GUIDE TO THE SPECIMENS OF THE HORSE FAMILY (EquidaB) EXHIBITED IN THE DEPARTMENT OP ZOOLOGY, BRITISH MUSEUM (NATURAL HISTORY), CBOMWEIiL ROAD, LONDON. B.W. ILLUSTRATED BY 26 FIQURBB. LONDON: PRINiiiL/ BY ORDER OF THE TRUSTEES OF THE BRITISH MUSEUM. 1907. PRICE ONE SHILLING, c H./Z-lSMes ^ BR ?x ^1 JOHNA.SEAVERNS 014 532 333 Webber Family Library of Veterinary' Medicine Cumrnings School ot Veterinary Medicine at Tufts University 200 Westboro Road North Grafton, WiA 01536 GUIDK TO THE siPEioiiMiEnsrs OF THE HORSE FAMILY (EQUIDiE) EXHIBITED IN THE DEPARTMENT OF ZOOLOGY, BRITISH IVIUSEUIVI (NATURAL HISTORY), CROMWELL ROAD, LONDON, S.W. ILLUSTRATED BY 26 FIGURES. LONDON : PIlI^TED BY ORDER OF THE TRUSTEES OF THE BRITISH MUSEUM. 1907. All rir/Jits reserved. AT.EEE 1 TLAMMAM, PRINTED BY TAYLOR AND FRANCIS. KED LTON COURT, FLF.KT STKKirr. PEEFACE Owing to the great interest attaching to the Horse and its. relatives (alike from the point of view of the naturalist, the breeder, and the sportsman) it has been decided to issue a special Guide- Book to the specimens of this group exhibited in the public Galleries of the Zoological Department of the Museum. It is hoped that the following pages will not only tend to stimulate this interest, but that they will also lead to the presentation of ''^ record ''^ specimens for preservation in the National Collection. In the case of skeletons of celebrated thoroughbreds, Arabs, and other breeds, their true interest can only be fully appreciated when they are brought together in a large series. It is only in a great public museum that the proper care and preservation of sucli specimens can be assured. The present Guide-Book is the work of Mr. II. Lydekker. E. KAY LANKESTER, Director. Bkitish Museum (Natural History). October, 1907. 1 QUIDE TO THE HORSE FAMILY -. Although frequently employed in zoology in a wide I. u .. sense^ to indicate all the members of the family Equid(Sj both living and extinct_, the term " Horse " properly denotes only the well-known domesticated animal Equus caballus and its half-wild or wild representatives. Since, more- over, the Latin name was given by the Swedish naturalist Linnaeus, it seems necessary to regard the domesticated Horses of Scandinavia as the typical representatives of the species. In these pages the term Horse is niainly used in the more restricted sense. Different views are entertained with regard to the limitations of the family Equidce, some naturalists including in it all the extinct animals belonging to the same line of descent, or "phylum/^ while others restrict it to those more or less nearly related to the living species. _. 11 In the latter sense the Equidce are characterized by the tall prismatic crowns and complex structure of ^* their cheek-teeth, in which all the hollows and valleys formed by the infoldings of enamel are filled by cement, so as to form a grinding surface of a perfect type. Another feature is the presence of an infolding of the enamel in the summits of the incisors, thus producing what is called the '' mark.^^ In the skuil B 2 THE HORSE FAMILY. the enclosure of the socket of the eye by a complete bony ring is a feature distinctive of the group. In all existing members of the family, constituting the genus Equiis, there is only one toe on each foot, although rudiments of lateral digits are represented by the '' splint-bones '^ on each side of the upper end of the cannon-bones. Dentition '^^^^ dentition of the Horse is illustrated on one side of of the the table-case placed near the middle of the North Hall; Horse. the object of the specimens being to show the alterations which take place with age. In all its features the dentition displays special adaptation for the masticating of vegetable food, such as the herbage of the open plains upon which the species dwells in a state of nature. The front teeth or incisors are, for instance, used for cropping off the blades and stems of grass, while the cheek-teeth (molars and premolars) serve for crushing and breaking them into fragments. The tusks, or canines, so greatly developed in carnivorous animals, are comparatively small even in the males, and rudimentary in the females. The complete number of teeth in the addt Horse is that characteristic of Ungulate or Hoofed Animals of the early Tertiary period, viz.,thv^e incisors (i), one canine {c), four premolars (p), and three molars (m) on each side above and below, or forty- four in all. The first premolar {p. 1) is, however, very small, and often wanting, especially in the lower-jaw; but instances of its presence are shown m several