»«• R!.***!* »«•»•. H. », ««HBE^ .>-«B»' .tt*W"*«^ ENIR ssociation Itional Steeplechase 905 /lUEL B. Lawrence f, James R. Keene asurer, H. I. Pels '\Z, < u o H r.,w ■iJ k ■ < o -^. VORLD. SAILING DAILY, RAIN OR SHINE, DIRECT TO DREAMLAND. [2] BELMONT PARK OFFICIAL SOUVENIR. Our Free Attractions Gigantic and Gorgeous Roman Spectacle, NERO Depicting in Sublime Grandeur the Sports, Pleasures and Pastimes of ANCIENT ROME. Heroic Roman Chariot Races. Sensational Roman Races. Barbaric Tests of Endurance Between Man and Beast. Superb Ballet of the White Slaves. 300 People 100 Horses. FREE! FREE! FREE! GRAND OPEN AIR HIPPODROME, LA CIRQUE NOUVEAU, Introducing Principal Acts from the Leading American and European Palaces of Amusement. Largest Ballroom in America. DANCING FREE. Our Unparalleled Attractions Recognize No Compe- tition. Most Beautiful Resort in the World — DREAMLAND [3] BELMONT PARK OFFICIAL SOUVENIR. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^♦^♦♦^^^^♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦^ ♦ : t ♦ ♦ I I t t ♦ t t I t ♦ t ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ t ♦ t THOMPSON & DUNDY, NEW YORK HIPPODROME, SixtH Avenue, 43d to 44tH St. Largest, Finest, Safest, Costliest PlayKouse in tKe >Vorld. T>vo Daily Performances at Prices WitHin Everybody's Means. A Great, Welcome Blending of Spectacle, Musical Extravaganza, Circus, Panorama, Comedy and Drama, with the Charm of Complete Novelty and Supremacy. Quality and Quantity Victoriously Allied. Structure a Supreme and Impressive Triumph of Theatre Construction. "A Yankee Circus on Mars" and "The Raiders." What the people want, given at a Right Price. Acme and Limit of Stage Possibilities and Scenic Realism. Promenades and Lounging Rooms, New in Theatrical Enterprise. Prices, 25 Cents to One Dollar. ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦< [4] BELMONT PARK OFFICIAL SOUVENIR. ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦«>♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ Entertainers for tlie Masses. LUNA PARK. Steadily Supreme Among Summer Seaside >$l:\o\vs. W^orld-Wide Wonders Wait WitKin Its Welcoming Walls. A Veritable Fairyland of the Mechanical, Electrical and Artistic Discoveries and Productions of Genius, Where More Than 5,000,000 People Find Delight and Diversion Each Summer. Rebuilt Throughout to Set a New Standard in Excelling Summer Entertain- ment. Opens May 13tH. " Fall of Port Arthur." This new thrilling spectacle of the war in the Far East is presented with detail, mechanical, elec- trical and marine features which no other Summer amusement enterprise has the resources to approach. Every device, appliance and part of this and the other myriad attractions which superior ingenuity has con- ceived is produced to give clean, novel and exhilarat- ing entertainment. ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ t ♦ : : ♦ ♦ I t ♦ ♦ I I ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ [5] BELMONT PARK OFFICIAL SOUVENIR. Courfesv of " T/ie Engineeritiff Record. GENERAL PLAN OF BELMONT PARK RACE-COURSE. I"61 BELMONT PARK OFFICIAL SOUVENIR. THE COMET ISLAND JOCKEY CLUB R.ace-Cotarse : SHeepsHead Bay, N. Y. Office : Wiiidsor Arcade, 571 FiftK Avenue, New YorK 1905 June Meeting Autumn Meeting THURSDAY, JUNE 15th SATURDAY, AUG. 26th (SUBURBAN DAY) (FUTURITY DAY) TUESDAY, JULY 4th SATURDAY, SEPT. 9th (L'a.'V^rence R.ealization Day) (Annual Champion Day) [7] BELMONT PARK OFFICIAL SOUVENIR. STEWARDS OF THE JOCKEY CLUB. JAMES R. KEENE. [8] BELMONT PARK OFFICIAL SOUVENIR. ^^/f BaltimoreRtEi BOTTLED BY '- nM.LANAHAN6S0N. BALTIMORE. Hunter WhisKey was conspicuously honored at the St. Louis Exposition by the award of the GRAND PRIZE which was the highest award (this being higher than the gold medal prizes), because of its superior quality, purity, flavor as compared with all other brands exhibited. Sold at all first-class cafes and jobbers WM. LANAHAN & SON, Baltimore, Md. ^^^ff ?altimoreI^ve BOTTLED BY Wm.Lanahan6Son. BALTIMORE. The Only Periodical of Its Kind. HUiMOROUS SATIRICAL FEARLESS LlfE ARTISTIC REFINED AMERICAN Of all newsdealers, weekly, ten cents a copy. Subscrip- tions, $5.00 a year (including the Christmas Number) of LIFE PUBLISHING CO. 17 West Thirty-first Street, NEW YORK CITY [9] BELMONT PARK OFFICIAL SOUVENIR. RACING DATES FOR 1905 SPRING MEETING THURSDAY, MAY 4th FRIDAY, MAY 5th SATURDAY, MAY 6th MONDAY, MAY 8th TUESDAY, MAY 9th WEDNESDAY, MAY 1 0th THURSDAY, MAY Uth FRIDAY, MAY 1 2th SATURDAY, MAY 1 3th MONDAY, MAY 1 5th TUESDAY, MAY 1 6th WEDNESDAY, MAY 17th THURSDAY, MAY 1 8th FRIDAY, MAY J 9th SATURDAY, MAY 20th MONDAY, MAY 22d TUESDAY, MAY 23d WEDNESDAY, MAY 24th FALL MEETING MONDAY, OCTOBER 2d TUESDAY, OCTOBER 3d WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 4th THURSDAY, OCTOBER 5th FRIDAY, OCTOBER 6th SATURDAY, OCTOBER 7th MONDAY, OCTOBER 9th TUESDAY, OCTOBER 1 0th WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER Uth THURSDAY, OCTOBER J 2th FRIDAY, OCTOBER 1 3th SATURDAY, OCTOBER Uth IHuBtral ^rugram 1. MARCH . . 2. OVERTURE . 3. SELECTION . 4. MEDLEY . . 5. WALTZ . . . 6. SELECTION . 7. INTERMEZZO 8. SELECTION 9. EXCERPTS . FOR THE OPENING DAY "Toys" Herbert ' ' William Tell " Rossini "Isle of Spice" Sc hinder . . "The Star" O'Hare "Amoureuse" Berger " Maid and the Mummy " Bowers . . "Al Fresco" Herbert Popular Jingles Stern . "Yankee Consul" . Robvn 10. MEDLEY F. Von Tilzer J. M. LANDER, Musical Director. [10] 2 [ij BELMONT PARK OFFICIAL SOUVENIR. '^^^^S.-..^^'' IN WHOSE COLORS BELDAME, Foaled \90i, Chestnat mare by Octagon out of Bella Donna, made he* notable t«rf triumphs in 1904 : PROMINENT STAKES WON BY THIS MARE IN J904: CARTER HANDICAP (carried 103 lbs.) LADIES' STAKES (carried J2J lbs.) GAZELLE STAKES (carried J24 lbs.) MERMAID STAKES (carried 126 lbs.) ALABAMA STAKES (carried 124 lbs.) .$7,810 . 4,955 . 3,795 . 5,670 , 4,000 SARATOGA CUP (carried 108 lbs.) DOLPHIN STAKES (carried 126 lbs.) SEPTEMBER STAKES (carried J23 lbs.) FIRST SPECIAL (carried JJ4 lbs.) SECOND SPECIAL (carried 112 lbs.) ..$8,750 . . 3,100 . . 4,285 . . 5,050 . . 4,875 [13] BELMONT PARK OFFICIAL SOUVENIR. INTRODUCTORY. It is no stretch of imagination to say that Behnont Park, the future "Home of the Thoroughbred," for which The Westchester Racing Association stands sponsor, is the most magnificent race-course in the world. Nature, money and brains have been united into a combination which has given to the American pubhc an ideal resort for the "Sport of Kings."' The vastness of the grounds, on which are erected the necessary impressive buildings, can be better appreciated when it is stated that it is a tract of land covering a space of over six hundred acres. This in itself gives a faint idea of the immensity of the undertaking which has transformed a vast area, studded with trees, &c., and of sandy loam, into a magnificent roomy pleasure park, the like of which no other country can boast. The entrance to the grounds proper is lined by numerous rhododendrons, and is thickly studded, on each side, with rows of stately pine and chestnut trees, which, in a measure, prepare the visitor for the grandeur of what is to come. The quaint old historic, castle- looking mansion to the right of the entrance, nestling among the trees and shrubbery, is part of the ancient Manice estate, once the property of millionaires of New York and Long Island. This mansion, which will be the future home of the exclusive Turf and Field Club, and which lies on the outskirts of a wood, is surrounded on three sides with elaborately laid-out gardens and scores of hothouses containing numerous rare plants of great beauty. All events at this race-course will be run the reverse way to that with which the public is familiar, i. e.: all turns will be made to the right, in lieu of to the left. This wise move was adopted so as to permit a more advantageous location of the various buildings, and also to fulfill the recjuirements as to the direction of the sun's rays. West of the Grand Stand, and a few feet beyond the finish, or judges' stand, is Which occupies a ground area of 10,100 square feet, and is a three-story struc- CLUB HOUSE ^"'"'^ °^ light-colored brick and Indiana freestone. Its frontage is 111 feet, with a depth of 91 feet. Two wide piazzas or observation balconies afford a grand view of all the tracks and grounds. It is most elaborate in its appointments and is, without doubt, superior to any similar building extant. The first floor contains a kitchen, cafe and committee- room ; the second floor, a ladies' dining-room, 75x36 feet, serving-parlor and retiring-rooms; and the third floor a gentlemen's dining-room, dormitories, etc. A unique innovation consists of two elevators, one for freight and the other for club members and their guests. An interesting- historical feature to the private entrance, through which the Club House is reached, are four obelisks or monoliths which, for about one hundred years, stood at the portals of the Charleston (S. C.) Jockey Club grounds. These were presented to Mr. August Belmont. Inscribed tablets have been placed in the panels of these columns. Built of iron, steel, brick, stone and cement, has a comfortable seating capacity CRAND STAND ^'^^ Over 11,000 persons, and is, of course, the largest building on the grounds. It embodies original up-to-date ideas and designs which are foreign to all such similar structures. In order that everyone should have an uninterrupted view, particularly of the entire homestretch, it is not quite parallel to the track, but slopes slightly eastward. Ample protection against inclement weather is provided by an extension of the roof 31 feet be3'ond the front edge. On this roof are additional seating accommodations, from which a magnificent view of the entire plant is obtained. A novel feature is a mezzanine gallerj' running along the entire length of the center, on which is a row of boxes with individual chairs for the use of the public ; these, in turn, open on to [14] BELMONT PARK OFFICIAL SOUVENIR. [16] BELMONT PARK OFFICIAL SOUVENIR. a promenade ( from eight to ten feet wide) which runs the entire length of the stand. On this promenade, but to the rear, are the kitchen, serving-rooms, dining-rooms, waiting-rooms, storage- rooms, coat-rooms, ladies' parlors, ladies' ante-rooms, and an emergency-room. In connection with the latter are first aid appliances and trained nurses. There are also additional private boxes for the exclusive use of club members, which occupy over 100 feet of that portion of this stand nearest to the Club House, the latter being connected with it by a short span or bridge. The ground floor is given over to lunch counters, bar, toilet retreats and police head- quarters, etc. In front of and at the easterly and westerly ends are depressions three feet deep by about twenty feet wide, paved with concrete. This arrangement is to discourage crowds from stand- ing directly in front of the stand, as these depressions form unsatisfactor}' points from which to view the races. The concreted ground, however, in the center of the stand, slopes back gradually to the Rotunda, to which it leads. The lawn in front of the stand has a sloping tendency to the main track, varying in width from 100 to 150 feet. The nile-green color with which this and the Field Stand are painted is particularly effective and pleasing. _ p PI n ^^^^ directly east of the Grand Stand, and is 250x95 feet. It is constructed of STAND steel, brick and concrete, and will hold 4,000 persons. The accommodations are somewhat similar to those on the ground floor of the Grand Stand. .^..„ „ ^ ^ Is an attractive two-storv structure, in close proximity and west of the THE ADMINISTRATION „, , . . ' . ^ , . , . , ' AND JOCKEY BUILDING '^•''-''^ nouse. its interior is fitted up with special regard to the comfort and requirements of the stewards, officials, horse-owners and jockeys. The first floor contains the secretary's or clerk of the course's room, fitted up after the style of a banking house; there are also jockeys' dressing-rooms, which contain 116 lockers, and lavatories, bathrooms, etc., etc. The second floor is laid out for the exclusive use of the handicapper. Jockey Club officials, with a very spacious Board room for the Stewards. A broad balcony encircles this building, which commands a fine view of the grounds and surrounding country. THP <;Anni iNr ^^ constructed of yellow pine, topped by a slanting slate roof. Its dimensions are PADDOCK 295x83 feet. It contains 36 stalls, 18 each on the easterly and westerly sides, and is charmingly situated in the center of a number of massive trees, about a couple of hundred feet immediately to the rear of and midway between the Club House and Grand Stand. To and from the track the horses will traverse that portion of the grounds , which lies between the Club House and Administration Building. Or public financial concourse, is a one-story structure, and is the first which ROTUNDA greets one after entering the Park from the trains or highway. Its approach from the main entrance gates is by a walk and roadway 650 feet long by 170 feet wide, which includes two roadways, a covered way and a sidewalk on each side. The covered way is a cemented walk 20 feet wide. Steps on either side of this building lead from the entrance grounds to its roof, on which are two parallel walks which, in turn, lead directly to the Grand Stand (the latter is also reached by either traversing or going around the Rotunda to the lawn in front of the Grand Stand). The Rotunda is built slightly under but otherwise clear of the Grand Stand. Its shape is nearly circular, 2-49x307 feet. It affords superior roomy facilities for the purpose intended, and is open on all sides. It has concrete flooring, and skylights to ensure ample light. Of which at present there are 40, are situated at the eastern and northwestern THE STABLES ^""^^ °^ ^^^ grounds, and will house between 800 and 1,000 thoroughbreds. The ■roof of each extends 14 feet on all sides, so as to permit of horses exercising in bad weather. Sleeping quarters for attendants and stable hands are built over the stalls. There are public and private kitchens galore. [16] ID o M ra u BELMONT PARK OFFICIAL SOUVENIR. FOUNTAIN &, CHOATE, BUILDERS, 1 14 East 23d Street, NEW YORK. GENERAL CONTRACTORS FOR THE VARIOUS BUILDINGS AT BELMONT PARK. [17] BELMONT PARK OFFICIAL SOUVENIR. Are laid out on this splendid property. The main one is II/2 miles in circumfer- RACECOURSES^"''^' ^^^^'^ ^ P^''^^'"*''^' ^^''^^^^^ ''^^'•^ °^ seven furlongs at its southeasterly end. The turf course, immediately within the first, is 1% miles around; the third, inside the second, has a circuit of 1%^ miles, and is for steeplechase events, but which, in addition, is con- nected with a couple of other courses which wind at random, as it were, over the other three, making it possible to give jumping events of any distance. At present there are five hedges, two "Liverpools," two "banks," and one water jump, the latter being immediately in front of the Grand Stand. The finish in all cases will begin from the northeasterly end, then south, into the 1% mile or turf track. Additional obstacles will be added in the near future. The sixth course is of one mile, with two slight extensions, one at the northwest end and the other at the southeast. It is attached and tangent to the main track. It has been built for the novel and special use of a training ground, and also for the "trying- out" of yearlings. Its southwesterly end connects with the main track at the latter's southeast- erly point. Races for the Belmont Cup will start from the southeasterly extension up to the north turn, down its western stretch, then on to the main track, into the homestretch to the finish, a distance of 1% miles. Experts agree that the original soil of this land, a sandy loam, which has been used in the construction of the three courses on which flat races will be run, will result in ideal tracks. The soil being very porous, it was not found necessary to lay under-drains, but "catch basins" at frequent intervals along the inner rails are connected with the main drainage system. Clever sprinkling devices have been constructed for watering, which do away with the antiquated, familiar methods of horses and sprinkling carts. These consist of three subterranean concreted passages, one of which leads visit- NOVELTIES °'"^' ^^ ^ gradual upward slope, to the entrance of the grounds from the train terminals; the second is for the use of the public to reach the infield, so as to relieve any overcrowding of the Grand Stand and lawn, and the third subway, situated about midway under the ys'^ile chute, is for the use of stable hands and tradesmen. By means of the latter two, everyone, other than those whose duties necessitate their being there, will be kept off the surface of the tracks. Electrical wires have been installed throughout the property, so that the Stewards, in their official capacity, and in the administration of their duties, will be able to communicate with every portion of the Park. This applies also to the starting points, no matter from what portion of the grounds the thoroughbreds "line up." In the present case, comparisons not being odious, and official data having been obtained by correspondence, the contrast between the Grand Stand at Belmont Park and similar structures in other countries will prove of interest : Belmont Park (Seatiog capacity) (over) 11,000 Flemington Course, } ^ . . , Melbourne, Australia j (Seatmg capacity) 5,000 Chantilly Course, } ,c- ^- .,^;<-,a 3 500 France S (Seatmg capacity) ^,ow Doncaster Course, 7 ,r, .■ „„^„^;t.,\ 3 000 England } ^ Seating capacity) ^>""" Hoppegarten Course, | . , ;ty) 2,000 Berlin, Prussia ) ^ & 1 For reaching Belmont Park have been perfected by the Long Island Rail- TRANSPORTATION ^^^^ ^^^ ^^^ ^^^^y. handling of enormous crowds by the frequent running FACILITIES ^^ ^^^^.^^ ^^^.^^^^ ^ four-track connection has been made with the main line, which is increased to ten rails at the terminal. Each track is 800 feet long, with corresponding concrete platforms covered by galvanized iron roofs. These land passengers m front of and a few steps from the main entrance. It will also be possible to reach the course from the Bridge via [18] BELMONT PARK OFFICIAL SOUVENIR. So Bll to HCIhom ^bcec ptcecntB Sbnll Come Orcetiitg: Gbfs declaration I* lo tcttirr tbtit at aiudwo ©fficial Hwarb IRibbon f I IWIUO EO JStrtxBultwiltTrtttx Xouisiana putcbase CAPEWELL Horse Nails have received the HIGHEST AWARD in all COMPETITIONS, including GOLD MEDAL at the Louisiana Purchase Exposition St. Louis, 1904. THE CAPEWELL HORSE NAIL CO., Haitford, Conn., U. S. A. Gentlemen: — I have never lost a shoe on account of the nailb breakin.s;. THOMAS P MACK, Shoer for Imperial Moscow Trotting Club, Moscow, Russia. THE CAPEWELL HORSE NAIL CO., Hartford, Conn., U. S. A. Gentlemen : — Since I began to use Capewell nails, the steel always comes home. / /lave never seen the Catiewell /ail, where others fail, betiveen the shoe and the foot. JOSEPH GUILFOYLE. Shocr for the Master of the Kings County Foxhounds, Kinnity, Ireland. They are the Best in the World and are used on the Race Tracks of the Globe Because They Hold the Best and are Safest to Use. THE CAPEWELL HORSE NAIL Co., Hartford, Conn., U. S. A. ,, - , Gentlemen ;— I always use the Capewell, for I consider it not only the best driving nail, but luhen vou send a horse to the post vou can bet that he -will 'bring all his si.oes home with lam. * FRANK SMELL, International Horseshoer and Plater, Hoppegarten, Germany. THE CAPEWELL HORSfi NAIL CO., Hartford, Conn., U. S. A. ,, ., Gentlemen :~While I consider the Capewell nail the only safe nail to use, I can especially recom- mend them where pads are used ; thev never brea/t. JAMES CLARK, Billings Park, Memphis, Tenn., U. S. A. MADE BY THE CAPEWELL HORSE NAIL COMPANY, Harttord, Conn., U. S. A. BRANCHES: NEW YOXK, PHILADELPHIA, BALTIMORE, BUFFALO, CINCINNATI, DETROIT, CHICAGO, ST. LOUIS, NEW ORLEANS, DENVER, SAN FRANCISCO, PORTLAND, CITY OF MEXICO TORONTO, CANADA. I905 Calendar and Complete Catalogue Free upon Jtpplication. [19] BELMONT PARK OFFICIAL SOUVENIR. Rapid Transit and Suburban trains to Jamaica, thence by trollc)- direct to the gates ; also splendid roads from Long Island Cit}' for automobiles and carriages. Here, then, is a pleasure Park of unsurpassed beauty within a few minutes' ride of the Metropolis and Brooklyn, where the conveniences and comforts of the public have been a paramount stud}' to the minutest detail, where a day's outing is to be obtained 'midst the wafting of invigo- rating pine breezes and health-laden air, where the great classic turf events of The Westchester Racing Association will be contested for for all time to come by the noblest of all brute creation, "the thoroughbred," and where the American racehorse will find a perfect and perpetual home. Goodwin Bros. DATA. Cost of Construction (between) $1,750,000 and $2,000,000 Amount of Ground 600 acres Circumference of Main Course 11/2 miles Circumference of Turf Course 1% miles Circumference of Steeplechase Course 1^/4 miles Circumference of Training Course 1 mile Length of Homestretch (Main Course) (about) % mile Length of Chute ( straight) Ys mile Average Width of Courses (over) 110 feet Size of Grand Stand 650 feet Seating Capacity (over) 11,000 Promenade on Grand Stand 650 feet x 8 to 10 feet Size of Club House 111x91 feet Size of Field Stand 250x95 feet Seating Capacity 4,000 Size of Paddock 295x83 feet Number of Stalls 36 Size of Rotunda 249x207 feet Size of Administration or Jockey Building 80x50 feet Number of Stables 40 Stables accommodate (between) 800 and 1,000 horses A Yearling Race. A little tear and a little smile The little tear he got the start ; Set out to run a race — We really feared he'd win We watched them closely all the while — ■ He ran so fast, and made a dart Their course was Baby's face. Straight for her dimpled chin. But somehow — it was very queer; We watched them all the while — The little, shining, fretful tear Got beaten by the smile. [20 1 BELMONT PARK OFFICIAL SOUVENIR. Tt1[N[WAMST[RDAM NATIONAL BANK Broadway and Thirty=ninth Street, NEW YORK CITY. CAPITAL AND SURPLUS, - $1,000,000.00. OFFICERS: R. R. MOORE, President. C. "W. MORSE, Vice-President. G. J. BAUMANN, Cashier. J, G. HEMERICH, Assistant Cashier. DIRECTORS: C. T. BARNEY, President Knickerbocker Trust Company. R. R. MOORE, President. J. ROMAINE BROWN, Real Estate. C. W. MORSE, Capitalist. JOSEPH D. CARROLL, Treasurer Fiss, Doerr & Carroll Horse Co. H. F. MORSE, Capitalist. FRANK CURTISS, President Sixth Avenue R. R. Co. LOUIS STERN, of Stern Bros. W. M. HEALEY, of Healey & Co. F. K. STURGIS, of Strong, Sturgis & Co. R. V. LEWIS, of Lewis & Conger. GEO. W. WILDER, President Buttericfc Co. THE NEW AMSTERDAM SAEE DEPOSIT COMPANY. BOXES FROM $5.00 UP. Barton & Guestier, Clarets and Sauternes of the Finest Vintages. Bordeaux. Louis Roederer, R.eims. Champagne BRUT, GRAND VIN SEC, Carte Blanche Vintages J 895- J 898. Wm. Williams & Sons, Liqueur Scotch Whisky Guaranteed Twelve Years Old. ^l>ex-cleex\. G r d n & C . , ^:f 't "C: I^ondon. Jules Roliin & Co., Fine Cognac Brandies. Co^>\ac. Sandeman & Co., Old Port Wines. Oporto. Represented by £. Ld MOIltagne ® SOHS, "^^ew^yori]?