THK VICTORIAN RUFF. i s es. [Price 5s. in cloth. j THE VICTORIAN RUFF, §xuM |Uritt| 0{tfmpRicrtt 1 ® € COMPILED AND EDITED BY WILLIAM LEVEY. >:*«< SWhrnrw ; PRINTED AT BELL'S LIFE OFFICE, BOURKE STREET EAST. [Price 5s. in cloth.] PREFACE. The success which attended the " Yictoeiaf Buit" for 1861 has induced the Compiler to publish the second volume. In the Preface to the first, he expressed his intention of resuming his labours the following year, in the event of the returns defraying the bills of the printer and bookbinder. Not only did the receipts cover those charges, but a margin remained, sufficient to warrant the Compiler in starting for the second heat. In the meantime it struck him that the Racing Clubs of this and the neighbouring Colonies might guarantee a paying circulation ; and each and every Turf and Jockey Club of Australia was accordingly asked to sub- scribe. This suggestion did not meet, however, with very general approval, the following being the only Clubs which have responded to the call, and to them the Compiler takes this opportunity of expressing his thanks. COPIES Victoria Turf Club 50 BaUaarat Turf Club 50 Otago Jockey Club 25 Smythesdale, Brown's, and Carngham Turf Club 20 Avoca Turf Club 6 Soutb Australian Jockey Club 4 Although the " Eecord of Eaces Past" in 5 60-'61 was surprisingly accurate, considering the resources at hand, it is confidently hoped that some improvement under this head will be found in " Ruff" for '62. The columns of BelVs Life in Victoria are, as was the case VI PREFACE. last year, the bases from whence rises the present structure, although, at the same time, much information has been obtained from the Secretaries of up-country Clubs. A glorious racing season is now before us ; may its record look as well on paper next year as its anticipation now does in the mind's eye of every turfite in Victoria. Office of "Bell's Life in Victoria," September 6th, 1862. Vll CONTENTS. ♦ PAGE Preface . v Index to Nominations vii Table of Weights for Age viii Nominations for 1862-63, &c. ix Index to Races Past in 1861-62 xxvi Racing and Steeplechase Calendar for 1861-62 1 Index to Horses that have Run in 1861-62 73 Laws of Racing 89 Rules on Betting . . 96 Rules of the Victorian Turf Subscription Room ..... 98 Rules of Trotting and Pacing 101 List of Racing Clubs 103 Lengths of Courses 105 Colours worn by the Riders . Ill List of Trainers . 112 List of Jockeys 114 Winners of Great Events 115 INDEX TO NOMINATIONS. PAGE Albury ix Avoca xi Ballaarat xi Geelong xiv Hamilton xv North G-ipps Land xvi Smythesdale, Brown's, and Carngham . xvii Victoria Jockey Club xvii Victoria Turf Club xxiv Wangaratta xxv fc* SOI" W H "J p • oo © © © © *- © © © o ©OOfflOO 10)00 US 00 © © © P fj t- © © © o t>»OiOO eaiooo i o o o ■* ' CO © © O © CO © t-t ■"* CO CO © © © IO CO 01 © © * *2£' ►h' S o ia n o ^ g ^ *-©©©© *-©©©© «> CO © © © © *- © © ■** «5 CO © © © © *- © i— : ■* l-H l£S CO © © © IN CO i-l ■«* CO © © © 55 Eh i *- "* ° ° ' B3 " ^ -* s << H *- © © « © s< ° • • • : : „• S w © © 2 "* ^ Hi-©© 1 ' 5 © tfflOO *-©©©© <© GO © © © KS CO © © ©. *- »a co © •* l« CO © © © © © I © IN © CO t*h *-00 © © © © © © M ■* co 00 © © © "OfflHHlJ »00 0)OO CO ** © ° "* io 00 os 2 2 j ^ o *-© © CO ■* «D 00 © © © © 00 © © © W5 CO © © O I © *-00 •<* !*-©©© t- © 00 © rf< US CO © © © 3 I j <#

,&> CO (5 f ?o oo © © © H « © •* » ^ "* O 64 <0 CO © © © © IN t- CO ■* CO 00 © © © ■* (N *-© t}H l-H to t- © © © i 2« 3 s NOMINATIONS FOR 1862, 1863, &c. ALBURY. AUTUMN MEETING, 1863. M 4.RES' PRODUCE STAKES, for three-yr-olds, of 5 sovs each, with 100 sovs added. One mile and a half. Weight, 8st Tib ; fillies and geldings allowed 31b. Two sovs paid ; one sov due on the first Monday in January, 1863 ; and two sovs, together with five sovs entrance, on the night of general entry. Ten per cent of the gross stake to go to the second horse. Present value of the stake, 131 sovs. Mr. H. Bowlers bf "Welcome, by Boas Daly Mr. B. Warby, jun.'s bl c Black- and- All- Black, by Cardinal Wiseman— Mountain Maid, by Figaro Mr. S. C. V. North's b f Heart's-Ease, by ^Ether— Sultana, by Sir Hercules Mr. T. Henty's br f Sweet Lips, by Abdallah — Kiss-me-Quick, by Rory O'More Mr. E. J. C. North's b c Eclipse, by Nimrod —Lady, by St. John, g. d. by Emigrant, g. g. d. by Model Mr. J. Mitchell's ch c Euclid, by Tom Jones, dam by "Woodpecker Mr. J. MitcheU's gr f Zantippe, by Tom Jones— Beeswing, by Will-o'-the-Wisp Mr. J. Navin's ch c Fancy Boy, by Cardinal "Wiseman —Medusa Mr. H. Bowler's ch f Blonde, by Prince "William— Brunette Mr. B. Gray's ch f Kate Kearney, by Obscurity— Norah M' Shane, by Alpaca Mr. B. Gray's b f Rachel, by Obscurity- Rebecca, by Jersey— Jewess by Corn- borough Mr. B. Gray's ro c Beggar Boy, by Obscurity —Orphan, by Abdallah— Creeping Jane, by Steeltrap Mr. B. Gray's b f Truant, by Bolivar— Idle- ness, by St. Leger Mr , B. Warby, jun.'s b c Lord of Clyde, by Cardinal Wiseman— Lady Walgiers, by .Ether AUTUMN MEETING, 1864. SIRES' PRODUCE STAKES, for two-yrs-olds, of 5 sovs each, with 150 sovs added. Two sovs paid ; one sov due on the first Monday in January, 1863 ; and two sovs, together with five sovs entrance, on the night of general entry. Weight, 8st ; distance, three quarters of a mile. Ten per cent of the gross stake to go to the second horse. Present value of the stake, 231 sovs. Mr. Jas. Wilson's br f by Prince William— Zeroiah Mr. Jas. Wilson's br f by Prince William- Baroness Mr. Jas. Wilson's ch c by Prince William- Lightning Mr. W. Kennedy's b c by Tom Jones — Irish Kate Mr. W. Kennedy's b f by Tom Jones- Jenny Mr. B. Gray's br f Lady Hume, by Obscu- rity—Biddy Mr. B. Gray's b f Flycatcher, by Obscurity —Jenny Lind Mr. S. C. V. North's b f Violet, by Dolo— Sultana, by Sir Hercules Mr. T. A. Fennell's Misty Morn, by Ob - scurity — Jessie Mr. B. Warby, jun.'s ch c Tamanick, by Dolo — Lady Walgiers Mr. B. Warby, jun.'s b or br c Half Caste, by Dolo-Black Girl Mr. B. Warby, jun.'s, b c Wisdom, by Cardinal Wiseman— Wee Pet Mr. B. Warby, jun.'s, ro c A 1, by Cardinal Wiseman — Furbelow Mr. B. Warby, jun.'s, b c Experiment, by Cardinal Wiseman— Experience Mr. B. Warby, jun.'s, b f The Widow, by Cardinal Wiseman — Widow's Pet Mr. B. Warby, jun.'s, b f Flirt, by Dolo— Fantome Mr. J. Mitchell's b or ch c Liberty, by Tom Jones— Lizzie Mr. J. Mitchell's b c Vivid, by Tom Jones- Mountain Maid Mr. J. Mitchell's bl or gr c by Tom Jones —Native Cat Mr. J. Darbyshire's b c by Obscurity — Modesty Mr. H. Bowler's b f Nardoo, by Boas Daly — Medusa Mr. H. Bowler's b c Cricketer, by Boas Daly — Brungle Mr. H. Bowler's b or br f Queen Mab, by Prince William — Brunette Mr. T. Waters's b or br — , by Prince William, dam by Peter Fin X ALBURY, 1864. MARES' PRODUCE STAKES, for three-yr-olds, of 5 sovs each, with 100 sovs added. One mile and a half. Weight, Sst 7lb ; fillies and geldings allowed 31b. Two sovs paid ; one sov due on first Monday in January, 1863 ; one sov on first Monday in January, 1864; and one sov, together with five sovs entrance, on the night of general entry. Ten per cent of the gross stake to go to the second horse. Present value of the stake, 139 sovs. Mr. B. Gray's b f Secret, by Obscurity- Annie, by Rory O'More Mr. B. Gray's b f Opera, by Obscurity- Lola Montes Mr. B. Gray's b f Charity, by Conrad — Jenny Lind, by Figaro Mr. B. Gray's pbld g Pinsticker, by Obscurity— Patchwork Mr. H. Bowler's ch c Sunbeam, by Obscurity — Pastille, by JEther Mr. J. M'Alister's b c Reformation, by Cooramin— Madame Reform, by Maroon Mr. W. Kennedy's ch f Welcome, by Tom Jones— Irish Kate, by St. Heliers, g. d. by Whisker Mr. J. Mitchell's gr g Desperation, by Tom Jones— Beeswing, by Will-o'-the-Wisp Mr. B. Warby's ch c Alaric, by Kelpie- Enchantress Mr. B. Warby's ch c Plato, by Warhawk— Fancy Fair Mr. B. Warby's ro c Plutus, by Warhawk— Rosa Bonheur Mr. B. Warby's br c Cicero, by Cardinal Wiseman— Crazy Jane Mr. B. Warby's b c Virgil, by Cardinal Wiseman— Maid of the Moat Mr. B. Warby's b c Horace, by Cardinal Wiseman— Milk Maid AUTUMN MEETING, 1865. SIRES' PRODUCE STAKES, for two-yr-olds, of 5 sovs each, with 100 sovs added. One sov paid, one sov due first Monday in January, 1863, and produce then described ; one sov on the first Monday in January, 1861 ; and the balance, together with an entrance fee of £2 10s., on the night of general entry. Weight, 8st; distance, one mile. Ten per cent of the gross stake to go the second horse. Present value of the stake, 118 sovs. OWNER. Mr. B. Gray's - - - Mr. B. Gray's - - - Mr. B. Gray's - - - Mr. B. Gray's - - - Mr. H. Bowler's - - Mr. H. Bowler's - - Mr. H. Bowler's - - Mr. S. C. V. North's - Mr. S. C. V. North's - Mr. Jas. Wilson's Mr. Jas. Wilson's Mr. Jas. Wilson's Mr. Jas. Findley's - Mr. Jas. Mitchell's - Mr. Jas. Mitchell's - Mr. Thos. Waters's - Mr. Thos. Waters's - Mr. J. A. Keighran's - DAM. SIRE. Miss Hay, by Cantator Obscurity Jenny Lind, by Figaro Obscurity Giggler, by Scamp Obscurity Actress, by Jersey Obscurity Medusa, by Mceonides, d. by Whisker .... Obscurity Brunette, by ^Ether— Medusa Obscurity Pastille, by ^Ether— Countess Obscurity Aerial, by Sir Hercules— Lady, by St. John - - Obscurity Sultana, by Sir Hercules, d. by Model - - - - Obscurity Lightning, by Electricity Prince William Baroness, by Baronet Prince William Zeroiah, by Will-o'-the-Wisp Prince William ch m, by Will-o'-the-Wisp— Sunbeam - - - - Prince William Actress, by Will-o'-the-Wisp Tom Jones Lizzie, by Will-o'- the-Wisp Tom Jones Nancy, by St. John Obscurity b m, by Prince William Obscurity Lucy Ashton, by Sir Hercules Obscurity MARES' PRODUCE STAKES, for three-yr-olds, of 5 sovs each, with 100 sovs added. One mile and a half. Weight, Sst 71b ; fillies and geldings allowed 31b. Two sovs paid ; one sov due first Monday in January, 1863 ; one sov on first Monday in January, 186-1 ; one sov on first Monday in January, 1865 ; and five sovs entrance on the night of general entry. Ten per cent, to go to the second horse. Present value of the stake, 134 sovs. Mr. B. Gray's b c, by Bolivar— Gratis, by Zanga Mr. B. Gray's br f Lady Hume, by Obscurity —Biddy, by Mceonides Mr. H. Bowler's b f Nardoo, by Boas Daly —Medusa Mr. H. Bowler's b or br f Queen Mab, by Prince William— Brunette Mr. S. C. V. North's b f Violet, by Dolo- Sultana, by Sir Hercules Mr. T. A. Fennell's b f Rosabelle, by War- hawk— Lola, by Plenipotentiary— Sultana by Sir Hercules Mr. T. A. Fennell's b f Miss Iris, by Mr. Martin— Heather Bell, by Skeleton, d. by Forester Mr. J. Mitchell's ch f Fair Nell, by Obscurity— Actress, by Will-o'-the-Wisp Mr. J. Mitchell's b or ch c Liberty, by Tom Jones— Lizzie ALBUEY, 1866. XI AUTUMN MEETING, 1866. MARES' PRODUCE STAKES, for three-yr-olds, of 5 sovs each, with 100 sovs added. One mile and a half. Weight, 8st 71b ; fillies and geldings allowed 31b. One sov paid, one sov due the first Monday in January, 1863, and produce then described ; one sov on the first Monday in January, 1864 ; one sov the first Monday in January, 1865 ; and one sov, together with five sovs entrance, the night of general entry. Ten per cent to go to the second horse. Present value of the stake, 118 sovs. OVTXER. DAM. SIRK. Mr. B. Gray's - - - Rebecca, by Jersey Rubens Mr. B. Gray's - - - Miss Hay, by Cantator Obscurity Mr. B. Gray's - - - Ignorance, by St. Leger Bolivar Mr. B. Gray's - - - Vain Hope Obscurity Mr. H. Bowler's - - Medusa, by Moeonides Obscurity Mr. H. Bowler's - - Brunette, by JEther— Medusa Obscurity Mr. H. Bowler's - - Pastille, by JSther— Countess Obscurity Mr. H. Bowler's - - Sloe Boas Daly Mr. S. G. Bowler's - Moss Rose Mr. Martin Mr. S. G. Bowler's - Camilla, by The Premier Boas Daly Mr. S. C. V. North's - Aerial, by Sir Hercules— Lady Obscurity Mr. S. C. V. North's - Sultana, by Sir Hercules Obscurity Mr. T. A. Fennell's - Lola, by Plenipotentiary— Sultana, by Sir Hercules - - - The Lion Mr. T. A. Fennell's - Heather Bell, by Skeleton, d. by Forester - - - The Lion Mr. T. A. Fennell's - Lady Rowena, by President The Lion Mr. T. A. Fennell's - Biddy the Basket Woman, by Cap-a-pie 3 d. by St John The Lion Mr. T. A. Fennell's - Jessie, by Midas Obscurity Mr. Jas. Mitchell's - Mountain Maid, by Sir Hercules Tom Jones AVOCA. OCTOBEE MEETING, 1864. WORCESTER PRODUCE STAKES, of 5 guineas each, with 50 guineas added, for three- yr-olds. Mile and a half. Jockey Club weights. One guinea paid ; one guinea due 1st January, 1863; one guinea 1st January, 1864; and two guineas night of general entry. Ten per cent to go to the second horse. Qualification, 3 guineas. Present value of the stake, 06 guineas. Mr. Meredith's Coquette, by Worcester- Dusty Sal Mr. Mogg's Prince of Wales, by Worcester — Victoria Mr. Russell's Miss Worcester, by Worcester — Piccolomini Mr. Pearson's Bonnien, by Worcester- Fighting Pig Mr. Pearson's Lord of the Isles, by Worces- ter — Malvina Mr. Hammond's Northman, by Worcester —Flora BALLAARAT. SPEING MEETING, 1862. GREAT METROPOLITAN GOLDFIELD HANDICAP, of 20 sovs each, with 200 sovs added. Distance, two miles two furlongs and forty-two yards. The second horse to receive 50 sovs from the stake, and the third to save his stake. Five sovs paid ; five govs due the 20th September, before nine o'clock ; weights to be declared on Saturday, the 27th September, and final ten sovs paid the night of general entry. The winner of the Geelong Champion Race or Melbourne Cup to carry 51b extra ; of any handicap of the advertised value of 100 sovs, after declaration of weights, 31b extra ; of two or more such races, 51b extra. Penalties not accumulative beyond 71b. A deduction of five per cent to be made from the gross stake for expenses. Present value of the stake, 300 sovs. Mr. Beynon's br g Bray, aged Mr. Beynon's br g Gameboy, aged Mr. Warren's br m Shadow, 4 yrs Mr. Craig's b g Red Deer, aged Mr. M'Cormick's gr g Toryboy, 5 yrs Mr. H. C. Jeffreys' ch h Colonel, 5 yrs Mr. T. Bavin's gr f Baroness, 3 yrs Mr. T. Bavin's gr g Flatcatcher, aged Mr. T. Bavin's b g Flying Buck, 6 yrs Mr. T. Bavin's b h Moscow, 5 yrs Xll BALLAAEAT, 1862. Mr. D. Bailie's br g O. K, 3 yrs Mr. H. Phillips's b g Clive, aged Mr. Leirsch's b g Maxwell, aged Mr. Ivory's b h William Tell, 5 yrs Mr. J. Stortt's br b Dauntless, 5 yrs Mr. Tait's ch g Talleyrand, 6 yrs Mr. Henderson ns cb g Falcon, 5 yrs Mr. Henderson ns ch g Deerfoot, 5 yrs Mr. Henderson ns b h Camden, 4 yrs Mr. J. Henderson ns b h Mormon, aged BALLAARAT HANDICAP, of 220 sovs. Distance, one mile and a half. The second horse to receive 20 sovs from the stake. Five sovs paid ; weights to be declared on the Satur- day following the Turi Club Races ; and five sovs due the night of general entry. The winner of any race of the advertised value of 100 sovs or upwards, after the de- claration of weights, to carry 31b extra ; of two or more such races, 51b extra. Mr. Leirsch's bl g Planet, 6 yrs Mr. E. Henty's gr g Frederick, 5 yrs Mr. T. Davis's b m Little Nan, aged Mr. M c Minimy's gr m Eleanor, 6 yrs Mr. W. Turner's b m Grey Dawn, 5 yrs Mr. H. C. Jeffreys' ch h Colonel, 5 yrs Mr. W. Craig's b g Red Deer, aged Mr. Beynon's br g Bray, aged Mr. Beynon's br g Gameboy, aged Mr. J. Henderson ns b g Conrad, aged Mr. J. Henderson ns ch f Brenda, 3 yrs Mr. T. Wright's b h St. Patrick, aged Mr. H. Phillips's b g Clive, aged Mr. D. Bailie's br g O. K, 3 yrs Mr. T. Bavin's gr f Baroness, 3 yrs Mr. T. Bavin's gr g Flatcatcher, aged Mr. T. Bavin's b g Flying Buck, 6 yrs Mr. T. Bavin's b h Moscow, 5 yrs Mr. M'Cormick's gr g Toryboy, 5 yrs Mr. Ivory's b h William Tell, 5 yrs Mr. T. Chirnside's br f Regina, 3 yrs Mr. T. Chirnside's b f Truganina, 3 yrs Mr. Warren's br m Shadow, 4 yrs Mr. Warren's b c Bayard, 3 yrs Mr. De Mestre's b h Archer, 6 yrs Mr. Henderson ns ch g Falcon, 5 yrs Mr. Henderson ns ch g Deerfoot, 5 yrs Mr. Lang's br h Saturn, 4 yrs Mr. J. Henderson ns b h Mormon, aged SECOND YEAR OF THE FOURTH BIENNIALS, for three-yr-olds, of 10 sovs each, with 100 sovs added. Distance, mile and a half. Weights : colts, 8st 71b ; fillies and feldings, 8st 41b. Sweepstakes to be paid on the night of general entry. The second orse to receive 10 per cent of the gross stake, and the third to save his stake. Messrs Simson and Row's b f Zuleika, by Abdallah— Widow's Pet Mr. Landells's b c Bournfield, by Conrad- Enchantress Mr. J. Orr's ch c Operator, by Tranby— Curiosity Mr. Landells's b c Flying Cloud, by Conrad — Wilhelmina Mr. T. Chirnside's b f Wild Rose, by Conrad —Rosebud Mr. P. Dowling's b c Sunrise, by Conrad — Maid of the Mist Messrs. Simson and Row's b c Outlaw, by Conrad— Flying Doe Mr. W. Craig's br f Cushla Machree, by Conrad— Minette Mr. Warby's b f Spaewife, by Conrad- Hipped Bessy Messrs. Simson and Row's b c Wild Oats, by Boiardo— Furbelow (dead) Messrs. Simson and Row's b c Miller's Boy, by Boiardo— Maid of the Mill (dead) Mr. Crosbie's br f If, by Warhawk— The Creeper Mr. Warby's b f Bonny Wee Thing, by The Premier— Wee Pet Mr. Wm. Kennedy's b c Border Chief, by St. Patrick— Barbelle Mr. Wm. Kennedy's b f Rhebena, by St. Patrick— Bellona Mr. W. Warren's b c Bayard, by Boiardo— Beeswing Mr. Thos. Austin's b f Miss Bowe, by Boiardo— Victoria Mr. Thos. Bavin's gr f Baroness, by Boiardo — Ganymede Mr. Thos. Austin's b c Ultimatum, by Boiardo— Ulrica (dead) Mr. R. F. Greene's b c Bladensburgh, by Indian Warrior— Melesina Mr. R. F. Greene's b c Malabar, by Indian Warrior— Tambourine Mr. R. F. Greene's b f Coromandel, by Indian Warrior— Maria Mr. R. F. Greene's br ro f Corio, by Indian Warrior— Shiel-na- Guira Mr. R. F. Greene's ch f Fairy Tale, by Indian Warrior— Romance Mr. P. Milerick's br f Sweet Lips, by Abdallah — Kiss-me-Quick Mr. J. R. Cowell's ch g Mameluke, by Birdcatcher— Haidee Mr. J. R. Cowell's br f Queen of May, by Birdcatcher— May Morn FIRST YEAR OF THE FIFTH BIENNIALS, for two-yr-olds, of 10 sovs each, with 100 sovs added. Distance, three-quarters of a mile. Weight: colts, 8st; fillies, 7st 111b. Present value of the stake, 185 sovs ; sweepstakes of 10 sovs to be paid on the night of general entry. All horses nominated for this stake will be entitled to run as three-yr- olds, the sweepstakes of 10 sovs each to be paid on the night of general entry , The second horse to receive 10 per cent of the gross stake, agst Prince, 3 to 1 agst Flatcatcher, 4 to 1 each agst Inheritor and Nutwith, 6 to 1 agst Wait-a-While. Won by three lengths, the others beaten off. Nutwith pulled up lame, and Wait-a-While broke down. Time, 5 min. 54 sec. Melbourne Stakes of L100; 2 mi; handicap; for three-yr-olds and four-yr-olds. Exeter, by Waverley, 3 yrs, 7st91b M'Cobe 1 Secundus, 3 yrs, 7st 71b - Henderson 2 Falcon, 4 yrs, Sst - - - M'Gee Palestine, 3 yrs, 7st 91b - Waterman Young Abdallah, 3 yrs, 7st 41b Howard The Nun, 3 yrs, 6st 111b - A. Kerwin 3 to 2 agst Exeter, 2 to 1 agst Secundus, 3 to 1 agst Falcon, 5 to 1 agst Palestine 11 Won by two lengths, Falcon third, Palestine fourth, Young Abdallah fifth, and The Nun last. Time, 3 min. 55 sec. A protest made by Henderson against M'Cobe for crossing him, was decided in favour of the latter. Consolation Selling Stakes of L50; 1 mi 4 fur Lancaster, by Sportsman, 4 yrs, 7st 91b M'Gee 1 Black Bess, aged, 9st lib - Monaghan 2 Defence, aged, 9st lib - - Ryan Leader, aged, 8st 81b - - Dowling Birdswing, 5 yrs, 7st 91b - - Yeend Firetail, 5 yrs, 7st 91b - Henderson Professor, 3 yrs, 6st 61b - W. Perkins 5 to 2 agst Lancaster, 3 to 1 each agst Black Bess and Birdswing, 4 to 1 agst Fire- tail. "Won by a length, Birdswing a bad third. Time, 2 min. 57i sec. The winner was bought in for L66. CASTLEMAINE. TUESDAY, Nov. 26.— Maiden Plate of L50; 1 mi 4 fur Prince, aged, lOst lib - - Leirsch 1 Loddon Lass, 4 yrs, carried 8st 101b Waldock 2 Jeannie Deans, 4 yrs, carried 8st 131b Flood 3 Kate, 4 yrs, carried 9st 51b - Miller Lady Ripon, 4 yrs, 8st 61b J. Mitchell Fireaway, 3 yrs, 7st lib - W. Perkins Even on Fireaway. "Won by two lengths, bad third. Time, 2 min 56£ sec. Ladies' Purse of L40 : 2 mi 240 yds Othello, by The Premier, aged, 12st lib Mr. Evans f w.o. Young Camel, aged, list 101b Owner f Prince, aged, list 101b Mr. J. Orr 3 Lady Wilton, 5 yrs, list 31b Mr. Smith Doctor, aged, list 101b - Mr. Bird 5 to 4 agst Prince, 5 to 3 agst Othello, 3 to 1 agst Young Camel. A dead heat. The owners agreed to divide and Othello walked over. Time, 4 min. 8 sec. Castlemaine Handicap of LI 05; 2 mi Haidee, by Abd-el-Kader, 5 yrs, 7st W. Perkins 1 Gameboy, aged, carried 7st 131b - Powell 2 Sir James, 5 yrs, 8st 21b - Monaghan Even on Gameboy, 3 to 2 agst Sir James. Won easily by a length. Time, 4 min. Selling Stakes of L40 ; 1 mi 4 fur Mickey Free, aged, 8st lib - Powell 1 Robin Hood, aged, 8st 81b - Waldock 2 Prince Patrick, aged, 8st lib - Dowling Mendoza, 4 yrs, 7st 21b - W. Perkins Lightning, 5 yrs, 9st 91b - Owner Black Bess, aged, 9st 71b - Monaghan 3 to 1 each agst Black Bess, Lightning , and Robin Hood. Won by a length. NOVEMBER, 1861. 12 WEDNESDAY, Nov. 27.— Volunteer Cup of L40 ; handicap ; 2 mi Haidee, by Abd-el-Kader, 5 yrs, lOst 131b Mr. W. J. Evans 1 Bobby, aged, carried 10st71b Mr. Hankins 2 Martingale, aged, list - Mr. Carey Orlando, aged, list 21b - Mr. J. Evans Hector O'Halloran, aged, 12st - Owner Long odds on Haidee, who won in a can- ter by two lengths. Town Plate of L75; 3 mi Prince, aged, lOst lib - - Leirsch 1 Othello, aged, lOst lib - Waldock 2 Prince, aged, lOst lib - Monaghan Won easily by two lengths. Brewers' Cup, with L20 ; 2 mi Loddon Lass, by Warhawk, 4 yrs Owner 1 Doctor, aged ... Mr. Bird 2 Black Bess, aged - - Mr. J. Orr 3 Fireaway, 3 yrs - Waldock Jeannie Deans ... Flood Lady Wilton - Owner Won by two lengths. Hurdle Race of L75 ; handicap ; 3 mi Birthday, by Waverley, aged, lOst 41b West 1 Try Me, aged, 9st 121b - Robinson 2 Young Triton, aged, 9st 21b - Mitchell Young Camel, aged, lOst 101b - Harcoan Won easily by twelve lengths. Castlemaine Light Dragoon Hurdle Race of L30 ; 1 mi 4 fur Triton, aged Brunette, aged Peggy, aged - Sleepy Tom, aged - Snarleyow Won easily ; bad third. Mr. Slee 1 Mr. Southey 2 Mr. Taaffe 3 Mr. Rogers Mr. Carey Consolation Stakes of L32 ; 1 mi 4 fur Gameboy 1 Robin Hood o Sir James --..._ o Lady Wilton o Young Camel ..... o LANCEFIELD. THURSDAY, Nov. 28.— Maiden Plate of L10 ; 1 mi ; heats Flying Doe, 3 yrs - - Moore 1 1 Jenny Lind, 4 yrs - - - - 2 2 Nina bolted Both heats won easily. Lancefield Plate of L20 ; 2 mi Paddy, aged ... - Jarrett 1 Flying Doe, 3 yrs 2 Glamorgan, aged .Brown Bess, 4 yrs - - O Swiss Boy, 5 yrs Won easily. 13 DECEMBEK, 1861. 14 Hack Steeplechase of L15 ; 1 mi ; heats Sam Slick, aged - - Jarrett 3 11 Wallaby, aged - M'Kenzie 12 2 Touch-and-Go, aged - Bradly 2 Third heat won easily. Publicans' Purse of L25 ; 2 mi 4 fur Paddy, aged .... Jarrett 1 Partisan, aged 2 Won by a length. FRIDAY, Nov. 29.— Farmers' Cup of L15; 1 mi ; heats Flying Doe, 3 yrs - - Moore 1 1 Brown Bess, 4 yrs .... 3 2 Glamorgan, aged - - - - 2 Won easily. Ladies' Purse ofL14; 2 mi Flying Dutchman, aged - Mr. Nichols 1 Paddy, aged - - Mr. M'Kenzie 2 Good race. Consolation Stakes of L7 Partisan, by Delapre, aged 1 Brown Bess, 4 yrs ..... 2 Won easily. AUSTRALIAN CHAMPION SWEEPSTAKES. (run at hobart town.) WEDNESDAY, Dec. 4.— Fourth Champion Sweepstakes of L1700 ; the second received L200 ; and the third saved his stake ; 3 mi Mormon, by The Premier — Delaware Girl, 6 yrs, 9st 21b - - - Simpson 1 Shillelah, by Vanish— Matilda, aged, 9st21b Dallon 2 Panic, by Alarm, dam by Melbourne, 4 yrs, 8st61b - - - Wetton 3 Talleyrand, by Cossack, dam by Gratis 5 yrs, 8st 81b - - - Ashworth 4 Merryman, by Jersey, dam by Peter Fin, aged, 9st 21b .... Gill Charles XII., by The Swede— Lady Hamilton, 3 yrs, 7st - S. SouthaH Ben Bolt, by Sir Robert, aged, 9st 21b Hippingstone dst Sir Hercules, by Lugar— Mirror, aged, 9st21b Mencedst Flying Doe, by King Alfred— Mock Modesty, 4 yrs, 8st 31b - Chant dst Livingstone, by Lugar— Cobweb, 3 yrs, 7st J. Southalldst 7 to 4 agst Talleyrand, 5 to 2 agst Mormon, 3 to 1 agst Ben Bolt, 6 to 1 agst Shillelah, 100 to 15 agst Merryman, 100 to 15 agst Panic, 10 to 1 agst Charles XII 400 to 25 agst Livingstone, 100 to 4 agst Sir Hercules, 100 to 1 agst Flying Doe. Won by twenty lengths, Shillelah ten lengths ahead of Panic, who was two lengths before Talley- rand. Charles XII. finished fifth, just in front of Merryman, who walked in. Sir Hercules, Flying Doe, Ben Bolt and Living- stone were distanced, the first-named having broken down. Time, 6 min. 14 sec. HAMILTON. WEDNESDAY, Dec. 4.— Maiden Plate of L40; 1 mi 4 fur Mustang, by The Premier, 5 yrs Ferguson 1 Woodman, aged 2 Bellona, 4 yrs 3 Vega, 3 yrs o Maggie Lauder, 3 yrs - - - - Bessonete, 4 yrs o I- Want-It, 5 yrs o Shepherdess, 3 yrs ..... o Minnie, aged o Shadow, 4 yrs ...... o Flirt, 5 yrs .0 Won cleverly. Hopeful Stakes of L123 ; for two-yr-olds : 6 fur Lady Franklin, by Frank, 7st 111b Bishop 1 Musidora 2 Hussar f Linda -f May Day o The Boss Cymbeline o Won easily by two lengths, the others nowhere. Turf Club Sweepstakes of L70 ; 3 mi Whaleboat, by Sportsman, 4 yrs Haynes 1 Mystery, aged 2 Cavalier, aged o Starlight, 3 yrs Won by a head. St. Leger Stakes of L147; for three-yr- olds ; 1 mi 4 fur Ebor, by The Premier, 8st 71b - Bates 1 Burlington ,2 General Straun 3 Othello Miss Crockford Won easily. THURSDAY, Dec. L140 ; 2 mi Clive, by Clifton, aged, 8st 131b Dusty Sal, 6 yrs, 8st 121b Mustang, 5 yrs, 7st 131b - Whaleboat, 4 yrs, 8st 131b - Woodman, aged, 8st 21b - Tramp, aged, 9st 31b Colonel, aged, 8st 121b Minnie, aged, 8st 81b Surprise, 5 yrs, 8st 7lb Won easily. Turf Club Cup of L50 ; 2 mi Burlington, by Lieutenant, 3 yrs Haynes 1 Haphazard, aged 2 Shepherdess, 3 yrs 3 Sir Colin, 5 yrs ..... Won easily. Steeplechase of L65 ; about 3 mi Souter Johnny, by King Alfred, 5 yrs Mr. R. Learmonth 1 Vanguard, aged 2 5.— Open Handicap of 15 DECEMBER, 1861. 16 Young Hector, 5 yrs .... Happy Jack, aged ... - Won in a canter, Happy Jack did not go round. Consolation Stakes of L25 ; once round Mystery, by Young Jersey, aged Trainor 1 Haphazard, aged 2 Tramp, aged Woodman, aged Bellona, 4 yrs Won by a head. Hack Steeplechase of L15 ; 1 mi 4 fur Balaclava .... Cassidy 1 Beating two others. WARRNAMBOOL AMATEUR. FRIDAY, Dec. 13.— Hurdle Race of L30; twice round. Young Hector, 5 yrs, list 61b Mr. Welshman 1 Free Selection, 5 yrs, list 61b - - 2 Peggy, aged, 12st .... Won easily. Amateur Turf Club Plate of L20; twice round. Little Dorrit, by The Premier, aged Mr. Parker 1 Andover, aged 2 Nimrod, 4 yrs - - - - - - 3 Cavalier, 6 yrs Nero, aged Canmore, aged Tinker, aged Chancellor, aged Dundas, 4 yrs Patience, 4 yrs Good race between Little Dorrit and Andover. Match of L50; 6 fur Trinket, 2 yrs, by Touchit— Minnie - 1 Pharmacy, 2 yrs - - - - - 2 Won easily. Time, 1 min. 24 sec. Ladies' Bag ; 1 mi ; heats. Mona 11 Brenda 32 Sir Richard 2 3 Chief Secretary ...