specimens in the case ; these being of interest, as remnants, on the point of disa})pearance, of a tooth well developed in the Horse-like Animals of ancient times. The incisors, as mentioned above, have an infolding of the surface, constituting a deep pit (the '^mark^^), a feature now confined to the Eqiiidce. In consequence of this pit extend- ing only a certain depth into the crown, it becomes obliterated as the tooth wears away, so that its presence is a guide to the age of the animal. The six principal cheek-teeth are in close contact by broad surfaces fitting tightly against each other, so that they collectively form one solid mass, presenting a grinding- surface composed of substances of various degrees of hardness (enamel, dentine, and cement), interwoven into an intricate pattern so as to make most efficient natural millstones. The Fig. 1. a. I. c. d e. The Ancestoks of the Horse and its relatives compared in size and FORM with their TYPICAL MODERN REPRESENTATIVE. a. Hyracotherium or Protorohippus, of the Lower Eocene ; h. Plagiolophus, or Orohippus, of the Middle Eocene ; c. MeHohipjms, of the Oligocene ; d. Merychippus, of the Miocene ; e. PUohippus, of the l^liocene ; f. The Modern Horse, Equus caballus, domesticated breed. (LiiW, Amer. J. Sci. vol. xxiii, p. 167.) [To /ace page's. I TEETH. 3 grinding-face of the tooth always keeps at the same level, the gradual wear of the superficial parts being compensated by the pushing outwards of the whole tooth in its socket until, as may be seen in the older specimens, nothing but the root is left. The permanent teeth are preceded by a temporary or deciduous set of " milk-teeth " {d.i., d.m., &c.) ; in which there are as many incisors as in the permanent set, although there are only three cheek-teeth on each side above and below ; these milk-molars being replaced by the last three permanent premolars. The eruption, or cutting through the gums, of the deciduous teeth commences at about the time of birth, and is completed before the end of the first year, when the young animal has its full set ; the upper teeth, as a rule, appearing somewhat earlier than those of the lower jaw. The first teeth to appear are the central incisors and the molars ; between the first and second months the second incisor appears, and finally (at about nine months) the third (corner) incisor, which completes the milk-dentition. Of the permanent teeth, the first molar appears about the end of the first year, followed by the second molar before the end of the second year ; these teeth being thus in place before any of the milk-teeth have been shed. At about two and a half years the second and third premolars replace their predecessors ; and between two-and- a-half and three years the first permanent incisor appears. At three-and-a-half to four years the fourth premolar, the third true molar, and the second incisor have appeared ; while at four-and-a- half to five years the third (corner) incisor and the canine have cut the gum, thus completing the permanent dentition. Up to this period the age of the horse is clearly shown by the condition of its teeth, and for some years longer indications can be obtained from the wear of the incisors, though this depends to a considerable extent upon the hardness of the food and other accidental circumstances. In the specimens exhibited the side view of the teeth of the right side, and the grinding-surface of the teeth of the left side are shown. The series of skulls exhibited comprises specimens ranging in age from the unborn colt to a horse of 36 years. b2 4 THE HORSE FAMILY. _, , , , Facing: the visitor as he enters the middle of the Skeleton of .\ „ , . . w i i f north hall are shown m a single case the skeletons Man & Horse. ^^ ^ -^^^ ^^^ ^^ ^ ^^^.^^ (N.H. 1), arranged for comparison with each other, and also to show the position of the bones of both in relation to the external surface. In the case of the Horse, the skin of the animal from which the skeleton was prepared was mounted, and, when dry, divided in the middle line^ and one half, lined with velvet, placed behind the skeleton. In the Man the external surface is shown by a papier-mache model, similarly lined and placed in a corresponding position. The principal bones of both skeletons have their names attached, so that study of this group, besides affording a lesson in com- parative anatomy, may be of practical utility to artists. The meanings of the terms pastern, fetlock^ etc. are also explained in this specimen. Evolution Specimens illustrative of the evolution of the Horse are of the displayed on