*** [21] BELMONT PARK OFFICIAL SOUVENIR. STEWARDS AND OFFICIALS OF THE MEETING AUGUST BELAIONT, JAMES R. KEENE, F. R. HITCHCOCK. Judges: CLARENCE McDOWELL, C. H. PETTINGILL. Clerk of the Scales: H. G. CRICKMORE. Starter: MARS CASSIDY. Handicapper: W. S. A^OSBURGH. Patrol Judge: J.L.HALL. Timer: W. H. BARRETTO. HOW TO REACH THE RACE-COURSE FROM LONG ISLAND QTY. May 4— A. M., 11 : 30, 11 : 40, 11 : 50, noon. P. M., 12 : 10, 1:2 : 20, 12 : 30, 12 : 40, 12 : 50, 1, 1 : 05, *1 : 10, 1 : 20, 1 : 30, 1 : 40, 1 : 50, 2. Saturdays— Noon, 12:10, 12:20, 12:30, 12:40, 12:50, 1, 1:05, *1:10, 1 : 20, 1 : 30, 1 : 40, 1 : 50, 2. Other Days— 12 : 20, 12 : 40, 1, 1 : 10, 1 : 20, 1 : 30, 1 : 40, 2. *ParIor Car Train. FROM FLATBUSH AVENUE. BROOKLYN. May i- and on Saturdays— Noon, 12:20, 12:40, ], 1: 15, 1:30, 1:45. Other Days— 12 : 20, 12 : 40, 1, 1 : 20, 1 : 45. FROM EAST 34th STREET, NEW YORK, 10 Minutes Earlier. Trolley lines run from Long Island City and Jamaica. Splendid roadways for carriages and automobiles from Long Island City. [22] BELMONT PARK OFFICIAL SOUVENIR. ARTFUL FOALED 1902 Bay Filly by Hamburgf-Martha II, by Imported Dandie Dinmont WON The Futurity of $43,240, erunongs, 1:1 1^ The GreatFilly of $10,710, 6 Furlongs, 1:11^ White Plains H'cap $3,280,6 Furlongs, 1:08 Property of H. P. WHITNEY [25] BELMONT PARK OFFICIAL SOUVENIR. Program And Conditions of Stakes and Entries for the Spring Meeting. For FIRST DAY— THURSDAY, MAY 4. THIRD RACE. THE JUVENILE— $2,500 ADDED. two-vear-olds. Foals of 1903. By subscription of $50 each, half forfeit, with $2,500 arlded, of which $500 to the second, $250 to the third. Colts, 122 lbs.; fillies and geldings, 119 lbs. AVinners of $10,000 to carry 5 lbs. extra.; of $5,000, 3 lbs. Non-winners of $1,200 allowed 5 lbs. Closed December 15, 1904, with J^i nominations. Five furlongs. Julius Bauer's Markie Mayer. " Supreme. Fred. Cook's Missouri Lad. Beautiful Bess. Millstream Stable's Carouser. :\Irs. J. McLaughlin's (J. Mc- (f Reflector. H. B. Duryea's McKittredge. Laughlin) Sun Fire. August Belmont's Don Diego. JNIi.xup. Ormondale Stable's Ormondale. Woolwich. P. J. Dwyer's Albert F. Osiris. Newton Flim Flam. Bennington's Waterbok. Townes. Miss Toddington. Quorum. Patrick Gallagher's Jileddler. Goughacres Stable's Queen Mary. Donna. Sydney Paget's Monterey. Jacobite. W. AL Sheftel's Prospero. H. P. Whitney's Fairy Prince. " Jerry Wernberg. F. R. Hitchcock's Mandarin. " Battleaxe. " First Water. Vendor. Orison. Green Room. Bob Edgren. Jas. R. Keene's Ballot Box. Lancastrian. " Pegasus. Queen of Hearts. ;: Voorhees. Marius Caius. " Capias. Nogi. Israfel. " Burgomaster. " Waterbearer. Early and Often. ch f by Hamburg— Black August C. Blume's St. Benedict. St. Ursula. Venus. S. S. B rown's Plebeian. W. B. Leeds' Sirius. Ironsides. " Reuben. Accountant. Chelsea Stable's Side View. Qui Vive. Fred. Cook's Geo. C. Bennett. Minnie Adams. " Wool Soap. J. E. Madden's Belmere. " Macumber. Bellsnicker. Hooray. Dodina. " Comedienne. " Merry-go-round. " b f by imp. Meddler — Equality. R. T. Wilson, Jr.'s Knickerbocker. Nostromo. " Calabogue. Beaufort. Bill Phillips. FOURTH RACE. THE METROPOLITAN HANDICAP. For three-year-olds and upward. By subscription of $100 each, half forfeit, or $10 only if declared by Monday, April 10. to the winner, with $10,000 added, of which $2,000 to the second, $1,000 to the third. AVeights to be announced Monday, March 20, [26] BELMONT PARK OFFICIAL SOUVENIR. VEUVE CLICQUOT CHAMPAGNE Excels all others in quality. Yellow Label "Sec" Gold Label "Brut" Our Special Vintaged Cuvee Brut 1899, equal to the best Vintages of the past century, is now in the market. FOR SALE BY ALL FIRST-CLASS DEALERS. CHAS. F. SCHMIDT & PETERS, SOLE AGENTS. Established 1873. % Near Fifth Avenue. e.ux'^xJC •ORIGINATOR" Ladies' Tailored Hats. Reveals itself in this season's style which finds us at home with our Specialty in Smaller Hats. Our full lines of novelties in TOQUES, TURBANS and ENGLISH, ROUND and WALKING HATS, for Tailored Wear and Traveling, known as "CONNELLY TURBAN," are ready for the Spring and Summer seasons of 1905. Telephone 3171 Madison. THE "ONLY CONNELLY.' A WINE OF QUALITY. Paul Ruinart Champagne, J. G. ROSE, SOLE AGENT, NEW YORK. 1271 BELMONT PARK OFFICIAL SOUVENIR. 1905. AVinners after the publication of the weights of two races of any value, or one of the value of $1,000, to carry 4 lbs. extra, of two races of $1,000 or of three or more races of any value, 8 lbs. extra. Closed March 8, with 45 entries, of which 11 declared. One mile. Lbs. E. R. Thomas' ch h Hermis (6) 139 J. A. Drake's ch c Ort Wells (4) 124 James R. Keene's br c Delhi (4) 124 E. R. Thomas' ch c Stalwart (4) 124 August Behnont's ch f Beldame ( 4 ) 123 August Belmont's ch h Lord of the Vale (5). .. 118 C. E. Rowe's ch h First Mason (5) 117 R. T. Wilson, Jr.'s b g Dolly Spanker (4) 114 C. E. Rowe's b m Colonial Girl (6) Ill J. E. Madden's br c Adbell (4) lOS D. C. Johnson's b g Roseben (4) 107 James R. Keene's b c Sysonby (3) 107 J. C. Yeager's b c Leonidas (4) 105 C. E. Rowe's b g Baker's Waters (.5 ) 105 Sydney Paget's ch c Ormonde's Right (4) 104 James R. Keene's ch c Israelite (4) 104 D. C. Johnson's Jacquin (4) 100 James McLaughlin's br c Oxford (3) 100 H. P. Whitney's ch f Tanya ( 3 ) 99 Wm. Lakeland's ch f Little Em (4) 99 S. Deimel's br c Wotan (4) 98 R. E. Watkins' ch c St. Bellane (3) 97 Andrew Miller's br f Coy Maid (3) 9G Mrs. J. INtcLaughlin's b c Pasadena (.'!) 96 Lbs. J. L. Holland's ch c Kehailan (3) 95 C. T. Henshall's ch g Martinmas (5) 95 E. W. Jewett's b g Bedouin (3) 95 J. E. Madden's b c Sig Light (3) 93 Albemarle Stable's b f Santa Catalina (3) 90 H. B. Duryea's b g Chieftain (3) 90 O. L. Richards' ch g Race King (4) 90 Albemarle Stable's br f Bohemia (3) 88 Boston Stable's b f Palette (4) 87 C. T. Henshall's ch c Sir Brillar (3) 87 Declared April 10, 1905, at $10 Each. H. B. Duryea's br h Irish Lad (5) 127 Sydney Paget's b h Goldsmith (6) 119 P. J. Dwyer's br c Knight Errant (4) 104 R. T. Wilson Jr.'s ch g Montreson (4) 104 H. P. Whitney's br f Artful (3) 100 W. L. Oliver's b g Lord Badge (6) 97 Sydney Paget's ch c Woodsaw (3) 97 H. B. Duryea's ch f Rose of Dawn (3) 93 .Vlbemarle Stable's ch f Marjoram (4) 92 W. B. Leeds' b C Merry Lark (3) 92 Andrew Miller's ch f Incantation (3) 90 Penalties accrue from noon of Monday, March 20, 1905. FIFTH RACE. NEW YORK STEEPLECHASE. For four-year-olds and upward. 10 lbs. under the scale. By subscription of $10 each. Starters to pay $15 additional to the winner. The Westchester Racing Association to add $1,200, of which $250 to the second, $150 to the third. To carry, four-year-olds, 135 lbs.; five-year-olds, 149 lbs.; six and upward, 156 lbs. Allowances as by rule to mares and geldings. Closed March 8. with 41 entries. About two miles. A. C. Blume's Rube (a). Pellucida (6), Bonnie Brook Stable's Stamboul (4). " Champ Elysees (4). " Palatenia (4). M. J. Cavanagh's Flying Buttress (6). F. Ambrose Clark's Presgrave (a). " Ainslee (4). Chelsea Stable's Queen Belle (4). J. W. Colt's Lavator (a). Arian (6). " Sandhurst (4). Mr. Cotton's Jimmy Lane (5). Thomas Hitchcock, Jr.'s Good and Plenty (5). Black Hussar (5). " Queen Elizabeth (5). Hylas (4). F. Johnson's Bonfire (5). Lipton (5). Foxhall P. Keene's Cheiro (6). Robert Kel'y's Simper (a). Mr. Major's Royelle (a). " Dromedary (6). " Vestment (4). Parson Kelly (4). • H. S. Page's Self Protection (a). Ivan (a). Charles Pfizer's Messina (6). Charles Pfizer's Libretto 2nd (a). Piedmont Stable's Red, White and Blue {,4). G. L. Richards' New York (6). W. Scheftel's Orly 2nd (5). G. Schwarz's Judge Phillips (a). R. L. Stevens' Snuff (5). Jos. E. Widener's Commondale (6). " Coligny (5). Star and Garter (3). Marcian (5). " Patagonian (4). Shemus Dhuv (4). Gatebell (6). [28] BELMONT PARK OFFICIAL SOUVENIR. ESTABLISHED 1811. Chas. de Cazanove CHateau d'Avize, FRANCE. Champagne Cazanove, Chateau Brut. Cazanove, Vin Monarque Brut. THE KNICKERBOCKER IMPORTATION COMPANY, Sole Agents, 32 BROAD-WTAY, NEMT YORK. NORTHERN This Car Sold More Extensively than Any Other in New York During the Past Year. The Ideal Car for jg jj p Touriftg Car, Side Entrance, $1,700. i m m e d i a t « Going to the Race Meets. 7 V2 H. P. Ideal Runabout, 650. Deliveries. PETER FOGARTY, 142 W. 38th St., N. Y. BELMONT PARK OFFICIAL SOUVENIR. . A ^ A-" ''^mmm- ^«»> ■ . ... r .!^?!»> ^^^K^ " ^"■■'^ ■■:■ »««»»««♦* * mmmmm e«^ r ' ^^B ^ ^^b Photo by Thomas A, Knight. YANKEE Foaled 1899. Bay horse by Hanover, out of Correction by Himyar. Yankee sold for $20,000 as a yearling. Won the Futurity in 1901, in the colors of J. E. Madden. This horse is now doing service at Hamburg Place. [30] Photo by HiSTED. JOHN EDWARD MADDEN, Jr. JOSEPH M. MADDEN, Future masters of Hamburg Place. BELMONT PARK OFFICIAL SOUVENIR. SECOND DAY— FRIDAY, MAY 5. THIRD RACE. The Larchmont. For maiden three-year-olds at time of entry. By subscription of $25 each, $10 forfeit to the winner; with $1,500 added, of which $300 to the second, $200 to the third. Colts to carry 115 lbs., geldings 112 lbs., and fillies no lbs. Winners once to carry 7 lbs. extra. ; twice, 10 lbs. extra. Winners of any race of the value of $2,500 not eligible to start, and to be released from all subscription charges. Closed March 8, with 36 entries. Seven furlongs. L. V. Bell's Oliver Cromwell. Newton Bennington's Keator. Boston Stable's Princess Eris. Fred. Burlew's Sandalwood. W. A. Chanler's Novena. Chelsea Stable's Earldom. W. C. Daly's RaimenL. H. B. Duryea's Pioneer. F. J. Farrell's Metamora. /ames Galway's Legatee. Goughacres Stable's Yeoman. " Thomond. E. W. Jewett's Bedouin. F. Johnson's Aucassin. James R. Keene's Sinister. Regal. " Masaniello. W. B. Leeds' Baron Esher. Andrew Miller's Gambler. J. L, McGinnis' Inspiration. R. W. Nelson's Black Ball. " Maggie Stroup. Sydney Paget's Jonquil. Water Mirror. Sydney Paget's Southern Cross. A. R. Peabody's Toyland. " Winsome Winnie. R. H. McC. Potter's Jetsam. Belle of Setauket. P. S. P. Randolph's Drone. P. H. Sullivan's Samuel H. Harris. W. H. Timmons' Black Prince. H. P. Whitney's Prince Hamburg. " Comet. R. T. Wilson, Jr.'s Trajan. " Golden Green. THIRD DAY— SATURDAY, MAY 6. THIRD RACE. M, C. F. J. The Bouquet, Selling. For two-year-olds. By subscription of $25 each; $10 for- feit to the winner, with $1,500 added, of which $300 to the second, $200 to the third. The winner to be sold by auction for $4,000. If for $3,500, allowed 5 lbs. ; if for $3,000, allowed 10 lbs. ; then i lb. allowed for each $100 down to $1,500. An allowance of 25 lbs. Allowances as by rule to mares and geldings, and to apprentices under Rule 126. Selling price to be stated through the entry-box when the entries close on the day preceding the race. Closed March 8, with 74 entries. Five furlongs. Arverne Stable's Freddie G. August Belmont's Lackey. " Tiptoe. Newton Bennington's Watervane. Waterbok. ■' Guiding Star. " Townes. " Delmore. " Commodore Fontaine. Dr. Heard. " Superior Boy. Third Alarm. A. C. Blume's Now There. " St. Benedict. Boston Stable's Nellie Burn. " br. f., by Fatherless — Eocene. W. A. Chanler's Simper. " Guile. Chelsea Stable's Qui Vive. " Paprika. W. C. Daly's Best Boy. J. A. Drake's Mertie D. Frank J. Farrell's Clark Griffith. " ch. c, by Arkle — Loyar- lirta. Goughacres Stable's Revenge. L. Hayman's Lester L. Hay- man. " Leonard Joe Hayman. F. Hill's Sunshine. R. Hitchcock's Bauble. L. Holland's blk. f., by Mack- intosh — Omladina. J. Mack. James R. Keene's High Brush. " Special License. " Cassandra. Guy Mannering. Sam Lazarus' Destroyer. W. B. Leeds' Sirius. Humpty Dumpty. P. Lorillard's Nil. J. E. Madden's Muffins. Artery. Millstream Stable's Carouser. Mrs. J. McLaughlin's Sun Fire. James McLaughlin's Palora. The Poet. " Kuro. W. L. Oliver's Kearney, Jr. " Jay Austin. Oneck Stable's Volo. " Optician. Sydney Paget's Lord Provost. " Montanus. A. R. Peabody's Majority. R. H. McC. Potter's Flare. Belle of Request. W. L. Powers' Legend. ^ " Andover. W. Sheftel's Blair Athol. Alex. Shields' Meddling Daisy. " Sir Yussuf. W. H. Snyder's Anodyne. Sylvester Stable's Eleda. H. K. Vingut's Bantam. R. E. Watkins' Dreamland. Thomas Welsh's Inquisitor. H. P. Whitney's Nemesis. Bat. Perhaps. " The Irishman. R. T. Wilson, Jr.'s Nostromo. " Beaufort. " ch. c, by Ornament — Spanker, " b c, by Ornament — L'Aoluette. " Jessamine. [33] BELMONT PARK OFFICIAL SOUVENIR. ^•^•M[®w^iu>iU' 246 Fifth Ave CHARLES A. NEWELL PREST & TREAS. [33] BELMONT PARK OFFICIAL SOUVENIR. FOURTH RACE. The Toboggan Handicap. For three-year-olds and upward. By subscription of $30 each, $10 only if declared by 2 p. m. of the day before the race, to the win- ner; with $2,500 added, of which $400 to the second, $200 to the third. Weights to be announced after the last race of Thursday, May 4, 1905. Winners after the publica- tion of the weights to carry 3 lbs. extra. Closed March 8, with 50 entries. Six furlongs. Albemarle Stable's Marjoram (4). " Santa Catalina (3). " Bohemia (3). Arverne Stable's Escutcheon (3). C. A. Alnwick's Jim Beattie (3). " Invincible (5). August Belmont's Beldame (4). Blandy (3). Lord of the Vale (5). L. V. Bell's Gl-orifier (3). W. A. Chanler's Baseful. W. C. Daly's Amberjack (3). S. Deimel's Wotan (4). J. A. Drake's Ort Wells (4). Savable (5). H. B. Duryea's Chieftain (3). Rose of Dawn (3). F. J. Farrell's King Pepper (a). F. R. Hitchcock's Cabin (3). C. T. Henshall's Pelham (3). Sir Brillar (3). J. L. Holland's Confessor (3). E. W. Jewett's Bedouin (3). D. C. Johnson's Roseben (3). " Jacquin (4). James R. Keene's Delhi (3). Wild Mint (3). Von Tromp (3). " Israelite (4). Leeland Stable's Jerry C. (3). P. Lorillard's Chrysitis (3). J. E. Madden's Adbell (4). Andrew Miller's Coy Maid (3). " Incantation (3). Thomas Monahan's Campo (3). James McLaughlin's Oxford (3). Mrs. J. McLaughlin's Pasadena (3). Sydney Paget's Woodsaw (3). Belle Strome (3). " Cairngorm (3). - " Zeala (3). O. L, Richards' Race King (4). F, M. Taylor's King Cole (3). R. E. Watkins' Lady Amelia (4). Diamond (3). H. P. Whitney's Tanya (3). " Prince Hamburg (3). R. T. Wilson, Jr.'s Sparkling Star (3). " Dolly Spanker (4). J. C. Yeager's Leonidas (4). FOURTH DAY— MONDAY, MAY 8. FOURTH RACE. FIRST SERIAL. Conditions of the Crotona Handicap. Starters to pay $10 additional, with $1,500 added, of which $300 to the second, $200 to the third. The winner to receive one- third of the subscription money, all of the starting money, and the balance of the added money, $1,000. Weights to be announced three days before the race. Winners, after the publication of the weights, to carry 3 lbs. extra. Closed March 8, with 62 entries. Six furlongs. Sydney Paget's Ormonde's Right (4). Goldsmith (6) Belle Strome (3). " Cairngorm (3). Woodsaw (3). R. H. McC. Potter's Chimney Sweep (3). Buckleya (4). O. L. Richards' Race King (4). W. H. Snyder's Trapper (3). F. M. Taylor's King Cole (3). R. E. Watkins' Lady Amelia (4). " Diamond (3). T. L. Watt's Ancestor (4). Knight of Pearl (3). H. P. Whitney's Heart's Desire (3). R. T. Wilson, Jr.'s Sparkling Star (3). " Gamara (3). " Montreson (4). J. C. Yeager's Leonidas (4). Albemarle Stable's Marjoram (4). C. A. Alnwick's Jim Beattie (3). " Atwood (4). " Invincible (5). Duke of Kendal (.5). August Belmont's Beldame (4). Lord of the Vale (5). Blandy (3). L. V. Bell's Glorifier (3). Boston Stable's Palette (4). James Caffrey's Katie Caffrey (3). W. A. Chanler's Salvatella (5). Baseful (4). W. C. Daly's Amberjack (3). S. Deimel's Wotan (4). J. A. Drake's Ort Wells (4). H. B. Duryea's Chieftain (3). P. J. Dwyer's Knight Errant (4). Red Friar (3). F. J. Farrell's King Pepper (a). Goughacres Stable's Spring (4). Preen (3). C. T. Henshall's Martinmas (5). C. T. Henshall's Pelham (3). Sir Brillar (3). F. R. Hitchcock's Cabin (3). J. L. Holland's Confessor (3). E. W. Jewett's Bedouin (3). D. C. Johnson's Roseben (4). " Jacquin (4). James R. Keene's Wild Mint (3). " Israelite (4). " Sysonby (3). W. Lakeland's Little Em (4). W. B. Leeds' Merry Lark (3). P. Lorillard's Chrysitis (3). Andrew Miller's Coy Maid (3). " Incantation (3). M. F. McDonald's Uncas (3). James McLaughlin's Oxford (3). Mrs. J. McLaughlin's Pasadena (3). R. W. Nelson's Diamond Flush (3). W. L. Oliver's Sergeant (5). [34] H < Z fc- I ^ 9 S o " « h O " o ^ H w BELMONT PARK OFFICIAL SOUVENIR. FRANCIS R. HITCHCOCK, President. HARRY PAYNE WHITNEY, Vice-President. ANDREW MILLER, Secretary and Treasurer. The Saratoga Association For the Improvement of the Breed of Horses, Windsor Arcade, 571 Fifth Avenue, ^lew York. Office from July ISth to September 1st, No. 1 Worden Hotel Block Saratoga Springs, N. Y. RACE-COURSE, SARATOGA SPRINGS, NEW YORK. Meeting begins Monday, July 3Ist, and ends Thursday, August 24th. 22 DAY5' RACING. STAKE EVENTS TO BE RUN DURING AUGUST, 1905 : The Great Republic $50,000.00 The Hopeful 40,000.00 The Spinaway 15,000.00 Saratoga Handicap 10,000.00 United States Hotel Stakes 10,000.00 Grand Union Hotel Stakes 10,000.00 The Saratoga Special 20,000.00 The Travers 10,000.00 The Alabama 6,000.00 The Flash 6,000.00 The Saratoga Cup 7,500.00 The Merchants and Citizens'. 3,000,00 The Champlain 3,000.00 The Saranac 5,000.00 The Adirondack 5,000.00 The Saratoga Derby (Added) .$5 The Delaware The Amsterdam The Catskill The Huron The Seneca The Mohawk The Kentucky The Albany The Troy The Ballston Steeplechase 3 The Beverwyck Steeplechase 3, The Shillelah Steeplechase (Added). . . 3 The North Am. Steeplechase " ... 2 000.00 500.00 500.00 500,00 500.00 500.00 500.00 500.00 500.00 500.00 000.00 500.00 000.00 500.00 ANDR.E'W MILLER, Sec'y. ENNIS ca \STOPPANI 38 BROAD STREET, NE^V YORK. Telephone, 5680 Broad. MEMBERS OF Mew York Consolidated Stock Exchange, New York Produce Exchange, Chicago Board of Trade. ESTA.BLISHeD 1855- ORDERS SOLICITED, PURCHASE OR SALE, CASH OR MARGIN. 5TOCRS, BOND5, WHEAT. Lists of desirable Stock and Bond Investments; also Daily Market Letter on application. BR.A.NCH OFFICES : Astor Court, 18 West Thiirty-fotxrth Street, New York, .Adjoining ^Valdorf-.Astoria. 