^....^^jj^^^j^zii^ps: mmW TQEOTISE ( . N I I I K, BREAKING & TRAINING WIUIMIGiS HOUSE!! AS TAUGHT BY t' PROF. NORTON B. SMITH, |j UNDER THE MANAGEMENT OF NAT BEHJRENTS. PJROFE SSOR NORTON B. SMITH Emperor of all Jlorse Educators. MARVELLOUS, SCIENTIFIC, AND EDUCATIONAL EXHIBITION, HANDLING AND SUBDUINC ^viL.r> & VICIOUS Those who attend my Exl lie Lectures which I ^ive will receive a irn how to j^l^f 1. ,.-^. [ y.,y..r.- - 1 ! exploding fll. ilker; how to :lir proper \i . how to , I'cing ^lu'.iiiv'l ; liow to ■ w to ptcvcnt Horses fro -rds. aiP ' -■••■- - ' , ha.i }i,i ,^ ,„ <>'''= • ,<-s, free of ch;ii ONLY EXHIBITION OP THE KIND IN THE WORLD. Professor NORTON B. SMITH'S Record of the Past a Guarantee of the Future. Years of Brilliant Success the Reward of Merit. ALL WILD, VICIOUS, AND NERVOUS HORSES Professor NORTON B. SMITH'S IMPROVED PATENT BIT The present Bit is a vast improvement on his previous one, which has given universal satisfaction to all who have used it. The above Fh<»U)j;Taph - sizes, Full, Cob, and Pony, steel and nickel-plated, 6s. each. Free hj post, 6s.6d. May be purchased at our places of Exhibition, or l>y applying to ^^^^ BEHRENS, Co-Partner and Manager. rcrmanent Address : c/o Stafford & Co., Netlierfield, Nottingliam. s^ ^ Yours tntly, Emperor oi« am, Horsk Eul'Cators. m PROFESSOR [53 t NORTON B. SMITH, EMPEROR OF ALL HORSE EDUCATORS, UNDER THE DIRECTION OF HIS CO-PARTNER AND MANAGER, Voi/7^s truly 7Ut £^L i TO WHOM ALL BUSINESS LETTERS SHOULD BE ADDRESSED % AT PLACES OF EXHIBITION. . » —--••♦— '^ <•- Prof. NORTON B. SMITH'S IMPROVED PATENT BIT Fox> RXX>II9G and DRIVII90. Protected by Royal Letters Patent No. 24512. The last Bit brought out by the Professor won the approbation of all Veterinary Surgeons and Experts, and these declare the present Bit to l)e absolutely the best that can })e obtainetl for either liitling or Driving. The above Photograph Shows the Bit as u.sed for Riding. Each Bit is of the Best English Manufacture, made for use with a Double Curb, and has a Smooth Round Mouth- Bar tliat cannot Chafe the Horse's Mouth. It is a sure Cure for Pullers, and tlie Greatest Preventive against Runaways ever invented. For Trotters this Bit is invaluable, it being fitted with a special slot for the Overdraw Rein. |^~ The Most Useful and Handsomest Bit in the Market. Made in 3 Sizes— FULL, COB, and PONY, in Steel and Nickel Plated, 6/- each^ Post Free, 6/6. For Sale at our place of Exhibition, or can be ordered by applying to NAT BEHRENS, Co- Partner and Manager, Permanent Address— c/o STAFFORD & CO., Netherfield, Nottingham. fjortop B. SfT\itl7's PRACTICAL TREATISE ON THE UlmD RJiD VICIOUS XD ExD, Uiitl? ouer forty Illustrations. COPYRIGHTED BY NAT BEHRENS and NORTON B. SMITH, PIIOPRIETOIIS, WHILE AT THE CRYSTAL PALACE, LONDON, JUNE 20th, 1892, AND NOW Revised and Enlarged for its 2^oih Thousand, im'M&mmfMmmmm&f&B)&mad inanagement, to entrust them to your charge, and I shall be pleased for you to refer anyone to me, as I feel sure your mode of treatment cannot be excelled. Yours truly, J. G. Hor.MAN. To Professor Norton B. Smith. High Street, Lincoln, September 30^/*, 1803. Dear Sir, — I wish to express the great satisfaction you have given in the city of Lincoln, and also the firm, kind, certniu and effective manner in which you handle the most awkward animals, your large audiences applauding you immensely. I hope, should you and your enterprising and experienced manager (Mr. Nat Behrens) have an opportunity of again visiting our city, you will have the same splendid reception and success. I am sure I shall be willing to give you every facility, as I consider the entertainment has enhanced the value of my large central hall and premises, containing about 3,300 square yards, and 1 shall only be too pleased to let you have it at any time you m.ay wish to pay a second visit. I am, yours respectfully, Elton Scott. To Prof. N. B. Smith. P.S. — I must say you have handled my two, three, and four- year-old horses most successfully, and really marvellously. — E.S. Cranborne Villa, Armley, near Lekds, Janufiry 13/A, 1893. Dear Sir, — Permit me to thank you for the training and kindness you have shown to my four-year-old Irish colt, which, liefore you handled, was of a most nervous disposition and given to shying at strange objects whenever he met them. But, now, things are changed, and for the best. He will pass anything with the greatest confidence in himself and driver. In a large manufacturing town like I>eeds we have a great many strange and trying things to meet. which are Avell calculated to frigliten the best of horses, such as trains, steam tram cars, traction engines, etc. Since his tliree lessons I have tried him past all these, and he takes no notice of them whatever, but has turned out the most tractable and affectionate horse I have ever seen. I can ride or drive liim in single or double harness. I consider the three lessons you have given him liave enhanced his value by twenty pounds, and that he will never forget them again. I have been present at seven of your exhibitions, and ha^•e seen you handle over twenty different horses, and can compliment you upon the results in every case. Your system and kindness are all that can be desired, and I am sure that the most fastidious humanitarian could not object to any of the methods you adopt in your system of training. You certainly have deservedly earned the title of " Emperor of all Horse Educators ! " Again thanking you for your kindness, and the beneht ^\ hich my horse has received, I wish you every success and prosperity in your future career. Believe nie to remain, Yoiirs sincerely, Thomas Tiihesii. ScoREBY Grange Gate, Helmsley, York, Sejjtember 2l.st, 1893. Dear Sir, — I am pleased to say that 1 am perfectly satisfied with youi" methods in handling my two wild, nervous horses. If many so-called horse-breakers would follow your method there Avould not be so many vicious horses in the country. Am pleased to say I can with confidence recommend anyone possessed of wild, vicious horses, which they Avished to be cured, to place them under your training. With many thanks for the good done to my animals, wishing you health and e\ery success. Yours truly, H. Martin. Professor Norton B. Smith. 13, Botanic Avenue, Belfast, 3Iai/ 17th, 1894. Professor Norton B. Smith. Dear Sir, — The pony which gave such a splendid exhibition of your powers on Monday and Tuesday, the 14th and 15th May, and belonging to me, is a well-bred Welsh mountain pony of a high nervous temperament, untrained to ride or drive, had been haltered and handled very little. My friends who knew the pony and its disposition, together with myself, were quite astounded with the marvellous short time you took to bring it to subjection without punishment or pain. The harnessing in single and driving was " Al," but to nut it into double harness with a mare with a noted disgraceful chara^.ter, and make them work kindly and perfectly under steam, steam whistles, rifle shooting, flying paper, fire crackers, bsiss drums, sleigh bells, and your frightful tin ware, I must say can only be seen to be believed. A word regarding the bay mare you handled on 16th May (submitted to your consideration by the owner through me, but not wishing his name known, with her character in owner's own words, " she is the gi-eatest villain ever came into the city of Belfast ") and which you did so successfully, fully entitles you to rank as your bill proclaims you, " Emperor of all Horse Tamers." Yours truly, Arthur Galloway. 49, Newport Road, E., Middlesborougii, August oth, 1893. Dear Sir, — Since you handled my three-year-old colt (which shied at miller's wagons, furniture vans, paper, engines, etc.), it has been driven about Middlesborough and district daily without blinkers, and is now perfectly quiet. With many thanks, Yours respectfully, Mr. N. B. Smith. Thomas Nettlkton. Leamington Mews, Leamington Street, Manchester, Api-U smh, 1S9-1:. Sir, — The mare which we sent to you about ten days ago, and which previous to that time was well-known for her kicking powers when being harnessed, put in or out of the shafts, and when at work, so much so that we discontinued using her for fear of injuring the men, has now become perfectly quiet. After being put through her facings once by you, she was sent out the following morning, and has worked regularly since without showing any signs of wickedness. As a further proof of her quietness we may add that a strange driver was sent out with her, and when loading a trunk on the vehicle, his foot accidentally slij^ped and he fell backwards on to the horses's hind quarters, and she never moved. After such demonstrations we have conhdunce in saying that we consider your system of handling and dealing with horses of this class the most efficacious of any that has yet come under our notice. We are, Sir, Yours respectfully, Thomas Potts & Son. Norton B. Smith, Free Trade Hall, Manchester. From Francis Evelyn Place, M.R.C.V.S.LoyDON, Veterinary Surgeon, HoNITON, DEVON, 1896, Mr. Nat Behrens, jSIanager for Prof. Smith, c/o Stafford & Co., Netherfield, Notts. Sir, — Enclosed please find cheque £1, and forward per Midland Ry., Car. forward, 2 Smith's training bridles @ 2/- 2 halters @ 1/6 - 1 cob bit @. 6/- - 1 single driving whip @. 5/- 1 riding whip @ 2/- - By means of Prof. Smith's method I have rendered manageable a mare that three breakers gave np as utterly hopeless, also several unbroken colts. Every V.S. should learn these ways of handling horses. Yours truly, Francis E. Place, £ s. d. - 4 - 3 - 6 - 5 - 2 £1 [Copi/ of Letter received from LORD Drogheda,] Sir, — I have much pleasure in stating that the horse which I sent up to Exeter to be treated by you has been much improved, and is less nervous than he was. He does not seem to mind the steam roller now nearly so much. Thanking you for the treatment, I remain. Yours faithfully, Delamore, Exmouth, 29fh March, 1896. Drogiieda, 83, Market Side, Bulwell, Nottingham, May 19 fh, 1893. To Prof. Norton B. Smith, Victoria Hall, Nottingham. Dear Sir, — Before your leaving Nottingham I should like to thank you for handling two of my horses, more especially a three- year-old colt. Although for three weeks previously a Nottingham horse-breaker had been trying to break him, he had not even driven him in lines, as he was afraid of him, the colt being nervous and a bad kicker when anything touched him. He has now been home nearly a week, and I can drive and ride him, his nervousness being quite gone. He does not shy at anything. I remain. Yours sincerely, Walter \Viddowson. Burton-PN-Trent, April ISth, 1S9S. Dear Sir, — I am very pleased to tell you that the grey pony 3^ou had from me, which was unbroken and very nervous, is going in harness and very quiet ; the only thing now is to get him a good mouth, and then I shall Jaave a pony fit for anyone to look at. Let me thank you for the good you have done him, and, also. I should be very ])leased to recommend your treatment to anyone. Yours truly, G. Giles, Farm Bailiff, To Prof. Norton Smith. Y. D. Com. Melton House, 165, High Street, Burton-on-Trent, Jime 6th, 1898. To Prof. Norton B. Smith. Dear Sir, — Having heard so much about my mare kicking the front of the cart in twice, I feel it nothing but fair to tell yt>u 1 am much surprised at the most unfair and untruthful statement. I thought when she was in my Hoater to-day she went on as (piiet as a horse could, and showed not the least vice or any sign of kicking. I must tell you before you took her in hand we could not ])ut her in without breaking all before her, at least I gave her up as a bad job, and now we don't feel the least afraid of her. I am. Yours respectfully, R. Peck. I shall send you a letter later on as to her ways, as 1 feel you are worthy of all to know. Braemar, Invermay, Launceston, Tasmania, June Wh, 1897. To Prof. Norton B. Smith, Launceston. Dear Sir, — I would be ungrateful if on the eve of your departure 1 did not convey to you my sincere thanks for the really excellent manner in which you have handled my two unbroken seven and eight year old fillies. These animals, until they were placed into your hands, had never had the hand of man upon tliem, and you haA e returned them to me so docile that I shall have practically no trouble in putting them into work. I have witnessed your method of training and subduing horses of bad habits, and in all cases you have been successful. I have been acquainted with the ' Rarey ' system, as taught by several, but your method is a considerable step in advance of all previous exponents in the art of horse training. 1 am sincerely glad of your visit, because it must of necessity bear fruit in the direction of improving the way in which horses are usually broken, and I trust that your tour through the southern lands will be attended with pecuniary benefit to your pocket, and that ere you decide on returning to your native land that Launceston will be again honoured with another visit from you. In conclusion, allow me to also state that having purchased your Practical Treatise on breaking and training wild and vicious horses, I am highly delighted with its contents, and would strongly recommend everyone who has horses to possess themselves of so admirable a work, and also a fair assortment of the excellent tackling which you offer for sale, because many young horses are ruined in the breaking by using bad gearing; looking forward to the time when you will be once more in our midst, With pleasure, I am, dear sir, J. H. MC'dKKGOR, Prof. Norton B. Smith, Good Hope Hall, CAPiaowN, South Africa. Dear Sir, — I am very pleased with the result of your treatment of the horse that I brought in to you last Monday. I have driven him since that time without blinkers, and have purposely taken him before most of the objects that he used to shy at, and he faced them without a sign of fear. I remain, Yours faithfully, ROSEBANK, 15/1/97. OWE\ AT,(f AR, Town' Office, The Port Elizabeth MuxicirALiTr. 2ml Ftb., 1897, Cape of Good Hope, To Professor Norton B. Smith, Horse Trainer. Dear Sir, — -I have much pleasure in bearing testimony as to the etticacy of your system of horse education. My brown geMing, wliicli had always been given to bolting and shying at paper or strange objects, was placed in your hands for treatment, and after two les-t and should command a ready sale icir and wide, even if you had cluirged £2 2s. instead of 2s. You can alw;iys rely upon me as one of your admirers and well wishers. A. Saunders. 17 TREATISE ON HORSES. The first lesson to give a colt should be to turn him into a box stall or enclosure of some kind about twenty feet square, taking in your right hand a whip, and approaching the colt. If he runs away from you, give him a crack of the whip around the hind limbs, and follow this up until he will turn his head towards you, then throw the whip back under your left arm, holding out your right hand, using the words, *' Come here." If, as you approach the colt, he turns to run away from you, give him the whip. When he comes to you, offer him an apple. In thirty or forty minutes' time you will teach him that it is wrong to turn his heels towards you ; but when he finds he is being rewarded, he will soon learn that the right way is to keep his head to you. i8 When working- with a colt, always have plenty ot patience ; go slow and easy, be gentle with him, and teach him as you would a child his A, B, C. Horses vary in disposition the same as people. Some have nervous, excitable dispositions, while others are treacherous and sullen. If the horse has long ears, long hair on the inside, is narrow between the ears, narrow between the eyes, with a small round eye, sunken in tlie back of the head, and a small, thick nostril, you have a horse of poor intelligence and of a very sluggish disposition. If you have a horse with small ears, furry inside, broad between the ears, broad between the eyes, with a large full hazel eye, and a large, thin nostril, he is a quick, nervous, intelligent animal, ready to obey any command that you give him; but you must not whip or spur him. Now, if you ever find a horse that drops in on the top of his head, and full between his eyes, and a kind of Roman nose on him, and the face between the eyes dished out, these are generally horses that have some vicious or bad trait, and have a treacherous and vicious disposition. During my professional career of over ten years, and having handled throughout the world over twenty thousand horses, I have found the easiest subjects were horses of the following colours: Black, dark bay, dark brown, and chestnut. Horses of iron grey, light chestnut or sorrel, and light bay, generally are horses of a mean disposition or a very stubborn will. Thoroughbred horses require more hard work and longer lessons to get them under perfect control than a cold-blooded horse, but when once thoroughly taught what you want him to do he will never forget your teachings. To make a Colt Follow you. Take hold of his halter with one hand (left hand), take a bow whip in your right hand, let the cracker of the whip touch him on the tail, carrying the whip directly over his 19 back, as seen in the following^ engraving-; touch him lightly with the whip, and say, "Come here." The proper manner to Handle a Colt's Feet for Shoeing. In handling- a colt for the blacksmith's shop, place a surcing-le around his body, then take a strap about ten inches long, and strap his front foot up to the surcingle. How many times in picking up the foot have you seen a great many persons, especially a blacksmith, pound a colt's foot to make him take it up ! Now, instead of doing that, place your left hand upon the horse's shoulder, wuth the right hand take hold of the horse's ankle. When you wish the foot to come up, press against the horse's shoulder with your left hand, this throws him off his balance, and you can very easily take the foot from the ground. As your strength is nothing compared with the horse's 20 Strength, you must use such means as to overpower him, and to place him in the position where he cannot get away from you in order for you to meet with success. Now, after you have strapped his front foot up to the surcingle, you then compel the colt to make four or five steps on three legs. If he is inclined to be wild, he will rear, pitch, and plunge in the air, but it is impossible for him to get his foot away ; but as soon as he finds out that he is fast he will give up ; you can unbuckle the strap and loosen his foot, and you then have his limb under perfect control. Now this is only one front limb ; the other must be handled in the same way. To Break a Colt to Ride. First put on a riding bridle and an ordinary surcingle. Let one man stand on the off side of the colt with his right hand on the bridle bit, and another man stand on the nieh 21 side of the colt with his left hand holding the bridle bit. Then take a boy and let him mount the colt. The moment he is on the colt's back, the man on the off side, with his left hand, takes hold of the boy's leg, and the man on the nigh side also takes hold of the boy's leg with his right hand. Now, if the colt should plunge, there are two of you to hold him, and at the same time you are holding on to the boy, and it is impossible for the colt to throw him off. Lead him around for ten or fifteen minutes in this way. Then you can let go of the boy's legs, and one man can lead the colt. Be very careful to caution the rider not to touch his heels to the colt's side. Lead him around, say for ten or twenty minutes. Let the driver dismount and mount him again. Then put the colt away. In two or three hours bring him out again and get on him. If he should make any attempt to throw the rider the second time, let him take the left-hand line in four inches shorter than the other. That pulls the colt's head around to his side and sets him on a whirl. After he has whirled around six or eight times he becomes a little dizzy. You can then straighten up on the lines, and say, " Get up," and he will move off nicely. Work as easy with him as you possibly can. I would advise that all colts, before being ridden, should be thrown. Then you will have no. difficulty whatever. Handling and Driving a Colt. Teach him not to be afraid of all kinds of objects. In the handling of a colt for driving purposes, first take an ordinary open bridle and straight bar bit and a surcingle, or a pad of harness, and run the lines through the thill straps of the harness ; then step back behind the colt, and take hold of the lines and commence to teach him to turn right and left by the bit. Never teach him more than one thing at a time. After you get him so he will turn quickly to the right and left by line, you then can teach him the word ''whoa." Then after this has been accomplished, 22 teach him to back. Then, before ever putting a colt before a waggon, be sure you have him thoroughly bitted, and have taught him all of the above commands. Now, before hitching the colt, you want to make him familiar with everything that will be liable to frighten him on the start, such as umbrellas, tin pans, paper, fire-crackers, buffalo robes, blankets, top carriages, and, in fact, every object that frightens many of our horses and makes them run away. In order to control the colt, teach him that these objects are harmless, in the following manner : — Buckle an ordinary hame strap around each front limb below the fetlock joint ; then take a rope twenty feet long, tie one end of this rope into the ring of the nigh front limb; then place the rope over the ring in the surcingle under- neath the horse's body ; now through a ring on the off front limb, back through the ring into the surcingle ; this 23 gives you a double lever purchase on the front limbs (as seen in engraving) ; now step back behind the colt, take the lines in the right hand and the rope in the left, give the colt the command to move forward ; when you wish him to stop use the word *' whoa," and pull the rope at the same time, which will bring the colt to his knees. Now, after you have practised with the working of this rope, you then have a boy take an umbrella and come up in front of him, then place umbrella over his head, rattle tin pans, sleigh bells, shake buffalo robes, and, in fact, intro- duce him to everything that is liable to frighten him. If he makes any attempt to get away bring him to his knees and hold him there, and teach him he is not going to be hurt. These lessons must not be over one hour, giving two of them per day, and in five days your colt is ready to drive. All colts should be broken thoroughly to harness when one year old, but never put to hard work until they are five years of age. When breaking, use as light a vehicle as possible. Always educate your colt to drive single first, and any one can drive him double. Too much importance cannot be attached to the manner of educating a horse's heels, as it is in that point his great- est means of defence and resistance lies, and most men make the mistake of breaking one end of the horse, while they allow his hinder parts to go uneducated. The instruc- tions I am about to give will, if properly followed, ensure success. To Educate a Colt not to Kick at objects near his Heels. While you have the colt down, as illustrated in the following cut, make him thoroughly acquainted with the bells, drums, tin pans, and cracking of the whip, being careful all the while not to inflict pain. Roll an empty 24 barrel over him, all the time creating as much noise as possible ; you will find he will soon give up to it, lying perfectly still like a philosopher until the confusion is stopped, and you command him to get up. When hj gets up, caress him by patting him on the neck, giving him an apple, etc. Now, give the colt this same lesson every day for three or four days, and you will soon see the practical utility of this teaching when you come to drive him, as you will have a young horse that will not be afraid of bands of music or any sudden noises which he may come in con- tact with, and he will always remember the lesson. The above instruction is equally applicable to a kicking 25 horse, but in his education lie will require more lessons before the habit will be entirely removed. Still, kindness and a little patience will soon accomplish all you desire. Men in general exercise too little patience in the training- of their colts, and they frequently expect to accomplish more in a short space of time than can possibly be per- formed. Yet the time really required, when measured by days, is so short as to be really surprising*. Let us suppose that in training a colt one were to spend two hours a day for ten days, which is the longest time that could possibly be needed. Compute the time at ten hours to a day, and the whole amounts to but two days, at the end of which he would have a well educated animal. I doubt if a farmer or horse raiser could employ his time more profitably in any other way than in thoroughly educating* his colts, as he thus enhances their value, for there is no sensible man who would not give more for a properly educated animal than for one improperly trained. To Properly Halter-Break a Colt. Take a rope twenty feet long, making a slip-knot in one end, passing it round the body in front of the colt's hind legs, with the knot directly under the horse's belly, bring- ing the other end between his front legs, then up through the halter; then hitch him to the manger or post, throwing the halter strap over his back so as to be out of the way. Be sure and have a halter with a strong head stall. Then step in front of him, and show him parasol, beat a drum, doing anything and everything you can to frighten him,, being careful not to inflict pain, and repeat this lesson to him every day for two or three days, and you will have him thoroughly broken. Use the same treatment for a. halter puller. 