEW HAVEN WHEEL COMPANY. Half Patent Collinge Collar Axles. Bessemer Steel Solid Collar. No. Inch. l&l He & n li If li If 71 73 Short Bed Long Bed, Plain or Fan Tail, Wrought Iron C.-H'd Boxes, Extra $6.50 7.50 3.13 8.00 9.00 3.63 9.50 10.75 3.70 13.00 13.50 6.25 15.00 16.50 8.30 19.00 30.50 Coach Beds to li", 30 cents ; li" and larger, 60 cents advance. Best duality Steel Converted Iron Solid Collar- No. Inch. 73 Short Bed, 74 Long Bed, Plain or Fan Tail, Wrought Iron C. -H'd Boxes, Extra l&l ^6.50 7.50 3.13 It^&H 8.00 9.00 3.63 li 9.50 10.75 3.70 If li 13.00 15.00 13.50 16.50 6.25 i 8.30 19.00 30.50 Coach Beds to li", 30 cents ; li" and larger, 60 cents advance. NEW HAVEN WHEEL COMPANY. Steele's Patent Sand Box Axles. (See cuts on page 34). SOLID FACED NUTS. PLAIN OR FAN TAIL BEDS. Coach Beds to U inch, 30 cents ; li inch and larger, 60 cents per set, extra. Bessemer Steel. No. Short Beds, Long Beds, ftof i 1 n U n H $4.25 5.00 4.50 5.50 4.75 6.00 5.25 7.00 6.38 8.50 8.50 10.75 11.00 13.00 14.00 16.00 Best Quality Steel Converted Iron, Solid Collar. No. ftol 1 H n If n n If 2 Short Beds, . Long Beds, $4.50 5.50 4.75 6.00 5.25 7.00 6.38 8.50 8.50 10.75 11.00 13.00 14.00 16.00 17.00 19.75 Second Quality Iron, Solid Collar. No. f tol H li n u H If 2 1 1 Short Beds, . Long Beds, $3.00 3.75 3.50 1 4.25 4.38 ! 5.50 I 5.88 7.25 7.38 9.00 9.25 11.13 11.38 13.50 14.00 17.00 Add to List Price for Case-Hardening, f to 1|, 60 cents ; If and larger, $1.12 : Steel Converting, | to If, $1.12 ; If and larger, $2.20. Comiiion, Concord, Miller's Patent Oil I^iit, Steele's Patent Oil ]\ut, Full and Half Collin^i^e, Half Patent Collinge Collar, Killain Patent Spring^ Waslier, Stiver's Lon^; Swell Hiller Patent and other styles of Axles furnished when desired. n NEW HAVEN WHEEL COMPANY. Steele's Patent Sand Box Axles. ANNULLING ALL PREVIOUS LISTS. Edward E. Bradley, President. Erastus A. Doolittle, Secretary. PRICK LIST 2^0. ^^. New Hauep U/l^eel Co. MANUFACTURERS OF Usual StyleSi English Sharp Edge, Sarven JPatentf Warnei* Patent, Patent Banded Sub and Eire I>eparti(nent Wlieels, — ALSO — Anierica^i Axle and Wlieel Co's Patent Axle and Wheel. NEW HAVEN, CONN., U. S. A. 1889. SECOND GROWTH EASTERN TINIBER A Sjyecialty in our Manufactures, r>EAI^ER,S IN Miller's Patent, Steele's Patent, Half Patent and other Axles. -WHJEELS OF JLLL SIZES TIRED Axle Boxes accurately set in Hubs whenever desired. OOlSTTElsTTS. Usual Styles Wheels, Sulky Wheels, .... Sarven Patent Wheels, Warner Patent Wheels, . Kenney Patent Banded Hub Wheels, . Patent Back Bands for Hubs, Spokes, Rims and Hubs, Ironing (Tiring, Boxing, etc.), American Axle and Wheel Co.'s Patent Axle and Axles (Half Patent), Axles (Miller's Patent), . Axles, Half Patent Collinge Collar, Axles (Steele's Patent), . Wheel, 16-19 20 33 Page. 7 MOREHOUSE it TAYLOR, PRINTERS. EST-A-BLISHEHD 184=5. New Haven Wheel Company. TO OUR PATRONS: We take pleasure in presenting the trade with our 1889 Price List herewith and trust it will be found entirely satisfactory. No changes to speak of have been made in the prices of goods here- tofore quoted. A few mofre sizes of wheels have been added this year, also a new axle and wheel which are mentioned more particularly below. We never felt better prepared to serve our customers in every department of our business than at present. It will be our constant and utmost endeavor in the future, as in the past, to give our customers perfect satisfaction ; and the added improve- ments which the experience of nearly forty-five years in the business has suggested, give us faith to believe that our success in so doing is beyond experiment. We have now on hand a very large stock of seasoned second growth Hickory and White Oak, and with the best modern machinery and long experience in the business feel that we are enabled to furnish the best v)heels made for the prices charged. We challenge a comparison, at equal cost, with any and all other makes of wheels, for style, durability and strength. We desire to call particular attention to our light wheels. They are all made of pure second growth Hickoiy spokes and rims and Elm hubs, carefully seasoned and put together, nicely finished and the prices for them will be found very reasonable. It seems hardly necessary for us to especially notice our unpatented styles of Wheels, which include EngUsh, and Common styles, they being so thoroughly well known already. A steadily increasing trade from 1845 down to the present time attests the care we take with them, and their consequent value. It is our intention, and will be our constant endeavor in the future, to excel in these lines of work. We make but two qualities ("Extra" and "No. 1") of Wheels having Sharp Edged (English Style) Spokes. Of the usual styles Wood Hub Wheels, we make four qualities, viz : Extra, No. 1, No. 2, and No. 3. We have very desirable Spoke Patterns, etc., for light wheels for road wagons and other light driving vehicles. We ask a special trial for these, believing them to be the most stylish and durable wheels of the kind made. NEW HAVEN WHEEL C03IPANY. We make fom- grades of the light sizes of the genuine "Sarven" Wheel, designated A, B, C and D respectively. We shall continue to pay special attention to the first class (A) Sarven Wheel, which has been adjudged by the public, after more than thirty years' use, the best patent wheel made. The lower grades are made in order to supply the constant demand for good durable wheels at mod- erate prices. As such we confidently recommend them. We also make four qualities of the Warner Patent Wheel, designated XXXX, XXX, XX and X respectively. This wheel has now been before the trade for some twenty years, and has been accepted and approved on its merits. It is a favorite wheel, very reliable, and its use is quite widely extended. Of the Kenney Patent Banded Hub Wheels we also make four qualities of the light sizes, designated XXXX, XXX, XX and X respectively. This excellent wheel has been thoroughly tried, is very popular and continues to grow in public favor. During the past four years we have manufactured the wheels sold by the American Axle and Wheel Company of New York, and through this experience have carefully observed the growth and character of their trade. The great merit both in their axle and wheel, as well as their superior lubricating device, have led us to arrange with that company to offer their goods to our trade, which we do in this issue. They make but one grade of these goods, and that strictly the best. For the purpose of meeting a demand both at home and abroad, and especially in those places where properly skilled labor, pertaining to this branch of business, is not readily attainable, we some years ago added to our wheel business the tiring, boxing and banding of wheels ; also the furnishing of axles. Our customers are thereby enabled to procure their wheels simply finished in the wood, or to procure them tired, or tired, banded and boxed, and with any usual style or make of axles they desii-e. This department is greatly appreciated by many of our customers, who use it frequently and find it of great convenience and advantage. We ask a fair trial for all our work. Thanking our many friends and customers for generous favors in the past and trusting to receive and merit such in the future, we remain, with great respect. NEW HAVEN WHEEL CO. New Haven, Conn., U. S. A. January 1st, 1889. NEW HAVEN WHEEL COMPANY. N. B. — The price of Screwing or Riveting rims of all styles of wheels is given on page 7, and is governed always by the width of tread. Be particular to give all dimensions possible when ordering wheels, as all omissions will be supplied by us, and customers must take the risk of their being right. No wheels warranted unless length of tenon is greater than width of spoke at shoulder after hubs are cut out for axle boxes. Printed blanks or blank books for ordering wheels furnished on appli- cation. MAXIMUM SIZES. If height of wheels (all styles) exceeds 4 feet front and 4 feet 8 inches back, on sets, or 4 feet 4 inches on pairs, they will be subject to an addi- tional charge of 50 cents per inch per wheel for all such excess. If width of tread exceeds width of spokes at hub an extra charge may be made. If Depth of Rims exceeds the following an extra charge may be made. I to \i in. spoke- wheels inclusive, not more than I in. deeper than spoke is wide Iftoll " " " " I " lfto2i " " " " \ " " " 2|to3 " " " " t " Common or usual Style "Wood Hub Wheel. Sarven" Patent "Wheel. NEW HAVEN WHEEL COMPANY. Section showing Usual Style Wood Hub Wheel. Usual {New York) Style Wheels at $15,00, $12.00, $9.50, and $7.00 per set. NEW HAVEN WHEEL COMPANY. 7 Not Patented Wheels. Be particular to give quality, also height and all other dimensions possible. Usual Style Wood Httb Whkels. Shakp Edge Spokks, English Style. Per Set. Extra. No. 1. No.2._ No. 3. Extra. No. 1. With 1^ in. Spokes and under. $15.00 $13.00 $ 9.50 $ 7.00 $16.00 $13.00 " ly*5 and li in. Spokes. 16.00 13.00 10.00 8.00 17.00 14.00 " lA 16.50 13.50 11.00 8.50 17.50 14.50 " If 17.00 14.00 13.00 9.00 18.00 15.00 " 4 18.00 15.00 13.50 9.50 19.00 16.00 " n ' 19.00 16.00 13.00 10.00 20.00 17.00 " h\ 20.50 17.50 14.00 10.50 21.50 18.50 " If ' 22.00 19.00 15.00 11.00 23.00 30.00 " Hi 23.50 20.00 16.00 12.00 24.50 21.00 '• If 25.00 31.00 17.00 13.00 26.00 22.00 " H 28.00 24.00 30.00 15.00 29.00 25.00 " 3 30.00 26.00 32.00 18.00 31.00 27.00 " 3i 33.00 29.00 25.00 21.00 34.00 30.00 " 2i 38.00 33.00 29.00 25.00 " 2f 42.00 36.00 32.00 " 3 46.00 40.00 36.00 " H 52.00 46.00 43.00 Of Sharp Edge Wheels we make only the two qualities above quoted. Sulky Wheels Best. SPOKES NOT EXCEEDING 1)^ INCHES Usual Styles. and Sarven Patent. Kenney Patent. 4 feet 6 inches high, per pair, . $ 9.50 $10.00 $10.50 4 " 7 10.50 11.00 11.50 4 " 8 11.50 12.00 ! 12.50 4 " 9 12.50 13.00 : 13.50 4 " 10 13.50 14.00 14.50 4 " 11 14.50 15.00 1 15.50 5 .. 15.50 16.00 1 16.50 Second quality Sulky Wheels cost $2.00 per pair less than prices quoted above. We make but two qualities of Sulky Wheels. Size of Spokes in above lists is taken as basis of price. Other sizes should be in proportion, otherwise the wheels will be liable to an extra charge. NEW HAVEN WHEEL COMPANY. Section showing interior of genuine "Sarven" Patent Wheel. Sarven Patent Wheels at $17.00, $14.00, $11.50, and $9.00 per set. NEW HAVEN WHEEL COMPANY. 17 B — Is the square bed of axle, conforming in shape and size to the common axle. A — Is the neck, its diameter equal to the cornerwise thickness of the bed. O — Is the arm or bearing ; its diameter being considerably greater than the neck. C— Is collar or sand band, of malleable iron, forced upon the neck. Enter- ing between back end of hub and box, as shown, it helps to form the annular recesses "31 and iV" to fill with spent grease and exclude sand, grit, etc. U — Is axle box of best quaUty gray iron. It is without taper inside and outside and is forced into the malleable iron hub. This box has a flange " e" cast solid inside near its front end and the leather washers "/ andg" on either side cushion the end of the axle arm and the flange "d" of the nut in either direction. JET^Is axle nut of malleable iron, hollow as shown, and screwed into the hollow end of axle arm. I — Is malleable iron cap screwing on end of box, preventing loss of axle nut or escape of lubricant and excluding all dirt or grit. 6r — Is supply of grease filling hollow of aiTn. By removing cap I, insert key through "J" in the nut into socket in piston "P" and turning forward the grease is expelled through "/t" and along groove in top of arm to the bearing. To use oil remove the piston "P" entirely, clean out all grease from the chamber and holes in top and bottom, put on the wheel screw in the nut and with ordinary oiler inject the oil through "j" in nut whence it will run to the bearing. In using oil the leather washers *'/ and gt" should be thick enough to prevent end play but not bind. In using grease the washer or packing shown in the sand collar may be omitted or not, and washers "/ and g" should be free enough to allow a Little end play. These axles are made right and left the same as others. The wheels are not, but the caps on front end of hubs are all threaded right hand. Other- wise all corresponding parts in each size are made interchangeable. We prefer and advise but little dish in our wheels. Our spokes are driven quite firm and will not draw much in tiring, so do not "draught" the rim too much. Set the axle with very little if any front gather, as the arm is straight. Set the bottom of arms so as to give "plumb spoke" as in other wheels. Do not heat the axles near the collars — give the set in the center. When ready to grease screw out the i^iston P, cai'ef ully clean the same and the grease chamber to get all sand and grit out of the threads ; also the collar, the hub and all parts. Now fill the chamber full of grease, screw in the piston 1 inch to IJ inch from the end, far enough to let the axle nut be screwed well home. Put on wheel, screw in the nut securely, insert the key through y and turn forward three or four revolutions, spinning the wheel at same time. It is important to see that the foregoing instructions are complied with. Watch the running carefully the first few days or week, then turn out a little fresh grease upon the arm, after which every two to four weeks will be often enough to turn out more. Too much will show at the collar. A little care and experience will be your best guides in this. Getting started off all right will be a great saving in the future and afford much satisfaction in all respects. 18 NEW HAVEN WHEEL COMPANY. American Axle and Wheel Company's Patent Axle and Wheel. NEW STYLE. OLD STYLE. The cuts above accurately represent this axle in contrast with one of the ordinary style and of the same size of bed. The relative size and strength is clearly and fairly shown. This axle hed is in all cases the same size and shape as in the common axle, but there all similarity ceases. In the common style the arm, at the collar, where it usually breaks, contains only three-fourths of the metal (76 per cent.) which is in the square of the bed, and at this point it is relatively weaker because of being cut down at a right angle, from wliich form, the pounding of the wheel causes the metal to crystallize and break, while this axle, beginning some distance back from the arm or bearing, enlarges to a neck with a diameter equal to the cornerwise thickness of the bed, and this neck always and necessarily contains double the metal, and consequently more than double the strength of the common axle-arm, and being made without a square cut shoulder it will never crystallize or break. NEW HAVEN WHEEL C03IPANY. 