the north side of the table-case near the Horse. middle of the north hail ; that is to say in the same case which contains, on the south side, the series illustrating the dentition of the Horse. The evolution of the Horse (and its allies) is better known than that of any other group of Mammals. In passing from the Horse to its earlier ancestors, a gradual decrease in bodily size (fig. 1), accompanied by a shortening of the lower segments of the limb, especially of the bones of the foot, is very noticeable ; at the same time there is an increase in the number of the toes, while the height of the crowns of the cheek-teeth is lowered, and their structure becomes simpler. In the Horse, in common with the other members of the genus Equus, the skull (fig. 13) has the socket of the eye completely surrounded by bone, there is no distinct depression immediately in front of the same, the canine and incisor teeth are separated by a lon^ gap from those of the cheek-series, and the crowns of the latter are very tall and continue to grow till late in life, while their grinding-surfaces are much complicated, owing to the fiUing-up of all the cavities with the substance known as cement. Each limb terminates in a single hoof, upon which alone the animal walks ; Fig. 2. Skeleton of Foj{e-feet oe extinct Fojie-iunner.s of the Horse : A. Hyracothcrium (No. N. 11. (w) ; ]*,. MesoJdppm (No. N. II. ~u) ; V. Merychippus, or Protohippus (No. N. li. 57) : D. Kippavion (No. N. H. 44). [ To face page 5. EXTINCT HORSES. 5 the lateral toes being represented only by the so-called ^^ splint- bones '' (tig. 7). Remains of Horses indistinguishable from some of the various forms of the existing species occur in the superficial deposits of Europe and Asia, in company with those of the Mammoth. At a somewhat earlier epoch (Pliocene) occur Horses, such as E. stenonis of Europe and E. sivalensis of India, in which the head is relatively larger, the feet are somewhat smaller, the splint-bones more developed, and the skull shows traces of a depression in front of the eye. The American Pliohippus is smaller, with shorter cheek-teeth. Still earlier (Miocene) is found in America a Horse known as Merychippus or Protohippus in which the splint-bones are fully developed and terminate inferiorly in small, although perfect, toes. In the early Pliocene Hipparion, or three-toed Horse, the lateral toes are still larger, while the crowns of the cheek-teeth are lower, and the skull is shorter and shows a large depression in front of the eye. In this animal the crowns of the cheek-teeth are still tall and have their hollows filled with cement (fig. 6, E), and there must consequently be some unknown forms connecting it with the Miocene Anchit her turn, in which the crowns of these teeth are quite short, and have their hollows free from cement. Hipparion is generally regarded as ofi" the direct ancestral line. This type is common to Europe, Asia, and North America ; but Mr. J. W. Gidley, in the Bulletin of the American Museum, has come to the conclusion that the New World Hipparions are generically distinct, and proposes that they should be known as Neohipparion. They differ from the Old World forms by certain details of tooth-structure, as well as by their more slender limbs, in which it seems that the lateral toes are relatively smaller. Finally, they are of Miocene, instead of Pliocene, age. Nearly allied to Anc hit her iu7n is the Oligocene ^enns Mesa hippuSj the species of which are smaller than the typical representative of the former. In these animals the socket of the eye is open behind, the gap between the canine and cheek-teeth is comparatively short, the lateral toes are functional, and there is even a suggestion of a fourth toe in the fore-foot (fig. 2, B). This digit is fully developed in the fore-foot (fig. 2, A) of Hyracotherium^ a Lower 6 THE HORSE FAMILY. Eocene Mammal not larger than a Fox, in which the lateral digits of both feet are relatively as large as in the Tapir, while all the bones of the feet are proportionately shorter than in the Horse, and all three joints of each toe probably touched the ground. Species intermediate between Mesohippus and Hijracotherium have been named Flaffiolophus and Orohippus. Farther it is not at present possible to carry the ancestry of the Horse, but there is little doubt that Hyracotherium is descended from a still earlier five-toed Mammal with a simpler type of cheek-teeth, and much shorter foot-bones. This hypothetical animal doubtless walked on the whole sole of its foot (plantigrade progression) instead of on the tips of the toes, and was probably nearly related to the creature known as Phenacodus, a cast of the skeleton of which is exhibited in the Gallery of Fossil Mammals. For further details concerning the extinct allies of the Horse see 'A Guide to the Fossil Mammals and Birds in the Department of Geology and Palaeontology \ rt ., - . The superficial (Pleistocene) deposits of South South American , . ^ ■ ^^ ^ ^ .