26 A Good Rule to Buy a Perfect Horse. Your horse should stand sixteen hands high, the ears very small, pointed, and furry inside, very wide between the ears ; a large, bright, hazel eye standing out promin- ently ; the nostrils must be large and thin ; neck long and well cut up under the jaw ; heavy muscle on top. The withers must always be higher than the hips ; back broad, and long hips, and close-jointed. For durability always buy a close-jointed horse, and one with fine, short hair. The finer the hair the longer-lived the horse. For a good road horse, he should measure •exactly as much from between his ears and his withers as 27 from withers to the coupling" of the hip ; that is, the withers should be exactly midway between his ears and the coup- ling" of the hip. From the point of the withers to the shoulder should be just as long as from the coupling of the hip to the point of hip by tail. The horse should measure from the point of his withers to the bottom of his front foot fifty-seven inches, and from the point of the shoulder to the point of the hip, or length of horse, sixty-two inches. Parties buying by this rule will find it invaluable. The Way to Shoe a Yicious Horse. Take a strap and buckle around the hind foot below the fetlock joint, and take a rope ten feet long, and place it through the ring upon this strap ; take a wooden pin four inches long and an inch in diameter, lay directly across the hair of the horse's tail— doubling the hair over the pin 28 makes a loop — then tie a slip-knot in one end of the rope, and pass it over the end of the tail and the pin ; now reach down and take hold of the rope, stepping directly behind the colt, and say to him '' Take up your foot, sir," and pull the rope at the same time, as seen in engraving. After picking up his foot four or five times, by the use of this rope, you can handle his hind feet with ease to be shod. Handle the other foot by the same process. HANDLING A COLT S HIND FEET. When you have a horse that will not stand to be shod in a blacksmith's shop, use my training bridle as explained on page 76". Then use in combination my method of handling a horse's foot : rope, wooden pin, and strap, as seen in engraving above. By this means you have complete control of your horse. Always be gentle with your horse, but be firm, and teach him that you must have your way. 29 I Condemn the Use of the Check Rein. I think the check reins, as used by many of our horse owners, are a cruelty to animals. I will give you my idea of the check rein, and as I think it should be used. In the first place, if your horse is born into this world with style, he will always have it. If he is born into the world without style, you cannot produce style where Nature de- signed for it not to go by the use of straps or ropes, unless you are torturing the poor dumb brute. I approve of the side check rein used only to prevent the horse from putting his head to the ground when you stop your team. I condemn the use of all overdraw check reins, also check bits of every description. A great many believe that by using an overdraw check rein, and ele- vating their horses' heads in the air, that they drive easier, and that they are guarding against the horse running away. This is wrong. No horse, in my estimation, looks handsomer, freer, and easier than those that are driven with open bridles, and no check rein. I would here sug- gest that every team horse to-day used, or heavy draught horse, or hack horses, and all animals used by transporta- tion companies, should be worked with open bridles, doing away with the blinders and the check rein. Give the work horse and the driving horse the free use of his head, the same that you wish yourself ; not only will they drive better, but last longer, and keep on five per cent. less food. A law should be passed prohibiting the use of all over- draw check reins, as it passes directly over the brain of the horse. As will be seen, the horse, which is one of the most beautiful animals in existence, is largely so because of its fi.ne proportions and graceful curving outline. In all her objects of beauty Nature furnishes the curve. She never allows a straight line. We see this in the outer form of bird, leaf, blossom, tree, forest, mountain, and planet. This is strikingly shown in the human countenance, which, when wasted by disease, loses its beauty through becoming thin, angular, and full of straight lines. With returning health, the face becomes more full and more curved, and more colour comes into its lines, and beauty is restored. Horsemen, in the dressing of the horse, should under- stand this law, as a well-cared-for, well-groomed horse can- not be improved in appearance by harness. There should be just as little of it used as possible, and every strap should be made as small as safety would allow. In short, the harness should be such as will allow the perfect outline of the animal, in all its parts, to stand freely forth. To fully realise the barbarities practised upon some of our best horses, watch a beautiful team standing in front of some store, while the occupants of the carriage are engaged elsewhere. Possibly the heads of the horses are held in torturing positions by the side check, which oftentimes holds them too cruelly high, but quite likely it is the over check. See the vigorous pawing of the earth, the champing of the bit, the tossing of the head, the restless turning of the neck to one side in order to loosen the check, lower the head, and give them ease. See the ignorant driver perched on the seat, all-oblivious to the restlessness and frantic efforts of the horses to free themselves from their terrible pain. He supposes spec- tators will think that, with all their restlessness and foaming at the mouth, his horses have high mettle. My Idea as to how Horses should be Checked. Road horses and others, I positively condemn the over- draw check ; it certainly is, and there is no gainsaying it, cruelty to animals to use it. The only utility I can perceive there is in the check at all is to keep a horse from putting his nose to the ground when he stops ; and when a check is used, place the loops high up on the cheek pieces to the head stall, as the horse can in such cases have th^ free use of his head, and can comport himself with ease and grace. For speeding horses it might become necessary to use the overdraw in some cases, but it must be under- stood that I hold firmly to my idea as to the practicability of its general usefulness. Breeding of Draught Horses, and the Care and Early Training of the Colt. It has been the stupendous error of the average farmer to consider that any mare will do to raise a colt from. Thousands of worthless horses bear witness to the absur- dity of this. The mare should be, as nearly as we can have her, what we hope the colt to be. Above all, she must be sound in feet, bone, and wind. She should be rangy to have room for the growth of the foetus, and wide in the hips to allow of easy parturition. The stallion should be rather more compactly built than the mare. *'A short back and a long belly," is an old and correct rule for a serviceable horse. It means good shoulders, good withers, good back and loin, and powerful quarters. The breeder may be assisted by giving some attention to the rule, which has many exceptions, that the male parent gives the external, and the female the internal structure ; that the sire gives the locomotion, and the dam the vital organs, that is, the constitution. The mule and the hinny are striking illustrations of this rule. I am decidedly in favour of autumn foals. The press of spring work upon the farm demands more service from the foal-bearing mare than she should be required to perform. The flies of summer annoy and often nearly devour the youngster. Both dam and colt often suffer from insufficient food in short pastures of a drought, and at length the colt is weaned when the frost-bitten grass has lost its nutri- ment, and the increasing cold demands abundant food. The first winter is a trying time with colts, and many never recover from the injury they then receive from insufiicient or improper food. With warm stables and comfortable sheds, the autumn colt can suck the well-fed mare in the winter, and be weaned upon fresh grass in the spring, and never know a check in his growth. He is old and strong enough to withstand the attacks of flies in the summer, and to endure without injury the colds of his second winter. 33 He should receive regular rations of oats and wheat bran as soon as he has learned to eat along with the mare when she is taking her feed. These can best be given him at a little distance from the mare, she being secured in her place by a halter. For the first year he should receive liberal allowance of these foods twice a day, with such mixed hay and pasturage as he can take beside. These with linseed meal must be the main reliance for making him all we hope him to be. They are rich in the elements which make growth, and without these no perfect animal can be reared. Corn should never be given except in limited quantity in winter when warmth from carbohydrates is needed. Where corn must be given, it should always be ground and mixed with finely-cut clover hay, slightly moistened. The clover supplies the nitrogenous food in which the corn is so deficient, and also gives the necessary bulk of proper digestion in the stomach. It should always be remembered that the horse has but one stomach, and that is small. While on the one hand this cannot contain enough of coarse in- nutritious food, like straw or poor hay, to meet the demands of subsistence and growth, yet on the other the food must be bulky enough to admit of the speedy and thorough action of the gastric juice, so that the nutritive portions may be quickly dissolved and the refuse discharged. Where corn meal is given alone it goes into the stomach in the plastic condition of dough, is there rolled about by the muscular action, is as impervious to the digesting juices as a ball of india-rubber, and produces fever and frequently serious colic. Where corn is largely fed, its heating effects upon the blood are readily shown in unsoundness at the extremi- ties. The oat is a wholesome food when given alone, because nearly one-third of its bulk is husk, which make the mass in the stomach porous like a sponge. I desire to repeat that mixed hay, with a good proportion of clover, oats, wheat, bran, and linseed meal, all containing albuminoids which furnish the materials for growth, must be relied upon to develop a draught horse to his true proportions. He 34 must never know a hungry day, and he must never spend an hour shivering on the north side of a barn, waiting for his food. While, on the other hand, a stable may be too Avarm, on the other, every storm in winter is too cold for a steady and vigorous growth. An exposure to cold that produces an active circulation on the surface, and gives to boys and girls bright, rosy cheeks, conduces to health ; but every exposure that chills the blood draws upon the vital forces and saps the foundations of the constitution. It costs more, and costs double the time, to regain a pound of lost weight than it does to add five pounds in a continuous growth. I am strongly in favour of grooming colts in winter, not with the expenditure of labour necessary in using the curry- comb and brush, but by a hasty rubbing with a stiff stable broom. It accomplishes two important results — the stimu- lation of a healthful action of the skin, and the acquaintance of the colt with handling and with the contact with sub- stances that otherwise would occasion alarm. This must be commenced with great gentleness. At all ages colts should have abundant exercise. The pasture in summer, and well enclosed ; well-shedded pad- docks in winter furnish the best opportunities for this. They should be frequently handled from the beginning by cool and judicious hands, ever remembering that, like ourselves, they can learn but one letter of their alphabet and one step in their knowledge at a time. Every colt, whatever his class, should be broken to the saddle, because at some time in after life he must be ridden, and because in no other way can he obtain such acquaintance with his master's will. The colt reared for draught purposes can have the walking gait developed when under the saddle more readily than in any other way. This should after- ward be continued by service beside a fast walking horse. In conclusion, I will only add that the expense of breaking a draught horse is less, by many times, than any other. He sooner pays for his keep by service upon the farm than 35 does any other. When old enough for the market, he finds a readier sale than does any other, and a given number of them, from ten to one hundred, taken together, will sell for more money than will any equal number of any other class of horses whatsoever. The Stable. This is a very important part of the subject, and one which is too often neglected by people who own horses, and who leave their general management to stable keepers or grooms often grossly neglectful or ignorant. Many horses die yearly from the neglect of their owners to enforce the ordinary laws of health in the stable. A site should be chosen nearly or quite as well situated as that for the dwelling, and the stable may be, if possible, separate and distinct from the barn with advantage. Hide it if you like behind trees, but do not cut off the Circulation of Air. A supply of pure air is as necessary to the life and health of a horse as of man. In many stables air is carelessly admitted, and blows either on the head of the horse or in such a way that cold and cough is the inevitable result. The practice of feeding hay through a hole above the head of the horse invites fatal results in the way of cold, not to mention the possibility of hayseed falling into the eyes of the horse when it is looking up for its food. An opposite error, however, is to exclude every possible breath of air, and have the atmosphere of the stable hot and unwhole- some. The effect of several horses being shut up in one stable is to render the air unpleasantly warm and foul. A person coming from the open air cannot breathe in it many 36 minutes without perspiring. In this temperature the horse stands, hour by hour, often with a covering on. This is suddenly stripped off, and it is led into the open air, the temperature of which is many degrees below that of the stable. It is true that while it is exercising it has no need of protection, but, unfortunately, it too often has to stand awaiting its masters convenience, and this, perhaps, after a brisk trot which has opened every pore, and its susceptibility to cold has been excited to the utmost extent. In ventilating stables it should never be forgotten that the health of a horse depends on an abundant supply of fresh, dry air, introduced in such a manner as to prevent a possible chance of a draught on any of its inmates. Many old stables may be greatly benefited by the introduction of a window or windows, which will require but little expenditure and save many a dollar's worth of horseflesh. Hay Tea. This is also refreshing for a tired horse. Fill a pail with the best clean, bright hay, and pour in as much boiling water as the pail will hold. Keep it covered and hot for fefteen minutes, turn off the water into another pail and add a little cold water, enough to make a gallon and a half OF so, and when cold feed it to the horse. Always have Plenty of Light. Many horses are compelled to stand in the stall where tiliere is a window three or four feet above their heads. This I don't approve of, as the horse will naturally strain to look out of the window, and the light coming so high above his head many times hurts the eyesight of the horse. I would advise all to have \he windows put at one side of the stall, or I would rather they should be directly behind %he horse. Always have your stall and stable well ven- tilated, and have it aired out thoroughly every morning for at least two hours. 37 The Proper Bedding. I approve of straw, using about on an average four pounds per day. The first bedding will require ten pounds. Over two-thirds of this can be saved every morning and placed in the sun where it can dry, ready for the bedding at night. Great economy can be practised in bedding horses. I don't approve of sawdust or shavings, as it causes many diseases in the horse's feet, such as thrush and other like diseases. I would rather, if you cannot get straw for your horse, to stand in the summer time on tan bark. And let me say here that if you have a horse that has contracted feet, sore-footed, or that his tendons are diseased, place him in a big box stall bedded with nothing but tan bark, and you will see an improvement in a very few days. Give your Horses the Proper Exercise. There are more horses to-day that die from the want of not having proper exercise than by any other cause. There are hundreds and thousands of horses that are owned by Avealthy people, and not having the proper work for their animals they are compelled to stand in the stable from one week to another, being fed very high, and the result is that the horse becomes stiff, lazy, and of a sluggish disposition. A horse, in order to be in health, should have not less than five miles of exercise every day. It matters not whether this is given in the carriage or under the saddle. It is better for our horse to be worn out than it is to rust out. Many times coUc and different diseases originate from the horse being over-fed and not having the proper exercise. Such diseases as staggers, fits, and dummies, all come from over feeding. I could go into quite a lengthy argument on the above question, but it is unnecessary ; I only give you this good 38 advice. If you cannot drive your horse and give him the proper exercise, let some of your neighbours do it. Feeding Bran Mashes. Horses should have a bran mash twice a week. In the spring of the year horses should have a few potatoes, carrots, or roots of any kind, as it is now known generally that both contribute to the strength and endurance of the sound horse, and to the rapid recovery of a sick one. Carrots and potatoes should be given the horse twice a week during the spring months. To Clean a Grey Horse. Take Castile soap and add charcoal, and wash him thoroughly ; this will leave your horse's hair perfectly white, the charcoal being a great cleansing article. Always use the two together. My Idea of Feeding Horses. I will commence by giving you my idea of how horses should be fed and cared for through the day. I will lay these rules down for general driving and draught horses. In the morning, the first thing, give your horse a pailful of water ; following this give him some grain ; following this give him some hay, a very little, not over one-half an armful. After the horse has eaten his grain and hay, bring him out of his stall, give him a sharp, quick groom- ing, and then give him as much water as he wants. He is now ready for work. If you are driving the horse upon the road, it is the habit of a great many horsemen to continually water their horses on a very warm day ; this I do not approve of, unless you have a pail with you ; then at about nine or ten o'clock in the forenoon give your horse one-half a pailful of water. At noon, just 39 before you give him his dinner, let him have about a third of a pailful, then give your grain, but no hay. Just before you harness him for his afternoon's work, let him have what water he may want ; then following the same rule as in the forenoon as to water. When you have finished the day's work, and are putting your horse up for the night, see first that the stall is well bedded and your horse is cool ; place the horse in his stall, give him his grain, then take him out and give him what water he may need. When he is drinking the water have the hay for the night placed in the stall — a good quantity. Your horse is then cared for, and will rest during the night. Under no circumstances give hay first, or with the grain- Always give your horse his hay after he has eaten up his grain. If you will follow the above rule you will never have a horse sick with colic. I am a great believer in good oats, and then they should be all sifted, every particle of dust and dirt taken from them, giving the horse nothing but the clean oats. All hay, when pitched down from the mow, or taken from the bale, should be shaken with the fork, and every particle of dust and chaff shaken from it. In this way your horse gets clean and wholesome food, and then he is not pulling out his hay, or he is not wasting his oats, but he is at all times ready to eat his meals, as they are placed before him in an eatable form. There is a great deal of grain wasted by the carelessness of man. A book could be written on the manner of feeding, but I don't think it is necessary forme to speak on this subject, only of the general principles, and leave the rest to you and your good judgment. I might add that I do not recommend the feeding of corn unless ground together with oats in equal proportion* There are many dummies and horses with staggers, and horses that die with colic, caused entirely by the great amount of corn that is fed to them. Many old horses can- not masticate this corn, and the result is that it is not digested. So give your horse good pure oats, and good bright hay, and pure water. I would recommend the use of soft water from brooks and mill streams. When this cannot be had, and you have to draw the water from a well, let it stand in a trough or tub one hour before letting your horse drink. Many say that muddy water or any kind of water from a muddy pool is good ; but don't ask your horse to drink what you would not drink yourself. It is the practice of almost every horse owner to compel his horse to eat from high racks or mangers. This is something that I do not approve of, as it is unnatural for a horse to reach up after his food. In the first place, all the chaflF, hayseed, dirt, etc., are liable to get into his eyes and ears, and many times when horses are fed their grain they eat it so fast that they do not masticate it properly, and the result is that their digestive organs have to per- form what their teeth ought to do. Take and turn your horse out into a field, or say on the side of a hill, and you will never see him feeding up the hill ; he will always feed sideways of the hill or down the hill. I claim that many horses are made sprung knee and stiff-necked ; many times coming out of the stable acting as though they were foundered, caused from the continual strain of standing and reaching up for feed, which is positively unnatural for all dumb animals. Think oi' your- self getting your breakfast, reaching three feet above your head for every mouthful that you get. It would be more pleasant, and you would relish your meal more, by having the food placed one or two feet below your mouth. I approve of having all horses fed in the following manner : Take your mangers and racks entirely out of the stall ; feed the hay from the floor, even with your horse's feet. In giving grain have a box made movable, and place the grain in this box, and let the horse eat that from even with his feet. He eats his grain slowly, masticating it properly, and the result is that while you have had to give your horse twelve quarts of grain in feeding from a high manger, 41 nine quarts fed from even with his feet will keep him in better condition than the twelve quarts fed from the manger ; and I think that you will soon find out that my idea will save ten per cent, of food in one year. How to Use my Surcingle. The surcingle that I use in all my exhibitions is eight feet long, and around the horse's body four inches wide, with a three inch buckle, and the part of the surcingle that goes through the buckle two and one-half inches wide. When the surcingle is on the horse the buckle comes right on the side of the animal, half up the horse's body. There are four two-inch rings, one on each side, one underneath, and on the top of the surcingle a ring. These rings under- neath the horse's body are used for the working of my double safety rope ; the rings on the side of the surcingle are used for the reins to pass through ; the ring on the top of the surcingle is used to pass the rope through and hold the horse down after you have thrown him. This sur- cingle is a very handy thing for every one to have, and any man that has a number of horses to handle or break should not be without one. They are very handy to have in the stable in case of a sick horse or any surgical operation that you may wish to perform. They should cost you about £i, according to the. material that you have in them. If in throwing a horse you find it requires too much strength, the horse being too large or fights too hard, when using my method of drawing up one foot, I would suggest the appliance of my double safety strap. Buckle the strap around each front limb below^ the fetlock joint. Take a strap twenty feet long, snapping to strap on nigh 42 front