19 American Axle and Wheel Company's Patent Axle and Wheel. PRICE LIST. N. B.— Only one "Grade" of Goods Made. AXLES. WHEELS. Price per Set. List No. Size Diam. Pattern No. No. Spokes Size of of Bed. of Ann. of Hub. in Hub. Spokes. 1 10 1 $50.00 f 1 ^Z 19 i 50.00 2 u 20 29 i i 50.00 50.00 3 30 1 50.00 If 39 1 50.00 4 ll 40 H 50.00 49 n 50.00 5 50 u 55.00 2i 59 li 55.00 6 2i 60 69 If If 60.00 60.00 7 2i 70 u 65.00 79 H 65.00 8 21 80 If 70.00 89 1 16 If 70.00 9 3 90 If 80.00 99 If 80.00 10 3 100 H 90.00 109 H 90.00 11 2 3i 110 2 100.00 119 2 100.00 12 2i 3i 120 129 2i 2i 110.00 110.00 13 2i 3f 130 139 ll 120.00 120.00 14 21 4 140 149 2f 2i 135.00 135.00 15 3 4i 150 3 150.00 159 16 3 150.00 N. B. — No extra charge for Coach Bed Axles. N. B. — No Banding, Boring or Boxing is required. "Wheels are ready for use, except Tiring. N. B. — No extra charge for Wrenches, Washers or Lubricator. N. B. — For extra-height wheels, for extra-sized rims, and for screws or rivets in rims, the customary extra charge is made. N. B.— Spokes for re-filling, finished ready to drive, may be ordered by "Pattern No. of Hub." NEW HAVEN WHEEL COMPANY. Swelled Half Patent Axle. SOLID FACED NUTS. PLAIN OR FAN TAIL BEDS. Bessemer Steel Solid Collar Axles. No. Swelled, Half Patent. Short Bed, . Long Bed, . Wrought Iron Case- Hardened Boxes, extra, $4.25 5.25 1.60 4.25 5.25 1.85 if&l 4.50 5.75 2.12 l^&li 5.00 6.50 2.62 li If 7.75 10.25 3.70 6.25 u 10.00 13.00 .30 12.75 16.25 Coach Beds to IJ, 80 cents ; 1^ and larger, 60 cents advance. Best Quality Steel Converted Iron Solid Collar Axles. No. Swelled, Half Patent. 151 Short Bed, . 8i Long Bed, . Wrought Iron Case- Hardened Boxes, extra, ftol $4.25 5.25 if&l lA&H li 4.50 5.75 5.00 6.50 6.00 8.00 1.85 2.12 2.62 3.70 i| ! U 7.75 10.25 10.00 13.00 .25 : 8.: If 12.75 16.25 If 16.25 20.25 Coach Beds to IJ, 30 cents ; li and larger, 60 cents advance. Medium duality Iron Solid Collar Axles. No. 15 Swelled, Half Patent. ftol Short Bed, Long Bed, $3.13 H J. 75 li 4.50 5.63 If 5.75 7.25 H If 7.25 9.25 9.50 12.25 If 11.75 15.50 15.00 19.50 2i 19.00 24.00 Case-hardening, f to If, 60 cents ; 1| and larger, $1.12. Coach Shape Beds to IJ, 30 cents ; li and larger, 60 cents advance. Second duality Iron Solid Collar Axles. No. 13 Plain, ] 13^ Swelled, : Half Patent. Short Bed, e^sweu'ed, ^i Long Bed, ftol $2.75 3.50 H n 3.25 14.00 4.13 15.13 5.25 6.75 1* 6.75 8.50 H 8.75 10.75 If 11.00 13.25 2i 13.50 17.00 16.25 20.50 Case-hardening, | to If, 60 cents ; If and larger, $1.12 additional. Coach Beds, to li, 30 cents ; li and larger, 60 cents per set additional. NEW HAVEN WHEEL COMPANY. MILLER'S PATENT AXLE. PRICES OF Miller's Patent Axle. SOLID FACED NUTS. PLAIN OR FAN TAIL BEDS. Bessemer Steel Solid Collar Axles. No. Short Bed, . Long Bed, . Wrought Iron Case- Hardened Boxes, extra, l&l H&l H*l ItV&H n If H $4.50 5.50 4.50 5.50 4.75 6.00 5.25 6.75 6.25 8.25 8.00 10.50 10.25 13.25 1.60 1.85 2.12 2.62 3.70 6.25 8.30 H 13.00 16.50 Coach Beds to li, 30 cents ; IJ and larger, 60 cents advance. Best Quality Steel Converted Iron Solid Collar Axles. No. 43 Short Bed, . 44 Long Bed, . Wrought Iron Case- Hardened Boxes extra, ftol H&i IxV&li li If u $4.50 5.50 1.85 4.75 6.00 2.12 5.25 6.75 2.62 6.25 8.25 3.70 8.00 10.50 6.25 10.25 13.25 8.30 H If 13.00 16.50 16.50 • 20.50 Coach Beds to 1 J, 30 cents ; li and larger, 60 cents advance. Medium Quality Iron Solid Collar Axles. No. 45 Short Bed, 46 Long Bed, ftol V^&H li $3.13 3.75 4.63 4.50 5.63 If U H If 5.75 7.25 7.25 9.25 9.50 12.25 2i 11.75 15.00 19.00 15.50 19.50 24.00 Case-hardening, f to If, 60 cents ; If and larger, $1.12. Coach Shape Beds, f to IJ, 30 cents ; li and larger, 60 cents advance. NEW HAVEN WHEEL COMPANY. Half Patent Collinge Collar Axles. Bessemer Steel Solid Collar. No. Inch. 4&1 Ue & n li If U n 71 72 Short Bed Long Bed, Plain or Fan Tail, Wrought Iron C.-H'd Boxes, Extra $6.50 7.50 2.12 8.00 9.00 2.62 9.50 10.75 3.70 12.00 13.50 6.25 15.00 16.50 8.30 19.00 20.50 Coach Beds to IJ", 30 cents ; li" and larger, 60 cents advance. Best Quality Steel Converted Iron Solid Collar- No. Inch. i&l It^&H n H 1 a 1 If 73 74 Short Bed, Long Bed, Plain or Fan Tail, Wrought Iron C.-H'd Boxes, Extra $6.50 7.50 2.12 8.00 9.00 2.62 9.50 10.75 3.70 12.00 15.00 13.50 16.50 6.25 8.30 19.00 20.50 Coach Beds to li", 30 cents; li" and larger, 60 cents advance. NEW HAVEN WHEEL COMPANY. 23 Steele's Patent Sand Box Axles. (See cuts on page 24). SOLID FACED NUTS. PLAIN OR FAN TAIL BEDS. Coach Beds to li inch, 30 cents ; IJ inch and larger, 60 cents per set, extra. Bessemer Steel. No. 3 Short Beds, Long Beds, fto4 i 1 li U If H $4.25 5.00 4.50 5.50 4.75 6.00 5.25 7.00 6.38 8.50 8.50 10.75 11.00 13.00 ll 14.00 16.00 Best duality Steel Converted Iron, Solid Collar. No. ftol 1 H li If n H If 2 2 Short Beds, . Long Beds, . $4.50 5.50 4.75 6.00 5.25 7.00 6.38 8.50 8.50 10.75 11.00 13.00 14.00 16.00 17.00 19.75 Second Quality Iron, Solid Collar. No. f tol li li n li If If ' 1 1 Short Beds, . Long Beds, $3.00 3.75 3.50 4.38 4.25 5.50 5.88 7.25 7.38 9.00 9.25 11.13 11.38 13.50 14.00 17.00 Add to List Price for Case-Hardening, f to 1|, 60 cents ; If and larger, $1.12 ; Steel Converting, f to If, $1.12 ; If and larger, $2.20. Commoti, Concord, Miller's Patent Oil l^ut, Steele's Patent Oil i\Ht, Full and Half Colliu^e^ Half Patent Colling^e Collar, Hillam Patent Sprini^ Waslier, Stiver's Long^ Swell Miller Patent and other styles of Axles furnished when desired. 2A NEW HAVEN WHEEL COMPANY. Steele's Patent Sand Box Axles. ANNULLING ALL PREVIOUS LISTS. Edward E. Bradley, P: resident. Erastus a. Doolittle, Secretary. PRICB LIST 3iTo. ^^. JNeu/ Hauep U/l^eel Co. MANUFACTURERS OF Usual StyleSi English Sharp Edge, Sarven JPatent, Warner* Patentf Patent Banded Hub and Fire Department Wlieels, — ALSO — American Ancle and Wheel Co's ratent Axle and Wlieel, NEW HAVEN, CONN., U. S. A. ISSS. SECOND GRO^A^TH EASTERN TIMEBKR A Sjyecicdty in our Mafiufactures. Miller's Patent, Steele's Patent, Half Patent and other Axles, -WHUJELS OF ALL SIZES TIjEtFD AND Axle Boxes accurately set in Hubs whenever desired. OONTEISTTS. Page. Usual Styles Wheels, ..... . 7 Sulky Wheels, .... . 7 Sarven Patent Wheels, . 9 Warner Patent Wheels, . .11 Kenney Patent Banded Hub Wheels, . . 12 Patent Back Bands for Hubs, . 13 Spokes, Rims and Hubs, . 14 Ironing (Tiring, Boxing, etc.). . 15 American Axle and Wheel Co.'s Patent Axl E AND WhEE L, 16-19 Axles (Half Patent), . 20 Axles (Miller's Patent), , . 21 Axles, Half Patent Collinge Collar, . . 22 Axles (Steele's Patent), .... . 23 TUTTLE, MOREHOUSE * TAYLOR, PRINTERS. EST-A.BLISI3:EID 1845. New Haven Wheel Company. TO OUR PATRONS: We take pleasure in presenting the trade with our 1889 Price List herewith and trust it will be found entirely satisfactory. No changes to speak of have been made in the prices of goods here- tofore quoted. A few more sizes of wheels have been added this year, also a new axle and wheel which are mentioned more particularly below. We never felt better prepared to serve our customers in every department of our business than at present. It will be our constant and utmost endeavor in the future, as in the past, to give our customers perfect satisfaction; and the added improve- ments which the experience of nearly forty-five years in the business has suggested, give us faith to believe that our success in so doing is beyond experiment. We have now^ on hand a very large stock of seasoned second growth Hickory and White Oak, and with the best modern machinery and long experience in the business feel that we are enabled to furnish the best wheels made for the prices charged. We challenge a comparison, at equal cost, with any and all other makes of wheels, for style, durability and strength. We desire to call particular attention to our light wheels. They are all made of pure second growth Hickory spokes and rims and Elm hubs, carefully seasoned and put together, nicely finished and the prices for them will be found very reasonable. It seems hardly necessary for us to especially notice our unpatented styles of Wheels, which include English, and Common styles, they being so thoroughly well known already. A steadily increasing trade from 1845 down to the present time attests the care we take with them, and their consequent value. It is our intention, and will be our constant endeavor in the future, to excel in these lines of work. We make but two qualities ("Extra" and "No. 1") of Wheels having Sharp Edged (English Style) Spokes. Of the usual styles Wood Hub Wheels, we make four qualities, viz : Extra, No. 1, No. 2, and No. 3. We have very desirable Spoke Patterns, etc., for light wheels for road wagons- and other light driving vehicles. We ask a special trial for these, believing them to be the most stylish and durable wheels of the kind made. NEW HAVEN WHEEL COMPANY. We make four grades of the light sizes of the genuine "Sarven" Wheel, designated A, B, C and D respectively. We shall continue to pay special attention to the first class (A) Sarven Wheel, which has been adjudged by the public, after more than thirty years' use, the best patent wheel made. The lower grades are made in order to supply the constant demand for good durable wheels at mod- erate prices. Asjsuch we confidently recommend them. We also make four qualities of the Warner Patent Wheel, designated XXXX, XXX, XX and X respectively. This wheel has now been before the trade for some twenty years, and has been accepted and approved on its merits. It is a favorite wheel, very reliable, and its use is quite widely extended. Of the Kenney Patent Banded Hub Wheels we also make four qualities of the light sizes, designated XXXX, XXX, XX and X respectively. This excellent wheel has been thoroughly tried, is very popular and continues to grow in public favor. During the past four years we have manufactured the wheels sold by the American Axle and Wheel Company of New York, and through this experience have carefully observed the growth and character of their trade. The great merit both in their axle and wheel, as well as their superior lubricating device, have led us to arrange with that company to offer their goods to our trade, which we do in this issue. They make but one grade of these goods, and that strictly the best. For the purpose of meeting a demand both at home and abroad, and especially in those places where properly skilled labor, pertaining to this branch of business, is not readily attainable, we some years ago added to our wheel business the tiring, boxing and banding of wheels ; also the furnishing of axles. Our customers are thereby enabled to procure their wheels simply finished in the wood, or to procure them tired, or tired, banded and boxed, and with any usual style or make of axles they desire. This department is greatly appreciated by many of- our customers, who use it frequently and find it of great convenience and advantage. We ask a fair trial for all our work. Thanking our many friends and customers for generous favors in the past and trusting to receive and merit such in the future, we remain, with great respect. NEW" HAVEN WHEEL CO. New Haven, Conn., U. S. A. January 1st, 1889, NEW HAVEN WHEEL COMPANY. N. B. — The price of Screwing or Riveting rims of all styles of wheels is given on page 7, and is governed always by the width of tread. Be particular to give all dimensions possible when ordering wheels, as all omissions will be supplied by us, and customers must take the risk of their being right. No wheels warranted unless length of tenon is greater than width of spoke at shoulder after hubs are cut out for axle boxes. Printed blanks or blank books for ordering wheels furnished on appli- cation. MAXIMUM SIZES. If height of wheels (all styles) exceeds 4 feet front and 4 feet 8 inches back, on sets, or 4 feet 4 inches on pairs, they will be subject to. an addi- tional charge of 50 cents per inch per wheel for all such excess. If width of tread exceeds width of spokes at hub an extra charge may be made. If Depth of Rims exceeds" the following an extra charge may be made. I to 1 J in. spoke-wheels inclusive, not more than i in. deeper than spoke is wide iftoii " " " " I " lito2i " " " " i " 2|to3 " " " " i " Common or usual Style Wood Hub Wheel. Sarven" Patent Wheel. NEW HAVEN WHEEL COMPANY. Section showing Usual Style Wood Hub Wheel. Usual (New York) Style Wheels at $15,00, $12.00, $9.50, and $7.00 per set. NEW HAVEN WHEEL COMPANY. 7 Not Patented Wheels. Be particular to give quality, also height and all other dimensions possible. Sharp Edge Spokks, Per Set. Usual Style Wood Hub Wheels. English Style. Extra. No.l. No. 2. No. 3. Extra. No.l. "With IJf in. Snokes and under. $15.00 $12.00 $ 9.50 $ 7.00 $16.00 $13.00 ' Ix*^ and li in. Spokes. 16.00 16.50 13.00 13.50 10.00 11.00 8.00 8.50 17.00 17.50 14.00 14.50 ■ !a • 17.00 14.00 12.00 9.00 i 18.00 15.00 18.00 15.00 12.50 9.50 19.00 16.00 : ;j., ' 19.00 16.00 13.00 10.00 1 20.00 17.00 20.50 17.50 14.00 10.50 21.50 18.50 ' If : I' : 22.00 19.00 15.00 11.00 23.00 20.00 23.50 20.00 16.00 13.00 24.50 21.00 25.00 21.00 17.00 13.00 26.00 22.00 28.00 24.00 20.00 15.00 29.00 25.00 30.00 26.00 22.00 18.00 31.00 27.00 ' 2i 33.00 29.00 25.00 21.00 34.00 30.00 38.00 38.00 29.00 25.00 ' 2f 42.00 36.00 32.00 46.00 40.00 86.00 " 3i 52.00 46.00 42.00 Of Sharp Edge Wheels we make only the two qualities above quoted. Sulky Wheels— Best. Warner Patent SPOKES NOT EXCEEDIKG IJ^ INCHES Usual Styles. and Sarven Patent. IN WIDTH. Kenney Patent. 