-00 Free Selection, 5 yrs - - - - Midge BALLAARAT. WEDNESDAY, Dec. 18 —Handicap Hurdle Race of L75 ; 2 mi Birthday, by Waverley, aged, list West 1 Young Camel, aged, list 71b - Harcoan 2 Kinchen, aged, lOst 41b - Armstrong Forester, aged, 9st 71b - - Wil3on 5 to 4 agst Young Camel, 3 to 2 agst Birth- day. Won by half a length, Kinchen and Forester nowhere. Second Year of the Third Biennials of L157; for three-yr-olds ; 1 mi 4 fur Secundus, by The Premier, 8st 71b Henderson 1 Palestine, 8st 41b - - Robinson 2 Saturn, 8st 71b Lang 3 Even on Saturn, 7 to 4 agst Palestine, 2 to 1 agst Secundus. Won by two lengths, Saturn ten lengths behind Palestine. Time, 2 min. 57 sec. Ballaarat Handicap of L266 ; the second received L50 ; 1 mi 4 fur Flatcatcher, by Dolo, aged, 9st 41b Carter 1 Buzzard, 5 yrs, 8st 121b - Wakefield 2 Youn»; Alma, aged, 8st 81b - Haynes 3 Grey Dawn, 4 yrs, 8st 51b - Henderson Haphazard, aged, carried 8st 81b Mitchell Woodranger, 5 yrs, 8st 31b - Lang Toryboy, 4 yrs, 8st - - - Cooke Bray, aged, 7st 101b - - Solloway 2 to 1 agst Grey Dawn, 3 to 1 each agst Flatcatcher and Haphazard, 4 to 1 each agst Young Alma and Toryboy, 6 to 1 agst Wood- ranger, 8 to 1 agst Bray, 10 to 1 agst Buzzard. Won cleverly by two lengths, Buzzard eight lengths in advance of Young Alma, who was third, and Haphazard fourth. Time, 2 min. 52* sec. District Plate of L62; handicap; once round and a distance. Yorkshireman, by Young Delapre, 5 yrs, 9st 101b ... - Connell 1 Lanercost, 2 yrs, carried 5st 71b Redman 2 Granite, 5 yrs, 9st 21b - - Perkins 3 Forester, aged, 9st 21b - - AVilson Compton, 5 yrs, 9st 21b - - Owner Ladybird, 3 yrs, 7st - - Blashford Even on Yorkshireman, 5 to 2 agst Lan- ercost, 3 to 1 agst Compton. Won by six lengths, Lanercost beating Granite by hall a length. Time, 3 min. 15 sec. Scurry Stakes of L43; 1 mi Vanity, by Warhawk, 4 yrs, 9st 51b M'Minimy 1 Miss Alfred, 4 yrs, 9st 51b - Owner 2 Old Dan Tucker, aged, 1 Ost lib Finlayson The Barber, aged, lOst lib - Ryan Mustang, 5 yrs, 9st 111b - Ferguson Minister, 5 yrs, 9st 111b - - Perkins Red Rose, 5 yrs, 9st 111b - Owner Birdswing, 5 yrs, 9st 111b - Mitchell Tabitha, 3 yrs, 7st 111b - - M'Kay Sweetbriar, 3 yrs, 7st 111b - Moore 3 to 1 each agst Birdswing and The Barber, 4 to 1 each agst Vanity, Mustang, and Red Rose, 5 to 1 each agst Miss Alfred and Tabitha. Won easily. The winner was bought in for L44. THURSDAY, Dec. 19.— First Year of the Fourth Biennials ofL206; for two-yr-olds ; 6 fur Baroness, by Boiardo, 7st 111b - Bishop 1 Sweetlips, 7st 111b - - Henderson 2 If, 7st 111b .... Ryan 3 Bayard, 8st - - - - Haynes 17 DECEMBEB, 1861. 18 Even on Baroness, 5 to 2 agst Sweetlips, 3 to 1 agst Bayard, 4 to 1 agst If. Won easily by four lengths, Sweetlips twelve lengths ahead of If, Bayard nowhere. Time, 1 min. 23* sec. Maiden Plate of L100 ; 1 mi 4 fur Miss Alfred, by King Alfred, 4 yrs, 9st31b Owner 1 Young Sheriff, 3 yrs, carried 7st 111b Bishop Young Abdallah, 3 yrs, 7st 51b Howard Stockman, 5 yrs, 9st 101b - Robinson Granite, 5 yrs, 9st 101b - Perkins Vanity, 4 yrs, 9st 31b - Monaghan Little Mouse, 3 yrs, 7st 51b - Fletcher Tabitha, 3 yrs, 7st 51b - - M'Kay 3 to 2 agst Young Abdallah, 3 to 1 agst Vanity, 4 to 1 each agst Stockman and Miss Alfred, 5 to 1 each agst Granite and Young Sheriff. Won by three lengths, Young Sheriff second, Young Abdallah third, Vanity fourth, Granite fifth, Stockman sixth, Tabitha seventh, and Little Mouse last. Time, 2 min. 55i sec. Gkeat Metropolitan Goldfield Handicap of L326 ; the second received L50 ; 2 mi 2 fur and 42 yards. Bray, by The Premier, aged, 7st 121b Solloway 1 Young Alma, aged, 8st 81b - Haynes 2 Flatcatcher, aged, 9st 101b (51b extra) Carter 3 Sir James, 5 yrs, 8st 81b - Robinson Twilight, aged, 8st 31b - - Lang Yorkshireman, 5 yrs, 7st 121b - Ryan 3 to 2 on Flatcatcher, 5 to 2 agst Twilight, 5 to 1 agst Young Alma, 6 to 1 each agst Sir James and Yorkshireman, 20 to 1 agst Bray. Won by eight lengths, Young Alma beating Flatcatcher by a length, Sir James fourth, Yorkshireman fifth, and Twilight last. Time, 4 min. 24 sec. District Corinthian Hurdle Race of L50; once round and a distance. Yambuck, by Traveller, aged, lOst 71b Mr. Leonard 1 Kinchen, aged, list 71b Mr. Geo. Brown 2 Pilgrim, aged, list - Mr. Richardson Forester, aged, carried list 31b Mr. Coleman Young Triton, aged, lOst 71b - Mr. Hill 3 to 2 agst Pilgrim, 5 to 2 agst Kinchen, 4 to 1 each agst Yambuck and Young Triton. Won by eight lengths, Pilgrim third, Young Triton fourth, and Forester last. Selling Stakes of L71 ; once round. Falcon, by Warhawk, 4 yrs, 9st 31b Simpson 1 Red Deer, aged, 8st 81b - - Carter 2 Haphazard, aged, 8st 81b - Mitchell The Barber, aged, carried 9st 31b Wakefield Old Dan Tucker, aged, 8st 81b - Bishop Vanity, 4 yrs, 7st 31b - Blashford Even on Haphazard, 2 to 1 agst Falcon, 3 to 1 agst Red Deer, 4 to 1 each agst Vanity and The Barber. Won easily by a neck, Vanity third, and Haphazard fourth. Time, 2 min. 55 sec. The winner was bought in at L101. FRIDAY Dec. 20.— Town Plate of L90; 3 mi Falcon, by Warhawk, 4 yrs, 9st Simpson 1 Secundus, 3 yrs, 7st - Henderson 2 Saturn, 3 yrs, carried 8st - Haynes 2 to 1 on Secundus. Won by ten lengths. Saturn was pulled up after going a dozen yards. Time. 6 min. 10 sec. Handicap Steeplechase of L200 ; the second received L40. About 4 mi Young Camel, aged,. list 41b - Harcoan 1 Norman, aged, lOst 71b - Perkins 2 Budgeree, aged, carried 9st 101b Connell 3 Dominie, aged, carried 9st 71b Mr. Richardson 4 Donovan Brown, aged, list 101b Kelly Birthday, aged, list 71b - - West Modesty, aged, list - - Johnsson Kinchen, aged, carried lOst 31b Armstrong Pilgrim, aged, 9st 101b - Martin 10 to 3 agst Birthday, 4 to 1 each agst Modesty, Donovan Brown, and Young Camel, 5 to 1 agst Budgeree, 6 to 1 agst Dominie, 100 to 15 agst Pilgrim, 7 to 1 agst Norman, 10 to 1 agst Kinchen. Won in a canter, Norman second, Budgeree third, and Dominie fourth. None of the others went round the course. Champagne Stakes of L40 ; with a cup value L25; 2 mi Mustang, by The Premier, 5 yrs, list 51b Mr. Caulfield 1 Saturn, 3 yrs, 8st 121b Mr. Richardson 2 Yorkshireman, 5 yrs, list 51b Mr. Moore 3 Donald, aged, 12st lib - Mr. Davies Young Abdallah, 3 yrs, 8st 91b Mr. Cowell 3 to 2 on Saturn, 3 to 1 agst Young Abdal- lah, 4 to 1 agst Yorkshireman. Won cleverly by a length, a neck separating Saturn from Yorkshireman, Donald and Young Abdallah nowhere. Time 4 min. i sec. Forced Handicap of L95 ; 1 mi 6 fur Flatcatcher, by Dolo, aged, 9stl01b Carter 1 Sir James, 5 yrs, 8st 61b - - Ryan 2 Young Alma, aged, 9st - - Haynes 3 Bray, aged, 9st - - Mr. Richardson Twilight, aged, 8st 41b - - Bishop Young Sheriff, 3 yrs, 7st - Blashford Baroness, 2 yrs, carried 5st 71b Redman 5 to 2 agst Flatcatcher, 3 to 1 agst Sir James, 4 to 1 each agst Bray and Young Alma, 5 to 1 each agst Twilight, Baroness, and Young Sheriff. Won easily by two lengths, the same distance separating Sir James from Young Alma, Bray fourth, Young Sheriff fifth, Twilight and Baroness nowhere. Consolation Handicap of L45 ; 1 mi 4 fur Red Deer, by Touchit, aged, 8st 101b Carter 1 Toryboy, 4 yrs, 8st 61b Ryan 2 19 DECEMBER 1861. 20 Stockman, 5 yrs, 8st 101b - Monaglian Compton, 5 yrs, 8st 101b - Owner Red Rose, 5 yrs, 8st - - Bishop Even on Reel Deer, 2 to 1 agst Toryboy, 3 to 1 agst Compton, 4 to 1 agst Red Rose. "Won easily by a length and a half, the others beaten off. BENDIGO. THURSDAY, Dec. 26.— Maiden Plate of L50 ; 1 mi 4 fur Jeannie Deans, 4 yrs - - Waldock 1 Apelles, 5 yrs - - - Ashcroft 2 Gulnare, 4 yrs ... - Ward Deborah, 4 yrs - - Owner Even on Jeannie Deans. Won in a canter. Time, 3 min. Selling Stakes of L40 ; 2 mi Harold, by Young Hambledon, 5 yrs, 9st31b .... Ashcroft 1 Poison, 8st lib - - - Dowling 2 Cardo, 3 yrs, carried 7st 51b - Bardwell 5 to 4 on Cardo. Won in a canter. Time, 4 min. Bendigo Handicap of L135 ; 2 mi 4 fur Doctor, by Colonel, aged, 8st 31b Bardwell 1 Prince, aged, 8st 121b - - Leirsch 2 Othello, aged, 9st 41b - - Waldock 3 Loddon Lass, 4 yrs, 7st 121b - Currie Gameboy, aged, 7st 121b - Powell 2 to 1 agst Othello, 5 to 2 agst Prince, 4 to 1 each agst Doctor and Gameboy. Won by a neck. Time, 4 min. 59 sec. Selling Hurdle Race of L30; 1 mi 240 yds ; heats Huntsman, aged, carried 9st 21b Robinson Black Chance, aged, carried 9st 61b Owner Garibaldi, aged - - Bolton Nimrod, aged J. Mitchell 3 to 2 agst Huntsman. First heat won by two lengths. Second heat, 3 to 2 on Hunts- man, won in a canter by two lengths. The winner was bought in for L61. FRIDAY, Dec. 27.— Sandhurst Plate of L80 ; 3 mi Prince, aged, lOst lib - Othello, aged, lOst lib Apelles, 5 yrs, 9st 111b Won easily. Epsom and Huntley Handicap of L153 ; 1 mi 4 fur Buzzard, by Warhawk, 5 yrs, 9st Wakefield Harold, 5 yrs, carried 7st 121b - Dowling Butcher Boy, aged, carried 8st lib J. Mitchell Mickey Free, aged, 8st 61b - Powell Robin Hood, aged, 8st - Bardwell Jeanie Deans, 4 yrs, carried 7st 91b Stone 1 1 dr Leirsch 1 Waldock 2 Ashcroft Loddon Lass, 4 yrs, 8st 1 2 3 Currie dst 2 to 1 each agst Buzzard and Harold, 4 to 1 agst Robin Hood. Won by two lengths, Loddon Lass second, Harold third, and Butcher Boy fourth. Time, 3 min. 1 sec. A protest against Loddon Lass on the ground of her having gone inside a post, was allowed. Handicap Hurdle Race of L70 ; twice round and a distance Black Chance, aged, 9st 21b - Ward 1 Try Me, aged, lOst lib - Robinson 2 Garibaldi, aged, 9st - - Bolton 2 to 1 on Try Me. Won by ten lengths. Trotting Race of L30 ; four times round and a distance Happy Jack, aged - - Waldock 1 Captain Flathooker, aged - Sweetman 2 The Maid, aged G. Smith Tommy, aged - - - Mr. Kettle Dinah, aged - Adams Even on Dinah, 5 to 4 agst Happy Jack. Won easily. SATURDAY, Dec. 28— Boothholders' Purse of L23 ; handicap ; 1 mi 240 yds; heats Loddon Lass, by Warhawk, 4 yrs, 8st 61b Currie 1 1 The Barber, aged, 8st 61b - Dowling 2 Gameboy, aged, 8st - - Powell 2 3 Bolivar, 6 yrs 7st 101b - Bardwell Jeanie Deans, 4 yrs, 7st 61b - - Handicap Hurdle Race of L13; 1 mi 240 yds Huntsman, lOst - - Robinson 1 Garibaldi, aged, 9st 21b - - Ward 2 Nardoo, 8st 41b Grey Billy, 7st 111b - Won easily. SMYTHESDALE, BROWN'S, AND CARNGHAM. THURSDAY, Dec. 26.— Handicap Hurdle Race of L40 ; 2 mi Yambuck, by Traveller, aged, 9st Haynes 1 Modesty, aged, list - - Johnsson 2 Forester, aged, 9st - - Mitchell 3 Young Camel, aged, list 71b - Harcoan Even on Young Camel, 3 to 2 agst Modesty, 4 to 1 agst Yambuck offered. Won by two lengths, Forester a bad third. Maiden Plate of L35 ; 1 mi 4 fur Cedric, by Touchit, 4 yrs, 8st 71b Henderson 1 Young Abdallah, 3 yrs, 7st 31b - Redman 2 Little Mouse, 3 yrs, 7st 31b - Wilson 3 Matilda, 4 yrs, 8st 71b - - - - 3 to 2 each agst Cedric and Young Ab- dallah. Won by two lengths. Smtthesdale Spring Handicap of L120 ; 1 mi 6 fur Attila, by Sir Watkin, aged, 8st 21b Henderson Woodranger, 5 yrs, 8st 31b Haphazard, aged, 8st 21b 1 Lang f Haynes f 21 DECEMBER 1861. 22 Even on Attila, 2 to 1 each agst Hap- hazard and Woodranger. "Won by two lengths. A dead heat for second place. "Woodranger walked over, and the second and third money (L35) was divided. Selling Stakes of L40 ; 1 mi 4 fur Miss Alfred, by King Alfred, 4 yrs, 7st Blashford 1 Toryboy, 4 yrs, 7st 71b - - Cooke 2 Vanity, 4 yrs, 6st 71b - - Redman 3 Faugh-a-Ballagh, aged, 8st lib - Wilson Red Deer, 6 yrs, 9st lib - Monaghan Mustang, 5 yrs, 8st 131b - Ferguson 3 to 2 agst Toryboy, 2 to 1 agst Red Deer, 4 to 1 each agst Vanity and Miss Alfred. Won by two lengths, Vanity a length be- hind Toryboy. FRIDAY, Dec. 27— Ladies' Purse of L60 ; 2mi Yorkshireman, by Young Delapre, 5 yrs, list 51b ... Mr. Mount 1 Miss Alfred, 4 yrs, lOst 91b Mr. Perrott 2 "Woodranger, 5 yrs, list 51b Mr. Edwards Even on Yorkshireman, 3 to 2 agst Miss Alfred, 3 to 1 agst Woodranger. Won by six lengths. Town Plate of L60 ; 3 mi Young Alma, by Milton, aged lOst lib Lang 1 Red Deer, 6 yrs, lOst lib - Wilson 2 Mustang, 5 yrs, 9st 111b - Ferguson Falcon, 4 yrs, 9st 61b (including 61b extra) Monaghan 3 to 2 agst Young Alma, 2 to 1 agst Fal- con, 3 to 1 each agst Red Deer and Mustang. Won by four lengths, Red Deer second, and Mustang, who was ridden into and nearly thrown, third. Handicap Steeplechase of L90 ; about 3 mi Modesty, by Royal William, aged, list Johnsson 1 Norman, aged, lOst - - Perkins 2 Budgeree, aged, 9st 41b - - Martin 3 Young Camel, aged, list 101b Harcoan Kinchen, aged, lOst - - Wilson 5 to 2 agst Young Camel, 3 to 1 each agst Norman and Budgeree, 4 to 1 agst Kinchen. Won in a canter, Norman second, Budgeree third, and Kinchen fourth. District Plate of L35 ; handicap ; 1 mi 4 fur Vanity, by Warhawk, 4 yrs, 8st 101b Haynes 1 Stockman, 5 yrs, 9st - Monaghan 2 Yorkshireman, 5 yrs, lOst 41b - Lang Faugh-a-Ballagh, 6 yrs, 8st - Redman Hamlet, aged, 8st - - - Yeend Jenny Lind, 7st 41b - - - Hill Little Mouse, 3 yrs, 7st 41b - Wood 2 to 1 each agst Vanity and Yorkshireman, 3 to 1 agst Stockman. Won by a. head, Hamlet third. ST. ARNAUD. THURSDAY, Dec. 26 —Madden Plate of L20 ; 1 mi ; heats Volunteer, aged - - Owner 1 1 Acasta, 3 yrs, - Moore 2 2 Nighean Donn, 4 yrs - - Fulton Town Plate of L30 ; 2 mi Maxwell, aged - - - Owner 1 Buckley, aged - - Stephenson 2 Dominie, aged ... Owner 3 Fair Rosamond, aged - - Connell 4 Miners' Purse of L25 ; 1 mi ; heats Volunteer, aged - - Owner 2 11 Weazel, 4 yrs - - - Dodd 12 2 Moustache, aged - Paulden 3 3 3 Fairy Queen, 5 yrs - Connell 4 4 4 FRIDAY Dec. 27— Publicans' Purse of L20 ; 1 mi 4 fur Maxwell, aged - Owner 1 Volunteer, aged ... Owner 2 Nighean Donn, 4 yrs - - Moore 3 Steeplechase of L39 ; 1 mi 4 fur ; heats Vanish, aged ... Mackay 1 1 Moustache, aged - - - - dr Gift, 4 yrs - dr Only Vanish went over the course. Ladies' Purse of L20 ; 2 mi Maxwell, aged - Dodd 1 Buckley, aged - - Stephenson 2 Consolation Stakes of L10 ; lmi; heats Fair Rosamond, aged - - 2 11 Gift, 4 yrs 12 2 JAMIESON. THURSDAY, Dec. 26.— Madden Plate of L25 ; 1 mi 4 fur ; heats Avenal, 3 yrs - - - Hoisted 1 1 Flirt, 5 yrs -----22 Creeping Tom, 5 yrs - - - - Tipperary Boy, 5 yrs -.-00 Will If I Can, aged - - - -00 Queen of the Jamieson, 6 yrs - Snip, aged 00 Wild Polly, 3 yrs ----00 Both heats won cleverly. Packers' Purse of L35 ; once round ; heats Polly, 4 yrs, list Ub - Kildare 11 Tomboy, aged, 12st 41b - - Polly, aged, 12st lib - - - Lola Montes, aged, 12st lib - 1 Odst Free Selection, 4 yrs, list lib - disq. Lola Montes won the first heat in a can- ter. The second and third heats were won by Free Selection, but a protest against her as a trained horse was entertained by the Stewards. Lola Montes finished second in the third heat, but was distanced in con- sequence of her rider dismounting without orders. 23 DECEMBER, 1861. Handicap Hurdle Bacb of L30 ; 1 mi 4 fur ; heats Kildare, lOst 1 David, 12st 71b 2 Moro, list 71b 3 FRIDAY, Dec 27— Town Plate of L25 ; handicap; 3 mi Gameboy, aged, 7st 71b - - Fraser 1 Zanga, 4 yrs, list - - - - Avenal, 3 yrs, 8st 71b - ... Rolla, 6 yrs, carried 9st - - - - "Won in a canter. Diggers' Purse of L25 ; once round ; heats Won by Normon, who was disqualified, and Snip declared the winner. Publicans' Purse of L20 ; 1 mi 4 fur ; heats Gameboy, aged, lOst lib - Fraser 1 1 Flirt, 5 yrs, 9st 101b 2 Creeping Tom, 5 yrs, 9st 101b - - Kildare, aged, lOst lib - - - Zanga, 4 yrs, 9st 61b - - - - dr Both heats won easily. Selling Stakes of L10; Will-if-I-Can, aged Idle Boy, 4 yrs Boyal Charlie, 4 yrs Won easily. once round Gardner 1 2 - SATURDAY, Dec. 5 of L15 ; handicap ; David, aged, 7st - Flirt, 5 yrs, 9st 7st Wild Polly, carried J 3.— Consolation Stakes 1 mi 4 fur. Merrychurch 1 71b of WOODEND. THURSDAY, Dec. 26.— All Age Stakes L15 ; about 1 mi 4 fur Dutchman, aged - Dickens 1 Partisan, aged 2 Polly Bawn, 4 yrs 3 Won cleverly. Publicans' Purse, handicap, of L25; about 2 mi 2 fur Mendoza, by Warhawk, 4 yrs, 7st 81b Hamilton 1 Monkey, aged, 9st 41b - ... 2 Haidee, 5 yrs, 9st 71b - - - - Flying Doe, 3 yrs, 7st 61b - Sir John, 3 yrs, 6st 71b Won cleverly. Railway Cup of L20 ; 1 mi 4 fur ; heats Pigeon, 5 yrs ... Owner 1 1 Vanguard, aged ----42 Partisan, aged 2 dr Haidee, 5 yrs 3 dr Both heats won easily. Handicap Hurdle Race of L20 ; about 1 mi 4 fur ; heats Monk, 5 yrs, 8st 101b - - Dickens 1 1 Mickey Free, 5 yrs, 8st - - - 2 2 John Brown, aged, 8st 101b - - 3 dr 24 FRIDAY, Dec. 27.— Madden Plate of L20; about 1 mi 4 fur Noisette, by Abd-el-Kader, 4 yrs, 9st 31b Seymour 1 Firetail, 5 yrs, 9st 101b Queen Mab, 3 yrs, 7st 51b - Dalhousle Handicap of L40 ; about 3 mi Monkey, aged, 9st 1 Medoza, 4 yrs, 7st 81b .... 2 Paddy, aged, 9st 91b .... 3 Hack Hurdle Race of L10 Mickey Free 1 Beating two others. Forced Handicap of LI 6 ; about 2 mi Dutchman, aged, 8st 101b - Dickens 1 Pigeon Monkey Consolation Handicap of L10; once round and a distance Moore 1 2 Flying Doe, 3 yrs, 7st Polly Bawn, 4 yrs PLOUGH INN. Jane field Purse of Bennett THURSDAY, Dec. 26 L20 ; 1 mi ; heats Cardigan, 5 yrs Guy Fawkes, 3 yrs - Sorcerer, 3 yrs Surprise, 3 yrs Amazon, 3 yrs Noah's Ark, 4 yrs Farmers' Purse of L20; 2 mi Bendigo, aged - - Mr. Newman Harkaway, 2 yrs Amazon, 3 yrs WARRNAMBOOL 27.— Hurdle Race of L12"; Lyford FRIDAY, Dec twice round Young Hector, 5 yrs Prince, aged Walter, aged 3 Won by several lengths. Maiden Plate of L12; 1 mi 4 fur; heats The Sadler, by The Premier, 3 yrs Ross 1 1 Bushman, 4 yrs - - - - 2 Mona, 6 yrs 2 3 Mountain Hare, 3 yrs - -30 Redwing, aged Both heats won in a canter. Free Handicap of L 62; twice round Clive, by Clifton, aged, 9st 101b - Ross 1 Little Dorrit, aged, 9st 71b - - - 2 King Tom, 4 yrs, 9st - - - . 3 Chance, 6 yrs, 9st 41b . Journeyman, 4 yrs, 9st Andover, aged, 9st Journeyman bolted. Won by a length. 25 JANUAEY, 1862. SATURDAY, Dec. 28.— Open Handicap of L75 ; 2 mi 4 fur Clive, by Clifton, aged, 9st 121b (51b extra) Ross 1 King Tom, 4 yrs, 8st 81b ... 2 Journeyman, 4 yrs, carried 9st 51b - 3 Andover, aged, 8st 121b ... bit Won in a canter. All Age Stakes of L20 ; twice round Tramp, by Traveller, aged - Par slow 1 The Sadler, 3 yrs 2 Little Dorrit, aged 3 Mona, 6 yrs Cavalier, 6 yrs Won easily. Steeplechase of L19 ; three times round Black Jack, aged ... Jones 1 Young Hector, 5 yrs .... 2 White Stockings, 5 yrs ... - 3 Won easily. Consolation Handicap of Lll ; 1 mi 4 fur Little Dorrit, by The Premier, aged Roach 1 Chance, 6 yrs ----- 2 Mona, 6 yrs 3 Andover, aged bit ST. ARNAUD INDEPENDENT. SATURDAY, Dec. 28.— Tottington Hotel CcpofL30; handicap; 2 mi Maxwell, list 71b - - - Owner 1 Fair Rosamond 2 Vanish 3 Independent Purse of L15 ; 1 mi; heats Fair Rosamond - - Connell 1 1 Maxwell 2 2 Moustache 3 3 No Hole and Corner Stakes of L12 ; 1 mi ; heats Coronet ... - Dodd 1 1 Sally Sly 2 2 Venison ------30 Gamester EPPING. WEDNESDAY, Jan. 1.— Epping Plate of L20 ; 1 mi 4 fur ; heats. Warhawk, by Dolo, aged - Abbott 1 1 Cardigan, 5 yrs 2 2 Birdswing, 5 yrs 3 Young Jib, 3 yrs 4 Good race between Warhawk and Cardi- gan in both heats. Publicans' Purse of L15 ; handicap ; 1 mi heats. Miss Watt, 4 yrs - - Bradly 1 1 Birdswing, 5 yrs - - - - 3 2 Harkaway, 2 yrs - - - - 2 3 Guy Fawkes, 3 yrs - - - - 4 Necromancer, 3 yrs - - - - Happy Jack, 5 yrs - - - - Both heats well contested. 26 Hurdle Race of L10 ; 1 mi ; heats. Nelly Bly l l Beating Jenny Lind, Cas Feigh, Noah's Ark, Bully, and Bobby. BACK CREEK AND AMHERST. WEDNESDAY, Jan. 1— Madden Plate of L25 ; 1 mi ; heats. Native Lass, by Warhawk, 3 yrs Ross 1 1 Young Abdallah, 3 yrs - - - 2 2 Deborah, 4 yrs First heat won by three lengths, second heat won easily by two lengths. Open Handicap of L100 ; 2 mi Bray, by The Premier, aged, 9st Solloway 1 Prince, aged, 8st 101b - ... 2 Gameboy, aged, 7st 121b Won easily by three lengths. Selling Stakes of L30 ; 1 mi 4 fur Maxwell, aged - Dodd 1 Haphazard, aged 2 Butcher Boy, aged Mickey Free, aged o Won easily. Bought in for L59. THURSDAY, Jan. 2.— Town Plate of L60: 3 mi Bray, by The Premier, aged - Solloway 1 Prince, aged 2 Compton o Won easily, Compton nowhere. Publicans' Purse of L50 ; 2 mi Haphazard, by Delapre, aged - Mitchell 1 Deborah, 4 yrs 2 Won easily. District Plate of L25 ; handicap ; 1 mi 4 fur Butcher Boy, aged - - Mitchell 1 Lady Wilton, 5 yrs 2 Native Lass, 3 yrs 3 Won easily, Native Lass bolted. Consolation Handicap of L20 ; 1 mi Gameboy, aged 1 Lady Wilton, 5 yrs ... 2 Good race from end to end. ELPHINSTONE. WEDNESDAY, Jan. 1.— Railway Handicap ofL20; twice round. Rosalind, 6st 1 Pigeon, lOst 2 Kate, lOst 3 Won easily. Trotting Race of L15; three times round. Rowdy, 12st 41b 1 Kate, lOst 71b 2 Archer, list 3 Won easily. 27 JANUARY, 1862. 28 Handicap Steeplechase of L15 ; twice round. Black Chance, list 21b - 1 Young Triton, Polly Brown, Peggy, and Shamrock also started. All but Black Chance refused the first leap. THURSDAY, Jan. 2.— Hack Hurdle Race of L6 ; twice round. Wee Mickey ------ 1 Beating two others. Consolation Handicap of LI 0; twice round. Pigeon, 9st 81b - - _.- - - 1 Beating five others. '#* THURSDAY, Jan 1 mi 4 fur Chinaman, aged Woodman Publican Reception Baron STREATHAM. Maiden Plate of L20 ; M'Kenzie Won by two lengths. Settlers' Purse of L20; 1 mi; heats. Mustang, by The Premier, 5 yrs Ferguson 12 1 Rambler 3 12 Chance 2 3fell Gaylad Skimmer Won easily, Chance fell in the third heat and was killed. Town Plate of L36 ; 2 mi 4 fur Dusty Sal, by The Premier, 6 yrs Trainor 1 Jericho, aged 2 Whalebone 3 Mustang, 5 yrs - - - - - Won by many lengths. Hack Steeplechase of L36 ; 2 mi Robinson Crusoe - Mr. Wyatt Jericho Prop Nugget Woodman ------- Terrifier ------- 1 2 3 Stocking GOULBURN DIGGINGS. WEDNESDAY, Jan. 8,-Matoen Plate of L20 ; 1 mi 240 yds ; heats Twilight, 3 yrs - - Husburgh 1 1 Creole, aged - Ashcroft 2 2 Messmate, 5 yrs - - - Hill 3 3 Both heats won by a length, bad third. Goulburn Diggings Handicap of L50 ; 2 mi 240 yds Apelles, 5 yrs, 7st 21b - Waterman 1 Yankee, aged, 9st 101b - - Hill 2 2 to 1 on Yankee, Won easily. aged, lOst 81b - - Hill Steeplechase of L25 ; 2 mi Ben Bolt, aged, 12st lib - Owner 1 Harbinger, aged, 12st lib - Phillips 2 Merrylegs, 5 yrs, list 51b - M'Carthy 3 Pelican, aged, 12 st lib - - Owner Won by a length. THURSDAY, Jan. 9.— Whroo Handicap of L20 ; 2 mi Bolivar, aged, 8st 71b - - - - w.o. Hack Hurdle Race of L10; 1 mi 4 fur; heats. Merrylegs - - - Ashcroft 1 1 Try Me ... - M'Carthy 2 Coachman - Anning 2 Messmate - - - Waterman Sugarloaf ... - Jones Both heats won cleverly. Rushworth Town Plate of L50 ; 3 mi Yankee, by Traveller (71b extra) Commodore, aged, lOst lib - M'Carthy 2 3 to 1 on Yankee, who won easily. Consolation Handicap of L20 ; 1 mi 240 yds Creole, 8st lib ... Waterman 1 Marian, 7st 91b - - - Dowling 2 Won by a length. PENOLA. TUESDAY, Jan. 14— St. Leger of L52; 1 mi 4 fur Burlington, by Lieutenant - Trainor 1 General Straun 2 Maggie Lauder 3 Won by a head. Time, 3 min. 16 sec. Town Plate of L75 ; 2 mi ; heats. Field Marshal, by Colonel, aged Burt Mystery, aged . - - Necromancer, 5 yrs - - - Cossack, aged - Haphazard, aged - - - Tramp, aged - - - - Frederick, 4 yrs - Whaleboat, 4 yrs - First heat : time, 4 min. 2 sec. Second heat : time, 4 min. 12 sec. Third heat, time, 4 min. 14 sec. Fourth heat: time, 4 min. 15 sec. WEDNESDAY, Jan. 15.— Maiden Plate of L41 ; 1 mi 4 fur Frederick, by King Alfred, 4 yrs Wells Cossack, aged Maggie Lauder, 3 yrs - - - - Warden, 5 yrs - Queen Mab, aged General Straun, 3 yrs - Cigar, 5 yrs Woodpecker, 5 yrs - Won in a canter. Time, 2 min. 57 sec. 1 ?! 1 2 2 2 f 3 dr dr 29 JANUAKY, 1862. 30 Steeplechase of L31 ; 3 mi Vanguard, aged - - Mr. Gordon 1 Souter Johnny, 5 yrs - - - - 2 Glengarry, 6 yrs Won easily by ten lengths. Handicap of L65 ; 2 mi 4 fur Whaleboat, by Sportsman, 4 yrs, 8st Trainor 1 Field Marshal, aged, 9st 71b - - 2 Cossack, aged, 8st 101b .... 3 Necromancer, 5 yrs, 8st 121b 4 Won easily. Time, 5 min. 11 sec. Consolation Stakes of L19 ; 1 mi 4 fur Tramp, by Traveller - - Parslow 1 . 2 - - 3 Cossack, aged Haphazard, aged Won cleverly. HARP OF ERIN. FRIDAY, Jan. 17.— Harp op Erin Cup of L15 ; handicap ; twice round. Birdswing, by Birdcatcher, 6st 71b - 1 Beating three others. Farmers' Purse of L10; twice round; heats Orphan, aged - - - - - 1 1 Beating four others. WANGARATTA. TUESDAY, Jan. 28— Maiden Plate of L50; 1 mi 4 fur Antonelli, by Cardinal Wiseman, 3 yrs, 7stl21b .... Kildare 1 Duke, aged, lOst lib .... 2 Garibaldi, 3 yrs, 7st 91b ... 3 Wildmare, aged, lOst lib - - - The Pope, 3 yrs Even on Antonelli. Won easily by two lengths. Time, 3 min. Wangaratta Handicap of L100 ; twice round and a distance Tranby, by St. John, aged, 9st 41b Hutton 1 Grace Darling, 5 yrs, 6st 101b 2 Pigeon, aged, 8st 21b .... 3 Huntsman, aged, 9st - - - - Bolivar, aged, 7st 71b - Tommy Tickle, aged, 7st 31b Even on Tranby, 3 to 1 each agst Hunts- man and Pigeon, 4 to 1 agst Bolivar, 5 to 1 agst Grace Darling. Won by half a length, Pigeon two lengths behind Grace Darling. Time, 4 min. 43 sec. Sapling Stakes of L30; for two-yr-olds; 6 fur Molly Bawn, by Cardinal Wiseman, 6st 41b 1 Anna Maria, 6st 41b .... 2 3 to 2 on Molly Bawn, who won in a can- ter. Selling Stakes of L25 ; once round and distance; heats Ringleader, 5 yrs, 8st 41b - Lett 1 w.o. Bolivar, aged 2 2 Duke, aged, lOst lib - 1 dist Five others started. WEDNESDAY, Jan. 29.— Ladies' Purse of L50 ; twice round and distance Emperor, by Sir Hercules, aged, lOst 41b M'Alister 1 Tommy Tickle, aged .... 2 Pigeon, aged, lOst lib ... dist 5 to 4 on Pigeon,, who won easily, but was distanced in consequence, as it was alleged, of Hayes, who rode Pigeon, crossing Emperor. Handicap Steeplechase of L50 ; three times round Wild Irish Girl, aged, lOst 31b M. Ryan 1 Kildare, aged, list .... 2 Mountaineer, aged, lOst 91b - - 3 Highflyer, aged, lOst - - - - 4 Even on Wild Irish Girl. Won cleverly by a length. Publicans' Purse of L75 ; 1 mi 4 fur Despatch, by Will-o'-the-Wisp, aged, lOst lib .... M'Alister 1 Yankee, aged, lOst lib - - - - 2 Tranby, aged, lOst lib .... 3 Antonelli, 3 yrs Veno, aged 2 to 1 against Despatch, who won by two lengths, Yankee having lost start. Time, 2 min. 55 sec. Forced Handicap of L60; once round and distance Despatch, by Will-o'-the-Wisp, aged 9st91b .... M*Alister 1 Tranby, aged, 9st 21b .... 2 Grace Darling, 5 yrs, 6st 71b 3 Bolivar, aged, carried 8st 41b - - - Garibaldi, 3 yrs, 6st - - - - Even on Despatch, who won by a nose, the others well up. Consolation Handicap of L20 ; once round and distance Yankee, by Traveller, aged 8st 121b Dowling 1 Kildare, aged, 6st 101b - - - t Orlando, aged, 6st 41b - f Wildmare," aged, 6st 41b Pigeon, aged 2 to 1 agst Yankee, who won by two lengths. GEELONG. WEDNESDAY, Jan. 29.— Maiden Plate of L75 ; 1 mi 4 fur Professor, by The Premier, 3 yrs, 7st 121b Waldock 1 Conrad, 4 yrs, 9st 61b - - Howell 2 Barwon Lass, 3 yrs, carried 7st 131b Tomkins 3 31 JANUARY, 1862. Seducer, 3 yrs, 7st 91b - - Fallan Sir Colin, 5 yrs, carried lOst - Gorry Granite, 5 yrs, 9st 111b - Perkins Young Sheriff, 3 yrs, 7st 121b - Barker 2 to 1 agst Young Sheriff, 3 to 1 agst Pro- fessor, 4 to 1 agst Granite. Won easily by eight lengths, Conrad second, Barton Lass third, Granite fourth, and a long way be- hind were Seducer, Young Sheriff, and Sir Colin. Time, 3 min 2 sec. Boiardo Purse of L120: for two-yr-olds; 6 fur The Nun, by Boiardo, 7st 111b Henderson 1 iEneas, 8st .... Ryan 2 Baroness, 7st 111b - Bishop 2 to 1 on IEneas, 10 to 1 agst The Nun. "Won cleverly by a length, Baroness five lengths behind iEneas. Time, 1 min. 27* sec. Open Handicap of L100 ; once round and distance Young Alma, by Milton, aged, 8st 91b Smith 1 Cedric, 4 yrs, 7st 71b - Henderson 2 Falcon, 4 yrs, carried 8st 61b - Simpson 3 Bray, aged, 8st 31b - - Solloway Sam Slick, aged, 7st 41b - Barker Lightfoot, 5 yrs, 7st 21b - Blashford Victoria, 3 yrs, 6st 101b - W. Perkins Kate O'Shane, aged, carried 7st lib Cruikshank Alpha, 3 yrs, 6st Fallan 3 to 1 each agst Falcon and Victoria, 4 to 1 each agst Young Alma and Bray, 6 to 1 agst Cedric, 20 to 3 agst Kate O'Shane. Won by half a length, Falcon four lengths behind Cedric, the others nowhere. Time, 3 min. 10 sec. Steeplechase Match of L500: about 3 mi 4 f ur General, by Besborough, aged, 12st 41b Bobinson 1 Jack-up-the-Orchard, aged, 12st 41b Mr. Coleman 2 Even betting. Won easily. Selling RACEofL50; 2 mi Shadow, 3 yrs, 7st 61b - Blashford 1 Black Bess, aged, 9st lib - Monaghan 2 Eiline, 3 yrs, 5st 61b - - Davis 3 Sarawak, 5 yrs, 7st 41b - - Fallan Garibaldi, aged, 9st lib - - Gorry Donald, aged, 9st lib - - Carter Monkey, aged, 8st lib - - Yeend Pigeon Toe, aged, 8st lib - Barker Lancaster, 4 yrs, 8st 41b - Simpson Compton, 5 yrs, 8st 101b - Richardson 2 to 1 agst Shadow, 3 to 1 each agst Lan- caster and Monkey, 4 to 1 agst Pigeon Toe, 5 to 1 agst Black Bess. Won in" a canter by ten lengths, Black Bess second, twelve lengths ahead of Eiline ; Lancaster, Sarawak, and Pigeon Toe following in that order. Shadow was bought in at LI 15. 