^ _ ,. , „ America — more especially those oi the province or Extmct Horses. r> a i, n i ^- ^ Duenos Aires — have yielded remains oi two very remarkable equine animals, Hippidium neogaum and Onohippidium munizi. Of the former the model* of a nearly entire skeleton (N.H. 3, fig. 3) is exhibited, while the latter is represented by a cast of the skull (N.H. 17). In both genera the cheek-teeth (as mentioned later) have shorter crowns and differ in several details of structure from those of modern Horses. As mounted, the skeleton stands 4 ft. 1 in., or 12^ hands, at the withers, while the skull measures 23^ in. in total length. In an average European horse-skeleton, standing 4 ft. 9J in., or 14 hands Ij in. at the shoulder, the skull-length is about 23} in., or practically the same as in the much smaller Hippidium. Although these measurements suffice to show how disproportionately large is the skull of the Hippidium, they by no means indicate the chief peculiarities of that animal. Com.parison of the skull of the former with that of an ordinary Horse shows a most remarkable difference in the structure of the nasal region of the two species. In me ordinary Horse the nasal bones are separated from the maxillae, or upper jaw-bones, of either side by a slit of only some * The original of this model has been made tlie type of a second species, but on very slight grounds. 5 'It .— o CO t3-' ,o l-K ^ B « o o o • / Fig. 4. Skull of Onohippidmm munizi. (From the model in the Museum, No. N. H. 17). pf. preorbital fossR; or depression. About \ nat. size. Fig. T). Skull of a small S. American Derr, Pudua jfudu (No. N. H. 17), to show the preorbital fossa, or depression (pf.), which contains a gland. ^ nat. size. [ To face page'Jl. SOUTH AMERICAN EXTINCT HORSES. 7 three or four inches in length. In Hippidium (as in Onohip- pldmm, lig. 4), on the other hand^ these slits are about 10^ in. long, while the nasal bones themselves are proportionately long and slender. This clearly indicates that these extinct American Horses had extremely elongated noses, not improbably forming a kind of short trunk comparable to that of the Saiga Antelope. In that animal, as well as in its relative the Chiru Antelope of Tibet, the increased size of the nasal chamber has been brought about by a shortening instead of an elongation of the nasal bones, but it is probable that in these two Antelopes and in the Hippid- ium the purpose of the modification is the same. It has been generally supposed that in the case of the Chiru the large size of the nasal chamber is an adaptation to the respiratory needs of an animal living at a very high elevation. In the case of the Saiga such an explanation would, however, obviously not hold good; and the real explanation in all three cases may perhaps be found in a special adaptation to a desert life, the long nose serving as a filter to prevent particles of sand reaching the organ of smell. As regards the rest of its skeleton, Hippidium is remarkable for its short and stout limbs ; this being chiefly due to the excessive shortness of the cannon-bones, which are also unusually wide, with very stout splint-bones. Each limb terminates in a single toe. These short limbs, coupled with the huge unwieldy head, indicate that Hippidium had less speed than ordinary ponies. There are only five lumbar, or ribless trunk, vertebras, as in the Arabian Horse. Two other points of interest in connection with these peculiar equine animals deserve brief reference. From the conformation of the bones of the nasal region it seems certain that neither Hippidium or Onohippidium can be derivatives from the genus Equus, while it is still more evident that Equus cannot be descended from Hippidium. Consequently, the reduction of the digits from three in the ancestral Horses to a single one on each foot has taken place independently in the two genera. The second point is that if the wild Horses alleged to have been seen by Cabot in Argentina in the year 1530 really were, as some suppose, indigenous, they must have been either Hippidium or Onohippidium^ and not Horses of the Old World type. With the evidence afforded by the skins of the Patagonian Ground-Sloth as