limb, place through the ring in surcingle underneath his body, draw through ring on off front limb and back through ring in surcingle. Now take hold of strap with right hand, take the halter in the left hand. Your horse is standing on three legs. Now pull him to you, and when he makes a move, you pull the strap and raise the other leg; this brings him to his knees. Now pull his head around to you, and the horse will gently fall upon his right side. This is the safest and best method of throwing a horse I know of, there being no danger of hurting either horse or man. To Educate Horses Not to be Afraid of Objects when Driven. It is impossible to overestimate the value of the subjoined instructions respecting nervous and shying horses, there- fore on this topic I wish to be particularly clear and explicit. Let the reader understand that horses take fright at objects because they fancy that those objects will harm them, and 43 if you can by any means appeal to the horse's brain, and satisfy him that he is not going to be hurt, you have accomplished your object. And in order to do so you must have control of your horse. I do not mean by this that you are to adopt the too frequent course pursued by many, viz., subduing with the whip, or other harsh means, which will, without almost an exception, increase the fear instead of removing the habit. Again, when a horse shies, the driver commences to jerk on the reins nearest to the object, and at once applies the whip, fully determined to master his horse. Both man and horse get excited, and the horse comes off victorious, because he cannot control him by the means used, and the result is that the next time the animal is frightened it bears a two-fold character — the fear of the object and the fear of the whip punishment. It is generally a crude habit of many persons when driving a horse past an object of which he is afraid, to begin with *'Whoa, boy! whoa, boy! whoa, boy!" and when the horse has passed the object, to take the whip and lash him with it, and say, '*I will teach you to shy," etc. Now when this treatment is pursued, I claim the horse believes that the object that he was afraid of inflicted the pain, and consequently he is made worse instead of better. Now my theory is to use the whip gently when approaching the object, and compel him to walk right up to it, and let him smell of it, stopping him, showing him that it will not hurt him. Only use the whip when you give the word of command, speaking with force and distinction, as I believe nine- tenths of our runaways are due more to the one driving him than to the horse himself. The horse is a cunning animal and sizes up his driver with the rapidity of thought; and when he is fully aware that his driver is afraid of him, he takes advantage of it and runs away. If my instructions are fully carried out by my readers, as to the thorough way herein laid down, I am positively certain there will be no runaways. Throwing Horses for Educational Purposes, Put on your horse a gfood strong halter ; take a strap with a ring in it and buckle around the horse's off front FIRST POSITION TAKEN IN THROWING A HORSE. limb, below the fetlock joint ; take a rope eight feet long- and tie into this strap ; place a surcingle around the horse's body ; take your position on the nigh side of the horse, bring the rope over the horse's back from the off side, taking hold of the rope with your right hand, pull his foot to his body ; take a firm hold of this, holding the foot in this position ; then take hold of the horse's halter with your left hand, pull his head to you and press against his body with your elbow, using the words *' Lie down." The majority of horses you can throw in a minute, while others 45 may fight you for three or four mhiutes, but you will soon master them and they will have to come down. As soon as the animal has been thrown, take the rope that is under- neath him, bring- it under the surcingle and place it through the ring of the halter, back under the surcingle again, and here you have the rope to bring his head to his shoulder ; make' him put his head down to the ground, and then if you want to rattle pans or shake buffalo robes around him. and he makes any attempt to get up, pull his head up immediately, which will prevent him from doing so ; then 46 take a whip and crack it around him ; give him to thoroughly understand that you are his master. I am a great believer in throwing horses, and would recommend that every horse should be thrown, for this reason, that it takes the conceit out of them, and gives them to under- stand that man has more power than they have. If used by men of good judgment and patience, all young horses can be thoroughly brought under control by this manner of handling. If the horse is nervous and excitable, have your assistants crack the whip, rattle tin pans, and shoot firearms around him, until he lies perfectly quiet, with his head resting on the ground. In order to familiarise your horse to all objects of which he is afraid, repeat this lesson once a day for three or four days. I would recommend that every horse should be thrown, as it takes the conceit out of him. You must Educate your Horse. Educate and teach him as you would a child, and thus make him more useful and valuable to man. The horse is an animal of no little intelligence, docility, and faithfulness, qualities which would be more generally apparent were it not for the cruel treatment so commonly practised in breaking him. Have patience with him, and practise good judgment and common sense in handling him. Understand before you commence to drive him that he is a dumb brute, and as he cannot talk he will watch your every movement. A finely bred horse is as sensitive as a well-bred person, and you should not haloo, whip or spur him as you would an old dung-hill of a brute. The whip is a very good thing, but should only be used in its place, which I will give you a little illustration of here. If you are driving along the road, and your horse shies at a covered waggon, or a bicycle, or a white dog, or anything that excites his fright and causes him to shy, do not wait until he gets by and then up and whip him for the 47 next fifteen minutes, but when he discovers it, take the line in the left hand and the whip in the right, and when he makes his first shy give him a sharp crack of the whip, at the same time saying, *' Take care, sir; what do you mean?" Don't talk as though you were half asleep, but as if you meant just what you said. Keep both eyes open, and don't whip him as though you were trying to kill him. Never use the whip unless the voice accompanies it ; the word and proper use of the whip should go together. One failing the horse owners have is, they do not talk to their horses enough. If a horse starts and runs you will stay in the carriage and not open your mouth, but sit pulling on the reins. You should speak to the horse, and if he is afraid of anything, tell him to " take care, &c., it is not going to hurt you ;" the same time crack the whip to draw his attention. As a horse cannot think of two things at once, the consistency of this is of course apparent Bad Biters. If the horse is a stallion with a confirmed habit of biting and striking, you are always in risk of your life or limb while you have such an animal about. If a mare or gelding, put on my training bridle, and watch him closely, in a sly way, not letting him know you are watching him, but when he attempts to bite give him a few severe pulls on the bridle. Do this in such places as he is most likely to bite, and we will warrant that a few efforts will teach your animal that his jaws were not made to bite his keeper. To prevent a stallion from biting his mate when hitched up double, attach an independent line to the outside ring of 48 his bit, letting it hang loosely, the end being held by the driver. As he attempts to bite, pull up sharply, and hit him with the whip. To Handle a Vicious, Biting Stallion. The first thing I should do with him would be to throw him four or five times. When the horse is down handle his head, open his mouth, and handle his mouth. Put on my training bridle, take the whip in your right hand, cord in the left, and give him a thorough handling with this bridle, teaching him to stop when you say " Whoa," and turn right and left quickly at the word of command. I have handled a great number of vicious, biting stallions by the use of gunpowder, using revolvers holding thirty-eight blank cartridges. The moment the horse comes near you, or makes an attempt to bite you, discharge the revolver directly in front of him, which frightens the animal, and 49 gives him such a sudden shock that it makes him afraid to bite you. All vicious, biting^ staUions should be w^atched closely, and never trusted, as I believe an old biting horse can never be broken of the habit so that everybody could handle him. To Educate a Bad Shier. In educating a bad shier, select a soft piece of ground, put on my double safety rope, a surcingle around his body, buckle a strap around each front foot below each fetlock joint, then take a rope twenty feet long, tie one end of that rope into ring on nigh front limb, bring over ring in surcingle under the horse's body down to ring on off front limb, back over the ring in the surcingle. Put on open bridle and straight bar bit, run the lines through ring on side of surcingle, then take and teach the horse the word ''Whoa" thoroughly, to ''get up" by word of com- mand, and to back by word of command ; then throw papers at him, blankets, buffalo robes ; roll barrels around him ; wave flags over his head. If he makes any attempt to get away pull your safety rope, and bring him to both knees, and hold him there. As soon as he becomes quiet 50 let him up on his feet ; crack the whip around him, and, in fact, give him to thoroughly understand that these objects are perfectly harmless. After giving the horse two lessons he is ready to drive on the street. To Educate a Bad Runaway Horse. Use same treatment as a bad shier, only more severe. To Educate and Break a Horse from Running Backwards with a Waggon. Put on my double safety rope, harness your horse up to the waggon, get into the waggon, take the lines in the right hand and the safety rope in the left : you say ''Back" to the horse. When he has backed as far as you wish him to, say "Whoa," and pull the safety rope, which prevents him from backing any further. After giving three or four lessons in this manner the horse will under- stand what you mean by ''Back," and when you say *' Whoa" will immediately stop. How to Drive a Horse up to Objects that he is Afraid of. A practical way of driving a horse up to an object that he is afraid of is : Take the whip in your right hand, the lines in the left ; when you are within ten or fifteen feet of the object, speak to your horse sharp and firmly, using about this language : "Get up there, sir, what is the matter with you; that won't hurt you;" at the same moment hitting him with the whip ; but do not repeat the blow 51 unless it is necessary to hold him at his post. The moment that you have driven him up to the object he is afraid of, stop him, get out of your waggon and caress him, teach him that he is not going to be harmed, and by all means let him walk away from the object, never letting him go faster than a walk. This same rule is laid down for saddle horses. To Stop a Runaway Horse. Always, when driving, hold your reins firmly, whether the horse is vicious or not ; you should at all times be on your guard, as they are never to be trusted. If your horse should take fright and start to run away, take a firm hold of the left line with your left hand, reach down upon the right line with your right hand and say *' Whoa," sharp, and pull the line quickly at the same time that you give the command, but do not move the left line ; this at once pulls your horse's head around to his side, and in nine cases out of ten will bring him to a stand-still ; never see-saw the reins or pull upon both lines, as you have no power then to stop the animal. Never jump from the carriage, as more lives are lost and more limbs broken by being frightened and jumping from the carriage when the horse is running away. Keep cool, and you will control the horse by following the above directions. To Drive a Lugger or Puller on the Bit. I would use a plain straight bar bit wound with rubber or leather, doing away with the check rein. It is necessary in order to drive a lugger successfully to give him three or four lessons on the word ** Whoa" and the word ** Steady ;" teach him that when you say '* Steady" it is to slack up in speed, but when you say ** Whoa" it is for him to stop. 52 See that his teeth are not sharp, and if they are, have them fixed at once. There is no law that can be laid down for the driving of a lugger, only to use as gentle and soft bits as possible. To Educate or Break a Vicious Kicking Horse so he will drive gentle and be fit for family use. In the first place take your horse out on a soft place, or on the ploughed ground, and throw him down by working as follows : Put a surcingle around his body ; take a strap and buckle around the off front limb, below the fetlock joint ; take a rope eight feet long and tie into that strap, bring- it up over the horse's back ; you stand on the nigh side of the horse and take hold of this rope with your right hand and pull his foot to his body ; then you take hold of the halter with the left hand and pull his head around to you, placing your right elbow against the horse's side, using the words ''Lie down." He may fight for three or four minutes, but if you hold to his head and keep it pulled around to you he must go down. After he has been thrown, then take the rope and run it through the ring in the surcingle at his back, through the halter, back through the ring in the surcingle, then you take hold of the rope, and if he goes to get up pull the rope, and this brings his head to his shoulder and prevents him from getting up ; then take tin pans, bells, rattle them all around him, then you can let him up ; then you take and put on an ordinary open bridle, straight bar bit, using the pad of your harness, run the rings through the thill straps, then put on my single foot strap, which goes as follows : Buckle the strap around near front limb below fetlock joint; take a rope twenty feet long, pass through ring in sur- cingle under horse's body down through ring on foot, back to same ring on surcingle, and tie; step back behind horse, take reins in right hand, rope in left. Have some one to 53 assist in placing- on a back strap or crupper ; attach to crupper sleigh bells, tin pans, bundles of straw, allow them to dangle at his heels, giving him a cause to kick ; then commence to drive him ; when he kicks pull on ropo in left hand, which allows him on three limbs, at the same time speak to him sharply, ** Take care there, sir," in a commanding voice. Then your assistant should take a pole, rattling the tin pans and bells, also placing the pole in front and behind his limbs ; by using this method one hour twice each day, in five days your horse is thoroughly broken, and gentle to drive to the carriage. Wher> working the horse always use him on soft ground where there are no stones. To Break a Bad Jibber. There are three or four kinds of jibbers; some are nervous and excitable, while others seem to have no ambition whatever. A dead-Iifed jibber, to my knowledge, is not worth breaking. All high-lifed jibbers can be brought 54 tinder perfect control and thoroughly broken by following these directions : Take your horse out and throw him repeatedly fifteen or twenty times ; then put on the bridle and the harness, running the lines through the thill strap and telling him to *'Get up" by the word of command. Teach him this thoroughly before you place him before the waggon. If he will not move forward when you give him the word, take a rope or a strap twenty feet long, tie around his neck, and then place through ring in bit, having one of your men standing directly in front of the horse with this rope in his hand, which I term as a guy line. When you give the word *' Get up," let him pull this rope at the same time, which will move the horse forward quickly. Now under- stand that the command and the pull of the rope must both take place at the same time, in order for you to have success. Practise this two days, not making the lessons over one hour in length, then hitching him to a light vehicle, first working with your horse quietly and after- wards giving him to understand what you want him to do. Never make any false motion, never lose your temper, and always have plenty of patience, and you will meet with victory. All Grades of Jibbers. I am asked the question almost every day, ** Can you break a jibby horse?" Yes. "Can you break a jibby horse so anybody can drive him?" No. **Why?'^ Because it is impossible for me or any other man to break all the jibby drivers in the land. Now, there are many grades of jibby horses. It is a habit of a great many persons, when breaking a colt, to hitch him up first beside of an old farm horse that is lazy, blind in one eye, and so old that he is deaf. When you have got this nervous, excitable colt harnessed beside the old, slow horse, you then take up the lines and ask your team to go. The colt plunges ahead, the old horse having spent many days in 55 the harness, takes life very easy and gradually gets m motion. The colt comes back, the load don't move. The next time you ask them to go the old horse moves ahead, the colt sits back in the breeching. ''Ha! ha!" your neighbour says, ''got a jibby colt there." Not at all. You certainly will have if you persist in your present course. Take him out of the double harness, break him to drive single, and you will have no trouble with him, single or double. In handling a jibby horse of long standing, one that has been spoiled by mismanagement, it is advisable to first throw him four or five times. Then put your harness on with an open bridle, running the lines through the thill straps, get behind him with a good whip, and teach him the words " Get up." At the same time that you give him the command to move forward, hit him a cut with the whip, showing him that that means "Move forward." Work with him in this manner for three or four lessons. You then tie a rope in the traces, carrying it around your back, and teach him to pull your weight, walking behind him. When you have got him so that he v^ill turn right and left quickly, stop at the word " Whoa," get up at the word and pult your weight, you can hitch him to a light road cart, getting into the waggon, giving him the word " Get up, sir." If he should fail to go, have your assistant take a rope. Let your assistant stand directly in front of the horse with the rope being slack. Hold your whip in the right hand, when you are ready to go give the word, and the man pulls the rope, and you hit the horse with the whip, all at the same moment. If he don't move forward then, let the party who- holds the rope step to the right and left, jerking his head until he moves forward, you using the words at each and every time, "Get up, sir." Give him a few lessons for three or four days in this manner, and in the majority of cases you have got a horse that will pull. There are other jibby horses that it is necessary to throw. This character of a horse is generally of a sluggish 56 disposition, and the only way that you can get it to go Avill be to frighten it with the whip. There are other horses that it will be necessary to handle an a more quiet manner, but in some cases you must use the whip to get the animal frightened, so that when you speak to him he knows that he must move forward. When working a horse, you must not leave him till you conquer- him, if it takes twenty-four hours. But understand me correctly, don't lose your temper, don't use a club, don't kick him ; use a good whip. Be careful and not hit him on the body or in the eyes. Use the whip on his legs. I have started a great many jibby horses by striking them with a whip around their front legs. This is a very tender spot, and they won't stand long and take the punishment there. In working a jibby horse, always keep a large stock of patience on hand, and don't think you are going to break him in two hours, because you are not. The moment he goes, reward him for it by giving him an apple. To Break a Halter Puller. Take a rope fifteen feet long, and throw it over his back ; reach under his body, take hold of the end of the rope, and tie an ordinary slip-knot ; have this knot come directly under the horse's body ; place the rope between his front limbs up through the halter, and hitch to a post or to a ring in the manger ; do not hitch the halter rope. Then step in front of your horse with tin pans, blankets, umbrellas, and all kinds of objects, in fact, everything, and frighten him, and make him pull if possible. After pulling back upon this rope, he will not make more than the second or third attempt. Repeat these lessons twice a day for five days. This will break any horse of the habit of pulling on the halter if you follow my instructions. To Break Horses to Cars and Steam. In taking a horse up to the cars, put on my training bridle, taking the rope in your left hand, with the whip in 57 the right, making the horse follow you, and take him right up to the cars and hold him there. It is impossible for him to get away from you or this bridle. You then should caress him and teach him that the cars are not going ta hurt him. One of the main objects of your lesson should be to teach the animal that you are his friend and protector ; get him to place confidence in you, and he will go through fire with you. In driving a horse up to steam, I would advise the putting on of my double safety rope, and run the reins through the thill strap of the pad, and drive him first up to the steam. If he makes a determined attempt to get away, bring him to his knees. It may be necessary for you to use the guy strap, having a man hold the guy strap, that will hold the horse up to the steam ; but you must be very careful not ta get him burned, or hurt him in any way, but teach him that the steam is perfectly harmless. As soon as the horse finds out that the steam will not injure him, you will find that in the second or third lesson he will walk right up to it from command of his master. Make your lessons short,, but firm. I would advise, in training horses to steam, to take them up to a traction engine, or up to a mill where there is steam used, taking them to the cars afterwards. Another good way of breaking a horse to the cars, is to .hitch your horse up beside a heavy team horse, where he •cannot get away, and after he has been driven up to the cars four or five times he is then safe to drive to your single waggon. I t&»'<^ ^^e^. To Educate a Nervous Horse. I would first place upon him my double safety rope, which is thoroughly described elsewhere, and make him thoroughly acquainted with the beating of drums, the rattling of tin pans, floating the ''Union Jack," and the shooting off fire- arms, fire crackers, music, etc., by driving him right up to them and giving him to understand he will not be hurt. And by repeating this lesson every day for three or four days, your horse has become thoroughly conversant with tUcm and will never show fear when approaching them. 59 Always in giving these lessons to your horse, bear in mind that you must be very careful that none of the devices you use must hit him in such a manner as to cause pain. My Opinion of the Word " Whoa." It is the greatest command that we have in horseman- ship ; it is the habit of almost every person when driving to continually use the word '' Whoa." Now let me say to you that you should never use this word only when you want your horse or horses to stop. If you are driving along a street and you come to a crossing or a bad place, and you wish your horses to slack up in speed, use this language to them : ''Steady there, my boy ;" but when you wish- them to stop, speak out sharply and firmly, '' Whoa." If you will practise this when you are driving your horse, in- two weeks you will have him so that he will understand every command that you give him. Never use one word with too many meanings. You must never lie to your horse, and never deceive him or make false motions ; if you do you will never make a success as a trainer of the horse. Mankind are too apt to depend upon their own strength 6o to beat the horse, without making any use of their reasoning" powers to out-general him ; and, in many instances, such an exercise of tyranny over the horse only engenders a rebellious spirit on the part of the animal. Therefore, lay aside your strength and use your reason. Be moderate, be temperate. No man can become a good horseman and not have first learned to control himself before he attempts to control the animal. Be firm, be persevering, be honest. Never lie to your horse. Endeavour to have him under- stand what you want, and do not confuse him by attaching different meanings to the same word. It is quite common to say " Whoa," when it is only intended to go slower; or, when tiie horse has not stirred a foot, to let him know of your presence ; and then when you want a " Whoa," when your life may depend on your having a good '* Whoa" upon your horse, you find you have not got it. You have played it entirely out of him. Never say "Whoa" unless you mean to stop right there. Speak always in a natural tone of voice under all circumstances. Have your horse understand, by examination and experience, that the things liable to frighten are harmless, and be sure not to whip him for being frightened. Always let your horse face the object of fear ; and, when frightened, remember the slower you move your horse the more power you have over him. There are times w^hen letting a horse trot is almost as bad as letting him run auay. Fear is something a horseman should never exhibit in his -countenance or voice, as the horse is a close observer, and soon learns to take advantage of such indication to become careless of control, if not indeed aggressive. Let your lessons be thorough but not very long. Be gentle and patient with the colt, but make the wilful, stubborn horse feel the full extent of your power till he submits. Though if he should become much heated and excited, it is prudent to stop and repeat the lesson at some future time — repeat until there is thorough and unconditional submission. Let your treatment be characterised by gentleness afterwards. 