4 feet 6 inches high, per pair, . $ 9.50 $10.00 1 $10.50 4 " 7 10.50 11.00 1 11.50 4 " 8 11.50 12.00 12.50 4 " 9 12.50 13.00 13.50 4 " 10 13.50 14.00 14.50 4 " 11 " " 14.50 15.00 15.50 5 " 15.50 16.00 16.50 Second quality Sulky Wheels cost $2,00 per pair less than prices quoted above. We make but two qualities of Sulky Wheels. Size of Spokes in above lists is taken as basis of price. Other sizes should be in proportion, otherwise the wheels will be liable to an extra charge. NEW HAVEN WHEEL COMPANY. Section showing interior of genuine "Sarven" Patent Wheel. Sarven Patent Wheels at $17.00, $14.00, $11.50, and $9.00 per set. NEW HAVEN WHEEL C03IPANY. B — Is tlie square bed of axle, conforming in shape and size to the common axle. A — Is the neck, its diameter equal to the cornerwise thickness of the bed. O — Is the arm or bearing ; its diameter being considerably greater than the neck. C7— Is collar or sand band, of malleable iron, forced upon the neck. Enter- ing between back end of hub and box, as shown, it helps to form the annular recesses "it/ and iV" to fill with spent grease and exclude sand, grit, etc. 2> — Is axle box of best quality gray iron. It is without taper inside and outside and is forced into the malleable iron hub. This box has a flange " e" cast solid inside near its front end and the leather washers "/ andgi" on either side cushion the end of the axle arm and the flange " d" of the nut in either direction. H^ls, axle nut of malleable iron, hollow as shown, and screwed into the hollow end of axle arm. J— Is malleable iron cap screwing on end of box, preventing loss of axle nut or escape of lubricant and excluding all dirt or grit. G — Is supply of. grease filling hollow of arm. By removing cap 7, insert key through "j" in the nut into socket in piston "P" and turning forward the grease is expelled through "/i'" and along groove in top of arm to the bearing. To use oil remove the piston "P" entirely, clean out all grease from the chamber and holes in top and bottom, put on the wheel screw in the nut and with ordinary oiler inject the oil through "j" in nut whence it will run to the bearing. In using oil the leather washers "/ and gr" should be thick enough to prevent end play but not bind. In using grease the washer or packing shown in the sand collar may be omitted or not, and washers "/ and gr" should be free enough to allow a little end play. These axles are made right and left the same as others. The wheels are not, but the caps on front end of hubs are all threaded right hand. Other- wise all corresponding i^arts in each size are made interchangeable. We prefer and advise but little dish in our wheels. Our spokes are driven quite firm and will not draw much in tiring, so do not "draught" the rim too much. Set the axle with very little if any front gather, as the arm is straight. Set the bottom of arms so as to give ' ' plumb spoke " as in other wheels. Do not heat the axles near the collars — give the set in the center. When ready to grease screw out the piston P, carefully clean the same and the grease chamber to get all sand and grit out of the threads ; also the collar, the hub and all parts. Now fill the chamber full of grease, sci'ew in the piston 1 inch to 1^ inch from the end, far enough to let the axle nut be screwed well home. Put on wheel, screw in the nut securely, insert the key through /and tuvTo. forward three or four revolutions, spinning the wheel at same time. It is important to see that the foregoing instructions are complied with. Watch the running carefully the first few days or week, then turn out a little fresh grease upon the arm. after which every two to four weeks will be often enough to turn out more. Too much "^ill show at the collar. A little care and experience will be your best guides in this. Getting started off all right will be a great saving in the future and afford much satisfaction in all respects. NEW HAVEN WHEEL COMPANY. American Axle and Wheel Company's Patent Axle and Wheel. NEW STYLE. OLD STYLE. The cuts above accurately represent this axle in contrast with one of the ordinary style and of the same size of bed. The relative size and strength is clearly and fau-ly shown. This axle bed is in all cases the same size and shape as in the common axle, but there all similarity ceases. In the common style the arm, at the collar, where it usually breaks, contains only three-fourths of the metal (76 per cent.) which is in the square of the bed, and at this point it is relatively weaker because of being cut down at a right angle, from which form, the jDOunding of the wheel causes the metal to crystallize and break, while this axle, beginning some distance back from the arm or bearing, enlarges to a neck with a diameter equal to the cornerwise thickness of the bed, and this neck always and necessarily contains double the metal, and consequently more than double the strength of the common axle-arm, and being made without a square cut shoulder it will never crystallize or break. NEW HAVEN WHEEL C03IPANY. 19 American Axle and Wheel Company's Patent Axle and Wheel. PRICE LIST. N. B.— Only one "Grade" of Goods Made. AXLES. WHEELS. List No. Price per Set. Size Diam. Pattern No. No. Spokes Size ot of Bed. of Arm. of Hub. in Hub. ' Spokes. 1 10 14 f $50.00 1 f u 19 16 1 50.00 30 ! 14 i 50.00 3 i ■ ' li 39 16 i i 50.00 30 14 1 50.00 3 1 If 39 16 1 50.00 40 14 li 50.00 4 li If 49 16 ! H 50 14 li 50.00 55.00 5 li 2i 59 16 U 55.00 60 14 If 60.00 6 If 3i 69 16 If 60.00 70 14 n 65.00 H 3i 79 16 li 65.00 80 14 U 70.00 8 If 3i 89 16 If 70.00 90 14 If 80.00 9 If 3 99 16 If 80.00 100 14 If 90.00 10 H 3 109 16 If 90.00 110 14 2 100.00 11 3i 119 16 3 100.00 120 14 3i 110.00 12 2i n 139 16 3i 110.00 130 14 3i 130.00 13 2i 3f 139 16 3i 130.00 140 14 3f 135.00 14 31 4 149 16 3i 135.00 150 14 3 150.00 15 3 4i 159 16 3 150.00 N. B.— No extra charge for Coach Bed Axles. N. B.-No Ba nding, Bori Qg or Boxing is required. Wheels are ready for use, except Tiring. N. B.— No extra charge for Wrenches, Washers or Lubricator. N. B.— For extra-height wheels, for extra-sized rims, and for screws or rivets in rims, the customary extra charge is made. N. B.— Spokes for re-filling, finished ready to drive, may be ordered by •• Pattern No. of Hub." NEW HAVEN WHEEL COMPANY. Swelled Half Patent Axle. SOLID FACED NUTS. PLAIN OR FAN TAIL BEDS. Bessemer Steel Solid Collar Axles. No. 24 Swelled, Half Patent. Short Bed, . Long Bed, . Wrought Iron Case- Hardened Boxes, extra. i&* H&i if&l ItV&H li i» U If $4.25 5.25 4.25 5.25 4.50 5.75 5.00 6.50 6.00 8.00 7.75 10.25 10.00 13.00 12.75 16.25 1.60 1.85 2.12 2.62 3.70 6.25 8.30 Coach Beds to IJ, 30 cents ; li and larger, 60 cents advance. Best ftuaUty Steel Converted Iron Solid Collar Axles. No. 15* 8i Swelled, Half Patent. Short Bed, . Long Bed, . Wrought Iron Case- Hardened Boxes, extra, ftoi n&i ItV&H li H n If $4.25 5.25 4.50 5.75 5.00 6.50 6.00 8.00 7.75 10.25 10.00 13.00 12.75 16.25 1.85 2.12 2.62 3.70 6.25 8.30 If 16.25 20.25 Coach Beds to IJ, 30 cents ; IJ and larger, 60 cents advance. Medium Quality Iron Solid Collar Axles. No. 15 Swelled, Half Patent. Short Bed, Long Bed, ftol .13 li 3.75 4.63 li 4.50 5.63 If 5.75 7.25 H If 7.25 9.25 9.50 12.25 If 11.75 15.50 15.00 19.50 3i 19.00 24.00 Case-hardening, f to If, 60 cents ; 1| and larger, $1.12. Coach Shape Beds to IJ, 30 cents ; li and larger, 60 cents advance. Second Quality Iron Solid Collar Axles. No. 6 Plain, 6^4 Swelled, Half Patent. Short Bed, Long Bed, Itol $2.75 3.50 3.25 4.13 li 4.00 5.13 1| 5.25 6.75 li 6.75 8.50 H 8.75 10.75 If 11.00 13.25 13.50 16.25 2i 17.00 20.50 Case-hardening, | to If , 60 cents ; If and larger, $1.12 additional. Coach Beds, to l|, 30 cents ; li and larger, 60 cents per set additional. NEW HAVEN WHEEL COMPANY. miller's patent axle. PRICES OF Miller's Patent Axle. SOLID FACED NUTS. PLAIN OR FAN TAIL BEDS. Bessemer Steel Solid Collar Axles. No. Short Bed, . Long Bed, . Wrought Iron Case- Hardened Boxes, extra. i&f {i&i it&l ItV&H '* 1| u $4.50 5.50 1.60 4.50 5.50 1.85 4.75 6.00 2.12 5.25 6.75 2.62 6.25 8.25 3.70 8.00 10.50 6.25 10.25 13.25 8.30 H 13.00 16.50 Coach Beds to IJ, 30 cents ; li and larger, 60 cents advance. Best Quality Steel Converted Iron Solid Collar Axles. No. 43 44 ftol If&l ItV&H U 1| n n If Short Bed, . Long Bed, . Wrought Iron Case- Hardened Boxes extra, $4.50 5.50 1.85 4.75 6.00 2.12 5.25 6.75 2.62 6.25 8.25 3.70 8.00 10.50 6.25 10.25 13.25 8.30 13.00 16.50 16.50 20.50 Coach Beds to IJ, 30 cents ; IJ and larger, 60 cents advance. Medium duality Iron Solid Collar Axles. No. 45 Short Bed, 46 Long Bed, ftoi l^V&H li If U H If $3.13 3.75 4.63 4.50 5.63 5.75 7.25 7.25 I 9.25 9.50 I 12.25 2i 11.75 15.00 1 19.00 15.50 19.50 I 24.00 Case-hardening, f to If, 60 cents ; 1| and larger, $1.12. Coach Shape Beds, f to li, 30 cents ; li and larger, 60 cents advance. NEW HAVEN WHEEL COMPANY. Half Patent Collinge Collar Axles. No. Inch. i&l 1 1^ & li li If u If 71 73 Short Bed Long Bed. Plain or Fan Tail, . Wrought Iron C.-H'd Boxes, Extra $6.50 7.50 2.12 i 8.00 9.00 2.62 9.50 10.75 3.70 12.00 13.50 6.25 15.00 16.50 8.30 19.00 20.50 Bessemer Steel Solid Collar. Coach Beds to li", 30 cents ; li" and larger, 60 cents advance. Best duality Steel Converted Iron Solid Collar. No. Inch. 73 Short Bed, 74 Long Bed, Plain or Fan Tail, . Wrought Iron C.-H'd Boxes, Extra i&l $6.50 7.50 2.12 i-.\ & H 8.00 9.00 2.62 9.50 10.75 3.70 If i n 12.00 ; 15.00 13.50 16.50 6.25 i 8.30 li 19.00 20.50 Coach Beds to IJ", 30 cents; li" and larger, 60 cents advance. NEW HAVEN WHEEL COMPANY. S3 Steele's Patent Sand Box Axles. (See cuts on page 24). SOLID FACED NUTS. PLAIN OR FAN TAIL BEDS. Ck)ach Beds to U inch, 30 cents ; li inch and larger, 60 cents per set, extra. Bessemer Steel. No. ftof * 1 1 li li If li If 3 3 Short Beds, . Long Beds, $4.25 5.00 4.50 i 4.75 5.50 6.00 5.25 7.00 6.38 8.50 8.50 10.75 11.00 13.00 14.00 16.00 Best Quality Steel Converted Iron, Solid Collar. No. Itol 1 n li If li If If 2 2 Short Beds, . Long Beds, $4.50 5.50 4.75 6.00 5.35 7.00 6.38 8.50 8.50 10.75 11.00 13.00 14.00 16.00 17.00 19.75 Second Quality Iron, Solid CoUar. No. f tol H 'i If li If If 2 1 1 Short Beds, . Long Beds, . $3.00 3.75 3.50 4.38 4.25 5.50 5.88 7.25 7.38 9.00 9.25 11.13 11.38 13.50 14.00 17.00 Ad d to List Price for Case-Hardening, f to 1|, 60 cents ; If ai Steel Converting, f to If, $1.12 ; If and larger, $ id larger, $1.12; 2.20. i Oi K Ps Dommon, Concord, Miller's Patent Oil Xut, St« 1 J¥ut, Full and Half Collinge, Half Patent Col illam Patent Spring Washer, Stiver's Long • itent and other styles of Axles furnished whe jele's linge Swell n des Patei Colla lUilh ired. It cr 2Jt NEW HAVEN WHEEL C03IPANY. Steele's Patent Sand Box Axles. ANNULLING ALL PREVIOUS LISTS. Edward E. Bradley, President. Erastus a. Doolittle, Secretary. PRICE LIST :tTo. ^^. JNeu/ Hai/ep \ij\)ee\ Co MANUFACTURERS OF Usual StyleSi English Sharp JEdge, Sarven Patent, Warner Patent, Patent Banded Sub and Fire Dej^artnient Wlieels, — ALSO — American Aode and Wheel Co's Patent Axle and WJieel, NEW HAVEN, CONN., U. S. A. 1889. SECOND GRO^VTH EASTERN .TIM:bER A Sj)ec laity in our Manufactures. DEA-J^ER-S IN Miller's Patent, Steele's Patent, Half Patent and other Axles. yVHEJELS OF JlLL SIZES TIRED Axle Boxes accurately set in Hubs whenever desired. GOlsTTEHSTTS. Usual Styles Wheels, Sulky Wheels, Sarven Patent Wheels, Warner Patent Wheels, . Kenney Patent Banded Hub Wheels, Patent Back Bands for Hubs, Spokes, Rims and Hubs, Ironing (Tiring, Boxing, etc.), American Axle and Wheel Co.'s Patent Axle and Axles (Half Patent), Axles (Miller's Patent), . Axles, Half Patent Collin ge Collar, Axles (Steele's Patent), TAYLOR, PR(NTER Page. 7 11 12 13 14 15 Wheel, 16-19 20 21 22 ESTJ^k-BLISHEID 184S_ New Haven Wheel Company. TO OUR PATRONS: We take pleasure in presenting the trade with our 1889 Price List herewith and trust it will be found entirely satisfactory. No changes to speak of have been made in the prices of goods here- tofore quoted. A few more sizes of wheels have been added this year, also a new axle and wheel which are mentioned more particularly below. We never felt better prepared to serve our customers in every department of our business than at present. It will be our constant and utmost endeavor in the future, as in the past, to give our customers perfect satisfaction; and the added improve- ments which the experience of nearly forty-five years in the business has suggested, give us faith to believe that our success in so doing is beyond experiment. We have now on hand a very large stock of seasoned second growth Hickory and White Oak, and Avith the best modern machinery and long experience in the business feel that we are enabled to furnish the best wheels made for the prices charged. We challenge a comparison, at equal cost, with any and all other makes of wheels, for style, dtirability and strength. We desire to call particular attention to our light wheels. They are all made of pure second growth Hickory spokes and rims and Elm hubs, carefully seasoned and put together, nicely finished and the prices for them will be found very reasonable. It seems hardly necessary for us to especially notice our unpatented styles of Wheels, which include English, and Common styles, they being so thoroughly well known already. A steadily increasing trade from 1845 down to the present time attests the care we take with them, and their consequent value. It is our intention, and will be our constant endeavor in the future, to excel in these lines of work. We make but two qualities ("Extra" and "No. 1") of Wheels having Sharp Edged (English Style) Spokes. Of the usual styles Wood Hub Wheels, we make four qualities, viz : Extra, No. 1, No. 2, and No. 3. We have very desirable Spoke Patterns, etc. , for light wheels for road wagons and other light driving vehicles. We ask a special trial for these, believing them to be the most stylish and durable wheels of the kind made. NEW HAVEN WHEEL COMPANY We make four grades of the light sizes of the genuine "Sarven" Wheel, designated A, B, C and D respectively. We shall continue to pay special attention to the first class (A) Sarven Wheel, which has been adjudged by the public, after more than thirty years' use, the best patent wheel made. The lower grades are made in order to supply the constant demand for good durable wheels at mod- erate prices. As