32 THURSDAY, Jan. 30.— First Great Western Produce Stakes, for three-yr-olds, of I L720 ; 1 mi 4 fur Palestine, by Indian Warrior, 8st 41b Bar dwell 1 Propriety, 8st 41b - - Waldock 2 Hester Grazebrook, 8st 41b - Monaghan 3 Saturn, 8st 71b - Lang Eagle's Plume, 8st 71b - - Carter Secundus, 8st 71b - - Henderson 2 to 1 agst Saturn, 5 to 2 agst Palestine, 3 to 1 each agst Propriety and Secundus, 4 to 1 agst Eagle's Plume. Won by four lengths, Propriety beating Hester Graze- brook by six lengths, Secundus fourth, and Eagle's Plume fifth, Saturn having pulled up. Time, 3 mi 1 sec. Great Handicap of L415 ; the second received L50 ; 2 mi Flatcatcher, by Dolo, aged, 9st 61b Carter 1 Attila, aged, 8st 41b - - Haynes 2 Mormon, 6 yrs, lOst - - Perkins 3 Young Alma, aged, 8st 121b - Smith 4 Buzzard, 5 yrs, 8st 101b - - Ryan Bray, aged, 8st 81b - - Solloway Doctor, aged, 8st 21b - - Bardwell Sir James, 5 yrs, 7st 121b - Henderson Dusty Sal, aged, carried 8st - Waldock Woodranger, aged, 7st 81b - Bishop Sam Slick, aged, 7st 41b - Barker Victoria, 3 yrs, 6st 101b - W. Perkins 2 to 1 agst Mormon, 3 to 1 each agst Flat- catcher and Sir James, 5 to 1 agst Doctor, 7 to 1 agst Young Alma, 8 to 1 each agst Bray and Attila, 10 to 1 agst Dusty Sal. Won by a length, Mormon a length behind Attila, and Young Alma the same distance behind Mormon. The next three were Sir James, Woodranger, and Dusty Sal. Bray and Victoria came next, followed by Doctor, Buzzard, and Sam Slick. Time, 3 min. 59 sec. Handicap Hurdle Race of L80 ; twice round Young Camel, aged, list 21b Harcoan 1 Dominie, aged, 9st - - Richardson 2 Donovan Brown, aged, list 71b - Kelly Birthday, aged, lOst 121b - - West Try Me, aged, lOst - - Mr. Weston Sir Colin, 5 yrs, carried 9st 81b - Gorry Kate O'Shane, aged, carried 8st 131b Robinson 3 to 2 agst Young Camel, 2 to 1 agst Donovan Brown, 3 to 1 agst Birthday. Won easily, bad third, the others nowhere. Scurry of L30 ; 1 mi 4 fur Limerick Lass, by Dolo, aged, 9st Monaghan 1 Monkey, aged, 9st Yeend 2 Haphazard, aged, 9st - - Mitchell Compton, 5 yrs, 9st - - Richardson Even on Haphazard, 5 to 2 each agst Monkey and Limerick Lass. Won easily by six lengths, the others nowhere. Bought in at L32. 33 FEBKTTAKY, 1862. 34 [ FRIDAY, Jan. 31.— Hunters' Trial Stakes ofL60; 2 mi ; Black Bess, 6 yrs - - Mr. Howell 1 Andover, aged - - Mr. G. Howell 2 Try Me, aged - - Mr. G. Watson • Bendigo, aged - - Mr. Coleman Volunteer, 5 yrs - - Mr. Meredith 5 to 4 agst Bendigo, 2 to 1 agst Black Bess, 3 to 1 agst Andover, 5 to 1 agst Try Me. Won by ten lengths, Try Me a had third, Bendigo fourth, Volunteer pulled up. Bought in at the upset price. Match of L100 ; 6 fur ^neas, by Boiardo, 2 yrs, 8st - Haynes 1 Regina, 2 yrs, 7st 111b - - Ryan 2 5 to 4 on Regina. Won easily by half a length. Time, 1 min. 27 sec. ■ The Gold Whip with L55 ; 3 mi ' Mormon, by The Premier, 6 yrs, 9st 71b Simpson 1 Flatcatcher, aged, 9st 41b - - Carter 2 5 to 4 on Flatcatcher. Won by two lengths. Time, 6 min. 34 sec. Handicap Steeplechase of L100 ; the second received L20 ; twice round Young Camel, aged, list 71b - Wilson 1 Donovan Brown, aged, 12st 41b - Kelly 2 Modesty, aged, list - - Johnsson Birthday, aged, list - - - West Kinchen, aged, 9st 121b - Robinson Dominie, aged, 9st - - Richardson 2 to 1 each agst Young Camel and Donovan Brown, 3 to 1 agst Modesty, 5 to 1 agst Dominie. Won easily, the others nowhere. The Shorts of L40 ; 1 mi ; heats Victoria, by Touchit, 3 yrs - Ryan Oil Falcon, 4 yrs - - Simpson 13 2 Black Bess, 6 yr3 - Monaghan 3 2 Shadow, 3 yr3 - - Blashford 2 Mainroyal, 5 yrs - - Mitchell Lightfoot, 5 yrs - - Perkins Seducer, 3 yrs - - Landcake Even on Shadow. First heat won by a length, second heat won easily, third heat won in a canter. Match of L500 ; L100 forfeit ; 1 mi ^neas, by Boiardo, 2 yrs - - received Musidora, 2 yrs - paid MORNINGTON. THURSDAY, Jan. 30.— Maiden Stakes of L15 ; 1 mi 4 fur Marmion, aged - - - Jarrett 1 Jessie, 5 yrs 2 Bravo, 5 yrs 3 Necromancer, 4 yrs Rear Guard, aged Scottish Maid, 5 yrs - - - o Won easily ; bad third St. Leger ofL15; one mile Princess Royal, by High Sheriff Beer 1 Koh-i-noor 2 Cronstadt Won easily. Cronstadt bolted. Mornington Purse of L20; 1 mi 4 fur; heat3 Happy Jack, aged - Mr. Rennison 1 1 Little George, aged ... 3 2 Moonbeam, 4 yrs - - - - 2 3 Prairie Bird, aged ... Both heats won easily. FRIDAY, Jan. 31.— Publicans' Purse of L20; 2 mi 4 fur Happy Jack, aged - Mr. Rennison 1 Garryowen, aged 2 Gaylad, aged Little George, aged - ... Won by ten lengths. Ladies' Purse of L12 ; 1 mi ; heats Princess Royal, by High Sheriff, 3 yrs Beer 1 1 Mmrod, aged 2 2 Prairie Bird, aged - - - - 3 Mozart, aged ----- Necromancer, 4 yrs - - - - Both heats won easily. Hurdle Race of L15 ; twice round Poacher, aged ... Baxter 1 Nimrod, aged ----- 2 Cadger, aged Gaylad, aged ----- Midnight Won by four lengths. Consolation Stakes of L7 ; 1 mi 4 fur Mozart, aged - Liardet 1 Moonbeam, 4 yrs " Cadger, aged Gaylad, aged Garryowen, aged ... - dist Won by Garryowen, but a protest having been proved that he did not belong to a subscriber to the race fund, Mozart received the stakes. APSLEY. TUESDAY, Feb. 4— Maiden Plate of L32; 1 mi 4 fur King Tom, by King Alfred, 4 yrs Trainor 1 Reindeer, aged 2 Skyrocket, aged ----- 3 Venus, 3 yrs Flirt, 3 yrs Won by half a length. Reindeer broke down. Time, 3 min. 3 sec. Town Plate of L50 ; 2 mi ; heats Cossack, by Colonel, aged - Mahon 1 1 Mystery, aged 3 2 Frederick, 4 yrs 2 3 First heat won by a head. Time, 3 min. 58 sec. Second heat won easily by half a length. Time, 3 min. 59 sec. 35 FEBETJABY, 1862. 36 Stewards' Purse of L50 ; 3 mi Whaleboat, by Sportsman, 4 yrs Trainor 1 Mustang, 5 yrs 2 Tramp, aged - - - - - - 3 Warden, 5 yrs 4 Won by a length. Time, 6 min. 22 sec. WEDNESDAY, Feb. 5.— Apsley St. Leger of L50 ; 1 mi 4 fur General Straun, by King Alfred, Sst 71b Farslow 1 Miss Crockford, 8st 71b - - Wells 2 Burlington, 8st 71b - - Edwards 3 Won by half a length, two lengths separating the second from the third. Time, 3 min. Ladies' Purse of L70 ; 1 mi 4 fur Cossack, by Colonel, aged - Mahon 1 Frederick, 4 yrs 2 Mustang, 5 yrs 3 Whaleboat, 4 yrs 4 Skyrocket, aged King Tom, 4 yrs dist King Tom came in first, but Mahon lodged a protest for jostling, which was decided in his favour. Time, 2 min. 55 sec. Steeplechase of L45 ; 3 mi Souter Johnny, by King Alfred, 5 yrs - 1 Naughty Boy, 4 yrs Naughty Boy only started to save a walk Consolation Handicap of L26 ; 1 mi 4 fur Tramp, by Traveller, aged - Parslow 1 Warden, 5 yrs 2 Won easily. Time, 3 min. THURSDAY, Feb. 2 mi -Handicap of L40; Tramp,by.Traveller,aged,8st51b Parslow 1 Souter Johnny, 5 yrs, Sst 121b - - 2 Mustang, 5 yrs, 9st lib ... o Warden, 5 yrs, Sst 121b Mystery, aged, 8st 121b - Whaleboat, 4 yrs, 8st 91b Chevy, 8st 71b Burlington, 3 yrs, 7st 61b 3 to 1 each agst Tramp and Mustang. Won by two lengths. Time, 4 min. 3 sec. Chevy Soldier Match of L50 ; 3 mi TARRENGOWER. WEDNESDAY, Feb. 5.— Maiden Plate of L20 ; 1 mi ; heats Bed Rose, by Young Rory O'More, 5 yrs Wilkins 1 1 Nick of the Woods, 4 yrs - - - 3 2 Barmaid, 4 yrs - ... 2 Dorrit Both heats won in a canter. Publicans' Purse, handicap, of L30 ; 2 mi Dutchman, aged, 9st 41b - Dickens 1 Maxwell, aged, 9st 41b - - - - 2 Yorkshireman, 5 yrs, 9st 61b 3 Prince, aged, 9st 101b - - - - Black Chance, aged, 9st - - - - Won easily. Nuggetty Plate of L25; 1 mi; heats Loddon Lass, by Warhawk, 4 yrs J.Mitchell 1 1 Partisan, aged - - - - - 2 Lightning, 5 yrs - 2 Yambuck, aged - - - - - Lady Wilton, 5 yrs Maxwell, aged THURSDAY, Feb. 6.— Ladies' Purse of L25; 1 mi 4 fur : heats Serene Highness, aged Kate, aged Pettitt 1 1 - 2 2 Won easily. Town Plate, handicap, of L30 ; 3 mi Maxwell, aged, 8st 101b - Warne 1 Dutchman, aged, 8st 10lb 2 Loddon Lass, 4 yrs, Sst - - - - 3 Prince, aged, 9st 41b - - - - 4 Gameboy, aged Butcher Boy, aged Won cleverly. Handicap Hurdle Race of L25 ; 1 mi 4 fur; heats Yambuck, by Traveller, aged, lOst 121b Manning 13 1 Black Chance, aged, lOst 61b - 3 12 Monk, 5 yrs, 9st 101b - - - 2 2 Gamecock, aged, 9st - - - Black Chance fell in the first heat. Consolation Handicap of LI 6 ; 1 mi 4 fur Partisan, by Delapre, aged, 8st 101b Eidlson 1 Yorkshireman, 5 yrs, 8st - - - 2 Gameboy, aged, 7st 41b .... 3 Lady Wilton, 5 yrs, 7st 41b - - - * Partisan made the running all the way. HORSHAM. THURSDAY, Feb. 6.— Maiden Plate of L15 ; 1 mi 4 fur ; heats Coronet, 5 yrs - - - Smith 1 1 Nancy, 5 yrs 32 Zohrab, 4 yrs 2 3 Garibaldi, 3 yrs - - - - o Lady Straun, 3 yrs - - - - dr Both heats won easily Horsham Cup of L20 ; 3 mi Mounseer, aged ... Meredith 1 Plover, 3 yr3 ...... 2 Valentine, 6 yrs ----- 3 Won in a canter. 37 FEBKUABY, 1862. 38 FRIDAY, Feb. 7.— Publicans' Purse of L20; 1 mi 4 fur ; heats Meredith 1 w.o. . 2 Mounseer, aged Garibaldi, 3 yrs First heat won easily. Horsham District Plate of L12 ; lmi; heats Nancy, 5 yrs - - - - 2 11 Coronet, 5 yrs - - - - 1 2 2 Stella, aged .... 3 dist Ladies' Purse of L15 ; 2 mi Mounseer, aged ... Meredith 1 Taglioni, aged 2 Won easily. Hurdle Race of L20; 3 mi Goulburn, aged ... Geiring 1 Antelope 2 Zohrab 3 Won by six lengths. SATURDAY, Feb. 8 —Consolation Stakes of L10; lmi 4 fur Valentine, 6 yrs 1 Taglioni, aged 2 Tom, 5 yrs 3 Tom, 5 yrs Open Handicap of L12 ; 3 mi Mounseer, aged, 12st - Meredith 1 Taglioni, aged, 9st 101b ... 2 Goulburn, aged, 12st .... 3 Coronet, 5 yrs, lOst 101b HEIDELBERG. FRIDAY, Feb. 7.— Publicans' Purse of L15; 1 mi 4 fur ; handicap ; heats Bendigo, aged, 9st 61b - Mitchell 1 1 Black Boy, aged, 8st 101b - Cousins 2 Princess, aged, 7st 101b - Mather 2dis 2 to 1 on Bendigo, who won both heats easily. Town Plate of L20; 2 mi ; handicap Doctor, by Colonel, aged, lOst - Simpson 1 Monkey, aged, 8st 41b - - Yeend 2 Birdswing, 5 yrs, 8st 41b - - Boyd 3 to 2 on Doctor. Won cleverly by half a length. Selling Hurdle Race of L15 ; 2 mi Sam Slick, aged ... Mitchell 1 Garryowen, aged, carried 281b over Laverty 2 Hieover, aged ... - Boyd Even on Sam Slick, who had it all his own way. The winner was bought in at the upset price, L25. SATURDAY L20 ; 2 mi Bendigo, aged Orphan, aged Nat, 4 yrs - Won by a length Feb. 8.— Farmers' Purse of Cousins 1 2 3 The Hurdle Race did not fill. Selling Stakes of L10 ; lmi; heats- Abel, aged .... Yeend 1 1 Kitty 2 2 Barney Both heats won easily. The winner was sold for LI 6. ALBURY. TUESDAY, Feb. 11.— Maiden Plate of L75 ; 1 mi 6 fur Gipsy Girl, by Will o' the Wisp, 5 yrs, 9st 61b Hayes 1 Duke, aged, 9st 91b - - Hutton 2 Woodpecker, 3 yrs, 6st 131b - M'Lachlan 3 Harlequin, aged ... Steel dis Even on Duke. Harlequin won easily, but was disqualified in consequence of having won an advertised race for a saddle at Wodonga. Publicans' Purse of L105 ; 2 mi 4 fur Despatch, by Will o' the Wisp, aged, 9st 91b M'Alister 1 Excelsior, 6 yrs, 9st 91b - - Bentley 2 Wildrake, aged, 9st 91b - - Potter 3 Huntsman, aged, 9st 91b - Hayes Yankee, aged, 9st 91b - - Hill 5 to 4 against Despatch, who won easily. Time, 4 min. 55 sec. Trial Stakes of L50 ; for two-yr-olds ; 6 fur Euclid, by Tom Jones, 8st 41b - Potter 1 O.K..8st41b 2 Quail, 8st 41b 3 Fairy, 8st 41b MoUy Bawn, 8st 41b . - - - Black-and-all Black, 8st 71b - - 3 to 1 each agst Molly Bawn and Black- and-all-Black. Won easily. WEDNESDAY, Feb. 12.— Mares' Produce Stakes of L110; for three-yr-olds ; 1 mi 4 fur Antonelli, by Cardinal Wiseman, Hayes 1 The Nun .... Hoisted 2 The Nun only went to the post to save a walkover. Hunters' Trial Stakes of L25 ; 4 fur ; heats Bolivar, aged, 9st 111b - Dowling 1 1 Mayfly, 5 yrs, 9st 81b Emperor, aged, 9st 111b Bruin, aged, 9st 111b Bruin did not leap the hurdle. Squatters' Purse of L58 ; 1 mi 4 fur Young Samson, aged, 9st 91b - Jefford 1 Despatch, aged, 9st 91b - M'Alister 2 Excelsior, aged, 9st 91b - - Hayes 3 Junius, aged, 9st 91b - - JPotter Botherem, aged, 9st 91b - Hoisted Even on Despatch. Won easily; good third. Time, 2 min. 54 sec. Bentley 2 2 Stone 3 3 Lett disq 39 FEBKUAKY, 1862. 40 THURSDAY, Feb. 13.— Albury Jockey Club Handicap of L150 ; 3 mi Tranby, by St. John, aged, 9st 21b Hutton 1 Junius, aged, 9st 21b - - Potter 2 Botherem, aged, 8st 71b - - Lett 3 Won easily. Time, 5 min. 58 sec. Members' Purse of L40 ; 2 mi Young Samson, aged - Mr. S. Bowler 1 Emperor, aged - - Mr. S. North 2 Won in a canter. Consolation Handicap of L50; once round and distance Yankee, by Traveller, aged, 9st 41b Hayes 1 Junius, 8st 81b 2 O.K., feather 3 Lorimer, carried 8st 121b 6 Botherem, 8st Black-and-all-Black, feather - - Won eaBily. Forced Handicap of L60 ; 1 mi 4 fur Despatch, by Will o' the Wisp, aged, 9st91b Hayes 1 Antonelli, 3 yrs, 7st 21b ... 2 Tranby, aged, 9st 91b - Young Samson, aged, 9st 91b Wildrake, 6 yrs, 8st 51b - Gipsy Girl, 5 yrs, 8st 31b Won easily, Antonelli beating Tranby by a neck. DAYLESFORD. THURSDAY, Feb. 13.— Maiden Plate of L25 ; 1 mi 4 fur Kate Benson, 3 yrs 1 Queen Mab, 3 yrs 2 Inheritress 3 Frantic Old Dan, aged Fusb03, 6 yrs Chance, 3 yrs Mosquito Won easily. Ladies' Purse of L35; once round and distance ; heats Shamrock, 4 yrs 1 1 Robin Grey, aged - - - - 2 2 Prince Patrick, aged 3 3 Black Ball, 4 yrs - - - - Old Dan, aged Happy Jack, 4 yrs - - - - Both heats won easily. Town Plate of L50 ; twice round and dis- tance Prince, aged ... Leirsch 1 Maxwell, aged 2 Young Alma, aged .... 3 Brunette, aged ----- Mendoza, 4 yrs Loddon Lass, 4 yrs Dut* hman, aged Flying Doe, 3 yrs Garibaldi, 5 yrs Won cleverly. Hurdle Race of L30 ; twice round and dis- tance Shamrock, 4 yrs ----- l Black Ball, 4 yrs 2 Mike Forester, aged Flirt, aged Happy Jack, 4 yrs Won with ease. FRIDAY, Feb. 14.— Farmers' Purse of L42 ; once round and distance ; heats Young Alma, by Milton, aged Bishop 1 1 Prince, aged 3 2 liutcherBoy 2 3 Maxwell, aged Brunette, aged .... Pigeon, 5 yrs 00 Loddon Lass, 4 yrs ... Garibaldi, 5 yrs j Both heats won cleverly. Trotting Race of L25 ; three times round and distance Dozy 1 Miss Elliott, aged 2 Spanker Flying Cloud, 5 yrs - - - - Jessie Oj Won easily. SATURDAY, Feb. 15.— Consolation Handicap ofL25; lmi4fur Maxwell, 9st 71b 1 j Dutchman, 9st 2 Loddon Lass, 8st 101b - - - - 3 Mendoza, 8st 101b ! Butcher Boy, 9st Won by a length and a half. NORTH GIPPS LAND. WEDNESDAY, Feb. 19— Maiden Plate of L36 ; 1 mi 4 fur Tomboy, by Lucifer, 5 yrs - Marley 1 Crucifix, 3 yrs 2 Musician, 5 yrs 3 Time, 2 min. 58 sec. Selling Stakes of L20; 1 mi 4 fur; heats The Rake, by Van Tromp, aged Marley 1 1 Pilot, aged 2 2 Warlock, aged - - - - 3 3 Marquis, 4 yrs - - - - - Won easily. The winner was bought in. Squatters' Purse of L24 ; 2 mi 2 fur Prince, by Warlock, aged - Ashton w.o. Trial Stakes of L43 ; for two-yr-olds ; 1 mi Molrow, by Van Tromp - Hervey 1 Quickstep 2 Darkness 3 Won by a length, two lengths between second and third. Time, 1 min. 56 sec. 41 THUESDAY, Feb. 20— Junior Stakes of L95 ; 1 mi Viscount, by Van Tromp, 3 yrs - Clarke 1 Quickstep, 2 yrs 2 Marchioness, 3 yrs - ... 3 Won easily. Time, 1 min. 56 sec. Selling Hurdle Race of L25 ; 1 mi 4 fur Tally-ho, aged - - - Maloney 1 Black Jack, aged 2 Lady of the Lake, aged ... 3 Walk-along-John, aged - Shamrock, aged Rarey, aged Sparrow, aged Will-o'-the-Wisp, aged - Won cleverly. Ladies' Purse of L48 ; 3 mi Prince, by Warlock, aged - Ashton 1 Viscount, 3 yrs Viscount only started to save a walkover. FRIDAY, Feb. 21.— Sale Turf Club Handi- cap of L50 ; 1 mi 4 fur Viscount, by Van Tromp, 3 yrs Clarke 1 Prince, aged Prince only started to save a walkover. Steeplechase of L48 ; about 3 mi Garibaldi, aged ... Jones 1 Black Jack,,aged 2 Wandering Willie .... dis Wandering Willie, although coming in first, was disqualified on the ground that a man who was stationed to catch him in the event of a fall, crossed the course while Garibaldi was going at one of the leaps, and balked him. Publicans' Purse of L41 ; 2 mi Viscount, by Van Tromp, 3 yrs Clarke 1 Prince, aged ------ 2 Prince only started to save a walk over. SATURDAY, Feb. 22.— Consolation Handi- cap of L15 ; 1 mi Crucifix, by Ben Bolt, 3 yrs, 8st 31b Hervey 1 Pilot, aged, 9st 111b ... 2 Will-o'-the-Wisp, aged, lOst lib - - 3 Marquis, 4 yrs, 9st 21b - - - 4 Won easily. Forced Handicap of L50 ; 1 mi 4 fur Prince, by Warlock, aged, lOst lib Ashton 1 Tomboy, 5 yrs, 9st lib - - - - 2 Bolivar, aged, 8st 61b - - - - 3 Molrow, 2 yrs, 7st 4 The Rake, aged, 9 st lib ... 5 Tigress, 4 yrs, 7st 61b - ... 6 Won after a severe race. Time, 2 min. 52 sec. FEBKTJAEY, 1862. 42 VICTORIA JOCKEY CLUB AUTUMN. THURSDAY, Feb. 20.— Maiden Plate of L50 ; 1 mi 4 fur Paul Pry, by The Premier, 3 yrs, 8st 21b Haynes 1 Lady Constance, 3 yrs, 7st 131b Waldock 2 Carpillona, 3 yrs, 7st 131b - Henderson Conrad, 4 yrs, 9st 61b - - Howell Blackboy, aged, lOst lib - Challenger 3 to 2 each agst Lady Constance and Paul Pry, 3 to 1 agst Conrad. Won cleverly by a length, Conrad a bad third, Carpillona fourth, and Blackboy last. Time, 2 min. 57 St. Leger of L293 ; the second received L33; 1 mi 6 fur and 132 yds Camden, by Conrad or Warhawk, carried 8stl01b - - - - Simpson 1 Satina, 8st 41b - - Henderson 2 3 to 1 on Camden. Won in a canter by two lengths. Time, 3 min. 54 sec. Open Handicap of L75 ; 1 mi 4 fur Toryboy, by Wollaton, 4 yrs, 7st 41b Henderson 1 Falcon, 4 yrs, 7st 91b - Bardwell 2 Cedric, 4 yrs, 7st 121b - - Ryan 3 Victoria, 3 yrs, 7st W. Perkins Shadow, 3 yrs, 7st - - Murrav Kate O'Shane, aged, 6st 101b W. Davis 2 to 1 agst Shadow, 3 to 1 each agst Cedric and Falcon, 4 to 1 agst Toryboy, 5 to 1 agst Victoria. Won easily by three lengths, Fal- con four lengths in advance of Cedric, who was third, Victoria fourth, Shadow fifth, and Kate O'Shane last. Time, 2 min. 50 sec. Selling Stakes of L40 ; 1 mi 4 fur ; heats Lancaster, by Sportsman, 4 yrs, 8st 61b Robinson 10 1 Lucretia, 6 yrs, 9st lib Simpson 12 Black Bess, aged, 9st 81b Monaghan 2 2 Bendigo, aged, 8st 81b Waldock Monkey, aged, 8st lib - Yeend 3 to 2 agst Black Bess, 5 to 2 agst Bendigo, 3 to 1 agst Lancaster. First heat won by a neck, the others nowhere. Time, 2 min. 58£ sec. Second heat won easily by a length, Bendigo third, Monkey fourth, and Lancas- ter last, having pulled up. Time, 2 min. 58 sec. Third heat won easily by six lengths. Time, 3 min. 4 sec. The winner Avas bought in for L65. FRIDAY, Feb. 21.— Railway Plate of L65 ; 1 mi 4 fur Falcon, by Warhawk, 4 yrs, 9st 61b Simpson 1 Carisbrook, 3 yrs, 7st 131b - Cooke 2 Black Bess, aged, lOst lib - Monaghan 3 to 2 on Falcon. Won easily by two lengths, Black Bess eight lengths behind Carisbrook. Time, 2 min. 55 sec. 43 FEBKUAKY, 1862. Australian Sires' Produce Stakes for two- yr-olds, of L424 ; the second received L47; 1 mi Musidora, by The Premier, 8st Trainor 1 Baroness, 8st - - - - Carter 2 Corio, 8st - - - - Bardwell 3 Ithuriel, 8st - - - - T. Cooke Delusion, 8st Hamilton Barwon, 8st - - - - Haynes 3 to 2 agst Corio, 2 to 1 agst Baroness, 5 to 1 agst Musidora, 6 to 1 agst Delusion. Won easily by two lengths, Corio a bad third, and Barwon fourth, the others nowhere. Time, 1 min. 55 sec. Great Handicap of L215 ; -2 mi 2 fur Flatcatcher, by Dolo, aged, 9st 61b Carter 1 Sir James, 5 yrs, 7st 81b - Bardwell 2 Victoria, 3 yrs, 6st 101b - Redman 3 "Woodpecker, aged, 7st 81b Henderson Kate O'Shane, aged, 6st - W. Davis 2 to 1 on Flatcatcher, 4 to 1 agst Sir James. Won easily by half a length, Victoria and Kate O'Shane nowhere; Woodpecker pulled up. Time, 4 min. 22£ sec. Handicap Hurdle Race of L50 ; twice round Dominie, aged, lOst - Richardson 1 Young Camel, aged, 12st - J. Wilson 2 General, aged, lOst 71b - Robinson 3 3 to 2 on Young Camel, 3 to 1 agst Dominie. Won by half a length, Young Camel beating General by a neck. SATURDAY, Feb. 22.— Town Plate of L80; 2 mi Flatcatcher, by Dolo, aged, lOstllb Carter 1 Shadow, 3 yrs, 7st 111b - - Bishop 2 Paul Pry, 3 yrs, 8st - - Haynes 3 Barton, aged, lOst lib - - Maloy 3 to 2 on Flatcatcher, 2 to 1 agst Paul Pry, 3 to 1 agst Shadow. Won by six lengths, Shadow beating Paul Pry by a length, Barton nowhere. Produce Stakes for three-yr-olds, of L482; the second received L54 ; 1 mi 4 fur Camden, by Conrad or Warhawk, 8st 71b SSimpson Lady Constance, 8st 41b Palestine, 8st 41b Satina, 8st 41b Eagle's Plume, 8st 71b - Queen Mab, 8st 41b Sir John, carried 8st 131b 1 Waldock 2 Bardwell 3 Henderson Carter Haynes Dickens Even on Camden, 2 to 1 agst Palestine, 4 to 1 agst Lady Constance, 10 to 1 agst Eagle's Plume. Won by a neck, Palestine a bad third, the others nowhere. Time, 2 min. 55 sec. Handicap Steeplechase of L100 ; about 4 mi Young Camel, aged, 12st - J. Wilson Dominie, aged, 9st 71b - Richardson Sebastopol, aged, lOst - - West General, aged, lOst 71b - Robinson Modesty, aged, list - - Johnsson 44 5 to 2 each agst Young Camel and Dom- inie, 3 to 1 each agst Modesty and Sebastopol, 4 to 1 agst General. Won by two lengths, Dominie second, Sebastopol third, and General fourth. Consolation Handicap of L35 ; 1 mi 4 fur Black Bess, aged, 8st - Henderson 1 Sir James, 5 yrs, 8st 7lb - Simpson 2 2 to 1 on Sir James. Won easily by three lengths. Time, 2 min 54 sec. BELFAST. THURSDAY, Feb. 20.— Maiden Plate of L42; 2 mi 1 2 3 4 5 Sir Richard, by The Premier, 4 yrs Ross White Stockings, 5 yrs ... Annie Laurie, 3 yrs - Mmrod, 4 yrs Bushman, 4 yr3 Time, 4 min. 3 sec. Town Plate of L60 ; 3 mi Clive, by Clifton, aged - - Ross 1 King Tom, 4 yrs - - - Warren 2 Time, 6 min. 16£ sec. Selling Stakes of L20 ; once round ; heats Sir Richard, by The Premier, 4 yrs Ross 1 1 King Tom, 4 yrs - - - - 4 2 Mountain Hare, 3 yrs 2 3 Bushman, 4 yrs 3 Time, first heat, 2 min. 14 sec. ; second heat, 2 min. 19 sec. FRIDAY, Feb. 21.— St. Leger of L40 ; 1 mi 4 fur The Saddler, by The Premier - Roaeh 1 Annie Laurie 2 Hester Grazebrook 3 Mountain Hare Victoria Time, 3 min. 2 sec. Steeplechase of L40 Souter Johnny, by King Alfred, 5 yrs - Mr. Learmonth 1 Sydney, aged 2 Young Hector, 5 yrs ... 3 White Stockings, 5 yrs Lucifer, 5 yrs Black Jack, aged Forced Handicap of L30 ; twice round Ross 1 - Wells 2 Clive, by Clifton, aged King Tom, 4 yrs YACKANDANDAH. THURSDAY, Feb. 20.— Maiden Plate of L61 ; 1 mi 240 yds ; heats Ringleader - - - Stone 11 Harlequin 13 2 Doloraine Sportsman 45 Cupid Mayfly Kestral Even on Ringleader. First heat won easily by two lengths; second heat won easily ; third heat won by several lengths. Publicans' Purse of L75 ; 1 mi 4 fur ; heats Despatch, by Will-o'-the-Wisp, aged Hayes 1 w.o. Young Samson, aged Mr. B. Gray 2 to 1 on Despatch. Mr. Gray ran against a post and was thrown, so that Despatch had the race to himself. He walked over for the second heat. Sslling Stakes of L25 ; 1 mi 4 fur; heats Fisherman 1 w.o. Lorimer ------ 2 to 1 on Lorimer, who ran against the dangerous post in the first heat. MAKCH, 1862. 46 -Ladies' Purse of L30: FRIDAY, Feb. 21.- 2 mi 240 yds Lorimer Dress Improver Won in a canter. Yackandandah Handicap of L95 ; 2 mi 4 fur Despatch, by Will-o'-the-Wisp, aged Sstllst - - - - M'Alister 1 Excelsior, aeed, 8st 81b 2 Tranby, aged, 9st 21b - 3 2 to 1 on Despatch. "Won by three lengths, Tranby twenty lengths behind Excelsior. Miners' Purse of L30 ; 1 mi 240 yds ; heats Ringleader 11 Consolation Stakes of L15 Cupid - 1 Dress Improver ----- 2 "Won easily. EXTENDED AND ALBION, BALLAARAT. FRIDAY, Feb. 28.— Maiden Plate of L15 ; 1 mi 4 fur Eleanor, by Sportsman, 5 yrs M'Minimy 1 Once-a-Week, 2 yrs - - - - 2 Stockman, 5 yrs 3 Lizzie, aged The Warden, aged Chance, aged - ... Flora M'lvor, aged Little Jemmy, aged Lucy, aged 3 to 2 agst Stockman, 3 to 1 agst Eleanor, 6 to 1 agst Once-a-Week. Won easily by five lengths, two lengths separating the second and third. Time, 2 min. 58 sec. Albion Handicap Harness Trot of L45 ; 1 mi 4 fur; heats Tommy, aged, 250 yds Mr. Rankin 2 11 Whisker, aged, scratch Mr. Bowes 12 2 Rocket, 5 yrs, 125 yds Mr, Hathorne 3 3 Even on Whisker. First heat won with ease by half a length. Time, 4 min. 48 sec. Second heat, 2 to 1 on Whisker. Tommy won as he pleased. Time, 5 min. 8 sec. Third heat, 3 to 2 on Whisker. Won by a hundred yards. Time, 5 min. 5 sec. Great Extended Handicap of L50 ; 2 mi Yorkshireman, by Young Delapre, 5 yrs SstlOlb Smith 1 Young Alma, aged, 9st 101b - Bishop 2 Won by two lengths. Time, 3 min. 58 sec. Handicap Hurdle Race of L30 ; 1 mi 240 yds; heats Eleanor, by Sportsman, 5 yrs, 8st 121b M'Minimy 1 1 Yambuck, aged, lOst lib - Manning 2 Stockman, 5 yrs, 9st - M'Cormick dr First heat. Even on Yambuck. Won by four lengths. Second heat. 2 to 1 on Eleanor, who won easily. Miners' Race of L25 ; 1 mi 4 fur Polly, 3 yrs 1 In-or-Out, aged 2 Flora M'Donald, 6 yrs ... dist Puddler, aged dist Flora M'Donald won by six lengths. A protest, however, was entered against her on the ground that she was not the property of a miner residing within four miles of Ballaarat. By the terms as advertised in BelVs Ldfe, and by those which appeared on the card, this was not necessary, as the condition applied only to the rider. The stewards, however, gave the stakes to the third horse, Polly, as the second, Puddler, came in short weight. BRANXHOLME. TUESDAY, March 4— Maiden Plate L29 ; twice round of Whalebone, aged - - Ferguson 1 Gay Lad 2 Quickstep 3 Buccaneer ------ o Scottish Chief Flatcatcher Midnight - - - - - - - 3 to 2 agst Whalebone, 3 to 1 agst Quick- step. Won easily by half a length ; good third. Open Handicap of L50 ; three times round Mustang, by The Premier, 5 yrs, 9st 21b Ferguson 1 Free-and-Easy, aged, 8st 21b 2 Bellona, 4 yrs, 8st 41b - ... 3 Sir Richard, 4 yrs, 8st 81b - - - Badger, 6 yrs, 8st 21b - Bendigo, aged, Sst 21b - - - - Even on Sir Richard, 2 to 1 agst Mustang, 3 to 1 agst Bellona. Won in a canter by several lengths, Free-and-Easy four lengths ahead of Bellona, Sir Richard a bad fourth, Badger fifth, and Bendigo last. 47 MAECH WEDNESDAY, March 5.— Hurdle Race ot L29 ; about 1 mi 4 fur ; heats Souter Johnny, by King Alfred, 5 yrs 1 1 Robinson Crusoe - - - -22 Slasher 3 Ivanhoe 3 to 2 agst Souter Johnny, 2 to 1 agst Robinson Crusoe. First heat won easily ; bad third. Second heat won by a head, Slasher nowhere. twice round Ferguson 1 2 Consolation Stakes of L12 Bellona - Free-and-Easy Gay Lad - - -j > - - - -3 Even on Bellona, who won by two lengths. BENALLA. THURSDAY, Mar. 6.— Maiden Plate of L30 ; 1 mi 4 fur Duke, aged .... Hayes 1 Diana, 3 yrs - J. M'Carthy 2 Publicans' Purse of L25 ; 2 mi Yankee, by Traveller, aged - Hayes 1 Pigeon, aged ... M'Alister 2 Gameboy, aged ... Owner 3 Reefers' Purse of L20 ; 1 mi ; heats Grace Darling - - J. Hoisted 1 1 Tom Sayers - - - M'Carthy 2 2 Samson ----- Farrell 3 3 FRIDAY, Mar. 7.