6i To Get a Horse up when he Throws Himself. Blow in his ear ; if he does not get up by this, take a glass of water, or a dish of water, and pour in his nostrils ; he will rise to his feet very quickly. And in the handling" of a mustang", which becomes very stubborn and sulky, sometimes this treatment will fail on them, and it will be necessary to take a light whip and use it on the end of the nose. They will soon learn that when they throw them- selves they are punished, and when they don't they are re- warded. In this manner you teach them right from wrong. To Start a Jibby Horse in Double Team. After you have taken your horse out and given him a thorough handling, then hitch him up beside an honest, true horse that will pull every time you ask him. Take a half-inch rope and tie around the jibby horse's body, right in front of his hips, in an ordinary slip-knot ; have this knot come directly on the side of the horse, then carry the rope directly over the waggon pole and hitch to the true horse's collar. Get into your waggon, pick up the reins, and hit the true horse a crack with the whip, saying : *' Get out of here." When you do he will jump and take the rope with him, and when he does the jibby horse must come. To Break a Horse from being Afraid of a Dog or a Hog. Handle the same as for shiers. Keep one eye on the hog and one eye on the horse. In order to break your horse of this habit it will require five or six lessons. The best way to break your horse of being afraid of a hog is to take a small pig right into the buggy or break- waggon, or whatever you are using, having the horse worked with open bridle ; but be sure and have on my safety rope, as when he sees the pig and the pig squeals, you will 62 find things will get very interesting ; but the moment he starts to run say '' Whoa," sharp and firm, pull the safety rope and bring the horse to his knees. If it is a dog that he is afraid of, let the dog run around i him and in front of him ; put my training bridle on the horse and make him come up and smell of the dog ; walk around him. Then throw your horse and hold him down, and take the dog and put him on top of the horse. Work like this two or three days with the animal, giving short lessons, and you have got the best broken hog and dog horse in the world. How to Use the Whip. No lady or gentleman should ride or drive a horse with- out having with them a good whip. The whip in its place is a good instrument, but it is very often misused by parties; for instance, how many do you see driving through the streets of our cities, and in our public parks, that if a horse becomes frightened at a bicycle or a band, or any object whatever, and he makes an attempt to shy, will get him by it the best way he can, and the moment he has passed the object out comes the whip with the words, *' I'll teach you to shy," and the horse receives a severe punishment. The horse, not having the reasoning power that you have, believes that the punishment that he has just received has come from the object that he was so much frightened at. t To Prevent a Horse from Pawing in the Stable. Take a piece of chain seven inches long, not a plough chain, but trace chain ; tie on one end of that a piece of hard wood five inches long and one inch in diameter ; then take a strap and buckle around the horse's limb above the knee, letting this chain and wood hang from the strap. Every time the horse paws this piece of wood will hit his I 63 limb, and as he cannot think of two things at one time, it will draw his attention in such a manner as to prevent him from pawing. To Prevent a Horse from Kicking in the Stall. Take a piece of elastic about ten inches long, sew a vest buckle one end of it and buckle this around the horse's hind limb above the hock joint. When the horse kicks the leader must expand, the result is the elastic prevents it from doing so, and the horse's habit of kicking in the stall will soon be broken up. Never use a strap or rope ; if you do it will stop the circulation. In all cases use the elastic. Whirling a Horse by his Tail. If you have a horse bad to harness, or will not stand to be bridled or saddled, take the halter strap in your left 64 hand, take hold of the horse's tail with your right hand,, and whirl him around eight or ten times. He will become dizzy, and the moment you let go of him he will stagger or fall. Then say " Whoa ;" pick up your saddle, harness, or bridle, or whatever you want to put on him, and you will find that he will stand perfectly quiet. It is a quick and effective method. Never tie your horse's head and tail together, but follow the above instructions. To Break a Horse from Switching his Tail. Place on the horse a collar and hames, and then take hold of his tail. Take a wooden pin five inches long, one inch in diameter, lay directly across the hair of his tail, double the end of the tail over the pin ; then take a rope ei^ht feet long, in the middle of the rope make a slip-knot and faslen over the end of the tail and pin ; then bring the horse's tail up over his back, bringing one of these ropes down to 65 the ring of the hame and tying it, and on the other side m the same way ; the rope prevents the tail from going either side ; take an ordinary cloth surcingle and put that over and around his body ; leave the tail up in this matiner for six hours ; if a very bad case, repeat three times. This is the best method I ever used, and will surely do its work. To Educate a Horse not to be Afraid of Fire-crackers. Hitch him to a waggon, put on my double safety rope, and drive him right up to the fire-crackers, and if he goes to turn around with you, or run back, or run away, pu^ll the rope, which will immediately bring him to his knees, but do not hold the rope. As soon as he comes to his knees loosen the rope and pull the lines, using the command, "Whoa, sir." Now have boys throw fire-crackers under him, all around him, up in the air, and if he makes any attempt to gee away say ''Whoa," sharp and firm. For you to meet with success with a horse of this character, or, in fact, any horse, you must talk to him, always speak- c 66 ing distinctly and firmly. After you have given the horse two lessons he will pay no attention to fire-crackers. To Educate a Horse not to be afraid of Paper and Umbrellas. Put on my double safety rope, take your horse out into the field where there are boys with flags, paper, umbrellas, and drive him right up to the flags, paper, etc. ; if he makes any attempt to get away, bring him to his knees ; tf necessary, throw him ; have the boys wave the flags over his head, throw the paper up in the air, put umbrellas over his head, drive him over the paper, drive him up to the flags, drive him over the umbrella, make him step into it, stand on it, in fact, teach him that these objects are perfectly harmless. Two lessons a day for two days, not having the lesson over one hour in length, will thoroughly break your horse. The most dangerous shier can be thoroughly broken by following the above directions. 67 To Break a Plunger or Bolter. Put on my double safety rope, and when he plunges in the air, pull the rope, when he will come down on his knees. He will not plunge over three or four times before he will be sick of his job. Then introduce him to drums, pans, bells, and, in fact, give him a general handling in the same way that I control runaways. After giving him two lessons he will not bother you with bolting or plunging. To Prevent a Horse from Putting his Tongue out of his Mouth over the Bit- Get a piece of sole leather, the shape of cut below, and according to size of horse. Lay a straight bar bit in the middle of the leather, bringing the points up together. Sew it on to the bit so it cannot turn, and sew up the sides. Put this in your horse's mouth over the tongue, running backwards toward the throat. He cannot get his tongue back far enough to get it over this leather. It is very simple, and will only cost you one shilling. It is the best I have ever used. Make this piece of leather according to the size of the horse ; if the animal is a pony, reduce the size of the leather accordingly. 68 Manner of Driving and Breaking a Bad Kicker when all other Methods Fail. Ptace foot strap on each limb below fetlock, have ropes or straps placed on, and crossed in ring on surcingle, as above engraving ; give one hour's lesson each day for one week. To Approach a Biting Horse. Always do so with a revolver heavily loaded with blank cartridges in your right hand. Advance this hand towards the horse's mouth, the muzzle pointing past him, so the 69 powder will not burn him. If he attempts to bite you, at that instant shoot off the rev^olver. Every time he makes the attempt repeat the shooting. This causes the horse to think the biting causes the explosion ; this he wishes to avoid, and will soon cease to bite at you. The old theory of clubbing a horse only adds to and increases his vicious temper. This is an original method of my own, which I have successfully used in handling many vicious, biting stallions. >, Collars, Harness, and Saddles. Harness used on all draught horses should be carefully cleaned regularly once a week. Collars should be cleaned daily, thoroughly scraping all scurf arising from heating the horse from the collar before it is used a second time. Always have your harness properly oiled and pliable, so that it will fit the horse as a boot fits a man. Saddles should have the same care and attention, and great pains should be taken that the saddle fits the back, to prevent galls and sores. This is almost universally neglected. 70 To Prevent a Horse from Jumping over a Fence. Buckle around his body a surcingle with a two-inch ring directly under his body ; take two straps with an inch ring in each end, and buckle them around the horse's front limbs above the knees ; then take a strap thirteen inches in length, with a driving strap in one end, strapping one of them into the ring on the off front limb ; bring through the ring in surcingle, and strap into ring on nigh front limb. The horse can walk and trot, lie down and get up, but he cannot run or jump, as he cannot move both front feet at the same time. This can be used upon colts as well as horses. 71 To Prevent a Horse from Biting his Blankets. Sew a piece of leather about five inches square on each side of the halter, letting it come down even with his mouth , have to chew the leather. when he reaches down to grab the blanket he will To Keep a Horse from Getting Cast in the Stall. Put on the horse a halter ; sew a ring in the halter over the horse's head ; on top of the stall drive a staple and ring ; at the side of the stall drive another staple and ring ; take a rope ten feet long with a driving snap threaded into 72 one end of it ; feed your horse from the floor with a manger of oats. When your horse's head is down, snap this rope into the ring on top of the halter, and pass up through ring over his head, through ring on side of the stall, and hang a weight there ; that will take up the slack of the rope the moment he raises his head. Hitch him in this way only ; he cannot roll over or get cast in the stall, as you will see it is impossible for him to turn his head around. (See engraving). Grooming a Horse. When you are grooming a horse you must remember that horses are like people, some have a very thin skin and are very tender. One-half of the grooms of to-day, when using their curry-combs and brush, bear on with the curry-comb 73 as hard as possible, the result is that a thin-skinned horse cannot and will not stand it. I have seen many high-bred horses, trotters and runners, that have been made vicious biters and strikers, caused by ignorant grooming. Now when you find a horse that has a very thin skin run the curry-comb over him light and easy and soft as possible, getting most of the dust out with a good brush, using directly after the brush straw, and rub him thoroughly with it ; then use a rubbing cloth, which will put on a polish. One of the best methods for cleaning and caring for a horse that has been driven fast and comes into the stable very warm, is to take a meal sack, turn it wrong side out with meal all over it, rub this meal right into the hair, rub him as near dry as possible, put the blanket on him as 74 soon as he is dry, then you can use the curry-comb and clean the horse as usual ; this will leave him in fine con- dition. The meal will make the horse's hair glossy and shine like a blackened boot. A horse should be cleaned but once a day, and this should be at night, after he has done his day's work ; in the morn- ing merely straighten his coat and clean off what dirt may have collected in the stall during the night. My reason for giving a horse a thorough cleaning at night is the same that you would do yourself after a hard day's work: taking a good wash and general cleaning up refreshes you wonderfully. What is good for man is good for the horse ; they need the same care and treatment. This method, you must understand, I mean for work horses. To Teach a Horse to Back. Put on my training bridle, drawing the strap in your right hand, and stand at the horse's shoulder ; press your left hand upon his neck ; use the words ** Back, sir," and pull the strap at the same time. This will give the horse a severe jerk in the mouth and he will back four or five inches. The moment that he does so, caress him and teach him that he has done right. Then repeat the lesson again and again, until shortly the horse will back any distance for you at the word of command. Some colts will be very stubborn and fight you for five or ten minutes ; but keep at them, always having plenty of patience, and at last you will gain your point. Bitting a Colt. If Nature has not designed the colt to have a high head and carriage no art of man can alter it, aiid the old fashion 75 of strapping up the neck in an unnatural position, and leaving- it there for hours, in nine cases out of ten results in a heavy headed lugger on the bit. I do not believe or endorse the working of the old-fashioned bitting reins. Put on an ordinary open bridle and straight bar bit, teach- ing him to guide by line quickly and easily ; working in this way with a colt for three or four days, then you can put on the side check rein and check him up to his natural position. The next day you can check him a little higher, and the next day a little higher yet ; then you understand that the horse generally elevates his head, works pleasantly upon the bit, and you are not getting him mad nor break- ing down his constitution by forcing and straining him with the old-fashioned bitting reins. To Make a Simple Riding Bridle. Take a rope eight feet long ; place the middle of this rope on top of your horse's head, carry it down the side of his face, placing each rope through his mouth, bringing the ends up to the back, and the riding bridle is complete. This bridle is simple and useful, handy to ride a horse to pasture, or to exercise horses with. 76 How to Teach a Horse to Lie Down at the Word of Command. Take him out into a field or nice soft place and throw him twelve or thirteen times, using the words '' Lie down," plain and distinct. After you throw him let him lie quietly for about five minutes ; caress him ; feed him an apple. Do not make your lessons over an hour long. The third day, by taking a little riding whip and touching him on the knees, using the command ** Lie down," he will obey you quickly. SHOWING DOUBLE SAFETY ROPE ON OFF HORSE IN DOUBLE TEAM, USED IN DRIVING A BOLTER OR PLUNGER OR ANY GENERAL MEAN HORSE IN DOUBLE HARNESS. 77 My Opinion of Clipping Horses. For driving' horses who have a thick coat of very long hair, I would recommend clipping, for in such cases th« horse can be much more easily taken care of, and really, I think he is benefited by it. But, in all cases, when you re- move Nature's covering you must substitute another, in the way of warm blankets, etc. When a horse's coat of lortg, thick hair is allowed to remain as Nature has calculated 78 it, as a protection from the cold, storms, and rigours of winter, when taken out and speeded the perspiration arising from his body causes his hair to become thoroughly saturated, and then when he comes to stand still, it becomes cold and consequently chills the horse through, and not only makes him very uncomfortable, but he is quite liable to take cold and have inflammation of the lungs, '* epizootic,'* etc. Whereas, if this coat of thick and long matting of hair, which gets so sour when it becomes wet, and, as all horsemen know, always retains the dust and excrements of %he horse's body, is removed and proper care is taken of covering him, his coat can be kept looking so much nicer and with less labour, and the horse's skin will be in a more healthy condition. The same rule will apply to work harses, if they can have the same care. The question is often asked me if I approve of clipping the fetlock. I answer. Yes, on driving horses only. All team horses and heavy draught horses should be left their natural fetlocks. After driving your horse in muddy weather, let the mud dry on his feet and legs. Then clean it off with a brush. Do not wash your horse upon coming in from a muddy drive. By following my instructions in this particular you will prevent scratches, greased heels, and many other disagreeable diseases of the leg. Prof. Norton B. Smith's Training Bridle. This bridle is made of three pieces of rope connected by rings. The shortest piece (or bit) is six inches long ; attached to this is a piece eighteen inches long, with rings on outer end. 79 On opposite side of bit is another piece of rope eight feet long", used for the leading line. Directions for Placing on Horse. Place in the horse's mouth the bit, having the eighteen- inch piece on the right side of the horse's head, then bring ring in same piece over head from right side to left side, and hold below left ear. Take long leading line, pass back of under jaw through ring on right side of bit, carry the same leading line over horse's neck from right side, down through bit-ring on left 8o side ; now take same leading line and bring up through ring on eighteen-inch piece held below left ear, then back through ring on left side of bit once more, drawing the leading line all the way through, which gives you the power to handle the most vicious horse, making him familiar with buffalo robes, umbrellas, drums, paper, steam, and all other objects. > In presenting an umbrella to your horse, take it in your left hand and the long rope in your right hand, letting the horse smell of the umbrella, then opening it and letting him look into it, then holding it over his head, then raising it and lowering it, and alternately doing this until he is used to it. Then you can open and shut it without his making any move, or seeming to notice it, and by being thorough in handling him with all objects he is afraid of, he will soon become familiar with them all. The preceding cut shows bridle when placed on horse. Parties wishing to purchase bridles can have them sent by mail by forwarding 2s. 6d. Price of bridles when bought at my exhibitions, 2S. The Use of my Guy Line. The following engraving illustrates the use of my guy line, used for starting jibby horses, and teaching colts to tu.rn to the right or left. A man stands directly in front or to the right or left, as the case may be, and is controlled wholly by the driver, who sits in the waggon, and whose commands he must listen to and strictly obey, so that the working of both men may be in unison, and by giving the horse short lessons, not more than an hour's length per day for say two or three days, the horse will become thoroughly broken and subdued. It will also be found very useful in handling a horse who is stubborn and wants io go on one street while you desire to go another. To educate a colt to pull in harness, take hold of the traces in the left hand, and pulling gently back on them 8i while he moves forward, getting him used to the pressure of the collar on his breast. After which he may be hitched to a two-wheeled vehicle, and taking care in giving the first lessons to select some level ground for the work, and make no false motions, never lie to him or deceive- him. I GUY LINE AS PLACED OX HORSE. condemn all bitting harness. It is certainly cruelty to animals to use them. It is a mistaken idea of any man to entertain to presume he can change the form or frame of a horse that was made by Dame Nature's own handiwork. 82 How to Handle a Wild and Vicious Horse, which will not allow you to approach him to place on my ropes and straps. In handling any wild or vicious horse, many times they are so dangerous that it is impossible to approach them with safety. I will lay down a rule to handle a wild and vicious mustang or western broncho. First throw a lasso over his head, then take a half-inch rope fifty feet long, make a slip noose in one end of it, lay this on the ground, making a large loop about three and one-half feet across it, as in the above engraving, then lead the broncho into it so as to get his front feet into the loop, as seen in the opposite engraving. The moment that he gets 83 into the rope, pull the rope, which will bring his two front limbs together ; you pull to the left, and the man that has hold of the broncho or mustang, pull to the right ; you will at once bring him to his back, as seen on page 84. Now you can take the mustang and put on my double safety rope and the driving bridle, and handle him the same as I have laid down for handling any vicious animal, kickers, or runaways. In working mustangs, let me say that you must work them slow and easy ; their lessons should not be over thirty minutes long. Repeat them twice a day, and in one week the mustang is ready to drive. In working this animal, always use a great deal of judgment and plenty of patience ; never show your temper ; whatever they do is not because they are vicious, but because they are afraid that you are going to hurt them, and they are of a wild nature. They can be easily brought under control by kind and gentle treatment. The above cut is to illustrate to the reader the position 84 of man and horse, with the animal's fore feet in the lariat loop ; you should now pull the rope quickly, and you should step to the right, while your assistant, who is holding the A WILD MUSTANG. halter rope, steps to the left, and the engraving below will show the horse as thrown. The man who holds the halter ^,L_, THE MUSTANG THROWN. 