to the 8 THE HORSE FAMILY. comparatively late date to which that species survived, there is no vahd reason why Hijypidium and Onohippidium should not have survived till Cabot^s time, especially as their hoof's have been found in comparativel}/ fresh condition alongside the remains of the Ground -Sloth. While the skull of Hippidium shows no marked depression in front of the eye-socket, that of Onohippidium (fig. 4) has an enormous pit in this position, with a smaller and partially detached one in front. _ -, - In the same case with the skull of Onohippidium _ ,. . „ are exhibited a few specimens (N.H. 34) illus- Extinct Horses. . . .i . . \ A-rc ^u tratmg the structural diiierences m the upper cheek-teeth of some of the later members of the Equidce, and also the marked difference between an unworn and a worn molar of Equus cahallus. The specimen marked A (fig. 6, A) is an unworn molar tooth of the latter species, with the infoldings of the crown not yet filled with the cement, which is developed later. D (fig. 6, D) shows the condition of a similar tooth which has been some time in use. The summits of the columns coloured red in A have been worn away in D so as to expose the dentine or ivory (red) forming the interior of the tooth ; the infoldings on the crown, of which the central ones are converted into islets, being filled with cement (blue) . The enamel, forming the proper external surface of the tooth, is left of the natural colour. Specimen C (fig. 6, C) is a half-worn tooth of the above-mentioned extinct South American Hippidium, in which the two disks (anterior and posterior pillars) on the lower border coloured red are more alike than in Equus ; the whole crown of the tooth being also shorter. Specimens B and E are respectively slightly worn and half-worn teeth (fig. 6, B & E) of the European Three-toed Hipparion. In these the anterior pillar (a) is isolated from the rest of the crown, thus indicating that the genus is off the direct line of ancestry of the modern representatives of the Horse family. n II ■!. Although it is unnecessary to discuss the «:eneral Callosities or * , ... ° . , I " structure of the EquidcBj it is important to mention that all members of the Horse tribe have a bare patch of hardened skin on the inner side of the fore-leg, situated some distance above the carpus, or "knee." In the Horse a similar but smaller callosity, or " chestnut " generally. O ■ L,^ ^ il« t^i o ^ h2- 3: ^ %. i?; ;-:;;:•; -J ►i o« '^ § ^ ^ a 2 5- > ^ c r<' ■ s' W b C ^' • ■.'_y a 5^ ?P^ o W fej ►5 » *'>— ^ *''*^ * <2 ^ 1: ^ ' o* r ^. p ^q 7^ 05 '^ ?n Ji' H ^ P K P- o m '^ a> o^ 5' !3 O C CO !-■• » c+- is' a t^ w M > en ?? .~v > ^' N ^ •^^ - 2 O ^ ? "^ w :^ (72 H o • h3 a S 1^ HI i^ a o CO 3 ^ l-»5 00 1 o JH^ ^ o " S 2 3 C •— " 5 ■^ ^ 5; r»- >• C! '<5 C>!2 ? ^ » 5 ^ r»- W ^ ■> Q =^ 2 P a 1 ^ ^ e O o o t CO a! M CALLOSITIES AND ERGOT. 9 occurs on the inner side of the hind-limb some distance below the tarsus, or hock (%. 8). This hind-callosity is absent in certain ponies from Iceland and the Hebrides as well as, it is reported, in some horses from North Africa ; and is always wanting in the Ass, the Zebras, and all other members of the family. The front callosity is more warty in the Horse than in any other species of the family. These structures are evidently of the type commonly called rudimentary, that is to say, they are the decadent remnants of organs once functional. They have been regarded as representing glands. Important evidence in favour of this view is the fact that when cut the callosities yield a fluid which will attract other horses, and will likewise cause dogs to keep quiet when the premises of their masters are invaded ; such a fluid being almost certainly derived from an ancestral scent-gland. Specimens of the legs of the Horse (N.H. 71, 72), Ass (N.H. 69, 70), and Zebra (N.H. 68) are exhibited in the large case in the central archway on the north side of the hall to illustrate these remarkable structures. Near by are shown in spirit portions of the bind-legs of two unborn colts (N.H. 96, 96 a) in order to demonstrate that the position of the calosity (flg. 9) is the same as in the adult, and thus to refute the suggestion that these structures represent one of the foot-pads of less specialized Mammals. In the same case are displayed specimens of the limbs of Deer with glands situated in positions not very dissimilar to those occupied by the callosities of the Horse, In old veterinary books the callosities, which were supposed to be due to disease, are called sallenders (from the French Solandre), or