— Sapling Stakes of L20; for two-yr-olds ; 6 fur Fancy Boy, by Cardinal Wiseman Leary 1 Audacity ... - Boundes 2 Molly Bawn H. Hoisted 3 Town Plate of L40 ; 2 mi Pigeon, aged - Hayes 1 Diana, 3 yrs - - - H. Hoisted 2 Molly Bawn, 2 yrs - - W. Hoisted 3 Hurdle Race of L25 ; three times round Guy Fawkes, aged - - Lewington 1 Wild Irish Girl, aged - - Ryan 2 Kildare, aged - - - J. Hoisted 3 Forced Handicap of L25 ; 1 mi 4 fur Duke, aged ... - Hayes 1 Avenal, 3 yr3 W. Hoisted 2 Consolation Stakes of L10; 1 mi Avenal, 3 yrs - - - W. Hoisted 1 Molly Bawn, 2 yrs - - H. Hoisted 2 Dinah, 5 yrs G. Leary 3 MALMSBURY. THURSDAY, March 6»— Maiden Plate of L20 ; once round and distance Nick of the Wood, 4 yrs - Dickens 1 Firetail, 5 yrs 2 Nell Gwynne, 5 yrs 3 Miss Grant, 5 yrs ----- o Sir John, 3 yrs bit Duffer, 3 yrs bit Won by a length and a half. , 1862. 48 Town Plate of L40 ; twice round and dis- tance Prince, aged - Leirsch 1 Darkey, 3 yrs 2 Noisette, 4 yrs 3 Won hard held by a length. Ladies' Purse ofL20; once round and dis- tance ; heats Jeannie Deans, 4 yrs - Ashcroft 1 1 Minerva, 5 yrs 3 2 Haidee, 5 yrs 3 Jeannette, 3 yrs 2 Dr. Holloway, aged - - Garibaldi, 5 yrs Pigeon, 5 yrs First heat won by half a length ; second heat won by a neck. FRIDAY, March 7.— Publicans' Purse of L48 ; 1 mi 4 fur ; heats Partisan, by Delapre, aged Hennessy 1 1 Prince, aged 2 2 Haidee, 5 yrs ----- 3 3 Firetail, 5 yr3 Minerva, 5 yrs - - - - Gameboy, aged - - - - - dr Garibaldi, 5 yrs - - - - dr Mendoza, 4 yrs dr First heat won by half a neck, second heat won by a length. Handicap Hurdle Race of L30 ; once round and distance ; heats Shamrock, by Abd-el-Kader, 4 yrs Powell 1 1 Monk, 5 yrs 3 2 Wee Mickie, 5 yrs - - - - 2 3 Orlando, aged First heat won by a neck, second heat by a neck. Farmers' Purse ofL20; 2 mi Darkey, by Quiz-the-Wind, 3 yrs Leech 1 Dutchman, aged 2 Noisette, 4 yrs ----- 3 Minerva, 5 yrs ----- o Pauline, 2 yrs Jeannette, 3 yrs Won easily by two lengths. Consolation Stakes of L15 ; once round and distance Jeannette, by Abd-el-Kader, 3 yrs - 1 Haidee, 5 yrs ------ 2 Six started. BRIGHTON. MONDAY, March 17.— Maiden Plate of L25 ; once round Satina, by The Premier, 3 yrs, 8st lib Henderson 1 Paddy-come-Lately, aged, lOst lib Devereux 2 Fairy Queen, 3 yrs, carried 8st 61b Yeend Abel, aged, lOst lib - Monaghan Wattle Blossom, 4 yrs, 9st 61b Hutton dist 49 MAECH, 1862. 50 3 to 2 agst Satina, 2 to 1 agst Wattle Blos- som. Won easily by Wattle Blossom, by six lengths, Satina second, Paddy-come- Lately third, Abel and Fairy Queen nowhere. On returning to scale, a protest was entered against Wattle Blossom on the ground that she was of wrong age, and another that she had gone the wrong course. The protest as to her age was decided against her, and she was accordingly de- clared distanced. Brighton Handicap of L50 ; about 2 mi Doctor, by Colonel, aged, 8st 101b Hayes 1 Falcon, 4 yrs, 9st - - Morrison 2 Dauntless, aged, Sst 31b - Bates 3 Satina, 3 yrs, 6st 101b - - Redman Even on Falcon, 5 to 2 agst Doctor. Won by three lengths, Dauntless a bad third, and Satina nowhere. Handicap Hurdle Race of L30 ; once round ; heats St. Clair, aged, 9st 121b - Maloy 1 1 Cadger, aged, lOst lib - Lacey 2 2 5 to 4 on St. Clair, who won both heats in a canter. Selling Stakes of L20 ; 1 mi 4 fur Lucretia, 6 yrs, 9st lib - Morrison 1 Doctor, aged, lOst lib - - Hayes 2 Paddy-come-Lately, aged, lOst lib Devereux 3 Dauntless, aged, 8st lib - Bates Monkey, aged, 8st 81b - - Yeend 3 to 2 agst Lucretia, 2 to 1 agst Doctor. Won easily by three lengths, the others nowhere. ARARAT. WEDNESDAY, March 19.- ofL15 -Maiden Plate Parslow Flirt .... Miss Noonan Pilot .... Comet - Nelly ... - Grasshopper Neptune ... Earl Russell Won by a length, a good third. Town Plate of L20 ; 3 mi Maxwell - -. - - Brown 1 Mounseer 2 King Tom 3 Ligh'tfoot Gift Won easily. THURSDAY, March 20.— Publicans' Purse of L15 ; 1 mi 4 fur ; heats Maxwell, 71bs extra - Brown 4 11 Lightfoot 14 2 Mounseer 220 Nelly 3 3» All three heats won easily. Ladies' Purse ofLlO; once round Miss Noonan l Comet 2 Grasshopper Katty Darling dist Katty Darling, who came in first, was disqualified, on the ground that she was not ridden by her owner. Hurdle Race ofL20; 3 mi Nugget -----.. l Gift 2 Won easily, Gift having bolted. Consolation Stakes^ L10 ; 1 mi 4 fur Mounseer - -V^ - Appely 1 Pilot 2 Bobby 3 King Tom Little John Lightfoot Won easily. of BUNINY0N6. THURSDAY, March 20.— Maiden Plate L20; 1 mi 4 fur Stockman, 5 yrs ... Smith 1 Once-a-Week, 2 yrs - - - Hill 2 Granite, 5 yrs - Perkins 3 Maggie, 5 yrs - - - - Lowe Murrumbidgee, aged - - Wilson Won by two lengths. Selling Hurdle Race of L12 10s; once round and distance ; heats Yambuck, by Traveller, aged Manning w.o. BuNiNTONG Handicap of L40 ; twice round Yorkshireman, by Young Delapre, 5 yrs, 8stl21b .... Smith 1 Eleanor, 5 yrs, Sst 41b - M'Minimy 2 Limerick Lass, aged, 8st 61b - Mitchell 3 Won by two lengths, Eleanor beating Limerick Lass by about six. Selling Stakes of L28 ; 1 mi 4 fur Stockman, 5 yrs - ... Smith 1 Red Rose, 5 yrs ... Owner 2 Helena, 4 yrs ... Mitchell 3 Jemmy, 5 yrs - - M'Minimy Compton, 5 yrs - - - Wilson Won by three lengths. The winner was bought in for L34. FRIDAY, March 21.— Town Plate of L30 ; 3 mi Yorkshireman, by Young Delapre, 5 yrs Smith 1 Mainroyal, 5 yrs - - Mitchell 2 Won easily. Time, 6 min. 29 sec. Handicap Steeplechase of L50 ; about 3 mi Norman, aged, list - - Perkins 1 Budgeree, aged, lOst 71b - Jones Budgeree did not go round. 51 Ladies' Purse ofL20; once round; heats Eleanor, by Sportsman, 5 yrs Mr. Brown 1 1 Granite, 5 yrs - - Mr. Faris 2 2 "Won easily. Hack Hurdle Race of L15 ; once round and distance ; heats J.Wilson 1 1 MAECH, 1862. Forester, aged Chance, aged Highflyer, aged Rocket, aged Chance, aged Both heats won easily. Consolation Stakes of L14 ; 1 mi 4 fur Limerick Lass, by Dolo, aged, 8st 61b Smith 1 Red Rose, 5 yrs, 7st 121b - Blashford 2 Won by two lengths. KYNETON. THURSDAY, March 20.— Madden Plate of L25 ; 1 mi 4 fur Firetail, by Jersey, 5 yrs - Cunningham 1 Pauline, 2 yrs 2 Nell Gwynne, 5 yrs 3 Jenny Lind, 4 yrs ... - dist Town Plate ofL40; 3 mi Haidee, by Abd-el-Kader, 5 yrs Cunningham 1 Doctor, aged 2 Warhawk, aged Minerva, 5 yrs dist Farmers' Cup of L30 ; 2 mi 4 fur Darkey, by Quiz-the-Wind, 3 yrs Dutchman, aged - Noisette, 4 yrs FRIDAY, March 21.— Sapling Stakes of L29 ; for two-yr-olds ; 1 mi Pauline, by Abd-el-Kader - Taylor 1 Nardoo 2 Harkaway 3 Great Event Publicans' Purse of L30 ; 1 mi 4 fur; heats Garibaldi, 5 yrs Cunningham 2 f 1 1 Doctor, aged - - - - 1 3 3 2 Minerva, 5 yrs - - - 4 f 2 Jeannette, 3 yrs - - - 3 dr Nell Gwynne, 5 yrs - - dr Volunteer Purse of L20 ; 2 mi Wee Mickey, by Abd-el-Kader, 5 yrs Mr. W. S. Evans 1 Orlando, aged 2 Sal, aged dist Hack Hurdle Race ofL13; 1 mi 4 fur Fawn J. Farrell 1 Speculation, aged 2 Redan, aged ------ 3 52 of SATURDAY, March 22.— Ladies' Purse L25 ; 2 mi 4 fur ; handicap Darkey, by Quiz-the-Wind, 3 yrs, 9st J.Day 1 Dutchman, aged, lOst 51b - - - 2 Partisan, aged, lOst 41b Warhawk, aged, lOst - - - - Forced Handicap of L40 ; 1 mi 4 fur Partisan, by Delapre, aged - Taylor 1 Haidee, 5 yrs 2 Darkey, 3 yrs 3 Garibaldi, 5 yrs Pauline, 2 yrs ----- o Wee Mickey, 5 yrs ----- Consolation Handicap of L21 ; 1 mi 4 fur Minerva, by Dolo, 5 yrs - Bishop 1 Noisette, 4 yrs 2 Jeannette, 3 yrs ----- o Jenny Lind, 4 yrs DANDENONG AND WESTERNPORT. THURSDAY, March 20.— Maiden Plate of L15 ; 1 mi 4 fur Jessica ----- Ford 1 Tommy ------ 2 Scottish Maid 3 Harkaway ------ o Rosa Dunn ------ o Maid of the Mill The Cure Won by a head, good third. Junior Stakes of L15 ; for two and three-yr- olds ; 1 mi Ayxa-la-Horra, by Abdallah, 2 yrs Grimwood 1 Princess Royal, 3 yrs ... - 2 Nora Creina, 2 yrs 3 Sailor, 2 yrs 4 Won easily. District Selling Race of L20 ; 2 mi Shingler, 5 yrs - - - - Bees 1 Marmion 2 Nimrod 3 The Cure Firetail - Won by a neck. The winner was bought in at L33. Volunteer Hurdle Race of L15 ; 3 mi Poacher - Mr. Baxter 1 Farmer's Daughter - Mr. Adams 2 Treble X Mr. Wilmot Won by a length. FRIDAY, March 21.— Handicap Hurdle Race of L29 ; about 3 mi Lacey dist - Heifer dist Cadger, aged, lOst Nimrod, aged, 9st 81b At the second fence both horses fell, got away from their jockeys, and, not having been brought back to the fence, were both disqualified. 53 MAECH Dandenong Handicap of L38 ; 2 mi Monkey, aged, 8st 21b - - Yeend 1 Tommy, aged, 9st 2 Lucretia, 6 yrs, lOst .... 3 Princess Royal, 3 yrs, 8st - Won by half a length. WARRNAMBOOL LADY-DAY. TUESDAY, Mar. 25.— Maiden Plate of L20 ; once round ; beats Mountain Hare, by The Premier, 3 yrs Roche 1 1 - Mona, 6 yrs Maid of the Mist, 4 yrs Ida, 4 yrs - Mary Anne, aged Both heats won easily. Selling Stakes of L10 ; once round; heats Charcoal - - - - H. Ross 1 1 Skylark 3 2 Saucy Jack 2 3 Oliver Twist Lady-Day Handicap of L30 ; 1 mi 4 fur Mountain Hare, by The Premier, 3 yrs 7st Roche 1 Mariner, aged, 9st 51b ... 2 Free and Easy, aged, 8st 101b - - 3 The Saddler, 3 yrs, 8st 41b - - - 4 Maid of the Mist, 4 yrs, 8st - - - 5 Won easily. Time, 2 min. 54 sec. Steeplechase of L25 Van Dyke, aged - - - Mr. Bell 1 2 - 3 Slasher, aged Major, aged Black Jack, aged Won cleverly. WEDNESDAY, Mar. 26.— Consolation Han- dicap of L15 ; 1 mi 4 fur MaidoftheMist,4yrs, 8st 21b Wheeler 1 Mona, 6 yrs, carried 9st ... 2 The Saddler, 3 yrs, 7st 21b ... 3 Free and Easy, aged, 8st 121b - - dis Free and Easy came in first, but was dis- qualified for j ostling. AVOCA. WEDNESDAY, Mar. 26.— Maiden Plate of L30; lmi4fur FaUacy, 3 yrs 1 Granite, 5 yrs 2 Eversley, 5 yrs Chance, aged Kick-up-the-Dust, aged Won, hard held, by three lengths. Handicap Hurdle Race of L30 ; 2 mi Yambuck, by Traveller, aged, lOst 71b - 1 Tomboy, aged, 8st 71b: - - - - 2 Won by two lengths. , 1862. 54 Town Plate of L40 ; 3 mi Yorkshireman, by Young Delapre, 5 yrs 1 Prince, aged 2 Maxwell, aged Won easily. THURSDAY, Mar. 27.— Ladies' Purse of L20; 2 mi Chance, aged 1 Yorkshireman, 5 yrs - Yorkshireman went to the post to save a walkover. Avoca Turf Club Handicap of L70 ; 2 mi Eleanor, by Sportsman, 5 yrs, 8st .- 1 Yorkshireman, 5 yrs, 8st 121b - * - 2 Eversley, 5 yrs, 7st 101b Barmaid, 5 yrs, 7st Handicap Steeplechase of L50; about 3 mi Norman, aged, lOst 41b - - - - 1 Granite, 5 yrs, 8st Granite went to the post to save a walk- over. Consolation Handicap of L24 ; 1 mi 4 fur Maxwell, aged 1 Barmaid, 5 yrs 2 Eversley, 5 yrs VICTORIA TURF CLUB AUTUMN. THURSDAY, Mar. 27.— Maiden Plate of L50 ; 1 mi 4 fur Red Rover, by Ahdallah, 3 yrs, 8st lib Ryan 1 Blink Bonny, 3 yrs, 8st lib - Bishop 2 Wattle Blossom, 5 yrs, 9st 111b - Hutton Goshawk, 3 yrs, 8st 41b - - Cooke Worcester, 3 yrs, 8st lib - Bardwell Lady Constance, 3 yrs, 8st lib - Haynes Even on Lady Constance. Won easily by a length, Blink Bonny half a length before Goshawk, and Lady Constance fourth, the others nowhere. Time, 3 min. Nursery Handicap of L135 ; for two-yr-olds ; 1 mi Musidora, by The Premier, 8st 31b Bates 1 Sweetlips, 7st 41b - - Redman 2 Regina, 8st 71b - Ryan The Nun, 8st 51b - - Richardson Corio, 8st Bardwell Modesty, 7st 41b Dwyer Ch f, by Abdallah, 7st 41b - Cooke Barwon, 7st 71b W. Perkins dis 2 to 1 agst Regina, 3 to 1 each agst The Nun and Musidora, 4 to 1 agst Corio, 8 to 1 agst Sweetlips, 10 to 1 agst the Abdallah filly. Barwon won by a head, Sweetlips a bad third, Modesty fourth, Corio fifth, The Nun sixth, and Regina and the Abdallah filly nowhere. Time, 1 min. 58 sec. On re- turning to scale it was discovered that Barwon was a pound and a half under weight, and to Musidora was accordingly awarded the stakes. MAECH, 1862. 56 City Handicap of L100 ; 1 mi 4 fur Tory boy, by Wallaton, 4 yrs, 7st 121b Henderson 1 Cedric, 4 yrs, 7st 121b - - Bishop 2 Young Alma, aged, 9st 21b - Richardson Lancaster, 4 yrs, 7st 41b - Cooke Bendigo, aged, 6st 111b - W. Perkins Abel, aged, 6st 111b - - Redman Even on Toryboy, 3 to 1 each agst Cedric and Lancaster, 4 to 1 agst Young Alma. Won easily by two lengths, Young Alma third, Lancaster fourth, Abel fifth, and Bendigo nowhere. Time, 2 min. 55 sec. Handicap Hurdle Race of L50 ; twice round Young Camel aged, 12st - Harcoan 1 General, aged, lOst 51b - Robinson 2 Modesty, aged, lOst 101b - Johnsson Dominie, aged, lOst 21b - Richardson Leader, aged, lOst - - - Kelly 3 to 2 agst Modesty, 2 to 1 agst Young Camel, 3 to 1 agst General, 7 to 2 agst Dominie, 4 to 1 agst Leader. Won easily by four lengths, Dominie third, three lengths behind General, Modesty four lengths be- hind Dominie, and Leader pulled up. FRIDAY, Mar. 28— All- Age Stakes of L100 ; 1 mi Carisbrook, by Warhawk, 3 yrs, carried 8st 91b Trainor 1 Mormon, 6 yrs, lOst 41b - Simpson 2 The Nun, 2 yrs, 6st 21b - Howard 3 Musidora, 2 yrs, 6st 21b - S. Davis Regina, 2 yrs, 6st 21b - W. Davis Sweetlips, 2 yrs, 6st 21b - Redman Even on Mormon, 3 to 2 agst Carisbrook, 5 to 1 each agst Regina and Musidora. Won by a neck, Mormon two lengths in ad- vance of The Nun, who was a length before Sweetlips; Regina and Musidora nowhere. Time, 1 min. 53i sec. Melbourne Stakes of L100 ; 1 mi 4 fur ; for three-yr-olds Ebor, by The Premier, 8st 101b - Trainor 1 Paul Pry, 8st 101b - - Bishop 2 Victoria, 8st 71b ... Ryan Lady Constance, 8st 71b - Haynes 3 to 2 on Ebor, 2 to 1 agst Paul Pry. Won by two lengths, Victoria a bad third, and Lady Constance last. Time, 2 min. 56 sec. Metropolitan Cup of L100 ; 2 mi; handicap Woodranger, by Sportsman, 5 yrs, 7st 111b Bishop 1 Young Alma, aged, 9st 31b - Richardson 2 Attila, aged, 9st ... Ryan Dauntless, 4 yrs, 7st 101b - Henderson Lucretia, aged, 7st - - Bateman Red Rover, 3 yrs, 6st 121b - W. Davis 3 to 2 agst Woodranger, 3 to 1 agst Red Rover, 6 to 1 each agst Young Alma and Attila, 10 to 1 agst Lucretia. Won easily by a length, Young Alma second, Attila a bad third, and Red Rover fourth, the other two nowhere. Time, 3 min 53 sec. Selling Stakes of L40 ; 1 mi Black Bess, aged, 9st lib - Monaghan 1 Wattle Blossom, 5 yrs, carried 8st 101b ' Trainor 2 Sir James, 5 yrs, 9st 81b - Morrison Woodpecker, aged, 8st 81b - Henderson Victoria, 3 yrs, 8st 61b - - Ryan Necromancer, 4 yrs, 8st lib - Moore Birdswing, 5 yrs, 7st 121b - Howard Blink Bonny, 3 yrs, 6st 131b - Redman 2 to 1 agst Blink Bonny, 3 to 1 each agst Black Bess and Victoria, 4 to 1 agst Wood- pecker, 5 to 1 agst Birdswing. Won cleverly by a head, Blink Bonny third, the others nowhere. Time, 1 min. 56 sec. The winner was bought in for L80. Selling Hurdle Race of L40 ; 2 mi Leader, aged, 9st 71b - Robinson 1 Barton, aged, lOst - - - Maloy 2 Dauntless, aged, list - - Harcoan Orphan, aged, list ... West 3 to 2 agst Barton. Won easily, Orphan a bad third. The winner was bought in for L45. SATURDAY, Mar. 29— Handicap Steeple- chase of L100 ; about 3 mi General, by Besborough, aged, lOst 41b Robinson 1 Donovan Brown, aged, 12st - Kelly 2 Modesty, aged, lOst 81b - Johnsson Dominie, aged, lOst 21b - Richardson Sebastopol, aged, 9st 111b - West St. Clair, aged, 9st 71b - - Maloy 3 to 2 agst Young Camel, who weighed but did not start, 3 to 1 each agst Donovan Brown and Sebastopol, 4 to 1 agst General, 5 to 1 agst Dominie, 6 to 1 agst St. Clair. Won by half a head, Modesty third, Sebas- topol fourth, and St. Clair fifth. Town Plate of L100; 2 mi Mormon, by The Premier, 6 yrs, lOst 41b Simpson 1 Ebor, 3 yrs, 8st 21b - - - Bates 2 Woodranger, 5 yrs, 9st 111b - Lang Paul Pry, 3 yrs, 8st 21b - - Bishop Even on Mormon, 5 to 4 agst Ebor, 3 to 1 agst Woodranger. Won easily by three lengths, Ebor a length before Paul Pry, Woodranger nowhere. Time, 3 min. 53 sec. Helter-Skelter Handicap of L50 ; 1 mi Cardigan, by Merry Sand Boy, aged, 7st 81b - - - - W. Perkins 1 Carisbrook, 3 yrs, carried 8st lib - Cooke 2 Tearaway, 5 yrs, carried 9st - Yeend 6 Sir James, 5 yrs, 8st 51b - Hamilton Woodpecker, aged, 7st 121b - Henderson Satina, 3 yrs, 7st - - - Redman Loadstone, 2 yrs, 5st 101b - S. Grimwood Dusty Sal, aged, 9st - - Trainor fell Red Rover, 3 yrs, 7st 101b - Bardwell fell 3 to 2 on Carisbrook. Won by two lengths, Sir James third, and Satina fourth. Dusty Sal and Red Rover fell beyond the distance. Time, 1 min. 51 sec. 57 APEIL, 1862. 58 Welter Stakes of L50; 1 mi 4 fur Lancaster, by Sportsman, 4 yrs, lOst 111b Mr. N.D.Bond 1 Black Bess, 6 yrs, 12st71b Mr. G. Watson 2 Orphan, aged, 12st 7lb - Mr. J. Orr 3 to 2 on Lancaster, who won easily by a length. Time, 2 min, 59 sec. The winner was bought in at the upset price, L75. Consolation Selling Stakes of L30 ; 1 mi 4 fur Lucretia, 6 yrs, 9st lib - Morrison 1 Wattle Blossom, 5 yrs, 8st 41b - Bates 2 Victoria, 3 yrs, 7st 8lb - W. Perkins 3 to 2 on Lucretia, who won easily by a length, Wattle Blossom beating Victoria by the same distance. Time, 2 min. 56 sec. The winner was bought in at the upset price, L70. CAVENDISH. THURSDAY, March 27.— Maiden Plate of L15 ; 1 mi 4 fur Buccaneer, 4 yrs - - Ferguson 1 Rory O'More, aged .... 2 Cockey, aged 3 Won by a length. Town Plate ofL31; 2 mi Surprise, by Buzzard, 5 yrs 1 Mustang, carried 101b extra - - - 2 Nancy -------- b Chinaman Won by two lengths, Nancy a bad third. Steeplechase of L24 ; 2 mi Goulburn - * - - - R. Best 1 Nugget 2 Balaclava ------ 3 CASTLEMAINE AUTUMN. WEDNESDAY, April 2— Maiden Plate of L40 ; 1 mi 4 fur Sweetlips, by Abdallah, 2 yrs Redman 1 Shamrock, aged - - Richardson 2 Abel, aged ... - Robinson 3 Won by half a length ; Abel nowhere Castlemaine Autumn Handicap of L60; 2 mi Gameboy, aged, 8st - - Powell 1 Woodranger, 5 yrs, 9st - - Lang 2 Jeannie Deans, 4 yrs, 8st 51b - Ashcroft 3 Dr. Holloway, aged, 7st 81b - Bishop 4 Won by half a neck. Ladies' Purse of L40 ; handicap ; 2 mi Barton, by Delapre, aged Richardson 1 Loddon Lass, 4 yrs - - Owner 2 Brownlock, aged - Mr. Jno. Orr 3 Bobby, aged - - - Mr. Hawkes 4 Won by a length. The Shorts of L20 ; 4 fur ; heats Abel, aged - - Robinson Oil Miss Grant, 5 yrs - - - 10 2 Jeannette, 3 yrs - - - - 2 Firetail, 3 yrs 2 First heat won by half a length, second heat by half a length, third heat by a length and a half. THURSDAY, April 3.— Selling Stakes of L30 ; 1 mi 6 fur Partisan, by Delapre, aged - Hennessy Sweetlips, 2 yrs ... Redman Mickey Free, aged - - Powell Monkey, aged ... Yeend Abel, aged - Robinson Loddon Lass, 4 yrs - - Owner Won easily, Mickey Free a good third, the others nowhere. Handicap Sweepstakes of L26 ; 1 mi 4 fur Darkey, by Quiz-the-Wind, 3 yrs, 8st Bishop 1 Woodranger, 5 yrs, 9st 21b - Lang 2 Won easily. District Plate of L25 ; handicap ; 2 mi Brownlock, by The Premier, aged, lOst 61b - - - Mr. Jno. Orr 1 Bobby, aged, 9st 61b - Mr. Hawkes 2 Won by a length and a half. Castlemaeste Hurdle Race of L40 ; handicap ; 1 mi 4 fur ; heats Dominie, aged, list Richardson 12 1 Black Chance, aged, 9st 7lb Robinson 2 12 Shamrock, 4 yrs, 9st 121b Martin 3 3 Barton, aged ... Huntsman, aged - - - - First heat won by a length, second heat won cleverly, third heat won by half a length. Consolation Handicap of L23 ; 1 mi 4 fur Monkey, aged, 6st 101b - ... 1 Loddon Lass, 4 yrs, 8st 41b - - - Huntsman, aged, 8st 7lb - - - - Mickey Free, aged, 8st 21b - - - Shamrock, aged, 7st 81b - - - - CRE3SY. THURSDAY, April 3.— Maiden Plate of L20 ; 1 mi 4 fur Conrad, 4 yrs 1 Young Buckley 2 Granite 3 Maggy 4 Won easily. Time, 3 min. 2 sec. Town Plate of L30 ; 3 mi Young Alma, by Milton, aged Perkins 1 Ranger ... - Macdonald 2 Mainroyal - - - - Mitchell 3 Limerick Lass ... Fallan Tit Bit New Won in a canter. Time, 6 min. 12 sec. Handicap Steeplechase of L30 ; 3 mi Norman, list 71b Perkins 1 Count, list - - - Armstrong Won easily. 59 APKIL, 1862. 60 Consolation Handicap of L20 ; 1 rni 4 fur Ranger Limerick Lass Won by a neck. DUNOLLY. THURSDAY, April L40; 1 mi 4 fur Coquette, 4 yrs "Weasel, 4 yrs I-want-It, 5 yrs Lady Don, 2 yrs - Lapwing, 3 yrs Lady Wilton, 5 yrs Noisette, 4 yrs Won by two lengths third. 10.— Madden Plate of Dunn 1 - Dodd 2 Hennessy 3 Redman Powell Richards Dowling I- Want-It a good Steeplechase of L40 ; twice round Dominie, aged - - Richardson 1 Leader, aged ... Robinson 2 The Brewer, aged - - Martin Won in a canter. Dunolly Jockey Club Cup of L75 ; handi- cap ; 3 mi Woodranger, by Sportsman, aged, 9st 41b Lang 1 Gameboy, aged, 7st 101b - Powell 2 Haidee, 5 yrs, 8st 41b - - Dowling 3 Yorkshireman, 5 yrs, 9st 41b Robinson Maxwell, aged, 8st 71b - - Dodd Lucretia, aged, 8st ... Cooke Bray, aged, 8st ... Solloway Huntsman, aged, 7st 121b - King Won easily, Haidee a good third. Scurry Selling Stakes of L25 ; 1 mi; heats Woodpecker, by Rory O'More, aged Henderson Oil Mickey Free, aged - Powell 10 2 Monkey, aged - - Cooke 2 Black Bess, 3 yrs - Poulson Flirt, 5 yrs - - Hennessy First heat won easily, second heat easily, third heat easily. Woodpecker was sold for L32 10s. FRIDAY, April 11.— Publicans' Purse of L50 ; 1 mi 4 fur Optional Selling Steeplechase of L30 ; twice round Ballaarat, aged ... David 1 Leader, aged ... Robinson 2 Won easily. The winner was sold for L52. Paul Pry, by The Premier, 3 yrs Henderson Huntsman, aged ... Moore Darkey, 3 yrs ... Hennessy Noisette, 4 yrs ... Irving Coquette, 4 yrs - Dunn Won easily. Ladies' Purse ofL50; 2 mi Yorkshireman, by Young Delapre, 5 yrs Mr. Mount Sweetlips, 2 yrs - Redman Won by half a length Consolation Handicap of L30 ; 2 mi Maxwell, aged, 8st 41b - - Dodd Gameboy, aged, 8st - - Powell Haidee, 5 yrs, 8st - - Henderson Lucretia, 6 yrs, 8st - - Cooke Huntsman, aged, 7st 121b - King Darkey, 3 yrs, 7st - - - Taylor Won cleverly, a good third. MELBOURNE TROTTING. SATURDAY, April 12.— Maiden Trot of L75 ; 1 mi 4 fur ; heats Dozy, aged, lOst lib - Trainor 1 1 Rocket, 6 yrs Driven by Mr. Hathorne 2 2 Garibaldi, aged Driven by Mr. English 3 3 Cranky Poll, aged, lOst lib Hutton dist 2 to 1 each agst Rocket and Dozy. First heat won by several lengths, Garibaldi a bad third, and Cranky Poll distanced. Time, 4 min.31| sec. Second heat won by a length, Garibaldi a bad third. Time, 4 min. 27 sec. Champion Harness Trot of L100 ; 6 mi Mazeppa, aged Driven by Mr. R. Orr 1 Whisker, aged Driven by Mr. Warren 2 Lucy Escott, 6 yrs Driven by J. Wilson dist Sir William Don, aged Driven by Mr. Peck dist 3 to 2 on Mazeppa, 2 to 1 agst Whisker, 3 to 2 that the race was trotted in 18 minutes. Won by four lengths. Time, 17 min. 52 sec. Selling Saddle Trot of L50 ; 2 mi ; heats Dozy, aged, list 81b - Trainor 1 1 Little John, aged, 9st 91b - Smith 2 2 Blueskin, aged, 9st 111b - Treacey dist Cranky Poll, aged, carried list 101b Bence dist Donald, aged, 9st 61b - - West dist Even on Little John, 3 to 2 agst Dozy. First heat won by three lengths, Little John second, the others distanced. Time, 5 min. 52 sec. Second heat, 3 to 2 on Dozy, who won by six lengths. Time, 6 min, 6 sec. Handicap Trot of L50 ; 3 mi 240 yds Dozy, aged, started at scratch, lOst lib Trainor 1 Lucy Escott, 6 yrs, started at scratch, carried extra weight - Wilson 2 Rocket, 6 yrs, 50 yards start Driven by Mr. Hathorne Whisker, aged, started at scratch Driven by Mr. Bowes Little John, aged, 50 yards start, lOst lib Smith Blueskin, aged, 150 yards start Driven by Mr. Peck 61 APRIL, 1862. 62 Topsy, aged, 150 yards start Driven by Mr. Cleeland Donald, aged, 150 yards start - West Garibaldi, aged, 150 yards start Driven by Mr. English 7 to 4 agst Whisker, 2 to 1 each agst Dozy and Lucy Escott, 3 to 1 each agst Rocket and Little John. Won by a length, Rocket third, Whisker fourth, and the others nowhere. The time was not taken. . CAMPERDOWN. MONDAY, April 14.— Maiden Plate of L25 ; 1 mi 4 fur Bosh 1 Happy Joe 2 Young Rose ------ 3 Town Plate of L40 ; 3 mi Young Alma, by Milton 1 Ranger 2 Zera 3 Conrad -4 Won by two lengths. Consolation Stakes of L20 ; 1 mi 4 fur Conrad 1 Ranger 2 Won by two lengths. INGLEWOOD. TUESDAY, April 15.— Maiden Plate of L30 ; lmi; heats Weatherbit, 4 yrs - Gower 10 1 Noisette, 4 yrs - Richardson 2 12 Silvertail, 3 yrs - Ashcroft 3 2 Miss Grant, aged - - Ward 4 First heat won by half a length ; second heat won easily ; third heat won by a neck. Optional Selling Hurdle Race of L25 ; 2 mi Dominie, aged, lOst 81b - Richardson 1 Ballaarat, aged, lOst 81b - David 2 Black Chance, aged, 9st 81b 3 Leader, aged, lOst lib - Robinson Won easily. Handicap of L50 ; 3 mi Yorkshireman, by Young Delapre, 5 yrs, 9st21b ... - Manning 1 Partisan, 6 yrs, 9st 81b - Robinson 2 Haidee, 5 yrs, 8st 7lb - Richardson bit Won by a length. District Race of L20 ; lmi; heats Spondulix, aged - - Powell 10 1 Polly - - - - Solloway 12 Seven started. WEDNESDAY, April 16.— Ladies' Purse of L25 ; 1 mi 4 fur Sweetlips, by Abdallah, 2 yrs, 5st 91b Redman 1 Weatherbit, 4 yrs, lOst 111b - Gower 2 Won easily. 1 mi 2 fur Warne Powell Selling Stakes of L25 Huntsman, aged, 9st 81b Mickey Free, aged, 8st 81b Spondulix, aged, 9st lib - - - - Won easily. Handicap Hurdle Race of L30 ; 2 mi Ballaarat, aged, 9st - - Warne 1 Black Chance, aged, 9st 101b - Martin 2 Dominie, aged, lOst 71b - Richardson 3 Leader, aged, 9st 7lb - Robinson Won by a length, Dominie a bad third. Quartz Miners' Purse of L40; handicap; 2 mi Maxwell, aged, 8st 121b - - Yeend Haidee, 5 yrs, 8st 41b - - Irving Monkey, aged, 7st - - Redman Yorkshireman, 5 yrs, 9st 91b - Manning Partisan, 6 yrs, 9st 71b - Robinson Gameboy, aged, 8st 51b - - Powell Jeannie Deans, 4 yrs, 7st 71b - Taylor Won cleverly. Consolation Handicap of L20 ; 1 mi 4 fur Haidee, by Abd-el-Kader, 5 yrs, 9st Richardson 1 Mickey Free, aged, 8st 71b - Powell 2 Leader, aged, 8st - - Dowling Wild Dayrell, aged, 7st - Redman Won by several lengths. SMEATON AND CLUNES. WEDNESDAY, April 16— Maiden Plate of L27 ; 1 mi 4 fur Pilot, 6 yrs I- Want-It, 5 yrs Young Smeaton, 5 yrs Miss Mofi'at, aged Black Ball, 4 yrs - Miss Kangaroo, 4 yrs Lapwing, 3 yrs Won easily. Vowles 1 Smeaton Handicap of L65 ; 2 mi 240 yds Prince, aged, 9st 121b - Stockman, 5 yrs, 9st 21b St. Patrick, aged, 9st Paul Pry, 3 yrs, 8st lib Won by half a length. Farmers' Purse of L31 ; Prince, aged, lOst Gameboy, 5 yrs, 9st 41b Leirsch Bishop Smith Henderson handicap; 2 mi Leirsch 1 E. Bishop 2 Handicap Hurdle THURSDAY, April 17 Race of L42 ; 3 mi Yambuck, by Traveller, aged, 9st 61b Henderson Pop-goes-the-Weasel, 5 yrs, 9st - Yeend Black Ball, 4 yrs, 8st 101b - E. Bishop Won easily. Clunes Town Plate of L39; 2 mi Prince, aged, lOst lib - - Leirsch Paul Pry, 3 yrs, 8st 51b - Henderson St. Patrick, aged, lOst 41b - Smith Won easily. 63 APEIL, 1862. 64 Selling Race of L26 ; 1 mi 4 fur Stockman, 5 yrs Red Rose, 5 yrs .... I-want-It, 5 yrs "Won by half a length, I-want-It a third. good Consolation Stakes of LI' St. Patrick, by Lucifer Paul Pry ; 1 mi 4 fur Smith 1 Henderson 2 Won easily. TULLAROOP. -Maiden Plate of L40; MONDAY, April 21. 