8s trap quickly passes it down the horse's back to his hips, nd pulls the horse's head to his shoulder, thereby pre- enting him from getting up. Now put on your driving ridle, surcingle, and safety rope. Commence the training y letting him get up, and handling him the same as a unaway, kicker, or colt. Questions Asked and Answered. Can a cribbing horse be cured ? No. Can ringbones be cured ? No. Can spavins be cured ? Not after they have become eated. Can heaves be cured ? No. Can blindness be cured ? No. Can nervicular lameness be cured? Not after long tanding. Can splints be cured ? No. Do you approve of condition powder ? Yes, if made resh every spring from recipes given in my book. Condition owders that lie in stores for five to ten years are not very aluable. The strength of the medicine must be gone. I /ould advise all horse owners not to waste their money in uying such trash. Can contracted feet be cured ? Not in all cases. Can sprung knees be cured ? No. Can curb be cured ? No. Can bog spavin be cured ? No. Can a meaner be cured ? No. Can a corn from long standing be cured ? No. 86 Ladies* Equestrian Horsemanship. The saddlery for the use of the ladies is similar i principle to that devoted to gentlemen's riding, with tb exception that the bits and reins of the bridle are lightu and more ornamental and the saddle furnished with crutcht s for side riding ; the reins are narrower than those used h» the gentlemen, but otherwise the same. The saddle shoul : be carefully fitted to the horse, and there should always tt a third crutch, the use of which will hereafter be explaine(^ There is an extra leather girth, which keeps the flaps d the saddle in their places. The stirrup may be either likt a man's, with a lining of leather or velvet, or it may be 3 slipper, which is safer and also easier to the foot. Tht lady's whip is a light affair, but as her horse ought seldoi i to require punishment, it is carried more to threaten thai to give punishment. A spur may be added for a lady ■ use ; it is sometimes needful for the purpose of giving i stimulus at the right moment. If used, it is buckled on t : the boot, and a small opening is made in the habit with « string attached to the inside, which is then tied around th: 87 mkle, and thus keeps the spur always projecting beyond he folds of the habit. A nose martingale is generally idded for ornament ; but no horse which throws his head ip is fit for ladies' use. The lady's horse ought to be a nost perfect goer, instead of being, as it often is, a stupid )rute, fit only for a dray. Many men think that any horse gifted with a neat out- ine will carry a lady ; but it is a great mistake ; and if the adies themselves had the choice of horses they would soon lecide to the contrary. The only thing in their favour, in :hoosing a lady's horse, is that the weight to be carried is generally light, and therefore a horse calculated to carry hem is seldom fit to mount a man, because the weight of he male sex is generally so much above that of a adv. Few ladies who ride are above one hundred md thirty pounds, and most are below that weight. ?ut in point of soundness, action, mouth, and temper, he lady's horse should be unimpeachable. A gentleman's lorse may be good yet wholly unable to canter, md so formed that he cannot be taught ; he, therefore, is msuited to a lady ; but on the other hand, every lady's lorse should do all his paces well. Many ladies, it is true, lever trot ; but they should not be furnished with the excuse that they cannot because their horses will not. In ize, the lady's horse should be about fifteen hands, or from ourteen and a half to fifteen and a half ; less than this Hows the habit to trail in the dirt, and more makes the orse too lofty and unwieldy for a lady's use. In breaking lady's horse, if he is of good temper and fine mouth, ttle need be done to make him canter easily, and with the Ight leg foremost. This is necessary, because the other I ig is uncomfortable to the rider from her side position in 16 saddle. The breaker, therefore, should adopt the ! leans elsewhere described, and persevere until the horse ; quite accustomed to the pace, and habitually starts off I ath the right leg. He should also bend him thoroughly, i 3 as to make him canter well on his hind legs and not 88 with the disturbed action which one so often sees. Thfel curb must be used for this purpose, but without bearing' too strongly upon it. The horse must be brought to his' pace by a fine handling rather than by force, and bf' occasional pressure which he will yield to and play with f allowed, rather than by a dead pull. In this way, by takin r advantage of every inch yielded, and yet not going too fai^ the head is gradually brought in and the hind legs as gradually are thrust forward, so as instinctively to stead/ the mouth and prevent the pressure which is feared. Whe i this "sitting on the haunches" is accomplished, a horsj cloth may be strapped on the near side of the saddle t > accustom him to the flapping of the habit; but I ha\; always found in an ordinary good-tempered horse, that, f the paces and mouth were all perfect, the habit is sure t? be borne. It is a kind of excuse which gentlemen are too apt tjj make that their horses have never carried a lady ; but f they carry a gentleman quietly they will always carry i lady in the same style, though they may not perhaps tb suitable to her seat or hand. The directions for holdin j the reins, and for their use, elsewhere given, apply equal; |r well to ladies, the only difference beingthat the knee preven s the hand being lowered to the pommel of the saddL . This is one reason why the neck requires to be moi3 bent for the lady's use, because, if it is straight, (r at all ewe-necked, the hands being high, raise the heai into the air and make the horse more of a *' star-gazer T than he otherwise would be. Many ladies hold the reirs as in driving. It is in some respects better, because t allows the hand to be lower than the gentleman's mod< , and the ends of the reins fall better over the habit. 1 1 mounting, the horse is held steadily, as for a gentleman s use, taking care to keep him well up to the place whet J the lady stands, from which he is very apt to slide awa}. The gentleman assistant then places his right hand on hi 5 right knee, or a little below it, and receives the lady's le t 89 lOt. Previously to this she should have taken the rein in ;r right hand, which is placed on the middle crutch, then, ith her left hand on the gentleman's shoulder, and her ot in his hand, she makes a spring from the ground and imediately stiffens her left leg, using his hand, steadied / his knee, as a second foundation for a spring, and then le is easily lifted to her seat by the hand following, and lishing her spring with what little force is required. As le rises the hand still keeps hold of the crutch, which 1 rows the body sideways on the saddle, and then she lifts I jr right knee over the middle crutch. After this she lifts i ;rself up from the saddle, and the gentleman draws her [ ibit from under her until smooth, he then places her left : ot in the stirrup, including with it a fold of her habit, id she is firmly seated, and should take her reins and use I em as directed for the gentleman. The great mistake i hich is constantly made in mounting is in the use of the ; dy's knee, which should be carefully straightened the [ oment it can be effected, for if kept bent it requires a : 'eat power to lift a lady into the saddle, whereas, with a [ )od spring and a straight knee, she ought to weigh but few pounds in the hand. The lady's seat is very corn- only supposed to be a weak one, and to depend entirely >on balance ; but this is the greatest possible mistake, id there can be no doubt, from what is seen in private ; well as in the circus, that it requires as great an effort : the horse to dislodge a good female rider as to produce \ e same effect upon a gentleman. Even with the old i igle crutch there was a good hold with the leg, but now r at the third is added, the grip is really a firm one. When ': is is not used the crutch is laid hold of by the right leg I d pinched between the calf of the leg and the thigh, so 5 to afford a firm and steady hold for the whole body, 5 pecially when aided by the stirrups. But this latter L pport merely preserves the balance, and is useful also in ■ )tting. It does not at all give a firm, steady seat, though adds to one already obtained by the knee. When two 90 crutches are used, the leg is brought back so far as t< grasp the crutch as before, but between the two knees th \ two crutches are firmly laid hold of, the upper one beinj under the right knee, and the lower one above the left 1 The right knee hooked over the crutch keeps the body fron( slipping backwards, while the left keeps it from a forwani motion, and thus the proper position is maintained. Ii all cases the right foot should be kept back and the poin i of the toe should scarcely be visible. These points shouh be carefully kept in view by all lady riders, and they should learn as soon as possible to steady themselves by the gras|| of the crutches without reference to the stirrup-iron, li spite of her side seat, the body should be square to th( front, with the elbow easily bent and preserved in its prope position by the same precaution. The whip is generally held in the right hand, with the lash pointing forward an( towards the left, and by this position it may be used or any part of the horse's body by reaching over to the lef and cutting before or behind the saddle, or, with grea ease, on the right side. Its use may, therefore, in all case: be substituted for the pressure of the leg in the description of the modes of effecting the change of leg, turning to th< left or right, or leading with either leg. With this sub stitution, and with the caution against all violent attempt! at coercion, which are better carried out by the fine hanc and delicate tact of the lady, all the feats which man car perform may well be imitated by her. In dismounting the horse is brought to a dead stop, and his head held b) an assistant. The lady then turns her knee back agair from the position between the outside crutch, takes hei foot out of the stirrup, and sits completely sideways. She then puts her left hand on the gentleman's shoulder, whc places his right arm around her waist and lightly assist* her to the ground. 9' L Few out of many Unsolicited Testimonials regard- ing Horses that I have Handled and Subdued in England. 31, Park Road, Fokesi- hill, S.E., June 30th, i8g2, [r. N. Smith. Sir, — Having now witnessed many of your " Horse- training Exliil)i- ons," both in public and through your courtesy in private, I must own lat I have been most favourably impressed ; more particularly have I been leased, that the methods used are so humane. Never have I detected nything that a rational being could possibly call cruel, or even rough. Let »e thank you for the good you have done to my mare, an obstinate jiblitr. Yours truly, Ernest C. Arnold, M.B., F.R.C.S. Eng. "White Swan " Yard, Upper Norwood, S.E., July 4th, iSg^. £r. Norton B. Smith. Dear Sir, — As you have now had four of my horses under your hands, take this opportunity of thanking you for your most successful treatment f them. I have seen the methods you use with them at your public shows, nd also by your kindness at some private lessons you have given them, an(i am most perfectly satisfied that nothing in the way of cruelty is practised, ut that your schooling is far kinder than what horses as a rule have to xbmit to from very many horse-breakers and dealers in this country. As have had a large and varied experience with horses in this country and I Africa, I am in a position to form a good opinion. If, during your stay in this country, I should become the owner of any orse with bad habits, I shall without hesitation send it to you wherever ou may be. Believe me, dear Sir, Yours faithfully, F. C. Wilson. .S.— You are at liberty at any time to refer any one to me. F. C. W. 120, Falmouth Road, New Kent Road, S.E., June 28th, iSg3. ROF. xN'oRTON B. Smith. Dear Sir, — I wish to thank you for what you have done for my orse, and I can only say that you have made a complete cure of him. le was a bad jibber and kicker, and I could never drive him, and he as to me of no earthly use. The two lessons you gave him have made im to me a valuable horse, and all this was done before the public 'ithout injuring the horse, and in accordance with the humane socie'y. shall always consider myself under obligations to you, and shall only be )0 pleased to give you any reference to owners of wild or vicious horses, ad I am confident they will never regret sending you their horses, for ley certainly receive the proper education, and you do all you advertise,, iid I consider you the best horse trainer that I have ever seen. Yours truly, Thomas Russell, 92 High Street, Sydenham, /w/y 7^^' Prof. Norton Smith. Dear Sir, — I am very pleased with your treatment of my horses; they are both much better, quiet, and docile. I should be pleased to recommend your treatment to any one. Yours truly, J. Nalson. 5, New Croxted Road, West Dulwich, S.E.,/«/^jrM, iSgz. Prof. Norton B. Smith. Dear Sir,— Since your arrival at the Crystal Palace, I have frequently been present at your exhibitions of horse taming, and I have seen you handle a great number of different horses. The means by which you educate timid horses to face unaccustomed sights, and your methods for overcoming and rendering docile kicking, jibbing, or biting horses, have always been completely successful. In my opinion your system of training is perfectly humane, and does not cause physical suffering to the horse. Yours very truly. Major J. W. Telfer. 57, Hawthorn Grove, Pence, July 8th, j8g2. To Prof. Norton Smith. Deak Sir, — I be^ to tender you my sincere thanks for the manner in which you have treated my horse. Before going to your establishment I could do nothing with it, being such a vicious and spiteful kicker, having damaged a van in trying to get it to work ; but since being under your treatment it works splendidly, showing no signs of vice or kicking. Hoping many more who have kicking horses may avail themselves of your treatment during your stay in England, I am, Yours truly, J. M. Thody. From Rev. J. G. Pilkington, Vicar of St. Mark's, Dalston, N.E, Mr. Pilkington has pleasure in stating that the nervousness exhibited V>y one of his horses was considerably alleviated by Professor Norton Smith's treatment. On two of the days the horse was handled Mr. Pilkington was present, and saw nothing to object to in the methods employed. Had he done so he would, of course, have withdrawn the horse at once. 93 St. Germain's, 42, Croham Road, South Croydon, ^u£. 2jrd, i8g2. To Prof. Norton B, Smith, Crvstal Palace. Dear Sir, — I cannot help expressing my thanks to you for the manner in which you humanely handled my brown horse, which was an inveterate jibber and kicker, also very nervous, and impossible to drive in single or double harness. I could use him under saddle only, and then was at any time liable to be thrown on account of his bad habits. Since you have handled my horse I am able to drive him single or double, and feel perfectly safj. I can highly indorse your methods to all owners of horses possessing bid habits, and by all means advise owners of horses possessing them to allow you to use your own discretion, and am positive you will accomplish a good result. I consider that you have increased the value of my horse £\Q, and am willing to furnish you with any further testimonials that you may require. Yours truly, T. NUNN Special to the Farmer. The necessity for improvement in farm stock to meet the exigencies of close times, of which much has been said of late, is one which does not end with cattle, sheep, and swine, but includes the horse stock as well. Perhaps the improvement in these other descriptions of stock is of more importance because of their greater numbers, but a great deal can be gained by giving more attention to the character of the horses produced and maintained on the farm. Horses cannot be dispensed with on the farm, and no one makes the attempt, as the major part of the farm work is performed with their help, but the cost of their keep is a heavy burden. Many farmers do not realise this, because the food they consume is produced upon the farm ; but inasmuch as if not consumed by them, this food could be sold, or something saleable raised in its stead, the support of the horse stock is a very material item of farm expense. On a very large proportion of farms, if not upon the majority, the class of horses maintained is such that practically no return is secured from them beyond the labour they perform. This is a good deal, of course, but it 94 is not enough, for with a better grade of foundation stock, and more care in the selection of stallions, the production of horses can be made to contribute very handsomely to farm revenues without going further in the direction of breeding than the usual force of farm teams will justify. There is a great demand in this country for good horses, and it is so diversified in its character, and so wide in its extent, that practically it can never be overdone. The far- mer need not be restricted to any one type of horse, and if he has any preferences in the matter, they may safely be consulted, since every really good horse finds ready sale. But whatever the type selected, the farmer should always breed for strength and stamina, with a fair measure of style, and a movement and disposition suited to the purpose for which the animal is to be ultimately devoted. And the effort should constantly be made to produce animals for some particular purpose, and stallions patronised with the power to produce just the kind of horse the farmer desires, avoiding the nondescripts who get colts too slow to trot, too light to pull, and without style and character for any- thing else. We know of many farmers so negligent in this matter as to maintain teams of geldings for farm work. If a farmer wishes and can afford a driving team in which his personal pleasure is a fair compensation for their keep, he has as good a right to such horses as anybody ; but as for horses maintained simply for farm purposes, we have often thought that a farmer had full as much use for a top hat in the harvest field as for a team of geldings at the reaper. A few remarks to the farmers of this country would be well received. Breed as good a mare as you can aff'ord to own ; breed to as good a stallion as you feel that you can afford to use, but always keep in view the general useful qualities of the horse for any work covering good size, fifteen and one-half to sixteen and one-half hands, good strong bone, heavily muscled, good disposition, good appearance, with sound- 1 95 ness of parts and well-gaited and high breeding, and you will not go astray. Above all, avoid the use of cheap, low-bred, country stallions standing at a low fee and dear at that ; also horses of unfashionable colours, and those that entail upon their stock white faces and three or four white feet. Such stock is not popular, and if buyers can be got to buy them it will be at a reduced price. A colt from a high-bred horse can be raised as cheap as that from a low-bred one, but when you come to sell him, the one by the high-bred horse will sell for two cr three times as much. Buyers appreciate the value of good blood and will pay more for it, because their experience has taught them that it is worth more and will sell more rapidly. Feed your colts liberally and they will well repay you for your liber- ality by making better horses at three or four years of age than they would if half fed at six years old. I have presented these thoughts to you as I hastily jotted them down, but I have probably said enough to call your attention to the matter so that you can fully consider it. What Errors in Feeding will Do, and How to Prevent Diseases of the Digestive Organs. With very rare exceptions diseases of the digestive or- gans are results of errors in feeding, and all observations point to the conclusion that in the horse the intestines are more liable to suffer from disease than the stomach. The stomach of a horse is a simple organ, small in comparison to the size of the animal and in contrast with the volume of the intestines. It is but slightly called into action during the digestive process, and, provided the food be properly masticated, and incorporated with the salivary secretions, it is arrested for a short time only in the stomach, but is passed onward into the intestinal canal, where the process of digestion is completed. On this account the intestines are more liable to disease. It is also a remarkable fact 96 that easily digested food, if given over abundantly, is apt to derange the small intestines ; whereas food containing much woody fibre, such as over-ripe hay, coarse straw, etc., accumulate in the large intestines and there causes derangement, inflammation, and even paralysis of the in- testinal muscular tissue. It is also a fact worthy of notice, that if food be given artificially prepared, by boiling or steaming, it is retained in the stomach itself, and if given in too large quantities causes distension, inflammation, paralysis, and even rupture. This is accounted for by the circumstance that food imperfectly prepared for intestinal digestion is retained or imprisoned by the action of the pyloric structures, and thus distends the stomach by its bulk or by gases evolved by the process of fermentation, which is apt to ensue. The food of the horse contains an abundant quantity of starchy materials, and the process by which these are rendered soluble commences in the mouth, not only by their admixture with the salivary secretions, but by a chemical change through which the non-soluble starch is converted into dextrine and grape sugar, and made fit for the action of the intestinal, biliary and gastric secretions, and for ab- sorption by the vessels of the gastric and intestinal walls. For the purpose of performing this process the horse is provided with twenty-four millstones, in the form of molar teeth, which have the power of crushing and triturating the hardest food, and of an extensive system of salivary organs which secrete very actively, during the process of mastication, a lluid which eff'ectively blends with and chemically changes the food thus triturated. On this ac- count it is found that when horses are sufficiently but not over fed with dry food of a proper quantity, the stomach rarely suff'ers from disease. An error in the diet, however, or a sudden change from one kind of food to another, not only deranges the stomach, but the intestinal canal as well. From various causes, such as improper food, the process ot' dentition, diseases of the teeth causing imperfect masti- 97 cation, ravenous feeding, the presence of other diseases, debility of the stomach itself, resulting from some consti- tutional predisposition, or from food given at uncertain and rare intervals, a condition of indigestion is induced in the horse. In young animals the same is induced by draughts of cold milk, removal from the dam at too early an age, or what is commonly the case in some places, compelling the dam to work shortly after the birth of the offspring, and allowing it to suckle at rare intervals and when the dam is heated. In the horse the symptoms of indigestion are loss of appetite, or depravity and capricious- ness of it, manifested by the horse eating at irregular intervals, or having a desire to eat filth, with sourness of the mouth and usually increased thirst. The animal soon becomes hide-bound, has a dry, scurfy skin ; there is irregu- larity of the bowels and frequent escape of flatus by the anus. If caused by imperfectly masticated food, such as whole oats or coarse hay, these may be found in the faeces. In addition to the above diagnostic symptoms, there may be a dry cough, or irregularity of the pulse, which may be slower or faster than natural ; colicky pains may also be present in some cases, occurring more particularly in an hour or two after the animal has partaken of its food, whilst in others fits of giddiness, and even paralysis, occur ; the latter condition being not seldom seen in cattle, and very often in horses. In the young animal the above symptoms are more com- monly associated with diarrhoea than in the older ones, in which constipation is generally present. The faeces often resemble the colour of the food ; for example, if the horse is fed on dark-coloured hay or clover, the faeces will be dark-coloured also ; if, on the contrary, it is fed on oats, the faeces will be light in colour ; and in the young animal, when fed on milk, it will often resemble it both in colour and consistence, mixed, however, with large masses of curdled milk, and often very foetid. It has often been noticed that when indigestion is induced by clover the D g8 urine is very dark in colour, and deposits a thick, almost brick-coloured sediment. This condition of the urine, however, need cause no apprehension, as it is often seen in the clover-fed animal without any disease being present. Indigestion is a fertile source of deposits in the urine, which results from imperfect nutrition of the tissues, or a chemical change in the constituents of the blood-plasma, due to the products being imperfectly prepared or contain- ing some material unfit for healthy nutrition. In the treatment of indigestion, the cause ought to be carefully inquired into and removed. If due to the process of dentition, the presence of unshed crowns of the tem- porary teeth irritating and wounding the mouth, or to any irregularity of the dental apparatus, these must be attended to according to the directions laid down under their several heads. In all instances where such causes are not in operation, even when the cause cannot be traced to the food, it will be necessary to make some alteration in the diet, and to examine the various alimentary matters, in order to detect the offending one if possible. If the diarrhoea is not excessive, and the animal thereby much debilitated, it would be advisable to give a mild aperient or a moderate cathartic. To the young animal a dose of castor oil or linseed oil, to the older a moderate dose of aloes, combined with a vegetable bitter, ginger, or gentian. In foals pepsin can be administered, as in all probability the indigestion is due to imperfect secretion of the gastric glands ; even in the older animal this is often presumably the case, and more especially when the disorder occurs without apparent cause ; the same remedy will prove bene- ficial. The diet of the animal is also to be carefully con- ducted, and that pure air, moderate exercise, and good grooming are essential to proper digestion. Occurring in the winter, if the horse is thickly covered with hair, clip- ping will have a beneficial result, restoring the digestion and appetite, which may have been long impaired, not- withstanding remedies, in the course of a few hours. 