mallenders. They are sometimes called '^castors." The true representative of a foot-pad is the ''ergot," I he trgoi. ^^. ^^^^n i^orny knob projecting from the hind surface of the fetlock of the Horse. A specimen (N.H. 93, fig. 10) showing this is displayed in the same case, where the foot of a Tapir (N.H. 94, fig. 11, A) and another of a Dog (N.H. 95, fig. 11, B) are also exhibited, in order to show the correspondence of the central pad with the Horse's ergot. .In this place certain interesting abnormalities which occasionally make their appearance in Horses may be Horses. eonveniently noticed. The most remarkably of these are connected with the skull. The specimens exhibited include 10 THE HORSE FAMILY. the skull of an English Horse (N.H. 45) presented by Mr, Hanbury Carlile, showing rudiments of a pair of horns on the forehead. Of three other specimens of the same type, one is the frontal region of the skull of an ordinary English Horse (N.H. 44) showing the pair of rudimentary horns in precisely the same position as in the first specimen, but of somewhat larger size. The other two are models of the foreheads of Thorough- breds (]N.H. 46, 47), each showing a pair of similar horns, situated as in the preceding specimens. These are important as showing that the skin extends uniformly over the horn-Hke processes, without any trace of a dermal horn ; the same condition being observable in the other two examples. The significance of these horn-like growths is at present inexplicable, seeing that none of the ancestral Horses, or even of the collateral branches of the Horse-stock, were horned animals. This makes it tlie more difficult to understand why the projections in all the four specimens above referred to should be so similar in form and position. « r The next abnormalities to be mentioned are connected with the foot-bones of Shire Horses, as represented in the feet of "Blaisdon Conqueror,^'' formerly owned by Mr. Peter Stubs and of two other Horses of the same breed presented respectively by Lord Wantage and Lady Wantage. In the skeleton of " Prince Henry ,^^ presented by Lady Wantage, only the bones of the limbs on the left side (N.H. 38) have been preserved ; but in both the front and hind cannon-bones (fig. 7) of that side the two lateral splint-bones (the metapodials of anatomists) are unusually large and stout. In place of terminating, as in many ordinary Horses, about two-thirds down the shaft of the cannon-bone, or even less, in thin narrow slips, they extend fully four-fifths the length of the latter, where they end in large triangular processes inclined markedly outwards. Although these terminal projections arc immovably welded to the splint-bones, their structure is such as to indicate that they represent distinct elements, consisting of two or three pieces each ; and there can be no doubt that they really correspond to the lateral toe-bones (plialanges) of the extinct Hipparion. In other words. Lady Wantage's Shire may be said to be a veritable three- toed Horse, ^ Sg d V ^ s ' —> w CD v^^v O W O o o H o C '■ f^ o 00 ^ o 5 -J: - ^ ^ ^ «^ = g c c- 5 c o OTi P"H C^ t-H t , 1 ^ O >^' H o O y. rH H ^, O « 1^ n K K W H •^ ^ ?s P^ n « W '-) rr a: n P H ■s s y. -^ ° £ ji^ M r-i O ._^ .. S ^ I ~ > o r-i r^ -w I — — w fOOT-BONES. 11 in which the bones of the rudimentary lateral toes were buried in the skin and welded together. It is noticeable that, in both the fore and hind foot, the outer rudimentary toe-bones are much more developed on the left than on the opposite side. If this were all, it might be considered that the Shire " Prince Henry ^' was merely a solitary instance of reversion towards the ancestral type in foot-structure_, and, although even this would be a matter of considerable interest, yet it would have little or no special bearing on the ancestry of the breed in general. Since, however, the cannon-bones of ^'^Blaisdon Conqueror ^^ also display an equally large development of the splint-bones, which show traces at their lower ends of distinct vestiges of the toe-bones, although by no means in so pronounced a degree as in " Prince Henry," the peculiarity seems to be more deeply seated. It is true, indeed, that in the case of the feet (N.H. 77, 78) and limb- bones (N.H. 79, 80) of a Shire colt presented by Loi'd Wantage, it has to be admitted that these are abnormal and more or less malformed ; yet, the fact remains that they show not only traces, but a relatively high degree of development of the lateral toes, of which the constituent bones are separate, while the terminal one on one side of each limb has