22-26 Court Street, Brooklyn. [35] Courtesy of "Rider and Driver.' LORD OF THE VALE Courtesy of "Rider and Driver.' BROOMSTICK BELMONT PARK OFFICIAL SOUVENIR. The Mutual Bank BROADWAY AND THIRTY-THIRD STREET NEW YORK CHARLES A. SACKETT Vice-President JAMES McCLENAHAN President JOHN C. VAN CLEAF Vice-President SAMUEL McMillan Vice-President LANGLEY W. WIGGIN Cashier WILLIAM B. KRUG Asst. Cashier JOHN JACOB ASTOR AUGUST BELMONT JOHN E. BORNE AARON BUCHSBAUM ANDREW J. CONNICK THOMAS biMOND DIRECTORS RICHARD DELAFIELD, Chairman SAMUEL W. FAIRCHILD . A. P. W. KINNAN C. W. LUYSTER E. A. McALPIN JAMES McCLENAHAN SAMUEL McMillan STEPHEN McPARTLAND CH:ARLES a. SACKETT LOYAL L. SMITH JAMES THOMSON JOHN C. VAN CLEAF CORNELIUS VANDERBILT Capital $200,000.00. Surplus and Profits $239,000.00. Deposits $3,600,000.00. KLAW & ERLANGER'S NEW YORK THEATRES PRESENTING PRINCIPAL ATTRACTIONS NOW RUNNING IN METROPOLIS THE NEW AMSTERDAM THEATRE W. 42d St., near Broadway. *^ Handsomest in All the World.' Beginning Monday Evening, May 8th NOTABLE REVIVAL WITH ORIGINAL CAST " Trilby " WILTON LACKAYE AS SVENGALJ VIRGINIA HARNED AS TRILBY THE LIBERTY THEATRE W. 42d St., Ten Doors West of New Amsterdam. KIRKE LA SHELLE AND D. V. ARTHUR'S PRODUCTION OF AUGUSTUS THOMAS'S NEW COMEDY FOUNDED ON THE FAMOUS CARTOONS OF CHARLES DANA GIBSON "THE EDUCATION OF MR. PIPP" The NEW YORK THEATRE Broadway and 45th Street. Presenting Great Attractions at Popular prices. GEORGE M. COHAN THE VERSATILE YOUNG AUTHOR AND COMEDIAN, SUPPORTED BY HIS OWN COMPANY, IN HIS OWN COMEDY SUCCESS •* Eittle JoHnny Jones " AERIAL GARDENS AND THEATRE ATOP THE NEW AMSTERDAM Opening Late this Month WITH JOHM J. MCNALLY'S NEW FARCICAL AND MUSICAL REVIEW •• Lifting tKe Eid " With FAY TEMPLETON and Companj' of One Hundred and Fifty People Klaw & Erianger's enterprises next season will represent the greatest investment ever made by any theatrical firm in the world, and the largest number of people ever employed by one management [37] BELMONT PARK OFFICIAL SOUVENIR. FIFTH DAY— TUESDAY, MAY 9. FOURTH RACE. . The Harlem. .Selling. At 10 lbs. above the scale, scription of $25 each, $10 forfeit to the win second, $200 to the third. Horses entered 119 lbs.; four-year-olds, 136 lbs.; if five yea allowed 5 lbs.; if for $3,000, allowed 10 lbs.; $100 down to $1,500. An allowance of 25 ings, and' to apprentices under Rule 126. S when the entries close on the day preceding One mile. For three-year-olds and upward. By sub-- ner, with $1,500 added, of which $300 to the to be sold for $4,000 to carr}^, if three-year-olds, rs and upward, 139 lbs. If to be sold for $3,500, if to.be sold for less, i lb. to be allowed for each lbs. Allowances as by rule to mares and geld- elling price to be stated through the entry-box the race. Closed March 8, with 52 entries. C. A. Alnwick's Atwood (4). L. V. Bell's Oliver Cromwell (3). Boston Stable's Palette (4). " Princess Eris (3). Fred. Burlew's Sandalwood (3). Jil. Corbett's The Southerner (4). Out of Reach (5). H. A. Davis' St. Gallen (4). W. C. Daly's Salt and Pepper (3). P. J .Dwyer's Jennie McCabe (3). F. J. Farrell's Metamora (3). " Champlain (4). C. F. Fox's Go Between (4). " Ascension (6). M. L. Hayman's De Reszke (6). Right Royal (3). Orthodox (4). F. R. Hitchcock's Cabin (3). D. C. Johnson's Liberia (4). " Jacqnin (4). F. Johnson's Aeronaut (3). Wm. Lakeland's Little Em (4). C. T. Henshall's Martinmas (5). Head Dance (3). W. B. Leeds' Major Dainger- field (6). Merry Lark (3). J. Grant Lyman's Dekaber (5). Andrew Miller's Incantation (3). J. L. McGinnis' Gilpin (3). W. L. Oliver's Lord Badge (6). " Hazelwood (4). Sydney Paget's Southern Cross (3). Water Mirror (3). " Teacress (3). " Czaraphine (3). A. R. Peabody's Palmbearer (4). R. H. McC. Potter's Buckleya (4). P. S. P. Randolph's Red Knight (5). " Master of Craft (3). C. E. Rowe's Mabel Richardson (6). Baker Waters (5). W. Shields' Valentine (4). W. PL Snyder's Whorler (5). E. G. Stutte's Sidney C. Love (5). F. M. Taylor's King Cole (3). W. H. Timmons' Black Prince (3). R. E. Watkins' Flyback (3). R. T. Wilson, Jr.'s Sufferance (3). " Montreson (4). " Allumeur (3). " Gamara (3). J. C. Yeager's Canteen (4). SIXTH DAY— WEDNESDAY, MAY 10. THIRD RACE. The Laureate, for two-year-olds. By subscription of $30 each, half forfeit to the winner, with $2,000 added, of which $300 to the second, $200 to the third. Colts to carry 115 lbs.; fillies and geldings, 112 lbs. Winners of a race of the value of $750 to carry 3 lbs. extra; of two of $750 or one of $1,200, 5 lbs. extra; of two of $1,200 or one of $2,000, 7 lbs. extra ; of two of $2,000 or one of $2,500, 10 lbs. extra. Maidens allowed 5 lbs. Closed March 8, with 59 entries. Five furlongs, straight. August Belmont's Woolwich. " Flim Flam. " Lackey. " Don Diego. Newton Bennington's Jerry Wernberg. " First Water. " Green Room. " Miss Toddington. " Voorhees. Bob Edgren. " Marius Caius. A. C. Blume's At Dawn. " The Conscript. Boston Stable's Nellie Burn. " b f by Fatherless — Eocene. Chelsea Stable's Paprika. " Side View. W. C. Daly's Veronese. J. A. Drake's Myrtie D. H. B. Duryea's Zuna. " Mixup. P. J. Dwyer's Albert F. Red Eye. M. L. Hayman's Lester L. Hay- man. " Leonard Joe Hayman. " Ethel Hayman. F. R. Hitchcock's Tangle. Bauble. J. L. Holland's J. Mack. James R. Keene's Capias. " Guy Mannering. " Sanctus. Mark Meddle. Bribery. Sam Lazarus' Macy, Jr. W. B. Leeds' Sirius. " Humpty Dumpty. J. E. Madden's Hooray. " East End. " Macumber. [38] BELMONT PARK OFFICIAL SOUVENIR. Race-Course : Gravesend, BrooKlyn, N. Y. Office: 399 Fulton Street, BrooKlyn, N. Y. BROOKLYN JOCKEY CLUB 1905 Spring Meeting Thursday, May 25th, to Wed., June 1 4th. yfty Fall Meeting Monday, Sept. Uth, to Saturday, Sept. 23d. THE Brooklyn Handicap OF $20.000 Will be run on Thursday^ May 25th* Racing Every Week Day — Six Races Each Day* President, P. J. DWYER. Secretary, F. REHBERGER. [39] BELMONT PARK OFFICIAL SOUVENIR. Millstream Stable's Carouser. Mrs. J. McLaughlin's Sun Fire. Ormondale Stable's Ormondale. Osiris. Sydney Paget's Jacobite. Monterey. O. L. Richards' Old Guard. THE LAUREATE (Continued). W. Scheftel's St. Alary. Monita. Sylvester Stable's Eleda. H. P. Whitney's Israfel. " Ironsides. Juggler. Battleaxe. R. T. Wilson, Jr.'s Bill Phillips. " Knickerbocker. " Beaufort. " Nostromo. H. M. Ziegler's Penrhyn. SEVENTH DAY— THURSDAY, MAY ii. FOURTH RACE. The Van Ness. Selling. For three-3'ear-olds, at 10 lbs. under the scale. By sub- scription of $25 each, $10 forfeit to the winner, with $1,500 added, of which $300 to the second, $200 to the third. The winner to be sold by auction for $3,500; if to be sold for less, 2 lbs. to be allowed for each $200 down to $2,500; then i lb. for each $100 down to $1,500. An allowance of 20 lbs. Allowance as by rule to mares and geldings, and to apprentices under Rule 123. Selling price to be stated through the entry-box, when the entries close, on the day preceding the race. Closed March 8, with 40 entries. Six and a half furlongs, straight. Arverne Stable's Escutcheon. L. V. Bell's Oliver Cromwell. Boston Stable's Princess Eris. Fred. Burlew's Sandalwood. P. J. Dwyer's Jennie McCabe. F. J. Farrell's Metamora. Jule Garson's Goldfleur. Goughacres Stable's Derry. " Incense. M. L. Hayman's Right Royal. F. R. Hitchcock's Cabin. J. L. Holland's Confessor. C. T. Henshall's Head Dance. Pelham. Frederick Johnson's Aeronaut. Oro. James R. Keene's Blucher. Regal. W. Lakeland's Gold Ten. W. B. Leeds' Baron Esher. " Merry Lark. Thomas Monahan's Campo. Andrew Miller's Coy Maid. " Incantation. J. L. McGinnis' Gilpin. Sydney Paget's Southern Cross. " Water Mirror. " Teacress. Svdney Paget's Czaraphine. R. H. McC. Potter's Chimney Sweep. " Jetsam. P. S. P. Randolph's Master of Craft. W. H. Snyder's Kilties. F. M. Taylor's King Cole. W. H. Timmons' Black Prince. R. E. Watkins' Quadrille. H. P. Whitney's Heart's Desire. R. T. Wilson, Jr.'s Allumeur. " Sufferance. " Trajan. EIGHTH DAY— FRIDAY, MAY 12. THIRD RACE. The New Rochelle Handicap. For three-year-olds and upward. By subscription of $25 each; only $10 if declared by 2 p. m. of the day before the race, to the winner, with $1,500 added, of which $300 to the second, $200 to the third. Weights to be announced three days before the race. W^inners after the publication of the weights to carry 3 lbs. extra. Closed March 8, with 47 entries. Seven and a half furlongs. C. A. Alnwick's Jim Beattie (3). Duke of Kendal (5). August Belmont's Beldame (4). Lord of the Vale (5). Blandy (3). L. V. Bell's Glorifier (3). Boston Stable's Palette (4). W. A. Chanler's Baseful (4), W. C. Daly's Raiment (3). S. Deimel's Wotan (4). J. A. Drake's Ort Wells (4). " Jocund (5). P. J. Dwyer's Knight Errant (4). Red Friar (3). M. L. Hayman's Orthodox (4). Right Royal (3). F. R. Hitchcock's Cabin (3). J. L. Holland's Kehailan (3). C. T. Henshall's Sir Brillar (3). " Martinmas (5). E. W. Jewett's Bedouin (3). D. C. Johnson's Roseben (4). " Jacquin (4). James R. Keene's Israelite (4). Sinister (3). Wild Mint (3). W. B. Leeds' Marry Lark (3). [40] BELMONT PARK OFFICIAL SOUVENIR. DEWAR5 WHITE LABEL SCOTCH The Whisky msm fe of Great Age ^ , mh WHITE ROCK Pronounced a perfect table water by the chemists of the Government of France for purity and healthfulness. Awarded the only Gold Medal over the world's competitors at the Paris Exposition, 1900, and now given the Highest Award, the Grand Prize, at the World's Fair, St. Louis, 1904. Used as the exclusive table water at all the leading banquets of the season. ^sk Your Doctor ^bout It ! FRANK T. HUNTOON, President 11 MTest 25tH Street, New YorR ^Bg^MONT PARK OFFICIAL SOUVENIR. ^^^■P NEW ROCHELLE HANDICAP (Continued). Andrew Miller's Coy Maid (3). " Incantation (3). J. L. McGinnis' Austin Allen (3). " Inspiration (3). Buttling (3). James McLaughlin's Oxford (3). Mrs. J. McLaughlin's Pasadena (3). Sydney Paget's Ormonde's Right (4). Goldsmith (6). R. H. McC. Potter's Buckleya (4). O. L. Richards' Race King (4). E. G. Stutte's Sidney C. Love (5). F, M. Taylor's King Cole (3). R. E. Watkins' Flyback (3). H. P. Whitney's Tanya (3). R. T. Wilson, Jr.'s Gamara (3). " Sparkling Star. Allumeur (3). J. C. Yeager's Leonidas (4). Canteen (4). NINTH DAY— SATURDAY, MAY 13. THIRD RACE. The Fashion — $2,000 added. For filHes, two-year-olds, foals of 1903. By subscription of $50 each, half forfeit, with $2,000 added, of which $400 to the second, $200 to the third. To carry 119 lbs. Winners of $10,000 to carry 5 lbs. extra; of $5,000, 3 lbs. extra. Non-win- ners of $1,200 allowed 5 lbs. Closed December 15, 1904, with 61 nominations. Four and a half ftirlong-s. Julius Bauer's Passiflora. " Cousin Kate. " Nicetas. August Belmont's Bivouac. " Titpoe. Nev.ton Bennington's Edna Jack- son. " Miss Toddington. " Afric Jewel. August C. Blume's Victory Belle. S. S. Brovi'n's Sue Smith. " Valencia. " Poetry. James Caffrey's Margaret Angela. Chelsea Stable's Qui Vive. Fred. Cook's Beautiful Bess. " Minnie Adams. " Mayme Adams. J. C. Cooley's Chinchilla. Robert Davies' Zelinda. " Banged Guitar. H. B. Duryea's . William Easton's Lady Doubtful. Goughacres Stable's Indra. Hera. James R. Keene's Early and Often. St. Ursula. Bribery. " Curiosity. Pythia. " Sahara. Wm. Lakeland's Cousin Eva. J. E. Madden's Dodina. " Comedienne. " Merry-go-round. H. M. Mason's Belle of Request. Andrew Miller's (W. B. Leeds') Marshmallow. John H. Morris' Mary Morris. Oneck Stable's Incorrigible. H. T. Oxnard's . Sydney Paget's Mooksie. " Cat's Eye. " Watergrass. Sydney Paget's Andria. W. L. Powers' Legend. W. M. Scheftel's Monita. Alexander Shields' Meddling Daisy. H. P. Whitney's b f by imp. Med- dler — Equality. " Buttercup. " Nemesis. " ch f by Hamburg — Black Venus. " Queen of Hearts. " Caprice. blk f by Hamburg— Mar- quise. " b f by Hamburg — Ru- perta. b f by imp. Meddler — Melba. " Princess Royal. R. T. Wilson, Jr.'s Homoselle. " Jessamine. Tsara. Hill Lassie. Alvin B. Wise's Miss Monroe. FOURTH RACE. The Withers — $5,000 added. For Three-year-olds, foals of 1902. By subscription of $100 each, $50 forfeit, $10 if declared on or before Wednesday, January 6, 1904, or $25 if de- clared on or before January 6, 1905, with $5,000 added, of which $1,000 to the second, $500 to the third. Colts, 126 lbs.; geldings, 123 lbs.; fillies, 121 lbs. (Closed August 15, 1903, with 129 nominations, of which 27 declared by January 6, 1904, at $10 each, 70 declared by January 6, 1905, at $25 each, and 11 were made void by the death of the nominator.) One mile. August Belmont's Blandy. L. V. Bell's Glorifier. S. S. Brown's Royal Blue. " Glenecho, Chelsea Stable's Earldom. A. Featherstone's Kenmore. James Galway's Legatee. Goughacres Stable's Thomond. James R. Keene's Wild Mint. Regal. " Von Tromp. " Sysonby. W. B. Leeds' Merry Lark. J. E. Madden's Migraine. Hot Shot. Sig Light. Sydney Paget's Woodsaw. " Cairngorm. " Water Mirror. J. E. Terry's De Albert. R. T. Wilson, Jr.'s Sparkling Star. [42] BELMONT PARK OFFICIAL SOUVENIR. The Natural Sparkling Table WsTER o. Absolute Purity ,t 3^ %T^ Bottled at the^^ Springs HoMBURG Germany ■ ■ THE entrance gates to Belmont Park, also iron railing on the front of the property, and over three miles of unclimbable netting fence surrounding the Park, were built by the AncHor Post Iron WorKs, builders and designers of iron railings, entrance gates, wire fences of all kinds for stock farms, race-courses, country places, game parks, etc. Tennis Court enclosures a specialty. Write for Catalogue No. 29. Anchor Post Iron WorRs, is coniandt St., new york city. ^ t BELMONT PARK OFFICIAL SOUVENIR. %* €A VAJyf*v .^ f > V, W. M. SCHEFTEL Owner of the Celebrated Racehorse HIGHBALL Bay Colt by Imp. Ben Strome — Strychinia, by Imp. Strachino. [45] BELMONT PARK OFFICIAL SOUVENIR. FIFTH RACE. THE WHITNEY MEMORIAL STEEPLECHASE. For four-year-olds and upwards, weight for age. By subscription of $500 each, half for- feit, to the winner; subscriptions to be taken on or before November 15, 1904. No limit to the number of subscriptions that may be taken by any subscriber. Subscriptions may be transferred on or before April i, 1905, or on the day pre- ceding the race, under the conditions hereinafter provided. Each subscriber may name three horses under each subscription on or before April 1, 1905, one of v^rhich to the post, or pay forfeit. The Westchester Racing Association to add $5,000, of which $1,000 to the second, $500 to the third. The National Steeplechase and Hunt Associa- tion to present plate of the value of $500 to the winner. Starters to be named through the entry-box at the race course by 2 p. m. of the day preceding the race, or pay forfeit. Transfers of horses named may also be made at the same time on payment of the sub- scription, $500, but such transfers must be registered at the office of the Clerk of the Course, Belmont Park, by 2 p. m. of the same day, and subscription paid whether the horse starts or not. Grand National Course, about two miles and a half. August Belmont's Imperialist (a). A. C. Blume's Kersey (6). Rube (a). Pellucida (6). Bonnie Brook Stable's (1st sub- scription) Champs Ely- sees (4). " ]\Ielbourne Eclipse (5). Bonnie Brook Stable's (2nd sub- scription) M a c k e y Dwyer (5). M. J. Cavanagh's Flying Buttress (6). F. Ambrose Clark's Presgrave (a).. " The Bowery (4). " Steelmaker (4). J. W. Colt's Lavator (a). Arian (6). " Sandhurst (4). Mr. Cotton's Jimmie Lane (5). " Game Cock (4). " Knight of Elway (5). E. O. Hayes' Champion (.1). " Westown (a). " Again (5). Thos. Hitchcock, Jr.'s Good and Plenty (5). Black Hussar (5). Queen Elizabeth (5). Frederick Johnson's Bonfire (5). Lipton (5). Orly 2nd (5). Mr. Major's Royelle (a). " Dromedary (6). " Adjidaumo (a). H. S. Page's Self Protection (a). " Ivan (a). H. S. Page's Snuff (5). Charles Pfizer's William F 2nd (6). Messina (6). Libretto 2nd (a). Piedmont Stable's Garter Knot (4). " Extravaganza (5). " La Danzada (4). Jos. E. Widener's (1st subscrip- tion) Coligny (5). " Patagonian (4). Star and Garter (5). Jos. E. Widener's (August Bel- mont) (2nd subscrip- tion) Commondale (6). Gatebell (6). Tellfare (4). TENTH DAY— MONDAY, MAY 15. SECOND SERIAL. The Claremont Handicap. Starters to pay $10 additional, with $1,800 added, of which $300 to the second, $200 to the third. The winner to receive one-third of the subscription money, all of the starting money, and the balance of the added money, $1,300. Weights to be an- nounced three days before the race. Winners after the publication of the weights to carry 3 lbs. extra. Closed March 8, with 62 entries. Six and a half furlongs, straight. For entries see the Croton Handicap, run the fourth day, Monday, May 8. ELEVENTH DAY— TUESDAY, MAY 16. THIRD RACE. For three-3'ear-olds. Non-winners of The Baychester. for tnree-3'ear-oias. iNon-wmners ot a 1904. By subscription of $25 each, $10 forfeit added, of which $300 to the second, $200 to the third. 112 lbs.; fillies, no lbs. Winners in 1905 of a race of the value of $1,500, to carry 3 lbs. extra; of a race of the value of $2,500, 5 lbs. extra. Horses which have started in 1905 race of the value of $1,500 in to the winner, with $1,800 Colts to carry 115 lbs.; geldings. [46] BELMONT PARK OFFICIAL SOUVENIR. Queens County JocKey Club AQUEDUCT, L. I. Spring Meetings April 15 to 24^ Fall Meetings November 3 to \5f WITH Photo by Hall. DAVID HOLLAND, Pres. Flat and Steeplechase Racing* Music by LANDER ^ Special Trains via L. L R* R«^ East 34th St* P ACH hotographer 935 Broadway, New York. Outdoor staff respond to hurry calls, day or night, for photographing any subject, anywhere. Phone 2644 Qramercy. Photo by Otto Sarony Co. J. W. MAY, Trainer of Highball. [47] BELMONT PARK OFFICIAL SOUVENIR. THE BAYCHESTER (Continued). without having won a race of the value of $i,ooo, allowed 5 lbs.; of $750, 8 lbs. Maidens allowed 12 lbs. Closed March 8, with 49 entries. One mile. Albemarle Stable's Santa Cata- lina. " Bohemia. Arverne Stable's Escutcheon. C. A. Alnwick's Jim Beattie. August Belmont's Blandy. L, V. Bell's Oliver Cromwell. Newton Bennington's Keator, Boston Stable's Princess Eris. F. G. Calhoun's Consuelo 2nd. W. A. Chanler's Light Note. " Novena. W. C. Daly's Amberjack. P. J. Dwyer's Jennie McCabe. J. Farrell's Metamora. "jule Carson's Goldfleur. Goughacres Stable's Preen. M. L. Hayman's Right Royal. F. R. Hitchcock's Cabin. C. T. Henshall's Invader. Sir Brillar. F. Johnson's Aucassin. Oro. James R. Keene's Blucher. " Regal. " Sinister. " Masaniello. " Von Tromp. W. B. Leeds' Baron Esher. Andrew Miller's Coy Maid. " Gambler. H. J. Morris' Ken. J. L. McGinnis' Austin Allen. Buttling. " Inspiration. R, W. Nelson's Cederstrome. R. W. Nelson's Diamond Flush. Sydney Paget's Cairngorm. " Jonquil. " Belle Strome. " Southern Cross. " Zeala. R. H. McC. Potter's Chimney Sweep. P. S. P. Randolph's Master of Craft. W. H. Timmons' Black Prince. R. E. Watkins' Quadrille. H. P. Whitney's Prince Hamburg. " Comet. R. T. Wilson, Jr.'s Allumeur. " Sufferance. TWELFTH DAY— WEDNESDAY, MAY 17. THIRD RACE. THE MAIDEN. For maiden two-year-olds, at 7 lbs. under the scale. By subscription of $25 each, $io forfeit to the winner, with $1,500 added, of which $300 to the second, $200 to the third. Colts, 115 lbs.; fillies and geldings, 112 lbs. Winners after the closing not eligible to start. En- trance money paid to be refunded to nominator. Closed March 8, with 65 entries. Five furlongs. James McLaughlin's Paloro. " Kuro. The Poet. W. L. Oliver's Kearney, Jr. " Jay Austin. Oneck Stable's Optician. Sydney Paget's Fulbert. " Montanus. R. H. McC. Potter's Flare. " Belle of Pequest. O. L. Richards' Old Guard. W. Scheftel's Blair Athol. T. L. Watt's Blue Queen. H. P. Whitney's Juggler. " Caprice. " Ironsides. " b f by Hamburg — Ru- perta. R. T. Wilson, Jr.'s Bill Phillips. " Knickerbocker. " Calabogue. " ch c by Ornament — Spanker. August Belmont's Woolwich. P. J. Dwyer's Albert F. " Don Diego. Red Eye. " Flim Flam. J. G. FoUansbee's St. Franka. Lackey. " Convolvulus. " Bivouac. " Oleander. Newton Bennington's Jerry Wern- Goughacres Stable's Aspiration. berg. M. L. Hayman's Lester L. Hay First Water. man. " Green Room. " Ethel Hayman. " Miss Toddington. F. R. Hitchcock's Tangle. " Voorhees. James R. Keene's Capias. " Bob Edgren. Flallomas. " Marius Caius. Mark Meddle. Boston Stable's Nellie Burn. " Lancastrian. Eileen Burn. Mosquito. A. C. Blume's Palloday. Sam Lazarus' St. Avonia. " There Now. W. B. Leeds' Sirius. Chelsea Stable's Paprika. " Humpty Dumpty. " Qui Vive. " Marshmallow. " Side View. J. E. Madden's Muffins. " Subpoena. Artery. W. C. Daly's Veronese. Hooray. J. A. Drake's Myrtie D. East End. [48] BELMONT PARK OFFICIAL SOUVENIR. 1897— The Productions of LIEBLER & CO.