99 Distension of the stomach may arise from repletion with so Id food, or from the evolution of g-ases arising- from sohds or hquids contained within it undergoing the process ot fermentation, or disengaged from the gastric wails when the stomach is empty, as occurring in conditions of great prostration. The cause of impaction of the stomach results trom the indigestion of food too abundant in quantity or greedily swallo^ved and imperfectly masticated. In those parts of the country where the cooking of food for horses IS a common custom, it is found that deaths from diseases and lesion of the digestive apparatus are very common l^rom the reasons that it is necessary for the food to undergo not only the process of trituration by the teeth but that it requires to be chemically altered by combination with the sahva, it will be understood that food prepared in any other way, as cooking by boiling and steaming, is un- fitted to be acted upon by the stomach, and is consequently retained within it, the animal meanwhile continuing to eat until its walls become distended, paralysed, and even ruptured. Some kinds of food, nutritious in themselves and theoretically calculated to be proper for the horse, are found practically to be highly dangerous. Wheat, for instance, which is highly nutritious, is considered to be improper food, deranging the stomach, causing purgation laminitis, and death. Barley has a similar effect. When It becomes compulsory to cook the food, it should be o-iven with the greatest caution and in small quantities. Bran in mash or otherwise, musty hay, or too ripe before bein- cut, barley and green foods, not only induce engorgement'' but also undergo fermentation in the stomach, and thus bring on tympanitis. How should a Horse be Fed during a Hard March or a luong Drive? How many times have I seen farmers and horse owners before starting on a visit or a long journey give their horse lOO a big- breakfast, saying, " He's got a hard day's work before him." About ten o'clock, when he has gone twenty- five or thirty miles from home, Mr. Horse lies on the side of the road with a good case of acute colic. Cause, " good breakfast." Now, I will give you my idea of the way a horse should be fed, in order for him to do the work and prevent sickness. Give him a good big supper. This allows his digestive organs all night to perform their func- tions, and your horse has laid up a reserve for a journey. In the morning give a light breakfast of grain, say four quarts of oats, no hay. Same at noon. Always water your horse after, never before, eating. Never drive up to a trough when on the road and let him drink. Use a pail, that you may know how much he is drinking. For myself 1 do not approve of watering a horse more than four times a day when on a journey, early in the morning, again at ten o'clock, again at four, and again at night when putting hjm up for his rest. When you desire to stop but a short time for dinner, you need not wait until your horse is cool before you feed him. Give him his grain at once, and as soon as he has eaten it he is ready for business. A great many horsemen will tell you that there is danger in feeding a horse when very warm ; but it is not so. Understand me correctly, 1 refer only to instances where you are going to put your horse to work immediately after he has eaten his dinner. When warm, his stomach is expanded, and your keeping him warm, it remains in that state. On the other hand, if you allow him to stand, the stomach contracts, and the gas from the grain bringi on coHc. Taking Care of Horses when Heated. ' ^ It is the habit of a great many persons when their horses become heated to cover them with a great heavy blanket. This is wrong. Do not cover your horse for about five I lOl minutes, let him steam. Then put on a Hg^ht blanket, allow him to stand with this blanket on for half-an-hour, then remove it and put on your heavy one. This gives the animal a warm dry covering, after you have removed the light blanket which is wet from the steam of the horse. Follow these directions, and it will prevent your horse from catching cold. I approve of giving the horse a thorough rubbing first, if convenient. Care of Horses in the Spring of the Year. Great care should be given the animals during the months of April and May, to prepare them for the warm weather. As soon as the grass starts your horse should be grazed thirty to forty minutes each day, and this as early in the morning as possible. Green grass will physic your horse, purify his blood, and get the grain that he has been eating through the winter months out of his system. At the same time that you are grazing the horse, give bran Hashes, and stop giving grain for a week or ten days, antil you get his system in a thoroughly good condition. I would also advise that driving-horses, with feet that are nclined to contract, be walked in the dew every morning hrough the summer months. This is one of the greatest reatments in the world for softening and expanding the lorse's feet. It is much better than all the hoof ointment here is on the market, and it is a great deal cheaper. In cities, where it is not feasible to graze your horse, j^ive him a bucket of green grass cut from the lawn. Management of Horses. In the management or mismanagement of horses some- hing like one-half of their life of utility is involved, lismanagement has its basis in the mistaken idea that vice in animals is hereditary. Thus, if a foal is spirited, playful, | and full of life and courage, it is said to be vicious, anc needs the devil taken out of it. If, on the other hand, it i<| stern and dull, it Is reputed to be sullen and vicious, ancj needs waking- up. These characters follow the animals intc the breaker's hands, and the common treatment is severity frequently falling into brutality. Day by day the mistakeri struggle between man and horse goes on, and, in the grea i majority of cases, the horse, in place of learning to love anci obey man, hates him, and this feeling is responsible fo many accidents. Ere the breaking struggle is completed, a large portion of the utility of the horse has been takei^ out of it ; it has received nothing but abuse at man's hands and the devil, in place of being exorcised, is only the mor firmly planted, with the addition of others more malevolen than were the original ones of temper. A horse so broken is weakened in constitution, rendered of fitful temper, an- u ^ . - - - Unsound. Rmgbone Cojiker in the foot '» lO: Windgalls I consider not in the full sense of the term unsound, but rather as a blemish brought on by overwork or strain. Curb ♦ - - - - - - - Unsound. Spavins of all natures and kind^. Capped Hocks Rheumatism Thorough-pin Blood Spavin Bog Spavin .--..- String halt Low hip, or any protuberance of the hip Grease Heels, until cured Cracked Heels Enlargement of the hind leg, or what technically termed " Elephantine" Weak back Knuckling of the pastern joint, or sprung knees Stumbling, which is generally caused by the weakness of the tendons All enlargements of the sinews or tendons Heaves, or broken wind Cough, until cured . . . . Crib biting Wind sucking Heaving, a nervous affection not necessarily injurious, but more of a aabk. Surfeit, or Mange, until cured - - - Unsound. (Glanders Strangles Colds and distempers, until cured - Enlarged joints Soft enlargements on any part of the limb Sore shoulders, or galled backs, until cured Horses where the shoulder has shrunk or perished, it is caused by nflamm.ation of the tendons, originating in the foot, and they are unsound. Stiff Hocks Unsound. Wounds of every na'ure, until cured - - ,, Scars of all kinds, if properly healed, not leaving u bone fracture, are ;oimd. Horses who cut their quarters when speeding, or when lying down in tall have caused the shoe boil, are unsound until cured. Roman-backed horses are the most durable animals we have. Saddle-backed, hollow-backed, and low-backed horses may be con* idered sound, but are nevertheless an eyesore to the ovtner. io6 Wall-eyed or moon-eyed horses, if not sightless, I consider sound. All humours arising from impurities of the blood, or otherwise, I a sider an evidence of unsoundness until cured. Pigeon-toed horses, or horses toeing in, unsound, being an unnatu development, liable to cork themselves or interfere. Lampas. — This is a fulness of the roof of the mouth, ai is most frequently found among young horses. Treatment. — Cut the first bar in roof of the mout squeezing out the blood, then add a little salt. Never bu them as in our grandfathers' days. This is not consider by me as an evidence of unsoundness, as the remedy simple and effectual. Firing horses for any enlargement of the limb, or a other cause, I consider a brutal treatment, and when It so treated, I consider him unsound. Wolf teeth are two small teeth, and found on either si of the upper jaw, next to the grinders. If they set clc: to the grinder there is danger of their affecting the 63 They should never be knocked out, as is practised many, but should be removed by a pair of forceps. Th are peculiar to young horses or colts ; after they have bei abstracted I consider the horse sound. If, by a care 1 perusal of what I have said upon the most natural cauji that render the horse unsound, and a few suggestions ! to the treatment of them, I have rendered the reader a i assistance, and saved the noble horse, man's true relian* any torturous treatment, I am satisfied. -r:^^^^ i07 » THE TEETH. FOAL at birth has three molars, or grinding teeth, iust rough the gums, upon both sides of the upper and of the wer jaws. It generally has no incisor or front teeth ; but e gums are inflamed, and evidently upon the eve of irsting-. The molars or grinders are, as yet, unflattened, have not been rendered smooth by attrition. The lower w, when the inferior margin is left, appears to be very ick, blunt and round. A fortnight has rarely elapsed before the membrane ptures, and two pairs of front, very white teeth, begin appear in the mouth. At first these new members look ^proportionately large to their tiny abiding place, and len contrasted with the reddened gums at their base, sy have that pretty pearly aspect, which is the common aracteristic of the milk teeth in most animals. In another month, when the foal is six weeks old, more ;th appear. Much of the swelling at first present has ^tened down. The membrane, as time progresses, will e much of its scarlet hue. In the period which has psed since the former teeth were looked at, the sense of proportionate size has gone. The two front teeth are vv fully up, and these are almost of suitable proportions, hen the two pairs of lateral incisors first make their io8 appearance, it is in such a shape as can imply no assurance of their future form. They resemble the corner nippers, and do not suggest the smallest likeness to the lateral incisors which they will ultimately become. There is now a long pause before more teeth appear. The little one lives chiefly upon suction and runs by its mother's side. Upon the completion of the first month, seldom earlier, it may be observed to lower its head and nip the young grass. From the third month, however, the habit grows, until by the sixth month the grinders will be worn quite flat and have been reduced to the state suited to their function. The corner incisors come into the mouth about the ninth month, the four pair of nippers which have already been traced being at this time fully developed. The corner incisors do not yet meet, though these organs point towards each other, neither has the membrane of the mouth at this time entirely lost the deepened hue of infancy. - From this date, however, the gums gradually become pale, till by the end of the first year the membrane has nearly assumed its normal complexion. All the incisors are, by the first birthday, well up. The grinding teeth which are in the mouth when the foal first sees the light, are of a temporary character. The jaw, therefore, has to hold and to mature the long permanent grinders which within the substance of the bone are growing beneath the temporary molars. To contain and to develop the large uncut teeth, before appearing above the gums, causes the small jaw of a diminutive foal to be disproportionately thick, especially as compared with the same structure in an adult horse. At one year old the first permanent tooth appears. This is the fourth molar, or the most backward grinder. The jaw bone at one year old has become longer and wider. This increase of size was necessary to cover the increasing size of the new molar and to afford room for the partial development of two other grinders, which will appear IC9 behind what is now the last tooth. Often little nodules of bone, without fangs, merely attached to the gums, appear in front of each row of grinders. These are vulgarly denominated *' wolves' teeth." They generally disappear with the shedding of those members facing which they are located. The changes in the teeth, after the first year, are characterised by the longer periods which divide them. Months have heretofore separated the advent of single pairs ; but from this date these appearances are to be reckoned by numbers and by years. The foal has teeth sufficient to support and to maintain its growth. Preparation is being made for the advent of the sixth grinder, and for changes in those milk molars which were in the mouth when the animal was born. At the same time additional width is needed to allow the permanent incisors to appear when their time comes. In the front teeth of a two-year- old, there is a want of that fixedness which, one year before, was characteristic of these organs. The central nippers have done their duty, or, at all events, something approach- ing to maturity has been attained. Three years old is the period when the greater number of colts are brought to market. The bit then is put into its mouth, and it is driven from the field. At a period of change and of debility it is expected to display the greatest animation and to learn strange things. When its gums are inflamed, when the system is excited, when the strength is absorbed by an almost simultaneous appearance of twelve teeth, it is led from the pasture and made, with its bleeding jaws, to masticate sharp oats and fibrous hay. It has been said that a three-year-old colt cuts twelve teeth. Those organs which are of recent appearance will be recognised by their darker colour, by their larger size, or by their differing in shape from the other members. These new teeth are central incisor and the first two grinders. The horse has two jaws and two sides to each iaw ; therefore the same number being present within each side of both jaws, the teeth already alluded to appear during the third year. However, even this quantity rather understates than overrates the fact, for frequently the tusks are cut during- this period. In such a case the colt acquires no less than sixteen teeth in twelve months. The four-year-old has to perfect as many teeth as are known to protrude into the mouth of the three-year-old. But the precise time of the appearance of the tusks is uncertain. They may come up at the third or the fourth year ; sometimes they never pierce the gums, it being very far from uncommon to see horses' mouths of seven years without the tusks. By the end of the fourth year the colt has certainly gained twelve teeth. By this time there should exist, on each side of both jaws, one new lateral incisor and two fresh molars, being the third and the sixth in position. The appearance of the mouth now indicates the approach of maturity ; but the inferior margin of the lower bone still feels more full and rounded than is consistent with the consolidation of an osseous structure. The process of dentition is not finished by the termination of the fourth year. There are more teeth to be cut, as well as the fangs of those already in the mouth to be made perfect. The colt, with four pairs of permanent incisors, has still the corner milk nippers to shed, yet while the provision necessary for that labour is taking place within the body, or while nature is preparing for the coming struggle, man considers the poor quadruped as fully developed and as enjoying the prime of its existence. The teeth may be scarcely visible in the mouth, never- theless such a sign announces the fifth year to be attained. There are, at five, no more bothering teeth to cut. All are through the bone, and the mouth will soon be sound. The indications of extreme age are always present, and though during a period of senility the teeth cannot be literally construed, nevertheless it should be impossible to 1 1 1 iook upon the *' venerable steed" as an animal in its colthood. How to Tell the Age of Horses. There are many methods of telling* the ages of horses, but I have a new method, and one that you can always tell within one or two years of their correct age, which is as follows : A horse has forty teeth — twenty-four grinders, twelve front teeth, and four tusks. A mare has thirty-six teeth — twenty-four grinders, twelve front teeth, and sometimes they have tusks, but not very often. Fourteen days old a colt has four nipper teeth, at three months old he has four middle teeth, at six months old he has four corner teeth ; at one year old the cups leave the nipper teeth, at two years old the cups leave the middle teeth, at two-and-a-half years old he sheds his nipper teeth, at three years old full- size nipper teeth ; three-and-a-half years old he sheds his middle teeth, four years old full-size middle teeth ; at four- and-a-half years old sheds his corner teeth, five years old, full-size corner teeth ; six years old, large cups in corner teeth, small cups in middle teeth, and still smaller cups in nipper teeth ; seven years old, cups leave nipper teeth ; eig-ht years old, cups leave the middle teeth ; nine years old, cups leave the corner teeth ; at ten years old a dark groove will make its appearance on the upper corner tooth ; at fifteen years old the groove will be one-half way down the upper corner tooth ; at twenty-one years old the grooves will be at the bottom. At this age give your horse his time, and let him have rest in his future days. The groove alluded to will be found on the corner tooth of the upper jaw, running down the middle of the tooth. When a horse is from fourteen days to six years old, I judge by the appearance of both jaws ; when from six to ten years by the lower jaw ; and when from ten to twenty- one years, by the groove in the upper jaw. 112 Remember This ! To Tell the Age of Horses. To tell the age of any horse, Inspect the lower jaw, of course. 'J he six front teeth the tale will tell, And every doubt and fear dispel. Two middle "nippers" you behold Before the colt is two weeks old. Ik fore ei^ht weeks two more will come ; l^i.i;hl months, the " corners " cut the giim. Two outside grooves will disappear From niiJdle two in just one year. In two years from the second pair ; In three, the corners, too, are bare. At two, the middle " nippers" drop ; At three, the second pair can't slop. When four years old, the third pair goes ; At five, a full new set he shows. The deep black spots will pass from view At six years from the middle two. The second pair at seven }ears ; At eight the spot each "corner" clears. From middle " nippers," upper jaw, At nine the black spots will withdraw. The second pair at ten are vi-hite ; Eleven finds the '* corners " light. As time goes on, the horsemen know, The oval teeth three-sided grow ; They longer get, project before. Till twenty, when we know no more. PuoF. Norton L. Smith. 113 Horses' Teeth. Their Care and Treatment. There are hundreds and thousands of horses that are suffering- daily on account of their teeth. The upper jaw of the horse is one inch wider than the lower jaw, causing the upper grinders to shut half an inch over the lower grinders. This causes the upper set of teeth to wear sharp on the out- side next to the cheek, and the lower grinders to wear sharp on the inside next to the tongue. After these teeth become sharp, in using- a bridle on a horse, the pulling of the lines brings the check-pieces of the bit against the horse's mouth, pressing the inside of the cheek against the sharp edges of the grinders, causing inflammation, and many times cutting large gashes. The horse will throw its head up and down, slobber, drive uneven, pull on the lines, many times will jib ; his grain passes through him whole ; he cannot masticate it properly. During my professional career, I have seen hundreds of horses become jibby for no other reason than that their teeth were sharp on the edges, causing the mouth and cheeks to become sore and lacerated, which, in a high-strung and nervous beast, causes him to jib. Now, to have your horse's teeth fixed, take a float or rasp and file off the inside edges of the teeth — just the sharp edges. Never let a man cut your horse's teeth with shears, as it is impossible to cut ivory without fracturing it. This operation of floating should be done once a year regularly. Always have the operation per- formed by a man of good judgment. Many a time a horse loses a grinder, then the opposite grinder is given a chance to grow, and eventually comes into direct contact with the opposite gum, making it impossible for the horse to eat at all. Examine your horse's mouth thoroughly ; see that the teeth are even ; if not, take a float and make them so. Many of our best veterinarians prescribe condition powders and medicines for horses that are in thin flesh, hide-bound, etc., when the proper operation upon the teeth will cure your horse without buying a lot of this trash. 114 How a Horse should be Shod. I Pare the foot perfectly level ; never take any more out at the heel than you do at the toe ; never allow your horse's i frog" to be cut in any way, shape, or form. If there are< rag's hanging to the frog, let them remain there ; never i have the bars of your horse's foot cut. Let the horse-shoer cut enough of the sole out of the horse's foot so that the shoe will not rest or press upon the sole, leaving an equal bearing or pressure upon the sole of the horse's foot. Have a shoe made that is concave from the third nail hole all the way round to the other third nail hole, from the last nail hole back to the heel of the shoe ; have it bevelled outwardly, having the shoe thinner on the outside at the heel than it is on the inside. My philosophy of this is, to let the horse's frog come down even with the sihoe, as when he puts his foot down on the ground, by the shoe being bevelled at the heel, it gives the quarters a chance to expand. You probably are aware of the fact that the horses' shoes that are manufactured at the present time are concaved all the way around ; the result is that the shoe is slanting in- wardly, and when the horse's foot is placed upon his shoe, with four nails driven upon each side, you have nailed his foot to an iron vice, and it is impossible for it to expand, for the reason that the shoe slanting inwardly causes the foot to contract. I would advise that all driving or saddle horses should only have six nails in the front feet and five in the hind feet ; have them driven well to the middle of the horse's foot and come out of the horn as low as possible. Never file your horse's foot on the outside above the nail heads. Never file the crease under the clinches, as when you do you are weakening the crust of the horn of your horse's foot. You stop the growth of this live horn, causing the foot to become dry and brittle, and when the old shoes are removed you will find large chunks of the horse's foot breaking away with the old horseshoe nails. "5 Never have a red-hot shoe placed upon your horse's foot. [t draws the moisture and the oil from the hoof, making it become dry and brittle. Nature never destined that a tiorse's foot should be burned with a red-hot iron — warm shoes placed upon a horse's foot will do no harm. Always have the shoes made to fit the foot, and not fit the foot to the shoe, as is the practice with many would-be [lorse-shoers. No scientific workman will contradict the above facts. ii6 A FEW GOOD GENERAL POINTS ON HORSEMANSHIP. Match horses with reference to size and motion, par- ticularly to colour, if you can. Always have inside lines on double team quite long, and back straps short. Never check a horse if you wish him to last long. Never feed from mangers. Let your horse eat his food from the floor even with his feet. A great many horses suffer from indigestion, and are made stiff and lame from eating from hay-racks and mangers, which is unnatural to the animals. Water and oats should be given first, hay afterwards. If you are working your horses hard, give them very little water at night. Always stop at the top of the hill and let your horse get his breath. If you have ever run uphill yourself think of your horse. Always have the shoes fit the foot, and not fit the foot to the shoe. Never cut the bars of a horse's foot. For a coughing horse, wet his hay and not his oats. Never let your horse stand facing a cold wind. Always feed light when changing feed. "7 When training- a horse in a barn, have carriages and all objects removed, except those that you are using. Use very few words with a horse, but have them thoroughly understood. Be earnest and prompt, but not harsh. Always approach a strange horse near the shoulder. Never pat or caress a horse on the head, always pat him on the shoulder. Think of some person coming- up to you and patting you on the head. What would you do ? Teach your horse before whipping", and, when you whip, do it to frighten, not to enrage him. Never jump from a waggon when your horse is running away. Always exercise sound judgment by purchasing a horse suited to the business you require of