such we confidently recommend them. We also make four qualities of the Warner Patent Wheel, designated XXXX, XXX, XX and X respectively. This wheel has now been before the trade for some twenty years, and has been accepted and approved on its merits. It is a favorite wheel, very reliable, and its use is quite widely extended. Of the Kenney Patent Banded Hub Wheels we also make four qualities of the light sizes, designated XXXX, XXX, XX and X respectively. This excellent wheel has been thoroughly tried, is very popular and continues to grow in public favor. During the past four years we have manufactured the wheels sold by the American Axle and Wheel Company of New York, and through this experience have carefully observed the growth and character of their trade. The great merit both in their axle and wheel, as well as their superior lubricating device, have led us to arrange with that company to offer their goods to our trade, which we do in this issue. They make but one grade of these goods, and that strictly the best. For the purpose of meeting a demand both at home and abroad, and especiallj^ in those places where properly skilled labor, pertaining to this branch of business, is not readily attainable, we some years ago added to our wheel business the tiring, boxing and banding of wheels ; also the furnishing of axles. Our customers are thereby enabled to procure their wheels simply finished in the wood, or to procure them tired, or tired, banded and boxed, and with any iisual style or make of axles they desire. This department is gieatly appreciated by many of our customers, who use it frequently and find it of great convenience and advantage. We ask a fair trial for all our work. Thanking our many friends and customers for generous favors in the past and trusting to receive and merit such in the future, we remain, with great respect. NEW HAVEN WHEEL CO. New Haven, Conn., U. S. A. January 1st, 1889. NEW HAVEN WHEEL COMPANY. N. B. — The price of Screwing or Riveting rims of all styles of wheels is given on page 7, and is governed always by the tvidth of tread. Be particular to give all dimensions possible when ordering wheels, as all omissions will be supplied by us, and customers must take the risk of their being right. No wheels warranted unless length of tenon is gi'eater than width of spoke at shoulder after hubs are cut out for axle boxes. Printed blanks or blank books for ordering wheels furnished on appli- cation. MAXIMUM SIZES. If height of wheels (all styles) exceeds 4 feet front and 4 feet 8 inches back, on sets, or 4 feet 4 inches on pairs, they will be subject to an addi- tional charge of 50 cents per inch per wheel for all such excess. If width of tread exceeds width of spokes at hub an extra charge may be made. If Depth of Rims exceeds the following an extra charge may be made. f to IJ in. spoke-wheels inclusive, not more than i in. deeper than spoke is wide Iftolf " '• " " I " lfto2i " " " " i " " 2|to3 " «' " " I " ^^ ^^ Common or usual Style Wood Hub Wheel. Sarven " Patent Wheel. NEW HAVEN WHEEL C03IPANY. Section showing Usual Style Wood Hub Wheel. Usual (New York) Style Wheels at $15,00, $12.00, $9.50, and $7.00 per set. NEW HAVEN WHEEL COMPANY. Not Patented Wheels. Be particular to give quality, also height and all other dimensions possible. UsTTAL Style Wood Hub Wheels. Shakp Edge Spokes, English Style. Extra. No. 1. No. 2. No. 3. Extra. No.l. With li in. Spokes and under. $15.00 $12.00 $ 9.50 $ 7.00 $16.00 113.00 " lA and li in. Spokes. 16.00 13.00 10.00 8.00 17.00 14.00 " iS " 16.50 13.50 11.00 8.50 17.50 14.50 '• iF 17.00 14.00 12.00 9.00 18.00 15.00 " ItV 18.00 15.00 12.50 9.50 19.00 16.00 " 4 19.00 16.00 13.00 10.00 20.00 17.00 " 1^ 20.50 17.50 14.00 10.50 21.50 18.50 " if 22.00 19.00 15.00 11.00 23.00 20.00 " IH 23.50 20.00 16.00 12.00 24.50 21.00 '• if 25.00 21.00 17.00 13.00 26.00 22.00 '• i| 28.00 24.00 20.00 15.00 29.00 25.00 " 3 80.00 26.00 32.00 18.00 31.00 27.00 " 3i 33.00 29.00 25.00 21.00 34.00 30.00 '• ^ 38.00 33.00 29.00 25.00 " 2| 42.00 36.00 32.00 " y " 46.00 40.00 36.00 " 3i 52.00 46.00 42.00 Of Sharp Edge Wheels we make only the two qualities above quoted. Sulky Wheels— Best. SPOKES NOT EXCEEDING IJ^ INCHES IN WIDTH. Usual styles. Warner Patent and Keuney Patent. Sarven Patent. 4 feet 6 inches high, per pair, 4 " 7 $ 9.50 10.50 $10.00 11.00 $10.50 11.50 4 " 8 11.50 12.00 12.50 4 " 9 12.50 13.00 13.50 4 •' 10 13.50 14.00 14.50 4 " 11 14.50 15.00 15.50 5 " 15.50 16.00 16.50 Second quality Sulky Wheels cost $2.00 per pair less than prices quoted above. We make but two qualities of Sulky Wheels. Size of Spokes in above lists is taken as basis of price. Other sizes should be in proportion, otherwise the wheels will be liable to an extra charge. NEW HAVEN WHEEL COMPANY. Section showing interior of genuine "Sarven" Patent Wheel. Sarven Patent Wheels at $17.00, $14.00, $11.50, and $9.00 per set. NEW HAVEN WHEEL COMPANY. J5— Is the square bed of axle, conforming in shape and size to the common axle. ^— Is the neck, its diameter equal to the cornerwise thickness of the bed. O— Is the arm or bearing ; its diameter being considerably greater than the neck. C—Is collar or sand band, of malleable iron, forced upon the neck. Enter- ing between back end of hub and box, as shown, it helps to form the annular recesses "IT and iV" to fill with spent grease and exclude sand, grit, etc. X>— Is axle box of best quality gray iron. It is without taper inside and outside and is forced into the malleable iron hub. This box has a flange "e" cast solid inside near its front end and the leather washers "/ andgt" on either side cushion the end of the axle arm and the flange "d" of the nut in either direction. Jf— Is axle nut of malleable iron, hollow as shown, and screwed into the hollow end of axle ai'ni. J— Is malleable iron cap screwing on end of box, preventing loss of axle nut or escape of lubricant and excluding all dirt or grit. 6r— Is supply of grease filling hollow of arm. By removing cap I, insert key through "j" in the nut into socket in piston "P" and turning- forward the grease is expelled through "7i" and along groove in top of arm to the bearing. To use oil remove the piston "P" entirely, clean out all grease from the chamber and holes in fop and bottom, put on the wheel screw in the nvit and with ordinary oiler inject the oil through "j" in nut whence it will rim to tlie bearing. In using oil the leather washers "/ and g" should be thick enough to prevent end play but not bind. In using grease the washer or packing shown in the sand collar may be omitted or not, and washers "/ and g" should be free enough to allow a little end play. These axles are made right and left the same as others. The wheels are not, but the caps on front end of hubs are all threaded right hand. Other- wise all corresponding parts in each size are made interchangeable. We prefer and advise but little dish in our wheels. Our spokes are driven quite firm and will not draw much in tiring, so do not "draught" the rim too much. Set the axle with very little if any front gather, as the arm is straight. Set the bottom of arms so as to give " plumb spoke" as in other wheels. Do not heat the axles near the collars— give the set in the center. When ready to grease screw out the piston P, carefully clean the same and the grease chamber to get all sand and grit out of the threads ; also the collar, the hub and all parts. Now fill the chamber full of grease, screw in the piston 1 inch to IJ inch from the end, far enough to let the axle nut be screwed well home. Put on wheel, screw in the nut securely, insert the key through j and turn forward three or four revolutions, spinning the wheel at same time. It is important to see that the foregoing instructions are complied with. Watch the running carefully the first few days or week, then turn out a little fresh grease upon the arm, after which every two to four weeks wiU be often enough to turn out more. Too much vtall show at the collar. A little care and experience will be your best guides in this. Getting started off all right will be a great saving in the future and afford much satisfaction in all respects. NEW HAVEN WHEEL COMPANY. American Axle and Wheel Company's Patent Axle and Wheel. NEW STYLE. OLD STYLE. The cuts above accurately represent this axle in contrast with one of the ordinary style and of the same size of bed. The relative size and strength is clearly and fairly shown. This axle bed is in all cases the same size and shape as in the common axle, but there all similarity ceases. In the common style the arm, at the collar, where it usually breaks, contains only three-fourths of the metal (76 per cent.) which is in the square of the bed, and at this point it is relatively weaker because of being cut down at a right angle, from which form, the pounding of the wheel causes the metal to crystallize and break, while this axle, beginning some distance back from the arm or bearing, enlarges to a neck with a diameter equal to the cornerwise thickness of the bed, and this neck always and necessarily contains double the Jnetal, and consequently more than double the strength of the common axle-arm, and being made without a square cut shoulder it will never crystallize or break. NEW HAVEN WHEEL COMPANY. 19 American Axle and Wheel Company's Patent Axle and Wheel. PRICE LIST. N. B.— Only one "Grade" of Goods Made. AXLES. WHEELS. Price List No. Size DIam. Pattern No. No. Spokes Size ot per Set. of Bed. of Arm. of Hub. in Hub. Spokes. 10 14 f $50.00 1 f u 19 16 1 50.00 20 14 i 50.00 2 i li 29 30 16 14 1 50.00 50.00 3 1 If 39 16 1 50.00 40 14 H 50.00 4 n If 49 16 H 50.00 50 14 U 55.00 5 u 2i 59 16 H 55.00 60 14 If 60.00 6 If 2i 69 16 If 60.00 70 14 1* 65.00 7 H 2i 79 16 H 65.00 80 14 If 70.00 8 If 2i 89 16 If 70.00 90 14 If 80.00 9 If 3 99 16 If 80.00 100 14 11 90.00 10 n 3 109 16 H 90.00 110 14 2 100.00 11 2 3i 119 16 2 100.00 120 14 2i 110.00 12 2i 3J 129 16 2i 110.00 130 14 2i 120.00 13 3^ 3f 139 16 2i 120.00 140 14 2f 135.00 14 21 4 149 16 2f 135.00 150 14 3 150.00 15 8 4i 159 16 3 150.00 N. B. —No extra charge for Coach Bed Axles. N. B. —No Banding, Boring or Boxing is required. "Wheels are ready for use, except Tiring. N. B. —No extra charge for Wrenches, Washers or Lubricator. N. B. —For extra-height wheels, for extra-sized rims, and for screws or rivets in rims, the customary extra charge is made. N. B. —Spokes for re-filling, finished ready to di'ive, may be oi dered by "Pattern No. of Hub." NEW HAVEN WHEEL COMPANY, Swelled Half Patent Axle. SOLID FACED NUTS. PLAIN OR FAN TAIL BEDS. Bessemer Steel Solid Collar Axles. No. Swelled, Half Patent. &f Short Bed, . . . $4.25 Long Bed, . . . 5.25 Wrought Iron Case- Hardened Boxes, extra, i 1.60 il&i 4.25 5.25 1.85 if&l 4.50 5.75 .13 IrV&li 5.00 6.50 2.62 u n .00] 7.75 .00 I 10.25 3.70 6.25 H 10.00 13.00 12.75 16.25 Coach Beds to U, 30 cents ; 1^ and larger, 60 cents advance. Best Quality Steel Converted Iron Solid Collar Axles. No. I Swelled, Half Patent. 15* I Short Bed, . U 1 Long Bed, . Wrought Iron Case- Hardened Boxes, extra, ftol $4.25 5.25 1.85 n&i lA&l* li 4.50 5.75 2.12 5.00 6.50 2.62 6.00 8.00 3.70 ll 7.75 10.00 10.25 13.00 6.25 i 8.30 If If 12.75 16.25 16.25 20.25 Coach Beds to 1^, 30 cents ; IJ and larger, 60 cents advance. Medium duality Iron Solid Collar Axles. No. Swelled, Half Patent. ftol Short Bed, Long Bed, $3.13 H 3.75 4.50 4.63 5.63 5.75 7.25 u 9.50 If 9.25 12.25 If 11.75 15.50 15.00 19.50 2i 19.00 24.00 Case-hardening, f to If, Coach Shape Beds to 1^, cents ; If and larger, $1.12. > cents ; 1^ and larger, 60 cents advance. Second Quality Iron Solid Collar Axles. No. Half Patent. 13 Plain, ) , oi, i. t> j 131^ Swelled, $ | Short Bed, 6 Plain, 6M Swelled, " P^'*'"- , 1 1 Long Bed, ftol $2.75 3.50 H H 3.25 4.00 4.13 ^5.13 If 5.25 6.75 H 6.75 8.50 If 8.75 10.75 If 11.00 13.25 13.50 16.25 3J 17.00 20.50 Case-hardening, f to If, 60 cents : If and larger, $1.12 additional. Coach Beds, to li, 30 cents ; IJ and larger, 60 cents per set additional. NEW HAVEN WHEEL COMPANY. miller's patent axle. PRICES OF Miller's Patent Axle. SOLID FACED NUTS. PLAIN OR FAN TAIL BEDS. Bessemer Steel Solid Collar Axles. No. Short Bed, . Long Bed, . Wrought Iron Case- Hardened Boxes, extra, l&l $4.50 5.50 1.60 •&| 4.50 5.50 it&l 4.75 6.00 2.13 ItV&H U 5.25 6.75 2.62 6.25 8.25 3.70 If 8.00 10.50 6.25 1* 10.25 13.25 If 13.00 16.50 Coach Beds to li, 30 cents ; li and larger, 60 cents advance. Best Quality Steel Converted Iron Solid Collar Axles. No. Short Bed, . Long Bed, . Wrought Iron Case- Hardened Boxes extra, ftoi $4.50 5.50 1.85 Lf&i ij\&n 4.75 6.00 5.25 6.75 2.12 2.62 u 3.70 8.00 10.50 6.25 li 10.25 13.25 .30 If If 13.00 16.50 16.50 20.50 Coach Beds to li, 30 cents ; li and larger, 60 cents advance. Medium Quality Iron Solid Collar Axles. No. 45 Short Bed, 46 Long Bed, Iftol liV&H li If li If If 3 I 1$3.13 ' 3.88 3.75 4.63 4.50 5.63 5.75 7.25 7.25 9.50 9.25 12.25 11.75 15.50 15.00 19.50 2i 19.00 24.00 Case-hardening, i to If, 60 cents ; If and larger, $1.12. Coach Shape Beds, f to li, 30 cents ; li and larger, 60 cents advance. NEW HAVEN WHEEL COMPANY. Half Patent Collinge Collar Axles. Bessemer Steel Solid Collar. No. Inch. Short Bed Long Bed, Plain or Fan Tail, Wrought Iron C.-H'd Boxes, Extra I & 1 1^6 &n $6.50 i 8.00 7.50 i 9.00 3.12 2.62 u 9.50 10.75 3.70 If li 12.00 15.00 13.50 16.50 6.25 8.30 If 19.00 20.50 Coach Beds to li", 30 cents ; IJ" and larger, 60 cents advance. Best duality Steel Converted Iron Solid Collar. No. Inch. Short Bed, Long Bed, Plain or Fan Tail, Wrought Iron C.-H'd Boxes, Extra $6.50 7.50 2.12 1-.-V & H 8.00 9.00 2.62 li 9.50 10.75 3.70 n 12.00 15.00 13.50 16.50 6.25 i 8.30 If 19.00 20.50 Coach Beds to li' cents ; li" and larger, 60 cents advance. NEW HAVEN WHEEL COMPANY. 