1 mi 4 fur Deerfoot, by Dolo, 4 yrs, 9st 61b Morrison 1 I- Want-It, 5 yrs, 9st 111b - Lang 2 3 to 1 on Deerfoot. Won easily by three lengths. Time, 3 min. 7 sec. Moss Rose Challenge Cup, value L50, with L29 ; once round and a distance Carisbrook, by Warhawk, 3 yrs, 9st 91b Lang 1 Maradoo, aged, 12st 111b - Pettitt 2 10 to 1 on Carisbrook. Won in a canter. Tullaroop Handicap of L130 ; 2 mi 2 fur Woodranger, by Sportsman, 5 yrs, 8st 81b Lang 1 Maxwell, aged, carried 7st 131b Yeend 2 Attila, aged, 8st 41b - Henderson 3 Yorkshireman, 5 yrs, carried 8st 81b Smith Lucretia, 6 yrs, 7st 121b - - Cooke 3 to 2 agst Maxwell, 2 to 1 agst Attila. Won by four lengths, Maxwell four lengths ahead of Attila, Yorkshireman a bad fourth, and Lucretia nowhere. Time, 4 min. 23 sec. Shorts of L25 ; 1 mi ; heats Pilot, aged, 10st lib - Vowles 1 1 Butcher Boy, aged, lOst lib - David 2 2 Even betting. First heat won easily by four lengths, second heat won in a canter. Hurry Scurry of L20 ; Gameboy, aged, 8st Loddon Lass, 4 yrs, 8st Yambuck, aged, Sst Barmaid, 5 yrs, Sst Planet, aged, 8st Deerfoot, 4 yrs, Sst Coquette, 4 yrs, Sst - 2 to 1 agst Gameboy. lengths. once round Powell 1 Henderson 2 Dowling Poulson M'Kay Cooke fell Solloway fell Won by two TUESDAY, April 22. L40 ; 1 mi 6 fur -All Age Stakes of Woodranger, by Sportsman, 5 yrs, 9st 111b Lang 1 Lightning, 5 yrs, 9st 111b - Leirsch Lightning pulled up. Handicap Hurdle Race of L65 ; twice round Ballaarat, aged, lOst 41b - David 1 Yambuck, aged, list 71b - Manning 2 Dominie, aged, 12st - Richardson Leader, aged, lOst 101b - Martin 3 to 2 on Dominie. Won by a length. Maryborough Town Plate of L60 ; 2 mi Paul Pry, by The Premier, 3 yrs, Sst 51b Henderson 1 Prince, aged, lOst lib - - Leirsch 2 Yorkshireman, 5 yrs, 9st 111b - Smith Loddon Lass. 4 yrs, 9st 51b - J. Mitchell Maxwell, aged, lOst lib - Warne Even on Paul Pry. Won by ten lengths, Prince ten lengths ahead of Yorkshireman, who was third, the others nowhere. Time, 3 min. 52 sec. Selling Race of L30 ; once round Haidee, by Abd-el-Kader, 5 yrs, 8st 111b Richardson Woodpecker, aged, carried Sst 51b Powell Deerfoot, 4 yrs, 7st 131b - Henderson Sweetlips, 2 yrs, 5st 91b - Redman Lucretia, 6 yrs, 9st lib - Morrison Pilot, aged, 8st lib - - Dowling Huntsman, aged, Sst 81b - Richards 2 to 1 each agst Deerfoot and Haidee. Won easily by six lengths, Deerfoot a bad third, Huntsman fourth, and Lucretia fifth. Sweetlips pulled up after she had gone a quarter of a mile. The winner was bought in for L81. Consolation Stakes of L20 ; once round Maxwell, aged, lOst lib - Yeend 1 Sweetlips, 2 yrs, 5st 91b - Redman 2 5 to 4 on Sweetlips. Won easily by six lengths. WERRIBEE CAMP. TUESDAY, April 22.— Werribee Cup of L66; 2mi Black Bess, aged, 12st 71b - Mr. Hume 1 Minerva, 5 yrs, list 131b Mr. Wedgewood 2 Nelly Bly, 3 yrs, lOst 41b - West 3 Won easily by two lengths. Open Handicap of L72 ; 1 mi 6 fur Limerick Lass, by Dolo, aged 8st 41b W. Perkins 1 Cedric, 4 yrs, Sst 111b - Waldock 2 Partisan, aged, 9st - - Robinson 3 Wattle Blossom, 5 yrs, Sst 41b - Bates Loadstone, 2 yrs, feather - Howard Won by half a head. Hurdle Race Match of L50 ; about 3 mi General, by Besborough, aged Mr. Weston 1 Ringtail, 5 yrs - - - Mr. Howell 2 Won easily. Handicap Hurdle Race of L48 ; 2 mi 4 fur St. Clair, aged, lOst 71b - Johnsson 1 Cadger, aged, lOst - Lacey 2 Won easily by twelve lengths. 65 APEIL, 1862. The Pitt Stakes of L39 ; 1 ml 2 fur Midnight ... Mr. Tyson Buckley .... Mr. Fallan Tom .... - Monaghan Nancy ... - Capt. Purcell Won by four lengths. Volunteer Galop of L23 ; 1 mi Buckley - - - Mr. Howell Beating several others MANSFIELD. -Maiden Plate of L2 4 ; TUESDAY, April 22. 1 mi 4 fur Faugh-a-Ballagh, 4 yrs, 9st lib Gardner 1 Wild Polly, 3 yrs, 8st lib - Owens 2 Shamrock, 2 yrs, 6st 111b - H. Hoisted 3 Mansfield Plate of L42 ; 2 mi 4 fur Gameboy, aged, lOst lib - Fraser 1 Zanga, 4 yrs, 9st lib - - Gardner 2 Doctor, aged, lOst lib - - Hill Defence, aged, lOst lib - Johnson Molly Bawn, 2 yrs, 6st 111b - H. Hoisted Even on Defence. Won cleverly by a length, the others nowhere. Hurdle Race of L36 ; 2 mi 4 fur David, aged, list lib - M'Carthy 1 Kildare, aged, list lib - J. Hoisted 2 Wild Polly, 3 yrs, 8st 41b - Owens A magnificent race between the first two. WEDNESDAY, April 23— Publicans' Purse of L30 ; 1 mi 4 fur ; heats Molly Bawn, by Cardinal Wiseman, 2 yrs, 6st 111b - H. Hoisted 1 w.o. Avenal, 3 yrs, 8st lib W. Hoisted 1 Gameboy, aged, lOst 81b, (7lb extra) Fraser 2 2 Defence, 6 yrs, lOst lib - Hill Both heats won easily. Handicap of L50 ; 3 mi Grace Darling, 5 yrs, 8st 41b W. Hoisted 1 Mann 2 Wee Pet, aged, 8st 41b Doctor, aged, 9st 7lb - - Johnson Zanga, 4 yrs, 9st ... Gardner Miss Watt, aged, 7st 101b - Martin Won by a length Selling Stakes of L26 ; 1 mi 240 yds ; heats Avenal, 3 yrs, 8st lib - W. Hoisted 1 1 David, aged, 8st 81b - Gardner 2 Flirt, 6 yrs, 9st lib - - Owens 2 Defence, aged, lOst lib - HiU First heat won by a length ; second heat by a head. Forced Consolation Handicap of £17; 1 mi 4 fur Miss Watt, aged, 6st 121b - H. Hoisted 1 Wee Pet, aged, 8st 21b - Gardner 2 Doctor, aged, 8st 41b - W. Hoisted Kildare, aged, 7st 6lb - - Martin Won in a canter. L0DD0N. THURSDAY, April 24— Maiden Plate of L15 ; 1 mi ; heats Brown George, 3 yrs J. Mitchell 13 1 Planet, 5 yrs - - Liersch 2 12 Saunterer, 3 yrs - - Powell 3 2 First heat won easily ; second heat won easily ; third heat won cleverly. Publicans' Purse of L20 ; 1 mi 4 fur ; heats Maxwell, aged - - Warne 2 11 Prince, aged - - Liersch 12 2 Black Chance, aged - Ward 3 dr First heat won easily ; second heat won cleverly ; third heat won easily. FRIDAY, April 25.- 1 mi 4 fur ; heats Maxwell, aged Woodpecker, aged Maradoo, aged - Loddon Lass, 4 yrs -Selling Stakes of L20: Warne Powell Dowling Yeend 4 1 1 4 2 3 3 2 second First heat won by half a length : heat won easily ; third heat won in a can- ter. Maxwell was sold to Mr. Liersch for L81. Hurdle Race of L20 ; 1 mi 4 fur ; heat3 Ballaarat, aged, lOst 71b - David 3 11 Black Chance, aged, lOst 71b Ward 12 2 Huntsman, aged, lOst 7lb Richards 2 3 First heat won easily; second and third heats in a canter. Consolation Stakes of L8 ; 2 mi Prince, aged ... Liersch 1 Woodpecker, aged - - - Warne 2 Won in a canter. KILMORE. TUESDAY, April 29.— Maiden Plate of L20 ; once round ; heats Tomboy, by Peter Wilkins, 2 yrs W. Perkins 1 1 Shadow, 3 yrs - - Dowling 2 Harkaway, 2 yrs - R.H.Abbott 2 Don Juan, 6 yrs - Rutherford 3 Little Mary Ann, 5 yrs - Brownlow Jenny, 3 yrs ... Irving 3 dr First heat won by a length, two lengths between second and third; second heat won by half a length, Don Juan a good third. Publicans' Purse of L40 ; twice round ; heats Young Alma, by Milton, aged Mitchell 1 w.o. Paul Pry, 3 yrs - - Lang 2 Red Rover, aged - Wakefield Won by half a length, Red Rover no- where. Hack Hurdle Race of L20 ; once round and distance; heats Prince, 5 yrs Gaffer Grey, 5 yr3 Kyle 3 1 - Bradley 1 J.Abbott 2 2 "Wakefield 4 Mitchell 5 dr 67 Brown Bess, 4 yrs Nimrod, aged The Don, aged Ladies' Purse of L20 ; once round ; heats Sam, 6 yrs - - Dodson 2 1 w.o. Tomboy, 2 yrs - W. Perkins 1 Brown Bess, 4 yrs - J. Abbott 3 2 Shadow, 3 yrs - Bradley Silver, aged - - Kyle dist Blue Bell, 4 yrs - Rutherford dist Tomboy won the first heat by a head, but bolted in the second heat, which was run the following day. WEDNESDAY, April 30.— Town Plate of L40 ; three times round Haidee, by Abd-el-Kader, 5 yrs, 8st 91b Lang 1 Young Alma, aged, lOst 41b - Mitchell 2 Jenny Lind, 4 yrs, 7st 121b B. H. Abbott Brown Bess, 4 yrs, 7st lib - Kenny Won cleverly by half a length. Bought in for L54. Handicap Steeplechase of L40 ; about 3 mi Dominie, aged, list 41b - Richardson 1 Prince, 5 yrs, 9st ... Kyle 2 Ben Bolt, aged, 9st 71b - Wakefield Won cleverly. Kilmore Handicap of L50 ; twice round and distance Haidee, by Abd-el-Kader, 5 yrs, 8st 91b Lang 1 Paul Pry, 3 yrs, 8st 41b - Henderson 2 Miss Watt, 6 yrs, 7st 71b - Rutherford Young Alma, aged, 9st 41b - Mitchell Swiss Boy, 5 yrs, 7st 101b R.H.Abbott Won by half a head. Consolation Handicap of L20 ; twice round Jenny Lind, 4 yrs, 6st 111b R. H. Abbott 1 Miss Watt, 6 yrs, 7st - E. Bradley 2 Red Rover, aged, 8st 71b - Dowling Shadow, 3 yrs, 7st 71b - W. Perkins GRAIGIEBURN. SATURDAY, May 10.— Maiden Plate of L25 ; once round and distance 1 2 3 MAT, 1862. Planet, 5 yrs ... Harkaway, 2 yrs - Tom, aged Paddy-come-Lately, aged - Alice, aged Rip Van Winkle, 5 yrs Blink Bonny, 3 yrs Won easily. Craigiebubn Handicap of L40 6 fur Maxwell, aged, 9st - Young Alma, aged, 9st 71b Miss Watt, 6 yrs, 6st - Black Bess, 6 yrs, 8st 121b Cardigan, aged, 8st 31b Swiss Boy, 5 yrs, 7st 121b Jenny Lind, 4 yrs, 6st Won easily by six lengths. Liersch about 1 mi Jones Hieover Purse of L35; once round and distance; heats; handicap Brown Bess, 4 yrs, 1 Ost - Abbott 2 11 Leader, aged, list 41b - - 12 2 Alice, 6 yrs, lOst 71b .--00 Apelles, lOst 121b - - - dist Leader won the first heat, but balked frequently in the second and third. Selling Stakes of L25 ; once round Bendigo, aged - . - - Woods 1 Garibaldi, 4 yrs 2 Abel, aged 3 Paddy-come-Lately, aged - - - Rip Van Winkle, 5 yrs Chance, aged Spring, uged Blink Bonny, 3 yrs - ... Won by four lengths, Abel a good third. BALLAARAT AUTUMN. FRIDAY, May 16— Selling Stakes of L25; 2 mi Stockman, 5 yrs, 8st Sib - Smith 1 Young Alma, aged, 9st 81b - Mitchell 2 Haidee, 5 yrs, 8st 121b - Richardson Woodpecker, aged, 8st 81b - Hill 5 to 4 agst Haidee, 3 to 2 agst Young Alma, 5 to 3 agst Stockman, 4 to 1 agst Wood- pecker. Won easily by four lengths, Haidee two lengths behind Young Alma. The winner was bought in for L44. Hurdle Race Match of L100 ; 3 mi Ballaarat, aged, lOst - - David 1 Dominie, aged, lOst - Richardson 2 Even betting. Won easily by eight lengths. Selling Hurdle Race of L15; 1 mi 6 fur Huntsman, aged, 9st lib - Richardson 1 Stockman, 5 yrs, 9st 41b - Mitchell 2 Yambuck, aged, 9st 81b - Manning Even on Huntsman, who won by a length, Yambuck a bad third. The winner was sold for L43. L500 Champion Trotting Match of L166 13s. 4d. forfeit; 3 mi; heats Mazeppa, aged ... received Dozy, aged .... paid SWAN HILL. WEDNESDAY. May 14.— Maiden Plate of L25 ; 1 mi 4 fur Kinchen, 5 yrs - Curragh-more, 3 yrs - Who'd-have-thought-it, 5 yrs Won by a length. District Plate of L39 Dun Dolo, by Dolo, 3 yrs Geraldine, 3 yrs - Smeaton, aged - Mr. R. Beveridge Grey Jack, aged - - J. Mitchell Won easily by two lengths. Jarrett Dowling Curran 1 mi Jarrett Dowling i69 MAT Publicans' Purse of L35; 2 mi Partisan, by Delapre, aged - Ward 1 Maniac, aged - Mr. R. Beveridge 2 Miss Wyndham, 3 yrs - - Harrard Gameboy, aged .... Hill Doctor, aged .... Johnson "Won by a length, Maniac obtaining second place in the last stride. THURSDAY, May 15.— Derby of L30 ; 1 mi Dun Dolo, by Dolo, 3 yrs, carried 8st 131b Jarrett 1 Crinoline, 2 yrs, carried 8st 111b Dowling 2 Won by a neck. Hurdle Race of L15 ; 3 mi Captain Bob, aged - - Owner w.o. Selling Stakes of L25 ; 1 mi 4 fur ; heats Loddon Lass, by Warhawk, 4 yrs Ward 1 1 Dauntless, aged - J. Mitchell 2 2 Both heats won easily. FRIDAY, May 16.— Town Plate of L60; 3mi Partisan, by Delapre, aged - Ward 1 Gameboy, aged - Johnson 2 Maniac, aged - Mr. R. Beveridge Dun Dolo, 3 yrs ... Dowling 2 to 1 each agst Dun Dolo and Partisan. Won by a length, Maniac third, Dun Dolo unable to stay the distance. Ladies' Purse of L42 ; 1 mi ; heats Loddon Lass, by Warhawk, 4 yrs Mr. Malpas 1 1 Curragh-more, 3 yrs, 71b extra Dowling 2 Defence, aged - - Mr. Burgess 2 3 Dauntless, aged - - Owner Miss Wyndham, 3 yrs, 71b extra Jarrett dr Both heats were well contested. Consolation Handicap of L20 Doctor, by Colonel, aged, 9st 21b Johnson 1 Miss Wyndham, 3 yrs, 7st 111b Curran 2 Geraldine, 3 yrs, 8st 21b - Dowling 3 Gameboy, aged, 9st 21b - J. Mitchell Won by a length. SANDFORD AND CASTERTON. TUESDAY, May 20.— Great Western Handi- cap Steeplechase of L100 ; about 4 mi Souter Johnny, by King Alfred, 5 yrs list 71b - - Mr. R. Learmonth 1 Charlton, aged, lOst 71b - Trainor 2 Vanguard, aged, list 51b Mr. Gordon Even on Souter Johnny, who won easily. Vanguard did not go round. Selling Steeplechase of L40 ; about 3 mi Vandyke - Mr. Bell 1 Nonsense 2 1862. 70 White Stockings A good race between the first and second. White Stockings did not go round. WEDNESDAY, May 21.— Open Handicap of L80; 2 mi Clive, by Clifton, aged, 9st 61b - Ross 1 Mystery, aged, 8st 101b ... 2 Mustang, 5 yrs, 8st 101b .... 3 Whalebone, aged, 8st 121b Frederick, 4 yrs, 8st 51b .... Whaleboat, 4 yrs, 8st - - - - Mayflower, 4 yrs, 7st 101b - - Mountain Maid, 4 yrs, carried 8st 71b - 2 to 1 agst Clive, 5 to 2 agst Frederick, 4 to 1 agst Whaleboat. Won by half a length, Mustang a length and a half behind Mystery. Whaleboat was fourth, Frederick fifth, Mayflower sixth, and Whalebone next. Time, 3 min. 59 sec. Hack Hurdle Race of L20 ; once round ; heats Robinson Crusoe Mr. Cowderoy 10 1 Tramp 2 12 Bendigo 02 Snowball Ivanhoe - - - - - Garry Owen .---00 Mazeppa First heat won easily. Second heat won by a length. Third heat won easily. Maiden Plate of L40 ; 1 mi 4 fur Mountain Maid, 4 yrs - - Trainor 1 Fairy, aged 2 Lady Napier, 2 yrs .... 3 Nonsense, 5 yrs White Stockings Even on Lady Napier. Won by a length, Lady Napier third, the other two nowhere. THURSDAY, May 22.— Match of L40 ; 3 mi Mystery, by Young Jersey, aged Trainor 1 Mustang, 5 yrs 2 Won in a canter. Time, 6 min. 21 sec. EMERALD HILL AND SANDRIDGE. SATURDAY, May 24— Madden Plate of L25 ; once round and distance Rip Van Winkle, 5 yrs, 9st 121b D. Jones 1 Linnet, aged, lOst lib - MitcheU 2 Modesty, 2 yrs, 6st 61b - Howard 3 Tom, aged, lOst lib - - Hutton 4 Paddy-come-Lately, aged, lOst lib Liersch True Girl, aged, lOst lib - Challoner Midge, 5 yrs, 9st 121b - Bardwell Butcher's Daughter, 2 yrs, 6st 61b Grimwood Miss Mary, 2 yrs, 6st 61b - A. Davis 2 to 1 agst Linnet. Won by half a length, Modesty a length behind Rip Van Winkle; and Tom the same distance behind Modesty, the others nowhere. 71 MAT, 1862. 72 The Hill and Sandridge Purse of L50 ; 1 mi 4 fur; handicap Maxwell, aged, 9st 71b - Liersch 1 Sir James, 5 yrs, 8st - - "Wood 2 Limerick Lass, aged, 9st - Mitchell Stockman, aged, 8st 111b - Bardwell Black Bess, aged, Sst 51b - Henderson Bendigo, aged, 7st 51b - T. Waldock Ayxa-la-Horra, 2 yrs, carried Sst 111b Howard 2 to 1 agst Maxwell, 12 to 5 agst Black Bess, 5 to 2 agst Sir James, 4 to 1 each agst Limerick Lass, Stockman, and Bendigo. Won by half a head, Black Bess third, Limerick Lass fourth, Ayxa-la-Horra fifth, Stockman sixth, and Bendigo last. Handicap Hurdle Race of L30 ; once round and distance ; heats Donovan Brown, aged, list 71b Kelly 1 1 Linnet, aged, carried 9st 131b Mitchell 2 2 Black Bess, 6 yrs, carried 9st 111b Kitchen Alice, 6 yrs, carried 9st 31b - Boyd Even on Donovan Brown, who won both heats easily, Linnet being second in each, the others nowhere. Selling Race of L25 ; 1 mi Stockman, aged, 8st 81b - Bardwell 1 Limerick Lass, aged, 9st lib - Mitchell 2 Planet, 5 yrs, 9st 121b - - Liersch Sir James, 5 yrs, 9st 81b - Morrison Bendigo, aged, Sst lib - - Wood Abel, aged, 7st 81b - - - Allen Wattle Blossom, 5 yrs, 7st 51b Grimwood Birdswing, 5 yrs, 7st 51b - Howard Multum-in-Parvo, 5 yrs, 6st 121b S. Davis Run in the pelting rain. The winner was bought in at the upset price. KERAflS (LOWER LODDON.) WEDNESDAY, May 28.— Maiden Plate of L15 ; once round Ruby, by Quiz-the-Wind, 3 yrs - Jarrett 1 Veno, aged J. Mitchell 2 Publicans' Purse of L15 ; 2 mi Miss Wyndham, by Quiz-the-Wind, 3 yrs Harrard 1 Gameboy, aged ... Johnson 2 Won by a head. THURSDAY, May 29.— Ladies' Purse of L15 ; 1 mi 4 fur ; heats Ruby, by Quiz-the-Wind, 3 yrs Mr. J. Hill 1 1 Mercury, 5 yrs - Mr. A. M'Intosh 2 2 Trumpeter, aged - Mr. D. M'Intosh 3 3 Town Plate of L20 ; 3 mi Defence, by Delapre, aged - Hill 1 Doctor, aged ... Johnson Doctor went to the post to save a walk over. Hurdle Race of L12 ; once round ; heats Hector O'Halloran, by Traveller, aged J. Mitchell Oil Galloway, aged - Jamie son 10 Kinchen, 5 yrs - M'Intosh Consolation Stakes of L12; 1 mi 4 fur; heats Doctor, by Colonel, aged Johnson 2 1 w.o. Kinchen, 5 yrs - Harrard 1 2 73 INDEX. 74 INDEX TO HORSES THAT HAVE RUN IN 1861-62. [The references to winnings are printed within parentheses.] Age. 2 By Abdallah, ch f, 54 a Abel, ch g, (38), 48, 55, 57, (57), 58, 68, 71 3 Acasta, h f, 22 2 jEneas, b c, by Boiardo— Jersey, 8, 10, 31, (33), (33) a Alice, gr m, 67, 68, 71 3 Alpha, ir gr g, by Indian Warrior— Beta, by Rory O'More, 8, 31 3 Amazon, ch f, 24, 24 a Andover, b g, 15, 24, 25, 25, 33 2 Anna Maria, b f, 29 a Annie Laurie, b m, 7, 7, (7) 3 Annie Laurie, b f, by King Alfred, 44, 44 Antelope, ch g, 37 3 Antonelli, br e, by Cardinal Wiseman- Crazy Jane, by Figaro, 4, 4, 8, 9, (29), 30, (38). 39, (sent to New Zealand) 5 Apelles, b g, 6, 19, 19, (27) Apelles, ch g, 68 5 Archer, b h, by William Tell— Maid of the Oaks by Vagabond, (8), (9) Archer 26 a Attila,'b g, by Sir Watkin, (4), 9, (20), 32,55,63 2 Audacity, b f, by Cardinal Wiseman, 47 3 Avenal, b g, (22), 23, 47, (47), 65, (65) " yxa-la-Horra, ir gr f, by Abdallah- Pastille by St. John, (52), 71 Badger, 46 Balaclava, (15), 57 BaUarat, b g, (59), 61, (62), (64), (66), (68) Barber, The, bl g, 16, 17, 20 Barmaid, b m, 35, 54, 54, 63 Barney, 38 Baron, 27 Baroness, gr f, by Boiardo— Ganymede by Rory O'More, 3, 8, (16), 18, 31, 43 Barton, b g, by Delapre, 43, 56, (57), 58 Barwon, b c, by Boiardo— Jeannette by Little John, 43, 54 Barwon Lass, br f, (see Fallacy) Bayard, b c, by Boiardo— Beeswing by Cornborough, 16 Bellona, b m, by The Premier— Sorceress, 14, 15, 46, (47) Ben Bolt, m g, by Sir Bobert, 13 Ben Bolt, gr g, (28), 67 Bendigo, b g, (24), 33, (37), (37), 42, 55, (68), 71, 71 Bendigo, b g, 46, 70 Bessonete, b f, by The Premier— Madonna, Birdswing, b m, by Birdcatcher— Haidee, 4, 4, 9, 11, 16, 25, 25, (29), 37, 56, 71 Birthday, b g, by Waverley, 8, 10, (12), (15), 18, 32, 33 Age. 51ack-and- all-Black, bl c, by Cardinal Wiseman— Mountain Maid by Figaro, 38 39 Black Ball, b g, 39, 40, 62, 62 Black Bess, bl m, 4, 8, 10, 11, 11, 12, 31, (33), 33, 42, 42, (44), (56), 57, (64), 67, 71 Black Bess, bl m, 71 Black Bess, br f, 59 Blackboy, bl g, 1 Blackboy, bl g, 37, 42 Blackboy, bl g, 7 Black Chance, bl g, 19, (20), (27), 36, 36, 58.61,62,66,66 Black Jack, big, 41,41 Black Jack, bl g, (25), 44, 53 Black Tiger, bl g, by Rubens— Lubra by Tros, (6), (7), 7 Blink Bonny, br f, 54, 56, 67, 68 Blue Bell, b m, 67 Blueskin, b g, 60, 60 Bobby, br g, 12, 57, 58 Bobby, b g, 50 Bobby, 26 Bolero, b g, by Delapre— Miss Garlick by Romeo, (5) Bolivar, br g, 41 Bolivar, b g, (7), 20, (28), 29, 30, 30, (38) Bosh, b c, (61) Boss, The, b c, by King Alfred— Crock- ford's dam, 14 Botherem, b g, by iEther, 38, 39, 39 Bravo, b g, 33 Bray, b g, by The Premier, 16, (17), 18, (26), (26), 31, 32, 59 Brenda, br m, 15 Brewer, The, ch g, 59 Brown Bess, br m, 12, 13, 13, 67, 67, 67, (68) Brown George, b g, (66) Brownlock, br h, by The Premier- Enigma by Figaro, 57, (58) Bruin, b g, 38 Brunette, 12 Brunette, br m, 39, 40 Bryan O'Linn, br g, (7) Buccaneer, gr g, 46, (57) Buckley, b g, 22, 22 Buckley, 65, (65) Budgeree, ch g, 2, 18, 21, 50 Bully, 26 Burlington, ch c, by Lieutenant, 14, (14), (28), 35, 35 Bushman, b g, (7) Bushman, br g, 24, 44, 44 Butcher Boy, ch g 19, 26, (26), 36, 40, 40, 63 Butcher's Daughter, gr f, 70 Buzzard, b h, by Warhawk— Rosebud by Cornborough, 3, 16, (19), 32 75 INDEX. 76 A°"G. a Cadger, b g, 5, 8, 34, 34, 49, 52, 64 3 Camden, b c, by Conrad or Warhawk— Calliope by ^Ether, 3, (5), 9, (42), (43) a Camel, b g, 10 a Canmore, b g, 15 a Captain Bob, bl g, (69) a Captain Flatbooker, b g, 20 5 Cardigan, b g, (3), (5), 9, (24), 25 a Cardigan, br g, by Merry Sand Boy, (56), 67 3 Cardo, bl g, by Cardinal Wiseman, 19 3 Carisbrook, b m, by Warhawk, (late Native Lass,) (26), 26, 42, (55), 56, (63) 3 Carpillona, b f, by "Warwick— Hipped Bessy by St. Jobn, 42 a Cas Feigb, b m, 10, 26 6 Cavalier, b g, by Tbe Premier, 2, 14, 15, 25 4 Cedric, cb g, by Touchit, (20), 31, 42, 55, 64 a Cbance, b g, (2), 3 3 Cbance, b f, 39 a Cbance, b g, 45, 51 a Cbance, br g, 51, 53, (54) 6 Cbance, gr g, 24, 25, 27 a Chance, b g, 68 a Chancellor, b g, 15 Charcoal, (53) 3 Charles XII., br c, by The Swede— Lady Hamilton, 13 a Charlton, b g, 69 Chevy, b g\ 35, (35) a Chief Secretary, b g, 15 a Chinaman, b g, (27), 57 5 Cigar, ro g, 28 a Clive, b g, by Clifton, (14), (24), (25), (44), (44), (70) Coachman, 28 a Cockey, b g, 57 4 Colonel, ch h, by Cossack— Edith by Emigrant, (3) a Colonel, b g, 14 Comet, b g, 49, 50 a Commodore, 28 5 Compton, b g, by Sportsman, 16, 19, 26, 31, 32,50 4 Conrad, b g, 30, 42, (58), 61, (61) 4 Coquette, b m, (59), 59, 63 a Coronet, bl g, (25) 5 Coronet, b g, (36), 37, 37 2 Corio, br ro f, by Indian Warrior— Shiel- na-Guira by Rory O'More, 43, 54 a Cossack, b g, by Colonel, 28, 29, (34), (35) a Cossack, ch g, 28, 29 a Count, b g, 58 a Cranky Poll, b m, 60, 60 5 Creeping Tom, b g, 22, 23 a Creole. 27, (28) 2 Crinoline, b f, 69 3 Cronstadt, b g, 34 3 Crucifix, br g, by Ben Bolt, 40, (41) Cupid, 45, (45) 3 Curragh-more, b g, 68, 69 Cure, The, ch g, 52, 52 2 Cymbeline, ch f, by Lieutenant, 14 3 Darkey, br g, by Quiz-the-Wind — Brunette, 48, (48), (51), (52), 52, (58), 59, 60 Age. 2 Darkness, bl f, by Van Tromp, 40 a Dauntless, br g, 69, 69 4 Dauntless, br h, by Dolo— Audacity by Rory O'More, 55 a Dauntless, br g, 49, 49, 56 a David, b g, 23, (23), (65), 65 a Dayspring, gr g, 1 4 Deborah, b m, 19, 26, 26 4 Deerfoot, ch m, by Dolo— Madcap by Borneo, (63), 63, 64 a Defence, b g, by Delapre— Princess by Cornborough, 9, 10, 11, 65, 65, 65, 69, (72) 2 Delusion, ch c, by Dolo— Mrs. Day by Milton, 43 a Despatch, b g, by Will-o'-the-Wisp, (30), (30), (38), 38, (39), (45), (45) 3 Diana, b f, 47, 47 5 Dinah, b m, 47 a Dinah, br m, 6 a Dinah, b m, 6, 20 a Dispatch, ch m, by The Premier— Sun- beam by Peter Fin, 8 (dead) a Doctor, b g, by Colonel, 9, 11, 12, (19), 32, (37), (49), 49, 51, 51, 65, 65, 65, 69, (69), 72, (72) Doloraine, 44 a Dominie, b g, 18, 22, 32, 33, (43), 43, 55, 56, (58), (59), (61), 62, 64, (67), 68 a Donald, b g, 18, 31 a Donald, b p g, 60, 61 6 Don Juan, b g, 66 a Donovan Brown, b g, 1, (1), (5), (10), 18, 32, 33, 56, (71) a Don, The, gr g, 1,67 Dorrit, br f, 35 a Doubtful, ch g, 2 Dozy, ch m, (40) a Dozy, b m, (60), (60), (60), 68 Dress Improver, 45, 45 a Dr. Holloway, b g, 48, 57 a Drover, b g, 5 3 Duffer, b f, by Abd-el-Kader, 47 5 Duke, b g, by Harold— Duchess by Gus- tavus, 4, 9, 10, 29, 30, 38, (47), (47) 4 Dundas, bl g, 15 3 Dun Dolo, bl g, by Dolo— Young Matilda by Dolo, (68), (69), 69 6 Dusty Sal, b m, by The Premier— Dusty Sal by Bory O'More, 14, (27), 32, 56 a Dutchman, gr g, (13), (23), (24), (36), 36, 39, 40, 48, 51, 52 3 Eagle's Plume, br c, by Warhawk— Rose- bud by Cornborough, 32, 43 Earl RusseU, bl g, 49 3 Ebor, b c, by The Premier— Dinah by Gratis, granddam by Emigrant, (14), (55), 56 3 Eiline, ch f, 31 5 Eleanor, gr m, by Sportsman, (45), (46), 50, (51), (54) a Emperor, b g, by Sir Hercules, (30), 38, 39 2 Euclid, ch g, by Tom Jones, dam by Woodpecker, (38) 5 Eversley, b g, 53, 54, 54 6 Excelsior, chg,by The Premier, 38, 38, 45 3 Exeter, ch c, by Waverley— Lady Morgan by Gratis, 9, (10) 77 INDEX. 78 Age. a Fair Rosamond, gr m, 22, (22), 25, (25) a Fairy, 70 2 Fairy, bl f, by Obscurity, 38 5 Fairy Queen, b m, 22 3 Fairy Queen, br f, by Peter Wilkins, 48 4 Falcon, cb g, by Warhawk— May Queen by Forester, 3, (7), 10, (17), (18), 21, 31, 33, 42, (42), 49 3 Fallacy, br f, (late Barwon Lass,) 30, (53) 2 Fancy Boy, ch c, by Cardinal Wiseman (47) a Farmer's Daughter, br m, 52 a Faugh-a-Ballagh, ch g, 21, 21 4 Faugh-a-Ballagb, (65) Fawn, b m, (51) a Field Marshal, b g, by Colonel, (28), 29 3 Fi Fa, b c, hy High Sheriff— Judy by Rory O'More, 8, 9 a Figaro, br g, 7, 7 3 Fireaway, ro g, by Hietfi Sheriff— Lucetta by Forester, 4, 8, 10, 11, 12 a Firetail, b g, 52 5 Firetail, gr g, by Jersey— Fair Ellen by Rory O'More, 4, 7, 9, 11, 24, 47, 48, (51) 3 Firetail, gr g, 57 Fisherman, 45 a Fivey, cb g, (1), 1 3 Flatcatcher, 46 a Flatcatcher, gr g, by Dolo— Ganymede by Rory O'More, 3, 5, 8, (10), (16), 17, (18), (32), 33, (43), (43) 5 Flirt, b m, 14, (49), 59 5 Flirt, b m, 22, 23, 23, 65 a Flirt, b m, 40 3 Flirt, b f, 34 a Flora, b m, 6 6 Flora M'Donald, br m, 46 a Flora M'lvor, br m, 45 5 Flying Buck, b g, by Romulus or Warhawk— Wilhelmina by Romeo, 3, 4, 10 3 Flying Cloud, br c, by Frank — Omen by Melbourne, 5 5 Flying Cloud, b g, 40 3 Flying Doe, b f, (12), 72, (13), 23, (24), 39 4 Flying Doe, ch m, by King Alfred— Mock Modesty, 13 a Flying Dutchman, gr g, (see Dutchman) a Forester, gr g, 15, 16, 17, 20, 40, (51) Frantic, b m, 39 4 Frederick, gr g, by King Alfred— Ada by Robin Hood, 28, (28), 34, 35, 70 a Free-and-Easy, gr g, 46, 47, 53, 53 4 Free Selection, br m, 22 5 Free Selection, ch g, 15, 15 6 Fusbos, b g, 39 5 Gaffer Grey, gr g, 66 a Galloway, 72 a Gameboy, br g, 11, (12), 19, 20, 26, (26), 36, 36, 48, (57), 59, 60, 62, (63) 5 Gameboy, ch a:, 62 a Gameboy, clfg, (23), (23), 47, (65), 65, 69, 69, 69, 72 a Gamecock, b g, 36 Gamester, ch g, 25 4 Garibaldi, hi g, 68 a Garibaldi, bpg, 60, 61 a Garibaldi, br g, (41) Age. 4 Garibaldi, b g, 6, 7 a Garibaldi, b g, 19, 20, 20 3 Garibaldi, ro g, 29, 30 a Garibaldi, b g, 31 3 Garibaldi, b c, 36, 37 5 Garibaldi, ch g, 39, 40, 48, 48, (51), 52 a Garryowen, gr g, 34, 34 a Garryowen, b g, 37 Garry Owen, 70 Gaylad, 27 Gaylad, b g, 46, 47 a Gaylad, ch g, 34, 34, 34 a General, b g, by Besborough, (31), 43, 43, 55, (56), (64) 3 General Straun, b g, by King Alfred, 14, 28, 28, (35) 3 Geraldine, gr f, by Quiz-the-Wind— Jessica, 68, 69 3 Gift, The, b g, by Warhawk— Maid of Judah by Figaro, 4 4 Gift, b g, 22, 22, 49, 50 5 Gipsy Girl, ch m, by Will-o'-the-wisp, (38), 39 a Giraffe, ch g, 6 a Glamorgan, b g, 12, 13 6 Glengarry, gr g, 29 3 Goshawk, br c, by Warhawk— Curiosity by Jersey, 5, 54 a Goulburn, b g, (37), 37, (57) Grace Darling, ro m, (47) 5 Grace Darling, gr m, 29, 30, (65) 5 Granite, gr g, 16, 17, 31, 50, 51, 53, 54, 58 Grasshopper, b g, 49, 50 2 Great Event, ch g, by Abd-el-Kader, 51 Grey Billy, gr g, 20 4 Grey Dawn, b m, by King Alfred— Medora, 3, 8, (9), 16 a Grey Jack, gr g, 68 a Grimston, ch g, 2 4 Gulnare, b m, 19 a Guy Fawkes. ch g, (47) 3 Guy Fawkes,"bl c, by High Sheriff— Fanny by Gulliver, 4, 24, 25 5 Haidee, ch m, by Abd-el-Kader— Fortuna by Little John, 10, (11), (12), 23, 23, 48, 48, 48, (51), 52, 59, 60, 61, 62, (62), (64), (67), (67), 68 a Hamlet, b g, 21 a Haphazard, br g, by Delapre, (4), (9), 16, 17, 20, 26, (26), 32 a Haphazard, b g, 14, 15, 28, 29 Happy Joe, b g, 61 4 H appy Jack, bl g, 39, 40 a Happy Jack, gr g, 1, 5, 10, 15 a Happy Jack, gr g, 6, (20; 5 Happy Jack, b g, 25 a Happy Jack, b g, (34), (34) a Harbinger, br g, 28 Harkaway, br g, 52 2 Harkaway, b c, by Dutchman, 24, 25, 51, 66,67 a Harlequin, b g, (late Flamingo,) 38, 44 5 Harold, br g, by Young Hambledon— Rachel by Romeo, 7, 7, 7, (19), 19 4 Hector, gr g, (7) a Hector O'Halloran, b g, 12 a Hector O'Halloran, b g, by Traveller, (72) 4 Helena, ch m, 50 79 IKDEX. 