him. Some horses are good saddle horses, but might not make good cart horses. If your horse cribs — 'Sell him. He who buys a horse needs a hundred eyes. Always try before you buy. Use your own judgment, and never take others* opinions. Your first thought is always the best. Never spare time or labour to relieve a suffering animal. Remember he is a dumb brute and cannot talk to you. In treating a disease that a horse may have, never spare a hair to do your work faithfully for the noble animal. Never have a blacksmith to put a red-hot shoe on your horse's foot. ii8 Always patronise the best horse-shoers of your city. It is one of the greatest professions known to-day. Do not overload your animal. Have your horse's shoes reset every four weeks. Never soak your horse's feet. Never clip a team horse. Driving horses can be clipped if their owners will see that they are properly cared for, but I do not approve of clipping any more than I wou4d take off my overcoat in winter. The best feed for horses — good oats, good hay, good pure water. Never give over twelve quarts a day. See that all collars are properly cleaned after using, in order to prevent gall and sore necks. When using your saddle in a storm, see that the blankets are properly dried before using again. Always have the collar fit your horse's neck properly. See that all saddles fit your horses properly. In the winter time be very careful and not put a cold iron bit in your horse's mouth. Think of yourself, and you will have sympathy for the poor brute. Drive slow in turning corners. Don't hit your horse with a whip unless he knows what you hit him for. Use as little medicine as possible, but prevent sickness in your horses by giving them proper care and attention. Give your horse who works hard through the day a good bed to sleep on. 119 The curry-comb and brush, well used twice a day, is as g-ood as three quarts of grain. Feed your horses regularly. Water them often when doing hard work in very warm weather. Give bran mashes twice a week. Use only the best of hay. It is the cheapest in the end. Have horses shod as light as possible. Never use over six nails in the front feet and five nails in the hind feet for all light driving or saddle horses. When breaking a horse, use as light a break-waggon as possible. Make your lessons short. Never lose your temper. Always have plenty of patience. Never drive fast downhill. Let your horse walk uphill. Let him go on the level. When you are coming from a drive and your horse is very warm, let him stand five minutes and steam before you put a blanket on him. Before leaving him for the night, change blankets — a dry one for the wet one. Nine-tenths of the diseases of horses are caused from their not having the proper care. If you have a heavy horse, sell him. Never put a horse to hard work until he is five years old. Never pack your horse's feet. I20 Never allow a blacksmith to sand-paper your horse's feet. Never allow oils of any kind to be placed on the outside of a horse's hoof, as it closes the pores. In order to keep a horse's foot in good order, and free from disease, take a pailful of salt water and wash his legs, from his knees down, three times a week. Where your horse's foot is contracted, or the frog has become hard and dry, use poultice. (See Veterinary Department in this book). VETERINARY DEPARTMENT The author of this book does not claim to be a veterinary surgeon, but does claim to have a fair practical knowledge of the treatment of the many ordinary diseases of horses, and will endeavour to make a few suggestions, to enable the horse owner to relieve the animal of some of the many troubles to which he may be subject. The majority of the diseases mentioned in this department are easily detected, and the remedies prescribed plain and practical. A few of the more common symptoms or signs of diseases will be considered, but we shall have to depend upon close observation and a strict attention to the different peculiari- ties exhibited, in order to determine the cause and result of the disease. The general appearance and actions of the horse must first be observed carefully. The positions assumed by the horse when ailing are quite different from those in health. The most prominent symptoms are seen in the eyes, nos- trils, ears, and flanks ; if the eye appear dull, weeping, and inflamed, give cooling medicine for fever ; if the eyes are staring and glazed, you have a bad case, and an indication, of fatal termination. If the nostrils are expanded, the breathing laborious, and the ears drooping and cold, there= is serious trouble, and needs immediate attention. 122 The horse cannot describe to us his sickness, but by his general appearance and motion, it is not difficult to dis- tinguish between disease and health. When an animal is seen to be ailing, he should be placed in a roomy box stall, care being taken to keep the stall clean and dry. The manger should be washed out, at least once a day, with strong salt water ; the floor should be well littered with clean straw ; the drains should have a little lime or copperas water poured in once a day. A horse that is sick wants rest and quietness. Be sure that you understand the disease, and in administering medicine use only such as you are certain will do no harm, remembering that more horses die from improper use of medicines than natural deaths. By watching carefully a few minutes, you will, very likely, see that the animal points his nose to the place of pain. If it is lameness, he will rest the affected limb. Watch carefully for any alteration in temperature or breath- ing. Diseases arise principally from obstructed or impaired digestion ; care should be taken to give only such food as we know to be clean and sweet, and to give it in proper quantities. A horse should never be driven fast on a full stomach. The feet should be carefully examined after work, to see if there are any stones or nails ; the dust should be washed from the eyes, mouth, and nostrils. It is much easier to prevent disease than to cure it. A horse is also very much like man in the general struc- ture of the internal organs, and the treatment of diseases very much the same. The average size of a horse being nine times that of a man, with few exceptions, he requires nine times the amount of medicine ; the same remedies used in the human family will be applicable and beneficial to the horse. Many disorders of man and beast arise from obstruction and derangement of the circulation and secretive functions ; therefore, to keep in health, prevent obstructions, and to restore health, remove them. The fewer medicines given 123 the horse, provided the cure is effected, the better ; nature cannot be forced, but can be assisted and reHeved, and to accompHsh this there must be an adaptation of the treat- ment to the nature of the disease. As has heretofore been said, the owner is at a great disadvantage in treating a horse, from the fact that the animal cannot speak ; but the treatment may be undertaken with greater hope and con- fidence than with the human patient, because it may be made with more safety, much more vigorous and decided. The following- recipes have all been tested, and are selected from formulas used by some of the best veterina- rians in this and the old country ; the most of them are easily obtained, and just such as all horsemen are con- versant with. Pneumonia (Lung Fever) Begins with a chill, and is accompanied by fever ; ears and legs cold ; breathing hurried and distressed ; fore feet widely apart ; eyes inflamed and drooping lids ; breath very hot; will not lie down, and groans when moved. Give ten-drop doses tincture of aconite root every hour, for five hours. Rub the chest with mustard and vinegar. The second day, mix half-ounce of quinine to a pint of whisky, and give two table-spoonfuls every three hours. Bandage the legs with flannel ; if very cold, rub them first with dry mustard, and then bandage. Repeat this process- of rubbing and bandaging until they are warm. - Pleurisy Is accompanied by short breathing and intense pain ; legs 124 drawn together ; very sore to the touch on the sides ; moans when moved. Treatment similar to that of lung: fever, only that instead of using mustard on the sides, apply blankets, soaked in and wrung out of hot water, and give two table-spoonfuls of sweet spirits of nitre in bucket half full of water, twice a day. Gravel or Stone in the Bladder. Symptoms very much like colic. The horse in motion has a straddling gait ; difficulty of urinating, accompanied by groans ; urine dark and hot ; patient perspires pro- fusely, especially in the region of the flanks. Apply hot blankets over the loins, and give ten drops o( muriatic ^cid in bucket half full of water, twice a day Founder. The horse breathes laboriously ; stands upon his heels, with fore feet and legs stretched out, throwing his weight on the hind feet ; shows intense pain when moved. Treat- ment : Take off the front shoes ; give ten-drop doses of tincture of aconite every three hours until five doses have been administered ; soak the front feet in hot water with a handful of washing soda in it, for an hour at a time, twice a day ; after each soaking, apply poultices of cold water and bran ; feed the horse on warm bran mash, and if the bowels are costive, drench with one pint of flaxseed oil and one half-ounce of oil of sassafras. 125 Rubbing the Tail. If troubled with pin worms, inject with eight ounces of linseed oil and two ounces of turpentine ; wash the tail with strong salt water every other day. An injection of strong salt water will often destroy the pin worms. Impure Blood. There are many diseases of the blood, but the most com- mon are itching and skin eruptions. Take equal quantities of snake root, sassafras root, and rhubarb root, and boil them sufficiently to make a strong tea. Give a half-pint in mixed feed every night for a week. The best time to give this is in the spring, when the horse begins to shed his coat. ► Lockjaw. This is one of the most fatal diseases of the horse. It generally comes from a wound, and can be easily dis- tinguished from any other disease. If it comes from a wound, open the wound and soak in warm water and poultice. Give ten drops tincture of aconite and twenty drops tincture of belladonna every three hours. Keep the horse perfectly quiet. I Injury from Nails. After drawing the nail, soak the foot in hot soda water^ clean the opening so as to allow discharge, then poultice with flaxseed or onions. Splints. Mix one drachm biniodide of mercury with one ounce of« lard. Rub a portion of the ointment on the enlargement. In twenty-four hours grease with lard, and in an hour washi off with warm water and soap. If not relieved repeat inii ten days. j Burns and Scalds. Bathe with equal parts of lime water and linseed oil, and I sprinkle a little flour over to keep air out. Stings pr Mosquito Bites. Bathe the parts with diluted spirits of hartshorn or strong solution of hyposulphite of soda. Chronic Discharge of the Horse (Nasal Gleet). Mix equal parts powdered bluestone and gentian root ; give teaspoonful three times a day in the feed, and steara the horse with a little tobacco sprinkled over red coals. Ulcerated Mouth or Sore Tongue. Equal parts of tincture of myrrh and water, and bathft mouth twice a day. 127 Chicken Lice. Bruise an ounce of quassia wood and put to soak in a quart of soft water ; after standing one day, wash the dorse and let him stand in the sun until dry, and then brush out with a stiff brush. If not all removed, repeat the washing- and brushing in a few days. Distemper. Pink eye, catarrh, bronchitis, and strangles, and pretty nuch all of the diseases accompanied with a discharge rom the nostrils, are classed as distemper. The treatment n all of these is similar, and the cases should be treated iccording to the symptoms shown. First stage : Give nedicine for fever (ten-drop doses tincture of aconite, )unce dose sweet spirits of nitre, or flaxseed tea, should )e given) ; the animal should have warm bran mashes, and )e kept in a well-ventilated stable, without much draught. 3athe the throat twice a day with hartshorn and sweet oil two parts of sweet oil to one of hartshorn). If the hroat be much swollen and shows indication of pus form- ng, poultice with flaxseed until the enlargement breaks, hen wash clean with warm water and Castile soap. As oon as the fever is subdued, give the following powders o cleanse and build up the system : Two parts gentian oot (powdered), two parts saltpetre, one part ginger root, nd one part Peruvian bark. Powder fine and mix well, rive a teaspoonful three times a day. If the horse does ot improve in a few days, send for a veterinarian, as there lay have set in some complication, such as lung fever, leurisy, dropsy, etc., which are serious. Great care hould be taken to keep the horse quiet, and if summer, ut some grass and give him a few handfuls three or four mes a day. 128 Hide-bound and Dead Coat. Give a tablespoonful of powdered jimpson seed in mixed feed every night for four nights, then stopping for four nights, and again repeating as before. Rheumatism. Make a strong decoction of poke berries and whisky ; give two tablespoonfuls in a little water night and morning. Weak or Inflamed Eyes. If eyelids are much swollen and red on the inside, take three eggs, mix them together, yolks and whites, put them into a quart of warm water and let simmer for one half- hour, then add half-ounce of sulphate of zinc ; let stand and settle until cold, then strain. Poultice eye with the curd, allowing it to remain on for two hours. Wash the eye with the liquid two or three times a day. Thumps — Spasm of the Diaphragm. The diaphragm is the curtain-like muscle which separates the chest from the abdomen. For this spasm give ten drops tincture of aconite in a little water ; bathe the head and nostrils with cold water, and in half-hour give a bottle of ale or porter. 129 strains. In all strains there Is more or less swelHng" and heat. First soak or bathe the parts in hot water, with a handful of washing soda to each bucket. Bathe for half an hour ; then rub dry and bathe with tincture of arnica flowers. Bruised Heels or Corns. Remove the shoe, soak in hot soda water and poultice with flax seed or onions. If there be a corn, have it cut out, pour some tincture of iodine on it, and dry it in with a hot iron. Have horse shod so that the shoe will not bear on the corn. Fistula or Poll Evil. When the enlargement first shows, apply a hop bag, of about two quarts, dipped in boiling vinegar, to the swell- ing, laying a piece of oil-cloth on top of the bag to keep in the steam. Repeat every fifteen minutes for an hour twice a day, continuing the process for three days. Then dissolve an ounce of corrosive sublimate and an ounce of camphor in a pint of turpentine, and apply this liniment once a day. If this does not effect a cure, and there is a pus formed inside, open it well with a sharp knife and wash it out with one part of carbolic acid to eight parts of glycerine. Both of these drugs (corrosive sublimate and carbolic acid) are violent poisons, and should be used with great care. Sun Stroke. When a horse is overcome with heat, get him into the shade, if possible, and bathe the head and back the entire 130 length of the backbone with cold water; sponge the mouth out well with a little whisky and cold water and give him a couple of ten-drop doses of tincture of aconite. If the legs are cold, bathe them well with whisky and red pepper, and bandage them with red flannel. Paralysis. Horses that are well fed and not regularly exercised are most subject to paralysis. The hind portions are the most liable to be affected. Try to keep the horse on his feet; if already down, make a sling of bags and raise him, as he will do much better if standing. Steep blankets in hot water and wring out dry, apply them to back as hot as possible. Leave the blankets on for a couple of hours, then remove them and rub the horse dry, and bathe the back well with hot vinegar and salt and cover with a dry blanket. Give half a pint of ale or porter every two or three hours and send for a veterinarian. Cramps and Spasmodic Colic. Th- horse refuses his feed ; paws with the fore feet ; tries to kick his belly with his hind feet ; looks round at his side ; during the spasm he is greatly excited, kickmg and rolling ; sweats freely ; there are also frequent inter- missions of pain. Give half a pint of warm ale or porter with a tablespoonful of ginger, or half-pint of whisky and tablespoonful of essence of peppermint ; if not relieved give an ounce of laudanum, two ounces of sweet spirits oi nitre in half-pint water ; repeat either of the doses every half-hour. Inflammation of the Bowels. The symptoms are somewhat similarto those of spasmodic colic, the only difference being that there is no intermission of pain. The horse rolls, paws and shifts about, has a high fever, hot breath, and is greatly excited. First : relieve the pain by giving ten drops of tincture of aconite and twenty drops of tincture of belladonna in two tablespoonfuls of water every hour. Apply blankets wrung out of hot water to the belly ; use the hot blankets for several hours, then rub dry ; if no better apply a mustard plaster made of hot w^ater and vineg'ar and strong mustard, mixed thick as cream. This is a dangerous disease ; send for your veterinarian as soon as possible. Wind, or Flatulent Colic, Resembles the two former diseases, excepting that the belly is swollen with gas caused by the fermentation of food. Give a tablespoonful of baking soda in half-pint of water ; inject with warm, soapy water ; if the w^ind passes off with the water, you may consider your horse out of danger. If not relieved give an ounce of hyposulphite of soda, one ounce of laudanum, and one ounce of tincture of assafcetida in half-pint of water. Bone Spavin. When fully developed there is no cure. If there is fever in the joint, bathe with warm soda water, then use bandages soaked in cold water on the parts until the hock is as cool is other portions of the leg. Then apply a blister of 132 biniodide of mercury the same as used in splint. This treatment may reduce the enlargement and relieve the lameness. Bog and Blood Spavin, or Thorough-Pin, Is incurable, but may be relieved by hot fomentations and the use of the biniodide blister. Suppression of Urine, or Stoppage of Water. The horse tries to urinate, but only a few drops pass at a time. Examine the sheath, and see that there are no obstructions, and that the parts are clean. (A horse's sheath should be washed out with warm water and soap at least once a month.) Apply a warm blanket to the back over the kidneys ; make a strong tea of water-melon seeds, and give a teacupful every couple of hours. If not relieved the first day, give two ounces sweet spirits of nitre in half- pint of water. Scratches, or Cracked Heels. If the legs are swollen and hot, poultice for twenty-four hours, changing the poultice every six hours with boiled carrots and sufficient charcoal (powdered) to colour it black. Then clean the parts with a sponge, dampened with warm water and Castile soap, and apply an ointment composed of two ounces sulphur, one half-ounce sugar ot lead, one drachm of carbolic acid, and four ounces lard ; mix well, vise the ointment twice a day, and keep the legs dry. 133 Collar or Saddle Galls. Jimpson leaves bruised and mixed with an equal quar.lity of hot lard, make good healing- ointment. Heaves or Broken Wind. Heaves cannot be cured. Care in feeding and watering is the best remedy. Give feed and water in small quantity. Dampen the feed with lime-water and give teaspoonful doses of pine tar on the tongue once a day. Diarrhoea or Scouring. Brown half-pound of rice the same as you would brown coffee. Grind in a coffee mill, and boil in two quarts of water, add two ounces of laudanum, and give a teacupful two or three times a day. Chronic Cough. Two ounces of pine tar, four ounces honey, and one ounce powdered Irish moss ; mix and give a teaspoonful night and morning on the tongue. Slobbering. Look for sharp edges on the teeth ; if they are rough, smooth with a tooth rasp, then make a strong sage tea, well sweetened with honey, and swab the mouth out two or three times a day. 134 Hemorrhage or Bleeding from Wound. If the blood be a light red or pink, and spurts out, it is from an artery ; if possible, find this artery and tie it with a strong thread, and bind on the wound a thick plaster of cobweb. If it is only veins that are injured, apply the cobweb. If that does not stop the flow, touch with a hot iron and repeat the application of cobweb. Staggers. Staggers generally comes from disordered stomach or close and ill-ventilated stables. If the animal stops on the road and staggers, take the small blade of your penknife and stick him in the upper jaw; not above the third ridge. Bathe the head and nostrils with cold water and quietly walk him home, then feed with bran mash or cut grass. A horse subject to staggers should not be turned out to pasture. Dispose of him, he is of no account. Worms. Mix a handful of cut and dry tobacco with the feed, twice a week. Profuse Stalling. Urinating profusely and frequently may be corrected by giving a teaspoon half full of iodide of potassium every night for two weeks in mixed feed. 135 Swollen or Inflamed Udders. Dissolve a piece of g'um camphor the size of a hazel nut in two tablespoonfuls of hot lard. Bathe the udder with this twice a day. Give the mare bran mashes and moderate exercise. To Clean and Oil Harness. First, take the harness apart, having each strap and piece by itself; then wash it in warm soapsuds. When cleaned, black every part with the following dye : One ounce extract logwood, twelve grains bichromate of potash, both powdered fine; then put into two quarts of boiling rain-water, and stir until all is dissolved. When cool it may be used. You can bottle and keep for future use if you wish. It may be applied w-ith a shoe brush or any- thing else convenient. When the dye has struck in, you may oil each part with neatsfoot oil, applied with a paint- brush or anything convenient. For second oiling use one-third castor oil and two-thirds neatsfoot oil, mixed. A few hours after, wipe clean with a woollen cloth, which gives the harness a glossy appearance. The preparation does not injure the leather or stitching, makes it soft and pliable, and obviates the necessity of oiling- as often as is necessary by the ordinary method. Its use is, therefore, economical. Corns. Cause. — In a flat foot, the heels of the coffin-bone squeeze the sensitive sole by pressing it against the shoe. In a €4)atracted foot, the sensitive sole is squeezed between the 136 J wings of the coffin-bone and the thick, horny sole. A bruise results, the blood is effused and the stain of this left upon the horny sole — g-enerally upon the inner side and anterior to the bars — constitutes a horse's corn, which is mostly found on the fore feet. Syinptovis. — If the stain is dark and is to be removed with the knife, this indicates that a corn was there but no longer exists. The smallest stain of bright scarlet testifies to the existence of a new and present corn. Corns are of four kinds, the old, the new, the sappy, and the suppurative. The old and new are produced by the blood, and are judged by the scarlet or dark-coloured stain. The old is generally near the surface ; the new is commonly deep-seated. The sappy is when the bruise is only heavy enough to effuse serum. The new corn alone produces lameness. The suppurating corn may start up from either of the others receiving additional injury. It causes intense pain and produces acute lameness. Recipe to Stop the Growth of Bone Spavins, Ringbones, and Curbs; also to Remove Splints from Horses. Take corrosive sublimate, one-quarter ounce; tartar emetic, one-half ounce; gum euphorbium, one-half ounce; cantharides, one-quarter ounce; oil of spike, two ounces; verdigris, fine ground, one-quarter ounce; oil of worm- wood, one-half ounce; oil of turpentine, two ounces; croton oil, one-half ounce ; mercurial ointment, three-fourths ounce; tincture iodine, one and one-half ounces; crude oil, or alcohol, four ounces; tincture capsicum, one ounce put in last one ounce sulphuric acid; mix all. i 137 Directions. — First, shear off the hair; then take hot soap- suds, say three-fourths pailful, and put into a pint of old chamber lye, and foment or bathe the foot or joint ten minutes; then put as much of the medicine on as will pene- trate; rub with finger a minute; do so once in three days until the lameness is gone. Always foment before putting on medicine, and let the colt run out or the horse work. It is better than to stand still. It keeps the strength of the muscles, and when well will not get hurt again. Recipe for Blood or Bog Spavins, Enlargement of Back Sinews, near the Pastern Joint, called Windgalls. Take four drachms iodide of potassium; two ounces oil of hemlock ; three ounces turpentine ; two ounces oil stone ; one ounce oil of wormwood ; mix all with eight ounces alcohol and two ounces tincture of cantharides. Directions. — Shake well and rub the parts of blood spavin every other day until you have used the medicine nine times; then wash the parts and grease for a week. For windgalls, same way. Two to four applications will be enough. This will remove any soft blemish on the horse. Bathe with hot water first. For Shoulder, Hip, or Stifle liameness. Take oil of fireweed, one-half ounce; oil of wormwood, one-half ounce ; ammonia, two ounces; tincture of myrrh, one ounce ; oil of spike, one and three-fourths ounces ; tinc- ture of cantharides, one and three-fourths ounces ; alcohol, three ounces ; mix all. •38 Directions, — First wet the parts with hot water for five or six minutes ; rub on medicine well ; then cover the shoulder or hips with as many blankets as you can, and leave them on eight hours. Do this once in three days, until you have done it four times ; then once in six days, until you have done it three or four times more. Always bathe the hip or shoulders with hot water first. Blood Purifier. To be given to horses twice a 5'ear, in spring and fall. This will keep your horses from having distemper, coughs, colds, or farcy, and keep them in good health. Take gentian root, pulverised, two and one-half ounces; sassafras bark, two ounces; elecampane, two ounces; skunk cabbage, one ounce: cream of tartar, one ounce; saltpetre, two and one-half ounces; ginger, two ounces; sulphur, six ounces; digtails, one ounce; bloodroot, one ounce; and buchu leaves, one ounce. Mix all together well. If your horse is in bad health give a teaspoonful twice a day in bran mash, or to prevent all internal diseases give a tablespoonful in spring and fall, once a day, for fifteen or seventeen days. For Scratches. One ounce sugar of lead, one ounce burnt alum, one- half ounce sulphate zinc, one quart rain water. Wash off clean with Castile soap and water. Let dry and apply the liquid for three or four days. A sure cure if not grease heel. Recipe to Cure Grease Heels or Big Leg. Take two ounces tincture of cantharides, two ounces aqua ammonia, two ounces oil of turpentine, one ounce laudanum, three ounces alcohol. Mix all together. 