— 1905 SEASON. TLAY. DRAMATIST. STAR. 1897-'9S "The Royal Box" Chas. Coghlan Chas. Coghlan 189S-'9U "The Christian" Hall Caine Viola Allen "The Musketeers" Sidney Grundy Tames O'Neill 1899-'0U "Children of the Ghetto" " I. Zangwill Wilton Lackaye "Greatest Thing" Harriet Ford Mrs. Le Moyne "Sag Harbor" James A. Heme James A. Heme 1900-'U1 "Palace of the King" Lorimer Stoddard Viola Allen "Francois" Langdon Mitchell Henry Dixey "Choir Invisible" Mrs. Henry Jewett Henry Jewett "Unleavened Bread" Leo Dietrichstein Miss Robson "In a Balcony" Browning Mrs. Le Moyne "Land of Heart's Desire" W. Butler Yeats "The Moment of Death" I. Zangwill Mrs. Le Moyne "Monte Cristo" Fechter Version James O'Neill 1901-'02 "A Gentleman of France" Harriet Ford Kyrle Eellew "The Duchess of Marlborough" Chas. Hy. Meltzer Mrs. Le Moyne Repertoire Mrs. Patrick Campbell "The Hunchback" Sheridan Knowles Miss Allen 1902-'O3 Repertoire D'Annunzio's Plays Mme. Duse "The Eternal City" Hall Caine Viola Allen "Honor of the Plumble" Harriet Ford James O'Neill "The Manxman" Wilson Barrett " " "Audrey" Harriet Ford Miss Robson "Romeo and Juliet" Shakespeare. Kyrle Bellew and Miss Robson "The Vinegar Buyer" H. Hall Winslow. Ezra Kendall 1903-'04 Repertoire Classics Rehan and Skinner "Raffles" Presbrey and Hornung Kyrle Bellew "The Sacrament of Judas" Louis M. Parker Kyrle Eellew "Merely Mary Artn" I. Zangwill Miss Robson "Under Cover" Ed. Harrigan Ed. Harrigan "Mrs. Wiggs of the Cabbage Patch" Mrs. Bloxner and ; Alice Hegan Rice Mrs. Cook "Brigadier Gerard" Harriet Ford James O'Neill "Algy" Clyde Fitch Vesta Tilley "The Two Orphans" Hart Jackson and D'Ennery All-Star Cast 1904-'05 Repertoire Rejane "The Prince Consort" Boosey and Lennox Ellis Jeffreys "London Assurance" Bouicicault " " "Gentleman from Indiana" Booth Tarkington E. J. Morgan "The Squaw Man" Milton Royle Wm. Faversham "You Never Can Tell" Bernard Shaw Arnold Daly "Candida" " " " " \ "How He Lied to Her Husband" " " « *i "The Man of Destiny" " " ." " li "Eighteen Miles from Home" Hodge Will T. Hodge Repertoire Edward Terry "She Stoops to Conquer" Goldsmith Eleanor Robson and All-Star Cast C^FE JM.JiR TIN 26^f/z Street and Fifth Avenue. Koestaurant a la Carte DINNER, $1.25 (From 6 to 9 P. M.) Satxirdays, Sundays and Holidays, $1.50, music* Superb Jtppointments for Jifter 'Theatre Parties. -.^..^- :A^^-< SPICES "ARDCNTER BRAND" ABSOLUTELY PURE. W. Q. DEAN & SON, Importers and Manufacturers, North rioore and Washington 5ts,, New York. J^-lb., J^-lb., 1-lb. Cans, Barrels and Pails. Send name and address for Prof. Fish Fortune Teller. [49] BELMONT PARK OFFICIAL SOUVENIR. THIRTEENTH DAY— THURSDAY, MAY i8. FOURTH RACE. THE POCANTICO. For three-year-olds. Non-winners of $5,000 in 1904. By subscription of $30 each, half forfeit to the winner, with $2,000 added, of which $300 to the second, $200 to the third. Colts to carry 126 lbs.; geldings, 123 lbs.; fillies, 121 lbs. Non-winners in 1904 or 1905 allowed 3 lbs.; of $2,000, 5 lbs.; of $1,500, 7 lbs.; of $1,000, 7 lbs. Maidens allowed 15 lbs. Closed March 8, with 27 entries. Mile and a sixteenth. August Belmont's Blandy. P. J. Dwyer's Red Friar. " Jennie McCabe. Jule Garson's Goldfleur. M. L. Hayman's Right Royal. C. T. Henshall's Invader. F. Johnson's Aucassin. James R. Keene's Sinister. Wild Mint. " Von Tromp. FOURTEENTH DAY— FRIDAY, MAY 19. THIRD RACE. The Gaiety. For fillies two years old. By subscription of $25 each, $10 forfeit to the winner, with $1,500 added, of which $300 to the second, $200 to the third. To carry 112 lbs. Winners of a race of the value of $750 to carry 3 lbs. extra; two of $750, or one of $1,200, 5 lbs. extra; two of $1,200, or one of $2,500, 10 lbs. extra. Closed March 8, with 54 entries. Four and a half furlongs, straight. H. J. Morris' Ken. R. H. McC. Potter's Belle of Andrew Miller's Coy Maid. Setauket. " Incantation. P. S. P. Randolph's Master of " Gambler. Craft. James McLaughlin's Oxford. R. E. Watkins' St. Bellane. R. W. Nelson's Cederstrome. H. P. Whitney's Prince Hamburg. Sydney Paget's Cairngorm. " Comet. " Southern Cross. R. T. Wilson, Jr.'s Allumeur. " Jonquil. " Sparkling Star. " Gamara. Albemarle Stable's Lotawanna. " ch f by imp. Top Gal- lant — Miss Laude- mann. August Belmont's Bivouac. Tip Toe. " Crossways. Newton Bennington's Miss Tod- dington. " Edna Jackson. " Afric Jewel. A. C. Blume's Georgina. " Victory Belle. W. A. Chanler's Hekate. " Simper. Chelsea Stable's Qui Vive. W. C. Daly's Moonshine. J. A. Drake's Myrtle D. H. B. Duryea's Zuna. P. J. Dwyer's Ermine. W. C. Fessenden's Lady Valen- tine. Goughacres Stable's Queen Mary. " Donna. M. L. Hayman's Ethel Hayman. C. F. Hill's Sunshine. F. R. Hitchcock's Tangle. Bauble. J. L. Holland's blk f by Mackin- tosh — Omladina. James R. Keene's Early and Often. " Bribery. Pythia. " Mosquito. William Lakeland's Cousin Eva. Sam Lazarus' St. Avonica. W. B. Leeds' Marshmallow. J. E. Madden's Dodina. " Comedienne. Singlelife. Mrs. H. M. Mason's Miss Finch. Oneck Stable's Incorrigible. Merry-go-round. Sydney Paget's Mooksie. R. H. McC. Potter's Flare. " Belle of Request. W. L. Powers' Legend. O. L. Richards' Nellie Burn. " Eileen Burn. W. Scheftel's Monita. A. Shields' Meddling Daisy. Sylvester Stable's Eleda. T L. Watt's Blue Queen. H. P. Whitney's b f by Hamburg — Ruperta. " br f by Hamburg — Mar- quise. " Buttercup. ch f by imp. Meddler— Castalia. R. T. Wilson, Jr.'s Jessamine. Homoselle. FIFTEENTH DAY— SATURDAY, MAY 20. THIRD RACE. The Eighth National Stallion Race. For two-year-olds, foals of 1903, the progeny of stallions nominated. Nominations of stallions closed and named Thursday, October i, 1903, b}' sub- scription of $50 each, or only $25 each for stallions which have not sired a winner prior to December 15, 1903. Of the subscriptions for stallions the nominators of the sires of the first, second and third horses shall receive 25 per cent., 15 per cent, and 10 per cent., re- spectively. The remaining 50 per cent, to the winner. [50] p < P BELMUNT I'ARK OFFICIAL SOUVENIR. Harlem Jockey Club CHICAGO, ILLS. FOUR MEETINGS FROM JUNE TO OCTOBER SEASON OF 1905 OPENING WITH THE HAB-LEM NATIONAL HANDICAP OF $17,500 AND INCLUDING THE TW^ENTIETH CENTURY HANDICAP OF $8,000 ALSO THE M. L. LE^VIS CLARK and DERBY TRIAL STAKES AND NINETEEN ADDITIONAL VALUABLE FEATURES Purses with S500 to $1500 added to each RACKS FOR STEEPLECHASERS OVER. A PERFECT COURSE Office: 135 Adams Street, Chicago, Ills. John Condon, President M. Nathanson, Secretary [51] BELMONT PARK OFFICIAL SOUVENIR. Conditions for the Entry of Foals of 1903, Closed and Named by Midnight, Tuesday, December 15, 1903. Foals of 1903, the progeny of stallions duly nominated, entered and named by midnight of Tuesday, December 15, 1903. Colts and geldings at $10 each, fillies at $5 each, the only forfeit if declared by December 15, 1904. If left in after December 15, 1904, and declared by April 20, 1905, colts and geldings to pay $30 each, fillies $15 each. If left in after April 20, 1905, colts and geldings to pay $60 each, fillies $30 each. Starters — Colts, geldings and fillies to pay $100 each additional. The Westchester Racing Association to add $5,000 and the re- maining 50 per cent, of the stallion entrances, of which $1,200 to the second and $600 to the third. The nominator of the winner to receive $1,000 out of the subscriptions and starting money. Of the subscriptions for stalHons, the nominators of the sires of the first, second and third horses shall receive 25 per cent., 15 per cent and 10 per cent., respectively. Colts to carry 122 lbs.; geldings and fiUies, 119 lbs. The produce of stallions which have not produced a winner prior to December 15, 1903, allowed 5 lbs. if claimed at time of entry. By fihng with The Westchester Racing Association prior to December i, 1904, an accepted transfer of the foal's entry, the original subscriber shall be released from liability as to the engagement of the horse except for the original forfeit of $10 or $5. Closed December 15, 1903, with 309 nominations, of which 186 declared by December 15, 1904 (147 colts at $10 each and 39 fillies at $5 each). Under the declaration of April 20, 1905, — declared, viz.: — colts at $30 each, and — fillies at $15 each. There were 35 nominations void by death of nominator. Five furlongs. Ed. Alvey's Meredith. August Belmont's Don Diego. " Woolwich. Newton Bennington's Dehnore. " Jerry Wernberg. " Commodore Fontaine. Dr. Heard. Waterbok. " Townes. " First Water. " Voorhees. " Marius Caius. August C. Blume's At Dawn. F. Burlew's Bridgeport. J. Canfield's Rye. Mrs. T. J. Carson's Ben Ban. H. E. Cassidy's Mooropus. E. F. Clay's Black Pat. Columbia Stable's Souvigny. W. C. Daly's Veronese. Best Boy. Wm. Disston's Valley Green. H. B. Duryea's Sulla. P. J. Dwyer's Quorum. Albert F. " Bluestone. Frank Farell's b c by Kinley Mack Florentia. Clark Griffith. " ch c by Arkle — Loyalirta. Wm. Gerst's Charfield. D. Gideon's Highrank. J. B. Haggin's Greenland. " Don Fonso. F. R. Hitchcock's Vendor. D. C. Johnson's Babylon. James R. Keene's Capias. " Sanctus. St. Kevin. Ballot Box. Nogi. " Oyama. Kuroki. W. B. Leeds' (Andrew Miller) Sirius. John Mackey's Canopus 2nd. " Canardo. " Wallerga. J. E. Madden's Macumber. " Timber. " Belmere. " Saylor. J. E. Madden's The Quill. J. E. Madden's Bellsnicker. " East End. '' Merry Boy. " Hooray. F. H. Milden's Sergeant Tom. Let Up. Sydney Paget's Jacobite. Fulbert. " Waterwing. Patchogue Stable's Jim McVicker. W. L. Powers' Meteor. E. & S. Rogers' Overend. W. M. Scheftel's Blair Athol. " Prospero. " Masquerader. W. D. Sewell's Water Wagon. The Pepper Stable's Miltiades. " Domie. R. T. Wilson, Jr.'s Calabogue. " Beaufort. " Nostromo. H. B. Wittenberg's King Solitaire. Catesby Woodford's Flimnap. H. M. Ziegler's Sandy Dingwall. Columbia Stable's Campstool. H. B. Duryea's ch f by Faverdale — The Humber. J. E. Madden's Dodina. Fillies. J. E. Madden's Comedienne. A. B. S'preckels' Daruma. b f by Marius I.— Frisa. Adalmo. A. B. Spreckels' Mazapan. The Pepper Stable's Jay Ward. H. B. Wittenberg's Miss Marius. Catesby Woodford's Last Cherry. Note.— The names of those declared, their breeding, can be seen by the owner, or agent of the winner, on application to the Clerk of the Course, at his office. [52] BELMONT TARK OFFICIAL SOUVENIR. 6 HWiiiJi pill I9SHM» »«'« il»«» ■ s' _;__^ — «■««»■■.'!! •-■>:ifc-M~..-mi^T» wSB»*t^i."- "^ ^-*««.'^^^it j^- ..- OAKLAWN JOCKEY CLUB HOT SPRINGS, ARK. The $500y000 Racing Plant In the Ozarks STEAM-HEATED GRAND STAND AND PADDOCK. COSTLY FURNISHINGS AND COMPLETE IN EVERY DETAIL FOR THE ACCOMMODATION OF PATRONS, HORSEMEN AND HORSES A PERFECT COURSE OAKLAWN PARK, conceded to be the ideal grounds for Winter racing, was built by Mr. John Condon and Mr. Dan. A. Stuart, during 1904-5, and closed its inaugural meeting on March i8th. ^ During this Summer the grounds wilt be embellished in keeping with the magnificent structures and appointments. ^ A Steeplechase Course and Golf Links will be constructed in the field, and for its Second Annual Meeting, in 1906, OAKLAWN will present sport of the highest class for rich stakes and liberal purses, for which conditions will be announced in due time. aencE: dugan-stuart building HOT SPRINGS, ARK. [53] £2 < BELMONT PARK OFFICIAL SOUVENIR. TN the F Cincin its second all of 1901 Mr. Henry M. Ziegler, proprietor of the Columbia Theatre, nati, ran and won a race in that district, with a pretty shifty horse. In attempt it was beaten in very easy fashion by Hermis. Both Mr. Ziegler and his trainer, Charles Hughes, were so impressed with Hermis's performance, and that there was a grand future for him, that Mr. Hughes went im- mediately to Lexington to see the then owner, Mr. H. A. Engman, from whom he bought the animal for Mr. Ziegler for $3,300. The horse was then retired for the Winter. The splendid care which Mr. Hughes gave him, Mr. Ziegler claims, was the means of his proving such a great horse the following year. He started in the American Derby at Chicago in 1902, but getting oflfvery badly was pulled up. Mr. Ziegler claims he was the best horse in the race and should have won. He was then sent to Brighton Beach and Saratoga, winning every race in which he started after the Derby (nine in all). After his victory in the Travers Stakes, Mr. Ziegler sold him to Mr. L. V. Bell for $15,000. Mr. Ziegler has taken to the breeding of his own racehorses and will add more mares to those he has already purchased. He has some particularly promising two-year-olds at Sheepshead, with which he confidently expects to win a goodly share of races on the Metropolitan tracks. Photo by Otto Sarony Co. CHARLES HUGHES Trainer of Herinis when the property of Mr. ' H. M. Ziegler. Parsons & Wallander l|tglj-OIlaaa Have Removed to Their New Store 353 fifth Avenue New York [55] BELMONT PARK OFFICIAL SOUVENIR. FOURTH RACE. THE LADIES— $4,000 ADDED. For fillies three years old, foals of 1902. By subscription of $100 each, $50 forfeit, $10 only if declared on or before Wednesday, January 6, 1904, or $25 if declared on or before January 6, 1905, with $4,000 added, of which $750 to the second, $450 to the third. To carry 121 lbs. Closed August 15, 1903, with 93 nominations, of which 27 declared by January 6, 1904, at $10 each ; 41 declared by January 6, 1905, at $25 each, and 9 were made void by death of nominator. One mile. August Belmont's Dulcibell. S. S. Brov/n's Wayward Lass. Chelsea Stable's Flinders. P. J. Dwyer's Jennie McCabe. A. Featherstone's Evadne. " Lady Henrietta. J. Gardner's Fairy Dance. Frederick Johnson's Schulamite. Wm. Lakeland's Gold Ten. P. Lorillard's Chrysitis. Andrew Miller's Coy Maid. " Incantation. Oneck Stable's Kiamesha. Sydney Paget's Tradition. " Zeala. " Wilson. " Sufferance. FIFTH RACE. INTERNATIONAL STEEPLECHASE HANDICAP. For four-year-olds and upward. By subscription of $25 each, only $10 if declared by 2 p. m. of the day before the race, to the winner. . The Westchester Racing Association to add $1,500, of which $300 to the second, $200 to the third. Weights to be announced five days before the race. Winner after the publication of the weights to carry 5 lbs extra. Closed March 8, with 56 entries. About two miles. S. Allen's Big Gun (a). Ralph Black's Alum Water (6). A. C. Blume's Kersey (6). Rube (a). Pellucida (6). Maltese (a). Bonnie Brook Stable's Don John (4). " Daylesford (a). " Melbourne Eclipse (5). " Palatenia (4). M. J. Cavanagh's Flying Buttress (6). F. Ambrose Clark's Presgrave (a). " Ainslee (4). Steelmaker (4). Chelsea Stable's Queen Belle (4). Rathowen (4). S. P. Knut's Duke of Grassland (a). Wm. Littauer's Gladwin (6). Mr. Major's Dromedary (6). " Flying Virginian (6). " Adjidaumo (a). Red Path (a). L N. Megargee's Judge Fulton (5). " King Carter (5). H. S. Page's Self Protection (a). " Ivan (a). Chas. Pfizer's Messina (6). Libretto 2nd (a). Piedmont Stable's Extravaganza (5). G. L. Richards' New York (6). J. W. Colt's Lavator (a). Arian (6). Sandhurst (4). Mr. Cotton's Jimmie Lane (5). Knight of Elway (4). Gortnagallon (a). T. G. Frothingham's Paulaker (a"). Thos. Hitchcock, Jr.'s Good and Plenty (5). Black Hussar (5). " Jim Newman (a). Queen Elizabeth (5). F. Johnson's Bonfire (5). " Lipton (5). W. Scheftel's Orly Snd (5). G. Schwarz's Judge Phillips (a). " Gasgar (a). > R. L. Stevens' Snuff (5). Jos. E. Widener's Commondale (6) " Coligny (5). " Star and Garter (5). " Marcian (5). " Patagonian (4). Shemus Dhuv (4). Gatebell (6). H. F. Williams' Candling (a). R. H. Wright's Ogress (a). SEVENTEENTH DAY— TUESDAY, MAY 23. FOURTH RACE. The Jockey Club Weight-for-Age Race, for three-year-olds and upward. By subscription of $10 each, starters to pay $15 additional, to the winner, with $2,500 added, of which $400 to the second, $200 to the third. Three-year-olds, 109 lbs. ; four-year-olds, 126 lbs. ; [56] (J o p p < BELMOXT TAKK Ol'FrCIAI. SOUVENIR. THE ENTIRE PLUMBING OF THE BELMONT PARK RACE TRACK INSTALLED BY JOHN J. WELSTEAD Plumber and Gas Fitter 141 EAST 27th STREET TELEPHONE CONNECTION N EW YORK CiTY FORMERLY AT 449 Fourth Avenue [57 BELMONT PARK OFFICIAL SOUVENIR. THE JOCKEY CLUB WEIGHT-FOR-AGE (Continued). five, six and aged, 129 lbs. March 8, with 17 entries. August Belmont's Beldame (4). J. A. Drake's Ort Wells (4). M. L. Hayman's Right Royal (3). E. W. Jewett's Bedouin (3). James R. Keene's Delhi (4). Sysonby (3). Israelite (4). Allowances as by rule to mares and geldings. Closed Mile and a furlong. W. B. Leeds' Major Dainger- field (6). James McLaughlin's Oxford (3). Mrs. James McLaughlin's Pasa- dena (3). Sydney Paget's Cairngorm (3). E. R. Thomas' Hermis (6). Stalwart (4). R. .E Watkins' St. Bellane (3). H. P. Whitney's Tanya (3). R. T Wilson, Jr.'s Dolly Spanker (4). Ganiara (3). EIGHTEENTH DAY— WEDNESDAY, MAY 24. THIRD RACE. THE ECLIPSE— $5,000 ADDED. For two-year-olds, foals of 1903. By subscription of $100 each, half forfeit, starters to pay $100 additional, with $5,000 added, of which $700 to the second, $300 to the third. The nominator of the winner to receive $500 of the starting money. Colts, 122 lbs.; fillies and geldings, 119 lbs. Winners of $10,000 to carry 5 lbs. extra; of $5,000, 3 lbs. extra. Non-winners of $1,200 allowed 5 lbs. Closed December 15, 1904, with 71 nominations. Five and a half furlongs, straight. August Belmont's Don Diego. " Woolwich. " Flim Flam. Newton Bennington's Jen-y Wern- berg. " Waterbearer. " Gold Badge. " First Water. " Green Room. Dr. Heard. A. C. Blume's The Conscript. S. S. Brown's Accountant. " Interlight. " King Henry. " Gauze. Chelsea Stable's Qui Vive. Fred. Cook's Geo. C. Bennett. " Beautiful Bess. " Minnie Adams. Wool Soap. " Missouri Lad. J. C. Cooley's WhifHetree. H. B. Duryea's b or br c by Dia- mond Jubilee — Pier- rette IL H. B. Duryea's Sulla. P. J. Dwyer's Albert F. " Bluestone. Patrick Gallagher's Meddler, Jr. Goughacres Stable's Queen Mary. " Donna. " Revenge. F. R. Hitchcock's Mandarin. " Vendor. Jas. R. Keene's Ballot Box. Lancastrian. Nogi. " Capias. " Kuroki. Oyama. Sahara. " Curiosity. W. B. Leeds' Sirius. Ormondale Stable's Ormondale. Osiris. J. E. Madden's Belmere. East End. Macumber. Bellsnicker. " Hooray. FOURTH RACE. J. E. Madden's Dodina. " Comedienne. " Merry-go-round. " Timber. Mrs. J. McLaughlin's Sun Fire. Sydney Paget's Fulbert. " Monterey. " Jacobite, W. M. Scheftel's Monita. H. P. Whitney's Fairy Prince. Burgomaster. " Lionheart. " Pegasus. " Battleaxe. " Queen of Hearts. " Orison. " Israfel. " Ironsides. b f by imp. Meddler- Equality. R. T. Wilson, Jr.'s Knickerbocker. Nostromo. " Calabogue. " Beaufort. Bill Phillips. THE THIRTY-NINTH BELMONT— $10,000 ADDED. Closed for foals of 1902, August 15, 190: 1903. Colts to carry 126 lbs. ; geldings, entered as foals: By subscription of $10 6, 1904. If left in after January 6, 1904 January 6, 1905, a further subscription of lings : By subscription of $25 each, if only forfeit if declared by January 6, 1904 scription of $50. If left in after January Closed for yearlings, foals of 1902, August 15, 123 lbs.; fillies, 121 lbs. Liability of those each, the only forfeit if declared by January a further subscription of $25. If left in after $50 each. Liability of those entered as year- entered as yearlings on August 15, 1903, the If left in after January 6, 1904, a further sub- 6, 1905, a further subscription of $75 each. All [58] BELMONT PARK OFFICIAL SOUVENIR. BOUTON MOTOR COMPANY Automobile l^entai and Salesrooms, 110 West 41st Street TelepKone, 2052-38th St. Elegantly appointed Four-Cylinder Touring Cars for rental by hour, day or week. The most extensive and complete rental service in New York City. Full line of Automobiles in first- class running condition for sale at attractive prices. BOUTON MOTOR CO. no -WEST 41st STREET St. Denis Rote! Broa' and lltH St., NEAV YORK. EUROPEAN PLAN. Table d'Hote Breakfast, 50c. Dinner, $1:25^ Also a la Carte. Special facilities for banquets or small parties. WILLIAM TAYLOR Sr SON. "INDEPENDENT" Strlographic Pen. Price, $1.00. Writes with ink from a round point like a leadpencil. "JUCO" Fountain Pen. Price, $2.50. Finest quality 14-Carat No. 4 Gold Pen, fitted to beautifully chased hard rubber holder. Perfect flow. No better Fountain Pen band's, as shown In cut, sS'oO). Send for our catelofue. J- B. ULLRICH & CO., 27 Thames St., NEW YORK. AVorld-wide Known FRANK E. CAMPBELL Btrri^I- cremation Co. UNDERTAKER, N. Y. C. 241 and 243 "West Twenty-tHird Street [59] BELMONT PARK OFFICIAL SOUVENIR. THE BELMONT (Continued). starters to pay $150 additional. The Westchester Racing Association to add $10,000, of which $1,800 to the second, $750 to the third. Mr. August Behnont to add plate of the value of $1,000 to the winner. The nominator of the winner to receive $1,000 out of the subscriptions. By filing with the Association an accepted transfer of the foal's entry prior to the date of the first declaration, the original subscriber shall be released from liability as to the engagement of the horse, except for the original forfeit of $10 for foals and $25 for yearlings. Entries shall not be void by death of subscriber or transferee, if the engagement is assumed by the then owner of the horse, and notice in writing to that effect is given to the Association within ninety days after such demise, together with the payment of all accrued liabilities. Received 92 nominations, foals of 1902, of which 29 declared by January 6, 1904, at $10 each; 50 declared by January 6, 1905, at $35 each. Closed August 15, 1903, with 68 nominations of 3'earlings (foals of 1902), of which II declared by January 6, 1904, at $25 each, and 40 declared by January 6, 1905, at $75 each. Mile and a quarter. Arverne Stable's Escutcheon. August Belmont's Blandy. L. V. Bell's Glorifier. Chelsea Stable's Flinders. W. C. Daly's Amberjack. H. P. Duryea's Pioneer. Dreamer. Chieftain. " Rose of Dawn. A. Featherstone's Kenmore. Goughacres Stable's Thomond. Foal Entries Eligible. P. J. Dw}'er's Red Friar. J. G. Follansbee's Aquarius. Geo. F. Johnson's Oro. James R. Keene's Wild Mint. " Masaniello. Yearling Entries Eligible. James R. Keene's Von Tromp. W. B. Leeds' Merry Lark. T. E. Madden's Hot Shot. " Siglight. -\. V. Oldham's Col. Jim Douglas. .