80 Age. 3 Hester Grazebrook, ch f, by The Premier — Miss Napier by Delapre, 4, 32, 44 a Hieover, br g, 1 a Hieover, b g, 37 a Highflyer, b g, 51 a Highflyer, b g, 30 a Huntsman, gr g, by Dolo, 29, 38 a Huntsman, b g, (19), (20), 58, 58, 59, 59, 60, '62), 64, 66, (68) 2 Hussar, ch c, by The Premier— Sorceress, 14 4 Ida, br m, 53 4 Idle Boy, b g, 23 2 If, br f, by Warhawk— The Creeper by Conrad, 16 a Inheritor, b g, by Bookworm— Bessy Bedlam by Emigrant, 8, 9, 10 Inheritress, br m, 39 a In-or-Out, br g, 46 2 Ithuriel, bl c, by Touchit— Norma by Jersey, 43 Ivanhoe, b g, 47, 70 5 I-Want-It, b g, 59, 62, 63, 63 5 I-Want-It, b m, 14 a Jack-up-the-Orchard, b g, (1), 31 3 Jeannette, ch f, by Abd-el-Kader, 48, 48, (48), 51, 52, 57 4 Jeanny Deans, b m, 11, 12, (19), 19, 20, (48), 57, 62 5 Jemmy, b g, 50 3 Jenny, ch f, 66 Jenny Lind, gr m, 21 4 Jenny Lind, b m, 12, 26, 51, 52, 67, (67), 67 a Jericho, br g, 27, 27 Jessica, b m, (52) a Jessie, gr m, 6 5 Jessie, b m, 33 Jessie, ch m, 40 a John Brown, br g, 23 4 Journeyman, b h, 24, 25 a Jumbo, b g, 1, 10 a Junius, b g, by iEther, 38, 39, 3& 5 Kangaroo, b g, 3, 6 4 Kate, ch m, 11 Kate, b m, 26 Kate, 26 a Kate, b m, 36 Kate Benson, (39) a Kate O'Shane, ch m, 31, 32, 42, 43 Katty Darling, b p m, 50 Kestral, 45 a Kick-up -the-Dust, ch g, 53 a Kildare, b g, (23), 23, 30, 30, 47, 65, 65 a Kinchen, b g, 15, 17, 18, 21, 33 5 Kinchen, br g, (68), 72, 72 4 King Tom, ch g, by King Alfred, 24, 25, (34), 35, 44, 44, 44, 49, 50 Kitty, gr m, 38 3 Koh-i-noor, b f, 34 3 Ladybird, ch f, 16 3 Lady Constance, br f, by High Sheriff— Jeannette by Little John, 42, 43, 54, 55 2 Lady Don, ch f, by Dolo, 59 2 Lady Franklin, b f, by Frank, (14) 2 Lady Napier, 70 Age. a Lady of the Lake, b m, 41 4 Lady Bipon, br m, 11 3 Lady Straun, b f, 36 5 Lady Wilton, b m, by Warhawk, 11, 12, 12, 26, 26, 36, 30, 59 4 Lancaster, b g, by Sportsman— Dairy Maid by Whisker, 9, (11), 31, (42), 55, (57) 2 Lanercost, b c, by Boiardo, 8, 10, 16 3 Lapwing, b f, 59, 62 a Leader, b g, (1), 2, 5, 9, 11, 55, (56), 59, 59, 61, 62, 62, 64, 68 5 Lightfoot, b g, 31, 33, 49, 49, 50 5 Lightning, bl m, 11, 36, 63 a Limerick Lass, ch m, by Dolo— Cranky by Walrus, (32), 50, (51), 58, 59, (64), 71, 71 2 Linda, b f, by The Premier— Leila, 14 a Linnet, b m, 70, 71 a Little Dorrit r gr m, by The Premier, (15), 24, 25, (25) a Little George, ch g, 34, 34 a Little Jemmy, b g, 45 Little John, b g, 50 a Little John, gr g, (6), 6, 60, 60 5 Little Mary Ann, b m, 66 3 Little Mouse, br g, 17, 20, 21 3 Livingstone, b c, by Lugar— Cobweb, 13 a Lizzie, bl m, 45 2 Loadstone, b c, by Touchstone— Imper- tinence by Cornborough, 56, 64, 66 4 Loddon Lass, ro m, by Warhawk, 11, (12), 19, 19, (20), (36), 36, 39, 40, 40. 57, 58, 58, 63, 64, (69), (69) a Lola Montez, ch m, 22 Lorimer, 39, 45, (45) 5 Lucifer, bl g, 44 6 Lucretia, bl m, 4, 42, (49), 53, 55, (57), 59, 60, 63, 64 a Lucy, br m, 45 3 Lucy Ash ton, br f, by Abdallah— Lucy by Delapre, 8, 9 6 Lucy Escott, br m, 60, 60 6 Lucy Glitters, b m, by Warhawk, dam by Zauberflote, 4 5 Maggie, b m, 50, 58 3 Maggie Lauder, b f, by The Premier- Dusty Sal, 14, 28, 28 Maid of the Mill, ch m, 52 4 Maid of the Mist, b m, 53, 53, (53) a Maid, The, b m, 20 5 Mainroyal, b h, by The Premier- Mountain Maid by Milton, 33, 50, 58 a Major, b g, 53 2 Malabar, b c, by Indian Warrior— Tam- bourine by Bory O'More, (3), 8 a Maniac, b g, 69, 69 a Maradoo, br g, by Bory O'More— Tin Can by Wanderer, 63, 66 3 Marchioness, ch t, by Van Tromp— Princess, 41 6 Marchioness, gr m, by Phantom— Duchess by Gustavus, 4, 5, 9 Marian, 28 a Mariner, b h, by Sailor— Maid of the Oaks by Vagabond, 53 a Marmion, b g, (33), 52 4 Marquis, br g, 40, 41 81 INDEX. 82 Age. a Martingale, b g, 12 a Mary Anne, b m, 53 4 Matilda, br ra, 20 3 Mavourneen, br f, by Warbawk— Minette by Faugh-a-Ballagh, 4 a Maxwell, bg, (22), (22), (22), (25), 25, (26), 36, 36, (36), 39, 40, (40), (49), (49), 54, (54), 59, (60), (62), 63, 64, (64), (66), (66), (67), (71) 2 Mayday, br f, by Lieutenant— Shade, 14 4 Mayflower, br m, by King Alfred— Shade by Gohanna, 70 5 Mayfly, ch m, by Zanga— Jessie, 38, 45 a Mazeppa, ch m, (6), (60), (68) Mazeppa, 70 3 Medora, br f, by High Sheriff— Dora by Dolo, 4, 5, 8 (dead) 3 Medora, bl f, by Rubens— Medora, 6, 7 4 Mendoza, b h, by Warhawk— Maid of Judah by Figaro, 11, (23), 24, 39, 40, 48 5 Mercury, b g, 72 5 Merrylegs, 28, (28) a Merryman, b g, by Jersey, dam by Peter Fin, 13 5 Messmate, 27, 28 a Mickey Free, ch g, (11), 19, 58, 58, 59, 62, 62 5 Mickey Free, b g, 23, (24), 26 Midge, gr m, 15 5 Midge, br g, 70 Midnight, (65) Midnight, bl m, 34 Midnight, 46 Mike, 40 5 Minerva, bl m, by Dolo— Melita, 48, 48, 48, 51, 51, (52), 64 5 Minister, b g, 16 a Minnie, ch m, by Delapre— Modesty by Clifton, 14, 14 a Minstrel Boy, b g, 2 4 Miss Alfred, b m, by King Alfred, 16, (17), (21), 21 3 Miss Crockford, b f, by King Alfred— Crockford's dam, 14, 35 a Miss Elliott, gr m, 40 5 Miss Grant, bl m, 47, 57, 61 4 Miss Kangaroo, b m, 62 2 Miss Mary, bl f, 70 a Miss Moffat, ch m, 62 Miss Noonan, ch m, 49, (50) 6 Miss Watt, ch m, (25), 65, (65), 67, 67, 67 3 Miss Wyndham, b f, by Quiz-the-Wind— Jeannette, 69, 69, 69, (72) 4 Modesty, b m, 7, 7 a Modesty, gr m, hy Royal William— Bees- wing, 5, 5, 8, 10, 18, 20, (21), 33, 43, 55, 56 2 Modesty, b f, by Touchstone— Audacity by Rory O'More, 54, 70 2 Molly Bawn, ch f, by Cardinal Wiseman, (29), 38, 47, 47, 47, 65, (65) 2 Molrow, b g, by Van Tromp, (40), 41 6 Mona, gr m, (15), 24, 25, 25, 53, 53 5 Monk, gr g, (23), 36, 48 a Monkey, b g, 4, 23, (24), 24, 31, 32, 37, 42, 49, (53), 58, (58), 59, 62 4 Moonbeam, b m, 34, 34 a Moor, The, bl g, by Walrus— Madcap by Romeo, 8, 9 Age. 6 Mormon, b h, by The Premier— Delaware Girl by Delapre, (3), 8, (13), 32, (33), 55, (56) Moro, 23 Mosquito, bl m, 39 a Mounseer, b g, (36), (37), (37), (37), 49, 49, (50) a Mountaineer, b g, 30 3 Mountain Hare, b f, by The Premier, 24, 44, 44, (53), (53) 4 Mountain Maid, 70, (70) a Moustache, gr g, 22, 22, 25 3 Mozart, br g, by Mozart, (6), 7 a Mozart, bl g, 34, (34) 5 Multum-in-Parvo, b p m, 71 a Murrumbidgee, gr g, 50 5 Musician, bl g, by Van Tromp, 40 2 Musidora, b f, by The Premier— Dinah by Gratis, granddam by Emigrant, 14, 33, (43), (54), 55 5 Mustang, b g, by The Premier, (14), 14, 16, (18), 21, 21, (27), 27, 35, 35, 35, (46), 57, 70, 70 4 Myorah, b m, 4 a Mystery, b g, by Young Jersey, 14, (15), 28, 34, 35, 70, (70) Nancy, 65 5 Nancy, ch m, 36, (37), 57 2 Nardoo, b g, 51 Nardoo, gr g, (late Ben Bolt), 20 4 Nat, br g, 37 3 Native Lass, (see Carisbrook) 4 Naughty Boy, ro g, 35 3 Necromancer, b g, 25 5 Necromancer, b g, by Colonel, 28, 29 4 Necromancer, b g, 33, 34, 56 Nelly, gr m, 49, 49 3 Nelly Bly, ch f, (26). 64 5 Nell Gwynne, b m, 47, 51, 51 Neptune, b g, 49 a Nero, bl g, 15 4 Nick of the Woods, b g, 35, (47) 4 Nighean Donn, b m, 22, 22 4 Nimrod, br g, by The Premier, 15, 44 a Nimrod, ch g, 19 a Nimrod, b g, 34, 34, 52, 52, 67 Nina, gr f, 12 4 Noah's Ark, bl g, 24, 26 4 Noisette, ch m, by Abd-el-Kader — Fortuna by Little John, (24), 48, 48, 51, 52, 59, 59, 61 5 Nonsense, b g, by King Alfred, 69, 70 2 Nora Creina, b f, by Abdallah, 52 a Norman, b g, (2), 3, 18, 21, (50), (54), (58) a Norman, ch g, 23 Nugget, b g, 27, (50), 57 2 Nun, The, b f, by Boiardo— Matilda by Milton, granddam by Cornborough, (31), 54, 55 3 Nun, The, b f, by Cardinal Wiseman- Mountain Maid by Figaro, 3, 10, 38 a Nutwith, ch g, by Tom Jones— Jeannette, 8,10 2 O. K., br g, by Figaro, 38, 39 a Old Dan Tucker, br g, 16, 17 a Old Dan, br g, 39, 39 Oliver Twist, 53 G 83 INDEX. Age. 2 Once-a-"Week, b c, 45, 50 a Orlando, b g, 51 a Orlando, gr g, 30 a Orlando, ro g, 12, 48 6 Orlando, b g, by The Premier, 5, 5 a Orphan, b g, 5, 8, (29), 37, 5(3, 57 a Othello, bl g, by The Premier, dam by Traveller, 9, (11), 12, 19, 19 (sent to New Zealand) 3 Othello, br g, by Lieutenant— Shade, 14 a Paddy, br g, (12), (13), 13, 24 a Paddy-come-Lately, br g, 48, 49, 67, 68, 70 3 Palestine, ch f, by Indian Warrior— Pallas by Gil Bias, (4), 5, 9, 10, 16, (32), 43 4 Panic, b h, by Alarm, dam by Melbourne, 13 a Partisan, b g, by Delapre— Princess by Cornborough, 13, (13), 23, 23, 36, (36), (48), 52, (52), (58), 61, 62, 64, (69), (69) (sent to New Zealand) a Patchwork, b g, 3 4 Patience, b g, 15 2 Pauline, ch f, by Abd-el-Kader— Countess, 48, 51, (51), 52 3 Paul Pry, b c, by The Premier— Bendigo by Clifton, (42), 43, 55, 56, (59), 62, 62, 63, (64), 66, 67 a Peggy, b m, 12, 27 a Peggy, bl m, 15 a Pelican, 28 2 Pharmacy, b c, by The Premier— Kate Kearney, 15 5 Pigeon, ch g, by Abd-el-Kader, (23), 24, 26, (27), 40, 48 a Pigeon, b g, 29, 30, 30, 47, (47) a Pigeon Toe, b g, by Delapre, 31 a Pilgrim, b g, (2), (3), 17, 18 a Pilot, b g, 40, 41 a Pilot, b g, 49, 50, (62), (63), 64 a Pioneer, gr g, 1, 1, 6 5 Planet, br g, 63, 66, (67), 71 3 Plover, b c, 36 a Poacher, br g, (34), (52) Poison, ch g, 19 4 Polly, b m, (22) a Polly, ch m, 22 3 Polly, br f, (46), 61 4 Polly Bawn, ch m, 23, 24 Polly Brown, 27 3 Pope, The, br c, by Cardinal Wiseman- Lucy by Whisker, 29 5 Pop-goes-the-Weasel, b g, 62 a Prairie Bird, b m, 34, 34 a Prince, b g, 24 a Prince, b g, 3, 4, (11), (12), 19, (19), 26, 26, 36, 36, (39), 40, (48), 48, 54, (62), (62), (62), 64, 66, (66) a Prince, bl g, by Warlock— Duchess by Gustavus, 3, 8, 10, 11, 12, (40), (41), 41 41, (41) 5 Prince, bg,( 66), 67 a Prince Patrick, br h, 39 a Prince Patrick, b g, 11 a Princess, gr m, 7, 7, 7 a Princess, b m, 37 3 Princess Royal, b f, by High Sheriff, (34), (34), 52, 53 ' Age. 3 Professor, b c, by The Premier— Sham- rock by Traveller, 7, 11, (30) (sent to New Zealand) Prop, 27 3 Propriety, br f, by Dolo— Blush by Walrus, 32 Publican, 27 a Puddler, br g, 46 2 Quail, b f, by Will-o'-the-Wisp, 38 3 Queen Mab, ch f, by Harkaway — Cleopatra, 24, 39, 43 a Queen Mab, b m, 28 6 Queen of the Jamieson, b m, 22 2 Quickstep, b f, by Bronzewing— Duchess, 40,41 Quickstep, 46 a Bake, The, bl g, by Van Tromp, (40), 41 Rambler, b g, 27 Banger, ch g, 58, (59), 61, 61 a Barey, bl g, 41 a Bear Guard, 33 Reception, 27 a Bedan, b g, 51 a Red Deer, b g, by Touchit— Modesty, 17, (18), 21, 21 5 Red Rose, b m, by Young Rory O'More — Native Black, 16, 19, (35), 50, 51, 63 3 Red Rover, br g, by Abdallah— Water Witch by Pilot, (54), 55, 56 a Red Rover, ch g, 66, 67 a Redwing, b m, 24 2 Regina, br f, by Peeping Tom— Princess by Cornborough, (8), 10, 33, 54, 55 a Reindeer, b g, 34 5 Ringleader, b g, (30), (44), (45) 5 Ringtail, b g, 64 5 Rip Van Winkle, b g, 67, 68, (70) a Robin Gray, 39 a Robin Hood, ch g, 11, 12, 19 a Robinson Crusoe, (late Woodbine,) (27), 47, (70) 5 Rocket, br g, 45, 60, 60 a Rocket, b g, 51 6 Rolla, br h, 1, 2 6 RoUa, gr g, 23 a Rory O'More, b g, 57 Rosa Dunn, b p m, 52 Rosalind, b p m, (26) Rowdy, ch m, (26) a Royal Charlie, br g, 1 4 Royal Charlie, ch g, 23 3 Ruby, ch f, by Quiz-the-Wind— Wool Bale, (72), (72) 3 Saddler, The, br c, by The Premier, (24), 25, (44), 53, 53 2 Sailor, br c, by The Premier, 52 a Sal, b m, 51 Sally Sly, br m, 25 6 Sam, b g, (67) a Sam Slick, br g, (13), (37) a Sam Slick, gr g, 31, 32 Samson, b g, 47 5 Sarawak, b g, 31 a Sarsaparilla, chm, (4), 6 3 Satina, br f, by The Premier— Beeswing by Cornborough, 4, 42, 43, (48), 40, 56 85 INDEX. 86 Age. 3 Saturn, br c, by The Premier— Bessy Bedlam by Cornborougb, (4), 5, (9), (10), 16, 18, IS, 32 Saucy Jack, 53 3 Saunterer, b g, 66 a Scamp, b g, 7, 7 a Scissors, cb g, 1, 3, 10 Scottish Chief, 46 5 Scottish Maid, b m, 33, 52 a Sebastopol, b g, 2, 6, 10, 43, 56 3 Secundus, b c, by The Premier— Enigma by Figaro, 3, 5, 9, 10, (16), 18, 32 3 Seducer, bl g, 31, 33 a Sepoy, b g, 2 a Serene Highness, br g, (36) 3 Shadow, br f, (31), 33, 42, 43 4 Shadow, b m, 14 3 Shadow, b f, 66, 67, 67 4 Shamrock, b g, by Abd-el-Kader, 27, (39), (40), (48), 58 a Shamrock, gr g, 7, 7 a Shamrock, b m, 57, 58 2 Shamrock, 65 a Shamrock, ch g, 41 3 Shepherdess, b f, 14, 14 a Shillelah, b g, by Vanish— Matilda, 13 5 Shingler, gr g, (52) a Silver, gr g, 67 3 Silvertail, gr g, 61 5 Sir Colin, b g, 14, 31, 32 a Sir Hercules, bl g, by Lugar— Mirror, 5 Sir James, gr h, by South Australian, 11, 12, 17, 18, 32, 43, 44, 56, 56, 71, 71 3 Sir John, ch c, by Harkaway— Yellow Girl, 23, 43, 47 4 Sir Richard, b g, by The Premier, 15, (44), (44), 46 a Sir Robert, b g, 2 a Sir William Don, b g, 60 Skimmer, 27 Skylark, 53 a Skyrocket, b g, 34, 35 a Slasher, gr g, 47, 53 a Sleepy Tom, b g, 12 a Smeaton, b g, 68 Snarleyow, ch g, 12 a Snip, br g, 22, (23) Snowball, 70 a Soho, b g, 2 Soldier, 35 3 Sorcerer, ch g, by Abdallah— Witch by Necromancer, 3, 8, 9, 24 5 Souter Johnny, ch g, by King Alfred, (14), 29, (35), 35, (44), (47), (69) a Spanker, b g, 6, 40 a Sparrow, bl g, 41 a Speculation, b g, 51 a Spondulix, b g, (61), 62 Sportsman, 44 a Spring, b g, 68 a Spring Buck, b g, 9 3 Starlight, b c, by Sportsman— Rosebud, a St. Clair, b g, (49), 56, (64) a Stella, ch g, 37 Stocking, 27 5 Stockman, br g, 4, 9, 17, 19, 21, 45, 46, (50), (50), 62, (63), (68), 68, 71, (71) Age. 5 Stormy Petrel, br m, by Muscovado- Omen by Melbourne, 3 (dead) a St. Patrick, b h, by Lucifer, dam by Peter Fin, 62, 62, (63) Sugarloaf, 28 a Sunbeam, br g, 3 5 Surprise, b g, by Buzzard, 14, (57) 3 Surprise, b f, 24 5 Swiss Boy, br g, by Jersey, 12, 67, 67 3 Sweetbriar, b f, 16 2 Sweetlips, b f, by Abdallah— Kiss- Me- Quick by Rory O'More, 16, 54, 55, (57), 58, 60, (61), 64, 64 a Sydney, br g, 44 3 Tabitha, ch f, by Tranby— Rachel by Romeo, 16, 17 a Taglioni, b m, 37, 37, 37 a Tallyho, ch g, (41) a Tarras, b g, (6) 5 Talleyrand, ch g, by Cossack, dam by Gratis, 13 5 Tearaway, ch g, 56 Terrifier, 27 4 Tigress, br m, 41 a Tinker, b g, 15 5 Tipperary Boy, br g, 22 a Tit Bit, ch g, 58 5 Tom, b g, 37 5 Tom, b g, 37 a Tom, ch g, 65, 67, 70 5 Tomboy, bl g, by Lucifer, (40), 41 a Tomboy, b g, 53 2 Tomboy, br g, by Peter Wilkins, dam by Rory O'More, (66), 67 a Tomboy, gr h, 22 Tommy, br m, 52, 53 a Tommy, br g, 20 a Tommy, bl g, (6), 6, (45) a Tommy Tickle, br g, 29, 30 Tom SayerSj ch g, 47 a Topsy, b m, 61 4 Toryboy, gr g, by Wollaton— Fair Ellen by Rory O'More, 5, 8, 9, 16, 18, 21, (42), (55) a Touch-and-Go, b g, 13 a Tramp, br g, by Traveller— Shamrock, 14, 15, (25), 28, (29), 35, (35), (35), 70 a Tranby, b g, by St. John, (29), 30, 30, (39), 39, 45 Treble X, b m, 52 Trinket, b f, by Touchit— Minnie, (15) Triton, gr g, (12) True Girl, b m, 70 Trumpeter, b g, 72 Try Me, b g, 5, 8, ( 9), 12, 20, 28, 32, 33 Turpin, ch g, 4 Twilight, br m, by Delapre— Medora, 8, 17, 18 3 Twilight, (27) 6 Valentine, b g, 36, (37) a Van Dyke, bg, (53), (69) a Vanguard, b g, 14, (29), 69 a Vanguard, br g, 23 a Vanish, b g, (22), 25 4 Vanity, b m, by Warhawk, (16), 17, 17, 21, (21) 2 Vedette, ch c, by Indian Warrior— Myrrah by Mceonides, 3 87 IND1EX. 88 Age. 3 Vega, cli f, by Abdallah, 14 Venison, b g, 25 a Veno, ch g, 30 a Veno, bl g, 72 3 Venus, ch f, 34 3 Victoria, ch f, by Secretary, 44 3 Victoria, ch 1" by Touchit— Black Bess by Phantom— Kit by Plenipo, great grand- dam by Peter Fin, 31, 32, (33), 42, 43, 55, 56,57 3 Viscount, b g, by Van Tromp— Countess, (41), 41, (41), (41) a Volunteer, ch g, (22), (22), 22 5 Volunteer, b g, 33 a Wait-a-While, bl g, by Bory O'More— Silvertail by Walrus, 10 a Walk-along-John, bl g, 41 a Wallaby, b g, 13 a Walter, gr g, 24 Wandering Willie, gr g, 41 5 Warden, ro g, 28, 35, 35, 35, 45 a Warhawk, b g, by Dolo, (25), 51, 52 a Warlock, b g, 40 5 Wattle Blossom, br m, 48, 54, 56, 57, 64, 71 4 Weasel, b m, 22 4 Weasel, b g, 59 4 Weatherbit, bl g, (61), 61 5 Wee Mickey, b g, by Abd-el-Kader, (27), 48, (51), 52 a Wee Pet, 65, 65 4 Whaleboat, b g, by Sportsman— Compton Lucy, (14), 14, 28, (29), (35), 35, 35, 70 a Whalebone, b g, 27, (46), 70 a Whisker, br g, 6, (6), 45, 60, 60 a White Squall, br g, 3 5 White Stockings, b g, by The Premier, 25 44 44 70 70 5 Who'd-have-Thought-it, b g, 68 a Wild Dayrell, b g, 62 a Wild Irish Girl, b m, 5, 5, 10, (30), 47 a Wildmare, b m, 29, 30 3 Wild Polly, b f, 22, 23, 65, 65 6 Wildrake, b g, by Sir Hercules— Wood- stock, 38, 39 a Will-if-I-can, br g, 22, (23) Age. a WiU-o'-the-Wisp, 41, 41 a Woodman, gr g, 14, 14, 15, 27, 27 5 Woodpecker, b g, 28 a Woodpecker, gr g, by Bory O'More— Camarine by Forester, 43, 56, 56, (59), 64, 66, 66, 68 3 Woodpecker, ch g, by WiU-o'-the-Wisp, 38 5 Woodranger, b g, by Sportsman— Bose by Black Prince, 16, 20, 21, 32, (55), 56, 57, 58, (59), (63). (63) 3 Worcester, br g, by Warhawk— Enchant- ress by Little John, 54 a Yambuck, b g, by Traveller, (17), (20), 36, (36), 46, (50), (53), (62), 63, 64, 68 a Yankee, b g, by Traveller— Shamrock by Bolivar, (7), (7), 7, 27, (28), 30, (30), 38, (39), (47) (dead) 5 Yorkahireman, gr g, by Young Delapre, (16), 17, 18, (21), 21, 36, 36, (46), (50), (50), (54), 54, 54, 59, (60), (61), 62, 63, 64 3 Young Abdallah, b g, by Abdallah, 7, 10, 17. 18, 20, 26 a Young Alma, ch g, by Milton, 16, 17, 18, (21), (31), 32, 39, (40), 46, 55, 55, (58), (61), (66), 67, 67, 67, 68 Young Buckley, 58 a Young Camel, b g, 1, 2, (5), (6), (8), 10, (11), 12, 12, 15, (18), 20, 21, (32), (33), 43, (43), (55) 2 Young Dutchman, ch c, by Boiardo, dam by Vagabond, 8 5 Young Hector, b g, 3, 15, (15), (24), 25, 44 3 Young Jib, b c, 25 Young Bose, en f, 61 a Young Samson, b g, (38), (39), 39, 45 3 Young Sheriff, br c, by High Sheriff- Kate Kearney by Bory O'More, 17, 18, 31 5 Young Smeaton, b g, 62 a Young Triton, b g, 2, 12, 17, 27 4 Zanga, b h, by Zanga, 23, 23, 65, 65 Zero, bf, 61 4 Zohrab, b g, 36, 37 89 THE LAWS Or RACING, BETTING, ETC. 90 THE LAWS OF RACING, BETTING, ftc. IN VICTORIA. RULES CONCERNING HORSE-RACLNG IN GENERAL. 1. Horses foaled after the 1st of August shall take their age from that date. 2. \_Maiden Horses.'] A maiden horse or mare is one that has never won an adver- tised race (hack races and matches excepted) at the time of entrance. 3. [Untried Stallion or Mare.~] An untried stallion or mare is one whose produce has never run in public. 4. [Judge's Box.] No person shall he al- lowed to enter the Judge's box, during the time the horses are running, except the time-keepers. 5. [Riding in with Leading Horses.] Any person (the clerk of the course excepted) riding in with the leading horses in a race, shall pay a fine not exceeding £5 to the race fund. 6. [Matches.] Persons desirous of running matches during the Race meetings are re- quired to apply to the Stewards for per- mission, for which a fee of Sovereigns must be paid by the owner of each horse, to the Race Fund, before starting, unless the owners are each of them subscribers to that amount. 7. [Walk-over.] When a sum of money given from the Race Fund (whether added to a sweepstakes or not) be walked over for, only half the amount shall be paid. 8. Before measuring the height of a horse, his plates or shoes may be removed. 9. [Colors.] Colors worn by riders must be named at the time of entrance; any Jockey not riding in the colors entered, or not riding in proper jockey costume, may be fined in any sum not exceeding £2. *** The compiler of the " Victorian Ruff" would here urge upon all racing men the desirability of registering their colors with him, so that they may be published in " Ruff" from year to year. 10. [Horses distanced.] Horses running on the wrong side of a post and not turning back are distanced ; horses drawn before the plate or sweepstakes is won are distanced ; horses are distanced if their riders cross or jostle. 11. [To Postpone Races.] The Stewards have the power, in cases of urgent necessity, of putting off the races from day to day;— until a Sunday intervenes. 12. [Not to decide Betting Cases.] The English Jockey Club and the Stewards thereof take no cognizance of any disputes or claims with respect to bets. 13. [Definition of Plate and Sweepstakes.] Where a sum of money is given to be run for, without any stake being made by the owners of the horses (the entrance money, whether given to the owner of the second horse or applied to the Race Fund, not being considered a stake), such prize shall be construed to be a "plate." But where a stake is deposited by the owners of the horses, which is to go to the winner, and an additional sum of money, a cup, piece of plate, or other reward is offered as a prize to the winner, even though such addition shall be denominated a plate by the donor, such race shall be deemed and taken to be a " sweepstakes," and not a "■plate." 14. [Two or more Horses may enter for any Plate or Sweepstakes.] Any person may enter and run more than one horse for any Plate or Sweepstakes, provided the race be not run in heats. As to Nominations. 15. To prevent disputes, the words " nomi- nation" and " entrance" shall be regarded as synonymous terms. 16. Nominations are not void by the death of the subscriber. 17. [Description necessary.] In all nomi- nations for sweepstakes and plates, the horse or mare entered must be clearly identified. The name of the sire or dam must be given, and if the dam has no name, such further pedigree and description must be added as will distinguish the horse in- tended to be named from any other of a similar pedigree. If the pedigree is not known, the horse must be entered as " pedi- gree unknown." If the dam was covered by more than one stallion, the names of all of them must be mentioned. 18. [ When the Name is sufficient.] If a horse has once been entered with his name and pedigree in a race published in a public newspaper, it will be sufficient afterwards to mention him by his name only, even though he has never started ; and in enter- ing a horse for the first time by his name in several races closing at the same time, it will be sufficient to give his pedigree in one of these nominations, and his name only in the others. 19. [When the Age must be mentioned.] In naming for a race in which horses of diffe- rent ages are admitted, the age of the horse named must be mentioned. 20. [Incorrect or insufficient Description a Dis- qualification.] If any horse, &c, shall be named or entered without being identified as before directed, he shall not be allowed to start in the race, but his owner shall pay 91 THE LAWS OE RACING, BETTING, ETC. 92 the forfeit, or if a play or pay race, the whole stake. 21. [Fraudulent Entry a Perpetual Disquali- fication.'] If a horse shall fraudulently run, or he entered to run, for any race by a false description, such horse is thenceforth dis- qualified for running in any race ; and the owner shall be compelled to return any sum of money won in plates, matches, or sweep- stakes (whether handicap or not) which the said horse may have won. 22. [Qualification Dates from Time of Closing."] In naming or entering for any race where there shall be any particular conditions re- quired as a qualification to start ; it shall be sufficient if the horse were qualified at the expiration of the time allowed for naming or.entering, and he shall not be disqualified by anything which may happen after the expiration of that time, unless so specified in the article ; or unless he becomes dis- qualified under the rules relating to de- faulters. 23. [Nominations not to be Changed afler Closing.] No person who has once subscribed to a stake shall be allowed to withdraw his name, and no nomination shall be altered in any respect after the time of closing, without the consent of all the parties in the race. 24. [Exception to preceding Rule.] When a person takes a nomination for a stake in which the forfeit is to be declared by a par- ticular time, and does not declare forfeit by the time fixed in the article, he shall thence- forth be considered to have taken the en- gagement on himself, and his name shall be substituted for that of the original sub- scriber. 25. [Change of Horse's Name.] If a horse's name be changed, it shall be necessary in entering the said horse to give his old name as well as his new name or names, every time he is entered, until he has run in a race; and entries made contrary to this regulation shall be invalid, though his owner shall pay the forfeit, or if a play or pay race, the whole stake. Respecting Stakes and Forfeits. 26. [Second Horse.] In all sweepstakes where not less than three horses start, the second horse shall receive back his stake, unless otherwise specified. 27. [Forfeits in certain cases.] When any person has more than one nomination in a stake, he shall not be allowed to start any horse for it unless the forfeits be paid for every horse which does not start, belonging to him, or standing in his name, or in the same name as the horse which runs, as well as the stakes for those which do. 28. [Stakes made before Starting.] All stakes must be made before starting. When the riders of any horses brought out to run are called upon by the starter to take their places for starting, the owner of every horse which goes to the post is liable to pay his whole stake. 29. [Fictititous Names.] When any person enters a horse, or subscribes to a stake under a fictitious name, or in the name of a person not fully identified at the time, he will be considered in all respects as the owner of the horse, and as the subscriber to the stake. The Stewards have the power to call upon a nominator to produce testimony that the horse named is not the property, either wholly or in part, of any person whose name appears in the list of defaul- ters ; and if he fail to do so, they may cause the nomination to be erased. 30. [Arrears of Stakes, Ac] No person in arrears for stakes, forfeits, or fines, can enter or run in his own name, or in that of any person, any horse of which he is wholly or in part owner. And to prevent any evasion of this rule, the Stewards have the power to call upon the nominator to pro- duce satisfactory testimony that such is not the case, and on failure of such proof, may cause the nomination to be erased. Weighing. 31. [Weighing Yard.] No person shall be permitted to enter the weighing yard except the Stewards, the owners and trainers of horses desirous of seeing their Jockeys weighed, or Jockeys requiring to be weighed. 32. [Catch and Feather Weights,] In catch and feather weights any person may ride without going to scale. 33. [To weigh before and after the race.] Jockeys are required to weigh at the usual place of weighing, before the race, and every rider is, immediately after the race, to ride his horse to the usual place of weigh- ing, then and there to alight, and not be- fore, and to weigh to the satisfaction of the person appointed for that purpose ; and if the jockey dismounts before, or is short of weight, his horse is disqualified, unless he be disabled by an accident to himself or horse, which should render him incapable of riding back, when he may walk or be carried to the scale. It is optional for the jockey to weigh with his bridle, and the Clerk of the Scales will allow lib. for a curb or double bridle, but no weight is allowed for a snaffle bridle unless it is put into the scale before the horse is led away. 34. Horses' plates or shoes shall not be allowed in the weight. 35. [Jockeys receiving weight.] A jockey who receives from any person any article, however trifling, after he pulls up, although he may have dropped the same previous to being weighed, shall be disqualified from riding for such period as the Stewards shall think fit, and the horse shall be adjudged distanced in that race. 36. [Horses not to be led away.] If a horse be led away from the scales before the rider shall be declared weight, no article (bridle or saddle) shall be taken off such horse for the purpose of being weighed with the rider, although the rider shall not be the proper weight without it. 37. [Jockey falling from a horse.] If a 93 THE LAWS OF RACING, BETTING, ETC. 94 rider fall from his horse, and the horse be ridden in from the place where the rider fell by a person of sufficient weight, he may take his place the same as if the rider had not fallen. 38. [Over-weight. ,] Every jockey shall be allowed 21bs. above the weight specified for his horse ; but should any horse carry more than 21bs. above his weight, without declar- ation having been made by the jockey or the owner of the horse, or by his servant, to the weigher before the race is run, he will be considered distanced, although he should come in first. Starting. 39. [Power of the Starter, .] The Starter has authority to order the jockeys to draw up in a line as far beyond the starting post as he may think necessary, and any jockey disobeying the orders of the starter, or taking any unfair advantage, may, on com- plaint of the starter, be fined for the first offence any sum not exceeding Five Sov- ereigns ; for the second offence, Ten Sover- eigns ; and for the third, be suspended from riding at the discretion of the Stewards. 