23 Steele's Patent Sand Box Axles. (See cuts on page 24). SOLID FACED NUTS. PLAIN OR FAN TAIL BEDS. Coach Beds to IJ inch, 30 cents ; li inch and larger, 60 cents per set, extra. Bessemer Steel. No. ftof i 1 li li If li If 3 3 Short Beds, . Long Beds, . $4.25 5.00 4.50 1 4.75 5.50 i 6.00 1 5.25 7.00 6.38 8.50 8.50 10.75 11.00 13.00 14.00 16.00 Best auality Steel Converted Iron, Solid Collar. No. f toi 1 H li If u If If 3 2 Short Beds, . Long Beds, . $4.50 5.50 4.75 6.00 5.25 7.00 6.38 8.50 8.50 10.75 11.00 13.00 14.00 16.00 17.00 19.75 Second auality Iron, Solid Collar. No. f tol li li If li If If 2 1 1 Short Beds, . Long Beds, $3.00 3.75 3.50 4.38 4.25 5.50 5.88 7.25 7.38 9.00 9.25 11.13 11.38 13.50 14.00 17.00 Ad d to List Price for Case-Hardening, f to If, 60 cents ; If a Steel Converting, | to If, $1.12 ; If and larger, $ ad larger, $1.12: 2.20. 4 Oi K P: Doniinon, Concord, Miller's Patent Oil Kut, St< 1 .\ut, Full and Half Colling^e, Half Patent Col illam Patent Spring Waslier, Stiver's Long iteut and other styles of Axles furnished wlic eele's linge Swell n de$ Pate Colla Mill ired. lit cr NEW HAVEN WHEEL COMPANY. Steele's Patent Sand Box Axles. ANNULLING- ALL PREVIOUS LISTS. Edward E, Bradley, President. Erastus a. Doolittle, Secretary. PRICK LIST ISTo. ^^. JNeu/ Hauep U/l^eel Co MANUFACTURERS OF Usual StyleSi English Hharp Edge, Sarven Patent^ Warner JPatent, Patent Banded Hub and Eire Department Wheels, — ALSO — American Axle and Wlieel Co's Patent Axle and WJieel. H£}N HAVEN, CONN., U. S. A. 1S89. SECOND GRO'WTH EASTERN TIMBER A Sjyeclalty in our Manufactures. r)K>f^i-iErts IN Miller's Patent, Steele's Patent, Half Patent and other Axles. y^HJEJELS OF JlLIj SIZES TIRED Axle Boxes accurately set in Hubs whenever desired. OOISTTEISTTS. Usual Styles Wheels, .... Sulky Wheels, ..... Sarven Patent Wheels, .... Warner Patent Wheels, .... Kenney Patent Banded Hub Wheels, . Patent Back Bands for Hubs, Spokes, Rims and Hubs, .... Ironing (Tiring, Boxing, etc.), American Axle and Wheel Co.'s Patent Axle and Axles (Half Patent), .... Axles (Miller's Patent), .... Axles, Half Patent Collinge Collar, Axles (Steele's Patent), .... 14 15 Wheel, 16-19 20 31 23 33 Page. 7 7 TUTTLE, MOREHOUSE 4 TAYLOR, PRINTERS. ESTJ^BHilSHEID 1845. New Haven Wheel Company. TO OUR PATRONS: We take pleasure in presenting the trade with our 1889 Price List herewith and trust it will be found entirely satisfactory. No changes to speak of have been made in the prices of goods here- tofore quoted. A few more sizes of wheels have been added this year, also a new axle and wheel which are mentioned more particularly below. We never felt better prepared to serve our customers in every department of our business than at present. It wUl be our constant and utmost endeavor in the future, as in the past, to give our customers perfect satisfaction ; and tlie added improve- ments which the experience of nearly forty-five years in the business has suggested, give us faith to believe that our success in so doing is beyond experiment. We have now on hand a very large stock of seasoned second growth Hickory and White OaJc, and with the best modern machinery and long experience in the business feel that we are enabled to furnish the best wheels made for the prices charged. We challenge a comparison, at equal cost, with any and all other makes of wheels, for style, durability and strength. We desire to call particular attention to our light wheels. They are all made of pure second growth Hickory spokes and rims and Elm hubs, carefully seasoned and put together, nicely finished and the prices for them will be found very reasonable. It seems hardly necessary for us to especially notice our unpatented styles of Wheels, which include English, and Common styles, they being so thoroughly well known already. A steadily increasing trade from 1845 down to the present time attests the care we take with them, and their consequent value. It is our intention, and will be our constant endeavor in the future, to excel in these lines of work. We make but two qualities ("Extra" and "No. 1") of Wheels having Sharp Edged (English Style) Spokes. Of the usual styles Wood Hub Wheels, we make four qualities, viz : Extra, No. 1, No. 2, and No. 3. We have very desirable Spoke Patterns, etc., for light wheels for road wagons and other light driving vehicles. We ask a special trial for these, believing them to be the most stylish and durable wheels of the kind made. NEW HAVEN WHEEL COMPANY. We make four grades of the light sizes of the genuine "Sarven" Wheel, designated A, B, C and D respectively. We shall continue to pay special attention to the first class (A) Sarven Wheel, which has been adjudged by the public, after more than thirty years' use, the best patent wheel made. The lower grades are made in order to supply the constant demand for good durable wheels at mod- erate prices. As such we confidently recommend them. We also make four qualities of the Warner Patent Wheel, designated XXXX, XXX, XX and X respectively. This wheel has now been before the trade for some twenty years, and has been accepted and approved on its merits. It is a favorite wheel, very reliable, and its use is quite widely extended. Of the Kenney Patent Banded Hub Wheels we also make four quaUties of the light sizes, designated XXXX, XXX, XX and X respectively. This excellent wheel has been thoroughly tried, is very popular and continues to grow in public favor. During the past four years we have manufactured the wheels sold by the American Axle and Wheel Company of New York, and through this experience have carefully observed the growth and character of their trade. The great merit both in their axle and wheel, as well as their superior lubricating device, have led us to arrange with that company to offer their goods to our trade, which we do in this issue. They make but one grade of these goods, and that strictly the best. For the purpose of meeting a demand both at home and abroad, and especially in those places where properly skilled labor, pertaining to this branch of business, is not readily attainable, we some years ago added to our wheel business the tiring, boxing and banding of wheels; also the furnishing of axles. Our customers are thereby enabled to procure their wheels simply finished in the wood, or to procure them tired, or tired, banded and boxed, and with any usual style or make of axles they desire. This department is gieatly appreciated by many of our customers, who use it frequently and find it of great convenience and advantage. We ask a fair trial for all our work. Thanking our many friends and customers for generous favors in the past and trusting to receive and merit such in the futui-e, we remain, with great respect. NEW HAVEN WHEEL CO. New Haven, Conn., U. S. A. January 1st. 1889. NEW HAVEN WHEEL COMPANY. N. B. — The price of Screwing or Riveting rims of all styles of wheels is given on page 7, and is governed always by the width of tread. Be particular to give all dimensions possible when ordering wheels, as all omissions will be supplied by us, and customers must take the risk of their being right. No wheels warranted unless length of tenon is greater than width of spoke at shoulder after hubs are cut out for axle boxes. Printed blanks or blank books for ordering wheels furnished on appli- cation. MAXIMUM SIZES. If height of wheels (all styles) exceeds 4 feet front and 4 feet 8 inches back, on sets, or 4 feet 4 inches on pairs, they will be subject to an addi- tional charge of 50 cents per inch per wheel for aU such excess. If width of ti'ead exceeds width of spokes at hub an extra charge may be made. If Depth of Rims exceeds the following an extra charge may be made. I to li in. spoke-wheels inclusive, not more than i in. deeper than spoke is wide l|tol| " '• '' " I " lito2J " " " " i " 3|to3 " " " " f " Common or usual Style Wood Hub Wheel. Sarven" Patent Wheel. NEW HAVEN WHEEL COMPANY. Section showing Usual Style Wood Hub Wheel. Usual (New York) Style Wheels at $15,00, $12.00, $9.50, and $7.00 per set. NEW HAVEN WHEEL COMPANY. 7 Not Patented Wheels. Be particular to give quality, also height and all other dimensions possible. Shakp Edge Spokks, Usual Style Wood Hub Wheels. English Style. Per Set Extra. No.l. No. 2. No. 3. Extra. No.l. With 1| in. Spokes and under. $15.00 $12.00 $ 9.50 $ 7.00 $16.00 $13.00 " lA and li in. Spokes. 16.00 13.00 10.00 8.00 17.00 14.00 " iS 16.50 13.50 11.00 8.50 17.50 14.50 17.00 14.00 12.00 9.00 18.00 15.00 " 1t6 18.00 15.00 12.50 9.50 19.00 16.00 " H 19.00 16.00 13.00 10.00 20.00 17.00 " 1t« '' 20.50 17.50 14.00 10.50 21.50 18.50 " If 22.00 19.00 15.00 11.00 23.00 20.00 " IH 23.50 20.00 16.00 12.00 24.50 21.00 " li 25.00 21.00 17.00 13.00 26.00 22.00 '• U 28.00 24.00 20.00 15.00 29.00 25.00 <; 2 30.00 26.00 22.00 18.00 31.00 27.00 " 2i 33.00 29.00 25.00 21.00 34.00 30.00 .- u 38.00 33.00 29.00 25.00 " 3f 42.00 36.00 32.00 " 3 46.00 40.00 36.00 « 3i 52.00 46.00 42.00 Of Sharp Edge Wheels we make 07ily the two qualities above quoted. Sulky Wheels— Best. Warner Patent SPOKES NOT EXCEEDING 1)^ INCHES Usual Styles. and Sarven Patent. IN WIDTH. Kenney Patent. 4 feet 6 inches high, per pair, . $ 9.50 $10.00 $10.50 4 " 7 10.50 11.00 11.50 4 " 8 11.50 12.00 12.50 4 '' 9 12.50 13.00 13.50 4 " 10 13.50 14.00 14.50 4 " 11 14.50 15.00 15.50 5 " 15.50 16.00 16.50 Second quality Sulky Wheels cost $2.00 per pair less than prices quoted above. We make but two qualities of Sulky Wheels. Size of Spokes in above lists is taken as basis of price. Other sizes should be in proportion, otherwise the wheels will be liable to an extra charge. NEW HAVEN WHEEL COMPANY. Section showing interior of genuine "Sarven" Patent Wheel. Sarven Patent Wheels at |17.00, $14.00, $11.50, and $9.00 per set. NEW HAVEN WHEEL COMPANY. 17 S — Is the square bed of axle, conforming in shape and size to the common axle. A — Is the neck, its diameter equal to the cornerwise thickness of the bed. O — Is the arm or bearing ; its diameter being considerably greater than the neck. C— Is collar or sand band, of malleable iron, forced upon the neck. Enter- ing between back end of hub and box, as shown, it helps to form the annular recesses "M and N" to fill with spent grease and exclude sand, grit, etc. X) — Is axle box of best quality gray iron. It is without taper inside and outside and is forced into the malleable iron hub. This box has a flange "e" cast solid inside near its front end and the leather washers "/ andg" on either side cushion the end of the axle arm and the flange "d" of the nut in either direction. if— Is axle nut of malleable iron, hollow as shown, and screwed into the hollow end of axle arm. J— Is malleable iron cap screwing on end of box, preventing loss of axle nut or escape of lubricant and excluding all dirt or grit. G — Is supply of grease filling hollow of arm. By removing cap I, insert key through "j" in the nut into socket in piston "P" and turning forward the grease is expelled through "/i" and along groove in top of arm to the bearing. To use oil remove the piston "P" entirelj^, clean out all gi-ease from the chamber and holes in toj^ and bottom, put on the w-heel screw in the nut and with ordinary oiler inject the oil through "J" in nut whence it will run to the bearing. In using oil the leather washers "/ and g" should be thick enough to prevent end play but not bind. In using grease the washer or packing shown in the sand collar may be omitted or not, and washers "/ and g" should be free enough to allow a Little end play. These axles are made right and left the same as others. The wheels are not, but the caps on front end of hubs are all threaded right hand. Other- wise aU corresponding parts in each size are made interchangeable. We prefer and advise but little dish in our wheels. Our spokes are driven quite firm and will not draw much in tiring, so do not "draught'' the rim too much. Set the axle with very little if any front gather, as the arm is straight. Set the bottom of arms so as to give "plumb spoke" as in other wheels. Do not heat the axles near the collars — give the set in the center. "When ready to grease screw out the piston P, carefully clean the same and the grease chamber to get all sand and grit out of the threads : also the collar, the hub and all parts. Now fill the chamber full of grease, screw in the piston 1 inch to IJ inch from the end, far enough to let the axle nut be screwed well home. Put on wheel, screw in the nut securely, insert the key through J and turn /or ward three or four revolutions, spinning the wheel at same time. It is important to see that the foregoing instructions are complied with. Watch the running carefully the first few days or week, then turn out a Little fresh grease upon the arm, after which every two to four weeks wiU be often enough to turn out more. Too much will show at the collar. A little care and experience will be your best guides in this. Getting started off all right will be a great saving in the future and aflford much satisfaction in all respects. NEW HAVEN WHEEL COMPANY. American Axle and Wheel Company's Patent Axle and Wheel. NEW STYLE. OLD STYLE. The cuts above accurately represent this axle in contrast with one of the ordinary style and of the same size of bed. The relative size and strength is clearly and fairly shown. This axle bed is in all cases the same size and shape as in the common axle, but there all similarity ceases. In the common style the arm, at the collar, where it usually breaks, contains only three-fourths of the metal (76 per cent.) which is in the square of the bed, and at this point it is relatively weaker because of being cut down at a right angle, from which form, the pounding of the wheel causes the metal to crystallize and break, while this axle, beginning some distance back from the arm or bearing, enlarges to a neck with a diameter equal to the cornerwise thickness of the bed, and this neck always and necessarily contains double the metal, and consequently more than double the strength of the common axle-arm, and being made without a square cut shoulder it will never crystallize or break. NEW HAVEN WHEEL COMPANY. 19 American Axle and Wheel Company's Patent Axle and Wheel. PRICE LIST. N. B.— Only one "Grade" of Goods Made. AXLES. WHEELS. Price per Set. List No. - Size Diam. Pattern No. No. Spokes Size of of Bed. of Arm. of Hub. in Hub. Spokes. u 10 14 f $50.00 1 f 19 16 i 50.00 1 20 14 i 50.00 3 1 i-i 29 30 16 i 1 50.00 50.00 3 1 If 39 1 50.00 40 li 50.00 4 H If 49 H 50.00 5 50 li 55.00 ^^ 2i 59 li 55.00 60 If 60.00 6 If 2i 69 If 60.00 n 70 H 65.00 ' 2i 79 U 65.00 8 21 80 If 70.00 If 89 If 70.00 9 90 If 80.00 li 3 99 If 80.00 10 H 3 100 li 90.00 109 H 90.00 11 3i 110 2 100.00 2 119 2 100.00 12 2i n 120 2i 110.00 129 2i 110.00 13 2i 3f 130 2^ 120.00 139 2I 120.00 14 21 4 140 21 135.00 149 3f 135.00 15 3 4i 150 3 150.00 159 16 3 150.00 N. B.