\. R. Peabody's Winsome Winnie. J. E. Madden's Migraine. Sydney Paget's Woodsaw. " Jonquil. H. P. Whitney's Sandria. " Prince Hamburg. Comet. " Tanya. R. T. Wilson, Jr.'s Sparkling Star. FIFTH RACE. The Grand National Steeplechase. A handicap. For four-year-olds and upward. B}' sub- scription of $100 each, half forfeit, only $25 if declared by 2 p. m. on the day preceding the race to the winner, with $5,000 added, of which $1,000 to the second, $500 to the third. The National Steeplechase and Hunt Association to present plate of the value of $250 to the winner. Weights to be announced five days before the race. Winners after the publication of the weights to carry 5 lbs. extra. Closed March 8, with 51 entries. About two miles and a half. Ralph Black's Alum Water (6). A. C. Blume's Kersey (6). Rube (a). Bonnie Brook Stable's Mackey Dw}'er (5). Choate (6). " Melbourne Eclipse (0). Palatine (4). M. J. Cavanagh's Flying But- tress (6). F. Ambrose Clark's Presgrave (a). Ainslee (4). The Bowery (4). J. W. Colt's Lavator (a). Arian (6). Sandhurst (4). Mr. Cotton's Jimmie Lane (5). Knight of Elway (4). Thos Hitchcock, Jr.'s Good and Plenty (5). Black Hussar (5). " Jim Newman (a). Queen Elizabeth (5). Hylas (4). F. Johnson's Bonfire (5). " Lipton (5). Foxhall P. Keene's Cheiro (6). S. P. Knut's Duke of Grassland (a). Wm. Littauer's Gladwin (6). Mr. Major's Royelle (a). " Dromedary (6). " Vestment (4). " Flying Virginian (6). " Adjidaumo (a). L N. Megargee's Judge Fulton(5). " King Carter (5). H. S. Page's Self Protection (a). " Ivan (a). Charles Pfizer's Dick Roberts (5). Piedmont Stable's Extravaganza (5). G. L. Richards' New York (6). W. M. Scheftel's Orly IL (5). G. Schwarz's Judge Phillips (a). " Gascar (a). R. L. Stevens' Snuff (5). Jos. E. Widener's Commondale (6). Coligny (5). Star and Garter (5). Mercian (5). Patagonian (4). Shemus Dhuv (4). Gatebell (6). H. F. Williams' Candling (a). R. H. Wright's Ogress (a). [60] BELMONT I 'ARK OFFICIAL SOUVENIR. JolinA.E ootlwiii,jr. Expert IN Real Estate Photo by De Young. I NEVER ADVERTISE I NEVER HAVE I NEVER SHALL that I handle improved and unimproved property in all sections of New York, that I attend to real estate transactions in all branches, that I procure mortgages, loans, insurance, &c. Branch Office, 87 Nassau Street. Corner Fulton St. Telephone, 5514 Cortlandt. 214 ST. NICHOLAS AVE. (Junction of 121st St. and 8th Ave.) Telephone, 4749 Morningside. NEW YORK [61] y^^^^ BELMONT PARK OFFICIAL SOUVENIR. Members of Metropolitan Turf Association, t905 Adier, Sam'l Alexander, T. B. Ascherman, S. Baldwin, D. S. Beatty, James Bennett, Geo. C. Beverly, W. W. Blumenthal, Max Boles, Geo. Bote, E. G. Brindle, Fred. Brower, Fred. Brown, R. H. Brown, T. A. Burbridge, W. T. Burke, Edward. Burke, S. J, Cafferata, Geo. Callahan, E. J. Callahan, John F. Carolin, Geo. H. Cartwright, Marcus Cash, Chas. E. Casper, Jos. Cohen, Emanuel Cohen, Harry Cole, E. H. Coleman, John B. Coleman, W. S. Connor, W. J. Considine, Geo. F. Corcoran, Thos. Costigan, Thomas Cowan, Fred. Cowen, Wm. H. Croker, Edward Dargon, Hayden Davey, James W. Davis, J. H. Davis, Robert H. Davis, Wm. Dinklespiel, M. Donnelly, Dan'l Downey, P. H. Ducas, James Duffy, F. A. Duffy, John Dunn, W. T. Eagan, John T. Eckart, F. R. Elias, .Mark Emerson, C. W. Emerson, Elmer Evans, John J. Farrell, Frank J. Fay, John Feeny, Michael Flood, F. W. Folz, Geo. F. Forst, Zach. Fox, John E. Frank, Julius A. Frank, Max L. Frank, Sam'l Frye, James M. Gaines, Edward M. Gideon, David Gilbert, Louis Grannan, Riley Griffin, Henry Grote, J. H. Guthorn, Jos. Hakelberg, I. Halowell, W. H. Harbaum, Wm. T. Harlan, Jos. Harrigan, H. D. Harris, Henry Hayes, Wm. J. Heineman, Chas. F. Heney, Chas. E. Henshell, C. T. Hoffman, Harry Holland, Jas. L. Howell, Philip Hutchinson, D. J. Illwitzer, H. W. Jackman, Wm. Jones, E. P. Jones, O. A. Joseph, J. Kaufman, A. Kerryhart, W. H. Klein, A. R. Klein, Max Kline, C. S. Korn, J. P. Kunzman, Geo. Levy, A. J. Levy, Geo. Lewis, Edward Lewis, M. C. Lewis, Sam'l Lichtenstein, S. Lloyd, Robt. S. Lloyd, Thomas London, J. Looram, M. M. Mackin, W. J. Mahony, Jas A. Manheimer, M. Manheimer, Sam'l Marks, Max Marshall, L. Mason, H. E. Mayer, Leo McCullom, Jas. McDonald, E. P. McDonald, J. E. McDougall, Frank McGrath, P. J. McKenna, H. McNamara, W. F. .Michaels, B. Minden, M. Moran, John Morgan, P. Murphy, J. M. Nagle, Percival Nagle, Thomas Nelson, C. M. Newsom, F. O'Brien, Thomas O'Connor, D. J. O'Connor, M. O'Neill, John J. O'SuIIivan, F. A. Parr, Harris Payne, T. F. Pearsall, E. Pesch, Fred. Peters, Wm. H. Picken, James Plunkett, Thos. A. Powers, Thomas Pruser, Herman Quinn, Hugh Reardon, Mark A. Reed, Maurice Reed, Sextus Reid, Anderson Riley, Wm. Robinson, J. P. Roman, J. P. Rose, George Rose, Joseph Schopps, Henry Shaen, Samuel Shannon, P. J. Shannon, Thos. H. Smith, E. L. Snell, L. H. Snow, Wm. Steimer, John Stickler, Henry Stokes, Albert Stone, L. Sturm, W. A. Stutte, E. G. Summerfield, Sam'l Swatts, Leo Thomas, Chas. C. Thompson, I. G. Truman, Geo. T. Trunkitt, Jos. F. UUman, Alex. Ullnian, Cole. Ullman, Jos. F. Van Ness, J. C. Vendig, Jos. H. Wagner, Sam'l Walbaum, G. Waldman, N. P. Walls, H. N. Walters, C. B. Walters, Chas. Webster, B. C. Wehmhofif, Henry Weller, B. J. Wendt, H. G. Wheelock, Geo. A. Wheelock, W. A. White, Chas. E. White, John B. Wilson, B. Wynn, Robert Yeager, Joseph BELMONT PARK OFFICIAL SOUVENIR. HISTORY OF THE BELMONT STAKES FROM THE BEGINNING DIAGRAM OF JEROME PARK RACE-COURSE, OVER WHICH THE FIRST BELMONT STAKES WERE RUN. A. The Belmont Course and Starting^ Post for all Half-Mile Races. B. Winning Post. The distance from A to B, half a mile. Feu Belmont p^ke 1867 Stewards: Wm. B. Duncan, J. F. Purdy, Wm. Con- stable, G. G. Rowland, R. W. Cameron. Clerk of the Course: C. Wheatly. Starter: H. C. Babcock. Thursday, June 19. _. , Weather fine: track heavy. _ - . First -^ '' ' Running of the BELMONT STAKES for three-year- -, I olds, at $200 each; h. f., with $1500 added; the second to 1"^' I ^W receive $300 out of the stakes and a beautiful race saddle ^ ^ — ^ made by Merry of London, England. Received 11 nomi- nations. One mile and five furlongs. F. Morris' Ruthless, 107 lbs Gilpatrick 1 P. S. Forbes' De Coursey, 110 lbs Casey 2 J. M. Clay's Rivoli, 110 lbs Swim 3 F. Morris' Monday, 110 lbs T. Stewart 4 Betting: Morris' entry, $260 ; the field, $65. Won cleverly by a head ; half length between second and third. Value to winner, $2500. Winner, b. f., by imp. Eclipse — imp. Barbarity. Time, 3 : 05. [64] BELMONT PARK OFFICIAL SOUVENIR. Represented at " Lloyds," London. Telephone, 6474 Broad. SAMUEL BIRD, Jr., «& CO. 91 WALL STREET, NEW YORK. ACCIDENTS AND DEATHS OF VALUABLE HORSES "This insurance covers against the death of the said horse from mortality by natural causes, fire, accidents, the Act of God or man, as well as from the necessity of his destruction arising from any accident or disease which may occur during the time this insurance is in force." We make a specialty of insuring RACEHORSES AND THOROUGHBRED HORSES OF EVERY KIND against death from any cause and without any restriction whatever, As per above clause Rates Are According to Value : Minimum Charge, $1.05 per $100. orders must be accompanied by a Veterinary's certificate, stating name, age and condition of health of tiie horse, and must be signed by a licensed Veterinary with business address. Further particulars upon application. WILLIAM G. HOUCK Telephone: 123 Broad Cable Address " Houckian ' WILLIAM H. STEVENS William G. Houck & Co. IMPORTERS HIGHSPIRE DISTILLERY CO., Highspire, Pa., Rye Whiskeys. C. S. BOSHAMER, LEON & CO., Bordeaux, Clarets, Sauternes, Burgundies and Olive Oil. N. BARRIASSON & CO., Cognac, Brandies. CAMBRIDGE & CO., London and New York, Dry and Old Tom Gins, Cambridge Court Dry Gin. M ACDONALD & MUIR, Leith, Scotch Whiskeys, Muir's Special, Special Liqueur. WILLIAM G. HOUCK & CO., New York and Baltimore, Cambridge Club Rye Whiskey. RUIZ, BOSHAMER & LEON, Terez-De-La Frontera, Sherry and Port Wines. write: FOR'.PRICE LIST. SPECIAL DISCOUNT TO DEALERS Seventy-two and Seventy-four Beaver Street, New York BALTIMORE,' MARYLAND LONDON, ENGLAND [65] BELMONT PARK OFFICIAL SOUVENIR. 1868 Stewards: Wm. B. Duncan, J. F. Purdy, Wm. Constable, G. G. Rowland, R. W. Cameron. Clerk of the Course: C. Wheatly. Starter: H. C. Babcock. Wednesday, June 10. Second Weather fine; track heavy. Running of the BELMONT STAKES for three-year-olds, at $200 each ; h. f ., with $1500 added ; the second to receive $300 out of the stakes. Received 38 nominations. One mile and five furlongs. McConnell & Harness' Gen. Duke, 110 lbs Swim 1 M. H. Sanford's Northumberland, 110 lbs W. Howard 2 F. Morris' Fanny Ludlow, 107 lbs Layton 3 .• . McConnell & Harness' Bayonet, 110 lbs Hall — Bowie & Hall's Viley, 110 lbs Gilpatrick — August Belmont's Magnet, 110 lbs Wigget — Betting (Auction Pools): McConnell & Harness' entry, $100; Fanny Ludlow, $255; Northumberland, $140; the field, $105. Won easily by two lengths ; three between second and third. Value to winner, $1100. Winner, ch. c, b}' Lexington — Lilla. Time, 3 : 02. 1869 ■ Saturday, June 5. IVeathcr bad; track sloppy. Running of the BELMONT STAKES for three-year-olds, at $200 each ; h. f., with $1500 added; the second to receive $300 out of the stakes. Received 37 nominations. One mile and five furlongs. August Belmont's Fenian, 110 lbs C. Miller 1 August Belmont's imp. Glenelg, 110 lbs Fleming 2 R. W. Cameron's imp. Invercauld, 107 lbs Stone 3 M. H. Sanford's Salute, 107 (c. 110 lbs.) W. Hayward — J. M. Cannon's Stone River, 110 lbs Brown — W. Constable's imp. Glengarry, 110 lbs Palmer — L. S. Morris' Viola, 107 lbs Hennessy — Henry Colton's Onyx, 110 lbs Green — Betting (Auction Pools) : Belmont's entry, $100 ; the field, $80. Won cantering by six lengths ; four between second and third. A^alue to winner, $5500. Winner, ch. c, by Micky Free — imp. Spiletta. Time, 3 : OI14. BELMONT PARK OFFICIAL SOUVENIR. "l^^llT"'- N. Y. INQUIRER Contains More Inside News of Ilacingy Sharply^ incisively and fearlessly written^ than any other publica- tion in America* It has no masters to serve^ no axes to grind* It is Written by the Best Experts in the worlds not alone in this fields but In Society^ Wall Street^ Politics^ Automobiling^ and every other branch of smart life* *' IT IS THE WORK OF Leander Richardson AND OTHERS. Out Saturdays, Ten Cents. Photo b}' Scherer [67] BELMONT PARK OFFICIAL SOUVENIR. 1870 Stewards : August Belmont, Wm . Constable, G. G. Rowland, R. W. Cameron. Clerk of the Course: C. Wheatly. Starter: H. C. Babcock. Saturday, June 4. Fourth Weather iine; track fast. Running of the BELMONT STAKES for three-year-olds, at $200 each ; h. f., with $1500 added; the second to receive $300 out of the stakes. Received 46 nominations. One mile and five furlongs. D. Swigert's Kingfisher, 110 lbs Brown Dick 1 J. G. Morris' Foster, 110 lbs Brown 2 T. W. Doswell's Midday, 107 lbs Miller 3 August Belmont's imp. Nellie James, 107 lbs — M. A. Littell's Eldorado, 107 lbs — M. H. Sanford's Stamps, 107 lbs — Carroll & Coar's Donerail — Canar}^ Bird, colt — Betting (Auction Pools) : Kingfisher, $400 ; Foster and Stamps, $200 each; Midday, $190; the field, $195. Won cleverly by a neck; two lengths between second and third. Value to winner, $6300. Winner, b. c, by Lexington — imp. Eltham Lass. Time, 2 : 59y2. 1871 Saturday, June 10. , p-fth Weather tine; track fast. Running of the BELMONT STAKES for three-year-olds, at $100 each ; h. f ., with $1500 added; the second to receive $300 out of the stakes. Received 76 nominations. One mile and five furlongs. D. McDaniels' Harry Bassett, 110 lbs W. Miller 1 > D. Swigert's Stockwood, 110 lbs Colston 2 August Belmont's imp. By the Sea, 110 lbs Palmer 3 F. M. Hall's John Merryman, 110 lbs W. Gray 4 G. P. Wetmore's Breckenridge — Sophia, colt, 110 lbs — M. A. Littell's Mary Clark, 107 lbs Hennessy — D. Swigert's Wanderer, 110 lbs Dick — Richards & Kilgour's Tubman, 110 lbs — M. H. Sanford's Monarchist, 110 lbs W. Hayward — Miles Kelly's Nellie Gray, 107 lbs Swim — Oden Bowie's Edwin, 110 lbs Black — Betting (Auction Pools) : Harry Bassett, $800; Swigert's entry, $400 ; Tubman, $200 ; By the Sea, $160 ; the field, $250. Won under a pull by three lengths; two between second and third. Value to winner, $5450. Winner, ch. c, by Lexington — Canary Bird. Time, 2 : 56. [68] vf. ^^ >SN Q 2; < Q 1-1 S. DEIMEL Owner of Africander [See following page] HENRY HARRIS. ^y^' /i^ lUn^- Q ■—I John L. Nelson &Bro. Company Is thoroughly equipped with the most modern facilities for carrying on the Painting and Decorating business in its various branches, and is prepared at all times to handle either large or small contracts and to give prompt, intelligent and satisfactory service. The Decorating Department has a well-organized staff of artists and specialists who are qualified to furnish sketches, color schemes, suggestions and estimates on all kinds of interior decoration. As an illustration of the high grade of our work, we would call your attention to BELMONT PARK RACE COURSE "The Flatiron" THE following list comprises a few of the buildings in the larger cities which have been painted and decorated by this concern. We believe that this list is our best advertisement : XE^V YORK Hippodroirie Building 17. New York Times Building 18. Flatiron Building 19. BresUu Hotel 20, Wjinaraaker Building 21. Mncy Building 22. Union Club 23, Broad E.xchange Building 24. Cadillac Hotel 25. Broadway Chambers Building 26, Fifth Avenue Estates Building 27. Barclay Building 2y. Liberty Theatre PITTSltritCi, PA. ^' Diamond National Bank Bldg. 30. Wabash Terminal Station 31. Farmers' Bank Building CHICAGO Palmer House Victoria Hotel C. & L. R. R. Offlce Building Unity Club Building Western Union Office Building LaSalle St. Station and Train Shed Rector Building U. S. Post Office and Court House Chicago Opera House Columbus Theatre North American Building The Fair Building BOSTOX Lenox Hotel SIISCm-I-AJfKOUS Bellevue Stratford Hotel, Phlla. Union County Court House, Jllliza- beth, N. J. John L* Nelson & Bro* Co* 270 W. I9th STREET NEW YORK 48 JACKSON BOULEVARD CHICAGO HE TuiKS" BELMONT PARK OFFICIAL SOUVENIR. 1872 Stewards: August Belmont, Wm. Constable, J. F. Purdy, R. W. Cameron, D. D. Withers. Clerk of the Course: C. Wheatly. Starter: H. C. Babcock. Saturday, June 1. gjjj^lj Weather fine; track fair. Running of the BELMONT STAKES of $100 each; h. f., with $1500 added; the second to receive $300 out of the stakes. Received 59 nominations. One mile and five furlongs. D. McDaniels' Joe Daniels, 110 lbs Roe 1 D. R. Harness' Meteor, 110 lbs Hickman 2 D. Swigert's Shylock, 110 lbs Peters 3 D. McDaniels' Hubbard, 110 lbs McCabe — D. D. Withers' imp. Blenkiron, 110 lbs Wall — J. Chamberlin's Brennus, 110 lbs Barbee — Wm. Jennings' Cape Race, 110 lbs Hennessy — ■ J. Morrissey's Glenseric, 107 lbs Clare — D. J. Crouse's Business, 110 lbs Palmer — Betting (Auction Pools) : McDaniels' entry, $555 ; the field, $760. Won cleverly by a neck; length between second and third. Value to winner, $4500. Winner, ch. c, by imp. Australian — Dolly Carter. Time, 2 : 581^. 1873 Stewards: August Belmont, D. D. Withers, J. F. Purdy, A. C. MUNSON. Clerk of the Course: C. Wheatly. Starter: H. C. Babcock. Saturday, June 7. M'^eather fine: track heavx. Seventh Running of the BELMONT STAKES for three-year-olds, at $100 each ; h f ., with $1000 added, and a piece of Plate, value $1000, added by Mr. August Belmont, President of The American Jockey Club, with the condition that, should one of his own horses win the race, it will be given to the Ladies' Stakes ; the second horse to receive $300 out of the stakes. Received 75 nominations, of which three were void. One mile and five furlongs. D. McDaniels & Co.'s Springbok, 110 lbs Roe 1 August Belmont's Count D'Orsay, 110 lbs Evans 2 Hunter & Travers' imp. Strachino, 110 lbs Gray 3 Clark & Grinstead's Waverly, 110 lbs W. Hayward — Hunter & Travers' Reviler, 110 lbs McAdams — [^2] Photo by Marceau. (^\^ l/vvAV/O/ BELMONT PARK OFFICIAL SOUVENIR. M. A. Littell's Fellowcraft, 110 lbs. . E. Thomas — August Belmont's imp. Breadalbane — Ellermire, colt, 110 lbs. .Palmer — S. D. Bruce's Galwa}', 110 lbs Barbee — F. Morris' Long Branch, 110 lbs Sparling — D. D. Withers' imp. Stonehenge, 110 lbs Holloway — Betting (Auction Pools): Belmont's entry, $825; Springbok, $745; Hunter & Travers' entry, $565; Waverly, $405; Long Branch, $300 ; the field, $160. Won by a length ; six between second and third. Winner, ch. c, by imp. Australian — Hester. Time, 3 : 013/^. Note. — The elegant and valuable silver trophy presented to the winner by the Hon. August Belmont, President of the American Jockey Club, was made by Messrs. Hancock, of London, from designs by the celebrated Monte. It represents an Indian mounted on a horse in the act of spearing a buffalo. It is an exquisite piece of workmanship in solid silver. The ground is in bronze on a pedestal of black and red marble, on the front panel of which is a suitable inscription by the donor. The Plate on the obverse side has, in basso-relievo, an Indian pulling a wild horse, which is resisting his efforts. 1874 S.VTURDAY, June 13. _. Weather fine; track fast. Eighth Running of the BELMONT STAKES for three-year-olds, at $100 each ; h. f., with $1500 added by the Club and a piece of Plate, value $1000, added by Mr. August Belmont, President of The American Jockey Club ; the second horse to receive $300 out of the stakes. Received 53 nominations. One and a half miles. P. Lorillard's imp. Saxon, 110 lbs Barbee 1 Thos. Puryear's Grinstead, 110 lbs W. Lakeland 2 H. P. ^IcGrath's Aaron Pennington, 110 lbs Swim 3 J. Carter Brown's Court Hampton, 110 lbs Sparling — D. Swigert's Elkhorn, 110 lbs Walker — Dennison & Crawford's Rutherford, 110 lbs N. Haywood — ;\I. H. Sanford's Brigand, 110 lbs W. Hayward — J\I. A. Littell's Reform, 110 lbs Hughes — August Belmont's Steel Eyes, 110 lbs Evans — Betting (Auction Pools) : Brigand and Aaron Pennington, $250 each; Belmont's entry, $200; Grinstead, $130; Elkhorn, $85; the field, $75. Won driving by a neck ; half length between second and third. Value to winner, $5200, including Plate. Winner, br. c, by Beadsman — Girasol. Time, 2 : 391/0. [74] Photo by Davis & Sanford. M. BLUMENTHAL. -^}«^>#^&^"§g'^' ;-S&fiSS&®?> BELMONT PARK OFFICIAL SOUVENIR. 1875 Judges: D. D. Withers, M. H. Sanford, J. F. Purdy, J. Morris, A. C. MUNSON. Timers: Messrs. Belmont, Heckscher, G. L. Lorillard. Clerk of the Course : Chas. Wheatly. Starter : J. H. Coster. Saturday, June 12. Ninth Weather fine; track fair. Running of the BELMONT STAKES for three-year-olds, at $100 each ; h f., with $1500 added; the second to receive $100 out of the stakes. Received 53 nominations. One and a half miles. H. P. McGrath's Calvin, 110 lbs Swim 1 H. P. McGrath's Aristides, 110 lbs Lewis 2 J. O'Donnell's Milner, 110 lbs Feakes 3 J. M. Harney's Ozark, 110 lbs N. Haywood — August Belmont's Rhadamanthus, 110 lbs Evans — H:. P McGrath's Chesapeake, 110 lbs W. Lakeland — J. F. Chamberlin's Tom Ochiltree, 110 lbs Hughes — T. Puryear's Warwick, 110 lbs W. Hayward — August Belmont's imp. Matador, 110 lbs Donohue — R. W. Cameron's Bayminster, 110 lbs Holloway — D. McDaniels' Joe Cerns, 110 lbs Clark — D. McDaniels' Willie Burke, 110 lbs Hennessey — P. Lorillard's James A., 110 lbs Barbee — P, Lorillard's imp. Sangara, 110 lbs Sparling — Betting (Auction Pools) : McGrath's entry, $1000; Tom Ochil- tree, $700 ; Belmont's entry, $150 ; the field, $500. Won by two, lengths ; half between second and third. Value to winner, $4450. Winner, br. c, by Tipperary — Lucy Fowler. Time, 3 : 4314- 1876 Judges : D. D. Withers, J. F. Purdy, Count Turenne. Clerk of the Course : C. Wheatly. Starter: W.M.Connor. Saturday, June 10. ~, ., Weather fine; track fair. Running of the BELMONT STy\KES for three-year-olds, at $100 each ; h. f., with $1500 added ; the second to receive $300 out of the stakes. Received 47 nominations. One and a half miles. Doswell & Cammack's Algerine, 110 lbs Donohue 1 August Belmont's Fiddlesticks, 110 lbs W. Hayward 2 P. Lorillard's Barricade, 110 lbs Barbee 3 D. McDaniels' br. c. by Lexington — Canary Bird, 110 lbs Clark — Green Clay's Red Coat, 107 lbs Swim — Betting (Auction Pools): Fiddlesticks, $1200; Red Coat, $510; Brother to Bassett, $200 ; the field, $160. Won cleverly by a length ; ten between second and third. Value to winner, $3700. Winner, br. c, by Lexington — Filigree. Time, 2 : lOi/o. [76] , » 6 < BELMONT PARK OFFICIAL SOUVENIR. AUCTION POOLS. Up to and including the year 1876, speculation was conducted • altogether by the system of auction pools. Very few of the present gen- eration being familiar with its modus operandi, the following may be of interest: In addition to the auctioneer, there were two assistants, one the cashier, the other recording clerk. The auctioneer invited bids for the privilege of naming and pur- chasing "first choice." As an example, refer to the race run in 1870, and for which event $400 was paid for Kingfisher (who was first choice, and, therefore, the favorite, because no other horse sold for a higher figure). This $400 was handed to the cashier by the person who bid that amount, and who received, in return, a ticket bearing the horse's name and amount he paid. The auctioneer would then ask : "How much am I bid for second choice?" Foster and Stamps were both second favorites, or choices, because they sold for $200 each. The pool was now $800. The third choice was Midday, which sold for $190 (pool $990). Of the remaining three horses no one, evidently, thought any single one good enough to be bid on, so Nellie James, Eldorado and the Canary Bird colt were sold as one horse and known in turf parlance as "the field." This "field" brought $195 (the person purchasing it had, of course, three chances of winning). Total pool, $1185. All horses being disposed of, that particular pool was closed and the auctioneer began all over again. From the grand total of each pool 2>% was deducted for expenses, and the remainder went to the persons holding Kingfisher tickets in each pool. The above-described pool for the year 1870 shows the following results : Kingfisher sold for $ 400.00 Foster sold for 200.00 Stamps sold for 200.00 Midday sold for 190.00 The field (3 horses) sold for 195.00 $1185.00 Deduct 3% 35.55 $1149.45 Deduct cost of ticket 400.00 Net profit .