40. [For places.'] If any dispute arises between the jockeys for choice of place in a match, it must be decided by a toss ; but if between three or more jockeys, their places are chosen by drawing lots. 41. [Decision of the Starter.] The decision of the starter is final ; and his testimony against a jockey in a charge of attempting to take an unfair advantage at starting is not allowed to be discredited. Jostling. 42. [Foul Pdding.] If in running for any race one horse shall jostle or cross another, such horse is disqualified from winning the race, whether such jostle or cross happened by the swerving of the horse, or by the foul and careless riding of the jockey or other- wise ; and where one horse crosses the track of another it is deemed a disqualification, unless he be two clear lengths, or more, before the horse whose track he crosses. And if such cross or jostle shall be proved to have happened through the foul riding of the jockey, he shall be subject to such punishment as the Stewards may think fit to inflict. 43. [When Complaints must be made.] All complaints of foul riding must be made either by the owner, jockey, or groom of the horse, to one of the Stewards, to the Clerk of the Course, or to the person appointed to weigh the jockeys, before the jockey com- plaining is weighed. Second Horse. 44. [Money for Second Horse.] When it is a condition of a stake or plate that the owner of the second horse shall receive a certain sum of money out of the stakes, or out of the plate, and the race is walked over for, or no second horse is placed, the winning horse is entitled to the whole prize. If the money advertised to be given to the second horse is a separate donation from the Race Fund or other source, and the race is walked over for, or no second horse is placed, the money is not given at all. When the entrance money for a plate is advertised to be given to the owner of the second horse, and the plate is walked over for, or no second horse is placed, the en- trance money is to be returned, Heats. 45. When a race is run in heats, a horse, to win the prize, must be the actual winner of two heats, unless no horse appear against him, when one walkover is sufficient. 46. In running of heats, if it cannot be decided which horse is first, the heat goes for nothing, and they may all start again, except it be between two horses that had each won a heat. 47. When two horses have each won a heat, they only must start for a third, and the preference between them will be deter- mined by it. 48. When a plate is won by two heats, the preference of the horses is determined by the places they get in the second heat. 49. Horses drawn before the plate is won are distanced. 50. No distance in a third heat. 51. No person shall start more than one horse of which he is the owner, either wholly or in part, and either in his own name or that of any other person, for any race for which heats are run. 52. A horse which wins one heat in three is entitled to the second money. Dead Heats. 53. [When to be run over again.] If for any plate or sweepstakes, not to be run in heats, the first two or more horses shall come in so near together that the Judge shall not be able to decide which won, those horses shall run for such prize over again, after the last race on the same day ; the other horses which started are deemed losers, and are entitled to their respective places, as if the race had been finally determined the first time. 54. [Effect of Dividing after a Dead Heat.] When horses run a dead heat for a sweep- stakes or plate, and the parties agree to divide the stakes, such horses shall be liable to carry extra weight as winners of that race, and if there is any money for the second horse, they divide that also. 55. [Dead heat for second place.] When horses run a dead heat for the second place, they divide any money that may be pay- able to the second horse ; and if there is any money for the third, they divide that also ; and if any of these horses run for a race in which there is a penalty for having received a certain amount of money as second horse, they shall be considered as having received only the amount of their respective shares. 95 THE LAWS OF RACING, BETTING, ETC. 96 Extra "Weights and Allowances. 56. When it is a condition of any race, that horses shall carry extra for winning a certain number of prizes during the year, or be allowed weight for having been beaten a certain number of times during the year, such winnings and losings shall date from the 1st of August preceding, and shall extend to the time of starting, unless otherwise specified. 57. [Not Accumulative.'] Extra weights and allowances are not accumulative, unless so specified in the conditions. 58. Horses do not caray extra weight for winning a match, and are not entitled to allowance for having been beaten in a match. 59. A horse walking over, or receiving forfeit, except for a match, is deemed a winner. 60. [Value of Prices — how calculated.'] In estimating the value of any prize, no deduc- tion shall be made, except of the winner's own stake, and of any sum or sums required by the conditions to be paid out of the stakes to the owners of any other horse or horses in the race. The entrance for a plate not to be deducted. And every prize, not in specie, shall be estimated at its adver- tised value in sovereigns, and if such value is not designated, it shall be taken at the cost price. Disqualifications, &c. 61. [Examination of Mouth.] When the age or qualification of a horse is objected to, either before or after running for any race, the Stewards, or those whom they may ap- point, shall have power to order an exami- nation of the horse's mouth by competent persons, and to call for all such evidence as they may require, and their decision shall be final. Any person requiring a horse's mouth to be examined, must pay the expenses of such examination, unless the horse is proved to be of the wrong age, in which case such ex- pense shall be paid by the owner of the said torse. 62. [For dishonest practices.] The Stewards shall have power to disqualify, for any period they may think fit, any person or persons from entering a horse either in his or their own name or names, or the name of any other person, who may be guilty of dis- honest practices, or improper behaviour to- wards the Stewards, or any other Officer of the Course ; and all horses which such per- son or persons may have entered for any race, at the time of such dishonest practices being found out, or of such improper be- haviour, shall be disqualified for that meet- ing, and the entrance money, together with the sweepstakes, forfeited : the former for the benefit of the Race Fund, the latter for the benefit of the race or races in which such horse or horses may be engaged. 63. [Objection to Qualification— ichen to be made.] When the qualification of any horse is objected to before starting, the owner must produce a certificate or other proper document or evidence to the Stewards, or Clerk of the Course, before the race is run, to prove the qualification of the horse ; and if he shall start his horse without so doing, the prize shall be withheld for a period to be fixed upon by the Stewards, at the expira- tion of which time, if the qualification be not proved to the satisfaction of the Stew- ards, he shall not be entitled to the prize, though his horse shall have come in first, but it shall be given to the owner of the second horse. When the qualification of a horse is objected to after that time, the per- son making the objection must prove the disqualification . 64. [Jockey refusing to pay a fine.] Any jockey refusing to pay any fine which may have been imposed upon him, or miscon- ducting himself in any way, shall be dis- qualified from riding, for any period the Stewards shall think fit. 65. [Horse may be Disqualified.] The Stew- ards shall have the power to disqualify during pleasure any horse, in the running of which dishonest practices shall have been proved to their satisfaction. Selling Stakes. 66. [Not to be delivered till paid for.] Where it is a condition of any race that the win- ner shall be sold after the race, the horse shall not be delivered till he is paid for ; and he must be paid for on the day of the race, otherwise the buyer shall not be en- titled to demand the horse at any future time ; but the owner of the winning horse may insist upon the purchaser taking and paying for the horse. RULES ON BETTING. 1. In all bets there must be a possibi- lity to win when the bet is made ; " you cannot win when you cannot lose." 2. The interests of the bets are inseparable with the interest of the stakes, except when the winning horse is disqualified owing to a default in making stakes, or incorrect pedi- gree. 3. A confirmed bet cannot be off but by mutual consent, except in cases hereinafter mentioned. 4. Either of the bettors may demand stakes to be made, and on refusal declare the bet to be void. 5. If a bettor be absent on the day of running, a public declaration of the bet may be made on the course, and a demand whether any person will make stakes for the absent party ; and if no person consent to do so, the bet may be declared void. Bets agreed to be paid or received at any particular place cannot be declared off on the course. 6. If a match or sweepstakes be made for any particular day in any race week, and the parties agree to change the day to any other in the same week, all bets must stand but if the parties agree to run the race in 97 THE LAWS OF RACING, BETTING, ETC. 98 a different week, all bets made before tbe alteration shall be void. 7. Tbe person who lays the odds has a right to choose a horse or the field ; when a person has chosen a horse, the field is what starts against him. 8. Bets made in running are not deter- mined till the plate is won, if that heat be not mentioned at the time of running. 9. A bet made after the heat is over, if the horse betted on does not start, is void. 10. Bets are determined though the horse does not start, when the words ' absolutely- run or pay' or ' play-or-pay,' are made use of in betting. 11. Where horses run a dead heat for a sweepstakes or plate, and the owners agree to divide the stakes, such horses shall be liable to carry extra weight as winners ; and all bets between such horses, or between either of them and the field, must be settled by the money betted being put together and divided between the parties, in the same proportion as the stakes shall have been divided. If a bet be made on one of the horses that ran the dead heat against a horse that was beaten in the race, he who backed the horse that ran the dead heat wins half his bet if his horse received half the prize. If the dead heat be the first event of a double bet, the bet shall be void unless one horse received above a moiety, which would constitute him a winner in a double event. 12. All bets depending between any two horses shall be void, if those horses become the property of the same person, or of his avowed confederate, subsequently to the bets being made. 13. All bets between particular horses shall be void if neither of them happens to be the winner, unless agreed by the parties to the contrary. 14. If one horse be backed against another, " one to win," or " for places," or " first past the post," the bet is void if both horses do not come to the post, unless agreed by the parties to the contrary. 15. If any bet shall be made from signal or indication— telegraph, for instance— after the race has been determined, such bet shall be considered as fraudulent and void, and shall not be paid. 16. All bets in a match which terminates in a dead heat are void ; and if the match be run over again instanter, it must be con- sidered in every respect as a fresh engage- ment. 17. All double bets shall be considered as play-or-pay bets. 18. Bets on plates, matches, and sweep- stakes under the value of L100, are not p. p. unless specifically mentioned. 19. Bets made on the course are not p. p. unless specifically mentioned. 20. Money given to have a bet laid shall not be returned, though the race be not run. 21. Matches and bets are void on the de- cease of either party before the match or bet is determined. 22. When the riders of any horse brought out to run for any race, are called upon by the person appointed to start them to^take their places for that purpose, the owner of every horse which comes up to the post shall be considered as liable to pay his whole stake, and all bets respecting such horses shall be considered as play-or-pay bets. 23. If a person bets the odds p. p. against a horse named in the race which was dead or legally struck out, or had been declared by the owner not to start, the bet is void ; but if the said horse be dying, and his owner had not made a declaration of paying for- feit, although it amounted to a certainty that the horse would not start, the bet would stand good, because there would be a possi- bility of the horse living and winning the race. 24. If upon backing a certain number of horses against the field, one or more of these horses named should be disqualified in any way, or should have been declared not to start, or should not even have been named in the plate or sweepstakes alluded to, the bet stands good, provided there be one horse in the lot qualified, at the time the bet was made, to start. No person has the power to alter one of his nominations after the bet is closed ; but if all the horses named in the list should have been disqualified when the bet was made, it is null and void, on the principle that " you cannot lose when you cannot win." 25. Finally, with respect to defaulters on the Turf, they are considered in the situa- tion of outlaws ; all bets made with them may be declared off, and they are not en- titled to receive their winning bets at any time, unless they settle their accounts with- in two years from the date of their insol- vency. RULES AND REGULATIONS TO BE OBSERVED BY ALL SUBSCRIBERS TO THE "VICTORIAN TURF SUBSCRIPTION-ROOM." 1. Any person desirous of becoming a member of this room will be required to send in to the committee an application in writing, accompanied by a recommendation (to be also in writing), signed by any two or more members of the room. This appli- cation must be made to the secretary at least one week before the applicant is balloted for— except as hereinafter provided. 2. Any person residing twenty-five miles from Melbourne, or in any adjacent colony, being desirous of becoming a member of the room, shall, upon his obtaining a certifi- cate, signed by three members of the com- mittee, and paying his subscription to the secretary, be allowed the privilege of the room until the next balloting day, as if he had been elected in pursuance of Rule 1. 3. Every member, upon admittance to the room, must enter his name and address in a book provided for that purpose, in which these, together with any other rules and regulations from time to time adopted, to be observed by the members, will also be 99 THE LAWS OF RACING, BETTING, ETC. 100 entered ; and such signature in the hook so containing the said rules and regulations will make it binding on the party signing to abide by all such rules and regulations, as well as by all consequences resulting from breach or non-performance thereof; and such signature shall moreover be taken and deemed to absolve every person con- cerned in carrying out and enforcing such rules and regulations against such sub- scriber from all personal responsibility or legal liabilities on that account. 4. No person who shall have made default in payment of stakes, forfeits, or bets, or who shall have been party at any time, any- where, to any fraud or malpractice connect- ed with horse racing, shall be admitted a member of this room. And if any member should be hereafter discovered to have been or should at any time become a defaulter, or be guilty of any fraud or malpractice as aforesaid, and, upon complaint to the com- mittee, should be adjudged by them to be so, his membership shall thereupon at once cease and determine, and he shall thence- forward be excluded from the room. 5. Any member of this room having a dis- puted bet with another member shall be bound, if required by him, to refer such dispute to two referees [being members of this room], one to be chosen by each party ; such referees to appoint an umpire [being also a member of this room], before they proceed to hear the case ; or in the event of the referees not agreeing in the choice of an umpire, such umpire to be appointed by the committee, and the decision of such re- ferees or umpire to be final. Any member refusing to refer any bet so disputed, or to comply with the decision consequent upon such reference, within one week next en- suing after notice of such decision from the referees or umpire, either personally or by letter, to be addressed by post to the resi- dence of such member as entered in the sub- scription book, shall, upon complaint to the committee, be deemed to be, and be treated by them as a defaulter, under the provisions of the fourth Rule. 6. Any member creating any noise, up- roar or disturbance, or using ungentle- manly or improper language, will thereby forfeit his right of membership, and render himself liable to immediate expulsion. 7. The annual subscription to the room will be one pound, payable yearly in ad- vance, commencing on the 28th August in each year. 8. The room will be opened for the use of members exclusively, at such hours and on such days in each week as the committee shall from time to time appoint and de- termine. 9. The committee is empowered to make by-laws for the governance of their own proceedings. Three may form a quorum of the committee, and in the event of an equal number being present, and of an equal di- vision taking place upon any question, the chairman pro tempore shall be entitled to a casting vote, in addition to his vote as a member of the committee. Incase of any member of the committee retiring, the com- mittee will fill up the vacancy so occurring. 10. Any member of the room, making a bet with any person, and discovering that the said person is a defaulter on the turf, shall have the power of calling upon the said person, either verbally or by post, to stake within twenty-four hours, or scratch the bet. 11. In the event of any member of the room expressing his intention of scratch- ing a bet with any person, not a member of the room, such person may claim the pro- tection of the committee before the bet can be scratched, on payment of half a guinea, such sum to be returned if the case is decided in his favor. 12. Any person, not a member of the room, may, on payment of half a guinea, have the power of producing proof of any alleged default on the part of any member of the room, by addressing a note to the secretary, and on such default being proved, he may scratch any bets with such defaulter. 13. In consideration of being elected members of the Victorian Turf Subscription Room, — We the undersigned, agree by our signature to be bound to the committee for the time being, by the foregoing rules and regulations, as well as by any other rules and regulations from time to time adopted, provided that such rule or rules be sub- mitted, and agreed to by the several sub- scribers, and entered in this book, to be observed by the members. Mr. W. Randle, "") W. C. Yuille, J. Henderson, P. Dowling, }■ Committee. R. GoLSDBROUGH, H. Yeend, P. J. Keighran, Mr. F. Parkyn, Secretary. 101 THE LAWS OE TROTTING, PACING, ETC. 102 RULES OF TROTTING AND PACING. At a meeting of the supporters and ad- mirers of Trotting and Pacing, held at the house of Messrs. Green and Jessel, in New- York, on the first day of March, 1848, the following Rules and Regulations for the government of all Trotting and Pacing Matches to come off on the Union Course, Long Island, were unanimously agreed upon. 1. [Nature of Rules.'] All Matches or Sweepstakes which shall come off over this Course will he governed hy these Rules, unless the contrary is mutually agreed upon by the parties making such match or stake. 2. [Power of Postponement.'] In case of un- favourable weather, or other unavoidable causes, all Purses, Matches, or Sweepstakes announced to come off, to which the Pro- prietors contribute, they shall have the power to postpone to a future day, upon giving notice of the same. 3. [Qualification of Horses Starting.] Horses trained in the same stable, or owned in part by the same person, within three days, shall not start for a Purse ; and horses so entered shall forfeit their entrance. A horse starting alone shall receive but one half the Purse. Horses deemed by the Judges not fair trotting horses, shall be ruled off previous to, or distanced at the termination of the heat. 4. [Entries.] All entries shall be made under a seal, enclosing the entrance money (ten per cent on the purse), and addressed to the Proprietor, at such time and place as may have been previously designated by advertisement. 5. [Weight to be Carried.] Every trotting horse starting for Match, Purse, or Stake, shall carry one hundred and forty-five pounds, if in harness ; the weight of the sulky and harness not to be considered. Pacing horses liable to the same rule. 6. [Distances.] A distance for mile heats, best three in five, shall be one hundred yards ; for one mile heats, eighty yards ; and for every additional mile, an additional eighty yards. 7. [Time between Heats.] The time be- tween heats shall be, for one mile, twenty minutes ; and for every additional mile an additional five minutes. 8. [Power of Judges.] There shall be chosen by the proprietor of the Course, or Stew- ards, three Judges to preside over a race for purses, and by them an additional Judge shall be appointed for the distance stand ; they may, also, during or previous to a race, appoint Inspectors at any part of the Course, whose reports, and theirs alone, shall be received of any foul riding or driving. 9. [Difference of Opinion between Judaes.] Should a difference of opinion exist be- tween the Judges in the starting stand on any question, a majority shall govern. 10. [Judges 1 Duties.] The Judges shall or- der the horses saddled or harnessed five minutes previous to the time appointed for starting ; any rider or. driver causing undue detention after being.'called up, by making false starts or otherwise, the Judges may give the word to start without reference to the situation of the horse so offending, un- less convinced such delay is unavoidable on the part of the rider or driver, in which case not more than thirty minutes shall be consumed in attempting to start; and at the expiration of that time , the horse or horses ready to start shall receive the word. 11. [Starting Horses.] The pole shall be drawn for by the Judges ; the horse winning a heat shall, for the succeeding heats, be entitled to a choice of the track ; on coming out on the last stretch, each horse shall retain the track first selected ; any horse deviating shall be distanced. 12. [Riders or Drivers.] Rider3 and drivers shall not be permitted to start unless dressed in jockey style. 13. [ Weights of Riders and Drivers.] Riders and drivers shall weigh in the presence of one or more of the Judges previous to starting ; and after a heat, are to come up to the starting stand, and not dismount un- til so ordered by the Judges ; any rider or driver disobeying shall, on weighing, be precluded from the benefit of the weight of his saddle and whip, and if not full weight, shall be distanced. 14. [Penalty for foul Riding or Driving.] A rider or driver committing any act which the Judges may deem foul riding or driving, shall be distanced. 15. [Horses breaking.] Should any horse break from his trot or pace, it shall be the duty of the rider or driver to pull his horse to a trot or pace immediately, and in case of the rider or driver refusing to do so, the penalty shall be, that the next best horse shall have the heat ; if the rider or driver should comply with the above, and he should gain by such break, twice the dis- tance so gained shall be taken away on the coming out ; a horse breaking on the score shall not lose the heat by so doing. 16. [The Winning Horse.] A horse must win two heats to be entitled to the purse, 103 THE LAWS OE TROTTING, PACING, ETC, 104 unless he distance all other horses in one heat. A distanced horse in a dead heat shall not start again. 17. [Relative to Heats.'] A horse not win- ning one heat in three, shall not start for a fourth heat, unless such horse shall have made a dead heat. When a dead heat is made between two horses, that if either had won the heat, the race would have been decided, they two only shall start again ; in races best three in five, a horse shall win one heat in five to be allowed to start for the sixth heat, unless such horse shall have made a dead heat ; such horses as are pre- vented from starting by this rule, shall be considered drawn, and not distanced. 18. [On Heats and Distances.] If two horses each win a heat, and neither is dis- tanced in tbe race, the one coming out ahead on the last heat, to be considered the best. The same rule to be applied to horses neither winning a heat, and neither distanced. If one horse wins a heat, he is better than one that does not, providing he does not get distanced in the race ; then the other, if not distanced, shall be best. A horse that wins a heat and is distanced, is better than one not winning a heat, and being distanced in the same heat. A horse distanced in the second heat is better than one distanced in the first heat. 19. [Horses Drawn.] Horses drawn before the conclusion of a race shall be considered distanced. 20. [Outside Bets.] In all matches made play or pay, outside bets not to be con- sidered p.p. unless so understood by the parties. 21. [Of P.P. Matches.] All moneys bet on p.p. matches by outside bettors, are not considered p.p. 22. [Betting— Absent Bettors.] A confirmed bet cannot be let off without mutual con- sent. If either party be absent at the time of trotting, and the money be not staked, the party present may declare the bet void in the presence of the Judges, unless some party will stake the money betted for the absentee. 23. [Compromised Matches.] All bets made by outside bettors on compromised matches are considered drawn. 24. [Bettors of Odds, &c] The person who bets the odds has a right to choose the horse or the field. When he has chosen his horse, the field is what starts against him ; but there is no field, unless one starts with him. If odds are bet without naming the horses before the trot is over, it must be determined as the odds were at the time of making it. Bets made on trotting are not determined till the purse is won, if the heat is not specified at the time of betting. 25. [Horses Excluded from Starting, or Dis- tanced.] All bets made on horses precluded from starting (by Rule 19), being distanced in the race, or on such horses against each other, shall be drawn. 