— No extra charge for Coach Bed Axles. N. B. — No Banding, Boring or Boxing is required. Wheels are ready for use, except Tiring. N. B.— No extra charge for Wrenches, Washers or Lubricator. N. B.— For extra-height wheels, for extra-sized rims, and for g crews or rivets in rims, the customary extra charge is made. N. B.— Spokes for re-filling, finished ready to drive, may be or dered by "Pattern No. of Hub." 20 NEW HAVEN WHEEL COMPANY. ^^^ Swelled Half Patent Axle, SOLID FACED NUTS. PLAIN OR FAN TAIL BEDS. Bessemer Steel Solid Collar Axles. No. Swelled, Half Patent. Short Bed, . Long Bed, . Wrought Iron Case- Hardened Boxes, extra, l&f il&i if&l IrV&li H n H $4.25 5.25 4.25 5.25 4. .50 5.75 5.00 6.50 6.00 8.00 7.75 10.25 10.00 13.00 1.60 1.85 2.12 2.62 3.70 6.25 8.30 12.75 16.25 Coach Beds to IJ, 30 cents ; 1| and larger, 60 cents advance. Best Quality Steel Converted Iron Solid Collar Axles. No. 15^ 8i Swelled, Half Patent. Short Bed, . Long Bed, . Wrought Iron Case- Hardened Boxes, extra. ftol 14.25 5.25 il&l IxV&li li 1| u If 4.50 5.75 5.00 6.50 6.00 8.00 7.75 10.25 10.00 13.00 12.75 16.25 1.85 2.12 2.62 3.70 6.25 8.30 If 16.25 20.25 Coach Beds to li, 30 cents ; IJ and larger, 60 cents advance. Medium Quality Iron Solid Collar Axles. No. 15 Swelled, Half Patent. Short Bed, . Long Bed, . ftol $3.13 3.88 li .75 4.50 5.63 5.75 7.25 U 7.25 9.50 If li 9.25 11.75 12.25 15.50 2i 15.00 19.00 19.50 24.00 Case-hardening, f to If, 60 cents ; If and larger, $1.12. Coach Shape Beds to IJ, 30 cents ; 1^ and larger, 60 cents advance. Second duality Iron Solid Collar Axles. No. „ Plain, % Swelled, Half Patent. Short Bed, Long Bed, Itol $2.75 3.50 H 3.25 4.13 li 4.00 5.13 If 5.25 6.75 H 6.75 8.50 If 8.75 10.75 If 11.00 13.25 13.50 16.25 2i 17.00 20.50 Case-hardening, | to If, 60 cents : If and larger, $1.12 additional. Coach Beds, to li, 30 cents ; li and larger, 60 cents per set additional. NEW HAVEN WHEEL COMPANY. miller's patent axle. PRICES OF Miller's Patent Axle. SOLID FACED NUTS. PLAIN OR FAN TAIL BEDS. Bessemer Steel Solid Collar Axles. No. 41 42 l&f H&i it&l ItV&H U 11 u H Short Bed, . Long Bed, . Wrought Iron Case- Hardened Boxes, extra, $4.50 5.50 1.60 4.50 5.50 1.85 4.75 6.00 2.12 5.25 6.75 2.62 6.25 8.25 3.70 8.00 10.50 6.25 10.25 13.25 8.30 13.00 16.50 Coach Beds to li, 30 cents ; li and larger, 60 cents advance. Best ftuality Steel Converted Iron Solid Collar Axles. No. 43 Short Bed, . 44 Long Bed, . Wrought Iron Case- Hardened Boxes extra, ftoi $4.50 5.50 1.85 it&l i^&n li If H H i 4.75 6.00 2.12 5.25 6.75 2.62 6.25 8.25 3.70 '8.00 10.50 6.25 10.25 13.25 8.30 13.00 16.50 If 16.50 20.50 Coach Beds to IJ, 30 cents ; IJ and larger, 60 cents advance. Medium Quality Iron Solid Collar Axles. No, Short Bed, Long Bed, ftol liV&ti n If li If If 2 $3.13 3.88 3.75 4.63 4.50 5.63 5.75 7.25 7.25 9.50 9.25 12.25 11.75 15.50 15.00 19.50 2i 19.00 24.00 Case-hardening, | to If, 60 cents ; If and larger, $1.12. Coach Shape Beds, f to li, 30 cents ; li and larger, 60 cents advance. NEW HAVEN WHEEL COMPANY. Half Patent Collinge Collar Axles. Bessemer Steel Solid Collar. No. Inch. Short Bed Long Bed, Plain or Fan Tail, Wrought Iron C.-H'd Boxes, Extra l&l jlA&H $6.50 7.50 2.12 li 9.50 10.75 3.70 If 12.00 13.50 6.25 u 15.00 16.50 8.30 H 19.00 20.50 Coach Beds to li", 30 cents ; li" and larger, 60 cents advance. Best duality Steel Converted Iron Solid Collar. No. Inch. 73 Short Bed, 74 Long Bed, Plain or Fan Tail, Wrought Iron C.-H'd Boxes, Extra i&l ^6.50 7.50 2.12 1-h & H 8.00 9.00 2.62 li 9.50 10.75 3.70 1| U 12.00 15.00 13.50 16.50 6.25 8.30 If 19.00 20.50 Coach Beds to li", 30 cents ; li" and larger, 60 cents advance. NEW HAVEN WHEEL COMPANY. 23 \ 1 Steele's Patent Sand Box Axles. (See cuts on page 34). B 1 SOLID FACED NUTS. PLAIN OR FAN TAIL BEDS. Coach Beds to li inch, 30 cents ; li inch and larger, 60 cents per set, extra. Bessemer Steel. No. Itof 1 : 1 n li It li If 3 3 Short Beds, . Long Beds, . $4.25 5.00 4.50 4.75 5.50 6.00 5.25 7.00 6.38 8.50 8.50 10.75 11.00 13.00 14.00 16.00 Best Quality Steel Converted Iron, Solid Collar. No. |to| 1 H H If li If If 2 2 Short Beds, . Long Beds, . $4.50 5.50 4.75 6.00 5.25 7.00 6.38 8.50 8.50 10.75 11.00 13.00 14.00 16.00 17.00 19.75 Second duality Iron, Solid Collar. No. f tol li li If li 1| If 2 1 1 Short Beds, . Long Beds, $3.00 3.75 3.50 4.38 4.25 5.50 5.88 7.25 7.38 9.00 9.25 11.13 11.38 18.50 14.00 17.00 Ad Id to List Price for Case-Hardening, f to If , 60 cents ; If ai Steel Converting, f to If, $1.12 ; If and larger, $ ad larger, $1.12 : 2.20. Oi K P Doinmon, Concor«l, Miller's Patent Oil Kut, St< 1 Xut, Full and Half Collinj^e, Half Patent Col illam Patent Spriui? Waslier, Stiver's Long atent and other styles of Axles furnislied wlie eele's linge Swell n de$ Pate Colia Mill ired. lit er NEW HAVEN WHEEL COMPANY. Steele's Patent Sand Box Axles. ANNULLING ALL PREVIOUS LISTS. Edwabd E. Bradley, President. Erastus a. Doolittle, Secretary. PRICE LIST ISTo. ^^. New Haue9 \JL/l?6eI Co MANUFACTURERS OF Usual Styles^ JEnglish STiavp Edge, Sarven latent, Warner Patent, Patent Handed Sub and Fire Department Wlieels, — ALSO — American Axle and WJieel Co's Patent Axle and Wlieel, NEW HAVEN, CONN., U. S. A. 1889. SECOND GROWTH EASTERN TIMBER A Specialty in our Manufactures. DKA-I^ERS IN Miller's Patent, Steele's Patent, Half Patent and other Axles. • ySTHEELS OF JlLL SIZES TIRED — AND — Axle Boxes accurately set in Hubs whenever desired. COISTTEHSTTS. Page. Usual Styles Wheels, ..... . 7 Sulky Wheels, ..... 7 Sabven Patent Wheels, .... . 9 Warner Patent Wheels, .... . 11 Kenney Patent Banded Hub Wheels, . . 12 Patent Back Bands for Hubs, . 13 Spokes, Rims and Hubs, .... . 14 Ironing (Tiring, Boxing, etc.), . . 15 American Axle and Wheel Co.'s Patent Axle and Whee L, 16-19 Axles" (Half Patent), .... . 20 Axles (Miller's Patent), .... . 21 AxT,F,s, Half Patent Collinge Collar, . 22 Axles (Steele's Patent), .... . 23 TUTTLE, MOREHOUSE 4 TAYLOR, PRINTERS. EST^A-BLISHEX) 184:5. New Haven Wheel Company. TO OUR PATRONS: We take pleasure in presenting the trade with our 1889 Price List herewith and trust it will be found entirely satisfactory. No changes to speak of have been made in the prices of goods here- tofore quoted. A few more sizes of wheels have been added this year, also a new axle and wheel which are mentioned more particularly below. We never felt better prepared to serve our customers in every department of our business than at present. It will be our constant and utmost endeavor in the future, as in the past, to give our customers perfect satisfaction; and the added improve- ments which the experience of nearly forty-five years in the business has suggested, give us faith to believe that our success in so doing is beyond experiment. We have now on hand a very large stock of seasoned second growth Hickory and White Oak, and with the best modern machinery and long experience in the business feel that we are enabled to furnish the best wheels made for the prices charged. We challenge a comparison, at equal cost, with any and all other makes of wheels, for style, durability and strength. We desire to call particular attention to our light wheels. They are all made of pure second growth Hickory spokes and rims and Elm hubs, carefully seasoned and put together, nicely finished and the prices for them will be found very reasonable. It seems hardly necessary for us to especially notice our unpatented styles of Wheels, which include English, and Common styles, they being so thoroughly well known already. A steadily increasing trade from 1845 down to the present time attests the care we take with them, and their consequent value. It is our intention, and will be our constant endeavor in the future, to excel in these lines of work. We make but two qualities ("Extra" and "No. 1") of Wheels having Sharp Edged (English Style) Spokes. Of the. usual styles Wood Hub Wheels, we make four qualities, viz : Extra, No. 1, No. 2, and No. 3. We have very desirable Spoke Patterns, etc., for light wheels for road wagons and other light driving vehicles. We ask a special trial for these, believing them to be the most stylish and durable wheels of the kind made. NEW HAVEN WHEEL COMPANY. We make four grades of the light sizes of the genuine "Sarven" Wheel, designated A, B, C and D respectively. We shall continue to pay special attention to the first class (A) Sarven Wheel, which has been adjudged by the public, after more than thirty years' use, the best patent wheel made. The lower grades are made in order to supply the constant demand for good durable wheels at mod- erate prices. As* such we confidently recommend them. We also make four qualities of the Warner Patent Wheel, designated XXXX, XXX, XX and X respectively. This wheel has now been before the trade for some twenty years, and has been accepted and approved on its merits. It is a favorite wheel, very reliable, and its use is quite widely extended. Of the Kenney Patent Banded Hub Wheels we also make four qualities of the light sizes, designated XXXX, XXX, XX and X respectively. This excellent wheel has been thoroughly tried, is very popular and continues to grow in public favor. During the past four years we have manufactured the wheels sold by the American Axle and Wheel Company of New York, and through this experience have carefully observed the growth and character of their trade. The gi-eat merit both in their axle and wheel, as well as their superior lubricating device, have led us to arrange with that company to offer their goods to our trade, which we do in this issue. They make but one grade of these goods, and that strictly the best. For the purpose of meeting a demand both at home and abroad, and especially in those places where properly skilled labor, pertaining to this branch of business, is not readily attainable, we some years ago added to our wheel business the tiring, boxing and banding of wheels ; also the furnishing of axles. Our customers are thereby enabled to procure their wheels simply finished in the wood, or to procure them tired, or tired, banded and boxed, and with any usual style or make of axles they desu-e. This department is gieatly appreciated by many of our customers, who use it frequently and find it of great convenience and advantage. We ask a fair trial for all our work. Thanking our many friends and customers for generous favors in the past and trusting to receive and merit such in the future, we remain, with great respect, NEW HAVEN WHEEL CO. New Haven, Conn., U. S. A. January 1st, 1889. NEW HAVEN WHEEL COMPANY. N. B. — The price of Screwing or Riveting rims of all styles of wheels is given on page 7, and is governed always by the toidth of tread. Be particular to give all dimensions possible when ordering wheels, as all omissions will be supplied by us, and customers must take the risk of their being right. No wheels warranted unless length of tenon is greater than width of spoke at shoulder after hubs are cut out for axle boxes. Printed blanks or blank books for ordering wheels furnished on appli- cation. MAXIMUM SIZES. If height of wheels (all styles) exceeds 4 feet front and 4 feet 8 inches back, on sets, or 4 feet 4 inches on pairs, they will be subject to an addi- tional charge of 50 cents per inch per wheel for all such excess. If width of tread exceeds width of spokes at hub an extra charge may be made. If Depth of Rims exceeds the following an extra charge may be made. I to 1 J in. spoke-wheels inclusive, not more than i in. deeper than spoke is wide Iftolf " " " " I " IftoSJ " " " " i " 3|to3 " " " " I " Common or usual Style Wood Hub Wheel. Sarven" Patent Wheel. 6 NEW HAVEN WHEEL COMPANY. Section showing Usual Style Wood Hub Wheel. Usual (New York) Style Wheels at $15,00, $12.00, $9.50, and $7.00 per set. NEW HAVEN WHEEL COMPANY. 7 Not Patented Wheels. Be particular to give quality, also height and all other dimensions possible. Usual Style Wood Hub Wheels. Shabf Edge Spokes, English Sttle. Extra. No.l. No. 2. No. 3. Extra. No.l. With li in. Spokes and under. $15.00 $12.00 $ 9.50 $ 7.00 $16.00 $13.00 " lA and li in. Spokes. 16.00 13.00 10.00 8.00 17.00 14.00 " iS 16.50 13.50 11.00 8.50 17.50 14.50 17.00 14.00 12.00 9.00 18.00 15.00 " 1t6 18.00 15.00 12.50 9.50 19.00 16.00 " n 19.00 16.00 13.00 10.00 20.00 17.00 " lA 20.50 17.50 14.00 10.50 21.50 18.50 " ii 22.00 19.00 15.00 11.00 23.00 20.00 " m 23.50 20.00 16.00 12.00 24.50 21.00 - n 25.00 21.00 17.00 13.00 26.00 22.00 " H 28.00 24.00 20.00 15.00 29.00 25.00 " 3 30.00 26.00 22.00 18.00 31.00 27.00 '•■ 2i 33.00 29.00 25.00 21.00 34.00 30.00 " 2I 38.00 33.00 29.00 25.00 " n 42.00 36.00 32.00 " :3 46.00 40.00 36.00 " 3i 52.00 46.00 42.00 Of Sharp F,dge Wheels we make only the two qualities above quoted. Sulky Wheels Best. SPOKES NOT EXCEEDING \% INCHES IN WIDTH. Usual Styles. and Kenney Patent, Sarven Patent. 4 feet 6 inches high, per pair, . $ 9.50 $10.00 $10.50 4 " 7 10.50 11.00 11.50 4^8 11.50 12.00 ' 12.50 4 " 9 12.50 13.00 I 13.50 4 " 10 13.50 14.00 14.50 4 " 11 14.50 15.00 1 15.50 5 << 15.50 16.00 1 16.50 Second quality Sulky Wheels cost $2.00 per pair less than prices quoted above. We make but two quahties of Sulky Wheels. Size of Spokes in above lists is taken as basis of price. Other sizes should be in proportion, otherwise the wheels will be liable to an extra charge. NEW HAVEN WHEEL COMPANY. Section showing interior of genuine "Sarven" Patent Wheel. Sarven Patent Wheels at $17.00, $14.00, $11.50, and $9.00 per set. NEW HAVEN WHEEL COMPANY. 