139 Directions. — First bathe the heel or leg with hot soft soap suds well for five or six minutes, then rub o\\ the medicine well enough to wet the skin. Rub in well. Do this once in six days until you have done it from two to five times. If the disease is not of long standing, two applications are enough. In case of bad scratches or grease, give the horse the blood purifier. Recipe to Cure Poll Evil or Fistula, if Broken Out. Take tincture of lobelia, one ounce; cantharides, one ounce; croton oil, one-fourth ounce; corrosive sublimate, one-fourth ounce; euphorbium, one-fourth ounce ; mercurial ointment, one-half ounce; tartar emetic, one-eighth ounce; turpentine and oil of spike, each one and three-fourths ounces; sulphuric acid, one ounce; alcohol, one and one- half ounces. Directions. — Insert with a probe to bottom of pipe and find which way they run, then put a small sponge on your probe and put as much medicine in as will ^o once a day for ten days. This will take out all the pipes and branches at the bottom. Then take one ounce nitrate of potash, put into a pint of soft water, and use with a syringe. This will heal from the bottom to surface. Same with fistula. Keep the parts clean with soft soap suds, and give the blood purifier. For Poll Evil or Fistula, if Not Broken Out. Take tincture of iodine, three ounces; turpentine, three ounces ; aqua ammonia, two ounces ; tincture of cantharides, two ounces; oil of spike, two ounces; kerosene oil, six ounces. Mix all together. Rub the parts over once a day well for ten days, and give the horse blood purifier, Na 7, in both cases. T40 Remedy for Colic and Belly-Ache. Take one and one-half ounces of laudanum, two ounces essence of peppermint, two ounces sweet nitre, one ounce capsicum, and ten drops tincture of aconite. Mix with one pint of whisky. Give half the dose. If not well in ten minutes give the other half. Cover the horse with blankets and do not move him. Worms. Cause. — Deranged condition of the digestive organs. Symptoms. — Voracious appetite, loss of flesh, and general unthrifty condition, and accompanied often by a dry, hack- ing cough. The excrement is usually covered with slime, and the anus is the seat of a morbid secretion of white colour. Treatment. — Oil of savin, give ten drops three times a week. This is a valuable remedy for worms. Always give the blood purifier at the same time. Do not give to mares with foal. Recipe to Cure Fresh Wounds, Cuts, Kicks, or Collar Gall. Take one and one-fourth ounces sugar of lead, one- fourth ounce sulphate of zinc, one and one-fourth ounces saltpetre, one-fourth ounce sal ammonia, one-half ounce copperas. Mix all with one-half pint of alcohol, and two quarts of soft water. Wet the parts three or four times a day. This will keep Inflammation and proud flesh from the parts, and heal them very fast. 141 Corns. Cause. — Contraction of the feet and bruises of the soles. Symptoms, — Pain and lameness discoverable in one or both fore feet. On removing a flake or two of the sole at the inner angle of the foot, a dark spot will be discovered. This is called the corn spot. Treatment. — Take corrosive sublimate, two drachms ; mercurial ointment, two drachms ; verdigris, one drachm ; croton oil, three drachms. Mix and heat in foot when shod. To Cure the Mange. Symptoms. — The hair will rub off, and the skin break out in scabs. Take tincture of cantharides, two ounces; oil of spike, two ounces ; aqua ammonia, one and three-fourth ounces ; turpentine, one and one-half ounces; chloroform, one-half ounce; oil of amber, one ounce; alcohol, four ounces. Mix all and rub parts. liiniment for Bruises or Lame Back for Man or Beast. Take alcohol, three ounces ; oil of origanum, two ounces ; oil of hemlock, two ounces; opodeldoc, two ounces; tinc- ture of arnica, two ounces; chloroform, one-half ounce. Mix all. This is good for rheumatism. Hoof Ointment. This will grow the hoof very fast, and is good for con- traction or thrush. To be used between the hair and hoof. 142 Balsam fir, oil hemlock, white pine pitch, honey, Venice turpentine, beeswax, each one and three-fourth ounces ; lard, one-half pound; fine ground verdigris, three-fourths ounce. Simmer all together over a slow fire. When melted, take off the fire and stir until it is cool. A Liniment for Man or Beast. One pint turpentine, one pint beef gall, one pint harts- horn, two ounces oil of sassafras, and two ounces of sweet oil. For external use. Colic and Stoppage of the Urine. Symptoms. — Frequent attempts to urinate; looking round at his side ; lying down ; rolling and stretching. Cure. — One ounce chloroform, one pint of linseed oil, two ounces sweet spirits of nitre; mix and drench. Physic Ball for Horses. Barbadoes aloes, from three to five or six drachms (ac- cording to the size of the horse) ; tartrate of potassia, one drachm ; ginger and Castile soap, of each two drachms ; oil of anise or peppermint, twenty drops. Pulverise and make all into one ball with thick gum solution. Chest Founders. Symptoms. — Not unlike lung fever. The horse is stiff, but has no fever in his feet. Very sore in the chest; inclined to stand very wide with his fore legs. 143 Cnre.— Bleed just above each hoof, and bind up legs with oat straw, and bathe with warm water for half an hour; then rub dry with hot cloths, and pour in bottom of each foot one tablespoonful of turpentine. Give internally one spoonful of pulverised alum. Take equal parts of boiled turnips and bran, add four ounces of ground flax- seed for poulticing feet. General Liniment. Turpentine, half pint; linseed oil, half pint; acqu ammonia, four ounces; tincture iodine, one ounce. Good for fresh sores, swellings, bruises, etc. Apply twice a day. White Ointment. Fresh butter, two pounds ; tincture of iodine, one ounce ; oil of origanum, two ounces. Ready for use in fifteen minutes. Jaundice— Yellow Water. Symptoms.— The hair in the mane and tail gets loose; the white of the eye turns yellow and the bars of the mouth; he refuses to eat, and limps in his right fore leg generally. Cure —Give every morning until it operates, Barbadoes aloes, seven drachms; calomel, one drachm; ginger, four drachms. Mix with molasses. Feed scalded bran and oats, or grass if it can be had. Stop the physic when the bowels move ; then give spirits of camphor, one ounce every day for twelve days. 144 Sweating Liniment. Laudanum, gum camphor, spirits of turpentine, tincture of myrrh, Castile soap, oil of origanum, and nitrous ether, each one ounce; alcohol, one quart. Shake well before using. Apply twice or three times a day, as the case may require. A Liniment to Use on Swollen Glands. Tincture arnica, chloroform, ammonia, and sweet oil four ounces of each. Mix well. Rub on the horse's throat twice a day. Condition Powders. Fenugreek, cream of tartar, gentian, sulphur, saltpetre, resin, black antimony, and ginger, equal quantities of each, say one ounce, all to be finely pulverised; cayenne, also fine, half the quantity of any one of the others, say a half-ounce. It is used in yellow water, coughs, colds, distemper, and all other diseases where condition powders are generally administered. They carry off the gross humours and purify the blood. Dose.— In ordinary cases give two teaspoonfuls once a day in feeding; in extreme cases give twice daily. If this does not give as good satisfaction as any other condition powder that costs more than double what it does to make this, then I will acknowledge that travel and study are of no account. Sore Mouth or Tongue. Cause. — Inferior provender, and abuse by pulling on the reins. First take his grain from him, then take half an ounce of alum and two drachms of sugar of lead, one pint of H5 vinegar, and half a gallon of water. Open the mouth and swab it out with this every morning and night. This should cure in all cases in five or six days. To Stop Blood. Swab the wound with Monsel's solution of iron, Bran Mash. I have frequently alluded in this work to the free use of bran mash for sick horses. They are invaluable, yet require some attention to the proper mode of preparing the same. The following is the rule: The bran should be clear and glossy in the colour of its scales; the scales should be of moderate size and perfectly sweet to the smell; very fine bran is unfit for sick horses. The common prac- tice is to place a certain quantity of bran within a bucket, then to pour hot water upon it and stir the rness and give it to the horse immediately. To prepare a mash properly proceed as follows : First, pour the bran into a clean bucket and add to it a tablespoonful of salt; then pour on it the required quantity of boiling water, and, in doing so, contrive to let the water run upon every portion of the sur- face of the bran; then immediately afterwards spread a thin coating of oatmeal upon the mass, and upon the oat- meal a dry covering of bran ; then cover the vessel with a clean sack or a thick woollen cloth, and set the same in a cool place about a half-hour, after which remove the covering from the bucket and lightly stir the contents; it is ready then for the patient. This plan of preparing a mash will thoroughly steep the bran, and at the same time preserve its aroma. 146 strong Blister Ointment. Hog's lard, four ounces ; oil of turpentine and Spanish flies, each one ounce ; mix. For Fomenting Swollen or Stocked Legs. Procure one pound of smartweed ; place the same in an eight-gallon kettle, with four gallons of soft water ; place over a slow fire and boil down to two gallons ; strain the solution into another iron or tin vessel ; get one pound of alum, place in a mortar and pulverise fine ; sift the alum into the liquid ; again place over the fire, and stir until well dissolved. Now wind the limb tight with a hay rope ; pour one pint of the solution in at the top of the bandage when blood-warm. Repeat every hour for forty-eight hours. This is the best fomentation used. It will remove all inflammation and swelling in two days. If there is a cut or wound after fomenting, apply white ointment until healed. In case of strain or bruise, apply the general liniment. Diseases of the Mouth, or Lampas. Sy?npto?ns. — Swelling of the gums, and bars, and roof ot the mouth. In many colts and horses it occasions but little or no inconvenience, while in others the pain is so great as to interfere with their feeding. Treatment. — Some barbarous pretenders burn with hot iron. But act humanely. Lance the bars, or use the jack- knife, if you can get nothing better. Use judgment, and in a few days the animal will feed as usual. 147 To Grow Hair. Add as much sulphur to sweet oil as will make it as thick as cream; apply to the mane and tail, rubbing- in thoroughly, at least twice a week. This, it is said, will g-row hair on the mane and tail rapidly. Must cleanse parts well with Castile soap and water each time before applying the ointment. Galls, Cuts, and Sores. Galls, cuts, and sores should be kept well cleansed as often as possible with Castile soap and water, and if they are chafed and rubbed by the harness, the parts of the har- ness should be kept clean at all times wherever they touch the cut, gfall, or sore. Apply an ointment of the following: Pulverised alum, four ounces; pulverised bloodroot, four ounces ; white lead, four ounces ; calomel, two ounces. Mix wuth glycerine, sweet oil, or lard, to make an ointment. I have never known it to fail on cuts, galls, or even scratches. Or, pulverised Castile soap, four ounces; camphor gum, four ounces; calomel, two ounces. Mix with glycerine, sweet oil, or lard, to make an ointment. I have known galls or cuts to heal up readily while at work, especially if the horse's blood is well cleansed. Thrush. The cause and symptoms of thrush are usually well known, yet I will describe them as follows: First, fever in feet, bad stable and management, wet bedding, etc., etc. Treatment. — Cleanse well the parts affected with Castile soap and water ; open the crevices and apply chloride of zinc thoroughly, or crystallised carbolic acid; repeat every 148 day until relieved. Cleanse well each time before an appli- cation is made. Keep the horse's feet on dry floor. Dilute with soft water one ounce of either the zinc or the acid, when it is fit for use. To Dry Up Old Sores. Quarter of a pound of white lead ; dust on the places twice a day. Horses can be worked all the time. This is simple and g^ood. To Restore the Appetite. Use of pulverised caraway seed and bruised raisins, four ounces each ; of ginger and palm oil, two ounces each ; always use twice as much of the first as of the last in what- ever quantity you wish to make it. Give a small ball once a day until the appetite is restored ; use mashes at the same time. Recipe for Swellings. Double handful each of mullen leaves, May apple roots, poke roots, one gallon of water ; boil and add double hand- ful of salt ; apply as warm as the hand can bear it. Good and cheap. Cleansing Powders. Pow^dered fenugreek, two ounces ; black antimony, one ounce ; sulphur, one ounce ; saltpetre, one ounce ; powdered gentian, two ounces ; glauber salts, two ounces ; ginger, two ounces ; resin, two ounces ; assafoetida, one ounce. Good for coughs, colds, distemper, bad blood, yellow water, loss of appetite, etc. Dose. — One tablespoonful once a day in wet food. 149 Poultices. Few horsemen are aware of the value of these simple preparations in abating" inflammation and allaying" pain, cleansing wounds and causing them to heal. They are the best kind of fomentations ; they continue longer and keep the pores open. In all inflammation of the feet they are very beneficial, and in cases of contraction a poultice that contains the heat and moisture longest is the best. They will relieve swellings, take out the soreness from the pores, and draw out unnatural substances. Linseed oil makes the best poultice ; it will hasten any tumour that is necessary to open and cleanse any old one, causing a healthy discharge when it is off"ensive. But in this case — where the ulcer smells badly — add two ounces of pulverised char- coal or chloride lime, half an ounce to one pound of meal. This is good to use in grease or cracked heel. A poultice should never be put on tight. Carrots are very good ; mash fine after boiling soft. The charcoal may be used in this also, where the parts smell offensively. Medicated Food for Horses and Cattle. Take linseed cake and pulverise or grind it up in the shape of meal, and to every fifty pounds of this ingredient add ten pounds of Indian meal, two pounds of sulphuret of antimony, two pounds of ground ginger, one and three- fourth pounds of saltpetre, and two pounds of powdered sulphur. Mix the whole thoroughly together. Put in neat boxes or packages, for sale or otherwise, as desired, and you will have an article equal to Thorley's food, or almost any other preparation that can be got up for the purpose of fattening stock or curing disease in every case when food or medicine can be of any use whatever. This article can be fed in any desired quantity, beginning with a few tablespoonfuls at a time for a horse, mixing it with his grain, and in the same proportion to smaller animals, repeating the dose and increasing the quantity as the case may seem to require. ■5° 13 F^I EFlaETS FROM THE PRESS OF THE WORLD. MORNING ADVERTISER. "The Profef^sor is a master of his Wiisiness." "TJie Professors skill is decidedly worth seeing." "It is a capital show, and well worthy a visit." MORNING POST. " The Professor claims to be able to subdue, in view of tlie audience, the wildest and most vicious hor^e that can be brought him, and his performance is ecjual to his promise."' " I'rofe^i.sor Smith":- clever Horse Taming Exhibition, in wliich hkill and patience render docile even the most vicious animals.'" STANDARD. "The manner in which he performed his task earned for liim the plaudits of his audience, and the warm approval of the owners of the animals." SPORTSMAN. " The Professors method has never been known to have any but successful results." DAILY CHRONICLE. "Has made good his claim to cure a liorse of any vice." DAILY MAIL. " The methods of taming are perfectly humane, so the Inspector of S.P.C.A. informed our representative." " Should be witnessed by all who are the least interested in such matters." COURIER. "Should not be missed by anyone who has the lea^-t to do with horses." PORCUPINE. "Fun and instruction are to be obtained from Ji visit." " Some of his feats are quite uni)aralleled. " SOUTH AFRICA. CAP£: TOlliTN. CAPE TIMES. "Is a most daiin"^ and accoinplif\ay offended." COURIER. " The onlookers soon came to the conclusion that they had a master trainer before them." STAR. " His kind, firm, intelligent treatment." I 153 ADVERTISER, " Tlie Professor's skill is remarkable." INDEPENDENT. "All Ment home astonished at what they had seen.'" MORNING HERALD, "Interesting, and in every way remark- able exhibition." TELEGRAPH. " The performance is one that all lovers of horses should see." TRUTH. "Now go, see, wonder, and applaud." MAIL. "In all cases the owners have been as enthusiastic in their applause as the audiences." NEW ZEAL.AND. HERALD. " Instructive, interesting, and highly enjoyable." SPORTING REVIEW. "His method may be described in one word, 'kindness.'" GRAPHIC. "The cleverest thing of its kind ever seen in tlie Colonies." HA WKE'S BA Y HERALD. ' ' Thorouglily entertaining, should profit all. ' ' NEW ZEALAND TIMES. "Most instructive, all interested in horses should patronise it." PRESS. "One of the cleA-erest and most interesting entertain- ments ever given here." TIMES. "Capable judges expressed that Professor Smith was fairly ' entitled to the cake ' as a horse trainer." 154 ILiOI^DON -2iid Visit. SPORTSMAN. "I liad very great pleasure in being present at Professor Sniithb remarkable exhibition of the oom[>lete mastery he has over vicious and unruly horses after he liandled them a few minutes. It was truly Avonderful to see the manner in >\hich Mr. Smith, by kind but firm management, succeeded in a very brief period in brin;i,ing them to submission, until they Avere yjerfectly docile and manageable. All done Avithout any punishment whatever. The exhibition should be visited by all practical horsemen and thofce interested in the welfare of horses." MORNING ADVERTISER. "Possesses a world-wide reputation. If the measure of his future success is to be judged by the reception he recei\ed yesterday the Professor's stay is likely to be a long and profitable one." "Should draw good audiences to his novel and interesting entertainment." MORNING LEADER. "Professor Norton Beverley Smith is a remarkable num. The Professor throws no cloak of mystery round his methods. He relies on the knowledge he has gained by constant study, in conjunction with a ne\ er-failing fund of patience and determined will and humane treatment. The plucky young trainer did all he claii)ied in the arena at the Agricultural Hall. Horses he had never seen before were in the space of a <^uarter-of-an-hour reduced from kicking and plunging brutes into such a state of subjugation as to easily permit of riding or driving in single or double harness.' DAILY CHRONICLE. "The whole entertainment formed a .striking example of nand over matter." WEEKLY DISPATCH. "The Professor shows marvellous skill in liandling the noble animal, and his experiments upon >\ ild and ^ icious brutes have met with astounding results. The docility shown by the animals under his masterly hand wins him rounds of applause." THE SPORTSMAN. " The Professor is raaivellously clever in handling wild, vicious and nervous horses." NEWS OF THE WORLD. " A}>art from the educational side of the exhibition, the Professor gives a most interesting show, and should have a good season." THE REFEREE. " The Professor, who has exhibited all over the w orld, is marvellously clever in handling wild, vicious and nervous horses. The show is >\ ell worth a visit from ail interested in horses. ' ' 155 THE STANDARD. ' • The first hor-ie was from the Royal Artilleiy at Woolwich, and hail refused to work in harness and suffered badly from nervousness. In ten min\ites the subjugation of the aniiiuil was complete, and the audiencd es he gives a re^viarkahle exhibition of what kindness, firmness and patience will do." Special lengthy articles, mostly profusely illustrated, appeared in the following : STRAND MAGAZINE. CASSELL'S MAGAZINE. THE FAVORITE MAGAZINE. LONGBOW. TIT-BITS. ANSWERS. SUCCESS. THE RIVAL. WESTMINSTER BUDGET. GOLDEN PENNY. PEARSON'S WEEKLY. PHYSICAL CULTURE. Etc., Etc. PROF. NORTON B. Sn/IITK Has been pronounced by the Press and Public as me Ereaiesl Horse Tiainei In iQe WorM HE HAS HANDLED MORE U)il9, Cicious, an9 3Vercous Jforses THAN ALL THE COM^NED . . . HORSE XRT^INERS . . . Since the Bducation of the Horse has been known. He is the World's Public Benefactor! The Great Saver of Lives & Broken Limbs. The Exhibition has never l»een equalled in magnitude in the world's hi-stoiy, travelling the LARGEST STAFF EVER KNOWN By any Horse Trainer in the Universe. Messrs. BEHRENS & SMITH - - Proprietors Mr. NAT BEHRENS - - - - Manager Mr. N. B. SMITH, Emperor of all Horse Educators THE STAFF COMPRISES: Tivo Representatives, Tivo Business Agents, One Secretary, One Treasurer, Five Advertising Agents, Ten Distributors, Assisted by all the Local Advertisers & Bill Posters. . . . THE CONCERT AND MUSICAL PART . . . Oi?' THE ICXHIBITIOX BY Proi. Silt's Silver Bans of solo grtistes Performing all the Latest Operas, Selections, and ilarches. ai Sp^ Pony - Ts. iFuNSize, 9s f/ fi DRIVING WHIP - 3s. f! JJ RIDING WHIP - 2s. II Jl HALTERS - Xs6d. II 5? REIN HOLDERS - 2s.6cl. Goods can be ordered by enclosing Posted Order to NAT BEHRENS, CO-PARTNER AND MANAGER, do STAFFORD & CO., Netherfield, near Nottingham. BEHRI^NS & SMITH, I»Il.OI»«.IETO^S. COUNTRIES VISITED -^^ BY PROF. NORTON B. SMITH EMPEROR OF ALL HORSE EDUCATORS, The Greatest Horse Trainer since the days of RAREY, Under the Direction of his Co- Partner and Manager, Engfland \ SOUTH AFRICA \ INCLUDING Ireland i Cape Colony _ ., . \ The Orange Free Staie Scotland ^ The Transvaal Wales I ''a**'. *<=■ ■.-.... x ^ ex X \ AUSTRALIA The United States 1 including Canada i westraiia, ^ South Australia Holland \ victoria ^ New South Wales, \ Queensland, &c. \ NEW ZEALAND \ TASMANIA i &c. ##i all of iv#»/c/t his Tour was a triumphal progress, winning the unanimous plaudits of Press, Horsemen, and the Public, A STYLISH TURNOUT kequires a BAivosomE BARivess. mna 1 '4^ a liandsonic ,- ItaroesS requires the coatinued use of y FRANK ^K MILLER'S^,^^^ HARNE88 «:^DRESSINC. TIte Standard of the WORLD and sold by all Baraess Dealers. HARNESS PREPARATIONS Are USED and RECOMMENDED ALL THE LEADING JOB MASTERS, [liRNESi Olli MlNUFACTLIRED HORSE OWNERS ^l^^^ AND Saddlers THROUGHOUT THE WORLD. 3N£:Vir YOftK, 1838. r^OI^DOM^, ISTS. THE FRANK MILLER COMPANY, Towep Chambers, Moorg-ate, London, E.C. PROFC: SSOR NORTON B. SMITH'S AUTOMATIC REIN HOLDER IBE: Hit £21^8 &• SIMIXrrH, Px*opx*ietO]:^. A device which, if placed on the dash-board of a Buegy, Carriage, or Wagon, will safely hold the Reins, and keep them from being trampled on and soiled under the Horses' feet. It saves your whip and whip socket, and keeps the driver in good humour. It prevents Horses, when left, from starting, as the Rein Holder always holds them in check. When in use, the work of the Rein Holder is entirely automatic. It is Dseful, Durable, and Ornamental. Directions. Place the Rein Holder on the right hand side of dash-board with .screws on the inside. Put the piece of leather on front and back of dash-board, under clamps. Bring the Rein Holder down over dash - board as far as l>ossible, and fasten set screws securely. Slide the reins from the sid