26. [In Cases of Dispute and Improper Conduct.] In all cases of dispute not pro- vided for by the rules, the J udges for the day will decide finally. In case of a trot or match being proved to their satisfaction to have been made or conducted improperly or dishonestly on the part of the principals, they shall have the power to declare all bets void. 27. [Size of Whips to he Used.] No rider or driver shall be allowed any other than a reasonable length of whip, viz. : for middle horses, two feet ten inches; sulky, four feet eight inches; wagon, five feet ten inches. 28. [In case of Accidents.] In case of accidents, but five minutes shall be allowed over the time specified in Rule No. 10, unless the Judges think more time necessary. 29. [Judges' Stand.] No person shall be allowedin the Judges' Stand but the Judges, reporters, and members, at the time of 30. [In Case of Death.] All engagements are void upon the decease of either party before being determined. LIST OF RACING CLUBS. [The returns of several Clubs have not been forwarded.] ALBURY JOCKEY CLUB. (N. S. W.)— President, Mr. John Roper, J.P. ; Vice- President, Mr. R. Brown; Judge, Mr. John Hore ; Committee, Messrs. Layton, Roper, G. Day, North, Jas. Mitchell, H. Bowler, Jas. Day, T. Henty, J. Keighran, and Thorwald; Stewards, Messrs. J. Roper, J.P., W.Huon, J.P., Jas. Mitchell, North, R. Brown, W. J. M. Stuckey and Geo. Day ; Treaserer, Mr. Geo. Day ; Hon. Secretary, Mr. S. C. V. North. Meet at the Globe Hotel. AUSTRALIAN JOCKEY CLUB. (N.S.W.) —President, the Hon E. Deas Thompson, C.B. ; Vice-President, Mr. Altred Cheeke ; Treasurer, Mr. C. Martin; Hon. Secretary, Mr. S. C. Burt ; and a Committee elected annually. AVOCA TURF CLUB.— President, Mr. Geo. Swan ; Vice-President, Mr. Jno. God- frey; Treasurer, Mr. M. Lambert ; Secre- tary, Mr. Wm. Buhlert. BALLAARAT TURF CLUB.— Treasurer, Mr. Walter Craig ; Secretary, Mr. Edward Charles Moore. The Stewards and Com- mittee are elected previous to each race meeting. The club meets at Craig's Royal Hotel on the second Tuesday in each month. BENALLA JOCKEY CLUB— President, 105 LIST OF RACING CLUES. ]0G Mr. T. Bond ; Vice-President, Mr. Jesse Watts; Treasurer, Mr. Peter Martin; Secretary, Mr. Edwin Brown ; Committee, Messrs. Warby, Conolly, Palmer, Powell, and Nairn. BENDIGO JOCKEY CLUB.— President, Mr. Louis MacPherson ; Treasurer, Bank of Victoria; Hon. Secretary, Mr. E. D. Burro wes. Meet at the Royal Hotel, View Point. GEELONG AND WESTERN TURF CLUB. — Treasurer, Mr. Frank Griffith ; Secre- tary, Mr. Wm. Fraser. Meet at Gosling's British Hotel, Corio street, Geelong. HAMILTON TURF CLUB.— President, Mr. W. T. Mollison, M.L.A. ; Vice-Presi- dent, Mr. Acheson French ; Treasurer and Secretary, Mr. N. J. Uren. OTAGO JOCKEY CLUB. (NEW ZEA- LAND.)— President, Mr. W. Logie; Vice- President, Mr. J. Maclean ; Treasurer, Mr. H. Driver ; Trustees, Messrs. W. Logie, and J. Switzer; Auditors, Messrs. A. L. Thomson and J. M'Kenzie. Committee, M essrs. J. Maclean, H. Driver, W. Morley, J. Switzer, W. Logie, F. Wentworth, C. F. Black, E. A. Julius, Mark Noble, J. M'Kenzie, and O. Cooper. Secretary, Mr. Sydney James. Meet at the Provincial Hotel, Dunedin. SALE TURF CLUB.— Established January 1861. President, Mr. Wm. Thompson; Vice-President, Mr. Wm. Montgomery; Hon. Secretary and Treasurer, Mr. Wm. Pearson. SMYTHESDALE, BROWN'S, & CARN- GHAM TURF CLUB.-Established March, 1859. President, Mr. E. Jackson; Vice- President, Mr. C. Lewis ; Treasurer, Dr. Louis Saenger; Secretary, Mr. Richard Kelland. SOUTH AUSTRALIAN JOCKEY CLUB. —President, Sir James Hurtle Fisher; Committee of Management, Messrs. E. M. Bagot, P. B. Coglin, W. K. Simms, G. Bennett, and W. Blackler. VICTORIA JOCKEY CLUB.— President, Mr. R. Goldsbrough; Vice-President, Mr. W. Randle; Trustees, Messrs. W. Randle, T. H. Lempriere, and P. J. Keigh- ran ; Auditors, Messrs. P. Dowling and G. Kirk. Committee, Messrs. R. Golds- brough, W. Randle, P. J. Keighran, J. Orr, P. Dowling, G. Kirk, T. H. Lempriere, F. Row, W. C. Yuille, J. Henderson, R. Nicholson, H. Phillips, H. N. Simson, H. Yeend, J. Ricards, Gatty Jones, H. Power, R. Kelsall, T. J. Bavin, J. R. Cowell, J. P. Chaplin, J. W. Crosbie, G. Watson, and S. Cohen ; Secretary, Mr. F. Parkyn. Meet at the Albion Hotel, Mel- bourne. VICTORIA TURF CLUB.-President, Mr. Claud Farie; Vice-President, Mr. Thos. Chirnside ; Treasurer, Mr. C. Brown ; Secretary, Mr. W. Levey. Managing Committee, Messrs. F. C. Standish, — Candler, H. Power, G. Watson, T. Chirn- side, W. J. Clarke, T. Henty, R. Henty, C. Kelly, R. Power, F. Fenton, C. Ryan, H. C. Jeffreys, C. Lempriere, R. F. Greene, C. Farie, A. P. Campbell, J. Bell A. S. King, B. Purcell, C. Brown, H. Fisher, Major Pitt, and Captain Purcell. Ballot- ing Committee, Messrs. G. Watson, Claud Farie, F. C. Standish, J. B. Bennett, M.L.C., R. F. Greene, B. Purcell, C. Lem- priere, C. Rvan, H. Power, E. Bell, C. Brown, A. P. Campbell, W. J. Clarke, Dal. Campbell, and A. S. King. Meet at the Albion Hotel, Bourke street, Melbourne. WANGARATTA JOCKEY CLUB.— Trea- surer, Dr. Dobbyn ; Secretary, Mr. James Flynn. Managing Committee, Messrs. E. H. Macartney, J. Norton, J. E. Spicer, M. Cusack, Curtis Reid, and H. Connolly. Meet at the Royal Victoria Hotel, Wan- garatta. WARRNAMBOOL & BELFAST AMA- TEUR TURF CLUB.— President, Mr. Henry Phillips; Vice-President, Mr. Astley Bromfield ; Treasurer, Mr. R. B. Paterson ; Hon. Secretary, Mr. R. Bushe. LENGTHS OF COURSES. [The particulars of several Courses have not been forwarded.] ADELAIDE (SOUTH AUSTRALIA.)— This course is situated to the west, and within a mile of the city, on a section of 134 acres, held by the South Australian Jockey Club on lease for 21 years, termin- ating 1882. The section being square, the course, which is left-handed, is somewhat of that shape, with the corners well rounded off, the length of the course being 1 mile 3 furlongs and 187 yards. The stand, facing the east, with refresh- ment rooms underneath, is situated in the south west corner of the section, and is capable of accommodating 400 persons. Between the stand and the boundary- fence is a saddling paddock, with loose boxes, a weighing-house, &c. ALBURY. (N. S. W.)— A right-handed oval course, 1 mile 23 chains and 75 links, thickly timbered, rises very slightly towards the second turn, and falls again from that to the last turn, the straight run in being quite level, and nearly a quarter of a mile in length. The course is fenced in, and contains 140 acres. It i3 not yet vested in trustees. ARARAT.— This is an oval course, 1 mile 15 chains and 21 links, is on an open plain 107 LENGTHS OF COURSES. OS with no timber, nearly level three parts round, but rises gradually along the straight run in, which is about a quarter of a mile. The course is securely fenced in, and the trustees are, Dr. Mountain Thorpe, Girdlestone, Mr. Thomas Grant Taylor, and Mr. Oliver Cooper. AVOCA. — This is a circular course, 1 mile 6 chains and 8 links, is on a fine flat, tim- bered, but the running ground well cleared, rises slightly at the back, but soon falls again, the straight run in being 360 yards. The course is fenced in, the grant being 160 acres, and the trustees are, xVlessrs. W. Templeton, V. N. Mogg, Charles Pearson, C. E. Pascoe, and J. B. Smith. BALLAARAT.— The new course, exactly one mile and four furlongs, was laid out in 1861. In shape it is an irregular oval. Starting from the stand the course sweeps round for about 500 yards to the back stretch, where there is a straight half mile ; the ground then falls gradually to about 600 yards from home, where an up- hill pinch leads into the straight running. The course has been laid out with a view to the erection of a new stand-house, which will in all probability be built next year. The turf is sound and elastic at all seasons. The grant, which is about 7 miles from Ballaarat, on the Mary- borough road, was reserved in the year 1854; it contains 480 acres, and is sub- stantially fenced in. The stand is capable of accommodating about 1000 persons, with refreshment rooms, apartments for the Stewards, &c. The saddling paddock is surrounded by a high fence, and is well sheltered. The old course, one mile and six furlongs, is used for training purposes. The steeplechase course is a little over four miles, with about 21 fences of various descriptions. BALLAN.— This Race Course is situated on Bradshaw's Creek, a branch of the Moorabool, about two and a half miles from Ballan. The Course is fenced in, the grant being 100 acres. BELFAST.— A left-handed, irregular oval, a mile and a distance and 17 yards. It is distant from the town about three quarters of a mile, and is situated close to the sea coast. It is held under Mr. James Atkin- son, the owner, who gives it free until the year 1880, on condition that the gate money is expended in improving the course, keeping the fences in repair, &c. BENALLA.— This is a left-handed course, one mile and a quarter, nearly oval, level, and thinly timbered. The grant is 176 acres, but as yet nothing has been done towards fencing it in. The trustees are, Messrs. J. Purcell, Thos. Lumsden, J. P., Peter Martin, ahd Thos. Bond. BENDIGO.— This is a left-handed, oval course, 1 mile 1 chain and 32 links, is in a timbered country, nearly level, the straight run in being about a quarter of a mile. The course is fenced in, the grant being 350 acres, and the trustees are, Messrs. J. A. Panton, E. N. Emmett, James Soyers, and James Henderson. CASTLEMAINE — A left-handed irregular oval course, a mile and five chains, is on a lightly timbered flat, rises slightly about halfway round, and then descends again , the straight run in being quite level. The course is fenced in, the grant being 200 acres ; and the trustees are, Messrs. Mat- thews, E. W. Richards, Paynter, Wilson, and Lawlor. CRESS Y.— This is an oval course, about a mile and a half, on an open plain with- out timber, and is quite level. It is on the town reserve, and is not fenced in. DURHAM OX.— About a mile and a quar- ter, on a plain, and close to the hotel of that name. ELEPHANT BRIDGE.— This is a circular course, 1 mile and 25 links, is on an open plain, the straight run in being 12 chains. The course is on Crown land. EMERALD HILL.— Circular, about a mile. FRANKSTON — Situated about 4 miles south of the township ; it is an oval course, a few yards over a mile, is on an open plain with no timber, falls slightly from the start round the first and second turns, rises again round the third turn, and falls slightly after the last, the straight run in being just a quarter of a mile. The course is not fenced in, there being as yet no grant from the Crown, though the land is withheld from sale. GEELONG — This is a left-handed, oval course, 1 mile 4 furlongs, is on an open flat on the S.W. side of the Barwon, at its junction with Lake Connewarre, with no timber, the straight run in being nearly half a mile. The course is fenced in, there is a comfortable grand stand and saddling paddock, enclosed with corru- gated iron. The grant is 700 acres, and the trustees are, Messrs. Compton Ferrers, . Charles Sladen, and Edward Willis. GOULBURN DIGGLNGS.-A heavy sandy course, about a mile round and a chain wide, cut out of the bush, about four miles from Rushworth. GREEN WATTLE.— This is aright-handed oval course, 1 mile 2 furlongs 7 chains and 70 links, is on an open plain with no tim- ber, rises slightly towards the third turn and falls again after the last turn, the straight run in being upwards of a quarter of a mile. The course is fenced in, the grant being 115 acres, and the trustees are, the Hon. Robt. Thomson, M.L.C., and Messrs. W. Pearson, J. Johnson, and J. D. Smith, jun. HAMILTON.— This is a left handed oval course, 1 mile 2 furlongs and 10 chains, is on an open plain ( timbered on the south and east outside the course), falls gradu- ally from the stand towards the east, rises at the second turn, is then straight and level for about thirty chains, falls again at the third turn, and then rises gradually at the fourth turn to within three chains 109 LENGTHS OF COURSES. 110 of the winning post. The grant is 120 acres, and is not fenced in. The trustees are, Messrs. Cox, McPherson, Learmonth, Uren, and Wilson. HEATHCOTE.— This course is about amile round, finishing up-hill, the run in being less than the distance. The ground is heavy loose sand, the site being badly chosen, but close to the township. HEIDELBERG.— Flat and circular, about half a mile, IVANHOE.— Oval ; eleven yards short of a mile. KE RANG.— About a mile and a quarter, uneven and crab-holey, and bad in wet weather. MANSFIELD.— A mile and two chains; the ground is level and good, with the exception of a slight decline coming home, and a small hill at the back of the course ; five miles from the township. MELBOURNE.— A pear-shaped course, a few yards short of a mile and ahalf, nearly level, and free from timber. Starting from the winning post, the course de- scribes the segment of a circle, the diameter of which is eleven chains ; there is then a straight run of a quarter of amile and six chains, then a segment of a circle, the diameter of which is a quarter of a mile * and eight chains, and a straight run in of a quarter of a mile and four and a half chains. The training ground which ad- joins the race course is amile and a quar- ter and nine chains, with a straight gallop of half a mile. The hill enclosure, which is fenced in with corrugated iron eight feet high, occupies about six acres, of which nearly one acre is fenced on" for a saddling paddock. The grand stand will hold upwards of 3,000 persons, and ■was first used October 25th, 1860. The whole grant of land is 301 acres, 3 roods ; and the trustees are, Messrs. C. W. Ligar, R. Goldsbrough, Peter Snodgrass, W. Randle, R. F. Greene, and J. G. Dough- arty ; Hon. Secretary, Mr. J. Henderson. MURCHISON.— This is a level oval course, about one chain short of a mile, over very good running ground in the bush, about half a mile from the township. NEW TOWN. (TASMANIA.)— The New Town course is situated in a paddock of about 100 acres, purchased by a company about the year 1835 ,the sale of the gate, booths, TID TTTIRIF CLUBS Will in future take place at this Establishment, where Rooms are specially appropriated for the purpose, and the usual notices duly posted. N.B.— A Mght Porter always in attendance. JOHN CLEELAND, Proprietor. J. GRANT, PROPRIETOR. The attention of all up-country gentlemen, together with his many town and suburban customers, is respectfully called by the proprietor of the above Hotel, to the very many additions and improvements just completed at this well-known establishment. A capacious Meeting Room, 45 feet by 23 feet (the best ventilated in the colonies), attached to which are Apartments fitted-up with all the accessories for personal comfort. Well furnished Bedrooms, single and double bedded. An ample Dining Room, with Table d'Hote at 1.30 p.m., daily. Superior Stables, with apartments for grooms. J. G. need hardly add that the best quality of Wines, Spirits, and Malt Liquors, are supplied both at the Bar and otherwise. A Night Porter is also kept for the accommodation of early travellers residing in the Hotel. JOHN GRANT, Proprietor. Bush Inn, Elizabeth Street. TATTERS ALL'S FAMILY HOTEL, PITT STREET, SYDNEY. WJ. O'BRIEN begs most respectfully to announce that his new premises, adjoining • and attached to the present establishment (formerly the Mayor Inn), are open for the reception of his numerous Friends and the Public in general. The arragements com- prise—Family Hotel, Cafe, seven Commercial, Dining, and Reception Rooms, forty-seven Bedrooms, all furnished in the best style, regardless of expense ; two Billiard Rooms, with Hopkins' and Stevens' Tables, made expressly to order for the proprietor of Tatter- sail's ; Bath Rooms, for the use of Lodgers only ; a complete Library, in which will be found, amongst numerous other works, the following : — Sporting Calendar, Stud and Herd Books of Great Britain and Ireland from 1764 to 1860, Stud-Book of New South Wales, ditto of Victoria, ditto of India, Dictionary of Dates, Pictorial Gazetteer, Low's History of Domestic Animals, Simpson's Views of the Crimea, Hogarth's complete Works (large edition), together with a well-assorted selection of standard literary works. On the walls of the establishment may be seen upwards of 200 paintings and engravings by the best masters, including portraits of all the famous race-horses and sporting men of England. No pains have been spared to make Tattersall's Hotel the most perfect in detail and complete in arrangement of any hotel in the southern hemisphere. The Sleeping and Dining Rooms will be found cool, comfortable, and thoroughly ventilated. TABLE D'HOTE (first-class), in the Large Dining Room, at One p.m. daily. Separate Dining and Sitting Rooms for Lodgers. Gentlemen visitors will find at Tattersall's separate apartments, suited in every way to their comfort and convenience. The immediate vicinity of Tattersall's to the principal horse bazaars and places of re- sort, give it, as a residence, a decided advantage over other establishments. It must also be borne in mind that the new premises will be wholly distinct from the bar business, being intended exclusively as a family hotel and residence. The subordinates of the establishment will be found civil, attentive, and in every way conducive to the comfort of the visitors. Charges per Week, £2 10s., or 8s. per Day. In another part of the establishment, Gentlemen's Servants can be accommodated with Board and Lodging at reasonable terms. Pitt Street, Sydney. WILLIAM JOHN O'BRIEN, Proprietor. Is the MOST COMFOKTABLE FAMILY HOTEL IN THE COLONY. The Proprietor has laid out Ten Acres of Garden and Recreation Grounds, which will be open at the commencement of the season for Races, Cricket, Archery, Bowls, and other Pastimes. Extensive Stabling, Loose Boxes, &c. f> ,^ THOMAS HABGEEAVE. Interesting perhaps to the Sporting Communitz, hut probably " Caviare to the general." ROBERT M'LAREN, OP M'LAREN'S HOTEL, MAIN ROAD, BALLAABAT, (FORMERLY THE COLONIAL bank), Avails himself of the opportunity afforded him by the secondissue of the " Victorian Rufi," to thank his friends for their seven years' patronage, and begs to reiterate all that he said in the issue for 1861. To those who believe in the English science of Boxing, one of the most salutary and enjoyable descriptions of amusement, and who attach some im- portance to relaxation as a semi-tropical necessity, he would urge a visit to his Fives Court Club, or to the Saturday Evening Lectures on the Art of Self Defence. He need scarcely >efer to his excellently selected stock of Wines, Spirits, &c, further than to say that every article sold at his hotel is selected from the best consignments in the market, and is purchased for CASH. In conclusion, lie begs to state that he has the most complete Collection of Sporting Pictures in the Colony, and that his customers will have the advantage of receiving the results by telegram of every interesting sporting event as soon as concluded. GEELONG CHAMPION RACE, JOCKEY CLUB HANDICAP, AND MELBOURNE CUP. MR. J. J. MILLER is betting on the above Races, and on all forthcoming Events, and will lay liberal prices against any Horse named. Up-Country Residents can receive a List of Prices, and all particulars on any sporting matter, on receipt of addressed and stamped envelope. All Commissions will receive prompt attention, and the longest possible market price may be depended on, by forwarding Remittance or Town Reference. OFFICE, ALBION HOTEL, BOURKE STREET. I B -, F. C. GOYDER will lay the Market Price on all SPORTING EVENTS in the COLONIES. Parties forwarding a Remittance, or Reference in Melbourne, may depend upon receiving the Current Odds. Long Odds on the Champion Race, Melbourne Cup, Jockey Club Handicap, &c. Address F. C. GOYDER, VICTORIA HOTEL, BOURKE STREET, MELBOURNE. djgcr's s yfiMt ipwhtw, No. 9 FLINDERS FT J j STREET WEST, (OPPOSITE ST. KILDA \\ W I 1 RAILWAY STATION.) MR. METZGER in introducing his new School of German Gymnastics to the notice of the citizens of Melbourne and suburbs, invites their attention to it as being the best, and essentially different in its course of exercises from any other school of Gymnastics hither- to established in the Australian Colonies. If properly directed, gymnastics will enlarge and strengthen every muscle of the trunk, arms, and legs, will expand the chest, so as to facilitate the play of the lungs, will render the joints supple, and will impart to the person grace, ease, and steadiness of deportment, combined with strength, spring, and speed. But an injudicious mode of exercise will generally confirm and aggravate those physical imperfections for which a remedy is sought. Though athletic feats were at first performed by each individual according to his own notions, and were encouraged among the youth as combining amusement with exercise, they were at length reduced to a system which, in Greece, formed a prominent feature in the State regulations for education; and as the nature of the warlike weapons rendered the development of physical force a subject of the highest military importance, those athletic sports were continued during manhood, and public sports were consecrated to the gods, and were conducted with the greatest ceremony. Plato tells us, that just before the time of Hippocrates gymnastics made a part of medi- cal study, as being suitable to counteract the effects of indolence and luxurious feeding, and that at length it became a State matter reduced to a system, and superintended by State officers. And ought we to neglect the physical development of our youth, and limit our attention merely to school learning ? Is not the connection of mind with body so in- timate that the former droops invariably when the latter suffers ? The great attention bestowed upon bodily exercises by the ancient Greeks entitles the matter to some con- sideration. That physical development did not preclude mental cultivation is manifest since their first philosophers, to whom we to-day look up, taught in the public gymnasia The class meets every day (except Sundays and Holidays), in the morning, afternoon, and evening— the afternoon class from 4 to 6. The terms are — 40s. per quarter, payable in advance (commencing from any date) Applications from intending pupils to be made to Mr. Metzger as above. TO CANINE FANCIERS, AND OTHERS DESIROUS OF IMPROVING THE BREED OF DOGS. EG. BANNER wishes to inform the Breeders of Dogs that the services of the celebrated • JERRY, winner of the Gold Champion Collar, are available on moderate terms. Jerry is one of the best bred dogs in the colony, being by Parker's imported dog Billy, out of a thorough -bred imported bitch ; he is a brownish-red dog, with all the best points of his breed. His performances are the best that have been witnessed on this side the line, and have rarely been surpassed in England. He beat Mr. Sandy's bitch, Jess, 12 rats each, L2 a side ; time, 50 sees. Beat Mr. Sandy's bitch, Jess, 12 rats to 8, L2 a side ; time, 25 sees. Won a match against time, killing 30 rats, for L5 ; time, 1 min. 47 sec. Won a match against time, killing 50 rats, for L10 ; time, 3 min. 45 sec. Matched against Mr. Pool's Turpin to kill 50 rats, Jerry staking L25 to L20— Turpin forfeited. Won the Champion Gold Collar of Victoria, open to all comers ; rats for pounds, from 121b. and upwards ; Jerry, 29 rats, 2 min. 8 sec. ; Mr. Pool's Turpin, 23 rats, 2 min. 38 sec. ; Mr. Pool's Judda, 16 rats, 3 min. 29 sec. ; Mr. G. Strike's Crib, 19 rats, 3 min. 32 sec. ; Mr. G. Townsend's Won a home-and-home match against Mr. Farrell's Whiskey, for L50, 30 rats each ; Jerry, time, 2 min. 5 sec. ; Whiskey, 3 min. 30 sec— Second killing, Jerry, 2 min. 3i sec. ; Whis- key, 3 min. Won a match against time to kill 100 rats in ten minutes, for L20 ; time, 8 min. 30 sec. Beat Mr. G. Strike's Crib, for L5 and the Collar ; Jerry, 29 rats, 2 min. 4 sec. ; Crib, 16 rats, 2 min. 39 sec. The Service of this Dog can be had at the SANDRIDGE INN, Bay Street, Sandridge. Under the Patronage of the Melbourne Rowing Club. JAMES EDWARDS, of Princes Bridge, formerly of the River Thames, begs to thank the Lovers of Aquatic Sports in Victoria for the very great patronage enjoyed by him during the time he has been in business on the Upper Yarra. His stock of Boats is added to every season, and he can now boast of the best selection and the greatest variety ever offered for hire. In addition to the many boats imported by him, he has constantly en- gaged the best colonial builders in order to keep up his stock of Gigs, Cutters, Wherries, Skiffs, Funnies, and other Pleasure Boats, which are to be let by the Week, Day, or Hour. Persons from the interior who are fond of aquatic exercises, or others who may be de- sirous of exploring the beauties of the Upper Yarra, are offered unusual facilities. Those gentlemen also whose business pursuits prevent their rowing in mid-day, may always find a light boat ready for them early in the morning or in the evening. Boats let, bought, and sold. Inland Regattas provided with boats, oars, sculls, &c. Lessons in rowing. PS8CI8SM A»» UtfS&KlL LITHOGRAPHERS, AND GENERAL PRINTERS, 59 COLLINS STREET WEST, (NEXT THE BANK OF NEW SOUTH WALES), MELBOURNE. AMERICAN CARRIAGES. TOP BUGGIES, NO-TOP BTJGGIES, CHAISES, BAROUCHES, CARRYALLS, ROCKAWATS, EXPRESS WAGGONS, ABBOTT'S CONCORD BUGGIES, STATION WAGGONS, &c. The Undersigned, having made arrangements with the best builders in the United States for a constant supply of custom work, will hereafter be in readiness to supply the wants of intending purchasers. AIEEICAN HAMeST^ FISHER, RICAKDS, & CO., 114 COLLINS STREET WEST. ALCOCK & CO., By Appointment to His Excellency Sir Henry Barkly, K.C.B., 8, AWARDED AT THE FIRST PRIZE EXHIBITION. HAVE ON SALE: Billiard Cloth, best West of England French Cue Tips, and Cement for fixing ditto Billiard Balls, mathematically correct Billiard Tables, in Cedar, Blackwood, and Fancy Woods American Skittle-Pins, and Lignum Vitae Balls Billiard Cues, plain and fancy. Tables Refitted with New Cushions, on Alcock and Co.'s new patent principle. 13S EUSSELL STREET. ACCOUNT-BOOK MANUFACTURER, BOOKBINDER AND PAPEE EULEE, 35 COLLINS STREET EAST, MELBOURNE. THE SECOND VOLUME «K< COMPILED AND EDITED BY "W ILLIAM LEVEY, WILL BE PUBLISHED EAELY IN JANUAKY, PRICE IN BOARDS, HALF-A-GUINEA. f ** Breeders are requested to forward a Return of their Foals of this Season as soon as possible, so that the Stud-Book of 1863 maybe complete to date, BELONGING TO MESSES. GEEEN. MELBOURNEJOJMDON MONTHLY This Celebrated Line of Packets comprises the following Magnificent Vessels :- ANGLESEY MONARCH LADY MELVILLE RESULT ALFRED SWIFTSURE DOVER CASTLE AGINCOURT ROXBURGH CASTLE PRINCEOFWALES WELLESLEY. Persons desirous of sending for their Relations or Friends from home ma obtain orders on London by applying at the Melbourne Office. For further particulars, apply to W. P. WHITE & CO., 10 Elizabeth Street South. (OE BLACKWALL YAED, LONDON,) FOR LONDON^IR^T MONTHLY. The following Vessels, which are included in the above-named Celebrated Fleet, will be despatched at regular intervals of a month : — KENT TRUE BRITON (NEW) SUFFOLK NORFOLK LINCOLNSHIRE &C &c. SUSSEX YORKSHIRE On application at the Head Office, Melbourne, orders may be obtained \ the passages from England of persons anxious to join their friends in tl country, For full particulars, apply to W. P. WHITE & CO., 10 Elizabeth Street South