17 JS — Is the square bed. of axle, conforming in shape and size to the common axle. ^ — Is the neck, its diameter equal to the cornerwise thickness of the bed. O — Is the arm or bearing ; its diameter being considerabl j'^ greater than the neck. C — Is collar or sand band, of malleable iron, forced upon the neck. Enter- ing between back end of hub and box, as shown, it helps to form the annular recesses "iH and iV" to fill with spent grease and exclude sand, grit, etc. i) — Is axle box of best quality gray iron. It is without taper inside and outside and is forced into the malleable u-on hub. This box has a flange " e" cast solid inside near its front end and the leather washers "/ andgi" on either side cushion the end of the axle arm and the flange "d" of the nut in either direction. H^ls axle nut of malleable iron, hollow as shown, and screwed into the hollow end of axle arm. J— Is malleable iron cap screwing on end of box, preventing loss of axle nut or escape of lubricant and excluding all dirt or grit. G — Is supply of grease filling hollow of ami. By removing cap I, insert key through "J" in the nut into socket in piston "P" and turning forward the grease is expelled through "/i" and along groove in top of arm to the bearing. To use oil remove the piston "P" entirely, clean out all grease from the chamber and holes in top and bottom, put on the wheel screw in the nut and with ordinary oiler inject the oil through "j" in nut whence it will run to the bearing. In using oil the leather washers "/ and g" should be thick enough to prevent end play but not bind. In using grease the washer or packing shown in the sand collar may be omitted or not, and washers "/ and g" should be free enough to allow a little end play. These axles are made right and left the same as others. The wheels are not, but the caps on front end of hubs are all threaded right hand. Other- wise all corresponding parts in each size are made interchangeable. We prefer and advise but little dish in our wheels. Our spokes are driven quite firm and will not draw much in tiring, so do not ' ' draught " the rim too much. Set the axle with very little if any front gather, as the arm is straight. Set the bottom of arms so as to give " plumb spoke" as in other wheels. Do not heat the axles near the collars — give the set in the center. When ready to grease screw out the piston P, carefully clean the same and the grease chamber to get all sand and grit out of the threads : also the collar, the hub and all parts. Now fill the chamber fiill of grease, screw in the piston 1 inch to IJ inch from the end, far enough to let the axle nut be screwed well home. Put on wheel, screw in the nut securely, insert the key through y and turn /onward three or four revolutions, spinning the wheel at same time. It is important to see that the foregoing instructions are complied with. Watch the running carefully the first few days or week, then turn out a little fresh grease upon the arm, after which every two to four weeks will be often enough to turn out more. Too much will show at the collar. A little care and experience will be your best guides in this. Getting started off all right will be a great saving in the future and afford much satisfaction in all respects. 18 NEW HAVEN WHEEL COMPANY. American Axle and Wheel Company's Patent Axle and Wheel. NEW STYLE. OLD STYLE. The cuts above accurately represent this axle in contrast with one of the ordinary style and of the same size of bed. The relative size and strength is clearly and fairly shown. This axle hed is in all cases the same size and shape as in the common axle, but there all similarity ceases. In the common style the arm, at the collar, where it usually breaks, contains only three-fourths of the metal (76 per cent.) which is in the square of the bed, and at this point it is relatively weaker because of being cut down at a right angle, from which form, the pounding of the wheel causes the metal to crystallize and break, while this axle, beginning some distance back from the arm or bearing, enlarges to a neck with a diameter equal to the cornerwise thickness of the bed, and this neck always and necessarily contains double the metal, and consequently more than double the strength of the common axle-arm, and being made without a square cut shoulder it will never crystallize or .break. NEW HAVEN WHEEL COMPANY. 19 American Axle and Wheel Company's Patent Axle and Wheel. PRICE LIST. N. B.— Only one "Grade" of Goods Made. AXT.ES. WHEELS. Price List No. Size Diam. Pattern No. No. Spokes Size of per Set. of Bed. of Arm. of Hub. in Hub. Spokes. 10 14 f $50.00 1 f li 19 16 f 50.00 20 14 i 50.00 3 1 li 29 30 16 14 i 1 50.00 50.00 3 1 If 39 16 1 50.00 40 14 li 50.00 4 li If 49 16 li 50.00 1 50 14 li 55.00 5 i li 2i 59 16 li 55.00 60 14 If 60.00 6 If 2i 69 16 If 60.00 70 14 U 65.00 7 li 2i 79 16 li 65.00 80 14 If 70.00 8 If 21 89 16 If 70.00 90 14 If 80.00 9 If 3 99 16 If 80.00 100 14 li 90.00 10 n 3 109 16 li 90.00 110 14 2 100.00 11 2 3i 119 16 2 100.00 120 14 3i 110.00 12 1 at H 129 16 2i 110.00 130 14 2i 120.00 13 2i 3f 139 16 2* 120.00 140 14 2| 135.00 14 2f 4 149 16 21 135.00 4i 150 14 3 150.00 15 i 3 159 16 3 150.00 N. B.— No extra charge for Coach Bed Axles. N, B,— No Banding, Boring or Boxing is required. Wheels are ready for use, except Tiring. N. B.— No extra charge for Wrenches, Washers or Lubricator. N. B. — For extra-height wheels, for extra-sized rims, and for screws or rivets in rims, the customary extra charge is made. N. B.— Spokes for re-filling, finished ready to drive, may be ordered by •' Pattern No. of Hub." NEW HAVEN WHEEL COMPANY. • Swelled Half Patent Axle. SOLID FACED NUTS. PLAIN OR FAN TAIL BEDS. Bessemer Steel Solid Collar Axles. No. Swelled, Half Patent. Short Bed, . Long Bed, . Wrought Iron Case- Hardened Boxes, extra. f&* il&i it&l l^&li 14.25 5.25 4.25 5.25 4.50 5.75 5.00 6.50 1.60 1.85 2.12 2.62 n ! If 6.00 7.75 8.00 I 10.25 3.70 j 6.25 u 10.00 13.00 If 12.75 16.25 Coach Beds to li, 30 cents ; li and larger, 60 cents advance. Best Quality Steel Converted Iron Solid Collar Axles. No. j Swelled, Half Patent. 15* Short Bed, . 8i ! Long Bed. . I Wrought Iron Case- Hardened Boxes, extra. ftoi 14.25 5.25 if&l i^&H li If H If 4.50 5.75 5.00 6.50 6.00 8.00 7.75 10.25 10.00 13.00 12.75 16,25 1.85 2.12 2.62 3.70 6.25 8.30 If 16.25 20.25 Coach Beds to IJ, 30 cents ; li and larger, 60 cents advance. Medium ftuality Iron Solid Collar Axles. Swelled, Half Patent. Short Bed, Long Bed, ftol $3.13 li li If 3.75 4.50 5.75 4.63 5.63 7.25 n 7.25 9.50 If 9.25 12.25 li 11.75 15.50 15.00 19.50 2i 19.00 24.00 Case-hardening, f to If, 60 cents ; If and larger, $1.12. Coach Shape Beds to IJ, 30 cents ; li and larger, 60 cents advance. Second Quality Iron Solid Collar Axles. No. Half Patent. 13 Plain, ) cf^ x -n j 1314 Swelled, J Short Bed, 6 Plain, ejg Swelled, Long Bed, Itol ^2.75 3.50 H li 4.13 4.00 5.13 If 5.25 6.75 li 6.75 8.50 If 8.75 10.75 11.00 13.25 13.50 16.25 17.00 20.50 Case-hardening. | to If, 60 cents ; If and larger, $1.12 additional. Coach Beds, to li, 30 cents ; li and larger, 60 cents per set additional. NEW HAVEN WHEEL COMPANY. '^W'TT^ U^ miller's patent axle. PRICES OF Miller's Patent Axle. SOLID FACED NUTS. PLAIN OR FAN TAIL BEDS. Bessemer Steel Solid Collar Axles. No. i&llil&l Short Bed, . . . $4.50 I 4.50 Long Bed, . . . 5.50 5.50 Wrought Iron Case- 1 ! Hardened Boxes, extra, 1.60 1 1.85 it&l ItV&H li 11 u 4.75 6.00 3.12 5.25 6.75 2.62 6.25 8.25 3.70 8.00 10.50 6.25 10.25 13.25 8.30 If 13.00 16.50 Coach Beds to li, 30 cents ; li and larger, 60 cents advance. Best duality Steel Converted Iron Solid Collar Axles. No. 1 43 Short Bed, . 44 Long Bed, . Wrought Iron Case- Hardened Boxes extra, ftol $4.50 5.50 1.85 ;1 IxV&li 4.75 6.00 5.25 6.75 J.12 2.62 li 6.25 8.25 3.70 8.00 10.50 .25 H 10.25 13.25 H If 13.00 16.50 16.50 20.50 Coach Beds to li, 30 cents ; li and larger, 60 cents advance. Medium Quality Iron Solid Collar Axles. No. ftol Short Bed, Long Bed, I $3.13 3.8*8 lA&H J. 75 li 4.50 5.63 If 5.75 7.25 U If 7.^5 9.25 9.50 12.25 If 2i 11.75 i 15.00 15.50 19.50 19.00 24.00 Case-hardening, f to If, 60 cents ; If and larger, $1.12. Coach Shape Beds, f to li, 30 cents ; li and larger, 60 cents advance. NEW HAVEN WHEEL COMPANY. Half Patent Collinge Collar Axles. Bessemer Steel Solid Collar. No. Inch. i&i He & n Short Bed, Long Bed, Plain or Fan Tail, Wrought Iron C.-H'd Boxes, Extra $6.50 8.00 7.50 9.00 2.12 ! 2.62 U It U 9.50 : 12.00 15.00 10.75 I 13.50 16.50 3.70 I 6.25 I 8.30 H 19.00 20.50 Coach Beds to li", 30 cents ; IJ" and larger, 60 cents advance. Best duality Steel Converted Iron Solid Collar. No. Inch. 78 Short Bed, ■ 74 Long Bed, Plain or Fan Tail, Wrought Iron C.-H'd Boxes, Extra i&l $6.50 7.50 2.12 1-.-^ & U 8.00 9.00 3.62 9.50 10.75 3.70 n 12.00 15.00 13.50 16.50 6.25 8.30 19.00 20.50 Coach Beds to li", 30 cents; IJ" and larger, 60 cents advance. NEW HAVEN WHEEL COMPANY. 23 Steele's Patent Sand Box Axles. (See cuts on page 24). SOLID FACED NUTS. PLAIN OR FAN TAIL BEDS. Coach Beds to U inch, 30 cents ; li inch and larger, 60 cents per set, extra. Bessemer Steel. No. ftof i \ 1 li U If li If 3 3 Short Beds, . Long Beds, . $4.25 5.00 4.50 5.50 4.75 6.00 5.25 7.00 6.38 8.50 8.50 10.75 11.00 13.00 14.00 16.00 Best duality Steel Converted Iron, Solid Collar. No. ftol 1 H li If li If H 2 2 Short Beds, . Long Beds, . $4.50 5.50 4.75 6.00 5.25 7.00 6.38 8.50 8.50 10.75 11.00 13.00 14.00 16.00 17.00 19.75 Second duality Iron, Solid Collar. No. f tol li li If li If If 2 1 1 Short Beds, . Long Beds, $3.00 3.75 3.50 4.38 4.25 5.50 5.88 7.25 7.38 9.00 9.25 11.13 11.38 13.50 14.00 17.00 Ad Id to List Price for Case-Hardening, f to If, 60 cents ; If a Steel Converting, f to If, $1.12 ; If and larger, $ ad larger, $1.12 : 2.20. Oi K P Common, Concord, miller's Patent Oil I«ut, St< 1 Mut, Full and Half Collinge, Half Patent Col illam Patent Sprius; Washer, Stiver's Long atent and other styles of Axles furnished wh€ eele's linge §well n des Pate Colia Mill ired. at cr NEW HAVEN WHEEL COMPANY. Steele's Patent Sand Box Axles. ANNULLING ALL PREVIOUS LISTS. Edward E. Bradley, Presidgnt, Erastus a. Doolittle, Secretary. PRICE LIST ISTo. ^^. Neu/ Hauep \J/l7eel Co. MANUFACTURERS OF Usual Stylest English Sharp Edge, Sarven Patent, Warner' l^atent, Patent Banded Hub and Eire Department Wlieels,, — ALSO — American Axle and Wheel Co's Patent Axle and WJieel, NEW HAVEN, CONN,, U. S. A. 18S9. SECOND GROV/TH EASTERN TIMBER A Sjjecialty in our Manufactures, DHlAJ^EIiS IN Miller's Patent, Steele's Patent, Half Patent and other Axles. yV^HEJELS OF JlLL SIZES TTR^JD Axle Boxes accurately set in Hubs whenever desired. OOISTTEISTTS. Usual Styles Wheels, Sulky Wheels, Sarven Patent Wheels, Warner Patent Wheels, . Kenney Patent Banded Hub Wheels, Patent Back Bands for Hubs, Spokes, Rims and Hubs, Ironing (Tiring, Boxing, etc.), American Axle and Wheel Co.'s Patent Axle and Axles (Half Patent), Axles (Miller's Patent), . Axles, Half Patent Collinge Collar Axles (Steele's Patent), Wheel Page. 7 11 12 13 14 15 16-19 20 21 22 23 TUTTLE, MOREHOUSE 4 TAYLOR, PRINTERS. EST-A^BIjISIIEID 1S45. New Haven Wheel Company. TO OUR PATRONS: We take pleasure in presenting the trade with our 1889 Price List herewith and trust it will be found entirely satisfactory. No changes to speak of have been made in the prices of goods here- tofore quoted. A few more sizes of wheels have been added this year, also a new axle and wheel which are mentioned more particularly below. We never felt better prepared to serve our customers in every department of our business than at present. It will be our constant and utmost endeavor in the future, as in the past, to give our customers perfect satisfaction : and the added improve- ments which the experience of nearly forty-five years in the business has suggested, give us faith to believe that our success in so doing is beyond experiment. We have now on hand a very large stock of seasoned second growth Hickory and White Oak, and with the best modern machinery and long experience in the business feel that we are enabled to furnish the best icheels made for the prices charged. We challenge a comparison, at equal cost, with any and all other makes of wheels, for style, durability and strength. We desire to call pai'ticular attention to our light wheels. They are all made of pure second growth Hickory spokes and rims and Elm hubs, carefully seasoned and put together, nicely finished and the prices for them will be found very reasonable. It seems hardly necessary for us to especially notice our unpatented styles of Wheels, which include English, and Common styles, they being so thoroughly well known already. A steadily increasing trade from 1845 down to the present time attests the care we take with them, and their consequent value. It is our intention, and will be our constant endeavor in the future, to excel in these lines of work. We make but two qualities ("Extra" and "No. 1") of Wheels having Sharp Edged (English Style) Spokes. Of the usual styles Wood Hub Wheels, we make four qualities, viz : Extra, No. 1, No. 2, and No. 3. We have very desirable Spoke Patterns, etc., for light wheels for road wagons and other light driving vehicles. We ask a special trial for these, believing them to be the most stylish and durable wheels of the kind made. NEW HAVEN WHEEL COMPANY. We make four grades of the light sizes of the genuine "Sarven" Wheel, designated A, B, C and D respectively. We shall continue to pay special attention to the first class (A) Sarven Wheel, which has been adjudged by the public, after more than thirty years' use, the BEST patent wheel made. The lower grades are made in order to supply the constant demand for good durable wheels at mod- erate prices. As such we confidently recommend them. We also make four qualities of the Warner Patent Wheel, designated XXXX, XXX, XX and X respectively. This wheel has now been before the trade for some twenty years, and has been accepted and approved on its merits. It is a favorite wheel, very reliable, and its use is quite widely extended. Of the Kenney Patent Banded Hub Wheels we also make. four qualities of the light sizes, designated XXXX, XXX, XX and X respectively. This excellent wheel has been thoroughly tried, is very popular and continues to grow in public favor. During the past four years we have manufactured the wheels sold by the American Axle and Wheel Company of New York, and through tliis experience have carefully observed the growth and character of their trade. The great merit both in their axle and wheel, as well as their superior lubricating device, have led us to arrange with that company