$ 749.45 Or $759.45, against $400 (a little less than 2 to 1). [78] Photo by Hall. W. H. KEERYHART. a 3 BELMONT PARK OFFICIAL SOUVENIR. "RUPERT A. RYLEY" 242 FIFTH AVENUE, NEW YORK WE OFFER THE FINEST SELECTIONS OF DRESS CLOTHS Tweeds, Homespuns, Silks and General Mufti Goods to be found in New York SPECIALTIES Hunting, Riding, Boating, Golfing and Sporting Costumes of Every Description LIVERIES OF ALL KINDS RUPERT A. RYLEY Mgr. [81] BELMONT PARK OFFICIAL SOUVENIR. 1877 Judges : John Hunter^ D. D. Withers, A. C. Munson, J. F. Purdy Timers: J. G.T-v. Lawrence, R. Coffin. Clerk of the Course: Chas. Wheatly. Starter: T. Puryear. Saturday, June 9. Eleventh Weather fine; track heavy. Running of tlie BELMONT STAKES for three-year-olds, at $100 each ; h. f ., with $1500 added ; the second to receive $300 out of the stakes. Received 67 nominations. One and a half miles. E. A. Clabaugh's Cloverhrook, 110 lbs .HoUoway 1 G. L. Lorillard's Loiterer, 110 lbs Barbee 2 Wm. Astor's Baden-Baden, 110 lbs Walker 3 August Belmont's Magnum Bonum, 110 lbs W. Hayward — D. McDaniels & Co.'s Major Barker, 110 lbs Clark — Wm. Astor's Frederick the Great, 110 lbs Ford — K. W. Sears' Corystes, 110 lbs Bowen — G. Long-staff's W. I. Higgins, 110 lbs ' Evans — Chas. Reed's Cardinal Wolsey, 110 lbs Scott P. Lorillard's Basil, T07 lbs Sparling T. W. Doswell's Bushwhacker, 107 lbs Swim P. Lorillard's Bombast, 107 lbs Barrett — Carr & Co.'s Rifle, 110 lbs Hughes — Betting: 2 to 1, Rifle; 3, Basil; 4 each, Frederick the Great, Baden-Baden and Bombast ; 6, Cloverbrook ; 8 each, Loiterer and Baden- Baden; 10 and 12, others. Won easily by two lengths; one between second and third. Value to winner, $4100. Winner, ch. c, by Vauxhall — Maudina. Time, 2 : 46. 1878 Judges : D. D. Withers, A. C. Munson, Wm. Constable, E. A. Cla:baugh. Timers : T. W. Doswell, R. Coffin, J. G. Heckscher. Clerk of the Course : Chas. Whe.\tly. Starter: W.M.Connor. Saturday, June 8. Twelfth JJ'eather bad; track heavy. Running of tlie BELMONT STAKES for three-year-olds, at $100 each ; h. f ., with $1500 added; the second to receive $300 out of the stakes. Received 49 nominations. One and a half miles. G. L. Lorillard's Duke of Magenta, 118 lbs Hughes 1 Dwyer Bros.' Bramble, 118 lbs Fisher 2 P. Lorillard's Spartan, 118 lbs Barrett 3 T. Puryear & Co.'s Danicheff, 118 lbs W. Lakeland — AVm. Astor's Manhattan, 118 lbs Ford — P. Lorillard's Bayard, 115 lbs Colton — Betting : 5 to 3 on Duke of Magenta ; 7 to 5, Spartan and Ba3rard (coupled); 8 to 5, Danicheff; 8, Bramble; 10, Manhattan. Won in a canter b}' two lengths ; three between second and third. Value to winner, $3850. Winner, b. c, by Lexington — Magenta. Time, 2 : 431/0. [82] Photo by Frank Forfey. BELMONT PARK OFFICIAL SOUVENIR. 1879 Judges : D. D. Withers, A. C. Munson, C. Livingston. Timers: J. G. Heckscher, L. L. Lorillard, J. R. Coffin. Clerk of the Course : Chas. Wheatly. Starter : D. J. Crouse. For the Belmont Stakes, J. F. Purdy. Thursday, June 5. _. . . .. Weather fine; track dry but dead. Running of the BELMONT STAKES for three-year-olds, at $100 each ; h. f ., with $1500 added; the second to receive $300 out of the stakes. Received 57 nominations. One and a half miles. Jas. R. Keene's Spendthrift, 118 lbs Evans 1 G. L. Lorillard's Monitor, 118 lbs Fisher 3 D. J. Grouse's Jericho, 118 lbs Feakes 3 E. A. Clabaugh's Rochester, 118 lbs Holloway — P. Lorillard's Pawnee, 118 lbs Barrett — G. L. Lorillard's Harold, 118 lbs Hughes — Betting: Evens, Spendthrift; 7 to 5, Harold; 3, Monitor; 8 each, Pawnee and Jericho ; 10, Rochester. Won galloping by six lengths ; same between second third. Value to winner, $4250. Winner, ch. c, by imp. Australian — Springbrook. Time, 2 : 423^. 1880 Judges : D. D. Withers, August Belmont, A. C. Munson, J. G. K. Lawrence. Timers : J. R. Coffin, J. G. Heckscher. Clerk of the Course : J. H. Coster. Starter: R.W.Simmons. Tuesday, June 8. Weather cloudy; track heavy. Running of the BELMONT STAKES for three-year-olds, at $100 each; h. f., with $1200 added; the second to receive $300 out of the stakes. Received 36 nominations. One and a half miles. G. L. Lorillard's Grenada, 118 lbs Hughes 1 Babcock & Co.'s Ferncliff, 118 lbs Barrett 3 August Belmont's Turenne, 118 lbs W. Hayward 3 E. A. Clabaugh's Oden, 118 lbs Holloway 4 Betting: 5 to 2 on Grenada; 3, Fernclifif; 12, Oden; 20, Turenne. Won cleverly by a neck; four lengths between second and third. Value to winner, $2800. Winner, b. c, by King Alfonso — Mattie Gross. Time, 2 : 47. Fourteentii [84] a z D H o GEORGE ROSE. BELMONT PARK OFFICIAL SOUVENIR. 1881 Judges: August Belmont, D. D. Withers, A. C. Munson, John Hunter, J. Morris. Secretary: J. H. Coster. Starter: R. W. Simmons. Tuesday, June 7. F'fteenth Weather bad; track heavy. Running of the BELMONT STAKES for three-year-olds, at $100 each ; h. f., with S1200 added; the second to receive $.300 out of the stakes. Received 39 nominations, of which 1 was void. One and a half miles. G. L. Lorillard's Saunterer, 118 lbs Costello 1 T. W. Doswell's Eole, 118 lbs Evans 2 Burnham & Son's Baltic, 118 lbs Fisher 3 F. Morris' Priam, 118 lbs Saj^ers — August Belmont's Forager, 118 lbs Hayward — G. L. Lorillard's Blazes, 118 lbs Holloway — Betting : 5 to 2, Saunterer ; 4 each, Priam and Baltic ; 5, Blazes ; 6, Eole; 15, Forager. Won by a length; half between second and third. Value to winner, $3000. Winner, ch. c, by imp. Leamington — Lemonade. Time, 2 : -17. Sixteenth 1882 Judges : D. D. Withers, C. Livingston, J. G. K. Lawrence, Frank Hall, J. F. Purdy. Timers : Jas. Galway, P. J. Dwyer. Secretary: J. H. Coster. Starter: Jas. Sheridan. Thursday, June 8. Weather fine; track fast. Running of the BELJMONT STAKES for three-year-olds, at $100 each ; h. f ., with $1200 'added; the second to receive $300 out of the stakes. Received 34 nominations, of which 3 were void. One and a half miles. Appleby & Johnson's Forester, 118 lbs J. McLaughlin 1 W. Lakeland's Babcock, 118 lbs Kelso 2 P. Lorillard's Wyoming, 115 lbs Feakes 3 Betting: 5 to 1 on Forester; 7, Wyoming; 10, Babcock. Won, pulling up, by six lengths ; ten between second and third. Value to winner, $2600. Winner, ch. c, by imp. Ill Used — Woodbine. Time, 2 : 43. [86] JSEL.MUXT I'ARK OFFICIAL SOUVENIR. CA VAN AG H Racing Stationer 220 BROADWAY Tel., 1Q18 Cortlandt. NE"W YORK ^. ^- BELMONT PARK OFFICIAL SOUVENIR. 1883 Judges: J. G. K. Lawrence, C. Livingston, J. O. Donner, D. D. Withers. Timers: J. G. Heckscher, W. M. Connor. Secretary: J. H. Coster. Starter: J.^cob Pincus. Saturd.\y, June 9. „ . ., Weather fine; track fast. Running of the BELMONT STAKES for three-year-olds, at $100 each ; h. f ., only $20 if declared by August 1, 1882, or $30 if declared by May 15, 1883 ; with $1200 added ; the second to receive $300 out of the stakes. Received 60 nominations, of which 13 paid $30 and 37 paid $30. One and a half miles. Dwyer Bros.' George Kinney, 118 lbs J. McLaughlin 1 Preakness Stable's Trombone, 118 lbs Holloway 3 D D. Withers' Renegade, 118 lbs Sparling 3 G. L. Lorillard's Trafalgar, 118 lbs Costello 4 Betting: 13 to 1 on George Kinney; 15 each of others. Won easily by two lengths ; same between second and third. Value to winner, $3070. Winner, b. c, by imp. Bonnie Scotland — Kathleen. Time, 3 : 421/2- 1884 Secretary : J. H. Coster. Thursday, June 5. ^. , Weather fine; track fast. Eighteenth Running of the BELMONT STAKES for three-year-olds, at $100 each ; only $30 if declared by August 1, 1883, or $30 if declared by May 15, 1884 ; with $1200 added; the second to receive $300 out of the stakes. Received 63 nominations, of which 18 paid $30 and 23 paid $30. One and a half miles. Dwyer Bros.' Panique, 118 lbs J. McLaughlin 1 Appleby & Johnson's Knight of EUerslie, 118 lbs W. Donohue 3 Preakness Stable's Himalaya, 118 lbs Feakes 3 L. C. Bruce's Vocalic, 118 lbs Barrett 4 Betting: 11 to 10, Panique; 13 to 5, Knight of EUerslie; 3, Himalaya; 30, Vocalic. Won driving by a short neck; six lengths between second and third. Value to winner, $3150. Winner, ch. c, by Alarm — Maggie B. B. Time, 3 : 42. [88] JOE ROSE. WILLIAM JACKMxVN. N O cq BELMONT PARK OFFICIAL SOUVENIR. r 292 NEW YORK SMART SPORTING CLOTHES THE BANKER S TOP COAT [91] m: i;^£)t> ?-5?. F't-:ti A.'- ^ k' 1 ;• V ;;^*. U' Si^ C(^-} Id Q BELMONT PARK OFFICIAL SOUVENIR. • f jV LrM'l)l,N TRL'ciT COMI'ASY HF' 1 .-' ■ J '' »■ „,;!'°"^""""'""'"""™,H«''1 .^ff:'^v-f ' j.'jiMWiiii'iliui III ii'l" ' :^*> LINCOLN TRU^T COMPANY MA.DISON SQUj\R£. NEW YORK CAPITAL AND SURPLUS, $1,200,000.00 DEPOSITS 18,000.000.00 Allows Ixiterest on Daily Balances. Issues Interest-Bearing Certificates of Deposit Safe Deposit Boxes at Special Rates office:r.s HENRV R. WILSON, President WILLIAM DARROW. Jr. Third Vice-President EDWARD C. WILSON, Assistant Treasurer FRANK TILFORD, Vice-President ROBERT C. LEWIS, Treasurer JOSEPH Z. BRAY, Assistant Secretary OWEN WARD, Second Vice-President FREDERICK PHILLIPS, Secretary EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE FRANK TILFORD CLARENCE H. KELSEY B. AVMAR SANDS J. HARSEN RHOADES OEORGE C. CLARK SAMUEL D. STYLES WILLIAM SALOMON HENRV R. WILSON GARDEN CITY HOTEL. High Class. Elegantly Appointed. Charmingly Situated. Located in the Garden Spot of Long Island. Harmony of Location and Surroundings Very Pleasing. Cuisine and Service Unexcelled. Within Easy Ijeach of Belmont Park. J. J. LANNIN CO., Proprietors. MLSO PROPRIETORS HOTEL GRAMJiTAJ\[, BROMXVILLE, N. Y. [97] BELMONT PARK OFFICIAL SOUVENIR. 1891 Secretary: H. G. Crickmore. Starter: J. F. Caldwell. Wednesday, June 10. Twenty=Fifth Weather fine; track fast. Running of the BELMONT STAKES for three-year-olds ; a sweepstakes of $100 each, h. f., or only $10 if declared by July 1, 1890, or $20 if by January 1, 1891; with $3000 added, of which $500 to the second, the third to receive $200 out of the stakes. Winners in 1891 of $5000, 5 lbs. extra; non-winners of a sweepstakes for three-year-olds allowed 5 lbs. ; maidens, allowed 10 lbs. Closed August 15, 1889, with 79 nominations; 20 paid $10 ; 16 paid $20 ; 3 void. One and a quarter miles. C. E. Rand's Foxford, 117 (c. 118i/l> lbs.) Garrison 1 Marcus Daly's Montana, 117 lbs Barnes 2 W. C. Rollins' Laurestan, 112 lbs Taral 3 P. J. Dwyer & Sons' Bolero, 117 lbs Hamilton 4 B. McClelland's Bermuda, 117 lbs '. Anderson 5 D. Gideon's Hoodlum, 117 lbs Bergen 6 Betting : 10 to 7 on Montana ; 7, Laurestan ; 8, Foxford ; 10 each, Bermuda and Bolero ; 30, Hoodlum. Won cleverly by a neck ; six lengths between second and third. Value to winner, $5070. Winner, b. c, by Stratford — Foxglove. Time, 2 : 083^. 1892 Secretary: H. G. Crickmore. Starter: Jas. Rowe. Thursday, June 9. Twenty=Sixth Weather had; track heavy. Running of the BELMONT STAKES for three-year-olds ; a sweepstakes of $100 each, h. f., or only $10 if declared by January 1, 1891, or $20 if declared by January 1, 1892, or $30 if declared by April 1, 1892 ; with $3000 added, of which $500 to the second and $300 to the third. The winner of the Withers Stakes to carry 7 lbs. extra. Received 172 nominations, of which 18 were void; 21 declared at $10; 77 declared at $20, and 7 declared at $30. One and a c[uarter miles. L. Stuart's Patron, 122 lbs Hay ward 1 Marcus Daly's Shellbark, 122 lbs Garrison 2 Betting: 6 to 1 on Patron, who won by six lengths. Value to winner, $6610. Winner, b. c, by Falsetto — Patrimony. Time, 2 : 17. [98] • BELAIONT PARK OFFICIAI. S(UJ\'EN1R. Photo by Hall. BENJAMIN GARSON. Photo by RocKWOOD. BLANCHITE Process Paint Co., NEW YORK. "*'»~-J!,!l,"^— --' MANUFACTURERS OF Blanchite Preservative Paints, Blanchite Composi- tion Coatings, Blanchite Enamels, Blanchite Water Paints, for all purposes where reliable paints are required. The Composition Coatings are particularly adapted to Iron, Steel and all Metallic Surfaces exposed to damp and foul air, also for Stone and Concrete. [99] Courtesy of "Rider & Driver.' M'CHESNEY BELMONT PARK OFFICIAL SOUVENIR. A SURE THING. ■pipHHr'^ MB/m ^U Geo.M. Cohan, "^^23 Known as the Yankee Doodle Jockey, Rides a Winner Every Night at ihe NEW YORK THEATRE IN "LITTLE JOHNNY JONES." mj^BFl^lJ^^^^^^I MANAGEMENT SAM. H. HARRIS, 1440 Broadway, = - New York. GEORGE M. COHAN. U/>e Shanley Management, After Extensive Alterations, Have Opened Their 1204=06'08'10 BTtOATiWJlY, Bet. 29th and 30th Sts. No expense has been spared to make this the most Those who like to dine well in exclusive sorround- select and attractive place to dine in New York city. ings will appreciate the superiority of Shanley' s. CUISXN£ A.NO SERVICE FRANCAISE. Large Orchestra is an interest- Special attention given to after- Convenient for Horse Fair ing feature. theatre suppers. patrons. 'Phone, 4240 Madison Square. [101] BELMONT PARK OFFICIAL SOUVENIR. 1893 Judges: R. W. Simmons, Clarence McDowell, Victor Smith. Timer: W. R. Babcock. Secretary: H. G. Crickmore. Starter: Jas. Rowe. Saturday, June 10. Weather -fine; track fast. Twenty=Seventh Running of the BELMONT STAKES for three-year-olds ; a sweepstakes of $100 each, h f., or only $10 if declared by January 4, 1892; or only $30 if declared by January 3, 1893 ; or only $30 if declared by May 1, 1893 ; with $2500 added, of which $500 to the second and $300 to the third. Winners at any time of $10,000, 3 lbs. extra ; and winners of two stakes for three- year-olds of $2500, 5 lbs. extra ; non-winners of $5000 allowed 3 lbs. ; of $3000, 5 lbs. ; of $2000, 7 lbs. ; of $1000, 10 lbs. Beaten maidens allowed 12 lbs. Received 140 nominations, of which 6 were void ; 22 declared at $10; 70 declared at $20; and 13 declared at $30. One and one-eighth miles. Empire Stable's Comanche, 117 lbs Simms 1 F. Foster's Dr. Rice, 122 lbs Doggett 3 J. A., A. H. & D. FI. Morris' Rainbow, 119 lbs F. Littlefield 3 R. Croker's Prince George, 119 lbs Lamley 4 J. Ruppert, Jr.'s St. Domingo, 112 lbs Hamilton 5 Betting: Evens, Dr. Rice; 3, Rainbow; 31/2, St. Domingo; 6, Prince George; 20, Comanche. Won driving by a head; four lengths between second and third. Value to winner, $5310. Winner, ch. c, by imp. Sir Modred — Ethel, by imp. King Ban. Time, 1 : 531,4. 1894 Stewards: John Hunter, P. J. Dwyer, G. Lee Knapp. Judges: Victor G. Smith, C. McDowell. Secretary: H. G. Crickmore. Starter: Jas. Rowe. Timer: W. R. Babcock. Tuesday, June 19. Weather fine; track fast. Twenty=Eighth Running of the BELMONT STAKES for three-year-olds ; a sweepstakes of $100 each, h. f., or only $10 if declared by January 3, 1893, or $20 if declared by January 1, 1894, or $30 if declared by May 1, 1894; with $3500 added, of which $500 to second and $300 to third. Winners at any time of $1000, 3 lbs. extra; and winners of two stakes for three-year-olds of $2500, 5 lbs. extra ; non-winners of $5000 allowed 3 lbs. ; of $3000, 5 lbs. ; of $2000, 7 [102] BELMONT PARK OFFICIAL SOUVENIR. U THE KULOFF tt Far Rockaway, L^ L ^ Restaurant and Hotel ^ WILLIAM T. BURBRIDGE PROPRIETOR [103] BELMONT PARK OFFICIAL SOUVENIR. lbs. ; of $1000, 10 lbs. ; beaten maidens allowed 14 lbs. Closed August 15, 1892, with 181 nominations, of which 15 declared at $10 each ; 104 declared at $20 each ; 20 declared at $30 each. One and one-eighth miles. B. McClelland's Henry of Navarre, 117 lbs Simms 1 J. A.. A. H. & D. H. Morris' Prig, 119 lbs F. Littlefield 2 J. R. & F. P. Keene's Assignee, 115 lbs Taral 3 Betting : 10 to 1 on Navarre ; 12, Assignee ; 30, Prig. Won easily by one and a half lengths ; ten between second and third. Value to winner, $6680. Winner, ch. c, by Knight of Ellerslie — Moss Rose. Time, 1 : 56i/o. 1895 Stewards: August Belmont, A. J- Cassatt, W. P. Thompson. Judges : R. W. Simmons, C. McDowell. Clerk of the Course: H. G. Crickmore. Starter: Jas. Rowe. Timer: W. H. Barretto. Saturday, November 2. Weather bad; track heavy. Twenty=Ninth Running of the BELMONT STAKES, a handicap for three-year-olds; if entered August 15, 1895, $100 each, half forfeit, or only $25 if declared by 2 :30 p. m. on the day before the race; if entered October 1, 1895, when the stake shall be closed, $150 each, half forfeit, or $50 if declared by 2 : 30 p. m. on the day before the race ; the association to add the amount necessary to make the gross value of the race $3500; to the winner, $2800; the second to receive $500, and the third $200 ; weights to be announced three days before the race ; declarations to be made by 2 :30 p. m. on the day before the race ; winners after the publication of the weights of a race of any value, 3 lbs. ; of $2000, 5 lbs. extra ; closed with 23 August entries, of which 16 declared, and 3 October entries, of which 2 declared. One and a quarter miles. Preakness Stable's Belmar, 119 lbs Taral 1 J. Ruppert, Jr.'s, Counter Tenor, 126 lbs Reifif 2 Erie Stable's Nanki Pooh, 126 lbs Simms 3 O. H. P. Belmont's Brandywine, 111 (inclitding 3 lbs. extra) . . .Griffin — L. Stuart's Monaco, 100 lbs Hewitt — Betting : 5 to 4 on Tenor ; 4 each, Nanki Pooh and Brandywine ; 6, Belmar ; 10, Monaco. Won cleverly by a head ; three lengths between second and third. Value to winner, $2700. Winner, gr. c, by Belvidere — Adele, by imp. Australian. Time, 2 : lli/g. [104] BELMONT PARK OFFICIAL SOUVENIR. DE RESZKE, Br. h., fay Lamplighter— imp. Serene. WINNER OF OVER $28,000 IN 1904. Property of M. L. Hayman. M. L. HAYMAN, Whose horses w^on the largest sum of money ever recorded by an individual owner at New Orleans: OVER $42,000. [105] BELMONT PARK OFFICIAL SOUVENIR. 1896 Stewards: August Belmont, Andrew Miller, F. R. Hitchcock. Judges: R. W. Simmons, C. McDowell. Clerk of the Course: H. G. Crickmore. Starter: Thos. Flynn. Timer: W. H. Barretto. Tuesday, June 3. Thirtieth Weather fine; track fast. Running of the BELMONT STAKES, for colts, fillies and geldings three years old (foals of 1893). Purse, $4000; to the winner, $3200; to the second, $500; to the third, $300. Mr. August Belmont to add a piece of Plate of the value of $1000, to go to the winner. Entrance $75 each, or only $25 if declared by April 1, 189G. Starters to pay $100 additional. Winners at any time of $5000 to carry 3 lbs. extra. Non-winners of $2500, if non-winners of $2000 in 1896, allowed 3 lbs. ; if non-winners of $1000 in 1896, allowed 7 lbs.; if non-winners of $350 in 1896, allowed 10 lbs. Maidens which have started allowed 12 lbs. Closed February 4th, with 13 entries, of which 1 declared. One and three-eighth miles over the hill. *Blemton Stable's Hastings, 122 lbs Griffin 1 P. J. Dwyer's Flandspring, 125 lbs Simms 2 Marcus Daly's Hamilton II., 110 (c. 112 lbs.) Taral 3 Marcus Daly's Del Paso II., 112 lbs Doggett 4 Betting: 5 to 3 on Handspring; 8 to 5, Hastings; 10, others. Won after a furious drive by a head; three lengths between second and third. Value to winner, $4025, including Plate. Winner, b. c, by Spendthrift — imp. Cinderella. Time, 2 : 241/3. *August Belmont. 