a hoof of its own. The reversion to the ancestral type is thus very strong. In both feet of this colt the lateral (2nd and 4th) metacarpal bones (usually represented only by the so-called splint-bones) are complete, though varying in size, and carry one toe-bone each. Although this abnormal specimen was selected and presented to the museum on account of its peculiarities, yet, after making allowance for this, there is the remarkable fact that three skeletons of Shire Horses exhibit more or less strongly developed rudiments of the lateral toes of the extinct three-toed Hipparion. Tlie obvious inference is that this is a characteristic of the breed. To coniirm or disprove this idea requires, however, the limb- bones of a considerable series of pedigree Shires. Of special value would be the limb-bones of very young colts, in which the rudimentary toe-bones might be separate and more fully developed than in the adult. As matters already stand, a further inference may, however, be drawn from these rudimentary toes in the Shire Horse. As already stated, in many Horses the splint-bones 12 • THE HORSE FAMILY. terminate inferiorly in thin scale-like extremities. In some instances, however (as in the fore limb of Stockwell, exhibited in a wall-case), they have a small flat expansion at the lower end, and from the evidence of the Shire Horse bones these expansions maj'^ be definitely identified with the lateral toe-bones of the three-toed ancestors of the Horse. In a certain sense, therefore, a con- siderable number of existing Horses are really three-toed animals. Whether the highly developed condition of the splint-bones and rudimentary toe-bones of the Shire Horse indicates an ancestry for that breed distinct from either the Arab thoroughbred stock on the one hand, and the ordinary North European stock on the other, or whether it is merely a kind of reversionary redundancy due to the large size and vigour of the Shire, is difficult to decide. Variation of another type has formed the subject of a paper by Mr. 0. C. Bradley in the Proceedings of the Edinburgh Physical Society. The trapezium of the carpus of the Horse is the structure discussed ; and it is shown that this bone is present, either in one or both hmbs, in about 50 per cent, of the skeletons examined, while if each carpus be taken separately (that is, without reference to the condition in its fellow) the percentage is a little more than 40. This, in conjunction with its minute size, leads to the conclusion that in the evolution of the single-toed foot of the Horse the bone in question is following in the steps of the lateral metacarpal (splint-bone) with which it was originally connected. Another point of interest is the existence of a variation in me considerable amount of difference in the structure onape 01 me ^|? ^j^^ hooi in the various members of the Horse _ .. tribe ; this being illustrated by a series of ^' specimens (N.H. 81-89) in the large case on the north side of the North Hall. In the Horse [Equus caballus) the " frog," or central cushion is reduced to a narrow ridge, dee()ly grooved posteriorly, which does not extend behind the case of the hoof, and is not applied to the ground. In Grevy's Zebra {E. grevyi), of North-east Africa, the frog becomes much broader, with scarcely any trace of the groove, and its hind part touches the ground. In the Kiang [E. hcmionus kiang), of Tibet, the posterior develo])ment of the frog becomes more marked, so that a considerable portion projects behind the case of the hoof and Fig. 12. The Cave-Hohse : from a Prehistoric Sketch. Fig. 13. Skull of the Mongolian Wild Horsk, Female (No. N. II. 16). [To face page 1: CAVE-HORSE. 13 touches the ground; the cleft being narrow and deep. A still greater development of the hind part of the frog occurs in the Ass {E. asinus). In the extinct South American Onohippidium the frog is somewhat intermediate between the Horse and the Ass type, being grooved and not projecting behind the case of the hoof, but being of considerable breadth and tliickness. In the Bonte-Quagga or Burchell's Zebra (Equus hurchelli) of South and Eastern Africa the medium -sized and slightly cleft frog is deeply sunk in the hoof, behind which it projects to a small degree; not touching the ground, except when the hoof is much worn. Characteristics Coming to the characteristics of the Horse itself, of tlie as typified by the domesticated Scandinavian Horse. breed, the species is distinguished by the tail being abundantly covered with long hair up to the root and the general presence of bare callosities or, " chestnuts,''^ on the inner side of both pairs of limbs. The mane, which has a forelock on ihe forehead, is long and pendant, the ears are relatively short, the head small, the limbs long, and the hoofs large and broad, especially the front pair, w^hich considerably exceed the hind ones in this respect. Normally there are no distinct colour-markings ; although dark bars are not unfrequently seen on the legs, and more rarely on the shoulders, of dun-coloured individuals. This definition requires, however, some amount of modification when the wild representatives of the species are taken into con- sideration. The following main types or races of the Horse may be recognized, of which the first is : — _, p The Cave Horse, Equus cabaUus spelceus, a race typified by bones and teeth from the cavern of Bruniquel, Tarn- et-Garonne, France, described by Sir R. Owen in the Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society for 1869, and exhibited in the Geological Department. It was then supposed to indicate an animal of about 13^ hands in height, but the relatively large size of the cheek-teeth of the next race indicates that it was probably much smaller. Prehistoric sketches from the Cave of La Madelaine, in the Dordogne, south of France (fig. 12), show that this race was practically identical with the living Wild Horse of Mongolia, having the same relatively large 14 THE HORSE FAMILY. head, absence of forelock, upright mane, and tail sparsely haired at the root. Indeed, the grounds for separating this race from the next are based on considerations of nomenclature and con- venience rather than on structural differences. Nevertheless, the cheek-teeth appear to be relatively and absolutely smaller in the cavern race, the length of the row of six upper teeth in a specimen from Bruniquel being about 7^ inches. Skulls from the superficial deposits of Walthamstow, Essex, of which one (N.H. 18) is exhibited in the table-case, probably indicate a race nearly allied to, if not identical with, the Cave- Horse. As in the Mongolian Wild Horse, the face is bent downwards only in a slight degree on the line of the basal axis of the skull. -- ,. The Mongolian Wild Horse [Equus cabalhis prze- ^ valsLii, fia:. 14) is a small race, standina; about Wllrl llnrco ^ o / ^ o 12 hands at the shoulder, and characterised by the root of the tail being short-haiied, a short upright mane, the absence of a forelock, and the yellow dun or somewhat rufous body-colour, with the mane and tail black, the legs dark brown or black, at least as high as the fetlocks, a narrow dark stripe down the back, and generally (probably always when pure-bred) a white muzzle. The head is relatively large, especially as regards the face, the ears are proportionately tall, and the hoofs rather narrow. The interval between the first upper cheek-tooth and the outermost incisor is relatively very short. The cheek-teeth (fig. 16, A) are both absolutely and relatively very large, the length of the upper row of six in a skull with a basal length of 18|- inches being 7^ inches, or only one-quartei- of an inch less than in the skull of the Shire Mare '' Starhght'' (N.H. 23, fig. 16, B), of which the basal length is 23 inches. Other distinctive features of the upper cheek-teeth are the absence of complex foldings in the enamel and the relatively large size (antero-posteriorly) of the anterior pillar {a), which is produced considerably in advance of the point of con- nection with the main body of the tooth, and is much flattened on the inner side. This feature is most pronounced in the premolars. The large relative size of the cheek-teeth is illustrated by comparison with those of a Dartmoor Pony skull (N.H. 27), Fig. 14. The Mongolian Wild Horse. (BYom the female specimen presented by the Duke of Bedford ) Fig. 15. The Dauley Arabian. prom the original picture at Aldby Pcirk, York. [Tofiicepaije M. Fljr. 16. Right Upper Chekk-Tkkth of thk ^foNGuLiAx Wild House, (A); a Shire Horse, (B) ; and an Arab, (C) | nat. size. «, anterior pillar. {To face p It >» „ 4.30 „ February 15th to end, »♦ »» »» ,1 5 »» March, »> tf »j „ 5.30 „ April to August, »> j» »j » 6 » September, >» >f »» „ 5.30 „ October, » t> 7t j> ^ i» November and December, »♦ »i »» »> v^ »» Also, from May Ist to the middle of July, on Mondays and Satur- days' only, till 8 P.M., and from the middle of July to the end of Augu»t, on Mondays and Saturdays only, till 7 p.m. The Museum is open on Sunday afternoons throughout the year. The Museum is closed on Good-Friday and Christmas-Day. By OrcUr of the Trustees, Id. RAY LANKESTER, Direcio%\