to offer their goods to our trade, which we do in this issue. They make but one grade of these goods, and that strictly the best. For the purpose of meeting a demand both at home and abroad, and especially in those places where properly skilled labor, pertaining to this branch of business, is not readily attainable, we some years ago added to our wheel business the tiring, boxing and banding of wheels; also the furnishing of axles. Our customers are thereby enabled to procure their wheels simply finished in the wood, or to procure them tired, or tired, banded and boxed, and with any usual style or make of axles they desire. This department is gieatly appreciated by many of our customers, who use it frequently and find it of great convenience and advantage. We ask a fair trial for all our work. Thanking our many friends and customers for generous favors in the past and trusting to receive and merit such in the future, we remain, with great respect. NEW HAVEN WHEEL CO. New Haven, Conn., U. S. A. January 1st, 1889. NEW HAVEN WHEEL COMPANY. N. B. — The price of Screwing or Riveting rims of all styles of wheels is given on page 7, and is governed always by the width of tread. Be particular to give all dimensions possible when ordering wheels, as all omissions will be supplied by us, and customers must take the risk of their being right. No wheels warranted unless length of tenon is greater than width of spoke at shoulder after hubs are cut out for axle boxes. Printed blanks or blank books for ordering wheels furnished on appli- cation. MAXIMUM SIZES. If height of wheels (all styles) exceeds 4 feet front and 4 feet 8 inches back, on sets, or 4 feet 4 inches on pairs, they will be subject to an addi- tional charge of 50 cents per inch per wheel for all such excess. If width of tread exceeds width of spokes at hub an extra charge may be made. If Depth of Rims exceeds the following an extra charge may be made, f to li in. spoke-wheels inclusive, not more than i in. deeper than spoke is wide Iftoll " " " " I " lfto2i " " " " i " 3#to3 " " " " I " Common or usual Style Wood Hub Wheel. Sarven" Patent Wheel. NEW HAVEN WHEEL COMPANY. Section showing Usual Style Wood Hub Wheel. Usual (New York) Style Wheels at $15,00, $12.00, $9.50, and $7.00 per set. NJflW HAVEN WHEEL COMPANY. 7 Not Patented Wheels. Be particular to give quality, also height and all other dimensions possible. UsTTAL Style Wood Hub Wheels. Sharp Edge Spokes, English Style. Pek Set. Extra. No. 1. No. 2. No. 3. Extra. No.l. With li in. Spokes and under. $15.00 $12.00 $ 9.50 $ 7.00 $16.00 $13.00 " lA and li in. Spokes. 16.00 13.00 10.00 8.00 17.00 14.00 '• iS 16.50 13.50 11.00 8.50 17.50 14.50 " If 17.00 14.00 12.00 9.00 18.00 15.00 " lA 18.00 15.00 12.50 9.50 19.00 16.00 " U 19.00 16.00 13.00 10.00 20.00 17.00 '• 4 20.50 17.50 14.00 10.50 21.50 18.50 " If 22.00 19.00 15.00 11.00 23.00 20.00 - lli 23.50 20.00 laoo 12.00 24.50 21.00 '• if 25.00 21.00 17.00 13.00 26.00 22.00 28.00 24.00 20.00 15.00 29.00 25.00 " 2 30.00 26.00 22.00 18.00 31.00 27.00 " 3i 33.00 29.00 25.00 21.00 34.00 30.00 " ^ 38.00 33.00 29.00 25.00 " 3f 42.00 36.00 32.00 " 3 46.00 40.00 36.00 " 3i 52.00 46.00 42.00 Of Sharp Edge Wheels we make only the two qualities above quoted. Sulky Wheels Best. SPOKES NOT EXCEEDING \M INCHES Usual Styles. and Sarven Patent. Keuney Patent. 4 feet 6 inches high, per pair, . $ 9.50 $10.00 $10.50 4 " 7 10.50 11.00 11.50 4 " 8 11.50 12.00 12.50 4-9 12.50 13.00 13.50 4 " 10 13.50 14.00 14.50 4 " 11 14.50 15.00 15.50 5 <. 15.50 16.00 16.50 Second quality Sulky Wheels cost $2.00 per pair less than prices quoted above. We make but two qualities of Sulky Wheels, Size of Spokes in above lists is taken as basis of price. Other sizes should be in proportion, otherwise the wheels will be liable to an extra charge. NEW HAVEN WHEEL COMPANY. Section showing interior of genuine "Sarven" Patent Wheel. Sarven Patent Wheels at $17.00, $14.00, $11.50, and $9.00 per set. NEW HAVEN WHEEL COMPANY. JB — Is the square bed of axle, conforming in shape and size to the common axle. ^— Is the neck, its diameter equal to the cornerwise thickness of the bed. O— Is the arm or bearing ; its diameter being considerably greater than the neck. C—ls collar or sand band, of malleable iron, forced upon the neck. Enter- ing between back end of hub and box, as shown, it helps to form the annular recesses "31 and iV" to fill with spent grease and exclude sand, grit, etc. I>— Is axle box of best quality gray iron. It is without taper inside and outside and is forced into the malleable iron hub. This box has a flange "e" cast solid inside near its front end and the leather washers "/ andgf" on either side cushion the end of the axle arm and the flange "d" of the nut in either direction. H—Is axle nut of malleable iron, hollow as shown, and screwed into the hollow end of axle arm. J— -Is malleable iron cap screwing on end of box, preventing loss of axle nut or escape of lubricant and excluding all dirt or grit. 6r— Is supply of grease filling hollow of arm. By removing cap I, insert key through "j" in the nut into socket in piston "P" and turning forward the grease is expelled through "/i" and along gi-oove in top of arm to the bearing. To use oil remove the piston "P" entirely, clean out all grease from the chamber and holes in top and bottom, put on the wheel screw in the nut and with ordinary oiler inject the oil through "j" in nut whence it will run to the bearing. In using oil the leather washers "/ and g" should be thick enough to prevent end play but not bind. In using grease the washer or packing shown in the sand collar may be omitted or not, and washers "/ and g" should be free enough to allow a little end play. These axles are made right and left the same as others. The wheels are not, but the caps on front end of hubs are all threaded right hand. Other- wise all corresponding parts in each size are made interchangeable. We prefer and advise but little dish in our wheels. Our spokes are driven quite firm and will not draw much in tiring, so do not "draught" the rim too much. Set the axle with very little if any front gather, as the arm is straight. Set the bottom of arms so as to give " plumb spoke" as in other wheels. Do not heat the axles near the collars— give the set in the center. When ready to grease screw out the piston P, carefully clean the same and the grease chamber to get all sand and grit out of the threads ; also the collar, the hub and all parts. Now fill the chamber full of grease, screw in the piston 1 inch to IJ inch from the end, far enough to let the axle nut be screwed well home. Put on wheel, screw in the nut securely, insert the key through y and turn forward three or four revolutions, spinning the wheel at same time. It is important to see that the foregoing instructions are complied with. Watch the running carefully the first few days or week, then turn out a little fresh grease upon the arm, after which every two to four weeks will be often enough to turn out more. Too much will show at the collar. A little care and experience will be your best guides in this. Getting started off all right will be a great saving in the future and afford much satisfaction in all respects. 18 NEW HAVEN WHEEL COMPANY. American Axle and Wheel Company's Patent Axle and Wheel. NEW STYLE. l|lj|l|lllll Hlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllipillllllllllllllll^s^' illiliiilliiilllliiliillllllllllllllllillilllllllillll! OLD STYLE. The cuts above accurately represent this axle in contrast with one of the ordinary style and of the same size of bed. The relative size and strength is clearly and fairly shown. This axle bed is in all cases the same size and shape as in the common axle, but there all similarity ceases. In the common style the arm, at the collar, where it usually breaks, contams only three-fourths of the metal (76 per cent.) which is in the square of the bed, and at this point it is relatively weaker because of being cut down at a right angle, from which form, the pounding of the wheel causes the metal to crystallize and break, while this axle, beginning some distance back from the arm or bearing, enlarges to a neck with a diameter equal to the cornerwise thickness of the bed, and this neck always and necessarily contains double the metal, and consequently more than double the strength of the common axle-arm, and being made without a square cut shoulder it will never crystallize or break. NEW HAVEN WHEEL COMPANY. 19 American Axle and Wheel Company's Patent Axle and Wheel. PRICE LIST. N. B.— Only one "Grade" of Goods Made. AXLES. WHEELS. Price List No. Size Diam. Pattern No. No. Spokes Sizeol per Set. of Bed. of Arm. of Hub. In Hub. Spokes. 10 14 f $50.00 1 f li 19 16 1 50.00 20 14 1 50.00 3 1 " ' H 29 30 16 14 1 50.00 50.00 3 1 If 39 16 1 50.00 40 14 li 50.00 4 li If 49 16 H 50.00 50 14 U 55.00 5 li 2i 59 j 16 li 55.00 60 1 14 If 60.00 6 If 2i 69 1 16 If 60.00 70 14 n 65.00 7 li 2i 79 1 16 i| 65.00 80 ! 14 , If 70.00 8 If 2f 89 16 If 70.00 90 14 If 80.00 9 If 3 99 16 If 80.00 100 14 n 90.00 10 11 3 109 16 i| 90.00 110 14 2 100.00 11 2 3i 119 16 2 100.00 120 14 2i 110.00 12 2i 3J 129 16 2i 110.00 130 14 2^ 120.00 13 3i 3f 139 16 2t 120.00 140 14 21 135.00 14 2i ; 4 149 16 21 135.00 150 14 3 150.00 15 3 4i 159 16 3 150.00 N. B.— No extra charge for Coach Bed Axles. N. B.— No Banding, Boring or Boxing is required. Wheels are ready for use, except Tiring. N. B.— No extra charge for Wrenches, Washers or Lubricator. N. B. — For extra-height wheels, for extra-sized rims, and for screws or rivets in rims, the customary extra charge is made. N. B.— Spokes for re-flUing, finished ready to drive, may be oi dered by ■'Pattern No. of Hub." NEW HAVEN WHEEL COMPANY. Swelled Half Patent Axle. SOLID FACED NUTS. PLAIN OR FAN TAIL BEDS. Bessemer Steel Solid Collar Axles. No. 24 Swelled, Half Patent. Short Bed, . Long Bed, . Wrought Iron Case- Hardened Boxes, extra, i&f il&l U&l ItV&H li n 1* $4.25 5.25 4.25 5.25 4.50 5.75 5.00 6.50 6.00 8.00 7.75 10.25 10.00 13.00 1.60 1.85 2.12 2.62 3.70 6.25 8.80 If 12.75 16.25 Coach Beds to li, 30 cents ; li and larger, 60 cents advance. Best duality Steel Converted Iron Solid Collar Axles. No. Si Swelled, Half Patent. Short Bed, . Long Bed, . Wrought Iron Case- Hardened Boxes, extra. itoi if&l ItV&H n n n If $4.25 5.25 4.50 5.75 5.00 6.50 6.00 8.00 7.75 10.25 10.00 13.00 12.75 16,25 1.85 2.12 2.62 3.70 6.25 8.30 If 16.25 20.25 Coach Beds to IJ, 30 cents ; IJ and larger, 60 cents advance. Medium Quality Iron Solid Collar Axles. No. Swelled, Half Patent. Short Bed, Long Bed, ftol $3.13 3.88 U 3.75 4.63 n 4.50 5.63 5.75 7.25 u If (.25 9.25 ).50 12.25 li 11.75 15.50 15.00 19.50 3i 19.00 24.00 Case-hardening, f to If, 60 cents ; If and larger, $1.12. Coach Shape Beds to li, 30 cents ; 1^ and larger, 60 cents advance. Second Quality Iron Solid Collar Axles. No. Half Patent. Short Bed, Itol $2.75 3.50 H 3.25 4.13 n 4.00 5.13 5.25 6.75 li 6.75 8.50 If 8.75 10.75 If 11.00 13.25 13.50 16.25 2i 17.00 20.50 Case-hardening, | to If, 60 cents ; If and larger, $1.12 additional. Coach Beds, to li, 30 cents ; IJ and larger, 60 cents per set additional. NEW HAVEN WHEEL COMPANY. MILIiEB'S PATENT AXLE. PRICES OF Miller's Patent Axle. SOLID FACED NUTS. PLAIN OR FAN TAIL BEDS. Bessemer Steel Solid Collar Axles. No. Short Bed, . Long Bed, . Wrought Iron Case- Hardened Boxes, extra, l&l $4.50 5.50 1.60 if&i 4.50 5.50 1.85 H&l 4.75 6.00 2.12 ItV&H 5.25 6.75 2.62 U 6.25 8.25 3.70 If 8.00 10.50 .25 u 10.25 13.25 ^.30 If 13.00 16.50 Coach Beds to IJ, 30 cents ; li and larger, 60 cents advance. Best auality Steel Converted Iron Solid Collar Axles. No. ftol it&l IxV&li li If li H If 43 44 Short Bed, . Long Bed, . Wrought Iron Case- Hardened Boxes extra, $4.50 5.50 1.85 4.75 6.00 2.12 5.25 6.75 2.62 6.25 8.25 3.70 8.00 10.50 6.25 10.25 13.25 8.30 13.00 16.50 16.50 20.50 Coach Beds to IJ, 30 cents ; U and larger, 60 cents advance. Medium Quality Iron Solid Collar Axles. No. itol 45 Short Bed, 46 i Long Bed, 13.13 ! 3.88 iiV & li 3.75 4.63 li 4.50 5.63 If 5.75 7.25 li H 7.25 ! 9.25 9.50 12.25 2i 11.75 15.00 19.00 15.50 ! 19.50 24.00 Case-hardening, f to If, 60 cents ; 1| and larger, $1.12. Coach Shape Beds, f to li, 30 cents ; li and larger, 60 cents advance. NEW HAVEN WHEEL C03IPANY. Half Patent Collinge Collar Axles. Bessemer Steel Solid Collar. No. Inch. Short Bed, Long Bed, Plain or Fan Tail, Wrought Iron C.-H'd Boxes, Extra & 1 Ue & n $6.50 7.50 2.12 8.00 9.00 2.63 u 9.50 10.75 3.70 12.00 13.50 6.25 u. 15.00 16.50 19.00 20.50 Coach Beds to li", 30 cents ; IJ" and larger, 60 cents advance. Best Quality Steel Converted Iron Solid Collar. No. Inch. i&l lA&H n n u 73 Short Bed, 74 Long Bed, Plain or Fan Tail, . Wrought Iron C.-H'd Boxes, Extra $6.50 7.50 2.12 8.00 9.00 2.62 9.50 10.75 3.70 12.00 15.00 18.50 ' 16.50 6.25 I 8.30 19.00 20.50 Coach Beds to 1^'', 30 cents ; IJ" and larger, 60 cents advance. NEW HAVEN WHEEL COMPANY. 23 Steele's Patent Sand Box Axles. (See cuts on page 24). SOLID FACED NUTS. PLAIN OR FAN TAIL BEDS. Coach Beds to 1^ inch, 30 cents ; If inch and larger, 60 cents per set, extra. Bessemer Steel. No. itof i 1 H '' 11 U If 3 3 Short Beds, . Long Beds, $4.25 5.00 4.50 5.50 4.75 6.00 5.25 7.00 6.38 8.50 8.50 10.75 11.00 13.00 14.00 16.00 Best Quality Steel Converted Iron, Solid Collar. No. Short Beds, Long Beds, 4 to $4.50 5.50 4.75 6.00 n 5.25 7.00 li 8.50 1| 8.50 10.75 n 11.00 13.00 H If 14.00 17.00 16.00 19.75 Second Quality Iron, Solid Collar. No. Short Beds, Long Beds, f tol H li If li 1| If $3.00 3.75 3.50 4.38 4.25 5.50 5.88 7.25 7.38 9.00 9.25 11.13 11.38 13.50 i 14.00 17.00 Add to List Price for Case-Hardening, f to If, 60 cents ; If and larger, $1.12 ; Steel Converting, f to 1|, $1.12 ; If and larger, $2.20. Common, Concord, Miller's Patent Oil \ut, Steele'§ Patent Oil ]^ut, Full and Half Collin^^e, Half Patent Collinge Collar, Killam Patent Spring Waslier, Stiver's Long Swell Miller Patent and other styles of Axles furnisbed ^vlien desired. H NEW HAVEN WHEEL COMPANY. Steele's Patent Sand Box Axles. Webster Family Library of Veterinary Medicine «3Sc5ool of veterinary Mecl.cme at Tufts University 200 Westboro Road North Grafton. ^AA 01 536