1897 Stewards: August Belmont, F. R. Hitchcock, Andrew Miller. Judges: R. W. Simmons, C. McDowell. Clerk of the Course: H. G. Crickmore. Starter: C. H. Pettingill. Timer: W. H. Barretto. Saturday, May 29. Thirty=First Weather fine; track fast. Running of the BELMONT, for colts, fillies and geldings three years old (foals of 1894) . Purse, $4000 ; to the winner, $3200 ; to the second, $500 ; to the third, $300. Mr. August Belmont to add a piece of Plate of the value of $1000 to the winner. Entrance, $75 each, or only $25 if declared by January 15, 1897. Starters to pay $100 additional. Winners at any time of $5000 to carry 3 lbs. extra. Non-winners at any time of $2500, if non-winners of $2000 in 1897, allowed 3 lbs. ; if non-winners of $1000 in 1897, allowed 7 lbs. Received 87 nominations, of which 52 declared at $25 each. One and three-sixteenth miles over the hill. [lOG] Photo by RocKWooD. JAMES WAKELY 6th Avenue and i2d Street ►♦♦♦♦♦♦♦»♦« ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦•< HEFFMEIl^ PILLIOM DEALERS IN I Fancy Groceries Hay, Grain, Flour and Feed, Hardware Household Goods, Paints, Oils, Etc., Etc. Fancy Hay and Grain Furnished to All Metropolitan Race Tracks ; Also National Horse Show and Fasig-Tipton Co.'s Great Sales at Madison Square Garden, New York. Also, Just Opened at Belmont Park, L. I., a Branch of Feed Store TELEPHONES •l^'"*"'^''^' ^**"'^' ' "*^ Sheepshead Bay ^^"" I Feed Warehouse, 48 Sheepshead Bay Sheepshead Bay, Borough of Brooklyn, N. Y. ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦»♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦■»♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦»♦♦♦» [107] I a; BELMONT PARK OFFICIAL SOUVENIR. CASH PAID For fjuantffi Garments^ Furs, Laces, Diamonds, Jewelry, Etc* FULL VALUE PAID. Send a postal card, or Thone to 4676— 38th Street. I. M. COHEN 629 Sixth Avenue Between 36th and ^ One block from 37th Streets. «^ Herald Square. [Ill] BELMONT PARK OFFICIAL SOUVENIR. Brook; 100 Gala Day. Won in a canter by six lengths; three between second and third. Value to winner, $8810, including Plate. Winner, imported b. c, by Ayrshire — Vacation. Time, 2 : 32. 1899 Stewards : Jas. R. Keene, Andrew Miller, F. R. Hitchcock. Judges : R. W. Simmons, Clarence McDowell. Clerk of the Course : H. G. Crickmore. Starter : C. J. Fitzgerald. Timer: W. H. Barretto. Thursday, May 25. Weather fine; track fast. Thirty =Third Running of the BELMONT for three-year-olds (foals of 1896). Closed for foals of 1896, September 7, 1896. Closed for yearling foals of 1896, August 16, 1897. Liability for those entered as foals. A subscription of $10 each if entered as foals of September 7, 1896, the only forfeit if declared by January 5, 1898. If left in after January 5, 1899, a further subscription of $50. Liability for those entered as yearlings : A subscription of $25 each if entered as yearlings by August 16, 1897, the only forfeit if declared by January 5, 1898. If left in after January 5, 1898, a further subscription of $50. If left in after January 5, 1899, a further subscription of $75 each. Starters to pay $150 additional. The Westchester Racing Associa- tion to add a purse, as follows : To the winner a sum equal to the amount of entrance fees (except of those horses that start), less $1000, which sum it will pay to the nominator of the winner, and in addition the sum of $3500, and Plate to the value of $1000, given by Mr. August Belmont. To the second, a sum equal to two-thirds of the starting money, and in addition the sum of $1000. To the third, a sum equal to one-third of the starting money, and in addition the sum of $500. Colts to carry 122 lbs. ; geldings, 119 lbs.; fillies, 117 lbs. Received 61 entries when foals, of which 25 declared at $10 and 20 declared at $35 ; 13 pay forfeit at $85 ; 25 starters at $235 ; 1 void. Closed with 63 entries when yearlings, of which 10 declared at $25 and 37 declared at 75 each ; 14 pay forfeit at $150 ; 3 starters at $300. Of the foal entries, 1 was void by death of the nomi- nator. One and three-eighth miles over the hill. Sydney Paget's Jean Beraud, 122 lbs Clawson 1 P. J. Dwyer's Half Time, 119 lbs H. Martin 2 Wm. Jennings' Glengar, 122 lbs Neville 3 J. J. Hyland's Filon d'Or, 119 lbs Taral 4 Betting: 5 to 2 on Jean Beraud; 3%, Filon d'Or; 8, Glengar; 10, Half Time. Won driving by head ; ten lengths between second and third. Value to winner, $9445. Winner, b. c, by His Highness — Carrie C. Time, 2 : 23. [112] JiEL.AJOXT PARK OI'FICIAL SOUVENIR. SAVE YOUR HORSES HIGHEST PRIZE WHEREVER EXHIBITED PROTECT YOUR HORSES GUARANTEED THE BEST IN THE WORLD USE THE HALLANAN PADS Patented in U. S. and Foreign Countries. For want of a nail the shoe was lost, For want of a shoe the horse was lost, For want of a horse the rider was lost, And all for the want of a Hallanan Pad. Old froverb revised to date M. HALLANAN MANUFACTURER 186 W. Fourth St., New York Awards for Scientific and Humane Ideas in Horseshoeing : 1896 Bronze Medal, from American Institute 1896 Diploma, from Franklin Institute of Philadelphia 1896 Official Indorsement from American Society for Preven» tion of Cruelly to Animals 1897 Silver JMedal, from American Institute 1900 Bronze and Silver Medal, from International Exposition , Paris l904 Grand Prize and Gold Medal, from St. Louis Exposition UvSE THE HALLANAN PADvS [113] BELMONT PARK OFFICIAL SOUVENIR. 1900 Stewards: August Belmont, F. R. Hitchcock, Andrew Mir.LER. Judges: R. W. Simmons, Clarence McDowell. Clerk of the Course : H. G. Crickmore. Starter : C. J. Fitzgerald. Timer : ■ W. H. Barretto. Thursday, May 24. .^, . ^ „ ^. Weather fine; track fast. Thirty=Fourth ' Running of the BELMONT. Closed for foals of 1897, August 16, 1897, with 9-t nominations. Closed for yearlings (foals of 1897), August 16, 1897, with 85 nominations. Colts to carry 136 lbs. ; geldings, 123 lbs. ; fillies, 121 lbs. Liability of those entered as foals : By subscription of $10 each, the only forfeit if declared by January 5, 1899. If left in after January 5, 1899, a further subscription of $25. If left in after January 5, 1900, a further subscription of $50 each. Starters to pay $150 additional. Liability of those entered as yearlings. By subscription of $25 each, if entered as yearlings on August 16, 1898, the only forfeit if declared by January 5, 1899. If left in after January 5, 1899, a further subscription of $50 each. If left in after January 5, 1900 a further subscription of $75 each. Starters to pay $150 additional. The Westchester Racing Association to add $5000, of which $1500 to the second, $500 to the third. Mr. August Belmont to add Plate to the value of $1000 to the winner. The nominator of the winner to receive $1000 out of the subscriptions. Entries shall not be void by death of subscriber or transferee, if the engagement is assumed by the then owner of the horse, and notice in writing to that effect is given the Association within ninety days after such demise, together with the pa3'ment of all accrued liabilities. Received 89 entries August 16, 1897, of which 28 declared January 5, 1899, at $10 each ; 46 declared January 5, 1900, at $35 each. Closed August 16, 1898, with 85 nominations, of which 6 declared January 5, 1899, and 55 declared January 5, 1900, at $75 each, and 1 pays forfeit. One and three-eighth miles over the hill. H. Eugene Leigh's Ildrim, 126 lbs N. Turner 1 J. R. & F. P. Keene's Petruchio, 126 lbs Spencer 2 A. Featherstone's Missionary, 126 lbs O'Connor 3 R. Roche's Standing, 126 lbs Clawson 4 J. E. Madden's Gulden, 126 lbs Odom 5 P. J. Dwyer's Hammock, 126 lbs BuUman 6 A. Featherstone's Mesmerist, 126 lbs Matier 7 Betting: 2 to 1 on Missionary and Mesmerist (coupled) ; 3, Ildrim; 8, Standing; 12, Gulden; 15 to 30, others. Won driving by a head ; same between second and third. Value to winner, $14,700, includ- jing Plate. Winner, blk. c, by Kingston — Libbie L. Time, 2 : 211/2. [1141 BELMONT PARK OFFICIAL SOUVENIR. / S. JOMES, ^T\.^\isYk Tailor. Correct Liveries and Raiding' Apparel. 242 FIFTH AVEMUE. Telephone, 5184 Madison Square. BRANCH, MEWPORT, R, I. SOME OF MY PATRONS. A. Belmont, Esq., New York. O. H. P. Belmont, Esq., " Hon. P. Belmont, " E. J. Berwind, " E. L. Baylies, " C. T. Barney, " W. O. Blanding, Providence, R. I. J. R. Drexel, Esq., New York. G. B. de Forest. Mrs. J. R. Dilworth. Mrs. A. M. Dodge. Mrs. S. Fish. E. T. Gerry, Esq. Wm. Grovenson, Providence, R. I. H. R. I. Goddard, E. Gould, Esq. J. H. Hyde, Esq. H. Hostetter, Pittsburgh, Pa. H. V. R. Kennedy. E. S. Knight, P. M. Lydig. H. Lehr. J. D. F. Lanier, C- Mackay. Philadelphia. H. McK. Twombly. C. H. Oelrichs. Col. O. H. Payne. Mrs. Burke-Roche. V. Sorchon. J. R. Soley. J. Speyers. W. K. Vanderbilt. W. K. Vanderbilt, Jr. J. J. Van Alen. E. S. Willing, Philadelphia. E. L. Winthrop. AND MANY OTHERS. [115] BELMONT PARK OFFICIAL SOUVENIR. 1901 Stewards: August Belmont, Jas. R. Keene, H. K. Knai'p. Judges: C. McDo.welLj C. H. Pettingill. Clerk of the Course: H. G. Crickmore. Starter: C. J. Fitzgerald. Tinier: W. H. Barretto. Wednesday, May 21. JVcathcr fine; track fast. Thirty=Fifth Running of the BELMONT, $5000 added. Closed for foals of 1898, August 16, 1898. Closed for yearlmgs (foals of 1897), August 15, 1899. Colts to carry 126 lbs. ; geldings, 123 lbs. ; fillies, 121 lbs. Liability of those entered 'as foals: By subscription of $10 each, the onl}' forfeit if declared by January 5, 1900. If left in after January 5, 1900, a further subscription of $25. If left in after January 5, 1901, a further subscription of $50 each. Liability of those entered as yearlings: By subscription of $25 each, if entered as yearlings on August 15, 1899, the only forfeit if declared by January 5, 1900. If left in after January 5, 1900, a further subscription of $50. If left in after January 15, 1901, a further subscrip- tion of $75 each. Starters to pay $150 additional. The Westchester Racing Association to add $5000, of which $1500 to the second and $500 to the third. Mr. August Belmont to add Plate to the value of $1000 to the winner. The nominator of the winner to receive $1000 out of the subscription. By filing with the Association an accepted transfer of the foal's entry, the original subscriber shall be released from liability as to the engagement of the horse, except for the original forfeit of $10. Entries shall not be void by death of subscriber or transferee, if the engagement is assumed by the then owner of the horse and notice in writing to that effect is given to the Association within ninety days after such demise, together with the payment of all accrued liabilities. Received 77 nominations of foals August 16, 1899, of which 16 declared January 5, 1900, at $10 each, and 22 declared January 5, 1901, at $35 each, and 1 at $85. Closed August 15, 1900, with 91 nominations of 3'earlings, of which 23 declared January 5, 1900, at $25, and 46 declared January 5, 1901, at ,$75 each, and 1 at $150. One and three-eighth miles over the hill. J. R. Keene's Commando, 126 lbs Spencer 1 R. T. Wilson, Jr.'s, The Parader, 126 lbs Landry 2 C. T. Patterson's All Green, 126 lbs Shaw 3 Betting: 10 to 7 on Commando; 7 to 5, The Parader; 15, All Green. Won easily by two lengths ; fifty between second and third. Value to winner, $11,595, including Plate. Winner, b. c, by Domino — Emma C. Time, 2 : 21. [116] r.ELMONT PARK OFFICIAL SOUVENIR. Telephone No.: 4644 Mad. Sq. Th omas F. M aguire -DESIGNER AND MAKER OF- MEN'S CLOTHES 1227 Broadway, corner Thirtieth Street, New York Formerly of 1 30 West 34th Street After the Races go to CHINATOWN in a specially conducted AUTOMOBILE BY "Hon.CHUCK CONNORS," Mayor of Chinatown, and Hon. PAT FLAHERTY, Mayor of the Bowery. Will leave Casino Theatre Building, 39th St. and Broadway, each evening, ^ ^ Visiting- Chinatown, the Bowery, Ghetto and East Side. $2.00 includes CKinese Supper and all other expenses. Seats booked at office, Casino Theatre Bldg%, I404 B'way. Regular trips, 8.30 and 11. 15 to Chinatown every evening. Daily trips, 10.30 a. m., 2.30 p. m. and 4.30 p. m., touring Manhattan Island. Seats booked in advance by 'Phone 6928-38th St., and all hotels. A International Auto Sight Seeing Company, CASINO THEATRE BUILDING. Touring cars and large 'busses, holding forty people, for hire for the Races. [117] BELMONT PARK OFFICIAL SOUVENIR. 1902 Stewards: August Belmont, Jas. R. Keene, F. R. Hitchcock. Judges: C. McDowell, C. H. Pettingill. Clerk of the Course: H. G. Crickmoke. Starter: C. J. Fitzgerald. Timer: W. H. Barretto. Thursday, May 22. Weather fine; track fast. Thirty=Sixth Running of the BELMONT, $5000 added. Closed for foals of 1899, August 15, 1899. Closed for yearlings (foals of 1899), August 15, 1900. Colts to carry 126 lbs. ; geldings, 123 lbs. ; fillies, 121 lbs. Liability of those entered as foals : By subscription of $10 each, the only forfeit if declared January 5, 1901. If left in after January 5, 1901, a further subscription of $25. If ■left in after January 6, 1902, a further subscription of $60 each. Liability of those entered as yearlings: By subscription of $25 each if entered as yearlings on August 15, 1900, the only forfeit if declared by January 5, 1901. If left in after January 5, 1901, a further subscription of $50. If left in after January 6, 1902, a further subscription of $75 each. Starters to pay $150 additional. The Westchester Racing Association to add $5000, of which $1500 to the second, $500 to the third. Mr. August Belmont to add Plate to the value of $1000 to the winner. The nominator of the winner to receive $1000 out of the subscriptions. By filing with the Association an accepted transfer of the foal's entry the original subscriber shall be released from liability as to the engagement of the horse, except for the original forfeit of $10 for foals and $25 for yearlings. Entries shall not be void by death of subscriber or transferee if the engagement is assumed b\' the then owner of the horse and notice in writing to that effect is given to the Association within ninety days after such demise, together with the payment of all accrued liabilities. Received 73 nomina- tions of foals August 15, 1900, of which 32 declared January' 5, 1901, at $10 each, and 21 declared January 5, 1902, at $35 each, and 20 at $85. Closed August 15, 1900, with 80 nominations, of which 14 declared January 5, 1901, at $25, and 45 January 5, 1902, at $75 each ; 25 paid $150 each. One and three-eighth miles over the hill. August Belmont's Masterman, 126 lbs Bullman 1 J. B. Haggin's Ranald, 126 lbs N. Turner 2 W. C. Whitney's King Hanover, 126 lbs T. Burns 3 A. Featherstone's Igniter, 126 lbs O'Connor — Pepper Stable's Whiskey King, 126 lbs Odom — A. H. & D. H. Morris' Compute, 126 lbs Shaw — Betting : 2 to 1, King Hanover ; 214, Compute ; 3, Masterman ; 10, Whiskey King; 20, Igniter; 25, Ranald. Won easily by two lengths; six between second and third. Value to winner, $13,220, including Plate. Winner, ch. c, by Hastings — Lady Margaret. Time, 2 : 221/0. [118] JOSEPH YAEGER. BELMONT PARK OFFICIAL SOUVENIR. "~ ' 1903 Stewards : August Belmont, F. R. Hitchcock, H. K. Knapp. Judges: C. McDowell, C. H. Pettingill. Clerk of the Course: H. G. Crickmore. Starter: C. J. Fitzgerald. Timer: VV. H. Barretto. Wednesday, May 27. _, . „ . Weather fine ; track fast. Thirty=Seventh ' Running of the BELMONT, $5000 added. Closed for foals of 1900, August 15, 1900. Closed for yearlings (foals of 1900), August 15, 1901. Colts to carry 126 lbs. : geldings, 123 lbs. ; fillies, 121 lbs. Liability of those entered as foals : By subscription of $10 each, the only forfeit if declared by Januar}', 5, 1902. If left in after January 5, 1902, a further subscription of $35. If left in after January 5, 1903, a further subscription of $50 each. Liabilit}' of those entered as yearlings : By subscription of $25 each, if entered as yearlings on August 15, 1901, the only forfeit if declared by January 5, 1902. If left in after January 5, 1902, a further subscription of $50 each. If left in after January 5, 1903, a further isubscription of $75 each. Starters to pay $150 additional. The Westches- ter Racing Association to add $5000, of which $1500 to the second, $500 \to the third. Mr. August Belmont to add Plate to the value of $1000 to the winner. The nominator of the winner to receive $1000 out of the subscriptions. By filing with the Association an accepted transfer of the entry, the original subscriber shall be released from liability as to the engagements of the horse, except for the original forfeit of $10 for foals and $25 for yearlings. Entries shall not be void by death of subscriber or transferee, if the engagement is assumed by the then owner of the horse and notice in writing to that effect is given to the Association within ninety days after such demise, together with the payment of all accrued liabilities. Received 66 nominations of foals of 1900, of which 31 declared January 5, 1902, at $10 each; 21 declared January 5, 1903, at $35 each; 1 nomina- tion made void by death of nominator. Closed August 15, 1901, with 108 nominations of yearlings, of which 22 declared January 5, 1902, at $25, and 58 declared January 5, 1903, at $75 each. One and three-eighth miles over the hill. Hampton Stable's Africander, 126 lbs BuUman 1 Westbury Stable's Whorler, 126 lbs O'Neill 2 P. S. P. Randolph's Red Knight, 126 lbs Odom 3 Jas. R. Keene's Rigodon, 126 lbs Gannon 4 Betting: 5 to 3 on Africander; 31/^, Whorler; 8, Rigodon; 10, Red Knight. Won easily by two lengths ; six between second and third. Value to winner, $14,615, including Plate. Winner, b. c, by imp. Star Ruby — Afric Queen. Time, 2 : 21%. [120] ^ I ^ ^ REWARE OF UNRELIABLE ^ BOOK-MAKERS. In the whole world there are only a few bookmakers with reputations that are valuable assets. Germany has one or two; England as many more; America one. These five are to bookmaking what Dunlap and Knox are to hats; what Worth and Redfern are to gowns ; what Chickering and Steinway are to pianos. Their names have a real value. They stand for best. They stand for perfect workmanship, highest quality, durability, reliability. They stand for self-satisfaction, which has an unmeasurable but un- mistakable value to the owner of a Knox, a Worth or a Chickering. In the United States Tapley is the only bookmaker whose name conveys to the book- lover a real, added value. This name has been so frequently used by publishers and agents of The Century Dictionary and Cyclopedia and Atlas, Jewish Encyclopedia, the Historians' History of the World, Beacon Lights of History and other great works that it has come to be a guarantee of the best in bookbinding. A booklover asserts that his choice volumes are "Bound by Tapley" with the same satisfaction that the perfectly dressed gentleman displays the label in his latest-block hat. He has the satisfaction not only of knowing that the materials are of the highest quality and the workmanship above reproach, but also a justifi- able pride in the realization that no one can possess a better bound book. That these statements -are true you may easily demonstrate. At least one of the sets of books above mentioned must be in your library. Take one of the volumes no matter which, for all of Tapley's work is uniform— examine the materials used in the outer coverings; note how flat and true the covers lie; observe the care with which the corners are put on; the back rounded and embellished. Lift the covers and see how firmly the leaves are fitted to the binding; with what skill the inner covers are finished. Lastly, note the ease with which the book opens to any of the pages — not with that crackling which frightens you into thinking the whole book is coming to pieces, but — easily, quietly, smoothly. Then glance along your library shelves at many of }-our OLD FRIENDS THAT NEED NEW DRESS and for whom — for old friendship's sake — you would never think of furnishing anything but the best. Send them to us ; tell us how you wish them dressed ; what materials shall be used; what ornamentation (your monogram, coat-of-arms, crest, initials, name) we shall use, and, in a reasonable time you, too, will find pleasure in the assertion "Bound by Tapley." Perhaps 3'ou have a manuscript you want printed, or a booklet you want prepared and published. We are equipped to make books from the very beginning with the same care and skill that we bind them. J.F.TAPLEYCO. ^J-3'? -37 BLEECKER^ STREET NEMTYORK BELMONT PARK OFFICIAL SOUVENIR. Thirty-Eighth Running 1904 Stewards: August Belmont, F. R. Hitchcock, Jas. R. Keene. Judges : C. McDowell, C. H. Pettingill. Clerk of the Course: H. G. Crickmore. Starters: C. J. Fitzgerald and Mars Cassidy. Timer: W. H. Barretto. Wednesday, May 25. Weather fine; track fast. of the BELMONT, $5000 added. Closed for foals of 1901, August 15, 1901. Closed for yearlings (foals of 1901), August 15, 1902. Colts to carry 126 lbs. ; geldings, 123 lbs. ; fillies, 131 lbs. Liability of those entered ,as foals: By subscription of $10 each, the only forfeit if declared by January G. 190:3. If left in after January 6, 1903, a further subscription of $50 each. Liability of those entered as yearlings. By subscription of $25 each, if entered as yearlings on August 15, 1902, the only forfeit if declared by January 6, 1903. If left in after January 6, 1903, a further subcription of $50. If left in after January 6, 1901, a further subscription of $75 each. Starters to pay $150 additional. The Westchester Racing Association to add $5000, of which $1500 to the second, $500 to the third. Mr. August Belmont to add Plate to the value of $1000 to the winner. The nominator of the winner to receive $1000 out of the subscriptions. By filing with the Association an accepted transfer of the foal's entry prior to the date of the first declaration, the original subscriber shall be released from liabilit}' as to the engagements of the horse, except for the original forfeit of $10 for foals and $25 for yearlings. Entries shall not be void by death of subscriber or transferee, if the engagement is assumed by the then owner of the horse and notice in writing to that effect is given to the Association within ninety days after such demise, together with the payment of all accrued liabilities. Received 117 nominations, foals of 1901, of which 52 declared by January 6, 1903, at $10 each; 47 declared by January 6, 1904, at $35 each ; 1 paid forfeit at $85, and 1 void by death of nominator. Closed August 15, Belmont 1902, with 84 nominations, of which 23 declared Janu- ary 6, 1903, and 38 by January 6, 1904, at $75 each. One and a quarter miles over the hill. Jas. R. Keene's Delhi, 126 lbs Odom 1 Columbia Stable's Graziello, 126 lbs. . Hildebrand 2 J. A. Drake's Rapid Water, 126 lbs Lyne 3 -S. S. Brown's Conjurer, 126 lbs Helgeson — R. W. Walden's The Southerner, 126 lbs. . .Hicks — Boston Stable's Ostrich, 126 lbs Fuller — E. E. Smathers' Leonidas, 126 lbs Bullman — W. B Leeds' Robin Hood, 123 lbs Shaw — Betting: 8 to 5, Delhi; 3, Rapid Water; 6, Leonidas; 8 each, Graziello and Conjurer; 30, Robin Hood ; 40, Ostrich ; 50, The Southerner. Won at will by four lengths ; same between second and third. Value to winner, $14,395, including Plate. Winner, br. c, by Ben Brush — Veva. Time, 2 : O614. [132] BELMONT PARK OFFICIAL SOUVENIR. ^ THE SOBMER PIANO IS JUSTLY CELEBRATED for those merits which appeal to the most accomplished pianist, professional or amateur. U/ye S O H M E R tone is remarkable for purity, richness and delicate musical qualities. U/>e S O H M E R has that "something" which a musician cannot describe, perhaps, but which fascinates and satisfies. Merit and artistic worth are embodied in every SOHMER PIANO. It is the best that modern skill, applied to mechanics, can produce. U/>e SOHMER is America's famous piano. U/ye SOHMER is mentioned always as the highest in art. vSOHMER ®. CO., SOHMER BUILDING, 170 FIFTH AVENUE, CORNER TWENTY-SECOND STREET, NEW YORK Piai\o-forte ManuCacttareri ^, OF APPo, TO HIS MAJESTY KING EDWARD VII. SCOTCH WHISKY DISTILLERS BY ROYAL WARRANTS OF APPOINTMENT AND SUPPLIERS TO H. M. THE KING AND H. R. H. PRINCE OF WALES &WHI1E VI Kent *'*^'^°'*^-*> lOH.R.H.THE PRIBCEOFWALES JAMES BUCHANAN & CO., Ltd., 43 Broadway, New York. Arthur J. Billin, U. S. Manager. [123] BELMONT PARK OFFICIAL SOUVENIR. WINNERS OF $100,000 AND OVER ON THE AMERICAN TURF. 189ri. 1S94. 1895. 2 yrs. 3 yrs. 4 yrs. Total. DOlNIINO 170,915 21,925 3,740..., $196,580 1886. 1887. 1SS8. 1889. 1890. 1891. 1892. 1893. 1894. 2 yrs. 3 yrs. 4 yrs. 5 yrs. 6 yrs. 7 yrs. S. yrs. 9 yrs. 10 yrs. KINGSTON 11,500 16,950 19,340 33,515 16,290 27,855 17,750 8,065 2,600.. 143,865 1892. 1893. 1894. 1895. 1896. 1897. 1898. 2 yrs. 3 yrs. 4 yrs. 5 yrs. 6 yrs. 7 yrs. 8 yrs. SIR WALTER 42,445 40,810 18,490 4,550 10,800 5,455 1,970 124,520 1887. 1S88. 1889. 1890. 1891. 1892. 1893. 1894. 2 yrs. 3 yrs. 4 yrs. 5 yrs. 6 yrs. 7 yrs. 8 yrs. 9 yrs. RACELAND 18,888 20,410 25,050 6,040 22,625 12.200 17,027 100 123,340 1886. 1887. 1888. 1889. 2 yrs. 3 vrs. 4 yrs. 5 yrs. HANOVER 14,635 89J757 1,450 15,750 ., 121,592 1882. 1883. 1884. 1885. 1886. 2 yrs. 3 yrs. 4 yrs. 5 yrs. 6 yrs. MISS WOODFORD 6,900 42,403 26,220 22.501) 23,255 121,278 1888. 1889. 1890. g yrs. 3 yrs. 4 yrs. SALVATOR 18.090 71,550 30,650 120,290 1891). 1891. 1892. 1893. 1894. 1895. 1896. 2 vrs. 3 yrs. 4 yrs. 5 yrs. 6 yrs. 7 yrs. 8 yrs. STRATHMEATH 40^200 36,520 12,460 14,890 5,285 5,930 2,080 117,355 1891. 1892. 1893. 2 yrs. 3 yrs. 4 yrs. TAMMANY • 30,170 73,460 13,670 117,300 1891. 1892. 1893, 3 yrs. 3 yrs. 4 yrs. POTOMAC 76,710 36',490 4,000 117,260 1S93. 1894. 2 vrs. 3 yrs. DOBBINS 59"953 55,725 : 11.5,678 1891. 1893. 1893. 2 yrs. 3 vrs. 4 yrs. HIS HIGHNESS i0r,950 2,700 4,390 115,040 18S6. 1887, 1888. 1889. 1890. 1891. 2 yrs. 3 vrs. 4 yrs. 5 yrs. 6 yrs. 7 yrs. FIRENZI 13,045 23,955 36,071 21,400 15,120 5,070 114,661 1889. 1890. 1891. 1892. 1893. 1894. 2 vrs. 3 vrs. 4 yrs. 5 yrs. 6 yrs. 7 yrs. BANQUET 9.030 22',025 32,140 22,485 16,670 16,715 109,055 1S89. 1890. 1891. 1892. 2 yrs. 3 yrs. 4 yrs. 5 yrs. TOURNAMENT 14,517 89,755 201) 4,535 109,007 1902. 1903. 1904. 2 yrs. 3 yrs. 4 yrs. AFRICANDER 12,400 71,680 19,511) 103,590 1992. 1903. 1904. 2 yrs. 3 yrs. 4 yrs. IRISH LAD 43.870 37.225 29,480 100,575 DOMINO, br h by Himyar— Mannie Gray. POTO!\IAC, ch h by imp. St. Blaise— Susquehanna. KINGSTON, br h by Spendthrift— imp. Kapanga. DOBBINS, ch h by imp. Mr. Pickwick— Thora. SIR WALTER, b h by imp. Midlothian— La Scala. HIS HIGHNESS, b h by imp. Ill Used— imp. Princess. RACELAND, b g by imp. Billet— Calomel. FIRENZI, b m by imp. Glenelg— Florida. HANOVER, ch h by Hindoo— Bourbon Belle. BANQUET, b g by imp. Rayon d'Or— Ella T. IMISS WOODFORD, br m by imp. Billet— Fancy Jane.TOURNAMENT, b h by imp. Sir Modred— Plaything. SALVATOR, ch h by imp. Prince Charlie— Salina. AFRICANDER, b h by imp. Star Ruby— Afric Queen. TAMMANY, ch h by Iroquois— Tullahoma. IRISH L.\D, br h by imp. Candlemas— Arrovvgrass. STRATHMEATH, b g by Strathmore— Flower of Meath. [124] P.I'LMONT PARK OFFICIAL SOUX'EXIR. THE CRANE, vSTIELING^^ CO. Fine Harness and Saddlery— Racing Goods a Specialty The O'Kane Saddles are used all over the wo rl d— England, France, Germany, Russia, Austria, Australia, C lili — wherever horses race. TELEPHONE 5709-38th JOCKEY OUXriT>S Colors, Boots, Etc. All styles of Harness from the S:lb. track Harness to the heaviest foar=in=hand.. We manufacture the finest in the world. All the latest improvements and correct styles. Western Office : J. O'KANE, San Francisco, Cal. 1560 BROADWAY, Bet. 40tH and 47tK STREETS PAPER WAREHOUSES : 32, 34, 36 Bleecker St., 20 Beekman 5t. NEW YORK CITY. We carry the largest and most complete assortm.ent of papers of every description. Yours truly, HENRY LI^fDENMEYR Jh SOITS. Mothers! 1 1 Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup has been used for over SIXTY YEARS by MIL- LIONS of MOTHERS for their CHILDREN while TEETHING, with PERFECT SUCCESS. It SOOTHES the CHILD, SOFTENS the GUMS, ALLAYS all PAIN ; CURES WIND COLIC, and is the best remedy tor DIARRHCEA. Sold by Druggists in every part of the world. Be sure and ask for "Mrs. "Winslow's Soothing Syrup," and take no other kind. Twenty-five cts. a bottle. JOHN BROWN 328 Bowery NEW YORK CITY [125] BELMONT PARK OFFICIAL SOUVENIR. FASTEST TIME ON RECORD IN THE UNITED STATES, DISTANCE. TIME. 14 Bob Wade, i, at Butte (Mont.). August 20. 1890 0: 21% Fashion, at Lampasas (Tex.), August 1.5, 1891 I a . o . \- % { i Red S., a., 122, at Butte (Mont.), July 23, 1896 3% fur. Judge Thomas, a., 134, Butte (Mont.), July 14, 1902. 0: 40% Geraldine, 4, 122 lbs., at Morris Park (straight course), August 30, 18SS 0: 46 Bessie Macklin, 2, 100 lbs., at Dallas (Tex.), October 3, 1899 0: 461/0 ,, , I Handpress, 2, inn lbs., Morris Park (straight course), May 26, 1897 0; 52 41/0 fur. ■, Tanya, 2, 107 lbs., Morris Park, May 12, 1904 0: 51% Maid Marian, 4, 111 lbs., at Morris Park (straight course), October 9, 1894 0: 56% George F. Smith, 4, 100 lbs., San Francisco (Cal. J. C), March 7, 1895 0:59 J Plater, 2, 107 lbs., at Morris Park (straight course), October 21, 1902 1: 02% 5% fur. , McGee, 3, 105 lbs., Chicago (Harlem), October 1, 1903 1 : 05 1-5 Futurity Course (170 feet less than % mile.) Kingston, a., 139 lbs., Sheepshead Bay (C. I. J. C), June 22, 1891 1; 08 I Artful, 2, 130 lbs., at Morris Park (straight course), October 13, 1904 1: 08 6 fur. ., Pick Welles, 3, 109, Chicago, (Washington Park), June 30, 1903 1 : 11 4-5 ( Ivan the Terrible, 2, 92, Worth (111.), October 27, 1904 1; 11 4-5 ,, , (Martinmas. 4, 91, Conev Island (N. V.), Sentember 7, 1904 I_ ,00- 6% fur. -| MiNEOLA, 3, 103, Coney Island (N. Y), July 5, 1904 1 '-■'■>> ~-^ I Bella B., 5, 103 lbs., Monmouth Park, July S, 1800 (straight course) 1: 23% '« 1 The Musketeer. 4, lOS, Saratoga, .\ugust 18, 1902 7Vi fur. Dainty, 4, 109, San Francisco (Oakland), December 19, 1904 1 : 32 ( Salvator, 4, 110 lbs., at Monmouth Park, August 28, 1890 (against time, str'ht co'se) 1: 35% 1 m. ) Kildeer, 4, 91 lbs., Monmouth Park, ,\ugust 13, 1902 (straight course) 1:37% ( Dick Welles, 3, 112, Chicago (Harlem), August 14, 1903 1: 37 2-3 1 Macy, 4, 107 lbs., Chicago (Washington Park), Julv 2, 1898 1 1 m. 20 yds. < Maid Marian, 4, 106, Chicago (Washington Park), July 19, 1893 > 1 : 40 ( Six Shooter, 5. Ill, Chicago (Washington Park), June 27, 1903 ) 1 m. 50 yds. Haviland, 6, 99, Chicago (Washington Park), July 7, 1903 1:411-5 Im. 70 yds. Jiminez, 3, 102, Chicago (Harlem), September 2, 1901 1:42 3-5 1 m. 100 yds. Grano Opera, 4, 77, Chicago (Harlem), .\ugust 12, 1903 1: 44 3-5 1 1-16 m. Glassful, 3, 101, Chicago (Washington Park), July 2, 1903 1: 44 3-5 1% m. Bonnibert, 4, 120, Brighton Beach, July 30, 1902 1:51 1 3-16 m. SclNTiLLANT II., 6, 109, Chicago (Harlem J. C), September 1, 1902 1: 57 2-5 1 Banquet, 3, 108 lbs., at Monmouth Park, July 17, 1890 (straight course) 2: 03% IVi m. -j Broomstick, 3, 104, Brighton Beach, July 9, 1904 2 : 02 4-3 1 m. 500 yds. Bend 'Or. 4, 113 lbs., Saratoga, July 25, 1882 2: 10% 1 5-1 6 m. Ostrich, 3, 93 lbs., at Morris Park, October 3, 1904 2 : 13 1% Irish Lad, 4, 126, at Sheepshead Bay (C. L J. C), June 25, 1904 2 : 17 3-5 11/2 Goodrich, 3, 102 lbs., Chicago (Washington Park), July 16, 1898 2:30% 1% Africander, 3, 126, Sheepshead Bay (C. I. J. C), July 7, 1903 2:45 1-5 1^ Major D.«ngerfield, 4, 120, Morris Park, October 3, 1903 2: 57 IT'jj Julius Cesar, 5, 108 lbs.. New Orleans (La.), February 27, 1900 3: 19 1 Judge Denny, 5, 103 lbs., at California Jockey Club, February 12, 1898 3; 26% 2 m. -j Xen Broeck, 5, 110 lbs., at Louisville, May 29, 1S77 (against tmie) 3:27% 21^ Joe Murphy, 4, 99 lbs., at Chicago (Harlem), August 30, 1894 3 : 42 314 Ethelbert, 4, 124, Brighton Beach, August 4, 1900 3 : 49 1-5 2% Kyrat, 3, SS, Newport (Ky.), November 18, 1899 4:24% 2% Ten Broeck, 4, 104 lbs., Lexington, September 16, 1876 i: 58% 2% Hubbard. 4, in" lbs., at Saratoga, August 9, 1S73 4: 58% 3 m. Elie, 4, 99, Oakland (New Cal. J. C), .April 8, 1995 5 : 22 I Lucreth Borgia, 4. 85, Oakland (Cal. T. C), May 29. 1897 (against time) 7 : 11 i ni. -j The Bachelor, a.,'ll8 lbs., Oakland (Cal. J. C), February 22, 1893 7: 16% [126] BELMONT PARK OFFICIAL SOUVENIR. The Popular Metropole Hotel MOST POPULAR RESTAURANT ON BROADWAY ^^M "^^^^^^^^^^^r^^n ^ Superior Appointments Excellent Cuisine Finest Wines, Etc. Best Accommodations Prices Moderate Broadway and 42d Street JOHN R. and GEORGE F, CONSIDINE, Proprietors [137] BELMONT PARK OFFICIAL SOUVENIR. WINNERS OF THE GREAT SPRING HANDICAPS. METROPOLITAN BROOKLYN SUBURBAN brigh:ton HANDICAP. HANDICAP. HANDICAP. HANDICAP. 1884. 1885. 1886. 1887. GEN. MONROE. PONTIAC. TROUBADOUR. EURUS. ELKWOOD. DRY MONOPOLE. THE BARD. 1888. 1889. EXILE. RACELAND. 1890. CASTAWAY II. SALVATOR. 1891. TRISTAN. TENNY. LOANTAKA. 1892. PESSARRA. JUDGE MORROW. MONTANA. 1893. CHARADE. DIABLO. LOWLAND ER. 1894. RAMAPO. DR. RICE. RAMAPO. HORNPIPE. LAZZARONE. 1895. No Spring Meeting. 1896. COUNTER TENOR. SIR WALTER. HENRY OF NAVARRE. NANKI POOH. 1897. VOTER. HOWARD MANN. BEN BRUSH. BEN BRUSH. 1898. BOWLING BROOK. ORNAMENT. TILLO. ORNAMENT. 1899. FILIGRANE. BANASTAR. IMP. ETHELBERT. 1900. ETHELBERT. KINLEY MACK. KINLEY MACK. .TACK POINT. 1901. BANASTAR. CONROY. ALCEDO. TODDY. 1903. ARSENAL. REINA. GOLD HEELS. GOLD HEELS. 1903. GUNFIRE. IRISH LAD. AFRICANDER. WATERBOY. 1904. IRISH LAD. THE PICKET. HERMIS. BROOMSTICK. [128] RFJ.MONT PARK OFFICIAL SOUVENIR. THE VENDOME Broad^vay, Comer Forty-first Street, New YorK FIRST -CLJtSS HOTEL Ji T MODERJITE PRICES ABSOLUTELY FIREPROOF Meals served table d'hote aud a la carte. Prices moderate and service un- surpassed. After- theatre supper parties receive prompt attention. -'BroIdvto- 4 r ■ St H ewYork , 5ELm!;^i4ii;v.lP^H3;L:jr Hotel ^ ''■ >- "s Out-of-towu guests have most convenient access to the show places of Greater New Tork. Leading Ne'w YorR City Hotel ^ j§o Rooms, 200 Bathrooffis. Within two blocks are located fifteen of the most prominent thea- tres. ^ Two minutes' walk from the shopping district and New York's finest stores. ^ Times Square Subway Station one block away. Seven minutes from City Hall and lower Broadway. L. L. TODD, Proprietor. Associated, in management with Mr. Todd : Messrs. M. J. CRA-WFORD, E- SANFORD CROWELL ana F. C. GRXJEN. [129] BELMONT PARK OFFICIAL SOUVENIR. THE BIGGEST WIN OF MY LIFE; OR, HOW I BEAT THE " BOOKIES." The barrier went np and oiif they started. From the rest of the field a "dark horse" parted. At every stride he went further away From the favorite. His backers, all in dismay, Saw him trailing behind in the beaten bunch, His "jock" whipping-, spurring, his back all a "hunch" ; As for me — I screamed, shouted and yelled Like a crazy man, or as one impelled. I had 2,000 to 10 on the one in the lead. (More money than I thought I ever would need.) "Come on ! Come on ! you son-of-a-gun !" I kept shouting until the darned thing won. With eyes all ablaze and crushed card in hand I rushed to the ring, to the bookmakers' stand. I stood in line, awaiting my turn ; when I reached the cashier I said, "2,000 and 10." He ciuickly counted the yellow-backed "dough," Which he handed me carelessly, dontcherknow. Wondering what I would do with the heap — I suddenly woke up from a Welsh-rarebit sleep. — John Goodwin. HOW TO LOSE MONEY AT THE RACES. ALWAYS give more than 2 to win 1 on a horse, particularly if it is very sure to win. ALWAYS play two horses, straight and place each. ALWAYS play one horse straight and another for a place. ALWAYS plunge on good things (cinches). ALWAYS place very little money on a horse whose price is anywhere from 10 to 100 to 1. DO NOT limit yourself to an equal amount on each horse, i. e., should you win $100 or $200 for a $10 bill, be sure that you invest all your winnings on the next race. [130] BELMONT PARK OFFICIAL SOUVENIR. HOTEL BELLECLJHRE BROADWAY AND 77tH STREET, NEW YORK Special R.ates for Summer MontKs 1 Theatre Parties a Specialty Orchestra Affability and Courtesy Guaranteed From Every Employee Luxuriously Furnished Rooms for Permanent or Transient Guests Restaurant Most Beautiful Palm Room and Cafe in New YorK Absolutely Fireproof Most conveniently located for all out-of-town patrons. Easily reached by travellers on any railroad or ferry entering New York, as all surface cars of Metropolitan System pass the door at all hours of the day and nig-ht. The Hotel Belleclaire appeals especially to what may be called semi-transient visitors: people who desire for a week, or a fortnight, or a month, the comforts, conveniences and advantages of New York's g^eat modern hotels, but who wish to avoid some of the noise, the bustle and the expense that are inevitable in an extended visit. For such people The Belleclaire furnishes suites of one, two or three rooms and bath, which may be occupied at reasonable rates for shorter or longer periods. It is an apartment house with the best features of a hotel. It is a hotel with the best features of an apartment house, and it is absolutely fireproof. MILTON ROBLEE, Proprietor BroadAvay^ and 77tl:\ .Street, - New YorR Sub'wray Station a.t 79th Street [131] BELMONT PARK OFFICIAL SOUVENIR. Valuable Recipes for Use in Racing Stables. Clear Soup. — To two quarts of boiling water add a pint of cold water. Let simmer for at least four hours, stirring briskly all the time. Add pepper and salt to taste. Care should be taken that it does not burn. Plum Pie. — Get some dough, hammer out a front and back breadth. Line a dish with silesia, put in a veneering of dough, fill the dish with cough drops, put on the top crust, featherstitch around the edges and bake in a plumber's furnace. Pound Cake. — Mix up some flour and things, put them into a dish, bake for a while, then screw in the handle, commence to pound and serve before eating. Stomach Cake. — Line a stable boy with green apples and cucumbers. Calf's Foot Jelly. — Get a Chicago calf — they have the largest feet — cut ofif the calf, which can be used for making hash or chicken salad; cut the nails, wash the feet, thicken with glue, add a few molasses; strain through a cane-seated chair, pour into a blue bowl with red pictures on it; set it in the shade to get tough. Then send it to your mother-in-law. Ice Cream. — Dry a piece of ice in the sun, stir in some cold cream or vaseline, fan it until it freezes, garnish with Christmas greens. Hash. — Chop up everything, add some ready-mixed paint, and fry in a wash- boiler until the potatoes become a golden brown. An Inexpensive Dish. — A five-cent plate. To Make Ice. — Procure a piece of ice, put it in the oven and reduce it to water; put the water in a pail and swing the pail around rapidly until the water freezes. Coffee Jelly. — Buy a pound of coffee; grind to a fine powder. Wash a soiled tablecloth or piece of unbleached muslin until it is thoroughly clean. Buy another half pound of coffee and blend with the first pound. Pour into individual coffee cups and set on ice. Serve when it becomes hard. (For sick people this is an excellent substitute for calf's-foot jelly.) Some people add coffee to this, but that is a matter of taste. Horseshoe Fritters. — After making a dough, as explained on page 136, roll out and place on a clean floor. Secure a gentle thoroughbre(a)d, lead it into the kitchen and let it walk over the dough, so that it may cut out pieces the shape of its shoe. Add grated horse chestnuts and bake in a fast oven (i : 38 3-5 to a mile). To Remove Stains. — To remove fruit stains from a tablecloth, saturate the cloth in benzine, kerosene or coal oil, sprinkle with gunpowder; apply a lighted match. [132] r'.ELMONT PARK OFFICIAL SOUVENIR. i t .-<$> KNICKERBOCKER SPECIAL and SOUTH-WESTERN LIMITED, Famous trains between BOSTON, NEW YORK, WASHINGTON, CINCINNATI, CHICAGO, ST. LOUIS, uia Big' Four Route and NEW YORK CENTRAL, BOSTON & ALBANY, CHESAPEAKE & OHIO. C^FE, LIBIiailY, DJNIJVG MJ\^D SLEEPING CARS. W. J. LYNCH, General Passenger and Ticket Agent, CINCINNATI, OHIO. -^ [133] BELMONT PARK OFFICIAL SOUVENIR. New York Morning Telegraph (Daily and Sunday). The Racing Authority of America. It caters particularly to those who have given the turf the high standing it enjoys to-day. SPORTS Of THE TIMES Telephone, No. 2028 Franklin DIEBOI.D SAFE AND LOCK COMPANY WORKS: CANTON, OHIO Not pictures only, but original, up-to-date reading matter along unusually interesting semi- technical lines. Exclusive practical information wedded to honest satire and fearless criticism. Four Dollars Yearly. SAFES, LOCKS, Bank and Safe Deposit and Jail WorK SPORTS OE THE TIMES Hamilton Building 11 Thames Street, New York Sample Copy on Application 30 READE ST., NEW YORK CITY George L. Remington, Manager [134] BELAKJNT PARK OFFICIAL SOUVENIR. How to Make or Lose Money at the Races. The First, Second and Third Editions of the above- named book having been exhausted, we have NOW READY A FOURTH EDITION of this famous work. It is without doubt the most INTERESTING and VALUABLE of the kind ever published, covering, as it does, EVERY DEPARTMENT OF BETTING. For sale by all newsdealers throughout the country at 50 Cents Paper Cover. A FEW^ PRESS OPINIONS. Meiv York Herald.— Should help a race- goer to make money. Tribune.— Gives the clearest and fullest explanation of turf speculation that has ever been printed. Sun. — Gives a lot of valuable information. Times. — Will teach the turf speculator points he never dreamed of. Mercury.— Fi\h a long-felt want. Evening Sun. — The -work is exhaustive and should be hailed w^ith delight. Buffalo Jifews. — As valuable as it is unique. Omaha Bee. — Shows the best methods to adopt when betting. Lexington Leader.— Indispensable to per- sons who monkey with racing. Canada Expositor.— The authors refer to all systems. Chicago Dispatch.— Oi great value to the turf world. Frisco Call. — A very useful aid to turfmen. .Albany .Argus.— Ol general interest to sporting men. Nashville Jtmerican. — The book is very valuable. Fresno Expositor.—Sho-ws how to get rich in pursuing pleasure. Jtnd many others. To be had also of publisHers, GOODWIN BR05., Office of The Official Turf Guide 1440 BROADWAY (4oth street). NEW YORK. [135] BELMONT PARK OFFICIAL SOUVENIR. THE Proprietors " and Publishers Official TURF GUIDE Adopted and used by all jockey Clubs in the United States and Canada. Also Designers, compilers and publishers of this Official Souvenir Belmont ParK. Estimates furnished for works of a similar nature or turf literature of every description. Telephone 2S08-38tH St. 1440 Brostdviray, NE>V YORK. [136]